सामग्री पर जाएँ

संस्कृत-आङ्लभाषा कोशः (विद्यासागरेणकृतः)/भाग-१

विकिशब्दकोशः तः

  •  :: The first letter of the alphabet, and inherent short vowel.
  •  :: ind. 1. NO, not. 2. A private, prohibitive, and diminutive particle. 3. An interjection of pity. It also implies degrees of difference, and similarity. As a negative prefix to words beginning with a vowel, अ is changed to अन्, as अ and अन्त form अनन्त .
  •  :: m. (अः) A name of VISHṆU.
  • अऋणिन् :: mfn. (-णी -णिणी -णि) Free from debt or obligation; also अऋणिन् E. अ neg. ऋणिन् a debtor.
  • अंश :: r. 10th cl. (अंशयति) To separate or divide. See अंस .
  • अंश :: m. (-शः) 1. A share or portion. 2. A part. 3. A shoulder, the shoulder blade. 4. (In arithmetic) a fraction. 5. The nume- rator of a fraction. 6 A degree of latitude or longitude, &c. See अंस . E. अंश to divide, अच् affix.
  • अंशक :: m. (-कः) A kinsman, a relation, a co-heir. n. (-कं) A day. E. अंश to separate or divide, and वुन् affix.
  • अंशभाज् :: mfn. (भाक्) An heir, a co-heir, one who has a share or portion. E. अंश and भाज् who possesses.
  • अंशन :: n. (-नं) Dividing, sharing. E. अंश and युच् aff.
  • अंशनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be divided, divisible. E. अंश and. अनीयर aff.
  • अंशमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Dividing, sharing. E. अंश and शानच् aff
  • अंशयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यती -यत्) Dividing, sharing. E. अंश and यति affix.
  • अंशयितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Divisible, to be divided. E. अंश and तव्य aff.
  • अंशयितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Dividing, sharing. E. अंश and शतृ aff.
  • अंशल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Strong, stout, lusty. See अंसल .
  • अंशहर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री -रं) A sharer, a divider, a co-heir. E. अंश and हर who takes.
  • अंशहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) A sharer, a co-heir. E. अंश and हारिन् who takes.
  • अंशांश :: m. (-शः) Part of a portion or share. E. अंश repeated.
  • अंशांशि :: ind. Share by share. E. अंश repeated and इ aff.
  • अंशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Divided, portioned, shared. E. अंश and क्त aff.
  • अंशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) A sharer, a coheir. E. अंश and इनि poss. aff.
  • अंश्य :: mfn. (-श्यः -श्या -श्यं) Divisible, to be shared or divided. E. अंश and यत् aff.
  • अंशु :: m. (-शुः) 1. A ray of light, a sun-beam. 2. Light, splendor, effulgence. 3. Dress, decoration. 4. A small filament or end of thread. 5. The sun. 6. A minute particle or atom. E. अंश to divide, कु aff.
  • अंशुक :: n. (-कं) 1. Fine cloth, muslin. 2. A mantle, a wrapper, a robe, a linen garment worn round the upper part of the body. 3. Cloth in general. 4 White cloth, 5. A leaf. E. अंश and कन् added.
  • अंशुजाल :: n. (-लं) 1. A collection or blaze of light. 2. A parcel or pencil of rays. E. अंशु and जाल a net.
  • अंशुधर :: m. (-रः) The sun. E. अंशु and धर who holds.
  • अंशुभर्तृ :: m. (-र्त्ता) The sun. E. अंशु and भर्तृ lord.
  • अंशुमत् :: mfn. (-मान -मती -मत्) 1. Radiant, luminous. 2. Acuminated, pointed. m. (-मान्) 1. The sun. 2. A prince of the solar race, son of ASAMANJAS, grandson of SĀGARA. (-ती) A plant, (Hedysarum Gangeticum.) E. अंशु and मतुप् poss. aff.
  • अंशुमत्फला :: f. (-ला) The plantain, (Musa paradisiaca.) E. अंशुमत् and फल fruit.
  • अंशुमाला :: f. (-ला) A garland of light, a halo. E. अंशु and माला a garland.
  • अंशुमालिन् :: m. (-ली) The sun. E. अंशुमाला and इनि aff.
  • अंशुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Radiant, splendid. E. अंशु and लच् aff.
  • अंशुबाण :: m. (-णः) The sun. E. अंशु and बाण an arrow.
  • अंशुहस्त :: m. (-लः) The sun. E. अंशु and हल the hand.
  • अंस :: r. 10th cl. (-अंसयति) To separate or divide; also written अंश .
  • अंस :: m. (-सः) 1. A shoulder, a scapula. 2. A part, a portion. E. अंस to divide, अच् aff. it is also written अंश .
  • अंसकूट :: m. (-टः) A bull's hump, the protuberance between the shoul- ders of the Indian ox. E. अंस the shoulder, and कूट a peak.
  • अंसल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Strong, stout, lusty. E. अंस the shoulder, and लच् aff. also written अंशल .
  • अंहति :: f. (-तिः) 1. A gift, a donation. 2. Sickness, disease. 3. Leaving, abandoning. 4. A gift. E. अहि to go, क्तिन् affix or अंह for हन to kill, and अति Unadi aff.
  • अंहती :: f. (-ती) A gift or donation. E. See अंहति, इ being made long.
  • अंहस् :: n. (-हः) Sin. See अङ्घस् . E. अम to go, and the Unadi affix. असुन् .
  • अंहिति :: f. (-तिः) A gift or donation. E. See अंहति, इट् being inserted.
  • अंह्रि :: m. (-ह्रिः) 1. A foot. 2. The root of a tree. E. अहि to go, and क्रिण् Unadi affix: also अङ्घ्रि .
  • अंह्रिप :: m. (-पः) A tree. E. अंह्रि the root, and प from पा to drink.
  • अंह्रिस्कन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) The heel. E. अंह्रि the foot, and स्कन्ध the shoulder.
  • अक :: r. 1st. cl. (अकति) 1. To wind or move tortuously. With an in- dicatory इ . अकि (अंकते) 1. To mark or bespot. 2. To go. See अङ्क .
  • अक :: m. (-कः) 1. Moving tortuously. 2. One who goes crookedly. 3. Pain, affliction. 4. Sin. E. अ priv. and क happiness, or अक to move crookedly, aff. अच् .
  • अकच :: m. (-चः) Name of KETU, the dragon's tail, or descending node. mfn. (-चः -चा -चं) Bald, destitute of hair. E. अ priv. and कच hair; this applies to KETU, as the symbol of the asterism is a headless trunk.
  • अकण्टक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Free from thorns, literally or metaphorically. E. अ priv. कण्टक a thorn.
  • अकथ्य :: mfn. (-थ्यः -थ्या -थ्यं) Not to be mentioned or spoken of; also similar forms as अकथनीय &c. E. अ neg. कथ to speak, with the participle affixes यत् अनीयर् &c.
  • अकनिष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) A deified saint according to the Bauddhas. mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Elder, superior. E. अ priv. and कनिष्ठ youngest.
  • अकनिष्ठग :: m. (-ग) A deified saint according to the Bauddhas. E. अकनिष्ठ superior and गम to go affix ड .
  • अकम्पित :: m. (-तः) The name of a Jaina saint, one of the pupils of the last Tirthankara. mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Firm, unshaken, not agitated or trembling. E. अ priv. कपि to tremble; the participial affix क्त . and इट् inserted.
  • अकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. Maimed, handless. 2. Privileged, exempt from tax or duty. 3. One who does not act. E. अ priv. and कर the hand, tax, duty. f. (-रा) Emblic myrobalan, (Phyllanthus emblica.) E. अ priv. and कृञ to injure, अन् affix.
  • अकरणि :: m. (-णिः) Failure, disappointment, (it is used only as an imprecation,) as तस्याकरणिरेवास्तु may he fail. E. अ priv. कृञ to do, and अनि affix.
  • अकरणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Not to be done, improper or impracticable. E. अ neg. करणीय to be done.
  • अकरुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Unfeeling, void of compassion or tenderness. E. अ neg. करुणा tenderness.
  • अकर्क्कश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Soft, not hard. E. अ priv. and कर्क्कश hard.
  • अकर्ण :: mfn. (-र्ण -र्णा -र्णं) Deaf. E. अ priv. and कर्ण the ear.
  • अकर्त्तन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) A dwarf.
  • अकर्त्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Not to be done, improper, impracticable. E. अ neg. कर्त्तव्य to be done.
  • अकर्म्मण्य :: mfn. (-ण्यः -ण्या -ण्यं) Not to be done, improper. E. अ neg. कर्म्मन् act, यत् aff.
  • अकर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्म) 1. Idle, unoccupied, without work. 2. Degraded, no longer performing essential rites. n. (र्म्म) 1. Absence of occupa- tion. 2. Loss or neglect of essential observances. 3. Improper act, crime, offence. E. अ neg. कर्म्मन् act.
  • अकर्म्मकृत् :: mfn. (-कृत्) Free from action, necessary as vital, or essential as religious. E. अ neg. कर्म्म act, कृत् who does.
  • अकल्क :: mfn. (-ल्कः -ल्का -ल्कं) 1. Clear, clean. 2. Pure, sinless. 3. Free from sediment. f. (-ल्का) Moonlight. E. अ priv and कल्क dirt.
  • अकल्कन :: mfn. (न-ना-नं) Humble, not proud, (this word is sometimes written अकल्कलः) E. अ priv. कल्क pride, and न or ल aff.
  • अकल्पित :: mfn. (-तं -ता -तः) Natural, not artificial, not made. E. अ neg. कल्पित made.
  • अकल्मष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Faultless. sinless. E. अ priv. कल्मष sin.
  • अकल्य :: mfn. (-ल्य -ल्या -ल्यं) Sick, diseased. E. अ priv. कल्य well.
  • अकल्याण :: mfn. (-ण -णी -णं) Unlucky, inauspicious. E. अ neg. कल्याण prosperous.
  • अकस्मात् :: ind. 1. Immediately, instantly, presently. 2. Without a cause, without a wherefore. E. अ neg. कस्मात् from what.
  • अकाण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डा -ण्डं) Sudden, unexpected. E. अ neg. काण्ड a stem.
  • अकाण्डजात :: mfn. (-तं -ता -तः) Suddenly born or produced. E. अकाण्ड and जात born.
  • अकाण्डपातजात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Perishing suddenly after birth, dying as soon as born E. अकाण्ड, अनद पात perishing, जात born.
  • अकारण :: n. (-णं) Absence or non-existence of a cause. (Used adverb ally,) Causelessly. E. अ neg. कारण cause.
  • अकारणोत्पन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Born or produced without a cause. E. अकारण and उत्पन्न born.
  • अकार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) Improper not to be done. n. (र्य्यं) An impro- per act. E. अ neg. कार्य्य to be done.
  • अकाल :: m. (-लः) Irregular or unusual, as time or season. E. अ neg. काल time.
  • अकालकुसुम :: n. (मः) A flower budding out of season. E. अकाल and कुमुम a flower.
  • अकालज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Unseasonable, produced out of time or season; also अकालजात, अकालोत्पन्न and similar compounds. E. अकाल with ज or जात &c. born or produced.
  • अकालजलदोदय :: m. (यः) 1. A fog, or mist. 2. Unseasonable gathering of clouds, E. अ priv. and काल time, जलद a cloud, and उदय rising.
  • अकालमेघोदय :: m. (-यः) 1. Unseasonable cloudiness. 2. A fog or mist. E. अकाल with मेघ a cloud, and उदय rising.
  • अकालसह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Impatient, premature, not waiting for the proper season. E. अ neg. कालसह time-enduring.
  • अकिञ्चन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Poor, indigent. E. अ priv. and किञ्चन any thing, something.
  • अकिञ्चनता :: f. (-ता) Voluntary poverty, one of the duties of a Jaina ascetic. E. अकिञ्चन and ता affix.
  • अकिल्विष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Faultless, free from sin. E. अ priv. किल्विष fault.
  • अकीर्त्ति :: f. (र्त्तिः) Infamy, disgrace. E. अ reverse, कीर्त्ति fame.
  • अकुत्सित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unreproached, respectable. E. अ neg. कुत्सित bad.
  • अकुप्य :: n. (-प्यं) Gold or silver. E. अ neg. and कुप्य base metal.
  • अकुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Low, mean, of low family. E. अ neg. कुल family.
  • अकुलीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Low, mean, of low origin or race. E. अ neg. कुलीन of family.
  • अकुशल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Unlucky, inauspicious. 2. Clumsy, not clever. E. अ neg. कुशल lucky, clever.
  • अकूपार :: m. (-रः) 1. The sea or ocean. 2. A tortoise. 3. The king of turtles, the tortoise supposed to uphold the world. 4. A stone or rock. अ neg. कू the earth, and पृ to cherish. or अ neg. कू for कुत्सित contemptible, vile, and पार bank, boundary: there are other etymologies, and वृ being substituted for पृ the word is sometimes written अकूवार .
  • अकूर्च्च :: m. (-र्च्चः) A deified saint, according to the Bauddhas. mfn. (-र्च्चः -र्च्चा -र्च्चं) Void of guile. E. अ priv. and कूर्च्च fraud.
  • अकृत :: mfn. (तः-ता-तं) Undone neglected incomplete. n. (-तं) Any act unperformed. E. अ neg. कृत done.
  • अकृतज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Ungrateful. E. अ neg. कृतज्ञ grateful.
  • अकृतज्ञता :: f. (-ता) Ingratitude. E. ता added to अकृतज्ञ .
  • अकृतज्ञत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Ingratitude. E. त्व added to अकृतज्ञ .
  • अकृतात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Not identified or made one with oneself, especially in a spiritual sense, not one with spirit, or God. E. अकृत unmade, आत्मन् self.
  • अकृतित्व :: n. (त्वं,) Awkwardness, clumsiness, unfitness. E. अकृतिन् and त्व aff.
  • अकृतिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) Awkward, stupid, incapable of or unfit for doing any thing. E. अ neg. कृ to do, इन् aff. and त augment.
  • अकृत्रिम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Natural, inartificial, not made. E. अ neg. कृत्रिम artificial.
  • अकृप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Unmerciful, unkind. E. अ neg. कृपा mercy.
  • अकृपण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Liberal, not miserly. E. अ neg. कृपण miserly.
  • अकृश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) 1. Full, entire. 2. Strong, fierce. E. अ neg. कृश little.
  • अकृष्णकर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्मं) Innocent. E. अ neg. and कृष्णकर्म्मन् guilty.
  • अकेश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Bald, hairless. E. अ neg. केश hair.
  • अकोट :: m. (-टः) The betel-nut tree. (Areca faufel or catechu.) E. अ neg. and कुट to be crooked, because it grows with a straight stem.
  • अकोविद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Stupid, ignorant. E. अ neg. कोविद clever.
  • अक्का :: f. (-क्का) A mother. E. अक pain, कै to sound.
  • अक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Joined, combined. 2. Gone. 3. Spread abroad. 4. Anointed. E. अञ्ज to go. and क्त affix.
  • अक्तु :: f. (क्तुः) Night, (on the authority of the Vedas.) E. अञ्ज to go, and क्तु affix.
  • अक्रम :: m. (मः) Want of order or arrangement, confusion, irregularity. E. अ priv. and क्रम order.
  • अक्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Unpassed, unsurpassed. 2. Unconquered. (-न्तः) The egg-plant. (Solanum melongena.) E. अ neg. and क्रान्त passed.
  • अक्रोध :: m. (-धः) Dispassionateness, restraint of anger, one of the ten duties of an ascetic. mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Dispassionate. E. अ neg. and क्रोध anger.
  • अक्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Inactive, dull, torpid. 2. Abstaining from religious rites. f. (या) Inactivity, neglect of what ought to be done. E. अ neg. क्रिया act.
  • अक्रियत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Inactivity, torpor. त्व added to the preceding. also अक्रियता .
  • अक्रूर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Gentle, not cruel. m. (-रः) The paternal uncle and friend of KRISHNA. E. अ neg. क्रूर cruel.
  • अक्लेद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) 1. Incapable of distress or pain. 2. Unfit to be pained or distressed. E. अ neg. क्लेद्य to be pained.
  • अक्लम :: m. (-मः) Absence of weariness or fatigue. E. अ priv. and क्लम fatigue.
  • अक्लान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Unwearied. E. अ neg. and क्लान्त wearied.
  • अक्लिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Unvexed, not distressed or annoyed. 2. Unwearied indefatigable. E. अ neg. क्लिष्ट wearied.
  • अक्लेश :: m. (-शः) Absence of weariness or vexation. E. अ neg. क्लेश distress.
  • अक्लिका :: f. (-का) The indigo plant. (Indigofera tinctoria.)
  • अक्ष :: r. 1st and 3d cl. (अक्षति अक्ष्णति) 1. To reach or obtain. 2. To pervade. 3. To accumulate.
  • अक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. A die, cubic or oblong, for playing with. 2. Part of a car. 3. A wheel. 4. A car. 5. A snake. 6. Law suit, legal proceedings 7. Sacred knowledge, 8. The soul. 9. A seed of which Rosaries are made, in which sense it occurs mostly in composition, as, Rud- raksha, Indraksha. 10, A Karsha or weight of sixteen mashas. 11. A tree bearing a medicinal fruit. (Terminalia belerica.) 12. A proper name, the son of RAVANA. 13. A name of GADURA. 14. A person born blind. 15. Terrestrial latitude. n. (-क्षं) 1. An organ of sense. 2. Sea, salt. 3. Blue vitriol E. अशु to pervade, Unadi affix स .
  • अक्षक :: m. (-कः) A tree. (Dalbergia Oujeiniensis, Rox.) E. अक्ष Beleric myrobalan, and क affix: from its resembling that plant; or the termination being a pleonastic affix, the word may have all the senses of the preceding: also read अक्षिक .
  • अक्षकर्ण :: n. (-र्णः) 1. The hypotenuse, especially of the triangle formed with the gnomon of a dial and its shadow. 2. (In astronomy.) Argument of the latitude.
  • अक्षत :: n. (-तं) 1. Fried grain, (in this sense it is also used in the mas. plu. (-ताः) 2. A eunuch. 3. Whole grain. f. (-ता) A plant, named also Kankara Sringi. mfn. (-त -ता -तः) 1. Uninjured, unhurt. 2. Whole, unbroken. E. अ neg. and क्षत torn, broken &c.
  • अक्षतयोनि :: f. (-निः) A virgin. E. अक्षत and योनि pudendum.
  • अक्षदर्शक :: m. (-कः) A judge. E. अक्ष a law suit, दर्शक who sees; from दृश to see.
  • अक्षद्यू :: m. (-द्यूः) A gambler, a dicer. E. अक्ष dice and द्यू who plays.
  • अक्षद्यूत :: m. (-तः) A gambler, a dicer. n. (-तं) Gambling. E. अक्ष and द्यूत play or who plays: also अक्षद्यूत् .
  • अक्षद्यूतिक :: n. (-कं) Dispute at play. E. अक्ष and द्यूत with टक् aff.
  • अक्षदृश् :: m. (-दृक्) A judge. E. अक्ष a law suit, and दृश् who sees.
  • अक्षदेविन् :: m. (-वी) A gamester. E. अक्ष a dice, and देविन् a player.
  • अक्षधर :: m. (-रः) A plant, (Trophis aspera.) See साखोट . mfn. (-रः -रा - री-रं) One who holds dice &c. E. अक्ष and धर what holds.
  • अक्षधूर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) A gamester, a gambler. E. अक्ष dice, and धूर्त्त a rogue.
  • अक्षधूर्त्तिल :: m. (-लः) A bull, an ox. E. अक्ष a cart, धूर् its forepart, or धुर् a load, and तिल affix.
  • अक्षपाट :: m. (-टः) An arena, a boxing or wrestling ground; also read अक्षवाट .
  • अक्षपाटक :: m. (-कः) A judge. E. अक्ष law suit, and पाट to arrange affix वुन् ।
  • अक्षपाटिक :: m. (-कः) A judge. E. as before with टक् aff.
  • अक्षपाद :: m. (-दः) A follower of the Nyaya system of philosophy. E. अक्ष contest, and पाद who goes; the Nyaya is the logical school; also आक्षपाद .
  • अक्षभाग :: m. (-गः) A degree of latitude. E. अक्ष and भाग a part.
  • अक्षम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Impatient, intolerant. 2. Unable, incompet- ent, impotent f. (-मा) 1. Impatience, intolerance. 2. Envy, impatience of another's success. 3. Inability, incapacity. E. अ neg. क्षमा patience.
  • अक्षमता :: f. (-ता) Impatience, &c. See the last.
  • अक्षमत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Impatience, &c. See अक्षम .
  • अक्षमाला :: f. (-ला) 1. A rosary, a string of beads, especially of the seeds of the Eleocarpus. 2. The name of ARUNDHATI, wife of VASISHṬ- HA, (from her wearing a rosary.) E. अक्ष a kind of seed or bead, and माला a necklace.
  • अक्षय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Durable, permanent, imperishable. f. (-या) The seventh day of a lunar month, which happens on a Sunday or Monday, and the fourth, which falls on a Wednesday. E. अ neg. and क्ष to waste or decay, aff. अच् .
  • अक्षयता :: f. (-ता) Durability, imperishableness. E. ता added to the preceding.
  • अक्षयतृतीया :: f. (-या) The third day of the lunar half of the month of Vaiśākha. (April-May.) E. अक्षय durable, and तृतीया the third day: the consequences of meritorious actions performed on this day being permanent, as it is the first day of the Satya Yuga or the anniversary of creation.
  • अक्षयत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Imperishableness. E. त्व added to अक्षय .
  • अक्षयलोक :: m. (-कः) Heaven, the imperishable world or region. E. अक्षय and लोक world.
  • अक्षर :: m. (-रः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. A name of VISHNU. n. (-रं) BRAHMA the supreme being, (in this sense it is sometimes mas.) 2. Eternal beatitude, or exemption from further transmigration. 3. Religious austerity. 4. Moral merit. 5. The sky or atmosphere. 6. A letter of the alphabet. 7. A plant. (Achyranthes aspera.) 8. Water (in the dialect of the Vedas.) mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Unal- terable. 2. Unperishable, undecayable. E. अशू to pervade, and सर Unadi affix.
  • अक्षरचञ्च :: m. (ञ्चः) A scribe, a writer. E. अक्षर letter, and चञ्च affix.
  • अक्षरचण :: m. (-णः) A scribe. E. अक्षर a letter, and चण affix.
  • अक्षरचन :: m. (-नः) A scribe. E. See the last word.
  • अक्षरचुञ्चु :: m. (ञ्चुः) A scribe, a writer. See अक्षरचञ्च .
  • अक्षरजननी :: f. (-नी) A pen. E. अक्षर a letter, and जननी a mother.
  • अक्षरजीवक :: m. (-कः) A scribe. E. अक्षर a letter, and जीवक who lives, i. e. who gets a livelihood by letters; also अक्षरजीविक and अक्षरजीविन् .
  • अक्षरतूलिका :: f. (-का) A pen. E. अक्षर a letter, and तूलिका a brush.
  • अक्षरविन्यास :: m. (सः) 1. Scripture, a writing. 2. The alphabet. E. अक्षर a letter, and विन्यास assemblage.
  • अक्षरमुख :: m. (-खः) A scholar, a student. E. अक्षर a letter, and मुख commencement.
  • अक्षरसंस्थान :: n. (-नं) Scripture, a writing. E. अक्षर a letter, and संस्थान placing, collecting.
  • अक्षवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Having a die, &c. f. (-ती) Gaming, playing with dice. E. अक्ष a die, and मतुप् possessive affix.
  • अक्षवाट :: m. (-टः) An amphitheatre for wrestling, the arena of a gymna- sium. E. अक्ष contest, and वाट an enclosure, an area.
  • अक्षविद् :: mfn. (-वित्) Versed in law, or in play. E. अक्ष law or dice, and विद् who knows.
  • अक्षसूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A rosary, a string of eleocarpus seeds so used. E. अक्ष and सूत्र a thread.
  • अक्षांश :: m. (-शः) A degree of latitude. E. अक्ष and अंश a part.
  • अक्षाग्र :: n. (-ग्रं) 1. The fore-part of a car. 2. The axle or bar to which the wheels are attached. E. अक्ष and अग्र fore-part.
  • अक्षाग्रकीलक :: m. (-कः) The pin of the axle of a carriage, the linch-pin, also one at the extremity of the pole. E. अक्ष a cart, अग्र forepart, and कीलक a pin or bolt.
  • अक्षान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) 1. Impatience, intolerance. 2. Envy, impatience of another's superiority or success. E. अ neg. and क्षान्ति sufferance.
  • अक्षारलवण :: n. (-णं) Such food as may be eaten during a season of mourning, religious observance, &c. as cow's milk, ghee, rice, kidney-beans, barley, sesamum, and sea or river salt. E. अ neg क्षार alkali, लवण salt.
  • अक्षि :: n. (-क्षि) The eye. n. अश् to pervade, and सि affix.
  • अक्षिक :: m. (-कः) A tree, (Dalbergia Oujeiniensis.) See also अक्ष .
  • अक्षिकूटक :: n. (-कः) The eye-ball. E. अक्षि the eye, and कूटक a globe or ball.
  • अक्षिगोल :: m. (-लः) The ball or globe of the eye. E. अक्षि and गोल ball.
  • अक्षिगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Hateful, hated, disliked. E. अक्षि the eye, and गत gone,
  • अक्षितारा :: f. (-रा) The pupil of the eye. E. अक्षि and तारा a star.
  • अक्षिपक्ष्मन् :: n. (-क्ष्म) The eye-lash. E. अक्षि and पक्ष्मन् lash.
  • अक्षिपटल :: n. (-लं) A coat of the eye. E. अक्षि and पटल a coat.
  • अक्षिभेषज :: m. (-जः) A tree, (Pale Lodh.) See गालव . n. (-वं) Any medi- cament or collyrium for the eye. E. अक्षि the eye, and भेषज a remedy.
  • अक्षिव :: m. (-वः) A plant. (Morunga.) n. (-वं) Sea-salt. See अक्षीव .
  • अक्षिविकूशित :: n. (-तं) A glance or side look; one with the eye-lids partly closed. E. अक्षि the eye, and कूशित from कूश to contract, with वि prefixed.
  • अक्षीव :: m. (-वः) A plant. (Guilandina or Hyperanthera morunga.) n. (वं) Sea-salt. E. अक्ष to pervade, ईव aff: it is also written अक्षिव and अक्षीव . mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Sober, not intoxicated. E. अ neg. and क्षीव intoxicated.
  • अक्षुण्ण :: mfn. (-ण्णः -ण्णा -ण्णं) 1. Unparted, uncut, not communicated. 2. Inexpert. 3. Unconquered. E. अ neg. क्षुण्ण cut.
  • अक्षुण्णता :: f. (-ता) 1. Entireness, fulness. 2. Want of practice or con- versancy. E. अ neg. क्षुण्णता spareness.
  • अक्षुब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) Unshaken, undisturbed, unagitated. E. अ neg. and क्षुब्ध shaken.
  • अक्षोट :: m. (-टः) 1. A tree, (described as a pilu, growing in the hills.) See पीलुः 2. A walnut. 3. A tree bearing an oily nut, (Aleurites triloba) Also written आक्षोट, E. अक्ष to pervade, and ओट aff.
  • अक्षोड :: m. (-डः) See the preceding word, also आखोड, E. अक्ष to pervade, and ओड aff.
  • अक्षोडक :: m. (-कः) See अक्षोड, E. अक्षोड and कन् aff.
  • अक्षोभ :: m. (-भः) 1. Firmness, absence of agitation. 2. The post to which an elephant is tied. mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Unshaken, unagitated, E. अ priv. क्षोभ shaking.
  • अक्षोभित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unshaken, unagitated, firm. E. अ neg. and क्षोभित shaken.
  • अक्षौहिणी :: f. (-णी) A complete army, consisting of 1, 09, 350 foot, 65, 610 horses, 21, 870 chariots, and 21, 870 elephants. E. अक्ष a carriage, ऊहिणी assemblage.
  • अक्ष्ण :: n. (-क्ष्णं) Time. E. अश to eat, and क्स्न Unadi aff.
  • अखट्टिः :: m. (-ट्टिः) Childish fancy, whim, caprice. E. अ neg. and खट to desire, undesirable by the wise.
  • अखण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डा -ण्डं) All, entire. E. अ neg. and खण्ड a part.
  • अखण्डन :: n. (-नं) 1. Time. 2. Leaving entire. 3. Admitting, non-refuta. tion. E. अ neg. खडि to break, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अखण्डित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unbroken, undivided. 2. Undisturbed, uninterrupted, continuous. 3. Unrefuted. E. अ neg. खण्डित divided.
  • अखण्डितर्त्तु :: mfn. (-र्त्तुः -र्त्तुः -र्त्तु) Fruitful, bearing fruit in due season. E. अ neg. खण्डित broken, and ऋतु season.
  • अखात :: mn. (-तः-तं) 1. A natural pond or lake. 2. A pool before a temple, Sometimes written आखात, E. अ neg. and खात dug.
  • अखाद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) Improper to be eaten. E. अ neg. खाद्य to be eaten.
  • अखादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Uneaten. E. अ neg. खादित eaten.
  • अखिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Unwearied, indefatigable. E. अ neg. खिन्न wearied.
  • अखिल :: mfn. (लः-ला-लं) All, entire, E. अ neg, and खिल separated.
  • अख्यात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unknown, obscure, not famous or notorious. E. अ neg. ख्यात famed.
  • अख्याति :: f. (-तिः) Disrepute, want of fame. E. अ neg. ख्याति fame.
  • अग :: r. 1st cl. (अगति) To wind or move tortuously. See अक, With an indicatory इ, अति (अंगति) To go, move or approach.
  • अग :: m. (-गः) 1. A tree. 2. The sun. 3. A mountain. 4. A snake. 5. Moving crookedly, twining, twisting E. अ neg. and ग who goes, from गम to go, or अग to go tortuously. अच् aff.
  • अगच्छ :: m. (-च्छः) A tree. E. अ neg. and गच्छ, from गम to go.
  • अगज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) 1. Mountainous, produced on a mountain. 2. Vegetable, produced from a tree. E. अग and ज born.
  • अगणनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Not to be numbered or reckoned, also अगण्य, अगणितव्य, &c. E. अ neg. गणनीय to be numbered.
  • अगणित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Not reckoned, uncounted. E. अ neg. गणित counted.
  • अगद :: m. (-दः) A medicament, a medicine, a drug. mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Well, healthy, free from disease. 2. Wholesome, salubrious. E. अ neg. and गद disease.
  • अगदङ्कार :: m. (-रः) A physician. E. अगद well, healthy, and कार who makes.
  • अगन्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Not to be visited or approached, also अगमनीय, अगम्य, &c. E. अ neg. गन्तव्य to be gone.
  • अगम :: m. (-मः) 1. A tree. 2. A mountain. E. अ priv. and गम who goes.
  • अगम्य :: mfn. (-म्यः -म्या -म्यं) 1. Not to be visited or approached. 2. Difficult of acquirement, unattainable. 3. Unequalled, unsurpassable. E. अ neg. गम्य to be gone to.
  • अगम्यरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Of superior and unequalled form or nature. E. अगम्य and रूप form.
  • अगरी :: f. (-री) A kind of grass, vulg. Deotar. See देवताड, E. अ neg. and गर poison: an antidote.
  • अगरु :: mn. (-रुः-रु) Agallochum, (Aquilaria agallocha, Rox) See अगुरु .
  • अगर्व्व :: mfn. (-र्व्वः -र्व्वा -र्व्वं) Modest, humble, void of pride. E. अ neg. गर्ब्ब pride.
  • अगस्ति :: m. (-स्तिः) 1 The name of a saint, celebrated in Hindu mytho- logy, more usually entitled AGASTYA, the son of both MITRA and VARUNA, by URVASI; he is represented of short stature, and is said by some to have been born in a water jar: he is famed for having swallowed the ocean, when it had given him offence; at his command also, the VINDHYA range of mountains prostrated itself, and so remains; hence his present appellation: he is also considered as the regent of the star Canopus. 2. The name of a tree, (Sesbana grandiflora.) E. अग a mountain, and स्ति, with an adventitious meaning, to fix, or in the second instance, to be fixed; also अग as before, and स्ति Unadi aff.
  • अगस्तिद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) A tree, (Sesbana grandiflora.) See अगस्ति . E. अगस्ति, and द्रु a tree.
  • अगस्त्य :: m. (स्त्यः) 1. The name of a saint. 2. A tree. 3. The star Cano- pus. See अगस्ति .
  • अगात्मजा :: f. (-जा) A name of PĀRVATĪ, the daughter of the mountain or Himalaya. E. अग a mountain, and आत्मजा daughter.
  • अगाध :: n. (-धः) A hole, a chasm. mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Very deep, bottom- less. E. अ neg. गाध fixed place.
  • अगाधजल :: m. (-लः) A lake. E. अगाध deep, जल water.
  • अगाधता :: f. (-ता) Depth. E. अगाध and ता aff.
  • अगाधत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Depth. E. अगाध and त्व aff.
  • अगार :: n. (-रं) A house. See आगार E. अग a mountain, and ऋ to go; rising like a hill.
  • अगिन :: m. (-नः) The sun. E. अग to go, इन aff.
  • अगिर :: m. (-रः) 1. The sun. 2. Fire. 3. A demon. E. अग to go, and इर aff.
  • अगुण :: m. (-णः) A defect, a fault. mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Void of good qualities, bad. 2. Void of attributes. E. अ neg. गुण qualities.
  • अगुणता :: f. (-ता) Absence of all good qualities; also अगुणत्वं . E. अ neg. गुण with ता or त्व aff.
  • अगुणवादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Censorious, pointing out defects. E. अगुण and वादिन् declaring.
  • अगुरु :: mn. (-रुः-रु) 1. A fragrant wood, aloe wood, or agallochum, (Aquilaria agallocha, Rox.) 2. Another tree which produces Bede- llium, (Amyris agallocha.) 3. A timber tree, commonly Sisu, (Dalbergia sisu, Rox.) mfn. (-रुः -रुः -रू or -र्व्वी-रु) Light, not heavy. E. अ priv. and गुरु heavy.
  • अगुप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Unhidden, unconcealed. 2. One who cannot keep a secret. E. अ neg. गुप्त concealed.
  • अगुरुशिंशपा :: f. (-पा) A timber tree. (Dalbergia sisu.) The best authori- ties consider this as formed of two distinct words. See अगुरु and शिंशपा ।
  • अगूढ :: mfn. (ढः-ढा-ढं) 1. Unhidden, unconcealed, manifest, evident. 2. One who is not secret. E. अ neg. गूढ hidden.
  • अगूढगन्ध :: n. (-न्धं) Asafœtida. E. अगूढ and गन्ध smell.
  • अगूढभाव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Open, honest, candid; one whose purpose or inclinations are evident. E. अगूढ and भाव nature.
  • अगोचर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Covert, unseen, unwitnessed. n. (-रं) 1. Absence, unconsciousness; not being witnessed or known. 2. Any act or event not the object of the senses. 3. The imperceptible, BRAHMA, or the invisible Supreme. E. अ neg. गोचर, object of sense.
  • अगौकस् :: m. (-काः) 1. A bird. 2. A lion. 3. The Sarabha, a fabulous ani- mal with eight legs. E. अग a tree or mountain, ओकस् a house.
  • अग्रायी :: f. (-यी) 1. A goddess, the wife of AGNI, the deity of fire, and presiding over prayers accompanied with burnt offerings. 2. The Treta or second age of the Hindus. E. अग्नि fire, and fem. aff. ङीप, with आय substituted for ऐ inserted.
  • अग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) 1. Fire, always associated with the idea of the deity presiding over it, and who is worshipped by the Hindus. AGNI is also regent of the south-east quarter. 2. A consecrated fire. 3. The fire of the stomach, the digestive faculty, appetite. 4. Bile. 5. Gold. 6. A plant of which the fruit has escharotic properties, (Semecarpus anacardium) 7. Another plant, (Plumbago zeylanica.) E. अङ्ग to mark, and नि Unadi aff. ङ being dropped.
  • अग्निक :: m. (-कः) An insect of a scarlet color, the lady-bird. E. अग्नि fire and क aff. resembling fire.
  • अग्निकण :: m. (-णः) A spark. E. अग्नि fire, and कण a small particle.
  • अग्निकारिका :: f. (-का) Maintaining a sacrificial fire, &c. E. अग्नि fire, and कारिका making, from कृ to do.
  • अग्निकारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Caused by fire. E. अग्नि and कारित caused.
  • अग्निकार्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Maintaining a sacred fire. E. अग्नि and कार्य्य act.
  • अग्निकाष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) Agallochum. See अगुरु, E. अग्नि fire, and काष्ठ wood.
  • अग्निकुक्कट :: m. (-टः) A firebrand, a lighted wisp of straw. E. अग्नि fire, and कुक्कट a wisp of lighted straw.
  • अग्निकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Done with or made by fire, offered with fire. E. अग्नि and कृत done.
  • अग्निकोण :: m. (-णः) The east. E. अग्नि and कोण corner.
  • अग्निक्रीडा :: f. (-डा) Illuminations, fireworks, &c. E. अग्नि and क्रीडा play.
  • अग्निगर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) 1. The sun-stone, crystal, or a fabulous gem; supposed to contain and impart solar heat. 2. A plant. f. (-र्भा) The name of another plant. E. अग्नि, गर्भ the womb.
  • अग्निचित् :: m. (-चित्) A householder who has placed and consecrated a sacrificial fire. E. अग्नि fire, and चित् who collects.
  • अग्निचित्या :: f. (-त्या) Maintaining a sacred fire. E. अग्नि and चित्या collecting.
  • अग्निज :: m. (-जः) A plant used in medicine, of stimulant properties. mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) 1. Produced by or producing fire, also अग्निजात, 2. Diges- stive. E. अग्नि fire, and ज who or what is born, from जनः ।
  • अग्निजार :: m. (-रः) A medicinal plant. See अग्निज ।
  • अग्निजाल :: m. (-लः) A medicinal plant. See अग्निज ।
  • अग्निजिह्वा :: f. (-ह्वा) 1. A medicinal plant. See लाङ्गलिकी 2. A flame of fire. E. अग्नि, and जिह्वा the tongue, growing like a flame of fire.
  • अग्निज्वाला :: f. (-ला) 1. A flame of fire. 2. A plant bearing red blossoms used by dyers, (Grislea tomentosa, Rox.) 3. Another plant, commonly Jalapippalī. E. अग्नि and ज्वाला flame, from the fiery colour of its blossoms.
  • अग्नित्रेता :: f. (-ता) The aggregate of the three fires maintained by the Brahman householder, the Garhapatya or domestic, Ahavaniya or consecrated, and Dakshina or southern. E. अग्नि and त्रेता triad.
  • अग्निद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Setting on fire, incendiary. 2. Supplying with fire. 3. Stomachic, tonic, digestive. E. अग्नि and द what gives.
  • अग्निदमनी :: f. (-नी) A medicinal plant, of narcotic properties, (Solanum jacquini.) See कण्टकारिका, E. अग्नि bile, and दमनी what tames.
  • अग्निदग्ध :: m. (-ग्धः) A Pitri or progenitor to whom oblations are made, mfn. (-ग्धः -ग्धा -ग्धं) Burnt. E. अग्नि and दग्ध burnt.
  • अग्निदीप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Blazing on fire. 2. Digestive. f. (-प्ता) The name of a plant. E. अग्नि and दीप्त inflamed.
  • अग्निदेव :: m. (-वः) 1. AGNI, the god of fire. 2. A worshipper of fire. f. (-वा) A name of the third lunar mansion, identified with the Pleiades: AGNI being the ruling deity of the constellation. Also अग्निदेवता .
  • अग्निदैवत्य :: n. (-त्यं) The supremacy or divinity of fire. E. अग्नि and दैवत्य divinity.
  • अग्निनिर्य्यास :: m. (-सः) The name of a plant, also अग्निजार E. अग्नि and निर्य्यास decoction or extract.
  • अग्निपक्व :: mfn. (क्वः-क्वा-क्वं) Cooked or dressed with fire. E. अग्नि and पक्क mature.
  • अग्निपरिच्छद :: n. (-दं) The implements and apparatus used in oblations to fire. E. अग्नि and परिच्छद accompaniments.
  • अग्निपरीक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) The fiery ordeal, by a heated iron or boiling oil, or passing through fire. E. अग्नि and परीक्षा trial.
  • अग्निप्रस्तर :: m. (-रः) Fire-stone, flint, or any stone producing fire. E. अग्नि and प्रस्तर a stone.
  • अग्निभ :: m. (-भः) Gold. E. अग्नि and भ for भा lustre, brilliant as fire.
  • अग्निभू :: m. (-भूः) A name of SKANDA, the Hindu deity of war. See कार्त्तिकेय and स्कन्द . E. अग्नि and भू being; being, or born, from fire. SIVA having cast his seed into flame, for the purpose of generating a warrior, able to subdue TARĀKA, a demon, SKANDA was produced. n. (-भु) Water, which is generated, in the Hindu cosmogony, from fire.
  • अग्निभूति :: m. (-तिः) A proper name. One of the pupils of the last Jaina saint. E. अग्नि and भूति superhuman power; equal to AGNI.
  • अग्निमणि :: m. (-णिः) The sun-stone. E. अग्नि and मणि a jewel or gem, brilliant as fire.
  • अग्निमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) 1. Having a consecrated fire. 2. Having fire in general. E. अग्नि and मतुप् poss. aff.
  • अग्निमन्थ :: m. (न्थः) A small tree, (Premna spinosa.) E. अग्नि and मन्थ chur- ning, because fire is produced by friction of two pieces of its wood
  • अग्निमारुति :: m. (-तिः) A name of the saint, AGASTYA. E. अग्नि fire, i. e. the fire of the stomach, the digestive faculty, and मारुति a name of HANUMAN; because the saint could digest as well as the monkey; the epithet alludes to a story of his devouring and digesting VĀTĀPI, a demon, who had assumed the form of a sheep.
  • अग्निमुख :: m. (-खः) 1. A deity. 2. A Brahman. E. अग्नि and मुख the mouth; oblations to the gods passing through fire as their mouths. 3. A plant, (Plumbago zeylanica.) 4. Marking nut, (Semecarpus ana- cardium.) (In this sense it is also fem. -खी) E. as before, from its marking like fire.
  • अग्निरक्षण :: n. (-णं) Maintenance of a sacred fire; preserving a fire in a family for perpetuity, which supplies that lighted on occasions of worship. E. अग्नि and रक्षण Preserving.
  • अग्निरक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Maintaining a sacred fire. E. अग्नि and रक्षित preserved.
  • अग्निरहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Being without fire, especially a sacred fire. 2. Devoid of appetite. E. अग्नि and रहित lost.
  • अग्निरजस् :: m. (-जाः) An insect of a scarlet color. E. अग्नि and रजस् dust or farina.
  • अग्निरुहा :: f. (-हा) The name of a plant.
  • अग्निवर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Hot, scalding, scorching. E. अग्नि and वर्ण quality; of the property of fire.
  • अग्निवर्द्धक :: mfn. (-कः -का -की-कं) 1. Tonic, stomachic. 2. Feeding or exciting fire. E. अग्नि and वर्द्धक what augments.
  • अग्निवर्द्धन :: n. (-नं) 1. Exciting fire. 2. Improving the appetite. m. (नः) A stomachic or any thing improving the appetite. E. अग्नि and वर्द्धन increasing.
  • अग्निवल्लभ :: m. (-भः) Resin, pitch. E. अग्नि and वल्लभ a friend, from its exciting or befriending fire.
  • अग्निवाण :: m. (-णः) A fiery arrow, a rocket.
  • अग्निवाह :: m. (-हः) Smoke. E. अग्नि and वाह what bears.
  • अग्निबाहु :: m. (-हु) Smoke. E. अग्नि and बाहु the arm.
  • अग्निविसर्प :: m. (-र्पः) Pain from a boil. E. अग्नि and विसर्प a boil.
  • अग्निवीज :: n. (-जं) Gold. E. अग्नि and वीज seed.
  • अग्निवीर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Gold. E. अग्नि and वीर्य्य power.
  • अग्निवृद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) 1. Improved digestion, appetite. 2. Increase of fire. E. अग्नि and वृद्धि increase.
  • अग्निशिख :: m. (-खः) 1. A lamp. 2. An arrow. 3. A fiery arrow, a rocket. E. The Safflower plant, (Carthamus tinctorius.) mn. (-खः-खं) Safforn, the plant and die. f. (-खा) 1. Flame. 2. A plant. (Gloriosa superba.) 3. A medicinal plant, (Menispermum cordifolium.) E. अग्नि and. शिखा a crest or flame or splendor.
  • अग्निशेखर :: m. (-रः) Saffron. E. अग्नि and शेखर a crest.
  • अग्निष्टुत् :: f. (-ष्टुत्) An expiatory sacrifice. E. अग्नि and ष्टु to sacrifice, aff. क्विप् with तुक् added.
  • अग्निष्टोम :: m. (-मः) A sacrifice, or rather a series of offerings to fire for five days to be celebrated in the spring. E. अग्नि and लोम oblation, burnt-offering.
  • अग्निष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) An iron frying-pan. mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Placed in or on fire. E. अग्नि and ष्ठ what stays or remains, from स्था to stand.
  • अग्निष्वात्त :: m. pl. (-त्ताः) Demigods or names to whom funeral oblations are presented. They are said to be the sons of MARĪCHI, and progenitors especially of the gods. E. अग्नि, स्व own, and आत्त taken, who receive what is offered them by fire as their own.
  • अग्निसंस्कार :: m. (-रः) Any ceremony performed with the consecrated fire. E. अग्नि, संस्कार purification.
  • अग्निसख :: m. (-खः) The wind. E. अग्नि and सखा friend.
  • अग्निसम्भव :: m. (-वः) Wild safflower. mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Originating from fire. E. अग्नि and सम्भव born.
  • अग्निसहाय :: m. (-यः) 1. A pigeon. 2. The wind. E. अग्नि and सहाय a friend.
  • अग्निसार :: n. (-रं) A medicinal application to the eyes, a collyrium from the calx of brass. E. अग्नि and सार strength, essence.
  • अग्निहोत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. Maintenance of a perpetual or sacred fire. m. (-त्रः) 1. Fire. 2. Ghee. E. अग्नि and होत्र oblation with fire, burnt offerings.
  • अग्निहोत्रिन् :: m. (-त्री) One who maintains a perpetual and sacred fire; this is sometimes read अग्निहोतृ, nom. (-ता) E. अग्निहोत्र, and णिनि, or हृ to sacrifice, तृन् aff.
  • अग्नीध् :: m. (-ग्नीत्) A priest who attends the fire. E. अग्नि, इन्ध to excite, क्विप् aff.
  • अग्रीध्र :: m. (-ध्रः) Officiating priest, whose duty is to attend the fire. f. (-ध्रा) Exciting the sacrificial fire E. अग्नि and इन्ध, to light or kindle; and the aff. रन्; the न of इन्ध being dropped.
  • अग्नीन्धन :: n. (-नं) Exciting a sacrificial fire. E. अग्नि and इन्धन kindling, exciting.
  • अग्न्यभाव :: m. (-वः) 1. Loss or extinction of the sacred fire. 2. Loss of appetite. E. अग्नि, अभाव non-existence.
  • अग्न्यस्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) Fire-arms; in poetry, it is usually applied to a super- human power over the element of fire, but occasionally indicates, apparently, a rocket. E. अग्नि, अस्त्र a weapon.
  • अग्न्यागार :: m. (-रः) A fire-temple; a chamber or building where the sacred fire is kept. E. अग्नि, आगार house.
  • अग्न्याधान :: n. (-नं) Maintenance of a perpetual and sacred fire. n. अग्नि and आधान preserving.
  • अग्न्याधेय :: n. (-यं) Consecration of a perpetual fire. E. अग्नि, आधेय placing.
  • अग्न्यालय :: m. (-यः) 1. A place in which consecrated fire is kept. 2. A hole with compartments of prescribed dimensions and shape, for the several sacred fires. E. अग्नि and आलय asylum.
  • अग्न्याहित :: m. (-तः) A householder who maintains a perpetual fire; also आहिताग्नि, E. अग्नि, आहित preserved by whom.
  • अग्न्युत्पात :: m. (-तः) A fiery meteor, a falling star, a comet. E. अग्नि and उत्पात portent.
  • अग्र :: mfn. (-ग्रः -ग्रा -ग्रं) 1. Chief, principal. E. Prior, first. 2. Excessive, more, much. 4. Excellent, best. n. (-ग्रं) 1. Front, fore part. 2. Top, summit, upper part. 3. End, point. 4. Goal, resting place. 5. Assemblage, multitude. 6. A weight equal to one Pala. 7. Limi- ted alms, (four mouthfuls.) 8. (In astronomy) the sun's amp- litude. E. अगि to go, and the Unadi aff. रन्, the nasal of the derivative is dropped.
  • अग्रकर :: m. (-रः) 1. The tip of the extended hand. 2. The right or better hand. 3. The extremity of a ray of light; the focal point. E. अग्र, कर hand or ray.
  • अग्रगण्य :: mfn. (-ण्यः -ण्या -ण्यं) Te be reckoned or considered as first or best. E. अग्र and गण्य to be counted.
  • अग्रगामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Preceding; going before. E. अग्र, गामिन् who goes.
  • अग्रज :: m. (-जः) 1. An elder brother; the first-born. 2. A Brahman. mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) First-born or produced. E. अग्र first, ज who is born.
  • अग्रजङ्घा :: f. (-ङ्घा) The fore part of the thigh. E. अग्र the first part and जङ्घा thigh.
  • अग्रजन्मन् :: m. (-न्मा) 1. A priest or Brahman; a man of the sacerdotal tribe. 2. An elder brother or first-born. 3. BRAHMĀ, the first-born of the gods. E. अग्र first or best, and जन्मन् birth.
  • अग्रजातक :: m. (-कः) A Brahman; a man of the first class. E. अग्र and जातक who is born.
  • अग्रजाति :: m. (-तिः) A Brahman; a man of the first class. E. अग्र and जाति race, class.
  • अग्रज्या :: f. (-ज्या) (In astronomy) Sine of the amplitude.
  • अग्रणी :: mfn. (-णीः -णीः -णि) First, principal. E. अग्र and नी from नीञ to lead, aff. क्विप्
  • अग्रतःसर :: mfn. (-र -रा -री-रं) Going before, preceding. m. (-रः) A leader. E. अग्रतस्, and सर, who goes, from सृ with अच् or ट aff. to go.
  • अग्रतस् :: ind. 1. Before, in front. 2. Before in rank, &c. E. अग्र and तस् aff.
  • अग्रदानिन् :: m. (-नी) A degraded Brahman; one who receives the pre- sents of Sudras, or things first offered to the deceased. E. अग्र, दान gift, इनि poss. aff.
  • अग्रनिरूपण :: n. (-णं) Determining beforehand, prophecy, predestination. E. अग्र, निरूपण declaring.
  • अग्रपणी :: f. (-र्णी) A plant, Cowhage, (Carpopogon pruriens.) E. अग्र, पर्ण leaf.
  • अग्रपाणि :: m. (-णिः) 1. The tip of the hand. 2. The right hand. E. अग्र, पाणि the hand.
  • अग्रभाग :: m. (-गः) 1. Part of the top or end. 2. Fore or top part. 3. (In astronomy) Degree of amplitude, also अग्रांशः E. अग्र, भाग part.
  • अग्रभूमि :: mf. (-मिः) A goal, an object, the place or thing to be attained. E. अग्र before, भूमि earth.
  • अग्रमांस :: n. (-सं) The heart. E. अग्र principal, and मांस flesh.
  • अग्रयान :: n. (-नं) Advancing before an army, for the purpose of defiance; military ardor or daring. E. अग्र and यान going.
  • अग्रवीज :: m. (-जः) A viviparous plant, as the Gomphrœna globosa, &c. E. अग्र in front, and वीज seed.
  • अग्रसन्धानी :: f. (-नी) The register of human actions, kept by YAMA, the judge of the dead. E. अग्र first, and सं, preposition, with धा to take; recording all actions from the original birth.
  • अग्रसुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Preceding, going before, a leader. E. अग्र and सर who goes.
  • अग्रह :: m. (-हः) An anchorite, a man who has retired from the world. E. अ neg. and ग्रह a house, being no loger householder.
  • अग्रहणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Not to be taken, accepted or acquired. E. अ neg. ग्रहणीय to be taken.
  • अग्रहस्त :: m. (-स्तः) 1. The tip of the extended hand. 2. The tip of an elephant's trunk. 3. The right or better hand. E. अग्र, हस्त hand &c.
  • अग्रहायण :: m. (-णः) The name of a month; the eighth of the lunar of the Hindus, when the moon is full near the head of Orion, or about November-December. E. अग्र and हायन, year; according to the ancient system, the first month of the Hindu year; also आग्रहायण .
  • अग्रहार :: m. (-रः) 1. An endowment of lands or villages conferred upon Brahmans. 2. A field of corn. E. अग्र chief (tribe) हृ to take, घञ् aff.
  • अग्रांश :: m. (-शः) See अग्रभाग .
  • अग्रांशु :: m. (-शुः) The extreme ray or point of a ray of light, the focal point. E. अग्र, अंश a ray.
  • अग्राह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) 1. Not fit or proper to be accepted. 2. Not to be attained. 3. Not to be trusted or consented to. E. अ neg. ग्राह्य to be taken.
  • अग्रिम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Chief, principal, best. 2. Elder, elder born. f. (मा) The name of a fruit, (Annona reticulata.) See लवनी E. अग्र and डिमच् aff.
  • अग्रिय :: m. (-यः) An elder brother. mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Chief, principal. E. अग्र and इय or ईय aff. whence also अग्रीय .
  • अग्रु :: f. (-ग्रुः) A finger. E. अग to go, and रु aff.
  • अग्रेगा :: m. (-गाः) A leader, a preceder. E. अग्रे in front, गा who goes.
  • अग्रेगू :: m. (-गूः) A leader. E. अग्रे, ग from गम to go, and ऊ Unadi aff.
  • अग्रेदिधिषु :: m. (-षुः) A man of either of the three first classes, whose wife has been before married, and has borne him children. E. अग्रे principal, and दिधिषु the husband of a twice married woman. f. (-षुः) A younger sister married before her elder; also अग्रेदिधिषू .
  • अग्रेवन :: n. (नं) The skirts of a wood E. अग्रे the fore-part, and वन wood.
  • अग्रेसर :: m. (-रः) A leader. mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Preceding, going before. E. अग्रे in front, and सर who goes.
  • अग्रेसरिक :: m. (-कः) A leader. E. अग्रे in front, and सरिक who goes.
  • अग्र्य :: mfn. (-ग्य्रः -ग्य्रा -ग्य्रं) Chief, principal. m. (ग्य्रः) An elder brother. E. अग्र, and यत् aff.
  • अघ :: r. 1st cl. With an indicatory इ, अघि (अंघति .) 1. To go. 2. To go swiftly. 3. To being moving. 4. To begin. 5. To blame or censure r. 10th cl. (अघयति) To sin, to commit sin.
  • अघ :: n. (-घं) 1. Sin. 2. Pain. 3. Passion. m. (-घः) Name of a demon; the general name of KANSA. अ . अघ to go, and अच affix, removed by charity, &c.
  • अघनाशक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Purifying, freeing from sin. E. अघ, and नाशक what destroys.
  • अघनाशन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Purifying, freeing from sin. m. (-नः) 1. A name of VISHṆU 2. An expiator. अ, अघ and नाशन destroyer.
  • अघमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Sinful, identical with or fruitful in sin E. अघ and मयट् aff.
  • अघमर्षण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) An expiatory prayer: reciting mentally a parti- cular passage from the Vedas while a little water, in the palm of the right hand, is held to the nose; this forms a part of the daily ceremonies of the Brahmans. m. (-णः) The author of the passage recited upon the above occasion. E. अघ sin, and सृष to bear with, or to sprinkle, युच् aff.
  • अघर्म्म :: mfn. (-र्म्म -र्म्मा -र्म्मं) Cool, not warm. E. अ neg. घर्म्म hot.
  • अघर्म्मधामन् :: m. (-मा) The moon, as the source of coolness. E. अघर्म्म cool, धामन् vesture.
  • अघवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Wicked, vicious, sinful. E. अघ sin. मतुप् aff.
  • अघाह :: n. (-हः) Time or day of impurity, consequent on the death of a relative, &c. E. अघ and अहन् day.
  • अघृण :: mfn. (-ण -णा -णं) Unkind, cruel. E. अ neg. घृणा compassion.
  • अघोर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Formidable, terrible. m. (-रः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. A worshipper of SIVA, and DeVĪ in their terrific forms. f. (-रा) The fourteenth day of the dark half of the month Bhadra, upon which SIVA is worshipped. E. अ implying resemblance, and घोर formidable.
  • अघोरपथिन् :: m. (-पन्था) A worshipper of the terrific forms of SIVA and DURGĀ E. अघोर and पथिन् a road.
  • अघोष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) 1. Without noise. 2. Without cowherd, (a country) E. अ neg. घोष noise, &c.
  • अघोस् :: ind. A vocative particle: the final स is usually dropped in composition, as अघोयज ho, pay worship. E. अ neg. हन to kill, and ओस् aff.
  • अघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) A name of BRAHMA. f. (घ्ना) A cow. mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्ना -घ्नं) 1. invi- olable, not to be slain. E. अ neg. हन to kill. and अक Unadi aff.
  • अङ्क(क, त) :: r. 10th cl. (अङ्कयति) 1. To number or count. 2. To mark.
  • अङ्क :: n. (ङ्कं) 1. A mark or spot. 2. The flank or part above the hips. 3. A species of dramatic entertainment. 4. The act of a play, &c. 5. Fault, offence. 6. A line, a stroke. 7. Mimic war or conflict. 8. ornament, decoration. 9. Place, abode. 10. Proximity, proximate. 11. A chapter or section. 12. The body. 13. A cypher, an arithme- tical sign. E. अञ्च to go, and the Unadi affix क; or अङ्क to stain or spot, अच् aff.
  • अङ्कति :: m. (तिः) 1. A Brahman who maintains a sacred fire 2. A name of BRAHMĀ. 3. Fire. 4. Air, wind. E. अञ्च to go, and the Unadi aff. अति; च being changed to क .
  • अङ्कन :: n. (नं) 1. Cyphering, writing or making cyphers. 2. Stamping, impressing, making marks, E. अङ्क to mark, ल्युट् aff.
  • अङ्कनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be marked. 2. To be numbered. E. अङ्क to mark, अनीयर् aff.
  • अङ्कपरिवर्त्तन :: n. (-नः) Turning on the side. E. अङ्क and परिवर्त्तन turning.
  • अङ्कपालिका :: f. (का) An embrace, embracing. E. अङ्क the flank, and पालिका or पाली, nourishing.
  • अङ्कपाली :: f. (-ली) 1. An embrace, embracing. 2. A nurse. 3. A plant, (Piring or Medicago esculenta.) E. See अङ्कपालिका .
  • अङ्कभाज् :: mfn. (-भाक्) Resting or placed upon the side or hip. E. अङ्क and भाज् possessing.
  • अङ्कयितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be marked. 2. To be numbered. E. अङ्क to mark, तव्य aff.
  • अङ्कविद्या :: f. (-द्या) Arithmetic. E. अङ्क and विद्या science.
  • अङ्कित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Marked, spotted. 2. Counted, numbered. E. अङ्क to mark, and participial aff क्त .
  • अङ्की :: f. (-की) A small oblong drum. E. अङ्क the hip or flank, being carried upon that part.
  • अङ्कुट :: m. (-टः) A key. E. अकि to go, उटि aff.
  • अङ्कुर :: m. (-रः) 1. A Shoot or sprout. 2. The hair of the body. 3. Blood 4. Water. E. अङ्क to stain. and Unadi aff. उरच् .
  • अङ्कुरक :: m. (-कः) A nest. E. अङ्कुर a shoot, and कन् aff.
  • अङ्कुरित :: m. (-तः-ता-तं) Budded, sprouted, germinated. E. अङ्कुर and इतच् aff.
  • अङ्कुश :: mn. (-शः-शं) The hook used to drive an elephant. E. अक to go, and उशच् Unadi aff. with नुम् inserted.
  • अङ्कुशग्रह :: m. (-हः) An elephant-driver E. अङ्कुश्--, and ग्रह Who takes.
  • अङ्कुशदुर्द्धर :: m. (-रः) A restive elephant. E. अङ्कुश, and दुर् bad, difficult, धर who holds: who is ill restrained by the goad.
  • अङ्कुशी :: f. (-शी) One of the twenty-four female deities peculiar to the Jainas, supposed te preside more immediately over human beings E. अङ्कुश, and ङीप् fem. aff. having or holding a hook.
  • अङ्कूर :: m. (-रं) A sprout, a germin. E. See अङ्कुर, उ being made long.
  • अङ्कूष :: mn. (-षः-षं) The hook or goad for driving an elephant. E. See अङ्कुश, उ being made long.
  • अङ्कोट :: m. (टः) A plant: also अङ्कोठ E. अङ्क to mark or stain. ओट aff.
  • अङ्कोठ :: m. (-ठः) A plant. (Alangium hexapetalum.) E. See. अङ्कोट, ठ being used for ट .
  • अङ्कोल :: m. (-लः) A plant. See अङ्कोट; also अङ्कोलक .
  • अङ्कोल्लसार :: m. (-रः) A kind of poison, probably prepared from the plant अङ्कोल, or अङ्कोट E. अङ्कोल, and सार essence.
  • अङ्कोल्लिका :: f. (-का) Embracing, an embrace. E. अङ्क the side उत् pre. and ल , from ला, to take.
  • अङ्क्य :: mfn. (ङ्क्यः-ङ्क्या-ङ्क्यं) 1. To be counted. 2. To be marked. m. (-ङ्क्यः) A small oblong drum. See अङ्की E. अङ्क to mark, aff. यत्; or अङ्क the hip, and य aff.
  • अङ्ग (-कत) :: r. 10th cl. (अङ्गयति) 1. To mark. 2. To count. See अङ्क .
  • अङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) 1. A limb or member. 2. A division of Hindu learning, comprehending such science as is considered dependant upon the Vedas, hence also called Vedanga; works on six subjects

come under this description, viz. pronounciation, grammar, pro- sody, explanation of obscure terms, description of religious rites, and astronomy. 3. The body. 4. An expedient, a means of success. 5. Mind, understanding. 6. A term in grammar, the inflective root, with the affix subjoined. 7. (Sing. only), chief, principal. 8. Inferior, secondary. 9. All the dramatis personœ of a play, except the hero and heroine, the body of the characters. 10. In rheto- ric.) An incidental passion or figure, illustrative of, but subor- dinate to the main object of the description. 11. A scriptural work in the Jain religion; there are twelve works so named. m. (-ङ्गः) A country, Bengal proper, including Bhagalpur. mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्ग) 1. Corporeal, embodied. 2. Near, proximate. Ind. 1. A vocative article. 2. Again, further, the rather. 3. A particle of assent used in composition, with ई substituted for the vowel termination, as in अङ्गीकरण &c.

  • अङ्गक :: n. (-कं) 1. The body, &c. See the preceding. f. (अङ्गिका) A bodice or jacket mfn. (-काः, का or -की -कं) Relating to the body, &c. E. अङ्ग, कन् added.
  • अङ्गग्रह :: m. (-हः) Bodily pain. E. अङ्ग, and ग्रह what seizes.
  • अङ्गज (-जः) :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) 1. Produced or born of the body. n. (-जं) 1. Blood. 2. Love. desire. 3. The hair of the head. 4. Sickness, disease. 5. A son f. (-जा) A daughter. E. अङ्ग the body, and ज what is born also similar compounds, as अङ्गजात, अङ्गजन्म, &c.
  • अङ्गण :: n. (-णः) A court. or yard. See अङ्गन .
  • अङ्गति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A name of BRAHMA. 2. A name of KRISHNA. 3. Fire. 4. A Brahman, who has preserved a sacred fire. E. अगि to go, and अति aff.
  • अङ्गद :: m. (-दः) 1. The name of a celebrated monkey, one of the heroes of the Ramayana, the son of BALI. n. (-दं) A bracelet worn upon the upper arm. f. (-दा) The female elephant of the south E. अङ्ग the body, and दे to nourish, or दै to cleanse, aff. ड
  • अङ्गन :: n. (-नं) 1. A court or, yard. 2. Going, moving. f. (-ना) 1. A wo- man, a female. 2. The sign Virgo. 3. The female elephant of the north. E. अभि to go, and अच् aff.
  • अङ्गनागण :: n. (-णं) A number of women. E. अङ्गना and गण troop.
  • अङ्गनाजन :: m. (-नः) A female, a female person. E. अङ्गना and जन a being.
  • अङ्गनाप्रिय :: m. (-यः) A plant. (Jonesia asoka.) See अशोक, E. अङ्गना a woman, and प्रिय, beloved; worship being performed by woman to this plant.
  • अङ्गन्यास :: m. (-सः) Touching various parts of the body, as a religious ceremony. E. अङ्ग, and न्यास arrangement.
  • अङ्गपालि :: m. (-लिः) Embracing. an embrace. E. अङ्ग, and पाल to nourish, इन् aff.
  • अङ्गप्रायश्चित्त :: n. (-त्तं) Expiation for bodily impurity. especially the obla- tion offered by the heir at the first funeral obsequies, to remove the impurity contracted during the period of mourning. E. अङ्ग body and प्रायश्चित्त expiation.
  • अङ्गमर्द्द :: m. (-र्द्दः) A servant, whose business it is to rub and knead the body. E. अङ्ग, मृद to rub, and अच् aff. Also अङ्गमर्द्दकः and अङ्गमर्द्दन .
  • अङ्गरक्त :: n. (-क्तं) A plant, vulg. Sundarochani. See रक्ताङ्ग E. अङ्ग and रक्त red, giving a red dye.
  • अङ्गरक्षिणी :: f. (-णी) 1 Armour. coat of mail, thick quilting, or an iron netting worn upon the body. 2. A garment. E. अङ्ग, and रक्षिणी what preserves.
  • अङ्गराग :: m. (-गः) Perfuming the body after cleansing; smearing it with unguents of sandal, &c. E. अङ्ग, and राग colouring.
  • अङ्गराज् :: m. (-राट) A name of KARNA, king of Anga the son of KUNTI by SURYA. See कर्ण . E. अङ्ग the country so named, and राज् a king; also अङ्गराजा and अङ्गराज .
  • अङ्गरुह :: n. (-हं) Hair of the body, wool. fleece, down. E. अङ्ग and रुह what rises on.
  • अङ्गलीड्य :: m. (-ड्यः) Ginger, (Amomum zinziber) See चिञ्चाटक E. अङ्ग, and लोड, to be mad, aff. यत्; exciting or stimulating the body.
  • अङ्गस्कन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) A subdivision of a branch of science or philosophy. E. अङ्ग a part of science, and स्कन्ध division.
  • अङ्गव :: m. (-वः) A dried or withered fruit. E. अङ्ग and व, from वै to dry or wither.
  • अङ्गविकृति :: m. (तिः) Syncope, apoplexy. E. अङ्ग, and विकृति, change of condition.
  • अङ्गविक्षेप :: m. (-पः) Gesture, gesticulation. E. अङ्ग and विक्षेप throwing, moving.
  • अङ्गवैकृत :: n. (-तं) Sign, token, hint. E. अङ्ग, and वैकृत change of from. &c.
  • अङ्गसंस्कार :: m. (-रः) Embelishment of person, dressing, cleansing or per fuming it. E. अङ्ग and संस्कार making perfect.
  • अङ्गसंहति :: f. (-तिः) Bodily strength, or symmetry, E. अङ्ग, and संहति compactness.
  • अङ्गसङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Bodily union or contract, coition. E. अङ्ग, and सङ्ग union.
  • अङ्गहार :: m. (-रः) Gesture, gesticulation. E. अङ्ग, and हार taking, moving; also अङ्गहारि .
  • अङ्गहारि :: m. (-रिः) See अङ्गहार .
  • अङ्गहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Mutilated, maimed, defective. E. अङ्ग a limb, हीन deprived of.
  • अङ्गाङ्गि :: ind. Body and body, implying contract or co-operation. E. अङ्ग repeated with इ aff.
  • अङ्गाङ्गिभाव :: m. (-वः) Personal relation or co-operation. E. अङ्गाङ्गि and भाव nature.
  • अङ्गाधिप :: m. (-पः) A name of KARNĀ, king of Anga. See कर्ण E. अङ्ग the country, अधिप a ruler.
  • अङ्गार :: mn. (-रः-रं) Charcoal, whether burning or not, but more usually the latter. m. (-रः) A name of the planet Mars; from his fiery colour. E. अगि to go, and आरन् aff.
  • अङ्गारक :: m. (-कः) 1 The planet Mars. 2. Charcoal, burning or extingui- shed. 3. Yellow or white amaranth. See कुरुण्टक 4. Another plant, (Eclipta or Verbesina prostrata.) See भृङ्गराज . n. (-कं) A medicated oil, prepared by boiling turmeric and various vegetable substances in common oil. E. अङ्गार and कन् affix; resembling a during brand.
  • अङ्गारकमणि :: m. (-णिः) Coral. E. अङ्गारकः and मणि a gem.
  • अङ्गारधानिका :: f. (-का) A small portable fire-place or fire-pan. E. अङ्गार, and धानिका what holds, from धा root, with the affs. ल्युट् कन् and टाप् .
  • अङ्गारपरिपाचित :: n. (-तं) Roasted food. E. अङ्गार, and परिपाचित cooked.
  • अङ्गारपर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) A name of CHITRARATHA, chief of the Gandharbas.
  • अङ्गारपुष्प :: m. (-पः) A. Plant, vulg. Ingua. See इङ्गुदी The seeds are used for rosaries. &c. E. अङ्गार and पुष्प a flower; the flowers supposed to resemble coals.
  • अङ्गारमञ्जी :: f. (-ञ्जी) A tree, or shrub, (Cesalpinia bonducella.) E. अङ्गार and मञ्जी a pedicle, compared to a coal.
  • अङ्गारवल्लरी :: f. (-री) 1. A species of Karanja, (Galedupa arborea) 2. Ano- ther plant, (Ovieda verticallata, Rox.) E. अङ्गार and वल्लरी a com- pound pedicle.
  • अङ्गारवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) See अङ्गारवल्लरी .
  • अङ्गारशकटी :: f. (-टी) A small portable fire-pan. E. अङ्गार and शकटी a little cart.
  • अङ्गारि :: f. (-रिः) A small portable fire-pan E. अङ्गार and इन् aff.
  • अङ्गारिका :: f. (-का) 1. The stalk of the sugarcane. 2. The bud of the Kinsuka, (Butea frondosa) E. अङ्गार, and कन् and टाप् affs.
  • अङ्गारिणी :: f. (-णी) 1. A small portable fire-place. 2. The quarter from which the sun has departed. E. अङ्गार and णिनि poss. aff. and fem. ङीप् .
  • अङ्गारित :: n. (-तं) The early blossom of the Kinsuka. (Butea frondosa.) mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Burnt. 2. Charred. E. अङ्गार, and इतच् aff.
  • अङ्गिका :: f. (-का) A kind of bodice or jacket. E. अङ्ग the body and इकन् aff.
  • अङ्गिन् :: mfn. (-ङ्गी -ङ्गिनी -ङ्गि) 1. Corporal. bodily. 2. Limbed, having limbs or members. 3. Chief, principal. E. अङ्ग and इनि aff.
  • अङ्गिरस् :: m. (-राः) The name of a Rishi or saint, born of BRAHMĀ, one of the seven principal sages; in one legend identified with fire, and apparently an astronomical personification, having for his sons UTATHYA and VRIHASPATI, and for daughters Sinivali, Kuhū Rāka and Anumati. E. अगि to go, and आनि Unadi aff. with इरक् inserted.
  • अङ्गीकरण :: n. (-णं) Promising, agreeing, assenting, E. अङ्ग a particle of assent. करण doing, ची inserted.
  • अङ्गीकार :: m. (-रः) An agreement, a promise. E. अङ्ग a particle of asseve- ration, and कार making, from कृ to do, घञ inserted.
  • अङ्गीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Agreed. promised. E. अङ्गी as before. and कृत participle of कृ
  • अङ्गुरि :: f. (-रिः) 1. A finger 2. A toe, also written अङ्गुरी See अङ्गुलि . E. अङ्ग to count, and उरी Unadi aff.
  • अङ्गुरीय :: mn. (-यः-यं) A finger-ring. See अङ्गुलीयक E. अङ्गुरी a finger, and य aff.
  • अङ्गुरीयक :: mn. (-कः-कं) A finger-ring. See अङ्गुरीय . E. कन् affixed to the preceding.
  • अङ्गुल :: m. (-लः) 1. The thumb. 2. A finger. 3. A measure of eight barley corns. 4. The name of a saint. See वात्स्यायन . 5. A digit, or one- twelvth part of any dimension. E. अङ्ग to count and उल aff.
  • अङ्गुलि :: f. (-लिः) 1. A finger. 2. The tip of an elephant's trunk. 3. A toe; also अङ्गुली . E. अङ्ग to count, and उलि Unadi aff.
  • अङ्गुलितोरण :: n. (-णं) Three semicircular lines drawn across the forehead, with sandal &c. a sectarial mark, especially of the followers of Sakti. E. अङ्गुलि a finger, and तोरण the ornamented arch of a gateway, to which the mark made by the fingers upon the fore- head may be compared.
  • अङ्गुलित्र :: n. (-त्रं) A guard for the finger, applied to the bow-string used by archers. E. अङ्गुलि and त्र what protects.
  • अङ्गुलित्राण :: n. (-णं) See the last E. अङ्गुलि and त्राण what protects.
  • अङ्गुलिमुख :: n. (-खं) The tip of the finger. E. अङ्गुलि and मुख end.
  • अङ्गुलिमुद्रा :: f. (-द्रा) A seal ring. E. अङ्गुलि and मुद्रा a seal; also अङ्गुलिमुद्रिका .
  • अङ्गुलिमोटन :: n. (-नं) Cracking, or snapping the finger joints. E. अङ्गुलि, and मोटन rubbing, from मुट aff. ल्युट् .
  • अङ्गुलिसन्देश :: m. (-शः) 1. Snapping the finger joints. 2. Making signs, talking with the fingers. E. अङ्गुलि, and सन्देश information.
  • अङ्गुलिस्फोटन :: n. (नं) Snapping the fingers. E. अङ्गुलि and स्फोटन bursting.
  • अङ्गुली :: f. (-ली) 1. A finger. 2. The tip of an elephant's trunk. See अङ्गुलि .
  • अङ्गुलीक :: mn. (-कः-कं) A finger ring. E. अङ्गुली and कन् aff.
  • अङ्गुलीपञ्चक :: n. (-कं) The five fingers collectively. E. अङ्गुली, and पञ्चक a five.
  • अङ्गुलीयक :: n. (-कं) A finger ring. E. See अङ्गुरीयक .
  • अङ्गुलीसम्भूत :: m. (-तः) A finger nail. E. अङ्गुली and सम्भूत born, produced.
  • अङ्गुष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) The thumb. E. अङ्गु here said to be the hand, and ष्ठ, from स्था to stay.
  • अंङ्गूष :: m. (षः) 1. An ichneumon. 2. An arrow. E. अगि to go, and ऊषः Unadi aff.
  • अङ्घस् :: n. (-घः) Sin. E. अघि to go, and असि aff.
  • अङ्घ्रि :: m. (-ङ्घ्रिः) 1. A foot. 2. The root of a tree. E. हन to kill, and क्रिन् Unadi aff. the formative is irregular. See अंङ्घि .
  • अङ्घ्रिनामक :: m. (-कः) The root of a tree, being named from a foot; every synonym of a foot being also that of the root of a tree. E. अङ्घ्रि and नामक name.
  • अङ्घ्रिनामन् :: n. (-म) The root of a tree. E. अङ्घ्रि a foot or root and नामन् a name. See the last.
  • अङ्घ्रिप :: m. (-पः) A tree. See अंह्रिप E. अङ्घ्रि, a root and प from पा to drink.
  • अङ्घ्रिपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A plant. See अङ्घ्रिवल्लिका . E. अङ्घ्रि and पर्ण a leaf, aff. ङीप्, the leaves rising from the root.
  • अङ्घ्रिवल्लिका :: f. (-का) A plant, (Hedysarum lagopidiodes, Rox.) E. अङ्घ्रि, and वल्लिका a pedicle.
  • अच :: r. 1st. cl. (उ) or (ञै) (अचति) (अञ्चति) (अञ्चते) 1. To go. to, go to or towards. 2. To worship. 3. To speak indistinctly. See अञ्च .
  • अचक्षुस् :: n. (-क्षुः) A bad or contracted eye. mfn. (-क्षुः -क्षुः -क्षुः) Eyeless, sightless. E. अ priv. or dim, and चक्षुस् the eye.
  • अचण्ड :: mfn. f. (ण्ड-ण्डा-ण्डी-ण्डं) Gentle, not passionate. (-ण्डी) 1. A tracta- ble cow. 2. A mild and gentle woman. E. अ neg. and चण्ड passionate.
  • अचपल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Steady, not fickle E. अ neg. चपल A unsteady.
  • अचल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Fixed, immoveable. m. (लः) 1. A mountain. 2. A pin or bolt. f. (-ला) The earth. E. अ not, and चल who, goes from चल and अच् aff.
  • अचलकीला :: f. (-ला) The earth. E. अचल a mountain, कील a bolt.
  • अचलत्विष् :: m. (त्विट) The Koil or Indian cuckoo. E. अचल mountain, and त्विष् light.
  • अचलाधिप :: m. (-पः) The king of mountains, the personified Himalaya; also analogous compounds, as अचलेन्द्रः अचलेश्वरः, &c. E. अचल and अधिप king.
  • अचलभ्रातृ :: m. (-ता) The name of a Jaina saint, one of the eleven pupils of the last pontiff. E. अचल and भ्रातृ brother.
  • अचापल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Firmness, steadiness, consistency: also अचपलता, &c. E. अ neg. चापल्य inconstancy.
  • अचिन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Insensible, inanimate. E. अ neg. चिन्ता reflexion.
  • अचिन्तता :: f. (-ता) Insensibility, want of sense or intellect. E. ता added to the last.
  • अचिन्ता :: f. (-न्ता) Disregard, absence of thought or consideration. E. अ neg. चिन्ता thought.
  • अचिन्तित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unthought of, unexpected. 2. Disregarded E. अ neg. चिन्तित considered.
  • अचिन्त्य :: mfn. (-न्त्य -न्त्या -न्त्यं) Inconceivable, unimaginable, incomprehensible. E. अ neg. चिन्त्य conceivable.
  • अचिर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Brief, momentary, not long. (-रा) A proper name. the mother of SĀNTI, the sixteenth Jaina saint. E. अ neg. चिर long.
  • अचिरद्युति :: (-तिः) Lightning. E. अ neg. चिर long. and द्युति light.
  • अचिरप्रभा :: f. (-भा) Lightning. E. अचिर as before, and प्रभा light.
  • अचिररोचिस् :: f. (-चिः) Lightning. E. अचिर as before, and रोचिस् light.
  • अचिरांशु :: f. (-शुः) Lightning. E. अचिर and अंशु a ray.
  • अचिरात् :: ind. Directly, without delay. E. अ neg. and चिरात् from length of time.
  • अचिराभा :: f. (भाः) Lightning. E. अचिर as above, and भा light, with आङ prefixed.
  • अचेतन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Insensible, unconscious, devoid of reason or feeling. E. अ neg. चेतना consciousness.
  • अचैतन्य :: n. (-न्यं) 1. Unconsciousness, insensibility. 2. The material universe, as opposed to spiritual being or God. 3. Ignorance, especially spiritual. E. अ neg. चैतन्य intellect.
  • अच्युत :: m. (-तः) 1. A name of VISHṆU; also of KRISHṆA, as a form of VISHṆU. 2. A shrub, (Morinda tinctoria.) mfn. (-तः -ताः -तं) Fixed, permanent. E. अ neg. and च्युत participle of च्युङ to go.
  • अच्युतवास :: m. (-सः) The religious fig tree, (Ficus religiosa.) E. अच्युत VISHṆU बास abode.
  • अच्युताग्रज :: m. (जः) 1. A name of BALARĀMA, the elder brother of KRISHṆA. 2. A name of INDRA. E. अच्युत KRISHṆA, as VISHṆU, and अग्रज elder born.
  • अच्छ :: mfn. (-च्छः -च्छा -च्छं) Clear, transparent. m. (च्छ) 1. A bear. 2. Crystal. ind. Fronting, before, in presence of. E. अ neg. or comparative, and च्छो to cut, aff. ड .
  • अच्छभल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) A bear. This is sometimes considered as two words. See अच्छ and भल्ल E. अच्छ in front of, and भल्ल to kill.
  • अच्छेद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) Not to be cut, incapable of injury or comm- inution. E. अ neg. च्छेद्य to be cut.
  • अज :: r. 1st cl. (अजति) 1. To go. 2. To blame. or censure: the root is irregular, वी being substituted for it before many of the inflecti- ons, as विवाय, वीयात् &c. with an indicatory इ अजि r. 10th cl. (अञ्जयति) To shine.
  • अज :: m. (-जः) A name of BRAHMĀ 2. Also of VISHṆU 3. A name of SIVA. 4. Also of KĀMA. CUPID. 5. A proper name, the son of RAGHU, and father of DĀSARATHA. 6. A he-goat. 7. A sheep. 8. A mineral substance. See माक्षिक f. (-जा) 1. A she-goat. 2. Illusion, the unreality of the universe, personified as Sakti. mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Unborn. E. अ neg. and ज born. unborn; or अज to go, aff. अच् .
  • अजकर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) 1. The ear of a goat. 2. A tree, (Terminalia alata tomentosa, Rox.) See असन . E. अज a goat. कर्ण an ear; the leaf being compared to the ear of a goat.
  • अजकर्णक :: m. (-कः) A tree, vulg. Sāl (Shorea robusta, Rox.) See शाल E. क affixed to the preceding, denoting resemblance.
  • अजकव :: m. (वः) The bow of SIVA, See अजकाव अजगव &c. E. अज VISHṆU, and क BRAHMĀ with व aff. BRAHMĀ being placed in the centre, and VISHṆU on the upper part.
  • अजकाव :: m. (व) See अजकव . E. as before, अ being made आ .
  • अजगन्धा :: f. (न्धा) A plant, (Ocymum gratissimum.) E. अज a goat, and गन्ध smell; smelling like a goat.
  • अजगन्धिका :: f. (का) A plant, (Ocymum gratissimum.) See अजगन्धा .
  • अजगन्धिनी :: f. (नी) A plant, See अजशृङ्गी E. See अजगन्धा .
  • अजगर :: m. (रः) The Bor, or Boa, a large serpent. (Boa constrictor. E. अज a goat, and गर who swallows. from गृ with अच् aff.
  • अजगव :: n. (-वः) The bow of SIVA. See अजकव &c.
  • अजगाव :: n. (-कः) See अजगव, &c.
  • अजजीविक :: m. (-कः) A goatherd, E. अज and जीविक who lives or gets a livelihood by goats.
  • अजटा :: f. (-टा) The name of a plant. (Flacourtia cataphracta.) Also written अञ्झडा and अञ्झटा E. अ neg. and जट a fibrous root; or अ and जडा foolish, brightening the intellects.
  • अजथ्या :: f. (-थ्वा) A plant, (Yellow jasmin.) E. अज, and थान् aff. of propriety or fitness.
  • अजनक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) One not a parent or producer, unproductive, ungenerative. E. अ neg. जनक generator.
  • अजननि :: m. (-निः) Privation of birth, used as an imprecation. See अकरणि &c. Ex. अजननिरस्तु तस्य may he cease to exist. E. अ priv. and जननि birth.
  • अजन्त :: m. (-न्त) (In grammar) A noun ending in a vowel. E. अच् the syllable including all the vowels, and अन्त end.
  • अजन्मन् :: mfn. (-न्मा -न्मा -न्म) Unborn. E. अ neg. जन्मन् birth.
  • अजन्य :: n. (-न्यं) A portent, an omen; any natural phenomenon, as an earthquake, &c. so considered. mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) Not to be born or produced. E. अ neg. and जन्य birth.
  • अजप :: m. (-पः) 1. A reader of works considered heterodox. 2. Agoatherd. f. (पा) 1. A particular mantra or mystical formula employed by the Tantrikas, the essence of which is in the letters H and S, whence it is termed the Hansa mantra 2. SIVA and SAKTI com- bined, to which form, the mantra is particularly, addressed. mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) 1. Who or what does not perform the Japa. 1. Cherishing or feeding goats. E. अ not; and जप silent prayer; or अज a goat, and प who protects.
  • अजमीढ :: m. (ढः) A name of YUDHISHṬHIRA; the friend of AJA, i. e. E. अज VISHNU or KRISHNA, and ईह to seek, to love, with the parti- cipial क्त, the termination of the accusative is retained.
  • अजमोदा :: f. (-दा) 1. Common carroway, (Carum carui.) 2. A kind of lovage, (Ligusticum ajwaen, Rox.) 3. A sort of parsley, (Apium involucratum;) this latter application is the one used in the dialects. E. अज a goat, and मोद what pleases, from मुद .
  • अजम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) A frog.
  • अजय :: m. (-यः) Defeat. mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Unsurpassed, unsubdued, over whom or which no triumph is obtained. f. (-या) Hemp. E. अ neg. जय victory.
  • अजय्य :: mfn. (-य्यः -य्या -य्यं) Invincible, not to be subdued or surpassed. E. अ neg. जय्य conquerable.
  • अजर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) 1. Friendship. 2. Imperishableness, exemption from infirmity or decay. mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) Imperishable, undecaying. E. अ neg. and जर्य्य from जॄ to decay.
  • अजर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Imperishable, undecaying. f. (-रा) Aloes. E. अ neg. जरा decay.
  • अजलम्बन :: n. (-नं) Antimony.
  • अजलोमन् :: m. (-मा) Cowach, (Carpopogon pruriens.) E. अज, and लोमन् the hair of the body, hair, wool.
  • अजशृङ्गी :: f. (-ङ्गी) A plant; described as a milky and thorny plant, with a fruit of a crooked figure, like a ram's horn, and used as a medi- cine for the eyes; vulg, Mera Sṛngi, and Kankara Sṛngi. See कर्क्कटशृङ्गी . E. अज a ram, and शृङ्गी a horn.
  • अजस्र :: n. Adverbial. (स्रं) Eternally, continually. E. अ neg. जस to let loose, and र aff.
  • अजहत्स्वार्था :: f. (-र्था) A figure of speech, metonymy, one name being put for another, as ‘the spears enter’ for the spearmen. E. अ neg. जहत् leaving, स्वार्था sense.
  • अजहल्लिङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) In grammar, a noun that does not vary its gender, even when it is used attributively. E. अजहत् not leaving, लिङ्ग gender.
  • अजहा :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Not relinquishing, not leaving. f. (-हा) Cowach, (Carpopogon pruriens.) E. अज and ह, from हा to abandon.
  • अजागर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Not wakeful, not awake. m. (-रः) A plant, (Ecli- pta, or verbesina prostrata.) E. अ neg. and जागर wakeful.
  • अजाजी :: f. (-जी) Cumin seed. E. अज, a goat, and अज to go, affix, ङीप् .
  • अजाजीव :: m. (-वः) A goatherd; also अजाजीविन् अजापालकः, &c. E. अजा a she-goat, and जीव who lives.
  • अजात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unborn, unproduced. E. अ neg. जात born.
  • अजातशत्रु :: m. (-त्रुः) A name of YUDHISHṬHIRA. E. अजात unborn, and शत्रु an enemy, who never made an enemy.
  • अजातारि :: m. (-रिः) See अजातशत्रु .
  • अजादनी :: f. (-नी) A small species of prickly nightshade E. अज a goat, and अदन eating.
  • अजानय :: m. (-यः) A horse of a good breed. See अजानेय . mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Fearless, undaunted. E. See अजानेय the initial being made short.
  • अजान्त्री :: f. (-न्त्री) A potherb, (Convolvulus argenteus.) See female, छगलान्त्री . E. अज, and अन्त्र an entrail.
  • अजापालक :: m. (-कः) A goatherd. E. अजा a she-goat, पाल to nourish, and वुन् aff.
  • अजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unconquered. 2. Unexcelled, unsurpassed. m. (-तः) 1. The second of the twenty-four principal Jaina Tīrthakaras or deified sages. 2. A name of VISHṆU. 3. A name of BUDDHA. 4. A name of SIVA. E. अ neg. and जित, participle of जि to conquer.
  • अजिन :: n. (-नं) A hide used as a seat, bed, &c. by the religious student; generally the hide of an antelope. E. अज to go, and the Unadi aff. इनच् .
  • अजिनपत्रा :: f. (-त्रा-त्री) A bat. E. अजिन a hide, and पत्र a wing.
  • अजिनयोनि :: m. (-निः) A deer, or antelope. E. अजिन a hide. and योनि place of origin.
  • अजिर :: n. (-रं) 1. A court or yard. 2. Air, wind. 3. The body. 4. An object of sense 5. A frog. E. अज to go, and किरन् aff.
  • अजिह्म :: mfn. (-ह्मः -ह्मा -ह्मं) Straight, not crooked. literally or metaphorically; upright, sincere, honest, direct. m. (-ह्मः) A frog. E. अ neg. and जिह्म crooked.
  • अजिह्मग :: m. (गः) An arrow. mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Going or moving in a straight line. E. अजिह्म straight, direct, and ग what goes.
  • अजिह्व :: mfn. (-ह्वः -ह्वा -ह्वं) Tongueless, having no tongue. m. (-ह्वः) A frog. E. अ neg. and जिह्व from जिह्वा a tongue.
  • अजीगर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) A Rishi, the father of Sunasephas.
  • अजीर्ण :: n. (-र्णं) 1. Flatulency, indigestion. 2. Vigor, absence of old age or decay. mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Undigested. 2. Undecayed, unimpai- red. E. अ neg, and जीर्ण old, digested.
  • अजीव :: m. (-वः) 1. Death. 2. Non-existence. mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) 1. Lifeless, dead. E. अ neg. and जीव life.
  • अजीवनि :: f. (-निः) Non-existence; used as an imprecation. See अकरणि, अजीवनिस्तस्य भूयात् . E. अ neg. जीव and अनि aff.
  • अजेतव्य :: mfn. (-व्य -व्या -व्यं) Invincible, not to be conquered or overcome. E. अ neg. जेतव्य conquerable.
  • अजेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Invincible, insuperable, not to be overcome or surpassed. E. अ neg. जेय to be conquered.
  • अजैकपाद :: m. (-दः) One of the eleven Rudras or deities so named, forms of SIVA. Sometimes read अज एकपाद . E. अज SIVA, एक one, and पाद a quarter a part.
  • अज्जुका :: f. (-का) A courtezan, (in theatrical language.) E. अज to go, or here, to gain, and उकन् affix; sometimes read अर्ज्जुका, from अर्ज to earn, to gain.
  • अज्झटा :: f. (-टा) A plant. (Flacourtia cataphracta.) E. अत् particle of surprise, and झट to be entangled.
  • अज्झल :: n. (-लं) A shield. E. अझ् to join, and अलच् aff.
  • अज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Ignorant, unwise, foolish. E. अ priv. and ज्ञ who knows.
  • अज्ञता :: f. (-ता) Ignorance; also अज्ञत्व E. ता added to अज्ञ .
  • अज्ञत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Ignorance. E. अज्ञ and त्व aff.
  • अज्ञात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unknown. 2. Unknowing. E. अ neg. ज्ञात known.
  • अज्ञान :: n. (-नं) 1. Ignorance. 2. Spiritual ignorance, worldly illusion or belief in external appearances. mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Ignorant, unwise. E. अ neg. and ज्ञान knowledge.
  • अज्ञानता :: f. (-ता) Ignorance, also अज्ञानत्वं .
  • अज्ञानिन :: mfn. (-नी -निनी -नि) Ignorant, unwise. E. अ neg. ज्ञानिन् knowing.
  • अज्ञेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Incomprehensible. E. अ neg. ज्ञेय to be known.
  • अञ्च :: r. 1st. cl. (उ .) (अञ्चति) 1. To adore, to worship, to treat with respect. (ञ, उ .) (अंचति-ते) 2. To go, to approach. 3. To ask or beg. 4. To speak indistinctly. With प्र, to move in an eastern direction; with प्रति, to go westerly; with उत्, to go northerly; with अव, to move southerly; with परा, to turn aside or away. r. 1st and 10th cl. (अंचति अंचयति) To discriminate, to individualize, to possess especially. See अच .
  • अञ्चति :: m. (-तिः) Air, wind. E. अञ्च to go, and अति Unādi aff.
  • अञ्चल :: m. (-लः) The end or border of a cloth, veil, shawl, &c. E. अञ्च to go, and अलच् aff.
  • अञ्चित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Worshipped, revered. 2. Admired. 3. Go ne. E. the participial derivative cf अञ्च to worship, &c.
  • अञ्चितभ्रू :: f. (-भ्रूः) A woman having beautiful eye-brows. E. अञ्चित, and भ्रू the brow.
  • अञ्ज :: r. 7th cl. (ध, ऊ, ञि) (अनक्ति) 1. To make clear. 2. To anoint. 3. To be beautiful. 4. To go: with अभि, to anoint: with वि, to make manifest, to call into being, to create, to mark or designate.
  • अञ्जन :: n. (-नं) 1. Anointing. 2. Going. 3. Making clear, distinct. 4. A collyrium or application to the eye-lashes, to darken and improve them; a universal article of the eastern toilet. 5. Particular applications, as lamp black, antimony, and another kind. See रसाञ्जन . 6. Night. 7. Ink. 8. A term in rhetoric; the use of a word of several meanings in one specific sense, which is determi- ned by the context. m. (-नः) 1. The elephant of the west 2. A species of lizard. f. (-ना) 1. The mother of HANUMĀN. 2. A green lizard. (-नी) 3. A woman perfumed with sandal, &c. 4. A medicinal plant. See. कटुका . E. अञ्ज to beautify or anoint, and ल्यु or ल्युट् aff.
  • अञ्जनकेशी :: f. (-शी) A vegetable perfume. See हट्टविलासिनी . E. अञ्जन colly- rium, केश hair, and ङीप् fem. affix; the fibres being like the crys- tals, perhaps, of antimony.
  • अञ्जनाधिका :: f. (-का) A kind of lizard. E. अञ्जन, and अधिक much, excessive.
  • अञ्जनाम्भस् :: n. (-म्भः) Eye-water, liquid collyrium. E. अञ्जन collyrium, and अम्भस् water.
  • अञ्जनावती :: f. (-ती) The female-elephant of the north-east. E. अञ्जन, and वतुप् poss. aff.
  • अञ्जनिका :: f. (-का) 1. A species of lizard, (Lacerta anjaneya.) 2. A small mouse. E. अञ्जन, and इकन् affix, with the fem. termination; also read अञ्जलिका .
  • अञ्जलि :: m. (-लिः) 1. The cavity formed by putting the hands together, and hollowing the palms: being in this form carried to the forehead, it forms the appropriate salutation from inferiors of respectability to their superiors. 2. A measure, a Kuḍava. See कुडव . E. अञ्ज to go, and लिच् Unadi aff.
  • अञ्जलिका :: f. (-का) See अञ्जनिका .
  • अञ्जलिकारिका :: f. (-का) 1. A kind of sensitive plant, (Mimosa natans,) or according to some, a different plant, (Lycopodium imbricatum) E. अञ्जलि, and कारिका making; from the shape or closing of the petals, like the hollowed palms of the hand. 2. A doll, a puppet. E. as before.
  • अञ्जलिकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Making salutations, civility, respect. E. अञ्जलि, and कर्म्मन् act.
  • अञ्जलिबन्धन :: n. (-नं) Making a salutation with the hands joined and applied to the forehead. E. अञ्जलि, and बन्धन binding.
  • अञ्जस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Straight, even, upright, (in morals.) E. अञ्ज to make clear, असच् aff.
  • अञ्जसा :: ind. 1. Soon, instantly. 2. Truly, justly. E. अञ्ज as before, षै to destroy, and क्विप् aff.
  • अञ्जि :: m. (-ञ्जिः) A superior, a commander, a sender. E. अजि to go, and कि aff.
  • अञ्जिष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) The sun. E. अञ्ज to make manifest, and इष्ठन् Unadi aff.
  • अञ्जीर :: n. (-रं) The fig tree, also its fruit. In Bengal, the word derived from this implies the Guava; the term has, possibly, been borrowed from a Persian word. E. अञ्ज to make clear, and ईरन् aff.
  • अट :: r. 1st cl. (अटति) To move, to go or approach: with पार prefixed, to go round about, to roam, to rove, to ramble, to wander about, especially as a religious mendicant. 10th cl. (अटयति) To slight.
  • अट :: mf. (-टः-टा) 1. Going 2. Roaming. wandering E. अट, and अच् aff.
  • अटन :: n. (-नं) 1. Going, 2. Roaming about, leading a vagrant life. E. अट , and ल्युट् aff.
  • अटनि :: f. (-निः or नी) The notched extremity of a bow. E. अट to go, अनि affix, also with ङीष् fem. termination.
  • अटरुष :: m. (-षः) A tree, (Justicia adhatoda.) E. अट here, disease, from अट to go, and रुष to destroy; destroying disease.
  • अटरूष :: m. (-षः) See the last word.
  • अटवि :: f. (-विः) A forest, or wood. E. अट to go, and अटि affix, or ङीष् being added अटवी ut infra; birds, &c. resting there.
  • अटविक :: m. (-कः) A wood-man, a forester. E. अटवि a wood, वक aff.
  • अटल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Immoveable, unchangeable.
  • अटवी :: f. (-वी) A forest, or grove. See अटवि .
  • अटाट्या :: f. (-ट्या) Roaming about as a devotee or religious mendicant. E. अट to go, frequentative form, affs अच् and यप् .
  • अट्ट :: r. 1st cl. (उ .) (अट्टते) 1. To surpass or excel, to transgress or exceed. 2. To kill or hurt. 10th cl. (अट्टयति) 1. To slight. 2. To be small.
  • अट्ट :: m. (-ट्ट) 1. A room on the top of the house; but it is also applic- cable to other structures; as the black of an edifice, a fortified place in front of a building, a room on the top of a temporary hall, or a particular kind of building. 2. Much, excessive. n. (-ट्टं) Food, boiled rice especially. mfn. (-ट्टः -ट्टा -ट्टं) Dry, dried. E. अट्ट to go, surpass or transcend and घञ् aff.
  • अट्टट्ट :: ind. Very lofty.
  • अट्टन :: n. (-नं) A circular weapon, a kind of discus. E. अट्ट to kill or hurt, ल्युट् aff.
  • अट्टहास :: m. (-सः) Violent laughter, a horse-laugh. E. अट्ट excessive, and हास a laugh.
  • अट्टहासक :: m. (-कः) A plant, (Jasminum multiflorum.) E. अट्टहास, and कन्; resembling a laugh or smile on beauty's countenance; the comparison is common to the poets.
  • अट्टहासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Laughing, loudly and violently. m. (-सी) A name of SIVA. E. अट्टहास, and णिनि poss. aff.
  • अट्टाल :: m. (-लः) An upper room or pavilion, on the flat roof of an Indian house. E. अट्ट much, and अल to adorn.
  • अट्टालक :: m. (-कः) A room on the top of the house. E. अट्ट much, अल to adorn, and कन् aff.
  • अट्टालिका :: f. (-का) A palace, an upper-roomed house. E. as before, fem. form.
  • अट्टालिकाकार :: m. (-रः) A bricklayer, a mason, a builder; born of a Sudra mother and painter father. E. अट्टालिका, and कार who enables.
  • अट्टा :: f. (-ट्टा) Wandering as a beggar or devotee. E. अट्ट to go. See अटा .
  • अठ :: r. 1st cl. (अठति) with a redundant इ . अठि (अंठते) To go, to go to or towards.
  • अड :: r. 1st cl. (अडति) To strive or endeavour. 5th cl. (अडोति) To occupy or possess, (peculiar to the Vedas.)
  • अड्ड :: r. 1st cl. (अड्डति) 1. To connect. 2. To solve, or demonstrate. 3. To strive, to endeavour. The radical penultimate is द, and the root is also written by VOPADEVA, अद्द .
  • अण :: r. 1st. cl. (अणति) To sound. (ङ,) 4th cl. (अण्यते) To breathe, to live; with प्र, to exist, to live. See अन .
  • अणक :: mfn. (कः-का-कं) Inferior, low. E. अण to sound, अच् affix; and कन् affix of depreciation; also written अण्णक, and आणक .
  • अणव्य :: n. (-व्यं) A field bearing panic, E. अणु panic. and यत् aff.
  • अणि :: m. (-णिः) 1. A pin or bolt at the extremity of the pole of a carriage, the pin of the axle. 2. The edge or point of a sharp weapon. 3. A limit, a boundary; also अणी . E. अण to sound, and इन् aff.
  • अणिमन् :: m. (-मा) 1. Subtility, infinite minuteness, moleculism. 2. The same considered as a superhuman faculty, to be acquired by austere devotion and the performance of magical rites, or as possessed by a deity. E. अण an atom, and इमनिच् aff.
  • अणीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Very small. E. अणु small, and इयसुन् superlative aff.
  • अणु :: m. (-णुः) 1. An atom, a minute and elementary particle of matter. 2. A sort of grain, (Panicum miliaceum, Rox.) m. or mfn. (-णुः -ण्वी -णु) 1. Atomic, small, minute. E. अण to sound, and उ Unādi aff.
  • अणुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Skilful, clever. 2. Small, minute. E. अणु small, and कन् aff.
  • अणुत्व :: n. (-त्वं) The state or being of an atom, also अणुता .
  • अणुभा :: f. (-भा) Lightning. E. अणु minute, and भा light.
  • अणुरेणु :: f. (-णुः) Small particles of dust, a dust of atoms. E. अणु, and रेणु dust.
  • अणुरेणुजाल :: n. (लं) The moats in a sunbeam. E. अणुरेणु, and जाल as- semblage.
  • अणुरेवती :: f. (-ती) A tree. (Croton polyandrum.)
  • अणुव्रीहि :: m. (-हिः) Small grain.
  • अण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) 1. An egg. 2. A testicle or the scrotum. 3. Semen geni- tale. 4. The musk bag, regarded as the scrotum of the deer. E. अम to go, and ड Unadi aff.
  • अण्डक :: m. (-कः) The scrotum. E. अण्ड scrotum. and कन् aff.
  • अण्डकोटरपुष्पा :: f. (-ष्पा) A plant, (perhaps Convolvulus argenteus.) See अजन्त्री .
  • अण्डकोश :: m. (-शः) See the next.
  • अण्डकोष :: m. (-षः) 1. The scrotum. 2. The testicle. 3. A boundary. 4. the rind of a fruit. 5. Fruit. E. अण्ड a testicle, and कोश or कोष a sheathe.
  • अण्डकोषक :: m. (-कः) The scrotum. E. कन् added to the last.
  • अण्डज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Oviparous. m. (-जः) 1. A serpent. 2. A fish 3. A bird. 4. A lizard. f. (जा Musk. E. अण्ड and egg, &c. and ज what is born, from जन .
  • अण्डाकार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Egg-shaped, oval, elliptical. m. (-रः) An oval, an ellipsis; also अण्डाकृति, &c.
  • अण्डालु :: m. (लुः) A fish. E. अण्ड, and आलु aff.
  • अण्डीर :: m. (-रः) 1. A man. 2. Strong, powerful. E. अण्ड, and ईर aff.
  • अण्वी :: f. (-ण्वी) A finger, (from the Vedas.)
  • अत :: r. 1st cl. (अतति) To go, to move or approach progressively and continually. With an indicatory इ . अति (अंतति) To bind.
  • अतएव :: ind. Even, thus, or hence, so, from this cause, &c.
  • अतट :: m. (-टः) A precipice. E. अ neg. and तट a back.
  • अतथ्य :: mfn. (-थ्यः -थ्या -थ्यं) Untrue, false, unreal. E. अ neg. तथ्य true.
  • अतनु :: mfn. (नुः-नुः-न्वी-नु) Large, great, not small or slight. E. अ neg. तनु minute.
  • अतन्द्र :: mfn. (-न्द्रः -न्द्रा -न्द्रं) Awake, active, alert. E. अ neg. तन्द्रा sloth.
  • अतन्द्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Smart, active, energetical. E. अ neg. तन्द्रित slothful.
  • अतप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) 1. Cool. 2. Unanxious. 3. Unemployed. 4. Unos- tentatious. E. अ neg. तप ardor.
  • अतप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Cool not heated. E. अ neg. तप्त heated.
  • अतर्क :: m. (-र्कः) Absence of reasoning, want of consideration. E. अ neg. तर्क consideration.
  • अतर्कित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unconsiderd. 2. Unexpected, unweighed. adv. n. (-तं) Unexpectedly, suddenly E. अ neg. अकित considered.
  • अतर्क्य :: mfn. (-र्क्यः -र्क्या -र्क्यं) Unsearchable, incomprehensible, inscrutable. E. अ neg. तर्क्य to be investigated.
  • अतर्पणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Insatiable. E. अ neg. तर्पणीय to be satisfied.
  • अतर्पित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unsatisfied. E. अ neg. तर्पित satisfied.
  • अतल :: n. (-लं) A particular hell or division of the infernal regions, the portion immediately below the earth. E. अ neg. and तल bottom.
  • अतलस्पर्श :: mfn. (-र्शः -र्शा -र्शं) Very deep, bottomless. E. अ neg. तल bottom, and स्पर्श the touch.
  • अतलस्पृश् :: mfn. (स्पृक्) See the preceding.
  • अतस् :: ind. 1. Hence, therefore, from this cause. 2. An interjection of command. E. एतद् this, and तस् affix; irregular formation.
  • अतस :: m. (-सः) 1. Wind, air. 2. The self, the soul. 3. Cloth made from bark. 4. A weapon. f. (-सी) 1. Common flax, (Linum usitatissimum.) Sanā, Bengal sun, a kind of flax, (Crotolaria juncea.) E. अत to go, and the Unadi affix असच, when fem. with ङीष् added.
  • अति :: ind. Over, beyond, exceeding, much, very much, &c. it implies generally excess, or preeminence. E. अत to go, and इन् aff.
  • अतिकथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) 1. Incredible, unworthy of belief or trust.

2. Erring, deviating from the duties of a profession or cast. f. (-था) Idle or unmeaning speech. E. अति excess or exceeding, and कथा speech: some words substitute for this word, इतिकथ q. v.

  • अतिकन्दक :: m. (-कः) A tree. See हस्तिकन्द .
  • अतिकाय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Gigantic. E. अति, and काय body.
  • अतिकृच्छ्र :: n. (-च्छ्र) 1. A kind of penance, eating a handful of food a day for six days, and fasting three. 2. Extreme pain or suffering. E. अति, and कृच्छ्र penance.
  • अतिकृति :: f. (-तिः) A kind of metre, a stanza of four lines, with twenty- five syllables to each line. E. अति, and कृति another metre.
  • अतिकृश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शी-शं) Very thin, emaciated. E. अति, and कृश thin.
  • अतिक्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Going over or beyond, lit. or fig. 2. Surpassing, excelling. 3. Transgressing. 4. Contrariety, opposition. 5. Neglect, aversion, disregard. 6. Privation. 7. A groundless demand. 8. A gallant attack, advance of an army in front of an enemy. See अति- क्रम E. अति over, beyond, and क्रम to go; going beyond duty or daring.
  • अतिक्रमिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिणी -मि) 1. Transgressing. 2. Exceeding, surpassing. E. अतिक्रम, and इनि aff.
  • अतिक्रम्य :: ind. Having gone over or beyond. i. e. Exceeded, transgressed, surpassed, overcome, &c. E. अति before, क्रम to go, यत् aff.
  • अतिक्रश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शी-शं) Thin emaciated. E. अति, and क्रश spare; ऋ changed to र .
  • अतिक्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Transgressed, exceeded, passed the proper bounds. 2. Excelled, surpassed. 3. Passed in time. 4. Attacked, assaulted. 5. Excessive, unlimited. 6. Prolix, diffuse. 7. Disregarded, disliked. E. अति, and क्रम to go, aff.
  • अतिक्रामक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Exceeding, one who oversteps due bounds. E. अति, and क्रम to go, स्खुल् aff.
  • अतिगण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) The sixth of the twenty-seven astrological yogas.
  • अतिगन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) 1. A fragrant grass, lemon-grass, (Andropogon schœnanthus.) 2. Champac, (Michelia champaca.) 3. A kind of bean, (Phaseolus mungo) 4. Sulphur. mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Of strong or exceeding odour. E. अति, and गन्ध smell.
  • अतिगन्धालु :: m. (-लुः) A creeper. E. अति, and गन्धालु a plant.
  • अतिगर्व्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Arrogant, proud. E. अति very, गर्व्व pride, and इतच् aff.
  • अतिगर्हित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Despicable, vile. E. अति before, गर्हित reproached.
  • अतिगुप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Very secret, closely hidden or concealed. E. अति, and गुप्त hidden.
  • अतिगुहा :: f. (-हा) A plant, (Hemionites, cordifolia, Rox.) See पृष्णिपर्णी . E. अति surpassing, and गुहा a hole; rising above the ground.
  • अतिचर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Going over or beyond, lit. or fig. f. (-रा) A plant, (Hibiscus mutabilis.) See पद्मचारिणी . E. अतिचर to go beyond, अच् and टाप् affs.
  • अतिचार :: m. (-रः) 1. Going quickly. 2. Going over or beyond. 3. Sur- passing, excelling. 4. The passage of a planet from one zodiacal sing to another, in a shorter than common period. E. अति before चर to go, घञ् aff.
  • अतिच्छत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A mushroom. f. (-त्रा) 1. Anise, (Anethum pimpinella.) 2. Barleria longifolia. E. अति, and च्छत्र an umbrella.
  • अतिच्छत्रक :: m. (-कः) A mushroom E. कन् added to the last.
  • अतिजगती :: f. (-ती) A form of metre, a stanza of four lines. with thirteen syllables in each line. E. अति, and जगती another metre.
  • अतिजव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Marching fast or fleet. E. अति, and जव quick.
  • अतिजागर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Very wakeful, restless. m. (-रः) The black curlew. E. अति, and जागर wakeful.
  • अतिजीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्ण -र्णा -र्णं) Very old. E. अति, and जीर्णं old.
  • अतिडीन :: n. (-नं) Very lofty. or very rapid flight of birds. E. अति, and डीन flying.
  • अतितराम् :: ind. Much, excessively, exceedingly. E. अति, and तराम् aff.
  • अतितीव्र :: mfn. (-व्रः -व्रा -व्रं) Very sharp or pungent. f. (-व्रा) Doob grass. E. अति, and तीव्र sharp.
  • अतितीक्ष्ण :: mfn. (-क्ष्णः -क्ष्णा -क्ष्णं) Very pungent, sharp, hot or acrid E. अति, and तीक्ष्ण sharp.
  • अतिथि :: mfn. (-थिः -था) A guest, a person entitled to the rites of hospitality. m. (-थिः) 1. A proper name, the son of KUSĀ. and grandson of RĀMĀ. 2. Wrath. E. अत to go, and इथिन् Unadi aff.
  • अतिथिक्रिया :: f. (-या) Hospitality considered as a religious duty. E. अतिथि, and क्रिया act.
  • अतिथिद्वेष :: m. (-षः) Inhospitality. E. अतिथि, and द्वेष dislike.
  • अतिथिपूजन :: n. (-नं) Hospitality considered as one of the principal sacraments of the Hindus. E. अतिथि a guest, and पूजन worshipping.
  • अतिथिसत्कार :: m. (-रः) The rite of hospitality, hospitality. E. अतिथि, and सत्कार pious rite.
  • अतिथिसेवा :: f. (-वा) Service of a guest, hospitality. E. अतिथि, and सेवा service.
  • अतिदातृ :: m. (-ता) A liberal man. E. अति, and दातृ who gives.
  • अतिदान :: n. (-नं) Munificence, giving largely. E. अति and दान gift.
  • अतिदाह :: m. (-हः) 1. Great heat. 2. Violent inflammation. E. अति and दाह burning.
  • अतिदिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Substituted, supplementary. E. अति over, and दिष्ट enjoined.
  • अतिदुःसह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Intolerable, unbearable, not to be borne or endured. E. अति and दुःसह painful.
  • अतिदुर्गत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) In great difficulty or distress. E. अति and दुर्गत badly off.
  • अतिदुष्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Very arduous. very difficult. E. अति and दुष्कर difficult.
  • अतिदूर :: n. (-रं) A great distance, afar off. E. अति, and दूर afar.
  • अतिदेश :: m. (-शः) Substitution, supplement. E. अति, and देश direction.
  • अतिदोष :: m. (-षः) A great fault.
  • अतिधृति :: f. (-तिः) A kind of metre, a stanza of four lines, with nineteen syllables in each line. E. अति and धृति another metre.
  • अतिनौ :: mfn. (-नौः -नौः -नु) Landed from a boat. E. अति over, beyond, and नौ a boat.
  • अतिपतन :: n. (-नं) Exceeding, going beyond bounds. E. अति beyond and पत to go, ल्यट् aff.
  • अतिपथिन् :: m. (-पन्था) A good road. E. अति, and पथिन् a road; a very road.
  • अतिपर :: m. (-रः) 1. A great enemy. 2. One who has conquered his enemy. E. अति and परः a foe.
  • अतिपात :: m. (-तः) 1. Neglect of duty. 2. Transgression, deviation from laws or customs. 3. Contrariety, opposition. 4. Going beyond bounds. अति beyond, and पात from पत to go.
  • अतिपातक :: n. (-कं) Heinous sin, the worst of the great sins. E. अति, and पातक crime.
  • अतिपातकिन् :: mfn. (-की -किनी -कि) A great sinner, flagrantly criminal. E. अतिपातक and इनि aff.
  • अतिपारक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Very capable, of great abilities. E. अति, and पारक who traverses.
  • अतिपेशल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Very dexterous or clever. E. अति and पेशल clever.
  • अतिप्रसङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Frequent repetition, uninterrupted continuance. E. अति, and प्रसाद connexion.
  • अतिबल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Strong, powerful. m. (-लः) An active soldier. f. (-ला) A plant, (Sida cordifolia, and rhombifolia.) See वाट्यपुष्पी E. अति and बल strong.
  • अतिभार :: m. (-रः) A great or excessive burden. E. अति, and भार a load.
  • अतिभारग :: m. (-गः) A mule. E. अतिभार, and ग who goes with.
  • अतिभी :: m. (-भीः) Lightning, the flash accompanying thunder. E. अति, and भी dread.
  • अतिभूमि :: f. (-मिः) 1. Something more than was expected or aimed at. 2. Extensive land or limits. 3. Impropor conduct, exceeding proper bounds. E. अति, and भूमि land.
  • अतिभृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Carefully cherished or protected. E. अति and भृत cherished.
  • अतिमङ्गल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) Very auspicious. m. (ल्यः) A fruit, (Ægle, or Cratœva marmelos) See विल्व . E. अत्ति, and मङ्गल auspicious.
  • अतिमर्य्याद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) or adverb n. (दं) Much, excessive, unlimited, unbounded. E. अति, and मर्य्यादा a limit.
  • अतिमर्त्त्य :: mfn. (र्त्त्यः-र्त्त्य-र्त्त्यं) Superhuman, divine. E. अति and मत, mortal.
  • अतिमात्र :: mfn. (त्रः-त्रा-त्रं) or adverb. n. त्रं Much, excessive. E. अति, and मात्रा a minute quantity.
  • अतिमानुष :: mfn. (-ष -षी -षं) 1. Superhuman, more than mortal. 2. Immortal, divine. E. अति, and मानुष human.
  • अतिमाय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Free from illusion. 2. Entirely liberated, or freed. E. अति and माया delusion.
  • अतिमित :: mfn. (तः-ता-तं) 1. Dry, not wet. 2. Over measured, exceeding. E. अ neg. तिमित moist, or अति and मित meted.
  • अतिमुक्त :: mfn. (-क्त -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Seedless, barren. 2. Entirely liberated or freed. m. (क्तः) 1. A creeping plant, (Gœrtnera racemosa.) See माधवीलता 2. A tree, (Dalbergia oujeiniensis) E. अति, and मुक्त liberated.
  • अतिमुक्तक :: m. (-कः) 1. A tree, (Dalbergia oujeiniensis.) 2. Mountain ebony. See तिन्दुक . 3. A creeper. (Gœrtnera racemosa, &c.) E. See अतिमुक्त .
  • अतिमोदा :: f. (-दा) A tree, (Jasmimum arboreum.) E. अति, and मोद delight.
  • अतिरथ :: m. (-थः) A warrior of a particular order fighting in a car. E. अति, and रथ a chariot.
  • अतिरथिन् :: m. (-थी) A warrior of a particular class, fighting in a car. E. अति before रथ a car. and इनि aff. also अतिरथ .
  • अतिरसा :: f. (-सा) A creeper. E. अति, and रस flavour.
  • अतिरिक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Excessive, exceeding, E. अति, and रिव to flow, with the participial affix क्त .
  • अतिरिक्तता :: f. (-ता) Increase of bulk or quantity, expansion, enlargement, elevation, &c. E. ता added to the preceding.
  • अतिरेक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Much, excessive. E. अति, and रिच to flow, affix घञ् .
  • अतिरेकिन् :: mfn. (-की -किणी -कि) More, superior. E. अतिरेक and इनि aff.
  • अतिरोग :: m. (-गः) Consumption, (Phthisis pulmonalis) E. अति and रोग disease.
  • अविरोमश :: m. (-शः) A wild goat, or according to some, a large monkey. mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Very hairy. E. अति, and रोमश hairy.
  • अतिलुब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) Very covetous. E. अति, and लुब्ध covetous.
  • अतिलोमश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Very hairy. E. अति, and लोमश hairy.
  • अतिवर्त्तन :: n. (-न) An accident, a circumstance not capable of being prevented or guarded against. E. अति, and वर्त्तन being.
  • अतिवर्त्तुल :: m. (-लः) A kind of grain. E. अति, and वर्त्तूल round.
  • अतिवात :: m. (-तः) A storm, a hurricane. E. अति, and वात wind.
  • अतिवाद :: m. (-दः) Opprobrious or unfriendly speech. See अभिवाद . E. अति overcoming, वद to speak, and घञ् aff.
  • अतिबालक :: m. (-कः) An infant, mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Childish. E. अति and बालक a child.
  • अतिविकट :: m. (-टः) A vicious elephant. mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Very fierce, very formidable. E. अति, and विकट large or formidable.
  • अतिविष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Antidote, exceeding or subduing poison. f. (-षा) A tree used in medicine, the bark is also employed in dyeing; it

is of three kinds; white, red, and black. (Atis or Betula.) E. अति overcoming, and विष poison.

  • अतिवृष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) Heavy rain. E. अति, and वृष्टि rain.
  • अतिवेल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) or adverb n. (-लं) Much, excessive, unlimited. E. अति, and वेला a limit.
  • अतिव्यय :: m. (-यः) Extravagance, great expenditure. E. अति, and व्यय expenditure.
  • अतिव्ययिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Extravagant, spendthrift. E. अतिव्यय, and इनि aff.
  • अतिव्यथा :: f. (-था) Excessive pain, agony. E. अति, and व्यथा pain.
  • अतिव्याप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) 1. Extreme pervasion or extension. 2. Going beyond the mark, drawing an inference unwarranted by the premises. E. अति, and व्याप्ति spreading.
  • अतिशक्करो :: f. (-रो) A kind of metre; of four lines, with fifteen syllables to the line. E. अति beyond, शक्करो another metre.
  • अतिशक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Very powerful. E. अति, and शक्त powerful.
  • अतिशक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Great power. E. अति, and शक्ति power.
  • अतिशक्तिता :: f. (-ता) Heroic valor, prowess. E. अति, शक्ति power, and ता aff.
  • अतिशक्तिभाज् :: m. (-क्) A man of gigantic power. E. अतिशक्ति, and भाज् who possesses.
  • अतिशय :: If an adj. mas. only. (-यः) If an adverb n. (-यं) much, excessive. E. शीङ to sleep; अति being prefixed, to excel; aff. अच्
  • अतिशयन :: adv. n. (-नं) See अतिशय . E. ल्युट् added to the preceding.
  • अतिशयिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) 1. Superior, exceeding. 2. Increased, improved. &c. E. अतिशय, and इनि aff.
  • अतिशयोक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Hyperbole. 2. Verbosity, prolixity. E. अतिशय excess, and उक्ति speech.
  • अतिशायन :: adv. n. (-नं) adj. mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Much, excessive. E. अतिशय, and ल्युट् the ante-pen, lengthened.
  • अतिशायित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Exceeded, surpassed, excelled. 2. Increased. E. अति before शीङ, and क्त aff.
  • अतिशोभन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Exellent. 2. Chief, principal. 3. Beautiful, splendid. E. अति, and शुभ to shine, ल्युट् aff.
  • अतिसञ्चय :: m. (-यः) A hoard, a great accumulation. E. अति, and सञ्चय heap.
  • अतिसंहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Cheated, deceived, imposed upon. 2. Explained. declared. E. अति, before संहित combined.
  • अतिसन्धान :: n. (-नं) Falsehood, deceit, fraud, cheating, overreaching. E. अति, before सन्धान combining.
  • अतिसर्जन :: n. (-नं) 1. Liberality, giving. 2. Appointing, engaging. 3. A gift, a donation. 4. Slaughter, killing. E. अति, and सृज to create, ल्युट् aff.
  • अतिसान्तपन :: n. (-नं) Severe penance or expiation, especially for the guilt of eating unclean animals; taking as food nothing but cow's urine, cowdung, curds milk, and ghee, each two days in succession. E. अति, and शान्तपन penance.
  • अतिसाम्या :: f. (-म्या) Liquorice plant.
  • अतिसार :: m. (-रः) Diarrhœa or dysentery. E. अति, and सार what goes; from सृ to go, with घञ् affix; also अतीसार .
  • अतिसारकिन् :: mfn. (-की -किणी -कि) Dysenteric, afflicted with dysentery. E. अतिसार, and the affixes इनि and कुक् .
  • अतिसारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Afflicted with dysentery. 2. Cathartic. E. अतिसार, and इनि aff.
  • अतिस्फिर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Very tremulous. E. अति, and स्फिर trembling.
  • अतिहसित :: n. (-तं) Violent laughter. E. अति, and हसित laughing.
  • अतिहास :: m. (-सः) A horse-laugh, violent laughter. E. अति, and हास laughter.
  • अतीन्द्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Imperceptible, unattainable by the senses. E. अति beyond, and इन्द्रिय an organ of sense.
  • अतीक्ष्ण :: mfn. (-क्षणः -क्ष्णाः -क्ष्णं) Blunt, not sharp, dull, obtuse. E. अ neg. तीक्ष्ण sharp.
  • अतीक्ष्णता :: f. (-ता) Bluntness, Se अतीक्ष्णत्व n. (-त्वं) E. ता or त्व added to the preceding.
  • अतीच्छ :: mfn. (-छः -छा -छं) Very desirous, eager, ardent. E. अति, and इच्छा wish.
  • अतीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Passed, gone. 2. Passed away, deceased, dead. 3. Liberated from worldly restraint. 4. Surpassed, gone over or beyond. E. अति, and इत gone.
  • अतीतकाल :: m. (-लः) In gram. the preterite tense. E. अतीत and काल time.
  • अतीव :: Ind. Much, very much, much indeed. E. अति, and इव as, so.
  • अतीव्र :: mfn. (-व्र -व्रा -व्रं) Blunt, dull insipid. E. अ neg तीव्र sharp.
  • अतीसार :: m. (रः) Diarrhœa or dysentery. See अतिसार .
  • अतुङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) 1. Short of stature, a dwarf. 2. Low. E. अ neg. तुङ्ग tall or high.
  • अतुन्द :: mfn. (-न्दः -न्दा -न्दं) Lank, thin. E. अ neg. तुन्द fat.
  • अतुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Unequalled, m. (-लः) A plant that has an oily seed, (Sesamum orientale.) E. अ neg, तुल to be like, क aff.
  • अतुलनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Incomparable. E. अ neg. तुलनीय comparable.
  • अतुल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) Unequalled. unparalleled. E. अ neg. तुल्य to be equalled.
  • अतुहिनरस्मि :: m. (-स्मिः) The sun, whose rays are not cold, i. e. hot: also analogous compounds, as अतुहिनधाभ, अतुहिनरुचि .
  • अतृप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Unsatisfied. E. अ neg. तृप्ति satisfied.
  • अतृप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) Insatiableness, voraciousness. E. अ neg. तृप्ति satisfaction.
  • अतेजस् :: mfn. (-जाः -जाः -जः) Dark, dim, dull. n. (-जः) 1. Shade, shadow. 2. Insignificance, feebleness, imbecility. E. अ neg. तेजस light or spirit.
  • अतेजस्विन् :: mfn. (-स्वी -स्विनी -स्वि) Void of splendour or energy. E. अ neg. तेजस्विन् splendid.
  • अतोषणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Implacable, not to be appeased. E. अ neg. तोषणीय to be pleased.
  • अत्क :: m. (-त्कः) A limb, a member of the body. mfn. (-त्कः -त्का -त्कं) A traveller. E. अत to go, and कन् Uṇādi aff.
  • अत्ता :: f. (-त्ता) 1. A mother, 2. an elder sister. 3. A mother's elder sister. E. अत to go, अच, and टाप् aff.
  • अत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) In theatrical language, an elder sister. E. अत to go, क्तिन् aff.
  • अत्तिका :: f. (-का) In theatrical language, an elder sister. E. अत्ता a mother, and कन् affix, who is, as it were, a mother; it is also written अन्तिका and अर्विका .
  • अत्तृ :: mfn. (-त्ता -त्त्वी -त्तृ) A feeder, one who eats. E. अद to eat. शतृ aff.
  • अत्नु :: m. (-त्नुः) The sun. E. अत to go, क्नु Unādi aff.
  • अत्य :: m. (-त्यः) A horse, from the Vedas. E. अत to go constantly. यत् aff.
  • अत्यजनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Not to be abandoned. E. अ neg. त्यजनीय to be abandoned.
  • अत्यन्त :: mfn. or adv. n. (-न्तः-न्ता-न्तं) Much, excessive. E. अति beyond, and अन्त end or boundary.
  • अत्यन्तकोपन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Very passionate. E. अत्यन्त, and कोपन passionate.
  • अत्यन्तगामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) What goes much or quickly. E. अत्यन्त and गामिन् who goes.
  • अत्यन्तसुकुमार :: m. (-रः) A species of grain, (Panicum Italicum.) E. अत्यन्त, and सुकुमार very soft.
  • अत्यन्ताभाव :: m. (-वः) (In logic) absolute negation or non-existence. E. अत्यन्त much, अभाव not being.
  • अत्यन्तिक :: m. (-कः) One who rambles much, a great rover. mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Much, exceeding. E. अत्यन्त, with ठक् aff.
  • अत्यन्तीन :: m. (-नः) One who goes quickly. or actively. E. अत्यन्त much, and ईन for गामिन् who goes.
  • अत्यम्ल :: mfn. (-म्लः -म्ला -म्लं) Very sour. m. (-म्लः) A tree, (Spondias mangifera.) f. (-म्ला) Another plant and fruit; a species of citron. See मातुलुङ्गी E. अति, and अम्ल sour.
  • अत्यम्लपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A creeper and medicinal plant. E. अति excessive, अम्ल sour; and पर्ण a leaf, with the fem. aff. ङीप् .
  • अत्यय :: m. (-यः) 1. Death. 2. Distress. 3. Transgression. 4. Vice, fault, guilt. 5. Punishment. 6. Going over or beyond. 7. Absence. 8. Loss, destruction. E. अति beyond, away, इण to go, and अच् aff.
  • अत्ययित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Exceeded, surpassed. 2. Outraged. E. अति before इण to go, क्त aff.
  • अत्यर्थ :: n. adv. or mfn. adj. (-र्थः-र्था-र्थं) Much, excessive. E. अति, and अर्थ substance.
  • अत्यल्प :: mfn. (-ल्पः -ल्पा -ल्पं) Very small, very little. E. अति very, and अल्प small.
  • अत्यष्टी :: f. (-ष्टी) A kind of metre, a stanza of four lines, with seventeen syllables to the line. E. अति beyond, अष्टी another metre.
  • अत्यसम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Very rough, uneven, craggy. E. अति, and असम unequal.
  • अत्याकार :: m. (-रः) Censure, blame, contempt. E. अति and आङ prefixed to कृ to do, घञ् aff.
  • अत्याचार :: m. (-रः) Deviating from prescribed observances, contemning religious and moral laws. E. अति, and आचार observance.
  • अत्याचारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Transgressing. E. अत्याचार, and इनि aff.
  • अत्याज्य :: mfn. (-ज्यः -ज्याः -ज्यं) Not to be abandoned. E. अ neg. त्याज्य to be abandoned.
  • अत्याशा :: f. (-शा) Unreasonable hope or desire. E. अति, and आशा hope.
  • अत्याहार :: m. (-रः) Excessive food. E. अति, and आहार food.
  • अत्याहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Eating excessively, a glutton, a gorman- dizer. E. अत्याहार, and इनि aff.
  • अत्याहित :: n. (-तं) 1. Great dread. 2. Desperate or daring action. E. अति with धा to have; आङ prefixed. and the participial क्त; हि is substi- tuted for धा; what engrosses the mind.
  • अत्युक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Idle or excessive talk. 2. Expatiating, enlarging. 3. A figure of rhetoric, description of any thing surprising or extraordi- nary, hyperbole. E. अति, and उक्ति speech.
  • अत्युक्था :: f. (-क्था) A kind of metre, a stanza of four lines, with two syllables to the line. E. अति, and उक्था another kind; it is also read अत्युक्ता .
  • अत्युत्कट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Extreme, exceeding great. E. अति, and उत्कट much.
  • अत्युत्कृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Most excellent, best. 2. Most valuable, precious. E. अति, and उत्कृष्ट excellent.
  • अत्यूह :: m. (-हः) A gallinule. f. (-हा) A plant, (Jasminum villosum, Rox, or in Bengal, Nyctanthes tristis) See शेफालिका . E. अति, and ऊह to reason.
  • अत्र :: ind. In this place, here, herein. E. त्र being substituted for the termination of the seventh case of इदम् this.
  • अत्रप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Shameless, immodest. E. अ neg. त्रपा shame.
  • अत्रभवत् :: mfn. (-वान् वती -वत्) Respectable, venerable, (especially in thea- tical language. E. अत्र here, भू to be and the participial affix शतृ; being present or principal.
  • अत्रास :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Fearless. E. अ neg. त्रास fear.
  • अत्रि :: m. (-त्रिः) The name of one of one of the seven Rishis or saints, born from the eye of RRAHMĀ, married to ANASŪYĀ, daughter of KERDAMA MUNI, and the father of DATTA or DATTĀTREYA, DURVĀSAS and CHANDRA. E. अद to eat and त्रिप् Unādi aff. The correct reading is अत्त्रि, but the word is always written with one त .
  • अत्रिजात :: m. (-तः) 1. The moon. 2. A man of the three first classes. E. अ neg. त्रि three, and जात born, not thrice born; born twice The moon, from the eye of ATRI, and from the ocean. The Brahman &c. from the womb and investiture.
  • अत्रिदृग्ज :: m. (-जः) A name of CHANDRA or the moon. E. अत्रि a saint, दृश् the eye, and ज born, produced. Born from the eye of ATRI, “a

flash of light from the eye of ATRI, was received by space, a goddess, the via lactea personified, who bore SOMA.” The following and other similar names refer to this legend.

  • अत्रिन् :: m. (-त्री) A muni. See अत्रि, E. अद to eat, Unādi aff. त्रिन्; also अत्रिन् .
  • अत्रिनेत्रज :: m. (-जः) See अत्रिट्ठग्ज .
  • अत्रिनेत्रप्रसूत :: m. (-तः) See अत्रिदृग्ज .
  • अत्रिनेत्रभू :: m. (-भूः) See अत्रिदृग्ज .
  • अत्रिभारद्वाजिका :: m. (-काः) The marriage union of ATRI and BHĀRA- DWĀJĪ. E. अत्रि, and भारद्वाजी; affix वुञ् . implying in this and similar compounds, union.
  • अतुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Deliberate, not in haste. E. अ neg. तुर for त्वरा haste.
  • अत्त्रि :: m. (-त्त्रिः) A sage. See अत्त्रि .
  • अत्त्रिन् :: m. (-त्त्री) A sage. See अत्त्रि .
  • अथ :: ind. An auspicious and inceptive particle; it serves to introduce a remark, a question, an affirmation, &c. and corresponds to. 1. After. 2. And 3. Now, (inceptive or premising) 4. What, (inter- rogatively) 5. All, (comprehensively) 6. Therefore, thus, further, moreover, &c. It also implies doubt or command, and is frequently redundant. E. अर्थ to ask, ड affix, and र is dropped, also अथो .
  • अथकिम् :: ind. A particle of assent, howelse, what else, assuredly. अथच ind. Also.
  • अथर्व्वण :: m. (-णः) A name of SIVA. E. अथर्ब्ब the name of a Veda, and ण aff.
  • अथर्व्वन् (-र्व्वा) :: 1. A Brahman. 2. A name of VASISHṬHA. n. (र्व्व) The name of the fourth Veda. E. अथ an auspicious particle ऋ to go, and वनिप aff.
  • अथर्व्वणि :: m. (-णिः) 1. Brahman versed in the Atharva Veda. 2. A family priest. E. अथर्व्व the Veda, and णि aff.
  • अथवा :: ind. Or. E. अथ, and वा sometimes.
  • अथो :: ind, The same as अथ, q. v.
  • अद (औ) :: r. 2d cl. (अत्ति) To eat. The root is imperfect; यस being substi- tuted for it in several inflections; as जघास, &c. Implying injury, it is not conjugated in the middle voice, although the action be reciprocal: as व्यत्यदन्ति they bite, or devour each other. With an indicatory इ, अदि (अन्दति) To bind.
  • अदक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Awkward, unskilful. E. अ neg. दक्ष clever.
  • अदक्षिण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Not clever, unskilful. 2. Not comprehending the fee given to the Brahmans, a sacrifice, &c. E. अ neg. दक्षिण clever, or दक्षिणा a fee.
  • अदग्ध :: mfn. (-ग्धः -ग्धा -ग्धं) Unscorched, not burnt. E. अ neg. दग्ध burnt.
  • अदण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डा -ण्डं) Unpunished. n. (-ण्डं) Impunity. E. अ neg. दण्ड punishment.
  • अदण्ड्य :: mfn. (-ण्ड्यः -ण्ड्या -ण्ड्यं) Unpunishable, unworthy of, or exempt from punishment. E. अ neg. दण्ड्या to be punished.
  • अदण्डनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Unpunishable, unfit to be punished, exempt from punishment. E. अ neg. दण्डनीय to be punished.
  • अदत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Not given. f. (त्ता) An unmarried girl. E. अ not, दत्त given.
  • अदन :: n. (नं) 1. Food. 2. Eating. E. अद to eat, and ल्युट aff.
  • अदनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be eaten. what may be eaten. E. अद to eat, अनीयर aff.
  • अदन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Toothless. So अदन्तक (-कः-का-कं) E. अ neg. दन्त a tooth.
  • अदम्य :: mfn. (-म्यः -म्या -म्यं) Uncontrollable, untameable. E. अ neg. दम्य to be tamed.
  • अदभ्र :: mfn. (-भ्रः -भ्रा -भ्रं) Much, many. E. अ neg. दभ्र little, few.
  • अदय :: mfn. (यः-या-यं) Unfeeling, unmerciful, destitute of pity. E. अ neg. दया clemency.
  • अदर्शन :: n. (-नं) Disappearance, not being visible or present. E. अ neg. दर्शन sight.
  • अदल :: m. (-लः) A plant, (Eugenia acutangula) See हिज्जल . f. (-ला) Soco- torine aloe, (Aloes perfoliata.) See घृतकुमारी . mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Leafless. E. अ . and दल a leaf.
  • अदस :: mfn. (-असौ -असौ -अदः) 1. This. 2. That.
  • अदहनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Incombustible; so अदाहनीय E. अ neg. दाहनीय or दहनीय to be burnt.
  • अदातृ :: m. (-ता) A niggard, a miser. E. अ neg. दातृ who gives.
  • अदान :: n. (-नं) Not giving, withholding, E. अ neg. दान gift.
  • अदान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Untamed, unsubdued, undaunted. E. अ neg. दान्त daunted.
  • अदायिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Unclaimed, as inheritance, lapsed. 2. Not relating to inheritance. E. अ neg. दाय heritage, ठक् aff.
  • अदाह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) Inconsumable by fire, incombustible. E. अ neg. दाह्य to be burnt.
  • अदिति :: f. (-तिः) 1. The daughter of DAKSHA, wife of KASYAPA, and mother of the gods. 2. The earth. 3. Being entire. E. अ neg. दा to give, and दिति affix, not giving pain; or अ, दो to cut or break. क्तिच् aff.
  • अदितिनन्दन :: m. (-नः) A deity, a divinity. E. अदिति, and नन्दन, a son of ADITI.
  • अदुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Unspoiled, unvitiated. 2. Good, virtuous E. अ neg. दुष्ट bad.
  • अदूषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Undefiled, unvitiated. 2. Virtuous, good. E. अ neg. दूषित corrupted.
  • अदृश् :: m. (-दृक्) Blind. E. अ priv. and दृश् the eye.
  • अदृश्य :: mfn. (-श्य -श्या -श्यं) 1. Invisible, not be to seen. 2. Improper to be- hold. E. अ neg. दृश्य to be seen.
  • अदृष्ट :: n. (-ष्टं) 1. Casual and unseen danger, (as from conflagration, inundation, &c.) 2. Fortune, destiny, fate. 3. (In logic) Virtue or vice, as the eventual cause of pleasure or pain. mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Unseen, unforeseen. 2. Unknown, unfelt. not experienced. E. अ neg. and दृष्ट seen.
  • अदृष्टपुरुष :: m. (-षः) A form of treaty, in which the parties treat direct without any mediator or surety also अदृष्टनर and similar compounds. E. अदृष्ट unseen, and पुरुष, &c. man.
  • अदृष्टपूर्व्व :: mfn. (-र्व्वः -र्व्वा -र्व्वं) Unseen previously, unseen till now. E. अदृष्ट, and पूर्व्व before.
  • अदृष्टवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Enjoying or undergoing good or bad fortune, more usually the former, fortunate. E. अदृष्ट, and मतुप् aff.
  • अदृष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) A look of displeasure, evil eye. E. अ bad, and दृष्टि look.
  • अदृष्टिका :: f. (-का) An angry or displeased look, evil eye. E. अदृष्टि . and कन् aff.
  • अदेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Improper or unfit to be given. E. अ neg. देय to be given.
  • अदेयदान :: n. (-नं) Giving what ought not to be given, what is not one's own, &c. E. अदेय, and दान giving.
  • अद्ग :: m. (-द्गः) Oiled butter. E. अद to eat, and गम् Unadi aff.
  • अद्धा :: ind. Truly, verily. E. अत going constantly, धा to have, and विच् aff.
  • अद्भुत :: n. (-तं) 1. Surprise, astonishment. mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Wonderful, surprising. E. अत a particle of surprise, भू to be, and उतच् Unadi aff.
  • अद्भुतश्वन :: m. (-नः) A name of SIVA. E. अद्भुत astonishing, and श्वन who sounds.
  • अद्मनि :: m. (-निः) Fire. E. अद to eat, Unadi affix अनि, and म inserted.
  • अद्मर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Gluttonous. E. अद to eat, and क्मरच् aff.
  • अद्य :: ind. To-day. E. इदम् this; an irregular formation.
  • अद्यतन :: m. (-नः) The period of a current day, from midnight to midnight in the usual acceptation, but sometimes considered to begin and end with sunset. mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Of or belonging to the current day, of to-day. E. अद्य, and द्युल् aff.
  • अद्यतनभूत :: m. (-तः) In grammar, the aorist past. mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Past or

gone to-day, i. e. any time previous to to-day. E. अद्यतन of to-day, भूत been.

  • अद्यापि :: ind. Even now, still. E. अद्य, and अपि certainly.
  • अद्यावधि :: n. (-धि) Beginning or ending with the current day, from or till to-day. E. अद्य, and अवधि limit.
  • अद्यश्वीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Near to any event, at the point of death &c. f. (-ना) A woman or any female animal near the time of delivery. E. अद्य, and श्व to-morrow. affix ख, what will happen to-day or to- morrow.
  • अद्रव्य :: n. (-व्यं) A worthless or good for nothing object. E. अ neg. द्रव्य thing.
  • अद्रि :: m. (-द्रिः) 1. A tree. 2. A mountain. 3. The sun. 4. A measure. E. अद to eat, and क्रिन् Unadi aff.
  • अद्रिकीला :: f. (-ला) The earth. E. अद्रि a mountain, and कील a pin or bolt.
  • अद्रिज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced or found in the hills. n. (जं) Red chalk. f. (-जा) A name of PĀRVATĪ or DURGĀ, the daughter of HIMĀLAYA, ruler of Himalaya mountain, and hence this her appellation, mountain-born. E. अद्रि, and ज, from जन to be born.
  • अद्रितनया :: f. (-या) A name of PĀRVATĪ, the daughter of the mountain HIMĀLAYĀ. E. अद्रि, and तनया daughter.
  • अद्रिनन्दिनी :: f. (-नी) PĀRVATĪ. See the last.
  • अद्रिपति :: m. (-तिः) Himalaya, lord of mountains: also similar compounds, as अद्रीन्द्र, अद्रिराज् &c.
  • अद्रिभिद् :: m. (-भित्) A name of INDRA. E. अद्रि, and भिद् who breaks; the splitter of mountains, (with his thunderbolt.)
  • अद्रिभू :: mfn. (-भूः -भूः -भु) Mountaineer, mountain-born. m. (भूः) A Plant, (Salvinea cucullata.) E. अद्रि, and भू born.
  • अद्रिराज् :: m. (-राट्) The king of mountains, the HIMĀLAYĀ mountains; the snowy range on the north of Hindustan, confounded with the mythological ruler of them, and the father of PĀRVATĪ. E. अद्रि, and राज् a king, the king of mountains, deservedly so called, being the loftiest in the world.
  • अद्रिवह्नि :: m. (-ह्निः) Fire on a mountain, a volcano. E. अद्रि, and वह्नि fire.
  • अद्रिशृङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A peak, the horn or summit of a mountain. E. अद्रि, and शृङ्ग a horn.
  • अद्रिसार :: m. (-रः) Iron. E. अद्रि, and सार essence.
  • अद्रीश :: m. (-शः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. Also of HIMĀLAYĀ, as king of mountains. E. अद्रि, and ईश a master.
  • अद्रोह :: m. (-हः) Mildness, moderation, the absence of tyranny or oppression. E. अ neg. द्रोह tyranny.
  • अद्रोहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) Innocuous, mild. E. अ neg. द्रोहिन् violent.
  • अद्वय :: m. (-यः) A Bauddha. E. अ neg. द्वय two.
  • अद्वयवादिन् :: m. (-दी) 1. A Bauddha. 2. A unitarian. E. अ neg. द्वय two, and वादिन् who speaks, one who acknowledges but one principle.
  • अद्वितीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Only, sole, without a second. E. अ neg. द्वितीय second.
  • अद्वेष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Harmless, not malicious. E. अ neg. द्वेष malice.
  • अद्वेषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Harmless, inoffensive. E. अ neg. द्वेषिन् who hates.
  • अद्वैत :: n. (-तं) Unity, not duality. E. अ neg. द्वैत duality.
  • अद्वैतवादिन् :: m. (-दी) A unitarian, one who maintains the existence of but one principle in the universe. E. अद्वैत unity, and वादिन् who speaks.
  • अधःकाय :: m. (-यः) The lower part of the body, the lower extremities. E. अधस्, and काय body.
  • अधःकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Thrown or put down. E. अधस्, and कृत made.
  • अधःक्षिप्त (-प्तः-प्ता-प्तं) :: Precipitated, thrown down. E. अधस् down, and क्षिप्त participle past of क्षिप् to throw.
  • अधःपतित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Fallen down. E. अधस्, and पतित fallen.
  • अधःप्रस्तर :: m. (-रः) A seat or bed, made of grass, E. अधस्, and प्रस्तर a couch.
  • अधःपुष्पी :: f. (-ष्पी) A plant, (Hieracium.) E. अधस् downwards, and पुष्प a flower.
  • अधःस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थ -स्था -स्थं) 1. Below. 2. Inferior. E. अधस्, and स्थ what stays.
  • अधम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Inferior, low. 2. Vile, despicable. E. अव to preserve, अम Unādi affix, and व changed to ध .
  • अधमभृतक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. A porter, a bearer of burdens. 2. Low, servile. E. अधम low, and भृतक a servant.
  • अधमर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) A debtor. E. अधम low, and ऋण debt.
  • अधमर्णिक :: m. (-कः) A debtor. E. अधम, and ऋण debt, with ठक् added.
  • अधमर्णिन् :: m. (-र्णी) A debtor. E. अधम, and ऋण debt, with इनि added.
  • अधमाङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) A foot. E. अधम low, and अङ्ग a limb.
  • अधर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Low, inferior, below. 2. Low, vile. 3. Silenced, refuted, overcome in abuse or controversy. f. (-रा) The lower region. m. (-रः) The lower lip. (dual. रौ) The lips. mn. (-रः or रं) Puden- dum muliebre. E. अ neg. धृ to have or hold, and अच् aff.
  • अधरतस् :: ind. Underneath. E. अधर, and तस् aff.
  • अधरमधु :: n. (-धु) The moisture of the lips. E. अधर the lower lip, and मधु honey.
  • अधरस्तात् :: ind. Below, behind. E. स्तात् added to अधर .
  • अधरस्मात् :: ind. Below, underneath. E. the form of the ablative.
  • अधरात् :: ind. Underneath. E. अधर, with the termination आत् .
  • अधरामृत :: n. (-तं) The moisture, honey or nectar of the lips. E. अधर, and अमृत nectar.
  • अधरावलोप :: m. (-पः) Biting the lip. E. अधर, and अव before लुप to cut, affix घञ् .
  • अधरीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Contradicted, invalidated. E. अधर, and कृत made with च्वी inserted.
  • अधरीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Reproached, censured. E. अधर, and ख aff.
  • अधरीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Contradicted, invalidated. E. अधर, and भूत become, with च्वी inserted.
  • अधरेण :: ind. Underneath. E. अधर, and the affix एन .
  • अधरेद्युस् :: ind. A future day, the day after the morrow. E. अधर, and एद्युस् irregular aff.
  • अधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) Unrighteousness, injustice, all behaviour contrary to the Sruti and Smriti, or religious and legal institutes. E. अ priv. and धर्म्मं virtue, &c.
  • अधर्म्मचारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Unrighteous, wicked. E. अधर्म्म, and चारिन् who follows.
  • अधर्म्मता :: f. (-ता) Unrighteousness; also अधर्म्मत्व n. (त्वं) E. ता or त्व added to अधर्म्म .
  • अधर्म्मात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्म -त्मा -त्म) Wicked, unrighteous. E. अधर्म्म, and आत्मन् spirit.
  • अधर्म्मिन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मी -र्म्मिणी -र्म्मि) Wicked, sinful, unrighteous. E. अधर्म्म, and इनि aff.
  • अधर्म्मिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Very wicked. E. अधर्म्म, and इष्ठन् aff.
  • अधश्चर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) m. (-रः) A thief. E. अधस् low, vile, and चर who goes down or below.
  • अधश्चौर :: m. (-रः) A house-breaker. E. अधस् below, and चौर a thief.
  • अधस् :: ind. 1. Down, downwards, below. 2. The lower or infernal regions. 3. Pudendum muliebre. E. अधर with असि affix, and र dropped.
  • अधस्तन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Below, underneath. E. अधस् and द्युल aff.
  • अधस्तात् :: ind. 1. Down, downwards, underneath. 2. Behind. 3. Puden- dum muliebre. E. अधर or अधस्, and तात् aff.
  • अधामार्गव :: m. (-वः) A plant, (Achyranthes aspera) E. अधम vile, मार्ग a road, and व from वा to gain or possess.
  • अधार्म्मिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Unjust, unrighteous, wicked. E. अ neg. and धार्म्मिक virtuous, &c. from धर्म्म, affix ठञ् .
  • अधि :: m. (-धिः) Anxiety, mental pain; more usually आधिः E. आङ before, धा to have, कि affix; आ is made short.
  • अधि :: ind. Over, above, upon, &c. a preposition and prefix to verbs implying superiority in place, quality, or quantity; as अधिष्ठातुं to stand in or on, अधिकर्त्तुं to rule over, अधिशयितुं to exceed: also used in the figurative sense of the same, as अधिगन्तुं to go to or attain; अधिकर्त्तुं to do over again, to repeat or recall; अधीतुं to go over or through, as a book; अधिवस्तुं to reside in or on, to perse- vere: forming also indeclinables with nouns, as अधिरात्रि in the night; अधिग्रहं in or over the house: and compounds with nouns, as अधिदेवता, &c. q. v. E. अ neg. धा to have, कि aff.
  • अधिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Exceeding, more, over, more than, in addition to. n. (-कं) A figure in rhetoric, (Hyperbole.) E. अधि and क, from कै to sound.
  • अधिकतर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) More, comparatively more. E. अधिक and तरप् aff.
  • अधिकतम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Most, superlatively more. E. अधिक, and तमप् aff.
  • अधिकता :: f. (-ता) Excess, addition; also अधिकत्वं . E. ता or त्व added to अधिक .
  • अधिकन्तु :: ind. Moreover. E. अधिक, and तु but.
  • अधिकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Superiority, supremacy. 2. Title, right. 3. In the Mimansa philosophy, a case or topic, comprehending five members, the subject, the doubt, the first side or prima facie argument, the answer or conclusion, the application. 4. (In the Vedānta.) A case or question. 5. (In grammar) Location, the sense of the seventh or locative case, defined to imply four kinds. 1. Proximity, as, ‘a village on the Ganges.’ 2. Inclusion, as, ‘the gods in heaven.’ 3. End or object, as, ‘versed in the Sāstras; and 4. Integral existence, as, ‘the spirit is in all.’ E. अधि over, कृ to do; and ल्युट् aff.
  • अधिकर्द्धि :: mfn. (-र्द्धिः -र्द्धिः -र्द्धि) Prosperous, every way happy. E. अधिक excessive, and ऋद्धि prosperity.
  • अधिकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Superintendence, Supervision. E. अधि, and कर्म्म business.
  • अधिकर्म्मक :: m. (-कः) 1. Clerk or prefect of the market or fair. 2. An overseer, a superintendent. E. अधि over, कर्म्म business, and इक् aff.
  • अधिकाङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) Having more members than natural or com- mon. n. (-ङ्गं) The girdle over the coat of mail, worn as a kind of scarf. E. अधिक exceeding and अङ्ग the body.
  • अधिकार :: m. (-रः) 1. Authority. 2. Supremacy. 3. Rule, government. 4. Right, title. 5. Property, ownership. 6. Privilege. 7. Duty, office. 8. A chapter, a section. 9. The use of royal insignia. 10. (In grammar; Government, the dependence of a form on a previous one. E. अधि over, and कार what makes, from कृ with घञ् affix; what gives or exercises pre-eminence.
  • अधिकारिता :: f. (-ता) 1. Ownership, lordship. 2. Right, title. E. अधिकारिन् with ता affix.
  • अधिकारित्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Ownership. 2. Right, title. E. See the last, affix त्व .
  • अधिकारिन् :: m. (-री) 1. A superintendent, a ruler, a director. 2. A master, an owner. 3. A sage, one who is perfect in principles and practice of the Vedānta. mf. (-री-रिणी) (In law) The possessor of a right or title, as. धनाधिकारी heir to property; संस्काराधिकारी one who has a right to the essential ceremonies of the Hindu religion. E. अधिकार, and इनि aff.
  • अधिकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Superintended, guided. 2. Claimed or held as a right. 3. Set over, superintendent. m. (-तः) 1. A superinten- dent in general. 2. Inspector of receipts and disbursements, an auditor of public accounts. E. अधि over, and कृत made.
  • अधिक्रम :: m. (-मः) Invasion, assailing. E. अधि over, and क्रम to go.
  • अधिक्रमण :: n. (-णं) Invading, assailing, over-running. E. अधि, and क्रमण going.
  • अधिकृति :: f. (-तिः) A possession, a right. E. अधि, and कृति doing.
  • अधिक्षिप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Censured, reviled, detracted from. 2. Sent,

despatched. 3. Placed, fixed. E. अधि, and क्षिप्त participle of क्षिप to send or throw.

