संस्कृत-आङ्लभाषा कोशः (विद्यासागरेणकृतः)/भाग-२
- क :: The first consonant of the Nagari Alphabet, and the first of the guttural letters, corresponding to K or C in can, designated by the latter in Sir. WM. JONES'S system, but in this work by the former.
- क :: m. (-कः) 1. A name of BRAHMA. 2. Of VISHNU. 3. Of KAMADEVA. 4. Of fire. 5. Air or wind. 6. A title of YAMA. 7. The sun. 8. The soul. 9. A clever or dexterous man. 10. A king, a prince. 11. A knot or joint. 12. A peacock. 13. The mind. 14. The body. 15. Time. 16. Wealth, property. 17. Sound. 18. Light, splendor. n. (कं) 1. The head. 2. Water. 3. Pleasure, happiness. 4. Hair. 5. A head of hair. pron. mfn. (-कः -का -किम्) Who or what: see किम् . E. कै to sound, or कच् to shine, &c. affix ड .
- कंय्य :: mfn. (-य्यः -य्या -य्यं) Happy. E. कं happiness, यस् aff.
- कंय्यु :: mfn. (-य्युः -य्युः -य्यु) Happy, prosperous. E. कं happiness and युस् aff.
- कंश :: m. (-शः) A goblet: see कंस .
- कंस :: m. (-सः) A proper name; KANSA king of Mathura the uncle and enemy of KRISHNA, by whom he was slain; as the foe of the deity, he is considered an Asura or demon. mn. (-सः-सं) 1. A goblet, a drinking vessel; also कंश and कांस्य . 2. A metal, tutanag or white copper; also bell metal. 3. A measure. E. कमु to desire, स Unadi aff.
- कंसक :: n. (-कं) A mineral substance, (a salt of iron?) used as an appli- cation to the eyes: see पुष्पकासीस . E. कंस, and क affix of similarity; of similar white colour.
- कंसकार :: m. (-रः) A worker in pewter or white brass. E. कंस and कार who makes.
- कंसजित् :: m. (-जित्) A title of KRISHNA. E. कंस, and जित् who conquers.
- कंसहन् :: m. (-हा) A name of KRISHNA or VISHNU. E. हन् from हन to kill; the destroyer of KANSA.
- कंसाराति :: m. (-तिः) KRISHNA, or VISHNU in that character. E. कंस, and अराति an enemy, the foe of KANSA; hence also कंसारि and other similar epithets: see the preceding.
- कंसारि :: m. (-रिः) See the preceding.
- कंसास्थि :: n. (-स्थि) Tutanag, white copper, any alloy of tin and copper. E. कंस white metal, and अस्थि bone, fig. substance.
- कंसिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Made of bellmetal, &c. E. कंस, and ठन् aff.
- कंसीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Fit for or relating to a cup. E. कंस, and छ aff.
- कंसोद्भवा :: f. (-वा) A fragrant earth: see तुवरी .
- कक :: r. 1st cl. (ककते) 1. To be proud. 2. To be unsteady. 3. To be thirsty. (इ) ककि (कंकते) To go.
- ककन्द :: m. (-न्दः) Gold. E. कनी to shine, affix द, and the initial repeated.
- ककुञ्जल :: m. (-लः) A bird, the Chataka.
- ककुत्स्थ :: m. (-स्थः) A prince, the grandson of IKSHWAKU, and ancestor of RAMA. E. ककुद् an emblem of royalty, and स्थ who resides.
- ककुद् :: f. (-त्) or ककुद mn. (-दः-दं) 1. The hump on the shoulders of the Indian bull. 2. An ensign or symbol of royalty, as the white parasol, &c. 3. Chief, pre-eminent. 4. The peak or summit of a mountain. E. क happiness, कु to sound, affixes क्विप् and तुक्; त becomes द; or with a final vowel, taking an additional affix अच् .
- ककुद्मत् :: m. (-द्मान्) 1. A bull. 2. A mountain. f. (-द्मती) The hip and lions. E. ककुद् a bull's hump, &c. affix मतुप् .
- ककुद्मिकन्या :: f. (-न्या) A river. E. ककुद्मिन् a mountain, कन्या a daughter.
- ककुद्मिन् :: mfn. (-द्मी -द्मिनी -द्मि) 1. Peaked. 2. Pumped. m. (-द्मी) 1. A moun- tain. 2. A bull. E. ककुद, and मिनि aff.
- ककुन्दर :: n. (-रं) The cavities of the lions: see कुकुन्दर .
- ककुभ् :: f. (-प) 1. Space, region or quarter, as east, west, &c. 2. Beauty, splendor. 3. Unornamented hair, or the hair hanging down as a tail. 4. A wreath of Champaka flowers. 5. A Ragini or personified mode of music. 6. A Sastra or sacred treatise. E. क wind, स्कुभ् to spread, क्विप् affix and the स is dropped; or कक् to be proud, उभ् aff.
- ककुभ :: m. (-भः) 1. A tree, (Pentaptera Arjuna, Rox.) 2. A part of a lute, the belly, a wooden vessel covered with leather placed under its neck to render the sound deeper, or a crooked piece of wood at the end of the lute. 3. One of the Ragas or personified musical modes. f. (-भा) 1. Space, region, quarter: see ककुभ् 2. One of the Raginis or female personifications of music. E. ककुभ् space, and अच् affix; or क wind, स्कुभ् to spread, क affix and स rejected, &c.
- ककुभादनी :: f. (-नी) A kind of perfume: see नली .
- ककेरुक :: m. (-कः) A worm in the stomach.
- कक्क :: r. 1st cl. (कक्कति) To laugh.
- कक्कोल :: m. (-लः) A perfume, a plant bearing a berry, the inner part of which is a waxy and arometic substance. n. (-लं) The berry, possibly the fruit of the Cocculus Indicus. E. कक् to be proud, with क्विप् affix, कुल् to accumulate, अच् affix; also with कन् added कक्कोलक mn. (-कः-कं .)
- कक्ख(ए) :: r. 1st cl. (कक्खति) To laugh, to laugh at, to deride; see खक्ख .
- कक्खट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Hard, solid. f. (-टी) chalk. E. कक्ख to deride, अटन् affix, fem. affixes टाप् and ङीष्; also खक्खट .
- कक्खटपत्रक :: m. (-कः) A plant of the fibres of which a kind of rope is made, (Corchorus olitorius, Rox.) E. कक्खट hard, पत्र a leaf, and कन् aff.
- कक्व :: r. 1st cl. (कक्वति) To laugh.
- कक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. The armpit. 2. A spreading creeper, a climbing plant. 3. Grass. 4. Dry grass. 5. A wood, a forest. 6. A forest of dead trees, a dry wood. 7. A private or inner chamber or part of a house. 8. Sin. 9. A buffalo. 10. The side or flank. 11. (In astro-
nomy,) The orbit of a planet, or the circle anciently termed a deferent. 12. A gate. 13. The beleric myrobalan, (Terminalia bele- rica.) mf. (-क्षः-क्षा) 1. A wall. 2. The end of the lower garment, which after the cloth is carried round the body, is brought up behind, and tucked into the waistband. f. (-क्षा) 1. An elephant's rope, the string round his neck, also his girth. 2. A woman's girdle or zone. 3. An enclosure, a part or division of an edifice. 4. A part of a car. 5. Objection or reply in argument. 6. Similarity, parity. 7. Emula- tion, rivalship. 8. The jeweller's weight, the Retti. 9. Painful boils in the armpit, side, shoulder, &c. n. (-क्षं) A constellation, a star: see कक्ष्या, कच्छ, काञ्चि, &c. E. कष् to hurt or kill, स Unadi affix, fem. टाप् .
- कक्षरुहा :: f. (-हा) A fragrant grass, (Cyperus.) E. कक्ष an enclosure, and रुह what grows.
- कक्षशाय :: m. (-यः) A dog. E. कक्ष an inner room, शाय who sleeps.
- कक्षान्तर :: n. (-रं) The inner or private apartment. E. कक्ष and अन्तर interior.
- कक्षापट :: m. (-टः) A cloth passed between the legs to cover the privities. E. कक्षा a girdle, and पट a cloth.
- कक्षावत् :: m. (-वान्) The name of a saint. E. कक्षा a reply, and मतुप् aff.
- कक्षावेक्षक :: m. (-कः) 1. A door-keeper. 2. A guard of the queen's apart- ments. 3. Keeper of royal garden. 4. A painter. 5. A poet. 6. A debauchee. 7. Eagerness of feeling, strength of sentiment. E. कक्षा an enclosure, and अवेक्ष to see, वुन् aff.
- कक्षोत्था :: f. (-त्था) A fragrant grass, (Cyperus.)
- कक्ष्य :: n. (-क्ष्यं) The cup or receptacle of a balance. f. (-क्ष्या) 1. The girth of an elephant, of rope or leather. 2. A woman's girdle or zone. 3. The enclosure of an edifice; that is, either the wall, &c. so enclos- ing, or the court or chamber constituting the enclosure. 4. The inner apartment of a palace. 5. Similarity. 6. Effort, exertion. 7. An upper garment. 8. A shrub, yielding the black and red berry, that serves as a jeweller's weight; the Ratti or Gunga, (Abrus precatorius.) E. कक्ष the flank, &c. यत् affix; see कक्ष .
- कख :: r. 1st cl. (ए) कखे (कखति) To laugh, to laugh at or deride; also कक्ख and खक्ख q. v.
- कख्या :: f. (-ख्या) An enclosure, a division of a large building: see कक्ष्या . E. कख् to deride, यत् aff. and टाप् .
- कग :: r. 1st cl. (ए) कगे (कगति) To perform any action: the meaning of this root is not given in many lists, from its application being indefinitely various.
- कङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) 1. A heron. 2. YAMA or death. 3. A false or pretended Brahman. 4. A title of YUDISHṬHIRA, from his assuming the dis- guise of a Brahman. 5. A man of the second or military tribe. 6. One of the eighteen divisions of the continent. 7. The brother of KANSA. 8. A kind of mango. f. (-ङ्का) 1. A daughter of UGRASENA. 2. A sort of sandal. E. ककि to go, अच् aff.
- कङ्कट :: m. (-टः) Mail, defensive armour. E. ककि to go, Unadi affix अटन्, and with कन् added कङ्कटक .
- कङ्कटेरी :: f. (-री) Turmerick.
- कङ्कण :: mn. (-णः-णं) 1. A bracelet or ornament of the wrist. 2. A string or ribband tied round the wrist. 3. An ornament or trinket. 4. A crest. f. (-णी) A small bell or tinkling ornament; also किङ्किणी and कङ्कणीका . E. कं happily, agreeably, कण् to sound, or the reiterative form of कण and अच् affix, fem. affix ङीष् .
- कङ्कणीका :: f. (-का) See कङ्कणी . E. कण् to sound in the reiterative form, and ईकन् Unadi aff.
- कङ्कत :: mfn. (-तः -तिका or -ती-तं) A comb, an instrument for cleaning the hair. m. (-तः) A tree. E. ककि to go, अतच् affix, fem. ङीष् or कन् added in the fem. form.
- कङ्कत्रोट :: m. (-टः) A kind of fish commonly Kanila (Esox Cancila,
HAM.) E. कङ्क a heron, and त्रोटि the throat; whose long snout re- sembles the beak of a heron: also कङ्कत्रोटि .
- कङ्कत्रोटि :: m. (-टिः) A kind of a fish: see the preceding; also जलसूचि .
- कङ्कपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) An arrow. E. कङ्क and पत्र leaf, (feather.)
- कङ्कमाला :: f. (-ला) Beating time by clapping the hands: see करताली .
- कङ्कमुख :: m. (-खः) A pair of tongs. n. (-खं) A sort of forceps. E. कङ्क and मुख the mouth; heron-mouthed.
- कङ्कर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Vile, bad. n. (-रं) Buttermilk mixed with water. See कञ्जर . E. क implying bad, or कं water, कर what does or makes.
- कङ्करोल :: m. (-लः) A small tree, (Alangium hexapetalum:) see निकोचक; the word in the dialects Kankarol is applied to a species of gourd, (Momordica mixta.)
- कङ्कलोड्य :: n. (-ड्यं) A kind of drug.
- कङ्कशत्रु :: m. (-त्रुः) A plant, (Hedysarnm gangeticum:) see शालपर्णी . E. कङ्क a heron, and शत्रु an enemy.
- कङ्कशाय :: m. (-यः) A dog. E. कङ्क a heron, and शाय sleeping, sleeping like a heron, from शीङ् and घञ् aff.
- कङ्का :: f. (-ङ्का) Scent of the lotus.
- कङ्काल :: m. (-लः) The skeleton. E. ककि to go, कालच् aff.
- कङ्कालमालिन् :: m. (-ली) A title of SIVA. E. कङ्काल, माला a necklace, and इनि affix; whose necklace is formed of bones.
- कङ्कु :: m. (-ङ्कुः) 1. The brother of KANSA. 2. A sort of panic. E. ककि to go, उ aff.
- कङ्कुष्ट :: n. (-ष्टं) A medicinal earth, described as of two colours, one of a silvery and one of a gold colour, or one of a light and one of a dark yellow.
- कङ्केरु :: m. (-रुः) A kind of crow. E. कङ्क an imitative sound, ईर् to send, to utter, उ aff.
- कङ्केलि :: m. (-लिः) The Asoka tree, (Jonesia asoca;) also कङ्केल्लि .
- कङ्केल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) A kind of potherb, (Chenopodium esculentum, Rox.) See वास्तुक .
- कङ्केल्लि :: m. (-ल्लिः) A tree (Jonesia asoca, Rox.)
- कङ्ख :: m. (-ङ्खः) Enjoyment, fruition. E. कखि to deride, अच् aff.
- कङ्गु :: f. (-ङ्गुः) A kind of Panick seed, (Panicum Italicum;) several varieties of it are cultivated, and form articles of food for the poor. E. क water, अनि to go, कु affix; also with ऊङ् affix कङ्गू, and with कन् added कङ्गुका .
- कङ्गुनी :: f. (-नी) A sort of Panick; see the last.
- कङ्गुनीपत्रा :: f. (-त्रा) A kind of grass.
- कङ्गुल :: m. (-लः) The hand.
- कच :: r. 1st cl. (कचते) 1. To bind. 2. To shine. 3. To sound. (इ) कचि r. 1st cl. (कञ्चते) 1. To shine. 2. To bind; also काचि .
- कच :: m. (-चः) 1. The hair. 2. A proper name, the son of VRIHASPATI. 3. Binding or a binding. 4. A cicatrix, a dry or healed sore. 5. A cloud. f. (-चा) 1. A female elephant. 2. Beauty, brilliance. E. कच् to bind, &c. अच् affix, fem. टाप् .
- कचङ्गन :: n. (-नं) A free market, a place of sale that pays no duty or custom.
- कचङ्गल :: m. (-लः) The ocean. E. कच a cloud, अङ्ग the body, and ल what takes or receives.
- कचप :: m. (-पः) 1. Grass. 2. A leaf. E. कच a cloud, and प what drinks.
- कचपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) Much or ornamented hair, and कच hair, and पक्ष, in this combination, abundance; similar compounds are made with पाश and हस्त, कचपाश, कचहस्त; also with केश hair, as केशपक्ष .
- कचपाश :: m. (-शः) See the preceding.
- कचमाल :: m. (-लः) Smoke. E. कच a cloud, and माला a necklace, ड affix; also खतमाल .
- कचरिपुफला :: f. (-ला) The Sami tree.
- कचहस्त :: m. (-स्तः) See कचपक्ष .
- कचाकु :: mfn. (-कुः -कुः -कु) 1. Ill disposed, wicked. 2. Intolerable, difficult to be borne. m. (-कुः) A snake.
- कचाचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Having long or dishevelled hair. E. कच, and अचित not gathered.
- कचाटुर :: m. (-रः) A gallinule.
- कचु :: f. (-चुः) An esculent root, (Arum colocasia and other kinds, many of which are cultivated for food:) see कच्वी .
- कच्चट :: n. (-टं) An aquatic plant.
- कच्चर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Dirty, foul. 2. Soiled, spoiled by dirt. 3. Vile, wicked, bad. n. (-रं) Buttermilk diluted with water. E. कुत् bad, vile, चर what goes or is, from चर with अच् affix; कत् is substituted for कुत्, and the त changed.
- कच्चित् :: ind. 1. A particle implying wish or desire, (may it be so;) also introducing a kind enquiry, (I hope that it is so, &c.) 2. A particle implying an alternative, whether, whether or not. E. कत् for कुत् bad, and चित् aff.
- कच्छ :: mfn. (-च्छः -च्छा -च्छं) Contiguous to water, (land, &c.) m. (-च्छः) 1. Marshy ground, a marsh, a morass. 2. Ground bordering water or watery soil, as the bank of a river, the margin of a lake or tank, a mound or causeway, &c. 3. Level land skirting mountains. 4. A tree, the timber of which is used for making furniture, &c. com- monly Tun, (Cedrela Tuna, Rox.) 5. Another tree, (Hibiscus Populneoides.) 6. A part of a boat. mf. (-च्छः-च्छा) The hem of a garment tucked into the waistband: see कक्ष . f. (-च्छा) 1. A plant, (Lycopodium imbricatum, Rox.) See वाराही . 2. A cricket. E. क water, छो to cut or break, क affix; or कच् to bind, छ aff.
- कच्छटिका :: f. (-का) The end or hem of a lower garment or cloth gather- ed up behind, and tucked into the waistband; also कक्षा and कच्छाटिका .
- कच्छप :: m. (-पः) 1. A turtle, a tortoise. 2. One of KUVERA'S Nidhis or treasures. 2. An attitude in wrestling. 4. A flat kind of still. f. (-पी) 1. A female tortoise, also a small one. 2. A kind of lute, also the lute of SARASWATI. 3. A cutaneous disease, wart or blotch. E. कच्छ a morass, and प who cherishes, who inhabits watery places: the lute, &c. are so named from being similar in shape to the tortoise.
- कच्छपिका :: f. (-का) 1. A pimple, a blotch or wart. 2. A wart accompany- ing gonorrhœa. E. कच्छप a tortoise, कन् added, fem. form.
- कच्छभू :: f. (-भूः) Marshy ground, a swamp, a morass. E. कच्छ, and भू land.
- कच्छरुहा :: f. (-हा) A kind of grass, Durva or Dub, (Agrostis linearis Lin. Panicus dactilon, Rox.) E. कच्छ marshy ground, and रुह who grows.
- कच्छाटिका :: f. (-का) See कच्छटिका .
- कच्छान्त :: m. (-न्तः) The border of a lake or stream. E. कच्छ, and अन्त term.
- कच्छु :: f. (-च्छुः) Itch, formation of watery pustules on the hands, &c. E. कष् to hurt, उ affix; also कच्छू .
- कच्छुघ्नी :: f. (-घ्नी) A vegetable, (Trichosanthes.) E. कच्छु, and घ्नी what removes.
- कच्छुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Scabby, itchy. 2. Unchaste, libidinous. f. (-रा) 1. A plant, (a species of Hedysarum?) 2. Cowach, (Dolichos car- popogon.) 3. Another plant: see शठु . E. कच्छु itch or scab, and र aff.
- कच्छू :: f. (-च्छूः) Scab or itch. E. कष् to injure, ऊ Unadi affix, and छ substituted for ष .
- कच्छूमती :: f. (-ती) Cowach, (Dolichos carpopogon.) E. कच्छू itch, and मतुप् affix; producing an itching upon application to the skin.
- कच्छोटिका :: f. (-का) The fastening of the lower garment: see कच्छटिका .
- कच्वी :: f. (-च्वी) An esculent root, (Arum colocasia and other kinds, several of which are cultivated for food;) also written कचु .
- कज :: r. 1st cl. (कजति) To be disturbed or confused with joy, pride, or sorrow.
- कज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Watery, aquatic, produced in or by water. n. (-जं) A lotus. E. क water, and ज born.
- कज्जल :: m. (-लः) 1. A cloud. n. (-लं) Lampblack, considered as a colly- rium, being applied upon the eyelashes or eyelids, medicinally or ornamentatively; also sulphuret of lead or antimony, when so used. f. (-ली) Sulphuret of mercury, Æthiop's mineral. f. (-ला or -ली) A kind of fish, (Cyprinus atratus,) or any kind peculiar to stagnant waters, whence the name. E. कत् for कुत् bad, and जल water or juice, as the moisture of the collyrium, &c.
- कज्ज्वल :: n. (-लं) Lampblack, especially considered as an application to the eyes: see the preceding. E. कत् bad, and ज्वल flame.
- कज्ज्वलध्वज :: m. (-जः) A lamp. E. कज्ज्वल, and ध्वज a sign; also कज्जलध्वज .
- कज्ज्वलरोचक :: mn. (-कः-कं) The wooden stand or tripod on which the lamp is placed, a candlestick. E. कज्ज्वल and रुच् to shine; affixes घञ् and कन् .
- कञ्चट :: m. (-टः) A plant: see लाङ्गली, (Commelina salicifolia.) n. (-टं) An- other species of the same, (Commedina Bengalensis.) E. कं water, and चट् to divide; alluding to the habits of the plant.
- कञ्चड :: m. (-डः) A plant, (Commelina Bengalensis:) see the preceding.
- कञ्चार :: m. (-रः) The sun. E. कं heaven, and चर् to go, affix अण् .
- कञ्चिका :: f. (-का) 1. The branch of a bamboo. 2. A small boil.
- कञ्जुक :: m. (-कः) 1. The skin of a snake. 2. Armour, mail. 3. A bodice or jacket. 4. Cloth, clothes. 5. A kind of drawers or short breeches. f. (-की) The name of a plant. E. कचि to bind or shine, affix उकन् .
- कञ्चुकालु :: m. (-लुः) A snake. E. कञ्चुक a serpent's skin, and आलुक् poss. aff.
- कञ्चुकिन् :: m. (-की) 1. An attendant on the women's apartments. 2. A libidinous man, a debauchee. 3. A serpent. 4. Agallochum. 5. Bar- ley. 6. A sort of pulse, (Chenna.) E. कञ्चुक armour, &c. इनि aff.
- कञ्चुलिका :: f. (-का) A bodice or jacket.
- कञ्ज :: mfn. (-ञ्जः -ञ्जा -ञ्जं) Produce in or from water. m. (-ञ्जः) 1. A name of BRAHMA. 2. The hair. n. (-ञ्जं) 1. Nectar, the food of the immortals. 3. A lotus. E. कं happiness, water, &c. and ज what is born or produced.
- कञ्जक :: m. (-कः) A kind of bird, the Mayana: see कञ्जन
- कञ्जज :: m. (-जः) A name of BRAHMA. E. कञ्ज a lotus, and ज born.
- कञ्जन :: m. (-नः) 1. The Mayana or Maina, (Gracula religiosa.) 2. A name of KANDARPA, the deity of love. E. कचि to go, युच् aff.
- कञ्जर :: m. (-रः) 1. A name of BHAHMA. 2. The sun. 3. The belly. 4. An elephant. E. कञ्ज a lotus, &c. ऋ to hate or injure, अच् or घञ् affix कञ्जार, the pen. made short; also derived by some from कजि, a Sautra root, to produce or grow, and अर Unadi aff.
- कञ्जल :: m. (-लः) The Maina: see कञ्जन .
- कञ्जार :: m. (-रः) 1. Muni or holy sage. 2. BRAHMA, &c. see कञ्जर .
- कञ्जिका :: f. (-का) A Plant, (Siphonanthus Indica:) see ब्रह्मयष्टिका .
- कट :: r. 1st cl. (कटति) 1. To go, to move. 2. To live with difficulty. (इ) कटि (कण्टति) To go. (ए) कटे (कटति) 1. To rain. 2. To encompass, to cover or screen. (ई) कटी (कटति) To go or approach: with प्र pre- fixed, verb 10th cl. (प्रकटयति) To appear, to become apparent or manifest.
- कट :: mfn. (-टः -टी -टं) An agent in any action. mf. (-टः-टी) 1. The hip. 2. The hollow above the hip or the loins, also the hip and loins. m. (-टः) 1. The temples of the elephant. 2. A mat. 3. A twist of straw or grass. 4. A screen of the same. 5. A corpse. 6. A time or sea- son. 7. Much, excessive. 8. Grass. 9. A place where dead bodies are burnt or buried, a place of sepulture. 10. A hearse, a bier, a bed, &c. used for conveying a dead body. 11. An annual plant. 12. A thin piece of wood, a plank. f. (-टी) Long pepper. E. कट् to rain or encompass, अच् affix, fem. ङीष्; also कटि .
- कटक :: mn. (-कः-कं) 1. The side or ridge of a hill or mountain. 2. Table
land. 3. Sea-salt. 4. A ring placed as an ornament upon an ele- phant's tusk. 5. A bracelet of gold, shell, &c. 6. A zone. 7. A royal metropolis. 8. A city or town. 9. A village. 10. A house or dwelling. 11. A camp. 12. An army. 13. A circle. 14. A wheel. E. कट to encompass, कन् Unadi aff.
- कटकिन् :: m. (-की) A mountain. E. कटक land on a hill, &c. and इनि aff.
- कटकोल(-लः) :: A spitting vessel.
- कटखादक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) An eater, one who eats voraciously. m. (-कः) 1. A glass vessel, a tumbler or bowl. 2. A crow. 3. A jackall. E. कट much, or corpse, खाद् to eat, affix वुन् .
- कटङ्कट :: m. (-टः) A name of GANESA. E. कट a mat, &c. कट who goes, खच् aff.
- कटङ्कटेरी :: f. (-री) 1. Turmeric. 2. Yellow saunders.
- कटन :: n. (-नं) Roof or thatch of a house.
- कटपूटन :: m. (-नः) A kind of goblin.
- कटप्रू :: m. (-प्रूः) 1. A name of MAHADEVA. 2. A kind of demigod, one of the class of Vidyadharas. 3. A Rakshasa, an imp or demon. 4. Gambling, playing with dice. 5. A worm. E. कट much, प्रु to go, क्विप् affix, and the final is made long.
- कटप्रोथ :: m. (-थः) The buttocks: see कटिप्रोथ .
- कटभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. Gleaning, plucking or gathering corn by the hand. 2. Royal misfortune, as deposure, defeat, &c. E. कट, &c. भञ्ज् to break, अच् aff.
- कटभी :: f. (-भी) 1. A plant, (Heartpea, Cardiaspermum halicacabum.) 2. Another creeper, (Clitoria ternata.) E. कट् to encompass, and भज् to serve, ड and ङीष् affs.
- कटमालिनी :: f. (-नी) Wine or any vinous liquor.
- कटम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) 1. A kind of musical instrument. 2. An arrow. E. कट् to go, and अम्ब Unadi aff.
- कटम्बरा :: f. (-रा) A medicinal plant: see कटुकी . E. कट् to surround, अच् affix; what invests the body, as sickness; वृ to screen or defend, मुम् inserted, and अच् and टाप् affixes; also कटम्भरा .
- कटम्भरा :: f. (-रा) 1. A plant, (Pœderia fetida.) 2. A medicinal plant, कटुकीः see the preceding. 3. A sort of cucumber, (Cucumis Ma- draspatanus.) 4. A female elephant. 5. Red arsenic. 6. A plant, (Aletris hyacinthoides:) see मुर्व्वा . 7. Hog-weed. E. As before, भृ to nourish, &c.
- कटव्रण :: m. (-णः) A name of BHIMASENA, one of the five Pandava brothers. E. कट much, व्रण who wounds.
- कटशर्करा :: f. (-रा) A plant: see गाङ्गेष्टी .
- कटस्थल :: n. (-लं) 1. The hip and loins. 2. An elephant's temples. E. कट, and स्थल place; also कटभू, &c.
- कटाकु :: m. (-कुः) A bird. E. कट् to go, काकु Unadi aff.
- कटाक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A leer, a glance or side look. E. कट् to go, and अक्षि the eye.
- कटाक्षावेक्षण :: n. (-णं) Casting lewd or amorous glances, ogling. E. कटाक्ष a leer, and अवेक्षण looking.
- कटाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) 1. A fire of grass or straw. 2. Straw, &c. investing a criminal who is to be burnt and set on fire. E. कट, and अग्नि fire.
- कटायन :: n. (-नं) A fragrant grass, (Andropogon muricatum.)
- कटार :: m. (-रः) A libidinous man, a lecher.
- कटाह :: m. (-हः) 1. A shallow boiler for oil or butter. 2. A frying pan. 3. A winnowing basket. 4. A turtle's shell. 5. A young buffalo whose horns are just appearing. 6. A Dwipa or division of the known continent, so called. 7. Hell, the infernal regions. 8. A well. E. कट much, &c. हन् to destroy, with आङ् prefixed, and ड aff.
- कटि :: mf. (-टिः-टी) 1. The hip. 2. The buttocks. 3. An elephant's cheek. E. कट् to go, कि affix, fem. ङीष्ः see कट and कटिप्रोथ .
- कटितट :: n. (-टं) The loins, the hip. E. कटि and तट shore.
- कटित्र :: m. (-त्रः) 1. An ornament of small bells worn round the loins.
2. A cloth so worn. 3. Armour for the hip and loins. E. कटि the hip, and त्र what preserves, from त्रै with ड aff.
- कटिदेश :: m. (-शः) The loins. E. कटि and देश place.
- कटिन् :: mfn. (-टी -टिनी -टि) 1. Mattered, screened. 2. Loined, having handsome loins, &c. m. (-टी) An elephant. E. कट an elephant's temples, &c. इनि pos. aff.
- कटिप्रोथ :: m. (-थः) The buttocks. E. कटि the hip or loins, and प्रोथ to be equal to; also written कटप्रोथ, कटीप्रोथ and severally कटि and प्रोथ .
- कटिरोहक :: m. (-कः) The rider of an elephant, as distinct from the driver, the person that sits upon the loins. E. कटि the loins, रुह् to mount, and वुञ् aff.
- कटिल्लक :: m. (-कः) A species of the balsam apple, (Momordica charantia.) E. कट् to go, &c. इल्ल affix, कन् added; also कठिल्लक .
- कटिशीर्षक :: m. (-कः) The hip and loins, or the hollow above the hip. E. कटि, शीर्ष the head or superior part, कन् aff.
- कटिशृङ्खला :: f. (-ला) A girdle of small bells. E. कटि the loins, and शृङ्कला a chain.
- कटिसूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A female zone or waist-band. E. कटि the loins, and सूत्र a thread.
- कटी :: f. (-टी) See कटि and कट .
- कटीतल :: m. (-लः) A crooked sword, a sabre or scymitar.
- कटीर :: mn. (-रः-रं) 1. The cavity of the loins, or the iliac regions. m. (-रः) 1. Mons veneris. 2. A cave. E. कट् to go, and ईर् Unadi aff.
- कटीरक :: m. (-कः) The posteriors. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- कटु :: mfn. (-टुः -टुः or -ट्वी-टु) 1. Pungent. 2. Envious. 3. Fierce, impetuous, hot. 4. Fragrant. 5. Bad scented, ill smelling. 6. Displeasing, dis- agreeable. m. (-टुः) 1. Pungency or a pungent taste. 2. A flower, (Michelia champaca.) 3. Champhor. 4. A sort of gourd, (Trichosan- thes.) n. (-टु) 1. An improper action, an act which ought not to have been done. 2. Blaming, reviling, scandal. f. (-टुः) 1. The name of a medicinal plant; also कटुका and कटुकी . 2. A plant which bears a fragrant seed: see प्रियङ्गु . 3. Mustard. E. कट् to go, &c. and उ Unadi aff.
- कटुक :: mf. (-कः-की) 1. A plant, the bark and seed of which have an acrid and bitter taste, and are used in medicine for worms, dysentery, &c. (Wrightea antidysenterica.) 2. Gigantic swallow wort, (Colotropis gigantea. 3. A fragrant kind of grass. 4. Mustard. 5. A gourd: see पटोल f. (-का or -की) A medicinal plant, used as a sedative and laxative; also कटुरोहिणी . n. (-कं) A compound of three pungent substances, a black pepper, long pepper, and dry ginger: see त्रिकटु . E. कटु pungent, and कन् aff.
- कटुकन्द :: mn. (-न्दः-न्द्रं) 1. A plant, (Morunga guilandina, and Hyperan- thera.) 2. Ginger, the fresh root or the plant. 3. Garlic. E. कटु, and कन्द a root; having a pungent root.
- कटुकालावु :: m. (-वुः) A bitter gourd. E. कटुक pungent and acrid, अलावु a gourd.
- कटुकीट :: m. (-टः) A gnat or musquito. E. कटु, and कीट an insect.
- कटुकीटक :: m. (-कः) A gnat or musquito. E. कटु fierce, and कीटक a worm.
- कटुक्वाण :: m. (-णः) A bird, jacana, (Parra goensis.) E. कटु disagreeable, क्वाण sound.
- कटुग्रन्थि :: m. (-न्थिः) Ginger, the root. E. कटु pungent, and ग्रन्थि joint.
- कटुच्छद :: m. (-दः) The name of a plant; also तगर . E. कटु and छद a leaf: having a pungent leaf.
- कटुता :: f. (-ता) 1. Pungency, sharpness. 2. Testiness, irritability. E. कटु and तल् affix; also with त्व, कटुत्वं .
- कटुतिक्तिका :: f. (-का) A bitter gourd. E. कटु, and तिक्त bitter, कन् affix with the fem. form.
- कटुतुम्बी :: f. (-म्बी) See the preceding. E. कटु pungent, here meaning bitter- ly so, and तुम्बी a gourd.
- कटुत्रय :: n. (-यं) The aggregate of three spices, ginger, and long and black pepper E. कटु, and त्रय three.
- कटुनिष्प्लाव :: m. (-वः) Grain not inundated. E. कटु, and निष्प्लाव non- inundation.
- कटुपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A medicinal plant, (Oldenlandia biflora) E. कटु pungent, and पत्र leaf.
- कटुफल :: m. (-लः) A sort of cucumber, (Trichosanthes diœca.) E. कटु and फल fruit.
- कटुभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Dried ginger.
- कटुभद्र :: n. (-द्रं) Ginger either fresh or dry. E. कटु, and भद्र auspicious.
- कटुर :: n. (-रं) Buttermilk. E. कटु and रा to give, affix ड .
- कटुरव :: m. (-वः) A frog. E. कटु, and रव sound.
- कटुरोहिणी :: f. (-णी) A medicinal plant: see कटुकी . E. कटु pungent, and रोहिणी that grows.
- कटुवार्त्ताकी :: f. (-की) A variety of solanum. E. कटु and वार्त्ताकी the eggplant.
- कटुवीजा :: f. (-जा) Long pepper. E. कटु and वीज seed.
- कटुस्नेह :: m. (-हः) The mustard sea plant, (Sinapis dichotoma.) E. कटु, and स्नेह oily substance: yielding a pungent oil.
- कटूत्कट :: n. (-टं) Ginger. E. कटु, and उत्कट best, and with कन् added कटूत्कटक .
- कटोरा :: f. (-रा) A shallow cup.
- कटोल :: m. (-लः) A man of an inferior and degraded tribe, a Chandala, a Pariah, &c. 2. A pungent flavour. E. कट् to go, ओलच् Unadi affix; also कटोलक .
- कटोलवीणा :: f. (-णा) A kind of lute played by the common people. E. कटोल a Chandala, and वीणा a lute.
- कट्टार :: m. (-रः) A weapon, a dagger.
- कट्फल :: m. (-लः) A small tree found in the north-west of Hindustan, the bark and seeds of which are used in medicine, and as aroma- tics; the fruit also is eaten; the common name is Kayaphala. f. (-ला) 1. A plant, (Gmelina arborea, Rox.) 2. The egg plant, &c. E. कट instead of कटु acrid, and फल fruit, fem. affix टाप् .
- कट्वङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A plant, (Bignonia Indica.) 2. A name of DILIPA a king of Ayodhya. E. कटु pungent, &c. अङ्ग bark, body, &c.
- कट्वर :: n. (-रं) 1. Sauce, condiment. 2. Buttermilk. 3. The skim or whey of curds. E. कट् to rain, &c. वरच् aff.
- कठ :: r. 1st cl. (कठति) To live in distress. (इ) कठि r. 1st and 10th cls. (कण्ठति-ते, कण्ठयति) 1. To grieve. 2. To recollect. With उद् prefixed, to regret or miss, to lament, to bewail.
- कठ :: m. (-ठः) 1. The name of a Muni or saint. 2. A note or simple sound. 3. A portion of the Yajur Veda. 4. A Mantra or mystical prayer. 5. A Brahman. 6. A Brahman versed in the Vedas, especi- ally in the Rig Veda. 7. A student of the same. 8. Trouble, dis- tress. f. (-ठी) The wife of a Brahman. E. कठ् to be confused, and अप् aff.
- कठधूर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) A BRAHMAN skilled in the Katha branch of the Vedas. E. कठ, and धूर्त्त cunning.
- कठमर्द्द :: m. (-र्द्दः) A name of SIVA. E. कठ distress, मर्द्द who dissipates.
- कठर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Hard. E. कठ trouble, and र from रा to take or give, affix ड .
- कठश्रोत्रिय :: m. (-यः) A BRAHMAN who has studied the Katha portion of the Vedas. E. कठ, and श्रोत्रिय a BRAHMAN.
- कठाध्यापक :: m. (-कः) A teacher of the Katha portion of the Veda. E. कठ, and अध्यापक a teacher.
- कठाहक :: m. (-कः) A gallinule.
- कठिका :: f. (-का) 1. Chalk. 2. The Tulasi.
- कठिञ्जर :: m. (-रः) A plant worshipped by the Hindus, commonly Tulasi, (Ocymum sanctum, or sacred basil.) E. कठिन hard, and जृ to destroy, affix अच्, deriv. irr.
- कठिन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Hard, solid. 2. Unkind, severe. 3. Paralysed,
rendered stiff or rigid. 4. Difficult, obscure. nf. (-नं-ना) An earthen vessel. f. (-ना) A sweetmeat made with refined sugar. (-नी or -निका) Chalk. E. कठ् to be confounded, and इनच् Unadi affix, fem. affixes ठाप् and ङीष् .
- कटिनता :: f. (-ता) 1. Firmness, hardness. 2. Severity. 3. Difficulty, ob- scurity. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व . कठिनत्वं .
- कठिनपृष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) A tortoise. E. कठिन, and पृष्ठ back; also कठिनपृष्ठक .
- कठिनहृदय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Hard-hearted, cruel, unkind. E. कठिन, and हृदय the heart.
- कठिनान्तःकरण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Harsh, cruel, severe. E. कठिन, and अन्तः- करण disposition.
- कठिल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) A plant, (Momordica charantia:) see कटिल्ल .
- कठिल्लक :: m. (-कः) 1. A plant: see the preceding. 2. A name of Tulasi or holy basil. 3. Hogweed. E. कन् added to the preceding: see कटिल्ल and कटिल्लक .
- कठेर :: m. (-रः) A needy or distressed man, a pauper. E. कठ् to be dis- tressed, and एरक् Unadi aff.
- कठेरु :: m. (-रुः) The Indian Plutus.
- कठोर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Hard, solid. 2. Severe, cruel. 3. Full, com- plete, full-grown. 4. Full, (as the moon.) E. कठ् to be distressed, &c. आरन् Unadi affix; also कठोल .
- कठोरता :: f. (ता) 1. Hardness, firmness. 2. Severity, rigor. E. तल् added to the preceding; also कठोरत्वं with त्व aff.
- कठोल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) See कठोर .
- कड :: r. 1st and 6th cls. (कडति) To be confused or disturbed by pleasure or pain, to be proud or mad, (the roots differ in some of the in- flections). (इ) कडि r. 1st cl. (कण्डते) The same as the preceding; also r. 1st and 10th cls. (कण्डति, कण्डयति) 1. To break off a part, to tear, to separate or detach. 2. To remove the chaff or husk of grain, &c. 3. To preserve.
- कड :: mfn. (-डः -डा -डं) Ignorant, stupid. E. कड् to be perplexed, अच् aff.
- कडक :: n. (-कं) Sea salt obtained by evaporation. E. कड् to separate, वुन् aff.
- कडङ्कर :: m. (-रः) Straw, the stalks of various sorts of pulse, &c. E. कड mad, कृ to make, खच् affix; also कडङ्गर .
- कडङ्करीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be fed with straw. E. कडङ्कर, and छ affix; also with यत्, कडङ्कर्य्य; and from कडङ्ग, कडङ्गरीय .
- कडङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A spirituous liquor, a kind of rum. E. कड् to be intoxi- cated, अङ्ग aff.
- कडङ्गर :: m. (-रः) Straw, chaff. E. कड, रक affix, अङ्गच् inserted.
- कडत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A vessel. E. गड् to distil, अत्रन् Unadi affix, and क substi- tuted for ग; also कलत्र .
- कडम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) 1. The stalk of a potherb. 2. The end or point. E. कड् to separate, &c. अम्बच् Unadi aff.
- कडम्बी :: f. (-म्बी) A potherb, (Convolvulus repens:) see कलम्बी .
- कडार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Tawny. m. (-रः) 1. Tawny, (the colour.) 2. A servant. E. कड् to be confused, आरण् aff.
- कडितुल :: m. (-लः) A sword, a scymitar, a sacrificial knife.
- कड्ड :: r. 1st cl. (कड्डति) To be rough, to be harsh or severe: the pen. is originally द .
- कण(म) :: r. 1st cl. (कणति) 1. To sound. 2. To cry as in distress. (ऋ) कण r. 1st cl. (कणति) To go or approach. r. 10th cl. (कणयति) To wink, to cover or close the eye with the lids or lashes.
- कण :: mf. (-णः-णी or -णिका) 1. Small, minute. 2. An atom, a minute particle. m. (-णः) 1. An eye of corn. 2. The spark or facet of gem. 3. A spark of fire. 4. A drop of water, &c. f. (-णा) 1. Cummin seed. 2. Long pepper. 3. A kind of fly, (कुम्भीरमक्षिका) the crocodile fly? E. कण् to contract, अच् affix, fem. टाप् or ङीष् .
- कणजीर :: n. (-रं) A white kind of cummin seed. E. कण small, जीर cummin.
- कणजीरक :: n. (-कं) Small cummin seed. E. कण minute, and जीरक cummin.
- कणभक्षक :: m. (-कः) A kind of bird. E. कण pepper, and भक्षक who eats.
- कणलाभ :: m. (-भः) A whirlpool.
- कणाटीन :: m. (-नः) A wagtail. E. कण little, अट् to go, and ईनच् aff.
- कणाटीर :: m. (-रः) A wagtail; also कणाटीरक .
- कणाद :: m. (-दः) 1. The name of a Muni, also called Kasyapa: the author of the Vaisheshika philosophy. 2. A goldsmith. E. कण a little, and अद् to eat, referring to the abstemiousness of the saint; or आदा to take, alluding the proverbial dishonesty of the artificer.
- कणिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A small particle, as a crystal, an eye of corn, &c. 2. An enemy. 3. Whirling round a set of lamps at sacrificial ceremo- nies. 4. The heart of wheat, commonly Suji, sharps or semoule. f. (-का) 1. An atom, a small particle. 2. Small, minute: see कण . 3. A plant, (Premna spinosa:) see गणिकारिका 4. A kind of rice. E. कण small, वुन् affix, and इट् inserted, fem. affix टाप् .
- कणित :: n. (-तं) A cry or sound uttered through pain. E. कण् to sound, affix क्त .
- कणिश :: n. (-शं) An ear or spike of corn. E. कण small, &c. affix श .
- कणीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Small, diminutive. E. कण to be small, ईकन् Unadi affix; it is also written कनीक and कणिक .
- कणीचि :: f. (-चिः) 1. A creeper in flower. 2. A cart. 3. The Abrus precato- rius. E. कण to wink, ईचि Unadi aff.
- कणीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) 1. Very small. 2. Young, younger. E. कण small, and ईयसुन् superlative affix; also कनीयस .
- कणेर :: m. (-रः) A tree, (Cascaria ovata, &c.) f. (-रा) A courtezan. 2. A she-elephant. E. कण् to go, एर affix, or with एरु affix कणेरु .
- कण्टक :: mn. (-कः-कं) 1. A thorn. 2. A paltry foe. 3. A fish bone. 4. Hor- ripilation, or the erection of the hair of the body. 5. Any annoy- ance or source of vexation. 6. A term in the Nyaya philosophy, im- plying refutation of argument, detection of error, &c. m. (-कः) 1. A work-shop, a manufactory. 2. Fault, defect. 3. The point of a pin or needle. 4. A fish or marine monster, the symbol of KAMADEVA: see मकर . 5. A bamboo. E. कटि to divide, वुन् aff.
- कण्टकद्रुम :: m. (-मः) The Salmali or silk cotton tree. E. कण्टक, and द्रुम a tree.
- कण्टकफल :: m. (-लः) 1. The Jaka, or bread-fruit tree, (Artocarpus in- tegrifolia.) 2. Another plant: see गोक्षुर . 3. The castor oil tree. 4. The Datura. E. कण्टक a spike, and फल fruit: the term is applicable to any plant, the fruit of which is invested with a hairy or thorny coat; also कण्टकिफल .
- कण्टकभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) A camel. E. कण्टक and भुज् who eats.
- कण्टकमर्द्दन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) 1. What treads down or extracts thorns. 2. What bridles or suppresses disturbances, annoyances, &c. n. (-नं) 1. Beating down thorns. 2. Suppressing disturbances, &c. E. कण्टक, and मर्द्दन trampling on.
- कण्टकश्रेणी :: f. (-णी) A porcupine. E. कण्टक and श्रेणी a row.
- कण्टकागार :: m. (-रः) A porcupine. E. कण्टक and अगार or आगार a house.
- कण्टकारिका :: f. (-का) A sort of prickly nightshade, (Solanum jacquini.) E. कण्टक a thorn, ऋ to go, अण् affix, कन् added with the feminine termination; also कण्टकारी .
- कण्टकारी :: f. (-री) 1. A prickly nightshade: see the preceding. 2. The silk cotton tree, (Bombax heptaphyllum.) 3. Another plant, com- monly Buinchhi, (Flacourtia sapida, Rox.) E. As before.
- कण्टकाल :: m. (-लः) 1. The bread-fruit tree or Jaka: see कण्टकफल . 2. Species of the coral tree, (Erythrina Indica.) E. कण्टक a thorn, आला to take, affix ड .
- कण्टकाशन :: m. (-नः) A camel. E. कण्टक, and अशन food; whose food is of thorns, thistles, &c.; also कण्टकभुज्, &c.
- कण्टकाष्ठील :: m. (-लः) A kind of fish, one which has many bones. E. कण्टक, अस्थि a bone, and ईलच् aff.
- कण्टकीज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) 1. Produced from a fish. 2. Borne by the mi- mosa tree. E. कण्टकिन्, and ज born.
- कण्टकिन् :: mfn. (-की -किनी -कि) 1. Thorny, prickly. 2. Vexatious, annoying. m. (-की) 1. A fish. 2. A tree, (Mimosa catechu.) 3. A plant. (Van- gueria spinosa.) 4. A bamboo. 5. The jujube. E. कण्टक a thorn or small bone, and इनि poss. aff.
- कण्टकिफल :: m. (-लः) The Indian bread-fruit tree or Jaka. (Artocarpus integrifolia:) see कण्टकफल; also कण्टकीफल .
- कण्टकिल :: m. (-लः) A thorny kind of bamboo, (Bambusa spinosa, Rox.)
- कण्टकीफल :: m. (-लः) See कण्टकिफल, &c.
- कण्टकोद्धरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Weeding, extracting thorns, &c. 2. Removing annoyances. 3. Extirpating thieves, rogues, &c. or all national or public nuisances. E. कण्टक and उद्धरण extracting.
- कण्टपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A plant, commonly Buinchhi, (Flacourtia sapida, Rox.) and कण्टपत्रक .
- कण्टफल :: m. (-लः) 1. The jack tree. 2. The Datura plant. 3. The castor oil plant. E. कण्ट for कण्टक a thorn or spike, फल fruit: see कण्टकफल .
- कण्टल :: m. (-लः) The Babul, a tree yielding a species of gum arabic, (Acacia Arabica,) the branches are prickly, whence the name. E. कण्ट for कण्टक a thorn, and ल from ला to take or have.
- कण्टाकारिन् :: m. (-री) The jack tree.
- कण्टाफल :: m. (-लः) The Jaca or Jack tree: see कण्टकफल .
- कण्ठ :: mfn. (-ण्ठः -ण्ठा or -ण्ठी-ण्ठं) 1. The throat. 2. Sound, especially gut- tural sound. 3. Near, proximate. m. (-ण्ठः) 1. A tree, (Vangueria spinosa.) 2. The space of an inch from the edge of the hole in which sacrificial fire is deposited f. (-ण्ठी) 1. A rope or leather round the neck of a horse. 2. A necklace, a collar. E. कण् to sound, ठ Unadi affix, fem. affix टाप् or ङीप् .
- कण्ठकूणिका :: f. (-का) The Vina or Indian lute. E. कण्ठ the throat, कूण् to sound, and ठक् affix; sounded like the larynx.
- कण्ठग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Extending to the throat or swallow. E. कण्ठ and ग what goes.
- कण्ठतलासिका :: f. (-का) The leather or rope passing round the neck of a horse.
- कण्ठनीडक :: m. (-कः) A kite.
- कण्ठनीलक :: m. (-कः) A torch, a whisp of lighted straw, &c.
- कण्ठपाशक :: m. (-कः) 1. A halter. 2. A rope passing round an elephant's neck. E. कण्ठ, and पाशक a fetter.
- कण्ठभूषा :: f. (-षा) A collar or short necklace. E. कण्ठ the throat, and भूषा an ornament.
- कण्ठमणि :: m. (-णिः) A jewel worn on the throat. E. कण्ठ, and मणि a gem.
- कण्ठलग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) 1. Fastened or suspended round the throat. 2. Clinging to, embracing. E. कण्ठ, and लग्न attached to.
- कण्ठलता :: f. (-ता) 1. A collar. 2. A horse's halter. E. कण्ठ, and लता a creeper.
- कण्ठसज्जन :: n. (-नं) Hanging on or round the throat. E. कण्ठ, and सज्जन equipping.
- कण्ठस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) 1. Sticking in the throat. 2. Being in or upon the throat. 3. Guttural. 4. Having by rote, ready to repeat. E. कण्ठ, and स्थ what stays.
- कण्ठागत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Come in to the throat, (breath, &c.) E. कण्ठ, and आगत come.
- कण्ठाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) A bird. E. कण्ठ, and अग्नि fire, and figuratively di- gestive faculty; digesting in the throat or gizzard.
- कण्ठाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A boat. 2. A hoe, a spade. 3. War. 4. An esculent root, (Arum.) 5. A camel. f. (-ला) A churning vessel. E. कण्ठ the throat, अल् to ornament, &c अच् aff.
- कण्ठावसक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Embracing, clinging to the neck. E. कण्ठ, and अवसक्त fastened to.
- कण्ठिका :: f. (-का) A necklace of one string or row. E. कण्ठी and कन् aff.
- कण्ठीरव :: m. (-वः) 1. A lion elephant in rut. 2. A pigeon. E. कण्ठ the throat, and रव sound.
- कण्ठेकाल :: m. (-लः) A name of SIVA. E. कण्ठे in the throat, काल black, black-necked; see नीलकण्ठ .
- कण्ठ्य :: mfn. (-ण्ठ्यः -ण्ठ्या -ण्ठ्यं) Guttural, belonging to the throat, pro- nounced from the throat, &c. E. कण्ठ and यत् aff.
- कण्डन :: n. (-नं) Threshing, separating the chaff from grain. f. (-नी) A wooden bowl or mortar, in which the cleaning or threshing of grain is performed. E. कडि to divide, ल्युट् affix, fem. do. ङीष् .
- कण्डरा :: f. (-रा) A principal vessel of the body, a large artery, vein, &c. E. कडि to divide, अरन् aff.
- कण्डु :: f. (-ण्डुः) 1. The itch, itching. 2. Scratching: see कण्डू .
- कण्डुरा :: f. (-रा) Cowach: see कण्डूरा .
- कण्डू :: n. (ञ) कण्डूञ् Sautra root, (कण्डूयति-ते) 1. To itch. 2. To scratch.
- कण्डू :: f. (-ण्डूः) 1. The itch, itching. 2. Scratching. E. कण्डूञ् to itch, affix क्विप्; also with the final short, कण्डु .
- कण्डूकरी :: f. (-री) Cowach, (Carpopogon pruriens.) E. कण्डू itching, and कर what makes, ङीप् aff.
- कण्डूघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) Cassia, (fistula.) E. कण्डू and घ्न what destroys.
- कण्डूति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Itching, the itch. 2. Scratching. E. कण्डू and क्तिन् affix; also कण्डू, कण्डूयन, &c.
- कण्डूयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यती -यत्) Scratching, rubbing. E. कण्डू to itch, शतृ aff.
- कण्डूयन :: n. (-नं) 1. Itching. 2. Scratching; also कण्डूया and कण्डू . E. As before, affixes यक् and ल्युट् .
- कण्डूयनक :: m. (-कः) A tickler, one who ticklace or scratches. E. कण्डूतन and क who makes.
- कण्डूया :: f. (-या) 1. Itching. 2. Scratching. E. कण्डू to itch, affixes यक् and टाप् .
- कण्डूरा :: f. (-रा) Cowach, (Carpopogon pruriens.) E. कण्डू itching, and रा what makes, from रा to take or give, affixes क and टाप्; alluding to the irritating property of the leaves of this plant.
- कण्डूल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Itchy, having the itch. m. (-लः) An esculent root, (Arum.) E. कण्डू and ला to have, ड aff.
- कण्डोल :: m. (-लः) 1. A basket, a safe, any place in which provisions are kept. 2. A camel. E. कडि to divide, ओलच् Unadi affix; also with कन् added कण्डोलक .
- कण्डोलक :: m. (-कः) A safe, a store room: see the preceding.
- कण्डोलवीणा :: f. (-णा) A vulgar lute. E. कण्डोल here implying a Chandala, and वीणा the Vina or Indian lute; also कटोल वीणा and कण्डोली .
- कण्डोली :: f. (-ली) See the preceding.
- कण्ड्रोघ :: m. (-घः) A caterpillar. E. कण्डु itching, and ओघ and abode.
- कण्व :: m. (-ण्वः) The name of a celebrated Muni or saint. n. (-ण्वं) Sin. E. कण् to sound, क्वन् Unadi aff.
- कत :: m. (-तः) 1. The name of a Muni or saint. 2. The clearing nut plant. E. कै to sound, अत Unadi aff.
- कतक :: m. (-कः) The clearing nut plant, (Strychnos potatorum:) one of the seeds of this plant being rubbed upon the inside of the water jars used in Bengal, occasions a precipitation of the earthy par- ticles diffused through the water.
- कतम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Which, (of many.) E. किम् and डतमच् aff.
- कतमाल :: m. (-लः) A name of AGNI or fire; this word is perhaps a corruption: see कचमाल and खतमाल .
- कतर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Which, (of two,) whether. E. किम् and डतरच् aff.
- कति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) 1. How many. 2. How much. E. किम् what, and डति aff.
- कतिचित् :: ind. 1. In any way, in some way. 2. For some time. E. कति how many, and चित् aff.
- कतिथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) What, how much. E. थुक् added to कति .
- कतिपय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. How many. 2. A certain number, so many.
- कतिपयथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) What, how much. E. थक् added to कतिपय .
- कतिविध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) 1. Of how many sorts. 2. Of various kinds. E. कति, and विध sort.
- कत्तृण :: n. (-णं) 1. A fragrant grass. 2. A plant, commonly Chakulia (Hemionites cordifolia, Rox.) E. कत् for कुत् bad, तृण grass.
- कत्तोय :: n. (-यं) Wine or vinous spirit. E. कत् for कुत् bad, and तोय water.
- कत्थ :: r. 1st cl. (कत्थते) 1. To praise or celebrate. 2. To flatter or coax. 3. To boast.
- कत्र :: r. 10th cl. (कत्रयति) To loosen, to slacken, to remove.
- कत्सवर :: n. (-रं) The shoulder, the shoulder blade.
- कथ :: r. 10th cl. (कथयति) To speak, to tell.
- कथक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. A narrator, a relator, one who recites a story, or who publicly reads and expounds the Puranas, &c. 2. One who speaks or tells. mf. (-कः-का) The speaker of a prologue or a mono- logue. 3. A professional story teller. E. कथ to speak, to relate, वुन् aff.
- कथङ्कथिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) An interrogant, one who asks or questions. E. कथम् how, कथ to speak, ठक् aff.
- कथङ्कथिकता :: f. (-ता) A question, asking, enquiring. E. तल् affix of the abstract added to the preceding.
- कथङ्कथित :: m. (-तः) An interrogant, one who questions. E. कथम् how, कथित said.
- कथञ्चन :: ind. In some way, in any way, by any means. E. कथम् and चन aff.
- कथञ्चित् :: ind. In any way, by some means or other. E. कथम् and चित् aff.
- कथन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Talkative. n. (-नं) Saying, narrating, relating. E. कथ to say, &c. युच् or ल्युट् aff.
- कथनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be said, to be told or declared. E. कथ to tell, अनीयर् affix; also with तव्य कथितव्य and with यत् कथ्य .
- कथन्ता :: f. (-न्ता) Enquiry, question, demand. E. कथ to speak, झश् aff.
- कथम् :: ind. 1. A particle of interrogation, (how, what.) 2. Also imply- ing mode, (how, in what manner.) 3. A particle of amazement or surprise. 4. Of pleasure. 5. Of abuse. 6. Of interrogation, implying doubt. E. किम् what, and थमु aff.
- कथा :: f. (-था) A feigned story, a tale or fable. E. कथ to tell, &c. अङ् and टाप् affs.
- कथानुराग :: m. (-गः) Attention, taking pleasure in a discourse. E. कथा, and अनुराग inclination.
- कथाप्रबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) A narrative, a tale, a fiction. E. कथा, and प्रबन्ध connexion.
- कथाप्रसङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) 1. Talkative, talking much and foolishly. 2. Half-witted, foolish. 3. A conjuror, a dealer in antidotes, &c. m. (-ङ्गः) 1. Talking, conversation, speaking to or with. 2. Rumour, report. E. कथा a fable, and प्रसङ्ग who relates.
- कथाप्राण :: m. (-णः) 1. An actor, the speaker of a prologue or monologue, the introducer of a drama. 2. A professed story teller. E. कथा and प्राण life, livelihood.
- कथायोग :: m. (-गः) Conversation, talk, discourse. E. कथा, and योग uniting.
- कथारम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Narration, narrative, story telling. 2. Beginning of a story. E. कथा, and आरम्भ beginning, &c.
- कथाविरक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Reserved, taciturn, disliking conversation. E. कथा, and विरक्त disliking.
- कथासंग्रह :: m. (-हः) A collection of tales or fables. E. कथा, and संग्रह collection.
- कथिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) A story-teller by profession, a narrator, a relator. E. कथा a tale, and ठक् aff.
- कथित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Said, told, related. E. कथ to tell, क्त aff.
- कथितपद :: n. (-दं) Repetition, tautology. E. कथित said, पद a word.
- कथोद्घात :: m. (-तः) The opening of a drama, by the character that first enters overhearing and repeating the last words of the prelude. E. कथा, and उद्घात beginning.
- कथोपकथन :: n. (-नं) 1. Conversation, conference. 2. Narration. E. कथा, and उपकथन speaking.
- कथोपाख्यान :: n. (-नं) Narration, narrative, relation, telling a story. E. कथा, and उपाख्यान telling.
- कथ्य :: mfn. (-थ्यः -थ्या -थ्यं) To be spoken or said. E. कथ and यत् aff.
- कद :: or (इ) कदि r. 1st. cl. (कदते and कन्दते) 1. To be confused, to suffer mentally, to grieve. 2. To confound. 3. To kill or hurt; also कदि (कंदति) 1. To call. 2. To cry or shed tears.
- कद :: m. (-दः) A cloud. E. क water, and द what gives.
- कदक :: m. (-कः) An awning. E. कद a cloud, and क what makes; yielding a shade as a cloud; also fem. कदका and कदकी .
- कदक्षर :: n. (-रं) A bad letter. E. कत् for कुत् bad and अक्षर a letter.
- कदध्वन् :: m. (-ध्वा) A bad road. E. कत् for कुत् bad, and अध्वन् a road.
- कदन :: n. (-नं) 1. Killing, destroying. 2. Sin. 3. War. E. कद् to kill or injure, affix ल्युट् .
- कदन्न :: n. (-न्नं) Bad food. E. कत् for कुत् bad, अन्न food.
- कदम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) 1. A plant, commonly Kadamba (Nauclea kadamba.) 2. The mustard seed plant, (Sinapis dichotoma.) 3. A kind of grass, (Andropogon serratum:) see देवताडक . 4. Turmeric. n. (-म्बं) A multi- tude, an assemblage or collection. E. कद् to confound, &c. अम्बच Unadi affix; also with कन् added कदम्बक .
- कदम्बक :: mn. (-कः-कं) See the preceding.
- कदम्बद :: m. (-दः) Mustard seed plant: it seems to be a variety of read- ing for कदम्बक, q. v.
- कदम्बपुष्पी :: f. (-ष्पी) A plant, the flowers of which resemble those of the Kadamba, commonly called Mundiri. E. कदम्ब, and पुष्प a flower, fem. affix ङीष्; also with टाप् कदम्बपुष्पा .
- कदम्बवायु :: m. (-युः) A fragrant breeze. E. कदम्ब the plant, and वायु wind.
- कदम्बानिल :: m. (-लः) 1. A fragrant breeze. 2. Spring. E. कदम्ब and अनिल wind.
- कदर :: m. (-रः) 1. A white sort of mimosa. 2. A corn, a callosity. 3. A saw. 4. An iron goad for an elephant. n. (-रं) Coagulated milk. E. क water, &c. दृ to tear, अच् aff.
- कदर्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) 1. Useless. 2. Unmeaning. E. कत् for कुत्, and अर्थ object.
- कदर्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Despised, disdained, rejected. 2. Rendered useless. E. कत् for कुत् bad, अर्थित sought.
- कदर्थीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Despised, disdained. 2. Rendered useless and unavailing. E. कदर्थ and कृत made, with च्वि augment.
- कदर्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) 1. Avaricious, miserly. 2. Little, insignificant, mean. 3. Bad, disagreeable. m. (-र्य्यः) A miser. E. कत् bad, vile, and अर्य्य possessor.
- कदर्य्यत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Avarice. 2. Insignificance. 3. Badness. E. त्व added to the last; also with तल् कदर्य्यता .
- कदल :: mf. (-लः-ली) 1. The plantain tree, (Musa sapientum.) 2. Another plant, (Pistia stratiotes:) see पृष्णी . f. (-ला) The silk cotton tree; also (-ली-लिका) 1. A kind of deer, the hide of which is used as a seat, &c. 2. A flag, a banner. 3. A flag carried by an elephant. E. क water, air, &c. दल् to pierce, to divide, &c. affix अच्, and टाप् or ङीष् fem. aff.
- कदलक :: m. (-कः) The plantain or banana tree: see the preceding. E. कन् added to कदल .
- कदलीक्षता :: f. (-ता) 1. A sort of cucumber. 2. A fine woman.
- कदश्व :: m. (-श्वः) A hack, a bad horse. E. कत् for कुत्, and अश्व a horse.
- कदा :: ind. When, at what time. E. किम् what, दा aff.
- कदाकार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Ill formed, ugly. E. कत् for कुत्, and आकार form.
- कदाख्य :: n. (-ख्यं) A plant, commonly Kurh or Kudh, (Costus speciosus.) E. कत् bad, आख्या name, ill named: having a bad name or reputation.
- कदाचन :: ind. Sometime or other, ever; न कदाचन never.
- कदाचार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Wicked, abandoned, following evil practices. E. कत् for कुत्, आचार observance.
- कदाचित् :: ind. Sometimes, at sometime or other, ever; न कदाचित् never.
- कदापि :: ind. Sometimes, now and then. E. कदा when, अपि certainly.
- कदुष्ण :: mfn. (-ष्णः -ष्णा -ष्णं) Tepid, warm. n. (-ष्णं) Warmth, gentle warmth. E. कत् instead of कुत् bad, inferior, उष्ण heat.
- कद्रु :: mfn. (-द्रुः -द्रुः -द्रूः-द्रु) Tawny. f. (-द्रूः) The wife of CASYAPA the saint, and mother of the Nāgas or the serpent race, inhabiting the regions below the earth. m. (-द्रुः) Tawny, (the colour.) E. कम् to desire, डु affix, and र inserted; the final of the radical is irregularly changed to द; fem. affix ऊञ् .
- कद्रुपुत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A serpent. E. पुत्र a son, joined to the preceding; also other compounds of similar import, as कद्रुसुत, &c.
- कद्रुसुत :: m. (-तः) A serpent: see the preceding.
- कद्वद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Speaking ill, inaccurately, indistinctly, &c. 2. Vile, base, contemptible. E. कत् for कुत् bad, and वद who speaks.
- कन(ई ञि)ञिकनी :: r. 1st cl. (कनति) 1. To shine. 2. To desire or love. 3. To go or approach.
- कनक :: n. (-कं) Gold. m. (-कः) 1. The name of a tree which bears red flowers, (Butea frondosa:) see पलाश . 2. Thorn apple, (Datura metel, &c.) 3. Another plant, (Mesua ferrea:) see नागकेशर . 4. Mountain ebony, (Bauhinia variegata, &c.) see काञ्चनाल . 5. A black sort of agallochum. 6. A shrub yielding a yellow fragrant flower, (Michelia champaca.) E. कन to shine, अक Unādi aff.
- कनकक्षार :: m. (-रः) Borax. E. कनक, and क्षार flux.
- कनकटङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) A golden hatchet. E. कनक, and टङ्क a hatch.
- कनकदण्डक :: n. (-कं) The royal parasol. E. कनक gold, दण्ड a staff, and कन् affix; golden-sticked.
- कनकपराग :: m. (-गः) Gold-dust. E. कनक, and पराग pollen.
- कनकपल :: m. (-लः) A Pala, a weight of gold and silver equal to sixteen Mashas, or about 280 grains troy: see पल . E. कनक, and पल a Pala.
- कनकभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A piece of gold. E. कनक, भङ्ग what is broken off.
- कनकमय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Golden, consisting or made of gold. E. कनक and मयट् aff.
- कनकरस :: m. (-सः) Yellow orpiment. E. कनक, and रस juice.
- कनकलोद्भव :: m. (-वः) Resin.
- कनकसूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A gold cord. E. कनक, and सूत्र string.
- कनकस्थली :: f. (-ली) A gold-mine, golden soil. E. कनक, and स्थल place.
- कनकाचल :: m. (-लः) The mountain Sumeru. E. कनक, and अचल a mountain; the golden mountain.
- कनकाध्यक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The treasurer or superintendent of the gold. E. कनक, and अध्यक्ष a superintendent.
- कनकालुका :: f. (-का) A golden jar or vase. E. कनक, आलु a water jar, कन् and टाप् added.
- कनकाह्व :: m. (-ह्वः) A tree with golden or yellow blossoms, (Mesua ferrea.) E. कनक, and आह्वा appellation.
- कनन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) One-eyed. E. कन् to shine, युच् aff.
- कनिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) 1. Small, little. 2. Younger, younger born. 3. Young. f. (-ष्ठा) The little finger. E. कन् to shine, &c. and इष्ठच् affix, or कण small, the ण being changed, or कन substituted for युवन् and अल्प .
- कनिष्ठता :: f. (-ता) The state of being younger or smaller E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, कनिष्ठत्वं .
- कनी :: f. (-नी) A girl, a maiden. E. कन् to shine, अच् and ङीष् affs.
- कनीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Very small: see कणिक .
- कनीचि :: f. (-चिः) 1. A creeping plant which bears flowers. 2. The Gunja, a shrub bearing a red and black berry, (Abrus precatorios.) 3. A cart. E. कनी to shine, ईचि Unādi affix; also according to some कणीचि .
- कनीनक :: m. (-कः) The caruncula lacrymalis. f. (-निका) 1. The pupil of the eye. 2. The little finger. E. कन् to shine, ईकन् affix, कन् added; also with ङीष् only कनीनी .
- कनीनी :: f. (-नी) 1. The little finger. 2. The pupil of the eye.
- कनीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) 1. Very young, youngest. 2. Very small, least. 3. Younger born, a younger brother or sister. E. कण small, ईयसुन् affix, the ण being changed; or कन् to shine, &c.: or कन substituted for युवन् and अल्प .
- कनीयस :: n. (-सं) Copper. E. कन् to shine, ईयसच् aff.
- कनेर :: f. (-रा) 1. A female elephant. 2. A harlot.
- कन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Happy. E. कं and त aff.
- कन्ति :: mfn. (-न्तिः -न्तिः -न्ति) Happy. E. कम् and ति aff.
- कन्तु :: mfn. (-न्तुः -न्तुः -न्तु) Happy. m. (-न्तुः) 1. KĀMADEVA, the deity of love. 2. The heart, as the seat or faculty of perception and feeling. E. कम् to desire, तु Unādi affix; or कं and तु possessive aff.
- कन्था :: f. (-न्था) 1. A rag, a patched cloth or garment, a quilt of grass. 2. A wall: this word in composition may be used as neuter, if the compound imply a town in the province of Usināra as सोसिमकन्थं .
- कन्थाधारण :: n. (-णं) Wearing a garment of patch-work, the practice of some Yogis. E. कन्था, and धारण wearing.
- कन्थाधारिन् :: mf. (-री-रिणी) A Yogi, a religious mendicant. E. कन्था, and धारिन् who wears.
- कन्द :: mn. (-न्दः-न्दं) 1. A bulbous or tuberous root. 2. One of an esculent sort, (Arum campanulatum.) 3. Garlic. m. (-न्दः) 1. A cloud. 2. An affection of the feminine organ, considered as a fleshy excrescence, but apparently prolapsus uteri. E. कदि to wet, &c. अच् affix, कं water, and दा to give.
- कन्दट :: n. (-टं) The white esculent water lily.
- कन्दमूल :: n. (-लं) A radish. E. कन्द, and मूल root.
- कन्दर :: mfn. (-रः -रा or -री-रं) 1. An artificial or natural cave. 2. A glen, a defile, a valley. m. (-रः) A hook for driving an elephant with. n. (-रं) Dry ginger. E. कं water or the head, and दृ to divide, to pierce, अप् aff.
- कन्दराकर :: m. (-रः) A mountain. E. कन्दर a cave, आकर having, making.
- कन्दराल :: m. (-लः) 1. A plant, (Hibiscus populneoides.) 2. A species of fig tree, (Ficus venosa:) see प्लक्ष . 3. The walnut tree. E. कन्दरा a cave, and लच् affix; growing in desolate places: also with कन् added कन्दरालक .
- कन्दरालक :: m. (-कः) A species of fig tree: see the preceding.
- कन्दर्प :: m. (-र्पः) A name of the deity KAMA, the CUPID of the Hiudu mythology. E. कं BRAHMA, दर्प to inflame, अच् affix; the inflamer even of the first of the gods; corresponding in this respect with his Grecian prototype. f. (-र्पा) One of the presiding female deities of the Jainas.
- कन्दर्पकूप :: m. (-पः) Pudendum muliebre.
- कन्दर्पज्वर :: m. (-रः) Passion, desire. E. कन्दर्प, and ज्वर fever.
- कन्दर्पमुषल :: m. (-लः) Membrum virile.
- कन्दल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. The cheek, or the cheek and temple. 2. A portent, a natural phœnomenon supposed to announce evil. 3. A new shoot or sprig. 4. A low minute tone. 5. Reproach, censure. m. (-लः) 1. Gold. 2. War, battle. f. (-ली) 1. A species of deer of which the hide is used. 2. A sort of tree, the banana: see कदली . 3. A flag. E. कन्द a root, &c. and ल from ला to take, fem. affix ङीप् .
- कन्दलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Budden, blown. 2. Put forth, emitted. E. कन्दल a bud, इतच् aff.
- कन्दलीकुसुम :: n. (-मं) A mushroom.
- कन्दवर्द्धन :: m. (-नः) An esculent root. E. कन्द, and वर्द्धन increasing.
- कन्दशूरण :: m. (-णः) A sort of Arum, (A. campanula tum.) E. कन्द, and शूरण the same.
- कन्दसंज्ञ :: n. (-ज्ञं) Prolapsus uteri, see कन्द . E. कन्द a root, and संज्ञा a name, affix ड; every संज्ञा or name for a bulbous root, being a term for this complaint.
- कन्दसार :: n. (-रं) The garden or grove of INDRA.
- कन्दलु :: m. (-लुः) An esculent root, a sort of Arum.
- कन्दिन् :: mfn. (-न्दी -न्दिनी -न्दि) Having a bulbous root. m. (-न्दी) A sort of Arum, (A. campanulatum, or any similar bulb.) E. कन्द and इनि aff.
- कन्दु :: mfn. (-न्दुः -न्दुः -न्दु) 1. A boiler, a saucepan or other cooking utensil of iron. 2. An oven or vessel serving for one. E. स्कन्द to go, उ Unadi affix, and the initial स rejected.
- कन्दुक :: m. (-कः) A ball of wood or pith for playing with. n. (-कं) A germ. E. कदि to cry, to call, &c. उ affix, and कन् added.
- कन्दुपक्व :: mfn. (-क्वः -क्वा -क्वं) Parched, roasted, (as grain,) fried, &c. dressed without water. E. कन्दु, and पक्व dressed.
- कन्दोट :: m. (-टः) The white esculent water lily. n. (-टं) The blue lotus.
- कन्दोत :: m. (-तः) The white lotus.
- कन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) A cloud. E. कं water, and ध from धा to have.
- कन्धर :: mf. (-रः-रा) The neck. m. (-रः) A cloud. E. कं water or the head and धर having, from धृञ्, affix खच् .
- कन्धि :: m. (-न्धिः) The ocean. f. (-न्धिः) The neck. E. कं water or the head, धा to have, कि aff.
- कन्न :: n. (-न्नं) Fainting, falling in a fit or state of insensibility; in some copies this word is read कल्ल .
- कन्यका :: f. (-का) 1. A girl, a maiden. 2. A daughter. 3. The Socotrine aloe, (Aloes perfoliata.) E. कन्या a girl, कन् pleonastic affix, fem. affix टाप्ः see कन्या and कन्याका .
- कन्यकाच्छल :: n. (-लं) Beguiling a maiden, seduction, betrayal. E. कन्यका, and छल deceit.
- कन्यकाजात :: m. (-तः) The son of an unmarried woman. E. कन्यका, and जात born.
- कन्यकापति :: m. (-तिः) A daughter's husband. E. कन्यका, and पति a husband.
- कन्यस :: m. (-सः) 1. A younger brother. f. (-सा) The little finger: see कनिष्ठ .
- कन्या :: f. (-न्या) 1. A girl nine years old, a virgin. 2. A name of DURGA. 3. The sign of the zodiac, Virgo. 4. The socotrine aloe (Aloes per- foliata.) 6. Large cardamoms. 7. A species of metre of four lines, with four syllables in each. 3. A parasite plant. E. कन् to shine, Unadi affix यक्, fem. टाप् .
- कन्याका :: f. (-का) A young girl or virgin: see कन्या and कन्यका .
- कन्याकुब्ज :: m. (-ब्जः) Kanyakubja or Kinnoge, an ancient city of great note, in the north of Hindustan, known to classical geography as Cannogyza: the name also applies to its dependencies or the surrounding district; also कान्यकुब्ज . E. कन्या a girl, and कुब्ज round- shouldered, crooked; the etymology, alludes to a legend relating to the one hundred daughters of KUŚANĀBHA the king of this city, who were all rendered crooked by Vayu, for non-compliance with his licentious desires.
- कन्याग्रहण :: n. (-णं) Taking a girl in marriage. E. कन्धा and ग्रहण taking.
- कन्याट :: m. (-टः) The middle of a house, the inner or private apart- ments. E. कन्या a girl, अट् to go, and अच् aff.
- कन्यादान :: n. (-नं) 1. Giving a girl in marriage. 2. Receiving the same. E. कन्या, and दान gift, or आदान acceptance.
- कन्यादातृ :: m. (-ता) A father, one who gives a girl in marriage. E. कन्या, and दातृ donor.
- कन्यादूषक :: m. (-कः) 1. A violator or defiler of a virgin. 2. A calumniator of a girl. E. कन्या, and दूषक who defiles; also कन्यादूषिन् m. (-षी).
- कन्यादूषण :: n. (-णं) 1. Defiling a virgin. 2. Calumniating a girl. E. कन्या, and दूषण spoiling.
- कन्यादोष :: m. (-षः) A blemish in a virgin, disease, bad repute, &c. E. कन्या, and दोष fault.
- कन्यापति :: m. (-तिः) A daughter's husband: see कन्यकापति .
- कन्यापाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A dealer in slave girls. 2. The father of a daughter. E. कन्या, and पाल who cherishes.
- कन्यापुत्र :: m. (-त्रः) The offspring of an unmarried daughter. E. कन्या, and पुत्र a son.
- कन्याप्रदान :: n. (-नं) Giving a daughter in marriage. E. कन्या, and प्रदान a gift.
- कन्याराम :: m. (-मः) A Bauddha or Jaina saint. E. कन्या a girl, रम् to please, affix घञ् .
- कन्यावेदिन् :: m. (-दी) A son-in-law. E. कन्या, and वेदिन् who knows.
- कन्याशुल्क :: n. (-ल्कं) The purchase money of a maiden, money given to the bride's father. E. कन्या and शुल्क tax.
- कन्यासमुद्भव :: m. (-वः) The son of an unmarried girl. E. कन्या, and समुद्भव born.
- कन्याहरण :: n. (-णं) Carrying off girl, rape, ravishment. E. कन्या, and हरण taking.
- कन्यिका :: f. (-का) A young girl, a virgin: see कन्यका .
- कन्युष :: n. (-षं) The hand below the wrist.
- कप(इ)कपि :: r. 1st cl. (कंपते) To shake, to tremble: with अनु prefixed, to feel tenderness or compassion, to pity.
- कपट :: mn. (-टः-टं) Fraud, deceit, cheating, circumvention. E. क BRAHMA, पट् to go, अच् affix; what extends even to BRAHMA,; or क the head, and पट a covering, screening the head as it were. f. (-टी) A measure equal to the capacity of the hollows of the two hands joined.
- कपटता :: f. (-ता) Deceitfulness. E. तल् added to कपटः also with त्व कपटत्वं .
- कपटप्रबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Fraud, trick, fraudulent plot or contrivance. E. कपट, and प्रबन्ध procedure.
- कपटलेख्य :: n. (-ख्यं) A forged document, a false or fraudulent statement. E. कपट, and लेख्य a writing.
- कपटवेश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Masked, disguised, assuming a false dress or appearance. m. (-शः) Disguise. E. कपट, and वेश costume.
- कपटवेशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Disguised, in masquerade. E. कपटवेश and इनि aff.
- कपटिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) A rogue, a cheat, fraudulent, dishonest. E. कपट and ठक aff.
- कपटिन् :: mfn. (-टी -टिनी -टि) Fraudulent, dishonest, a cheat, &c. E. कपट and इनि aff.
- कपर्द्द :: m. (-र्द्दः) 1. The braided hair of SIVA. 2. A small shell used as a coin, a Cowri. 3. A name of SIVA. E. क water, (that of the Ganges,) पृ in the deriv. form, nourishing, and द from दा to give; or क happiness, &c. which will apply to both senses; also with कन् added कपर्द्दक .
- कपर्द्दक :: m. (-कः) See the preceding.
- कपर्द्दिन् :: m. (-र्द्दी) A name of SIVA. E. कपर्द्द his braided hair, and इनि aff.
- कपाट :: mfn. (-टः -टी -टं) A door, the leaf or pannel of a door. E. क the the head or wind, पट् to go, अण् affix; also कवाट .
- कपाटघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) A thief, a house-breaker. E. कपाट, and घ्न who breaks.
- कपाटसन्धि :: m. (-न्धिः) 1. The junction of the leaves of a door. 2. A mode of multiplying, (in arithmetic.) E. कपाट, and सन्धि junction.
- कपाल :: mn. (-लः-लं) 1. The skull, the cranium. 2. Either half of a water jar. 3. Any flat bone. 4. A beggar's bowl. 5. Multitude as- semblage, collection. 6. A species of leprosy. 7. A treaty of peace on equal terms. E. कपि to tremble, and कालन् Unadi affix; or क the head, and पाल what cherishes or protects.
- कपालनालिका :: f. (-का) A sort of pin or spindle for winding cotton, thread, &c.
- कपालभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) A name of MAHADEVA. E. कपाल a skull, and भृत् who cherishes; being represented with a necklace of skulls.
- कपालसन्धि :: f. (-न्धिः) Treaty of peace on equal terms. E. कपाल, and सन्धि peace.
- कपालिका :: f. (-का) 1. The tartar of the teeth. 2. A potsherd. E. कपाल and कन् aff.
- कपालिन् :: m. (-ली) 1. A title of SIVA. 2. A man of low caste, from a Brahman mother and fisherman father. f. (-लिनी) The goddess DURGA. E. कपाल a skull, इनि affix; and ङीष् fem. do.
- कपि :: m. (-पिः) 1. An ape or monkey. 2. The monkey HANUMAN. 3. A title of VISHNU or KRISHNA. 4. Incense, storax or impure ben- zoin. 5. Emblic myrobalan, (Phyllanthus emblica.) 6. A kind of Bonduc or Bonducella. E. कपि to tremble, इ Unadi affix, the nasal rejected.
- कपिकच्छु :: f. (-च्छुः) Cowach, (Dolichos carpopogon.) E. कपि a monkey, and कच्छु itching; also with final vowel long कपिकच्छू .
- कपिकच्छुरा :: f. (-रा) Cowach: see the preceding.
- कपिकन्दुक :: n. (-कं) The skull, the cranium. E. कपि, and कन्दुक a ball.
- कपिचूत :: m. (-तः) A tree, (Spondias mangifera:) see आम्रातक . E. कपि, and चूत the mango tree, the monkey's mango.
- कपिज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Born of a monkey, &c. m. (-जः) Incense, ben- zoin. E. कपि, and ज born.
- कपिञ्जल :: m. (-लः) 1. A bird, the francoline partridge. 2. The Chataka.
- कपितैल :: n. (-लं) Benzoin or storax. E. कपि, and तैल oil.
- कपित्थ :: m. (-त्थः) The elephant or wood apple, (Feronia elephantum.) E. कपि, and त्थ from स्था to stay or abide; the residence of apes.
- कपित्थपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A plant, commonly कपित्थानी, the leaves of which are compared to those of the preceding.
- कपित्थानी :: f. (-नी) A plant: see the preceding.
- कपित्थास्य :: m. (-स्यः) A kind of monkey. E. कपित्थ, and आस्य a face; having a roundish face, in shape like the wood apple.
- कपिध्वज :: m. (-जः) A name of ARJUNA. E. कपि a monkey, and ध्वज a sign; having a monkey as his symbol, his ensign or arms.
- कपिनामन् :: m. (-मा) Incense: see कपि .
- कपिप्रभा :: f. (-भा) Cowach: see कपिकच्छु .
- कपिप्रभु :: m. (-भुः) A name of the first RAMA. E. कपि and प्रभु master; general of the monkey force with which he invaded Lanka or Ceylon.
- कपिप्रिय :: m. (-यः) The elephant or wood apple: see कपित्थ . E. कपि, and प्रिय beloved.
- कपिरथ :: m. (-थः) A title of RAMA. E. कपि and रथ a car; having been carried by his monkies.
- कपिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Tawny. m. (-लः) 1. KAPILA, a celebrated Muni or saint, the founder of the Sankhya system of philosophy: the son of KERDDAMA by DEVAHUTI, and according to some, an avatar of VISHNU. 2. A title of AGNI the deity of fire. 3. A dog. 4. Tawny, (in colour.) f. (-ला) 1. The female elephant of the south-east. 2. A kind of Sisu, or timber tree so called: see शिंशपा . 3. A sort of per- fume: see रेणुका 4. The aloe plant. 5. A fabulous cow, celebrated in the Puranas. 6. The common leech. E. कम् to desire, इलच् Unadi affix, and प substituted for म; or कपि a monkey, and ल to take, &c. being of such a colour.
- कपिलद्युति :: m. (-तिः) A name of SURYA or the sun. E. कपिल, and द्युति light; being of a dull red or tawny hue.
- कपिलद्राक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) The brown or tawny grape. E. कपिल, and द्राक्षा a grape.
- कपिलद्रुम :: m. (-मः) The name of a perfume or sweet scented wood: see काक्षी .
- कपिलधारा :: f. (-रा) 1. The Ganges. 2. A holy place, a place of pil- grimage.
- कपिलाश्व :: m. (-श्वः) A title of the god INDRA. E. कपिल tawny, and अश्व horse; such being the colour of INDRA'S steed.
- कपिलोह :: n. (-हं) Brass. E. कपि for कपिल brown, and लोह iron.
- कपिल्लिका :: f. (-का) A plant, which bears a seed resembling pepper, (Pothos officinalis.)
- कपिवक्त्र :: m. (-क्त्रः) A name of NARADA, a saint and philosopher, and friend of KRISHNA. E. कपि and वक्त्र a face; the saint having a face like a monkey.
- कपिवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) The elephant or wood apple: see कपित्थ . E. कपि, and वल्ली a pedicle; that being invested with a downy coat, resembling the hair of an ape.
- कपिश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Brown, of a brown colour. m. (-शः) 1. Brown, (the colour,) a compound of black and yellow. 2. Incense, storax or coarse benzoin. f. (-शी) A spirit, a sort of rum. f. (-शा) The mother of the demons called Pisachas. E. कपि an ape, and श affix; of the colour of an ape.
- कपिशाञ्जन :: m. (-नः) A title of SIVA.
- कपिशायन :: m. (-नः) 1. A deity. 2. A sort of spirit or rum. E. कपिशा, affix फक् .
- कपिशापुत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A Pisacha, an imp or goblin. E. कपिशा the mother of these beings, and पुत्र a son.
- कपिशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Embrowned, made brown or dusky red. E. कपिश and इतच् aff.
- कपिशीका :: f. (-का) Spirituous liquor. E. कपिश, and ईकन् affix: see कपिश .
- कपिशीर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) The upper part or coping of a wall. E. कपि, and शीर्ष the head; a monkey's head.
- कपिशीर्षक :: n. (-कं) Vermilion, the red sulphuret of mercury.
- कपिस्थल :: n. (-लं) A place frequented by monkies. E. कपि, and स्थल place.
- कपीकच्छु :: f. (-च्छुः) Cowach: see कपिकच्छ .
- कपीज्य :: m. (-ज्यः) A plant, (a species of mimusops:) see क्षीरिका . E. कपि, and इज्य respected, liked; a favourite plant with the monkies; also कपीज्यक .
- कपीतन :: m. (-नः) 1. A tree bearing an acid fruit, (Spondias mangifera:) see आम्रातक . 2. Another tree, (Hibiscus populneoides:) see गर्द्दभाण्ड . 3. A species of Mimosa, (Mimosa sirisha, Rox.) 4. The holy fig tree, (Ficus religiosa.) 5. The betel nut tree, (Areca faufel or Catechu.) 6. The name of another plant, (Cratæva marmelos.) E. कपि an ape, and तन what spreads; sheltering or feeding monkies; the vowel is made long irregularly.
- कपीन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) 1. A name of the celebrated monkey HANUMAN. 2. Also of SUGRIVA, &c. E. कपि, and इन्द्र the chief.
- कपुष्टिका :: f. (-का) A patch of hair on each side of the head. E. क the head, पुष्टि cherishing, कन् aff.
- कपुच्छल :: n. (-लं) Hair hanging down to the ground. E. क the head, पुच्छ a tail, and ल what resembles.
- कपोत :: m. (-तः) 1. A dove or pigeon, especially the spotted necked pigeon. 2. A bird in general. E. कब to tinge, to be of various hues, आतच् Unadi affix, ब changed to प .
- कपोतक :: n. (-कं) Antimony. E. कपोत and कन् affix, implying resemblance, (in colour.)
- कपोतचरणा :: f. (-णा) A perfume: see नली .
- कपोतपालिका :: f. (-का) A dove cot, an aviary or pigeon house. E. कपोत a bird, &c. पाल to nourish, and वुन् affix, fem. termination टाप्; also with the affixes अण् and ङीप् कपोतपाली .
- कपोतपाली :: f. (-ली) See the preceding.
- कपोतसार :: n. (-रं) Antimony. E. कपोत and सार essence.
- कपोताङ्घ्रि :: f. (-ङ्घ्रिः) A perfume: see नली . E. कपोत and अङ्घ्रि a foot; of a red colour, like the claw of a pigeon.
- कपोताभ :: m. (-भः) A pale or dirty white colour. E. कपोत, an आङ् before भा to shine, affix ड; of the colour of a pigeon.
- कपोतारि :: m. (-रिः) A hawk, a falcon. E. कपोत, and अरि an enemy.
- कपोतिका :: f. (-का) A dove. E. कपोत a pigeon, कन् affix. fem. form.
- कपोल :: m. (-लः) A cheek. f. (-ली) The forepart of the knee, the knee-cap or pan. E. कपि to quiver, and ओलच् Unadi aff.
- कपोलकाष :: m. (-षः) The elephant's temples and cheeks. E. कपोल and काष touchstone; being of the like dark colour.
- कपोलभित्ति :: m. (-त्तिः) The temples and cheek, the upper part of the face. E. कपोल, and भित्ति a wall.
- कपोलराग :: m. (-गः) Colour or flush in the cheek. E. कपोल, and राग colour.
- कपोलफलक :: m. (-कः) The cheek. E. कपोल, and फलक a plank.
- कप्याख्य :: m. (-ख्यः) Incense. E. कपि and आख्या aff.
- कफ :: m. (-फः) 1. Phlegm, one of the three humours of the body. 2. Watery froth or foam in general. E. क water, and फल to bud or flower, ड aff.
- कफकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Producing phlegm. E. कफ and कर what makes.
- कफकृर्च्चिका :: f. (-का) Saliva, spittle. E. कफ, and कूर्च्चिका cream.
- कफघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) Removing phlegm, antiphlegmatic, (an epithet of many plants, &c.) E. कफ, and घ्न what destroys.
- कफणि :: mf. (-णिः-णी) The elbow. E. क pleasure, फण् to go, इन् and ङीष् affixes; also कफोणि
- कफनाशन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Antiphlegmatic. E. कफ, and नाशन destroying.
- कफवर्द्धक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Exciting phlegm. E. कफ, and वर्द्ध्वक what increases.
- कफवर्द्धन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Exciting phlegm. m. (-नः) The name of a plant; also पिण्डितगर . E. कफ phlegm, वृध् to augment, and ल्युट् aff.
- कफारि :: m. (-रिः) Ginger. E. कफ and अरि foe.
- कफिन् :: mfn. (-फी -फिनी -फि) Phlegmatic. m. (-फी) An elephant. E. कफ and इनि aff.
- कफेलू :: mfn. (-लूः -लूः -लु) Phlegmatic, causing or exciting phlegm. E. कफ, लू from ला to take or give, and कू Unadi affix; the deriv. is irr.
- कफोणि :: mf. (-णिः-णी) The elbow. E. क pleasure, स्फुर् to go, &c. इन् and ङीष् affixes; the form is irregular: see कफणि .
- कब(ऋ)कबृ :: r. 1st cl. (कबते) 1. To colour, to tinge with various hues. 2. To praise.
- कबन्ध :: mn. (-न्धः-न्धं) A headless trunk, especially retaining vitality. n. (-न्धं) Water. m. (-न्धः) 1. A name of RAHU. 2. Also of a demon de- stroyed by RAMA. 3. The belly. E. कं the head, and बध् to injure, to lop, affix अच्; also कं water, and बन्ध binding, attaching.
- कबन्धता :: f. (-ता) Headlessness, decapitation. E. कबन्ध and तल् affix; also with त्व कबन्धत्वं .
- कबित्थ :: m. (-त्थः) The elephant or wood apple: see कपित्थ .
- कबिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Tawny, (of such a hue.) m. (-लः) Tawny (the colour:) see कपिल .
- कम(उ)कमु :: r. 1st cl. (कामयति) To desire: this root is irregular.
- कम् :: ind. 1. Water. 2. The head. 3. Happiness or happily. 4. An exple- tive. E. कम् to desire, विच् aff.
- कमठ :: mn. (-ठः-ठं) 1. A water jar, especially one made of a hollow gourd or cocoanut, and used by ascetics. m. (-ठः) 1. A turtle, a tortoise. 2. A bamboo. 3. The name of a Daitya or de- mon. 4. A porcupine. f. (-ठी) A female tortoise, a small one. E. कम् to desire, &c. अठ Unadi affix, fem. affix. ङीष् .
- कमण्डलु :: mn. (-लुः-लु) An earthen or wooden water pot, used by the ascetic and religious student. 2. The waved-leaf fig tree: see प्लक्ष . E. क BRAHMA or water, and मण्ड ornament or essence, ल from ला to get or give, and डु aff.
- कमन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Libidinous, desirous. 2. Beautiful, desirable. m. (-नः) 1. A name of BRAHMA. 2. KAMA or love. 3. A tree, (Jone- sia asoca.) E. कम् to desire, affix युच् or ल्युट् .
- कमनच्छद :: m. (-दः) A heron. E. कमन beautiful, and छद plumage.
- कमनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Pleasing, beautiful, desirable. E. कम् and अनीयर् affix of the future participle, to be desired.
- कमनीयता :: f. (-ता) 1. Loveliness, beauty. 2. Desirableness. E. तल् added to the last, or with त्व कमनीयत्वं .
- कमन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Water. See कबन्ध; also according to some, this is an orthographical compound, of कं and अन्ध, both synonimes of water.
- कमर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Desirous, lustful. E. कम् and अरन् Unadi aff.
- कमल :: n. (-लं) 1. A lotus, (Nelumbium speciosum or Nymphæa nelum- bo.) 2. Water. 3. Copper. 4. A medicament, a drug. 5. The blad- der. m. (-लः) A species of deer. f. (-ला) 1. A name of LAKSHMI. 2. An excellent woman. E. कम् water, and अल what adorns, or कम् to desire, with कलच् aff.
- कमलच्छद :: m. (-दः) 1. A heron: see कङ्क 2. Petal of the lotus. E. कमल, and छद a leaf.
- कमलाकर :: m. (-रः) A lake, &c. where lotuses abound. E. कमल, and आकर a mine.
- कमलासन :: m. (-नः) An epithet of BRAHMA. E. कमल a lotus, and आसन seat or abode.
- कमलिनी :: f. (-नी) A number of lotus flowers, or a place abounding with them. E. कमल, इनि and ङीष् affs.
- कमलोत्तर :: n. (-रं) Safflower, (Carthamus tinctorius.) E. कमल, and उत्तर best, excellent.
- कमा :: f. (-मा) Beauty, radiance. E. कम् to desire, अङ् and टाप् affs.
- कमितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Lustful, desirous, cupidinous. E. कम् to desire, तृच् affix; and इ inserted.
- कम्प :: m. (-म्पः) Tremour, trembling, shaking. E. कपि to shake, and अच् affix; also कम्पन, &c.
- कम्पन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Trembling, unsteady, shaken. n. (-नं) Trembling quivering. m. (-नः) The dewy season. (Nov.-Dec.) E. कपि to tremble, and युच् or ल्युट् aff.
- कम्पमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Trembling. E. कपि to tremble, शानच् aff.
- कम्पलक्ष्मन् :: m. (-क्ष्मा) Air, wind. E. कम्प trembling, and लक्ष्मन् mark or sign.
- कम्पाक :: m. (-कः) Wind, air. E. काकुन् affixed to कपि .
- कम्पान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Trembling, agitated. E. कम्प, and अन्वित pos- sessed of.
- कम्पित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Shaking, shaken, trembling. n. (-तं) Trembling, a trembling, a tremor E. कपि and क्त aff.
- कम्पिल :: m. (-लः) A plant: see रोचनी; see काम्पिल्ल; also कम्पिल्ल and कम्पील .
- कम्प्र :: mfn. (-म्प्रः -म्प्रा -म्प्रं) Trembling, shaken. E. कपि, and र aff.
- कम्ब :: r. 1st. cl. (कम्बति) To go, to move.
- कम्बर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Variegated. m. (-रः) Variegated, (the colour.)
- कम्बल :: m. (-लः) 1. A blanket. 2. A chief of the Nagas or serpents. 3. A small worm. 4. A dew-lap. 5. An upper cloth or garment. 6. A sort of deer. n. (-लं) Water. E. कम् to desire, कल Unadi affix, and ब inserted; or कम् the head, water, &c. and बल् to be strong, affix अच् .
- कम्बलकारक :: m. (-कः) Woollen cloth manufacturer. E. कम्बल, and कारक who makes.
- कम्बलवाह्यक :: n. (-कं) A kind of carriage, covered with a coarse blanket or woollen cloth, and drawn by oxen. E. कम्बल and वह् to bear, affixes ण्यत् and कन् .
- कम्बलायिन् :: m. (-यी) A sort of kite.
- कम्बि :: f. (-म्बिः) 1. A ladle or spoon. 2. A shoot, a branch or joint of a bamboo. E. कम् to desire, बिन् affix, or with ङीष् added कम्बी .
- कम्बु :: mfn. (-म्बुः -म्बूः -म्बु) Speckled, variegated. mn. (-म्बुः-म्बु) 1. A conch, a shell. m. (-म्बुः) 1. A bracelet, a ring. 2. A bivalve shell. 3. An elephant. 4. The neck. 5. A vein or tubular vessel of the body, &c. E. कम्ब् to go, उ affix, or कम् to desire; the form is irr.
- कम्बुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) A mean person. m. (-कः) A conch. f. (-का) A tree (Physais flexuosa.) E. कन् added to the last.
- कम्बुग्रीवा :: f. (-वा) A neck marked with three lines like a shell, and con- sidered to be indicative of exalted fortune. E. कम्बु a shell, and ग्रीवा the neck.
- कम्बू :: mfn. (-म्बूः -म्बूः -म्बु) A thief, a plunderer. m. (-म्बूः) A bracelet. E. कम् to desire, ऊ Unadi affix, and बुक् inserted.
- कम्बोज :: m. (-जः) 1. The name of a country in the north of India, Cam- boja or Camboya. 2. A kind of shell. 3. A description of elephant: see काम्बोज .
- कम्भारी :: f. (-री) A plant, (Gmelina arborea.) E. कम् water, भार a burthen, ङीष् affix; also गम्भारी .
- कम्भू :: n. (-म्भु) The root of the Andropogon muricatum. E. कं water, भू produced.
- कम्र :: mfn. (-म्रः -म्रा -म्रं) 1. Desirous, cupidinous. 2. Beautiful, desirable. E. कम् to desire, रन् aff.
- कयस्था :: f. (-स्था) A medicinal plant, commonly Kakoli; also कायस्था, or more accurately, perhaps, वयस्था .
- कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Who or what does, makes or causes, as किङ्करः a servant, who does anything; भयङ्करः frightful, what causes fear; उपकरः who gives aid: अपकरः who does ill, &c. m. (-रः) 1. A ray of light, a sun or moonbeams. 2. Royal revenue toll, tax, impost, &c. 3. The hand. 4. Hail. 5. An elephant's trunk. E. कृञ् to do, &c. ट or अप् aff.
- करक :: mf. (-कः-का) Hail. mn. (-कः-कं) 1. The water-pot of the student or ascetic. 2. The shell of the cocoanut hollowed to form a vessel. m. (-कः) 1. The pomegranate tree. 2. Toll, tax. 3. A particular sort of bird. 4. A plant, (Galedupa arborea, &c.) See करञ्ज . 5. A tree, (Butea frondosa.) E. कन् added to the preceding, or कृ to in- jure, &c. and वुन् aff.
- करकण्टक :: m. (-कः) The finger-nail. E. कर the hand, and कण्टक a thorn.
- करकमल :: n. (-लं) The hand, especially of a lover, a mistress, &c. E. कर, and कमल a lotus; also similar compounds, as करपद्म, करपङ्कज, करपल्लव, &c.
- करकलश :: m. (-शः) The hand hollowed to receive water. E. कर, and कलश a ewer.
- करकाम्भस् :: m. (-म्भाः) The cocoanut tree, (Cosos nucifera.) E. करक the shell, and अम्भस् the water, the nut containing a serous fluid.
- करकुद्मल :: n. (-लं) A finger. E. कर, and कुद्मल a bud.
- करकोष :: m. (-षः) The hollow of the hand. E. कर, and कोष receptacle.
- करग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. Marriage. 2. Levying or gathering a tax. 3. A tax- gatherer. 4. Taking the hand. E. कर, and ग्रह taking: one part of the ceremony of marriage is the placing of the right hand of the bride with the palm uppermost, in the right hand of the bride- groom; also करग्राह .
- करग्रहण :: n. (-णं) 1. Levying or gathering a tax. 2. Taking the hand. 3. Marriage. E. कर, and ग्रहण taking.
- करग्राहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) 1. Levying a tax. 2. Taking the hand. E. कर, and ग्राहिन् who takes.
- करघर्षण :: m. (-णः) The churning stick. n. (-णं) Rubbing the hands to- gether. E. कर the hand, and घर्षण rubbing.
- करघर्षिन् :: m. (-र्षी) The churning stick. E. कर the hand, घृष् to rub, णिनि aff.
- करङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) 1. The head. 2. A cocoanut hollowed so as to form a cup or vessel. 3. Any bone of the body. 4. A kind of sugar-cane. E. कॄ to send or throw, &c. अंक aff.
- करङ्कशालि :: m. (-लिः) A sort of sugar-cane.
- करङ्गण :: n. (-णं) A market or fair. E. कर tax, and गण collection, &c.
- करच्छद :: m. (-दः) The teak tree. E. कर, and छद a leaf.
- करज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced in or from a hand, a ray, &c. m. (-जः) 1. A finger-nail. 2. The name of a timber tree, commonly Karanja, (Galedupa arborea, Rox.) n. (-जं) A perfume, commonly Nakhi resembling a nail in appearance. E. कर the hand, and ज produced; or कं pleasure, रञ्ज् to colour, &c. अच् affix; see the next.
- करजाल :: n. (-लं) A pencil of rays, a stream of light. E. कर, and जाल multitude.
- करञ्ज :: m. (-ञ्जः) The name of a plant, commonly Karanja (Galedupa arborea, Rox.) E. क water, and रञ्ज् to colour, अच् affix: see करज .
- करञ्जक :: m. (-कः) 1. Karanja: see the preceding. 2. Another plant, (Verbesina scandens, Rox.) Sea भृङ्गराज . E. कन् added to the fore- going.
- करट :: m. (-टः) 1. A crow. 2. An elephant's cheek. 3. Safflower or car- thamus. 4. A man of a low or degraded profession. 5. The first Śrāddha or ceremony performed in honour of a deceased relation. 6. An atheist, an unbeliever, an oppugner of the doctrines of the Vedas. 7. A musical instrument, (Castanets?) f. (-टा) A cow difficult to be milked. E. क pleasure, &c. रट् to sound, and अच् affix; or कृ to do, and अटन् Unadi aff.
- करटक :: m. (-कः) A crow. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- करटिन् :: m. (-टी) An elephant. E. करट and इनि aff.
- करटु :: m. (-टुः) The numidian crane. E. कर् for कुत् bad, अट् to go, and डु aff.
- करण :: n. (-णं) 1. An instrument or means of action. 2. Making, doing. 3. Action, act. 4. Cause, motive. 5. Business, occupation, as trade. &c. 6. An organ of sense. 7. The body. 8. The mind or heart. 9. A field. 10. Grain. 11. The posture, abstinence, &c. of an ascetic. 12. Copulation, (seu modus coeundi.) 13. The usage or practice of the writer caste. 14. Acting, dramatic action. 15. Song, singing. 16. The particular business of any tribe or caste. 17. Plaistering, spreading any thing with the hand. 18. A Karana, an astrological division of time; the Karanas are eleven: 7 moveable and 4 fixed, and two are equal to a lunar day; or the time during which the moon's motion from the sun amounts to 6°. 19. (In grammar) The instru- mental case, or noun in that case. m. (-णः) A man of a mixed class, the son of a Sudra woman by a Vaisya; or, according to some, of an outcaste Kshetriya, by a Kshetriya female; the occupation of this class is writing, accounts, &c. a writer, a scribe. f. (-णी) 1. A woman of the same caste. 2. (In arithmetic, &c.) A surd or irrational quantity. E. कृ to do, to act, &c. ल्युट् aff.
- करणत्राण :: n. (-णं) The head. E. करण an organ of sense, and त्राण preserving.
- करणत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Instrumentality, mediate agency. E. त्व added to करण .
- करणनियम :: m. (-मः) Suppression or restraint of the organs of sense. E. करण, and नियम restraint.
- करणि :: f. (-णिः) Doing, making, effecting. E. कृ to do, अमि affix; also with कन् added करणिका .
- करणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be done or made. E. कृ to do, अनीयर् aff.
- करणीसुता :: f. (-ता) An adopted daughter.
- करण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. A basket or covered box of bamboo wicker work. 2. A bee-hive, a honey-comb. 3. A sword. 4. A sort of duck. 5. An aquatic weed, (Vallisneria.) E. कृ to do, अण्डन् Unadi aff.
- करण्डिन् :: m. (-ण्डी) A fish in general. E. करण्ड Vallisneria, and इनि aff.
- करतल :: n. (-लं) The palm of the hand. E. कर, and तल lower part.
- करतलधृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Held in the hand. E. करतल, and धृत held.
- करतलस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Held in the hand, what is in or under the hand. E. करतल, and स्य what is.
- करताल :: nf. (-लं-ली) 1. A musical instrument, a cymbal. 2. Beating time by clapping the hands. E. कर the hand, ताल musical time, and ङीष् aff.
- करतोया :: f. (-या) The Karatoya river, a river in the north-east of Bengal. E. कर the hand, and तोय water: at the wedding of SIVA and PARVATI, the water which had been poured into the hand of the former, constituted, upon its being thrown on the ground, the source of this river.
- करद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Subject to tax or duty. 2. Tributary. 3. Who gives his hand, &c. E. कर, and द who gives.
- करदक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Handy, dexterous, ready. E. कर, and दक्ष clever.
- करदीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Subjugated, made tributary. E. करद, and कृत made with च्वि augment.
- करधृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Held, supported by the hand. E. कर, and धृत held.
- करनिहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Held in the hand. E. कर, and निहित placed.
- करपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. A saw. 2. Splashing water about while bathing, playing or gamboling in water. E. कर, and पत्र a leaf; being in the hand as a leaf.
- करपत्रवत् :: m. (-वान्) The palmyra tree (Borassus flabelliformis.) E. करपत्र a saw, and मतुप् affix, the spatha being compared to a saw.
- करपत्रिका :: f. (-का) Playing with water, gamboling in it, splashing it about; also करपत्र, करपात्र and करपत्रिक .
- करपर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) A species of castor oil tree. E. कर, and पर्ण a leaf.
- करपल्लव :: m. (-वः) A finger. E. कर, and पल्लव a shoot.
- करपात्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. The hand hollowed so as to hold anything. 2. The throwing of water in sport. E. कर, and पात्र a cup.
- करपाल :: m. (-लः) A sword, a scymitar. E. कर the hand, and पल protect- ing, or with बल to be strong, करबाल .
- करपालिका :: f. (-का) 1. A cudgel, a short club or wooden sword. 2. A sword or one edged knife. E. कर the hand, पाल to nourish, ण्वुल् affix, and the fem. termination.
- करपुट :: n. (-टं) 1. Joining the palms of the hands to shew respect. 2. The hands joined and hollowed to receive anything. E. कर, and पुट a bag.
- करपृष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) Back of the hand. E. कर, and पृष्ठ back.
- करप्रचेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be held, to be taken hold of. 2. To be collected by taxes. E. कर, and प्रचेय to be accumulated.
- करप्राप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Held in hand, got, secured. E. कर, and प्राप्त obtained.
- करबाल :: n. (-लं) 1. A finger-nail. 2. A sword, a scymitar; see करपाल .
- करबालिका :: f. (-का) A small sword, &c. see करपालिका .
- करभ :: m. (-भः) 1. The metacarpus, the hand from the wrist to the root of the fingers. 2. A young camel or any young animal. 3. A young elephant. 4. A perfume, commonly Nakhi. f. (-भी) A she camel. E. कृ to reject, अभच् Unadi affix: see कलभ .
- करभप्रिया :: f. (-या) A plant, a sort of Hedysarum. E. करभ, and प्रिय fond of; fodder for camels.
- करभिन् :: m. (-भी) An elephant. E. करभ and इनि aff.
- करभीर :: m. (-रः) A lion. E. करभ a young animal, and ईर who destroys.
- करभूषण :: n. (-णं) A bracelet, an ornament worn round the wrist. E. कर the hand, and भूषण an ornament.
- करभट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः) The betel nut tree: see गुवका .
- करमरिन् :: m. (-री) A prisoner, a captive.
- करमर्द्द :: m. (-र्द्दः) A small tree (bearing an acid fruit, commonly Karonda or Karinda, (Carissa carondas.) E. कर the hand, and मृद् to destroy, अण् affix; what is pulled by the hand; also with कन् affix, करमर्द्दक and fem. with ङीष् affix करमर्द्दी .
- करमर्द्दक :: m. (-कः) See the preceding.
- करमाल :: m. (-लः) Smoke, probably an error or corruption for खतमाल .
- करमाला :: f. (-ला) The hand used as a rosary, the joints of the fingers corresponding to the beads. E. कर, and माला a rosary.
- करमुक्त :: n. (-क्तं) A missile weapon, but thrown by the hand, a dart, javelin, &c. E. कर, and मुक्त released.
- कराग्रहपल्लव :: m. (-वः) A finger. E. कर, and अग्र to the point, पल्लव a shoot.
- करम्ब :: mfn. (-म्बः -म्बा -म्बं) 1. Mixed, intermingled. 2. Set, inlaid. m. (-म्बः) Flour or meal mixed with curds: see करम्भ . E. कृ to do, अम्बच् Unadi aff.
- करम्बित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Intermingled, mixed, blended, &c. 2. Pound- ed, reduced to grains or dust. 3. Set, inlaid. E. करम्ब and इतच् aff.
- करम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) A cake, flour or meal mixed with curds. E. क water, and रभि to send. &c. अच् affix; also with कन् added करम्भक; also with रवि to sound, &c. करम्ब, &c. as above.
- कररुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Stopped by the hand, held tight or fast. E. कर, and रुद्ध stopped.
- कररुह :: m. (-हः) A finger-nail. E. कर the hand, and रुह to grow, to rise, affix क .
- करर्द्धि :: m. (-र्द्धिः) A small musical instrument used for marking time, (a castanet,) or clapping the hands together for that purpose. E. कर the hand, ऋद्धि property.
- करवालिका :: f. (-का) A small club, &c. see करबालिका .
- करवी :: f. (-वी) The leaf of the Asafœtida plant, Hingupatri: see कवरी and कारवी .
- करवीर :: m. (-रः) 1. A fragrant plant, (Oleander or Nerium odorum.) 2. The name of a demon. 3. A sword or scymitar. 4. A cemetery, a place for burning or interring the dead. f. (-रा) Red arsenic. f. (-री) 1. A name of ADITI, the mother of the gods. 2. A good cow. 3. A wo- man who has borne a son, a mother. E. कर here said to mean a root, वीर to become evident, and अच् affix; or कर hand, वि prefixed to ईर् to go, &c. affix क .
- करवीरक :: m. (-कः) 1. A sword. 2. A poison, the poisonous root of the Oleander. 3. A tree, (Pentaptera arjuna.) E. कन् added to the preceding.
- करशाखा :: f. (-खा) A finger. E. कर the hand, and शाखा a branch.
- करशीकर :: m. (-रः) Water expelled by an elephant's trunk. E. कर his trunk, and शीकर drizzling rain.
- करशुक :: m. (-कः) A finger-nail. E. कर the hand, शुक the beard of corn.
- करशोथ :: m. (-थः) Œdematous swelling of the hands. E. कर, and शोथ swelling.
- करहाट :: m. (-टः) 1. The fibrous root of a lotus. 2. A tree, (Vangueria spinosa.) E. क water, and रह् to abandon, करह a lotus, अट what goes, or by what it goes; or कर the hand, हट् to illuminate or adorn, and अण् aff.
- करहाटक :: m. (-कः) The name of a tree, (Vangueria spinosa.) E. कन् added to the preceding.
- कराघात :: m. (-तः) A thump, a blow with the hand. E. कर, and आघात a blow.
- करामर्द्ध :: m. (-र्द्धः) A fruit-tree, (Carissa carondas:) see करमर्द्ध .
- करामुक :: m. (-कः) A plant, (Flacourtia cataphracta, Rox.) See कृष्णपाक .
- कराम्लक :: m. (-कः) A fruit-tree, (Carissa carondas.)
- करायिका :: f. (-का) A bird, a small kind of crane.
- करारोट :: m. (-टः) A finger ring. E. कर the hand, रुट् to shine, with आङ् prefixed, affix अच् .
- कराल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Great, large. 2. High, lofty. 3. Formidable, terrible. 4. Having projecting teeth. m. (-लः) Rosin, pitch, or a mixture of oil and the resin of the Sal tree. n. (-लं) A dark kind of Tulasi or Basil. f. (-ला) A kind of swallow wort, commonly Anantamul, (Hemisdemus Indicus.) See शारिवा . f. (-ली) One of the seven tongues of AGNI or fire. E. कर the hand, &c. ला with आङ् prefixed to take, and क affix; or कर, and अल् to be able, &c. affix अण्, fem. do टाप् or ङीष् .
- करालक :: m. (-कः) A sort of Basil, the dark kind.
- करालकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Having a large trunk, (an elephant.) 2. Having a powerful arm or hand. E. कराल, and कर a hand.
- करालम्ब :: mfn. (-म्बः -म्बा -म्बं) One who stretches out his hand to support or pick up another, &c. E. कर, and आलम्ब what supports.
- करालम्बन :: n. (-नं) Extending the hand, taking by the hand, helping sustaining. E. कर, and आलम्बन supporting.
- करालवदन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Of hideous aspect, ugly, frightful. f. (-ना) A form or emanation of DURGA. E. कराल, and वदन countenance; also करालानन, करालमुख, &c.
- करालिक :: m. (-कः) A tree.
- करालित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Afraid of, alarmed by or at. 2. Rendered formidable. 3. Magnified. E. कराल and इतच् aff.
- करिकणवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) A species of pepper, (Piper chavya.) E. करिकण elephant-pepper, वल्ली a vine.
