सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

गान्धारम्, क्ली, (गन्ध एव गान्धं सुगन्धं ऋच्छ- तीति । ऋ गतौ + “कर्म्मण्यण् ।” ३ । २ । १ । इत्यण् । यद्वा, गान्धाराणान्तद्देशवासिनां प्रियम् । अण् ।) गन्धरसः । इति त्रिकाण्डशेषः ॥

गान्धारः, पुं, (गन्ध एव गान्धो गन्धकस्तं ऋच्छति उत्पत्तिकारणत्वेन गच्छतीति । ऋ गतौ + अण् ।) सिन्दूरम् । जम्बुद्बीपस्थोत्तरदेशः । कान्धार इति भाषा । इति मेदिनी । रे । १४९ ॥ (देशोऽयं बृहत्संहितायां कूर्म्मविभागे उत्त- रस्यामुक्तः । यथा, तत्रैव । १४ । २८ । “उत्तरतः कैलासः ।” इत्युपक्रम्य, -- “गान्धारयशोवतिहेमतालराजन्यखचरगव्याश्च ॥” इत्युक्तवाः । दुर्य्योधनमातुलः शकुनिस्तु एत- द्देशस्य राजासीत् । यथा, महाभारते । ३ । २३७ । २१ । “गान्धारराजः शकुनिः प्रत्युवाच हसन्निव ॥” * ॥ गन्ध एव गान्धः । स्वार्थे अण् । तं ऋच्छ- तीति । “कर्म्मण्यण् ।” ३ । २ । १ । इत्यण् ।) सप्तस्वरान्तर्गततृतीयस्वरः । स तु छागस्वर- तुल्यः । (यदुक्तं सङ्गीतशास्त्रे । “षड्जं रौति मयूरस्तु गावो नर्द्दन्ति चर्षभम् । गान्धारन्तु अजो रौति कौञ्चः क्वणति मध्यमम् ॥”) तस्योत्पत्त्यादिः । “वायुः समुद्गतो नाभेः कण्ठशीर्षसमाहतः । नानागन्धर्वहः पुण्यो गान्धारस्तेन हेतुना ॥” इति भरतः ॥ अपि च । “नाभेः समुद्गतो वायुर्गन्धं श्रोत्रे च चालयन् । स शब्दस्तेन निर्याति गान्धारस्तेन कथ्यते ॥ चतस्रः पञ्चमे षड्जे मध्यमे श्रुतयो मताः । ऋषभे धैवते तिस्री द्वे गान्धारनिषादके ॥” (अयन्तु देवकुलसम्भूतो वैश्यजातिः स्वर्णवदु- ज्ज्वलपीतवर्णः । अस्य जन्म कुशद्वीपे, ऋषिः शशाङ्कः, सरस्वती देवता, त्रिष्टुप् छन्दः । करुणरसे एवास्य उपयोगित्वम् ॥ इति सङ्गीत- दर्पणे । ८३--९१ ॥ * ॥ स्वरग्रामविशेषः । तल्लक्षणम् । यथा, तत्रैव ७९--८० । “रि-मयोः श्रुतिमेकैकां गान्धारश्चेत् समाश्रयेत् । प-श्रुतिं धो निषादस्तु घ-श्रुतिं स-श्रुतिं श्रितः ॥ गान्धारग्राममाचष्ट तदा तं नारदो मुनिः । प्रवर्त्तते स्वर्गलोके ग्रामोऽसौ न महीतले ॥” * ॥) रागविशेषः । तस्य रूपं यथा, सङ्गीतदामोदरे । “जटां दधानः कृतभूतिभूषणः काषायवासास्तनुदेहयष्टिः । सयोगपट्टः कृतनेत्रमुद्रो गान्धाररागः कथितस्तपस्वी ॥” स तु भैरवरागपुत्त्रः । प्रभाते तस्य गानसमयः ॥


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

गान्धार पुं।




निषादर्षभगान्धारषड्जमध्यमधैवताः। पञ्चमश्चेत्यमी सप्त तन्त्रीकण्ठोत्थिताः स्वराः॥

पदार्थ-विभागः : , गुणः, शब्दः


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

गान्धार¦ पु॰ गन्ध एव स्वार्थे अण् तमृच्छति ऋ--अण्उप॰ स॰।

१ सिन्दूरे

२ देशभेदे च (कान्दार) मेदि॰ स चदेशः वृ॰ स॰ कूर्मविभागे

१५ अ॰ उत्तरस्यामुक्तः
“उत्तरतःकैलासः” इत्युपक्रमे
“गान्धारयशोवतहेमताजराज-[Page2577-a+ 38] न्यखचराश्च” गन्धारोऽभिजनोऽस्य सिन्ध्वा॰ अण्। पित्रा-दिक्रमेण

