
विकिशब्दकोशः तः



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

मन्धातृ [mandhātṛ], m. Ved.

An intelligent man.

A devout or pious man.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

मन्धातृ m. (fr. मन्= मनस्+ धातृ)a thoughtful or pious man RV. ( accord. to Naigh. = मेधा-विन्; accord. to Sa1y. mostly a proper N.)

मन्धातृ m. N. of a man A1s3vS3r. (also w.r. for मान्धातृSee. )

Vedic Index of Names and Subjects[सम्पाद्यताम्]

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

1. Mandhātṛ occurs in several passages of the Rigveda,[१] in all of which Roth[२] takes the word as merely an adjective used substantively, ‘the pious man.’ In one passage[३] the word, being applied to Agni, is thus used, but in another[४] Mandhātṛvat being parallel with Aṅgirasvat, ‘like Aṅgiras,’ is naturally to be understood as a proper name, which is probably also the sense of the word in the preceding hymn.[५] A different Mandhātṛ[६] may be meant in the first Maṇḍala,[६] where he is mentioned as a protégé of the Aśvins, and evidently as a king. To equate these persons, and make a Rājarṣi out of Mandhātṛ, as Ludwig[७] and Griffith[८] do, is unnecessary and improbable.

  1. i. 112, 13;
    viii. 39, 8;
    40, 12;
    x. 2, 2.
  2. St. Petersburg Dictionary, s.v.
  3. Rv. x. 2, 2.
  4. Rv. viii. 40, 12.
  5. Rv. viii. 39, 8.
  6. ६.० ६.१ Rv. i. 112, 13.
  7. Translation of the Rigveda, 3, 107. where he attributes Rv. viii. 39-42 to him as a Nābhāka, ‘descendant of Nabhāka.
  8. Hymns of the Rigveda, 1, 147.
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