  • अधिक्षेप :: m. (-पः) 1. Detraction, censure. 2. Sending, despatching. E. अधि, and क्षेप throwing.
  • अधिगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Obtained. 2. Gone through or over, lit. or fig. as read, studied. E. अधि, and गत gone.
  • अधिगम :: m. (-मः) 1. Obtaining, attaining acquiring 2. Going through or over, lit or fig. 3. Overpassing, overflowing: also
  • अधिगमन :: n. (-नं) &c E. अधि, and गम or गमन going.
  • अधिगम्य :: mfn. (-म्यः -म्या -म्य) Unattainable, not to be reached or acquired. So अधिगमनीय mfn. (-यः -या -यं) and अधिगन्तव्य mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) E. अधिगम with यत्, अनीयर or तव्य participial affs.
  • अधिजिह्व :: m. (-ह्वः) A tumor on the tongue. E. अधि, and जिह्वा the tongue.
  • अधिज्योतिष् :: n. (-षं) The luminous parts of the creation. E. अधि supreme, ज्योतिष् light.
  • अधित्यका :: f. (-का) Land on the upper part of a mountain. E. अधि over, above, and त्यकन् aff.
  • अधिदन्त :: m. (-न्तः) A tooth growing over another. E. अधि, and दन्त a tooth.
  • अधिदेव :: m. (-वः) 1. A supreme or superior deity. 2. A tutelary deity. E. अधि, and देव a deity.
  • अधिदेवता :: m. (-ता) A tutelary, or presiding divinity. E. अधि, and देवता a deity.
  • अधिदैव :: n. (-वं) 1. The ruling deity, the active principle in creation: also अधिदैवतं . 2. The collective body of gods, and superhuman beings. E. अधि, and दैव divine being.
  • अधिप :: m. (-पः) 1. An owner, a lord or master. 2. A king. E. अधि, and प who preserves, from पा .
  • अधिपति :: m. (-तिः) A master, an owner, a ruler. 2. A king. E. अधि, and पति a master.
  • अधिप्रज :: n. (-जं) Continuation of the world by procreation. E. अधि, and प्रजा progeny.
  • अधिभू :: m. (-भूः) A master, a ruler. E. अधि, and भू who is from भू to be, affix विच् .
  • अधिभूत :: n. (-तं) An essential element of matter, perishable matter, that of which the presence involves eventual dissolution. E. अधि over, and भूत an element.
  • अधिमन्थ :: m. (-न्थः) Acute pains in the balls of the eyes, with pain and swelling of one side of the head. E. अधि over, मन्थ what agitates.
  • अधिमांस :: m. (-सः) Fleshy excrescences on the eye, cancer of the eye. E. अधि, and मांस flesh.
  • अधिमांसक :: m. (-कः) Inflammation of the tonsils. E. अधि, and मांस flesh, कन् added.
  • अधिमात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A knowledge of the properties of the letters forming the word for the Hindu triad ओम् E. अधि, and मात्र the whole.
  • अधिमास :: m. (-सः) An intercalary month, formed of the aggregate days omitted in reckoning the lunar year. E. अधि, and मास a month.
  • अधिरथ :: m. (-थः) A charioteer. E. अधि, and रथ a car.
  • अधिराज् :: m. (राट्) A supreme king, an emperor. So अधिराज m. (-जः) E. अधि, and राज्, राजन् a king.
  • अधिराज्य :: n. (ज्यं) Empire, supreme sway. E. अधि, and राज्य kingdom.
  • अधिराज्यभाज् :: m. (-क्) An emperor, a paramount sovereign. E. अधिराज्य, and भाज् who possesses.
  • अधिरूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Elevated, exalted, surmounting. E. अधि, and रूढ mounted.
  • अधिरोपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Placed over, lit. or fig. E. अधि, and रोपित raised.
  • अधिरोह :: m. (-हः) Surmounting, overtopping, elevation. E. अधि, and रोह mounting.
  • अधिरोहणी :: f. (-णी) A ladder, a pair of steps. E. अधि, and रुह to mount, with ल्युट् affix, and fem. ङीष् .
  • अधिरोहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) Who rises on or above. f. (-णी) A ladder, a staircase. E. अधिरोह, and इनि aff.
  • अधिलोक :: m. (-कः) The universe, the material world. E. अधि, and लोक world.
  • अधिवचन :: n. (-नं) A name, an appellation. E. अधि, and वचन speech.
  • अधिवास :: m. (-सः) 1. A house, an abode. 2. Place, situation. 3. Continu- ance, perseverance. 4. Perfuming the person, &c. 5. A neighbour. 6. Neighbourhood. E. अधि, and वस to dwell, with घञ् affix; or वास to fumigate, with अच्
  • अधिवासन :: n. (-नं) 1. Perfuming or scenting the person, &c. 2. Abiding, staying. 3. A religious ceremony; touching a vessel containing perfumes, flowers, and other things previously presented to an idol; or offering perfumes, &c. to idols, as a preliminary ceremony. E. अधि, and वास to fumigate, ल्युट् aff.
  • अधिवासिता :: f. (-ता) Residence, staying or abiding in one place. E. अधिवास, with ता affix, and इट् augment; also with त्व, अधिवासित्वं .
  • अधिविद्या :: f. (-द्या) The collective means and end of acquiring know- ledge. E. अधि, and विद्या knowledge.
  • अधिविन्ना :: f. (-न्ना) A wife whose husband has subsequently married others; a superseded wife. E. अधि, and विन्न obtained.
  • अधिवेत्तृ :: m. (-त्ता) A man marrying other than his first wife. E. अधि, before विद to obtain, तृच् aff.
  • अधिवेदन :: n. (-नं) Marrying again, whilst a former wife is living. E. अधि before विद to obtain, affix ल्युट् .
  • अधिवेदनीया :: f. (-या) A wife deserving or proper to be superseded. E. अधि before विद to obtain, अनीयर aff.
  • अधिश्रय :: m. (-यः) A place, a receptacle. E. अधि before श्रि to serve, अच् aff.
  • अधिश्रयणी :: f. (-णी) A furnace or fire-place. E. अधि, and श्रिङ to cook, ल्युट् affix and fem. termination.
  • अधिश्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Placed, deposited, received, included. E. अधि, before श्रि to serve, क्त aff.
  • अधिष्ठान :: n. (-नं) 1. Abiding, resting; 2. Site, situation. 3. Prescribed rule, fixed practice. 5. A town. 6. A wheel. 7. Dignity. E. अधि, स्था to stand, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अधिष्ठातृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Governing, directing. fixing m. (-ता) A ruler, a governor, a director. E. अधि before स्था to stay, शतृ aff.
  • अधिष्ठित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Fixed, determined, established; literally or figuratively, as a house or a practice. 2. Supervised, overlooked. 3. Guarded, surrounded. 4. Appointed. E. अधि, and स्थित stationed.
  • अधीकार :: m. (-रः) Superintendence, authority, &c. See अधिकार .
  • अधीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Read, read through. E. the participial deriv. from अधी to read over, or study.
  • अधीतवेद :: m. (-दः) A Brahman, who has read the Vedas; a student who has finished his course of study. E. अधीत, and वेद the Veda.
  • अधीति :: f. (-तिः) Study, perusal. E. अधी to read, and क्तिन् aff.
  • अधीतिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) A scholar, one who has finished his studies. E. अधीत, and इनि aff.
  • अधीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Docile. 2. Dependant. E. अधि, and ईन a master.
  • अधीनता :: f. (-ता) Subjection, dependence, slavery: so अधीनत्व (त्वं) E. ता or त्व added to the last.
  • अधीयान :: m. (-नः) A student. one going over or reading the Vedas, &c. E. अधि before इ to go, शानच् aff.
  • अधीर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Confused, perplexed. 2. Unsteady, (lit. or met.) f. (-रा) 1. Lightning. 2. An offended, cross or capricious mistress or wife. E. अ neg, and धीर firm, steady.
  • अधीरता :: f. (-ता) Fickleness, unsteadiness; also अधीरत्वं . E. ता or त्व added to the last.
  • अधीश :: m. (-शः) A master, a lord. E. अधि, and ईश master.
  • अधीश्वर :: m. (-रः) An emperor, a king paramount over all the neigh- bouring princes. E. अधि superior, and ईश्वर a lord.
  • अधुना :: ind. Now, at present. E. इदम् this, irregularly formed.
  • अधुनातन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Of or belonging to the present E. अधुना, and द्युल् aff.
  • अधृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Upheld, undetained. m. (-तः) A name of VIṢṆU. E. अ neg. धृत held.
  • अधृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Laxity, want of firm hold. 2. Want of steadiness or firmness. E. अ neg. धृति holding.
  • अधृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Ashamed, modest, humble. E. अ neg. धृष्ट proud.
  • अधृष्टता :: f. (-ता) Modesty, diffidence: also अधृष्टत्व n. (-त्वं) E. ता or त्व added to the last.
  • अधृष्य :: mfn. (-ष्यः -ष्या -ष्यं) Proud, vain. f. (-ष्या) The name of a river. E. अ neg. and धृष to be proud; than whom nought is prouder.
  • अधेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Not to be held or taken. E. अ neg. धा to have, ण्यत् aff.
  • अधैर्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) Unsteady, feeble, irresolute. (-र्य्यं) Instability, want of firmness. E. अ not. धैर्य्य firmness.
  • अधोऽंशुक :: n. (-कं) A lower garment. E. अधस् beneath, and अंशुक clothes.
  • अधःक्षज :: m. (-जः) A name of VISHṆU. E. अधस्, अक्ष an organ of sense, and ज who is produced; being produced by, or produced to such as have subdued or cast down their passions.
  • अधोगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Descended, gone down. E. अधस् down. गत gone.
  • अधोगति :: f. (-तिः) Going downwards, lit. or fig. descent, degradation. Also अधोगमः and अधोगमनं . E. अधस् and गति, &c. going.
  • अधोगामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Descending, going downwards. E. अधस्, and गामिन् who goes.
  • अधोघण्टा :: f. (-ण्टा) A plant, (Acheranthes aspera.) See अपामार्ग . E. अधस्, and घटि to hurt, with अच् aff.
  • अधोऽङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) 1. The anus. 2. pudendum muliebre. E. अधस् and अङ्ग member.
  • अधोजिह्विका :: f. (-का) The uvula or soft palate. E. अधस् below, and जिह्वा the tongue.
  • अधोदृष्टि :: mfn. (-ष्टिः -ष्टिः -ष्टि) Downcast, one who looks down. E. अधस् and दृष्टि sight.
  • अधोपर :: n. (-रं) 1. The anus. 2. pudendum muliebre.
  • अधोबन्धन :: n. (-नं) An under girth or strap. E. अधस्, and बन्धन binding.
  • अधोभव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) placed below, inferior. E. अधस् and भ्व produced.
  • अधोभाग :: m. (गः) The bottom, the lowest part. E. अधस्, and भाग part.
  • अधोभागहर :: n. (-रं) Purging. E. अधोभाग the lower part (of the body,) हर what affects.
  • अधोभुवन :: n. (-नं) The regions below the earth. E. अधस् beneath, and भुवन a world; the earth below.
  • अधोमर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) The anus. E. अधस्, and मर्म्मन् a member.
  • अधोमुख :: mfn. (-ख -खा -खी-खं) 1. Down-looked, looking downwards. 2. Inverted, turned upside down. 3. Headlong. f. (-खा) A plant, (Premna esculenta.) E. अधस्, and मुख the face.
  • अधोयन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) A still, or the lower of two vessels luted together for distilling, sublimation, &c. E. अधस्, and यन्त्र a vessel.
  • अधोलम्ब :: m. (-म्ब) A perpendicular. E. अधस् below, लम्ब a straight line.
  • अधोलोक :: m. (-कः) The regions below the earth. E. अधस् and लोक world.
  • अधोवदन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Down-looked. See अधोमुख .
  • अधोवश :: m. (-शः) 1. Bottom of a thing. 2. Pudendum muliebre. E. अधस्, and वश dependence.
  • अधोवायु :: m. (-युः) The vital air that passes downwards. E. अधस्, and वायु air.
  • अधोऽस्रपित्त :: n. (-त्तं) Discharge of blood from the anus, urethra. &c. E. अधस्, अस्त्रपित्त plethora.
  • अध्यक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) 1. Perceptible, present to the senses. 2. Superintending, presiding over. m. (-क्षः) 1. A superintendent in general, one of receipts and disbursements. 2. A plant, (a species of Mimusops.) See क्षीरिका . E. अधि and अक्ष to pervade with अच् aff.
  • अध्यक्षता :: f. (ता) Superintendence: also अध्यक्षत्व . n. (-त्वं) E. ता or त्व added to the last.
  • अध्यक्षर :: n. (-रं) The mysterious word Om. E. अधि, and अक्षर letter: above all others in importance or in place; being often put at the head of various writings.
  • अध्यग्रि :: ind. Gifts made to a woman at the time of her marriage. E. अधि near, over, &c. and अग्रि fire, being presented at the time that burnt offering are made.
  • अध्यण्डा :: f. (-ण्डा) Gowach, (Carpopogon pruriens.) E. अधि, अम to be diseased, and ड affix; superior to disease. See अव्यङ्गा . अध्यय m. (-यः) A lecture, a chapter or section. E. अधि before इक् to go, घङ् aff.
  • अध्ययन :: n. (-नं) Study, reading, especially of the sacred books; one of the six duties of a Brahman. E. अधि, इङ् to go, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अध्यवसाय :: m. (-यः) Effort, exertion, determined application. E. अधि, and अब before षो to destroy, with the affixes धञ् and यक् .
  • अध्यवसायित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Undertaken, attempted, as a difficult task. E. अधि, and अव before षो, affix क्त .
  • अध्यवसायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Resolute, determined. E. अध्यवसाय, and इनि aff.
  • अध्यशन :: n. (-नं) Eating too often, taking food before that previously eaten is digested. E. अधि, and अशन eating.
  • अध्यस्तं :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्त) 1. Substituted. 2. Placed over. E. अधि, and अस्त thrown.
  • अध्यस्थि :: n. (-स्थि) Bony exfoliation or deposit. E. अधि, and अस्थि a bone.
  • अध्यात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) 1. The soul, individuated spirit, or that which belongs to and presides over the body. 2. The supreme spirit. E. अधि, and आत्मन् self or soul.
  • अध्यात्मिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Spiritual, relating to the supreme spirit. E. अध्यात्मन् and ठक् aff.
  • अध्यात्मदृश् :: m. (दृक्) A holy sage, one who knows the nature of inherent spirit. E. अध्यात्मन्, and दृश् who sees.
  • अध्यात्मरति :: m. (-तिः) An anchorite, one who diligently meditates on the supreme spirit. E. अध्यात्मन्, and रति pleasure.
  • अध्यापक :: m. (-कः) A teacher, one who instructs in the sacred books. E. अधि, and इङ् to go, in the causal form, and वुन् aff.
  • अध्यापन :: n. (-नं) Instructing, teaching the sacred books; one of the six duties of a Brahman. E. अधि, इङ to go, in the causal form, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अध्यापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Taught. E. अधीङ and क्त aff.
  • अध्याय :: m. (-यः) 1. The section, or division of a book. 2. A chapter or lecture of the Vedas. E. अधि, इङ to go, and घञ् aff. proper to be gone through or read.
  • अध्यारूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Mounted on, riding upon. 2. Exceeding, very much. E. अधि, and आङ before रुह to become manifest, affix क्त .
  • अध्यारोप :: m. (-पः) See the next.
  • अध्यारोपन :: n. (नं) 1. Fixing in or upon. 2. Transferring. 3. Attaching erroneously the predicates of one object to another, as of eternity to matter, &c. E. अधि before रुह to grow, causal form ल्युट् affix, also with घञ् affix अध्यारोपः .
  • अध्यारोह :: m. (-हः) Mounting on, ascending. E. अधि, and आङ before रुह to rise, affix घञ् .
  • अध्यारोहण :: n. (-णं) Ascending, mounting on or upon. E. अधि and आङ before रुह to rise, ल्युट् aff.
  • अध्यावाहनिक :: n. (-कं) A woman's marriage portion, a dowry of such

property as has descended to her lineally. E. अधि and आङ before वह to convey, ल्युट् affix, and ठक् added.

  • अध्यास :: n. (-सं) 1. Inhabiting as chief, residing in, presiding over or ruling. 2. Sitting on or upon. 3. Transferring. 4. Attributing erroneously the nature of one thing to another, as of eternity to matter, &c. E. अधि before, आस to sit, affix घञ् .
  • अध्यासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Seated in or on. 2. Presiding over. 3. In- habited E. अधि before, आस to sit, क्त aff.
  • अध्यासीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Seated in or on. 2. Placed or presiding over. E. अधि before, आसीन seated.
  • अध्याहरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Supplying an ellipsis. 2. Reasoning, discussing. E. अधि, आङ prefixed to हृञ to convey, with ल्युट् aff.
  • अध्याहार :: m. (-रः) 1. Adding a word or words to complete a sentence, supplying an ellipsis. 2. Reasoning, argument. E. See अध्याहरण, घञ् being the aff.
  • अध्याहार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) 1. Investigable. 2. Requiring an ellipsis to be supplied. E. अधि, and आङ before हृ to take, ण्यत् aff.
  • अध्याहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Supplied as an ellipsis. 2. Argued, discussed. E. अधि and आङ before हृ to take, क्त aff.
  • अध्युषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Inhabited, settled. E. अधि before वस to dwell, affix क्त .
  • अध्युष्ट्र :: m. (-ष्ट्रः) A litter drawn or carried by a camel. E. अधि, and उष्ट्र camel.
  • अध्यूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Very prosperous, thriving. 2. Much. m. (-ढः) A name of SIVA. f. (-ढा) A superseded wife, one whose husband has married others. E. अधि, and ऊढ borne, from वह to bear, affix क्त .
  • अध्येतृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) A student, reading, studying. E. अधि before, इङ to go, शतृ aff.
  • अध्येषणा :: f. (-णा) 1. Request, solicitation. 2. Asking, begging. E. अधि, इष to wish, and ल्यु aff.
  • अध्रुव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Unstable, unfixed, uncertain, transient, perish- able. E. अ neg. ध्रुव fixed.
  • अध्वग :: mf. (-गः-गा) A traveller. m. (-गः) 1. A camel. 2. The sun. f. (-गा) A name of the river Ganges. E. अध्वन् a road, and ग who goes, from गम, with ड aff.
  • अध्वगमन :: n. (-नं) Journeying, travelling. E. अध्वन्, and गमन going.
  • अध्वगामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Travelling, a traveller. E. अध्वन् and गामिन् who goes.
  • अध्वगभोग्य :: m. (-ग्यः) A tree, (Spondias magnifera.) E. अध्वग a traveller, and भोग्य to be enjoyed by.
  • अध्वन् :: m. (-ध्वा) 1. A road. 2. Fixing, placing. 3. Time. 4. Assault. 5. Correcting viscidity, dilution of the phlegm and marrow. E. अत to go constantly, क्वनिप् affix; ध substituted for त .
  • अध्वनीन :: mf. (-नः-ना) A traveller. E. अध्वन्, and ख aff.
  • अध्वन्य :: mf. (-न्यः-न्या) A traveller. E. अध्वन्, and यत् aff.
  • अध्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. A sacrifice. 2. A Vasu, or a kind of demigod. 3. Intent, attentive, careful. E. अ neg. ध्वॄ to bend or make crooked, and अच् affix; or अध्व a road, and र from रा to give; leading to heaven.
  • अध्वरथ :: m. (-थः) A travelling carriage or cart. E. अध्वन् a road, and रथ a carriage.
  • अध्वर्य्यु :: m. (-र्य्युः) A Brahman versed in the Yajurveda. E. अध्वर a sacri- fice, क्यच् and उ affix, अ being dropped.
  • अध्वशल्य :: m. (-ल्यः) A tree, (Achyranthes aspera.) See अपमार्ग . E. अध्वन्, and शल्य a stake.
  • अध्वान्त :: n. (-न्तं) Gloom, twilight. E. अ neg. ध्वान्त darkness.
  • अध्वान्तशात्रव :: m. (-वः) A plant, (Cassia fistula.) See पत्रीर्ण . E. अ neg. ध्वान्त darkness, शात्रव inimical; blossoming in the shade.
  • अन :: (-घ) r. 2d. cl. (अनिति) Also of 4th cl. (ङ) (अन्यते) To breathe, to live. See अण .
  • अनंश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Portionless, not entitled to a share or portion. E. अन् neg. अंश a part.
  • अनंशमत्फला :: f. (-ला) A plantain, (Musa sapientum.) See अंशुमत्फला .
  • अनक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) inferior, low. See अणक .
  • अनक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Blind, eyeless. E. अन् neg. अक्षि the eye, the final dropped.
  • अनक्षर :: n. (-रं) 1. Blamable discourse, what is unfit to be uttered. 2. Abuse. E. अन् neg. and अक्षर a letter.
  • अनक्षि :: mfn. (-क्षि -क्षिः -क्षि) Having bad eyes. E. अन् neg. and अक्षि the eye.
  • अनागार :: m. (-रः) A saint, an anchorite. E. अन् neg. and आगार a house; living in woods.
  • अनग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) A Brahman who has not maintained his household fire. E. अन् neg. अग्नि fire.
  • अनघ :: mfn. (-घः -घा -घं) 1. Clean, clear. 2. Pure, sinless. 3. Handsome, pleasing. E. अन् neg. and अघ fault, faultless.
  • अनङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्ग -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) Bodiless, incorporeal. m. (-ङ्गः) A name of KĀMA, the Hindu deity of love. n. (-ङ्गं) 1. Heaven, æther or the atmos- phere. 2. The mind or faculty of reasoning. E. अन् neg. and अङ्ग body; as applicable to KĀMA, it alludes to his having been re- duced to ashes, by the eye of SIVA, for having distributed his devotions, and rendered him enamoured of PĀRVĀTI.
  • अनङ्गक :: n. (-कं) The mind or faculty of reasoning. E. अनङ्ग, and कन् aff.
  • अनङ्गासुहृद् :: m. (-हृद् or -हृत्) A name of SIVA. E. अनङ्ग KĀMA, अ neg. and सुहृद् a friend, the foe of KĀMA.
  • अनच्छ :: mfn. (-च्छः -च्छा -च्छं) Turbid, muddy. E. अन् neg. and अच्छ clear.
  • अनञ्जन :: n. (-नं) The sky, atmosphere, æther. E. अञ्ज to go, with the neg. prefix अन्, and affix ल्युट् .
  • अगडुह :: m. (-ड्वान्) A bull or ox. f. (-डुही or -ड्वाही) A cow. E. अनस् a cart, वह to bear, and क्विप् affix, with ड inserted after अनस्, व is changed to उ in the mas., optionally in the fem.
  • अनणु :: m. (-णुः) Small grain. E. अन् neg. अणु an atom.
  • अनत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Erect, not bowed down. 2. Proud, haughty. E. अ neg. नत bowed.
  • अनतता :: f. (-ता) 1. Erectness, stiffness. 2. Pride. Also अनतत्व n. (-त्वं) E. ता or त्व added to the last.
  • अनतिक्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Moderation, mediocrity, equality, not overstep- ping certain limits, not surpassing certain qualities, &c. 2. Pro- priety, decorum. E. अन् neg. अतिक्रम exceeding.
  • अनतिक्रम्य :: ind. Not having transgressed, &c. mfn. (-म्यः -म्या -म्यं) Incapable of being transgressed or exceeded. E. अन् neg. अतिक्रम्य having sur- passed, &c.
  • अनतिक्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Unsurpassed, unexceeded. 2. Untrans- gressed, &c. E. अन् neg. अतिक्रान्त surpassed, &c.
  • अनतिरिक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Equal, not exceeded in quantity or quality. E. अन् neg. अतिरिक्त more.
  • अनधिकार :: m. (-रः) Absence of right, claim, interest or concern. E. अन् neg. अधिकार right.
  • अनधिकारचर्च्चा :: f. (-र्च्चा) Officiousness, meddling with other people's busi- ness. E. अनधिकार, and चर्च्चा investigation.
  • अनधिकारिन् :: m. (-री) A non-heir, one who has no right or claim. E. अन् neg. अधिकारिन् an heir.
  • अनधिकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Uninherited, unclaimed. 2. Not set over, or appointed. E. अन् neg. अधिकृत claimed, &c.
  • अनधिगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Not acquired. 2. Not learnt or studied. E. अन् neg. अधिगत gone over.
  • अनधिगम :: m. (-मः) 1. Non-acquirement. 2. Non-perusal. E. अन् neg. अधिगम obtaining, &c.
  • अनधिगम्य :: mfn. (-म्यः -म्या -म्यं) 1. Unattainable. 2. Incapable of being known. E. अन् neg. अधिगम्य so be attained.
  • अनधिष्ठित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Absent, not present. 2. Not placed over, not appointed. 3. Not ordered or enjoined. E. अन् neg. अधिष्ठित placed over.
  • अनधीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Independent. E. अन् neg. अधीन dependent.
  • अनध्यक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) 1. Imperceptible, unperceived, absent. See अप्रत्यक्ष . 2. Having no superintendent. E. अन् neg. and अध्यक्ष percep- tible, &c.
  • अनध्याय :: m. (-यः) Intermission of study. E. अन् neg. अध्याय reading.
  • अनध्यायदिवस :: m. (-सः) A day on which it is improper to study. E. अनध्याय, and दिवस a day.
  • अननुज्ञात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Denied, refused, not assented to. E. अन् neg. अनुज्ञात assented to.
  • अनन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Eternal, endless. 2. Unbounded, illimitable. 3. Infinite, innumerable. m. (-न्तः) 1. A name of VISHNŪ or KRISHNĀ. 2. BALADEVA, the brother of KRISHNĀ. 3. The chief of the NĀGAS or serpent race, that inhabit the infernal regions: the couch and constant attendant of VISHNU. 4. The king of ser- pents, confounded with VĀSUKI. See वामुकि . 5. The fourteenth of the Jaina Tirthakāras or defied Saints: also called अनन्तजित् . f. (-न्ता) 1. A name of PĀRVATĪ, the wife of SIVĀ. 2. The earth. 3. A synonime of several plants, (as Hedysarum alhagi.) 4. A kind of potherb. See विशल्या . 5. Bent grass, (Agrostis linearis.) 6 Ano- ther plant, (Echites frutescens, Rox.) See श्यामा . Or according to others, (Asclepias pseudosarsa, Rox.) See शारिवा . 7. Yellow myro- balan, (Terminalia citrina.) 8. Emblic myrobalan, (Phyllanthus emblica). 9. Another plant, (Menispermum glabrum.) See गुडुची . 10. Long pepper. See कणा . n. (-न्तं) Sky or atmosphere, æther. E. अन् neg. and अन्त end.
  • अनन्तक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Endless, eternal. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • अनन्तचतुर्दशी :: f. (-शी) The fourteenth lunation of the light half of BHĀDRA, when ANANTA is worshipped. E. अनन्त, and चतुर्दशी the fourteenth.
  • अनन्तजित् :: m. (-जित्) The fourteenth of the twenty-four Jaina defied Saints: also called अनन्त . E. अनन्त endless, and जित् who con- quers, who gains eternity.
  • अनन्तता :: f. (-ता) Eternity: also अनन्तत्व n. (-त्वं) E. ता or त्व added to अनन्त .
  • अनन्ततीर्थकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) The fourteenth Jaina Saint, also अनन्त, &c. E. अनन्त endless, तीर्थ pilgrimage or virtue, and कृत् who has made.
  • अनन्तमूल :: m. (-लः) A plant, (Periploca Indica.) E. अनन्त, and मूल root.
  • अनन्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Next, immediately following. 2. Next of kin or in succession. 3. Close, compact. n. (-रं) Extreme propinquity E. अन् neg. and अन्तर between; having nothing intermediate.
  • अनन्तरज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Born of the next in order; as of a Kshetriya woman, by a Brahman; of a Vaisya woman, by a Kshetriya. E. अनन्तर, and ज born.
  • अनन्तराशि :: f. (-शिः) In arithmetic; infinite quantity. E. अनन्त endless, राशि quantity.
  • अनन्तरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Multiform. E. अनन्त, and रूप form.
  • अनन्तवात :: m. (-तः) Rigidity or paralysis of the muscles of the face and neck. E. अनन्त, and वात wind.
  • अनन्तविजय :: m. (-यः) The shell of YUDHISHTHĪRA. E. अनन्त, and विजय victory.
  • अनन्तवीर्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) The twenty third Jaina Tirthakara of a future age. E. अनन्त endless, and वीर्य्य power.
  • अनन्तव्रत :: n. (-तं) A ceremony performed in honour of VISHNŪ, on the day of the full moon in Bhādra. E. अनन्त, and व्रत a religious ob- servance.
  • अनन्तशीर्षा :: f. (-र्षा) The wife of VASUKI, the king of serpents. E. अनन्त many, and शीर्ष a head; many headed.
  • अनन्त्य :: mfn. (-न्त्यः -न्त्या -न्त्यं) Infinite, unbounded, eternal n. (-न्त्यं) 1. Im- mortality. 2. Eternity. 3. Infinity. E. अन् neg. अन्त्य final.
  • अनन्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) 1 One, sole, without any other. 2. Same, iden- tical. E. अन् neg. अन्य other.
  • अनन्यगति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Having but one refuge. f. (-तिः) One only refuge or asylum. E. अनन्य, and गति motion.
  • अनन्यगतिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Having one refuge or hope alone. E. कन् added to the last.
  • अनन्यज :: m. (-जः) A name of KĀMA or love. E. अन् neg. अन्य other, and ज born; produced only in the heart.
  • अनन्यता :: f. (-ता) 1. Singleness. 2. Identity. E. अनन्य, and ता or त्व affix; also अनन्यत्वं .
  • अनन्यपूर्व्व :: mfn. (-र्व्वः -र्व्वा -र्व्वं) Intact, virgin, never in the prior possession of another. f. (-र्व्वा) A virgin, a girl not previously wedded. E. अन् neg. अन्य another, पूर्व्व prior; also with कन् added अनन्यपूर्व्वक .
  • अनन्यभव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Produced or effected by one particular person or thing. E. अनन्य, and भव born.
  • अनन्यमनस् :: mfn. (-नः -नाः -नः) See the next.
  • अनन्यमनस्क :: mfn. (-स्कः -स्का -स्कं) Intent, attentive, having the mind fixed on one subject, not absent. E. अन् neg. अन्यमनस् or अन्यमनस्क think- ing of some thing else.
  • अनन्यवृत्ति :: mfn. (-त्तिः -त्तिः -त्ति) Closely attentive, having the mind fixed on one object. E. अन् neg. अन्य other, वृत्ति profession.
  • अनन्यहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Not stolen or taken, safe. E. अन् neg. अन्य ano- ther, हृत taken.
  • अनन्यहार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) Incapable of being taken or stolen. E. अन् neg. अन्य another, हार्य्य to be taken.
  • अनन्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unconnected with, irrelevant. 2. Devoid of, not possessing. E. अन् neg. अन्वित possessed of.
  • अनपकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Non-requital, not retaliating. 2. Non-resumption. 3. Not doing ill. E. अन् before अपकरण evil doing.
  • अनपकर्म्म :: n. (-र्म्म) 1. Non-retaliation. Non-resumption, (of a thing given or paid, &c.) 3. Abstaining from evil. E. अन् before अपकर्म्म; also अनपाकर्म्म, अनपक्रिया, &c.
  • अनपकार :: m. (-रः) Harmlessness, freedom from hatred and malice. E. अन् neg. अपकार evil doing.
  • अनपकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Innocuous. E. अनपकार, and इनि aff.
  • अनपक्रिया :: f. (-या) 1. Non-requital, non-retaliation. 2. Non-acquittance (as of debt, &c.) 3. Non-resumption. 4. Abstaining from offence or evil. E. अन् before अपक्रिया offence, &c.
  • अनपचित :: mfn. (-नः -ता -तं) Dishonoured, disregarded. E. अन् neg. अपचित honoured.
  • अनपत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) Childless, having no progeny: so अनपत्यक mfn. (-कः -का -कं) E. अन् neg. अपत्य offspring.
  • अनपर :: m. (-रः) Name of BRAHMĀ. E. अन् neg. अपर another.
  • अनपराध :: m. (-धः) Innocence. mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Innocent, sinless. E. अन् neg. अपराध offence.
  • अनपराधिन् :: mfn. (-धी -धिनी -धि) Innocent, sinless. E. अन् neg. अपराधिन् offending.
  • अनपाय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Undiminished, unceasing. m. (-यः) Permanence, absence of loss or diminution. E. अन् neg. अपाय loss.
  • अनपायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) 1. Firm, constant, durable, imperishable. 2. Increasing. E. अनपाय permanence, इनि aff.
  • अनपेक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Disregarding, unheeding. f. (-क्षा) Carelessness, indifference, disregard. E. अन् neg. अपेक्षा regard.
  • अनपेक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unheeded, disregarded. E. अन् neg. अपेक्षित regarded.
  • अनपेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Present, not passed or gone. 2. Possessed of, not devoid of. E. अन् neg. अपेत gone away.
  • अनभिमत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Disagreeable, unpleasant, disastrous, unlucky. E. अन् neg. अभिमत liked.
  • अनभिज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Unwise, stupid. E. अन् neg. अभिज्ञ wise.
  • अनभिभव :: m. (-वः) Freedom from obstruction or defeat. E. अन् neg. अभिभव defeat.
  • अनभिभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unsubdued, unsurpassed. 2. Unobstructed. E. अन् neg. अभिभूत subdued.
  • अनभिलाष :: m. (-षः) Indifference, absence of desire. E. अन् neg. अभिलाष desire.
  • अनभिलाषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Indifferent. E. अनभिलाष, and इनि aff.
  • अनभिव्यक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Indistinct, dim. E. अन् neg. अभिव्यक्त clear.
  • अनभिष्वङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Detachment, disconnection, freedom from affection or attachment. E. अन् neg. अभिष्वङ्ग connection.
  • अगम :: m. (-मः) A Brahman, one who does not salute a Brahman making obeisance to the gods only, and returning salutations, with his blessing. E. अ neg. and गम who salutes.
  • अनमस्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) Unworthy of being saluted. E. अ neg. नमस्य to be saluted.
  • अनय :: m. (-यः) 1. Fate. 2. Ill-luck, bad fortune. 3. Calamity, distress. 4. Vice, transgression. E. अन् neg. and अय good fortune.
  • अनयङ्गत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Fallen into misfortune. E. अनय, and गत gone.
  • अनर्गल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Self-willed, unrestrained. E. अन् neg. and अर्गल a bolt or bar.
  • अनर्घ्य :: mfn. (-र्घ्यः -र्घ्या -र्घ्यं) Invaluable, priceless, not to be bought. E. अन् neg. अर्घ्य price.
  • अनर्घ्यत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Absence of price or cost, invaluableness; also अनर्घ्यता E. त्व or ता added to the last.
  • अनर्च्चित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unworshipped, unreverenced, disrespected. E. अन् neg. अर्च्चित worshipped.
  • अनर्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) Unmeaning, fruitless, nonsensical. E. अन् neg. अर्थ use.
  • अनर्थक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Unmeaning, idle, fruitless. n. (-कं) Unmeaning or nonsensical discourse. E. अन् neg. अर्थ meaning, and कन् aff.
  • अनर्ह :: mfn. (-र्हः -र्हा -र्हं) Unfit, unworthy, unsuitable. E. अन् neg. अर्ह fit.
  • अनल :: m. (-लः) 1. A name of AGNI or fire. 2. One of the eight Vasus or demigods so called. 3. Bile. 4. A plant, (Plumbago zeylanica and rosea.) E. अन् to be, कलच् aff.
  • अनलप्रिया :: f. (-या) The wife of AGNI, E. अनल, and प्रिया beloved.
  • अनलम् :: ind. Insufficient, unequal, unable, not enough. E. अन् neg. अलम् enough.
  • अनलि :: m. (-लिः) A plant, (Æschynomene grandiflora.) See अगस्तिदु .
  • अनवगीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Excellent, good, uncensured. E. अन् neg. अवगीत disparaged.
  • अनवग्रह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Resistless, not to be obstructed or impeded. E. अन् neg. अवग्रह obstruction.
  • अनवद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) 1. Blameless, irreproachable. 2. Unobjection- able, allowable. E. अन् neg. अवद्य censurable.
  • अनवधान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Careless, inattentive. n. (-नं) Inadvertence, in- attention, carelessness. E. अन् neg. अवधान care.
  • अनवधानता :: f. (-ता) Inadvertence, inattention. E. ता affix, subjoined to the preceding; or with त्व अनवधानत्वं .
  • अनवर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Equal of superior, not younger nor inferior. E. अन् neg. अवर inferior.
  • अनवरत :: adj. mfn. or adv. n. (-तः-ता-तं) Eternal, eternally. E. अन् neg. अवरत stopped, ceased.
  • अनवरार्द्ध :: mfn. (-र्द्धः -र्द्धा -र्द्धं) Chief, principal. E. अन् neg, अवरार्द्ध inferior.
  • अनवलम्ब :: mfn. (-म्बः -म्बा -म्बं) Without support or dependence. E. अन् neg. अवलम्ब support.
  • अनवसर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Occupied, busy, having no leisure. 2. Un- seasonable, inopportune. m. (-रः) 1. Want of leisure or oppor-

tunity. 2. Unseasonableness, inopportuneness. E. अन् neg. अवसर leisure.

  • अनवस्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Clean. E. अन् priv. and अवस्कर dirt.
  • अनवस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Unstable, unsteady. 2. Incontinent. f. (-स्था) 1. Instability, absence of fixed state or condition. 2. Uncertainty, doubt. 3. Incontinence, dissoluteness. 4. (In logic,) the abstract nature of a thing, independent of its existence. E. अन् neg. अवस्था condition.
  • अनवस्थान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Unsteady, mutable, variable, not stationary. n. (-नं) 1. Instability. 2. Wrong situation or direction. 3. Mis- conduct. m. (-नः) Wind. E. अन् neg. अवस्थान fixture.
  • अनवस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unfixed, unsteady, unstable, inconstant. 2. Loose, abandoned, violating moral and legal restraint. E. अन् neg. अवस्थित steady.
  • अनवस्थिति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Unsteadiness, instability. 2. Dissoluteness, profli- gacy. E. अन् neg. and अवस्थिति stability.
  • अनवाप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Unobtained. E. अन् neg. अवाप्त obtained.
  • अनशन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) One who fasts. n. (-नं) A fast, fasting. E. अन् neg. and अशन eating.
  • अनश्वर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Eternal, imperishable. E. अ neg. and नश्वर tran- sient.
  • अनस् :: n. (-नः) 1. A cart. 2. Boiled rice. 3. A mother. 4. Birth. 5. Life, breath E. अन् to live, असुन् aff.
  • अनसूय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Not envious. f. (-या) 1. The wife or the sage ATRI. 2. Exemption from envy. E. अन् neg. असूया envy.
  • अनसूयक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Unenvious. E. अन् neg. असूया, and कन् aff.
  • अनसूयु :: mfn. (-युः -युः -यु) Free from envy. E. अन् neg. असूय to envy, उस् aff.
  • अनहङ्कार :: m. (-रः) 1. Absence of pride, humility. 2. The absence of the pride of individuality: one of the elements of creation, according to the Vedanta system. E. अन् neg. अहङ्कार pride.
  • अनहङ्कारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Philosophical, humble, not proud, not selfish. E. अन् neg. अहङ्कारिन् proud.
  • अनहङ्कृति :: f. (-तिः) Content, satisfaction, the absence of care or vanity. E. अन् neg. अहङ्कृति pride.
  • अनाकार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Shapeless, without form. E. अन् neg. आकार form.
  • अनाकाल :: n. (-लं) Scarcity, famine. E. अन् neg. आङ् before काल time.
  • अनाकालभृत :: m. (-तः) A slave, one who has given himself to slavery, in a season of scarcity, for support. E. अनाकाल, and भृत nourished.
  • अनाकुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Unperplexed, collected, composed. E. अन् neg. and आकुल perplexed, confused.
  • अनाक्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Unsurpassed, unsubdued. f. (-न्ता) A sort of prickly nightshade, (Solanum jacquini. WILD.) See कण्टकारी . E. अन् neg. आक्रान्त surpassed.
  • अनाक्षारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Not calumniated, free from reproach or cen- sure. E. अन् neg. आक्षारित censured.
  • अनागत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Not come, not arrived: (of a person, absent;) future, (of time.) 2. Unknown, undistinguished. 3. Not acquired, learned or obtained. E. अन् neg. आगत come, &c.
  • अनागतार्तवा :: f. (-वा) A young girl, one not arrived at puberty. E. अन् neg. आगत arrived, and आर्तव from ऋतु the menstrual flux, who has not menstruated.
  • अनागम :: m. (-मः) 1. Non-arrival of person or time. 2. Non-acquisition. mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Not arrived, not present. 2. Not having or ob- taining. 3. Not scriptural. 4. Not having vouchers or deeds. E. अन् neg. आगम arrival, &c.
  • अनागम्य :: mfn. (-म्यः -म्या -म्यं) 1. Unapproachable, inaccessible. 2. Unobtain- able. E. अन् neg. आगम्य to be approached.
  • अनाचरण :: n. (-णं) Improper or immoral conduct. E. अन् neg. आचरण moral rule or practice.
  • अनाचार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Immoral, ill behaved, indecent. m. (-रः) impro- priety, violation of moral or civil rule or institute. E. अन् neg. आचार moral rule.
  • अनाचारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Immoral, indecorous, indecent E. अन् neg. आचारिन् decent.
  • अनाढ्य :: mfn. (-ढ्यः -ढ्या -ढ्यं) Poor, without wealth. E. अन् neg. आढ्य rich.
  • अनातप :: m. (-पः) 1. Shade. shadow. 2. Coolness. E. अन् neg. and आतप heat, moral or physical.
  • अनातुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Well, vigorous, free from sickness or pain. E. अ neg. आतुर diseased.
  • अनात्मनीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Disinterested, liberal, not regarding self alone. E. अन् neg. आत्मनीन selfish.
  • अनाथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) Without a master or protector, without a hus- band, &c. E. अ neg. नाथ master.
  • अनादर :: m. (-रः) disrespect. E. अन् neg. and आदर respect.
  • अनादि :: mfn. (-दिः -दिः -दि) Eternal, without any beginning, unborn, un- created. E. अन् neg. आदि beginning.
  • अनादित्व :: n. (-त्वं) Eternity, exemption from commencement or birth. Also अनादिता . E. ता or त्व added to the last.
  • अनादिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Denied, refused, dissented. 2. Not directed, advised or commanded. E. अन् neg. आदिष्ट directed.
  • अनादीनव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Pure, faultless, E. अन् neg. आदीनव faulty.
  • अनादृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Disrespected, despised. E. अन् neg. and आदृत respected.
  • अनादेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Inadmissable, unacceptable, not to be taken or received E. अन् neg. आदेय to be taken.
  • अनाधृष्य :: mfn. (-ष्यः -ष्या -ष्यं) Unconquerable, indomitable. E. अन् neg. आधृष्य to be tamed.
  • अनापन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Unobtained, unattained. E. अन् neg. आपन्न ob- tained.
  • अनाप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Unskilful, unapt. 2. Uneffected, unobtained. E. अन् neg. आत fit.
  • अनामक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Nameless, noteless. m. (-कः) The intercalary month. n. (-कं) Piles or hœmorrhoids. E. अ bad, नामक from नामन् a name, with कन् aff.
  • अनामन् :: m. (-मा) The ring finger. See अनामिका .
  • अनामय :: n. (-यं) Health. E. अन् neg. and आमय sickness.
  • अनामिका :: f. (-का) The ring finger. E. अ neg. and नामिका deriv. of नामन् a name, having no other name.
  • अनायत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unchecked, unrestrained. 2. Close, continu- ous, unseparated. 3. Unextended, having no length. E. अन् neg. आयत restrained.
  • अनायत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Independent, uncontrolled. E. अन् neg. आयत्त dependent.
  • अनायत्तवृत्तिता :: f. (-ता) Independence, self subsistence. E. अनायत्त, and वृत्ति or वृत्तिता business.
  • अनायास :: m. (-सः) Exemption from pain or difficulty, facility, ease. 2. Absence of exertion, idleness, neglect. E. अन् neg. आयास effort.
  • अनायासकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Done readly or easily. 2. In medicine, prepared, extemporaneously simply decorated, (medicine or drugs.) E. अन् neg. आयास effort, pains, and कृत made, made without trouble.
  • अनार्जव :: n. (-वं) 1 Crookedness, moral or physical. 2. Disease. E. अन् neg. आर्जव straightness.
  • अनारत :: adj. mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) adv. n. (-तं) Eternal, eternally. E. अन् neg. and आ prefixed to रम to be pleased, क्त affixed; having no rest.
  • अनारम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Defect of commencement, being without a beginning. 2. Non-commencement, not attempting or undertaking. E. अन् neg. आरम्भ beginning.
  • अनारोग्य :: n. (-ग्यं) Sickness. E. अन् neg. आरोग्य health.
  • अनारोग्यकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Unwholesome, unhealthy, causing sickness. E. अनारोग्य, and कर what makes.
  • अनार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) Unworthy, inferior, bad, vile. E. अन् neg. (-आर्य्य) respectable.
  • अनार्य्यक :: n. (-कं) Agallochum or aloe wood, (Aquila agallocha, Rox.) See the next.
  • अनार्य्यज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Of vile or unworthy origin. n. (-जं) Agallo- chum or aloe wood, (Aquila agallocha.) See अगुरु . E. अन् priv. आर्य्य respectable, and ज produced; the perfume being brought from the country of Mlechchhas or barbarians.
  • अनार्य्यता :: f. (-ता) Vileness, unworthiness, baseness; also अनार्य्यत्वं E. ता or त्व added to अनार्य्य .
  • अनार्य्यतिक्त :: m. (-क्तः) A medicinal plant, a kind of gentian, (Gentiana cherayta, Rox.) E. अनार्य्य inferior, and तिक्त bitter.
  • अनालम्ब :: mfn. (-म्बः -म्बा -म्बं) Unsupported, without stay or support. E. अन् neg. आलम्ब support.
  • अनालाप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Silent, taciturn. m. (-पः) Taciturnity. E. अन् neg. आलाप conversing.
  • अनालोचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unseen, unbeheld. 2. Unweighed, uncon- sidered, rash, imprudent. E. अन् neg. आलोचित seen.
  • अनाविल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Clear, clean, pure. E. अन् neg. and आविल turbid.
  • अनावृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Uncovered, undressed. 2. Open, uninclosed. E. अन् neg. आवृत covered.
  • अनावृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Not stirred or turned round. 2. Not retreating. E. अन् neg. and आवृत्त whirled.
  • अनावृष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) Drought. E. अन् neg. आ before वृष्टि rain.
  • अनाश्य :: mfn. (-श्यः -श्या -श्यं) Indestructible. E. अ neg. नाश्य to be destroyed.
  • अनाश्रय :: m. (-यः) Detachment, absence of attachment or dependence. E. अन् neg. आश्रय asylum.
  • अनाश्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Detached, disengaged, unconcerned in or un- connected with E. अन् neg. आश्रित dependent.
  • अनाश्वस् :: mfn. (-श्वान् -शुषी -श्वत्) Fasting, not eating. E. अन् neg. आश्वस् eating.
  • अनासादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Not occurred, not having happened, non- exsitent. E. अन् neg. आसादित effected.
  • अनासिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Noseless. E. अ neg. and नासिका the nose.
  • अनास्था :: f. (-स्था) 1. Disrespect. 2. Want of fixity or condition. E. अन् neg. आस्था station.
  • अनाहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unhurt, unbeaten, unwounded, intact. 2. New and unbleached, (as cloth.) m. (-तः) The fourth of the mystical Chakras or circles of the body. E. अन् neg. and आहत beaten.
  • अनाहार :: n. (-रं) 1. Abstinence, starvation. 2. Non-production. 3. Non- seizure. E. अन् neg. आहार food, &c.
  • अनाहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Not seizing. 2. Fasting. E. अन् neg. and आहारिन् who takes food.
  • अनाहार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) 1. Not to be seized or taken, not producible. 2. Not to be eaten. E. अन् neg. आहार्य्य to be taken, &c.
  • अनाहुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Uncalled, unbidden: also अनाहूत . E. अन् neg. आहुत called.
  • अनिक्षु :: m. (-क्षुः) A sort of long grass or reed, (Saccharum spontaneum.) E. अन् neg. and इक्षु sugar-cane; not it, but it's like.
  • अनिगीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Unuttered, unsaid. E. अ neg. निगीर्ण uttered.
  • अनिग्रह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Unrestrained. E. अ neg. निग्रह restraint.
  • अनिच्छ :: mfn. (-च्छः -च्छा -च्छं) Undesirous, averse, indifferent: so अनिच्छक . E. अन्, and इच्छा wish.
  • अनिच्छा :: f. (-च्छा) Indifference, absence of wish or desire. E. अन् neg. इच्छा desire.
  • अनिच्छु :: mfn. (-च्छुः -च्छुः -च्छु) 1. Disliking, not wishing. 2. Indifferent. E. अन् neg. इच्छु who wishes: also अनिच्छक .
  • अनित्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) 1. Transient, not everlasting. 2. Occasional, incidental. 3. Irregular, unusual. E. अ neg. नित्य constant.
  • अनियक्रिया :: f. (-या) An occasional act of worship, sacrifice for a special purpose. E. अनित्य occasional, not constant, and क्रिया rite, also अनित्यकर्म्म, &c.
  • अनित्यता :: f. (-ता) Transient or limited existence: also अनित्यत्व E. ता or त्व added to the last.
  • अनित्यसम :: m. (-मः) Arguing by illustration, not by logical rule. E. अनित्य unusual, and सम same.
  • अनिदान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Causeless, groundless. E. अ neg. निदान .
  • अनिद्र :: mfn. (-द्रः -द्रा -द्रं) Awake, sleepless. E. अ neg. निद्रा sleep.
  • अनिन्दित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pious, virtuous, free, unreproachable. E. अ neg. and निन्दित reproached.
  • अनिन्द्य :: mfn. (-न्द्यः -न्द्या -न्द्यं) Faultless. E. अ neg. निन्द्य blamable.
  • अनिपुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Unskilled, unlearned, not conversant. E. अ neg. निपुण clever.
  • अनिबद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Unproduced, unseized. 2. Unasked. E. अ neg. निबद्ध attached.
  • अनिभृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unsteady (as the mind), agitated. 2. Tremulous, moving. E. अ neg. निभृत held firmly.
  • अनिमिष :: m. (-षः) 1. A god. 2. A fish. 3. A person whose eyes are fixed, (as in disease), &c. E. अ neg. and निमिष what twinkles; the eyes being always fixed.
  • अनिमिषाचार्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) A name of VRIHASPATI. E. अनिमिष a deity, and आचार्य्य a teacher; the preceptor of the gods.
  • अनिमेष :: m. (-ष) 1. A deity. 2. A fish. 3. A demon. 4. A spirit or ghost. 5. A person whose eyes are fixed. See अनिमिष .
  • अनियत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Transitory, perishable. 2. Unrestrained. 3. Undefined, unprescribed. E. अ neg. नियत restrained.
  • अनियम :: m. (-मः) 1. Uncertainty, doubt. 2. Absence of moral or religious obligation. 3. Indecorous or improper conduct. mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Undetermined, undefined, unprovided for, by any rule or law. E. अ neg. नियम fixed observance.
  • अनिराकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unchecked, unobstructed. E. अ neg. निराकृत opposed.
  • अनिरुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. A spy, a secret emissary. 2. Self willed, un- governable, headstrong. 3. Unobstructed, unrestrained. m. (-द्धः) The son of PRADYUMNA, a form of KĀMA, and husband of USHĀ. n. (-द्धं) The rope for fastening cattle. E. अ neg. निरुद्ध restrained.
  • अनिरुद्धपथ :: n. (-थं) 1. The atmosphere, æther. 2. An unobstructed path. E. अनिरुद्ध unobstructed, and पथिन् a road.
  • अनिरुद्धभाविनी :: f. (-नी) A proper name. See उषा . E. अनिरुद्ध, and भाविनी a wife; the wife of ANIRUDDHA.
  • अनिर्णय :: m. (-यः) Uncertainty. E. अ neg. निर्णय certainty.
  • अनिर्णीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unascertained, undetermined. E. अ neg. निर्णीत ascertained.
  • अनिर्णेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Undecidable, incapable of being decided. E. अ neg. निर्णेय decidable.
  • अनिर्दिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Unexplained, undefined. E. अ neg. निर्दिष्ट explained.
  • अनिर्देश :: m. (-शः) Absence of demonstration or direction. E. अ neg. निर्देश instruction.
  • अनिर्द्धारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unascertained, undetermined, undefined. E. अ neg. निर्द्धारित defined.
  • अनिर्भर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Little, slight, light. E. अ neg. निर्भर bulky.
  • अनिर्मल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Dirty, foul. E. अ neg. निर्मल clean.
  • अनिर्माल्या :: f. (-ल्या) A plant, (Medicago esculenta, Rox.) See पृका . E. अ not, निर् out from, and माल्य from माला a necklace; not used in garlands.
  • अनिर्वचनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Not to be mentioned or described, indescrib- able. E. अ neg. निर्वचनीय describable.
  • अनिर्वाह :: m. (-हः) 1. Incoherence, want of connexion or consistency. 2. Want of means of subsistence. 3. Incompleteness. E. अ neg. निर्वाह connexion.
  • अनिर्व्विण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Disgusted. 2. Poor, needy. E. अ neg. निर्व्विण satisfied.
  • अनिर्व्विद :: mfn. (-वित्) Free from pain or trouble. E. अ neg. निर्व्विद what annoys.
  • अनिर्व्वृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Discontented. 2. Unquiet discomposed. 3. Un- accomplished, unfulfilled. E. अ neg. निर्व्वृत effected.
  • अनिर्व्वृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Poverty. 2. Discontent. 3. Incompleteness. E. अ neg. निर्व्वृति completion.
  • अनिल :: m. (-लः) 1. Air or wind considered also as a deity. 2. A subordinate deity, forty-nine of form whom a class, ANILAS or winds. 3. One of another class demigods or Vasus. 4. Wind, as one of the humors of the body. 5. Rheumatism, paralysis, or any affection referred to dis- order of the wind. E. अन to breathe, इलट् aff. f. (-ली) The fifteenth Nakshatra or lunar mansion. See स्वाति . E. अनिल and the fem. termination: the wind being the ruling deity of the constellation.
  • अनिलघ्नक :: m. (-कः) A large tree, (Terminalia belerica.) E. अनिल, घ्न what removes, कन् added.
  • अनिलपर्य्यय :: m. (-यः) Pain and swelling of the eyelids and outer parts of the eye. E. अनिल, and पर्य्यय pervasion.
  • अनिलसख :: m. (-खः) A name of fire. E. अनिल, and सखि a friend, the friend of the wind.
  • अनिलात्मज :: m. (-जः) The son of the wind, HANUMAN or BHĪMA. E. अनिल, and आत्मज son.
  • अनिलामय :: m. (-यः) 1. Flatulence. 2. Morbid affection of the wind, rheu- matism, &c. E. अनिल, and आमय sickness.
  • अनिलाशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Fasting, lit. feeding on the wind. E. अनिल, and अशिन् who eats.
  • अनिलोचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unconsidered, inconsiderate, imprudent. E. अ neg. निलोचित regarded.
  • अनिलोडित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unconsidered, ill judged, undiscriminated. E. अ neg. निलोडित revolved.
  • अनिवारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unchecked, unimpeded, unopposed, unforbid- den. E. अ neg. निवारित checked.
  • अनिश :: n. (-शं) Eternally, eternal, (not employed as an adjective). E. अ neg. and निश from निशा night; having no night or end.
  • अनिश्चित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unascertained, not certain. E. अ neg. निश्चित ascertained.
  • अनिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Unwished, undesirable, bad, unlucky. f. (-ष्टा) A plant, (Sida alba.) E. अन् neg. इष्ट wished.
  • अनिष्ठा :: f. (-ष्ठा) Unsteadfastness, unsteadiness. E. अ neg. निष्ठा fixedness.
  • अनिष्णात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unskilful, ignorant. E. अ neg. निष्णात clever.
  • अनिष्पन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Imperfect, incomplete. E. अ neg. निष्पन्न completed.
  • अनिषिद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Unprohibited, unforbidden. E. अ neg. निषिद्ध prohibited.
  • अनिसर्ग :: mfn. (-र्गः -र्गा -र्गं) Unnaturally elated or depressed. E. अ neg. निसर्ग natural condition.
  • अनिस्तीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Unanswered, unrefuted. 2. Not set aside or got over. E. अ neg. निस्तीर्ण replied to.
  • अनीक :: mn. (-कः-कं) 1. An army forces. 2. War, combat. E. अन् to live, and ईकन् Unādi aff.
  • अनीकस्थ :: m. (-स्थः) 1. An armed or royal guard, a sentinel. 2. A warrior, a combatant. 3. The trainer of an elephant, an elephant driver. 4. A mark, a sing, a signal. 5. A military drum. E. अनीक battle, and स्थ what stays.
  • अनीकिनी :: f. (-नी) 1. An army, a host, forces. 2. A certain force; one- tenth of an Akshouhini, containing two thousand, one hundred and eighty-seven elephants, and as many cars, six thousand, five hundred and sixty-seven horses, and ten thousand, nine hundred and thirty-five foot. 3 A lotus. E. अनीक an army, इनि aff.
  • अनीच :: mfn. (-चः -चा -चं) Decent, respectable. E. अ neg. नीच low.
  • अनीचानुवर्त्तिन् :: mfn. (-र्त्ती -र्त्तिनी -र्त्ति) Not keeping low or improper com- pany. m. (-र्त्ती) A faithful lover or husband. E. अ neg. नीच low, अनुवर्त्तिन् following.
  • अनीचदर्शिन् :: m. (-र्शी) A Bauddha saint. E. अ neg. नीच low, दर्शिन् who sees.
  • अनीति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Impropriety, immorality. 2. Impolicy, ill conduct. E. अ neg. नीति good conduct.
  • अनीदृश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) Unlike, dissimilar. E. अ neg. ईदृश like.
  • अनीश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) One who has not a lord or superior. m. (-शः) VISHNU. E. अन् neg. ईश lord.
  • अनीश्वर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Without a superior. 2. Unchecked, uncon- trolled. 3. Without power, powerless, unable. 4. Atheist. E. अन् neg. ईश्वर a supreme.
  • अनीश्वरता :: f. (-ता) Absence of a supreme ruler. E. ता or त्व added to the last: also अनीश्वरत्वं .
  • अनीश्वरवादिन् :: m. (-दी) An atheist, one who denies a supreme ruler of the universe. E. अनीश्वर, and वादिन् who asserts.
  • अनीह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Careless, indifferent. E. अन् neg. ईहा wish.
  • अनीहा :: f. (-हा) Indifference, apathy, disinclination. E. अन् neg. ईहा wish.
  • अनीहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Disagreeable, displeasing, unwished. n. (-तं) Displeasure. E. अन्, and ईहित desired.
  • अनु :: ind. A preposition and prefix, implying 1. After. 2. Like, in same manner. 3. Under, inferior to. 4. Along, lengthwise. 5. With, to- gether with. 6. In part of. 7. Severally, each, by each. 8. Near to. 9 In regard to. 10 To, out to, (calling.) 11. Orderly, methodical. As अनुकर्त्तुं to act like; अनुगन्तुं to follow; अनुक्रमितुं to proceed in order; अनुशयितुं to repent, &c.; also, अनुरूपं according to the form; अनुविष्णु according to VISHNU; अनुगङ्गं upon or along the Ganges. See also the following words. E. अन् to live and ज aff.
  • अनुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Lustful, libidinous. E. अनु and क from कम to desire.
  • अनुकथन :: n. (-नं) Discousre, conversation. E. अनु and कथन speaking.
  • अनुकम्पा :: f. (-म्पा) Tenderness, compassion. E. अनु before कपि to tremble, and affix अच्, and टाप् .
  • अनुकम्प्य :: mfn. (-म्प्यः -म्प्या -म्प्यं) 1. Swift, expeditions. 2. Pitiable, worthy of tenderness or compassion. E. अनु before कपि to tremble, य aff.
  • अनुकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Imitation, making or doing any thing like or in imita- tion of another, following an example. 2. Resemblance, similarity. E. अनु, and करण making.
  • अनुकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) 1. Imitation. 2. A subsequent rite or ceremony. E. अनु, and कर्म्मन् act.
  • अनुकर्ष :: m. (-षः) 1. The bottom of a carriage. 2. Invoking, summoning by incantation. 3. Attraction, drawing. E. अनु before, कृष to drag or furrow, and घञ् aff.
  • अनुकर्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Invoking, summoning by incantations. 2. Attracting, attraction. 3. Including a subsequent in a preceding rule. E. अनु, and कृष to draw, ल्युट् aff.
  • अनुकर्षन् :: m. (-ष) The bottom of a carriage. See अनुकर्ष .
  • अनुकल्प :: m. (-ल्पः) 1. An alternative, a substitute. 2. A secondary, subsi- diary or succedaneous injunction; as, instead Kūsā grass use Durba. E. अनु after and कल्प a principal precept.
  • अनुकामम् :: ind. According to wish or inclination. E. अनु and काम desire.
  • अनुकामीन :: m. (-नः) 1. One who goes as he lists. 2. One who acts as he pleases. E. अनुकाम and ईन, for गामिन् who goes.
  • अनुकार :: m. (-रः) 1. Imitation. 2. Resemblance. E. अनु like, and कृञ् to do, with अण् aff.
  • अनुकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Imitating, an imitator. E. अनुकार, and इनि aff.
  • अनुकूल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Friendly, well disposed to favourable or con- formable to. m. (-लः) A faithful husband. f. (-ला) Croton polyan- drum. n. (-लं) Favour, kindness. E. अनु, and कूल race, family.
  • अनुकूलता :: f. (-ता) Concord, good will, consent. E. अनुकूल, and ता affix; also with त्व, अनुकूलत्वं .
  • अनुकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Copied, imitated, made like or done in like manner. E. अनु, and कृत made.
  • अनुक्रकच :: mfn. (-चः -चा -चं) Serrated, dentated. E. अनु like, क्रकच a saw.
  • अनुक्रम :: m. (-मः) Order, method. E. अनु methodically, and क्रम to go, with घञ् aff.
  • अनुक्रमण :: n. (-णं) 1. Proceeding methodically or in order. 2. Following. E. अनु, and क्रमण going.
  • अनुक्रमणिका :: f. (-का) A table or chapter of contents. E. कन् fem. form add- ed to the last.
  • अनुक्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Done methodically, passed over, read, &c. in due order. E. अनु, and क्रान्त gone.
  • अनुक्रिया :: f. (-या) 1. Imitation, doing any thing subsequently or in like manner. 2. A subsequent rite or ceremony. E. अनु and क्रिया act.
  • अनुक्रोश :: m. (-शः) Tenderness, compassion. E. अनु, and क्रुश to bewail, घञ् aff.
  • अनुक्षण :: n. adv. (-णं) Momentarily, perpetually. E. अनु, and क्षण a moment.
  • अनुग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) 1. Following. 2. A follower, a servant. m. (-गः) A husband, a master. E. अनु after, and ग who goes.
  • अनुगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Followed literally or figuratively, as by a de- pendent, &c. 2. Following, a follower or a dependent. 3. Acquired, obtained. 4. Determined, defined. E. अनु, and गत gone.
  • अनुगम :: m. (-मः) 1. Following, going after in life or death. 2. Imitating, approaching. E. अनु, and गम going.
  • अनुगमन :: n. (-नं) 1. Going after, following. 2. Dying after, as of a widow. See अनुमरण E. अनु, and गमन going.
  • अनुगम्य :: mfn. (-म्यः -म्या -म्यं) Worthy of being followed or imitated. E. अनु, and गम्य to be gone.
  • अनुगवीन :: m. (-नः) A cowherd. E. अनु and गवीन belonging to kine.
  • अनुगामिन् :: m. (-मी) 1. A companion a follower. 2. One who goes behind or after. E. अनु after or with, and गामिन् who goes.
  • अनुगुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) According or suitable to, according to merit or property. E. अनु, and गुण quality.
  • अनुगृहीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Favoured, obliged. E. अनु, and गृहीत taken.
  • अनुग्र :: mfn. (-ग्रः -ग्रा -ग्रं) Calm, gentle, not violent. E. अन् neg. उग्र fierce.
  • अनुग्रह :: m. (-हः) Favour; conferring benefits, promoting good, and preventing ill. E. अनु afterwards, ग्रह to take, and अच् aff.
  • अनुग्राहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) Gracious, favourable. E. अनु, and ग्राहिन् who takes.
  • अनुचर :: m. (-रः) 1. A companion, a follower. 2. A servant. f. (-री) A fe- male companion. E. अनु with or after, and चर to go, ट aff.
  • अनुचारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Following, attending. E. अनु before, चारिन् who goes.
  • अनुचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Improper, wrong. E. अन् neg. उचित proper.
  • अनुचिन्ता :: f. (-न्ता) Thinking of, meditating upon, recalling, recollecting. E. अनु subsequent, चिन्ता thought.
  • अनुचिन्तित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Recollected, recalled, thought of. E. अनु and चिन्तित thought.
  • अनुच्च :: mfn. (-च्चः -च्चा -च्चं) Low, not high, humble. E. अन् neg. उच्च high.
  • अनुच्छिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Pure, purified by austerity and devotion E. अन् neg. and उच्छिष्ट rejected.
  • अनुज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Born after, later, younger. m. (-जः) A younger brother. f. (-जा) A younger sister. E. अनु after, ज born.
  • अनुजन्मन् :: mfn. (-न्मा -न्मा -न्म) Younger, junior. E. अनु after, and जन्मन् birth.
  • अनुजात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) After-born, later, younger. m. (-तः) A younger brother f. (-ता) A younger sister. E. अनु after, जात born.
  • अनुज्झित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Undiminished, unimpaired, not left or lost. E. अन् neg. उज्झित left.
  • अनुजीविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) 1. Servant dependent. 2. A companion, a follower. E. अनु after or with, and जीविन् who lives.
  • अनुज्ञा :: f. (-ज्ञा) 1. An order or command. 2. Assent. E. अनु according to, ज्ञा to know, and क्विप् aff.
  • अनुज्ञात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Ordered, directed, instructed. 2. Assented to, permitted, allowed. 3. Accepted. 4. Acknowleged, recognised. E. अनु and ज्ञात known.
  • अनुज्ञापक :: m. (-कः) One who commands or enjoins. E. अनु, and ज्ञापक who makes known.
  • अनुतप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Heated. 2. Filled with regret or repentance. E. अनु, and तप्त heated.
  • अनुतर :: n. (-रं) Fare, freight. E. अनु, and तर what crosses.
  • अनुतर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) 1. Thirst. 2. Wish. 3. A drinking vessel, one used to drink spirituous liquors from. See अनुतर्षण . E. अनु and तर्ष, from तृष to thirst, and घञ् aff.
  • अनुतर्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. A vessel from which spirituous liquor is drunk. 2. Distributing liquor. E. अनु before तृष to be thirsty, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अनुताप :: m. (-पः) 1. Repentance. 2. Heat. E. अनु afterwards, and ताप heat, pain.
  • अनुतापिन् :: mfn. (-पि -पिनी -पि) Penitent, regretting. E. अनुताप and इनि aff.
  • अनुत्क :: mfn. (-त्कः -त्का -त्कं) Free from regret, possessed of self-compla- cency. E. अन् neg. उत्क sorry.
  • अनुत्कर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Inferiority. E. अन् neg. उत्कर्ष superiority.
  • अनुत्तम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Chief, principal, best. 2. Worse, inferior, not best. E. अन् neg. and उत्तम best.
  • अनुत्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Chief, principal. 2. Best, excellent. 3. Unable to answer, silent. 4. Fixed, firm. 5. Low, inferior. 6. South, southern. n. (-रं) A reply which is incoherent or evasive, and is therefore held to be no answer. E. अन् neg. and उत्तर subse- quent, &c.
  • अनुत्तान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Lying with the face to the ground. E. अन् neg. उत्तान sleeping, supine
  • अनुत्पत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Failure. 2. Non-production. E. अन् neg. उत्पत्ति pro- duction.
  • अनुत्पन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Uneffected, unaccomplished. 2. Unborn, un- produced. E. अन् neg. उत्पन्न produced.
  • अनुदग्र :: mfn. (-ग्रः -ग्रा -ग्रं) 1. Very lofty. 2. Not lofty, low. E. अन् neg. उदग्र lofty.
  • अनुदर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Thin, lank. E. अन् neg. उदर belly.
  • अनुदात :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Unaccented. m. (-त्तः) One of the three accents to be observed in reading the Vedas, the grave accent. E. अन् neg. उत् high, and आत्त pronounced, from दा to give, आङ् pre- fixed, to speak, and क्त affixed: pronouncing the vowels in a low and full tone.
  • अनुदार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Liberal, munificent. 2. Niggardly, mean. 3. Adhered to or followed by a wife. E. अन् neg. उदार liberal, or अनु, and दार wife.
  • अनुदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unrisen. 2. Unsaid, unuttered. E. अन् neg. उदित risen or said.
  • अनुदिन :: adv. n. (-नं) Daily. E. अनु and दिन day.
  • अनुद्धत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unsurpassed, unequalled. 2. Unopposed. 3. Humble. E. अन् neg. उद्धत proud, &c.
  • अनुद्धरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Non-removal. 2. Not offering. 3. Not establishing or proving. E. अन् neg. उद्धरण taking away.
  • अनुद्धार :: m. (-रः) 1. Non-partition, not taking a share. 2. Non-removal. E. अन् neg. उद्धार partition.
  • अनुद्धृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Non-removed, not taken away. 2. Uninjured, undestroyed. 3. Unoffered. 4. Undivided, unpartitioned. 5. Un- established, unproved. E. अन् neg. उद्धृत removed.
  • अनुद्युत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Inactive, idle, destitute of perseverance. E. अन् neg. उद्युत active.
  • अनुद्योग :: m. (-गः) Absence of exertion or effort, laziness. E. अन् neg. उद्योग effort.
  • अनुद्योगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) Lazy, indifferent. E. अनुद्योग, and इनि aff.
  • अनुद्रुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Followed, pursued. n. (-तं) A measure of time in music, half a Druta, or one fourth of a Matra or time taken to articulate a short vowel. E. अनु after, and द्रुत gone, escaped.
  • अनुद्वाह :: m. (-हः) Celibacy. E. अन् neg. उद्बाद्व marriage.
  • अनुद्विग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) Easy, free from apprehension or perplexity. E. अन् neg. उद्विग्न anxious.
  • अनुद्वेग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Free from anxiety. m. (-गः) Freedom from anxiety. E. अन् neg. उद्वेग anxiety.
  • अनुधावन :: n. (-नं) 1. Chasing, pursuit, running after. 2. Pursuit of any object, as of a mistress, &c. E. अनु, and धावन running.
  • अनुधावित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pursued, run after, literally or figuratively. E. अनु, and धावित run.
  • अनुनय :: m. (-यः) 1. Salutation, courtesy, civility, shewing respect or adoration to a guest or a deity. 2. Regulation of conduct, discipline, tuition. E. अनु and नय, from णीञ् to guide or lead, and अच् aff.
  • अनुनयिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Courteous, humble. E. अनुनय, and इनि aff.
  • अनुनाद :: m. (-दः) Sound, consequent sound, vibration, echo. E. अनु, and नाद noise.
  • अनुनासिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Nasal, uttered through the nose. E. अनु and नासिका the nose.
  • अनुनीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Trained, disciplined. 2. Obtained, acquired. 3. Taught. 4. Respected. 5. Pleased, pacified, appeased. E. अनु, and नीत brought.
  • अनुन्मत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Sane, sober, not wild, not mad: so अनुन्माद . E. अन् neg. अन्मत्त mad.
  • अनुप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Watery, marshy; more usually अनूप .
  • अनुपकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Not assisting, neglecting, ungrateful. E. अन् neg. उपकारिन् assisting.
  • अनुपकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unassisted. E. अन् neg. उपकृत assisted.
  • अनुपतन :: n. (-नं) 1. Falling on or upon. 2. Following. E. अनु, and पतन falling, &c.
  • अनुपतित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Fallen, descended. 2. Followed. E. अनु, and पतित fallen.
  • अनुपदिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Untaught, uninstructed. E. अन् neg. उपदिष्ट advised.
  • अनुपदम् :: ind. 1. Following. 2. Step by step. 3. Upon the foot. n. (-दं) A burthen, a word or passage repeated. E. अनु, and पद a foot.
  • अनुपदिन् :: m. (-दी) A searcher, an inquirer, one who follows or seeks for. E. अनुपदम् following, and इनि aff.
  • अनुपदीना :: f. (-ना) A boot, a buskin. E. अनुपद upon the foot, and ख aff.
  • अनुपन्यस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Undetermined, not established. E. अन् neg. उपन्यस्त fixed.
  • अनुपन्यास :: m. (-सः) Failure of proof or determination, uncertainty, doubt. E. अन् neg. उपन्यास ascertainment.
  • अनुपपत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Not supporting an assertion by good argument, inconclusive argumentation. 2. Non-completion, not effecting or accomplishing, failure. E. अन् neg. उपपत्ति demonstration.
  • अनुपपन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Not done, unaccomplished, uneffected. 2. Unproved, undemonstrated. E. अन् neg. उपपन्न effected.
  • अनुप्रपन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) following, conforming to. E. अनु, and प्रपन्न done.
  • अनुपभुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Unenjoyed, unpossessed. E. अन् neg. उपभुक्त enjoyed.
  • अनुपम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Excellent, best. f. (-मा) The female elephant of the south-east, or of the north-east. E. अन् neg. and उपमा resem- blance; above comparison.
  • अनुपमेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Incomparable: so अनुपमित mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) E. अन् neg. उपमित compared, or उपमेय comparable.
  • अनुपयुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Useless, unnecessary, unserviceable. E. अन् neg. उपयुक्त serviceable.
  • अनुपयोग :: m. (-गः) Unserviceableness, uselessness. E. अन् neg. उपयोग utility.
  • अनुपलक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unmarked, undiscriminated. E. अन् neg. उपलक्षित marked.
  • अनुपलब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) 1. Unperceived, unascertained. 2. Unob- tained. E. अन् neg. उपलब्ध obtained.
  • अनुपशय :: m. (-यः) Any aggravating thing or circumstance, (in medi- cine) what increases the disease. E. अन् neg. उपशय a palliative.
  • अनुपस्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Undressed, unprepared. 2. Unfinished, un- polished. 3. Unrequited. E. अन् neg. उपस्कृत finished.
  • अनुपस्थान :: n. (-नं) Absence. E. अन् neg. उपस्थान vicinity.
  • अनुपस्थापन :: n. (-नं) Not producing, not offering, not placing, not having ready or at hand. E. अन् neg. उप near, स्थापन placing.
  • अनुपस्थापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Not ready, not at hand, not offered or produced. E. अन् neg. उपस्थापित placed near.
  • अनुपस्थापिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिनी -पि) Absent, distant. E. अन् neg. उपस्थापिन् near.
  • अनुपस्थिति :: f. (-तिः) Absence. E. अन् neg. उपस्थिति vicinity.
  • अनुपात :: m. (-तः) 1. Falling subsequently upon, alighting or descending upon in succession. 2. Going, preceeding. 3. Following. 4. A degree of latitude opposite to one given, the antœci. 5. Propor- tion, (in arithmetic.) 6. Arithmetical progression. E. अनु, and पात falling, &c.
  • अनुपातक :: n. (-कं) A heinous crime, as, falsehood, fraud, theft, adul- tery, &c. अनु, and पातक crime.
  • अनुपान :: n. (-नं) A fluid vehicle in medicine; drink taken with or after medicine. E. अनु after or with, and पान a drink.
  • अनुपार्श्व :: mfn. (-र्श्वः -र्श्वा -र्श्वं) Lateral. E. अनु by or upon, पार्श्व the side.
  • अनुप्राप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Obtained, attained, arrived at. E. अनु, and प्राप्त obtained.
  • अनुपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A kind of reed, (Saccharum sara.) E. अनु before पुष्प to put forth flowers, and अच् aff.
  • अनुपूर्व्व :: mfn. (-र्व्वः -र्व्वा -र्व्वं) Regular, orderly, successively, from the pre- ceding E. अनु after, पूर्व्व prior.
  • अनुपूर्व्वम् :: ind. In regular order or succession, from the first, from above downwards. E. अनुपूर्व्व and शसि aff.
  • अनुप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Unsown, (as seed.) E. अन् neg. उप्त sown.
  • अनुप्तशस्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) Fallow, meadow, (ground, &c.) E. अन् neg. उप्त sown, शस्य grain.
  • अनुप्रस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Latitudinal. E. अनु neg. according to, प्रस्थ extending.
  • अनुप्रास :: m. (-सः) Alilteration, repetition of similar letters, syllables and words. E. अनु and प्र before अस् to be, affix घञ् .
  • अनुप्लव :: m. (-वः) A companion or follower. E. अनु, प्लु to go, and अप् aff.
  • अनुबद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Bound to, connected with. E. अनु, and बद्ध bound.
  • अनुबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) 1. The inseparable adjunct or sign of any thing, the indication of guilt, symptom of disease, &c. 2. An element of

language, root, affix, &c. 3. An indicatory letter not sounded or dropped in composition, but marking some peculiarity in inflecting the word to which it is attached; for instance, an indicatory इ, denotes that verbs require the insertion of a nasal before their final consonant. 4. A child or pupil, who imitates an example set by the parent or preceptor. 5. A child or infant in general. 6. Com- mencement, beginning. 7. Binding, confining. 8. Any thing small or little, a part, a small part. 9. The connexion between the agent and the cause or motive. 10. Circumstance, case. 11. The junc- tion of fractions. 12. A secondary or symptomatic affection, one supervening on the principal disease. f. (न्धा) 1. Hickup. 2. Thirst. E. अनु after, and बन्ध to bind or confine, with घञ् affix; and in the fem. ङीष् .

  • अनुबन्धिन् :: mfn. (-न्धी -न्धिनी -न्धि) Connected with, attached. E. अनुबन्ध and इनि aff.
  • अनुबन्ध्य :: mfn. (-न्ध्यः -न्ध्या -न्ध्यं) Principal, primary, what may receive an adjunct, as a root, a disease, &c. E. अनु and बन्ध to be attached to or by.
  • अनुबोध :: m. (-धः) 1. Reviving the scent of a faded perfume. 2. Re- placing perfumes removed by bathing, &c. 3. An after-thought. E. अनु, and बुध to understand, with घञ् aff.
  • अनुबोधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Informed or convinced by reflection. E. अनु and बोधित made known.
  • अनुभव :: m. (-वः) 1. Conclusive judgment, understanding, impression, the exercise of the intellect, independent of memory; also अनुभूति . 2. Result, consequence. E. अनु, भू to be, and अच् aff.
  • अनुभाव :: m. (-वः) 1. Indication of passion, by look or gesture. 2. Dig- nity, authority, consequence. 4. Firm opinion, belief, knowledge. 4. Certainty, ascertainment. E. अनु, and भाव the essence or being; according to the internal feelings.
  • अनुभाविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) 1. Judging, knowing, understanding. 2. Indicative of passion or feeling. E. अनु and भाविन् perceiving, or अनुभाव and इनि aff.
  • अनुभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Understood, judged, apprehended. 2. Result- ed, followed as a consequence. 3. Perceiving, understanding. E. अनु, and भूत been.
  • अनुभूति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Judgment; knowledge, from four sources, percep- tion, inference, comparison and verbal information; or any source except memory. 2. Dignity, consequence. E. अनु, and भूति being.
  • अनुमत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Accepted, assented to. 2. Agreeable, pleasant. 3. Loved, beloved. 4. Concurred with, being of one opinion. E. अनु, and मत minded.
  • अनमति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Order or command. 2. Assent, permission. 3. A fifteenth day of the moon's age, on which she rises one digit less than full. E. अनु with, before मन to respect, and क्तिन् affix; in the last acceptation, because offerings made to the manes on this day are especially accepted.
  • अनुमन्तृ :: mfn. (-न्ता -न्त्री -न्तृ) Consenting to, concurring in, permitting. E. अनु, and मन् to mind, तृच् aff.
  • अनुमरण :: n. (-णं) Dying with or following in death; the term usually denotes the cremation of a Hindu widow, whose husband's corpse is not on the spot, and with part of whose dress she, therefore, ascend the pile: this is prohibited to Brahman women. It is also synonimous with सहमरण burning with the body. E. अनु with or after, and मरण dying: dying with her husband.
  • अनुमा :: f. (-मा) Inference (in logic,) drawing a conclusion from given premises. E. अनु after or according to, मा from माङ् to measure, affix अङ् and टाप् .
  • अनुमान :: n. (-नं) See अनुमा . E. अनु, and मा to measure, affix ल्युट् .
  • अनुमानोक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Reasoning, logic. E. अनुमान, and उक्ति saying, speak ing from inference.
  • अनुमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Inferred. E. अनु, and मित measured.
  • अनुमिति :: f. (-तिः) Inference, conclusion from given premises. E. अनु, and मिति measuring.
  • अनुमृता :: f. (-ता) The woman who burns with a part of her husband's dress. E. अनु, and मृता deceased.
  • अनुमेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Inferable. E. अनु, and मेय to be measured.
  • अनुमोदन :: n. (-नं) 1. Pleasing. 2. Assent, acceptance. 3. Sympathetic joy. E. अनु with, मोदन rejoicing.
  • अनुमोदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Pleased, delighted. 2. Agreeable, accept- able. E. अनु, and मोदित pleased.
  • अनुयात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Followed, pursued. 2. Practised. E. अनु after, यात gone.
  • अनुयायित्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Succession. 2. Subsequence. E. अनुयायिन्, and त्व added.
  • अनुयायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) 1. Following, consequent upon. 2. A follower, a dependent or attendant. E. अनु, and यायिन् who goes.
  • अनुयुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Asked, inquired. 2. Reprehended, censured. E. अनु, and युक्त joined.
  • अनुयोक्तृ :: m. (-क्ता) A hired teacher. E. अनु, and योक्तृ who joins.
  • अनुयोग :: m. (-गः) 1. A question. 2. Asking, solicitation. 3. Censure, re- proof. 4. Religious meditation, spiritual union. E. अनु with, and योग union.
  • अनुयोगकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) An Acharya or spiritual teacher. E. अनुयोग, and कृत् who makes.
  • अनुयोगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) 1. Reproving, or a reprover. 2. What combines or unites. 3. Connected or combined with, situated in or on. E. अनुयोग, and इनि aff.
  • अनुयोजन :: n. (-नं) A question. E. See अनुयोग; the affix being ल्युट् .
  • अनुयोज्य :: mfn. (-ज्यः -ज्या -ज्यं) Bad, censurable. E. अनु, and योज्य to be joined.
  • अनुरक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Fond of, attached to, liking, esteeming, loving. 2. Pleased. E. अनु, and रक्त affected.
  • अनुरक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Affection, love. E. अनु, and रक्ति affection.
  • अनुरञ्जक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Gratifying, pleasing. E. अनु, and रञ्जक what pleases.
  • अनुरञ्जन :: n. (-नं) 1. Loving being attached to. 2. Pleasing, giving delight to. E. अनु, and रञ्जन delighting.
  • अनुरञ्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Pleased, delighted. 2. Inspired with affection. E. अनु, and रञ्जित pleased.
  • अनुरत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Fond of, attached to. 2. Beloved. E. अनु and रत attached.
  • अनुरति :: f. (-तिः) Love, regard, esteem, attachment. E. अनु with, रम to play, and क्तिन् aff.
  • अनुरस :: m. (-सः) 1. (In poetry) a subordinate feeling or passion. 2. (In medicine) a secondary flavour, as a little sweetness in a sour fruit, &c. E. अनु and रस flavour.
  • अनुराग :: m. (-गः) Attachment, love. E. अनु with, and रञ्ज to stain or colour, घञ् aff.
  • अनुरागवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Loving, affectionate, in love with. E. अनुराग, and मतुप् aff.
  • अनुरागिणी :: f. (-णी) One of the personifications of musical notes. E. अनु subsequent, रागिणी a musical mode.
  • अनुरागिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिणी -गि) Passion, impassioned, loving, in love. E. अनुराग, and इनि aff.
  • अनुराधा :: f. (-धा) The seventeenth Nakshatra or lunar mansion, designated by a row of oblation; (stars in Libra.) E. अनु, and राध to accomplish, अन् affix, and टाप् for the fem.; an auspicious sign for any thing to be undertaken in.
  • अनुरुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Soothed, pacified. 2. Checked, opposed. E. अनु and रुद्ध opposed.
  • अनुरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) 1. Like, resembling. 2. Fit, suitable. 3. According to. n. (-पं) 1. Conformity. 2. Assistance 3. Mediation, friendly interposition. 4. Hindrance, check. E. अनु like, and रूप form.
  • अनुरूपचेष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Endeavouring to act becomingly. E. अनुरूप, and चेष्टा effort.
  • अनुरोध :: m. (-धः) The accomplishing of a desired object for another person, obligingness, service. E. अनु, and रुध to confine, affix घञ् .
  • अनुरोधक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Complying with, complaisant. E. अनु before, रुध with, वुन् aff.
  • अनुरोधिन् :: mfn. (-धी -धिनी -धि) 1. Compliant, complaisant. 2. Adverse. E. अनुरोध obliging, इनि aff.
  • अनुलाप :: m. (-पः) Tautology, repetition. E. अनु, and लप to speak, affix घञ् .
  • अनुलिप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Smeared, anointed. E. अनु, and लिप्त smeared.
  • अनुलेप :: m. (-पः) Unction, anointing. E. अनु, and लेप anointing.
  • अनुलेपक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Anointing, who or what anoints. E. अनु, and लेपक who anoints.
  • अनुलेपन :: n. (-नं) 1. Anointing the body with unguents. 2. Unguent so used. 3. Oily or emollient application E. अनु, and लेपन anointing.
  • अनुलेपिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिनी -पि) Anointing the body with unguents. E. अनुलेप, and इनि aff.
  • अनुलोम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Regular, successive, with the hair or grain. E. अनु, and लोमन् hair of the body.
  • अनुलोमज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced or born in due gradation; applied especially to the mixed tribes; as the offspring of a Brahman man and Kshetriya woman, a Kshetriya man and Vaisya woman, and so on. See प्रतिलोमज . E. अनुलोमन्, and ज born.
  • अनुलोमन :: n. (-नं) (In medicine) Following the natural course or direc- tion. E. अनुलोम used as a nominal verb, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अनुवचन :: n. (-नं) 1. Concordance, conformity to or concurrence with a previous text or authority. 2. Subsidiary or similar doctrine. E. अनु, and वचन speech.
  • अनुवत्सर :: m. (-रः) A year. E. अनु, and वत्सर a year.
  • अनुवर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. Obliging or serving another. 2. Consequence, result. E. अनु, and वर्त्तन profession.
  • अनुवाक :: m. (-कः) 1. A chapter of the Yedas, a subdivision or section. 2. A compilation from the Rich, or Yajur Vedas. E. अनु, वच to speak, affix घञ् .
  • अनुवाक्या :: f. (-क्या) A prayer or formula from the Vedas, E. अनु, and वाक्या a formula.
  • अनुवाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Abuse, reviling. 2. Tautology, repetition. 3. Confor- mity to what has been previously said or explained. E. अनु low, or after, and वाद from वद् to speak, with घञ् aff.
  • अनुवादक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Consenting to, replying. 2. Conformable to, concurrent, corroborative. E. अनु, and वादक what says.
  • अनुवादत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Consent, conformity, concurrence. E. त्व or ता added to अनुवाद; also अनुवादता .
  • अनुवादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Consenting to, concurring with, conform- able to. E. अनुवाद and इनि aff.
  • अनुवाद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) To be conformable or correspondent to. n. (-द्यं) The subject of a predicate. E. अनु before वद् to speak, ण्यत् aff.
  • अनुवार :: ind. Repeatedly. E. अनु, and वार time.
  • अनुवास :: m. (-सः) 1. Scenting, perfuming. 2. An oily enema. E. अनु and वास to perfume, affix घञ् .
  • अनुवासन :: n. (-नं) 1. Affection, attachment. 2. Perfuming the clothes, especially dipping the ends of the cloth in perfumes. 3. Perfuming, scenting in general. 4. An oily enema. 5. Administering oily enemata. E. अनु after, वास to fumigate, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अनुवासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Scented, perfumed. 2. Fumigated. 3.

Prepared or administered as an enema. E. अनु before, वास to fumigate, क्त aff.

