सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

पद्मम्, क्ली पुं, (पद्यते इति । पद गतौ + “अर्त्तिस्तु- सुहुस्रिति ।” उणां । १ । १३९ । इति मन् । यद्वा, पद्मा लक्ष्मीरस्त्यस्मिन् । “अर्श आदि- भ्योऽच् ।” ५ । २ । १२३ । इति अच् ।) स्वनाम- ख्यातपुष्पविशेषः । तत्पर्य्यायः । नलिनम् २ अरविन्दम् ३ महोत्पलम् ४ सहस्रपत्रम् ५ कमलम् ६ शतपत्रम् ७ कुशेशयम् ८ पङ्केरु- हम् ९ तामरसम् १० सारसम् ११ सरसी- रुहम् १२ विसप्रसूनम् १३ राजीवम् १४ पुष्क- रम् १५ अम्भोरुहम् १६ । इत्यमरः । १ । १० । ३९-४० ॥ पङ्कजम् १७ अम्भोजम् १८ अम्बु- जम् १९ सरसिजम् २० श्रीवासम् २१ श्रीपर्णम् २२ इन्दिरालयम् २३ जलेजातम् २४ अब्जम् २५ कञ्जम् २६ नलम् २७ नालीकम् २८ नालिकम् २९ वनजम् ३० अम्लानम् ३१ पुटकम् ३२ अब्जः ३३ । इति शब्दरत्नावली ॥ अस्य गुणाः । कषायत्वम् । मधुरत्वम् । शीतत्वम् । पित्त- कफास्रनाशित्वञ्च । इति राजवल्लभः ॥ अव- शिष्टम् कमलशब्दे द्रष्टव्यम् ॥ * ॥ पद्मकम् । तच्च गजस्य मुखादिस्थो बिन्दुसमूहः । व्यूह- विशेषः । (यथा, मनुः ७ । १८८ । “यतश्च भयमाशङ्केत्ततो विस्तारयेद्बलम् । पद्मेन चैव व्यूहेन निविशेत सदा स्वयम्” ॥) निधिभेदः । (यथा, महाभारते । २ । १० । ३६ । “निधिप्रवरमुख्यौ च शङ्खपद्मौ धनेश्वरौ । सर्व्वान्निधीन् प्रगृह्याथ उपास्तां वै धनेश्वरम्” ॥) संख्यान्तरम् । तच्च दशार्वुदम् । (यथा, महा- भारते । “अयुतम् प्रयुतञ्चैव पद्मम् खर्वमथार्व्वुदम्” ॥) दशशङ्खश्च इति मेदिनी ॥ पद्मकाष्ठौषधिः । इति धरणिः ॥ पुष्करमूलम् । सीसकम् । इति राज- निर्घण्टः (कल्पविशेषः । यथा, मार्कण्डेये ४७ । ३ ॥ “पद्मावसाने प्रलये निशासुप्तोत्थितः प्रभुः । सत्त्वोद्रिक्तस्तदा ब्रह्मा शून्यं लोकमवैक्षत” ॥) शरीरस्थषट्पद्मानि यथा, -- “मूलाधारे त्रिकोणाख्ये इच्छाज्ञानक्रियात्मके । मध्ये स्वयम्भुलिङ्गन्तु कोटिसूर्य्यसमप्रभम् ॥ तदूर्द्ध्वे कामबीजन्तु कलशान्तीन्दुनादकम् । तदूर्द्ध्वे तु शिखाकारा कुण्डली ब्रह्मविग्रहा ॥ तद्वाह्ये हेमवर्णाभम् व-स-वर्णचतुर्द्दलम् । द्रुतहेमसमप्रख्यं पद्मं तत्र विभावयेत् ॥ तदूर्द्ध्वेऽग्निसमप्रख्यं षड्दलं हीरकप्रभम् ॥ वादिलान्तषड्र्णेन युक्ताधिष्ठानसंज्ञकम् ॥ मूलमाधारषट्कानां मूलाधारं ततो विदुः ॥ १ ॥ स्वशब्देन परं लिङ्गं स्वाधिष्ठानं ततो विदुः ॥ २ ॥ तदूर्ड्घे नाभिदेशे तु मणिपूरं महत्प्रभम् । मेघाभं विद्युदाभञ्च बहुतेजोमयं ततः ॥ मणिवद्भिन्नं तत् पद्मं मणिपूरं तथोच्यते । दशभिश्च दलैर्युक्तं डादिफान्ताक्षरान्वितम् ॥ शिवेनाधिष्ठितं पद्मं विश्वालोकैककारणम् ॥ ३ ॥ तदूर्ड्घेऽनाहतं पद्ममुद्यदादित्यसन्निभम् । कादिठान्ताक्षरैरर्कपत्रैश्च समधिष्ठितम् ॥ तन्मध्ये वाणलिङ्गन्तु सूर्य्यायुतसमप्रभम् । शब्दब्रह्ममयं शब्दोऽनाहतस्तत्र दृश्यते ॥ तेनाहताख्यं पद्मं तन्मुनिभिः परिकीर्त्त्यते । आनन्दसदनं तत्तु पुरुषाधिष्ठितं परम् ॥ ४ ॥ तदूर्ड्घन्तु विशुद्धाख्यं दलषोडशपङ्कजम् । स्वरैः षोडशकैर्युक्तं धूम्रवर्णं महत्प्रभम् ॥ विशुद्धं तनुते यस्मात् जीवस्यस् हंसलोकनात् । विशुद्धं पद्ममाख्यातमाकाशाख्यं महत् परम् ॥ ५ ॥ आज्ञाचक्रं तदूर्द्ध्वे तु आत्मनाधिष्ठितं परम् । आज्ञा संक्रमणं तत्र गुरोराज्ञेति कीर्त्तितम् ॥ ६ ॥ कैलासाख्यं तदूर्द्ध्वे तु बोधनीन्तु तदूर्द्ध्वतः । एवञ्च शिवचक्राणि प्रोक्तानि तव सुव्रत ! । सहस्राराम्बुजं बिन्दुस्थानं तदूर्द्ध्वमीरितम् ॥” इति तन्त्रसारः ॥