- करिकुम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) The frontal globe of an elephant. E. करि, and कुम्भ the same.
- करिकुसुम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) A fragrant powder prepared from the flowers of the Nagesara, (Mesua ferrea;) also करिकुमुम्भक .
- करिगर्ज्जित :: n. (-तं) The roaring of elephants. E. करिन् an elephant, and गर्ज्जित sounding, thundering.
- करिचर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) An elephant's hide. E. करिन्, and चर्म्मन् skin.
- करिज :: m. (-जः) A young elephant. E. करि an elephant, and ज born.
- करिदन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. An elephant's tusk. 2. Ivory. E. करिन्, and दन्त a tooth.
- करिदारक :: m. (-कः) A lion. E. करिन् an elephant, दॄ to tear or rend, ण्वुल् affix; or with युच् affix करिदारण .
- करिन् :: m. (-री) An elephant. E. कर the proboscis of this animal, and इनि aff.
- करिनासिका :: f. (-का) A musical instrument.
- करिपिप्पली :: f. (-ली) A plant bearing a pungent fruit, (Pothos officinalis, Rox.) E. करि, and पिप्पली long-pepper; Elephant-pepper; consi- dered by native writers as a large species of that condiment; also गजपिप्पली, &c.
- करिपोत :: m. (-तः) A young elephant, one under ten years old. E. करि, and पोत a young animal; also करिशावक .
- करिबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) The post to which an elephant is tied. E. करि, and बन्ध a binding.
- करिमाचल :: m. (-लः) A lion. E. करि, मा splendor, and चल् to go; the lion being considered as the natural enemy and destroyer of the elephant.
- करिमुख :: m. (-खः) A title of GANESA. E. करि, and मुख a face: this diety being represented with an elephant's head.
- करियादस् :: n. (-दः) A water-elephant, a hippopotamus. n. करि, and यादस् any aquatic animal.
- करिर :: m. (-रः) The shoot of a bamboo: see करीर .
- करिशावक :: m. (-कः) A young elephant under five years old; according to some, also until ten years. E. See करिपोत, शावक meaning a young animal.
- करिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Doing much. E. कर who does, इष्ठन् aff.
- करिष्यत् :: mfn. (-ष्यन् -ष्यन्ती -ष्यत्) Doing, (with a future sense,) about to do. E. कृ to do, शतृ affix of the future.
- करिष्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) About to do, going to do. E. कृ to do, शानच् affix of the future.
- करीन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) 1. A large, or a state elephant. 2. INDRA'S elephant. E. करि, and इन्द्र chief.
- करीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Who does much. E. कर who does, ईथसुन् aff.
- करीर :: mn. (-रः-रं) The shoot of a bamboo; also करिर . m. (-रः) 1. A thorny plant, described as growing in deserts, and fed upon by camels, commonly Karil, (Capparis aphylla, Rox.) 2. A water jar. f. (-रा or -री) 1. The root of an elephant's tusk. 2. A cricket, a small grasshopper, &c. E. कॄ to injure, to throw or send, &c. and ईरण् aff.
- करीरिका :: f. (-का) The root of an elephant's tusk: see करीरी .
- करीष :: mn. (-षः-षं) Dry cowdung. E. कॄ to throw, send, &c. and ईषन् Unadi aff.
- करीषङ्कषा :: f. (-षा) A strong wind, a gale. E. करीष, कष् to disturb, खच् aff.
- करीषाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) A fire of dry cowdung. E. करीष, and अग्नि fire; this substance is very generally used as fuel in Hindustan.
- करुण :: mf. (-णः-णा) Tenderness, pity, compassion, the feeling or sentiment. adv. (-णं) Pitifully, in distress. m. (-णः) 1. Sorrow, affliction, one of the eight sentiments. 2. The name of a fruit-tree, the pamplemousse, (Citrus decumana.) 3. A Jina or Jaina saint. E. कॄ to send or cast, उनन् Unadi aff.
- करुणात्मक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Compassionate, tender-hearted. E. करुणा, आत्म self, कन् added.
- करुणापर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Compassionate, tender. E. करुणा, पर excellent.
- करुणामल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) Double jasmin: see नवमल्ली .
- करुणामय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Gentle, compassionate. E. करुणा and मयट् aff.
- करुणार्द्र :: mfn. (-र्द्रः -र्द्रा -र्द्रं) Tender-hearted, soft, sensitive. E. करुणा; and आर्द्र moist.
- करुणाविप्रलम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) Grief of separation with the uncertainty of meet- ing again, fears occurring in absence. E. करुणा sorrow, and विप्रलम्भ separation.
- करुणावेदिता :: f. (-ता) Charitableness, kindliness. E. करुणा, वेदिन् who knows, तल् aff.
- करेट :: m. (-टः) A finger-nail. E. कर, and इट् to go, अच् aff.
- करेटव्या :: f. (-व्या) The numidian crane.
- करेटु :: mf. (-टुः-टुः) The numidian crane. E. क for कुत् bad, or क water, and रेट् to sound, उ aff.
- करेणु :: mf. (-णुः-णुः) A male or female elephant. m. (-णुः) A plant: see कर्णिकार . E. कृ to do, &c. एणु Unadi affix; also with a final long vowel, करेणू .
- करेणुभू :: m. (-भूः) The name of a Muni or saint; also पालकाप्य .
- करेणुवर्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) A large or powerful elephant. E. करेणु, and वर्य्य excellent.
- करेणुसुत :: m. (-तः) The name of a Muni.
- करेणू :: mf. (-णूः-णूः) A male or female elephant: see करेणु .
- करेनर :: m. (-रः) Benzoin or storax.
- करोट :: mf. (-टः-टिः or -टी) The bones of the head, the scull. E. क the head, रुट् to oppose, to defend, &c. affixes अच् and इन् or ङीष् .
- करोत्कर :: m. (-रः) 1. A bundle of rags. 2. A heavy tax. E. कर, and उत्कर plenty.
- करोदक :: n. (-कं) Water held in, or poured into the hand. E. कर, and उदक water.
- कर्क :: mfn. (-र्कः -र्का -र्कं) 1. White. 2. Good, excellent. m. (-र्कः) 1. A white horse. 2. A mirror. 3. A water jar. 4. A crab. 5. A sign of the zodiac, (Cancer.) 6. A fire. 7. A long gourd. 8. Beauty. E. कृ to do, &c. क Unadi aff.
- कर्कचिर्भिटी :: f. (-टी) A small cucumber. E. कर्क, and चिर्भिटी the same.
- कर्कट :: m. (-टः) 1. A crab. 2. The sign of the zodiac, (Cancer.) 3. A kind of bird, the numidian crane. 4. A long gourd: see तुम्बी . 5. The fibrous root of the lotus. 6. The curved end of the beam of a balance, to which the strings supporting the scale are attached. 7. A compass. 8. The radius of a circle. f. (-टा) A plant, common- ly Kurkavali, (Momordica mixta.) f. (-टी) 1. A kind of cucumber, (Cucumis utilatissimus, Rox.) 2. The fruit of the silk cotton tree. 3. A snake. 4. A water jar. E. कर्क a Sautra root, to laugh or smile, and अटन् affix, fem. affix टाप् or ङीष् .
- कर्कटक :: m. (-कः) A crab. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- कर्कटशृङ्गिका :: f. (-का) A plant, commonly Kankarasringi: see the next.
- कर्कटशृङ्गी :: f. (-ङ्गी) A plant, the fruit of which is compared to the claw or feelers of a crab, the horn of a goat, &c. see अजशृङ्गी . E. कर्कट, शृङ्ग a horn, इनि and ङीष् affixes.
- कर्कटाख्या :: f. (-ख्या) See the preceding. E. कर्कट, and आख्या an appellation.
- कर्कटि :: f. (-टिः) A sort of cucumber, (Cucumis utilatissimus:) see कर्कट .
- कर्कटु :: m. (-टुः) The numidian crane.
- कर्कन्धु :: mf. (-न्धुः-न्धूः) A tree, the jujube: see the next.
- कर्कन्धू :: mf. (-न्धूः-न्धूः) The jujube (Zizyphus jujuba.) E. कर्क excellent, धा to have, and कु Unadi affix, fem. affix ऊञ्
- कर्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Hard, firm. n. (-रं) Stone, lime-stone, especially the nodule found in Bengal under the name of Kankar. m. (-रः) A mirror. f. (-री) A small water-jar. E. कर्क beauty, from कर्क to smile, र from रा to give, fem. affix ङीष् .
- कर्कराक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A wag-tail. E. कर्कर a mirror, and अक्ष an eye: bright-eyed.
- कर्कराङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A gallinule. E. कर्कर firm, and अङ्ग body.
- कर्कराटु :: m. (-टुः) A glance, a side look.
- कर्कराटुक :: m. (-कः) The numidian crane: see कर्करेटु .
- कर्करान्धक :: m. (-कः) A blind well, one of which the mouth is overgrown with grass, &c. so as to be hidden.
- कर्कराल :: mn. (-लः-लं) A curl, a ringlet.
- कर्करी :: f. (-री) A water-jar with a spout.
- कर्करीका :: f. (-का) A small water jar. E. कॄ to scatter, in the reiterative form, and ईक Unadi aff.
- कर्करेट :: n. (-टं) The hand curved as a claw or half moon, for the pur- pose of grasping anything. E. कर्कर hard, firm, इट् to go, to be, affix अप् .
- कर्करेटु :: mf. (-टुः-टुः) The numidian crane: see करेटु . E. कर्कश hard, &c. रेट् to sound, deriv. irr.
- कर्कश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) 1. Violent. 2. Hard. 3. Intangible. 4. Cruel. 5. Unfeeling, unmerciful. 6. Harsh, unkind. 7. Miserly. m. (-शः) 1. A plant, commonly Sunda rochani, (Crinum?) 2. A kind of cassia, (Cassia esculenta.) 3. Sugar-cane. 4. A sword, a scymitar. f. (-शी) Wild jujube; also कर्कशिका . E. कॄ to injure, विच् affix, कश with the same meaning, and अच्, highly injurious: or कर्क a Sautra root, and श aff.
- कर्कशच्छद :: m. (-दः) 1. A plant, (Trophis aspera.) 2. A kind of gourd, (Trichosanthes diœca.) E. कर्कश hard, and छद a leaf.
- कर्कशदल :: m. (-लः) A gourd (Trichosanthes diœca.)
- कर्कशवाक्य :: n. (-क्यं) Harsh or contumelious speech. E. कर्कश, and वाक्य speech.
- कर्कसार :: n. (-रं) Flour of meal mixed with curds. E. कर्क, and सार essence.
- कर्कारु :: m. (-रुः) A pumpkin gourd, (Cucurbita pepo.) E. कक white, ऋ to go, or to be, ऊण् affix; also कर्कारू .
- कर्कारुक :: m. (-कः) A plant, (Convolvulus paniculatus.) E. कन् added to the preceding.
- कर्कि :: m. (-र्किः) The sign Cancer.
- कर्केतर :: m. (-रः) A kind of gem or precious stone.
- कर्कोट :: m. (-टः) One of the principle serpents or Nagas of Patala.
- कर्कोटक :: m. (-कः) 1. A plant, (Ægle marmelos:) see मालूर . 2. A Naga or serpent: see the preceding. 3. A kind of gourd, (Momordica charantia:) in this sense; also कर्कोटिका . 5. Sugar-cane.
- कर्कोटकी :: f. (-की) A plant, a Ghosha with yellow flowers: see घोष .
- कर्घ :: r. 1st. cl. (कर्घति) To go, to move.
- कर्चूर :: m. (-रः) A plant, (Curcuma reclinata, Rox.) n. (-रं) Gold: see कर्बूर .
- कर्चूरक :: m. (-कः) Zedoary, (Curcuma zerumbet:) see कर्बूरक .
- कर्ज :: r. 1st cl. (कर्जति) To pain or make uneasy.
- कर्ण :: r. 10th cl. (कर्णयति) To pierce or bore: with the prefix आङ्, समा, (सम् and आङ्) or उप, to hear or listen.
- कर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) 1. The ear. 2. KARNA a prince, sovereign of Angadesha, and elder brother, by the mother's side, to the Pandu princes, being the son of SURYA by KUNTI, before the marriage with PANDU. 3. The helm or rudder of a vessel. 4. (In prosody,) A spondee, a foot of two long syllables. 5. (In geometry,) The hypo- thenuse of a triangle, or the diagonal of a tetragon. 6. A plant, (Cassia fistula.) 7. A kind of swallow wort, (Colotropis gigantea.) E. कर्ण to hear, घञ् affix; or कृ to do, &c. न Unadi aff.
- कर्णकण्डु :: m. (-ण्डुः) Itching of the ear. E. कर्ण, and कण्डु itching.
- कर्णकीटी :: f. (-टो) 1. An insect or worm with many feet, and of a reddish colour, (Julus cornifex.) 2. A small centipede. E. कर्ण the ear, and कीट an insect, being supposed to attack the ear especially.
- कर्णक्ष्वेड :: m. (-डः) An affection of the ear, a roaring or constant noise in it. E. कर्ण, and क्ष्वेड a buzzing in the ear.
- कर्णग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) 1. Hanging on the ear, next to the ear. 2. Ex- tending to the ear. E. कर्ण, and ग what goes.
- कर्णगूथ :: m. (-थः) The wax of the ear. E. कर्ण, and गूथ fœces, excrement.
- कर्णगोचर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Capable of being heard, perceptible to the ear. E. कर्ण, and गोचर perceptible.
- कर्णग्राह :: m. (-हः) A helmsman. E. कर्ण, the helm, and ग्राह who holds.
- कर्णग्राहवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Having a helmsman. E. कर्णग्राह and मतुप् aff.
- कर्णच्छिद्र :: n. (-द्रं) The outer auditory passage. E. कर्ण, and छिद्र hole.
- कर्णजप :: m. (-पः) An informer. E. कर्ण, and जप who whispers; also कर्णेजप .
- कर्णजलूका :: f. (-का) 1. An insect, (Julus.) 2. A small centipede: see कर्णकीटी . E. कर्ण, and जलूका a leech.
- कर्णजलौकस् :: f. (-का) A worm: see the preceding; also कर्णजलौका .
- कर्णजलौका :: f. (-काः) A kind of insect, (Julus cornifex, &c.) 2. A small centipede; also कर्णजलौकस् and कर्णजलूका .
- कर्णजाह :: n. (-हं) The root of the ear. E. कर्ण, and जाह affix in this sense.
- कर्णजित् :: m. (-जित्) A title of ARJUNA. E. कर्ण, and जित् conqueror; KARNA having taken the part of the KURUS, was killed by ARJUNA in the great battle between them and the Pandus.
- कर्णताल :: m. (-लः) The flapping of an elephant's ears. E. कर्ण, and ताल tune.
- कर्णदर्पण :: m. (-णः) An ear-ring, an ornament of the ear. E. कर्ण, and दर्पण a mirror.
- कर्णदुन्दुभि :: f. (-भिः) A kind of worm: see कर्णकीटी . E. कर्ण, and दुन्दुभि a sort of drum; making a noise in the ear like a drum.
- कर्णधार :: m. (-रः) A pilot, a helmsman. E. कर्ण the helm, धृञ् to have or. hold, and अण् aff.
- कर्णनाद :: m. (-दः) Ringing in the ear. E. कर्ण, and नाद sound.
- कर्णन्दु :: f. (-न्दुः) A woman's ear-ring: see कर्णान्दु and कर्णेन्दु .
- कर्णपाक :: m. (-कः) Inflamation of the outer ear. E. कर्ण, and पाक ripening.
- कर्णपाली :: f. (-ली) An ornament of the ear, a garland or string of jewels pendent from it. E. कर्ण, and पाल् to cherish.
- कर्णपुर :: m. (-रः) The capital of KARNA, the ancient name of Bhagalpur. E. कर्ण, and पुर city; also कर्णपुर् f. (-पूः).
- कर्णपूर :: m. (-रः) 1. A tree, (Mimosa sirisha.) 2. The blue lotus. 3. An ear-ring. 4. The Asoka tree. E. कर्ण . and पूर to make full, to complete.
- कर्णपूरक :: m. (-कः) The Kadamba tree, (Nauclea kadamba.) E. कर्णपूर an ear-ring, and कन् resembling, like the large round drop or pendant of a Hindustani ear-ring.
- कर्णप्रतिनाह :: m. (-हः) A disease of the ear, suppression of the excretion or wax, which is supposed to have dissolved and pass by the nose and mouth. E. कर्ण, and प्रतिनाह suppression.
- कर्णफल :: m. (-लः) A sort of fish, (Ophiocephalus kurrawey.) E. कर्ण, and फल fruit.
- कर्णमद्गुर :: m. (-रः) A sort of sheat fish, (Silurus unitus.) E. कर्ण, and मद्गुर a sheat fish.
- कर्णमल :: m. (-लः) The excretion or wax of the ear. E. कर्ण, and मल dirt.
- कर्णमुकुर :: m. (-रः) 1. An ornament of the ear. 2. An ear-ring. E. कर्ण, and मुकुर a mirror; reflecting its beauty.
- कर्णमोटी :: f. (-टी) A name of DEVI or DURGA in one of her forms or in- carnations E. कर्ण the ear, मुट् to rub, घञ् and ङीप् affixes; this is sometimes written कर्णमोटि .
- कर्णलतिका :: f. (-का) The lobe of the ear. E. कर्ण, लता a creeping plant, कन् added.
- कर्णवंश :: m. (-शः) An elevated platform. E. कर्ण, and वंश a bamboo.
- कर्णवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Having ears. 2. Long-eared. 3. Having a helm. E. कर्ण and मतुप् aff.
- कर्णवर्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Earless. m. (-तः) A snake. E. कर्ण, and वर्जित् deprived.
- कर्णविद्रधि :: f. (-धिः) Ulceration of the ear. E. कर्ण, and विद्रधि a sore.
- कर्णवेध :: m. (-धः) 1. Boaring the ears: as a religious ceremony it is per- formed where there are three sons, to prevent one of them from dying. 2. Piercing the ear in general. E. कर्ण, and वेध piercing.
- कर्णवेधनिका :: f. (-का) An instrument for perforating the ear. E. कर्ण, विध् to pierce, ल्युट् and ङीष् affixes, with कन् added, and the fem. termina- tion टाप् .
- कर्णवेधनी :: f. (-नी) See the preceding.
- कर्णवेष्टक :: n. (-कं) An ear-ring: see the next.
- कर्णवेष्टन :: n. (-नं) An ear-ring. E. कर्ण, and वेष्टन surrounding.
- कर्णशष्कुली :: f. (-ली) The outer part of the ear, the cartilage and depres- sions leading to the auditory passage. E. कर्ण, and शष्कुल the hol- lows of the ear.
- कर्णशूल :: n. (-लं) Ear-ache. E. कर्ण, and शूल pain.
- कर्णश्रव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Audible, loud. E. कर्ण, and श्रव hearing.
- कर्णसंस्राव :: m. (-वः) Discharge of pus from the ear. E. कर्ण, and संस्राव suppuration.
- कर्णस्राव :: m. (-वः) Discharge of ichorous matter from the ear. E. कर्ण, and स्राव running.
- कर्णस्फोटा :: f. (-टा) A sort of creeper. E. कर्ण, and स्फोट a boil.
- कर्णाट :: m. (-टः) A country, Karnata, whence the modern Karnatic: the name however was anciently applied to the central districts of the peninsula, including Mysur. f. (-टी) 1. One of the Raginis or fe- male personification of the musical modes, the bride of the Raga MALAVA. 2. A plant. E. कर्ण the ear, a prince, &c. and अट् to go, affix अच् .
- कर्णानुज :: m. (-जः) A name of Yudhishṭhira, the elder brother of the five Pandu princes. E. कर्ण, and अनुज younger born; the younger brother of KARNA.
- कर्णान्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Near or close to the ear. E. कर्ण, and अन्तिक near.
- कर्णान्दु :: f. (-न्दुः) 1. An ornament of the ear. 2. An ear-ring: see the next, and कर्णेन्दु .
- कर्णान्दू :: f. (-न्दूः) An ornament of the ear, an ear-ring, &c. E. कर्ण, and अन्दू a chain.
- कर्णारा :: f. (-रा) An instrument for perforating the ear. E. कर्ण the ear, ऋ to go, अच् and टाप् affs.
- कर्णारि :: m. (-रिः) A name of ARJUNA. E. कर्ण, and अरि an enemy.
- कर्णालङ्कार :: m. (-रः) An ear-ring, an ornament of the ear. E. कर्ण, and अलङ्कार ornament; also कर्णालङ्क्रिया, कर्णालङ्कृति, &c.
- कर्णास्फाल :: m. (-लः) The flapping of an elephant's ear. E. कर्ण, and आस्फाल with the same import.
- कर्णिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Having large or long ears. 2. Having ears. 3. Having a helm. m. (-कः) A steersman. f. (-का) 1. An ear-ring or ornament of the ear. 2. The pericarp of a lotus. 3. The middle finger. 4. The tip of an elephant's trunk. 5. A fruit-stalk. 6. A pen or small brush. 7. A plant, (Premna spinosa, &c.) see अग्निमन्थ . E. कर्ण the ear, &c. इक affix; or कन् and टाप् affs.
- कर्णिकाचल :: m. (-लः) The fabulous mountain Sumeru. E. कर्णिका the seed vessel of a lotus, and अचल a mountain, Meru being in the centre of the world, the divisions of which are delineated as the leaves of a lotus; also other compounds, as कर्णिकाद्रि, &c.
- कर्णिकार :: m. (-रः) 1. The name of a tree, commonly Kaniyar, (Pteros- permum acerifolium.) 2. A sort of Cassia, (Cassia fistula.) 3. The pericarp of a lotus. E. कर्णिका an ornament of the ear, ऋ to go, अण् affix; also with कन् added कर्णिकारक .
- कर्णिकिन् :: m. (-की) An elephant. E. कर्णिका the tip of his trunk, and इनि aff.
- कर्णिन् :: mfn. (-र्णी -र्णिनी -र्णि) 1. Having an ear, relating to the ear, &c. 2. Long-eared. 3. Barbed, (as an arrow.) 4. Having a helm. m. (-र्णनी) 1.
The name of a mountain, one of the seven principal ranges of the mountains, dividing the universe. 2. The neck, the part near the ear. 3. A steersman. f. (-र्णिनी) A disease of the uterus, prolapsus or polypus uteri. E. कर्ण, and इनि aff.
- कर्णिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Long-eared. E. कर्ण, and इलच् aff.
- कर्णीरथ :: mf. (-थः-था) A covered car, or according to some, a litter for the conveyance of woman, &c. borne on men's shoulders. E. कर्णी the part near the ear, and रथ a carriage.
- कर्णीसुत :: m. (-तः) A name of KANSA the enemy of KRISHNA. E. कर्णी the mother of this prince, and सुत a son.
- कर्णेजप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) An informer, a tale-bearer. E. कर्णे in the ear, and जप् to recite in a low voice, अच् aff.
- कर्णेन्दु :: f. (-न्दुः) 1. A semicircular ornament of the ear. 2. An ear-ring. E. कर्ण, and इन्दु the moon, a crescent, &c. see कर्णान्दु .
- कर्त्त :: r. 10th. cl. (कर्त्तयति) To slacken or unloose, to remove; also कत्र and कर्त्र .
- कर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. Cutting, cutting off or in pieces. 2. Spinning cotton or thread. f. (-नी) Scissors. E. कृत् to cut, ल्युट् aff.
- कर्त्तरिका :: f. (-का) 1. A knife. 2. A small sword or cutlass. 3. A hunter's knife or sword, a couteau de chasse. 4. A scissors. E. कर्त्तरी, and कन् added.
- कर्त्तरी :: f. (-री) 1. A scissors or shears. 2. A knife. 3. A small sword or cutlass. E. कृत् to cut, अरन् affix, and ङीप् fem. do.
- कर्त्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be done or made. 2. What ought to be done. E. कृ to make, तव्य aff.
- कर्त्तव्यता :: f. (-ता) Necessity, obligation, propriety, fitness. E. कर्त्तव्य, and तल् affix; also with त्व affix कर्त्तव्यत्वं .
- कर्त्तित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Cut, cut off. E. कृत् to cut, क्त aff.
- कर्त्तिष्यत् :: mfn. (-ष्यन् -ष्यन्ती -ष्यत्) Intending or wishing to cut. E. कृत् to cut, शतृ affix to future participle; also कर्त्तिष्यमाण mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) with शानच् aff.
- कर्त्तुकाम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Desirous or intending to do. E. कर्त्तुम् to do, काम desire, the final of the first rejected.
- कर्त्तृ :: mfn. (-र्त्ता -र्त्त्री -र्त्तृ) 1. An agent, a doer, a maker, one who makes or does. 2. One who practises what he knows. m. (-र्त्ता) 1. A name of BRAHMA. 2. (In grammar,) The active noun, the nominative case. E. कृ to do, and तृच् affix: it may also be read कर्तृ .
- कर्त्तृक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) An agent, one who does anything. E. कन् added to the last.
- कर्त्तृकत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Agency, action. E. कर्त्तृक, and त्व aff.
- कर्त्तृका :: f. (-का) A small sword. E. कृत् to cut, कन् aff.
- कर्त्तृत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Agency, the act or property of an agent. E. कर्त्तृ, and त्व affix; also with तल् affix कर्त्तृता .
- कर्त्तृवाच्य :: m. (-च्यः) (In grammar,) The active voice. E. कर्त्तृ agent, and वाच्य to be said.
- कर्त्र :: r. 10th cl. (कर्त्रयति) To unloose, to remove: see कर्त्त .
- कर्त्री :: f. (-र्त्री) A scissors. E. कृत् to cut, तृच् and ङीष् affs.
- कर्द :: r. 1st cl. (कर्दति) To grumble, as the bowels; to caw as a crow; or to make any such noise.
- कर्द :: m. (-र्दः) Mud, clay. E. कर्द् to sound ill, अच् aff.
- कर्दट :: m. (-टः) 1. The fibrous root of the lotus. 2. Mud, dirt. 3. Any aquatic weed, as Vallisneria, &c. E. कर्द mud, and अट what goes.
- कर्दन :: n. (-नं) Grumbling of the bowels, borborygmi. E. कर्द् to make such noise, and ल्युट् aff.
- कर्दम :: m. (-मः) 1. Mud, mire, clay. 2. Sin. 3. A Prajapati, the son of BRAHMA by CHHĀYĀ, and the father of Kapila: (this personage appears to be an innovation in Hindu mythology.) f. (-मी) A plant. n. (-मं) Flesh. E. कर्द् to sound badly, and अम Unadi aff.
- कर्दमाटक :: m. (-कः) A receptacle for filth, a sewer, a necessary. E. कर्दम filth, अट to go, and वुन् aff.
- कर्पट :: m. (-टः) Old and patched or ragged garments. E. कृप् to be able, and अटन् aff.
- कर्पटधारिन् :: m. (-री) A religious mendicant, a Fakir, a beggar in patched or ragged clothes, or sometimes with merely a cloth to cover the privities. E. कर्पट as above, धृ to have, and णिनि affix; also कर्पटिक and कर्पटिन् .
- कर्पटिक :: m. (-कः) See the preceding.
- कर्पटिन् :: m. (-टी) See कर्पटधारिन् . This and the two preceding words may also be used in three genders, meaning, beggar in general, or any one in beggarly raiment.
- कर्पर :: m. (-रः) 1. The skull, the cranium. 2. An iron saucepan or frying pan. 3. A kind of weapon. 4. The Glomerous fig tree: see उडुम्बर . f. (-री) A collyrium extracted from the Amomum anthorhiza, Rox. E. कृप् to be able, अरन् aff.
- कर्पराल :: m. (-लः) A tree, described as a Pilu growing in the hills. E. कर्पर the skull, &c. and अल् to adorn, अण् aff.
- कर्पराश :: m. (-शः) Sand, gravel, a sandy soil.
- कर्परिकातुत्थ :: n. (-त्थं) A collyrium extracted from the Amomum author- hiza: see कर्परा . E. कर्परिका for कर्परी, and तुत्थ any collyrium.
- कर्पास :: mn. (-सः-सं) Cotton. f. (-सी) The cotton tree; also कार्पासी . E. कृ to do, &c. पास Unadi aff.
- कर्पूर :: mn. (-रः-रं) Camphor. E. कृप् to be able, ऊर Unadi aff.
- कर्पूरक :: m. (-कः) Zedoary, (Curcuma zerumbet, Rox.) See कर्पूरक and कर्चूरक .
- कर्पूरतिलका :: f. (-का) One of DURGA'S female attendants or confidantes; see जया . E. कर्पूर camphor, and तिलक the sectarial spot on the fore- head; having the Tilaka of camphor.
- कर्पूरतैल :: n. (-लं) Camphor-liniment. E. कर्पूर, and तैल oil.
- कर्पूरनालिका :: f. (-का) Rice dressed with spices, camphor and ghee.
- कर्पूरमणि :: m. (-णिः) A white mineral used medicinally. E. कर्पूर, and मणि a gem.
- कर्फर :: m. (-रः) A mirror.
- कर्ब :: r. 1st cl. (कर्बति) To go, to move or approach.
- कर्बर :: m. (-रः) See कर्वर .
- कर्बुदार :: m. (-रः) 1. Mountain ebony: see कोबिदार . 2. Blue barleria: see नीलझिण्टी .
- कर्बुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Variegated, of a spotted or variegated colour. f. (-रा) 1. Trumpet flower, (Bignonia suave-olens.) 2. A sort of basil, (Ocymum gratissimum:) see वर्वरी . f. (-री) A name of the goddess DURGA. n. (-रं) 1. Gold. 2. Water. 3. Datura, (the fruit.) m. (-रः) 1. A demon, an imp or goblin. 2. A variegated colour. 3. A plant, (Curcuma reclinata, Rox.) See शठी . 4. Sin. 5. Rice growing amidst inundation. E. कब to tinge or dye, उरच् Unadi affix and र inserted, or कर्ब to go, &c. and उरन् affix, also long कर्बूर; it is also often read with the dental व, but perhaps erroneously.
- कर्बूर :: mn. (-रः-रं) Gold. m. (-रः) 1. A species of curcuma, (C. reclinata, Rox.) 2. Zedoary, (Curcuma zerumbet.) 3. A demon. f. (-रा) A leech. n. (-रं) Yellow orpiment. See कर्बुर and कर्बूरक .
- कर्बूरक :: m. (-कः) Zedoary, (Curcuma zerumbet, Rox.) E. कन् added to the preceding: also कर्चूरक .
- कर्बूरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Variegated, many coloured. E. कर्बूर, and इतच् aff.
- कर्म्म :: mn. (-र्म्मः-र्म्मं) Act, action; see कर्म्मन् .
- कर्म्मकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. A hired laborer. 2. A servant of any kind, (as a pupil, &c.) not a slave. 3. An agent, any one who does work or business. m. (-रः) A name of YAMA, regent of the dead. f. (-री) 1. A plant, (Aletris hyacinthoides.) See मूर्ब्बा . 2. Bryonia grandis: see निम्बिका . 3. A female servant or slave. E. कर्म्म work, act, and कर who does or performs; also कर्म्मकार .
- कर्म्मकार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. A worker, one who does any business, an artisan, a mechanic. 2. One who performs any act. m. (-रः) 1. A
blacksmith, one of the progeny of the divine artist VISWAKARMA. 2. A bull. E. कर्म्म an act, कृञ् to perform, affix अण् .
- कर्म्मकारक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) One who does any work, one who performs any act. E. कर्म्म, and कारक who does.
- कर्म्मकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Working, doing any work, who performs any act. E. कर्म्म, and कारिन् who does.
- कर्म्मकार्म्मुक :: m. (-कः) A strong bow. E. कर्म्म used to action, कार्म्मुक a bow.
- कर्म्मकीलक :: m. (-कः) A washerman.
- कर्म्मकृत् :: mfn. (-कृत्) 1. Having done work. 2. A workman, an artisan. E. कर्म्म, and कृत् who does.
- कर्म्मकृतवत् :: m. (-वान्) The director of a religious rite, the reciter of the Mantras or formula. E. कर्म्म, and कृतवत् doing.
- कर्म्मक्षम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Competent to an act. E. कर्म्म, and क्षम to be patient, अच् aff.
- कर्म्मचेष्टा :: f. (-ष्टा) Active exertion, action. E. कर्म्म, and चेष्टा effort.
- कर्म्मचोदना :: f. (-ना) The object of acts, the inducement to ritual acts, or the combination of knowledge, the thing to be known, and the person who acquires knowledge. E. कर्म्म, and चोदना impelling.
- कर्म्मज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Resulting from or produced by any act, especi- ally religious or moral, or unrighteous or immoral actions. m. (-जः) The Kali-yug or fourth and present age of the world, the age of iniquity. 2. The holy fig tree, (Ficus religiosa.) E. कर्म्म, and ज produced.
- कर्म्मजगुण :: m. (-णः) A predicate or property resulting from human acts, as separation, reunion, &c. E. कर्म्मज, and गुण quality.
- कर्म्मज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) 1. Skilled in any work. 2. Acquainted with reli- gious rites. E. कर्म्म, and ज्ञ who knows.
- कर्म्मठ :: mfn. (-ठः -ठा -ठं) 1. Finishing carefully. 2. Accomplishing any rite. m. (-ठः) The director and performer of a sacrifice. E. कर्म्म, and ठच् aff.
- कर्म्मणिवाच्य :: m. (-च्यः) The passive voice, (in grammar.) E. कर्म्मणि in the act or object, and वाच्य to be said.
- कर्म्मण्य :: mfn. (-ण्यः -ण्या -ण्यं) Proper to any act, suitable to or fit for it. f. (-ण्या) Wages, hire. n. (-ण्यं) Energy, activity. E. कर्म्मन्, and यत् aff.
- कर्म्मण्यभुज् :: mfn. (-भुक्) Working for hire. E. कर्म्मण्य wages, and भुज् to eat, affix क्विप्ः see भरण्यभुज् .
- कर्म्मत्याग :: m. (-गः) Abandonment of worldly duties or ceremonial rites. E. कर्म्म, and त्याग abandonment.
- कर्म्मत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Act, action, the active discharge of the duties and functions of life. 2. Any act. E. कर्म्म, and त्व affix; also with तल्, कर्म्मता .
- कर्म्मदुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्ट) Following wicked or degrading practices immoral, disreputable. E. कर्म्म, and दुष्ट defiled.
- कर्म्मदोष :: m. (-षः) 1. Error, blunder. 2. Sin, vice. 3. The evil consequence of human acts. 4. Discreditable conduct or business. E. कर्म्म, and दोष fault.
- कर्म्मध्वंस :: m. (-सः) 1. Loss of benefits arising from religious acts. 2. De- struction of any work. 3. Disappointment. E. कर्म्म, and ध्वंस loss.
- कर्म्मन् :: mn. (-र्म्मा-र्म्म) 1. Action in general. 2. The object of an action. 3. The subject of action in grammar, considered of three kinds, प्राप्य or व्याप्य when it is simple, as ग्रामं गच्छति he goes to the village; सूर्य्यं पश्यति he sees the sun; विकार्य्य when change of form is implied, as सुवर्णं कुण्डलं करोति gold forms the ear-ring; and निर्वर्त्य when some new product is evolved, as कटं करोति he makes a mat; पुत्रं प्रसूते she bears a son. 4. The objective noun. 5. Action specific, moral duty, the obligation imposed by peculiarities of tribe, occupation, &c. 6. Natural, active property, as maturity, of heat; support, of earth; dispersion, of wind, &c. 7. Religious action, as sacrifice, ablution, &c. especially as originating in the hope of future recompense, and as opposed to speculative religion or
knowledge of spirit. 8. (In Logic.) Substantial action or motion of five kinds, upwards, downwards, extension, contraction, and going in general. 9. Action or act involving retribution or reward, virtue, vice, &c. 10. Fate, the certain consequence of previous acts. E. कृञ् to do, मनिन् aff.
- कर्म्मनिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Engaged in active duties. m. (-ष्ठः) A Brahman who performs sacrifices, &c. E. कर्म्म, and निष्ठ who stays in.
- कर्म्मन्दिन् :: m. (-न्दी) The beggar, the religious mendicant, the member of the fourth order; see आश्रम, &c. E. कर्म्म work, अन्द to abandon, or कर्म्मन्द the name of a saint, the founder of the sect, and इनि aff.
- कर्म्मफल :: n. (-लं) 1. Pain, pleasure, &c. considered as the consequence or fruit of human actions. 2. The name of a fruit; see कर्म्मरङ्ग . E. कर्म्म, and फल fruit.
- कर्म्मफलोदय :: m. (-यः) The occurrence of consequences. E. कर्म्मफल, and उदय rising.
- कर्म्मबन्धन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Bound by acts. n. (-नं) Confinement to repeated existence, as the consequence of acts. E. कर्म्म, and बन्धन binding.
- कर्म्मभू :: f. (-भूः) Tilled or cultivated ground. E. कर्म्म, and भू earth, ground, &c. it may also mean the same as the next word.
- कर्म्मभूमि :: f. (-मिः) Aryavarta or the central part of India, Bharata Varsha, the hole of India, or any similar place considered as holy land. E. कर्म्म, and भूमि earth: where men perform the ceremonies of the Hindu faith.
- कर्म्मभूल :: n. (-लं) Kusa or sacrificial grass, see कुश . E. कर्म्म, and भूल a root: it being used in many religious and essential Karmas or sacred rites.
- कर्म्मयुग :: m. (-गः) The fourth and present age of the world, the iron age, the Kali-yug: see कलि, and above, कर्म्मज . E. कर्म्म, and युग a Yuga or age.
- कर्म्मयोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Performance of worldly functions or duties. 2. The same, considered as equivalent to a religious duty. 3. Active exertion, industry. E. कर्म्म, and योग union or observances.
- कर्म्मरङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) A plant bearing an acid fruit, (Averrhoa carambola.)
- कर्म्मरी :: f. (-री) The manna of the bamboo.
- कर्म्मवज्र :: m. (-ज्रः) A Sudra. E. कर्म्म, and वज्र the thunderbolt.
- कर्म्मवश :: m. (-शः) 1. The necessary influence of acts. 2. Fate, considered as the inevitable consequence of actions done in a former life. E. कर्म्म, and वश subjection.
- कर्म्मवाटी :: f. (-टी) A lunar day, or the 30th division of a lunar month. E. कर्म्म, and वाटी a road, &c. regulating all ceremonies and observ- ances, &c.
- कर्म्मविघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) 1. Impediment, obstruction. E. कर्म्म, and विघ्न hindrance.
- कर्म्मविधि :: f. (-धिः) 1. Rule of action, observance, practice. 2. Mode of conducting any ceremony. E. कर्म्म, and विधि precept; also कर्म्मविधान .
- कर्म्मविपर्य्यय :: m. (-यः) 1. Succession of office or employment, revolving or alternating duty. 2. Contrariety or reverse of any act or business. E. कर्म्म, and विपर्य्यय contrariety.
- कर्म्मविपाक :: m. (-कः) 1. Future reward or punishment, the consequence of human acts in a subsequent birth. 2. A work on this subject, explaining expiatory rites to be performed in cases of disease, &c. supposed to be the punishment of offences in a previous existence. E. कर्म्म, and विपाक maturity.
- कर्म्मविशेष :: m. (-षः) Variety of act or actions. E. कर्म्म, and विशेष difference.
- कर्म्मशील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Assiduous, laborious. 2. One who perseveres in his duties without looking forward to their reward. E. कर्म्म, and शील attached.
- कर्म्मशुद्ध :: n. (-द्धं) Approved occupation. E. कर्म्म, and शुद्ध pure, correct.
- कर्म्मशूर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Assiduous, laborious. E. कर्म्म, and शूर dexterous, able.
- कर्म्मशौच :: n. (-चं) Humility. E. कर्म्म, and शौच purity.
- कर्म्मसंग्रह :: m. (-हः) Collective acts, comprising the act, its performance, and the performer. E. कर्म्म, and संग्रह assemblage.
- कर्म्मसचिव :: m. (-वः) A minister, a subordinate one employed upon active duties, as a judge, a deputy, &c. E. कर्म्म, and सचिव an adviser, a friend.
- कर्म्मसन्न्यासिक :: m. (-कः) An ascetic, a religious person who has withdrawn from the world. E. कर्म्म, and सन्न्यासिक a Sannyasi or religious men- dicant.
- कर्म्मसमाधि :: m. (-धिः) Devotion, abstruction. E. कर्म्म, and समाधि abstruction.
- कर्म्मसम्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Produced by, or the consequence of acts. E. कर्म्म, and सम्भव born.
- कर्म्मसाक्षिन् :: m. (-क्षी) The sun E. कर्म, and साक्षिन् an evidence; who beholds all deeds.
- कर्म्मसाधन :: n. (-नं) 1. Implement, means. 2. Articles essential to the performance of a religious act. E. कर्म्म, and साधन means of effecting.
- कर्म्मसिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Success, accomplishment. E. कर्म्म, and सिद्धि com- pletion.
- कर्म्महेतु :: mfn. (-तुः -तुः -तु) Arising from acts, caused by acts. E. कर्म्म, and हेतु cause; also with कन् added कर्म्महेतुक .
- कर्म्माङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. Part or progress of any act. 2. Part of a sacrificial rite. E. कर्म्म, and अङ्ग member.
- कर्म्मात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Endowed with principles of action, active, acting. E. कर्म्म, and आत्मन् self.
- कर्म्मानुबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Connexion with or dependence upon acts. E. कर्म्म, and अनुबन्ध attachment.
- कर्म्मानुबन्धिन् :: mfn. (-न्धी -न्धिनी -न्धि) Connected or confined by works. E. कर्म्म, and अनुबन्धिन् what connects.
- कर्म्मानुरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) 1. According to action or act. 2. According to function or duty. E. कर्म्म, and अनुरूप according to.
- कर्म्मानुरूपतस् :: ind. Conformably to act, function, &c. E. तसि added to the last.
- कर्म्मानुष्ठान :: n. (-नं) Practising one's duties discharging peculiar func- tions. E. कर्म्म, and अनुष्ठान following.
- कर्म्मानुसार :: m. (-रः) Consequence of or conformity to acts. E. कर्म्म, and अनुसार consequence.
- कर्म्मानुसारतस् :: ind. According to one's deeds. E. कर्म्म, and अनुसार com- formity, तसि aff.
- कर्म्मानुस्थायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Practising duties, performing rites, &c. E. कर्म्म, and अनुस्थायिन् following.
- कर्म्मान्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. Tilled or cultivated land. 2. The end or abandon- ment of ritual acts. 3. The end of any task or act. E. कर्म्म, and अन्त an end or limit.
- कर्म्मान्तर :: n. (-रं) Difference or contrariety of action, re-action. 2. Penance, expiation. 3. Suspense, interval of action. E. कर्म्म, and अन्तर differ- ence, &c.
- कर्म्मान्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Final, completing. m. (-कः) A servant, one who finishes work. E. कर्म्मान्त . and ठक् aff.
- कर्म्माभिधायक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Enjoining, or prescribing duties or acts. E. कर्म्म, and अभिधायक what shows: also कर्म्माभिधायिन् .
- कर्म्मार :: m. (-रः) 1. An artificer, a mechanic, a blacksmith, a brazier, a carpenter, &c. 2. A bamboo. 3. An acid fruit: see कर्म्मरङ्ग . E. कर्म्म, ऋ to go. घञ् aff.
- कर्म्मारम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) Commencement of any act. E. कर्म्म, and आरम्भ beginning.
- कर्म्मार्ह :: mfn. (-र्हः -र्हा -र्हं) 1. Fit for work, able to do anything. 2. Suitable to any rite, &c. m. (-र्हः) A man. E. कर्म्म, and अर्ह fit for.
- कर्म्मिन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मी -र्म्मिणी -र्म्मि) 1. Busy, active, engaged in any work. 2. Belonging or relating to any act. E. कर्म्म, and इनि aff.
- कर्म्मिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Active, assiduous, diligent. E. कर्म्म, and इष्ठन् aff.
- कर्म्मीर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Variegated: see किर्म्मीर .
- कर्म्मीरक :: m. (-कः) A small tree, (Trophis aspera.)
- कर्म्मेन्द्रिय :: n. (-यं) An organ of action; five are reckoned, the hand, the foot, the larynx or organ of the voice, the organ of generation, and that of fœculent excretion. E. कर्म्म, and इन्द्रिय an organ of sense.
- कर्म्मोदार :: n. (-रं) Any honourable or valiant act, magnanimity, prowess. E. कर्म्म, and उदार lofty.
- कर्म्मोद्युक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Actively labouring, busily engaged. E. कर्म्म, and उद्युक्त exerting.
- कर्म्मोद्योग :: m. (-गः) Engaging actively in any work. E. कर्म्म, and उद्योग effort.
- कर्व :: r. 1st cl. (कर्वति) To be proud, to boast.
- कर्व्व :: m. (-र्व्वः) 1. Love, desire. 2. A rat. E. कृ to injure, and व Unadi aff.
- कर्व्वट :: mn. (-टः-टं) 1. The capital of a district, (of two or four hundred villages,) in a pleasant site and of handsome construction, a market town, &c. n. (-टं) A city. E. कर्व्व to be proud, and अटच् aff.
- कर्व्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. A demon or imp. 2. A tiger. f. (-री) 1. A name of DURGA. 2. The leaf of the asafœtida plant: see हिङ्गुपत्री . E. कृ to in- jure, क्वरच् Unadi affix; if derived from कर्ब्ब to go, &c. this word is read कर्ब्बर, but such a reading is probably inaccurate: see कर्ब्बर, also कर्ब्बुर; it is sometimes considered as a various reading of this last, meaning, variegated.
- कर्ष :: mn. (-र्षः-र्षं) A weight of gold or silver, a Karsha equal to sixteen Mashas; this, according to the ancient division of five Rettis to the Masha, would make the Karsha equal to about 176 grains troy; in common use, eight Rettis are given to the Masha and the Karsha is therefore about 280 grains troy: see मास and रक्तिक . m. (-षः) 1. Drawing, dragging, pulling. 2. Ploughing. 3. Attracting. 4. Beleric myrobalan: see विभीतक . E. कृष् to plough, अच् aff.
- कर्षक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. A cultivator of the soil, one who lives by til- lage. 2. What draws or drags. 3. Attractive, what attracts. E. कृष् to plough, बुन् aff.
- कर्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Ploughing, cultivating the ground. 2. Pulling, drag- ging. 3. Attracting. E. कृष् to plough, ल्युट् aff.
- कर्षणि :: f. (-णिः) A dishonest woman. E. कृष्, and अनि aff.
- कर्षणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be drawn or pulled. 2. To be attracted, to be conciliated or won. E. कृष् to plough, with अनीयर् aff.
- कर्षफल :: m. (-लः) Beleric myrobalan, (Terminalia belerica.) E. कर्ष the same, and फल fruit.
- कर्षयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) 1. Dragging, pulling. 2. Attracting. 3. Haras- sing, annoying. E. कृष् to attract, causal form, शतृ aff.
- कर्षाह्व :: n. (-ह्वं) A Tola, a weight of sixteen Mashas. E. कर्ष, and आह्वा appellation.
- कर्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Drawn. 2. Attracted. 3. Ploughed. E. कृष् to draw, क्त aff.
- कर्षिन् :: mfn. (-र्षी -र्षिणी -र्षि) 1. What pulls or draws. 2. What ploughs or furrows. 3. Attractive, what attracts. f. (-र्षिणी) 1. A medicinal sort of moon-plant: see क्षीरिणी . 2. The bit of a bridle. E. कृष् to plough, &c. णिनि aff.
- कर्षू :: m. (-र्षूः) 1. A fire of dried cowdung. 2. Agriculture, cultivating, cultivation. 3. Livelihood. f. (-र्षूः) 1. A river. 2. A canal. 3. A shallow trench for receiving the sacrificial fire. E. कृष् to plough, &c. Unadi affix ऊ .
- कर्हि :: ind. When, at what time.
- कर्हिचित् :: ind. Sometimes, occasionally, ever; न कर्हिचित् never.
- कल :: r. 1st cl. (कलति) To sound. 1st and 10th cls. (कलति, कालयति) To throw or cast, to send; also 1st and 10th cls. (कलति, कलयति) 1. To go. 2. To count or reckon: with आङ् prefixed, 1. To take, 2. To bind or tie; with परि, To keep in mind, to think or remember; with वि, To maim, to separate a part, to make defective; with सम्, To sum up, to add.
- कल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Crude, undigested. 2. Weak. m. (-लः) 1. A low
or soft tone, as humming, buzzing, &c. 2. The Sal tree. 3. In poetry, time equal to four matras or instants. n. (-लं) 1. Semen virile. 2. The jujube, Zizyphus jujuba.) f. (-ला) 1. A small part of anything. 2. A digit or one sixteenth of the moon's diameter. 3. A division of time, equal to thirty Kashhas or about eight seconds. 4. The 60th part of one thirtieth of a zodiacal sign, a minute of a degree. 5. Interest on a capital. 6. Any practical art, mechanical or fine, sixty-four such are enumerated, as carpentering, architecture, jewel- lery, farriery, acting, dancing, music, medicine, poetry, &c. 7. The menstrual discharge. 8. A boat 9. Fraud, deceit. E. कल् to sound, to count, &c. अच् affix or क pleasure, and ल what gives, from ला to bring, &c.
- कलक :: m. (-कः) 1. A kind of fish: see शकुल . 2. Name of species of prose composition. E. कल् to count, &c. वुन् aff.
- कलकण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) 1. A low murmuring tone. 2. The Indian cuckoo. 3. A dove, a pigeon. 4. A goose. E. कल low tone, and कण्ठ the throat; in whose throat it is made.
- कलकल :: m. (-लः) 1. A confused noise, the murmuring or buzz of a crowd. 2. Resin, pitch, the resin of the Sal tree. E. कल् to sound, as above; the root reiterated.
- कलकूजिका :: f. (-का) A wanton, a lascivious woman. E. कल, and कूज to coo, affix कन् .
- कलघोष :: m. (-षः) The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. E. कल, घुष् to sound, and घञ् aff.
- कलङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) 1. A spot or mark. 2. Defamation, abuse. 3. The rust of iron. E. क BRAHMA, water, &c. लकि to deface, and घञ् aff.
- कलङ्ककर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Censorious, calumniating, defaming. 2. Spot- ting, staining, E. कलङ्क, and कर what makes.
- कलङ्ककला :: f. (-ला) A digit of the moon in shadow. E. कलङ्क, and कला a digit.
- कलङ्कमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) 1. Spotted, stained. 2. Calumniated, defamed. E. कलङ्क, and मयट् aff.
- कलङ्कष :: m. (-षः) A lion. f. (-षा) A musical instrument: see करताली . E. कल a murmuring sound, and कष् to make a sound, affix. खच् .
- कलङ्कित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Spotted, soiled, stained. 2. Calumniated, de- famed. E. कलङ्क, and इतच् aff.
- कलङ्किन् :: mfn. (-ङ्की -ङ्किनी -ङ्कि) 1. Soiled, stained. 2. Disgraced, reviled. 3. Rusty. E. कलङ्क, and इनि aff.
- कलङ्कुर :: m. (-रः) An eddy, a whirlpool. E. कल a sound, and कुर to emit sound, क affix, and the termination of the 2nd case retained.
- कलञ्ज :: mfn. (-ञ्जः -ञ्जा -ञ्जं) An animal struck with a poisoned weapon. 2. Tobacco. 3. Ten tolas.
- कलट :: n. (-टं) The thatch of a house; other read this कुटल q. v.
- कलता :: f. (-ता) Melody, music. E. कल, and तल् affix; also with त्व कलत्वं .
- कलत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. The hip and loins. 2. A wife. 3. A royal citadel, a strong hold or fastness. E. गड to distil, &c. अत्रच् affix, क is sub- stituted for ग, and ड and ल are interchangeable: see कडत्र; or कल weak, feeble, and त्र, from त्रै to preserve, affix ड .
- कलधूत :: n. (-तं) 1. Gold. 2. Silver: see the next.
- कलधौत :: n. (-तं) 1. Gold. 2. Silver. 3. A low or pleasing tone; also कलधूत .
- कलधौतलिपि :: f. (-पिः) 1. A streak of gold. 2. Illumination of a manu- script with gold. E. कलधौत, and लिपि writing.
- कलध्वनि :: m. (-निः) 1. The turtle dove. 2. The Kakila or Indian cuckoo. 3. A peacock. 4. A low sweet tone. E. कल, and ध्वनि a sound.
- कलन :: n. (-नं) 1. A spot, a stain. 2. An offence, fault, defect. 3. Mur- muring, sounding. 4. An embryo or the first vestige of the fœtus. m. (-नः) A sort of cane. f. (-ना) 1. Subjection, submission. 2. Chat- tering, talking. 3. Shedding, emitting. E. कल् to count, ल्युट् aff.
- कलन्दर :: m. (-रः) A man of a mixed caste.
- कलन्दिका :: f. (-का) Knowledge, intelligence, wisdom in general.
- कलभ :: m. (-भः) 1. A young elephant: see कल . 2. The Datura plant. E. कल् to cast, अभच् Unadi affix; or according to some authorities, कृ to cast, अभच् affix, making करभ, and र is then changed to ल .
- कलम :: m. (-मः) 1. Rice which is sown in May and June, and ripens in December or January; a white rice growing in deep water: see शालि . 2. A pen, a reed for writing with. 3. A thief, a rogue. E. कल् to count, &c. and अम Unadi aff.
- कलम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) 1. An arrow. 2. The stalk of a potherb. 3. The Kadamba, (Nauclea cadamba:) see कदम्ब . n. (-म्बं) Calamba- root, (Menispermum calumba.) f. (-म्बी) or m. and f. (-म्बः-म्बी) A kind of potherb, (Convolvulus repens, &c.) see कडम्बी . E. कड् to delight, अम्बच् affix, ल substituted for ड, fem. affix ङीष्; also कलम्बक .
- कलम्बिका :: f. (-का) 1. A potherb: see the preceding. E. कन् added to कलम्बी . 2. The nape of a neck. E. क the head, and लबि to be, to rest, ण्वुल् affix.
- कलम्बुट :: m. (-टः) Fresh butter.
- कलम्बू :: f. (-म्बूः) A potherb: see कलम्बी, the fem. affix being ऊञ् .
- कलयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Computing, calculating. E. कल् to count, शतृ affix.
- कलरव :: m. (-वः) 1. A dove, a pigeon. 2. The Indian cuckoo. 3. A low or pleasing tone, a humming, buzzing, &c. E. कल a low tone and रव what utters.
- कलल :: mn. (-लः-लं) The womb, the uterus; according to some, the em- bryo one month after conception. E. कल् to reckon, अलच् aff.
- कललज :: m. (-जः) Resin, the extract of the Sal tree.
- कललजोद्भव :: m. (-वः) The Sal tree, (Shorea robusta.) E. कललज, and उद्भव birth.
- कलविङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) 1. A sparrow. 2. A plant, (Echites antidysenterica:) see कलिङ्गक . 3. A spot, a stain. 4. A white Chowri. E. कल a low tone, chirping, &c. वकि to go, &c. अच् affix, the deriv. is irr.; also कलविङ्कक .
- कलश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) An earthen water-pot; also कलस, कलशि, &c. E. क water, लश् to labour, क aff.
- कलशि :: f. (-शिः) 1. A plant, (Hemionites cordifolia.) 2. A water-jar. E. क water, लश् to labour, &c. कि affix; also कलशी and कलसि .
- कलशी :: f. (-शी) 1. A plant. 2. A water-jar: see the preceding, and कलश .
- कलस :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) A water-jar: see कलश . m. (-सः) 1. A measure, a Drona: see द्रोण . 2. A rounded pinnacle or ball on the top of a temple. f. (-सी) A plant: see कलशि, &c.
- कलसि :: f. (-सिः) See कलशि .
- कलसीसुत :: m. (-तः) A name of the saint AGASTYA: see घटोद्भव and अगस्त्य .
- कलसोदधि :: m. (-धिः) The ocean. E. कलस, and उदधि the same.
- कलस्वर :: n. (-रं) A low musical sound. E. कल, स्वर a note.
- कलह :: mn. (-हः-हं) 1. War, battle. 2. Strife, contention. m. (-हः) 1. The sheath of a sword, a scabbard. 2. A road, a way. 3. Deceit, false- hood. 4. Violence without murderous weapons, abuse, beating, kicking, &c. E. कल a pleasing sound, and ह what destroys, from हन् with ड aff.
- कलहंस :: m. (-सः) 1. A drake, or according to some, a teal. 2. A gander. 3. Another bird, (Gallinula porphyria.) 4. BRAHMA or the Supreme Being. 5. An emperor. 6. A species of the Atijagati metre. E. कल pleasing sound, and हस a goose.
- कलहकार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Contending with, fighting. 2. Quarrelsome, turbulent. E. कलह, and कार who makes.
- कलहकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Assailing, contending or fighting with. 2. Quarrelsome, fractious, turbulent. E. कलह, and कारिन् who makes.
- कलहनाशन :: m. (-नः) Febrifuge nut-plant.
- कलहप्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Quarrelsome. m. (-यः) NARADA. f. (-या) The Maina, a bird. E. कलह, and प्रिय fond of.
- कलहान्तरिता :: f. (-ता) An appeased wife, one who has been angry and is sorry for it. E. कलह strife, अन्तरित covered, &c. fem. affix टाप् .
- कलहापहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Taken by force. E. कलह, and अपहृत taken away.
- कलाकुल :: n. (-लं) Poison.
- कलाकुशल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Skilled in the elegant arts; singing, dancing, &c. E. कला, and कुशल clever.
- कलाकेलि :: mfn. (-लिः -लिः -लि) Gay, frolicsome, wanton. m. (-लिः) A name of KAMA or love. E. कला deceit, and केलि who sports.
- कलाङ्कुर :: m. (-रः) 1. A crane. 2. A name of KANSA.
- कलाचिका :: f. (-का) The fore arm, the arm below the elbow; also कलाची .
- कलाची :: f. (-ची) See the preceding.
- कलाद :: m. (-दः) A gold-smith: see कणाद . E. कला an art, and दा to give, ड aff.
- कलानिधि :: m. (-धिः) The moon. E. कला a digit, निधि a treasure; contain- ing many digits.
- कलानुनादिन् :: m. (-दी) 1. A bee, but particularly one of a very large kind. 2. A sparrow. 3. The Chataka, a bird so called. E. कल a buzz, &c. अनुनद् to sound, णिनि aff.
- कलान्तर :: n. (-रं) Interest, profit. E. कला a part, अन्तर over.
- कलाप :: m. (-पः) 1. An ornament in general. 2. A zone, a string of bells worn by woman round the waist. 3. A peacock's tail. 4. Assem- blage, multitude. 5. A quiver. 6. The moon. 7. A clever and in- telligent man. 8. The name of a grammar of the Sanskrit language, ascribed to the god KARTIKEYA. 9. A village where the destroyer KALKI is to be born. 10. A poem written in one metre. E. अला an art, a division of time, &c. आप् to obtain, and अण् aff.
- कलापक :: m. (-कः) A rope on an elephant's neck. n. (-कं) 1. A number of verses in one metre. 2. A series of four stanzas on one subject. 3. A loan to be repaid when the peacocks spread their tails. E. कलाप, and वुन् aff.
- कलापिन् :: m. (-पी) 1. A peacock. 2. The Indian cuckoo. 3. Waved leaf fig tree. 4. The author of the Kalapa grammar. f. (-नी) 1. The moon. 2. A species of cyperus. E. कलाप a peacock's tail, &c. इनि aff.
- कलापूर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) The moon. E. कला a digit, and पूर्ण filled, complete.
- कलाभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) 1. The moon. 2. An artist, a mechanic, &c. E. कला a digit, &c. and भृत् who cherishes.
- कलामक :: m. (-कः) A kind of rice ripening in the cold season: see कलम .
- कलाम्बि :: f. (-म्बिः) Lending, a loan: see the next.
- कलाम्बिका :: f. (-का) Lending, a loan. E. कला a part, and अम्ब to go, वुन् affix.
- कलाय :: m. (-यः) The name of various leguminous seeds, chiefly of the order Plaseolus, particular kinds of pulse or vetches. E. क wind, ला to bring or give, and युक् aff.
- कलायखञ्ज :: m. (-ञ्जः) One who trembles and totters as he walks. E. कलाय, and खञ्ज a wagtail.
- कलायन :: m. (-नः) A tumbler, a dancer, but especially one who dances or walks on a sharp edge, as the edge of a sword. &c. E. कला a part, and अयन going.
- कलालाप :: m. (-पः) A bee, &c. E. कल buzz, and आलाप speech.
- कलावत् :: m. (-वान्) A name of Chandra or the moon. f. (-ती) 1. A celes- tial lute or Vina. 2. The mother of RADHA. 3. An Apsara. 4. A mystical ceremony, initiation of the Tantrika student, in which the goddess DURGA is supposed to be transferred from the water- jar to the body of the novice. E. कला a digit, or कल a sweet tone, and मतुप् aff.
- कलाविक :: m. (-कः) A cock.
- कलाविकल :: m. (-लः) A sparrow: see कलविङ्क .
- कलाहक :: m. (-कः) A musical instrument; also काहल .
- कलि :: m. (-लिः) 1. The fourth age of the world, according to the Hindus, the iron age, or that of vice: the commencement of the
Kali-yug or age, is placed 3,101 years anterior to the Christian æra, so that in A. D. 1896, the Kali year is 4,997, the number of its years is 432,000, at the expiration of which, the world is to be destroyed. 2. The age personified. 3. War, battle. 4. Strife, dissension. 5. An arrow. 6. Beleric myrobalan. f. (-लिः or -ली) An unblown flower: see कलिका . E. कल् to count or reckon, इन् Unadi aff.
- कलिक :: m. (-कः) A curlew.
- कलिका :: f. (-का) 1. An unblown flower. 2. The bottom or peg of a lute. E. कल् to count, इन् affix कलि, and with ङीष्, कली as above; again, कन् pleonastic affix, and टाप् fem. do.
- कलिकापूर्व्व :: n. (-र्व्वं) Acts leading to future consequences, not connected with those of a previous birth. E. कलिका a bud, अपूर्व्व not preceding.
- कलिकार :: m. (-रः) 1. A plant bearing a nut, which is used as a febrifuge. (Grey bonduc.) see पूतिकरञ्ज . 2. The fork-tailed shrike. 3. Another bird, a small one with a yellow head, (Loxia philippensis.) 4. A name of NARADA. f. (-री) A poisonous plant: see लाङ्गली . E. कलि strife, &c. कृञ् to make, affix अण्; also with कन् added कलि- कारक .
- कलिकारक :: m. (-कः) 1. Grey bonduc; also कलिमारक . 2. The name of NARADA a divine sage, and great mischief maker: see कलिकार .
- कलिङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. The febrifuge nut-plant, (Cæsalpinia bunduccella.) 2. The fork-tailed shrike, (Lanius forficatus, Lath.) 3. The name of a country; the name of Kalinga is applied in the Puranas to several places, but it especially signifies a district on the Coro- mandel coast, extending from below Cuttack to the vicinity of Madras, (in this sense, like some other names of countries, it is usually confined to the plural number (-ङ्गाः) confounding the place with the people inhabiting it. nf. (-ङ्गं-ङ्गा) A medicinal seed, that of Echites antidysenterica. f. (-ङ्गा) 1. A woman of a good shape. 2. A plant, commonly Teori, (Convolvulus turpethum:) see त्रिवृत् . E. कलि strife, &c. ग from गम् to go, खच् aff.
- कलिङ्गक :: m. (-कः) The seed of the Coraiya, (Echites antidysenterica:) see इन्द्रयव .
- कलिञ्ज :: m. (-ञ्जः) A mat, a screen of grass, a tati, &c.
- कलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Gained, acquired. 2. Known, understood. 3. Numbered, reckoned. 4. Separated, divided. 5. Made, done. 6. Held, laid hold of. 7. Sounded indistinctly, buzzed, murmured, &c. E. कल् to count, &c. affix क्त .
- कलिद्रुम :: m. (-मः) Beleric myrobalan, (Terminalia belerica,) also कलि the tree of strife; being supposed to be favourite haunt of imps or goblins.
- कलिन्द :: m. (-न्दः) 1. The sun. 2. A mountain. 3. Beleric myrobalan. E. कलि strife, दा to give, खश् aff.
- कलिन्दकन्या :: f. (-न्या) The Yamuna. E. कलिन्द the sun or a mountain, कन्या daughter.
- कलिन्दनन्दिनी :: f. (-नी) The Yamuna or Jumna river. E. कलिन्द the name of a mountain, part of the Himalaya range, and नन्दिनी a daugh- ter; the source of the river being in the mountain Kalinda.
- कलिन्दशैलजाता :: f. (-ता) The Yamuna river: see the preceding. E. कलिन्द- शैल the mountain, and जाता born; also कलिन्दसू, कालिन्दी, &c.
- कलिप्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Quarrelsome, mischievous, mischief making. m. (-यः) 1. A monkey, an ape. 2. NARADA. E. कलि strife, and प्रिय fond of.
- कलिमारक :: m. (-कः) A plant, (Bonduccella:) see पूतिकरञ्च . E. कलि strife, मृ to destroy or remove, affixes अण् and कन्; some copies read कलिकारक .
- कलियुग :: n. (-गं) The Kali, the present or iron age: see कलि . E. कलि, and युग an age.
- कलिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Impervious, impenetrable. 2. Mixed, blended. E. कल् to count, &c. इलच् Unadi aff.
- कलवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) Beleric myrobalan.
- कलुक्क :: m. (-क्कः) A musical instrument; a cymbal. f. (-क्का) 1. A tavern. 2. A meteor.
- कलुष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) 1. Turbid, foul, muddy. 2. Wicked, bad. mf. (-षः-षी) A buffalo. n. (-षं) 1. Sin. 2. Wrath. E. कल् to go, &c. उषन् Unadi aff.
- कलुषत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Foulness, turbidness. 2. Opacity. 3. Agitation, trouble, anger. E. कलुष foul, &c. त्व affix; also with तल् कलुषता .
- कलुषयोनि :: mfn. (-निः -निः -नि) Of impure origin. E. कलुष, and योनि womb.
- कलुषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Defiled, contaminated. 2. Foul, impure. 3. Wicked. E. कलुष, and इतच् aff.
- कलुषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) 1. Foul, impure. 2. Depraved, wicked. 3. De- filed. E. कलुष, and इनि aff.
- कलेवर :: n. (-रं) The body. E. कल semen, and वर best; formed from the seminal fluid; the termination of the ablative is retained.
- कलोत्ताल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) High sharp. E. कल, and उत्ताल loud, high sounding.
- कल्क :: mfn. (-ल्कः -ल्का -ल्कं) Sinful, wicked. mn. (-ल्कः-ल्कं) 1. Sediment, the deposit of oil, ghee, &c. 2. Dirt, filth. 3. Ordure, fæces. 4. Sin. 5. Hypocrisy. 6. Pride. 7. The beleric myrobalan. 8. The wax of the ear. 9. Levigated powder. E. कल् to count, &c. क Unadi aff.
- कल्कफल :: m. (-लः) The pomegranate plant.
- कल्कि :: m. (-ल्किः) A name of VISHNU, in his future capacity of destroyer of the world, the tenth and last Avatara of descent of the deity, in the four ages of Kalpa. E. कल् to count, कि aff.
- कल्किन् :: mfn. (-ल्की -ल्किनी -ल्कि) 1. Foul, turbid, having sediment. 2. Dirty. 3. Wicked. m. (-ल्की) The last descent of VISHNU: see the preceding. E. कल्क, and इनि aff.
- कल्प :: mfn. (-ल्पः -ल्पा -ल्पं) In composition; Like, but with a degree of in- feriority. m. (-ल्पः) 1. A Sastra or sacred work; one of the six Vedangas, and comprehending the description of religious rites. 2. A day and night of BRAHMA, a period of 4,320,000,000 Solar- sydereal-years or years of mortals, measuring the duration of the world, and as many, the interval of its annihilation. 3. A destruc- tion of the world. 4. A sacred precept, practice prescribed by the Vedas for effecting certain consequences. 5. Propriety, fitness. 6. Optionality, alternative, doubt. 7. Resolve, purpose, any act of determination. 8. One of the trees of INDRA'S paradise of Swarga. E. कृप् to be able, घ affix, ऋ is changed to अल् .
- कल्पक :: m. (-कः) A barber. E. कृप् to cut, वुन् aff.
- कल्पक्षय :: m. (-यः) The destruction of all things, the end of the world. E. कल्प, and क्षय destruction.
- कल्पद्रुम :: m. (-मः) A fabulous tree, one granting every thing desired. E. कल्प purpose, and द्रुम a tree; also कल्पद्रु, कल्पवृक्ष, &c.
- कल्पन :: n. (-नं) 1. Cutting. 2. Making, manufacturing. 3. Making as a poem or tale, inventing, composing. nf. (-नं-ना) 1. Inference. 2. Invention, fabrication. 3. Caparisoning or decorating an elephant. f. (-नी) A scissors or shears. E. कृप् to be able, &c. ल्यु or ल्युट् affix, and consequently टाप् or ङीप् fem. do.
- कल्पनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be made or contrived. 2. To be substitut- ed or supplied. E. कृप् to be able, अनीयर् affix; also कल्प्य and कल्पितव्य .
- कल्पवायु :: m. (-युः) The wind that is to blow at the end of all things. E. कल्प, and वायु wind.
- कल्पवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) One of the fabulous trees of INDRA'S heaven; a tree which yields whatever may be desired. E. कल्प purpose, and वृक्ष a tree.
- कल्पादि :: m. (-दिः) The beginning of a Kalpa, the renovation of all things. E. कल्प, and आदि beginning.
- कल्पान्त :: m. (-न्तः) The destruction of the world, the end of the Kalpa, or four ages of its existence. E. कल्प the period, and अन्त the end.
- कल्पान्तस्थायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Lasting, permanent. E. कल्पान्त, and स्थायिन् what stays.
- कल्पित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Made, fabricated, artificial. 2. Composed, in- vented. 3. Arranged, put in order. 4. Prepared at once, put together extempore. 5. Brought, conducted. 6. Inferred. m. (-तः) An elephant armed or caparisoned for war. E. कृप् to be able, &c. क्त aff.
- कल्पितार्घ :: mfn. (-र्घः -र्घा -र्घं) One for whom or what a respectful offering is prepared. E. कल्पित made, and अर्घ an offering.
- कल्प्य :: mfn. (-ल्प्यः -ल्प्या -ल्प्यं) 1. To be made or contrived. 2. To be substi- tuted. E. कृप् to be able, यत् aff.
- कल्मष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -शं) Dirty, foul. m. (-षः) A kind of hell, a division of the infernal regions. n. (-षं) 1. Sin. 2. The hand bellow the wrist. E. कर्म्म virtuous or pious action, षो to destroy, and क affix; the form is irr.
- कल्माष :: mfn. (-षः -षा or -षी-षं) Of a mixed or variegated colour. m. (-षः) 1. A variegated colour. 2. A mixture of black and white. 3. Black. 4. A demon or goblin. f. (-षी) The spotted cow of Jamadagni, the giver of all desires. E. कल् to go, &c. क्विप् affix, कल्, मष् to injure, अण् affix माष; what injures or triumphs over other colours.
- कल्माषकण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) A name of SIVA. E. कल्माष black, and कण्ठ throat; form irr.
- कल्माषपाद :: m. (-दः) The name of a king, also SAUDASSA; transformed to a Rakshasa by VASISHTHA. E. कल्माष, and पाद a foot.
- कल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) 1. Ready, prepared, armed. 2. Healthy, free from sickness. 3. Clever, dexterous. 4. Deaf and dumb. 5. Auspicious, (speech or discourse.) 6. Counselling, monitory. 7. Sound, perfect, free from mental or bodily imperfections. n. (-ल्यं) 1. The dawn or break of day. 2. Yesterday. 3. Tomorrow. nf. (-ल्यं-ल्या) 1. Spirituous liquor. 2. Congratulation, good wishes, annunciation of good tidings. f. (-ल्या) Emblic myrobalan: see हरीतकी . E. कल् to count, &c. यक् aff.
- कल्यजग्धि :: f. (-ग्धिः) The morning meal, breakfast. E. कल्य dawn, and जग्धि eating.
- कल्यत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Health. 2. Recovery, convalescence. E. कल्य being well, and त्व affix of the abstract; also कल्यता with तल् aff.
- कल्यपाल :: m. (-लः) A distiller. E. कल्य vinous liquor, and पाल who nourishes; also with कन् added, कल्यपालक .
- कल्यवर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) Breakfast. E. कल्य, and वर्त्त, from वृत् to be or abide, affix घञ् .
- कल्याण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) Happy, well, right, prosperous, lucky. f. (-णी) 1. A cow. 2. A leguminous shrub, (Glycine debilis.) n. (-णं) 1. Good fortune, happiness, prosperity. 2. Gold. E. कल्य healthy, &c. अ to be, to sound, अण् aff.
- कल्याणकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Propitious, auspicious, conferring good fortune, &c. E. कल्याण, and कर what makes.
- कल्याणकृत् :: mfn. (-कृत्) 1. Virtuous, good. 2. Propitious, lucky. E. कल्याण, and कृत् who does.
- कल्याणचार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Following virtuous courses. 2. Lucky, fortunate. E. कल्याण, चर् to go, अण् aff.
- कल्याणधर्मन् :: mfn. (-र्मा -र्मा -र्म) Good, virtuous. E. कल्याण, धर्म duty, अनिच् aff.
- कल्याणपञ्चमीक :: m. (-कः) A fortnight which has the fifth lunation lucky. E. कल्याण, पञ्चमी the fifth, and कन् added.
- कल्याणवचन :: n. (-नं) Friendly speech, good wishes. E. कल्याण, and वचन speech.
- कल्याणवीज :: m. (-जः) A sort of pulse, (Ervum hirsutum.) E. कल्याण, and वीज seed.
- कल्याणाचार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Virtuous, following good practices. E. कल्याण, and आचार rule.
- कल्याणिका :: f. (-का) Red arsenic. E. कल्याणी, and कन् aff.
- कल्याणिन :: mfn. (-णी -णिनी -णि) 1. Happy, lucky, prosperous. 2. Auspici- ous, propitious. E. कल्याण, and इनि aff.
- कल्यापाल :: m. (-लः) A distiller. E. कल्या spirituous liquor, and पाल who preserves.
- कल्युष :: n. (-षं) The wrist.
- कल्ल :: r. 1st cl. (कल्लते) 1. To sound ill or indistinctly. 2. To sound. 3. To be mute.
- कल्ल :: mfn. (-ल्लः -ल्ला -ल्लं) Deaf. E. कल्ल to sound indistinctly, affix अच् .
- कल्लत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Indistinct articulation, hoarseness. 2. Deafness. E. कल्ल to sound indistinctly, and त्व affix; also with तल् affix कल्लता .
- कल्लि :: ind. To-morrow.
- कल्लोल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) An enemy, hostile, inimical. m. (-लः) 1. A surge, a billow. 2. Joy, happiness, pleasure. E. कल्ल to sound, ओलच् aff.
- कव(ऋ)ववृ :: r. 1st cl. (कवते) 1. To describe, (as a poet.) 2. To paint, to picture; also कब .
- कवक :: m. (-कः) 1. A mouthful. 2. A fungus, a mushroom, &c. E. कु to sound, अक aff.
- कवच :: mn. (-चः-चं) 1. Armour, mail. 2. A drum used in battle, a kettle drum. 3. An amulet, a charm. 4. A tree, (Hibiscus populneoides.) see गर्द्दभाण्ड . 3. The mystical syllable Hum, forming part of a Mantra, and considered as a preservative like armour; it is also inscribed on a Birch leaf, &c. and worn as an amulet; being car- ried about the person as a charm: see the next. E. कु to sound, अच् Unadi aff.
- कवचपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) The Birch tree, commonly Bhojpatra: see भूर्जपत्र . E. कवच an amulet, and पत्र a leaf: see the last.
- कवचहर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Wearing armour or amulets. m. (-रः) A boy, a child. E. कवच, and हृ to take, अच् or ट aff.
- कवटी :: f. (-टी) A door: see कवाट .
- कवयी :: f. (-यी) A kind of flat fish, commonly Kavay or Kay; remark- able for going by land from one spot to another, (Coiuscoboius, Ham.)
- कवर :: sub. mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) A braid or fillet of hair, adj. (-रः-री-रं) 1. Mixed, intermingled, blended. 2. Set, inlaid. mn. (-रः-रं) 1. Salt. 2. Sourness or acidity. f. (-रा or -री) A plant, (Mimosa octandra.) f. (-री) The leaf of the asafœtida plant, Hingupatri. E. क the head, &c. वृ to screen, अच् affix, fem. do. टाप् or ङीष् .
- कवरकी :: f. (-की) A captive, a prisoner: see वन्दी .
- कवरीभार :: m. (-रः) A fine head of hair. E. कवरी, and भार a load; also कवरीभर .
- कवरीभृत् :: mfn. (-भृत्) Wearing a fillet of hair. E. कवरी, and भृत् who has.
- कवल :: m. (-लः) 1. A mouthful. 2. A kind of fish, commonly Baliya. 3. An astringent wash for cleaning the mouth, a gargle. E. क the head, water, &c. and वल to be strong, अच् aff.
- कवलिका :: f. (-का) A piece of cloth over a sore, a bandage.
- कवलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Eaten E. कवल nominal verb, to eat, and क्त aff.
- कवस :: m. (-सः) Armour, mail. E. कु to sound, and अस Unadi affix; also कवच .
- कवाट :: sub. mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) A door, the leaf or pannel of the door. E. क wind, air, वट् to exclude, and अण् affix; also कपाट .
- कवाटवक्र :: n. (-क्रं) A plant, commonly Kapata ventu.
- कवार :: m. (-रः) 1. A lotus. 2. A bird, (Tantalus falcinellus, BUCH.) E. क water, वर to prefer, अण् aff.
- कवि :: mfn. (-विः -विः or -वी-वि) Learned, wise. m. (-विः) 1. A poet. 2. The sun. 3. SUKRA, the regent of the planet Venus, and preceptor of
the demons. 4. A name of VALMIKI, the author of the Ramayana, the inventor of poesy. 5. A name of BRAHMA. f. (-विः-वी) The bit of a bridle, or the reins altogether; also कविका . E. कु to sound, to celebrate, and इन् Unadi aff.
- कविक :: mf. (-कः-का) The bit of a bridle, or the reins altogether. f. (-का) A sort of fish, the Kay. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- कविज्येष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) A name of VALMIKI, author of the Ramayana. E. कवि a poet, and ज्येष्ठ elder or superior.
- कविता :: f. (-ता) 1. Poesy, poetical style or composition. 2. A poem. E. कवि, and तल् affix; also with त्व affix, कवित्वं .
- कवितावेदिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Wise, learned, a genius, a poet. E. कविता poetry, &c. वेदिन् who understands.
- कविय :: mn. (-यः-यं) The bit of a bridle, or the reins. E. कु to sound, affix यः see कवि and कविक .
- कविरामायण :: m. (-णः) A name of VALMIKI. E. कवि a poet, &c. and रामायण the epic poem so called; the poet of the Ramayana.
- कविलाशिका :: f. (-का) A musical instrument, a kind of lute.
- कविवाल्मीकि :: m. (-किः) The poet VALMIKI.
- कवीय :: n. (-यं) The bit of a bridle, or the reins. E. कु to sound, छ affix; also कविय .
- कवेल :: n. (-लं) A lotus. E. क water, विल् to send, &c. घञ् aff.
- कवोष्ण :: mfn. (-ष्णः -ष्णा -ष्णं) Slightly warm, tepid. n. (-ष्णं) A slight warmth. E. कु indifferent, and उष्ण warm.
- कव्य :: n. (-व्यं) An oblation or offering of food to deceased ancestors. E. कु to sound or praise, यत् aff.
- कव्यवाल :: m. (-लः) A class of the manes or deified ancestors. E. कव्य an offering to the manes, वा occasionally, and ल who receives.
- कव्यवाहन :: m. (-नः) Fire. E. कव्य, and वाहन vehicle; also कव्यवाह .
- कश :: r. 1st cl. (कशति-ते) To kill, to hurt.
- कशा :: f. (-शा) 1. A whip. 2. Whipping, flogging. E. कश् to hurt, अच् and टाप् affixes: also कष .
- कशात्रय :: n. (-यं) Three modes of whipping (a horse,) good, bad, and middling. E. कशा, and त्रयम् three-fold.
- कशार्ह :: mfn. (-र्हः -र्हा -र्हं) Deserving a whipping. E. कशा a whip, and अर्ह to be fit or proper.
- कशिपु :: m. (-पुः) 1. Food. 2. Clothing. du. m. (-पू) Food and clothing. E. कश् to injure, to remove, (pain, hunger, &c.) पु affix, the form is irr.
- कशेरु :: mn. (-रुः-रु) The back bone. f. (-रूः) A kind of grass, (Scirpus kysoor.) m. (-रुः) One of the nine divisions of Jambu Dwipa. E. क sound, शृ to harm, ऊ or उ Unadi affix, and एरङ् substituted for the radical vowel.
- कशेरुक :: f. (-का) The back bone. n. (-कं) A sort grass, (Scirpus kysoor.) E. कन् added to the preceding.
- कशेरुस् :: n. (-रुः) A grass, (Scirpus kysoor:) see कशेरु .
- कश्चन :: ind. Some body, a certain person; the first member of com- pound is declinable. as कश्चन, कस्यचन, &c.
- कश्चित् :: ind. Some body, some one, a certain one: the first member of the compound is declinable, as कश्चित्, कस्मैचित्, &c.
- कश्मल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Foul, dirty. m. (-लः) 1. Fainting, syncope. 2. Sin. E. कश् to go, क्मलच् aff.
- कश्मीर :: m. (-रः) The name of a country, Kashmir. E. कश् to go, ईरन् Unadi affix, and मुद् inserted: see काश्मीर .
- कश्मीरजन्मन् :: m. (-न्मा) Saffron: see काश्मीरजन्मन् .
- कश्य :: mfn. (-श्यः -श्या -श्यं) Deserving a whipping. n. (-श्यं) 1. Spirituous liquor. 2. A horse's flank. E. कश् to beat, यत् aff.
- कश्यप :: m. (-पः) 1. The name of a Muni or deified sage, the son of MARICHI, and father of the gods, demons, animals, fishes, reptiles, &c. by the seventeen daughters of DAKSHA. 2. A kind of deer. 3. A sort of fish.
- कश्यपनन्दन :: m. (-नः) A name of GURUDA the bird of VISHNU. E. कश्यप, and नन्दन a son, the son of KASYAPA.
- कष :: r. 1st cl. (कषति) 10th cl. (कषयति) 1. To injure, to hurt, to destroy, to kill. 2. To try, to test: with नि, to try metals.
- कष :: m. (-षः) The touchstone. f. (-षा) A whip; also कशा . E. कष् to hurt, to test or try, अच् and टाप् affs.
- कषण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Unripe, immature. n. (-णं) 1. Touch or test of gold by the touchstone. 2. Rubbing, marking. E. कष् to hurt, affix युच् .
- कषपाषाण :: m. (-णः) A touchstone. E. कष्, and पाषाण a stone.
- कषाकु :: m. (-कुः) 1. The sun. 2. Fire. E. कष् to injure, आकु Unadi aff.
- कषाघात :: m. (-तः) A cut, a stroke with a whip. E. कषा, and आघात a blow.
- कषाय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Astringent. 2. Fragrant. 3. Red, dull red. 4. Brown, of a colour composed of red and yellow. mn. (-यः-यं) 1. An astringent flavour or taste. 2. A decoction or infusion. 3. Gum, resin, extract, exudation from a tree, &c. 4. Plastering, anointing. 5. Colouring or perfuming the person. 6. Attachment to worldly objects. m. (-यः) 1. A plant, (Bignonia Indica.) 2. Passion, emotion. f. (-या) A plant, a small sort of Hedysarum. E. कष् to injure, आय aff.
- कषायकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) Red Lodh, a tree the bark of which is used in dyeing. E. कषाय red, कृत् what makes.
- कषायचित्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) Dyed or stained of a dull red colour. E. कषाय, and चित्र painted.
- कषायान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Astringent, harsh. E. कषाय, and अन्वित having.
- कषायित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Prepared for dyeing or colouring. E. कषाय nominal verb, to astringe, and क्त aff.
- कषायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) 1. Yielding a resinous exudation. 2. Astrin- gent. 3. Dyed of a red colour. 4. Worldly minded. m. (-यी) The Sal tree. E. कषाय, and इनि aff.
- कषि :: mfn. (-षिः -षिः -षि) Injurious, mischievous. E. कष् to hurt, and इन् aff.
- कषिका :: f. (-का) A bird in general. E. कष् to hurt, and इकन् Unadi aff.
- कषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Hurt, injured. E. कष् to hurt, क्त aff.
- कषेरुका :: f. (-का) The back-bone, the spine: see कशेरुका .
- कष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Pained, suffering pain. 2. Impervious, impene- trable. n. (-ष्टं) Bodily pain or uneasiness. ind. (-ष्टं) An exclama- tion of regret or sorrow, ah, alas! E. कष् to hurt, participle affix क्त .
- कष्टकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Giving pain or trouble. E. कष्ट, and कर what makes.
- कष्टकारक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Causing trouble or annoyance. m. (-कः) The world. E. कष्ट pain, and कारक the maker, the cause.
- कष्टश्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Suffering pain or misfortune, under-going hard- ships, performing penance. E. कष्ट, and श्रित subjected.
- कष्टस्थान :: n. (-नं) A bad or disagreeable place or scite. E. कष्ट, and स्थान place, situation.
- कष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) 1. Test, trial. 2. Pain, trouble. E. कष् to hurt, क्तिन् aff.
- कस :: r. 1st cl. (कसति) To move, to go or approach: with वि prefixed, to open or expand as a flower, to blow. (इ) कसि r. 2nd cl. (कंस्ते) 1. To go. 2. To command. 3. To destroy: the root is also read by some authorities, कस (कस्ते) or कशि (कंष्टे .)
- कस :: m. (-सः) A touchstone: see कष . f. (-सा) A whip: see कशा and कषा .
- कसनोत्पाटन :: m. (-नः) A plant, (Justicia, &c.) see वासक .
- कसिपु :: m. (-पुः) Food, boiled rice: see कशिपु .
- कसेरु :: m. (-रुः) A sort of grass: see कशेरु, &c.
- कसेरुका :: f. (-का) 1. A sort of grass. 2. The back bone: see कशेरुका .
- कस्तीर :: n. (-रं) Tin. E. कस् to go, deriv. irr.
- कस्तुरिका :: f. (-का) Musk; also कस्तूरी and कस्तूरिका .
- कस्तूरमल्लिका :: f. (-का) The musk-bag.
- कस्तूरिका :: f. (-का) See कस्तूरी .
- कस्तूरिकाण्डज :: m. (-जः) Musk.
- कस्तूरी :: f. (-री) 1. Musk, the animal perfume so called, as brought from Kashmir, Napal, and western Asam or Bhutan, the latter is said to be the best. 2. A plant, (Hibiscus abelmoschus.) 3. Another plant, (Amaryllis zeylanica.) E. कस् to go, and तूरच् affix; its scent going or spreading; the deriv. is irr.; also कन् being added कस्तूरिका and कस्तुरिका as above.
- कस्मल :: n. (-लं) 1. Fainting, syncope. 2. Sin: see कश्मल .
- कस्वर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Who or what goes or moves. E. कस् to go, वरच् aff.
- कह्लार :: n. (-रं) The white esculent water-lily, (Nymphæa lotus.) E. क water, हार a necklace or ornament, and ल irregularly inserted.
- कह्व :: m. (-ह्वः) A kind of crane, (Ardea nivea.) E. क water, ह्वेञ् to call, &c. ड aff.
- कांसीय :: n. (-यं) White copper: see the next.
- कांस्य :: mn. (-स्यः-स्यं) A goblet, a drinking vessel. n. (-स्यं) 1. White cop- per or brass, queen's metal, any amalgam zinc and copper. 2. A musical instrument, a sort of gong or plate of bell-metal struck with a stick or rod. 3. A measure: see कंस, &c. E. कसि to injure, ण्यत् aff.
- कांस्यक :: n. (-कं) See the preceding.
- कांस्यकार :: m. (-रः) A brazier, a pewterer, a worker in white or bell- metal. E. कांस्य, and कार a workman.
- कांस्यनील :: m. (-लः) Blue vitriol considered as a collyrium. E. कांस्य bell-metal, and नील blue or black; also written occasionally कांश्यनील .
- काक :: m. (-कः) 1. A crow. 2. A plant, (Ardisia solanacea?) 3. A lame man, a cripple, one whose legs are wanting or useless. 4. One of the divisions of the world or Dwipas. 5. A measure. 6. Washing the head, bathing by dipping the head only into the water. 7. A sec- tarial mark, the Tilaka? 8. Shameless, arrogant. n. (-कं) 1. Modus coeundi. 2. A multitude or assemblage of crows. f. (-का) An appel- lation of several plants, as, 1. The common Vakapushpa: see वक; 2. Kakjhangi, (Leea hirta;) also in this sense काकी; 3. A medici- nal plant, vulg. Kakoli; 4. The Retti or Gunja, (Abrus precatori- us;) 5. Opposite-leaved fig-tree: see उडुम्बर; 6. A potherb, (Sola- num Indicum, &c.) see काकमाची . E. कै to sound, Unadi affix कन्; or क for कु bad, ill, and अक to go, &c.
- काककङ्गु :: f. (-ङ्गुः) A kind of panick, (P. miliaceum.) E. काक, and कङ्गु another species of the same grass; the Kengu of the crows.
- काककला :: f. (-ला) A plant, (Leea hirta:) see काकजङ्घा .
- काकघ्नी :: f. (-घ्नी) A tree, said to be a large kind of Karanja, (Galedupa arborea.) E. काक, and घ्नी what kills.
- काकचिञ्चा :: f. (-ञ्चा) The shrub which yields the red and black berry, used in India as a jeweller's weight, (Abrus precatorius:) see गुञ्जा . E. काक, and चिञ्चा extremity; the point being as black as a crow; also काकचिञ्चि and काकचिञ्ची .
- काकचिञ्चि :: f. (-ञ्चिः) See the preceding.
- काकचिञ्ची :: f. (-ञ्ची) See काकचिञ्चा .
- काकच्छद :: m. (-दः) 1. A wagtail. 2. Side locks of the head of hair. E. काक a crow, and छद plumage.
- काकच्छर्द्दि :: m. (-र्द्दिः) 1. A wagtail. 2. What is ejected by a crow. E. काक, and छर्द्दि vomiting.
- काकजङ्घा :: f. (-ङ्घा) A plant, (Leea hirta, Rox. Catalogue; elsewhere de- scribed as Leea æquata.) E. काक, and जङ्घा a thigh; compared to a crow's leg.
- काकजम्बु :: f. (-म्बुः) A plant, commonly Bhuinjamb, (Ardisia solanacea:) see भूमिजम्बु; also काकजम्बू .
- काकण :: n. (-णं) A leprosy with black and red spots, considered incur- able. E. काक the Gunja berry, deriv. irr. also with कन् affix काकणक .
- काकणन्तिका :: f. (-का) The Abrus precatorius: see काकचिञ्चा .
- काकता :: f. (-ता) The state or nature of a crow. E. काक, and तल् affix; also काकत्वं .
- काकतालीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Accidental, unexpected, opportune. E. काक, and ताली the fruit of the palm: it alludes to a story of the fruit of the palm falling in the way of a crow.
- काकतालीयवत् :: ind. Suddenly, opportunely. E. काकतालीय, and वत् like.
- काकतालुकिन् :: mfn. (-की -किनी -कि) Contemptible, vile. E. काक, तालु palate, कन् affix of similitude, and इनि aff.
- काकतिक्ता :: f. (-क्ता) The Gunja-plant: see काकचिञ्चा .
- काकतिन्दुक :: m. (-कः) A kind of ebony, (Diospyros tomentosa, Rox.) E. काक, and तिन्दुक ebony.
- काकतुण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A dark sort of Agallochum: see कालागुरु . f. (-ण्डी) 1. The Gunja-plant. 2. A sort of brass. 3. A tree, commonly Kuwa dori. E. काक, and तुण्ड face; of the colour of a crow.
- काकतुण्डिका :: f. (-का) The Gunja-plant: see काकचिञ्चा .
- काकध्वज :: m. (-जः) Submarine fire, a personage in Hindu mythology: see और्व्व . E. काक, and ध्वज a banner, whose symbol is a crow.
- काकनाशा :: f. (-शा) A plant, commonly Vakapushpa: see वकपुष्प .
- काकनासा :: f. (-सा) A plant: see काकजङ्घा; also काकनासिका .
- काकनासिका :: f. (-का) 1. A plant, (Leea hirta.) 2. Red Teori. E. काक a crow, and नासिका a nose; the root being fancifully compared to the beak of the bird; also काकनासा and काकनासिकी .
- काकन्दी :: f. (-न्दी) Emblick myrobalan.
- काकपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The side locks of the head of hair; three or five on each side left when the head is first shaved, and which may be al- lowed to remain, especially in persons of the military caste. E. काक, and पक्ष a feather, a wing, a crow's wing; the word is also used as an epithet of a warrior, a name of RAMA, &c.
- काकपीलु :: m. (-लुः) A kind of ebony: see काकतिन्दुक; also with कन् add- ed काकपीलुकः .
- काकपुच्छ :: m. (-च्छः) The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. E. काक, and पुच्छ a tail; crow-tailed.
- काकपुष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) The Koil or Kokil, as before. E. काक, and पुष्ट nourish- ed; this bird like the English cuckoo, being said to leave its eggs in the nests of other birds, as in that of the crow, &c.
- काकफल :: m. (-लः) The Nimb tree. E. काक, and फल fruit.
- काकबन्ध्या :: f. (-न्ध्या) A woman that bears only one child.
- काकभीरु :: m. (-रुः) An owl. E. काक, and भीरु fearful; afraid of the crows.
- काकमद्गु :: m. (-द्गुः) A water-hen, gallinule. E. काक, and मद्गु another kind of bird, a Shag; resembling a crow in colour.
- काकमर्द्द :: m. (-र्द्दः) The colocynth or bitter apple. E. काक, and मर्द्दक de- stroying; the fruit of which destroys crows; also काकमर्द्दक .
- काकमाचिका :: f. (-का) A plant: see the next word.
- काकमाची :: f. (-ची) An esculent vegetable, commonly Gurkamai, (Sola- num Indicum.) E. काक, मच् to respect, &c. अण् and ङीष् affixes; also with कन् and टाप् added, काकमाचिका .
- काकमुद्गा :: f. (-द्गा) A plant, commonly Mugani, according to some, a wild kind of beam. E. काक, and मुद्ग Moong.
- काकयव :: m. (-वः) Barren corn, the ear of which has no grain. E. काक, and यव barley.
- काकरुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Naked. 2. Timid, fearful. 3. Poor, indigent. m. (-कः) 1. Fraud, deceit. 2. An owl. 3. A henpecked husband.
- काकरुहा :: f. (-हा) A parasite plant, (Epidendrum tesseloides, &c.) see वन्दा . E. काक, and रुह what mounts; on which crows rest.
- काकल :: n. (-लं) A jewel worn upon neck. f. (-लिः or -ली) A low and sweet tone, the song of a bird, &c. E. का instead of कु diminutive, कल् to sound, इन् or ङीप् aff.
- काकलक :: m. (-कः) An ornament of the neck. E. कन् added the preceding.
- काकलीद्राक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) A grape with a very small stone.
- काकलीरव :: m. (-वः) The Kokila. E. काकली a sweet tone, and रव sound.
- काकशब्द :: m. (-ब्दः) The cawing of a crow. E. काक, and शब्द sound.
- काकशीर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) A tree, commonly Vakapushpa; (Æschynomene grandiflora.) E. काक, and शीर्ष a head.
- काकस्त्री :: f. (-स्त्री) See the preceding.
- काकाङ्गा :: f. (-ङ्गा) A plant, (Leea æquata.) E. काक, and अङ्ग form, body, टाप् affix; or with ङीष् affix, काकाङ्गी .
- काकाङ्गी :: f. (-ङ्गी) See the preceding.
- काकाञ्ची :: f. (-ञ्ची) 1. A plant, (Leea æquata.) 2. An esculent vegetable, (Solanum Indicum.) E. काक, अञ्च् to go, अच् and ङीप् affs.
- काकादनी :: f. (-नी) The Gunja-plant: see काकचिञ्चा . E. काक, अदन food, ङीप् fem. aff.
- काकार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Scattering water. E. क water, कॄ to scatter; with आङ् prefixed, and अण् aff.
- काकारि :: m. (-रिः) An owl. E. काक, and अरि a foe; whose enemy is the crow.
- काकाल :: m. (-लः) A raven. E. काक, and अल् to be able, affix अच् .
- काकिणी :: f. (-णी) 1. A cubit, the forth part of a Danda or short pole. 2. The quarter of a Pana, a weight or a tale of shells equal to twenty Cowries. 3. A quarter of a Masha, a weight of silver or gold. 4. A Retti or small seed used as a weight. 5. A Cowri or shell used as a coin. E. कक to be unsteady, ल्युट् and ङीप् affixes; deriv. irr.; also the dental न being substituted, काकिनी .
- काकिनी :: f. (-नी) See the preceding.
- काकिल :: m. (-लः) The central jewel in a necklace, &c. see काकल .
- काकु :: f. (-कुः) 1. Change of voice in fear, grief, &c. 2. Muttering, murmuring. 3. The tongue. E. कक् to deride, उण् affix, deriv. irr.
- काकुत्स्थ :: m. (-त्स्थः) 1. A name of RAMA. 2. The name of a sovereing, also Puranjaya. E. ककुद् pre-eminent, अण् affix, and स्थ who stays or is.
- काकुद :: m. (-दः) The palate. E. ककुद् the head, and अण् aff.
- काकेक्षु :: m. (-क्षुः) A kind of reed, (Saccharum spontaneum.) E. काक, and इक्षु sugar-cane.
- काकेन्दु :: m. (-न्दुः) A species of ebony, (Diospyros melanoxylon.)
- काकोचिक :: m. (-कः) A kind of fish, commonly Cacochi; also काकोचि (Cyprinus cachius, HAM.)
- काकोडुम्बर :: m. (-रः) Opposite-leaved fig-tree, (Ficus oppositifolia.)
- काकोडुम्बरिका :: f. (-का) See the preceding. E. काक, and उडुम्बर glomerous fig, कन् affix, and the feminine termination; also काकोदुम्बरिका .
- काकोदर :: m. (-रः) A snake. E. काक going ill or tortuously, (derived from का for कु, and अक to go,) and उदर the belly.
- काकोल :: mn. (-लः-लं) A poisonous substances of a black colour, or the colour of a raven, whence its name; possibly the berry of the Cocculus Indicus. n. (-ल) A division of the infernal regions or hell. m. (-लः) 1. A raven. 2. A potter. 3. A snake. 4. A boar. 5. A drug; as follows. f. (-ली) The name of a vegetable substance used in medicine, described as sweet and cooling, allaying fever, removing phlegm, &c.: it it said to be a root brought from Nepal or Morung. E. काक to be unsteady, &c. and ओलच् affix, deriv. irr.
- काकोलूकिका :: f. (-का) The natural enmity of the owl and crow. E. काक a crow, उलूक an owl, वुन् affix, implying enmity in this and similar compounds.
- काक्ष :: r. 1st. cl. (इ) काक्षि (कांक्षति) To desire; it is most frequently used with आङ् prefixed, in the same sense.
- काक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Frowning, looking, scornfully or in displeasure. m. (-क्षः) A glance, a wink or leer. n. (-क्षं) A frown, a look of dis- pleasure. E. का for कु diminutive or depreciative, and अक्षि the eye. f. (-क्षी) 1. A sort of trefoil, (Cytisus cojan.) 2. A perfume, a fra- grant kind of earth. E. कक्ष a creeping plant, अण् and ङीप् affs.
- काक्षीव :: m. (-वः) A plant, (Morunga hyperanthera, &c.) see शोभाञ्जन . E. का or कु diminutive, and क्षीव to be intoxicated: see अक्षीव; also with कन् added काक्षीवक .
- काग :: m. (-गः) A crow: (in the dialects, a raven.) E. का an imitative sound, and ग who sings, from गै with ड or क aff.
- काङ्क्षत् :: mfn. (-ङ्क्षन् -ङ्क्षन्ती -ङ्क्षत्) Wishing, desiring, hoping. E. काक्षि to desire, शतृ aff.
- काङ्क्षा :: f. (-ङ्क्षा) Wish, inclination, desire. E. काक्षि to wish, अच् and टाप् affs.
- काङ्क्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Wished, desired. E. काक्षि to wish, क्त aff.
- काङ्क्षारु :: m. (-रुः) A heron.
- काङ्गा :: f. (-ङ्गा) Orris root. E. का bad, crooked, and अङ्ग body, shape.
- काच :: r. 1st cl. (इ) काचि (काचते) 1. To shine. 2. To bind.
- काच :: m. (-चः) 1. Alkaline ashes, any salt of potash or soda in a glassy or crystalline state. 2. Crystal, quartz or glass, considered as a natural production, and used as a jewel or ornament. 3. A loop, swinging shelf, a string so contrived as to hold or support burthens, &c. 4. A disease of the eyes, affection of the optic nerve or gutta serena. n. (-चं) 1. Alkaline salt, black salt. 2. Wax. E. कच् to shine or bind, घञ् aff.
- काचक :: m. (-कः) 1. A stone 2. Alkaline ashes, &c. see the preceding. E. कन् added to the last.
- काचकूपी :: f. (-पी) A glass-bottle. E. काच, and कूपी bottle.
- काचघटी :: f. (-टी) A glass-ewer. E. काच, and घटी a small jar.
- काचन :: n. (-नं) An enclosure, a string or tape which ties a parcel or bundle of papers, &c. E. कच् to tie, ल्युट् affix; also with कन् added काचनक m. (-कः .)
- काचन :: ind. Some one, any one, (applied to feminine objects,) the first member is declinable. E. का fem. of किम्, चन added.
- काचनक :: n. (-कं) A binding or rope for binding. E. कन् added to काचन .
- काचनकिन् :: m. (-की) A writing, a written paper. E. काचनक a binding, and इनि aff.
- काचभाजन :: n. (-नं) A vessel of glass or crystal, a cup, a goblet, &c. E. काच, and भाजन a vessel.
- काचमणि :: m. (-णिः) Crystal, quartz. E. काच, and मणि a gem.
- काचमल :: n. (-लं) Black salt or soda: see काचलवण . E. काच glass, and मल soil.
- काचलवण :: n. (-णं) Black salt, a medicinal salt, prepared by calcining fossile salt and the fruit of the emblic myrobalan together. It consists chiefly of muriate of soda, with a small quantity of iron, lime and sulphur, and is a tonic aperient. E. काच alkaline ashes, and लवण salt.
- काचवकयन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) A glass-retort. E. काच, and वकयन्त्र a retort.
- काचसम्भव :: n. (-वं) Black salt: see the last. E. काच, and सम्भव produced.
- काचसौवर्च्चल :: n. (-लं) Black salt: see काचलवण . E. काच, and सौवर्च्चल salt.
- काचस्थाली :: f. (-ली) The trumpet flower, (Bignonia suave-olens.) E. काच glass, and स्थाली a goblet, &c. to which its colour is compared.
- काचिघ :: m. (-घः) 1. A legume. 2. A rat. 3. Gold.
- काचित् :: ind. Some one, any one, (a female person or object,) the first member is declinable, as काञ्चित्, &c. E. का fem. of किम्, and चित् aff.
- काचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Suspended by a swing or in a loop. E. काच a nominal root, to hang by a loop or in a swing, and क्त aff.
- काचिम :: m. (-मः) A tree considered as sacred, one growing near a temple, and an object of religious veneration or worship, &c.
- काञ्चन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Golden, of gold. n. (-नं) 1. Gold. 2. Wealth. 3. A filament of the lotus. m. (-नः) 1. Mountain ebony, (Bauhinia variegata, &c.) 2. A tree bearing a yellow fragrant flower, (Michelia champaca.) 3. Another plant, (Mesua ferrea:) see नागकेसर . 4. Glomerous fig-tree: see उडुम्बर . 5. Common thorn apple, (Datura metel.) f. (-नी) 1. Turmeric. 2. A yellow pigment. E. कचि to shine, &c. ल्युट् affix, the radical vowel lengthened; this etymology gives the meaning gold, the others refer to their colour, &c. in which they resemble the metal.
- काञ्चनक :: m. (-कः) Mountain ebony, &c. n. (-कं) Yellow orpiment. E. काञ्चन gold, &c. and कन् affix, implying resemblance or identity.
- काञ्चनकन्दर :: m. (-रः) A gold-mine. E. काञ्चन, and कन्दर a cave.
- काञ्चनकारिणी :: f. (-णी) a plant, (Asparagus racemosus:) see शतमूली .
- काञ्चनगिरि :: m. (-रिः) Mount Sumeru. E. काञ्चन, and गिरि a mountain; the golden mountain.
- काञ्चनचय :: m. (-यः) A heap of gold. E. काञ्चन, and चय assemblage.
- काञ्चनभू :: f. (-भूः) 1. Gold-dust. 2. A Golden or yellow soil. E. काञ्चन, and भू soil.
- काञ्चनमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Golden. E. काञ्चन, and मयट् aff.
- काञ्चनवप्र :: m. (-प्रः) A hill or mound of gold. E. काञ्चन, and वप्र a mound.
- काञ्चनसन्धि :: f. (-न्धिः) A treaty of friendship between two parties on equal terms. E. काञ्चन, and सन्धि alliance.
- काञ्चनाल :: m. (-लः) Mountain ebony, (Bauhinia variegata, &c.) E. काञ्चन gold, and अल् to be able or like; some copies read काञ्चनार .
- काञ्चनीया :: f. (-या) A yellow pigment, commonly Gorochana. E. काचि to shine, अनीयर् aff.
- काञ्चि :: f. (-ञ्चिः) See काञ्ची .
- काञ्चिक :: n. (-कं) Sour gruel: see काञ्जिक
- काञ्ची :: f. (-ञ्ची) 1. A woman's zone or girdle. 2. The name of an ancient city situated in the peninsula, and one of the seven sacred cities of the Hindus. 3. A plant, (Abrus precatorius:) see गुञ्जा . E. कचि to bind or shine, इन् or ङीष् affixes; whence also काञ्चि .
- काञ्चीपद :: n. (-दं) Mons veneris, the public region. E. काञ्ची the zone, and पद place, site.
- काञ्जिक :: nf. (-कः-का) Sour gruel, the water of boiled rice in a state of spontaneous fermentation. E. क water, अञ्ज् to go, &c. and affix इक; also the vowel being lengthened काञ्चीक, or without the final, काञ्ची .
- काठ :: m. (-ठः) A stone, a rock. E. कठ् to be hard, &c. अण् affix; also with कन् added, काठक .
- काठक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) According to the Katha portion of the Vedas. E. कठ, and वुञ् aff.
- काठिन :: m. (-नः) The date fruit. n. (-नं) 1. Hardness. 2. Sternness. E. कठिन, and अण् aff.
- काठिन्य :: n. (-न्यं) 1. Hardness. 2. Difficulty, obscurity. 3. Sternness, severity. E. कठिन hard, and ष्यञ् aff.
- काण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) One-eyed, monoculous. m. (-णः) A crow E. कण् to sound, &c. अण् aff.
- काणूक :: m. (-कः) A crow. E. कण् to sound, &c. and ऊकन् Unadi aff.
- काणेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) One-eyed. E. काण, and ढक् aff.
- काणेर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) One-eyed. E. काण, and ढ्रक् aff.
- काण्ड :: mn. (-ण्डः-ण्डं) 1. A stalk or stem. 2. The part of the trunk of a tree whence the branches proceed. 3. A cluster, a clump. 4. An arrow. 5. Opportunity, season. 6. Water. 7. A kind of reed, (Saccharum sara.) 8. A multitude, a heap, a quantity. 9. A horse. 10. A chapter, a section. 11. The part in a sacrifice appropriated to different objects, as the gods or manes. 12. A long bone, a bone of the extremities. 13. Praise, flattery. 14. Private, privacy. 15. Low, vile, bad. 16. Sinful, wicked. E. कन् to shine, &c. ड Unadi affix, and the radical vowel made long.
- काण्डकाण्डक :: m. (-कः) A species of grass. E. काण्ड repeated.
- काण्डकार :: n. (-रं) The betel-nut, the fruit of the areca.
- काण्डगोचर :: m. (-रः) An iron-arrow. E. काण्ड a stem or stalk, and गोचर an object of sense; it is fired from a stock like the arrow of the cross bow.
- काण्डणी :: f. (-णी) A plant, commonly Ramaduti: see सूक्ष्मपर्णी .
- काण्डतिक्तक :: m. (-कः) A kind of gentian, (Gentiana cherayta, Rox.) E. काण्ड the stem, and तिक्त sharp, bitter, कन् added to this and similar compounds.
- काण्डनील :: m. (-लः) A plant with an astringent bark, commonly Lodh. E. काण्ड, and नील blue.
- काण्डपट :: m. (-टः) An outer tent, a screen surrounding a tent. E. काण्ड a stem, &c. and पट a cloth; also with कन् added काण्डपटकः .
- काण्डपुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) A small fragrant flower, commonly Dona, (Artemisia.) E. काण्ड the stem, and पुष्प flower; flowering from the stalk.
- काण्डपृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Of the military profession, a soldier. m. (-ष्ठः) 1. The husband of a Vaisya female. 2. An adopted or any other than the natural son. n. (-ष्ठं) The bow of KAMA. E. काण्ड an arrow, and पृष्ठ the back: see काण्डस्पृष्ट .
- काण्डभग्न :: n. (-ग्नं) A fracture of either of the extremities. E. काण्ड, and भग्न breaking.
- काण्डरुहा :: f. (-हा) A medicinal plant: see कटुकी . E. काण्ड the stem of a tree, and रुहा what ascends; hence it appears to be a creeper.
- काण्डर्षि :: m. (-र्षिः) Rishi or divine saint of a peculiar class; Jaimini and others who teach a particular Kanda or section of Vedas. E. काण्ड a section, and ऋषि a saint.
- काण्डवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Armed with an arrow, an archer. E. काण्ड an arrow, and मतुप् poss. aff.
- काण्डसन्धि :: m. (-न्धिः) A knot, a joint in the stem of a tree, &c. E. काण्ड a stem, and सन्धि union.
- काण्डस्पृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Of the military profession, living by arms, a soldier. E. काण्ड an arrow, &c. स्पृश् to touch, and क्त aff.
- काण्डहीन :: n. (-नं) A fragrant grass, a sort of cyperus: see भद्रमुस्तक . E. काण्ड a stem, and हीन deprived.
- काण्डीर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Armed with an arrow, an archer. m. (-रः) 1. A creeping plant, commonly Kanda Bel, (Momordica charantia.) 2. A plant, (Achyranthes aspera.) f. (-रा) Bengal madder, (Rubia manjith:) see मञ्जिष्ठा . E. काण्ड an arrow, a stem, &c. and ईरच् aff.
- काण्डेक्षु :: m. (-क्षुः) 1. A plant, (Barleria longifolia.) 2. A kind of reed, (Saccharum spontaneum:) see काश . E. काण्ड, and इक्षु sugar-cane; having a similar stem.
- कातर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Confused, perplexed, disordered. 2. Timid, gentle. m. (-रः) A large kind of fish, commonly Katala (Cyprinus catla, HAM.) E. का a little or badly, and तर what crosses.
- कातरता :: f. (-ता) Timidity, agitation. E. तल् added to कातर; also with त्व, कातरत्वं .
- कातल :: m. (-लः) The name of a fish, commonly Katala, (Cyprinus catla, HAM.) E. See कातर, र changed to ल .
- कातीय :: m. (-यः) 1. A name of KATYAYANA. 2. A pupil of the same. E. कात्यायन with फक् affix and the middle syllable dropped; also कात्या- यनीय .
- कात्त्रयक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Produced from any bad triad. E. कत्त्रय, and ढकञ् aff.
- कात्य :: m. (-त्यः) The name of a saint; also कात्यायन . E. कत a proper name, and यञ् affix implying descent or lineage.
- कात्यायन :: m. (-नः) 1. The name of a celebrated lawgiver and divine sage. 2. An appellation of VARARUCHI a poet. E. कात्य, and फक् pleonastic affix. f. (-नी) 1. A name of DURGA. 2. A middle-aged widow. E. ङीष् added to कात्यायन; the daughter of the saint KATYA- YANA, (DURGA,) or resembling the wife of a sage in dress and aus- terity, (the widow.)
- कात्यायनीय :: m. (-यः) A pupil of KATYAYANA. E. कात्यायन, and फक् aff.
- काथिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Belonging to a story, told in it, &c. m. (-कः) A narrator. E. कथा, and ठक् aff.
- कादम्ब :: n. (-म्बं) 1. A tree, (Nauclea cadamba.) 2. A drake, or, accord- ing to some, a teal. 3. An arrow. f. (-म्बा) A plant, commonly Mundiri: see कदम्बपुष्प . E. अण् added to कदम्ब .
- कादम्बक :: m. (-कः) An arrow. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- कादम्बर :: n. (-रं) The surface or skim of coagulated milk. m. (-रः) A spirituous liquor distilled from the flowers of the Kadamba. f. (-री) 1. Wine, spirituous liquor in general. 2. A name of SARAS-
WATI. 3. The female Koil or Indian cuckoo. 4. The female of an- other bird, (Turdus salica, BUCH.) E. कदम्ब the Kadamba flower, र what gains or gets, from रा, affix ड .
- कादम्बरीवीज :: n. (-जं) Ferment, yeast, whatever occasions fermentation. E. कादम्बरी, and वीज seed.
- कादम्बर्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) The Kadamba tree: see कादम्ब . E. कादम्बरी a spirit, and यत् aff.
- कादम्बिनी :: f. (-नी) A long line of clouds. E. कादम्ब the Kadamba flower, इनि and ङीप् affixes, implying a multitude; the clouds being com pared with the large white flowers of the Nauclea cadamba.
- कादाचित्क :: mfn. (-त्कः -त्की -त्कं) Produced sometimes, occasional, inciden- tal. E. कदाचित् sometimes, with कन् added, and अण् aff.
- काद्रवेय :: m. (-यः) A Naga or serpent of the race that is supposed to people the lower regions. E. कद्रु the mother of these beings, and ढक् aff.