  • अनुवास्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) 1. To be scented or fumigated. 2. Requiring an enema. E. अनु before, वास and य aff.
  • अनुविद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Variegated, ornamented. 2. Obstructed, checked. 3. Full of, abounding in. 4. Set (as a jewel.) E. अनु, and विद्ध penetrated.
  • अनुविधायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Conformable, complaint, obedient, atten- tive to. E. अनु and विधायिन् observing rules.
  • अनुवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Complaisance, obliging or serving another. See अनुरोध . 2. A subsequent or supplementary rule, completing what a preceding one has left to be explained. 3. Imitating, doing or acting in like manner. E. अनु before, वृत् to serve, and क्तिन् aff.
  • अनुवेल्लित :: n. (-तं) Bandaging, securing with bandages, &c. (in surgery.)
  • अनुव्रजन :: n. (-नं) Complimentary attendance on a departing guest, fol- lowing him to a given distance; also अनुव्रज्या . E. अनु after and व्रजन or व्रज्या going.
  • अनुशय :: m. (-यः) 1. Repentance, regret. 2. Ancient enmity. 3. Hatred, resentment. 4. Attachment to or pursuance of any object. f. (-यी) 1. A disease of the feet, a boil or abscess on the upper part. 2. A pimple on the head. E. अनु, शीङ् to sleep, and अच् aff.
  • अनुशयितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be repented or regretted. E. अनु before शीङ् and तव्य affix; also अनुशयनीय, &c.
  • अनुशयिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) 1. Devotedly attached to, faithful, adorn- ing. 2. Repentant, penitent, sorry for. E. अनुशय, and इनि aff.
  • अनुशर :: m. (-रः) A Rākshasa, a sort of demon. E. अनु repeatedly, शृ to injure, and अच् aff.
  • अनुशस्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) A supplementary or subsidiary weapon or instrument. E. अनु, and शस्त्र a weapon.
  • अनुशासक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Ruling or one who governs or directs. E. अनु and शासक what governs.
  • अनुशासन :: n. (-नं) Command, order, precept, law. E. अनु, and शासन ruling.
  • अनुशासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Directed, governed. E. अनु and शासित governed.
  • अनुशासितृ (-ता-त्री-तृ) :: Ruling, governing, commanding, directing, a ruler, &c. E. अनु and शासितृ who rules.
  • अनुशास्ति :: f. (-स्तिः) Order, command, precept. E. अनु, and शास्ति order.
  • अनुशास्तृ :: m. (-स्ता) A governor, director, teacher. E. अनु, and शास्तृ who directs.
  • अनुशीलन :: n. (-नं) Repeated and devoted service. E. अनु according to, शीलन behaving.
  • अनुशिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Taught, revealed. 2. Done conformably to law, &c. 3. Nearly completed. E. अनु according to, शिष्ट taught.
  • अनुशुचिका :: f. (-का) Any ceremony enjoyed by the Vedas.
  • अनुशोक :: m. (-कः) Sorrow, repentance, regret. E. अनु after, शोक sorrow.
  • अनुशोचक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Grieving, one who repents. E. अनु, and शोचक who sorrows.
  • अनुशोचन :: n. (-नं) Sorrow, repentance. E. अनु before, शुच to grieve, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अनुशोचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Regretted, repented of. E. अनु before, शुच to sorrow, क्त aff.
  • अनुषङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. Tenderness, compassion. 2. Conjunction, coalition, connexion of word with word, or effects with causes. 3. Necessary consequence, the connexion of a subsequent with a previous act. E. अनु, and षञ्ज to embrace, with घञ् aff.
  • अनुषङ्गिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Consequent, following as a necessary result. 2. Connected with, adhering to, inherent, concomitant. E. अनुषङ्ग, and ठक् aff.
  • अनुषङ्गिन् :: mfn. (-ङ्गी -ङ्गिनी -ङ्गि) 1. Addicted or attached to. 2. Embrac- ing. 3. Connected with. 4. Common, prevailing. E. अनुषङ्ग, and इनि aff.
  • अनुषञ्जन :: n. (-नं) Connection with what follows; concord. E. नुअ before, षञ्ज to embrace, ल्युट् aff.
  • अनुषिक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Re-watered or sprinkled. E. अनु, and षिक्त sprinkled.
  • अनुषेचन :: n. (-नं) Watering of sprinkling over again. E. अनु, and षिच to sprinkle, ल्युट् aff.
  • अनुष्टुभ् :: f. (-ष्टुप्) 1. A measure of verse, the stanza consisting four lines of eight syllables each, or three lines of eight, twelve, and twelve, making, in either case, thirty-two. 2. A name of SARASWATI. E. अनु, and ष्टुभ् to stop, क्विप् aff.
  • अनुष्ण :: mfn. (-ष्णः -ष्णा -ष्णं) 1. Lazy, sluggish. 2. Cold, chilly. E. अन् neg. and उष्ण warm, alert.
  • अनुष्ठातव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be done or accomplished. E. अनु according to, स्था to stay or be, तव्य aff.
  • अनुष्ठातृ :: m. (-ता) The undertaker of any work. E. अनु before, स्था to stay, तृन् aff.
  • अनुष्ठान :: n. (-नं) 1. Commencement or course of proceeding. 2. Fixing or establishing, proof. 3. Propriety, fitness. 4. Doing or engaging in any thing. E. अनु according to, स्था to stay, ल्युट् aff.
  • अनुष्ठित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Effected, accomplished. 2. Done, practised. 3. Followed, observed. 4. Appointed. E. अनु before स्था to stay, क्त aff.
  • अनुष्ठेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be proved or established, demonstrable. 2. To be effected or accomplished. E. अनु before स्था to stay, य aff.
  • अनुसन्धान :: n. (-नं) Inquiry, investigation, searching. E. अनु, and सम् before धा to have, affix ल्युट् .
  • अनुसन्धानिन् :: mfn. (-नी -निनी -नि) Investigating, searching; so अनुसन्धायिन् E. अनुसन्धान and इनि affix, or अनु and सम् before धा, and णिनि aff.
  • अनुसन्धेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Investigable, worthy of inquiry or scrutiny. E. अनु, and सम् before धा to have, य aff.
  • अनुसरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Custom, habit, usage. 2. Conformity to, conse- quence of. 3. Following, going after. E. अनु before सृ to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • अनुसार :: m. (-रः) 1. Custom, usage. 2. Nature, natural state or condition of any thing. 3. Prevalence, currency. 4. Received or established authority, especially of codes of law. 5. Conformity to usage, &c. 6. Consequence, result. E. अनु according to, सृ to go, घञ् aff.
  • अनुसारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Following. 2. According with or to. E. अनुसार, and इनि aff.
  • अनुसूचक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Indicative of, pointing out. E. अनु before षूच to point out, वुन् aff.
  • अनुस्मृति :: f. (-तिः) Cherished recollection, recalling some idea to the exclusion of all others. E. अनु before स्पृति memory. Also अनुस्मरणं .
  • अनुस्वार :: m. (-रः) The nasal letter (M) or dot above the line. E. अनु before, स्वर to sound, घञ् aff.
  • अनुहार :: m. (-रः) 1. Imitation. 2. Resemblance. E. अनु like, हृञ् to convey, and घञ् aff.
  • अनुहार्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) Monthly obsequies. E. अनु before हृ to take, ण्यत् aff.
  • अनूक :: m. (-कः) A former state of existence. n. (-कं) 1. Race, family. 2. Disposition, temperament. E. अनु, उच to associate, and क aff.
  • अनूचान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Well-behaved. m. (-नः) A learned Brahman; one versed in the Vedas and Vedāngas. E. अनू, and वच to speak; the form is irregular.
  • अनूच्च :: mfn. (-च्चः -च्छा -च्चं) Short, low. E. अन् neg. उच्च tall, high.
  • अनूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Unmarried. E. अन् neg. ऊढ married.
  • अनूदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unuttered. E. अन् before ऊदित said.
  • अनूद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) 1. Not to be addressed or spoken to. 2. To be spoken to afterwards or in reply to. m. (-द्यः) A spiritual teacher, &c. E. अ before वद् to speak, यत् affix, form irregular, it is improper to address a Guru, &c. by name.
  • अनून :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Whole, entire. 2. Not less, not inferior. E. अन् neg. ऊन to diminish, and अच् aff.
  • अनूनक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) See the preceding. E. कन् affixed to अनून .
  • अनूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Watery, wet. m. (-पः) A buffalo. E. अनु near or with, and आप् water; ऊ is substituted for आ, and अच् is added.
  • अनूपज :: n. (-जं) Ginger. E. अनूप, and ज born.
  • अनूरु :: mfn. (-रुः -रुः -रु) Thighless. m. (-रुः) The charioteer of the sun, the dawn. E. अन् priv. and ऊरु a thigh; being represented with- out legs.
  • अनूरुसारथि :: m. (-थिः) The sum. E. अनूरु, and सारथि a charioteer, whose coachman is ANŪRU.
  • अनृजु :: mfn. (-जुः -जुः -जु) Wicked, perverse, crooked, not straight, physi- cally or morally. E. अन् neg. ऋजु straight.
  • अनृण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Free from debt. E. अन् neg. ऋण debt.
  • अनृणिन् :: mfn. (-णी -णिनी -णि) Unindebted, free from debt. E. अन् neg. ऋणिन् a debtor.
  • अनृत :: n. (-तं) 1. Falsehood. 2. Agriculture. E. अन् neg. ऋत truth.
  • अनृतवादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Speaking falsely, lying, a liar. E. अनृत, and वादिन् who speaks.
  • अनेक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Many, much, not one. E. अन् neg. एक one.
  • अनेककाल :: adv. n. (-लं) A long time. E. अनेक, and काल time.
  • अनेकज :: m. (-जः) A bird, born more than once; or in the shell, and upon being hatched. E. अनेक more than one, and ज what is born.
  • अनेकता :: f. (-ता) Muchness, manifold condition; also अनेकत्व . E. अनेक, and ता or त्व aff.
  • अनेकाकार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Multiform. E. अनेक and आकार form.
  • अनेकप :: mf. (-पः-पा) An elephant. E. अनेक various, from अन् neg. एक one, and प from पा who drinks, who drinks with his trunk, and with his mouth.
  • अनेकरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) 1. Multiform. 2. Of various kinds or sorts. 3. Fickle, of variable mind. E. अनेक, and रूप form.
  • अनेकविध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Various of many kinds, in different ways. E. अनेक, and विध sort.
  • अनेकश :: ind. By large numbers or quantities. E. अनेक, and शसि aff.
  • अनेकधा :: ind. In various ways. E. अनेक and धाच् aff.
  • अनेडमूक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Deaf and dumb. 2. Wicked, fraudulent. E. अन् here implying similarity, एड deaf, and मूक dumb. See एडमूक .
  • अनेनस् :: mfn. (-नाः -नाः -नः) Blameless, sinless. E. अन् neg. एनस् fault.
  • अनेव :: ind. Otherwise, or. E. अन् neg. एव so.
  • अनेहस् :: m. (-हाः) Time. E. अन् neg. हन to kill or hurt, एहच् substitude, and असि Unādi aff.
  • अनैक्य :: n. (क्यं) 1. Plurality, the existence of many. 2. Want of union, anarchy. E. अनेक, and घञ् aff.
  • अनैकान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Variable, unsteady. 2. (In logic) Oc- casional, as a cause not invariably attended by the same effects. E. अनेक, अन्त end, अण् aff.
  • अनैकान्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Unsteady, variable, having many objects or purposes. E. अनेक, अन्त end, and ठक् aff.
  • अनो :: ind. No, not; also नो .
  • अनोकह :: m. (-हः) A tree. E. अनस् a cart, उक going, and ह what injures; from हन with ड aff.
  • अनोदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unqestioned, unaddressed, not spoken to. E. अन् neg. ओदित spoken to.
  • अन्तःकरण :: n. (-णं) The internal and spiritual part of man, the seat of thought and feeling, the mind, the heart, the conscience, the soul. E. अन्तर् within, and करण an organ.
  • अन्तःपुर :: n. (-रं) 1. The female apartment. 2. A queen. 3. A palace. E. अन्तर् inner, and पुर a house.
  • अन्तःप्रकृति :: f. (-तिः) The heart, the soul, the internal nature or constitu- tion of man. E. अन्तर्, and प्रकृति nature.
  • अन्तःप्रज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Acquainted with the heart, knowing one's self. E. अन्तर् and प्रज्ञा knowlege.
  • अन्तःशरीर :: n. (-रं) The internal and spiritual part of man, the con- science, the soul. E. अन्तर् within, शरीर the body.
  • अन्तःशल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) Having some extraneous body, (a wound, &c.) E. अन्तर्, and शल्य a thorn, &c.
  • अन्तःसंज्ञा :: f. (-ज्ञा) Internal consciousness. E. अन्तर्, and संज्ञा sense.
  • अन्तःसत्त्वा :: f. (-त्त्वा) 1. A pregnant woman. 2. Marking not, (Semecarpus anacardium.) E. अन्तर् inner, and सत्त्वा having life or being.
  • अन्तःस्वेद :: m. (-दः) An elephant. E. अन्तर् inner. and स्वेद warmth.
  • अन्त :: mn. (-न्तः-न्तं) 1. End, term. 2. Final, ultimate, (continuing M. N. even with a fem. noun.) mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Near. 2. Handsome. m. (-न्त) 1. Death. 2. A boundary, a limit. 3. Certainty, ascertain- ment. 4. A limb, a member. n. (-न्तं) Nature, diposition. E. अम to go, and तन् Unādi aff.
  • अन्तक :: m. (-कः) A name of YAMA. E. अन्त death, and क affix of agency. YAMA is the king or angel of death.
  • अन्तकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Causing death, mortal, destructive. E. अन्त, and कर what makes.
  • अन्तकाल :: m. (-लः) Time of death, death. E. अन्त end, and काल time.
  • अन्तग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) 1. Dead, departed. 2. Traversing, crossing, going to the end. E. अन्त, and ग who goes.
  • अन्ततस् :: ind. 1. From the end, from the term. 2. Similarly, like. 3. In part. 4. Lastly, finally. E. अन्त, and तस् aff.
  • अन्तर् :: ind. Within, between, amongst. 2. To the end. 3. Certainly, very well, a particle of assent. E. अन्त end, रा to receive, and क्विप् aff.
  • अन्तर :: (noun and adverb) n. (-रं) 1. Interval, intermediate space. 2. period, term. 3. Clothing. 4. Covering. 5. Difference. 6. Snake, behalf. 7. A hole or rent. 8. Own, the self. 9. Without, except. 10. Without, outside. 11. Opportune time. 12. Midst, the midst. 13. The supreme soul. 14. Like, similar. 15. Other. 16. (In arithmetic) Remainder, difference. E. अन्त end, and र from रा to obtain, and क aff. In consulting the meanings of the word, it is to be recollected, that vocables which are adverbs in English, are often nouns of the neuter gender in Sanskrit; this word is also a pronoun, in the 3d and 10th acceptations, when the latter means, without, or out of, any thing but a house or town: the whole of the interpretations may be referred to the ideas of, within and without.
  • अन्तरङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) 1. Own, belonging to. 2. Internal, interior. 3. Of kin. E. अन्तर, and ग what goes.
  • अन्तरतम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मत्) 1. Immediate, intimate, internal. 2. Like, analogous. m. (-मः) A congenial letter, one of the same class. E. अन्तर inner, and डतम aff.
  • अन्तरज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Prudent, provident, foreseeing. E. अन्तर midst, and ज्ञ who knows.
  • अन्तरप्रभव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Of mixed origin or caste. E. अन्तर different, प्रभव birth.
  • अन्तरस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) 1. Internal, inward. 2. Seperate, apart. E. अन्तर, and स्थ what stays.
  • अन्तरा :: ind. 1. Without, except. 2. In the middle, among, amidst. 3. Near at hand.
  • अन्तरात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) 1. The soul, the inherent spirit. 2. The internal feelings, the heart or mind. E. अन्तर्, and आत्मन् soul.
  • अन्तरापत्या :: f. (-त्या) A pregnant woman. E. अन्तर, and अपत्य offspring.
  • अन्तराय :: m. (-यः) Obstacle, impediment. E. अन्तर between, इण to go, and घञ् aff.
  • अन्तराल :: mn. (-लः-लं) Included space: also अन्तरालक . E. अन्तरा in the midst, ला to obtain, and क aff.
  • अन्तरिक्ष :: n. (-क्षं) The sky or atmosphere. E. अन्तर् within, and ऋक्ष a star; in which are the stars: or ईक्ष to see; seen by the world; the word is properly written with the long vowel, as अन्तरीक्ष, but the short is substituted in poetry.
  • अन्तरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Dead, departed, concealed, lost. 2. Separated, detached. n. (-तं) Remainder, (in arithmetic.) E. अन्तर्, and इतच् aff.
  • अन्तरीक्ष :: n. (-क्षं) 1. Sky, heaven. 2. Talc. E. See अन्तरिक्ष .
  • अन्तरीप :: mn. (-पः-पं) An island. E. अन्तर् in the midst of, and आप water; आ changed to ई .
  • अन्तरीय :: n. (-यं) A lower garment. E. अन्तर् inner, छ aff.
  • अन्तरे :: ind. Amidst, among, between. E. अन्तर् with इण् to go, and विच् aff.
  • अन्तरेण :: ind. 1. Except, without. 2. Amidst, between. E. अन्तर्, इण् to go, and न aff.
  • अन्तर्गडु :: mfn. (-डुः -डुः -डुं) Unprofitable, vain, idle. E. अन्तर् amidst, गडु to drop or distil, and उ affix: what runs to waste.
  • अन्तर्गत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Forgotten. 2. Intermediate, interposed. 3. Inner, internal, within. E. अन्तर् within, and गत gone, part. past of गम .
  • अन्तर्गृह :: n. (-हं) An inner apartment. E. अन्तर् within, and गृह a house.
  • अन्तर्जठर :: n. (-रं) The stomach. E. अन्तर्, and जठर the belly.
  • अन्तर्ज्वलन :: n. (-नं) Internal heat, inflammation. E. अन्तर्, and ज्वलन burning.
  • अन्तर्जात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Inborn, inbred, innate. E. अन्तर्, and जात born.
  • अन्तर्दहन :: n. (-नं) The distillation of spirituous liquor.
  • अन्तर्दाह :: m. (-हः) Internal heat, or fever. E. अन्तर्, and दाह burning.
  • अन्तर्दुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Internally bad, wicked, vile. E. अन्तर्, and दुष्ट bad.
  • अन्तर्द्वार :: n. (-रं) A private door within the house. E. अन्तर् inner, and द्वार a door.
  • अन्तर्द्धा :: f. (-र्द्धा) Disappearance, concealment, covering. E. अन्तर् within, धा to have or hold, क and टाप् affs.
  • अन्तर्द्धान :: n. (-नं) Concealment, disappearance. E. As before, with ल्युट् aff.
  • अन्तर्द्धिः :: f. (-र्द्धिः) See the preceding. E. as before, with कि aff.
  • अन्तर्ध्यान :: n. (-नं) Profound inward meditation. E. अन्तर्, and ध्यान meditation.
  • अन्तर्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Inward, internal, generated internally. E. अन्तर्, and भव being.
  • अन्तर्भाव :: m. (-वः) Internal or inherent nature or disposition. E. अन्तर्, and भाव disposition.
  • अन्तर्भावना :: f. (-ना) Inward meditation or anxiety. E. अन्तर्, and भावना meditation.
  • अन्तर्भूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Internal, inner, being within. E. अन्तर्, and भूत been.
  • अन्तर्मनस् :: mfn. (-नाः -नाः -नः) Sad, perplexed. E. अन्तर्, and मनस् the mind.
  • अन्तर्यमन :: n. (-नं) Inward restraint, mental controul. E. अन्तर्, and यमन restraining.
  • अन्तर्यामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) 1. Checking or regulating the internal feelings. 2. Heart-searching or pervading. m. (-मी) 1. The soul. 2. Providence, the Supreme spirit, as regulating and guiding man- kind. 3. Conscience. E. अन्तर् within, and यामिन् who stops or refrains.
  • अन्तर्लम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) An acute angular triangle. E. अन्तर् within, and लम्ब the perpendicular.
  • अन्तर्वंशिक :: m. (-कः) Superintendent of the women's apartments. E. अन्तर् within, वंश a race, and ठक् aff.
  • अन्तर्वत्नी :: f. (-त्नी) A pregnant woman. E. अन्तर् within, मतुप् possessive affix, with an irregular formation of the fem. In the Vedas अन्तर्व्वती occurs.
  • अन्तर्वमि :: m. (-मिः) Flatulence, indigestion. E. अन्तर् inner, and वमि vo- miting.
  • अन्तर्वर्त्तिन् :: mfn. (-र्त्ती -र्त्तिनी -र्त्ति) Internal, included. E. अन्तर्, and वर्त्तिन् what abides.
  • अन्तर्व्वाणि :: mfn. (-णिः -णिः -णि) Skilled in sacred sciences. E. अन्तर् inner, and वाणि speech: containing the essence of all knowledge.
  • अन्तर्वासस् :: n. (-सः) An inner garment. E. अन्तर् and वासस् clothes.
  • अन्तर्विगाहन :: n. (-नं) Entrace, entering. E. अन्तर् within, and वि before, गाह to agitate, affix ल्युट् .
  • अन्तर्वेग :: m. (-गः) 1. Internal uneasiness or anxiety. 2. Inward fever. E. अन्तर्, and वेग agitation.
  • अन्तर्वेदी :: f. (-दी) The name of a country. E. अन्तर् between, and वेदी level earth. The Doab or district between the Ganga and Yamuna rivers.
  • अन्तर्वेश्मन् :: n. (-श्म) The inner apartments, the interior of a building. E. अन्तर्, and वेश्मन् a house.
  • अन्तर्हास :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Laughing inwardly. m. (-सः) Self-satisfaction, conceit. E. अन्तर् inner, and हास laughter.
  • अन्तर्हित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Concealed, covered, hidden, disappeared. E. अन्तर् within, and धा to hold with क्त affix; हि substituted for धा .
  • अन्तवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Finite, having a term or end. E. अन्त and मतुप् aff.
  • अन्तवासिन् :: m. (-सी) A pupil. See अन्तेवासिन् .
  • अन्तशय्या :: f. (-य्या) 1. Death. 2. A bed or mat on the ground. 3. The place for burial or burning. E. अन्त end, and शय्या a sleeping place.
  • अन्तावसायिन् :: m. (-यी) 1. A barber. 2. A man of a low tribe or caste, the offspring of a Nishādi woman by a Chandāla, whose business is to attend in places where dead bodies are burned. 3. The name of a saint. E. अन्त the end, अव and षो to cut, who pares the nails, &c. or षै to decay, णिनि aff.
  • अन्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) An elder sister, (in theatrical language.) ind. Near.
  • अन्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Near, proximate. f. (-का) 1. An elder sister, (in theatrical language.) See अत्तिका . 2. A fire-place. See अन्दिका . 3. A plant, (Echites scholaris.) See सप्तला . n. (-कं) Vicinity. E. अन्त the end, and कन् affix, इ inserted.
  • अन्तिकतम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मत्) Very near. E. अन्तिक, and डतम superlative aff.
  • अन्तिकता :: f. (-ता) Nearness, vicinity, contiguity: also अन्तिकत्वं . E. अन्तिक with, ता or त्व aff.
  • अन्तिकाश्रय :: m. (-यः) Contiguous support, (as that given by a tree to a creeper, &c.) E. अन्तिक, and आश्रय support.
  • अन्तिम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Final, ultimate, last. 2. Very near. E. अन्त, and डिमच् aff.
  • अन्तेवासिन् :: m. (-सी) 1. A pupil. 2. A Chandāla, or man of a low caste. mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Final, ultimate. E. अन्त in the locative case, near or final; वस to abide, and णिनि affix: who dwells near his teacher, &c. See अन्तवासिन् .
  • अन्त्य :: mfn. (-न्त्यः -न्त्या -न्त्यं) 1. Last, ultimate. 2. Inferior, low. m. (-न्त्यः) 1. A man of low caste. 2. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) See सुस्ता . n. (-न्त्यं) A measure of number, two Sāgaras, a very large number. E. अन्त, and यत् aff.
  • अन्त्यकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Funeral rites. E. अन्त्य and कर्म्मन् act; also अन्त्यक्रिया, &c.
  • अन्त्यज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Younger, latest born. m. (-जः) 1. A Sūdra or man of the fourth tribe. 2. A man of one of seven inferior tribes; a washerman, currier, mimic, Varuḍa, fisherman, Meda or attendant on women, and mountaineer or forester. E. अन्त्य in- ferior, and ज who is born: born from the feet of BRAHMĀ; also अन्त्यजात .
  • अन्त्यजन्मन् :: mf. (-न्मा) A man or woman of Sūdra or fourth tribe, &c., see the last. E. अन्त्य, and जन्मन् birth.
  • अन्त्यजातीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Sprung from the last or lowest class. E. अन्त्य last, जाति class, affix छ .
  • अन्त्यभ :: n. (-भं) 1. The sing Pisces. 2. The asterism Revati. 2. The last star or constellation. E. अन्त्य last, and भ a constellation.
  • अन्त्यवर्ण :: mf. (-र्णः-र्णा) A man or woman of the fourth tribe. E. अन्त्य, and वर्ण a tribe.
  • अन्त्यावसायिन् :: mf. (-यी-यिनी) A man or woman of low caste, especially one of seven classes: a Chandāla, a Swapacka or executioner, a Kshattā or insect hunter, a charioteer, a bard, and a Vaideha or attendant on women. 2. A man or a woman of a particular caste living by the chase. See अन्तावसायिन् .
  • अन्त्येष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) A funeral sacrifice. E. अन्त्य, and इष्टि sacrifice.
  • अन्त्येष्टिक्रिया :: f. (-या) Obsequies. E. अन्त्येष्टि, and क्रिया rite.
  • अन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) An entrail. E. अम to be sick, and त्र Unādi aff.
  • अन्त्रकूज :: m. (-जः) Grumbling of the bowels, borborygmi. E. अन्त्र, and कूज murmuring: also अन्त्रकूजनं .
  • अन्त्रवृद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Inguinal hernia, rupture. E. अन्त्य, and वृद्धि increase.
  • अन्त्राद :: m. (-दः) A worm, ascarides, &c. E. अन्त्र, and अद what eats.
  • अन्दिका :: f. (-का) A fire-place.
  • अन्दु :: f. (-न्दुः) See अन्दू .
  • अन्दुक :: m. (-कः) 1. A ring or chain worn on the ancle. 2. The chain for an elephant's feet. E. अदि to bind, कु affix, and कन् final.
  • अन्दू :: f. (-न्दूः) 1. An ornament worn round the ancles. 2. The chain for an elephant's feet. 3. A chain, a fetter, a bond or tie. E. अदि to bind, and कू Unādi aff. or with कु affix अन्दु .
  • अन्दूक :: m. (-कः) The chain for an elephant's feet. See the last.
  • अन्दोल :: (-त) r. 10th cl. (अन्दोलयति) To agitate, to swing.
  • अन्ध :: (-त) r. 10th cl. (अन्धयति) To be or become blind.
  • अन्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Blind. n. (-न्धं) 1. Darkness. 2. Water. E. अन्ध to be blind, and अच् aff.
  • अन्धक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Blind. m. (-कः) 1. The name of a country, apparently Behar. 2. The name of a king. 3. Of a Muni. 4. Of an Asura. E. अन्ध to be blind, and कन् aff.
  • अन्धकरिपु :: m. (-पुः) 1. A name of SIVA, the enemy of the demon ANDHAKA. E. अन्धक a demon so named, and रिपु and enemy.
  • अन्धकार :: mn. (-रः-रं) Darkness. E. अन्ध blind, and कार what makes.
  • अन्धकासुहृद् :: m. (-द्) A name of SIVA. E. अन्धक, and असुहृद् the enemy. See अन्धकरिपु .
  • अन्धकूप :: m. (-पः) A blind well. E. अन्ध, and कूप a well: one of which the mouth is hidden.
  • अन्धतमस :: n. (-सं) Great darkness. E. अन्ध to make blind, and तमस dark- ness: also written अन्धतामसं, अ being made long.
  • अन्धता :: f. (-ता) Blindness. Also n. अन्धत्वं . E. ता or त्व added to अन्ध .
  • अन्धतामिश्र :: n. (-श्रं) 1. A division of Tartarus, the second of the twenty- one hells. 2. The doctrine of annihilation after death. E. अन्ध blind, great, and तामिश्र darkness.
  • अन्धमूषा :: f. (-षा) A small covered crucible, with a hole in the side. E. अन्ध, and मूषा a crucible.
  • अन्धमूषिका :: f. (-का) The name of a grass. See देवताड .
  • अन्धस् :: n. (-न्धः) Boiled rice. E. अद to eat, नम् inserted, and असुन् Unādi affix, द changed to ध .
  • अन्धालजी :: f. (-जी) A blind boil, one that does not suppurate.
  • अन्धाहि :: mf. (-हिः-हिः) A kind of fish, vulg. kūnchiyā; a species of eel? E. अन्ध blind, and अहि a snake: from its form and the smallness of its eyes.
  • अन्धिका :: f. (-का) 1. Night. 2. Gambling. 3. A small kind of mustard. See सर्षप . 4. A woman. 5. A disease of the eye. E. अन्ध dark or blind, and कन् affix in the fem. form.
  • अन्धीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Made or become blind. E. अन्ध, and कृत made, च्वि augment.
  • अन्धीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Become blind. E. अन्ध, and भूत become, च्वि augment.
  • अन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) A Well. E. अम to go, and तुक् Unādi affix; ध is substituted for त .
  • अन्धुल :: m. (-लः) A tree, (Mimosa sirisa, Rox.)
  • अन्द्र :: m. (-न्ध्रः) A hunter, one who lives by killing game; a man of low caste, the offspring of a Vaideha father and Karavara mother; not allowed to reside within a village or town. 2. A country, modern Telingana; also आन्ध्र .
  • अन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Eaten. n. (-न्नं) 1. Boiled rice. 2. Food in general. 3. Corn. E. अद to eat, and क्त affix of the part. past, त becoming न .
  • अन्नकाल :: m. (-लः) Meal time, proper hour for eating. E. अन्न, and काल time.
  • अन्नकोष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) A cupboard, a granary. E. अन्न, and कोष्ठ or receptacle.
  • अन्नकाष्ठक :: m. (-कः) 1. VISHNU. 2. The sun. m. (-कः) A granary, a cupboard. E. अन्न food, कोष्ठक a repository.
  • अन्नगन्धि :: m. (-न्धिः) Dysentery, diarrhœa. E. अन्न food, गन्ध smell.
  • अन्नज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Springing from or occasioned by food. E. अन्न, and ज born.
  • अन्नजल :: n. (-लं) Support, subsistence. E. अन्न, and जल water, meat and drink.
  • अन्नद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) One who gives food. f. (-दा) A goddess, a form of DURGĀ. E. अन्न, and द who gives.
  • अन्नदातृ :: m. (-ता) One who gives food, a charitable man. E. अन्न, and दातृ donor.
  • अन्नदान :: n. (-नं) The giving of rice or food, the maintenance of a person. E. अन्न, and दान giving.
  • अन्नद्वेष :: m. (-षः) Want of appetite, dislike of food. E. अन्न, and द्वेष dislike.
  • अन्नपरिवर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) Change of diet. E. अन्न, and परिवर्त्त revolution.
  • अन्नपूर्णा :: f. (-र्णा) A goddess, a form of DURGĀ. E. अन्न, and पूर्ण who fills with.
  • अन्नपूर्व्वा :: f. (-र्व्वा) A goddess, a form of DURGĀ. E. अन्न, and पूर्व्व prior.
  • अन्नप्राशन :: n. (-नं) A religious ceremony, in which after presenting obla- tions to fire, a little rice is, for the first time, put into the child's mouth; it should take place between the fifth and eighth month. E. अन्न, and प्राशन feeding.
  • अन्नब्रह्म :: n. (-ह्म) The deification of food, considering it in the light of BRAHMA, as the pervader and supporter of existence. E. अन्न, and ब्रह्म the Supreme.
  • अन्नभूमि :: f. (-मिः) A large collection of food. E. अन्न, and भूमि a heap.
  • अन्नमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) 1. Composed of food, containing food. 2. Derived or made from food. m. (-यः) The body. E. अन्न and मयट् aff.
  • अन्नमयकोष :: m. (-षः) The gross material body, that which is sustained by food. E. अन्नमय, and कोष sheath, (of the spirit.)
  • अन्नमल :: n. (-लं) Spirituous liquor, the excrement or ferment of rice, &c. E. अन्न, and मल fœcula.
  • अन्नरस :: m. (-सः) Chyle. E. अन्न, and रस juice.
  • अन्नलिप्सा :: f. (-प्सा) Hunger, craving. E. अन्न, and लिप्सा desire.
  • अन्नवाहिस्रोतस् :: n. (-तः) The œsophagus. E. अन्न, and वाहि what conveys, स्रोतस् canal.
  • अन्नविकार :: m. (-रः) The seminal secretion E. अन्न, and विकार change of form.
  • अन्नशेष :: m. (-षः) Leavings, offal. E. अन्न, and शेष remainder.
  • अन्नाद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Feeding, eating. 2. The partaker or eater of another's food. m. (-दः) VISHNU. E. अन्न, and अद who eats.
  • अन्नायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Hungry; desiring food. E. अन्न nominal verb to want food, णिनि aff.
  • अन्नाहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Eating, feeding. E. अन्न, and आहारिन् who eats.
  • अन्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यत्) 1. Other, different. 2. Unlike. E. अन्य to live, and यक् aff.
  • अन्यत् :: ind. Otherwise. E. See the last.
  • अन्यगामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) 1. Adulterous. 2. Going to another (place, &c.) E. अन्य another (husband or wife,) गामिन् who goes to.
  • अन्यच्च :: ind. 1. Again, moreover. 2. On the contrary E. अन्यत्, and च added.
  • अन्यज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Born of another (family, &c.) of a different origin. E. अन्य, and ज born.
  • अन्यजत्मन् :: n. (-न्म) Another birth, being born again, the metempsychosis. E. अन्य, and जन्मन् birth.
  • अन्यतम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मत्) 1. Either, any, any one of many. 2. Different, distinct from many. E. अन्य, and डतम aff.
  • अन्यतर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रत्) 1. Other, different. 2. Either of two. E. अन्य other, and डतर affix; applied to words that refer to but two things.
  • अन्यतरेद्युस् :: ind. Either of two days. E. अन्यतर, and एद्युस् affix, derived from द्युस् a day.
  • अन्यतस् :: ind. Elsewhere. E. अन्य, and तसि aff.
  • अन्यत्र :: ind. 1. Elsewhere, in another place. 2. Except, unless, without. E. अन्य, and त्रल् aff.
  • अन्यथा :: ind. 1. Otherwise, in a different manner. 2. Inaccurately, untruly. 3. Badly. E. अन्य, and थाल् affix, referring to manner.
  • अन्यथाख्याति :: f. (-तिः) Erroneous conception of spirit. E. अन्यथा and ख्याति declaring.
  • अन्यथात्व :: n. (-त्वं) An opposite or different state of the case. E. अन्यथा and त्व aff.
  • अन्यथासिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Disproving a cause or argument, by giving it a different effect or application, coming to a different conclusion from the same premises. E. अन्यथा otherwise, and सिद्धि proving, establishing.
  • अन्यदा :: ind. Another time. E. अन्य, and दा affix, referring to time.
  • अन्यपुष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) The koil or Indian cuckoo, supposed to be reared by the crow. E. अन्य, and पुष्ट nourished.
  • अन्यपूर्व्वा :: f. (-र्व्वा) A girl previously promised or betrothed to one and married to another. E. अन्य, and पूर्व्व prior.
  • अन्यभृत् :: m. (-त्) A crow. E. अन्य another, भृत् who nourishes: the crow is supposed to sit upon the eggs of the kokila: from भृ root, and क्विप् aff.
  • अन्यभृत :: m. (-तः) The kokila or Indian cuckoo. E. अन्य, and भृत nourished, from भृ with part. affix क्त; this bird, like the English cuckoo, being supposed to leave its eggs in the nests of other birds.
  • अन्यमनस् :: mfn. (-नाः -नाः -नः) 1. Fickle-minded. 2. Absent. E. अन्य, and मनस् the mind.
  • अन्यमनस्क :: mfn. (-स्कः -स्का -स्कं) 1. Absent, thinking of something else. 2. Fickle, versatile. E. अन्य, and मनस्क minded.
  • अन्यमानस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Fickle-minded, otherwise-minded. E. अन्य, and मानस mental.
  • अन्यवर्द्धित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Brought up by a stranger, fostered. E. अन्य, and वर्द्धित part. past of वृध् to grow.
  • अन्यवादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Speaking inconsistently; (in law) prevaricat- ing or a prevaricator. E. अन्य otherwise, and वादिन् who speaks.
  • अन्यशाख :: m. (-खः) An apostable. E. अन्य another, शाखा a branch or sect, or with कन् affix अन्यशाखकः .
  • अन्यादृश् :: mfn. (-दृक्) Of another kind, like another. E. अन्य, दृश् to see, and क्विप् aff.
  • अन्यादृश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) See the preceding. E. As before, with खञ् aff.
  • अन्याधीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Subject to others, dependent. E. अन्य, and अधीन dependent.
  • अन्याय :: m. (-यः) 1. Impropriety, indecorum. 2. Irregularity, disorder. E. अ neg. न्याय propriety.
  • अन्यायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) 1. Unjust, unreasonable. 2. Indecorous. 3. Illogical. E. अ neg. न्यायिन् .
  • अन्यायवृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Following evil courses. E. अन्याय improper, वृत्त practising.
  • अन्याय्य :: mfn. (-य्यः -य्या -य्यं) Improper, indecorous, unbecoming, unfit. E. अ neg. न्याय्य right.
  • अन्यासक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Absent, intent on something else. E. अन्य, and आसक्त intent on.
  • अन्यून :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Complete, entire. E. अ neg. and न्यून defective.
  • अन्येद्युस् :: ind. Another day. E. अन्य, and एद्युम् affix, from द्युस् a day.
  • अन्येद्युस्क :: mfn. (-स्कः -स्का -स्कं) Daily, diurnal, occurring every other day. m. (-स्कः) A quotidian fever. E. अन्येद्युस् and कत् added.
  • अन्योत्पन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Begotten by another, the progeny of another, than the reputed parent or husband. E. अन्य, and उत्पन्न born.
  • अन्योदर्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) A stepmother's son. E. अन्य, and उदर belly, यञ् aff.
  • अन्योन्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) Mutual. E. अन्य repeated.
  • अन्योन्यकलह :: m. (-हः) Mutual quarrel. E. अन्योन्य, and कलह strife.
  • अन्योन्यघात :: m. (-तः) Mutual conflict, striking, wounding or killing one another. E. अन्योन्य and घात striking.
  • अन्योन्यभेद :: m. (-दः) Mutual aversion or enmity. E. अन्योन्य, and भेद difference.
  • अन्योन्यापहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Taken or secreted from one another, taken severally. E. अन्योन्य, and अपहृत removed.
  • अन्योन्याभाव :: m. (-वः) Mutual negation, relative difference. E. अन्योन्य, and अभाव non-existence.
  • अन्योन्याश्रय :: m. (-यः) Mutual or reciprocal connexion or dependence. E. अन्योन्य, and आश्रय support.
  • अन्वक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Following. E. अनु after, and अक्षि the eye.
  • अन्वञ्च् :: mfn. (-न्वङ् -नूची -न्वक्) Following. E. अनु after, अञ्च to go, and क्विन् aff.
  • अन्वय :: m. (-यः) 1. Race, lineage, succession. 2. Connexion, acquaintance, intercourse. 3. the natural order or connexion of words in a sen- tence or stanza. 4. The logical connexion of cause and effect, or proposition and conclusion. E. अनु after, इण् to go, and अच् aff.
  • अन्वयज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) A genealogist. E. अन्वय . and ज्ञ who knows.
  • अन्वयिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) 1. Following, agreeing with. 2. Belonging to race or family. E. अन्वय and इनि aff.
  • अन्ववाय :: m. (-यः) Race, lineage. E. अनु after, अव prefixed to इण to go, and अच् aff.
  • अन्वष्टका :: f. (-का) A Śrāddha or funeral ceremony performed on the ninth day of the month's Phausha, Māgha, Phālguna or Āswina. It is the maternal Śrāddha for those who preserve the sacred fire. E. अनु after, and अष्टका the eighth day.
  • अन्वहस् :: ind. Every day, daily. E. अनु, and अहन् a day.
  • अन्वाचय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Connecting, uniting. E. अनु, and आङ् before, चि to collect, अच् aff.
  • अन्वाधि :: f. (-धिः) 1. A bail or deposit to be delivered to a third person. 2. Repentance. E. अनु according to, and आधि a pledge.
  • अन्वाधेय :: n. (-यं) Property presented after marriage to the wife by her husband's family. E. अनु subsequently, and आधेय to be taken or received.
  • अन्वायतन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Latitudinal. E. अनु, and आयतन breadth.
  • अन्वारोहण :: n. (-णं) Mounting the funeral pile after or with the body of the husband. E. अनु, and आरोहण ascending.
  • अन्वासन :: n. (-नं) 1. An unctuous or cooling enema. 2. Service. 3. Regret, affliction. 4. A place where work is done, manufactory, a house of industry. E. अनु before, आस् to sit, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अन्वाहार्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) 1. The monthly Śrāddha, or funeral repast in honour of the manes, held on the day of new moon; it should be, according to Menu, of meat eaten after the presentation of a piṇḍa or ball of rice. 2. The monthly obsequies performed during the first year after the death of a parent. E. अनु after, and आहार्य्य to be taken or eaten; from हृ with आङ् prefixed, and ण्यत् aff.
  • अन्वाहार्य्यक :: n. (-कं) See the preceding.
  • अन्वाहिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Daily, diurnal. E. अन्वह daily, ठञ् aff.
  • अन्वाहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Deposited with a person to be delivered ulti- mately to another. E. अनु and आहित placed.
  • अन्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Joined, connected with. 2. Having as an essential or inherent part, possessed of, possessing. 3. Connected as in grammar, or construction. E. अनु with, and इत gone, part. of इण्; also अन्वीत .
  • अन्विष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Sought. E. अनु after, and इष desire, with the part. affix क्त .
  • अन्वीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Joined, connected with. See अन्वित . E. अनु with, and ईत from ई to go.
  • अन्वेषण :: fn. (-णा-णं) 1. Research, investigation of duty by reasoning. 2. Research, enquiry in general. E. अनु, इष to desire and ल्यु aff. and in the fem. टाप् .
  • अन्वेषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sought. E. The part. past of इष, with अनु prefixed, and इ inserted before क्त .
  • अन्वेषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Seeking, inquiring after. E. अनु before, इष to wish, णिनि aff.
  • अन्वेष्टृ :: mfn. (-ष्टा -ष्ट्री -ष्टृ) An enquirer, a searcher. E. अनु before इष, and तृच् affix of agency.
  • अपःसान्त :: n. (-न्तं) The offering or performance of sacrifice.
  • अप् :: f. pl. only, (आपः) Water. E. आप to obtain, and क्विप् Unādi affix; the vowel of the radical becomes short.
  • अप :: ind. A particle and preposition implying. 1. Inferiority, (below, worse.) 2. Privation, (from.) 3. Separation, (away, from.) 4. Con- trariety, (against, opposite to.) 5. Difference, (from.) 6. Dis- honesty. 7. Exultation: as अपकृष्टुं to revile, अपहर्त्तुं to take away, अपकर्त्तुं to do wrong, अपवक्तुं to contradict, अपकीर्त्ति infamy, &c. E. अ neg. and प from पा to preserve.
  • अपकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Acting improperly, doing wrong. 2. Ill treating, offending, injuring. E. अप before, कृ to do, ल्युट् aff.
  • अपकर्तृ :: mfn. (-र्ता -र्त्री -र्तृ) Injurious, offensive, hostile, inimical, an enemy. E. अप before, कृ to do, तृक् aff.
  • अपकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) 1. Evil doing, wickedness. 2. Oppression, violence. 3. Laziness, incompetence. 4. Any impure or degrading act or rite. E. अप before, कर्म्मन् act.
  • अपकलङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) An indelible disgrace. E. अप before, कलङ्क a stain.
  • अपकर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) 1. Pulling down, bringing low, lowering, depressing. 2. Inferiority, infamy, degradation. So अपकर्षण n. (-णं) E. अप before, कृष to attack, घञ् or ल्युट् aff.
  • अपकार :: m. (-रः) 1. Injury, offence, wrong, mischief. 2. Wickedness. 3. Tyranny, oppression. 4. Hatred, enmity. E. अप ill, and कार what does.
  • अपकारक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Injuring, pernicious. E. अप before, कृ to do, ण्वुल् aff.
  • अपकारगिर् :: f. (-गीः) Reproach and menace. E. अपकार hatred, and गिर् speech.
  • अपकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Offensive, oppressive. 2. Wicked, doing ill. 3. Mischievous, malicious. 4. Inimical. E. अपकार, and इनि aff.
  • अपकारार्थिन् :: mfn. (-र्थी -र्थिनी -र्थि) Malicious, malevolent. E. अपकार and अर्थिन् who aims at.
  • अपकीर्त्ति :: f. (-र्त्तिः) Infamy, disgrace. E. अप before, कीर्त्ति fame.
  • अपकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Done wrong, maliciously, offensively, or wickedly committed. 2. Who does wrong. 3. Ill treated. 4. Ob- served or practised as a degrading or impure act, as servile duties, funeral rites, &c. E. अप before, कृ to do, क्त aff.
  • अपकृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Oppression, wrong, injury. 2. Enmity, opposition. 3. Any degrading or impure act or rite. E. अप before, कृ to do, क्तिन् aff.
  • अपकृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Low, vile, inferior. 2. Perplexed, distressed. 3. Depressed, lowered, brought down. E. part. past of कृष्, with अप prefixed.
  • अपकृष्टता :: f. (-ता) Inferiorty, vileness. So अपकृष्टत्व n. (-त्वं) E. तल् or त्व added to the last.
  • अपक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Immaturity. 2. Indigestion. E. अ neg. पक्ति ripeness.
  • अपक्व :: mfn. (-क्वः -क्वा -क्वं) Unripe, immature. E. अ neg. पक्व ripe.
  • अपक्वता :: f. (-ता) Immaturity. E. अपक्व, and तल् affix: also with त्व, अपक्वत्वं .
  • अपक्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Flight, retreat. 2. Passing off or away. E. अप from, and क्रम to go, with अच् aff.
  • अपक्रमण :: n. (-णं) Retiring, passing off or away. E. अप before, क्रम to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • अपक्रिया :: f. (-या) 1. Oppression, offence. 2. Evil doing, wickedness. 3. Any impure act or rite. E. अप, and क्रिया action.
  • अपक्रोश :: m. (-शः) Revailing, abusing. E. अप against, क्रुश to call out, and घञ् aff.
  • अपक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Adverse, opposed to, not of the same side or party. E. अ neg. पक्ष a party.
  • अपक्षता :: f. (-ता) Opposition, hostility. E. अपक्ष, and तल् affix: or with त्व affix अपक्षत्वं .
  • अपगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Dead, deceased. 2. Gone, departed, remote, gone off. E. अप away, and गत gone.
  • अपगम :: m. (-मः) Departure, separation, death. E. अप, and गम to go, affix अच् .
  • अपगा :: f. (-गा) A river. E. अप down, below, or अप् water, and thence the sea; and गा what goes downward or into the sea; also आपगा .
  • अपघन :: m. (-नः) A limb or member. E. अप, and घन from हन् to kill or hurt.
  • अपघात :: m. (-तः) Striking or cutting off, killing. E. अप, and घात striking.
  • अपघातिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) Murderous, killing. E. अपघात, and इनि aff.
  • अपचय :: m. (-यः) 1. Loss, privation. 2. Respect, obeisance. E. अप opposite to, and चय from चि to collect, with अच् aff.
  • अपचायित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Saluted, reverenced. E. अप here implying much or highly; and चायित part. past of चाय to reverence.
  • अपचार :: m. (-रः) 1. Impropriety, defect, wickedness. 2. Observing unwholesome or improper regimen. E. अप before, चर to go, घञ् aff.
  • अपचारिन् :: mfn. (-रि -रिणी -रि) Wicked, bad, one who acts wickedly. E. अपचार, and इनि aff.
  • अपचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Saluted, honoured. 2. Diminished, expended, wasted. E. अप before, चाय to reverence, or चि to collect, क्त aff.
  • अपचिति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Loss. 2. Expense. 3. Annihilation. 4. Worship, reverence. E. अप before चाय or चि, and क्तिन् aff.
  • अपची :: f. (-ची) 1. Enlargement of the glands of the neck, &c. 2. Any indolent tumor. E. अ neg. पच to ripen, आङ् and ङीप् aff.
  • अपचीयमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Wasting, perishing, departing. E. अप before, चि to collect, शानच् aff.
  • अपचेतृ :: m. (-ता) A spendthrift. E. अप, चि to collect, तृच् aff.
  • अपच्छाय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1 Shadowless, having no shadow, as a deity or celestial being. 2. Having a bad or unlucky shadow. f. (-या) An unlucky shadow, a phantom. E. अप priv. छाया shadow.
  • अपञ्चीकृत :: n. (-तं) Simple elementary substance, not compounded of the five gross elements. E. अ neg. पञ्च five, कृत made, च्वि augment.
  • अपटान्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Adjoining, contiguous. E. अ neg. पट a screen, and अन्तर between.
  • अपटी :: f. (-टी) A screen or wall of cloth, especially the kenāt or screen surrounding a tent. E. अ priv. and पट to go, with fem. termination ङीप्; preventing admission.
  • अपटीक्षेप :: m. (-पः) Precipitate entrance on the stage, indicating hurry and agitation; also read अपटाक्षेप . E. अपटी curtain, and क्षेप tossing.
  • अपटु :: mfn. (-टुः -टुः -ट्वी-टु) 1. Sick, diseased. 2. Awkward, not clever, uncouth. 3. Ineloquent. E. अ neg. पटु clever.
  • अपटुकरण :: n. (-णं) A defect in any of the senses. E. अपटु, and करण doing.
  • अपण्डित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unlearned, ignorant. E. अ neg. पण्डित learned.
  • अपतन्त्रक :: m. (-कः) Spasmodic contraction of the body, emprosthotonos. E. अप away, तन्त्र will, कन् aff.
  • अपतर्पण :: n. (-णं) Fasting, (in sickness.) E. अप bad, and तर्पण satisfaction.
  • अपतानक :: m. (-कः) Spasmodic contraction: see the last. E. अप down, तन to spread, ण्वुल् aff.
  • अपत्य :: n. (-त्यं) Offspring, male or female. E. अ neg. पत to fall, and यत् affix; the family being upheld by them.
  • अपत्यदा :: f. (-दा) A midwife. E. अपत्य offspring, and दा fem. deriv. who gives.
  • अपत्थपथ :: m. (-थः) The vulva. E. अपत्य, and पथ the road.
  • अपत्थविक्रयिन् :: m. (-यी) A father who receives a gratuity from his son-in- law, a seller of his offspring. E. अपत्य, and विक्रयिन् who sells.
  • अपत्यशत्रु :: m. (-त्रुः) A crab. E. अपत्य offspring, and शत्रु an enemy. The crab being said to perish on producing young.
  • अपत्रप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) 1. Bashful, modest. 2. Immodest. f. (-पा) 1. Bashful- ness. 2. Want of shame, immodesty. E. अप, and त्रपा shame.
  • अपत्रपिष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) Bashful. E. अप before, त्रप to be ashamed, and इष्णुच्र् aff.
  • अपथ :: n. (-थं) The absence of a road. E. अ priv. and पथ for पथिन् a road.
  • अपथिन् :: m. (-न्था) See the preceding.
  • अपथ्य :: mfn. (-थ्यः -थ्या -थ्यं) 1. Unsuitable, inconsistent. 2. (In medicine) Contra-indicated, unfit as food or drink in particular complaints. E. अ neg. पथ्य suitable.
  • अपद :: mfn. (-द -दा or -दी-दं) 1. Footless, having no feet. 2. Having no place, no station. adv. n. (-दं) Unseasonably, inopportunely. m. (-दः) A reptile. E. अ neg. पद a foot.
  • अपदान :: n. (-नं) 1. Approved occupation. 2. Work well or completely done. E. अप before, दा to give, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अपदानक :: n. (-कं) See the above. E. कन् added.
  • अपदान्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Adjoining, contiguous. n. (-रं) Proximity, close, contiguity. E. अ neg. पद a foot, and अन्तर between.
  • अपदार्थ :: m. (-र्थः) Nonentity. E. अ neg. पदार्थ a thing.
  • अपदिश :: n. or ind. (-शं) Intermidiate space, half of a point of the com- pass. E. अप, and दिश to show, क aff.
  • अपदिश्य :: ind. 1. Dispersing, going or having gone to various quarters. 2. Having shewn or stated. E. अप before, दिश to show, य aff.
  • अपदेवता :: f. (-ता) An evil spirit, a goblin. E. अप, and देवता a deity.
  • अपदेश :: m. (-शः) 1. Evasion, prevarication. 2. Disguise by dress, &c. 3. Place, quarter. 4. A butt or mark. 5. Cause. 6. Fame, reputation. 7. A contrivance, a pretence, a pretext. E. अप ill, badly, &c. and दिश to shew. with घञ् aff.
  • अपद्रव्य :: n. (-व्यं) 1. An impurity, any bad thing. 2. Alloy, adulteration. E. अप, and द्रव्य thing.
  • अपध्वंस :: m. (-सः) Degradation, disgrace. E. अप, and ध्वंस loss.
  • अपध्वंसज :: m. (-जः) A man of a mixed or impure caste. E. अपध्वंस and ज born.
  • अपध्वस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Cursed, reviled. 2. Abandoned. 3. Pounded. E. अप implying contempt, &c. part. past of ध्वस to go, also अवध्वस्त .
  • अपध्वान :: n. (-नं) Evil thoughts, wickedness. E. अप, and ध्वान meditation.
  • अपनयन :: n. (-नं) 1. Taking away, withdrawing, removing. 2. Destroying. 3. Dying. 4. Acquittance of a debt or obligation. E. अप from, णी to take, ल्युट् aff.
  • अपनीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Taken away, removed. 2. Paid, discharged. E. अप from, णी to take, क्त aff.
  • अपनीय :: ind. 1. Having taken away. 2. Having discharged. E. अप before, णी to take, य aff.
  • अपनुत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Removing, taking or sending away. E. अप, नुद to send, क्तिन् aff.
  • अपनोद :: m. (-दः) Removing, taking away. E. अप, and नुद to send, affix घञ् .
  • अपनोदन :: n. (-नं) 1. Removing, destroying. 2. Expiating. E. अप before, नुद to send, ल्युट् aff.
  • अपपात्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) Of low caste, using separate vessels. n. (त्रं) A separate vessel, one from which no one else will eat. E. अप apart, पात्र a vessel.
  • अपपात्रित :: m. (-तः) A person who has lost caste, one with whom his kindred will not eat or drink, from a common pātra or vessel. E. अपपात्र, and इतच् aff.
  • अपभी :: mfn. (-भीः -भीः -भि) Fearless, undaunted. E. अप away, भी fear.
  • अपभ्रंश :: m. (-शः) Ungrammatical language. E. अप from, भ्रंश to fall, and अच् affix; also अपभ्रंस .
  • अपम :: m. (-मः) Declination, (in astronomy.) E. अप, मा to measure, ड aff.
  • अपमान :: n. (-नं) Disrespect, disgrace. E. अप reverse, and मन to respect, affix घञ् .
  • अपमानित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Disrespect, disgraced. E. अपमान disgrace, इतच् aff.
  • अपमान्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) Disreputable, dishonourable. E. अप before, मन to mind, ण्यत् aff.
  • अपमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Neglect in dress or person, unadorned. 2. Disrespected, disgraced. E. अप before, मा to measure, क्त aff.
  • अपमित्यक :: n. (-कं) Debt. E. अप from, मि to throw, and त्यकन् aff.
  • अपमृत्यु :: m. (-त्युः) Sudden death, dying of some casualty, not of sickness or decay. E. अप, मृत्यु death.
  • अपयशस् :: n. (-शः) Disgrace, infamy. E. अप before, यशस् fame.
  • अपयशस्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Disgraceful, occasioning infamy. E. अपयशस् and कर what makes.
  • अपयान :: n. (-नं) Retreat, flight. E. अप from, and यान going.
  • अपर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Other. 2. Opposite, contrary. 3. Posterior, (in place or time.) 4. Similar, same. 5. Friendly, not adverse. n. (-रं) The hind quarter of an elephant. f. (-रा) 1. The womb. 2. Sup- pressed menstruation in pregnancy. 3. The west. E. अ neg. and पर from पृ to nourish or fill, and अच् affix; or अ neg. and पर other.
  • अपरञ्च :: ind. Again, moreover. E. च the particle added to the last.
  • अपरत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Opposition, contrariety. 2. Posteriorly, (in place or time;) also अपरता f. (-ता .) E. त्व or तल् added to अपर .
  • अपरति :: m. (-तिः) Stopping, ceasing. E. अप from, रम to please, and क्तिन् aff.
  • अपररात्र :: m. (-त्रः) The end of the night, the last watch. E. अपर the end, रात्र from रात्रि a night.
  • अपरलोक :: n. (-कं) Another world, paradise. E. अपर, and लोक world.
  • अपरव :: m. (-वः) 1. Contest, dispute. 2. Discord. E. अप, and रव sound.
  • अपरवक्त्र :: n. (-क्त्रं) A kind of metre of four lines, having every two lines the same.
  • अपरवोज्झित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Undisturbed, undisputed. E. अपरव, and उज्झित free from.
  • अपरस्पर :: adj. mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) or adv. n. (-रं) 1. Continued, uninterrupted. 2. Continually, (applied to action.) E. अ neg. and परस्पर mutual.
  • अपराङ्मुख :: mfn. (-खः -खी -खं) Not having the head downwards or reverted. 2. Presenting a firm front in battle or danger. E. अ neg. पराङ्मुख reverted.
  • अपराजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unconquered, unsurpassed. m. (-तः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. Also of VISHNU. 3. A sage. f. (-ता) 1. A name applied to several plants. 2. (Clitoria ternatea,) see गिरिकर्णी . 3. Æschynomene sesban, see जया . and, 4. Another plant, see अशनपर्णी . 5. A name of the goddess DURGĀ. 6. A species of the शर्कर metre of four lines, with fourteen syllables in each line. 7. The north-east quarter. E. अपर another, अ neg. and जित conquered, excelled, &c.
  • अपराजेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Unconquerable, invincible. E. अपर, and अजेय unconquerable.
  • अपराद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Criminal, guilty. 2. Erring. E. अप before, राध to accomplish, क्त aff.
  • अपराद्धपृषत्क :: m. (-त्कः) An archer or arrow always missing the butt. E. अपराद्ध erring, and पृषत्क an arrow.
  • अपराद्धृ :: mfn. (-द्धा -द्ध्री -द्धृ) Offending an offender. E. अप before राध, with तृच् aff.
  • अपराध :: m. (-धः) Offence, transgression, fault. E. अप badly, and राध to accomplish, घञ् aff.
  • अपराधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Criminated, condemned. E. अपराध and क्त aff.
  • अपराधिता :: f. (-ता) Criminality, guilt. So अपराधित्व n. (-त्वं) E. तल् or त्व added to अपराधिन् .
  • अपराधिन् :: mfn. (-धी -धिनी -धि) Offending, culpable, criminal. E. अपराध, and इनि aff.
  • अपराधीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Independent. E. अ neg. पराधीन dependent.
  • अपराह्ण :: m. (-ह्णः) Afternoon, the last watch of the day. E. अपर last, and अह्ण for अहन् a day.
  • अपराह्णतन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Belonging to or produced in the close of the day, also अपराह्णेतन . E. अपराह्ण the end of a day, with द्यु or द्युल् aff.
  • अपरिकलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unknown 2. Unseen. E. अ neg. परिकलित seen.
  • अपरिक्लिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Dry, not moist, not liquid. E. अ neg. परिक्लिन्न moist.
  • अपरिगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unknown, unobtained. E. अ neg. परिगत ob- tained.
  • अपरिग्रह :: m. (-हः) Non-acceptance. E. अ neg. परिग्रह taking.
  • अपरिग्राह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) Unfit or improper to be accepted, not to be taken. E. अ neg. परिग्राह्य to be taken.
  • अपरिचयिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) 1. Without acquaintance. 2. Misanthropic. E. अ neg. परिचयिन् acquainted.
  • अपरिचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unacquainted with, unknown to. E. अ neg. परिचित known.
  • अपरिचेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Unsociable. E. अ neg. परिचेय to be combined.
  • अपरिच्छद :: n. (-दं) Absence of clothing, nudity. E. अ neg. परिच्छद covering.
  • अपरिच्छन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Uncovered, unclothed. So अपरिच्छादित mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) E. अ neg. परिच्छन्न or परिच्छादित clothed.
  • अपरिच्छिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Continuous, connected without interval. E. अ neg. परिच्छिन्न intersected.
  • अपरिच्छेद :: m. (-दः) 1. Want of arrangement or order. 2. Want of dis- tinction or division. E. अ neg. परिच्छेद section.
  • अपरिच्छेदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unarranged, not distinguished or divided. E. अ neg. परिच्छेदित intersected.
  • अपरिणयन :: n. (-नं) Celibacy. E. अ neg. परिणयन marrying.
  • अपरिणीता :: f. (-ता) An unmarried woman. E. अ neg. परिणीता married woman.
  • अपरिपक्व :: mfn. (-क्वः -क्वा -क्वं) Not quite mature. E. अ neg. परिपक्व ripe.
  • अपरिपाटि :: f. (-टिः-टी) Want of order, disarrangement. E. अ neg. परिपाटि order.
  • अपरिपूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unripe, immature, imperfect. E. अ neg. परिपूत perfect.
  • अपरिमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Without measure, immense, immeasurable. E. अ neg. परिमाण measure.
  • अपरिमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unmeasured. 2. Unlimited, unbounded. E. अ neg. परिमित measured.
  • अपरिमेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Unbounded, illimitable. E. अ neg. परिमेय mea- surable.
  • अपरिम्लान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Pure, clean. E. अ neg. परिम्लान dirty.
  • अपरिवाद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) Not to be reprimanded. E. अ neg. परिवाद्य to be reproved.
  • अपरिवृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Uninclosed, unsurrounded. E. अ neg. परिवृत surrounded.
  • अपरिष्कार :: m. (-रः) Coarseness, rudeness, want of polish or finish, moral or physical. E. अ neg. परिष्कार polish.
  • अपरिष्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Coarse, rude, unpolished, unadorned, morally or physically. E. अ neg. परिष्कृत finished.
  • अपरिसर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Distant, not contiguous. E. अ neg. परिसर near.
  • अपरिहरणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Not to be abandoned or lost. E. अ neg. परिहृ to leave, अनीयर् aff.
  • अपरिहार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) 1. Not to be avoided, inevitable. 2. Not to be abandoned. 3. Not to be degraded. E. अ neg. परिहृ to leave, ण्यत् aff.
  • अपरीक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Untried, unproved. E. अ neg. परीक्षित tried.
  • अपरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पी-पं) Ugly, deformed, ill-looking, ill-made, mons- trous. n. (-पं) Monstrousity, deformity. E. अप bad, रूप form.
  • अपर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Leafless. f. (-र्णा) A name of PĀRVATI. E. अ not, and पर्ण a leaf: the goddess not having even leaves for food, during her performance of religious austerities.
  • अपर्य्याप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Unlimited, unbounded. 2. Incompetent, un- able, insufficient. 3. Incomplete, not enough. E. अ neg. पर्य्याप्त ex- tended.
  • अपर्य्याय :: m. (-यः) Want of order or method. E. अ neg. पर्य्याय order.
  • अपल :: n. (-लं) A pin or bolt. E. अप below, and ला to take, ड aff.
  • अपलाप :: m. (-पः) 1. Denial or concealment of knowledge, evasion. 2. Affection, regard. 3. Concealing, hiding. E. अप away or kindly, and लप to speak, घञ् affix; also अपलपन n. (-नं)
  • अपलापिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिनी -पि) One who denies or evades. E. अपलाप and इनि aff.
  • अपलाषिका :: f. (-का) Thirst. E. अप, लष to desire, कन् aff.
  • अपवन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Without air, sheltered from wind. n. (-नं) A gar- den, grove. E. अप, and वन a wood, or अ neg. पवन wind.
  • अपवरक :: m. (-कः) An inner apartment, the lying-in chamber. E. अप be- fore, वृञ् to hide or close, अच् and कन् affs.
  • अपवरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Covering, screening. 2. A garment, a mantle. E. अप before, वृ to screen, ल्युट् aff.
  • अपवर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) 1. Final beatitude, the delivery of the soul from the body, and exemption from farther transmigration. 2. Abandoning, quit- ting. 3. The fruit or consequences of any completed act. 4. The completion of any act. 5. Any act brought to a conclusion. 6. End, completion. E. अप from, वृज् to forsake, घञ् affix, and ग substituted for ज .
  • अपवर्गद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Conferring final beatitude. E. अपवर्ग, and द who gives.
  • अपवर्जन :: n. (-नं) 1. Gift or donation. 2. Final emancipation or beatitude. 3. Abandoning, abandonment. E. अप before, वृज् to forsake, and ल्युट् aff. See अपवर्ग .
  • अपवर्ज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Abandoned, quitted, got rid of, given cast away. E. अप before, वृज् to forsake, क्त aff.
  • अपवर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) 1. Taking away. 2. A common measure in algebra. E. अप away, वृत to be, घञ् aff.
  • अपवर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. Agitating, shaking. 2. Taking away, removal, resump- tion. 3. Transferring, removing from one place to another. 4. Abbreviation, abridging. 5. Division by a common measure, re- duction of a fraction to its lowest terms. E. अप away, वृत to be, ल्युट् aff.
  • अपवाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Censure, blame. 2. An order, a command. 3. Differ- ence, distinction, exception. 4. Contradiction, opposition, denial. E. अप implying aversion, and वाद speech, from वद with घञ्; also अववाद .
  • अपवादक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Censuring, accusing. 2. Opposing, object- ing to. 3. Excepting, excluding. E. अप before, वद to speak, ण्वुल् aff.
  • अपवादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Accused, censured. 2. Opposed, objected to. E. अप before, वद to speak, causal form, क्त aff.
  • अपवादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) 1. Accusing, defaming. 2. Opposing, object- ing to. E. अपवाद and इनि aff.
  • अपवारण :: n. (-णं) Disappearance, concealment, covering. E. अप before, वृञ् to hide, in the causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • अपवारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Covered, concealed, disappeared. E. अप before, वृञ् to hide, क्त affix, and the vowel is made long.
  • अपवार्य्य :: ind. 1. (In theatrical language) Apart, aside. 2. Having con- cealed. E. अप before, वृञ् to hide, ण्यत् aff.
  • अपवाह :: m. (-हः) An inference or deduction. E. अप before, वह to bear, घञ् aff.
  • अपवित्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) Impure, unclean. E. अ neg. पवित्र pure.
  • अपवित्रता :: f. (-ता) Impurity, uncleanness. So अपवित्रत्व n. (-त्रं) E. तल् or त्व added to the last.
  • अपविद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Rejected, dismissed, removed. 2. Thrown, sent. 3. Broken to pieces. E. अप before. व्यध to strike, क्त the part. affix, and the semivowel changed to its corresponding vowel इ .
  • अपविद्धपुत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A son rejected by his natural parents, and adopted by a stranger; one of the twelve objects of filiation in Hindu law. E. अपविद्ध as before and पुत्र a son.
  • अपविषा :: f. (-षा) A species of grass, (Kyllingia monocephala.) E. अप, and विष poison.
  • अपवृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Reversed, inverted, overturned. 2. Deprived of 3. Uncovered E. अप, and वृत्त established.
  • अपवेध :: m. (-धः) Piercing any thing in the wrong direction. E. अप, and वेध perforating.
  • अपव्यय :: m. (-यः) Prodigality. E. अप, and व्यय expense.
  • अपव्ययमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Squandering. 2. Denying a debt. E. अप away, व्यय expenditure, used as a verb, शानच् aff.
  • अपव्ययिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Squandering, wasting, prodigal. E. अपव्यय and इनि aff.
  • अपशङ्क :: mfn. (-ङ्कः -ङ्का -ङ्कं) Fearless, having no fear or hesitation. adv. n. (-ङ्कं) Fearlessly. E. अप, and शङ्क fear.
  • अपशद :: m. (-दः) A low man. See अपसद .
  • अपशब्द :: m. (-ब्दः) 1. Ungrammatical language. 2. Common or vulgar speech, any form of language not Sanskrit. E. अप bad, and शब्द sound.
  • अपशुच् :: m. (-शुक्) The soul. E. अप, and शुच् sorrow.
  • अपशोक :: m. (-कः) A tree, (Jonesia asoca.) E. अप, and शोक sorrow.
  • अपष्ट :: n. (-ष्टं) The end or point of the hook for driving an elephant. E. अप before, ष्टे to surround, and ड aff.
  • अपष्टम :: m. (-मः) The point of the hook by which elephants are driven.
  • अपष्ठु :: m. (-ष्ठुः) Time. mfn. (-ष्ठुः -ष्ठुः -ष्ठु) 1. Contrary, opposite. 2. Left, (not right.) ind. 1. Well, properly. 2. Handsomely. 3. Contrary, perversely. E. अप badly, स्थ what stays, with कु Unādi affix; स्थ becomes ष्ठ .
  • अपष्ठुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Opposite, contrary. E. अपष्ठु contrary, and र from रा to obtain, affix ड .
  • अपष्ठुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Opposite, contrary, E. As before, ल substituted for र
  • अपस् :: n. (-पः) Sacrificing. E. आप to obtain, अमुन् Unādi aff.; the radical vowel made short.
  • अपसद :: m. (-दः) A low man, an outcaste; it especially applies to the children of six degrading connexions, or of a Brāhman with the women of the three lower classes; of a Kshetriya with women of two, the Vaisya, and Sūdra; and of a Vaisya with one of a lower class or a Sūdra. E. अप low, सद to abide, and अच् aff.
  • अपसर :: m. (-रः) The removal of any thing from one place to another. E. अप before सृ to go, अच् aff.
  • अपसर्जन :: n. (-नं) 1. A gift or donation. 2. Killing. 3. Final emancipa- tion. 4. Abandonment. E. अप before, सृज to leave, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अपसरण :: n. (-णं) Going out, egress. E. अप before, सरणं going.
  • अपसर्प :: m. (-र्पः) A secret emissary or agent, a spy. So अपसर्पक m. (-कः) E. अप bad, &c. सर्प who goes; from सृप with अच् aff.
  • अपसलवि :: ind. The space between the thumb and the forefinger.
  • अपसव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. Opposite, contrary. 2. Right, (not left.) n. (-व्यं) The space between the thumb and the forefinger. E. अप, and सव्य left.
  • अपसव्यक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) See the above. E. कन् added.
  • अपसार :: m. (-रः) 1. Egress, passage for going forth. 2. Going out or away. E. अप before, सार a going.
  • अपसारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Gone out, got out, escaped, fled. E. अप before, सारित gone.
  • अपस्कर :: m. (-रः) 1. Any part of a carriage. 2. The anus. 3. Fæces. E. अप, and कर from कृष to furrow, or कृ to do; स is inserted for the sake of euphony.
  • अपस्नात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Bathed or bathing after mourning, or upon the death of a connexion. 2. Bathed after death. (the corpse,) prepara- tory to other ceremonies. E. अप, and स्नात bathed, from ष्णा, and क्त aff.
  • अपस्नान :: n. (-नं) 1. Funereal bathing, upon the death of a connexion, after mourning, &c. 2. Impure bathing, or bathing in water with which a person has previously washed. E. अप, and स्नान bathing.
  • अपस्पश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) 1. Being without spies or emissaries. 2. Want- ing the introduction or explanation, (grammar.) E. अप with स्पश a spy, or अ and पस्पश the first section of the Bhāshya.
  • अपस्मार :: m. (-रः) Epilepsy, falling sickness. E. अप privation, स्मृ to re- member, and घञ् affix; loss of memory or sense.
  • अपस्मारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Epileptic, convulsed. E. इनि added to the last.
  • अपहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Destroyed. E. अप, and हत killed.
  • अपहरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Taking away, carrying off, stealing, &c. 2. Taking back, resuming. E. अप before, हृ to take, ल्युट् aff.
  • अपहरणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be taken away, carried off, stolen, &c. 2. To be taken back or resumed. E. अप before, हृ to take, अनीयर् affix; also अपहर्त्तव्य, and अपहार्य्य .
  • अपहस्त :: n. (-स्तं) 1. Taking away or off. 2. Stealing, plundering. E. अप, and हस्त the hand.
  • अपहस्तित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Lost, gone, parted with or deprived of. E. अप, हस्त the hand, इतच् aff.
  • अपहानि :: f. (-निः) 1. Exception, exclusion. 2. Quitting, leaving. 3. Leav- ing off, stopping. E. अप, and हानि abandoning.
  • अपहाय :: ind. Having left or abandoned. 2. Except, excepting. E. अप before, हा to abandon, य aff.
  • अपहार :: m. (-रः) 1. Loss. 2. Taking away. 3. Theft, stealing. 4. Secret- ing. 5. Spending another person's property. E. अप before, हृ to take, घञ् aff.
  • अपहारक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) One who takes away, seizing, taking a thief. E. अपहृ to take away, ण्वुल् aff.
  • अपहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) One who takes away, who seizes, steals, &c. a plunderer, a thief. E. अपहृ to steal, णिनि aff.
  • अपहास :: m. (-सः) Silly or causeless laughter. E. अप before, हास laughter.
  • अपहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Taken away, carried aff, stolen, &c. 2. Taken back, resumed. E. अप before, हृत taken.
  • अपह्नव :: m. (-वः) 1. Denial or concealment of knowledge. 2. Affection. E. अप before, ह्नुङ् to conceal, and अच् aff.
  • अपह्नुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Concealed, denied. E. अप before, ह्नु and क्त aff.
  • अपह्नुति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Denial or concealment of knowledge. 2. A figure of rhetoric, applying a description or simile to other than its obvious application. E. अपह्नुङ् and क्तिन् aff.
  • अपह्नोतृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) One who conceals or denies. E. अपह्नुङ् and तृच् aff.
  • अपाक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Immature, raw, undressed or unripe. 2. Un- digested. m. (-कः) 1. Immaturity. 2. Indigestion. E. अ neg. पाक ripeness.
  • अपाकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Payment, liquidation. 2. Removal, abstraction. E. अप and आङ् before कृ to make, ल्युट् aff.
  • अपाकशाक :: n. (-कं) Ginger. E. अपाक indigestion, and शाक herb.
  • अपाकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Taken away, removed, destroyed, void of. 2 Paid. E. अप and आ before, कृत made.
  • अपाकृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Removal, taking away. 2. Change of form or condi- tion. E. अप and आ before कृति doing, or अप with, आकृति form.
  • अपाक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Present, perceptible. E. अप before, and अक्ष an organ of sense, or अक्षि the eye.
  • अपाङ्क्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Not in a line or row. 2. Not in the same degree or class, unworthy, inadmissible into society, excluded. E. अ neg. पङ्क्ति a line, अण् affix; also similar derivatives as अपाङ्क्त्य, &c.
  • अपाङ्क्तेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Not in a line or row. 2. Not in the same degree or order of society. E. अ neg. पंक्ति a line, ढक् aff. See अपाङ्कृत .
  • अपाङ्क्त्योपहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Defiled or contaminated by the presence of impure or improper persons. E. अपाङ्क्त्य excluded, उपहत affected by.
  • अपाङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) 1. The outer corner of the eye. 2. A sectarial mark or circlet on the forehead. mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Maimed, crippled. E. अप before अगि to go, and अच् affix, or अङ्ग a limb.
  • अपाङ्गक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Maimed, mutilated. m. (-कः) 1. A plant, (Achyranthes aspera.) 2. The outer angle of the eye. E. अप before the body, and क aff.
  • अपाङ्गदर्शन :: n. (-नं) A side glance, a leer, a wink. E. अपाङ्ग the corner of अङ्ग the eye, and दर्शन looking.
  • अपाच् :: or अपाञ्च् mfn. (अपाङ् अपाची अपाक्) South, southern. E. See अवाच् .
  • अपाच्य :: mfn. (-च्यः -च्या -च्यं) 1. Southern, southerly. 2. Not to be ripened or digested. E. अपाच्, and यत् affix or अ neg. पाच्य to be ripened.
  • अपाचीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. South, southern. 2. Opposite. E. अपाच् and ख aff.
  • अपाटव :: n. (-वं) 1. Sickness, disease. 2. Awkwardness, inelegance. E. अ priv. and पाटव strength, cleverness, &c. See अपटु .
  • अपाणिग्रहण :: n. (-णं) Celibacy. E. अ neg. पाणिग्रहण taking the hand, as in marrying.
  • अपात्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. A worthless or common utensil. 2. An inferior or worthless person. E. अ neg. पात्र a vessel.
  • अपात्रीकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Acting unbecomingly, doing degrading offices, as for a BRĀHMAN to receive wealth improperly acquired; to trade, to serve a SUDRA, and to utter an untruth. 2. Excommunication, disqualification. E. अ neg. पात्र a vessel, करणं making, च्वि augment; disqualifying a person from eating out of the same vessel as another.
  • अपादान :: n. (-नं) 1. Removal, ablation, the sense of the fifth or ablative case. 2. Taking away. E. अप from, आदान taking.
  • अपान :: n. (-नं) 1. The anus. 2. A fart, one of the five vital airs. E. अप below, अन to breathe, घञ् aff.
  • अपान्नाथ :: m. (-थः) The ocean. E. अपाम् of water, नाथ lord.
  • अपान्निधि :: m. (-धिः) The ocean. E. अपां of water, निधि receptacle.
  • अपाप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Sinless, virtuous, pure. So अपापिन् mfn. (-पी -पिनी -पि) E. अ neg. and पाप sin or पापिन् sinner.
  • अपामार्ग :: m. (-र्गः) A plant, (Achyranthes aspera.) E. अप, मृज to clean, with आङ् prefixed, and घञ् affix; the ashes are used in washing linen.
  • अपाम्पति :: m. (-तिः) 1. The ocean. 2. A name of VARUNA. See. अम्पति . E. अपाम् genitive case of अप water, and पति master.
  • अपाम्पित्त :: n. (-त्तं) Fire. E. अपाम् of water, and पित्त bile; drying it up.
  • अपाय :: m. (-यः) 1. Destruction, annihilation. 2. Separation, disunion. 3. Loss, injury. 4. Departure, going away. 5. Retreat, flight. E. अप away, अय going.
  • अपायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) 1. Going away, departing, perishing. E. अपाय and इनि aff.
  • अपार :: n. (-रं) The opposite bank of a river. mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Unbounded, boundless, interminable. E. अ neg. पार shore.
  • अपारक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Incompetent, impotent. E. अ neg. पारक who gets through or over.
  • अपार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) 1. Useless, unprofitable. 2. Unmeaning. E. अप without, अर्थ object, also with कन् added अपार्थक .
  • अपार्थकरण :: n. (-णं) A false plea in a law suit. E. अपार्थ, and करण making.
  • अपावर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. Turning away or from. 2. Retreat, repulse. 3. Re- turning. E. अप and आङ् before, वृत to be, ल्युट् aff.
  • अपावृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Self-willed, unrestrained. 2. Covered, conceal- ed. 3. Surrounded, inclosed. 4. Opened. 5. Driven away. adv. (-रं) Immoderately, unreservedly. E. अप priv. वृञ् to hide, with आङ् prefixed, and क्त aff.
  • अपावृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Enclosing, surrounding. 2. Covering, screening. E. अप and आङ् before, वृ to hide, क्तिन् aff.
  • अपावृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Rolling on the ground, (as a horse.) 2. Un- covered. 3. Driven back or to the rear, repelled. E. अप before, वृत to stand, and क्त aff.
  • अपावृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Retreat, repulse. 2. Returning. E. अप and आङ् before. वृत to be, क्तिन् aff.
  • अपाश्रय :: m. (-यः) An awning spread over a court or yard. mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Helpless, destitute. E. अप, and आश्रय protection.
  • अपासङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A quiver; also उपासङ्ग .
  • अपासन :: n. (-नं) 1. Quitting, foregoing, discarding. 2. Killing, slaughter. E. अप, अस to be, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अपासरण :: n. (-णं) Departing, departure, removal. E. अप and आङ् before, सृ to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • अपासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Thrown or cut down, injured, destroyed. E. अप with अस to throw, क्त affix and इट् augment.
  • अपासृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Gone, departed, gone away. E. अप, and आङ् before, सृ to go, क्त aff.
  • अपास्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Thrown off, set aside. 2. Driven away, expell- ed. 3. Discarded, abandoned. 4. Disregarded, contemned. E. अप and अस to throw, क्त aff.
  • अपास्य :: ind. 1. Having quitted or left. 2. Having thrown away. 3. Dis- regarding. E. अप, and अस to throw, य aff.
  • अपि :: ind. A preposition and particle corresponding to even, though, yet, assuredly, &c. and implying. 1. Interrogation. 2. Earnest inter- rogation or enquiry. 3. Doubt. 4. Possibility. 5. Reproof; and. 6. Conjunction. 7. It is often an expletive. E. अ neg. and पि to go, with क्विप् aff.
  • अपिगीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Praised. E. अपि before, गीर्ण part. past, irregular- ly formed from गॄ to sound.
  • अपिच :: ind. Moreover, also.
  • अपिच्छल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Clear, free from sediment or soil. E. अ neg. पिच्छल muddy.
  • अपितु :: ind. If, if indeed, yet, but yet. E. अपि, and तु but, and, &c.
  • अपितृक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) See the next. E. अ neg. पितृ a father, कन् added.
  • अपित्र्य :: mfn. (-त्र्यः -त्रा -त्र्यं) Uninherited, acquired, not ancestral or pater- nal. E. अ neg. पितृ a father, क्यप् aff.
  • अपिधान :: n. (-नं) Covering, concealment, disappearance. E. अपि before धा to have or hold, and ल्युट् aff. See पिधान .
  • अपिनद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Clothed, accoutred. E. अपि, and नद्ध part. past of नह to bind.
  • अपिशुन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Upright honest. E. अ neg. पिशुन dishonest.
  • अपीडन :: n. (-नं) Gentleness, kindness, giving pain to nothing. E. अ neg. पीडन paining.
  • अपीनस :: m. (-सः) Dryness of the nose, want of the pituitary secretion and loss of smell, cold. E. अ neg. पीनस the mucus of the nose.
  • अपीव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Very handsome.
  • अपुच्छ :: mfn. (-च्छः -च्छा -च्छं) Tailless. f. (-च्छा) A tree, (Dalbergia sisu.) See शिंशपा . E. अ neg. पुच्छ a tail.
  • अपुण्य :: mfn. (-ण्यः -ण्या -ण्यं) Wicked, bad. E. अ, and पुण्य virtuous. So अपुण्यशील .
  • अपुण्यकृत् :: mfn. (-त्) Acting wickedly, wicked, bad. E. कृत् who does, with अपुण्य . So अपुण्यवत् .
  • अपुत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A man who has no son. E. अ neg. पुत्र a son, also with कन् added, अपुत्रकः .
  • अपुनरावृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Final exemption from life. E. अ neg. पुनरावृत्ति re- newed practice.
  • अपुनर्भव :: m. (-वः) Final beatitude, exemption of the soul from further transmigration. E. अ neg. पुनर again, and भव being.
  • अपुराण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Modern, new. So अपुरातन . E. अ neg. पुराण old.
  • अपुरुष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Unmanly. E. अ neg. पुरुष a man.
  • अपुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Lean. E. अ neg. पुष्ट nourished.
  • अपुष्प :: mfn. (-ष्पः -ष्पा -ष्पं) Not flowering. E. अ neg. पुष्प a flower. So अपुष्पक and अपुष्पित .
  • अपुष्पफलद :: m. (-दः) Any tree which bears fruit, without flowering, as the jack tree. E. अपुष्प, फल fruit, and द what gives.
  • अपूजक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Irreligious, irreverent. E. अ neg. पूजक a wor- shipper.
  • अपूजा :: f. (-जा) Irreverence, disrespect. E. अ neg. पूजा worship.
  • अपूजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Contemned, disregarded, not reverenced or worshipped. E. अ neg. पूजित worshipped.
  • अपूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Impure. 2. Not having received the invocatory rite. E. अ neg. पूत pure.
  • अपूप :: m. (-पः) 1. Cake of flour, meal, &c. 2. Wheat. E. पूय to split with अ neg. prefixed; प affixed, and य dropped.
  • अपूप्य :: m. (-प्यः) Flour, meal. E. अपूप a cake, and यत् aff.
  • अपूरणी :: f. (-णी) The silk cotton free, (Bombax heptaphyllum.)
  • अपूर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Incomplete, not full or entire. m. (-णः) A fraction. 2. An incomplete number. E. अ neg. पूर्ण full.
  • अपूर्णकाल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Premature. m. (-लः) Incomplete time. E. अपूर्ण, and काल time.
  • अपूर्णकालज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Abortive, born before the proper time. E. अपूर्ण, and काल time, and ज born.
  • अपूर्णता :: f. (-ता) Incompleteness. E. अपूर्ण and तल् affix also with त्व, अपूर्णत्वं .
  • अपूर्व्व :: mfn. (-र्व्वः -र्व्वा -र्व्वं) 1. Wonderful, extraordinary. 2. Unprecedented, unpreceded. 3. Excellent, not exceeded. 4. Not easterly. n. (-र्व्वं) The remote or unforeseen consequence of an act, as heaven of religious rites, a consequence not immediately preceded by its cause. E. अ neg. पूर्व्व prior.
  • अपूर्व्ववत् :: ind. Singularly, unlike any thing else. E. अपूर्व्व and वति aff.
  • अपृक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Unmixed, uncombined. m. (-क्तः) (In grammar) an affix of a single letter. E. अ neg. पृक्त combined.
  • अपृथक् :: ind. With, together with, collectively. E. अ not, पृथक् severally.
  • अपृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Unasked, unaddressed, not spoken to. E. अ neg. पृष्ट asked.
  • अपेक्षक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Expecting. E. अप before, ईक्ष to see, ण्वुल् aff.
  • अपेक्षणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1 To be regarded or considered. 2. Desirable. E. अप before, ईक्ष to see, अनीयर् aff.
  • अपेक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) 1. Expectation, hope. 2. Regard, reference, consideration. 3. Connexion of cause and effect. 4. Absolute connexion, as of an individual with its species. 5. Necessity, need, occasion. E. अप, ईक्ष to see, अङ्, and टाप् affs.
  • अपेक्षाबुद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Clearness of understanding, the faculty of arranging and methodising a variety of considerations. E. अपेक्षा, and बुद्धि intellect.
  • अपेक्षित :: mfn. (तः-ता-तं) 1. Regarded, considered, referred to. 2. Wished, hoped. 3. Connected. E. अप, ईक्ष to see, क्त aff.
  • अपेक्षितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be regarded or considered. 2. Desir- able, estimable. E. अप, and ईक्ष to see, तव्य aff.
  • अपेक्षिन् :: mfn. (-क्षी -क्षिणी -क्षि) 1. Expecting, hoping, an expectant. 2. Look- ing to. E. अपेक्षा and इनि aff.
  • अपेक्ष्य :: mfn. (-क्ष्यः -क्ष्या -क्ष्यं) 1. To be regarded or considered. 2. To be wished or desired. ind. Having considered, having, or with, regard or reference to. E. अप, ईक्ष to see, यत् or य aff.
  • अपेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Gone, departed. 2. Lost. 3. Open, apart. E. अप, and इत gone.
  • अपेशल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Inexpert. E. अ neg. पेशल clever.
  • अपैशुन :: n. (-नं) Integrity, honesty, uprightness. E. अ neg. पैशुन roguery.
  • अपोगण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डा -ण्डं) 1. Deformed, having a limb too many or too few, &c. 2. Flaccid. 3. A child or infant. 4. Timid, fearful. E. अप before, गम to go, affix ड, deriv. irr.
  • अपोढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Removed, carried off. 2. Lost, deprived of, taken away. 3. Discussed, established by argument. E. अप, and ऊढ borne.
  • अपोदिका :: f. (-का) A potherb, (Basella, rubra or lucida.)
  • अपोह :: m. (-हः) 1. The removal of doubt by the exercise of the reasoning faculty. 2. Reasoning, arguing. E. अप reverse, ऊह to reason, and घञ् affix; opposed to doubt or deliberation.
  • अपोहन :: n. (-नं) Reasoning, exercise of reason. E. अप, and ऊह to reason, ल्युट् aff.
  • अपोहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Removed, taken away. 2. Lost, deprived of. 3. Established by reason. E. अप, and वह to bear, क्त aff.
  • अपौरुष :: n. (-षं) Unmanliness, cowardice. E. अ neg. पौरुष manhood.
  • अप्तस् :: n. (-प्तः) Sacrificing, offering oblations. E. आप to obtain, असुन् affix, and त inserted.
  • अप्तु :: m. (-प्तुः) 1. The body. 2. A limb or member. E. आप to obtain, and तुन् Unādi aff.
  • अप्नस् :: n. (-प्नः) Water, (in the language of the Vedas.) E. आप to obtain, असुन् affix, and नुम् inserted.
  • अप्पति :: m. (-तिः) A name of VARUNA. E. अप् water, and पति lord; regent of the water, also अपांपति .
  • अप्पित्त :: m. (-त्तः) Fine. E. अप् water, पित्त bile; see अपाम्पित्त .
  • अप्युत :: ind. Also, indeed. E. अपि, and उत or.
  • अप्रकट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Unmanifested, unapparent. E. अ neg. प्रकट evident.
  • अप्रकम्प :: mfn. (-म्पः -म्पा -म्पं) 1. Unshaken, literally or figuratively, firm, steady. 2. Unanswered, unrefuted. E. अ neg. प्रकम्प trembling.
  • अप्रकम्पता :: f. (-ता) 1. Firmness, stability. 2. Unanswerableness. E. तल् added to the preceding, also with त्व, अप्रकम्पत्व .
  • अप्रकर्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Not exceeded, not more than. 2. Unsurpassed. E. अ neg. प्रकर्षित bettered, exceeded.
  • अप्रकाश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Hidden, private, not public or displayed, not manifest or evident. E. अ neg. प्रकाश light.
  • अप्रकाशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Not manifested, undivulged, unrevealed, not evident or public. E. अ neg. प्रकाशित manifested.
  • अप्रकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unusual, uncommon, occasional or incidental to. E. अ neg. प्र before, कृत made.
  • अप्रकृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Accidental property or nature, not the inherent or inseparable property. 2. Spiritual being. E. अ neg. प्रकृति nature or matter.
  • अप्रकृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Low, vile. m. (-ष्टः) A crow. E. अ neg. प्रकृष्ट excellent.
  • अप्रखर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Dull, obtuse. 2. Bland, mild. E. अ neg. प्रखर sharp.
  • अप्रगल्भ :: mfn. (-ल्भः -ल्भा -ल्भं) Modest, unassuming. E. अ neg. प्रगल्भ arrogant.
  • अप्रगुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Confounded, perplexed. E. अ neg. प्रगुण direct.
  • अप्रचुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Little, few. E. अ neg. प्रचुर much.
  • अप्रचोदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Undesired, not bidden or commanded. 2. Undeclared, not said. 3. Not promised. 4. Unasked, declared. E. अ neg. प्रचोदित directed.
  • अप्रच्युत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Observing, following, not fallen or deviating from. E. अ neg. प्रच्युत fallen.
  • अप्रज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) 1. Childless, without progeny. 2. Unpeopled, destitute of subjects. E. अ neg. प्रजा offspring.
  • अप्रजात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Childless. f. (-ता) A barren woman. E. अ neg. प्रजात generated.
  • अप्रणीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unconsecrated, profane, common. E. अ neg. प्रणीत sacred.
  • अप्रणोद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) Not to be turned away. E. अ neg. प्रणीद्य to be dismissed.
  • अप्रतर्क्य :: mfn. (-र्क्यः -र्क्या -र्क्यं) Not to be discussed, incomprehensible by reason. E. अ neg. प्रतर्क्य to be investigated.
  • अप्रताप :: m. (-पः) 1. Meanness, want of dignity. 2. Dulness, want of brilliancy. E. अ neg. प्रताप splendor.
  • अप्रतिकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Trusted, confidential. 2. One who does not requite or retaliate. E. अ neg. प्रति again, कर who does.
  • अप्रतिकार :: m. (-रः) 1. Non-requital, non-acquittal. 2. Non-retaliation. 3. Not remedying. mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Helpless, defenceless. 2. Irremedi- able. E. अ neg. प्रतिकार rendering again or the like.
  • अप्रतिग्राह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) Not to be taken, unacceptable. E. अ neg. प्रतिग्राह्य to be taken.
  • अप्रतिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Favourable, friendly. E. अ neg. प्रतिय adverse.
  • अप्रतिपण्य :: mfn. (-ण्यः -ण्या -ण्यं) Not to be bartered or exchanged. E. अ not, प्रति again, पण्य to be sold.
  • अप्रतिपत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Non-ascertainment. 2. Non-performance, failure, 3. Neglecting, disregard. E. अ neg. प्रतिपत्ति effecting.
  • अप्रतिपन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Unascertained. 2. Unaccomplished. 3. Neg- lected. E. अ neg. प्रतिपन्न effected.
  • अप्रतिभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) 1. Modest, bashful. 2. Confounded, perplexed. 3. Unreflected, (as an image.) E. अ neg. प्रतिभा light, reflexion.
  • अप्रतिम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Unequalled, incomparable. E. अ neg. प्रतिमा simi- litude.
  • अप्रतियत्न :: m. (-त्नः) Natural or spontaneous state or condition. E. अ neg. प्रतियत्न fabrication.
  • अप्रतियत्नपूर्व्व :: mfn. (-र्व्वः -र्व्वा -र्व्वं) Natural, not made or artificial. E. अ neg. प्रतियत्न fabrication.
  • अप्रतिबन्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) 1. Unobstructed, undisputed. 2. Absolute, direct, (as inheritance,) not collateral or presumptive. E. अ neg. प्रतिबन्ध obstacle.
  • अप्रतिरथ :: n. (-थं) 1. A march or procession. 2. The Sāma Veda. 3. Auspicious, well, right. m. (-थः) A warrior. E. अ neg. प्रति against, रथ a car.
  • अप्रतिरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पी-पं) Unequalled, incomparable. E. अ neg. प्रति against, रूप kind, form.
  • अप्रतिरूपकथा :: f. (-था) Unanswerable or incomparable discourse. E. अप्रतिरूप, and कथा speech.
  • अप्रतिकारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unimpeded, unobstructed. E. अ neg. प्रतिकारित hindered.
  • अप्रतिविधान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Natural, unartificial. E. अ neg. प्रतिविधान fabrica- tion.
  • अप्रतिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) 1. Infamous, disreputable. 2. Thrown away, unprofitable. 3. Undecided, fluctuating. E. अ neg. प्रतिष्ठा credit, &c.
  • अप्रतिष्ठित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unconsecrated. 2. Obscure, uncelebrated. 3. Unsettled, unfixed. E. अ neg. प्रतिष्ठित celebrated, &c.
  • अप्रतिषिद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Unprohibited, unforbidden. E. अ neg. प्रतिषिद्ध forbidden.
  • अप्रतिहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unaffected, uninjured, unimpaired. 2. Not disappointed. 3. Unobstructed. E. अ neg. प्रतिहत hurt.
  • अप्रतीकार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Unresisting, defenceless. 2. Irremediable. m. (-रः) 1. Non-retaliation. 2. Want of remedy or relief. E. अ neg. प्रतीकार counteracting.
  • अप्रतीति :: f. (-तिः) Mistrust, want of confidence. E. अ neg. प्रतीति faith.
  • अप्रतुल :: m. (-लः) Necessity, want. E. अ neg. प्रतुल sufficiency.
  • अप्रत्यक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Invisible, imperceptible, not present. E. अ neg. प्रत्यक्ष present.
  • अप्रत्यय :: m. (-यः) Doubt, distrust, disbelief. E. अ neg. प्रत्यय trust.
  • अप्रत्ययिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Doubtful, mistrusting, sceptical. E. अप्रत्यय and इनि aff.
  • अप्रत्याख्यात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Assented to, uncontradicted, unrefuted. E. अ neg. प्रत्याख्यात denied.
  • अप्रत्याख्येय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Not to be contradicted, undeniable. E. अ neg. प्रत्याख्येय deniable.
  • अप्रथित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unpublished. 2. Unnoted, unknown. E. अ neg. प्रथित celebrated.
  • अप्रधान :: n. (-नं) Subordinate, secondary. E. अ neg. प्रधान principal: (al- ways neuter.)
  • अप्रधानता :: f. (-ता) Inferiority, subordination. E. तल् added to the last, also with त्व, अप्रधानत्वं .
  • अप्रबल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Weak, inefficacious. E. अ neg. प्रबल potent.
  • अप्रभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) 1. Dull, obscure. 2. Mean. E. अ neg. प्रभा radiance.
  • अप्रभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Insufficient, inadequate. E. अ neg. प्र before भूत been.
  • अप्रमत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Careful, attentive, vigilant. E. अ neg. प्रमत्त care- less.
  • अप्रमाद :: m. (-दः) Care, vigilance. E. अ neg. प्रमाद carelessness.
  • अप्रमादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Careful, cautious, steady. E. अप्रमाद and इनि aff.
  • अप्रमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unbounded, unmeasured. E. अ neg. प्रमित measured.
  • अप्रमेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Unbounded, immeasurable. E. अ neg. प्रमेय measur- able.
  • अप्रयत्न :: m. (-त्नः) Indifference, laziness. mfn. (-त्नः -त्ना -त्नं) Indifferent, apathe- tic, making no effort. E. अ neg. प्रयत्न energy.
  • अप्रलम्ब :: mfn. (-म्बः -म्बा -म्बं) Quick, expeditious. E. अ neg. प्रलम्ब slow.
  • अप्रवर्त्तक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Abstaining from action, inert. 2. Not ex- citing to action. E. अ neg. प्रवर्त्तक what excites.
  • अप्रवर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. Refraining from, not engaging in. 2. Not exciting to. E. अ neg. प्र before वृत to be, ल्युट् aff.
  • अप्रवीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Unskilful. E. अ neg. प्रवीण skilful.
  • अप्रवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Abstaining from action, inertion. 2. Non-excitement. 3. (In Medicine) Suppression of the natural evacuations, constipa- tion, ischury, &c. E. अ neg. प्रवृत्ति active exertion.
  • अप्रशक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Moderate, temperate. E. अ neg. प्रशक्त intent or fond of.
  • अप्रशक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Moderation. mfn. (-क्तिः -क्तिः -क्ति) Moderate, temperate. E. अ neg. प्रशक्ति addiction to any thing.
  • अप्रशस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Bad, worthless. E. अ neg. प्रशस्त excellent.
  • अप्रसन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Turbid, muddy. 2. Displeased, dissatisfied, unfavourable. E. अ neg. प्रसन्न pleased.
  • अप्रसाद :: m. (-दः) Disfavour, disapprobation. E. अ neg. प्रसाद favour.
  • अप्रसाद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) 1. Not to be propitiated. 2. Unappeasable, im- placable. E. अ neg. प्र before षद to go, यत् aff.
  • अप्रसिद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Unusual, uncommon. 2. Uncelebrated. E. अ neg. प्रसिद्ध famous.
  • अप्रसूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Not having offspring, barren, childless. E. अ neg. प्रसूत bearing.
  • अप्रस्तुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Uncommenced, not begun. 2. Unconnected with, unattached to. 3. Uncommon, unusual. 4. Unpraised, not celebrated. 5. Confounded, not prompt. E. अ neg. प्र before ष्टु to praise, क्त aff.
  • अप्रहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unhurt, intact. 2. Untilled, waste, fallow. E. अ neg. प्रहत broken.
  • अप्राकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Special, particular, not common or generic. 2. Not vulgar, (especially as dialect or speech.) E. अ neg. प्राकृत common, vulgar.
  • अप्राग्र्य :: mfn. (ग्र्यः-ग्र्या-ग्र्यं) Secondary, subordinate. E. अ neg. प्राग्र्य principal.
  • अप्राचीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Modern, recent. E. अ neg. प्राचीन old.
  • अप्राज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) 1. Unlearned, ignorant. 2. Unconscious, unwit- ting. E. अ neg. प्राज्ञ who knows.
  • अप्राज्ञता :: f. (-ता) 1. Unconsciousness. 2. Ignorance. E. तल् added to the last, also with त्व, अप्राज्ञत्वं .
  • अप्राण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Lifeless, inanimate. m. (-णः) Death. E. अ neg. प्राण life.
  • अप्राणिन् :: mfn. (-णी -णिनी -णि) Lifeless, inanimate. E. अप्राण and इनि aff.
  • अप्राप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Unobtained. 2. Unarrived. E. अ neg. प्राप्त ac- quired.
  • अप्राप्तकाल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Inopportune, out of season. 2. Under age, E. अप्राप्त, and काल time.
  • अप्राप्तव्यवहार :: m. (-रः) A minor. mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Under age, not of years to engage in law or public business. E. अ neg. प्राप्त attained, व्यवहार legal affairs.
  • अप्राप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) Non-attainment, non-acquisition. E. अ neg. प्राप्ति acqui- sition.
  • अप्राथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) Unobtainable, unattainable. ind. Not having obtained. E. अ neg. प्राथ future or past part.
  • अप्रामाणिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Unauthentic, unauthoritative. E. अ neg. प्रामाणिक of authority.
  • अप्रामाण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) Absence, or insufficiency of proof or authority. E. अ neg. प्रामाण्य proof.
  • अप्रावृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Uncovered, unclothed. E. अ neg. प्रावृत covered.
  • अप्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Disliked, disagreeable. 2. Unkind, unfriendly. m. (-यः) A foe, an enemy. f. (-या) A sort of skeat fish, (Silurus pungentissimus.) E. अ neg. प्रिय beloved.
  • अप्रियकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. Unfriendly, ill-disposed. 2. Disagreeable. E. अप्रिय, and कर what makes.
  • अप्रियंवद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) One who speaks harshly or unkindly. E. अ neg. प्रियंवद kind spoken.
  • अप्रियवादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Speaking unkindly. E. अप्रिय, and वादिन् who speaks; also अप्रियभाषिन्, &c.
  • अप्रीति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Dislike, aversion. 2. Unfriendliness, enmity. E. अ neg. प्रीति love.
  • अप्रीतिकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. Unkind, adverse. 2. Disagreeable, offen- sive. E. अप्रीति and कर what makes.
  • अप्रेमन् :: n. (-म) Dislike, aversion. E. अ neg. प्रेमन् affection.
  • अप्रौढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Timid, gentle. 2. Immature. f. (-ढा) An un- married girl, or one very recently married, and not come to woman- hood E. अ neg. प्रौढ arrogant.
  • अप्सरस् :: f. plur. always (-राः) The nymphs of Swerga, attendants on INDRA. E. अप् water, सृ to go, and असि Unādi affix: or अप्स in the waters, and रस flavour: from their fondness for bathing, or from their being produced at the churning of the ocean.
  • अप्सरा :: f. (-रा) an Apsarā or heavenly nymph. E. अप् and सृ as before, with अच् aff.
  • अफल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Unfruitful, barren. 2. Vain, unproductive. f. (-ला) 1. The aloe plant, (Aloes perfoliata.) 2. Another plant, (Flacoartia cataphracta.) E. अ neg. फल fruit.
  • अफलता :: f. (-ता) Barrenness, unprofitableness. E. अफल with तल् affix; also अफलत्वं .
  • अफलाकाङ्क्षिन् :: mfn. (-क्षी -क्षिणी -क्षि) Disinterested, indifferent, not looking to beneficial consequences. E. अ neg. फल fruit, and आकाङ्क्षिन् who desires.
  • अफल्गु :: mfn. (-ल्गुः -ल्गुः -ल्गु) Productive, profitable. E. अ neg. फल्गु worthless.
  • अफुल्ल :: mfn. (-ल्लः -ल्ला -ल्लं) Unblown. E. अ neg. फुल्ल flowered.
  • अफेन :: n. (-नं) Opium. mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Frothless, without scum or foam. E. अ dim. and फेन froth; the word in the first sense is, no doubt, of modern date and foreign introduction.
  • अब :: r. 1st cl. With an indicatory इ, अबि (अंबते) To sound.
  • अबद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Unmeaning or nonsensical discourse. 2. Unbound, at liberty. E. अ neg. बद्ध bound, connected.
  • अबद्धक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) See the preceding. E. वुन् being added, which leaves क .
  • अबद्धमुख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खं) Foulmouthed, scurrilous. E. अबद्ध unbound, and मुख the mouth.
  • अबध :: m. (-धः) Not killing. f. (-धा) The segment of the base of a triangle. E. अ neg. बध what kills.
  • अबध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) 1. Unmeaning or nonsensical, (as discourse.) 2. Sacred, not to be put to death. E. अ neg. बन्ध to bind, or बध to kill, and यत् aff.
  • अबध्यभाव :: m. (-वः) Immunity, sacredness of character, as that of an embassador. E. अबध्य, and भाव quality.
  • अबन्धुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Unlovely, displeasing. E. अ neg. बन्धुर handsome.
  • अबन्ध्य :: mfn. (-न्ध्यः -न्ध्या -न्ध्यं) Fruitfull, productive. E. अ neg. and बन्ध्य bound, barren.
  • अबल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Weak, feeble, infirm. m. (-लः) A plant (Tapia cratœva.) See बरुण . f. (-ला) A woman. E. अ neg. and बल strong.
  • अबाध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) 1. Unobstructed, unrestrained. 2. Free from pain. f. (-धा) 1. Segment of the base of a triangle. 2. Indistinctness, per- plexity. E. अ neg. and बाध to oppose, अच् aff.
  • अबाधक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Not obstructing or opposing. E. अ neg. बाधक what opposes.
  • अबाध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) Improper to be pained or opposed. E. अ neg. बाध to oppose, यत् part. affix, also with अनीयर् and तव्य, अबाधनीय and अबाधितव्य .
  • अबान्धव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Having no relation or kindred, lone, unacknow- ledged, unowned. E. अ neg. बन्धु kindred, अण् aff.
  • अबुद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Ignorance. mfn. (-द्धिः -द्धिः -द्धि) Ignorant, stupid. E. अ neg. बुद्धि understanding.
  • अबुद्धिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Unwise, ignorant, foolish. E. अ neg. बुद्धिमत् wise.
  • अबुध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Stupid, foolish, a fool. E. अ neg. बुध wise.
  • अबोध :: m. (-धः) Ignorance, stupidity. mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) 1. Ignorant, stupid. 2. Puzzled, perplexed. E. अ neg. बोध knowledge.
  • अबोधगम्य :: mfn. (-म्यः -म्या -म्यं) Incomprihensible. E. अ neg. बोध knowledge, गम्य to be attained by.
  • अबोधनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Unintelligible. 2. Not to be awakened or aroused. E. अ neg. बोधनीय to be understood, &c. also अबोधितव्य and अबोध्य .
  • अब्ज :: m. (-ब्जः) 1. The moon. 2. A kind of tree, (Barringtonia acutangula.) 3. The physician of the gods. See धन्वन्तरि . mn. (-ब्जः-ब्जं) A conch. n. (-ब्जं) 1. A lotus. 2. A large number, a million of millions. E. अब् for अप् water, and ज who is born; from the situation of the things named, or their production at the churning of the ocean.
  • अब्जज :: m. (-जः) A name of Brahma. E. अब्ज a lotus, and ज born; BRAHMA, being said to have sprung at the creation from the lotus, which arose from the navel of VISHNU.
  • अब्जनयन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Having fine eyes. E. अब्ज, and नयन the eye.
  • अब्जनेत्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) Having fine eyes. E. अब्ज and नेत्र eye.
  • अब्जदृश् :: mfn. (-दृक्) Lotus-eyed, having large fine eyes. E. अब्ज, and दृश् eye.
  • अब्जभोग :: m. (-गः) The root of a lotus. E. अब्ज, and भोग enjoyment.
  • अब्जयोनि :: m. (-निः) A name of BRAHMA. E. अब्ज, and योनि the vulva; see अब्जज .
  • अब्जवाहन :: m. (-नः) A name of SIVA. E. अब्ज the moon, and वाहन a vehicle: carrying or wearing the moon on his forehead.
  • अब्जहस्त :: m. (-स्तः) The sun. E. अब्ज a lotus, and हस्त a hand: SURJYA is re- presented holding this flower in one hand.
  • अब्जिनी :: f. (-नी) A multitude of lotus flowers. E. अब्ज and इनि aff.
  • अब्जिनीपति :: m. (-तिः) The sun. E. अब्जिनी, and पति a lord.
  • अब्द :: m. (-ब्दः) 1. A cloud. 2. A year. 3. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) 4. The name of a mountain. E. अप् water, प changed to ब , and द what gives; or अब to preserve, &c. and दन् Unādi affix; hence the word is also written अब्द .
  • अब्दशत :: n. (-तं) A century. E. अब्द, and शत a hundred.
  • अब्दसहस्र :: n. (-स्रं) A thousand years. E. अब्द, सहस्र a thousand.
  • अब्दार्द्ध :: n. (-र्द्धं) A half year. E. अब्द, and अर्द्ध half.
  • अब्दिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Annual, yearly. E. अब्द and ठन् aff.
  • अब्दुर्ग :: n. (-र्गं) A fortress surrounded by a moat or lake. E. अप् water, and दुर्ग fort.
  • अब्धि :: m. (-ब्धिः) The ocean. E. अब् substituted for अप् water; धि from धा to have, and कि aff.
  • अब्धिकफ :: m. (-फः) Cuttle fish bone. E. अब्धि, and कफ phlegm; being considered as the froth of the sea.
  • अब्धिज :: m. du. (-जौ) The two sons of SŪRYA, and physicians of Swerga. f. (-जा) Wine. E. अब्धि, and ज born: the former are more usually termed the sons of ASWINI, see आश्विनेय .
  • अब्धिद्वीपा :: f. (-पा) The earth. E. अब्धि, and द्वीप in the fem. form; an island surrounded by the ocean.
  • अब्धिनगरी :: f. (-री) A name of Dwārakā, the capital of KRISHNA, see द्वारका . E. अब्धि, and नगरी a city: the ocean-city.
  • अब्धिनवनीतक :: m. (-कः) The moon. E. अब्धि, नवनीत fresh butter and क affix; produced by churning the ocean.
  • अब्धिमण्डूकी :: f. (-की) A pearl oyster. E. अब्धि the ocean, and मण्डूकी a female frog.
  • अब्धिशयन :: m. (-नः) A name of VISHNU. E. अब्धि, and शयन sleeping; sleeping on the ocean at the periods of the destruction and renova- tion of the world, having the serpent ANANTA for his couch.
  • अब्ध्यग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) Submarine fire. E. अब्धि, and अग्नि fire. See और्व्वस् .
  • अब्भक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A snake. E. अब् for अप् water, and भक्ष to eat: living upon water.
  • अब्भ्र :: m. (-ब्भ्रः) The ocean. See अभ्र .
  • अब्भ्रि :: n. (-ब्भ्रि) 1. A baling vessel. 2. An iron hoe. 3. A stick tipped or shod with iron. See अभ्रि .
  • अब्रह्मचर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) 1. Incontinence. 2. Coition. E. अ neg. and ब्रह्मचर्य्य the duty of the religious student, i. e. chastity; also with कन् added अब्रह्मचर्य्यक n. (-कं .)
  • अब्रह्यण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) Sacred, not to be killed, (in theatrical language.) E. अ not, ब्रह्यण्य proper for a Brahman, i. e. death; also अब्राह्मण्य .
  • अभ :: r. 1st cl. With an indicatory इ, अभि (अंभते) To sound, (not generally admitted.)
  • अभक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Not believing, not attached to. E. अ neg. भक्त attached.
  • अभक्तच्छन्द :: m. (-न्दः) Want of appetite. E. अ neg. भक्त food, छन्द inclination.
  • अभक्तरुच् :: f. (-रुक्) Want of appetite. E. अ neg. भक्त food, रुच् inclination.
  • अभक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Incredulity, unbelief, want of devotion to. E. अ neg. भक्ति faith.
  • अभक्तिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Unbelieving, undevoted to. E. अ neg. भक्तिमत् believing.
  • अभक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Abstaining from, not eating any thing. 2. Fasting. E. अ neg. भक्षण eating.
  • अभक्ष्य :: mfn. (-क्ष्यः -क्ष्या -क्ष्यं) Not to be eaten. E. अ neg. भक्ष्य to be eaten.
  • अभक्ष्यत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Unfitness as food. E. अभक्ष्य and त्व affix; also अभक्ष्यता .
  • अभग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) Entire, unbroken. 2. Uninturrupted. E. अ neg. भग्न broken.
  • अभङ्गुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Unbroken, entire. 2. Undisturbed, un- interrupted. E. अ neg. भङ्गुर what breaks.
  • अभय :: n. (-यं) 1. Absence or removal of fear. 2. The root of a fragrant grass, (Andropogon muricatum.) f. (-या) Yellow myrobalan, (Terminalia citrina.) mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Fearless, undaunted. E. अ neg. and भय fear; the plant removing the dread of disease.
  • अभयडिण्डिम :: m. (-मः) A war-drum. E. अभय, and डिण्डिम a drum: inspiring courage.
  • अभयद :: m. (-दः) A protector, a defender. mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Removing fear or danger. E. अभय fearlessness, द who gives; also with प्र prefix अभयप्रद .
  • अभयदक्षिणा :: f. (-णा) Promise or present of protection from danger. E. अभय , and दक्षिणा a gift to a Brahman, which, in this case he may receive from even a Sudra.
  • अभयदान :: n. (-नं) Assurance of safety or protection. E. अभय and दान gift.
  • अभयप्रद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) One who grants safety. E. अभय fearlessness. प्रद who gives.
  • अभयप्रदान :: n. (-नं) Assurance of safety or protection. E. अभय, and प्रदान giving.
  • अभयवाच् :: f. (-वाक्) Assurance of safety, encouragement. E. अभय, and वाच् speech.
  • अभव :: m. (-वः) 1. End of the world, liberation from the world. 2. Non- existence. mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Non-existent. E. अ neg. भव being.
  • अभवितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) What is not to be, what will not be. E. अ neg. भवितव्य to be.
  • अभवितव्यता :: f. (-ता) Fate, predestined non-occurrence. E. अ neg. भवितव्य what is to be, तल् affix; also अभवितव्यत्वं .
  • अभव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. Not to be, not predestined. 2. Improper, what ought not to be. E. अ neg. भव्य what is to be, also अभवनीय, &c.
  • अभाग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Not sharing or dividing. E. अ neg. भाग a share.
  • अभाग्य :: mfn. (-ग्यः -ग्या -ग्यं) Unfortunate, wretched. E. अ neg. भाग्य fortunate. So अभाग्यवत् mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत् .)
  • अभाव :: m. (-वः) 1. Non-existence, annihilation. 2. Death. 3. (In logic) Negation of two kinds, संसर्गाभाव universal negation, and अन्योन्याभाव relative or mutual negation. 4. (In rhetoric) Absence of the essen- tial parts of poetical description of character, want of the pro- perties or temperaments. E. अ priv. भाव being.
  • अभावना :: f. (-ना) 1. Absence of judgement or right perception. 2. Ab- sence of religious meditation or contemplation. E. अ neg. भावना perceiving.
  • अभावनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Not to be contemplated or inferred, uninfer- rible, inconceivable, unintelligible. E. अ neg. भावनीय to be perceived.
  • अभाविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) 1. What is not to be, what will not be. 2. Void of temperament or natural disposition. E. अ neg. भाविन् future, or having disposition.
  • अभाषण :: n. (-णं) Silence. E. अ neg. and भाषण speaking.
  • अभि :: ind. A preposition and particle implying. 1. Superiority in place, rank, or power, (over, upon, against, above:) 2. Proximity, (near:) 3. Separation, (severally:) 4. Wish, desire: 5. Conjunction, particularizing, (to, with respect to.) Thus अभिक्रमितुं to overpower; अभिगन्तुं to approach; अभिख्यातुं to speak to; अभिभव disgrace; अभिलाष desire; अभ्यग्निं on the fire, &c. E. अ neg. भा to shine, and कि aff.
  • अभिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Lustful, libidinous. E. अभि and क from कम to desire.
  • अभिकाङ्क्षा :: f. (-ङ्क्षा) Wish, desire. E. अभि, and काङ्क्षा desire.
  • अभिकाङ्क्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Wished, desired. E. अभि and काङ्क्षित .
  • अभिकाङ्क्षिन् :: mfn. (-क्षी -क्षिणी -क्षि) Wishing, desirous. E. अभि, and काङ्क्षिन् who wishes.
  • अभिक्रम :: m. (-मः) Assault, attack, invasion. 2. Mounting, ascending. E. अभि before or beyond, क्रम to go, and घञ् affix, see अतिक्रम .
  • अभिख्या :: f. (-ख्या) 1. A name or appellation. 2. Calling, addressing. 3. Beauty. 4. Fame, glory. E. अभि, ख्या to speak, अङ् affix, and टाप् fem. aff.
  • अभिगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Approached. E. अभि near to, गत gone.
  • अभिगम :: m. (-मः) Approach, proximity. E. अभि to, गम going.
  • अभिगमन :: n. (-नं) Approaching, going near to. E. अभि, and गमन going.
  • अभिगामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Approaching. E. अभि, and गामिन् who goes.
  • अभिग्रस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Overcome, subdued. E. अभि and ग्रस्त seized.
  • अभिग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. Attack, onset. 2. Challenge, going to fight. 3. Plun- dering, robbing. 4. Celebrity. E. अभि before, in presence of, ग्रह to take, and अप् aff.
  • अभिग्रहण :: n. (-णं) Robbing, seizing any thing in presence of the owner. E. अभि before ग्रह to take, ल्युट् aff.
  • अभिघर्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Rubbing, friction. 2. Possession by an evil spirit. E. अभि before घृष to pound, ल्युट् aff.
  • अमिघात :: m. (-तः) 1. Striking, wounding, beating. 2. Touching, contact. 3. Pain, infliction, torture. 4. Remedy, removal. n. (-तं) The combination of the fourth letter of any class with any of the other three preceding it. E. अभि before हन to strike, affix घञ् .
  • अभिघातिन् :: m. (-ती) An enemy. mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) 1. Hostile, an assail- ant. 2. Inflicting injury. 3. Remedial. E. अभि before हन to strike or kill, and णिनि aff.
  • अभिघार :: m. (-रः) Ghee or clarified butter. E. अभि, घृ to scatter, घञ् aff.
  • अभिचर :: m. (-रः) A servent. E. अभि after, and चर who goes.
  • अभिचार :: m. (-रः) Magic for a malevolent purpose, the spells and diagrams of the Atharva Veda and some of the Tantras, supposed to produce mental aberration, love, hatred, loss of feeling or paralysis, and death. E. अभि before चर to go, and घञ् aff.
  • अभिचारमन्त्र :: m. (-न्त्रः) A formula or prayer for working a charm, an incan- tation. E. अभिचार, and मन्त्र a formula.
  • अभिचारिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Magical, magician, relating to spells or magic. E. अभिचार and ठक् aff.
  • अभिचारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Inchanted, charmed. E. अभिचार and क्त aff.
  • अभिचारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Magical, done by magic. 2. Magician or one employing spells, a conjuror, a witch, &c. E. अभिचार, and इनि aff.
  • अभिचैद्य :: m. (-द्यः) A name of SISUPALA. E. अभि over, चैद्य the people of Chedi.
  • अभिजन :: m. (-नः) 1. Family, race. 2. Native country. 3. The head, or or- nament of a family. 4. Fame, notoriety. E. अभि before जन who is born, from जन to be born, घञ् affix, the vowel remaining short.
  • अभिजात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Noble, well born. 2. Wise, learned. 3. Fit, proper. 4. Handsome. 5. Respectable. E. अभि before जात produced.
  • अभिजित् :: f. (-जित्) 1. One of the Nakshatras or lunar asterisms. 2. The eighth muhurta or hour. 3. An expiatory sacrifice. E. अभि, and जित् what conquers.
  • अभिज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) 1. Skilful, clever. 2. One who knows or under- stands. E. अभि, and ज्ञ who knows, from ज्ञा to know, क affix leaving अ; आ is dropped.
  • अभिज्ञात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Known, understood. 2. Detected, discovered. E. अभि, and ज्ञात known.
  • अभिज्ञान :: n. (-नं) 1. A mark, a spot or stain. 2. A sing, a token. 3. Ascrtaining, knowledge. E. अभि before ज्ञा to know, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अभितप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Scorched, burnt. 2. Afflicted. E. अभि, and तप्त burnt.
  • अभितस् :: ind. 4. Quickly. 2. Entirely. 3. Before, in presence of. 4. On both sides. 5. Near. E. अभि and तसिल् aff.
  • अभिताप :: m. (-पः) 1. Extreme heat. 2. Agitation, affliction, emotion. E. अभि, and ताप heat.
  • अभिद्रोह :: m. (-हः) 1. Oppression, cruelty. 2. Abuse. E. अभि, and द्रोह violence.
  • अभिधा :: f. (-धा) 1. A name, an appellation. 2. (In logic,) the power or sense of a word. 3. The chief or common acceptation of a word. E. अभि before धा to have, क affix and टाप् fem.: what any thing is ob- tained by.
  • अभिधान :: n. (-नं) 1. A name, an appellation. 2. Speaking, speech. 3. A vo- cabulary, a dictionary. E. As before, ल्युट् aff.
  • अभिधायिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Denominative, relating to. E. अभिधायिन् with कन् added.
  • अभिधायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Denominative, appellative. E. अभि before धा to have, णिनि aff.
  • अभिधावन :: n. (-नं) Pursuit, chase. E. अभि, and धावन running.
  • अभिधित्सा :: f. (-त्सा) 1. Direction, injunction. 2. Desire, wish. E. अभि before धा to have, desiderative form, क and टाप् affs.
  • अभिधेय :: n. (-यं) 1. A name or appellation. 2. A significant word. mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be named or mentioned. E. अभि before धा, and यत् aff.
  • अभिधेयरहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unmeaning, nonsensical, having no sense nor meaning. E. अभिधेय, and रहित void of.
  • अभिध्या :: f. (-ध्या) 1. Coveting another's property. 2. Desire, longing for in general. E. अभि, ध्यै to think, and अङ् aff.
  • अभिध्यान :: n. (-नं) 1. Coveting, desiring, longing for. 2. Meditation, profound thought. E. अभि before ध्यै to think of, ल्युट् affix, or ध्यान contempla- tion.
  • अभिनद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Bound, tied round, fastened on or upon. E. अभि over, नद्ध tied.
  • अभिनन्दन :: m. (-नः) The fourth Jaina Tirthakara or deified saint. n. (-नं) Delighting, rejoicing. E. अभि before नदि to please, ल्युट् aff.
  • अभिनन्दा :: f. (-न्दा) Wish, expectation. E. अभि and नदि to please, affix अच् and टाप् .
  • अभिनन्दित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Delighted, made happy. E. अभि and नन्दित pleased.
  • अभिनय :: m. (-यः) 1. Indication of a passion or purpose by look, gesture, &c. 2. Acting, dramatic personification. 3. Ornament, decoration. 4. Civility, kindness. E. अभि, नीञ् to guide, and अच् aff.
  • अभिनव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) 1. New. 2. Young. E. अभि before नव new.
  • अभिनवोद्भिद् :: m. (-द् or -त्) A germin, a new bud. E. अभिनव new, and उद्भिद् produced.
  • अभिनिर्म्मुक्त :: m. (-क्तः) One asleep at sun-set. mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Left, quitted. E. अभि always, निर्म्मुक्त released.
  • अभिनिर्याण :: n. (-णं) Invasion, march of an assailant, or march in general. E. अभि, and निर् prefixed to या to go, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अभिनिर्वृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Accession of disease. E. अभि, and निर्वृत्ति inaction.
  • अभिनिविष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Conversant or familiar with, studied in. 2. Attentive, engrossed. E. अभि, and निविष्ट entered.
  • अभिनिवेश :: m. (-शः) 1. Intentness, application, perseverance, determina- tion to effect a purpose, or attain an object. 2. Tanacity. 3. Study. 4. Ignorant fear causing death. E. अभि and नि before विश to enter, घञ् aff.
  • अभिनिष्क्रमण :: n. (-णं) Going forth or out, issuing, exit. E. अभि and निर् before क्रम to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • अभिनिष्क्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Gone out or forth. E. अभि, and निष्क्रान्त gone out.
  • अभिनिष्पतन :: n. (-नं) Sallying, issuing, going forth. E. अभि before निष्पतन going out.
  • अभिनिष्पत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) End, termination. E. अभि, and निष्पत्ति discontinuance.
  • अभिनिष्पन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Finished, completed. E. अभि, and निष्पन्न done,
  • अभिनिष्ठान :: m. (-नः) 1. The soft aspirate. 2. A letter of the alphabet. E. अभि and नि before ष्ठा to stay or stand, affix ल्युट् .
  • अभिनीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Fit, proper. 2. Friendly, kind. 3. Highly finished, or ornamented. 4. Patient. 5. Impatient. 6. Passionate. E. अभि and नीञ् to guide or obtain, क्त aff.
  • अभिनीति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Friendship, civility, kindness. 2. Gesture, expressive gesticulation. E. अभि, and नीति conduct.
  • अभिनेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be represented dramatically. E. अभि before नी to guide, यत् aff.
  • अभिनेतृ :: mf. (-ता-त्री) An actor, an actress. E. अभि before नी to guide, तृच् aff.
  • अभिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Same, identical. 2. One, undivided. 3. Unchanged, unaltered. 4. Uncut, unbroken. m. (-न्नः) An integer, a whole number. E. अ neg. भिन्न other.
  • अभिन्नता :: f. (-ता) Identity, wholeness. E. तल् added to the last, or with त्व, अभिन्नत्वं .
  • अभिपन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Guilty. 2. Unfortunate, calamitous. 3. Sub- dued. 4. Flown, fugitive. 5. Seeking refuge. E. अभि before पद to go, in the part. past.
  • अभिप्रणय :: m. (-यः) 1. Propitiation. 2. Affection, favour. E. अभि and प्र be- fore णी, affix अच् .
  • अभिप्रणीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Invoked, propitiated. 2. Consecrated. 3. Brought, attracted. E. अभि and प्र before णी to conduct, क्त aff.
  • अभिप्राय :: m. (-यः) 1. Meaning, intention, wish, purpose. 2. Meaning, a sentence, sense. 3. The main purport of a book. E. अभि, and प्रिञ् to satisfy, घञ् aff.
  • अभिप्रेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Meant, intended. 2. Wished. 3. Wishing, desirous, ambitious of, pretending to. E. अभि, and प्र before इण to go, क्त aff.
  • अभिप्रेत्य :: ind. Intending, meaning. E. अभि and प्र before इण to go, क्यप् aff.
  • अभिप्रोक्षण :: n. (-णं) Sprinkling, affusion. E. अभि and प्रोक्षण sprinkling.
  • अभिप्लुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Overflowed, overrun, filled with. 2. Attacked or affected by, labouring under. E. अभि before प्लु to go, क्त aff.
  • अभिभव :: m. (-वः) 1. Defeat, subjugation. 2. Humiliation, disgrace. E. अभि implying inferiority, and भव being; from भू to be, and अप् aff.
  • अभिभवन :: n. (-नं) 1. Overpowering, overcoming. 2. Being overpowered. E. अभि, भू to be, ल्युट् aff.
  • अभिभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Humbled, surpassed, defeated, subdued. 2. Ignorant. 3. Overcome with feelings or wants, with passion, with hunger, &c. 4. Injured, aggrieved. E. अभि, and भूत been, being; part. past.
  • अभिभूति :: f. (-तिः) Disrespect, disgrace, humiliation. E. अभि before भू to be, and क्तिन् fem. aff.
  • अभिमत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Wished, desired. 2. Agreed, accepted. 3. Ad- mitted, assented to. E. अभि over, मत thought.
  • अभिमतता :: f. (-ता) 1. Desire, love. 2. Agreeableness, desirableness. E. तल् added to the preceding; also with त्व, अभिमतत्वं .
  • अभिमन्त्रण :: n. (-णं) 1. Calling to, addressing, inviting. 2. Counselling. 3. Consecrating any thing by a special formula. E. अभि in presence, मन्त्र to speak, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अभिमन्त्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Charmed, consecrated, had a certain formula pronounced over it. E. अभि, मन्त्र to charm, affix क्त .
  • अभिमन्तृ :: m. (न्ता) 1. A counsellor, a monitor. 2. Conscience. mfn. (-न्ता -न्त्री -न्तृ) Who or what admonished or advices. E. अभि, and मन to mind, तृच् aff.
  • अभिमन्थ :: m. (-न्थः) Ophthalmia, disease of the eyes. E. अभि, and मन्थ to agitate, घञ् affix; also read अधिमन्थः .
  • अभिमन्यु :: m. (-न्युः) The son of ARJUNA by SUBHADRĀ. E. अभि and मन wrath.
  • अभिमर :: m. (-रः) 1. Killing, slaughter. 2. War, combat. 3. Binding, con- finement. 4. Treachery, danger from one's own party or friends. E. अभि before मर from मृ to die, and अप् aff.
  • अभिमर्द्द :: m. (-र्द्दः) 1. Rubbing, friction. 2. Devastation of a country, &c. by an enemy. 3. War, battle. E. अभि, and मृद् to tread down, अच् aff.
  • अभिमर्शन :: n. (-नं) Touching, rubbing. E. अभि before मृश to rub, with ल्युट् aff.
  • अभिमर्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Sprinkling upon or over. 2. Licking the lips as an indication of guilt or prevarication. E. अभि, and मृष to sprinkle, ल्युट् aff.
  • अभिमाति :: m. (-तिः) An enemy. E. अभि against, and मा to measure, क्तिन् aff.
  • अभिमान :: m. (-नः) 1. Pride, haughtiness. 2. Knowledge. 3. Affection. 4. Injury, hurting, killing. 5. Requesting. E. अभि, and मन to know, with घञ् affix, or मी to injure, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अभिमानता :: f. (-ता) Pride, arrogance. E. तल् added to the last: also अभिमानत्वं .
  • अभिमानवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Proud, arrogant. f. (-ती) pride. E. मतुप् poss. affix; added to अभिमान .
  • अभिमानित :: n. (-तं) Copulation. E. अभि, and मन to know, in the causal form, and क्त aff. f. (-ता) Pride, arrogance. E. अभिमानिन्, and तल् aff.
  • अभिमानिन् :: mfn. (-नी -निनी -नि) Proud, arrogant. E. अभिमान and इनि aff.
  • अभिमाय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Subdued, reduced, broken or worn down. 2. Stupid, ignorant. E. अभि before माया ignorance, illusion.
  • अभिमुख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खी-खं) 1. Present. 2. Near to, in front of. n. adv. (-खं) In front or presence of. E. अभि before, and मुख the face.
  • अभिमुखता :: f. (-ता) Presence, proximity. E. अभिमुख, and तल् affix or with त्व, अभिमुखत्वं .
  • अभिमृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Touched, rubbed, brought or passed close. E. अभि, and मृष्ट rubbed.
  • अभियाति :: m. (-तिः) An enemy. E. अभि against, या to go, with अति affix, see अभियातिन् .
  • अभियातिन् :: m. (-ती) An enemy. E. अभि against, यत् to strive, and णिनि affix, see अभिघातिन् .
  • अभियुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Attacked by an enemy, assaulted, assailed. 2. Diligent, intent. 3. Said, spoken. 4. Blamed, rebuked. 5. (In law) Charged, prosecuted, defendant. E. अभि, and युक्त joined.
  • अभियुक्तता :: f. (-ता) 1. Diligence, application. 2. Accusation, prosecution. E. अभियुक्त and तल् affix, also with त्व, अभियुक्तत्वं .
  • अभियोक्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. Blamable, to be reproved or rebuked. 2. To be prevented or prohibited. 3. To be prosecuted, indictable. 4. To be pursued diligently. E. अभि before युज to join, तव्य aff.
  • अभियोक्तृ :: m. (-क्ता) A plaintiff, an accuser. mfn. (-क्ता -क्त्री -क्तृ) One who assails another in any way. E. अभि before युज to join, तृच् aff.
  • अभियोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Attack, assault. 2. Challenging to fight. 3. War, battle. 4. Energetic effort, exertion, perseverance. 5. Reprimand, reproof. 6. Prohibition, prevention. 7. Contact, conjunction. 8. (In law) A plaint, a charge, an accusation. E. अभि, युज to join, and घञ् affix, ज being changed to ग .
  • अभियोगिन् :: m. (-गी) A plaintiff, a prosecutor. mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) One who assails another in any way. E. अभियोग and इनि aff.
  • अभिरक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) Universal protection, wide benevolence. E. अभि, and रक्षा preserving.
  • अभिरक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Guarded, preserved, kept. E. अभि, and रक्षित preserved.
  • अभिरक्षितृ :: m. (-ता) 1. A guardian. 2. A controller. mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Who or what keeps or preserves. E. अभि, रक्षितृ who preserves.
  • अभिरत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Pleased or contended with, satisfied. 2. Per- forming, practicing, engaged in, attentive to. E. अभिरम to sport, क्त aff.
  • अभिरति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Pleasure, delight. 2. Practice, occupation. E. अभि, and रति pleasure.
  • अभिराद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Propitiated, (by penance, &c.) E. अभि, and राद्ध accomplished.
  • अभिराम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Beautiful. E. अभि before रम to sport, and घञ् aff.
  • अभिरामता :: f. (-ता) Beauty, splendour. E. तल् added to the last: also अभिरामत्वं .
  • अभिरुचि :: f. (-चिः) 1. Ambition, desire of fame. 2. Desire in general. 3. Taste, relish. 4. Splendour. E. अभि, and रुचि light.
  • अभिरूप :: m. (-पः) 1. A learned Brahman, a Pandit. 2. A name of KĀMA. 3. Of the moon. 4. Of SIVA. 5. Also of VISHNU. mfn. (-पः -पा -पी-पं) 1. Learned. 2. Pleasing. 3. Handsome. E. अभि before रूप to have form, affix क .
  • अभिलषणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Desirable. E. अभि before लष to wish, अनीयर् aff.
  • अभिलषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Desired, wished. n. (-तं) Desire. E. अभि before लष with क्त part. aff.
  • अभिलाप :: m. (-पः) 1. Speech, speaking. 2. Declaration of the object of a vow or religious obligation. E. अभि before लप to speak, घञ् aff.
  • अभिलाव :: m. (-वः) 1. Repeating. 2. Cutting. E. अभि, and लूञ to cut, aff. घञ् .
  • अभिलाष :: m. (-षः) Wish, desire. E. अभि, and लष् to like, घञ् aff.; also अभिलास .
  • अभिलाषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Wishing, desiring. E. अभिलाष and इनि aff.
  • अभिलाषुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -की-कं) 1. Covetous, greedy. 2. Desirous, wishing. E. अभिलष to desire, उकन् affix, and the antepen. lengthened.
  • अभिलास :: m. (-सः) Wish, desire. E. See अभिलाष; the root being लष, or लस .
  • अभिलिखित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Inserted in writing. E. अभि, and लिखित written.
  • अभिलेखन :: n. (-नं) Writing or inscribing. E. अभि, and लेखन writing.
  • अभिवन्दन :: n. (-नं) Saluting respectfully. E. अभि before वदि to praise, affix युच् .
  • अभिवाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Reverential salutation. 2. Opprobrious, or unfriendly speech, abuse. E. अभि against, or adverse, and वाद speech.
  • अभिवादक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Civil, polite. 2. Uncivil, abusive. E. अभि to, or against, वादक who speaks.
  • अभिवादन :: n. (-नं) 1. Respectful salutation, a bow or prostration; includ- ing sometimes the name or title of the person so addressed, and followed by the declaration of the person's own name. 2. Saluta- tion of a superior or elder, by a junior or inferior, and especially of the teacher by his disciple. 3. In general it is merely lifting the joined hands to the forehead, and saying, अहमभिवादये I salute. E. अभि in presence of, and वादन speaking.
  • अभिवाद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) To be saluted. E. अभि, and वाद्य to be ad- dressed.
  • अभिवाह्य :: n. (-ह्यं) 1. Presentation, offering. 2. Conveyance, transmission. E. अभि to, वाह्य to be borne.
  • अभिविनीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pious, pure, devout. E. अभि, and विनीत well- behaved.
  • अभिव्यक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Plain, distinct, evident, manifest. 2. De- clared, revealed. E. अभि, and व्यक्त plain.
  • अभिव्याप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) Co-extending, pervading, omnipresence. E. अभि every where, and व्याप्ति spreading.
  • अभिव्याहार :: m. (-रः) An articulate and significant word or phrase. E. अभि, and व्याहार speech.
  • अभिशङ्कित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Frightened, alarmed. E. अभि, and शङ्कित alarmed.
  • अभिशपन :: n. (-नं) False accusation, calumny. See अभिशाप .
  • अभिशप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Falsely accused, calumniated. 2. Cursed, accursed. E. अभि before शप with क्त aff.
  • अभिशंसन :: n. (-नं) 1. Calumny, abuse, calumniating, abusing. E. अभि re- verse, शंस to praise, ल्युट् aff.
  • अभिशस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Calumniated, falsely accused. 2. Defamed, infamous. 3. Sinful, wicked. 4. Asked, wanted. E. अभि implying opposition, शंस to praise, and affix of the part. past क्त; the nasal being dropped.
  • अभिशस्तक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Calumniating, a calumniator. E. अभिशस्त, and कृ to make, affix अच् or ट .
  • अभिशस्ताङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) A brand, a mark of infamy on a criminal. E. अभिशस्त infamous, अङ्क mark.
  • अभिशस्ति :: f. (-स्तिः) 1. Calumny, scandal, defamation. 2. Asking, begging. E. अभि before शंस to praise or ask, and क्तिन् aff.
  • अभिशब्दित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Declared, announced. E. अभि, and शब्दित sounded.
  • अभिशाप :: m. (-पः) 1. False accusation, calumny. 2. Charge accusation. 3. Suffering from anger or passion. 4. Curse, imprecation. E. अभि, and शप to curse or swear, affix घञ्; or with ल्युट् affix अभिशपन .
  • अभिशापन :: n. (-नं) Pronouncing a curse or malediction. E. अभि with शप causal form, affix ल्युट् .
  • अभिषङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. Curse or imprecation. 2. An oath. 3. Defeat. 4. False accusation, calumny. 5. Association, company, connexion. 6. Embracing. 7. Possession by evil spirits. 8. Accession of passion. E. अभि against, along with, &c. षञ्ज to embrace, to unite, and घञ् aff.
  • अभिषव :: m. (-वः) 1. Religious bathing, ablution preparatory to religious rites. 2. Sacrifice. 3. Bathing in general. 4. Drinking the juice of the acid Asclepias. 5. Ferment, yeast, any substance producing vinous fermentation. n. (-वं) Sour gruel. See काञ्जिका . E. अभि, and मु to mix, to stir, अप् affix; and स is changed to ष .
  • अभिषवण :: n. (-णं) 1. Bathing, ablution. 2. Sacrificing, &c. See अभिषव . E. As before, ल्युट् aff.
  • अभिषह्य :: ind. Insolently, violently, by force. E. अभि, षह to bear, यत् aff.
  • अभिषिक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Sprinkled. 2. Anointed, installed, inaugu- rated, enthroned. E. अभि before सिच् to sprinkle, क्त aff.
  • अभिषुत :: n. (-तं) 1. Sour gruel. See काञ्जिका . 2. The juice of the acid As- clepias. E. अभि before सु to mix, affix क्त .
  • अभिषेक :: m. (-कः) Bathing, sprinkling. E. अभि before सिच् to sprinkle, and घञ् affix; the word is often used for initiation, royal unction, &c. sprinkling with the water of the Ganges, or water in which various articles have been immersed, being an essential part of the rites; also for a religious ceremony, including the presentation of a variety of articles, fruits, gems, &c. along with water or fluid substances for the bathing of the deity to whom worship is offered.
  • अभिषेकशाला :: f. (-ला) The hall of coronation. E. अभिषेक, and शाला a hall.
  • अभिषेचन :: n. (-नं) 1. Initiation, inauguration. 2. Sprinkling. E. अभि before षिच् to sprinkle, affix ल्युट् .
  • अभिषेणन :: n. (-नं) March to repel an enemy. E. अभि against, सेना an army, used as a verb, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अभिष्टुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Praised. E. अभि before स्तु to praise, and क्त aff.
  • अभिष्यन्द :: m. (-न्दः) 1. Great increase or enlargement. 2. Oozing or flow- ing. 3. Weakness of, or running at the eyes. E. अभि before स्यन्द to ooze or drop as a liquid, affix घञ् .
  • अभिष्यन्दिन् :: mfn. (-न्दी -न्दिनी -न्दि) 1. Oozing, trickling. 2. Having weak eyes. 3. Causing defluxions or serious effusion. E. अभिष्यन्द and इनि aff.
  • अभिष्यन्दिरमण :: n. (-णं) A suburb, a smaller city appended to a larger.
  • अभिसंहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Attached to, interested, following any object eagerly. 2. Agreed, contracted. E. अभि, and सम् before धा to have, क्त aff.
  • अभिसन्ताप :: m. (-पः) War, battle. E. अभि much, and सन्ताप pain, heat, &c.
  • अभिसन्धान :: n. (-नं) 1. Cheating, deceiving. 2. Attachment or interest in any object. 3. Special agreement. 4. Making peace or alliance. E. अभि, and सम् before, धा to have, affix ल्युट् .
  • अभिसन्धि :: f. (-न्धिः) 1. Cheating, deceit. 2. Purpose, object. 3. Special agreement. 4. Making peace or alliance. 5. Joint junction. E. अभि, and सन्धि agreement, &c.
  • अभिसम्पात :: m. (-तः) 1. War, battle. 2. Curse, imprecation. E. अभि before सम्पात going or falling; from पत to fall, with सं prefix, घञ् aff.
  • अभिसर :: m. (-रः) A companion, a follower. E. अभि after or near, and सर who goes; from सृ to go, and अच् aff.
  • अभिसम्बन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) 1. Relation, connexion. 2. Sexual connexion. 3. Contact, conjunction. E. अभि intensitive, सम्बन्ध connexion.
  • अभिसर्ज्जन :: n. (-नं) 1. Gift, donation. 2. Killing. See अतिसर्ज्जन .
  • अभिसायम् :: ind. About evening, at sunset. E. अभि towards, सायम् evening.
  • अभिसार :: m. (-रः) 1. Strength. 2. War, battle. 3. A companion, a follower. 4. The instrument or agent. 5. An assignation, an appointment. E. अभि before सृ to go, affix घञ् .
  • अभिसारण :: n. (-णं) 1. Coming to or near, visiting, attending, following. 2. Improtuning. E. अभि, and सारण going.
  • अभिसारिका :: f. (-का) A woman who makes or keeps an assignation. E. अभि before सृ to go, वुन् affix which leaves क, and टाप् fem. do. also अभिसारिणी .
  • अभिसारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Going to or near to, visiting, attending. 2. Going to an appointment or assignation. E. अभि, and सारिन् who goes.
  • अभिहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Humbled, subdued, broken down. 2. Killed. E. अभि and हत part. past of हन् to kill or hurt.
  • अभिहार :: m. (-रः) 1. Robbing, seizing any thing in the owner's pre- sence. 2. A brisk attack. 3. Arming, taking up arms. E. अभि before हृ to take, and घञ् aff.
  • अभिहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Spoken, said, declared. E. अभि before धा to have, the part. affix क्त, and हि substituted for the root.
  • अभिहितत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Text, authority, declaration. E. अभिहित said, त्व aff.
  • अभीक :: m. (-कः) 1. A poet. 2. A husband. mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Lustful, libidinous. 2. Anxious, desirous. 3. Cruel. 4. Fearless. E. अभि before क, from कम to desire: the इ being made long irregularly.
  • अभीक्ष्ण :: mfn. (-क्ष्णः -क्ष्णा -क्ष्णं) 1. Repeated, frequent. 2. Constant, perpetual. ind. (-क्ष्णम्) 1. Repeatedly, again and again. 3. Perpetually, con- stantly. E. अभि before क्ष्णा to whet, डम् affix, and the इ of अभि made long.
  • अभीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Fearless, undaunted. E. अ neg. भीत afraid.
  • अभीति :: f. (-तिः) Fearlessness. E. अ neg. भीति fear.
  • अभीप्सित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Wished, desired. E. अभि, आप to obtain, in the desiderative form, and क्त affix, इट् inserted.
  • अभीप्सु :: mfn. (-प्सुः -प्सुः -प्सु) Wishing, desirous. E. अभि before ईप्सु wishing.
  • अभीम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Causing no fear or terror, unterrific. So अभीषण and अभीष्म and अभैरव . E. अ neg. भीम fearful, &c.
  • अभीमान :: n. (-नं) Pride. E. See अभिमान, the इ being made long.
  • अभीर :: m. (-रः) A cowherd. E. अभि and ईर to send, अच् affix; also आभीर .
  • अभीरु :: mfn. (-रुः -रुः -रु) Fearless, undaunted. m. (-रुः) A name of BHAIRAVA. f. (-रुः) A plant, (Asparagus recemosus.) See शतमूली . E. अ neg. भीरु timid: as applied to the plant, not fearful of breaking, from the number of its roots.
  • अभीरुपत्री :: f. (-त्री) A plant. See the preceding.
  • अभीलु :: mfn. (-लुः -लुः -लु) Fearless. E. अभीरु, र being changed to ल . Also अभीलुक .
  • अभीशु :: m. (-शुः) 1. A ray of light. 2. A rein. f. (-शुः) A finger. E. अभि before अशू to pervade, उ affix, derivative irregular. See अभीषु .
  • अभीषङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Curse, imprecation. See अभिषङ्ग . E. As before, the इ being here long.
  • अभीषु :: m. (-षुः) 1. A ray of light. 2. A rein. 3. Love, lust. 4. Passion. E. अभि before इष to desire, and उ affix or अश to pervade, &c. whence, अभिशु .
  • अभीषुमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) 1. Splendid, brilliant. 2. Enamoured, amorous. E. अभीषु and मतुप् aff.
  • अभीष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Wished, desired. f. (-ष्टा) A perfume. See रेणुका . E. अभि repeatedly, and इष्ट wished.
  • अभुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Uneaten. 2. Unenjoyed, unused. unexpended. 3. One who has not eaten. 4. One who has not enjoyed or possessed. E. अ neg. भुक्त eaten.
  • अभुग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) 1. Straight, not bent. 2. Well, free from disease. E. अ neg. भुग्न broken.
  • अभुज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Armless, maimed. E. अ neg. भुज the arm.
  • अभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Non-existent, absent, what is not or has not been. E. अ neg. भूत been.
  • अभूमि :: f. (-मिः) Want of place of refuge or support, destitution, priva- tion. E. अ neg. भूमि site.
  • अभूयिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Few, scanty. E. अ neg. भूयिष्ठ many.
  • अभूरि :: mfn. (-रिः -रिः -रि) Few, some, several. E. अ neg. भूरि many.
  • अभूषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unadorned. E. अ neg. भूषित adorned.
  • अभृशम् :: ind. A little, a few. E. अ neg. भृशम् much.
  • अभेद :: m. (-दः) Identity, absence of difference or distinction. mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Alike, identical. E. अ neg. भेद distinction.
  • अभेद्य :: n. (-द्यं) A diamond. mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) 1. Hard, solid, not to be broken or divided. 2. Not to be pierced, indivisible. 3. Impene- trable. E. अ neg. भेद्य to be broken.
  • अभेद्यता :: f. (-ता) 1. Indivisibility. 2. Impenetrability. 3. Inseparability. E. तल् added to the last, also with त्व, अमेद्यत्वं .
  • अभोक्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. Not to be used or enjoyed. 2. Not to be eaten. E. अ neg. भुज to eat, &c. तव्य aff.
  • अभोक्तृ :: m. (-क्ता) An abstemious person. mfn. (-क्ता -क्त्री -क्तृ) Not enjoying. not using. E. अ neg. भोक्तृ who enjoys.
  • अभोग :: m. (-गः) Non-enjoyment, not making use of. E. अ neg. भोग enjoy- ment.
  • अभोग्य :: mfn. (-ग्यः -ग्या -ग्यं) Not to be used or enjoyed. E. अ neg. भोग्य to be used.
  • अभोजन :: n. (-नं) Abstinence, fasting. E. अ neg. भोजन food.
  • अभोजनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Not to be eaten. 2. Not to be used. E. अ neg. भोजनीय to be eaten, &c.
  • अभोजिन् :: mfn. (-जी -जिनी -जि) Fasting. E. अ neg. भोजिन् who eats.
  • अभोज्य :: mfn. (-ज्यः -ज्या -ज्यं) Impure, prohibited as food, not to be eaten. E. अ neg. भोज्य to be eaten, &c.
  • अभ्यक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Oiled, anointed. E. अभि, and अञ्ज to anoint, affix क्त .
  • अभ्यङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. Rubbing the body with unctuous substances; smear- ing the body with oil, inunction. 2. Unguent, liniment, oily applica- tion. 3. Applying collyrium to the eyes. 4. Sediment of oil, oil cake. E. अभि, and अञ्ज to anoint, घञ् aff.
  • अभ्यञ्जन :: n. (-नं) 1. Oil. 2. Smearing the body with oil, inunction; see the preceding. 3. Applying collyrium to the eyelashes, decorating the hair, &c. or any personal embellishment. E. अभि, अञ्ज to anoint, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अभ्यधिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Exceeding, surpassing (in number, power, or kind, &c.) E. अभि, and अधिक more.
  • अभ्यधीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Dependent. E. अभि, and अधीन dependent.
  • अभ्यनुज्ञा :: f. (-ज्ञा) 1. Order, command. 2. Assent, permission. Also अभ्यनुज्ञानं E. अभि, and अनुज्ञा order.
  • अभ्यन्तर :: n. (-रं) 1. Included space. 2. Inner part, middle. E. अभि and अन्तर within.
  • अभ्यन्तरायाम :: m. (-मः) Curvature of the spine by spasm; emprosthonos. E. अभ्यन्तर middle, and आयाम length.
  • अभ्यनुज्ञात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Ordered. 2. Permitted. E. अभि and अनु before ज्ञा to know, क्त aff.
  • अभ्यमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sick, diseased. E. अभि, अम to be sick, part. affix क्त .
  • अभ्यमित्रीण :: m. (-नः) A soldier who faces the enemy valiantly. E. अभि be- fore, or against, अमित्र an enemy, and ख affix; the affix being छ or यत्, the word is also written अभ्यमित्रीय or अभ्यमित्र्य .
  • अभ्यर्च्चन :: n. (-नं) Worship, reverence. E. अभि before अर्च्च to worship, affix ल्युट् .
  • अभ्यर्च्चा :: f. (-र्च्चा) Respect, worship. E. अभि, and अर्च्चा reverence.
  • अभ्यर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Near, proximate. E. अभि near, अर्ण irr. part. past, of अर्द to go.
  • अभ्यर्थना :: f. (-ना) Petition, request. E. अभि before अर्थ to ask, युच् aff.
  • अभ्यर्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Asked, invited. E. अभि, and अर्थित asked.
  • अभ्यर्हित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Fit, proper, becoming. E. अभि, and अर्हित proper.
  • अभ्यवकर्षण :: n. (-णं) Extraction, drawing out. E. अभि, and अव prefixed to कृष draw furrows, affix ल्युट् .
  • अभ्यवस्कन्द :: m. (-न्दः) 1. Striking so as to disable an enemy. 2. Facing an enemy. E. अभि and अव before स्कन्द to go, affix घञ्; also with ल्युट् affix, अभ्यवस्कन्दनं .
  • अभ्यवहरण :: n. (-णं) Eating. E. अभि and अव before हृ to make, ल्युट् aff.
  • अभ्यवहार :: m. (-रः) Eating. E. अभि and अव before हृ to convey, घञ् aff.
  • अभ्यवहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Eaten. E. अभि and अव before हृ to convey, and the part. affix क्त .
  • अभ्यसन :: n. (-नं) Frequent repetition, use, exercise, especially of the memory, learning by rote. E. अभि frequently, अस to throw or send, ल्युट् aff.
  • अभ्यसूय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Angry, vexed. f. (-या) Detraction. Also असूया . E. अभि before असूया envy.
  • अभ्यसूयक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Detracting, a detractor, a calumniator. E. अभि before असूय to envy or detract, वुन् aff.
  • अभ्यस्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) To be studied. Also अभ्यसनीय . E. अभि before अस to throw, affix य or अनीयर् .
  • अभ्यस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Exercised, practiced. 2. Learnt by heart. 3. Repeated as the radical syllable of a verb. E. अभि frequently, अस to throw or send, क्त aff.
  • अभ्याकाङ्क्षित :: n. (-तं) A groundless complaint, a false accusation. E. अभि and आकाङ्क्षित desired.
  • अभ्याख्यान :: n. (-नं) A false accusation. E. अभि, and आख्यान saying.
  • अभ्यागत :: m. (-तः) A guest, a visitor. mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Arrived. E. अभि, and आगत come.
  • अभ्यागम :: m. (-मः) 1. War, battle. 2. Striking, killing. 3. Enmity. 4. Vicinity. 5. Rising, getting up. 6. Coming, arrival, visit. E. अभि near, or before, &c. गम to go, with आ prefixed, and अच् affixed.
  • अभ्यागमन :: n. (-नं) Arrival, visitation. E. अभि, and आगमन coming.
  • अभ्यागारिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Diligent in supporting a family. E. अभि be- fore आगार a house, ठक् aff.
  • अभ्याघात :: m. (-तः) Assault, attack. E. अभि, and आघात assailing.
  • अभ्यादान :: n. (-नं) 1. Beginning, commencement. 2. First beginning. E. अभि, and आदान taking.
  • अभ्यान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Sick, diseased. E. अभि and आङ् before अम to be sick, and the affix क्त .
  • अभ्यापात :: m. (-तः) Calamity, misfortune. E. अभि and आङ् before पत to go, घञ् aff.
  • अभ्यामर्द्द :: m. (-र्द्दः) War, battle. E. अभि and आ before मृद to tread down, अच् aff.
  • अभ्याश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Near, proximate. m. (-शः) Constant repetition. See अभ्यास .
  • अभ्यास :: m. (-सः) 1. Practice, exercise. 2. Learning by rote. 3. Practicing archery. 4. (In arithmetic,) Multiplication. 5. (In grammar,) The reduplicate syllable of a verb. mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Near, proximate. E. अभि before अस to go, &c. घञ् aff.
  • अभ्यासता :: f. (-ता) Constant practice, use, habit. E. अभ्यास and तल् affix, also with त्व, अभ्यासत्वं .
  • अभ्यासयोग :: m. (-गः) The practice of frequent and repeated contem- plation on any deity or abstract spirit, repeated recollection, &c. E. अभ्यास, and योग religious exercise.
  • अभ्यासादन :: n. (-नं) 1. Striking so as to disable an enemy. 2. Facing an enemy. E. अभि and आङ् before सद to go, in the causal form, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अभ्यासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Practicing, exercising, repeating. E. अभ्यास and इनि aff.
  • अभ्याहार :: m. (-रः) 1. Robbery. See अभिहार . 2. Eating. E. अभि and आङ् before हृ to take, घञ् aff.
  • अभ्याहार्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) An eatable. mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) Eatable, to be eaten. E. अभि and आहार्य्य to be eaten.
  • अभ्युक्षण :: n. (-णं) Sprinkling, wetting. E. अभि, and उक्ष to moisten, ल्युट् aff.
  • अभ्युक्ष्य :: ind. Having sprinkled. E. अभि, and उक्ष to moisten, ल्यप् aff.
  • अभ्युत्यान :: n. (-नं) 1. Fame, reputation. 2. Rising from off a seat, &c. 3. Rise. 4. Elevation. 5. Sun-rise. E. अभि and उत् before स्था to stay, ल्युट् aff.
  • अभ्युत्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Risen, arisen. 2. Elevated, exalted. E. अभि and उत्थित lifted up.
  • अभ्युदय :: m. (-यः) 1. Prosperity, increase. 2. Accident, occurrence. 3. A festival, any religious celebration. E. अभि, and उदय rise, pros- perity.
  • अभ्युदाहरण :: n. (-णं) An example or illustration of a thing by its re- verse. E. अभि, and उदाहरण example.
  • अभ्युदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Asleep at sun-rise. 2. Celebrated as a festival. 3. Risen, (as the sun.) 4. Elevated, exalted. 5. Arisen, happened. E. अभि, उत् up, and इत gone; part. past, of इण to go.
  • अभ्युदीरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Thrown over or upon. E. अभि and उत् before ईरित gone.
  • अभ्युद्यत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Brought or given unsolicited. E. अभि towards, उद्यत exerted.
  • अभ्युद्धृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Taken up, delivered. E. अभि, and उद्धृत taken.
  • अभ्युपगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Promised, agreed, assented. 2. Gone near to, approached, arrived at. 3. Inferred, probable. 4. Similar, ana- logous. E. अभि, उप over, गत gone.
  • अभ्युपगम :: m. (-मः) 1. A promise, an agreement, a contract. 2. Ap- proaching, going near to. 3. Probable ascertainment. 4. Analogy, affinity. E. अभि, and उप implying association or vicinity, and गम going.
  • अभ्युपगमित :: m. (-तः) A slave for a fixed term. mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Obtained by assent or free will. E. अभ्युपगम and इतच् aff.
  • अभ्युपपत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Favour, affection. 2. Defence, protection. 3. Agreement, assent. 4. Impregnation of a woman, as of a brother's widow, as an act of duty. E. अभि and उप before पत to go, affix क्तिन् .
  • अभ्युपपन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Agreeing to. E. अभि and उप before पद to go, affix क्त .
  • अभ्युपाय :: m. (-यः) 1. An agreement, a promise, an engagement. 2. A means, an expedient. E. अभि and उप before इण to go, अच् aff.
  • अभ्युपायन :: n. (-नं) A bribe, an inducement. E. अभि and उप before इण to go, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • अभ्युपेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Contracted, promised, agreed. 2. Approached. E. अभि and उप before इण to go, क्त aff.
  • अभ्युपेत्यशुश्रूषा :: f. (-षा) A head or title of law, disputes between master and servant. E. अभ्युपेत्य having engaged, अ neg. शुश्रूषा service.
  • अभ्युष :: m. (-षः) 1. Grain, &c. half dressed, slightly scorched, or parched so as to be eaten from the hand. 2. Bread. E. अभि before, उष to burn, क affix; the vowel may be made also long, which gives अभ्यूष, or may be changed to ओ, and form अभ्योष; some consider the root to be उष, to be sick.
  • अभ्युषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Dwelling with. E. अभि before वस to dwell, क्त aff.
  • अभ्युह :: m. (-हः) 1. Discussion, reasoning. 2. Supplying an ellipsis. E. अभि, and उह to reason, क aff.
  • अभ्युह्य :: ind. 1. Having concluded or inferred, having reasoned. 2. Hav- ing supplied as an ellipsis. E. अभि उह to reason, ल्यप् aff.
  • अभ्यूष :: m. (-षः) See अभ्युष .
  • अभ्योष :: m. (-षः) See अभ्युष .
  • अभ्र :: r. 1st. cl. (अभ्रति) To go.
  • अभ्रंलिह :: m. (-हः) Wind. mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Cloud-touching, cloud-sweeping. E. अभ्र a cloud, लिह to lick, खश् aff.
  • अभ्र :: n. (-भ्रं) 1. The sky or atmosphere. 2. A cloud. 3. Gold. 4. Talc. E. अभ्र to go, or अप् water, and भृ to have, क aff.
  • अभ्रक :: n. (-कं) The mineral substance called talc. E. अभ्र the same, and कन् aff.
  • अभ्रङ्कष :: m. (-षः) Air, wind. E. अभ्र the sky, कष to plough, and खश् aff.
  • अभ्रपिशाच :: m. (-चः) A name of RĀHU, the descending node personified. E. अभ्र the sky, and पिशाच a goblin; from the mischief he does to the moon, at the cause of its eclipse.
  • अभ्रपिशाचक :: m. (-कः) See the preceding. E. कन् added to the former.
  • अभ्रपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A kind of tree or cane. See वेतस . E. अभ्र a cloud and पुष्प a flower; flowering in the cloudy or rainy season. n. (-ष्पं) Water. E. As before; put forth as a flower from the clouds.
  • अभ्रम :: m. (-मः) Steadiness, composure. mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Steady, clear, not blundering. E. अ neg. भ्रम confusion.
  • अभ्रमातङ्क :: m. (-ङ्गः) INDRA'S elephant. E. अभ्र a cloud, and मातङ्ग an ele- phant. The cloud-elephant, or that of the cloud-compelling king.
  • अभ्रमाला :: f. (-ला) A line or succession of clouds. E. अभ्र and माला a garland.
  • अभ्रमु :: f. (-मुः) The female elephant of the east. E. अ neg. भ्रम to wander, and उ aff.
  • अभ्रमुप्रिय :: m. (-यः) The male elephant of the east, also INDRA'S elephant. E. अभ्रमु, and प्रिय beloved.
  • अभ्रमुवल्लभ :: m. (-भः) See the preceding. E. अभ्रमु, and वल्लभ beloved.
  • अभ्ररोह :: n. (-हं) The lapis lazuli. E. अभ्र a cloud, रोह what mounts.
  • अभ्रातृक :: mf. (-कः-का) Brotherless. E. अ neg. भ्रातृ a brother, कन् aff.
  • अभ्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Clear, composed, unperplexed, not mistaken or in error. E. अ neg. भ्रान्त misled.
  • अभ्रान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) Absence of perplexity or error. E. अ neg. भ्रान्ति error.
  • अभ्रावकाश :: m. (-शः) Fall of rain. E. अभ्र cloud, अवकाश occasion.
  • अभ्रावकाशिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Exposed to the rain. E. अभ्रावकाश and ठक् aff.
  • अभ्रि :: f. (-भ्रिः) A wooden scraper or shovel for cleaning a boat. E. अभ्र to go, and इन् affix, also अभ्री .
  • अभ्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Belonging to or produced from clouds. E. अभ्र a cloud, and इय affix, or technically य .
  • अभ्रेष :: m. (-षः) Fitness, propriety. E. अ neg. and भ्रेष impropriety.
  • अभ्रोत्थ :: n. (-त्थं) INDRA'S thunder-bolt. E. अभ्र a cloud, उत् before स्था to stand, to rise up, क aff.
  • अम :: r. 1st cl. (अमति) 1. To go, to go to or towards. 2. To serve or honour. 3. To sound. 10th cl. (आमयति) To afflict with sickness or pain from disease.
  • अम :: ind. (-मं) 1. Quickly. 2. Little. mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Unripe, (as fruit, &c.) m. (-मः) Sickness. E. अम to go or to be sick, अच् aff.
  • अमङ्गल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Inauspicious, unlucky, civil. n. (-लं) Inauspicious- ness, ill luck. m. (-लः) The castor oil plant. E. अ neg. and मङ्गल auspicious: the wood has no sap, and is useless.
  • अमङ्गल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) Inauspicious, unlucky, productive of evil. E. अ neg. मङ्गल्य auspicious.
  • अमण्ड :: m. (ण्डः) The castor oil tree, (Ricinus communis.) E. अ neg. मडि to adorn, and अच् aff.
  • अमण्डित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unadorned. E. अ neg. मण्डित adorned.
  • अमत :: m. (-तः) 1. Sickness, disease. 2. Death. 3. Time. E. अम to be sick, and अतच् Unādi aff.
  • अमति :: m. (-तिः) 1. Time. 2. The moon. 3. A cheat, a rogue. f. (-तिः) Un- consciousness, ignorance, absence of knowledge or intention. E. अम to go, and अति Unādi affix, or अ neg. मति understanding.
  • अतिपूर्व्व :: mfn. (-र्व्वः -र्व्वा -र्व्वं) Unconscious, unintentional. E. अमति ignorance, पूर्व्व before.
  • अमत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Sober, not inebriated. 2. Sane, not mad. E. अ neg. मत्त crazy.
  • अमत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A vessel, a utensil. E. अम to go, अत्रन् Unādi aff.
  • अमत्सर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Unenvious, charitable. E. अ neg. मत्सर envious.
  • अमनि :: f. (-निः) A road. E. अम to go, अनि Unādi aff.
  • अमन्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Not to be regarded, inadmissible, unknowable. Also अमननीय mfn. (-यः -या -यं) E. अ neg. मन्तव्य or मननीय to be re- garded.
  • अमनुष्य :: mfn. (-ष्यः -ष्या -ष्यं) Unmanly. E. अ neg. मनुष्य a man.
  • अमनुष्यता :: f. (-ता) Unmanliness. E. तल् added to the last: also with त्व, अमनुष्यत्वं .
  • अमनोगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unthought of, unknown. E. अ neg. मनोगत thought of.
  • अमनोज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Disagreeable, disliked. E. अ neg. मनोज्ञ agreeable.
  • अमनोनीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Disapproved. 2. Reprobate. E. अ neg. मनस् the mind, नीत led.
  • अमनोयोग :: m. (-गः) Inattentive. E. अ neg. मनोयोग attention.
  • अमनोयोगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) Inattentive. E. अ neg. मनोयोगिन् attentive.
  • अमनोहर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Disagreeable, displeasing, unattractive. E. अ neg. मनोहर pleasant. So अमनोरम्य mfn. (-म्यः -म्या -म्यं) and अमनोहारिन् mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि .)
  • अमन्त्र :: mfn. (-न्त्रः -न्त्रा -न्त्रं) Unentitled to, or unaccompanied by holy texts, as a Sudra, a female, certain ceremonies, &c. E. अ neg. मन्त्र a text of the Vedas.
  • अमन्त्रक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Unentitled to, or unaccompanied by holy texts. E. अ neg. मन्त्र a text, कन् added.
  • अमन्द :: m. (-न्दः) A tree. (E. अम sickness, and द from दो to cut, or destroy.) mfn. (-न्दः -न्दा -न्दं) 1. Fierce, violent. 2. Active. E. अ neg. मन्द tardy or dull.
  • अमम :: m. (-मः) One of the Jaina saints of a future age. mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Devoid of all selfish or worldly attachment or desire. E. अ neg. and मम mine.
  • अममता :: f. (-ता) Disinterestedness, indifference. E. अमम and तल् aff.
  • अममत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Disinterestendess, philosophy, stoicism. E. अमम and त्व aff.
  • अमर :: m. (-रः) 1. A deity, an immortal. 2. A plant, (Heliotropium in- dicum.) See अस्थिसंहार . 3. Also, (Euphorbia tirucalli, &c.) 4. Quick- silver. f. (-रा) 1. The residence of INDRA. 2. A. house post. 3. The womb. 4. The umbilical cord. 5. A plant, (Menispermum glabrum.) See गुडूची . 6. Bent grass, (Agrostis linearis.) mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Immortal. E. अ neg. and मर what dies, from मृ and अच् aff.
  • अमरणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) What cannot die, immortal. E. अ neg. मरणीय perishable.
  • अमरणीयता :: f. (-ता) Immortality. E. तल् added to the last; also अमरणीयत्वं .
  • अमरता :: f. (-ता) Immortality. E. अमर and तल् aff.
  • अमरत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Immortality. E. अमर and त्व aff.
  • अमरदारु :: m. (-रुः) Name of a tree, (Pinus longifolius.) E. अमर, and दारु a tree.
  • अमरद्विज :: m. (-जः) A Brahman who lives by attending a temple or idol. E. अमर a god, and द्विज a Brahman.
  • अमरपति :: m. (-तिः) INDRA. E. अमर, and पति lord; also similar compounds, as अमराधिपतिः, अमरेशः, &c.
  • अमरपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A kind of grass, (Saccharum spontaneum.) E. अमर, and पुष्प a flower; also with कन् added, अमरपुष्पकः .
  • अमरपुष्पिका :: f. (-का) A kind of anise, (Anethum sowa.) E. अमर perpetual, and पुष्पिक्रा having flowers.
  • अमरभर्तृ :: m. (-र्त्ता) INDRA. E. अमर, and भर्तृ lord.
  • अमरलोक :: n. (-कं) Heaven, the abode of the gods. E. अमर, and लोक world.
  • अमरलोकता :: f. (-ता) Heaven. E. तल् added to अमरलोक .
  • अमरस्त्री :: f. (-स्त्री) An Apsarā, or nymph of heaven. E. अमर, and स्त्री a fe- male.
  • अमराङ्गना :: f. (-ना) A nymph of INDRA'S heaven. E. अमर, and अङ्गना a fe- male.
  • अमराद्रि :: m. (-द्रिः) Mount Sumeru or Meru. E. अमर a deity, and अद्रि a mountain; being the residence of the gods.
  • अमरापगा :: f. (-गा) The heavenly Ganges. E. अमर, and आपगा river.
  • अमरावती :: f. (-ती) The capital of INDRA. E. अमर a deity, and मतुप् aff.
  • अमरुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Calm, without wind. E. अ neg. मरुत wind.
  • अमरेश :: m. (-शः) INDRA the king of the gods. E. अमर, and ईश lord.
  • अमरेश्वर :: m. (-रः) INDRA. E. अमर, and ईश्वर chief.
  • अमर्त्य :: m. (-र्त्यः) A deity. mfn. (-र्त्यः -र्त्या -र्त्यं) Immortal, divine. E. अ neg. मृ to die, क्यप् aff.
  • अमर्त्यभुवन :: n. (-नं) The heaven of INDRA, or Swerga, a kind of Mohamme- dan paradise. E. अमर्त्य a deity, and भुवन a world.
  • अमर्द्दित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unthreshed, unsubdued, not trodden down. E. अ neg. मर्द्दित trampled on.
  • अमर्य्यादा :: f. (-दा) 1. Impropriety of conduct. 2. Disrespect. E. अ neg. मर्य्यादा limit.
  • अमर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) 1. Anger, passion. 2. Impatience, impetuosity. E. अ neg. मृष to bear with, घञ् aff.
  • अमर्षण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Passionate, wrathful. E. As before, ल्युट् aff.
  • अमर्षवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Hasty, impetuous, impatient. 2. Wrathful, passionate. E. अमर्ष and मतुप् aff.
  • अमर्षिन् :: mfn. (-र्षी -र्षिणी -र्षि) 1. Passionate, wrathful. 2. Impetuous. E. अमर्ष and इनि aff.
  • अमल :: n. (-लं) Talc. f. (-ला) 1. The goddess LAKSHMI. 2. Emblic myroba- lan, (Phyllanthus emblica.) 3. The umbilical cord. mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Clean, pure. 2. White. E. अ neg. and मल dirt.
  • अमलपतत्रिन् :: mf. (-त्री-त्रिणी) The wild goose. E. अमल white or grey, and पतत्रिन् a bird.
  • अमलिन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Clean, pure. E. अ neg. मलिन dirty.
  • अमस :: m. (-सः) 1. Time. 2. Stupidity. 3. Disease. E. अम् to go, or be sick, and अस Unādi aff.
  • अमसृण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Harsh, hard. 2. Violent, intense. E. अ neg. मसृण soft.
  • अमस्तक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Headless. E. अ neg. मस्तक the head.
  • अमांस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Feeble, thin. E. अ neg. and मांस flesh. Also अमांसल .
  • अमा :: ind. 1. With, together with. 2. Near. f. (-मा) Day of conjunction or new moon. E. अ neg. माङ् to measure, क्विप् affix, and टाप् fem. do.
  • अमातृक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Motherless. E. अ neg. मातृ a mother, कन् added.
  • अमात्य :: m. (-त्यः) A minister, a counsellor. E. अमा near, त्यप् aff.
  • अमात्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) 1. Not whole or entire. 2. Not elementary. E. अ neg. मात्र whole, &c.
  • अमात्रवत्त्व :: n. (-त्त्वं) 1. Spirit, spiritual essence. 2. Deficiency, defect. E. अ neg. मात्रवत् like elementary, त्व added.
  • अमानन :: n. (-नं) Disrespect. E. अ neg. मन to mind, in the causal form, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अमानव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) 1. Not human, animal. 2. Superhuman. E. अ neg. मानव mortal.
  • अमानस्य :: n. (-स्यं) Pain. See आमनस्य . E. अ neg. मनस् the mind, and ण्यत् aff.
  • अमानिता :: f. (-ता) Modesty, humility. E. तल् added to अमानिन्, also with त्व, अमानित्वं .
  • अमानिन् :: mfn. (-नी -निनी -नि) Humble, modest. E. अ neg. मान pride, इनि affix. Also अमान mfn. (-नः -ना -नं .)
  • अमानुष :: mfn. (-षः -षी -षं) Not human, animal, superhuman. E. अ neg. मानुष human.
  • अमानुष्य :: mfn. (-ष्यः -ष्यी -ष्यं) Superhuman. E. अ neg. मानुष्य human.
  • अमान्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) To be disrespected. E. अ neg. मान्य to be respected. Also अमाननीय and अमानितव्य .
  • अमामसी :: f. (-सी) The day of new moon. E. अमा with, मस to measure, अच् affix, and ङीप् fem. do or with घञ् affix अमामासी .
  • अमावसी :: f. (-सी) Day of new moon. E. अमा with, and वस to abide, अच् affix; being with, or in the same quarter as the sun; also अमावासी .
  • अमावास्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) Produced in the day of new moon. E. अमावास्या and अ aff.
  • अमावास्यक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Produced on the day of new moon. E. अमावास्या and वुन् aff.
  • अमावास्या :: f. (-स्या) Day of conjunction or new moon. E. अमा with, (the sun and moon,) वस to abide, ण्यत् affix: or with the penult. vowel short, अमावस्या; also अमावसी, &c.
  • अमाय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. True, wise. 2. Sincere, guileless, free from error or deceit. f. (-या) 1. Absence of delusion, knowledge of the truth. 2. Sincerity, honesty. E. अ neg. माया deceit, delusion.
  • अमायिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) True, real, honest, void of trick or guile. E. अ neg. मायिक deceptive.
  • अमायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Acting without illusion or deceit. E. अ neg. मायिन् deceitful.
  • अमार्ग :: m. (-र्गः) Want of a road. mfn. (-र्गः -र्गा -र्गं) Without a road. E. अ neg. मार्ग a road.
  • अमार्गित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unsought, not hunted after. E. अ neg. मार्गित sought.
  • अमार्ज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Uncleansed. 2. Unadorned. E. अ neg. मार्ज्जित cleaned.
  • अमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unmeasured, boundless, infinite. 2. Neglected, unpolished, unclean. E. अ neg. मित measured.
  • अमितौजस् :: mfn. (-जाः -जाः -जः) Mighty, all-powerful, almighty. E. अमित boundless, ओजस् strength.
  • अमित्र :: m. (-त्रः) An enemy, an adversary. mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) Unfriendly, hostile. E. अम् to go, and इत्र Unādi affix, or अ neg. and मित्र a friend.
  • अमिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Sick, diseased. E. अम sickness, इनि aff.
  • अमिश्र :: mfn. (-श्रः -श्रा -श्रं) Unmixed, unmixing. E. अ neg. मिश्र mixture.
  • अमिश्रणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Immiscible. E. अ neg. मिश्रणीय to be mixed.
  • अमिश्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unmixed. E. अ neg. मिश्रित mixed.
  • अमिष :: n. (-षं) 1. Luxury. 2. Honesty, simplicity. E. अम to be sick, इषन् Unādi aff.
  • अमीमांसा :: f. (-सा) Absence of reasoning or investigation. E. अ neg. मीमांसा investigation by reason.
  • अमीव :: n. (-वं) 1. Sin. 2. Pain.
  • अमुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) A certain person or thing, any thing or person referred to without a name. E. अमु for अदस् this, and कन् added.
  • अमुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Not loosed, not let go. 2. Not liberated from birth and death. n. (-क्तं) A weapon that is always grasped to be used, as a knife, &c. See मुक्तामुक्त, यन्त्रामुक्त, &c. E. अ neg. and मुक्त released.
  • अमुक्तहस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Sparing, frugal, prudent. E. अमुक्त not loosed, हस्त the hand.
  • अमुक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Confinement, want of freedom or liberty. E. अ neg. मुक्ति liberation.
  • अमुख्य :: mfn. (-ख्यः -ख्या -ख्यं) Inferior, ordinary. E. अ neg. मुख्य principal.
  • अमुतस् :: ind. Hence, from this. E. अमु for अदस् and तसिल् aff.
  • अमुत्र :: ind. In the next life. E. अमु from अदस् this or that, and त्रल् aff.
  • अमुत्रत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) Belonging to a future state, being of the next world. E. अमुत्र and त्य aff.
  • अमुष्यपुत्र :: mf. (-त्रः-त्री) 1. Of a good family, of known origin. 2. The son or daughter of such a one. E. अमुष्य the irr. gen. of अदस् this, and पुत्र a son, &c.
  • अमुष्यायण :: mf. (-णः-णा) 1. Of respectable birth, of known origin. 2. The offspring of such a one, of a certain person, &c. E. अमुष्य as in the last, and फक् affix, also आमुष्यायण .
  • अमूदृश् :: mfn. (-दृक्) Of such form or kind. E. अमू for अदस् this, and क्विप् affix; also अमूदृश and अमूदृक्ष
  • अमूदृश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Of such a form or kind. E. See the last.
  • अमूदृक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Such, like of such form or kind. E. See अमूदृश .
  • अमूर्त्त :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -र्त्ता -र्त्तं) Formless, shapeless, unembodied. E. अ neg. मूर्त्ति form; the final changed.
  • अमूर्त्ति :: f. (-र्त्तिः) Shapelessness, absence of shape or form. E. अ . neg. मूर्त्ति form.
  • अमूल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Having no root. Also अमूलक . f. (-ला) A plant. See अग्निशिखा . E. अ neg. and मूल a root.
  • अमूल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) Invaluable, not to be purchased. E. अ neg. मूल्य price.
  • अमृणाल :: n. (-लं) The root of a fragrant grass, used in India for taties or screens against the hot winds, commonly called Kaskas, (Andropogon muricatum.) E. अ like, as it were, and मृणाल a fibrous root; also मृणाल .
  • अमृत :: n. (-तं) 1. The food of the gods, Ambrosia or Nectar. 2. Water. 3. Butter, rice, &c. the residue of a sacrifice. 4. Oiled butter or ghee. 5. Unsolicited alms. 6. Boiled rice. 7. Food. 8. Wealth, property. 9. Gold. 10. Buttermilk. 11. Any thing sweet, a sweet- meat. 12. Milk. 13. Poison. 14. A drug or medicament. 15. Quick- silver. 16. Final emancipation. m. (-तः) 1. A god, an immortal. 2. DHANWANTARI, the physician of the gods. f. (-ता) 1. Emblic myrobalan, (phyllanthus emblica.) 2. The yellow sort., (Terminalia citrina.) 3. Another plant, (Menispermum glabrum.) 4. Long pepper. 5. Holy basil, (Ocymum sanctum.) 6. Spirituous liquor. It also occurs amongst the synonimes of several plants besides those enumerated. mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Beloved, desired. 2. Beautiful. 3. Immortal, imperishable. E. अ neg. मृङ् to die, and क्त affix; what is immortal or what makes so; what supports life, &c.
  • अमृतकुण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A vessel of nectar. E. अमृत and कुण्ड a hole.
  • अमृतता :: f. (-ता) Immortality. E. अमृत and तल् affix; also with त्व, अमृतत्वं .
  • अमृततरङ्गिणी :: f. (-णी) Moonlight. E. अमृत, and तरङ्गिणी a sea.
  • अमृतदीधिति :: m. (-तिः) The moon. E. अमृत ambrosia, and दीधिति a ray.
  • अमृतद्रव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Shedding ambrosia. E. अमृत, and द्रव dropping.
  • अमृतधार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Shedding or distilling ambrosia. E. अमृत, and धारा a drop.
  • अमृतप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Drinking ambrosia. m. (-पः) A deity. E. अमृत, and प who drinks.
  • अमृतरस :: m. (-सः) Nectar, ambrosia. E. अमृत, and रस juice.
  • अमृतवर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) A fall of ambrosia from heaven. E. अमृत, and वर्ष rain.
  • अमृतवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) A species moonseed, (Menispermun glabrum.) See गुडूची . E. अमृत, and वल्ली a pedicle; the plant flourishing for a long time.
  • अमृतसारज :: m. (-जः) Raw sugar, molasses. E. अमृत ambrosia, सार essence, and ज produced.
  • अमृतसू :: m. (-सूः) The Moon, as the producer of ambrosia. f. (-सूः) A Mātri or a divine mother. E. अमृत the ambrosia, and सू who brings forth; from सूङ् to bear, and क्विप् aff.
  • अमृतस्रुत् :: mfn. (-स्रूत्) Shedding ambrosia. E. अमृत, स्रू to distil, क्विप् aff.
  • अमृतसोदर :: m. (-रः) A horse. E. अमृत, and सोदर brother: born with nectar at the churning of the ocean.
  • अमृतान्धस् :: m. (-न्धाः) A deity. E. अमृत, and अन्धस् food; whose food is ambrosia.
  • अमृताफल :: m. (-लः) The fruit of the Trichosanthes. E. अमृता, and फल fruit.
  • अमृताशन :: m. (-नः) A deity. E. As before, अशन eating.
  • अमृतासङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A collyrium, extracted from the Amomum anthoriza. See कर्परी .
  • अमृताहरण :: m. (-णः) A name of GARUDA, the bird of VISHNU. E. अमृत, हृ to convey, with आङ् prefixed, and ल्युट् affix; GARŪDA having upon one occasion stolen the Amrita.
  • अमृतोत्पन्ना :: f. (-न्ना) A fly. E. अमृत, and उत्पन्न born.
  • अमृतोद्भव :: m. (-वः) A kind of collyrium. See अमृतासङ्ग . E. अमृत, and उद्भव born.
  • अमृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) A drinking vessel.
  • अमृत्यु :: f. (-त्युः) Immortality. E. अ neg. मृत्यु death.
  • अमेघ :: mfn. (-घः -घा -घं) Cloudless. E. अ . neg. मेघ a cloud.
  • अमेधस् :: m. (-धाः) A food, an idiot. E. अ neg. मेध to understand, and असुन् aff.
  • अमेध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) Impure, foul. n. (-ध्यं) Fæces, excrement. E. अ neg. and मेध्य pure.
  • अमेध्यत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Foulness, filthiness. E. त्व added to अमेध्य, also with तल्, अमेध्यता .
  • अमेध्ययुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Filthy, foul. E. अमेध्य, and युक्त joined.
  • अमेध्यलिप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Smeared with ordure, foul, defiled. E. अमेध्य, and लिप्त smeared.
  • अमेध्यलेप :: m. (-पः) Smearing with ordure. E. अमेध्य, and लेप plastering.
  • अमेध्याक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Soiled by ordure. E. अमेध्य, and अक्त smeared.
  • अमेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Inmense, immeasurable. E. अ neg. मेय to be measured.
  • अमेयात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Magnanimous, possessing extraordinary powers of mind. E. अमेय, and आत्मन् self.
  • अमोक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. Bondage, confinement. 2. Confinement to life. mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Unliberated, unloosed. E. अ neg. मोक्ष liberation.
  • अमोघ :: mfn. (-घः -घा -घं) Productive, fruitful, not vain or barren. m. (-घः) The name of a river. f. (-घा) 1. Trumpet flower, (Bignonia suave- olens.) 2. A plant of which the seed is used as a vermifuge, (Erycibe paniculata, Rox.) See विडङ्ग . 3. Yellow myrobalan. See हरीतकी . E. अ not, मोघ vain, barren.
  • अमोचन :: n. (-नं) Non-liberation, not loosing or letting go. E. अ neg. मोचन loosing.
  • अमोचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Confined, not liberated. E. अ neg. मोचित loosed.
  • अम्ब :: r. 1st. cl. (अंबति) To move, to go.
  • अम्बक :: n. (-कं) 1. The eye. 2. Copper. E. अम्ब to go, and वुन् aff.
  • अम्बर :: n. (-रं) 1. The sky or atmosphere. 2. Clothes, apparel. 3. A perfume, (Ambergris.) 4. Cotton. 5. Talc. E. अम्ब to go, and अरन् aff.
  • अम्बरयुग :: n. (-गं) The two principal female garments, or upper and lower cloths or mantles E. अम्बर, and युग a pair.
  • अम्बरान्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. The horizon. 2. The end of a garment. E. अम्बर and अन्त end.
  • अम्बरिष :: mn. (-षः-षं) A frying pan. See the next.
  • अम्बरीष :: mn. (-षः-षं) 1. A frying pan. 2. War, battle. m. (-षः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. Also of VISHNŪ. 3. A young animal. a colt, a boy. 4. The name of a king of the solar race, celebrated as a worshipper of VISHNŪ. 5. A division of hell. 6. The sun. 7. Repentance. 8. A tree, (Spondias mangifera.) E. अबि to sound, and ईषन् Unādi affix, but irregularly formed.
  • अम्बष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) 1. The name of a country, stated to be in the eastern division of India, and supposed by Mr. WILFORD, to be the abode of the AMBASTŒ of Arrian. 2. The offspring of a man of the Brah- man, and a woman of the Vaisya tribe, a man of the medical cast. f. (-ष्ठा) 1. A sort of jasmin, (Jasminum auriculatum.) 2. A plant, (Cissampelos hexandra.) See वनतिक्तिका . 3. Woodsorrel, (Oxalis corniculata, Rox.) E. अम्बा a mother, स्था to stand, and क affix, what cherishes like a mother.
  • अम्बष्ठकी :: f. (-की) A creeper, (Cissampelos hexandra.) Also अम्बष्ठा and अम्बष्ठिका .
  • अम्बा :: f. (-म्बा) 1. A mother. 2. The same, (in theatrical language.) 3. A name of DŪRGĀ. See अम्बिका . E. अबि to sound, अप् and टाप् affs.
  • अम्बालिका :: f. (-का) 1. A mother of PāNDU.
  • अम्बिका :: f. (-का) 1. A mother. 2. A name of PĀRVATĪ. 3. The mother of DHṚTARĀSHṬRA. 4. One of the female. domestic deities of the Jainas. 5. A medicinal plant. See कटुकी . E. अम्बा a mother, and कन् affix; like a mother.
  • अम्बिकेय :: m. (-यः) 1. GANESA or KARTIKEYA both sons of PĀRVATĪ. 2. A name of DHṚTARĀSHṬRA. E. अम्बिका as above; and ढक् affix, imply- ing family decent.
  • अम्बिकेयक :: m. (-कः) 1. GANESA. 2. DHṚTARĀSHṬRA. E. As the pre- ceding. कन् being added.
  • अम्बु :: n. (-म्बु) Water. E. अबि to sound, and उ aff.
  • अम्बुकणा :: f. (-णा) A drop of water. E. अम्बु, and कण a particle.
  • अम्बुकण्टक :: m. (-कः) The short-nosed alligator. E. अम्बु water, and कण्टक a thorn.
  • अम्बुकिरात :: m. (-तः) An alligator. E. अम्बु, and किरात a savage.
  • अम्बुकीश :: m. (-शः) A porpoise, especially of the kind common in the Ganges, (Delphinus gangeticus, Rox.) E. अम्बु, and कीश the water- monkey.
  • अम्बुकूर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) A porpoise, especially the gangetic. E. अम्बु, and कूर्म्म a tortoise.
  • अम्बुचर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Aquatical. E. अम्बु, and चर what moves in.
  • अम्बुचामर :: n. (-रं) An aquatic plant, (Vallisneria.) See शैबाल . E. अम्बु, and चामर the Indian chowrie; the water-chowrie.
  • अम्बुचारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Aquatical, as a fish, &c. E. अम्बु, चर to go, णिनि aff.
  • अम्बुज :: m. (-जः) A plant, (Eugenia acutangula.) See हिज्जल . n. (-जं) 1. A lotus, (Nymphæa nelumbo.) 2. The thunderbolt of INDRA. mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Aquatic, water-born. E. अम्बु, and ज what is produced; water-born.
  • अम्बुजन्म :: n. (-न्म) A lotus. E. अम्बु, and जन्म birth.
  • अम्बुताल :: m. (-लः) Vallisneria. See अम्बुचामर .
  • अम्बुद :: m. (-दः) A cloud. mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Shedding or giving water. E. अम्बु, and द what gives.
  • अम्बुधि :: m. (-धिः) The ocean. E. अम्बु and धि what possesses; from धाञ् with कि affixed.
  • अम्बुनिधि :: m. (-धिः) The ocean. E. अम्बु and निधि a treasure.
  • अम्बुप :: m. (-पः) A plant, (Cassia tora, or alata.) mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Drinking or imbibing water. E. अम्बु, and प what drinks.
  • अम्बुपत्रा :: f. (-त्रा) A fragrant grass, (perhaps a Cyperus.) See उच्चटा . E. अम्बु, and पत्र a leaf.
  • अम्बुपद्धति :: f. (-तिः) Current stream, flow of water. E. अम्बु, and पद्धति distinction.
  • अम्बुप्रसादन :: m. (-नः) The clearing nut tree, (Strychnos potatorum.) E. अम्बु water, प्रसद to cleanse, ल्युट् affix. The nuts of this plant are generally used in India, for purifying water; they are rubbed upon the inner surface of the vessel, and occasion the precipitation of the impurities of the fluid.
  • अम्बुभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) 1. A cloud. 2. The ocean. 3. A grass, (Cyperus pertenuis.) E. अम्बु, and भृत् what nourishes, from भृञ् with क्विप् aff.
  • अम्बुमत् :: m. (-मान्) The side of a river, or a bank, a shore. mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Watery, having or containing water. E. अम्बु and मतुप् aff.
  • अम्बुमात्रज :: m. (-जः) A bivalve shell. E. अम्बु water, मात्र all, every kind, and ज produced.
  • अम्बुमुच् :: m. (-मुक्) A cloud. E. अम्बु, and मुच् what lets go.
  • अम्बुर :: m. (-रः) The lower limb of a door-frame, the threshold. E. अम्ब, and राज to shine, affix ड .
  • अम्बुराशि :: m. (-शिः) The ocean. E. अम्बु, and राशि a heap.
  • अम्बुरुह् :: n. (-रुट्) 1. Any aquatic plant. 2. A lotus. E. अम्बु, and रुह् what grows on or in, क्विप् aff.
  • अम्बुरोहिणी :: f. (-णी) A lotus. E. अम्बु, and रोहिन् what grows, or rises on or in.
  • अम्बुवाची :: f. (-ची) Four days in Ashārha, the 10th to the 13th of the dark fortnight, when the earth is supposed to the unclean, and agriculture is prohibited. E. अम्बु and, वाच् speech, with ङीष् added.
  • अम्बुवासी :: f. (-सी) See the preceding.
  • अम्बुवासिनी :: f. (-नी) Trumpet flower, (Bignonia suave-olens.) E. अम्बु before वस to abide, णिनि and ङीप् affs.
  • अम्बुवाह :: m. (-हः) 1. A cloud. 2. The cyperus. 3. A water-carrier. E. अम्बु water, and वाह what bears.
  • अम्बुवाहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिनी -हि) Carrying or conveying water. f. (-नी) A wooden baling vessel. E. अम्बु, and (वाहिन्) what bears.
  • अम्बुवेतस :: m. (-सः) A kind of cane or reed growing in water. See वेतस .
  • अम्बुसर्पिणी :: f. (-णी) A leech. E. अम्बु before सृप् to go, णिनि affix; and ङीष् fem. do.
  • अम्बुसादन :: n. (-नं) The nut of the Strychnos. See अम्बुप्रसादन .
  • अम्बुसेचनी :: f. (-नी) A vessel used for baling water out of a boat. E. अम्बु, षिच् to sprinkle, णिनि aff.
  • अम्बुकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sputtered, (speech, discourse.) E. अम्बु water, and कृत made.
  • अम्ब्ल :: m. (-ब्लः) Sourness. E. अम्ब to go, and क्ल Unādi aff.
  • अम्भस् :: n. (-म्भः) Water. E. अप् water, before असुन् Unādi affix; नुम् is inserted, and प becomes भ .
  • अम्भस्स्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) 1. What holds or contains water. 2. Abiding in water. E. अम्भस् and स्थ what abides or where it abides.
  • अम्भस्सू :: m. (-स्सूः) Smoke, cloudiness. E. अम्भस् water, and सू what produces.
  • अम्भोज :: n. (-जं) A lotus. m. (-जः) 1. The moon. 2. The Saras or Indian crane. mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Aquatic, water-born. E. अम्भस्, and ज produced.
  • अम्भोजजनि :: m. (-निः) BRAHMA, being born secondarily from a lotus. E. अम्भोज, and जनि birth.
  • अम्भोजयोनि :: m. (-निः) A name of BRAHMA. E. अम्भोज, and योनि womb.
  • अम्भोजिनी :: f. (-नी) An assemblage of lotus flowers, or a place where they abound. E. अम्भोज a lotus, णिनि and ङीप् affs.
  • अम्भोद :: m. (-दः) A cloud. E. अम्भस्, and द what gives.
  • अम्भोधर :: m. (-रः) A cloud. E. अम्भस् water, and धर what has.
  • अम्भोधि :: m. (-धिः) The ocean. E. अम्भस्, and धि what possesses, from धा with the affix कि .
  • अम्भोनिधि :: m. (-धिः) The ocean. E. अम्भस्, and निधि a treasure.
  • अम्भोराशि :: m. (-शिः) The ocean. E. अम्भस्, and राशि a heap.
  • अम्भोरुह :: n. (-हं) A lotus. E. अम्भस्, and रुह what rises or grows from रुह् with अच् affix; also with क्विप् affix; अम्भोरुह् nom. (-रुट्)
  • अम्मय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Watery, formed from, or consisting of water, (as froth, &c.) E. अप् water, and मयट् affix; प is changed to म, and the fem. takes ङीप् .
  • अम्र :: m. (-म्रः) The mango tree, (Mangifera Indica.) n. (-म्रं) A mango. E. अम to eat, and र aff.
  • अम्रात :: m. (-तः) A species of spondias or hog plum, (Spondias mangi- fera.) E. अम्र the mango, and अत to go, अच् affix; resembling that fruit, also अम्रातक .
  • अम्रातक :: m. (-कः) A tree. See the preceding. E. कन् being added.
  • अम्ल :: mfn. (-म्लः -म्ला -म्लं) Sour, acid. m. (-म्लः) Sourness, acidity. f. (-म्ली) Wood sorrel, (Oxalis monadelpha.) n. (-म्लं) Sour curds. E. अम to be sick, क्ल Unādi affix, and ङीप् for the fem.
  • अम्लक :: m. (-कः) A plant, (Artocarpus lacucha.) See लकुच . E. अम्ल sourness, and क affix; having a sour taste.
  • अम्लकेशर :: m. (-रः) The citron. E. अम्ल, and केशर a filament.
  • अम्लता :: f. (-ता) Sourness. E. अम्ल and तल् affix, also with त्व aff. अम्लव n. (-त्वं)
  • अम्लपनस :: m. (-सः) A tree, (Artocarpus lacucha.)
  • अम्लपित्त :: m. (-त्तः) Acidity of stomach. E. अम्ल, and पित्त bile.
  • अम्लफल :: m. (-लः) The tamarind tree. n. (-लं) The fruit. E. अम्ल, and फल fruit.
  • अम्लरस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Sour, having a sour taste. m. (-सः) Sourness, acidity. E. अम्ल, and रस flavour.
  • अम्ललोणिका :: f. (-का) Wood-sorrel, (Oxalis corniculata,) also अम्ललोणी and अम्ललोलिका .
  • अम्ललोणी :: f. (-णी) See the preceding.
  • अम्ललोलिका :: f. (-का) See अम्ललोणिका .
  • अम्लवर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) A class of plants with acid leaves or fruits, as the lime, orange, pomegranate, tamarind, wood-apple, sorrel, Lakucha, Spondias and others. E. अम्ल, and वर्ग a class.
  • अम्लवाडव :: m. (-वः) See अम्रात above.
  • अम्लवातक :: m. (-कः) Hog plum, (Spondias mangifera.)
  • अम्लवेतस :: m. (-सः) A kind of dock or sorrel, (Rumex vesicarius.) E. अम्ल sour, and वेतस a kind of reed; sour grass.
  • अम्लवासुक :: n. (-कं) A kind of sorrel.
  • अम्लवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The tamarind tree. E. अम्ल, and वृक्ष a tree.
  • अम्लशाक :: n. (-कं) A sort of sorrel, (Rumex vesicarius,) commonly used as a potherb. E. अम्ल, and शाक a potherb.
  • अम्लसार :: n. (-रं) Rice-water after fermentation. m. (-रः) 1. The lime. 2. A sort of sorrel. E. अम्ल, and सार essence.
  • अम्लाक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Acidulated. E. अम्ल, and अक्त mixed.
  • अम्लान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Clean, clear. 2. Bright, unclouded. m. (-नः) Globe amaranth, (Gomphrena globosa.) E. अ neg. and म्लान dirty.
  • अम्लानि :: mfn. (-निः -निः -नि) 1. Vigorous. 2. Unfading. f. (-निः) 1. Vigour. 2. Freshness, verdure. E. अ neg. म्लानि soil.
  • अम्लानिन् :: mfn. (-नी -निनी -नि) Clean, clear. f. (-नी) An assemblage of lotus flowers. E. अ neg. म्लानिन् soiled.
  • अम्लिका :: f. (-का) 1. The tamarind tree. 2. Wood sorrel, (Oxalis corniculata.) 3. A sour taste in the mouth, acidity of stomach. E. अम्ल sour, कन् and टाप् affixes; इ being substituted for अ; also अम्लीका and आम्लका .
  • अम्लीका :: f. (-का) See the preceding.
  • अम्लोद्गार :: m. (-रः) Sour eructation. E. अम्ल, and उद्गार bringing up.
  • अय :: r. 1st cl. (अयते) To go, to go to or towards. With प्रति to believe, to rely on. A preposition containing र substitutes ल before this root, as प्र and पर make प्लायते, पलायते to fly, to run away.
  • अय :: m. (-यः) Good luck, favourable fortune. E. इण to go, and अच् affix; happiness proceeding by it.
  • अयज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Not offering sacrifice. E. अ neg. यज्ञ sacrifice.
  • अयज्ञक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Unfit for sacrifice. E. अ neg. यज्ञक sacrificial.
  • अयज्ञिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Not sacrificial, common, profane. E. अ neg. यज्ञिय sacrificial.
  • अयतिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) Incontinent, of unsubdued appetite. E. अ neg. यतिन् self-restraining.
  • अयत्न :: m. (-त्नः) Absence of effort or exertion. E. अ neg. यत्न effort.
  • अयत्नकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Idle, indifferent, making no exertion. E. अ neg. यत्न effort, and कारिन् who makes.
  • अयत्नकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Spontaneous, readily or easily produced. E. अयत्न, and कृत done. So अयत्नभूत mfn. (-तः -ता -तं .)
  • अयत्नवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Idle, inactive, indifferent, E. अ neg. यत्नवत् active.
  • अयथा :: ind. Unsuitably, unfitly, inconsistently, incongruously. E. अ neg. and यथा as, (it should be.)
  • अयथातथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) 1. Unprofitable, useless, vain. 2. Unfit unsuit- able, incompatible. E. अ neg. यथा as, तथा so.
  • अयथातथ्य :: n. (-थ्यं) Unprofitableness, unsuitableness, incompatibility. E. अयथातथ and ष्यञ् aff.
  • अयथार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) 1. Not according to the sense or object, incongru- ous, nonsensical, unmeaning. 2. Improper, unfitting. 3. False, un- true. E. अ neg. यथा as, अर्थ sense.
  • अयथावत् :: ind. Inaccurately, erroneously. E. अ neg. यथा as, and वति aff.
  • अयथाबलम् :: ind. Unsuitably, imperfectly. E. अयथा, and बल strength.
  • अयथाशास्त्रकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Irreligious. E. अ neg. यथा according to, शास्त्र scripture, and कारिन् who acts.
  • अयथेष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Insufficient, not enough. 2. Disliked, dis- approved of. E. अ neg. यथेष्ट wished.
  • अयन :: n. (-नं) 1. A road, a path. 2. The half year, that is, the sun's road north and south of the equator. See उत्तरायण, &c. 3. The equinoe- tial and solstitial points. 4. A Sastra or inspired writing. E. इण to go, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अयनकाल :: m. (-लः) The interval between the equinoxes. E. अयन, and काल time.
  • अयनभाग :: m. (-गः) See अयनांश . E. अयन, and भाग a part.
  • अयनांश :: m. (-शः) The arc between the vernal equinoctial point and the beginning of the fixed zodiac or first point in Aries. E. अयन, and अंश a part.
  • अयन्त्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unrestrained, self-willed. E. अ neg. यन्त्रित res- trained.
  • अयवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Lucky, fortunate. E. अय and मतुप् aff.
  • अयशस् :: mfn. (-शाः -शाः -शः) Infamous. n. (-शः) Infamy. E. अ neg. यशस् fame.
  • अयशस्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Disgraceful, degrading. E. अयशस् and कर what makes.
  • अयशस्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) Infamous. So अयशस्विन् mfn. (-स्वी -स्विनी -स्वि) E. अयशस् and य or विनि aff.
  • अयस् :: n. (-यः) Iron. m. (-याः) A name of VAHNI or fire. E. इण to go, and असुन् Unādi. aff.
  • अयस्कान्त :: m. (-न्तः) A precious stone, the loadstone. E. अयस् and कान्त beautiful, implying a gem, after this word and others, as सूर्य्यकान्त, &c.
  • अयस्कार :: m. (-रः) 1. The upper part of the thigh. 2. A blacksmith. E. अयस्, and कार an agent.
  • अयस्कुम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) An iron pot or boiler. E. अयस् and कुम्भ a jar.
  • अयाचक :: mfn. (-काः -का -कं) One who does not ask or solicit. E. अ neg. याचक who solicits.
  • अयाचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unasked, unsolicited. m. (-तः) The name of a Muni or saint, also उपवर्ष . E. अ neg. and याचित asked, solicited.
  • अयाज्य :: mfn. (-ज्यः -ज्या -ज्यं) Outcaste, degraded, not competent to offer sa- crifice. E. अ neg. याज्य to be sacrificed; by whom.
  • अयातपूर्व्व :: mfn. (-र्व्वः -र्व्वा -र्व्वं) Following, subsequent to succeeding. E. अ neg. यातपूर्व्व preceding.
  • अयाथार्थिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Improper, unjust. 2. Absurd, incongruous. E. अयथार्थ and ठञ् aff.
  • अयाथार्थ्य :: n. (-र्थ्यं) 1. Impropriety, unfitness. 2. Absurdity, nonsense. E. अयथार्थ and ष्यञ् aff.
  • अयान :: n. (-नं) 1. Natural disposition or temperament. 2. Halt, stop. E. अ neg. या to go, ल्युट् affix; what never departs.
  • अयानय :: m. (-यः) A country.
  • अयानयीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Produced in, or brought from Ayanaya. E. अयानय and ख aff.
  • अयावक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Unstained with lac-dye, naturally red. E. अ neg. यावक of lac.
  • अयि :: ind. A particle of encouragement, and asking; also a vocative parti- cle. E. इ to go, and इन् affix. by which one goes; what leads or calls.
  • अयुक्च्छद :: m. (-दः) A plant, (Echites scholaris.) See सप्तपर्ण . E. अयुज् separate, and छद a leaf.
  • अयुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Separate, disjoined. 2. Improper. E. अ neg. युक्त joined.
  • अयुक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Disunion, separation. 2. Unreasonableness, want of conformity to correct principles or to analogy. 3. Impropriety, unfit- ness. E. अ neg. युक्ति union.
  • अयुग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) 1. Single, separate. 2. Odd. E. अ neg. युग a pair.
  • अयुगपत् :: ind. Gradually, seriatim, not at once. E. अ neg. युगपत् at once.
  • अयुगल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Single. E. अ neg. युगल a pair.
  • अयुगार्च्चिस् :: m. (-र्च्चिः) Fire. E. अयुग uneven, (seven) अर्च्चिस् ray.
  • अयुग्म :: mfn. (-ग्मः -ग्मा -ग्मं) 1. Separate, divided, single. 2. Odd, uneven. E. अ not, युग्म a pair.
  • अयुग्मच्छद :: m. (-दः) A plant, (Echites scholaris.) E. अ neg. युग्म double, and छद a leaf.
  • अयुज् :: mfn. (-युक्) 1. Separate, single. 2. Odd, uneven. E. अ neg. युज् what joins.
  • अयुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Disjoined, detached. n. (-तं) Ten thousand. E. अ neg. and युत joined, counted.
  • अयुद्ध :: n. (-द्धं) Peace, absence of war. E. अ neg. युद्ध war.
  • अये :: ind. Oh! ah! &c. an interjection of; 1. Recollection; 2. Fatigue; 3. Fear; 4. Passion; and 5. Calling. E. इ to go, एच् aff.
  • अयोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Separation, disjunction. 2. A widower, an absent lover or husband. 3. Unfitness, unsuitableness. 4. Medical treatment, counter to the symptoms. 5. Consistent treatment, non-mixture of opposite qualities. 6. Dislike, aversion to any thing. 7. Vigorous effort, exertion. 8. An iron hammer. E. अ neg. and योग union; or अयस् iron, and ग what goes, or is.
  • अयोगव :: mf. (-वः-वा-वी) The offspring of a Sūdra man, and Vaisya wo- man. E. अयोग disjoined, and व from बा to go; being one of the lowest castes or tribes.
  • अयोगुड :: m. (-डः) 1. A chalybeate pill, one made of some preparation of iron. 2. An iron ball. E. अयस्, and गुड a ball.
  • अयोग्य :: mfn. (-ग्यः -ग्या -ग्यं) 1. Unfit, unsuitable. 2. Useless. E. अ neg. योग्य fit.
  • अयोग्यता :: f. (-ता) 1. Unfitness, unsuitableness, incongruity, impropriety. E. अयोग्य and तल् affix; also अयोग्यत्वं .
  • अयोग्र :: n. (-ग्रं) 1. A pestle for cleaning grain. 2. A mace or club tipped with iron. 3. A hammer, a forge hammer. E. अयस्, and अग्र the end.
  • अयोघन :: m. (-नः) A hammer, a forge hammer. E. अयस्, and घन what strikes, from हन् to kill or strike.
  • अयोजन :: nf. (-नं-ना) Disunion, separation, distinctness. E. अ not, योजन uniting.
  • अयोदत् :: mfn. (-दत् -दती -दत्) Iron-toothed. E. अयस्, and दत् for दन्त a tooth.
  • अयोध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) Not to be warred against. f. (-ध्या) The capital of RAMĀ, Ayodhyā, the modern Oude. E. अ neg. युद्ध to make war, and ण्यत् aff.
  • अयोनिज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Generated equivocally, not born from the womb. E. अ neg. योनि the womb, and ज born.
  • अयोमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Made of iron. E. अयस् and मयट् aff.
  • अयोमल :: n. (-लं) Rust of iron. E. अयस्, and मल dirt.
  • अयोमुख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खं) Tipped or pointed with iron. m. (-खः) A kind of goblin with an iron face. E. अयस्, and मुख a mouth.
  • अयोहृदय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Stern, unrelenting, iron-hearted. E. अयस्, and हृदय the heart.
  • अर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Swift, speedy. n. (-रं) 1. The spoke or radius of a wheel. 2. adv. Swiftly. m. (-रः) 1. A Jaina division of time, the sixth of an Avasarpini or Utsarpini. See अवसर्पिणी, &c. 2. The eighteenth Jaina Tirthakara, or deified saint. E. ऋ to go, अप् aff.
  • अरक :: m. (-कः) An aquatic plant, (Vallisneria.) See शैबाल . E. अर what goes, and वुन् aff.
  • अरक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Not preserved, not kept. 2. Unprotected unde- fended. E. अ neg. रक्षित kept.
  • अरग्वध :: m. (-धः) A tree, (Cassia fistula.) See आरग्वध .
  • अरघट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः) 1. A machine for raising water from a well. 2. A deep well. E. अर quickly, and घट्ट to move, affix अच् .
  • अरघट्टक :: m. (-कः) 1. A wheel for drawing water with. 2. A deep or large well. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • अरङ्गर :: m. (-रः) Factitious or made up poison. E. अरम् quick, and गर poison.
  • अरजस् :: mfn. (-जाः -जाः -जः) 1. Free from the quality of passion. 2. Free from desire, &c. f. (-जाः) A young girl. E. अ neg. रजस् the menstrual flux, or passion, &c.
  • अरटु :: m. (-टुः) A plant, (Bignonia Indica.) See अरलु . E. ऋ to go, and अटच् aff.
  • अरणि :: mf. (-णिः-णी) Wood used for kindling a fire, exciting it by attri- tion. m. (-णिः) 1. The plant of which especially the wood is used for this purpose. (Premna spinosa, &c.) See गणिकारिका . 2. A flint. 3. The sun. E. ऋ to go, and अनि Unadi aff.
  • अरण्य :: nf. (-ण्यं-णी) A forest. m. (-ण्यः) Kayaphal, a drug so named. See कट्फल . E. ऋ to go, and अन्य Unadi aff.
  • अरण्यकदली :: f. (-ली) The wood or wild plantain. E. अरण्य, and कदली the plantain.
  • अरण्यकार्प्पासी :: f. (-सी) The wild cotton. E. अरण्य, and कार्प्पासी cotton.
  • अरण्यचटक :: m. (-कः) A wood sparrow. E. अरण्य, and चटक a sparrow.
  • अरण्यज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced or born in a forest. E. अरण्य, and ज born; also similar compounds, as अरण्यजात, अरण्योत्पन्न, अरण्यभव, अरण्यसम्भव, &c.
  • अरण्यजार्द्रका :: f. (-का) Wild ginger. E. अरण्यज, and आर्द्रका ginger.
  • अरण्यधान्य :: n. (-न्यं) Wild rice. E. अरण्य, and धान्य grain.
  • अरण्यमक्षिका :: f. (-का) The gad fly. E. अरण्य, and मक्षिका a fly.
  • अरण्यरक्षक :: m. (-कः) Keeper of a forest, superintendent of a forest dis- trict. E. अरण्य, and रक्षक who protects.
  • अरण्यवायस :: m. (-सः) A raven. E. अरण्य, and वायस a crow.
  • अरण्यवास :: m. (-सः) A hermitage. E. अरण्य a wood, and वास abode.
  • अरण्यवासिन् :: m. (-सी) A hermit, an anchorite. E. अरण्य, and वासिन् who resides.
  • अरण्यशालि :: m. (-लिः) Wild rice. E. अरण्य, and शालि rice.
  • अरण्यशूकर :: m. (-रः) The wild hog. E. अरण्य, and शूकर hog.
  • अरण्यश्वन् :: m. (-श्वा) A wolf. E. अरण्य, and श्वन् a dog, the forest dog.
  • अरण्याध्यक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) Keeper or ranger of the forests, a headman or superintendent of a forest district, an officer in the old Hindu go- vernment. E. अरण्य, and अध्यक्ष superintendent.
  • अरण्यानी :: f. (-नी) A large forest. E. अरण्य, आनुक and ङीष् affs.
  • अरत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Dull, languid, apathetic. 2. Disgusted, discon- tented. E. अ neg. रत interested.
  • अरतत्रप :: m. (-पः) a dog. अ neg. रत copulation, and त्रप ashamed.
  • अरति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) 1. Dull, languid. 2. Discontented, unhappy. m. (-तिः) Anger, passion. f. (-तिः) 1. Dissatisfaction, discontent. 2. Dullness, languor. 3. Absence of pleasure, pain. 4. Anxiety, dis- tress. E. अ neg. and रति pleasure, or ऋ to go, and अति Unādi aff.
  • अरत्नि :: m. (-त्निः) 1. A cubit of the middle length, from the elbow to the tip of the little finger. 2. The elbow. E. ऋ to go, and कत्नि Unādi aff.
  • अरम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Low, inferior See अवम
  • अरम्य :: mfn. (-म्यः -म्या -म्यं) Disagreeable. E. अ neg. रम्य pleasing.
  • अरर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. A door. 2. A covering, a sheathe. 3. The sheathe of the shoot of a bamboo. E. अर from ऋ to go, and अरण् Unadi affix, ङीष् in the fem.
  • अररि :: mn. (-रिः-रि) A door. E. ऋ to go, and अरिन् aff.
  • अररु :: m. (-रुः) A enemy. E. ऋ to go, अरु Unādi aff.
  • अरर :: ind. A vocative particle, expressing haste.
  • अरलु :: m. (-लुः) An plant, (Bignonia Indica) See शोनाक E. ऋ to go, अरु affix, and र is changed to ल, also अरटु .
  • अरव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Silent. E. अ neg. रव sound.
  • अरविन्द :: n. (-न्दं) 1. lotus, (Nymphæa nelumbo.) 2. Copper. E. अर quickly, and विन्द to obtain, श affix; with reference to the lotus, as of quick growth.
  • अरविन्दनाभि :: m. (-भिः) VISHNU. E. अरविन्द, and नाभि the navel, from which sprung the lotus that bore BRAHMA at the creation.
  • अरविन्दिनी :: f. (-नी) An assemblage of lotus flowers. E. अरविन्द, इनि and ङीप् affs.
  • अरस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) 1. Insipid, tasteless. 2. Dull, flat, (as a composi- tion.) E. अ neg. रस flavour.
  • अरसिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Unfeeling, dull, devoid of taste 2. Fla- vourness, insipid, liter. or fig. E. अ neg. रसिक flavoured.
  • अरहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Having, possessed of. E. अ neg. रहित left.
  • अराम :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Cool, unimpassioned. E. अ neg. राग passion.
  • अरागिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) Cool, unimpassioned. E. अ neg. रागिन् impassioned.
  • अराजक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Anarchical, having no king or governor. E. अ neg. राजन् a king, कन् aff.
  • अराति :: m. (-तिः) An enemy. E. अ neg. and रा to give, with ति affix; who does not give pleasure.
  • अरातिभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Defeat or destruction of a foe. E. अराति, and भङ्ग breaking.
  • अराल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Crooked. m. (-लः) 1. Resin. 2. An elephant in rut. 3. A bent or crooked arm. f. (-ला) 1. A modest woman. 2. A disloyal or unchaste one. E. अर what goes. आ before ला to take or give, and क aff.
  • अरि :: m. (-रिः) 1. An enemy. 2. A wheel. 3. A species of Khadira or Mimosa. E. ऋ to go, अच् affix, and इ substituted for अ .
  • अरिकुल :: n. (-लं) Family of an enemy. E. अरि, and कुल family.
  • अरिक्यभाज् :: mfn. (-भाक्) Not entitled to a share of the property, a non- heir. E. अ neg. रिक्यभाज् a co-heir.
  • अरिता :: f. (-ता) Enmity, hostility. E. अरि and तल् affix, also with त्व, अरित्वं .
  • अरित्र :: n. (-त्रं) A rudder. E. ऋ to go, and इत्रन् aff.
  • अरिनन्दन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Gratifying an enemy, affording triumph to an enemy. E. अरि, and नन्दन what delights.
  • अरिन्दम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Conquering, victorious, E. अरि, and दम to tame, affix खच् .
  • अरिपुर :: n. (-रं) An enemy's town or country. E. अरि, and पुर a city.
  • अरिमित्र :: m. (-त्रः) An ally or friend of an enemy. E. अरि, and मित्र a friend.
  • अरिमेद :: m. (-दः) A fetid Mimosa, (M. Farnesiana.) E. अरि an enemy, and मेद what injures.
  • अरिराष्ट्र :: n. (-ष्ट्रं) An enemy's country. E. अरि, and राष्ट्र a country.
  • अरिलोक :: m. (-कः) A hostile tribe or an enemy's country. E. अरि, and लोक a country.
  • अरिष :: m. (-षः) 1. Disease arising from meat and drink. 2. A stream of water from the clouds.
  • अरिष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) 1. The soap-berry plant, (Sapindus saponaria, &c.) 2. Garlick. 3. The Nimb tree, (Melia azadaracta.) 4. A crow. 5. A heron. 6. The name of an Asur or infernal spirit. n. (-ष्टं) 1. A woman's apartment, the lying-in chamber. 2. Good fortune, happi- ness. 3. Bad or ill luck, misfortune. 4. Buttermilk. 5. Vinous spirit. 6. Sing or symptom of approaching death. 7. A portent, some natural phenomenon considered as indicating calamity. E. अ neg. and रिष्ट bad or good fortune.
  • अरिष्टक :: m. (-कः) The soap-berry plant, (Sapindus saponaria, &c.) E. अ neg. and रिष्ट affliction, क affix; relieving sickness, &c. See the preceding, of which it may have all the meanings.
  • अरिष्टताति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Auspicious, making fortunate or happy. E. अरिष्ट, तन to spread, and डाति aff.
  • अरिष्टदुष्टधी :: mfn. (-धीः -धीः -धि) Apprehensive of death, alarmed at its approach. E. अरिष्ट sign of death, दुष्ट disturbed, and धी under- standing, mind; whose is so.
  • अरिष्टनेमि :: m. (-मिः) The twenty-second of the twenty-four Jaina Tirtha- kāras or saints. Also नेमि .
  • अरिष्टसूदन :: m. (-नः) A name of KRISHNA or VISHNU. E. अरिष्ट the Asur so named, and सूदन who destroys; having killed the demon ARISHTA.
  • अरिष्टानक :: m. (-कं) Consternation, defeat. E. अरि, and स्थानक being in place.
  • अरिहिंसक :: m. (-कः) An avenger. E. अरि, and हिंसक who injures.
  • अरुण :: mfn. (-ग्णः -ग्णा -ग्णं) Healthy, well. E. अ neg. रुग्ण sick.
  • अरुचि :: f. (-चिः) 1. Aversion, dislike. 2. Want of appetite, disrelish, dis- gust. E. अ neg. रुचि light.
  • अरुचिर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Disagreeable, disgusting. E. अ neg. रुचिर agreeable.
  • अरुच्य :: mfn. (-च्यः -च्या -च्यं) Disagreeable. E. अ neg. रुच्य to be liked.
  • अरुज् :: mfn. (-रुक् or रुग्) Sound, healthy, free from disease. E. अ neg. रुज् sick.
  • अरुण :: m. (-णः) 1. A name of the sun. 2. Also of his charioteer, or the dawn personified as the son of KASYAPA by VINATA. 3. The colour of the dawn, dark red, or the mixture of red and black. 4. Tawny, (the colour.) 5. The redness of sun-set. 6. A kind of leprosy, with red spots and insensibility of the skin. 7. A dumb man. 4. (णा) 1. A plant, (Betula.) See अतिविषा . 2. Mader, (Rubia manjith.) 3. Another plant, commonly Teori. See त्रिवृत् . 4. A black kind of the same. 5. Colocynth or bitter apple. 6. The plant that yields the red and black berry from which the jeweller's weight, the Retti, is derived. See गुञ्जा . mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Tawny, dark red, &c. E. ऋ to go, and उनन् Udādi aff.
  • अरुणकमल :: n. (-लं) The red lotus. E. अरुण, and कमल a lotus.
  • अरुणलोचन :: m. (-नः) A pigeon. E. अरुण, and लोचन the eye.
  • अरुणसारथि :: m. (-थिः) The sun. E. अरुण, and सारथि a charioteer; whose charioteer is ARUNA.
  • अरुणाग्रज :: m. (-जः) GARURA, the bird of VISHNU. E. अरुण, and अग्रज first born; having ARUNA as his elder brother.
  • अरुणात्मज :: m. (-जः) A name of JATAYU, a fabulous bird: said by some to be the son of ARUNA, but more generally of GARUDA. E. अरुण, and आत्मज the son.
  • अरुणावरज :: m. (-जः) A name of GARUDA. E. अरुण, अवर after, and ज born; the younger brother of ARUNA.
  • अरुणित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Reddened. 2. Dyed red, impurpled. E. अरुण and इतच् aff.
  • अरुणिमन् :: m. (-मा) Redness. E. अरुण and इमनिच् aff.
  • अरुणीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Reddened, turning or become red. E. अरुण, and कृत made, च्वि augment.
  • अरुणोदय :: m. (-यः) Break of day, dawn, the period preceding sun-set. E. अरुण dawn, उदय rise.
  • अरुणोपल :: m. (-लः) A ruby. E. अरुण dark red, and उपल a stone.
  • अरुदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unwept, unlamented. 2. Not weeping. E. अ neg. रुदित wept.
  • अरुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Free, unobstructed. E. अ neg. रुद्ध obstructed.
  • अरुन्तुद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Sharp, corrosive. 2. Acrimonious, sharp, sour, (as disposition.) E. अरुस् a sore, and तुद what torments, from तुद and खश् affix; the final of अरुस् is dropped, and नुम् inserted.
  • अरुन्तुदत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Infliction of pain. 2. Acrimoniousness, causticity. E. त्व added to the last. Also अरुन्तुदता .
  • अरुन्धती :: f. (-ती) The daughter of KERDAMA and wife of VASISHṬHA, one of the seven Rishis; she is also one of the Pleiades. E. अ neg. रुध to confine, तन् and ङीप् affixes; who does not confine or hinder good works. ARUNDHATĪ is considered as pattern of conjugal ex- cellence, and is invoked at the marriage ceremony by the bridegroom.
  • अरुन्धतीजानि :: m. (-निः) VASISHṬHA, one of the seven Rishis or saints, and stars in the great bear. E. अरुन्धती and जानि from जाया a wife; whose wife is ARUNDHATĪ.
  • अरुन्धतीनाथ :: m. (-थः) A name of VASISHṬHA, as above. E. अरुन्धती and नाथ a lord or husband.
  • अरुश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Smooth, liter. or fig. E. अ neg. रुश rough.
  • अरुष्क :: m. (-ष्कः) The marking-nut plant, see the next word. E. अरुस् a sore, and क what makes.
  • अरुष्कर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Corrosive, caustic, acrid. m. (-रः) The marking- nut plant, (Semecarpius anacardium.) n. (-रं) The nut. E. अरुस् a sore, कृ to make, ट aff.
  • अरुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Calm, not angry. E. अ neg. रुष्ट angry.
  • अरुस् :: mn. (-रुः) A sore or wound. m. (-रुः) The sun. ind. A joint. E. ऋ to go, and उसि Unādi aff.
  • अरुसिका :: f. (-का) Eruptions on the scalp, with acute pain. E. अरुस् a sore, कन् added.
  • अरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पी-पं) 1. Formless, shapeless. 2. Ugly, ill formed, misshapen. 3. Dissimilar, unlike. E. अ neg. रूप beauty.
  • अरूपक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Literal, without figure or metaphor. E. अ neg. रूपक figurative.
  • अरूपता :: f. (-ता) 1. Ugliness. 2. Shapelessness. 3. Dissimilarity. E. तल् added to अरूप, also अरूपत्वं .
  • अरूपवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Ugly, shapeless. E. अरूप and मतुप् aff.
  • अरूष :: m. (-षः) 1. A kind of snake. 2. The sun. E. ऋ to go, ऊषन् Unādi aff.
  • अरे :: ind. Interjection of calling to inferiors.
  • अरेरे :: ind. 1. Interjection of calling to inferiors. 2. Also of calling angrily.
  • अरोक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Obscured, dimmed, darkened. E. रुच् to be light, घञ् affix; अ neg. prefix.
  • अरोकदत् :: mfn. (-दत् -दती -दत्) Having black or discoloured teeth. E. अरोक, and दत् for दन्त a tooth, also अरोकदन्त .
  • अरोकदन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Having bad teeth; see the last.
  • अरोग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Well, healthy, free from disease. m. (-गः) Health. E. अ neg. रोग sickness.
  • अरोगिता :: f. (-ता) Health. E. अरोगिन् well, तल् affix, or with त्व अरोगित्वं .
  • अरोगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिणी -गि) Well, in health. E. अ neg. रोगिन् sick.
  • अरोचक :: m. (-कः) Indigestion, loss of appetite. E. अ neg. रोचक digestion.
  • अरोचिष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णुं) 1. Disagreeable. 2. Dark. 3. Ugly. E. अ neg. रोचिष्णु splendid, &c.
  • अरोदन :: n. (-नं) Not weeping. E. अ neg. रोदन weeping.
  • अरोध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) Unobstructed, unobstructable. E. अ neg. रोध्य to be hindered.
  • अरोपण :: n. (-णं) Not planting or fixing. E. अ neg. रोपण setting up.
  • अरोष :: m. (-षः) Calmness. E. अ neg. रोष wrath.
  • अरौद्र :: mfn. (-द्रः -द्री -द्रं) Not formidable or fierce. E. अ neg. रौद्र formidable
  • अर्क :: r. 10th cl. (अर्कयति) 1. To praise. 2. To heat or warm.
  • अर्क :: m. (-र्कः) 1. The sun. 2. Crystal. 3. Swallow wort, (Calotropis gigantea) 4. Copper. 5. A name of INDRA. 6. A Pandit or learned man. 7. An elder brother. 8. Sunday. E. अर्च to worship or respect, क Unādi affix, and the च is dropped; what is worshipped or res- pected: or अर्क to heat, affix अच् .
  • अर्कज :: du. m. (-जौ) The two sons of SURYA and ASWINI, and physicians of Swarga E. अर्क the sun, and ज who is born.
  • अर्कतनय :: m. (-यः) The sons of SURYA or the sun, applicable to YAMA, to SANI, to the Munis VAIVASWATA and SAVARNI, to REVANTA, and to KARNA. f. (-या) The daughter of the sun, applied to the river goddesses JAMUNA and TAPTI. E. अर्क, and तनय a son.
  • अर्कत्विष् :: f. (-त्विट्) 1. A ray of light. 2. The light of the sun. E. अर्क, and त्विष् radiance.
  • अर्कदिन :: n. (-नं) A solar day. E. अर्क, and दिन a day: also अर्कदिवसं, &c.
  • अर्कनन्दन :: m. (-नः) YAMA, &c. see अर्कतनय . E. As before, and नन्दन a son.
  • अर्कपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) Swallow wort, (Calotropis gigantea.) f. (-त्रा) A kind of birth wort, (Aristolochia Indica.) E. अर्क the swallow wort, and पत्र a leaf: the leaves of the two plants being similar.
  • अर्कपर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) Swallow wort, (Asclepias gigantea,) or Calotropis. E. रक the sun, पर्ण a leaf.
  • अर्कपादप :: m. (-पः) The Nimb tree, (Nimba or Melia azadaracta.) E. अर्क, and पादप a tree.
  • अर्कपुष्पिका :: f. (-का) A plant, vulgarly Arkahuli, (Cleome pentaphylla.) Also अर्कपुष्पी .
  • अर्कबन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) A name of BUDDHA, the founder of the BUDDHA sect of Hindus. E. अर्क the sun, and बन्धु a kinsman, being of the Surya Vansa's, or line of the sun.
  • अर्कबान्धव :: m. (-वः) See the preceding. E. As before, बान्धव a kinsman.
  • अर्कमण्डल :: n. (-लं) The disc of the sun. E. अर्क and मण्डल a circle.
  • अर्कमूला :: f. (-ला) Birthwort. See अर्कपत्रा .
  • अर्करेतोज :: m. (-जः) REVANTA the son of SURYA. E. अर्क, रेतस् the semen, and ज born.
  • अर्कवर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) A solar year. E. अर्क, and वर्ष a year; also अर्कवत्सर, &c.
  • अर्कव्रत :: n. (-तं) 1. Levying taxes, subjecting the people to heavy imposts, drawing their wealth as the sun evaporizes water. 2. Periodical wor- ship of the sun. E. अर्क the sun, and व्रत observance.
  • अर्कसूनु :: m. (-नः) YAMA, regent of the dead. E. अर्क, and सूनु a son: the son of SURYA. See अर्कतनय .
  • अर्कसोदर :: m. (-रः) The elephant of INDRA. E. अर्क, सोदर kinsman, from स with, and उदर womb; from their being alike engaged in maintain- ing the universe.
  • अर्कांश :: m. (-शः) A digit or twelfth of the sun's disc. E. अर्क, and अंश a part.
  • अर्काश्मन् :: m. (-श्मा) 1. A crystal lens. See सूर्य्यकान्त . 2. A ruby. E. अर्क and अश्मन् a stone.
  • अर्काह्न :: m. (-ह्नः) Swallow wort. E. अर्क, and अह्न application: bearing all the synonimes of the sun.
  • अर्केन्दुसङ्गम :: m. (-मः) The instant of conjunction of the sun and moon. E. अर्क the sun, इन्दु the moon, and सङ्गम union.
  • अर्कोपल :: m. (-लः) 1. The sun-stone. 2. A ruby. 3. A crystal lens. E. अर्क, and उपल a stone.
  • अर्गल :: mf. (-लः-ला or -ली) A wooden bolt or pin for fastening a door. mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) A surge or billow. E. अर्ज to gain. कलच् affix, ज becomes ग, and the fem. takes both टाप् and ङीप् .
  • अर्गलिका :: f. (-का) A small door pin, a bolt. E. As before, कन् affix, टाप् for the fem. and इ substituted for अ .
  • अर्घ :: r. 1st cl. (अर्घति) To hurt or injure. r. 10th cl. (अर्घयति) To cost, to be worth.
  • अर्घ :: m. (-र्घः) 1. Price, cost. 2. Mode of worship or reverence. 3. An obla- tion of various ingredients to a god or Brahman. E. अर्घ to cost, or अर्ह to worship, ह being changed to घ, affix अच् .
  • अर्घदान :: n. (-नं) Presentation of a respectful offering. E. अर्घ, and दान giving.
  • अर्घबलाबल :: n. (-लं) Rate of price, proper. price. E. अर्घ, and बल strength, अबल weakness.
  • अर्घसंख्यापन :: n. (-नं) Fixing the price of commodities, appraising, assize. E. अर्घ, and संख्यापन fixing together with: it is the act of the king or ruler, in concert with the traders, and should be done once a week or once a fortnight.
  • अर्घार्ह :: mfn. (-र्हः -र्हा -र्हं) Worthy of or requiring a respectful offering, a superior. E. अर्घ, and अर्ह worthy.
  • अर्घीश :: m. (-शः) A name of SIVA. E. अर्घ oblation, and ईश lord: the lord of offerings.
  • अर्घ्य :: mfn. (-र्घ्यः -र्घ्या -र्घ्यं) Venerable, deserving worship. n. (-र्घ्यं) A respect- ful oblation to gods or venerable men, of rice, durva grass, flowers, &c. with water only and of water in a small boat-shaped vessel. n. (-र्घ्यं) Wild honey. e. अर्घ, and य or यत् aff.
  • अर्च :: r. 1st cl. (अर्चति) Also 1st and 10th cls. (अर्चति-ते अर्चयति-ते) To wor- ship, to honour or treat with respect: with सम् prefixed, to worship. This root and its derivatives are also read अर्च्च, &c. doubling the con- sonant after र .
  • अर्चक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) A worshipper, one who worships. E. अर्च and वुन् . aff.
  • अर्चन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) An article of worship. nf. (-नं-ना) Worship, the homage paid to deities and to superiors. E. अर्च to worship, युच् affix, and टाप् fem. do.
  • अर्चनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Venerable, respectable. E. अर्च, and अनीयर् affix, also अर्च्य and अर्चयितव्य .
  • अर्चा :: f. (-र्चा) 1. Worship, see अर्चन . 2. An image. E. अर्च to worship, अच् affix, and टाप् fem. do.
  • अर्चि :: f. (-र्चिः) Flame. E. अर्च to worship, इन् aff.
  • अर्चित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Worshipped, respected, saluted. E. अर्च in the part. past.
  • अर्चिष्मत् :: mfn. (-ष्मान् -ष्मती -ष्मत्) Brilliant, resplendent. m. (-ष्मान्) 1. Fire. 2. The sun. E. अर्चिस् flame, and मतुप् poss. aff.
  • अर्चिस् :: m. (-र्चिः) 1. Flame. 2. A ray of light. 3. Light, luster. E. अर्च to worship, and इसि Unādi aff.
  • अर्च्य :: mfn. (-र्च्यः -र्च्या -र्च्यं) Reverend, respectable, worshipful. E. अर्च to worship, and यत् aff.
  • अर्ज :: r. 1st cl. (-अर्जति) To earn, to gain or acquire, (commonly used with उप prefixed.) 10th cl. (अर्जयति) 1. The same, and: 2. To work or manufacture. 3. To make or prepare. This root and its derivatives are also read अर्ज्ज, &c. doubling the consonant after र .
  • अर्जक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) An acquirer, one who gains or acquires. m. (-कः) Basil, the white sort, (Ocymum villosum.) E. अर्ज to gain, and वुन् aff.
  • अर्जन :: n. (-नं) Gain, acquisition of wealth, &c. E. अर्ज, and ल्युट् affix, also written अर्ज्जन .
  • अर्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Gained, acquired. E. अर्ज to gain, क्त affix, also written अर्ज्जित .
  • अर्जुन :: m. (-नः) 1. The third of the Pāndavas, the son of INDRA and friend of KRISHNA. 2. The name of a king with a thousand arms. See कार्त्तवीर्य्य . 3. A tree, (Pentaptera arjuna.) 4. A peacock. 5. The only son of his mother. 6. White, (the colour.) nf. (-नं-नी) 1. Grass. 2. Slight inflammation of the conjunctiva or white of the eye. f. (-नी) 1. A cow. 2. USHĀ, the wife of ANIRUDDHA. 3. The Karatoyā river in the north of Bengal. 4. A procuress, a bawd. mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) White. E. अर्ज to gain, उनन् Unādi affix, fem. ङीप्, also read अर्ज्जुन .
  • अर्जुनक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Belonging to ARJUNA. E. अर्जुन and वुन् aff.
  • अर्जुनतस् :: ind. On the side or party of ARJUNA. E. अर्जुन and तसि aff.
  • अर्जुनच्छवि :: mfn. (-विः -विः -वि) White, of a white colour. E. अर्जुन white, and छवि light.
  • अर्जुनध्वज :: m. (-जः) The monkey HANUMAN. E. अर्जुन, and ध्वज a banner, being ARJUNA'S symbol.
  • अर्जुनोपम :: m. (-मः) The teak tree, (Tectona grandis.) E. अर्जुन a tree, &c. उपम like.
  • अर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) 1. The teak tree. 2. A letter.
  • अर्णव :: m. (-वः) The ocean. E. अर्णस् water, व affix, and स is dropped: the ण in this and similar words is optionally doubled, as अर्ण्णव, &c.
  • अर्णवज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Sea-born, marine. mn. (-जः-जं) Cuttle fish. E. अर्णव, and ज born.
  • अर्णवमन्दिर :: m. (-रः) VARUNA, regent of the water. E. अर्णव the ocean, and मन्दिर a house; whose dwelling is the deep.
  • अर्णवपोत :: m. (-तः) A boat or ship. E. अर्णव, and पोत a boat.
  • अर्णवयान :: n. (-नं) A boat or ship. E. अर्णव, and यान vehicle.
  • अर्णस् :: n. (-र्णः) Water. E. ऋ to go, असुन् Unādi affix, and नट् inserted.
  • अर्णोद :: m. (-दः) A cloud. E. अणस्, and द what gives.
  • अर्णोभव :: m. (-वः) A shell. E. अर्णस्, and भव being.
  • अर्त्तगल :: m. (-लः) Blue barleria, (B. cærulea.) E. आर्त्त exhausted, and गल to drop, the आ is made short, also आर्त्तगल .
  • अर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) Censure, reproach, abuse. E. ऋति to blame, a sautra root and ल्युट् aff.
  • अर्त्ति :: f. (-र्त्तिः) 1. Pain. 2. The end of a bow. E. अर्द to hurt, and क्तिन् aff.
  • अर्त्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Diseased, pained. m. (-कः) a kind of cake. E. अर्त्ति pain, and कन् added.
  • अर्त्तिका :: f. (-का) An elder sister, (in theatrical language.) See अत्तिका .
  • अर्थ :: r. 10th el. (अर्थयते sometimes -ति) To ask or beg.
  • अर्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) 1. Rich. 2. Learned. m. (-र्थः) 1. Wealth, property, substance. 2. Meaning, signification. 3. Thing. 4. fruit, conse- quence. 5. Prohibition. 6. A material substance or object of sense. 7. Cause, origin. 8. Request, asking, begging. 9. Kind, sort, man- ner. 10. Well, well being. 11. (In law) A suit, an action. E. ऋ to go, and थन् Unādi aff.
  • अर्थकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Producing yielding wealth, what enriches. E. अर्थ, and कर what makes, also similar compounds, as अर्थकारक mfn. (-कः -का -कं) अर्थकारिन् mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) and अर्थजनक mfn. (-कः -का -कं) &c.
  • अर्थकाम :: m. (-मः) Avarice, desire of wealth E. अर्थ, and काम desire.
  • अर्थगरीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Significant, meaning. E. अर्थ with गुरु heavy, ईयसुन् superlative aff.
  • अर्थघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) Wasteful, extravagant. E. अर्थ, and घ्न who or what destroys.
  • अर्थज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Wise, discriminating, understanding the various significations of a word, &c. E. अर्थ meaning, and ज्ञ who knows.
  • अर्थतस् :: ind. According to the sense. E. तसि added to अर्थ .
  • अर्थतत्त्व :: n. (-त्त्वं) Truth, the real object, nature or cause of any thing. E. अर्थ, and तत्त्व truth.
  • अर्थद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Liberal, munificent. 2. Compliant, favourable. E. अर्थ wealth or object, and द who or what gives. Also similar com- pounds, as अर्थदायक, अर्थदायिन् and अर्थदातृ, &c.
  • अर्थदूषण :: n. (-णं) Waste, prodigality, extravagance. E. अर्थ, and दूषण spoil- ing.
  • अर्थना :: f. (-ना) Begging, asking. E. अर्थ to ask, and युच् aff.
  • अर्थपति :: m. (-तिः) 1. KUVERA, the Hindu PLUTUS. 2. A king. E. अर्थ wealth, and पति lord.
  • अर्थपर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Intent on gaining wealth. 2. Persimonious, niggardly. E. अर्थ, and पर intent.
  • अर्थप्रयोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Application of wealth as to trade, usury, &c. 2. The profession of usury. E. अर्थ, and प्रयोग application.
  • अर्थप्राप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) 1. Acquisition of wealth. 2. Attainment of an object. E. अर्थ, and प्राप्ति gaining.
  • अर्थभृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) A servant who has high wages. E. अर्थ, and भृत maintained.
  • अर्थभेद :: m. (-दः) Distinction, difference of meaning. E. अर्थ meaning, and भेद dividing.
  • अर्थलाभ :: m. (-भः) Acquisition of wealth. E. अर्थ, and लाभ acquiring.
  • अर्थलुब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) Greedy of wealth, covetous, niggardly. E. अर्थ, and लुब्ध desirous.
  • अर्थलेश :: m. (-शः) A little wealth. E. अर्थ, and लेश a little.
  • अर्थलोभ :: m. (-भः) Avarice, desire of wealth. E. अर्थ, and लोभ desire.
  • अर्थवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Wealthy, rich. 2. Significant, having sense or meaning. 3. Designed, intentional, having an object. E. अर्थ, and मतुप् poss. aff.
  • अर्थवाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Praise, eulogium. 2. Declaration of purpose or ob- ject, speech or expression having a certain object, as स्तुत्यर्थवादः speech implying praise, निन्दार्थवादः speech implying censure. 3. Am- plification. E. अर्थ substance, thing, and वाद speaking.
  • अर्थविज्ञान :: n. (-नं) One of the six exercises of the understanding, the comprehension of meanings. E. अर्थ meaning, import, and विज्ञान knowledge.
  • अर्थविद् :: mfn. (-वित् or विद्) Sagacious, sensible, wise. E. अर्थ, and विद् who knows.
  • अर्थवृद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Accumulation of wealth. E. अर्थ and वृद्धि increase.
  • अर्थवैकल्प :: n. (-ल्पं) Prevarication, evasion, deviation from truth, per- version or disguise of fact. E. अर्थ object, वैकल्प alteration.
  • अर्थव्यय :: m. (-यः) Expenditure. E. अर्थ, and व्यय expenditure.
  • अर्थव्ययज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Liberal in giving and using. E. अर्थ wealth, व्यय expense, and ज्ञ who knows.
  • अर्थशास्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) The science of polity or moral and political govern- ment. E. अर्थ possession, property, and शास्त्र institutes of a science.
  • अर्थशौच :: n. (-चं) 1. Honesty. 2. Acquisition of wealth. E. अर्थ purpose or wealth, शौच purity.
  • अर्थसंग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. Accumulation of wealth. 2. A treasure. E. अर्थ, and संग्रह a collection.
  • अर्थसंस्थान :: n. (-नं) 1. Accumulation of wealth. 2. A treasury. E. अर्थ, and संस्थान assemblage.
  • अर्थसञ्चय :: m. (-यः) Accumulation of wealth. E. अर्थ, and सञ्चय heap.
  • अर्थसम्बन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Connexion of the sense with the word or sentence. E. अर्थ, and सम्बन्ध connexion.
  • अर्थसिद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Effected by wealth. 2. Successful, one whose aim is accomplished. E. अर्थ, and सिद्ध accomplished.
  • अर्थसिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Success. E. अर्थ, and सिद्धि accomplishment.
  • अर्थहर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Inheriting or taking wealth. E. अर्थ, and हर who takes. So अर्थहारिन् mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि .)
  • अर्थहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Poor. 2. Failing, disappointed. 3. Unmean- ing, nonsensical. E. अर्थ and हीन wanting. So अर्थशून्य mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) E. अर्थ, and शून्य empty.
  • अर्थागम :: m. (-मः) 1. Receipt or collection of property. 2. Acquisition of wealth. E. अर्थ wealth and आगम coming.
  • अर्थाधिकार :: m. (-रः) Stewardship, treasurership, charge of money or property. E. अर्थ and अधिकार superintendence.
  • अर्थाधिकारिन् :: m. (-री) A treasurer, a paymaster. E. अर्थ, and अधिकारिन् superintendent.
  • अर्थान्तर :: n. (-रं) 1. Difference of meaning or purport. 2. Another or second sense. 3. Opposite or antithetical meaning. E. अर्थ, and अन्तर difference.
  • अर्थान्तरन्यास :: m. (-सः) Antithesis. E. अर्थान्तर, and न्यास position.
  • अर्थान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Rich. 2. Significant. E. अर्थ wealth, and अन्वित possessed of.
  • अर्थापत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. A figure of speech, a quibble, the use of one word in a double sense. 2. An inference from circumstances. E. अर्थ, and आपति gaining.
  • अर्थार्थिन् :: mfn. (-र्थी -र्थिनी -र्थि) 1. One who solicits wealth. 2. One endeavour- ing to gain any object. E. अर्थ, and अर्थिन् who seeks or solicits.
  • अर्थिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A crier, a watchman, a minstrel, a servant whose duty it is to announce by song or music, fixed periods of the day, or those of getting up and of repose, &c. 2. A beggar, a solicitor. E. अर्थि a rich man, and क from कै to call or sound.
  • अर्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Asked, begged, sought. E. अर्थ to ask, क्त aff.
  • अर्थिता :: f. (-ता) Asking, begging. Also n. (-त्वं) E. तल् or त्व added to अर्थिन् .
  • अर्थिन् :: mfn. (-र्थी -र्थिनी -र्थि) 1. One who asks or begs for any thing. 2. One who seeks to effect or gain a purpose or object. m. (-र्थी) 1. A servant. 2. A follower, a companion or partizan. 3. A plaintiff, a prosecutor. 4. A beggar, a petitioner. E. अर्थ asking, &c. इनि aff.
  • अर्थोपार्ज्जन :: n. (-नं) Acquiring wealth. E. अर्थ, and उपार्ज्जन acquiring.
  • अर्थोष्मन् :: n. (-ष्म) Wealth, the condition of being wealthy. E. अर्थ, and उष्मन् warmth. So anglice, a warm man.
  • अर्थ्य :: mfn. (-र्थ्यः -र्थ्या -र्थ्यं) 1. Intelligent, wise. 2. Wealthy. 3. Right, proper. 4. Fit to be asked or sought. n. (-र्थ्यं) Red chalk. E. अर्थ and यत् aff.
  • अर्द :: r. 1st cl. (अर्दति) 1. To ask or beg. 2. To go. 1st and 10th cls. (अर्दति-ते अर्दयति-ते) To kill or to hurt.
  • अर्दना :: f. (-ना) 1. Begging, asking. 2. Giving pain. 3. Killing. 4. Going. E. अर्द to ask, &c. युच् and टाप् affs.
  • अर्दनि :: m. (-निः) 1. Fire. 2. Asking, begging. 3. Sickness, disease. E. अर्द to pain, अनि aff.
  • अर्दित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Asked, requested, begged. 2. Killed, injured. 3. Pained, afflicted. 4. Gone. n. (-तं) A disease, Hemiplegin, paralysis of the muscles on one side of the face and neck. E. अर्द to go, to ask, &c. affix क्त, and इट् inserted.
  • अर्द्ध :: mfn. (-र्द्धः -र्द्धा -र्द्धं) Half, halved. m. (-र्द्धः) A part. n. (-र्द्धिं) A half. E. ऋध to increase, and घञ् aff.
  • अर्द्धकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Halved, divided equally. E. अर्द्ध, and कृत made.
  • अर्द्धखार :: nf. (-रं-री) A measure, half a khārī. E. अर्द्ध, and खारी a measure so called.
  • अर्द्धगङ्गा :: f. (-ङ्गा) The Kāveri river, in the peninsula. E. अर्द्ध half, and गङ्गा the Ganges; being a sacred stream, having half the virtues of the great Ganges.
  • अर्द्धगुच्छ :: m. (-च्छः) A necklace of twenty-four strings. E. अर्द्ध, and गुच्छ a bundle.
  • अर्द्धचन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) 1. A crescent or half moon. 2. The hand bent into a semicircle or the shape of a claw, as for the purpose of seizing or clutching any thing. 3. The semicircular marks on a peacock's tail. 4. An arrow, with a head like a crescent. 5. The semicircular scratch of the finger nail. f. (-न्द्रा) A plant, vulgarly Teori, the black kind. E. अर्द्ध half, and चन्द्र moon, or with कन् added अर्द्धचन्द्रकः .
  • अर्द्धचन्द्राकार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Of the shape of the half moon. m. (-रः) A meniscus. E. अर्द्धचन्द्र, and आकार form.
  • अर्द्धचन्द्राकृति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Half-mooned, of a crescent-shape, convex and concave. f. (-तिः) A meniscus. E. अर्द्धचन्द्र, and आकृति shape.
  • अर्द्धचोलक :: m. (-कः) A short bodice. E. अर्द्ध, and चोलक a bodice.
  • अर्द्धजाह्नवी :: f. (-वी) The Kāveri river. See अर्द्धगङ्गा, जाह्नवी being the Ganges.
  • अर्द्धधार :: n. (-रं) A knife or lancet with a single edge, the blade two inches long, the heft six. E. अर्द्ध, and धारा an edge.
  • अर्द्धनारीश :: m. (-शः) A name of MAHĀDEVA. E. अर्द्ध, and नारी a woman, an ईश master; one of the forms of SIVA, to which this name applies being half male and half female.
  • अर्द्धनाव :: m. (-वः) A boat's half. E. अर्द्ध, and नाव, from नौ a boat, and टच aff.
  • अर्द्धनिशा :: f. (-शा) Midnight. E. अर्द्ध, and निशा night.
  • अर्द्धपण :: n. (-णं) Half a Pana. E. अर्द्ध, and पण a measure of four Kākinis.
  • अर्द्धपारावत :: m. (-तः) 1. A pigeon, (with a spotted or painted throat.) 2. The francoline partridge. E. अर्द्ध, and पारावत a pigeon.
  • अर्द्धपुलायित :: n. (-तं) A half gallop, a canter. E. अर्द्ध, and पुलायित a gallop.
  • अर्द्धप्रहर :: m. (-रः) Half a watch, a period of an hour and a half. E. अर्द्ध, and प्रहर a watch.
  • अर्द्धभाग :: m. (-गः) A half. E. अर्द्ध, and भाग part.
  • अर्द्धभाज् :: mf. (-भाक्) Taking or sharing half. E. अर्द्ध half. and माज् who possesses.
  • अर्द्धभागिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Taking or sharing half. E. अर्द्धभाग a half, ठक् aff.
  • अर्द्धभागिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) Sharing or taking half. E. अर्द्धभाग and इनि aff.
  • अर्द्धमाणव :: m. (-वः) A necklace of twelve strings. Also अर्द्धमाणवक . E. अर्द्ध, and माणव one of twenty-four strings.
  • अर्द्धयाम :: m. (-मः) Half a watch, an hour and a half. E. अर्द्ध, and याम a watch, also अर्द्धयामक .
  • अर्द्धरथ :: m. (-थः) A warrior, who fights on a car with another. E. अर्द्ध, and रथ a car, having half a car.
  • अर्द्धरात्र :: m. (-त्रः) 1. Midnight. 2. The period from two and a half to three and a half watches of the night. E. अर्द्ध, and रात्र night.
  • अर्द्धर्च :: mn. (-चः-चं) Half a verse of the Vedas. E. अर्द्ध, and ऋच् a verse of a Veda.
  • अर्द्धवीक्षण :: n. (-णं) A side look, a glance, a leer. E. अर्द्ध, and वीक्षण looking.
  • अर्द्धशत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Fifty. 2. One hundred and fifty. E. अर्द्ध, and शत a hundred, in the second sense it is more usually सार्द्धशत, &c. So अर्द्धपञ्चाशत्, अर्द्धसहस्र, &c.
  • अर्द्धशन :: n. (-नं) Half a meal. E. अर्द्ध, and अशन eating, also अर्द्धाशन .
  • अर्द्धसफर :: m. (-रः) A small fish, (Cyprinus sophore, HAM:) E. अर्द्ध, and सफर another fish, to which it is compared.
  • अर्द्धसीरिन् :: m. (-री) A cultivator, a ploughman who takes half the crop for his labour. E. अर्द्ध, and सीर a plough, इनि aff.
  • अर्द्धहार :: m. (-रः) A necklace of sixty-four strings. E. अर्द्ध, and हार a necklace.
  • अर्द्धांश :: m. (-शः) A half. E. अर्द्ध, and अंश a share.
  • अर्द्धाशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Sharing a half. E. अर्द्धांश and इनि aff.
  • अर्द्धांङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) Half the body. E. अर्द्ध, and अङ्ग the body.
  • अर्द्धार्द्ध :: mfn. (-र्द्धः -र्द्धा -र्द्धं) Sharing equally. m. (-र्द्धः) A quarter. E. अर्द्ध repeated.
  • अर्द्धावभेदक :: m. (-कः) Pain of half the head, hemicrania. n. (-कं) Dividing in equal parts. E. अर्द्ध, and अवभेदक cutting off.
  • अर्द्धाशन :: n. (-नं) Half a meal. Also अर्द्धशन .
  • अर्द्धासन :: n. (-नं) 1. Exemption from censure. 2. Greeting kindly or with respect, placing on the same seat. E. अर्द्ध, and आस to remain, affix ल्युट् .
  • अर्द्धिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Measuring a half. 2. Relating to a half. E. अर्द्ध and टिठन् aff.
  • अर्द्धिन् :: mfn. (-र्द्धी -र्द्धिनी -र्द्धि) Entitled to or sharing a half. E. अर्द्ध and इनि . aff.
  • अर्द्धेन्दु :: m. (-न्दुः) 1. A half moon or crescent. 2. The impression of a finger nail. 3. The hand expanded in a semicircular form like a claw. 4. An arrow with a crescent-shaped head. E. अर्द्ध, and इन्दु the moon.
  • अर्द्धोक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Half uttered, said imperfectly or indistinctly. E. अर्द्ध, and उक्त said.
  • अर्द्धोक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Speaking indistinctly or incompletely, broken or in- terrupted speech. E. अर्द्ध, and उक्ति speech.
  • अर्द्धोदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Half risen. 2. Half uttered. E. अर्द्ध, and उदित risen.
  • अर्द्धोरुक :: n. (-कं) A short petticoat. E. अर्द्ध, and उरु the high, कन् aff.
  • अर्पण :: nf. (-णं-णा) 1. Delivering, entrusting. 2. Placing in or upon. E. ऋ to go, in the causal form, यच् aff.
  • अर्पणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be delivered, deliverable. E. ऋ to go, causal form. अनीयर् aff.
  • अर्पित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Delivered, consigned. 2. Placed in or upon. E. ऋ to go, in the causal form, क्त aff.
  • अर्पितकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Extending or giving the hand. 2. Married. E. अर्पित, and कर the hand.
  • अर्पिस :: m. (-सः) The heart. E. ऋ to go, in the causal form अर्प्य, and इसन् Unādi aff.
  • अर्प्य :: mfn. (-र्प्यः -र्प्या -र्प्यं) To be delivered, consignable. E. ऋ to go, causal form, य aff.
  • अर्ब्ब :: r. 1st. cl. (अर्ब्बति) 1. To go, to go to or towards. 2. To kill or hurt. See अर्व्व .
  • अर्ब्बुद :: mn. (-दः-दं) 1. Ophthalmia. 2. A hundred millions. m. (-दः) 1. The name of a mountain in the west of India, commonly Abu, a place of pilgrimage, especially to the Jainas. 2. An indolent swelling. E. अर्ब्ब to injure. उदच् affix; the root and derivative are also written with the dental letter.
  • अर्भ :: mfn. (-र्भः -र्भा -र्भं) Destitute of splendour. m. (-र्भः) 1. A child, a pupil. 2. Dew. 3. Herbs. E. ऋ to go, and भन् Unādi aff.
  • अर्भक :: m. (-कः) 1. A child, the young of any animal. 2. A fool, an idiot. 3. Small, minute. 4. Emaciated. 5. Like, similar. E. ऋध to grow, वुन् Unādi affix, and भ substituted for ध .
  • अर्म्म :: mn. (-र्म्मः-र्म्मं) A disease of the eyes. E. ऋ to go, and मन् Unādi affix, also read अर्म्मन् .
  • अर्म्मण :: m. (-णः) A measure of one Drona.