पद्मः, पुं, (पद्यते इति । पद गतौ + “अर्त्तिस्तु स्विति ।” उणां । १ । १३९ । इति मन् ।) दाश- रथिः । नागविशेषः । इति धरणिः ॥ (यथा, महाभारते । २ । ९ । ८ । “कृष्णश्च लोहितश्चैव पद्मश्चित्रश्च वीर्य्यवान् ॥” पद्मोत्तरात्मजः । स तु द्बादशजिनचक्रवर्त्त्यन्त- र्गतचक्रवर्त्तिविशेषः । बलदेवः । इति हेमचन्द्रः । षोडशरतिबन्धान्तर्गतप्रथमबन्धः । यथा, -- “हस्ताभ्याञ्च समालिङ्ग्य नारी पद्मासनोपरि । रमेद्गाढं समाकृष्य बन्धोऽयं पद्मसंज्ञकः ॥” इति रतिमञ्जरी ॥


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

पद्म पुं-नपुं।




स्यात्किन्नरः किम्पुरुषस्तुरङ्गवदनो मयुः। निधिर्ना शेवधिर्भेदाः पद्मशङ्खादयो निधेः। महापद्मश्च पद्मश्च शङ्खो मकरकच्छपौ। मुकुन्दकुन्दनीलाश्च खर्वश्च निधयो नव॥

पदार्थ-विभागः : धनम्

पद्म पुं-नपुं।




स्यात्किन्नरः किम्पुरुषस्तुरङ्गवदनो मयुः। निधिर्ना शेवधिर्भेदाः पद्मशङ्खादयो निधेः। महापद्मश्च पद्मश्च शङ्खो मकरकच्छपौ। मुकुन्दकुन्दनीलाश्च खर्वश्च निधयो नव॥

पदार्थ-विभागः : धनम्

पद्म पुं-नपुं।




कुमुदिन्यां नलिन्यां तु बिसिनीपद्मिनीमुखाः। वा पुंसि पद्मं नलिनमरविन्दं महोत्पलम्.।

अवयव : उत्पलादिदण्डः,अब्जादीनाम्_मूलम्,पद्मकन्दः,पद्मकेसरः,पद्मादीनम्_नवपत्रः,पद्मबीजः

 : शुभ्रकमलम्, रक्तकमलम्

पदार्थ-विभागः : , द्रव्यम्, पृथ्वी, अचलसजीवः, जलीयसस्यः


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

पद्म¦ न॰ पद--मन्।

१ कमले

२ गजमुखादिस्थे विन्दसमुदायेकमलाकारेण सैन्यादेरभिनिवेशनरूपे

३ व्यूहभेदे

४ नि-धिभेदे
“अर्वुदमब्ज” मिति पद्मपर्य्यायाब्जनाम्नोक्तायां

५ दशार्वुदसंख्यायां

६ तत्संख्यातेषु

७ पुष्करमूले

८ सीसकेधातौ

९ शरोरस्थे नाडीचक्रभेदे च मेदि॰

१० पद्मका-ष्ठोषधौ धरणिः। देहस्थपद्मानि च चक्रत्वेन प्रसिद्धानितानि च चक्रशब्दे


०८ पृ॰ दर्शितानि। कमले पु॰ न॰अमरे स्थितं तत्रास्य पुंस्त्वमप्रयुक्तदोषयुक्तमित्यालङ्का-रिकाः।

