पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
विराटनगर/ विराट--नगर n. the city of the विराटs MBh. (See. Pa1n2. 6-2 , 89 Sch. )
Purana Encyclopedia
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Virāṭanagara : nt.: Name of a city, the seat of the Matsya kingdom of Virāṭa; once the name occurs as Virāṭa, short for Virāṭanagara (?) 4. 1. 23; also Virāṭarāṣṭra appears for Vlrāṭanagara 1. 1. 114, (4. 1. 16).
A. Description:
(1) When the victory of Uttara was announced Virāṭa ordered that the main roads (of the town) be decorated with banners (rājamārgāḥ kriyantāṁ me patākābhir alaṁkṛtāḥ) 4. 63. 23;
(2) The town of Matsyarāja shone as in a great festival and was filled with delighted and well nourished people (tan mahotsavasaṁkāśaṁ hṛṣṭapuṣṭajanāvṛtam/nagaraṁ matsyarājasya śuśubhe//) 4. 67. 38;
(3) The city is referred to as (i) nagara (besides in the name Virāṭanagara) 1. 2. 13; 4. 67. 38; 5. 63. 15: as (ii) pura 4. 29. 10; 4. 32. 48, 49, 50 (virāṭasya purābhyāśe); 4. 66. 21; as (iii) rāṣṭra (dhanaṁjayena…virāṭarāṣṭre vasatā) 1. 1. 114; (rāṣṭre…virāṭanṛpateḥ) 4. 1. 16.
B. Epic event:
(1) Dharma comforted Yudhiṣṭhira by telling him that the Pāṇḍavas, by his grace, would be able to live concealed, unknown to others, in the Virāṭanagara during the thirteenth year of their exile (virāṭanagare gūḍhā avijñātāś cariṣyatha) 3. 298. 15, 18;
(2) Janamejaya asked Vaiśaṁpāyana how his greatgrandfathers lived during their ajñātavāsa in Virāṭanagara (kathaṁ virāṭanagare… ajñātavāsam uṣitāḥ) 4. 1. 1;
(3) Yudhiṣṭhira suggested to the Pāṇḍavas to live in Virāṭanagara serving Virāṭa (virāṭanagare …kurvantas tasya karmāṇi) 4. 1. 14;
(4) Arjuna asked Yudhiṣṭhira what kind of work he would do for Virāṭa while living in his rāṣṭra (kaṭhaṁ karma rāṣṭre tasya, kariṣyasi/virāṭanṛpateḥ) 4. 1. 16; (rāṣṭre, however, may mean here ‘kingdom’);
(5) Bhīma was asked how he would amuse himself in Virāṭa (nagara) (vṛkodara virāṭe tvaṁ raṁsyase kena karmaṇā) 4. 1. 23;
(6) Nakula told his brothers that he would tell the people of Virāṭanagara that his name was Granthika and that he was expert in horse-training (ye mām āmantrayiṣyanti virāṭanagare janāḥ/tebhya evaṁ pravakṣyāmi) 4. 3. 2-4;
(7) After reaching Virāṭanagara, where the Pāṇḍavas lived in disguise, they hid their arms on a large Śamī tree in the cremation ground (virāṭanagaraṁ gatvā śmaśāne vipulāṁ śamīm/dṛṣṭvā saṁnidadhus tatra pāṇḍavā āyudhāny uta// yatra praviśya nagaraṁ chadmabhir nyavasanta te) 1. 2. 130-131;
(8) Suśarman of the Trigartas proposed to the Kauravas to oppress the town (of Virāṭa) and carry away his thousands of cows (pratipīḍya puraṁ balāt) 4. 29. 10; Duryodhana suggested that first Suśarsman should rush on Virāṭanagara and capture the cows (te yātvā virāṭanagaraṁ prati) 4. 29. 25;
(9) When Suśarman carried away the cows of Virāṭa, the chief cowherd went to the town and reported the raid to Virāṭa (gopāḥ puram athāvrajat) 4. 30. 4; the Matsya army, led by Virāṭa, came out of the town to fight with the Trigartas (niryāya nagarāt) 4. 31. 1; when Virāṭa, with the help of the Pāṇḍavas, defeated Suśarman and his army he ordered his messengers to go to the town and declare his victory (ācakṣadhvaṁ puraṁ gatvā saṁgrāme vijayaṁ mama); he wanted the princes, the courtesans and the players on musical instruments to come out of his town to meet him (paryāgacchantu me purāt) 4. 32. 48-49; accordingly the messengers went at sunrise to the town of Virāṭa and declared the king's victory (virāṭasya purābhyāśe) 4. 32. 50; after defeating the Trigartas, Virāṭa entered the town with the Pāṇḍavas (virāṭaḥ…prāviśan nagaram) 4. 63. 1;