  • अर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) A disease of the eyes. E. ऋ to go, मनिन् aff.
  • अर्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) Excellent. m. (-र्य्यः) 1. A master. 2. A man of the third tribe, the Vaisya. f. (-र्य्या) 1. A woman of the third tribe. 2. The wife of a Vaisya. E. ऋ to go, यत् affix, and टाप् or ङीप् for the fem.; ङीप् is affixed, when the word is fem. with reference to the male.
  • अर्य्यमन् :: m. (-मा) 1. The sun. 2. A class of the Manes or deified proge- nitors. 3. The asclepias plant. E. ऋ to go, कनिन् Unādi affix, and माङ् inserted.
  • अर्य्यर्य्याणी :: f. (-णी) A multitude of woman of the Vaisya tribe.
  • अर्य्याणी :: f. (-णी) A woman of the Vaisya tribe. E. अर्य्य, ङीप् affix, and आनुक् inserted. See अर्य्य .
  • अर्व्व :: r. 1st cl. (अर्व्वति) To kill or hurt, also written अर्ब्ब .
  • अर्व्वट :: n. (-टं) Ashes. E. अर्व्व or अर्ब्ब to injure, hence the word may be also written अर्ब्बट .
  • अर्व्वन् :: mfn. (-र्व्वा -र्व्वती -र्व्वत्) Low, inferior, vile. m. (-र्व्वा) 1. A horse. 2. A name of INDRA. 3. A short span. f. (-र्व्वती) 1. A mare. 2. A bawd, a procuress. E. ऋ to go, and वनिप् Unādi affix; it is sometimes derived from अर्ब्ब to go, and is then written अर्ब्बन् .
  • अर्व्वाच् :: mfn. (-र्व्वाङ् -र्व्वाची -र्व्वाक्) Following, subsequent. ind. (-र्व्वाच् or -र्व्वाक्) 1. After, in time. 2. Behind, in place. 3. Near. E. अवर behind, अञ्च to go, क्विप् affix; the formation is irregular.
  • अर्व्वाचीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Reverse, contrary. 2. Recent, modern. E. अर्व्वाच् and ख aff.
  • अर्व्वाचीनत्व :: n. (-त्वं) State of reverse. E. त्व added to the last; also with तल्, अर्व्वाचीनता .
  • अर्श :: n. (-र्शं) Hœmorrhoids, piles. Also अर्शस् .
  • अर्शस् :: n. (-र्शः) Hœmorrhoids, piles. E. ऋ to go, असुन् Unādi affix, and शुट् inserted.
  • अर्शस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Afflicted with hœmorrhoids. E. अर्शस् and अच् aff.
  • अर्शसान :: m. (-नः) Fire. E. ऋ to go, शानच् affix, and शुट् inserted.
  • अर्शिन् :: mfn. (-र्शी -र्शिनी -र्शि) Afflicted with hœmorrhoids. E. अर्श, and इनि aff.
  • अर्शोघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्ना -घ्नं) Destroying the hœmorrhoids. m. (-घ्नः) An es- culent root, (Arum campanulatum.) f. (-घ्नी) A plant, (Curculigo orchioides.) E. अर्शस्, and घ्न what destroys, from हन to kill.
  • अर्शोरोग :: m. (-गः) The piles or hœmorrhoids. E. अर्शस्, and रोग disease.
  • अर्शोरोगयुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Afflicted with hœmorrhoids. E. अर्शोरोग and युत affected by.
  • अर्शोरोगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिणी -गि) Having hœmorrhoids. E. अर्शोरोग and इनि aff.
  • अर्शोहित :: m. (-तः) The marking-nut plant, (Semecarpus anacardium.) E. अर्शस्, and हित proper.
  • अर्सस् :: m. (-र्सः) Hœmorrhoids. See अर्शस् .
  • अर्ह :: r. 1st cl. (अर्हति) 1. To worship or honour. 2. To be fit or worthy: in the first sense it is also. r. 10th cl. (अर्हयति .)
  • अर्ह :: mfn. (-र्हः -र्हा -र्हं) 1. Proper, fit, becoming. 2. Deserving, entitled to, worthy, m. (-र्हः) INDRA. f. (-र्हा) Worship. E. अर्ह to worship, to be fit, अच् aff.
  • अर्हण :: nf. (-णं-णा) Worship, adoration, respect, courtesy, treating with veneration or respect. E. अर्ह to worship, and युच् aff.
  • अर्हत् :: mfn. (-र्हन् -र्हन्ती -र्हत्) 1. Venerable, respectable. 2. Praised, celebrated. m. (-र्हन्) 1. A Jina or Jaina saint and teacher. 2. A Jaina, or follow- er of the doctrines of Jaina. 3. A religious mendicant of that sect. E. अर्ह to worship, &c. and शतृ affix, of the present participle.
  • अर्हत्तम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Best, most worthy. E. अर्हत् respectable, डतम aff.
  • अर्हत्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) More worthy, better. E. अर्हत् and डतर aff.
  • अर्हन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. A Saugata or follower of the doctrines of Buddha. 2. A religious mendicant of the same sect. 3. A name of SIVA. E. अर्ह to worship, &c. and अन्त irregular aff.
  • अर्हित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Saluted, honoured, worshipped. E. अर्ह to worship, &c. and क्त aff.
  • अर्ह्य :: mfn. (-र्ह्यः -र्ह्या -र्ह्यं) Vererable, respectable, right, fit. E. अर्ह and यत् affix: also with अनीयर् affix, अर्हणीय .
  • अल :: r. 1st. cl. also read अलं (अलति-ते) 1. To adorn. 2. To be competent or able. 3. To prevent.
  • अल :: n. (-लं) 1. The sting in the tail of the scorpion. 2. Yellow orpiment. E. अल to adorn, &c. and अच् aff.
  • अलक :: mn. (-कः-कं) A curl. m. (-कः) A mad dog. See अलर्क f. (-का) 1. Alaka, the capital of KUVERA. 2. A young girl from eight to ten years of age. E. अल to adorn, &c. वुन् affix, and fem. टाप् .
  • अलकनन्दा :: f. (-न्दा) 1. A young girl from eight to ten years old. 2. A river, the Alakanandā, a stream that runs from the Himalaya mountains, and falls into the Ganges near Srinagara. It is also a name of the terrestrial Ganges. E. अलका, and नन्दा who delights, the final of the first dropped.
  • अलकप्रभा :: f. (-भा) The capital of KUVERA. E. अलका, and प्रभा what shines.
  • अलकप्रिय :: m. (-यः) A plant, (Pentaptera tomentosa.)
  • अलकसंहति :: f. (-तिः) Rows of curls. E. अलक, and संहति collection. So अलकावली .
  • अलकाधिप :: m. (-पः) A name of KUVERA. E. अलका the city, and अधिप a ruler.
  • अलकाधिपति :: m. (-तिः) KUVERA. E. अलका, and अधिपति ruler.
  • अलकान्त :: m. (-न्तः) A ringlet, the end of a curl. E. अलक, and अन्त end.
  • अलक्त :: m. (-क्तः) Lac, the red animal dye so called. E. अ neg. रक्त red, र being changed to ल; than what nothing is redder.
  • अलक्तक :: n. (-कं) Lac, the dye; see the preceding. E. As before, कन् being added.
  • अलक्तरस :: m. (-सः) Liquefied lac dye. E. अलक्त, and रस juice.
  • अलक्षण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Unfortunate, ill fated, having no good marks on the person. 2. Undefined. n. (-णं) 1. The absence of auspicious marks. 2. Misfortune. 3. The want of any predicate or definition. E. अ priv. and लक्षण a mark.
  • अलक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unmarked, having no particular mark. 2. Unobserved, unseem. 3. Undefined. E. अ neg. and लक्षित marked.
  • अलक्ष्मी :: f. (-क्ष्मीः) Misfortune, poverty. E. अ priv. and लक्ष्मी fortune.
  • अलक्ष्य :: mfn. (-क्ष्यः -क्ष्या -क्ष्यं) Undistinguishable, undefinable. So अलक्षणीय .
  • अलगर्दः :: m. (-र्दः) 1. The black variety of the Cobra de Capello, (Colu- ber naga.) 2. A large black leech. E. अ neg. लग to be with or near, and क्विप् affix अलक; again, अर्द to go, and अच् affix; not trailing its whole length upon the ground: also अलगर्द्ध .
  • अलग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) Not joined or connected. E. अ neg. लग्न attached to.
  • अलघु :: mfn. (-घुः -घुः -घ्वी-घु) 1. Heavy, weighty. 2. Serious, solemn. 3. Violent, intense. E. अ neg. लघु light.
  • अलघुप्रतिज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Solemnly pledged or promised. E. अलघु, and प्रतिज्ञा agreement.
  • अलघूपल :: m. (-लः) A rock. E. अलघु, and उपल a stone.
  • अलघूमन् :: m. (-ष्मा) Intense heat. E. अलघु, and उष्मन् heat.
  • अलङ्करण :: n. (-णं) Ornament, decoration. E. अलम् ornament, and करण what makes.
  • अलङ्करिष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णुं) 1. Ornamented. 2. Fond or ornament. E. अलम् ornament, कर from कृ, and इष्णुच् aff.
  • अलङ्कर्तृ :: mfn. (-र्ता -र्त्री -र्तृ) Ornamented, ornamenting, E. अलम् as before, and कर्तृ who makes.
  • अलङ्कर्म्मीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Competent to an act, skilful, clever. E. अलम् able, fit for, कर्म्म act, business, ख aff.
  • अलङ्कार :: m. (-रः) 1. Ornament (of dress,) trinkets, jewels, &c. 2. (Of language,) A figure or theoretical expression. 3. The art of composi- tion. E. अलम् ornament, कार what makes.
  • अलङ्कारहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Unadorned. E. अलङ्कार, and हीन void of.
  • अलङ्क्रिया :: f. (-या) Adorning, ornamenting. E. अलम्, and क्रिया act.
  • अलङ्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Ornamented, adorned, lit. or fig. E. अलम् as before, कृत made.
  • अलङ्घन :: n. (-नं) 1. Not transgressing. 2. Not passing over or beyond. E. अ neg. लङ्घन crossing.
  • अलङ्घनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Impassable, not to be crossed. 2. Venerable, inviolable, not to be transgressed. E. अ neg. लङ्घनीय to be passed, also अलङ्घ्यः .
  • अलङ्घनीयता :: f. (-ता) 1. The state of not being passable. 2. Inviolability, respectability. E. तल् added to the last, also अलङ्घनीयत्वं .
  • अलङ्घ्य :: mfn. (-ङ्घ्यः -ङ्घ्या -ङ्घ्यं) 1. Inviolable. 2. Impassable. E. अ neg. लङ्घ्य to be crossed.
  • अलङ्घ्यता :: f. (-ता) 1. Impassability, inaccessibility. 2. Superiority. 3. Authoritative or absolute rule. E. अलङ्घ्य not to crossed or trans- gressed, तल् affix, also अलङ्घ्यत्वं .
  • अलज्ज :: mfn. (ज्जः-ज्जा-ज्जं) Shameless. E. अ neg. लज्जा shame. So अलज्जित .
  • अलजी :: f. (-जी) Inflammation of the eye, at the edge of the cornea.
  • अलञ्जर :: m. (-रः) An earthen water jar. E. अलम् able, and जॄ to decay, also अलिञ्जर .
  • अलति :: m. (-तिः) A kind of song. E. अलम् ornament, and अति Unādi aff.
  • अलन्तराम् :: ind. Quite enough, amply sufficient. E. अलं and तराम् aff.
  • अलब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) Unobtained. E. अ neg. and लब्ध attained.
  • अलन्धूम :: m. (-मः) A great smoke. E. अलम् much, and धूम smoke.
  • अलभ्य :: mfn. (-भ्यः -भ्या -भ्यं) Unattainable, unobtainable. E. अ neg. लभ्य to be got.
  • अलम् :: ind. Ornament. 2. Enough, abundance. 3. Able, adequate or equal to. 4. Prohibition, no not. 5. Unnecessary, no need of. It is chiefly used in composition, as अलञ्जीविकः having enough for sub- sistence; अलन्दत्त्वा refusing to give; इत्यलम् enough; अलङ्कार orna- ment, &c. E. अल to adorn. &c. and अम् aff.
  • अलम्पुरुषीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Fit for a man, becoming a man. E. अलम्, पुरुष a man, and ख aff.
  • अलम्बुष :: m. (-षः) 1. The palm of the hand with the fingers extended. 2. Vomiting, sickness. 3. The name of a Rākshasa or goblin. f. (-षा) 1. One of the Apsarās or nymphs of Swarga. 2. Madder, (Rubia manjith.) 3. A sort of sensitive plant. 4. A barrier, a line or any thing not to be crossed. E. अलम्, and बुस to injure, affix क .
  • अलय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Houseless, homeless. E. अ neg. and लय place of refuge.
  • अलर्क :: m. (-र्कः) 1. White swallow wort, (Calotropis gigantea alba.) 2. A mad dog or one rendered furious. 3. A fabulous animal, like a hog with eight legs. 4. An Asura changed to such an animal. Also अलर्क्क . E. अल् to adorn, &c. क्विप् affix, and अर्क to inflame or heat.
  • अलले :: ind. A word of no import, occuring in the dialect or gibberish of Pisāchas, a class of imps or goblins, when they are introduced in plays, &c.
  • अलवाल :: n. (-लं) A basin for water at the root of a tree. E. अ neg. लू to cut, and आल affix; also आलवाल .
  • अलवालक :: n. (-कं) See the preceding. E. As before, कन् added.
  • अलस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Lazy, idle, indolent. m. (-सः) 1. Swelling of the feet in elephantiasis. 2. Chaps between the toes. 3. Name of a tree. f. (-सा) A creeping plant, (Cissus pedata.) E. अ neg. लस to work, affix अच् .
  • अलसक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Indolent. m. (-कः) Flatulence, Tympanitis, in- tumescence of the abdomen, with constipation and wind. E. कन् added to the last.
  • अलसता :: f. (-ता) Idleness. E. अलस and तल् aff.
  • अलसत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Idleness. E. अलस and त्वं aff.
  • अलसेक्षणा :: f. (-णा) A woman with languishing looks. E. अलस idle, and ईक्षणा looking.
  • अलात :: n. (-तं) A fire brand, weather burning or extinguished. E. अ neg. ला to take, and क्त aff.
  • अलाबु :: f. (-बुः) A long gourd. See the next word.
  • अलाबू :: f. (-बूः) The bottle gourd, (Cucurbita lagenaris.) E. अ neg. लब to sink, ऊ Unādi affix, म् is dropped, and the preceding vowel length- ened: what does not sink in water; floats, &c. are made of this gourd, especially when hollowed: also अलबु and आलाबु .
  • अलाबूकट :: n. (-टं) The down of the gourd. E. अलाबू and कटच् aff.
  • अलाभ :: m. (-भः) 1. Non-acquirement, not getting. 2. Loss. E. अ neg. लाभ gain.
  • अलार :: m. (-रः) A door. E. अल able, and ऋ to go, अच् affix; by which one may go.
  • अलास :: m. (-सः) Inflammation and abscess at the root of the tongue. E. अ neg. लास saliva.
  • अलि :: m. (-लिः) 1. A large black bee. 2. A scorpion. 3. The sign Scorpio. 4. A crow. 5. The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. 6. Spirituous liquor. E. अल to be able, &c. इण् Unādi aff.
  • अलिक :: n. (-कं) The forehead. E. अल to adorn, &c. and इकन् affix; also अलीक .
  • अलिकुल :: n. (-लं) A flight or a number of bees. E. अलि, and कुल a number.
  • अलिगर्द्ध :: m. (-र्द्धः) A snake, the black Cobra. E. अलि, and गर्द्ध to sound, affix अच्; hissing like the scorpion.
  • अलिङ्गिन् :: mfn. (-ङ्गी -ङ्गिनी -ङ्गि) An impostor, a pretended ascetic or student, one wearing the usual marks, as the frontal marks, skin, staff, &c. without belonging in reality to a religious order. E. अ neg. लिङ्ग sectarial mark, इनि aff.
  • अलिजिह्वा :: f. (-ह्वा) The uvula or soft palate. Also अलिजिह्विका .
  • अलिञ्जर :: m. (-रः) An earthen water jar. E. अलिम् strength, acc. of अलि and जॄ to waste, अच् aff.
  • अलिन् :: m. (-ली) 1. A large black bee. 2. A scorpion. E. अल a sting, and इनि aff.
  • अलिन्द :: m. (-न्दः) A terrace before a house. E. अल to adorn, &c. and किन्दच् affix; also आलिन्द .
  • अलिपक :: m. (-कः) 1. A large black bee. 2. A scorpion. 3. A dog. Also read अलिम्पक and अलिमक .
  • अलिपिज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Ignorant of reading and writing. E. अ neg. लिपि writing, ज्ञ who knows.
  • अलिप्रिय :: n. (-यं) The red lotus, (Nymphœa rubra.) f. (-या) The trumpet flower, (Bignonia suave-olens.) E. अलि a bee, and प्रिय beloved, the object of the bee's affections: the lotus especially is so described by the poets.
  • अलिप्सा :: f. (-प्सा) Freedom from desire or cupidity. E. अ neg. and लिप्सा wish.
  • अलिमक :: m. (-कः) 1. A frog. 2. The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. 3. A large black bee. 4. The filaments of the lotus. 5. A tree, (Bassia latifolia.) E. अलि from अल to adorn, मकच् affix; also अलिपक .
  • अलिमाला :: f. (-ला) A flight of bees. E. अलि and माला a necklace.
  • अलिम्पक :: m. (-कः) 1. A bee. 2. The Kokila. 3. A dog. 4. The filaments of the lotus. E. अ neg. लिपि to smear, वुन् affix: also read अलिवकः and अलिम्बकः .
  • अलिविराव :: m. (-वः) The hum of bees. E. अलि, and विराव sound.
  • अलिविरुत :: n. (-तं) The song or hum of the bee. E. अलि, and विरुत sound.
  • अलीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. False. 2. Unpleasing. 3. Small, little. n. (-कं) 1. Falsehood, untruth. 2. Any thing displeasing. 3. Heaven. 4. The forehead. E. अल to adorn, &c. and कीकच् Unādi aff.
  • अलीकता :: f. (-ता) Falsehood, vanity: also अलीकत्व . E. तल् or त्व added to to the last.
  • अलीकमत्स्य :: m. (-त्स्यः) A cake of beans fried with Sesamum oil. E. अलीक unreal, मत्स्य fish.
  • अलु :: f. (-लुः) A small water pot. E. ऋ to go, and उच् affix, र becomes ल; also आलु .
  • अलुब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) Moderated, content, not covetous. E. अ neg. and लुब्ध covetous.
  • अलून :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Uncut, unshorn. E. अ neg. लून cut.
  • अले :: ind. An unmeaning word in the dialect of the demons or Pisāchas, when they are introduced in plays, &c. also अलले .
  • अलेले :: ind. See the preceding word.
  • अलेश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Much, large adv. n. (-शं) Not at all. E. अ neg. लेश small.
  • अलेशैज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Firm, steady. E. अलेश not at all, एज what shakes.
  • अलोकन :: n. (-नं) Disappearance, invisibility, imperceptible. E. अ neg. लोकन seeing.
  • अलोकनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Invisible. E. अ neg. लोकनीय visible.
  • अलोकित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unseen. E. अ neg. लोकित seen.
  • अलोभ :: m. (-भः) Moderation, content, absence of cupidity. E. अ neg. and लोभ desire.
  • अलोभिन् :: mfn. (-भी -भिनी -भि) Not wanting or desiring any thing, free from desire. E. अ neg. and लोभिन् desirous.
  • अलोल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Firm, steady, tranquil, unagitated. E. अ neg. लोल moving.
  • अलोलु :: mfn. (-लुः -लुः -लु) Indifferent to sensual objects. E. अ neg. लोल to desire, affix उ .
  • अलोलुप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Free from desire. E. अ neg, लोलुप libidinous.
  • अलोलुत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Indifference to sensual objects. E. अलोलु and त्व affix: also अलोलुता .
  • अलोहित :: n. (-तं) The red lotus.
  • अलौकिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Supernatural, not relating to this world. 2. Not common, not current in the world. 3. Indifferent to the world, unworldly. E. अ neg. लौकिक mundane.
  • अल्क :: n. (-ल्कं) 1. A tree. 2. A member of the body.
  • अल्प :: mfn. (-ल्पः -ल्पा -ल्पं) 1. Little, small. 2. Inferior. low. E. अल् to be able. &c. प affix or with कन् added अल्पक .
  • अल्पक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Small, minute. E. अल्प and कन् added.
  • अल्पकेशी :: f. (-शी) The root of sweet flag. E. अल्प small, and केशी having filaments, &c.
  • अल्पगन्ध :: n. (-न्धं) The red lotus. E. अल्प and गन्ध smell.
  • अल्पज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Ignorant, shallow, superficial. E. अल्प, and ज्ञ who knows.
  • अल्पतनु :: mfn. (-नुः -नुः -नु) Small, short, thin, pigmy, having a little body. E. अल्प, and तनु the body.
  • अल्पता :: f. (ता) 1. Smallness, minuteness. 2. Inferiority, insignificance. E. अल्प and तल् affix, or with त्व, अल्पत्वं .
  • अल्पदक्षिण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Defective in present, (any ceremony, &c.) E. अल्प, and दक्षिणा gift to Brahmans.
  • अल्पधन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Of little wealth, not affluent. E. अल्प, and धन wealth.
  • अल्पधी :: mfn. (-धीः -धीः -धि) Ignorant, foolish, of little sense. E. अल्प, and धी understanding.
  • अल्पपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A species of the Tulasi. E. अल्प, and पत्र a leaf.
  • अल्पपद्म :: n. (-द्मं) The red lotus. E. अल्प small, and पद्म lotus.
  • अल्पप्रभाव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Insignificant, of little weight or consequence. E. अल्प, and प्रभाव authority.
  • अल्पप्रमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Of little authority. 2. Of little weight or measure. E. अल्प, and प्रमाण authority, &c.
  • अल्पप्रमाणक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Credulous, resting on little evidence. 2. Of little weight or authority. 3. Of short measure. m. (-कः) Common cucumber, (Cucumis sativus.) E. अल्प, and प्रमाण authority, &c. कन् added.
  • अल्पबल :: mfn. (-लः -लाः -लं) Feeble, of little strength. E. अल्प, and बल strength.
  • अल्पबाध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Causing little annoyance or inconvenience. E. अल्प, and बाधा pain.
  • अल्पबुद्धि :: mfn. (-द्धिः -द्धिः -द्धि) Ignorant, silly, unwise. E. अल्प, बुद्धि understand- ing.
  • अल्पमात्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. A little, a little only. 2. A short time, a few moments. E. अल्प, and मात्र only.
  • अल्पमारिष :: m. (-षः) A kind of amaranth, (Amaranthus polygamus.) E. अल्प, मृष to hurt, and इमच् aff.
  • अल्पमूर्त्ति :: mfn. (-र्त्तिः -र्त्तिः -र्त्ति) Small, diminutive. f. (-र्त्तिः) A small figure or object. E. अल्प, and मूर्त्ति form.
  • अल्पमेधस् :: mfn. (-धाः -धाः -धः) Ignorant, silly, of little understanding. E. अल्प, and मेधस् apprehension.
  • अल्पवयस् :: mfn. (-याः -याः -यः) Young, of few years. E. अल्प, and वयस् life.
  • अल्पवादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Taciturn: also अल्पभाषिन् . E. अल्प, and वादिन् or भाषिन् who speaks.
  • अल्पविषय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Meaning or directing a little. E. अल्प, and विषय object.
  • अल्पविद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) Ill taught, uneducated, ignorant. E. अल्प, and विद्या knowledge.
  • अल्पशक्ति :: mfn. (-क्तिः -क्तिः -क्ति) Weak, feeble, E. अल्प, and शक्ति power.
  • अल्पशस् :: ind. 1. A little. 2. To a few. E. अल्प and शसि aff.
  • अल्पसरस् :: n. (-रः) A basin, a small pond, one which is shallow or dry in the hot season. E. अल्प, and सरस् a pool.
  • अल्पाकाङ्क्षिन् :: mfn. (-ङ्क्षी -ङ्क्षिणी -ङ्क्षि) Contented, satisfied with little. E. अल्प, and आकाङ्क्षिन् who desires.
  • अल्पायुस् :: mfn. (-युः -युः -युः) 1. Short lived. 2. Young of few years. m. (-युः) A goat. E. अल्प, and आयुस् life.
  • अल्पाल्प :: mfn. (-ल्पः -ल्पा -ल्पं) 1. Very little, minute. 2. Gradual, little at a time. E. अल्प repeated.
  • अल्पाहार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Moderate, abstemious. m. (-रः) Moderation, abstinence. E. अल्प, and आहार food.
  • अल्पाहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Abstemious, moderate. E. अल्प, and आहारिन् who feeds.
  • अल्पिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Least, smallest, very small. E. अल्प, and इष्ठच् of the superlative.
  • अल्पीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Reduced, comminuted, made little or few. E. अल्प and कृत with च्वि inserted.
  • अल्पीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Reduced, diminished, become little or few. E. अल्प, and भूत become, च्वि inserted.
  • अल्पीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Very small. E. अल्प and ईयसुन् affix. Also अल्पिष्ठ .
  • अल्पोन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Defective, not quite finished, not wholly entire. E. अल्प a little, ऊन less.
  • अल्ला :: f. (-ल्ला) A mother, in dramatic language.
  • अव :: r. 1st. cl. अवति 1. To keep, protect or defend. 2. To please. (The following meanings, although found in lists of roots, are rarely used:) 3. To move. 4. To excite affection or be lovely. 5. To satisfy. 6. To know or apprehend. 7. To enter. 8. To be near. 9. To own, to have a right. 10. To obey. 11. To act. 12. To desire. 13. To shine or be splendid. 14. To obtain. 15. To embrace. 16. To kill or hurt. 17. To take. 18. To be. 19. To grow. In place of 9, 17, and 18. as above, some read; 9. To be able. 17. To burn, and 18. To divide or share.
  • अव :: ind. A preposition and prefix to words, corresponding to off, from, down from, out, away, &c. and implying; 1. Diminution. 2. Depre- ciation. 3. Diffusion. 4. Support, resting. 5. Commanding. 6. Purifying, correcting. 7. Knowledge. 8. Disrespect. 9. Nourishing. As अवगन्तु To go away; अवज्ञातुं To disrespect; अवतरितुं To come down, to descend; अवस्थातुं To remain in or on; अवहर्त्तुं To take off or away; also अवमः a low man; अवाक् reverse, behind; अवकोकिलः a koil with a bad voice, &c.
  • अवकट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) 1. Opposite, contrary. 2. Backwards. 3. Down- wards. n. (-टं) Opposition, contrariety, reverse. E. अव down, and कटच् aff.
  • अवकम्पित :: m. (-तः) A Buddha. E. अव, and कम्पित shaken.
  • अवकर :: m. (-रः) Dust or sweepings. E. अव spreading, and कर what makes.
  • अवकर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) Excision, cutting off. E. अव and कर्त्तन cutting.
  • अवकर्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Taking or pulling out, extraction, expulsion. 2. Pulling, dragging. E. अव, and कर्षण pulling.
  • अवकलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Seen. E. अव and कलित part. past of कल to sound, &c.
  • अवकाश :: m. (-शः) 1. Leisure, opportunity. 2. Interval, space. 3. An open or wide space. 4. A receptacle, a repository, a place in which any thing is kept. 5. A place, a spot, a situation. E. अव between, &c. काश to shine, अच् aff.
  • अवकीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) I. Coarsely pounded. 2. Scattered. 3. Dis- regarded, violated. E. अव implying separation, कॄ to scatter in the irregular part. past.
  • अवकीर्णिन् :: mfn. (-र्णी -र्णिनी -र्णि) Violating a vow or engagement to be chaste, abstemious, &c. m. (-र्णी) The religious student who has com- mitted an act of incontinency. E. अव before, कॄ to scatter, क्त the part. past, and इनि aff.
  • अवकीर्णिव्रत :: n. (-तं) Penance for an act of incontinency. E. अवर्कीर्णि and व्रत religious obligation.
  • अवकुञ्चन :: n. (-नं) Bending, curving, flexure, contraction. E. अव and कुञ्चन curving.
  • अवकुटार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Opposite, contrary. 2. Backwards. 3. Down- wards. n. (-रं) Reverse, contrariety. E. अव and कुटार aff.
  • अवकुट्टित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Vexed. 2. Inflamed. 3. Cut off. E. अव, and कुट्ट to heat, &c. क्त aff.
  • अवकुण्ठन :: n. (-नं) 1. Investing, surrounding. 2. Attracting. E. अव before कुठ to surround, ल्युट् aff.
  • अवकुण्ठित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Affected. 2. Surrounded, attracted. E. अव before कुठ to surround, क्त aff.
  • अवकृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Expelled, turned out. 2. Removed, sent away, drawn aside. 3. Extracted. 4. Pulled. 5. Inferior, low. 6. Degraded, outcaste. m. (-ष्टः) A servant who performs the lowest office, a sweeper, a waterman, &c. E. अव out of, and कृष्ट drawn.
  • अवकृष्य :: ind. 1. Having drawn out or extracted. 2. Having drawn to- gether or contracted. E. अव, and कृष to draw, यत् aff.
  • अवकेशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Barren. E. अव privative, केश properly hair, in this instance fruit, and इनि aff.
  • अवक्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. Not to be said, improper. 2. Indescribable. E. अ neg. वक्तव्य to be said.
  • अवक्र :: mfn. (-क्रः -क्रा -क्रं) 1. Straight. 2. Upright, honest. E. अ neg. वक्र crooked liter. and metaph.
  • अवक्रन्दन :: n. (-नं) Weeping aloud. E. अव, and क्रन्दन crying.
  • अवक्रय :: m. (-यः) Price. E. अव, and क्री to buy, अच् aff.
  • अवक्रान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) 1. Descent, descending. 2. Approaching, going near to. E. अव, and क्रान्ति passing.
  • अवक्रिया :: f. (-या) Neglect, omission. non-performance of prescribed acts. E. अव priv. क्रिया act.
  • अवक्रुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Sounded ill or badly. 2. Reviled, abused. E. अव, and क्रुष्ट sounded.
  • अवक्रोश :: m. (-शः) 1. A disagreeable noise. 2. A curse, an imprecation. 3. Abuse. E. अव and क्रुश to sound, घञ् aff.
  • अवक्लेद :: m. (-दः) 1. Ichor, malignant or fetid discharge. 2. Trickling, descent of moisture. E. अव, and क्लेद what wets.
  • अवक्लेदन :: n. (-नं) Trickling, falling, as dew or moisture. E. अव, and क्लेदन wetting.
  • अवक्वण :: m. (-णः) A discord, a false note. E. अव, and क्वण a sound.
  • अवक्वाथ :: m. (-थः) Imperfect digestion or decoction. E. अव, and क्वाथ a decoction.
  • अवक्षय :: m. (-यः) Loss, waste, destruction. E. अव, and क्षय waste.
  • अवक्षिप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Said sarcastically, imputed, insinuated. 2. Ill thrown. 3. Thrown down. E. अव, and क्षिप्त thrown.
  • अवक्षीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Emaciated, wasted. E. अव, and क्षीण wasted.
  • अवक्षुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sneezed upon. E. अव, and क्षुत sneezed.
  • अवक्षेप :: m. (-पः) 1. Sarcasm, irony. 2. Throwing wrong or improperly. 3. Throwing down. E. अव, and क्षेप throwing.
  • अवगणित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Disregarded, despised. E. अव, गण to count or reckon in the past part.
  • अवगण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A boil or pimple upon the face. E. अव, गडि to affect the cheek, अच् aff.
  • अवगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Known, understood. 2. Gone, gone off or away. 3. Assented, promised. E. अव implying knowledge, and गत part. past of गम to go.
  • अवगति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Knowledge in general. 2. Departure, removal. E. अव, गम to go, and क्तिन् aff.
  • अवगथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) Bathing or bathed early in the morning. E. अव, ग from गम to go, and थक् aff.
  • अवगदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unsaid, unuttered. E. अव reverse, गदित said.
  • अवगन्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. Meant, intended to be known or understood. 2. To be quitted. So अवगम्य . E. अव, and गन्तव्य to be gone.
  • अवगम :: m. (-मः) 1. Knowledge, certainty. 2. Removal, departure. E. अव, गम going.
  • अवगाढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Immersed, plunged, bathed. 2. Deep. E. अवगाह and क्त aff.
  • अवगाढवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Bathing, plunging, diving. E. अवगाढ and वतुप् aff.
  • अवगाद :: m. (-दः) A small wooden bason for baling water out of a boat. E. अव for अप water, ग from गम to go, and आदक् aff.
  • अवगाह :: m. (-हः) 1. Bathing. 2. Bathing place, bath. E. अव before, गाह to agitate: also वगाह .
  • अवगाहन :: n. (-नं) Bathing. E. अवगाह and ल्युट् aff.
  • अवगाहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bathed, immersed. E. अवगाह, and क्त affix, with इट् augment.
  • अवगीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Reproached, abused, censured. 2. Wicked, vile. 3. Sung depreciatingly, satirised in song. 4. Sung badly. n. (-तं) 1. Reproach, blame. 2. Satire in song. 3. Bad singing. E. अव bad, &c. गीत sounded, sung.
  • अवगुण्ठन :: n. (-नं) 1. A veil. 2. Sweeping. 3. Hiding, veiling. E. गुठि to enclose, with अव prefixed, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अवगुण्ठिका :: f. (-का) See the preceding. E. As before, with वुन् and टाप् aff.
  • अवगुण्ठित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Concealed, covered, veiled, screened. E. अवगुठ to enclose, क्त aff.
  • अवगुण्डित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pounded, ground, pulverulent. E. अव prefixed to गुण्डित pounded.
  • अवगोरण :: n. (-णं) Assailing with weapons, assaulting with intent to kill. E. अव, गुर् or गूर् to assault, ल्युट् aff.
  • अवग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. Taking, acceptance. 2. Taking off or away, seizure. 3. Disrespect. 4. Drought. 5. Obstacle, impediment. 6. An elephant's forehead. 7. A herd of elephants. 8. Nature, original tempera- ment. 9. A sort of knowledge, a false idea. 10. An imprecation or term of abuse. E. अव before, ग्रह to take or seize, अप् affix: also अवग्राह .
  • अवग्रहण :: n. (-णं) 1. Obstacle, impediment. 2. Disrespect. E. अव, ग्रह to take, ल्युट् aff.
  • अवग्राह :: m. (-हः) 1. An imprecation or term of abuse, as अवग्राहस्ते स्यात्, may disappointment befall you. 2. Drought. 3. Disgrace, discom- fiture: see अवग्रह . E. As before, घञ् aff.
  • अवगृह्य :: n. (-ह्यं) An inflection, and inflective termination. E. अव before ग्रह to take, क्यप् aff.
  • अवघट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः) A hole in the ground, a cave, a cavern. E. अव down, low, घट्ट to move, अच् aff.
  • अवघर्षण :: n. (-णं) Rubbing, scrubbing. E. अव, and घर्षण rubbing.
  • अवघर्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Rubbed, scrubbed. E. अव, and घर्षित rubbed.
  • अवघात :: m. (-तः) 1. Threshing corn, by bruising it with a wooden pestle in a mortar of the same material. 2. Sudden or violent death. 3. Striking, killing. 4. A violent or fatal blow. E. अव, and घात struck.
  • अवघातिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) Striking, killing. E. अव before हन to strike, णिनि aff.
  • अवघुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Proclaimed, denounced. E. अव, and घुष्ट cried.
  • अवघूर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) 1. A whirling round. 2. A whirlpool. E. अव before घूर्ण to roll round, अच् aff.
  • अवघूर्णन :: n. (-नं) Rolling or whirling round. E. अव, and घूर्णन rolling.
  • अवघूर्णित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Whirled round. E. अव, and घूर्णित whirled.
  • अवघोषण :: n. (-णं) Crying, proclaiming, denouncing. E. अव and घोषण proclamation.
  • अवचन :: n. (-नं) Silence, not speaking. E. अ neg. वचन word.
  • अवचनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Not to be spoken, improper. E. अ neg. वचनीय to be said.
  • अवचनीयता :: f. (-ता) Impropriety of speech. E. अवचनीय and तल् affix; also अवचनीयत्वं .
  • अवचय :: m. (-यः) Gathering, especially flowers, fruits, &c. E. अव, and चय collecting; also अवचाय .
  • अवचस्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Silent, not speaking. E. अ neg. वच speech, कर who makes.
  • अवचार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) 1. To be cast down. 2. To be given. 3. To be put on or applied. E. अव, चर to go, causal form, यत् aff.
  • अवचूड :: m. (-डः) The crest or ornamented top of a standard, hanging downwards. E. अव, चूडा a crest; also अवचूडक and अवचूल .
  • अवचूर्णन :: n. (-नं) 1. Pounding, grinding, reducing to powder. 2. Sprinkling absorbent powders on sores. E. अव, चूर्ण to pound, ल्युट् aff.
  • अवचूर्णित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Coarsely pounded. E. अव, चूर्ण to pound, in the part. past.
  • अवचूल :: m. (-लः) 1. The ornamented head of a standard, when the ornaments, streamers, peacock's tails, &c. hang downward. 2. A chouri. E. अव inferior, and चूडा crest, ड changed to ल .
  • अवचूलक :: n. (-कं) A chouri or brush formed of a cow's tail, peacock's feathers, &c. for fanning off flies. E. कन् affixed to the preceding.
  • अवच्छात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Emaciated by abstinence. 2. Reaped. 3. Cut off. E. अव before, छो to destroy, क्त aff.
  • अवच्छिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Cut off. 2. Divided, separated, detached. 3. In logic, predicated. i. e. separated from every thing else by the properties especially predicated of any thing. 4. Bounded. E. अव, affix छिन्न cut.
  • अवच्छुरित :: n. (-तं) A horse laugh. E. अत्र, छुर to cut or split, and the affix of the part. past: what splits, (one's sides).
  • अवच्छुरितक :: n. (-कं) A horse laugh. E. See the preceding word, कन् being added.
  • अवच्छेद :: m. (-दः) 1. A predicate, the property of a thing by which it is distinguished from every other. 2. A part, a portion. 3. A bound- ary, a barrier. 4. Amputation, excision. E. अव off, छेद cutting.
  • अवच्छेदक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Peculiar, distinguishing, that which se- parates. 2. Bounding, separating one thing from another. m. (-कः) 1. A predicate, a property. 2. A barrier, a boundary. E. कन् added to the last.
  • अवच्छेदन :: n. (-नं) 1. Cutting off. 2. Separating, dividing. 3. Discrimi- nating, distinguishing. E. अव, and छेदन cutting.
  • अवच्छेदावच्छेद :: m. (-दः) Generalising, removing distinctions. E. अवच्छेद a distinction, and cutting off.
  • अवजनित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Born. E. अव, and जनित born.
  • अवजय :: m. (-यः) Overcoming, victory. E. अव, and जय conquer.
  • अवजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Conquered. 2. Contemned, disregarded. E. अव, and जित conquered.
  • अवज्ञा :: f. (-ज्ञा) Disrespect. E. अव, ज्ञा to know, अङ् affix, and टाप् for the fem. also अवज्ञता .
  • अवज्ञात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Disrespected. E. अव, ज्ञात part. past of ज्ञा to know.
  • अवज्ञान :: n. (-नं) Disrespect. E. अव before ज्ञान knowledge.
  • अवज्ञेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Contemptible, disreputable, to be treated with disrespect: so अवज्ञातव्य . E. अव, and ज्ञा to know, यत् aff.
  • अवज्ञोपहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Degraded, humiliated. E. अवज्ञा, and उपहत wounded.
  • अवट :: m. (-टः) 1. A hole, a vacuity. 2. A hole in the ground, a chasm, a pit. 3. Any depressed part of the body, a cavity, a fosse, a sinus. 4. A well. 5. A juggler. E. अव to preserve, अटन् aff.
  • अवटङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) A mart; also अवटङ्ग .
  • अवटि :: m. (-टिः) 1. A hole in the ground. 2. (In anatomy) A sinus, a hollow, a cavity. E. As before, अटिन् aff.
  • अवटीट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Flat-nosed. E. अव implying lowness, flatness, and टीटच् aff.
  • अवटु :: f. (-टुः) 1. The back of the neck. 2. A hole in the ground. 3. A well. 4. The name of a tree. E. अव down, and टीक to go, irregular affix डु; or अ neg. वट to surround, and उ aff.
  • अवटुज :: m. (-जः) A hind curl, the hair on the back of the head. E. अवटु and ज born.
  • अवडीन :: n. (-नं) The flight of a bird, or a particular act of such flight; flying down. E. अव down, &c. and डीन flying: see प्रडीन, उड्डीन, &c.
  • अवतंस :: mn. (-सः-सं) 1. An ear-ring. 2. A crest. E. अव, तसि a Sautra root to adorn, अच् aff.
  • अवतंसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Having an ear-ring. 2. Crested. E. अवतंस and इतच् aff.
  • अवतति :: f. (-तिः) Stretching, extending. E. अव, and तन to spread, क्तिन् aff.
  • अवतमस :: n. (-सं) Slight darkness, obscurity. E. अव implying deficiency, and तमस् darkness, अच् aff.
  • अवतरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Descending, alighting. 2. Crossing. 3. Translating. 4. Quoting, citing. E. अव down, तॄ to cross, ल्युट् aff.
  • अवतान :: m. (-नः) Stretching, extension. E. अव before तन to stretch, affix ण .
  • अवतार :: n. (-रं) 1. Descent, especially of a deity from heaven; the appear- ance of any deity upon earth, but more particularly the incarna- tions of VISHNU in ten principal forms which are well known, viz. 1. The fish. 2. The tortoise. 3. The boar. 4. The man-lion. 5. The dwarf. 6. and 7. The two RĀMAS. 8. KRISHNA. 9. BUDDHA and 10. KALKI. A pious or distinguished person, in the language of respect or flattery, is also called an Avatāra, a descent or incarna- tion of the deity. 2. A Tirtha or sacred place. 3. Translation, translating 4. Descent. 5. Crossing. E. अव before, तॄ to cross, affix घञ् .
  • अवतारण :: n. (णं) 1. Possession by an evil spirit. 2. The ends or border of a garment. 3. Worship, adoration. 4. Taking out. E. अव, तॄ to pass, in the causal form, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अवतारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Taken off or out, laid down or aside. 2. Descended. E. अव and तॄ causal form, क्त aff.
  • अवतीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Descended, alighted. 2. Crossed, passed over. 3. Translated. E. अव and तॄ with क्त aff.
  • अवतोका :: f. (-का) A cow miscarrying from accident. E. अव, implying cen- sure, and तोक offspring.
  • अवदंश :: m. (-शः) A relish, or what excites thirst. E. अव, दंश to bite, to be pungent, अच् aff.
  • अवदत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Given away. 2. Finished, accomplished. E. अव before दा to give, क्त aff.
  • अवदात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. White. 2. Yellow. 3. Clean, clear. 4. Beautiful. m. (-तः) White, (the colour.) E. अव, दै to cleanse, क्त affix of the part. past.
  • अवदातक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) As above. m. (-कः) White. E. कन् added to the last.
  • अवदान :: n. (-नं) 1. Approved occupation. 2. An act accomplished. 3. Achievement, a great or glorious act. 4. Breaking, dividing. 5. The root of a fragrant grass; see अवदाह . An oblation. E. अव, दै to cleanse, to purify, or दा to give, and ल्युट् aff.
  • अवदारण :: n. (-णं) 1. A spade or hoe. 2. Tearing, dividing. E. अव down, दॄ to tear or rend, ल्युट् aff.
  • अवदारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Torn, rent. E. अव before दॄ to tear, क्त aff.
  • अवदाह :: n. (-हं) The root of a fragrant grass, (Andropogon muricatum.) E. अव reverse, and दाह heat, burning, heat-preventing, from its being used in Tātis or screens, placed before doors, &c. kept con- stantly wet: the air passing through these, blows into a room cool and refreshing.
  • अवदाहेष्ट :: n. (-ष्टं) See the preceding.
  • अवदाहेष्टकापथ :: n. (-थं) See अवदाह . See also इष्टकापथ .
  • अवदीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Melted, fused, liquefied. 2. Torn, rent, sundered. E. अव, दॄ to separate, irregular part. past.
  • अवदून :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Regretted. E. अव, दू to be sorry, affix. क्त .
  • अवदोह :: m. (-हः) Milk. E. अव, दुह to milk, घञ् aff.
  • अवद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) 1. Low, inferior. 2. Disagreeable, disliked. n. (-द्यं) Sin, vice. E. अ neg. वद to speak, and यत् affix of the part. future; not to be spoken.
  • अवद्रङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) A market or fair.
  • अवधातव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be attended to, deserving attention and care. So अवधानीय and अवधेय . E. अव before धा to have, तव्य, अनीयर् or यत् aff.
  • अवधान :: n. (नं) 1. Attention, attentiveness, intentness. 2. Care, careful- ness. E. अव, धा to have or hold, ल्युट् aff.
  • अवधानता :: f. (-ता) Attentiveness. E. अवधान attention, तल् added, also with त्व, अवधानत्व n. (-त्वं).
  • अवधारण :: n. (-णं) 1. Determining, certainty, ascertainment. 2. Emphasis. E. अव before धृ to hold ल्युट् aff.
  • अवधारणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be ascertained. E. अव before धृ to hold, causal form, अनीयर् aff.
  • अवधारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Certain, known, ascertained. E. अव before धृ to hold, causal form, क्त aff.
  • अवधार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) To be ascertained, known. E. अव before धृ to hold, causal form, यत् aff.
  • अवधावन :: n. (-नं) 1. Running after, pursuing. 2. Taking, seizure. 3. Cleaning. E. अव, धाव to run, affix ल्युट् .
  • अवधावनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be run after. 2. To be seized. E. अव after, धाव to run, अनीयर् aff.
  • अवधावित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Chased, pursued. 2. Cleaned. E. अव before धाव to run, affix क्त .
  • अवधि :: m. (-धिः) 1. Limit, division 2. Period. time. 3. A hole, a pit. 4. Agreement, engagement. 5. Conclusion, termination. 6. Attention, application. 7. Care. E. अव, धा to have, कि aff.
  • अवधिता :: f. (-ता) Limit, limitation. E. अवधि with तल् affix; also with त्व, अवधित्वं .
  • अवधीर :: r. 10th cl. (अवधीरयति) To disregard, to disrespect.
  • अवधीरण :: n. (-णं) Treating with disrespect. E. अवधीर and ल्युट् aff.
  • अवधीरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Disrespected, disregarded. E. अवधीर and क्त aff.
  • अवधूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Compelled. 2. Discarded. 3. Shaken, removed, tossed. 4. Trodden upon. 5. Separated from worldly feeling and obligation. E. अव, and धूत shaken.
  • अवधूनन :: n. (-नं) 1. Shaking, causing to shake. 2. Expelling. 3. Being in agitation, trembling. 4. Trembling on, treading on. E. अव before धूनन shaking.
  • अवध्वंस :: m. (-सः) 1. Censure, blame. 2. Abandoning, quitting. 3. Pound- ing, grinding. E. अव before ध्वंस to go, घञ् aff.
  • अवध्वस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Pounded coarsely. 2. Abandoned. 3. Censured. E. अव separate, &c. ध्वंस to go, part. affix क्त .
  • अवन :: n. (-नं) 1. Satisfaction, (given or received.) 2. Preserving, protecting. 3. Kindness. 4. Speed. 5. Going. 6. Obtaining. 7. Asking. 8. Seizing. 9. Killing. 10. Strength, power. 11. Increase. 12. Existence, being. 13. Doing. 14. Desire. 15. Beautifying, adorning. 16. Embracing. 17. Bearing. 18. Entrance. E. अव to go, to preserve, &c. ल्युट् aff.
  • अवनत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bending, stooping, bowed. E. अव down, नम to bow, क्त aff.
  • अवनति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Bowing, stooping. 2. Setting. E. अव, and नति bowing.
  • अवनद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -धं) Bound on, tied, fastened. n. (-द्धं) A drum: see आनद्ध . E. अव, and नद्ध bound.
  • अवनय :: m. (-यः) Causing to descend, throwing down. E. अव down, नय for नाय causing to get: see अवनाय .
  • अवनाट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Flat-nosed. E. अव flatness, नाटच् affix, in this sense.
  • अवनाम :: m. (-मः) Causing to bend, bending, bowing. E. अव before नम to bow, घञ् aff.
  • अवनामक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) What depresses or causes to bow or bend. E. अव and नम in the causal form, वुन् aff.
  • अवनामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Bending or bowing down. E. अव, and नामिन् what bends.
  • अवनाय :: m. (-यः) Causing to descend, throwing down, precipitating. E. अव down, नीञ् to obtain, in the causal form, घञ् aff.
  • अवनायक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Causing to descend. E. अव before नीञ् to obtain, causal form, वुन् aff.
  • अवनाह :: m. (-हः) Binding, grinding, putting on. E. अव before नह to bind, घञ् aff.
  • अवनि :: f. (-निः) The earth. E. अव to preserve, अनि Unādi affix; it is also written अवनी .
  • अवनिपति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A king. 2. VISHNU. 3. YUDHISTHIRA. E. अवनि, and पति lord.
  • अवनिपाल :: m. (-लः) A king. E. अवनि and पाल who protects.
  • अवनिरुह :: m. (-रुट्) A tree. E. अवनि, and रुह what mounts.
  • अवनिष्ठीवन :: n. (-नं) Spitting upon. E. अव, and निष्ठीवन spitting.
  • अवनी :: f. (-नी) The earth: see अवनि .
  • अवनीपति :: m. (-तिः) A king, or sovereign. E. अवनी the earth, and पति a master.
  • अवनीश :: m. (-शः) A king. E. अवनी, and ईश lord.
  • अवनीश्वर :: m. (-रः) A king, an emperor. E. अवनी, and ईश्वर lord.
  • अवनेजन :: n. (-नं) Washing. E. अव, and नेजन ablution.
  • अवन्ति :: m. (-न्तिः) 1. The name of a city, the modern Oujein. 2. The name of a river. E. अव to preserve, Unādi affix झिच्; the derivative is irregular. Avanti, is one of the seven sacred cities of the Hindus, to die at which secures eternal happiness: the word is also written अवन्ती and अवन्तिका .
  • अवन्तिसोम :: n. (-मं) Sour gruel, prepared from the fermentation of rice- water. E. अवन्ति the city, षू to produce, मन् aff.
  • अवन्ती :: f. (-न्ती) A city: see अवन्ति .
  • अवपतन :: n. (-नं) Alighting, descending. E. अव down, पतन falling.
  • अवपन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Alighted, descended. 2. Fallen on or into. 3. Thrown down. E. अव, and पन्न gone.
  • अवपात :: m. (-तः) 1. A hole or pit for catching game in. 2. Descent, descend- ing. E. अव below, पत to go or fall, घञ् aff.
  • अवपातन :: n. (-नं) Felling, knocking or cutting down. E. अव down, पातन causing to fall.
  • अवपालित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Neglected, not protected. E. अव before पालित protected.
  • अवपीड :: m. (-डः) A sternutatory, any drug producing sneezing. E. अव, पीड to pain, affix. क .
  • अवबधा :: f. (-धा) Segment of the base of a triangle. E. अव, and बध what kills.
  • अवबोध :: m. (-धः) 1. Judgment, discrimination, knowledge. 2. Waking, being awake. 3. Teaching. E. अव, and बोध knowledge.
  • अवबोधक :: m. (-कः) 1. A teacher. 2. An awakener. E. अव before बुध to be wise, causal form, वुन् aff.
  • अवबोधकत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Instruction, guidance, explanation. E. अववोधक who teaches, and त्व aff.
  • अवभास :: m. (-सः) 1. Light. 2. Manifestation. E. अव, and भास light.
  • अवभासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Illumined, lighted, radiant. 2. Evident, manifest. E. अव, and भासित splendid.
  • अवभासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Shining, bright. f. (-नी) The outer skin or cuticle. E. अव, and भासिन् shines.
  • अवभिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Broken, pierced, divided. E. अव affix, भिन्न cut or broken.
  • अवभुग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) Contracted, bent. E. अव, and भूग्र bent.
  • अवभृथ :: m. (-थः) 1. A supplementary sacrifice made to atone for any de- fects in a principal and preceding one. 2. Bathing after a sacrifice. E. अव, भृ to screen, क्थन् Unādi aff.
  • अवभृथस्नान :: n. (-नं) Bathing after any sacrifice or ceremony. E. अवभृथ as before, and स्नान bathing.
  • अवभ्रट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Flat-nosed. E. अव and भ्रटच् aff.
  • अवम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Low, vile, inferior, base. n. (-नं) A lunar day, exactly coinciding with a solar one. E. अव to preserve, &c. अम Unādi aff.
  • अवमत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Despised, disregarded, contemned. E. अव imply- ing contempt, and मत known, minded.
  • अवमताङ्कुश :: m. (-शः) A restive elephant, or one in rut. E. अवमत disre- garded, and अङ्कुश the goad.
  • अवमति :: m. (-तिः) A master, an owner. f. (-तिः) 1. Aversion, dislike. 2. Disregard, contempt. E. अव, मन to heed, and क्तिन् aff.
  • अवमन्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be contemned, to be treated with disres- pect. E. अव before मन and तव्य affix. So अवमन्य .
  • अवमन्तृ :: mfn. (-न्ता -न्त्री -न्तृ) Proud, contemptuous, disrespectful. E. अव be- fore मन, with तृच् aff.
  • अवमर्द्द :: m. (-र्द्दः) 1. Devastation, inflicting pain or punishment on an enemy, by laying his country waste, &c. 2. Giving pain. E. अव, मृद to tread down, घञ् aff.
  • अवमर्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Intolerance, impatience. 2. Effacing, obliterating. 3. Banishing from recollection. E. अव away, &c. मृष to endure, ल्युट् aff.
  • अवमान :: n. (-नं) Disrespect, contempt. E. अव before मान respect.
  • अवमानता :: f. (-ता) 1. Dishonourableness. 2. Contempt. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, अवमानत्वं .
  • अवमानना :: f. (-ना) Disrespect. E. अव before मन to mind, युच् affix and टाप् fem. do.
  • अवमाननीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be disrespected, to be contemned. E. अव before मन, with अनीयर् aff.
  • अवमानित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Disrespected, despised. E. अव before the part. past of मन to respect.
  • अवमानिता :: f. (-ता) Disrespectfulness. E. तल् added to अवमानिन्; also with त्व, अवमानित्वं .
  • अवमानिन् :: mfn. (-नी -निनी -नि) Behaving disrespectfully, contemning, des- pising. E. अवमान and इनि aff.
  • अवमान्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) To be treated with disrespect. E. अव before मन with ण्यत् aff.
  • अवमूत्रयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Urining upon. E. अव on, मूत्र nominal v. to make water, शतृ aff.
  • अवमूर्द्धशय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Prostrate. E. अव down, मूर्द्धन् the forehead, शय who sleeps.
  • अवमोचन :: n. (-नं) 1. Letting forth, emitting. 2. Setting at liberty. E. अव before मुच to set free, ल्युट् aff.
  • अवयव :: m. (-वः) 1. A limb, a member. 2. A part, a portion. 3. Division of a logical argument or syllogism. E. अव, यु to join, अच् aff.
  • अवयविन् :: mfn. (-वि -विनी -वि) 1. Limbed, having limbs. 2. Having portions or subdivisions. m. (-वी) A syllogism, a logical argument. E. अवयव and इनि aff.
  • अवर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Posterior, hinder, last. 2. Younger. 3. Inferior. n. (-रं) The hind thigh of an elephant. f. (-रा) A name of DURGĀ. E. अ neg. and वर preferable; not the best, or than which nothing is better.
  • अवरज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) 1. Younger, junior. 2. Inferior, of low birth. m. (-जः) A younger brother. E. अवर after, and ज born.
  • अवरत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Stopped, ceased, desisted from. E. अव, रम to sport, affix क्त .
  • अवरतस् :: ind. Hinder, posterior. E. अवर and अतसुच् aff.
  • अवरति :: f. (-तिः) Stopping, ceasing, cessation, end. E. अव bad, &c. रम to play, and क्तिन् aff.
  • अवरवर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा or -र्णी) A Sudra, a man or woman of the fourth tribe. E. अवर last, and वर्ण a tribe.
  • अवरवर्णक :: mf. (-र्णकः-र्णिका) See the preceding. E. कन् added to अवरवर्ण, also अवरवर्णज .
  • अवरव्रत :: m. (-तः) The sum. E. अ neg. वर best, than what nought is better, and व्रत worship: whose worship is of the first importance.
  • अवरस्तात् :: ind. Hinder, posterior. E. अवर and अस्तात् aff.
  • अवरार्द्ध :: n. (-र्द्धं) The last half. E. अवर and अर्द्ध half.
  • अवरार्द्ध्य :: mfn. (-र्द्ध्यः -र्द्ध्या -र्द्ध्यं) Belonging to the last half. E. यत् affix to the last.
  • अवरीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Censured, blamed. E. अव, री to flow, the irre- gular part. past.
  • अवरुग्ण :: mfn. (-ग्णः -ग्णा -ग्णं) 1. Broken, torn. 2. Diseased. E. अव before रुज to be sick, affix क्त .
  • अवरुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Checked, stopped, hindered. 2. Shut up or in, inclosed. 3. Secluded, as in a harm. E. अव, and रुद्ध hindered.
  • अवरूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Descended, alighted. E. अव down, रुह to go, क्त aff.
  • अवरोध :: m. (-धः) 1. The seraglio of a palace, the queen's apartment. 2. A queen. 3. A palace. 4. A covering. 5. Hindrance, obstruction. 6. A fence, a pen, an inclosure, confinement. 7. Restraint. E. अव, रुध to inclose or shut up, घञ् aff.
  • अवरोधक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) What impedes or obstructs. m. (-कः) A guard. f. (-धिका) A female of the haram. n. (-कं) A barrier, a fence. E. अव before रोधक what opposes.
  • अवरोधन :: n. (-नं) 1. The inner or women's apartments in a royal palace. 2. Hindering, obstructing. 3. Obstacle, impediment. E. अव, रुघ to enclose, ल्युट् aff.
  • अवरोधायन :: n. (-नं) A seraglio. E. अवरोध hindrance, and अयन going.
  • अवरोधिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Obstructive, impeding. m. (-कः) A guard of the queen's apartments. E. अवरोध with ठक् aff.
  • अवरोधिन् :: mfn. (-धी -धिनी -धि) Obstructing. E. अवरोध and इनि aff.
  • अवरोपण :: n. (-णं) 1. Taking away, depriving, diminishing. 2. Descending. 3. Setting, (as of the sun.) E. अव affix, and रोपण placing.
  • अवरोपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Deprived of curtailed, diminished, lost. E. अव aff. रोपित placed.
  • अवरोह :: m. (-हः) 1. Mounting, ascending. 2. Descent, passing from or over. 3. The growth of a creeping plant or vine. 4. A pendant branch, one that strikes fresh root into the earth, as those of the Indian fig tree. 5. Heaven or Swarga. E. अव up or down, &c. रुह to mount, घञ् aff.
  • अवरोहण :: n. (-णं) 1. Alighting, descending. 2. Mounting. E. अव before रुह to mount, ल्युट् aff.
  • अवरोहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) 1. What descends. 2. What ascends. m. (-ही) The Indian fig tree. E. अवरोह a branch, &c. and इनि poss. aff.
  • अवर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णी-र्णं) 1. Colourless. 2. Bad, low, destitude of good qualities. m. (-र्णः) Censure, blame. E. अ neg. and वर्ण praise, colour, &c.
  • अवर्त्तमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Non-existent. 2. Not present. E. अ neg. वर्त्तमान existing.
  • अवर्द्धमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Not increasing. not growing. E. अ neg. वर्द्धमान increasing.
  • अवलक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) or attributively. mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) White: see वलक्ष . E. अव, and लक्ष to mark, affix घञ् .
  • अवलग्न :: mn. (-ग्नः-ग्नं) The waist. mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) Placed contiguously, im- pressed, attached, &c. E. अव, and लग्न part. past of लग to be near or with.
  • अवलम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) 1. Asylum, dependence, support. 2. Depending, hanging on or from. 3. A prop, a stay. 4. A suspender. 5. A perpen- dicular. E. अव before लवि to go, &c. अच् affix; also अवलम्बनं
  • अवलम्बन :: n. (-नं) 1. Depending upon, dependence. 2. Hanging on or from. 3. A prop. E. अव before लवि to go, &c. and ल्युट् aff.
  • अवलम्बित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Quick, expeditious. 2. Alighting, descending. 3. Protected, cherished. 4. Hanging on or upon, suspended from, clinging to. 5. Depending upon, trusting to, supported by. E. अव, and the part. past of लवि to go, to fall, &c.
  • अवलम्बिन् :: mfn. (-म्बी -म्बिनी -म्बि) Depending on. E. अवलम्ब and इनि aff.
  • अवलिप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Anointed, plastered, smeared. 2. Proud, arrogant. E. अव before लिप्त smeared.
  • अवलिप्तता :: f. (-ता) 1. Pride, arrogance. 2. Unction. E. अवलिप्त plastered, smeared, and तल् affix; also with त्व, अवलिप्तत्वं .
  • अवलीढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Licked. 2. Devoured, destroyed. E. अव and लीढ licked.
  • अवलीला :: f. (-ला) Sport, play. E. अव, and लीला sport.
  • अवलुञ्चन :: n. (-नं) Tearing, tearing or cutting off. E. अव, लुच to separate, affix ल्युट् .
  • अवलुण्ठन :: n. (-नं) Rolling on the ground. E. अव, and लुण्ठन rolling.
  • अवलुण्ठित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Rolled on the ground. E. अव, and लुण्ठित rolling.
  • अवलून :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Cut off. E. अव, and लून cut.
  • अवलेप :: m. (-पः) 1. Pride. 2. Smearing, anointing. 3. Ornament. 4. Union, association. E. अव, लिप to smear, &c. अच् aff.
  • अवलेपन :: n. (-नं) 1. Daring, proud or arrogant purpose. 2. Anointing. E. अव, लिप to smears, &c. ल्युट् aff.
  • अवलेह :: m. (-हः) An extract, and electuary, confection. E. अव, and लेह lick- ing, what is to be licked with the tongue, not masticated or drank.
  • अवलेहन :: n. (-नं) Licking with the tongue. E. अव, and लेहन licking.
  • अवलेह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) Thick, viscid. E. अव, and लेह्य to be licked with the tongue.
  • अवलोक :: m. (-कः) Sight, seeing. E. अव, and लोकृ to see, अच् aff.
  • अवलोकन :: n. (-नं) Sight, seeing. E. अव, लोकृ to see, ल्युट् aff.
  • अवलोकित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Seen. m. (-तः) A Bauddha. E. अव, and the part. past of लोकृ to see.
  • अवल्गुज :: m. (-जः) A plant, (Serratula anthelmintica:) see सोमराजी . E. अ neg. वल्गु handsome, and ज produced.
  • अववाद :: m. (-दः) 1. A command, an order. 2. Censure, reproach. 3. Trust, confidence. E. अव implying disrespect, and वाद speech.
  • अवश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) 1. Independent, unsubjected, unrestrained. 2. Necessary, certain. E. अ neg. वश subjection.
  • अवशक्थिका :: f. (-का) A cloth tied round the legs and kness of a person sitting on his hams: see अवसक्थिका .
  • अवशिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Left, rest, remainder. E. अव, and शिष्ट left.
  • अवशीन :: m. (-नः) A scorpion. E. अव before श्यै to go, क्त aff.
  • अवशीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unrestrained, independent. 2. Uninfluenced by magic. E. अवश and भूत been, with च्वि inserted.
  • अवशेष :: m. (-षः) 1. Leavings, remainder. 2. End, close, termination. E. अव, and शेष remainder.
  • अवश्य :: mfn. (-श्यः -श्या -श्यं) Untameable, ungovernable. ind. (-श्य) Certainly, necessarily. E. अव, श्यै to go, डम् affix; irregularly formed: it occurs in composition with or without the nasal, as अवश्यङ्कारी who does what is necessary, अवश्यपाच्यः to be necessarily cooked, &c. E. अ neg. वश to subdue, affix यत् .
  • अवश्यक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Necessary, inevitable, indispensable. E. अवश्य and कन् aff.
  • अवश्यकता :: f. (-ता) 1. Necessity, obligation. 2. Certainty. E. तल् added to अवश्यक; also अवश्यकत्वं with त्व aff.
  • अवश्या :: f. (-श्या) A fog or mist. E. अव, श्यै to go, ड affix and fem. टाप् .
  • अवश्याय :: m. (-यः) 1. Frost. 2. Pride. E. अव, श्यै to go, and यङ् aff.
  • अवष्कयणी :: f. (-णी) A cow that bears a calf after a long interval: see वष्कयणी .
  • अवष्टब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) 1. Near. 2. Protected, supported. 3. Surpassed, overcome. 4. Bound, tied. 5. Opposed. 6. Wrapped up, enfolded. 7. Hanging from or upon. 8. Stopped, stayed. 9. Paralysed. E. अव, स्तभि to stop, to stand, in the part. past.
  • अवष्टभ्य :: ind. 1. Leaning upon, holding. 2. Stopping, arresting. E. अव be- fore स्तभि to stop, ल्यप् aff.
  • अवष्टम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Gold. 2. Commencement, beginning. 3. A post or pillar. 4. Excellence. 5. Impediment. 6. Support, stay. 7. Paralysis. E. अव, स्तभि to stay or stop, अच् aff.
  • अवष्टम्भन :: n. (-नं) 1. Supporting, protecting. 2. A pillar, a post. 3. Stop- ping, staying. 4. Paralysing. E. अव before स्तभि to stay, ल्युट् aff.
  • अवष्वाण :: n. (-णं) Eating. E. अव, स्वन to sound, घञ् aff.
  • अवस :: ind. (-वस) Without, on the outside. m. (-सः) 1. A king. 2. The sun. n. (-सं) Preserving, protecting, (in the language of the Vedas.) E. अव to preserve, &c. असच् Unādi aff.
  • अवसक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Attached to or by, in contact with. 2. En- gaged or eager. 3. Ound round, begirt. 4. Placed or thrown upon. E. अव, and सक्त joined.
  • अवसक्तिका :: f. (-का) A wrapper, a girth or band. E. अव about, सक्त joined, कन् affix, and the fem. form.
  • अवसक्थिका :: f. (-का)1. A wrapper, a mantle. 2. A cloth drawn round the knees and legs of a person sitting on his hams. E. अव round, सक्थि the thigh, कन् aff.
  • अवसज्जन :: n. (-नं) Embracing, clinging. E. अव before सज्ज to embrace, ल्युट् aff.
  • अवसथ :: m. (-थः) 1. A village. 2. A college, a school. n. (-थं) A house. E. अ neg. वस to dwell, and अथच् affix; than which there is no other or better abode.
  • अवसथ्य :: m. (-थ्यः) A college, a school. E. See the preceding.
  • अवसन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Melancholy, dispirited, unhappy. 2. Ended, terminated. 3. Languid, enervated. 4. Separated. 5. Bowed, bent. 6. Non-suited. E. अव before सन to faint, क्त aff.
  • अवसन्नता :: f. (-ता) Low spirits, affliction. 2. Termination, completion. E. तल् added to अवसन्न; also with त्व affix अवसन्नत्वं
  • अवसर :: m. (-रः) 1. Occasion, opportunity. 2. Rain, raining. 3. Consulta- tion in private. 4. A year. 5. A moment. E. अव, सृ to go, अप् aff.
  • अवसर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) Following one's own inclinations. E. अव, सृज to create, घञ् affix; ज becomes ग .
  • अवसर्प :: m. (-र्पः) A spy, a secret emissary: see अपसर्प . E. अव, सृप to go, अच् aff.
  • अवसर्पिणी :: f. (-णी) A Jaina division of time; ten Crores of crores of Sāgaras or oceans of years. E. अव, सृप to go, णिनि and ङीप् affs.
  • अवसव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Right, (not left.) E. अव reverse, सव्य left; also अपसव्य .
  • अवसाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Lassitude, want of energy or spirit, especially as proceeding from doubtful or unsuccessful love. 2. Exhaustion, fatigue. 3. In law, badness of a cause. 4. End, termination. E. अव, षद to go, to sink, घञ् aff.
  • अवसादक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Exhausting, wearisome. 2. Ending, finish- ing. E. अव before षद to go, &c. causal form, वुन् aff.
  • अवसादन :: n. (-नं) 1. Finishing. 2. An escharotic. 3. Removing proud flesh by escharotic applications. E. अव before षद to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • अवसादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Languid, exhausted, faint. E. अव, षद to go, क्त aff.
  • अवसान :: n. (-नं) 1. Conclusion, termination, cessation. 2. Death. 3. Boundary, limit. 4. (In grammar,) Disjunction of letters. E. अव, षो to finish, ल्युट् affix; ओ is changed to आ .
  • अवसाय :: m. (-यः) 1. End, conclusion. 2. Termination, completion. 3. Certainty, ascertainment. E. अव, षो to finish, affix ण, and युक् inserted.
  • अवसारण :: n. (-णं) Removing, causing to move. E. अव before सृ to go, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • अवसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Ended, terminated. 2. Finished, com- pleted. 3. Known, understood. 4. Stored, (as grain, &c.) E. अव, षो to finish, and क्त part. aff.
  • अवसेक :: m. (-कः) Sprinkling. E. अव, विच to sprinkle, घञ् aff.
  • अवसेकिम :: m. (-मः) A kind of cake, pulse ground and fried with oil or butter. E. अव, सेकृ to sprinkle, इमच् affix; what is sprinkled with oil, &c.
  • अवसेचन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sprinkling. 2. Bleeding. E. अव before षिच to sprinkle, affix ल्युट् .
  • अवसेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be destroyed, destructible. E. अव before षो to destroy, affix यत् .
  • अवस्कन्द :: m. (-न्दः) 1. A camp. 2. Assault, attack, storm. 3. Bathing. 4. Going down, descending. E. अव against, &c. स्कन्द to go, अच् aff.
  • अवस्कन्दन :: n. (-नं) 1. Attacking, assaulting, storm. 2. Bathing. 3. Descending. E. अव before स्कन्दन going.
  • अवस्कन्दित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Attacked. 2. Bathed, bathing. 3. Gone down. E. अव, स्कन्द to go, क्त aff.
  • अवस्कर :: m. (-रः) 1. A privity, a part to be concealed. 2. Ordure, fæces. 3. Dirt. 4. Sweepings. E. अव down, away, &c. क to throw, अप् affix, स prefixed to क .
  • अवस्करक :: m. (कः) 1. A sweeper. 2. A brush, broom, &c. E. अवस्कर and वुन् aff.
  • अवस्तात् :: ind. 1. Posterior, latter. 2. Finally. E. अव and स्ताव् aff.
  • अवस्तार :: m. (-रः) A screen or wall of cloth surrounding a tent, &c. E. अव round, स्तॄ to spread, घञ् aff.
  • अवस्तु :: n. (-स्तु) Insubstantiality, the unreality of matter. E. अ priv. वस्तु thing.
  • अवस्तुता :: f. (-ता) Insubstantiality, unreality. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, अवस्तुत्वं .
  • अवस्था :: f. (-स्था) State, condition, situation, circumstance of age or position. E. अव, स्था to stand or stay, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • अवस्थाचतुष्टय :: n. (-यं) The periods of human life, viz. childhood, youth, manhood, and old age. E. अवस्था, and चतुष्टय fourfold.
  • अवस्थाद्वय :: n. (-यं) Two states of life, viz. happiness or misery. E. अवस्था, and द्वय two.
  • अवस्थान :: n. (-नं) Situation, station, abode, place or period of abiding or staying. E. अव before स्था to stay, affix ल्युट् .
  • अवस्थापन :: n. (-नं) Fixing, settling. E. अव before स्था to stay, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • अवस्थापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Fixed. E. See the last, क्त aff.
  • अवस्थायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Staying, residing in. E. अव before स्था to stay, णिनि aff.
  • अवस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Occupying place or period, abiding, residing remaining firm or fixed, &c. 2. Firm of purpose, steady. 3. Engaged in, prosecuting, following. E. अव before स्था to stay, affix क्त .
  • अवस्थिति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Abiding. 2. A residence. 3. Following, practising. E. अव, and स्थिति staying.
  • अवहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Bruised, beaten. 2. Threshed, winnowed. E. अव, and हत struck.
  • अवहरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Redeeming, taking back. 2. Fining, muleting. 3. Taking away, stealing, plundering. E. अव, and हरण taking.
  • अवहस्त :: m. (-स्तः) The back of the hand. E. अव reverse, &c. and हस्त the hand.
  • अवहार :: m. (-रः) 1. A shark 2. A water-elephant. 3. A thief. 4. Truce, suspension or cessation of gambling, fighting, &c. 5. Summoning, inviting. 6. Any approximatable object, fit or able to be brought near. 7. Apostacy, abandoning a sect or cast. 8. Re-delivery. E. अव, हृ to take or convey, घञ् or ण aff.
  • अवहारक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) One who stops fighting, &c. m. (-कः) A shark, a marine monster. E. अवहार, कन् aff.
  • अवहार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) 1. Recoverable, redeemable. 2. Finable, pun- ishable. E. अव, and हार्य्य to be taken.
  • अवहालिका :: f. (-का) A wall, a bound hedge.
  • अवहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Known, celebrated. 2. Done with care. 3. Care- ful. 4. Attentive. E. अव, धा to have or hold, part. affix क्त; ध becomes ह and इट् is inserted.
  • अवहित्थ :: nf. (-त्थं-त्था) Dissimulation. E. अ neg. वहिर् outer, स्था to stand; an irregular form: what does not shew outwardly.
  • अवहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Taken off, back, or away, seized, stolen. 2. Fined. E. अव off, हृत taken.
  • अवहेल :: nf. (-लं-ला) Disrespect. E. अव, हेड to despise, घञ् affix; ड becomes ल .
  • अवहेलन :: n. (-नं) Disrespect. E. As अवहेल, affix ल्युट् .
  • अवहेलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Disrespected. n. (-तं) Disrespect. E. अवहेल and इतच् aff.
  • अवाकपुष्पी :: f. (-ष्पी) A plant, (Pimpinella Anisum.) E. अवाक् downwards, and पुष्पी having flowers.
  • अवाक्शिरस् :: mfn. (-राः -राः -रः) Having the head downwards. E. अवाक् down, and शिरस् the head.
  • अवाक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षी -क्षं) Who protects or defends, a guarding, a keeper. E. अव under. and अक्षि the eye, अ final.
  • अवाग्र :: mfn. (-ग्रः -ग्रा -ग्रं) Stooping, bending, bowed. E. अव reverse, and अग्र front.
  • अवाङ्मुख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खं) Downlooked, headlong. अवाच्, and मुख the face.
  • अवाच् :: mfn. (-वाक्) Dumb. E. अ priv. वाच् speech.
  • अवाच् :: or अवाञ्च् mfn. (-वाङ् -वाची -वाक्) 1. Downlooked, headlong. 2. South. ind. (-वाक्) 1. South, southern. 2. Downwards. f. (-वाची) 1. The south quarter. 2. The lower regions. E. अव down, downwards, अञ्च् to go, क्विप् affix; the south being considered as below.
  • अवाचीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. South, southern. 2. Downlooked, headlong. 3. Descended, gone down. E. अवाच् and ख aff.
  • अवाच्य :: mfn. (-च्यः -च्या -च्यं) 1. Vile, bad. 2. Improper to be uttered. 3. Southern, southerly. E. अ neg. and वाच्य to be spoken, or अवाच् and यत् added.
  • अवाच्यता :: f. (-ता) 1. Reproach, calumny. 2. Impropriety. E. तल् added to the preceding; also with त्व, अवाच्यत्वं .
  • अवाच्यदेश :: m. (-शः) The vulva. E. अवाच्य not to be named, देश a place.
  • अवाज्ज्ञान :: n. (-नं) Disrespect. E. अवाच्, ज्ञान knowledge.
  • अवादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) One who does not speak, who does not dis- pute, who does not bring an action, peaceable. E. अ neg. वादिन् who speaks, &c.
  • अवान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Dried, dry, (fruit.) E. अ neg. and वान dry: than which nothing is drier.
  • अवान्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Included, involved. E. अव, and अन्तर inner.
  • अवापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unsown, (as grain,) planted. E. अ neg. and वापित sown.
  • अवाप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Received, got, obtained. E. अव before आप to ob- tain, क्त aff.
  • अवाप्तवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Receiving, obtaining, taking. 2. Entertain- ing, (as a belief.) E. अवाप to get, क्तवतु aff.
  • अवाप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) Obtaining, getting, receiving. E. अव, and आप to attain, क्तिन् aff.
  • अवाप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) Unattainable, unobtainable. ind. Having ob- tained. E. अ neg. वाप्य procurable, or अव before आप to obtain, ल्यप् aff.
  • अवार :: n. (-रं) The near bank of a river. E. अव down, ऋ to go, घञ् aff.
  • अवारपार :: m. (-रः) The ocean. E. अवार the near and पार the opposite bank; embanked.
  • अवारपारीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Crossing a river. E. अवारपार both banks, and ख aff.
  • अवारिका :: f. (-का) Coriander seed; also अवरिका .
  • अवारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unimpeded, unobstructed. 2. Innumerable. E. अ neg. and वारित hindered.
  • अवारितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Not to be impeded. E. अ neg. and वारितव्य to be hindered; also अवारणीय and अवार्य्य .
  • अवारीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Crossing a river. E. अवार and ख aff.
  • अवार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) Unrestrainable, irresistible. E. अ neg. वार्य्य to be hindered.
  • अवावट :: m. (-टः) The son of a woman by any other man than her first husband.
  • अवावन् :: m. (-वा) A thief. E. ओण to take away, वनिप् aff.
  • अवासस् :: mfn. (-साः -साः -सः) Naked. E. अ priv. वासस् clothes
  • अवास्तव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) 1. Unsubstantial, unreal. 2. Unfounded, ir- rational, (as an argument.) E. अ neg. and वास्तव substance.
  • अवास्तविक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Insubstantial, unreal. 2. Unfounded, (as an argument.) E. अ neg. वास्तविक substantial.
  • अवि :: m. (-विः) 1. The sun. 2. A mountain. 3. A sheep. 4. A master. 5. A blanket. 6. A rat. 7. A wall or enclosure. 8. Air, wind. 9. The shawl goat. f. (-विः) A woman in her courses; also अवी . E. अव to go, to preserve, &c. इन् aff.
  • अविक :: n. (-कं) A diamond. E. अवि the sun, &c. कन् aff.
  • अविकच :: mfn. (-चः -चा -चं) Closed, shut. E. अ neg. विकच open.
  • अविकचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unblown. E. अ neg. विकचित blown.
  • अविकट :: m. (-टः) A flock of sheep. E. अवि a sheep, कटच् aff.
  • अविकथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) Not boasting, not talking vainly or idly. E. अ neg. and विकथा boasting.
  • अविकथन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) One who does not boast. n. (-नं) Not boasting. E. अ neg. विकथन talking idly.
  • अविकल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Entire, perfect, unimpaired. 2. Regular, orderly, consistent. E. अ neg. and विकल defective.
  • अविकल्प :: m. (-ल्पः) Positive act or precept, absence of doubt or alter- native. E. अ neg. विकल्प alternative.
  • अविकार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Immutable, permanent. E. अ neg. विकार change.
  • अविकार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) Immutable, unchangeable. E. अ neg. विकार्य्य liable to change of form.
  • अविकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unchanged, permanent. E. अ neg. विकृत changed.
  • अविक्रम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Powerless, feeble. m. (-मः) Cowardice. E. अ neg. विक्रम prowess.
  • अविक्रय :: m. (-यः) Want of sale. E. अ neg. विक्रय sale.
  • अविक्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Unsurpassed. 2. Feeble, powerless. E. अ neg. वि before क्रम to go, क्त aff.
  • अविक्रीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unsold. E. अ neg. विक्रीत sold.
  • अविक्रेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Unsaleable, not to be sold. E. अ neg. विक्रेय to be sold.
  • अविक्लम :: m. (-मः) Vigour, freshness, absence of fatigue. E. अ neg. विक्लम fatigue.
  • अविक्लव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Calm, composed, firm. E. अ neg. विक्लव confounded.
  • अविक्लान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -ता -न्तं) Unwearied. E. अ neg. विक्लान्त wearied.
  • अविक्षत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Entire, undiminished. 2. Unhurt. E. अ neg. विक्षत wounded.
  • अविक्षिप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Attentive, composed. 2. Retained. E. अ neg. विक्षिप्त tossed, agitated.
  • अविक्षोभ :: m. (-भः) Quiet, quiescence. E. अ neg. विक्षोभ agitation.
  • अविक्षोभित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Tranquil, undisturbed. E. अ neg. विक्षोभित agitated.
  • अविगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Retained, present, unseparated. E. अ neg. विगत gone away.
  • अविगम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Unseparated, unremoved. m. (-मः) Presence, inherence, association, non-separation. E. अ neg. विगम separation.
  • अविगर्हित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unreproached. E. अ neg. विगर्हित reproached.
  • अविगीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unreproached. E. अ neg. विगीत censure.
  • अविगुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Compatible, consistent with, not contrary to. 2. Worthy, good. E. अ neg. वि without, गुण property.
  • अविग्र :: m. (-ग्रः) A fruit tree, commonly Caronda, (Carissa Carondas.) E. अ neg. विज to fear, part. past, irr.
  • अविग्रह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Bodiless, incorporeal. E. अ neg. विग्रह body.
  • अविघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्ना -घ्नं) Unimpeded, uninterrupted. E. अ neg. विघ्न obstacle.
  • अविचक्षण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Unlearned, ignorant. E. अ neg. विचक्षण learned.
  • अविचार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Undiscriminating, ill-judging, unwise. 2. Prompt, unhesitating. m. (-रः) 1. Want of judgment or discrimina- tion, error, folly. 2. Promptitude. E. अ neg. विचार discussion.
  • अविचारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Ill-judged or investigated, unconsidered. 2. Determined, certain, clear, not requiring deliberation. E. अ neg. विचारित discussed.
  • अविचालित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Victorious, triumphant. 2. Unmoved. E. अ neg. विचालित shaken, resisted.
  • अविच्युत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Undeviated from, observed, followed. 2. Eternal, permanent. E. अ neg. विच्युत fallen.
  • अविच्छिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Unseparated, undivided. E. अ neg. विच्छिन्न cut off.
  • अविच्छेद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Entire, whole, undivided. 2. Uninterrupted. m. (-दः) 1. Entireness. 2. Connexion, continuity. E. अ neg. विच्छेद separation.
  • अविजातीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Of the same species. E. अ neg. विजातीय of a different kind.
  • अविज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) 1. Clumsy, stupid. 2. Ignorant, untaught. E. अ neg. विज्ञ wise.
  • अविज्ञता :: f. (-ता) Ignorance, folly. E. अविज्ञ and तल् affix; also अविज्ञत्वं .
  • अविज्ञात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unknown. 2. Undistinguished. E. अ neg. विज्ञात known.
  • अविज्ञेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Undiscernible, not to be recognized or known. E. अ neg. विज्ञेय to be known.
  • अविडीन :: n. (-नं) A direct flight. E. अ neg. विडीन flying deviously.
  • अवित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Preserved, protected. E. अव to preserve, क्त affix of part. past.
  • अवितथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) True. n. (-थं) Truth. E. अ neg. and वितथ untrue.
  • अवित्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Unknown. 2. Poor. E. अ neg. वित्त known, or wealth.
  • अवित्यज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Quicksilver.
  • अविथ्य :: mfn. (-थ्यः -थ्या -थ्यं) Fit for or suited to a sheep. E. अवि and थ्यन् aff.
  • अविदग्ध :: mfn. (-ग्धः -ग्धा -ग्धं) 1. Unlearned. 2. Stupid. E. अ neg. विदग्ध clever.
  • अविदाहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिनी -हि) Imperfectly digested, producing heart- burn. E. अ neg. वि free from, दाहिन् what burns.
  • अविदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unknown. E. अ neg. विदित known.
  • अविदूर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Near, contiguous. E. अ neg. विदूर distant.
  • अविदूरतस् :: ind. Near, not far off. E. अविदूर and तसि aff.
  • अविदूस :: n. (-सं) The milk of a ewe. E. अवि and दूस aff.
  • अविद्धकर्णा :: f. (-र्णा-र्णी) A plant, (Cissampelos hexandra.) E. अ neg. विद्ध broken, divided, and कर्ण the ear; the leaf being compared to the ear; also अविद्धकर्णी and विद्धकर्णी .
  • अविद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) 1. Foolish, unwise. 2. Not relating to knowlege. f. (-द्या) 1. Ignorance. 2. Spiritual ignorance. 3. Illusion. 4. Per- sonified illusion or Māyā. E. अ priv. and विद्या knowledge.
  • अविद्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Non-existent. 2. Not present, absent. E. अ neg. and विद्यमान being.
  • अविद्वस् :: mfn. (-द्वान् -दुषी -द्वः) Unwise, unlearned. E. अ neg. विद्वस् learned,
  • अविधान :: n. (-नं) Irregularity, deviation from or absence of fixed rule. E. अ neg. and विधान rule.
  • अविधानतस् :: ind. Irregularly. E. अविधान and तसि aff.
  • अविधि :: mfn. (-धिः -धिः -धि) Irregular, void of or contrary to rule. f. (-धिः) Irregularity. E. अ neg. and विधि rule.
  • अविन :: m. (-नः) A sacrificer, one who makes a cacrifice or causes it to be made. E. अव to preserve, इतच् Unādi aff.
  • अविनय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Indecorous, ill-behavede. m. (-यः) 1. Indecorum, impropriety, fault. 2. Incivility, disrespect. 3. Offence, crime. E. अ neg. and विनय modest behaviour.
  • अविनश्वर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Indestructible: so अविनाश्य . E. अ neg. विनश्वर destructible.
  • अविनाभाव :: m. (-वः) Inherent and essential character. E. अ, and विना without, भाव property.
  • अविनिगम :: m. (-मः) An illogical conclusion. E. अ neg. विनिगम accurate deduction.
  • अविनिवर्त्तिन् :: mfn. (-र्त्ती -र्त्तिनी -र्त्ति) Holding on, advancing, one who does not turn back. E. अ neg. विनिवर्त्तिन् who retreats.
  • अविनिर्मोक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Without an exception. E. अ neg. विनिर्मोक exception.
  • अविनीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Misbehaving, acting ill or improperly, wicked, vile. f. (-ता) An unchaste or disloyal woman. E. अ neg. विनीत virtuous.
  • अविपक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Unopposed, having no adversary. E. अ neg. विपक्ष an adversary.
  • अविपट :: m. (-टः) Woolen cloth. E. अवि a sheep, and पटच् aff.
  • अविपद् :: f. (-पत्) Prosperity, ease. E. अ neg. विपद् misfortune.
  • अविपन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Uninjured, unhurt. 2. Not soiled or contami- nated, pure, clean. E. अ neg. विपन्न destroyed.
  • अविपश्चिद् :: mfn. (-श्चित्) Unwise, ignorant. E. अ neg. विपश्चिद् learned.
  • अविपाक :: m. (-कः) 1. Immaturity. 2. Not suffering the consequence of actions in a former life. 3. Indigestion. E. अ neg. विपाक ripening.
  • अविपुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Small, insignificant, slender. E. अ neg. विपुल large.
  • अविप्रकृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Near, not remote. E. अ neg. विप्रकृष्ट remote.
  • अविप्लुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Undeviating, following or observing steadily. 2. Observed, unviolated. E. अ neg. विप्लुत transgressed.
  • अविफल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Fruitful, productive. E. अ neg. विफल unfruitful.
  • अविफुल्ल :: mfn. (-ल्लः -ल्ला -ल्लं) Unblown. E. अ neg. विफुल्ल blown.
  • अविभक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Undivided, unpartitioned. 2. Joint, unsepa- rated, (as coparceners.) E. अ neg. विभक्त divided.
  • अविभाग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Unportioned, unpartitioned. m. (-गः) Undivided inheritance. E. अ neg. विभाग division.
  • अविभागिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) 1. One who does not share. 2. Not sharing, not dividing. E. अ neg. विभागिन् who divides.
  • अविभाज्य :: mfn. (-ज्यः -ज्या -ज्यं) Not to be divided, not to be partitioned. E. अ neg. विभाज्य partible.
  • अविभाज्यत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Indivisibility, unfitness for partition. E. अविभाज्य and त्व affix; also with तल्, अविभाज्यता .
  • अविभावन :: nf. (-नं-ना) Disappearance, imperceptibility. E. अ neg. विभावन perception.
  • अविभावनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Imperceptible, undistinguishable. E. अ neg. विभावनीय perceptible.
  • अविमरीस :: n. (-सं) The milk of a ewe. E. अवि and मरीसच् aff.
  • अविमल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Foul, turbid. E. अ neg. विमल clear.
  • अविमुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Unloosed, not quitted. m. (-क्तः) A name of Benares. E. अ neg. and विमुक्त loosed: the last is never to be lost view of by those seeking salvation.
  • अविमुक्तेश्वर :: m. (-रः) A celebrated Siva Linga, at Benares. E. अविमुक्त, and ईश्वर lord.
  • अवियुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Undivided, conjoined. 2. Not separated or absent. E. अ neg. वियुक्त disjoined.
  • अवियोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Conjunction, association. 2. Presence, not being parted or absent. E. अ neg. वियोग disunion.
  • अविरक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Interested in, attached to. E. अ neg. विरक्त unattached.
  • अविरत :: adj. mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Eternal, continual, uninterrupted. 2. Abandoned, or adv. n. (-तं) Eternal, continual. E. अ neg. विरत stop- ping.
  • अविरल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Coarse, gross, substantial. 2. Close, con- tiguous. 3. Uninterrupted. E. अ neg. and विरल fine.
  • अविराम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Continuous, uninterrupted. m. (-मः) Continu- ance, uninterrupted succession. n. adv. (-मं) Uninterruptedly. E. अ neg. विराम rest.
  • अविरुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Unimpeded, unobstructed. 2. Allowed, per- mitted, proper. 3. Compatible, consistent with. E. अ neg. विरुद्ध hin- dered.
  • अविरेचन :: n. (-नं) Constipating, stopping dejection. E. अ neg. विरेचन purg- ing.
  • अविरेच्य :: mfn. (-च्यः -च्या -च्यं) Improper to be purged. E. अ neg. विरेच्य to be purged.
  • अविरोध :: m. (-धः) 1. Absence of impediment. 2. Assent, concurrence, non-opposition. 3. Consistency, compatibility. E. अ neg. विरोध hindrance.
  • अविरोधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unimpeded, unobstructed. E. अ neg. विरोधित hindered.
  • अविलङ्घन :: n. (-नं) Not exceeding, not trespassing. E. अ neg. विलङ्घन trespassing.
  • अविलङ्घनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Prescribed, fixed, not to be transgressed or exceeded. E. अ neg. विलङ्घनीय to be past over or beyond.
  • अविलम्ब :: mfn. (-म्बः -म्बा -म्बं) Prompt, quick, without delay. E. अ neg. विलम्ब delay.
  • अविलम्बन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Quick, expeditious: also अविलम्बित .
  • अविलम्बित :: mfn. adj. (-तः-ता-तं) Quick, expeditious. n. adv. (-तं) Quickly, expeditiously. E. अ neg. and विलिम्बित slow, tedious.
  • अविलम्बितक्रम :: m. (-मः) Going quickly, swift pace. E. अविलम्बित, and क्रम motion.
  • अविला :: f. (-ला) A sheep, a ewe. E. अ neg. विल to break, अच् and टाप् affixes; not able to wound, &c. having no horns.
  • अविलास :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Faithful, constant. E. अ neg. विलास sport, caprice.
  • अविवक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unasserted, undeclared. E. अ neg. विवक्षित said.
  • अविवाद :: m. (-दः) Concurrence, consent, non-disagreement. E. अ neg. विवाद dispute.
  • अविवादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Quiet, peaceable. E. अ neg. विवादिन् conten- tious.
  • अविवाहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unmarried. E. अ neg. and विवाहित married.
  • अविवाहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिनी -हि) 1. Interdicted as to marriage. 2. Not relating to marriage. 3. Single, not marrying. E. अ neg. विवाहिन् marrying.
  • अविविक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Uninvestigated, undiscriminated. 2. Indiscriminate, confounded. 3. Common, public. E. अ neg. विविक्त discriminated.
  • अविवेक :: m. (-कः) Ignorance, absence of discrimination or judgment. E. अ neg. and विवेक discrimination.
  • अविवेकता :: f. (-ता) Inconsiderateness, imprudence, want of judgment. E. अविवेक and तल् added: also अविवेकत्वं .
  • अविवेकिन् :: mfn. (-की -किनी -कि) Ignorant, undiscriminating, defective in judgment, superficial, short-sighted. E. अविवेक as above, and इनि aff.
  • अविवेचक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Ignorant, undiscriminating. E. अ neg. and विवेचक who judges.
  • अविवेचना :: f. (-ना) Want of judgment. E. अ neg. विवेचना discriminating.
  • अविशङ्का :: f. (-ङ्का) Unapprehensiveness, confidence, certainty. E. अ neg. विशङ्का fear.
  • अविशङ्कित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Confiding, trusting, unapprehensive. E. अ neg. विशङ्कित alarmed.
  • अविशुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Pure, clear, free from fault or defect. 2. Valid, perfect, unimpeached. E. अ neg. विशुद्ध faulty.
  • अविशेष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Uniform, alike, without any difference. n. (-षं) Equality, uniformity. E. अ neg. विशेष variation.
  • अविशेषज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Indiscriminating, not perceiving the difference in things. E. अ neg. विशेष variation, and ज्ञ who knows.
  • अविश्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Unwearied. E. अ neg. विश्रान्त tired.
  • अविश्वस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Suspected, doubted, not trusted. E. अ neg. and विश्वस्त trusted.
  • अविश्वास :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Mistrusted. m. (-सः) Suspicion, mistrust. E. अ neg. विश्वास trust.
  • अविश्वासा :: f. (-सा) A cow calving after long intervals. E. अ neg. विश्वास trust.
  • अविश्वासिन् :: mfn. (-सि -सिनी -सि) Mistrustful, unbelieving. E. अ neg. विश्वासिन् who trusts.
  • अविष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Anti-venomous, antidote, not poisonous. E. अ neg. and विष poison. m. (-षः) The ocean, sky. f. (-षी) 1. A river. 2. The earth. 3. Heaven. E. अव to go, &c. टिषच् Unādi aff.
  • अविषक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Unchecked, unopposed, unimpeded. E. अ neg. विषक्त restrained.
  • अविषय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Unperceived, invisible. 2. Insensible, disregard- ing objects of sense. m. (-यः) 1. Disappearance, absence. 2. Disre- gard of objects of sense. E. अ neg. विषय an object of sense.
  • अविस् :: m. (-विः) An extender or enlarger.
  • अविसर्गिन् :: mfn. (-र्गी -र्गिणी -र्गि) Adhering to, retaining, not quitting. m. (-र्गी) A continued fever. E. अ neg. विसर्गिन् quitting.
  • अविसोढ :: n. (-ढं) Ewe's milk. E. अवि and सोढ aff.
  • अविस्तृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Compact, compressed, close. E. अ neg. विस्तृत spread.
  • अविस्पष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Obscure, not clear or plain. n. (-ष्टं) Indistinct speech. E. अ neg. विस्पष्ट plain.
  • अविस्मरण :: n. (-णं) Remembering, not forgetting. E. अ neg. विस्मरण forget- ting.
  • अविस्मृति :: f. (-तिः) Remembering, recollection. E. अ neg. विस्मृति forgetful- ness.
  • अविहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Undone, uneffected. 2. Unprescribed, not directed or ruled. E. अ neg. विहित established.
  • अविह्वल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Calm, composed, unagitated. E. अ neg. विह्वल agitated.
  • अवी :: f. (-वी) A woman in her courses: see अवि .
  • अवीक्षण :: n. (-णं) Not regarding, not looking at. E. अ neg. वीक्षण seeing.
  • अवीक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unseen, unbeheld. E. अ neg. वीक्षित seen.
  • अवीचि :: m. (-चिः) A hell. mfn. (-चिः -चिः -चि) Waveless. E. अ neg. वीचि a wave.
  • अवीचिमय :: m. (-यः) A hell, the place of punishment for liars. E. अवीचि without waves, मयट् aff.
  • अवीज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Seedless. n. (-जं) 1. Bad seed. 2. Absence of seed. E. अ neg. वीज seed.
  • अवीजक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Seedless. E. अवीज and कन् added.
  • अवीर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Weak, impotent, helpless. f. (-रा) A woman who has neither husband nor son. E. अ neg. वीर strong.
  • अवृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unselected. 2. Uncovered. 3. Unprotected. E. अ neg. वृत chosen, &c.
  • अवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Inadequate support, absence of subsistence or allowance. E. अ neg. वृत्ति maintenance.
  • अवृथा :: ind. Successfully, profitably. E. अ not, वृथा vainly.
  • अवृथार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) Succeeding, gaining one's object. E. अवृथा not in vain, अर्थ object.
  • अवृद्धिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Not bearing interest. 2. Not augmentative. E. अ neg. वृद्धि increase, ठक् aff.
  • अवेक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Seeing. 2. Attention, observation. E. अव, and ईक्षण seeing.
  • अवेक्षमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Inspecting, examining. E. अव, ईक्ष to see, शानच् aff.
  • अवेक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) 1. Attention, observation. 2. Seeing, looking at. 3. Agree- ment, engagement. E. अव upon or to, ईक्ष to see, अ affix, and टाप् feminine.
  • अवेक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Seen, regarded. E. अव before ईक्ष to see and क्त aff.
  • अवेदयान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Not enquiring or ascertaining. E. अ neg. विद् to know, शानच् aff.
  • अवेदविद् :: m. (-विद्) A Brahman who has not studied the Vedas. E. अ neg. वेद and विद् who knows.
  • अवेदविहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unscriptural, not enjoined in the Vedas. E. अ neg. वेद and विहित declared.
  • अवेद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) 1. Unascertainable, secret, not to be known. 2. Not to be pained or hurt. m. (-द्यः) A calf. E. अ neg. वेद्य to be hurt or known.
  • अवेल :: m. (-लः) Denial or concealment of knowledge. f. (-ला) Chewed betel. E. अव and इला speech.
  • अवैध :: mfn. (-धः -धी -धं) Irregular, heterodox, contrary or not conformable to rule. E. अ neg. विधि rule, अण् aff.
  • अवोद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Wet, moist. E. अव ill, उन्द to moisten, and क aff.
  • अब्द :: m. (-ब्दः) 1. A cloud. 2. A year. E. अव to preserve, दन् Unādi affix, see अब्द .
  • अव्यक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Indistinct, unapparent, invisible, impercepti- ble. 2. (In algebra,) Unknown as quantity or number. m. (-क्तः) 1. VISHNU. 2. SIVA. 3. KANDARPA or CUPID. 4. A fool. n. (-क्तं) 1. The Supreme Being or universal spirit. 2. Any invisible principle according to the Sānkhya philosophy. 3. The soul. 4. Nature, temperament. E. अ neg. व्यक्त evident, distinct.
  • अव्यक्तक्रिया :: f. (-या) 1. Algebraic calculation. 2. Any act of an indistinct character or aim. E. अव्यक्त, and क्रिया act.
  • अव्यक्तराग :: m. (-गः) Dark-red, the colour of the dawn. E. अव्यक्त indistinct, and राग colour.
  • अव्यक्तराशि :: f. (-शिः) An unknown number or indistinct quantity, (in algebra.) E. अव्यक्त and राशि quantity.
  • अव्यक्तसाम्य :: n. (-म्यं) Equation of unknown quantities. E. अव्यक्त, and साम्य equality.
  • अव्यग्र :: mfn. (-ग्रः -ग्रा -ग्रं) 1. Steady, cool, deliberate. 2. Indifferent, undis- turbed. E. अ neg. व्यग्र hurried.
  • अव्यङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) 1. Plain, not figurative. 2. Perfect, not mutilated. f. (-ङ्गा) Cowach, (Carpopogon pruriens, Rox.) E. अ neg. वि priv. and अङ्ग the body, or व्यङ्ग figure of speech.
  • अव्यङ्गाङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Well made, symmetrical, perfect, entire. E. अव्यङ्ग not defective, अङ्ग a limb.
  • अव्यञ्जन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Indistinct. 2. Plain, not figurative. m. (-नः) An animal without horns, though of an age to have them. E. अ neg. व्यञ्जन a mark or figure.
  • अव्यण्डा :: f. (-ण्डा) A plant, (Carpopogon pruriens.)
  • अव्यतिकीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Distinct, specific, separate, unmixed. E. अ neg. व्यतिकीर्ण confounded, mixed.
  • अव्यथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) 1. Free from pain. 2. Merciful, not inflicting pain. m. (-थः) A snake. f. (-था) 1. Yellow myrobalan. 2. Another plant, (Hibiscus mutabilis.) See पद्मचारिणी . E. अ neg. व्यथा pain.
  • अव्यथि :: m. (-थिः) A horse, (in the dialect of the Vedas.) E. अ neg. व्यथ to pain, and इन् affix; who does not tire in war, &c.
  • अव्यथिधी :: m. (-धीः) 1. The earth. 2. Night.
  • अव्यथिन् :: mfn. (-थी -थिनी -थि) 1. Free from pain. 2. Not inflicting pain. E. अ neg. व्यथा pain, इनि aff.
  • अव्यथिष :: m. (-षः) 1. The ocean. 2. The sun. f. (-षी) 1. The earth. 2. Midnight. E. अ neg. व्यथ to suffer pain, and टिषच् Unādi aff.
  • अव्यथ्य :: mfn. (-थ्यः -थ्या -थ्यं) 1. Free from pain. 2. Not paining, not giving pain. E. अ neg. व्यथ to feel pain, and क्यप् affix irr.
  • अव्यभिचार :: m. (-रः) Steadiness, consistency, constancy. E. अ neg. व्यभिचार irregularity.
  • अव्यभिचारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Constant. 2. Virtuous, moral. 3. Steady, permanent, faithful. E. अ neg. व्यभिचारिन् variable.
  • अव्यय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Economical, parsimonious. 2. Unexpended, unwasted. 3. Imperishable, immutable, eternal. m. (-यः) A name of VISHNŪ. mn. (-यः-यं) An indeclinable word, a particle. E. अ neg. and व्यय expenditure.
  • अव्ययात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Eternal, imperishable. m. (-त्मा) Soul, spirit. E. अव्यय undecayed, आत्मन् self.
  • अव्ययीभाव :: m. (-वः) 1. Imperishableness. 2. An indeclinable compound. E. अव्यय and भाव disposition, with च्वि inserted.
  • अव्यर्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) 1. Profitable, fruitful. 2. Effectual, efficacious. E. अ neg. व्यर्थ useless.
  • अव्यलीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) True, veracious. E. अ neg. व्यलीक alse.
  • अव्यवधान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Close, contiguous. 2. Careless. E. अ neg. व्यवधान any thing interposed, or carefulness.
  • अव्यवधानता :: f. (-ता) 1. Contiguity. 2. Carelessness. E. तल् added to with the last; also with त्व, अव्यवधानत्वं .
  • अव्यवसाय :: m. (-यः) Negligence, inactivity. E. अ neg. व्यवसाय employ- ment.
  • अव्यवसायवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Negligent, remiss in practice. E. अ neg. व्यवसाय practice, profession, मतुप् poss. aff.
  • अव्यवसायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Negligent, inactive, remiss. E. अ neg. व्यवसाय business, इनि aff.
  • अव्यवस्था :: f. (-स्था) 1. Irregularity, deviation from established rule. 3. Incorrect legal opinion. E. अ neg. व्यवस्था law.
  • अव्यवस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Not conformable to law or practice. 2. Unacquainted with the law or custom. 3. Ill regulated. 4. Displaced, disordered. E. अ neg. and व्यवस्थित ordained.
  • अव्यवहार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) Unactionable, not to be discussed in law. E. अ neg. व्यवहार्य्य actionable.
  • अव्यवहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Adjoining, contiguous. E. अ neg. and व्यवहित divided.
  • अव्यवहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Not determined or investigated by law. 2. Not spoken. E. अ neg. व्यवहृत tried.
  • अव्यसन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Moral, correct, free from vice. E. अ neg. व्यसन evil practice.
  • अव्यसनिन् :: mfn. (-नी -निनी -नि) Free from evil practices, steady, correct. E. अ neg. व्यसन evil practices, इनि aff.
  • अव्यस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Simple, undecomposed. 2. Undispersed, collected. E. अ neg. व्यस्त scattered.
  • अव्याकुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Calm, firm, composed. E. अ neg. व्याकुल flurried.
  • अव्याकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Undecomposed. n. (-तं) Elementary substance from which all things were created, considered as one with the substance of BRAHMA. E. अ neg. व्याकृत separated, decomposed.
  • अव्याख्या :: f. (-ख्या) Obscurity, want of clearness or explanation. E. अ neg. व्याख्या explanation.
  • अव्याख्यात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unexplained, obscure. E. अ neg. व्याख्यात ex- plained.
  • अव्याख्यान :: n. (-नं) Absence of explicitness, want of explanation. E. अ neg. व्याख्यान explanation.
  • अव्याख्येय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Unintelligible, inexplicable. 2. Easy, not requiring to be explained. E. अ neg. व्याख्येय to be explained.
  • अव्याज :: m. (-जः) Absence of fraud, simplicity, honesty. E. अ neg. व्याज disguise.
  • अव्यापक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Special, individual, peculiar. E. अ neg. व्यापक generick.
  • अव्यापकत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Speciality, individuality, non-comprehensiveness or generalization. E. अव्यापक special, and त्व affix; also अव्यापकता .
  • अव्यापार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Inexpert, inexperienced. m. (-रः) Business not practised or understood. E. अ not, व्यापार business.
  • अव्यापित्व :: n. (-त्वं) Specility, non-generalization. E. अ neg. व्यापिन् what pervades, त्व affix; also अव्यापिता .
  • अव्यापिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिनी -पि) 1. Special, individual. 2. Limited, partial, not comprehensive. E. अ neg. व्यापिन् pervading.
  • अव्याप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Peculiar, individual, limited. E. अ neg. व्याप्त diffused.
  • अव्याप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) Peculiar, not to be extended generally. E. अ neg. व्याप्य to be extended.
  • अव्याप्यवृत्ति :: mfn. (-त्तिः -त्तिः -त्ति) (In logic) A category of individual appli- cation, and influenced by place and time, as pain, pleasure, love, hatred, virtue, vice, &c. E. अ neg. व्याप्य diffusive, general, and वृत्ति being.
  • अव्यायाम :: m. (-मः) Absence of lassitude or fatigue. E. अ neg. व्यायाम exer- tion.
  • अव्यावर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) Not returning, not coming back, not circulating. E. अ neg. व्यावर्त्तन returning, revolving.
  • अव्याहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unresisted, unimpeded. 2. Not disappointed. E. अ neg. व्याहत baffled.
  • अव्याहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Undisputed. E. अ neg. व्याहित disputed.
  • अव्रण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Sound, unhurt, unscarred. E. अ neg. व्रण a wound.
  • अव्रत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Not observing religious rites or obligations, un- initiated. E. अ neg. व्रत a vow, &c.
  • अश :: r. 5th cl. (ऊ) अशू (अश्नुते) 1. To pervade or occupy. 2. To heap or crowd. r. 9th cl. (अश्नाति) To eat, to eat hungrily. With प्र prefixed, to begin to eat.
  • अशक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Unable, incompetent. E. अ neg. शक्त able, strong.
  • अशक्तता :: f. (-ता) Weakness, inability. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, अशक्तत्वं .
  • अशक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Inability, incapability, weakness, impotence. E. अ neg. शक्ति power.
  • अशक्य :: mfn. (-क्यः -क्या -क्यं) 1. Impossible, impracticable. 2. Not to be made. E. अ neg. शक्य possible.
  • अशङ्क :: mfn. (-ङ्कः -ङ्का -ङ्कं) 1. Fearless, undaunted. 2. Secure, certain. E. अ neg. शङ्का fear.
  • अशङ्कित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Certain, undoubted. 2. Feerless. E. अ neg. शङ्कित alarmed.
  • अशठ :: mfn. (-ठः -ठा -ठं) Virtuous, good. E. अ neg. शठ wicked.
  • अशत्रु :: mfn. (-त्रुः -त्रुः -त्रु) Friendly. m. (-त्रुः) A name of the moon. E. अ neg. and शत्रु an enemy; who has.
  • अशन :: m. (-नः) A plant, (Pentaptera tomentosa, Rox.) n. (-नं) 1. Food. 2. Eating: also असन . E. अश to eat, ल्युट् aff.
  • अशनपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A plant: also असनपर्णी .
  • अशनाया :: f. (-या) Hunger. E. अशन food, क्यच् affix, अ and टाप् added, and the penultimate made long: wishing for food.
  • अशनायित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Hungry. E. As before, इतच् added.
  • अशनि :: mf. (-निः-निः) INDRA'S thunderbolt. E. अश to eat, अनि Unādi affix; what eats or consumes rocks, &c.
  • अशरीर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Bodiless, incorporeal m. (-रः) A name of KĀMA or love. E. अ neg. शरीर body.
  • अशरीरिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Incorporeal. E. अ neg. शरीरिन् embodied.
  • अशर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Pain, affliction. mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्म) Unhappy, afflicted. E. शर्म्मन् happiness, &c. with the priv. prefix.
  • अशान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Restless, anxious, unresigned. E. अ neg. शान्त tranquil.
  • अशान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) Anxiety, restlessness. E. अ neg. शान्ति tranquillity. So अशान्तता f. (-ता).
  • अशाम्य :: mfn. (-म्यः -म्या -म्यं) Unappeasable, not to be pacified. E. अ neg. शम to appease, ण्यत् aff.
  • अशारीरिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Not relating to or endowed with body. E. अ neg. शारीरिक bodily.
  • अशाश्वत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Perishable, transient, temporary. E. अ neg. शाश्वत eternal.
  • अशासन :: n. (-नं) Want of government, anarchy, disorder. E. अ neg. शासन governing.
  • अशासनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Ungovernable: so अशास्य E. अ neg. शासनीय or शास्य to be ruled, &c.
  • अशासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Ungoverned, undisciplined. E. अ neg. शासित governed.
  • अशास्त्र :: mfn. (-स्त्रः -स्त्रा -स्त्रं) Not conformable to sacred authority, hetero- dox, unscriptural. E. अ neg. शास्त्र scripture.
  • अशास्त्रीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Not conformable to sacred authority, hetero- dox, immoral, irreligious. E. अ neg. शास्त्रीय scriptural.
  • अशिक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Untaught, ignorant. E. अ neg. शिक्षित taught.
  • अशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Eaten. 2. Satisfied. E. अश to eat, क्त aff.
  • अशितङ्गवीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Formerly grazed by cattle, (a field, &c.) E. अशित eaten, and गवीन relating to cattle; also आशितङ्गवीन .
  • अशिघ :: m. (-त्रः) A thief. E. अशू to pervade, इत्र Unādi aff.
  • अशिथिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Firm, tight, hard. E. अ neg. शिथिल loose.
  • अशिर :: m. (-रः) 1. A name of the sun. 2. Fire. 3. A goblin or demon. f. (-रा) The wife of a goblin. n. (-रं) A diamond. E. अश to eat, and इर affix; what eats sacrifices, &c.
  • अशिरस् :: mfn. (-राः -राः -रः) Headless. E. अ neg. शिरस् the head.
  • अशिरःस्नान :: n. (-नं) Bathing the body with exception of the head. E. अ neg. शिरस् the head, स्नान bathing.
  • अशिव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Unlucky, unfortunate. E. अ neg. शिव propitious.
  • अशिवी :: f. (-वी) A female demon or goblin.
  • अशिश्विका :: f. (-का) See the following. E. कन् added to अशिश्वी .
  • अशिश्वी :: f. (-श्वी) A childless woman. E. अ priv. शिशु a child, and ङीप् fem. affix: उ becomes व .
  • अशिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Ill regulated, ill behaved, rude, barbarous, profligate E. अ neg. शिष्ट regulated.
  • अशिष्टता :: f. (-ता) Rudeness, &c. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, अशिष्टत्वं .
  • अशिष्टाचार :: m. (-रः) Rudeness, profligacy. E. अशिष्ट, and आचार practice.
  • अशीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Warm, hot. E. अ not, शीत cold.
  • अशीतकर :: m. (-रः) The sun. E. अ neg. शीत cold, and कर a ray, and similar compounds, as अशीतदीधितिः, अशीतमरीचिः, &c.
  • अशीति :: f. sing. always (-तिः) Eighty. du. (-ती) Two eighties. pl. (-तयः) Many eighties.
  • अशीतिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Octagenarian, of eighty years of age, &c. E. अशीति and कन् added.
  • अशीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Undecayed, unimpaired. E. अ neg. शीर्ण decayed.
  • अशील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Ill behaved, vulgar, offensive. 2. Indifferent. E. अ neg. शील polite.
  • अशुष्क :: mfn. (-ष्कः -ष्का -ष्कं) Green, fresh, moist. E. अ neg. शुष्क dry.
  • अशुचि :: f. (-चिः) 1. Impurity. 2. Disgrace, degradation. mfn. (-चिः -चिः -चि) Foul, impure. E. अ neg. शुचि purity.
  • अशुचित्व :: n. (-त्वं) Impurity. E. त्व added to अशुचि; also अशुचिता .
  • अशुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Impure. 2. Inaccurate. 3. Unknown, unascer- tained. E. अ neg. शुद्ध pure.
  • अशुद्धवासक :: m. (-कः) A vagrant, a suspicious character. E. अशुद्ध unknown, वास abode, कन् added.
  • अशुद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Impurity. mfn. (-द्धिः -द्धिः -द्धि) Impure. E. अ neg. शुद्धि purity.
  • अशुभ :: n. (-भं) 1. Sin. 2. Misfortune. mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Unlucky. E. अ priv. शुभ good.
  • अशुश्रूषा :: f. (-षा) Inattention, neglect of service or respect. E. अ neg. शुश्रूषा service.
  • अशृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unripe. E. अ neg. and शृत ripe.
  • अशेष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) 1. Entire, all the whole. 2. Infinite, endless. E. अ neg. and शेष remainder.
  • अशेषतस् :: ind. Entirely, wholly. E. अशेष whole, तसि aff.
  • अशोक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Cheerful, not sorrowful. m. (-कः) A tree com- monly Asoka (Jonesia Asoca.) n. (-कं) Quicksilver. f. (-का) 1. A medicinal plant, see कटुकी . 2. One of the female domestic deities of the jainas. E. अ neg. and शोक sorrow.
  • अशोकरोहिणी :: f. (-णी) A medicinal plant, see कटुकी . E. अशोक, and रोहिणी the same.
  • अशोकारि :: m. (-रिः) A tree, (Nauclea Cadamba:) see कदम्ब . E. अशोक, and अरि an enemy: choking the Asoca.
  • अशोच :: m. (-चः) Content, tranquillity, the absence of care or vanity. E. अ priv. शोच sorrow.
  • अशोच्य :: mfn. (-च्यः -च्या -च्यं) Not to be sorrowed for. E. अ neg. शोच्य to be regretted; also अशोचनीय and अशोचितव्य .
  • अशोधन :: n. (-नं) 1. Uncleanness. 2. Inaccuracy. E. अ neg. शोधन cleaning, &c.
  • अशोधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unclean, uncleansed. 2. Inaccurate, unrevised, uncorrected. E. अ neg. शोधित purified.
  • अशोष्य :: mfn. (-ष्यः -ष्या -ष्यं) Not to be dried up. E. अ neg. शोष्य to be dried up; so अशोषणीय, &c.
  • अशौच :: n. (-चं) 1. Foulness, impurity. 2. Legal impurity, contamination, defilement contracted by the death of a relation, the commission of prohibited acts, &c. E. अ neg. शौच purification.
  • अशौचत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Impure or abandoned nature or diposition. 2. Defile- ment, contamination. E. त्व added to अशौच .
  • अशौर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Want of heroism, cowardice. E. अ neg. शौर्य्य valour.
  • अश्म :: m. (-श्मः) 1. A mountain, a rock. 2. A cloud, (in the language of the Vedas:) see अश्मन् .
  • अश्मकुट्ट :: mfn. (-ट्टः -ट्टा -ट्टं) Who or what breaks with a stone. 2. Bruised or broken by stones. E. अश्म and कुट्ट what bruises or breaks.
  • अश्मकुट्टक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Breaking or bruising any thing with a stone. E. अश्म and कुट्टक who breaks.
  • अश्मगर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) An emerald. E. अश्मन् a stone, and गर्भ the womb; the primary stone.
  • अश्मगर्भज :: n. (-जं) An emerald. E. अश्म and गर्भ before ज produced.
  • अश्मज :: n. (-जं) 1. Red chalk. 2. Iron. E. अश्मन् a stone, &c. and ज pro- duced.
  • अश्मजतुक :: n. (-कं) Bitumen. E. अश्म and जतुक lac.
  • अश्मदारण :: m. (-णः) An axe or crow for breaking stones, &c. n. (-णं) Split- ting stones or rocks. E. अश्मन् a stone, &c. दॄ to split. ल्युट् aff.
  • अश्मन् :: m. (-श्मा) A stone or rock. E. अश to spread, &c. मनिन् Unādi aff.
  • अश्मन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Unbounded, unlimited. 2. Inauspicious, un- lucky. n. (-न्तं) 1. A fire-place. 2. Death. 3. A field, a plain. E. अश्मन् a stone, &c. and अन्त the end; it is also written अश्वन्त and अस्मन्त .
  • अश्मन्तक :: n. (-कं) 1. A fire-place. 2. A shade for a lamp. 3. A species of oxalis. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • अश्मपुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) Benzoin, (Styrax benzoin.) E. अश्मन् stone, and पुष्प a flower: supposed to exude from rocks.
  • अश्मभाल :: m. (-लः) A mortar of stone or iron. E. अश्मन् a stone, and भाल the skull.
  • अश्मभिद् :: m. (-द्) The name of a plant, (Plectranthus scutellaroides, Rox.) E. अश्मन् a stone, and भिद् what breaks.
  • अश्मभेद :: m. (-दः) See the preceding. E. As before, अश्मन् and भेद .
  • अश्ममय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Made or consisting of stone, stony. n. (-यं) A mineral. E. अश्म and मयट् aff.
  • अश्मयोनि :: m. (-निः) An emerald. E. See अश्मगर्भ .
  • अश्मर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Stony, rocky, appertaining to stone or rock. E. अश्मन् and र aff.
  • अश्मरी :: f. (-री) 1. Strangury. 2. Stone or gravel, (the disease.) E. अश्मर stony, and ङीप् fem. aff.
  • अश्मरीघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) A tree, (Tapia cratœva.) E. अश्मरी gravel, and घ्न what destroys; a lithonthriptic.
  • अश्मरीहर :: m. (-रः) A tree, (Pentaptera arjuna.) E. See the last word, हर from हृ to carry away.
  • अश्मसार :: mn. (-रः-रं) Iron. E. अश्मन् a stone, and सार essence, &c. the hardest stone, &c.
  • अश्मान्तक :: m. (-कः) A plant, from the fibres of which the girdle of a Brahman may be made; also अश्मन्तक .
  • अश्मीर :: mn. (-रः-रं) Stone or gravel, (the disease.) E. अश्मन् a stone, ईर aff.
  • अश्र :: n. (-श्रं) 1. A tear. 2. Blood. E. अशू to spread, &c. and र affix; see अश्रु and अस्र .
  • अश्रद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Unbelieving. f. (-द्धा) Unbelief. E. अ neg. श्रद्धा faith.
  • अश्रद्धधान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Unbelieving, incredulous, having no faith. E. अ neg. श्रद्धधान believing.
  • अश्रद्धेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Incredible, not to be believed. E. अ neg. and श्रद्धेय worthy of faith.
  • अश्रप :: m. (-पः) A fiend, a cannibal. E. अश्र blood, and प who drinks.
  • अश्रवण :: n. (-णं) Deafness, loss of hearing. E. अ neg. श्रवण hearing.
  • अश्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Freshness, freedom from fatigue. 2. Laziness, want of exertion. E. अ neg. श्रम fatigue.
  • अश्राद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Not performing exequial rites, not entitled to them, not belonging or relating to them. m. (-द्धः) Non-perform- ance of exequial rites. E. अ neg. श्राद्ध funereal ceremony.
  • अश्रान्त :: adv. n. (-न्तं) adj. mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Eternal, continual. 2. Unwearied. E. अ neg. and श्रान्त wearied, part. past of श्रम .
  • अश्रि :: f. (-श्रिः) 1. The edge of a sword. 2. A corner, the angle of a room or house. E. श्रिञ् to serve, आङ् prefixed, आ becomes अ; also अश्री and आश्रि .
  • अश्रीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Unlucky, unpropitious. E. अ neg. श्री fortune, and कन् aff.
  • अश्रीमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Inglorious, unfortunate. E. अ neg. श्रीमत् fortunate.
  • अश्रील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Unlucky, unprosperous. E. अ neg. श्री prosperity, ला to have, affix क .
  • अश्रु :: n. (-श्रु) A tear. E. अ neg. श्रि to serve, डुन् Unādi affix; it is also written अश्र .
  • अश्रुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unheard. 2. Not directed by or contrary to the Vedas. E. अ neg. and श्रुत heard, &c.
  • अश्रुनाली :: f. (-ली) Fistula lachrymalis. E. अश्रु and नाली a channel.
  • अश्रुपात :: m. (-तः) A flow of tears. E. अश्रु, and पात fall.
  • अश्रेयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) 1. Worthless, useless, unprofitable, bad. 2. Inferior, worse. E. अ neg. श्रेयस् excellent.
  • अश्रेष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) 1. Inferior, worse. 2. Bad, vile. E. अ neg. श्रेष्ठ best.
  • अश्रोत्रिय :: m. (-यः) A Brahman who has not read the Vedas. E. अ neg. श्रोत्रिय a learned Brahman.
  • अश्लाघ्य :: mfn. (-घ्यः -घ्या -घ्यं) Worthless, undeserving of honour or praise. E. अ neg. श्लाघ्य to be praised.
  • अश्लाघनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Undeserving of honour or praise, base, mean, worthless. E. अ neg. श्लाघनीय to be praised.
  • अश्लीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Unlucky, unpropitious. E. As अश्रीक, the र being changed to ल .
  • अश्लील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Coarse, vulgar. 2. Abusive, blackguard. n. (-लं) 1. Rustic language. 2. Untruth. 3. Low abuse. E. अ neg. श्लील elegant.
  • अश्लेषा :: f. (-षा) 1. The ninth Nakshatra or lunar mansion, containing five stars. 2. Disunion, disjunction. E. अ neg. and श्लेष union.
  • अश्लेषाभव :: m. (-वः) A mane of KETU or the dragon's head: see केतु . E. अश्लेषा the asterism, and भव born, born under the sign Aslehā; or अश्लेषा disjunction, and भव produced; as KETU was formed of the lower extremities which had been sundered by VISHNŪ from RĀHU.
  • अश्लेषाभू :: m. (-भूः) A name of KETU. E. As the preceding, भू to be born, with क्विप् aff.
  • अश्व :: m. (-श्वः) 1. A horse. 2. A set or cast of men horse-like in strength. du. (-श्वी) A horse and a mare. f. (-श्वा) A mare. E. अश to pervade, क्वन् Unādi affix, and टाप् fem. aff.
  • अश्वक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Horse-like, acting like a horse, &c. m. (-कः) 1. A bad horse, a hack. 2. A stray horse, one whose owner is not known. 3. Any horse. E. अश्व and कन् added in different senses.
  • अश्वकन्दिका :: f. (-का) A plant, (Physalis flexuosa.)
  • अश्वकर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) A timber tree, commonly Sakwa or Sal (Shorea robusta.) E. अश्व a. horse, and कर्ण an ear, the leaves being compared to the ears of a horse.
  • अश्वकर्णक :: m. (-कः) The Sal-tree, (Shorea robusta.) E. कन् added to अश्वकर्ण .
  • अश्वकिनी :: f. (-नी) The first Nakshatra or lunar mansion. E. अश्वक a horse, इनि and ङीप् affixes: see अश्विनी .
  • अश्वखुर :: m. (-रः) 1. A horse's hoof. 2. A perfume, apparently a dried shell-fish: see नखी . f. (-रा-री) A plant, (Clitoria ternatea.) E. अश्व and खुर his hoof: which the perfume and leaves of the plant are sup- posed to resemble.
  • अश्वगन्धा :: f. (-न्धा) A plant, (Physalis flexuosa.) E. अश्व, and गन्ध smell; having the smell of a horse.
  • अश्वगोयुग :: n. (-गं) A pair of horses. E. अश्व and गोयुगच् affix implying a pair, a brace. &c.
  • अश्वगोष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) A stable. E. अश्व, and गोष्ठ abode, place.
  • अश्वग्रीव :: m. (-वः) The name of a demon, more commonly named Haya- griva. E. अश्व and ग्रीवा a neck; horse-necked.
  • अश्वघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) Oleander, (Nerium odorum.) E. अश्व and घ्न what kills or hurts, from हन; horse-destroying.
  • अश्वचिकित्सक :: m. (-कः) A farrier. E. अश्व and चिकित्सक who heals.
  • अश्वचिकित्सा :: f. (-त्सा) Farriery. E. अश्व and चिकित्सा medical treatment.
  • अश्वतर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Swift, speedy. mf. (-रः-री) A mule. m. (-रः) 1. One of the chiefs of the Nagas or serpent race, inhabiting the regions under the earth. 2. A Gandharba or celestial quirister. 3. A male calf. E. अश्व and तर from तॄ to pass, to go, affix अप्; or ष्टरच् diminu- tive aff.
  • अश्वत्थ :: m. (-त्थः) 1. The holy fig tree, (Ficus religiosa.) 2. The fruit of the tree 3. The time at which it bears. f. (-त्था) Day of fullmoon. E. अ neg. श्व a future period, and थ from स्था to remain; of less dura- tion than the Vata or Indian fig; there are several other etymolo- gies.
  • अश्वत्थक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) To be given, to be done, &c. when the Aswat- the tree bears. n. (-कं) The petals of the Arabian jasmine. E. अश्वत्थ and वुन् aff.
  • अश्वत्थामन् :: m. (-मा) The name of a saint and warrior, the son of DRONA. E. अश्व, स्था to stand or stay, and मनिन् affix; the story is that at his birth he made a noise like a horse; also with a final vowel अश्वत्थाम .
  • अश्वदंष्ट्रा :: f. (-ष्ट्रा) A plant, (Tribulus lanuginosus.)
  • अश्वन्त :: n. (-न्तं) 1. Death. 2. Termination, limit. 3. A fire-place. 4. A field 5. Unlucky, inauspicious. E. अशु vital air, अन्त end: also अश्मन्त .
  • अश्वपाल :: m. (-लः) A groom. E. अश्व, and पाल who takes care of.
  • अश्वबाल :: m. (-लः) A kind of reed, (Saccharum spontaneum.) 2. Horse. hair. E. अश्व and बाल a tail.
  • अश्वभा :: f. (-भा) Lightning.
  • अश्वमहिषिका :: f. (-का) The natural enmity of a horse and a buffalo. E. अश्व, and महिष a buffalo, वुन् affix of enmity.
  • अश्वमार :: m. (-रः) Oleander, (Nerium odorum.) E. अश्व and मार what kills; the plant is conceived to be deleterious to the horse.
  • अश्वमारक :: m. (-कः) See the preceding.
  • अश्वमाल :: m. (-लः) A kind of serpent.
  • अश्वमुख :: m. (-खः) A Kinnara or celestial quirister. E. अश्व and मुख a face; this kind of demigod being represented with a horse's head.
  • अश्वमेध :: m. (-धः) The actual or emblematic sacrifice of a horse. E. अश्व and मेध sacrifice; this sacrifice is one of the highest order, and performed a hundred times, entitles the sacrificer to the dominion of Swarga or paradise: it appears to have been originally typical; the horse, and other animals being simply bound during the performance of certain ceremonies; the actual sacrifice is an introduction of a later period. See As. R. Vol. viii. p. 442, COLEBROOKE on the Vedas.
  • अश्वमेधिक :: m. (-कः) A horse fit for the sacrifice calld Aswamedha. E. अश्वमेध as above, कन् added, and इ inserted.
  • अश्वमेधीय :: m. (-यः) A horse fit for an Aswamedha. E. अश्वमेध and छ aff.
  • अश्वयुज् :: f. (-युक्) The first lunar mansion: see अश्विनी . m. (-युक् or -युजः) The month Aswin, (Sept.-Oct.) See आश्वयुज . E. अश्व, युज to join, affix क्विप्; also with अ added in the last sense.
  • अश्वरक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The keeper or rider of a horse. E. अश्व and रक्ष who pre- serves.
  • अश्वलाल :: m. (-लः) A kind of snake. E. अश्व and लाल spittle, whose foam is like that of a horse.
  • अश्वलोमन् :: m. (-मा) 1. A kind of snake. 2. Horse-hair. E. अश्व and लोमन् hair.
  • अश्ववक्त्र :: m. (-क्त्रः) A chorister of Swarga, a Kinnara or Gandharba. E. अश्व and वक्त्र face, horse-faced: these demigods being so represented.
  • अश्ववडव :: n. (-वं) A stud of horses and mares. m. du. or plu. only (-वौ-वाः) 1. A horse and a mare. 2. Horses and mares E. अश्व and वडवा a mare.
  • अश्ववह :: m. (-हः) A horseman. E. अश्व and वह what bears; whom a horse carries.
  • अश्ववार :: m. (-रः) A horseman. E. अश्व and वृञ् to nourish, अण् aff.
  • अश्ववारण :: m. (-णः) The Gayal, a sort of ox, (Bos gavœus.) E. अश्व, वृ to skreen or hide, in the causal form, युच् aff.
  • अश्वविद् :: m. (-वित्) 1. A name of NALA, a king and hero of several poems. 2. A jockey. E. अश्व and विद् who knows.
  • अश्ववैद्य :: m. (-द्यः) A farrier, a horse-doctor. E. अश्व and वैद्य physician.
  • अश्वशाला :: f. (-ला) 1. A stable. 2. A riding house. E. अश्व and शाला a hall.
  • अश्वशाव :: m. (-वः) A foal, a colt. E. अश्व and शाव young.
  • अश्वशृगालिका :: f. (-का) The natural enmity between a horse and a jackall. E. अश्व and शृगाल a jackall, affix वुन् implying hostility.
  • अश्वषड्गव :: n. (-वं) A set of six horses. E. अश्व and षड्गवच् a set of six.
  • अश्वसादिन् :: m. (-दी) A horseman, a rider, a horse-soldier. E. अश्व and सादिन् who goes.
  • अश्वसारथ्य :: n. (-थ्यं) Management of horses and cars, coachmanship, cha- rioteership. E. अश्व and सारथि a driver, यञ् aff.
  • अश्वसेन :: m. (-नः) A proper name, a king.
  • अश्वसेननृपनन्दन :: m. (-नः) A king and saint; also SANATKUMARA. E. अश्वसेन a proper name, नृप a king, and नन्दन a son: the son of the king ASWA- SENA.
  • अश्वस्तन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Of to-day, not of or for to-morrow. E. अ neg. श्वस् to-morrow, द्यु aff.
  • अश्वस्तनिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Not of or for to-morrow. E. अश्वस्तन and ठक् aff.
  • अश्वहारक :: m. (-कः) A horse-stealer. E. अश्व and हारक who takes away.
  • अश्वहृदय :: n. (-यं) Horsemanship. E. अश्व and हृदय heart, affection.
  • अश्वारि :: m. (-रिः) A buffalo. E. अश्व and अरि an enemy.
  • अश्वारूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Mounted, set on horse-back. E. अश्व and आरूढ mounted.
  • अश्वरोह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Riding or carried on a horse. m. (-हः) A horse- man. f. (-हा) A plant; also Aśwagandha, (Physalis flexuosa.) E. अश्व and आरोह what mounts.
  • अश्वावरोहक :: m. (-कः) A plant, (Physalis flexuosa.) E. अश्व, अव on, &c. रोहक what grows; growing to the length of a horse.
  • अश्वारोहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) Mounted or riding on horse-back. E. अश्व and आरोहिन् what mounts.
  • अश्विक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Drawn by horses, carried by horses, &c. E. अश्व and ष्ठन् aff.
  • अश्विन् :: m. du. (-नौ) The twin sons of ASWINI by SURYA, and physicians of Swarga. E. अश्विनी and अण् affix, the fem. termination is dropped.
  • अश्विनी :: f. (-नी) 1. The first of the twenty-eight Nakshatras or constella- tions in the moons path, hence considered its mansions. 2. In my- thology, a nymph, the asterism personified. 3. The wife of SURYA, who concealed herself in the form of a mare. E. अश्व a horse, इन् and ङीप् affixes; the symbol of the Nakshatra is a horse's head, figured by three stars in the head of ARIES.
  • अश्विनीकुमार :: m. du. (-रौ) The twin sons of SURYA the sun, by his wife SANJNA transformed to a mare; they are endowed with perpetual youth and beauty, and are the physicians of the gods. E. अश्विनी the wife of SURYA, and कुमार a youth.
  • अश्विनीपुत्र :: m. du. (-त्रौ) The Aswins: see the last. E. अश्विनी and पुत्र a son.
  • अश्विनीसुत :: m. du. (-तौ) The twin sons of ASWINI by SURYA. E. अश्विनी and सुत a son.
  • अश्विसालोक्य :: n. (-क्यं) The heaven or station of the Aswins, to which the giver of a horse is raised. E. अश्विन् and सालोक्य interview.
  • अश्वीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Distant a day's journey for a horse, more usually आश्वीन .
  • अश्वीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Belonging or relating to a horse. n. (-यं) A number of horses. E. अश्व and छ aff.
  • अश्वोरस :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) Broad-chested. E. अश्व and उरस् the breast, टच् aff.
  • अष :: r. 1st cl. (असति-ते) 1. To go or move. 2. To take or receive. 3. To shine: see अस .
  • अषडक्षीण :: m. (-णः) A secret. E. अ neg. षट् six, अक्षि in eye, and ख affix; what is not seen by six eyes, that is known or determined by two persons to the exclusion of a third.
  • अषाढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Produced or occurring in the month Āshāḍha. m. (-ढः) 1. The month Āshāḍha, commencing with the sun's entrance into Gemini, (June-July.) 2. A student's staff. f. (-ढा) A name com- mon to the twentieth and twenty-first lunar mansion: see पूर्व्वाषाढा and उत्तराषाढा . E. See आषाढ, the initial being made short.
  • अषाढक :: m. (-कः) The month Āshāḍha; also आषाढक .
  • अष्टक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Eight. 2. Eighth. n. (-कं) The eight sections of PĀNINI'S Grammar. m. (-कः) 1. The formulæ of the Rig Veda as collected into eight portions, thence called Ashtakas. 2. One acquainted with PĀMINI'S rules or the formulæ of the Veda. E. कन् added to अष्ट .
  • अष्टकर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) A name of BRAHMA. E. अष्ट eight, and कर्ण an ear; eight- eared, being four-headed.
  • अष्टका :: f. (-का) 1. Worship of the manes or progenitors performed on certain days. 2. The eighth day of three months on which the progenitors are worshipped. E. (अश) to ear, and तकन् affix; vegetables, flesh, and cake, being severally offered upon these occasions, and the Brahmins feasted; in this sense it is also अष्टिका .
  • अष्टकाङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A kind of board or cloth for playing with dice on. E. अष्टक eight, and अङ्ग body, having eight divisions.
  • अष्टकोण :: m. (-णः) An octagon. E. अष्ट and कोण angle.
  • अष्टगाध् :: m. (-द् or -त्) 1. A fabulous animal supposed to have eight legs: see शरभ . 2. A spider.
  • अष्टगव :: n. (-वं) A flock of eight cows. E. अष्ट and गव kine.
  • अष्टगुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Eight fold. E. अष्ट eight, गुण number.
  • अष्टदिक्पाल :: m. plu. (-लाः) The regents of the cardinal points, as INDRA of the East; VAHNI of the S. E.; YAMA of the South; NAIRRIT of the S. W.; VARUNA of the West; MARUT of the N. W.; KUVERA of the North; and ISA of the N. E. E. अष्टदिश् the eight points, and पाल who protects.
  • अष्टदिश् :: f. (-दिक्) The eight cardinal points of the compass collectively. E. अष्ट eight, दिश् quarter.
  • अष्टधा :: ind. Eight fold, eight times. E. अष्ट eight, धा aff.
  • अष्टधातु :: n. (-तु) The eight metals collectively, as gold, silver, copper, tin, lead, brass, iron and steel. E. अष्ट and धातु a mineral.
  • अष्टन् :: mfn. plu. only (अष्ट or अष्टौ) Eight. E. असू to pervade, कनिन् Unādi affix, and तुद् inserted.
  • अष्टपाद :: m. (-पात् or -पाद्) 1. A spider. 2. A fabulous animal with eight legs: see शरभ . m. (-दः) A kind of spider with a small body and long legs. E. अष्ट eight, and पाद a foot.
  • अष्टी :: f. (-ष्टी) A metre consisting of four lines, and having sixteen sylla- bles in each; there are nine species of it. E. अष्टन् eight, ङीप् fem. aff.
  • अष्टम :: mfn. (-मः -मी -मं) Eight. f. (-मी) 1. The eighth day of the fortnight. 2. A medicinal plant: see क्षीरकाकोली, the last of a class of eight medicinal plants: see अष्टवर्ग . E. अष्टन् with डट् affix and मट् augment.
  • अष्टमङ्गल :: m. (-लः) A horse with a white face, tail, mane, breast, and hoofs. n. (-लं) A Collection of eight lucky things to be assembled on certain occasions, as at a coronation, &c. as a lion, a bull, an elephant, a water-jar, a fan, a flag, a trumpet, and a lamp; or a Brahman, a cow, fire, gold, ghee, the sun, water, and a king. E. अष्ट eight, and मङ्गल auspicious.
  • अष्टमांश :: m. (-शः) An eighth. E. अष्टम and अंश a part.
  • अष्टमान :: n. (-नं) A measure, one Kurava. E. अष्ट eight, and मान measure.
  • अष्टमिका :: f. (-का) A weight of four tolas. E. अष्टम eighth, कन् added, fem. form.
  • अष्टमूर्त्ति :: m. (-र्त्तिः) A name of SIVA. E. अष्ट eight, and मूर्त्ति form: evident in the earth, water, &c.
  • अष्टमूर्त्तिधर :: m. (-रः) A name of SIVA. E. अष्टमूर्त्ति an assemblage of eight forms, and धर who has, being identical with the five elements and with the mind, individuality and crude matter.
  • अष्टलोहक :: n. (-कं) A class of eight metals, gold, silver, copper, tin, lead, and iron of three sorts, including steel. E. अष्ट eight, लोहक metal.
  • अष्टवर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) A class of eight principal medicaments, they are mostly the roots of plants from the hills, which have not been determined, and are named: Rishabha, Jivāka, Meda, Mahameda, Riddhi, Vriddhi, Kākoli, and Kshirakākoli. E. अष्ट eight, and वर्ग a class.
  • अष्टविध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Eightfold, of eight kinds. E. अष्ट eight, and विध sort.
  • अष्टश्रवस् :: m. (-वाः) A name of BRAHMA. E. अष्ट and श्रवस् an ear; eight- eared.
  • अष्टाकपाल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Prepared in eight pans. m. (-लः) 1. A sacrifice in which ghee, is offered in eight vessels. E. अष्ट and कपाल the convexity of a jar.
  • अष्टागव :: n. (-वं) A car or wain, one drawn by eight oxen. E. अष्ट and गो a cow, अण् aff.
  • अष्टाङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) 1. Eight parts of the body, the hands, breast, forehead, eyes, throat and middle of the back; or four first, with the kness and feet; or these six, with the words and mind. 2. Any whole con- sisting of eight parts or members. 3. The eight parts of a court, or the law, the judge, assessors, scribe and astrologer, gold, fire and water. 4. A die, dice. E. अष्ट eight, and अङ्ग a limb.
  • अष्टाङ्गनय :: m. (-यः) See the above. E. अष्टाङ्ग and नय taking.
  • अष्टाङ्गपात :: m. (-तः) Prostration as in reverence. E. अष्टाङ्ग eight members. and पात falling, touching the ground with the hands, knees, and feet, forehead and breast.
  • अष्टाङ्गप्रणाम :: m. (-मः) Profound reverence, prostration with the hands, feet, thighs, breast, eyes, head, words and mind. E. अष्टाङ्ग and प्रणाम bowing.
  • अष्टाङ्गार्घ्य :: m. (-र्घ्यः) An offering of eight articles, water, milk, Kusa grass, curds, ghee, rice, barley and mustard: or honey, red olean- der flowers, and sandal, are substituted for the three last. E. अष्ट eight, अङ्ग member, अर्घ्य offering.
  • अष्टादशन् :: mfn. plu. only (-दश) Eighteen. E. अष्ट eight, and दशन् ten.
  • अष्टापद :: mn. (-दः-दं) 1. A kind of chequered cloth or board for drafts, dice, &c. 2. Gold. m. (-दः) 1. A spider. 2. A fabulous animal with eight legs, the Sarabha. 3. The mountain Kailasa or abode of KUVERA. 4. A worm. 5. A pin or bolt. f. (-दी) A wild sort of jas- min. E. अष्ट eight, and पद a quarter, place, foot, &c. अ being made long.
  • अष्टापदपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) Gold-leaf, a sheet of gold. E. अष्टापद and पत्र a leaf.
  • अष्टापाद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Quartered by eight, having eight for the root. E. अष्टन् and पाद a quarter.
  • अष्टारचक्रवत् :: m. (-वान्) A Jaina saint and ruler. E. अष्ट, अर a period, and चक्रवत् a ruler; such for eight Aras.
  • अष्टास्र :: n. (-स्रं) An octagon. E. अष्ट and अस्र angle.
  • अष्टास्रय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Octangular.
  • अष्ठि :: f. (-ष्ठिः) A kernel, a stone. E. अ neg. स्था to remain, इन् aff.
  • अष्ठीला :: f. (-ला) 1. A round pebble or stone. 2. A globular swelling be- low the navel, produced by wind. 3. Contusion. E. अस्थि a bone, ला to bring (to resemble,) क aff.
  • अष्ठीवत् :: mn. (-वान्-वत्) The knee. E. अस्थि a bone, and मतुप् poss. aff.
  • अष्ठीलिका :: f. (-का) A pebble. E. कन् added to the last, fem. form.
  • असंयम :: m. (-मः) Absence of check or restraint, specially of the senses. E. अ neg. संयम restraint.
  • असंयोग :: m. (-गः) Absence of union or connection. E. अ neg. संयोग connec- tion.
  • असंलग्र :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) Disjoined, detached, separate. E. अ neg. सम् with लग्न connected.
  • असंविदान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Ignorant, unwise. 2. Not promising or con- tracting. E. अ neg. सं before विद् to know, शानच् aff.
  • असंवृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Uncovered, exposed. E. अ neg. संवृत covered.
  • असंशय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Free from doubt, certain. n. adv. (-यं) Certainly, verily. E. अ neg. संशय doubt.
  • असंश्रव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Out of hearing. E. अ neg. सं with श्रव hearing.
  • असंसक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Indifferent to, not attached to. E. अ neg. सम् with सक्त attached.
  • असंसृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Unmixed with. 2. Separate, not living in com- mon. E. अ neg. संसृष्ट united.
  • असंस्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Not perfect, unpolished, rude, common. 2. Uninitiated, not having gone through the proper rites of caste, state, sex or age. E. अ neg. संस्कृत perfect.
  • असंस्तुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unknown, unacquainted, not known as ac- quaintances. 2. Not friends. E. अ neg. संस्तुत known.
  • असंस्थान :: n. (-नं) 1. Want, destitution. 2. Disorder, confusion. E. अ neg. संस्थान station.
  • असंस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Disordered, irregular, not arranged or arrayed. 2. Not collected or assembled. 3. Destitute. E. अ neg. संस्थित placed together.
  • असंस्थिति :: f. (-तिः) See असंस्थान . E. As before, स्थिति stay.
  • असंहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Scattered, loose, straggling, uncompressed. m. (-तः) A form of array, loose or open order of troops. E. अ neg. संहत compact.
  • असंहार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) Irresistible. E. अ neg. संहार्य्य to be repelled.
  • अस (ञ) :: r. 1st. cl. (असति-ते) 1. To go or move. 2. To take or receive. 3. To shine. (ल) r. 2d cl. (अस्ति) To be. (य, उ, इर्) r. 4th cl. (अस्यति-ते) To throw or direct. With अनु prefixed, to sit down: with अप, to quit or abandon: with नि, to deposit: with निर्, to expel: with परि and उप, to sit around: with प्र, to throw away, to reject, to confute: with वि, to divide: with वि and आङ्, to class, to arrange: with सम् and नि, to abandon the world: with सम्, to collect, to combine or compound.
  • असकल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Part, not all, unentire. E. अ neg. सकल all.
  • असकृत् :: ind. Repeatedly, again and again. E. अ neg. सकृत् once.
  • असकृद्गर्भवास :: m. (-सः) Repeated birth. E. असकृत् repeatedly, गर्भ the womb, वास abode.
  • असक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Detached, disunited. 2. Not interested in, in- different to, unattached to. 3. Detached from worldly feelings and passions. E. अ neg. सक्त united.
  • असक्थ :: mfn. (-क्थः -क्था -क्थं) Without thighs. E. अ neg. सक्थि a thigh, अच् affix; also without the affix, असक्थि .
  • असखिन् :: m. (-खा) An enemy, an adversary. E. अ neg. सखिन् a friend.
  • असगोत्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) Of a different family. E. अ neg. स with गोत्र family.
  • असङ्कल्प :: mn. (-ल्पः-ल्पं) 1. Sincerity. 2. Absence of predetermination. E. अ neg. सङ्कल्प will, vow.
  • असङ्कल्पित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Not purposed, not resolved or determined on. E. अ neg. सङ्कल्पित purposed.
  • असङ्कमुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Firm, steady. E. अ neg. सङ्कसुक mutable.
  • असङ्कीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Uncompounded, uncollected, unmixed. E. अ neg. सङ्कीर्ण collected.
  • असङ्कुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Clear, open, broad. m. (-लः) A broad road. E. अ neg. and सङ्कुल crowded.
  • असङ्केत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Not appointed, not agreed upon. E. अ neg. सङ्केत an agreement.
  • असंख्य :: mfn. (-ख्यः -ख्या -ख्यं) Innumerable, exceedingly numerous. E. अ neg. and संख्य to be numbered.
  • असंख्यता :: f. (-ता) Innumerability, immensity, infinity. E. तल् added to the preceding; or with त्व, असंख्यत्वं .
  • असंख्यात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Uncounted. E. अ neg. संख्यात numbered.
  • असंख्येय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Innumerable. E. अ neg. संख्येय to be counted.
  • असङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) Solitary, unassociated. E. अ neg. सङ्ग with.
  • असङ्गत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Uneven, unequal. 2. Unattached. 3. Unpre- ferred, disesteemed. 4. Improbable, inconsistent. 5. Unaccompa- nied, unassociated with. E. अ neg. सङ्गत connected.
  • असङ्गति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Improbability, incongruity. 2. Not associating with. E. अ neg. सङ्गति congruity.
  • असङ्गम :: m. (-मः) 1. Separation, disunion. 2. Inequality. 3. Incongruity. 4. Not associating with. E. अ neg. सङ्गम union.
  • असच्छास्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) Heretical or heterodox doctrine. E. असत् untrue, शास्त्र a scripture.
  • असज्जन :: m. (-नः) A wicked or contemptible person. E. असत् bad, जन a person.
  • असज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Insensible. E. अ neg. सज्ञा sign of life.
  • असत् :: mfn. (-सन् -सती -सत्) 1. Non-existent, not being. 2. Untrue, unreal. 3. Bad, vile. E. अ neg. and सत् being, &c.
  • असतायी :: f. (-यी) Wickedness. E. असत् bad, ङीप् affix, and आय inserted.
  • असती :: f. (-ती) A disloyal or unchaste woman. E. अ neg. and सती vir- tuous, &c.
  • असतीसुत :: m. (-तः) A bastard. E. असती and सुत a son.
  • असत्कर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्म) Wicked. n. (-र्म्म) Wickedness. E. असत् and कर्म्म act: also असत्कार्य्य, असत्क्रिया, &c.
  • असत्कृत :: mfn. (तः-ता-तं) Ill done, done from improper motives, or in an unbecoming manner. E. अ neg. सत् good, कृत done.
  • असत्ता :: f. (-त्ता) 1. Non-existence. 2. Untruth. 3. Wickedness. E. असत् and तल् added; also with त्व, असत्त्वं .
  • असत्पथ :: m. (-थः) 1. A bad road. 2. Evil practice or doctrine. E. अ neg. सत् good, and पथिन् a road.
  • असत्परिग्रह :: m. (-हः) Receiving unfit presents, or from improper per- sons. E. असत् and परिग्रह acceptance.
  • असत्पुत्र :: m. (-त्रः) 1. A childless man. 2. A wicked or disreputable son. E. असत् and पुत्र a son.
  • असत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) 1. False, untrue. 2. Lying, a liar. n. (-त्यं) Un- truth. E. अ neg. सत्य true.
  • असत्यवादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) A liar, speaking falsely, giving false evi- dence. E. असत्य and वादिन् who speaks.
  • असत्यसन्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Treacherous, base, wicked. E. असत्य untrue, सन्धि combination, अच् aff.
  • असत्यसन्निभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Improbable, unlikely. E. असत्य and सन्निभ like.
  • असत्संसर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) Evil company. E. असत् wicked, and संसर्ग association.
  • असद् :: m. (-द् or -त्) A name of INDRA.
  • असदध्येतृ :: m. (-ता) A heterodox student. E. असत् untrue, bad, अधि before इङ् to go, to read or study, and तृच् aff.
  • असद्राचार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Wicked, following evil practices. m. (-रः) Evil practice. E. असत् and आचार observance.
  • असदाचारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Wicked, vile, one who follows bad or heterodox practices. E. असदाचार and इनि aff.
  • असदृश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) Unlike, dissimilar. E. अ neg. सदृश like.
  • असद्ग्रह :: m. (-हः) Caprice, idle or childish desire. E. अ neg. सत् good, wise, &c. and ग्रह what is taken.
  • असद्भाव :: m. (-वः) 1. An evil temperament or disposition. 2. Nonexistence. E. असत् and भाव nature.
  • असद्वृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Low or degrading occupation or profession. 2. Wickedness. E. असत् wicked, वृत्ति practice.
  • असद्व्यवहार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Following evil practices. m. (-रः) Evil prac- tices. E. असत् and व्यवहार practice.
  • असद्व्यवहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Following evil courses. E. असद्व्यवहार and इनि aff.
  • असन :: m. (-नः) A tree, (Pentaptera tomentosa.) n. (-नं) Throwing, send- ing. E. अस to expel (disease), to send, to throw, ल्युट् aff.
  • असनपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) The name of a plant, (Marsilea quadrifolia.) E. असन and पर्ण a leaf; having leaves like the Asana.
  • असन्तति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Childless. f. (-तिः) Want of posterity. E. अ neg. सन्तति descendants.
  • असन्तान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Childless, having no posterity. m. (-नः) Want of posterity. E. अ neg. सन्तान progeny.
  • असन्तुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Displeased. E. अ neg. सन्तुष्ट pleased.
  • असन्तोष :: m. (-षः) Displeasure. E. अ neg. सन्तोष pleasure.
  • असन्दिग्ध :: mfn. (-ग्धः -ग्धा -ग्धं) 1. Undoubted, unsuspected. 2. Certain, confi- dent. E. अ neg. सन्दिग्ध doubted.
  • असन्दिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Unapprised. 2. Uncommunicated. E. अ neg. सन्दिष्ट informed.
  • असन्धान :: n. (-नं) 1. Want of an aim or object. 2. Disjunction. E. अ neg. सन्धान holding together.
  • असन्धि :: f. (-न्धिः) Want of union or connection. E. अ neg. सन्धि junction.
  • असन्धित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Untied, unbound, at liberty, loose. E. अ neg. सन्धित tied.
  • असन्नद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Born, produced. 2. Affecting knowledge, con- ceited as a Pandit or teacher. 3. Proud. 4. Unarmed. E. अ neg. सम् with, &c. नद्ध the part. past, of नह to bind.
  • असन्निकर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) 1. Non-perception of objects, not bringing them to the mind. 2. Remoteness. E. अ neg. सन्निकर्ष attraction.
  • असन्निकृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Unperceived, undistinguished. 2. Remote, not near. E. अ neg. सन्निकृष्ट drawn near to.
  • असन्निधि :: f. (-धिः) 1. Absence, distance. 2. Confidence, absence of doubt. E. अ neg. सन्निधि proximity.
  • असन्निहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Far, not near. E. अ neg. सन्निहित placed near.
  • असम्मान :: n. (-नं) 1. Disrespect. 2. Impropriety. E. अ neg. सम्मान respect.
  • असपिण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डा -ण्डं) Unconnected by obsequial offerings. E. अ neg. सपिण्ड offering a common cake.
  • असभ्य :: mfn. (-भ्यः -भ्या -भ्यं) 1. Unfit for an assembly. 2. Vulgar, low. E. अ neg. सभ्य belonging to a company.
  • असम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Unequalled, individual, without a fellow or equal. 2. Uneven, unequal either in surface or number. m. (-मः) A name of Buddha or a Buddha. E. अ neg. and सम like, same.
  • असमक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Absent, not present or visible. E. अ neg. समक्ष before the eyes.
  • असमग्र :: mfn. (-ग्रः -ग्रा -ग्रं) Part, partial, incomplete, unentire. E. अ neg. समग्र all.
  • असमञ्जस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Unequal, unlike. n. (-सं) Unconformity, disparity, difference. E. अ neg. समञ्जस equal.
  • असमय :: m. (-यः) 1. Unseasonableness. 2. Unfit or unfavourable time. E. अ neg. समय season.
  • असमवायिकारण :: n. (-णं) (In logic,) Incidental cause, as the simple conjunc- tion of two different objects. E. असमवायिन् and कारण cause.
  • असमवायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Accidental, not inherent and inseparable. E. अ neg. समवाय intimate union, इनि aff.
  • असमर्य :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) 1. Unable, incompetent. 2. Feeble, weak. E. अ neg. समर्थ able.
  • असमर्पण :: n. (-णं) Non-delivery, not committing or intrusting any thing to another. E. अ neg. समर्पण delivering.
  • असमर्पित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unconsigned, unintrusted, undelivered. E. अ neg. समपित delivered.
  • असमस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Separate, several, uncollected, uncompounded. 2. Incomplete, imperfect. E. अ neg. समस्त assembled.
  • असमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Different. 2. Unlike. 3. Unequal. E. अ neg. समान same.
  • असमापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unfinished, unaccomplished. E. अ neg. समापित completed, simple.
  • असमाप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Unfinished, incomplete. E. अ neg. समाप्त finished.
  • असमाप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) Incompleteness. E. अ neg. समाप्ति completion.
  • असमावर्त्तक :: m. (-कः) A religious student, whose studies are not complet- ed. E. अ neg. समावर्त्तक who completes his course.
  • असमाहार :: m. (-रः) 1. Non-recovery of any thing. 2. Disjunction, discon- nection. E. अ neg. सम् and आङ् before हृ to take, affix घञ् .
  • असमाहार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) Irrecoverable. 2. Not to be combined or united. E. अ neg. सम् and आङ् before हृ to take, ण्यत् aff.
  • असमीक्ष्य :: ind. Not having considered. E. अ neg. समीक्ष्य having seen.
  • असमीक्ष्यकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Acting inconsiderately. E. असमीक्ष्य and कारिन् who acts.
  • असमीचीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Improper, incorrect. E. अ neg. समीचीन proper, right.
  • असमृद्धि :: mfn. (-द्धिः -द्धिः -द्धि) Unfortunate. f. (-द्धिः) Non-increase. E. अ neg. अमृद्धि increase.
  • असम्पत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Ill luck, non-increase. 2. Non-accomplishment, fail- ure. E. अ neg. सम्पत्ति prosperity.
  • असम्पन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Uneffected, unaccomplished. E. अ neg. सम्पन्न effected.
  • असम्पर्क :: mfn. (-र्कः -र्का -र्कं) Destitute of connexion or relation. E. अ neg. सम्पर्क connexion.
  • असम्पर्कीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Unconnected with, not belonging to. E. अ neg. सम्पर्कीय related to.
  • असम्पूर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Incomplete, not entire. E. अ neg. सम्पूर्ण complete.
  • असम्बद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Unconnected, unmeaning, incoherent, (dis- course, &c.) 2. Improper, wrong. E. अ neg. सम् with, and बध to bind, affix of the part. past.
  • असम्बन्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Unconnected, not relating or belonging to. E. अ neg. सम्बन्ध connexion.
  • असम्बाध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Open, accessible. f. (-धा) A species of the Sarkari metre. E. अ neg. सम्बाध contracted.
  • असम्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) 1. Improbable, unlikely, inconsistent. 2. Non- existent. nf. (-वं-वा) 1. Any extraordinary event. 2. Non existence. E. अ neg. सम्भव production.
  • असम्भावना :: f. (-ना) Difficulty or impossibility of conceiving or comprehend- ing. E. अ neg. सम्भावना conception.
  • असम्भावनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Inconceivable, incomprehensible. E. अ neg. सम्भावनीय conceivable.
  • असम्भूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unproduced. E. अ neg. सम्भूत born.
  • असम्भोग :: m. (-गः) Non-enjoyment, not using or enjoying. E. अ neg. सम्भोग enjoyment.
  • असम्भ्रम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Cool, composed. m. (-मः) Calmness, steadiness. E. अ neg. सम्भ्रम flurry.
  • असम्मत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Dissentient, differing from. 2. Averse, con- trary. E. अ neg. सम् with, मत minded.
  • असम्मति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Dissent, difference of opinion. 2. Dislike, aversion. E. अ neg. सम् with, मति mind.
  • असम्मान :: n. (-नं) Disrespect, disgrace. E. अ neg. सम् with, मान respect.
  • असम्मूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Clear-seeing, judging well, cool, calm. E. अ neg. सम्मूढ beguiled.
  • असम्मोह :: m. (-हः) Steadiness, calmness, composure. E. अ neg. सम्मोह fas- cination.
  • असम्यक्कारिन् :: mfn. (-रि -रिणी -रि) 1. Inexpert, incompetent. 2. Ill conduct- ed, profligate. E. अ neg. सम्यक् properly, कारिन् who does any thing.
  • असम्यञ्च् :: mfn. (-म्यङ् -मीची -म्यक्) 1. Improper, incorrect. 2. Imperfect, incomplete. E. अ neg. सम्यञ्च् right.
  • असरु :: m. (-रुः) The name of a medicinal plant, vulg. Kukursonga, (Conyza lacera.) E. अस to reject or be rejected, अरु affix; thrown away from its bad smell.
  • असल :: n. (-लं) 1. Iron. 2. Arms. 3. A mantra. E. अस to be, लच् aff.
  • असवर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Of a different caste. 2. Of a different colour. E. अ neg. सवर्ण of one caste, &c.
  • असह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Impatient, intolerant, not enduring. E. अ neg. सह who bears.
  • असहन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Unable to endure. m. (-नः) An enemy. n. (-नं) In- tolerance, impatience. E. अ neg. सह to bear, ल्युट् aff.
  • असहनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Unbearable, insufferable. E. अ neg. सहनीय to be borne; also असहितव्य and असह्य .
  • असहमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Impatient, not bearing, not enduring. E. अ neg. सहमान bearing.
  • असहाय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Lonely, solitary, friendless. E. अ neg. सहाय an associate.
  • असहायता :: f. (-ता) 1. Loneliness, solitude, the life of a hermit. 2. Friend- lessness, being without a friend or patron. E. असहाय and तल् affix; also असहायत्वं .
  • असहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unassociated, unaccompanied. E. अ neg. सहित accompanied.
  • असहिष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) Impatient, unenduring. E. अ neg. and सहिष्णु bearing.
  • असह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) Intolerable, unbearable. E. अ neg. सह्य to be borne.
  • असाक्षात् :: ind. 1. Invisible, imperceptible. 2. Not present. E. अ neg. साक्षात् before one's eyes.
  • असाक्षिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Unattested, unwitnessed. E. अ neg. साक्षिन् a witness, ठक् aff.
  • असाक्षिन् :: mfn. (-क्षी -क्षिणी -क्षि) Incompetent as evidence. E. अ neg. साक्षिन् a witness.
  • असाक्ष्य :: n. (-क्ष्यं) Want of evidence, sufficient evidence. E. अ neg. साक्ष्य testi- mony.
  • असात्म्य :: mfn. (-त्म्यः -त्म्या -त्म्यं) Unwholesome, disagreeing with, (as food, &c.) E. अ neg. सात्म्य suitable.
  • असाधन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Without means. n. (-नं) 1. Non-accomplishment. 2. Not proving or establishing. E. अ neg. and साधन implement or means.
  • असाधनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Unaccomplishable, not to be effected or com- pleted. E. अ neg. साधनीय to be effected; also असाध्य .
  • असाधारण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Special, specific, not common. n. (-णं) 1. Speciality, species. 2. Special property. E. अ neg. साधारण common.
  • असाधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unaccomplished. E. अ neg. साधित accomplished.
  • असाधु :: mfn. (-धुः -धुः -ध्वी-धु) Wicked, bad. f. (-ध्वी) An unchaste wife. E. अ neg. साधु virtuous.
  • असाधुता :: f. (-ता) Wickedness. E. असाधु and तल् affix; or with त्व, असाधुत्वं .
  • असाधुवृत्ता :: f. (-त्ता) An unchaste woman. E. असाधु impurity, and वृत्त pro- fessed or practised.
  • असाध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) 1. Not to be effected, not proper or able to be accomplished. 2. Incurable, irremediable. 3. Not susceptible of proof. E. अ neg. साध्य to be done.
  • असान्द्र :: mfn. (-न्द्रः -न्द्रा -न्द्रं) Fine, delicate but with interstices. E. अ priv. and सान्द्र coarse.
  • असामयिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Unseasonable. E. अ neg. समय time, ठञ् aff.
  • असामान्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) Peculiar, not common. n. (-न्यं) Peculiar or special property. E. अ neg. सामान्य common.
  • असाम्प्रतम् :: ind. Unfitly, improperly, inopportunely. E. अ priv. and साम्प्रतं fitly, &c.
  • असाम्य :: n. (-म्यं) 1. Difference, dissimilarity. 2. Unsuitableness, (in medicine or diet,) Unwholesomeness. 3. Disagreeableness. E. अ neg. साम्य sameness.
  • असार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Sapless, pithless. 2. Vein, unprofitable. 3. Weak, feeble. n. (-रं) The castor oil tree. E. अ priv. and सार juice, sap, &c.
  • असावधान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Careless, inadvertent. E. अ neg. सावधान care- ful.
  • असावधानता :: f. (-ता) Carelessness. E. तल् added to the last, or with त्व, असावधानत्वं .
  • असाहस :: n. (-सं) Gentleness, absence of violence. E. अ neg. साहस violence.
  • असाहसिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Gentle, peaceable, not violent. E. अ neg. साहसिक violent.
  • असाहाय्य :: n. (-य्यं) Want of assistance or co-operation. E. अ neg. साहाय्य alliance, friendship.
  • असि :: m. (-सिः) A sword, a scymitar. E. अस to cast, and इन् Unādi aff.
  • असिक :: n. (-कं) The part of the face between the under-lip and the chin. E. अस to throw, to shine, &c. and इकन् aff.
  • असिक्निका :: f. (-का) A woman servant: see असिक्नी .
  • असिक्नी :: f. (-क्नी) 1. A girl attending upon the inner or women's apart- ments. 2. A river. E. अ neg. and सित white, because her hair is not whitened by age: क्न is substituted for त, and the affix is ङीप् .
  • असिगण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A small pillow.
  • असित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Black or dark blue. m. (-तः) 1. Black, (the colour.) 2. A name of the planet Saturn. 3. The dark fortnight of a lunar month. f. (-ता) 1. The indigo-plant. E. अ neg. and सित white.
  • असिताभ्रशेखर :: m. (-रः) A Jaina or Buddha saint. E. असित black, अभ्र a cloud, and शेखर a crest: cloud-crested.
  • असिताम्बुरुह :: n. (-हं) The blue lotus. E. असित black or dark blue, and अम्बुरुह a lotus.
  • असितार्चिस् :: m. (-र्चिः) A name of VAHNI or fire. E. असित dark, smoky, अचिस् a ray of light.
  • असिताश्मन् :: n. (-श्म) 1. The lapis lazuli. 2. Any black or dark blue stone. E. असित black, and अशमन् a stone.
  • असितोत्पल :: n. (-लं) The blue lotus. E. असित and उत्पल lotus.
  • असितोपल :: n. (-लं) The lapis lazuli. E. असित blue, उपल stone.
  • असिदंष्ट्र :: m. (-ष्ट्रः) A marine monster, the Makara, considered as the emblem of KĀMADEVA. E. असि and दंष्ट्र a tooth: sword-toothed.
  • असिदंष्ट्रक :: m. (-कः) See the preceding. E. As before, कन् added.
  • असिदन्त :: m. (-न्तः) A crocodile: see मकर .
  • असिधारा :: f. (-रा) The edge of a sword. E. असि and धारा edge.
  • असिद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Unripe. 2. Imperfect, incomplete. 3. Unaccom- plished, uneffected. 4. Unproven. E. अ neg. and सिद्ध perfect.
  • असिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) 1. Failure, imperfect or incomplete accomplishment. 2. (In logic,) Want of proof, conclusion not warranted by the premises. E. अ neg. सिद्धि completion.
  • असिधाव :: m. (-वः) An armourer, a furbisher, a sword or tool cleaner. E. असि and धाव who polishes; to धाव clean, अच् aff.
  • असिधावक :: m. (-कः) See the preceding. E. कन् added to the above.
  • असिधेनु :: f. (-नुः) A knife. E. असि and धेनु a bow; the sword-like bow.
  • असिधेनुका :: f. (-का) See the preceding. E. As before.
  • असिपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) 1. The sugar-cane. 2. A hell paved with swords. n. (-त्रं) 1. A sheathe, a scabbard. 2. The blade of a sword. E. असि and पत्र a leaf; sharp as a sword, or enclosing it.
  • असिपत्रक :: m. (-कः) The sugar-cane. E. As the preceding.
  • असिपत्रवन :: n. (-नं) A hell where the trees have leaves as sharp as swords. E. असि and पत्र a leaf, वन a wood.
  • असिपुच्छक :: m. (-कः) The gangetic porpoise, (Delphinus gangeticus, Rox.) E. असि, पुच्छ a tail, and कन् affix; sword-tailed.
  • असिपुत्रिका :: f. (-का) A knife. E. असि and पुत्रिका a daughter, an infant sword; from its smallness.
  • असिपुत्री :: f. (-त्री) A knife. E. See the preceding.
  • असिमेद :: m. (-दः) A fetid Mimosa: see विट्खदिर . E. असि and मेद marrow, essence; the plant being described with many thorns, and a decoc- tion of it being demulcent.
  • असिहेति :: m. (-तिः) A swordsman or soldier armed with a sword. E. असि and हेति a weapon.
  • असु :: m. pl. always, (असवः) The five vital breaths or airs of the body. n. (-सु) 1. Reflexion, thought, or the heart as the seat of it. 2. Afflic- tion. E. अस to be, &c. and उ Unādi aff.
  • असुकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Difficult, arduous. E. अ neg. सुकर easy.
  • असुक्षण :: n. (-णं) See असूक्षण .
  • असुख :: n. (-खं) Sorrow, pain, affliction, &c. E. अ neg. and सुख pleasure.
  • असुखावह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Producing unhappiness. E. असुख and आवह what bears.
  • असुखिन् :: mfn. (-खी -खिनी -खि) Unhappy, sorrowful, afficted. E. असुख and इनि aff.
  • असुखोदय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Causing or ending in unhappiness. E. असुख and उदय rising.
  • असुखोदर्क :: mfn. (-र्कः -र्का -र्कं) Productive of or ending in unhappiness. E. असुख and उदर्क subsequent.
  • असुगम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Difficult of attainment or accomplishment, hard, unattainable. 2. Difficult to be understood. E. अ neg. सु easily, गम going.
  • असुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Childless. E. अ neg. सुत a son, &c.
  • असुधारण :: n. (-णं) Life, existence. E. असु vital air, and धारण possession.
  • असुनिरस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Disagreeable, unpleasant, offensive. E. अ neg. सुनिरस agreeable.
  • असुन्दर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. Plain, ugly. 2. Improper, unbecoming. E. अ neg. सुन्दर handsome.
  • असुभृत् :: mfn. (-भृत्) Living, alive. E. असु and भृत् possessing.
  • असुमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Living, breathing. m. (-मान्) Life, the prin- ciple of vitality, the portion of spirit connected with the attributes of existence. E. असु vital air, मतुप् poss. aff.
  • असुर :: mf. (-रः-रा) An Asura or demon: the Asuras are children of DITI by KASYAPA; they are demons of the first order, and in perpetual hostility with the gods. m. (-रः) The sun. f. (-रा) 1. Night. 2. A zodiacal sign. 3. A prostitute. f. (-री) 1. Black mustard, (Sinapis ramosa.) 2. The wife of an Asura. E. अ neg. and मुर a deity; or अस् to send, to cast, &c. and उरन् Unādi affix, टाप् and ङीप् for the fem. or अ neg. and सुरा spirituous liquor, personified as a dam- sel produced at the churning of the ocean, who was rejected by the demons and received by the gods.
  • असुरक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Perishable, volatile, transitory. E. अ neg. सु easy रक्षा preservation.
  • असुरक्ष्य :: mfn. (-क्ष्यः -क्ष्या -क्ष्यं) Difficult of retention or preservation. E. अ neg. सु easily, रक्ष्य to be kept.
  • असुररिपु :: m. (-पुः) A name of VISHNU. E. असुर and रिपु an enemy, the foe of the Asuras.
  • असुरसा :: f. (-सा) A sort of basil, (Ocymun pilosum.)
  • असुराह्व :: n. (-ह्वं) Bell metal. E. असुर and आह्वा a name; named after an Asura; struck at seasons of worship, and deterring his approach.
  • असुर्क्षण :: n. (-णं) See असूर्क्षण .
  • असुलभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Difficult of attainment. E. अ neg. सुलभ easily got.
  • असुसम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Dearly beloved. m. (-मः) 1. A husband. 2. A lover. E. असु life, सम equal to.
  • असुस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Unwell, uncomfortable. E. अ neg. सुस्थ well.
  • असुहृद् :: m. (-हृत्) An enemy. E. अ neg. सुहृद् a friend.
  • असूक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Calumnious, scandalous, detracting, depreciating. E. असूञ् to calumniate, वुन् aff.
  • असूक्षण :: n. (-णं) Disrespect. E. अ implying modification, सूर्क्ष to disrespect, affix ल्युट्, the र is rejected; it is also written असुक्षण and असूर्क्षण .
  • असूक्ष्म :: mfn. (-क्ष्मः -क्ष्मा -क्ष्मं) Large, thick, gross. E. अ neg. सूक्ष्म fine.
  • असूति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Non-production, obstruction, removal. 2. Barrenness. E. अ neg. सूति bringing forth.
  • असूयन :: n. (-नं) Calumny, detraction. E. असूय to detract from, ल्युट् aff.
  • असूया :: f. (-या) 1. Calumny, detraction. 2. The wife of the sage ATRI. E. असूञ् to detract from, a nominal root, and उक् aff.
  • असूयु :: m. (-युः) Calumny. E. असूय to calumniate, उ aff.
  • असूर्क्षण :: n. (-णं) Disrespect. E. See असूक्षण; it is also written असुर्क्षण .
  • असूर्य्यम्पश्या :: f. (-श्या) The wife of a king or a great man. E. अ neg. सूर्य्य the sun, and पश्या who sees; who never sees the sun being shut up in the Zenana.
  • असृक्कर :: m. (-रः) The juice or essence of the body, lymph, serum, &c. E. असृज् blood, and कर what makes.
  • असृक्प :: mf. (-क्पः-क्पा) A Rakshasa, an imp or goblin of malicious pro- pensities. E. असृज् blood, and प who drinks: these demons eat flesh, human or animal.
  • असृक्पात :: m. (-तः) Drops of blood, as from a wound. E. अमृज् and पात fal- ling.
  • असृक्श्राव :: m. (-वः) Bleeding, letting blood. E. असृज् and श्राव causing to flow.
  • असृक्श्राविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विणी -वि) Bleeding, who or what takes away blood. E. असृज् and श्राविन् what causes to flow.
  • असृग्दरा :: f. (-रा) Irregular or excessive menstruation, mœnorrhagia. E. असृज्, दॄ to tear, affix अप् .
  • असृग्धारा :: f. (-रा) The skin. E. असृज् and धरा what contains: blood-con- taining; also असृग्धारा .
  • असृग्धारा :: f. (-रा) 1. The skin. 2. A stream of blood. E. असृज् and धारा a stream.
  • असृग्वहा :: f. (-हा) A blood-vessel. E. असृज् and वह what bears.
  • असृज्विमोक्षण :: n. (-णं) Bleeding. E. असृज् and विमोक्षण letting.
  • असृज् :: n. (-सृक्) Blood. E. अ neg. सृज् to create, क्विप् aff.
  • असृपाट :: mf. (-टः-टी) A stream of blood. E. अ neg. सृप् to go, काट aff.
  • असृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Uncreated. 2. Undistributed, not presented. E. अ neg. सृष्ट created, &c.
  • असेचनक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Charming, lovely. E. अ neg. सेचन satisfaction.
  • असेवन :: n. (-नं) 1. Disregarding, neglecting. 2. Avoiding, shunning. 3. Disobedience, inattention. E. अ neg. सेवन service.
  • असेवा :: f. (-वा) 1. Avoiding, not following or practising. 2. Disregard. 3. Disobedience. E. अ neg. सेवा service: see the last.
  • असेवित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Neglected, unattended to, disobeyed. 2. Ab- stained from, disused. E. अ neg. सेवित served, used.
  • असेव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. Not to be served or attended to. 2. Not to be used or practised, not to be eaten, drank, &c. E. अ neg. सेव्य to be followed.
  • असौन्दर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Ugliness. E. अ neg. सौन्दर्य्य beauty.
  • असौम्य :: mfn. (-म्यः -म्या -म्यं) 1. Ugly, unlovely. 2. Disagreeable, displeasing. E. अ neg. सौम्य pleasing.
  • असौम्यस्वर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Having a bad or croaking voice. E. असौम्य dis- agreeable, and स्वर a note or sound.
  • असौष्ठव :: n. (-वं) 1. Ugliness, deformity. 2. Demerit, worthlessness. E. अ neg. सौष्ठव beauty, &c.
  • अस्वन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Permanent, durable. E. अ neg. स्कद to flow, affix क्त .
  • अस्खलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Firm, permanent, unshaken, unyielding. 2. Not slipping or fallen. 3. Undeviating. E. अ neg. स्खलित slipped.
  • अस्त :: Sautra root. 10th cl. (अस्तयति) To obscure or eclipse.
  • अस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Thrown, cast. 2. Sent, dispatched. 3. Set, ob- scured. 4. Removed, set aside. m. (-स्तः) 1. The western mountain, behind which the sun is supposed to set. 2. Sun-set. n. (-स्तं) Death, end. E. अस्त to obscure or eclipse, अच् affix, or अस to throw, &c. and क्त aff.
  • अस्तक :: m. (-कः) Beautitude, eternal felicity. E. अस्तम् disappearance, and कन् aff.
  • अस्तगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Set, as the sun. E. अस्त and गत gone.
  • अस्तगिरि :: m. (-रिः) The western mountain. E. अस्त and गिरि a mountain.
  • अस्तब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) Unconfounded. E. अ neg. स्तब्ध astounded.
  • अस्तब्धत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Self-possession, not being confused or confounded. E. त्व added to the last.
  • अस्तम् :: ind. Disappearance, setting, vanishing. E. अस् to send or cast, तम् aff.
  • अस्तमती :: f. (-ती) A plant, (Hedysarum gangeticum:) see सालपर्णी . E. अस्तम् the mountain, and अत to go, अच् and ङीप् affixes; abounding in the west.
  • अस्तमयन :: n. (-नं) Disappearance, setting. E. अस्तम्, and अयन going.
  • अस्तमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Set, (as the sun.) E. अस्तम् and इत gone.
  • अस्तवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Obstructed, hindered, opposed. 2. Set. E. अस्त thrown, &c. मतुप् poss. aff.
  • अस्तव्यस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Confused, disordered, irrelevant. E. अस्त and व्यस्त scattered.
  • अस्तसङ्ख्य :: mfn. (-ङ्ख्यः -ङ्ख्या -ङ्ख्यं) Innumerable. E. अस्त gone, सङ्ख्या number.
  • अस्ताघ :: mfn. (-घः -घा -घं) Very deep: see अस्थाघ .
  • अस्ताचल :: m. (-लः) The western mountain. E. अस्त, and अचल a mountain.
  • अस्ताद्रि :: m. (-द्रिः) The western mountain. E. अस्त and अद्रि a mountain.
  • अस्तावलम्बन :: n. (-नं) The resting of a heavenly body on the western part of the horizon. E. अस्त and अवलम्बन depending.
  • अस्तावलम्बिन् :: mfn. (-म्बी -म्बिनी -म्बि) Setting as the sun, on the point of setting. E. अस्त and अवलम्बिन् impending.
  • अस्ति :: ind. Now being, existent, present. E. अस to be, and क्तिन् affix, or the third person sing. present tense, it is, used as a particle.
  • अस्तिनास्ति :: ind. 1. Doubtful. 2. Partly true and partly not. E. अस्ति and नास्ति it is not.
  • अस्तिनास्तित्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Uncertain or doubtful existence. 2. Partial existence. E. त्व added to the last; also अस्तिनास्तिता .
  • अस्तिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् मती -मत्) Wealthy, opulent. E. अस्ति what is, and मतुप् poss. aff.
  • अस्तु :: ind. Be it so, let it be, implying assent, also reluctance and pain. E. अस to be, तुम् affix or the third person sing. imperative used as a particle.
  • अस्तुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Not praised. E. अ neg. स्तुत praised.
  • अस्तेन :: n. (-नं) Honesty. E. अ neg. स्तेन theft.
  • अस्तेय :: n. (-यं) Honesty. E. अ neg. स्तेय theft.
  • अस्त्यान :: n. (-नं) Reproach, blame. E. अ deteriorative and स्त्यै to sound, ल्युट् aff.
  • अस्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) 1. A weapon in general. 2. A sword. 3. A bow. 4. A missile weapon. E. अस to throw, ष्ट्रन् Unādi aff.
  • अस्त्रकण्टक :: m. (-कः) An arrow. E. अस्त्र and कण्टक a thron, a thron-like weapon.
  • अस्त्रकारक :: m. (-कः) An armourer. E. अस्त्र and कारक who makes: so अस्त्रकारः and अस्त्रकारिन् m. (-री .)
  • अस्त्रचिकित्सक :: m. (-कः) A surgeon. E. अस्त्र and चिकित्सक healing; who uses instruments as means of cure.
  • अस्त्रचिकित्सा :: f. (-त्सा) Surgery. E. अस्त्र a knife, a lancet, and चिकित्सा healing.
  • अस्त्रजीव :: m. (-वः) A soldier, a warrior. E. अस्त्र a weapon, and जीव who lives by.
  • अस्त्रधारिन् :: m. (-री) A soldier. E. अस्त्र and धारिन् who bears; so अस्त्रधारक m. (-कः .)
  • अस्त्रनिवारण :: n. (-णं) Guarding off a blow. E. अस्त्र and निवारण guarding.
  • अस्त्रमार्ज्ज :: m. (-र्ज्जः) An armourer, a sword or tool cleaner. E. अस्त्र and मार्ज्ज who cleans, from मृज and अण् affix; also अस्त्रमार्ज्जक m. (-कः .)
  • अस्त्रयुद्ध :: m. (-द्धः) Fighting with weapons. E. अस्त्र and युद्ध battle.
  • अस्त्रविद्या :: f. (-द्या) The military science. E. अस्त्र and विद्या knowledge.
  • अस्त्रवेद :: n. (-दं) The science of arms and war. E. अस्त्र a weapon, and वेद a Veda or scripture.
  • अस्त्रसायक :: m. (-कः) An iron arrow. E. अस्त्र, षो to destroy, वुन् affix; what destroys all other weapons.
  • अस्त्रहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Unarmed, defenceless. E. अस्त्र and हीन deprived of.
  • अस्त्रागार :: m. (-रः) An arsenal, an armoury. E. अस्त्र and आगार house.
  • अस्त्राघात :: m. (-तः) A wound, a cut. E. अस्त्र and आघात a blow.
  • अस्त्राहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Struck, wounded, killed. E. अस्त्र and आहत struck.
  • अस्त्रीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Having no female. E. अ neg. स्त्री female, कन् added.
  • अस्थाग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Very deep. E. अ neg. स्था to stand, with क्विप् affix, and ग from गम to go; where there is no proceeding to an end; it is also written अस्ताग, अस्थाघ, अस्थान and अस्थार .
  • अस्थाघ :: mfn. (-घः -घा -घं) See the preceding. E. As before, with घ, from हन् to kill or hurt, and अप् aff.
  • अस्थान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) See अस्थाग . n. (-नं) A place where there is no firm footing. adv. Unsuitably, unseasonably. E. अ neg. and स्थान stopping.
  • अस्थाने :: ind. Unseasonably, inopportunely. E. अ neg. स्थाने in place.
  • अस्थाय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) See अस्थाग; also अस्थाव and अस्थास .
  • अस्थायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Perishable, transient. E. अ neg. and स्थायिन् staying.
  • अस्थार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) See अस्थाग . E. अस्था as above. and र from रा to obtain.
  • अस्थावर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Moveable, moving, not fixed. 2. (In law) Personal, (as property,) money, cattle, &c. opposed to land. E. अ neg. स्थावर stable.
  • अस्थि :: n. (-स्थि) A bone. E. अस to throw, &c. and क्थिन् aff.
  • अस्थिक :: n. (-कं) A bone. E. कन् added to the last.
  • अस्थिकृत् :: mfn. (-कृत्) Marrow. E. अस्थि a bone, and कृत् what makes.
  • अस्थिज :: m. (-जः) Marrow. E. अस्थि and ज what is produced.
  • अस्थिज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) Marrow. E. अस्थि and ज्ञ what knows.
  • अस्थिति :: f. (-तिः) Want of place or condition, want of firm continuance. E. अ neg. स्थिति staying.
  • अस्थितुण्ड :: mf. (-ण्डः-ण्डा) A bird. E. अस्थि and तुण्ड a mouth; whose mouth or beak is of bone.
  • अस्थितोद :: m. (-दः) Pain in the bones. E. अस्थि and तोद torturing.
  • अस्थित्वच् :: f. (-त्वक्) The periosteum. E. अस्थि and त्वच् skin.
  • अस्थिधन्वन् :: m. (-न्वा) A name of SIVA. E. अस्थि, धनु a bow, and अच् aff.
  • अस्थिपञ्जर :: m. (-रः) A skeleton. E. अस्थि and पञ्जर a cage.
  • अस्थिभक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A dog. E. अस्थि and भक्ष who eats.
  • अस्थिभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. Fracture. 2. A plant of supposed efficacy in fractures, (Cissus quadrangularis.) E. अस्थि and भङ्ग a breaking.
  • अस्थिभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) A dog. E. अस्थि a bone, भुज् who eats.
  • अस्थिभेद :: m. (-दः) 1. Fracturing, breaking or wounding a bone. 2. A sort of bone, a bone. E. अस्थि and भेद breaking, &c.
  • अस्थिभेदक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) A bone-breaker, who or what breaks bones. E. अस्थि and भेदक what breaks.
  • अस्थिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Having bones, vertebrated, &c. E. अस्थि and मतुप् poss. aff.
  • अस्थिमाला :: f. (-ला) A necklace of bones. E. अस्थि and माला a garland.
  • अस्थिमालिन् :: m. (-ली) A name of SIVA. E. अस्थि a bone, माला a garland, इनि affix; SIVA is commonly represented with a necklace of skulls.
  • अस्थिर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Trembling, shaken, unsteady. 2. Uncertain, unascertained. 3. Unworthy of confidence. E. अ neg. and स्थिर firm.
  • अस्थिरता :: f. (-ता) Unsteadiness, fickleness, mutability. E. अस्थिर and तल् aff.
  • अस्थिरत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Unsteadiness, mutability. E. अस्थिर and त्व aff.
  • अस्थिवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Bony, osseous. E. अस्थि and वतुप् aff.
  • अस्थिविग्रह :: m. (-हः) A name of BHRINGI, one of SIVA'S attendants. E. अस्थि and विग्रह a part, &c. who carries SIVA'S decorations.
  • अस्थिशोष :: m. (-षः) Dryness and decay of the bones. E. अस्थि and शोष dry- ing up.
  • अस्थिसंहार :: m. (-रः) A plant, a species of turnsole, (Heliotropium indicum:) see अस्तिशुण्डी E. अस्थि and सं before हृ to take, to collect, seize, &c. (it is an ingredient in philtres, &c.) घञ् aff.
  • अस्थिसंहारक :: m. (-कः) The adjutant bird. E. अस्थि and संहारक who seizes.
  • अस्थिसञ्चय :: m. (-यः) Collecting the bones or their ashes after burning a corpse. E. अस्थि and सञ्चय assemblage; also अस्थिसञ्चयनं
  • अस्थिसन्धि :: f. (-न्धिः) 1. A joint, and articulation. 2. Uniting of a broken bone. E. अस्थि and सन्धि connection.
  • अस्थिसमर्पण :: n. (-णं) Throwing the bones of a dead body into the Ganges. E. अस्थि and समर्पण consigning.
  • अस्थिसार :: m. (-रः) Marrow. E. अस्थि bone, and सार essence.
  • अस्थिस्थूण :: m. (-णः) The body, or that of which the bones are the sup- porters. E. अस्थि and स्थूण a post.
  • अस्थूल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Small, delicate. E. अ neg. स्थूल gross.
  • अस्थैर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Instability, unsteadiness. E. अ neg. सथैर्य्य steadiness.
  • अस्निग्ध :: mfn. (-ग्धः -ग्धा -ग्धं) 1. Harsh, hard, dry. 2. Harsh, unkind. E. अ neg. and स्निग्ध unctuous.
  • अस्नेह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) 1. Harsh, unkind. 2. Harsh, hard, dry. m. (-हः) 1. Unkindness, want of affection. 2. Absence of oiliness. E. अ neg. स्नेह affection, &c.
  • अस्पर्श :: mfn. (-र्शः -र्शा -र्शं) What does not touch or is not touched. m. (-र्शः) Not touching, non-contact. E. अ neg. स्पर्श contact.
  • अस्पर्शन :: n. (-नं) Non-contact, avoiding the contact of any thing or per- son, especially of one who is impure. E. अ neg. स्पर्शन touching.
  • अस्पर्शनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Impure, not to be touched. E. अ neg. स्पर्शनीय to be touched.
  • अस्पर्शित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Untouched. E. अ neg. स्पर्शित touched.
  • अस्पष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Indistinct. E. अ neg. and स्पष्ट clear.
  • अस्पृश्य :: mfn. (-श्यः -श्या -श्यं) Not to be touched. E. अ neg. स्पृश्य tangible.
  • अस्पृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Untouched. E. अ neg. स्पृष्ट touched.
  • अस्पृष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) Not touching, avoiding contact. E. अ neg. स्पृष्टि touching.
  • अस्पृह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Undesirous, content, indifferent. E. अ neg. स्पृहा desire.
  • अस्पृहणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Undesirable. E. अ neg. स्पृहणीय desirable.
  • अस्फुट :: n. (-टं) Indistinct speech. mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) 1. Indistinot, obscure. 2. Invisible. 3. Unblown. E. अ neg. and स्फुट open, clear.
  • अस्फुटफल :: n. (-लं) 1. Indistinct result. 2. (In Geometry,) Gross area of a triangle, &c. E. अस्फुट and फल fruit.
  • अस्फुटवाच् :: mfn. (-वाक्) Lisping, speaking indistinctly. E. अस्फुट and वाच् who speaks.
  • अस्मद् :: First person pronoun, (अहं) I. (आवां) We two. (वयं) We. E. अस to be, and मदिक् Unādi affix: the inflexions of this pronoun are very irregular.
  • अस्मदीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Our, ours. E. अस्मद् I, and छ affix in the sense of the second case plur.
  • अस्मन्त :: n. (-न्तं) A furnace or fire-place: see अश्मन्त .
  • अस्मरण :: n. (-णं) Forgetfulness, forgetting. E. अ neg. स्मरण remembering.
  • अस्मरणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Not to be recollected. E. अ neg. स्मरणीय to be remembered.
  • अस्मार्त्त :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -र्त्ती -र्त्तं) 1. Immemorial, not within memory. 2. Illegal, not according to law. 3. Not belonging to Hindu institutes. E. अ neg. स्मार्त्त relating to law, &c. from स्मृति with अण् aff.
  • अस्मृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Forgotten. E. अ neg. स्मृत remembered.
  • अस्मृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Want of memory, forgetfulness. 2. Not being part of the institutes. E. अ neg. स्मृति memory or code of law.
  • अस्व :: mfn. (-स्वः -स्वा -स्वं) Not one's own. E. अ neg. स्व own.
  • अस्वक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Not one's own, belonging to another. E. अ neg. स्वक own.
  • अस्वकीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Not one's own, belonging to another. E. अ neg. स्वकीय own.
  • अस्वच्छ :: mfn. (-च्छः -च्छा -च्छं) Opake, not clear. E. अ neg. स्वच्छ clear.
  • अस्वच्छन्द :: mfn. (-न्दः -न्दा -न्दं) 1. Docile. 2. Dependent. E. अ priv. स्व own, and च्छन्द intention; not self-willed.
  • अस्वजाति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) 1. Of a different caste. 2. Of a different species. E. अ neg. स्व own, जाति caste.
  • अस्वतन्त्र :: mfn. (-न्त्रः -न्त्रा -न्त्रं) 1. Docile, humble. 2. Dependent, subject. E. अ neg. स्वतन्त्र self-willed.
  • अस्वत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Want of claim or right to any thing, having no indefeasible property in it, absence of ownership. E. अ neg. स्व own, with त्व affix: also with तल्, अस्वता .
  • अस्वन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Ending ill, leading to or having an unfavourable close. 2. Approaching the end of life. m. (-न्तः) A fire place: see अश्वन्त . E. अ neg. and सु good, or असु breath, and अन्त end.
  • अस्वप्न :: m. (-प्नः) A deity. E. अ neg. and स्वप्न sleep; who never sleeps.
  • अस्वभाव :: m. (-वः) Unnatural or unusual character or temperament. mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Of a different nature. E. अ neg. स्वभाव nature.
  • अस्वर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Having a bad or croaking voice. E. अ neg. and स्वर a note or the voice.
  • अस्वरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Essentially different or unlike. E. अ neg. स्वरूप of one nature.
  • अस्वर्ग्य :: mfn. (-र्ग्यः -र्ग्या -र्ग्यं) Not leading to heaven. E. अ neg. स्वर्ग्य para- disiacal.
  • अस्वस्थ्य :: mfn. (-स्थ्यः -स्थ्या -स्थ्यं) 1. Unwell, indisposed. 2. Unfortunate, badly off. E. अ neg. स्वस्थ्य being well happy.
  • अस्वादु :: mfn. (-दुः -दुः -दु) Tasteless, insipid. E. अ neg. स्वादु sapid.
  • अस्वाध्याय :: m. (-यः) 1. A Brahman who has not made his studies, who has not read the Vedas previous to his investiture. 2. Interrup- tion or interval of study, prohibited on certain days of the moon, at eclipses, &c. E. अ neg. स्व own, and अध्याय a lecture.
  • अस्वामिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Unowned, unclaimed. E. अ neg. स्वामिन् a mas- ter, ठक् aff.
  • अस्वामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) 1. Having no right or title to any thing, not being master of it. 2. That which has no master or owner. E. अ neg. स्वामिन् a master.
  • अस्वामिविक्रय :: m. (-यः) Sale without ownership. E. अ neg. स्वामिन् a master, &c. विक्रय sale.
  • अस्वाम्य :: n. (-म्यं) Absence or right or title to property. E. अ neg. स्वाम्य ownership.
  • अस्वार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) 1. Not for one's self. 2. Not for a proper object. 3. Having a different meaning. E. अ neg. स्व own, अर्थ end or sense.
  • अस्वास्थ्य :: n. (-स्थ्यं) Indisposition, discomfort, indigence. E. अ neg. स्वास्थ्य well-being.
  • अस्वीकार :: m. (-रः) Dissent, non-acquiescence. E. अ neg. स्वीकार promise.
  • अस्वीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Dissented from, refused, not promised. E. अ neg. स्वीकृत promised.
  • अस्वेद :: m. (-दः) Suppressed perspiration. E. अ neg. स्वेद sweat.
  • अस्र :: m. (-स्रः) 1. A corner, an angle. 2. Hair. n. (-स्रं) 1. Blood. 2. A tear. E. अस to cast or throw, &c. affix रक् .
  • अस्रकण्ठ :: m. (-ण्टः) An arrow. E. अस्र and कण्ठ throat.
  • अस्रज :: n. (-जं) Flesh. E. अस्र blood, and ज produced.
  • अस्रजित् :: m. (-जित्) A plant, commonly Kabātabentu.
  • अस्रप :: mf. (-पः-पा) A Rakshasa or goblin. f. (-पा) A leech. E. अस्र blood, and प who drinks.
  • अस्रपित्त :: n. (-त्तं) Plethora, hœmorrhage, epistaxis, involuntary dis- charge of blood from the mouth, nostrils, anus, &c. E. अस्र and पित्त bile: both humors being supposed to be affected.
  • अस्रमातृका :: f. (-का) Chyle, chyme. E. अस्र blood, मातृ the parent, कन् affix of similitude.
  • अस्ररोधिनी :: f. (-नी) A plant, (Mimosa pudica.)
  • अस्रार्ज्जक :: m. (-कः) The white Tulasi.
  • अस्रि :: f. (-स्रिः) Ten millions.
  • अस्रु :: n. (-स्रु) A tear. E. अत to cast or reject, and रु aff.
  • अस्रुव :: n. (-वं) A granulation, (of flesh.) E. अ neg. स्रु to distil, अप् aff.
  • अह :: r. 5th cl. (अहति) To pervade or occupy. (इ) अहि r. 1st. cl. (अंहते) To go or move: also 10th cl. (अंहयति) To shine.
  • अह :: ind. A particle and interjection implying; 1. Commendation: 2. Rejecting, sending: 3. Deviation from custom, (improperly:) 4. Certainty, ascertainment. E. अ neg. ह from हन् to hurt, affix ड .
  • अहंयु :: mfn. (-युः -युः -यु) Proud. m. (-युः) A warrior. E. अहम् I, and युस् affix: self-opinioned.
  • अहःपति :: m. (-तिः) The sun. E. अहन् a day, and पति a master.
  • अहःशेष :: n. (-षं) Evening. E. अहन् and शेष end.
  • अहङ्कार :: m. (-रः) 1. Pride. 2. Individuality, sense of self. 3. One of the elements of creation, consciousness, individualization. E. अहम् 1, and कार what makes; thinking highly of one's self.
  • अहङ्कारवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Pround. E. अहङ्कार pride, मतुप् poss. aff.
  • अहङ्कारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Proud, self-important. E. अहङ्कार and इनि poss. aff.
  • अहङ्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Proud. E. अहम् I, and कृत made: see अहङ्कार .
  • अहङ्कृति :: f. (-तिः) Pride. E. अहम् and कृति action: see अहङ्कार .
  • अहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unhurt, uninjured, not struck or killed. 2. Unblemished, unsoiled. n. (-तं) New clothes. E. अ neg. and हत hurt, part. past of हन् .
  • अहन् :: m. (-हः) A day. E. अ neg. हा to leave, and कनिन् Unādi aff.
  • अहननीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Not to be killed. E. अ neg. हननीय to be killed.
  • अहन्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Not to be killed. E. अ neg. हन्तव्य to be killed.
  • अहमहमिका :: f. (-का) 1. Military vaunting. 2. Assertion or conceit of superiority, boasting, egotism. E. अहम् I, reiterated, क and टाप् affixed.
  • अहम्पूर्व्विका :: f. (-का) 1. Emulative onset, the running forward of soldiers with emulation. 2. Conceit, vaunting. E. अहम् I, पूर्व्व first; affixes as in the last; I will be foremost.
  • अहम्मति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Spiritual ignorance. 2. Conceit. 3. Self-love. E. अहम् and मति understanding; self-love, or worldly mindedness, opposed to abstract meditation on the deity.
  • अहरणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Not to be taken away. E. अ neg. हरणीय to be taken.
  • अहरह :: ind. Daily, day by day. E. अहम् repeated.
  • अहर्गण :: m. (-णः) 1. A month. 2. Any calculated term. E. अहन् a day, and गण a number or class.
  • अहर्निशम् :: ind. Day and night. E. अहन् day, निशा night.
  • अहर्पति :: m. (-तिः) The sun. E. अहन् and पति a master; also अहःपति .
  • अहर्बान्धव :: m. (-वः) The sun. E. अहन् and बान्धव a friend.
  • अहर्मणि :: m. (-णिः) The sun. E. अहन् and मणि a gem.
  • अहर्मुख :: n. (-खं) Morning, the dawn. E. अहन् and मुख the commence- ment.
  • अहल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Unploughed, unfurrowed. E. अ neg. हलि a furrow, अच् affix: also with the final unchanged, अहलि .
  • अहल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) Unploughed, (a field, &c.) f. (-ल्या) 1. The name of an Apsaras or heavenly courtezan. 2. The wife of GAUTAMA, a saint and philosopher. E. अ neg. हल to plough, यत् aff.
  • अहर्ष :: mfn. (-र्षः -र्षा -र्षं) Unhappy, gloomy, sorrowful. E. अ neg. हर्ष happi- ness.
  • अहर्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unhappy, sorrowful. E. अ neg. हर्षित rejoiced.
  • अहवनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Not to be offered, not fit or proper to be sacrificed. E. अ neg. हवनीय to be offered.
  • अहस्कर :: m. (-रः) The sun. E. अहन् and कर who makes.
  • अहस्पति :: m. (-तिः) 1. The sun. 2. Swallow wort. E. अहन् and पति master.
  • अहह :: ind. A particle or interjection, as ah! aha! &c. implying: 1. Surprise: 2. Fatigue: 3. Pain: 4. Pleasure: 5. Calling. E. अह from अहम् I, and ह from हा to abandon: self or pride-abandon- ment; also अहहा .
  • अहहा :: ind. See the preceding.
  • अहार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) Not to be stolen or taken away. m. (-र्य्यः) A mountain. E. अ neg. and हार्य्य future part. of हृञ् to take or con- vey.
  • अहार्य्यत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Security, not being liable to be stolen or taken away. E. अहार्य्य and त्व affix; also अहार्य्यता .
  • अहि :: m. (-हिः) 1. A snake or serpent. 2. The sun. 3. A traveller. 4. Lead. 5. The name of a demon: see वृत्रासुर . 6. A name of RĀHU, the ascending node. E. आङ् prefixed to हन् to hurt, इन् Unādi affix; injuring all or every thing, the आ of आङ् is made short.
  • अहिंसक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Harmless, innocuous. E. अ neg. हिंसक mis- chievous: so अहिंस्र and अहिंस्रक .
  • अहिंसा :: f. (-सा) Harmlessness, doing injury to nothing, one of the car- dinal virtues of most Hindu sects, but particularly of the Baud- dhas and Jainas. E. अ neg. हिंसा hurt.
  • अहिंसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Uninjured. E. अ neg. हिंसित hurt.
  • अहिंस्र :: mfn. (-स्रः -स्रा -स्रं) Innocuous, innocent, harmless. f. (-स्रा) The name of a plant, commonly Kurkavali: see कर्कटा . E. अ neg. and हिंस्रा in- jurious: than which there is none more so.
  • अहिका :: f. (-का) The silk cotton tree, (Bombax heptaphyllum.) E. अ neg. and हा to go or abandon, ङिक् and टाप् affs.
  • अहिकान्त :: m. (-न्तः) Air, wind. E. अहि a serpent, and कान्त beloved; snakes being supposed to feed upon air.
  • अहिच्छत्र :: m. (-त्रः) 1. The name of a country. 2. A milky or thorny plant: see मेषशृङ्गी . f. (-त्रा) 1. Sugar. 2. A city. E. अहि a snake, and छत्र a parasol.
  • अहिजित् :: m. (-जित्) 1. A name of KRISHNA. 2. Also of INDRA. E. अहि and जित् who conquers, from जि with क्विप् affix; subduing a demon in the form of a snake.
  • अहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Hostile, inimical. 2. Hurtful, prejudicial. m. (-तः) An enemy. n. (-तं) Food, &c. contra-indicated in a disease. E. अ neg. and हित friendly, fit, proper.
  • अहितकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Adverse, inimical, acting unkindly. E. अहित unkind, कारिन् acting.
  • अहितमनस् :: mfn. (-नाः -नाः -नः) Hating, adverse, inimical. E. अहित and मनस् mind.
  • अहितुण्डिक :: m. (-कः) A snake-catcher or exhibiter. E. अहि and तुण्ड face, इकन् aff.
  • अहिद्विष् :: m. (-द्विट्) 1. A name of INDRA. 2. GARUDA the bird of VISHNU. 3. A peacock. 4. An ichneumon. E. अहि and द्विष् who hates, from द्विष् to hate with क्विप् affix; serpent-hater or enemy.
  • अहिनकुलिका :: f. (-का) The natural enmity subsisting between a snake and an ichneumon. E. अहि, नकुल a mungoose, वुन् aff.
  • अहिनिर्म्मोक :: m. (-कः) The slough of a snake. E. अहि and निर्म्मोक the same.
  • अहिपति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A name of SHESHA, the sovereign of the snakes; also of VASUKI and others. 2. Any large serpent. E. अहि a snake, and पति lord; also similar compounds, as अहिनाथः, अहीन्द्रः, अहीशः, अहीश्वरः, &c.
  • अहिपुत्रक :: m. (-कः) A kind of boat. E. अहि and पुत्रक a son, resembling a snake.
  • अहिफेन :: n. (-नं) 1. Opium. 2. The saliva or venom of a snake. E. अहि a snake, and फेन foam.
  • अहिब्रध्न :: m. (-ध्नः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. One of the demigods called RUDRAS. E. अहि and ब्रधि to bind, नक् Unādi affix; having his neck bound with snakes.
  • अहिब्रध्नदेवता :: f. (-ता) The twenty-sixth constellation. E. अहिब्रध्न and देवता presiding deity.
  • अहिभय :: n. (-यं) Mistrust or apprehension of treachery. E. अहि and भय fear; fear of a lurking snake as it were.
  • अजिभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) GARUDA the bird of VISHNU. 2. A peacock. E. अहि and भुज् who eats, from भुज् and क्विप् affix; snake-eater.
  • अहिमांशु :: m. (-शुः) The sun. E. अ neg. हिम cold, and अंशु a ray; also si- milar compounds, as अहिमकर, अहिमरुचि, अहिमतेजस्, &c.
  • अहिविद्विष् :: m. (-द्विट्) 1. GARUDA. 2. INDRA. E. अहि a snake or VRITRA- SURA, and विद्विष् foe.
  • अहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Possessed of, not deprived of. 2. Not out-caste or vile. E. अ neg. हीन deprived of. m. (-नः) 1. A large snake, a serpent. 2. A particular sacrifice, one lasting twelve days. E. अहि a snake, and इन superior, or अहन् a day, and ख aff.
  • अहीनवादिन् :: m. (-दी) A witness who is not unfit to give evidence. E. अ neg. हीनवादी a defective witness.
  • अहीरणि :: m. (-णिः) A kind of snake, said to be two-headed. E. अहि, इर to move, and अणि aff.
  • अहुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unoffered, unsacrificed. 2. Uncalled, unsummon- ed. m. (-तः) Religious meditation and prayer, considered as one of the five great sacraments. E. अ neg. हु to sacrifice, or ह्वे to call, क्त aff.
  • अहे :: ind. A particle implying, 1. Rejection. 2. Separation.
  • अहेतु :: m. (-तुः) Absence of cause or reason. E. अ neg. हेतु cause.
  • अहेतुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Causeless, groundless. E. अ neg. हेतुक having cause.
  • अहेतुता :: f. (-ता) Absence of cause or necessity. E. तल् added to अहेतु .
  • अहेतुत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Absence of reason or cause. E. त्व added to अहेतु .
  • अहेरु :: f. (-रुः) A plant, (Asparagus racemosus:) see शतमूली . E. अ neg. हि to go, and रु affix; immoveable; alluding to the number of its roots.
  • अहो :: ind. A particle and interjection of, 1. Reproach, (fie !) 2. Compassion. 3. Regret, (ah ! oh !) 4. Calling, (ho ! hola !) 5. Praise, flattery, approbation. 6. Fatigue, weariness. 7. Surprise, (ah !) 8. Doubt, deliberation, (either, or.) 9. Contempt, sneer- ing. 10. An expletive. E. अ neg. हा to go, and डो aff.
  • अहोरात्र :: m. (-त्रः) A day of twenty-four hours or thirty Muhūrtas, from sun-rise to sun-rise. n. or ind. (-त्रम्) Day and night, continually, always. E. अहन् a day, and रात्रि a night.
  • अहोवत :: ind. 1. A particle of calling; 2. Of compassion; 3. Of fatigue.
  • अहोही :: ind. In a variegated or wonderful manner.
  • अह्नाय :: ind. Soon, instantly. E. अ neg. ह्नाय from ह्नु to take away or secrete, with घञ् affix, and य substituted for the व to which the radical त is changed.
  • अह्नीक :: m. (-कः) A Bauddha mendicant. E. अ neg. and ह्नीक bashful.
  • अह्वला :: f. (-ला) The marking nut-plant, (Semecarpus anacardium.) E. अ neg. ह्वे to emulate, and डल् aff.
  •  :: The second letter of the alphabet, corresponding to A long, as in far, and written in the Roman character Ā.
  •  :: ind. 1. A particle of reminiscence, (ah! oh!) 2. A conjunction disjunctive, (but) 3. A particle of compassion, (ah! alas!) 4. A conjunction copulative, (and.) This particle remains unaltered in orthography even before vowels.
  •  :: or आङ् A particle, and prefix to words, implying; 1. Diminu- tion, (a little.) 2. Limit inceptive, (from, from thence, or that time.) 3. Limit conclusive, (until, unto, as far as.) 4. Prefixed to verbs it extends or reverses their meaning, as रुह to rise, आरुह to ascend, to mount, and गम to go, आगम to come. 5. In composi- tion with nouns it forms indeclinables, either crude, as आजानु to the knee, or with the terminations of the objective or ablative case, as आसमुद्रं or आसमुद्रात् as far as to the ocean. 6. A particle of menace or of pain, (ah! alas!) this is more correctly written आस् E. आप् to pervade, to obtain, and डाङ् affix, प is dropped.
  •  :: m. (आः) A name of MAHĀDEVA.
  •  :: ind. A particle of assent, yes, verily. E. अम to go, क्विप् affix, अ be- comes आ
  • आकम्पन :: n. (-नं) Shaking, trembling. E. आङ् before कपि to tremble, ल्युट् aff.
  • आकम्पित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Shaken, trembling. E. आङ् prefixed, कपि to shake, and क्त participial aff.
  • आकम्प्र :: mfn. (-म्प्रः -म्प्रा -म्प्रं) Trembling, shaking, agitated. E. आङ् before कपि to shake, रक् aff.
  • आकर :: m. (-रः) 1. A mine. 2. A multitude. 3. Best, excellent. E. आङ् prefixed, कृ to make, &c. अप् aff.
  • आकरिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Mineral, produced in a mine, &c. E. आकर and इनि aff.
  • आकर्णन :: n. (-नं) Hearing. E. आङ् before कर्ण to hear, ल्युट् aff.
  • आकर्णित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Heard. E. आङ्, कर्ण to hear, affix क्त .
  • आकर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) 1. Pulling, hawling. 2. Pulling to or towards, dragging, attracting. 3. Attraction, fascination. 4. Magnetic attraction. 5. A magnet, a loadstone. 6. A dice or die. 7. Playing with dice. 8. A board of such a game. 9. Drawing the bow. 10. An organ of sense. 11. Spasm. E. आङ्, कृष् to draw or make furrows, घञ् aff.
  • आकर्षक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Attractive, what draws or attracts. m. (-कः) A magnet or loadstone. E. आकर्ष attraction, and वुन् aff.
  • आकर्षण :: n. (-णं) Pulling, drawing, attracting. f. (-णी) 1. A crooked stick, for pulling down fruit, &c. 2. Any instrument for pulling. E. आङ् before कृष् to pull, ल्युट् aff.
  • आकर्षिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Magnetic, attractive. E. आकर्ष and ष्ठल् aff.
  • आकर्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Drawn, attracted. E. आङ् before कृष् to draw, क्त aff.
  • आकर्षिन् :: mfn. (-र्षी -र्षिणी -र्षि) Attractive. f. (-णी) A rod with a hook at the end to pull down the boughs of trees, for the purpose of gathering the fruit. E. आङ् before कृष् to draw, णिनि aff.
  • आकलन :: n. (-नं) 1. Wish, desire. 2. Counting, reckoning. 3. Confinement, binding. 4. Laying hold of. E. आङ्, कल to count, sound, &c. and ल्युट् aff.
  • आकलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Counted, reckoned. 2. Seized, held, bound. E. आङ् before कल to count, &c. क्त aff.
  • आकल्प :: m. (-ल्पः) 1. Ornament, decoration. 2. Encreasing, adding to, improving. 3. Sickness, disease. E. आङ् before कृप् to be able, to be weak, &c. घञ् aff.
  • आकल्पक :: m. (-कः) 1. Remembering with regret, missing. 2. Fainting, loss of sense or perception. 3. Darkness. 4. A knot or joint. E. आङ्, कल्प from कृप् to be able, to be weak, &c. and ण्वुल् aff.
  • आकष :: m. (-षः) A touchstone. E. आङ्, कष to injure, and अच् aff.
  • आकषक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Touching, assaying. E. वुन् added to the last.
  • आकषिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Touching, testing. E. आकष and ष्ठल् aff.
  • आकस्मिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Sudden, unexpected, causeless. E. अकस्मात् and ठञ् aff.
  • आकाङ्क्षत् :: mfn. (-ङ्क्षन् -ङ्क्षन्ती -ङ्क्षत्) 1. Wishing, expecting. 2. Looking at, to, or towards. E. आङ् before काङ्क्षि to desire, शतृ aff.
  • आकाङ्क्षणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Desirable, to be desired or expected. E. आङ् before काङ्क्षि to desire, अनीयर् affix; also आकाङ्क्षितव्य mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) and आकाङ्क्ष्य mfn. (-ङ्क्ष्यः -ङ्क्ष्या -ङ्क्ष्यं) with तव्य and यत् affs.
  • आकाङ्क्षा :: f. (-ङ्क्षा) 1. Wish, desire. 2. Purpose, intention. 3. Looking at, to, or towards. 4. Enquiry, asking. 5. The presence of a word in a sentence indispensable to the sense. 6. The significancy of a word. E. आङ् prefixed to काङ्क्षि to desire, अच् and टाप् affs.
  • आकाङ्क्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Wished, desired. 2. Asked, enquired. 3. Regarded, looked at. 4. Wanted, necessary. E. आङ् before काङ्क्षि to desire, क्त aff.
  • आकाङ्क्षिन् :: mfn. (-ङ्क्षी -ङ्क्षिणी -ङ्क्षि) 1. Wishing, wishful. 2. Asking, enquiring, expectant. E. आकाङ्क्षा and इनि aff.
  • आकाय :: m. (-यः) 1. A funeral pile. 2. Abode, residence. E. आङ् before चि to collect, घञ् affix, च changed to क .
  • आकार :: m. (-रः) 1. Hint, sing, token. 2. Form. 3. The letter आ E. आङ्, कृ to make, affix घञ् .
  • आकारगुप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) Dissimulation. E. आकार and गुप्ति concealment, suppressing all sign or indication of the feelings.
  • आकारगोपन :: n. (-नं) See the preceding.
  • आकारण :: nf. (-णं-णा) Calling, a call or summons. E. आङ्, कृ to make or do in the causal form, and ल्युट् affix, fem. affix टाप्; sometimes written आकरण .
  • आकारवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Symmetrical, handsome, well formed. E. आकार form, and मतुप् aff.
  • आकारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Called or summoned. 2. Stipulated, agreed. 3. Demanded, exacted. E. आङ् before कृ to make, causal form, क्त aff.
  • आकालिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Momentary, instantaneous. 2. Unseason- able, improper with respect to time. f. (-की) Lightning. E. अ neg. काल time, ठक् affix, fem. ङीप् .
  • आकालिकत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Unseasonableness, suddenness. E. त्व added to the last.
  • आकाश :: mn. (-शः-शं) 1. The fifth element, æther, the sky or atmosphere. 2. Brahma as identical with æther. 3. Space, vacuity. E. आङ् and काशृ to shine, घञ् affix; every where shining; Akash is the subtle and æthereal fluid, supposed to fill and pervade the universe, and to be the peculiar vehicle of life and sound.
  • आकाशकक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) The horizon. E. आकाश and कक्षा girdle.
  • आकाशज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced in the sky. E. आकाश and ज born.
  • आकाशजननिन् :: m. (-नी) A loop-hole, a casement, an embrasure. E. आकाश and जननिन् what generates, giving air and light.
  • अकाशदीप :: m. (-पः) 1. A lamp or torch lighted in honour of LAKSHMI or VISHNU, and elevated on a pole in the open air at the Dewali festival, in the month Kartik. 2. A beacon, a lanthorn on a pole. E. आकाश and दीप a lamp; also आकाशप्रदीपः .
  • आकाशभाषित :: n. (-तं) 1. Speaking outside or of the stage, or a supposi- tious speech, which is replied to as if it had been spoken, (in dramatic language.) 2. A voice or sound in the air. E. आकाश and भाषित spoken.
  • आकाशमण्डल :: n. (-लं) The celestial sphere. E. आकाश and मण्डल a circle.
  • आकाशमांसी :: f. (-सी) A plant, small Jatāmānsi, (Valeriana Jatamansi.)
  • आकाशमूली :: f. (-ली) An aquatic plant, (Pistia stratiotes.) E. आकाश and मूली having roots; having its root in air.
  • आकाशयान :: n. (-नं) A heavenly car, one moving through the air. E. आकाश and यान vehicle.
  • आकाशरक्षिन् :: m. (-क्षी) A warder, a watchman on the outer battlements. E. आकाश and रक्षिन् a guard.
  • आकाशवर्त्मव् :: n. (-र्त्म) The atmosphere, the firmament, the air. E. आकाश and वर्त्मन् a road.
  • आकाशवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) A sort of creeper, a parasite. (Cassyta filiformis.) E. आकाश and वल्ली pedicle.
  • आकाशवाणी :: f. (-णी) A voice from heaven. E. आकाश and वाणी speech.
  • आकाशसलिल :: n. (-लं) Rain. E. आकाश and सलिल water.
  • आकाशस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Abiding in the sky. E. आकाश and स्थ what stays.
  • आकाशीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Atmospherical. Also आकाशिन् mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि)
  • आकाशे :: ind. In the air, a stage direction, implying something said by or to a person out of sight. E. 7th case of आकाश .
  • आकाशेश :: m. (-शः) 1. INDRA, as ruler of the firmament. 2. (In law) A helpless person, as a child, a woman, a pauper or invalid. E. आकाश and ईश lord.
  • आकिञ्चन :: n. (-नं) Poverty. E. अकिञ्चन poor, अण् aff.
  • आकीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Filled, overspread. 2. Crowded. 3. Impervious. 4. Spread. 5. Scattered. E. आङ्, कॄ to scatter, part. affix क्त .
  • आकीर्णता :: f. (-ता) 1. Fulness. 2. Crowd, multitude. E. आकीर्ण filled, तल् affix; also आकीर्णत्वं
  • आकुञ्चन :: n. (-नं) 1. Compression, contraction, shrinking. 2. Collecting, heaping. 3. Curving, flexure. 4. Contortion. E. आङ् before कुचि to contract, ल्युट् aff.
  • आकुञ्चित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Bent, contracted. 2. Twisted, contorted. E. आङ् before कुचि to contract, affix क्त .
  • आकुण्ठित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Confounded, abashed. E. आङ् before कुण्ठित abashed.
  • आकुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Confounded, confused, flurried. 2. Confused (in order), disordered. 3. Incoherent, contradictory. E. आङ्, कुल to accumulate, and क affix; not self-possessed.
  • आकुलत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Confusion, perplexity, bewilderment. E. आकुल and त्व affix; also with तल् affix आकुलता .
  • आकुलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Bewildered, flurried, agitated. 2. Distressed. E. आङ् before कुल, क्त aff.
  • आकुलीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bewildered, perplexed. E. आकुल and कृत made with च्वि aff.
  • आकुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Expelled, extracted. E. आकुष to extract, क्त aff.
  • आकूत :: n. (-तं) 1. Meaning, intention. 2. Wish, desire. E. आङ्, कूङ् to cry, affix क्त .
  • आकृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Form, figure. 2. The body. 3. Tribe, species. 4. A metre: a stanza of four lines, with twenty-two syllables to each line. E. आङ् before कृ to make or do, क्तिन् aff.
  • आकृतिच्छत्रा :: f. (-त्रा) A plant, (Achyranthes aspera.)
  • आकृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Pulled, drawn. 2. Attracted. E. आङ् before कृष् to drag, क्त aff.
  • आकृष्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Drawing, attracting. E. आकृष to draw, शानच् aff.
  • आकृष्टवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Pulling, dragging, pulling up or out. 2. Pulling to, attracting. 3. Charming, fascinating. E. आकृष्ट and मतुप् aff.
  • आकृष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) 1. Pulling, dragging. 2. Drawing, attraction. E. आङ् before कृष् to drag, affix क्तिन् .
  • आकोकेर :: m. (-रः) The constellation Capricornus.
  • आकौशल :: n. (-लं) Inexpertness, want of skill or practice. E. अकुशल un- skilful, affix अण् and the initial optionally long.
  • आक्रन्द :: mfn. (-न्दः -न्दा -न्दं) Who checks or restrains. m. (-न्दः) 1. Crying, crying out. 2. Calling. 3. Weeping, sobbing. 4. Sound. 5. Vio- lence. 6. Furious or violent combat. 7. A friend. 8. A brother. 9. A king, a lord. 10. A usurper. 11. A king who prevents an ally from aiding another. E. आङ्, क्रन्द to cry, to sound, &c. अच् aff.
  • आक्रन्दिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Going where sounds of distress are heard. E. आक्रन्द and ठञ् aff.
  • आक्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Going over or beyond. 2. Surpassing. 3. Spreading over or upon. 4. Overleading. 5. Attaining, overcoming, obtaining. 6. Invading, attacking, falling upon. 7. Might, valour. E. आङ् be- fore क्रम to go, to mount, ascend, surpass, &c. affix अच् .
  • आक्रमल :: n. (-णं) 1. Going over or beyond. 2. Overpowering, subduing. 3. Spreading or extending over or upon. 4. Attacking, marching against, invading. E. आङ् before क्रम to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • आक्रमणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be attacked. 2. To be surpassed or over- come. 3. To be seized. E. आङ् before क्रम to go, अनीयर् aff.
  • आक्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Surpassed, surmounted. 2. Overcome, over- run. 3. Pained, distressed. 4. Accompanied, attended. 5. Over- spread. 6. Obtained, possessed. 7. Agitated or overcome by, as a feeling. E. आक्रम to mount, surpass, &c. and part. affix क्त .
  • आक्रान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) 1. Going over or beyond. 2. Overpowering. 3. Might, valour. E. आङ् before क्रम to go, affix क्तिन्; see आक्रम .
  • आक्रामक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Invading, assailing 2. Overrunning. E. आङ् before क्रम to go, ण्वुल् aff.
  • आक्रीड :: m. (-डः) 1. A royal garden. 2. Sport, pleasure. E. आङ्, क्रीड to play, घञ् aff.
  • आक्रीडन :: n. (-नं) Sporting, taking pleasure. E. आक्रीड to sport, affix ल्युट् .
  • आक्रीडिन् :: mfn. (-डी -डिनी -डि) Sporting, playing. E. आक्रीड to play, घिनुण् aff.
  • आक्रुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Cursed. 2. Accused, calumniated. 3. Abused. 4. Vociferated. E. आङ् before क्रुश to call, affix क्त .
  • आक्रोश :: m. (-शः) 1. Abuse, censuring, a curse or oath. 2. Vociferousness, calling aloud. E. आङ्, क्रुश to call, घञ् aff.
  • आक्रोशक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Abusing, abusive. 2. Vociferous. E. आक्रुश to call, वुञ् aff.
  • आक्रोशन :: n. (-नं) Curse, imprecation. E. आङ्, क्रुश to call, ल्युट् aff.
  • अक्रोशनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be accursed, censurable, reprovable. E. आङ् before क्रुश to cry, अनीयर् affix; also आक्रुश्य and आक्रोशितव्य .
  • आक्षद्यूतिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Effected or completed by gambling. E. अक्षद्यूत and ठक् aff.
  • आक्षपण :: n. (-णं) Fasting, or purification by fasting. E. आङ् before क्षप to endure, ल्युट् aff.
  • आक्षपाटिक :: m. (-कः) A judge. E. अक्ष a law-suit, पट to go, causal form, उक affix; also अक्षपाटिक .
  • आक्षपाद :: m. (-दः) A logician. E. अक्ष dispute, पाद a division, अण् affix; also अक्षपाद .
  • आक्षार :: m. (-रः) Accusation, calumny. E. आङ् before क्षर to go, affix घञ् .
  • आक्षारण :: nf. (-णं-णा) 1. Calumnious accusation. 2. Abuse, reviling. E. आङ्, क्षर to go, with युच् aff.
  • आक्षारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Calumniated, falsely accused. 2. Accused of adultery or fornication. 3. Falsely accused, of such crimes in parti- cular. 4. Guilty, criminal. 5. Reviled, abused. E. आङ्, क्षर to go, part. affix क्त .
  • आक्षिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Relating or belonging to a die, to gambling, &c. 2. Won at dice. m. (-कः) A tree, (Morinda tinctoria.) n. (-कं) A gambling debt, money lost at play. E. अक्ष a die, &c. and ठञ् aff.
  • आक्षिकपण :: m. (-णः) A stake, a wager, a bet. E. आक्षिक and पण a wager.
  • आक्षिपत् :: mfn. (-पन् -पती -पत्) 1. Excelling, so as to reproach or put to shame others. 2. Reviling, abusing. 3. Tossing. 4. Sending. E. आङ् before क्षिप to throw, affix शतृ .
  • आक्षिप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Cast, thrown, tossed. 2. Thrown down or away. 3. Borne, carried. 4. Reviled, abused, blamed, ridiculed. 4. Equal or equivalent to. E. आङ् before क्षिप् to throw, क्त aff.
  • आक्षीव :: m. (-वः) A plant, (Morunga guilandina and hyperanthera:) see अक्षीव .
  • आक्षेप :: m. (-पः) 1. Throw, toss. 2. Abuse, reviling. 3. Censure, blame, re- proach. 4. Attraction. 5. A figure in rhetoric, (irony.) E. आङ्, क्षिप् to throw or send, घञ् aff.
  • आक्षेपक :: m. (-कः) 1. Sickness, disease. 2. Convulsion, spasm. 3. A de- tractor, a calumniator or accuser. 4. A thrower. E. आङ् before क्षिप् to toss, ण्वुल् aff.
  • आक्षैत्रज्ञ :: n. (-ज्ञं) Spiritual ignorance. E. अ neg. क्षेत्रज्ञ wise, and ष्यञ् affix, the initial optionally long.
  • आक्षोट :: m. (-टः) A tree, (see पीलु,) growing in mountains: in Hindi, the corresponding name implies the walnut: see अक्षोट and आक्षोड .
  • आक्षोड :: m. (-डः) A kind of Pilu, a tree so named, (Careya arborea:) see अक्षोड, अक्षोट and पीलु .
  • आक्षोद :: m. (-दः) A Brahman of the Rikshoda mountain. E. ऋक्षोद and अण् aff.
  • आक्षोदन :: n. (-नं) Hunting.
  • आख :: m. (-खः) A spade, a hoe. E. आङ्, खन् to dig, ड aff.
  • आखण्डल :: m. (-लः) A name of INDRA. E. आङ् and खण्ड to break, अलच् affix; mountain-breaking, foe-destroying.
  • आखन :: m. (-नः) 1. A spade. 2. A digger. E. आङ्, खन् to dig, घ aff.
  • आखनिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A thief. 2. A rat. 3. A hog. 4. A spade. 5. A digger, a ditcher, a miner. E. आङ्, खन् to dig, and इकन् Unādi aff.
  • आखनिकवक :: m. (-कः) 1. A spade. 2. A digger. E. आङ् before खन् to dig, इकवक aff.
  • आखर :: m. (-रः) 1. A spade. 2. A digger. E. आङ्, खन् to dig, डर aff.
  • आखात :: mn. (-तः-तं) A natural pond: see अखात .
  • आखान :: m. (-नः) 1. A spade. 2. A digger. E. आङ्, खन् to dig. घञ् aff.
  • आखु :: m. (-खुः) 1. A rat, a mouse. 2. A hog. 3. A thief. 4. A sort of tree: see देवताड . E. आङ्, खन् to dig, and कु Unādi aff.
  • आखुकर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) The name of a plant, (Salvinia cucullata.) E. आखु a mouse, and कर्ण an ear; the leaves are compared to the ears of a mouse.
  • आखुग :: m. (-गः) 1. A name of GANESA. 2. A name of KĀRTIKEYA. E. आखु a rat, and ग who goes; GANESA is represented riding on a rat.
  • आखुघात :: m. (-तः) A Sudra or man of low caste and profession, lit. a rat- catcher. E. आखु and घात a blow.
  • आखुपर्णिका :: f. (-का) A plant: see आखुकर्णी . E. आखु and पर्ण a leaf.
  • आखुपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) See the preceding.
  • आखुपाषाण :: m. (-णः) A kind of mineral, a loadstone. E. आखु and पाषाण a stone.
  • आखुभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) A cat. E. आखु and भुज् who eats.
  • आखुरथ :: m. (-थः) A name of GANESA. E. आखु, and रथ a carriage; whose vehicle is a rat.
  • आखुविषहा :: f. (-हा) A kind of grass, (Andropogon serratum.) E. आखु, विष venom, and हा what destroys; considered as a remedy for the bite of a rat.
  • आखूत्थ :: m. (-त्थः) The rising up or coming of rats, a swarm of rats. E. आखु and उत्थ from उत् and स्था with क aff.
  • आखेट :: m. (-टः) 1. Chase, hunting. 2. Terror, fright. E. आङ्, खिट to alarm, घञ् aff.
  • आखेटक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Hunting, a hunter. 2. Frightening, fright- ful. n. (-कं) Hunting. E. आखेट and कन् pleonastic affix; or आङ् with खिट and ण्वुल् aff.
  • आखेटशीर्षक :: n. (-कं) A cavern, a mine. E. आखेट terrifying, and शीर्ष the head or principal, क affix: very gloomy and terrifying.
  • आखेटिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Who or what hunts. 2. Terrible, frightful. m. (-कः) 1. A hound. 2. A hunter. E. आखेट chase, and ठक् aff.
  • आखोट :: m. (-टः) The walnut tree. E. See अक्षोट . &c.
  • आख्या :: f. (-ख्या) A name or appellation. E. ख्या to say, आङ् prefixed, अङ् and टाप् fem. affs.
  • आख्यात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Said, spoken. 2. Called, declared. 3. Made known. 4. Inflected, declined, conjugated. E. part. past of आख्या to say, to speak, &c.
  • आख्यान :: n. (-नं) 1. A tale, a legend. 2. Saying, declaring. E. आङ् before ख्या to tell, affix ल्युट् .
  • आख्यायक :: m. (-कः) A messenger, a teller, an announcer or relater. f. (-यिका) A tale, a true or probable story. E. आख्या to say, खुल् affix, य inserted.
  • आख्येय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Fit or proper to be said. E. आङ् before ख्या to say, affix यत्; also आख्यातव्य .
  • आगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Arrived, come. 2. Received, obtained. 3. Living or residing in. E. आङ् before गम् to go, क्त aff.
  • आगत्य :: ind. Having arrived. E. आङ् before गम् to go, ल्यप् aff.
  • आगन्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) What will come, what is likely to arrive. E. आङ् and गम् to go, तव्य aff.
  • आगन्तु :: mfn. (-न्तुः -न्तुः -न्तु) 1. Coming, arriving. 2. Incidental, adventi- tious. m. (-न्तुः) 1. A guest. 2. A stranger, a new comer. 3. An accident, any accidental hurt or wound. E. आङ् before गम् to go, to come, तु affix; म becomes न; also आगान्तु and आगन्तुक .
  • आगन्तुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -की-कं) 1. Incidental, adventitious. (as pleasure, pain, ornament, &c.) 2. Stray. m. (-कः) 1. A stranger, a new comer. 2. A guest. E. आगन्तु and कन् affix, what comes and goes: what is not inseparably inherent.
  • आगम :: m. (-मः) 1. Arrival, coming, approach. 2. A Sastra or work on sacred science in general, supposed to be of divine origin. 3. A Tantra or any work inculcating the mystical worship of SIVA and SAKTI. 4. A grammatical augment, a syllable or letter inserted in any part of the radical word. 5. Record, title deed, legal title, a voucher or written testimony, &c. E. आङ् before गम् to go, to come, अच् aff.
  • आगमन :: n. (-नं) Arriving, coming. E. आङ् before गम् to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • आगमनिरपेक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Independent of a written voucher or title. E. आगम and निरपेक्षा disregard.
  • आगमय्य :: ind. Having explored or discovered. E. आङ् before गम् to go, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • आगमरहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Devoid of a written title or voucher. 2. Without a Sastra. E. आगम and रहित devoid of.
  • आगमसापेक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) With or supported by legal vouchers. E. आगम and सापेक्ष regard to.
  • आगमापायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Transient, of short duration. E. आगम and अपायिन् separating, going at the time of arrival.
  • आगमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Read over, perused, studied. E. आङ् prefixed to गम् in the causal form; participial affix क्त .
  • आगम्य :: mfn. (-म्यः -म्या -म्यं) 1. To be approached, accessible. 2. To be acquired. E. आङ् before गम् with यत् aff.
  • आगस् :: n. (-गः) 1. Sin. 2. Transgression, offence, fault. E. आग substituted for इण् to go, असुन् Unādi aff.
  • आगाध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Very deep: see अगाध .
  • आगान्तु :: mfn. (-न्तुः -न्तुः -न्तु) A guest: see आगन्तु .
  • आगामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) 1. Arriving, coming. 2. Future. E. आङ् before गम् to go, णिनि aff.
  • आगार :: n. (-रं) A house, a dwelling: see अगार .
  • आगारदाह :: m. (-हः) Arson, setting a house on fire. E. आगार and दाह burn- ing.
  • आगारदाहिन् :: m. (-ही) An incendiary. E. आगारदाह arson, and इनि aff.
  • आगुर् :: f. (-गूः) An agreement: see आगू .
  • आगुरव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) 1. Consisting of or containing Agallochum. 2. Very heavy. E. अगुरु and अण् aff.
  • आगू :: f. (-गूः) An agreement. E. आगम to come, डू affix or आङ् prefixed to गू to come and क्विन् affix; also आगुर् .
  • आग्रीध्र :: n. (-ध्रं) The place where a sacrificial fire is kindled. E. अग्नि fire, and इन्ध to kindle; see अग्नीध्र .
  • आग्नेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Belonging or relating to fire or its deity. n. (-यं) 1. The name of a city, (Devikotta, on the Coromandel Coast.) 2. Blood. 3. Ghee or boiled butter. m. (-यः) A mane of the saint AGASTI. f. (-यी) 1. The wife of AGNI. 2. The south-east quarter, of which AGNI is the regent. E. अग्नि fire or its deity, ढक् affix which leaves एय .
  • आग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. Favour, patronage. 2. Seizing, taking. 3. Surpassing, surmounting. 4. Power, ability. E. आङ्, ग्रह to take, अप् aff.
  • आग्रहायण :: m. (-णः) A month so called, the first of the Hindu year ac- cording to some systems, (November-December.) E. अग्र beginning, and हायन a year; also अग्रहायण, the अ being unchanged.
  • आग्रहायणिक :: m. (-कः) The month Āgrahayana. E. अग्रहायण and ठक् aff.
  • आग्रहायणी :: f. (-णी) 1. The name of a constellation consisting of three stars, one of which is Orionis, figured by an antelope's head, hence also मृगशिरस् . 2. The day of full moon in the month Āgrahayana. E. अग्रहायण and ङीप् aff.
  • आग्रायण :: n. (-णं) A sacrifice offered when the new rice or wheat ripens. E. अग्र chief, अयन coming, अण् aff.
  • आग्रायणेष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) A particular ceremony: see the last. E. आग्रायण and इष्टि a sacrifice.
  • आघट्टक :: m. (-कः) 1. A tree, (the red sort of Achyranthes.) 2. A rubber, what effects friction. E. आङ् before घट्ट to move, and वुन् aff.
  • आघट्टन :: n. (-नं) 1. Friction, rubbing, contact. 2. Shaking. E. आङ् before घट्ट to move, ल्युट् aff.
  • आघट्टित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Touched, rubbed. 2. Shaken. E. आङ् before घट्ट to move, affix क्त .
  • आघर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Rubbing, friction. E. आङ् before घृष् to rub, affix घञ् .
  • आघर्षण :: n. (-णं) Rubbing, friction. f. (-णी) A brush, a rubber. E. आङ् before घृष् to rub, affix ल्युट् .
  • आघर्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Rubbed. E. आङ् before घृष् to rub, क्त aff.
  • आघाट :: m. (-टः) 1. A limit, a boundary. 2. A tree, (Achyranthes aspera.) E. आङ्, घट to endeavour, घञ् aff.
  • आघात :: m. (-तः) 1. Killing, striking. 2. A blow, a wound. 3. A slaughter- house, a place for killing animals or victims. E. आङ्, हन to kill or injure, in the participial form; घ is substituted for ह .
  • आघातन :: n. (-नं) 1. Striking, killing. 2. A slaughter-house. E. आङ्, हन to kill or injure, ल्युट् aff.
  • आघार :: m. (-रः) 1. Ghee or boiled butter. 2. Sprinkling. 3. Sprinkling ghee at certain sacrifices. E. आङ्, घृ to sprinkle, घञ् aff.
  • आघूर्णन :: n. (-नं) 1. Rolling, tossing. 2. Whirling. E. आङ् before घूर्ण to roll, affix ल्युट् .
  • आघूर्णित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Rolled, rolling. 2. Whirled round. E. आङ् before घूर्ण to roll, affix क्त .
  • आघोषण :: n. (-णं) A crying or proclaiming. E. आङ् before घुष to sound, affix ल्युट् .
  • आघ्नत् :: mfn. (-घ्नन् -घ्नती -घ्नत्) Striking, beating. E. आङ् before हन् to kill, affix शतृ .
  • आघ्राण :: m. (-णः) 1. Smelling. 2. Satisfaction, satiety. E. आङ्, घ्रा to smell, युट् aff.
  • आघ्रात :: mfn. (-ताः -ता -तं) 1. Smelled, scented. 2. Surmounted, surpassed. 3. Satisfied, satiated. E. क्त participial affix after आघ्रा to smell, &c.
  • आङ्क्षी :: f. (-ङ्क्षी) A musical instrument, a tabor.
  • आङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) 1. Bodily, corporeal. 2. Having limbs or parts, or relating to them. 3. Relating to the inferior persons of a drama, to a portion of the Vedas, &c.: see अङ्ग m. (-ङ्गः) A soft delicate form or body. E. अङ्ग a body, अण् aff.
  • आङ्गक :: m. (-कः) 1. The ruler of the country Anga. 2. An inhabitant of the same. E. अङ्ग and वुञ् aff.
  • आङ्गार :: n. (-रं) A multitude of firebrands. E. आङ्गार a torch, अण् aff.
  • आङ्गिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Bodily, corporeal. 2. Gesticulated, expressed by bodily action, (dramatic sentiment, passion, &c. exhibited by attitude, gesture, &c.) m. (-कः) A player on a tabor or drum. E. अङ्ग the body, ठञ् aff.
  • आङ्गिरस :: m. (-सः) A name of VRIHAPATI, preceptor of the gods. E. अङ्गिरस् a saint so named, patronymic affix अण्; ANGIRAS being the father of VRIHASPATI.
  • आङ्गुलिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Like a finger. E. अङ्गुली and ठक् aff.
  • आचक्षमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Saying, declaring. E. आङ् before चक्ष to speak, शानच् aff.
  • आचक्षुस् :: m. (-क्षुः) A learned man, a Pandit. E. आङ् before चक्ष् to speak, उसि Unādi aff.
  • आचतुर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Clumsiness, stupidity. E. अचतुर and यञ् aff.
  • आचम :: m. (-मः) Rincing the mouth: see the next.
  • आचमन :: n. (-नं) 1. Rincing the mouth, sipping water before religious ceremonies, meals, &c. from the palm of the hand, and spitting it out again; the ceremony also includes touching the body in various parts. 2. Gargling the throat, &c. E. आङ् before चम् to eat, ल्युट् aff.
  • आचमनक :: m. (-कः) A spitting pot. E. आचमन, वुन् aff.
  • आचमनीय :: n. (-यं) 1. Water for rinsing the mouth. 2. A gargle. E. आङ् before चम् to eat, affix अनीयर् .
  • आचम्य :: ind. Having rinsed the mouth, having sipped and rejected a lit- tle water. E. आङ् before चम् to eat, ल्यप् aff.
  • आचरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Following, observing, usage, practice. 2. An insti- tuted rite or rule of conduct. E. आङ् before चर् to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • आचरणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Right, proper, what is to be followed or ob- served. E. आङ् before चर to go, अनीयर् aff.
  • आचरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रत्) Following, practising, observing. E. आङ् before चर् to go, शतृ aff.
  • आचरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Observed, practised, either as a rite or usage. 2. Usual, customary. 3. Enjoined, fixed by rule. E. आङ् before चर to go, affix क्त .
  • आचर्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) To be gone to or approached. E. आङ् before चर् to go, यत् aff.
  • आचान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Sipped and ejected, (as water.) 2. One who has rinsed his mouth, &c. E. आङ् before चम् to eat, affix क्त .
  • आचाम :: m. (-मः) Sipping water, rincing the mouth. E. आङ् before चम् to eat, affix. घञ् .
  • आचाम्य :: n. (-म्यं) 1. Rincing the mouth, &c. 2. Water so used. 3. A gar- gle. E. आङ् before चम् to eat, ण्यत् aff.
  • आचार :: m. (-रः) 1. An established rule of conduct, an ordinance, an in- stitute, a precept. 2. Custom, practice, usage. E. आङ् before चर् to go, घञ् aff.
  • आचारवर्ज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Irregular, out or rule. 2. Outcaste. E. आचार an institute, and वर्ज्जित abandoned.
  • आचारहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Outcaste, void of decent or established practices, authorised. E. आचार and हीन deprived of.
  • आचारिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Conformable to rule or practice. 2. Pre- scriptive. E. आचार and ठक् aff.
  • आचारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Following established rites or practice. E. आचार and इनि aff.
  • आचार्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) 1. A spiritual guide or teacher; he who invests the student with the sacrificial thread, and instructs him in the Vedas, the law of sacrifice, and religious mysteries. 2. A name of DRONA, the teacher of the Pandus. f. (-र्य्या) A spiritual preceptress. f. (-र्य्याणी) The wife of an Ācharya or holy teacher. E. आङ् before चर् to go, ण्यत् affix, in the fem. टाप् or ङीप् with आनुक् inserted.
  • आचार्य्यत्व :: n. (-त्वं) The office or proficiency of a holy teacher. E. आचार्य्य and त्व affix; also with तल्, आचार्य्यता .
  • आचार्य्यमिश्र :: mfn. (-श्रः -श्रा -श्रं) Venerable, honourable.
  • आचार्य्योपासन :: n. (-नं) Waiting upon or serving the spiritual preceptor. E. आचार्य्य and उपासना worship.
  • आचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Heaped, accumulated. 2. Covered. 3. Spread, diffused. mn. (-तः-तं) 1. A measure of ten Bhāras. 2. A cart-load. E. आङ् and the past participle of चिञ् to collect.
  • आचितिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Holding an Āchita. E. आचित and ठक् aff.
  • आचितीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Holding or equal to an Āchita. E. आचित and ख aff.
  • आचूषण :: n. (-णं) 1. Suction. 2. Application of cupping glasses or horns to the skin, &c. E. आङ् before चूष to suck, ल्युट् . aff.
  • आच्छ :: r. 1st. cl. (-इ) आच्छि (आच्छति) To lengthen or stretch.
  • आच्छन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Covered. 2. Clothed. E. आङ् before छद to cover, affix क्त .
  • आच्छाक :: m. (-कः) A tree, (Morinda tinctoria.)
  • आच्छाद :: m. (-दः) Cloth, clothes. E. आङ् before छद to cover, घञ् aff.
  • आच्छादन :: n. (-नं) 1. Cloth, clothes. 2. Covering, disappearance. 3. A co- vering, a sheath, mantle, cloak, &c. E. See the last, affix ल्युट् .
  • आच्छादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Covered. 2. Clothed. E. आङ् before छद to cover, affix क्त .
  • आच्छाद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) To be covered or clothed. ind. Having clothed or put on. E. आङ् before छद to cover, causal form, यत् or ल्यप् affix; also आच्छादनीय and आच्छादितव्य .
  • आच्छिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Cut, cut off. E. आङ् before छद to cut, क्त aff.
  • आच्छुरित :: n. (-तं) 1. A horse laugh. 2. Making a noise with the finger nails by rubbing them on one another. E. आङ् before छुर to cut, क्त affix; also आच्छुरितक .
  • आच्छुरितक :: n. (-कं) See the preceding.
  • आच्छेद :: m. (-दः) Cutting, cutting off, excision. E. आङ् before छिद to cut, घञ् aff.
  • आच्छेदन :: n. (-नं) Excision. E. आङ् before छिद to cut, ल्युट् aff.
  • आच्छोदन :: n. (-नं) Hunting, the chase. E. आङ् before चुद to command, with ल्युट् affix, च becomes छ .
  • आज :: n. (-जं) Oiled butter. E. आङ् before अज to go, अच् aff.
  • आजक :: n. (-कं) A flock of goats. E. अज a goat, and वुञ् aff.
  • आजकार :: m. (-रः) SIVA'S bull. E. आज from अज to go, and कार what makes.
  • आजगव :: n. (-वं) The bow of SIVA. E. See अजकाव .
  • आजानेय :: m. (-यः) A horse of a good breed. E. अज to go, घञ् affix, आज going: आनेय to be taken: who carries the rider through all opposi- tion, &c.
  • आजि :: f. (-जिः) 1. War, battle. 2. Level ground. 3. An instant. 4. Abuse, reviling. 5. Going. E. अज to go, इन् Unādi affix, and आङ् prefixed or अज with इण् aff.
  • आजिक्रिया :: f. (-या) Fighting, making war. E. आजि and क्रिया act.
  • आजिगीषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Ambitious, desirous to excel or overcome. E. आङ् before जि to conquer, in the desiderative form, affix उस् .
  • आजिग्रह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) What takes or seizes. E. आङ् before ग्रह to take, श aff.
  • आजीव :: m. (-वः) Livelihood, subsistence. E. आङ् before जीव to live, घञ् aff.
  • आजीवन :: n. (-नं) Livelihood. E. आङ् before जीव to live, ल्युट् aff.
  • आजीवनार्थ :: n. (-र्थं) Means of livelihood or subsistence, business, profes- sion. E. आजीवन and अर्थ means.
  • आजीव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. Habitable, fertile. 2. To be practised as a means of living. E. आङ् before जीव्य to be lived, in or by.
  • आजुर् :: f. (-जूः) Working without wages. E. आङ् before जुर to become old, क्विप् affix; also आजू .
  • आजू :: f. (-जूः) See the preceding. E. आङ् before जु to be quick, क्विप् affix and the final lengthened; or जन to be born, and डू aff.
  • आज्ञप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Ordered, commanded. E. आङ् before ज्ञप causal of ज्ञा and क्त affix; also आज्ञापित .
  • आज्ञप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) Order, command. E. आङ् before ज्ञा to know with क्तिन् aff.
  • आज्ञा :: f. (-ज्ञा) An order, a command. E. आङ् before ज्ञा to know, and अङ् aff.
  • आज्ञाकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Obeying, obedient, performing an order. m. (-रः) A servant. E. आज्ञा and कर who makes.
  • आज्ञाकरण :: n. (-णं) Obedience, execution of orders. E. आज्ञा and करण doing.
  • आज्ञाकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Obedient, ministrant, one who obeys or executes orders. E. आज्ञा and कारिन् who acts.
  • आज्ञाचक्र :: n. (-क्रं) A mystical circle or diagram, one of six described by the Tantras. E. आज्ञा and चक्र a circle.
  • आज्ञात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Ordered, commanded. E. आङ् before ज्ञा to know, affix क्त .
  • आज्ञानुयायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Obeying or executing orders, obedient. E. आज्ञा, अनु according to, यायिन् who goes.
  • आज्ञानुवर्त्तिन् :: mfn. (-र्त्ती -र्त्तिनी -र्त्ति) Obeying or executing orders. E. आज्ञा, अनु according to, and वर्त्तिन् who abides.
  • आज्ञानुसारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Obedient, obeying or executing orders. E. आज्ञा, अनु according to, सारिन् who goes.
  • आज्ञापक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Giving orders, a commander, commanding. E. आङ् before ज्ञा to know, causal form, वुन् aff.
  • आज्ञापत्र :: n. (-त्रं) An edict, a written order. E. आज्ञा and पत्र a page.
  • आज्ञापन :: n. (-नं) Ordering, commanding. E. आङ् before ज्ञा to know, causal from, ल्युट् aff.
  • आज्ञाप्रतिघात :: m. (-तः) Disobedience, rebellion. E. आज्ञा and प्रतिघात re- belling.
  • आज्ञाभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Disobedience, insubordination, disloyalty. E. आज्ञा and भङ्ग breaking.
  • आज्ञावह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Obedient, subject, ministrant. E. आज्ञा and वह who bears.
  • आज्ञासम्पादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Obedient, submissive. E. आज्ञा and सम्पा- दिन् who executes.
  • आज्यप :: m. (-पः) A Pitri or progenitor of a class of Pitris who are the sons of PULASTYA, and the ancestors of the Vaisya order. E. आज्य ghee, and प who drinks.
  • आज्यभास :: m. (-सः) Offering ghee at certain ceremonies. E. आज्य and भास what shines.
  • आञ्चन :: n. (-नं) Partial extraction of thorns or arrows and the like from the body. E. आङ् before अञ्च् to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • आञ्जनेय :: m. (-यः) A name of the monkey HANUMĀN. E. अञ्जना the mother of HANUMĀN, and ढक् patronymic affix which leaves एय .
  • आञ्जिनेय :: m. (-यः) An insect, a kind of lizard. E. अञ्जन antimony, ढक् affix, and इट् inserted; from the blue tint of the animal's back.
  • आटविक :: m. (-कः) A wood-man. E. अटवी a wood, and ठञ् aff.
  • आटरूप :: m. (-पः) A tree, (Justicia adhenatoda, &c.) E. See अटरुष . the अ being made long.
  • आटि :: m. (-टिः) The Śarali, a bird so called, (Turdus ginginianus.) E. आङ् before अट to go, इन् aff.
  • आटीकन :: n. (-नं) The leaping motion of a calf. E. आङ् prefixed to टीक to go, ल्युट् affix; also written आटीकर and आटीलक .
  • आटीकर :: m. (-रः) A bull. E. आटीक leaping, and र who gets or uses.
  • आटोप :: m. (-पः) 1. Pride. 2. Flatulence, borborygmi. E. आङ् before टुप a Sautra root, to be proud, and घञ् aff.
  • आडम्बर :: m. (-रः) 1. Charge sounded by musical instruments. 2. The roaring of elephants. 3. A drum used in battle. 4. Commencement. 5. The eyelid. 6. Pride, arrogance. 7. Anger, passion. 8. Happi- ness, pleasure. n. (-रं) Rubbing and moulding the body. E. आङ् before दम to tame or subdue, वरच् affix; द is changed to ड .
  • आडम्बरिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Proud, arrogant. E. आडम्बर and इनि aff.
  • आडि :: f. (-डिः) A bird, the Śarali, (Turdus ginginianus.) E. आङ् before अड to go, इन् affix; also आटि, आडिका and आटी .
  • आडू :: m. (-डूः) A raft, a float. E. अ neg. अण to sound, ड and ऊ Unādi affixes.
  • आडक :: mfn. (-कः -की -का-कं) A measure of grain equal to four Prasthas or containing nearly 7lbs. 11 oz. avoirdupois: in Bengal an Araka is equal to two mons or 164lbs. avds. f. (-की) 1. A kind of pulse, (Cytisus cajan.) 2. A fragrant earth: see तुवरी . E. आङ्, ढोक to go, irregularly अच्, fem. ङीप् or टाप् with इक् inserted.
  • आढकिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Sown with an Āḍhaka of seed, (a field, &c.) 2. Holding or containing the same. E. आढक the measure, and ठञ् aff.
  • आढकीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) See the preceding. E. आढक, ख aff.
  • आढ्य :: mfn. (-ढ्यः -ढ्या -ढ्यं) 1. Opulent, wealthy, rich. 2. Abounding in, pro- ductive. 3. Having, being possessed of. E. आङ्, ध्यै to consider, to meditate, क irregular aff.
  • आढ्यङ्करण :: n. (-णं) Enriching, or the means of enriching, wealth, pros- perity. E. आढ्य and ख्युन् aff.
  • आढ्यचर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Formerly opulent. E. आढ्य and चरट् aff.
  • आढ्यम्भविष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णु -ष्णु) Becoming rich or eminent. E. आढ्य and भू to be, खिष्णुच् aff.
  • आढ्यम्भावुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Becoming rich or eminent. E. आढ्य and भू to be, with खकञ् aff.
  • आणक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Low, inferior: see आणक .
  • आणवीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Bearing or fit to bear panic. E. अणु panic, and खञ् aff.
  • आणि :: mf. (-णिः) 1. The edge of a sword. 2. The pin of the axle of a cart. 3. A limit, a boundary. E. अण to sound, इन् affix, the pen. long; also अणि .
  • आण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) A multitude of eggs, &c. E. अण्ड and अण् aff.
  • आण्डीर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Having many eggs, &c. E. आण्ड and ईरच् aff.
  • आतङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) 1. Fear, apprehension. 2. Disease, sickness. 3. Afflic- tion, pain. 4. Fever. 5. The sound of a drum or tabor. E. आङ्, तकि to live in distress, घञ् aff.
  • आतञ्चन :: n. (-नं) 1. Calcining, adding a powder or flux to metals in fusion. 2. The flux so used. 3. Casting any thing into another to effect some change, as butter milk into fresh milk to turn it. 4. Casting away, destroying. 5. Danger, calamity, as a pestilence or epidemic. 6. Speed, velocity. 7. Gratifying, satisfying. E. आङ्, तञ्चु to go, and ल्युट् aff.
  • आतत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Spread, extended. E. आङ् before तन to spread, क्त aff.
  • आततायिता :: f. (-ता) Stealing, persecuting, murdering, destroying. E. आततायिन् and तल् affix; also with त्व affix, आततायित्वं .
  • आततायिन् :: mfn. (-यि -यिनी -यि) A felon, a thief, a murderer, incendiary, ravisher, &c. E. आतत extended, every where, ई to go, and णिनि affix.
  • आतन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sight, view. 2. Spreading, expanding. E. आङ् be- fore तन to spread, अच् aff.
  • आतप :: m. (-पः) Sun-shine. E. आङ् before तप to heat, to shine, अच् aff.
  • आतपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A large umbrella of silk or leaves, used in the east as a parasol. E. आतप sun-shine, त्र what preserves.
  • आतपत्रक :: n. (-कं) A small umbrella, a mat or basket carried on the head as one. E. आतपत्र a parasol, and कन् aff.
  • आतपवारण :: n. (-णं) A Chhattah or Indian parasol. E. आतप sun-shine, and वारण preventing.
  • आतपशुष्क :: mfn. (-ष्कः -ष्का -ष्कं) Dried in the sun, evaporated by the solar heat. E. आतप and शुष्क dry.
  • आतपाभाव :: m. (-वः) Shade. E. आतप and अभाव non-existence.
  • आतर :: m. (-रः) Fare, freight. E. आङ्, तृ to cross or pass over, अप् aff.
  • आतर्पण :: n. (-णं) 1. Satisfying, satisfaction. 2. Whitening the wall or