११ दाशरथौ

१२ नागभेदे पु॰ धरणिः।

१३ जिन-चक्रवर्त्तिभेदे पु॰ हेम॰

१४ रतिवन्धभेदे पु॰
“हस्ताभ्याञ्चसमालिङ्ग्य नारी पद्मासनोपरि। रमेदुगाढं समाकृष्यबन्धोऽयं पद्मसंज्ञकः” रतिम॰।


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

पद्म¦ mn. (-द्मः-द्मं)
1. A lotus, (Nelumbium speciosum;) it is often con- founded with the water lily, (Nymphæa.)
2. A form of arraying army resembling to that of a lotus.
3. One of KUVE4RA'S trea- sures or gems.
4. A large number, ten billions.
5. Coloured marks on the face and trunk of an elephant.
6. A drug, also termed Pad- maka4st'ha.
7. Lead.
8. A name given to the six Chakras of the body, or to the mystical faculties present in them.
9. The root of a lotus. m. (-द्मः)
1. A Na4ga or serpent of the lower regions.
2. One of the twelve Chakravartis or paramount princes of the Jai- nas.
3. One of the persons termed Sukla Balas by the Jains.
4. A name of RA4MA.
5. The personified treasurs of KUVERA, as wor- shipped by the Ta4ntrikas.
6. A particular mode of sexual enjoy- ment. The posture is thus described on Va4chaspatya:--


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

पद्म [padma], a. [पद्-मन्] Lotus-hued.

द्मम् A lotus (m. also in this sense); Nelumbium Speciosum (variety red); पद्मपत्रस्थितं तोयं धत्ते मुक्ताफलश्रियम्.

A lotus-like ornament.

The form or figure of a lotus.

The root of a lotus.

The coloured marks on the trunk and face of an elephant; कालः किरातः स्फुटपद्मकस्य वधं व्यधा- द्यस्य दिनद्विपस्य N.22.9;

An army arrayed in the form of a lotus; पद्मेन चैव व्यूहेन निविशेत सदा स्वयम् Ms.7. 188.

A particular high number (one thousand billions).


N. given by the Tāntrikas to the six divisions of the upper part of the body calledChakras.

A mark or mole on the human body.

A spot.

N. of a particular part of a column.-द्मः A kind of temple.

N. of a quarter-elephant. ये पद्मकल्पैरपि च द्विपेन्द्रैः Bu. Ch.2.3.

A species of serpent.

An epithet of Rāma.

One of the nine treasures of Kubera; see नवनिधि.

A kind of coitus or mode of sexual enjoyment.

A particular posture of the body in religious meditation.

One of the eight treasures connected with the magical art called पद्मिनी.

द्मा N. of Lakṣmī, the goddess of fortune, and wife of Viṣṇu; (तं) पद्मा पद्मातपत्रेण भेजे साम्राज्य- दीक्षितम् R.4.5.

Cloves. -Comp. -अक्ष a. lotuseyed; रामं दूर्वादलश्यामं पद्माक्षं पीतवाससम् Rāmarakśā 25, (-क्षः) an epithet of Viṣṇu or the sun; (-क्षम्) the seed of a lotus. -अटः Cassia Tora (Mar. टाकळा).-अन्तरम्, -रः a lotus-leaf.

आकरः a large tank of pond abounding in lotuses.

a pond or pool or water in general.

a lotus-pool.

an assemblage of lotuses; पद्माकरं दिनकरो विकचीकरोति Bh.2.73. -आलयः an epithet of Brahman, the creator.

(या) an epithet of Lakṣmī.


आसनम् a lotus-seat; प्रणेमतुस्तौ पितरौ प्रजानां पद्मासनस्थाय पितामहाय Ku.7.86.

a particular posture in religious meditation; ऊरुमूले वाम- पादं पुनस्तु दक्षिणं पदम् । वामोरौ स्थापयित्वा तु पद्मासनमिति स्मृतम् ॥; ध्यायेदाजानुबाहुं धृतशरधनुषं बद्धपद्मासनस्थम् Rāmaraṣā 1.

a kind of coitus.

(नः) an epithet of Brahman, the creator.

of the sun. -आह्वम् cloves.-उद्भवः an epithet of Brahman. -कर, -हस्त a. holding a lotus.

(रः, स्तः) an epithet of Viṣṇu.

a lotus like hand.

N. of the sun. (-रा, -स्ता) N. of Lakṣmī.

कर्णिका the pericarp of a lotus.

the central part of an army arrayed in the form of a lotus.-कलिका a lotus-bud, an unblown lotus. -काष्ठम् a fragrant wood used in medicine. -केशरः, -रम् the filament of a lotus.