३ गान्धारदेशवासिनि।

४ तन्नृपे च बहुषु तस्यलुक्। गन्धाराः तद्वासिषु तन्नृपेषु च ब॰ व॰।
“क्रमेणव्यचरत् स्फोतस्ततः पञ्चनदं ययौ”
“तस्मादपि च कौरव्य!गन्धारविषयं ययौ”
“ततो गन्धारराजेन युद्धमासीत्किरीटिनः” भा॰ आनु॰

८३ अ॰।
“शकुनेस्तनयोवीरो गन्धाराणां महारथः। निरुध्यमानस्तैश्चापिगन्धारैः पाण्डुनन्दनः”।
“बध्यमानेषु तेष्वाजौ ग-गन्धारेषु समन्ततः”

८४ अ॰। गन्धारे भवः तस्यराजा वा कच्छा॰ अण्।

५ गन्धारदेशभवे मनुष्यतत्स्थभिन्नेमनुष्यतत्स्थयोस्त वुञ्। गान्धारक गान्धारदेशस्थेमनुष्ये तदीयहसितादौ च।
“शकनिस्तु सहानी-को माद्रीपुत्रभवारयत्। गान्धारकैः सप्तशतैश्चापशक्त्यसिपाणिभिः” भा॰ द्रो॰

९५ अ॰।
“वायुः समुद्गतोनामे कण्ठशीर्षसमाहतः। नानागन्धवहः पुण्यो गा-न्धारस्तेन हेतुना” भरतोक्ते
“नाभेः समुद्गतो वायु-र्गन्धश्रोत्रे च चालयन्। सशब्दस्तेन निर्याति गा-न्धारस्तेन कथ्यते” संगी॰ दा॰ उक्ते च तन्त्रीकण्ठो-त्थितसप्तस्वरान्तर्गते

५ तृतीयस्वरे।
“अजाविकं च गान्धा-रम्” इत्युक्तेः तस्याजाविकस्यरतुल्यता।
“चतस्रःपञ्चमे षड्जे मध्यमे श्रुतयो मताः। ऋषभे धैवतेतिस्रो द्वे गान्धारनिषादयोः” संगी॰ दा॰।

७ गन्धरसेन॰ त्रिका॰। गान्धारेरपत्यम्
“साल्वेयगान्धारिभ्याञ्च” पा॰ अण्।

८ गान्धारेरपत्ये पुंस्त्री स्त्रियां ङीप्।


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

गान्धार¦ m. (-रः)
1. One of the seven primary notes of music.
2. Minium [Page237-a+ 60] or red lead.
3. A country, (Candahar, between the north of India and Persia). n. (-रं) Gum myrrh f. (-री)
1. The wife of DHRITARASH- TRA mother of DURYOD'HANA.
2. One of the tutelary female deities of the Jainas.
3. A plant (Hedysarum alhagi.)
4. Prickly nightshade. E. गान्ध the aggregate of गन्ध smell, &c. ऋ to go and अण् affix; the note being said to be produced by pure and fragrant breath, &c. गान्धारेय m. (-यः) A name of DURYOD'HANA, the son of DHRI- TARASHTRA. E. गान्धारी the name of the mother of this chief, and ढक् aff.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

गान्धारः [gāndhārḥ], 1 The third of the seven primary notes of the Indian Gamut; (commonly denoted by ग in musical notation).

Red lead.

N. of a country between India and Persia, the modern Kandahāra.

A native or a ruler of that country. -रम् Gum myrrh.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

गान्धार mfn. fr. गन्ध्g. कच्छा-दिand सिन्ध्व्-आदि

गान्धार m. ( Pa1n2. 4-1 , 169 ) a prince of the गान्धारिs S3Br. viii , 1 , 4 , 10 AitBr. vii , 34 Hariv. 8395 ( -कन्या)

गान्धार m. N. of a prince (from whom the गान्धारs derive their origin) , 1839 ; BhP. ix , 23 , 14

गान्धार m. the third of the 7 primary notes of music MBh. iv , xii , xiv VarBr2S. lxxxvi , 40

गान्धार m. (also personified as a son of रागभैरव)

गान्धार m. minium or red lead L.