floor or seat on festival occasions. E. आङ्, तृप to satisfy or to be satisfied, ल्युट् aff.

  • आतापिन् :: m. (-पी) A kite. E. See the next.
  • आतायिन् :: m. (-यी) A kite. E. आङ् before ताय to spread, णिनि affix; it is also read आतापिन्, from तप to be warm.
  • आतार :: m. (-रः) Fare, freight. E. आङ्, तृ to cross, affix घञ् .
  • आति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A bird. 2. Going. E. अत् to go, इण् affix: or Unādi affix इन् .
  • आतिथेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) 1. Proper for a guest. 2. Hospitable, attentive to a guest. E. अतिथि a guest, and ढञ् aff.
  • आतिथ्य :: mfn. (-थ्यः -थ्या -थ्यं) 1. Proper for a guest. 2. Hospitable, attent- ive to a guest. n. (-थ्यं) Hospitality. m. (-थ्यः) A guest. E. अतिथि and ज्य aff.
  • आतिरेक्य :: n. (-क्यं) Excess, superfluity. E. अतिरेक exceeding, ण्यत् aff.
  • आतिशय्य :: n. (-य्यं) Excess, quantity. E. अतिशय much, and यञ् aff.
  • आतु :: m. (-तुः) A raft, a float. E. आङ्, तृ to cross, and डु aff.
  • आतुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Diseased. E. आङ् before तुर to hasten, क aff.
  • आतृप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) Satisfiable, to be satisfied. m. (-प्यः) The custard apple tree, (Annona reticulata.) n. (-प्यं) The fruit. E. आङ् before तृप् to satisfy, क्यप् aff.
  • आतोद्य :: n. (-द्यं) A musical instrument. E. आङ् before तुद to torment, ण्यत् aff.
  • आत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Taken, accepted. 2. Assumed. 3. Attracted. E. आङ before दा to give, क्त aff.
  • आत्तगन्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) 1. Humbled, degraded. 2. Perfumed. E. आत्त taken, and गन्ध pride; whose pride is taken down.
  • आत्तगर्व्व :: mfn. (-र्व्वः -र्व्वा -र्व्वं) Humbled, &c. see the preceding. E. As before, गर्व्व pride.
  • आत्मकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) One's own act. E. आत्मन् and कर्म्म act.
  • आत्मकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Self-executed, done of one's self. E. आत्मन् and कृत done.
  • आत्मगुप्ता :: f. (-प्ता) A plant, Cowach, (Carpopogon pruriens.) E. आत्मन् self, गुप्त hidden; self-preserved.
  • आत्मग्राहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) Selfish, greedy, taking care of one's self, appropriating, taking for one's self. E. आत्मन् and ग्राहिन् who seizes.
  • आत्मघात :: m. (-तः) 1. Suicide. 2. Heresy, schism. E. आत्मन् and घात killing.
  • आत्मघातिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) 1. A suicide. 2. A heretic, a schismatic, one who disregards the moral or religious institutions of the code. E. आत्मन् and घातिन् who kills.
  • आत्मघोष :: m. (-षः) 1. A crow. 2. A cock. E. आत्मन्, घुषि to sound, and घञ् aff.
  • आत्मज :: m. (-जः) A son. f. (-जा) 1. A daughter. 2. The understanding. E. आत्मन् the body or soul, and ज born, produced.
  • आत्मजन्मन् :: m. (-न्मा) A son. E. आत्मन् and जन्मन् birth.
  • आत्मज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) A sage, one who knows his own nature and that of spirit. E. आत्मन् and ज्ञ who knows.
  • आत्मज्ञान :: n. (-नं) Spiritual knowledge, true wisdom. E. आत्मन् and ज्ञान knowledge.
  • आत्मगत :: ind. (-तं) Apart, to one's self, (in theatrical language.) E. आत्मन् and गत gone.
  • आत्मतत्त्व :: n. (-त्वं) The nature of spirit. E. आत्मन् and तत्त्व truth.
  • आत्मतत्त्वज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) A sage, especially one versed in the Vedanta doc- trines. E. आत्मतत्त्व and ज्ञ who knows.
  • आत्मता :: f. (-ता) 1. Identity with self. 2. Spirituality. E. आत्मन् and तल् affix; also with त्व affix, आत्मत्वं .
  • आत्मत्यागिन् :: m. (-गी) 1. A suicide. 2. A heretic, an unbeliever. E. आत्मन् and त्यागिन् who deserts.
  • आत्मदर्श :: m. (-र्शः) A mirror. E. आत्मन् and दर्श sight, seeing.
  • आत्मदर्शन :: n. (-नं) Knowledge of man's real nature, spiritual knowledge. E. आत्मन् and दर्शन seeing.
  • आत्मद्रोहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) Self-tormenting, fretful, miserable. E. आत्मन् and द्रोहिन् who torments.
  • आत्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) 1. The soul. 2. The natural temperament or disposition. 3. BRAHM, the supreme deity and soul of the universe, or more usually in this sense परमात्मा . 4. Life, spirit, the vivifying soul in opposition to the sentient; commonly also जीवात्मा . 5. Body. 6. Care, effort, pains. 7. Firmness. 8. The understanding, the intellect. 9. The mind or faculty of reason. 10. The sun. 11. Fire. 12. Wind, air. 13. A son. 14. The self, the abstract individual. E. आङ्, अत to go, मनिन् Unādi aff.
  • आत्मनीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Existent, sentient. 2. Appropriate, good for, fit for. 3. Suitable. (as diet, &c.) m. (-नः) 1. A son. 2. A wife's brother. 3. A jester. E. आत्मन् and ख aff.
  • आत्मनेपद :: n. (-दं) The middle voice, the proper form of the verb. E. आत्मने to one's self, पद inflected word.
  • आत्मबन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) One's own kinsman, a first cousin or father's sister's son, mother's brother's son, mother's sister's son. E. आत्मन् own, and बन्धु relative.
  • आत्मबुद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) 1. Self-knowledge. 2. One's own knowledge. E. आत्मन् and बुद्धि knowledge.
  • आत्मबोध :: m. (-धः) Spiritual instruction. E. आत्मन् and बोध causing to know.
  • आत्मभाव :: m. (-वः) Proper or peculiar nature. E. आत्मन् and भाव disposition.
  • आत्मभू :: mfn. (-भू -भूः -भु) Self-born, self-existent. m. (-भूः) 1. A name of BMAHMA. 2. Of KAMADEVA. 3. Of VISHNU, and 4. Of SIVA. E. आत्मन् self, and भू being.
  • आत्मभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Self-produced. 2. Own, peculiar, belonging to. 3. Attached to, faithful. E. आत्मन् and भूत become.
  • आत्ममानिन् :: mfn. (-नी -निनी -नि) Respecting one's self, decorous, respect- able. E. आत्मन् and मानिन् respecting.
  • आत्ममूली :: f. (-ली) A plant, (Hedysarum alhagi:) see दुरालभा . E. आत्मन् and मूल a root.
  • आत्मम्भरि :: mfn. (-रिः -रिः -रि) Relfish, greedy. E. आत्मन् self and भरि who- nourishes, from भृ to nourish, with खि aff.
  • आत्मयाजिन् :: m. (-जी) A wise or learned man, one who studies his own nature and that of the soul. E. आत्मन् and याजिन् who worships.
  • आत्मयोनि :: m. (-निः) 1. A name of BRAHMA. 2. Of SIVA. 3. Of VISHNU, and 4. Of KAMADEVA. E. आत्मन् self, and योनि the place of birth: see आत्मभू .
  • आत्मलोमन् :: n. (-म) 1. The beard. 2. The hair of the body. E. आत्मन् and लोमन् hair.
  • आत्मवत् :: ind. Like one's self. E. आत्मन् and वति aff.
  • आत्मवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Prudent, considerate. 2. Self-possessed, composed, calm. E. आत्मन् and मतुप् aff.
  • आत्मवत्ता :: f. (-त्ता) 1. Self-resemblance. 2. Proportion, analogy. 3. Pru- dence, self-regard. E. तल् added to the preceding.
  • आत्मवश :: m. (-शः) Subjection of the mind, self-controul, self-government. E. आत्मन् and वश subjection.
  • आत्मविद् :: m. (-विद्) 1. A sensible man, one who knows himself. 2. A wise man, a sage, one who knows the nature of the soul or spirit. E. आत्मन् and विद् who knows.
  • आत्मविद्या :: f. (-द्या) Spiritual knowledge. E. आत्मन् and विद्या science.
  • आत्मविवृद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Self-advantage. E. आत्मन् and विवृद्धि encrease.
  • आत्मवीर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Existent, sentient. 2. Appropriate, good for one's self. 3. Suitable, (as diet, &c.) m. (-रः) 1. A wife's brother. 2. A jester. E. आत्मन् and वीर heroic, strong.
  • आत्मवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Practising one's duties or occupation. E. आत्मन् and वृत्ति profession.
  • अत्मशक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Inherent or own power. E. आत्मन् self, and शक्ति power.
  • आत्मशुद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Self-purification. E. आत्मन् and शुद्धि purity.
  • आत्मश्लाघा :: f. (-घा) Boasting. E. आत्मन् self, श्लाघा praise.
  • आत्मसंयम :: m. (-मः) Self-restraint, stoicism. E. आत्मन् self, and संयम restraint.
  • आत्मसन्देह :: m. (-हः) Internal doubt. E. आत्मन् and सन्देह doubt.
  • आत्मसम्भव :: m. (-वः) A son. E. आत्मन् and सम्भव birth.
  • आत्मसात् :: ind. One's own. E. आत्मन् and सात् aff.
  • आत्मसात्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Appropriated, made one's own. E. आत्मसात् and कृत made.
  • आत्मसिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Self-advantage. E. आत्मन् and सिद्धि accomplishment.
  • आत्महत्या :: f. (-त्या) Suicide, self-destruction. E. आत्मन् and हत्या killing.
  • आत्महन् :: m. (-हा) 1. A suicide, a self-murderer. 2. A heretic, an unbeliever. 3. A priest in a temple, a servant or attendant upon an idol. E. आत्मन् and हन् who kills or destroys, self-destroying; the priest subsisting by appropriating to himself offerings to deities, for which future punishment is assigned.
  • आत्महनन :: n. (-नं) Suicide. E. आत्मन् and हनन killing.
  • आत्महित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Beneficial to one's self. E. आत्मन् and हित good for.
  • आत्मादिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Self-counselled. m. (-ष्टः) A treaty dictated by the party wishing it himself. E. आत्मन् and आदिष्ट directed.
  • आत्माधीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Sentient, existent. m. (-नः) 1. A wife's brother. 2. A censorious man. 3. A son. E. आत्मन् and अधीन dependent.
  • आत्मापहारक :: m. (-कः) An impostor, one who pretends to belong to a higher class than his own. E. आत्मन् and अपहारक a plunderer: who steals himself.
  • आत्मार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) For one's own sake, for the sake of one's self. E. आत्मन् and अर्थ object.
  • आत्माशिन् :: m. (-शी) A fish. E. आत्मन्, अश् to eat, णिनि affix; supposed to eat its young.
  • आत्माश्रय :: m. (-यः) 1. Self-dependence. 2. Innate idea, abstract knowledge, independent of the thing to be known. E. आत्मन् self, and आश्रय asylum.
  • आत्मीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Cognate, related, of kin. 2. Own. E. आत्मन् and छण् aff.
  • आत्मोदय :: m. (-यः) Self-advantage or elevation. E. आत्मन् and उदय rising.
  • आत्मोपम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Like one's self. E. आत्मन् and उपमा resemblance.
  • आत्मोपजीविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) 1. A public performer, actor, singer, dancer, &c. 2. A day-labourer. E. आत्मन् self, उपजीविन् who subsists: who lives by his own exertions.
  • आत्मोद्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Born or produced from one's self. m. (-वः) A son. f. (-वा) 1. A daughter. 2. A plant, (Glycine debilis.) E. आत्मन् and उद्भव born.
  • आत्यन्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Supreme. 2. Excessive, abundant. 3. In- finite. E. अत्यन्त exceeding, ठक् aff.
  • आत्ययिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Ill-omened, unpropitious. 2. Destructive. 3. Disastrous. 4. Distressing, painful. E. अत्यय destruction, ठक् aff.
  • आत्यूह :: m. (-हः) A gallinule: see दात्यूह .
  • आत्रेय :: m. (-यः) 1. The name of a Muni or saint, the son of ATRI, applica- ble to DATTA, DURVASAS, and SOMA. 2. An essential humor or juice of the body. f. (-यिका or -यी) A woman during her courses. f. (-यी) 1. The name of a river in the north of Bengal. 2. The wife of ATRI. 3. Any woman of the Brahmanical order. E. अत्रि a saint so called, ढक् patronymic aff.
  • आथर्व्वण :: m. (-णः) 1. A family priest. 2. A Brahman versed in the Athar- van Veda. n. (-णं) 1. A collection of prayers, &c. delivered by ATHAR- VAN, a sage. 2. A private apartment in which after sacrifice, the sacrificer receives absolution from the officiating Brahman. E. अथर्व्वण a Veda, and अण् aff.
  • आथर्व्वणिक :: m. (-कः) A Brahman who has studied the Atharva Veda. E. अथर्व्वण and ठक् aff.
  • आदत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Taken, received. E. आङ् before दा to give, क्त aff.
  • आददान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Taking, accepting. E. आङ् before दा to give, affix शानच् .
  • आदधान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Having, possessing. E. आङ् before धा to have, शानच् aff.
  • आदर :: m. (-रः) 1. Respect, reverence. 2. Commencement, beginning. E. आङ्, दृ to have, अप् aff.
  • आदरणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Venerable, respectable. 2. To be attended to. E. आङ् before दृ to have, अनीयर् aff.
  • आदर्त्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be respected or regarded. E. आङ्, दृ and तव्य aff.
  • आदर्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) Venerable, respectable. E. आङ् before दृ to have, यत् aff.
  • आदर्श :: m. (-र्शः) 1. A Mirror. 2. A commentary. 3. The original manus- cript from which a copy is taken. E. आङ्, दृशि to see, घञ् aff.
  • आदर्शन :: n. (-नं) 1. Showing, making apparent or seen. 2. A mirror. E. आङ् before दृश to see, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • आदर्शित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Shown, made apparent. E. आङ् before दृश to see, causal form, क्त aff.
  • आदान :: n. (-नं) 1. Taken, receipt, acceptance. 2. A horse's trappings. 3. A symptom. f. (-नी) A plant: see हस्तिघोषा . E. आङ् reversing the sense, and दा to give, ल्युट् affix, fem. ङीप् .
  • आदाय :: ind. Having taken. E. आङ् before दा to give, ल्यप् aff.
  • आदायचर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Who goes away after taking any thing. E. आदाय, चर to go, ट aff.
  • आदि :: m. only (-दिः) 1. First, prior. 2. First, pre-eminent. ind. (In composition,) Other, et-cetera, as स्वादि the affix सु et-cetera. E. आङ् before दा to give, and कि aff.
  • आदिकर :: m. (-रः) BRAHMA, the creator. E. आदि and कर who makes.
  • आदिकर्त्तृ :: m. (-र्त्ता) BRAHMA, as the creator. E. आदि and कर्त्तृ who makes.
  • आदिकवि :: m. (-विः) 1. A name of BRAHMA. 2. A name of VALMIKI, the first mortal poet. E. आदि the first, and कवि a poet.
  • आदिकारण :: n. (-णं) A primary cause. E. आदि and कारण cause.
  • आदितस् :: ind. From the first, from the beginning. E. आदि and तसि aff.
  • आदितेय :: m. (-यः) A deity, a divinity. E. अदिति the mother of the gods. and ढक् derivative aff.
  • आदित्य :: m. (-त्यः) 1. A deity in general. 2. A deity of a particular class; the ADITYAS are twelve in number, they are forms of SURYA or the sun, and appear to represent him as distinct in each month of the year. 3. The sun. E. अदिति the mother of the gods, and घञ् derivative aff.
  • आदित्यपुष्पिका :: f. (-का) Red swallow wort. E. आदित्य the sun, and पुष्पिका having a flower, the flower of the sun, from its red colour: see अर्कपुष्पिका .
  • आदित्यमण्डल :: n. (-लं) The disc or orb of the sun. E. आदित्य and मण्डल a circle.
  • आदित्यसूनु :: m. (-नुः) 1. A name of SUGRIVA, a monkey king; 2. of YAMA; 3. of SANI or SATURN. E. आदित्य the sun, and सूनु a son.
  • आदित्व :: n. (-त्वं) Priority, precedence. E. आदि and त्व added; also आदिता with तल् aff.
  • आदित्सिता :: f. (-ता) Wish to seize. E. आङ् before दा to give, desiderative from, क्त aff.
  • आदित्सु :: mfn. (-त्सुः -त्सुः -त्सु) Wishing to take or have. E. आङ् before दा to give, desiderative form, उस् aff.
  • आदिदेव :: m. (-वः) Name of VISHNU or NARAYANA. E. आदि the first, and देव a god, the first god, the creator.
  • आदिपुरुष :: m. (-षः) The first male, usually applied to VISHNU. E. आदि the first, and पुरुष a man.
  • आदिभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) First born or existent. m. (-तः) BRAHMA. E. आदि and भूत been.
  • आदिम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) First, prior. E. आदि and डिमच् aff.
  • आदिराज :: m. (-जः) The name of a king; also पृथु . E. आदि and राजन् a king, the first king; he was a form of VISHNU, and husband of Prithivi or the earth.
  • आदिवराह :: m. (-हः) A name of VISHNU. E. आदि and वराह a boar; the first boar, alluding to VISHNU'S avatara or incarnation in that form; also similar compounds, as आदिशूकरः, आद्यकोलः, &c.
  • आदिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Commanded, directed. 2. Appointed. 3. Ad-

viced, enjoined. 4. Said. n. (-ष्टं) Fragments or leavings of a meal. E. आङ् before दिश् to point or shew, क्त aff.

  • आदिष्टिन् :: m. (-ष्टी) 1. A student, a Brahman in the first order. 2. A penite, one engaged in any expiatory rite. E. आदिष्ट what is in- structed, and इनि aff.
  • आदीनव :: m. (-वः) 1. Distress, pain, uneasiness. 2. Fault, transgression. 3. An inflictor of distress. E. आङ् before दीङ् to decay, deriv. irr.
  • आदीपन :: n. (-नं) 1. Whitening the wall, floor, or seat, &c. upon festi- val occasions. 2. Embellishing. 3. Inflaming, exciting. E. आङ्, दीप् to beautify, ल्युट् aff.
  • आदीपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Illuminated. E. आङ् before दीप् to inflame, क्त aff.
  • आदृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Respectful. 2. Respected, honoured, worship- ped. 3. Zealous, diligent. E. आङ् before दृञ् to have, and क्त aff.
  • आदृत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) Venerable, respectable. E. आङ् before दृ to have, क्यप् affix; तुक् augment.
  • आदेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Receivable, leviable, what may be taken or re- ceived. E. आङ् before दा to give, यत् aff.
  • आदेवक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) One who sports or plays. E. आङ् before दिन to sport, वुञ् aff.
  • आदेश :: m. (-शः) 1. An order, a command. 2. Advice, instruction. 3. (In grammar,) A substitute. 4. (In astrology,) Event, result, conse- quence of stellar conjunctions, &c. E. आङ् before दिश् to point or shew, घञ् aff.
  • आदेशिन् :: m. (-शी) 1. A commander, a director. 2. An astrologer, a for- tune-teller. E. आङ् before दिश to point or shew, and णिनि aff.
  • आदेष्टृ :: m. (-ष्टा) 1. An adviser, a director, a commander. 2. An employer of priests. E. आङ् before दिश to shew, तृच् aff.
  • आद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) 1. First, initial. 2. Edible, what is to be or may be eaten. n. (-द्यं) 1. Grain. 2. Food. f. (-द्या) A name of DURGA. E. आदि and ण्यत् affix, fem. टाप् .
  • आद्यकवि :: m. (-विः) A name of VALMIKI, author of the Ramayana. E. आद्य first, and कवि a poet, being the first who wrote Sanskrit verse.
  • आद्यन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) From the beginning to the end. n. (-न्तं) Be- ginning and end, first and last. E. आदि first, and अन्त last.
  • आद्यन्तवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Finite, having beginning and end. E. आदि beginning, अन्त end, and मतुप् aff.
  • आद्यमाषक :: m. (-कः) A Masha, a weight equal to five Gunja or Retti seeds, about 17(1/2) grains troy. E. आद्य and माषक a Masha, the pri- mary Masha; also माष and मास .
  • आद्यवीज :: n. (-जं) A primary cause. E. आद्य and वीज seed, cause.
  • आद्यून :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Shamelessly voracious. 2. Without the begin- ning. E. आङ्, दिव to play or enjoy in the part. past, or आदि first, and ऊन minus.
  • आद्योपान्त :: adv. (-न्तं) From first to last. E. आद्य and उप near, अन्त end.
  • आधमन :: n. (-नं) A pledge.
  • आधर्म्मिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Unjust, unrighteous. E. अ neg. धर्म्म virtue, &c. ठक् aff.
  • आधर्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Conviction, (of crime or of error.) 2. Sentence, refutation. 3. Injuring, annoying. E. आङ् before धृष to be bold, ल्युट् aff.
  • आधर्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Convicted, sentenced. 2. Refuted, disproved. 3. Injured, aggrieved. E. आङ् before धृष to be bold, affix क्त .
  • आधान :: n. (-नं) 1. Taking, having. 2. Receiving, recovering. 3. A cere- mony performed with consecrated fire. 4. A pledge, a deposit. 5. A surety. 6. A ceremony performed pervious to conception: see गर्भाधान . E. आङ् before धा to have, affix ल्युट् .
  • आधानिक :: n. (-कं) A ceremony performed after cohabitation to procure or favour conception. E. आधान and ठक् affix: see the preceding.
  • आधाय :: ind. Having deposited or placed. E. आङ् before धा to have, ल्यप् aff.
  • आधार :: m. (-रः) 1. Support, prop, stay. 2. Receptacle. 3. Comprehen-

sion, location, the sense of the ablative in or on. 4. A dike, a canal. 5. A basin round the foot of a tree. E. आङ् and धृ to hold or contain, घञ् aff.

  • आधाराधेयभाव :: m. (-वः) The influence or action of the support or recipi- ent upon the thing received or supported. E. आधार support, &c. आधेय what is to be held, and भाव quality.
  • आधि :: m. (-धिः) 1. Mental agony, anxiety. 2. Exception. 3. Defini- tion. 4. A pledge, a pawn, a mortgage. 5. Location, fixing, scite, &c. 6. Engagement. E. आङ् before ध्यै to reflect, and कि aff.
  • आधिक्य :: n. (-क्यं) Excess. E. अधिक more, ष्यञ् aff.
  • आधिज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced by pain, &c. E. आधि pain, and ज produced.
  • आधिज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) 1. Crooked. 2. Pained, distressed. E. आधि pain, &c. and ज्ञ who knows.
  • आधिकारण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) 1. Possession. 2. Location. E. अधिकरण, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • आधिकारिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Supreme, superior, relating or belong- ing to any thing or person of importance or sway. 2. Official, re- lating to any office or duty. E. अधिकार and ठञ् aff.
  • आधित्व :: n. (-त्वं) Nature or circumstance of a pledge. E. अधि and त्व aff.
  • आधित्वोपाधि :: m. (-धिः) The object or purpose with which a pledge is given, the conditions or terms of a mortgage. E. आधित्व and उपाधि condition.
  • आधिदैविक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating to, a tutelary or presiding deity. E. अधिदैव and ठञ् aff.
  • आधिपत्य :: n. (-त्यं) Power, supremacy, sovereignty. E. अधिपति a lord or master, &c. ष्यञ् aff.
  • आधिभोग :: m. (-गः) Usufruct, enjoyment or use of a deposit, use of a horse, cow, &c. pledged. E. आधि a pledge, and भोग enjoyment.
  • आधिभौतिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Elementary, derived or produced from the primitive elements. E. अधिभूत a material cause, ठञ् aff.
  • आधिमन्यव :: m. (-वः) Feverish heat or burning. E. आधि and मन्यु distress, अण् aff.
  • आधिराज्य :: n. (-ज्यं) Supreme sway, royalty, royal government. E. अधिराज and ष्यञ् aff.
  • आधिवेदनिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Property, &c. given to a first wife upon marrying a second. E. अधि before विद् to know, and ल्युट affix, अधिवेदन, ठक् aff.
  • आधीकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Pledging, mortgaging. 2. A pledge. E. आधि and करण making, &c. with च्वि inserted.
  • आधीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pledged, pawned, mortgaged. E. आधि and कृत made, with च्वि augment.
  • आधीकृत्य :: ind. Having pledged. E. आधि with कृत्य having done, च्वि augment.
  • आधुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Shaken, trembling. E. आङ् before धु or धू to trem- ble, affix क्त; it is also long, आधूत .
  • आधूनिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) New, recent, of the present moment. E. अधुना now, and ठक् aff.
  • आधूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Shaken, agitated, trembling. E. आङ् before धूत shaken.
  • आधूर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Weakness, infirmity. E. अ neg. धूर्य्य to be borne, अण् aff.
  • आधृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Contained, supported. E. आङ् before धृ to have, क्त aff.
  • आधेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Placed, deposited or to be deposited. 2. To be received or supported. 3. To be pledged or mortgaged. E. आङ् be- fore धा to have or hold, and यत् aff.
  • आधोरण :: m. (-णः) The rider or driver of an elephant. E. आङ् before धोर to move well, ल्युट् aff.
  • आध्मात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sounded, sounding. 2. Inflated. 3. Burnt. m. (-तः) 1. Flatulence, borborygmi, swelling of the abdomen with noise. 2. War, battle. E. आङ् before ध्मा to blow, affix क्त .
  • आध्मान :: n. (-नं) 1. Blowing, inflation. 2. A bellow. 3. Intumescence,

swelling of the belly, dropsy. E. आङ् before ध्मा to blow, and ल्युट aff.