- कानक :: n. (-कं) The seed of the croton.
- कानन :: nf. (-नं-नी) 1. A forest, a grove. 2. The face of BRAHMA. 3. A house. E. कनि to shine, in the causal form, and ल्युट् affix, or क BRAHMA, and आनन a face.
- काननारि :: m. (-रिः) The Śami or Śain tree, (Mimosa albida:) see समी . E. कानन, and अरि enemy; injurious to a wood; being a thorny tree.
- कानीन :: mf. (-नः-नी) The son or daughter of a young and unmarried woman. m. (-नः) 1. A name of VYASA. 2. Also of KARNA, (being both horn of mothers who were unmarried.) E. कन्या a virgin or young girl, changed to कनीन् and अण् aff.
- कान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Pleasing, agreeable. 2. Lovely, beautiful. 3. Dear, beloved. m. (-न्तः) 1. A name of KRISHNA. 2. The moon. 3. A husband. 4. Spring. 5. A precious stone; in which case it is compounded with सूर्य्य, चन्द्र or अयस्, as सूर्य्यकान्त a crystal lens, &c. f. (-न्ता) 1. A wife, a mistress, any beloved or lovely woman. 2. A plant, commonly Priyangu: see प्रियङ्गु . 3. A grass, (Cyperus pertenuis.) n. (-न्तं) 1. Iron. 2. Saffron. E. कम् to desire, affix क्त .
- कान्तता :: f. (-ता) Loveliness, beauty, splendor. E. कान्त pleasing, &c. तल् aff.
- कान्तपक्षिन् :: m. (-क्षी) A peacock. E. कान्त beautiful, पक्षिन् a bird.
- कान्तपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) Mountain ebony, &c. (Bauhinia variegata.) E. कान्त and पुष्प flower.
- कान्तलक :: m. (-कः) A tree, the wood of which something resembles mahogany, commonly Toon, (Cedrela tunna, Rox.) E. कान्त beauty, and र what gives, कन् added, and र changed to ल .
- कान्ताङ्घ्रिदोहद :: m. (-दः) A tree, commonly Asoka, (Jonesia asoca.) E. कान्ता a woman, अङ्घ्रि a foot, and दोहद desire; the tree being supposed to blossom upon coming in contact with the foot of a handsome female.
- कान्ताचरणदोहद :: m. (-दः) The tree Asoka: see the preceding.
- कान्तायस :: n. (-सं) Iron-stone: see अयस्कान्त . E. कान्त, and अयस् iron, अण् added.
- कान्तार :: mn. (-रः-रं) 1. A had or difficult road. 2. A wood, a forest. 3. A hole, a cavity. m. (-रः) 1. A red variety of the sugar-cane. 2. A bamboo. 3. Mountain ebony. n. (-रं) 1. A symptom or sympto- matic disease. 2. A lotus. f. (-री) A sort of sugar-cane. E. कान् for कञ्चित् any one, here meaning no one, तृ to go, in the causal, form, अच् affix; allowing none to pass; or क pleasure, &c. अन्त end, ऋ to go, अण् aff.
- कान्तारक :: m. (-कः) A sort of sugar-cane. E. कान्त good, excellent (juice,) ऋ to go, to gain, अण् and कन् affixes: see the preceding.
- कान्तारग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Who or what goes into or in a wood. E. कान्तार, and ग who goes.
- कान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) 1. Beauty, splendor, light. 2. Female beauty. 3. Wish, desire. 4. A lovely or desirable woman. 5. Persoual decoration or embellishment. E. कम् to desire or be desired, क्तिन् aff.
- कान्तिकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Beautifying, illumining, making handsome or splendid. E. कान्ति, and कर what makes.
- कान्तिद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Beautifying, illuminating. n. (-दं) Bile, the bilious humour. E. कान्ति light, splendor, &c. and द what gives.
- कान्तिदायक :: mfn. (-यकः -यिका -यकं) Beautifying, adorning. n. (-कं) A kind of Curcuma, from the root of which a yellow die is prepared, (C. Zanthorhiza.) E. कान्ति beauty, &c. दायक distributor, giver.
- कान्तिभृत् :: mfn. (-भृत्) 1. Handsome, beautiful. 2. Bright, shining. E. कान्ति, and भृत् what has.
- कान्तिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) 1. Splendid. 2. Beautiful. E. कान्ति, and मतुप् aff.
- कान्तिहर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Dimming, dulling, making dull or ugly. E. कान्ति, and हर what removes.
- कान्दव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Roasted or baked, (in an iron pan or oven, as bread, cakes, &c.) E. कन्दु, and अण् aff.
- कान्दविक :: m. (-कः) A baker. E. कान्दव baked bread, and ठक् aff.
- कान्दिशीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Flying, running away, put to flight. E. कदि to fear, घञ् and इन् affixed, कन्दि; शीक् to go, to ooze. घञ् affix, कन्दिशीक; and again, अण् affix, कान्दिशीक .
- कान्यकुब्ज :: m. (-ब्जः) A country, the modern Konouj; also कन्याकुब्ज .
- कान्यजा :: f. (-जा) A kind of perfume, commonly Nali.
- कापटिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Wicked, bad, perverse. 2. Fraudulent, dis- honest. m. (-कः) 1. A student, a scholar. 2. A flatterer, a para- site. E. कपट fraud, &c. ठक् aff.
- कापट्य :: n. (-ट्यं) Wickedness, fraud, dishonesty. E. कपट, and ष्यञ् aff.
- कापथ :: m. (-थः) A bad road. E. का for कु bad, vile, and पथिन् a road.
- कापाल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Cranial, relating to the skull. m. (-लः) A kind of cucumber, (Cucumis utilatissimus.) n. (-लं) A sort of leprosy. E. कपाल, and अण् aff.
- कापालिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating or belonging to the skull. m. (-कः) A worshipper of SIVA of the left-hand order, characterised by carrying a half of the skull as a cup, drinking spirituous liquors, &c. E. कपाल, and ठञ् aff.
- कापिल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Of a tawny colour. m. (-लः) 1. A follower of the Sankhya system of philosophy. E. कपिल the founder of the school, and अण् affix. 2. Tawny, (the colour.) E. अण् pleonastic added to कपिल, q. v.
- कापिश :: n. (-शं) A spirituous liquor, wine. f. (-शी) A country. E. कपिश brown, and अण् aff.
- कापिशायन :: m. (-नः) 1. A deity. 2. A kind of vinous liquor. n. (-नं) Honey. f. (-नी) A grape. E. कपिश brown, or कापिशी a country, and ष्फक् aff.
- कापिशेय :: m. (-यः) A Pisacha, an imp or goblin. E. कपिश, and ढक् aff.
- कापुरुष :: m. (-षः) A mean contemptible man, a coward, a wretch. E. का for कु bad, vile, पुरुष a man.
- कापुरुषत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Meanness, cowardliness. E. त्व added to the preced- ing: also with तल्, कापुरुषता .
- कापेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Belonging to or relating to a monkey. E. कपि a monkey, and ढक् aff.
- कापोत :: mfn. (-तः -ती -तं) Of a dirty white colour. m. (-तः) 1. Natron, fossile alkali. 2. Antimony. considered as a collyrium or applica- tion to the eyes. 3. A pale or dirty white colour. n. (-तं) A flock of pigeons, E. कपोत a pigeon, &c. अण् aff.
- कापोताञ्जन :: n. (-नं) Antimony, especially considered as a collyrium. E. कापोत a pigeon, and अञ्जन a collyrium.
- काप्यकर :: m. (-रः) A penitent, one who acknowledges his faults. E. का for कु bad, आप्य having obtained, and कर who does; from कृ . and अच् .
- काप्यकार :: m. (-रः) 1. Avowal or confession of sin. 2. A penitent, one who confesses a crime. E. As before, affix अण् .
- काफल :: m. (-लः) A bitter seed; see कट्फल . E. का bad, and फल fruit.
- काम :: m. (-मः) 1. KAMA the Hindu Cupid or deity of love. 2. Wish,
desire. 3. BALARAMA the brother of KRISHNA. 4. The mango tree. f. (-मा) Love, desire. n. (-मं) 1. Semen virile. 2. An object of desire. 3. Willingly, voluntarily. 4. A particle of assent or agreement: see कामम् . ind. (in composition.) Following one's own desire, as कामवाद speaking what one lists; कामभक्ष eating whatever one likes; कामचार doing whatever one chuses; in law, a child previous to the imposi- tion of the characteristic cord is all these. E. कम् to desire, घञ् aff.
- कामकला :: f. (-ला) RATI the wife of KAMA. E. काम, and कला a part.
- कामकामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Following the dictates of passion of desire. E. काम, and कामिन् desirous.
- कामकार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Following one's inclinations. m. (-रः) Desire, the operation or influence of desire. E. काम, and कार act, who acts.
- कामकारतस् :: ind. According to one's desires, following one's inclinations, indulging desire. E. कामकार, and तसि aff.
- कामकूट :: m. (-टः) 1. The paramour of a harlot, a cully. 2. Wanton cares- ses, harlotry. E. काम desire, and कूट a peak or summit.
- कामकेलि :: mfn. (-लिः -लिः -लि) Libidinous, wanton. m. (-लिः) 1. Copulation. 2. Amorous sport. E. काम love, desire, केलि play, sport.
- कामग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Acting as one pleases. E. काम, and ग who goes.
- कामगामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Going as one lists. E. काम the wish, and गामिन् who goes.
- कामगुण :: m. (-णः) 1. Passion, affection. 2. An object of sense. 3. Com- pletion, satiety, perfect enjoyment. E. काम desire, and गुण a quality or property.
- कामङ्गामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Going as one lists. E. कामम् at will, and गामिन् who goes.
- कामचार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Following one's own pleasure, unchecked, un- restrained. m. (-रः) Following one's own wishes or pleasure, sensuality, selfishness. E. काम, and चार practice.
- कामचारतस् :: ind. According to one's own inclinations. E. तसि added to the last.
- कामचारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Desirous, libidinous. 2. Self-willed. m. (-री) 1. A sparrow. 2. A name of GARUDA the bird of VISHNU. E. काम desire, and चारिन् who goes, from चर् with णिनि affix; also with ण्बुल् affix, कामचारक .
- कामज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced or caused by passion or desire. m. (-जः) The son of KAMA. E. काम, and ज born: also कामजनित, कामोत्पन्न, &c.
- कामजान :: m. (-नः) The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. E. काम, and जान what produces, from जन् in the causal form, and घञ् affix; also read कामजनि .
- कामजाल :: m. (-लः) See कामताल .
- कामठ :: m. (-ठः) A tortoise. E. कमठ the same, अण् pleonasm.
- कामतस् :: ind. 1. Willingly, consentingly. 2. Passionately. E. काम, and तसि aff.
- कामताल :: m. (-लः) The Kokila, or Koil, the Inidian cuckoo. E. काम, and ताल a musical strain; the song of the Koil being poetically considered as an incentive to love.
- कामद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Giving what is wished, granting one's desires. f. (-दा) A fabulous cow, the cow of plenty E. काम desire, and द what gives.
- कामदुघा :: f. (-घा) The cow of plenty. E. काम, and दुह् to yield milk, affix कप् .
- कामदुह् :: f. (-धुक्) 1. The cow of plenty. E. काम, and दुह् to give milk, क्विप् aff.
- कामदूती :: f. (-ती) 1. Trumpet flower, (Bignonia suave-olens.) 2. The female koil. E. काम desire, and दूती a messenger; also कामदूति and कामदूतिका .
- कामध्वंसिन् :: m. (-सी) A name of SIVA. E. काम CUPID, and ध्वंसिन् an enemy.
- कामन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Lustful, libidinous, desirous. f. (-ना) Wish, desire. E. कम् to desire, and युच् aff.
- कामन्धमिन् :: m. (-मी) A brazier. E. काम willingly, ध्मा to blow, णिनि aff.
- कामपत्नी :: f. (-त्नी) A name of RATI. E. काम KANDARPA, and पत्नी a wife.
- कामपाल :: m. (-लः) A name of BALARAMA, the brother of KRISHNA. E. काम KAMA, and पाल who cherishes; being by one legend the pa- ternal uncle of that deity.
- कामप्रद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Granting what is desired. E. काम, and प्रद what yields.
- कामबद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Bound by love. n. (-द्धं) A wood. E. काम, and बद्ध tied.
- कामभक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Eating anything or every thing. E. काम, and भक्ष who eats.
- कामभक्ष्य :: mfn. (-क्ष्यः -क्ष्या -क्ष्यं) Eating anything. E. काम, and भक्ष्य to be eaten.
- कामम् :: ind. A particle, 1. Of reluctant assent, (well, very well.) 2. Of assent, (willingly, readily.) 3. Of agreement, (very well, so be it.) 4. Of contempt or invidious remark. 5. Agreeably to desire, follow- ing the inclination: see काम .
- काममह :: m. (-हः) The day of full moon in the month Chaitra, (March- April.) E. काम the deity, and मह worship; a festival in honour of KAMA.
- काममालिन् :: m. (-ली) A name of GANESA.
- कामयितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Libidinous, lustful, desirous. E. कम् to desire, in the causal form, and तृच् aff.
- कामरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पी -पं) 1. Pleasing, beautiful. 2. Taking any or every shape at will. m. (-पः) A district lying east of Bengal, the west- ern portion of Asam. E. काम desire, and रूप form or figure.
- कामरूपिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिणी -पि) 1. Pleasing, beautiful. 2. Taking any shape at will. m. (-पी) 1. A Vidyadhara, a kind of subordinate deity. 2. A pole cat. E. काम desire, will, रूप form, and इनि aff.
- कामरेखा :: f. (-खा) A harlot, a courtezan. E. काम desire, and रेखा a line.
- कामल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Libidinous, cupidinous. mf. (-लः-ला) A com- plaint, jaundice, excessive secretion or obstruction of bile. m. (-लः) 1. Spring. 2. A dry and sterile soil. E. काम desire, ला to bring, ड aff.
- कामलता :: f. (-ता) 1. Membrum virile. 2. A plant, (Ipomæa quamoclit.) E. काम, and लता creeper.
- कामलोल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Overcome with desire or passion. E. काम, and लोल agitated.
- कामवल्लभ :: m. (-भः) 1. The mango tree. 2. Spring. f. (-भा) Moonlight. E. काम, and वल्लभ friend.
- कामवाद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Saying anything at pleasure. E. काम, and वाद speech.
- कामविहन्तृ :: mfn. (-न्ता -न्त्री -न्तृ) Disappointing, preventing. E. काम, and विहन्तृ who destroys.
- कामवृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Licentious, dissipated, debauched. E. काम, and वृत्त practising.
- कामवृद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) 1. A shrub, commonly Kamaja, of supposed aphro- disial properties. 2. Increase of passion or desire. E. काम, and वृद्धि increase.
- कामवृन्ता :: f. (-न्ता) Trumpet flower, (Bignonia suave-olens,) E. काम, and वृन्ता a flower-stalk.
- कामशर :: m. (-रः) 1. The shaft of KAMADEVA. 2. The mango. E. काम, and शर an arrow.
- कामसंयोग :: m. (-गः) Attainment of desired objects. E. काम, and संयोग union.
- कामसख :: m. (-खः) 1. Spring. 2. The mango. E. काम, and सखि a friend.
- कामसुत :: m. (-तः) A name of ANIRUDDHA. E. काम, and सुत a son; also similar compounds, as कामपुत्र, &c.
- कामहैतुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Of one's own accord. E. काम, and हेतु cause, वुञ् aff.
- कामाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) Passion, lust, violent desire. E. काम, and अग्नि fire.
- कामाङ्कुश :: m. (-शः) 1. A finger-nail. 2. Membrum virile. E. काम, and अङ्कुश shoot.
- कामाङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) The mango tree, (Mangifera Indica.) E. काम, and अङ्ग the body or form.
- कामातुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) In love, affected by love or desire. E. काम, and आतुर diseased.
- कामात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) 1. Licentious, libidinous. 2. Desiring, wishing for. E. काम, and आत्मन् self.
- कामात्मता :: f. (-ता) 1. Passion, lust. 2. Wish, desire. E. कामात्म, and तल् aff.
- कामाधिष्ठित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Influenced or overcome by love. E. काम, and अधिष्ठित placed over.
- कामाधिकार :: m. (-रः) 1. The influence of passion or desire. 2. The as- piration of the will. 3. The part of the Sastra which relates to human wishes or desires. E. काम, and अधिकार superintendence.
- कामानल :: m. (-लः) Passion, lust, violent desire. E. काम, and अनल fire.
- कामान्ध :: m. (-न्धः) The Kokila or indian cuckoo. E. काम, and अन्ध blind.
- कामायुध :: n. (-धं) An arrow of KAMADEVA. m. (-धः) 1. Membrum virile. 2. The mango tree. E. काम, and आयुध a weapon.
- कामायुस् :: m. (-युः) Name of GARUDA the bird of VISHNU. E. काम, and आयुस् life; existing at will.
- कामारण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) A handsome grove or wood. E. काम desirable, and अरण्य a forest.
- कामारि :: m. (-रिः) A mineral substance used in medicine, a sort of pyrites: see विट्माक्षिक . E. काम love, and अरि an enemy.
- कामार्त्त :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -र्त्ता -र्त्तं) In love, afflicted by love or passion. E. काम, and आर्त्त pained.
- कामालु :: m. (-लुः) A red sort of mountain ebony.
- कामावसाय :: m. (-यः) Coldness, stoicism, mortification or suppression of the passions. E. काम, and अवसाय destruction.
- कामावसायिता :: f. (-ता) The power of suppressing desire, self-denial or mortification. E. कामावसायिन्, and तल् affix, or with त्व, कामावसायित्व n. (-त्वं).
- कामावसायितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Who or what suppresses or destroys passion or desire. E. काम, and अवसायितृ destroying.
- कामावसायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Destructive of love or desire, one who suppresses desire, &c. E. कामावसाय, and इनि aff.
- कामासक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Impassioned, in love, overcome with desire or passion. E. काम, and आसक्त attached.
- कामासक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Passion, desire. E. काम, and आसक्ति attachment.
- कामि :: m. (-मिः) A libidinous man, a lecher. f. (-मिः) A name of RATI the wife of KAMA. E. कम् to desire, कि affix; the pen. becomes long.
- कामिक :: m. (-कः) A kind of wild duck. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- कामिता :: f. (-ता) Love, desire. E. कामिन्, and तल् affix; also with त्व कामित्वं .
- कामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) 1. Impassioned, fond, loving, wanton. 2. Cu- pidinous, desirous. m. (-नी) 1. The moon. 2. A lover, an uxorious husband. 3. The ruddy goose. 4. A pigeon. 5. A sparrow. f. (-नी) 1. A loving or affectionate woman. 2. A timid woman. 3. A woman in general. 4. Spirituous liquor. 5. A climbing plant. E. कम् to desire, and णिनि aff.
- कामिनीश :: m. (-शः) A plant, (Morunga guilandina, &c.) see शोभाञ्जन .
- कामील :: m. (-लः) A kind of betel, commonly रामगुवाक . E. काम desire, ईलच् aff.
- कामुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -की-कं) Cupidinous, desirous, lustful, libidinous. m. (-कः) 1. A plant, Asoka, (Jonesia asoca.) 2. A creeping plant, (Gærtnera racemosa.) 3. A sparrow. 4. A bow. f. (-का) A woman desirous of wealth, food, &c. f. (-की) A woman libidinous or lust- ful. E. कम् to desire, उकञ् affix, fem. टाप् or ङीष् .
- कामोदक :: n. (-कं) Oblation of water to deceased friends, &c. exclusive of those for whom it is directed by law. E. काम will, and उदक water; being given according to the inclination of the giver.
- कामोदा :: f. (-दा) A Ragini, one of the female personifications of the musical modes.
- कामोपहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Overcome with passion or desire. E. काम, and उपहत struck.
- काम्पिल :: m. (-लः) A country believed to be situated in the north of India: see काम्पिल्ल, &c. f. (-ली) The capital city of that region.
- काम्पिल्य :: m. (-ल्यः) 1. A perfume, commonly Sunda Rochani. 2. A country: see the preceding; also काम्पिल्ल, &c.
- काम्पिल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) 1. Sunda Rochani, a perfume and drug so called. 2. The name of a country said to be in the north-west of India. E. कपि to tremble or shake, इल्ल affix; also काम्पिल or काम्पील, काम्पिल्य, &c.
- काम्पिल्लका :: f. (-का) See the preceding.
- काम्पील :: m. (-लः) See काम्पिल and काम्पिल्ल; also काम्पीलक .
- काम्बल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Clothed with a blanket, &c. m. (-लः) A car covered with a woollen cloth or blanket. E. कम्बल a blanket, अण् aff.
- काम्बलिक :: m. (-कः) Gruel, barley-water, &c.
- काम्बविक :: m. (-कः) A dealer in shells, a vender of ornaments made of them, &c. E. कम्बु a shell, ठक् aff.
- काम्बुका :: f. (-का) A plant, (Physalis flexuosa:) see अश्वगन्धा .
- काम्बोज :: m. (-जः) 1. A native of Kamboja, a foreign race going like the Yavanas, with the whole of the head shaved, one of the tribes originally Kshetriya, but degraded by omission of the essential rites. 2. A horse of the bread of Kamboya or Kamboja. 3. A white mimosa. 4. A tree, commonly Punnaga, (Rottleria tinctoria) f. (-जी) 1. A plant, commonly Mashani: see माषपर्णी . 2. A white mimosa, as above. 3. The Gunja-plant. E. कम्बोज Kamboja or Kamboya, a country in the north of India, अण् and ङीष् affixes: the plants, &c. being supposed indigenous to that district.
- काम्य :: mfn. (-म्यः -म्या -म्यं) 1. Agreeable, desirable, amiable. 2. Performed through the desire of some advantage, (a religious ceremony, &c.) 2. Optional, supererogatory, performed for some particular object and opposed to the नित्यकर्म्म or fixed and indispensable observance. 4. Relating to desire, will, &c. 5. Done through lust or passion. E. काम desire, love, &c. and यत् aff.
- काम्यगिर् :: f. (-गीः) A pleasing sound, an agreeable speech or song. E. काम्य, and गिर् speech.
- काम्यत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Supererogation, will, pleasure. 2. Love, desire. E. काम्य, and त्व affix; also with तल्, काम्यता .
- काम्यदान :: n. (-नं) 1. An acceptable or desirable gift. 2. A voluntary gift. E. काम्य, and दान a gift.
- काम्यमरण :: n. (-णं) Voluntary death, suicide. E. काम्य, and मरण dying.
- काम्याभिप्राय :: m. (-यः) The purpose of deriving benefit from any act. E. काम्य, and अभिप्राय intention.
- काम्ल :: mfn. (-म्लः -म्ला -म्लं) Slightly acid, acidulous. E. का dimin, अम्ल sour.
- काय :: mn. (-यः-यं) The body. n. (-यं) 1. Part of the hand sacred to the creator; the root of the little finger. 2. Clarified butter or any ob- lation to BRAHMA. m. (-यः) 1. One of the eight modes of marriage, the same as प्राजापत्य . 2. Assemblage, collection. 3. A butt or mark, an object to be hit or attained. 4. Natural temperament of any thing or being. 5. A house, a habitation. 6. Principal, capital. E. क a name of BRAHMA, and अण् deriv. affix, इ is added to क, and अय is substituted for the short vowel; proceeding from or relating to BRAHMA, &c.
- कायक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Belonging to the body. E. काय, and कन् added.
- कायक्लेश :: m. (-शः) Bodily suffering, toil or pain. E. काय, and क्लेश distress.
- कायचिकित्सा :: f. (-त्सा) Treatment of disease, administering medicines. E. काय, and चिकित्सा remedying.
- कायबलन :: n. (-नं) Armour, mail. E. काय the body, and बलन protecting; from बल् to be strong, affix ल्युट .
- कायमान :: n. (-नं) A hut of grass or thatch. E. कै to sound, and शानच् aff.
- कायस्थ :: m. (-स्थः) 1. The Supreme Being. 2. A caste or tribe, or man of that tribe; the Kayeth or writer caste, proceeding from a Kshet-
triya father and Sudra mother. f. (-स्था) 1. Yellow myrobalan: see हरीतकी . 2. Emblic myrobalan. 3. A drug, commonly Kakoli. 4. A woman of the Kayeth caste. f. (-स्थी) The wife of a Kayeth or scribe. E. काय the body or house. and स्थ who stays, or resides.
- कायाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) The digestive faculty. E. काय, and अग्नि fire.
- कायिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -की-कं) Corporeal, relating to the body. E. काय the body, and कन् or ठक् aff.
- कायिकावृद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Interest arising from service drawn from the body of an animal, (as a cow, &c,) pledged; or according to some, in- terest of which the payment does not effect the principal. E. कायिका corporeal, &c. वृद्धि interest.
- कार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Who or what does any act, (but used chiefly in composition with other words:) the agent, a maker or doer; as कुम्भकार a potter, a maker of earthen vessels. स्वर्णकार a goldsmith, &c. m. (-रः) 1. Act, action. 2. Killing, slaughter. 3. Certainty. 4. Effort, exertion. 5. Religious austerity. 6. A heap of snow, or a mountain covered with it. 7. Tax, toll, royal revenue. 8. A master, a lord. f. (-रा) 1. A prison. 2. Binding, confinement. 3. A female messenger. 4. The part of a lute below the neck. 5. A female work- er in gold, (हेमकारिका .) 6. Pain, affliction. E. कृञ् to make, to do, with घञ् or अण् affix, in the latter case the fem. affix is ङीष् .
- कारक :: mfn. (-रकः -रिका -रकं) An agent, acting, doing, who or what does, acts, makes, &c. m. (-कः) A noun of action. n. (-कं) 1. Action, especially in grammar. 2. That part of grammar comprising all nouns which imply the agent, object, instrument, &c. or anything except the simple and radical idea; it also includes the use and government of the cases or syntax. E. कृञ् to do, and ण्वुल् affix of agency.
- कारकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Working, doing work, acting as agent. E. कार, and कर who does.
- कारकहेतु :: n. (-तु) Efficient or active cause. E. कारक what produces, हेतु cause.
- कारकुक्षीय :: m. (-यः) The name of a country, that of king SALWA; or plu. (-याः) The people of that country. E. कार a snowy mountain, कुक्ष the flank, and छ affix; being on the skirts of the Himalaya ridge in the north-west of Hindustan.
- कारज :: mfn. (-जः -जी -जं) Of or relating to the finger-nail. m. (-जः) A young elephant. E. करज a nail, &c. अण् aff.
- कारण :: n. (-णं) 1. Cause, motive, origin, principle: in logic, cause is of three kinds; Samavayi inherent or direct; Asamavayi proximate or indirect; and Nimitta instrumental or incidental. 2. Action, agency. 3. Killing, injuring. 4. An organ of sense. 5. An instru- ment or means. 6. An element, elementary matter. 7. A deity, as the remote or proximate cause of creation. 8. A number of scribes. 9. A kind of musical instrument. 10. A sort of song, &c. see करण . 11. The origin of a story (of a play or poem.) f. (-णा). 1. Pain, agony. 2. Casting into hell. 3. An astronomical period. E. कृञ् to do or act, in the causal form, and युच् or ल्युट् affix, or करण, and अण् added.
- कारणकारण :: n. (-णं) 1. A primary cause 2. An elementary cause, an atom. E. कारण repeated.
- कारणगुण :: m. (-णः) An elementary or causal property. E. कारण, and गुण property.
- कारणगुणोद्भवगुण :: m. (-णः) A secondary or derivative property, as form, taste, smell, &c. produced by combinations of elementary or causal particles. E. कारणगुण, and उद्भवगुण produced property.
- कारणत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Causality, causation. E. त्व added to कारण, and त्व affix, or with तल्, कारणता .
- कारणमाला :: f. (-ला) A series or chain of events. E. कारण, and माला a wreath.
- कारणवादिन् :: m. (-दी) A complainant, a plaintiff. E. कारण the cause, and वादिन् who declares.
- कारणशरीर :: n. (-रं) The inner rudiment of the body or causal frame, the seat of the soul. E. कारण, and शरीर body.
- कारणाभाव :: m. (-वः) Absence of cause. E. कारण, and अभाव nonentity.
- कारणिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Investigating, trying, ascertaining the cause. 2. Causal, causative. E. कारण action, and ठक् aff.
- कारणोत्तर :: n. (-रं) Special plea, denial of the cause of complaint, admis- sion of the charge generally, but denial of the issue; as to a de- mand of debt, acknowledgement that it was incurred, but assertion that the loan has been repaid, &c. E. कारण the cause, and उत्तर answer.
- कारण्डव :: mf. (-वः-वी) A sort of duck. E. करण्ड Vallisneria, अण् pleonastic aff.
- कारण्डव्यूह :: m. (-हः) A Buddha or sanctified being according to the Bauddhas. E. कारण्ड the same, वै to go, and ड aff.
- कारन्धमिन् :: m. (-मी) 1. A brazier, a worker in mixed or white metal. 2. A mineralogist, an assayer. E. कारं work, and धमिन् who blows; from ध्मा to blow, and इनि aff.
- कारम्भा :: f. (-म्भा) A plant bearing a fragrant seed, commonly Priyangu. का for कु bad, आरम्भ beginning; very diminutive while young.
- कारमिहिका :: f. (-का) Camphor.
- कारयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Causing to do, conferring any power or authority to do, &c. कृ to do, causal form, शतृ aff.
- कारयमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Doing what is appointed, carrying into effect what has been ordered. E. कृ to do, causal form, शानच् aff.
- कारयितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Causing to act or do. E. कृ to do, causal form, तृच् aff.
- कारव :: m. (-वः) A crow. E. का an imitative sound, रव who sounds. f. (-वी) 1. A kind of Anise, (Anethum sowa.) 2. Another plant, (Celosia cristata.) 3. The asafœtida plant or its leaf, Hinguparni. 4. A kind of fennel, (Nigella Indica.) 4. A small gourd. E. क water, आङ् be- fore रु to go, अण् and ङीप् affs.
- कारवेल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) A kind of gourd, (Momordica charantia.) E. कार cer- tainty, and वेल्ल what goes; also with कन् added कारवेल्लक .
- कारवेल्लक :: m. (-कः) See the preceding.
- कारस्कर :: m. (-रः) 1. A medicinal plant. 2. A tree. E. कार toll, revenue, and कर what makes; स is inserted in this sense, for the sake of euphony.
- कारस्कराटिका :: f. (-का) A centipede or worm resembling it, (Julus.) E. कारस्कर a tree, and अट what goes.
- कारागार :: n. (-रं) A gaol, a place of confinement. E. कारा confinement, and अगार or आगार a house.
- कारागुप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Captive, imprisoned, confined, a prisoner. E. कारा confinement, and गुप्त concealed.
- कारायिका :: f. (-का) A female crane.
- कारावर :: m. (-रः) A man of a mixed and low caste, a man born of a Nishadha father and Vaidehi mother, employed in working in lea- ther or hides. E. कार, and अवर low.
- कारावेश्मन् :: n. (-श्म) A prison, a gaol. E. कारा confinement, and वेश्मन् a house.
- कारि :: mfn. (-रिः -रिः -रि) An artist, an artificer. f. (-रिः) Action, act, agency. E. कृञ् to do, and इन् Unadi aff.
- कारिका :: f. (-का) 1. An actress, a dancing woman. 2. Action, agency. 3. Comment, gloss. 4. An art, a profession. 5. Sharp pain, 6. Inter- est at any stipulated rate. E. कृञ् to do, and वुन् affix, fem. termina- tion टाप् and इ substituted for the penultimate vowel.
- कारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Caused to be made or done, brought about, effect- ed. f. (-ता) Stipulated interest; also कारिका, and कारितावृद्धि . E. कृ to do, in the causal form, and क्त aff.
- कारितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Making, doing. 2. Calling, appointing. E. कृ to do, क्तवतु aff.
- कारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) An actor, acting, doing. E. कृ to do, णिनि aff.
- कारीष :: n. (-षं) A great quantity of dried cow-dung. E. करीष, and अण् aff.
- कारु :: mfn. (-रुः -रुः -रु) 1. An artist, an artificer, an agent, a maker, a doer. m. (-रुः) A name of VISWAKARMA, the artist of the gods. 2. An art, a science. E. कृञ् to do, and उण् Unadi aff.
- कारुक :: m. (-कः) An artisan, an artificer. E. कारु, and कन् added.
- कारुचौर :: m. (-रः) One who commits burglary.
- कारुज :: m. (-जः) 1. A piece of mechanism, any product of manufacture. 2. An ant-hill, a hillock. 3. A young elephant. 4. Sesamum grow- ing spontaneously. 5. A plant, (Mesua ferrea.) 6. Froth, foam. 7. Red orpiment. E. कारु an art or artist, and ज what is born or produced.
- कारुणिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Compassionate, tender, kind. E. करुणा com- passion, and ठक् aff.
- कारुण्डी :: f. (-ण्डी) A leech; also कारुण्डिका .
- कारुण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) Compassion, tenderness. E. करुणा compassion, &c. ण्यत् aff.
- कारूष :: m. (-षः) 1. The offspring of the degraded or outcaste Vaisya tribe. 2. A country; plu. m. (-षाः) Its inhabitants; also वृहद्गुहा .
- कारूहस्त :: m. (-स्तः) The hand of the artisan or artificer. E. कारू, and हस्त hand.
- कारोत्तम :: m. (-मः) Yeast, barm, froth. E. कार action, and उत्तम first, best, chief.
- कारोत्तर :: m. (-रः) 1. Barm, yeast: see the preceding. 2. A well. E. As before, उत्तर best, instead of उत्तम .
- कार्क्कण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) Done by or relating to a pheasant. E. कृकणा, and अण् aff.
- कार्क्कवाकव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Produced or done by a cock, &c. E. कृकवाकु, and अण् aff.
- कार्क्कश्य :: n. (-श्यं) 1. Hardness, firmness, solidity. 2. Sternness, inflexi- bility. E. कर्क्कश, and ष्यञ् aff.
- कार्क्कीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Like a white horse. E. कर्क्क, and ईकन् aff.
- कार्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णी -र्णं) Relating to the ear, auricular, &c. n. (-र्णं) An ear-ring. E. कर्ण, and अण् aff.
- कार्णच्छिद्रक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) A sort of well. E. कर्णच्छिद्र the opening of the ear, कन् affix of similitude, अण् added.
- कार्णवेष्टकिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Ornamented with ear-ring. E. कर्णवेष्टक, and ठक् affix; also read कार्णवेष्टनिक .
- कार्त्तवीर्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) 1. The name of a king, also called ARJUNA, killed by PARASURAMA. 2. The name of one of the Jaina chakravartis or emperors of the world. E. कृतवीर्य्य the father of this prince, अण् patronymic aff.
- कार्त्तस्वर :: n. (-रं) 1. Gold. 2. Thorn apple. E. कृतस्वर a kind of mine, and अण् affix, implying production: or कृतस्वर a reader of the Vedas, (from कृत made, and स्वर a sound;) to whom gold is given as a reward.
- कार्त्तान्तिक :: m. (-कः) An astrologer. E. कृतान्त fortune, luck, and ठक् affix; acquainted with the fates.
- कार्त्तिक :: m. (-कः) 1. The month Kartik, (October-November,) when the moon is full near the Pleiades. 2. The deity KARTIKEYA. E. कृत्तिका the Pleiades, अण् aff.
- कार्त्तिकिक :: m. (-कः) See the preceding, ठक् affix added.
- कार्त्तिकेय :: m. (-यः) KARTIKEYA, the deity of war and son of SIVA. E. कृत्तिका the personified Pleiades, and ढक् affix: according to the legend, having been fostered and brought up by the nymphs so called.
- कार्त्तिकेयपसू :: f. (-सूः) A name of DURGA. E. कार्त्तिकेय, and प्रसू the mother.
- कार्त्तिकोत्सव :: m. (-वः) The day of full moon in the month KARTIK, a festival. E. कार्त्तिक the month, and उत्सव festival.
- कार्त्स्न :: n. (-त्र्स्नं) The whole, all, entire. E. कृत्स्न, and अण् aff.
- कार्त्स्न्य :: n. (-त्र्स्न्यं) The whole, all, entire. E. कृत्स्न, and यञ् aff.
- कार्द्दम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Made of mud, filled with it, &c. E. कर्द्दम, and अण् affix; also with ठक्, कार्द्दमिक .
- कार्पट :: m. (-टः) 1. Lac, the animal dye. 2. A petitioner, a suitor, one who begs for employment, &c.
- कार्पटिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A parasite. 2. A pilgrim, one who spends his life in pilgrimage, or who subsists by carrying water from holy rivers. E. कृप् to be able, अटन् affix, ठञ् added.
- कार्पण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) 1. Poverty, indigence. 2. Poorness of spirit, weakness, imbecility. E. कृपण poor, ण्यत् aff.
- कार्पास :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) Made of cotton, cottony, &c. nf. (-सं-सी) 1. The cotton plant, (Gossypium hirsutum-) n. (-सं) 1. Cotton cloth, &c. 2. Paper. E. कृ to make, to do, पास Unadi affix, the vowel of the radical being lengthened.
- कार्पासनासिका :: f. (-का) A spindle. E. कार्पास, and नासिका the nose.
- कार्पासास्थि :: n. (-स्थि) The seed of the cotton plant. E. कार्पास, and अस्थि a bone.
- कार्पासिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Made of or from cotton. f. (-का) The cotton plant: see कार्पास . E. कार्पास, and ठञ् affix; or कार्पास with कन् .
- कार्म्म :: mfn. (-र्म्म -र्म्मी -र्म्मं) Laborious, industrious, occupied. E. कर्म्म an act, and अण् aff.
- कार्म्मण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) Finishing a work, doing it well or completely. n. (-णं) Magic, performing anything by means of magical incantations. E. कर्म्मन् work, act, अण् aff.
- कार्म्मणत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Magic, fascination. E. त्व added to the last.
- कार्म्मिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Manufactured, made. 2. Worked, em- broidered, intermixed with coloured thread, (cloth, &c.) E. कर्म्म work, art, affix ठक् .
- कार्म्मुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Finishing a work, doing it well or completely. nm. (-कं-कः) A bamboo. n. (-कं) A bow. E. कर्म्म act, action, and उकञ् aff.
- कार्म्मुकभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) A soldier, an archer. E. कार्म्मुक, and भृत् who has.
- कार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) 1. To be done. 2. What ought to be done, fit, right. n. (-र्य्यं) 1. Cause, origin. 2. Motive, object. 3. Effect, result of a cause. 4. Affair, business. 5. Law-suit, dispute. 6. The denouncement of a drama. 7. In grammar, an adjunct, either as an affix, augment or substitude. E. कृञ् to do, and ण्यत् aff.
- कार्य्यकारण :: n. (-णं) Cause of a special or incidental kind, originating in some act or occasion. E. कार्य्य, and कारण cause.
- कार्य्यकारणतस् :: ind. Incidentally, from some special cause. E. कार्य्यकारण, and तसि aff.
- कार्य्यकाल :: m. (-लः) Time for action, appointed time, season, opportuni- ty. E. कार्य्य, and काल time.
- कार्य्यकुशल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Finishing a work, doing it well or com- pletely. E. कार्य्य business, and कुशल prosperous, successful.
- कार्य्यक्षम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Competent, fit, able. E. कार्य्य, and क्षम able.
- कार्य्यगुरुता :: f. (-ता) Necessity or importance of any act. E. कार्य्य, and गुरुता weight; also कार्य्यगुरुत्वं .
- कार्य्यचिन्तक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Prudent, considerate, cautious. E. कार्य्य, and चिन्तक who reflects.
- कार्य्यचिन्ता :: f. (-न्ता) Prudence, caution, consideration. E. कार्य्य, and चिन्ता reflexion.
- कार्य्यतस् :: ind. Consequently, necessarily, actually. E. कार्य्य act, and तसि aff.
- कार्य्यदर्शन :: n. (-नं) Inspection, supervision. E. कार्य्य, and दर्शन seeing.
- कार्य्यनिर्णय :: m. (-यः) 1. Judgment, ascertainment of the fact. 2. Set- tlement of an affair. E. कार्य्य affair, cause, and निर्णय ascertain- ment; also कार्य्यविनिर्णय .
- कार्य्यपुट :: m. (-टः) 1. An impudent or shameless fellow. 2. An idler, one who follows unprofitable pursuits. 3. A madman, a crazy or
hair-brained man. E. कार्य्य object, cause, &c. पुट् to rub, to-destroy, क aff.
- कार्य्यप्रद्वेष :: m. (-षः) Idleness. E. कार्य्य, and प्रद्वेष aversion.
- कार्य्यभाजन :: n. (-नं) Any one engaged in active life, one fit for business or conducting affairs. E. कार्य्य, and भाजन a vessel; also कार्य्यपात्रं .
- कार्य्यवत् :: ind. Actually, according to act on motive. E. कार्य्य, and वति aff.
- कार्य्यवत् :: mfn. (-वात् -वती -वत्) 1. Engagod in business. 2. Having a cause or motive. 3. Doing one's duty E. कार्य्य and मतुप् aff.
- कार्य्यवत्ता :: f. (-त्ता) Act, action. E. कार्य्यवत् and तल् affix; also कार्य्यवत्त्वं .
- कार्य्यवश :: m. (-शः) Necessary consequence. E. कार्य्य cause, and वश sub- jection to.
- कार्य्यवस्तु :: n. (-स्तु) End, object. E. कार्य्य, and वस्तु thing, what is to be done.
- कार्य्यविपत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Failure, reverse, misfortune. E. कार्य्य, and विपत्ति misfortune.
- कार्य्यशेष :: m. (-षः) The completion of a business or affair begun. E. कार्य्य, and शेष rest.
- कार्य्यसन्देह :: m. (-हः) Embarrassment, difficulty. E. कार्य्य, and सन्देह doubt.
- कार्य्यसागर :: m. (-रः) Business, heavy business, weighty affairs. E. कार्य्य, and सागर ocean; also similar compounds, as कार्य्याब्धि, &c.
- कार्य्यसाधक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Accomplishing any object. E. कार्य्य, and साधक what completes.
- कार्य्यसाधन :: n. (-नं) Means of effecting any object, instrument, imple- ment, aid. E. कार्य्य, and साधन means.
- कार्य्यसिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Accomplishment, success, fulfilment of any ob- ject or purpose. E. कार्य्य, and सिद्धि success.
- कार्य्यहन्तृ :: mfn. (-न्ता -न्त्री -न्तृ) Foiling, counteracting, opposing all one's aims. E. कार्य्य, and हन्तृ who destroys.
- कार्य्याक्षम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Unfit, incompetent, unable. E. कार्य्य, and अक्षम unable.
- कार्य्यान्त :: n. (-न्तं) The end of a business. E. कार्य्य, and अन्त end.
- कार्य्यार्थ :: m. (-र्थः) 1. An object or purpose. 2. Application for employ- ment, n. or ad. (-र्थं) 1. For the sake of any particular object. 2. To perform any work or duty. E. कार्य्य, and अर्थ object.
- कार्य्यार्थसिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) The accomplishment of any object or purpose. E. कार्य्यार्थ, and सिद्धि fulfilment.
- कार्य्यार्थिन् :: mfn. (-र्थी -र्थिनी -र्थि) 1. Having an object or purpose. 2. Applying for employment. E. कार्य्यार्थ, and इनि aff.
- कार्य्यिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Having business, transacting business. 2. Seeking employment, &c. 3. Engaged in a suit at law. E. कार्य्य, and ठक् aff.
- कार्य्यिन् :: mfn. (-र्य्यी -र्य्यिनी -र्य्यि) 1. Seeking for employment. 2. One who transacts business, active, assiduous. 3. Having an object. 4. A party to a suit, either as plaintiff or defendant. 5. Requiring an affix, &c. E. कार्य्य, and इनि aff.
- कार्य्येक्षण :: n. (-णं) Superintendance of public affairs, &c. E. कार्य्य, and ईक्षण seeing.
- कार्य्योद्वार :: m. (-रः) Discharge of any duty, performance of any act. E. कार्य्य, and उद्वार extrication.
- कार्य्योद्युक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Engaged in any business, intent upon any object. E. कार्य्य, and उद्युक्त active.
- कार्य्योद्योग :: m. (-गः) Active engagement in any business. E. कार्य्य, and उद्योग exertion.
- कार्शनव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Fiery, hot, glaring, relating to fire. E. कृशानु fire, अण् aff.
- कार्श्य :: m. (-र्श्यः) The Sal tree, (Shorea robusta:) see कार्ष्य . n. (-र्ष्यं) Thin- ness, emaciation. E. कृश thin, घञ् aff.
- कार्श्मरी :: f. (-री) A plant, commonly Gambhari: see काश्मरा .
- कार्षक :: m. (-कः) A husbandman. E. कृष् to draw furrows, क्वुन् unadi affix, and the vowel made long.
- कार्षापण :: mn. (-णः-णं) A weight or measure of different values, as syno-
nimous with Karsha; it is of gold, weighing sixteen Mashas, or about 176 grains; of silver, it is in value sixteen Panas of kow- ries, or in tale 1280 commonly termed a Kahan: of copper it weighs eighty Retis, or the same as of gold, about 176 grains; according to some, it is the same as a Pan of Kowries, or in tale eighty. n. (-णं) Money, gold and silver. m. (-णः) A husbandman. E. कर्ष a Karsha of silver, आपण custom, habit, and the vowel of कर्ष lengthened; also with कन् added कार्षापणकः see कर्षपण and कार्षिक .
- कार्षापणवर :: n. (-रं) The Karsha of the lowest value. E. कार्षापण, and अवर low.
- कार्षापणिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Bought, &c. with a Karsha. E. कार्षापण, and टिठन् aff.
- कार्षि :: f. (-र्षिः) 1. Ploughing, cultivation. 2. Drawing, attracting. E. कृष् to draw, इन् affix, and the vowel. made long.
- कार्षिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A weight: see the preceeding. 2. A husbandman. E. कर्ष a measure, ploughing, &c. and ठञ् aff.
- कार्ष्ण :: mfn. (-र्ष्णः -र्ष्णी -र्ष्णं) 1. Black. 2. Of or belonging to the black an- telope. m. (-र्ष्णः) The black antelope. E. कृष्ण, and अण् aff.
- कार्ष्णायस :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) Made of black iron. E. कृष्णायस, and अण् aff.
- कार्ष्णि :: m. (-र्ष्णिः) A name of KAMADEVA. E. कृष्ण the deity KRISHNA, and इञ् affix; the son of KRISHNA.
- कार्ष्य :: m. (-र्ष्यः) The Sal tree, (Shorea robusta) E. कृष् to make furrows, ष्यञ् aff.
- कार्ष्यवण :: n. (-णं) A forest of Sal trees. E. कार्ष्य, and वन a wood the final changed.
- काल :: r. 10th cl. (कालयति) To count time.
- काल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Black, of a dark colour, dark blue especially, which is usually confounded with black. m. (-लः) 1. Time. 2. A name of YAMA, regent of the dead. 3. A black colour. 4. Death. 5. A form of SIVA. 6. The planet Saturn. 7. The Koil. 8. Cassia fistula. 9. Resin. 10. A plant, a red kind of plumbago. n. (-लं) 1. Iron. 2. A black agallochum: see कालीयक . 3. A vegetable poison, perhaps the fruit of the Cocculus Indicus. f. (-ला) 1. Indigo, (Indigofera tinctoria.) 2. A black sort of Teori. 3. Calonji, (Nigella Indica.) 4. Madder, (Rubia manjith.) (-ला or -ली) A name of the goddess DURGA the wife ef SIVA. (-ली) 1. The wife of SANTANU a king. 2. One of the Matris or divine mothers. 3. A female deity of the Bauddhas. 4. A row or succession of clouds. 5. Ink or black- ing. 6. A worm or animalcule generated in the acetous fermen- tation of milk. 7. Abuse, censure, defamation. 8. Night. 9. Trum- pet flower, (Bignonia suave-olens.) 10. One of the seven tongues or flames of fire. E. कल् to count or reckon, &c. in the causal form, अच् affix, fem. affix टाप् or ङीष् .
- कालक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Black, dark coloured. m. (-कः) 1. A freckle, a mark. 2. A water snake. f. (-का) The mother of a class Asuras. n. (-कं) The liver. E. कल् to reckon, (good or bad fortune,) वुञ् affix; or काल black, and कन् aff.
- कालकचु :: f. (-चुः) A sort of Arum, (A. colooasia.) E. काल black and कचु Arum.
- कालकण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. A water fowl, a gallinule. 3. A sparrow. 4. A peacock. 5. A wagtail. 6. A tree, (Pentaptera tomentosa:) see असन . E. काल black, and कण्ठ the throat.
- कालकण्ठक :: m. (-कः) A gallinule. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- कालकर्णिका :: f. (-का) Misfortune, misery; also कालकर्णी .
- कालकन्दक :: m. (-कः) A water snake.
- कालकलाय :: m. (-यः) A sort of pulse, (Phaseolus max.) E. काल black, कलाय pulse.
- कालकरण :: n. (-ष्णं) Appointing a time. E. काल, and करण making.
- कालकल्प :: mfn. (-ल्पः -ल्पा -ल्पं) Like death, fatal, deadly. E. काल, and कल्प Loike.
- कालकस्तूरी :: f. (-री) A plant, (Hibiscus abelmoschus.) E. काल black, and कस्तूरी musk; the seeds having a smell of musk when rubbed.
- कालकारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Effected or brought about by or in time. E. काल, and कारित occasioned.
- कालकील :: m. (-लः) A confused or mingled sound, a tumult; also कालकीलक m. (-कः .).
- कालकुण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) A name of YAMA. E. काल time, and कुण्ठ confusing, distressing.
- कालकुष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) A sort of earth from the mountains.
- कालकूट :: mn. (-टः-टं) A kind of poison. E. काल YAMA, कूट to destroy, अप् affix; destroying even the regent of death.
- कालकूटङ्कट :: m. (-टः) A name of SIVA. E. कालकूट poison, and कट who takes.
- कालकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) The sun. E. काल time, and कृत् who makes; who marks the time; also कालकृत .
- कालकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Fixed, appointed, (as to time.) 2. Lent or deposited by a giver. 3. Produced or effected by time. m. (-तः) 1. The sun: see the preceding. 2. Time. E. काल and कृत done.
- कालक्षेप :: m. (-पः) Spending or passing time. E. काल and क्षेप throwing away; also कालक्षेपन् .
- कालखञ्जन :: n. (-नं) The liver. E. काल black, and खजि to go, युच् aff.
- कालखण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) The liver. E. काल black, and खण्ड part.
- कालगन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Kind of Cobra (de copella): see अलगर्द .
- कालग्रन्थि :: m. (-न्थिः) A year. E. काल time, and ग्रन्थि a knot or joint.
- कालङ्कत :: m. (-तः) A plant, (Cassia fistula.)
- कालचक्र :: n. (-क्रं) 1. A cycle, a given revolution of time. 2. A period, according to the Jainas, of twelve Aras: see अर .
- कालञ्जर :: m. (-रः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. The name of a rock in Bun- delkhand, the modern Kallinjer. 3. The adjacent country. 4. An assembly or collection of religious mendicants; Kallinjer is one of the places at which such assemblies meet, being enumerated in the Vedas amongst the Tapasyasthanas, or spots adapted to pra- ctices of austere devotion. f. (-रा or -री) An appellation of DURGA, E. काल in the second case, time or death, and जर who makes old, or causes to decay; irregularly deduced from the causal of जॄ to become old.
- कालज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) One who knows times or season. m. (-ज्ञः) 1. An astrologer. 2. A cock. E. काल, and ज्ञ who knows.
- कालदण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) The staff of death, death. E. काल, and दण्ड staff.
- कालधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) 1. Death, dying. 2. Influence of time, seasonableness, effects proper to the time or season. E. काल time, and धर्म्म virtue, property.
- कालनियोग :: m. (-गः) Fate, destiny. E. काल and नियोग will.
- कालनिर्य्यास :: m. (-सः) A fragrant and resinous substance, (Bdellium): see गुग्गुल . E. काल black, and निर्य्यास an extract.
- कालनेमि :: m. (-मिः) 1. A demon, the son of HIRANYAKASIPU. 2. A Rak- shasa described in the Ramayana
- कालनेमिन् :: m. (-मी) A demon: see कालनेमि .
- कालनेमिरिपु :: m. (-पुः) An epithet of KRISHNA. E. कालनेमि the name of a demon who undertook to destroy the deity in his youth, and रिपु the foe: see similar names.
- कालनेमिहन् :: m. (-हा) KRISHNA or VISHNU. see the preceding. E. कालनेमि, and हन् who kills or destroys.
- कालनेम्यरि :: m. (-रिः) See कालनेमिरिपु . E. As above, अरि a foe.
- कालपक्व :: mfn. (-क्वः -क्वाः -क्वं) Spontaneously ripened. E. काल and पक्व matured.
- कालपर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) A tree bearing dark coloured leaves, (Tabernæ montana coronaria,) commonly Tagara: see E. गत काल black, and पर्ण a leaf.
- कालपरिवास :: m. (-सः) Standing for a time, (as to get stale or fermented, &c.) E. काल and परिवास abiding.
- कालपाश :: m. (-शः) The noose of YAMA or death. E. काल, and पाश a noose.
- कालपुरुष :: m. (-षः) 1. One of YAMA'S attendants or ministers. 2. An as- trological figure of a man, with the positions of the constella- tions, &c. inscribed on different parts of the body for the purpose of predicting his fortunes; also कालनर, &c. E. काल black, and पुरुष a man.
- कालपृष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) 1. The bow of KARNA. 2. A bow in general. m. (-ष्ठः) 1. The black antelope. 2. A heron. E. काल black. and पृष्ठ the back; black-backed.
- कालप्रभात :: n. (-तं) The sultry season, autumn, the two months follow- ing the rainy season. E. काल time, and प्रभात shining.
- कालप्ररूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Over-blown, over-ripe. E. काल, and प्ररूढ blown.
- कालबलन :: m. (-नः) Armour, mail. E. काल death, and बलन strengthen- ing, defending; perhaps a wrong reading for कायबलम, q. v.
- कालमान :: m. (-नः) Black Tulasi; also read कालमाल .
- कालमुष्कक :: m. (-कः) A plant, (Bignonia Indica.)
- कालमशिका :: f. (-का) 1. Bengal madder, (Rubia manjith.) 2. A black sort of Teori, a plant so called, a species of convolvulus: see काल- मेषिका .
- कालमेशी :: f. (-शी) See कालमेषी .
- कालमेषिका :: f. (-का) 1. Bengal madder. 2. Black Teori: see त्रिवृता . E. काल black, मिष् to posses, अन् and ङीष् affixes, and कन् added; or with- out this affix, कालमेषी; also being derived from मिश् to sound. कालमेशिका and कालमेशी .
- कालमेषी :: f. (-षी) 1. A plant, (Serratula anthelmintica.) 2. Bengal madder, (Rubia manjith:) see the preceding.
- कालयवन :: m. (-नः) An Asura, an enemy of KRISHNA, destroyed by him by stratagem. E. काल black, यवन् a Yavana.
- कालयाप :: m. (-पः) 1. Procrastination, putting off, delaying. 2. Passing away time. E. काल, and या to go, causal form, घञ् affix; also with ल्युट्, कालयापनं; also यापः and यापनं .
- कालरात्रि :: m. (-त्रिः) 1. A particular night, one which occurs on the 7th day of the 7th month of every 77th years; after such a period of life, a man is exempt from attention to the usual ordinances. 2. The last night of a Kalpa 3. A dark night. 4. A form of Sakti or DURGA. E. काल black, time, and रात्रि a night: see भीमरथी .
- काललवण :: n. (-णं) A factitious and purgative salt, commonly Bitlavan or Bitnaban. E. काल black, and लवण salt.
- काललौह :: n. (-हं) Iron. E. काल black, and लौह a metal.
- कालवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A kind of vetch: see कालवृन्त . E. काल black, वृक्ष tree.
- कालवृद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Periodical interest, payable monthly, &c. E. काल, and वृद्धि interest.
- कालवृन्त :: m. (-न्तः) A kind of vetch, (Dolichos biflorus.) f. (-न्ती) Trumpet flower. E. काल black, and वृन्त stalk: see कुलथ .
- कालवेला :: f. (-ला) A season at which any act is improper, half a watch in every day. E. काल and वेला time.
- कालशाक :: n. (-कं) A sort of potherb. E. काल black, शाक a potherb.
- कालशेय :: n. (-यं) Buttermilk. E. कलशी a jar, and ढक् affix; produced in a jar or pitcher by churning; also कालसेय .
- कालसंरोध :: m. (-धः) Lapse of a long period of time. E. काल time, संरोध impediment.
- कालसदृश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) 1. Opportune, seasonable. 2. Deathlike. E. काल and सदृश like.
- कालसम्पन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Dated, bearing a date. 2. Effected by time. E. काल, and सम्पन्न produced.
- कालसर्प :: m. (-र्पः) The black and most deadly variety of the cobra, (Coluber naga) E. काल black, and सर्प a serpent.
- कालसार :: m. (-रः) The black antelope, n. (-रं) A sort of Sandal. E. काल black, and सार essence.
- कालसूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) One of the twenty-one hells. E. काल from कल् to count, a reckoning, and सूत्र a thread, a rule; also with कन् added काल- सूत्रक .
- कालसेय :: n. (-यं) Buttermilk: see कालशेय .
- कालस्कन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) 1. A sort of ebony, (Diospyros melanoxylon, Rox.) 2. The Tamala, a tree bearing dark blossoms. 3. Another plant: see जीवक . 4. The glomerous fig tree. E. काल black and स्कन्ध the trunk of a tree.
- कालाकृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Led to death or destruction, drawn to or by one's fate. 2. Produced or brought about by time. E. काल, and आकृष्ट attracted.
- कालाक्षरिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) A scholar, a pupil. E. काल time, अक्षर a letter. and ठक् aff.
- कालागुरु :: n. (-रु) A black kind of aloe wood or agallochum: see अगुरु . E. काल black, and अगुरु agallochum.
- कालाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) The fire that is to destroy the world. E. काल, and अग्नि fire.
- कालाञ्जनी :: f. (-नी) A small shrub, used as a purgative.
- कालात्यय :: m. (-यः) Loss or destruction by lapse of time. E. काल, and अत्यय destruction.
- कालानुनादिन् :: m. (-दी) 1. A large black bee. 2. A sparrow. 3. The fran- coline partridge. E. काल season, and अनुनादिन् who sings or sounds.
- कालानुसारक :: n. (-कं) 1. A tree, commonly Tagara 2. Yellow Sandal. E. काल, and अनुसार being like or conforming to.
- कालानुसारि :: m. (-रिः) 1. Benzoin or benjamin. E. काल black, अनुसार resembling, being, and कि affix; also कालानुसार्य्य the affix being यत .
- कालानुसार्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) 1. Gum benjamin or benzoin. 2. A yellow fragrant wood from which a perfume is prepared. 3. A timber tree, com- monly Sisu: see शिंशपा . 4. A tree, commonly Tagara. E. See the preceding; also with कन् added कालानुसार्य्यक .
- कालान्तक :: m. (-कः) YAMA, death. E. काल and अन्तक destroyer.
- कालान्तर :: n. (-रं) 1. Interval intermediate time. 2. Period, process of time. 3. A former or another time. E. काल and अन्तर between &c.
- कालात्तरविष :: m. (-षः) A poisonous animal, venomous only when enraged or alarmed, as a rat, &c. E. काल time, अन्तर after or at, and विष poison; having venom only at times.
- कालान्तरावृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Hidden or concealed by times. E. कालान्तर, and आवृत्त covered.
- कालाप :: m. (-पः) 1. A serpent's hood. 2. A demon, an imp or goblin. 3. A student of the Kalapa grammar. E. कलाप, and अण् aff.
- कालायस :: n. (-सं) Iron. E. काल, and अयस् iron, टच aff.
- कालावधि :: m. (-धिः) A fixed or appointed time. E. काल, and अवधि limit.
- कालाशौच :: n. (-चं) Season of mourning or impurity. E. काल and अशौच impurity.
- कालिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Relating to time. 2. Seasonable. 3. Of long standing. 4. Of a dark colour, black, blackish, &c. m. (-कः) The curlew. n. (-कं) A black kind of Sandal: see कालीयक . f. (-का) 1. Cloudiness, a multitude or succession of clouds. 2. A dark cloud threatening rain. 3. A fog or mist, &c. 4. The goddess GAURI. 5. A terrific goddess, a form of CHANDI or DURGA. 6. A female singer of Swarga. 7. Blackness, a black colour. 8. Afault or flaw in gold, &c. 9. Spirituous liquor. 10. A plant: see बृश्चिकपत्र . 11. A kind of potherb. 12. The branch of a cucumber plant. 13. Spikenard. 14. A line of hair extending to the navel. 15. A female crow. 16. Price of a commodity on credit, or a price to be paid at a fixed period, or by instalments. 17. Piriodical interest paid by the month, &c. 18. An animalcule formed by the fermentation of milk. 19. Ink or blacking. 20. A small bird, commonly Śyama. 21. A medicinal plant: see काकोलि . E. काल black, &c. ठक् or कन् affix.
- कालिकता :: f. (-ता) Time, date, season. E. कालिक, and तल् affix; also with त्व, कालिकत्वं .
- कालिङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गः) Produced in or belonging to the Kalinga country. m. (-ङ्गः) 1. An elephant. 2. A snake. 3. A species of cucumber, (Cucumis utilatissimus.) 4. A sort of iron. f. (-ङ्गी) A gourd or cucumber. n. (-ङ्गं) The water melon. E. कलिङ्ग a country, and अण् aff.
- कालिदास :: m. (-सः) The name of a celebrated poet, author of Sakuntala, Vikramorvasi, the Megha Duta, the Raghu Vansa, the Nalodoya and other poems: he was one of nine poets or gems of VIKRAMA- DITYA'S court, and is supposed to have flourished in the century preceding the Christian æra; the name is however applied to more persons than one, and seems, in measure, to have been used as an honorary title; the work attributed to this author are amongst the most elegant compositions in the Sanskrit language. E. काली the goddess DURGA, and दास a slave, the final of काली being made short.
- कालिदासक :: m. (-कः) The poet KALIDASA: see the preceding. E. कन् added to कालिदास .
- कालिनी :: f. (-नी) One of the lunar mansions: see आर्द्रा . E. काल time affixes इनि and ङीष् .
- कालिन्दक :: n. (-कं) The water melon.
- कालिन्दी :: f. (-न्दी) The YAMUNA or JUMNA river. E. कालिन्द . A mountain, part of the Himalaya range, and the seat of the river's source, अण् aff.
- कालिन्दीकर्षण :: m. (-णः) A name of BALARAMA. E. कालिन्दी the YAMUNA, and कर्षण the plougher; having diverted the stream into a new and devious channel, marked out by his ploughshare.
- कालिन्दीभेदन :: m. (-नः) BALARAMA. E. कलिन्दी, and भिद् to break, affix ल्युट्ः see the preceding word.
- कालिन्दीसू :: f. (-सूः) The wife of SURYA and mother of YAMUNA the per- sonified river. E. कालिन्दी, and सू who bears, from सू to bear child- ren, and क्विप् aff.
- कालिन्दीसोदर :: m. (-रः) YAMA. E. कालिन्दी, and सोदर brother.
- कालिमन् :: m. (-मा) Blackness. E. काल black, इमनिच aff.
- कालिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Relating to time, &c. m. (-यः) A serpent des- troyed by KRISHNA. E. काल, and घ aff.
- कालीक :: m. (-कः) A curlew, a sort of heron: see कालिक .
- कालीची :: f. (-ची) The court of judgment of YAMA, regent and judge of the dead.
- कालीतनय :: m. (-यः) A buffalo. E. काली the goddess, and तनय a son: i. e. a favourite.
- कालीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Timely, seasonable, relating to time. E. काल, and ख aff.
- कालीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Relating to time, to blackness, &c. n. (-यं) A dark of kind of Sandal, or perhaps of Agallochum: see कालीयक . E. काल black, and छ aff.
- कालीयक :: n. (-कं) 1. A yellow fragrant wood, perhaps a species of aloe wood. 2. A dark kind of Sandal wood. m. (-कः) A species of tur- meric. (Curcuma zanthorhiza:) see दारुहरिद्रा . E. कन् added to the last, of a black or blackish hue; also कालीय, कालेय, &c.
- कालुष्य :: n. (-ष्यं) Foulness, dirtiness, turbidness, opacity. F. कलुष, and यञ् aff.
- कालेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) 1. Belonging to the Kali age, &c. 2. Dark coloured. n. (-यं) 1. A yellow fragrant wood: see कालीयक and कालेयक . 2. The liver. m. (-यः) The name of a demon or imp. E. काल or कलि, and ढक् affix.
- कालेयक :: m. (-कः) A sort of curcuma, (C. zanthorhiza, Rox.) see काली- यक . n. (-कं) A yellow fragrant wood. E. कन् added to the preceding word.
- कालोत्पादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Produced in due season. E. काल, उत्पादित engendered.
- कालोप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Sown in due season. E. काल, and उप्त sown.
- काल्प :: mfn. (-ल्पः -ल्पा -ल्पं) 1. Preceptive, ritual. 2. Relating to a Kalpa or period so called. m. (-ल्पः) Zedoary, (Curcuma zerumbet.) E. कल्प a precept, and अण् affix; the plant forms a part of oblations offered upon certain occasions to fire; also with कन् added काल्पक .
- काल्पक :: m. (-कः) Zedoary: see the preceding; also काल्यक .
- काल्पनिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Artificial, fabricated. 2. Fictitious, in- vented. E. कल्पना and ठक् aff.
- काल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) Timely, seasonable. n. (-ल्यं) Dawn, day-break, see कल्य f. (-ल्या) 1. A cow fit for the bull. 2. Pleasant or auspicious discourse: see कल्या . E. काल time, and यत् aff.
- काल्यक :: m. (-कः) Zedoary: see काल्पक .
- काल्यणिनेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Sprung from a virtuous or fortunate woman. E. कल्याणी, and ढक् affix, इनञ inserted.
- कावचिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating to armour, armorial. n. (-कं) A multitude of men in armour. E. कवच armour, and ठञ् aff.
- कावरुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Fearful, henpecked. m. (-कः) An owl.
- कावाद :: m. (-दः) Indistinct sound. E. का for कु bad वाद, speech.
- कावार :: n. (-रं) An aquatic plant, (Vallisneria,) f. (-री) An umbrella, Chhattah, especially one without a stick, and worn like a broad brimmed hat. E. क the head, and आवार what covers or protects, from वृ to screen, and घञ् aff.
- कावृक :: m. (-कः) 1. A gallinaceous fowl 2. The ruddy goose. 3. A small singing bird, (Loxia philippensis:) see पीतमस्तक . E. क water, or क for कु bad, आङ् before वृ to cover, and कक् aff.
- कावेर :: n. (-रं) Saffron, (Crocus sativus.) f. (-री) 1. A river in the Dekhin, the Kaveri. 2. A courtezan, a harlot. 3. Turmeric. E. कव to colour एरक् affix, and the radical vowel made long, fem. affix ङीष् .
- काव्य :: m. (-व्यः) A name of SUKRACHARYA, the preceptor of the demons. f. (-व्या) 1. Understanding, intelligence. 2. A female fiend: see पूतना . 3. A Pitri of a particular order, the son of KAVI or SUKRA. n. (-व्यं) A poem, poetical composition. E. कवि a poet, &c. ञ्यत् derivative or pleonastic aff.
- काव्यचौर :: m. (-रः) A plagiarist. E. काव्य a poem, and चौर a thief.
- काश(ऋ)काशृ :: r. 1st cl. (काशते) also (उ ऋ) (उकाशृ) r. 4th cl. (काश्यते) 1. To shine. With निर् prefixed. To expel. 2. To hide or obscure; with प्र, To make or become manifest.
- काश :: m. (-शः) 1. Cough, catarrh: see कास . 2. Sneezing. n. (-शं) 1. A species of grass, (Saccharum spontaneum.) 2. Irritation in the throat. f. (-शी) Kasi or Benares, the holy city so called. (-शी or -शा) Saccharum spontaneum, as above. E. कश् to sound, in the causal form, अच् affix; or काश् to shine, अच् and ङीष् fem. aff.
- काशक :: m. (-कः) A species of long grass, (Saccharum, spontaneum.) E. कन् added to the preceding.
- काशमर्द्द :: m. (-र्द्दः) See कासमर्द्द .
- काशाल्मलि :: f. (-लिः) A kind of silk cotton tree. E. का bad, inferior, and शाल्मलि the Simul tree.
- काशि :: f. (-शिः) Kasi a celebrated city and place of pilgrimage, the modern Benares. E. काश् to shine, to be beautiful or renowned, and इन् Unadi affix; also काशीः see काश and काशिका, काशिकी .
- काशिका :: f. (-का) Kasi or Benares: see the preceding.
- काशिकाप्रिय :: m. (-यः) A name of DHANWANTARI, as king of Benares E. काशिका the city Kasi, and प्रिय a friend; also काशिराज .
- काशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) 1. Having a cold or cough. 2. Shining bri- lliant. E. काश cough, and इनि affix, or काश् to shine, णिनि aff.
- काशिराज :: m. (-जः) A name of DHANWANTARI or DIVODASA, a king of Benares, and an author of medical works; he is often confound-
ed with his celestial namesake, the physician of the gods. E. काशि the city, and राज a king or ruler; also काशीराज .
- काशिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Made of kas grass, abounding with it, &c. E. काश and इल aff.
- काशीनाथ :: m. (-थः) A name of SIVA. E. काशी Kasi or Benares, and भाव lord or master.
- काशीराज :: m. (-जः) DIVODASA: see काशिराज .
- काशीश :: m. (-शः) 1. SIVA. 2. DIVODASA, or any king of Beuares. n. (-शं) Sulphate of iron. E. काशी and ईश lord.
- काशूकार :: m. (-रः) The betel nut tree.
- काश्मरो :: f. (-री) A plant commonly Gambhari, (Gmelina arborea, Rox.) see गम्भारी . E. काश् to shine, and अर affix, formative irr.; also कार्श्मरो and काश्मर्य्य .
- काश्मर्य्य :: mn. (-र्य्य-र्य्यं) Gambhari, a plant: see the preceding. E. यत् added to काश्मरी .
- काश्मीर :: n. (-रं) 1. A plant with a tuberous root, a sort of costus, (Cus- tus speciosus.) 2. A country, Kashmir, or in the plu. (-राः) its inhabitants. f. (-री) A tree, (Ficus elastica.) E. कश्मीर Kashmir, and अण् affix; produced in that place.
- काश्मीरज :: n. (-जं) 1. A costus. 2. Saffron: see कश्मीर . f. (-जः) Atis or Betula: see अतिविषा E. काश्मीर and ज born; produced in Kashmir.
- काश्मीरजन्मन् :: n. (-न्म) Saffron. E. काश्मीर, and जन्मन् birth produced in Kashmir.
- काश्य :: n. (-श्यं) Spirituous liquor.
- काश्यप :: m. (-पः) 1. The name of a saint; also called KANADA, the son of KASYABA. 2. A name of ARUNA: see the next. 3. A sort of deer. 4. A tribe or Brahmans pretending to descend from KASYAPA. E. कश्यप a saint, and अण् affix of descent. n. (-पं) Flesh. E. काश्य spirituous liquor, and प from पा to drink or cherish.
- काश्यपि :: m. (-पिः) 1. A name of ARUNA. 2. A name of GARUDA the bird of VISHNU. E. कश्यप the saint, and इञ् affix of descent, being both sons of KASYAPA. f. (-पी) The earth. E. As before: alluding to a legend from the Puranas, in which PARASURAMA, after the des- truction of the Kshetriya race, and performance of an Aswame- dha, presented the sovereignty of the world to his Guru, KASYARA.
- काश्यपेय :: m. (-यः) The sun. E. कश्यप the saint, and ढक् affix of decent, the son of KASYAPA.
- काश्वरी :: f. (-री) A plant: see काश्मरी .
- काषाय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Red, dyed of a reddish colour. E. कषाय and अण् aff.
- काष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठा-ष्ठं) Wood f. 1. A quarter or region of the world space. tract. 2. Place, site. 3. Limit, boundary. 4. A measure of, time the thirteenth part of a Kala, or eighteen twinkling. of the eye. 5. Excellence, superiority. 6. A plant, (Curcum zan- thorhiza, Rox.) E. काश् to shine, Unadi affix क्थन् changed to ष, and थ after ष becomes ठ .
- काष्ठक :: n. (-क) Aloe wood or agallochum. E. कन् added to काष्ठ wood.
- काष्ठकदली :: f. (-ली) The wild plantain. E. काष्ठ, and कदली a plantain; the fruit being hard and woody.
- काष्ठकीट :: m. (-टः) A small insect or worm found in decayed wood. E. काष्ठ wood, and कीठ a worm.
- काष्ठकुट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः) A bird, a sort of woodpecker, (Picus Bengalensis) E. काष्ठ, and कुट्ट to cut, अच् aff.
- काष्टकुद्दाल :: m. (-लः) A kind of wooden shovel or scraper used for baling water out of a boat. or for scraping and cleaning its bottom, &c. E. काष्ठ wood, and कुद्दाल shovel; also with the first vowel long कूद्दाल, काष्ठकूद्दाल .
- काष्ठखण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) A stick, a spar, a piece of wood. E. काष्ठ and खण्ड piece.
- काष्ठतक्ष् :: m. (-ट्) A carpenter. E. काष्ठ wood, and तक्ष् to cut or pare, affix क्विप् .
- काष्ठाक्षक :: m. (-कः) A carpenter: see the preceding. E. As before वुन् aff.
- काष्ठतन्तु :: m. (-न्तुः) A small worm that is found in timber. E. काष्ठ wood, and तन्तु what spreads, from तन् with तुन् aff.
- काष्ठदारु :: m. (-रुः) The Deodar tree, (Uvaria longifolia.)
- काष्ठद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) A tree, (Butea frondosa.) E. काष्ठ, and द्रु a tree.
- काष्ठमठी :: f. (-ठी) A funeral pile. E. काष्ठ wood, and मठी a pile, an edifice.
- काष्ठमय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Wooden, made of wood. E. काष्ठ and मयट् aff.
- काष्ठमल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) A bier, a plank, &c. on which dead bodies are carried. E. काष्ठ wood, and मल्ल a vessel.
- काष्ठलेखक :: m. (-कः) A small worm found in wood. E. काष्ठ and लेखक who writes or inscribes.
- काष्ठलौहिन् :: m. (-ही) A club, a short cudgel, especially if armed with iron. E. काष्ठ, लौह iron, and इनि aff.
- काष्ठवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Having wood for fuel, &c. ind. Like a piece of wood. E. काष्ठ, and मतुप् or वति aff.
- काष्ठागार :: m. (-रः) A wooden house or enclosure. E. काष्ठ and आगार a house.
- काष्ठाम्बुवाहिनी :: f. (-नी) A wooden bucket or baling vessel: see अम्बुवाहिनी .
- काष्ठिन् :: mfn. (-ष्ठी -ष्ठिनी -ष्ठि) 1. Of wood, wooden. 2. Having wood. E. काष्ठ, and इनि aff.
- काष्ठीला :: m. (-ला) A large kind of Colotropis. f. (-ला) A plantain: see रम्भा . E. का for कु small, अस्थि bone or stalk, and ला to get or posses क and टाप् affixes; having a stem which is good for nothing.
- कास :: r. 1st cl. (ऋ) कासृ (कासते) 1. To make a bad sound, or one indi- cating disease; to cough. 2. To shine: see काश .
- कास :: m. (-सः) 1. Cough, catarrh. 2. A species of reed or long grass, (Saccharum spontaneum.) 3. Morunga, (Hyperanthera, &c.) see शीभाञ्जन . E. कास् to cough, to make an unpleasant sound, अच् affix: also काश् to shine, &c. see काश .
- कासकुण्ठ :: mfn. (-ण्ठः -ण्ठा -ण्ठं) Afflicted with cough. m. (-ण्ठः) YAMA.
- कासघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) Removing or alleviating cough, pectoral. f. (-घ्नी) A short or prickly nightshade: see कण्टकारी . E. कास catarrh and घ्न from हन् to kill, removing cough.
- कासनाशिनी :: f. (-नी) A thorny plant: see कर्कटशृङ्गी . E. कास catarrh, and नाशिनी removing, remedying.
- कासुन्दीवटिका :: f. (-का) An acid drink.
- कासमर्द्द :: m. (-र्द्दः) 1. A plant, (Cassia or Senna esculenta.) 2. An acid preparation, a mixture of tamarinds and mustard. E. कास or काश cough, and मर्द्द what destroys; also काशमर्द्द .
- कासमर्द्दन :: m. (-नः) A sort of cucumber, (Trichosanthes dioeca.)
- कासर :: m. (-रः) A buffalo. E. क water, and आङ् prefixed to सृ to go, affix अप्; who frequents water, this animal being partial to marshy places.
- कासार :: m. (-रः) A pond, a pool. E. क water, सृ to go, आङ् prefix, and घञ् affix, or कास् to shine, आरन् Unadi aff.
- कासारि :: m. (-रिः) A plant, (Cassia esculenta:) see कासमर्द्द्र E. कास cough, and अरि a foe.
- कासालु :: m. (-लुः) An esculent root, a sort of Yam.
- कासीस :: n. (-सं) Green vitriol, green sulphate of iron. E. कास् to go, ईसण् aff.
- कासू :: f. (-सूः) 1. Indistinct speech. 2. Speech in general. 3. Understand- ing. 4. Devotion. 5. Light, lustre. 6. A sort of spear or lance. E. कस् to go, to shine, or कास् to make a bad sound, क Unadi aff.
- कासूतरी :: f. (-री) A short spear, a javelin. E. कासू, and ष्टरच् diminutive aff.
- काहका :: f. (-का) A musical instrument: see काहला .
- काहल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Dry, withered. 2. Mischievous. 3. Large, excessive. f. (-ली) 1. One of the Apsaras or courtezans of INDRA'S
heaven. 2. The sound of any tube, pipe or musical instrument. (-ला) A young woman. mf. (-लः-ला) A horn, either a cow horn, or an instrument of that shape. m. (-लः) 1. A cock. 2. Sound in general. 3. A cat. n. (-लं) Indistinct speech. adv. Much, excessive- ly. E. क pleasure, the head, &c. हल् to plough or divide, with आङ् prefixed, affix अच् .
- काहलापुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) Thorn apple, (Datura metel.)
- कि :: r. 3rd cl. (चिकेति) To know: with निर् prefixed, to attain certainly, to ascertain positively. किं See किम् .
- किंशारु :: m. (-रुः) 1. The beard of corn. 2. An arrow. 3. A heron. E. किं what, or sometimes, शृ to injure, &c. रुण् Unadi aff.
- किंशुक :: m. (-कः) A tree bearing beautiful red blossoms, and hence often alluded to by the poets, (Butea frondośa;) also पलाश E. किं what, something, शुक a parrot; its red flowers being of the colour of a parrot's beak.
- किंशुलुक :: m. (-कः) A species of the Kinsuka. see the preceding.
- किकि :: m. (-किः) A blue jay, E. कि an imitative sound; the word being repeated; or कै to emit a sound, and कि affix; also किकीदीवि, किकी, &c.
- किकिदिवि :: m. (-विः) The blue jay. E. किकि, an imitative sound and दिव् to play, कि affix; also in other forms किकि, किकिदिव, किकिदीवि, किकीदिवी .
- किकीदिव :: m. (-वः) See the preceding. E. As before, अच् aff.
- किकीदीवि :: m. (-विः) See किकिदिवि .
- किखि :: m. (-खिः) A monkey, an ape. f. (-खिः) A small jackal, a fox. E. कु to sound, डिखि aff.
- किङ्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा or -री-रं) A servant. E. किं what or something, and कर who does.
- किङ्किणि :: f. (-णिः or -णी) 1. A girdle of small bells, or any tinkling orna- ment. 2. An acid sort of grape. E. किं some, and किण an imitative sound, affix क, with इन् or ङीष् fem. affix; also with कन् added किङ्किणीका .
- किङ्किर :: m. (-रः) 1. The Indian cuckoo, the Koil or Kokila. 2. A large black bee. 3. A horse. 4. KAMADEVA. f. (-रा) Blood. n. (-रं) The frontal sinus of an elephant. E. किं something, कॄ to scatter, क aff.
- किङ्किरात :: m. (-तः) 1. A name of KAMADEVA. 2. A parrot. 3. The Koil or Indian cuckoo. 4. A tree, (Jonesia asoka.) 5. A species of barleria: see झिण्टी . E. किङ्किर as above, and अत who goes or is.
- किङ्किरिन् :: m. (-री) A plant, commonly Buinchi, (Flacourtia sapida, Rox.)
- किञ्च :: ind. 1. An inceptive or continuative particle, (moreover further, again.) 2. A particle of comprehension. E. किं what, च and.
- किञ्चन :: m. (-नः) A species of the Palasa or Butea frondosa. ind. Some- what something.
- किञ्चनता :: f. (-ता) Somewhat, something.
- किञ्चित् :: ind. 1. Something somewhat. 2. A part, a little. n. किं what, चित् to think, affix क्विप् .
- किञ्चिलिक :: m. (-कः) See the following.
- किञ्चलुक :: m. (-कः) A worm. E. किञ्चित् a little, and चल् to go, or चुल् to be high, वुन् affix, deriv. irr.; it is sometimes written किञ्चिलिक .
- किञ्ज :: n. (-ञ्जं) The filament of a lotus: see किञ्जल्क .
- किञ्जल :: m. (-लः) The filament of a lotus: see किञ्जल्क .
- किञ्जल्क :: m. (-ल्कः) The filament of a lotus, great numbers of which sur- round the pericarp. n. (-ल्कं) The flower of the Mesua ferrea. E. किञ्चित् somewhat, जक् to hide or cover, क affix, and the form irr.
- किट :: r. 1st cl. (केटति) 1. To go or approach. 2. To alarm or terrify. 3. To dread, to fear.
- किटि :: m. (-टिः) A hog. E. किट् to go, and कि affix; also किटि .
- किटिभ :: m. (-भः) A bug. E. किटि a hog, भ who resembles, from भा to shine, affix ड .
- किट्ट :: n. (-ट्टं) Excrement, excretion, dirt. E. किट् to go, here implying to go out of, (the body, &c.) and क्त aff.
- किट्टवर्जित :: n. (-तं) Semen virile. E. किट्ट dirt, &c. वर्जित deprived.
- किट्टाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A copper vessel. 2. Scoria, rust of iron, &c. E. किट्ट dirt, अल् to be able, अच् aff.
- किण :: m. (-णः) 1. A wart, a mole. 2. A scar. 3. A corn, a callosity. 4. An insect found in wood.
- किणि :: f. (-णिः) A tree, (Achyranthes aspera:) see अपामार्ग . E. किण् a scar, and कि affix; making scars; that is cicatrizing wounds, sores, &c.
- किणिही :: f. (-ही) Achyranthes aspera. E. किणि a sore, and ह what re- moves, fem. affix ङीष् .
- किण्व :: mn. (-ण्वः-ण्वं) Ferment, a drug or seed used to produce fermenta- tion, in the manufacture of spirits from sugar, bassia, &c. n. (-ण्वं) Sin. E. कण् to sound, &c. क्वन् Unadi affix, and the इ irregularly in- serted: see कण्व .
- कित :: r. 1st cl. (चिकित्सति) 1. To cure, to administer remedies, to practise physic. 2. To remove, to destroy. 3. To chastise. 4. (Usually with वि prefixed,) To doubt; this root is regular. r. 3rd cl. (चिकेति) To know. r. 10th cl. (केतयति) 1. To dwell. 2. To desire; some authori- ties make it a regular root of the 1st cl. in these senses, and others deny its admitting of any conjugation.
- कितव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) 1. A gamester, a gambler. 2. A cheat, cheating, fraudulent. 3. Mad, crazy. 4. Mischievous, malicious. m. (-वः) 1. Thorn apple, (Datura metel.) 2. A kind of perfume, commonly Rochana. E. किं what, तव your, (what is your stake or wager?) he who asks such a question, &c.
- किन्तनु :: m. (-नुः) An insect described as having eight legs and a very slender body, a species of spider. E. किं for किञ्चित् a little, and तनु the body.
- किन्तमाम् :: ind. Whether, either of any. E. किं, and तमप् with आमु added.
- किन्तराम् :: ind. Whether, either of two. E. किं, and तरप् with आमु added.
- किन्तु :: ind. 1. Rut. 2. Moreover, further. E. A compound particle of किं and तु disjunctive particle.
- किन्तुघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) One of the eleven periods called Karanas.
- किन्धिन् :: m. (-न्धी) A horse: see किल्किन् .
- किन्नर :: m. (-रः) 1. A demigod attached to the service of KUVERA, a celestial quirister or musician. 2. A kind of flower or attendant on a Jina or Jaina saint. f. (-री) A female Kinnara, or chorister. E. किं what, used contemptuously, (what kind of) नर a man: the Kinnara having, with the human figure, the head of a horse.
- किन्नरेश :: m. (-शः) A name of KUVERA. E. किन्नर a Kinnara, and ईश master, lord; also other similar compounds, as किन्नरेश्वर .
- किन्नु :: ind. 1. A particle of interrogation, (what?) 2. Doubt, (how, what?) 3. Comparison, (thus, as, like, how much less) 4. Conjunction, (again, further.) 5. Place, location, and 6 Agency. E. किम् and नु conjoined.
- किम् :: ind. (-किम् or किं) 1. What, how. 2. Either, or; a particle of doubt or interrogation. 3. A particle of contempt. The relative pronoun. mfn. (-कः -का -किं) What, who, which expressing, 1. Doubt. 2. In- terrogation. 3. Disdain. 4. Reproach, (as in English, Who are you, &c.) 5. Kind, sort. E. कै to sound, डिमि Unadi aff.
- किमर्थम् :: ind. What for, wherefore, why. E. किम् and अर्थ object.
- किमु :: ind. Either, or, whether implying doubt or discrimination: see किम् .
- किमुत :: ind. 1. Either, or, whether, implying. 2. Doubt or discrimina- tion. 3. Much, exceeding; a particle of magnitude or quantity. 4. An interrogative, how, what, &c. see किम् . E. किम् and the particle उत .
- किम्पच :: mfn. (-चः -चा -चं) Miserly, avaricious. E. किम् what, (nothing,) पच who cooks.
- किम्पचान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Miserly, niggardly, avaricious. E. किं what, used contemptuously, पच् to cook, and शानच् affix, or with अच् only, किम्पचः see मितम्पच, &c.
- किम्पाक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Mother-led, infantine, childish. m. (-कः) A cu- curbitaceous plant, (Trichosanthes palmata; also Cucumis colocyn- thus.) E. किं depreciative, and पाक what is ripe or mature.
- किम्पुरुव :: m. (-षः) 1. A heavenly musician: see किन्नर . 2. A division of the universe, one of the nine Khandas or portions into which the world is divided, and described as the country between the Himachala and Hemakuta mountains. 3. A despicable or low man. E. किम् what, contemptuously, and पुरुष a man; also with the first vowel of that word lengthened, किम्पूरुष .
- किम्पुरुषेश्वर :: m. (-रः) An epithet of KUVERA: see किन्नरेश .
- किम्पूरुष :: n. (-षं) The division of the world, called by this name: see किम्पुरुष .
- किम्भरा :: f. (-रा) A kind of perfume, commonly Nali: see नली .
- किम्भूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) or n. only, (-तं) How, in what manner or degree, like what. E. किम्, and भूत become.
- किंवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Poor, mean, insignificant. E. किं a little, मतुप् possessive aff.
- किंवदन्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) Rumour, report. E. किं what, वद् to say, and झिच् Unadi affix, or with झच् and ङीष् affixes किंवदन्ती .
- किंवा :: ind. Or, else, moreover. E. किं what, वा or.
- कियत् :: mfn. (-यान् -यती -यत्) 1. How much, how many, ind. (-यत्) 1. A little. 2. How much, used chiefly in composition; as कियत्काल how long, for a short time; कियदवधि or कियत्पर्य्यन्तं how far, or for a little way. E. किं and मतुप् affix, and य is substituted for the व .
- कियदेतिका :: f. (-का) Effort, vigorous and persevering exertions. E. कियत् used contemptuously, and इति from इदम् this, affix ठक्; (how great a task is this, that it should not be effected, &c.) इह here, being employed in place of इति, the word is written कियदेहिका .
- कियद्दूर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) For a short distance, a little way. E. कियत्, and दूर far.
- कियाह :: m. (-हः) A horse of a red or bay colour.
- किर :: m. (-रः) A hog. E. कॄ to scatter, क affix; also किरि .
- किरक :: m. (-कः) A scribe. E. कॄ to scatter, वुन् aff.
- किरण :: m. (-णः) 1. A ray of light, a sun or moon beam. 2. The sun. E. क to scatter, (light,) and क्यु Unadi aff.
- किरणमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Radiant, bright, refulgent. E. किरण and मयट् aff.
- किरणमालिन् :: m. (-ली) The sun. E. किरण, माला a garland, and इनि aff.
- किरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रत्) 1. Scattering, spreading. 2. Lighting, shedd- ing light. E. कॄ to scatter शतृ aff.
- किरात :: m. (-तः) 1. A savage, one of the barbarous tribes who inhabit woods and mountains and live by the chase, the Kirrhadœ of Arrian. 2. SIVA as a mountaineer opposed to ARJUNA, the account of which is the subject of the poem, the Kiratarjuniya. 3. A kind of gentian: see किराततिक्त . 4. A pigmy a dwarf. 5. A groom, a horseman. f. (-ती) 1. The river GANGES or its goddess. 2. A name of DURGA. 3. A bawd, a procuress. 4. The celestial GANGES or river of Swarga. E. कॄ to scatter, (speech, &c.) and अत who goes; also किरातक .
- किराततिक्त :: m. (-क्तः) A kind of gentian, (Gentiana cherayta.) E. किरात a savage, तिक्त pungent, bitter.
- किराताशिन् :: m. (-शी) A name of GURUDA the bird of VISHNU. E. किरात a pigmy, and अशिन् who eats.
- किराति :: f. (-तिः) A name of the GANGES. E. कॄ to scatter, (sound, &c.) to make a murmuring noise, अत who goes, and इन् aff.
- किरातिनी :: f. (-नी) Indian spikenard; see जटामांसी .
- किरि :: m. (-रिः) A hog. E. कॄ to scatter, (dirt, &c.) and इ Unadi aff.
- किरिटि :: n. (-टिः) The fruit of the marshy date tree.
- किरीट :: mn. (-टः-टं) A crest, a diadem. E. कॄ to scatter, (pearls, &c.) and कीटन् Unadi aff.
- किरीटधारण :: n. (-णं) Wearing a tiara, assuming the crown. E. किरीट, and धारण bearing.
- किरीटधारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Crowned, having a tiara. m. (-री) A king. E. किरीट, and धारिन् who wears.
- किरीटिन् :: mfn. (-टी -टिनी -टि) Crested, crowned. m. (-टी) 1. A king. 2. A name of ARJUNA. E. किरीट a crest, and इनि aff.
- किर्म्मी :: f. (-र्म्मी) The Palasa tree: see षलाश . 2. A hall, a building, an apartment. 3. An image of gold. 4. A figure of iron. E. कृ to make, मन् and ङीप् affixes, deriv. irr.
- किर्म्मीर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Variegated. m. (-रः) 1. The orange tree. 2. The name of a Rakshasa or goblin. 3. A variegated colour. E. क to scatter, ईरन् affix; and मुट् inserted.
- किर्म्मीरजित् :: m. (-जित्) A name of BHIMA, one of the Pandu princes. E. किर्म्मीर a demon, and जित् who conquers.
- किर्म्मीरत्वच् :: f. (-त्वक्) The orange tree. E. किर्म्मीर variegated, and त्वच् bark.
- किर्म्मीरभिद् :: m. (-भित् or -भिद्) A name of BHIMA: see किर्म्मीरजित् .
- किर्म्मीरसूदन :: m. (-नः) A name of BHIMA: see the preceding.
- किल :: r. 6th cl. (किलति) 1. To be or become white. 2. To play. r. 10th cl. (केलयति) To send, to throw or cast.
- किल :: ind. An aptote signifying. 1. News, (so said, so reported.) 2. Likelihood, (probably, possibly.) 3. Conciliatory expression. 4. Assertion, certainty, (indeed, verily, assuredly.) 5. Ealsehood, inaccuracy. E. किल् to send or order, affix क .
- किलकिञ्चित :: n. (-तं) Armorous agitation, weeping, laughing, being angry, being pleased, &c. in the society of a lover. E. किल play, sport, किं what, some, and चित collected.
- किलकिला :: f. (-ला) Sound expressing joy, or the expression or pleasure by any sound or cry. E. किल play, sport, repeated.
- किलाट :: mf. (-टः-टी) Inspissated milk, curds or coagulated milk; it may be applied to cheese.
- किलाटिन् :: m. (-टी) A bamboo.
- किलास :: m. (-सः) 1. A blotch, a scab. 2. A white leprous spot. E. किल् to play, affix क; आस from आस् to reject or throw, with अच् affix; or अस् to be, with अण् aff.
- किलासघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) A sort of gourd, (Momordica mixta:) see काकरोल . E. किलास a blotch, and घ्न what removes.
- किलासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Having blotches. E. किलास, and इनि aff.
- किलिञ्च :: mn. (-ञ्चः-ञ्चं) A thin plank: see the next.
- किलिञ्ज :: mn. (-ञ्जः-ञ्जं) 1. A thin plank of green wood. 2. A mat: see the next; also read किलिञ्च .
- किलिञ्जक :: m. (-कः) 1. A mat. 2. A screen or twist of grass or straw. E. किल to be white, इ added किलि, ज what overcomes, from जि with ड affix, and वुन् added; deriv. irr.
- किलिम :: m. (-मः) A tree, a kind of fir or pine, (Pinus deodar.) n. (-मं) Resin, the extract of the pine. E. किल् to cast, किमन् aff.
- किल्विन् :: m. (-ल्वी) A horse; read also किन्धिन् .
- किल्विष :: n. (-षं) 1. Sin, 2. Fault, offence. 3. Disease, sickness. E. किल् to play sport, टिषच् Unadi affix, and वुक् inserted.
- किल्विषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Wicked, culpable, criminal. E. किल्विष, and इनि aff.
- किशल :: mn. (-लः-लं) A sprout, a shoot: see किसल .
- किशलय :: mn. (-यः-यं) A young shoot: see किसलय .
- किशलयतल्प :: m. (-ल्पः) A bed of young leaves, &c. E. किशलय and तल्प a couch; also किशलयशय्या किशलयशयनं, &c.
- किशोर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Young, infantine. m. (-रः) 1. A colt. 2. The sun. 3. Benjamin, (Styrax benzoin.) 4. A youth, a lad, one from his
birth to the end of his fifteenth year: a minor in law अजातव्यवहारः becoming, after his fifteenth year, subject to suits at law or जातव्यवहार E. किम् what, used contemptuously, श to go, and ओरन् Unadi affix; also कन् added किशोरकः .
- किष्क :: r. 10th cl. (किष्कयते) To kill. to injure.
- किष्किन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) A mountain in the south of India, in Mysore, the residence of the monkey prince BALI. f. (-न्धा) A cave in the moun- tain; also किष्किन्ध्य .
- किष्किन्ध्य :: m. (-न्ध्यः) The mountain Kishkindhya, situated in the peninsula in the northern part of Mysore, near the sources of the pampa river, the territory of BALI. the monkey, from whom it was con- quered by RAMA, and transferred to SUGRIVA, another monkey chief. f. (-न्ध्या) A cave in the mountain of Kishkindhya, the pecu- liar residence of BALI; also किष्किन्ध .
- किष्किन्ध्याधिप :: m. (-पः) A name of BALI, a monkey king slain by RAMA. E. किष्किन्ध्य and अधिप ruler.
- किष्कु :: mfn. (-ष्कुः -ष्कुः -ष्कु) Vile, bad, contemptible. mf. (-ष्कुः) 1. A cubit. 2. A span. 3. The fore-arm. E. कै to sound, डिष्कु aff.
- किष्कुपर्व्वन् :: m. (-र्व्वा) 1. Sugar-cane. 2. A bamboo. 3. A reed, (Arundo tibialis.) E. किष्कु a span or cubit, and पर्व्वन् a joint.
- किसल :: mn. (-लः-लं) A sprout or shoot, the extremity of a branch bearing new leaves. E. किं diminutive, सल् to go, अच् affix; also किशल and किशलय .
- किसलय :: mn. (-यः-यं) A sprout, a young shoot: see the preceding. E. As before, affix कयञ्; also किशलय .
- कीकट :: mfn. (-टः -टी -टं) 1. Miserly, avaricious. 2. Poor, needy. m. (-टः) 1. A country, (Behar;) or m. plu. (-टाः) its inhabitants. 2. A horse. E. ककि to go, अटच् affix, deriv. irr.
- कीकस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Hard, firm. n. (-सं) A bone. m. (-सः) A worm, an insect. E. की derived from किम् what, a depreciating particle, before कस् to go, affix अच् .
- कीकसास्य :: m. (-स्यः) A bird in general. E. कीकस a bone, and आस्य face or or mouth; alluding to the osseous structure of the beak.
- कीकि :: m. (-किः) A blue jay: see किकि .
- कीचक :: m. (-कः) 1. A bamboo whistling or rattling in the wind. 2. Any hollow bamboo. 3. A reed. 4. A Daitya or infernal demon so named. 5. A particular Rakshasa or goblin. 6. A kind of tree. 7. A prince, the son of KEKAYA. E. चीक to touch, to sound, वुन् Unadi affix, and the radical consonants transposed.
- कीचकजित् :: m. (-जित्) A name of BHIMA. E. कीचक a goblin, and जित् who conquers.
- कीचकनिसूदन :: m. (-नः) BHIMA: see the preceding.
- कीचकभिद् :: m. (-भित्) See the two words preceding.
- कीट :: r. 11th cl. (कीटयति) 1. To tinge or colour. 2. To bind.
- कीट :: m. (-टः) A worm, an insect. E. कीट् to colour or dye, क aff.
- कीटक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Harsh, hard, unfeeling. m. (-कः) 1. A worm, an insect. 2. A bird, panegyrist, descended from a Kshetriya father and Vaisya mother. E. कीट a worm, and कन् aff.
- कीटघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) Sulphur. E. कीट a worm, and घ्न what destroys.
- कीटज :: n. (-जं) Silk. f. (-जा) Lac, an animal dye of a red colour. E. कीट a worm, and ज born.
- कीटपक्षोद्भव :: m. (-वः) The change from the chrysalis or larva to the but- terfly. E. कीट, पक्ष a wing, and उद्भव evolution.
- कीटपादिका :: f. (-का) A plant, (Cissus pedata.)
- कीदृश् :: mfn. (-दृक्) Who or what like. E. किम् what, दृश् to see, and क्विन् affix; also with कञ् affix; कीदृश mfn. (-शः -शी -शं .)
- कीनाश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) 1. A labourer or cultivator of the soil. 2. Small, little. 3. Covetous, niggardly. 4. A slayer of cattle. m. (-शः) 1. A name of YAMA. 2. A particular monkey. E. की for का or कु bad, vile, नाश who destroy, the causal form of नश् to destroy, with अच् aff.
- कीर :: m. (-रः) 1. A parrot. 2. Kashmir. m. plu. (-राः) The people of Kashmir, n. (-रं) Flesh. E. की bad, vile, ईर् to send or order, क aff.
- कीरक :: m. (-कः) 1. A tree. 2. A Buddha. 3. Obtaining, gaining. E. कन् added to the last.
- कीरेष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) 1. A tree, a species of mountain Pilu: see अक्षोड 2. The mango tree. E. कीर a parrot, and इष्ट wished, desired.
- कीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Covered, secreted, hidden. 2. Scattered, thrown, cast. 3. Injured, hurt. 4. Full. E. कॄ to scatter, affix क्त formation irr.
- कीर्णि :: f. (-र्णिः) 1. Scattering, throwing. 2. Covering. concealing. E. कॄ to scatter, क्तिन् aff.
- कीर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. Saying, telling. 2. Repeating. 3. Celebrating, praising. f. (-ना) Fame, glory. E. कृत् to praise or celebrate, युच् aff.
- कीर्त्तयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Praising, celebrating. E. कृत् to praise, शतृ aff.
- कीर्त्ति :: f. (-र्त्तिः) 1. Fame, renown, glory. 2. Favour, approbation. 3. Sound. 4. Light, lustre. 5. Mud, dirt. 6. Diffusing, expansion. 7. One of the Matrikas or personified divine energies of KRISHNA. E. कृत् to celebrate, क्तिन् aff.
- कीर्त्तिकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Conferring fame. E. कीर्त्ति, and कर what makes.
- कीर्त्तित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Said, asserted. 2. Known, notorious. 3. Cele- brated; praised. E. कृत् to celebrated, affix क्त .
- कीर्त्तिभाज् :: mfn. (भाक्) Celebrated. famous. m. (-भाक्) A name of DRO- NACHARYA, the military preceptor of the PANDUS and KURUS. E. कीर्त्ति fame, and भाज् to serve or honour, affix क्विप् .
- कीर्त्तिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Praised, famous, celebrated. m. (-मान्) The elder brother of VASUDEVA. E. कीर्त्ति, and मतुप् aff.
- कीर्त्तिशेष :: m. (-षः) Death, dying. E. कीर्त्ति fame, and शेष end.
- कीर्त्त्य :: mfn. (-र्त्त्यः -र्त्त्या -र्त्त्यं) To be praised or celebrated. E. कृत् to praise, क्यप् aff.
- कीर्म्मी :: f. (-र्म्मी) A house for straw; also हेमपुत्री .
- कीर्य्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णाः -णं) Covered, bestrewed. E. कॄ to scatter, passive form, शानच् aff.
- कील :: r. 10th cl. (कीलयति) To bind, to fasten, to stake, to pin.
- कील :: mf. (-लः-ला) 1. Flame, lambent flame. 2. Small, minute. m. (-लः) 1. A stake, a pin, a bolt, a wedge, &c. 2. A lance, a spike. 3. A gnomon. 4. A weapon. 5. A post, a piller. 6. The elbow. 7. A blow or punch with the elbow. 8. A blow, a thump; (in the three last senses some make this also fem.) 9. A post in a cow-house; see the next. E. कील् to bind, and क aff.
- कीलक :: m. (-कः) A piller for cows, &c. to rub themselves against, or one to which they are tied. 2. A pin, a bolt, a wedge. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- कीलसंस्पर्श :: m. (-र्शः) A plant, the fruit of which yields a turpentinous substance that has been used in India as pitch, &c. commonly Gab; (Embryopteris glutinifera, Rox.) E. कील a bolt, सम् with, and स्पर्श touch, the fruit being invested with a hard coat.
- कीलाल :: n. (-लं) 1. Water. 2. Blood. 3. Amrita, the food of the gods. 4. Honey. E. कील flame, and अल what opposes, &c. or कील a stake, &c. and अल what adorns; from अल् with अण् aff.
- कीलालधि :: m. (-धिः) The ocean. E. कीलाल water, and धि what contains.
- कीलालप :: m. (-पः) A Rakshasa, a sort of goblin or imp. E. कीलाल blood, and प who drinks.
- कीलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Bound, tied, confined. 2. Pierced, transfixed. 3. Staked, impaled. 4. Pinned, fastened by a stake, &c. 5. Set up as a stake or pole. E. कील् to bind. affix क्त .
- कीश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Naked. m. (-शः) 1. A monkey, an ape. 2. The sun. E. क air, water, &c. ईश who has power over, and क aff.
- कीशपर्ण :: mf. (-र्णः-र्णी) A tree, (Achyranthes aspera:) see अपामार्गः also कीशपर्णक . m. (-कः) E. कीश a monkey, पर्ण a leaf.
- कु :: r. 1st cl. (ङ) कुङ् (कवते) r. 2nd cl. (टु) टुकु (कौति) r. 6th cl. (शिं) कुशि (कुवते) r. 9th cl. (ञ) कुञ् (कुनाति, कुनीते) 1. To sound, to sound indistinctly, to moan, to groan. 2. To cry as a bird, to coo, to hum as a bee, &c.
- कु :: f. (-कुः) The earth. ind. A particle of depreciation, and implying. 1. Sin, guilt. 2. Reproach, contempt. 3. Diminution, littleness. 4. Prevention, hindrance, as कुपथ a bad road, &c. E. कु to sound, क्विप् affix, or कुङ् to sound, with the affix ड .
- कुक :: r. 1st cl. (कोकते) To take, to accept.
- कुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Taking, accepting. E. कुक and क aff.
- कुकभ :: n. (-भं) Spirituous liquor.
- कुकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. Having a crooked or withered arm. 2. Wicked, acting wickedly. E. कु bad, and कर the hand; or कृ to do, ट aff.
- कुकर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्म) Wicked, bad. n. (-र्म्म) Wickedness, depravity, villainy. E. कु bad, कर्म्मन् act.
- कुकर्म्मकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Wicked, depraved. E. कुकर्म्म, and कारिन् who does.
- कुकील :: m. (-लः) A mountain. E. कु earth, and कील a pin or bolt.
- कुकुद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) One who gives a girl, decorated with fit orna- ments and with the prescribed ceremonies, in marriage. E. कुक to take and द who gives: see कूकुद .
- कुकुन्दर :: n. (-रं) or n du. (-रे) the cavities of the loins. E. कुन्दर a hollow. a cave, from कु the earth, and दृ to rend or tear, कु bad, vile, pre- fixed; it is also written ककुन्दर .
- कुकुभा :: f. (-भा) One of the female personifications of music or Raginis.
- कुकुर :: m. (-रः) 1. A dog. 2. A branch of the Yadu race: see कुक्कुर . 3. A plant and perfume: see ग्रन्थिपर्णी . m. plu. (-राः) A country: see दशार्ह . E. कुक् to take, उरच् Unadi affix; also कुक्कुर .
- कुकुराधिनाथ :: m. (-थः) KRISHNA. E. कुकुर a Yadu, and अधिनाथ chief.
- कुकूणक :: m. (-कः) Weakness, of the eyes in infants.
- कुकूल :: n. (-लं) 1. A hole filled with stakes. 2. Conflagration of chaff. 3. Armour, mail. E. कु the earth, and कूल a bank, &c.
- कुकृत्य :: n. (-त्यं) Wickedness, evil. E. कु, and कृत्य act.
- कुकोल :: n. (-लं) The jujube: see कोलि .
- कुक्कुट :: m. (-टः) 1. A cock. 2. A wild cock. 3. The offspring of a Sudra or man of the fourth caste, by a Chandala woman. 4. A whisp of of lighted straw, a firebrand. 5. A spark of fire. f. (-टिः or टी) Hypocrisy, interested observance of religious duties. f. (-टी) 1. A hen. 2. A small house lizard. 3. The silk cotton tree, (Bombax heptaphyllum.) E. कुक् taking, from कुक with क्विप् affix, and कुट् to cut or scratch, with क affix; scratching up the earth, &c. or कु bad, कुट् to cut, &c. and क inserted.
- कुक्कुटक :: m. (-कः) 1. A cock. 2. A wild cock. 3. A man of a mixed caste, one sprung from a Sudra and the female of a barbarian. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- कुक्कुटमण्डप :: m. (-पः) A place where final emancipation may be attained; also मुक्तिमण्डप .
- कुक्कुटमस्तक :: n. (-कं) A sort of pepper, (Piper chavya.) E. कुक्कुट, and मस्तक head; to what the flower may be compared.
- कुक्कुटव्रत :: n. (-तं) A religious observation, (worship of SIVA,) on the seventh of the light fortnight of Bhadra, by women, especially for the sake of obtaining offspring. E. कुक्कुट a howl, and व्रत religious rite; alluding to the fruitfulness of the hen.
- कुक्कुटशिख :: m. (-खः) Safflower, (Carthamus tinctorius.) E. कुक्कुट a cock, and शिख a crest; cockscomb.
- कुक्कुटाण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) A fowl's egg. E. कुक्कुटी and अण्ड an egg.
- कुक्कुटाभ :: m. (-भः) A kind of snake, compared to a fowl, in some res- pects, perhaps from having a crest or comb. E. कुक्कुट a cock, and आभ who is or resembles, from भा to shine, prefix आङ् and affix क .
- कुक्कुटाहि :: m. (-हिः) A kind of snake: see the preceding.
- कुक्कुभ :: m. (-भः) 1. A wild cock, (Phasianus gallus.) 2. Varnish, oiling or oily gloss; also कुक्कुभक m. (-कः) E. कुक् imitative sound, कु to utter sound, and भक् irr. aff.
- कुक्कुर :: m. (-रः) A dog. n. (-रं) A vegetable perfume, commonly Gant- hiala: see ग्रन्थिपर्णी . f. (-री) A bitch. E. कुक् to take. उरन् Unadi affix, and क inserted; also कुकुर .
- कुक्कुवाच् :: m. (-क) A sort of deer.
- कुक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The belly. E. कुष् to extract, and स affix; by which the fœces are excreted; also कुक्षि .
- कुक्षि :: m. (-क्षिः) The belly, the cavity of the abdomen. E. कुषि to extract, and क्सि affix; see the preceding.
- कुक्षिम्भरि :: mfn. (-रिः -रिः -रि) Voracious, gluttonous, filling or pampering the belly. E. कुक्षि the belly, भृ to nourish, affix खि .
- कुक्षिरन्ध्र :: m. (-न्ध्रः) A reed. E. कुक्षि and रन्ध्र a hole.
- कुख्याति :: f. (-तिः) Evil report, infamy. E. कु bad, and ख्याति fame.
- कुङ्कुम :: m. (-मः) Saffron, (Crocus sativus.) E. कुकि to take, and उमक् aff.
- कुङ्कुमताम्र :: mfn. (-म्रः -म्रा -म्रं) Red, coppery red. E. कुङ्कुम and ताम्र copper.
- कुङ्कुमरेणु :: f. (-णुः) the dust or pollen of saffron. M. कुङ्कुम and रेणु dust
- कुङ्कुमाक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Dyed or stained with saffron, orange, yellow. E. कुङ्कुम and अक्त anointed.
- कुङ्कुमाङ्क :: mfn. (-ङ्कः -ङ्का -ङ्कं) Marked with saffron, dyed or stained of an orange colour. E. कुङ्कुम and अङ्क a mark.
- कुङ्कुमारुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Red, ruddy. E. कुङ्कुम and अरुण purple.
- कुच :: r. 1st cl. (कोचति) 1. To sound high, to utter a loud, shrill cry, as a bird. 2. To go. 3. To polish. 4. To touch. 5. To furrow or mark with lines. 6. To be crooked. 7. To write. 8. To oppose. 9. To contend. 10. To be restricted or confined, to contract. r. 6th cl. (शि) शिकुच (कुचति) or with सं prefixed, (संकोचति or संकुचति) 1. To straiten, to narrow or contract. 2. To be straitened, to shrink, to contract. With उत् to bribe; with वि, and आ, to expand.
- कुच :: m. (-चः) A breast, a pap. E. कुच् to bind or confine, क aff.
- कुचकुम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) The female breast. E. कुच and कुम्भ vase.
- कुचण्डिका :: f. (-का) A plant, (Aletris hyacinthoides:) see मूर्व्वा .
- कुचतट :: n. (-टं) The female breast. E. कुच, and तट bank.
- कुचटताग्र :: n. (-ग्रं) A nipple. E. कुचतट and अग्र tip.
- कुचन्दन :: n. (-नं) 1. Red sanders, (Pterocarpus santolinus.) 2. Sappan or log wood: see पत्राङ्ग . 3. Saffron. 4. A leguminous plant, (Adenan- thera pavonina.) E. कु bad, inferior, and चन्दन Sandal.
- कुचफल :: m. (-लः) The pomegranate. E. कुच, and फल fruit of the shape of the breast.
- कुचर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. Censorious, detracting. 2. Following evil practices, low, vile, wicked. E. कु vile, and चर who goes.
- कुचर्य्या :: f. (-र्य्या) Impropriety, wickedness. E. कु bad, चर्य्या practice.
- कुचाग्र :: n. (-ग्रं) A nipple. E. कुव a breast, and अग्र point, end.
- कुचाङ्गेरी :: f. (-री) Wood sorrel, (Oxalis monadelpha:) see चाङ्गेरी .
- कुचिक :: mf. (-कः-का) A kind of fish, in shape like an eel, commonly Kunchiya, (Unibranchapertura Cuchiya, Ham.)
- कुचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Closed, contracted. 2. Measured. E. कुच् to contract, कितच् Unadi aff.
- कुचेल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Ill clothed, dressed in dirty or tattered garments. f. (-लः-ली) A plant, (Cissampelos hexandra:) see विद्ध्वकर्णी . E. कु bad, and चेला a garment.
- कुच्छ :: n. (-च्छं) The white water lily.
- कुज :: r. 1st cl. (उ) कुजु (कोजति) 1. To steal or rob. (इ) कुजि (कुञ्जति) To sound inarticulately.
- कुज :: m. (-जः) 1. The plant MARS. 2. A demon; also called Naraka. 3. A tree. f. (-जा) 1. A name of DURGA. 2. Of SITA. E. कु the earth, and ज born, earth-born.
- कुजम्भल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) A house-breaker; also कुजम्भिल .
- कुजम्भिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) A thief, a house-breaker; also कुजम्भल and कुजम्भर .
- कुज्झिश :: m. (-शः) A sort of fish.
- कुज्झटि :: f. (-टिः-टी) A fog or mist. E. कु the earth, and झट् to be entan- gled, affix कि; also कुज्झटिका .
- कुज्झटिका :: f. (-का) A fog or mist: see the preceding.
- कुञ्च :: r. 1st cl. (-उ) कुञ्चु (कुञ्चति) 1. To go, to go to or towards. 2. To move crookedly. 3. To make crooked. 4. To be crooked. 5. To lessen, to make small. 6. To be or become small, to shrink as a substance. 7. To contract or draw in, (as the thoughts,) Some read this root कुचि but needlessly.
- कुञ्चन :: n. (-नं) 1. Curving, bending. 2. Contracting. 3. Contraction of the eyelids. E. कुञ्च् to go crookedly, ल्युट् aff.
- कुञ्चि :: f. (-ञ्चिः) A measure of quantity equal to eight handfuls. E. कुञ्च् to be curved. इन् aff.
- कुञ्चिका :: f. (-का) 1. A plant bearing a red and black seed, used as a weight, (Abrus precatorious:) see गुञ्जा 2. The branch or shoot of a bamboo. 3. A plant bearing a pungent seed, (Nigella Indica:) see कृष्णजीरक . 4. A fish, commonly Cunchiya, in shape like an eel and eaten as one, (Unibranchapertura cunchiya.) 5. A key. E. कुञ्च् to go crookedly, &c. क्वुन् affix, with the fem. termination.