कोशः, कोषः the calyx of a lotus.

a position of the fingers resembling the calyx of a lotus. -खण्डम्, -षण्डम् a multitude of lotuses. -गन्ध, -गन्धिa. lotus-scented, or as fragrant as or smelling like a lotus. (-न्धम्, -गन्धि n.) = पद्मकाष्ठ q. v.

गर्भः an epithet of Brahman.

of Viṣṇu.

of Buddha.

the inside or middle of a lotus; पद्मगर्भादिवोद्धृतम् Kāv.2.41.

गुणा, गृहा an epithet of Lakṣmī, the goddess of wealth.

cloves.-जः, -जातः, -भवः, -भूः, -योनिः, -संभवः epithets of Brahman, the lotus-born god. -तन्तुः the fibrous stalk of a lotus. -नाभः, -भिः an epithet of Viṣṇu; शान्ताकारं भुजगशयनं पद्मनाभं सुरेशम्.

नाभः N. of the eleventh month (reckoned from मार्गशीर्ष).

a magical formula spoken over weapons. -नालम् a lotus-stalk. -निधिः a treasure of the value of a Padma.

पाणिः an epithet of Brahman.

N. of Buddha.

N. of the sun.

of Viṣṇu. -पुष्पः the Karṇikāra plant. -प्रिया the goddess Manasā, the wife of sage Jaratkāru. -बन्धः a kind of artificial composition in which the words are arranged in the form of a lotus-flower; see K. P.9.ad. loc.

बन्धुः the sun,

a bee. -बीजम् the seed of a lotus. -भासः an epithet of Śiva. -मालिनी the goddess of wealth. -मुद्रा (-द्रिका) a particular pose according to Tantraśāstra; हस्तौ तु संमुखौ कृत्वा तदधः प्रोथिताङ्गुली । तलान्तर्मिलिताङ्गुष्ठौ कृत्वैषा पद्ममुद्रिका ॥ Tantrasāra.-रागः, -गम् a ruby; R.13.53;17.23; Ku.3.53; Kau. A.2.11.29; आकरे पद्मरागाणां जन्म काचमणेः कुतः ॥ H. -रूपा an epithet of the goddess of wealth. -रेखा a figure on the palm of the hand (of the form of a lotus-flower) which indicates the acquisition of great wealth.

लाञ्छनः an epithet of Brahman.


a king.

(ना) an epithet of Lakṣmī, the goddess of wealth.

or of Sarasvatī, the goddess of learning.

N. of Tārā. -वनबान्धवः the sun.-वर्चस् a. lotus-hued. -वासा an epithet of Lakṣmī.-समासनः an epithet of Brahman.

स्नुषा an epithet of Gaṅgā.

of Lakṣmī.

of Durgā. -हस्तः a particular measure of length. -हासः an epithet of Viṣṇu.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

पद्म mn. (2. or 3. पद्?)a lotus ( esp. the flower of the lotus-plant Nelumbium Speciosum which closes towards evening ; often confounded with the water-lily or Nymphaea Alba) MBh. Ka1v. etc. ( ifc. f( आ). )

पद्म m. the form or figure of a lotus R. Ma1rkP. (a N. given by the तान्त्रिकs to the 6 divisions of the upper part of the body called चक्रs See. )

पद्म m. a partic. mark or mole on the human body R.

पद्म m. red or coloured marks on the face or trunk of an elephant L.

पद्म m. a partic. part of a column or pillar Var.

पद्म m. a kind of temple ib.

पद्म m. an army arrayed in the form of a lotus Mn. MBh.

पद्म m. a partic. posture of the body in religious meditation , Veda7nt. (See. पद्मा-सन)

पद्म m. a kind of coitus L.

पद्म m. one of the 9 treasures of कुबेर(also personified) R.

पद्म m. one of the 8 treasures connected with the magical art called पद्मिनीMBh. Hariv. etc.

पद्म m. a partic. high number (1000 millions or billions) MBh. R. etc.

पद्म m. a partic. constellation Var.

पद्म m. N. of a partic. cold hell Buddh.

पद्म m. a partic. fragrant substance MBh. ( v.l. मक)

पद्म m. the root of Nelumbium Speciosum L.

पद्म m. a species of bdellium L.

पद्म m. lead L.

पद्म m. a species of plant L.

पद्म m. an elephant L.

पद्म m. a species of serpent Sus3r.

पद्म m. N. of राम(son of दश-रथ) S3atr.

पद्म m. of two serpent-demons MBh. R. etc.

पद्म m. of one of the attendants of स्कन्दMBh.

पद्म m. of a mythical बुद्धMWB. 136 n. 1.

पद्म m. (with जैनs) N. of the 9th चक्र-वर्तिन्in भारतand of one of the 9 white बलs

पद्म m. N. of a king MBh.