  • आध्या :: f. (-ध्या) Recollection, remembering especially with regret. E. आङ् before ध्यै to reflect, अच् affix, and टाप् fem.
  • आध्यात्मिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating to the supreme spirit, spiritual, holly. E. अध्यात्म the soul, and ठक् aff.
  • आध्यान :: n. (-नं) Remembering, pensive or sorrowful recollection, dwel- ling or meditating upon, &c. E. आङ् before ध्यै to consider, and ल्युट aff.
  • आध्यापक :: m. (-कः) A teacher, a scriptural preceptor. E. आङ् prefixed to the causal of अधि to peruse, affix वुन् .
  • आध्युपभोग :: m. (-गः) Usufruct of a pledge. E. आधि and उपभोग enjoyment.
  • आध्यर्य्यव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Belonging to the officiating priest. E. अध्वय्यु and अञ् aff.
  • आन :: m. (-नः) Breath inspired. E. अन् to be, अण् affix; existing by it.
  • आनक :: m. (-कः) 1. A large military drum, beaten at one end. 2. A double drum. 3. A small drum or tabor. 4. A thunder-cloud, or a cloud to which the noise of the thunder is ascribed. E. आङ before अन to sound, and वुन् aff.
  • आनकदुन्दुभि :: m. (-भिः) A name of VASUDEVA the father of KRISHNA. E. अनकदुन्दुभ the parent of VASUDEVA, इञ aff.
  • आनकदुन्दुभि :: mf. (-भिः-भी) A large drum beaten at one end, a large dhol, a kettle drum. E. आनक what sounds and दुन्दुभि a drum.
  • आनक्य :: m. (-क्यः) Name of a Muni or sage: see काण्डिल्य .
  • आनत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Bending, stooping, bowed. 2. Pacified, conci- liated. 3. Humbled. 4. Submissive, obedient. E. आङ् before नम् to bow or bend, affix क्त .
  • आनति :: f. (-तिः) Bending, bowing, stooping. E. आङ before नम to bow, क्तिन् aff.
  • आनद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Bound, tied. 2. Costive. n. (-द्धं) 1. A drum in general: also अवनद्ध . 2. Dressing, Putting on clothes or ornaments. E. आङ्, before नह to bind, and क्त aff.
  • आनन :: n. (-नं) The mouth, (and by syncope) the face. E. आङ before अन to live or breathe, ल्युट aff.
  • आनन्तर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Proximity, absence of interval. 2. Immediate conse- quence or succession. E. अनन्तर and यञ aff.
  • आनन्त्य :: n. (-न्त्यं) 1. Infinity. 2. Immortality, future happiness. E. अनन्त endless, यञ aff.
  • आनन्द :: m. (-न्दः) 1. Happiness, joy. 2. BALARAMA according to the Jaina system of many KRISHNAS and many BALARAMAS. n. (-न्दं) GOD, Supreme spirit, according to the Vedanta. f. (-न्दी) A plant, vul- garly Ākanpata. E. आङ् before नदि to be or make happy, घञ aff.
  • आनन्दथु :: mfn. (-थुः -थुः -थु) Happy, joyful. m. (-थुः) Happiness, joy. E. आङ् before नदि to be happy, and अथुच् aff.
  • आनन्दद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Exhilarating, delighting: so आनन्दकर .
  • आनन्ददत्त :: m. (-त्तः) Membrum virile.
  • आनन्दन :: n. (-नं) 1. Civility, courtesy, the treatment of a friend or guest at meeting and parting. 2. Delighting, making happy. 3. What gives or occasions delight. E. आङ् before नदि to make happy, and ल्युट् aff.
  • आनन्दपट :: n. (-टं) Bridal clothes. E. आनन्द making happy, and पट cloth.
  • आनन्दप्रभव :: m. (-वः) The seminal fluid. E. आनन्द pleasure, and प्रभव what is manifest.
  • आनन्दमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Blissful, made up or consisting of happiness. n. (-यं) The Supreme Spirit. E. आनन्द and मयट् aff.
  • आनन्दमयकोष :: m. (-षः) The innermost case of the body, or cansal frame enshrining the soul. E. आनन्दमय and कोष sheath.
  • आनन्दानन्दन :: m. (-नः) A king.
  • आनन्दि :: m. (-न्दिः) Happiness, pleasure; also आनन्दी f. (-न्दी) E. आङ् before नदि to be happy, and कि aff.
  • आनन्दित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Happy, rejoiced, delighted. E. आङ before नदि to be happy affix क्त .
  • आनन्दिन् :: mfn. (-न्दी -न्दिनी -न्दि) Happy, joyful. E. आनन्द and इनि aff.
  • आनमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bent, bowed down. E. आङ् before नम् with क्त aff.
  • आनम्र :: mfn. (-म्रः -म्रा -म्रं) Bowing, stooping, bent, bowed down. E. आङ् be- fore नम् to bow, रक् aff.
  • आनय :: m. (-यः) 1. Bringing. 2. Investiture with the sacred thread. E. आङ् before णीञ् to obtain, अच् aff.
  • आनयन :: n. (-नं) 1. Bringing. 2. Investiture with the sacred thread. E. आङ् before णीञ् to get, affix ल्युट् .
  • आनर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) 1. A country on the north of the Malabar Coast. 2. A stage, a theatre. 3. War. 4. Water. 5. An inhabitant of Ānarta. E. आङ् before नृत् to dance, aff. घञ् .
  • आनर्थक्य :: n. (-क्यं) 1. Unfitness, impropriety. 2. Uselessness, unprofit- ableness. E. अनर्थ unprofitable, ष्यञ् aff.
  • आनाय :: m. (-यः) A net. E. आङ् before णीञ् to obtain, घञ् aff.
  • आनाय्य :: mfn. (-य्यः -य्या -य्यं) To be brought. m. (-य्यः) Consecrated fire, taken from the household fire, and placed on the south side. E. आङ् before णीञ् to obtain, ण्यत् affix: deriv. irregular.
  • आनाह :: m. (-हः) 1. Epistasis, suppression of urine, or constipation. 2. Length, especially of cloth. E. आङ् before नह to bind, affix घञ् .
  • आनिल :: m. (-लः) Name of HANUMAN and BHIMA. E. अनिल and अण् patronymic affix; see the next.
  • आनिलि :: m. (-लिः) 1. A name of the monkey HANUMAN. 2. BHIMA. E. अनिल the wind, patronymic affix इञ्; HANUMAN and BHIMA being the sons of ANILA or the wind. f. (-लिः) A name of SWATI, the fifteenth Nakshatra or lunar mansion. E. अनिल and अण् affix, fem. ङीप्; ANILA being the ruling deity of the asterism.
  • आनीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Taken. 2. Brought. 3. Obtained. E. आङ् before णीञ् to obtain, and क्त aff.
  • आनीय :: ind. 1. Having taken. 2. Having brought. E. आङ् before णीञ् to obtain, and ल्यप् aff.
  • आनील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Darkish. m. (-लः) A black horse. E. आङ् dimi- nutive, and नील black or dark blue.
  • आनुकूल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Favour, kindness. E. अनुकूल favourable, ष्यञ् aff.
  • आनुगत्य :: n. (-त्यं) Acquintance, familiarity. E. अनुगत followed, ष्यञ् aff.
  • आनुग्रामिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) About or belonging to the village, rustic, rural, &c. E. अनुग्राम and ठञ् aff.
  • आनुपदिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Following pursuing, tracking. E. अनुपद and ठञ् aff.
  • आनुपूर्व्व :: nf. (-र्व्वं-र्व्वीं) 1. Order, series, succession. 2. (In law) Direct order of the castes. 3. (In logic) A conclusion, regularly or syllogis- tically deduced. E. अनु subsequent, पूर्व्व first, अण् affix; also आनुपूर्व and आनुपूर्व्वक .
  • आनुमानिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Inferrable, inferred, subject to inference, derived from inference, &c. E. अनुमान inference, and ठञ् aff.
  • आनुरक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Passion, affection. E. अनुरक्ति the same, the first vowel made long.
  • आनुलोम्य :: n. (-म्यं) Direct order, regular series or succession. E. अनुलोम direct, and यञ् aff.
  • आनुलोमिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Regular, orderly, in due course or series. E. अनुलोम and ठञ् aff.
  • आनुविधित्सा :: f. (-त्सा) Ingratitude. E. अनु and वि before धा to have, desi- derative form, affixes अङ् and टाप् .
  • आनुषङ्गिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Proportionate, like, analogous, relative. 2. Necessary, (as result, consequence.) 3. Connected, concomitant with, adherent, inherent. 4. (In grammar) Elliptical, including or agreeing with words not comprised in the sentence. E. अनुषङ्ग relation or connexion, ठञ् aff.
  • आनूप :: m. (-पः) Any animal frequenting marshy places, as a buffalo, &c. E. अनूप marshy ground, and अण् aff.
  • आनूपमांस :: m. (-सः) Flesh or meat of animals frequenting marshes, &c. E. आनूप and मांस flesh.
  • आनृण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) Acquittance of debt or obligation. E. अनृणी out of debt, ण्यत् aff.
  • आनृशंस्य :: n. (-स्यं) 1. Mildness. 2. Cruelty. E. अनृशंस mild, and यञ् affix, or आङ् intensitive, and नृशंस्य cruelty.
  • आनेतव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be brought or taken. E. आङ् before णीञ् to take, तव्य aff.
  • आनेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be taken or brought. E. आङ् before णी to take ण्यत् aff.
  • आनैपुण :: n. (-णं) Clumsiness, stupidity. E. अनिपुण not dexterous, अण् affix; and the initial optionally long.
  • आनैश्वर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Absence of power or supremacy. E. अनैश्वर्य्य the same, and the initial optionally long.
  • आन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Gone. E. अम् to go, क्त aff.
  • आन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ती -न्तं) Final, terminal, relating to the end. E. अन्त and अण् aff.
  • आन्तर्गणिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Included, comprehended, (in a class or troop.) E. अन्तर् and गण a class, ठञ् aff.
  • आन्तरीक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षी -क्षं) Heavenly, celestial, produced in the sky. n. (-क्षं) The firmament. E. अन्तरीक्ष the same, and अण् aff.
  • आन्तर्वेश्मिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Produced or occurring within a house. E. अन्तर्वेश्मन् and ठञ् aff.
  • आन्तिका :: f. (-का) An elder sister: see अन्तिका .
  • आन्त्रिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Visceral, relating to the bowels. E. अन्त्र an entrail, and ठक् aff.
  • आन्दोल :: r. 10th cl. (-त) आन्दोलयति To swing.
  • आन्दोल :: m. (-लः) Swinging. E. आन्दोल to swing and घञ् aff.
  • आन्दोलन :: n. (-नं) 1. Swinging. 2. A swing. 3. Trembling, oscillation. E. आन्दोल to swing, ल्युट् aff.
  • आन्दोलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Swung, shaken. E. Participle past of आन्दोल .
  • आन्धस :: m. (-सः) The scum of boiled rice. E. अन्धस and अण् aff.
  • आन्धसिक :: m. (-कः) A cook. E. अन्धस् boiled rice, and ठक् aff.
  • आन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्नी -न्नं) 1. Fed, having food. 2. Relating to food, derived from it, &c. E. अन्न and अण् aff.
  • आन्ध्र :: m. (-न्ध्रः) A native of Telengana. E. अन्ध्र country, अण् aff.
  • आन्वयिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Of a good family, well born. 2. Orderly, according to order or arrangement. E. अन्वय race, ठक् aff.
  • आन्वीक्षिकी :: f. (-की) Logical philosophy, metaphysics. E. अनु according to, ईक्ष् to see, ठक् aff.
  • आप :: r. 1st, 5th & 10th cls. (ऌ) आपॢ (आपति, आप्नोति or -नुते and आपयति) 1. To pervade or occupy. 2. To obtain, to gain. In the first sense it is usually employed with वि prefixed, and in the second with अव or प्र; also with अभि and वि prefixed, to spread one place to another; with परि and वि or सं and वि, to obtain completely; with सं and वि to meet with, light upon or fall into; with उप, सं and प्र, to arrive at, to enter.
  • आप :: m. (-पः) One of the eight demigods called Vasus. E. आप् to ob- tain, अच् aff.
  • आपकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Offensive, mischievous, unfriendly. E. अपकर offence, अञ् aff.
  • आपक्व :: mfn. (-क्वः -क्वा -क्वं) 1. Half baked, crude, raw. 2. Nearly ripe, not quite ripe. 3. Undressed, what is eaten without further prepa- ration, (as bread, &c.) E. आङ् diminutive, पक्व dressed, cooked.
  • आपगा :: f. (-गा) A river, a stream. E. आप् a quantity of water, the ocean, and गा fem. derivative from गम् to go.
  • आपण :: m. (-णः) 1. A market. 2. A shop. E. आङ् before and पणि to trade, affix अच् .
  • आपणिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Mercantile, relating to traffic, to a market, &c. m. (-कः) 1. A merchant, a dealer, a shop-keeper. 2. Tax on markets or shops. 3. Assize, market-rate. E. आङ् before पणि to negociate, इकण् Unādi affix; or आपण and ठक् aff.
  • आपतन :: n. (-नं) 1. Coming, approaching. 2. Descending, alighting. 3. Happening. E. आङ् before पत् to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • आपतिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Accidental, unforeseen, sent from heaven. m. (-कः) A hawk, a falcon. E. आङ् before पत् to go, to fall, इकन् Unādi aff.
  • आपतित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Happened, befallen. 2. Alighted, descended. E. आङ् before पत् to go, affix क्त .
  • आपत्काल :: m. (-लः) Season of distress. E. आपद् and काल time.
  • आपत्कालिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -का-कं) Occurring in a time of calamity, be- longing to it. E. आपत्काल and ठक् or ठञ् aff.
  • आपत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Misfortune, calamity. 2. Obtaining, procuring. 3. Fault, Transgression. 4. Remonstrance, expostulation. E. आङ् be- fore पद् to go, क्तिन् aff.
  • आपत्प्राप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Unfortunate, unhappy, afflicted. E. आपद् mis- fortune, and प्राप्त obtained.
  • आपद् :: f. (-पद्-पत्) Misfortune, calamity. E. आङ् before पद् to go, क्लिप् aff.
  • आपद्ग्रस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Unfortunate, unhappy, in misfortune. E. आपद् and ग्रस्त seized.
  • आपद्धर्म्म :: n. (-र्म्मं) Practice or profession other than that proper to caste, but allowable in time of distress. E. आपद् and धर्म्म virtue.
  • आपदा :: fn. (-दा-दं) Misfortune, calamity. E. आङ् before पद् to go, अङ् and टाप् affs.; also आपद् .
  • आपन :: n. (-नं) 1. Obtaining. 2. Pepper. E. आप to obtain, ल्युट् aff.
  • आपनिक :: m. (-कः) 1. An emerald. 2. A barbarian. E. आङ् before पन् to praise, and इकन् Unādi aff.
  • आपन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Unfortunate, afflicted. 2. Gained, obtained, acquired. E. आङ् before पद् to go, क्त participial aff.
  • आपन्नसत्व :: mfn. (-त्वः -त्वा -त्वं) Impregnated, pregnant. f. (-त्वा) A pregnant woman. E. आपन्न obtained, सत्व thing, substance, टाप् aff.
  • आपमित्यक :: n. (-कं) Property, &c. obtained by barter. E. अपमित्य having changed, ककन् aff.
  • आपराह्णिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Occurring in the afternoon, &c. E. अपराह्ण and ठञ् aff.
  • आपव :: m. (-वः) A name of VASSISHTHA.
  • आपस् :: n. (-पः) 1. Water. 2. Sin. E. आप to obtain, असुन् aff.
  • आपस्कार :: n. (-रं) The root or extremity of the trunk or body. E. अपस्कर filth, अण् aff.
  • आपस्तम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) The name of a sage and legislator.
  • आपाक :: m. (-कः) 1. A potter's kiln. 2. A baking oven. E. आङ् before पच to bake, घञ् aff.
  • आपाण्डुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Slightly pale, palish. E. आङ् dimin. पाण्डुर pale.
  • आपात :: m. (-तः) 1. Throwing down, causing to descend. 2. Falling, de- scending. 3. The instant, the current moment. E. आङ् before पत् to go, to fall, घञ् aff.
  • आपाततस् :: ind. Immediately, instantly. E. तसि added to the last.
  • आपान :: m. (-नः) A tavern, a liquor-shop, a place for drinking in society. E. आङ् before पा to drink, ल्युट् aff.
  • आपालि :: m. (-लिः) A louse. E. आङ् before पल to go, इन् affix; the penul- timate irregularly long.
  • आपी :: f. (-पी) The twentieth Nakshatra or lunar mansion.
  • आपीड :: m. (-डः) 1. Squeezing, compressing. 2. Giving pain, hurting. 3. A chaplet tied on the crown of the head. E. आङ् before पीड to pain, अच् affix.
  • आपीडन :: n. (-नं) 1. Squeezing, compressing, tying or drawing tightly. 2. Embracing, clasping. 3. Giving pain, hurting. E. आङ् before पीड to pain, affix ल्युट् .
  • आपीडित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Squeezed, compressing. 2. Bound tightly. 3. Embraced. 4. Hut. E. आङ् before पीडित pressed.
  • आपीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Drank up. 2. Very yellow. n. (-तं) A pyritic mineral. E. आङ् before पीत drank or yellow.
  • आपीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Stout, fat. m. (-नः) A well. n. (-नं) An udder. E. आङ् and पीन fat, large.
  • आपूपिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. A baker. 2. A confectioner. 3. One who eats cakes, one for whom they are good, &c. n. (-कं) A multitude of cakes. E. अपूप a cake, ठक् or ठञ् aff.
  • आपूप्य :: m. (-प्यः) Flour, meal. E. अपूप a cake, यञ् aff.
  • आपूर्त्ति :: f. (-र्त्तिः) 1. Filling. 2. Satisfaction, fulness. E. आङ् before पूर्त्ति fulness.
  • आपूष :: n. (-षं) Tin.
  • आपृच्छा :: f. (-च्छा) Conversation, speaking to or with. E. आङ् before प्रच्छ to ask, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • आप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Trusted, confidential. 2. Gained, obtained. 3. True. 4. Apt, fit. 5. A friend. 6. Appointed. 7. Authentic. 8. Accused, prosecuted. f. (-प्ता) A twisted band or lock of hair. n. (-प्तं) 1. Quotient. 2. Equation of a degree. E. आप to obtain, क्त aff.
  • आप्तकारिन् :: m. (-री) A trusty agent, a confidential servant. E. आप्त trust- ed, and कारिन् who acts.
  • आप्तगर्व्व :: mfn. (-र्व्वः -र्व्वा -र्व्वं) Proud, arrogant. E. आप्त and गर्व्व pride.
  • आप्तगर्भा :: f. (-र्भा) A pregnant woman. E. आप्त and गर्भ embryo.
  • आप्तवचन :: n. (-नं) A received text, an authority. E. आप्त and वचन text.
  • आप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) 1. Gain, acquisition. 2. Binding, joining. 3. Connexion, relation. 4. Fitness, aptitude. E. आप to obtain, क्तिन् aff.
  • आप्तोक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. An augment, or affix, (in grammar.) 2. A word of received acceptation, and established by usage only. E. आप्त received, उक्ति speech.
  • आप्प :: m. (-प्पः) The sign Aquarius.
  • आप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) 1. Watery, consisting of water, as froth, &c. 2. Obtainable, to be obtained. n. (-प्यं) A plant, a kind of costus. E. अप् water, यञ् affix; or आप to get, यत् aff.
  • आप्यान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Stout, robust. 2. Fat. E. आङ् before स्फाय to grow, क्त aff.
  • आप्यायन :: n. (-नं) 1. Pleasing, satisfying. 2. Satiety, satisfaction. 3. Ad- vancing. 4. Corpulency, growing or being fat or stout. E. आङ् be- fore स्फाय to increase, ल्युट् aff.
  • आप्यायित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Pleased. 2. Satisfied. 3. Increased, improv- ed. 4. Stout, fat. E. आङ् before स्फाय to increase, क्त aff.
  • आप्रच्छन :: n. (-नं) Civility upon receiving or parting with a visitor, wel- come, adieu, &c. E. आङ् before प्रच्छ to ask, ल्युट् aff.
  • आप्रपद :: n. (-दं) A dress reaching to the feet. E. आङ् and प्र before पद a food.
  • आप्रपदीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) A dress reaching from the shoulders to the feet. E. आङ् and प्र prefixed to पद a foot, ख aff.
  • आप्रपदीनक :: n. (-कं) See the preceding. E. कन् added.
  • आप्लव :: m. (-वः) 1. Bathing. 2. Sprinkling with water. E. आङ् before प्लुङ् to swim, अप् aff.
  • आप्लवन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sprinkling with water. 2. Bathing. E. आङ् before प्लुङ् to swim, affix ल्युट् .
  • आप्लवव्रतिन् :: m. (-ती) An initiated householder, one who has passed through the first order, that of the Brahmachari, and is admitted into the second. E. आङ् before प्लव bathing, ब्रतिन् performer of a व्रत, or religious obligation; bathing being part of the prescribed ceremony.
  • आप्लाव :: m. (-वः) 1. Bathing. 2. Sprinkling, wetting. 3. A submerging. 4. A flood, an inundation. E. आङ् before प्लुङ् to swim, घञ् aff.
  • आप्लावित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Inundated, overflowed. E. आङ् before प्लुङ् to bathe, causal form, affix क्त .
  • आप्लाव्य :: ind. Having wetted or sprinkled. E. आङ् before प्लुङ् to swim, ल्यप् aff.
  • आप्लुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Bathed. 2. Wetted, sprinkled. m. (-तः) An ini- tiated householder: see आप्लवव्रतिन् . n. (-तं) Bathing. E. आङ् before प्लुङ् to bathe, affix of the participle past.
  • आप्लुतव्रतिन् :: m. (-ती) See आप्लवव्रतिन् . E. आप्लुत bathed, &c. as before.
  • आप्लुत्य :: ind. Having bathed. E. आङ् before प्लुङ् to bathe, ल्यप् aff.
  • आप्वन् :: m. (-प्वा) Air, wind. E. आप to obtain, वुन् Unādi aff.
  • आबद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Tied, bound. m. (-द्धः) 1. A binding. 2. A yoke. 3. Ornament. 4. Affection. E. आङ् before बन्ध to bind, affix क्त .
  • आबन्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Bound or tied firmly. m. (-न्धः) 1. The tie of a yoke, that which fastens the ox to the yoke, or the latter to the plough. 2. Affection. 3. Ornament, decoration. 4. A tie or bound. E. आङ्, बन्ध a binding.
  • आबाधा :: f. (-धा) Segment of the base of a triangle.
  • आबुत्त :: m. (-त्तः) A sister's husband, (in theatrical language.) E. आप to obtain, क्विप्, उत् and तन् to stretch, ड affix, प is changed to ब; according to another etymology the word is आवुत्त .
  • आबोधन :: n. (-नं) 1. Knowledge, understanding. 2. Instructing, inform- ing. E. आङ् before बुद्ध to know, causal, form, ल्युट् aff.
  • आभरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Ornament decoration, as jewels, &c. 2. Nourishing. E. आङ् before भृञ् to fill or nourish, ल्युट् aff.
  • आभा :: f. (-भा) 1. Light. 2. Splendour. 3. Beauty. E. आङ् before भा to shine, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • आभाति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Shade. 2. Light. E. आङ् before भा to shine, affix क्तिन् .
  • आभाष :: m. (-षः) Introduction, preface. E. आङ् before भाष to speak, aff. अच् .
  • आभाषण :: n. (-णं) Addressing, speaking to. E. आङ् before भाष to speak, ल्युट् aff.
  • आभास :: m. (-सः) 1. Light. 2. Reflexion. 3. Intention, purpose. 4. (In logic) Fallacy, semblance of a reason, an argument that is erro- neous though plausible: it is classed as of various kinds. E. आङ् before भास shining.
  • आभास्वर :: m. (-रः) A demigod, of a class consisting of sixty-four. E. आङ् before भास to shine, वरच् aff.
  • आभिजन :: n. (-नं) Loftiness of birth. E. अभिजन family, अण् aff.
  • आभिजात्य :: n. (-त्यं) 1. Birth, family, rank. 2. Learning. E. अभिजाति family, &c. यञ् aff.
  • आभिधा :: f. (-धा) Sound. E. अभिधा a compound root, to name, आङ् and टाप् affixes, and आङ् prefix.
  • आभिधानक :: n. (-कं) See the preceding. E. As before, क्त and कन् affs.
  • आभिधानीयक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating or belonging to a name or word. n. (-कं) The property of a name, &c. E. अभिधानीय and वुञ् aff.
  • आभिमुख्य :: n. (-ख्यं) Presence, being in front of or face to face. E. अभि- मुख and ष्यञ् aff.
  • आभिहारिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Taken by force or fraud. E. अभिहार seizure, ठञ् aff.
  • आभीक्ष्ण :: adj. mfn. (-क्ष्णः -क्ष्णा -क्ष्णं) or adv. n. (-क्ष्णं) 1. Much, exceeding. 2. Eternal, eternally. E. अभीक्ष्ण frequent, and अण् aff.
  • आभीर :: m. (-रः) A cowhered, sprung from a Brahman and female of the medical tribe or the Ambashṭha. f. (-री) A cowherd's wife, or a woman of that tribe. E. आङ्, अभि and ईर to send, affix अच् and fem. ङीष्, or without the first prefix अभीर .
  • आभीरपल्लि :: f. (-ल्लिः) A station of herdsmen, a village inhabited by them only, an abode of cowherds, &c. E. आभीर a cowherd, and पल्लि a house, a village, &c. also with the final long -पल्ली .
  • आभीरपल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) See the preceding. E. As above.
  • आभील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Formidable, fearful. 2. Suffering pain. n. (-लं) Bodily pain. E. अभि before इल to sleep, क affix; अ is made long.
  • आभेरी :: f. (-री) One of the Raginis or modes of music, femininely per- sonified. E. आङ् before, भेरी a drum.
  • आभोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Completion, fulness. 2. Enjoyment. 3. Effort, pains. 4. The expanded hood of the Cobra capella, used by VARUNA as his umbrella. E. आङ् before भुज to eat, घञ् aff.
  • आभ्यासिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Resulting from practice, practicing, repeat- ing. E. अभ्यास and ठक् aff.
  • आभ्युदयिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Relating to prosperity, &c. 2. High, exalted. 3. Important. n. (-कं) A Sraddha or offering to ancestors

on occasions of rejoicing. E. अभ्युदय elevation, prosperity, ठक् affix.

  • आम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Raw, undressed, unripe. 2. Unbaked, unan- nealed. m. (-मः) 1. Sickness, disease. 3. Constipation, passing hard and unhealthy excretions. 4. Grain freed from the chaff. E. अम् to be sick, घञ् aff.
  • आमकुम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) A water-jar of unbaked clay. E. आम and कुम्भ a jar.
  • आमगन्धि :: n. (-न्धि) A bad and cadaverous smell, like that of raw meat or burning corpse. E. आम raw, &c. and गन्धि smell.
  • आमण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) The castor oil plant. E. आङ् dim. मडि to adorn, अच् aff.
  • आमनस्य :: n. (-स्यं) Pain. E. अ priv. मनस् the mind, यत् affix and the first vowel made long.
  • आमन्त्रण :: nf. (-णं-णा) 1. Calling or calling to. 2. Courtesy, welcome, adieu, &c. 3. Inviting, invitation. 4. Interrogation. 5. The vocative case. E. आङ् before मत्रि to consult, affix युच् .
  • आमन्त्रयितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Asking, inviting, calling. m. (-ता) An inviter, an entertainer, especially of Brahmans. E. आङ् before मत्रि to counsel, causal form, तृच् aff.
  • आमन्त्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Invited, summoned, called. E. आङ् before मत्रि to consult, क्त aff.
  • आमपीनस :: n. (-सं) Running at the nose, defluxion. E. आम and पीनस pituitary excretion.
  • आममांस :: m. (-सः) Raw flesh. E. आम and मांस flesh.
  • आममांसाशिन् :: m. (-शी) A cannibal. E. आममांस and अशिन् who eats.
  • आमय :: m. (-यः) Sickness, disease. n. (-यं) A grass, (Costus.) E. अम् to be sick, घञ् affix, आम, and य, from या to obtain.
  • आमयाविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) 1. Sick, diseased. 2. Affected with indiges- tion, dyspeptic. E. आमय, अव to go, and णिनि aff.
  • आमयावित्व :: n. (-त्वं) Dyspepsia, indigestion. E. आमयाविन् and त्व aff.
  • आमरक्त :: m. (-क्तः) Dysentery. E. आम and रक्त blood.
  • आमरणान्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Lasting for life, continuing till death. E. आङ् before मरण dying, and अन्त end, ठक् aff.
  • आमरस :: m. (-सः) Imperfect chyme. E. आम and रस juice.
  • आमर्श :: m. (-र्शः) Advice, counsel. E. आङ् before मृश् to advice, affix घञ् .
  • आमर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) 1. Wrath or rage. 2. Impatience. E. अ before मृष to bear, affix घञ्, the prefix made long: also अमर्ष .
  • आमर्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Rubbing, wiping. 2. Anger. E. आङ् before मृष to rub, &c. ल्युट् aff.
  • आमलक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Emblic myrobalan, (Phyllanthus emblica.) m. (-कः) Another plant, (Justicia adhenatoda, &c.) n. (-कं) The fruit of the myrobalan. E. आङ् and मल् to hold, वुन् aff. fem. ङीष् having all medicinal virtues.
  • आमवात :: m. (-तः) Constipation or torpor of the bowels, with flatulence and intumescence. E. आम and वात wind, the wind being supposed to be chiefly affected.
  • आमशूल :: m. (-लः) The cholic, pain arising from indigestion.
  • आमातिसार :: m. (-रः) Dysentery, the excretion being mixed with hard and fœtid matter. E. आम and अतिसार dysentery.
  • आमात्य :: m. (-त्यः) 1. A minister, a counseller, an adviser. 2. A general. E. See अमात्य .
  • आमाद् :: mfn. (-मात्) Eating raw food. E. आम, अद to eat, ञिट् aff.
  • आमानस्य :: n. (-स्यं) Pain. E. See आमनस्य, the antepen. being made long.
  • आमान्न :: n. (-न्नं) Undressed rice. E. आम and अन्न boiled rice.
  • आमालक :: mn. (-कः-कं) Land near a mountain.
  • आमावास्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) Occurring on the day of conjunction, &c. E. अमावास्य and अञ् aff.
  • आमाशय :: m. (-यः) The stomach. E. आम hardness of the fæces, &c. and आशय a station.
  • आमिक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) Curd of two milk whey. E. आङ् before मिष to sprinkle, सक् affix; also आमीक्षा .
  • आमिक्ष्य :: mfn. (-क्ष्यः -क्ष्या -क्ष्यं) Made of curds, &c. E. आमिक्षा and यत् affix; also with छ, आमिक्षीय .
  • आमिष :: mn. (-षः-षं) 1. Flesh. 2. Enjoyment. 3. An object of enjoyment, a pleasing or beautiful object, &c. 4. A bribe. 5. Coverting, longing for. 6. Form. 7. Lust, desire. 8. Food. E. अम् to be sick, to go, ष्टिसच् Unādi aff. and the antepen. lengthened.
  • आमिषप्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Carnivorous, fond of flesh meat. m. (-यः) A heron. E. आमिष flesh, and प्रिय fond of.
  • आमिषभुज् :: mfn. (-भुक्) Carnivorous. E. आमिष and भुज what eats.
  • आमिषाशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Carnivorous, eating flesh and fish. E. आमिष flesh, अश to eat, and णिनि aff.
  • आमुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Loosed, let go. 2. Discharged, cast, shot. 3. Put on as clothes or armour. 4. Dressed, accoutred. E. आङ् before मुच to release, unbind, &c. क्त aff.
  • आमुक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Liberation, being let loose. 2. Final liberation. ind. (-क्ति) To be end of existence. E. आङ् and मुक्ति liberation.
  • आमुख :: n. (-खं) 1. Prelude, prologue. 2. Commencement. ind. To the face. E. आङ् before मुख face or beginning.
  • आमुप :: m. (-पः) A thorny kind of bambu, (Bambusa spinosa, Rox.)
  • आमुष्यायण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) Of an illustrious family, well born, well descended. E. अमुष्य the genitive of अदस् this, and फक् aff.
  • आमूस्त :: adv. n. (-स्तं) To the root, by the root, entirely, radically. E. आङ् particle, and मूल root.
  • आमृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Wiped, rubbed. E. आङ् before मृज to wipe, क्त aff.
  • आमोचन :: n. (-नं) 1. Loosing, liberating. 2. Emitting, shedding, letting forth or out. E. आङ् before मुच to liberate, ल्युट् aff.
  • आमोद :: m. (-दः) 1. A fragrancy, a diffusive perfume. 2. Strong smell. 3. Pleasure. E. आङ् before मुद् to be pleased, घञ् aff.
  • आमोदन :: n. (-नं) Delighting, rejoicing. E. आङ् before मुद् to please, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • आमोदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Pleased, delighted. 2. Fragrant. E. आङ् be- fore मुद् with क्त aff.
  • आमोदिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) 1. Fragrant. 2. Happy, delighted. m. (-दी) A perfume for the mouth, made up in the form of a pill or bolus of camphor, &c. E. आमोद and णिनि aff.
  • आमाषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) A thief, who or what steals. E. आङ् before मुष to steal, घिनुण् aff.
  • आम्नाय :: m. (-यः) 1. A Veda, or the Vedas in the aggregate. 2. Received doctrine, traditional and right. 3. Traditional usage, family or national customs. 4. Advice, instruction in past and present usage. 5. A Tantra. 6. An element of being, a property of sub- stance. E. आङ् before म्रा to learn, to remember, घञ् and युक् affs.
  • आम्नायसारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Pious, observing the Vedas and national customs. E. आम्नाय and सारिन् who goes.
  • आम्बिकेय :: m. (-यः) 1. A name of DHRITARĀSHTRA. 2. Also of KĀR- TIKEYA. E. अम्बिका the mother of DHRITARASHTRA or a name of DURGĀ and ढक् aff.
  • आम्भसिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Aquatic. m. (-कः) A fish. E. अम्भस् water, ठक् aff.
  • आम्र :: m. (-म्रः) The mango tree, (Mangifera Indica.) E. अम् to be sick, रक् Unādi affix, and अ made आ .
  • आम्रपेशी :: f. (-शी) A piece of dried mango. E. आम्र and पेशी a piece of flesh, &c.
  • आम्रमय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Made of mangoes, (sauce, &c.) E. आम्र and मयट् aff.
  • आम्रात :: m. (-तः) The hog-plum, (Spondias mangifera). E. आम्र the mango, and अत् to go, the affix अच्; the fruit resembling the mango: also आम्रातक .
  • आम्रातक :: m. (-कः) See the preceding. E. As before, कन् added.
  • आम्रावर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) Inspissated mango juice. E. आम्र and आवर्त्त stirring.
  • आम्रेडन :: n. (-नं) Tautology, reiteration of words or sounds. E. आङ् be- fore म्रेडृ to be mad, ल्युट् aff.
  • आम्रेडित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Reiterated, repeated. n. (-तं) Repetition of a sound or word. E. आङ् before म्रिडृ to be mad, क्त aff.
  • आम्ल :: mfn. (-म्लः -म्ला -म्लं) The tamarind tree. n. (-म्लं) Lourness, acidity. E. अम्ल sour, with आङ् prefixed, or अम्ल sour and अण् aff.
  • आम्लवेतस :: m. (-सः) A plant, (Rumex vesicatorius.) E. आम्ल sourness, and वेतस a cane.
  • आम्लिका :: f. (-का) 1. The tamarind tree. 2. Sourness in the mouth, acidity of the stomach: see अम्लिका . E. आम्ल sour, and कन् aff.
  • आम्लीका :: f. (-का) The tamarind tree. E. अम्ल and ठक् affix, the pen made long: otherwise अम्लिका as before.
  • आय :: m. (-यः) 1. Income, revenue. 2. Gain, profit. 3. The guard of the women's apartments. E. आङ् before या to obtain, ड aff.
  • आयःशूलिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Active, diligent, indefatigable. E. अयस् iron शूल a sharp weapon, affix ठञ् .
  • आयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Coming, approaching. E. आङ् before इण् to go, शतृ aff.
  • आयत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Long. 2. Diffuse, prolix. m. (-तः) An oblong figure, (in geometry.) E. आङ् before यम् to cease, affix क्त .
  • आयतच्छदा :: f. (-दा) The plantain tree, (Musa sapientum.) E. आयत long, and छद a leaf, long-leaved.
  • आयतस्तू :: m. (-स्तूः) A panegyrist. E. आयत diffuse, ष्टू to praise, and क्विप् aff.
  • आयतार्द्ध :: m. (-र्द्धः) (In geometry,) Half an oblong. E. आयत and अर्द्ध half.
  • आयतन :: n. (-नं) 1. Abode, house. 2. An altar, also a shed for sacrifices. 3. A ground plot, the site of a house, &c. 4. The cause of disease. E. आयत nominal root, to lengthen, affix ल्युट्; extending from the house.
  • आयताक्षी :: f. (-क्षी) A woman with large eyes or long eyelids. E. आयत and अक्षि the eye, fem. affix ङीप् .
  • आयतायति :: f. (-तिः) Long continuance, remote futurity. E. आयत and आयति future time.
  • आयति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Future time. 2. Majesty, dignity. 3. Restraint of mind. 4. Length. 5. Meeting, junction. 6. Obtaining. E. आङ् be- fore यम् to cease, affix क्तिन् .
  • आयतिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) 1. Long, extended. 2. Stately, dignified. 3. Self-restrained. E. आयति and मतुप aff.
  • आयतेक्षण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Long-eyed, having large eyes. E. आयत and ईक्षण sight.
  • आयत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Docile, tractable, dependent. E. आङ् before यम् to restrain, and क्त aff.
  • आयत्तता :: f. (-ता) 1. Docility, tractableness, humility. E. आयत्त तल् affix of the abstract: also with त्व, आयत्तत्वं .
  • आयत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. A day. 2. Affection. 3. Subjection, subjecting. 4. A boundary, a limit. 5. Power, strength. 6. Continuance in the right way, steadiness of conduct. 7. Sleeping. 8. Length. 9. Majesty, dignity. 10. Future time. E. आङ् before यति to endeavour, and क्तिन् aff.
  • आयथातथ्य :: n. (-थ्यं) Unfitness, unsuitableness, incompatibility. E. अयथातथ and ष्यञ् aff.
  • आयम्य :: ind. Having restrained or suppressed. E. आङ् before यम् to restrain, ल्यप् aff.
  • आयव्यय :: m. (-यः) Receipt and disbursement, income and expenditure. E. आय and व्यय expense.
  • आयल्लक :: n. (-कं) Missing, regretting.
  • आयस :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) 1. Of iron, iron. 2. Armed with an iron weapon. 3. Zealous. n. (-सं) 1. Iron. 2. A weapon. f. (-सी) Armour for the body, a breast-plate, a coat of mail. E. अयस iron, अण् and ङीप् affs.
  • आयस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Sharpened, whetted. 2. Thrown, cast, sent. 3. Pained, distressed. 4. Vexed, angry. 5. Hurt, killed. 6. Managed or effected with difficulty. 7. Labouring, toiling, making effort or exertion. E. आङ्, यस to endeavour, क्त aff.
  • आयानभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Obtained by sacrifice. E. आङ् before याग sacri- fice, भूत become.
  • आयाचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Urgently requested or desired. E. आङ् before याच् to ask, क्त aff.
  • आयात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Come. E. आङ् before यात gone.
  • आयान :: n. (-नं) 1. The natural temperament or disposition. 2. Coming, arrival. E. आङ् before या to obtain, affix ल्युट् .
  • आयाम :: m. (-मः) 1. Length, either in space or time. 2. Breadth, (in mensuration.) 3. Restraint, restraining. E. आङ् before यम to cease, घञ् aff.
  • आयामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) 1. Long in space or time. 2. One who restrains. E. आयाम and इनि affix or आङ् before यम् to cease and घिनुण् aff.
  • आयास :: m. (-सः) 1. Fatigue, weariness. 2. Effort, exertion. 3. Trouble, labour. E. आङ् before यस् to endeavour, to make exertion, and घञ् affix.
  • आयासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) 1. Making exertion, active, laborious. 2. Exhausted by labour, wearied. E. आङ् before यस् to endeavour, घिनुण् aff.
  • आयुःशेष :: m. (-षः) End of life, death. E. आयुस् and शेष end.
  • आयु :: mn. (-युः-यु) Age, duration of life. E. अय् to go, Unādi affix डु .
  • आयुक्त :: m. (-क्तः) A minister, an agent or deputy. E. आङ् before युज् to join, and क्त aff.
  • आयुध :: m. (-धः) A weapon in general. E. आङ् before युध् to fight, क aff.
  • आयुधधर्म्मिणी :: f. (-णी) A plant, (Œschynomene sesban): see जयन्ती . E. आयुध a weapon and धर्म्मिणी possessing virtue: having the virtues of a weapon against disease, &c.
  • आयुधागार :: n. (-रं) An arsenal, an armoury. E. आयुध and आगार a house.
  • आयुधिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating to arms. m. (-कः) A soldier, a war- rior. E. आयुध a weapon, and ठक् aff.
  • आयुधीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Relating to or connected with weapons. m. (-यः) A warrior. E. आयुध and छण् aff.
  • आयुर्द्रव्य :: n. (-व्यं) A medicament. E. आयुस् life, and द्रव्य thing.
  • आयुर्वेद :: m. (-दः) 1. The science of medicine. 2. The collective writings of authority on medicine, or medical Sastra. E. आयुस् life, and वेद a Veda.
  • आयुर्वेदमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Acquainted with medical science. E. आयुर्वेद and मयट् aff.
  • आयुर्वेदिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Belonging to medicine, of the medical pro- fession, medical, medicinal, &c. m. (-दी) A practicer of physic, a physician or surgeon. E. आयुवेंद and इनि aff.
  • आयुष्मत् :: mfn. (-ष्मान् -ष्मती -ष्मत्) 1. Alive, living. 2. Long lived. m. (-ष्मान्) One of the twenty-seven Yogas or divisions of the ecliptic. E. आयुस् age, and मतुप् possessive aff.
  • आयुष्टोम :: m. (-मः) A sacrifice to obtain longevity. E. आयुस् and ष्टोम a sacrifice.
  • आयुष्य :: mfn. (-ष्यः -ष्या -ष्यं) Vital, preservative of life, for the sake of life, relating or belonging to it. E. आयुस् and यत् aff.
  • आयुस् :: n. (-युः) Age, duration of life. E. इ to go, उसि Unādi affix, the pen. lengthened.
  • आयुस्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Promoting longevity, supporting life. E. आयुस् and कर what makes.
  • आये :: ind. An interjection of calling, expressive of affection.
  • आयोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Presenting or offering flowers, perfumes, &c. 2. Action, the performance of an act. 3. A shore or bank. E. आङ् before युज् to join, घञ् aff.
  • आयोगव :: m. (-वः) A man of a mixed tribe sprung from a Sudra man and Vaisya woman; his business is carpentry, &c. f. (-वी) A woman of the tribe.
  • आयोजन :: n. (-नं) 1. Effort, exertion. 2. Taking, seizing. 3. Collecting. E. आङ् before युज् to join, ल्युट् aff.
  • आयोजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Collected together. E. आङ् before युज् to join, क्त aff.
  • आयोधन :: n. (-नं) 1. War, battle, slaughter. E. आङ् before युध to make war, affix ल्युट् .
  • आर :: m. (-रः) 1. The planet MARS. 2. The planet SATURN. n. (-रं) 1. An angle, a corner. 2. End, extremity. 3. Brass. 4. Oxide of iron. f. (-रा) 1. A shoe-maker's awl or knife. 2. A probe. E. ऋ to go, affix घञ् .
  • आरकूट :: mn. (-टः-टं) Brass. E. आर what goes, and कूट a heap; composed of various materials.
  • आरक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) 1. Preserved, defended. 2. Proper or worthy to be preserved, &c. m. (-क्षः) 1. Protection, guard, preservation. 2. The junction of the frontal sinuses of an elephant. E. आङ् before रक्ष to preserve, &c. घञ् aff.
  • आरक्षक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what guards or protects. m. (-कः) 1. A watchman, a patrole. 2. A village or police magistrate. E. आङ् be- fore रक्ष् to preserve, वुन् aff.
  • आरग्बध :: m. (-धः) A plant, (Cassia fistula.) E. आङ्, रुज् sickness, बध what destroys.
  • आरट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः) The name of a country, north-west of India.
  • आरट्टज :: m. (-जः) A horse from the Āraṭṭa country. E. आरट्ट and ज born.
  • आरणि :: m. (-णिः) An eddy.
  • आरण्य :: mfn. (-ण्यः -ण्यी -ण्यं) Forest, wild, forest-born, &c. E. अरण्य a wood, अण् affix of derivation.
  • आरण्यक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Forest, wild, forest-born or produced. m. (-कः) A forester, an inhabitant of the woods. E. आरण्य and कन् added.
  • आरण्यपशु :: m. (-शुः) A wild or forest animal, as a buffalo, a monkey, &c. E. आरण्य forest, and पशु an animal.
  • आरण्यराशि :: m. (-शिः) The sign LEO. E. आरण्य a forest beast, and राशि a sign.
  • आरति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Stopping, ceasing. 2. Waving lights before an image. E. आङ् before रम् to play, क्तिन् aff.
  • आरनाल :: n. (-लं) Sour gruel made from the fermentation of boild rice. E. आर what goes, from ऋ to go, and नाल smell.
  • आरनालक :: n. (-कं) See the preceding. E. As before, कन् added.
  • आरन्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Begun, commenced. E. आङ् before रभि to com- mence, affix क्त .
  • आरभट :: mfn. (-टः -टी) Boldness, confidence. f. (-टी) A branch of the dra- matic art, the machinery of the drama, the representation of magi- cal incantations, &c. E. आर quickly, भट to nourish, अच् and ङीप् affs.
  • आरभमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Beginning, beginning resolutely with a de- termination to finish. E. आङ् before रभि to commence, शानच aff.
  • आरम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. A beginning, a thing begun. 2. Haste, speed. 3. Effort, exertion. 4. Pride. 5. Killing, slaughter. 6. An introduction, a prologue, &c. E. आङ् before रभि to commence, घञ् aff.
  • आरभ्य :: ind. Having begun, beginning from. E. आङ् before रभि to com- mence, ल्यप् aff.
  • आरव :: m. (-वः) Sound. E. आङ् before रु to sound, अप् aff.
  • आरस्य :: n. (-स्यं) Insipidity, want of favour or spirit. E. अरस and यञ् aff.
  • आराग्र :: n. (-ग्रं) The edge of a semicircular arrow head. E. आर what goes, and अग्र edge, &c.
  • आरात् :: ind. 1. Near. 2. Distant, far from. E. आङ् before रा to get, आत् aff.
  • आराति :: m. (-तिः) An enemy. E. आङ् before रा to take or receive, आति aff.
  • आरातीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Near, proximate. 2. Remote. E. आरात् and छ aff.
  • आरात्रिक :: n. (-कं) Waving lamps at night before an image. E. आङ् before रात्रि night, कन् added.
  • आराधक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what worships, a worshipper. E. आङ् before राध् to finish, and वुन् aff.
  • आराधन :: n. (-नं) 1. Accomplishment. 2. Acquirement, attainment. 3. Gratifying, propitiating. 4. Worshipping. 5. Cooking. f. (-ना) Ser-

vice. (-नी) Worship, adoration, propitiation of the deities. E. आङ् before राध् to finish, ल्युट् aff.

  • आराधनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be worshipped or adored. E. आङ् before राध् to finish, अनीयर् affix; also with तव्य and य, आराधितव्य and आराध्य .
  • आराधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Worshipped, honoured, reverenced. 2. Propi- tiated, pleased. 3. Accomplished, effected. E. आङ् before राध् to finish, क्त affix.
  • आराध्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Being worshipped, receiving worship, &c. 2. Being in course of fulfilment. E. आङ् before राध् and शानच् aff.
  • आराम :: m. (-मः) A garden, a grove. E. आङ् before रम् to please, घञ् aff.
  • आरालिक :: mf. (-कः-की) A cook. E. अराल crooked, ठक् affix; always bend- ing over the dishes, &c.
  • आराव :: m. (-वः) Sound. E. आङ् before रु to sound, affix घञ्; also आरव .
  • आरु :: m. (-रुः) 1. The name of a tree, (Lagerstrœmia regina.) 2. A crab. 3. A hog. 4. A pitcher. E. ऋ to go, उण् affix, the pen. made long.
  • आरुक :: n. (-कं) A drug brought from the hills, of cooling properties.
  • आरुरुक्षु :: mfn. (-क्षुः -क्षुः -क्षु) Desirous to rise or ascend, to advance, &c. E. आङ् before रुह् to rise, desiderative form, उ aff.
  • आरू :: mfn. (-रूः -रूः -रु) Of a tawny colour. m. (-रूः) Tawny, (the colour.) E. ऋ to go, ऊ aff.
  • आरूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Mounted, ascended, risen. 2. Raised up, elevat- ed on high. E. आङ् before रुह् to grow, क्त aff.
  • आरूढवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Mounting, rising. E. आङ् before रुह् to mount, क्तवतु aff.
  • आरवत :: m. (-तः) A plant, (Cassia fistula.) E. आङ् before रेव, आरेव trust, तन् to stretch, ड affix; inspiring confidence during sickness.
  • आरोग्य :: n. (-ग्यं) Health. E. आङ् reverse, रुज् to be sick, यञ् aff.
  • आरोढृ :: mfn. (-ढा -ढ्री -ढृ) Who or what mounts or rides, &c. E. आङ् be- fore रुह् to mount, affix तृच् .
  • आरोप :: m. (-पः) 1. Placing in or on. 2. Assigning or attributing to. E. आङ् before रुह् to mount, causal form, घञ् aff.
  • आरोपण :: n. (-णं) 1. Trusting, delivering. 2. Placing or fixing in or on. 3. Elevating. 4. Planting. 5. The bending of a bow. E. आङ् before रुह् to ascend, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • आरोपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Deposited, intrusted. 2. Placed, fixed. 3. Made. 4. Raised, elevated. 5. Consecrated. 6. Accidental, ad- ventitious. E. आङ् before रुह् to ascend, causal form, part past.
  • आरोह :: m. (-हः) 1. Length. 2. A woman's waist. 3. Ascent, rising, creep- ing up. 4. Mounting, riding. 5. The rider of a horse or elephant. 6. Weight. 7. A measure. 8. The buttocks. 9. A mine. E. आङ् be- fore रुह् to rise, to mount, affix घञ् .
  • आरोहक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Lifting or raising up. E. आङ् before रुह् to rise, to mount, affix वुन् .
  • आरोहण :: n. (-णं) 1. Rising, ascending. 2. The rising or growing of new shoots. 3. A ladder, a staircase. 4. Riding on. E. आङ् before रुह् to ascend, affix ल्युट्
  • आरोहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) One who mounts or rides. E. आङ् before रुह् to mount, णिनि aff.
  • आर्कि :: m. (-र्किः) A son of the sun, as SANI and the rest. E. अर्क the sun, and इञ् aff.
  • आर्क्ष :: mfn. (-र्क्षः -र्क्षी -र्क्षं) Stellar, regulated by the stars or constellations. E. ऋक्ष and अण aff.
  • आर्क्षवर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) A stellar year, or revolution of a constellation. E. आर्क्ष and वर्ष a year.
  • आर्गल :: mf. (-लः-ली) A bolt or bar: see अर्गल .
  • आर्ग्बध :: m. (-धः) A plant, (Cassia fistula.) E. ऋ to go, and बध to de- stroy or prevent, deriv. irr. see आरग्बध .
  • आर्घा :: f. (-र्घा) A sort of yellow bee.
  • आर्घ्य :: n. (-र्घ्यं) Wild honey. E. आर्घा and यत् aff.
  • आर्च्च :: mfn. (-र्च्चः -र्च्ची -र्च्चं) 1. Devout, worshipping. 2. Relating to the Rich or Rik Veda. E. अर्च्चा worship, and ण affix or ऋच् and अण् aff.
  • आर्च्चिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating to the Rig Veda, &c. E. ऋच् and ठक् aff.
  • आर्जव :: n. (-वं) 1. Straightness. 2. Rectitude, propriety of act or observ- ance. 3. Sincerity. E. ऋजु straight, अण aff.
  • आर्त्त :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -र्त्ता -र्त्तं) 1. Pained, afflicted. 2. Disturbed, confounded. E. ऋत to hate, to move, participial affix क्त .
  • आर्त्तगल :: m. (-लः) A plant, blue Barleria, (Barleria cœrulea.) E. आर्त्त pained, गल् to eat, अच् aff.
  • आर्त्तनाद :: m. (-दः) A cry of pain. E. आर्त्त and नाद sound. So आर्त्तस्वर m. (-रः).
  • आर्त्तव :: mfn. (-वः -वा or -वी -वं) 1. Menstrual, relating to or produced by this discharge. 2. Seasonable, produced in season. n. (-वं) 1. The menstrual discharge. 2. A flower. f. (-वी) A mare. E. ऋतु the menses or a season, अण् aff.
  • आर्त्ति :: f. (-र्त्तिः) 1. Pain. 2. Sickness. 3. The end of a bow. E. आङ् be- fore ऋत to move, क्तिन् affix; also अत्ति .
  • आर्त्तिज्य :: n. (-ज्यं) The office of a sacrificing priest. E. ऋत्विज् a priest, and यञ affix.
  • आर्त्त्यपहरण :: n. (-णं) Consoling or relieving distress, pain, &c. E. आर्त्ति and अपहरण taking away.
  • आर्थिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Wise. 2. Rich. 3. Significant. E. अर्थ and ठञ् aff.
  • आर्द्र :: mfn. (-र्द्रः -र्द्रा -र्द्रं) 1. Wet, moist, damp. 2. Fresh, not dry. 3. Loose, flaccid. 4. Tender, soft. f. (-र्द्रा) The sixth Nakshatra or lunar man- sion. E. अद् to go, रक् Unādi affix, and the pen. lengthened.
  • आर्द्रक :: n. (-कं) Ginger in the undried state. E. आर्द्र moist, and वुन् aff.
  • आर्द्रकाष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) Green wood, timber not dry. E. आर्द्र and काष्ठ wood.
  • आर्द्रता :: f. (-ता) 1. Moisture, wetness. 2. Tenderness, softness. 3. Eresh- ness, greenness. E. आर्द्र and तल् affix; also आर्द्रत्वं .
  • आर्द्रनयन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Weeping, suffused with tears. E. आर्द्र and नयन the eye.
  • आर्द्रमाषा :: f. (-षा) A leguminous shrub, (Glycine debilis.) E. आर्द्र moist, and माष a sort of bean.
  • आर्द्रशाक :: n. (-कं) Ginger. E. आर्द्र and शाक a potherb.
  • आर्द्रालुब्धक :: m. (-कः) The dragon's tail or descending node. E. आर्द्रा the lunar mansion, and लुब्धक who desires.
  • आर्द्धद्रौणीक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Bought with half a Drona, containing it, &c. E. अर्द्धद्रोण a measure, ठञ् aff.
  • आर्द्धधातुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Belonging to a part of a verb, (the inflexions of six tenses.) E. अर्द्ध and धातु a root, ठक् aff.
  • आर्द्धप्रस्थिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Bought, &c. with half a Prastha. E. अर्द्धप्रस्थ a measure, and ठञ् aff.
  • आर्द्धमासिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Lasting, &c. for half a month. 2. Observ- ing or practicing (continence, &c.) for a fortnight. E. अर्द्धमास and ठञ् aff.
  • आर्द्धिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Sharing half, an equal partner. 2. Relating to half. m. (-कः) One who ploughs the ground for half the crop. E. अर्द्ध half, ठञ् aff.
  • आर्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) 1. Of a good family. 2. Respectable, venerable. 3. Apposite, proper. 4. To be sought or obtained. m. (-र्य्यः) 1. A master, an owner. 2. A name of BUDDHA. 3. A friend. f. (-र्य्या) 1. A name of PARVATI. 2. A kind of metre, measured by feet, each foot being equal to four short syllables, or two long and two short; there are seven and a half feet in each verse of the couplet, equal to thirty and to twenty-seven syllabic instants: the regular form consists of alternate long and short verses, but it admits of eighty principal variations. E. ऋ to go, ण्यत् affix; also अर्य्य .
  • आर्य्यक :: m. (-कः) 1. A grandfather. 2. Any respectable man. n. (-कं) The vessel, &c. used in sacrifices made to the manes. f. (आर्य्यका or आर्य्यिका) A respectable woman. E. आर्य्य respectable, &c. and वुन् aff.
  • आर्य्यगृह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) Decorous, respectable, right. E. आर्य्य and गृह्य to be accepted by.
  • आर्य्यपुत्र :: m. (-त्रः) 1. A husband, (in theatrical language.) 2. The son of a spiritual preceptor. E. आर्य्य a respectable person and पुत्र a son.
  • आर्य्यप्राय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Abounding with respectable persons. E. आर्य्य and प्राय quantity.
  • आर्य्यमिश्र :: mfn. (-श्रः -श्रा -श्रं) Distinguished, respectable. m. (-श्रः) A gentle- man, a man of consequence. E. आर्य्य and मिश्र mixed, joined.
  • आर्य्यरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) A hypocrite, an impostor. E. आर्य्य and रूप sem- blance.
  • आर्य्यलिङ्गिन् :: mfn. (-ङ्गी -ङ्गि -नी-ङ्गि) A hypocrite, an impostor; a Sudra, wearing the dress of a Brahman, &c. E. आर्य्य and लिङ्गिन् who bears insignia.
  • आर्य्यवृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Good, pious, virtuous. E. आर्य्य and वृत्त practised.
  • आर्य्यवेश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Well clothed, fine. E. आर्य्य and वेश vesture.
  • आर्य्यागीति :: f. (-तिः) A variety of the Arya metre, containing eight equal feet or thirty-two syllabic instants in each verse of the couplet. E. आर्य्या and गीति another metre.
  • आर्य्यावर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) The holy land, the country extending from the eastern to the western sea, and bounded on the north and south, by the Himalya and Vindhya mountains. E. आर्य्य venerable, आवर्त्त abode.
  • आर्व्वाक् :: ind. 1. After, afterwards. 2. Behind. E. अर्व्वाक् and अण् pleonastic aff.
  • आर्ष :: mfn. (-र्षः -र्षी -र्षं) Relating or belonging to or derived from a Rishi. m. (-र्षः) A form of marriage, the father of the bride receiving one or two pair of kine from the bridegroom. n. (-र्षं) The Vedas. f. (-र्षा) One of the orders of the metres of the Vedas. E. ऋषि and अण् aff.
  • आर्षभि :: m. (-भिः) A name of BHARATA, emperor of India. E. ऋषभ ex- cellent, and इञ् aff.
  • आर्षभ्य :: m. (-भ्यः) A steer fit to be let loose. E. ऋषभ an ox, यञ् aff.
  • आर्षेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Relating or belonging to or derived from a Rishi. 2. Venerable, respectable. E. ऋषि a sage, ढक् affix; also आर्ष and आर्ष्य .
  • आर्षोढा :: f. (-ढा) A wife married according to the Arsha form. E. आर्ष and ऊढ married.
  • आर्हत :: m. (-तः) A Jaina, a follower of the doctrines of a Jaina or Arhata. E. अर्हत् a Jaina, अण् aff.
  • आर्हत्य :: nf. (-त्यं-न्ती) The quality or practice of an Arhata or Jaina saint. E. अर्हत् a Jaina, ष्यञ् affix fem. ङीष् with the nasal inserted.
  • आल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Large, extensive. n. (-लं) Yellow orpiment. E. अल to adorn, in the causal form, अच् aff.
  • आलगर्द्द :: m. (-र्द्धः) A species of Cobra. E. See अलगर्द्द .
  • आलभ्य :: ind. Having received or obtained. E. आङ् before लभि to gain, ल्यप् aff.
  • आलम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Slaughter, killing. 2. Embracing. E. आङ् before लभि to kill, affix घञ् .
  • आलम्भ्य :: mfn. (-म्भ्यः -म्भ्या -म्भयं) 1. Fit or proper to be killed. 2. Obtainable, to be obtained. E. आङ् before लभि with ण्यत् aff.
  • आलम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) 1. A receptacle, a prop, an asylum or support. 2. De- pending on or from. 3. A perpendicular. E. आङ् before लम्बि to go, affix घञ् .
  • आलम्बन :: n. (-नं) 1. Depending on or resting upon, hanging from. 2. The natural and necessary connexion of feeling with the cause by which it is excited. 3. Supporting, sustaining. E. आङ् before लबि to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • आलम्बित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pendant, suspended, hanging from or on. 2. Supported, upheld. 3. Protected. E. आङ् before लबि to go, affix क्त .
  • आलम्बिन् :: mfn. (-म्बी -म्बिनी -म्बि) 1. Depending on or from, hanging from, &c. 2. Supporting, maintaining. E. आलम्ब support, and इनि aff.
  • आलय :: m. (-यः) A house, a dwelling, a receptacle, an asylum. E. आङ् before लीङ् to enfold, घञ् aff.
  • आलवण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) 1. Ugliness. 2. Insipidity. E. अ neg. लवण handsome, affix यञ् .
  • आलवाल :: n. (-लं) A basin for water round the root of a tree. E. आङ् be- fore लू to cut or dig, and आलच् aff.
  • आलस :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) Idle, slothful, lazy. E. अलस idle, अण् affix: see अलस .
  • आलस्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्यी -स्यं) Idle, slothful, apathetic. n. (-स्यं) Idleness, sloth. E. अलस idle, and यञ् aff.
  • आलात :: n. (-तं) A firebrand, a coal burning or extinguished. E. अलात and अण् aff.
  • आलान :: n. (-नं) 1. The post to which an elephant is lied. 2. The rope that ties him. 3. A fetter, a tie. 4. Tying, binding. 5. A rope or string. E. आङ् before ला to take, आला to tie or fasten, affix ल्युट .
  • आलाप :: m. (-पः) 1. Speaking to, addressing, conversation. 2. Enumera- tion of the questions in an arithmetical or algebraic sum. E. आङ् before लप् to speak, affix घञ् .
  • आलापन :: n. (-नं) Speaking to, conversing with. E. आङ before लप् to speak, ल्युट् aff.
  • आलापनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be said or spoken. 2. To be spoken to or addressed. E. आङ् before लप् to speak, अनीयर affix; also आलाप्य .
  • आलापिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिनी -पि) Who speaks or converses. E. आङ before लप् to speak, णिनि aff.
  • आलाबु :: f. (-बुः) A pumpkin gourd: also आलाबू, अलाबु and अलाबू, q. v.
  • आलावर्त्त :: n. (-र्त्तं) A fan made of cloth. E. आल orpiment, and आवर्त्त abode: stained or painted with some such substance.
  • आलास्य :: m. (-स्यः) A crocodile. E. आल wide, large, and आस्य a mouth.
  • आलि :: mfn. sub. (-लिः-लिः or ली-लि) 1. Pure, honest, sincere. 2. Useless, idle, unmeaning. f. (-लिः-ली) 1. A woman's female friend. 2. A row or range, a continuous line. 3. A ridge or mound of earth, crossing ditches, dividing fields, &c. 2. A line, a race or family. m. (-लिः) 1. A scorpion. 2. A bee; see अलि . E. अल to adorn, to be able, &c. affix इण् and the pen. made long; also आली, affix ङीप .
  • आलिङ्गन :: n. (-नं) Embracing, an embrace. E. आङ् before लिगि to ap- proach, ल्युट् aff.
  • आलिङ्गित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Embraced. E. आङ् before लिगि to approach, क्त aff.
  • आलिङ्गिन् :: mfn. (-ङ्गी -ङ्गिनी -ङ्गि) Embracing. m. (-ङ्गी) A small drum shaped like a barley corn, and carried upon the breast. E. आलिङ्ग an em- brace, and इनि affix; also आलिङ्गी fem. ङीप् aff.
  • आलिङ्ग्य :: mfn. (-ङ्ग्यः -ङ्ग्या -ङ्ग्यं) To be embraced. m. (-ङ्ग्यः) A small drum: see the preceding. E. आलिङ्ग and ण्यत् aff.
  • आलिञ्जर :: m. (-रः) A large clay water jar. E. अलिञ्जर a jar. अण् aff.
  • आलिन् :: m. (-ली) A scorpion. E. See आलि, affix इनि .
  • आलिन्द :: m. (-न्दः) 1. A terrace before a house. 2. A raised place or terrace for sleeping upon. E. अलिन्द the same, and अण् affix: see अलिन्द also आलिन्दक .
  • आलिप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Smeared, plastered, anointed. E. आङ् before लिप to smear, क्त aff.
  • आलिम्पन :: m. (-नः) Whitening or painting the floor, wall, &c. on festival occasions. E. आङ् before लिपि to plaster, and ल्युट् aff.
  • आली :: f. (-ली) 1. A female friend. 2. A row or range. 3. A field, boundary or mound: see आलि .
  • आलीढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Eaten. 2. Licked. n. (-ढं) An attitude in shooting, the right knee advanced, the left leg retracted. E. आङ before लिह् to lick, क्त aff.
  • आलीढक :: n. (-कं) The frolicking of a calf. Sometimes written आढीलक
  • आलीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Melted, fused. E. आङ् before ली to melt, क्त aff.
  • आलीनक :: n. (-कं) Tin. E. आलीन and affix वुन् .
  • आलु :: f. (-लुः) A pitcher, a small water jar. mn. (-लुः-लु) 1. An esculent root, (Arum campanulatum:) in the modern dialects this name is applied to the yam, potatoe, &c. 2. A raft, a float. m. (-लुः) An owl. E. ऋ to go, and उण् affix, आरु what goes, (in the earth, water, &c.) the initial is lengthened, and र is changed to ल .
  • आलुक :: m. (-कः) 1. A name of the chief of the Nagas or serpent race: see शेष . 2. An esculent root: see आलु . E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • आलून :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Cut, out off. E. आङ् before लून cut.
  • आलेखन :: n. (-नं) 1. Writing. 2. Painting. f. (-नी) A brush, a pencil. E. आङ before लिख् to write, affix ल्युट् .
  • आलेख्य :: mfn. (-ख्यः -ख्या -ख्यं) 1. To be written. 2. To be delineated or painted. n. (-ख्यं) 1. A painting. 2. A writing. E. आङ् before लिख् to write, ण्यत् aff.
  • आलेख्यशेष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Dead, deceased. E. आलेख्य painting, writing, and शेष final.
  • आलेप :: m. (-पः) 1. Smearing, plastering, anointing. 2. Liniment. E. आङ् before लिपि to anoint, घञ aff.
  • आलेपन :: n. (-नं) 1. Smearing, plastering, anointing. 2. Liniment. E. आङ् before लिप् to smear, ल्युट् aff.
  • आलोक :: m. (-कः) 1. Sight, seeing, looking. 2. Light. 3. Flattery, compli- mentary language, panegyric. E. आङ् before लोकृ to see, घञ affix.
  • आलोकन :: n. (-नं) Sight, seeing, looking. E. आङ् before लोकृ to see, ल्युट affix.
  • आलोकित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Seen, beheld. E. आङ् before लोकृ to see, क्त aff.
  • आलोचक :: n. (-कं) The faculty of vision or the cause of sight. E. आङ् be- fore लोच to see and वुञ् affix.
  • आलोचन :: nf. (-नं-ना) Sight, seeing. E. आङ् before लोच to see, ल्युट् aff.
  • आलोचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Seen, beheld. 2. Considered. E. आङ् before लोच to see, क्त aff.
  • आलोच्य :: mfn. (-च्यः -च्या -च्यं) To be seen, thought of or considered; also आलोचनीय . E. आङ् before लोच to see, यत् aff.
  • आलोडन :: n. (-नं) 1. Mixing, blending. 2. Stirring, shaking, agitating. E. आङ before लुड to stir, affix ल्युट् .
  • आलोडित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Mixed, blended. 2. Shaken, agitated. E. आङ् before लुड to stir, affix क्त .
  • आलोल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Shaken, agitated. m. (-लः) Trembling, agitation. E. आङ् before लुड to shake, affix घञ्, ड changed to ल .
  • आलोलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Shaken, agitated. E. आङ् before लुल to shake, affix क्त .
  • आवनेय :: m. (-यः) The planet MARS. E. अवनी the earth, ठक् patronymic aff.
  • आवन्त्य :: m. (-न्त्यः) 1. The offspring of a degraded Brahman. 2. An in- habitant. &c. of Avanti or Ougein. E. अवन्ती and ण्यत् aff.
  • आवपन :: n. (-नं) 1. Any vessel. 2. Weaving. 3. Sowing seed. E. आङ् be- fore वप् to sow, ल्युट् aff.
  • आवरक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) A cover, a veil, what covers or conceals. E. आङ before वृ with वुन् aff.
  • आवरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Covering. 2. A covering, a garment. 3. A shield. 4. An outer bar or fence, a wall. 5. An obstruction. 6. Mental blindness. E. आङ् before वृ to skreen, ल्युट् aff.
  • आवरणशक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) The power of illusion, that which veils the real na- ture of things. E. आवरण and शक्ति power.
  • आवर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) 1. Revolving, turning round. 2. A whirlpool. 3. A lock of hair that curls backwards, especially on a horse. 4. Deliberation, revolving. 5. A mineral substance, pyrites, marcasite. E. आङ् be- fore वृत् to choose, घञ् aff.
  • आवर्त्तक :: m. (-कः) 1. A revolution, a whirl. 2. A whirlpool. 3. A curl of hair, especially on a horse. 4. Revolution of the mind from the in- fluence of the senses. 5. The depression above the frontal ridge or over the eyebrows. f. (-की) The name of a creeping plant. E. कन् added to the last.
  • आवर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. Turning, turning round. 2. Churning. 3. Stirring any thing in fusion. 4. Melting metals together, alligation. 5. The time when shadows are cast in an opposite direction. 6. Repeating, doing over again. 7. Study, practicing. f. (-नी) A crucible. E. आवर्त्त, ल्युट् affix; and ङीप् for the fem.
  • आनर्त्तनमणि :: m. (-णिः) A gem of a secondary order, commonly Rajavatta. E. आवर्त्तन the same, and मणि a jewel.
  • आवर्त्तनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be whirled or turned round. 2. To be reversed. 3. To be repeated. E. आङ् before वृत् to be, अनीयर् aff.
  • आवर्त्तमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Advancing, proceeding. 2. Revolving, going round. E. आङ् before वृत् to be, शानच् aff.
  • आवर्त्तिन् :: mfn. (-र्त्ती -र्त्तिनी -र्त्ति) What whirls or turns upon itself. m. (-र्त्ती) A horse having curls of hair on various parts of his body: it is considered as a lucky mark. f. (-नी) A whirlpool. E. आवर्त्त and इनि aff.
  • आवर्हित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Eradicated, plucked up by the roots. E. आङ् be- fore वर्ह to hurt, affix क्त .
  • आवलि :: f. (-लिः) 1. A row, a range, a continuous line. 2. A series, dynasty, a lineage. E. आङ् before वल to move, इन् affix; also आवली, taking ङीप्
  • आवल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Weakness. E. अवल weak, यञ् aff.
  • आवश्य :: n. (-श्यं) Necessity, inevitable act or conclusion. E. अवश्य and अण् aff.
  • आवश्यक :: n. (-कं) Mecessity, inevitable act or conclusion. E. अवश्य certain, affs. अण् and कन् .
  • आवश्यकत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Necessity, inevitability. E. त्व added to आवश्यक, also with तल्, आवश्यकता .
  • आवसथ :: mn. (-थः-थं) 1. A house. 2. A fire temple or place where sacrificial fire is preserved. m. (-थः) 1. A treatise on the poetical metre called Ārya. (आर्य्याकोषः) see आर्य्या . 2. A particular religious observance. E. आङ् before वस् to dwell, अथ Unādi aff.
  • आवसथिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Inhabiting a house, household, domestic. E. अवसथ and ष्ठल् aff.
  • आवसथ्य :: n. (-थ्यं) A house. E. अवसथ and यञ् aff.
  • आवसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Stored, (as grain.) 2. Winnowed. 3. Ripe, full grown. E. आङ् before अव reverse, and षो to destroy, participial affix क्त; also अवसित .
  • आवह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) What bears or conveys. m. (-हः) One of the seven winds. E. आङ् before वह to bear, अच् aff.
  • आवहत् :: mfn. (-हन् -हन्ती -हत्) Obtaining, receiving. E. आङ् before वह् to bear, affix शतृ .
  • आवहमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Followed, succeeded, come in succession. E. आङ् before वह् to bear, शानच् aff.
  • आवहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Rooted up, extirpated. E. आङ् before वह् to bear, क्त aff.
  • आवात् :: mfn. (-वान् -वान्ती -वात्) Blowing. E. आङ् before वा to blow, aff. शतृ .
  • आवाधा :: f. (-धा) 1. Pain. 2. Distress. 3. Segment of the base of a triangle. E. आङ् before वाधा the same.
  • आवाप :: m. (-पः) 1. A basin for water round the root of a tree. 2. A bracelet. 3. Hostile purpose, intention of going to war, (as a king.) 4. Throw- ing, casting, directing. 5. Sowing seed. 6. Throwing additional ingredients into any compound, (in pharmacy, &c.) in course of preparation. 7. Mixing, inserting. 8. Uneven ground. 9. A vessel. 10. Principal sacrifice with fire. E. आङ्, वप् to sow, घञ् aff.
  • आवापक :: m. (-कः) A bracelet of gold, &c. E. कन् added the last.
  • आवापन :: n. (-नं) 1. A loom, an implement for weaving. 2. A reel or frame for winding thread. E. आङ् before वप् to weave, ल्युट् aff.
  • आवारि :: m. (-रिः) A shop, a stall. E. आङ् before वृ to nourish, in the causal form, इ affix.
  • आवाय्य :: ind. Covering, hiding, concealing. E. आङ् before वृ to screen, ल्यप् aff.
  • आवाल :: n. (-लं) A basin for water round the foot of a tree. E. आङ् before वल to move, घञ् affix; also आलवाल .
  • आवाल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Age or time ending with infancy. E. आङ् unto, वाल्य childhood.
  • आवास :: m. (-सः) A house, a dwelling. E. आङ्, वस् to dwell, affix घञ् .
  • आवाहन :: n. (-नं) 1. Calling. 2. Inviting. 3. Offering oblations with fire. f. (-नी) A particular position of the hands or the palms put to- gether, and the thumbs put at the root of the ring finger. E. आङ् before वह् to bear, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • आवाहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Invoked, invited. E. आङ् before वह् to bear, causal form, क्त aff.
  • आविक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Woollen, &c. or anything relating to or derived from a sheep. m. (-कः) A blanket, woollen cloth. E. अवि a sheep, वुज् aff.
  • आविकसौत्रिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Made of woollen thread. E. आविक and सूत्र a thread, ठञ् aff.
  • आविग्न :: m. (-ग्नः) A small fruit tree, vulgarly Carinda, (Carissa carondas.) Also अविग्न .
  • आविद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Pierced, wounded. 2. Crooked. 3. Cast, thrown, sent. 4. Disappointed. 5. Stupid, foolish. E. आङ् before व्यध to hurt, क्त aff.
  • आविद्धकर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A plant, (Aknidhi:) also आविद्धकर्णिका f. (-का .)
  • आविध :: m. (-धः) An awl, a drill, a kind of gimblet worked by a string. E. आङ् before व्यध to pierce, घञ् or क aff.
  • आविर्भाव :: m. (-वः) Manifestation, presence, becoming visible. E. आविस् manifestly, and भाव condition.
  • आविर्भूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Appeared manifest, become visible. E. आविस् and भूत become.
  • आविल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Foul, turbid. E. आङ् before विल to break, and क aff.
  • आविष्करण :: n. (-णं) Manifestation, making visible E. आविस् and करण making.
  • आविष्कार :: m. (-रः) Becoming or making visible. E. आविस् and कार making.
  • आविष्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Made or become visible, evident, manifest. E. आविस् apparent, and कृत made.
  • आविष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Entered. 2. Possessed, (by a demon, &c.) 3. Possessed, engrossed, (by any sentiment or feeling.) E. आविश to enter, affix क्त .
  • आविस् :: ind. Manifest, evident. E. आङ् before उङ् to sound, इर् aff.
  • आवी :: f. (-वी) Pain of child-birth.
  • आवीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Passed, gone. 2. Placed, hung. m. (-तः) The sacrificial cord worn in any particular manner. E. आङ् before वीत gone.
  • आवीतिन् :: m. (-ती) A Brahman who wears the cord in any particular manner. E. इनि added to the last: see प्राचीनावीतिन् .
  • आवूक :: m. (-कः) A father, (in theatrical language.) E. अव to preserve, ऊकन् affix, and the initial lengthened.
  • आवृत् :: f. (-वृत्) Order, method. E. आङ् before वृत् to choose, affix क्विप् .
  • आवृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Enclosed, surrounded, (by a ditch, wall, &c.) 2. Covered, screened. 3. Invested, inclosed, involved. 4. Spread, overspread, overcast. 5. Filled with, abounding with. m. (-तः) A man of mixed origin, the son of a Brahman, by a woman of the Ugra caste. E. आङ् before वृञ् to screen, affix क्त .
  • आवृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Whirled, stirred, turned round. 2. Reverted, averted. 3. Retreated, fled. E. आङ् before वृत् to be, क्त aff.
  • आवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Reversion, turning back or from. 2. Flight, retreat. 3. Revolving, going round. 4. Worldly existence, the revolution of births. 5. Use, employment, application. E. आङ् before वृत् to be, क्तिन् aff.
  • आवेग :: m. (-गः) 1. Hurry, haste. 2. Flurry, agitation. f. (-गी) A potherb, (Convulvulus argenteus.) E. आङ् before विज् to be alarmed, घञ् and ङीप् affs.
  • आवेदक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) One who makes known. m. (-कः) 1. An ap- pellant, a suitor. 2. An informer. E. आङ् before विद् to know, causal form, वुन् aff.
  • आवेदन :: n. (-नं) Representing, addressing or apprising respectfully. E. आङ् and वेदन informing.
  • आवेदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Made known, communicated, represented. E. आङ् before विद् to know, causal form, क्त aff.
  • आवेद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) To be represented or made known. ind. Having made known. E. आङ् before विद् to know, causal form, यत् or ल्यप् affix.
  • आवेद्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Stating, representing. E. आङ् before विद् to know, causal form, शानच् aff.
  • आवेश :: m. (-शः) 1. Entrance, entering. 2. Pride, arrogance. 3. Indis- tinctness of idea, apoplectic or epileptic giddiness. 4. Absorp- tion of the faculties in one wish or idea, devotedness to an ob- ject. 5. Demoniac frenzy, possession, &c. E. आङ् before विश् to enter, घञ् aff.
  • आवेशन :: n. (-नं) 1. Entrance, entering. 2. A house in which work is carried on, a workshop, a manufactory, &c. 3. Possession by devils, &c. 4. Passion, fury. 5. The disk of the sun. E. आङ् before विश् to enter, ल्युट् aff.
  • आवेशिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. A guest, a visiter. 2. Entering into. 3. Own, peculiar, unparticipated. 4. Inherent. E. आङ् before विश् to enter, ठक् aff.
  • आवेष्टक :: m. (-कः) A wall, a fence, an enclosure. E. आङ् before वेष्ट to sur- round, वुन् aff.
  • आवेष्टन :: n. (-नं) 1. Wrapping round, binding, tying. 2. A wrapper, an envelope, a bandage. 3. An inclosure. E. आङ् before वेष्ट to surround, ल्युट् aff.
  • आवेष्टित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Surrounded, enveloped, inclosed, bound or tied. E. आङ् before वेष्ट to inclose, क्त aff.
  • आशंसन :: n. (-नं) 1. Expecting, wishing. 2. Declaring, asserting. E. आङ् before शसि to wish, &c. ल्युट् aff.
  • आशंसा :: f. (-सा) 1. wish, desire. 2. Speech, declaration. E. आङ् before शसि to desire, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • आशंसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Wished, expected. 2. Declared, said. E. आङ् be- fore शसि to desire, क्त aff.
  • आशंसितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) 1. Wishing, desiring. 2. Asserting. E. आङ् before शसि to wish, तृच् aff.
  • आशंसु :: mfn. (-सुः -सुः -सु) Wishing, desiring. E. आङ् before शसि to wish, and उ aff.
  • आशक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Able, powerful. E. आङ् before and शक्त able.
  • आशक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Power, ability, might. E. आङ् before शक्ति power.
  • आशङ्कनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be doubted, questionable. 2. To be apprehended. E. आङ् before शकि to doubt, अनीयर् aff.
  • आशङ्का :: f. (-ङ्का) 1. Fear, apprehension. 2. Doubt, uncertainty. E. आङ् before शकि to doubt, अच् and टाप् affs.
  • आशङ्कान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Afraid. 2. Doubting, uncertain. E. आशङ्का and अन्वित having.
  • आशङ्कित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Feared, dreaded. 2. Doubted. E. आङ् before शकि to doubt, क्त aff.
  • आशन :: m. (-नः) A tree, (Pentaptera tomentosa.) See असन and आसन .
  • आशय :: m. (-यः) 1. Meaning, intention. 2. Free will or pleasure. 3. An asylum, an abode or retreat. 4. receptacle, a recipient. 5. Any re- cipient or containing vessel or viscus of the body, as रक्ताशय the heart, आमाशय the stomach, &c. 6. The stomach in particular. 7. The mind. 8. Property, possessions. 9. A miser, a niggard. 10. Virtue and vice. 11. Fate, fortune. 12. The Jack, a kind of bread- fruit tree. E. आङ् before शीङ् to rest, अच् aff.
  • आशयाश :: m. (-शः) A name of fire: see आश्रयास .
  • आशयितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) 1. Feeding, a feeder, one who gives food. 2. Pro- tecting, a protector. 3. Recipient, a receiver. E. अश् to eat, causal form, affix शतृ or आङ् before शीङ् to rest, with the same aff.
  • आशर :: m. (-रः) 1. Fire. 2. An imp, a goblin. E. आङ् before शृ to injure, अप् affix; also आशिर .
  • आशल :: m. (-लः) A tree: see जीवक .
  • आशव :: n. (-वं) A spirit distilled from molasses: see आसव .
  • आशा :: f. (-शा) 1. Hope, desire. 2. Length. 3. A quarter, a region. E. आङ् before अशू to expand, अच् and टाप् affs.
  • आशाढ :: m. (-ढः) 1. The month Ashaḍha, (June-July.) 2. A staff of Palasa

wood carried by ascetics. f. (-ढा) The name of two of the lunar mansions: see पूर्व्वाषाढा and उत्तराषाढा .

  • आशान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Having hope. E. आशा and अन्वित possessed of.
  • आशाप्राप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Successful, possessing the object hoped for. E. आशा and प्राप्त obtained.
  • आशाबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) 1. Confidence, trust, expectation. 2. A spider's web. E. आशा hope, &c. and बन्ध a binding.
  • आशाभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Disappointment. E. आशा and भङ्ग breaking.
  • आशावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Hoping, having hope. E. आशा and मतुप् poss. affix.
  • आशाहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Desponding, despairing. E. आशा and हीन des- titude of.
  • आशिञ्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Tinkling, applied to the ornaments worn on the hands and feet. E. आङ् before शिजि to tinkle, क्त aff.
  • आशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Eaten. E. आङ् before अश् to eat, affix क्त; also अशित .
  • आशितङ्गवीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Formerly grazed by cattle. E. आशित eaten, गवीन irregular derivative of गो a cow, and खश् affix; also अशितङ्गवीन .
  • आशितम्भव :: n. (-वं) Food, victuals. m. (-वः) Satisfaction, satiety. E. आशित and भव produced by, from भ and खश् aff.
  • आशितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Voracious, gluttonous, eating excessively. E. अश् to eat, and तृच् affix, इ inserted.
  • आशिर :: m. (-रः) 1. Fire. 2. A goblin or imp. E. आङ् before अश् to eat, किरच् Unādi aff.
  • आशिस् :: f. (-शीः) 1. Blessing, benediction, bestowing or wishing, a bles- sing upon others. 2. A serpent's fang. E. आङ् before शास् to rule, क्विप् affix, and आ is changed to इ .
  • आशी :: f. (-शीः) 1. Wishing or bestowing a blessing. 2. A serpent's fang. 3. A kind of venom, the venom of a snake. E. आङ् before अश् to eat, अच् and ङीप् affixes: see the preceding.
  • आशीर्वचन :: n. (-नं) A blessing, a benediction. E. आशिस् and वचन speech.
  • आशीर्वाद :: m. (-दः) A blessing, a benediction. E. आशिस् and वाद speech.
  • आशीविष :: m. (-षः) A snake. E. आशी a fang, and विष poison; in whose fang is venom.
  • आशु :: mfn. (-शुः -शुः -शु) Going quickly, fleet, first. mn. (-शुः-शु) Rice ripen- ing in the rainy season. n. adv. (-शु) Quick, quickly. E. अशू to per- vade, उण् aff.
  • आशुकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Doing anything quickly, smart, active. 2. (In medicine) Operating speedily. E. आशु quick and कारिन् what acts.
  • आशुग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Going or moving quickly, swift, fleet. m. (-गः) 1. The wind. 2. An arrow. E. आशु quick, and ग who goes.
  • आशुपत्री :: f. (-त्री) A tree which yields frankincense, (Boswellia serrata.) See शल्लकी .
  • आशुव्रीहि :: m. (-हिः) Rice ripening in the rainy season. E. आशु quick, and व्रीहि rice; that is, of rapid growth; also आशु . So आशुधान्य n. (-न्यं) and other compounds.
  • आशुशुक्षणि :: m. (-णिः) 1. Fire. 2. Wind, air. E. आशु before शुष् to dry in the reiterative form, and अनि Unādi aff.
  • आशेकुटिन् :: m. (-टी) A mountain.
  • आशौच :: n. (-चं) Impurity. E. अशुचि impure, अञ् aff.
  • आश्चर्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) Astonishing, wonderful. m. (-र्य्यः) Surprise, as- tonishment. E. आङ् before चर् to go, deriv. irregular.
  • आश्चर्य्यत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Wonderfulness. 2. Wonder, astonishment. E. आश्चर्य्य and त्व affix; or with ता, आश्चर्य्यता .
  • आश्चोतन :: n. (-नं) 1. Aspersion, sprinkling. 2. Applying ghee, &c. to the eye-lids. E. आङ् before श्चुत् to sprinkle, affix ल्युट् .
  • आश्म :: mfn. (-श्मः -श्मा -श्मं) Stony, made of stone, &c. E. अश्मन् stone, and अण् affix: with the final rejected.
  • आश्मन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Made of stone, stony, stone. E. अश्मन् and अञ् aff.

m. (-नः) A name of ARUNA, the charioteer of the sun. E. अश्मन् stone, अण् affix: immoveable as a stone, having no legs.

  • आश्मिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Made of stone, consisting of stone, &c. E. अश्मन् and ठक् aff.
  • आश्यान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Dried partially, consolidated, coagulated. E. आङ् dimin. श्यान dry.
  • आश्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. A religious order, of which there are four kinds re- ferable to the different periods of life; 1st, that of the student or Brahmachari; 2d, that of the householder or Grihastha; 3d, that of the anchorite or Vanaprastha; and 4th, that of the beggar or Bhikshu; see ब्रह्मचारी, &c. 2. A college, a school. 3. A hermitage, the abode of retired saints or sages. 4. A wood or thicket. E. आङ् before श्रम to perform religious austerities, affix घञ् .
  • आश्रमगुरु :: m. (-रुः) The head of a religious order, a preceptor, a principal. E. आश्रम a convent, and गुरु senior.
  • आश्रमधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) The special duty or duties of each order of life. E. आश्रम and धर्म्म duty.
  • आश्रमिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Belonging to one of the four orders, see आश्रम . E. आश्रम as above, and ठक् aff.
  • आश्रमिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिणी -मि) 1. Belonging to one of the four orders. 2. Belonging to a hermitage, a hermit, an anchorite, &c. E. आश्रम and इनि aff.
  • आश्रय :: m. (-यः) 1. Being inclined or addicted to following, practising. 2. A recipient, the person or thing in which any quality or article is inherent, retained or received. 3. An asylum, a place of refuge. 4. A patron, a protector. 5. Having recourse to a protector or asylum. 6. A dwelling. 7. Contiguity, vicinity. 8. Source, origin. 9. A plea, an excuse. 10. Appropriate act, one consistent with the character of the agent. E. आङ् before श्रि to serve, अच् aff.
  • आश्रयण :: n. (-णं) Refuge, asylum, means of protection or security. E. आङ् before श्रि to serve, ल्युट् aff.
  • आश्रयणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be had recourse to. 2. To be practised or followed. E. आङ् before श्रि to serve, affix अनीयर् .
  • आश्रयभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Protecting, supporting, one who is the refuge of any other. E. आश्रय and भूत become.
  • आश्रयाश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) A forfeiter of an asylum, one who by misconduct &c loses patronage or protection. m. (-शः) A name of fire. E. आश्रय a house, &c. अश् to eat or consume, and अण् affix: similar com- pounds occur frequently, as आश्रयध्वंसिन्, आश्रयभज्, &c.
  • आश्रव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Compliant, obedient. m. (-वः) 1. A promise, an engagement. 2. Distress, fatigue. 3. Fault, transgression. E. आङ् before श्रु to hear, अच् aff.
  • आश्रि :: f. (-श्रिः) The edge of a sword: see अश्रि .
  • आश्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Inhabiting, dwelling in, resorting to as a re- treat or asylum. 2. Following, practising, observing. 3. Using, employing, having recourse to. 4. Receiving anything, as an in- herent or integral part. 5. Taking one's station at or on, as at win- dow or a seat, &c. 6. A dependent. E. आङ् before श्रि to serve, क्त affix.
  • आश्रित्य :: ind. 1. Having sought or obtained an asylum. 2. Having re- course to, employing, practising. E. आङ् before श्रि to serve, ल्यप् affix, तुक् augment.
  • आश्रुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Promised, agreed. 2. Heard. E. आङ् before श्रु to hear, क्त aff.
  • आश्लिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Embraced. 2. Embracing, who or what em- braces. 3. Connected, interwoven, blended. 4. Attaching to, joining, who or what adheres to. 5. Invested, spread. 6. Connected as a consequence, deduced, concluded. E. आङ् before श्लिष् to fold. क्त aff.
  • आश्लेष :: m. (-षः) 1. Embracing, an embrace. 2. Site of any act. 3. Intimate connexion. E. आङ् before श्लिष् to fold, घञ् aff.
  • आश्व :: mfn. (-श्वः -श्वी -श्वं) Relating to a horse, drawn by horses, equestrian,

&c. n. (-श्वं) 1. A number of horses. 2. A chariot drawn by horses. E. अश्व a horse, and अण् aff.

  • आश्वत्थ :: m. (-त्थः) The fruit of the holy fig tree. E. अश्वत्थ and अण् aff.
  • आश्वत्थिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating to or produced by the Aswattha tree. 2. Flowering of the Aswattha (the time when.) E. अश्वत्थ and ठक् aff.
  • आश्वयुज :: mfn. (-जः -जी -जं) Belonging to or occurring in the same month of Aswin. m. (-जः) The month Aswin, (September-October.) f. (-जी) The day of full moon in Aswin. E. अश्वयुज the first lunar mansion, affix अण् and fem. ङीप् .
  • आश्वरथ :: mfn. (-थः -थी -थं) Belonging to a chariot. E. अश्वरथ and अण् aff.
  • आश्वलक्षणिक :: m. (-कः) A farrier, a groom. E. अश्व, लक्षण a mark, ठक् aff.
  • आश्वलायन :: m. (-नः) The name of a sage and legislator, &c. E. अश्वलायन and अण् patronymic aff.
  • आश्वसत् :: mfn. (-सन् -सन्ती -सत्) 1. Breathing, alive. 2. Recovering, reviving. E. आङ् before श्वस् to breathe, शतृ aff.
  • आश्वसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Encouraged, cheered, consoled. E. आङ् be- fore श्वस् to breathe, क्त aff.
  • आश्वास :: m. (-सः) 1. Completion, cessation. 2. A chapter or section, the division of a book. 3. A probable story. 4. Breathing. E. आङ् be- fore श्वस् to breathe, to live, घञ् aff.
  • आश्वासक :: m. (-कः) Clothing. mfn. (-कः -सिका -कं) Consoling, comforting. E. आङ् before श्वस् to breathe, causal form, वुन् aff.
  • आश्वासन :: n. (-नं) Consoling, encouraging, reviving. E. आङ् before श्वस् to breathe, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • आश्वासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Encouraged, comforted. E. आङ् before श्वस् to breathe, causal form, क्त aff.
  • आश्वास्य :: ind. Having recovered or revived. E. आङ् before श्वस् to breathe, causal form, ल्यप् aff.
  • आश्विक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Equestrain, cavalier, relating to a horse, drawn by horses, &c. E. अश्व and ठञ् aff.
  • आश्विन :: m. (-नः) The month Aswin, (September-October.) E. अश्विनी the constellation, अण् deriv. affix: when the moon is in Aswini.
  • आश्वीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) A day's journey for a horse. E. अश्व a horse, and खञ् aff.
  • आश्विनेय :: m. du. (-यौ) The two twin sons of ASWINI by SŪRYA, and physicians of Swarga; one of them is named NĀSATYA, the other DASRA. or the patronymic may be used in the singular to designate either one of them. E. अश्विनी and ठक् aff.
  • आश्वीय :: n. (-यं) A number of horses. E. अश्व a horse, and छ aff.
  • आषाढ :: m. (-ढः) 1. The name of a month, (June-July.) 2. A staff of the wood of the Palasa, carried by an ascetic in the month Ashaḍha. 3. The Malaya mountain. E. आषाढा the constellation, and अण् affix. f. (-ढी) The day of full moon in the month Ashaḍha. f. (-ढा) The twenty-first and twenty-second lunar mansion; it is most commonly compounded with पूर्व्व and उत्तरः see पूर्व्वाषाढा and उत्तराषाढा . E. अ neg. सह to bear, अण् and टाप् affs.
  • आषाढक :: m. (-कः) The month Ashaḍha: see the preceding, also अषाढक .
  • आषाढभव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Produced in the month Ashaḍha. m. (-वः) The planet MARS. E. आषाढ the month, and भव produced, from भू and अच् aff.
  • आषाढाभू :: m. (-भूः) See the preceding. E. आषाढा the sign, and भू produced, from भू to be, affix क्विप् .
  • आष्ट्र :: n. (-ष्ट्रं) Æther, the sky or atmosphere. E. अस् to throw, to send, ष्ट्रन् Unādi aff.
  • आस :: r. 2d cl. (आस्ते or आस्स्ते) 1. To sit. 2. To be present. 3. To be or exist. With अधि prefixed. 1. To inhabit, to dwell in. 2. To sit over or upon. 3. To mistake or err by taking one thing for another from similarity of appearance. With अभि, to sit or apply to, to study, to learn. With उत्, 1. To leave, to abandon. 2. To shake, agitate, &c. (as wind.) With उप, to worship, to do homage. With निर्, to expel. With प्र and निर्, to reject, to refute, to invalidate.
  • आस :: ind. (-आः) An interjection, ah! oh! &c. implying. 1. Recollection. 2. Anger. 3. Menace. 4. Pain. 5. Affliction.
  • आस :: m. (-सः) A bow. E. अस् to send or throw, affix घञ् .
  • आसक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Zealously following or pursuing, intent or attached strongly to. 2. Trusting to, confiding in. 3. Eternal. adv. n. (-क्तं) Eternally. E. आङ् before षञ्ज् to embrace, to move, parti- cipial affix क्त .
  • आसक्तचित्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Of a fixed mind, intent on, devoted to, absorbed in. E. आसक्त and चित्त mind.
  • आसक्तचेतस् :: mfn. (-ताः -ताः -तः) Having the mind fixed or intent on any object. E. आसक्त and चेतस् the understanding.
  • आसक्तमनस् :: mfn. (-नाः -नाः -नः) Having the mind fixed upon any object. E. आसक्त and मनस् the mind.
  • आसक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Attachment to one object or pursuit, diligence, applica- tion. E. आङ् before षञ्ज् to embrace, क्तिन् aff.
  • आसङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. Attachment to any object. 2. Association, connexion. 3. Proximity, contact. adv. n. (-ङ्गं) Eternally. adj. mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) Eternal. E. आङ् always, षञ्ज् to move, अच् aff.
  • आसङ्गत्य :: n. (-त्यं) Detachment, disunion. E. अ neg. सङ्गति union, ष्यञ् aff.
  • आसङ्गिनी :: f. (-नी) A whirlwind. E. आसङ्ग eternal, इनि and ङीप् affs.
  • आसज्जन :: n. (-नं) Putting on dress, armour, ornaments, &c. E. आङ् be- fore षज्ज् to dress, ल्युट् aff.
  • आसज्ज्य :: ind. Having put on. E. आङ् before षज्ज् to dress, affix ल्यप्
  • आसत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Intimate union, meeting, junction. 2. Gain, profit, acquirement. 3. In logic, connexion or relation between two or more proximate terms and the sense they convey. E. आङ् before षद् to go, affix क्तिन् .
  • आसन :: n. (-नं) 1. A stool, a seat. 2. Maintaining a post against an enemy. 3. The withers of an elephant, the part where the driver sits. 4. Halting, stopping. 5. Sitting in some peculiar posture, as is the custom of devotees, &c. eighty-four kinds are enumerated: see पद्मासन, &c. m. (-नः) A tree, (Pentapheca tomentosa.) Also असन . f. (-ना-नी) Stay, abiding, sitting. (-नी) 1. A shop, a stall. 2. A small seat, a stool. E. आस् to abide, and युच or ल्युट् aff.
  • आसन्द :: m. (-न्दः) A name of VISHNU. mfn. (-न्दः -न्दी -न्दं) A small couch or oblong chair, having the seat made of basket work. E. आस sitting, and द what gives.
  • आसन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Near, proximate. m. (-न्नः) A setting sun. E. आङ before षद् to go, and क्त aff.
  • आसन्नकाल :: m. (-लः) Hour of death. E. आसन्न and काल time.
  • आसव :: n. (-वं) 1. Rum, spirit distilled from sugar or molasses. 2. Spi- rituous liquor in general. E. आङ् before षूञ् to be generated, and अप् aff.
  • आसवद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) The palmyra tree. E. आसव spirit, and द्रु a tree; the juice of the palmyra upon fermenting affording a spirituous liquor.
  • आसादन :: n. (-नं) 1. Obtaining, attaining. 2. Accomplishing. 3. Going to or toward. E. आङ् before षद् to go, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • आसादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Obtained. 2. Reached, gone to. 3. Spread, extended, overspread. 4. Effected, completed. E. आङ् before षद् to go, in the causal form, affix क्त .
  • आसाद्य :: ind. 1. Having attained or reached. 2. Having obtained. E. आङ् before षद् to go, causal form, ल्यप् aff.
  • आसाधन :: n. (-नं) Accomplishment, attainment. E. आङ् before षाध् to succeed, ल्युट् aff.
  • आसार :: m. (-रः) 1. A hard shower. 2. Surrounding an enemy. 3. The army of an ally, or of a king whose dominions are separated by other intervening states. E. आङ् before सृ to go, घञ् aff.
  • आसाव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be born. E. षु to bear, affix ण्यत् .
  • आसिक :: m. (-कः) A swordsman. E. असि a sword, and ठक् aff.
  • आसिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) One who sits. E. आस् to sit, ण्वुल् aff.
  • आसिक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Sprinkled. E. आङ् before षिच् to sprinkle, क्त aff.
  • आसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sat down. 2. Who sits or is seated. n. (-तं) 1. Place of abode, a city. 2. A seat. E. आस् to sit, क्त aff.
  • आसिद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Accomplished, effected. 2. Put under restraint: see आसेध . E. आङ् before षिध् to go, &c. affix क्त .
  • आसीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Sitting, seated. E. आस् to sit, शानच् affix, form irr.
  • आसीनप्रचलायित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Nodding, rocking as seated, falling asleep. E. आसीन and प्रचलायित set in motion.
  • आसुति :: m. (-तिः) Distilling, distillation. E. आङ before षूञ . to produce, affix क्तिन् .
  • आसुतीबल :: m. (-लः) 1. A sacrificer at the full and change of the moon. 2. A distiller. E. आसुति and बलच् aff.
  • आसुर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Infernal, demoniac, belonging or relating to the Asuras. m. (-रः) 1. An Asur or demon. 2. A form of marriage, in which the bridegroom gives to the bride, her father and paternal kinsmen, as much as he can afford. n. (-रं) Black salt. f. (-री) 1. A division of medicine, surgery, curing by cutting with instruments, applying the actual cautery, &c. 2. Mustard. E. असुर a demon, अण् aff. and in the fem. ङीप् .
  • आसेक :: m. (-कः) Sprinkling. E. आङ् before षिच् to sprinkle, affix घञ् .
  • आसेचन :: n. (-नं) Sprinkling. mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Beloved, desired. E. आङ् before षिच् to sprinkle, ल्युट् affix; also असेचनक .
  • आसेचनक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) See the preceding. E. आङ् before षिच् to sprinkle, ल्युट् and कन् affs. also असेचनक .
  • आसेद्धृ :: m. (-द्धा) One who confines or arrests another. E. आङ् before षिध् to go, and तृच् aff.
  • आसेध :: m. (-धः) Arrest, legal restraint of four kinds; कालासेधः limit of time, स्थानासेधः confinement to a place, प्रवासासेधः prohibition against removal or departure, कर्म्मासेधः restriction from employment. E. आङ् before षिध् to go, घञ् aff.
  • आसेध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) To be interrupted, prohibited or restrained. E. आङ् before षिध् to go, यत् aff.
  • आस्कन्दन :: n. (-नं) 1. Going, going to, approaching. 2. Effacing, de- stroying. 3. Reproach, abuse. 4. War, battle. 5. Drying. E. आङ् before स्कन्द to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • आस्कन्दित :: n. (-तं) The walk of a horse. E. आङ् before स्कन्द to go, क्त aff.
  • आस्कन्दितक :: n. (-कं) See the preceding.
  • आस्तर :: m. (-रः) 1. A covering, a coverlet, a blanket thrown over the back of a horse or elephant. 2. Spreading clothes, &c. 3. A car- pet, a bed. E. आङ् before स्तृञ् to spread, and अप् aff.
  • आस्तरण :: n. (-णं) 1. A carpet, a rug, a quilt, bed-clothes. 2. A bed. 3. A layer of sacred grass spread out at a sacrifice. 4. An elephant's housings, a painted cloth or blanket worn on his back. E. As the preceding, affix ल्युट् .
  • आस्तिक :: m. (-कः) The name of a Muni or saint. E. अस्ति who is and वुञ् affix; from an expression of his father, (he is in the womb,) pro- nouncing his conception to have taken place before there were any external indications of it. mfn. (-कः -की -कं) A believer, pious, faith- ful. E. अस्ति as before, saying that there is a God, &c. in opposition to the नास्तिक an atheist, and ठक् aff.
  • आस्तिकता :: f. (-ता) Belief in God. E. आस्तिक and तल् affix; also with त्व affix आस्तिकत्वं .
  • आस्तिकार्थद :: m. (-दः) A name of a king, also called JANAMEJAYA. E. आस्तिक the Muni, अर्थ a request, and द who gives or grants; having at his request spared the Naga TAKSHAKA, from the destruction to which he had devoted the race.
  • आस्तीक :: m. (-कः) The name of a Muni or saint, the son of JARATKĀRU, also a Muni: see आस्तिक . E. अस्ति and ठक् aff.
  • आस्तीकजननी :: f. (-नी) The wife of JARATKĀRU, a saint. E. आस्तीक as above, and जननी a mother, the mother of that saint.
  • आस्तीक्य :: n. (-क्यं) Belief in Providence and a future world. E. आस्तीक a believer, and यञ् aff.
  • आस्तीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Spread, strewed, scattered. E. आङ् before स्तृ to spread, क्त aff.
  • आस्तृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Spread. 2. Covered. E. आङ् before स्तृ to spread, affix क्त .
  • आस्था :: f. (-स्था) 1. Prop, stay, place or means of abiding. 2. An assembly. 3. Effort, pains, care. 4. Consideration, regard. E. आङ् before स्था to stay, to stand, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • आस्थान :: nf. (-नं-नी) An assembly. n. (-नं) 1. Place, site. 2. Staying, abid- ing. 5. Pains, care. E. आङ् before स्था to stay or stand, ल्युट् and ङीप् affs.
  • आस्थापन :: n. (-नं) 1. Placing, fixing, causing to stay or remain. 2. An enema of oil, ghee, &c. E. आङ् before स्था to stay, causal form. ल्युट् aff.
  • आस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Stayed, dwelt, abiding, abode. 2. Applied to, having recourse to. 3. Occupied, engrossed by, engaged in. 4. Spread, overspread. 5. Obtained. 6. Observing, adhering to, follow- ing, practising. E. आङ् before स्था to stay, and क्त aff.
  • आस्पद :: n. (-दं) 1. Business, affair. 2. Office, rank, station. 3. Dignity. 4. Authority. 5. Place, site. E. आङ् before पद् to go, deriv. irr.
  • आस्पदन :: n. (-नं) Trembling, throbbing. E. आङ् before स्पदि to shake, ल्युट् aff.
  • आस्पर्द्धा :: f. (-र्द्धा) Emulation, rivalry. E. आङ् before स्पर्द्ध to vie with, अच् and टाप् affs.
  • आस्पर्द्धिन् :: mfn. (-र्द्धी -र्द्धिनी -र्द्धि) Emulous. E. आस्पर्द्धा and इनि aff.
  • आस्फाल :: m. (-लः) 1. Striking, rubbing, causing to move gently. 2. Flap- ping, clapping. 3. The flapping motion of an elephant's ear. E. आङ् before स्फल to move, causal form, घञ् aff.
  • आस्फालन :: n. (-नं) 1. Pride, arrogance. 2. Rubbing, stirring, moving gently. E. आङ् before स्फल to move, causal form, affix ल्युट् .
  • आस्फालित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Struck gently, rubbed, touched, stirred. 2. Flapped, clapped, struck together. E. आङ् before स्फल to move, causal form, क्त aff.
  • आस्फुजित् :: m. (-जित्) A name of a SUKRA, regent of the planet VENUS, and teacher of the Asuras.
  • आस्फोट :: m. (-टः) 1. A plant, (Swallow wort.) 2. The sound of striking on the arms, as made by combatants, wrestlers, &c. f. (-टा) A wild variety of jasmin. E. आङ् before स्फुट to expand, and अच् affix; also आस्फोन and आस्फोता .
  • आस्फोटक :: m. (-कः) A tree, (Careya arborea.) E. आङ् before स्फुट् to blow, &c. and वुन् aff.
  • आस्फोटन :: n. (-नं) 1. Blowing, expanding. 2. Contracting, closing. 3. Slapping the arms, or the noise made by it. f. (-नी) A gimlet or auger. E. आङ् before स्फुट् to blow or expand, and ल्युट् aff.
  • आस्फोत :: m. (-तः) 1. Swallow wort, (Asclepias gigantea.) 2. Mountain ebony, (Bauhinia variegata, &c.) 3. A kind of echites or savanna flower, (E. dichotoma, Rox.) f. (-ता) 1. A wild variety of jasmin. 2. Clitoria ternatea. E. आङ् before स्फुट् to blow or expand, अच् affix and ट changed to त; or स्फै to encrease, with क्त affix, and आ con- verted to ओ; also sometimes आस्फोट and आस्फोटा .
  • आस्य :: n. (-स्यं) 1. the face. 2. The mouth. mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) Belonging or relating to the mouth or face. E. अस् to throw or direct, and ण्यत् affix, or आङ् before स्यन्द to go, and ड affix; to which food goes or is directed. f. (-स्या) Stay, abiding, resting. E. आस् to sit, and ण्यत् affix.
  • आस्यपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A lotus. E. आस्य a face, पत्र a leaf; this flower is com- monly compared to a beautiful face.
  • आस्यलाङ्गल :: m. (-लः) A hog, a boar. E. आस्य and लाङ्गल a plough; whose face is as it were a plough.
  • आस्यलोमन् :: n. (-म) The beard. E. आस्य and लोमन् hair; the hair of the face.
  • आस्यासव :: m. (-वः) Spittle, saliva. E. अस्य the mouth, आसव liquor.
  • आस्रप :: m. (-पः) The nineteenth lunar mansion. E. अस्रप a Rakshasa or goblin, and अण् aff. one of this race being the deity of the asterism.
  • आस्रव :: m. (-वः) 1. Distress, pain, affliction. 2. Flow, issue, running, dis charge. E. आङ् before स्रु to go, and अच् aff.
  • आस्राव :: m. (-वः) 1. Pain, affliction. 2. Flow, issue, running, discharge. E. आङ् before स्रु to ooze, घञ् aff.
  • आस्वनित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sounded. E. आङ् before स्वन् to sound, क्त affix, with इट् augment.
  • आस्वान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Sounded. E. आङ् before स्वन् to sound, क्त aff.
  • आस्वाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Tasting, eating. 2. Enjoying. 3. Flavour. E. आङ् be- fore ष्वद् to taste, affix घञ् .
  • आस्वादन :: n. (-नं) 1. Tasting, eating. 2. Enjoying. E. आङ् before ष्वद् to taste, ल्युट् aff.
  • आस्वादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Tasted. 2. Enjoyed, possessed. 3. Eaten. E. आङ् before ष्वद् to taste, affix क्त .
  • आह :: ind. An interjection, aha! ah! implying. 1. Casting, sending. 2. Severity, reproof. 3. Commanding.
  • आहक :: m. (-कः) A disease of the nose, inflammation of the Schneideri- an membrane.
  • आहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Struck, beaten. 2. Injured, killed. 3. Multiplied. 4. Known, understood. 5. Uttered falsely. n. (-तं) 1. Old cloth or raiment. 2. New cloth or clothes. 3. Assertion of an impossibility. m. (-तः) A drum. E. आङ्, before हन् to hurt or injure, affix क्त .
  • आहतलक्षण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Noted for good qualities. E. आहत known, and लक्षण a mark.
  • आहर :: m. (-रः) 1. Breath inspired, inspiration. 2. Taking, seizing. E. आङ् before हृ to take, अप् aff.
  • आहरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Taking, seizing. 2. Causing, inducing. 3. Extracting, removing. E. आङ् before हृ to take, affix ल्युट् .
  • आहर्त्तृ :: mfn. (-र्त्ता -र्त्त्री -र्त्तृ) One who takes or seizes. m. (-र्त्ता) (In law,) A copy-holder. E. आङ् before हृ to take, तृच् aff.
  • आहव :: m. (-वः) 1. War, battle. 2. Sacrificing. E. आङ् before हु to sacrifice or ह्वेञ् to call, and अच् aff.
  • आहवन :: n. (-नं) Sacrifice, offering sacrifice E. आङ् before हु to sacrifice, ल्युट् aff.
  • आहवनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be offered as an oblation. m. (-यः) A con- secrated fire taken from the house-holder's perpetual fire, and prepared for receiving oblations. E. आङ् before हु to offer abla- tions, and अनीयर् aff.
  • आहवनीयक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Fit for a burnt offering. m. (-कः) A con- secrated fire. E. कन् added to the last.
  • आहार :: m. (-रः) 1. Food. 2. Taking, conveying. E. आङ् before हृ to convey, घञ aff.
  • आहारसम्भव :: m. (-वः) The juice of the body, chyle, lymph, serum, &c. E. आहार food, and सम्भव what is produced.
  • आहारार्थिन् :: mfn. (-र्थी -र्थिनी -र्थि) Begging or seeking for food. E. आहार food and अर्थिन् who asks.
  • आहार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) 1. Adventitious, accessory, incidental. 2. To be taken or seized. 3. To be eaten. m. (-र्य्यः) The ornamentative part of the drama, the dress, decorations, &c. E. आङ् before हृञ् to convey, ण्यत् aff.
  • आहार्य्यशोभा :: f. (-भा) Adventitious beauty, beauty not natural but the effect of paint, ornaments, &c. E. आहार्य्य incidental, and शोभा splendor.
  • आहाव :: m. (-वः) 1. A trough near a well for watering cattle. 2. War, battle. 3. Calling. E. आङ् before ह्वे to call, घञ् affix, deriv. irr.
  • आहिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A name of the inspired grammarian PANINI. 2. The descending node. E. अहि a snake, or the constellation Aslesha, and ठक् aff.
  • आहिण्डिक :: m. (-कः) A man of fixed origin, the son of a Nishada father and Vaidehi mother, employed as a watchman on the outside of jails, &c.
  • आहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Placed, deposited. 2. Entertained, felt. 3. Comprising, containing. 4. Made, done. E. आङ् before धा to have or hold, part. affix क्त, form irr.
  • आहितलक्षण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Noted for good qualities. E. See आहतलक्षण .
  • आहितव्यथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) Pained, grieved. E. आहित felt, व्यथा pain.
  • आहितस्वन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Noisy, uttering or making sound. E. आहित made, स्वन a sound.
  • आहिताङ्क :: mfn. (-ङ्कः -ङ्का -ङ्कं) Marked, spotted, stained. E. आहित made, अङ्क a spot.
  • आहिताग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) A Brahman who has preserved a sacred fire kept alive perpetually in a family, &c. E. आहित placed, and अग्नि a fire; by whom.
  • आहितुण्डिक :: m. (-कः) A juggler, a snake-catcher. E. अहि a snake, तुण्ड a mouth, and ठक् affix; playing with the mouth of a snake: the poisonous fangs being extracted, the snakes are suffered to bite their exhibitors.
  • आहुत :: n. (-तं) The nourishment of all created beings, considered as one of the five sacraments or principal sacrifices of the Hindus. E. आङ् before हु to offer oblations, and क्त aff.
  • आहुति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Offering oblations with fire to the deities. 2. Any solemn rite accompanied with oblations. E. As the preceding, affix क्तिन् .
  • आहुल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) A leguminous shrub.
  • आहूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Called, summoned, invoked, invited. E. आङ be- fore ह्वे to call, क्त aff.
  • आहूतप्रपलायिन् :: m. (-यी) A defendant or witness absconding, or not ap- pearing when summoned. E. आहूत and प्रपलायिन् who runs away.
  • आहूति :: f. (-तिः) Calling. E. आङ् before ह्वे to call, affix क्तिन्; ए is dropped, and व is changed to its analogous vowel उ .
  • आहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Brought, taken, collected. E. आङ् before हृ to take, क्त aff.
  • आहृत्य :: ind. Having taken or received, having brought. E. आङ् before हृ to take, ल्यप् aff.
  • आहेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Belonging or relating to a snake. E. अहि a snake, and ढञ् aff.
  • आहो :: ind. 1. An interjection of doubt; 2. Of asking.
  • आहोपुरुषिका :: f. (-का) Boasting, military vaunting. E. आहो, पुरुष a man, and affix कन्; doubting another's manhood, &c.
  • आहोस्वित् :: ind. A particle implying doubt. E. आहो and स्वित् aff.
  • आह्न :: n. (-ह्नं) Many days. E. अहन् a day, and अण् aff.
  • आह्निक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Daily, diurnal, of or belonging to a day. n. (-कं) 1. Constant occupation, daily work. 2. The division or section of a book. 3. Food. E. अहन् a day, and ठक् aff.
  • आह्निकाचार :: m. (-रः) Daily observance, the prayers and practices neces- sary for bodily and mental purification. E. आह्निक daily and आचार observance.
  • आह्लाद :: m. (-दः) Joy, delight. E. आङ् before ह्लद् to be pleased, affix घञ् .
  • आह्लादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Delighted, rejoiced. E. आङ् before ह्लद् to be delighted, क्त aff.
  • आह्व :: m. (-ह्वः) A crier, who or what calls. f. (-ह्वा) 1. A name, an ap- pellation. 2. A call, a summons. E. आङ् before ह्वे to call, क aff.
  • आह्वय :: m. (-यः) 1. A name or appellation. 2. A lawsuit arising from a dispute about games with animals, as cock-fighting, &c. E. आङ् before ह्वेञ् to call, अच् aff.
  • आह्वान :: n. (-नं) 1. Calling, a call or summons. 2. Legal summons. 3. A name, an appellation. 4. Invocation, invitation. E. आङ् before ह्वेञ् to call, ल्युट् aff.
  • आह्वानदर्शन :: n. (-नं) Day of trial. E. आह्वान summons, and दर्शन seeing, investigating.
  • आह्वाय :: m. (-यः) 1. A name. 2. A summons. E. आङ्ह्वे to call, घ aff.
  • आह्वायक :: m. (-कः) A messenger, a courier. E. आङ्ह्वे to call, ण्वुल् aff.
  •  :: The third vowel of the alphabet, corresponding to I short, and pro- nounced as that letter in kill, &c.
  •  :: m. (इः) A name of KAMADEVA. Ind. An interjection. 1. Of anger. 2. Of calling. 3. Of sorrow or distress. 4. Of compassion. E. इ to go, क्विप् aff.
  •  :: r. 1st cl. (अयति) To go, to go to or towards: with उत् prefixed, to rise or ascend, as the sun, &c. with अभि and उत् the same, or to rise in the world, to prosper. (ङ) इङ् and अधि always prefixed अधीङ् r. 2nd cl. (अधीते) To study, to learn, to read over or through. (क) इक् and अधि prefixed r. 2nd cl. (अध्येति) To remember, to think of. (ण) इण् r. 2nd cl. (एति) To go. This root takes many prefixes, implying with अति, 1. To surpass, to surmount. 2. To pass, to spend time or to elapse as time. With अनु, 1. To go after, to follow. 2. To go like, to imitate in going. 3. To succeed. With अभि, 1. To obtain, to get. 2. To proceed, to go on. 3. To go. 4. To ap- proach. 5. To serve or worship. With अप, 1. To go away, to de- part. 2. To perish. With अभि and उप, To arrive. With उप, 1. To receive. 2. To aid or assist. 3. To approach or go near so. With निर्, To go forth or out from. With प्रति, 1. To trust, to confide. 2. To follow, to be added or subjoined to. 3. (In the passive verb,) To become evident or manifest. With वि, To expend, to waste, to de- part. With सम् and उप, To obtain, &c.
  • इक्कट :: m. (-टः) A kind of reed: see इत्कट .
  • इक्षव :: m. (-वः) The sugar-came.
  • इक्षु :: m. (-क्षुः) The sugar-cane. E. इष् to desire, and क्सु affix or ईक्ष् to see, असुन् affix and ई made short.
  • इक्षुकाण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. A species of sugar-cane, (Saccharum munja, Rox.) See मुञ्ज . 2. A sort of grass, (Kas,) (Saccharum spontaneum.) 3. The stem or cane of the Saccharum officinale, the sugar-cane. E. इक्षु and काण्ड a stem.
  • इक्षुगन्धा :: f. (-न्धा) 1. A kind of reed, (Saccharum spontaneum.) 2. Bar- leria longifolia, (this and its synonimes are also applied to Cap- paris spinosa and Tribulus lanuginosus: see कोकिलाक्ष and गोक्षुरक .) 3. Convolvulus paniculatus: भूमिकुष्माण्ड . E. इक्षु and गन्ध smell; having the odor of the sugar-cane.
  • इक्षुगन्धिका :: f. (-का) Convolvulus paniculatus. E. See the preceding.
  • इक्षुतुल्या :: f. (-ल्या) A species of grass or reed. E. इक्षु and तुल्या like, like sugar-cane.
  • इक्षुदण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) The stem or cane of the Saccharum officinale, the sugar-cane. E. इक्षु and दण्ड a staff.
  • इक्षुदर्भा :: f. (-र्भा) A kind of grass; also वंशमूल, &c.
  • इक्षुनेत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A kind of tree. E. इक्षु and नेत्र an eye.
  • इक्षुपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A species of grain, Jower, (Panicum spicatum.) E. इक्षु and पत्र a leaf.
  • इक्षुप्र :: m. (-प्रः) A sort of grass, (Saccharum sara.)
  • इक्षुबालिका :: f. (-का) 1. A kind of reed: see इक्ष्वालिका . 2. Saccharum spon- taneum. E. इक्षु and बालिका an infant; a young sugar-cane, from its smaller size.
  • इक्षुभक्षिका :: f. (-का) A meal of sugar or molasses. E. इक्षु, भक्ष to eat, ण्वुल् aff.
  • इक्षुमती :: f. (-ती) The name of a river in Bengal. E. इक्षु and मतुप् aff. in this sense.
  • इक्षुमूल :: n. (-लं) 1. A sort of tree; also इक्षुनेत्र . 2. The root of sugar-cane. E. इक्षु and मूल a root.
  • इक्षुमेह :: m. (-हः) Diabetes, or D. mellitus. E. इक्षु and मेह urine.
  • इक्षुमेहिन् :: mfn. (-हि -हिनी -हि) Diabetic. E. इक्षुमेह and इनि aff.
  • इक्षुयन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) A sugar-mill. E. इक्षु and यन्त्र a machine.
  • इक्षुयोनि :: m. (-निः) The common sugar-cane. E. इक्षु and योनि origin.
  • इक्षुर :: m. (-रः) 1. Sugar-cane. 2. Barleria longifolia or Tribulus lanugi-

nosus. 3. Saccharum spontaneum. E. इक्षु sugar-cane and र what gives, from रा and ड aff.

  • इक्षुरक :: m. (-कः) 1. Saccharum spontaneum. 2. Barleria longifolia: see the preceding, कन् being added.
  • इक्षुरस :: m. (-सः) 1. The juice of the sugar-cane 2. Molasses, unrefined sugar. 3. A sort of grass, (Saccharum spontaneum.) E. इक्षु sugar- cane and रस juice.
  • इक्षुरसक्वाथ :: m. (-थः) Raw or unrefined sugar, molasses. E. इक्षुरस and क्वाथ a decoction, the boiled or inspissated juice.
  • इक्षुरसोद :: m. (-दः) The sea of syrup. E. इक्षुरस and उद water.
  • इक्षुवाटिका :: f. (-का) A kind of sugar-cane, common yellow cane; also इक्षुवाटी; see पुण्ड्र .
  • इक्षुविकार :: m. (-रः) 1. Sugar, molasses. 2. Any sweetmeat E. इक्षु and विकार change of form.
  • इक्षुवेष्टन :: m. (-नः) A sort of grass, (Saccharum munja.) E. इक्षु and वेष्टन surrounding.
  • इक्षुशाकट :: n. (-टं) A field of sugar-cane. E. इक्षु and शाकट a field.
  • इक्षुशाकिन :: n. (-नं) A field of sugar-cane. E. इक्षु and शाकिन a field in this compound.
  • इक्षुसार :: m. (-रः) Molasses, raw or unrefined sugar. E. इक्षु and सार es- sence, the essence of the sugar-cane.
  • इक्ष्वाकु :: m. (-कुः) The son of the Manu NAIVASWATA, the son of SURYA or the sun, and first prince of the solar dynasty: he reigned at Ajodhya in the commencement of the second Yuga or age. f. (-कुः) A bitter gourd. E. इक्षु and अक to obtain, and कु or उण् aff.
  • इक्ष्वालिक :: m. (-कः) A kind of reed, (Saccharum spontaneum.) f. (-का) Another sort, (Saccharum fuscum;) the native pens are made from its stem. E. इक्षु and आलिका for आली a line; it grows like the sugar-cane.
  • इख :: r. 1st cl. (एखति) and (इ) इखि (इंखति) To go.
  • इग :: r. 1st cl. (इ) इगि (इङ्गति) 1. To go, to go to or towards. 2. To move or agitate.
  • इङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) 1. Moveable, locomotive. 2. Surprising, wonder- ful. m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A hint or sign, an indication of sentiment by gesture, &c. 2. Knowledge. E. इगि to go, affix क .
  • इङ्गित :: n. (-तं) 1. Hint, sign, gesture. 2. Going, motion. 3. Intention, purpose. E. इगि to go, affix क्त .
  • इङ्गितज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Understanding signs. E. इङ्गित and ज्ञ who knows.
  • इङ्गुद :: mf. (-दः-दी) The name of a plant, commonly Ingua E. इङ्गु going, and द what gives; the pen. अ is changed to उ and the fem. affix is ङीष् .
  • इङ्गुल :: mf. (-लः-ली) See the preceding. E. As before, द being changed to ल .
  • इच्छक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Wishing, desirous. m. (-कः) 1. Citron, (Citrus medica.) 2. (In arithmetic,) Demand, the sun sought. E. इच्छा wish, and वुन् aff.
  • इच्छत् :: mfn. (-च्छन् -च्छन्ती -च्छत्) Wishing, wishful, desirous. E. इष् to wish, शतृ aff.
  • इच्छत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Desire, wishfulness. E. इच्छा and त्व affix; also with तल्, इच्छता .
  • इच्छा :: f. (-च्छा) Wish, desire. E. इष् to desire, affixes श and टाप् .
  • इच्छानिवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Suppression of desire. E. इच्छा and निवृत्ति cessation.
  • इच्छान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Having desire, wishing, wishful. E. इच्छा and अन्वित possessed of.
  • इच्छावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Wishing, wishful, desirous. f. (-ती) A woman desirous of anything. E. इच्छा, मतुप् poss. affix, and ङीप् fem.
  • इच्छावसु :: m. (-सुः) A name of KUVERA. E. इच्छा desire and वसु wealth.
  • इच्छु :: mfn. (-च्छुः -च्छुः -च्छु) Wishing, desiring. E. इष् to wish, and उस् affix, deriv. irr.
  • इच्छुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -की-कं) Wishing, desirous. E. कन् added to the last, or इच्छु and उकन् aff.
  • इज्जल :: m. (-लः) A small tree growing in wet and saline soil, or on low grounds near the sea, (Barringtonia acutangula.) See हिज्जल . E. इण् to go, क्विप् affix, and जल water.
  • इज्य :: mfn. (-ज्यः -ज्या -ज्यं) A teacher. m. (-ज्यः) VRIHASPATI, the teacher or Guru of the gods. f. (-ज्या) 1. A gift, a donation. 2. Sacrificing, making offerings to the gods or manes. 3. Worship, reverence. 4. Meeting, union. 5. A cow. 6. A bawd or procuress. R. यज् to sacri- fice, &c. क्यप् aff.
  • इज्याशील :: m. (-लः) A frequent sacrificer. E. इज्या sacrifice, and शील to be frequent, अच् aff.
  • इञ्चाक :: m. (-कः) A shrimp or prawn. E. इ love, चक् to satisfy, and घञ् aff.
  • इट :: r. 1st cl. (एटति) To go, to go to or towards.
  • इट्वर :: m. (-रः) A bull or steer allowed to go at liberty. E. इष to wish, क्विप् affix, and चर् who goes, going at will; also इड्वर .
  • इडा :: f. (-डा) 1. The wife of BUDDHA, daughter of IKSHAKU. 2. The earth. 3. A cow. 4. Speed. 5. A tubular vessel, one of the principal channels of the vital spirit, that which is on the right side of the body. 6. Heaven. 7. The goddess of speech. E. इल् to direct or send, क affix, and टाप् fem. ल and ड are interchangeable: see इला .
  • इडाचिका :: f. (-का) A wasp. E. इडा the earth, चर् to go, and ड्वन् aff.
  • इडिका :: f. (-का) The earth. E. इल् to direct, and वुन् affix; ल becomes ड .
  • इडिक्क :: m. (-कः) A wild goat. E. इडिक् an imitative sound, and क who utters, from कै, aff. ड .
  • इड्वर :: m. (-रः) A bull fit to be let at liberty. E. इष् to wish, affix क्विप्, and वृ to choose, अप् affix: see इट्चर .
  • इण्यीन्थ :: m. (-न्थः) A knife.
  • इण्वीन्दु :: m. (-न्दुः) A tree, (Trochis aspera.)
  • इत् :: ind. A grammatical term, implying a letter in the inflective par- ticles that is to be rejected.
  • इत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Gone. 2. Remembered. 3. Obtained. E. इण् to go, affix क्त .
  • इतःइतस् :: ind. Here here, come here. E. इतस् repeated.
  • इतर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Other, different. 2. Low, vile. E. इ desire, तृ to pass over, and अप aff.
  • इतरथा :: ind. In another manner, otherwise, differently. E. था added to इतर .
  • इतरेतर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Mutual, one with another. 2. Respective, several. E. इतर repeated.
  • इतरेतरकाम्या :: f. (-म्या) Respective or several fancies or inclinations. E. इतरेतर and काम्य to be desired.
  • इतरेतराश्रय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Affecting or concerning mutually. E. इतरेतर and आश्रय object or receptacle.
  • इतरेद्युस् :: ind. Another or different day. E. इतर and एद्युस् aff.
  • इतश्चेतस् :: ind. Hither and thither. E. इतस् repeated, with च and, inserted.
  • इतस् :: ind. Hence, from hence. E. irr. deriv. from इदम् this, with तसिल aff.
  • इतस्ततस् :: ind. Here and there, hither and thither. E. इतस् hence, ततस् thence.
  • इति :: ind. A particle implying, 1. Cause, (thus, therefore.) 2. Manifesta- tion, (lo! behold!) 3. Something additional, (etcetera.) 4. The meanings of एव, (so, thus, even, in this manner.) 5. Conclusion, enough, (finis.) 6. Reference, (so says, this is, &c.) It also implies, 7. Order, arrangement, specific or distinctive, and 8. Identity (of this or similar form.) 9. A grammatical copulative, indicating a preceding sound or sense, to be again intented. E. इ to go, क्तिच् aff.
  • इतिकथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) 1. Unworthy of trust, not fit to be credited. 2. Wicked, lost. f. (-था) Unmeaning or nonsensical discourse. E. इति this, so, and कथा a saying.
  • इतिकर्त्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) What is proper or necessary to be done. E. इति so, कर्त्तव्य to be done.
  • इतिकर्त्तव्यता :: f. (-ता) Proper and right measures. E. इतिकर्त्तव्य with तल् added, or with त्व, इतिकर्त्तव्यत्वं .
  • इतिह :: ind. Traditional instruction, advice, &c. mutually imparted. E. इति so, thus, and ह tidings.
  • इतिहास :: m. (-सः) History, traditional accounts of former events, heroic history, as the Mahabharata and Ramayana. E. इतिह traditional instruction, अस् to be, and घञ् aff.
  • इत्कट :: mf. (-टः-टा) A kind of reed or grass; also बहुमूल . E. उत् and कट to go, उ is changed to इ .
  • इत्किला :: f. (-ला) A perfume: see रोचना . E. इत obtained, and किल to play.
  • इत्थम् :: ind. Thus. E. इदम् this, deriv. irr. with थमु aff.
  • इत्थम्भूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Become thus or in such manner. E. इत्थम् and भूत become.
  • इत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) To be gone to or towards. f. (-त्या) A litter, a palankeen. E. इत् to go, क्यप् aff.
  • इत्यादि :: ind. Etcetera, and so forth.
  • इत्वर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Low, vile. 2. Cruel, harsh. 3. A traveller. 4. Poor, indigent. 5. Going, moving, what goes. f. (-री) A disloyal or unchaste woman. E. इत and क्वरप् aff.
  • इद :: r. 1st cl. (इ) इदि (इन्दति) To have supreme power and superhuman faculties.
  • इदम् :: pron. mfn. (-अयं -इयं -इदं) This. E. इन्द् to have power, कमिन् Unādi affix, and the radical न rejected.
  • इदंकार्य्या :: f. (-र्य्या) A plant, (Hedysarum alhagi.) E. इदम् this, and कार्य्य business; applied to this and that use.
  • इदानीन्तन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Present, momentary, of the present moment. E. इदानीम् and द्यु aff.
  • इदानीम् :: ind. 1. Now, at present. 2. An expletive, affecting however slightly the sense. E. irr. deriv. from इदम् this, with दानीम् aff.
  • इदावत्मर :: m. (-रः) A year, one of the five sorts of years in which gifts. of clothes and food are productive of great rewards.
  • इद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Lighted, alight. 2. Shining, glowing, blazing. 3. Clean, clear, bright. 4. Wonderful. 5. Obeyed, unresisted. n. (-द्धं) 1. Sunshine, light, heat. E. इन्ध to shine, affix क्त .
  • इध्म :: n. (-ध्मं) Fuel. E. इन्धी to kindle, to burn, मक् Unādi aff.
  • इध्मप्रवञ्चन :: n. (-नं) A hatchet, an axe. E. इध्म and प्रवञ्चन what cuts.
  • इन :: m. (-नः) 1. The sun. 2. A master, a lord. 3. A king. 4. The as- terism Hasta. E. इण् to go, नक् Unādi aff.
  • इनसभ :: n. (-भं) A royal court or assembly. E. इन and सभा assembly.
  • इन्दंवर :: n. (-रं) The blue lotus. (Nymphæa cœrulea.) E. इन्दं from इदि to possess great power, and वर what chooses, preeminent above other flowers: see इन्दीवर .
  • इन्दिन्दिर :: m. (-रः) A large bee. E. इदि to possess great power, deriv. irr.
  • इन्दिरा :: f. (-रा) A name of LAKSHMI, the wife of VISHNU. E. इदि as above, and रा who gives.
  • इन्दिरालय :: n. (-यं) The lotus, (Nymphæa lotus.) E. इन्दिरा LAKSHMI, and आलय an abode; this goddess issued at the creation from the petals of the flower.
  • इन्दिरावर :: n. (-रं) The blue lotus. E. इन्दिरा the goddess, and वर what is best; a flower beloved by LAKSHMI.
  • इन्दिवर :: n. (-रं) The blue lotus. (Nymhæa cœrulea) E. इन्दि for इन्दिरा q. v. the rest as in the preceding; also इन्दिवर and इन्दीवार .
  • इन्दीवर :: n. (-रं) See the preceding. f. (-री) A plant, (Asparagus racemo- sus.) E. As before.
  • इन्दीवार :: n. (-रं) See इन्दिवर .
  • इन्दु :: m. (-न्दुः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. E. उन्द् to wet or moisten; उ Unādi affix and the initial changed to इ .
  • इन्दुकमल :: n. (-लं) The white lotus. E. इन्दु the moon, and कमल the lotus.
  • इन्दुकला :: f. (-ला) A digit of the moon. E. इन्दु and कला a digit.
  • इन्दुकलिका :: f. (-का) The Ketaki flower. E. इन्दु and कलिका a bud.
  • इन्दुकान्त :: m. (-न्तः) The lunar gem, the moon-stone. f. (-न्ता) Night. E. इन्दु and कान्त a master or husband.
  • इन्दुजनक :: m. (-कः) The ocean. E. इन्दु and जनक a parent; the moon was produced amongst other things at the churning of the ocean.
  • इन्दुजा :: f. (-जा) The Narmada or commonly Narbudda river in the Dakhin. E. इन्दु and जा born; the daughter of the moon.
  • इन्दुदल :: m. (-लः) A portion of the moon, a digit, a crescent, &c. E. इन्दु and दल a leaf.
  • इन्दुपुत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A name of BUDHA, regent of the planet MERCURY. E. इन्दु and पुत्र the son: the son of CHANDRA or the moon.
  • इन्दुभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) A name of SIVA. E. इन्दु and भृत् who nourishes; SIVA wears a half moon on his forehead.
  • इन्दुमण्डल :: n. (-लं) The orb or disc of the moon. E. इन्दु and मण्डल sphere.
  • इन्दुमती :: f. (-ती) 1. Day of full moon. 2. Name of a princess married to AJA the son of RAGHU. E. इन्दु and मतुप् poss. affix, fem. ङीप् .
  • इन्दुर :: m. (-रः) A rat. E. उन्द to moisten, उरच् affix, the initial is changed to इ .
  • इन्दुरत्न :: n. (-त्नं) A pearl. E. इन्दु and रत्न a gem.
  • इन्दुरेखा :: f. (-खा) A digit of the moon. E. इन्दु and रेखा a line.
  • इन्दुलेखा :: f. (-खा) 1. A digit of the moon. 2. A plant, (Menispermum glabrum.) 3. The moon plant, (Asclepias acida.) 4. A kind of lovage, (Ligusticum ajwaen:) see अनामिका . E. इन्दु and लेखा a line.
  • इन्दुलोहक :: n. (-कं) Silver. E. इन्दु and लोह iron, कन् added.
  • इन्दुवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) The moon plant, (Asclepias acida.) E. इन्दु and वल्ली a creeper.
  • इन्दुव्रत :: n. (-तं) A religious observance depending on the age of the moon; diminishing the quantity of food by a certain portion daily, for a fortnight or a month, &c. E. इन्दु and व्रत a religious obligation.
  • इन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) 1. The deity presiding over Swarga or the Hindu para- dise, and the secondary divinities; he is also regent of the east quarter, and is more particularly the deity of the atmosphere, corresponding in many respects with the Grecian JOVE. 2. The Supreme Being, (according to the Vedanta,) or the deity INDRA in that capacity. 3. Supremacy, supreme power or authority. 4. An Aditya, one of the twelve demigods so called. 5. One of the Yogas. or divisions of a circle on the plane of the ecliptic. 6. The human or animal soul, the portion of spirit residing in the body. 7. Night. 8. A plant, (Wrightea antidysenterica, &c.) see कुटज . 9. An organ of sense. 10. (In composition) Best, excellent. 11. The 14th luna- tion of the month Jyeshtha. 12. One of the nine divisions of Jambu Dwipa, or the known continent. f. (-न्द्रा) 1. The name of a plant, (Marjoram?) see फणिञ्झक . 2. The wife of INDRA. E. इदि to possess supreme power, and रन् Unādi aff.
  • इन्द्रक :: n. (-कं) An assembly-room, a hall. E. इन्द्र excellent, and क what sounds, from कै and ड aff.
  • इन्द्रकील :: m. (-लः) The mountain Mandara, a fabulous mountain with which the ocean was churned. E. इन्द्र and कील a pin or bolt.
  • इन्द्रकुञ्जर :: m. (-रः) INDRA'S elephant. E. इन्द्र and कुञ्जर an elephant.
  • इन्द्रकोष :: m. (-षः) 1. A platform, a scaffold. 2. A projection of the roof of a house, forming a kind of balcony or terrace. 2. A pin or bracket projecting from the wall. E. इन्द्र best, and कोष a place.
  • इन्द्रगोप :: m. (-पः) An insect, (Coccinella of various kinds.) E. इन्द्र best, गो light, and प from पा who nourishes or possesses.
  • इन्द्रच्छन्दस् :: n. (-न्दः) A necklace of a thousand strings. E. इन्द्र best, and छन्दस् a necklace, &c.
  • इन्द्रजाल :: n. (-लं) 1. Conjuring, juggling. 2. Deception, cheating. 3. Trick or stratagem in war. E. इन्द्र an organ of sense, and जाल a net.
  • इन्द्रजालिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. A juggler, a conjuror. 2. Deceptive, un- real. E. इन्द्रजाल illusion, and ठक् aff.
  • इन्द्रजित् :: m. (-जित्) The son of RAVANA. E. इन्द्र and जित् who conquers: the conqueror of INDRA.
  • इन्द्रजिद्विजयिन् :: m. (-यी) LAKSHMANA, the brother of RAMA. E. इन्द्रजित् and विजयिन् a victor, the conqueror of INDRAJIT.
  • इन्द्रतूल :: n. (-लं) A flock of cotton, a flocculent seed, &c. blown about in the air. E. इन्द्र and तूल cotton: INDRA'S cotton.
  • इन्द्रतूलक :: n. (-कं) See the preceding. E. As before, कन् added.
  • इन्द्रदारु :: m. (-रुः) A tree, (Pinus devadaru.) E. इन्द्र and दारु tree.
  • इन्द्रद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) A tree, (Pentaptera arjuna, Rox.) E. इन्द्र and द्रु a tree a staff of which is fit to carry the banner of INDRA.
  • इन्द्रद्रुम :: m. (-मः) See the preceding. E. As before.
  • इन्द्रनील :: m. (-लः) A sapphire. E. इन्द्र best, and नील blue.
  • इन्द्रनीलक :: m. (-कः) An emerald. E. See the preceding.
  • इन्द्रपुष्पा :: f. (-ष्पा) A medicinal plant; also अग्निजिह्वा . E. इन्द्र and पुष्पा a flower; also इन्द्रपुष्पिका .
  • इन्द्रपुरोहिता :: f. (-ता) The asterism Pushya. E. इन्द्र and पुरोहिता priest, INDRA presiding over it.
  • इन्द्रप्रस्थ :: m. (-स्थः) Ancient Dehli. E. इन्द्र the deity, and प्रस्थ who presides.
  • इन्द्रप्रहरण :: n. (-णं) INDRA'S thunderbolt. E. इन्द्र and प्रहरण a weapon.
  • इन्द्रभेषज :: n. (-जं) Dried ginger. E. इन्द्र best, and भेषज medicament.
  • इन्द्रमहकामुक :: m. (-कः) A dog. E. इन्द्र, मह a sacrifice and कामुक desirous.
  • इन्द्रमूल :: n. (-लं) A flock of cotton: see इन्द्रतूल .
  • इन्द्रयव :: mn. (-वः-वं) The seed of the Wrightea antidysenterica. E. इन्द्र the plant, and यव seed: it is used medicinally in cases of diarrhœa, dysentery, &c.
  • इन्द्रलुप्त :: mn. (-प्तः-प्तं) Morbid, baldness, falling of the hair of the head: according to some authorities, loss of beard. E. इन्द्र best, लुप्त lost.
  • इन्द्रलप्तक :: m. (-कः) See the preceding. E. As before, वुन् aff.
  • इन्द्रलोक :: m. (-कः) Swarga or paradise, the heaven of INDRA. E. इन्द्र and लोक world.
  • इन्द्रलोकेश :: m. (-शः) 1. INDRA. 2. A guest, hospitality to whom secures paradise. E. इन्द्रलोक and ईश lord.
  • इन्द्रवारुणिका :: f. (-का) Colocynth, a wild bitter gourd, (Cucumis colo- cynthis.) E. कन् added to इन्द्रवारुणी .
  • इन्द्रवारुणी :: f. (-णी) See the preceding. E. इन्द्र and वरुण the two deities so called, affixes अण् and ङीप्; the favourite plant of INDRA and VARUNA.
  • इन्द्रवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A kind of fir: see देवदारु . E. इन्द्र for any god, वृक्ष a tree.
  • इन्द्रव्रत :: n. (-तं) One of the duties of a king, to distribute gratification, as INDRA pours down rain. E. इन्द्र and व्रत observance.
  • इन्द्रवृद्धा :: f. (-द्धा) A sore, an ulcer.
  • इन्द्रशक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) INDRANI, the wife or personified energy of INDRA. E. इन्द्र and शक्ति power.
  • इन्द्रसावर्णि :: m. (-र्णिः) The last of the fourteen Menus. E. इन्द्र and सावर्णि the son of the sun.
  • इन्द्रसुत :: m. (-तः) The monkey king BALI. E. इन्द्र and सुत a son; the son of INDRA: the epithet is also applied to ARJUNA and JAYANTA.
  • इन्द्रसुरस :: m. (-सः) A shrub, the leaves of which are used in discutient applications, (Vitex negundo;) also सिन्दुवार . E. इन्द्र best, सु good, and रस juice; whose juice is excellent.
  • इन्द्रसुरिस :: m. (-सः) See the preceding. E. As before, the pen. being changed to इ .
  • इन्द्रसूनु :: m. (-नुः) The son of INDRA: see इन्द्रसुत
  • इन्द्राग्निधूम :: m. (-मः) Frost.
  • इन्द्राणिका :: f. (-का) Vitex negundo: see इन्द्रसुरस . E. कन् added to the next word.
  • इन्द्राणी :: f. (-णी) 1. The wife of INDRA. 2. A plant, (Vitex negundo:) see the preceding. E. इन्द्र, ङीष् affix, and आनुक् augment.
  • इन्द्रानुज :: m. (-जः) A name of VISHNU. E. इन्द्र and अनुज younger born: the younger brother of INDRA.
  • इन्द्रायुध :: m. (-धः) The rainbow. f. (-धा) A kind of leech of various tints on the back. E. इन्द्र and आयुध a weapon; INDRA'S weapon.
  • इन्द्रारि :: m. (-रिः) An Asura or demon. E. इन्द्र and अरि an enemy.
  • इन्द्रावरज :: m. (-जः) VISHNU. E. इन्द्र and अवरज after-born: the younger brother of INDRA.
  • इन्द्राशन :: m. (-नः) 1. Hemp, dried and chewed. 2. The shrub which bears the seed used as a jeweller's weight, (Abrus precatorius.) E. इन्द्र and अशन food: the food of INDRA.
  • इन्द्रासन :: n. (-नं) 1. The throne of INDRA. 2. Any throne. E. इन्द्र and असन a seat.
  • इन्द्रिय :: n. (-यं) 1. An organ of sense divided into three classes, Jananendri- yas, Karmendriyas, and Antarindriyas, or organs of percep- tion and action, and the internal organs; the first are the eye, ear, nose, tongue, and skin; the second, the organ of speech or larynx, hand, foot, anus, and parts of generation; the last are, Manas the mind or organ of thought; Buddhi the organ of apprehension; Ahankara the organ of selfishness; and Chitta the heart or organ of feeling. 2. Semen virile. mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Done, seen, given, &c. by INDRA. E. इन्द्र the soul or self, and इयच् affix, deriv. irr. what is with difficulty restrained by the soul, or इन्द्र the deity, and घ aff.
  • इन्द्रियगोचर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Perceptible, capable of being ascertained by the senses. E. इन्द्रिय and गोचर perceptible.
  • इन्द्रियग्राम :: m. (-मः) The senses or organs of sense collectively. E. इन्द्रिय and ग्राम here, assemblage.
  • इन्द्रियज्ञान :: n. (-नं) The faculty of perception, sense, consciousness. E. इन्द्रिय and ज्ञान knowledge.
  • इन्द्रियनिग्रह :: m. (-हः) Restraining the organs of sense. E. इन्द्रिय and निग्रह restraint.
  • इन्द्रियबुद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Perception, the exercise of any sense, the faculty of any organ. E. इन्द्रिय and बुद्धि knowledge.
  • इन्द्रियबोधन :: n. (-नं) Any excitement of sense, an object of perception, a stimulus, &c. E. इन्द्रिय and बोधन waking.
  • इन्द्रियवर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) the organs of sense collectively. E. इन्द्रिय and वर्ग a class.
  • इन्द्रियविप्रतिपत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Erroneous or vicious perception. E. इन्द्रिय and विप्रतिपत्ति perversion.
  • इन्द्रियस्वाप :: m. (-पः) 1. Unconsciousness, insensibility. 2. The end of the world. E. इन्द्रिय and स्वाप sleep.
  • इन्द्रियागोचर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Imperceptible. E. इन्द्रिय and अगोचर im- perceptible.
  • इन्द्रियायतन :: n. (-नं) The body. E. इन्द्रिय and आयतन a mansion: the resi- dence of the senses.
  • इन्द्रियार्थ :: m. (-र्थः) An object of sense, as sound, smell, &c. E. इन्द्रिय and अर्थ an object.
  • इन्द्रियासङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Stoicism, philosophy, detachment from sensual objects. E. इन्द्रिय and असङ्ग detachment.
  • इन्द्रेज्य :: m. (-ज्यः) The name of VRIHASPATI, the preceptor of the gods. E. इन्द्र and इज्य to be worshipped; venerable to the deities.
  • इन्ध :: r. 7th cl. (ई and ञि) ञिइन्धी (इन्धे) 1. To shine. 2. To kindle.
  • इन्धन :: n. (-नं) Fuel; wood, grass, &c. used for that purpose. E. इन्ध to kindle, and ल्युट् aff.
  • इन्वका :: f. plu. (-काः) Stars in the head of Orion. E. इवि to please, क्वुन् affix: see इल्वला and इल्वका .
  • इभ :: r. 10th cl. (इ) इभि (इम्भयते) To collect or accumulate.
  • इभ :: m. (-भः) 1. An elephant. 2. Best (in composition.) E. इण् to go, भन् Unādi aff.
  • इभकणा :: f. (-णा) A plant with an arometic seed, (Pothos officinalis,) E. इभ an elephant, and कणा pepper; being considered by Hindu writers, as a large species of pepper; see गजपिप्पली .
  • इभदन्ता :: f. (-न्ता) A plant: see नागदन्ती . E. इभ an elephant and दन्त a tooth: this and similar names are given, from its supposed resem- blance to an elephant's tooth.
  • इभनिमीलिका :: f. (-का) Smartness, shrewdness, wittiness. E. इभ and निमी- लिका winking; winking knowingly like an elephant.
  • इभपालक :: m. (-कः) The driver or keeper of an elephant. E. इभ, पालक a nourisher.
  • इभपोटा :: f. (-टा) A young elephant, a cub. E. इभ and पोटा any young animal.
  • इभमाचल :: m. (-लः) A lion. E. इभ an elephant, in the second case, आ and चल who attacks.
  • इभयुवति :: f. (-तिः) An elephant's cub. E. इभ and युवति young.
  • इभाख्य :: m. (-ख्यः) A plant, (Mesua ferrea:) see नागकेशर . E. इभ and आख्या an appellation; named from the elephant.
  • इभोषणा :: f. (-णा) A kind of aromatic plant: see इभकणा . E. इभ and उषणा pepper.
  • इभ्य :: mfn. (-भ्यः -भ्या -भ्यं) Wealthy, opulent. f. (-भ्या) 1. A female elephant. 2. The olibanum tree, (Boswellia thurifera.) E. इभ an elephant; here also implying excellence, and यत् affix of appropriation or fitness.
  • इयत् :: mfn. (-यान् -यती -यत्) So much, thus much. E. इदम् this, and वतुप् aff.
  • इयत्ता :: f. (-त्ता) Fixed measure or quantity, so much. E. इयत् and तल् affix; also with त्व, इयत्त्वं .
  • इरण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Desert. 2. Salt or barren, (soil.) E. See इरिण .
  • इरम्मद :: m. (-दः) 1. A flash of lightning, or the fire attending the fall of a thunderbolt. 2. Submarine fire. E. इरा water, here also watery clouds, and मद what plays or shines.
  • इरा :: f. (-रा) 1. The earth. 2. Water. 3. Speech. 4. The goddess of speech, &c. 5. Ardent spirits. E. इण् to go, and रन् Unādi affix, fem. affix टाप् .
  • इराचर :: m. (-रः) Hail. mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. Earth-born, terrestrial. 2. Aquatic. E. इरा water, &c. and चर what goes.
  • इराज :: m. (-जः) A name of KANDARPA the Hindu CUPID. E. इरा water, and ज born.
  • इरावत् :: m. (-वान्) 1. The ocean. 2. A cloud. 3. A king. mfn. (-वान् -वती - वत्) Watery, having or yielding water, &c. E. इरा and मतुप् aff.
  • इरावेल्लिका :: f. (-का) Pimples or pustules on the head.
  • इरिण :: n. (-णं) 1. A desert, an inhospitable region. 2. Salt or barren soil. E. ऋ to go, इनन् Unādi affix, and the initial changed to इ .
  • इरिमेद :: m. (-दः) A fetid mimosa: see विट्खदिर . E. See अरिमेद, अ being changed to इ .
  • इरु :: m. (-रुः) Seed.
  • इरेश :: m. (-शः) 1. A name of VISHNU. 2. A king, a sovereign. 3. VARUNA. E. इरा SARASWATI, &c. ईश lord.
  • इर्व्वारु :: mf. (-रुः-रुः) 1. A cucumber, (Cumumis utilatissimus, Rox.) 2. Another kind, (Cucumis colocynthis.) E. इरु a seed, and आरु what goes to or gets, from ऋ and उण् affix, or आलु, र becoming ल; also written इर्व्वालु, ईर्व्वारु, उर्व्वारु, &c.
  • इर्व्वारुशुक्तिका :: f. (-का) A kind of melon; commonly Sphuti or Sphut, (Cucumis momordica.) E. इर्व्वारु and शुक्तिका an oyster-shaped cu- cumber.
  • इर्व्वालु :: m. (-लुः) See इर्व्वारु .
  • इल :: r. 6th cl. (इलति) 1. To sleep. 2. To go. 3. To throw, send or direct: in this last sense, it is also r. 10th cl. (एलयति .)
  • इलविला :: f. (-ला) The mother of KUVERA.
  • इला :: f. (-ला) 1. The wife of BUDDHA, and daughter of IKSHWAKU. 2. The earth. 3. A cow. 4. Speech. E. इल् to send, क and टाप् affixes; also इडा .
  • इलागोल :: n. (-लं) The earth, the globe. E. इला and गोल a sphere.
  • इलातल :: n. (-लं) 1. The fourth place in the circle of the zodiac. 2. The surface of the earth. E. इला and तल below.
  • इलावृत :: n. (-तं) One of the nine Varshas or divisions of the known world, comprehending the highest and most centrical part of the old continent. E. इला the earth, and आवृत chosen: the fairest part of the globe.
  • इलिका :: f. (-का) The earth. E. इल् to go, कन् and टाप् affixes.
  • इली :: f. (-ली) A cudgel, a stick shaped like a sword or a short sword: see ईली .
  • इलीश :: m. (-शः) A fish, commonly the Hilsa or Sable, (Clupea alosa.) E. इल् to go, (in the water,) and ईश chief, principal. The fish being one of high flavour, and very abundant at certain seasons, it is generally eaten both by the natives of Bengal, and by Europeans residing there.
  • इल्लल :: m. (-लः) A bird. E. इल् to go, and अल who is able.
  • इल्लिश :: m. (-शः) The Hilsa fish: see इलीश also ईल्लीश .
  • इल्वका :: f. plu. (-काः) Stars in Orion's head: see इल्वल .
  • इल्वड :: m. (-डः) See the next.
  • इल्वल :: m. (-लः) 1. The name of a demon. 2. Of a fish. f. plu. (-लाः) Stars in Orin's head. E. इल् to send or go, and वल Unādi affix; the last is also written इल्वका .
  • इव :: r. 1st cl. (इ) इवि (इंवति) 1. To pervade. 2. (According to some,) to please. 3. To be satisfied.
  • इव :: ind. So, even, as, like, in the same manner.
  • इशीका :: f. (-का) An elephant's eye-ball: see इषीका .
  • इष :: r. 4th cl. (इष्यति) To go. r. 6th cl. (इच्छति) 1. To wish, to desire. 2. To accept, to receive. With अभि, to desire: with प्रति, to engage, to promise. r. 9th cl. (इष्णाति) To repeat an act, to do anything again and again. With अनु prefixed, to search after, to investigate or enquire.
  • इष :: m. (-षः) The month Āswin, (September-October.) E. इष् to go, क affix; also ईष .
  • इषिका :: f. (-का) 1. An elephant's eye-ball. 2. A painter's brush, &c. also इषीका .
  • इषिर :: m. (-रः) Fire. E. इष् to go, किरच् aff.
  • इषीका :: f. (-का) 1. An elephant's eye-ball. 2. A painter's brush, &c. also इषिका . 3. A kind of reed, (Saccharum spontaneum.) E. इष् to go, ईकन् Unādi aff.
  • इषु :: mf. (-षुः-षुः) 1. An arrow. 2. A versed sine. E. इष् to go, and उ Unādi aff.
  • इषुधर :: m. (-रः) An archer. E. इषु and धर who bears.
  • इषुधि :: mf. (-धिः-धिः) A quiver. E. इषु and धि what holds, from धा root, and कि aff.
  • इष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Wished, desired. 2. Cherished, beloved. 3. Wor- shipped, reverenced, respected. m. (-ष्टः) 1. A lover, a husband. 2. The Castor-oil tree. n. (-ष्टं) 1. An act of sacrifice, an oblation, &c. 2. An essential ceremony, as ablution, investiture, &c. ind. (-ष्टम्) Voluntarily. E. इष् to desire, or इष् substituted for यज् to sacrifice, and क्त aff.
  • इष्टकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) (In arithmetic,) Rule of supposition, operation with an assumed number. E. इष्ट wished, and कर्म्मन् act.
  • इष्टका :: f. (-का) A brick; also इष्टिका . E. इष् to wish, तकक् Unādi aff.
  • इष्टकान्यास :: m. (-सः) Laying the foundation of a house. E. इष्टका and न्यास order.
  • इष्टकापथ :: n. (-थं) The root of a fragrant grass, (Andropogon muricatum.) E. इष्ट wished, and कापथ a bad road, growing in or preferring unfrequented places: this word is sometimes divided, कापथ being one name, and इष्ट added to अवदाह, another name: see अवदाहेष्ट and अवदाह .
  • इष्टकाराशि :: f. (-शिः) A pile of bricks. E. इष्टका and राशि a heap.
  • इष्टगन्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Fragrant, any fragrant substance. n. (-न्धं) Sand. E. इष्ट and गन्ध a smell; of a desirable odor.
  • इष्टतम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Beloved, best beloved, dearest, most desired. E. इष्ट and तमप् aff.
  • इष्टतर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Dearer, more dear, more desired. E. इष्ट and तरप् aff.
  • इष्टत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Desirableness. 2. Reverence, &c. also इष्टता . E. तल् or त्व added to इष्ट .
  • इष्टदेव :: m. (-वः) A tutelary deity, one particularly worshipped. E. इष्ट and देव a deity.
  • इष्टदेवता :: f. (-ता) A person's chosen or tutelary. 2. divinity. E. इष्ट and देवता divinity.
  • इष्टापूर्त्त :: n. (-र्त्तं) Any religious duty, as oblation, sacrifice, penance, holy study, digging a well, planting a tree, &c. E. इष्ट a sacrifice, and पूर्त्त liberal act, religiously considered; आङ् prefixed to the latter.
  • इष्टार्थोद्युक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Zealously active, diligent for a desired object. E. इष्ट wished, अर्थ intention, and उद्युक्त diligent.
  • इष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) 1. Wish, desire. 2. A sacrifice, any sacrificial rite. 3. A compendious verse easily committed to memory. E. इष् to wish, or इष् substituted for यज्, to sacrifice; affix क्तिन् .
  • इष्टिका :: f. (-का) A brick. E. More usually इष्टका .
  • इष्टिन् :: mfn. (-ष्टी -ष्टिनी -ष्टि) Who wishes or desires, desirous, wishing. E. इष्ट and इनि aff.
  • इष्टिपच :: m. (-चः) A demon. E. इष्टि a sacrifice or oblation, and पच who digests: stealing oblations to the deities, and eating them.
  • इष्टिमुष् :: m. (-मुट्) A demon. E. इष्टि an oblation, and मुष् who steals; from मुष root, and क्विप् aff.
  • इष्टु :: f. (-ष्टुः) Desire, wish. E. इष् to wish, तु aff.
  • इष्ट्वा :: ind. 1. Having sacrificed or worshipped. 2. Having wished. E. इष with क्त्वाच् aff.
  • इष्म :: m. (-ष्मः) 1. Love or the deity KAMA. 2. Spring. E. इष् to desire, and मक् Unādi aff.
  • इष्य :: m. (-ष्यः) The spring season. E. इष् to wish, and क्यप् aff.
  • इष्व :: m. (-ष्वः) A spiritual preceptor. E. इष् to wish, वुन् Unādi aff.
  • इष्वास :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) A thrower of arrows. m. (-सः) 1. A bow. 2. An archer, a warrior. E. इषु an arrow, and आस who throws.
  • इस् :: ind. (इः) An interjection of anger, pain, or sorrow.
  • इह :: ind. 1. Here, in this place. 2. Now, at this time.
  • इहकाल :: m. (-लः) This life. E. इह and काल time.
  • इहलोक :: m. (-कः) This life, the world. E. इह and लोक world.
  • इहामूत्र :: ind. Here and there, in this world and in the next. E. इह here, अमूत्र there or in that.
  •  :: The fourth letter of the alphabet, corresponding to I long, having the sound of ee in feel, and distinguished by an accent from the former, as ī.
  •  :: m. (ईः) A name of KANDARPA. f. (ईः) A name of LAKSHMI. ind. An interjection of, 1. Pain. 2. Anger. 3. Consciousness or percep- tion. 4. Consideration. 5. Compassion.
  •  :: r. 2nd cl. (एति) 1. To go. 2. To pervade. 3. To conceive or become pregnant. 4. To desire. 5. To throw or direct. 6. To eat. This root is not generally admitted, though it occurs in composition, as with उत् (उदीते) To appear. r. 4th cl. (ङ) ईङ् (ईयते) To go.
  • ईक्ष :: r. 1st cl. (ईक्षते) To see. It most usually occurs compounded with one or other of the prepositions, as with अप, to expect; with अभि, to gaze at; with अव, to inspect; with उत् or उप, to expect or await; with उप, to abandon; with निर्, to see; with परि, to try, to test, to assay; with प्र, to see, to resemble, or look like; with वि, to inspect; with प्रति, 1. to took for, to expect, 2. to venerate; with सम्, to compare, to contrast, to select; with प्रति and उत्, to look up at.
  • ईक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Sight, seeing. 2. An eye. E. ईक्ष् to see, ल्युट् aff.
  • ईक्षणिका :: f. (-का) A female fortune-teller. E. ईक्षण seeing, वुन् aff.
  • ईक्षमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Looking at, surveying. E. ईक्ष् to see, शानच् aff.
  • ईक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Seen, beheld. E. ईक्ष् and क्त aff.
  • ईख :: r. 1st cl. (ङ) (ईखति) To go.; also (इ) ईखि (ईंखति .)
  • ईज :: r. 1st cl. (ङ) (ईजते) 1. To go. 2. To blame or censure; also (इञ्) ईजिञ् (ईंजति-ते .)
  • ईड :: r. 2nd cl. (ईट्टे) also 10th cl. (ईडयति) To praise.
  • ईडण :: n. (-णं) Praising. E. ईड and ल्युट् aff.
  • ईडा :: f. (-डा) Praise. E. ईड् to praise, क and टाप affs.
  • ईडित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Praised, commended. E. ईड् to praise, क्त aff.
  • ईड्य :: mfn. (-ड्यः -ड्या -ड्यं) To be praised, to be glorified. E. ईड् to praise, क्यप् aff.
  • ईढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Sought.
  • ईत :: r. 1st cl. (इ) ईति (ईंतति) To bind.
  • ईत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Gone. E. ई to go, क्त aff.
  • ईति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Calamity of season, as draught, excessive rain, rats, foreign invasion, &c. 2. Travelling in foreign countries, sojourning. 3. An affray. E. ईङ् to go. affix क्तिन् .
  • ईदृक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Such. E. ई for इदम् this, दृश् to see, क्विन् aff.
  • ईदृश् :: mfn. (-दृक्) Such, so like. E. ई for इदम् this, दृश् with क्विप् aff.
  • ईदृश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) Such, so like. E. As the last, with कञ् aff.
  • ईप्सन :: n. (-नं) Desiring, wishing to obtain. E. आप् to obtain, desiderative form, ल्युट् aff.
  • ईप्सित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Wished, desired. E. आप् to obtain, desiderative form, क्त aff.
  • ईप्सु :: mfn. (-प्सुः -प्सुः -प्सु) Desirous, wishing to get or obtain. E. आप् to ob- tain, desiderative form, उस् aff.
  • ईर :: r. 2nd cl. (ईर्त्ते) 1. To go. 2. To shake. r. 1st and 10th cls. (ईरति, ईरयति) 1. To go. 2. To throw or direct, to drive or force on; with उत् prefixed, to say or speak; with प्र, to send, to make to go; with सम्, to go like the wind.
  • ईयिवस् :: mfn. (-वान् -युषी -वस्) 1. Gone, having gone. 2. Having obtained. E. ईण् to go, क्वसु aff. form irr.
  • ईरिण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Desert. 2. Saline and barren (soil.) E. ऋ to go, and इरन् aff.
  • ईरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sent, dispatched. 2. Said, uttered. 3. Gone. 4. Made. E. ईर् to send, affix क्त .
  • ईरिताकूत :: n. (-तं) Declared purpose or intention. E. ईरित and आकूत purpose.
  • ईर्क्ष्य :: r. 1st cl. (ईर्क्ष्यति) To envy, to feel impatient at another's prosperity.
  • ईर्म्म :: n. (-र्म्मं) A sore or wound. E. ईर् to send, and मक् aff.
  • ईर्य्या :: f. (-र्य्या) Wandering about as a religious mendicant. E. ईर् to go, affix क्यप् .
  • ईर्व्वारु :: m. (-रुः) A cucumber, (Cucumis utilatissimus;) also ईर्व्वालु and ईर्व्वारु, &c.
  • ईर्षा :: f. (-र्षा) Impatience, envy of another's success; more properly read ईर्ष्या .
  • ईर्षालु :: mfn. (-लुः -लुः -लु) Impatient of another's success, envious. E. ईर्षा and आलुच् affix: see ईर्ष्यालु .
  • ईर्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Envied. n. (-तं) Envy. E. ईर्षा and इतच् affix, or ईर्ष् with क्त aff.
  • ईर्ष्य :: r. 1st. cl. (ईर्ष्यति) To envy.
  • ईर्ष्य :: mfn. (-र्ष्यः -र्ष्या -र्ष्यं) Envious, envying. f. (-र्ष्या) 1. Envy or impatience of another's success. 2. Spite, malice. E. ईर्ष्य to envy, and अच् and टाप affixes; also, but according to the best writers, inaccurately written ईर्षा .
  • ईर्ष्यक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Envious, envying. E. ईर्ष्य and वुन् aff.
  • ईर्ष्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Envying, envious. E. ईर्ष्य and शानच् aff.
  • ईर्ष्यालु :: mfn. (-लुः -लुः -लु) Envious. E. ईर्ष्य and आलुच् affix; also written ईर्षालु .
  • ईर्ष्यावश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Being overcome with envy. E. ईर्ष्या and वश subjection.
  • ईर्ष्यिन् :: mfn. (-र्ष्यी -र्ष्यिणी -र्ष्यि) Envious, spiteful. E. ईर्ष्या and इनि affix. So ईर्ष्यावत् (-वान्-वती-वत्) and ईर्ष्यामय (-यः-यी-यं .)
  • ईलि :: f. (-लिः) See ईली .
  • ईलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Praised. E. इड् to praise, affix क्त, and ड changed to ल .
  • ईली :: f. (-ली) A weapon, sometimes considered as a cudgel, and some- times as a short sword, or a stick shaped like a sword. E. ईर् to go, &c. क and ङीप् affixes, and र changed to ल; see इली; also ईलि, &c.
  • ईश :: r. 2nd cl. (ङ) ईशङ् (ईष्टे) To possess power, property, or authority.
  • ईश :: m. (-शः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. Also of the same deity as regent of the north-east quarter. 3. A ruler, a master. f. (-शा) The shaft of a plough. E. ईश् to rule, क aff.
  • ईशसखि :: m. (-खा) A name of KUVERA. E. ईश SIVA, and सखि a friend.
  • ईशादन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. An elephant with large tusks. 2. The tusk of an elephant. E. ईशा and दन्त a tooth; whose tooth is of the size of a plough-shaft, or the tooth which is so.
  • ईशान :: m. (-नः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. Also of the same deity as regent of the north-east quarter. 3. One of the Rudras. 4. The sun as a form of SIVA. mf. (-नः-नी) The silk cotton tree, (Bombax heptaphyllum.) n. (-नं) Light, splendor. f. (-नी) A name of DURGA. E. ईश a master, &c. and आनच् affix, and fem. ङीष् .
  • ईशिता :: f. (-ता) Superiority, supremacy, one of the eight attributes of divinity. E. ईश a master, and तल् abstract affix; also ईशित्वं .
  • ईशितृ :: m. (-ता) 1. A master, an owner or proprietor. 2. A king. E. ईश् to rule, and तृच् aff.
  • ईशित्व :: n. (-त्वं) See ईशिता .
  • ईश्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. The supreme ruler of the universe, GOD; it is therefore applied to all the different divinities, but mostly designates SIVA, in mythological and popular acceptation. According to the Sank- hyas, Iswara is the liberated spirit; finite, according to KAPILA; infinite, according to PATANJALI. In the Nyaya system, Iswara is also a finite spirit endowed with attributes. In the Vedanta, Iswara is infinite and universal spirit, the cause and substance of creation. 2. A name of SIVA, especially in a compound, when the form of the deity implied is a Linga, as Visweswara, Someswara, Rameswara, &c. 3. KAMADEVA. mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. An owner, a proprietor, a chief or head. 2. Able, competent. f. (-रा or -री) 1. A name of DURGA. 2. Of LAKSHMI, or of any other of the Raktis or female energies of the deities. E. ईश् to rule, and वरट् or वरच् affix, consequently ङीप् or टाप् for the feminine.
  • ईश्वरभाव :: m. (-वः) Royal or imperial nature. E. ईश्वर a sovereign, and भाव disposition.
  • ईश्वरसभा :: f. (-भा) Royal court or assembly. E. ईश्वर and सभा an assembly.
  • ईश्वराधीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Subject to a king, dependent on a master or on GOD, &c. E. ईश्वर, अधि over, ख aff.
  • ईश्वराधीनता :: f. (-ता) Dependence upon GOD, subjection to a ruler. E. ईश्वराधीन and तल् added; also with त्व, ईश्वराधीनत्वं .
  • ईष :: r. 1st cl. (ङ) ईषङ् (ईषते) 1. To go or move. 2. To kill or hurt. 3. To see. 4. To give. (उ) ईषु (ईषति) To glean.
  • ईष :: m. (-षः) The month Aswin: see इष .
  • ईषज्जल :: n. (-लं) Shallow water, a little water. E. ईषत् and जल water.
  • ईषत् :: ind. A little. E. ईष् to go, अत् aff.
  • ईषत्कर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Diminutive, delicate. 2. Doing little. 3. What little is done to or made of. E. ईषत् a little, and कर what makes.
  • ईषत्पान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) What is little drank or drank little of. E. ईषत् and पान drink.
  • ईषत्प्रलम्भ :: mfn. (-म्भः -म्भा -म्भं) What is little gained of. E. ईषत् and प्रलम्भ profit.
  • ईषदुष्ण :: mfn. (-ष्णः -ष्णा -ष्णं) Tepid, slightly warm. E. ईषत् and उष्ण warm.
  • ईषद्गुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Of little merit. E. ईषत् and गुण quality.
  • ईषत्पाण्डु :: m. (-ण्डुः) A pale or light brown colour. E. ईषत् a little, and पाण्डु pale.
  • ईषत्पुरुष :: m. (-षः) A mean man. E. ईषत् and पुरुष a man.
  • ईषदून :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Not quite complete or entire. E. ईषत् and ऊन less.
  • ईषद्दर्शन :: n. (-नं) A glance at, a slight inspection. E. ईषत् and दर्शन seeing.
  • ईषद्धास :: m. (-सः) A smile. E. ईषत् a little, and हास laughter.
  • ईषद्रक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Of a pale red (colour.) E. ईषत् and रक्त red.
  • ईषन्निमय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Exchanged for a little. E. ईषत् and नियम barter.
  • ईषल्लभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) What little is or can be gained of. E. ईषत and लभ what gets.
  • ईषा :: f. (-षा) The pole or shaft of a plough. E. ईष् to go, affixes क and टाप्; also ईशा .
  • ईषादण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) The handle of a plough. E. ईषा the staff, and दण्ड a stick.
  • ईषादन्त :: m. (-न्तः) An elephant with a large tusk or tooth. E. ईषा and दन्त a tooth: see ईशादन्त .
  • ईषिका :: f. (-का) 1. An elephant's eye-ball: see ईषीका . 2. A painter's brush, &c. see ईषीका . 3. A weapon, a dart or arrow. E. ईष् to hurt, किकन् affix.
  • ईषिर :: m. (-रः) Fire. E. ईष् to injure, and किरच् aff.
  • ईषीका :: f. (-का) 1. A painter's brush, a fibrous stick used as one. 2. An ingot mould. 3. A dipping-rod, or something cast into a crucible to examine if the metal it contains is in fusion: see ईषिका . E. ईष् to go, ईकन् Unādi aff.
  • ईष्म :: m. (-ष्मः) 1. KAMADEVA. 2. Spring: see इष्म .
  • ईह :: r. 1st cl. (ङ) ईहङ् (ईहते) To endeavour, to aim or attempt. With सम् prefixed, to wish, to desire.
  • ईहमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Performing, undertaking. E. ईह् to make effort, शानच् aff.
  • ईहा :: f. (-हा) 1. Wish, desire. 2. Effort, exertion. E. ईह् to desire, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • ईहातस् :: ind. Diligently, by energetically, or with labour or exertion. E. तसि substituted for the regular case.
  • ईहामृग :: m. (-गः) 1. A wolf. 2. A division of the drama. E. ईहा wish, and मृग a deer.
  • ईहार्थिन् :: mfn. (-र्थी -र्थिनी -र्थि) 1. Aiming at any object. 2. Seeking wealth. E. इह् to seek, अर्थ wealth, इनि aff.
  • ईहावृक :: m. (-कः) A wolf. E. ईहा and वृक a wolf.
  • ईहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sought, attempted, made effort for. 2. Wished, desired. E. ईह् to wish, क्त aff.
  •  :: The third short vowel of the Sanskrit alphabet, corresponding to the letter U, and pronounced as that is in the word full.
  •  :: r. 1st cl. (ङ) उङ् (उवते) To sound, to make a particular sound or noise.
  •  :: ind. An interjection, 1. of assent; 2. of calling; 3. of compas- sion; 4. anger; and 5. of command. 6. An expletive. m. (-उः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. Of BRAHMA.
  • उकनाह :: m. (-हः) A horse of a red and yellow, or red and black colour, a bay or chesnut horse.
  • उकुण :: m. (-णः) A bug. Also उत्कुण .
  • उक्त :: n. (-क्तं) A sentence. nf. (-क्तं-क्ता) A stanza of four lines with one syllabic instant, one long or two short syllables in each. mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Spoken, said. E. वच् to speak, affix क्त and व changed to उ .
  • उक्तवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Said, was saying. E. वच् to speak, क्तवतु affix of the past part.
  • उक्तवाक्य :: mfn. (-क्यः -क्या -क्यं) One who has borne testimony or given an opinion. n. (-क्यं) A dictum, a decree. E. उक्त and वाक्य dictum.
  • उक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Speech, speaking. E. वच् to speak, and क्तिन् aff.
  • उक्तोपसंहार :: m. (-रः) Any brief or compendious phrase or description. E. उक्त what is said, उपसंहार compendiousness.
  • उक्त्वा :: ind. Having spoken or said. E. वच् to speak, क्त्वाच् aff.
  • उक्थ :: n. (-क्थं) The second or Sama Veda. f. (-क्था) A kind of metre, a stanza of four lines of one syllable each, the syllable may be

one long or two short in quantity. E. वच् to speak, and थक् Unadi affix.