गान्धार m. pl. N. of a people and of their country (north-east of Peshawar and giving its N. to Kandahar ; पाणिनिis said to have been a गान्धार; See. गन्ध्, गन्धारि, गान्धारि) MBh. Hariv. R. iv , vii VarBr2S. etc.

गान्धार n. gum myrrh L.

गान्धार n. (= गञ्जाकिनी)the points of hemp

गान्धार n. N. of a विद्या- देवीMBh. iii , 14562

गान्धार n. (fulfilling the commands of the twenty-first अर्हत्of the present अवसर्पिणीJain. )

गान्धार n. (in music) N. of a रागिणी

गान्धार n. Alhagi Maurorum L.

गान्धार n. a particular vein in the left eye Goraksh. 26

गान्धार n. a kind of fly Gal.

Purana index[सम्पाद्यताम्]

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

(I)--the son of Aru(d)dha (आरब्ध-भा। प्।, वि। प्।). After him came the गान्धार country famous for horses. Father of Dharma. भा. IX. २३. १५; Br. III. ७४. 9-१०; वा. ९९. 9; Vi. IV. १७. 4.
(II) (स्वर)--an auspicious one; फलकम्:F1:  M. २४३. २१.फलकम्:/F the third of the seven notes of music. फलकम्:F2:  वा. २१-32; ८६. ३७.फलकम्:/F
(III) (च्)--a northern kingdom and tribe whose king contemporary of कृष्ण was शकुनि who was an ally of जरासन्ध. Hence his subjects were enlisted by जरासन्ध against the Yadus. शकुनि himself was placed on the east of Gomanta hill during its siege. Here Bharata's sons तक्ष and पुष्कर ruled; फलकम्:F1:  भा. X. ५२. ११ [6]; [५० (v) 3]. M. ११४. ४१; १२१. ४६; १४४. ५७. Br. II. १६. ४७; १८. ४७; ३१. ८३; III. ६३. १९०; ७३. १०८; ७४. 9-१०. वा. ८८. १८९.फलकम्:/F noted for horses; फलकम्:F2:  वा. ९९. १०.फलकम्:/F also gan- dhara.

--a son of शरद्वत् and a grandson of Druhyu, after whom was named the country गान्धार; had choice horses of the आरट्ट country. M. ४८. 6-7.

Purana Encyclopedia[सम्पाद्यताम्]

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Gāndhāra, Gāndhāraka : m. (pl.): Name of a country and its people or its warriors; warriors occasionally referred to as Gāndhāraka (7. 6. 3, 7. 70. 42, 8. 27. 80); horses of the Gāndhāra country once referred to as Gāndhāraka (9. 27. 43); the country once referred to as Gāndhāradeśa (2. 47. 8) and twice as Gāndhāraviṣaya (14. 84. 18; 14. 86. 3).

A. Location: Listed by Saṁjaya among the northern Janapadas (also called Deśas 6. 10. 68) of the Bhāratavarṣa (ata ūrdhvaṁ janapadān nibodha gadato mama) 6. 10. 37, 5; (gāndhārā darśakās tathā) 6. 10. 52; (uttarāpathajanmānaḥ kīrtayiṣyāmi tān api/yaunakāmbojagāndhārāḥ) 12. 200. 40; the Aśvamedha horse went to the Gāndhāraviṣaya from Pañcanada (tataḥ pañcanadaṁ yayau//tasmād api sa kauravya gāndhāraviṣayaṁ hayaḥ/ vicacāra) 14. 84. 17-18.