- कुञ्चित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Crooked, curved, bent. E. कुञ्च to go crookedly, affix क्त .
- कुञ्ज :: mn. (-ञ्जः-ञ्जं) 1. A place overgrown with creeping plants, a bower, an arbour. 2. An elephant's tusk or ivory. 3. The lower jaw. E. कु the earth, and ज produced, म inserted.
- कुञ्जकुटीर :: m. (-रः) A bower, an arbour. E. कुञ्ज and कुटीर a small house.
- कुञ्जर :: m. (-रः) 1. An elephant. 2. (In composition,) Pre-eminent, as पुरुषकुञ्जर an excellent. man. 3. Hair. 4. A country. f. (-रा or -री) 1. A female elephant. (-रा) 1. A plant, (Bignonia suave-olens.) 2. A shrub, (Grislea tomentosa) E. कुञ्ज a tusk, an arbour, &c. and र what forms or possesses.
- कुञ्जरपिप्पली :: f. (-ली) A plant described as bearing a fruit which resembles long pepper: see गजपिप्पली .
- कुञ्जराराति :: m. (-तिः) 1. The Sarabha, a fabulous animal. 2. A lion. E. कुञ्जर an elephant, and अराति an enemy.
- कुञ्जरालुक :: n. (-कं) A species of esculent root, a sort of yam.
- कुञ्जराशन :: m. (-नः) The holy fig tree, (Ficus religiosa.) E. कुञ्जर an ele- phat, and अशन food.
- कुञ्जल :: m. (-लः) Sour gruel: see काञ्जिक . E. कु bad, and जल water. form irr.
- कुञ्जिका :: f. (-का) Kalonji, (Nigella Indica:) see कुञ्चिका .
- कुट(शि) :: r. 6th cl. (कुटति) 1. To make crooked. 2. To be or become crooked. 3. To be dishonest, to cheat or deceive. (इ) कुटि (कुण्टति) 1. To be stopped or obstructed, to be prevented from moving. 2. To confound or disorder from pain or grief: see कुडि r. 10th cl. (कुटयते, कोटयति) 1. To cut: see त्रुट् 2. To heat: see कुट्ट .
- कुट :: mn. (-टः-टं) 1. A water pot. mf. (-टः-टी) A house; also कुटि . m. (-टः) 1. A fort, a strong hold. 2. A tree: see कुठ . 3. A hammer, a mallet for breaking small stones. 4. A mountain. f. (-टी) 1. A kind of perfume, commonly Mura. 2. A bawd, a procuress or go-between. 3. A nosegay, a bundle or tuft of flowers or vegetables. E. कुट् to go crookedly, &c. क aff.
- कुटङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) A roof, a thatch. E. कुट a house, in the third case, and क what makes.
- कुटङ्गक :: m. (-कः) 1. An arbour formed by creeping plants overrunning a tree. 2. A roof or thatch. 3. A house, small house, a hut or cot- tage: see कुटुङ्गक .
- कुटच :: m. (-चः) Coraya: see the next.
- कुटज :: m. (-जः) A medicinal plant, commonly Coraya, (Echites antidy-
senterica, Rox.) the seeds are used as a vermifuge: see इन्द्रयव . 2. A name of the saint AGASTYA. 3. Also of DRONA a sage and warrior: see द्रोण E. कूट a mountain peak, and ज what is produced; the vowel of कूट being made short.
- कुटन्नक :: n. (-कं) a fragrant grass: see मुस्त .
- कुटन्नट :: m. (-टः) A plant, (Bignonia Indica.) n. (-टं) A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) E. कुटन् being crooked, नट् to dance or wave, and अच् aff.
- कुटप :: m. (-पः) 1. A saint, a divine sage or Muni. 2. A garden or grove near a house. 3. A measure of grain, &c. see कुडप n. (-पं) A lotus. E. कुट a house, and प what nourishes.
- कुटर :: m. (-रः) A post round which the string passes that works the churning stick: see कुठर .
- कुटरु :: n. (-रु) A tent, a house of cloth or canvas. E. कुट् to be crooked अरु Unadi aff.
- कुटरुणा :: f. (-णा) A plant commonly Teori, (Convolvulus turpethum.)
- कुटल :: n. (-लं) A roof, a thatch: see कुटङ्क .
- कुटहारिका :: f. (-का) A female slave or servant. E. कुट a water pot, and हारिका who carries.
- कुटि :: mf. (-टिः-टिः or -टी) A house. m. (-टिः) 1. A tree. 2. The body. 3. Curvature, a curve. E. कुट् to be crooked, इ Unadi aff.
- कुटिचर :: m. (-रः) A porpoise. E. कुटि a curve, चर who goes.
- कुटित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Crooked, bent. E. कुट् to be curved, इत Unadi affix; also कुटिल .
- कुटितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) 1. Being bent. 2. Acting dishonestly. E. कुट् to be crooked, तृच्, aff.
- कुटिर :: n. (-रं) A hut, a cottage. E. कुटि a house, रा to be like, ड aff.
- कुटिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Crooked, bent. 2. Dishonest, fraudulent. n. (-लं) Tin. f. (-ला) The name of a river, the Kutila river, according to some, a name of the SARASWATI. E. कुट् to be crooked, किलच् Unadi aff.
- कुटिलगामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Tortuous, going crookedly. E. कुटिल, and गामिन् what goes.
- कुटिलता :: f. (-ता) 1. Crookedness. 2. Guile, dishonesty. E. कुटिल and तल् affix; also with त्व, कुटिलत्वं . n. (-त्वं).
- कुटिलिका :: f. (-का) 1. A blacksmith's forge. 2. Crouching, coming steal- thily as a hunter on his prey. E. कुटिल, and इकन् aff.
- कुटीचक :: m. (-कः) One who lives at his son's expense.
- कुटीचर :: m. (-रः) An ascetic of a particular order, one who consigns the care of his family to his son, and remains at home engaged solely in devotion. E. कुटी a house, and चर who goes.
- कुटीर :: m. (-रः) A small house, a hut, a hovel. E. कुटी a house, and र aff.
- कुटुङ्कक :: m. (-कः) 1. An arbour or bower, formed of creeping plants. 2. A thatch, a roof. 3. A hut, a cottage. 4. A creeper winding round a tree. E. कुट् to be crooked, क affix, कुट and अङ्ग the body, with कन् added; the form is irr.; also कुटङ्कक .
- कुटुम्ब :: r. 10th cl. (कुटुम्बयते) To support a family.
- कुटुम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) 1. A name. 2. A kinsman, a relation by descent 3. A connexion, a relation by the mother's side, by marriage, &c. 4. Offspring, progeny. 5. Family, race. E. कुटुम्ब to support a family, and अच् aff.
- कुटुम्बक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Being of one family. n. (-कं) A family, a kind- red. E. कन् added to the last.
- कुटुम्बव्यापृत :: m. (-तः) A provident and attentive father of a family. E. कुटुम्ब kindred, and व्यापृत one who manages.
- कुटुम्बिता :: f. (-ता) Family connexion or union, living as one family. E.
- कुटुम्बिन् :: and तल् affix; also with त्व, कुटुम्बित्व .
- कुटुम्बिन् :: mfn. (-म्बी -म्बिनी -म्बि) 1. A peasant, a cultivator of the soil. 2. One who supports or has a family. m. (-म्बी) A householder, a pater- familias. f. (-म्बिनी) 1. The wife of a householder and mother of a
family, a matron. 2. A small shrub used in medicine, a kind of moon plant: see क्षीरिणी . E. कुटुम्ब kindred, &c. and इनि poss. aff.
- कुटुम्बार्थ :: n. adj. (-र्थं) For the support or on account of a family. E. कुटुम्ब, and अर्थ object.
- कुटुम्बौकस् :: n. (-कः) Apartments, &c. appropriated to the accommodation of relations, &c. E. कुटुम्ब kindred, and औकस् a house.
- कुटेर :: m. (-रः) A hut, a cottage. E. कुट् to be crooked, एरक् Unadi aff.
- कुट्ट :: r. 10th cl. (कुट्टयति) 1. To cut, to divide. 2. To grind or pound. 3. To censure. 1st cl. (कुट्टति) 10th cl. (कुट्टयति) To heat, some make this root कुट .
- कुट्टक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. What cuts. 2. What pounds or grinds. m. (-कः) 1. A power in arithmetic or algebra, a quantity such, that a given number being multiplied by it, and the product added to a given quantity, the sum may be divisible without remainder by a given divisor. 2. A kingfisher. E. कुट्ट् to pound, वुन् aff.
- कुट्टकव्यवहार :: m. (-रः) That branch of arithmetic which treats of the Kuttaka: see the last. E. कुट्टक, and व्यवहार practice; also कुट्टकाध्याय or chapter.
- कुट्टन :: n. (-नं) 1. Pounding, grinding, cutting, dividing. 2. Abusing. f. (-नी) A bawd, a procuress, a go-between. E. कुट्ट् to cut, ल्युट् and ङीष् affs.
- कुट्टमित :: n. (-तं) One of the ten graces of women, affected repulse of a lover's caresses.
- कुट्टाक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) What cuts or divides. E. कुट्ट् to cut, षाकन् aff.
- कुट्टार :: m. (-रः) A mountain. n. (-रं) 1. Pleasure. 2. A blanket. adv. Only, merely. (केवले) This word is also written कुट्टीर and कुठार, but perhaps inaccurately.
- कुट्टिन् :: mfn. (-ट्टी -ट्टिनी -ट्टि) What cuts or pounds. f. (-नी) A bawd, a pro- curess. E. कुट्ट cutting, इनि aff.
- कुट्टिम :: mn. (-मः-मं) 1. A jewel mine. 2. Ground smoothed and plastered. 3. Ground prepared for the site of a mansion. 4. A hut, a cott- age. 5. The pomegranate. E. कुट्ट् to cut or pierce, and इमच् aff.
- कुट्टिहारिका :: f. (-का) A female servant, a slave: see कुटहारिका .
- कुट्टीर :: m. (-रः) A mountain: कुट्टार .
- कुद्मल :: mn. (-लः-लं) An opening bud. n. (-लं) One of the hells in which sinners are punished, where they are bound with ropes. E. कुट् to be curved, and क्मलच् Unadi affix, or कल affix. with मुट् inserted.
- कुठ(इ,)कुठि :: r. 1st cl. (कुण्ठति) To be idle. r. 10th cl. (कुण्ठयति) To sur- round; अप् is usually prefixed.
- कुठ :: m. (-ठः) A tree. E. कु the earth, and स्था to abide, ड affix; earth- abiding; the deriv. is irregular, and is sometimes written कुट, derived from कुट् to be crooked, to bend or wave, affix क .
- कुठर :: m. (-रः) The post round which the string of the churning stick winds: see कुटर . E. कुठ् to surround, करन् aff.
- कुठाकु :: m. (-कुः) A bird; the woodpecker. E. कुठ for कुट to cut, and आकु Unadi aff.
- कुठाटङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) An axe. E. कुठ a tree, आङ् prefixed to टकि to bind, and अच् aff.
- कुठार :: mf. (-रः-री) 1. An axe. 2. A sort of hoe or spade. m. (-रः) A tree. E. कुठ a tree, and ऋ to go, affix अण् .
- कुठारिका :: f. (-का) A small one or adze; also a similarly shaped instru- ment used in surgery for scarification. E. कन् added to the prece- ding.
- कुठारु :: m. (-रुः) 1. A tree. 2. A monkey, an ape. 3. An armourer. E. कुठ a tree, ऋ to go, affix ञुण् .
- कुठि :: m. (-ठिः) 1. A mountain. 2. A tree. E. कुठ् to surround, and इ Unadi aff.
- कुठिक :: m. (-कः) A kind of costus, commonly, cutṭh, (Costus speciosus.)
- कुठेर :: m. (-रः) 1. A name of fire. 2. Tulasi or basil: see the next. E. कुठ् to surround, एरक् Unadi aff.
- कुठेरक :: m. (-कः) 1. Holy basil, (Ocimum sanctum;) see पणसा . 2. A white sort of the same, (Ocimum gratissimum.) E. कन् added to the preceding.
- कुठेरज :: m. (-जः) A white species of basil; also कुठेरक .
- कुठेरु :: m. (-रुः) The wind of a fan or Chowrie.
- कुड(शि) :: r. 6th cl. (कुडति) 1. To play or act as a child, to trifle. 2. To eat. 3. To heap. (इ,) कुडि r. 1st cl. (कुण्डति) 1. To confound or disorder with grief or pain. 2. To form, to make. 3. (कुण्डते) To burn, to heat. r. 1st and 10th cls. (कुण्डति, कुण्डयति) To preserve.
- कुडप :: m. (-पः) A measure: see the next.
- कुडव :: m. (-वः) A measure of grain, wood, iron, &c. the fourth part of a Prastha, described by some as a vessel four fingers wide, and as many deep, and containing twelve Prakritis or handfuls: it is also said to contain thirteen and a half cubic Angulas; or to be a finger and half deep, and three fingers each length and breadth. In medicine it is equal to two Prakritis or thirty-two Tolakas. E. कुड् to heap, कवन् affix; also कुडप and कुटप .
- कुडि :: m. (-डि) The body. E. कुड् to born, इ Unadi aff.
- कुडिका :: f. (-का) An earthen or wooden water pot used by ascetics.
- कुडिश :: m. (-शः) A fish, commonly Kurchi, (Cyprinus curchius, HAM.)
- कुडुप :: m. (-पः) The clasp or fastening of a necklace or bracelet.
- कुड्मल :: m. (-लः) A new bud; see कुद्मल .
- कुड्मलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Budded, blossomed. 2. Cheerful, smiling, (as the countenance.) E. कुल्मल and इतच् aff.
- कुड्य :: n. (-ड्यं) 1. A wall. 2. Anointing, plastering. 3. Eagerness, curiosi- ty. E. कु to sound, and ड्यन् affix, or कुड् to heap, &c. and क्यप् affix; also कूड्य .
- कुड्यक :: n. (-कं) A wall: see the preceding, कन् being added.
- कुड्यच्छेदिन् :: m. (-दी) A thief, a house-breaker, E. कुड्य a wall, and छेदिन् who cuts or breaks.
- कुड्यच्छेद्य :: n. (-द्यं) An opening, a hole in a wall, a breach. E. कुड्य a wall, and छेद्य to be broken.
- कुड्यमत्स्य :: mf. (-त्स्यः-त्स्यी) A house lizard. E. कुड्य a wall, and मत्स्य a fish.
- कुण :: r. 6th cl. (कुणति) 1. To sound. 2. To cherish, to support or aid with gifts, &c. 3. To be in pain. r. 10th cl. (कुणयति) 1. To converse with, to speak to or address. 2. To counsel or advise.
- कुणप :: mfn. (-पः -पी -पं) Foul smelling, stinking. mn. (-पः-पं) 1. A dead body, a corpse. m. (-पः) 1. A stink, a foul smell. 2. A spear. f. (-पी) A small bird, a kind of Maina or Salik: see विट्सारिका . E. कृण् to sound, कपन affix, व is changed to its congener उ; sound proceeding from the corpse, &c. by the escape of the vital air, &c.
- कुणाल :: m. (-लः) The name of a country. E. क्वण् to sound, कालन् Unadi affix; व becomes उ .
- कुणि :: m. (-णिः) 1. A cripple with a crooked or withered arm, or with out a hand or finger; कूणि 2. The Tun tree, (Cedrela tunna:) also तुणि . 3. A whitlow. E. कुण् to sound. कि aff.
- कुणिन्द :: m. (-न्दः) Sound, sounding. E. क्वण to sound, किन्दच् aff.
- कुण्टक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Fat, corpulent. E. कुटि to be crooked, क्वन् aff.
- कुण्ठ :: mfn. (-ण्ठः -ण्ठा -ण्ठं) 1. Indolent, lazy, slow. 2. Stupid, foolish, a fool E. कुठि to be slothful, &c. affix अच् .
- कुण्ठक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) A fool, stupid, ignorant. E. कन् added to the former.
- कुण्ठित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Grasped, held. 2. Encircled. 3. Stupid. E. कुठि and क्त aff.
- कुण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A son born in adultery, the son of a woman by another man than her husband, while the husband is alive. n. (-ण्डं) 1. A hole in the ground for receiving and preserving consecrated fire. 2. A pool, a well, a spring of basin of water, especially consecrated to some holy purpose or person. 3. A measure. mf. (-ण्डः-ण्डी) A
pitcher. f. (-ण्डी) A student's water-pot, made of a hollow cocoanut, &c. E. कुडि to preserve, ड aff.
- कुण्डकीट :: m. (-टः) 1. A follower of the Charvaka doctrine, or the tenets of those sects who deny the authority of the Vedas. 2. The son of a woman of the Brahminical tribe born in adultery, particularly with a man of an inferior caste. 3. A keeper of concubines, a man who has female slaves. E. कुण्ड a pool, &c. and कीट a worm, a reptile.
- कुण्डकील :: m. (-लः) A low, vile man: see नागर .
- कुण्डगोल :: m. (-लः) Sour rice gruel.
- कुण्डगोलक :: m. (-कः) Sour rice gruel: see काञ्जिक . E. कुण्ड a pitcher, गुड् to preserve, ण्वुल् affix, ड is changed to ल .
- कुण्डङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) An arbour, a bower, E. कुडि to preserve, अङ्गच् aff.
- कुण्डपाय्य :: m. (-य्यः) A sacrifice, an oblation. E. कुण्ड, and पाय्य to be imbibed.
- कुण्डल :: n. (-लं) 1. An earring. 2. A bracelet. 3. A fetter, a tie, a collar. f. (-ली) 1. Mountain ebony: see काञ्चन . 2. Guruchi, a plant, (Menis- permum glabrum.) see गुडूची . 3. Cowach. E. कुडि to preserve, कलच् aff.
- कुण्डलधारण :: n. (-णं) Wearing earrings. E. कुण्डल, and धारण having.
- कुण्डलधारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Wearing earrings. E. कुण्डल, and धारिन् who has.
- कुण्डलिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) Having an earring. m. (-ली) 1. A name of VARUNA regent of the water. 2. A snake. 3. A peacock. 4. The spotted or painted deer. f. (-नी) 1. A Sakti or form of DURGA, wor- shipped by the Tantrikas. 2. A plant, (Meanispermum glabrum.) 3. Curds boiled with Ghee and spices. E. कुण्डल and earring, and इनि affix; the rings on the snake, the eyes in the peacock's tail, &c. being compared to this ornament.
- कुण्डाशिन् :: m. (-शी) 1. A pander, a pimp. 2. One who is supported by a bastard. E. कुण्ड, अश् to eat, and इनि aff.
- कुण्डिका :: f. (-का) 1. A student's waterpot, the Kamandalu. 2. A pitcher. E. कुण्ड a pitcher, &c. कन् added with the fem. aff.
- कुण्डिन :: n. (-नं) A city; also Vidarbha, the capital of Vidarbha the father-in-law of Nala Raja, apparently the modern Condavir. m. plur. (-नाः) The people of Kundina. m. (-नः) The name of a saint. E. कुडि to preserve, इनच् Unadi aff.
- कुण्डिन् :: m. (-ण्डी) A bastard: see कुण्ड . E. कुण्ड and इनि aff.
- कुण्डीर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Able, powerful. m. (-रः) A man.
- कुतनु :: mfn. (-नुः -न्वी -नु) Deformed. m. (-नुः) A name of KUVERA. E. कु bad, vile, and तनु body, this deity being of a monstrous appearance, having three legs and but eight teeth.
- कुतप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Slightly hot, mild, tepid. mn. (-पः-पं) 1. The eight Muhurta or portion of the day, from the last Danda of the second watch to the first of the third or about noon; an eligible time for the performance of sacrifices to the manes. 2. A daughter's son. 3. A musical instrument. 4. A sort of blanket made of the hair of the mountain goat. 5. Sacrificial grass, (Poa cynosuroides.) m. (-पः) 1. The. sun. 2. Fire. 3. A twice born man, one of the three first classes. 4. A guest. 5. A sister's son. 6. An ox. E. कु the earth, and तप what warms, or कु diminutive, and तप heat; the sun being on the decline, &c.
- कुतपसप्तक :: n. (-कं) A Sraddha in which seven constituents occur, noon, a horn platter, a Nepal blanket, silver, sacrificial grass, sesamum and kine. E. कुतप, and सप्तक sevenfold.
- कुतश्चन :: ind. Anywhere, somewhere. E. चन added to. कुतस् .
- कुतश्चित् :: ind. Somewhere or other. E. चित् added to कुतस्
- कुतस् :: ind. Implying interrogation, 1. How, what. 2. How, in what way, how should it be thus, &c. implying denial or concealment of knowledge. 3. Whence. form what place. E. कु for किम् what, and तसिल् aff.
- कुतस्त्य :: mfn. (-स्त्यः -स्त्या -स्त्यं) Whence come, how happened. E. त्यप् added to the last.
- कुतुक :: n. (-कं) 1. Eagerness, vehemence. 2. Desire, inclination. 3. Curiosity. E. कुत a particular sound, कै to emit sound, ड affix; also कौतुक .
- कुतुप :: m. (-पः) A small leathern oil bottle. mn. (-पः-पं) The eighth hour of of the day: see कुतप E. कुतु as below, and उपच् aff.
- कुतू :: f. (-तूः) A leathern oil bottle. E. कु bad, and तन् to spread, डु affix, and the final lengthened.
- कुतूणक :: m. (-कः) Weakness of the eyes in infants; also read कुकूणक .
- कुतूहल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Excellent, best, praised, celebrated. 2. Sur- prising, wonderful. n. (-लं) 1. Eagerness, vehemence, impetuosity. 2. Desire, inclination. 3. Curiosity. E. कु bad तूल् to send forth, क affix, and ह inserted; or कुतू an oil bottle, and हल् to make limes or furrows; or कु the earth, and तुद् to vex or tease; the etymologies however are all fanciful; the word is also written कौतूहल .
- कुतूहलिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) 1. Curious, inquisitive. 2. Eager, impatient. E. कुतूहल, and इनि aff.
- कुतृण :: n. (-णं) An aquatic plant, water-house leek, (Pistia stratiotes.) E. bad, तृण grass.
- कुत्र :: ind. Where, wherein, in what place. E. कु substituted for किं what, and त्रल् aff.
- कुत्रचित् :: ind. Somewhere. E. चित् added to कुत्र .
- कुत्रापि :: ind. Wherever, somewhere. E. कुत्र, and अपि certainly.
- कुत्स :: r. 10th cl. (कुत्सयते-ति) To despise, to abuse, to revile.
- कुत्सन :: n. (-नं) Abuse, contempt, reproach, reviling. E. कुत्स to revile, ल्युट् aff.
- कुत्सला :: f. (-ला) The indigo plant: see नीली .
- कुत्सा :: f. (-त्सा) Reproach, contempt, censure. E. कुत्स् to despise, अङ् and टाप् affs.
- कुत्सावादीन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Censorious, abusive. E. कुत्सा and वादिन् who speaks.
- कुत्सित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Low, vile, contemptible, contemned, reviled, &c. n. (-तं) A grass. (Cyperus.) E. कुत्स् to reproach. &c., and क्त aff.
- कुथ :: r. 4th cl. (कुथ्यति) To stink. r. 9th cl. (कुथ्नाति) 1. To be distressed; see कुन्थ(इ)कुथि r. 1st cl. (कुन्थति) 1. To hurt or kill. 2. To afflict, to give pain. 3. To be afflicted, to suffer pain.
- कुथ :: mf. (-थः-था) A painted or variegated cloth or blanket, serving as an elephant's housings. m. (-थः) Sacrificial or Kusa grass, (Poa cynosuroides.) E. कुथ् to be connected, &c. अच् aff.
- कुद :: r. 10th cl. (ऋ) कुदृ (कोदयति) To lie, to speak falsely: see कुद्र .
- कुदाल :: m. (-लः) 1. Mountain ebony. 2. A kind of spade: see कुद्दाल .
- कुदृष्टि :: mfn. (-ष्टिः -ष्टिः -ष्टि) Having bad eyes. f. (-ष्टिः) 1. Heterodox doc- trine, as that of the Sankkyas. &c. 2. Weak sight. 3. Evil eye. E. कु bad, दृष्टि sight.
- कुद्दल :: m. (-लः) Mountain ebony.
- कुद्दार :: m. (-रः) See the next; sometimes also written कुदार .
- कुद्दाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A mountain ebony, (Bauhinia variegata, &c.) also काञ्चन . 2. A kind of spade or hoe. E. कु the earth, and दल to divide, with उत् prefixed, and अण् affix or with दॄ to divide, कुद्दार; also कुदाल, &c.
- कुद्मल :: n. (-लं) An opening bud: see कुद्मल .
- कुद्य :: n. (-द्यं) A wall: see कुड्य .
- कुद्र :: r. 10th cl. (इ) कुद्रि (कुंद्रयति) To speak falsely, to lie: some read this root कुदृ .
- कुद्रङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A dwelling raised on a platform or scaffold. It is some- times written कुद्रङ्क E. कु the earth, and द्रङ्ग what goes.
- कुद्रव :: m. (-वः) A kind of grass, the grain of which is eaten by the poor, (Paspalum scrobiculatum;) also कीद्रव . E. कु the earth, and द्रु to be fixed, अच् aff.
- कुध्र :: m. (-ध्रः) A mountain. E. कु the earth, ध्रु to be fixed, affix ड .
- कुनख :: mfn. (-खः -खी -खं) Having ugly nails. n. (-खं) A disease of the nails. E. कु bad, नख a nail; also with इनि added, कुनखिन् . See the next.
- कुनखिन् :: mfn. (-खी -खिनी -खि) Having bad or diseased nails. E. कुनख, and इनि aff.
- कुनट :: m. (-टः) A sort of trumpet flower. f. (-टी) 1. Red arsenic. 2. Corian- der. E. कु the earth, and नट् to dance, also कुनटी .
- कुनलिन् :: m. (-ली) A tree, (Æschynomence grandiflora.) E. कु bad, नल a stalk, and इनि aff.
- कुनाभि :: m. (-भिः) 1. A whirlwind. 2. KUVERA'S aggregate treasure: see निधि E. कु the world, and नाभि the navel.
- कुनाशक :: m. (-कः) A plant, commonly Jawasa: see यवास . E. कु the earth, and नाशक what injures.
- कुनीति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Impolicy, misgovernment. 2. Ill conduct, mis- behaviour. E. कु bad, नीति policy.
- कुन्त :: mf. (-न्तः-न्ती) 1. A bearded dart, a lance. m. (-न्तः) 1. A species of grain, (Coix barbata, Rox.) 2. A small animal, an insect. 3. Pass- ionateness. f. (-न्तिः or -न्ती) 1. A wife af PANDU, and mother of the three elder PANDAVA princes, by as many gods. 2. The gum oliba- num tree, (Boswelia thurifera.) 3. Beellium, a fragrant resin. 4. The wife of a Brahman. E. कु bad, and अन्त end, destroying ill, ene- mies, &c. or क the head, and उन्द to give pain, त substituted for द fem. affix इन् or ङीष् .
- कुन्तल :: m. (-लः) 1. Hair. 2. A drinking cup. 3. Barley. 4. A plough 5. The name of a country in the north-west of the peninsula. m. plu. (-लाः) The people of the inhabitants of Kuntala. E. कुन्त a dart, and ला to bring or gain, क aff.
- कुन्तलिका :: f. (-का) A butter-knife or scoop. E. कुन्तल a cup, &c, and इकन् aff.
- कुन्थ :: r. 9th cl. (कुथ्नाति) 1. To cling to, to twine round or be connected with. 2. To be distressed. 3. To suffer pain, want, &c. see कुथ .
- कुन्थु :: m. (-न्थुः) 1. The seventeenth of the Jinas or deified Jaina saints. 2. One of the Jaina emperors of the world.
- कुन्द :: mn. (-न्दः-न्दं) A kind of jasmin, (J. multiflorum or pubescens.) m. (-न्दः) 1. A turner's lathe. 2. Olibanum, the resin of the Boswellia thurifera: see कुन्दरु 3. One of KUVERA'S nine treasures. 4. The Nerium plant. E. कु to sound, दन Unadi affix, and नुम् inserted, or कु the earth, उन्द् to hurt, and अण् affix; also with कन् added कुन्दक .
- कुन्दम :: m. (-मः) A cat, E. कु vile, (animals, as mice,) and दम who tames.
- कुन्दर :: m. (-रः) A sort of grass.
- कुन्दिनी :: f. (-नी) An assemblage of lotus flowers. E. कुन्द the jasmin, and इनि affix, fem. affix ङीप् an assemblage like that of Kunda flowers, from the similar whiteness of the lotus.
- कुन्दु :: f. (-न्दूः) Frankincense or olibanum: see कुन्दुरु . m. (-न्दुः) A rat, a mouse. E. कु the earth, and दृ to tear or divide, डु aff.
- कुन्दुर :: m. (-रः) Olibanum: see कुन्दुरु .
- कुन्दुरु :: mf. (-रुः) The resin of the Boswellia thurifera, gum olibanum or frankincense. E. क BRAHMA, उन्द to moisten, (to bedew with incense in sacrifice,) रु affix, उक inserted. m. (-रुः) A rat: see कुन्दु .
- कुन्दरुक :: mf. (-कः-की) The olibanum tree, commonly Sali or Sale (Boswel- lia thurifera.) m. (-कः) The gum. E. कन् possessive or pleonastic added to कुन्दुरु, fem. affix ङीष् .
- कुप(इर)कुपिर :: r. 4th cl. (कुप्यति) To be angry, to be flushed with wrath. With प्र, to be very much enraged. r. 10th cl. (कोपयति) 1. To shine: see कूप . 2. To speak. (इ)कुपि r. 1st and 10th cls. (कुम्पति कुम्पयति) 1. To spread. 2. To remember.
- कुपङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) A slough, a heap of filth and mud. E. कु vile, पङ्क mud.
- कुपत :: ind. Excellently.
- कुपथ :: n. (-थं) 1. A bad road. 2. Immorality, profligacy. 3. Heterodox doctrine. E. कु bad, and पथिन् a road; also कापथ .
- कुपथगामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Wicked, going in a bad or wrong read. E. कुपथ, and गामिन् who goes; also कुपथग, कृपथचर, &c.
- कुपथ्य :: mfn. (-थ्यः -थ्या -थ्यं) 1. Relating to a bad road, literally or figurative- ly. 2. Counter-indicated, improper, unwholesome, (as regimen, &c.) E. कु and पथ्य proper, &c.
- कुपाणि :: mfn. (-णिः -णिः -णि) Crooked-handed, having a deformed or maimed hand. E. कु bad and पाणि, the hand.
- कुपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Incensed, angry, offended. E. कुप् to be angry, क्त aff.
- कुपितवायु :: m. (-युः) Flatulence or hypochondria. E. कुपित, and वायु wind.
- कुपितान्तक :: m. (-कः) Imminent or threatening death. E. कुपित, and अन्तक destroyer.
- कुपिनिन् :: m. (-नी) A fisherman E. कुपिनी a net, and इनि aff.
- कुपिनी :: f. (-नी) A kind of net or snare, for catching small fish, made of bamboos or rushes, E. गुप् to cover or conceal, इनि and ङीष् affixes; ग is changed to क .
- कुपिन्द :: m. (-न्दः) A weaver. E. कुप् or कुय् to spread out, किन्दच् Unadi affix; also कुविन्द .
- कुपीलु :: m. (-लुः) A sort of ebony tree E. कु bad, पीलु a tree, so called.
- कुपुत्र :: m. (-त्रः) 1. A son of an inferior degree, as one adopted, &c. 2. A disobedient or wicked son. E. कु, and पुत्र a son.
- कुपुरुष :: m. (-षः) 1. A low or vile man. 2. A poltroon. E. कु bad, and पुरुष a man.
- कुपूय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Inferior, low, vile. E. कु bad, and पूय् to divide, अच् aff.
- कुप्य :: n. (-प्यं) Base metal, copper, brass, &c. or any metal except gold and silver. E. गुप् to conceal or preserve, क्यप् affix; ग is changed irregularly to क .
- कुप्यशाला :: f. (-ला) A braziery, a foundery, a place where metallic vessels, &c. are made or sold. E. कुप्य base metal, शाला a dwelling, a shop, &c.
- कुप्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Low, vile, last, worst. E. कु reverse, and प्रिय be- loved; disagreeable.
- कुप्लव :: m. (-वः) A weak or frail raft or float. E. कु, and प्लव a raft.
- कुब :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (इ) कुबि (कुम्बति कुम्बयति) To cover, to hide, to clothe, to screen, &c.
- कुबेर :: m. (-रः) The deity KUVERA: see कुवेर .
- कुब्ज :: mfn. (-ब्जः -ब्जा -ब्जं) Humpbacked, crooked. m. (-ब्जः) 1. A tree, (Achyranthes aspera:) see अपामार्ग . 2. A scymitar. 3. A sort of fish. (Bola cuja, HAM.) E. कु the earth, or कु ill badly, and उब्ज् to be straight, affix अच् .
- कुब्जक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Humpbacked. m. (-कः) An aquatic plant, (Trapa bispinosa:) see वारिकण्टक . E. क water, and उब्ज् to be straight, affix अच्, and कन् added, or कुब्ज and कन् aff.
- कुब्जकण्टक :: m. (-कः) A white mimosa. E. कुब्ज, and कण्टक a thorn.
- कुव्र :: n. (-व्रं) 1. A forest. 2. A hole for sacrificial fire. 3. An ear-ring. 4. A thread. 5. A cart. E. कुवि to hide, रक् Unadi aff.
- कुब्रह्म :: m. (-ह्मः) A degraded or contemptible Brahman, one who officiates for Sudras. E. कु bad, ब्रह्मन् a Brahman, टच् affix; also retaining the final, कुव्रह्मन् .
- कुभ :: r. 10th cl. (इ) कुभि (कुम्भयति) To cover, to clothe, to veil or hide: see कुब .
- कुमार :: r. 10th cl. (कुमारयति) To play, especially as a child also कुमाल .
- कुमार :: m. (-रः) 1. A boy, one under five years of age. 2. A name of KARTIKEYA. 3. A prince, the heir apparent, and who is associated to the empire, (in theatrical language.) 4. A horse-man, a caval- ier. 5. A parrot. 6. One of the attendants on the twenty-four Jinas, and also a sanctified character amongst the Jaina sect. 7. A tree, (Tapia cratæva) see वरुण 8. A name of Sindhu river or Indus. n. (-रं) Pure gold. f. (-री) 1. A young girl, one from ten to twelve
years old, a virgin: or in the Tantras any virgin to the age of sixteen, or as long as menstruation has not commenced. 2. A name of DURGA. 3. The central part of the universe according to Hindu geography, Jambu Dwipa or India. 4. The most southerly of the nine portions of the known continent, or of Jambu Dwipa, the southern extremity of the peninsula, whence Cape Comorin or Kumari. 5. The name of a river flowing from the mountain Sactiman. 6. A plant, (Clitoria ternatea:) see अपराजिता . 7. Double jasmin. 8. The aloe tree, (Aloes perfoliata:) see घृतकुमारी . 9. The Syama, a bird so named. E. कुमार to play as a child, affix अच् fem. affix ङीष् .
- कुमारक :: m. (-कः) 1. A boy, a lad. 2. A tree: see वरुण . E. कन् added to the preceding.
- कुमारघातिन् :: m. (-ती) The slayer of a child. E. कुप्तार, हन् to kill, णिनि aff.
- कुमारपाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A name of Raja SALIVAHANA. 2. Name of a king of Guzerat. E. कुमार a child, and पाल a cherisher.
- कुमारभृत्या :: f. (-त्या) Care of a pregnant or lying-in woman, midwifery. E. कुमार a child, and भृत्या cherishing.
- कुमारयु :: m. (-युः) A prince. E. कुमार prince, या to go or be, and उ Unadi aff.
- कुमारवाहिन् :: m. (-ही) A peacock. E. कुमार KARTIKEYA, and वाहिन् what bears; this god being usually represented riding on a peacock.
- कुमारसू :: f. (-सूः) A name of GANGA, the river goddess. E. कुमार the god KARTIKEYA, and मू a mother.
- कुमारिका :: f. (-का) 1. A girl from ten to twelve years old, or generally a virgin. 2. Double jasmin. 3. A division of the known continent. 4. Large cardamoms. 5. An insect, (Spex Asiatica:) see कुमारी, कन् being added.
- कुमाल :: r. 10th cl. (कुमालयति) To play as a child, &c. see कुमार .
- कुमालक :: m. (-कः) The name of a district, part of Malwa: also termed Sauvira.
- कुमुद् :: mfn. (-त् or -द्) 1. Niggardly, avaricious. 2. Unkind, unfriendly. n. (-त् or -द्) 1. The esculent white water lily. 2. The red lotus. E. कु the earth, or bad, vile, मुद् to be pleased, and क्विप् affix; also कुमुद .
- कुमुद :: n. (-दं) 1. The white esculent water lily, (Mymphæa escu- lenta.) 2. The red lotus, (Nrubra.) 3. silver. m. (-दः) 1. The ele- phant of the south-west quarter. 2. One of the monkey heroes of the Ramayana. 3. One of the Naga or serpent race. 4. A Danava or infernal deity. 5. Camphor. f. (-दा) 1. An aquatic plant, (Pistia stratiotes.) 2. A tree, (Gmelina arborea:) see गम्भारी . (-दी) A medi- cinal and aromatic shrub, commonly Kayaphal. E. कु the earth &c. मुद् to be pleased, and क aff.
- कुमुदबान्धव :: m. (-वः) The moon. E. कुमुद a lotus, and बान्धव the friend; the white esculent lotus expanding its petals during the night, and closing them in the day time; hence other similar appella- tions of the moon, as कुमुदबन्धु, कुमुदप्रिय, &c.
- कुमुदवती :: f. (-ती) A place abounding in water lilies, &c. see कुमुद्वती .
- कुमुदाकर :: m. (-रः) A number of water lilies or place abounding with them. E. कुमुद, and आकर a mine; also कुमुदवनं, कुमुदिनी, &c.
- कुमुदावास :: m. (-सः) A pool abounding in lotuses. E. कुमुद, and आवास a residence.
- कुमुदिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Abounding with water lilies. E. कुमुद, and ठच् aff.
- कुमुदिका :: f. (-का) A small tree, the seeds of which are aromatic, com- monly Kayaphal: see कुमुदी, and कट्फल .
- कुमुदिनी :: f. (-नी) A place abounding in lotuses, &c. see कुमुद्वती . E. कुमुद, इनि and ङीष् affs.
- कुमुदिनीपति :: m. (-तिः) The moon. E. कुमुदिनी, and पति lord: see कुमुदबान्धव .
- कुमुदेश :: m. (-शः) The moon: see कुमुदबान्धब . E. कुमुद, and ईश a master.
- कुमुद्वत् :: mfn. (-द्वान् -द्वती -द्वत्) A place abounding in the flowers of the Nymphæa esculenta. f. (-ती) 1. The same. 2. A multitude of lotus flowers. 3. The flexible stalk of a water lily. 4. A sort of water lily, (Menyanthes Indica or cristata.) E. कुमुद the water lily, and मतुप् poss. affix, or वति affix of comparison, fem. ङीष् .
- कुमेरु :: m. (-रुः) The southern hemisphere or pole, the region of the demons and Titans. E. कु, and मेरु the mountain where the gods reside.
- कुमोदक :: m. (-कः) A name of VISHNU. E. कु the earth, मुद् to delight, वुन् aff.
- कुम्प :: mfn. (-म्पः -म्पा -म्पं) Crooked-armed.
- कुम्बा :: f. (-म्बा) An enclosure round a place of sacrifice, to prevent profane intrusion. E. कुवि to cover, to screen or conceal, अङ् and टाप् affs.
- कुम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. A small water jar. 2. The frontal globe on the upper part of the forehead of an elephant; there are two of these projec- tion, which swell in the rutting season. 3. A sign of the zodiac, (Aquarius.) 4. A proper name, the nephew of Ravana considered as a Rakshasa or demon. 5. The paramour of a harlot, a bully, a flash or fancy man. 6. (In Yoga phil) A religious exercise, closing the nostrils and mouth so as to suspend breathing. 7. A measure of grain equal to twenty Dronas, a little more than three bushels and three gallons, or a Comb: some make it to Dronas or sixty-four Seers. n. (-म्भं) 1. A fragrant resin or the plant which bears it, (Bdellium.) 2. A plant commonly Teori: see त्रिवृत् . f. (-म्भी) 1. A pot, an earthen cooking vessel, a small jar. 2. Kayaphal, a small tree, the seeds of which are used in medicine: see कट्फल 3. An aquatic plant, (Pistia stratiotes.) 4. Trumpet flower, (Bignonia suave-olens.) (-म्भा) A harlot, a whore. E. कु the earth, or base, vile, &c. उम्भ् to fill, and अण् or अच् affix, deriv, irr.
- कुम्भक :: m. (-कः) Stopping the breath by shutting the mouth and close- ing both nostrils with the fingers of the right hand. E. कन् added to the last.
- कुम्भकर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) The gigantic brother of RAVANA. E. कुम्भ and कर्ण the ear.
- कुम्भकामला :: f. (-ला) A bilious affection, a sort of jaundice.
- कुस्मकार :: m. (-रः) 1. A potter. 2. A kind of wild fowl. f. (-री) 1. A min- eral substance, used as an application to strengthen the eyes and beautify the eye lashes. 2. Red arsenic. 3. The wife of a potter. E. कुम्भ a jar, &c. and कार what makes, from कृ to make, and अण् aff.
- कुम्भकारक :: m. (-कः) A potter. f. (-रिका) 1. Collyrium. 2. A woman of the potter caste. E. कन् added to the last.
- कुम्भतुम्बी :: f. (-म्बी) A large round gourd. E. कुम्भ, and तुम्बी a gourd.
- कुम्भदासी :: f. (-सी) A bawd, a procuress. E. कुम्भ a bully, and दासी a fe- male slave.
- कुम्भपदी :: f. (-दी) A woman with an enlarged leg. E. कुम्भ and पद् for पाद a foot, fem. affix ङीष् .
- कुम्भपाद :: m. (-दः) A man with an enlarged leg. E. कुम्भ and पाद a foot.
- कुम्भयोनि :: m. (-निः) 1. A name of AGASTYA, a saint so called. 2. Also of VASISHṬHA; and of DRONA, the military preceptor of the Kurus and Pandus. E. कुम्भ a jar, and योनि a womb; born in a water jar, &c.
- कुम्भला :: f. (-ला) A plant, the flowers of which are compared to those of the Naucleacadamba: see कुण्डिरि .
- कुम्भशाला :: f. (-ला) A pottery, a potter's kiln. E. कुम्भ a jar, and शाला a hall, a shop.
- कुम्भसन्धि :: m. (-न्धिः) The hollow on the top of an elephant's head, be- tween the frontal globes. E. कुम्भ the frontal globe, and सन्धि junction.
- कुम्भसम्भव :: m. (-वः) The saint AGASTYA: see अगस्थ E. कुम्भ a jar, and सम्भव born.
- कुम्भाण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A minister of the Asura, BANA, mf (ण्डः-ण्डी) A pump- kin gourd: see कुम्भाण्ड .
- कुम्भिका :: f. (-का) 1. An aquatic plant, (Pistia stratiotes.) 2. Trumpet flower. 3. A disease of the eyes, hordeolum or stye. E. कुम्भी as above, and कन् affix, in the fem. form.
- कुम्भिन् :: mfn. (-म्भी -म्भिनी -म्भि) 1. Having a water jar. 2. Shaped like a water jar, &c. E. कुम्भ, and इनि affix. m. (-म्भी) 1. An elephant. 2. A crocodile. 3. A fish. 4. A plant bearing a fragrant resin, Bdellium. E. कुम्भ as above, and इनि aff.
- कुम्भिनीवीज :: n. (-जं) The croton nut.
- कुम्भिमद :: m. (-दः) The juice that exudes from an elephant's temples at certain seasons. E. कुम्भि, and मद the exudation.
- कुम्भिल :: m. (-लः) 1. A thief. 2. A plagiarist, a paraphrast. 3. A wife's brother. 4. A fish, the gilt-head. 5. A child begotten at undue seasons, or of an imperfect impregnation. E. कुम्भ as above, and इलच् aff.
- कुम्भीक :: m. (-कः) 1. A plant. the bark of which furnishes a yellow dye, (Rottleria tinctoria:) see पुन्नाग . 2. An aquatic plant. 3. An affec- tion of the eyes, hordeolum or stye: see कुम्भिका .
- कुम्भीधान्य :: m. (-न्यः) Grain stored in jars sufficient, according to some, for six days, or to others for one year's consumption. E. कुम्भ, and धान्य grain, च्वि augment.
- कुम्भीधान्यक :: m. (-कः) A householder, preserving grain in store for six days, &c. E. कन् added to the last.
- कुम्भीनस :: m. (-सः) A large, and venomous snake. f. (-सी) The mother of LAVANA, a Rakshasa or fiend. E. कुम्भी a pitcher, and नस derived from नासा the nose; having wide nostrils.
- कुम्भीपाक :: m. (-कः) A hell. E. कुम्भी a pot, and पाक what cooks: in which the wicked are baked like potters' vessels.
- कुम्भीर :: m. (-रः) The crocodile of the ganges; the long nosed alligator. E. कुम्भी an elephant, and ईर what resembles; or कुम्भी a fish, and र who seized, from रा to take or gain: or ल from ला, whence also कुम्भील .
- कुम्भीरमक्षिका :: f. (-का) 1. A sort of fly or aquatic insect. E. कुम्भी a croco- dile, and मक्षिका a fly, the crocodile fly, alluding, perhaps, to its size.
- कुम्भील :: m. (-लः) A crocodile: see कुम्भीर .
- कुम्भीवीज :: n. (-जं) The nut of the croton.
- कुर :: r. 6th cl. (कुरति) To sound.
- कुरका :: f. (-का) The olibanum tree.
- कुरङ्कर :: m. (-रः) The Indian crane. E. कुर् to sound, क affix, a sound, and कर what makes; also कुरङ्कुर .
- कुरङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A deer, an antelope. E. कुर् to sound, अङ्गच् Unadi aff.
- कुरङ्गक :: m. (-कः) A deer. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- कुरङ्गनयना :: f. (-ना) A handsome woman. E. कुरङ्ग, and नयना the eye, fawn-eyed.
- कुरङ्गम :: m. (-मः) A deer, an antelope.
- कुरचिल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) A crab.
- कुरट :: m. (-टः) A currier, a leather-seller, a shoe-maker. E. कु bad, रट् to speak, अच् affix; being described as a man of low occupation.
- कुरण्टक :: m. (-कः) 1. Yellow amaranth. 2. Yellow barleria: see कुरुण्टक .
- कुरण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) Enlargement of the testicles or rather of the scrotum, including inguinal hernia, hydrocele, &c. E. कु bad, ill, रम् to play, and ड aff.
- कुरण्डक :: m. (-कः) Yellow amaranth: see कुरुण्टक .
- कुरर :: mf. (-रः-रा) An osprey; also another species of eagle. f. (-री) A sheep, an ewe. 2. A female osprey.
- कुररीगण :: m. (-णः) A flight of ospreys. E. कुररी, and गण a troop.
- कुरल :: m. (-लः) A curl, a lock of hair. 2. An osprey, see कुरुल .
- कुरव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Having a bad voice. m. (-वः) 1. A bad or harsh sound. 2. Red or yellow amaranth: see कुरवक . E. कु bad or ill, and रव what sounds.
- कुरवक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Having a bad voice, making a disagreeable sound. m. (-कः) 1. A purple sort of Jhinti or Barleria. 2. A crim- son species of amaranth. E. कु bad, रव to sound, क्वन् aff.
- कुरस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Bad-juiced, of bad essence. m. (-सः) Sprituous or vinous liquor. f. (-सा) A wild creeping plant, a species of hiera- cium; see गोजिह्वा . E. कु bad, and रस juice.
- कुराल :: m. (-लः) A light bay horse with black legs.
- कुरी :: f. (-री) A kind of grass.
- कुरीर :: n. (-र) Copulation. E. कृ to do, ईरन् Unadi affix, उद् inserted.
- कुरु :: m. (-रुः) 1. Kuru or Uttara Kuru, the most northerly of the four Maha Dwipas, or principal divisions of the known world, by other systems it is considered as one of nine divisions of Varshas of the same; in both cases it is the country beyond the northern-most range of mountains, extending to the frozen ocean. 2. A proper name, son of AGNIDHRA, and grandson of PRIYAVRATA. 3. A proper name, a prince of the lunar race, son of SAMVARANA by TAPATI; sovereign of the north-west of India or the country about Dehli, and ancestor of both PANDU and DHRITARASHTRA; the patrony- mic however derived from his name is most usually applied to the sons of the latter. 4. A holy place: see कुरुक्षेत्र . 5. Boiled rice. 6. Pricklynightshade: see कण्टकारिका . E. कृ to make, कु affix, and ऋ becomes. उ .
- कुरुकन्दक :: n. (-कं) Horseradish, (Raphanus sativus.)
- कुरुक्षेव :: n. (-त्रं) The country near Dehli, the scene of the great battle between the Kurus and Pandus. E. कुरु the Kuru race, and क्षेत्र a field.
- कुरुक्षेत्रीयोग :: m. (-गः) A solar day, in the course of which three lunar days, three asterisms and three Yogas occur. E. कुरुक्षेत्र, and योग conjunction.
- कुरुण्ट :: m. (-ण्टः) 1. Yellow amaranth. 2. Yellow Barleria. f. (-ण्टी) 1. A doll, a puppet. 2. The wife of a Brahman or teacher. E. कु bad, रुटि to shine, affix अण् .
- कुरुण्टक :: m. (-कः) 1. Yellow or white amaranth. 2. A yellow species of Barleria, (B. prionitis.) E. कु bad, रुटि to shine, &c. ण्वुल् affix; also कुरण्टक .
- कुरुम्ब :: n. (-म्बं) A large species of orange. f. (-म्बा) Trumpet flower.
- कुरुराज् :: m. (-ट्) A name of DURYODHANA. E. कुरु the Kuru race, राज् to shine, and क्विप् affix; the Kuru chief.
- कुरुरी :: f. (-री) A kind of bird with a warbling note.
- कुरुल :: m. (-लः) A curl or lock of hair, especially on the forehead.
- कुरुवक :: m. (-कः) 1. The crimson amaranth. 2. A purple species of Barleria. 3. Also a yellow kind. E. कु a little, रु to sound, क्वुन् affix, and उवङ् substituted for उ .
- कुरुविन्द :: mn. (-न्दः-न्दं) 1. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) 2. A kind of barley: see कल्माष . 3. A ruby: see कुरुविल्ल . 4. Black salt. 5. Vermilion. 6. A mirror. E. कुरु Kurudesa, विन्द् to gain, and श affix; found in that country.
- कुरुविन्दक :: m. (-कः) A kind of Dolichos biflorus, a wild variety.
- कुरुविल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) A ruby; also कुरुविल्ल, and कुरुविन्द .
- कुरुविल्व :: m. (-ल्वः) A ruby; also कुरुविन्द .
- कुरुविस्त :: m. (-स्तः) A Pala of gold, a weight of gold equal to about 700 Tory grains. E. कुरु the country, and विस्त abundant; abounding in Kurudesa.
- कुरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पी -पं) Ugly, ill made, deformed. n. (-षं) Ugliness. E. कु, and रूप form.
- कुरूपता :: f. (-ता) Ugliness. E. तल् added to the last; also कुरूपत्वं .
- कुरूपिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिणी -पि) Ugly, ill made, frightful, deformed. E. कुरूप, and इनि aff.
- कुरूप्य :: n. (-प्यं) Tin. E. कु base, रूप्य silver.
- कुर्क्कुर :: mf. (-रः-री) A dog or bitch. E. कुर् instead of कु bad, prefixed to कु to sound, and रक् affix: see कुक्कुर .
- कुर्द :: r. 1st cl. (कूर्दते or कुर्दते) To play; also कूर्द .
- कुर्दन :: n. (-नं) Play, playing, sport: see कूर्दन .
- कुर्पर :: m. (-रः) 1. The knee. 2. The elbow; also कूर्पर .
- कुर्पास :: m. (-सः) A sort of bodice or jacket: see कूर्पास; also with कन् added कुर्पासक .
- कुर्व्वाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Doing, making. E. कृ to make, शानच् aff.
- कुर्व्वत् :: mfn. (-र्व्वन् -र्व्वन्ती -र्व्वत्) 1. Doing, acting, an agent. 2. A servant. E. कृ to do, शतृ aff.
- कुर्व्वद्रूप :: n. (-पं) 1. Cause according to the Chravakas. 2. grain. E. कुर्व्वत्, and रूप nature.
- कुल :: r. 1st cl. (कोलति) 1. To accumulate. 2. To be of kin, to act as of kin. 3. To flow homogeneously. 4. To count. With आङ् prefixed, to be attentive; with वि to be bewildered, flurried or distressed.
- कुल :: n. (-लं) 1. Family, race, tribe or caste. 2. A herd, a flock, &c. of ani- mals of the same species. 3. An inhabited country. 4. A house, an abode. 5. The body. 6. The front or fore part. 7. A blue stone: see कुलत्थ m. (-लः) An artist of celebrated descent. f. (-लिः or -ली) A prickly nightshade: see कण्टकारी, &c. (-ली) A wife's elder sister. E. कुल् to accumulate, क affix, or कुङ् to sound, and लक् affix, or कु the earth, and ल who takes or possesses, from ला with ड aff.
- कुलक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Of a good family, of eminent birth. m. (-कः) 1. A species of ebony, (Diospyros tomentosa, Rox.) See काकेन्दु . 2. An artist of eminent birth. 3. An ant or mole hill. 4. A green snake. n. (-कं) 1. A sort of gourd, (Trichosanthes diæca.) 2. The connexion of several stanzas, protraction of the government of the noun or verb through several verses, contrary to the practice of closing the sense with each verse. E. कन् added to the prece- ding, or कुल race, and क who sounds. declares, &c.
- कुलकन्या :: f. (-न्या) A girl of good family. E. कुल and कन्या a maiden.
- कुलकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) The proper duty of a race or family, any observance customarily held by one. E. कुल, and कर्म्म act; also कुलक्रिया and कुलकार्य्य .
- कुलक्क :: m. (-क्कः) Beating time in music.
- कुलक्षय :: m. (-यः) Decay or disappearance of a family. f. (-या) Cowach, (Carpopogon pruriens.) E. कुल the body, and क्षय injurious.
- कुलगिरि :: m. (-रिः) A mountain, any one of the seven principal moun- tains of Bharata Varsha. E. कुल and गिरि mountain: see कुलाचल .
- कुलङ्गी :: f. (-ङ्गी) A thorny plant: see कर्कटशृङ्गी .
- कुलज :: mfn. (-जह् -जा -जं) 1. Well-born, of a good family. 2. Ancestral, hereditary, E. कुल, and ज born; also कुलजात, कुलोत्पन्न, and similar compounds.
- कुलञ्ज :: m. (-ञ्जः) See the next.
- कुलञ्जन :: m. (-नः) An aromatic plant, (Alpinia galanga;) also कुलञ्ज and गन्धमूल .
- कुलट :: m. (-टः) Any son except the one begotten, as one adopted, bought, &c. f. (-टा) An unchaste woman. E. कुल race, and अट who goes, deriv. irr.; by whom the family honour is injured.
- कुलटापति :: m. (-तिः) The husband of an unchaste woman, a cuckold. E. कुलटा, and पति husband.
- कुलटी(-टी) :: Red arsenic.
- कुलतिथि :: mf. (-थिः) The fourth, eighth, twelvth, or fourteenth lunar day. E. कुल, and तिथि a lunation, respectable days.
- कुलतिलक :: m. (-कः) The chief of a family, one who does honour to a family. E. कुल and तिलक frontal mark.
- कुलत्थ :: m. (-त्थः) A kind of pulse, (Dlichos biflorus.) f. (-त्था) 1. A blue stone used in medicine, and applied as a collyrium to the eyes;
also an astringent to sores, &c.) 2. A wild kind of Dolichos. E. कुल a bank, and स्था to stand or stay, affix ड .
- कुलत्थिका :: f. (-का) 1. A blue stone used as a collyrium. &c. 2. A sort of vetch, considered as a wild sort of the Dolichos biflorus. E. See the preceding, कन् added to कुलत्थ in the fem. form.
- कुलधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) Practice or observance peculiar to a tribe or family, peculiar duty of caste or race. E. कुल family, and धर्म्म virtue.
- कुलधारक :: m. (-कः) A son. E. कुल a race, and धृ to hold, in the causal form वुन् affix; upholding a family.
- कुलनक्षत्र :: n. (-त्रं) Any propitious asterism. E. कुल, and नक्षत्र asterism.
- कुलनायिका :: f. (-का) A girl who is worshipped at the celebration of the orgies of the left hand Saktas. E. कुल society, and नायिका a female.
- कुलनारी :: f. (-री) A woman of good family. E. कुल and नारी a woman.
- कुलनाश :: ml. (-शः) 1. camel. 2. A reprobate, an outcaste. E. कुल a family, नाश who hurts or destroys.
- कुलनिन्दा :: f. (-न्दा) Family disgrace. E. कुल, and निन्दा reproach.
- कुलपति :: m. (-तिः) 1. Head or chief of a family. 2. A sage who teaches 10000 pupils with free board & lodging. E. कुल a family, and पति master.
- कुलपर्व्वत :: m. (-तः) A principal mountain of India, any one of seven so considered: see कुलाचल . E. कुल, and पर्व्वत a mountain; also similar compounds, as कुलगिरि, कुलशैल, &c.
- कुलपांसुला :: f. (-ला) An unchaste woman.
- कुलपालक :: mfn. (-लकः -लिका -लकं) Nourishing or providing for a family. n. (-कं) A kind of orange. E. कुल a race, &c. पाल् to nourish, and वुन् aff.
- कुलपालि :: f. (-लिः) A chaste woman. E. कुल race, and पाल who nourishes, इन् fem. affix; also कुलपालिका and कुलपाली .
- कुलपालिका :: f. (-का) See कुलपालि .
- कुलबधू :: f. (-धूः) A virtuous or respectable woman. E. कुल, and बधू a wife.
- कुलभृत्या :: f. (-त्या) A midwife, a nurse. E. कुल family, and भृत्या a servant.
- कुलभ्रष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Expelled from a family. E. कुल, and भ्रष्ट fallen from.
- कुलमर्य्यादा :: f. (-दा) Family honour or respectability. E. कुल, and मर्य्यादा propriety.
- कुलमित्र :: n. (-त्रं) A friend of the family. E. कुल, and मित्र a friend.
- कुलम्भर :: m. (-रः) A thief: see कुजम्भल .
- कुलयोषित् :: f. (-त्) A virtuous woman. E. कुल, and योषित् a woman.
- कुलवार :: m. (-रः) Tuesday or Friday. E. कुल, and वार a day.
- कुलविप्र :: m. (-प्रः) The family priest. E. कुल race, and विप्र a Brahman.
- कुलव्यापिन् :: mfn. (-पो -पिनी -पि) Attaching or applicable to tribe or caste. E. कुल, and व्यापिन् prevailing.
- कुलश्रेष्ठिन् :: mfn. (-ष्ठी -ष्ठिनी -ष्ठि) 1. An artificer or artist of eminent birth. 2. Well-born, of good family. Eminent in a family. E. कुल race, and श्रेष्ठ best, poss. affix इनि .
- कुलसंख्या :: f. (-ख्या) Ranking or being reckoned as a family respectability. E. कुल, and संख्या enumeration.
- कुलसन्तति :: f. (-तिः) Bosterity, descendants. E. कुल, and सन्तति continuance.
- कुलसन्निधि :: f. (-धिः) 1. Kindred, relations. 2. Presence of witnesses. E. कुल, and सन्निधि proximity.
- कुलसम्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Sprung from family. E. कुल race, and सम्भव born, produced.
- कुलसौरभ :: n. (-भं) A plant, commonly Marua: see मरूवक .
- कुलस्थिति :: f. (-तिः) Antiquity or prosperity of a family. E. कुल, and स्थिति duration.
- कुलस्त्री :: f. (-स्त्री) 1. A chaste woman. 2. A woman of a good family, a respectable woman. E. कुल a family, and स्त्री a woman.
- कुलहण्टक :: m. (-कः) An eddy: see कूलहण्टक .
- कुलाकुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Of mixed origin, of a mixed character. E. कुल propitious, and आकुल bewildered, or कुल with a neg. prefix.
- कुलाकुलतिथि :: mf. (-थिः-थिः) The second, sixth or tenth lunar days. E. कुलाकुल, and तिथि a lunation.
- कुलाकुलनक्षत्र :: n. (-त्रं) An asterism of mixed character, as Varuni, Ardra, Mula and Abhijit. E. कुलाकुल, and नक्षत्र asterism.
- कुलाकुलवार :: m. (-रः) Wednesday. E. कुलाकुल and वार a day.
- कुलाक्षुता :: f. (-ता) A bitch.
- कुलाचल :: m. (-लः) A mountain, one of a class of seven principal moun- tains, which are supposed to exist in each Varsha or division of a continent: those of Bharata Varsha, India are Mohendra, Malaya, Sahya, Sukitman, Riksha, Vindyha, and Pariputra. E. कुल a race, and अचल a mountain; also कुलाद्रि, &c.
- कुलाचार :: m. (-रः) The proper duty or practice of a caste or family. E. कुल, and आचार observance.
- कुलाचार्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) 1. A family priest. 2. A genealogist. E. कुल and आचार्य्य teacher.
- कुलाट :: m. (-टः) A small fish. E. कुल for कूल a bank, and अट who goes; burrowing in the sand and mud.
- कुलाधारक :: m. (-कः) A son. E. See कुलधारक, आङ् being here inserted signifying extension.
- कुलाभि :: m. (-भिः) A treasure.
- कुलाभिमान :: n. (-नं) Pride of birth, family pride. E. कुल, and अभिमान pride.
- कुलाभिमानिन् :: mfn. (-नी -निनी -नि) Proud of birth or of family descent. E. कुल, and अभिमानिन् proud.
- कुलाय :: m. (-यः) 1. A nest. 2. A place, a spot in general. n. (-यं) The body. E. कुल family, and अय् to go, अच् aff.
- कुलायनिलाय :: m. (-यः) The act of sitting in a nest, brooding. E. कुलाय, and निलाय abiding.
- कुलायनिलायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Brooding, hatching, (as a bird.) E. कुलाय, and निलायिन् who abides in.
- कुलायनिलायिता :: f. (-ता) The act or condition of hatching, &c. E. तल् added to the last.
- कुलायस्थ :: m. (-स्थः) A bird. E. कुलाय a nest, and स्थ who abides.
- कुलायिका :: f. (-का) An aviary. E. कुलाय a nest, and कन् affix in the fem. form.
- कुलाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A potter. 2. A wild cock. f. (-ली) 1. A species of bluestone, applied as a collyrium to the eyes. 2. The wife of a pot- ter. E. कुल् to accumulate, and कालन Unadi affix, or कुल family, अल् to adorn, &c. अण् and ङीप् or ङीष् affs.
- कुलालम्बिन् :: mfn. (-म्बी -म्बिनी -म्बि) Supporting or maintaining a family. E. कुल, and आलम्बिन् what upholds.
- कुलालिका :: f. (-का) An aviary.
- कुलाह :: m. (-हः) A horse of a light brown colour, with black knees.
- कुलाहल :: m. (-लः) A small tree, (Conyza terebinthina.)
- कुलाहक :: m. (-कः) A chamelion.
- कुलि :: m. (-लिः) A hand. f. (-लिः) A prickly nightshade: see कुल E. कुल् to accumulate, &c. कि aff.
- कुलिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Of a good family, well-born. m. (-कः) One of the eight chiefs of the Nagas or serpent race, described as having a half moon on the top of his head, and being of a monkey hue. 2. An artist or artificer of eminent birth. 3. A thorny plant, (Ruellia longifolia) 4. The chief or headman of a tribe or caste. E. कुल family, &c. कन् affix, and इ substituted for अ .
- कुलिकवेला :: f. (-ला) Certain portions of each day, on which it is impro- per to begin any business. E. कुलिक, and वेला time.
- कुलिङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. The fork-tailed shrike. 2. A sparrow; also कलिङ्ग .
- कुलिङ्गक :: m. (-कः) A sparrow.
- कुलिर :: m. (-रः) A crab; also कुलीर .
- कुलिश :: mn. (-शः-शं) 1. The thunderbolt of INDRA. 2. A kind of fish. E. कुलि for कुल a bank, and श what rests, from शीञ् to sleep, &c. and क aff.
- कुलिशभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) INDRA. E. कुलिश and भृत् who has.
- कुलिशाङ्कुश :: f. (-श) A kind of female deity. E. कुलिश the thunderbolt, and अङ्कुश a goad.
- कुलिशासन :: m. (-नः) A name of Sakya, a Buddha or Bauddha saint.
- कुलीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Well-born, of high or eminent descent, of a good family. m. (-नः) 1. A horse of a good breed. 2. A Brahman of one of the twenty-two Rarhiya divisions of the five principal tribes, as established by Balal Sen kind of Bengal. 3. A worshipper of SAKTI, according to the left hand ritual: see कौलीन . E. कुल a family, and ख aff.
- कुलीनक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Of a good family. m. (-कः) A kind of wild kidney bean. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- कुलीनता :: f. (-ता) Birth, rank, family respectability. E. कुलीन, and तल् affix; also with त्व, कुलीनत्वं .
- कुलीनस :: n. (-सं) Water.
- कुलीर :: mn. (-रः-रं) A crab. E. कुल् to accumulate, and ईरन् affix; also कुलिर .
- कुलीरशृङ्गी :: f. (-ङ्गी) A plant: see कर्क्कटशृङ्गी .
- कुलीराद् :: m. (-द् or -त्) A young crab. E. कुलीर a crab. and अद् to eat, affix क्विप्; destroying its parent; the old crab being supposed to perish on producing young.
- कुलीश :: mn. (-शः-शं) INDRA'S thunderbolt: see कुलिश .
- कुलुक :: n. (-कं) The fur or foulness of the tongue. E. कुल् to accumulate, and उक aff.
- कुलक्वगुञ्जा :: 1. (-ञ्जा) A firebrand.
- कुलेश्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. The chief of a family or race. E. कुल a race, ईश्वर lord.
- कुलोत्कट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) High-born. m. (-टः) A horse of a good breed. E. कुल race, and उत्कट eminent.
- कुलोत्कर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Family respectability. E. कुल and उत्कर्ष excellence.
- कुलोद्गत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Of good family. E. कुल and उद्गत exalted.
- कुलोत्पन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Of a good family, well-born. 2. Family, be- longing to, inherited by, &c. E. कुल and उत्पन्न born.
- कुलोद्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) 1. Well-born, of good family. 2. Produced in a family. E. कुल and उद्भव birth.
- कुलोद्भूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Well-born, of family. E. कुल and उद्भूत born.
- कुलोद्वह :: m. (-हः) A chief, a leader, the head of a family. E. कुल and उद्वह who upholds.
- कुल्फ :: mn. (-ल्फः-ल्फं) A disease. m. (-ल्फः) The ankle; also गुल्फ . E. कल् to count, फ Unadi affix, and उ inserted.
- कुल्मल :: n. (-लं) Sin. E. कुष् to extract, क्मलन् Unadi affix, and ष changed to ल .
- कुल्माष :: mn. (-षः-षं) Sour gruel prepared by the spontaneous fermenta- tion of the water of boiled rice. n. (-षं) 1. Half ripe barley. 2. Forced rice. 3. A sort of Phaseolus: see राजमाष . 4. A species of Dolichos, (D. beflorus.) See यावक . 5. A disease. m. (-षः) A dish consisting of half boiled rice, with pulse, &c. commonly Khichri. E. कुल a class or race, मष् or मस् to hurt or kill, अण् affix; hence the word is also written कुल्मास .
- कुल्माषाभिमुत :: n. (-तं) Sour gruel. See कुल्मास .
- कुल्मास :: mn. (-सः-सं) See कुल्माष .
- कुल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) 1. Of a good family, well-born, well descended. 2. Of or relating to a family or race. m. (-ल्यः) A counsellor. f. (-ल्या) 1. A river in general. 2. A canal, a channel for irrigation. 3. A ditch, a dyke or trench. 4. A drug or medicinal plant, (Cel- tis orientalis:) see जीवन्ती . 5. A chaste or virtuous woman, n. (-ल्यं) 1. A bone. 2. A measure of eight Dronas: see द्रोण 3. A win- nowing basket. 4. Flesh. 5. Friendly inquiry after family affairs or domestic accidents, condolence, congratulation, &c. E. कुल् to accumulate, and यत् affix, &c.
- कुल्वक :: n. (-कं) Fur upon the tongue.
- कुव :: n. (-वं) A water lily, a lotus.
- कुवङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) Lead. E. कु bad वङ्ग tin.
- कुवच :: mfn. (-चः -चा -चं) Abusive, censorious, detracting. E. कु bad, वच् to speak, क aff.
- कुवज्रक :: n. (-कं) Crystal, a stone resembling a diamond. E. कु inferior, वज्र the diamond, कन् aff.
- कुवद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Censorious. E. कु bad, वद् to speak, क aff.
- कुवर :: m. (-रः) An astringent taste; see तुवर .
- कुवल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) 1. The jujube, the tree. 2. The fruit. n. (-लं) 1. A water lily. 2. A pearl. E. कु the earth, and वल् to cover, affix अच् see the next.
- कुवलय :: n. (-यं) 1. Any water lily. 2. The blue lotus. E. कु the earth, वल to cover, and कयन् affix; also कुवल, and कुव .
- कुवलयिनी :: f. (-नी) A place abounding in water lilies. E. कुवलय, and इनि aff.
- कुवलाश्व :: m. (-श्वः) A proper name of a king, also धुन्धुमार .
- कुवाद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Detracting, censorious. E. कु evil, वद् to speak, अण् aff.
- कुबाहुल :: m. (-लः) A camel.
- कुविन्द :: m. (-न्दः) A weaver. E. कुप् to spread, किन्दच् Unadi affix, and प changed to व; also कुपिन्द .
- कुविवाह :: m. (-हः) A degrading or improper marriage. E. कु bad, and विवाह marriage.
- कुवृत्तिकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) A plant, (Cæsalpinia ponduccella:) see पूतिक .
- कुवेणी :: f. (-णी) 1. A fish basket. 2. An ill braided tress of hair. 3. A woman with her hair ill braided. E. कु bad, बेण् to go, घञ् affix and ङीष् fem. affix; also with टाप् or इन् affixed, कुवेणा and कुवेणि .
- कुवेर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Deformed, monstrous. 2. Slow, lazy m. (-रः) KUVERA the son of VISRAVAS by IRAVIRA, the chief of the Yakshas, god of wealth and regent of the north. E. कु vile, and वेर body, alluding to the deformity of the god. who is represented as having three legs and but eight teeth. 2. The Tun tree: see नन्दिवृक्ष 3. One of the attendants of a Jaina saint. E. As above, or कुवि to cover, &c. and एरच् Unadi affix; in this case the word may be read कुबेर .
- कुवेरक :: m. (-कः) The Tun tree, (Cedrala tunna.) E. कन् added to the preceding.
- कुवेराक्षी :: f. (-क्षी) The trumpet flower, (Bignonia suave olens.) E. कुवेर, and अक्षि the eye.
- कुवेराचल :: m. (-लः) Mount Kailasa. E. कुवेर and अचल a mountain; the capital of KUVERA, being situated in Kailasa, which is supposed to be in the Himalaya range.
- कुवेराद्रि :: m. (-द्रिः) See the preceding. E. As above, अद्रि being a mountain.
- कुवेल :: n. (-लं) Any water lily. E. कु the earth, वेल् to shake, अच् affix: see कुवलय .
- कुव्र :: n. (-व्रं) A forest or wood.
- कुश(इर)कुशिर :: r. 4th cl. (कुश्यति) 1. To embrace, to enfold. 2. To take out or from. (इ)कुशि r. 1st and 10th cls. (कुंशति कुंशयति) To shine: see कुस .
- कुश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) 1. Wicked, deprave. 2. Mad, inebriate. mn. (-शः-शं) A species of grass used in many solemn and religious observances, hence called sacrificial grass, (Poa cynosuroides.) m. (-शः) 1. The yoke of a plough. 2. A proper name, one of the sons of RAMA. 3. One of the great Dwipas or divisions of the universe, surrounded by the sea of spirituous liquor. f. (-शा) 1. A rope. 2. A plant, com- monly Maukatha. n. (-शं) Water. f. (-शी) 1. A ploughshare. 2. Wrought iron. mf. (-शः-शी) A bridle, a horse's head rope. E. कु the earth. शीञ् to sleep or rest, and ड affix, or कु bad, and शी to des- troy, again कुश् to embrace or enfold, and क aff.
- कुशनामन् :: m. (-मा) A camel.
- कुशय :: m. (-यः) A drinking vessel, a cup, a goblet. E. कुश् to extract, and अय Unadi aff.
- कुशपुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) A perfume, commonly Ganthiala.
- कुशल :: mfn. (-लः -ला or -ली-लं) 1. Happy, well, right. 2. Expert, skilful. 3. Clever. 4. Eloquent. n. (-लं) 1. Adequacy, ability. 2. Virtue, virtuous action. 3. Well-being, happiness. E. कु the earth. and शल् to go, affix अच्; also कुषल and कुसल .
- कुशलता :: f. (-ता) 1. Cleverness, ability. 2. Eloquence. 3. Well-being. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, कुशलत्वं .
- कुशलप्रश्न :: m. (-श्नः) Salutation, greeting, friendly inquiry respecting a person's health or welfare. E. कुशल well-being, and प्रश्न asking.
- कुशलव :: du. m. (-वौ) The two sons of RAMA or KUSA, and LAVA.
- कुशलबुद्धि :: mfn. (-द्धिः -द्धिः -द्धि) 1. Wise, able, intelligent. E. कुशल and बुद्धि understanding.
- कुशलिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) 1. Auspicious, favourable. 2. Virtuous, good. 3. Happy, prosperous. 4. Clever. E. कुशल, and इनि aff.
- कुशवारि :: n. (-रिः) Water in which Kusa grass has been boiled. E. कुश, and वारि water.
- कुशस्तव :: m. (-वः) A bundle of Kusa grass. E. कुश, and स्तव a cluster.
- कुशस्थल :: nf. (-लं-ली) The country of Kanyakubja or Kanouj. f. (-ली) The residence of KRISHNA: see द्वारका . 2. A name of Oujein or Avanti during the Treta Yug or second age. E. कुश sacred grass, and स्थल place; abounding in Kusa grass.
- कुशाकर :: m. (-रः) Fire. E. कुश the grass, &c. आकर a mine; the sacrifi- cial fire being made upon a tuft of this grass.
- कुशाक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A monkey, an ape.
- कुशाग्र :: mfn. (-ग्रः -ग्रा -ग्रं) Sharp, shrewd, intelligent. n. (-ग्रं) The sharp point of the Kusa grass. E. कुश, and अग्र point.
- कुशाग्रबुद्धि :: mfn. (-द्धिः -द्धिः -द्धि) Sharp, shrewd, intelligent. f. (-द्धिः) Shrewd- ness, subtlety. E. कुशाग्र, and बुद्धि understanding; also similar com- pounds, कुशाग्रधी, कुशाग्रीयमति, &c.
- कुशाग्रीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Subtile, penetrating: see the next. E. कुश the grass, अग्र point, छ affix; implying resemblance.
- कुशाग्रीयमति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Inspecting minutely, subtile, sharp sight- ed, intelligent, possessing mental acumen. E. कुश the grass, अग्रीय point, and मति mind; also other similar compounds, as कुशाग्रीयधी, कुशाग्रीयबुद्धि, &c.
- कुशाङ्गुरीय :: n. (-यं) A ring of Kusa grass, worn at religious ceremonies. E. कुश, and अङ्गुरीय a ring; also कुशाङ्गुरीयकं .
- कुशाल्मलि :: m. (-लिः) A tree, (Andersonia rohitaka.) E. कु and शाल्मलि silk cotton tree.
- कुशारणि :: m. (-णिः) The name of a sage celebrated for his irascibility: see दुर्व्वासा . E. कुश the grass, and अरणि wood whose attrition pro- duces fire; using Kusa for this purpose.
- कुशासन :: n. (-नं) A seat of Kusa grass. E. कुश, and आसन a seat.
- कुशिंशपा :: f. (-पा) A kind of Sisu tree, (Dalbergia Sisu.) E. कु inferior, and शिंशपा the Sisu tree.
- कुशिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Squint-eyed. m. (-कः) 1. A Muni or divine sage so named, the father of JAMADAGNI. 2. A ploughshare. 3. The Sal tree, (Shorea robusta.) 4. Beleric myrobalan: see विभीतक . 5. The sediment of oil. E. कुश the grass, &c. इकन् aff.
- कुशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Mixed, combined with water, &c. E. कुश् or कुष to embrace, to mix, and इतच् Unadi affix; hence also कुषित .
- कुशिन् :: m. (-शी) A name of VALMIKI, the author of the Ramayana. E. कुश the son of RAMA, affix इनि; the poem is supposed to be recited by KUSA, and LAVA, the sons of the hero.
- कुशीद :: n. (-दं) 1. The profession of usury. 2. Red saunders: see कुसीद .
- कुशील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Ill-behaved, rude, wicked. 2. Evil disposed, ill-tempered. E. कु and शील temper, conduct.
- कुशीलता :: f. (-ता) 1. Misbehaviour, misconduct. 2. Bad disposition, ill- temper. E. तल् added to the preceding; also with त्व, कुशीलत्वं .
- कुशीलव :: m. (-वः) 1. An actor, a dancer, a mime. 2. A bard, a herald. 3. A newsmonger. E. कु bad, शील practice, and व affix, from वा to go, &c. with क affix, du. m. (वौ) The two sons of RAMA: see कुशलव .
- कुशीवश :: m. (-शः) A name of VALMIKI: see कुशिन् .
- कुशूल :: m. (-लः) A granary, a cupboard, a place in which rice or other grain is kept. 2. Conflagration of chaff. E. कुश् to enfold, कुल affix; also कुसूल .
- कुशूलधान्य :: m. (-न्यः) Grain stored for three year's consumption. E. कुशूल, and धान्य grain.
- कुशूलधान्यक :: m. (-कः) A householder, &c. who has three year's grain in store. E. कुशूलधान्य, and कन् aff.
- कुशेशय :: n. (-यं) A lotus in general. m. (-यः) 1. A tree, commonly Kani- yar: see कर्णिकार . 2. The Indian crane. E. कुश water, in the seventh case, शीञ् to sleep or rest, with the affix अच् .
- कुशेशयकर :: m. (-रः) The sun.
- कुशोत्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Having, or being covered with grass. E. कुश and उत्तर beyond.
- कुशोदक :: n. (-कं) Water in which Kusa grass has been infused. E. कुश, and उदक water.
- कुष :: r. 9th cl. (कुष्णाति) 1. To expel, to force or draw out, to extract. 2. To test, to assay. 3. To shine. With अव to prove, to display; with निर to extract.
- कुषल :: mfn. (-लः -ला or -ली-लं) Clever, expert, skilful: see कुशल .
- कुषाकु :: mfn. (-कुः -कुः -कु) 1. Burning, scorching, inflaming. 2. Wicked, detestable. m. (-कुः) 1. A monkey. 2. The sun. 3. Fire. E. कुष् to shine, काकु Unadi affix; also कषाकु .
- कुषित् :: ind. Execllently.
- कुषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Mixed with water, &c. see कुशित . n. (-तं) Happy, well, right, fortunate, auspicious, &c.
- कुषीद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Indifferent, apathetic, inert. n. (-दं) Usury: see कुसीद E. कु vile, षद् to move, &c, अच् aff.
- कुष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) 1. Leprosy, of which eighteen varieties are enumerated, seven great or severe, and eleven of minor importance. 2. A plant, a kind of costus, (Costus speciosus:) 3. A sort of poison. E. कुष् to extract, and क्थम् Unadi affix, or कु bad, ill and स्थ being, staying.
- कुष्ठघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) A medicinal plant, commonly Hiyavali: see हितावली . f. (-घ्नी) 1. An esculent root, (Solanum Indicum:) see काकमाची 2 Opposite leaved fig tree; also काकोडुम्बरिका . E. कुष्ठ the leprosy, and घ्न what destroys.
- कुष्ठनाशन :: m. (-नः) 1. White mustard. 2. A sort of yam: see वाराही . E. कुष्ठ the leprosy, and नाशन what destroys.
- कुष्ठनाशिनी :: f. (-नी) A plant, commonly Hakucha, (Psoralia corylifolia.) E. As above: see कुष्ठनाशन .
- कुष्ठल :: n. (-लं) 1. A bad place or spot. 2. The surface of the earth. E. कु bad or the earth, and स्थल place; स becomes ष, and थ is then changed to ठ .
- कुष्ठसूदन :: m. (-नः) The cassia tree, (C. fistula.) E. कुष्ठ and सूदन des- troying.
- कुष्ठहृत् :: m. (-हृत्) Catechu, (Mimosa catechu:) see खदिर . E. कुष्ठ leprosy, and हृत् what takes away, from हृ to convey, affix क्विप् .
- कुष्ठहन्तृ :: m. (-न्ता) A large esculent root, described as possessed of medicinal virtue in leprosy, and other cutaneous affections, (Arum campanulatum:) see हस्तिकन्द . E. कुष्ठ leprosy, and हन्तृ what kills or destroys.
- कुष्ठारि :: m. (-रिः) 1. A fetid mimosa, (M. Farnesiana.) 2. The Khayar or Catechu: (M. catechu.) 3. A kind of Aristolochia: see अर्कपत्र . 4. A sort of gourd, (Trichosanthes diœca.) 5. Sulphur. E. कुष्ठ the leprosy, and अरि an enemy.
- कुष्ठिन् :: mfn. (-ष्ठी -ष्ठिनी -ष्ठि) Leprous, a leper, &c. E. कुष्ठ and इनि aff.
- कुष्मल :: n. (-लं) Cutting, dividing. E. कुष् to extract, and क्मलन् Unadi aff.
- कुष्माण्ड :: mf. (-ण्डः-ण्डा or -ण्डी) A pumpkin gourd, (Cucurbita pepo.) m. (-ण्डः) 1. One of a class of demigods attached to SIVA. 2. State of the womb in gestation. f. (-ण्डी) 1. A name of DURGA. 2. A drug. A religious ceremony, a certain rite performed as a penance or expiation; also कुष्माण्डक .
- कुष्माण्डक :: m. (-कः) A pumpkin gourd, (Cucurbita pepo.) E. कु the earth, उष्म heat, अन् to exist or be, ड affix, and the vowel irregularly short, कन् added; also कुष्माण्ड .
- कुस(इर)कुसिर :: r. 4th cl. (कुस्यति) To embrace. (इ) कुसि r. 1st and 10th cls. (कुंसति, कुंसयति) 1. To shine. 2. To talk.
- कुसरित् :: f. (-रित्) A shallow stream. E. कु bad, सरित् A river.
- कुसल :: adv. n. (-लं) Well, happy, &c. see कुशल .
- कुसित :: m. (-तः) An inhabited country. E. कुस् to shine, and इत Unadi aff.
- कुसीतायी :: f. (-यी) The wife of a money-lender. See कुसीदायी .
- कुसीद :: n. (-दं) 1. Usury, the profession of usury. 2. Any loan of thing lent to be repaid with interest. mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. A money lender. 2. Slothful, inert. E. कुस् to embrace, ईद Unadi affix; or कु bad, and षद् to go, affix अच् .
- कुसीदपथ :: m. (-थः) Usury, usurous interest, any exceeding five per cent. E. कुसीद and पथ for पथिन् road.
- कुसीदवृद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Interest on money. E. कुसीद and वृद्धि increase.
- कुसीदायी :: f. (-यी) The wife of a usurer. E. कूसीद A usurer, ऐ substituted for its final, and, ङीष् affix; also कुसीतायी .
- कुसीदिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) One who follows the profession of usury. E. कुसीद usury, and ठक् aff.
- कुसुम :: n. (-मं) 1. A flower in general. 2. Fruit. 3. The menstrual dis- charge. 4. Ophthalmia, disease of the eyes. E. कुस् to shine, उम Unadi aff.
- कुसुमकार्म्मुक :: m. (-कः) KAMA. E. कुसुम and कार्म्मुक a bow.
- कुसुमचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Heaped with flowers. E. कुसुम, and चित gathered.
- कुसुमपुर :: n. (-रं) A city, the vicinity of the modern Patna: see पाटलिपुत्र . E. कुसुम a flower, and पुर a city.
- कुसुममध्य :: n. (-ध्यं) The name of tree, bearing a large acid fruit, (Dilenia Indica.) E. कुसुम a flower, and मध्य the centre; the flower blosso- ming from the fruit.
- कुसुमयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Producing flowers, causing to flower. E. कुसुम nom. verb, शतृ aff.
- कुसुमवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) In flower, flowering. f. (-ती) 1. A female during menstruation. 2. A town: see कुसुमपुर . E. कुसुम and मतुप् aff.
- कुसुमस्तवक :: m. (-कः) A collection of flowers, a garland, nosegay a bouquet, E. कुसुम, and स्तवक a cluster.
- कुसुमाकर :: m. (-रः) 1. Spring, the vernal season. 2. A quantity of flowers or place abounding with them, a parterre, a garden. E. कुसुम, and आकर a mine.
- कुसुमाञ्जन :: m. (-नं) The calx of brass, used as a collyrium. E. कुसुम a flow- er, and अञ्जन application to the eyes; resembling a flower.
- कुसुमात्मक :: n. (-कं) Saffron. E. कुसुम, and आत्मक self; the essential part of the flower.
- कुमुमाधिप :: m. (-पः) The champa, a tree which bears a yellow fragrant flower, (Michelia champaca.) E. कुसुम a flower, and अधिप a king; royal amongst flowers.
- कुसुमाधिराज् :: m. (-राट्) See the preceding.
- कुसुमायुध :: m. (-धः) A name of KAMADEVA. E. कुसुम a flower, and आयुध a weapon: his shafts being tipped with flowers.
- कुसुमाल :: m. (-लः) A thief.
- कुसुमावचाय :: m. (-यः) Gathering flowers. E. कुसुम, and अवचाय gathering.
- कुसुमावतंसक :: n. (-कं) A chaplet, a crown of flowers. E. कुसुम, and अवतंसक a tiara.
- कुसुमासव :: n. (-वं) Honey. E. कुसुम, and आसव spirit.
- कुसुमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Flowered, budded, in flower. E. कुसुम, and इतच् aff.
- कुसुमितलता :: f. (-ता) A species of the Dhriti metre.
- कुसुमेषु :: m. (-षुः) A name of the god KAMA. n. (-षु) The bow of KAMA. E. कुसुम, and इषु an arrow; whose shafts are flowers.
- कुसुम्भ :: n. (-म्भं) 1. Safflower, (Carthamus tinctorius.) 2. Gold. m. (-म्भः) The water pot of the student and Sanyasi. E. कुस् to shine, and उम्भ Unadi aff.
- कुसू :: m. (-सूः) An earth-worm. E. कु the earth, सू produced.
- कुसूल :: m. (-लः) A granary, &c. see कुशूल .
- कुसृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Wickedness, depravity. 2. Conjuring, slight of hand, &c. E. कु vile, सृ to go, क्तिन् aff.
- कुस्तुभ :: m. (-भः) 1. A name of VISHNU. 2. The ocean E. कु the earth, ष्टुभ to stop, क aff.
- कुस्तुम्बरी :: f. (-री) A pungent seed used in condiments, coriander: see the next.
- कुस्तुम्बुरु :: f. (-रुः) Coriander, a pungent seed. E. कु bad, vile, तुवि to take, उरु affix, deriv. irr.; also कुस्तुम्बरी .
- कुस्वप्न :: m. (-प्नः) A bad dream, nightmare. E. कु, and स्वप्न a vision.
- कुस्म :: r. 10th cl. (कुस्मयति) 1. To smile improperly or blamably. 2. To see mentally, to perceive, to imagine: this is considered by some as a denominative, and to be classed improperly amongst the roots.
- कुह :: r. 10th cl, (कुहयते) 1. To surprise, to astonish, to excite wonder. 2. To cheat, to impose upon.
- कुह :: m. (-हः) A name of KUVERA, f. (-हा) A medicinal drug: see कटुकी ind. Where, whither, used in Vedas in place of कुत्र . E. कु vile, and हा to leave, affix ड .
- कुहक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) A cheat, a rogue, a juggler. m. (-कः) Juggling, deception, slight-of-hand, &c. E. कुह् to astonish, क्वुन् aff.
- कुहककार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Juggling, conjuring, cheating. E. कुहक, and कार who makes; also कुहककारक and कुहककारिन् .
- कुहकचकित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Suspicious, cautious, wary. E. कुहक and चकित fearful.
- कुहकजीविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Living by slight-of-hand. a conjuror, a cheat, &c. E. कुहक deception, and जीविन् who lives by.
- कुहकवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Juggling, conjuring, slight-of-hand. 2. Hypocrisy. E. कुहक, and वृत्ति practice.
- कुहकस्वन :: m. (-नः) A wild cock. E. कुहक deception, and स्वन who sounds.
- कुहकस्वर :: m. (-रः) A wild cock: see the preceding.
- कुहन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Envious. 2. Hypocritical. m. (-नः) 1. A rat. 2. A snake. f. (-ना) Hypocrisy, assumed and false sanctity, the inter- ested performance of religious austerities. n. (-नं) 1. A small earth- en vessel. 2. A glass vessel. E. कुह् to surprise, युच् aff.
- कुहनिका :: f. (-का) Hypocrisy: see the preceding. E. कुहन, and इकन् aff.
- कुहर :: n. (-रं) 1. A cavity, a hollow. 2. A hole, a rent, &c. 3. The ear. 4. A guttural sound. 5. The throat or larynx. m. (-रः) A kind of snake. E. कु the earth, &c. and हर what takes, &c. from हृ with the aff अप् .
- कुहरित :: n. (-तं) 1. The song, or cry of the Kokila, or the Indian cuckoo. 2. Vox congressus in coitu. 3. A sound in general. E. कुहर, and इतच् aff.
- कुहलि :: m. (-लिः) A Pan the leaf of the Piper betel, with small pieces of the Areca nut, and Catechu and a little lime, which are chewed and eaten by the Oriental nations.
- कुहु :: f. (-हुः) See the next.
- कुहू :: f. (-हूः) 1. New moon; the first day of the first quarter on which the moon rises invisible. 2. The cry of the Kokila or Indian cuckoo. E. कूह् to astonish, ऊ affix, or with कु affix कुहु .
- कुहूक :: m. (-कः) The Indian cuckoo. E. कन् added to the last.
- कुहूकण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. E. कुहू the Kokila's cry, and कण्ठ the throat.
- कुहूपाल :: m. (-लः) The king of turtles, the tortoise supposed to uphold the world.
- कुहूमुख :: m. (-खः) The Kokila: see the preceding.
- कुहूरव :: m. (-वः) The Kokila. E. कुहू, and रव sound.
- कुहूल :: n. (-लं) A pit, filled with stakes.
- कुहेडिका :: f. (-का) A fog, a mist, haze, haziness. E. कु the earth, हेड् . to surround, वुन् affix; also कुहेलिक and कुहेडी .
- कुहेडी :: f. (-डी) See the preceding: also कुहेली .
- कुहेलिका :: f. (-का) Fog, mist: see कुहेडिका ल being changed to ड .
- कू :: r. 6th cl. (ङ) कूङ् (कुवते) To sound, especially as if in pain, to moan, to groan, &c. (ञ) कूञ r. 9th cl. (कुनाति-नीते) To sound &c. As before.
- कू :: f. (-कूः) A female Pisacha or goblin. E. कू to sound, क्विप् aff.
- कूकुद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) One who gives a girl in marriage with due cere- mony, and suitable decorations. E. कुक् to take, deriv. irr.
- कूच :: m. (-चः) A breast, A female breast, especially that of a young or unmarried woman: see कुच . f. (-ची) A painting brush or pencil. E. कू to sound, चट् Unadi affix, and the vowel made long.
- कूचिका :: f. (-का) A small brush or hair pencil. E. कुच् to be curved, and क्वुन् affix, with the fem. affix टाप् .
- कूज :: r. 1st cl. (कूजति) To make any inarticulate sound, to utter a cry as a bird, to coo as a pigeon, to caw as a crow, &c. With परि prefixed, to moan.
- कूजत् :: mfn. (-जन् -जन्ती -जत्) Cooing. E. कूज् to coo, शतृ aff.
- कूजन :: n. (-नं) Cooing, moaning, uttering an inarticulate sound. E. कूज् and ल्युट् aff.
- कूजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Cooed, uttered inarticulately. n. (-तं) The cry of a bird, cooing. E. कूज् to sound, क्त aff.
- कूट :: r. 10th cl. (कूटयते) 1. To avoid or decline giving, to not give. 2. To render indistinct or unintelligible, to muddle or render confused or foul. (कूटयति) 1. To give pain. 2. To burn. 3. To call or invite, to counsel or advise.
- कूट :: mf. (-टः-टी) A house, a dwelling: see कुट mn. (-टः-टं) 1. The peak or summit of a mountain. 2. A water-jar. 3. A heap of grain, &c. 4. Uniform and elementary substance. 5. A hammer, a mallet. 6. A plough-share. 7. The body of a plough. 8. A trap for catching deer. 9. A concealed weapon, as a dagger in a wooden case, a sword- cane, &c. 10. Illusion. 11. Fraud, trick, deceit, 12. Untruth, Falsehood (or attributively,) false, untrue. 13. Vile, low. 14. An ox whose horns are broken. m. (-टः) The name of a saint, also named AGASTYA. E. कूट् to confuse, to withhold, अच् aff.
- कूटक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Unfair, fraudulent. n. (-कः) A ploughshare. m. (-कः) 1. A braid or tress of hair. 2. A perfume: see मुरा . E. कूट् to cut, and क्वुन् aff.
- कूटकार :: m. (-रः) 1. A rogue. 2. A cheat, a false witness. E. कूट, and कार who makes.
- कूटकारक :: m. (-कः) 1. A false witness. 2. A rogue, a cheat. E. कूट, and कारक who makes.
- कूटकृत् :: mfn. (-कृत्) Fraudulent, dishonest. m. (-कृत्) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. A Kāyastha or man of the writer caste. E. कूट illusion, &c. and कृत् who makes.
- कूटज :: m. (-जः) A medicinal plant: see कुटज .
- कूटता :: f. (-ता) falsehood, fraud. E. तल् added to कुट; also with त्व, कुटत्वं .
- कूटपर्व्व :: m. (-र्व्वः) Fever occurring in an elephant from vitiation of the three humors; also read कूटपूर्ब्ब .
- कूटपाकल :: m. (-लः) 1. A bilious fever in an elephant. 2. A potter's kiln. E. कूट a heap, and पाक what ripens, लच् aff.
- कूटयन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) A trap or snare for deer, birds, &c. E. कूट a trap, and यन्त्र an implement; also simply कूट .
- कूटशाल्मलि :: m. (-लिः) A species of the Simul silk cotton tree. E. कूट false and शाल्मलि the Simul.
- कूटशासन :: n. (-नं) A forged or false grant or decree. E. कूट, and शासन a grant, &c.
- कूटसाचिन् :: m. (-ची) A false witness. E. कूट falsehood, and साक्षिन् a witness.
- कूटस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Uniform, perpetually and universally the same as spirit, elementary matter, æther &c. n. (-स्थं) 1. The soul 2. A sort of perfume, a species of dried shell fish, commonly Nakhi. E. कूट fixed, and स्थ what remains.
- कूटस्वर्ण :: n. (-र्णं) Alloyed or counterfeit gold. E. कूट, and स्वर्ण gold.
- कूटाक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) Loaded or false dice. E. कूट . and अक्ष a die.
- कूटागार :: n. (-रं) An upper room, an apartment on the top of a house. E. कूट a peak, आगार a house.
- कूटार्थभाषिता :: f. (-ता) A tale, a story, a fiction. E. कूट false, अर्थ meaning, and भाषिता spoken.
- कूड :: r. 6th cl. (कूडति) 1. To be or become firm or solid. 2. To eat. 3. To graze.
- कूड्य :: n. (-ड्यं) A wall: see कुड्य .
- कूण :: r. 10th cl. (कूणयते-ति) To contract or close.
- कूणि :: mfn. (-णिः -णिः -णि) Crooked-armed, having a curved or withered arm: see कुणि .
- कूणिका :: f. (-का) 1. The horn of any animal. 2. The peg of a lute. E. कूण् to sound or to be crooked, वुन् and टाप् affs.
- कूणित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Contracted, shut, closed. E. कूण् to contract, affix क्त .
- कूदर :: m. (-रः) The offspring of a Brahman woman by a Rishi, begotten during menstruation. E. कु bad, उदर belly.
- कूद्दाल :: m. (-लः) Mountain ebony: see कुद्दाल .
- कून :: r. 10th cl. (कूनयति) To contract or close.
- कूप :: r. 10th cl. (कूपयति) 1. To be weak. 2. To weaken: see कुप .
- कूप :: m. (-पः) 1. A well. 2. A hole, a hollow. 3. A mast. 4. A tree or rock in the midst of a river. f. (-पी) 1. A small well. 2. The navel. 3. A flask, a bottle. E. कु to sound, (frogs croaking in a well, &c.) and प Unadi affix: the vowel is made long; also कूपक .
- कूपक :: m. (-कः) 1. The mast of a vessel. 2. A stake, &c. to which a boat is moored. 3. A leather oil vessel. 4. The hollow below the loins. 5. A funeral pile. 6. A well. 7. A temporary well, a hole dug for water in the dry bed of a rivulet. 8. A tree or rock in the middle of a stream. E. कन् added the preceding.
- कूपमण्डूक :: m. (-कः) A frog in a well, applied to a person of no enterprise, one who never leaves his home. E. कूप, and मण्डूक a frog.
- कूपाङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Horripilation, erection of the hairs of the body, E. कूप a well, and अङ्ग the body; some copies read कूपाङ्क, from अङ्ख a mark.
- कूपार :: m. (-रः) The ocean; also कूवार, and अकूपार, &c.
- कूपिका :: f. (-का) A stone or rock in the middle of a stream: see कूपक .
- कूभ :: n. (-भं) A lake, a pool, a pond.
- कूर :: m. (-रः) Boiled rice.
- कूर्च्च :: mn. (-र्च्चः-र्च्चं) 1. The upper part of the nose, the part between the eye-brows. 2. The beard. 3. Deceit, fraud, circumvention. 4. Hard, solid. 5. The tip of the thumb and middle finger brought in contact, as to pinch, &c. 6. A handful of Kusa grass or peacock's feathers. 7. A bunch, a bundle, as of grass &c. 8. A brush of the same. 9. The head. 10. False praise, unmerited commendation, either of one's self or another person, boasting, flattery. 11. Hypocrisy. 12. The mystic syllable Hum. (In Tan: shas.) E. कूर् to sound, चङ् affix, or कृ to do, उर्च्च affix or कूर्च्च Sautra root, to praise, affix घञ् .
- कूर्च्चक :: n. (-कं) A brush for cleaning the teeth, &c. E. कन् added to the last.
- कूर्च्चशिरस् :: n. (-रः) The heel.
- कूर्च्चशीर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) A drug, commonly Jivaka, one of the eight principal medicaments. E. कूर्च्च the beard, &c. and शीर्ष the head; being bear- ded; or from कूर्च्च praise, and शीर्ष chief commendable amongst medicines; also with कन् added कूर्च्चशीर्षक .
- कूर्च्चशेखर :: m. (-रः) The cocoa-nut tree. E. कूर्च्च a bunch, and शेखर summit.
- कूर्च्चिका :: f. (-का) 1. Inspissated milk. 2. A key. 3. A bud, a blossom. 4. A painting brush or pencil. 5. A needle. E. कूर्च्च् to praise, &c. वुन् affix, and the fem. form.
- कूर्द :: r. 1st cl. (कुर्दते) To play: see कुर्द .
- कूर्दन :: n. (-नं) Playing, sport, pastime. f. (-नी) A festival in honour of KAMADEVA, held on the day of full moon, in the month Chaitra. E. कूर्द् to play, ल्युट् affix, fem. ङीष् .
- कूर्प्प :: n. (-र्प्पं) The space between the eye-brows. E. कॄ to scatter. &c. deriv. irr.: see कूर्च्च .
- कूर्प्पर :: mf. (-रः-रा) 1. The elbow. 2. The knee. E. कुर to sound, with क्विप् affix कुर् पर from पृ to nourish, the first vowel is made long; sometimes also कुर्पर .
- कूर्प्पास :: m. (-सः) A cuirass or quilted jacket worn as armour see कूर्प्पासक .
- कूर्प्पासक :: mn. (-कः-कं) A bodice, a jacket with short sleeves worn next the body, by woman especially. E. कूर्पर the elbow, आस् to abide, घञ् affix, and र dropped, कूर्प्पास, see the preceding: again, कन् pleonastic affix added.
- कूर्म्म :: mf. (-र्म्मः-र्म्मी) 1. A tortoise, a turtle. 2. The descent of VISHNU as a tortoise to support the mountain Mandar at the churning of the ocean. 3. A peculiar gesticulation with the fingers. E. कु implying reverse, ऊर्म्मी speed, अच् aff.
- कूर्म्मचक्र :: n. (-क्रं) An astrological diagram. E. कूर्म्म, and चक्र circle.
- कूर्म्मपृष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) 1. Globe amaranth, (Gomphrena globosa.) 2. The back or shell of a tortoise. E. कूर्म्म a tortoise, and पृष्ट the back.
- कूर्म्मपृष्ठक :: n. (-कं) The cover of a dish, a lid. E. कन् added to the preced- ing, implying resemblance.
- कूर्म्मराज :: m. (-जः) The king of turtles, the tortoise supposed to uphold the world. E. कूर्म्म tortoise, and राज a king, from राजन् with टच् aff.
- कूल :: r. 1st cl. (कूलति) To cover, to hide, to screen, to enclose: with अनु prefixed, to protect, to be kind to, as to a follower or dependent.
- कूल :: n. (-लं) 1. A bank, a shore. 2. A heap, a mound. 3. A pond or pool. 4. The rear of an army. E. कूल् to cover, अच् aff.
- कूलक :: m. (-कः) An ant hill. n. (-कं) 1. A mound of earth, a heap, a pile. 2. A bank, a dyke. E. कन् added to the former.
- कूलङ्कष :: m. (-षः) 1. The ocean, the sea. 2. The stream or current of a river. f. (-षा) A river. E. कूल a bank, कष् to injure, affix खच् .
- कूलचर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Frequenting the banks of rivers, grazing there, &c. E. कूल, चर what goes.
- कूलभू :: f. (-भूः) A bank, the land upon the bank or shore. E. कूल, and भू earth.
- कूलमुद्रुज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Breaking down banks (as a river, &c.) E. कूल रुज् to make sick, with उत् pre. and खश् aff.
- कूलमुद्वह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Carrying away the banks, (a river, &c.) E. कूल, वह् to bear, उत् pre. खश् aff.
- कूलवती :: f. (-ती) A river. E. कूल a bank, and मतुप् poss. affix, fem. ङीष् .
- कूलहण्डक :: m. (-कः) An eddy. E. कूल a bank, and हुडि to collect, वुन् affix, deriv. irr.
- कूलिका :: f. (-का) Base or bottom part of the Indian lute.
- कूवर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Beautiful, agreeable, pleasing. mn. (-रः-रं) The pole of a carriage or wood to which the yoke is fixed. m. (-रः) A hump- backed man. f. (-री) A carriage covered with a cloth or blanket. E. कू to sound, and वर from वृ to cherish, with अप् aff.
- कूवरिन् :: m. (-री) A carriage. E. कूवर the pole, इनि aff.
- कूष्माण्ड :: mf. (-ण्डः-ण्डी) A pumpkin gourd, (Cucurbita pepo.) m. (-ण्डः) A
kind of spirit or imp, of which there exists a Gana or class. f. (-ण्डी) A name of DURGA; also कुष्माण्ड and कूष्माण्डक .
- कूष्माण्डक :: m. (-कः) A pumpkin gourd: see कूष्माण्ड . E. कु bad, उष्म warm and अण्ड an egg here put for seed, कन् aff.
- कूहना :: f. (-ना) Hypocrisy, affectation of religious zeal or austerity: see, कुहना .
- कूहा :: f. (-हा) A fog, a mist. E. कुह् to astonish, अङ् and टाप् affs.
- कृ :: r. 5th cl. (ञ) कृञ् (कृणोति, कृणुते) To hurt, to injure, to kill. (डु, ञ,) डुकृञ् r. 8th cl. (करोति, कुरुते) To do, to make, to perform any kind of action: this root admits most of the prepositions and a variety of significations; it is also active or deponent, according to its pre- fix and import; as, 1. With अति, (अतिकुरुते) To exceed, to do more. 2. With अधि, (अधिकुरुते) a. To surpass or overcome. b. To superint- end, to govern. c. To hold of right. d. To bear patiently. e. To re- frain from. 3. With अनु (अनुकरोति) To copy, to imitate, to act like or after. 4. With अप (अपकुरुते) a. To wrong, to injure. b. To do evil. 5. With आङ् (आकुरुते) a. To call. b. To take shape or form. 6. With उत् (उत्कुरुते) a. To kill or hurt dangerously. b. To collect, to assem- ble. 7. With उद्, and आङ् (उदाकुरुते) To reproach. 8. With उप (उपकुरुते) To befriend, to serve or assist. 9. With उप, and स inserted (उपस्कुरुते, or उपस्करोति) To alter. (उपस्करोति) a. To polish, to adorn. b. To assemble. c. To reply. 10. With तिरस् (तिरस्करोति) To abuse, to revile. 11. With दुर (दुष्करोति) To do evil. 12. With निर् and आङ (निराकुरुते) a. To make light of, to contemn. b. To expel. c. To annihilate. 13. With परि, and स inserted (परिष्करोति) To polish, to refine, to make elegant or perfect. 14. With पर and आङ् (पराकरोति) To act well. 15. With प्र (प्रकुरुते) a. To begin. b. To do anything quickly. c. To serve. d. To allot, to portion. e. To vio- late. f. To chaunt, to recite. 16. With प्रति (प्रतिकुरुते) a. To counter- act. b. To retaliate. c. To remedy. 17. With प्रति and उप (प्रत्युपकुरुते) To requite, to return a kindness; with वि (विकुरुते) a. To utter, to sound. b. To seek, strive for. (विकरोति) a. To alter, to change in form. b. To disturb or agitate. 18. With वि and आङ् (व्याकुरुते) a. To explain, to expound. b. To make manifest or public. 19. With सम् (संस्करोति) a. To polish, to perfect. b. To assemble, to bring to- gether. 20. With सु (सुकरोति) To do well.
- कृक :: m. (-कः) The throat, the larynx. E. कृ to make, and क्कुन् affix, what makes or produces sound.
- कृकण :: m. (-णः) 1. A kind of partridge, commonly Kaer, (Perdix sylva- tica.) 2. A worm. E. कृक the throat, and अण् to sound, affix अच्, the deriv. irr.
- कृकणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Belonging or relating to a partridge. E. कृकण and छ aff.
- कृकर :: m. (-रः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. One of the five vital airs, that which assists in digestion. 3. A kind of partridge: see कृकण . 4. A sort of pepper, (P. chavya.) 5. The oleander tree. E. कृक the throat, and र what gets or receives; or कृ imitative sound, and कर what makes, from कृ to make or do, affix अप् .
- कृकलाश :: m. (-शः) See the next.
- कृकलास :: m. (-सः) A lizard, chameleon. E. कृक the throat, and लस् to play, &c. affix अण्; also कृकलाश .
- कृकवाकु :: m. (-कुः) 1. A cock, a gallinaceous fowl. 2. A peacock. 3. A li- zard, a chameleon. E. कृक the throat, वच् to speak, Unadi affix ञुण् .
- कृकवाकुध्वज :: m. (-जः) A name of KĀRTTIKEYA. E. कृकवाकु a peacock, and ध्वज a standard or symbol; the peacock is the vehicle and standard of SKANDA.
- कृकाटिका :: f. (-का) 1. The back of the neck. 2. The raised and straight part of the neck. E. कृक the throat, अट् to go, वुन् aff.
- कृकुलास :: m. (-सः) A lizard, a chameleon: see कृकलास .
- कृच्छ्र :: mfn. (-च्छ्रः -च्छ्रा -च्छ्रं) 1. Attended with pain, painful. 2. Wicked,
sinful. mn. (-च्छ्रः-च्छ्रं) Bodily pain. Penance, expiation. 3. Sin. 4. difficulty, labour, trouble. 5. A kind of religious penance, accord- ing to some, the same as the Prajapatya: see प्राजापत्य; (according to others, as the Santapana: (see सान्तपन .) E. कृत् to cut, रक् Unadi affix, and छ substituted for the final.
- कृच्छ्रगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Embarrassed, distressed. 2. Pained, suffering pain. E. कृच्छ्र, and गत gone to or in.
- कृच्छ्रातिकृच्छ्र :: m. (-च्छ्रः) A kind of penance, taking no sustenance but water for three, nine, twelve, or twenty-one days. E. कृच्छ्र one kind of penance. and अतिकृच्छ्र another; the substance of both.
- कृच्छ्रार्द्ध्व :: m. (-र्द्ध्वः) An inferior penance lasting six days. E. कृच्छ्र and अर्द्ध्व half.
- कृड :: r. 6th cl. (कृडति) 1. To be thick or coarse, to be gross, to be solid. 2. To eat.
- कृणु :: m. (-णुः) A painter. E. कृ to do or make, क्नु aff.
- कृत(-ई)कृती :: r. 6th cl. (कृन्तति) To cut, to divide. r. 7th cl. (कृणति) To surround, to encompass.
- कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Done, made, performed. 2. Injured, hurt. 3. Fit, proper. n. (-तं) 1. The first of the four ages of the world, the Satya- yug. 2. Fruit, consequence. adv. 1. Enough, sufficient. 2. Enough, completely finished. 3. Enough, have done, no more. E. कृ to do, to injure, &c. affix क्त .
- कृतक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Artificial, factitious, made, not produced spon- taneously. 2. Assumed, simulated, not natural. n. (-कं) Factitious salt, produced by boiling and evaporating from saline soils. E. कृत् to cut or divide, Unadi affix अक .
- कृतकपट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Deceiving, beguiling, fraudulent. E. कृत, and कपट deceit.
- कृतकर्त्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Having done or discharged, or being done, (a duty.) कृत done, कर्त्तव्य what was to be done.
- कृतकर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्मं) Skilful, clever, able. E. कृत made, कर्म्मन् act.
- कृतकार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) See कृतकृत्य .
- कृतकाल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Fixed, settled as to time. 2. Sent or deposit- ed, &c. for a certain time. E. कृत, and काल time.
- कृतकूर्च्छक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Tied up as a small bundle or brush. E. कृत- कूर्च्छ a bundle, and कन् added.
- कृतकृत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) 1. Having done or discharged anything to be done. 2. Having accomplished or attained any object. 3. Contented, satisfied. E. कृत done, and कृत्य what was to be done; also कृतकर्त्तव्य, कृतकार्य्य, &c.
- कृतकृत्यता :: f. (-ता) Success, attainment, accomplishment, the full dis- charge of any duty or realisation of any object. E. कृतकृत्य and तल् affix; also with त्व affix, कृतकृत्यत्वं .
- कृतकोटि :: m. (-टिः) 1. A name of the saint KASYAPA. 2. A name of UPA- VERSHA, another divine sage. E. कृत made, कोटि excellence.
- कृतकोप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Angry, indignant. E. कृत, and कोप anger.
- कृतक्रय :: m. (-यः) A purchaser, a buyer. E. कृत, and क्रय purchase.
- कृतक्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. having finished or completed anything in which one was engaged. 3. Having attained any end or accomplish- ed any object. 3. Having fulfilled one's duty. E. कृत done, क्रिया work, duty. &c.
- कृतक्रुध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Angry, resentful. E. कृत, and क्रुधा wrath.
- कृतघातयत्न :: mfn. (-त्नः -त्ना -त्नं) Assaulting, attacking, one who tries to kill. E. कृत, घात a blow, यत्न effort.
- कृतघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) 1. Ungrateful, not acknowledging former good offices. 2. Defeating or rendering vain all previous measures. E. कृत what has been done, घ्न killing, destroying.
- कृतघ्नता :: f. (-ता) Ingratitude. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, कृतघ्नत्वं,
- कृतचूड :: m. (-डः) A boy on whom the ceremony of tonsure has been per- formed. E. कृत, and चूडा a crest, a lock of hair being left on the top of the head.
- कृतजन्मन् :: mfn. (-न्मा -न्मा -न्म) 1. Born, produced. 2. Generated. E. कृत, and जन्मन् birth.
- कृतज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) 1. Grateful, remembering former aid or favours. 2. Observant of propriety, correct in conduct. m. (-ज्ञः) A dog. E. कृत what is done, and ज्ञ who knows.
- कृतज्ञता :: f. (-ता) Gratitude. E. कृतज्ञ, and तल् affix; also कृतज्ञत्वं .
- कृततीर्थ :: m. (-र्थः) 1. A guide to holy places, &c. one who frequents them. 2. A councillor, one fertile in expedients. E. कृत, तीर्थ pilgrimage, &c.
- कृतत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Being done or effected. E. त्व, added to कृत .
- कृतदार :: m. (-रः) A married man. E. कृत, and दारा a wife.
- कृतदास :: mf. (-सः-सी) A self-engaged servant, a hired servant. E. कृत made, (spontaneously,) and दास a slave.
- कृतधी :: mfn. (-धीः -धीः -धि) 1. Prudent, considerate. 2. Learned, educated. E. कृत, and धी understanding.
- कृवध्वंस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) 1. Defeated, overpowered. 2. Injured, destroyed. 3. Recollecting past transactions. E. कृत, and ध्वंस loss.
- कृतध्वस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Loss after being one possessed or acquired. E. कृत made, gained, ध्वस्त destroyed.
- कृतनाशक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Ungrateful. E. कृत, and नाशक who destroys.
- कृतनिर्णेजन :: m. (-नः) A penitent, one who has performed penance or made expiation. E. कृत, and निर्णेजन cleansing.