  • उक्ष :: r. 1st. cl. (उक्षति) 1. To sprinkle or wet. 2. To clean.
  • उक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) 1. Cleansed, washed. 2. Wet, moist. E. उक्ष् to wet, affix अप् .
  • उक्षतर :: m. (-रः) A large bull or ox. E. उक्षन् an ox, and तरप् aff.
  • उक्षन् :: m. (-क्षा) An ox or bull. E. उक्ष् to sprinkle, and कनिन् Unādi aff.
  • उक्षाल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Swift. 2. Excellent. 3. Terrible. 4. High. 5. Much. m. (-लः) A monkey.
  • उक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sprinkled. 2. Cleansed, perfumed. E. उक्ष् to wet, and क्त aff.
  • उख :: r. 1st cl. (ओखति) (इ) उखि (उंखति) 1. To go, to move or approach. 2. To dry, to wither. 3. To adorn. The first retains the diphthong with a prefix ending in अ, as प्र and ओखति make प्रोखति .
  • उखर्व्वल :: m. (-लः) A kind of grass, a sort of Andropogon.
  • उखल :: m. (-लः) A kind of grass, a sort of Andropogon.
  • उखा :: f. (-खा) A pot or saucepan, &c. E. उख् to go, क affix, and टाप्, also उघा .
  • उख्य :: mfn. (-ख्यः -ख्या -ख्यं) Boiled, dressed in a pot, (flesh, &c.) E. उखा a pot and यत् aff.
  • उग्र :: mfn. (-ग्रः -ग्रा -ग्रं) 1. Angry, wrathful. 2. Hot, sharp, pungent, acrid. 3. Formidable, terrible. 4. Cruel, flerce, savage. m. (-ग्रः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. A name of a mixed tribe, from a Kshetriya father and Sudra mother: the employment of this caste according to Menu, is the killing or catching of animals that live in holes, as a snake-catcher, &c.; according to the Tantras, the Ugra is an en- comiast or bard. 3. A tree, (Morunga hyperanthera, &c.) 4. A class of asterisms, Magha Rharani, Purvaphalguni, Purvasharha, Purvabhadrapada. 5. A name of Malabar. f. (-ग्रा) 1. Orris root. 2. A medicinal plant. 3. An Ugra woman. n. (-ग्रं) Wrath, anger. E. उच् to accumulate, रन् Unādi affix, च is changed to ग .
  • उग्रकर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्म) Fierce, violent, cruel. E. उग्र and कर्म्मन् act.
  • उग्रकाण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A sort of gourd, (Momordica charantia.) E. उग्र and काण्ड a stem.
  • उग्रगन्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Strong smelling. m. (-न्धः) 1. A plant, (Michelia champaca.) 2. Garlic. n. (-न्धं) Asafœtida. f. (-न्धा) 1. Com- mon caraway, (Carum carui, &c.) see अजमोदा . 2. Orris root. 3. A medicinal plant. E. उग्र violent, &c. and गन्ध scent.
  • उग्रगन्धिन् :: mfn. (-न्धी -न्धिनी -न्धि) Strong smelling. E. उग्रगन्ध and इनि aff.
  • उग्रचय :: m. (-यः) Desire. E. उग्र fierce, चय a heap.
  • उग्रत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Violence, passionateness. 2. Pungency acrimony. E. उग्र angry, and त्व; also with तल् affix. उग्रता f. (-ता .)
  • उग्रदण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डा -ण्डं) Relentless, remorseless. E. उग्र and दण्ड punishment.
  • उग्रधन्वन् :: m. (-न्वा) A name of INDRA. E. उग्र fierce, and धन्वन् a bowyer.
  • उग्रनासिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Large-nosed. E. उग्र formidable, and नासिका a nose.
  • उग्रम्पश्य :: mfn. (-श्यः -श्या -श्यं) 1. Frightful, hideous, fierce looking. 2. Malig- nant, wicked. E. उग्र fierce, पश्य looking.
  • उग्रशेखरा :: f. (-रा) A name of GANGA. E. उग्र SIVA, and शेखरा a crest.
  • उग्रसेन :: m. (-नः) 1. The name of a prince, the father of DEVAKI and KANSA, and king of Mathura. 2. The name of another prince, the son of PARIKSHIT. E. उग्र fierce, and सेना an army.
  • उग्रसेनज :: m. (-जः) A name of KANSA, the uncle and enemy of KRISHNA. E. उग्रसेन and ज born; also उग्रसेनतनयः, उग्रसेनपुत्रः, उग्रसेनसुतः, &c.
  • उङ्कुण :: m. (-णः) A bug: see उत्कुण . E. उ fear, and कुण a sound.
  • उच :: r. 4th cl. (उच्यति) To be conglomerate, to be gathered or assembled together, to unite or associate with.
  • उचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Proper, suitable, convenient. 2. Receivable, fit or right to be taken. 3. Known, understood. 4. Intrusted, deposited. 5. Measured, adjusted, accurate. E. वच् to speak, and कितच् Unādi aff.
  • उच्च :: mfn. (-च्चः -च्चा -च्चं) High, tall. m. (-च्चः) The apex of the orbit of a planet. E. उत् upwards, चि to gather, and ड aff.
  • उच्चकैस् :: ind. Excessively lofty, tall, loud, &c. E. उच्च high, कैस् aff.
  • उच्चघन :: n. (-नं) Laughter in the mind not expressed in the countenance.
  • उच्चटा :: f. (-टा) 1. Pride, arrogance. 2. Habit, usage. 3. A kind of garlic. 4. A species of grass, (a cyperus.) 5. A shrub, (Abrus precatorius.) 6. A sort of sorrel. E. उत् and चट् to injure, अच् and टाप् affs.
  • उच्चण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डा -ण्डं) 1. Quick, expeditious. 2. Passionate, violent. E. उत् implying excess, चडि to be angry, and अच् aff.
  • उच्चतम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Highest. E. उच्च and तमप् aff.
  • उच्चतर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Higher, more lofty. E. उच्च and तरप् aff.
  • उच्चतरु :: m. (-रुः) 1. The cocoanut tree. 2. Any lofty tree. E. उच्च and तरु a tree.
  • उच्चता :: f. (-ता) Height; also उच्चत्व n. (-त्वं) E. तल् or त्व added to उच्च .
  • उच्चताल :: n. (-लं) Music and dancing at feasts, drinking parties, &c. E. उच्च high sounding, and ताल tune.
  • उच्चदेव :: m. (-वः) A name of KRISHNA. E. उच्च high, above, and देव a deity.
  • उच्चदेवता :: f. (-ता) Time personified, Chronos. E. उच्च high, and देवता divi- nity.
  • उच्चन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) The end of the night, the last watch of the night. E. उत् priv. and चन्द्र the moon; moonset.
  • उच्चभाषण :: n. (-णं) Speaking loud. E. उच्च and भाषण speaking.
  • उच्चय :: m. (-यः) 1. The knot of the string or of the cloth which fastens the lower garments round the loins tied in front. 2. The opposite leg of a triangle. E. उत् up, above, त्रि to gather, अच् aff.
  • उच्चरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Uttering, articulating. 2. Going up or out. E. उत् be- fore चर् to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • उच्चरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Uttered, articulated. 2. Gone up or out. E. उत् before चर् to go, क्त aff.
  • उच्चल :: n. (-लं) The mind, the understanding. E. उत् above and चल what goes.
  • उच्चलन :: n. (-नं) Going up or out. E. उत् before चल् to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • उच्चललाटा :: f. (-टा) A woman with a high or projecting forehead. E. उच्च high, and ललाट a forehead; also उच्चललाटिका .
  • उच्चलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Gone up or out. 2. Winnowed. E. उत् before चल् to go, क्त aff.
  • उच्चाटन :: n. (-नं) 1. Eradicating as a plant. 2. Ruining, (as an individual.) 3. Causing a person's ruin by magical incantations. E. उच्च up, and अटन going.
  • उच्चार :: m. (-रः) 1. Fœces, excrement. 2. Pronounciation, utterance. E. उत् before चर् to go, and घञ् aff.
  • उच्चारण :: n. (-णं) Articulating, enunciation. E. उत् before चर् to go, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • उच्चारणज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) A linguist, one skilled in languages or sounds. E. उच्चारण and ज्ञ who knows.
  • उच्चारणस्थान :: n. (-नं) The part of the throat, &c. whence certain sounds, as nasals, gutturals, and the like proceed. E. उच्चारण and स्थान place.
  • उच्चारणार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) Necessary for pronounciation, a superfluous letter, &c. उच्चारण and अर्थ object.
  • उच्चारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pronounced, uttered, articulated. E. उत् before चर् to go, causal form, क्त aff.
  • उच्चार्य्य :: ind. Having spoken or uttered. mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) To be spoken, to be pronounced. E. उत् before चर् to go, causal form, affix ल्यप् or यत् .
  • उच्चार्य्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Being uttered or pronounced. E. उच्चर, causal form, शानच् aff.
  • उच्चावच :: mfn. (-चः -चा -चं) 1. Various, multiform. 2. Uneven, irregular, undulating. 3. High and low. E. उदक् upper, and अवाक् lower, great and small, &c.; the compound is irregular.
  • उच्चिकीर्षा :: f. (-र्षा) Desire or wish to collect. E. उत् before चि to collect, desiderative form, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • अच्चिङ्गट :: m. (-टः) 1. A sort of cricket. 2. A passionate man. E. उत् like, and चिङ्गट a shrimp.
  • उच्चूल :: m. (-लः) The flag or pennon of a banner. E. उत् above, and चूड to be high; ल is substituted for ड .
  • उच्चैःश्रवस् :: m. (-वाः) The horse of INDRA. E. उच्चैस् high, and श्रवस् an ear, long-eared; it is sometimes written with a final vowel, nom. (-सः).
  • उच्चैस्वर :: m. (-रः) A loud sound or voice. E. उच्चैस् and स्वर sound.
  • उच्चैर्घुष्ट :: n. (-ष्टं) Making a loud noise, clamour. E. उच्चैस् high, loud, and घुष्ट sound.
  • उच्चैस् :: ind. High, loud, great, much, &c. E. उत् much, चि to collect, डैस् Unādi aff.
  • उच्चैस्तम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Very high, tall or lofty. 2. Very loud. E. उच्चैस् and तमप् aff.
  • उच्चैस्तमाम् :: ind. 1. Loudly, aloud. 2. On high, high. E. आमु added to the last.
  • उच्चैस्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Loftier. 2. Louder. E. उच्चैस् and तरप् aff.
  • उच्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) To be said. E. वच् to speak, pass. v. शानच् aff.
  • उच्छ :: r. 1st and 6th cls. (इ) उच्छि (उञ्छतिः) 1. To glean. 2. To gather little by little. (ई) उच्छी (उच्छति) or usually with वि prefixed (व्युच्छति) 1. To end or terminate, to leave off. 2. To finish or conclude. 3. To pass or quit. 4. To bind. With प्र, to wipe off.
  • उच्छन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Destroyed. m. (-न्नः) Peace obtained by ceding valuable lands. E. उत् before छद् to go, affix क्त .
  • उच्छलत् :: mfn. (-लन् -लन्ती -लत्) Going or moving on or against. E. उत्, शक to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • उच्छलन :: n. (-नं) 1. Going upon. 2. Having over, or above, or against. E. उत् before शल to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • उच्छादन :: n. (-नं) Cleaning with perfumes. E. उत् before छद् to cover, in the causal form, and ल्युट् aff.
  • उच्छालित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Waved, waved above. 2. Gone, went. 3. Shaken. E. उत् before शल् to go, causal form, क्त aff.
  • उच्छास्त्रवर्त्तिन् :: mfn. (-र्त्ती -र्त्तिनी -र्त्ति) Transgressing, deviating from the ritual. E. उत् before शास्त्र scripture, वर्त्तिन् who abides.
  • उच्छिख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खं) 1. Flaming, blazing up. 2. Radiant. 3. High- crested. E. उत् up, शिखा a flame.
  • उच्छिङ्घन :: n. (-नं) Breathing through the nostrils, snuffing, snoring. E. उत् before शिघि to smell, ल्युट् aff.
  • उच्छिद्य :: ind. Having cut off, destroyed, killed, &c. E. उत् before छिद् to cut, ल्यप् aff.
  • उच्छिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Cut, cut off or cut. 2. Destroyed, killed. E. उद् before छिन्न cut.
  • उच्छिलीन्ध्र :: n. (-न्ध्रं) A mushroom. E. उत् and शिलीन्ध्र .
  • उच्छिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Left, rejected as food; (i. e. spit out of the mouth, or orts, crumbs, fragments, &c.) 2. Left, abandoned. E. उत् up, शिष् to leave as a residue, and क्त aff.
  • उच्छिष्टभोजन :: m. (-नः) 1. One who eats another's leavings. 2. The at- tendant upon an idol, whose food is the leavings of the deities. E. उच्छिष्ट orts, and भोजन food.
  • उच्छिष्टभोजिन् :: mfn. (-जी -जिनी -जि) Who eats the remains of a meal. E. उच्छिष्ट and भोजिन् who eats.
  • उच्छिष्टमोदन :: n. (-नं) Wax. E. उच्छिष्ट and मोदन pleasing.
  • उच्छिष्टान्न :: n. (-न्नं) Leavings, offal. E. उच्छिष्ट and अन्न food.
  • उच्छीर्षक :: n. (-कं) A pillow. E. उत् upon, and शीर्षक the head: on which rests the head.
  • उच्छुष्क :: mfn. (-ष्कः -ष्का -ष्कं) Dry, dried up, withered. E. उत् before शुष्क dried.
  • उच्छूडा :: f. (-डा) The head of a banner or part above the flag with erect ornaments. E. उत् up, छूडा crest.
  • उच्छून :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Swollen, turgid. 2. Lofty, high. 3. Fat, bulky. E. उत् up, श्वि to increase, क्त affix, deriv. irr.
  • उच्छृङ्खल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Unrestrained, perverse, self-willed. 2. Irre- gular, desultory, unmethodical. E. उत् priv. and शृङ्खला a chain.
  • उच्छेद :: m. (-दः) 1. Cutting off or out. 2. Destroying, destruction. 3.

Cutting short, putting an end to 4. Excision. E. उत् and छिद् to cut, affix घञ् .

  • उच्छेषण :: n. (-णं) 1. Rest, remainder. 2. Leavings. E. उत् and शेषण remaining.
  • उच्छोषण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) What dries up or withers. n. (-णं) Drying up, parching. E. उत् and शोषण drying.
  • उच्छ्रय :: m. (-यः) 1. Height, elevation of a tree, mountain, &c. 2. Rising of a planet, &c. 3. Upright side of a triangle. E. उत् up, श्रिञ् to serve, अच् aff.
  • उच्छ्राय :: m. (-यः) Height, elevation. E. उत् before श्रि to serve, घञ् aff.
  • उच्छ्रायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिणी -यि) High raised, lofty. E. उच्छ्राय and इनि aff.
  • उच्छ्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Born, produced. 2. High, tall. 3. Lifted up, raised. 4. Prosperous, advancing, increasing, rising. 5. Left, aban- doned. 6. Increased in size or bulk, grown. E. उत् before श्रिञ् to serve, क्त aff.
  • उच्छ्रिति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Height, elevation. 2. The upright side of a triangle. E. उत् before श्रि to serve, क्तिन् aff.
  • उच्छ्रेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) High, lofty. E. उत् before श्रि to serve, यत् aff.
  • उच्छ्वसन :: n. (-नं) 1. Breathing. 2. Sighing. E. उत् before श्वस् to breathe, affix ल्युट् .
  • उच्छ्वसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Blown, expanded. 2. Breathed, inspired. 3. Sighing. E. उत् much, &c. श्वसित breathed, blown.
  • उच्छ्वास :: m. (-सः) 1. Breath, breathing, inspiration. 2. A sigh. 3. Consola- tion, encouragement. 4. Division of a book. E. उत् up, and श्वस् to breathe, घञ् aff.
  • उज्जयनी :: f. (-नी) Ujjayani or Oujein, a city so called in Malabar, formerly the capital of VIKRAMADITYA. It is one of the seven sacred cities of the Hindus, and the first meridian of their geographers: the modern Oujein is about a mile south of the ancient city. E. उत् much, जयनी victorious or place of victory; from the military cha- racter of its people; also अवन्ती and उज्जयिनी .
  • उज्जयन्त :: m. (-न्तः) The name of a mountain, part of the chain in the west of India, part of the Vindhyan range: see रैवत . E. उत priv. and जयन्ति a banner, or जयन्त the son of INDRA.
  • उज्जयिनी :: f. (-नी) The city Oujein. E. See उज्जयनी .
  • उज्जासन :: n. (-नं) Killing, slaughter. E. उत् before जस् to kill, and ल्युट् aff.
  • उज्जिहीर्षा :: f. (-र्षा) Wishing to take or seize. E. उत् before हृ to take, desid. form, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • उज्जृम्भ :: mfn. (-म्भः -म्भा -म्भं) 1. Blown, expanded. 2. Open, apart. E. उत् up, and जृभि to gape, अप् affix.
  • उज्जृम्भित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Blown, expanded. 2. Opened, stretched. n. (-तं) Effort, exertion. E. उत् before जृभि to yawn, क्त aff.
  • उज्ज्वल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Luminous, splendid, light. 2. Lovely, beauti- ful. 3. Clean, clear. 4. Blown, expanded. 5. Burning, blazing. m. (-लः) Love, passion. n. (-लं) Gold. E. उत् much, ज्वल to shine, अच् aff.
  • उज्ज्वलता :: f. (-ता) 1. Splendour, radiance. 2. Beauty. E. तल added to the last; also with त्व, उज्ज्वलत्वं .
  • उज्ज्वलन :: n. (-नं) Burning or shining. E. उत् before ज्वल to shine, affix ल्युट् .
  • उज्ज्वलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Lighted, shining, flaming, &c. E. उत् before ज्वल to shine, affix क्त .
  • उञ्छ :: n. (-ञ्छं) Gathering grains. E. उछि to glean, and घञ् aff.
  • उञ्छन :: n. (-नं) Gathering grains of corn in market places, &c. gleaning. E. उछि to glean, ल्युट् aff.
  • उञ्छवृत्ति :: mfn. (-त्तिः -त्तिः -त्ति) A gleaner, one who lives by gleaning. E. उञ्छ and वृत्ति practice.
  • उञ्छशिल :: n. (-लं) Gleaning corn or grains. E. उञ्छ gathering grain, and शिल gleaning corn.
  • उञ्छ-शील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) One who lives by gleaning, &c. E. उञ्छ and शील who practices.
  • उञ्झ :: r. 6th cl. (उञ्झति) To quit or abandon. This is sometimes read उद्झ . With प्र, to escape or avoid.
  • उञ्झ :: m. (-ञ्झः) Abandoning, leaving. E. उञ्झ and क aff.
  • उञ्झित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Left, abandoned. 2. Left off, discontinued. E. उञ्झ to leave, affix क्त .
  • उञ्झितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Who or what leaves. E. उञ्झ and तृच् aff.
  • उट :: m. (-टः) Leaves, grass, &c. used in making huts, thatches, &c.
  • उटज :: m. (-जः) 1. A hut made of leaves, the residence of hermits or saints. 2. A house in general. E. उट thatch, &c. and ज made.
  • उठ :: r. 1st cl. (ओठति) To strike or knock down; also ऊठ .
  • उडु :: fn. (-डुः-डु) A lunar mansion or constellation in the moon's path. n. (डु) Water. E. उत् above, डीङ् to go or fly, डु aff.
  • उडुप :: mn. (-पः-पं) A raft or float. m. (-पः) The moon. E. उडु as above, and प from पा to preserve, affix ड .
  • उडुपति :: m. (-तिः) The moon. E. उडु and पति lord.
  • उडुपथ :: m. (-थः) The firmament. E. उडु a constellation, and पथ a path.
  • उडुम्बर :: m. (-रः) 1. Glomerous fig tree, (Ficus glomerata, Rox.) 2. The threshold of a house. 3. A eunuch. 4. A species of leprosy with coppery spots. 5. A kind of worm, supposed to be generated in the blood, and to produce leprosy. n. (-र) 1. Copper. 2. A Karsha, a measure of two Tolas. E. उडु a constellation in the second case, वृ to screen, and अप् affix; it is also written ऊडुम्बर and उदुम्बर .
  • उडुम्बरपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) The name of a plant: see दन्ती . E. उडुम्बर and पर्ण a leaf: whose leaves are of the color of copper.
  • उडूप :: mn. (-पः-पं) A raft, a float. m. (-पः) The moon: see उडुप .
  • उड्डयन :: n. (-नं) Flying, soaring. E. उत् before डी to fly, affix ल्युट् .
  • उड्डामर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Excellent, respectable, of rank or consequence.
  • उड्डीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Flown up, flying up. n. (-नं) 1. Flying as a bird. 2. Flying up, soaring. E. उत् up, and डी to fly, क्त aff.
  • उड्डीयमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Flying, soaring, who flies or soars. E. उत् up, डी to fly, शानच् aff.
  • उड्डीश :: m. (-शः) 1. A work so called, containing charms and incanta- tions. 2. A name of SIVA. E. उत् up, and डी to fly, Unādi affix श .
  • उण्डेरक :: m. (-कः) A ball of flour, a roll, a loaf.
  • उण्डेरकस्रज् :: f. (-स्रक्) A string of rolls, balls of meal or flour upon a string. E. उण्डेरक and स्रज् a chaplet.
  • उढ्र :: m. (-ढ्रः) 1. Water. 2. The China rose.
  • उत् :: ind. An interjection of, 1. asking, (how, what?) 2. of deliberation, (either, or;) 3. of extreme doubt, (hey! what!) 4. Up, above, on, upon; see उद् .
  • उत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sewn, woven. E. ऊय to sew, affix क्त . Ind. A particle of, 1. doubt, (what!) 2. of interrogation, (what, how?) 3. of con- nexion, (also, and;) 4. of deliberation, (either, or.) 5. It is also an expletive. E. ऊङ् to sound, क्त aff.
  • उतथ्य :: m. (-थ्यः) The name of a Muni, son of ANGIRAS.
  • उतथ्यानुज :: m. (-जः) A name of VRIHASPATI, regent of the planet Jupiter. E. उतथ्य and अनुज younger born; the younger brother of UTATHYA.
  • उतथ्यानुजन्मन् :: m. (-न्मा) VRIHASPATI. E. See the preceding.
  • उताहो :: ind. A particle implying, 1. deliberation, (either or;) 2. asking (how, what?) E. उत् and आहो meaning as before.
  • उताहोस्वित् :: ind. A particle of doubt or deliberation.
  • उत्क :: mfn. (-त्कः -त्का -त्कं) 1. Regretting, sad, sorrowful. 2. Absent, think- ing of something else. 4. Wishing for, desirous of. m. (-त्कः) Op- portunity, occasion. E. उत् up, away, and कन् aff.
  • उत्कट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) 1. Much, excessive. 2. Drunk, mad, furious. 3. Proud, haughty. 4. Uneven. 5. Difficult. 6. Superior, high. m. (-टः) 1. Intoxication, pride. 2. An elephant in rut. 3. Sara grass, (Saccharum sara.) n. (-टं) 1. Woody cassia or its bark. 2. Sarsapa- rilla. E. उत् high, great, and कटच् aff.
  • उत्कटुकासन :: n. (-नं) Sitting on the hams, squatting.
  • उत्कण्ठा :: f. (-ण्ठा) Regretting, missing anything or person. E. उत् much, कठि to be sad, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • उत्कण्ठित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Regretting, wishing or sorrowing for, distress-

ed, sorrowful. f. (-ता) A Woman whose husband or lover is absent. E. उत् much, कठि to be sad, affix क्त .

  • उत्कता :: f. (-ता) 1. A plant with aromatic seeds. (Pothos officinalis, Rox.) See गजपिप्पली . 2. Regretting, sorrowing for. E. उत्क regretting, and तल् abstract aff.
  • उत्कन्धरम् :: ind. Bending back the neck. E. उत् up, कन्धर the neck.
  • उत्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. What lifts or raises. 2. What piles or heaps, what makes up. m. (-रः) A heap, a pile, a stack, &c. E. उत् up, and कर what makes, from कृ and ट or अप् aff.
  • उत्करिका :: f. (-का) A sort of sweetmeat made with milk, treacle, and ghee. E. उत्कर and कन् added.
  • उत्करीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Relating or belonging to a heap, &c. E. उत्कर and छ aff.
  • उत्कर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. Cutting over or on. 2. Cutting to pieces. 3. Cutting off. E. उत् before कृत् to cut, ल्युट् aff.
  • उत्कर्ष :: mfn. (-र्षः -र्षा -र्षं) 1. Superior, eminent. 2. Much, excessive. 3. At- tractive, drawing. m. (-र्षः) 1. Excellence, eminence. 2. Excess. 3. Increase. 4. Pulling, pulling up or to. E. उत् much, कृष् to mark घञ् aff.
  • उत्कल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) A porter, one who travels with a burden or load. m. (-लः) 1. A country in the south of India, part of Orissa. 2. A fowler, a bird-catcher. E. उत् before and कल् to go, अच् aff.
  • उत्कलिका :: f. (-का) 1. Regretting, missing anything or person. 2. A bud, an unblown flower. 3. A wave. 4. Wanton sportfulness, dalliance. E. उत् before कल् to go, वुन् and टाप् affs.
  • उत्कलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Regretting, grieving for. 2. Prosperous, rising, increasing. E. उत् up, and कल् to go or count; part. affix क्त .
  • उत्काका :: f. (-का) A cow calving every year. E. उत्क regretting, and अक् to go, अच् and टाप् affs.
  • उत्कार :: m. (-रः) 1. Winnowing corn. 2. Piling it up. E. उत् up, and कॄ to scatter, घञ् aff.
  • उत्कारिका :: f. (-का) A poultice. E. उत् before कृ to make, causal form, वुन् aff.
  • उत्कासन :: n. (-नं) Hemming, clearing the throat of mucus. E. उत् up, and कासन coughing.
  • उत्कञ्चिता :: f. (-ता) Kalonji, (Nigella Indica, Rox.) E. उत् up, कुञ्च् to go crookedly, क्त affix, or with वुन् affix उत्कुञ्चिका .
  • उत्कीर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. Praising, celebrating. 2. Crying, proclaiming. E. उत् before कीर्त्त to praise, ल्युट् aff.
  • उत्कीर्त्तित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Praised, renowned. 2. Proclaimed, pro- mulgated. E. उत् aloud, कीर्त्त to praise, क्त aff.
  • उत्कुट :: n. (-टं) Sleeping with the head erect. E. उत् neg. and कुट् to be crooked, क aff.
  • उत्कुण :: m. (-णः) A bug. E. उत् high, loud, and कुण् to call, क affix; also उङ्कुण .
  • उत्कूट :: m. (-टः) An umbrella or parasol. E. उत् priv. कूट् to heat, क aff.
  • उत्कूलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Brought to the bank or shore. E. उत् before कूल a bank, nominative verb, affix क्त .
  • उत्कृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Cutting up. 2. A form of metre, a stanza of four lines of twenty-six syllables each. E. उत् and कृति another metre.
  • उत्कृत्य :: ind. Having cut off, or up. E. उत् before कृत् to cut, ल्यप् aff.
  • उत्कृत्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being cut to pieces. E. उत् before कृत् to cut, शानच् aff.
  • उत्कृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Excellent, eminent. 2. Superior, best. 3. Much, most, excessive. 4. Drawn, attracted. E. उत् before कृष् to drag, क्त aff.
  • उत्कृष्टता :: f. (-ता) Excellence, superiority, eminence. E. उत्कृष्ट with तल् added; also त्व, उत्कृष्टत्वं .
  • उत्कृष्टभूम :: m. (-मः) A good soil. E. उत्कृष्ट excellent and भूमि earth, अण् aff.
  • उत्कृष्टवेदन :: n. (-नं) The best or most respectable form of marriage. E. उत्कृष्ट and वेदन marrying.
  • उत्कोच :: mf. (-चः-चा) A bribe. E. उत् before कुच् to be crooked, क aff.
  • उत्कोचक :: m. (-कः) 1. The receiver of a bride. 2. A bride. E. उत् before कुच् to be crooked, वुन् affix or कन् added to the last.
  • उत्क्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Going up or out. 2. Progressive increase. 3. Going astray, acting improperly, deviation, transgression. E. उत् before क्रम् to go, अच् aff.
  • उत्क्रमण :: n. (-णं) 1. Going up or out. 2. Surpassing, exceeding. E. उत् before क्रम् to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • उत्क्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Passed, surpassed, gone over or beyond. 2. Gone forth or out. 3. Trespassing, exceeding. E. उत् before क्रम् to go, affix क्त .
  • उत्क्रान्तिन् :: mfn. (-न्ती -न्तिनी -न्ति) Passing, passing away, gone, departed. E. उत्क्रान्त and इनि aff.
  • उत्क्राम :: m. (-मः) 1. Opposition, contrariety. 2. Going, going above, sur- passing. 3. Going from or out. 4. Deviating from propriety, trans- gressing. E. उत् out, क्रम् to go, घञ् aff.
  • उत्क्रामत् :: mfn. (-मन् -मन्ती -मत्) 1. Going over or above, surpassing. 2. Co- ing out. E. उत् before क्रम् to go, शतृ aff.
  • उत्क्रुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Crying, speaking out or aloud, (who or what does so.) n. (-ष्टं) 1. Crying out, calling, exclaiming. 2. Conversa- tion. E. उत् before क्रुश् to cry, क्त aff.
  • उत्क्रोश :: m. (-शः) 1. An osprey. 2. Clamour, proclamation. E. उत् loud, क्रुश् to cry, affix घञ् .
  • उत्क्लेद :: m. (-दः) Nausea, sickness. E. उत् before and क्लेद moisture.
  • उत्क्लेश :: m. (-शः) Nausea, sickness. E. उत् before क्लेश distress.
  • उत्क्षिप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Thrown upwards, tossed. 2. Thrown out, ejected. 3. Vomited. 4. Rejected, dismissed. m. (-प्तः) Thorn apple, (Datura metel and fastuosa.) E. उत् up, and क्षिप्त thrown; in the last sense it alludes to the intoxicating qualities of the plant.
  • उत्क्षिप्तिका :: f. (-का) An ornament in the shape of a crescent worn in the upper part of the ear. E. उत् up, क्षिप् to send, affix क्तिन्; to which कन् and टाप् are then added.
  • उत्क्षेप :: m. (-पः) 1. Throwing or tossing up. 2. Throwing away. 3. Send- ing, dispatching. 4. Bringing up, vomiting. E. उत् before क्षिपि to throw, घञ् aff.
  • उत्क्षेपक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Throwing, a thrower, what or who elevates or raises. 2. Who sends or orders. m. (-कः) A stealer of clothes, &c. E. उत् before क्षिप् to throw, ण्वुल् aff.
  • उत्क्षेपण :: n. (-णं) 1. A fan. 2. A kind of basket or bowl used for clean- ing corn. 3. Throwing upwards, tossing. 4. Sending, sending away. 5. Vomiting. 6. Taking up. 7. A measure of sixteen Panas E. उत up, क्षिप् to throw or send, ल्युट् aff.
  • उत्खला :: f. (-ला) A kind of perfume: see मुरा . E. उत् before खल् to gather, अच् and टाप् affs.
  • उत्खात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Eradicated, pulled up by the roots. 2. De- stroyed, annihilated. E. उत् up, खन् to dig, and क्त aff.
  • उत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Wet, moistened. E. उन्द् to wet, affix क्त .
  • उत्तंस :: mn. (-सः-सं) 1. An earring. 2. A crest. E. उत् much, and तसि a Sautra root, to ornament, affix अच् .
  • उत्तप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Burnt, seared. 2. Bathed, washed. 3. Anxious, excited. n. (-प्तं) Dried flesh. E. उत् much, or in the last sense priv. and तप्त heated.
  • उत्तम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Chief, principal, first, best. 2. Greatest, high- est. m. (-मः) 1. The third Menu, son of PRIYAVRATA. 2. The best kind of lover or hero. f. (-मा) 1. An excellent woman: one who is handsome, healthy, and affectionate. 4. A plant, (Asclepias rosea.) E. उत् much, तम् to desire, affix अच् .
  • उत्तमपुरुष :: m. (-षः) 1. The first person, (in grammar.) 2. An excellent man. E. उत्तम and पुरुष man.
  • उत्तमफलिनी :: f. (-नी) A plant, (Asclepias rosea, Rox.) See दुग्धिका . E. उत्तम best, फल fruit, इनि affix, and ङीप् fem. do.
  • उत्तमर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) A creditor. E. उत्तम chief, and ऋण a debt.
  • उत्तमर्णिक :: m. (-कः) A creditor. E. उत्तम, ऋण a debt, and ठक् aff.
  • उत्तमर्णिन् :: m. (-र्णी) A creditor. E. उत्तम, ऋण a debt, इनि aff.
  • उत्तमलाभ :: m. (-भः) Great profit, a double return. E. उत्तम and लाभ gain.
  • उत्तमसंग्रह :: m. (-हः) Intriguing with another man's wife, addressing her privately, casting amorous looks, &c.
  • उत्तमसाहस :: n. (-सं) 1. The highest of the three fixed mulcts or fines; a fine of 1,000 or of 80,000 Panas. 2. Capital punishment, brand- ing, banishment, confiscation, mutilation and death. E. उत्तम the best or greatest, साहस infliction.
  • उत्तमाङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) The head. E. उत्तम chief, and अङ्ग member.
  • उत्तमार्द्ध्य :: n. (-र्द्ध्यं) The best half. E. उत्तम, अर्द्ध half, यत् aff.
  • उत्तमाह :: m. (-मः) A fine day, a lucky day. E. उत्तम best, अहन् a day, ट aff.
  • उत्तमोपपद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Best, good. E. उत्तम and उपपद secondary term, to whom or what the best term is applicable.
  • उत्तमौजस् :: m. (-जाः) A proper name, one of the warriors of the Maha- bharata. E. उत्तम and ओजस् strength.
  • उत्तम्भन :: n. (-नं) 1. Upholding, supporting, staying. 2. Stopping, arrest- ing. E. उत् before ष्टभि to stop, ल्युट् aff.
  • उत्तम्भित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Upheld, supported. 2. Stopped, arrested. 3. Erect, (as the hair of the head,) standing on end. E. उत् before ष्टभि to stop, affix क्त .
  • उत्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Superior, high, lofty. 2. Northern. 3. Best, excellent. 4. (In composition) Fit, appertaining to. 5. Subse- quent, posterior. n. (-रं) 1. An answer, a reply. 2. (In law) A defence, a rejoinder. 3. A consequence, a result. 4. Remainder, difference, (in arithmetic.) m. (-रः) 1. The son of VIRATA. f. (-रा) 1. The wife of ABHIMANYU, the son of ARJUNA. 2. The north. E. उत् above, and तर from तृ to pass, affix अप् .
  • उत्तरकाल :: m. (-लः) 1. Furture time. 2. Time reckoned from full moon to full moon. E. उत्तर subsequent, काल time.
  • उत्तरकुरु :: mn. (-रुः-रु) Uttarakuru, the country about the north pole. E. उत्तर northern, and कुरु the northern part of the globe.
  • उत्तरकोशला :: f. (-ला) The city of Ayodhya, the modern Oude. E. उत्तर north, कोशला a district so called.
  • उत्तरक्रिया :: f. (-या) Obsequial ceremonies. E. उत्तर last, क्रिया rite.
  • उत्तरङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) 1. Flooded, inundated, washed over by waves. n. (-ङ्गं) A wooden arch surmounting the door frame. E. उत्तर above, ग what goes, affix खश्; or उत् and तरङ्ग a wave.
  • उत्तरज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Born subsequently or afterwards, posterity. E. उत्तर and ज born.
  • उत्तरज्या :: f. (-ज्या) The versed sine of an arc. E. उत्तर and ज्या an arc.
  • उत्तरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Crossing rivers, &c. 2. Coming forth or out of, (espe- cially water,) landing. E. उत् over, तरण passing.
  • उत्तरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रत्) 1. Crossing, going over. 2. Coming out of (water.) E. उत् before तृ to cross, शतृ aff.
  • उत्तरतस् :: ind. 1. Northward. 2. Afterwards. 3. Behind. E. उत्तर and अतसुच् aff.
  • उत्तरत्र :: ind. 1. After, subsequent. 2. Northward. E. उत्तर and त्रल् aff.
  • उत्तरदायक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Replying, answering. E. उत्तर and दायक a giver.
  • उत्तरदिश् :: f. (-दिक्) The north quarter. E. उत्तर and दिश् region.
  • उत्तरधेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be done subsequently. E. उत्तर afterwards, धि to have, यत् aff.
  • उत्तरपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. A demonstrated truth, a direct conclusion. 2. Course of argument, according to established truths. 3. Second part of an argument, reply, refutation. 4. The minor proposition in a syllogism. E. उत्तर subsequent, and पक्ष subject of an inference; also adding क, उत्तरपक्षक .
  • उत्तरपक्षता :: f. (-ता) 1. Conclusion, demonstration. 2. Replication, reply. E. तल् added to the preceding; also with त्व, उत्तरपक्षत्वं .
  • उत्तरपद :: n. (-दं) The last member of a compound word. E. उत्तर and पद word.
  • उत्तरपदिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Belonging or relating to the last word or term. E. उत्तरपद and ठक् affix; also with छ added उत्तरपदकीय mfn. (-यः -या -यं .)
  • उत्तरपाद :: m. (-दः) A division of legal practice, that part which relates to the reply or defence. E. उत्तर a reply, and पाद a quarter; four divisions being admitted in every suit.
  • उत्तरपुरुष :: m. (-षः) (In grammar,) The third person. E. उत्तर last, and पुरुष man.
  • उत्तरप्रच्छद :: m. (-दः) A coverlid, a quilt. E. उत्तर and प्रच्छद what covers.
  • उत्तरफाल्गुनी :: f. (-नी) The twelfth lunar mansion containing two stars, figured by a bed. E. उत्तर subsequent, and फाल्गुनी or फल्गुनी an asterism; hence it also occurs उत्तरफल्गुनी .
  • उत्तरभाद्रपद् :: f. (-द्) The twenty-seventh lunar mansion, figured dy a couch, and comprehending two stars, of which one is a Andro medœ. E. उत्तर subsequent, and भाद्रपद् properly the constellation; also with a final vowel, उत्तरभाद्रपदा .
  • उत्तरमात्र :: n. (-त्रं) Any reply, some reply. E. उत्तर and मात्र only.
  • उत्तररहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unable to reply, having no answer. E. उत्तर and रहित devoid of.
  • उत्तरलक्षण :: n. (-णं) The indication of an actual reply. E. उत्तर and लक्षण mark.
  • उत्तरवस्ति :: f. (-स्तिः) A small syringe, a urethra injection pipe. E. उत्तर best, वस्ति syringe.
  • उत्तरवादिन् :: m. (-दी) A defendant, a replicant. E. उत्तर a reply, and वादिन् who speaks.
  • उत्तरसंज्ञित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Designated in the reply, (a witness, &c.) E. उत्तर and संज्ञित named.
  • उत्तरसाक्षिन् :: m. (-क्षी) Witness for the defence. E. उत्तर reply, साक्षिन् a witness.
  • उत्तरसाधक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Befriending, assisting, a help, a friend. 2. Who or what establishes a reply. E. उत्तर and साधक what accom- plishes.
  • उत्तरा :: ind. North, northerly, northward. E. उत्तर and आच् aff.
  • उत्तरात् :: ind. Northward. E. उत्तर and आति aff.
  • उत्तराधर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Superior and inferior, higher and lower. E. उत्तर upper, अधर lower.
  • उत्तराधिकार :: m. (-रः) Right to property, &c. in succession to another person, heirship, inheritance. E. उत्तर and अधिकार right.
  • उत्तराधिकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) An heir, a claimant, subsequent to the death, &c. of the original owner. E. उत्तराधिकार and इनि aff.
  • उत्तराधिकारिता :: f. (-ता) Right of succession. E. तल् added to उत्तराधिकारिन्; also with त्व, उत्तराधिकारित्वं .
  • उत्तरापथ :: m. (-थः) The north, a northern road or direction. E. उत्तर and पथिन् a road, the final of उत्तर lengthened.
  • उत्तराभास :: m. (-सः) A false, indirect, or prevaricating reply, (in law.) E. उत्तर a defence, and आभास what resembles: apparently a defence, but not so in fact.
  • उत्तराभासता :: f. (-ता) Inadequacy of a reply, the semblance without the reality. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, उत्तराभासत्वं .
  • उत्तरायण :: n. (-णं) The period of the sun's progress to the north of the equator, the summer solstice. E. उत्तर the north, and अयन going, progress.
  • उत्तराशा :: f. (-शा) The north. E. उत्तर and आशा region.
  • उत्तराशाढा :: f. (-ढा) One of the lunar mansions. E. See उत्तराषाढा .
  • उत्तराशापति :: m. (-तिः) A name of KUVERA. E. उत्तर, आशा a quarter, पति a master; regent of the north.
  • उत्तराषाढा :: f. (-ढा) The twenty-first of the lunar mansions, figured by an elephant's tooth or a bed, and containing two stars, one of which is in Sagittarius. E. उत्तर subsequent, and आषाढा the constellation; to distinguish it from asterism, twentieth: see पूर्व्वाषाढा and आषाढा .
  • उत्तरासङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) An upper and outer garment. E. उत्तर upper, आङ् prefixed to षञ्ज् to surround, and घञ् aff.
  • उत्तराहि :: ind. Northerly, from the north, implying distance. E. उत्तर and आहिच् aff.
  • उत्तरीय :: n. (-यं) An upper or outer garment. E. उत्तर upper, and छ aff.
  • उत्तरेण :: ind. Northward, posterior, subsequent. E. उत्तर with एनप् aff.
  • उत्तरेद्युस् :: ind. A subsequent day, a day following to-morrow. E. उत्तर subsequent, and एद्युस् aff.
  • उत्तरोत्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) More and more, further and further, &c. n. (-रं) 1. A rejoinder, a reply to an answer. 2. Excess, exceeding quanti- ty or degree. 3. Succession, gradation, descending. E. उत्तर re- peated.
  • उत्तान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Shallow. 2. Sleeping supinely or with the face upwards. 3. Upright. 4. Concave. E. उत् upwards, तन् to stretch, and घञ् aff.
  • उत्तानक :: m. (-कः) A species of grass, (a cyperus:) see उच्चटा . E. उत् much, तन् to spread, वुन् aff.
  • उत्तानपाद :: m. (-दः) 1. A prince, son of SWAYAMBHU the Menu. 2. One of the stars of the little bear, (Ursi minoris.)
  • उत्तानपादज :: m. (-जः) A name of DHRUVA. E. उत्तानपाद, ज born: the son of UTTANAPADA.
  • उत्तानशय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) One who sleeps with the face upwards. mf. (-यः-या) An infant. E. उत्तान and शय who sleeps.
  • उत्ताप :: m. (-पः) 1. Great heat. 2. Affliction, distress. 3. Anxiety, excite- ment. 4. Effort, energy. E. उत् before तप् to be hot, घञ् aff.
  • उत्तापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Heated, made hot. 2. Pained, distressed. 3. Roused, excited. E. उत् before तप् to be hot, causal form, क्त aff.
  • उत्तार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Excellent, pre-eminent. m. (-रः) 1. Vomiting. 2. Passing away, instability. 3. Ejecting, getting rid of. E. उत् above, and तार who passes, from तृ and घञ् aff.
  • उत्तारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Unsteady, changing, shaking. 2. Sick. E. उत् before तृ to go, णिनि affix; or उत्तार and इनि aff.
  • उत्तार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) To be ejected, to be thrown up by vomiting. E. उत् before तृ to pass, ण्यत् aff.
  • उत्ताल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Best, excellent. 2. Arduous, difficult. 3. For- midable 4. Swift, speedy. 5. Lofty, tall. m. (-लः) An ape. E. उत् before तल् to fix, affix घञ् .
  • उत्तिष्ठमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Getting up, rising. 2. Increasing, augment- ing. E. उत् before स्था to stay, शानच् aff.
  • उत्तीरस् :: ind. On the bank, ashore. E. उत् and तीर a bank.
  • उत्तीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Crossed, traversed. 2. Loosed, liberated. 3. Thrown off. E. उत् over, तीर्ण crossed.
  • उत्तुङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) High, lofty, tall. E. उत् very, and तुङ्ग high.
  • उत्तुङ्गता :: f. (-ता) Height, elevation. E. तल् added to the last, or with त्व, उत्तुङ्गत्वं .
  • उत्तुण्डित :: n. (-तं) The head of a thorn, &c. which has entered the skin. E. उत before तुडि to hurt, क्त aff.
  • उत्तुष :: m. (-षः) Fried grain. E. उत् priv. and तुष husk.
  • उत्तेजन :: nf. (-नं-ना) 1. Sending, dispatching. 2. Urging, driving. 3. Whetting, sharpening, polishing. 4. Exciting, animating. 5. An inspiring or exciting speech. E. उत् and तेजन giving light or energy.
  • उत्तेजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sent, dispatched. 2. Animated, excited. 3. Whetted, sharpened, polished. m. (-तः) Moving in the longe, sidling, one of a horse's five paces. E. उत्, before तिज् to sharpen, and क्त aff.
  • उत्तेरित :: n. (-तं) A horse's walk, one of his five paces in Hindu jockey- ship. E. उत्, तृ to pass, क्त irr. aff.
  • उत्तोलन :: n. (-नं) Lifting up, raising, elevating. E. उत् and तोलन weighting.
  • उत्तोलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Raised, lifted up. E. उत् before तुल to be equal, causal form, क्त aff.
  • उत्त्यक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Abandoned, left. 2. Thrown, tossed. 3. Free from passion or affection. E. उत् and त्यक्त abandoned.
  • उत्त्याग :: m. (-गः) 1. Abandonment, quitting. 2. Throwing, throwing up. 3. Succession from worldly feelings. E. उत् and त्याग leaving.
  • उत्त्रास :: m. (-सः) Fear, terror. E. उत much, and त्रास fear.
  • उत्थ :: mfn. (-त्थः -त्था -त्थं) Standing or being up. E. उत् and स्था to stay, क aff.
  • उत्थान :: n. (-नं) 1. Effort, exertion. 2. Manhood, manly exertion. 3. An army. 4. War, battle. 5. A book. 6. Joy, pleasure. 7. Rising, getting up. 8. A court yard. 9. A shed where sacrifices are made. 10. A term, a limit. 11. Evacuating by stool, &c. 12. Business of a family or realm, as the care of subjects or dependents. 13. Re- flexion. 14. Proximate cause of disease. E. उत् above, स्था to stand, and ल्युट् affix, स is dropped.
  • उत्थानैकादशी :: f. (-शी) The eleventh lunation of the light half of Kartik or Agrahayana, when VISHNU rises from his sleep. E. उत्थान rising, एकादशी eleventh.
  • उत्थापक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Lifting, causing to get up, who or what raises, &c. 2. Exciting, animating, E. उत् before स्था to stay causal form, वुन् aff.
  • उत्थापन :: n. (-नं) 1. Raising, elevating. 2. Causing to rise or get up. 3. Exciting, instigating. 4. (In arithmetic) Substitution of a value. E. उत् and स्था causal form, affix ल्युट्
  • उत्थापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Raised, lifted up, elevated. 2. Made to get up, aroused from a seat, a bed, &c. 3. Instigated. E. उत् and स्था causal form, क्त aff.
  • उत्थाप्य :: ind. 1. Having raised or caused to rise. 2. Having roused or instigated. E. उत् before स्था to stay, causal form, ल्यप् aff.
  • उत्थाय :: ind. 1. Having risen (from a seat, &c.) 2. Having risen (in rank, &c.) E. उत् before स्था to stand, affix ल्यप् .
  • उत्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Born, produced. 2. Endeavouring, striving. 3. Happened, occurring. 4. Increasing, advancing, rising. 5. High, risen or rising as from a seat, &c. E. उत् up, स्था to stay, and क्त aff.
  • उत्थिताङ्गुलि :: m. (-लिः) The palm of the hand with the fingers extended. E. उत्थित increased, and अङ्गुलि a finger.
  • उत्थिति :: f. (-तिः) Elevation, rising up. E. उत् before स्था to stay, क्तिन् aff.
  • उत्पत :: m. (-तः) 1. A bird. 2. Going upwards, or up. E. उत् up, and पत who goes, from पत् to go, and अच् aff.
  • उत्पतन :: n. (-नं) 1. Birth, production. 2. Going up, rising, ascending. E. उत्, पत् to go, and ल्युट् aff.
  • उत्पतितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Jumping up, rising, going upwards. E. उत्, पत to rise, and तृच् aff.
  • उत्पतित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Risen, ascended. E. उत् up, पत् to go, क्त aff.
  • उत्पतिष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) Rising, jumping up. E. उत्पत and इष्णुच् aff.
  • उत्पत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Birth, production. 2. Producing as an effect or re- sult, giving rise to or generating as a consequence. 3. Production in general. E. उत् up, पत् to go, and क्तिन् aff.
  • उत्पत्तिप्रयोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Purport, meaning. 2. Production by the joint operation of cause and effect. E. उत्पत्ति and प्रयोग act.
  • उत्पत्तिव्यञ्जक :: m. (-कः) A type of birth, (as investiture.) E. उत्पत्ति and व्यञ्जक figurative indication.
  • उत्पथ :: m. (-थः) Error, bad way, evil. E. उत् from, पथ for पथिन् a path.
  • उत्पथम् :: ind. Astray, on the wrong road. E. उत् from, पथिन् a path, अ aff.
  • उत्पन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Born, produced. 2. Known, ascertained. 3. Risen, gone up. 4. Acquired, gained. 5. Effected, accomplished. 6. Occurred, happened. E. उत्, पद् to go, क्त aff.
  • उत्पन्नतन्तु :: mfn. (-न्तुः -न्तुः -न्तु) Having progeny. E. उत्पन्न and तन्तु line; des- cendants.
  • उत्पल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Thin. n. (-लं) 1. A blue lotus, (Nymphæa cærula.)

2. A plant, (a Costus:) see कुष्ट . 3. A water-lily in general. 4. A flower in general. f. (-ली) 1. A kind of cake made with unwinnowed corn. E. उत् up, पल् to go or grow, अच् affix, and fem. टाप् or ङीप् .

  • उत्पलगन्धिक :: n. (-कं) A species of sandal of the colour of brass, and very fragrant. E. उत्पल the lotus, गन्ध a smell, कन् affix of similitude.
  • उत्पलचक्षुस् :: mfn. (-क्षुः -क्षुः -क्षुः) Lotus-eyed, fine-eyed. E. उत्पल and चक्षुस् the eye.
  • उत्पलपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. The leaf of the lotus. 2. The impression of a female nail. 3. The Tilaka or mark on the forehead, made with sandal, &c. by the Hindus. 4. A broad-bladed knife or lancet. E. उत्पल a lotus, and पत्र a leaf; similarly shaped, &c. also कन् added उत्पल- पत्रक .
  • उत्पलशारिवा :: f. (-वा) A plant, (Echites frutescens.) E. उत्पल a flower, शारिवा irregular deriv. of शृ to harm: whose flower injures or de- stroys, (disease.)
  • उत्पलाभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Lotus-like, resembling a lotus. E. उत्पल and आङ before भा to shine, ड aff.
  • उत्पलिनी :: f. (-नी) An assemblage of lotus flowers. E. उत्पल a lotus, इनि affix, and ङीप fem. do.
  • उत्पवन :: n. (-नं) 1. Straining liquids before using for domestic or religious purposes. 2. Sprinkling ghee or other fluids on the sacrificial fire, with two blades of Kusa grass, the ends of which are held in either hand, and the centre dipped into the liquid, which is then dropped upon the fire. E. उत् above, &c. पुङ् to purify, affix ल्युट् .
  • उत्पश्य :: mfn. (-श्यः -श्या -श्यं) Looking up or upwards. E. उत् up, and पश्य looking, irr. formative, from दृश् to see.
  • उत्पाट :: m. (-टः) 1. Pulling up by the roots. 2. Destroying. E. उत् up, पट् to go, causal from, घञ् aff.
  • उत्पाटन :: n. (-नं) 1. Eradicating, pulling up by the roots. 2. Destroying. E. उत before पट् to go, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • उत्पाटित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Eradicated, pulled up by the roots. E. उत् up, or out, पट् to go, in the causal form, and क्त aff.
  • उत्पाटिन् :: mfn. (-टी -टिनी -टि) Eradicating, extirpating. E. उत्पाट and इनि aff.
  • उत्पात :: m. (-तः) 1. A portent, some natural prodigy or phœnomenon. 2. Any public calamity, as an eclipse, a meteor, an earthquake, &c. E. उत् accidentally, पत् to happen, and घञ् aff.
  • उत्पातवात :: m. (-तः) A whirlwind, a hurricane. E. उत्पात a portent, and वात wind.
  • उत्पादक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. A producer, a generator. 2. What gives origin or production to, causative. m. (-कः) A fabulous animal with eight legs; written also उत्पातक n. (-कं) Origin, cause. f. (-दिका) 1. A white ant, (termes.) 2. A potherb, (Hilancha repens.) 3. Also, Basella, (rubra or lucida.) E. उत् much, पद a foot, or पद् to go, in the causal form, and वुन् aff.
  • उत्पादन :: n. (-नं) Producing, generating, begetting. E. उत् before पद् to go, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • उत्पादशयन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) The Francoline partridge. E. उत् upon, पाद a foot, शयन sleeping.
  • उत्पादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Produced, effected. 2. Generated, begotten. E. उत् before पद् to go, causal form, क्त aff.
  • उत्पाद्य :: ind. 1. Having begotten. 2. Having produced, having inspired. E. उत् before पद् to go, causal form, ल्यप् aff.
  • उत्पाली :: f. (-ली) Health. E. उत् before, पल to preserve, अङ् and ङीष् affs.
  • उत्पाव :: m. (-वः) Purifying ghee, &c. see उत्पवन . E. उत् before पू to make pure, घञ् aff.
  • उत्पिञ्जर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Uncaged, unconfined. E. उत् out of, पिञ्जर a cage; also उत्पिञ्जल, ल being substituted for र .
  • उत्पिञ्जल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Confounded, confused. 2. Uncaged. E. See the last.
  • उत्पित्सु :: mfn. (-सुः -सुः -सु) Desirous of going, going, proceeding. E. उत् before पत to go, desiderative form, क्त aff.
  • उत्पिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Ground, rubbed. n. (-ष्टं) A disease, a grating of the bones of the joints upon each other. E. उत् and पिष्ट ground.
  • उत्पीड :: m. (-डः) Froth. E. उत् on, पीड् to go, क aff.
  • उत्प्रासन :: n. (-नं) 1. Ridicule, derision. 2. Hurling, throwing afar. E. उत and प्र before अस् to throw, affix ल्युट .
  • उत्प्रेक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) 1. Indifference, carelessness. 2. Ironical comparison. 3. Comparison in general, poetical or rhetorical. E. उत् and प्र prefixed to ईक्ष् to see, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • उत्प्लवन :: n. (-नं) 1. Taking up oil or ghee when it has been defiled in any way, by dipping a blade of Kusa grass into it, and dropping it from them upon the fire. 2. Jumping, springing upon. E. उत् over, प्लवन jumping.
  • उत्प्लवा :: f. (-वा) A boat. E. उत् over, प्लु to go, अच् and टाप् affs.
  • उत्प्लुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Jumped upon, approached suddenly. E. उत् before प्लु to go, क्त aff.
  • उत्प्लुत्य :: ind. Having sprung or jumped upon. E. उत् before प्लु to go, ल्यप् aff.
  • उत्फल :: n. (-लं) Excellent fruit. E. उत् and फल fruit.
  • उत्फाल :: m. (-लः) A jump, a leap. E. उत् before स्फुल् to move, affix घञ् the vowel and final changed.
  • उत्फुल्ल :: mfn. (-ल्लः -ल्ला -ल्लं) 1. Blown as a flower. 2. Swollen, encreased in bulk. 3. Sleeping supinely. E. उत् and फुल्ल blown.
  • उत्स :: m. (-त्सः) A fountain, a spring. E. उन्द् to wet, and स Unādi aff.
  • उत्सङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. The haunch or part above the hip. 2. The acclivity or slope of a hill. 3. Association, union. 4. Embrace. 5. The bot- tom or deep part of an ulcer. E. उत् before षञ्ज् to embrace, affix घञ् .
  • उत्सङ्गित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Associated, combined, joined. E. उत् before षञ्ज् to be joined with, क्त aff.
  • उत्सङ्गिन् :: mfn. (-ङ्गी -ङ्गिनी -ङ्गि) Associating or combining with, an associate, a partner. m. (-ङ्गी) An ulcer, a deep sore. f. (-ङ्गिनी) Pimples on the inner edge of the eye-lids. E. उत्सङ्ग and इनि aff.
  • उत्सन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Destroyed, overturned. 2. Decayed, in ruins. 3. Risen, increased. E. उत् before षद् to go, affix क्त
  • उत्सर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) 1. Abandoning, quitting. 2. Resigning, retiring from. 3. Giving, donation. 4. Any precept or rule. 5. Presentation of any thing promised to a god or Brahman, with suitable ceremonies. 6. A particular ceremony preparatory to a course of the Vedas. 7. Dejection, excretion, voiding by stool, &c. E. उत् before सृज् to quit, to leave, घञ् aff.
  • उत्सर्जन :: n. (-नं) 1. Gift, donation. 2. Abandoning, leaving, &c. E. उत् be- fore सृज् to leave, and ल्युट् affix: see the preceding.
  • उत्सर्पिणी :: f. (-णी) A Jaina division of time, a long period described as 10 crores of oceans of years; this period alternates with one of similar duration: see अवसर्पिणी . E. उत् much, सृप् to go, णिनि and ङीष् affs.
  • उत्सर्प्प :: m. (-र्प्पः) 1. Going or gliding upwards. 2. Swelling, heaving. E. उत् before सृप् to go, घञ् aff.
  • उत्सर्प्पण :: n. (-णं) 1. Gliding upwards. 2. Swelling, heaving. E. उत् before सृप् to go gently, ल्युट् aff.
  • उत्सर्प्पिन् :: mfn. (-र्प्पी -र्प्पिणी -र्प्पि) 1. What glides upwards. 2. Rising gently; heaving, &c. E. उत्सर्प्प and इनि aff.
  • उत्सर्य्या :: f. (-र्य्या) A cow fit to take the bull. E. उत्, सृ to go, and ण्यत् aff.
  • उत्सव :: m. (-वः) 1. A festival, a jubilee. 2. Height, elevation. 3. Impa- tience. 4. Wish. 5. Passion, wrath. E. उत्, षू to bear, to bring forth, affix अच; happiness, &c. is produced by it.
  • उत्सादन :: n. (-नं) 1. Going up, ascending, rising. 2. Raising, elevating. 3. Destroying, overturning. 4. Cleaning the person with perfumes. 5. Rubbing or chafing the limbs. 6. Ploughing a field twice or thoroughly. 7. Healing a sore, causing it to fill up. E. उत् much, षद् to destroy, in the causal form, affix ल्युट् .
  • उत्सादनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be gone up or ascended. 2. To be effect-

ed. 3. To be destroyed. n. (-यं) Any application to a sore produc- ing granulations. E. उत् before षद् to go, causal form, affix अनीयर्; also उत्सादितव्य and उत्साद्य .

  • उत्सादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Risen, ascended. 2. Raised, elevated. 3. De- stroyed. 4. Cleansed, purified with oil, perfumes, &c. E. As above, affix क्त .
  • उत्सारक :: m. (-कः) 1. A door-keeper, a porter. 2. A guard, a guardian. E. उत्, सृ to go, in the causal form and वुन् aff.
  • उत्सारण :: n. (-णं) 1. Removing, keeping at a distance. 2. Moving, causing to move. E. उत्, सृ to go, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • उत्साह :: m. (-हः) 1. Effort, perseverance, strenuous and continued exer- tion. 2. A thread. 3. Happiness. 4. Firmness, fortitude. E. उत् much, सह् to bear, to be able, affix घञ् .
  • उत्साहवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Active, energetic, persevering. E. उत्साह and वतुप् aff.
  • उत्साहवर्द्धन :: n. (-नं) Heroism. E. उत्साह exertion, and वर्द्धन increasing, from वृध् and ल्युट् aff.
  • उत्साहसम्पन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Active, persevering. E. उत्साह and सम्पन्न effected.
  • उत्साहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिनी -हि) Active, persevering. E. उत्साह and इनि aff.
  • उत्सिक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Haughty, proud, rude. 2. Elevated, raised. 3. Enlarged, increased. 4. Sprinkled. 5. Disordered, disturbed (in mind, &c.) m. (-क्तः) A king's wrestler. E. उत् before षिच् to sprinkle, and क्त aff.
  • उत्सिच्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Augmenting, growing. 2. Sprinkling. E. उत् before षिच् to sprinkle, शानच् aff.
  • उत्सुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Zealously active, making exertions for a gra- tifying object. 2. Regretting, missing, sorrowing for. 3. Fond of, attached to. E. उत् much, सु to produce, क्विप् and कन् affs.
  • उतसुकता :: f. (-ता) 1. Sorrow, regret. 2. Attachment, affection. E. उत्सुक and तल् affix; also with त्व affix उत्सुकत्वं .
  • उत्सूत्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) 1. Loose, detached, unstrung. 2. Irregular, out of rule. E. डत् before सूत्र a thread, &c.
  • उत्सूर :: m. (-रः) Evening, twilight. E. उत् priv. सूर the sun; sunset.
  • उत्सृज्य :: ind. Having quitted. E. उत् before सृज् to leave, ल्यप् aff.
  • उत्सृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Left, abandoned. 2. Given, presented. 3. Cast into or upon. E. उत् and सृज् so leave, affix क्त, deriv. irr.
  • उत्सृष्टपशु :: m. (-शुः) A bull set at liberty upon particular occasions, as a marriage, &c. and allowed to go about at will. E. उत्सृष्ट loosed, and पशु an animal.
  • उत्सेक :: m. (-कः) 1. Increase, enlargement. 2. Pride, haughtiness. 3. Casting water, &c. on anything, sprinkling. 4. Flying out or up, foaming or spouting. over, showering. E. उत् on, षिच् to sprinkle, घञ् aff.
  • उत्सेचन :: n. (-नं) 1. Showering or spouting upwards. 2. Boiling or foam- ing over. E. उत् and सेचन sprinkling.
  • उत्सेध :: m. (-धः) 1. Height, elevation. 2. The body. 3. Fatness, obesity. 4. Intumescence 5. Thickness. n. (-धं) Killing, slaughter. E. उत् up, षिध् to go, affix घञ् .
  • उत्स्मय :: m. (-यः) A smile. E. उत् and स्मय a smile.
  • उद् :: or उत् ind. A particle and prefix to words implying, 1. Superiority in degree; (over, above.) 2. In place, (over, above, on, upon.) 3. Pride. 4. Publicity. 5. Power. 6. Separation, disjunction, (off, from, out of.) 7. Emancipation. 8. Binding. 9. Helplessness, weakness.
  • उद :: n. (-दं) Water. E. उन्द् to wet, deriv. irr.: see उदक .
  • उदक् :: ind. Northern, upper, subsequent: see उदच् .
  • उदक :: n. (-कं) Water. E. उन्द् to wet, deriv. irr.; this is sometimes con- sidered as two words, उद and क, each having the same meaning.
  • उदकक्रिया :: f. (-या) Presentation of water to ancestors as far as the four- teenth degree. E. उदक and क्रिया rite; so उदकर्म्म, &c.
  • उदकद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) A giver of water, yielding water, offering

water to the manes, &c. m. (-दः) An heir, a near kinsman. E. उदक and द who gives; also उदकदातृ and उदकदायिन् .

  • उदकदान :: n. (-नं) Gift of water, especially to the manes, as a religious or obsequial rite. E. उदक् and दान giving.
  • उदकदायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Giving water. m. (-यी) An heir or kins- man, one who presents libations of water. E. उदक् and दायिन् who gives.
  • उदकपूर्व्वकम् :: ind. Pouring water on the hand as preparatory to or con- firmatory of a gift or promise. E. उदक and पूर्व्वक prior.
  • उदकप्रतीकाश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Watery, fluid like water. E. उदक and प्रतीकाश what resembles.
  • उदकमेह :: m. (-हः) A variety of Diabetes, passing watery urine. E. उदक् and मेह urining.
  • उदकशाक :: n. (-कं) Any aquatic herb. E. उदक and शाक a potherb.
  • उदकस्पर्श :: m. (-र्शः) 1. Touching different parts of the body with water. 2. Touching water in confirmation of a promise, &c. F. उदक and स्पर्श touch.
  • उदकाधार :: m. (-रः) A reservoir, a cistern, a well, &c. E. उदक and आधार receptacle.
  • उदकार्थिन् :: mfn. (-र्थी -र्थिनी -र्थि) Thirsty, desirous of water. E. उदक and अर्थिन् who seeks.
  • उदकीर्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) A plant, (Galedupa, arborea &c.) See करञ्जक . E. उद् water, and कॄ to scatter, अच् aff.
  • उदकुम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) A water-jar. E. उद् and कुम्भ a jar; also उदककुम्भ .
  • उदकोदञ्चन :: m. (-नः) A water-jar. E. उदक् and उदञ्चन what goes up.
  • उदकोदर :: n. (-रं) Dropsy. E. उदक and उदर the belly.
  • उदक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Gone up, risen, ascended. E. उत् before अञ्च् to go, क्त aff.
  • उदक्या :: f. (-क्या) A woman in her courses. E. उदक् water, and यत् affix of fitness: requiring water for purification.
  • उदगद्रि :: m. (-द्रिः) The Himalaya mountains on the north of Hindustan. E. उदक् north, and अद्रि a mountain.
  • उदगयन :: n. (-नं) The sun's progress north of the equator: see उत्तरायण . E. उदक् north, and अयन going.
  • उदग्भूम :: m. (-मः) Good soil. E. उदक् north, भूमि earth, अण् aff.
  • उदग्भूमि :: m. (-मिः) Fertile soil: see the preceding.
  • उदग्र :: mfn. (-ग्रः -ग्रा -ग्रं) 1. High, tall. 2. Large, vast. 3. Projecting. 4. Pointing upwards. 5. Fierce, intense. E. उत् up, and अग्र end, point.
  • उदग्रदत् :: mfn. (-दन् -दती -दत्) Large-toothed. m. (-दन्) An elephant with a large tusk. E. उदग्र large, and दत् for दन्त a tooth.
  • उदङ्मुख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खी-खं) Facing the north. E. उदच् and मुख face.
  • उदच् :: or उदञ्च् mfn. (उदङ् उदीची उदक्) 1. North, northern. 2. Upper, upwards. 3. Subsequent, posterior. f. (-दीची) The north. E. उद् up, अञ्च् to go, affix क्विप्; the neuter is used as a particle: see उदक्; the noun is irregular.
  • उदज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Aquatic, watery, produced in or by water. m. (-जः) Driving cattle. E. उद् water, and ज born, or उत् up, and अज to go, affix अप् .
  • उदञ्चन :: n. (-नं) 1. A lid or cover. 2. Directing or throwing upwards. 3. Rising, ascending. E. उत् above, अञ्च् to go, and ल्युट् aff.
  • उदञ्चित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Thrown up, tossed. 2. Worshipped. E. उद् up, अञ्च् to go or worship, affix क्त .
  • उदण्डपाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A kind of fish. 2. A sort of snake. E. उद् much, अण्ड an egg, and पाल what nourishes; laying many eggs at once.
  • उदधि :: m. (-धिः) 1. The ocean. 2. A water-jar. 3. A cloud. E. उद् water, and धि having, from धा, with कि aff.
  • उदधिक्रम :: m. (-मः) A voyager, a mariner. E. उदधि, क्रम् to go, विट् aff.
  • उदधिमल :: m. (-लः) Cuttle fish bone. E. उदधि and मल soil.
  • उदधिमेखला :: f. (-ला) The earth. E. उदधि and मेखला a girdle.
  • उदधिसुता :: f. (-ता) 1. LAKSHMI. 2. Dwaraka, the capital of KRISHNA. E. उदधि the ocean, and सुता daughter.
  • उदन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. Pure and virtuous man. 2. Tidings, intelligence. 3. One who gets a livelihood by a trade, &c. E. उद् disjunctive, and अन्त end, term.
  • उदन्तक :: m. (-कः) News, tidings, intelligence. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • उदन्तिका :: f. (-का) Satisfaction, satiety. E. उद् complete, अन्त end, कन् aff.
  • उदन्या :: f. (-न्या) Thirst. E. उदक् water, क्यच् affix, the final क is changed to न .
  • उदन्वत् :: m. (-न्वान्) The ocean. E. उद् water, and मतुप् possessive aff.
  • उदपात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A water-cup, a ewer. E. उद् water and पात्र a vessel.
  • उदपान :: mn. (-नः-नं) A well. E. उद् water, पा to drink, and ल्युट् affix; the place where water is drunk.
  • उदपेष :: n. (-षं) A paste, anything ground with water. E. उद् water and पेष grinding.
  • उदभार :: m. (-रः) 1. A cloud. 2. A water carrier. E. उद् water and भार a load.
  • उदन्थम :: m. (-न्थः) Barley water. E. उद् and मन्थ scum; also उदकमन्थ .
  • उदमेघ :: m. (-घः) A watery cloud. E. उद् and मेघ a cloud.
  • उदय :: m. (-यः) 1. The rising of the sun and planets in general. 2. The eastern mountain, behind which the sun is supposed to rise. 3. Rising, ascending. 4. Light, splendor. 5. Prosperity, good fortune. 6. Creation, the rising of the world. 7. (In law) Income. E. उद् up, इण् to go, and अच् aff.
  • उदयन :: n. (-नं) Rising, ascending. m. (-नः) 1. A name of AGASTYA: see अगस्त्य . 2. The name of a sovereign, king of Kausambi, and hero of the Vasavadatta, a dramatic poem; also, of part of the Vrihat Katha. E. उद् above, इण् to go, and ल्युट् aff.
  • उदयपर्व्वत :: m. (-तः) The eastern mountain behind which the sun rises. E. उदय and पर्व्वत a mountain; also similar compounds, as उदयगिरिः, उदयशैलः, उदयाचलः, उदयाद्रिः, &c.
  • उदयिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) 1. Rising, ascending. 2. Prosperous, flourish- ing. E. उदय and इनि aff.
  • उदर :: n. (-रं) 1. The belly. 2. War. 3. Any morbid abdominal affection, as liver, spleen, &c. f. (-री) Enlargement of the abdomen from dropsy or flatulency. E. उद् up, ऋ to go, अप् affix; what goes up or swells with food, slaughter, &c. or उद् prefixed to दृ to burst, and अच् or अल् Unādi aff.
  • उदरक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Rubbing the belly, &c. 2. Abdominal. E. उदर and कन् aff.
  • उदरग्रन्थि :: m. (-न्थिः) The spleen, (the disease; a chronic affection of this organ not uncommon in India.) E. उदर abdomen, and ग्रन्थि a knot.
  • उदरत्राण :: n. (-णं) 1. A cuirass, armour covering the front. 2. A girth, a belly-band. E. उदर the belly, and त्राण what preserves.
  • उदरथि :: m. (-थिः) 1. The ocean. 2. The sun. E. उद् freely, ऋ to go, and अथिर् Unādi aff.
  • उदरपिशाच :: mfn. (-चः -चा -चं) A glutton, voracious, one who devours every thing, flesh, fish, &c. E. उदर and पिशाच a demon, who is a devil for his belly.
  • उदरम्भरि :: mfn. (-रिः -रिः -रि) Selfishly voracious, gluttonous. E. उदर, भृ to nourish, इन् affix, and मुम् is inserted.
  • उदरशय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Sleeping on the face or belly. E. उदर and शय who sleeps.
  • उदरामय :: m. (-यः) Dysentery, diarrhæa. E. उदर the belly, and आमय sickness.
  • उदरावर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) The navel. E. उदर and आवर्त्त whirl.
  • उदरावेष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) Tape worm. E. उदर and आवेष्ट what surrounds.
  • उदरिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Fat, corpulent. 2. Abdominal. f. (-णी) A pregnant woman. E. उदर the belly, इनि possessive aff.
  • उदरिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Fat, corpulent. E. उदर the belly, and इलच् aff.
  • उदर्क :: m. (-र्कः) 1. Future or remote consequence. 2. Future time. 3. A plant (Vangueria spinosa:) see मदन . E. उद् much, ऋच् to praise, affix घञ् .
  • उदर्च्चिस् :: mfn. (-र्च्चिः -र्च्चिः -र्च्चिः) Luminous and ascending. m. (-र्च्चिः) 1. A name of VAHNI or fire. 2. SIVA. 3. KANDARPA. E. उद् upwards, and अर्च्चिस् flame.
  • उदर्द :: m. (-र्दः) Erysipelas. E. उद् up, अर्द to go, अच् aff.
  • उदर्द्ध :: m. (-र्द्धः) Scarlet fever. E. उद् and ऋध to increase, अच aff.
  • उदलावणिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Salted, prepared with brine. E. उद् water, लवण salt and ठक् aff.
  • उदवज्र :: m. (-ज्रः) A thunderbolt of water, a water spout. E. उद् and वज्र a thunderbolt.
  • उदवसित :: n. (-तं) A house. E. उद् water, and वसित covered, defended, deriv. irr.
  • उदवास :: n. (-सं) 1. A house in the margin of a stream or pond. 2. A marine grotto, &c. E. उद् and वास abode.
  • उदवाहन :: m. (-नः) 1. A cloud. 2. Any water vessel. E. उद् and वाहन vehicle.
  • उदविन्दु :: m. (-न्दुः) A drop of water. E. उद् and विन्दु a drop.
  • उदश्वित् :: n. (-श्वित्) Buttermilk, with an equal proportion of water. E. उद् water, श्वि to increase, affixes क्विप् and तुक् .
  • उदस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Cast, thrown. 2. Expelled, cast out. 3. Cast up. 4. Humbled, shamed. 5. Scattered. 6. Removed. E. उद् before अस् to throw, क्त aff.
  • उदस्थाली :: f. (-ली) A caldron, a kettle. E. उद् water and स्थाली a pot.
  • उदस्य :: ind. 1. Having taken pains, made an effort, &c. 2. Having thrown, having cast up or tossed. 3. Having scattered. 4. Having expelled. E. उद् before अस् to be or throw, ल्यप् aff.
  • उदहार :: m. (-रः) 1. A water carrier. 2. A cloud. E. उद and हार who takes.
  • उदाज :: m. (-जः) Commanding, directing bodies of men. E. उद् before अज् to go, घञ् aff.
  • उदात्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Generous, gentle and bountiful. 2. Giving, a donor. 3. Great, illustrious. 4. Dear, beloved. 5. Accented. m. (-त्तः) 1. The acute accent, a high or sharp tone. 2. Gift, donation. 3. A musical instrument, a large drum. 4. An ornament, (in rhetoric) E. उद् high, up, and आत्त pronounced, sounded; or from दा to give or have, with आङ् prefixed, affix क्तः see अनुदात्त .
  • उदान :: m. (-नः) 1. One of the five vital airs, that which rises us the throat and passes into the head. 2. The navel. 3. A snake. 4. An eye-lash. E. उद् above, आङ prefixed to अण to breathe, to be, affix घञ् .
  • उदार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. Generous, liberal, munificent. 2. Great. 3. Unperplexed. 4. Gentle. 5. Upright, honest, sincere. 6. Eloquent. 7. Proper, right. E. उद् well, आङ् prefixed to ऋ to go, and अप् affixed.
  • उदारचेतस् :: mfn. (-ताः -ताः -तः) High-minded, magnanimous. E. उदार and चेतस् the mind.
  • उदारधी :: mfn. (-धीः -धीः -धि) Wise, sagacious, noble-minded. E. उदार and धी understanding.
  • उदावत्सर :: m. (-रः) A year, one of the five sorts of years astrologically considered. E. उद् and आङ् before वत्सर a year.
  • उदावर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) A disease of the bowels, iliac passion. f. (-ता) Difficult menstruation. E. उद् upper, आवर्त्त abode.
  • उदास :: m. (-सः) 1. Throwing or directing upwards. 2. Elevation, being above or over. 3. A stoic, a philosopher. 4. Stoicism. mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Indifferent, unconcerned, apathetic. E. उद् and आस who casts.
  • उदासितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Indifferent, disregarding, void of concern or affection. E. उद् before आस् to cast, तृच् aff.
  • उदासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Indifferent, disregarding. m. (-सी) A stoic, a philosopher, one who has no passion nor affection for anything: in popular acceptation, a religious mendicant in general, or one of a particular order. E. उदास and इनि aff.
  • उदासीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Indifferent, free from affection. (In law,) One

not involved in the dispute. m. (-नः) A stranger, a neutral, a com- mon acquaintance, a person neither a friend, nor a foe. E. उद् above, आसीन seated.

  • उदास्थित :: m. (-तः) 1. A spy, an emissary. 2. A door-keeper. 3. superin- tendent. mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Set over. E. उद् over, आङ् before स्था to stay, affix क्त .
  • उदाहरण :: n. (-णं) 1. An example or illustration, an opposite argument, one of five modes of logical reasoning. 2. Declaring, saying. E. उद् over, आङ् before हृ to convey, and ल्युट् affix, or with घञ् affix उदाहार .
  • उदाहार :: m. (-रः) See the preceding.
  • उदाहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Called, named, entitled. 2. Said. 3. Illustrat- ed. E. उद् and आङ् before हृ to take, affix क्त .
  • उदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Said, spoken. 2. Bound, tied. 3. Risen, ascended. 4. Grown, augmented. 5. Born, produced. 6. Incurred, experienced. 7. High, tall, lofty. E. वद् to speak, and क्त affix; or उद् up, and इत gone, past part. of इण् to go.
  • उदितोदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Well acquainted with the Sastras. E. उदित said, (by law and religion,) and उदित risen, &c. eminent.
  • उदीक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Seeing, beholding. 2. Looking up. E. उद् and ईक्ष् to see, ल्युट् aff.
  • उदीक्ष्य :: ind. Having seen. E. उद् and ईक्ष् to see, ल्यप् aff.
  • उदीची :: f. (-ची) The north: see उदच् .
  • उदीचीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Northern. E. उदच् north, ख aff.
  • उदीच्य :: m. (-च्यः) The country to the north and west of the river Saras- wati, the northern region. n. (-च्यं) A perfume: see बाला . E. उदीची the north, and यत् aff.
  • उदीरण :: n. (-णं) Speaking, saying. E. उद् up, out, ईर् to go, and ल्युट् aff.
  • उदीरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Said, uttered. E. उद् and ईर to go, affix क्त .
  • उदीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Generous, great, excellent. 2. Intense. E. उद् above, ऋ to go, affix क्त, deriv. irr.
  • उदीर्णवेग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Impetuous (as a torrent), violent. E. उदीर्ण and वेग speed.
  • उदीर्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) To be spoken. E. उत् before ईर् to go, यत् aff.
  • उदीर्य्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Speaking. 2. Spoken. E. उद् before ईर् to go, शानच् aff.
  • उदुम्बर :: m. (-रः) 1. The glomerous fig tree, (Ficus glomerata.) 2. A kind of leprosy. 3. A threshold. 4. A eunuch. n. (-रं) Copper; see उडुम्बर, it is also written ऊडुम्बर .
  • उदुम्बरपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A plant: see दन्तिका; also उडुम्बरपर्णी and ऊडुम्बरपर्णी .
  • उदूखल :: n. (-लं) A gum-resin, Bdellium. mn. (-लः-लं) A wooden mortar used for freeing rice from the husk, by pounding it with a pestle. 2. Any mortar. E. उदू for उद् up, and खल what goes, affix अच्; also उडूखल and उलूखल .
  • उदूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Married. 2. Coarse, gross, heavy. 3. Material, substantial. 4. Much, exceeding. E. उद् up, वह् to bear, and क्त affix, deriv. irr.
  • उदेजय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Shaking, making tremble. E. उद् before एज् to tremble, श aff.
  • उद्ग :: r. 6th cl. (उद्गति) To cast off or quit.
  • उद्गत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Risen, ascended. 2. Vomited, cast up. 3. De- parted, gone. 4. Proceeded forth or from. E. उद् up, and गत gone.
  • उद्गता :: f. (-ता) A stanza of four lines, with ten syllables in the three first, and thirteen in the last.
  • उद्गतासु :: mfn. (-सुः -सुः -सु) Deceased, dead. E. उद्गत gone, असु breath.
  • उद्गति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Going up, rising, ascending. 2. Bringing up, vomit- ing. E. उद् and गति going.
  • उद्गम :: m. (-मः) 1. Going up, rising, ascending. 2. Bringing up, vomit- ing; also उद्गमनं . E. उद् up, गम or गमन going.
  • उद्गमनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be gone up, or ascended. n. (-यं) A pair of bleached clothes. E. उद् up, गम् to go, and अनीयर् aff.
  • उद्गाढ :: n. adv. (-ढं) or. adj. mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Much, excessive. E. उद् excess, and गाढ much.
  • उद्गातृ :: m. (-ता) A reciter of the prayers, &c. of the Sama Veda. E. उद् up, and गातृ who sings, (the prayers being chaunted,) from गै to sing, and तृच् aff.
  • उद्गाथा :: f. (-था) A variety of the Arya measure, the same as the Giti, a stanza of four lines containing alternately 12 and 18 instants.
  • उद्गार :: m. (-रः) 1. Vomiting. 2. Ejecting anything from the mouth. 3. Sound. 4. Speaking in the throat. E. उद् up, गॄ to vomit, &c. घञ् aff.
  • उद्गिरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Vomiting. 2. Ejecting anything, as saliva, &c. from the mouth. E. उद् before गॄ to vomit, ल्युट् affix; also उद्गरणं .
  • उद्गीति :: f. (-तिः) A variety of the Arya metre, a verse of four lines con- taining 12, 15--12, and 14 feet.
  • उद्गीथ :: m. (-थः) 1. A portion of the Sama Veda. 2. Designation of the triliteral name of God. 3. Chaunting the Sama Veda. E. उद् up, aloud, गै to sing, and थक् Unādi aff.
  • उद्गुर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Raised, lifted, held up. 2. Erected. 3. Excited. E. उद् up, गुर् to make effort, irr. participle past.
  • उद्ग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. Taking up. 2. An object that may be accomplished by religious or other acts. E. उद् before ग्रह् to take, अच् aff.
  • उद्ग्रहण :: n. (-णं) Taking up, lifting up E. उद् and ग्रहण taking.
  • उद्ग्राह :: m. (-हः) 1. Taking up. 2. Replying in argument. E. उत् up, ग्रह् to take, and घञ् aff.
  • उद्ग्राहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Excellent, exalted. 2. Bound, tied. 3. Seized, 4. Deposited, delivered. 5. Taken or lifted up. 6. Recalled, re- membered. E. उद् up, and ग्राहित taken.
  • उद्घ :: m. (-द्घः) Excellence, happiness. E. उत् much, घण् to shine, affix ड or उद् before हन् to strike, अप् aff. and the final rejected.
  • उद्घन :: m. (-नः) A carpenter's work-bench, a plank on which he works. E. उत् above, हन् to injure, अप् affix, ह changed to घ .
  • उद्घट्टन :: n. (-नं) Opening, opening up as a lid. E. उत् up, and घट्टन fastening.
  • उद्घट्टित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Opened, unlocked. E. उत् up, and घट्टित fastened.
  • उद्घर्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Rubbing, rubbing up. 2. Rubbing the skin with hard substances, as vitrified brick, &c. E. उद् and घर्षण friction.
  • उद्घस :: n. (-सं) Flesh. E. उत्, घस substituted for अद् to eat, affix अप्; what is eaten.
  • उद्घाट :: m. (-टः) A watch or guard house. E. उत् up, घट् to endeavour, &c. घञ् aff.
  • उद्घाटक :: mn. (-कः-कं) 1. A key. 2. A bucket, &c. see the next. 3. An opener, the instrument or agent of opening anything.
  • उद्घाटन :: n. (-नं) 1. The rope and bucked of a well, a leather bucket used for drawing water. 2. Opening, unlocking. 3. An opener, the instrument or means of opening, a key, &c. 4. Hoisting, raising, lifting up. E. उत् up, घट् to strive, affix ल्युट्; also with वुन् affix उद्घाटक .
  • उद्घाटित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Done with effort, exerted. 2. Opened. 3. Raised, hoisted or lifted up. E. उद् much, घट् to exert, affix क्त .
  • उद्घाटितज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Wise, intelligent. E. उत् much, घट् to endeav- our, affix क्त, and ज्ञ who knows.
  • उद्घाटिताङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) 1. Intelligent. 2. Naked. E. उद्घाटित and अङ्ग the body.
  • उद्घात :: m. (-तः) 1. A beginning, a thing begun. 2. A weapon. 3. A club, a mallet. 4. Striking, wounding, inflicting a hurt. 5. A wound, a blow. 6. The division of a book, a chapter, a section. 7. Breathing through the nostrils as a religious exercise. 8. Slipping, tripping. 9. High, tall. E. उत् before हन् to kill or destroy, and घञ् affix, त is substituted for न .
  • उद्ज :: r. 6th cl. (उज्जति) To be straight: see उज्ज .
  • उद्झ :: r. 6th cl. See उञ्झ .
  • उद्घुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Sounded out. E. उत् before घुष् to sound, affix क्त .
  • उद्दंश :: m. (-शः) A bug. E. उत् much, and दंश who bites, from दशि and अच् aff.
  • उद्दण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डा -ण्डं) Raised on a staff or pole. E. उत् and दण्ड a stick.
  • उद्दण्डपाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A sort of snake. 2. A kind of fish. 3. A punisher, whether king or magistrate. E. उत् above, दण्डपाल a punisher.
  • उद्दन्तुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. High, tall. 2. Terrific, formidable. 3. Large toothed. E. उत् high, long, and दन्तुर large toothed.
  • उद्दान :: n. (-णं) 1. Binding, confinement. 2. Taming, subduing. 3. A fire- place. 4. Submarine fire. 5. The middle, the waist. 6. The en- trance of the sun into a sign of the zodiac. E. उत् reverse, and दा to give, affix ल्युट् .
  • उद्दान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Energetic. 2. Humble. 3. Elevated. 4. Vomit- ed by an elephant. E. उत् and दान्त tamed.
  • उद्दाम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Set free, unbound. 2. Unconstrained, self- willed. 3. Large, great. 4. Proud, haughty. m. (-मः) A name of VARUNA. E. उत् priv. दम् to tame, and घञ् aff.
  • उद्दाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A plant, (Cordia myxa or latifolia.) 2. A kind of grain, (Paspalum frumentaceum.) E. उत् high, large. दल् to pierce, affix घञ्; also उद्दालक, क being added.
  • उद्दित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bound, tied. E. उद् up, दो to cut, and क्त affix; also उदित .
  • उद्दिन :: n. (-नं) 1. Mid-day. 2. Every day. E. उत् and दिन day.
  • उद्दिश्य :: ind. Having shewn or explained. 2. Stipulating for, demanding. E. उत्, दिश् to show, य aff.
  • उद्दिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Mentioned, particularised, described. 2. Pro- mised. E. उत् before दिश् to show, affix क्त .
  • उद्दीप :: n. (-पं) A gummy and resinous substance, Bdellium. m. (-पः) 1. Inflaming, lighting. 2. An enflamer. 3. Animating, or who or what animates. E. उत्, दीप् to shine, क aff.
  • उद्दीपक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Exciting, inflaming, rendering more intense. 2. Lighting, setting alight. E. उद् and दीपक what lights.
  • उद्दीपन :: n. (-नं) 1. Exciting, inflaming as passion. 2. Illuminating. 3. Burning of a body, &c. 4. Any aggravating thing or circumstance, calculated to give poignancy to feeling or passion. E. उद् much, दीप् to inflame, ल्युट् aff.
  • उद्दीपमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Lighting up, brightening, becoming light. E. उद् before दीप् and शानच् aff.
  • उद्दीप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Lighted, set on fire or alight. 2. Inflamed, aggravated, as passion. E. उद् and दीप्त lighted.
  • उद्दीप्र :: n. (-प्रं) Bdellium. E. उद् before दीप् to shine, रक् aff.
  • उद्देश :: m. (-शः) 1. Illustration, explanation, exemplification. 2. Search, enquiry. 3. Stipulation, bargain. 4. An object, a motive. mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Relative to. E. उद् and देश showing.
  • उद्देशक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) What explains or shows, illustrative, explana- tory. m. (-कः) 1. An illustration, an example. 2. An illustrator. 3. A guide. E. उद् before दिश् to show, वुन् aff.
  • उद्देश्य :: mfn. (-श्यः -श्या -श्यं) To be illustrated or explained. E. उद्, दिश् to show, ण्यत् aff.
  • उद्देहिका :: f. (-का) The white ant, termes; also उत्यादिका .
  • उद्द्योत :: m. (-तः) Light, lustre. E. उद्, द्युत् to shine, अच् aff.
  • उद्द्राव :: m. (-वः) 1. Flight, retreat. 2. Going upwards. E. उद् up, द्रु to run, and घञ् aff.
  • उद्द्रुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Fled, retreated, run away. 2. Ascended, gone up or upwards. E. उद् and द्रुत gone.
  • उद्धत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Rude, ill-behaved. 2. Haughty, vain, puffed up. 3. Raised, elevated. 4. Excited, intense. m. (-तः) A king's wrestler. E. उद् above, हन् to hurt or injure, affix क्त; ह becomes ध .
  • उद्धतमनस्क :: mfn. (-स्कः -स्का -स्कं) Haughty, proud, high-minded. E. उद्धत raised, मनस्क minded.
  • उद्धतमनस्कत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Pride, arrogance. E. उद्धत, मनस्क having a mind, and त्व abstract aff.
  • उद्धति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Pride, haughtiness. 2. Elevation. E. उद् before हन् to strike, affix क्तिन् .
  • उद्धम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Who or what blows. m. (-मः) 1. Breathing hard, panting. 2. Blowing, sounding. E. उद् before ध्मा to blow, affix श .
  • उद्धय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Who or what drinks. E. उद् before धे to drink, श aff.
  • उद्धर्तृ :: mfn. (-र्ता -र्त्री -र्तृ) 1. Who raises or lifts up. 2. A sharer, a coheir. 3. Who recovers property. E. उद् before हृ to take, तृन् aff.
  • उद्धरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Raising or lifting anything. 2. Eradicating a tree, &c. 3. Exterminating, destroying. 4. Taking a part or share. 5. Vomit- ing, bringing up. 6. Final emancipation. E. उद् up, हृ to take, and ल्युट् aff.
  • उद्धरणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be raised up. 2. To be given up. E. उत् before हरणीय to be taken.
  • उद्धर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) 1. A festival, especially religious. 2. Great joy. E. उत् much, हर्ष happiness.
  • उद्धर्षण :: n. (-णं) Erection of the hair of the body. E. उद् much, हृष् to be happy, and ल्युट् affix; occasioned by great pleasure.
  • उद्धव :: m. (-वः) 1. A festival, a holiday. 2. Sacrificial fire. 3. The name of a person, the friend and counsellor of KRISHNA. E. उद् reverse, धु to feel pain, घञ् aff.
  • उद्धान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Gone up, ascended. 2. Vomited. n. (-नं) A fur- nace or fire-place. E. उद्, धा to have or hold, ल्युट् aff.
  • उद्धान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Vomited. m. (-न्तः) An elephant out of rut. E. उद् up, and ध्मा to breathe or blow, affix क्त .
  • उद्धार :: m. (-रः) 1. Raising, elevating, lifting up. 2. Debt, especially a debt not bearing interest. 3. A portion, a share. 4. A deduction, a part to be set aside. 5. Recovering property. 6. Extracting, quoting. n. (-रं) A fire-place. f. (-रा) A plant, (Menispermum glabrum); see गुडूची . E. उत् up, धृ to have, घञ् aff.
  • उद्धारक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what raises or lifts. E. उत् before हृ to take, वुन् aff.
  • उद्धारण :: n. (-णं) 1. Raising, elevating. 2. Sharing, dividing. E. उद् be- fore धृ to have, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • उद्धारविभाग :: m. (-गः) Partition, division of shares. E. उद्धार and विभाग dividing.
  • उद्धुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Heavy. 2. Thick, gross. 3. Firm. E. उत् and धुर a burden.
  • उद्धूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Shaken off, fallen from or off. 2. Tossed up, scattered above. E. उत् and धूत trembling.
  • उद्धूषण :: n. (-णं) Horripilation. E. उत up, धूष to shine, ल्युट् aff.
  • उद्धृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Raised, drawn up, as water from a well, &c. 2. Pulled up or out, eradicated or broken off. 3. Lifted up. 4. Raised, elevated. 5. Thrown up or upwards. 6. Vomited. 7. Separated, set apart. 8. Divided, partitioned. 9. Recovered. 10. Uncovered. 11. Dispersed, scattered. 12. Extracted, selected, taken from or out of. 13. Holding, containing. E. उत् up, धृ to take, and क्त aff.
  • उद्धृतोद्धार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. One who has received his share. 2. That from which a share has been deducted. E. उद्धृत and उद्धार a share.
  • उद्ध्य :: m. (-द्ध्यः) A river. E. उञ्झ to go, क्यप् affix, deriv. irr.
  • उद्ध्मान :: n. (-नं) A furnace or fire-place. E. उत्, ध्मा to blow, and ल्युट् aff.
  • उद्बन्धन :: n. (-नं) Tying up, hanging. E. उत् and बन्धन tying.
  • उद्बाहु :: mfn. (-हुः -ह्वी -हु) 1. Having the arms lifted up. 2. Having the trunk upraised (as an elephant.) E. उत् and बाहु the arm.
  • उद्बुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Blown, budded. 2. Reminded, made to think of or recalled. 3. Awaked. E. उत् forth, up, and बुद्ध known.
  • उद्बुद्धसंस्कार :: m. (-रः) Association of ideas recalling anything to remem- brance. E. उद्बुद्ध and संस्कार faculty.
  • उदबोध :: m. (-धः) 1. Incipient knowledge. 2. Awaking. 3. Reminding. E. उत् and बोध knowledge.
  • उद्बोधक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Discovering, exhibiting. 2. What reminds, or calls to remembrance. E. उत् and बोधक making known.
  • उद्बोधन :: n. (-नं) 1. Recalling, reminding. 2. Awaking, arousing. E. उत् before बुध to know, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • उद्भट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) 1. Excellent. 2. Exalted, magnanimous. m. (-टः) 1. A tortoise. 2. The sun. E. उत् lofty, भट् to desire, and अच् affix; high-minded.
  • उद्भव :: m. (-वः) Birth, production. E. उत् forth, भू to be or become, अच् aff.
  • उद्भवकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Productive. E. उद्भव, and कर what makes.
  • उद्भाव :: m. (-वः) 1. Production, generation. 2. Magnanimity. E. उत्, भाव causing to be, &c.
  • उद्भावन :: n. (-नं) 1. Inattention, neglect, disregard. 2. Saying, speaking. E. उत् away or up, भावन observing.
  • उद्भावित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Neglected, disregarded. 2. Said, declared. E. उत् and भावित made known.
  • उद्भास :: m. (-सः) Radiance, splendor. E. उत् and भास shining.
  • उद्भासयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Lighting up, irradiating. E. उत् before भास to shine, शतृ aff.
  • उद्भासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Lighting up, illuminated, splendid. 2. Orna- mented, graced, beautified. E. उत् before भास to shine, क्त aff.
  • उद्भिज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) See the next.
  • उद्भिज्ज :: mfn. (-ज्जः -ज्जा -ज्जं) Sprouting, germinating. (as a vegetable.) E. उद्भिद् a vegetable, and ज produced; also उद्भिज one ज being drop- ped; also उद्भिद् .
  • उद्भिद् :: mfn. (-द्भिद् or -द्भित्) Sprouting, germinating. E. उत् up, भिद to break or burst, affix क्विप्, or with क affix उद्भिद (दः-दा-दं) n. (-दं) Culinary salt. E. उत् forth, भिद् to break, and क affix; breaking from the soil.
  • उद्भिद :: n. (-दं) Sprouting, &c. E. See the last.
  • उद्भिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Opened, burst. 2. Budded. E. उत् up, and भिन्न broken.
  • उद्भूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Born, produced. 2. Lofty, literally or figura- tively. 3. Visible, perceptible, present. E. उत् before भू to be, affix क्त .
  • उद्भूतरूप :: n. (-पं) Visible shape or form. E. उद्भूत and रूप form.
  • उद्भ्रम :: n. (-मं) 1. Regret. 2. Whirling, flourishing. E. उत् much, भ्रम to wander, अच् aff.
  • उद्भ्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Agitated, bewildered, distressed. 2. Whirled, flourished, waved (as a sword). E. उत् and भ्रान्त revolved.
  • उद्य :: m. (-द्यः) A river. E. उद् water, and य what goes, from या to go, and ड aff.
  • उद्यत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Raised, held up. 2. Active, persevering, labour ing diligently and incessantly. 3. Trained, exercised, disciplined. m. (-तः) A section, a chapter, the division of a book. E. उत् before यम् to cease, affix क्त .
  • उद्यम :: m. (-मः) 1. Strenuous and continued effort, exertion, persever- ance. 2. Taking or lifting up. E. उद् reverse, यम् to cease, affix घञ् .
  • उद्यमिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Persevering, active, making effort. E. उद्यम and इनि aff.
  • उद्यम्य :: mfn. (-म्यः -म्या -म्यं) Requiring exertion. ind. Having lifted or taken up. 2. Having made exertion. E. उत् before यम् to cease, यत् and ल्यप् affs.
  • उद्यान :: n. (-नं) 1. A garden. 2. A royal garden, a park. 3. Going forth, exit. 4. Purpose, motive. E. उद् up, या to go, affix ल्युट् .
  • उद्यानपाल :: m. (-लः) A gardener. 2. The master or owner of a garden. E. उद्यान and पाल who takes care of.
  • उद्याव :: m. (-वः) Mixing, joining. E. उद् before यु to mix, affix घञ् .
  • उद्युक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Zealously active, labouring for some desired end. E. उद्, युज् to join, क्त affix; also उद्यत .
  • उद्योग :: m. (-गः) Exertion, perseverance, strenuous and continued endeav- our. E. उद्, युज् to join, घञ् aff.
  • उद्योगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) Active, laborious, persevering, one who makes effort. E. उद्योग and इनि aff.
  • उद्र :: m. (-द्रः) An otter. E. उन्दी to wet, and रक् Unādi aff.
  • उद्रङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) An imaginary city, one floating in the air. E. उद् above, and द्रङ्ग a town, one द rejected; also read उद्रङ्क, see हरिश्चन्द्रपूर .
  • उद्रथ :: m. (-थः) 1. The pin of the axle of a carriage. 2. A cook. E. उद् up, and रथ a carriage.
  • उद्राव :: m. (-वः) A loud noise. E. उत् before रु to cry, affix घञ् .
  • उद्रिक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Distinct, evident. 2. Increased, augmented. E. उद्, रिच् to flow, affix क्त .
  • उद्रुज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Destroying, breaking down. E. उद् on, रुज् to injure, क aff.
  • उद्रेक :: m. (-कः) 1. Commencement. 2. Increase. 3. Excess. E. उत्, रिच् to flow, घञ् aff.
  • उद्वत्सर :: m. (-रः) A year. E. उत्, वत्सर a year.
  • उद्वमन :: n. (-नं) Vomiting, bringing up. E. उत्, and वमन vomiting.
  • उद्वर्त्त :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -र्त्ता -र्त्तं) 1. Abundant, plentiful. 2. Left over. m. (-र्त्तः) A remainder, a surplus. E. उत् much, वृत् to be, क्त aff.
  • उद्वर्त्तक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Rubbing and cleaning the body, (who or what does so.) 2. Causing increase. m. (-कः) (In algebra,) An assumed quantity. E. उद् over, वृत् to be, ण्वुल् aff.
  • उद्वर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. Going up, rising, ascending. 2. Grinding, pounding. 3. Bubbing or kneading the body. 4. Rubbing and cleaning it with fragrant unguents. 5. Lenguents. used for that purpose, or to relieve pains in the limbs, &c. 6. Rising, (figuratively) prosperity, elevation. 7. Misbehaving. 8. Springing up of plants or grain, &c. 9. Drawing out metal, laminating, wire drawing, &c. E. उद् up, and वर्त्तन abiding, &c.
  • उद्वर्त्तित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Perfumed, scented. 2. Risen, elevated. 3. Sprung up. 4. Drawn out. E. उत् before वृत् to be, क्त aff.
  • उद्वर्द्धन :: n. (-नं) A sly or suppressed laugh. E. उत् priv. वृध् to increase, and ल्युट् aff.
  • उद्वर्हित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Raised, drawn or lifted up. 2. Eradicated. E. उत् up, and वर्हित injured; also उद्वाहित, from वाह् to endeavour.
  • उद्वह :: mf. (-हः-हा) A son or a daughter. m. (-हः) 1. The vital air that conveys nourishment, &c. upwards. 2. A chief, a leader, the head of a family or force. mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) 1. Who or what takes up or away. 2. Best, most eminent. E. उत् further, वह what bears; crrry- ing on one's name, &c.
  • उद्वहत् :: mfn. (-हन् -हन्ती -हत्) 1. Upholding, supporting, bearing, contain- ing. 2. Having, possessing, assuming. E. उत् before वह् to bear, शतृ affix.
  • उद्वान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Vomited. E. उद् up, वम् to vomit, क्त affix: see उद्वान्त and उद्धान .
  • उद्वान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Vomited. m. (-न्तः) An elephant out of rut. E. उत्, वम् to vomit, affix क्त, deriv. irr. see उद्धान्त .
  • उद्वाप :: m. (-पः) (In logic,) non-existence of a subsequent consequent on the absence of an antecedent. E. उद् before वप् to sow, affix घञ् .
  • उद्वास :: m. (-सः) 1. Abandoning, letting loose or free. 2. Exile. 3. Kill- ing. E. उद् away, वस् to abide, causal form, घञ् aff.
  • उद्वासन :: n. (-नं) 1. Quitting, abandoning. 2. Expelling, banishing. 3. Killing, slaughter. E. उत् forth, out, वस् to abide, in the causal form, and ल्युट् aff.
  • उद्वाह :: m. (-हः) Marriage. E. उत् up, वह् to bear, घञ् aff.
  • उद्वाहकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) The marriage ceremony. E. उद्वाह and कर्म्मन् act.
  • उद्वाहन :: n. (-नं) 1. Marriage. 2. Ploughing a field twice. 3. Anxiety, anxious regret. f. (-नी) The small shell used as a coin, a Cowri. E. उत् up, वाह् to endeavour, ल्युट् affix, and ङीष् fem. do.
  • उद्वाहिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Relating to marriage, matrimonial. E. उद्वाह marriage, and ठक् aff.
  • उद्वाहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Raised, lifted or pulled up, &c. 2. Eradicated. E. उत् before वह् to bear, causal form, affix क्त .
  • उद्वाहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिनी -हि) 1. What raises or draws up. 2. Who or what marries, relating to marriage. f. (-नी) A rope. E. उत्, वाह to endeav- our, णिनि and ङीष् affixes, or उद्वाह and इनि aff.
  • उद्विग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) Sorrowful, anxious, grieving for an absent lover, &c. E. उत्, विज् to shake, क्त aff.
  • उद्विग्नमनस् :: mfn. (-नाः -नाः -नः) Sorrowful, depressed in spirits, anxious, distressed. E. उद्विग्न and मनस् the mind.
  • उद्वीक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Looking up or upwards. 2. Seeing, looking at. E. उत् and वि before ईक्ष् to see, affix ल्युट .
  • उद्वृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Raised, elevated. 2. Exalted, prosperous. 3. Unrestrained, ill-behaved. 4. Vomited. 5. Left, as a remainder. E. उत् above, and वृत्त placed.
  • उद्वेग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) 1. One going swiftly, a runner, a courier, &c. 2. Steady, composed, tranquil. m. (-गः) 1. Regret. 2. Fear. 3. An- xiety, agitation. 4. Distress occasioned by separation from a beloved object. 5. Admiration, astonishment. 6. Ascending, mounting, going up or upwards. 7. An ascetic whose arms, by long habit, continue always raised above his head. n. (-गं) The fruit of the Areca catechu, the betel nut. E. उत् up, विज् to fear, to shake, &c. घञ् aff.
  • उद्वेगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) Suffering distress, anxious, unhappy. E. उद्वेग and इनि aff.
  • उद्वेजक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Distressing, annoying, what causes pain or sor- row. E. उत् before विज् to fear, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • उद्वेजन :: n. (-नं) 1. Anxiety, regret, sorrowing for one absent. 2. Cor- poral infliction, mutilation, torture. E. उत् before विज् to shake, affix ल्युट् .
  • उद्वेजनकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. Inflecting pain, punishing, torturing. 2. Painful. E. उद्वेजन and कर what makes.
  • उद्वेजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Grieved, pained, afflicted. E. उत् before विज् to fear, causal, क्त aff.
  • उद्वेष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) What surrounds, &c. m. (-ष्टः) 1. Investing a town, besieging or surrounding it. 2. Capturing, taking. 3. Surrounding, enclosing. E. उत् before वेष्ट to surround, अच् aff.
  • उद्वेष्टन :: n. (-नं) 1. Surrounding. 2. An enclosure. 3. Pain in the but- tocks. E. उत् before वेष्ट to surround, ल्युट् aff.
  • उद्वेष्टित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Surrounded, invested, enclosed. E. उत् before वेष्ट to surround, क्त aff.
  • उधस :: n. (-सं) An udder; see ऊधस .
  • उध्य :: m. (-ध्यः) A name of a river.
  • उध्रस् :: r. 9th cl. (उध्रस्नाति) r. 10th cl. (उध्रासयति) 1. To glean or gather by little at a time. 2. To throw or cast upwards. The initial उ is con- sidered by some as an indicatory letter, the root being then ध्रस; q. v.
  • उन्द :: r. 7th cl. (ई) उन्दी (उनत्ति) 1. To wet or moisten. 2. To be or be- come wet.
  • उन्दर :: m. (-रः) A rat.
  • उन्दुर :: m. (-रः) A rat: see the next.
  • उन्दुरु :: m. (-रुः) A rat. E. उन्दी to wet, and उरु affix; it is also written उन्दरु, उन्दर, as above, and ऊन्दुरु, &c.
  • उन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Wet, moist. 2. Kind, humane. E. उन्द् to be moist, क्त aff.
  • उन्नत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. High, tall. 2. Raised, held or lifted up. 3. Plump, full. 4. Great, eminent. E. उत् high, नत bent.
  • उन्नतनाभि :: mfn. (-भिः -भिः -भि) Corpulent. E. उन्नत high, and नाभि the navel.
  • उन्नतशिरस् :: mfn. (-राः -राः -रः) Holding up the head, carrying the head high. E. उन्नत and शिरस् the head.
  • उन्नतानत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Uneven, undulating, wavy. E. उन्नत high, and आनत low.
  • उन्नति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Increase, advancement, prosperity. 2. Rising, ascend- ing. 3. The wife of GARUDA. E. उत् up, नम् to bend, क्तिन् aff.
  • उन्नतीश :: m. (-शः) A name of GARUDA. E. उन्नति and ईश husband: the hus- band of UNNATI.
  • उन्नद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Swelled, increased. 2. Tied upon or over. 3. Unbound. E. उत् before नह् to bind, क्त aff.
  • उन्नमन :: n. (-नं) Raising, lifting up. E. उत् before नम् to bow, ल्युट् aff.
  • उन्नमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Raised, elevated, lifted or pulled up. 2. Height- ened, increased. E. उत् before नम् to bow, क्त affix, with इट् augment.
  • उन्नमय्य :: ind. Having raised. E. उत् before नम् to bow, ल्यप् aff.
  • उन्नम्र :: mfn. (-म्रः -म्रा -म्रं) Lofty, high, elevated. E. उत् before नम् to bow, रक् aff.
  • उन्नय :: m. (-यः) 1. Raising, elevating, hoisting. 2. Analogy, resemblance. E. उत् up, नी to obtain, and अच् aff.
  • उन्नयन :: n. (-नं) 1. Deliberation, discussion, logic, reasoning. 2. Inference. 3. Raising, elevating, lifting up. E. उत् up, नी to obtain, affix ल्युट् .
  • उन्नस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Having a prominent nose. E. उत् up, नस for नासिका the nose.
  • उन्नाम :: m. (-मः) Raising, lifting up. E. उत् and नम् to bow, घञ् aff.
  • उन्नाय :: m. (-यः) Raising. E. See उन्नय, affix घञ् .
  • उन्नायक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. What raises. 2. What leads to an inference or conclusion. E. उत् before नी to get, causal form, वुन् aff.
  • उन्नाह :: n. (-हं) Sour gruel made from the fermentation of rice. E. उत् and नह् to bind, affix घञ् .
  • उन्निद्र :: mfn. (-द्रः -द्रा -द्रं) 1. Awake. 2. Blown, expanded as flower. E. उत् priv. and निद्रा sleep.
  • उन्मत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Insane, frantic, mad. 2. Drunk, intoxicated. m. (-त्तः) 1. The thorn apple, (Datura metel and fastuosa) 2. A plant, (Pterospermum acerifolium.) E. उत् much, मत्त drunk or mad: applied to the plants, it alludes to their deleterious properties.
  • उन्मत्तता :: f. (-ता) Insanity, intoxication. E. तल् added to the last: also उन्मत्तत्वं .
  • उन्मद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Mad, furious, extravagant, intoxicated. m. (-दः) Insanity, either morbid or as the effect of temporary excitement, intoxication, ecstacy. E. उत् very, मद् to be mad, अच् aff.
  • उन्मदिष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) 1. Mad, insane, crazed. 2. Intoxicated. 3. In rut, (as an elephant.) E. उन्मद to be mad, इष्णुच् attributive aff.
  • उन्मनस् :: mfn. (-नाः -नाः -नः) Regretting, missing, sorrowing for a lost or departed friend, &c. E. उत् up, upset, disturbed, and मनस् the mind.
  • उन्मन्थ :: m. (-न्थः) 1. Killing, slaughter. 2. Agitation. E. उत् before मथि to kill, affix घञ् .
  • उन्मन्थक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. What moves or stirs. 2. Throbbing, beating. m. (-कः) Inflammation of the outer ear. E. उत् before मथि to hurt, वुन् aff.
  • उन्मन्थन :: n. (-नं) 1. Shaking, agitating. 2. Hurting, killing. 3. Probing, stirring a weapon, &c. lodged in the body. E. उत् before उथि to hurt, ल्युट् aff.
  • उन्मन्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Moved, agitated, distressed. E. उत् and मन्थित agitated.
  • उन्माथ :: m. (-थः) 1. A snare or trap. 2. Killing, slaughter. 3. A killer, a slaughterer. 4. Pride, disdain. E. उत्, मथ् to agitate, and घञ् aff.
  • उन्माद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Mad, insane, extravagant. m. (-दः) 1. Madness, extravagance. 2. (In medicine,) Mania. E. उत् much, मद् to be mad, affix घञ् .
  • उन्मादन :: m. (-नः) Maddening, exciting, intoxicating. 2. One of five arrows borne by KAMADEVA, the Hindu CUPID. E. उत् before मद् to be mad or intoxicated, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • उन्मादवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Mad, insane, wild, extravagant. E. उन्माद madness, &c. and मतुप् poss. aff.
  • उन्मादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Mad, intoxicated. E. उन्माद and इनि aff.
  • उन्मान :: m. (-नः) A measure of size or quantity. E. उत् and मा to measure, ल्युट् aff.
  • उन्मार्ग :: m. (-र्गः) 1. A wrong road. 2. Improper conduct, an evil course, error. E. उत् and मार्ग way.
  • उन्मार्गगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Erred, erring, going wrong. E. उन्मार्ग and गत gone.
  • उन्मार्गगमन :: n. (-नं) 1. Going a wrong road. 2. Following evil courses. E. उन्मार्ग and गमन going.
  • उन्मार्गगामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) 1. Going wrong, erring, following evil courses. 2. Taking a wrong road. E. उन्मार्ग and गामिन् who goes.
  • उन्मित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Meted, measured. E. उत् before मा to measure, क्त affix.
  • उन्मिषत् :: mfn. (-षन् -षन्ती -षत्) Opening the eye, drawing up the eyelid, looking at, seeing. E. उत् before मिष to scatter, शतृ aff.
  • उन्मिषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Opened, (as the eye.) 2. Blown as a flower. E. उत् up, मिष् to scatter, affix क्त .
  • उन्मीलन :: n. (-नं) 1. Winking, twinkling of the eye. 2. Blowing, expand- ing. E. उत् and मील to twinkle, affix ल्युट् .
  • उन्मीलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Opened, (as the eyes.) 2. Blown as a flower. E. उत्, मील् to wink, affix क्त .
  • उन्मुख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खं) Looking upwards. E. उत् up, मुख the face.
  • उन्मुद्र :: mfn. (-द्रः -द्रा -द्रं) 1. Blown as a flower. 2. Unsealed, opened. E. उत् up, open, and मुद्रा a seal.
  • उन्मूलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Eradicated, pulled up by the roots. E. उत् up, मूल nominal verb, to take root, क्त aff.
  • उन्मृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Worn off, blotted out. E. उत् out, मृष्ट rubbed.
  • उन्मेदा :: f. (-दा) Corpulency, fatness. E. उत् much, मिद् to anoint, अच and टाप् affixes.
  • उन्मेष :: m. (-षः) 1. Winking, twinkling of the eyelids, the upward mo- tion. 2. Opening the eye, looking at. E. उत् up, मिष् to scatter, affix घञ् .
  • उप :: ind. A particle and prefix to verbs and other words implying, 1. Excess, (over, above, &c.;) 2. Vicinity or assemblage, (near, by the side of, with, together with;) 3. Inferiority. (lesser, secondary, &c.;) 4. Likeness, resemblance; 5. Disease, extinction; 6. Orna- ment; 7. Command; 8. Reproof; 9. Astonishing; 10. Giving; 11. Killing; 12. Diffusion; 13. Wish, desire; 14. Effort, exertion, &c. as उपकर्त्तुं to assist; उपगन्तुं to approach; उपदेष्टुं to advice; उपलब्धुं to revile; उपस्थातुं to worship; also उपपुराणं an in- ferior or minor Purana, उपकुम्भं near the water-pot, उपगङ्गं upon the Ganges, उपकान्तं near or with a lover, उपाग्नि in the vicinity of fire.
  • उपकण्ठ :: mfn. (-ण्ठः -ण्ठा -ण्ठं) Near, proximate. n. (-ण्ठं) 1. Space near a vil- lage or its boundary. 2. One of a horse's paces, his walk. ind. (-ण्ठं) Upon the neck, near the throat. E. उप near, कण्ठ the neck.
  • उपकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Apparatus, paraphernalia, as the vessels and offer- ings at a sacrifice. 2. Implements, machines. 3. The insignia of royalty. 4. Sauces, condiments. 5. Helping, assisting. 6. Object of art or science, fabricating, composing, &c. 7. Means of subsistence, any thing supporting life. E. उप implying command or help, कृ to make, ल्युट् aff.
  • उपकर्णम् :: ind. Close to the ear, into the ear, (whispered, &c.) E. उप near, कर्ण the ear.
  • उपकर्तृ :: mfn. (-र्ता -र्त्री -र्तृ) Assisting, befriending, one who helps or be- friends. E. उप before कृ to do, affix तृन् .
  • उपकल्पन :: n. (-नं) 1. Preparing articles of food, medicine, &c. 2. Fabricat- ing, making. 3. Substituting. E. उप and कल्पन making.
  • उपकल्पित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Prepared, made. 2. Secondary, substituted. E. उप and कल्पित prepared.
  • उपकार :: m. (-रः) 1. Favour, protection, help, assistance. 2. Use, ad- vantage. 3. A flower, &c. full blown. 4. Garlands suspended, at gateways, as an embellishment on festivals. E. उप near or over, कृ to make, घञ् aff.
  • उपकारक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) A friend, a protector, one who befriends. E. उप and कृ to do, ण्वुल् aff.
  • उपकारकत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Protection, assistance. E. उपकारक and त्व aff.
  • उपकारपर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Beneficent, diligent in doing good. E. उपकार and पर diligent.
  • उपकारिका :: f. (-का) 1. A protectress, a governess. 2. A palace, a cara- vansera. 3. A kind of cake. E. उपकारी as below, &c. कन् affix, and the fem. form, or the fem. of उपकारक .
  • उपकारिता :: f. (-ता) Aid, succour, protection. E. तल् added to उपकारिन्; also with त्व, उपकारित्वं .
  • उपकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Helping, assisting, a benefactor. 2. Sub- sidiary, subservient. E. उपकार and इनि aff.
  • उपकारी :: f. (-री) A palace, a caravansera. E. उपकार aid, asylum, affixes अण् and ङीप् .
  • उपकार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) Deserving assistance or favour. f. (-र्य्या) 1. A king's house, a palace, a caravansera. 2. A tent. E. उपकार aid, &c. and ण्यत् aff.
  • उपकुञ्चि :: f. (-ञ्चिः) A plant, (Nigella Indica.) E. उप very, कुञ्च् to be small, and कि aff.
  • उपकुञ्चिका :: f. (-का) 1. Small cardamoms: see एला . 2. A sort of fennel flower, (Nigella Indica, Rox.) E. वुन् affixed to the last.
  • उपकुम्भ :: mfn. (-म्भः -म्भा -म्भं) 1. Near, proximate. 2. Solitary, lonely, retired. n. or ind. (-म्भं) Near the water-jar. E. उप and कुम्भ a jar.
  • उपकुल्या :: f. (-ल्या) 1. A canal, a trench, a ditch. 2. Long pepper, (Piper longum.) E. उप near, कुल् to accumulate, and क्यप् affix, fem. टाप् .
  • उपकुश :: m. (-शः) Gum-boil. E. उप before कुश् to enclose, क aff.
  • उपकूपजलाशय :: m. (-यः) A trough near a well for watering cattle. E. उप near, कूप a well, and जलाशय a place for water.
  • उपकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Benefited, assisted. 2. Done kindly or benefi- cently, rendered as assistance. n. (-तं) A favour, a benefit. E. उप before कृ to do, क्त aff.
  • उपकृति :: f. (-तिः) Aid, assistance, kindness. E. उप and कृ to do, क्तिन् aff.
  • उपक्रन्तृ :: mfn. (-न्ता -न्त्री -न्तृ) Beginning, one who begins. E. उप before क्रम् to go, तृच् aff.
  • उपक्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Deliberate commencement or undertaking; providing means, and anticipating consequences. 2. A beginning in general. 3. A particular ceremony preparatory to reading the Vedas. 4. A stratagem. 5. A means, an expedient. 6. Trying the fidelity, &c. of a counselor or friend. 7. Valor. 8. Practice of medicine, physick- ing. 9. Flight, retreat. 10. Approach. E. उप over, &c. क्रम् to go, affix घञ् .
  • उपक्रमणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Necessary, to be commenced or undertaken. 2. To be gone to near. E. उप before क्रम् to go, अनीयर् aff.
  • उपक्रमितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) One who begins, &c. see उपक्रम . E. उप before क्रम् to go, तृच् affix, with इट् augment; also उपक्रर्तृ .
  • उपक्रोश :: m. (-शः) Censure, reproach. E. उप reproach, inferiority, क्रुश् to cry, to sound, affix घञ् .
  • उपक्रोष्टृ :: m. (-ष्टा) 1. An ass. 2. A reviler, reprover. E. उप implying cen- sure, क्रुश् to cry, तृन् aff.
  • उपकॢप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Consecrated, dedicated, prepared or set apart for use. E. उप and कॢप्त made.
  • उपक्वण :: m. (-णः) The sound of a lute. E. उप well, क्वण् to sound, affix अप् or with घञ् affix उपक्वाण .
  • उपक्षय :: m. (-यः) Loss. E. उप before क्षि to lose, affix अच् .
  • उपक्षेप :: m. (-पः) Poetical or figurative style or composition. E. उप and क्षिप् to throw, affix घञ् .
  • उपगण :: m. (-णः) A small number, less than a troop or number. E. उप and गण a troop.
  • उपगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Promised, agreed. 2. Near, approached, gone to. 3. Feeling, suffering, entertaining. 4. Becoming, being, become. 5. Having, obtained. E. उप with, गत gone, part. past of गम् to go.
  • उपगतवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Going to, gone to. 2. Feeling, suffering, (as sorrow, &c.) 3. Promising. 4. Possessing. E. उप before गम् to go, क्तवतु aff.
  • उपगन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Perfume. E. उप and गन्ध smell.
  • उपगम :: m. (-मः) 1. Agreement, promise. 2. Approach, approximation. 3. Suffering, feeling. 4. Acquaintance, society, intercourse. 5. Get- ting, having, obtaining. E. उप near, गम् to go, and अच् aff.
  • उपगिरि :: ind. Near a mountain; also with टच् added उपगिरम् .
  • उपगीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Celebrated, proclaimed, sung, (by bards, &c.) E. उप and गीत sung.
  • उपगीति :: f. (-तिः) A variety of the Arya metre, a stanza of four lines, containing 12--15 and 12--15 syllabic instants.
  • उपगीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be sung. ind. Having sung. E. उप before गै to sing, यत् or ल्यप् aff.
  • उपगूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Hidden, concealed. 2. Lulled, suppressed. E. उप before गुह् to hide, affix क्त .
  • उपगूहन :: n. (-नं) 1. An embrace, embracing. 2. Astonishment, surprise. E. उप near, गुह् to hide, affix ल्युट् .
  • उपग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. A prisoner, a man or animal in confinement. 2. Fa- vour, encouragement. 3. Assistance. 4. Peace purchased by the cession of every thing. 5. Seizure. 6. The presiding spirit or cause directing a planet's motion. 7. A minor planet or any heavenly body of a secondary kind, as a comet, a meteor, a falling star, &c. 8. A heap of kusa grass. E. उप near, ग्रह् to take, अप् affix or ग्रह a planet, &c.
  • उपग्रहण :: n. (-णं) 1. Taking, seizing. 2. Holy study, reading the Vedas after initiation. E. उप much, ग्रह् to take, affix ल्युट् .
  • उपग्राह्य :: m. (-ह्यः) A present, an offering to a king or great man, a Nezar. E. उप much, &c. ग्रह् to take, affix ण्यत् .
  • उपघात :: m. (-तः) 1. Disease, sickness. 2. Touch, contact, especially with an intent to injure. 3. Personal violence, assault. E. उप much, हन् to injure, घञ् aff.
  • उपघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) 1. Contiguous support. 2. Support, stay, protection. 3. What rests upon or is supported by. E. उप near, हन् to destroy, and अप् aff.
  • उपचक्र :: m. (-क्रः) A variety of the ruddy goose. E. उप minor, and चक्र the Chakwa.
  • उपचतुर :: m. plu. (-राः) Almost four. E. उप minor and चतुर four.
  • उपचय :: m. (-यः) 1. Quantity, heap. 2. Elevation. 3. Prosperity. 4. Excess. 5. The third, sixth, tenth, and eleventh degrees from the first of a zodiacal sign. E. उप above, चि to collect, अच् aff.
  • उपचरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Served, adored. E. उप near or with, चर् to go, affix क्त .
  • उपचर्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) To be served or waited on. f. (-र्य्या) 1. Service, attendance. 2. Practice of medicine, physicking. E. उप implying help, चर् to go, क्यप् and टाप् affs.
  • उपचाय्य :: m. (-य्यः) A place for holding sacrificial fire, a hearth, an altar. E. उप, चिञ् to collect, ण्यत् affix, deriv. irr.
  • उपचार :: m. (-रः) 1. Service, attendance. 2. Physicking, the practice of medicine. 3. Practice, profession, usage. 4. A present, a bribe. 5. Presenting delicacies or necessaries, water, betel, &c. 6. Tending the sick, nursing. 7. Solicitation, request. 8. Incomplete act, one in progress. 9. A form of speech, a phrase that leaves something to be inferred ellipsis, &c. E. उप well, much, &c. चर् to go, घञ् aff.
  • उपचारकरण :: n. (-णं) Offering presents, especially of perfumes, flowers, &c. attention, service. E. उपचार and करण making; also उपचारकर्म्मन्, उपचारक्रिया, &c.
  • उपचारपर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Waiting upon, serving diligently. E. उपचार ser- vice, and पर diligent.
  • उपचार्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) Practice of medicine E. उप, चर् in the causal form, and ण्यत् affix, deriv. irr.
  • उपचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Collected, assembled. 2. Heaped. 3. Thriving, increasing. 4. Burnt. 5. Plastered, smeared. E. उप much, and चित collected, from चिञ् to gather, affix क्त .
  • उपचित्रा :: f. (-त्रा) A plant, (Salvinia cucullata, Rox.) See मूषिकपर्णी . E. उप much, चित्र variegated.
  • उपचूलन :: n. (-नं) Heating, burning. E. उप much, चूर् to burn, affix ल्युट्, र changed to ल .
  • उपचेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be collected or heaped up. E. उप before चि to gather, ण्यत् aff.
  • उपच्छन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Secret, concealed. E. उप and छद् to cover, क्त aff.
  • उपजात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Produced, engendered, aroused. E. उप and जात born.
  • उपजाति :: f. (-तिः) A metre or stanza of four lines, with eleven syllables in each.
  • उपजाप :: m. (-पः) 1. Disunion, separation. 2. Treason, treachery. E. उप separation, जप् to meditate, ण aff.
  • उपजापक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. A mischief-maker, one who foments quar- rels. 2. A traitor, treacherous. E. उप before जप् to meditate, ण्वुल् aff.
  • उपजिह्वा :: f. (-ह्वा) 1. A kind of insect. 2. The uvula or soft palate. 3. En- largement of the tongue. E. उप privation or similitude, and जिह्वा the tongue.
  • उपजिह्विका :: f. (-का) 1. A species of insect. 2. The soft palate; see the preceding.
  • उपजीवक :: n. (-कं) 1. Act, object. 2. Means of subsistence. E. उप before जीव् to live, वुन् aff.
  • उपजीविका :: f. (-का) Subsistence, livelihood. E. उप and जीविका the same.
  • उपजीवन :: n. (-नं) Subsistence, means of living. E. उप and जीवन living.
  • उपजीविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Dependent, living by or on. E. उप and जीविन् who lives.
  • उपजीव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Affording a livelihood. n. (-व्यं) Cause. E. उप be- fore जीव् to live, य aff.
  • उपजोषम् :: ind. An expression indicative of joy. E. उप much, जुष् to be kind, and अम् affix; also उपयोषम् .
  • उपज्ञा :: f. (-ज्ञा) Untaught knowledge. E. उप near, with ज्ञा knowledge, from ज्ञा to know, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • उपढौकन :: n. (-नं) A respectful offering or present, a Nezer. E. उप and ढौकन seeking.
  • उपतप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Heated, parched. 2. Distressed, pained. E. उप and तप्त heated.
  • उपतप्तृ :: m. (-प्ता) 1. Morbid heat. 2. Any cause of heat, burning or inflam- mation. E. उप excess, तप् to heat, तृच् aff.
  • उपताप :: m. (-पः) 1. Disease. 2. Haste, hurry. 3. Heat, heatedness. 4. Pain. 5. Misfortune. E. उप much, तप् to heat, घञ् aff.
  • उपतापिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिनी -पि) 1. Inflaming, exciting. 2. Heating. 3. Suffer- ing heat or pain. 4. Sick. E. उपताप and इनि affix, or उप before तप with णिनि aff.
  • उपत्यका :: f. (-का) Land near the foot of a hill or mountain. E. उप near, त्यकन् aff.
  • उपदंश :: m. (-शः) 1. A relish, or something to promote drinking. 2. The venereal disease, chancre. 3. Biting, stinging. 4. A tree, the scraped root of which is used for horse-radish, (Morunga hyperanthera.) E. उप much, &c. दंश biting.
  • उपदर्शक :: m. (-कः) 1. A door-keeper. 2. A guide. E. उप and दर्शक who shews.
  • उपदर्शित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Perceived, distinguished. E. उप before दर्शित seen.
  • उपदा :: f. (-दा) A present, an offering to a king or great man, &c. a Nezer. E. उप, दा a gift, from दा to give, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • उपदानक :: n. (-कं) A present, &c. see the preceding. E. उप implying help, &c. दान a gift, and क affix: a gift which is for the purpose of pro- curing favour or protection.
  • उपदिश्य :: ind. Having advised or instructed. E. उप before दिश to shew, ल्यप् aff.
  • उपदिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Instructed, advised. 2. Initiated. 3. Specified, particularised. 4. Assigned as a plea or reason. n. (-ष्टं) Council, advice. E. उप before दिश् to shew, क्त aff.
  • उपदी :: f. (-दी) A parasitic plant.
  • उपदेवता :: f. (-ता) A minor divinity, as a Yaksha, Gandharba, Apsara, &c. E. उप and देवता a divinity.
  • उपदेश :: m. (-शः) 1. Advice, information, instruction. 2. Plea, pretext. 3. Specification. 4. Initiation, communication of the initiatory Man- tra or formula. 5. (In grammar,) An elementary term. E. उप before दिश् to shew, affix घञ् .
  • उपदेशक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Giving instruction, instructing, instructive. m. (-कः) An instructor, a guide, specially a spiritual guide. E. उप be- fore दिश् to shew, ण्वुल् aff.
  • उपदेशन :: n. (-नं) Advising, instructing. E. उप before दिश् to shew, aff. ल्युट् .
  • उपदेशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Advising, an adviser. E. उपदेश advice, and इनि affix.
  • उपदेष्टव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be advised. (fit, proper, &c.) E. उप before दिश् to shew, तव्य affix; also उपदेश्य, उपदेशनीय .
  • उपदेष्टृ :: mfn. (-ष्टा -ष्ट्री -ष्टृ) One who points out, who orders or advises. m. (-ष्टा) A Guru, a spiritual guide. E. उप prefixed to दिश to shew, affix तृच् .
  • उपदेह :: m. (-हः) 1. Liniment, ointment. 2. A minor or secondary body. E. उप and दिह plaster, or देह the body.
  • उपदेहिका :: f. (-का) A kind of insect. E. उप with, &c. देह the body, affixes कन् and टाप्; also उत्पादिका .
  • उपद्रव :: m. (-वः) 1. Tyranny, oppression. 2. National distress, whether the act of the seasons or the king, famine, exaction, &c. 3. National commotion, rebellion. 4. Violence. 5. A supervenient disease, one brought on whilst a person labours under another. E. उप, द्रु to go, अच् aff.
  • उपद्रविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विणी -वि) 1. Tyrannical. 2. Violent, factious. m. (-वी) 1. A tyrant, an oppressor. 2. A rebel. E. उपद्रव and इनि aff.
  • उपद्रष्टृ :: mfn. (-ष्टा -ष्ट्री -ष्टृ) Supervisor, inspector, overseeing, overlooking. E. उप before दृश् to see, तृच् affix, the vowel changed to र .
  • उपद्रुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Tyrannized over, oppressed, visited by calamities, &c. E. उप before द्रु to go, क्त aff.
  • उपधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) 1. A heretic, a schismatic. 2. A minor or inferior duty. E. उप and धर्म्म duty.
  • उपधा :: f. (-धा) 1. A false pretence. 2. Trial or test of honesty, &c. of four kinds, of loyalty, disinterestedness, continence, and courage. 3. A penultimate letter. E. उप, धा having, from धा to have, with अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • उपधातु :: m. (-तुः) 1. An inferior mineral, a semi-metal: seven are speci- fied; pyrites, sulphate of copper, talc, antimony, red orpiment, yellow orpiment, and calx of brass. 2. Secondary secretion, as the milk, menses, adeps, sweet, teeth, hair, and lymph. E. उप minor, and घातु mineral, &c.
  • उपधान :: n. (-नं) 1. A pillow. 2. Kindness, affection. 3. Poison. 4. Reli- gious observance or obligation. 5. Excellence, excellent quality. 6. Resting or placing upon. E. उप, धा to have or hold, ल्युट् aff.
  • उपधानीय :: n. (-यं) A pillow. E. उपधान a pillow, and छ aff.
  • उपधाय :: ind. Having placed or rested upon. E. उप before धा to hold, ल्यप् affix.
  • उपधाशुचि :: mfn. (-चिः -चिः -चि) Approved, tried, of approved loyalty, &c. E. उपधा and शुचि pure.
  • उपधि :: m. (-धिः) 1. Fraud, circumvention. 2. The wheel of a carriage. 3. Fear, terror. E. उप, धा to have, and कि aff.
  • उपधिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A cheat, a knave, especially one who extorts money by threats. 2. Fraud. E. उपधि and कृ to make, ड affix or कन् pleonasm.
  • उपधूपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Being at the point of death. 2. Suffering extreme pain. E. उप near or much, धूपित pained.
  • उपधृति :: f. (-तिः) A ray of light. E. उप much, धृ to have, क्तिन् affix.
  • उपनत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Approached, approximate, near, (either in time or place.) E. उप near, नम् to bow, affix क्त .
  • उपनय :: m. (-यः) The initiation of the three first classes; investiture with a peculiar thread or cord worn over the left shoulder, and under the right: the cord of the Brahman is of cotton, Munja, or Kusa grass; of the Kshetriya, of Sana or flax; and of the Vaisya, of wool: the youths should be invested respectively, from eight to sixteen, from eleven to twenty-two, and from twelve to twenty- four years of age. n. (-नं) 1. Attaining, gaining. 2. Bringing to E. उप over, नीञ् to obtain, अच् affix; also with घञ् affix उपनाय, and with ल्युट् affix उपनयन .
  • उपनयन :: n. (-नं) See the preceding. E. As before, affix ल्युट्; also with अण् added उपनायन .
  • उपनाय :: m. (-यः) See उपनय .
  • उपनाह :: m. (-हः) 1. A plaster, an unguent applied to a wound or sore. 2. The tie of a lute, the lower part of the tail piece where the wires are fixed. 3. Inflammation of the ciliary glands, stye. E. उप, नह् to bind, घञ् aff.
  • उपनाहन :: n. (-नं) Unction, anointing, plastering. E. उप before नह् to tie, ल्युट् aff.
  • उपनिक्षेप :: m. (-पः) A deposit, sealed or in a cover so that the contents are unknown. E. उप and निक्षेप the same.
  • उपनिधान :: n. (-नं) A deposit: see the next. E. उप and नि before धा to have, ल्युट् affix.
  • उपनिधि :: m. (-धिः) A deposit, a pledge, property put into the care of a creditor, friend, &c. E. उप and नि before धा to have, क affix; in law this word ordinarily implies more especially a sealed or enclosed deposit, but according to some, it is any article entrusted to a friend which he may use whilst in his keeping.
  • उपनिषद् :: f. (-षद् or -षत्) 1. A portion of the religious writings of the Hindus; the theological part, and the Vedanta or argumentative part of the Vedas, either detached from or comprised in the princi- pal work. 2. Virtue, moral merit. 3. Truth as the principle of divine being. 4. A neighbouring mansion. 5. A lonely place. E. उप and नि prefixed to षद् to go, affix क्विप्; in which abide the essential parts of religion, &c.
  • उपनिष्कर :: n. (-रं) 1. A street. 2. A principal or royal road. E. उप and नि before कृ to make, affix अप्, and स inserted.
  • उपनिष्क्रमण :: n. (-णं) 1. A main or royal road. 2. An instituted observance or Sanskara, taking a child in the fourth month of its age into the open air. 3. Going forth. E. उप and नि before क्रम् to go, affix ल्युट्, and स inserted.
  • उपनिहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Deposited with, entrusted to. 2. Placed near to. 3. Offered, presented. E. उप and नि before धा to to have, क्त aff.
  • उपनीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Brought near to, approximated. 2. Obtained, attained. 3. Citing, adducing. 4. Presented. 5. Known. m. (-तः) The youth invested with the characteristic string; see उपनय . E. उप be- fore नी to obtain, affix क्त .
  • उपनीय :: ind. 1. Having brought. 2. Having invested. E. उप before नी to bring, ल्यप् aff.
  • उपनुन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Sent or dispatched. 2. Wafted, driven, (by the wind.) E. उप before नुद् to send, क्त aff.
  • उपन्यस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Pledged, deposited. 2. Given, communicated. 3. Brought forward, (as an example, &c.) adduced. 4. Placed near to, or in, or upon. E. उप and नि before अस् to throw, affix क्त .
  • उपन्यास :: m. (-सः) 1. A pledge, a pawn, a hostage. 2. An exordium or in- troduction. 3. A precept, a law. 4. Giving, imparting. 5. Juxta-

position. 6. A suggestion, a hint. E. उप and नि prefixed to अस् to throw or send, affix घञ् .