(10) After the defeat of the Kauravas, Arjuna told Uttara that they both would return to Virāṭanagara in the afternoon (tato 'parāṇhe yāsyāmo virāṭanagaraṁ prati) 4. 62. 9;
(11) The messengers sent by Uttara reached Virāṭanagara and announced his victory 4. 63. 17;
(12) Virāṭa, delighted to know the identity of the Pāṇḍavas, offered to Yudhiṣṭhira his whole kingdom, with the army, treasury, and the town (rājyaṁ ca sarvaṁ visasarja tasmai sadaṇḍakośaṁ sapuraṁ mahātmā) 4. 66. 21;
(13) The town of the Matsya king, full of delighted and nourished people, shone as in a great festival (tan mahotsavasaṁkāśaṁ hṛṣṭapuṣṭajanāvṛtam/nagaraṁ matsyarājasya śuśubhe) 4. 67. 38;
(14) The Pāṇḍavas' stay in Virāṭanagara was like their entering another womb (virāṭanagare yonyantaragatair iva) 5. 20. 11; 9. 55. 30; (cf. 4. 66. 10);
(15) Arjuna's defeating the Kauravas single-handed when he lived in Virāṭanagara is referred to on various occasions: (i) by Dhṛtarāṣṭra (dhanaṁjayenaikarathena bhagnān/virāṭarāṣṭre vasatā) 1. 1. 114 (virāṭarāṣṭra however, may mean here kingdom of virāṭa); (ii) by Vāsudeva in his message to Dhṛtarāṣṭra through Saṁjaya 5. 58. 26-27; (iii) by Dhṛtarāṣṭra while speaking to Duryodhana 5. 63. 14, 15 (tasmin nagare); (iv) by Kṛṣṇa while speaking to Duryodhana 5. 122. 53; (v) by Bhīṣma and Droṇa while reminding Duryodhana of the past incident 5. 136. 6; (vi) by Bhīṣma once again while replying to Duryodhana (the stanzas also refer to the depriving of the Kaurava heroes of their upper garments) 6. 94. 8-9; (vii) by Kṛpa while reminding Karṇa 7. 133. 17; (viii) by Śalya when he asked Karṇa why he did not kill Arjuna at Virāṭanagara although he then enjoyed the protection of Bhīṣma, Droṇa and others 8. 28. 56;
(16) Arjuna's stay at Virāṭanagara as Bṛhannaḍā wearing a braid mentioned by Ulūka while delivering Duryodhana's message to the Pāṇḍavas (dhṛtā hi veṇī pārthena virāṭanagare tadā) 5. 158. 31;
(17) The enmity formed by the five Trigarta brothers with Arjuna at Virāṭanagara (based on the incident of the cow-raid) referred to by Bhīṣma while giving his estimate of the heroes (trigartā bhrātaraḥ pañca…/kṛtavairāś ca pārthena virāṭanagare tadā) 5. 163. 9;
(18) When Bhīṣma routed the army of the Pāṇḍavas, Kṛṣṇa reminded Arjuna of his declaration at Virāṭanagara that he would kill Bhīṣma, Droṇa and others in the battle (yat purā kathitaṁ vīra tvayā…virāṭanagare) 6. 102. 32;
(19) Facing Karṇa in the battle, Bhīma remembered the grief they had suffered at Virāṭanagara (virāṭanagare… prāptaṁ duḥkham) 7. 107. 9; he remembered the same when he faced Duryodhana (duḥkhaṁ ca yat prāptam…virāṭanagare caiva) 9. 55. 30;
(20) Karṇa admitted Bhīma's strength of arms exhibited by him in killing Kīcaka and his followers at Virāṭanagara (virāṭanagare tadā/…kevalaṁ bāhusaṁśrayat…kīcakaḥ sagaṇo hataḥ) 8. 34. 19; the same incident referred to by Draupadī when she exhorted Bhīma to kill Aśvatthāman 10. 11. 24.