- कृतनिश्चय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Confident, sure, certain. E. कृत, and निश्चय certainly.
- कृतपुङ्ख :: mfn. (-ङ्खः -ङ्खा -ङ्खं) Skilled in archery. E. कृत done, made, पुङ्ख the feather of an arrow.
- कृतपूर्ब्ब :: mfn. (-र्ब्बः -र्ब्बा -र्ब्बं) Done formerly or precedingly. E. कृत, and पूर्ब्ब prior.
- कृतपूर्ब्बनाशन :: n. (-नं) Ingratitude, forgetting past services. E. कृतपूर्ब्ब, and नाशन destroying.
- कृतपूर्ब्बिन् :: mfn. (-र्ब्बी -र्ब्बिणी -र्ब्बि) One by whom anything was done in time past. E. कृत done, पूर्ब्ब formerly, इनि affix of agency.
- कृतपौरुष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Behaving gallantly. E. कृत, and पौरुष manhood.
- कृतप्रणाम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Saluting, making or having made obeisance. E. कृत, and प्रणाम salute.
- कृतप्रयत्न :: mfn. (-त्नः -त्ना -त्नं) Active, industrious, persevering. E. कृत, and प्रयत्न effort.
- कृतफल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Successful, fruitful. n. (-लं) 1. Result, conse- quence of an act. 2. A poisonous substance: see कृक्वोल . E. कृत, and फल fruit.
- कृतबाहु :: mfn. (-हुः -हुः -हु) Laying hand upon, touching. E. कृत, and बाहु the arm.
- कृतबुद्धि :: mfn. (-द्धिः -द्धिः -द्धि) Informed of one's duty, having acquired knowledge. E. कृत, and बुद्धि understanding.
- कृतभय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Alarmed, apprehensive. E. कृत, and भय fear.
- कृतमङ्गल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Blessed, consecrated. E. कृत and मङ्गल auspicious.
- कृतमन्यु :: mfn. (-न्युः -न्यु -न्यु) Angry, offended, indignant. E. कृत, and मन्यु anger.
- कृतमाल :: m. (-लः) A tree, (Cassia fistula.) E. कृत made, माल a garland, garlands being made of its flowers; also आरग्बध .
- कृतमुख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खं) Skilled, clever, conversant. E. कृत done, and मुख chief, principal.
- कृतरव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Sounding, singing. E. कृत, and रव a sound.
- कृतरुच् :: mfn. (-रुक्) Splendid, brilliant. E. कृत, and रुच् light; also कृतरुचि .
- कृतरुष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Angry, displeased. E. कृत, and रुषा wrath.
- कृतलक्षण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Excellent, amiable, &c. noted for good qualities. 2. Defined, discriminated. 3. Marked, stamped. 4. Branded. E. कृत made, लक्षण a mark, a sign.
- कृतवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Making, was making, made. E. कृत, and क्तवतु aff.
- कृतवाप :: m. (-पः) A penitent who has shaven his head and chin. E. कृत, and वाप tonsure.
- कृतविक्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Altered, changed. E. कृत and विक्रिय change; also कृतविकार .
- कृतविद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) Scientific, a philosopher. E. कृत and विद्या knowledge.
- कृतविस्मय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Surpassing, astonishing. E. कृत, and विस्मय wonder.
- कृतवेतन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Hired as a servant or labourer. E. कृत made, appointed, and वेतन wages.
- कृतवेदिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) 1. Grateful. 2. Knowing, observant. E. कृत, and वेदिन् who knows.
- कृतवेधन :: m. (-नः) A plant, a sort of Ghosha with white flowers: see घोष .
- कृतवेपथु :: mfn. (-थुः -थुः -थु) Trembling. E. कृत, and वेपथु trembling.
- कृतवेश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Decorating, adorning. E. कृत, and वेश dress.
- कृतव्यलीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Annoyed, vexed, irritated. E. कृत, and व्यलीक pain, &c.
- कृतशक्ति :: mfn. (-क्तिः -क्तिः -क्ति) Putting forth one's strength or courage. E. कृत, and शक्ति power.
- कृतशोभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) 1. Splendid, brilliant. 2. Beautiful, beautified. 3. Dexterous, handy. E. कृत, and शोभा splendor.
- कृतशौच :: mfn. (-चः -चा -चं) Purified, cleansed, freed from the natural de- jections, released from conventional defilement, &c. E. कृत, and शौच purification.
- कृतश्रम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Laborious, assiduous, persevering, pains-taking making great or continuous exertions. E. कृत made, श्रम fatigue.
- कृतसङ्केत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Making an agreement or appointment, E. कृत, and सङ्केत agreement.
- कृतसंसर्ग :: mfn. (-र्गः -र्गा -र्गं) Approximate, united. E. कृत, and संसर्ग union.
- कृतसंस्कार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Initiated, having undergone all the purificatory ceremonies. E. कृत, and संस्कार rite.
- कृतसंज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Distinguished by appropriate marks, devices, &c. E. कृत, and संज्ञा a signal.
- कृतसन्निधान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Contracted, approximated. E. कृत, and सन्नि- धान proximity.
- कृतसम्बन्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Connected, allied. E. कृत, and सम्बन्ध alliance.
- कृतसापत्निका :: f. (-का) A woman whose husband has taken another wife. E. कृत made, स with, together with, पत्नी a wife, affix कन्ः or derived from सापत्नक, कृतसापत्नका; also कृतसापत्नी, &c.
- कृतस्थिति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Abiding, staying, taking up an abode in or with. E. कृत, and स्थिति stay.
- कृतस्वस्त्ययन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Recommended to the protection of gods pre- vious to any journey or undertaking. E. कृत, स्वस्त्ययन benediction.
- कृतहस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Skilled in archery. 2. Clever, skilful, dexter- ous. E. कृत exercised, हस्त the hand; also कृतहस्तक .
- कृताकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Done in part, not completed. 2. Committed and omitted. E. कृत, and अकृत undone.
- कृतागम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Advanced, proficient, E. कृत, and आगम coming.
- कृतागस् :: mfn. (-गाः -गाः -गः) Criminal, offending, in fault. E. कृत done, आगस् crime.
- कृताग्निकार्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) A Brahman who has offered the usual oblations with fire. E. कृत, and अग्निकार्य्य fire-sacrifice.
- कृताङ्क :: mfn. (-ङ्कः -ङ्का -ङ्कं) 1. Marked. 2. Numbered. 3. Branded. E. कृत, and अङ्क a mark.
- कृताञ्जलि :: mfn. (-लिः -लिः -लि) One who joins the palms of the hands, making such a sign of reverence or solicitation, reverent, respect- ful. m. (-लिः) A shrub used in medicine, also in magical portions, &c. E. कृत made, अञ्जलि the hand joined, &c.
- कृताञ्जलिपुट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Joining the palms of the hands for the pur- pose of doing obeisance, also for holding water &c. E. कृत, and अञ्जलि- पुट the palms joined.
- कृतात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Subdued, tranquil, of a self-governed spirit. E. कृत, and आत्मन् self.
- कृतानति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Bending, bowed, paying homage or respect. E. कृत, and आनति bowing.
- कृतानुकूल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) Kind, favouring, compliant. E. कृत, आनुकूल्य favour.
- कृतानुव्याध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Mixed, combined, united. E. कृत, and अनुव्याध mixture.
- कृतानुसार :: m. (-रः) Established practice, usage, custom, rate. E. कृत, and अनुसार custom.
- कृतान्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. A name of YAMA, son of SURYA, and regent of the dead, or death personified. 2. Destiny, that is, the inevitable result of actions done in a past existence. 3. A demonstrated con- clusion, proved or established doctrine. 4. Sinful or inauspicious action. 5. Saturday, which is considered as an unlucky day. f. (-न्ता) A perfume: see रेणुका . E. कृत act, (actum) done, अन्त end, destruction.
- कृतान्तक :: m. (-कः) See the preceding.
- कृतान्तजनक :: m. (-कः) A name of the sun. E. कृतान्त YAMA, and जनक pro- genitor; being the father of YAMA.
- कृतापकार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Injured, wronged. 2. Discomfited, overpower- ed. 3. Doing wrong, offending. E. कृत, and अपकार offence.
- कृतापदान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Completing a task, effecting an object. E. कृत, and अपदान accomplishment.
- कृतापराध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Guilty, culpable, an offender. E. कृत, and अप- राध offence.
- कृताभिषेक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Sprinkled. 2. Inaugurated. m. (-कः) A prince, &c. who has been inaugurated. E. कृत, and अभिषेष sprinkling.
- कृतार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) Successful, having attained an end, having accom- plished a purpose or desire. E. कृत done, अर्थ object.
- कृतार्थता :: f. (-ता) Success, fruitfulness, accomplishment of an object. E. तल् added to the last; also कृतार्थत्व .
- कृतार्थीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Rendered successful. E. कृतार्थ, and कृत made, च्वि augment.
- कृतार्थीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Become successful. E. कृतार्थ, and भूत been, च्वि augment.
- कृतालय :: m. (-यः) A frog. E. कृत made, आलय abode.
- कृतावधान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Careful, cautious, prudent, attentive. E. कृत, and अवधान care.
- कृतावधि :: mfn. (-धिः -धिः -धि) 1. Fixed, appointed, agreed upon. 2. Bounded, limited. E. कृत, and अवधि term, &c.
- कृतावमर्ष :: mfn. (-र्षः -र्षा -र्षं) 1. Disregarding, effacing from recollection. 2. Intolerant. E. कृत, and अवमर्ष impatience.
- कृताबशक्थिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Seated on the hams with the knees tied together, or the hips and knees surrounded by a cloth. E. कृत, and अवशक्थिका the cloth so used.
- कृतावस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) 1. Summoned, called. 2. Made present. 3. Fixed. settled. E. कृत, and अवस्था condition.
- कृतावास :: m. (-सः) A lodging, a temporary a accommodation, an apart- ment. E. कृत, and आवास abode.
- कृताशन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Feeding upon. E. कृत, and अशन eating.
- कृतास्कन्दन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Assailing, attacking. 2. Effacing from re- collection. E. कृत, and आस्कन्दन going to.
- कृतास्त्र :: mfn. (-स्त्रः -स्त्रा -स्त्रं) Armed. E. कृत, and अस्त्र weapon.
- कृतास्पद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Governed, ruled. 2. Supporting, rested upon by anything. 3. Residing in or on, taking one's abode. E. कृत, and आस्पद place, rule.
- कृताहक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Having performed the daily ceremonies, or de- votions. E. कृत, अहन् a day, कन् added.
- कृताह्वान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Summoned, called. 2. Challenged. E. कृत, and आह्वान calling.
- कृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Act, action, acting, doing, &c. 2. Injuring, hurt, hurt- ing. 3. A sort of metre, a stanza of four lines, with twenty sylla- bles in each. E. कृ to do, to injure, क्तिन् aff.
- कृतिकर :: m. (-रः) A name of RĀVANA. E. कृति injuring, कृ to do, ट aff.
- कृतिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) 1. Wise, learned. 2. Clever, skilful. 3. Good, virtuous. 4. Pure, pious, 5. Following, obeying, doing what is enjoined. E. कृत done, performed, इनि affix; by whom proper acts are done.
- कृते :: ind. For, on account of.
- कृतेर्ष्य :: mfn. (-र्ष्यः -र्ष्या -र्ष्य) Envious, jealous. E. कृत, and ईर्ष्या envy.
- कृतोच्चैस् :: ind. Raised on high. E. कृत, and उच्चैस् high.
- कृतोदक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Having performed ablutions. E. कृत, and उदक water.
- कृतोद्वाह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Performing penance by standing with uplifted hands. 2. Married. E. कृत, and उद्वाह marriage.
- कृतोपकार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Assisted, befriended. 2. Friendly, giving aid. E. कृत, and उपकार help.
- कृतोपनयन :: m. (-नः) The student invested with the sacrificial cord. E. कृत and उपनयन investiture.
- कृतोपभोग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Used, enjoyed. E. कृत, and उपभोग use.
- कृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Cut, divided. 2. Desired, sought, wished for. E. कृत् to cut, &c. affix क्त .
- कृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. The hide upon which the religious student sits, sleeps, &c. usually the skin of an antelope. 2. The skin. 3. The bark of the Bhūrjpatra, used for writing upon, for making hooka snakes, &c. 4. One of the lunar mansions: see the next. E. कृत् to cut, क्तिन् aff.
- कृत्तिका :: f. (-का) 1. The third of the lunar mansions, or constellations in the moon's path, consisting of six stars, and corresponding to the Pleiades. 2. (In mythology,) a nymph; one of six, the nurses of KARTTIKEYA. E. कृत् to cut, क्तिन् and कन् affixes; the figure of the asterism is a razor or knife.
- कृत्तिकाभव :: m. (-वः) A name of CHANDRA or the moon. E. कृत्तिका the constellation, and भव who is born.
- कृत्तिकासुत :: m. (-तः) A name of SKANDA or KARTTIKEYA. E. कृत्तिका and सुत the son; the nymphs so named being his foster mothers.
- कृत्तिवास :: m. (-सः) SIVA: see the next.
- कृत्तिवासस् :: m. (-साः) An appellation of MAHADEVA. E. कृत्ति a skin or hide, and वासस् clothes; clothed with a tyger's skin; also कृत्तिवास .
- कृत्नु :: mfn. (-त्नुः -त्नुः -त्नु) An artist, an artificer or mechanic. E. कृ to make, कृत्नु Unadi aff.
- कृत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) 1. To be done or performed. 2. To be rendered murderous or mischievous, hired as an assassin, seduced from allegiance or alliance, hostile through covetousness, &c. f. (-त्या) 1. Action, act. 2. A female deity, to whom sacrifices are offered for destructive and magical purposes. 3. Magic. 4. A pestilence. n. (-त्यं) 1. Motive, cause. 2. The class of affixes in grammar forming nouns corresponding to gerunds and supines, chiefly with a passive signification, but sometimes active, and sometimes abstract nouns. E. कृत्, to injure, to divide &c. क्यप् or यत् affixed, or कृत्, to injure, वुन् affix, and य inserted.
- कृत्यक :: m. (-कः) An injurer.
- कृत्यज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Learned, wise, who knows what is to be done. E. कृत्य, and ज्ञ who knows.
- कृत्यवर्त्मन् :: n. (-र्त्म) The right way, the manner in which any object is to be effected. E. कृत्य, and वर्त्मन् a road.
- कृत्यविद् :: mf. (-विद्) Learned, wise who knows what is to be done. E. कृत्य, and विद् who knows.
- कृत्यविधि :: f. (-धिः) The way to do anything, a rule or precept. E. कृत्य, and विधि rule.
- कृत्रिम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Made, factitious, artificial, the reverse of what is naturally or spontaneously produced. m. (-मः) 1. Incense, olibanum. 2. An adopted son, used for कृत्रिमपुत्र . n. (-मं) A kind of salt, the common Bit Noban or Bit Lavan. E. कृ to make, क्त्रि Unadi affix, and मम् added.
- कृत्रिमधूप :: m. (-पः) A compound perfume, containing ten or eighteen in- gredients. E. कृत्रिम artificial, and धूप resin; also with कन् added कृत्रिमधूपक .
- कृत्रिमपुत्र :: m. (-त्रः) An adopted son; one of the twelve kinds recognized in law, the son made. E. कृत्रिम, and पुत्र a son.
- कृत्रिममित्र :: m. (-त्रः) An acquired friend; one on whom benefits have been conferred, or from whom they have been received. E. कृत्रिम made, and मित्र a friend; also similar compounds in this or other senses, कृत्रिमशत्रु an acquired enemy, कृत्रिमौदासीन one who is indiffer- ent to benefits or injuries, neither an acquired friend nor foe.
- कृत्वा :: ind. Having done, made, &c. E. कृ to do, क्त्वाच् aff.
- कृत्स :: n. (-त्सं) 1. Water. 2. Entire, whole. E. कृत् to surround, and Unadi aff.
- कृत्स्न :: mfn. (-त्स्नः -त्स्ना -त्स्नं) All, whole, entire. n. (-त्स्नं) 1. Water. 2. The flank or hip. E. कृत् to encompass, कस्न Unadi aff.
- कृत्स्नविद् :: mfn. (-वित् or -विद्) Omniscient, acquainted with all things. E. कृत्स्न all, and विद् who knows.
- कृत्स्नशस् :: ind. Wholly, entirely, altogether. E. कृत्स्न, and शस् aff.
- कृदर :: m. (-रः) A granary, a cup-board, &c. for holding corn, grain, &c. E. कृत् to contain, Unadi affix अर .
- कृदन्त :: m. (-न्तः) A noun formed by the application of the affixes termed कृत् to the root, E. कृत्, and अन्त a final.
- कृन्तत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A plough. E. कृत् to divide or cut, कत्रन् Unadi affix, and नुम् inserted.
- कृन्तन :: n. (-नं) Cutting. E. कृति to cut, ल्युट् aff.
- कृन्तनिका :: f. (-का) 1. A knife. 2. The edge of a knife. E. कन् added to the last.
- कृप(ऊ, ऌ)ऊकृपॢ :: r. 1st cl. (कल्पते) to be able. r. 1st and 10th cls. (कल्पति, कल्पयति) 1. To think or imagine. 2. To mix. 3. To paint or colour. r. 1st cl. (कृपति) To have pity or mercy. r. 10th cl. (कृपयति) To be weak. In the first roots ल or ऌ is substituted for ऋ .
- कृप :: m. (-पः) 1. The name of a sage, the brother-in-law of DRONA. 2. A name of VYASA, the compiler of Vedas and Puranas. f. (-पा) Ten- derness, compassionateness f. (-पी) The wife of the sage DRONA. E. कृप् to be able, &c. अङ् aff.
- कृपण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Miserly, avaricious. 2. Low, vile. 3. Poor, feeble, miserable, pitiable. m. (णः) A worm. E. कृप् to be able, क्वुन् or ल्युट् aff.
- कृपाण :: m. (-णः) A sword, a scymitar or sacrificial knife. f. (-णी) 1. A knife. 2. A shears or scissors. 3. A dagger. E. कृपा mercy, नुद् to destroy, ड aff.
- कृपाणक :: m. (-कः) A sword, a scymitar: see the preceding. E. कन् added to कृपाण .
- कृपाणिका :: f. (-का) A knife. E. कन् added to कृपाण, and the fem. aff.
- कृपाद्वैत :: m. (-तः) One of the Buddhas or deified saints of the Buddhas. E. कृपा compassion, and अद्वैत not second; unequalled for tender- ness.
- कृपालु :: mfn. (-लुः -लुः -लु) Compassionate, tender. E. कृपा tenderness, आलुक् aff.
- कृपामय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Compassionate; so कृपावत् (-वान्-वती-वत्) कृपान्वित (-तः-ता-तं) &c.
- कृपाहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Unfeeling, unkind, hardhearted. E. कृपा, हीन devoid of.
- कृपीट :: n. (-टं) 1. The belly. 2. Water. 3. A wood, a forest. 4. Wood, timber. E. कृप् to be able, कीटन् Unadi aff.
- कृपीटपाल :: m. (-लः) 1. The ocean. 2. A rudder or large oar used as one. 3. Air, wind. E. कृपीट water, पाल what preserves, &c. अच् aff.
- कृपीटयोनि :: m. (-निः) Fire. E. कृपीट water, योनि source, place of origin.
- कृपीपति :: m. (-तिः) A name of DRONĀCHĀRYA. E. कृपी the wife of the sage, and पति master.
- कृपीपुत्र :: m. (-त्रः) ASWATTHAMA a sage, the son of KRIPI and DRONA. E. कृपी, and पुत्र a son, or with other synonyms of a son, as कृपीसुत, &c.
- कृव :: r. 1st cl. or 5th cl. (इ) कृवि (कृणोति) 1. To kill, to hurt or injure in any way. 2. To act, to do. 3. To go, to move. 4. To be in pain.
- कृमि :: m. (-मिः) 1. A worm, an insect in general. 2. Lac. the red dye, which is in fact an insect. 3. An Asur or demon. 4. One subject to worms. E. क्रम् to go, इन् Unadi affix, and the corresponding vowel substituted for र; also क्रिमि .
- कृमिकण्टक :: n. (-कं) 1. A plant used in medicine: see विडङ्ग . 2. Opposite leaved fig tree. 3. A plant, (Salvinia cucullata:) see मूषिकपर्णी . E. कृमि a worm, and कण्टक a thorn, a foe; also क्रिमिकण्ठक .
- कृमिकर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) Worms or lice generating in the external ear. E. कृमि, and कर्ण the ear.
- कृमिकोशोत्थ :: mfn. (-त्थः -त्था -त्थं) Silken, silk. E. कृमि a worm, कोश a ball, and उत्थ what comes or rises from.
- कृमिग्रन्थि :: m. (-न्थिः) Insects generated at the roots of the eyelashes. E. कृमि and ग्रन्थि a joint.
- कृमिघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) Vermifuge, anthelmintic. m. (-घ्नः) 1. A shrub used in medicine, as an anthelmintic, commonly Biranga, (Erycibe paniculata, Rox.) See विडङ्ग . 2. The onion. 3. The root of the ju- jube. 4. The marking nut plant. f. (-घ्नी) Turmeric. E. कृमि a worm, हन् to kill, and ठक् affix; also क्रिमिघ्न .
- कृमिज :: n. (-जं) Agallochum; see कृमिज . f. (-जा) Lac, a red dye so called. E. कृमि an insect, and ज born, produced.
- कृमिदन्तक :: m. (-कः) Toothache with decay of the teeth, E. कृमि, and दन्त a tooth, कन् added.
- कृमिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Affected with worms. E. कृमि, and इनि aff.
- कृमिरिपु :: m. (-पुः) An anthelmintic plant: see कृमिघ्न . E. कृमि, and रिपु an enemy.
- कृमिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Having worms, wormy. f. (-ला) A fruitful woman, one bearing many children. E. कृमि a worm, and ला to receive, to get, affix ड .
- कृमिशङ्ख :: m. (-ङ्खः) The fish of the conch. E. कृमि a worm, and शङ्ख a shell.
- कृमिशुक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) An oyster. E. कृमि an insect, and शुक्ति oyster-shell.
- कृमिशैल :: m. (-लः) An ant or mole hill. E. कृमि a worm, and शैल a hill; also with कन् added, कृमिशैलक .
- कृमिहर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Anthelmintic, vermifuge. E. कृमि, and हर what removes; so कृमिहन्तृ (-न्ता-न्त्री-न्तृ) .
- कृमीलक :: m. (-कः) A wild sort of kidney bean: see वनमुद्ग .
- कृवि :: r. 5th cl. (कृविणोति) To want to hurt or kill.
- कृवि :: m. (-विः) A loom. E. कृ to make, (cloth,) and क्विन् Unadi aff.
- कृश :: r. 4th cl. (इर) कृशिर (कृश्यति) To make thin or small.
- कृश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) 1. Small, thin, tittle, minute. 2. Thin, spare, emaciated. 3. Weak, feeble. E. कृश् to pare or make thin, क्त affix, deriv. irr.
- कृशता :: f. (-ता) Leanness, thinness. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, कृशत्वं .
- कृशर :: mf. (-रः-रा) 1. A dish composed of milk, sesamum, and rise. 2. Rice and pease boiled together with a few spices, commonly Khichree: also कृसर .
- कृशला :: f. (-ला) The hair of the head. E. कृश minute, ल what receives.
- कृशाकु :: m. (-कुः) 1. Heating. 2. Grieving. E. कृश् to make small, and काकु aff.
- कृशाक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A spider. E. कृश, अक्षि eye, टच् aff.
- कृशाङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Spare, thin, emaciate. f. (-ङ्गी) 1. A woman with
a slender shape. 2 A plant, commonly Priyangu: see प्रियङ्गु E. कृश thin, अङ्ग the body, अण् and ङीष् affs.
- कृशानु :: m. (-नुः) 1. A name of fire 2. A plant, (Plumbago zeylanica.) E. कृश् to make thin, आनुक Unadi aff.
- कृशानुरेतस् :: m. (-ताः) A name of SIVA E. कृशानु fire, and रेतस् semen virile.
- कृशाश्व :: m. (-श्वः) The name of a sage.
- कृशाश्विन् :: m. (-श्वी) A dancer, an actor, a tumbler. E. कृशाश्व the name of a saint, the author of directions to players, and इनि aff.
- कृष :: r. 1st. cl. (आ) औकृश (कर्षति) and 6th cl (कृषति-ते) 1. To draw or make furrows. 2. To plough. With अप, 1. To draw down. 2. To debase. 3. To disregard. with अव, 1. To draw out or off. 2. To disregard or contemn. With आङ्, To attract, to draw to. With उत्, 1. To raise, to draw up. 2. To raise, to excite, to make high, proud, loud, &c. With सम्, To draw together. With सम and नि, To bring near or close to.
- कृषक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. What or who makes furrows or ploughs. 2. Attractive, attrahent. m. (-कः) 1. The plough-share. 2. A husband- man, a peasant. कृष् to plough, &c. Unadi affix, क्वन्; also कृषिक .
- कृषाण :: m. (-णः) A husbandman.
- कृषाणु :: m. (-णुः) A name of fire: see कृशानु .
- कृषि :: f. (-षिः) 1. Husbandry, agriculture. 2. Ploughing, cultivating the soil, &c. E. कृष् to plough, इक् Unadi aff.
- कृषिक :: m. (-कः) 1. The plough-share. 2. A husband-man a cultivator. E. कृष् to plough, Unadi affix किकन्; also कृषक .
- कृषिजीविन् :: m. (-वी) A cultivator, a farmer. E. कृषि, and जीविन् who lives by.
- कृषिफल :: n. (-लं) Agricultural produce or profit. E. कृषि, and फल fruit.
- कृषीबल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) One who lives by agriculture, &c. m. (-लः) A husband-man. E. कृषि agriculture, बलच् affix, and इ made ई .
- कृष्कर :: m. (-रः) An appellation of SIVA.
- कृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Ploughed or tilled, a field, &c. E. कृष् to plough, affix क्त .
- कृष्टपच्य :: mfn. (-च्यः -च्या -च्यं) Sown or ripening after ploughing. (rice, &c.) E. कृष्ट ploughed, पच् to ripen, and क्यप् affix; in some places the grain is sown without previous ploughing, whence it is called अकृष्टपच्य .
- कृष्टपाक्य :: mfn. (-क्यः -क्या -क्यं) Sown or rather ripening after ploughing: see कृष्टपच्य .
- कृष्टि :: m. (ष्टिः) A teacher, a learned man or Pandit. f. (-ष्टिः) ploughing, cultivating the soil. 2. Attracting, drawing. E. कृष् to plough, to trace, ति or क्तिन् aff.
- कृष्णंश्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Devoted to Krishna. E. कृष्णं second case, श्रित serving; also कृष्णश्रित .
- कृष्ण :: mfn. (-ष्णः -ष्णा -ष्णं) Black or dark blue. m. (-ष्णः) 1. Black, the colour, or dark blue, which is often confounded with it by the Hindus. 2. KRISHNA, the most celebrated form of VISHNU, or rather VISHNU himself; he is distinct from the ten Avatars or incarnations, be- ing identified with the deity. 3. VYASA, a sage, the compiler of the Vedas. 4. A name of ARJUNA. 5. The Kokila or Indian cuckoo 6. A crow. 7. A fruit, Karonda or Karinda, (Carissa carondas.) 8. The dark half of the lunar month from full to new moon. n. (-ष्णं) 1. Black pepper. 2. Iron. 3. Blue vitriol. 4. Black agallochum. f. (-ष्णा) 1. name of DRAUPADI wife of the PANDAVAS. 2. The indigo plant 3. Long pepper. 4. A grape. 5. A drug, commonly Kakoli. 6. Kalonji, (Nigella Indica:) see कृष्णजीरक . 7. Black mustard, (the name is applied to other vegetable substances of a dark colour.) 8. The Krishna river in the Deccan. 9. A black leech, considered poisonous. E. कृष् to attract. as the minds of men, &c नक् Unadi affix; (this is applied to KRISHNA, &c.) else, कृष् to tinge, affix the same; again कृष्ण black, &c. and अच् affix, fem. affix टाप .
- कृष्णकन्द :: n. (-न्दः) The red lotus, (Nymphæa rubra.) E. कृण black, and कन्द stalk.
- कृष्णकर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्म) Criminal, guilty. n. (-र्म्म) 1. Making black. 2. Cauterising. E. कृष्ण black. and कर्म्मन् action.
- कृष्णकाक :: m. (-कः) A raven. E. कृष्ण black, and काक a crow.
- कृष्णकाष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) A black variety of agallochum. E. कृष्ण, and काष्ठ wood.
- कृष्णकेलि :: m. (-लिः) A plant, (Mirabilis jalapa.)
- कृष्णकोहल :: m. (-लः) A gamester, a gambler.
- कृष्णचतुर्दशी :: f. (-शी) The fourteenth day in the dark half of a month. E. कृष्ण dark, चतुर्दशी fourteenth; it is the day preceding new moon.
- कृष्णचर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Formerly or in a former existence, KRISHNA. E. कृष्ण, and चरट् affix, implying former state of being; also कृष्णरुप्य .
- कृष्णचूडा :: f. (-डा) A shrub, (Poinciana pulcherrima.)
- कृष्णचूर्ण :: n. (-र्ण) Rust of iron, iron filings E. कृष्ण black, and चूर्ण powder, dust.
- कृष्णजटा :: f. (-टा) Indian spikenard: see जटामांसी . E. कृष्ण black, जटा twis- ted hair, to which its entangled stalks are compared.
- कृष्णजीरक :: m. (-कः) Kalongi, a plant having a small black seed, which is used for medical and culinary purposes, (Nigella Indica, Rox.) E. कृष्ण black, and जीरक cummin seed.
- कृष्णता :: f. (-ता) Blackness. E. तल् added to कृष्ण; with त्व, कृष्णत्वं .
- कृष्णताम्र :: n. (-म्रं) A kind of Sandal wood. E. कृष्ण, and ताम्र copper, of a dusky copper hue.
- कृष्णतार :: m. (-रः) A deer, an antelope. E. कृष्ण black, and तार the pupil of the eye, black-eyed.
- कृष्णत्रिवृता :: f. (-ता) A plant, black Teori: see त्रिवृता .
- कृष्णदशन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Having bad or discoloured teeth. E. कृष्ण, and दशन a tooth.
- कृष्णदेह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Black-bodied. m. (-हः) A large black bee. E. कृष्ण black, and देह the body.
- कृष्णद्वैपायन :: m. (-नः) A name of VYASA, the compiler of the Vedas, and Puranas. E. A compound of two other names of the sage: see कृष्ण, and द्वैपायन .
- कृष्णधत्तूर :: m. (-रः) A dark species of Dhatura or thron apple, (Dhatura fastuosa:) see धत्तूर .
- कृष्णपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The dark half of a month, the fifteen days during which the moon is in the wane. E. कृष्ण dark, and पक्ष fortnight or half month.
- कृष्णपाक :: m. (-कः) A tree bearing a small fruit, which when ripe, is of a black colour, commonly Carinda or karonda, (Carissa carondas) E. कृष्ण black and पाक what is ripe, from पच् to ripen, to cook, and घञ् affix; also कृष्णफल, and कृष्णपाकफल .
- कृष्णपाकफल :: m. (-लः) The Karonda: see the preceding. E. फल fruit, added to कृष्णपाक .
- कृष्णपिङ्गला :: f. (-ला) A name of DURGA. E. कृष्ण black, and पिङ्गल tawny; being of such a colour.
- कृष्णपिण्डीतक :: m. (-कः) A dark kind of Mayana, (Vangueria spinosa.) E. कृष्ण black, and पिण्डीतक the Mayan or Mayana tree.
- कृष्णपिण्डीर :: m. (-रः) A dark kind of Mayana: see the preceding.
- कृष्णपिपीली :: f. (-ली) The black ant. E. कृष्ण, and पिपीली an ant.
- कृष्णपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A black kind of Dhatura. f. (-ष्पी) Another plant: see प्रियङ्गु E. कृष्ण black and पुष्प a flower.
- कृष्णफल :: m. (-लः) A fruit tree, the Karinda: see कृष्णपाक . (ला) A shrub, (Serratula anthelmintica:) see सोमराजी . E. कृष्ण black, and फल fruit.
- कृष्णफलपाक :: m. (-कः) A fruit: see the preceding; also कृष्णपाकफल .
- कृष्णभूमि :: f. (-मिः) A country with a dark soil, one of mould, blue clay, &c. E. कृष्ण black, and भूमि earth; also with a final अ, कृष्णभूमः .
- कृष्णभूमिजा :: f. (-जा) A species of grass, described as a nourishing food for cattle. E. कृष्णभूमि black earth, and ज born, produced.
- कृष्णभेदी :: f. (-दी) A medicinal plant: see कटुकी . E. कृष्ण black, hence, dirt or excrement, and भेदी what breaks, or dissipates.
- कृष्णमुद्ग :: m. (-द्गः) A sort of pulse, (Phaseolus max.) E. कृष्ण black, मुद्ग phaseolus.
- कृष्णमृत् :: f. (-मृत्) A country with a soil of a dark colour. E. कृष्ण black, and मृत् earth: see कृष्णभूमि .
- कृष्णमृत्तिका :: f. (-का) See the preceding.
- कृष्णरूप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) Formerly KRISHNA: see कृष्णचर . E. कृष्ण, and रूप्य affix, implying past state of being.
- कृष्णलवण :: n. (-णं) A factitious salt, either that prepared by evaporation from saline soil, or the medicinal kind, called Bit Laban or Bit Naban, a muriate of soda with a proportion of sulphur and iron. E. कृष्ण black, and लवण salt.
- कृष्णल :: m. (-लः) A Retti, a weight, the berry so used; or an artificial weight derived from it, the berry averaging about 1 (1/4) grain, the weight 2 3-16 grains. f. (-ला) A shrub bearing a small black and red berry, the Ratti or Gunza: see गुञ्जा . E. कृष्ण blackness, and ल what gets, from ला to obtain, affix ड and fem. affix टाप् .
- कृष्णलक :: m. (-कः) A Ratti, the jeweller's weight, the fifth of a Masha. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- कृष्णलोह :: n. (-हं) The loadstone. E. कृष्ण what attracts, and लोह iron.
- कृष्णलोहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Of a purple colour. E. कृष्ण black, and लोहित red; of which two colours purple is supposed to consist.
- कृष्णवक्त्र :: m. (-क्त्र) The black faced monkey. E. कृष्ण black, and वक्त्र the face.
- कृष्णवर्ण :: mfn. (-र्ण -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Black or dark blue, A SUDRA. 2. A name of RAHU n, (-र्णं) The colour black. E. कृष्ण and वर्ण colour.
- कृष्णवर्त्मन :: m. (-र्त्मा) 1. Fire. 2. RAHU or the personified ascending noda. 3. A low man, an outcaste, a profligate, a blackguard. 4. The marking nut plant. E. कृष्ण black, and वर्त्मन् a path or way; whose way is darkness.
- कृष्णवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) A plant, a dark kind of Babul, (Ocymum pilosum.)
- कृष्णवानर :: m. (-रः) A black monkey. E. कृष्ण black, and वानर an ape.
- कृष्णवीज :: m. (-जः) A red variety of the Morunga: see रक्तशीग्र . E. कृष्ण black, वीज the seed.
- कृष्णवृन्ता :: f. (-न्ता) 1. The trumpet flower, (Bignonia suave-olens.) 2. A leguminous plant, (Glycine debilis.) E. कृष्ण black, and वृन्त foot- stalk.
- कृष्णवृन्तिका :: f. (-का) A tree, (Gmelina arborea:) see गम्भारी .
- कृष्णशार :: m. (-रः) The black antelope: see कृष्णसार .
- कृष्णशालि :: m. (-लिः) A sort of rice of a dark colour. E. कृष्ण, and शालि rice.
- कृष्णशिम्बी :: f. (-म्बी) A sort of bean, (Dolichos virosus.) E. कृष्ण, and शिम्बी a Dolichos.
- कृष्णशृङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A buffalo. E. कृष्ण black, and शृङ्ग a horn, black horned.
- कृष्णश्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Worshipping or devoted to KRISNA. E. कृष्ण, and श्रित attached.
- कृष्णसख :: m. (-खः) A friend or follower of KRISHNA, especially ARJUNA E. कृष्ण, and सखि a friend, टच् affix in this class of compounds.
- कृष्णसखि :: f. (-खी) Cummin-seed.
- कृष्णसर्प :: m. (-र्पः) A black snake. E. कृष्ण, and सर्प a snake.
- कृष्णसर्षप :: m. (-पः) Black mustard. E. कृष्ण, and सर्षप mustard.
- कृष्णसार :: mf. (-रः-रा) A timber tree, Sisu, (Dalbergia Sisu, Rox.) m. (-रः) 1. The black antelope. 2. Khayar, (Mimosa catechu.) 3. A thorny plant, (Euphorbia tirucalli, &c.) E. कृष्ण black, and सार essence.
- कृष्णसारङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) The black antelope. E. कृष्ण black, and सारङ्ग a deer.
- कृष्णसारथि :: m. (-थिः) ARJUNA. E. कृष्ण, and सारथि charioteer, driven by KRISHNA.
- कृष्णस्कन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) A tree which bears black blossoms, the Tamala tree. E. कृष्ण black, and स्कन्ध the shoulder: see कालस्कन्ध .
- कृष्णागुरु :: n. (-रुः) Agallochum or aloe wood, the black variety. E. कृष्ण, and अगुरु aloe wood.
- कृष्णाचल :: m. (-लः) The mountain Raivata, part of the western portion of the Vindhya chain; it is also one of the nine principal moun- tains. that separate the same divisions or Varshas of the known world. E. कृष्ण black, and अचल a mountain.
- कृष्णानदी :: f. (-दी) The name of a river, possibly the Krishna in the Deccan. E. कृष्ण and नदी a river, river of KRISHNA; also other analogous names, as कृष्णसमुद्भवा, कृष्णवेण्या, कृष्णगङ्गा &c; also कृष्णा .
- कृष्णामिष :: n. (-षं) Iron. E. कृष्ण black, and आमिष flesh substance.
- कृष्णायस :: n. (-सं) Iron, crude or black iron. E. कृष्ण black, and अयस iron.
- कृष्णार्च्चिस् :: m. (-र्च्चिः) A name of fire. E. कृष्ण black, and अर्च्चिस् flame.
- कृष्णार्जक :: m. (-कः) A black species of basil: see कृष्णवल्ली E. कृष्ण black, and अर्जक basil.
- कृणावास :: m. (-सः) The holy fig tree, (Ficus religiosa.) E. कृष्ण the deity, and आवास abode.
- कृष्णाश्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Devoted to or the votary of KRISHNA. E. कृष्ण and आश्रित attached or devoted to.
- कृष्णिका :: f. (-का) Black mustard. E. कृष्ण black, कन् affix, the fem. form.
- कृष्णिमन् :: m. (-मा) Blackness. E. कृष्ण and इमनिच् aff.
- कृष्णीकरण :: n. (-णं) Blackening, making black. E. कृष्ण and करण making, च्वि augment.
- कृष्णीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Blackened, made black. E. कृष्ण, कृत made, च्वि augment.
- कृष्णीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Being or become black, &c. E. कृष्ण भूत become च्वि augment.
- कृष्णेक्षु :: m. (-क्षुः) A sort of sugar cane. E. कृष्ण black, and इक्षु sugar cane.
- कृसर :: m. (-रः) 1. A dish consisting of sesamum and grain. 2. A mix- ture of rice and peas with a few spices. E. कॄ to scatter, सर Unadi affix; also कृशर .
- कॄ :: r. 6th cl. (किरति) To throw, to scatter. r. 9th cl. (कृणाति) or (गि, ञ) गिकॄञ् (कृणाति-कृणीते) To hurt, to injure, r. 10th cl. (कारयते) To know. With अप prefixed, To draw furrows, to make lines. 1. To disperse. 2. With अव, To throw, to cast. 3. With आङ्, To fill up. to cover over. 4. With प्रति, To hurt, to injure. 5. With वि . To throw, to cast, to send, to scatter widely. 6. With सम, To gather, to collect. 7. With अभि in the passive voice, to be upset, over- come, or overwhelmed.
- कॄत :: r. 10th cl. (कीर्त्तयति) To celebrate, to glorify. to render renowned or notorious.
- कॢप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Made, formed. 2. Fixed, appointed. 3. Ascertai- ned, determined. 4. Cut, pared, shorn. E. कृप् to be able. &c. affix क्त, and the augment इट् omitted.
- कॢप्तकीला :: f. (-ला) A Tittle-deed, a lease of a house, a document &c. E. कॢप्त fixed, कील a bolt or pin.
- कॢप्तधूप :: m. (-पः) Frankincense, olibanum. E. कॢप्त made, धूप incense.
- कॢप्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Bought, purchased.
- केकय :: m. (-यः) A prince of the lunar race. f. (-यी) daughter of the prece- ding and one of the wives of DAŚARATHA: the mother of BHARATA: see केकेयी .
- केकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Squint-eyed. E. के in the head. कृ to make, टच् affix; also compounded with अक्ष an eye, as केकराक्ष .
- केकल :: m. (-लः) A dancer.
- केका :: f. (-का) The cry of a peacock. E. के an imitative sound and क what sounds, from कै to sound, affixes ड and टाप् .
- केकाबल :: m. (-लः) A peacock. E. केका his cry, and बलच् aff.
- केकिन् :: m. (-की) A peacock. E. केका the cry of the bird, and इनि aff.
- केकेयी :: f. (-यी) One of DASARAT'HA'S three wives, the mother of BHARATA.
- केचन :: ind. Some, some or certain persons. E. के plural of किम्, and चन aff.
- केचित् :: ind. Some, some persons. E. See the last; चिति aff.
- केचुक :: m. (-कः) An esculent root, (Arum colocasia:) see कचु .
- केणिका :: f. (-का) A tent. E. किण् to cover (a Sautra root), ण्वुल् aff.
- केत :: r. 10th cl. (केतयति) 1. To call or invite. 2. To counsel or advise; some authorities substitute सङ्केत for this root.
- केत :: m. (-तः) A house, an abode. E. कित् to abide, affix घञ् .
- केतक :: mf. (-कः-की) A fragrant plant, (Pandanus odoratissimus.) E. किति to abide, ण्वुल् aff.
- केतन :: n. (-नं) 1. A flag, a banner. 2. Business, indispensable act. 3. Invitation. 4. A spot or mark, a sign, a symbol. 5. A house, an abode. 6. Place, site, situation. &c. E. कित् to abide, affix ल्युट् .
- केतित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Called, summoned. 2. Dwelt, inhabited. E. केत् to call, or कित् to dwell, क्त affix.
- केतु :: m. (-तुः) KETU the dragon's tail or descending node; in astronomy, the ninth of the planets; in mythology, a demon: the body of SAINHIKEYA severed from the head (RAHU), by VISHNU, at the churning of the ocean, but immortal, by having tasted the Amrita. 2. A banner, a flag. 3. A mark, a sign, a symbol, &c. 4. Light. 5. A comet, falling star, &c. 6. Disease. 7. A pigmy race inhabit- ing Kusa Dwipa, the progeny of JAIMINI. E. चाय् to worship, तु Unadi affix, कि substituted for the root.
- केतुतारा :: f. (-रा) A comet. E. केतु, and तारा a star.
- केतुभ :: m. (-भः) A cloud. E. केतु the plant, and भ what resembles it in darkness.
- केतुमाल :: n. (-लं) One of nine great divisions of the known world, the western portion or Varsha of Jambu Dwipa.
- केतुयष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) A flag-staff E. केतु, and यष्टि a stick.
- केतुरत्न :: n. (-त्नं) Lapis lazuli. E. केतु, and रत्न a gem.
- केतुवसन :: m. (-नः) A flag. E. केतु a standard, and वसन cloth.
- केदर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Squint-eyed. m. (-रः) The name of a plant. E. क the earth or the head, दृ to divide, affix अच् .
- केदार :: m. (-रः) 1. A field, a meadow, a plain. 2. A mountain. 3. A name of SIVA. 4. A particular place, the modern Kedar, part of the Himalaya mountains. 5. A basin for water round the root of a tree. 6. A bed in a garden or field. E. क water, earth, &c. दृ to tear or rend, घञ् aff.
- केदारखण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) A small dyke or mound, earth raised to keep out water. E. केदार, and खण्ड a portion.
- केनार :: m. (-रः) 1. The head. 2. The temples, the upper part of the cheek. 3. A joint. 4. A division of hell, a hell like a potter's kiln. E. क the head, &c. नृ to guide, घञ् aff.
- केनिपात :: m. (-तः) The helm, a rudder, a large oar used as one. E. क water, निपात who goes or falls; also केनिपातक m. (-कः).
- केन्दु :: m. (-न्दुः) A sort of ebony, (Diospyros tomentosa, Rox.) E. क the earth, इन्द् to moisten, उ aff.
- केन्दुक :: m. (-कः) A sort of ebony, that yields a species of tar, (Diospyros glutinosa.) E. कन् implying resemblance, affixed to the preceding.
- केन्द्र :: n. (-न्द्रं) 1. The centre of a circle. 2. The argument of an equation. 3. The distance of a planet from the first point of its orbit in the fourth, seventh, or tenth degree. (In astronomy.) It is variously applied in combination, as पतनकेन्द्रं argument of the latitude; द्वितीयकेन्द्रं the distance of the higher apsis from a planet in any point of its orbit; शीघ्रकेन्द्रं commutation, the distance of the sun from a superior planet or of an inferior planet from the sun; मन्दकेन्द्रं argument of anomaly.
- केप :: r. 1st cl. (ऋ) केपृ (केपते) 1. To shake or tremble. 2. To go, to move or approach.
- केयूर :: n. (-रं) A bracelet worn on the upper arm. E. क the head, here implying the head of the arm, यु to join, ऊर aff.
- केरल :: m. (-लः) The appellation of a country, Keraladesha or the modern Malabar. f. (-ली) 1. Astronomical science. 2. Astronomical Sas-
tra or treatise. 3. A Hora or period of time equal to about one hour.
- केल :: r. 1st cl. (ऊ) केलू (केलति) 1. To shake. 2. To go or move.
- केलक :: m. (-कः) A dancer, a tumbler, one who walks or dances on the edge of a sword. E. किल् to sport, ण्वुल् aff.
- केलास :: m. (-सः) Crystal. E. के in water, लस् to shine, अण् aff.
- केलि :: mf. (-लिः-लिः or -ली) Play, sport, pastime, amusement. f. (-लिः) The earth. E. किल् to sport, Unadi affix इ .
- केलिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Sportive, sporting. m. (-कः) The Asoka tree. E. केलि and कन् added.
- केलिकला :: f. (-ला) 1. The Vina or lute of SARASWATI. 2. Amorous or sportive accent or address. 3. Sportive skill, wantonness. E. केलि sport, कल् to sound, affix अङ् and टाप् .
- केलिकिल :: m. (-लः) One of SIVA'S attendant demigods. 2. The confiden- tial companion of the hero of a drama, in general a sort of buffoon. f. (-ला) A name of RATI the wife of KAMADEVA. E. केलि sport, किल who plays, from किल् to sport, affix क .
- केलिकीर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) A camel.
- केलिकुञ्चिका :: f. (-का) A wife's younger sister. E. केलि play, कुचि to be crooked, ण्वुल् aff.
- केलिकोष :: m. (-षः) An actor, a dancer or tumbler: see केलक .
- केलिगृह :: n. (-हं) A pleasure house. a private apartment. E. केलि sport, and गृह a house; also केलिनिकेतन &c.
- केलिनागर :: m. (-रः) A sensualist, an enjoyer of worldly pleasures. E. केलि sport, and नागर a libertine, &c.
- केलिपर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Wanton, sportive. E. केलि, and पर intent on.
- केलिमुख :: m. (-खः) Pastime, sport. E. केलि play, and मुख chief.
- केलिवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A species of the Kadamba, commonly Keli Kadamba, (Nauclea cordifolia.) E. केलि sport, and वृक्ष a tree; being abun- dant in the scene of KRISHNA'S sports with the Gopis.
- केलिशयन :: n. (-नं) A couch, a sofa. E. केलि, and शयन a bed.
- केलिशुषि :: f. (-षिः) The earth.
- केलिसचिव :: m. (-वः) Minister of the sports, master of revels. E. केलि play सचिव a counsellor, a minister.
- केव :: r. 1st cl. (ऋ) केवृ (केवते) To serve.
- केवर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) A fisherman: see कैवर्त्त .
- केवल :: mfn. (-लः -ला or -ली-लं) 1. One, alone, only. 2. All, entire, whole. m. (-लः) An envious or selfish man. n. adv. (-लं) 1. Absolutely, certainly. 2. Only, alone. Subst. 3. A species of knowledge, that of the unity of spirit. E. केव् to sprinkle, कल aff.
- केवलज्ञानिन् :: m. (-नी) One of the Jaina saints of the last age. E. केवल unity, and ज्ञानिन् who knows.
- केवलद्रव्य :: n. (-व्यं) Black pepper. E. केवल one, only, द्रव्य thing.
- केवलवैयाकरण :: m. (-णः) A grammarian, a mere grammarian, one not versed in any other science. E. केवल only, and वैयाकरण a grammari- an; also similar compounds, as केवलनैयायिक a mere logician, &c.
- केवलिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) One, only, alone. m. (-ली) A Jaina who has acquired holy knowledge. E. केवल one, इनि affix; a unitarian.
- केविका :: f. (-का) The name of a flower, commonly Keber.
- केश :: m. (-शः) 1. Hair. 2. A name of VARUNA. 3. A kind of perfume: see वाला, 4. The name of a demon. 5. A name of VISHNU. f. (-शो) 1. A lock of hair on the crown of the head. 2. The indigo plant 3. Indian spikenard. E. क्लिश् to bind, अण् affix, and ल rejected; or क the head, and ईश् to rule, affix अच्; again, क water or hap- piness, and ईश the lord or master.
- केशक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Skilful in dressing hair, taking pains with it, &c. E. केश and कन् aff.
- केशकलाप :: m. (-पः) A quantity of hair. E. केश hair, and कलाप in this compound implying quantity.
- केशकार :: m. (-रः) A sort of sugar cane. E. केश, and कार what makes.
- केशकीट :: m. (-टः) A louse. E. केश, and कीट an insect.
- केशगर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) 1. A braid of hair 2. Varuna. E. केश, and गर्भ origin.
- केलगर्भक :: m. (-कः) A braid or tress of hair. E. केश hair, and गर्भक a chaplet.
- केशगृहीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pulled or seized by the hair. E. केश, and गृहीत seized.
- केशग्रह :: m. (-हः) Pulling the hair. E. केश, and ग्रह seizing; also केशग्रहणं .
- केशघ्न :: n. (-घ्नं) Morbid baldness, falling of the hair. E. केश the hair, and घ्न what destroys, from हन् to injure, affix टच् .
- केशच्छिद् :: m. (च्छिद् or -च्छित्) A barber, a hair-dresser. E. केश the hair छिद् to cut, affix क्विप् .
- केशट :: m. (-टः) 1. A name of VISHNU. 2. A goat. 3. A louse. 4. A broth- er. 5. One of KAmA'S arrows. 6. A tree, commonly Sonapat, (शोणक .) E. केश hair, अट् to go, affix अच्, deriv. irr.
- केशधृत् :: m. (-धृत्) The root of sweet flag. E. केश hair, and धृ to hold, affix क्विप्; resembling hair.
- केशपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) Much or ornamented hair. E. केश hair, पक्ष quantity, in this compound.
- केशपङ्क्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. A row or line of hair. 2. A quantity of hair. E. केश, and पंक्ति a line.
- केशपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A plant, (Achyranthes aspera;) also अपामार्ग . E. केश hair, पर्ण a leaf.
- केशपाश :: m. (-शः) Much or ornamented hair. f. (-शी) A lock of hair on the top of the head. E. केश hair, पाश quantity, in this compound.
- केशभू :: m. (-भूः) The head. E. केश, and भू place.
- केशमार्जक :: m. (-कः) A comb. E. केश hair, मृज् to clean, ण्वुल् affix; also केशमार्जन .
- केशमार्जन :: n. (-नं) 1. A comb. 2. Cleaning the hair. E. See the preceding, ल्युट् aff.
- केशमुष्टि :: m. (-ष्टिः) 1. A large species of Nimb tree. 2. A handful of hair. E. केश, and मुष्टि the fist.
- केशर :: mn. (-रः-रं) The filament of a lotus or of any vegetable. m. (-रः) 1. A plant, commonly Nageswar, (Mesua ferrea.) 2. A tree bearing a white strong smelling flower, (Mimusops elengi:) see वकुल . 3. A shrub used in dying, (Rottleria tinctoria;) also पुन्नाग . 4. A lion's mane. n. (-रं) Asafœtida. E. क water, &c. in the seventh case के, शृ to go, अप् affix; also with सृ to go केसर .
- केशरञ्जन :: m. (-नः) A plant: see भृङ्गराज (Verbesina prostrata.) E. केश the hair, and रञ्जन what colours.
- केशराज :: m. (-जः) A species of Bhringaraja: see the preceding. E. केश hair, राज् to shine, टच् aff.
- केशराम्ल :: m. (-म्लः) A citron tree.
- केशरिन् :: m. (-री) 1. A lion. 2. A horse. 3. A plant used in dying: see पुन्नाग . 4. Nageswar, (Mesua ferrea.) 5. The citron tree. E. केशर a name, a filament, &c. इनि aff.
- केशव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Having much or handsome hair. m. (-वः) 1. A name of KRISHNA or VISHNU. 2. A plant, commonly Punnaga: see पुन्नाग E. क BRAHMA, and ईश SIVA, व who goes, &c. from वा with ड affix; again केश hair, व who possesses: fine-haired.
- केशवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Having a fine head of hair. E. केश and मतुप् aff.
- केशवभक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Devotion to KRISHNA. E. केशव and भक्ति faith.
- केशवायुध :: m. (-धः) 1. The mango tree. 2. Any weapon of KRISHNA. E. केशव KRISHNA, and आयुध a weapon.
- केशवालय :: m. (-यः) The holy fig tree, (Ficus religiosa.) E. केशव KRISHNA, and आलय abode.
- केशवाबाल :: m. (-लः) See the preceding.
- केशवावास :: m. (-सः) See the preceding.
- केशवेश :: m. (-शः) A tress or fillet of hair. E. केश hair, and वेश ornament.
- केशहस्त :: m. (-स्तः) Much ornamented hair. E. केश hair, and हस्त here im- plying much.
- केशाकेशि :: n. (-शि) Pulling the hair mutually, hair to hair. E. केश hair, repeated, affix इञ् .
- केशान्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. Cutting off the hair finally as a religious ceremony, performed upon Brahmans at sixteen years of age; Kshetriyas at twenty-two; and Vaisyas at twenty-four. 2. The tip or end of hair. E. केश and अन्त end.
- केशान्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Extending to the hair. 2. Relating to the ceremony of final tonsure. E. केशान्त, and ठक् aff.
- केशारि :: m. (-रिः) A tree, (Mesua ferrea.)
- केशावमर्षण :: n. (-णं) Pulling the hair, especially amorously, playing with it, rubbing it, &c. E. केश the hair, अव implying improperly, and मर्षण rubbing.
- केशिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Having fine or luxuriant hair. 2. Relating to the hair. E. केश hair. ठक् aff.
- केशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Having fine hair. m. (-शी) 1. A name of VISHNU or KRISHNA. 2. The name of a Daitya or demon killed by KRISHNA. 3. A lion. f. (-शिनी) 1. A kind of grass, (Andropogon aculeatum.) 2. Spikenard, (Valeriana jatamansi.) E. केश hair, इनि aff.
- केशिसूदन :: m. (-नः) A name of KRISHNA. E. केशि a demon, सूदन destroyer also similar compounds, as केशिहन्, केशिनिसूदन, &c.
- केशिहन् :: m. (-हा) See the preceding.
- केशोच्चय :: m. (-यः) Much or handsome hair. E. केश hair, उच्चय heap, abundance.
- केसर :: mn. (-रः-रं) A filament. m. (-रः) 1. A lion. 2. A horse. 3. The name of a horse or lion, &c., see केशर . 4. A plant, (Mimusops elengi.) 5. A tree used in dying, (Rottleria Tinctoria.) nf. (-रं-री) Asafœtida. n. (-रं) 1. Gold. 2. Sulphate of iron. 3. The flower of the Nageswar. E. के on the head, सृ to go, ट aff.
- केसरवर :: n. (-रं) Saffron. E. केसर and वर best.
- केसराम्ल :: m. (-म्लः) A citron. E. केसर, and अम्ल sour.
- केसरिन् :: m. (-री) 1. A lion. 2. A horse. 3. A plant used in dying: see पुन्नाग . 4. Nageswar, (Mesua ferrea.) 5. A monkey the father of HANUMAN. E. केसर a filament, a mane, इनि aff.
- केसरिसुत :: m. (-तः) The monkey HANUMAN. E. केसरि, and सुत son कै r. 1st cl. (कायति) To sound.
- कैकेयो :: f. (-यी) One of the wives of DAŚARATHA, and the mother of BHARATA. E. केकय a king, father of this lady, and ढक् aff.
- कैङ्कर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Service, servitude. E. किङ्कर a servant, and ष्यञ् aff.
- कैटभ :: m. (-भः) A demon slain by VISHṆU. f. (-भा) A name of DURGA. E. कैटभ a demon in whose death the goddess was instrumental, by having at the prayers of BRAHMA roused VISHNU from his slumbers, during which two demons, Kaitabha and Madhu, were about to demolish BRAHMA; also कैटभी .
- कैटभजित् :: m. (-जित्) A name of VISHNU. E. कैटभ the name of an Asur killed by the deity, and जित् who conquers; also similar com- pounds, as कैटभहन्, &c.
- कैटभारि :: m. (-रिः) A name of VISHNU: see कैटभजित् .
- कैटर्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) A plant used in medicine, commonly Kayaphal. 2. The Nimb tree. 3. Mayana, (Vangueria spinosa.) E. कैटर from किट् to fear, and रा to cause, alarming by its pungency; pleonastic affix ष्यञ्; also कैडर्य्य .
- कैतव :: n. (-वं) 1. Deceit, fraud, cheating, roguery. 2. Gambling 3. The lapis lazuli. E. कितव a cheat, &c. अण् aff.
- कैतवप्रयोग :: m. (-गः) A trick, a device. E. कैतव and प्रयोग application.
- कैतववाद :: m. (-दः) Evasion, falsehood. E. कैतव and वाद speech.
- कैदार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Belonging to a field, a meadow, &c. m. (-रः) Rice, corn. n. (-रं) A multitude of fields. E. केदार a field, and अण् affix; also कैदारक, and कैदारिक .
- कैदारक :: n. (-कं) A multitude of fields. E. केदार, and वुञ् affix; also with ठञ् affix कैदारिक .
- कैदार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्यी -र्य्यं) Belonging to a field, &c. n. (-र्य्यं) A number of fields. E. केदार and ष्यञ् aff.
- कैरव :: m. (-वः) 1. A rogue, a cheat. 2. An enemy. f. (-वी) Moonlight. n. (वं) 1. The white esculent water lily. 2. Fraud, trick. E. केरव here said to mean, a goose, from के in water, and रु to sound, with अप् affix; again, अण् affix, liked by the geese; or किरव a cheat, &c. or कैरव a lotus, and अण् affix, implying identity or resemblance.
- कैरविणी :: f. (-णी) A place abounding in lotus flowers, or an assemblage of lotuses. E. कैरव a white lotus, इनि and ङीष् affs.
- कैरविन् :: m. (-वी) The moon. E. कैरवी moonlight, इनि aff.
- कैराटक :: m. (-कः) A species ef poison, one of the fixed kinds.
- कैरात :: n. (-तं) 1. A sort of gentian, commonly Cherayta, (Gentiana cherayta, Rox) 2. A kind of Sandal. m. (-तः) A strong man. E. किरात gentian, &c. अण् aff.
- कैल :: n. (-लं) Sport, pleasure. E. केलि, and अञ् pleonasm.
- कैलास :: m. (-सः) The mountain Kailasa, the fabulous residence of KUVERA, and favourite haunt of SIVA; it is placed by the Hindus amongst the Himalaya mountains, and the name is given to one of the lof- tiest peaks lying on the north of the Manasa lake. E. कैलास crys- tal, and the affix अण् implying nature or consistence; or कैल plea- sure, आस् to abide, affix यञ्; the place where beings reside in bliss.
- कैलासनिकेतन :: m. (-नः) 1. SIVA. 2. KUVERA. E. कैलास, and निकेतन dwell- ing.
- कैलासौकस् :: m. (-काः) A name of KUVERA. E. कैलास the mountain, औकस् abode; whose abode is mount Kailasa.
- कैवर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) A fisherman born of a prostitute by a Kshetriya, or of an Ayogava female by a Nisada father. f. (-र्त्ती) The wife of a fisherman. E. क water, the seventh case, के and वर्त्त who abides, केवर्त्त a fish, अण् affix, implying enmity.
- कैवर्त्तक :: m. (-कः) See the preceding.
- कैवर्त्तमुस्त :: n. (-स्तं) See the next.
- कैवर्त्तमुस्तक :: n. (-कं) A fragrant grass: see the next.
- कैवर्त्तिमुस्तक :: n. (-कं) A fragrant kind of grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) E. कैवर्त्त as above, water-abiding, and मुस्तक cyperus; also कैवर्त्तीमुस्तक, कैवर्त्तमुस्त, &c.
- कैवल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्यी -ल्यं) Sole, only. n. (-ल्यं) 1. Eternal emancipation, future happiness. 2. Exclusiveness, individuality. E. केवल alone, free from all fetters, ष्यञ् affix of the abstract.
- कैशिक :: m. (-कः) Love, passion, lust. f. (-की) One of the four varieties of dramatic style, the graceful style, suited especially to the passion of love. n. (-कं) A quantity of hair, the head of hair. E. केशिक hav- ing much hair. &c. affix अण् fem. affix ङीष् .
- कैशोर :: n. (-रं) Youth, boyhood, from the age of ten to that of fifteen. E. किशोर a child, and अञ् aff.
- कैश्य :: n. (-श्यं) A head of hair, much or ornamented hair. E. केश hair, यञ् aff.
- कोक :: m. (-कः) 1. A wolf. 2. The ruddy goose. 3. A frog. 4. A lizard, a chameleon. 5. The wild date tree. 6. A name of VISHNU. E. कुक् to seize or take, or क water, उक् to go, affix अच् .
- कोकड :: m. (-डः) An animal said to be a kind of deer, of a brown colour, with a bushy tail, and lurking in holes, perhaps a hare.
- कोकदेव :: m. (-वः) A pigeon.
- कोकनद :: n. (-दं) 1. The red lotus. 2. The red water-lily. E. कोक a goose, and नद् to sound, affix क .
- कोकनदच्छवि :: mfn. (-विः -विः -वि) Red, the colour, or of that colour. E. कोकनद the red lotus, and छवि light, splendor.
- कोकबन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) The sun. E. कोक the ruddy goose, and बन्धु a friend: see चक्रवाक .
- कोकाह :: m. (-हः) A white horse.
- कोकिल :: m. (-लः) 1. The Kokila or Koil, the black or Indian cuckoo, (Cuculus Indicus.) 2. A firebrand, a lighted coal. E. कुक् to seize, (the heart,) and इलच् affix: the Kokila makes a prominent figure in Hindu poetry, and is supposed, by his musical cry, to inspire pleasing and tender emotions.
- कोकिलनयन :: m. (-नः) A plant bearing a dark black flower, (Capparis spinosa;) it is also applied to Barleria longifolia. E. कोकिल the Koil, and नयन an eye, to which the flower is compared; also other similar compounds, as कोकिलाक्ष &c.
- कोकिलाक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A shrub: see the preceding. E. कोकिल, and अक्ष the eye, or with कन् added, कोकिलाक्षक .
- कोकिलावास :: m. (-सः) The mango tree. E. कोकिल, and आवास abode.
- कोकिलेक्षु :: m. (-क्षुः) The black variety of sugar cane. कोकिल and इक्षु sugar cane.
- कोकिलोत्सव :: m. (-वः) The mango tree. E. कोकिल and उत्सव festival.
- कोच :: m. (-चः) A man of degraded caste, the offspring of a fisherman by a female of the butcher tribe.
- कोङ्कण :: m. (-णः) The name of a country, Konkan in the peninsula. The hilly strip of land between the Sahyadri and the ocean. n. (-णं) A kind of weapon.
- कोङ्कणासुत :: m. (-तः) A name of PARASURAMA. E. कोङ्कणा the mother of the hero, or the woman of Konkan. and सुत a son.
- कोजागर :: m. (-रः) The day of full-moon in the month of Ashwin, (Septm- ber-October.) E. कः who जागर wakeful; who is awake the call of LAKSHMI, who descending on this night, promised wealth to all that were awake: hence the night is spent in festivity, and games of chance in honour of the goddess.
- कोट :: m. (-टः) 1. A fort, a strong hold. 2. A shed, a hut. 3. Crooked- ness, (Physical and moral) curvature.
- कोटक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Who or what curves or bends. m. (-कः) A thatcher, a builder of huts, &c. E. कुट् to be crooked, ण्वुल् aff.
- कोटर :: mn. (-रः-रं) The hollow of a tree. f. (-री) 1. A name of the goddess DURGA, 2. A naked woman: see कोटवी . E. कोट and र, from रा to get, to possess, with the affix ड .
- कोटरावण :: n. (-णं) A wood in which there are hollow trees. E. कोटर the hollow of a tree, and वन a wood; by special rules, the final vowel of the first word is made long, and न in the second is changed to ण .
- कोटवी :: f. (-वी) 1. A naked woman. 2. A name of DURGA. E. कोट crook- edness, and वा to get or receive, क and ङीष् affixes; also कोट्टवी, and कोटरी .
- कोटि :: f. (-टिः) 1. The edge or point of a sword. 2. The curved end of a bow. 3. A number, a Krore or ten millions. 4. Eminence, excell- ence. 5. The upright side of a triangle. 6. The complement of an arc to 90°. 7. A plant, Piring or Asparac, (Medicago esculenta.) 8. A department. 9. The horn of the moon 10. one side of a deba- table question. E. कुट् to be crooked, and इण् Unadi affix; also कोटी .
- कोटिक :: m. (-कः) An insect, coccinella of various kinds; this is most usually read कोटिर .
- कोटिजित् :: m. (-जित्) A name of the poet KALIDASA. E. कोटि a Krore, (of competitors,) and जित् conqueror.
- कोटिज्या :: f. (-ज्या) The cosine of an angle in a right-angled triangle. E. कोटि and ज्या a sine.
- कोटिपात्र :: m. (-त्रः) A rudder or large oar used as one. E. कोटि an edge, and पात्र a plank.
- कोटिर :: m. (-रः) 1. An ichneumon, (Viverra ichneumon.) 2. An insect, coccinella of various kinds: see इन्द्रगोप . 3. A name of INDRA. E. कोटि excellence, and र what possesses.
- कोटिवर्ष :: n. (-र्ष) The name of a city, Vanapuri or Devikote, on the
Koromandel coast. f. (-र्षा) A plant used as a medicinal vegetable. (Medicago esculenta:) see पिडिङ्ग, E. कोटि excellence, वर्ष what diffuses.
- कोटश :: m. (-शः) A harrow. E. कोटि an edge, शी to cut or pare, क aff.
- कोटिशस् :: ind. In multitudes, by millions. E. कोटि, and शसि aff.
- कोटी :: f. (-टी) 1. The edge or point of a sword. 2. A medicinal plant, (Medicago esculenta.) 3. A Krore, &c.: see कोटि .
- कोटीर :: m. (-रः) 1. Long entangled hair. 2. A crest, a diadem. E. कुट् to be crooked, इरन् affix and the radical vowel converted.
- कोटीवर्ष :: n. (-र्षं) A name of Vanapura. f. (-र्षा) Piring, a plant: see कोटिवर्ष .
- कोटीश :: m. (-शः) A harrow: see कोटिश .
- कोट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः-ट्टं) A fort, a castle, a stronghold. E. कुट्ट् to cut or divide, affix घञ् .
- कोट्टवी :: f. (-वी) 1. A naked woman with dishevelled hair. 2. A name of DURGA. 3. The mother of Vana, an Asura: see कोटवी .
- कोट्टवीपुर :: n. (-रं) Vanapur or Devicotta. E. कोट्टवी the mother of Vana, and पुर a city.
- कोट्टार :: m. (-रः) 1. A well a pond. 2. The stairs of a pond. 3. A fortified town, a strong hold. 4. A libertine. E. कोट्ट a fort, &c. ऋ to go, affix अप् .
- कोठ :: m. (-ठः) 1. A species of leprosy with large round spots. 2. Ring- worm, impetigo. E. कुठ् to surround, affix घञ् .
- कोण :: m. (-णः) 1. A corner, an angle. 2. The quill or bow of a lute, a fiddle-stick, &c. 3. A drum stick. 4. A sort of stringed musical instrument. 5. The sharp edge of a sword. 6. A stick, a staff, a club. 7. A name of Mangala, the planet MARS. 8. A name of the planet SATURN. 9. An intermediate point of the compass. E. कुण, to sound, &c. घञ् aff.
- कोणकुण :: m. (-णः) A bug. E. कुण् to cut, affix क, added to कीण the edge of a sword.
- कोणाघात :: m. (-तः) A mixed sound of several musical instruments “ढक्का- शतसहस्राणि भेरीशतशतानि च । एकदा यत्र हन्यन्ते कोणाघातः स उच्यते” ।
- कोणि :: mfn. (-णिः -णिः -णि) Having a crooked arm: see कुणि .
- कोथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) 1. Afflicted with pain. 2. Churned. m. (-थः) 1. In- flamation, and ulceration of the angles of the eyelids. 2. Gan- grene. 3. Churning. E. कुथ् to afflict or be afflicted. affix घञ् .
- कोदण्ड :: mn. (-ण्डः-ण्डं) A bow. m. (-ण्डः) 1. An eyebrow. 2. The name of a country. E. कुण् to sound, अण्ड Unadi affix, &c. दन inserted; the final radical consonant is rejected; otherwise, कुद् to speak false, अण्डच् aff.
- कोद्रव :: n. (-वं) A species of grain eaten by the poorer people. (Paspalum kora.) E. क wind, उद्रव to go, affix अच्; sown by the wind, or growing wild in many places.
- कोप :: m. (-पः) 1. Wrath, rage. 2. Morbid irritation or disorder of the humours of the body. E. कुप् to be angry, affix घञ् .
- कोपक्रम :: m. (-मः) An angry or passionate man. E. कोप rage, and क्रम who goes or has. n. (-मं) The creation by BRAHMA. E. क BRAHMA, and उपक्रम order, method; also similar compounds, as कोपज्ञ, &c.
- कोपज्वलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Enraged, inflamed with wrath. E. कोप, and ज्वलित inflamed.
- कोपदीप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Incensed, inflamed with anger. E. कोप, and दीप्त shining.
- कोपन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Passionate, wrathful. f. (-ना) A passionate woman. E. कुप् to be angry, युच् affix, fem. affix टाप् .
- कोपपद :: n. (-दं) Appearance of anger, pretended wrath. E. कोप, and पद place.
- कोपवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Passionate, angry. E. कोप, and मतुप् aff.
- कोपवेग :: m. (-गः) Violence, impetuousity of passion. E. कोप, and वेग speed.
- कोपाकुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Furious, enraged. E. कोप, and आकुल bewildered.
- कोपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Angry, enraged. E. कोप, and इतच् aff.
- कोपिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिनी -पि) Angry, passionate, wrathful. m. (-पी) A bird called the water-pigeon. E. कुप् to be angry, णिनि aff.
- कोमल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Soft, bland. 2. Soft, low, sweet. 3. Beautiful, pleasing, agreeable. f. (-ला) A plant: see क्षीरिका . n. (-लं) Water. E. कुट् to be curved, कल Unadi affix; and मुट् inserted, formative irregular; or कम् to desire, कलच् affix, and उ inserted with con- version.
- कोमलक :: n. (-कं) The fibres of the stalk of a lotus. E. कोमल soft, कन् added.
- कोमलगीत :: n. (-तं) A pleasing song. E. कोमल, and गीत a song; also with कन् added, कोमलगीतकः .
- कोमलता :: f. (-ता) Softness, tenderness, agreeableness; also with त्व, कोमलत्वं .
- कोमासिका :: f. (-का) A budding fruit.
- कोयष्टि :: m. (-ष्टिः) The lapwing: see the next.
- कोयष्टिक :: m. (-कः) The lapwing. E. क water, यष्टि a line or row, कन् ad- ded, deriv. irr.; also कोयष्टि . These birds are found in the vicinity of marshes, &c.
- कोर :: m. (-रः) 1. Union with little or no motion, as that of the fingers with another, amphiarthrosis. 2. A bud. E. कुर sound, घञ् aff.
- कोरक :: mn. (-कः-कं) 1. A bud, unblown flower; any thing partially deve- loped but not full grown. 2. A species of perfume commonly Chor. 3. Another perfume, a berry containing a resinous and fragrant substance: see कक्कोलक 4. The fibres of the stalk of the lotus. E. कुर् to sound, affix वुन् .
- कोरङ्गी :: f. (-ङ्गी) Small cardamoms: see एला . E. कुर् to sound, अङ्गच् and ङीष् affs.
- कोरदूष :: m. (-षः) A kind of grain, (Paspalum frumentaceum.) E. कोर a bud, दूष् to change, अण् affix; also कन् being added कोरदूषक m. (-कः .)
- कोरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Pounded, ground, comminuted. 2. Budded, sprouted. E. कोर and इतच् aff.
- कोल :: m. (-लः) 1. A hog. 2. A raft, a float. 3. The haunch, the hip or flank. 4. Embracing, an embrace. 5. The planet Sani or SATURN. 6. Plumbago, (Zenlanica &c.) 7. A country, Kalinga, the modern sea coast from Cuttack to Madras. 8. A kind of weapon. 9. An outcast, one of a tribe degraded by SAGARA from the military order. 10. A man of a mixed caste. 11. A barbarian, a Kol, people inhabiting the hills and forests in Central India. n. (-लं) 1. The fruit of the jujube. 2. The weight of one Tola. 3. Black pepper. f. (-ला or -ली) 1. The jujube tree. 2. Long pepper. 3. A kind of pepper, (Piper chavya, Rox.) E. कुल् to accumulate, affix अच् .
- कोलक :: n. (-कं) 1. A kind of perfume: see कक्कोलक 2. Long pepper. m. (-कः) A plant, (Cordia myxta.) E. कुल् to accumulate, वुन् aff.
- कोलदल :: n. (-लं) A kind of perfume: see नखो E. कोल the jujube, दल a leaf; having a similar leaf.
- कोलनासिका :: f. (-का) A plant; also वङ्किनी .
- कोलपुच्छ :: m. (-च्छः) A heron. E. कोल a hog, पुच्छ a tail; hogtailed.
- कोलमूल :: n. (-लं) The root of long pepper. E. कोल and मूल root.
- कोलम्बक :: m. (-कः) The body of a lute, the whole of it except the strings. E. कुल् to accumulate, अम्बच् and कन् affs.
- कोलवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) A plant, with a pungent fruit resembling pepper: see गजपिप्पली (Pothos officinalis.) E. कोल a hog, वल्ली a creeper; res- embling a hog's bristle.
- कोलाञ्च :: m. (-ञ्चः) A name of Kalinga the Coromandel coast, from Cuttack to Madras; according to some, it is in Gangetic Hindu- stan, with Konouj for the capital.
- कोलाहल :: m. (-लः) A loud and confused sound, an uproar, a great and indistinct noise. E. कोल accumulation, from कुल with घञ्; again, हल् to make or plough, आङ् prefixed, and अच् aff.
- कोलि :: f. (-लिः or ली) The jujube tree,) (Zizyphus jujuba.) E. See कोल .
- कोविद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Wise, learned. E. को who sounds or teaches (the Shastras,) विद divine knowledge from विद् to know, affix क .
- कोविदार :: m. (-रः) A species of ebony, (Bauhinia variegata.) E. कु the earth, दॄ to tear or divide, with वि prefixed deriv. irr.
- कोश :: m. (-शः) 1. An egg. 2. Wrought or unwrought gold or silver plate, jewellery. 3. An ordeal, &c. f. (-शी) 1. shoe, a sandal. 2. The bread of corn. E. कुश् or कुष् to issue, घञ् affix, fem. affix ङीष्; see कोष .
- कोशकार :: m. (-रः) The sugar cane; also कोषकार .
- कोशफल :: n. (-लं) A berry containing a waxy and fragrant substance: see कक्कोल . E. कोश an egg, फल fruit; the berry being egg-shaped.
- कोशल :: mf. (-लः-ला) 1. A man of the city Ayodhya (Oude), or the neighbouring district. 2. The name of a prince. E. कुश् to shine, अल Unadi affix; also कोषल .
- कोशलात्मजा :: f. (-जा) The wife of DAŚARATHA the mother of RAMA. E. कोशल the name of a king, and आत्मजा a daughter.
- कोशवासिन् :: mfn. (-सो -सिनी -सि) Wrapped up in a sheathe or shell, &c. m. (-सी) 1. A shelled animal. 2. A chrysalis or pupa. E. कोश, and वासिन् what abides.
- कोशस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Sheathed, enveloped in a sheathe, a shell, &c. m. (-स्थः) 1. Any shelled insect or animal, as a snail, &c. 2. A pupa or chrysalis. 3. The silk worm in its cocoon. E. कोश and स्थ what abides.
- कोशलिक :: n. (-कं) A bribe. E. कोश or कोष wealth, and ल what takes, ष्ठक् affix; also कोषलिक .
- कोशाङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A kind of reed or grass, commonly Ikada. E. कोश or कोष a sheathe, and अङ्ग body; also कोषाङ्ग .
- कोशातक :: m. (-कः) Hair. f. (-की) Several sorts of cucurbitaceous plants: see कोषातक .
- कोशातकिन् :: m. (-की) 1. Trade, business. 2. A trader, a merchant. 3. Submarine fire.
- कोष :: mn. (-षः-षं) 1. A bud 2. A sheathe, a scabbard, &c. 3. A coat, a surrounding cover, any investing sheathe. 4. Judicial trial by oath or ordeal, or by fire, water, poison, the balance, heated balls of iron, boiling oil, &c. attesting a deity, and touching or drinking water three times in which some idol has been washed. 5. Gold or silver, wrought or unwrought as plate, jewellery, &c. 6. Wealth. 7. Accumulated wealth, treasure. 8. A treasury, the apartment where money or plate is kept. 9. A sacrificial vessel or any drink- ing vessel. 10 The vulva, the womb. 11. The penis. 12. A test- icle or the scrotum. 13. An egg. 14. (In composition) A ball or globe, as सूत्रकोष a ball of thread, नेत्रकोष the eyeball, &c. 15. The inner part of the Jack-fruit or its like. 16. A nutmeg. 17. A dic- tionary or vocabulary. 18. A term for the five sheathes or cases which successively make up the body enveloping the soul. (In Vedanta Philosophy.) f. (-षी) 1. A shoe, a sandal. 2. The beard of corn: see कोश E. कुष् or कोश् to issue, affix घञ् hence the word is optionally कोष or कोश; the meanings may be mostly resolved into that, from which something issues or evolves.
- कोषक :: m. (-कः) 1. An egg. 2. A testicle. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- कोषकार :: m. (-रः) 1. Sugar cane, or a variety. 2. The silk worm, or the insect while in its cocoon. 3. A lexicographer. 4. A chrysalis, or (pupa.) E. कोष a sheathe, and कार what makes; also कोशकार or with कन् added कोशकारक and कोषकारक .
- कोषग्रहण :: n. (-णं) Undergoing an ordeal. E. कोषो and ग्रहण taking; also कोशग्रहणं .
- कोषचञ्चु :: m. (-ञ्चुः) The Indian crane. E. कोष a sheathe, &c. and चञ्चु a beak.
- कोषनायक :: m. (-कः) 1. The Indian Plutus. 2. A treasurer. E. कोष, and नायक chief.
- कोषफल :: n. (-लं) A berry having a fragrant pulp: see कक्कोल m. (-लः) A kind of creeping plant: see घोषक f. (-ला) A sort of Ghosha with yellow flowers, E. कोष a sheathe, and फल fruit; also कोशफल .
- कोषभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Treasured, stored, accumulated. E. कोष, and भूत been.
- कोषला :: f. (-ला) The country south of Ayodhya (Oude) or Ayodhyā itself: see कोशला .
- कोषवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Rich, wealthy. E. कोष, and मतुप् aff.
- कोषवृद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Swelled testicle, enlargement of the scrotum, from hernia or hydrocele, &c. E. कोष a testicle, and वृद्धि increase.
- कोषशायिका :: f. (-का) A knife. E. कोष a scabbard, and शी to sleep, ण्Vअल aff.
- कोषशुद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Purification by ordeal. E. कोष, and शुद्धि purity; also कोशशुद्धि .
- कोषहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Poor, without treasure. E. कोष, and हीन deprived of.
- कोषांश :: m. (-शः) Part of a treasure, a portion of a person's wealth. E. कोष, and अंश part.
- कोषातक :: m. (-कः) Hair. f. (-की) 1. A small species of cucumber, (Tri- chosanthes diæca:) 2. A cucurbitaceous plant, commonly called Turai, (Luffa acutangula.) 3. Another kind. (L. pentangula.) 4. A kind of creeper: see घोष . 5. A plant, (Achyranthes aspera;) also अपामार्ग . 6. Night. E. कोष a sheathe, &c. अत् to go, affixes क्वुन् and ङीष्; also कोशातक and कोषातकी .
- कोषाध्यक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. A treasurer. A minister of finance. 2. KUVERA. E. कोष, and अध्यक्ष superintendent.
- कोषापहरण :: n. (-णं) Carrying off treasure. E. कोष, and अपहरण taking away.
- कोषिन् :: m. (-षी) The mango tree. E. कोष a sheathe, and इनि aff.
- कोष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Own. m. (-ष्ठः) 1. A granary, a place in which grain is kept. 2. A treasury. 3. An apartment. 4. Any viscus, as the heart, lungs, stomach, bowels, &c. E. कुष् to issue, थन् Unadi aff.
- कोष्ठक :: n. (-कं) 1. A granary 2. A treasury. 3. A brick-trough for watering cattle at. E. कन् added to the last.
- कोष्ठपाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A municipal officer, a constable. 2. A watch, a guard. 3. A store-keeper, a treasurer. E. कोष, the granary, &c. and पाल who protects.
- कोष्ठागार :: m. (-रः) 1. A store. 2. A treasury. E. कोष्ठ, and आगार a house.
- कोष्ठाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) The digestive faculty, the gastric juice. E. कोष्ठ sto- mach, and अग्नि fire.
- कोष्ण :: mfn. (-ष्णः -ष्णा -ष्णं) Warm, moderately warm, tepid. n. (-ष्णं) Warmth. E. का diminutive, and उष्ण warm.
- कोहल :: m. (-लः) 1. The name of a saint or Muni, the inventor or first preceptor of the drama. 2. A kind of musical instrument. 3. A sort of spirituous liquor.
- कौकृत्य :: n. (-त्यं) 1. Evil doing, wickedness. 2. Repentance, E. कु bad, कृत्या action, affix अण .
- कौक्कुटिक :: m. (-अः) 1. A hypocrite. 2. A kind of mendicant, one who does not look far before him, or who proceeds with his eyes fixed upon the ground, for fear of treading upon insects, &c. E. कुक्कुटी hypocrisy, or a small part, ठक् aff.
- कौक्कुटिकन्दल :: m. (-लः) A species of snake, the Boa or Bor.
- कौक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Abdominal, ventral. E. कुक्षि the belly, अण् aff.
- कौक्षेयक :: m. (कः) A sword, scymitar. E. कुक्षि the belly, and ढकञ् affix; in any other sense the affix is अण्, making कौक्ष .
- कौङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) the country, the Konkan.
- कौङ्किण :: m. (-णः) The district of Konkan in the peninsula: see कोङ्कन .
- कौञ्च :: m. (-ञ्चः) The name of a mountain, part of the Himalaya range: see क्रौञ्च .
- कौञ्जायनी :: f. (-नी) 1. The wife of a Brahman or any venerable personage. 2. A female descendant of Kunja. E. कुञ्ज, and फक् affix, fem. affix ङीष् this word may be masculine, कौञ्जायन m. (-नः) meaning a male descendant of Kunja; also कौञ्जायन्य formed from कुञ्ज by ष्यञ् affix m. sing. (-न्यः) sense; also plur. (-नाः .)
- कौट :: mfn. (-टः -टी -टं) 1. Fraudulent, dishonest. 2. Snared, wired. 3. Domestic, homely, home-born, home bred. 4. Independent. n. (-टं) Fraud, falsehood. m. (-टः) A medicinal shrub, &c. कुटज . E. कूट fraud, or कुटि a house, अण् aff.
- कौटकिक :: m. (-कः) A vender of the flesh of birds or beasts, a poacher, a butcher, &c.; also कौटिक . E. कूट or कूटक a snare, a trap, and ठक् aff.
- कौटज :: m. (-जः) A medicinal shrub, (Echites antidysenterica:) see कुटज . E. अण् pleonastic affix to कुटज the same.
- कौटतक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) An independent carpenter, one who works at home on his own account, and not for the village or the corporation, &c. E. कौट domestic, and तक्ष a carpenter.
- कौटल्य :: m. (-ल्यः) The name of a saint; also called Vatsyayana.
- कौटसाक्षिन् :: m. (-क्षी) A false witness. E. कौट fraud, and साक्षिन् a witness.
- कौटसाक्ष्य :: n. (-क्ष्यं) False evidence. E. कौट, and साक्ष्य testimony.
- कौटिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Fraudulent, dishonest. 2. Relating to a snare to trap. m. (-कः) One who kills animals, and sells their flesh for his own subsistence, a hunter, a poacher, a mountaineer, &c. E. कूट a trap for catching birds, &c. affix ष्ठक् .
- कौटिलिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A hunter. 2. A blacksmith. E. कुटिलिका derived from कुटिल crooked, said to mean a forge, or the stooping approach of a hunter on his prey, affix अण .
- कौटिल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) 1. Crookedness. 2. Dishonesty. 2. An Epithet of Chanakya. E. कुटिल, and ष्यञ् aff.
- कौटुम्बिक :: m. (-कः) The father or master of a family. E. कुटुम्ब, and ठञ् aff.
- कौडविक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Sown with a certain measure, (a Kuḍava) of grain; (a field, &c.) E. कुडव a measure, and ठक aff.
- कौणप :: m. (-पः) A Rakshasa or goblin. E. कुणप a corpse, and अण affix; these beings are supposed to eat human flesh.
- कौणपदन्त :: m. (-न्तः) A name of BHISHMA uncle of the Pandus.
- कौण्डिन्य :: m. (-न्यः) The name of a Muni or divine sage.
- कौण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) Being maimed, being handless. E. कुणि a cripple, यञ् aff.
- कौतुक :: n. (-कं) 1. Eagerness, vehemence, impatience. 2. Joy, pleasure, happiness. 3. Sport, pastime. 4. A festivity. 5. Wish, inclination. 6. Curiosity. 7. Kind or friendly greeting, civility, salutation. 8. The marriage thread or ring. 9. The enjoyment of public diver- sions. 10. Song, dance, shew or spectacle. 11. Season of enjoyment. E. कुतुक, and अण् aff.
- कौतूहल :: n. (-लं) 1. Eagerness, vehemence. 2. Curiosity. E. कुतूहल and अण् pleonastic affix; also with ष्यञ् affix, कौतूहल्य n. (-ल्यं .)
- कौतूहलान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Eager, vehement. 2. Curious. E. कौतूहल, and अन्वित having.
- कौदालिक :: m. (-कः) A man of a mixed caste, the son of a fisherman by a woman of the washerman caste.
- कौद्रविक :: n. (-कं) Social salt.
- कौद्रवीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) A field, &c. of a particular grain, (Paspalum frumentaceum.) E. कोद्रव a species of grain, and खञ् aff.
- कौनख्य :: n. (-ख्यं) Ugliness of the nails. E. कुनख, and ष्यञ् aff.
- कौनख्यादिक :: n. (-कं) Neglect of personal decoration. E. कु bad, नखी a nail, आदि et cetera, कन् added, and अण् affix; allowing the nails to grow, &c.
- कौन्तिक :: m. (-कः) A spearman, a soldier armed with a spear. E. कुन्त a spear, affix ठक् .
- कौन्ती :: f. (-न्ती) A sort of perfume, commonly Renuka. E. कुन्ति here said to mean a country, affixes अण् and ङीष्; produced in that district.
- कौन्तेय :: m. (-यः) Either of the Pandu princes. E. कुन्ती, and ढक् affix, son of KUNTI.
- कौन्द :: mfn. (-न्दः -न्दी -न्दं) Relating to the jasmine. E. कुन्द, and अण् aff.
- कौप :: n. (-पं) Water of a well. E. कूप, and अण् aff.
- कौपीन :: n. (-नं) 1. A small piece of cloth worn over the privities. 2. A privity, a privy part. 3. A wrong or improper act. 4. Sin. E. कूप a well, &c. खञ् aff.
- कौपोदकी :: f. (-की) The mace of KRISHNA: see कौमोदकी .
- कौमार :: mfn. adj. (-रः-री-रं) 1. Maiden, virgin. 2. Juvenile. 3. Soft, ten- der. f. (-री) One of the seven Matris, the divine mothers or perso- nified energies of the gods; the energy or Sakti of KUMARA or KARTIKEYA. n. (-रं) 1. Youth, childhood, from birth to the age of five. 2. Maidenhood to the age of sixteen. E. कुमार a youth, and अञ् aff.; or कुमार the deity KARTIKEYA, अण् and ङीष् affixes.
- कौमुद :: m. (-दः) The month Kartik, (Oct.-Nov.) f. (-दी) 1. Moonlight. 2. A festival in honour of KARTIKEYA, held on the full moon of the month Kartik. 3. Day of full moon in the month Aswin. 4. The same in the month Kartik. 5. Elucidation (at the end of titles of works. e.g. सांख्यतत्त्वकौमुदी .) E. कुमुद a white lotus, अण् and ङीष् affixes, कौमुदी moonlight, equally white or brilliant; the other senses come from this.
- कौमुदिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating to a water lily, abounding with them, &c. E. कुमुद, and ठञ् aff.
- कौमुदिका :: f. (-का) A companion and confidant of DURGA.
- कौमुदीचार :: mn. (-रः-रं) Day of full moon in the month of Aswin. E. कौमुदी a festival, and चार what proceeds.
- कौमुदीपति :: m. (-तिः) The moon. E. कौमुदी moonlight, and पति lord.
- कौमुदीवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The stick or stand of a lamp. E. कौमुदी here light in general, and वृक्ष a tree.
- कौमोदकी :: f. (-की) The club or mace of KRISHNA. E. कुमुदक what gives the earth pleasure, here said to be VISHNU or KRISHNA, affixes अण् and ङीष्; also कौमुदी .
- कौरव :: m. (-वः) A Kaurava, a descendant of KURU. E. कुरु, and अण् affix; also with वुञ् affix कौरवक .
- कौरव्य :: m. (-व्यः) An ancestor or descendant of KURU. E. कुरु, and ण्य aff.
- कौर्म्म :: mfn. (-र्म्मः -र्म्मी -र्म्मं) 1. Relating to a tortoise. 2. Acting as a tortoise 3. Belonging or relating to the Avatar of VISHNU, as a tortoise, as the Kaurmma or Kurma Purana. E. कुर्म्म, and अण् aff.
- कौर्प्य :: m. (-र्प्यः) The sign Scorpio.
- कौल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Of a good family, well-born. m. (-लः) A worship- per of Sakti according to the left hand ritual, n. (-लं). The doctrine and practices of the left hand Saktas. E. कुल a family, and अञ् aff.
- कौलकेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Of a good family, well-born. m. (-यः) The son of an unchaste woman. E. कुलक family, and ढक् aff.
- कौलटिनेय :: mf. (-यः-यी) 1, The son or daughter of a female beggar. 2. A bastard. E. कुलटा a female beggar, ढक् affix, and इनञ् inserted; also without the augment कौलटेय .
- कौलटेय :: mf. (-यः-यी) 1. The child of a female beggar. 2. A bastard, the child of an unchaste wife: see the preceding.
- कौलटेर :: mf. (-रः-रा) 1. A bastard son or daughter of a disloyal wife. 2. The child of a beggar. E. कुलटा an unchaste woman, ढ्रक् aff.
- कीलत्थ :: mfn. (-त्थः -त्था -त्थं) Made, prepared, consisting of a kind of vetch. E. कुलत्थ Dolichos biflorus, अण् aff.
- कौलत्थीन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) A field, &c. of Dolichos bifloros. E. कुलत्थ, and खञ् affix; see the preceding.
- कौलव :: m. (-वः) One of the astrological periods called Karanas.
- कौलालक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) made by a potter. n. (-कं) Earthen-ware, porcelain. E. कुलाल, and वुञ् aff.
- कौलिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Ancestral, heritable in the family, belonging to it, &c. m. (-कः) 1. A heretic, an impostor. 2. A weaver. 3. A follower of the left hand Sakta ritual. E. कुल race, affix ठक् .
- कौलीन :: n. (-नं) 1. High birth, family descent. 2. Rumour, report. 3.
Evil report, detraction. 4. Combat of animals, of birds, snakes, &c. 5. Cock-fighting, &c. contention of animals as a species of gamb- ling. 6. A privity, a privy part. 7. An improper act. m. (-नः) 1. The son of a female beggar. 2. A follower of the left hand Sakta ritual. E. कुलीन of a good family, affix श्वण् .
- कौलेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) 1. Of a good family, well-born. 2. Of the left hand Sakta sect. E. कुल family, ढक् aff.
- कौलेयक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Of good parentage. E. कुल family, ढकञ् affix. m. (-कः) A dog. E. कुल a house. affix as before; a domestic animal.
- कौल्माषीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) A field, &c. fit for or sown with a kind of been. E. कुल्माष q. v. and खञ् affix; also with अञ् affix, कौल्माष mfn. (-षः -षी -षं .)
- कौल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) 1. Of good family or parentage. 2. Of the left hand Sakta sect. E. कुल family, and घञ् aff.
- कौवल :: n. (-लं) The jujube tree: see कुवल .
- कौवेर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Relating or referable to KUVERA. 2. Situated in the north. f. (-री) 1. The Sakti or female energy of KUVERA. 2. The north quarter. n. (-रं) A sort of costus, (C. speciosus:) see कुष्ठ E. कुवेर the deity, affix अण् .
- कौश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) Silk, silken. n. (-शं) Kanyakubja or Kanouj the ancient city so called. E. कोश and अण् affix.
- कौशल :: nf. (-लं-ली) 1. Greeting, salutation, friendly inquiry. 2. A respect- ful present, a Nezar. 3. Happiness, welfare, &c. E. कुशल good for- tune, well-being, अण् and ङीष् affs.
- कौशलिका :: f. (-का) A present, a respectful gift or offering. E. कन् added to the last.
- कौशलेय :: m. (-यः) A name of RAMA. E. कौशल्या the wife of DAŚARATHA, ढक् affix of descent.
- कौशल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) 1. Good fortune, well-being, &c. 2. Cleverness, talent. f. (-ल्या) The mother of RAMA. E. कुशल and यञ् affix, or कोशल a name of the father of this princess, affix ण्यत् .
- कौशल्यानन्दन :: m. (-नः) A name of RAMA. E. नन्दन a son, and कौशल्या R'AMA'S mother.
- कौशल्यायनि :: m. (-निः) RAMA: see the preceding. E. कौशल्या and फिञ् aff.
- कौशाम्बर :: n. (-रं) Silk cloth. E. कौश, and अम्बर vesture.
- कौशाम्बी :: f. (-म्बी) The name of an ancient city on the Ganges in the lower part of the Doab, in the vicinity of Kurrah; also वत्सपत्तन . E. कुशाम्ब a proper name, (the founder,) अण् and ङीप् affs.
- कौशिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Silk, silken. 2. Of the family of Kusika, &c. m. (-कः) 1. A name of INDRA. 2. A fragrant substance, (Bdellium) 3. An owl. 4. A snake-catcher. 5. An ichneumon. (Viverra ichneu- mon.) 6. A title of VISWAMITRA. 7. One skilled in dictionaries. 8. A dictionary compiler. 9. Love, the passion. 10. The marrow. f. (-की) 1. A river in Bahar, the Kosi or Koosa. 2. A name of the goddess DURGA, n. (-कं) Silk. E. कोश a sheathe, &c. ठक् affix, and ङीप् for the feminine; also कौषिक, and कौशिकी .
- कौशिकप्रिय :: m. (-यः) A name of RAMA. E. कौशिक the sage VISWAMITRA, and प्रिय a friend or favourite.
- कौशिकफल :: n. (-लं) A cocoanut. E. कौशिक the saint VISWAMTRA, and फल fruit, being said to have been created by the sage in his progress to make human being in rivalry to BRAHMA, the nut being the first rudiment of the head.
- कौशिका :: f. (-का) A drinking vessel, a cup or goblet. E. कुश् to sur- round or contain, affixes ण्वुल् and टाप् .
- कौशिकात्मज :: m. (-जः) A name of ARJUNA. E. कौशिक INDRA, and आत्मज a son.
- कौशिकायुध :: n. (-धं) The rainbow, E. कौशिक INDRA, and आयुध a weapon.
- कौशिकाराति :: m. (-तिः) A crow. E. कौशिक an owl, अराति enemy; also कौशिकारि &c.
- कौशितकी :: f. (-की) The wife of the saint AGASTYA. E. कुश् to retract, (wrath,) इतक् and ङीष् affixes; this lady being an anti-xantippe.
- कौशीलव्य :: n. (-व्यं) The profession of an actor, a dancer, &c. E. कुशीलव and ष्यञ् aff.
- कौशेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Silken, of silk. n. (-यं) 1. Silk. 2. A silk petticoat or trowsers; a woman's lower garment of silk. E. कोश or कोष the cocoon, and ढक् affix; also कौषेय .
- कौषिक :: m. (-कः) A name of INDRA, &c.: see above, कौशिक . f. (-की) DURGA, &c. see कौशिकी .
- कौषेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Silken: see कौशेय .
- कौसीद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Usurious. E. कुसीद, and अण् aff.
- कौसीद्य :: n. (-द्यं) 1. Sloth, indolence. 2. The practice of usury. E. कुसीद usury, &c. affix यञ .
- कौसुम :: mfn. (-मः -मी -मं) Flowering. E. कुसुम and अण् aff.
- कौसुम्भ :: mfn. (-म्भः -म्भा -म्भ) Dyed with safflower, orange, red. E. कुसुम्भ safflower, and अण् aff.
- कौसृतिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) A juggler, a conjuror. E. कुसृति wickedness, affix ठक् .
- कौस्तुभ :: m. (-भः) The jewel of KRISHNA suspended on his breast. E. कुस्तुभ a name of VISHNU or KRISHNA, and अण् aff.
- कौस्तुभलक्षक :: m. (-कः) A name of VISHNU.
- कौस्तुभवक्षस् :: m. (-क्षाः) A name of VISHNU or KRISHNA. E. कौस्तुभ the jewel, and वक्षस् the breast.
- क्नथ :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (क्नथति, क्नथयति) To hurt, to injure, to kill.
- क्नस (उ) क्नसु :: r. 4th cl. (क्नस्यति) 1. To be crooked (in mind or body.) 2. To shine, (इ) क्नसि r. 10th cl. (क्नंसयति) To shine.
- क्नु :: r. 9th cl. (ञ) क्नुञ् (क्नुनाति-नीते) To sound; also क्नू .
- क्नू :: r. 9th cl. (ञ) क्नूञ् (क्नूनाति-नीते) To sound.
- क्नूय :: r. 1st cl. (इ) क्नूया (क्नुयते) 1. To sound. 2. To be wet. 3. To stink.
- क्नूयितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) What stinks, &c. E. क्रुय, and तृच् aff.
- क्मर :: r. 1st cl. (क्मरति) To be crooked in person, to be crooked in mind, to be fraudulent or crafty.
- क्रकच :: mn. (-चः-चं) 1. A saw. 2. A thorny plant: see करीर . f. (-चा) The Ketaki: see the next. E. क्र an imitative sound, कच् to emit sound, affix अच् .
- क्रकचच्छद :: m. (-दः) A plant with a strong smelling flower, (Pandanus odoratissimus.) E. क्रकच a saw, and छद a leaf; having serrated leaves.
- क्रकचपाद् :: m. (-पाद्-पात्) A chameleon, a lizard. E. क्रकच a saw, पाद् a foot, saw-footed, or with a final vowel, क्रकचपाद m. (-दः .)
- क्रकचपृष्ठी :: f. (-ष्ठी) A small fish with numerous small spines in the back, (Coius cobojius, Ham.) E. क्रकच a saw, and पृष्ठ the back, saw-backed.
- क्रकण :: m. (-णः) A kind of partridge, commonly Kayar; also कृकण and क्रकर .
- क्रकर :: m. (-रः) 1. A sort of partridge, called Kaer, (perdix sylvatica;) also कृकर . 2. A thorny plant, vulgarly Karil: see करीर . 3. A saw. 4. A poor man. E. क्र an imitative sound, कर what makes.
- क्रतु :: m. (-तुः) 1. Sacrifice, offering, worship. 2. An Aswamedha, the sacri- fice. 3. The name of a Muni, one of the seven principal Rishis or saints, the offspring of BRAHMA, married to Kriya and the father of the 60,000 Balikhilyas. 4. One of the ten VISWADEVAS. E. कृञ् to do क्तु Unadi aff.
- क्रतुच्छद :: m. (-दः) 1. A Jina. 2. One skilled in sacrifice.
- क्रतुतुल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) Equal to an Aswamedha in merit. E. क्रतु and तुल्य equal.
- क्रतुद्रुह् :: m. (-द्रुक् or -द्रुग्-द्रुट् or द्रुड्) An Asur, a demon. E. क्रतु sacrifice, and द्रुह who hates, affix क्किप् .
- क्रतुद्विष् :: m. (-द्विट्) A Daitya or demon. E. क्रतु a sacrifice, and द्विष् who hates.
- क्रतुध्वंसिन् :: m. (-सी) A name of SIVA. E. क्रतु a sacrifice, ध्वंसि to destroy, affix णिनि, the destroyer of DAKSHA'S sacrifice: see दक्ष .
- क्रतुपशु :: m. (-शुः) A horse, especially such a one, as is fit for an Aswa- medha. E. क्रतु sacrifice, and पशु animal.
- क्रतुपुरुष :: m. (-षः) A name of VISHNU. E. क्रतु, and पुरुष man or male.
- क्रतुफल :: n. (-लं) The reward of a sacrifice, the object for which it is per- formed. E. क्रतु, and फल fruit.
- क्रतुभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) A god, a deity. E. क्रतु sacrifice, and भुज् who eats.
- क्रतुराज :: m. (-जः) A particular sacrifice, the Rajasuya: one performed by a monarch who has subdued all the princes of the world. E. क्रतु sacrifice, and राज a king; a royal or pre-eminent ceremony: see राजसूय .
- क्रतुविक्रयिन् :: m. (-यी) A Brahman who sells to another the possible bene- fits of a sacrifice which he has performed. E. क्रतु, and विक्रयिन् who sells; also क्रतुविक्रायकः .
- क्रतुसिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Completion of a sacrifice, attainment of the object for which it is performed. E. क्रतु, and सिद्धि completion.
- क्रतूत्तम :: m. (-मः) The Rajasuya sacrifice: see the preceeding E. क्रतु, and उत्तम best: the pre-eminent sacrifice.
- क्रथ :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (क्रथयति-ते क्राथयति-ते) To kill, to hurt or injure. r. 10th cl. (क्रथयति) To amuse, to delight repeatedly.
- क्रथन :: n. (नं) 1. Slaughter, killing. 2. Snoring, stertor. E. क्रथ् to kill, affix ल्यट् .
- क्रथनक :: n. (-कं) A white sort of Agallochum: see अगुरु .
- क्रद :: r. 1st cl. (क्रदते) or (इ) क्रदि (क्रन्दति) 1. To confound, to confuse. 2. To To grieve, to be confused; also (क्रन्दति) 1. To call, to cry out. 2. To weep, to shed tears: see क्रन्द .
- क्रन्तृ :: mfn. (-न्ता -न्त्री -न्तृ) Going, who or what goes. E. क्रम, and तृच् aff.
- क्रन्द :: r. 1st and 10th cls. generally used with आङ prefixed, आक्रन्द (आक्रन्दति, आक्रन्दयति) 1. To weep, to shed tears. 2. To call continu- ally.
- क्रन्दन :: m. (-नः) A cat n. (-नं) 1. Weeping, lamenting, sobbing. 2. Crying out, calling. 3. Mutual daring or defiance, challenging, braving. E. क्रदि to cry out, to call, sob, &c. affix ल्युट्; also with क्र affix क्रन्दित .
- क्रन्दित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Wept. 2. Called or cried out. n. (-त 1. Weep- ing. 2. Calling. 3. Mutual daring: see the preceding. E. क्रन्द to call, क्त aff.
- क्रप :: r. 1st cl. (क्रपते) 1. To compassionate, to pity. 2. To go or move: see कृप .
- क्रम :: r. 1st cl. (उ) क्रमु (क्रामति, क्राम्यति or क्रम्यति) To go, to walk, to step: (in the following senses it is optionally deponent:) (क्रमते, क्रम्यते) 1. To proceed uninterruptedly. 2. To grow or increase. 3. To preserve. It is also active or deponent according to various prefixes and in various senses, as, with अति (अतिक्रामति) 1. To go over or beyond, to leap over. 2. To transgress, to pass beyond the bounds of virtue. With अनु (अनुक्रमते) To proceed regularly or in order. With अभि (अभिक्रामति) 1. To overcome, to surpass. 1. To assail. With अप (अप- क्रमते) To go away, to depart. With आङ्, (आक्रमते) To rise as the sun. &c. or (आक्रामति) To rise, to mount, to overcome. With उत्, (उत्क्रामति) To transgress. With उप, (उपक्रामति) To depart. (उपक्रमते) to begin. With निर् (निष्क्रामति) To go forth. With पर and आङ् (परा- क्रमति) To display valour, to surpass or overcome. With प्र, (प्रक्रामति) To depart, to go or approach, (प्रक्रमते) To begin. With परि, (परिक्रामति) To wander about, to ramble. With वि (विक्रामति) 1. To over- come. 2. To mount or ascend. (विक्रमते) Th pace, to proceed by steps, to move with the feet. With वि and आङ् (व्याक्रमते) To transgress. With सम्, (संक्रामति) to remove.
- क्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Going, proceeding. 2. A sacred precept or practice pre- scribed by the Vedas. 3. Order, method. 4. Power, strength, 5. Overcoming, surpassing, subduing, &c. 6. A foot. 7. Uninterrupt- ed progress. E. क्रम् to go, घञ् aff.
- क्रमक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Orderly, methodical. 2. Proceeding, going. m. (-कः) A student who goes through a regular course of study, one who proceeds methodically. E. क्रम् to go, affix वुन् .
- क्रमज्या :: f. (-ज्या) (In astronomy,) The sine of a planet's declination. E. क्रम् going, and ज्या sine.
- क्रमण :: m. (-णः) A foot. n. (-णं) Going, proceeding. E. क्रम् to go, affix ल्युट् .
- क्रमतस् :: ind. Gradually, successively, in order. E. क्रम्, and तस् aff.
- क्रममाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Going, proceeding. E. क्रम् to go, शानच् aff.
- क्रमयोग :: m. (-गः) Successive or methodical practice. E. क्रम, and योग union.
- क्रमशस् :: ind. 1. Gradually, by degrees. 2. Regularly, seriatim. E. क्रम, and शसि aff.
- क्रमागत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Descended to or inherited lineally, what comes from one's ancestors in regular succession. 2. Arrived in due course or succession. E. क्रम, and आगत come.
- क्रमागतत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Hereditary succession or possession. E. त्व added to the preceding.
- क्रमायात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Proceeding in regular order. 2. Descended lineally, (estate, &c.) E. क्रम order, and आयात come, obtained.
- क्रमि :: m. (-मिः) A worm; see क्रिमि .
- क्रमितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Going, who or what goes, &c. E. क्रम् to go, तृच affix, with इट् augment.
- क्रमु :: m. (-मुः) The betel-nut tree, (Areca faufel or catechu;) also क्रमुक् .
- क्रमुक :: m. (-कः) 1. The areca or betel nut, (Areca faufel or catechu.) 2. A kind of tree, a red sort of Lodh: see लोघ्र . 3. A kind of fragrant grass; see भद्रमुस्तक . 4. The mulberry tree, (Morus Indica.) 5. The fruit of the cotton tree. f. (-की) The areca tree. E. क्रम to go, उक aff.
- क्रमुकफल :: n. (-लं) The areca nut. E. क्रमुक, and फल fruit.
- क्रमेल :: m. (-लः) A camel: see the next.
- क्रमेलक :: m. (-कः) A camel. E. क्रम् to go. एलप् Unadi affix, and कन् add- ed; or क्रम order, इल् to go, क affix, and कन् added.
- क्रमोद्वेग :: m. (-गः) An ox. E. क्रम a foot, उद्वेग who goes.
- क्रय :: m. (-यः) Buying, purchase. E. क्री to buy, अच् aff.
- क्रयक्रीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bought, purchased. E. क्रय, and क्रीत bought.
- क्रयलेख्य :: n. (-ख्यं) Deed of sale, conveyance, &c. E. क्रय, and लेख्य writing.
- क्रयविक्रय :: m. (-यः) Trade, traffic, buying and selling. E. क्रय purchase, विक्रय sale.
- क्रयविक्रयानुशय :: m. (-यः) Rescission of sale. title of civil judicature. E. क्रय- विक्रय, and अनुशय doubt.
- क्रयविक्रयिक :: m. (-कः) A trader or merchant, a dealer. E. क्रय buying, विक्रय sale, and ठन् aff.
- क्रयशीर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) The coping of a wall.
- क्रयारोह :: m. (-हः) A market, a fair. E. क्रय purchase, and रुह to rise, आङ् prefix, and घञ् aff.
- क्रयिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A trader, a dealer. 2. A purchaser, a buyer. E. क्री to buy, Unadi affix इकन् .
- क्रयिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) A buyer or purchaser, E. क्री to buy इनि aff.
- क्रय्य :: mfn. (-य्यः -य्या -य्यं) Purchasable. E. क्री to buy, यत् affix, deriv. irr.
- क्रव्य :: n. (-व्यं) 1. Flesh. 2. Raw flesh. E. कृप to be able, यत् affix. and प . changed to व; the latter becomes dental before य .
- क्रव्यघातन :: m. (-नः) A deer. E. क्रव्य flesh, and घातन killing for its flesh.
- क्रव्यभुज् :: mfn. (-भुक्) Carnivorous. m. (-भुक्) A Rakshasa. E. क्रव्य, भुज् . who eats.
- क्रव्याद् :: m. or mfn. (-व्याद् or -व्यात्) 1. An imp or goblin, a Rakshasa. 2. A flesh-eater. 3. A beast of prey, a carnivorous animal. E. क्रव्य flesh, अद् to eat, विद् affix, or with अण् affix क्रव्याद .
- क्रव्याद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) An eater of flesh or meat, carnivorous. m. (-दः) 1. A goblin, a Rakshasa. 2. A lion. 3. A hawk. Funeral fire. E. See the preceding.
- क्रव्याशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनो -शि) Carnivorous. m. (-शी) A demon, an anthro- popphagus. E. क्रव्य, and अशिन् who eats.
- क्राकचिक :: m. (-कः) A sawyer. E. क्रकच् and ठञ् aff.
- क्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Overcome, surpassed. 2. Attacking, invading, gone to or against. 3. Spread, extended 4. Going, going over or
across. m. (-न्तः) 1. A horse. 2. (In astronomy,) Declination. n. (-न्तं) An astrological element, the conjunction of any planet with the moon. E. क्रम् to go, affix क्त .
- क्रान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) 1. Going, proceeding. 2. Overcoming, surpassing. 3. The sun's course on the globe, the ecliptic. 4. Declination of a planet. E. क्रम् to go, affix क्तिन् .
- क्रान्तिकक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The ecliptic. E. क्रान्ति and कक्ष girdle.
- क्रान्तिज्या :: f. (-ज्या) Sine of the declination E. क्रान्ति, and ज्या sine.
- क्रान्तिपात :: m. (-तः) The nodes of the ecliptic, or the equinoctial points. E. क्रान्ति and पात going.
- क्रान्तिपातगति :: f. (-तिः) Motion of the nodes of the ecliptic precession of the equinox. E. क्रान्तिपात, and गति going.
- क्रान्तिभाग :: m. (-गः) Declination of a point of the ecliptic. E. क्रान्ति, and भाग division.
- क्रान्तिमण्डल :: n. (-लं) The ecliptic. E. क्रान्ति, and मण्डल circle.
- क्रान्तिवलय :: m. (-यः) The space within the tropics. E. क्रान्ति, and वलय bracelet.
- क्रान्तु :: m. (-न्तुः) A bird in general. E. क्रम् to go, वुन् Unadi affix, and the pen. made long.
- क्रामत् :: mfn. (-मन् -मन्ती -मत्) 1. Going, proceeding over or through. n. क्रम् to go, शतृ aff.
- क्रायक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. A buyer or purchaser. 2. A dealer, a trader. E. क्री to buy, ण्वुल् aff.
- क्रिमि :: m. (-मिः) 1. A worm, an insect. 2. Lac, which is the accumula- tion of an insect. 3. A worm in the intestines. E. क्रम् to go, इन् Unadi affix, and इट् inserted; also कृमि .
- क्रिमिकण्टक :: m. (-कः) A medicinal plant, commonly Biranga: see कृमिकण्टक .
- क्रिमिघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) Vermifuge, anthelmintic. m. (-घ्नः) An anthel- mintic shurb: see कृमिघ्न . f, (-घ्नी) Somraj, (Serratula or Conyza an- thelmintica) E. कृमि or क्रिमि a worm, and घ्न what kills: see कृमिघ्न .
- क्रिमिज :: n. (-जं) Aguru or aloe wood: see अगुरु f. (-जा) The red dye called Lac. E. क्रिमि a worm, and ज born; also कृमिज .
- क्रिमिशत्रु :: m. (-त्रुः) The coral tree, (Erythrina fulgens.) E. क्रिमि a worm, and शत्रु an enemy; the leaves yield, by expression, an acrid anthelmintic juice.