B. Famous for horses: Gāndhāra horses were offered as tribute for the Rājasūya (hayān gāndharadeśajān) 2. 47. 8.

C. Characteristics of the people and their warriors:

(1) People: Living on mountains (pārvatīyaiḥ…gāndhāraiḥ) 6. 20. 8; according to Karṇa, there was no purity among Gāndhārakas (nāsti…śaucaṁ gāndhārakeṣu ca) 8. 27. 80; a Brāhmaṇa once told the Kuru assembly that among the Gāndhāras a family had only one Brāhmaṇa, the rest were imprudent who behaved as they liked (bhavaty ekaḥ kule vipraḥ śiṣṭānye kāmacāriṇaḥ/gāndhārā …ke 'py acetasaḥ//) 8. 30. 55; according to Bhīṣma, Gāndhāras did not believe in Bhūtapati as the adhyakṣa of the world; they were sinful; they wandered over the earth and lived like dogs, crows, balas (?) and vultures; they did not exist in the kṛtayuga, but were met with since the tretāyuga; (niradhyakṣāṁs tu…ºgāndhārāḥ//ete pāpakṛtas tāta caranti pṛthivīm imām/śvakākabalagṛdhrāṇāṁ sadharmāṇo narādhipa//nlite kṛtayuge tāta caranti pṛthivīm imām/tretāprabhṛti vartante te janā bharatarṣabha//) 12. 200. 38, 40-42;

(2) Warriors: Great chariot-fighters (mahāratha), horseriders (sādin), controlled (yatta), using armours (varmin) and fighting with lances which were shaped like a claw and were polished (prāsapāṇi) 7. 63. 16, (nakharaprāsayodhin) 12. 102. 3, (vimalaprāsayodhin) 7. 6. 3; they also used bows and arrows, śaktis and swords (cāpaśaktiśarāsi) 7. 70. 42; arrogant while fighting (yuddhadurmada) 6. 86. 26; very strong (atibala) 8. 5. 18; very difficult to be conquered (sudurjaya) 8. 57. 31; (durjaya) 8. 5. 18.

D. Epic events:

(1) Kṛṣṇa once quickly overpowered Gāndhāras and released the captive king Sudarśanīya 5. 47. 69 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 5. 48. 75: sudarśanaṁ nāma rājānam);

(2) Bhīṣma reminded Karṇa that he had formerly defeated Gāndhāras and made them subservient to Duryodhana (gāndhārāś ca jitās tvayā…duryodhanasya vaśagāḥ kṛtāḥ karṇa tvayā purā) 7. 4. 5-6; Karṇa had defeated Gāndhāras, very strong and difficult to win, and made them pay tribute (yo jitvā samare vīraś cakre balibhṛtaḥ purā) 8. 5. 18, 20; 8. 57. 31 (a reference to Karṇa's conquest of earth before the Vaiṣṇava sacrifice of Duryodhana ? See 3. 241. 32 and Appendix I, No. 24, pp. 1078-1080);

(3) In the Sabhā of Kauravas, Śakuni and his son were protected by Gāndhāras 5. 92. 49;

(4) On the first day of war, in the Kaurava vyūha, Śakuni with his Gāndhāra warriors, living on mountains, offered protection to Duryodhana (pārvatīyaiḥ sārdhaṁ gāndhāraiḥ pāti) 6. 20. 8; the same day, five Kekaya brothers fought with five Gāndhāra warriors with their respective armies (sasainyās te sasainyāṁś ca) 6. 43. 73;

(5) On the second day, Gāndhāras and others protected Droṇa in the Mahāvyūha (6. 47. 10) of Kauravas 6. 47. 14;

(6) On the third day, the large army of Gāndhāras, led by Śakuni, engaged Sātyaki and Abhimanyu in a battle 6. 54. 6;

(7) On the fifth day, the king of Kaliṅgas (Śrutāyus) was surrounded by Gāndhāras and others 6. 67. 13;

(8) On the eighth day, war-arrogant Gāndhāras desirous of heaven or victory, broke the front line of the army of Irāvant and entered it (tadanīkaṁ bhittvā…balena mahatā yuktāḥ svargāya vijayaiṣiṇaḥ/ viviśus te tadā hṛṣṭā gāndhārā yuddhadurmadāḥ//) 6. 86. 26;

(9) On the eleventh day, Śakuni with his excellent Gāndhāraka warriors riding on horsebacks, occupied the extreme end (prapakṣa) of the right side (dakṣina pārśva 7. 6. 2) of the Śakaṭavyūha (7. 6. 15) of Kauravas 7. 6. 3;

(10) On the twelfth day, Gāndhāras, led by Śakuni, stood at the rear (pṛṣṭha) of the Suparṇavyūha (7. 19. 4) of Kauravas 7. 19. 11; Arjuna bewildered (vyākulāṁś cakre) with his arrows Gāndhāra warriors led by Śakuni's sons Vṛṣaka and Acala and killed five hundred of them 7. 29. 5-6;