पद्म m. of a prince of कश्मीर(founder of पद्म-पुरand of a temple ; See. पद्म-स्वामिन्) Ra1jat.

पद्म m. of another man ib.

पद्म m. of a Brahman Lalit.

पद्म m. of a mythical elephant R. (See. महा-पद्म)

पद्म m. of a monkey R.

पद्म m. of a mountain Var.

पद्म m. a species of plant Sus3r. (Clerodendrum Siphorantus or Hibiscus Mutabilis L. )

पद्म m. cloves L.

पद्म m. the flower of Carthamus Tinctoria L.

पद्म m. N. of the mother of मुनि-सुव्रत(the 20th अर्हत्of the present अवसर्पिणी) L.

पद्म m. of a female serpent-demon (= the goddess मनसा, wife of the sage जरत्-कारु; See. पद्म-प्रिया) L.

पद्म m. of a daughter of king बृहद्रथand wife of कल्किPur.

पद्म mfn. lotus-hued , being of the colour of a lotus Shad2vBr.

Purana index[सम्पाद्यताम्]

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

(I)--a यक्ष; a son of पुण्यजनी and मणि- bhadra. Br. III. 7. १२४; वा. ६९. १५५. [page२-283+ २७]
(II)--the name of the 7th kalpa. वा. २१. १२.
(III)--a son of Bhadra; gave birth to eight kinds of elephants; फलकम्:F1:  वा. ६९. २१३, २१७.फलकम्:/F vehicle of Ailavila. फलकम्:F2:  Br. III. 7. ३२९. ३३१.फलकम्:/F
(IV)--the forest of Padma between the Lau- hitya and the Sindhu. Br. III. 7. ३५८.
(V)--a नाग (serpent) chief. Br. IV. २०. ५३.

Purana Encyclopedia[सम्पाद्यताम्]

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Padma^1 : m.: A mythical serpent, also called Padmanābha, 12. 343. 4; 12. 349. 5.

A. Birth: Son of Surasā, hence sauraseya 12. 348. 3 (identical with one of the two Padmas^2 ?); his noble family pure like the water of Ganges 12. 343. 11.

B. Residence: His abode (nāgāyatana, pannagālaya 12. 345. 3, 7) at *Nāgapura (nāgāhvayaṁ puram) on the river Gomatī in the Naimiṣa (forest) 12. 343. 2.

C. Qualities: Great (mahān), righteous (dharmātmā) 12. 343. 4; intelligent and proficient in the śāstras (buddhiśāstraviśāradaḥ) 12. 343. 8; endowed with all excellent qualities 12. 343. 8-10; Padma himself described the nāgas to be of great prowess, speedy, and guardians of the wealth of human beings (manuṣyāṇāṁ viśeṣeṇa dhanādhyakṣā iti śrutiḥ) 12. 348. 3-4.

D. Conduct: Pleased all beings with his speech, action and thought 12. 343. 5; employed four means sāman, dāna, daṇḍa, and bheda against his opponents, and protected his own people with his attentive eye (?) 12. 343. 6 (cakṣurdhyānena rakṣati. But Nī. cakṣurādidhyānena vastutattvānusandhānena on 12. 355. 6 Bom. Ed.); by nature, pure like water (?prakṛtyā nityasalilaḥ on which Nī. nityaṁ salilavan nirmalaḥ nityasalilaḥ 12. 355. 9 Bom. Ed.).

E. Epithets: As a serpent, called cakṣuḥśravas ‘whose eye is his ear’ 12. 343. 4, darśanaśravas 12. 347. 16, and anilāśana ‘who lives on air’ 12. 348. 5.

F. Status: Chief among the serpents (bhujagendra 12. 344. 10; nāgendra 12. 347. 7, 15; 12. 349. 2), the best among the serpents (uttamanāga 12. 345. 6; bhujagattama 12. 347. 15; bhujagasattama 12. 352. 2; uragaśreṣṭha 12. 353. 1; dvijaśreṣṭha 12. 349. 5); king of serpents (pannagapati 12. 349. 1; bhogapati 12. 352. 9; bhujagapati 12. 353. 9).