- क्रिमिशात्रव :: m. (-वः) A fetid mimosa, (M. farnesiana.) E. क्रिमि a worm, and शात्रव inimical; an anthelmintic.
- क्रिमिशैल :: m. (-लः) An ant-hill. E. क्रिमि a worm, and शैल a hill.
- क्रिय :: m. (-यः) The sign Aries. E. कृ to do, श aff.
- क्रियमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Doing, making, engaged in. E. कृ to do शानच् aff.
- क्रिया :: f. (-या) 1. An act, action, acting. 2. Means, expedient. 2. Begin- ning, undertaking. 4. Atonement. 4. Study. 6. Worship. 7. Dis- quisition. 1. Bodily action. 9. Remedying, physical treatment or practice. 10. Instrument, implement. 11. A religious or initiatory ceremony. 12. Obsequies, rites performed immediately after death. 13. Purificatory rites, as ablution, &c. 14. Judicial investigation, by human means, as witnesses, documents, &c. or by superhuman or ordeals of various kinds. 15. In grammar, a verb of two kinds सकर्म्मक्रिया active or अकर्म्मक्रिया intransitive: 16. A noun of action. E. कृ to act, to do, श affix, fem. aff टाप्; the above meanings may be all resolved into the first.
- क्रियाकर :: m. (-रः) See the next.
- क्रियाकार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) One who does any act, an agent, a performer. m. (-रः) A student, a novice, a tyro. E. क्रिया study, and कर or कार, who makes.
- क्रियाद्वेषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Opposed or averse to any act. m. (-षी) One of the five kinds of witnesses, he whose testimony is hurtful to the cause. E. क्रिया a suit, and द्वेषिन् injuring.
- क्रियानिर्देश :: m. (-शः) Evidence E. क्रिया, and निर्देश proof.
- क्रियानुरुप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Conformably to the act, according to the ac- tion. E. क्रिया, and अनुरूप like to.
- क्रियापटु :: mfn. (-टुः -टुः -टु) Clever, dexterous. E. क्रिया, and पटु clever.
- क्रियापर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Attentive to or diligent in the performance of their duties. E. क्रिया, and पर engaged in.
- क्रियापवर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) 1. End of an affair. 2. Liberation from ceremonial acts. E. क्रिया, and अपवर्ग end.
- क्रियापाद :: m. (-दः) The third division of a suit at law, the proof or re- joinder of the plaintiff. E. क्रिया an affair, and पाद a fourth part.
- क्रियाप्रसङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Course of proceeding. E. क्रिया, and प्रसङ्ग procedure.
- क्रियाफल :: n. (-लं) Result or consequence of acts. E. क्रिया, and फल fruit.
- क्रियाभ्युपगम :: m. (-मः) Special compact or agreement. E. क्रिया business, अभि and उप prefixed to गम् to go, affix अच्; going through with any thing.
- क्रियालोप :: m. (-पः) Discontinuance or loss of any of the essential cere- monies of the Hindu religion. E. क्रिया, and लोप loss.
- क्रियावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Engaged in business. 2. Understanding business, fit for it, possessed of worldly knowledge. 3. Celebrating religious rites. E. क्रिया, and मतुप् aff.
- क्रियावश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Subject to the influence of acts. m. (-शः) Necessity, necessary influence of acts done or to be done. E. क्रिया, and वश Subjection.
- क्रियावसन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) One who loses his cause in a law suit. E. क्रिया affair, अवसन्न ended.
- क्रियावादिन् :: m. (-दी) A plaintiff. E. क्रिया affair, and वादिन् who declares.
- क्रियाविधि :: f. (-धिः) 1. Conduct of affairs. 2. Mode of performing any rite. E. क्रिया, and विधि rule.
- क्रियाविधिज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) 1. Conversant with business. 2. Under- standing the ritual, &c. E. क्रियाविधि, and ज्ञ who knows.
- क्रियासमभिहार :: m. (-रः) Repetition of any act, doing any thing repeated- ly. E. क्रिया, and समभिहार repetition.
- क्रियेन्द्रिय :: m. (-यः) An organ of action, as the hand, foot, voice, organ of generation and that of excretion. E. क्रिया acting, and इन्द्रिय an or- gan; also कर्म्मेन्द्रिय .
- क्री (डु, ङ,) डुक्रीङ :: r. 9th cl. (क्रीणाति, क्रीणीते) To buy, to barter or ex- change; with वि prefixed, to sell.
- क्रीड :: r. 1st cl. (ऋ) क्रीडृ (क्रीडति) To play, to sport; with अनु, अव, आङ् परि, or सम् prefixed, it is deponent, as अनुक्रीडते, &c. unless अनु requires the accusative case, and the compound with सम् implies inarticulate sound, as तमनुक्रीडति सा she plays with him, संक्रीडति चक्रं the wheel creaks.
- क्रीड :: mf. (-डः-डा) 1. Sport, play, pastime, pleasure, amusement. f. (-डा) 1. Playing, as a ball, &c. 2. Disrespect. E. क्रीड् . to play, अ affix, and fem. do टाप् .
- क्रीडन :: n. (-नं) Play, sport, &c. E. क्रीड to play, affix युच् .
- क्रीडत् :: mfn. (-डन् -डन्ती -डत्) Playing, gamboling, sporting. E. क्रीड and शतृ aff.
- क्रीडमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Sporting, playing. E. क्रीड, and शानच् aff.
- क्रीडाकूत :: n. (-त) Sportive or wanton purpose or desire. E. क्रीडा, and आकूत wish.
- क्रीडाकोप :: m. (-पः) Assumed anger, anger in sport. E. क्रीडा, and कोप anger.
- क्रीडारत्न :: n. (-त्नं) Compulation. E. क्रीडा, and रत्न a gem.
- क्रीडारथ :: m. (-थः) A car, a carriage. E. क्रीडा sport, pleasure, and रथ a car.
- क्रीडावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्), Sporting, sportive. E. क्रीडा, and मतुप् aff.
- क्रीडासरस् :: n. (-रः) A reservoir, a basin. E. क्रीडा, pleasure, सरस् a lake.
- क्रीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bought, purchased. m. (-तः) A son, one of the twelve kinds acknowledged by the ancient Hindu law; he who is purchased from his natural parents. E. कृ to buy, affix क्त .
- क्रीतक :: m. (-कः) A son bought from his natural parents, and adopted as male issue; also क्रीत and क्रीतपुत्त्रः see the preceding.
- क्रीतानुशय :: m. (-यः) Returning a purchase upon the seller, admissible in some cases by law. E. क्रीत bought, अनुशय repentance.
- क्रुञ्च (उ) क्रुञ्चु :: r. 1st cl. (क्रुञ्चति) 1. To go, to approach towards or arrive at. 2. To move crookedly. 3. To be crooked. 4. To curve or make crooked. 5. To become small, to shrink. 6. To make small, to lessen; also कुञ्च .
- क्रुञ्च :: mf. (क्रुङ् क्रुञ्चा) A curlew. E. क्रुञ्च् to go crookedly, affix क्विन्, fem. affix टाप् .
- क्रुञ्च :: m. (-ञ्चः) A name of the mountain Krouncha. f. (-ञ्चा) A kind of Vina or lute. E. क्रुञ्च् to be crooked, affixes क and टाप् .
- क्रुड :: r. 6th cl. (क्रुडति) 1. To sink. 2. To be childish. 3. To eat. 4. To be thick.
- क्रुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Angry, wrathful. 2. Fierce, cruel. n. (-द्धं) Anger. E. क्रुध् to be angry, क्त aff.
- क्रुध (औ, ऌ) औक्रुधॢ :: r. 4th cl. (क्रुध्यति) To be wrathful, to be flushed with anger.
- क्रुध :: f. (-क्रुत् or -क्रुद्) Anger, passion. E. क्रुध् to be angry, affix क्विप्; also with अङ and टाप् affixes, क्रुधा .
- क्रुधा :: f. (-धा) Anger: see the preceding.
- क्रुध्यत् :: mfn. (-ध्यन् -ध्यन्ती -ध्यत्) Being angry. E. क्रुध, and शतृ aff.
- क्रुन्थ :: r. 9th cl. (क्रुथ्नाति) 1. To be connected with, to cling or adhere to 2. To be distressed, to suffer pain.
- क्रुश :: r. 1st cl. (क्रोशति) 1. To call. 2. To cry, to weep. With अनु prefixed, To feel for, to sympathise with. With आङ्, To revile, to abuse or censure. With उप, To reproach. With प्र, To cry aloud, to shout.
- क्रुश्वन् :: m. (-श्वा) A jackal E. कुश् . to cry or howl, Unadi affix क्वनिप् .
- क्रुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Wept, cried. 2. Cried aloud, bawled. n. (-ष्टं) 1. Weeping, sobbing. 2. Noise, sound. E. क्रुश् to weep, affix क्त
- क्रूर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Cruel, pitiless. 2. Hard, harsh. 3. Hard, solid. 4. Mischievous, destructive. 5. Formidable, terrible. 6. Hot, sharp. 7. Disagreeable. m. (-रः) 1. An odd sign of the zodiac, as the first, third, fifth, &c. which are, of malignant influences. 2. A hawk. 3. A heron. 4. Red oleander. E. कृत् to cut, रक् Unadi affix, and क्रू substituted for कृत .
- क्रूरकर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्म) Fierce, cruel, unrelenting. E. क्रूर and कर्म्मन् act.
- क्रूरकोष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) Torpid or costive bowels unaffected by strong purga- tives. E. क्रूर, and कोष्ठ the alimentary canal.
- क्रूरगन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Sulphur. E. क्रूर, and गन्ध smell.
- क्रूरचरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Cruel, ferocious, addicted to cruel practices. E. क्रूर and चरित who practices.
- क्रूरता :: f. (-ता) Cruelty, fierceness. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, क्रूरत्वं .
- क्रूगटृश् :: mfn. (-टृक्) 1. Mischievous, villainous. 2. Evil-eyed. m. (-टृक्) A name of the planet Sani or Saturn. E. क्रूर cruel, &c. and दृश् who sees, from दृश् to see, affix क्विप् .
- क्रूरराविन् :: m. (-वी) A raven. E. क्रूर formidable, राविन् who cries.
- क्रूरलोचन :: m. (-नः) A name of Saturn. E. क्रूर evil, and लोचन an eye; of an evil or inauspicious aspect.
- क्रूरव :: m. (-वः) 1. A jackal. 2. Any thing bad.
- क्रूराकृति :: m. (-तिः) A name of RAVANA, the ruler of Lanka. E. क्रूर evil, and आकृति figure, form.
- क्रूराचार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Following barbarous or savage practices. E. क्रूर, and आचार observance.
- क्रूर्च्च :: mn. (-र्च्चः-र्च्च) The beard: see क्रूर्च्च .
- क्रेणि :: m. (-णिः) Buying, purchase. E. क्री to buy, णि Unadi aff.
- क्रेतव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Purchasable. E. future participle of क्री to buy, affix तव्यत् .
- क्रेतृ :: m. (-ता) A purchaser, a buyer, E. क्री to buy, affix तृच् .
- क्रेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Purchasable. E. क्री to buy, affix यत्; to be bought.
- क्रोञ्च :: m. (-ञ्चः) A mountain: see क्रौञ्च .
- क्रोञ्चपदा :: f. (-दा) A species of metre of four lines, and twentyfive syllables in each.
- क्रोञ्चदारण :: m. (-णः) A name of KARTIKEYA. E. क्रोञ्च or क्रौञ्च a mountain, and दारण the render or tearer; also क्रौञ्चदारण .
- क्रोड :: nf. (-डं-डा) 1. The breast, the chest. 2. The haunch, the flank, the hollow above the hip. m. (-डः) 1. A name of Sani or Saturn. 2. A hog. E. क्रुड् . to be thick, घञ् aff.
- क्रोडपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A prickly nightshade: see कण्टकारिका .
- क्रोडपाद :: m. (-दः) A turtle, a tortoise. E. क्रोड the breast, and पाद a foot.
- क्रोडाङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) A tortoise.
- क्रोडाङ्घ्रि :: m. (-ङ्घ्रि) A turtle or tortoise. E. क्रोड and अङ्घ्रि a foot.
- क्रोडीकरण :: n. (-णं) Embracing. E. क्रोड breast or side, करण making, and च्वि augment.
- क्रोडीकृति :: f. (-तिः) Embracing, mutual embrace. E. See the preceding; कृति making.
- क्रोथ :: m. (-थः) Killing, slaying. E. क्रुथ् to kill or hurt, affix घञ् .
- क्रोध :: m. (-धः) Anger, wrath. E. क्रुध् to be angry, affix घञ् .
- क्रोधज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Proceeding from or engendered by wrath; it especially applies to eight vices, hatred, envy, oppression, violence &c. E. क्रोध passion, and ज produced.
- क्रोधन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Passionate, angry, wrathful. (-ना) A passionate woman, a vixen. E. क्रुध् to be angry affix युच् .
- क्रोधनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Provocative. n. (-यं) An injury. E. क्रुध् to be angry, (on account of,) अनीयर् aff.
- क्रोधमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Angry, passionate. E. क्रोध and मयट् aff.
- क्रोधमूर्च्छित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Passionate, angry, overcome with rage. m. (-तः) A kind of perfume, commonly Chor. E. क्रोध wrath, and मूर्च्छित confused, overcome.
- क्रोधवर्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Free from wrath, mild, calm. E. क्रोध and वर्जित devoid of.
- क्रोधवश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Passionate, violent. E. क्रोध, and वश subject to.
- क्रोधिन् :: mfn. (-धी -धिनी -धि) Angry, passionate. E. क्रोध anger, affix इनि .
- क्रोधोञ्झित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Calm, composed, free from wrath. E. क्रोध, and उञ्झित abandoned.
- क्रोश :: m. (-शः) A measure of distance, a league, a Kos, containing 4000 cubits; some double this, and make the Kos 8000 cubits. E. क्रुश् to call, &c, affix घञ् .
- क्रोशत् :: mfn. (-शन् -शन्ती -शत्) Crying, calling out. E. क्रुश् to cry, शत् aff.
- क्रोशताल :: m. (-लः) A large or double drum. E. क्रोश a Kos, and ताल a tune; whose sound may be heard for a league.
- क्रोशध्वनि :: m. (-निः) A large drum. E. क्रोश, and ध्वनि sound: see the preceding.
- क्रोशयुग :: n. (-गं) A measure of two Kos, 4000 yards, or about 2(1/2) miles; this seems to correspond to the modern Kos, but the standard varies. E. क्रोश a Kos, and युग a pair also गव्यूति .
- क्रोष्टु :: mf. (-ष्टा-ष्ट्री) A jackall. क्रुश् to cry or call, and तुन् aff; the noun declined in many cases like nouns in ऋ .
- क्रोष्टुकपुच्छिका :: f. (-का) A plant, commonly Chaculiya, (Hemionites cordifolia, Rox.) or according to some, Ramvasac, a different plant see क्रोष्टुविन्ना . E. क्रोष्टु a jackall, कन् affix, and पुच्छिका tail; the flower being compared to the tail of the animal.
- क्रोष्टुकमेखला :: f. (-ला) The plant Chacaliya; see the preceding.
- क्रोष्टुपुच्छिका :: f. (-का) See क्रोष्टुकपुच्छिका; also क्नोष्टुपुच्छी .
- क्रोष्टुविन्ना :: f. (-न्ना) The name of a plant, either Chaculiya, (Hemionites cordifolia, Rox) or a different plant called Ramvasac. E. क्रोष्टु a jackall, and विन्न known; known by being compared to the animal.
- क्रोष्टेक्षु :: m. (-क्षुः) The white sugar cane. E. क्रोष्ट and इक्षु cane.
- क्रोष्ट्री :: f. (-ष्ट्री) 1. The black or white Bhuincaonra, (Convolvulus pani- culatus:) see भूमिकुष्माण्डक . 2. Chaculiya: see क्रोष्टुविन्ना . 3. A she jackall: see क्रोष्टु . E. क्रुश् to cry, affix ष्ट्रन् and fem. ङीप् .
- क्रौञ्च :: m. (-ञ्चः) 1. A kind of heron. (Ardea jaculator, BUCH.) 2. One of the Dwipas or principal divisions of the world, surrounded by the sea of curds. 3. A mountain, part of the Himalaya range, situated in the eastern part of the chain on the north of Asam. 4. A Jaina emblem, the figure of the curlew, used as a symbol. 5. The name of a demon, f. (-ञ्चा) The female of the curlew. E. क्रुञ्च to go crook- edly, affix अण् .
- क्रौञ्चदारण :: m. (-णः) A name of KARTIKEYA. E. क्रौञ्च the name of a moun- tain; also of an Asur, and दारण the tearer or destroyer.
- क्रौञ्चादान :: m. (-नः) 1. Long pepper. 2. The fibres of the stalk of the lotus. 3. An esculent root, commonly Ghenchu. 4. An acquatic plant, commonly Chinchata. E. क्रौञ्च the heron, and अदन eating.
- क्रौञ्चाराति :: m. (-तिः) A name of KARTIKEYA. E. क्रौञ्च the Asur, and अराति an enemy.
- क्रौञ्चारि :: m. (-रिः) 1. The deity KARTIKEYA. 2. The hero and Avatar PARASURAMA. E. क्रौञ्च the Asur or the mountain, and अरि a foe: PARASU RAMA is said to have made with his arrows a pass or defile through the Krauncha mountain.
- क्रौर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Cruelty, fierceness, passion. E. क्रूर cruel. &c. ष्यञ् aff.
- क्रौशशतिक :: m. (-कः) One who goes a hundred Kos, or leagues. E. क्रोश a Kos, शत a hundred, and ठञ् aff.
- क्लथ (म) :: r. 1st. cl. (क्लथति) To kill or hurt.
- क्लद :: r. 1st cl. (क्लदते) or (इ) क्लदि (क्लन्दते) 1. To be confused, to grieve. 2. To confound; also क्लदि (क्लदडि) 1. To call. 2. To shed tears.
- क्लप :: r. 10th cl. (क्लापयति) To speak, to speak barbarously.
- क्लम (उ, भ, ञ, इर) क्लमु :: r. 4th cl. (क्लाम्यति) To be fatigued, to be weary or exhausted.
- क्लम :: m. (-मः) Fatigue, weariness, exhaustion. E. क्लम् to be weary, affix घञ् .
- क्लमथ :: m. (-थः) Fatigue, exhaustion. E. क्लम् to be weary, Unadi affix अथ .
- क्लमित्व :: n. (-त्वं) Exhaustion, languor fatigue. E. क्लमिन्, and त्व affix; also with तल्, क्लमिता .
- क्लमिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी मि) Weary, exhausted. E. क्लम्, and इनि aff.
- क्लव :: r. 1st cl. (क्लवते) To fear, to be afraid: वि is usually prefixed in this sense.
- क्लान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Wearied. 2. Depressed in spirits or exhausted. E. क्लम् to be weary, क्त aff.
- क्लान्तमनस् :: mfn. (-नाः -नाः -नः) Low spirited, languid, melancholy. E. क्लान्त, and मनस् the mind.
- क्लान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) Fatigue, weariness. E. क्लम् to be weary, क्तिन् aff.
- क्लान्तिच्छिद् :: mfn. (-च्छित् or च्छिद्) Relieving fatigue, refreshing, invigora- ting. E. क्लान्ति, and च्छिद् what cuts.
- क्लान्तिच्छेद :: m. (-दः) Refreshing, restoring, removing fatigue. E. क्लान्ति, and च्छेद cutting.
- क्लिद (इ) क्लिदि :: r. 1st cl. (क्लिन्दते-ति) To bewail, to lament, to weep. (ऊ, इर;) इर क्लिदू r. 4th cl. (क्लिद्यति) To be or become wet, damp, &c.
- क्लिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Wet, moistened. E. क्लिद् to be or become wet, irr. participle.
- क्लिन्नवर्त्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) Excess of the lachrymal discharge, watering of the eyes. E. क्लिन्न, and वर्त्मन् the eyelid.
- क्लिन्नाक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Blear-eyed. E. क्लिन्न wet, and अक्ष the eye.
- क्लिश (उ) क्लिशु :: r. 4th cl. (क्लिश्यते) 1. To suffer distress. 2. To inflict or cause distress; (ऊ,) क्लिशू r. 9th cl. (क्लिश्नाति) 1. To oppose 2. To afflict, to distress.
- क्लिशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Distrest, afflicted, wearied, E. क्लिश to be distrest, &c. affix क्त with इट inserted; also without इट्, क्लिष्ट .
- क्लिशितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Suffering pain or distress. E. क्लिश, and क्तवतु aff.
- क्लिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Distrest, afflicted, &c. 2. Inconsistent, contra- dictory. E. क्लिश् to be distrest, &c. affix क्त, deriv. irr.
- क्लिष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) 1. Calamity, distress. 2. Service. E. क्लिश् to afflict, क्तिन् aff.
- क्लीतक :: n. (-कं) Liquorice, (Glycirrbiza glabra) E. क्लीव् to be weak, affix क्त, व being dropped; क्लीत weakness, कल् to remove, and ल drop- ped by affixing ड .
- क्लीतकिक :: f. (-का) The indigo plant, (Indigofera Indica.) E. क्रीतक traffic, कन् pleonastic, the fem. form; र is changed to ल .
- क्लीव (ऋ) क्लीवृ :: r. 1st. cl. (क्लीवते) 1. To be impotent. 2. To be timorous, to be modest or unassuming.
- क्लीव (ऋ) क्लीवृ :: r. 1st cl. (क्लीवते) 1. To be impotent. 2. To be timid or modest.
- क्लीव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) 1. Weak, impotent. 2. Idle, slothful. mn. (-वः-वं) 1. The neuter gender. 2. A eunuch. E. क्लीव् to be weak or timid, affix क; also read क्लीवक .
- क्लेद :: n. (-दं) 1. Wetness, dampness, moisture, &c. 2. Running, discharge from a sore. E. क्लिद् to be wet, affix घञ् .
- क्लेदक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Wetting, moistening, making wet or moist. m. (-कः) Phlegm in the stomach, excess of saliva. E. क्लिद् to be wet, causal form, वुन् aff.
- क्लेदन् :: m. (-दा) The moon. E. क्लिद् to be damp, कनिन् Unadi aff.
- क्लेदन :: n. (-नं) 1. Wetting, moistening. 2. Oozing. trickling. m. (-नः) Phlegm, the phlegmatic or watery humor. E. क्लिद् to be moist, ल्युट् aff.
- क्लेदु :: m. (-दुः) 1. The moon. 2. Complication of disorders. E. क्लिद् to be wet or damp, उण् Unadi aff.
- क्लेश :: r. 1st cl. (क्लेशते) 1. To speak articulately, 2. To distress. 3. To im- pede or obstruct. 4. To kill, to strike.
- क्लेश :: m. (-शः) 1. Pain, affliction or distress. 2. Pain from disease, an- guish. Worldly occupation, care, trouble. 4. Wrath, anger. E. क्लिश् to suffer or inflict pain, affix घञ् .
- क्लेशक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Giving pain, annoying, afflicting. E. क्लिश, and वुञ् aff.
- क्लेशप्रहाण :: n. (-णं) Termination of distress, especially of worldly cares, passions, &c. E. क्लेश, and प्रहाण destruction.
- क्लेशापह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) 1. Consolatory, consoling. 2. Palliative, allaying pain. m. (-हः) A son. E. क्लेश, and अपह what removes.
- क्लेशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pained, distressed, afflicted. E. क्लिश् to suffer pain, क्त aff.
- क्लैतकिक :: n. (-कं) Wine, spirituous liquor. E. क्लीतक liquorice, ठक् affix; a fermented liquor being prepared from this root.
- क्लैव्य :: n. (-व्यं) 1. Absence of virility, impotence. 2. The neuter gender. 3. Unmanliness, cowardice, &c. E. क्लीव and ष्यञ् aff.
- क्लोमन् :: n. (म) The bladder. E. क्लु to go, कनिन् affix; also with a final vowel; क्लोम n. (-मं).
- क्व :: ind. Where, in what place or degree.
- क्वङ्गु :: m. (-ङ्गुः) A sort of Panick: see कङ्गु .
- क्वचित् :: ind. Somewhere.
- क्वण :: r. 1st cl. (क्वणति) To sound.
- क्वण :: m. (-णः) 1. The sound or tone of any musical instrument 2. Sound in general. E. क्वण् to sound, अप् affix; also क्वाण .
- क्वणत् :: mfn. (-णन् -णन्ती -णत्) Sounding. E. क्वण, and शतृ aff.
- क्वणन :: n. (-नं) The sound of any musical instrument. m. (-नः) A small earthen pot or boiler. E. क्वण् to sound, affix ल्युट् .
- क्वणित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sounded, twanged, E. क्वण् to sound, क्त aff.
- क्वत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) Of or belonging to where or what place E. त्यप् added to क्व .
- क्वथ :: r. 1st cl. (-ए,) क्वथे (क्वथति) To decoct, to boil, to prepare by heat, to digest.
- क्वथन :: n. (-नं) Boiling, decocting. E. क्वथ् to boil, ल्युट् aff.
- क्वथित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Boiled, decocted, stewed, digested. E. क्वथ् to decoct, &c. affix क्त .
- क्वाण :: m. (-णः) The sound of musical instruments. E. क्वण् to sound, affix घञ्ः see क्वण .
- क्वाथ :: m. (-थः) 1. A decoction, any solution or infusion prepared with a continued and gentle heat. 2. Pain, sorrow. 3. Calamity, distress. 4. The mixture of the materials for a decoction. E. क्वथ to decoct, घञ् aff.
- क्वाथोद्भव :: n. (-वं) Blue vitriol used as a collyrium. E. क्वाथ and उद्भव produced.
- क्वेल :: r. 1st. cl. (ऊ) क्वेलू (क्वेलति) To shake or move.
- क्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. A destruction of the world. 2. A demon, a goblin. 3. The third incarnation of VISHNU, the Narasinha Avatar. 4. Lightning. 5. A field. 6. A peasant, a husbandman. 7. Loss, disappearance. E. क्षि or क्षै to waste, &c. affix क .
- क्षज (म, ष) :: r. 1st. cl. (क्षजते) 1. To go or approach. 2. To give. (इ, ष, म) क्षजि r. 1st cl. (क्षञ्जते) 1. To go. 2. To give. r. 1st. and 10th cls. (इ) क्षजि (क्षञ्जति, क्षञ्जयति) To live in distress, to live in pain or want.
- क्षण (उ) क्षणु :: r. 8th cl. (क्षणति, क्षणुते) To kill, to injure.
- क्षण :: m. (-णः) 1. A measure of time equal to thirty Kalas or four minu- tes. 2. A moment. 3. A festival. 4. Vacation from work, state of being unemployed. 5. Leisure, opportunity. 6. A certain day of the fortnight, as the full, change, &c. see पर्ब्बन् 7. Dependence, servitude. 8. The centre, the middle. n. adv. (-णं) For a moment. E. क्षण् to injure, affix अच् .
- क्षणक्षेप :: m. (-पः) A short delay. E. क्षण, and क्षेप throwing (away.)
- क्षणतु :: m. (-तुः) A wound or sore. E. क्षण् to hurt, अतु aff.
- क्षणद :: m. (-दः) An astrologer. n. (-दं) Water. f. (-दा) 1. Night. 2. Tur- meric. E. क्षण leisure, a moment, &c. and द who gives.
- क्षणदाचार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Nocturnal, nightwalker. mf. (-रः-री) A fiend, a goblin, E. क्षणदा night, and चर who or what goes.
- क्षणदान्ध्य :: n. (-न्ध्यं) Night blindness, nyctalopsis. E. क्षणदा, and आन्ध्य blindness.
- क्षणदृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Momentarily visible, seen for an instant. E. क्षण, and दृष्ट seen.
- क्षणद्युति :: f. (-तिः) Lightning. E. क्षण, and द्युति Light.
- क्षणन :: n. (-नं) Killing, slaughter. E. क्षण to hurt, to kill, affix ल्युट् .
- क्षणनिश्वास :: m. (-सः) A porpoise, the Gangetic porpoise. E. क्षण a moment and निश्वास breath, breathing.
- क्षणप्रकाश :: f. (-शः) Lightning. E. क्षण and प्रकाश manifest.
- क्षणप्रभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Gleaming, flashing. f. (भा) Lightning, E. क्षण a moment, and प्रभा light.
- क्षणभङ्गुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Transient, frail, perishable. E. क्षण, and भङ्गुर breaking.
- क्षणभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Momentary, short-lived. E. क्षण and भूत been.
- क्षणमात्र :: adv. n. (-त्रं) Momentary, but for a moment. E. क्षण, and मात्र only.
- क्षणरामिन् :: m. (-मी) A pigeon. E. क्षण a moment, and रम् to play, affix णिनि .
- क्षणविध्वंसिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Transient, frail. E. क्षण and विध्वंसिन् what is destroyed.
- क्षणान्तर :: adv. n. (-रं) A minute afterwards, the next moment. E. क्षण, and अन्तर interval.
- क्षणिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -की-कं) Momentary, transient. f. (-का) Lightning. E. क्षण a moment, affix कन् or ठक् .
- क्षणिन् :: mfn. (-णी -णिनी -णि) Momentary, transient. f. (-णी) Night. E. क्षण, इनि and ङीप् affs.
- क्षत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Hit, hurt, wounded, &c. 2. Broken, torn, rent. 3. Trodden or broken down. 4. Impaired, diminished. 5. Destroyed. n. (-तं) A wound, sore, a hurt. E. क्षण् to hurt. affix क्त, deriv. irr.
- क्षतघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) The name of a plant, (Conyza lacera.) f. (-घ्नी) Lac, the
animal dye. E. क्षत a wound, and घ्न what destroys or removes; from हन् to kill, affix ठक्, fem. affix ङीष् .
- क्षतज :: n. (-जं) 1. Blood. 2. Pus, matter. E. क्षत a wound, and ज produced.
- क्षततेजस् :: mfn. (-जाः -जाः -जः) Dimmed, obscured, (as light or power.) E. क्षत and तेजस् splendour.
- क्षतविक्षत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तंः) Mangled, wounded. E. क्षत and विक्षत wounded.
- क्षतविध्वंसिन् :: m. (-सी) A sort of potherb, (Convolvulus argenteus:) see वृद्धदार . E. क्षत a wound &c. ध्वंसि to attack, with वि prefix, and णिनि aff.
- क्षतवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Destitution, being without the means of support, liv- ing on what one can get. E. क्षत and वृत्ति maintenance.
- क्षतव्रत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) A violator of a vow or religious engagement. E. क्षत broken. and व्रत a religious obligation.
- क्षतहर :: n. (-रं) Agallochum or aloe wood: see अगुरु . E. क्षत a wound, and हर what removes.
- क्षतारि :: mfn. (-रिः -रिः -रि) Victorious, triumphant. E. क्षत struck, and अरि a foe.
- क्षति :: f. (-तिः) A wound. E. क्षण् to hurt, क्तिन् aff.
- क्षतौजस् :: mfn. (-जा -जाः -जं) Weakened, reduced, impaired. E. क्षत, and ओजस् strength.
- क्षत्तृ :: mfn. (-त्ता -त्त्री -त्तृ) Occupied, engaged in work. m. (-त्ता) 1. A chario- teer, a coachman. 2. A doorkeeper, a porter. 3. The son of a Sudra by Kshetriya woman, whose employment is catching ani- mals that live in holes. 4. The son of a female slave. 5. A name of BRAHMA. 6. The son of a Sudra man and Vaisya woman. E. क्षद a Sautra root, to screen or defend, to join or mix, Unadi affix तृच् .
- क्षत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) A man of the second or military and regal class. n. (-त्त्रं) The body. E. क्षद Sautra root, to divide or eat, Unadi affix त्र; this word and its derivatives are commonly, for the sake of con- venience, written with one त, क्षत्र .
- क्षत्त्रधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) The duty of a Kshetriya, bravery, military conduct. E. क्षत्त्र and धर्म्म duty.
- क्षत्त्रधर्म्मानुम :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Following or observing the duty of a soldier. E. क्षत्त्रधर्म्म, and अनुग who follows.
- क्षत्त्रबन्धु :: mfn. (-न्धुः -न्धू or न्धुः -न्धु) 1. A mere Kshetriya, a certain Kshe- triya. 2. A Kshetriya, one of the military tribe: see ब्रह्मबन्धु .
- क्षत्त्रिन् :: m. (-त्त्री) A man of the military class. E. क्षत्त्र and इनि aff.
- क्षत्त्रिय :: mf. (-यः-या or याणी) A man or woman of the second or military tribe. f. (-यी) The wife of a Kshetriya. E. क्षत्र, affix घ, fem. टाप् or ङीष्, in one form, with आनुक inserted.
- क्षत्त्रियजाति :: f. (-तिः) The military tribe or caste. E. क्षत्त्रिय, and जाति caste.
- क्षत्त्रियधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) The duty or occupation of the warrior tribe, war, government, &c. E. क्षत्त्रिय, and धर्म्म duty.
- क्षत्तियप्राय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Full of or abounding with the military tribe. E. क्षत्त्रिय, and प्राय most.
- क्षद :: Sautra r. 1st cl. (क्षदति) 1. To eat. 2. To pull to pieces, to divide.
- क्षदत् :: mfn. (-दन् -दन्ती -दत्) 1. Eating. 2. Dividing, tearing. E. क्षद् to eat, &c. v. शतृ aff.
- क्षदन :: n. (-नं) 1. Eating. 2. Tearing, dividing. E. क्षद् to eat, ल्युट् aff.
- क्षन्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be endured, to be suffered or submitted to patiently. E. क्षम् to bear, and तव्य aff.
- क्षन्तृ :: mfn. (-न्ता -न्त्री -न्तृ) Patient, resigned. E. क्षम् to bear, to be patient, तृच aff.
- क्षप :: r. 10th cl. (क्षपयति) 1. To send, to throw, to cast, to direct, &c. 2. To bear patiently. (इ) क्षपि r. 1st and 10th cls. (क्षम्पति, क्षम्पयति) 1. To bear patiently, to endure. 2. To compassionate. 3. To shine.
- क्षपण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Shameless, impudent. n. (-णं) Defilement, impuri- ty. E. क्षप् to throw away (shame), affix ल्युट् .
- क्षपणक :: m. (-कः) 1. A Buddha. 2. A Buddha mendicant. 3. A Jaina mendicant. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- क्षपणी :: f. (-णी) 1. An oar. 2. A net: see क्षेपणि .
- क्षपण्यु :: m. (-ण्युः) Offence, transgression. E. क्षप् to bear, अण्यु aff.
- क्षपयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) 1. Bearing patiently, enduring. 2. Casting, sending. E. क्षप् to send, शतृ aff.
- क्षपा :: f. (-पा) Night. E. क्षप् to send or reject, अ affix, and टाप् fem. do.
- क्षपाकर :: m. (-रः) The moon. E. क्षपा night, and कर who makes.
- क्षपाघन :: m. (-नः) A dark cloud or clouds of night. E. क्षपा, and घन a cloud.
- क्षपाचर :: m. (-रः) A fiend, a goblin. E. क्षपा, and चर who goes.
- क्षपाट :: m. (-टः) A Rakshasa, an imp or goblin. E. क्षपा night, and अट who goes.
- क्षपानाथ :: m. (-थः) The moon. E. क्षपा, and नाथ lord.
- क्षपान्त :: m. (-न्तः) Dawn, day-break. E. क्षपा, and अन्त end.
- क्षपाह :: n. (-हं) A day and night. E. क्षपा . and अहन् a day.
- क्षपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Submitted to, borne, endured. 2. Sent, cast, directed. E. क्षप, and क्त aff.
- क्षम (उ, ष, ञि) ञिक्षमुष :: r. 1st cl. (क्षमते) To bear or endure. (उ, इर, भ इर्क्षमुभ r. 4th. cl. (क्षाम्यति) To bear or endure.
- क्षम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Patient, resigned, enduring. 2. Refraining from, forbearing. 3. Able, adequate. 4. Benevolent, friendly. 5. Fit, ap- propriate, suitable, proper. f. (-मा) 1. Patience. 2. The earth. 3. Night. 4. A name of DURGA. n. (मं) Propriety, fitness. E. क्षम as above, affix अच् .
- क्षमान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Patient, enduring. 2. Forgiving. E. क्षमा, and अन्वित possessed of.
- क्षमापर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Patient, forbearing. E. क्षमा, पर practising.
- क्षमाभुज :: mfn. (-क्) Patient. m. (-क्) A king, a prince. E. क्षमा, the earth, &c. and भुज् who possesses.
- क्षमायुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Patient, enduring, E. क्षमा . and युक्त joined with.
- क्षमावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Patient, enduring. E. क्षमा, and मतुप् aff.
- क्षमितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Patient, enduring. E. क्षम् to bear, affix तृच् .
- क्षमिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) 1. Patient. 2. Capable, able. E. क्षम् to bear, घिनुण् aff.
- क्षय :: m. (-यः) 1. Loss, waste, destruction, removal, &c. 2. A destruction of the universe. 3. Consumption, Phthisis pulmonalis. 4. A house, an abode. 5. Sickness in general. 6. Decay, wasting away. 7. In algebra, negative quantity, minus. E. क्षि to waste or destroy, affix अच् .
- क्षयकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Destroying, terminating. Liberating. from existence. E. क्षय, and कर who makes.
- क्षयकाल :: m. (-लः) The end of all things, the period of destruction. E. क्षय, and काल time.
- क्षयकास :: m. (-सः) A consumptive or phthisical cough. E. क्षय, and कास cough.
- क्षयथु :: m. (-थुः) Cough, consumption. E. क्षि to waste, अथुच् affix; some copies read this क्षवथु, q. v.
- क्षयनाशिनी :: f. (-नी) A plant, (Celtis Orientalis:) see जीवन्ती . E. क्षय con- sumption, and नाशिनी what removes.
- क्षयपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The dark fortnight, that of the moon's wane, E. क्षय and पक्ष half month.
- क्षयवायु :: m. (युः) The wind that is to blow at the end of the world. E. क्षय, and वायु wind.
- क्षययुक्ति :: f. (क्तिः) Necessity or opportunity of destroying. E. क्षय, and युक्त, fitness; also क्षययोग .
- क्षयरोग :: m. (-गः) Consumption. E. क्षय, and रोग disease.
- क्षयरोगित्व :: n. (-त्वं) Consumption. E. क्षयरोगिन् and त्व affix; also with तल क्षयरोगिता .
- क्षयरोगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिणी -गि) Consumptive, hectic. E. क्षय, and रोगिन् diseased.
- क्षयसम्पद् :: f. (-त् or -द्) Total loss, ruin, destruction. E. क्षय, and सम्पद् increase.
- क्षयिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिणी -यि) 1. Wasting, decaying. 3. Consumptive, E. क्षय, and इनि aff.
- क्षयिष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) Wasting, decaying perishing. E. क्षि to perish, इष्णुच् aff.
- क्षर :: r. 1st. cl. (क्षरति) 1. To drop or let fall. 2. To distil, to ooze, to trickle. With सं, To flow. With आ, r. of the 10th cl. (आक्षारयति) To accuse, to abuse.
- क्षर :: m. (-रः) 1. A cloud. 2. Trickling oozing. n. (-रं) Water. E. क्षर् to drop, and अच् aff.
- क्षरज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced by distillation, &c. E. क्षर, and ज born; also क्षरेज .
- क्षरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Tricking, running. 3. Distilling, dropping, E. क्षर and ल्युट् aff.
- क्षरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रत्) Trickling, oozing. running E. क्षर् to trickle शतृ aff.
- क्षरपत्रा :: f. (-त्रा) The Dronapushpa plant.
- क्षरभाव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -व) Mutable, dissoluble. E. क्षर flowing, भाव property.
- क्षरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Oozed, trickling, dropped, flowing, liquified. E. क्षर, and क्त aff.
- क्षरिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Dropping, flowing, trickling. m. (-री) The rainy season. E. क्षर water, and इनि aff.
- क्षरेज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced by distilling, &c. E. क्षर in the seventh case, and ज born.
- क्षल :: r. 1st cl. (क्षलति) 1. To shake. 2. To move, (some consider this as interchangeable with क्षर .) r. 10th cl. (क्षालयति) To purify, to clean- se or make clean.
- क्षव :: m. (-वः) 1. Sneezing. 2. Cough, catarrh 2. A species of Mustard (Sinapis dichotoma, Rox,) E. क्षु to sneeze, affix अप् .
- क्षवकृत् :: mfn. (-त्) Sneezing, coughing. E. क्षव, and कृत् who makes.
- क्षविका :: f. (-का) 1. A kind of rice. 2. A woman.
- क्षवथु :: m. (-थुः) 1. Cough, catarrh. 2. Sneezing. 3. Irritation of the throat, sore throat. E. क्षु to sneeze, &c. अथुच् aff.
- क्षात्त्र :: mfn. (-त्त्रः -त्त्री -त्त्रं) Belonging or relating to the military tribe. E. क्षत्त्र, and अण् aff.
- क्षान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Patient, enduring. E. क्षम् to bear, affix क्त .
- क्षान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) Patience, forbearance, endurance. E. क्षम् to be patient, affix क्तिन् .
- क्षान्तु :: mfn. (-न्तुः -न्तुः -न्तु) Patient, enduring. E. क्षम् to bear, Unadi affix तुन् the vowel is made long.
- क्षाम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Slender, slim, emaciated. 2. Weak, infirm. E. क्षै to waste, affix क्त, form irr.
- क्षामता :: f. (-ता) 1. Slenderness. 2. Thinness, emaciation. 3. Debility. E. क्षाम, and तल् affix: also with त्व, क्षामत्व .
- क्षामास्य :: n. (-स्यं) Improper regimen, diet. &c. Contra-indicated in disease. E. क्षाम debilitating, and आस्य to be eaten.
- क्षार :: m. (-रः) 1. Glass. 2. Juice, essence. 3. Molasses, treacle. 4. Salt. 5. Ashes. 5. A rogue, a cheat. 7. Borax, borate of soda. 8. Alkali, either soda or potash. 9. Caustic Alkali, one species of cautery. n. (-रः) A factitious or medicinal salt, commonly black salt: see कृष्ण- लवण . E. क्षर् to prop, or distil, affix अण् .
- क्षारक :: m. (-कः) 1. A blossom, a new blown flower. 2. A cage or basket for birds or fish. 3. A washerman. 4. Juice, essence. E. क्षर् to fall or drop, affix ण्वुल् .
- क्षारकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Applying caustic alkali (lapis infernalis) to proud flesh, &c. E. क्षार, and कर्म्मन् act.
- क्षारण :: nm. (-णं-णः) Accusing, calumniating. n. (-णं) 1. Distilling. 2. Converting to alkali or ashes. E. क्षार् to drop, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
- क्षारदला :: f. (-ला) A potherb.
- क्षारद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) A tree, commonly Ghantaparali; see घण्टापाटलि; also क्षारवृक्ष .
- क्षारपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A potherb, (Chenopodium album.) E. क्षार juice, and प्रत्र a leaf; also क्षारपत्रक .
- क्षारमध्य :: m. (-ध्यः) A shrub, (Achyranthes aspera:) also अपामार्ग . E. क्षार . alkali:, and मध्य middle; its alkaline ashes make it useful in wash- ing clothes.
- क्षारमृत्तिका :: f. (-का) Saline soil, especially an impure sulphate of soda. E. क्षार salt. and मृत्तिका earth.
- क्षाररस :: m. (-सः) A salt or alkaline flavour. E. क्षार, and रस flavour.
- क्षारवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) Any tree yielding abundant potash, as the plantain, &c. E. क्षार, and वृक्ष a tree.
- क्षारषट्क :: n. (-ट्कं) Six kinds of trees distinguished by their juice, as the Butea frondosa, Grislea tomentosa, Achyranthes aspera, Cow- ach, Ghantaparali, Coraya. E. क्षार, and षट्क six.
- क्षाराच्छ :: n. (-च्छं) Sea-salt. E. क्षार salt, and अच्छ clear, pure.
- क्षारिका :: f. (-का) Hunger.
- क्षारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Guilty. 2. Calumniated, falsely accused, speci- ally of adultery. 3. Accused of crime. 4. Distilled from saline mat- ter, strained through alkaline ashes, &c. E. क्षर् to go or fall, in the causal form, affix क्त .
- क्षालन :: n. (-नं) Washing, sprinkling, cleaning with water. E. क्षाल् to wash, affix ल्युट् .
- क्षालनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be washed, to be cleaned with water. क्षल, and अनीयर् affix; also with तव्य and यत् क्षालितव्य and क्षाल्य .
- क्षालयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Washing, sprinkling, E. क्षल् to wash शतृ aff.
- क्षालित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Cleared, cleaned, washed. E. क्षाल् to cleanse, affix क्त .
- क्षि :: r. 1st cl. (क्षयति-ते) 1. To wane or decrease. 2. To diminish, to disap- pear, to waste, to perish. 3. To rule or possess with unlimited power. r. 5th cl. (क्षिणोति) To hurt or injure, to wound or kill. r. 6th cl. (क्षियति) 1. To dwell. 2. To go or approach. (ष) क्षिष r. 9th cl. (क्षिणाति) To injure or kill.
- क्षि :: f. (-क्षिः) Residence, abode. 2. Going, moving. 3. Waste, loss, des- truction. E. क्षि to decrease, &c. कि aff.
- क्षिण (उ) क्षिणु :: r. 8th cl. (क्षिणोति or क्षिणुते or क्षेणोति-णुते) To hurt, to injure, to kill.
- क्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Wasted, decayed. 2. Poor, miserable. E. क्षि to waste, affix क्त; also क्षीण .
- क्षिति :: f. (-तिः) 1. The earth. 2. An abode, a dwelling, a house. 3. Loss, destruction, wane. 4. The period of the destruction of the universe. 5. A perfume, commonly called Rochana. E. क्षि to waste, to dwell, &c, क्तिन् aff.
- क्षितिकण :: mf. (-णः-णा) dust. E. क्षिति the earth, and कण a particle.
- क्षितिक्षम :: m. (-मः) A tree, (Mimosa khayar.) E. क्षिति, and क्षम able.
- क्षितिक्षित् :: m. (-त्) A kind, a prince. E. क्षिति, and क्षि to dwell, affix क्विप् .
- क्षितिखण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A clod or lump of earth. E. क्षिति, and खण्ड earth.
- क्षितिज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Earth-born, produced of or in the earth. m. (-जः) 1. Mars. 2. The demon NARAKA. 3. An earthworm. f. (-जा) SITA. E. क्षिति, and ज born.
- क्षितिजन्तु :: m. (-न्तुः) An earth. worm. E. क्षिति, and जन्तु animal.
- क्षितितल :: n. (-लं) 1. The region below the earth. 2. The surface of the earth. E. क्षिति, and तल beneath.
- क्षितिधर :: m. (-रः) A mountain. E. क्षिति the earth. and धर what holds.
- क्षितिधारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Carrying soil or earth. E. क्षिति, and धारिन् bearing.
- क्षितिनाग :: m. (-गः) An earth-worm. E. क्षिति, and नाग a serpent.
- क्षितिप :: m. (-पः) A king. E. क्षिति, and प who protects; also क्षितिपाल .
- क्षितिपति :: m. (-तिः) king, a sovereign. E. क्षिति, and पति lord.
- क्षितिपाल :: m. (-लः) A king, a prince. E. क्षिति, and पाल who protects.
- क्षितिपीठ :: n. (-ठं) The surface of the earth. E. क्षिति, and पीठ a stool.
- क्षितिप्रतिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Dwelling on the earth. E. क्षिति, and प्रतिष्ठ established.
- क्षितिभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) 1. A prince, a king. 2. A mountain. E. क्षिति, and भृत् who nourishes.
- क्षितिमण्डल :: n. (-लं) The earth, the globe. E. क्षिति, and मण्डल circle.
- क्षितिरुह :: m. (-हः) A tree. E. क्षिति the earth, and रुह what mounts.
- क्षितिवर्द्धन :: m. (-नः) A corpse. E. क्षिति the earth, and वर्द्धन what increases.
- क्षितिसुत :: m. (-तः) 1. A name of the demon NARAKA, also of 2 Mars. E. क्षिति and सुत a son.
- क्षितीश :: m. (-शः) A king. E. क्षिति, and ईश a prince.
- क्षितीश्वर :: m. (-रः) A king. E. क्षिति and ईश्वर a king.
- क्षित्यदिति :: f. (-तिः) The mother of KRISHNA. E. क्षिति the earth, and अदिति the mother of the gods; the terrestrial parent of divinity.
- क्षित्वन् :: m. (-त्वा) Air, wind. E. क्षि to go, Unadi affix, क्वनिप्, त inserted.
- क्षिद :: r. 1st cl. (क्षेदति) To utter an inarticulate sound, to moan as in grief.
- क्षिप (औ) औक्षिप :: r. 4th cl. (क्षिप्यति) (ञ, आ) औक्षिञ् r. 6th cl. (क्षिपति-ते) To throw or cast, to direct or send. With अधि, prefixed, To abuse, to censure or reproach. With अव, To throw down. With आङ् 1. To attract. 2. To ridicule. With उत्, To raise up, &c. With नि, To place, to deposit. With प्र, To throw far or violently. With वि To scatter, to disperse. with वि and नि, To deliver over, to resign, to leave. With सम and आङ् To remove, to send away. With सम्, 1. To abridge, to compress or contract. 2. To disappear.
- क्षिप :: m. (-पः) 1. Throwing, casting. 2. Reviling. 3. One who throws, &c. f. (-पा) 1. Sending, casting, throwing, &c. 2. Night see क्षपा E. क्षिप् to throw, affix क .
- क्षिपक :: m. (-कः) A warrior, a fighter. E. क्षिप throwing or directing, (darts, &c.) क Unadi aff.
- क्षिपण :: n. (-णं) 1. Sending, dismissing, throwing, casting, &c. 2. Revi- ling, abusing. E. क्षिप् to throw, &c. affix ल्यट् the radical vowel unchanged.
- क्षिपणि :: m. (-णिः) A missile weapon f. (-णिः-णी) An oar. E. क्षिप् to throw to cast, Unadi affix अणि, and the radical vowel unchanged.
- क्षिपणु :: m. (-णुः) Air, wind. E. क्षिप् to throw or send, to waft, Unadi affix अनु .
- क्षिपण्यु :: mfn. (-ण्युः -ण्युः -ण्यु) 1. fragrant, sweet-smelling. 2. Diffusive, what may be sent or scattered. m. (-ण्युः) 1. The body. 2. Spring, the season of spring. E. क्षिप् to send, &c. कन्युच् Unadi affix.
- क्षिपत् :: mfn. (-पत् -पन्ती -पत्) 1. Throwing, casting. 2. Abusing, reproaching E. क्षिप् to throw, affix शतृ .
- क्षिप्नु :: mfn. (-प्नुः -प्नुः -प्नु) Obstructive, throwing obstacles in the way; also क्षिप्णु E. क्षिप् to cast, &c. क्रु aff.
- क्षिप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Thrown, cast. 2. Sent, despatched 3. Dismissed. f. (-प्ता) Night; also क्षिपा and क्षपा E. क्षिप् to throw, &c. affix क्त .
- क्षिप्तदेह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Prostrate, lying down. E. क्षिप्त, and देह the body.
- क्षिप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) 1. Throwing. 2. Sending, ordering. 3. Solving a riddle, explaining or understanding a hidden meaning. E. क्षिप् to throw, क्तिन् aff.
- क्षिप्यत् :: mfn. (-प्यन् -प्यन्ती -प्यत्) 1. Throwing. 2. Sending. E. क्षिप 4th cl. to send, शतृ aff.
- क्षिप्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Tossing, throwing 2. Casting aside, thro- wing off. 3. Sending, directing. E. क्षिप and शानच् aff.
- क्षिप्र :: mfn. (-प्रः -प्रा -प्रं) Quickly, speedily, quick, swift. adv. n. (-प्रं) Quickly. E. क्षिप् to send or despatch, Unadi affix रक् .
- क्षिप्रपाकिन् :: m. (-की) A kind of tree, (Hibiscus populneoides:) see गर्द्ध्वभाण्ड E. क्षिप्र quick, and पाकिन् what ripens.
- क्षिया :: f. (-या) Loss, waste, destruction. E. क्षि to waste, अङ् and टाप् affix es, इ substituted for the penultimate.
- क्षिव (उ) क्षिवु :: r. 4th cl. (क्षीव्यति) To eject from the mouth, to vomit.
- क्षी :: r. 1st cl. (क्षयति-ते) To hurt or injure.
- क्षीज :: r. 1st cl. (क्षीजति) To sound inarticulately, to sigh or groan as in distress.
- क्षीजन :: n. (-नं) The whistling of hollow reeds or bamboos. E. क्षीज् to sound inarticulately, affix ल्युट् .
- क्षीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Thin, emaciated, feeble. 2. Thin, slender. 3. Wasted, diminished, worn away, expended. 4. Destroyed, lost. 5. Injured, broken, torn. 6. Subdued, suppressed. 7. Poor, miserable. E. क्षि to waste, affix क्त, deriv. irr.
- क्षीणता :: f. (-ता) 1. slenderness, delicacy. 2. Thinness, emaciation. 3. Diminution, decay. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, क्षीणत्वं .
- क्षीणपाप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Purified, having suffered the consequences of sin. E. क्षीण, and पाप sin.
- क्षीणपुण्य :: mfn. (-ण्यः -ण्या -ण्यं) 1. Abandoned. 2. Having enjoyed the fruits of virtue, and being doomed by another birth to labour for more. E. क्षीण, and पुण्य virtue.
- क्षीणमध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) Slender-waisted. E. क्षीण, and मध्य middle.
- क्षीणवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Wasted, decayed. E. क्षि to waste, and क्तवतु aff.
- क्षीणवासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Inhabiting a destructible house. m. (-सी) A dove or pigeon. E. क्षीण, and वासिन् abiding.
- क्षीणविक्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Cowed, deprived of courage or prowess. E. क्षीण, and विक्रान्त valiant.
- क्षीणवृत्ति :: mfn. (-त्तिः -त्तिः -त्ति) Out of employ. out of bread, having no maintenance. E. क्षीण lost, and वृत्ति practice.
- क्षीणशक्ति :: mfn. (-क्तिः -क्तिः -क्ति) Weak, feeble, impotent. E. क्षीण, and शक्ति vigour.
- क्षीणाज्यकर्म्मन् :: m. (-र्म्मा) A Bauddha.
- क्षीणाष्टकर्म्मन् :: m. (-र्म्मा) A Jina, an inspired teacher according to the Jainas. E. क्षीण, and अष्टकर्म्मन् eight natural acts.
- क्षीब (ऋ) क्षीबृ :: r. 1st cl. (क्षीबते) To be intoxicated, (literally or meta- phorically.)
- क्षीब :: mfn. (-बः -बा -बं) Drunk, intoxicated. E. क्षीब् to be drunk, affix क्त, deriv. irr.
- क्षीबता :: f. (-ता) Intoxication. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, क्षीबत्वं
- क्षीयमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Perishing, wasting away. E. क्षि to perish, शानच् aff.
- क्षीर :: n. (-रं) 1. Water. 2. Milk. f. (-री) A small shrub (Asclepia rosea;) also दुग्धिका . 2. A tree, a species of Mimosa, (M. kauki, Rox) also क्षीरिका . 3. Gigantic swallow-wort. 4. Euphorbia; several kinds, particularly, E. hirta. E. thymifolia, and E. chamæsyce. E. घस् to eat, ईरन् Unadi affix; the fem. nouns are derived from क्षीर milk. the plants yielding a milky juice or sap, upon expression or incision.
- क्षीरकण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) An infant, a young child. F. क्षीर milk, and कण्ठ throat; also with कन् added क्षीरकण्ठक .
- क्षीरकन्दा :: f. (-न्दा) A kind of potherb, black Bhuincaonra, (Convolvulus paniculatus.) E. क्षीर water, and कन्द root: having a watery root.
- क्षीरकाकोलिका :: f. (-का) A drug, and one of the eight principal medica- ments of the Hindus; it is a root from the Himalaya. E. क्षीर milk, and काकोलि a drug, कन् added; yielding, when fresh, a milky juice; also क्षीरकाकोली .
- क्षीरकाकोली :: f. (-ली) See the preceding.
- क्षीरकीट :: m. (-टः) An insect or animalcule generated by the fermenta- tion of milk E. क्षीर milk, and कीट a worm.
- क्षीरज :: n. (-जं) Coagulated or curdled milk. E. क्षीर milk, and ज pro- duced.
- क्षीरद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) What gives or yields milk. E. क्षीर . and द what gives.
- क्षीरदल :: m. (-लः) Gigantic swallow-wort. E. क्षीर milk, and दल leaf; the leaves, &c. yielding, on expression or incision, a milky juice.
- क्षीरनीर :: n. (-रं) Embracing, embrace. E. क्षीर milk, and नीर water; mix- ing like milk and water.
- क्षीरप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Drinking milk. who or what drinks it. E. क्षीर, and प who drinks.
- क्षीरपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) See क्षीरदल .
- क्षीरपाण :: n. (-णं) drinking milk; also क्षीरपान . m. plu. (-णाः) The name of a people, the milk-drinkers. E. क्षीर, and पान drink; in the second sense, न is changed always to ण .
- क्षीरपायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिणी -यि) 1. Drinking milk, sucking, &c. 2. Drinking or imbibing water repeatedly. E. क्षीर, and पायिन् who drinks.
- क्षीरपायिन् :: m. plu. (-यिणः) The people calld Usinaras, the milk-drink- ers. E. क्षीर, पा to drink, णिनि affix, य inserted, and न final changed to ण .
- क्षीरमोचक :: m. (-कः) A tree, (Morunga hyperanthera.)
- क्षीरमोरट :: m. (-टः) A plant, a kind of Murva: see मूर्व्वा .
- क्षीरयष्टिक :: n. (-कं) A dish of liquorice and milk. E. क्षीर, and यष्टिक made of liquorice.
- क्षीरबल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) The dark Bhuincaonra, (Convolvulus paniculatus) E. क्षीर water, and वल्ली pedicle: see क्षीरकन्दा .
- क्षीरविकृति :: f. (-तिः) Inspissated milk. E. क्षीर milk, and विकृति change of form.
- क्षीरविदारिका :: f. (-का) The dark Bhuincaonra; also क्षीरविदारी .
- क्षीरविदारी :: f. (-री) The white or black Bhuincaonra, (Convolvulus pani- culatus:) see भूमिकुष्माण्डक . E. क्षीर water, and विदारी the same plant.
- क्षीरवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) Glomerous fig tree, (Ficus glomerata;) also उडुम्बर . E. क्षीर, milk. and बृक्ष a tree, the leaves and bark yielding a white milky juice.
- क्षीरशर :: m. (-रः) Cream. the surface or skim of milk. E. क्षीर milk, and शर what goes over or on.
- क्षीरशुक्ल :: m. (-क्लः) An aquatic plant, (Trapa bispinosa, Rox.) f. (-क्ला) The pale Bhuincaonra: see भूमिकुष्माण्डक . E. क्षीर milk, and शुक्ल white; white as milk, the fruit, &c.
- क्षीरसार :: m. (-रः) Butter. E. क्षीर, and सार essence.
- क्षीरस्फटिक :: m. (-कः) A precious stone, described as a milky crystal, (opal or cat's eye) E. क्षीर milk, and स्फटिक crystal.
- क्षीराद :: m. (-दः) An infant at the breast. E. क्षीर, and अद who feeds.
- क्षीराब्धि :: m. (-ब्धिः) The sea of milk, one of the seven seas surrounding as many worlds. E. क्षीर milk, and अब्धि the ocean.
- क्षीराब्धिज :: m. (-जः) The moon. f. (-जा) A name of the goddess LAKSHMI. n. (-जं) 1. Sea salt. 2. A pearl. E. क्षीराब्धि the sea of milk, and ज born.
- क्षीराब्धितनया :: f. (-या) A name of LAKSHMI: E. क्षीराब्धि the sea of milk, and तनया daughter.
- क्षीरान्नाद :: m. (-दः) An infant both fed and suckled. E. क्षीर, and अन्न food, अद who eats.
- क्षीराविका :: f. (-का) A sort of Asclepias; see the next.
- क्षीरावी :: f. (-वी) A sort of Asclepias, (A. rosia, Rox;) also दुग्धिका E. क्षीर milk or milky juice, अव् to contain, affixes अण् and ङीप् .
- क्षीराह्व :: m. (-ह्वः) The Saral, a kind of pine. E. क्षीर milk, and आह्व what is named; or it may mean that the tree is also named simply क्षीर, that which yields a milky juice or sap.
- क्षीरिका :: f. (-का) 1. A tree bearing an edible fruit, (Mimusops kauki, Rox.) 2. A potherb, Bhuicaonra, (Convolvulus paniculatus.) E. क्षीर milk, affix ठक् .
- क्षीरिणी :: f. (-णी) 1. A milch cow. 2. A tree bearing an edible fruit, (Mi- musops kauki.) 3. A medicinal kind of the moon plant or acid Asclepias. E. क्षीर milk, and इनि affix, alluding to its juice, fem. affix ङीप् .
- क्षीरिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Milky, yielding milk. 2. Having milk. m. (-री) A sort of Mimusops: see क्षीरिका . E. क्षीर milk, and इनि aff.
- क्षीरेयी :: f. (-यी) An oblation of milk, rice, and sugar.
- क्षीरोद :: m. (-दः) The sea of milk. E. क्षीर milk, and उद water: it also implies the sea in general.
- क्षीरोदतनया :: f. (-या) A name of LAKSHMI. E. क्षीरोद the sea of milk, and तनया daughter.
- क्षीरोदनन्दन :: m. (-नः) The moon. E. क्षीरोद the ocean in general, and नन्दन a son.
- क्षीव (उ) क्षीवु :: r. 1st cl. (क्षीवति) 1. To spit or sputter, to eject from the mouth. 2, To be drunk: see क्षिव, also क्षीब .
- क्षीब :: mfn. (-बः -बा -बं) Drunk, intoxicated. E. क्षीव, and क्त affix; also क्षीव .
- क्षीवता :: f. (-ता) Drunkenness, intoxication. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, क्षीवत्वं; also क्षीवता, &c.
- क्षु (टु) टुक्षु :: r. 2d cl. (क्षौति) To sneeze, to make any such sound.
- क्षुण :: m. (-णः) The soap berry plant, (Sapindus saponaria.) E. क्षुद् to bruise, डुण aff.
- क्षुण्ण :: mfn. (-ण्णः -ण्णा -ण्णं) 1. Bruised, pounded. 2. Exercised, practiced, skil- ful. 3. One versed in sacred science, but described as unable to explain or teach it. 4. Defeated, overcame. E. क्षुद् to bruise, &c. affix क्त, form irr.
- क्षुत् :: f. (-क्षुत्) 1. Sneezing; also क्षुत . E. क्षु to sneeze, affix क्किप्, तुक् is add- ed.
- क्षुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sneezed, sneezing. mf. (-तः-ता) 1. Sneezing. 2. Cough. E. क्षु to sneeze, affix क्त .
- क्षुतवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Sneezing. E. क्षु to sneeze, क्तवतु aff.
- क्षुताभिजनन :: m. (-नः) Black-mustard. E. क्षुत sneezing, and अभिजनन what produces; also क्षुधाभिजनन .
- क्षुत्करी :: f. (-री) Black-mustard. E. क्षुत् sneezing, करी making.
- क्षुत्तृणोपपीडित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Hungry and thirsty. E. क्षुध् with तृष्णा thirst, and उपपीडित distressed.
- क्षुत्पिपासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Hnngry and thirsty, E. क्षुध्, and पिपासा thirst, इतच् aff.
- क्षुत्प्रतीकार :: m. (-रः) Allaying hunger, eating. E. क्षुध्, and प्रतीकार counter- acting.
- क्षुद (ञ, इर, औ) औ क्षुदिर :: r. 7th cl. (क्षुणत्ति, क्षुत्ते) To pound, to bruise, to reduce, to powder.
- क्षुद्र :: mfn. (-द्रः -द्रा -द्रं) 1. Small, little. 2. Mean, low. 3. Mean, niggardly, avaricious. 4. Cruel. 5. Poor, indigent. f. (-द्रा) 1. A woman maim- ed or crippled, wanting a limb, &c. 2. A dancing girl. 3. A whore, a harlot. 4. A fly. 5. A bee or wasp. 6. A gnat, &c. 7. A prickly nightshade: see कण्टकारी . 8. The egg plant, (Solanum melongena.) 9. Sorrel, (Oxalis monadelpha.) E. क्षुद् to bruise or pound, Unadi affix रक् .
- क्षुद्रकम्बु :: m. (-म्बुः) A small shell. E. क्षुद्र small, and कम्बु a shell.
- क्षुद्रघण्टिका :: f. (-का) A tinkling ornament, a girdle of small bells, &c. E. क्षुद्र small, घण्टा a clock or bell, affix कन्, and the fem. form.
- क्षुद्रचूड :: m. (-डः) A kind of small bird. E. क्षुद्र small, and चूडा a crest, small-crested.
- क्षुद्रजन्तु :: m. (-न्तुः) 1. Any small animal. 2. A kind of worm, (Julus.) E. क्षुद्र small, and जन्तु animal.
- क्षुद्रजीर :: m. (-रः) Small cummin. E. क्षुद्र small, and जीर cummin seed.
- क्षुद्रता :: f. (-ता) 1. Smallness, minuteness. 2. Inferiority, insignificance, meanness. E. तल् added to क्षुद्र; also with त्व, क्षुद्रत्वं .
- क्षुद्रदंशिका :: f. (-का) A small gadfly. E. क्षुद्र, and दंशिका a gadfly.
- क्षुद्रदंशी :: f. (-शी) A small gadfly. E. क्षुद्र, and दंशी a gadfly.
- क्षुद्रनासिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Having a little nose. E. क्षुद्र, and नासिका the nose.
- क्षुद्रपत्रा :: f. (-त्रा) Wood-sorrel, (Oxalis monadelpha.) E. क्षुद्र, and पत्र a leaf, small-leaved.
- क्षुद्रफलक :: m. (-कः) A tree, (Celtis orientalis:) see जीवन . E. क्षुद्र, and फल fruit, कन् added, bearing a small fruit.
- क्षुद्रफला :: f. (-ला) A plant. (Ardisia solanacea.) E. क्षुद्र, and फल fruit.
- क्षुद्रबुद्धि :: mfn. (-द्धिः -द्धिः -द्धि) Simple, silly, ignorant. E. क्षुद्र, and बुद्धि under- standing.
- क्षुद्ररोग :: m. (-गः) A minor disease, one of little importance. E. क्षुद्र, and रोग disease.
- क्षुद्रवंशा :: f. (-शा) A plant (Dioscorea:) see वराहक्रान्ता .
- क्षुद्रशङ्ख :: m. (-ङ्खः) A small shell. E. क्षुद्र, and शङ्ख a shell.
- क्षुद्रशीर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) A tree, (Celosia cristata.) E. क्षुद्र, and शीर्ष the head, having a small head.
- क्षुद्रसहा :: f. (-हा) A plant, commonly Mugai: see मुद्गपर्णी .
- क्षुद्रहिङ्गुलिका :: f. (-का) A prickly nightshade, (Solanum jacquini.) a small species. E. क्षुद्र small, and हिङ्गुली the plant.
- क्षुद्रहिङ्गुली :: f. (-ली) See the last.
- क्षुद्राण्डमत्स्यसङ्घात :: m. (-तः) Small fly. E. क्षुद्र small, अण्ड an egg, मत्स्य a fish, and सङ्घात a heap.
- क्षुद्राम्लपनस :: m. (-सः) A tree, (Artocarpus lacucha:) see लकुच .
- क्षुद्राम्ला :: f. (-म्ला) Wood-sorrel, (Oxalis monadelpha.) E. क्षुद्र, and अम्ल sour; a small and acid plant.
- क्षुध (ऌ औ) औक्षधॢ :: r. 4th cl. (क्षुध्यति) To be hungry, to hunger.
- क्षुध् :: f. (-क्षुत् or क्षुद्) Hunger. E. क्षुध् to be hungry, affix क्विप् .
- क्षुधा :: f. (-धा) Hunger. E. क्षुध् to be hungry, affixes अङ् and टाप् .
- क्षुधाकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Causing hunger, improving the appetite E. क्षुधा, and कर what makes.
- क्षुधाध्वंस :: m. (-सः) Allaying hunger. E. क्षुधा, and ध्वंस destruction.
- क्षुधापीडित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Hungry, starving. E. क्षुधा, and पीडित pained.
- क्षुधाभिजनन :: m. (-नः) Black mustard. E. क्षुधा hunger, and अभिजनन caus- ing, promoting.
- क्षुधार्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः-र्त्ता-र्त्तं) Hungry, hungered. E. क्षुधा and आर्त्त pained.
- क्षुधाशान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) Satisfaction, satiety, allaying hunger. E. क्षुधा, and शान्ति appeasing.
- क्षुधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Hungered, hungry. E. क्षुध् to be hungry, affix क्त .
- क्षुधुन :: m. (-नः) A savage, a barbarian. E. क्षुध् to be hungry, Unadi affix उनन् .
- क्षुप :: m. (-पः) A small tree, one with short branches and roots, a bush, a shurb. E. क्षु to sound, aff. प .
- क्षुब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) 1. Agitated, tossed, stirred. 2. Agitated men- tally, anxious, disturbed. m. (-ब्धः) The churning stick. E. क्षुभ् to stir, to agitate, affix क्त, form irr.
- क्षुभ :: r. 1st cl. (क्षोभति) 1. To be confused or agitated. 2. To stir or dis- turb. r. 4th cl. and 9th cl. (क्षुभ्यति and क्षुभ्नाति) 2. To shake, to- tremble, to be unsteady.
- क्षुभित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -त) 1. Frightened, alarmed, afraid. 2. Agitated, tossed, set in motion. 3. Agitated mentally, disturbed, anxious. 4. Angry, enraged. E. क्षुभ् to shake, to be agitated, to stir, &c. affix क .
- क्षुमा :: f. (-मा) 1. Linseed, (Linum usitatissimum.) 2. A sort of flax, Ben- gal San. 3. The indigo plant. 4. A sort or creeper. E. क्षु to sound, affix मक् .
- क्षुर :: r. 6th cl. (क्षुरति) 1. To cut. 2. To scratch, to make lines or furrows.
- क्षुर :: m. (-रः) 1. A razor. 2. A plant, (Barleria longifolia.) 3. Also Tribulus lanuginosus: see गोक्षुर . 4. A horse's hoof; also खुर 5 The hoof of a cow, &c. 6. The foot of a bedstead. f. (-री) A knife. E. क्षुर् to scratch or cut, Unadi affix रन् and the final consonant rejected; also खुर .
- क्षुरक :: m. (-कः) 1. A plant, commonly Tila. 2. Barleria longifolia. 3. Tribulus lanuginosus. E. क्षुर् to scratch, &c. क्कुन् aff.
- क्षुरप्र :: m. (-प्रः) 1. kind of arrow, one with a sharp-horse-shoe-shaped head. 2. A sort of hoe or weeding spade. E. क्षुर a hoof, and प्रथ् to go, ड affix; also खुरप्र .
- क्षुरभाण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) A razor case. E. क्षुर, and भाण्ड a vessel.
- क्षुरमर्द्दिन् :: m. (-र्दी) A barber. E. क्षुर a razor, and मृद् to destroy, affix णिनि .
- क्षुरिणी :: f. (-णी) A kind of yam: see वराहक्रान्ता .
- क्षुरिन् :: mf. (-री-रिणी) A male or female barber. E. क्षुर a razor, and इनि aff.
- क्षुल्ल :: mfn. (-ल्लः -ल्ला -ल्लं) Little, small. E. क्षुद् to pound, affix क्विप्, क्षुद powder, dust, ल from ला to get, to be, affix ड; also खुल्ल .
- क्षुल्लक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Little; small. 2. Hard. 3. Poor, indigent. 4. Low, vile. 5. Wicked, malicious, abandoned. 6. Young, youngest. 7. Pained, distressed, m. (-कः) A small shell. E. क्षुल्ल as above, कन् added, also खुल्लक .
- क्षुल्लतात :: m. (-तः) Sce the next.
- क्षुल्लतातक :: m. (-कः) A paternal uncle. E. क्षुल्ल youngest, and तात a father, कन् added.
- क्षुवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Sneezing. E. क्षु, and मतुप् aff.
- क्षेड :: r. 10th cl. (क्षेडयति) To eat.
- क्षेड :: m. (-डः) 1. Disease in the ear. 2. Poison. 3. Sound: see क्षेड .
- क्षेडित :: m. (-तः) Roar of a lion.
- क्षेत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. A field. 2. The body. 3. A wife. 4. A pure or sacred spot, a place of pilgrimage, as Puri, &c. 5. Plane figure, geo- metry. 6. A diagram. E. क्षि to dwell, &c. affix ष्ट्रन् .
- क्षेत्रकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Making a field, cultivating it, &c. E. क्षेत्र, कर who makes.
- क्षेत्रज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) 1. Produced in a field, (as corn, &c.) 2. Born of the body, &c. m. (-जः) A son, the offspring of the wife by a kins- man or person duly appointed to procreate issue to the husband. E. क्षेत्र wife, and ज born, born of the wife only; this is one of the twelve kinds of issue acknowledged by the old Hindu law.
- क्षेत्रज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) 1. Clever, dexterous, skilful. 2. A husbandman, &c. m. (-ज्ञः) 1. The soul, the emanation of divinity residing in the body. 2. A libertine, a whore-monger. E. क्षेत्र a field, the body, &c, and ज्ञ who knows.
- क्षेत्रपति :: m. (-तिः) A land-owner, a farmer, the master of a field. E. क्षेत्र, and पति master.
- क्षेत्रभूमि :: f. (-मिः) Cultivated and. E. क्षेत्र, and भूमि land.
- क्षेत्रविद् :: m. (-वित्) 1. A sage, one who possesses spiritual knowledge. 2. A husbandman. E. क्षेत्र, and विद् who knows.
- क्षेत्रराशि :: f. (-शिः) Figurate quantity. E. क्षेत्र, and राशि number.
- क्षेत्रसीमा :: f. (-मा) The boundaries of a meadow or field, or holy place. E. क्षेत्र, and सीमा limit.
- क्षेत्राजीव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) A cultivator, a peasant. E. क्षेत्र a field, and जीव who lives, with आङ् prefixed; who gets a livelihood by the labours of the field.
- क्षेत्रामलकी :: f. (-की) A plant commonly Bhumiamalaki, Flacourtia cata- phracta, Rox)
- क्षेत्रिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Having a field, relating to a field, &c. m. (-कः) 1. A farmer, a cultivator. 2. A husbandman. E. क्षेत्र, and ठक् aff.
- क्षेत्रिन् :: mfn. (-त्री -त्रिणी -त्रि) Owning or having a field, cultivating it, &c. m. (-त्री) 1. A husband. 2. A cultivator, a husbandman. E. क्षेत्र a field, and इनि aff.
- क्षेत्रिय :: n. (-यं) 1. Meadow grass, herbage, pasturage. 2. Physicking, operating. m. (-यः) 1. An adulterer. 2. A medicament, what is fit to be administered in medicine. 3. An incurable disease. E. क्षेत्र a field, the body, घ aff.
- क्षेद :: m. (-दः) Sorrowing, moaning. E. क्षि to moan, affix घञ् .
- क्षेप :: m. (-पः) 1. Sending, dismissing. 2. Throwing, casting. 3. Pride, haughtiness. 4. Delay, dilatoriness. 5. Disrespect, contempt. 6. Pas- sing away time, 7. Abuse, reviling. 8. A clump of flowers, &c. 9. (In arithmetic, &c.) Additive quantity, addendum. E. क्षिप् to throw affix घञ् .
- क्षेपक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Who or what throws or sends. 2. Abusing disrespectful. E. क्षिप् to throw, ण्वुल् aff.
- क्षेपण :: n. (-णं) 1. Sending, directing. 2. Throwing, casting. 3. Passing away time. 4. Abusing. E. क्षिप् to throw, affix ल्युट् .
- क्षेपणि :: f. (-णिः or णी) 1. An oar. 2. A net, a fishing net. E. क्षिप् to cast or throw, अण् and ङीष् affs.
- क्षेपिमन् :: m. (-मा) Great velocity. E. क्षिप्र quick, and इमनिच् affix, deriv irr.
- क्षेपिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Very quick, quickest. E. क्षिप्र quick, and इष्ठन् superlative affix, र rejected.
- क्षेपीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Very quick. E. क्षिप्र, and ईयसुन् aff.
- क्षेप्तृ :: mfn. (-प्ता -प्त्री -प्तृ) Who or what throws, sends, orders, &c. E. क्षिप् to throw, तृच् aff.
- क्षेम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Happy, well, prosperous, right, &c. mn. (-मः-मं) 1. Happiness, well being. 2. Preserving, protecting, keeping what is acquired. 3. Final emancipation or eternal happiness. 4. The pro- per term of civil address to Vaisya, as क्षेममस्ति क्षेमं भवतु Is it well, or may it be well, &c. f. (-मा) A name of DURGA. E. क्षि to remove, and मन् Unadi affix; what removes or destroys sorrow, &c.
- क्षेमक :: m. (-कः) A perfume, commonly Chor. E. कन् added to क्षेम .
- क्षेमकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Propitious, conferring happiness or good for- tune. E. क्षेम and कृ to make, अच् aff.
- क्षेमकार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Auspicious, propitious, conferring happiness or good fortune. E. क्षेम happiness, and कृ to make, अण् aff.
- क्षेमङ्कर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Propitious, &c.: see the preceding. f. (-री) The Brahmani kite or Coromandel eagle, which is considered as a bird of good omen, (Falco ponticerianus.) E. क्षेम and कृ to make, with खच् aff.
- क्षेमवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Happy, prosperous. E. क्षेम and मतुप् aff.
- क्षेमफला :: f. (-ला) Opposite leaved fig tree. E. क्षेम auspicious, and फल fruit.
- क्षेम्य :: mfn. (-म्यः -म्याम्यं) 1. Lucky, prosperous, thriving. 2. Healthy, salubrious. E. क्षेम and यत् added.
- क्षेव (ड) क्षेवु :: r. 1st cl. (क्षेवति) To spit, to eject form the mouth.
- क्षै :: r. 1st cl. (क्षायति) To wane, to waste or decline.
- क्षैत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A multitude of fields &c. E. क्षेत्र a field, &c. and अण् aff.
- क्षैत्रज्ञ :: n. (-ज्ञं) Spirituality, the nature of the soul. E. क्षेत्रज्ञ and अण् aff.
- क्षैत्रज्ञ्य :: n. (ज्ञ्यं) Spirituality, the nature of the soul, the knowledge of it, &c. E. क्षेत्रज्ञ and यञ् aff.
- क्षैरेयी :: f. (-यी) Milk and rice, or any preparation of milk. E. क्षीर milk, aff. ठञ् fem. affix ङीप्; some copies read this word क्षीरेयी .
- क्षोड :: m. (-डः) The post to which an elephant is bound.
- क्षोजन :: n. (-नं) Sound of the flute.
- क्षोणि :: f. (-णिः or -णी) The earth. E. क्षु to sound, अणि affix, fem affix optionally ङीप् also क्षौणि .
- क्षोद :: m. (-दः) 1. Powder, pulverized substance. 2. A piece, a small piece or particle. 3. The stone or slab on which any thing is ground or powdered, a mortar, &c. 4. Dust. E. क्षुद् to bruise or pound, affix घञ् .
- क्षोदारज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Ground, pulverized. E. क्षोद and रज for रजस् dust.
- क्षोदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pounded, ground, comminuted. n. (-तं) Powder, dust, substance pulverized or ground E. क्षुद् to bruise or pound, affix क्त .
- क्षोदिमन् :: m. (-मा) Minuteness, exceeding smallness or inferiority. E. क्षुद्र small, &c. affix इमनिच् deriv. irr.
- क्षोदिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Finely pounded or levigated, very small or minute. E. क्षुद्र small, इष्ठन् affix of the superlative, र rejected.
- क्षोदीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Very fine or small. E. क्षुद्र and ईयसुन् affix of the superlative.
- क्षोभ :: m. (-भः) 1. Agitation, emotion. 2. Shaking, trembling, tossing. E. क्षुभ् to be agitated, घञ् aff.
- क्षोम :: mn. (-मः-मं) A room on the top of a house: see क्षौम n. (-मं) Wove silk E. क्षु to make a sound, Unadi affix मन्; also क्षौम .
- क्षौणि :: f. (-णिः or -णी) The earth, E. क्षोणि the earth, and अण् pleonastic, with इन् or ङीष् fem. terminations added.
- क्षौणीप्राचीर :: m. (-रः) The ocean. E. क्षौणी the earth, and प्राचीर an enclosure.
- क्षौद्र :: n. (-द्रं) 1. Honey. 2. Water. m. (-द्रः) A flower, (Michelia cham- paca.) E. क्षुद्रा a fly, &c. affix अञ् .
- क्षौद्रक्य :: mfn. (-क्यः -क्यी -क्यं) Small, minute. E. क्षुद्र small, ञाट् pleonastic aff.
- क्षौम :: mfn. (-मः -मी -मं) Linen, made of linen, coverd with it, &c. f. (-मी) Lin or flax, (Linum usitatissimum.) mn. (-मः-मं) 1. An airy room on the top of a house. 2. An apartment on the top of a hall. 3. The back of an edifice. 4. A fortified place in front of a building. 5. A building of a particular form. 6. Wove silk: 7. Linen cloth E. क्षोम q. v. अण् added.
- क्षौमक :: m. (-कः) Chor, a species of perfume.
- क्षौर :: m. (-रः) 1. Shaving the head. 2. Shaving in general. f. (-री) A razor. E. क्षुर a razor, affix अण् .
- क्षौरिक :: m. (-कः) A barber. E. क्षुर a razor, affix ठक् .
- क्ष्णु :: r. 2nd cl. (क्ष्णोति or with सम् prefixed संक्ष्णुते) To whet, to sharpen. (क्ष्णोते) To take away, to remove.
- क्ष्णुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Whetted, sharpened. E. क्ष्णु to whet, affix क्त .
- क्ष्मा :: f. (-क्ष्मा) The earth. E. क्षम् to bear, Unadi affix अच्, and the penul- timate dropped.
- क्ष्मातल :: n. (-लं) The surface of the earth. E. क्ष्मा, and तल below.
- क्ष्माभुज् :: m. (-क्) A king. E. क्ष्मा, and भुज् who enjoys.
- क्ष्माभृत् :: m, (-सृत्) 1. A king, a prince. 2. A mountain. E. क्ष्मा the earth, and भृत् who nourishes, from भृ, affix क्विप्, तुक added.
- क्ष्माय (इ) क्ष्मायी :: r. 1st. (क्ष्मायते) To shake, to make tremble.
- क्ष्मायित :: mfd. (-तः-ता-तं) Shaken, trembling. E. क्ष्माय, and क्त aff.
- क्ष्मायितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Trembling, shaking. E. क्ष्माय, and तृच् aff.
- क्ष्मील :: r. 1st cl. (क्ष्मीलति) To wink or twinkle, to close as the eye lids.
- क्ष्विण्ण :: mfn. (-ण्णः -ण्णा -ण्णं) 1. Sounded. 2. Soft, unctuous. E. क्ष्विद् to sound, &c. क्त aff.
- क्ष्विद (-ञि, आ) ञिक्ष्विदा :: r. 1st cl. (क्ष्वेदति) To sound inarticulately. r. 4th cl. (क्षिद्यति) 1. To be unctuous, to be soft or bland. 2. To liberate, to free: some consider these roots as more properly read क्ष्विड .
- क्ष्वेड :: mfn. (-डः -डा -डं) 1. Crooked, bent. 2. Wicked, depraved. m. (-डः) 1. Venom, poison. 2. Sound, noise. 3. Tingling or buzzing in the ear, from hardening of the wax, &c. 4. Ghosha, with yellow flow- ers; see घोष . n. (-डं) 1. The flower of the Ghosha plant. 2. The fruit of a red kind of swallow wort. f. (डा) 1. A war whoop, a battle cry. 2. A bamboo rod or stake. E. क्ष्विद् to sound inarticu- lately, to be soft or bland, &c. affix घ, and ड substituted for द, or क्ष्वेल् to shake, &c. अच् affix, and ल changed to ड
- क्ष्वेडित :: n. (-तं) A battle cry, a war whoop. E. क्ष्विद् to sound inarticu- lately, affix क्त .
- क्ष्वेल (ऋ) क्ष्वेऌ :: r. 1st cl. (क्ष्वेलति) 1. To shake, to tremble. 2. To go, to move.
- ख :: The second consonant of the Deva Nagari alphabet, being the aspirate of the proceding; it is written in the Roman character Kh.
- ख :: n. (-खं) 1. Heaven. 2. Sky or ether. 3. An organ of sense. 4. Know- ledge. 5. Happiness, pleasure. 6. vacuity. 7. A dot, a cypher. 8. A city, a field. 9. Action. 10. Auspiciousness. 11. Tale. 12. The tenth constellation from any given one, or the sun's entrance in- to it. 13. Brahma the supreme spirit. m. (-खः) A name of the sun. E. खन् to dig, to penetrate, affix ड .
- खकुन्तल :: m. (-लः) A name of SIVA. E. ख ether, कुन्तल hair.
- खक्ख :: r. 1st cl. (-खक् खति) To laugh, to laugh at or deride; also कख .
- खक्खट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Hard, solid: see कक्खट .
- खखोल्क :: m. (-ल्कः) The sun. E. ख the sky, and खोल्क a meteor, &c.
- खग :: m. (-गः) 1. A bird. 2. An arrow. 3. The sun. 4. A planet. 5. deity. 6. Air, wind. 7. A grasshopper. E. ख the sky, &c. and ग who goes.
- खगपति :: m. (-तिः) A name of GARUDA, the bird or vehicle of VISHNU. E. खग a bird. and पति lord or chief.
- खगम :: m. (-मः) A bird. E. ख, and गम what goes.
- खगवक्त्र :: m. (-क्त्रः) A tree, commonly Lakucha, (Artocarpus lacucha.) E. खग a bird, and वक्त्र face, bird-faced.
- खगवती :: f. (-तिः) The earth. E. खग a bird, &c. मतुप् poss. aff.
- खगशत्रु :: m. (-त्रुः) A plant, commonly Chakuliya, (Hemionitis cordifolia, Rox.) E. खग a bird, and शत्रु an enemy.
- खगस्थान :: n. (-नं) 1. The hollow of a tree. 2. A bird's nest. E. खग a bird, स्थान place.
- खगान्तक :: m. (-कः) A hawk, falcon. E. खग, and अन्तक destroyer.
- खगासन :: m. (-नः) 1. The eastern mountain over which the sun rises. 2. A name of VISHNU. E. खग a bird or the sun, and आसन seat or place of abiding.
- खगेन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) A name of GARUDA. E. खग, and इन्द्र chief.
- खगेन्द्रध्वज :: m. (-जः) VISHNU. E. खगेन्द्र, and ध्वज emblem.
- खगेश्वर :: m. (-रः) GARUDA the bird of VISHNU; also खगेश . K. खग, and ईश्वर king of birds.
- खगोड :: m. (-डः) A kind of reed, (Saccharum spontaneum.)
- खगोल :: m. (-लः) 1. The vault or circle of the heavens, the planisphere. 2. The same represented artificially, the armillary sphere. E. ख, and गोल sphere.
- खगोलविद्या :: f. (-द्या) Astronomy. E. खगोल and विद्या knowledge.
- खङ्कर :: m. (-रः) A curl, a lock of hair.
- खच :: r. 1st cl. (खचति) also r. 9th cl. (खच्नाति) 1. To be past birth. 2. To cause prosperity. 3. To purify. r. 10th cl. (खचयति) To fasten, to bind, to set.
- खचमस :: m. (-सः) The moon. E. ख the sky, चम् to eat, and अस aff.
- खचर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Moving in the sky, flying in the air. m. (-रः) 1. A cloud. 2. An aerial spirit. 3. Air, wind. 4. A demon. 5. The sun. 6. A bird. E. ख the sky, and चर who goes, from चर् to go, affix ट; see also खेचर .
- खचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Mixed, blended, inlaid. 2. Joined, combined. E. खच् to fasten, &c. affix क्त .
- खज :: r. 1st cl. (खजति) To churn or agitate. (इ,) खजि (खञ्जति) To limp, to halt, to walk lame or ill.
- खज :: m. (-जः) A ladle, a spoon. f. (-जा) 1. Churning, stirring. 2. Killing, destroying. 3. The palm with the fingers extended. E. खज् to agi- tate, &c. affix अच् .
- खजक :: m. (-कः) The churning stick. f. (-जिका) A ladle or spoon. E. खज् to churn or agitate, affix. ण्वुल् .
- खजप :: m. (-पः) Ghee or clarified butter. E. खज् to stir or agitate, Unadi affix अप .
- खजल :: n. (-लं) 1. Frost, hoar frost. 2. Dew, rain. E. ख the sky, and जल water.
- खजाक :: mf. (-कः-का) A spoon, a ladle. m. (-कः) A bird. E. खज to agitate, and आक Unadi aff.
- खजित् :: m. (-जित्) A Buddha, one of the seven teachers or saints of the Buddha sect. E. ख heaven, and जित् who subdues.
- खज्योतिस् :: m. (-तिः) A fire-fly. E. ख, and ज्योतिस् light.
- खञ्ज :: mfn. (-ञ्जः -ञ्जा -ञ्जं) Lame, crippled, limping. f. (-ञ्जा) A species of metre, a stanza of two lines, one of thirty-two, the other of thirty feet. E. खजि to limp or go lame, affix अच् .
- खञ्जक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Lame, limping. E. खजि to limp, affix वुन् .
- खञ्जखेट :: m. (-टः) A wag-tail. E. खञ्ज lame, and खेट who moves.
- खञ्जखेल :: m. (-लः) A wag-tail. E. खञ्ज lame, and खेल who moves, from खेल् to move, affix अच् .
- खञ्जन :: m. (-नः) A small bird, the wag-tail, (Motacilla alba.) f. (-ना) 1. A small kind of wag-tail. 2. Mustard. n. (-नं) Going, moving. E. खजि to go lamely, affix ल्यु .
- खञ्जनरत :: n. (-तं) The cohabitation of saints. E. खञ्जन a wag-tail, and रत cohabitation.
- खञ्जनाकृति :: f. (-तिः) A sort of wag-tail.
- खञ्जनिका :: f. (-का) A kind of wag-tail.
- खञ्जरीट :: m. (-टः) A wag-tail. E. खञ्ज lame, ऋ to go, कीटन् affix, deriv. irr.
- खट :: r. 1st cl. (खटति) To desire, to wish, to seek or inquire.
- खट :: m. (-टः) 1. Grass. 2. Phlegm. the phlegmatic or watery humor. 3. A blind well. 4. An axe, a hatchet. 5. A closed or doubled fist, as for striking. 6. A plough. 7. A fragrant kind of grass: see कत्तृण . E. खट् to seek, to wish, affix अच् .
- खटक :: m. (-कः) 1. A go-between, a man whose business it is to nego- ciate marriages: see घटक . 2. The doubled fist of wrestlers or box- ers. E. खट् to seek, to wish, affix वुन् .
- खटकामुख :: m. (-खः) A man in the attitude of shooting.
- खटखादक :: m. (-कः) 1. An eater. 2. A glass vessel. 3. A jackal. 4. an animal. 5. A crow.
- खटिक :: m. (-कः) The fist, the hand closed. f. (-का) 1. Chalk. 2. The external opening of the ear. 3. A fragrant grass: (Andropogon muricatus.) E. खट् to seek or wish, वुन् affix, and इट् inserted.
- खटिनी :: f. (-नी) Chalk. E. खट् to seek, इनि affix, fem. affix ङीष्; also कठिनी .
- खटी :: f. (-टी) Chalk. E. खट् to seek, अच् and ङीष् affs.
- खट्ट :: r. 10th cl. (खट्टयति) To cover, to screen.
- खट्टन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Dwarfish, short of stature. E. खट्ट् to cover or hide, affix ल्यु .
- खट्टा :: f. (-ट्टा) A kind of grass, (Andropogon serratus.) E. खट्ट् to screen, अङ् and टाप् affs.
- खट्टाश :: mf. (-शः-शी) The civet or zebet cat, (Viverra zibetha.) E. खट्टा the grass, and अश who eats; also खट्टास .
- खट्टास :: m. (-सः) The civet: see the preceding.
- खट्टि :: m. (-ट्टिः) A bier, the bed on which the corpse is carried to the pile; also खट्टी . E. खट्ट् to screen, affix कि .
- खट्टिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) A hunter, a fowler, one who lives by killing and selling game. f. (-का) 1. A small bedstead, a cot. 2. A bier or bed on which the corpse is carried. E. खट्ट् to screen, इकन् aff.
- खट्टेरक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Dwarf, dwarfish.
- खट्वा :: f. (-ट्वा) 1. A bedstead, a cot, a couch. 2. A hammock, a swing E. खट्ट् to hide, Unadi affix कन्
- खट्वाङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A king of the solar line. n. (-ङ्गं) 1. Part of a bed. 2. A. club or staff with a skull at the top of it, considered as a weapon of Siva, and carried by penitents and Yogis. 3. Wood from a fun- eral pile. E. खट्वा a cot, and अङ्ग body or form.
- खट्वाङ्गभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) A name of SIVA. E. खट्वाङ्ग one of his weapons, भृत् who maintains.
- खट्वाङ्गिन् :: m. (-ङ्गी) A name of SIVA. E. खट्वाङ्ग, and इनि aff.
- खट्वारूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Low, vile, abandoned, iniquitous. 2. Erring, going wrong. 3. Stupid, silly. 4. Laid or lying on a bed. E. खट्वा a bed, and आरूढ mounted.
- खट्विका :: f. (-का) A small bedstead. E. खट्वा a bedstead, and कन् affix. fem. form.
- खड :: r. 10th cl. (खाडयति) also (इ,) खडि r. 1st and 10th cls. (खण्डति, खण्डयति) and (इ ङ) खडिङ् r. 1st cl. (खण्डते) To divide, ‘to tear, to break off a part or piece.
- खड :: m. (-डः) 1. Breaking, dividing. 2. Buttermilk boiled with acid
vegetables and spices. 3. A small grass. f. (-डी) Chalk. E. खड् . to break, &c. affix अच् .
- खडक्किका :: f. (-का) A private or back door, a small venetian door or window.
- खडिका :: f. (-का) Chalk. E. खड् . to break, affix वुन्, fem. form.
- खडु :: m. (-डुः) A bier. E. खड् . to break, affix उ .
- खङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A rhinoceros. 2. A rhinocero's horn. 3. A sword, a scymi- tar. 4. A large sacrificial knife. 5. One of the Buddhas or Baud- dha saints. n. (-ङ्गं) Iron. E. खड् . to tear or rend, Unadi affix गन .
- खङ्गकोष :: m. (-षः) 1. A creeping plant, (Scripus maximus.) 2. A scab- bard, a sheathe. E. खङ्ग a sword. and कोष a sheathe.
- खङ्गचर्म्मधर :: m. (-रः) A soldier armed with a sword and shield. E. खङ्ग, and चर्म्म a shield, धर who bears.
- खङ्गट :: m. (-टः) A large kind of Kas, (Saccharum spontaneum.) E. खङ्ग the rhinoceros, and अट who goes; these animals being usually found amongst high grass or reeds.
- खङ्गधर :: m. (-रः) A swordsman. E. खङ्ग, and धर who holds.
- खङ्गधेनु :: f. (-नुः) 1. A small knife. 2. A female rhinoceros. E. खङ्ग a sword &c. धेनु a cow, used here as a diminutive.
- खङ्गपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) The name of a creeper. (Scirpus maximus.) n. (-त्रं) The blade of a sword. E. खङ्ग a sword, and पत्र leaf.
- खङ्गपाणि :: mfn. (-णिः -णिः -णि) Holding a sword. E. खङ्ग, and पाणि the hand.
- खङ्गपात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A vessel of buffalo's horn. E. खङ्ग and पात्र a vessel.
- खड्गपिधान :: n. (-नं) A scabbard, a sheathe. E. खड्ग a sword, and पिधान a sheathe; also with कन् added, खङ्गपिधानक .
- खङ्गपुत्रिका :: f. (-का) A knife, a small sword. E. खङ्ग, and पुत्तिका infant.
- खङ्गप्रहार :: m. (-रः) A sword cut. E. खङ्ग, and प्रहार a stroke.
- खङ्गमांस :: m. (-सः) Buffalo-beef. E. खङ्ग, and मांस flesh.
- खङ्गलेखा :: f. (-खा) A row of sabres. खङ्ग, and लेखा a line.
- खङ्गराट :: m. (-टः) 1. A shield. One who observes a peculiar religious obli- gation, rubbing the feet backwards and forwards on the edge of a sword made red hot, this is a penance peculiar to the Bauddhas. E. खङ्ग a sword, रट् to speak, deriv. irr.
- खड्गाघात :: m. (-तः) A sword cut. E. खड्ग, and आघात a blow.
- खङ्गाधार :: m. (-रः) A sheathe, a scabbard. E. खङ्ग, and आधार what receives.
- खङ्गाभिहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Cut or struck with a sword. E. खङ्ग, and अभि- हत struck.
- खङ्गामिष :: n. (-षं) Buffalo's flesh. E. खङ्ग, and आमिष flesh.
- खङ्गिक :: m. (-कः) 1. The cream or froth of buffalo's milk. 2. A vender of flesh meat. E. खङ्ग a sword, &c. affix ठक् .
- खङ्गिन् :: mfn. (-ङ्गी -ङ्गिनी -ङ्गि) Armed with a sword. m. (-ङ्गी) 1. A rhinoceros. 2. A Jina or Jaina saint. E. खङ्ग a horn, &c. affix इनि .
- खङ्गिमार :: m. (-रः) A kind of creeper: see खङ्गकोष . E. खङ्गि a rhinoceros, and मार what destroys.
- खङ्गीक :: m. (-कः) A sickle, a scythe. E. खङ्ग a scymitar, and इकन् aff.
- खण्ड :: mn. (-ण्डः-ण्डं) 1. A piece, a part, a fragment, a portion. 2. A chap- ter, a section. 3. A term in an equation. m. (-ण्डः) 1. A flaw in a jewel. 2. Treacle or molasses partially dried or candied. n. (-ण्डं) 1. A sort of sugar cane. 2. Black salt. E. खडि to break, and घञ् affix or खन् to tear, affix ड, and न changed to ण .
- खण्डक :: m. (-कः) 1. Pared or clipped finger nails. 2. A part, a piece. E. खण्ड् to tear, वुन् aff.
- खण्डकर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) Sweet potato.
- खण्डकथा :: f. (-था) A tale or story divided into sections. E. खण्ड a section, and कथा a story.
- खण्डकालु :: n. (-लु) An esculent root, sweet potatoe: also खण्डकालुक n. (-कं) E. खण्डक a portion, and आलु any esculent root.
- खण्डकाव्य :: (-व्यं) n. A poem interspersed with prose. E. खण्ड, and काव्य a poem.
- खण्डज :: m. (-जः) Treacle, molasses. E. खण्ड, and ज what is produced.
- खण्डधारा :: f. (-रा) Shears, scissors. E. खण्ड a part, and and धृ to have or hold, in the causal from.
- खण्डन :: n. (-नं) 1. Breaking, dividing, cutting, reducing to pieces. 2. Destroying, annihilating. 3. Refuting, (in argument.) 4. Rebellion, opposition. E. खण्ड् to break, ल्युट् aff.
- खण्डनरत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Destructive, skilful in cutting or destroying. E. खण्डन, and रत engaged in.
- खण्डनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Brittle, fragile. 2. Refutable. 3. Destruct- ible, &c. E. खडि, and अनीयर् affix; also खण्ड्य, and खण्डितव्य .
- खण्डपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A bundle of various leaves. E. खण्ड, and पत्र a leaf.
- खण्डपरशु :: m. (-शुः) A name of SIVA. E. खण्ड a part, and परशु a hatchet; cutting his foes to pieces.
- खण्डपर्शु :: m. (-र्शुः) 1. A name of PARASURAMA. 2. A name of SIVA. 3. Rahu, the personified ascending node. 4. A spreader of unguents, fragrant powders, &c. 5. A drug, commonly Chandamalaki. 6. An elephant with a broken tusk. E. खण्ड a part, and पर्शु an axe; whose axe or arms cut every thing to pieces.
- खण्डपाल :: m. (-लः) A confectioner, a seller of sweetmeats. E. खण्ड molasses, and पाल who cherishes.
- खण्डप्रलय :: m. (-यः) Partial destruction of the universe, the destruction of the division of the terrestrial world. E. खण्ड, and प्रलय destruc- tion.
- खण्डमण्डल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Gibbous, not full or round. n. (-लं) A segment of a circle, part of a circle or an incomplete sphere. E. खण्ड, and मण्डल sphere.
- खण्डमोदक :: m. (-कः) Granulated sugar. E. खण्ड, and मोदक a sweetmeat.
- खण्डलवण :: n. (-णं) Black salt. E. खण्ड, and लवण salt.
- खण्डशस् :: ind. Piece meal, in or by pieces. E. खण्ड, and शसि aff.
- खण्डसर :: m. (-रः) Granulated sugar. E. खण्ड, and सर what goes.
- खण्डाभ्र :: n. (-भ्रं) 1. Scattered clouds. 2. A bite, the impression of the teeth. E. खण्ड a part, and अभ्र a cloud, &c.
- खण्डाली :: f. (-ली) 1. A measure for oil. 2. A pond. 3. A woman whose husband has been guilty of infidelity.
- खण्डिक :: m. (-कः) 1. Pease. 2. The armpit E. खडि to break, इकन् aff.
- खण्डित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Cut, torn, broken in pieces. 2. Destroyed. 3. Broken as allegiance, disobeyed against, rebelled. 4. Refuted, con- troverted. 5. Scattered, dispersed. 6. Disappointed. 7. Betrayed, abandoned, (as a lover.) f. (-ता) A woman whose husband or lover has been guilty of infidelity. E. खडि to cut. affix क्त .
- खण्डितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be broken, what may or ought to be broken, confuted, destroyed, &c. E. खडि, and तव्य aff.
- खण्डितविग्रह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Maimed, mutilated. E. खण्डित, and विग्रह body.
- खण्डिताशंस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Disappointed, foiled, frustrated. E. खण्डित, and आशंस expectation.
- खण्डिन् :: mfn. (-ण्डी -ण्डिनी -ण्डि) 1. In pieces or parts, divided, comminuted, &c. 2. Consisting of pieces or parts. m. (-ण्डः) A wild kind kidney bean: see वनमुद्ग . f. (-नी) The earth. E. खण्ड a portion, and इनि aff.
- खण्डीर :: m. (-रः) A kind of kidney bean: see पीतमुद्भ E. खण्ड a part, ईरन् aff.
- खण्ड्य :: mfn. (-ण्ड्यः -ण्ड्या -ण्ड्यं) What may or ought to be broken, &c. see खण्डितव्य E. खडि and यत् aff.
- खतमाल :: m. (-लः) 1. Smoke. 2. cloud. E. ख the sky, तमाल a tree with dark blossoms; the etherial Tamala.
- खद :: r. 1st cl. (खादति) 1. To be steady or firm. 2. To hurt or kill. 3. To eat. r. 10th cl. (खदयति) To cover.
- खदिका :: f. (-का) Fried or parched grain.
- खदिर :: m. (-रः) 1. A tree, the resin of which is used in medicine, Khayar Terra japonica or catechu, (Mimosa catechu.) 2. A name of INDRA. 3. The moon. f. (-री) A sensitive plant, (Mimosa pudica.) E. खद् to hurt, Unadi affix इरच् .
- खदिरपत्री :: f. (-त्री) The sensitive plant. E. खदिर, and पत्र, a leaf, affix ङीप् also with कन् added खदिरपत्रिका .
- खदिरोपम :: n. (-मं) The Babul, Acacia Arabica.)
- खदूरक :: n. (-कं) A dwarf. E. ख, and दूर afar, कन् aff.
- खदूरवासिनी :: f. (-नी) One of the female deities or Saktis of the Buddhas. E. ख heaven, दूर ill, and वासिनी who abides.
- खद्योत :: m. (-तः) 1. A fire-fly. 2. The sun. E. ख the sky, and द्योत what is luminous.
- खद्योतन :: m. (-नः) The sun. E. ख heaven, and द्युत to shine, affix ल्युट् .
- खधूप :: m. (-पः) A rocket, a fire work. E. ख, and धूप incense.
- खन (उ,) खनु :: r. 1st cl. (खनति-ते) 1. To dig or delve. 2. To hurt.
- खनक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Tearing, dividing. 2. Digging, &c. m. (-कः) 1. A rat. 2. A housebreaker. 3. A miner. E. खन् to dig, affix ण्वुल् .
- खनत् :: mfn. (-नन् -नन्ती -नत्) Digging. E. खन्, and शतृ aff.
- खनि :: f. (-निः or -नी) A mine, especially of precious stones; when used in composition with आकर, more commonly a mine of the precious metals. E. खन् to dig, इन् affix, and ङीष् optionally added.
- खनितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Who or what digs or delves, a digger, a ditcher, &c. E. खन् to dig, तृच् aff.
- खनित्र :: n. (-त्रं) A spade or hoe. E. खन् to dig, इत्रच् aff.
- खपुर :: m. (-रः) 1. The betel tree, (Areca faufel or catechu.) 2. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus pertenuis.) 3. Garlic. 4. Flatulence. n. (-रं) 1. A water jar. 2. A city in the sky, the city of HARISCHANDRA. E. ख the heavens, &c. पृ to nourish, affix क .
- खभ्रान्ति :: m. (-न्तिः) A kite. E. ख the sky, भ्रम् to roam, affix क्तिन .
- खमणि :: m. (-णिः) The sun. E. ख the sky, and मणि a jewel.
- खमीलन :: n. (-नं) Lassitude, weariness, sleepiness. E. ख the sky, and मीलन twinkling.
- खमूर्त्ति :: f. (-र्त्तिः) A celestial appearance or person. E. ख, and मूर्त्ति form.
- खमूर्त्तिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Having a divine or celestial person or form. E. खमूर्त्ति, and मतुप् aff.
- खमूलि :: f. (-लिः or -ली or -लिका) An aquatic plant, (Pistia stratiotes.) E. ख ether, मूल a root, affixes इन् or ङीष्; also खमूलिका .
- खम्ब :: r. 1st cl. (खम्बति) To go or move.
- खर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Hot. 2. Sharp, pungent. 3. Sharp, sharp-edged, cutting. 4. Cruel, harsh. mn. (-रः-रं) Heat. m. (-रः) 1. An ass. 2. A Rakshasa, the brother of RAVANA. 3. A Daitya or demon in general. 4. A sort of prickly nightshade. 5. A crow. 6. A heron. 7. An osprey. f. (-रा) A kind of grass, (Andropogon serratus. E. ख an organ of sense, and रा to get or give, affix क .
- खरकुटि :: f. (-टिः or -टी) A barber's shop. E. खर heat, and कुटि a dwelling; also written खरकुट्टि .
- खरकोण :: m. (-णः) The francoline partridge. E. खर heat, कुण् to sound, affix अच् .
- खरक्वाण :: m. (-णः) The francoline partridge.
- खरगन्धनिभा :: f. (-भा) A plant, (Hedysarum lagopodioides.)
- खरगृह :: n. (-हं) An ass's stable. E. खर an ass, and गृह a house.
- खरगेह :: n. (-हं) A stable for asses. E. खर, and गेह a house.
- खरग्रह :: n. (-हः) A stable for asses. E. खर, and ग्रह a house.
- खरघातन :: m. (-नः) A plant, commonly Nagesar, (Mesua ferrea.) E. खर an ass, and घातन mischievous.
- खरच्छद :: m. (-दः) 1. A kind of reed or grass, (Saccharum cylindricum.) 2. Also another kind, commonly Okera. E. खर warm, sharp, छद a leaf.
- खरणस् :: mfn. (-णाः -णाः -णः) Sharp-nosed. E. खर sharp, नस् from नासिका a nose; also with a final vowel खरणस mfn. (-सः -सा -सं .)
- खरदण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) A lotus, (Nymphæa lotus.) E. खर sharp, and दण्ड stick or stem.
- खरदला :: f. (-ला) Opposite leaved fig tree. E. खर hot, दल leaf.
- खरदूषण :: m. (-णः) Thron apple, (Datura metel.) E. खर an ass and दूषण hurting; by its narcotic properties.
- खरध्वंसिन् :: m. (-सी) A name of RAMA. E. खर an imp or goblin so called, and ध्वंसिन् the destroyer.
- खरनाद :: m. (-दः) The braying of an ass. E. खर, and नाद noise.
- खरनादिन् :: m. (-दी-दिनी-दि) Braying as an ass. f. (-नी) A kind of perfume: see रेणुका . E. खरनाद and इनि aff.
- खरपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) 1. A. red sort of Tulasi or basil. 2. The teak tree, (Tec- tona grandis.) E. खर hot, and पत्र a leaf.
- खरपत्रक :: m. (-कः) A plant: see तिलक . E. कन् added to खरपत्र hot leaved.
- खरपात्र :: n. (-त्रं) An iron pot or vessel. E. खर an ass, and पात्र a vessel; fit for such an animal.
- खरपादाद्य :: m. (-द्यः) The elephant or wood apple, (Ferenia elephantium:) see कपित्थ .
- खरपाल :: m. (-लः) A wooden vessel. E. खर, and पाल what cherishes.
- खरपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A plant, commonly Marua: see मरुवक f. (-ष्पा or -ष्पिका) A kind of Tulasi, (Ocymum gratissimum;) also वर्वर . E. खर sharp, hot, पुष्प a flower.
- खरप्रिय :: m. (-यः) A pigeon. E. खर hot, and प्रिय fond, dear.
- खरमञ्जरी :: f. (-री) A plant, (Achyranthes aspera:) see अपामार्ग . E. खर sharp, pungent, and मञ्जरी a pedicle.
- खरयान :: n. (-नं) A vehicle drawn by asses E. खर, and यान a carriage.
- खरलोमन् :: m. (-मा) One of the chiefs of the Naga or serpent race inhabi- ing hell. E. खर an ass, and लोमन् hair of the body; having the skin of an ass.
- खरवल्लिका :: f. (-का) A plant, commonly Goraksha Chakuliya, (Hedysarum lagopodioides.) E. खर hot, sharp, वल्लिका a pedicle.
- खरशब्द :: m. (-ब्दः) 1. An osprey. 2. The braying of an ass. E. खर, and शब्द sound.
- खरशाल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Born or produced in an asse's stall. f. (-ला) A n asse's stable or stall. E. खर, and शाला a hall; in the first sense the final is dropped.
- खरसोल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) An iron vessel; also read खरसोनि .
- खरांशु :: m. (-शुः) The sun E. खर hot, and अंशु a ray.
- खरागरी :: f. (-री) A kind of grass, (Andropogon Serratus;) also देवताड E. खर venom गृ to take, with आङ् prefixed. अच् and ङीष् affixes; an- tivenomous, an antidote.
- खरालक :: m. (-कः) An iron arrow; also खरालिक m. (-कः).
- खराश्वा :: f. (-श्वा) A plant, (Celosia cristata.) E. खर an ass, अश to be eaten, and व and टाप् affs.
- खरिका :: f. (-का) Musk in powder. E. खर, कन् added, fem form.
- खरिन्धय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Drinking ass's milk. E. खरी and धे to drink, खश् aff.
- खरु :: mfn. (-रुः -रुः or -रूः-रु) 1. White. 2. Desirous of improper or prohi- bited things. 3. A fool, foolish, idiotic. 4. Harsh, cruel. m. (-रुः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. A horse. 3. A tooth. 4. pride. 5. Love or the deity KaMA. 6. White, the colour. खन् to dig, &c. Unadi affix कु and र substituted for the final.
- खर्ब्ब :: r. 10th cl. (खर्ब्बति) To go or move.
- खर्ज :: r. 1st. cl. (-खर्जति) 1. To worship, to treat with respect or courtesy. 2. To pain or make clean.
- खर्जिका :: f. (-का) A relish, a provocative to drink. E. खर्ज् to pain, and वुन् affix. fem. form.
- खर्ज्जुर :: n. (-रं) Silver: see खर्ज्जूर .
- खर्ज्जू :: f. (-र्ज्जूः) 1. Cutaneous eruption, itch, scab, &c. 2. A worm, an insect. E. खर्ज्जि to give pain, Unadi affix ऊ .
- खर्ज्जूर :: n. (-रं) 1. Silver. 2. The fruit of the date. 3. Yellow orpiment. m. (-रः) 1. The date tree. (Phœnix sylvestris. 2. A scorpion. f. (-री) The wild date tree. E. खर्ज् to give pain, &c. Unadi affix ऊर .
- खर्ज्जूररस :: m. (-सः) The juice or extract of the wild date, Tari, used to
leaven bread, and as an intoxicating liquor, when in a state of spontaneous fermentation. E. खर्ज्जूर and रस juice.
- खर्द :: r. 1st cl. (खर्दति) To bite, to sting venomously.
- खर्प्पर :: mf. (-रः-री) A kind of collyrium or application to the eyes: see कर्प्पर m. (-रः) 1. A thief. 2. A rogue, a cheat. 3. A beggar's bowl or dish. 4. The half of a skull. 5. An umbrella or parasol.
- खर्द्ध्व :: r. 1st cl. (खर्द्ध्वति) To go, to move.
- खर्पराल :: m. (-लः) A plant: see कन्दराल .
- खर्प्परीतूत्थ :: n. (-त्थं) A sort of collyrium.
- खर्ब :: r. 1st cl. (खर्वति) To go, to move to or towards.
- खर्ब्ब :: mfn. (-र्ब्बः -र्ब्बा -र्ब्बं) A dwarf, short, low, of little size or stature. m. (-र्ब्बः) One of KUVERAS nine Nidhis or treasures. n. (-र्ब्बं) A large number, ten million-millions. E. खर्ब्ब or खर्ब्ब to be small, to go, to move, affix अच; also खर्व्व .
- खर्व्वशाख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खं) Small, short, dwarfish. E. खर्ब्ब short, and शाखा a branch.
- खर्म्म :: n. (-र्म्मं) 1. Virility, manliness. 2. Wovesilk.
- खर्ब्ब :: r. 1st. cl. (खर्व्वति) To be proud, or haughty.
- खर्व्व :: mfn. (-र्व्वः -र्व्वा -र्व्वं) A dwarf, &c.: see खर्व्व .