(11) On the thirteenth day, Abhimanyu killed seventyseven Gāndhāra warriors who followed Kālakeya (Subala's son) 7. 48. 7;

(12) On the fourteenth day, Jayadratha, along with Gāndhāras riding on horsebacks and holding lances in hand, left to occupy the place (fixed for him) in the Vyūha 7. 63. 16; Śakuni, with his army of seven hundred Gāndhāra warriors fighting with arrows, śaktis and swords (cāpaśaktiśarāsibhiḥ), checked the advance of the son of Mādrī (mādrīputram avārayat) 7. 70. 42;

(13) On the eighteenth day, Pāñcāla and Pāṇḍava warriors (9. 18. 13) felt that seeing Gāndhāras (and others) killed all around (gāndhāreṣu ca sarvaśaḥ), Duryodhana would realize the prowess of Pāṇḍavas and other heroes on their side 9. 18. 22-25; Sahadeva attacked Śakuni who was covered from behind by Gāndhāraka warriors riding horses (gāndhārakair guptam prṣṭhair aśvaiḥ… saubalam) 9. 27. 43; Kṛṣṇa reminded Bhīma that Gāndhāras who had attacked him were killed by him (gāndhārāḥ…/ tvām āsādya mahāyuddhe nihatāḥ pāṇḍunandana) 9. 32. 22;

(14) Gāndhrī pointed out to Kṛṣṇa that Gāndhāra women (gāndhāraº ºstriyaḥ) and other women kept watch on the body of fallen Jayadratha 11. 22. 11;

(15) The horse of the horse-sacrifice went to the Gāndhāra country (gāndhāraviṣaya) when Arjuna had to fight a fierce battle with the then king of Gāndhāra (gāndhārarājena), the son of Śakuni, the great chariotwarrior of the Gāndhāras (gāndhārāṇāṁ mahārathaḥ); Gāndhāra warriors (yodhāḥ), not forgiving Śakuni's death in the war, opposed Arjuna; Arjuna tried to dissuade them from fighting, but when they did not listen to him he fought with them; the Gāndhāra warriors struck Arjuna, but he felled down their heads; when Gāndhāras were being killed all around, Śakuni's son opposed Arjuna; all Gāndhāra warriors were wonderstruck when Arjuna removed the headgear of Śakuni's son; they knew that Arjuna did not wish to kill Śakuni's son 14. 84. 18-19; 14. 85. 1-3, 7-8, 12; war with Gāndhāra warriors described in 14. 85. 14-17; Yudhiṣṭhira was delighted to hear Arjuna's victory in the Gāndhāra country (gāndhāraviṣaye) 14. 86. 3;

(16) Kṛṣṇa had once defeated Gāndhāras 16. 7. 10 (same event as no. 1 ?).

E. Past event: Māndhātṛ asked Indra what was the dharma of Gāndhāras and others who lived like Dasyus and how they could be controlled by kings like him (kathaṁ dharmaṁ careyus te…madvidhaiś ca kathaṁ sthāpyāḥ sarve te dasyujīvinaḥ) 12. 65. 13, 15; Indra thereupon told him what the duties of Dasyus were 12. 65. 17-21.

F. Certain persons designated as king, prince, or chief of Gāndhāras:

(1) gāndhārapati: Śakuni 8. 62. 50, (2) gāndhāramukhya: Acala and Vṛṣala (both sons of Subala) 5. 165. 1-2;

(3) gāndhārarāj: Śakuni 7. 36. 24;

(4) gāndhārarāja: Śakuni 1. 1. 100; 3. 227. 21; 3. 297. 5; 5. 2. 5; 5. 29. 39; 5. 30. 27; 5. 92. 49; 5. 196. 7; 6. 20. 8; 7. 29. 2; 7. 33. 20; 7. 165. 75; 8. 4. 96; 8. 53. 6; 9. 22. 28, 29; 11. 24. 21; Śakuni's father (not named) 1. 103. 14; 5. 2. 9; 7. 10. 10; 9. 17. 18; 9. 22. 24; Śakuni's son (not named 14. 84. 19; 14. 85. 18; Subala 1. 103. 10; 7. 10. 10; 7. 29. 2;