*2nd word in right half of page p566_mci (+offset) in original book.
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Mahabharata Cultural Index
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Virāṭanagara : nt.: Name of a city, the seat of the Matsya kingdom of Virāṭa; once the name occurs as Virāṭa, short for Virāṭanagara (?) 4. 1. 23; also Virāṭarāṣṭra appears for Vlrāṭanagara 1. 1. 114, (4. 1. 16).
A. Description:
(1) When the victory of Uttara was announced Virāṭa ordered that the main roads (of the town) be decorated with banners (rājamārgāḥ kriyantāṁ me patākābhir alaṁkṛtāḥ) 4. 63. 23;
(2) The town of Matsyarāja shone as in a great festival and was filled with delighted and well nourished people (tan mahotsavasaṁkāśaṁ hṛṣṭapuṣṭajanāvṛtam/nagaraṁ matsyarājasya śuśubhe//) 4. 67. 38;
(3) The city is referred to as (i) nagara (besides in the name Virāṭanagara) 1. 2. 13; 4. 67. 38; 5. 63. 15: as (ii) pura 4. 29. 10; 4. 32. 48, 49, 50 (virāṭasya purābhyāśe); 4. 66. 21; as (iii) rāṣṭra (dhanaṁjayena…virāṭarāṣṭre vasatā) 1. 1. 114; (rāṣṭre…virāṭanṛpateḥ) 4. 1. 16.
B. Epic event:
(1) Dharma comforted Yudhiṣṭhira by telling him that the Pāṇḍavas, by his grace, would be able to live concealed, unknown to others, in the Virāṭanagara during the thirteenth year of their exile (virāṭanagare gūḍhā avijñātāś cariṣyatha) 3. 298. 15, 18;
(2) Janamejaya asked Vaiśaṁpāyana how his greatgrandfathers lived during their ajñātavāsa in Virāṭanagara (kathaṁ virāṭanagare… ajñātavāsam uṣitāḥ) 4. 1. 1;
(3) Yudhiṣṭhira suggested to the Pāṇḍavas to live in Virāṭanagara serving Virāṭa (virāṭanagare …kurvantas tasya karmāṇi) 4. 1. 14;
(4) Arjuna asked Yudhiṣṭhira what kind of work he would do for Virāṭa while living in his rāṣṭra (kaṭhaṁ karma rāṣṭre tasya, kariṣyasi/virāṭanṛpateḥ) 4. 1. 16; (rāṣṭre, however, may mean here ‘kingdom’);
(5) Bhīma was asked how he would amuse himself in Virāṭa (nagara) (vṛkodara virāṭe tvaṁ raṁsyase kena karmaṇā) 4. 1. 23;
(6) Nakula told his brothers that he would tell the people of Virāṭanagara that his name was Granthika and that he was expert in horse-training (ye mām āmantrayiṣyanti virāṭanagare janāḥ/tebhya evaṁ pravakṣyāmi) 4. 3. 2-4;
(7) After reaching Virāṭanagara, where the Pāṇḍavas lived in disguise, they hid their arms on a large Śamī tree in the cremation ground (virāṭanagaraṁ gatvā śmaśāne vipulāṁ śamīm/dṛṣṭvā saṁnidadhus tatra pāṇḍavā āyudhāny uta// yatra praviśya nagaraṁ chadmabhir nyavasanta te) 1. 2. 130-131;
(8) Suśarman of the Trigartas proposed to the Kauravas to oppress the town (of Virāṭa) and carry away his thousands of cows (pratipīḍya puraṁ balāt) 4. 29. 10; Duryodhana suggested that first Suśarsman should rush on Virāṭanagara and capture the cows (te yātvā virāṭanagaraṁ prati) 4. 29. 25;
(9) When Suśarman carried away the cows of Virāṭa, the chief cowherd went to the town and reported the raid to Virāṭa (gopāḥ puram athāvrajat) 4. 30. 4; the Matsya army, led by Virāṭa, came out of the town to fight with the Trigartas (niryāya nagarāt) 4. 31. 1; when Virāṭa, with the help of the Pāṇḍavas, defeated Suśarman and his army he ordered his messengers to go to the town and declare his victory (ācakṣadhvaṁ puraṁ gatvā saṁgrāme vijayaṁ mama); he wanted the princes, the courtesans and the players on musical instruments to come out of his town to meet him (paryāgacchantu me purāt) 4. 32. 48-49; accordingly the messengers went at sunrise to the town of Virāṭa and declared the king's victory (virāṭasya purābhyāśe) 4. 32. 50; after defeating the Trigartas, Virāṭa entered the town with the Pāṇḍavas (virāṭaḥ…prāviśan nagaram) 4. 63. 1;