G. Wife and Relatives: His wife, not named (nāgapatnī 12. 345. 4, nāgī 12. 345. 13), virtuous and devoted; she knew what the duties of a student and a servant were, was familiar with the duties of the four varṇas, and knew the duties of a householder and his wife; she had learnt these from her husband Padma; she therefore made no mistake in receiving the guests during the absence of her husband; on a certain occasion she duly received and honoured a Brāhmaṇa who arrived at Padma's residence 12. 345. 412; when Padma arrived she informed him about the arrival of a Brāhmaṇa who wanted to meet him and had taken his residence on the river Gomatī; she advised Padma to see the Brāhmaṇa 12. 347. 13-16; Padma's sense of pride was hurt since he was commanded by a Brāhmaṇa to go and meet him; he therefore asked his wife whether the Brāhmaṇa was really a human being or a god in disguise 12. 348. 1-2; his wife told him that she did not consider the Brāhmaṇa to be a god (in disguise); she advised her husband to give up his inborn anger (tad roṣaṁ sahajaṁ tyaktvā 12. 348. 8) and go and meet the Brāhmaṇa 12. 348. 5-8; Padma realized that he was too proud, that being the fault of his species (jātidoṣa 12. 348. 13), and was happy that his wife had burnt his anger by her admonition (dagdho vācāgninā tvayā 12. 348. 13); he felt himself praiseworthy to have such a virtuous wife 12. 348. 13-14, 18-19; during Padma's absence his relatives--brothers, sons and wife--had gone to the river Gomatī to persuade the Brāhmaṇa who almost starved himself to take some food but he did not; they returned home without achieving their purpose 12. 346. 1-13.

H. Padma's functions: It was his duty to pull by rotation the sun's one-wheeled chariot for a month (in a year ?) (sūryarathaṁ voḍhuṁ gato'sau māsacārikaḥ 12. 345. 8; vivasvato gacchati paryayeṇa voḍhuṁ bhavāṁs taṁ ratham ekacakram 12. 350. 1).

I. Padma and the Brāhmaṇa Dharmāraṇya (12. 349. 5): Padma returned home after he had performed his duty of drawing the Sun's chariot and was permitted by the god to leave; he was then informed by his wife about the arrival of a Brāhmaṇa; she informed Padma that the Brāhmaṇa had asked him to meet him; Padma's initial reaction, due to his sense of pride, was not to oblige the Brāhmaṇa; but on the advice of his wife he relented and met the Brāhmaṇa; he then told his wife that he realized that it was not in one's interest to get angry for in bygone days, Rāvaṇa, Kārtavīrya and his sons were killed due to their anger 12. 348. 13-17; he approached the Brāhmaṇa Dharmāraṇya and asked him what he wanted 12. 349. 3-4, 9-12; the Brāhmaṇa first asked Padma a question; after hearing Padma's answer, the Brāhmaṇa would tell Padma the purpose of his visit 12. 349. 16; the Brāhmaṇa asked Padma to tell him if while pulling the god Sun's chariot. he saw anything wonderful on his way 12. 350. 1; Padma first told the Brāhmaṇa that there was nothing more wonderful than the Sun himself (accomplished sages and deities resort to his rays; wind resorts to sun's rays and flows from there to fill the sky; rain water is released by his dark foot (ray ?), Śukra by name, (śukro nāmāsitaḥ pādo yasya vāridharo 'mbare/toyaṁ sṛjati varṣāsu 12. 350. 4); Sun takes back the rain water with his shining ray during eight months; the soul (ātmā) is for all times established in his lustre; he is the seed of everything, movable and immovable and the earth is sustained by him; the longarmed, eternal, unalterable god having no beginning and no end resides in the sun 12. 350. 2-7); Padma next told him that one day something unusual happened: while the Sun was shining brightly at mid-day, there suddenly appeared light in all directions, light similar to that of the sun; then, as if tearing open the sky a being, looking like a second Sun (dvitīya iva bhāskaraḥ 12. 350. 11), approached the Sun; the Sun held out his hand to receive him and the other being also extended his right hand to hold the Sun's hand; then the being entered the Sun's disc 12. 350. 8-15; confused as to who was the real Sun--the one in the chariot or the one that arrived from the sky--Padma and others asked the Sun to explain; the Sun told them that the one who entered him was a sage who observed the vow of uñchavṛtti (living only on grains fallen in the field); the sage also lived successively on fruit, roots, fallen leaves, water and air and recited the ṛc stanzas; that Brāhmaṇa (sage) even now moved round the earth with the Sun --this was the wonder seen by Padma 12. 351. 1-6; the Brāhmaṇa Dharmāraṇya, on hearing Padma's account, took leave of him without telling him the purpose of his visit; to the perplexed Padma, Dharmāraṇya explained that he was only curious to know what led to the accumulation of merit (puṇyasaṁcaya); now that he knew how one did it, he had decided to observe uñchavrata; the purpose of his visit was served (kṛtārtho 'smi) and hence he was leaving 12. 352. 1-10.

*2nd word in left half of page p35_mci (+offset) in original book.

previous page p34_mci .......... next page p37_mci

Padma^2 : m.: (du.) Two mythical serpents having the same name (dvau padmau) living in Bhogavatī Purī 5. 101. 13. 1.