(5) gāndhārarājaputra: Śakuni 1. 57. 94; Śakuni's son (not named) 14. 85. 13;

(6) gāndhārarājasya putraḥ: Śakuni 1. 103. 14; 9. 17. 18; 9. 22. 24;

(7) gāndhārarājasya jananī (not named) 14. 85. 18;

(8) gāndhārarājasya sutaḥ: Śakuni 5. 2. 9; gāndhārarājasya sutau: Vṛṣaka and Acala 7. 29. 2;

(9) gāndhārarājasya sutā: Gāndhārī (one of Kṛṣṇa's wives) 7. 10. 10;

(10) gāndhārāṇāṁ mahārathaḥ: Śakuni's son (not named) 14. 85. 1;

(11) gāndhārāṇāṁ yaśohara (voc.): Śakuni 2. 68. 39;

(12) gāndhārādhipati: A certain king (not named), born in the lineage of Soma (somakulotpanna) 3. 126. 40.

*3rd word in left half of page p721_mci (+offset) in original book.

previous page p720_mci .......... next page p724_mci

Mahabharata Cultural Index[सम्पाद्यताम्]

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Gāndhāra, Gāndhāraka : m. (pl.): Name of a country and its people or its warriors; warriors occasionally referred to as Gāndhāraka (7. 6. 3, 7. 70. 42, 8. 27. 80); horses of the Gāndhāra country once referred to as Gāndhāraka (9. 27. 43); the country once referred to as Gāndhāradeśa (2. 47. 8) and twice as Gāndhāraviṣaya (14. 84. 18; 14. 86. 3).

A. Location: Listed by Saṁjaya among the northern Janapadas (also called Deśas 6. 10. 68) of the Bhāratavarṣa (ata ūrdhvaṁ janapadān nibodha gadato mama) 6. 10. 37, 5; (gāndhārā darśakās tathā) 6. 10. 52; (uttarāpathajanmānaḥ kīrtayiṣyāmi tān api/yaunakāmbojagāndhārāḥ) 12. 200. 40; the Aśvamedha horse went to the Gāndhāraviṣaya from Pañcanada (tataḥ pañcanadaṁ yayau//tasmād api sa kauravya gāndhāraviṣayaṁ hayaḥ/ vicacāra) 14. 84. 17-18.

B. Famous for horses: Gāndhāra horses were offered as tribute for the Rājasūya (hayān gāndharadeśajān) 2. 47. 8.

C. Characteristics of the people and their warriors:

(1) People: Living on mountains (pārvatīyaiḥ…gāndhāraiḥ) 6. 20. 8; according to Karṇa, there was no purity among Gāndhārakas (nāsti…śaucaṁ gāndhārakeṣu ca) 8. 27. 80; a Brāhmaṇa once told the Kuru assembly that among the Gāndhāras a family had only one Brāhmaṇa, the rest were imprudent who behaved as they liked (bhavaty ekaḥ kule vipraḥ śiṣṭānye kāmacāriṇaḥ/gāndhārā …ke 'py acetasaḥ//) 8. 30. 55; according to Bhīṣma, Gāndhāras did not believe in Bhūtapati as the adhyakṣa of the world; they were sinful; they wandered over the earth and lived like dogs, crows, balas (?) and vultures; they did not exist in the kṛtayuga, but were met with since the tretāyuga; (niradhyakṣāṁs tu…ºgāndhārāḥ//ete pāpakṛtas tāta caranti pṛthivīm imām/śvakākabalagṛdhrāṇāṁ sadharmāṇo narādhipa//nlite kṛtayuge tāta caranti pṛthivīm imām/tretāprabhṛti vartante te janā bharatarṣabha//) 12. 200. 38, 40-42;

(2) Warriors: Great chariot-fighters (mahāratha), horseriders (sādin), controlled (yatta), using armours (varmin) and fighting with lances which were shaped like a claw and were polished (prāsapāṇi) 7. 63. 16, (nakharaprāsayodhin) 12. 102. 3, (vimalaprāsayodhin) 7. 6. 3; they also used bows and arrows, śaktis and swords (cāpaśaktiśarāsi) 7. 70. 42; arrogant while fighting (yuddhadurmada) 6. 86. 26; very strong (atibala) 8. 5. 18; very difficult to be conquered (sudurjaya) 8. 57. 31; (durjaya) 8. 5. 18.