- खर्ब्बट :: mn. (-टः-टं) 1. The capital of a district of four hundred villages, a market or country town. 2. A village at the foot of a mountain. E. खर्ब्ब being proud, and अट what goes or is.
- खल :: r. 1st. cl. (खलति) 1. To gather. 2. To move.
- खल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Low, vile. base. 2. Low, inferior. 3. Cruel. mischief-making. 4. Bad, wicked. mn. (-लः-लं) 1. Earth, mould or soil. 2. Place, site. 3. Sediment, deposit of oil, &c. 4. A granary, a threshing floor. 5. A mill. m. (-लः) 1. The sun. 2. A tree with black blossoms: see तमाल . 3. The Dhatura plant. E. खल् to gather, (misfortune, &c.) affix अच् .
- खलता :: f. (-ता) 1. Wickedness, villainy. 2. Filthiness. E. खल and तल् affix; also with त्वा affix खलत्वं .
- खलति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः or -ती-ति) Bald, baldheaded. E. स्खल् to fall, Unadi affix अतच् इ inserted, and स rejected.
- खलपू :: mf. (-पूः) A sweeper, a cleaner, Mehter or Farash. E. खल place, and पू who cleans, from पूञ् to cleanse or purify, affix क्विप् .
- खलप्रीति :: f. (-तिः) The friendship or favour of wicked or low persons. E. खल and प्रीति affection.
- खलमूर्त्ति :: m. (-र्त्तिः) Quicksilver. E. खल place, and मूर्त्ति form; taking the form of the place it lies in.
- खलसंसर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) Associating with bad company. E. खल, संसर्ग asso- ciating.
- खलाधारा :: f. (-रा) A cockroach. E. खल the sediment of oil, and आधार having.
- खलि :: m. (-लिः) Sediment of oil or oil-cake. E. खल् to gather, इन् aff.
- खलिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) Having sediment, &c. f. (-नी) 1. A multitude of threshing floors. 2. A plant, (Anthericum tuberosum.) E. खल, and इनि aff.
- खलिन :: mn. (-नः-नं) The bit of a bridle: see खलीन .
- खलिश :: mf. (-शः-शा) A kind of fish, (Trichopodus colisa, Ham.) also खलेश .
- खलीकार :: m. (-रः) 1. Mischief, evil. 2. Leaving or reducing to sedi- ment. E. खल mischievous, and कार who makes; च्वि inserted.
- खलीन :: mn. (-नः-नं) The bit of a bridle. E. ख the mouth, and लीन what is fixed; also the vowel being made short खलिन .
- खलु :: ind. 1. A particle of prohibition. 2. An expletive. 3. An expres- sion of endearment or conciliation. 4. An expression indicating inquiry. 5. An expression of asseveration or ascertainment, (certainly, indeed.) 6. Only. खल् to gather, affix उ .
- खलुज :: m. (-लुक्) Darkness. E. ख the sky, लुक् dropped, lost, from लुज् to efface, affix क्विप् .
- खलुरेष :: m. (-षः) A kind of wild animal; also खलुरेषक .
- खलूरिका :: f. (-का) A parade, a place for military exercise. E. खडि to break, ऊरच् affix, ड changed to ल, and कन् added.
- खलेधानी :: (-नी) Tho post of a threshing floor, round which the oxen pass who tread out grain; also खलेवाली .
- खलेबाली :: f. (-ली) A post: see the preceding. E. खल् a threshing floor in the seventh case, and बाली what is firm, a post, &c. from खल to be strong, अण् and ङीष् affs.
- खलेश :: m. (-शः) A kind of fish, (commonly Trichopodus colisa, HAM.) see खलिश . E. खले in dirt, and श from शी to sleep; burrowing in the mud of the banks, &c.
- खलेशय :: m. (-यः) The Khalisa fish: see the preceding. E. As before. शी, and अच् aff.
- खलोक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Abuse, low or wicked language. E. खल, and उक्ति speech.
- खल्या :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) Fit for oil cake, for a threshing floor, &c. (-ल्या) A multitude of threshing floors. E. खल a threshing floor affix क्यप्, यत् or य .
- खल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) 1. A kind of cloth or clothes, leather garments.) 2. A canal, a cut, a creek, a trench, a deep hole. 3. The Chataka, a kind of cuckoo. 4. Leather. 5. A leather water bag. 6. A mill, a stone or vessel for grinding drugs, &c. f. (-ल्ली) Shooting pain in the extremities. E. खल collecting, &c. and ल what gets; also खल्लक m. (-कः)
- खल्लिका :: f. (-का) A frying pan. E. कन् added to the preceding, fem. form.
- खल्लिट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Bald, morbidly troubled with falling of the hair; also खल्लीट .
- खल्लीट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Becoming morbidly bald: see the preceding.
- खल्वट :: m. (-टः) A severe cough.
- खल्विका :: f. (-का) A frying pan.
- खव :: r. 9th cl. (खौनाति) 1. To be past birth. 2. To cause or procure prosperity. 3. To produce purity, to purify. 4. To produce or manifest wealth.
- खवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) A parasitic plant. E. ख, वल्ली a pedicle
- खवारि :: n. (-रिः) Rain water, dew, vapour, &c. E. ख heaven, and वारि water.
- खवाष्प :: m. (-प्पः) Snow, hoar frost, dew. E. ख sky, and वाष्प vapour or tears.
- खश :: m. (-शः) 1. A mountainous country to the north of India. 2. A native of that country, considered as a degraded Kshetriya. f. (-शा) A kind of perfume, commonly Mura.
- खशय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Resting or dwelling in the air. E. ख and शी to sleep, अच् aff.
- खशरीर :: n. (-रं) A celestial or immortal body. E. ख and शरीर body.
- खशरीरिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Of a heavenly body. E. खशरीर and इनि aff.
- खशेट :: m. (-टः) The Khalisa, a kind of fish: see खलेश .
- खश्वास :: m. (-सः) Air or wind. E. ख the atmosphere, and श्वास breath.
- खष :: r. 1st cl. (खषति) To kill, to hurt or injure.
- खष्प :: n. (-ष्यं) 1. Anger, passion. Violence, oppression. E. खन् to hurt, to dig, प Unadi affix, न changed to ष .
- खस :: m. (-सः) Itch, scab. 2. A man of a country or tribe considered to be a degraded Kshetriya: the Khasas inhabit the mountains surroun- ding Kashmir. f. (-सा) The mother of the imps or goblins.
- खसगन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) A plant, commonly Kshirakakolic.
- खसम :: m. (-मः) A Buddha or Bauddha deified saint. E. ख heaven, and सम equal, the same.
- खसम्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Produced in the sky, aerial, ethereal. E. ख, and सम्भव birth.
- खसर्पण :: m. (-णः) One of the Buddha or Bouddha saints. n. (-णं) Gliding through the air. E. ख heaven, and सर्पण who goes to or in.
- खसात्मज :: m. (-जः) An imp or goblin. E. खसा the mother of these beings, आत्मज a son.
- खस्तनी :: f. (-नी) The earth. E. ख earth, स्तन a breast, affix ङीष् .
- खस्खस :: m. (-सः) The poppy.
- खस्खसरस :: m. (-सः) Poppy juice, opium. E. खस्खस and रस juice.
- खस्फटिक :: m. (-कः) 1. Crystal, the sun gem. 2. The moon gem: see सूर्य्यकान्त and चन्द्रकान्त E. ख heaven, and स्फटिक crystal.
- खहर :: m. (-रः) (In arithmetic.) A fraction having a cypher for its deno- minator. E. ख a cypher, हर divisor.
- खाजिक :: m. (-कः) Fried or parched grain. E. खज् to go, &c. affix ण्वुल् .
- खाट :: mf. (-टः-टा) 1. A bier, a cot or bedstead on which dead bodies are conveyed to the pile. E. खट् to screen, affix घञ् .
- खाटि :: f. (-टिः) 1. Caprice, whim. 2. A scar. 3. A bier. E. खट् to screen, &c. इञ् aff.
- खाटिका :: f. (-का) A bier: see खाट also खाटी .
- खाण्डव :: n. (-वं) A wood, sacred to INDRA.
- खाण्डिक :: m. (-कः) A confectioner, a seller of sweetmeats. E. खण्ड molasses or coarse sugar, and ठक् aff.
- खात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Dug, excavated. 2. Torn, rent. n. (-टं) 1. A square or oblong pond. 2. Any excavation. E. खन् to dig, affix क्त and the pen. lengthened.
- खातक :: m. (-कः) 1. A delver, a digger. 2. A debtor; more correctly खादक . n. (-कं) A moat, a ditch. E. खात a pond, affix कन् .
- खातभू :: f. (-भूः) A moat, a ditch. E. खात a pond, भू earth.
- खात्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. A square or large pond. 2. A spade, a hoe. 3. A wood 4. A thread. E. खन् to dig, ष्ट्रन् Unadi aff.
- खाद (ऋ) खादृ :: r. 1st cl. (खादति) To eat.
- खादक :: m. (-कः) 1. A borrower, a user, (in law,) literally, an eater. 2. A feeder, one who eats or feeds. E. खाद् to eat, affix वुन् .
- खादन :: m. (-नः) A tooth. n. (-नं) 1. Eating. 2. Food, victuals. E. खाद् to eat, affix ल्युट् .
- खादनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Edible, to be eaten. E. खाद and अनीयर् aff.
- खादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Eaten. E. खाद् to eat, affix क्त .
- खादितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Eating, feeding. E. खाद and क्तवतु aff.
- खादितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be eaten, what may be or must be eaten, &c. E. खाद and तव्य aff.
- खादिर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Derived from the Khayar tree. 2. made of its wood. E. खदिर, and अण् aff.
- खादिरसार :: m. (-रः) Catechu, the resinous extact of the Mimosa catechu. E. खदिर and सार essence.
- खादुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Mischievous, injurious, malignant. E. खाद् to eat, उकन् aff.
- खाद्य :: mfn. (-द्य -द्या -द्यं) Edible, to be eaten, what is to be or may be eaten. n. (-द्यं) Food, victuals. E. खाद् to eat, यत् aff.
- खानि :: mf. (-निः-नी) A mine. E. खन् to dig, इञ् affix, fem. affix ङीष् .
- खानिक :: n. (-कं) An opening or hole in a wall, a breach. E. खन् to dig affix ठञ् .
- खानिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) A housebreaker. E. खन् to dig, इलच् affix, deriv irr.; this is sometimes read खानिन .
- खानोदक :: m. (-कः) A cocoanut. E. खान rending, and उदक water.
- खापगा :: f. (-गा) A name of GANGA or the Ganges. E. ख heaven, and अपगा a river.
- खार :: mf. (-रः-रिः or -री) A Khari, a measure of grain containing six- teen Dronas, or about three bushels: it is also reckoned at three or four Dronas; also at five Gonis, which is considered equal to 512 Ser's f. (-री) A scar. E. खन् to dig, deriv. irr.
- खारिम्पच :: mfn. (-चः -चा -चं) Cooking a Khari, by measure (a vessel, &c.) E. खारी as above, पच् to cook, affix खश् .
- खारीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) A field, &c. equal to or sown with a Khari of grain. E. खारी the measure, and इकन् or ठञ् aff.
- खारीवाप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) A field sown with a Khari of grain, &c. E. खारी, and वाप sowing.
- खालित्य :: n. (-त्यं) Morbid baldness. E. खलति and यञ् aff.
- खाशि :: m. (-शिः) Name of a country to the east of Bengal: the Cossya hills; also खाशिक m. (-कः .)
- खाश्मरी :: f. (-री) A plant: see काश्मरी .
- खिखि :: f. (-खिः) A fox; also in some copies, किखि q. v.
- खिङ्खिर :: mf. (-रः-रा) A fox. m. (-रः) 1. One of SIVA'S weapons, 2. A kind of perfume, commonly Hala.
- खिट :: r. 1st cl. (खेटति) 1. To terrify, to alarm or surprise. 2. To be ter- rified, to fear or dread.
- खिद :: r. 4th and 7th cls. (खिद्यते and खिंते) To be distrest, to suffer pain or misery. (औ, प) औखिदप् r. 6th cl. (खिन्दति) To afflict or distress.
- खिदिर :: m. (-रः) The moon. 2. An ascetic, a penitent, 3. A pauper, E. खिद् to suffer pain, किरच् Unadi aff.
- खिद्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Suffering pain or distress. E. खिद्, with शानच् aff.
- खिद्र :: m. (-द्रः) 1. Disease, sickness. 2. A pauper, a poor man E. खिद् to be in pain, रक् Unadi aff.
- खिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Distrest, suffering pain or uneasiness. 2. Weari- ed, exhausted. E. खिद् to be pain, affix क्त .
- खिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Waste or unploughed land. 2. Empty, vacant. m. (-लः) 1. A name of BRAHMA. 2. VISHNU. mn. (-लः-लं) A com- pendium, a compilation, especially of hymns and prayers. E. ख vacuity, &c. ल what gets or possesses, affix ड, and इ substituted for the penultimate.
- खु (ङ) खुङ् :: r. 1st cl. (खुवते) To sound.
- खुङ्गाह :: m. (-हः) A black horse.
- खुज :: r. 1st cl. (-उ) खुजु (खोजति) To steal or rob.
- खुञ्जाक :: m. (-कः) A kind of grass: see देवताडक .
- खुड :: r. 6th cl. (-खडति) To cover. r. 1st. and 10th cls. (खोडति खोडयति) also (इ,) खुडि r. 1st. and 10th cls. (खुण्डति, खुण्डयति) To break in pieces, to sunder, to divide, tear, rend, &c. (इङ्) खुडिङ् r. 1st cl. (खुण्डते) To limp, to be lame.
- खुर :: r. 6th cl. (खुरति) To cut, to scratch.
- खुर :: m. (-रः) 1. A hoof, a horse's hoof, &c. 2. A razor. 3. The foot of a bedstead; also क्षुर 4. A sort of perfume, commonly Nakhi, ap- parently a dried shell fish, and of the shape of a hoof. E. खुर् to cut, रन् Unadi affix, the radical र is dropped.
- खुरक :: m. (-कः) A plant commonly Tila. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- खुरक्षेप :: m. (-पः) A kick, kicking. E. खुर, and क्षेप throwing.
- खुरणस् :: mfn. (-णाः -णाः -णः) Flat-nosed, having a nose like a horse's hoof, E. खुर a hoof, and नस् deriv. of नासिका a nose; also with a final vowel खुरणस mfn. (-सः -सा -सं .)
- खुरपदवी :: f. (-वी) A horse's foot marks. E. खुर, and पदवी vestige.
- खुरप्र :: m. (-प्रः) An arrow with a semicircular head: see क्षुरप्र .
- खुरली :: f. (-ली) Military exercise, practising archery, &c. E. खुर् to cut, अलच् aff.
- खुराक :: m. (-कः) An animal in general. E. खुर् to cut, and आक aff.
- खुराघात :: m. (-तः) A kick. E. खुर, and आघात a blow.
- खुराभिघात :: m. (-तः) 1. A kick. 2. Kicking, pawing, (as a horse.) E. खुर, and अभिघात striking.
- खुरालक :: m. (-कः) An iron arrow. E. खुर a razor, and अल what is able, affix कन् .
- खुरालिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A barber's case. 2. An iron arrow. 3. A pillow. E. खुर a razor, &c. अल् to be equal to, affix ठक्; some read this खरा- लक, but to all appearance erroneously.
- खुर्द :: r. 1st cl. (खुर्दते or खूर्दते) To play, to sport.
- खुल्ल :: mfn. (-ल्लः -ल्ला -ल्लं) Small, little, low, mean, &c. n. (-ल्लं) A kind of perfume: see खुर . E. खुद् to divide, &c. and ल from ला to get, the radical द becomes ल .
- खुल्लक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Low, vile. 2. Little, small. 3. Poor, indigent.
4. Cruel, harsh. 5. Wicked, mischievous, malignant: see क्षुल्ल .
- खुल्लतात :: m. (-तः) A father's younger brother; also क्षुल्लतात .
- खुल्लम :: m. (-मः) A road.
- खूर्द :: r. 1st cl. (खूर्दते) To play: see खुर्द .
- खेखीरक :: m. (-कः) A hollow or sounding reed, or cane.
- खेगमन :: m. (-नः) A gallinule. E. खे in the air, and गमन going.
- खेचर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Aerial, moving in the air. m. (-रः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. A Vidyadhara or kind of demigod. 3. Quicksilver. E. खे in heaven, and चर who goes.
- खेट :: r. 1st cl. (खेटति) To alarm. r. 10th cl. (खेटयति) To eat.
- खेट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) 1. Vile, bad, low. 2. Armed, having a weapon or weapons. mn. (-टः-टं) Hunting, the chase; also आखेट m. (-टः) 1. A shield. 2. A village, the residence of peasants or farmers. 3. A small town, half the Pura or town. 4. The club of BALARAMA. 5. Phlegm, the phlegmatic or watery humour. 6. The ascending node or RAHU. 7. A horse. n. (-टं) Grass. E. खिट् to terrify, &c. affix घञ्
- खेटक :: m. (-कः) 1. A village, the residence of agricultural peasants. 2. A shield. 3. The club of BALARAMA. E. खिट् to terrify, &c. अच् affix, and कन् added.
- खेटिताल :: m. (-लः) A minstrel, a family bard or piper, whose business it is to awaken the Laird, with music and singing. E. खेटि derived from खिट् to disturb, and ताल tune.
- खेटिन् :: m. (-टी) A lecher, a libertine. E. खेट sport, affix इनि .
- खेड :: r. 10th cl. (खेडयति) To eat.
- खेडिताल :: m. (-लः) A minstrel: see खेटिताल .
- खेद :: m. (-दः) 1. Sorrow, affliction, distress. Lassitude, depression. 3. Pain. 4. Proverty. E. खिद् to be distrest, affix घञ् .
- खेदन :: n. (-नं) See the preceding.
- खेदान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Distressed, pained. E. खेद, and अन्वित having.
- खेदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Annoyed, harassed. 2. Afflicted, distressed, pained. E. खिद् to give pain, क्त aff.
- खेदिनी :: f. (-नी) 1. A plant, (Marsilea quadrifolia:) see असनपर्णी . 2. A creeper, a creeping plant. E. खिद् to be distrest, affixes णिनि and ङीष् .
- खेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be dug. n. (-यं) A ditch, a moat. E. खन् to dig, affix क्यप् .
- खेल (ऋ) खेऌ :: r. 1st cl. (खेलति) To shake to tremble, to move.
- खेलन :: n. (-नं) Play, sport, pastime. f. (-नी) A piece or man at drafts, chess, &c. E. खेल् to shake or move, affix ल्युट् .
- खेला :: f. (-ला) Play, pastime, sport E. खेल् to shake, अङ् and टाप् affs.
- खेलि :: f. (-लिः) 1. A song, a hymn. 2. An arrow. 3. The sun. 4. A bird. 5. Any animal. E. खेल् to shake, कि aff.
- खेव (ऋ) खेवृ :: r. 1st cl. (खेवते) To serve.
- खेसर :: m. (-रः) A mule. E. खे in air, सर who goes.
- खै :: r. 1st cl. (खायति) 1. To be firm or steady. 2. To kill, to injure or hurt. 3. To dig. 4. To mourn, to sorrow for.
- खोङ्काह :: m. (-हः) A white and brown horse.
- खोट :: r. 1st cl. (ऋ) खोट्ट (खोटति) To be lame or lamed. r. 10th cl. (खोटयति) 1. To eat. 2. To throw or cast.
- खोटि :: f. (-टिः) A cunning or scheming woman; also read खोरि .
- खोटी :: f. (-टी) The gum olibanum tree.
- खोड (ऋ) खोडृ :: r. 1st cl. (खोडति) To be or become lame. r. 10th cl. (खोड- यति) To throw or cast.
- खोड :: mfn. (-डः -डा -डं) Lame, limping. E. खोड् . to be lame, affix अच् .
- खोडकशीर्ष :: n. (-र्ष) The arched roof of a house, the coping of a wall, &c. also खोडकशीर्षक .
- खोर (ऋ) खोरृ :: r. 1st cl. (खोरति) To be lame, to be prevented from moving.
- खोर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Lame. E. खोर् to be lame, affix अच्; also खोड and खोल .
- खोल (ऋ) खोऌ :: r. 1st cl. (खोलति) To be lame, to limp, to be prevented from moving. खोड, खोर, &c. are conceived by some authorities to be mere variations in the form of this root.
- खोल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Lame. E. खोल् to be lame, affix अच्; also खोर, &c.
- खोलक :: m. (-कः) 1. A helmet, armour for the head. 2. A pot, a sauce- pan. 3. An ant-hill. 4. The shell of the betel nut. E. खुड् . to cover, affix ण्वुल्, ड changed to ल .
- खोलि :: f. (-लिः) A quiver.
- खोल्क :: m. (-ल्कः) 1. A meteor. 2. A planet. E. ख, and उल्का torch.
- खोल्मुक :: m. (-कः) The planet MARS. E. ख heaven, उल्मुक a hot coal.
- ख्या :: r. 2nd cl. (ख्याति) 1. To relate, to recount, to say or tell. 2. To celebrate, to make known. With अभि prefixed, To shine or be glorious. With आ, To be famous. With वि, to celebrate. With सु, To be approved. With कु, To be infamous. With प्रति and आ, To reject, to refuse. With सम्, To count, to reckon. With सं and आ to denominate.
- ख्यात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Famous, celebrated, notorious. E. ख्या to relate, affix क्त .
- ख्यातगर्हण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Notoriously vile, infamous. E. ख्यात famous, गर्हण abuse; also ख्यातगर्हित .
- ख्यातगर्हित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Infamous: see the preceding.
- ख्याति :: f. (-तिः) Fame, celebrity. E. ख्या to tell, affix क्तिन् .
- ख्यापक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Declaring, making known, one who tells or declares. 2. One who confesses. E. ख्या to say, causal form, ण्वुल् aff.
- ख्यापन :: n. (-नं) 1. Declaring, divulging. 2. Saying, avowing. 3. Confess- ing. 4. Explaining. E. ख्या causal form, ल्युट् aff.
- ग :: The third consonant of the Nagri alphabet, the letter G.
- ग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Who or what goes, used chiefly in composition: as अध्वगः a traveller, who goes a road; अपगा what goes down, (a river, &c.) m. (-गः) 1. A name of the deity GANESHA. 2. A Gand- harba or celestial musician. f. (-गा) A song. n. (-गं) Song, singing. E. गम् to go or गै to sing, affix ड, fem. affix टाप् .
- गगण :: n. (-णं) Sky, atmosphere, heaven. E. गम् to go. Unadi affix युच् and the radical final changed to ग; the word and its derivatives are also sometimes read गगन .
- गगणध्वज (-जः) :: 1. A cloud. 2. The sun. E. गगण the sky, and ध्वज a stand- ard or symbol.
- गगणाध्वग :: m. (-गः) 1. The sun. 2. A planet. 3. A heavenly spirit. E. गगण the sky, अध्वन् a road, and ग who goes.
- गगणपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A flower in the sky. i. e. an impossibility. E. गगण, and पुष्प a flower; alse गगणकुसुम, &c.
- गगणविहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Sporting in heaven. m. (-री) 1. The sun. 2. A heavenly luminary. 3. A divinity or celestial being, E. गगण, and विहारिन् who sports.
- गगणसद् :: mf. (-सत् or -सद्) Going in the air. m. (-सद्) A celestial being. E. गगण, and षद् to go, क्विप् aff.
- गगणस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Situated in the sky. E. गगण and स्थ what stays in; also गगणस्थित, &c.
- गगणस्पर्शन :: m. (-नः) Air, wind. E. गगण, and स्पर्शन who touches.
- गगणाग्र :: n. (-ग्रं) The highest heavens, the summit or highest part of heaven. E. गगण, and अग्र end.
- गगणेचर :: m. (-रः) 1. A planet 2. An asterism. 3. A heavenly spirit. E. गगणे in the sky, चर who goes.
- गगणोल्मुक :: m. (-कः) The planet Mars. E. गगण the sky, and उल्मुका a torch or coal.
- गग्घ :: r. 1st cl. (गग्घति) To laugh, to laugh at or deride: see घग्घ .
- गङ्गा :: f. (-ङ्गा) The river Ganges, or its personification as a goddess. E. गम् to go, Unadi affix गन्, or गां the accusative of गो the earth, and ग who goes, form irr.
- गङ्गाका :: f. (-का) The river Ganges. E. कन् added to the preceding; also read गङ्गका .
- गङ्गाक्षेत्र :: n. (-त्रं) The river Ganges, and two Krosh on either of its banks. E. गङ्गा, and क्षेत्र holy place; all dying within such limits going to heaven, whatever their crimes.
- गङ्गाचिल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) The black headed gull, (Larus ridibundus.) E. गङ्गा the Ganges, and चिल्ली a kite, considered by the Hindus as a species of that bird; the Gangetic kite.
- गङ्गाज :: m. (-जः) 1. A name of BHISHMA. 2. A name of the deity KARTI- KEYA. E. गङ्गा the river goddess, and ज born; the son of GANGA.
- गङ्गाजल :: n. (-लः) The water of the Ganga. E. गङ्गा, and जल water.
- गङ्गाटेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Going in or to the Ganges. m. (-यः) A shrimp or prawn; also गलाविल . E. गङ्गा the river, and अट् to go, अच् affix, गङ्गाट, and ढक् added.
- गङ्गाद्बार :: n. (-रं) The place where the Ganga enters the plains; also Haridwar. E. गङ्गा, and द्वार gate.
- गङ्गातीर :: n. (-रं) The bank of the Ganga. E. गङ्गा, and तीर a bank.
- गङ्गाधर :: m. (-रः) 1. An epithet of SIVA. 2. The ocean. E. गङ्गा the Ganges, and धर who possesses or receives; according to the legend, the Ganges in its descent first alighted on the head of SIVA, and con- tinued for some period entangled in his hair.
- गङ्गापार :: n. (-रं) The bank of the Ganges. E. गङ्गा, and पार the bank.
- गङ्गापुत्र :: m. (-त्रः) 1. BHISHMA. 2. A man of a mixed and vile caste, em- ployed to remove dead bodies. 3. A Brahman who conducts the ceremonies of pilgrimage at some places on the Ganges, especially at Benares. E. गङ्गा, and पुत्र a son.
- गङ्गामध्य :: n. (-ध्यं) The bed or stream of the Ganges. E. गङ्गा, and मध्य centre.
- गङ्गाम्बु :: n. (-म्बु) 1. Pure rain water, such as falls in Aswin. 2. Ganges water. E. गङ्गा, and अम्बु water.
- गङ्गायात्रा :: f. (-त्रा) 1. Pilgrimage to the Ganga. 2. Carrying a sick per- son to the river side to die there. E. गङ्गा, and यात्रा going.
- गङ्गासुत :: m. (-तः) 1. A name of KARTIKEYA. 2. A name of the hero BHISHMA: see गङ्गाज . E. गङ्गा, and सुत a son; the son of GANGA.
- गङ्गिका :: f. (-का) The Ganges. E. गङ्गा, and कन् affix fem. from; also गङ्गका, and गङ्गाका .
- गङ्गीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Become as the Ganges, as sacred, &c. E. गङ्गा, and भूत become, च्वि augment.
- गच्छ :: m. (-च्छः) A tree. E. गम् to go, and स Unadi affix, what goes or grows; also अगच्छ .
- गच्छत् :: mfn. (-च्छन् -च्छन्ती -च्छत्) Going. E. गम् to go, शतृ aff.
- गज :: r. 1st cl. (गजति) To be drunk, to be confused or inebriated; r. 1st and 10th cls. (गजति, गजयति) also (इ) गजि r. 1st cl. (गञ्जति) To sound.
- गज :: m. (-जः) 1. An elephant. 2. A measure of length, the Gaz, a yard, a measure of two cubits. 3. A mound of earth sloping on both sides, on which a house may be created. 4. A small hole in the ground for a fire, over which to prepare medicines. E. गज् to sound, to roar, affix अच् .
- गजकन्द :: m. (-न्दः) A large esculent root, a sort of arum. E. गज, and कन्द root.
- गजकूर्म्माशिन् :: m. (-शी) A name of GARURA the bird and vehicle of VISHNU. E. गज an elephant, कूर्म्म a tortoise, and अशिन् who eats; alluding to a legend of his swallowing both animals whilst engaged in a contest with each other.
- गजविर्भट :: mf. (-टः-टा) A kind of cucumber, (Cucumis Madraspatanus.)
- गजच्छाया :: f. (-या) A portion of time proper for a Sraddha, E. गज, and छाया shadow.
- गजढक्का :: f. (-क्का) A kettle-drum carried on an elephant. E. गज an ele- phant, and ढक्का a large drum.
- गजता :: f. (-ता) A multitude of elephants. E. गज an elephant, तल् aff.
- गजदघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) As high or tall as an elephant E. गज, and दघ्नच् aff.
- गजदन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. A name of GANESHA. 2. Ivory, the elephant's tooth. 3. A bracket or pin projecting from the wall. E. गज a elephant, and दन्त a tooth; GANESHA is represented with an elephant's head.
- गजदान :: n. (-नं) The liquor exuding from an elephant's temples. E. गज and दान the same.
- गजद्वयस :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) As high as an elephant. E. गज, and द्वयसच् aff.
- गजपति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A large state elephant. 2. A king. E. गज, and पति a master.
- गजपिप्पली :: f. (-ली) A plant bearing a seed which resembles pepper, (Poth- os officinalis) E. गज an elephant, and पिप्पली long pepper; consi- dered to be a large species of pepper: see similar names, as करि- पिप्पली, इभकणा, &c.
- गजपुङ्गव :: m. (-वः) A large and excellent elephant. E. गज, and पुङ्गव implying eminence.
- गजपुट :: m. (-टः) A small hollow for a fire, over which to prepare medi- cal decoctions, extracts, &c. E. गज, and पुट a hollow.
- गजप्रिया :: f. (-या) The gum olibanum tree, (Boswellia serrata.) E. गज an elephant, and प्रिय beloved; also वल्लकी .
- गजबन्धनी :: f. (-नी) A post to which an elephant is bound. E. गज, and बन्धन a binding.
- गजभक्षक :: m. (-कः) The sacred fig tree. E. गज, and भक्षक eater; the young branches of the Pipal being the elephant's favourite food.
- गजभक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) The gum olibanum tree: see गजप्रिय . E. गज an ele- phant and भक्षा food; also गजभक्ष्या .
- गजमण्डलिका :: f. (-का) A ring or circle of elephants surrounding a car. &c. E. गज, मण्डल a circle, कन् affix fem. form.
- गजमाचल :: m. (-लः) A lion. E. गज an elephant, मा fortune, and चल what goes: the destroyer of the elephant.
- गजमात्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्री -त्रं) As tall as an elephant. E. गज, and मात्रच् aff.
- गजमुक्ता :: f. (-क्ता) A pearl, supposed to be found in the head of an ele- phant. E. गज, and मुक्ता a pearl.
- गजमोटन :: m. (-नः) A lion. E. गज an elephant, मुट् to run away, in the causal from, affix ल्युट्; or with मुच् to go, गजमोचन as it is some- times read.
- गजयूथ :: m. (-थः) A herd of elephants. E. गज, and यूथ a herd.
- गजवदन :: m. (-नः) A name of GANESHA, who is represented always with the head of an elephant. E. गज . and वदन a face.
- गजव्रज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Who walks like an elephant. n. (-जं) 1. A troop of elephants. 2, The pace of an elephant. E. गज, and व्रज a number or going, who goes, &c.
- गजसाह्वय :: n. (-यं) A famous city, Hastinapur the capital of the KuRUS. E. गज, स for सम् with, and आह्वय an appellation; named from its elephants; also गजाह्व, &c.
- गजाग्रणी :: m. (-णी) The elephant of INDRA. E. गज and अग्रणी pre-eminent.
- गजाजीव :: m. (-वः) An elephant keeper or driver. E. गज and आजीव who lives; who gets his livelihood by elephants.
- गजानन :: m. (-नः) The deity GANESHA. E. गज an elephant, and आनन a face; see गजवदन .
- गजारि :: m. (-रिः) 1. A lion. 2. A particular tree. E. गज and अरि a foe.
- गजारूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Mounted or riding on an elephant. E. गज and and आरूढ mounted.
- गजाशन :: m. (-नः) The religious fig tree. f. (-ना) 1. Hemp, (Cannabis sativa.) 2. The gum olibanum tree. 3. The root of a lotus. E. गज and अशन food; the food of elephants.
- गजास्य :: m. (-स्यः) GANESHA: see गजानन . E. गज an elephant, and आस्य a face.
- गजाह्व :: n. (-ह्वं) The city Hastinapur. f. (-ह्वा) A plant: see गजपिप्पली . E. गज, and आह्वा a name: see गजसाह्वय .
- गजाह्वय :: n. (-यं) Hastinapur, the ancient Dehli: see the preceding.
- गजेन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) 1. A large and excellent elephant. 2. INDRA'S elephant E. गज, and इन्द्र chief.
- गजोषणा :: f. (-णा) A short of pepper: see गजपिप्पली . E. गज, and उषणा pepper.
- गञ्ज :: mfn. subst. (-ञ्जः-ञ्जा-ञ्जं) A mine, a jewel mine mn. (-ञ्जः-ञ्जं) 1. A cow- house or station of cowherds. 2. A treasury, a jewel room, the place where plate, &c. is preserved. 3. A mart, a place where grain, &c. is stored for sale. m. (-ञ्जः) Disrespect, contempt. f. (ञ्जा) 1. A tavern. 2. A drinking vessel. 3. A hut, a hovel, the abode of low people. 4. The Gunja or Ratti, (Abrus precatorious:) see गुञ्जा . E. गजि to sound, अच् affix; fem. affix टाप् .
- गञ्चिका :: f. (-का) A tavern. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- गड :: r. 1st cl. (गडति) To distil or drop, to run as a liquid; also, गल (इ) गडि r. 1st cl. (गण्डति) To affect the cheek, to be rough as the cheek, (obsolete.)
- गड :: m. (-डः) 1. A kind of fish, the young of the Ophiocephaluslata, Ham. 2. Another species, (Cyprinus garra. Ham.) see गल . 3. An impediment, an obstacle. 4. A screen, a covering, a fence. 5. A moat, a ditch. 6. A country, part of Malwa, Gerha or Gera Men- dela. E. गड् . to drop, affix अच् .
- गडक :: m. (-कः) A kind of fish: see the last. E. गड् . to drop, affix क्वुन् .
- गडयन्त :: m. (-न्तः) A cloud. E. गड् to drop (water), Unadi affix झच् and अय substituded for the penultimate.
- गडलवण :: n. (-णं) Rock or fossile salt, especially that found in the dis- trict of Sambhar in the province of Ajmere. E. गड a country, and लवण salt.
- गडि :: m. (-डिः) 1. A steer. 2. A lazy ox. E. गड् to drop, इन् aff.
- गडु :: mfn. (-डुः -डुः -डु) Crooked, humpbacked, &c. m. (-डुः) 1. A hump on the back. 2. Goitre or Bronchocele. 3. A humpbacked man. 4. A Javelin, a spear. 5. An earth-worm. 6, A water pot. E. गड् to drop, Unadi affix उ .
- गडुक :: n. (-कं) 1. A water pot. 2. A finger ring. E. कन् added to the last.
- गडुकण्ठ :: mfn. (-ण्ठः -ण्ठी -ण्ठं) Having a goitre. E. गडु, and कण्ठ the throat.
- गडुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Crooked, bent, humpbacked. E. गडु a hump, and र substituted for लः see the next.
- गडुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Crooked, humpbacked. E. गडु hump, and लच् affix; also गडुर .
- गडेर :: m. (-रः) A cloud. E. गड् to drop (water), and एरक् Unadi aff.
- गडोत्थ :: n. (-त्थं) Fossile salt. E. गड the country, and उत्थ produced.
- गडोल :: m. (-लः) 1. A mouthful. 2. Raw sugar. E. गड् to drop, ओलच् Unadi affix; also गण्डोल .
- गड्डरिका :: f. (-का) 1. A sudden rush of water of which the source is unknown. 2. A single ewe preceding a flock of sheep.
- गड्डुक :: m. (-कः) A golden vase. E. गड् to sprinkle, डुक Unadi affix; also गड्डूक and occasionally कडूक .
- गड्डूक :: m. (-कः) A golden water vessel: see the preceding.
- गण :: r. 10th cl. (गणयति) To count, to reckon up by: number, to calculate.
- गण :: m. (-णः) 1. A flock, a multitude, a troop, a tribe or class, &c. 2. A body of troops equal to three Gulmas or twenty-seven chariots and as many elephants, eighty-one horses, and 135 foot. 3. Troops of inferior deities considered as SIVA'S attendants, and under the especial superintendance of GANESHA. 4. A name of GANESHA. 5. A number (in arithmetic.) 6. A kind of perfume, commonly Chor.
7. A sect in philosophy or religion. 8. A conjugation, a class or radicals. 2. Series of asterisms which are classed under three heads human, infernal, and divine. E. गण् to count to reckon, affix अच् .
- गणक :: m. (-कः) 1. An astrologer, a calculator of nativities. &c. 2. An arithmetician. f. (-की) The wife of an astrologer. E. गण् to calcul- ate, affix क्वुन्, fem. affix ङीष् .
- गणकार :: m. (-रः) 1. A name of BHIMASENA. 2. A classifier, one who arranges into classes. E. गण a troop, and कार who forms.
- गणचक्रक :: n. (-कं) A dinner in common by a party of virtuous men. E. गण a number, चक्र a wheel or circle, and कन् aff.
- गणता :: f. (-ता) 1. Classification. 2. Multitude, assemblage. 3. Following a part or fraction. 4. Arithmetic. E. गण a class, तल् affix; also with त्व, गणत्वं .
- गणदीक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) 1. Initiation of a particular kind in which GANESA is especially worshipped. 2. Initiation of a number or class. 3. Per- formance of religious rites for a number of persons. E. गण, and दीक्षा a religious rite.
- गणदीक्षिन् :: m. (-क्षी) 1. A priest who officiates for various castes and people. 2. One who has been initiated into the worship of GANESHA. E. गण, दीक्षा a rite, and इनि aff.
- गणदेवता :: f. (-ता) A deity of a class, as an Aditya a Vasu, a Rudra, &c. E. गण, and देवता a divinity.
- गणद्रव्य :: n. (-व्यं) 1. Public property, common stock. 2. A variety of articles. E. गण a class, and द्रव्य thing.
- गणधर :: m. (-रः) 1. The head of a class or number, the teacher of a school. 2. A title of the first diciples of the Jaina Mahavira. E. गण a class, and धर who holds.
- गणन :: nf. (-नं-ना) 1. Counting, enumerating. 2. Arithmetic. E. गण् to count, युच् aff.
- गणनाथ :: m. (-थः) A name of GANESHA. E. गण, and नाथ lord.
- गणनायक :: m. (-कः) A name of GANESHA. f. (-यिका) A name of DURGA. E. गण, and नायक a leader; see गणेश .
- गणनीय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) 1. Numerable, to be counted or reckoned. 2. To be classed. E. गण् to count, and अनीयर् aff.
- गणपति :: m. (-तिः) GANESHA. E. गण् and पति lord: see गणेश .
- गणपर्व्वत :: m. (-तः) The fabulous mountain Kailasha. E. गण SIVA'S attend- ant demigods, and पर्व्वत a mountain; this mountain being the residence of the Kinnaras, Yakshas, and other subordinate deities.
- गणपीठक :: n. (-कं) The breast or bosom. E. गण the aggregate, (of quali- ties,) and पीठक a seat.
- गणरात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A multitude of nights. E. गण, and रात्र night.
- गणरूप :: m. (-पः) Swallow wort, (Colotropis gigantea;) also अर्क . E. गण a number, and रूप form, multiform.
- गणरूपिन् :: m. (-पी) Swallow wort, the white sort: see the preceding.
- गणवतीसुत :: m. (-तः) The name of a sage and physician, also called DHAN- WANTARI or KASIRAJA. E. गणवती a proper name, and सुत a son, the son of GANAVATI.
- गणहासक :: m. (-कः) Chor, a species of perfume, E. गण many, and हासक what causes to smile, what de-lights.
- गणाग्रणी :: m. (-णीः) A name of GANESHA. E. गण the troops of deities, and अग्रणी principal.
- गणाचल :: m. (-लः) The mountain Kailasha. E. गण, and अचल a mountain, the residence of the GANAS or troops of demi-gods.
- गणाधिप :: m. (-पः) 1. A name of GANESHA. 2. A title of SIVA. 3. The chief of a troop of soldiers, of a class of diciples, of a body of men or animals, &c. E. गण, and अधिप Master; also गणाधिपति, and other similar epithets: see गणेश .
- गणान्न :: n. (-न्नं) A mess, food prepared for a number of Persons in com- mon. E. गण and अन्न food.
- गणाभ्यन्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) One of a troop or number. m. (-रः) A member of a religious convent or association. E. गण, and अभ्यन्तर included गणि f. (-णिः) Counting, enumerating E. गण् to count, इञ् aff.
- गणिका :: f. (-का) 1. A courtezan, a harlot. 2. A sort of Jasmin. (J. auriculatum.) 3. A tree, commonly Ganiyari, (Premnaspinosa.) 4. A female elephant. 5. Counting, enumerating. E. गण to reckon, &c. ण्वुल् aff.
- गणिकारिका :: f. (-का) The name of a small tree with a very fetid leaf, commonly called Ganiyari, the wood of which is used in attrition, for the purpose of producing flame, (Premna spinosa.) E. कन् added to गणिकारी .
- गणिकारी :: f. (-री) The name of a tree: see the preceding.
- गणित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Numbered, counted, reckoned, calculated. n. (-तं) 1. The science of computation, comprising arithmetic, algebra, and geometry, distinguished as पाटीगणितं, वीजगणितं and रेखागणितं . 2. Calculating, numbering. E. गण to count, affix क्त .
- गणितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be counted or numbered. 2. To be cal- culated. E. गण and तव्य aff.
- गणिपिटका :: f. (-का) A division of science peculiar to the Jainas.
- गणीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Included in any class or troop. 2. Calculated. E. गण, and भूत become, with च्वि augment.
- गणेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Numberable, calculable, what may be reckoned or counted. E. गण to count, and यत् affix, form irr. see गण्य .
- गणेरु :: m. (-रुः) A plant, (Pterospermum acerifolium, &c.) see कर्णिकार . f. (-रुः) 1. A harlot, a whore. 2. A female elephant. E. गण a number, ईर्, to go, &c. affix उ .
- गणेरुका :: f. (-का) A bawd, a procuress. E. कन् added to the pre- ceding.
- गणेश :: m. (-शः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. GANESA, the son of SIVA and PARVATI; he is the deity of wisdom, and remover of obstacles, whence in the commencement of all undertakings, the opening of all compositions. &c. he receives the reverential homage of the Hindus. He is represented as a short fat man with the head of an elephant; and the present appellation, with other similar compounds, alludes to his office as chief of the various classes of subordinate gods, who are regarded as SIVA'S attendants. E. गण a troop or class (of deities attendant upon SIVA,) and ईश lord or master.
- गणेशकुसुम :: m. (-मः) A shrub, Oleander with red flowers. E. गणेश and कुसुम a flower.
- गणेशपूजा :: f. (-जा) Worship of GANESA. E. गणेश and पूजा worship.
- गणेशभूषण :: n. (-णं) Red lead. E. गणेश and भूषण ornament.
- गणोत्साह :: m. (-हः) A rhinoceros. E. गण a herd, and उत्साह toil.
- गण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. A cheek, the whole side of the face including the tem- ple. 2. An elephant's temple or cheek. 3. A boil, a pimple. 4. A mark, a spot. 5. A bubble. 6. A knot. 7. A rhinoceros: (see गण्डक) 8. Part of a horse's trappings, a stud or button fixed as an orna- ment upon the harness. 9. A hero. 10. The abrupt interchange of question and answer, as one of the characteristics of the dramatic composition called Vithi. 11. The tenth Yoga, or one of the twenty-seven portions of a circle on the plane of the ecliptic: see योग . 12. An astronomical period. E. गडि to affect the cheek, अच् affix, or गम् to go, ड Unadi aff.
- गण्डक :: m. (-कः) 1. A rhinoceros. 2. A mode of reckoning by fours. 3. An obstacle or impediment. 4. Separation, disjunction. 5. Astrologi- cal science or a part of it. f. (-की) The name of a river in the north of India, the Gandaki. f. (-का) A lump, a ball. E. गडि to affect the cheek, &c ण्वुल् affix, fem. affix ङीप् .
- गण्डकारी :: f. (-री) A sensitive plant, (Mimosa pudica.) E. गण्ड a boil, and कारी what occasions.
- गण्डकाली :: f. (-ली) See the preceding. E. गण्ड a knot, and काली black; black with many joints and knots.
- गण्डकुसुम :: n. (-मं) The juice that exudes from the elephant's temples in time of rut. E. गण्ड an elephant's temples, and कुसुम a flower, from its supposed fragrance.
- गण्डकूप :: m. (-पः) The peak or summit of a mountain.
- गण्डगात्र :: n. (-त्रं) fruit, custard apple, (Annona squamosa) E. गण्ड a boil, and गात्र a body; the inside being compared to purulent pustules.
- गण्डफलक :: n. (-कं) The cheek. E. गण्ड and फलक a layer.
- गण्डमाला :: f. (-ला) Inflammation of the glands of the neck, &c. E. गण्ड a boil. and माला a necklace.
- गण्डमालिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) Having the glands of the neck inflamed. E. इनि added to the last.
- गण्डशैल :: m. (-लः) 1. A rock or rocky fragment fallen from a height thrown down by an earthquake, a storm, &c. 2. The forehead. E. गण्ड a cheek, and शैल a rock, the cheek of the mountain, or in the second instance, vice-versa, the mountain as it were of the cheek or face.
- गण्डस्थल :: nf. (-लः-ली) The cheek. E. गण्ड and स्थल place.
- गण्डाङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A rhinoceros. E. गण्ड a stud, and अङ्ग a body; from the studded appearance of his hide.
- गण्डाली :: f. (-ली) A bent grass with white blossoms, a white sort of Durva, (Agrostis linearis.) E. गण्ड a boil, अल् to be adequate to or fit for, affixes अण् and ङीष् .
- गण्डि :: m. (-ण्डिः) 1. Goitre or Bronchocele. 2. The trunk of a tree. E. गण्डि to affect the cheek, &c. Unadi affix इन् .
- गण्डीर :: m. (-रः) 1. A kind of potherb, described as growing in watery ground, and according to some, a species of cucumber. 2. A hero, a champion. f. (-री) A milky plant, (Euphorbia.) E. गडि to affect a part. &c. इरन् aff.
- गण्डु :: mf. (-ण्डुः) A pillow. f. (-ण्डूः) A knot or joint. E. गडि to sup- port the cheek, Unadi affix उ .
- गण्डूपद :: m. (-दः) An earth-worm. f. (-दी) A small or female worm. E. गण्डू a knot, and पद a foot.
- गण्डूपदभव :: m. (-वः) Lead. E. गण्डूपद a worm, and भव produced.
- गण्डूष :: mf. (-षः-षा) 1. A mouthful. 2. A handful. 3. A handful of water, &c. held in the hollowed palm of the hand for rincing the mouth, &c. 4. Filling the mouth, rincing it, &c. 5. The tip of an elephant's trunk. E. गड् to drop, ऊषण् Unadi affix and नुम् inserted.
- गण्डोल :: m. (-लः) 1. Raw sugar. 2. A mouthful. E. गड् to drop, or गडि to affect the cheek, ओलच् affix; also गडोल E. गण् to count, यत् aff.
- गण्य :: mfn. (-ण्यः -ण्या -ण्यं) To be counted or calculated. E. गण् to count, affix of the future participle यत्; also irregularly गणेय .
- गत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Gone. 2. Known, understood. 3. Obtained, gained. 4. Lost. n. (-तं) 1. Going, motion. 2. Any thing past or done, an event. E. गम् to go, in the participle past.
- गतकाल :: n. (-लं) Time past. E. गत, and काल time.
- गतक्लम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Rested, refreshed. E. गत and क्लम fatigue.
- गतचेतन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Senseless. swooned. E. गत and चेतना conscious- ness.
- गतज्वर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Well, recovered, free from fever or sickness. E. गत and ज्वर fever.
- गततोयद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Cloudless, cleared up, fair. E. गत, and तोयद a cloud.
- गतप्रत्यागत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Returned, come back again after having gone away. E. गत and प्रत्यागत come back.
- गतदिन :: n. (-नं) Yesterday. E. गत and दिन day; also गतदिवसं .
- गतधृति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Agitated, discomposed, unsteady. E. गत and धृति firmness.
- गतनासिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Noseless. E. गत gone, lost, and नासिका the nose.
- गतमाय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Reformed, without deceit. 2. Cruel without compassion. E. गत and माया deceit.
- गतलक्ष्मीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Unfortunate, suffering losses; so गतश्रीक .
- गतबत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Going, passing. 2. Obtaining. 3. Falling into. 4. Feeling, entertaining. E. गम and क्तवतु aff.
- गतवित्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Beggared, impoverished. E. गत and वित्त wealth.
- गतविभव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Poor, indigent. E. गत and विभव wealth.
- गतव्यथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) 1. Free from pain. 2. Unanxious. E. गत and व्यथ pain.
- गतशैशव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Grown up, above eight years of age. E. गत and शैशव infancy.
- गतसङ्कल्प :: mfn. (-ल्पः -ल्पा -ल्पं) Bereft of sense, foolish. E. गत and सङ्कल्प purpose.
- गतसङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) 1. Detached from, dissevered. 2. Adverse or indifferent to. E. गत, and सङ्ग union.
- गतसत्व :: mfn. (-त्वः -त्वा -त्वं) 1. Base. 2. Lifeless, dead, &c. E. गत, and सत्व being.
- गतसन्नक :: m. (-कः) An elephant out of rut.
- गताक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Blind, sightless. E. गत gone, and अक्ष for अक्षि the eye.
- गतागत :: m. (-तं) 1. The flight of a bird backward and forward. 2. Going and coming, reiterated motion in general. E. गत going, आगत coming.
- गतानुगतिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Following, imitative, doing as others do. E. गत, and अनुगतिक who goes after.
- गतायुस् :: mfn. (-युः -युः -युः) 1. Very old, infirm, decrepid, decayed. 2. Dead. E. गत, and आयुस् life.
- गतार्त्तवा :: f. (-वा) 1. A woman past child-bearing. 2. A barren woman. E. गत, and आर्त्तवा a woman menstruating.
- गतार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) 1. Unmeaning, nonsensical. 2. Poor. 3. Void of an object. E. गत, and अर्थ sense, &c.
- गतासु :: mfn. (-सुः -सुः -सु) Dead, expired. E. गत, and असु breath.
- गति :: m. (-तिः) 1. Going, moving, motion in general. 2. March, proces- sion. 3. A road, a way, a path. 4. A period of life, as age, youth, &c. 5. An expedient, a means of success. 6. Knowledge, wisdom. 7. A sinus, a fistular sore. 8. Worldly vanity or wickedness. 9. Course of events, fate, fortune. 10. Resource, refuge, asylum. 11. The diurnal motion of a planet in its orbit, 12. State, mode of existence. E. गम् to go, affix क्तिन् .
- गतिक :: n. (-कं) 1. Going, motion. 2. Refuge, asylum. 3. Course. 4. Con- dition. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- गतिला :: f. (-ला) 1. A name of river, the Gatila. 2. Mutual separation. E. गम् to go, इल Unadi affix, and त substituted for the radical final.
- गत्वर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Going, moving, locomotive. E. गम् to go affix क्वरप् .
- गत्वा :: ind. Having gone, gone to or attained, &c. E. गम् to go, क्त्वा aff.
- गत्यून :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Impassable, difficult of access. 2. Desert. 3. Helpless. E. गति and ऊन् defective.
- गद :: r. 10th cl. (गदति) To speak articulately. 2. To be sick. r. 10th cl. (गदयति) To thunder.
- गद :: m. (-दः) 1. Disease, sickness. 2. Speech, speaking. 3. GADA the younger brother of KRISHNA. f. (-दा) 1. A mace, a club. 2. Trum- pet flower, (Bigonia suave-olens.) E. गद् to speak, &c. अच् aff.
- गदयित्नु :: mfn. (-त्नुः -त्नुः -त्नु) 1. Loquacious, talkative, talking much or idly. 2. Libidinous, lustful, desirous. m. (-त्नुः) A name of KANDARPA, the deity of love. E. गद् to speak, Unadi affix इत्नुच्, and अय in- serted.
- गदाख्य :: n. (-ख्यं) A kind of Costus, (C. speciosus:) see कुष्ठ .
- गदागद :: m. (always dual -दौ) The two physicians of Swarga, the sons of ASWINI by SURYA. E. गद disease in general, and अगद health.
- गदाग्रज :: m. (-जः) A name of VISHNU or KRISHNA E. गद, and अग्रज an elder brother.
- गदाधर :: m. (-रः) A name of KRISHNA. E. गदा E. club, and धर who holds; KRISHNA or VISHNU is represented holding a mace in one of his hands.
- गदाभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) 1. A name of KRISHNA. 2. A mace or club bearer. 3. One who fights with a mace. E. गदा a club, and भृत् who nourishes. see the preceding.
- गदाम्बर :: m. (-रः) A cloud. E. गद sound, अम्बर the sky.
- गदाराति :: m. (-तिः) A drug, a medicament. E. गद and अराति an enemy.
- गदाह्व :: n. (-ह्वं) A kind of grass, (Costus speciosus:) see कुष्ठ . E. गद disease, and आह्वा a name; named by many of the same terms as disease: see व्याधि, &c. also गदाख्य, गदाह्वय, &c.
- गदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Spoken, said. E. गद् to speak, क्त aff.
- गदितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Saying, speaking, having spoken. E. गद, and क्तवतु aff.
- गदिन् :: m. (-दी) 1. A name of VISHNU. 2. A mace bearer. 3. One armed with a club. 4. A sick man. E. गदा a mace, and इनि poss. aff.
- गद्गद् :: m. (-दः) Indistinct or convulsive utterance, as sobbing, &c. E. गद् to speak, क्विप् affix, root repeated with अच् .
- गद्गदध्वनि :: m. (-निः) low inarticulate expression of joy or grief. E. गद्गद inarticulate utterance. and ध्वनि sound.
- गद्गदपद :: n. (-दं) Inarticulate speech. E. गद्गद and पद a word.
- गद्गदवाच् :: f. (-वाक्) Inarticulate or convulsive speech, interrupted by sob- bing, &c. E. गद्गद, and वाच् speech.
- गद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) To be spoken or uttered. n. (-द्यं) Prose E. गद् to speak, affix यत् .
- गद्यानक :: n. (-कं) A weight either of sixty-four or forty-eight Rattis; also read गद्यालक .
- गन्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be gone, to be gone to or attained. E. गम, and तव्य aff.
- गन्तु :: m. (-न्तुः) A traveller, a way-farer. E. गम् to go, Unadi affix तुन् .
- गन्तृ :: mfn. (-न्ता -न्त्री -न्तृ) Who or what goes or moves. E. गम् to go, तृच् aff.
- गन्त्री :: f. (-न्त्री) A cart or car drawn by oxen. E. गम् to go, इन् affix, fem. affix ङीष् .
- गन्त्रीरथ :: m. (-थः) A cart. E. गन्त्री a carriage drawn by oxen, and रथ a vehicle.
- गन्ध :: r. 10th cl. (गन्धयते) 1. To injure, to hurt or kill. 2. To move, to go. 3. To ask or beg.
- गन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) 1. Smell, odour. 2. A perfume, a fragrance or fragrant substance. 3. A diffusive fragrance. 4. Sulphur. 5. Connexion, relationship. 6. A neighbour. 7. A plant, (Morunga hyperanthera, &c.) 8. Pride, arrogance. 9. Small, diminutive, a little, a small quantity, &c. 10. Pounded Sandal. f. (-न्धा) The bud of the Cham- paca flower, (Michelia Champaca.) n. (-न्धं) Aloe-wood. E. गन्ध् to hurt, to move, &c. affix अच् .
- गन्धक :: m. (-कः) 1. Sulphur. 2. The morunga tree, (M. hyperanthera, &c.) see शोभाञ्जन . E. कन् added to the preceding.
- गन्धकारिका :: f. (-का) A female artisan, living in the house of another woman. E. गन्ध perfume, and कारिका who makes.
- गन्धकालिका :: f. (-का) The mother ef VYASA. E. कन् added to the next.
- गन्धकाली :: f. (-ली) The mother of the poet VYASA. E. गन्ध perfume, कल् to make, affixes अण् and ङीष् having a strong scent.
- गन्धकाष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) A fragrant wood, as Sandal, aloewood, &c. E. गन्ध smell, and काष्ठ timber.
- गन्धकुटी :: f. (-टी) A kind of perfume, commonly Mura. E. गन्ध smell, &c. कुटी abode.
- गन्धखेड :: n. (-डं) A fragrant grass. E. गन्ध, and खेड grass; also with कन् added गन्धखेडकं: see गन्धतृण .
- गन्धगज :: m. (-जः) An elephant of the best kind. E. गन्ध odour, गज an elephant.
- गन्धगुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Having the property of odour. E. गन्ध, and गुण quality.
- गन्धघ्राण :: n. (-णं) Smelling any odour. E. गन्ध, and घ्राणं smelling.
- गन्धचेलिका :: f. (-का) Musk. E. गन्ध fragrance, चेलि clothes, affix कन्; being used for scenting clothes.
- गन्धजात :: n. (-तं) The leaf of the Laurus cassia. E. गन्ध smell, जात produc- ed; fragrant.
- गन्धज्ञा :: f. (-ज्ञा) The nose. E. गन्ध scent, and ज्ञा who knows.
- गन्धतूर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) A musical instrument, one of a loud sound used in battle: (a drum or trumpet.) E. गन्ध pride, and तूर्य्य a musical ins- trument.
- गन्धतृण :: n. (-णं) A fragrant grass, (Andropogon schœnanthus.) E. गन्ध, and तृण grass.
- गन्धत्वच् :: f. (-त्वक्) A sort of perfume, commonly Elabaluka. E. गन्ध and त्वच् skin, rind.
- गन्धद्विप :: m. (-पः) An elephant of the best class, supposed to emit a par- ticular smell at all times. E. गन्ध, and द्विप an elephant.
- गन्धधूलि :: f. (-लिः) Musk, the fragrant secretion of the musk-deer. E. गन्ध fragrant, and धूलि dust.
- गन्धन :: n. (-नं) 1. Continued effort, perseverance. 2. Injury, hurting, kill- ing. 3. Intimation, information. 4. Manifestation. E. गन्ध् to hurt, to move, &c. affix ल्युट् .
- गन्धनकुल :: m. (-लः) The musk-rat of Bengal. (Sorex moschata.) E. गन्ध scented, and नकुल an ichneumon.
- गन्धनाकुली :: f. (-ली) A plant, possibly the serpent Ophioxylon: see राम्ना, E. गन्ध smelling, and नाकुली the same plant.
- गन्धनामन् :: m. (-मा) A fragrant kind of basil. E. गन्ध fragrance, and नामन् a name.
- गन्धनाली :: f. (-ली) The nose. E. गन्ध scent, and नाली tubular canal.
- गन्धनिलया :: f. (-या) Double jasmin, (J. Zambac floribus multiplicatis.) E. गन्ध smell, and निलय a house.
- गन्धपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A white sort of basil, (Ocymum gratissimum:) see श्वेतपर्णास . f. (-त्री) 1. A sort of zedoary. (-त्रा) Ajwaen, (Ligusticam ajwaen.) 2. Another plant, (Physalis flexuosa.) E. गन्ध, and पत्र a leaf.
- गन्धपलाशिका :: f. (-का) Turmeric. E. गन्ध smell, पलाश a leaf.
- गन्धपलाशी :: f. (-शी) Zedoary, (Curcuma zerumbet.) E. गन्ध and पलाश a leaf.
- गन्धपाषाण :: m. (-णः) Sulphur. E. गन्ध smelling, and पाषाण a stone.
- गन्धपिशाचिका :: f. (-का) The smell of incense, diffusive incense. E. गन्ध smell पिशाचिका female demon; imp-like, from its dark colour or cloudy nature; or attracting demons by its fragrance.
- गन्धपीता :: f. (-ता) A species of zedoary. E. गन्ध and पीत yellow.
- गन्धपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) 1. A kind of cane, (Calamus rotang.) 2. Another plant, (Alangium hexapetalum:) see अङ्कोट . 3. Sebesten. (Cordia myxa.) f. (-ष्पा) 1. The indigo plant. 2. Ganiyari, (Premna spinosa, &c.) see गणिकारी . n. (-ष्पं) Flowers and Sandal presented together at seasons of worship. E. गन्ध smell, and पुष्प flower; having odoriferous flowers.
- गन्धफल :: m. (-लः) 1. Elephant or wood apple: see कपित्थ . 2. The Bel, (Ægle cratæva.) f. (-ला or -ली) 1. A plant bearing a fragrant seed. see प्रियङ्गु 2. The gum olibanum tree. f. (-ली) The blossom of the champaca: see चम्पक . E. गन्ध smell, and फल a fruit.
- गन्धबन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) The mango tree. E. गन्ध a smell, and बन्धु a friend.
- गन्धभद्रा :: f. (-द्रा) A creeper commonly Gandhabhadali or Ghandali, (Pœ- deria fetida) E. गन्ध smell, and भद्र auspicious.
- गन्धभाण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A tree, (Hibiscus populneoides:) see गर्द्धभाण्ड .
- गन्धमांसी :: f. (-सी) A kind of Indian spikenard: see जटामांसी .
- गन्धमातृ :: f. (-ता) The earth. E. गन्ध scent, and मातृ the mother; the pro- perty of fragrance. residing in the earth or earthy atoms.
- गन्धमादन :: mn. (-नः-नं) The name of a particular mountain, forming the division between Ilavritta and Bhadraswa or to the east of Mern. m. (-नः) 1. A large black bee. 2. Sulphur. 3. The name of one of the monkey chiefs. f. (-नी) Spirituous liquor; also in some books read गन्धमादिनी . E. गन्ध smell, मद् to inebriate in the causal form and ल्युट् aff.
- गन्धमादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Strong scented, of intoxicating odour. f. (-नी) 1. Lac, 2. A sort of perfume. 3. Wine or spirituous liquor. E. गन्ध and मादिन् what intoxicates.
- गन्धमार्जार :: m. (-रः) The civet-cat. E. गन्ध smell, and मार्जार a cat.
- गन्धमालिनी :: f. (-नी) Mura, a perfume so called. E. गन्ध smell, माला a neck- lace, affixes इनि and ङीप् .
- गन्धमुण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A creeper, (Hibiscus populneoides;) also गन्धभाण्ड .
- गन्धमूल :: m. (-लः) A plant with a fragrant and tuberous root, one of the Scitaminea, (Alpinia galanga:) see कुलञ्जन . f. (-ला or -ली) 1. A species of Cucumber, (C. reclinata, Rox.) 2. The olibanum tree. E. गन्ध smell and मूल a root, fem. affix टाप् or ङीष् also with कन् affix गन्धमूलक .
- गन्धमूलक :: m. (-कः) A sort of Cucumber also गन्धमूली; see the preceding.
- गन्धमूषिक :: mf. (-कः-का) The musk-rat or shrew, (Sorex moschata;) also in the fem. गन्धमूषी .
- गन्धमृग :: m. (-गः) The civet-cat. E. गन्ध smell, and मृग a deer; the name also may be applied to the musk-deer.
- गन्धमोदन :: n. (-नं) Sulphur, E. गन्ध, and मोदन pleasing.
- गन्धमैथुन :: m. (-नः) A bull. E. गन्ध smell, and मैथुन copulation.
- गन्धमोहिनी :: f. (-नी) The champaca flower. E. गन्ध smell, and मोहिनी de- lighting.
- गन्धरस :: m. (-सः) Myrrh. E. गन्ध smell, and रस essence; also रसगन्ध .
- गन्धराज :: n. (-जं) 1. Sandal. 2. Any sweet smelling flower. f. (-जी) 1. A sort of perfume, commonly, Nakhi: see नखी . E. गन्ध smell, and राज what excels, from राज् to shine, affix अच्; fem. affix ङीष् .
- गन्धर्ब्ब :: m. (-र्ब्बः) 1. A Gandharba or celestial musician; these demigods inhabit INDRA'S heaven, and form the orchestra at all the banquets of the principal deities. 2. A horse. 3. A kind of deer; according to some authorities, the musk-deer. 4. The soul after death, and previous to its being born again, corresponding, in some respects, to the western notion of ghosts. 5. A singer in general. 6. The Kokila or black cuckoo. 7. The sun. 8. A sage, a pious man. E. गन्ध smell, injury, &c. अर्ब्ब to go, affix अच् the अ final of गन्ध is reject- ed; the root is also sometimes written with the dental letter अर्व्व, when the compound will be गन्धर्व्व; the best authorities however write it with the final labial letter ब as above.
- गन्धर्ब्बविद्या :: f. (-द्या) Music, dancing, &c. E. गन्धर्ब्ब, and विद्या science.
- गन्धर्ब्बविवाह :: m. (-हः) Marriage by mutual consent, without any ceremo- nies, allowable between persons of the second class. E. गन्धर्ब्ब and विवाह marriage.
- गन्धर्ब्बवेद :: m. (-दः) The science of music considered as a branch of the Sama Veda. E. गन्धर्ब्ब and वेद a Veda.
- गन्धर्ब्बहस्त :: m. (-स्तः) The castor-oil tree, (Palma christi or Ricinus com- munis.) E. गन्धर्ब्ब a deer, and हस्त hand or food; the leaves being compared to the foot of the deer: also with कन् added गन्धर्ब्बहस्तक .
- गन्धलोलुपा :: f. (-पा) A fly or gnat. E. गन्ध smell, &c. लोलुप unsteady.
- गन्धवणिज् :: m. (-णिक्) A perfumer, a dealer in perfumes. E. गन्ध and वणिज् a dealer.
- गन्धवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Scented, smelling, odoriferous. f. (-ती) 1. The earth. 2. The name of a city. 4. Wine or vinous liquor. 4. A kind of perfume: see मुरा . 5. The mother of VYASA. 6. A wild species of Ajwaen: see the यमानी . E. गन्ध smell, मतुप् poss. affix fem. aff. ङीप् .
- गन्धवल्कल :: n. (-लं) 1. Cassia bark. 2. Sarsaparilla. E. गन्ध, and वल्कल bark.
- गन्धवल्लरी :: f. (-री) A plant, also सहदेवी E. गन्ध smell, and वल्लर a pedicle, or with वल्ली the same, गन्धवल्ली .
- गन्धवह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Smelling, fragrant, &c. m. (-हः) The wind. f. (-हा) The nose. E. गन्ध smell, and वह what conveys, from वह् to bear &c., and अच् aff.
- गन्धवाह :: m. (-हः) 1. The wind. 2. A deer, the musk-deer. f. (-हा) The nose. E. गन्ध smell, वह् to convey, and अण् aff.
- गन्धविह्वल :: m. (-लः) Wheat.
- गन्धवृक्ष :: n. (-क्षः) The Sal tree, (Shorea robusta.) E. गन्ध, perfume, and बृक्ष a tree, yielding a fragrant resin.
- गन्धव्याकुल :: n. (-लं) A perfume, a fragrant berry: see कक्कोल E. गन्ध smell and व्याकुल disturbed.
- गन्धशटी :: f. (-टी) A sort of Cucumber: see शटी . E. गन्ध smell, and शटी the same plant.
- गन्धशालि :: m. (-लिः) A sweet smelling kind of rice. E. गन्ध, and शालि rice.
- गन्धशुण्डिनी :: f. (-नी) The musk-rat or shrew. E. गन्ध and शुण्डिनी a rat; also गन्धाशुण्डिनी .
- गन्धशेखर :: m. (-रः) Musk. E. गन्ध, and शेखर chief, a principal perfume.
- गन्धसार :: m. (-रः) Sandal. E. गन्ध and सार essence, the essence of perfume.
- गन्धसूयी :: f. (-यी) The musk shrew or small musk-rat. E. गन्ध smell, and सू to produce, affixes युक् and ङीप्; also sometimes read गन्धसुखी, from गन्ध and सुख pleasure.
- गन्धसोम :: n. (-मं) The white esculent water lily. E. गन्ध smell, and सोम the moon; opening its petals at night.
- गन्धहारिका :: f. (-का) A female artisan working in another person's house.
- गन्धाखु :: m. (-खुः) A musk-rat. E. गन्ध smell, and आखु a rat: see गन्धसूयी, &c.
- गन्धाजीव :: m. (-वः) A vender of perfumes. E. गन्ध, and आजीव who gets a livelihood.
- गन्धाढ्य :: m. (-ढ्यः) The orange tree. f. (-ढ्या) A plant: see गन्धाली . E. गन्ध, and आढ्य wealth, rich in odour.
- गन्धापकर्षण :: n. (-णं) Removing any smell. E. गन्ध, and अपकर्षण taking away.
- गन्धाला :: f. (-ला) A plant, commonly Jati or Chameli, (Celtis orientalis.)
- गन्धाली :: f. (-ली) 1. Gandhali or Gandhavaduliya, a plant, (Pæderia fetida.) 2. A wasp: see गन्धोली . E. गन्ध smell, and आली a line, a quantity.
- गन्धाश्मन् :: m. (-श्मा) Sulphur. E. गन्ध smell, and अश्मन् a stone.
- गन्धाष्टक :: n. (-कं) A class of eight fragrant articles used in worship, &c. as a sandal, agallochum, camphor, saffron, valerian, and some fra- grant grasses. E. गन्ध, and अष्टक eight collectively.
- गन्धिक :: m. (-कः) Sulphur. E. गन्ध smell, and ठक् affix; also गन्धक .
- गन्धिन् :: mfn. (-न्धी -न्धिनी -न्धि) Smelling, odoriferous. m. (-न्धि) 1. A bug; also the flying bug. 2. A tree, (Xanthophyllum virens.) f. (-नी) A kind of perfume: see Mura, E. गन्ध smelling, इनि poss. aff.
- गन्धोतु :: m. (-तुः) The civet-cat. E. गन्ध smell, and ओतु a cat; also गन्धौतु .
- गन्धोत्तमा :: f. (-मा) Spirituous or vinous liquor. E. गन्ध odour, and उत्तम excellent.
- गन्धोपजोविन् :: m. (-वी) A perfumer. E. गन्ध, and उपजीविन् who lives by.
- गन्धोलि :: f. (-लिः or -ली) A kind of cucumber, (C. reclinata, Rox.) (-ली) 1. A wasp. 2. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) E. गन्ध to smell or injure E. ओलच affix, इन् or ङीष् fem. aff.
- गभस्ति :: mf. (-स्तिः) A ray light, a sun or moon-beam. m. (-स्तिः) The sun. f. (-स्तिः) A name of SWAHA the wife of AGNI. E. ग for गो the heaven, भस् to shine, and क्तिच् aff.
- गभस्तिमत् :: m. (-मान्) The sun. n. (-मत्) One of the seven divisions of Patala or regions below the earth. E. गभस्ति a ray of light, and मतुप् poss. aff.
- गभस्तिहस्त :: m. (-स्तः) The sun. E. गभस्ति a ray, and हस्त a hand; yielding the sun-beams.
- गभीर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Deep. 2. Thick, impervious, (as a forest.) 3. Profound, sagacious. 4. Deep in sound, hollow-toned. E. गम् to go भ substituted for the final, इरन् Unadi affix; also with नुम् inser- ted गम्भीर .
- गभीरध्वनि :: m. (-निः) 1. Deep sound. 2. A low note or tone E. गभीर and ध्वनि sound; also गभीरनाद गभीरशब्द &c.
- गभीरिका :: f. (-का) 1. A large drum. 2. A gong. E. गभीर deep, (as sound.) कन् affix, and the fem. form.
- गभीलिक :: m. (-कः) A small round pillow.
- गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ :: r. 1st. cl. (गच्छति) 1. To go, to move or approach. 2. To arrive at, to accomplish or attain. With अनु prefixed, To follow, to imitate, With आङ् (आगच्छति) 1. To come, to arrive. 2. To go to entertain. 3. (आगमयते) To wait, to delay. With अधि, 1. To obtain, to gain or acquire. 2. To go over, as a book or set of rules to peruse, to learn. 3. To pass over, to omit. With अप, To go back or away, to separate. With अव, To know, to understand. With उत्, 1. To approach, to go near to. 2. To go up, to rise. With उप, 1 To produce. 2. To go near. 3. To consent to. With उप and आङ्, To approach. With दुर्, To go with difficulty. With नि, To acquire knowledge. With निर्, To go forth or out. With परि and उत्, To rise, as from a seat, &c. With परि, 1. To surround. 2. To go away. With प्रति and आङ्, To return to arrive at. With वि, To go against as an enemy. With सम्, (संगच्छते) 1. To go with, to accompany. 2. To meet, to encounter, (संगच्छति) To go to, (in a transitive sense.) With सम् and आङ्, To meet, to unite. With सम् and उप, To sub- mit to, to yield. With सु, 1. To go easily or well. 2. To arrive at.
- गम :: m. (-मः) 1. Going, moving. 2. March, especially the march of an assailant. 3. A road. 4. A game played with dice and men, as backgammon, &c. 5. Acting inconsiderately, looking at any thing hastily and superficially. 6. Reading lightly, hasty or careless perusal, running over a book, &c. E. गम् to go, घञ् aff.
- गमकारित्व :: n. (-त्वं) Rashness, inconsiderateness. E. गम् as above, कारिन् who does or acts, and त्व abstract aff.
- गमथ :: m. (-थः) 1. A road. 2. A traveller. E. गम् to go, अथ Unadi aff.
- गमन :: n. (-नं) 1. Going in general, 2. March in general, or the march of an assailant. 3. Cohabitation. 4. Obtaining, attaining. E. गम् to go or move, affix ल्युट् .
- गमनार्ह :: mfn. (-र्हः -र्हा -र्हं) To be sought, fit, suitable, desirable. E. गमन and अर्ह worthy.
- गमनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. What may be gone to or reached, attainable, accessible. 2. What ought to be followed, to be practised or ob- served. E. गम् and अनीयर् aff.
- गमयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Causing or making to go. E. गम् to go, causal form, शतृ aff.
- गमागम :: m. (-मः) Going and coming. E. गम, and आगम going.
- गमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Caused to go, sent, brought, reduced, driven to &c. E. गम् to go, causal form, क्त aff.
- गमिन् :: m. (-मी) A passenger. E. गम् to go, इनि Unadi affix, otherwise with णिनि . affix, गामिन् .
- गम्ब :: r. 1st cl. (गम्बति) To go or move.
- गम्भारी :: f. (-री) The name of tree, commonly called by the same name Gambhari, (Gmelina arborea.) E. क water, भृ to nourish, affixes अण् and ङीष् क is changed to ग and into the second case.
- गम्भीर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Deep, (as water, but applied metaphorically to sound, intellect, &c. as in English.) 2. Dull. slow. m. (-रः) A Mantra or magical incantation written in prose in the Rig Veda. 2. A lotus. 3. The citron. f. (-रा) Hiccup, violent singultus. E. गम् to go, इरन् Unadi affix, म changed to भ, and नुम् inserted see गभीर .
- गम्भीरता :: f. (-ता) 1. Depth, (of water.) 2. Depth of thought, profoundness. 3. Depth of sound. E. गम्भीर, and तल् affix; also गम्भीरत्वं .
- गम्भीरनाद :: m. (-दः) A deep or hollow sound, thundering, roaring, &c. E. गग्भीर, and णाद sound; also similar compounds, as गम्भीरध्वनि, गम्भीर- शब्द; also with गभीर, गभीरनाद, &c.
- गम्भीरवेदिन् :: m. (-दी) A restive elephant. E. गम्भीर dull, and विद् to know, affix णिनि .
- गम्भीरार्थ :: n. (-र्थं) Profound sense or meaning. E. गम्भीर, and अर्थ sense.
- गम्य :: mfn. (-म्यः -म्या -म्यं) 1. Attainable, accessible. 2. To be gone, to be gone to. 3. Perceptible. 4. Desirable, suitable, fit. E. गम् to go, यत् aff.
- गम्यता :: f. (-ता) 1. Accessibility. 2. Perceptibility. 3. Being capable of attainment. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व गम्यत्वं .
- गम्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) To be gone, to be traversed, to be gone to, &c. E. गम् to go, passive v., शानच् aff.
- गय :: m. (-यः) 1. A species of ox, the Gayal or Bos Gavœus. 2. The name of a royal or military saint. 3. The name of an Asura. 4. One of the monkey chiefs of the Ramayana. f. (-या) Gaya, a city in Behar still so called, and a place of pilgrimage; the capital of the saint of the same name; it was made holy by the benediction of VISHNU, who granted its sancity to the piety of Gaya the Rajarshi; or ac- cording to another legend to Gaya the Asura, who was overwhel- med here by the deities with rocks; sacrifices should be offered once at least in the life of every Hindu to his progenitors at Gaya. E. गै to sing, डय aff.
- गर :: mn. (-रः-रं) 1. Poison. 2. An antidote. m. (-रः) Sickness, disease. n. (-रं) 1. Sprinkling, wetting. 2. The fifth of the eleven Karanas. f. (-रा) Swallowing. (-री) A species of grass, (Andropogon serratus); also गरागरी . E. गर् to hurt, and अच् affix, or गृ to wet or sprinkle, or again गॄ to swallow, affix अप् .
- गरघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) 1. Antidotic, an antidote. 2. Sanative, healthy. m. (-घ्नः) A species of Basil. f. (-घ्नी) A fish (the young of the Ophioce- phalus lata, HAM.) E. गर, and घ्न what destroys.
- गरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Wetting, sprinkling. 2. Swallowing. E. गृ to wet, or गॄ to swallow, affix ल्युट् .
- गरद :: mfn. (-द -दा -दं) 1. A poisoner. poisoning. 2. Unwholesome, occasion- ing sickness. n. (-दं) Poison. E. गर poison, and द who gives.
- गरव्रत :: m. (-तः) A peacock. E. गर sprinkling, (of rain,) and व्रत religious observance.
- गरभ :: m. (-भः) The fœtus or embryo: see गर्भ . E. गृ to drop, &c. अभच् aff.
- गरल :: n. (-लं) 1. The venom of a snake or venom in general. 2. A bundle of grass, or hay. 3. Measure in general. E. गर poison, &c. and ल what gets or possesses.
- गरलिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) Venomous, poisonous. E. गरल, and इनि aff.
- गरागरी :: f. (-री) A kind of grass, (Andropogon serratus:) see खरा and गरी; also अगरी .
- गरात्मक :: n. (-कं) The seed of the Sobhanjan or Morunga. E. गर poison, and आत्मक nature.
- गराधिका :: f. (-का) Lac, the animal red dye so called.
- गरिमन् :: m. (-मा) 1. Weight, heaviness. 2. Venerableness. E. गुरु and इमनिच् aff.
- गरिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) 1. Heaviest, excessively heavy. 2. Very vener- able. E. गुरु heavy, इष्ठच् superlative affix, deriv. irr.
- गरीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) 1. Heaviest, very heavy. 2. Highly venerable 3. Worst. E. See the last, affix ईयसुन् .
- गरुड :: m. (-डः) The bird and vehicle of VISHNU; he is generally re- presented as being something between a man and a bird, and considered as sovereign of the feathered race; he is the son of KASYAPA and VINATA, and younger brother of ARUNA. E. गरुत् a wing, डी, to fly, affix ड, and the त of the noun dropped, who flies like a bird, or गृ to moisten, and उडच् Unadi aff.
- गरुडध्वज :: m. (-जः) A name of VISHNU. E. गरुड, and ध्वज a symbol; whose symbol is GARUDA.
- गरुडरुत :: n. (-तं) A species of metre having four lines to the stanza, and sixteen syllables to each line.
- गरुडाग्रज :: m. (-जः) ARUNA, the charioteer of the sun. E. गरुड, and अग्रज elder born; the elder brother of GARUDA.
- गरुडाङ्कित :: n. (-तं) An emerald. E. गरुड, GARUDA, and अङ्कित marked.
- गरुडाश्मन् :: m. (-श्मा) An emerald. E. गरुड, and अश्मन् a stone: see the preceding.
- गरुडोत्तीर्ण :: n. (-र्णं) The emerald. E. गरुत् and उत्तीर्ण्ण passed over.
- गरुत् :: m. (-रुत्) A wing. E. गृ to moisten, and उति Unadi aff.
- गरुत्मत् :: m. (-त्मान्) 1. The bird of VISHNU. 2. A bird in general. E. गरुत् a wing, and मतुप् aff.
- गरुद्योधिन् :: m. (-धी) A quail. E. गरुत् a wing, and योधिन् who fights.
- गर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) One of the ten principal Munis or saints, a son of BRAHMA. f. (गार्गी) Wife of GARGA. E. गृ to sprinkle, ग Unadi aff.
- गर्गर :: m. (-रः) 1. A kind of fish, (Pimelodus gagora, HAM.) f. (-री) 1. A churn. 2. A water vessel, a goblet. E. गर्ग an imitative sound, a gurgling, and र what makes.
- गर्गाट :: m. (-टः) A kind of fish, (Pimelodus gagora, HAM.)
- गर्गीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) A descendant of GARGA. E. गर्ग, and छ aff.
- गर्घ :: r. 1st cl. (गर्घति) To go or move.
- गर्ज :: r. 10th cl. (गर्जयति) To sound. r. 1st cl. (गर्जति) To emit a deep or full sound, to sound as distant thunder, to roar as a lion, &c.
- गर्ज :: n. (-र्जं) 1. The roaring of elephants. 2. The grumbling of clouds, &c. E. गर्ज् to roar or growl, affix अच् .
- गर्जक :: m. (-कः) A fish, commonly Gajar. E. गर्ज् to grumble, affi वुन् . गर्जन n. (-र्न) 1. Sound, noise. 2. Passion, wrath. 3. Excessive indig- nation. 4. Reproach, menace. 5. War, battle, conflict. 6. The grumbling of clouds, &c. E. गर्ज् to grumble or roar, affix ल्युट् .
- गर्जनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be sounded or roared. E. गर्ज् to sound अनीयर् aff.
- गर्जर :: n. (-रं) A carrot.
- गर्जि :: m. (-र्जिः) The muttering of clouds or distant thunder. E. गर्ज् to sound as thunder, कि aff.
- गर्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sounded, roared, bellowed. m. (-तः) Roaring of an elephant in rut. n. (-तं) The muttering of clouds or roaring of distant thunder. E. गर्ज् to roar. &c. affix क्त .
- गर्ज्य :: mfn. (-र्ज्यः -र्ज्या -र्ज्यं) To be roared or sounded. E. गर्ज् to sound. ण्यत् aff.
- गर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) 1. A hole in general. 2. The hollow of the lions. 3. The name of a country; also त्रिगर्त्त, in the north-west of India. 4. A kind of disease. E. गृ to drop, Unadi affix तन् .
- गर्त्तिका :: f. (-का) A weaver's workshop. E. गर्त्त a hole, affix ठन्, the weav- er sits at his loom with his feet in a hollow or hole below the level of the floor.
- गर्द :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (गर्दति, गर्दयति) To sound, to roar.
- गर्द्दभ :: m. (-भः) 1. Smell, odour. 2. An ass. f. (-भी) 1. A she ass. 2. An in- sect, a kind of beetle springing from cowdung. 3. A disease of the skin, eruption of round, red, and painful spots; also गर्द्दभिका . 4. A creeper, (Clitoria ternata.) n. (-भं) The white lotus. E. गर्द्द् to sound, Unadi affix अभच् .
- गर्द्दभाजिन :: n. (-नं) The skin or hide of an ass. E. गर्द्दभ, and अजिन a skin.
- गर्द्दभशाक :: mf. (-कः-का) A plant, (Ovieda verticellata.) E. गर्द्दभ an ass, and शाक a vegetable.
- गर्द्दभाण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A kind of tree, commonly Parspipal, (Hibiscus populneoides.) E. गर्द्दभ smell, अम् to go, and ड aff.
- गर्द्दभाह्वय :: m. (-यः) The white lotus. E. गर्द्दभ smell, and आह्वय an appellation.
- गर्द्दभिका :: f. (-का) An cutaneous disease, a blotch, an eruption. E. कन् fem. form added to गर्द्दभ .
- गर्द्ध :: m. (-र्द्धः) 1. Eagerness, greediness. 2. The Parspipal: see गर्द्धभाण्ड . E. गृध् to desire, to be greedy, affix घञ् .
- गर्द्धन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) covetous. Greedy. E. गृध् to be greedy, affix युच् .
- गर्द्धिन् :: mfn. (-र्द्धी -र्द्धिनी -र्द्धि) Greedy, covetous. E. गर्द्ध, and इनि aff.
- गर्ध :: r. 10th cl. (गर्धयति) To desire or covet: see गृध .
- गर्ब्ब :: r. 1st cl. (गर्ब्बति) To move, to go or approach.
- गर्ब्ब :: m. (-र्ब्बः) Pride, haughtiness. E. गर्ब्ब् to be proud, अच् affix; also read गर्ब्भ .
- गर्ब्भ :: m. (-र्ब्भः) A fœtus, &c.; see the next. f. (-र्ब्भा) Interval of time, division of time or place.
- गर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) 1. A fœtus or embryo. 2. A child. 3. The belly. 4. The in- side, the middle. 5. Joining, union. 6. The rough coat of the fruit of the Jaka. 7. An inner apartment, a lying-in chamber. 8. Any interior chamber, the adytum of a temple, &c. 9. The bed of the Ganges, when the river is fullest; that is, on the fourteenth day of of the dark half of the month Bhadra, or in the height of the rains; as high as the river flows at this period, so far extends the Garbha, after which the Tir or proper bank begins, and extends for 150 cubits; this space is holy ground. 10. The calyx of the lotus. The interior or inner part of any thing. E. गृ to drop, or गॄ to swallow, Unadi affix मन्; also read गर्भ .
- गर्भक :: m. (-कः) A chaplet of flowers, &c. worn in the hair. n. (-कं) A period of a day and two nights. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- गर्भकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Impregnating, fecundatory, procreative, produc- ing impregnation. m. (-रः) A plant, (Nagelia putranjiva.) E. गर्भ, and कर what makes.
- गर्भकोश :: m. (-शः) The uterus. E. गर्भ, and कोश sheathe.
- गर्भगृह :: n. (-हं) 1. An inner chamber. 2. A lying-in chamber. 3. The sanctuary or adytum of a temple. E. गर्भ and गृह a house.
- गर्भग्रहण :: n. (-णं) Conception, impregnation. E. गर्भ, and ग्रहण taking.
- गर्भघातिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) Producing abortion. E. गर्भ, and घातिन् what destroys.
- गर्भचलन :: n. (-नं) Quickening, motion of the fœtus in utero. E. गर्भ, and चलन moving.
- गर्भच्युत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Bearing a child. 2. Miscarrying. E. गर्भ, and च्युत falling.
- गर्भच्युति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Birth, delivery. 2. Miscarriage. E. गर्भ, and च्युति falling.
- गर्भण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) Enlargement of the navel. E. गर्भ the belly, and अण्ड an egg, the penultimate made short.
- गर्भद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Impregnating, procreative. m. (-दः) A tree, (Nagelia putranjiva.) f. (-दा) A shrub so called. E. गर्भ a fœtus, and द what gives, with reference to the supposed virtue of the plant; also गर्भ- दतृ mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ).
- गर्भद्रुह :: mfn. (-द्रुक् or द्रुट्) Causing abortion. E. गर्भ, and द्रुह what injures.
- गर्भधारण :: n. (-णं) Impregnation, gestation. E. गर्भ, and धारण holding.
- गर्भनाडी :: f. (-डी) The umbilical cord. E. गर्भ, and नाडी a vessel.
- गर्भपरिस्रव :: m. (-वः) Secundines. E. गर्भ, and परिस्रव what exudes.
- गर्भपाकिन् :: m. (-की) Rice ripening after two months.
- गर्भपातक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Producing abortion. m. (-कः) A red kind of morunga. E. गर्भ the fœtus, पत् to fall, in the causal form, and वुञ् aff.
- गर्भपातन :: n. (-नं) Producing abortion. f. (-नी) Any plant or drug supposed to have that effect. E. गर्भ, and पातन causing to fall.
- गर्भपातिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) Producing abortion f. (-नी) A kind of potherb: see विशल्या . E. As in the last, affixes णिनि and ङीप् .
- गर्भपोषण :: n. (-णं) Gestation. E. गर्भ, and पोषण nourishing.
- गर्भरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पी -पं) A child, an infant. E. गर्भ an embryo, and रूप form; also गर्भरूपकः .
- गर्भवती :: f. (-ती) A pregnant female. E. गर्भ a fœtus, and मतुप् poss. aff.
- गर्भशङ्कु :: m. (-ङ्कुः) A kind of vectis or instrument for extracting the dead fœtus. E. गर्भ and शङ्कु a probe.
- गर्भशय्या :: f. (-य्या) The uterus. E. गर्भ, and शय्या a bed.
- गर्भस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) 1. Situated in the womb. 2. Centrical, internal, within the centre of any thing. E. गर्भ, and स्थ what abides.
- गर्भस्राव :: m. (-वः) Abortion, miscarriage. E. गर्भ the embryo, and स्राव expulsion.
- गर्भस्राविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विणी -वि) Producing or occasioning abortion. E. गर्भ, and स्राविन् what causes to issue.
- गर्भागार :: n. (-रं) 1. An inner and private room, the female apartments, the lying-in chamber. 2. The sanctuary of a temple. The chamber where the object of worship is placed. E. गर्भ the fœtus, and आगार an abode, hence it is applied to the womb: see गर्भाशय .
- गर्भाधान :: n. (-नं) A ceremony performed prior to conception. E. गर्भ the embryo, and आधान taking, being supposed conductive to future impregnation.
- गर्भाशय :: m. (-यः) The womb, the uterus. E. गर्भ the embryo, and आशय asy- lum or abode.
- गर्भाष्टम :: m. (-मः) The eighth month of uterine gestation. 2. The eighth year reckoning from conception. E. गर्भ the fœtus, and अष्टम eighth.
- गर्भिणी :: f. (-णी) 1. A pregnant woman. 2. A plant, (Asclepias rosea) E. गर्भ embryo, and इनि poss. affix, fem. affix ङीप् .
- गर्भिण्यवेक्षण :: n. (-णं) Midwifery, attendance and care of pregnant women and new born infants. E. गर्भिणी, and अवेक्षण care, looking to.
- गर्भोपघातिनी :: f. (-नी) A cow (or female), miscarrying from going unseason- ably. E. गर्भ the fœtus, उप intensitive preffix, हन् to destroy, affixes णिनि and ङीप् .
- गर्म्मुटिका :: f. (-का) A species of rice.
- गर्म्मुत् :: f. (-र्म्मुत्) 1. A kind of grass. 2. Gold. 3. A reed. E. गॄ to swallow, &c. Unadi affix उति, and म inserted.
- गर्व्व :: r. 1st cl. (गर्व्वति) To be proud or haughty; also (ङ) गर्वङ् r. 10th cl. (गर्व्वयते) To grow proud.
- गर्व्व :: m. (-र्व्वः) Pride, arrogance. E. गर्व्व् to be proud, affix अच् or गॄ to swallow, &c. and व Unadi affix; this word is sometimes written गर्ब्ब .
- गर्व्वर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Proud, haughty, arrogant. E. गॄ to reject, &c. Unadi affix खरच् .
- गर्व्वाट :: m. (-टः) A watchman, a doorkeeper, a sort of village constable, a headborough or beadle. E. गर्व्व pride, अट् to go, and अच् aff.
- गर्व्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Proud, haughty. 2. Conceited. E. गर्व्व pride, and इतच् aff.
- गर्ह :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (गर्हति-ते, गर्हयति) To blame, to censure to despise or contemn.
- गर्हण :: n. (-णं) Censuring, censure, blame, reproach. E. गर्ह् reprove, affix ल्युट् .
- गर्हणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Censurable, contemptible, vile, bad. E. गर्ह् to abuse, अनीयर् aff.
- गर्हा :: f. (-र्हा) Abuse, censure, reproach. E. गर्ह् to revile, affixes अङ् and टाप् .
- गर्हित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Blamed, censured. 2. Contemned, despised. 3. Bad, vile. E. गर्ह् to blame, क्त aff.
- गर्ह्य :: mfn. (-र्ह्यः -र्ह्या -र्ह्यं) Low, vile, contemptible. E. गर्ह् to abuse, affix यत् .
- गर्ह्यवादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Speaking ill, speaking vilely or inaccurate- ly. E. गर्ह्य vile, and वादिन् who speaks.
- गल :: r. 1st cl. (गलति) 1. To eat. 2. To ooze; also (ङ्) गलङ् r. 10th cl. (गलयते) To drop, to ooze or distil. With अव prefixed, To fall, to fall down or off; With वि, 1. To go, to approach. 2. To bear or support.
- गल :: m. (-लः) 1. The throat. 2. The resin of the Sal tree. 3. A reed, a large kind of the Saccharum cylindricum. 4. A rope. 5. A musical instrument. 6. A kind of fish, a small kind of cyprinus, a subgenus of that class, (Cyprinus garra. HAM.) E. गल् to eat, to drop, &c. affix अच्, or गॄ to swallow, with अच्, गर, and र changed to ल .
- गलक :: m. (-कः) A kind of fish. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- गलकम्बल :: m. (-लः) A bull's dewlap. E. गल the neck, and कम्बल a soft substance as a blanket, &c.
- गलगण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) Inflammation, enlargement of the glands of the neck. E. गल throat and गण्ड a swelling or boil.
- गलग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. A sauce of fish ground up with salt, pepper, Ghee, &c. 2. A day on which a course of study is commenced, but imme- diately preceding a day on which study is prohibited. 3. The fourth lunation of the dark fortnight, the seventh eighth, and ninth, the thirteenth and three days following. 4. Seizing any one by the throat, throttling, choking. E. गल the throat, and ग्रह what takes, &c.; also गलग्रहण .
- गलत् :: mfn. (-लन् -लन्ती -लत्) 1. Falling, dropping. 2. Oozing, trickling, flowing. 3. Melting. E. गल् to flow, शतृ aff.
- गलन :: n. (-नं) 1. Melting, fusing. 2. Trickling, dropping, oozing. 3. Fall- ing. down or off. 4. Leaking. E. गल् to drop, ल्युट् aff.
- गलनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Fusible, liquefiable, to be melted, &c. E. गल् to melt, अनीयर् affix; also गलितव्य and गल्य .
- गलन्तिका :: f. (-का) 1. A small pitcher. 2. A small water jar with small holes in the bottom, from which the water drops upon a Linga or Tulasi plant, placed beneath. E. गड् to drop, affix झच्, गडन्ति कन् in the fem. form added, and ड changed to ल .
- गलमेखला :: f. (-ला) A thread worn round the neck, a necklace. E. गल the throat, and मेखला a girdle.
- गलव्रत :: m. (-तः) A peacock. E. गल the throat, व्रत holy observance. also the same as गरव्रत q. v. ल being substituted for र .
- गलशुण्डिका :: f. (-का) The uvula or soft palate. E. गल the throat, and शुण्डिका the elephant's trunk, resembling it in being a pendulous, roundish, and fleshy substance.
- गलस्तनी :: f. (-नी) A she-goat. E. गल the throat, and स्तन the breast; some species of the Bengal goat have small fleshy processes, resembling nipples depending from the throat; also गलस्तनी .
- गलहस्त :: m. (-स्तः) Throttling. E. गल, and हस्त the hand.
- गलाङ्कुर :: m. (-रः) A disease of the throat, inflammation of the fauces, and enlargement of the tonsils. E. गल the throat, and अङ्कुर a new sprout.
- गलाविल :: m. (-लः) A prawn or shrimp: see गङ्गाटेय . Some books read this गलानिल, and others गलानिक .
- गलि :: m. (-लिः) A strong and lazy ox. E. गल् to eat, and इन् affix; who is good for nothing but eating.
- गलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Fallen, dropped. 2. Liquefied, melted. 3. Dis- tilled, oozing, flowing. 4. Decayed, impaired. 5. Lost, deprived. 6. Untied, loosed. E. गल् to drop, to ooze, affix क्त .
- गलितकुष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) Advanced and incurable leprosy, when the fingers and toes fall off. E. गलित, and कुष्ठ leprosy.
- गलितदन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Toothless. E. गलित, and दन्त tooth.
- गलितनख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खी-खं) Having no nails. E. गलित, and नख the nail.
- गलितनयन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Blind. E. गलित, and नयन the eye.
- गलेगण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A kind of bird, (the Adjutant or Ardea argala.) E. गल the throat, in the seventh case, and गण्ड a boil; alluding to a pen- dulous fleshy purse hanging from the throat.
- गलेस्तनी :: f. (-नी) A she-goat; see गलस्तनी .
- गलू :: m. (-लूः) A sort of gem.
- गल्भ :: r. 1st cl. (गल्भते) To be bold or confident.
- गल्भ :: mfn. (-ल्भः -ल्भा -ल्भं) 1. Proud, haughty. 2. Confident, bold, auda- cious. E. गल्भ् to be proud, &c. अच् affix, more commonly प्रगलभ .
- गल्या :: f. (-ल्या) 1. A multitude of throats. 2. A quantity of a kind of grass, or ropes made of it. E. गल a throat, &c. य aff.
- गल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) The cheek. E. गल् to eat, and ल affix; from ला to get or receive.
- गल्लचातुरी :: f. (-री) A small round pillow to put underneath the cheek. E. गल्ल the cheek, and चातुर a pillow.
- गल्वर्क :: m. (-र्कः) 1. A goblet, a vessel for drinking spirituous liquor. 2. Lapis lazuli. E. गल् to drop, deriv. irr.
- गल्ह :: r. 1st cl. (गल्हते) To blame, to censure or despise: see गर्ह .
- गवय :: m. (-यः) 1. A species of ox, the Gayal, erroneously classed by Hindu writers amongst the kinds of deer, (Bos gavæus.) 2. A monkey chief: the son of VAIVASWATA. f. (-यी) The female Gayal. E. गु to sound, and अय affix, form irregular; or गो a cow, and य from या to obtain. affix ड, resembling a cow.
- गवराज :: m. (-जः) A bull. E. गो a cow, affix अण् गव relating to a cow, and राजन् king, chief; the more direct compound makes गोराज .
- गवल :: m. (-लः) A wild buffalo. n. (-लं) Buffalo's horn. E. गु to sound, अलच् aff.
- गवाक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. An air hole, a loop hole, a round window, a bull's eye, &c. 2. A monkey chief; one of the sons of VAIVASWATA. E. गो a ray of light, अक्ष् to spread, affix घञ्, or गो an ox, and अक्ष an eye; ox eyed. f. (क्षी) A sort of cucumber, (Cucumis madraspata- nus.) 2. A plant, (Clitoria ternatea:) see अपराजिता . E. गो the earth, अक्ष् to spread, affix अण् or ङीप् .
- गवाक्षजाल :: n. (-लं) A lattice, a jalousie, trellice work. E. गवाक्ष, and जाल a net.
- गवाची :: f. (-ची) A fish, (Macrognathus pancalus.)
- गवादन :: n. (-नं) Pasture or meadow grass. f. (-नी) 1. A hay rack, a trough for holding grass out of which cattle feed. 2. A species of cucum- ber, (Cucumis madraspatanus, or, according to some, C. coloquin- tida.) 3. A plant, (Clitoria ternatea:) see the preceding. E. गो a cow, अदन food, fem. affix ङीप् .
- गवालूक :: m. (-कः) The Gayal, (Bos gavæus:) see गवय . E. गो a cow, लोक to see, with आङ् prefixed, deriv. irr.; in appearance a cow.
- गवाशन :: m. (-नः) An outcaste. E. गव, and अशन who eats, eating beef.
- गवाषिका :: f. (-का) Lac, the dye.
- गवाह्निक :: n. (-कं) A day's feed for a cow. E. गो and आह्निक daily.
- गवीश्वर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Owner of kine. E. गो a cow, ईश्वर a lord or master.
- गवेडु :: m. (-डुः) A cloud. f. (-डुः) A kind of grain, (Coix barbata.) E. गो a cow or the earth, एड् to preserve, उ affix, or with कन् added गवेडुका also गवेधु, &c.
- गवेधु :: f. (-धुः) Coix barbata: see the preceding; also with कन् added गवेधुका .
- गवेरुक :: n. (-कं) Red chalk. E. गो light or colour, ईर् to send, affix वुन्, and the penultimate changed to उ irregularly; also read गवेधुक .
- गवेशका :: f. (-का) A plant, (Hedysarum lagopodioides.)
- गवेष :: r. 10th cl. (गवेषयति) 1. To seek, to hunt for, to search or inquire. 2. To make an effort.
- गवेषण :: nf. (-णं-णा) Research, inquiry after any thing, (physical or phi- losophical, &c.) E. गवेष to inquire, affix युच् .
- गवेषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sought, inquired for. E. गवेष to search or hunt, affix क्त .
- गवोद्व :: m. (-द्वः) An excellent cow. E. गो a cow, and उद्व implying excel- lence; the compound remains masculine.
- गव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. Of or belonging to a cow, (as milk, curds, &c.) 2. Proper or fit for cattle. nf. (-व्यं-व्या) A bowstring. f. (-व्या) 1. A multitude of cows. 2. A measure of two Kos: see गव्यूति . n. (-व्यं) A colouring substance, a yellow pigment or dye. E. गो a cow, &c. and यत् aff.
- गव्यूत :: n. (-तं) 1. A Kos, a measure of length equal 4000 cubits. 2. A measure of two Kos: see the next.
- गव्यूति :: mf. (-तिः) A measure of two Kos, a league measured by 2000 Dands or fathoms. E. गो the earth, यु to join, क्तिन् affix, deriv. irr.
- गह :: r. 10th cl. (-गहयति) To be thick or impervious as a forest, &c.
- गह :: m. (-ह) A cave. 2. A forest. E. गह् to be impervious अच् aff.
- गहन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Impervious, inaccessible. n. (-नं) 1. A wood, a thicket. 2. A cave. 3. Pain, distress. E. गाह् to tremble, &c. affix युच्, and the radical vowel made short; or गह् to be thick, affix as before.
- गहीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Relating to a cave or a thicket, which is deep and difficult of access, impervious. E. गह a thicket, छ aff.
- गह्वर :: nf. (-रं-री) A cave, a cavern, a grotto, a recess in a rock or moun- tain, &c. n. (-रं) 1. A thicket, a wood. 2. Hypocrisy. 3. Weeping, crying, but not violently. m. (-रः) An arbour, a bower. E. गाह to be agitated, and ष्वरच् Unadi affix, the radical vowel made short.
- गा :: r. 1st cl. (ङ) गाङ् (गाते) To go, to go to or towards. r. 3rd. cl. but restricted to the Vedas. (जगाति) To praise.
- गा :: f. (-गा) A verse or metrical composition. E. गै to sing, क and टाप् affixes: see ग .
- गाङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Belonging or relating to the river Ganges. m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A name of KARTIKEYA. 2. A name of BHISHMA E. गङ्गा the GANGA, अण् aff.
- गाङ्गट :: m. (-टः) A prawn or shrimp. E. गाङ्ग relating to the Ganges, and अट what goes, form irr.; also गाङ्गाट or with कन् affix गाङ्गाटक .
- गाङ्गटय :: m. (-यः) A shrimp or prawn. E. गङ्गा, अट् to go, and ढक् affix also गङ्गाटेय, and गाङ्गाट, &c.
- गाङ्गायनि :: f. (-निः) 1. A name of BHISHMA. 2. A name of KARTIKEYA, E. गङ्गा the personified river, (as the wife of SANTANU, in the first instance, and mother of the hero; and in the second, as the receiver of KARTIKEYA, the son of SIVA, from AGNI, the god of fire.) and फिञ् patronymic aff.
- गाङ्गेय :: m. (-यः) 1. BHISHMA. 2. KARTIKEYA: see the preceding. 3. The Hilsa or Illias fish, (Cluponodon ilisha, HAM.) n. (-यं) 1. Gold. 2. A grass: see कशेरु . 3. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) E. गङ्गा the Ganges, ढक् affix of descent, &c.
- गाङ्गेरुकी :: f. (-की) A plant, (Hedysarum lagopodioides, but it is vari- ously described.) E. गाङ्ग Ganges water, ईर् to go or grow, उकन् aff.
- गाङ्गेष्ठी :: f. (-ष्ठी) A plant, (Guilandina bonducella.)
- गाङ्गौघ :: n. (-घं) The current of the Ganges. E. गाङ्ग Gangetic, and ओघ heap.
- गाञ्जिकाय :: m. (-यः) A quail.
- गाढ :: adv. n. (-ढं) adj. mfn. (ढः-ढा-ढं) 1. Excessive, much, very much, heavy, oppressive, &c. 2. Firm, strong. 3. Hard. 4. Close. E. गाह् to agitate, affix क्त, deriv. irr.
- गाढता :: f. (-ता) 1. Firmness, hardness. 2. Excess. E. गाढ, and तल affix; also with त्व, गाढत्वं .
- गाढमुष्टि :: mfn. (-ष्टिः -ष्टिः -ष्टि) Miserly, niggard, avaricious, close-fisted m. (-ष्टिः) A scymitar, a large sacrificial knife. E. गाढ heavy or close, and मुष्टि gripe.
- गाणपत :: mfn. (-तः -ती -तं) Relating to GANESHA, or the leader of a troop, &c. E. गणपति, and अण् aff.
- गाणपत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्यी -त्यं) Relating to GANAPATI or GANESHA. m. (-त्यः) A worshipper of him. n. (-त्यं) 1. Worship of him. 2. Chieftainship, presidency. E. गणपति, and ष्यण् aff.
- गाणिक्य :: n. (-क्यं) An assembly of harlots. E. गणिका a whore, यञ् aff.
- गाण्डिव :: mn. (-वः-वं) 1. The bow of ARJUNA. 2. Any bow; also गाण्डीव .
- गाण्डीव :: mn. (-वः-वं) 1. The bow of ARJUNA. 2. Any bow. E. गाण्डी what affects the cheek, from गण्ड with इञ् affix, then व added, and इ final lengthened; or continuing short, गाण्डिव .
- गाण्डीविन् :: m. (-वी) A name of ARJUNA. E. गाण्डीव ARJUNA'S bow, and इनि aff.
- गातु :: mfn. (-तुः -तुः -तु) Angry, wrathful. m. (-तुः) 1. A Gandharba or celestial quirister. 2. The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. 3. A large black bee. 4. A singer. E. गै to sing, Unadi affix तु .
- गातृ :: mf. (-ता-त्री) A male or female singer. E. गै to sing, तृच् aff.
- गात्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. The body. 2. The fore quarter of an elephant. 3. A limb, a member. E. गम् to go, ष्ट्रन् Unadi affix, the radical final is reject- ed, and the vowel made long.
- गात्रभङ्गा :: f. (-ङ्गा) Cowach, (Carpopogon pruriens.) E. गात्र the body, and भङ्गा what breaks or hurts.
- गात्रमार्जनी :: f. (-नी) A towel. E. गात्र, and मार्जनी a wiper.
- गात्रसङ्कोचिन् :: m. (-ची) The pole-cat, (Viverra putorius) E. गात्र the body, and सङ्कोचिन् who draws up or contracts in order to spring upon prey.
- गात्रसम्प्लव :: m. (-वः) A small bird, the diver. E. गात्र the body, and सम्प्लव who plunges, from सम् entirely, प्लुङ to go, and अच् aff.
- गात्रानुलेपनी :: f. (-नी) Fragrant unguents, &c. smeared upon the body, perfume for the person. E. गात्र the body, अनु upon लिप् to plaster or smear, and ल्युट् aff.
- गात्रोत्सादन :: n. (-नं) Cleaning the person with perfumes, &c. E. गात्र and उत्सादन cleaning.
- गाथक :: m. (-कः) 1. A musician, a singer. 2. A chaunter of the Puranas or sacred poems. E. गै to sing. स्थकन् aff.
- गाथा :: f. (-थां) 1. A verse, a stanza. 2. Metre, rhythm. 3. A song, a chant or verse to be chanted or sung. 4. Prakrita or any language not Sanskrit. 5. The same as the Aryya Metre, in which the verse con- tains sixty syllabic instants, variously arranged. E. गै to sing, थन् Unadi aff.
- गाथाकार :: m. (-रः) A singer. A reciter. E. गाथा, कृ to make, अण् aff.
- गाथिक :: m. (-कः) One who recites Gathas, verses or hymns. E. गाथा, and ठक् aff.
- गाध (ऋ) गाधृ :: r. 1st. cl. (गाधते) 1. To stand, to stay, to remain. 2. To seek, to search or enquire for. 3. To compile. string or heap together.
- गाध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Not very deep. m. (-धः) 1. Place, site. 2. Desire of gain, cupidity, covetousness. 3. Bottom, soundings. E. गाध् to stand, &c. affix अच् .
- गाधि :: m. (-धिः) The name of a king sovereign of Kanyakubja, father of ViSWAMITRA.
- गाधिज :: m. (-जः) 1. A name of the celebrated saint VISWAMITRA. E. गाधि as above, and ज born.
- गाधिपुर :: n. (-रं) Kanyakubja the ancient Kanouj. E. गाधि a proper name an पुर a city; the capital of GADHI.
- गाधिभू :: m. (-भूः) The saint VISWAMITRA. E. गाधि, and भू born, the son of GADHI.
- गाधेय :: m. (-यः) VISWAMITRA. E. गाधि and ढक् patronymic affix: see the preceding.
- गान :: n. (-नं) 1. Singing, song in general, or a song. 2. Sound. E. गै to sing affix ल्युट्;
- गानिनी :: f. (-नी) Orris root. E. गान song, इनि and ङीप् affixes; supposed to be of use in clearing the voice.
- गानीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Musical. E. गान and छ aff.
- गान्तु :: mfn. (-न्तुः -न्तुः -न्तु) A goer, a traveller, one who goes or moves E. गम् to go, Unadi affix तु, and the radical vowel made long.
- गान्त्री :: f. (-न्त्री) A carriage drawn by oxen. E. गम् to go, ष्ट्रन् . affix, fem. do. ङीष् and the pen. made long; also गन्त्रा .
- गान्दिनी :: f. (-नी) 1. The river Ganges, or the goddess Ganga. 2. The mother of AkRURA. E. गो paradise, in the accusative case, द who gives, इनि and ङीप् affs.
- गान्दिनीसुत :: m. (-तः) 1. A name of BHISHMA, &c. 2. AkRURA. E. गान्दिनी GANGA, and सुत a son: see गङ्गासुत .
- गान्धर्ब्ब :: mfn. (-र्ब्बः -र्ब्बी -र्ब्बं) Relating or belonging to a Gandharba. m. (-र्ब्बः) A heavenly quirister: see गन्धर्ब्बं n. र्ब्बं 1. Song; singing. 2. A form of marriage, that which require only mutual and amorous agreement. E. गन्धर्ब्ब a Gandharba, and अण् aff.
- गान्धार :: m. (-रः) 1. One of the seven primary notes of music. 2. Minium
or red lead. 3. A country, (Candahar, between the north of India and Persia). n. (-रं) Gum myrrh f. (-री) 1. The wife of DHRITARASH- TRA mother of DURYODHANA. 2. One of the tutelary female deities of the Jainas. 3. A plant (Hedysarum alhagi.) 4. Prickly nightshade. E. गान्ध the aggregate of गन्ध smell, &c. ऋ to go and अण् affix; the note being said to be produced by pure and fragrant breath, &c. गान्धारेय m. (-यः) A name of DURYODHANA, the son of DHRI- TARASHTRA. E. गान्धारी the name of the mother of this chief, and ढक् aff.
- गान्धिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A scribe, a clerk. 2. A vender of perfumes, a per- fumer. 3. A kind of worm, having a strong fetid smell. E. गन्ध smell, and ठञ् aff.
- गामुक :: mfn. (-कः -का or -की-कं) Going, locomotive. E. गम् to go, उकञ् aff.
- गाम्भीर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) 1. Depth, (of water, sound, &c.) 2. The deep sound of the voice of a jaina saint, like distant thunder or the muttering of clouds. E. गम्भीर deep, affix ष्यञ् or ज्य .
- गायक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Singing, one who sings. m. (-कः) A singer. E. गै to sing, ण्वुल् aff.
- गायत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Singing. E. गै to sing. affix शतृ .
- गायत्रिन् :: m. (-त्री) A tree that yields the resin formerly called Terra Japonica, (Mimosa catechu;) also गायत्री fem. noun, as below.
- गायत्री :: f. (-त्री) 1. A measure of verse in the Vedas, a stanza usually of twenty-four syllables, variously arranged, but most commonly in three lines. 2. A sacred verse from the Vedas to be recited only men- tally; this is usually personified and considered as a goddess, the wife of BRAHMA; the metaphorical mother of the three first clas- ses, in their capacity of twice born, investiture with the sacred and distinguishing string, &c. being regarded as a new birth; there is but one Gayatri of the Vedas, but according to the system of the Tantrikas, a number of mystical verses are called Gayatris; each deity has one in particular. 3. A kind of mimosa, (M. catechu:) see the preceding, &c. E. गायन् who sings, and त्रै to preserve, affix- es क and ङीष्; this applies especially to the mystical verse, the repetition of which is necessary for salvation; the word is also writ- ten गायत्त्री .
- गायन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Singing, a singer. m. (-नः) 1. A singer. 2. A chatterer, a gossip. n. (-नं) 1. Singing 2. Professing or practising singing as a livelihood. E. गै to sing. aff. ल्युट् .
- गारित्र :: m. (-त्रः) Rice, grain, corn. E. ग to swallow, Unadi affix णित्रन् .
- गारुड :: m. (-डः) 1. Gold. 2. A Mantra or charm against poison. 3. An emerald. E. गरुड the vehicle of VISHNU, and अण् affix; of or rela- ting to GARUDA.
- गारुडिक :: m. (-कः) A charmer, a dealer in antidotes. E. गारुड the mantra of GARUDA, or a charm against venom, and ठक् aff.
- गारुडी :: f. (-डी) Hog-weed, (Boerhavia diffusa alata.)
- गारुत्मत् :: n. (-त्) The emerald. E. गरुत्मत् GARUDA, and अण् affix; derived from or relating to GARUDA; the gem is supposed to be generated from his voided phlegm.
- गार्ग्ग :: mfn. (-र्ग्गः -र्ग्गी -र्ग्गं) Descended from the sage GARGA. E. गर्ग्ग, and अण् aff.
