सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः





पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

रुह् (ञि, औ) ञिऔरुह¦ r. 1st cl. (रोहति)
1. To grow from seed, to grow, as tree, &c.
2. To be produced or become manifest.
3. To be born With अधि prefixed. To go up or over, to ascend. With अधि, and आङ्, To ascend. With अव, To descend. With आङ्,
1. To mount, to ride on.
2. To rise, to ascend. With प्र, To grow, to shoot forth as a branch or shoot taking fresh root. The senses of this root with or without a preposition are variously modified according to the noun, with which it is joined; but all of them express the notion of “motion upwards” either literal or metaphorical. Caus. (रोहयति-ते, रोपयति-ते)
1. To elevate.
2. To plant, to put in.
3. To entrust. With आ,
1. To ascribe.
2. To enter. With वि, To heal, (as a wound.)

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

रुह् [ruh], 1 P. (रोहति, रुरोह, अरुक्षत्, रोक्ष्यति, रोढुम्, रूढ)

To grow, spring up, shoot forth, germinate; रूढरागप्रवालः M.4.1; केसरैरर्धरूढैः Me.21; छिन्नो$पि रोहति तरुः Bh.2. 87.

To grow up, be developed, increase; रूढं क्षुधार्दिताः वत्साः .... चरन्तु .... तृणम् Bhāg.1.13.6.

To rise, mount upwards, ascend.

To grow over, heal up (as a wound); रोहते सायकैर्विद्धं न संरोहति वाक्क्षतम् Pt.3.111.

To reach to, attain. -Caus. (रोपयति-ते, रोहयति-ते)

To cause to grow, plant, put in the ground; तारयेद् वृक्षरोपी च तस्माद् वृक्षांश्च रोपयेत् Mb.13.58.26.

To raise up, elevate.

To entrust, devolve upon, commit to the care of; गुणवत्सुतरोपितश्रियः R.8.11.

To fix upon, direct towards, cast at; R.9.22.

To fix, fasten.-Desid. (रुरुक्षति) To wish to grow &c.

रुह् [ruh] रुह [ruha], रुह a. (At the end of comp.) Growing or produced in; as महीरुह्, पङ्केरुह &c.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

रुह् (See. , 1. रुध्) cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. N. xx , 29 ) रोहति( mc. also तेand रुहति, ते; Ved. and ep. impf. or aor. अरुहत्; Pot. रुहेयम्, -रुहेथास्, -रुहेमहि; Impv. रुह, p. रुहाण; pf. रुरोह, रुरुहुःRV. etc. ; रुरुहेBhP. ; aor. अरुक्षत्RV. AV. etc. ; fut. रोढाGr. ; रोक्ष्यति, तेBr. etc. ; रोहिष्येMBh. ; inf. रोढुम्Br. etc. ; रोहितुम्MBh. ; रोहिष्यैTS. ; ind.p. रूढ्वाAV. , -रुह्यib. etc. ; -रूह्यAitBr. ; -रुहम्RV. ; -रोहम्Br. ) , to ascend , mount , climb RV. AV. Br. S3rS. ; to reach to , attain (a desire) S3Br. ; to rise , spring up , grow , develop , increase , prosper , thrive RV. etc. etc. (with न, " to be useless or in vain " MBh. ); to grow together or over , cicatrize , heal (as a wound) AV. Katha1s. Sus3r. etc. : Caus. रोहयतिor (later) रोपयति, ते( aor. अरूरुहत्or अरूरुपत्Gr. ; Pass. रोप्यतेMBh. aor. अरोपिKa1v. ) , to cause to ascend , raise up , elevate RV. AV. Ra1jat. ; to place in or on , fix in , fasten to , direct towards (with acc. or loc. ) MBh. Ka1v. Katha1s. ; to transfer to , commit , entrust Ragh. (See. रोपित); to put in the ground , plant , sow MBh. R. VarBr2S. ; to lay out (a garden) MBh. ; to cause to grow , increase Ra1jat. ; to cause to grow over or heal AV. Katha1s. Sus3r. : Desid. रुरुक्षतिSee. आ-रुह्: Intens. रोरुह्यते, रोरोढिGr.

रुह् f. rising , growth , sprout , shoot RV. AV. S3a1n3khS3r.

रुह् f. ( ifc. )shooting , sprouting , growing , produced in or on(See. अम्भो-, अवनि-, क्षिति-र्etc. )

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