Sons of Surasā and Kaśyapa 5. 101. 4, 17; description 5. 101. 5-7; the two also listed by Sūta among the sons of Kadrū (dvau ca padmāv iti) 1. 31. 10, 2; one of them waits, without feeling fatigue, on Varuṇa in his sabhā; marked with banner (patākin) and round spots (maṇḍalin), hooded (phaṇavant) 2. 9. 8, 10, 11.

*1st word in left half of page p37_mci (+offset) in original book.

Padma : m.: Name of a particular arrangement of the army (vyūha).

It was arranged by Droṇa in the interior of, and in the rear portion of, the principal vyūha called Cakraśakaṭa; Padma was considered extremly impenetrable (paścārdhe tasya padmas tu garbhavyūhaḥ sudurbhidaḥ) 7. 63. 23; in addition, inside the Padma was arranged a concealed (gūḍha) vyūha called Sūcī. [See Cakraśakaṭa ].

*2nd word in left half of page p111_mci (+offset) in original book.

Mahabharata Cultural Index[सम्पाद्यताम्]

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Padma^1 : m.: A mythical serpent, also called Padmanābha, 12. 343. 4; 12. 349. 5.

A. Birth: Son of Surasā, hence sauraseya 12. 348. 3 (identical with one of the two Padmas^2 ?); his noble family pure like the water of Ganges 12. 343. 11.

B. Residence: His abode (nāgāyatana, pannagālaya 12. 345. 3, 7) at *Nāgapura (nāgāhvayaṁ puram) on the river Gomatī in the Naimiṣa (forest) 12. 343. 2.

C. Qualities: Great (mahān), righteous (dharmātmā) 12. 343. 4; intelligent and proficient in the śāstras (buddhiśāstraviśāradaḥ) 12. 343. 8; endowed with all excellent qualities 12. 343. 8-10; Padma himself described the nāgas to be of great prowess, speedy, and guardians of the wealth of human beings (manuṣyāṇāṁ viśeṣeṇa dhanādhyakṣā iti śrutiḥ) 12. 348. 3-4.

D. Conduct: Pleased all beings with his speech, action and thought 12. 343. 5; employed four means sāman, dāna, daṇḍa, and bheda against his opponents, and protected his own people with his attentive eye (?) 12. 343. 6 (cakṣurdhyānena rakṣati. But Nī. cakṣurādidhyānena vastutattvānusandhānena on 12. 355. 6 Bom. Ed.); by nature, pure like water (?prakṛtyā nityasalilaḥ on which Nī. nityaṁ salilavan nirmalaḥ nityasalilaḥ 12. 355. 9 Bom. Ed.).

E. Epithets: As a serpent, called cakṣuḥśravas ‘whose eye is his ear’ 12. 343. 4, darśanaśravas 12. 347. 16, and anilāśana ‘who lives on air’ 12. 348. 5.

F. Status: Chief among the serpents (bhujagendra 12. 344. 10; nāgendra 12. 347. 7, 15; 12. 349. 2), the best among the serpents (uttamanāga 12. 345. 6; bhujagattama 12. 347. 15; bhujagasattama 12. 352. 2; uragaśreṣṭha 12. 353. 1; dvijaśreṣṭha 12. 349. 5); king of serpents (pannagapati 12. 349. 1; bhogapati 12. 352. 9; bhujagapati 12. 353. 9).

G. Wife and Relatives: His wife, not named (nāgapatnī 12. 345. 4, nāgī 12. 345. 13), virtuous and devoted; she knew what the duties of a student and a servant were, was familiar with the duties of the four varṇas, and knew the duties of a householder and his wife; she had learnt these from her husband Padma; she therefore made no mistake in receiving the guests during the absence of her husband; on a certain occasion she duly received and honoured a Brāhmaṇa who arrived at Padma's residence 12. 345. 412; when Padma arrived she informed him about the arrival of a Brāhmaṇa who wanted to meet him and had taken his residence on the river Gomatī; she advised Padma to see the Brāhmaṇa 12. 347. 13-16; Padma's sense of pride was hurt since he was commanded by a Brāhmaṇa to go and meet him; he therefore asked his wife whether the Brāhmaṇa was really a human being or a god in disguise 12. 348. 1-2; his wife told him that she did not consider the Brāhmaṇa to be a god (in disguise); she advised her husband to give up his inborn anger (tad roṣaṁ sahajaṁ tyaktvā 12. 348. 8) and go and meet the Brāhmaṇa 12. 348. 5-8; Padma realized that he was too proud, that being the fault of his species (jātidoṣa 12. 348. 13), and was happy that his wife had burnt his anger by her admonition (dagdho vācāgninā tvayā 12. 348. 13); he felt himself praiseworthy to have such a virtuous wife 12. 348. 13-14, 18-19; during Padma's absence his relatives--brothers, sons and wife--had gone to the river Gomatī to persuade the Brāhmaṇa who almost starved himself to take some food but he did not; they returned home without achieving their purpose 12. 346. 1-13.