  • उपन्यास्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) To be pledged. E. उप and न्यास्य to be adduced.
  • उपपति :: m. (-तिः) A paramour, a gallant. E. उप in place of, पति a husband.
  • उपपत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Birth, production. 2. Association, connexion. 3. Fit- ness, propriety. 4. Cessation, end. 5. Possessing, having. 6. As- certained or demonstrated conclusion. 7. Cause, reason. 8. Effect- ing, doing. 9. Religious abstraction. 10. (In arithmetic or geo- metry,) Proof, demonstration. E. उप before पद् to go, क्तिन् aff.
  • उपपत्तिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) 1. Right, fit, reasonable, proper. 2. Unit- ed, associated. E. उपपत्ति and मतुप् poss aff.
  • उपपद :: n. (-दं) 1. Small, diminutive. 2. The subsidiary term in a com- pound word. 3. The first member of a compound word. 4. An aptote a word sometimes used as an adverb and sometimes as an inflected noun. 5. A secondary noun in a sentence in conjunction or apposition. E. उप before पद a foot, or an inflected word.
  • उपपन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Manifested. 2. Fit, suited to the occasion, adequate. 3. Done, shewn, proved, effected. 4. Endowed with, possessed of. 5. Produced from or by. 6. Physicked, cured. E. उप before पद् to go, क्त aff.
  • उपपातक :: n. (-कं) A great crime, as killing a cow, selling a daughter, atheism, &c.; it is considered as criminality in the second or third degree, and is of various kinds: see महापातक . E. उप much, and पातक a crime.
  • उपपातकिन् :: m. (-की) A sinner in any but the first degree. E. उपपातक and इनि affix.
  • उपपादन :: n. (-नं) 1. Effecting, doing. 2. Giving, delivering, presenting. 3. Proving or establishing by argument. E. उप before पद् to go, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • उपपादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Done, effected. 2. Given delivered, present- ed. 3. Proved, accomplished. E. उप before पद् to go, causal form, क्त aff.
  • उपपादुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Shod. m. (-कः) 1. A superhuman being, a god, a demon, &c. 2. Hell. E. उप before पद् to go, उकञ् aff.
  • उपपाप :: m. (-पः) A heinous crime, as killing a cow, &c. E. उप excess, and पाप sin.
  • उपपालित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Protected, nurtured. E. उप and पालित protected.
  • उपपीडन :: n. (-नं) 1. Pain, agony, torture. 2. Inflicting pain. 3. Devas- tating, laying waste. E. उप before पीड to give pain, ल्युट् aff.
  • उपपीडित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Tortured, pained, distressed. 2. Devastated. E. उप before पीड to give pain, क्त aff.
  • उपपुर :: n. (-रं) A suburb. E. उप near, पुर a city.
  • उपपुराण :: n. (-णं) A Purana, one not included in the eighteen principal: a similar number is reckoned, or 1. Adi. 2. Nrishinha. 3. Vayu. 4. Sivadhermma. 5. Durvasa. 6. Nārada. 7. Nandikeswara. 8. Usanas. 9. Kapila. 10. Varuna. 11. Sāmba. 12. Kālikā. 13. Maheswara. 14. Padma. 15. Deva. 16. Parāsara. 17. Marīcha. 18. Bhaskara. E. उप minor, पुराण a Purāna.
  • उपपुष्पिका :: f. (-का) Yawning, gaping. E. उप much, पुष्प to flower, to open as a flower, वुन् aff.
  • उपप्रदान :: n. (-नं) A bribe. E. उप for assistance, प्र before दा to give, affix ल्युट् .
  • उपप्लव :: m. (-वः) 1. Rahu, the ascending node. 2. A portent or natural phænomenon so considered. 3. An affray, or assault, a conflict without weapons. 4. Eclipse. 5. Misfortune. E. उप over, &c. प्लु to go, अप् aff.
  • उपप्लुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Distressed, pained. 2. Harassed (by Rāhu, &c.) eclipsed. 3. Assailed, beset. 4. Marked by prodigies. 5. Wet,

moistened. f. (-ता) Morid sensibility of the uterus. E. उप before प्लु to go, क्त aff.

  • उपभुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Used, enjoyed, possessed. E. उप before भुज् to enjoy, क्त aff.
  • उपभुञ्जान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Using, enjoying. E. उप before भुज् to enjoy, शानच् aff.
  • उपभृत् :: f. (-भृत्) A cup of a round shape, made of the wood of the banian tree, and used in sacrifices. E. उप, भृ to fill, क्विप् and तुक् affs.
  • उपभोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Pleasure, satisfaction. 2. Enjoyment, use. 3. Cohabi- tation. 4. Use, usufruct. E. उप excess, भुज् to eat, &c. affix घञ् .
  • उपभोग्य :: mfn. (-ग्यः -ग्या -ग्यं) To be used, to be enjoyed. E. उप before भुज् to enjoy, य aff.; also उपभोजनीय and उपभोक्तव्य .
  • उपमर्द्द :: m. (-र्द्दः) 1. Reproach, abuse. 2. Refuting a charge. E. उप, मृद् to tread down, अच् aff.
  • उपमर्द्दक :: m. (-कः) The refuting of a charge. E. कन् added to the last.
  • उपमा :: f. (-मा) 1. Likeness, (but used only in composition.) 2. Resemblance, a resemblance as a picture, an image, &c. 3. A simile. E. उप like, मा to measure, affixes अङ् and टाप्; also with ल्युट् aff. उपमान .
  • उपमातृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) An image-maker, a portrait-painter. E. उप be- fore मा to measure, तृच् aff. f. (-त्री) 1. A wet nurse. 2. A near female relative. E. उप like, मातृ a mother.
  • उपमान :: n. (-नं) See उपमा .
  • उपमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Compared. E. उप and मा to measure, क्त aff.
  • उपमिति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Resemblance, comparison, a likeness, a picture, image, &c. 2. Analogy. 3. Knowledge of things derived from ana- logy or resemblances. E. उप like, मा to measure, क्तिन् aff.
  • उपमेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Compared with. m. (-तः) The Sal, a timber tree, (Shorea robusta.) E. उपमा like, इत gone: high as a mountain, &c.
  • उपमेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be compared with or to. n. (-यं) The subject of a comparison, as the face is of the moon. E. उप before मा to measure, य affix.
  • उपमेयोपमा :: f. (-मा) The resemblance of any object to that compared with it, as of the moon to a beautiful face. E. उपमेय and उपमा likeness.
  • उपयन्तृ :: m. (-न्ता) A husband, a master. E. उप, यम् to cease, तृच् aff.
  • उपयन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) 1. A small instrument or implement. 2. An application of a similar nature, as actual cautery, escharotics, &c. E. उप and यन्त्र instrument.
  • उपयम :: m. (-मः) Marriage. E. उप and यम् to stop, affix अप् .
  • उपयाचक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) A present solicitor, one who asks or begs. E. उप before याच् to beg, वुन् aff.
  • उपयाचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Requested, solicited. 2. Offered especially to the deities to render them propitious. E. उप much, याच् to ask or beg, affix क्त, or with कन् added उपयाचितक .
  • उपयाम :: m. (-मः) Marriage. E. उप, यम् to refrain, affix घञ् .
  • उपयुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Proper, right. 2. Adapted to, suitable, appro- priate, useful. 3. Touched by. 4. Taken. 5. Eaten. E. उप before युज् to join, affix क्त .
  • उपयुञ्जान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Taking, appropriating, attaching. E. उप before युजि to join, शानच् aff.
  • उपयोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Good conduct, observing established practices. 2. Any act tending to effect a desired object. 3. Fitness, suitableness. 4. Service, utility. 5. Use, application. 6. Contact, proximity. 7. Ad- minstration of medicines. 8. Preparation of them. E. उप before युज् to join, घञ् aff.
  • उपयोगिता :: f. (-ता) 1. Fitness, suitableness. 2. Usefulness. 3. Occasion, need. 4. Favour, propitiousness. E. उपयोगिन् and तल् affix, or with त्व, उपयोगित्वं .
  • उपयोगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) 1. Appropriate, suitable. 2. Conducive or contributing to, serviceable, useful. 3. Favourable, propitious. 4. Touching, in contact with E. उपयोग and इनि aff.
  • उपयोषम् :: ind. A word expressing great pleasure: see उपजोषम् .
  • उपरक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Afflicted with pain or calamity. m. (-क्तः) 1. Eclipsed, (the sun or moon.) 2. Rahu, (the ascending node.) E. उप implying distress, रञ्ज् to colour, and क्त aff.
  • उपरक्षण :: n. (-णं) A guard, an out post. E. उप, रक्ष् to defend or protect, aff. ल्युट् .
  • उपरचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Made, prepared. E. उप and रचित made.
  • उपरत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Stopped, ceased. 2. Dead. E. उप before रम् to please, क्त aff.
  • उपरतस्पृह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Void of desire. E. उपरत and स्पृहा desire.
  • उपरति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Stopping, ceasing. 2. Refraining from sensual enjoy- ment. 3. Abstaining from prescribed acts. 4. Great or exquisite pleasure. 5. Death. E. उप reverse or excess, रम् to please, क्तिन् affix; also with घञ् affix उपरम or उपराम .
  • उपरम :: m. (-मः) See the preceding.
  • उपरमण :: n. (-णं) Abstaining from ceremonial acts or from the pleasures of sense, &c. 2. Ceasing, discontinuance. E. उप before रम् to please, affix ल्युट् .
  • उपरस :: m. (-सः) 1. A secondary mineral, as red chalk, bitumen, &c. 2. A secondary passion. 3. A subordinate flavour. E. उप minor, रस flavour, &c.
  • उपराग :: m. (-गः) 1. An eclipse of the sun or moon. 2. Rahu or the ascending node. 3. Calamity, affliction. 4. Misbehaviour, ill con- duct. 5. Reproach, abuse. E. उप, रञ्ज् to colour, घञ् aff.
  • उपराम :: m. (-मः) Stopping, ceasing: see उपरति . E. उप, रम् to please, घञ् aff.
  • उपरि :: ind. On, upon, above. E. उप and रि aff.
  • उपरिगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Gone up, ascended. E. उपरि and गत gone.
  • उपरिचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Piled over or above. E. उपरि and चित collected.
  • उपरिज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) High, elevated, produced above. E. उपरि and ज born.
  • उपरिष्टात् :: ind. Up, above. E. उप and रिष्टातिल् aff.
  • उपरुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Obstructed, impeded. 2. Covered, spread. 3. Favoured. E. उप and रुद्ध checked.
  • उपरोध :: m. (-धः) 1. Impediment, opposition, check, refusal. 2. Favour, protection. 3. Surrounding, blockading. 4. Binding, tying. 5. Tak- ing hold of. E. उप before रुध् to confine, affix घञ् .
  • उपरोधक :: n. (-कं) An inner room, a private apartment. E. उप near, रुध् to enclose, वुन् aff.
  • उपर्य्युपरि :: ind. 1. Over, upon, above, what is above. 2. Near, neigh- bouring. E. उपरि repeated.
  • उपल :: m. (-लः) A rock or stone, a precious stone or jewel. f. (-ला) Re- fined or candied sugar. E. उप near, ला to give or take; affix ड .
  • उपलक्ष्य :: mfn. (-क्ष्यः -क्ष्या -क्ष्यं) Inferable. m. (-क्ष्यः) 1. A prop, a stay, a support, an asylum. 2. An inference. E. उप near, लक्ष्य to be mark- ed or sought.
  • उपलक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Designating or implying any analogous object where only one is specified, using a term in a generic sense. 2. Metaphorical or elliptical expression. E. उप comprehensive, लक्षण a mark or designation.
  • उपलक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Comprehended, included, implied, understood. E. उप before लक्ष् to designate, क्त aff.
  • उपलब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) 1. Obtained, received. 2. Understood, known. 3. Perceived. E. उप before लभ् to get, क्त aff.
  • उपलब्धार्था :: f. (-र्था) A tale, a true or probable story. E. उपलब्ध under- stood, अर्थ meaning.
  • उपलब्धि :: f. (-ब्धिः) 1. Mind, understanding. 2. Knowledge, especially reli- gious. 3. Gain, acquisition. 4. Perceptibility, appearance. E. उप, लभ् to obtain, क्तिन् aff.
  • उपलम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) Apprehension, conception, comprehension otherwise than from memory. E. उप near, लभि to obtain, घञ् aff.
  • उपलभ्य :: mfn. (-भ्यः -भ्या -भ्यं) 1. To be obtained. 2. To be understood. ind. Having observed. E. उप before लभ् to get, यत् or ल्यप् aff.
  • उपलम्भ्य :: mfn. (-म्भ्यः -म्भ्या -म्भ्यं) Commendable, praise-worthy, respectable. E. उप before लभ् to get, ण्यत् affix, and म augment.
  • उपलालिका :: f. (-का) 1. Thirst. 2. Oppression.
  • उपलिङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A portent, a natural phænomenon considered as an- nouncing evil. E. उप over, लिगि to go, affix घञ् .
  • उपलिप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Smeared, plastered. E. उप and लिप्त smeared.
  • उपलिप्सित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Wishing to take or seize. E. उप before लभ् to gain, desider. form, क aff.
  • उपलेप :: m. (-पः) Plastering, smearing, anointing. E. उप, लिप् to smear, affix घञ् .
  • उपलेपन :: n. (-नं) Smearing, plastering with cow-dung, &c. E. उप, लिप् to smear, ल्युट् aff.
  • उपवन :: n. (-नं) A garden, a grove. E. उप like, and वन a wood.
  • उपवर्णन :: n. (-नं) Minute description. E. उप and वर्णन describing.
  • उपवर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. A country inhabited or not. 2. An uninhabited country. 3. A division, a district or Pargana. 4. A kingdom. E. उप, वृत् to abide, ल्युट् aff.
  • उपवर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) The name of a saint.
  • उपवर्ह :: m. (-र्हः) A pillow. E. उप over, वर्ह to excel, &c. घञ् aff.
  • उपवसथ :: m. (-थः) A village. E. उप, वस् to abide, थक् Unādi aff.
  • उपवस्त :: n. (-स्तं) A fast, fasting. E. उप, वस् to abide, क्त affix; or with घञ् affix उपवास .
  • उपवास :: m. (-सः) 1. A fast, fasting: when observed as a religious act, it comprises abstinence from all sensual gratification, from per- fumes, flowers, unguents, ornaments, betel, music and dancing, &c. 2. A fire-alter. E. उप before वस् to abide, घञ् aff.
  • उपवासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Fasting, one who observes a fast. E. उपवास and इनि aff.
  • उपवाहन :: n. (-नं) Carrying, bringing back. E. उप and वाहन bearing.
  • उपवाह्य :: m. (-ह्यः) 1. A king's elephant. 2. Any royal vehicle. E. उप above, वह् to bear, ण्यत् aff.
  • उपविद्या :: f. (-द्या) Profane science, inferior sort of knowledge. E. उप and विद्या knowledge.
  • उपविष :: n. (-षं) 1. Factitious poison. 2. A narcotic, any deleterious drug, as opium, &c. E. उप like, विष poison. f. (-षा) A plant, Atis. E. उप reverse, and विष poison: an antidote.
  • उपविष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Seated, sitting. 2. Arrived, entered. E. उप upon, विष्ट placed, entered.
  • उपवीत :: n. (-तं) The thread or cord worn by the three first classes of Hindus, over the left shoulder and under the right. E. उप much, वी to shine, affix क्त; see उपनय .
  • उपवीतिन् :: m. (-ती) The Brahman who wears the string in the usual manner, or on the left shoulder and under the right arm. E. उपवीत and इनि aff.
  • उपवृंहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Collected from, possessed of. E. उप and वृंहित collected.
  • उपवेद :: m. (-दः) A minor Veda, of which four are reckoned, treating of the military art, medicine, music, and mechanics. E. उप and वेद a Veda.
  • उपवेश :: m. (-शः) 1. Sitting, resting. 2. A seat. 3. Voiding by stool. E. उप before विश् to enter, affix घञ् .
  • उपवेशन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sitting, resting. 2. Voiding by stool. E. उप before विश् to enter, active or causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • उपवेश्य :: ind. Having seated or caused to sit. E. उप before विश् to enter, causal form, ल्यप् aff.
  • उपव्याघ्र :: m. (-घ्रः) The hunting leopard. E. उप and व्याघ्र a tiger.
  • उपशम :: m. (-मः) 1. Tranquillity, calmness, patience. 2. Intermission, cessation. E. उप much, शम् to be tranquil, अप् aff.
  • उपशय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Productive of happiness or rest. m. (-यः) 1. As-

certainment of disease or diagnosis by the effect of certain arti- cles of food or medicine. 2. Allaying disease by diet, regimen, &c. E. उप before शी to sleep, अच् aff.

  • उपशल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) A space near a village. E. उप near, शल् to go, यत् aff.
  • उपशान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Calm, tranquil. 2. Appeased, pacified. 3. Diminished, intermitted. E. उप before शम् to be tranquil, क्त aff.
  • उपशान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) 1. Tranquillity, calm. 2. Appeasing, allaying. 3. Cessa- tion, intermission. E. उप before शम् to be quiet, क्तिन् aff.
  • उपशान्तिन् :: mfn. (-न्ती -न्तिनी -न्ति) Tranquil, calm, appeased, tame. f. (-न्तिनी) A tame elephant. E. उपशान्त and इनि aff.
  • उपशाय :: m. (-यः) Watching and sleeping alternately. E. उप alternately, शी to sleep, घञ् aff.
  • उपशायिता :: f. (-ता) 1. Tranquillizing, calming. 2. Secondary means of cure, as diet, &c. E. उपशायिन् and तल् affix; also with त्व, उपशायित्वं .
  • उपशायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) 1. Allaying, tranquillizing, what calms, &c. 2. (In medicine,) Composing, narcotic. E. उप before शी to sleep, causal form, णिनि aff.
  • उपशोभित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Adorned. E. उप and शोभित beautified.
  • उपश्रुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) promised, agreed. E. उप with श्रु to hear, aff. क्त .
  • उपश्रुति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Promise, assent. 2. Judicial astrology, aspect of the stars, fortune-telling. E. उप above, श्रु to hear, क्तिन् aff.
  • उपसंक्षेप :: m. (-पः) An abstract or compendium. E. उप and संक्षेप abridgement.
  • उपसंख्यान :: n. (-नं) (In grammar,) A substitute in form or sense, a con- significant term or aff. E. उप near, संख्या to number, ल्युट् aff.
  • उपसंग्रह :: m. (-हः) Obeisance. civil address, respectful salutation of a person by name. 2. Taking, holding. E. उप near, सम् with, ग्रह् to take, aff. घञ्, or with ल्युट् aff. उपसंग्रहणं .
  • उपसंग्राह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) 1. Respectable, venerable. 2. To be saluted reverentially. E. उप and सम् before ग्रह् to take, ण्यत् aff.
  • उपसंगृह्य :: ind. Having taken, holding. E. उप and सम् before ग्रह् to take, ल्यप् aff.
  • उपसंव्यान :: n. (-नं) A lower garment. E. उप and सं before व्येञ् to cover, ल्युट् affix; what covers the body.
  • उपसंहरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Refusing, withholding. 2. Excluding. 3. Taking away. 4. Attacking, invading. E. उप and सम् before हरण taking.
  • उपसंहरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रत्) 1. Taking away. 2. Refusing, excepting. 3. Going against, invading. E. उप and सं before हृ to take, शतृ aff.
  • उपसंहार :: m. (-रः) 1. Withholding, refusing. 2. Taking away. 3. Except- ing, excluding. 4. Destruction, death, end. 5. Collection, assem- blage. 6. Compendium. 7. Brevity, conciseness. 8. Attacking, in- vasion. 9. (In logic,) Refutation. E. उप and सम् before हृ to take, घञ aff.
  • उपसंहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Withheld, denied, refused. 2. Excepted. 3. Compressed, comprehended, excluded. E. उप and सं before हृ to take, क्त aff.
  • उपसंहृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. A compound expressive of various meanings. 2. Comprehension. 3. Seizing, taking. E. उप and सम् before हृ to take, क्तिन् aff.
  • उपसत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Meeting, union. 2. Service. 3. Gift, donation. E. उप with, षद् to go, &c., क्तिन् aff.
  • उपसद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Who goes near to. m. (-दः) 1. Gift, donation. 2. Approach. E. उप and षद् to go, affix अच् .
  • उपसदन :: n. (-नं) A neighbouring abode, a neighbourhood. E. उप near, and सदन a dwelling.
  • उपसन्ध्यम् :: ind. Near evening. E. उप near, सन्ध्या evening.
  • उपसन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Approached, approximate. E. उप over, षद् to go, affix क्त .
  • उपसन्नता :: f. (-ता) Proximity, approach. E. उपसन्न and तल् affix; also उपसन्नत्वं with त्व aff.
  • उपसमाधान :: n. (-नं) Placing, putting in or on. E. उप and सम् with आङ् before धा to have, ल्युट् aff.
  • उपसम्पन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Dressed, cooked. 2. Immolated, sacrificed, (as a victim, &c.) 3. Dead, deceased. 4. Gained, obtained. 5. Enough, sufficient. 6. Perfected, finished. E. उप and सम् prefixed to पद् to go, affix क्त .
  • उपसर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. The first pregnancy or impregnation of a cow, &c. 2. Who or what approaches. E. उप before सृ to go, and अप् aff.
  • उपसर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) 1. A portent, a natural phænomenon supposed to an- nounce future evil, an eclipse, &c. 2. A particle prefixed to roots, &c., a preposition. 3. A disease, possession by an evil spirit. 4. Change occasioned by any disease. 5. A disease brought on whilst a person labours under another. 6. Indication or symptom of death. E. उप near or with, सृज् to go, घञ् aff.
  • उपसर्जन :: n. (-नं) 1. A representative, a substitute, any person or thing subordinate or subsidiary. 2. Portent, eclipse. 3. Approaching. E. उप inferior, सृज् to go, ल्युट् aff. In the first sense, though used as an attributive, it is always neuter.
  • उपसर्पण :: n. (-णं) Approaching, advancing to. E. उप near, सृप् to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • उपसर्य्या :: f. (-र्य्या) A cow, (fit for the bull.) E. उप, सृ to go, यत् aff. deriv. irr.
  • उपसार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) To be approached or gone to. E. उप before सृ to go, ण्यत् aff.
  • उपसुन्द :: m. (-न्दः) The name of a demon. E. उप, and सुन्द another demon.
  • उपसूर्य्यक :: n. (-कं) The disk of the sun or moon. E. उप near, or with, सूर्य्य the sun, कन् aff. of identity.
  • उपसृत्य :: ind. Having approached. E. उप before सृ to go, ल्यप् aff.
  • उपसृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Attended by or accompanied with, joined, attached, connected to or with. 2. Eclipsed, (as the sun or moon.) 3. Seized by, possessed by, (evil demons, &c.) n. (-ष्टं) Cotton, co- pulation. E. उप, सृज् to create, &c. aff. क्त .
  • उपसेवन :: n. (-नं) 1. Service. 2. Addiction to. E. उप and सेव् to serve, ल्युट् aff.
  • उपस्कर :: m. (-रः) 1. A condiment, a spice or seasoning, mustard, pepper, &c. 2. An article of household use, as a broom, a basket, &c. 3. Blame, censure. E. उप complete, and कर what makes, स inserted.
  • उपस्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Blamed, censured. E. उप and कृत made, स inserted.
  • उपस्तम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) Support of life, as food, sleep, and government of the passions. E. उप and स्तभि to stop, घञ् aff.
  • उपस्त्री :: f. (-स्त्री) A concubine. E. उप and स्त्री a female, a wife.
  • उपस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Near, proximate. m. (-स्थः) 1. The male or female organs of generation. 2. The haunch or hip. 3. The anus. E. उप near, and स्थ what is or stays, ड aff. after स्था .
  • उपस्थपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) Indian fig tree.
  • उपस्थनिग्रह :: m. (-हः) Continence. E. उपस्थ an organ of generation, and निग्रह restraining.
  • उपस्थातृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) A servant. E. उप before स्था to remain, तृच aff.
  • उपस्थान :: n. (-नं) 1. Proximity, nearness. 2. Obtaining, getting. 3. An assembly. E. उप near, स्था to stay, ल्युट् aff.
  • उपस्थानीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be stayed with or near. 2. What ought to be near or with. E. उप before स्था to stay, अनीयर् aff.
  • उपस्थापक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Placing or bringing near to. 2. Explaining, teaching, a teacher. 3. Causing to obtain. E. उप before स्था to be, causal form, वुन् aff.
  • उपस्थापन :: n. (-नं) 1. Placing near. 2. Attendance, service. E. उप and स्थापन placing.
  • उपस्थापयितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be placed near. E. उप before स्था to stay, causal form, तव्य aff.; also उपस्थापनीय .
  • उपस्थापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Placed near to. 2. Attended. E. उप before स्था to stay, causal form, क्त aff.
  • उपस्थाय :: ind. 1. Having approached. 2. Having brought near to or assembled. E. उप near, and स्था to stay, ल्यप् aff.
  • उपस्थायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Standing near, being present. E. उप before स्था to stay. णिनि aff. and युक् augment.
  • उपस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Approached, arrived. 2. Staying by or near to. 3. Caused, occasioned. 4. Got, received. 5. Felt. 6. Clean, cleansed. 7. Done, accomplished. 8. Known. E. उप before स्था to stay, aff. क्त .
  • उपस्थिति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Proximity. 2. Obtaining, getting. 3. Effecting, ac- complishing. 4. Arrival. 5. Knowledge. E. उप before स्था to be, aff. क्तिन् .
  • उपस्पर्श :: m. (-र्शः) 1. Touching, contact. 2. Bathing, ablution. 3. Rincing the mouth, sipping water and ejecting it. E. उप like, स्पर्श touch, from स्पृश् to touch, and अच् aff.; or with ल्युट् aff. उपस्पर्शन .
  • उपस्पर्शन :: n. (-नं) See the preceding.
  • उपस्पृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Touched. 2. Sipped. E. उप and स्पृष्ट touched.
  • उपस्वत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Revenue, profit, what is derived from land or other capital. E. उप and स्वत्व ownership.
  • उपहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Destroyed. 2. Injured, impaired, evilly affected by. 3. Struck by lightning, &c. 4. Pained, hurt. 5. Impure. 6. Infected, polluted, vitiated. E. उप and हत struck.
  • उपहतदृश् :: mfn. (-दृक्) Dozzled, blinded. E. उपहत struck, दृश् the eye.
  • उपहतात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Agitated, affected as by passion, &c. E. उपहत and आत्मन् the soul.
  • उपहरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Offering gifts to superiors. 2. Presenting victims. 3. Distributing or serving out food. 4. Taking, seizing. E. उप before हृ to take, ल्युट् aff.
  • उपहर्त्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be offered as a victim. 2. To be pre- sented. E. उप before हृ take, तव्य aff.; also उपहरणीय .
  • उपहर्तृ :: mfn. (-र्ता -त्री -र्तृ) Offering victims, serving out food, &c. E. उप before हृ to take, तृच् aff.
  • उपहव :: m. (-वः) 1. Calling to. 2. Summoning, invoking. E. उप before हु to call, अप् aff.
  • उपहसित :: n. (-तं) Laughter, laughing. E. उप up, हसित laughing.
  • उपहार :: m. (-रः) 1. A complimentary gift, a present to a superior, &c. 2. A victim, an offering to a deity. 3. Tribute, indemnification, presents as the price of peace. 4. Food distributed to guests, &c. E. उप before हृ to convey, घञ् aff.
  • उपहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Giving, presenting. 2. Sacrificing. E. उप- हार and इनि aff.
  • उपहालक :: m. (-कः) The name of a country, part of the peninsula: see कुन्तल . E. उप, हाल a king so named, aff. क, the country over which HALA reigned.
  • उपहास :: m. (-सः) Ridicule, laughing at any one. E. उप before हस् to laugh, aff. घञ् .
  • उपहास्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) Rediculous, laughable. E. उप and हास्य to be laughed at.
  • उपहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Placed, deposited, placed in or upon. 2. Laid aside. 3. Joined. 4. Mixed. E. उप before हा to quit, क्त aff.
  • उपहूय :: ind Having called or addressed. E. उप near, ह्वे to call, ल्यप् aff.
  • उपहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Taken, collected, gathered. 2. Offered, presented. 3. Immolated, offered as a victim. 4. Served out as food. E. उप before हृ to take, क्त aff.
  • उपह्वर :: n. (-रं) 1. Solitary, private. 2. Near. m. (-रः) A car, a carriage. E. उपह्वृ to bend, अप् aff.
  • उपांशु :: m. (-शुः) Muttering prayers, reciting them in a low voice so as not to be overheard. ind. 1. Solitary, private. 2. Secretely, in a whisper. E. उप, अंशु a ray.
  • उपाकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Performance of a preparatory rite before reading the Vedas. 2. Immolation, sacrifice of an animal duly consecrated. E. उप and आङ् prefixed to कृ to do, aff. ल्युट् .
  • उपाकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) 1. Preparation. 2. A ceremony performed before read- ing the Vedas. 3. Beginning to read the Vedas. E. See the preced- ing, the aff. being मनिन् .
  • उपाकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Attended with evil omens, disastrous, calamitous. m. (-तः) 1. A victim slain or to be slain. 2. A portent, a phæno- menon announcing calamity. E. उप and आङ् before कृत made.
  • उपाख्यान :: n. (-नं) 1. A tale, a narrative. 2. Telling, narration. E. उप and आख्यान a tale.
  • उपागत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Suffering, feeling. 2. Promised. 3. Approached arrived. 4. Occurred, happened. E. उप and आङ् before गम् to go, aff. क्त .
  • उपागम :: m. (-मः) 1. Promise, agreement. 2. Approach. 3. Occurrence, ar- rival. 4. Feeling, suffering. E. उप near, आङ् before गम् to come, अच् aff.
  • उपाग्रहण :: n. (-णं) Reading the Vedas after initiation. E. उप and आङ् be- fore ग्रह् to take, ल्युट् aff.: see उपाकरण .
  • उपाङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. The sectarial mark made with Sandal, &c. on the forehead. 2. Any minor limb or member. 3. Secondary portion of science. E. उप and अङ्ग the body.
  • उपाञ्जन :: n. (-नं) Plastering the ground with cow-dung, &c. E. उप and अञ्जन anointing.
  • उपात्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Taken, received, gained, got. m. (-त्तः) An ele- phant out of rut. E. उप near, आत्त taken, seized.
  • उपात्तरंहस् :: mfn. (-हाः -हाः -हः) Quick, fleet. E. उपात्त acquired, रंहस् speed.
  • उपात्तशस्त्र :: mfn. (-स्त्रः -स्त्रा -स्त्रं) Armed, taking up arms. E. उपात्त and शस्त्र a weapon.
  • उपात्यय :: m. (-यः) 1. Neglect or disobedience of ordinances or customs. 2. Disorder or disorderly behaviour. E. उप and अति prefixed to इण् to go, अच aff.
  • उपादान :: n. (-नं) 1. Taking away, abduction, taking. 2. Abstraction, res- training the organs of sense and perception. 3. Cause, motive. 4. Immediate or proximate cause. 5. The formal or distinct form, the material cause. 6. A double meaning, an expression convey- ing a sense besides that which appears intended. 7. Saying, speak- ing. E. उप near, आदा to take, ल्युट् aff.
  • उपादानकारण :: n. (-णं) A proximate cause. E. उपादान and कारण cause.
  • उपादिका :: f. (-का) A potherb, (Basella lucida.)
  • उपादेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Acceptable, admissible, to be taken or received. 2. Excellent, admirable. E. उप and आङ् before दा to give, यत् aff.
  • उपाधि :: m. (-धिः) 1. Virtuous reflection. 2. A discriminative or dis- tinguishing property, an attribute. 3. Deception, disguise. (In the Vadanta this is especially applied to certain natural forms or properties, considered as disguises of the spirit.) 4. A title, a dis- criminative appellation, a nickname. 5. Careful or diligent for the support of a family, (always masculine, though with a feminine or neuter substantive.) 6. A purpose, an occasion, an object. 7. (In logic,) A special cause for a general effect. 8. (In rhetoric,) The natural character of species, quality, or action. E. उप and आङ् before धा to have, aff. कि .
  • उपाध्याय :: m. (-यः) A spiritual preceptor. f. (-या) A female preceptor. f. (-यी or -यानी) The wife of a teacher. E. उप and अधि before इण to go, घञ् aff. for the fem. टाप् aff. in the first instance, in the second ङीष् with or without आनुक् inserted.
  • उपानह :: f. (-नत्) A shoe. E. उप and आङ् before नह् to bind, aff. क्विप् .
  • उपान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Near. m. (-न्तः) The angle of the eye. E. उप near, अन्त end.
  • उपान्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Near, proximate, neighbouring. E. उपान्त and ठञ् aff.
  • उपान्त्य :: m. (-न्त्यः) The corner of the eye. n. (-न्त्यं) Vicinity. E. उप and अन्त्य end.
  • उपाय :: m. (-यः) 1. A means, an expedient, a way. 2. A means of success against an enemy; four are usually enumerated, as, sowing dissension, chastisement, conciliation and gifts. 3. Approaching, approach. E. उप and आङ् before इण् to go, affix घञ् .
  • उपायज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Fertile in expedients, contriving, providing for. E. उपाय and ज्ञ who knows.
  • उपायन :: n. (-नं) 1. A present, a complementary or respectful gift. 2. Approaching, going near to. 3. Engaging in a religious observance. E. उप before अय् to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • उपायिन :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Expert in the use of means. E. उपाय and इनि aff.
  • उपाययोग :: m. (-गः) Application of means, or combination of expedients. E. उपाय and योग union.
  • उपार्ज्जन :: n. (-नं) Acquiring property, earning. E. उप and अर्ज्जन gaining.
  • उपार्ज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Gained, acquired, earned. E. उप and अर्ज्जित gained.
  • उपारत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Engaged in, occupied by. 2. Frequenting, resorting to. E. उप and आङ् before रम् to sport, क्त aff.
  • उपारम :: m. (-मः) 1. Engaging in. 2. Going to or in. E. उप and आङ् be- fore रम् to sport, affix अच् .
  • उपालब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) Reproached, reviled. E. उप and आङ् before लभि to hurt, affix क्त .
  • उपालम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Abuse, reviling. 2. Deferring, delaying. E. उप and आङ् before लभि to injure, अच् aff.
  • उपावर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. Turning round, revolving. 2. Ceasing. 3. Turning back, returning. 4. Approaching. E. उप and आङ् before वृत् to be, ल्युट् aff.
  • उपावृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Rolling on the ground. 2. Ceased, ceasing, refraining. m. (-त्तः) A horse rolling himself on the ground. E. उप and आङ् before वृत् to be, affix क्त .
  • उपाश्रय :: m. (-यः) 1. Asylum, support. 2. Reliance, dependence upon. E. उप and आङ् before श्री to serve, affix अच् .
  • उपाश्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Supporting, (literally or figuratively) bearing, holding, protecting. 2. Relying or depending upon. E. उप near, and आश्रित giving support.
  • उपासक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Worshipping, a worshipper. 2. Serving, a servant. 3. A Sudra. E. उप before अस् to be, वुन् aff.
  • उपासङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A quiver. E. उप and आङ् before षञ्ज to embrace, घञ् aff.
  • उपासन :: n. (-नं) 1. Archery. 2. Service. 3. A seat. 4. Assembling. 5. In- juring, hurting. f. (-ना) 1. Service. 2. Worship, adoration. E. उप before आस् to sit, or आङ् before अस् to throw or send, affix युच् and fem. टाप् .
  • उपासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Served, honoured, worshipped. 2. Serving, paying worship or service. E. उप inferiority, आस् to sit or remain, affix क्त .
  • उपासितृ :: m. (-ता) A worshipper. E. उप and आङ् before आस् to sit, तृन् aff.
  • उपासीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Sitting with or near to. 2. Occupying. E. उप before आसीन seated.
  • उपास्ति :: f. (-स्तिः) Service, especially of a deity, worship. E. उप before आस् to sit, क्तिन् aff.
  • उपास्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) To be worshipped or served. ind. 1. Having served or worshipped. 2. Having associated or called together. E. उप before आस् to sit, यत् or ल्यप् aff.
  • उपास्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being served or worshipped, receiving hom- age. E. उप before आस् to sit, शानच् aff.
  • उपाहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Joined, annexed. 2. Deposited, placed. 3. Put on, worn. 4. Agreed upon, made or done mutually. m. (-तः) A fiery potent, a meteor, a comet. E. उप and आङ् before धा to have or hold, affix क्त, deriv. irr.
  • उपाहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Prepared. 2. Taken, seized. E. उप and आङ् before हृ to take, क्त aff.
  • उपेक्षक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Disregarding, neglecting, disdaining. 2. Patient, enduring. E. उप before ईक्ष् to see, वुन् aff.
  • उपेक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Leaving, abandoning. 2. Disregarding, neglecting, disdaining. E. उप and ईणक्ष seeing.
  • उपेक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) 1. Trick, deceit, one of the minor expedients in war. 2. Abandoning, leaving. 3. Dissent. 4. Negligence, neglect. 5. En- durance, patience. 6. Contempt, disdain. E. उप before ईक्ष् to see, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • उपेक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Disregarded, disesteemed, neglected, disdained. E. उप before ईक्ष् to see, क्त aff.
  • उपेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Endowed with, possessed of, having, possessing. 2. Arrived at, come to, come near to. 3. Invested. E. उप and इत gone.
  • उपेतृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) 1. Contriving, contriver, one who employs expedi- ents. 2. Approaching, going near to. E. उप before इण् to go, तृच् aff.
  • उपेन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) A name of VISHNU or KRISHNA. E. उप after, इन्द्र INDRA: born subsequently to INDRA.
  • उपेन्द्रवज्रा :: f. (-ज्रा) A species of the Trishtubh metre.
  • उपेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be sought, to be had recourse to. 2. To be gone to or approached. 3. To be effected by any means. E. उप be- fore इण् to go, यत् aff.
  • उपेयिवस् :: mfn. (-वान् -युषी -वत्) 1. Accompanied or followed by, associated with, united. 2. Obtained, got. E. उप near, इण् to go, क्वसु aff.
  • उपेयुस् :: mfn. (-यूः -यूः -युः) Arrived at, gone to. E. उप before इण् to go, उस् aff.
  • उपोढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Near, proximate. 2. Married. 3. Arrayed, ar- ranged. E. उप before वह् to bear, aff. क्त .
  • उपोती :: f. (-ती) A potherb, (Basella rubra or lucida.) E. उप much, and उद water, deriv. irr.
  • उपोदकी :: f. (-की) See the preceding.
  • उपोदिका :: f. (-का) A potherb, (Basella rubra or lucida.) E. उप and उद water, कन् and टाप् affs. and इ substituted for the pen. or ई being substituted उपोदीका .
  • उपोद्घात :: m. (-तः) 1. A beginning, a thing begun. 2. An introduction, a preface. 3. An example, an apposite argument or illustration. 4. Analysis, the ascertainment of the elements of which a thing consists. E. उप before हन् to injure, aff. घञ् .
  • उपोषण :: n. (-णं) A fast, fasting. E. उप before वस to abide, aff. ल्युट् .
  • उपोषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Fasted, fasting. n. (-तं) Fast, fasting. E. उप before वस् to abide, क्त aff.
  • उप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Sown, (as seed.) E. वप् to sow, affix क्त .
  • उप्तकृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Ploughed after sowing. E. उप्त and कृष्ट ploughed.
  • उप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) Sowing seeds. E. वप् to sow, क्तिन् aff.
  • उप्तिविद् :: m. (-वित् or -विद्) An agriculturist. E. उप्ति and विद् who knows.
  • उप्तिम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Sown, cultivated. E. वप् to sow, क्तिन् aff. and मम् added.
  • उब्ज :: r. 6th cl. (उब्जति) To be straight: with नि prefixed, (त्युब्जति) To be crooked: this root is also written उज्ज and उद्ज .
  • उभ :: r. 6th cl. (उभति) To fill; also उम्भ .
  • उभ :: pron. m. and dual only, (उभौ) Both.
  • उभय :: pron. (sing. and plu. only,) (-यः-ये) Both. E. उभ and य from या to obtain, aff. ड .
  • उभयतस् :: ind. On both sides. E. उभय both, and तसि aff.
  • उभयतोदत् :: mfn. (-दन् -दती -दत्) Having a double row of teeth, (man, animal, &c.) E. उभयतस् and दत् for दन्त a tooth.
  • उभयतोमुख :: mfn. (-खः -खी -खं) Looking either way, two-faced. E. उभयतस् and मुख face.
  • उभयत्र :: ind. In both places, on both sides. E. उभय and त्रल् aff.
  • उभयथा :: ind. In both ways. E. उभय and थाल् aff.
  • उभयद्युस् :: ind. Both days, the day past and to come. E. उभय both, द्युस् aff.; or with एद्युस् aff. उभयेद्युस् .
  • उभयभागहर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Applicable to two purposes. 2. Taking two shares or parts. n. (-रं) A medicine that acts in two ways, as an emetic and a purge. E. उभय, भाग a part, and हर what takes.
  • उभयवेतन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Serving two masters, being in the pay of both. E. उभय and वेतन wages.
  • उभयसम्भव :: m. (-वः) A dilemma. E. उभय both, (conclusions,) सम्भव production.
  • उभयानुमत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Agreed to or accepted mutually, or on both sides. E. उभय and अनुमत assented to.
  • उभयार्थम् :: ind. For a double object, (as for prosperity in earth and happi- ness in heaven.) E. उभय and अर्थ an object.
  • उम् :: ind. An interjection, 1. Of anger. 2. Interrogation. 3. Promise or assent; and 4. Of cordiality or pacification.
  • उम :: m. (-मः) 1. A city, a town. 2. A wharf, a landing place. f. (-मा) 1. A name of the goddess PARVATI or DURGA. 2. Light, splendor. 3. Fame, reputation. 4. Turmeric. 5. Flax, (Linum utilatissimum.) 6. Quiet, tranquillity. E. उ particle of calling, and मा prohibition; i. e. “Practise not austerities,” the exclamation addressed to DURGA by her mother: in the other, senses it may be derived from मा to measure, or मा lustre.
  • उमाकट :: m. (-टः) The cluster of flax. E. उमा flax, कच् aff.
  • उमागुरु :: m. (-रुः) The mountain Himalaya. E. उमा the goddess, and गुरु a spiritual teacher: in mythology the personified mountain is the father of UMA.
  • उमापति :: m. (-तिः) A name of SIVA. E. उमा and पति master; the husband of UMA.
  • उमावन :: n. (-नं) A name of Vanapura or Devi Kota, (Devi Cote.) E. उमा and वन a grove; the residence of UMA.
  • उमासुत :: m. (-तः) A name KARTIKEYA. E. उमा and सुत a son, the son of PARVATI.
  • उमेश :: m. (-शः) A title of SIVA. E. उमा and ईश a lord: see उमापति .
  • उम्भ :: r. 6th cl. (प) (उम्भति) To fill; also उभ .
  • उम्य :: n. (-म्यं) A field of linseed, (Linum utilatissimum.) E. उमा flax, and यत् affix; also औमीन .
  • उम्बर :: m. (-रः) The upper-timber of a door-frame. E. उद् up, above, वृ to screen, अप् aff.
  • उम्बी :: f. (-म्बी) The stalks of wheat or barley fried over a fire of wet grass, considered as a tonic.
  • उरःक्षत :: n. (-तं) Injury of the lungs, breaking a blood-vessel, consumption. E. उरस् and क्षत lesion.
  • उरःस्थल :: n. (-लं) The breast, the bosom. E. उरस् the breast, and स्थल place.
  • उरःसूत्रिका :: f. (-का) A pearl-necklace. E. उरस् the breast, and सूत्र thread, टच् aff.
  • उर :: Sautra root. (उरति) to go.
  • उरग :: m. (-गः) A snake. E. उरस् the breast, and ग who goes, from गम् to go, affix ड; also उरङ्ग and उरङ्गम .
  • उरगस्थान :: n. (-नं) The infernal regions below the earth. E. उरग and स्थान a place or country: the abode of the Nagas or serpents.
  • उरगारि :: m. (-रिः) 1. GARUDA the bird of VISHNU. 2. A large crane. E. उरग a snake, and अरि the enemy.
  • उरगाशन :: n. (-नं) 1. A name of GARUDA the bird of VISHNU. 2. The gigantic crane. E. उरग and अशन food; whose food is of serpents.
  • उरगेन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) The king of snakes, SESHA or VASUKI. E. उरग and इन्द्र chief.
  • उरङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A snake, a serpent: see उरग, the affix being खच्; also उरङ्गम .
  • उरण :: m. (-णः) 1. A ram. 2. A cloud. f. (-णी) A ewe. E. ऋ to go, क्यु affix, leaving ण, and उ substituted for the antepenultimate.
  • उरणाक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) Cassia, (Alata.) E. उरण ram, अक्ष an eye: the flower being so compared: क being added, also उरणाक्षक .
  • उरणाख्य :: m. (-ख्यः) Cassia: see the preceding. E. उरण and आख्या a name; named from the ram; also उरणाख्यक, क being added.
  • उरभ्र :: m. (-भ्रः) A ram. E. उरु much, भ्रम् to wander, ड affix, and the final of उरु dropped.
  • उररी :: ind. A particle implying, 1. Assent. 2. Expansion: (it chiefly occurs in composition.) E. वे to weave, ररीक् aff.
  • उररीकार :: m. (-रः) A promise, an agreement. E. उररी, कार what makes.
  • उररीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Promised, agreed. 2. Spread, diffused. E. उररी and कृत made.
  • उरश्छद :: m. (-दः) Armour, mail. E. उरस् the breast, and छद a covering.
  • उरस् :: mfn. (-राः -राः -रः) Best, excellent. n. (-रः) The breast, the bosom. E. ऋ to go, Unādi affix असुन्, the pen. changed to उ; also उर a Soutra root, to go, and असुन् as before.
  • उरसिज :: m. (-जः) The female breast. E. उरस् the breast, in the 7th case, ज produced.
  • उरसिरुह :: m. (-हः) The female breast. E. उरसि on the breast, and रुह what grows.
  • उरसिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Broad-chested, having a full or broad breast. E. उरस् and इलच् aff.
  • उरस्कट :: m. (-टः) The sacrificial thread hung round the neck and upon the breast, as it is sometimes worn. E. उरस् the breast, कट् to encom- pass, अल् aff.
  • उरस्तस् :: ind. From the breast. E. उरस् and तसि aff.
  • उरस्त्राण :: n. (-णं) Mail, the breast-plate or cuirass. E. उरस्, त्रै to pre- serve, affix ल्युट् .
  • उरस्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) From the breast. mf. (-स्यः-स्या) A legitimate son or daughter, that is, one born from a married couple of the same tribe or cast. E. उरस् the breast, and यत् aff.
  • उरस्वत् :: mfn. (-स्वान् -स्वती -स्वत्) Broad-chested, full-breasted, strong. E. उरस् and मतुप् poss. aff.
  • उराह :: m. (-हः) A horse of a pale colour, with dark legs.
  • उरी :: ind. A particle, implying, (especially in composition.) 1. Promise, assent. 2. Expansion; also उररी and ऊरी .
  • उरीकार :: m. (-रः) 1. Promise. 2. Extension. E. उरी, and कार what makes.
  • उरीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Promised. 2. Expanded, spread. E. उरी and कृत made; also उररीकृत and ऊरीकृत .
  • उरु :: mfn. (-रुः -रुः -र्व्वी-रु) 1. Large, great. 2. Much, excessive. 3. Long. 4. Valuable, precious. E. ऊर्णु to cover, कु Unādi affix; ऊ is made short, and ण dropped by special rule.
  • उरुकाल :: m. (-लः) A creeper, (Cucumis colocynthis.) E. उरु and काल time, of long growth; also with कन् added उरुकालकः .
  • उरुगाय :: m. (-यः) A name of KRISHNA. E. उरग a snake, इ to go, and अच् aff.
  • उरुतर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Greater, larger. E. उरु and तरप् aff.
  • उरुतम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Greatest. E. उरु and तमप् aff.
  • उरुताप :: m. (-पः) Great heat. E. उरु much, ताप heat.
  • उरुत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Magnitude, vastness. E. उरु and त्व affix; also उरुता .
  • उरुमार्ग :: m. (-र्गः) A long road. E. उरु and मार्ग a road.
  • उरुरी :: ind. A particle, of 1. Assent. 2. Expansion: see उररी .
  • उरुवुक :: m. (-कः) The castor-oil tree, (Palma christi or Ricinus commu- nis.) E. उरु great or much, (disease,) वै to wither or dry, affix उक deriv. irr. or with ऊक affix उरुवूक .
  • उरुवूक :: m. (-कः) See the preceding.
  • उरुव्यचस् :: m. (-चाः) A malignant sprite, an imp or goblin. E. उरु much, व्यच् to deceive, असुन् Unādi aff.
  • उरुसत्त्व :: mfn. (-त्त्वः -त्त्वा -त्त्वं) Magnanimous, of a lofty nature. E. उरु and सत्त्व disposition.
  • उरुहार :: m. (-रः) A valuable necklace. E. उरु and हार a necklace.
  • उरोगामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) 1. Creeping, crawling, going on the belly as a reptile. E. उरस् and गामिन् who goes.
  • उरोग्रह :: m. (-हः) Pain of the chest, pleurisy. E. उरस् and ग्रह what seizes.
  • उरोघात :: m. (-तः) 1. Striking or beating the breast. 2. Pain in the chest. E. उरस् and घात a wound.
  • उरोज :: m. (-जः) The female breast. E. उरस् the breast, and ज produced.
  • उर्ज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Abandoned, left. E. वर्ज्ज to abandon, क्त affix, and the vowel substituted.
  • उर्णनाभ :: m. (-भः) A spider. E. उर्ण wool, नाभि a navel, affix ड .
  • उर्णा :: f. (-र्णा) 1. Wool, felt, the hair of camels, &c. 2. A circle of hair between the eye-brows. E. उर्णु to cover, ड affix; the word is proper- ly ऊर्णा, q. v.
  • उर्द :: r. 1st cl. (उर्दते) 1. To measure. 2. To play. 3. To be easy or cheerful.
  • उर्द्र :: m. (-र्द्रः) An otter. E. उर्द् to play, रन् aff.
  • उर्व्व :: r. 1st cl. (ई,) उर्वी (उर्वति) To kill or hurt.
  • उर्व्वट :: m. (-टः) A year. E. उरु much, and अट् to go, अच् aff.
  • उर्व्वरा :: f. (-रा) 1. Fertile soil, yielding every kind of crop. 2. Land in general. E. उरु much, ऋ to go, अप् and टाप् affs.
  • उर्व्वशी :: f. (-शी) The name of one of the courtezans of Swarga or INDRA'S heaven. E. उरु great, वश् to tame, अच् and ङीष् affixes; also उर्व्वसी and ऊर्व्वसी .
  • उर्व्वशीरमण :: m. (-णः) The name of AILA or PURURAVA, the second king of the line of the moon. E. उर्व्वशी, and रमण the gallant or husband of the Apsara URVASI.
  • उर्व्वशीवल्लभ :: m. (-भः) A name of AILA: see the preceding. E. As before, वल्लभ a friend, a lover, &c.
  • उर्व्वारु :: m. (-रुः) A kind of cucumber, (Cucumis utilatissimus.) See इर्व्वारु .
  • उर्व्वी :: f. (-र्व्वी) The earth. E. उरु great, ङीष् aff.
  • उर्व्वीधर :: m. (-रः) 1. A mountain. 2. The serpent SESHA. E. उर्व्वी the earth, and धर what holds.
  • उर्व्वीरुह :: m. (-हः) A tree. E. उर्व्वी and रुह what grows on.
  • उल :: Sautra root, (उलति) to burn.
  • उलप :: mn. (-पः-पं) 1. A creeping plant, a spreading creeper. m. (-पः) A kind of grass or reed, (Saccharum cylindricum.) E. बल् to be strong, अपच् affix; also उलुप .
  • उलिन्द :: m. (-न्दः) The name of a country. E. उल् to burn, किन्दच् aff.
  • उलुप :: mn. (-पः-पं) A spreading creeper. m. (-पः) A reed, (Saccharum cylindricum.) E. बल् to be strong, उपच् affix; also उलप and उलूप .
  • उलुपिन् :: m. (-पी) A porpoise, or fish resembling it. E. उ for उत् up, लुप् to disturb, &c. णिनि affix; also उलूपिन्, ऊलुपिन्, उल्लुपिन्, &c.
  • उलूक :: m. (-कः) 1. An owl. 2. A name of INDRA. 3. One of the heroes of the Mahabharata. n. (-कं) A kind of reed, (Saccharum cylindri- cum.) E. बल् to be strong, ऊक aff.
  • उलूखल :: n. (-लं) 1. A wooden mortar used for cleaning rice. 2. Bdel- lium, a gummy substance. E. उद् up, ख empty, and ल what takes: or उदू for उद्, and खल what goes; द is changed to लः see उदूखल .
  • उलूखलक :: m. (-कः) A name of Bdellium, a gummy substance, or the plant which produces it. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • उलूखलिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Pounded in a mortar, cleansed. E. उलूखल and ठक् aff.
  • उलूत :: m. (-तः) A large snake, the Boa. E. उद् much, लू to cut, and क्त aff.
  • उलूप :: m. (-पः) A spreading creeper. n. (-पं) A sort of grass. f. (-पी) A nymph of Patala married to ARJUNA. E. See उलुप .
  • उलूपिन् :: m. (-पी) A porpoise, or fish resembling it: see उलुपिन् .
  • उल्का :: f. (-ल्का) 1. A fire-brand. 2. Fire falling from heaven, a meteor, &c. 3. Flame. 4. Fire. E. उष् to burn, कक् Unādi affix, ल substi- tuted for ष; or the root is a Sautra root, उल to burn.
  • उल्कामुख :: m. (-खः) A ghost or goblin, with a face of fire, who eats what is vomited, and who was a negligent Brahman in his life-time. f. (-खी) A fox. E. उल्का a flame, मुख a mouth, ङीष् affix; the latter from the redness of his mouth.
  • उल्मुक :: m. (-कः) 1. A fire-brand, wood burning or burnt as charcoal. 2. The name of a prince. E. उष् to burn, मुक Unādi affix, ष is chang- ed to ल .
  • उल्लकसन :: n. (-नं) Horripilation, erection of the hair of the body. E. उद् up, लष् to injure, ल्युट् affix, and क inserted.
  • उल्लग्न :: m. (-ग्नः) The Lagna of any particular place. E. उत् over, लग्न the entrance of the sun into a sign.
  • उल्लङ्घन :: n. (-नं) 1. Leaping or passing over or beyond. 2. Exceeding, transgression. E. उद् before लघि to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • उल्लङ्घित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Passed over or beyond, jumped across. 2. Exceeded, transgressed. E. उद् before लघि to go, क्त aff.
  • उल्लङ्घ्य :: mfn. (-ङ्घ्यः -ङ्घ्या -ङ्घ्यं) 1. To be crossed, to be passed over or beyond. 2. To be disregarded or neglected. E. उद् before लघि to go, and यत् aff.
  • उल्लङ्घितशासन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Refractory, rebellious, disobedient. E. उल्लङ्घित and शासन order.
  • उल्लल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Shaking, trembling. E. उद् much, लल् to tremble, अच् aff.
  • उल्ललत् :: mfn. (-लन् -लन्ती -लत्) Shaking, trembling. 2. Moving irregularly or convulsively. E. उद् before लल् to tremble, affix शतृ .
  • उल्ललित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Shaken, trembling, agitated. E. उद् much, लल् to tremble, affix क्त .
  • उल्लस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) 1. Bright, shining. 2. Sporting, merry, happy. 3. Going out, issuing. E. उद् before लस् to shine, अच् aff.
  • उल्लसत् :: mfn. (-सन् -सन्ती -सत्) 1. Brilliant, shining. 2. Sporting, wanton- ing. E. उद् before लस् to shine, शतृ aff.
  • उल्लसता :: f. (-ता) 1. Splendor, brilliancy. 2. Mirth, happiness. 3. Going forth, issuing. E. उल्लस what shines, तल् aff.
  • उल्लसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Bright, splendid, shining. 2. Happy. 3. Eject- ed, brought to the top or surface. 4. Drawn up. E. उद् before लस् to shine, क्त aff.
  • उल्लाघ :: mfn. (-घः -घा -घं) 1. Recovered from sickness, convalescent. 2. Dex- trous, clever, intelligent. 3. Pure. 4. Happy, delighted. E. उद् much, लाघ to be able, अच् aff.
  • उल्लाप :: m. (-पः) Change of voice in grief, sickness, &c. E. उद् implying alteration, लप् to speak, घञ् aff.
  • उल्लास :: m. (-सः) 1. Joy, happiness. 2. Light, splendor. 3. Increase. 4. The division of a book, a chapter, a section. E. उद् much, लस् to shine, &c. घञ् aff.
  • उल्लासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Delighted, rejoicing. E. उद् before लस् to shine, causal form, क्त aff.
  • उल्लिखत् :: mfn. (-खन् -खन्ती -खत्) 1. Painting, writing. 2. Making lines or streaks, above or on high. 3. Scratching, scraping. 4. Bearing, raising. E. उद् before लिख् to write, शतृ aff.
  • उल्लिखित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Thrown up, tossed. 2. Pared, made thin. 3. Scraped, scratched. 4. Painted, delineated. 5. Written over or above. E. उद् and लिखित written.
  • उल्लिङ्गित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Discriminated, distinguished, known. E. उद् before लिगि to mark, and क्त aff.
  • उल्लुञ्चन :: n. (-नं) 1. Plucking out hair. 2. Cutting the hair. E. उद् up, लुचि to cut, affix ल्युट् .
  • उल्लेख :: m. (-खः) 1. Utterance, pronunciation. 2. Speaking. E. उद् before लिख् to write, घञ् aff.
  • उल्लेखन :: n. (-नं) 1. Raising up, elevating. 2. Vomiting. 3. Digging. 4. Seraping, paring. 5. Uttering, utterance. 6. Writing, painting. E. उद् before लिखि to write, &c. ल्युट् aff.
  • उल्लोच :: m. (-चः) An awning, a canopy. E. उद् above, लोच् to see, अच् aff.
  • उल्लोल :: m. (-लः) A surge, a large wave or billow. E. उद् up, लोड् to be furious, अच् affix, and ड becomes ल .
  • उल्व :: n. (-ल्वं) 1. The womb. 2. The embryo. 3. The membranes investing the fœtus. 4. A cavity. E. उच् to accumulate, कन् Unādi affix, and च becomes ल .
  • उल्वण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Apparent, evident. 2. Much exceeding. n. (-णं) An excess of either of the humors of the body, bile, phlegm or wind. E. उद् up, ल्वी to join, deriv. irr.
  • उब्ज :: r. 6th cl. (उब्जति) To be straight: see ऊब्ज .
  • उशत् :: mfn. (-शन् -शती -शत्) Inauspicious, (as discourse.) E. उष् to burn, शतृ part. affix; also उषत् .
  • उशनस् :: m. (-नाः) A name of SUKRA, regent of the planet Venus. E. वस् to wish, कनसि Unādi aff.
  • उशिज् :: m. (-शिक्) 1. Fire. 2. Ghee or boiled butter. E. वश् to wish, Unādi affix इज्, and व changed to उ .
  • उशी :: f. (-शी) Wish, desire. E. वश् to wish, ई Unādi aff.
  • उशीनर :: m. (-रः) 1. The name of a country, (Candahar.) 2. A king, the father of SIVI. E. उशी desire, नर a man.
  • उशीर :: mn. (-रः-रं) The root of a fragrant grass, (Androdogon muricatum.) f. (-री) A sort of grass, a small sort of Saccharum. E. वश् ta desire, ईरन् Unādi affix; also with कन् added उशीरक .
  • उष :: r. 1st cl. (ओषति) To burn. (उ,) उषु (ओषति) To kill or injure: with प्र prefixed, this root makes प्रोषति, &c.
  • उष :: m. (-षः) 1. Early morning, dawn, day-break. 2. A libidinous man. 3. Bdellium. 4. Saline earth. f. (-षा) 1. A cow. 2. Burning, scorch- ing. 3. A proper name, the wife of ANIRUDDHA. 4. Night. 5. A pot; also उखा . ind. The end of night or day-break. E. उष् to burn, क affix and fem. do टाप्; the affix of the particle is का .
  • उषण :: n. (-णं) Black pepper. f. (-णा) 1. Long pepper. 2. Chai, (Piper chavya.) 3. Dried ginger. E. उष् to burn, कनच् aff.
  • उषत् :: mfn. (-षन् -षती -षत्) Inauspicious, (as discourse:) see उशत् .
  • उषप :: m. (-पः) 1. The sun. 2. Fire. E. उष् to burn, पच् aff.
  • उषर्बुध :: m. (-धः) Fire. E. उषस् dawn, बुध् to know, क aff.
  • उषस् :: n. (-षः) 1. The dawn, morning. f. (-सी) The end of the day, twi- light. E. उष् to burn, असि Unādi aff.
  • उषस्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) Belonging to the dawn. E. उषस् and य aff.
  • उषाकल :: m. (-लः) A cock. E. उषा dawn, कल् to sound, अच् aff.
  • उषापति :: m. (-तिः) A name of ANIRUDDHA, the son of KAMADEVA. E. उषा and पति a lord, a master: the husband of USHA.
  • उषारमण :: m. (-णः) ANIRUDDHA: see the preceding. E. उषा and रमण a husband, &c.
  • उषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Stale. 2. Burnt. 3. Quick, expeditious. 4. Fixed, remaining in or on. 5. Inhabited, dwelt. E. उष् to burn, or वस् to abide, affix क्त .
  • उषितङ्गवीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Formerly inhabited by cattle. E. उषित inhabit- ed, गवीन appertaining to cattle, form गो with खश् affix: see अशितङ्गवीन .
  • उषित्वा :: ind. Having resided in. E. वस् to abide, क्त्वा aff.
  • उषीर :: mn. (-रः-रं) The root of the Andropogon muricatum. E. वश् to desire, ईरन् affix, श becomes षः see उशीर .
  • उषेश :: m. (-शः) A name ANIRUDDHA. E. उषा and ईश lord, husband: see उषापति .
  • उष्य :: mfn. (-ष्यः -ष्या -ष्यं) Fit to be dressed in a pot, or boiled, (meat, &c.) E. उषा a pot, यत् affix; also उख्य .
  • उष्ट्र :: m. (-ष्ट्रः) 1. A camel. 2. A cart, a vehicle of burthen. f. (-ष्ट्री or -ष्ट्रिका) An earthen vessel. 2. A she camel. E. उष् to burn, and ष्ट्रन् Unādi affix, fem. affix ङीष् or टाप् with इक् inserted.
  • उष्ट्रकाण्डी :: f. (-ण्डी) A flower of a red colour.
  • उष्ट्रक्रोशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Making a noise like a camel. E. उष्ट्र and क्रुश् to cry, णिनि aff.
  • उष्ट्रगोयुग :: n. (-गं) A pair of camel. E. उष्ट्र and गोयुग a couple.
  • उष्ट्रग्रीव :: m. (-वः) Hemorrhoids. E. उष्ट्र and ग्रीवा the neck.
  • उष्ट्रधूसरपुच्छिका :: f. (-का) A tree.
  • उष्ट्रपादिका :: f. (-का) Arabian jasmin. E. उष्ट्र and पाद a foot: from the shape of its flowers.
  • उष्ट्रयान :: n. (-नं) A camel litter, a vehicle drawn or borne by camels. E. उष्ट्र and यान a carriage.
  • उष्ट्रशिरोधर :: m. (-रः) Piles, hemorrhoids, bleeding piles. E. उष्ट्र a camel, शिरस् head, and धर what has.
  • उष्ण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Hot, warm. 2. Pungent, acrid. 3. Sharp, active.

4. Impetuous, warm, passionate. m. (-ष्णः) 1. The hot season, (June and July.) 2. Heat, warmth. 3. Sunshine. 4. An onion. 5. A sigh. f. (-णा) 1. Consumption. 2. Bile. E. उष् to burn, णक् aff.

  • उष्णक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Sharp, smart, active. 2. Suffering pain. 2. Bent, inclining, stooping. 4. Warming, heating. m. (-कः) 1. The hot season, two months about June and July. 2. Revolving, turn- ing round. E. वुन् added to the preceding.
  • उष्णता :: f. (-ता) Heat, warmth. E. तल् added to उष्ण; also with त्व, उष्णत्वं .
  • उष्णनदी :: f. (-दी) The river of hell. E. उष्ण hot, नदी a river.
  • उष्णरश्मि :: m. (-श्मिः) The sun. E. उण and रश्मि a ray.
  • उष्णवारण :: mn. (-णः-णं) An umbrella or parasol, a Chhattah. E. उष्ण heat, and वृ to screen, affix ल्युट् .
  • उष्णवाष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) 1. Hot vapour, steam. 2. Tears. E. उष्ण and वाष्प vapour.
  • उष्णवीर्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) 1. The gangetic porpoise. 2. Any hot or pungent sub- stance. E. उष्ण heat, वीर्य्य power, strength.
  • उष्णांशु :: m. (-शुः) The sun. E. उष्ण and अंशु a ray.
  • उष्णागम :: m. (-मः) The hot season, consisting of two months, about June and July. E. उष्ण heat, and आगम arrival.
  • उष्णाभिगम :: m. (-मः) The hot season, as above. E. उष्ण and अभिगम approach.
  • उष्णालु :: mfn. (-लुः -लुः -लु) Suffering from heat. E. उष्ण and आलु aff.
  • उष्णासह :: m. (-हः) The cold season. E. उष्ण warmth, असह intolerant.
  • उष्णिका :: f. (-का) Rice gruel. E. उष्ण warm (rice,) वुन् aff.
  • उष्णिह् :: f. (-ष्णिक्) A verse of four lines, each line being of seven syllables: it is used chiefly in the Vedas. E. उत् prefixed to ष्णिह् to be unctu- ous or bland, क्विन् aff.
  • उष्णीष :: mn. (-षः-षं) 1. A turban. 2. A diadem. 3. A distinguishing cog- nate mark. 4. The curly hair with which a Buddha is born, and which indicates his future sanctity. E. उष्ण heat, ईष् to oppose or injure, क aff.
  • उष्णीषधारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Turbaned. E. उष्णीष and धारिन् who wears.
  • उष्णोदक :: n. (-कं) Warm or hot water. E. उष्ण and उदक water.
  • उष्णोपगम :: m. (-मः) The hot season, summer. E. उष्ण, उपगम arrival.
  • उष्म :: m. (-ष्मः) 1. The hot season, (June and July.) 2. Spring, (April and May.) 3. Heat. 4. Anger, warmth of temper. 5. Ardor, eagerness. E. उष् to burn, मक् affix; also with कन् affix उष्मक, also उष्ण and उष्णक .
  • उष्मन् :: m. (-ष्मा) 1. The hot season. 2. Heat. E. उष् to burn, and मनिन् aff.
  • उष्मपा :: m. (-पाः) A heavenly spirit of an inferior order.
  • उष्मभास् :: m. (-भाः) The sun. E. उष्म and भास् what shines.
  • उष्मस्वेद :: m. (-दः) A vapour bath. E. उष्म and स्वेद sweat.
  • उष्मागम :: m. (-मः) The hot season: see उष्णागम .
  • उस्र :: m. (-स्रः) 1. A bull. 2. A ray of light. f. (-स्रा) 1. A cow. 2. A plant, (Anthericum tuberosum, Rox.) E. वस् to dwell, रक् Unādi aff.
  • उस्रधन्वन् :: m. (-न्वा) INDRA.
  • उह :: r. 1st cl. (इर्) उहिर् (ओहति) or (इ) उहि (उंहति) 1. To hurt or give pain. 2. To kill, to destroy. With वि and अप, pre. to destroy, to remove.
  • उहान :: m. (-नः) The name of a country.
  •  :: The sixth vowel of the Sanskrit alphabet, corresponding to U long, and having the sound of that letter in the word rule.
  •  :: ind. 1. An incipient particle. 2. An interjection of compassion. 3. Of regard. m. (ऊः) The moon. E. अव् to go, क्विप् affix, व becomes ऊ .
  • ऊढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Married. 2. Carried as load or burthen. f. (-ढा) A bride, a wife espoused according to the ritual. E. वह् to bear, क्त aff.
  • ऊढकङ्कट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Armed, mailed. E. ऊढ borne, कङ्गट armour.
  • ऊत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Woven. E. वेञ् to weave, affix क्त .
  • ऊति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Preserving, protecting. 2. Sewing, weaving. 3. Distil- ling. 4. Speed. 5. Sport, play. E. वेञ् to weave, &c. affix क्तिन् .
  • ऊधन्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) Produced from the udder, milk, &c. E. ऊधस्, यत् affix, and न substituted for स .
  • ऊधस् :: n. (-धः) An udder. E. वह् to bear, असि affix, deriv. irr.
  • ऊधस्य :: n. (-स्यं) Milk. E. ऊधस् and यत् aff.
  • ऊन :: r. 10th cl. (न) ऊनत् (ऊनयति) 1. To deduct or lessen. 2. To mete out in small quantities. 3. To measure.
  • ऊन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Less in number, size or degree, as fewer, smaller, inferior, &c. E. ऊन to deduct, &c. affix क .
  • ऊम :: ind. An interjection of, 1. Interrogation. 2. Anger. 3. Reproach, abuse. 4. Arrogance. n. (-मं) A city. E. अव् to preserve, &c. मन् Unādi aff.
  • ऊय :: r. 1st cl. (ई) ऊयी (ऊयते) To sew, to weave.
  • ऊररी :: ind. 1. A particle of assent. 2. Of expansion. E. ऊय् to sew, &c. ररीक् affix: see उररी .
  • ऊरव्य :: m. (-व्यः) A man of the third cast or tribe, the merchant or hus- bandman, the Vaisya. E. ऊरु a thigh, and यत् affix; being born from the thighs of BRAHMA.
  • ऊरी :: ind. A particle of, 1. Assent. 2. Of expansion: see उरी .
  • ऊरीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Promised. 2. Expanded. E. ऊरी and कृत made: see उरीकृत .
  • ऊरु :: m. (-रुः) The thigh. E. ऊर्णु to cover, कु aff.
  • ऊरुग्लानि :: f. (-निः) Weakness of the thigh. E. ऊरु and ग्लानि debility.
  • ऊरुज :: m. (-जः) A Vaisya or man of the third tribe. E. ऊरु and ज born; from the thigh of BRAHMA.
  • ऊरुदघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्ना -घ्नं) As high as the thigh. E. ऊरु and दघ्नच् affix; also ऊरुद्वयस and ऊरुमात्र, with द्वयसच् and मात्रच् affs.
  • ऊरुपर्व्वन् :: n. (-र्व्व) The knee. E. ऊरु and पर्व्वन् a joint.
  • ऊरुरी :: ind. A particle of, 1. Promise. 2. Of expansion: see ऊररी .
  • ऊरुस्तम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Paralysis of the lower extremities. 2. Rheumatism of the thigh. f. (-म्भा) The plantain tree. E. ऊरु and स्तम्भ a post.
  • ऊर्ज् :: f. (-ऊर्क्) Strength, vigour. E. ऊर्ज् to be strong, क्विप् aff.
  • ऊर्ज :: r. 10th cl. (ऊर्जयति) 1. To be strong. 2. To live.
  • ऊर्ज :: m. (-र्जः) 1. The month Kartik, (Oct.-Nov.) 2. Effort, exertion. 3. Power, strength. 4. Breath, breathing. 5. Procreative power. n. (-र्जं) Water. E. ऊर्ज to live, क aff.
  • ऊर्जस्वत् :: mfn. (-स्वान् -स्वती -स्वत्) Strong, vigorous. E. ऊर्ज and मतुप् affix, with स inserted.
  • ऊर्जस्वल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Strong, powerful. E. ऊर्ज strength, वलच् affix, and स inserted.
  • ऊर्जस्विन् :: mfn. (-स्वी -स्विनी -स्वि) Very strong. n. (-स्वि) Speaking of any thing with disdain, (a figure of rhetoric.) E. ऊर्ज and विनि affix, स inserted.
  • ऊर्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Powerful, mighty, great, excellent. 2. Exceed- ding, much. E. ऊर्ज to be strong, क्त aff.
  • ऊर्जिताश्रय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Spirited, magnanimous. E. ऊर्जित great, आश्रय receptacle.
  • ऊर्णनाभ :: m. (-भः) A spider. E. ऊर्ण wool, नाभि the navel, ड affix; also ऊर्णनाभि, the final being retained.
  • ऊर्णा :: f. (-र्णा) 1. Wool, felt, &c., the hair of sheep, deer, camels, &c. 2. A circle of the hair between the eye-brows, considered as a token of greatness. E. ऊर्णु to cover, ड and टाप् affs.
  • ऊर्णामय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Woolen, made of wool. E. ऊर्णा and मयट् aff.
  • ऊर्णायु :: m. (-युः) 1. A woollen blanket. 2. A ram. 3. A spider. E. ऊर्णा wool, युस् aff.
  • ऊर्णु :: r. 2nd cl. (ञ) ऊर्णुञ् (ऊर्णौति ऊर्णोति or ऊर्णुते) To cover, hide, con- ceal, &c. with प्र prefixed प्रोर्णौति .
  • ऊर्णुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Covered. E. ऊर्णु and क्त aff.
  • ऊर्द्दर :: m. (-रः) 1. A hero, a champion. 2. A Rakshasa, a goblin or fiend. E. ऊर्ज to be strong, दरल Unādi affix; ज is dropped.
  • ऊर्द्ध :: mfn. (-र्द्धः -र्द्धा -र्द्धं) 1. Above, upper. 2. High, elevated. 3. Abandoned: see ऊर्द्ध्व .
  • ऊर्द्धक :: m. (-कः) A kind of drum: see ऊर्द्ध्वक .
  • ऊर्द्ध्व :: mfn. (-र्द्ध्वः -र्द्ध्वा -र्द्ध्वं) 1. Above, superior, upper. 2. High. 3. Aban- doned. 4. After, subsequent. E. ऊर् substituted for उद् above, हा to leave, and ड्व affix, or with ड only ऊर्द्ध .
  • ऊर्द्ध्वक :: m. (-कः) A kind of drum. E. ऊर्द्ध्व or ऊर्द्ध्व up, and क what sounds; from its making a loud noise, or being elevated in playing; also ऊर्द्धक .
  • ऊर्द्ध्वकाय :: m. (-यः) The upper part of the body. E. ऊर्द्ध्व and काय body.
  • ऊर्द्ध्वग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Going up or above; ascending, hovering. E. ऊर्द्ध्व and ग what goes; also ऊर्द्ध्वगामिन्, &c.
  • ऊर्द्ध्वगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Gone up, risen, ascended. E. ऊर्द्ध्व, गत gone.
  • ऊर्द्ध्वगति :: f. (-तिः) Ascent, elevation. E. ऊर्द्ध्व and गति going.
  • ऊर्द्ध्वगपुर :: n. (-रं) The city of HARISCHANDRA, who with his subjects is supposed to be suspended in the atmosphere. E. ऊर्द्ध्वग going above, and पुर a city: see हरिश्चन्द्रपुर .
  • ऊर्द्ध्वगम :: m. (-मः) Upward motion of any kind E. ऊर्द्ध्व and गम going; also ऊर्द्ध्वगति .
  • ऊर्द्ध्वचरण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Supine, heels upwards. E. ऊर्द्ध्व and चरण the foot; also ऊर्द्ध्वपाद, &c.
  • ऊर्द्ध्वजानु :: mfn. (-नुः -नुः -नु) 1. Thick-kneed, long-shanked. 2. Sitting on the hams. E. ऊर्द्ध्व high, large, जानु the knee, and with कन् added ऊर्द्ध्वजानुक .
  • ऊर्द्ध्वज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Thick-kneed: see the preceding. E. ऊर्द्ध्व and ज्ञ substituted for जानु; also ऊर्द्ध्वज्ञु .
  • ऊर्द्ध्वज्ञु :: mfn. (-ज्ञुः -ज्ञुः -ज्ञु) See the preceding.
  • ऊर्द्ध्वत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Height, elevation. E. त्व added to ऊर्द्ध्व; also with तल् ऊर्द्ध्वता .
  • ऊर्द्ध्वदृष्टि :: mfn. (-ष्टिः -ष्टिः -ष्टि) Looking up or upwards. E. ऊर्द्ध्व and दृष्टि sight.
  • ऊर्द्ध्वदेव :: m. (-वः) A name of VISHNU. E. ऊर्द्ध्व superior, and देव deity.
  • ऊर्द्ध्वन्दम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Exalted, elevated. E. ऊर्द्ध्व upper, दम् to tame. अप् aff.
  • ऊर्द्ध्वपातन :: n. (-नं) 1. Causing to ascend. 2. Sublimation. E. ऊर्द्ध्व and पातन Causing to go.
  • ऊर्द्ध्वपात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A sacrificial vessel. E. ऊर्द्ध्व and पात्र a vessel.
  • ऊर्द्ध्वपाद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Heels upwards. m. (-दः) A fabulous animal with eight legs. E. ऊर्द्ध्व superior, exceeding, पाद a foot.
  • ऊर्द्ध्वपुण्ड्र :: m. (-ण्ड्रः) A perpendicular line on the forehead made with Sandal, &c. a Vaishnava mark. E. ऊर्द्ध्व above, पुण्ड्र a similar mark.
  • ऊर्द्ध्वबाहु :: m. (-हुः) An ascetic, one who holds his arms above his head constantly till they are fixed in that position. E. ऊर्द्ध्व and बाहु the arm.
  • ऊर्द्ध्वरेतस् :: m. (-ताः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. Of BHISHMA. 3. A description of saint, one who lives in perpetual chastity. E. ऊर्द्ध्व up, above, and रेतस् semen virile.
  • ऊर्द्ध्वलिङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A name of SIVA. E. ऊर्द्ध्व and लिङ्ग the generative organ.
  • ऊर्द्ध्वलोक :: m. (-कः) Swarga, the heaven of INDRA or paradise. E. ऊर्द्ध्व and लोक a world; the world above.
  • ऊर्द्ध्ववर्त्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) The atmosphere, heaven. E. ऊर्द्ध्व above, and वर्त्मन् a path.
  • ऊर्द्ध्ववायु :: m. (-युः) The wind in the upper part of the body. E. ऊर्द्ध्व and वायु wind.
  • ऊर्द्ध्ववृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Put on, above or over the head. E. ऊर्द्ध्व and वृत worn.
  • ऊर्द्ध्वशोधन :: n. (-नं) Vomiting. E. ऊर्द्ध्व and शोधन purifying.
  • ऊर्द्ध्वस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Above, superior, placed on high; also ऊर्द्ध्वस्थित mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) E. ऊर्द्ध्व and स्थ what stays or is.
  • ऊर्द्ध्वस्थिति :: f. (-तिः) 1. A horse's back, the part where the rider sits. 2. Elevation, superiority. E. ऊर्द्ध्व above, and स्थिति being, staying.
  • ऊर्द्ध्वासित :: m. (-तः) The name of a vegetable, (Momordica charantia.) E. ऊर्द्ध्व above, आसित thrown: raised above other fruits.
  • ऊर्म्मि :: mf. (-र्म्मिः) or f. only, (-र्म्मी) 1. A wave. 2. A current, the flowing of water. 3. A fold or plait in a garment. 4. A Light, manifesta- tion. 5. Speed, velocity. 6. Mental suffering, distress, uneasiness. 7. Pain. 8. Missing, regretting. 9. Human infirmity, as grief, illusion, hunger, thirst, decay. death. 10. Association. 11. Number, quanti- ty. E. ऋ to go, मि Unāadi affix, ऊ substituted for the initial letter.
  • ऊर्म्मिका :: f. (-का) 1. A finger-ring. 2. A plait or fold in a garment. 3. A wave. 4. Regret, sorrowing for anything lost. 5. The buzzing of a bee. E. As the preceding, कन् &c. added.
  • ऊर्म्मिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) 1. Crooked. 2. Wavy, billowy. E. ऊर्म्मि a wave, and मतुप् poss. aff.
  • ऊर्म्मिमत्ता :: f. (-त्ता) 1. Undulation. 2. Crookedness. E. ऊर्म्मिमत् and तल् added.
  • ऊर्म्मिमालिन् :: m. (-ली) The ocean. E. ऊर्म्मि a wave, माला a necklace, and इनि affix; whose necklace is the surge.
  • ऊर्व्वरा :: f. (-रा) Fertile soil, land bearing any and every crop: see उर्व्वरा .
  • ऊर्व्वष्टीवत् :: n. (-वत्) The thigh and knee. E. ऊरु and अष्ठीवत् the knee pan.
  • ऊर्व्वसी :: f. (-सी) A nymph of Swarga: see उर्व्वशी . Also written ऊर्व्वशी .
  • ऊर्व्व्यङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) A mushroom. E. ऊर्व्वी for उर्व्वी the earth, and अङ्ग body: earth-born.
  • ऊर्षा :: f. (-र्षा) A kind of grass, (Andropogon serratum:) see देवताडक . E. वृष् to rain, अङ् and टाप् affixes, व changed to ऊ .
  • ऊलूक :: m. (-कः) An owl. E. बल् to be strong, and ऊक affix; ब become ऊ .
  • ऊलूपिन् :: m. (-पी) A porpoise: see ऊलपिन्, &c.
  • ऊष :: r. 1st cl. (ऊषति) To be diseased or disordered.
  • ऊष :: m. (-षः) Salt-ground, soil impregnated with saline particles. n. (-षं) Dawn, day-break. f. (-षा) The wife of ANIRUDDHA. E. ऊष् to be or make sick, क affix, fem. टाप्: see उषा .
  • ऊषक :: n. (-कं) Dawn, day-break. E. As before, कन् added.
  • ऊषण :: n. (-णं) Black pepper. f. (-णा) Long pepper: see उषण .
  • ऊषर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) A spot with saline soil. E. ऊष such soil, रच् aff.
  • ऊषवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Consisting of saline soil, (a place, &c.) E. ऊष and poss. affix मतुप् .
  • ऊह :: r. 1st cl. (ऊहते) To reason, to apprehend and infer: with प्र and वि to intermit; with वि, to array in order of battle; with सम् prefixed, (समूहति or -ते) to assemble or to be assembled.
  • ऊह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) 1. Reasoning. 2. Completing a defective sentence or verse, supplying an ellipsis. E. ऊह् to deliberate, घञ् affix, or with ल्युट् affix, ऊहन .
  • ऊहन :: n. (-नं) Reasoning, inferring, concluding. E. ऊह् to deliberate, affix ल्युट् .
  • ऊहनी :: f. (-नी) A broom. E. वह् to carry, ल्युट् and ङीष् affixes; व is chang- ed to ऊ .
  • ऊहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिनी -हि) 1. Who or what reasons. 2. Who or what assembles. f. (-णी) An assemblage, a collection. E. ऊह reasoning, इनि aff.
  • ऊह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) To be investigated, to be supplied. E. ऊह् to reason, यत् aff.
  •  :: The seventh vowel of the Sanskrit alphabet, and peculiar to it. It corresponds in sound with RI, in merrily.
  •  :: f. (आ) A name of ADITI, the mother of the gods. ind. 1. An expres- sion of abuse. 2. An articulate sound. 3. An expression of laugh- ter. 4. A sound inarticulate or reiterated as in stammering.
  •  :: r. 1st cl. (ऋच्छति) 1. To go, to approach. 2. To gain, to acquire;

(the radical is changed to ऋछ before an initial mute श .) r. 3rd cl. (ईयर्त्ति) To go; (some confine this root to the Vedas.) r. 5th cl. (ऋणोति) To kill, to injure; also रि .

  • ऋक्थ :: n. (-थं) 1. Wealth, possessions, property. 2. Gold. E. ऋच् to praise, थक् Unādi aff.
  • ऋक्थग्रहण :: n. (-णं) Receiving or inheriting property. E. ऋक्थ wealth and ग्रहण taking.
  • ऋक्थग्राह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Who inherits or takes property. m. (-हः) in- heriting or receiving property. E. ऋक्थ and ग्रह् to take, with घञ् affix; also with णिनि, ऋक्थग्राहिन् mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि .)
  • ऋक्थजात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Accumulated, added, (as property.) E. ऋक्थ wealth and जात produced.
  • ऋक्थभाग :: m. (-गः) 1. Division of property, inheritance, partition. 2. A share. E. ऋक्थ property and भाग division.
  • ऋक्थभागिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) An heir, a coheir, inheriting or sharing property. E. ऋक्थ and भागिन् who shares.
  • ऋक्थहर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) An heir, a coheir. E. ऋक्थ and हर who takes.
  • ऋक्थहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) An heir, inheriting or sharing property. E. ऋक्थ and हारिन् who takes.
  • ऋक्शत :: n. (-तं) A hundred texts. E. ऋच् a prayer, and शत a century.
  • ऋक्संहिता :: f. (-ता) The collection of the prayers and hymns of the Rik Veda. E. ऋच् and संहिता compendium.
  • ऋक्ष :: r. 5th cl. (ऋक्ष्णोति) To kill, to hurt or seek to hurt.
  • ऋक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Pierced, cut, divided. mn. (-क्षः-क्षं) A star, a con- stellation. m. (-क्षः) 1. A mountain in the peninsula, the temporary residence of RAMA. 2. A bear. 3. A plant, (Bignonia Indica.) E. ऋष् to go, Unādi affix स, the radical final then becomes क, and स be- comes ष; and क and ष form the compound letter क्ष .
  • ऋक्षगन्धा :: f. (-न्धा) 1. A kind of potherb, (Convolvulus argenteus.) 2. Another sort, (Convolvulus paniculatus.) E. ऋक्ष a bear, and गन्ध smell, smelling like a bear.
  • ऋक्षगन्धिका :: f. (-का) A kind of potherb, (Convolvulus paniculatus, the pale sort:) see the preceding. E. As before, कन् added.
  • ऋक्षर :: n. (-रं) A shewer, a stream. m. (-रः) A family priest. E. ऋष् to go, and सर Unādi affix: see the derivation of ऋक्ष .
  • ऋक्षविभावन :: n. (-नं) Observing or seeing the stars. E. ऋक्ष and विभावन noticing.
  • ऋक्षेश :: m. (-शः) The moon. E. ऋक्ष a star, ईश lord.
  • ऋक्षेष्टि :: m. (-ष्टिः) Offering worship to the planets and stars. E. ऋक्ष and इष्टि worship.
  • ऋग्वेद :: m. (-दः) The Rich or Rik Veda, the first of the four Vedas. E. ऋच् and वेद a Veda.
  • ऋग्वेदविद् :: m. (-वित् or -विद्) A Brahman familiar with the Rik Veda. E. ऋग्वेद and विद् who knows.
  • ऋच् :: r. 6th cl. (ऋचति) 1. To praise. 2. To cover, to screen.
  • ऋच् :: f. (ऋक्) 1. Rik or Rig Veda, one of the four principal religious books of the Hindus. 2. A stanza of a prayer or hymn of the Rig Veda. 3. A mantra, a magical invocation, a mystical prayer. E. ऋच् to praise, affix क्विप्, celebrating the praises of the gods.
  • ऋचीष :: n. (-षं) A frying pan. m. (-षः) A hell. E. ऋज् to fry, ईषन् affix, च substituted for ज; also ऋजीष .
  • ऋच्छ :: r. 6th cl. (ऋच्छति) 1. To go, to move. 2. To fail in faculties. 3. To become hard or stiff, to congeal. 4. To incur.
  • ऋच्छरा :: f. (-रा) A harlot, a courtezan. E. ऋच्छ् to go, अर Unādi affix, and टाप् for the fem.
  • ऋज :: r. 1st cl. (अर्जते) 1. To go. 2. To stand or be firm. 3. To be strong. 4. To acquire, to gain or earn. 5. To live. With a prefix ending in अ, the radical vowel is changed to आर, as in the pass. voice, (प्रार्ज्यते) (इ) ऋनि (ऋजते) To fry.
  • ऋजीक :: m. (-कः) 1. INDRA. 2. Smoke. E. ऋज and कीकन् Uṇadi aff.
  • ऋजीष :: n. (-षं) 1. A frying pan. 2. A hell. E. ऋज् to fry, ईषन् Unādi affix: see ऋचीष .
  • ऋजु :: mfn. (-जुः -जुः -जु) 1. Straight. 2. Straight metaphorically, as in morals, upright, honest. E. ऋज् to go, affix कु .
  • ऋजुकाय :: m. (-यः) A name of the saint KASYAPA. E. ऋजु straight, काय body.
  • ऋजुता :: f. (-ता) 1. Uprightness, sincerity. 2. Straightness. E. ऋजु with तल् affix; also with त्व, ऋजुत्वं .
  • ऋजूकरण :: n. (-णं) Straightening. E. ऋजु and करण making; the vowel lengthened.
  • ऋजूकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Made straight. E. ऋजु and कृत made; the vowel lengthened.
  • ऋज्र :: m. (-ज्रः) A leader. E. ऋज् to go, रन् Unādi aff.
  • ऋञ्जसान :: m. (-नः) A cloud. E. ऋजि to go, शानच् Unādi aff.
  • ऋण :: r. 8th cl. (उ) ऋणु (अर्णोति or अर्णुते, ऋणोति or -णुते) To go; according to some it is ऋन .
  • ऋण :: n. (-णं) 1. Debt. 2. A fort, a strong hold. 3. (In algebra,) Ne- gative quantity, minus. E. ऋ to go, क्त affix, deriv. irr.
  • ऋणकर्तृ :: mfn. (-र्ता -त्री -र्तृ) Getting into debt, indebted. E. ऋण and कर्तृ who makes.
  • ऋणग्रस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Indebted, involved in debt. E. ऋण and ग्रस्त seized.
  • ऋणग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. Borrowing. 2. A borrower. E. ऋण and ग्रह taking.
  • ऋणग्राहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) Borrowing, a borrower. E. ऋण and ग्राहिन् who takes.
  • ऋणदातृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) One who pays a debt. E. ऋण and दातृ who gives. Also ऋणद mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) and ऋणदायिन् mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि .)
  • ऋणदान :: n. (-नं) Payment of debt. E. ऋण and दान giving.
  • ऋणमत्कुण :: m. (-णः) A security, a bail. E. ऋण debt, मत्कुण an insect.
  • ऋणमार्गण :: m. (-णः) A security. E. ऋण, मृग् to cleanse, in the causal, and ल्युट् affix.
  • ऋणमुक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Discharge of a debt. E. ऋण and मुक्ति emancipation.
  • ऋणमोक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) Paying a debt. E. ऋण and मोक्ष released.
  • ऋणवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Owing, in debt. E. ऋण and मतुप् aff.
  • ऋणशोधन :: n. (-नं) Payment or discharge of a debt. E. ऋण and शोधन purifying.
  • ऋणादान :: n. (-नं) Recovery of a debt, receipt of money, &c. lent. It is one of the eighteen titles or subjects of judicial procedure. E. ऋण and आदान receiving.
  • ऋणान्तक :: m. (-कः) The planet MARS. E. ऋण, अन्त end, and क affix of agency: being the patron of debtors.
  • ऋणापनयन :: n. (-नं) Discharge of a debt. E. ऋण and अपनयन removing.
  • ऋणापनोदन :: n. (-नं) Payment of a debt. E. ऋण and अपनोदन removing.
  • ऋणापाकरण :: n. (-णं) Paying off a debt. E. ऋण and अपाकरण acquittance.
  • ऋणिक :: m. (-कः) A debtor. E. ऋण debt. वुन् aff.
  • ऋणिन् :: mfn. (-णी -णिनी -णि) 1. Indebted. 2. Of or belonging to a debt. m. (-णी) A debtor. E. ऋण and इनि aff.
  • ऋणोद्ग्रहण :: n. (-णं) Recovering a debt in any way from the creditor, by friendly or legal proceedings, by stratagem, or by arrest. E. ऋण and उद्ग्रहण taking.
  • ऋत :: r. 6th cl. (ऋतति) 1. To go. 2. To have power. 3. To domineer. 4. To hate.
  • ऋत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Gone. 2. Enlightened, luminous. 3. Worshipped, respected. 4. True. n. (-तं) 1. Gleaning. 2. Water. 3. Truth. E. ऋ to go, affix क्त .
  • ऋतधामन् :: m. (-मा) A name of VISHNU. E. ऋत luminous, धामन् abode; whose residence is brilliant.
  • ऋतव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Seasonable, in season, relating to a season. E. ऋतु and यत् aff.
  • ऋति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Prosperity, felicity. 2. A road, a way. 3. Abuse, cen- sure, reproach. 4. Envy, emulation. 5. Going, motion. 6. Ill for- tune. E. ऋ and क्तिन् aff.
  • ऋतिङ्कर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Propitions, fortunate. E. ऋति and कर what makes.
  • ऋतीया :: f. (-या) 1. Censure, reproach, (according to some.) 2. Shame. E. ऋत Sautra root, to abuse, ईयच् affix, fem. टाप् .
  • ऋतु :: m. (-तुः) 1. A season, (the Hindu year is divided into six seasons, each consisting of two months.) 2. The menstrual evacuation. 3. The time favourable for procreation, or sixteen days in each month. 4. A month. 5. A kind of collyrium. 6. Light. E. ऋ to go, तु Unādi aff.
  • ऋतुकाल :: m. (-लः) 1. The duration of a season. 2. The period of menstru- ation. 3. The period favourable for procreation, sixteen days in each month. E. ऋतु and काल time.
  • ऋतुगण :: m. (-णः) The seasons collectively. E. ऋतु and गण a class.
  • ऋतुपर्य्याय :: m. (-यः) The revolution of the season. E. ऋतु and पर्य्याय revolution.
  • ऋतुप्राप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Fruitful, fertile, &c. productive in due season. E. ऋतु season, and प्राप्त attained.
  • ऋतुमती :: f. (-ती) A woman during menstruation. E. ऋतु, मतुष् aff.
  • ऋतुवृत्ति :: m. (-त्तिः) A year. E. ऋतु a season, वृत्ति being.
  • ऋतुराज :: m. (-जः) Spring. E. ऋतु and राजा king.
  • ऋतुलिङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) 1. A sign of the season. 2. A symptom of menstrua- tion. E. ऋतु and लिङ्ग a mark.
  • ऋतुसन्धि :: f. (-न्धिः) The interval or junction between two seasons: the last seven days of one season and the first seven of the next. E. ऋतु and सन्धि union.
  • ऋतुसात्म्य :: n. (-त्म्यं) Diet, &c. suited to the season. E. ऋतु and सात्म्य suitableness.
  • ऋतुस्नाता :: f. (-ता) A woman who has bathed after menstruation. E. ऋतु and स्राता bathed.
  • ऋते :: ind. Besides, except. E. ऋत Sautra root, to except, के aff.
  • ऋतोक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Speaking truth. E. ऋत and उक्ति saying.
  • ऋत्वन्त :: m. (-न्तः) The close of a season. 2. The termination of menstru- ation. E. ऋतु and अन्त term.
  • ऋत्विज् :: m. (-त्विक्) 1. A domestic chaplain, a family priest. E. ऋतु a season, यज् to worship, affix क्विन्, deriv. irr.
  • ऋद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Prosperous, thriving, rising, &c. n. (-द्धं) 1. Stored grain. 2. A demonstrated conclusion, a distinct result. E. ऋघ् to grow, &c. affix क्त .
  • ऋद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) 1. A medicinal plant; also सिद्धि . 2. Increase, growth. 3. Fortune, prosperity. 4. A name of the goddess PARVATI. E. ऋध to grow, &c., क्तिन् aff.
  • ऋद्धिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Rich, prosperous. E. ऋद्धि and मतुप् aff.
  • ऋध :: r. 4th cl. (उ) ऋधु (ऋध्यति) To increase, to grow, to flourish, to prosper. r. 5th cl. (ऋध्नोति) 1. To increase, &c. 2. To augment or make increase. 3. To please.
  • ऋफ :: r. 6th cl. (ऋफति) To injure, to kill; also रिफ .
  • ऋभु :: m. (-भुः) 1. A deity. 2. A divinity of a particular order. E. ऋ the mother of the gods, भू to be, डु affix; also रिभु .
  • ऋभुक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. A name of INDRA. 2. INDRA'S heaven or paradise. 3. The thunderbolt of INDRA. E. ऋभु a deity, क्षि to waste, to go, ड aff.
  • ऋभुक्षिन् :: m. (-क्षा) INDRA. E. ऋभुक्ष paradise, &c. इनि aff.
  • ऋम्फ :: r. 6th cl. (ऋम्फति) To injure, to kill; also रिम्फ .
  • ऋश्य :: m. (-श्यः) The painted or white-footed antelope. E. ऋष् to go, क्यप् affix; also ऋष्य and रिश्य .
  • ऋष :: r. 1st cl. (अर्षति) To take, to receive, to choose. (ई) ऋषी r. 6th cl. (ऋषति) To go, to approach.
  • ऋषभ :: m. (-भः) 1. (In composition,) best, excellent. 2. A bull. 3. A dried plant, one of the eight principal medicaments. 4. The second of the seven notes of the Hindu gamut, in abbreviation, Ri. 5. The first of the twenty-four principal Jinas or Jaina saints. 6. The hollow of the air. 7. The name of a mountain. 8. A croco-

dile's tail. 9. A boar's tail. f. (-भी) 1. A masculine woman, a woman with a beard, &c. 2. A widow. 3. Cowach, (Carpopogon pruriens.) E. ऋष् to go, अभच् Unādi aff.

  • ऋषभर्व्वज :: m. (-जः) A name of SIVA. 2. A Jaina saint. E. ऋषभ and ध्वज a sign: he whose symbol is a bull.
  • ऋषि :: m. (-षिः) A Rishi or sanctified personage so called: there are seven orders of these saints, as the Srutarshi, Kandarshi, Paramarshi, Maharshi, Rajarshi, Brahmarshi and Devarshi: the uncompounded name is especially applied to seven sages, of the Brahmarshi order, cotemporary with each MANU; those of the present Manwantara, are MARICHI, ATRI, ANGIRAS, PULASTYA, PULAHA, KRATU and VASISHTHA: the names of each series differ: specified also form, in astronomy, the asterism of the greater bear: the Rishi of a Mantra or mystic prayer in the Vedis, is the saint by whom it is supposed to have been remembered or recited. 2. A Veda. 3. A ray of light. 4. A saint or sanctified sage in general. f. (-षी) The wife of a Rishi. E. ऋष् to go, इन् Unādi affix, fem. affix ङीष्; who goes beyond the limits of earthly life and wisdom.
  • ऋषिकुल्या :: f. (-ल्या) A river E. ऋषि a saint, कुल्या an artificial canal: a ca- nal made by the saints.
  • ऋषिगण :: m. (-णः) A company or number of sages. E. ऋषि and गण a number.
  • ऋषिजाङ्गल :: m. (-लः) See the next.
  • ऋषिजाङ्गलिकी :: f. (-की) A potherb, (Convolvulus argenteus:) see वृद्धताडक . E. ऋषि and जाङ्गलिक a dealer in antidotes, affix ङीप् .
  • ऋषिप्रोक्ता :: f. (-क्ता) A plant: see माषपर्णी . E. ऋषि, प्रोक्त mentioned.
  • ऋषियज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) The study of Scripture. E. ऋषि a sage, and यज्ञ sacrifice.
  • ऋषीवह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Bearing or conveying a Rishi. E. ऋषि and वह what bears, the final made long.
  • ऋष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) A sword. E. ऋष् to go, affix क्तिन् .
  • ऋष्य :: m. (-ष्यः) The painted or white-footed antelope. n. (-ष्यं) A sort of leprosy. E. ऋष् to go, क्यप् affix: also ऋश्य, रिश्य .
  • ऋष्यकेतु :: m. (-तुः) A name of ANIRUDDHA the son of KANDARPA. E. ऋष्य and केतु a sign; having a deer for his symbol: some read this रिश्वकेतु, and others ऋश्यकेतु, ऋष्यकेतन, रिष्यकेतु, &c.
  • ऋष्यगता :: f. (-ता) A plant, (Asparagus recemosus.) E. ऋषि and अ before गत gone.
  • ऋष्यगन्धा :: f. (-न्धा) A potherb, (Convolvulus argenteus:) see वृद्धताडक . E. ऋषि, अ priv. and गन्ध smell.
  • ऋष्यजिह्व :: n. (-ह्वं) A sort of leprosy. E. ऋष्य the deer and जिह्वा the tongue; to which the blotches are compared.
  • ऋष्यप्रोक्ता :: f. (-क्ता) 1. Cowach, (Carpopogon pruriens.) 2. Asparagus racemosus. 3. Sida, (cordifolia and rhombifolia.) E. See ऋषिप्रोक्ता .
  • ऋष्यमूक :: m. (-कः) A mountain in the Dakshin, the temporary abode of RAMA with the monkey-chief SUGRIVA. E. ऋष्य a deer, मूक dumb.
  • ऋष्यशृङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) The name of a holy sage celebrated in the first book of the Ramayana.
  •  :: The long vowel corresponding to the short one preceding, and having the sound of RI long.
  •  :: r. 9th cl. (गि) (ॠणोति) To go or move.
  •  :: f. (री) 1. The mother of the gods. 2. Also of the demons. 3. Re- collection. m. (आ) 1. A name of BHAIRAVA. 2. An Asura or demon. 3. The breast. 4. Motion, going. ind. 1. Incipient particle. 2. An interjection of compassion. 3. Of reproach. 4. Of terror. 5. A mys- tical letter used in the Tantras.
  •  :: The ninth vowel of the Nagari Alphabet, having the power of Lri, but more usually considered to be expressed by Li as in Lily.
  •  :: aptote. 1. The divine nature. 2. The earth. 3. A mountain. ind. A mystical letter.
  •  :: The long vowel corresponding to the preceding short one, Lri or Li.
  •  :: aptote. 1. A divine female. 2. The female nature. 3. A mother. m. (ॡः) A name of SIVA. f. (ॡः) 1. The mother of the demons. 2. The mother of the all-bestowing cow. ind. A mystical letter used once or repeatedly in many Mantras or mystical formulæ. The letters ॠ and ऌ are employed in the same manner: they have ap- parently no signification, but are personified and invested with marvellous properties in the Tantras.
  •  :: The eleventh vowel of the alphabet, corresponding to the letter E as pronounced in most languages except the English, and having the sound of A in amiable.
  •  :: ind. An interjection of, 1. Remembering, (ha.) 2. Censure or con- tempt. 3. Compassion, (ah!) 4. Addressing, (eh! hey.) 5. Calling, (hey, ho.)
  •  :: m. (-एः) A name of VISHNŪ.
  • एक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. One. 2. Alone, solitary. 3. Other, different. 4. Chief, pre-eminent. E. इण् to go, Unādi affix कन् .
  • एकऋक्थिन् :: m. (-थी) A coheir. E. एक one (father,) ऋक्थिन् heir.
  • एकक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Alone, solitary. E. एक one, &c. कन् aff.
  • एककर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. Making one. 2. One-handed. 3. One-rayed. E. एक and कर making, &c.
  • एककार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) Performing the same office, answering the same end. E. एक and कार्य्य act.
  • एककाल :: m. (-लः) One or the same time. E. एक and काल time.
  • एककालभोजन :: n. (-नं) Eating but one meal in any given time. E. एककाल and भोजन food.
  • एककालीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Coeval, cotemporary. E. एक and कालीन relating to time.
  • एककुण्डल :: m. (-लः) 1. A name of BALARĀMA. 2. An epithet of KUVERA. E. एक and कुण्डल an ear-ring: wearing it in one ear.
  • एकक्षीर :: n. (-रं) The milk of one (nurse; &c.) E. एक and क्षीर milk.
  • एकगुरु :: m. (-रुः) A spiritual brother, pupil of the same preceptor. E. एक and गुरु a religious preceptor; also with कन् added एकगुरुक .
  • एकग्रामीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Of the same town or village. E. एक one, ग्रामीण villager.
  • एकचक्र :: m. (-क्रः) The name of a city: see हरिगृह . E. एक, चक्र a circle.
  • एकचर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. Solitary, alone. 2. Having one follower. m. (-रः) A rhinoceros. E. एक alone, and चर who goes.
  • एकचारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Going alone or with one follower only. m. (-री) A follower of BUDDHA. E. एक one, चर् to go, णिनि aff.
  • एकचित्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Thinking of one thing only, intent upon, absorbed in. 2. Of one mind, agreeing, concurring. E. एक one, चित्त the mind.
  • एकजन्मन् :: m. (-न्मा) 1. A king, a sovereign. 2. A Sudra. E. एक best or one, जन्मन् birth.
  • एकजात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Of one parentage, born of the same parents. E. एक and जात born.
  • एकजाति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) 1. Of the same caste. 2. Once born. m. (-तः) A Sudra. E. एक one, and जाति birth or caste: not being regenerat- ed by investiture, &c.
  • एकज्या :: f. (-ज्या) 1. The chord of an arc. 2. Sine of 30° or of the radius. E. एक and ज्या a cord.
  • एकतम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) One of many. E. एक and डतमच् affix of the superlative.
  • एकतर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Either, one of two. 2. Other, different. E. एक and डतरच् affix of the comparative.
  • एकतस् :: ind. On one side, on one part. E. एक and तसिल् aff.
  • एकता :: f. (-ता) Unity, oneness. E. एक and तल् affix. or with त्व aff. एकत्व n. (-त्वं)
  • एकतान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Closely attentive, having the mind fixed on one only object. m. (-नः) Musical unison: see the next. E. एक, तन् to stretch or spread, घञ् aff.
  • एकताल :: m. (-लः) Harmony, unison, the accurate adjustment of song, dance, and instrumental music. f. (-ली) An instrument for heating time, any instrument having but one note. E. एक one, uniform, and ताल musical measure or time.
  • एकतीर्थिन् :: m. (-र्थी) A spiritual brother, an associate in religious offices or objects. E. एक one, the same, तीर्थ place of pilgrimage, इनि aff.
  • एकत्र :: ind. Together, in one, in one place. E. एक and त्रल् aff.
  • एकदंष्ट्र :: m. (-ष्ट्रः) A name of GANESA. E. एक and दंष्ट्र a tooth, single toothed or tusked; the fellow being broken off in a scuffle by KARTIKEYA, or according to another legend by PARSURAMA; also एकदन्त .
  • एकदन्त :: m. (-न्तः) A name of GANESA: see the preceding. E. एक and दन्त a tooth.
  • एकदा :: ind. At the same time, at once. E. एक and दाच् aff.
  • एकदुःखसुख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खं) Sympathizing, having the same joys and sorrows. E. एक, and दुःख pain, सुख pleasure.
  • एकदृश् :: mfn. (-दृक्) One-eyed. m. (-दृक्) 1. A name of MAHADEVA. 2. A crow. E. एक and दृश् an eye: SIVA is termed one-eyed, from the eye in his forehead.
  • एकदेश :: m. (-शः) A part, a portion, a division. E. एक and देश place.
  • एकदेह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) 1. Elegatnly formed. 2. Single bodied. m. (-हः) The planet MERCURY. E. एक best or one, and देह body.
  • एकधा :: ind. In one way. E. एक and धाच् aff.
  • एकधुर् :: f. (-धूः) A particular burthen or conveyance. E. एक and धुर् a load.
  • एकधुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Cattle for special burthen, fit for but one kind of labour. E. See एकधुरीण .
  • एकधुरावह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) See the preceding. E. एक, धुर burthen, and आवह who bears.
  • एकधुरीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Cattle of special burthen. E. एक, धुर a burthen, ख affix which leaves ईण, or with अ affix forming एकधुर .
  • एकनट :: m. (-टः) The principal actor in a drama, the manager. E. एक chief, and नट an actor.
  • एकनाथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) Having one master. m. (-थः) Sole master or lord. E. एक and नाथ lord.
  • एकपक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) An associate, a firm ally or partizan. E. एक one, पक्ष part: of the same side or party.
  • एकपत्नी :: f. (-त्नी) 1. A faithful wife, one devoted to her husband. 2. The wife of a man who has no other wives. E. एक one or excellent, पति a husband, न substituted for the final, and ङीप् aff.
  • एकपत्रिका :: f. (-का) A plant, white basil, E. एक end, पत्र a leaf.
  • एकपद :: adv. n. (-दं) Then, at that time, at once. m. (-दः) A single inflec- tion of a verb or noun. f. (-दी) A road, a path or way. E. एक one, पद a foot, fem. affix ङीप् .
  • एकपरि :: ind. One over, a term at dice. E. एक and परि over, against.
  • एकपात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sudden, rapid, coming suddenly or at once. E. एक and पात falling upon.
  • एकपाद् :: m. (-त्) A name of SIVA. E. एक best, and पाद् a ray.
  • एकपिङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A name of KUVERA. E. एक one, and पिङ्ग tawny: hav- ing a yellow mark in the place of one of his eyes.
  • एकपिङ्गल :: m. (-लः) See the preceding. E. As before.
  • एकपिण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डा -ण्डं) Related, near of kin, united by the offering of the funeral cake. E. एक and पिण्ड a funeral cake.
  • एकपिण्डता :: f. (-ता) Connexion by the funeral cake, consanguinity. E. एक- पिण्ड and तल् affix; also with त्व, एकपिण्डत्वं .
  • एकफल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Having one or a principal result or object. E. एक and फल fruit.
  • एकभक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Attached to a common master. 2. Wor- shipping one deity. 3. Eating together. 4. Eating but one meal, (a day.) E. एक and भक्त attached to, or भक्त food.
  • एकभक्तव्रत :: n. (-तं) Eating but once a day as a religious obligation. E. एक, भक्त food, व्रत vow.
  • एकभक्ति :: mfn. (-क्तिः -क्तिः -क्ति) 1. Of one faith. 2. Believing in one deity. E. एक and भक्ति faith.
  • एकभाव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Of a simple or single nature or temperament. E. एक and भाव disposition.
  • एकभुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Eating but one meal, (a day, &c.) 2. Eating together. E. एक and भुक्त eaten.
  • एकभोजन :: n. (-नं) 1. Eating in common, feeding together. 2. Eating one meal a day, &c. E. एक and भोजन food.
  • एकमुख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खी-खं) 1. Having one chief or head. 2. Onefaced. E. एक and मुख the mouth.
  • एकमूला :: f. (-ला) 1. A plant, (Asparagus racemosa.) 2. Flax, (Linum.) E. एक and मूल root.
  • एकयष्टिका :: f. (-का) A single string of flowers, pearls, &c. E. एक and यष्टिका a necklace, &c.
  • एकयोनि :: mfn. (-निः -निः -नि) Uterine, of the same mother. E. एक and योनि womb.
  • एकरज :: m. (-जः) A plant, (Verbesina scandens:) see भृङ्गराज . E. एक excel- lent, and रजस् farina.
  • एकरस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Of one flavour. E. एक and रस flavour.
  • एकरात्र :: n. (-त्रं) One night, a night. E. एक and रात्रि night.
  • एकरात्रिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) For a night, of a night. E. एक and रात्रि night, with ठक् aff.
  • एकराशि :: f. (-शिः) A heap, a crowd. E. एक and राशि a heap.
  • एकराशिभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Heaped or collected together. E. एकराशि and भूत become.
  • एकल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Alone, solitary; a various reading of एकक .
  • एकलिङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A name of KUVERA. 2. A place or district in which for five Cos there is but one Phallus. E. एक one or best, लिङ्ग a mark, &c.
  • एकवद्भाव :: m. (-वः) An aggregate of many, as in grammar, the formation of a compound noun of several nouns. E. एक, वत् like, भाव property.
  • एकवर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Of one caste or tribe. 2. Of one colour. 3. Of one quality. m. (-र्णः) One unknown quantity, (in algebra.) f. (-र्णी) Beating time, marking musical measure by clapping the hands, or the instrument which does so, a castanet: see एकताली . E. एक, वर्ण a quality, a note, and ङीष् aff.
  • एकवर्णसमीकरण :: n. (-णं) Uniliteral equation. E. एकवर्ण and समीकरण equation.
  • एकवर्षिका :: f. (-का) A heifer one year old. E. एक, वर्ष a year, ठक् aff.
  • एकवाद :: m. (-दः) A musical instrument, a kind of drum or tabor. E. एक principal, वाद sound: high-sounding.
  • एकवीर :: m. (-रः) A chief warrior. E. एक and वीर a hero.
  • एकवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A desert-place, in which but one tree is seen for four Cos. E. एक and वृक्ष a tree.
  • एकवेणी :: f. (-णी) 1. A single braid of hair. 2. A woman whose hair is tied in one braid. E. एक and वेणी a tress.
  • एकशफ :: m. (-फः) 1. A horse. 2. Any animal whose hoof is not cloven. E. एक one, uniform, and शफ a hoof.
  • एकशरण :: n. (-णं) One only hope or refuge, especially applied to a deity. E. एक and शरण protection.
  • एकशरीर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Consanguineous, of one body or blood. 2. Of one or the same body. E. एक, शरीर body.
  • एकशरीरान्वय :: m. (-यः) Consanguineous descent. E. एकशरीर and अन्वय lineage.
  • एकशरीरारम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) Commencement of consanguinity by the union of father and mother. E. एकशरीर and आरम्भ beginning.
  • एकशरीरावयव :: m. (-वः) A descendant in a right line, a kinsman by blood. E. एकशरीर and अवयव a member.
  • एकशरीरावयवत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Consanguineous descent or connexion. E. त्व added to the last.
  • एकशाख :: m. (-खः) A Brahman of the same branch or school. E. एक and शाखा a branch, (of the Vedas.)
  • एकशृङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A title of VISHNU or KRISHNA. 2. A unicorn, a rhinoceros, &c. E. एक and शृङ्ग a mark or horn.
  • एकसर्ग :: mfn. (-र्गः -र्गा -र्गं) Closely attentive, having the mind intent upon one object. E. एक one, and सृज् to create, घञ् aff.
  • एकसूत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A small double drum, played by a string and ball at- tached to the body of it: see वृषाङ्कज . E. एक and सूत्र a thread.
  • एकसूनु :: m. (-नुः) An only son. E. एक, and सूनु a son.
  • एकस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Collected, assembled, conjoined, in one site or place. E. एक and स्थ what stays.
  • एकस्थान :: n. (-नं) One place, the same place. E. एक and स्थान place.
  • एकहायनी :: f. (-नी) A heifer one year old. E. एक, हायन a year, affix ङीष् .
  • एकाकिन् :: mfn. (-की -किनी -कि) Alone, solitary. E. एक and आकिनिच् aff.
  • एकाक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) One-eyed. m. (-क्षः) A crow. E. एक and अक्षि an eye.
  • एकाक्षर :: n. (-रं) A monosyllable, especially the sacred monosyllable Om. E. एक and अक्षर a letter.
  • एकाग्र :: mfn. (-ग्रः -ग्रा -ग्रं) 1. Intent, closely attentive, fixed on one object. 2. Undisturbed, unperplexed. 3. Known, celebrated. 4. Single- pointed. m. (-ग्रः) The whole of a long line which is subdivided. E. एक and अग्र chief, &c.
  • एकाग्रता :: f. (-ता) Close and undisturbed attention. E. तल् added to the preceding; also with त्व, एकाग्रत्वं .
  • एकाग्र्य :: mfn. (-ग्र्यः -ग्र्या -ग्र्यं) Closely attentive: see the preceding. E. एक, अग्र्य chief, &c.
  • एकाङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) The planet MERCURY. n. (-ङ्गं) Sandal. E. एक best, pre- eminent, and अङ्ग body.
  • एकादश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) Eleven, eleventh. f. (-शी) The eleventh day of the half month: it is especially sacred to VISHNU and fasting on it is most efficacious. E. एकादशन् eleven, affix ड .
  • एकादशन् :: plur. mfn. (-श) Eleven. E. एक one, दशन् ten, with आङ् inserted.
  • एकानंशा :: f. (-शा) A name of PĀRVATĪ. E. अंश a part, with the neg. pref. and एक pre-eminent: chief and undivided.
  • एकानुदिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Left, as a funeral feast, one who has recent- ly partaken of it. E. एक one, (ancestor,) अनु after, दिष्ट shown.
  • एकान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Excessive. 2. Solitary, lonely, retired. 3. Aside, apart. adv. n. (-न्तं) 1. Much, excessive. 2. Apart. E. एक one and अन्त end.
  • एकान्तकरुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Very compassionate, weakly charitable. E. एकान्त and करुण charitable.
  • एकान्ततस् :: ind. 1. Alone, apart, privately. 2. Much, exceedingly. E. एकान्त and तसिल् aff.
  • एकान्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Next but one. E. एक and अन्तर between.
  • एकान्तस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Staying alone or apart. E. एकान्त and स्थित staying.
  • एकाब्दा :: f. (-ब्दा) A heifer one year old. E. एक and अब्द a year.
  • एकायन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Closely attentive, intent. E. एक, अयन going.
  • एकायनगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) See the preceding. E. एकायन and गत being, having gone.
  • एकावली :: f. (-ली) A single string of beads, flowers, &c. E. एक and आवली a row.
  • एकार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) 1. Having one sense or meaning. 2. Having one or the same object. E. एक and अर्थ meaning.
  • एकाश्रितगुण :: m. (-णः) A simple attribute or predicate, as form, taste, smell, &c. E. एक one, आश्रित invested, गुण property.
  • एकाष्टी :: f. (-ष्टी) A pod or seed of cotton.
  • एकाष्टील :: m. (-लः) A plant: see वकपुष्प; the flowers are sacred to SIVA. f. (-ली) A medicinal plant, (Cissampelos hexandra.) E. एक best, अष्टि seed, and ल what gives or takes, from ला with क aff.
  • एकाह :: n. (-हं) The period of one day. E. एक and अहन् a day.
  • एकाहगम :: m. (-मः) A day's journey. E. एकाह and गम going.
  • एकीभाव :: m. (-वः) Common nature or property. E. एक with च्वि augment, and भाव nature.
  • एकीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) A companion, a partizan or associate. E. एक one, and छण् affix. also एकपक्ष .
  • एकैक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Single, one by one E. एक repeated.
  • एकैकशस् :: ind. One by one, severally, seriatim. E. एक repeated, with शसि aff.
  • एकोद्दिष्ट :: n. (-ष्टं) The Sraddha or funeral rite offered to one person only. E. एक and उद्दिष्ट addressed to.
  • एकोशिका :: f. (-का) A plant, (Cissampelos hexandra:) see एकाष्टील .
  • एकौघभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Heaped, crowded together. E. एक one, ओघ quantity, भूत become.
  • एज :: r. 1st cl. (ऋ) (एजृ) (एजते) To shine. (एजति) To shake or tremble.
  • एजन :: n. (-नं) Shaking, trembling. E. एज् and ल्युट् aff.
  • एजयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Causing to shake or tremble. E. एज् to shake, causal form, शतृ aff.
  • एजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Shaken, trembling. E. एज् to shake, क्त aff.
  • एजितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be shaken. E. एज and तव्य aff.
  • एजितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Shaking, trembling. E. एज् and तृच् aff.
  • एठ :: r. 1st cl. (एठते) To annoy, to resist or oppose.
  • एड :: mfn. (-डः -डा -डं) Deaf. E. ईड् to praise, आङ् prefixed, अच् or घञ् aff.
  • एडक :: m. (-कः) 1. A ram. 2. A wild goat. f. (-का) A ewe. E. ईल् to go, ण्वुल् affix; and ल changed to ड .
  • एडगज :: m. (-जः) A medicinal plant, used for the cure of ring-worms, (Cassia tora.) E. एड a sheep, गज to sound, अच् aff.
  • एडमूक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Deaf and dumb. 2. Wicked, perverse. E. एड deaf, and मूक dumb.
  • एडुक :: n. (-कं) 1. A building constructed of rubbish, bones, &c. 2. A wall enclosing bones, a tomb, &c. 3. A building of hard subs- tances resembling bones. E. ईड to throw or send, deriv. irr.; also एडूक and एडोक .
  • एण :: mf. (-णः-णी) A kind of deer or antelope, described as being of a black colour, with beautiful eyes, and short legs. E. इण् to go, ण aff.
  • एणक :: m. (-कः) A species of deer or antelope: see the preceding. E. कन् added to एण .
  • एणतिलक :: m. (-कः) The moon. E. एण an antelope, and तिलक the secta- rial mark; a deer being fancifully visible in the moon.
  • एणभृत् :: m. (-त्) The moon. E. एण and भृत् who nourishes: see the preceding.
  • एणाजिन :: n. (-नं) A deer-skin. E. एण and अजिन the same.
  • एत :: mfn. (-तः -ता or -ती -तं) Of a variegated colour. (-तः -ता -तं) Arrived, come. m. (-तः) 1. A deer or antelope. 2. A variegated colour. E. इण् to go, तन् affix; when signifying colour, the fem. affix is either टाप् or ङीप्, and before the latter, त is changed to न .
  • एतद् :: pron. mfn. (एषः एषा एतद् or एतत्) This. E. एत derived from इण् to go, and तद् Unādi aff.
  • एतन :: m. (-नः) Expiration, breathing out, discharging air from the lungs. E. इण् to go, तनन् aff.
  • एतर्हि :: ind. Now, at this time. E. एत substituted for इदम् . and र्हिल् aff.
  • एतश :: m. (-शः) A Brahman. E. इण् to go, and तश Unādi aff.
  • एतशस् :: m. (-शाः) A Brahman or man of the first class. E. इण् to go, तशस् aff.
  • एतादृश् :: mfn. (-दृक्) Such, such like. E. एतद् this. दृश् to see, क्विप् aff.
  • एतादृश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) Such, such like. E. एतद् this, दृश् to see, कञ् aff.
  • एतावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) So many, so much, so far. ind. (-वत्) So far, thus far, so much, &c. E. एतद्, and मतुप् or वति aff.
  • एत्थ :: ind. Having gone to or approached. E. इण् to go, ल्यप् aff.
  • एध :: r. 1st cl. (एधते) To grow or increase.
  • एध :: m. (-धः) Fuel, as wood, grass, &c. E. एध् to increase, घञ् aff.
  • एधतु :: mfn. (-तुः -तुः -तु) Increased, grown. m. (-तुः) 1. Man. 2. Fire. E. एध् to increase, तु Unādi aff.
  • एधनीय :: mfn. (-तः -या -यं) To be enlarged or increased. E. एध् to grow, and अनीयर् affix; also एधितव्य and एध्य .
  • एधस् :: n. (-धः) Fuel: see एध . E. एध् to grow, Unādi affix असुन् .
  • एधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Increased, grown. E. एध् to increase, affix क्त .
  • एधितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Increasing, growing, enlarging. E. एध् to grow, and तृच् aff.
  • एनस् :: n. (एनः) 1. Sin, fault, offence. 2. Censure, blame. E. इण् to go, असुन् Unādi affix, and नुम् inserted.
  • एनस्विन् :: mfn. (-स्वी -स्विनी -स्वि) Sinful, a sinner. E. एनस् and विनि aff.
  • एरका :: f. (-का) A sort of grass of emollient and diluent properties.
  • एरङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A kind of fish; also एलङ्ग .
  • एरण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) The castor-oil plant, (Palma christi or Ricinus com- munis.) f. (-ण्डी) Long pepper. E. इर् to go, &c. आङ् prefixed, अण्डच् affix, fem. affix ङीष्; also with कन् added एरण्डक .
  • एरण्डक :: m. (-कः) Palma christi: see the preceding.
  • एरण्डपत्रिका :: f. (-का) A plant, commonly Danti. E. एरण्ड, and पत्र leaf, having similar leaves.
  • एरण्डफला :: f. (-ला) A plant: see the preceding. E. एरण्ड, and फल fruit.
  • एर्वारु :: m. (-रुः) A kind of cucumber, (Cucumis utilatissimus.) E. See ईर्व्वारु .
  • एलक :: m. (-कः) A ram: see एडक . E. ड and ल being interchanged.
  • एलङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A sort of fish, (Cyprinus marginatus, BUCH.) Also एरङ्ग .
  • एलवालु :: n. (-लु) The name of a perfume: see the next word.
  • एलवालुक :: n. (-कं) A granular substance apparently vegetable, of a red- dish brown colour, and used as a drug and as a perfume. E. एला cardamoms, वल् to breathe, उण् affix, and कन् added, or without कन्, एलवालु .
  • एलविल :: m. (-लः) A name of KUVERA: see ऐलविल .
  • एला :: f. (-ला) Cardamoms, the seed of the Eletteria cardamomum, or Alpinia Cardamomum: it applies to both the large and small cardamom, but most commonly to the former. E. इल् to send, &c. अच् aff.
  • एलापत्र :: m. (-त्रः) One of the chiefs of the Nagas or serpent-race.
  • एलापर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A plant, (Mimosa octandra.) E. एला cardamoms, and पर्ण a leaf, ङीष् fem. aff.
  • एलीका :: f. (-का) Small cardamoms. E. एला, and ईकन् added.
  • एव :: mfn. (एवः एवा एवं) Going, moving. ind. As, like, &c.: see एवम् . E. इण् to go, Unadi affix वन्: see the next.
  • एवम् :: ind. A particle implying, 1. Likeness, (as, so, like.) 2. Assent,

(yes, verily.) 3. Sameness of manner, (thus, in this way.) 4. Certainly, (indeed, assuredly, even so.) 5. Command, (so, thus, &c.) 6. An expletive. E. इण् to go, वम् affix; also एव .

  • एवम्भूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) So such, in such manner. E. एवम्, and भूत been.
  • एवम्विध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Such, in such form or manner, of such a kind E. एवम्, and विध sort, way.
  • एष :: r. 1st. cl. (ऋ) एषृ (एषते) To go or approach.
  • एषण :: m. (-णः) An iron arrow. f. (-णी) 1. A goldsmith's balance, assay scales. 2. An iron or steel probe. E. एष् to go, ल्युट् and ङीष् aff.
  • एषणिका :: f. (-का) A goldsmith's balance. E. As before, with कन् and टाप् added.
  • एषणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be desired, desirable. 2. To be aimed at. E. इष् to wish, affix अनीयर् .
  • एषा :: f. (-षा) Desire. E. इष् to wish, अङ् and टाप् aff.
  • एषितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Wishing, desirous. E. इष् to wish, तृच् aff.
  • एष्टृ :: mfn. (-ष्टा -ष्ट्री -ष्टृ) Wishing, desirous. E. इष् to wish, तृच् aff.
  •  :: The twelfth vowel of the Nagari alphabet, or more properly a diphthong; corresponding in sound to Ei in height.
  •  :: ind. An interjection of, 1. Remembering, (aye, ha) 2. Calling, summoning, (hola, ho, heigh.)
  •  :: m. (ऐः) A name of SIVA.
  • ऐकध्य :: n. (-ध्यं) Singleness of time or occurrence. E. एक, and ध्यमुञ् aff.
  • ऐकमत्य :: n. (-त्यं) Consent, concurrence, sameness of doctrine or opinion. E. एक one, मत minded, ष्यञ् aff.
  • ऐकशफ :: mfn. (-फः -फा -फं) Produced by or belonging to animals with single hoofs. E. एकशफ, and अण् aff.
  • ऐकागारिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. A thief, a robber. 2. The possessor of one residence. E. एक one, अगार a house, affix ठक् .
  • ऐकाग्र्य :: n. (-ग्र्यं) Intentness on one object. E. एकाग्र, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • ऐकान्यिक :: m. (-कः) One who commits a single error in reading. E. एक and अन्य other, ठक् aff.
  • ऐकाहिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Ephemeral, quotidian, of one day, of the same day. E. एक and अहन् a day, ठञ् aff.
  • ऐक्य :: n. (-क्यं) 1. Unity, oneness. 2. A whole of various parts, an aggre- gate, a total. E. एक, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • ऐक्षव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Sugar, sugary, produced from or relating to the sugar-cane. E. इक्षु sugar-cane, अण् aff.
  • ऐक्षुक :: m. (-कः) A carrier of sugar-canes. E. इक्षु, and ठञ् aff.
  • ऐक्षुभारिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Carrying sugar-canes. E. इक्षु, and भार a load, ठञ् aff.
  • ऐक्ष्वाक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Of the family of IKSHWAKU. E. ईक्ष्वाकु, and अञ् affix, the final rejected.
  • ऐक्ष्वाकव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Of the family of IKSHWAKU. E. ईक्ष्वाकु, and अण् aff.
  • ऐङ्गुद :: n. (-दं) The fruit of the plant called Inguda. E. इङ्गुद the plant, affix अण् .
  • ऐच्छिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Optional, voluntary, at will. E. इच्छा wish, ठञ् aff.
  • ऐडुक :: n. (-कं) A wall, &c. of bones and rubbish: see एडुक .
  • ऐण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) Belonging to a male antelope. E. एण an antelope, अण् aff.
  • ऐणिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Belonging to a deer, &c. m. (-कः) A hunter, a deer-killer. E. एण, and ठञ् aff.
  • ऐणेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Appertaining to a doe or the female antelope. E. एणी a doe, affix ढक् .
  • ऐतरेयोपनिषद् :: f. (-षद् or -षत्) One of the Upanishads of the Vedas.
  • ऐतिहासिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Historical. m. (-कः) A historian. E. इतिहास a story, and ठक् aff.
  • ऐतिह्य :: n. (-ह्यं) Traditional instruction. E. इतिहा tradition, ञ्य aff.
  • ऐन्दव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Lunar. n. (-वं) The asterism Mrigasiras. f. (-वी) A plant, (Serratula anthelmintica.) E. इन्दु the moon, अण् aff.
  • ऐन्द्र :: mfn. (-न्द्रः -न्द्रा -न्द्रं) Sacred, or relating to the god INDRA. m. (-न्द्रः) 1. A name of the monkey king BALI. 2. A name of ARJUNA. f. (-न्द्री) 1. The wife of INDRA. 2. The goddess DURGA. 3. Misfortune, misery, (personified.) 4. The name of a plant, a kind of cucumber, (Cucumis madraspatanus.) 5. The constellation Jyeshṭha. 6. The east quarter, of which INDRA is regent. E. इन्द्र, and अण् aff.
  • ऐन्द्रजालिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Deceptive, illusory. m. (-कः) A juggler. E. इन्द्रजाल Deception, and ठक् aff.
  • ऐन्द्रलुप्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Afflicted with falling of the hair or morbid baldness. E. इन्द्रलुप्त falling of the hair, and ठक् aff.
  • ऐन्द्राग्न :: m. (-ग्नः) A ceremony, &c. addressed to INDRA and AGNI. E. इन्द्र, and अग्नि, with अण् aff.
  • ऐन्द्रायुध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Relating to INDRA'S bow or the rainbow. E. इन्द्रायुध, and अण् aff.
  • ऐन्द्रावरुण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) Sacred to INDRA and VARUNA. E. इन्द्र, and वरुण with अण् aff.
  • ऐन्द्रि :: m. (-न्द्रिः) 1. The patronymick of JAYANTA the son of INDRA. 2. A name of the monkey BALI. 3. A name of ARJUNA. 4. A crow. E. इन्द्र, इञ् patronymick aff.
  • ऐन्द्रियक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Perceptible, perceived, present. 2. Of or belonging to the sense. E. इन्द्रिय an organ of sense, and वुञ् aff.
  • ऐरावण :: m. (-णः) INDRA'S elephant. E. इरावत् the ocean, अण् affix of descent; ocean-born: न is changed irregularly to ण .
  • ऐरावत :: m. (-तः) 1. INDRA'S elephant. 2. The same, considered as the elephant of the north quarter. 3. An orange. 4. A fruit, (Arto- carpus lacucha.) 5. A serpent, one of the chiefs of the Naga or serpent race, inhabiting the infernal regions. f. (-ती) 1. Lightning. 2. A particular kind of it. 3. The female of INDRA'S elephant. 4. The Ravi river in the Panjab. n. (-तं) INDRA'S bow unbent, the rainbow. E. इरावत् water-having; that is, the ocean, a cloud, &c. अण् affix implying origin or descent; born from the ocean, (the elephant,) proceeding from watery clouds, (lightning, &c.)
  • ऐरिण :: n. (-णं) Fossil or rock salt. E. इरिन् earthly, अण् aff.
  • ऐरेय :: n. (-यं) A spirituous liquor. E. इरा wine, ढक् affix: see मैरेय .
  • ऐल :: m. (-लः) The name of a king, also PURURAVA. E. इला the wife of BUDDHA, अण् patronymick affix; the son of ILA.
  • ऐलवालुक :: n. (-कं) A perfume: see एलवालुक .
  • ऐलविल :: m. (-लः) A title of KUVERA. E. इलविला the wife of PULASTYA, and the paternal grand-mother of the deity, affix अण्; also ऐड- विल, ऐडविड, एलविल, &c. ल and ड being interchanged.
  • ऐलेय :: n. (-यं) A perfume: see एलवालुक . E. एला cardamoms, ढक् aff.
  • ऐश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) 1. Divine. 2. Regal. E. ईश, and अण् aff.
  • ऐशानी :: f. (-नी) The north-east quarter. E. ईशान SIVA, as regent of the north-east, अण् and ङीष् affs.
  • ऐशिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Divine, heavenly. 2. Regal, royal. E. ईश, and ठक् aff.
  • ऐश्वर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Divine, relating to god, &c. 2. Royal, supreme. E. ईश्वर, and अण् aff.
  • ऐश्वर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) 1. Super-human power, the divine faculties of omni- presence, omnipotence, invisibility, &c. 2. Supremacy, dominion, away, power, might. E. ईश्वर a master, a deity, ष्यञ् aff.
  • ऐषमस् :: ind. The present year. E. इदम् this, समसण् aff.
  • ऐषमस्त्य :: mfn. (-स्त्यः -स्त्या -स्त्यं) Of or belonging to the present year. E. ऐषमस्, and त्यय affix; or with द्यु affix, ऐषमस्तन mfn. (-नः -ना -नं .)
  • ऐष्टिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Sacrificial, ceremonial. E. इष्टि a sacrifice, ठञ् aff.
  • ऐष्टिकपौर्त्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Ceremonial and meritorious, (any act, &c.) E. इष्टापूर्त्त any pious act, ठञ् aff.
  • ऐहलौकिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Of this world, terrestrial, sublunary. E. इह here, लोक world, ठञ् aff.
  • ऐहिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Worldly, local, of this world, of this place. E. इह here, and ठञ् aff.
  •  :: The vowel O, and the thirteenth of the Nagari alphabet.
  •  :: ind. 1. A vocative particle, (ho.) 2. An interjection of calling, (ho, hola.) 3. Of reminiscence, (ho, ah.) 4. Of compassionating, (ah, oh.)
  •  :: m. (ओः) BRAHMA.
  •  :: ind. The mystical monosyllable Om: see ओम् .
  • ओक :: m. (-कः) 1. A house. 2. An asylum, a refuge: see ओकस् . 3. A bird E. उच् to assemble, क aff.
  • ओकण :: m. (-णः) A bug; also ओकणि .
  • ओकस् :: n. (-कः) 1. An asylum, a place of refuge. 2. A house. E. उच् to collect, असुन् Unadi affix, च becomes क .
  • ओकुल :: m. (-लः) A cake of flour.
  • ओकोदनी :: f. (-नी) A bug.
  • ओक्कणी :: f. (-णी) A bug.
  • ओख :: r. 1st. cl. (ऋ) ओखृ (ओखति) and with a prefix, as प्र प्रोखति) 1. To dry or arid. 2. To adorn. 3. To be able or competent, to suffice. 4. To refuse or prevent.
  • ओघ :: m. (-घः) 1. A heap or quantity, flock or multitude. 2. A stream, a torrent, rapid flow of water, an inundation. 3. Quick time in music. 4. Tradition. 5. Advice, instruction. E. उच् to collect, घञ् affix, and च is changed to घ .
  • ओङ्कार :: m. (-रः) The mysterious name of the deity: see ओम् . f. (-रा) A Bauddha Sakti, or female personification of divine energy. E. ओम् and कार affix implying a letter, the compound letter ओ; other- wise ओम्, signifying assent, and कार who makes; what complies with our wishes.
  • ओज :: (त) r. 1st. cl. (ओजति) 1. To live, to have the vital faculties and organs. 2. To be strong or able.
  • ओज :: m. (-जः) See the following.
  • ओजस् :: n. (-जः) 1. Light, splendor. 2. Manifestaion, appearance. 3. Strength. 4. Support, stay. 5. Metallic lustre. 6. Vitality, the principle of vital warmth and action diffused throughout the body. 7. Virility, the generative faculty. 8. A form of style, elabo- rate style, abounding with compounds. 9. (In astrology,) Each alternate sign of the zodiac, first, third, fifth, &c. E. ओज to live, and असुन् affix; or with अच् affix ओज .
  • ओजस्विन् :: mfn. (-स्वि -स्विनी -स्वि) 1. Mighty, powerful, strong. 2. Splendid, bright. E. ओजस् and विनि aff.
  • ओडक :: m. (-कः) A musical mode, which omits two of the notes of the scale, Ri and Pa.
  • ओडिका :: f. (-का) Wild rice.
  • ओडी :: f. (-डी) Wild rice.
  • ओड्र :: m. (-ड्रः) 1. The China rose, (Hibiscus mutabilis.) 2. The name of of a country, the northern part of Orissa. E. उड to embrace, रक affix, and उ is changed to ओ .
  • ओड्रपुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) The China rose, the plant or its flower. E. ओड्र China rose, and पुष्प a flower.
  • ओण :: r. 1st cl. (ऋ) ओणृ (ओणति) To remove, to take away or abstract.
  • ओतु :: m. (-तुः) A cat. E. अव् to go, &c. and तु Unadi affix, the radical is changed to ओ .
  • ओदन :: mn. (-नः-नं) Boiled rice. f. (-निका-नी) A plant, (Sida cordifolia, &c.) see वला E. उन्द् to be wet, ल्युट् Unadi affix, and न dropped.
  • ओद्म :: m. (-द्मः) Wetting, moistening. E. उन्द् to be wet, मम् aff.
  • ओम् :: ind. 1. The mystic name of the deity, prefacing all the prayers and most of the writings of the Hindus. E. अ a name of VISHNU, उ of SIVA, and म of BRAHMA; it therefore implies the Indian triad, and expresses the three in one. 2. A particle of command or in- junction. 3. Of assent, (verily, amen.) 4. Of auspiciousness. 5. Of removal, (away, hence,) and, 6. It is an inceptive particle. E. अव् to go, to preserve, &c. मन् Unadi affix, the radical being convert- ed into ओ .
  • ओल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Wet, damp; also ओल्ल . m. (-लः) An esculent root, (Arum campanulatum.) E. वल or वल्ल to destroy, (complaints, es- pecially hœmorrhoids,) अच् affix, व changed to ओ .
  • ओलड :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (इ) ओलडि (ओलण्डति or ओलण्डयति) To dart or throw up: some consider the initial vowel to be indicatory, and make the root लडि q. v.
  • ओष :: m. (-षः) Burning, combustion. E. उष् to burn, घञ् aff.
  • ओषण :: m. (-णः) Pungency, pungent taste or flavour. f. (-णी) A potherb, commonly Purya. E. उष् to burn, and ल्युट् aff.
  • ओषधि :: f. (-धिः) An annual plant or herb, one that dies after becoming ripe. E. ओष heat, and धा to have, कि affix; or with ङीष्, ओषधी; or with इञ् affix, औषधि .
  • ओषधी :: f. (-धी) An annual plant or deciduous herb: see the preceding.
  • ओषधोपति :: m. (-तिः) The moon. E. ओषधी and पति lord: presiding over annual plants.
  • ओषधीश :: m. (-शः) The moon. E. See the preceding; ईश meaning lord.
  • ओष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) The lip, especially the upper, &c. du. m. (ओष्ठौ or ओष्ठाधरौ) The lips: see अधर . f. (-ष्ठी) A creeper, bearing a red flower, to which the lip is commonly compared, (Bryonia grandis.) E. उष् to burn, थन् Unadi affix, fem. affix ङीष्: see विम्ब .
  • ओष्ठपल्लव :: n. (-वं) A lip or the lips. E. ओष्ठ and पल्लव a new shoot.
  • ओष्ठरोग :: m. (-गः) Any morbid affection of the lips. E. ओष्ठ and रोग disease.
  • ओष्ठोपमफला :: f. (-ला) The creeper, (Bryonia grandis:) see ओष्ठी . E. ओष्ठ a lip, उपम like, फल a flower, अच् and टाप् affixes; whose flower resembles a lip.
  •  :: The diphthong Au or Ou, having the same sound as in Our, and considered as the fourteenth vowel of the Nagari alphabet.
  •  :: ind. An interjection of, 1. Calling, (ho! hola.) 2. Of addressing, (the vocative particle oh.) 3. A particle of prohibition, and 4. Of asseveration.
  •  :: m. (औः) The serpent ANANTA. f. (औः) The earth.
  •  :: ind. The mystical prefix proper for Sudras: see ओम् .
  • औक्थक :: m. (-कः) A Brahman acquainted with the Uktha portion of the Sama Veda. E. उक्थ and ठक् aff.
  • औक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षी -क्षं) Relating to an ox, derived from one, &c. E. उक्षन्, and अण् aff.
  • औक्षक :: m. (-कः) A herd of oxen. E. उक्ष an ox, वुञ् aff.
  • औख्य :: mfn. (-ख्यः -ख्या -ख्यं) Boiled or dressed in a pot. E. उखा a cauldron, a saucepan, यञ् aff.
  • औचित्य :: nf. (-त्यं-ती) Propriety, aptness, fitness. E. उचित proper, ष्यञ् affix in the abstract sense.
  • औजसिक :: m. (-कः) A hero. E. ओजस् strength, ठक् aff.
  • औडुपिक :: m. (-कः) A passenger, one going in a raft or boat. E. उडुप and ठक् aff.
  • औडुम्बर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Coppery, made of copper, &c. 2. Made of the wood of the Udumbara fig tree. m. (-रः) A name of YAMA the regent of death. n. (-रं) 1. A kind of leprosy. 2. Copper. E. उडुम्बर and अण् affix: see उडुम्बर, उदुम्बर, &c.
  • औड्र :: m. (-ड्रः) An Uriya, an inhabitant of Urissa. E. ओड्र, and अण् aff.
  • औत्कर्ष्य :: n. (-र्ष्यं) Excellence, superiority. E. उकर्ष, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • औत्तमि :: m. (-मिः) The third MENU. E. उत्तम, and इञ् patronymic. k. aff.
  • औत्तरपथिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Going or coming in a northerly direction. E. उत्तर, पथ for पथिन् a road, ठक् aff.
  • औत्तानपादि :: m. (-दिः) A name of DHRUVA, in mythology the son of UTTANAPADA, and grandson of the first MENU; in astronomy, the polar star, or the north pole itself. E. उत्तानपाद, and इञ् patro- nymick aff.
  • औत्पातिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Portentous, calamitous. E. उत्पात, and ठक् aff.
  • औत्सङ्गिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Carried or placed upon the hip or flank. E. उत्सङ्ग, and ठक् aff.
  • औत्सर्गिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Omitting, leaving. 2. Terminative, com- pleting, relating or belonging to a final ceremony, by which the rite is dismissed. 3. Natural, inherent. 4. Derivative, produced from or of, directly and naturally. E. उत्सर्ग abandoned, and ठञ् aff.
  • औत्सुक्य :: n. (-क्यं) Anxiety, perturbation, regret. E. उत्सुक anxious, ष्यञ् aff.
  • औदक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Watery, aquatic, of or belonging to water. E. उदक, and ठञ् aff.
  • औदनिक :: m. (-कः) A cook. E. ओदन boiled rice, and ठक् aff.
  • औदरिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Selfishly voracious. E. उदर the belly, and ठक् aff.
  • औदश्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Made of buttermilk, &c. n. (-तं) Buttermilk with an equal proportion of water. E. उदश्वित् the same, and अण् affix; or with कस् added औदश्वित्क .
  • औदार्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Magnanimity, generosity, greatness. E. उदार liberal, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • औदास्य :: n. (-स्यं) Philosophy, stoicism, indifference. E. उदास, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • औद्दालक :: n. (-कं) A bitter and acrid substance like honey, said to be found in the nest of the white ant.
  • औद्धत्य :: n. (-त्यं) Arrogance, disdain. E. उद्धत haughty, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • औद्धारिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Heritable, portionable, belonging to a share or portion. n. (-कं) A portion or inheritance. E. उद्धार a share, ठञ् aff.
  • औद्वाहिक :: n. (-कं) A gift made to a woman at her marriage. E. उद्वाहिक, and अण् added.
  • औद्भिज्ज :: n. (-ज्जं) Fossil salt. E. उद्भिज् the same, and अण् aff.
  • औद्भिद :: n. (-दं) Rock or Sambher salt. E. उद्भिद्, and अण् aff.
  • औपकार्य्या :: f. (-र्य्या) A booth, a residence.
  • औपगवक :: n. (-कं) A multitude of the descendants of Upagu. E. औपगव the patronymick of उपगु, and वुन् aggregate aff.
  • औपग्रस्तिक :: m. (-कः) An eclipse, or the sun or moon in eclipse. E. उपग्रस्त eclipsed, ठक् aff.
  • औपग्रहिक :: m. (-कः) An eclipse, or the sun or moon in eclipse. E. उपग्रह an eclipse, ठञ् aff.
  • औपजानुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Upon or near the knees. E. उपजानु, and ठक् aff.
  • औपधेय :: n. (-यं) The wheel of a carriage. E. उपधि, and ढञ् pleonasm.
  • औपनायनिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating to the rite of investiture. E. उपनयन, and ठञ् aff.
  • औपनिधिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating to a deposit. n. (-कं) A deposit, the thing pledged or deposited. E. उपनिधि, and ठक् aff.
  • औपनिषद :: mfn. (-दः -दी -दं) Scriptural, theological. E. उपनिषद्, and अण् aff.
  • औपम्य :: n. (-म्यं) Resemblance, similitude. E. उपमा, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • औपयिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Right, fit, proper. n. (-कं) A means, an expe- dient. E. उपाय an expedient, ठक् aff.
  • औपरिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Being or produced above. E. उपरिष्ट, and अण् aff.
  • औपरोधिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Proceeding from or relating to kindness or favour. 2. Opposing, impeding, connected with or relating to a check or hindrance. E. उपरोध, and ठक् affix. m. (-कः) A staff of the wood of a particular tree, (the Pilu.) E. उपरोध willingness to oblige, &c. टक् aff.
  • औपल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Stony, of stone. E. उपल, and अण् aff.
  • औपवस्त :: n. (-स्तं) Fasting, a fast. E. उपवस्त, and अण् aff.
  • औपवाह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) Drawn for pleasure, (a carriage.) E. उपवह a conveyance, यञ् aff.
  • औपसर्गिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Portentous. 2. Prepositive, connected with a preposition. 3. Relating to change, &c. m. (-कः) Irregular action of the humors of the body, producing cold sweats, &c. E. उपसर्ग a portent, ठक् aff.
  • औपस्थ्य :: n. (-स्थ्यं) Cohabitation, sexual enjoyment. E. उपस्थ, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • औपाध्यायक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Preceptral, of or relating to a spiritual teacher. E. उपाध्याय and वुञ् aff.
  • औपानह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) To be tied or bound on (grass, leather, &c.) E. उपानह, and ञ्य aff.
  • औपासन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Devotional, holy, connected with or belonging to worship or service. E. उपासना, and अण् aff.
  • औम :: mfn. (-मः -मी -मं) Flaxen, made of flax, &c. E. उमा and अञ् aff.
  • औमक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Flaxen, made of flax, &c. E. उमा and वुञ् aff.
  • औमीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Flax, (a field of, &c.) E. उमा flax, and ख aff.
  • औरग :: mfn. (-गः -गी -गं) Serpent, serpentine, relating or belonging to a snake. n. (-गं) The constellation Aslesha. E. उरग a snake, and अण् affix; a serpent in the regent of this constellation.
  • औरभ्र :: mfn. (-भ्रः -भ्रा -भ्रं) Belonging to, &c., a sheep. m. (-भ्रः) A coarse woollen blanket. n. (-भ्रं) 1. Mutton, the flesh of sheep. 2. Woollen cloth. E. उरभ्र a sheep, अण् aff.
  • औरभ्रक :: n. (-कं) A flock of sheep. E. उरभ्र and वुञ् affix of multitude.
  • औरभ्रिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating to, produced by, &c. sheep. m. (-कः) A shepherd. E. उरभ्र a sheep, and ठञ् aff.
  • औरस :: mf. (-सः-सी) A legitimate child, i. e. by a wife of the same tribe. E. उरस् the best, and अण affix; the best of the twelve sons; also उरस्य and औरस्य .
  • औरस्य :: mf. (-स्यः-स्यं) See the preceding.
  • और्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णी -र्णं) Woollen (cloth, &c.) E. ऊर्णा wool, अण् aff.
  • और्णक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Made woollen, &c. E. ऊर्णा, and वुञ् aff.
  • और्द्धदेहिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Obsequial, funeral. n. (-कं) Obsequies of a deceased person; whatever is given or performed on a person's decease, as burning, offering cakes, giving alms, &c. E. ऊर्द्ध or ऊर्द्ध्व above, देह the body, and ठक् affix; hence also और्द्ध्वदेहिक .
  • और्द्धश्रोतसिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) A Saiva or adherent of that doctrine, which gives SIVA the pre-eminence in the Hindu triad. E. ऊर्द्धश्रोतस् a name of SIVA, viz. above whom or in whose head is the river, (श्रीतस्) (the Canges,) and ठक् aff.
  • और्व्व :: m. (-र्व्वः) Submarine fire. E. उर्व्व a saint so named, from whose thighs sprang a being of flame, which was received by the ocean; the affix is अण् .
  • और्व्वशेय :: m. (-यः) A name of the saint AGASTYA. E. उर्व्वशी the celestial courtezan, and ठक् affix; his birth being ascribed indirectly to this lady.
  • और्व्वानल :: m. (-लः) Submarine fire. E. और्व्व, and अनल fire.
  • औलूक :: n. (-कं) A flock of owls. E. उलूक, and अण् aff.
  • औलूक्य :: m. (-क्यः) A follower of the Vaiseshika doctrine. E. उलूक an owl, and ष्यञ् affix, like an owl: this etymology, and perhaps the word, owes its origin probably to controversial animosity.
  • औलूखल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Ground or pounded in a mortar. E. उलूखल, and अण् aff.
  • औशनस :: n. (-सं) The code, &c. of USANAS. E. उशनस्, and अण् aff.
  • औशीर :: mn. (-रः-रं) 1. The cow's tail used as a fan, the Chowri. 2. A stick, or, according to some, the stick which serves as a handle to the preceding. 3. A bed. 4. A seat, a chair or stool. 5. The root of a fragrant grass, (Andropogon muricatum.) E. उशीर the root of the Andropogon muricatum, अण् aff.
  • औषण :: n. (-णं) Pungency. E. उषण pepper, &c. अण् affix; also उषण .
  • औषध :: n. (-धं) A medicament, a drug, any herd, mineral, &c. used in medicine. E. औषधि an annual plant, and अण् aff.
  • औषधि :: n. (-धि) A deciduous plant, an annual as grass, &c. E. See ओषधि .
  • औषधीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Medicinal. E. औषध and छ aff.
  • औषर :: n. (-रं) 1. Fossile salt. 2. Iron stone. E. ऊषरा desert soil, अण् affix; also with कन् added औषरक .
  • औषस :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) Early, matutinal. E. उषस् the dawn, अण् aff.
  • औषिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Early, morning, &c. with the dawn. E. उषा, and ठक् aff.
  • औष्ट्र :: mfn. (-ष्ट्रः -ष्ट्री -ष्ट्रं) Derived from or relating to a camel. n. (-ष्ट्रं) The camel genus or species. E. उष्ट्र and अञ् aff.
  • औष्ट्रक :: n. (-कं) A herd of camels. E. उष्ट्र a camel, and वुञ् aff.
  • औष्म्य :: n. (-ष्म्यं) Heat, warmth. E. उष्म warm, यञ् aff.