D. Epic events:

(1) Kṛṣṇa once quickly overpowered Gāndhāras and released the captive king Sudarśanīya 5. 47. 69 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 5. 48. 75: sudarśanaṁ nāma rājānam);

(2) Bhīṣma reminded Karṇa that he had formerly defeated Gāndhāras and made them subservient to Duryodhana (gāndhārāś ca jitās tvayā…duryodhanasya vaśagāḥ kṛtāḥ karṇa tvayā purā) 7. 4. 5-6; Karṇa had defeated Gāndhāras, very strong and difficult to win, and made them pay tribute (yo jitvā samare vīraś cakre balibhṛtaḥ purā) 8. 5. 18, 20; 8. 57. 31 (a reference to Karṇa's conquest of earth before the Vaiṣṇava sacrifice of Duryodhana ? See 3. 241. 32 and Appendix I, No. 24, pp. 1078-1080);

(3) In the Sabhā of Kauravas, Śakuni and his son were protected by Gāndhāras 5. 92. 49;

(4) On the first day of war, in the Kaurava vyūha, Śakuni with his Gāndhāra warriors, living on mountains, offered protection to Duryodhana (pārvatīyaiḥ sārdhaṁ gāndhāraiḥ pāti) 6. 20. 8; the same day, five Kekaya brothers fought with five Gāndhāra warriors with their respective armies (sasainyās te sasainyāṁś ca) 6. 43. 73;

(5) On the second day, Gāndhāras and others protected Droṇa in the Mahāvyūha (6. 47. 10) of Kauravas 6. 47. 14;

(6) On the third day, the large army of Gāndhāras, led by Śakuni, engaged Sātyaki and Abhimanyu in a battle 6. 54. 6;

(7) On the fifth day, the king of Kaliṅgas (Śrutāyus) was surrounded by Gāndhāras and others 6. 67. 13;

(8) On the eighth day, war-arrogant Gāndhāras desirous of heaven or victory, broke the front line of the army of Irāvant and entered it (tadanīkaṁ bhittvā…balena mahatā yuktāḥ svargāya vijayaiṣiṇaḥ/ viviśus te tadā hṛṣṭā gāndhārā yuddhadurmadāḥ//) 6. 86. 26;

(9) On the eleventh day, Śakuni with his excellent Gāndhāraka warriors riding on horsebacks, occupied the extreme end (prapakṣa) of the right side (dakṣina pārśva 7. 6. 2) of the Śakaṭavyūha (7. 6. 15) of Kauravas 7. 6. 3;

(10) On the twelfth day, Gāndhāras, led by Śakuni, stood at the rear (pṛṣṭha) of the Suparṇavyūha (7. 19. 4) of Kauravas 7. 19. 11; Arjuna bewildered (vyākulāṁś cakre) with his arrows Gāndhāra warriors led by Śakuni's sons Vṛṣaka and Acala and killed five hundred of them 7. 29. 5-6;

(11) On the thirteenth day, Abhimanyu killed seventyseven Gāndhāra warriors who followed Kālakeya (Subala's son) 7. 48. 7;

(12) On the fourteenth day, Jayadratha, along with Gāndhāras riding on horsebacks and holding lances in hand, left to occupy the place (fixed for him) in the Vyūha 7. 63. 16; Śakuni, with his army of seven hundred Gāndhāra warriors fighting with arrows, śaktis and swords (cāpaśaktiśarāsibhiḥ), checked the advance of the son of Mādrī (mādrīputram avārayat) 7. 70. 42;

(13) On the eighteenth day, Pāñcāla and Pāṇḍava warriors (9. 18. 13) felt that seeing Gāndhāras (and others) killed all around (gāndhāreṣu ca sarvaśaḥ), Duryodhana would realize the prowess of Pāṇḍavas and other heroes on their side 9. 18. 22-25; Sahadeva attacked Śakuni who was covered from behind by Gāndhāraka warriors riding horses (gāndhārakair guptam prṣṭhair aśvaiḥ… saubalam) 9. 27. 43; Kṛṣṇa reminded Bhīma that Gāndhāras who had attacked him were killed by him (gāndhārāḥ…/ tvām āsādya mahāyuddhe nihatāḥ pāṇḍunandana) 9. 32. 22;

(14) Gāndhrī pointed out to Kṛṣṇa that Gāndhāra women (gāndhāraº ºstriyaḥ) and other women kept watch on the body of fallen Jayadratha 11. 22. 11;