H. Padma's functions: It was his duty to pull by rotation the sun's one-wheeled chariot for a month (in a year ?) (sūryarathaṁ voḍhuṁ gato'sau māsacārikaḥ 12. 345. 8; vivasvato gacchati paryayeṇa voḍhuṁ bhavāṁs taṁ ratham ekacakram 12. 350. 1).

I. Padma and the Brāhmaṇa Dharmāraṇya (12. 349. 5): Padma returned home after he had performed his duty of drawing the Sun's chariot and was permitted by the god to leave; he was then informed by his wife about the arrival of a Brāhmaṇa; she informed Padma that the Brāhmaṇa had asked him to meet him; Padma's initial reaction, due to his sense of pride, was not to oblige the Brāhmaṇa; but on the advice of his wife he relented and met the Brāhmaṇa; he then told his wife that he realized that it was not in one's interest to get angry for in bygone days, Rāvaṇa, Kārtavīrya and his sons were killed due to their anger 12. 348. 13-17; he approached the Brāhmaṇa Dharmāraṇya and asked him what he wanted 12. 349. 3-4, 9-12; the Brāhmaṇa first asked Padma a question; after hearing Padma's answer, the Brāhmaṇa would tell Padma the purpose of his visit 12. 349. 16; the Brāhmaṇa asked Padma to tell him if while pulling the god Sun's chariot. he saw anything wonderful on his way 12. 350. 1; Padma first told the Brāhmaṇa that there was nothing more wonderful than the Sun himself (accomplished sages and deities resort to his rays; wind resorts to sun's rays and flows from there to fill the sky; rain water is released by his dark foot (ray ?), Śukra by name, (śukro nāmāsitaḥ pādo yasya vāridharo 'mbare/toyaṁ sṛjati varṣāsu 12. 350. 4); Sun takes back the rain water with his shining ray during eight months; the soul (ātmā) is for all times established in his lustre; he is the seed of everything, movable and immovable and the earth is sustained by him; the longarmed, eternal, unalterable god having no beginning and no end resides in the sun 12. 350. 2-7); Padma next told him that one day something unusual happened: while the Sun was shining brightly at mid-day, there suddenly appeared light in all directions, light similar to that of the sun; then, as if tearing open the sky a being, looking like a second Sun (dvitīya iva bhāskaraḥ 12. 350. 11), approached the Sun; the Sun held out his hand to receive him and the other being also extended his right hand to hold the Sun's hand; then the being entered the Sun's disc 12. 350. 8-15; confused as to who was the real Sun--the one in the chariot or the one that arrived from the sky--Padma and others asked the Sun to explain; the Sun told them that the one who entered him was a sage who observed the vow of uñchavṛtti (living only on grains fallen in the field); the sage also lived successively on fruit, roots, fallen leaves, water and air and recited the ṛc stanzas; that Brāhmaṇa (sage) even now moved round the earth with the Sun --this was the wonder seen by Padma 12. 351. 1-6; the Brāhmaṇa Dharmāraṇya, on hearing Padma's account, took leave of him without telling him the purpose of his visit; to the perplexed Padma, Dharmāraṇya explained that he was only curious to know what led to the accumulation of merit (puṇyasaṁcaya); now that he knew how one did it, he had decided to observe uñchavrata; the purpose of his visit was served (kṛtārtho 'smi) and hence he was leaving 12. 352. 1-10.

*2nd word in left half of page p35_mci (+offset) in original book.

previous page p34_mci .......... next page p37_mci

Padma^2 : m.: (du.) Two mythical serpents having the same name (dvau padmau) living in Bhogavatī Purī 5. 101. 13. 1.

Sons of Surasā and Kaśyapa 5. 101. 4, 17; description 5. 101. 5-7; the two also listed by Sūta among the sons of Kadrū (dvau ca padmāv iti) 1. 31. 10, 2; one of them waits, without feeling fatigue, on Varuṇa in his sabhā; marked with banner (patākin) and round spots (maṇḍalin), hooded (phaṇavant) 2. 9. 8, 10, 11.

*1st word in left half of page p37_mci (+offset) in original book.

Padma : m.: Name of a particular arrangement of the army (vyūha).

It was arranged by Droṇa in the interior of, and in the rear portion of, the principal vyūha called Cakraśakaṭa; Padma was considered extremly impenetrable (paścārdhe tasya padmas tu garbhavyūhaḥ sudurbhidaḥ) 7. 63. 23; in addition, inside the Padma was arranged a concealed (gūḍha) vyūha called Sūcī. [See Cakraśakaṭa ].

*2nd word in left half of page p111_mci (+offset) in original book.

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