(10) After the defeat of the Kauravas, Arjuna told Uttara that they both would return to Virāṭanagara in the afternoon (tato 'parāṇhe yāsyāmo virāṭanagaraṁ prati) 4. 62. 9;
(11) The messengers sent by Uttara reached Virāṭanagara and announced his victory 4. 63. 17;
(12) Virāṭa, delighted to know the identity of the Pāṇḍavas, offered to Yudhiṣṭhira his whole kingdom, with the army, treasury, and the town (rājyaṁ ca sarvaṁ visasarja tasmai sadaṇḍakośaṁ sapuraṁ mahātmā) 4. 66. 21;
(13) The town of the Matsya king, full of delighted and nourished people, shone as in a great festival (tan mahotsavasaṁkāśaṁ hṛṣṭapuṣṭajanāvṛtam/nagaraṁ matsyarājasya śuśubhe) 4. 67. 38;
(14) The Pāṇḍavas' stay in Virāṭanagara was like their entering another womb (virāṭanagare yonyantaragatair iva) 5. 20. 11; 9. 55. 30; (cf. 4. 66. 10);
(15) Arjuna's defeating the Kauravas single-handed when he lived in Virāṭanagara is referred to on various occasions: (i) by Dhṛtarāṣṭra (dhanaṁjayenaikarathena bhagnān/virāṭarāṣṭre vasatā) 1. 1. 114 (virāṭarāṣṭra however, may mean here kingdom of virāṭa); (ii) by Vāsudeva in his message to Dhṛtarāṣṭra through Saṁjaya 5. 58. 26-27; (iii) by Dhṛtarāṣṭra while speaking to Duryodhana 5. 63. 14, 15 (tasmin nagare); (iv) by Kṛṣṇa while speaking to Duryodhana 5. 122. 53; (v) by Bhīṣma and Droṇa while reminding Duryodhana of the past incident 5. 136. 6; (vi) by Bhīṣma once again while replying to Duryodhana (the stanzas also refer to the depriving of the Kaurava heroes of their upper garments) 6. 94. 8-9; (vii) by Kṛpa while reminding Karṇa 7. 133. 17; (viii) by Śalya when he asked Karṇa why he did not kill Arjuna at Virāṭanagara although he then enjoyed the protection of Bhīṣma, Droṇa and others 8. 28. 56;
(16) Arjuna's stay at Virāṭanagara as Bṛhannaḍā wearing a braid mentioned by Ulūka while delivering Duryodhana's message to the Pāṇḍavas (dhṛtā hi veṇī pārthena virāṭanagare tadā) 5. 158. 31;
(17) The enmity formed by the five Trigarta brothers with Arjuna at Virāṭanagara (based on the incident of the cow-raid) referred to by Bhīṣma while giving his estimate of the heroes (trigartā bhrātaraḥ pañca…/kṛtavairāś ca pārthena virāṭanagare tadā) 5. 163. 9;
(18) When Bhīṣma routed the army of the Pāṇḍavas, Kṛṣṇa reminded Arjuna of his declaration at Virāṭanagara that he would kill Bhīṣma, Droṇa and others in the battle (yat purā kathitaṁ vīra tvayā…virāṭanagare) 6. 102. 32;
(19) Facing Karṇa in the battle, Bhīma remembered the grief they had suffered at Virāṭanagara (virāṭanagare… prāptaṁ duḥkham) 7. 107. 9; he remembered the same when he faced Duryodhana (duḥkhaṁ ca yat prāptam…virāṭanagare caiva) 9. 55. 30;
(20) Karṇa admitted Bhīma's strength of arms exhibited by him in killing Kīcaka and his followers at Virāṭanagara (virāṭanagare tadā/…kevalaṁ bāhusaṁśrayat…kīcakaḥ sagaṇo hataḥ) 8. 34. 19; the same incident referred to by Draupadī when she exhorted Bhīma to kill Aśvatthāman 10. 11. 24.
*2nd word in right half of page p566_mci (+offset) in original book.
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