(15) The horse of the horse-sacrifice went to the Gāndhāra country (gāndhāraviṣaya) when Arjuna had to fight a fierce battle with the then king of Gāndhāra (gāndhārarājena), the son of Śakuni, the great chariotwarrior of the Gāndhāras (gāndhārāṇāṁ mahārathaḥ); Gāndhāra warriors (yodhāḥ), not forgiving Śakuni's death in the war, opposed Arjuna; Arjuna tried to dissuade them from fighting, but when they did not listen to him he fought with them; the Gāndhāra warriors struck Arjuna, but he felled down their heads; when Gāndhāras were being killed all around, Śakuni's son opposed Arjuna; all Gāndhāra warriors were wonderstruck when Arjuna removed the headgear of Śakuni's son; they knew that Arjuna did not wish to kill Śakuni's son 14. 84. 18-19; 14. 85. 1-3, 7-8, 12; war with Gāndhāra warriors described in 14. 85. 14-17; Yudhiṣṭhira was delighted to hear Arjuna's victory in the Gāndhāra country (gāndhāraviṣaye) 14. 86. 3;

(16) Kṛṣṇa had once defeated Gāndhāras 16. 7. 10 (same event as no. 1 ?).

E. Past event: Māndhātṛ asked Indra what was the dharma of Gāndhāras and others who lived like Dasyus and how they could be controlled by kings like him (kathaṁ dharmaṁ careyus te…madvidhaiś ca kathaṁ sthāpyāḥ sarve te dasyujīvinaḥ) 12. 65. 13, 15; Indra thereupon told him what the duties of Dasyus were 12. 65. 17-21.

F. Certain persons designated as king, prince, or chief of Gāndhāras:

(1) gāndhārapati: Śakuni 8. 62. 50, (2) gāndhāramukhya: Acala and Vṛṣala (both sons of Subala) 5. 165. 1-2;

(3) gāndhārarāj: Śakuni 7. 36. 24;

(4) gāndhārarāja: Śakuni 1. 1. 100; 3. 227. 21; 3. 297. 5; 5. 2. 5; 5. 29. 39; 5. 30. 27; 5. 92. 49; 5. 196. 7; 6. 20. 8; 7. 29. 2; 7. 33. 20; 7. 165. 75; 8. 4. 96; 8. 53. 6; 9. 22. 28, 29; 11. 24. 21; Śakuni's father (not named) 1. 103. 14; 5. 2. 9; 7. 10. 10; 9. 17. 18; 9. 22. 24; Śakuni's son (not named 14. 84. 19; 14. 85. 18; Subala 1. 103. 10; 7. 10. 10; 7. 29. 2;

(5) gāndhārarājaputra: Śakuni 1. 57. 94; Śakuni's son (not named) 14. 85. 13;

(6) gāndhārarājasya putraḥ: Śakuni 1. 103. 14; 9. 17. 18; 9. 22. 24;

(7) gāndhārarājasya jananī (not named) 14. 85. 18;

(8) gāndhārarājasya sutaḥ: Śakuni 5. 2. 9; gāndhārarājasya sutau: Vṛṣaka and Acala 7. 29. 2;

(9) gāndhārarājasya sutā: Gāndhārī (one of Kṛṣṇa's wives) 7. 10. 10;

(10) gāndhārāṇāṁ mahārathaḥ: Śakuni's son (not named) 14. 85. 1;

(11) gāndhārāṇāṁ yaśohara (voc.): Śakuni 2. 68. 39;

(12) gāndhārādhipati: A certain king (not named), born in the lineage of Soma (somakulotpanna) 3. 126. 40.

*3rd word in left half of page p721_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Vedic Index of Names and Subjects[सम्पाद्यताम्]

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Gāndhāra, ‘a king of Gandhāra’ named Nagnajit, is mentioned in the Aitareya Brāhmaṇa.[१] In the Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa[२] he or some descendant figures as Svarjit Nāgnajita or Nagnajit, and as giving an opinion on the ritual, which is rejected with the observation that the author was merely a princely person (rājanya-bandhu).

  1. vii. 34. in the list of teachers who handed down the knowledge of the substitute for Soma.
  2. viii. 1, 4, 10.
"https://sa.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=गान्धार&oldid=499268" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्