- गार्ग्गक :: n. (-कं) A multitude of the descendents of the saint GARGA. E. गार्ग्ग a descendant of GARGA, and वुञ् affix of multitude; also with ठञ्, गार्ग्गिक .
- गार्ग्गीपुत्रकायनि :: m. (-निः) A descendant of the son of GARGI. E. गार्ग्गी the wife of the saint GARGA, पुत्र a son, and फिञ् affix, कुक् augment; also without the augment गार्ग्गीपुत्रायनि, or with इञ् affix, गार्ग्गीपुत्रि .
- गार्ग्ग्य :: mfn. (-र्ग्ग्यः -र्ग्ग्यी -र्ग्ग्यं) Descended from the GARGA, son, daughter, &c. E. गर्ग्ग and ष्यञ् aff.
- गार्द्ध :: mfn. (-र्द्धः -र्द्धी -र्द्धं) 1. Derived from a vulture. 2. Greedy. m. (-र्द्धः) 1.
Desire, greediness, cupidity. 2. An arrow. E. गृध greedy, affix अण् or गृध्र with अण् affix, and र rejected optionally.
- गार्द्धपक्षं :: m. (-क्षः) An arrow. E. गार्द्ध and पक्ष a wing; formed with vulture's feathers.
- गार्द्धपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) An arrow. E. As before, पत्र a leaf, a wing.
- गार्द्ध्य :: n. (-र्द्ध्यं) 1. Greediness. 2. Desire. E. गृध्र greedy, यञ् aff.
- गार्द्ध्र :: mfn. (-र्द्ध्रः -र्द्ध्री -र्द्ध्रं) Derived from a vulture, E. गृद्ध्र and अण् aff.
- गार्द्ध्रपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) An arrow. E. गार्द्ध्र, and पक्ष a wing.
- गार्भ :: mfn. (-र्भः -र्भी -र्भं) 1. Uterine, fœtal. 2. Relating to conception, (any act or ceremony, &c.) E. गर्भ and अण् aff.
- गार्भिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Fœtal, uterine. 2. Relating to or connected with gestation or the fœtus in utero. E. गर्भ and ठञ् aff.
- गार्भिण :: n. (-णं) A number of pregnant woman. E. गर्भिणी a pregnant we- man, and अण् aff.
- गार्भिण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) An assembly of pregnant women. E. गर्भिणी as above, and यञ् aff.
- गार्हपत्य :: m. (-त्यः) A sacred fire perpetually maintained by a household- er, received from his father, and transmitted to his descendants, and from which fires for sacrificial purposes are lighted. E. गृहपति a householder, (from गृह a house, and पति master,) and य्य referen- tial aff.
- गार्हस्थ्य :: n. (-स्थ्यं) The order or estate of a householder. E. गृहस्थ and यञ् aff.
- गाल :: m. (-लः) 1. Flowing, liquefying. 2. Flowing, dropping. 3. A flux. E. गल् to flow, घञ् aff.
- गालन :: n. (-नं) 1. Straining fluids. 2. Fusing, liquefying, &c. E. गल् to flow, causal form, affix ल्युट् .
- गालव :: m. (-वः) 1. A tree, the bark of which is used in dying, Lodh, (Symplocus racemosa, Rox.) 2. A pale species of the same: see लोध्र . 3. A kind of ebony; also केन्दुक, (Diospyros glutinosa.) 4. A particular Muni or saint, a disciple of VISWAMITRA. E. गाल flux, and व what prevents; referring to the astringent qualities of the Lodh.
- गालि :: m. (-लिः) A curse, execration or imprecation. E. गल् in the causal from to cause to drop, and इन् aff.
- गालित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Melted, fused. 2. Strained. 3. Distilled, drop- ped. E. गल् to drop, causal form, क्त aff.
- गालिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) 1. Fusing, liquefying. 2. Distilling. 3. Abusive, abusing. f. (-नी) A particular gesticulation or Mudra. E. गल to flow, causal form, णिनि aff.
- गालोड्य :: n. (-ड्यं) The seed of the lotus.
- गाह(ऊ)गाहू :: r. 1st cl. (गाहते) 1. To churn, to stir or agitate. 2. To penetrate. 3. To destroy. With अव or वि prefixed, To bathe, to perform ablutions. With वि, to shake, to agitate.
- गाहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Shaking, trembling. 2. Destroyed. 3. Plunged into, immersed. E. गाह् to agitate, क्त aff.
- गाहितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) 1. Shaking, agitating. 2. Destroying, a destroyer. 3. One who plunges into water, bathes, dives, &c. E. गाह् to agitate, तृच् aff.
- गिर् :: f. (-गोः) 1. Speech, speaking. 2. A name of SARASWATI the goddess of speech. 3. Fame, celebrity. E. गॄ to sound, affix क्विप्, ऋ is changed to इर् .
- गिरण :: n. (-णं) Swallowing. E. गॄ to swallow, ल्युट् aff.
- गिरा :: f. (-रा) Speech. गॄ to sound, क and टाप् affs.
- गिर :: mfn. (-रिः -रिः -रि) Venerable, respectable worshipful. m. (-रिः) 1. A mountain, a hill. 2. A wooden ball with which children play. 3. A. disease of the eyes. f. (-रिः) 1. Swallowing. 2. A small rat, a mouse. 3. A title given to one order of the Dasnami Gosains. E. गॄ to swallow, &c. इ Unadi aff.
- गिरिकण्टक :: m. (-कः) INDRA'S thunderbolt. E. गिरि a mountain, and कण्टक a thorn, tearing or splitting rocks.
- गिरिकदम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) A species of Kadamba, (Nauclea cadamba.) E. गिरि, and कदम्ब the same.
- गिरिकन्दर :: m. (-रः) A cave, a cavern. E. गिरि, and कन्दर a cave.
- गिरिकदली :: f. (-ली) A species of plantain growing in hilly countries. E. गिरि, and कदली a plantain.
- गिरिकर्णिका :: f. (-का) The earth. E. गिरि a mountain, and कर्ण an ear, affixes कन् and टाप्; the mountain-eared.
- गिरिकर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) 1. A plant, commonly Jawasa, (Hedysarum alhaji.) 2. A different plant, (Clitoria ternatea:) see अपराजिता . E. गिरि a mouse, and कर्णी an ear, affix ङीष्, the mouse-ear-leaved.
- गिरिका :: f. (-का) A small rat, a mouse. E. कन् added to गिरि the same.
- गिरिकाण :: m. (-णः) A blind or one-eyed man, one blind from a particular disease. E. गिरि as above, and काण one-eyed.
- गिरिगुड :: m. (-डः) A ball for playing with. E. गिरि, and गुड, each mean- ing the same thing, a ball.
- गिरिज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Mountain-born, mountaineer. &c. m. (-जः) The Mahuwa tree, (Bassia.) f. (-जा) 1. A name of goddes PARVATI, as the daughter of the personified HIMALAYA mountain 2. The Shad- dock or pumplemouce, (Citrus decumana.) 3. A plant considered as a white species of Rasna: see राम्ना . 4. The hill plantain. 5. Jas- mine. 6. A pebble, a small stone. n. (-जं) 1. Talc. 2. Benzoin or gum benjamin; it is also confounded with styrax, another gum resin. 3. Bitumen. 4. Iron. E. गिरि, and ज born.
- गिरिजामल :: n. (-लं) Talc. E. गिरिज mountain-born, and अमल clear, clean; also गिरिज, and अमल severally.
- गिरिज्वर :: m. (-रः) The thunderbolt. E. गिरि a mountain, and ज्वर what burns.
- गिरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Eaten. 2. Swallowed. E. गॄ to swallow, affix क्त; also गिलित .
- गिरिदुर्ग :: n. (-र्गं) A hill fort or any stronghold amongst mountains. E. गिरि, and दुर्ग a place of difficult access.
- गिरिधातु :: m. (-तुः) Red chalk. E. गिरि, and धातु a mineral.
- गिरिध्वज :: m. (-जः) A thunderbolt. E. गिरि, and ध्वज a banner.
- गिरिपुष्पक :: n. (-कं) Bitumen, E. गिरि, and पुष्प a flower; कन् affix of simili- tude.
- गिरिपृष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) The top of a hill. E. गिरि, and पृष्ठ back.
- गिरिप्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Fond of or frequenting mountains. f. (-या) The Yak. E. गिरि, and प्रिय fond of.
- गिरिभिद् :: m. (-भित्) A plant, (Plectranthus scutellaroides.) E. गिरि, and भिद् what breaks.
- गिरिभू :: mfn. (-भूः -भूः -भु) Mountaineer, mountain-born. f. (-भूः) PARVATI. m. (-भूः) A small stone. E. गिरि, and भू born.
- गिरिमल्लिका :: f. (-का) A plant, (Echites antidysenterica:) see कुटज . E. गिरि a mountain, and मल्ली a jasmin, कन् affix of similitude.
- गिरिमान :: m. (-नः) A large and powerful elephant. E. गिरि a mountain, and मान measure, like a mountain in bulk.
- गिरिमृत् :: f. (-मृत्) 1. Red chalk. 2. Mountain-soil. E. गिरि a mountain, and मृत् clay, earth.
- गिरिमृद्भव :: n. (-वं) Red chalk. गिरिमृत्, and भव produced.
- गिरिमेद :: m. (-दः) A foetid mimosa. E. गिरि, and मेद filth.
- गिरियक :: m. (-कः) A ball for playing with. E. गिरि a ball, घ pleonastic affix, and कन् added; also गिरियाक the pen. being lengthened.
- गिरियाक :: m. (-कः) A ball; see the preceding.
- गिरिवासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Living in the mountains, being or pro- duced in them. m. (-सी) A large kind of Arum. E. गिरि, and वासिन् what abides.
- गिरिश :: m. (-शः) A name of SIVA. E. गिरि a mountain, and शीञ् to sleep, affix ड; inhabiting mount Kailasa, or frequenting the Himalaya range.
- गिरिशालिनी :: f. (-नी) A plant, (Clitoria ternatea.) E. गिरि, and शालिनी what grows in.
- गिरिशृङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A name of GANESA. 2. A peak of a mountain. E. गिरि a mount, and शृङ्ग a peak, alluding to his bulk, or गिरि the mountain Kailasa, and शृङ्ग a peak.
- गिरिसार :: m. (-रः) 1. The Malaya mountains, situated in the south of India. 2. Iron. 3. Tin. E. गिरि a mountain, and सार essence.
- गिरिसुता :: f. (-ता) PARVATI. E. गिरि Himalaya, and सुता daughter.
- गिरीश :: m. (-शः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. A name of Himalaya, the snowy mountains on the north of Hindustan, or the range personified 3. A name of VRIHASPATI. E. गिरि a mountain, (or in the last mean- ing, गिर् speech,) and ईश lord.
- गिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Who or what swallows. m. (-लः) 1. The citron. 2. Swallowing. E. गॄ to swallow, affix क, and र changed to ल .
- गिलग्राह :: m. (-हः) A shark. E. गिल, and ग्राह who seizes, who swallows.
- गिलत् :: mfn. (-लन् -लन्ती -लत्) Swallowing, eating, devouring. E. गै to swal- low, शतृ aff.
- गिलन :: n. (-नं) Swallowing; also गिरण . E. As before; र changed to ल .
- गिलि :: f. (-लिः) 1. Swallowing. 2. Eating. E. See गिरि, र being changed to ल .
- गिलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Eaten. 2. Swallowed. गॄ to swallow, affix क्त, गिरित, and र changed to ल .
- गिष्ण :: m. (-ष्णः) 1. A Brahman versed in the Sama Veda, a chanter of that Veda, which is always to be so recited. 2. An actor, a profes- sional singer. E. गै to sing, भिष्ण Unadi aff.
- गीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sung, chaunted, sounded, &c. f. (-ता) A name often applied to books, as the Siva Gita, Rama Gita, Gita Govinda, Bhagavad Gita, which last is also often called Gita only. n. (-तं) Singing, song either general or particular. E. गॄ to sing, affix क्त .
- गीतमोदिन् :: m. (-दी) A Kinnara or celestial chorister. E. गीत song or sing- ing, and मोदिन् who delights.
- गीति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Sing, singing, 2. A kind of poetical metre, a form of the Aryya metre, in which the stanza consists of four lines of twelve and eighteen syllabic instants alternately. E. गै to sing, affix क्तिन् .
- गीरथ :: m. (-थः) A name of VRIHASPATI. E. गी speech, and रथ a car, the conveyer of words.
- गीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Praised. 2. Swallowed. E. गॄ to swallow or make known, affix क्त .
- गीर्णि :: f. (-र्णिः) 1. Swallowing. 2. Fame, celebrity. 3. Praise, applause E. गृ to swallow, &c. affix क्तिन् .
- गीर्देवी :: f. (-वी) The goddess SARASWATI. E. गी speech, and देवी a goddess, the goddess of language.
- गीर्व्वाण :: m. (-णः) A deity, a god. E. गीः speech, and वाण an arrow or wea- pon in general, whose fiat or word is his weapon; or गी with वन to desire, affix अण्, desiring hymns, prayers, &c. it is also written गीर्ब्बाण .
- गीष्पति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A name of VRIHASPATI, regent of JUPITER and preceptor of the gods. 2. A Pandit or learned teacher. E. गिर् speech, in the nominative case, गीः and पति master, Visarga becomes स and स is here changed irregularly to ष the compound however is sometimes written differently, thus गीःपति, गीर्पति or गीस्पति .
- गु(ओ, शि) :: r. 6th cl. (गुवति) To stool, to void excrement. (ङ) गुङ् r. 1st cl. (गवते) To sound inarticulately.
- गुग्गुल :: m. (-लः) A gum resin: see the next.
- गुग्गुलु :: m. (-लुः) 1. A fragrant gum resin, Bdellium or the exudation of the Amyris agallochum. 2. A species of morunga, (M. hyperanthe- ra.) E. गुज् (here said to mean) disease, and गुड to perfume, affixes क and उ, ड change to ल; also गुग्गुल .
- गुच्छ :: m. (-च्छः) 1. A cluster of blossoms. 2. A clump of grass. 3. A neck- lace of thirty-two strings. 4. A pearl necklace. 5. A peacock's
plumage or bundle of peacock's feathers. 6. A bundle. f. (-च्छी) A species of Bonduz: see करञ्ज E. गु to sound, च्छ affix, or गुध् to play, and च्छक् affix, where bees, &c. sport.
- गुच्छक :: m. (-कः) 1. A cluster of blossoms. 2. A clump of grass. 3. A kind of necklace. 4. A peacock's plumage, a bundle of peacock's feathers. E. कन् added to the preceding; also गुत्सक .
- गुच्छपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) The palm tree. E. गुच्छ a cluster, and पत्र a leaf.
- गुच्छफला :: f. (-ला) 1. The plantain. 2. The vine. E. गुच्छ a cluster, and फला fruit.
- गुच्छार्द्ध :: m. (-र्द्धः) A necklace of thirty-four strings. E. गुच्छ a large neck- lace, and अर्द्ध a part; also गुत्सार्द्ध .
- गुच्छाल :: m. (-लः) A species of grass. (Andropogon schœnanthus.) E. गुच्छ and अल to fit for, अच् aff.
- गुज :: r. 1st cl. (गोजति) or (शि) r. 6th cl. (गुजति) or (इ) गुजि r. 1st cl. (गुञ्जति) To sound, to sound inarticulately, to buz, to hum, &c.
- गुज्जरी :: f. (-री) One of the Raginis, perhaps more correctly गुर्ज्जरी .
- गुञ्ज :: m. (-ञ्जः) A cluster of blossoms, a nosegay. f. (-ञ्जा) 1. A small shrub, (Abrus precatorius,) bearing a red and black berry, which forms the smallest of the jeweller's weights. 2. The berry which averages about 15-16 grains troy, or the artificial weight called by this name, weighing about 23. 16 grains: see रक्तिका &c. 3. A kettle drum. 4. A low murmuring sound. 5. A tavern. 6. Reflection, meditation. E. गुजि to sound, affix क where the bees buz.
- गुञ्जकृत् :: m. (-त्) A large black bee. E. गुञ्ज a low tone, and कृत् who makes.
- गुञ्जत् :: mfn. (-ञ्जन् -ञ्जन्ती -ञ्जत्) Buzzing, humming, making a low murmuring sound. E. गुजि to sound, शतृ aff.
- गुञ्जन :: n. (-नं) Sounding low and deep, as buzzing, murmuring, &c. E. गुजि to sound, and ल्युट् aff.
- गुञ्जिका :: f. (-का) The Ratti or Gunja seed, considered as equal to three barley-corns: see गुञ्जा E. गुञ्जा and कन् aff.
- गुञ्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Uttered in a low tone, murmured, &c. n. (-तं) Sounding, murmuring, buzzing. E. गुजि and क्त aff.
- गुटिका :: f. (-का) 1. A pill, a bolus, any small globe or ball. 2. A small pustule. 3. The cocoon of the silk worm. E. गुड to surround, affix क्वुन्, ड changed to ट .
- गुठ (इ) गुठि :: r. 10th cl. (गुण्ठयति) To surround, to envelope or enclose: with अव, to veil, to screen.
- गुड(शि) :: r. 6th cl. (गुडति) To defend, to guard or preserve. (इ) गुडि r. 1st and 10th cls. (गुण्डति गुण्डयति) 1. To surround, to enclose, 2. To pound, to grind, to reduce to powder. 3. (According to some authorities,) To preserve.
- गुड :: mfn. (-डः -डा -डं) Round, globular, m. (-डः) 1. A globe or ball. 2. Treacle, molasses, the first thickening of the juice of the cane by boiling. 3. An elephant's trappings or armour. 4. A mouthful. f. (-डा) 1. A plant, (Euphorbia tirucalli:) see स्नुही 2. Powder, pounded substance. E. गुङ् to sound, affix ड .
- गुडक :: m. (-कः) A conserve, a drug prepared with treacle. n. (-कं) Treacle E. गुड and कन् added.
- गुडकरी :: f. (-री) One of the female personifications of the musical modes.
- गुडची :: f. (-ची) A plant, (Menispermum glabrum:) see गुडुची .
- गुडतृण :: n. (-णं) Sugar cane. E. गुड raw sugar, and तृण grass.
- गुडत्वच् :: n. (-त्वक्) The aromatic bark of the Laurus cassia. E. गुड sugar, and त्वच् skin, bark, sweet-bark; also गुडत्वच .
- गुडत्वच :: n. (-चं) 1. Mace. 2. Cassia bark. E. गुड sugar, sweet as sugar, त्वच् bark, and अच added in this form of the compound.
- गुडदारु :: m. (-रुः) Sugar cane. E. गुड raw sugar, and दारु wood.
- गुडधेनु :: f. (-नुः) Sugar piled up for distribution at certain religious rites. E. गुड and धेनु a cow.
- गुडपिष्ट :: n. (-ष्टं) A sort of sweetmeat, flour or rice and sugar, ground and boiled together. E. गुड and पिष्ट ground.
- गुडपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A kind of bassia, (B. latifolia.) E. गुड sugar, and पुष्प flower; the flowers being full of saccharine matter.
- गुडफल :: m. (-लः) A tree, commonly Pilu, (Careya arborea, &c.) see पीलु E. गुड and फल fruit, the fruit yielding Gur or saccharine matter.
- गुडमिश्र :: n. (-श्रं) A sort of cake or sweetmeat, flour or rice and coarse sugar ground and boiled together. E. गुड, and मिश्र mixed.
- गुडमूल :: m. (-लः) A kind of amaranth, (A. polygamus;) also अल्पमारिष . E. गुड, and मूल root; having a root as sweet as Gur.
- गुडल :: n. (-लं) A spirituous liquor distilled from molasses, a sort of rum. E. गुड sugar, and ल what requires.
- गुडशर्क्करा :: f. (-रा) Sugar, refined sugar. E. गुड molasses, and शर्क्करा sugar or sand.
- गुडशिग्रु :: m. (-ग्रुः) A red sort of morunga: see शोभाञ्जन . E. गुड sugar, शिग्रु morunga.
- गुडाका :: f. (-का) Sloth.
- गुडाकेश :: m. (-शः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. A title of ARJUNA. E. गुडा Eup- horbia, and केश the hair; the hair forming matted locks, resem- bling in shape the leaves of the Euphorbia: again, गुडिका sloth, and ईश paramount; subduing indolence.
- गुडाशय :: m. (-यः) A mountain Pilu: see गुडफल .
- गुडिका :: f. (-का) A pill, a bolus. E. गुड to be round, वुन aff.
- गुडुची :: f. (-ची) A plant: see the next.
- गुडूची :: f. (-ची) A creeper, commonly called Guricha, (Menisperum glab- rum.) E. गुड to preserve, (from disease,) ऊचट् affix; also with pen. vowel short गुडुची .
- गुडेर :: m. (-रः) A mouthful. E. गुड to surround, एरक् Unadi aff.
- गुडेरक :: m. (-कः) A mouthful. E. गुड to preserve, एरक् affix, and कन् add- ed; also गुडेर .
- गुडोद्भवा :: f. (-वा) Sugar. E. गुड, and उद्भव produced.
- गुडौदन :: n. (-नं) Boiled rice and coarse sugar. E. गुड, and ओदन rice.
- गुण :: r. 10th cl. (गुणयति) 1. To invite. 2. To advise. 3. To multiply.
- गुण :: m. (-णः) 1. A quality, attribute, or property in general. 2. A pro- perty of all created things; three are particularized, the Satwa, Raja and Tama, or principles of truth or existence, passion or foul- ness, and darkness or ignorance. 3. A means of defence, one of six expedients in government, as, peace, war, a march, a halt, a stra- tagem, and recourse to protection: see सन्धि &c. 4. Form, shape, &c. or property of the body. 5. Knowledge, ignorance, &c. or quality of the mind. 6. Heroism, valor, &c. 7. White, black, &c. or the attributes of color. 8. An organ of sense. 9. A string in general. 10. A bow-string. 11. Abandoning, leaving. 12. A cook. 13. A name of Bhima. 14. Secondary subordinate. 15. Excellence, merit, free- dom from fault or blemish. 16. (In arithmetic,) The given coeffici- ent of any number. 17. (In geometry,) The chord of an arc. 18. (In grammar,) The substitution of e, o, ar and al for i, u, ri, lri. 19. (In rhetoric,) Consistency of plan, elegance of expression, &c. as the merits of a composition. 20. In composition with numerals, multiplication, as द्विगुण twice, त्रिगुण thrice. f. (-णा) A plant of the fibers of which bow-strings are made: see मूर्व्वा . E. गुण to address or advice, affix क्त .
- गुणक :: m. (-कः) 1. A numerator, reckoner. 2. (In arithmetic,) The mul- tiplier. E. गुण to count, क्कुन् aff.
- गुणकार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Who counts, &c. m. (-रः) A name of BHIMASENA E. गुण and कार who makes; BHIMA performed the duties of a cook at the time when all the Pandava princes become servants to VIRAT.
- गुणगान :: n. (-नं) Panegyric, praise. E. गुण, and गान singing.
- गुणग्रहण :: n. (-णं) Acknowledging or appreciating merit. E. गुण, and ग्रहण taking.
- गुणग्राहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिनी -हि) Who judges or appreciates good qualities, E. गुण and ग्राहिन् who seizes.
- गुणगृह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) 1. Suited to good qualities. 2. Admiring or attached to merit. E. गुण and गृह्य to be caught by.
- गुणघातिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) A detractor, a calumniator, envious, cen- sorious. E. गुण and घातिन् who destroys.
- गुणज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) One who knows how to appreciate men or thing, knowing or judging of their merits. E. गुण, and ज्ञ who knows.
- गुणतस् :: ind. 1. According to property or quality. 2. According to desert. E. गुण, and तसि aff.
- गुणता :: f. (-ता) 1. Excellence, the possession of good qualities. 2. Subs- tantiality, possession of attributes or qualities in general. 3. Multiplication. E. गुण and तल् affix; also with त्व affix गुणत्वं .
- गुणत्रय :: n. (-यं) The three properties of nature; purity, passion, and darkness. E. गुण and त्रय triple; also गुणत्रितयं .
- गुणदोषपरीक्षण :: n. (-णं) Test or investigation of merits and faults. E. गुण, दोष fault, परीक्षण trying.
- गुणधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) The virtue incident to the possession of certain qualities, as clemency is the virtue of royalty, &c. E. गुण a property, and धर्म्म virtue.
- गुणन :: n. (-नं) 1. Describing, relating to qualities. 2. Enumerating. 3. Mulitiplication. E. गुण to number, ल्युट् aff.
- गुणनिका :: f. (-का) 1. Dance, the science or profession of dancing, acting &c. 2. Determining the reading of a manuscript, &c. 3. A cypher. 4. The prologue or introduction to a drama. A necklace. E. कन् added to गुणनी .
- गुणनी :: f. (-नी) Examining books, studying, collating, and correcting copies, &c. E. गुण to advise, affix ल्यट् and ङीप् .
- गुणनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be advised. 2. To be multiplied. 3. To be enumerated. m. (-यः) Practice, practising any thing, but especially science or study. n. (-यं) The multiplicand. E. गुण to advise, &c. अनीयर् aff.
- गुणपूग :: n. (-गं) Great merit. E. गुण, and पूग a head.
- गुणप्रकर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Great merit, excellence. E. गुण and प्रकर्ष eminence.
- गुणप्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Attached to merit, fond of excellence. E. and गुण, and प्रिय fond of.
- गुणभ्रंश :: m. (-शः) The loss of all good qualities. E. गुण good property, and भ्रंश fall, loss.
- गुणमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) 1. Endowed with consisting of properties. 2. Possessed of merit. E. गुण, and मयट् aff.
- गुणमहत् :: n. (-हत्) Great merit, superior qualities. E. गुण, and महत् great.
- गुणयुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Having virtues or properties. E. गुण, and युक्त joined.
- गुणलक्षण :: n. (-णं) Mark or indication of internal property. E. गुण, and लक्षण mark.
- गुणलयनिका :: f. (-का) A tent. E. गुण rope, ली to bind, ल्युट् and ङीप् affix, with कन् added; also गुणलयनी .
- गुणलुब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) Desirous of merit, attached to excellence. E. गुण, and लुब्ध covetous.
- गुणवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Possessing attributes. 2. Endowed with good qualities. 3. Tied, bound, &c. E. गुण quality, and मतुप् poss. aff.
- गुणवत्तम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Excellent. E. गुणवन् and तमप् aff.
- गुणवत्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Excellent. E. गुणवत् and तरप् aff.
- गुणवत्ता :: f. (-त्ता) Excellence. E. गुणवत् and तल् affix; also with त्त्व, गुणवत्त्वं .
- गुणवाचक :: n. (-कं) An adjective or attributive noun. E. गुण, and वाचक a word.
- गुणवैशेष्य :: n. (-ष्यं) Preeminence of merit or of any property. E. गुण, and वैशेष्य superiority.
- गुणवृक्षक :: m. (-कः) A mast. E. गुण a rope, and वृक्ष a tree, कन् affix simi- litude; also गुणवृक्षः .
- गुणश्लाघा :: f. (-घा) Praise, encomium. E. गुण, and श्लाघा praise.
- गुणसम्पद् :: f. (-पत् or -पद्) Great merit. E. गुण, and सम्पद् wealth.
- गुणसङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Association with properties or qualities. E. गुण, and सङ्ग combination.
- गुणसङ्ग्रह :: m. (-हः) A collection of merits or properties. E. गुण, and सङ्ग्रह collection.
- गुणसागर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Endowed with all good qualities. m. (-रः) 1. A name of BRAHMA. 2. A form of BUDDHA, a Bauddha. E. गुण excell- ence, and सागर the ocean; an ocean of desert.
- गुणस्तुति :: f. (-तिः) Panegyric, encomium. E. गुण, and स्तुति praise.
- गुणहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Void of merit. 2. Free from properties. E. गुण, and हीन void of.
- गुणाकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Possessing all excellences. m. (-रः) A name of BUDDHA the founder of the Bauddha sect. E. गुण attribute, espe- cially good, and आकर a mine; a mine of merit.
- गुणातीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Freed from or beyond all properties. E. गुण, and अतीत passed.
- गुणानुरोध :: m. (-धः) Conformity or suitableness to good qualities, &c. E. गुण, and अनुरोध concurrence.
- गुणान्तर :: n. (-रं) 1. Species or sort of merit. 2. Variety of property or quality. E. गुण, and अन्तर difference.
- गुणान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Having attributes or qualities. 2. Excellent, good, endowed with virtues. E. गुण, and अन्वित possessed of.
- गुणापवाद :: m. (-दः) Detraction. E. गुण, and अपवाद reproach.
- गुणाभास :: m. (-सः) Semblance of qualities. E. गुण, and आभास appearance.
- गुणाश्रय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Virtuous, excellent, able, endowed with good qualities. E. गुण, and आश्रय a Anasylum.
- गुणिगण :: m. (-णः) A number of virtuous persons. E. गुणिन्, and गण a troop.
- गुणित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Multiplied, (arithmetically.) 2. Collected, hea- ped together. E. गुण to advise, &c. affix क्त .
- गुणिद्वैध :: n. (-धं) Equality of merit on two sides. E. गुणिन् and द्वैध duality.
- गुणिन् :: mfn. (-णी -णिनी -णि) Endowed with good qualities. m. (-णी) A bow. E. गुण a quality, &c. and इनि aff.
- गुणीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Made secondary or subordinate. 2. Invested with attributes, &c. 3. Varied according to its qualities. 4. Hav- ing a certain force or application, (a word, &c.) E. गुण and भूत be- come, with च्वि augment.
- गुणेश्वर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Having good qualities, &c. m. (-रः) The name of a mountain, according to some, Chitrakuta or Comptah in Bundelcund. E. गुण qualities, and ईश्वर master or possessor.
- गुणोत्कर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Excellence, endowment with superior qualities. E. गुण and उत्कर्ष abundance.
- गुणोत्कीर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) Panegyric, eulogium. E. गुण and उत्कीर्त्तन celebrating.
- गुणोत्कृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Superior in merit or in good qualities. E. गुण, and उत्कृष्ट best.
- गुणोपेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Endowed with good qualities. E. गुण and उपेत possessed of.
- गुणौघ :: n. (-घं) Superior or abundant merit. E. गुण and ओघ heap.
- गुण्ठित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Pounded, ground, reduced to dust or powder. 2. Covered with, surrounded. E. गुठि to surround, &c. affix क्त; also गुण्डित .
- गुण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A fragrant grass, (Scirpus kysoor.)
- गुण्डक :: m. (-कः) 1. Dust, powder. 2. Dirty meal. 3. An oil vessel. 3. A low tone. E. गुडि to surround, &c. affix ठुन् .
- गुण्डिक :: mf. (-कः-का) Flour, powder, meal. E. गुडि to pound, वुन् affix, and इ inserted.
- गुण्डिचा :: f. (-चा) The name of the place where the car of JAGANNATH stays for a weak at the Rath Yatra.
- गुण्डित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Pounded, ground. 2. Covered with dust. E. गुड to grind or pound, affix क्त .
- गुण्य :: mfn. (-ण्यः -ण्या -ण्यं) 1. To be enumerated. 2. To be described as qualities, to be praised. 3. To be multiplied, the multiplicand. E. गुण to count, क्यप् aff.
- गुत्स :: m. (-त्सः) 1. A cluster of blossoms, a nosegay. 2. A clump of grass. 3. A necklace of thirty-six strings. 4. A perfume, commonly Gan- thiala: see ग्रन्थिपर्ण . 5. A bundle. E. गुध् to enclose or surround, Unadi affix स; also गुत्सक-गुच्छ &c.
- गुत्सक :: m. (-कः) 1. A nosegay, a cluster of blossoms. 2. A chowri, a cow tail. E. कन् added to the preceding; also गुच्छक .
- गुत्सपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A plant, (Echites scholaris:) see सप्तपर्ण . E. गुत्स and पुष्प a flower: bearing its flowers in clusters.
- गुत्सार्द्ध :: m. (-र्द्धः) A necklace or garland of twenty-four strings. E. गुत्स a large garland, and अर्द्ध a part; also गुच्छार्द्ध्व .
- गुद :: r. 1st cl. (गोदति) To play.
- गुद :: n. (-दं) The anus. E. गुद् to play, affix क .
- गुदकील :: m. (-लः) Piles. E. गुद the anus, कील a pin or bolt also with कन् added गुदकीलक .
- गुदग्रह :: m. (-हः) Constipation, flatulence, &c. E. गुद the anus, and ग्रह what takes or affects.
- गुदभ्रंश :: m. (-शः) Prolapsus ani. E. गुद and भ्रंश loss.
- गुदाङ्कुर :: m. (-रः) Piles. E. गुद the anus, and अङ्कुर a sprout.
- गुद्र :: r. 10th cl. (इ) गुद्रि (गुद्रयति) To lie, to speak falsely.
- गुध :: r. 1st cl. (गोधते) To play. r. 4th cl. (गोध्यति) To surround, to encom- pass. r. 9th cl. (गोध्नाति) To be angry.
- गुधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Surrounded, enclosed. E. गुध् to surround, क्त aff.
- गुधेर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) A protector, a defender. E. गुध् to invest, एरक् Unadi aff.
- गुन्दल :: m. (-लः) The sound of a small oblong drum. E. गुद् to play, अलच् affix and नुम् inserted.
- गुन्दाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A kind of bird, (a sort of pheasant.) 2. The barta- velle: see चकोर E. गुन्द्रा a kind of grass, and ल what takes or eats, र rejected; also read गुन्द्राल .
- गुद्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) A kind of grass, (Saccharum sara.) f. (-न्द्रा) 1. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus pertenuis; also C. rotundus.) 2. A plant bearing a fragrant seed; also प्रियङ्गु E. गुद् to play, affix रक् and नुम् inserted.
- गुन्द्राल :: m. (-लः) A sort of bird: see गुन्दाल .
- गुप :: r. 1st cl. (जुगुप्सते) 1. To conceal, to hide. 2. To censure, to blame or despise, (this root takes सन् irregularly.) (उ) गुपू r. 1st cl. (गोपयति) To guard or protect. (इर) गपिर r. 4th cl. (गुप्यति) 1. To be confused or disturbed. 2. To disturb or perplex. गुप r. 10th cl. (गोपयति) 1. To shine. 2. To speak.
- गुपिल :: m. (-लः) A king, a prince. E. गुप् to protect, Unadi affix इलच् .
- गुप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Preserved, protected. 2. Hidden, concealed, secret. 3. Joined, combined. 4. Invisible, withdrawn from sight. n. adv (-प्तं) Privately, secretly. m. (-प्तः) An appellation forming especially the second member of the name of a Vaisya or man of the third class. f. (-प्ता) 1. Cowach. 2. A woman who hides from her lover's endearments. E. गुप् to defend, &c. affix ऊ .
- गुप्तगति :: m. (-तिः) A spy or secret emissary. f. (-तिः) Going privately or secretly. E. गुप्त and गति going.
- गुप्तचर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Who or what goes secretly. m. (-रः) A name of BALARAMA. E. गुप्त and चर who goes, or चरट् aff.
- गुप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) 1. Concealing, hiding, concealment. 2. Preserving, protec- ting. 3. Restraint, check. 4. A hole in the ground, a cavern, a sink, a cellar, &c. (a place of concealment.) 5. A prison. 6. The well or lower deck of a boat. 7. Digging a hole in the ground. 8. Fortification. E. गुप् to hide, &c. affix क्तिन् .
- गुफ :: r. 6th cl. (गुफति) To string as a garland, &c.
- गुफित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Strung, tied on a string. 2. Arranged in order. E. गुफ् to string, affix क्त .
- गुम्फ :: r. 6th cl. (गुम्फति) To string together as a garland, &c.
- गुम्फ :: m. (-म्फः) 1. Tying, stringing as a garland, &c. 2. A bracelet. 3. A whisker, a mustachio. E. गुम्फ to tie or string, affix अच् .
- गुम्फित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Tied, strung. 2. Arranged, placed in order. E. गुम्फ to tie, affix क्त; also गुफित, and ग्रन्थित .
- गुर :: r. 1st cl. (गोरति) r. 6th cl. (-ई) गुरी (गुरते) To make an effort or exertion.
- गुरण :: n. (-णं) Effort, perseverance, great or continued exertion. E. गुर् to make an effort, affix ल्युट्; also गोरण .
- गुरु :: mfn. (-गुरुः -गुर्व्वी -गुरु) 1. Heavy, weighty. 2. Great, (large or eminent) 3. Difficult, arduous. 4. Important. 5. Much, excessive. 6. Best, excellent. 7. Venerable, respectable. 8. Dear, valuable, highly prized. 9. Accented long, (as a foot or vowel.) mn. (-रुः-रु) The long vowel, a sound equal to two Matras or simple sounds. m. (-रुः) 1. A spiritual parent, from whom the youth receives the in- itiatory Mantra or prayer, and who conducts the ceremonies necessary at various seasons of infancy and youth, up to the period of investiture with the characteristic thread or string; this per- son may be the natural parent or the religious preceptor. 2. A religious teacher, one who explains the law and religion to his pupil, instructs him in Sastras, &c. 3. A name of VRIHASPATI, who is considered as the Guru or preceptor of the gods. 4. A father or any venerable male relation. E. गृ to sound or speak, &c. Unadi affix कु and उ substituted for ऋ; declaring the mode of performing the rites, &c.
- गुरुकार्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) 1. A serious or momentous affair. 2. The business or office of a spiritual teacher. E. गुरु as above, and कार्य्य business. &c.
- गुरुकोप :: m. (-पः) Violent wrath. E. गुरु much, and कोप anger.
- गुरुक्रम :: m. (-मः) Traditionary instruction. E. गुरु a teacher, and क्रम order.
- गुरुगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Being with or belonging to a spiritual teacher. E. गुरु and गत gone to.
- गुरुघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) Destroying a spiritual parent. m. (-घ्नः) White mustard, E. गुरु and घ्न who or what destroys.
- गुरुजन :: m. (-नः) 1. An elder, a venerable person. 2. The elders of a family, &c. E. गुरु and जन people.
- गुरुण्टक :: m. (-कः) A kind of bird, a sort of peacock: see नीलमयूर .
- गुरुतल्पग :: m. (-गः) A violator of his teacher's bed. E. गुरु as above तल्प a bed and ग who goes.
- गुरुतल्पव्रत :: n. (-तं) Penance for intercourse with the wife of a Gura. E. गुरु, तल्प a bed, (defiling, &c. understood,) and व्रत penance.
- गुरुतल्पिन् :: m. (-ल्पी) One who has criminal intercourse with his teacher's wife. E. गुरु तल्प a bed, इनि aff.
- गुरुताप :: m. (-पः) Excessive heat. E. गुरु and ताप heat.
- गुरुत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Sacredness, venerableness, respectability. 2. Greatness, magnitude. 3. Weight, heaviness. 4. Burden, trouble. E. गुरु and त्व affix; also with तल्, गुरुता .
- गुरुप्रमोद :: m. (-दः) Happiness, delight. E. गुरु and प्रमोद pleasure.
- गुरुरत्न :: n. (-त्नं) A topaz. E. गुरु valuable, रत्न a gem.
- गुरुदैवत :: m. (-तः) The eight lunar constellation; also पुष्प E. गुरु and देवता deity. affix अण्; VRIHASPATI is the ruling deity of the cons- tellation.
- गुरुपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) Tin. f. (-त्रा) The tamarind tree. E. गुरु, and पत्र leaf; heavy or abundant in leaves.
- गुरुमर्द्दल :: m. (-लः) A kind of drum or tabor. E. गुरु heavy or large, and मर्द्दल a small drum.
- गुरुवत् :: ind. Like a Guru, as a Guru. E. गुरु, and वति aff.
- गुरुवद्वृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Behaving to any one with as much respect as to a sacred teacher. E. गुरुवत्, and वृत्ति practice.
- गुरुवर्च्चोघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) The lime or citron. E. गुरु much, वर्च्चस् heat, and घ्न what removes; of cooling properties.
- गुरुशिंशपा :: f. (-पा) A tree, (Dalbergia sisu:) see शिंशपा .
- गुरुशुश्रूषा :: f. (-षा) Service of a Guru. E. गुरु, and शुश्रूषा; also गुरुपूजा गुरुसेवा &c.
- गुरुसारा :: f. (-रा) See शिंशपा .
- गुरुस्थिर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Very firm. E. गुरु and स्थिर steady.
- गुरुहन् :: m. (-हा) The murderer of his Guru or spiritual parent. E. गरु and हन् who kills, from हन् with क्विप् affix; this is the most hein- ous of all criminals, according to Hindu notions.
- गुर्ज्जर :: m. (-रः) The name of a district, Gurjara or Guzrat. plu. m. (-राः) The people of Guzrat. f. (-री) One of the Raginis or female personifications of music.
- गुर्द :: r. 1st. cl. (गुर्दते or गूर्दते) To play. r. 10th cl. (गुर्दयति or गूर्दयति) 1. To dwell or inhabit. 2. To invite.
- गुर्व :: r. 1st cl. (ई)गुर्वी (गुर्वति) To endeavor, to aim or strive.
- गुर्व्वर्थम् :: ind. For or on account of a Guru. E. गुरु, and अर्थ object.
- गुर्व्वङ्गना :: f. (-ना) 1. The wife of a Guru. 2. Any woman entitled to great respect. E. गुरु, and अङ्गना a female.
- गुर्व्विणी :: f. (-णी) A pregnant woman. E. गर्व्व to be proud, Unadi affix इनच् and ङीष् fem. affix, उ substituted for the radical अ; also गर्भिणी .
- गुर्व्वी :: f. (-र्व्वीं) 1. A pregnant woman. 2. The wife of a Guru or spiritual teacher. E. गुरु heavy, &c. and ङीष् aff.
- गुल :: m. (-लः) Raw unrefined sugar, molasses. f. (-ला) A plant, (Euphor- bia tirucalli:) see स्नुही . (-ली) 1. A pill, a bolus, any small globu- lar substance. 2. Small pox. E. गुड to surround, &c. affixes क and and टाप्, or ङीष्, ड changed to ल .
- गुलञ्चकन्द :: m. (-न्दः) An esculent root. commonly कुली .
- गुलिका :: f. (-का) A small ball. E. कन् added to गुली .
- गुलिकाक्रीडा :: f. (-डा) Playing with a ball, bat and ball, golf, &c. E. गुलिका and क्रीडा play.
- गुलुच्छ :: m. (-च्छः) A cluster of blossoms; also गुलुञ्छ .
- गुलुञ्छ :: m. (-ञ्छः) A cluster of blossoms, nosegay. E. गुलु to preserve, affix क्विप्, and ड changed to ल, and उच्छ or इच्छि to gather. or glean, affix क; also with कन् added गुलुञ्छक .
- गुल्फ :: m. (-ल्फः) The ankle. E. गल् to go, affix फक्, and उ substituted for the penultimate.
- गुल्म :: m. (-ल्मः) 1. The division of an army, a body of troops, consisting of nine platoons, or nine elephants, nine chariots, twenty-seven horse, and forty-five foot. 2. The spleen. 3. A shrub, a bush. 4. A clump of grass, &c. 5. A fort, an intrenchment. 6. Disciplining an army, keeping it in a posture of defence. 7. A wharf or stairs, a Ghat. 8. A disease; according to some, a chronic enlargement of the spleen, but as variously situated, it is any glandular enlarge- ment in the abdomen, as that of the mesenteric gland, &c. so as to be perceived externally. f. (-ल्मी) 1. A tent. 2. Emblic myrobalan also आमलकी . 3. Small cardamoms: see एला . 4. A cluster or clump of trees, a multitude of thickets. 5. A kind of plant, commonly Kurkavali. E. गुड to surround, मक् affix, ड changed to ल .
- गुल्मकेतु :: m. (-तुः) A small sort of cane or reed. E. गुल्म and केतु banner.
- गुल्ममूल :: n. (-लं) Ginger. E. गुल्म and मूल a root.
- गुल्मिन् :: mfn. (-ल्मी -ल्मिनी -ल्मि) 1. Composed of different divisions, (a force, &c.) 2. Growing, &c. in a clump or cluster. 3. Having the spleen affected by it. f. (-नी) A spreading creeper or any creeping plant. E. गुल्म a clump, इनि and ङीष् affs.
- गुल्य :: m. (-ल्यः) Sweetness, a sweet or saccharine taste. E. गुड molasses, and क्यप् affix; ड changed to ल .
- गुवाक :: m. (-कः) The betelnut tree, (Areca faufel or catechu.) E. गु to stool, affix आक, and उ converted to उव irregularly.
- गुह :: r. 1st cl. (ऊ)गुहू(गुहति) To cover, to cover as with clothes. to wear.
- गुह :: m. (-ह) 1. A name of KARTIKEYA. 2. A name of VISHNU. 3. A swift horse. 4. The name of Nishada, ruler of Sringavera, the friend of
RAMA. 5. A name or title proper to persons of the writer caste. f. (-हा) 1. A cave, a cavern. 2. A pit, a hole in the ground. 3. A plant, commonly Chakuliya: see सिंहपुच्छी . E. गुह to conceal, affixes अङ् and टाप .
- गुहागृह :: n. (-हं) A cavern. E. गुहा, and गृह a house.
- गुहामुख :: mfn. (-खः -खी -खं) Wide mouthed, open mouthed. E. गुहा, and मुख mouth.
- गुहाशय :: m. (-यः) 1. A tiger. 2. Any animal or man living in caverns. 3. A name of VISHNU. E. गुहा a cave, and आशय abode.
- गुहिन :: n. (-नं) A wood, a thicket. E. गुह् to hide, इनच् aff.
- गुहिल :: n. (-लं) Wealth, property. E. गुह् to hide, &c. इलच् aff.
- गुहेर :: m. (-रः) 1. An iron-smith. 2. A guardian, a preserver. E. गुह to cover, एरक् Unadi aff.
- गुह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) 1. Secret, solitary, retired. 2. Private, concealable, to be kept hidden or secret. 3. Mysterious, mystical. m. (-ह्यः) 1. A tortoise. 2. Hypocrisy. 3. VISHNU. n. (-ह्यं) 1. A privity, an organ of generation, &c. 2. The anus. E. गुह् to cover, क्य affix, deriv. irr.
- गुह्यक :: m. (-कः) A kind of demigod attendant upon KUVERA the deity of wealth, and guardian of his treasures. E. गुह् to preserve or conceal, affix क्वुन् and य inserted.
- गुह्यकेश्वर :: m. (-रः) A name of KUVERA the Hindu PLUTUS. E. गुह्यक a demigod, (see the preceding,) and ईश्वर lord or master.
- गुह्यगुरु :: m. (-रुः) A name of SIVA. E. गुह्य secret, and गुरु a master; SIVA being considered as a teacher, especially of the Tantras or Hindu mystic and magical works.
- गुह्यदीपक :: m. (-कः) The fire fly. E. गुह्य a solitary place, and दीपक the illuminer; from दीप् to light or inflame, and क्वन् aff.
- गुह्यनिष्यन्द :: m. (-न्दः) Urine. E. गुह्य and निष्यन्द what flows.
- गुह्यभाषित :: n. (-तं) 1. A Mantra, a mystical prayer or incantation 2. A secret. E. गुह्य secret. E. भाषित spoken.
- गू(ओ)ओगू :: r. 6th cl. (गूवति) To void by stool; also with a short vowel, गु
- गूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Hidden, concealed. n. (-ढं) 1. A solitary or private place. 2. A private part. 3. A mystery. E. गुह् to hide, affix क्त . deriv. irregular.
- गूढचार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) One who goes about privately. m. (-रः) A secret emissary. E. गूढ and चार practice.
- गूढचारिन् :: m. (-री) A secret emissary, a spy. E. गूढ and चारिन् who goes.
- गूढज :: m. (-जः) The son of a concealed birth; born privately of a woman whose husband is absent, the real father being unknown; this is one of the twelve forms particularized in Hindu law. E. गूढ hidden, and ज born; also compound with पुत्त्र a son, गूढजपुत्त्र .
- गूढनीड :: m. (-डः) The wagtail. E. गूड secret, and नीड a nest.
- गूढपथ :: m. (-थः) 1. Mind, intellect. 2. A bye-path, a hidden way. E. गूढ secret, and पथ a road; whose path is unperceived.
- गूढपाद् :: m. (-द् or त्) A snake. E. गूढ hidden, and पाद a foot, the final vowel rejected; also being retained गूढपाद nom. (-दः .)
- गूढपुरुष :: m. (-षः) A spy, a secret emissary, a disguised agent, &c. E. गूढ concealed, and पुरुष a man.
- गूढभाषित :: n. (-तं) Secret intelligence, private communication. E. गूढ secret, and भाषित what is said.
- गूढमार्ग :: m. (-र्गः) A subterraneous passage, a defile, a bye-road, or secret way. E. गूढ concealed, and मार्ग a road.
- गूढमैथुन :: m. (-नः) A crow. E. गूढ secret, and मैथुन copulation.
- गूढवर्च्चस् :: m. (-र्च्चाः) A frog. E. गूढ hidden, and वर्च्चस् light, warmth; perhaps an idea is implied analogous to that of cold blooded animals: some explain it वर्च्चस् fœces, whose excrement is unknown.
- गूढसाक्षिन् :: m. (-क्षी) A concealed witness, one placed by the plaintiff, so as to overhear what has been said by the defendant. E. गूढ and साक्षिन् a witness.
- गूढाङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A tortoise. E. गूढ, and अङ्ग body, hidden in his shell.
- गूढाङ्घ्रि :: m. (-ङ्घ्रिः) A snake. E. गूढ and अङ्घ्रि foot.
- गूढोत्पन्न :: m. (-न्नः) The son of concealed birth: see गूढज . E. गूढ privately, and उत्पन्न born.
- गूथ :: m. (-थः) Fœces, ordure. E. गू to void by stool, and थक् Unadi aff.
- गूथलक्त :: m. (-क्तः) A small bird, considered to be a species of the Mayna, (Turdus salica.) E. गूथ ordure, and लक्त marked.
- गून :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Voided, (as ordure.) E. गू to stool, affix क्त deriv. irr.
- गूर :: r. 10th cl. (गूरयते) 1. To strive, to endeavor to make an effort or exertion. 2. To eat. (ई) गूरी r. 4th cl. (गूर्य्यते) 1. To hurt, to injure, as to wound, to kill, &c. 2. To be decayed or old.
- गूरण :: n. (-णं) Effort, exertion. E. गूर् to strive, affix ल्युट्; also गुरण .
- गूर्द :: r. 1st cl. (गूर्दते) To play. r. 10 cl. (गूर्दयति) 1. To dwell or inhabit. 2. invite; these roots are both written more usually with the short vowel.
- गूवाक :: m. (-कः) The betelnut tree: see गुवाक .
- गूषणा :: f. (-णा) The eye in a peacock's tail.
- गूहमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Hiding, concealing. E. गूह् to hide, शानच् aff.
- गूहयित्वा :: ind. Having concealed, hidden, disguised. E. गूह् to hide, causal form, क्त्वा aff.
- गृ :: r. 1st cl. (गरति) To sprinkle, to moisten or wet.
- गृज :: r. 1st cl. (गर्जति) also (इ,) गृजि (गृञ्जति) To sound, to roar, to grum- ble, &c. also गर्ज .
- गृञ्जन :: n. (-नं) Poisoned flesh, the meat of an animal destroyed by poi- son. m. (-नः) 1. Garlic, or a small variety of it of a red colour. 2. A turnip. 8. The tops of hemp chewed as an inebriating substance the Ganja. E. गृजि to sound, and ल्युट् affix; applied to the latter as causing eructation.
- गृणत् :: mfn. (-णन् -णन्ती -णत्) 1. Speaking. 2. Praising, flattering. E. गृ to speak, शतृ aff.
- गृण्डीव :: m. (-बः) An animal of prey, considered as a large kind of jackal. E. गृ to sound, and डीव affix; deriv. irr.; also sometimes short गृण्डिव .
- गृत्स :: m. (-त्सः) A name of KANDARPA. E. गृध् to be desirous, and स Unadi aff.
- गृध :: r. 4th cl. (उ)गृधु (गृध्यति) To covet, to desire greedily, to be greedy.
- गृधु :: m. (-धुः) 1. The deity KAMA or love. 2. A libidinous man. E. गृध् to desire, कु Unadi aff.
- गृधू :: m. (-धूः) 1. Understanding. 2. Air voided downwards. 3. Bad, wicked. E. गृध and कू Unadi aff.
- गृध्नु :: mfn. (-ध्नुः -ध्नुः -ध्नु) Covetous, cupidinous, greedy. E. गृध् to be greedy, क्नु aff.
- गृध्नुता :: f. (-ता) Covetousness, greediness, extreme and illiberal desire. E. गृध्नु greedy, and तल् abstract aff.
- गृध्र :: mfn. (-ध्रः -ध्रा -ध्रं) Desirous, greedy, covetous. m. (-ध्रः) A vulture. E. गृध् to desire, and क्रन् Unadi affix; it may also written गृद्ध्र .
- गृध्रनखी :: f. (-खी) 1. The jujube, (Zizyphus jujuba.) 2. A wild kind of the same, (Zizyphus nepeca.) E. गृध्र a vulture, and नख nail, hav- ing thorns like a vulture's claws.
- गृध्रराज :: m. (-जः) A name of JATAYU. E. गृध्र and राज king.
- गृध्रसी :: f. (-सी) 1. Lumbago. 2. Rheumatism, affecting the loins. E. गृध्र desire, सो to destroy, ड and ङीप् affixes; also sometimes written ग्रध्रसी .
- गृष्टि :: m. (-ष्टिः) 1. A cow that has had one calf. 2. A yam. 3. The jujube (Zizyphus jujuba.) E. घृष् to grind, affix क्तिन् and घ changed to ग .
- गृह :: r. 1st cl. (ऊ,)गृहू(गर्हते) also r. 10th cl. (गृहयते) To take, to seize, to receive or accept; also ग्रह .
- गृह :: n. (-हं) 1. A house, a mansion, a habitation in general. 2. A wife:
(in these senses the plural is always masculine, गृहाः) 3. A name, an appellation. E. गृह् to receive or take, (grain, goods, &c.) affix क .
- गृहकच्छप :: m. (-पः) A small flat oblong stone, used for grinding condi- ments, &c. E. गृह a house, and कच्छप a tortoise.
- गृहकन्या :: f. (-न्या) The aloe, (Aloes perfoliata;) also घृतकुमारी, कुमारी, &c. E. गृह a house, and कन्या a virgin.
- गृहकपोतक :: m. (-कः) A pigeon, a tame or domestic pigeon. E. गृह a house, and कपोतक a dove or pigeon.
- गृहकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Household affairs. 2. House building. E. गृह, and करण making.
- गृहकारक :: m. (-कः) 1. A house-builder. 2. A thatcher. E. गृह, and कारक who makes.
- गृहकारिन् :: m. (-री) 1. A kind of wasp. 2. A house-builder. E. गृह a house, and कारिन् who makes, building a nest or house of clay, &c.
- गृहकार्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Household affairs. E. गृह, and कार्य्य business; also गृह- कर्म्म, &c.
- गृहगोधा :: f. (-धा) A small house lizard. E. गृह a house, and गोधा or गोधिका an iguana; hence also गृहगोधिका, or ध being changed to ल, गृह- गोलिका .
- गृहगोलिका :: f. (-का) A lizard: see the preceding.
- गृहचटक :: m. (-कः) A house sparrow. E. गृह and चटक a sparrow.
- गृहच्छिद्र :: n. (-द्रं) 1. Private or family afflictions or troubles. 2. A breach in a house. E. गृह, and छिद्र a hole; also गृहरन्ध्रं .
- गृहज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Born in the house. m. (-जः) A slave born in the house. E. गृह, and ज born; also गृहजात .
- गृहणी :: f. (-णी) Rice water.
- गृहतटी :: f. (-टी) A terrace in front of a house, a threshold. E. गृह a house, and तट a bank.
- गृहदास :: mf. (-सः-सी) A domestic slave. E. गृह, and दास a slave.
- गृहदीप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) A virtuous woman. E. गृह, and दीप्ति light.
- गृहद्वार :: m. (-रः) The door of a house. E. गृह, and द्वार a door.
- गृहद्रुम :: m. (-मः) A plant commonly Medhasringi: see मेढशृङ्गी E. गृह a house, द्रुम a tree, growing near dwellings.
- गृहनाशन :: m. (-नः) A pigeon. E. गृह, and नाशन who injures; defacing the walls of a house by building in and about it.
- गृहनीड :: m. (-डः) A sparrow. E. गृह and नीड a nest, who builds his nest in human dwellings.
- गृहपति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A house. holder, a man of the second class, or who after having finished his studies is married and settled. 2. A house holder of particular merit, giving alms, and performing all the prescribed ceremonies, &c. 3. Maintenance of a sacred and perpe- tual fire. 4. Virtue, especially of a householder, as hospitality, &c. E. गृह a house. and पति lord or master.
- गृहपोतक :: m. (-कः) The site of a habitation, the ground on which it stands, and which is attached to it. E. गृह, and पोत a young ani- mal, affix कन्, the rudiments of the house.
- गृहबलि :: m. (-लिः) Offering of the reliques of a meal, or sacrifice to the spirits of the air, &c. E. गृह, and बलि offering.
- गृहबलिप्रिय :: m. (-यः) A kind of crane, the Vaca. E. गृह a house, बलि food offered in oblation, and प्रिय fond of: see the next.
- गृहबलिभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) 1. A sparrow. 2. A kind of crane. (Ardea nivea.) 3. A crow. E. गृह a house or a wife, बलि grain, &c. used in obla- tions, or any edible grain, and भुज् who eats; that is, who eats the food of his female, or the fragments of offerings fallen in or about the house; also गृहबलिप्रिय .
- गृहभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. An exile, one who is driven from his house. 2. Fa- mily decay. 3. Breaking down or into a house. E. गृह, and भङ्ग breaking.
- गृहभञ्जन :: n. (-नं) 1. Breaking down or destroying a house. 2. Causing the ruin or decay of a family. E. गृह, and भञ्जन breaking.
- गृहभूमि :: f. (-मिः) The site of a habitation. E. गृह a house, and भूमि ground.
- गृहमणि :: m. (-णिः) A lamp. E. गृह a house, and मणि a jewel.
- गृहमाचिका :: f. (-का) A bat. E. गृह a house, and माचिका a fly.
- गृहमृग :: m. (-गः) A dog. E. गृह a house, and मृग a deer.
- गृहमेधिन् :: m. (-धी) A householder. f. (-धिनी) 1. A housewife, the wife of a householder. 2. Natural sense or intelligence, E. गृह a house, मेध to to understand, and इनि aff.
- गृहयाप्य :: m. (-प्यः) The householder, the master of a house or family. E. गृह to take, याप्य Unadi affix, and अय inserted.
- गृहयालु :: mfn. (-लुः -लुः -लु) Disposed to seize or take. E. गृह to take, अय inserted, and आलच् aff.
- गृहरन्ध्र :: n. (-न्ध्रं) 1. Private or family affairs, especially of an unpleas- ing nature. 2. A breach in the wall of a house. E. गृह, and रन्ध्र a a hole; also गृहछिद्रं .
- गृहवाटिका :: f. (-का) A garden or grove near a house. E. गृह a house, वट् to surround, affix ण्वुल्, and fem form.
- गृहव्यापार :: m. (-रः) Household affairs, domestic economy. E. गृह and व्यापार practice.
- गृहस्तम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) The pillar of a house. E. गृह, and स्तम्भ a post.
- गृहस्थ :: m. (-स्थः) A householder, the man of the second class, or he who, after having finished his studies, and been invested with the sacred thread, performs the duties of the master of a house, and father of a family. E. गृह a house, and स्थ who stays or abides.
- गृहस्थधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) The practice or duty of a householder. E. गृहस्थ and धर्म्म duty.
- गृहस्थाश्रम :: m. (-मः) The order of householder. E. गृहस्थ, and आश्रम order of life.
- गृहस्थूण :: n. (-णं) The pillar of a house. E. गृह a house, and स्थूण a prop or pillar.
- गृहाक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A loophole, an eyelet hole, a round or oblong window. E. गृह a house, and अक्ष for अक्षि an eye.
- गृहागत :: m. (-तः) A guest. E. गृह, and आगत come to.
- गृहाधिप :: m. (-पः) The Grihastha or householder; see गृहस्थ . E. गृह a house, and अधिप a master.
- गृहाभिपालिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) Watching, taking care of the house. m. (-ली) A watchman. E. गृह and अभि before पाल to protect, णिनि aff.
- गृहाम्ल :: n. (-म्लं) Sour gruel, made from the fermentation of rice water. E. गृह a house, अम्ल sour, the domestic acid.
- गृहायणिक :: m. (-कः) A householder. E. गृह a house, फिञ् derivative affix, and कन् added.
- गृहाराम :: m. (-मः) A garden, a grove, &c. near a house. E. गृह a house, and आराम a garden.
- गृहालिका :: f. (-का) A small lizard. E. गृह a house, आलि a scorpion, कन् affix of similitude.
- गृहावग्रहणी :: f. (-णी) The threshold, a raised ground or terrace in front of the door. E. गृह a house, and अव prefixed to ग्रह to take, affixes ल्युट् and ङीप् .
- गृहावस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Dwelling or living in a house. 2. Lying in any place. E. गृह, and अवस्थित placed or situated in.
- गृहाशया :: f. (-या) The betel tree, (Piper betel.) E. गृह a house, &c. आशय an asylum growing near dwellings.
- गृहाश्मन् :: m. (-श्मा) A flat oblong stone, upon which condiments are ground together. E. गृह a house, and अश्मन् a stone.
- गृहिणी :: f. (-णी) A wife. E. गृह a house, and इनि and ङीष् affs.
- गृहिन् :: m. (-ही) A householder. E. गृह a house, and इनि aff.
- गृहीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Taken, attached, seized, caught. 2. Obtained. 3. Known, understood. 4. Promised, agreed. 5. Learnt, acquired. E. ग्रह् to take, affix क्त, र changed to ऋ .
- गृहीतविद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) Versed in science, learned, studied. E. गृहीत, and विद्या learning.
- गृहीतदिश् :: mfn. (-दिक्) Flown. escaped, retreated. E. गृहीत seized, and दिश् place.
- गृहीतवेतन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Paid, remunerated. E. गृहीत and वेतन wages.
- गृहीतृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Taking, disposed to seize or take. E. ग्रह to seize, affix तृच् and ई inserted.
- गृहीत्वा :: ind. Having taken. E. ग्रह to take, क्त्वा aff.
- गृहोपकरण :: n. (-णं) Any domestic utensil. E. गृह and उपकरण instrument.
- गृहोत्पात :: m. (-तः) 1. A domestic nuisance, as vermin, &c. 2. Family mis- fortune. E. गृह, and उत्पात calamity.
- गृहोलिका :: f. (-का) A small house lizard. E. गृह to take, and उल and कन् affixes: see गृहगोधिका .
- गृह्णत् :: mfn. (-ह्णन् -ह्णन्ती -ह्णत्) Taking, seizing, accepting, &c. E. ग्रह् to take, शतृ aff.
- गृह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) 1. Dependent, subservient. 2. A partisan of or belonging to a side or party. 3. To be taken or seized. 4. To be trusted to, to be relied on. 5. To be acknowledged or admitted, to be adopted as faith or belief. 5. Domestic, of or belonging to a house. m. (-ह्यः) A tame or domesticated animal. n. (-ह्यं) 1. The name of a book, containing directions for religious rites, a section or component treatise of the Sama Veda, by GOBHILA and others; which contains rules for the performance of domestic and other ceremonies: the ritual of the Vedas. f. (-ह्या) A suburb, a village ad- joining to a city, or a small village attached to a larger. E. ग्रह or गृह to take, affix क्यप्; or गृह a house, यत् affix; also with कन् add- ed गृह्यक .
- गृह्यक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Dependent, docile, not following one's own in- clinations. m. (-कः) A tame or domesticated animal, whether a bird or beast, &c. E. गृध् for ग्रह् to take, क्यप् affix, and कन् added.
- गृह्यगुरु :: m. (-रुः) A name of SIVA. E. गृह्य, and गुरु a teacher.
- गृह्यसूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A precept of the Grihya or ritual of the Vedas. E. गृह्य, and सूत्र a rule.
- गॄ :: r. 6th cl. (गिरति or गिलति) To swallow, to eat. r. 9th cl. (गृणाति) To sound, to sound intelligibly or articulately, to speak. r. 10th cl. (गीरयते) 1. To know. 2. To make known, to teach. With निर् or उत् prefixed, To reject, to vomit. With सम् and उत्, 1. To throw up. 2. To cry aloud.
- गेण्डु :: m. (-ण्डुः) A ball for playing with. E. गा to go, affix इण्डु, or with कन् added गेण्डुक .
- गेण्डुक :: m. (-कः) A ball; also गेण्डूक, the penultimate being made long.
- गेप :: r. 1st cl. (ऋ)गेवृ (गेपते) 1. To shake or tremble. 2. To move.
- गेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. A singer. 2. A song or chaunt, what is to be sung or chaunted. n. (-यं) Song, singing. E. गै to sing, affix यत् .
- गेव :: r. 1st cl. (ऋ) गेवृ(गेवते) To serve, to gratify by service.
- गेष :: r. 1st cl. (ऋ)गेषृ(गेषते) To seek, to search, to investigate.
- गेष्ण :: m. (-ष्णः) 1. A professional singer, an actor, a mime, &c. 2. A chaun- ter of the Sama Veda. E. गै to sing, and इष्णच् Unadi aff.
- गेष्णु :: m. (-ष्णुः) 1. A singer. 2. An actor. 3. A chaunter of the Sama Veda: see गेष्ण E. गै to sing, and इष्णुच् Unadi aff.
- गेह :: n. (-हं) A house, a dwelling. E. ग a name of GANESHA इह् to desire, affix घञ्; that deity being usually invoked upon laying the found- ations of a house.
- गेहनर्द्दिन् :: m. (-र्द्दी) A lazy or effeminate man, a cotquean. E. गेह a house, and नर्द्दिन् who makes a noise: see the next.
- गेहशूर :: m. (-रः) A slothful and trifling man, one who is unfit for con- cerns beyond those of the house, a cotquean, a house-hero. E. गेह a house, and शूर a hero.
- गेहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिनी -हि) Having a house, householder, &c. E. गेह, and इनि aff.
- गै :: r. 1st cl. (गायति) To sound, to sing. With उद् or प्र prefixed; (उद्गायति प्रगायति) To sing, to chaunt, to sing out or aloud. (उद्गीयते प्रगीयते) To
be sung or chaunted. With वि (विगायति) To assert repeatedly.
- गैर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Mountain, mountaineer, mountain-born. E. गिरि, and अण् aff.
- गैरिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Mountain, mountain-born or produced n. (-कं) 1. Red chalk, or as sometimes applied, red orpiment. 2. Gold. E. गिरि a mountain, affix ठक् .
- गैरेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Mountain, mountaineer, mountain-born. n. (-यं) 1. Bitumen. 2. Red chalk. E. गिरि a mountain, affix ढक् .
- गो :: m. (-गौः) 1. Heaven, Swarga or paradise. 2. A bull. 3. A ray of light. 4. The thunderbolt. 5. The moon. 6. The sun. 7. A kind of sacri- fice, the sacrifice of a cow. 8. The moment of the sun's entering Taurus. mn (-गौः-गु) 1. The hair of the body. 2. Water: (in the last sense some confine it to the mas. plu. गावः and according to others, it is neuter in several other senses.) f. (-गौः) 1. A cow. 2. The eye. 3. An arrow. 4. quarter, as the east, west, &c. 5. Speech; also identi- fied with the goddess of speech. SARASWATI. 6. The earth. 7. A mother. E. गम् to go, and करणे डो Unadi aff. गच्छति अनेन ।
- गोकण्टक :: m. (-कः) 1. The name of a plant: see गोखुर . 2. The print of a cow's hoof or spot so marked. E. गो the earth or a cow, &c. and कण्टक a thorn. गोः पृथिव्याः कण्टक इव ।
- गोकर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) 1. A span from the tip of the thumb to that of the little finger. 2. A kind of deer, (the Nilgau) 3. A mule. 4. A class of demigods. 5. A kind of snake. 6. A snake in general. 7. A place of pilgrimage on the Malabar coast. f. (-र्णी) A plant, (Aletris hyacin- thoides:) see मूर्व्वा . E. गो a cow, and कर्ण an ear, having ears like a cow, &c. गौः नेत्रं कर्णौ यस्य ।
- गोकिराटिका :: f. (-का) A bird, considered as one kind of the common Maina, (Turdus salica.) E. गो the earth, and किर a hog, अट who goes, with कन् added in the fem. form; resembling a hog, feeding on ordure, &c.
- गोकिल :: m. (-लः) 1. A plough. 2. A pestle. E. गो the earth, and किल् to go. affix क; also गोकील .
- गोकील :: m. (-लः) 1. A pestle. 2. A plough. E. गो the earth, and कील a pin or bolt. गोः पृथिव्याः कील इव ।
- गोकुल :: n. (-लं) 1. A herd of kine, a multitude of cattle. 2. A cow-house or station. 3. A village or tract on the Jumna, the residence of NANDA and of KRISHNA during his youth. n. गो a cow, and कुल an assemblage.
- गोकुलिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Squint-eyed. 2. One who does not give help to a cow in the mud. E. गो the eye, &c. and कुल् to accumulate, affix ठक् .
- गोकृत :: n. (-तं) Cowdung. E. गो a cow, and कृत made.
- गोक्षुर :: m. (-रः) The name of a plant; also Gokhura, (Ruellia longifolia, Rox, it is also applied in Bengal to Tribulus lanuginosus.) n. (-रं) A cow's hoof. E. गो a cow, and क्षुर a hoof, the thorns getting be- tween the hoofs of cattle; also with कन् added गोक्षुरक, and with खुर a hoof, गोखुर .
- गोक्षुरक :: m. (-कः) See the preceding.
- गोखुर :: m. (-रः) See गोक्षुर; also गोखुरि .
- गोगोयुग :: n. (-गं) A pair of oxen. E. गो, and गोयुग a pair. गवोर्द्वित्वम् ।
- गोगोष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) A cattle shed. E. गो, and गोष्ठ a shed. गोः स्थानम् गा + स्थाने गोष्ठच् ।
- गोगृष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) A cow that has had one calf. E. गो a cow, and गृष्टि q. v. the same as the compound. सकृत् प्रमूतायां गवि ।
- गोग्रन्थि :: m. (-न्थिः) 1. Dried cow-dung. 2. A station for cows, a cow-yard or house, &c. E. गो a cow, ग्रन्थ् to arrange, and इन् aff. गोर्जातो ग्रन्थिः ।
- गोग्रह :: m. (-हः) Spoil, booty, capture of cattle. E. गो, and ग्रह seizing.
- गोग्रास :: m. (-सः) The ceremony of presenting grass to the cow when making atonement. E. गो, and ग्रास a mouthful.
- गोघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) Who or what kills kine. m. (-घ्नः) A guest. E. गो a cow, and घ्न what kills, from हन् with क affix; a cow being killed on the arrival of the latter, or being presented to him.
- गोघृत :: n. (-तं) 1. Rain. 3. Ghee made from cow's milk. E. गो the earth, घृत what sprinkles, from घृ to sprinkle or wet, affix क्त .
- गोचर :: m. (-रः) 1. An object of sense, as sound, shape, colour, &c. 2. A. country, a district. 3. The house or mansion of a planet, or its presence in any sign which is that of a person's nativity. 4. Pas- turage. E. गो an organ of sense, &c. and चर what goes, from चर् to go, निपातने अच् aff.
- गोचर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) 1. A cow's hide. 2. A hide of land, 300 feet long, by 10 broad: it is also defined as that extent of land, the crop of which will support a man for a year. E. गो and चर्म्मन् skin.
- गोचारक :: m. (-कः) A cowhered. E. गो, चर to go, causal form णिच् ण्वुल् aff.
- गोछाल :: m. (-लः) The palm of the hand with the fingers extended, &c. see अलम्बुष . गां भूमिम् आच्छादयति छद-णिच् अण् पृषोदरादित्वात् । भूकदम्बे । चाकुलिया ।
- गोजल :: n. (-लं) Cow's urine. E. गो, and जल water. गवि जातं जलम् ।
- गोजागरिक :: m. (-कः) A prickly nightshade. n. (-कं) Happy, fortunate, auspicious. E. गो the earth, जागृ to wake or to be awake, affix ठक् .
- गोजिह्वा :: f. (-ह्वा) A potherb growing wild. (Elephantophus scaber.) E. गो a cow, and जिह्वा a tongue: the leaves being so compared; also with कन् added गोजिह्वका .
- गोडु :: m. (-डुः) A lump of flesh on the navel. E. गुड् to be sound, affix घञ् .
- गोडुम्ब :: mf. (-म्बः-म्बा) The water melon. f. (-म्बा) A kind of cucumber, (Cucumis madras patanus.) E. गो the earth, तुवि to hurt, affix क and त changed to ड . गां भूमिं तुम्बति अर्दति । तुवि-क पृषोदराः ।
- गोणी :: f. (-णी) 1. Torn or ragged clothes. 2. A sack. 3. The measure of a Drona. E. गुण् to reckon, affixes घञ् नि-गुणः and ङीष् the deriv. irr.
- गोऽण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डा -ण्डं) A person with a prominent navel. m. (-ण्डः) A man of a low tribe, a mountaineer, especially inhabiting the eastern portion of the Vindhya range, between the Nerbudda and Krishna giving name to the province of Gondwana. 2. A prominent navel, or a lump of flesh on the navel, &c. E. गुडि to enclose, &c. अच् aff.
- गोतम :: m. (-मः) The name of a sage belonging to the family of ANGIRAS father of SATANANDA; also गौतम . गोभिस्तमो ध्वस्तं यस्य पृषोदरादित्वात् ।
- गोतमान्वय :: m. (-यः) A name of SAKYA or SAKYA MUNI, a Bauddha sage. E. गोतम a sage, and अन्वय lineage; the descendant of GOTAMA.
- गोतल्लज :: m. (-जः) An excellent cow. E. गो a cow, तल्लज implying excellence.
- गोत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. Family, race, lineage, kin. 2. A name, an appellation. 3. A forest. 4. A field. 5. A Chhattra, an umbrella or parasol. 6. A road. 7. Knowledge of futurity, inspiration. 8. A genus, a class or species 9. A caste, a tribe or subdivision of it into families, as in that of the Brahman; twenty-four Gotras are reckoned, supposed to be sprung from and named after celebrated teachers, as SANDILYA, KASYAPA, GAUTAMA, BHARADWAJA, &c. 10. Increase. 11. Wealth. f. (-त्रा) 1. The earth. 2. A herd of kine. m. (-त्रः) A mountain. E. गु to sound, and त्र Unadi affix, or गो the earth, &c. and त्र what pre- serves, from त्रै with क aff. गां भूमिं त्रायते त्रैङ् पालने क ।
- गोत्रज :: mf. (-जः-जा) A relation: in law, the term is nearly equivalent to the Gentile of Roman law, and is applied to kindred of the same general family, who are connected by offerings of food and water, and stands opposed to the Bandhu or cognate kin, who do not partake in the offerings to the common ancestors: see बन्धु . E. गोत्र as above, ज born. गोत्रे समाने वंशे जायते जन-ड ।
- गोत्रभिद् :: m. (-भिद्- or भित्) A name of INDRA. E. गोत्र a mountain, and भिद् who splits, (with his thunderbolt.) गोत्रं पर्वतं मेघं वा भिनत्ति । भिद्-क्विप् ।
- गोत्ररिवथ :: n. (-क्थं) Patrimony, inheritance. E. गोत्र, and रिवथ wealth.
- गोद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Who or what gives a cow. m. (-दः) The brain. E. गो light or a cow, and द what gives. गां नेत्रं दायति शोधयति दै-क ।
- गोदन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. Yellow orpiment. 2. A cow's tooth. 3. A fossile subs- tance of a white colour, apparently an earthy salt. E. गो a cow,
and दन्त a tooth, a cow's tooth, from its similar hardness, &c.
- गोदा :: f. (-दा) The Godavari river. E. गो water, and द who gives; see गोदावरी . गां स्वर्गं ददाति स्नानेन दा-क ।
- गोदान :: n. (-नं) Gift of a cow. E. गो, and दान gift; or केशान्ताख्ये संस्कारभेदे also गोप्रदान गावः केशलोमानि वा दीयन्ते खण्ड्यन्ते अत्र । आधारे ल्युट् ।
- गोदारण :: n. (-णं) 1. A plough. 2. A spade or hoe, E. गो the earth, and दारण what cuts or tears. गां भूमिं दारयति दृ-णिच्-ल्यु ।
- गोदावरी :: f. (-री) The name of a river in the peninsula, the Godavari. E, गो water, and द what gives, गोद and आवृ to cover or conceal; affixes अप् and ङीप् . गां स्वर्गं ददाति स्नानात् दा वनिप् ङीप् ।
- गोदुग्ध :: n. (-ग्धं) Cow's milk. E. गो, and दुग्ध milk.
- गोदुह :: m. (-धुक्) A cowherd, a milkman. E. गो a cow, दुह to milk, and क्विप् affix; also with क affix गोदुह, nom. (-हः).
- गोदोहनी :: f. (-नी) A milk pail. E. गो a cow, and दुह to milk, with भावे ल्युट् and ङीप् aff. आधारे ल्युट् गोदोहनकाले ।
- गोद्रव :: m. (-वः) Cow's urine. E. गो, and द्रव what runs from. गो + द्रु-अच् ।
- गोधन :: n. (-नं) A herd of Cows, a multitude or number of cattle, especi- ally if considered as property. m. (-नः) A large headed arrow. E. गो a cow, and धन wealth. गवां धनं समूहः । गोसमूहे ।
- गोधा :: f. (-धा) 1. A leathern fence worn by archers on the left arm, to prevent its being injured by the bowstring. 2. An iguana, either the Gosap or the alligator. E. गुध् to surround, affixes घञ् and टाप्; see गोधिक . गुध्यते वेष्ट्यते बाहुरनया करणे घञ् ।
- गोधापदिका :: f. (-का) Cissus pedata, E. कन् added to the next.
- गोधापदी :: f. (-दी) A plant, (Cissus pedata.) E. गोधा, and पद for पाद a foot, affix ङीष्, the root being compared to an alligator's foot.
- गोधि :: m. (-धिः) 1. The forehead. 2. The Gangetic alligator. 3. An igua- na. E. गो the eye or water, and धा to possess, with आधारे इन् aff.
- गोधिका :: f. (-का) 1. The Gangetic alligator. 2. The iguana. E. कन् with the fem form added to गोधा .
- गोधिकात्मज :: m. (-जः) The iguana. E. गोधा An alligator, and आत्मज off- spring, here used to imply diminution: so गोधिकापुत्र, &c. षष्ठीतत्पुरुषः समासः ।
- गोधूम :: m. (-मः) Wheat: see the next. E. गुध्-वा° उम ।
- गोधूम :: m. (-मः) 1. Wheat. 2. The orange. 3. The name of a drug. E. गुध् to surround, and ऊम Unadi aff.
- गोधूमचूर्ण :: n. (-र्णं) Wheat flour. E. गोधूम, and चूर्ण powder. षष्ठीतत्पुरुषः ।
- गोधूमसम्भव :: n. (-वं) Sour paste. E. गोधूम, and सम्भव produced. सम् + भू- अपादाने अप् गोधूमः सम्भवोऽस्य ।
- गोधूलि :: f. (-लिः) A period of the day, in the hot season when the sun is half risen; in the cold and dewy seasons, when the sun is full but mild; and in the three other seasons, sunset. E. गो, and धूलि dust.
- गोधेनु :: (-नुः) A milch cow. E. गो a cow, and धेनु the same. सवत्सायां गवि ।
- गोधेर :: mfn. (-रा -रं) A guardian, a protector, a preserver. E. गुध् एरच् ।
- गोनन्दी :: f. (-न्दी) The female of the Sarasa or Indian crane. E. गो water, नदि to be happy, अच् and ङीष् affs. गवि जले नन्दति । नन्द-अच् ङीष् ।
- गोनर्द :: m. (-र्दः) The Sarasa or Indian crane. n. (-र्दं) A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) E. गो water, नर्द् to sound, affix अच् .
- गोनर्द्दीय :: m. (-यः) A name of the saint PATANJALI, the founder of Yoga philosophy. E. गो heaven, नर्द्दीय to be sounded or celebrated.
- गोनस :: m. (-सः) 1. A large kind of snake, by some considered to be the same with the Boa or Bor. 2. A kind of gem. E. गो a cow, and नस a nose, cow-nosed; also गोनास .
- गोनाथ :: m. (-थः) 1. A bull. 2. A herdsman. E. गो, and नाथ master.
- गोनास :: mf. (-सः-सा) A snake: see गोनस . E. गोरिव नासा अस्य वा नसादेशः ।
- गोनिष्यन्द :: n. (-ङ्गं) Cow's urine. E. गो, and निष्यन्द what oozes. E. गो + निष्यन्द-अच् ।
- गोप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) 1. A helper, a friend or patron. 2. A preserver, a cherisher. 3. Who or what hides or conceals. m. (-पः) 1. Superin- tendent of a district. 2. The head of a cowpen. 3. A herdsman, a
cowherd, a milkman by caste and occupation. 4. A king. 5. A Myrrh: see गोपरस . f. (-पा or -पी) A plant, (Echites frutescens) f. (-पा) A milk-woman, a female cowherd. f. (-पी) 1. A cowherd's wife, but especially applied to those of Brindaban, the compani- ons and objects of KRISHNA'S juvenile sports, and who are consid- ered sometimes as holy or celestial personages. 2. A protectress. 3. Nature, elementary nature. E. गो the earth &c. and प what preserves; also in some sense गुप् to hide, to protect, &c. affix क, fem. affix टाप् or ङीष्, गां भूमिं वा पाति रक्षति पा-क ।
- गोपक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) One who guards or protects. m. (-कः) 1. Myrrh. 2. The Superintendent of a district. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- गोपकन्या :: f. (-न्या) 1. The daughter of a cowhered. 2. A nymph of Brin- daban. 3. A medicinal plant. E. गोप, and कन्या a daughter.
- गोपघोण्टा :: f. (-ण्टा) A wild sort of jujube, (Zizyphus nepeca.) E. गोप a cow- herd, and घोण्टा the jujube.
- गोपति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. Of INDRA. 3. The sun. 4. A king. 5. A bull. E. गो the earth, &c. पति lord or master.
- गोपतिचाप :: m. (-पः) The rainbow. E. गोपति INDRA, and चाप a bow.
- गोपदल :: m. (-लः) The areca tree. E. गोप preserving, and दल a leaf.
- गोपन :: n. (-नं) 1. Protecting, guarding. 2. Concealment, hiding, 3. Re- viling. abuse. 4. Flurry, hurry, alarm. 5. Light, lustre. 6. The leaf of the Laurus cassia. E. गुप् to hide, भावे ल्युट् aff.
- गोपनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Secret, mysterious, to be concealed or hid- den. 2. To be preserved or protected. E. गुप to hide, &c. अनीयर् aff.
- गोपबधू :: f. (-धूः) 1. The wife of a cowhered. 2. A plant, (Asclepias pseudosara) E. गोप . and बधू wife. षष्ठीतत्पुरुषः ।
- गोपबधूटी :: f. (-टी) The youthful wife of a cowherd.
- गोपभद्र :: m. (-द्रः) The fibrous root of a waterlily. E. गोप् a cowhered, and भद्र lucky, auspicious.
- गोपभद्रिका :: f. (-का) The name of a tree: see गम्भारी . E. गोप a preserver. and भद्र auspicious, and संज्ञायां कन् and टाप् affs.
- गोपरस :: m. (-सः) Gum myrrh. E. गोप secret, and रस juice exuding in a manner or place unknown. E. गां जलं पिवति पा-क गोपः रसोऽस्य ।
- गोपवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) 1. A creeping plant, (Echites frutescens:) see श्यामलता 2. Another plant, (Asclepias pseudosara.) E. गोप a cowherd, and वल्ली a pedicle, being used in medicines for cattle.
- गोपाटविक :: m. (-कः) A cowherd. E. गो, and पाटविक clever.
- गोपानसी :: f. (-सी) 1. The wood of a thatch. 2. A crooked beam which supports it. 3. The bamboo frame work on which it rests. E. गवां किरणानां पानं शोषणं गोपानं तत्स्यति सो-क गौरादित्वात् ङीष् ।
- गोपायक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) A preserver, a cherisher, one who guards or protects. E. गुप् to preserve, आय + ण्वुल् aff.
- गोपायित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Preserved, protected, cherished. E. गुप् to pro- tect, affix आय-कर्मणि वाच्ये क्त .
- गोपाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A King, a sovereign. 2. A cowherd. 3. A name of KRISHNA. E. गो the earth, &c. and पाल who preserves or protects. गां भूमिं पशुभेदं वा पालयति पालि अण् ।
- गोपालक :: m. (-कः) 1. SIVA. 2. KRISHNA. 3. A cow keeper or protector. E. गो a cow or the earth, पाल् to cherish, and ण्वुल् aff.
- गोपालिका :: f. (-का) 1. A kind of worm. 2. A female cowherd: see गोपालक .
- गोपाष्टमी :: f. (-मी) The eighth lunation of the light half of Kartik, on which KRISHNA became a cowherd; cows are to be worshipped. E. गोप, and अष्टम the eighth.
- गोपिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिनी -पि) A protector, one who preserves or protects. f. (-नी) 1. A creeping plant, (Echites frutescens.) 2. Acowherd's wife. E. गुप् to preserve, णिनि and ङीप् affs.
- गोपिका :: f. (-का) A female cowherd, &c.: see गोपक .
- गोपिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) One who preserves or protects. E. गुप, and इलच् unadi aff.
- गोपीचन्दन :: n. (-नं) A species of white clay, said to be brought from
Dwaraka and used by the worshippers of VISHNU to smear their faces with. E. गोपी, and चन्दन Sandal.
- गोपीथ :: m. (-थः) preserving, protecting. n. (-थ) A holy place, a place of pilgrimage. E. गोप preserving, and थक Unadi affix, deriv. irr.
- गोपुच्छ :: m. (-च्छः) 1. A cowtail. 2. A sort of necklace, one of four or thirty-four strings. 3. A sort of monkey. E. गो a cow, and पुच्छ a tail, resembling or possessing a cow's tail. गोः पुच्छ इव पुच्छो यस्य ।
- गोपुटी :: f. (-टी) Large cardamoms. E. गोरिव पुट मस्याः स्थू लैलायाम् ।
- गोपुटिक :: n. (-कं) A temple or edifice consecrated to SIVA'S bull. E. गो a cow, and पुट् to enclose, affix इकन् .
- गोपुर :: n. (-रं) 1. A town gate. 2. A gate in general. 3. The ornamented gateway of a temple. 4. A kind of grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) E. पर अग्रगमने क गवां पुरं गवा जलेन पूर्य्यते पॄ घञर्थे क वा ।
- गोपुरीष :: n. (-षं) Cow-dung. E. गो, and पुरीष dung.
- गोपेन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) A name of KRISHNA or VISHNU. E. गोप a cowherd, and इन्द्र lord or chief.
- गोपेश :: m. (-शः) 1. A name of SAKYA MUNI, a Buddha. 2. A name of KRISHNA. 3. A chief herdsman, the keeper or owner of kine. 4. A name of NANDA. E. गोप cowherd, and ईश lord.
- गोप्तृ :: mfn. (-प्ता -प्त्री -प्तृ) A preserver, A protector, one who defends or cherishes. E. गुप् to preserve, &c. affix तृच् .
- गोप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) 1. To be cherished or preserved. 2. To be kept secret or hidden. 3. To be kept, to be taken care of. m. (-प्यः) 1. A slave. 2. The son of a female slave. E. गुप् to preserve, &c. कर्मणि यत् aff.
- गोप्यक :: m. (-कः) A servant or slave. E. कन् added to the proceding.
- गोप्याधि :: f. (-धिः) A pledge, that is not be used, but to be carefully preserved. E. गोप्य to be preserved, and आधि a pledge.
- गोप्रकाण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) An excellent cow. E. गो a cow, and प्रकाण्ड excellent; the compound is always neuter. प्रशस्तो गौ नित्यसमासः परनिपातः ।
- गोप्रचार :: m. (-रः) Pasturage ground. E. गो, and प्रचार going. प्रचरति अस्मिन् प्र + चर अधारे घञ् ।
- गोफणा :: f. (-णा) A sling.
- गोबध :: m. (-धः) Killing a cow. E. गो, and बध killing.
- गोबाल :: m. (-लः) The hair of a cow. E. गो, and बाल hair. षष्ठीतत्पुरुषः ।
- गोभण्डीर :: m. (-रः) A water fowl. E. गो water, भटि to sound affix ईरन् .
- गोम :: r. 10th cl. (गोमयति) To smear, to anoint.
- गोमक्षिका :: f. (-का) A gadfly. E. गो, a cow, and मक्षिका a fly stinging cattle. गोः क्लेशदायिका मक्षिका (डांँस्) ।
- गोमण्डल :: n. (-लं) The earth, the globe. गोसमूहे . E. गो, and मण्डल sphere. षष्ठीतत्पुरुषः ।
- गोमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Possessing herds, rich in cattle. f. (-मती) The name of a river, the Goomti, in the province of Oude. 2. A prayer or formula of the Vedas to be repeated during expiation for killing a cow. E. गो a cow or water, and मतुप् aff. गौरस्ति अस्य ।
- गोमतल्लिका :: f. (-का) A tractable and good cow. E. गो a cow, मतल्लिका excellent.
- गोमध्यमध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) Slender in the waist. E. गो a cow &c. मध्य middle: repeated.
- गोमन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. The name of a mountain. 2. An owner of cattle. 3. A herd of cattle. E. गो the earth, मन् to mind, झ aff.
- गोमय :: mn. (-यः-यं) 1. Cowdung. 2. The property or nature of a cow. E. गो a cow, and मयट् affix of relation or comprehension.
- गोमयच्छत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A mushroom, a fungus. E. गोमय cowdung, and छत्र a Chatta or parasol.
- गोमयच्छत्रिका :: f. (-का) A kind of fungus or mushroom. E. कन् and the fem. form added to the preceding.
- गोमयप्रिय :: n. (-यं) A sort of grass, (Andropogon schœnanthus.) भूतृणे, शिलीन्ध्रे E. गोमय cow-dung, and प्रिय favourable to.
- गोमयोत्था :: f. (-त्था) A kind of beetle found in cowdung. E. गोमय cow- dung, and उत्थ what rises or is generated. उद् + स्था-क टाप् ।
- गोमयोद्भव :: m. (-वः) Cassia fistula. E. गोमय, and उद्भव born, produced, re- quiring manure. गोमयादुद्भवति उद् + भू अच् ।
- गोमायु :: m. (-युः) 1. A jackall. 2. A kind of Gandharba or celestial mu- sician. 3. The bile or bilious humor of the cow. E. गो sound, &c. मा to measure, and उण् Unadi affix, य inserted, or गो a cow, and मायु bile. गां विकृतां वाचं मिनाति ।
- गोमिथुन :: n. (-नं) A pair of cattle. E. गो, and मिथुन a couple.
- गोमिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Rich in herds, &c. m. (-मी) 1. The owner of cattle. 2. A jackal. 3. A worshipper. 4. An attendant on a Buddha. E. गो a cow, &c. मिनि aff. गौरस्ति अस्य मिनि ।
- गोमिल :: m. (-लः) Name of a Muni.
- गोमीन :: m. (-नः) A sort of fish, the bull-fish. E. गो, and मीन a fish.
- गोमुख :: n. (-खं) 1. A house build unevenly or crookedly, viz. with angles, projections, &c. 2. A kind of musical instrument, (a sort of horn or trumpet) 3. Spreading unguents, plastering, smear- ing. 4. A hole in a wall made by thieves, &c. a breach. m. (-खः) 1. A shark. 2. A kind of Yaksha; according to the Jainas, a demigod subservient to their deified saints. nf. (-खं-खी) A cloth- bag, containing a rosary into which the hand is thrust to count the beads. f. (-खी) The chasm in the Himalaya mountains through which the Ganges flows, erroneously conceived by the Hindus to be of the shape of a cow's mouth. 2. A river in Bengal. E. गो a cow, and मुख face, having the face of a cow, &c. गोमुखमिव मुखमस्य ।
- गोमूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Stupid as an ox. E. गो, and मूढ foolish.
- गोमूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) Cow's urine. E. गो, and मूत्र urine. षष्ठीतत्पुरुषः ।
- गोमूत्रिका :: f. (-का) 1. A kind of grass, described as growing in corn fields, of a reddish colour, and eaten by cattle, commonly Tam- bada (ताम्बड) 2. A verse the second half of which repeats nearly all the syllables of the first. 3. A form of calculation. E. गो, मूत्र urine, ठन् affix; operating on cows as a diuretic. गोर्मूत्रस्येव गतिरस्ति अत्र ।
- गोमेद :: m. (-दः) A yellow gem: see the next.
- गोमेदक :: mn. (-कः-कं) 1. A gem or precious stone brought from the Himalaya and Indus, described as of four sorts, white, pale yellow, red, and dark blue, perhaps varieties of a gate. 2. A kind of poison: see काकोल . 6. Smearing the body with un- guents. E. गो the eye, मिद् to anoint, &c. affix अच् and कन् .
- गोमेदसन्निभ :: m. (-भः) Chalcedony or opal. E. गोमेद, and सन्निभ what resem- bles.
- गोमेध :: m. (-धः) The offering or sacrifice of a cow. E. गो a cow, and मेध sacrifice. मेध-वधे आधारे घञ् । षष्ठीतत्पुरुषः ।
- गोयान :: n. (-नं) 1. A cart. 2. A carriage drawn by oxen. E. गो, and यान a vehicle.
- गोयुग :: n. (-गं) A yoke of oxen. E. गो, and युग a pair.
- गोरक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) A cow keeper, the cherisher or preserver of kine. m. (-क्षः) 1. The orange. 2. Keeping or tending cattle. 3. A name of SIVA. f. (-क्षी) A small shrub. E. गो a cow, and रक्ष who preserves.
- गोरक्षक :: m. (-कः) A cow keeper, one who tends cattle. E. कन् added to the last.
- गोरक्षजम्बू :: f. (-म्बूः) 1. Wheat. 2. A plant, (Hedysarum lagopodioides;) also गाङ्गेरुकी . 3. The fruit of the jujube. E. गोरक्ष, and जम्बू a rose- apple.
- गोरक्षण :: n. (णं) Tending or taking charge of cattle E. गो, and रक्षण protecting.
- गोरक्षतण्डुला :: f. (-ला) A plant, (Hedysarum lagopodioides.) E. गोरक्ष cow- preserving, and तण्डुल grain, used in medicines for cattle.
- गोरक्ष्य :: n. (-क्ष्यं) Tending cattle. E. गो, and रक्ष्य to be preserved.
- गोरङ्कु :: m. (-ङ्कुः) 1. A water-fowl. 2. A prisoner, a person or animal confined. 3. A naked man, a mendicant, &c. wandering about without clothes. E. गो water, sky, &c. रङ्कु a kind of deer: as it were, the water deer, &c. गवा वाचा रङ्कुरिव ।
- गोरण :: n. (-णं) Effort, exertion. E. गुर् to make effort, affix ल्युट्; also गुरण .
- गोरस :: mn. (-सः-सं) 1. Milk. 2. Curdled or coagulated milk. 3. Butter- milk. E. गो a cow, and रस juice.
- गोरसज :: n. (-जं) 1. Butter-milk. 2. Curds, E. गोरस, and ज produced.
- गोराज :: m. (-जः) A bull. E. गो a cow, and राजन् a king, टच् aff.
- गोराटी :: f. (-टी) A small bird, (Turdus salica. E. गो speech, रट् to utter, affix अच्, feminine affix ङीष् .
- गोरुत :: n. (-तं) A measure of distance equal to two Crosa or Cos: see गव्यूतिः ।
- गोरोच :: n. (-चं) Yellow orpiment. E. गो, and रोच what shines. गवा किरणेन रोचते रोच-अच् ।
- गोरोचना :: f. (-ना) A bright yellow pigment prepared from the urine of a cow, or vomited in the shape of scibulæ by the animal; or accor- ding to some, found in the head of a cow; it is employed in paint- ing and dying, and is of especial virtue in marking the foreheads of the Hindus with the Tilaka or sectarial mark; it is also used in medicine as a sedative, tonic, and anthelmintic remedy, &c. E. गो a cow, रुचि to shine, affix ल्युट् . गोभ्यो जाता रोचना हरिद्रा ।
- गोर्द्द :: n. (-र्द्दं) The brain. E. गुर् to endeavor, and दन् affix; also गोद .
- गोल :: mn. (-लः-लं) A circle, a ball, any thing round or globular. m. (-लः) 1. A widow's bastard. 2. Myrrh. 3. A tree, (Vangueria spinosa.) 4. A globe, celestial or terrestrial. 5. Conjunction of planets, or the presence of several in one sign. f. (-ला) 1. A globe. a sphere, a Mandala. 2. A wooden ball with which children play. 3. A woman's female friend. 4. The Godavari river. 5. A large water jar. 6. Ink. 7. Red arsenic. 8. A name of the goddess DURGA. E. गो heaven, water, &c. and ल what gets or receives; again, गुड् to be round, &c. affix अच् and ड changed to ल . डलयोरैक्यात् ।
- गोलक :: m. (-कः) 1. A wooden ball for playing with, or any thing globu- lar, a sphere, a globe, &c. 2. A widow's bastard. 3. A water jar. 4. Gum myrrh, 5. Pease. n. (-कं) The heaven of KRISHNA. E. कन् added to the preceding. गुड-ण्वुल् डस्य लः ।
- गोलाङ्गूल :: m. (-लः) A kind of monkey, described as of a black colour, and having a tail like a cow. E. गो a cow, and लाङ्गूल a tail.
- गोलाध्याय :: m. (-यः) The division of mathematical science which treats of the spheres, spherics. E. गोल the globe, and अध्याय chapter.
- गोलास :: m. (-सः) A mushroom, a kind of fungus springing from cowdung.
- गोलिह :: m. (-हः) A plant, commonly Ghantaparuli. E. गो a cow, and लिह to lick, affix क; upon which kine graze. गोभिर्लिह्यते लिह-घञर्थे क ।
- गोलीढ :: m. (-ढः) A plant: see the preceding. E. गो, and लिह as above, affix क्त . गोभिर्लिह्यते लिह क्त ।
- गोलोक :: n. (-कं) The heaven of KRISHNA. E. गो a cow, and लोक world.
- गोलोमिका :: f. (-का) A kind of small shrub. E. गोलोमन् cow's hair, कन् affix, fem. form.
- गोलोमी :: f. (-मी) 1. A kind of bent grass, with white blossoms; also श्वेत- दूर्ब्बा . 2. Root of sweet flag. Orris root. 4. A whore. a harlot. 5. A small shrub. E. गो the earth, &c. and लोमन् hair, the hair of the earth.
- गोवन्दनी :: f. (-नी) A plant bearing a fragrant seed: see प्रियङ्गु E. गो the earth, and वन्दनी praising.
- गोवर्द्धन :: m. (-नः) A celebrated hill in Brindaban or the country about Mathura: it was upheld by KRISHNA upon one finger, to shelter the cowherds from a storm excited by INDRA, as a test of the for- mer's divinity. E. गो a cow, and वर्द्धन increasing; pasturing cattle.
- गोवर्द्धनधर :: m. (-रः) A name of KRISHNA or VISHNU. E. गोवर्द्धन Gober- dhana, and धर who upholds: see the preceding.
- गोवशा :: f. (-शा) A barren cow. E. गो a cow, and वशा barren.
- गोविन्द :: m. (-न्दः) 1. One of the most usual appellations of KRISHNA or VISHNU in that form. 2. A name of VRIHASPATI, regent of JUPITER. 3. A cow-keeper, one who protects, cherishes or owns cattle. E. गो language, here the language of the Vedas especially,
and विन्द who knows, from विद् to know, with श affix; also गो heaven, a cow, विद् to obtain, by whom heaven is obtained, or who obtains felicity by protecting kine. गां वेदमयीं वाणीं, भुवं धेनुं स्वर्गं वा विन्दति ।
- गोविष् :: f. (-विट्) Cow-dung. E. गो a cow, and विष् ordure; also गोविष्ठा .
- गोवृन्द :: n. (-न्दं) 1. Property in cattle, possession of flocks and herds. 2. A herd, a drove of cattle. E. गो a cow, and वृन्द a heap, a multitude.
- गोवृन्दारक :: m. (-कः) A capital cow. E. गो a cow, and वृन्दारक affix of pre-eminence.
- गोवृष :: m. (-षः) A bull. N. गो a cow, and वृष best, pre-eminent.
- गोव्रज :: m. (-जः) A station for cattle. E. गो and व्रज a pen. a fold.
- गोशकृत् :: n. (-कृत्) Cow. dung. E. गो a cow, and शकृत् ordure.
- गोशाल :: mfn. sub. (-लः-ला-लं) A cow-house. adj. Born in a cow-house. E. गो a cow, and शाला a hall.
- गोशीर्ष :: n. (-र्षं) 1. A kind of Sandal, described as of the colour of brass, and of great fragrance. 2. The head of a cow. E. गो a cow, and शीर्ष the head.
- गोशीर्षक :: m. (-कः) A plant; also called Drona pushpa. E. कन् added to गोशीर्ष .
- गोशृङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A tree; also Berbera. n. (-ङ्गं) The horn of a cow. E. गो, and शृङ्ग a horn.
- गोष्ठ :: r. 1st cl. (गोष्ठते) To assemble, to collect, to heap together.
- गोष्ठ :: mn. (-ष्ठः-ष्ठं) 1. A cowpen, a fold for cattle, any place where animals are kept. 2. A station of cow-herds. f. (-ष्ठी) 1. An assembly, a meet- ing. 2. Conversation, discourse, dialogue, dispute. 3. Family con- nexions, but especially the dependent or junior branches. 4. A dramatic composition in one act. E. गो a cow, and ष्ठ from स्था to stay, with क affix; here meaning the place of abiding, or गोष्ठ to assemble, affix अच् .
- गोष्ठवेदिका :: f. (-का) A mound or altar in a cowpen. E. गोष्ठ, and वेदिका a mound.
- गोष्ठश्व :: mfn. (-श्वः -श्वं -श्व) Malignant, censorious, envious: especially appli- ed to a person who stays at home, and slanders his neighbours. E. गोष्ठ a cowpen, in the first case used for abode in general, and श्वि to increase, affix ड, who magnifies himself in his own house. m. (-श्वः) A horse in a cowpen. E. गोष्ठ, and अश्व a horse, the form is irregular.
- गोष्ठाष्टमी :: f. (-मी) A particular holiday: see गोपाष्टमी .
- गोष्ठीपति :: m. (-तिः) 1. The chief person in an assembly, a president. 2. The master of a family. E. गोष्ठी, and पति master.
- गोष्पद :: n. (-दं) 1. A spot frequented by kine. 2. A measure, as much as a cow's footstep will hold. 3. The mark or impression of a cow's foot. 4. A cow's foot or hoof. E. गो a cow, and पद for पाद a foot.
- गोस :: m. (-सः) 1. Gum myrrh. 2. The last watch of the night, early morning or day-break. E. गो water, dew, and सो to destroy, to absorb; affix ड .
- गोसंख्य :: m. (-ख्यः) A herdsman, a cowherd. E. गो a cow, and सम् pre- fixed to ख्या to count, affix ड .
- गोसगृह :: n. (-हं) The inner part of a house, an inner or sleeping room, a bed-chamber.
- गोसङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Dawn, day-break. E. गो a cow, and सङ्ग meeting, junc- tion; the herd assembling at that time.
- गोसदृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The Gayal, (Bos gavæus.) E. गो a cow, and सदृक्ष like, from सदृश with स aff. गोः सदृक्षः । गोतुल्ये, गवये ।
- गोसन्दाय :: m. (-यः) Ono who gives a cow. E. गो a cow, दा to give, with सम् prefixed, युक् augment, affix अच् .
- गोसम्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Produced from or by a cow. E. गो, and सम्भव born.
- गोसर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) Dawn, day-break. E. गो a cow, and सर्ग going forth, the cattle then going forth to pasture.
- गोसव :: m. (-वः) The sacrifice of a cow, one of the grand sacrifices of the Hindus in former times, and not permitted in the present or Kali yuga age: see गोमेध . E. गो a cow, and सब sacrifice.
- गोशशस :: m. (-शः) Myrrh: गवि जले शशति शश-वा असच् सप्तमी तत्पुरुषः । वोलि ।
- गोस्तन :: m. (-नः) 1. The udder of a cow. 2. A garland consisting of four or of thirty-four strings. 3. A cluster of blossoms, a nosegay, &c. f. (-ना or -नी) A grape. E. गो a cow, and स्तन a breast, full or clustering like the udder of a cow. गोः स्तन इव गुच्छो यस्य ।
- गोस्थान :: n. (-नं) A cowpen, a station for cattle. E. गो a cow, and स्थान a place; also with कन् added गोस्थानक .
- गोस्थानक :: n. (-कं) See the proceding.
- गोस्वामिन् :: m. (-मी) 1. The master or possessor of herds. 2. A holy man, a religious personage and teacher; in common language, a Gossawami. E. गो kine, or an organ of sense, and स्वामिन् a lord or master. गवां स्वामिनि ।
- गोहत्या :: f. (-त्या) Killing a cow. E. गो, and हत्या murder. गोहनने .
- गोहन्न :: n. (-न्नं) Cow-dung E. गो, and हन्न ordure.
- गोहरीतकी :: f. (-की) Vilwa or Bel, (Ægle marmelos.) गोः हरितकीव हित- कारित्वात् ।
- गोहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Proper or fit for cattle. 2. Cherishing or pro- tecting kine. m. (-तः) 1. A creeping plant; also घोषा 2. The Bel tree. E. गो a cow, and हित suitable, &c. गवां हितं यस्मात् ।
- गोहिर :: n. (-रं) The heel. E. गुह् to cover, इरच् aff.
- गोह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) 1. To be covered or concealed. 2. To be kept secret. E. गुह to cover, ण्यत् aff.
- गौञ्जिक :: m. (-कः) A goldsmith. E. गुञ्जा the small weight especially used by goldsmiths, and ठक् aff. गुञ्जा तुलमानभेदः तद्ग्रहणं शीलमस्य । ठक् ।
- गौड :: m. (-डः) The district of Gaur, the central part of Bengal, extend- ing from Banga to Bhubaneshwar in Orrissa: the ruins of its capital, called by the same name, are still in existance. m. plu. (-डाः) The inhabitants of Gaur. f. (-डी) 1. Rum or spirit distilled from Gur or molasses. 2. One of the Raginis. 3. A style of poetry, the bold and spirited style, E. गुड to surround, or गुड raw sugar, and अण् affix, fem. affix ङीष् .
- गौडिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Of or relating to Gur or molasses. n. (-कं) Rum. E. गुड as above, affix of relation ठक् .
- गौण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) 1. Having qualities or attributes. 2. Relating to multiplication or enumeration. 3. Secondary, subordinate. 4. Secondery as applied to the month, reckoned from full-moon to full-moon. E. गुण, and अण् aff. गुणमधिकृत्य प्रवृत्ता गौणी ततः आगतः अण् ।
- गौणिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Having qualities, relating to or connected with them. E. गुण, and ठक् aff. गुणे रूपादौ साधुः ।
- गौतम :: m. (-मः) 1. The name of a saint or sage and founder of the Nyaya philosophy. 2. A legislator of the same name. 3. A name of SAKYA Muni, the original Buddha or founder of the Bauddha sect. 4. A name of the first pupil of the last Jaina. 5. Name of a tribe or family of Brahmans descended from GOTAMA. 6. A poison, one of the fixed kinds, or mineral, vegetable, &c. f. (-मी) 1. A name of DURGA. 2. A female Rakshasa or goblin. 3. A yellow dye: see गोरोचना 4. The Godavari river. E. गोतम a sage, and अण् patro- nomic affix, &c.
- गौधार :: m. (-रः) An iguana. E. गोधा an alligator, and आरक् affix of des- cent; considered as the offspring of the alligator, on account of its smaller size, and similar shape; also गौधेय and गौधेर .
- गौधेय :: m. (-यः) An iguana. E. गोधा, and ढक् affix: see the last.
- गौधेर :: m. (-रः) An iguana. E. गोधा, and ढक् affix; see गौधारः
- गौपुच्छिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Of or belonging to a cow's tail, bought for a cow's tail, &c. E. गो, and पुच्छ a tail, affix ठञ् . गोपुच्छेन क्रीतम् ।
- गौर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. White. 2. Yellow. 3. Pale red: (or it may be used as a noun substantive mas. to imply either of these colours.) 4. Clean, cleansed, pure. m. (-रः) 1. white mustard. 2. The moon. 3. A tree, (Grislea tomentosa:) see धवः 4. A name of CHAITANA. n.
(-रं) 1. The filament of a lotus. 2. Gold. 3. Saffron f. (-रा-री) 1. A. name of the goddess PARVATI. (-री) 2. A young girl, eight years old. 3. Any young girl prior to menstruation, a maid, a virgin. 4. The name of a river. 5. The wife of the deity VARUNA. 6. The earth. 7. Turmeric. 8. A yellow dye called Gorochana. 9. A plant: see रोचनी . 10. A plant bearing a fragrant seed: see प्रियङ्गु . 11. One of the female energies or Saktis of the Bauddhas. 12. A white kind of Durva or bent grass. 13. Arabian jasmin. 14. Sacred basil or Tulasi. 15. One of the Raginis. E. गुड to sound. and रन् Unadi affix, the deriv. is irregular; also गुरी to endeavour, धञ् affix, and derivative irr.; upon whom or what the mind exerts itself; again, गौर white, pure, &c. affix ङीष्, that which is white or brilliant, &c. which applies to the virgin, &c.
- गौरचन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) A name of the saint CHAITANYA.
- गौरव :: n. (-वं) 1. Reputation, respectability, venerableness or weight. 2. Physical weight, heaviness. E. गुरु heavy, respectable, &c. and अण् affix, implying condition of being. गुरोर्भावः कर्म वा ।
- गौरवित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Venerable, respectable. E. गौरव, and इतच् aff.
- गौरवेरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Praised, famed, celebrated. E. गौरव, fame, and ईरित declared.
- गौरशाक :: m. (-कः) A species of bassia; also मधुक . E. गौर pale white, and शाक a potherb. गौरः शाकः अस्य मधुकभेदे ।
- गौरसर्षप :: m. (-पः) 1. White mustard. 2. The white mustard seed con- sidered as a measure of weight. E. गौर white, and सर्षप mustard, also गौर .
- गौराङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A name of CHAITANA. E. गौर pale, and अङ्ग body.
- गौरार्द्रक :: m. (-कः) A kind of poison. E. गौर white, and आर्द्रक ginger.
- गौरास्य :: m. (-स्यः) A black monkey with a white face. E. गौर, and आस्य face.
- गौरिका :: f. (-का) A virgin, a young girl, one eight years old, or in whom menstruation has not commenced. E. गौरी as above, and ठन् aff.
- गौरिल :: m. (-लः) 1. White mustard. 2. Iron or steel filings or dust. E. गौर pale white, and इलच् aff. गौरवर्णोऽस्ति अस्य वा इलच् । श्वेतसर्षपे । लौहचूर्णे ।
- गौरीज :: m. (-जः) KARTIKEYA or GANESA. n. (-जं) Talc. E. गौरी, and ज born.
- गौरीपट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः) The horizontal plate of the Linga, typical of the female organ. E. गौरी, and पट्ट a layer. गौर्य्याः पट्टमिव स्थानम् ।
- गौरीपति :: m. (-तिः) A name of SIVA. E. गौरी, and पति husband.
- गौरीपुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) A name of the deity KARTIKEYA. E. गौरी the goddess, and पुत्त्र a son, the son of GAURI.
- गौरीललित :: n. (-तं) Yellow orpiment. E. गौरी the goddess, or a young girl, and ललित loved, liked; this being used as a dye to stain the clo- thes of women, &c.
- गौरुतल्पिक :: m. (-कः) A violator of the bed of a Guru. E. गुरु, तल्प a bed, and ठक् aff.
- गौलक्षणिक :: m. (-कः) One who distinguishes the good marks of a cow. E. गो, लक्षण a mark, ठक् aff.
- गौल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Spirituous liquor.
- गौशतिक :: m. (-कः) One possessing a hundred cows. E. गौ, शत a hundred, and ठञ् aff.
- गौष्ठीन :: n. (-नं) The site of an old and abandoned cowpen. E. गोष्ठ a cow- pen, and खञ् aff. पूर्वं भूतं गोष्ठं खञ् । भूतपूर्वगोष्ठे ।
- गौसहस्रिक :: m. (-कः) One who has a thousand cows. E. गो, सहस्र a thous- and, ठञ् aff. गोसहस्रमस्ति अस्य गौशतिकवत् ठञ् । गोसहस्रस्वामिनि ।
- ग्रथ :: r. 1st cl. (इ) ग्रथि (ग्रन्थते) 1. To be crooked. 2. To be crooked meta- phorically, to be wicked. 3. To curve, to bend or make crooked. 4. to string together, to arrange. r. 10th cl. (ग्रथयति) To bind or tie.
- ग्रथित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Strung, tied together or in order. 2. Collected. 3. Arranged, classed. 4. Overcome. 5. Hurt, injured. E. ग्रथि to bind, affix क्त .
- ग्रन्थ :: r. 1st, 9th and 10th cls. (ग्रन्थति, ग्रथ्नाति ग्रन्थयति) To string, to tie to-
gether, to connect or arrange in a regular series. With उद् pre- fixed, To untie, to loosen.
- ग्रन्थ :: m. (-न्थः) 1. Stringing or tying together, (literally or metaphori- cally.) 2. Wealth, property. 3. A book or composition in prose or verse. 4. A metre or measure of thirty two syllables. E. ग्रन्थ to dis- pose or arrange, affix भावे कर्मणि वा घञ् ।
- ग्रन्थकर्त्तृ :: m. (-र्त्ता) An author. E. ग्रन्थ, and कर्त्तृ maker.
- ग्रन्थकार :: m. (-रः) An author. E. ग्रन्थ, and कार who makes. ग्रन्थं करोति अण् उप० स० ।
- ग्रन्थकुटी :: f. (-टी) An office a study, a library. E. ग्रन्थ a book, and कुटी a house or room.
- ग्रन्थन :: nf. (-नं-ना) Arranging. stringing, tying or connecting together either as a chaplet or a book. E. ग्रन्थ to arrange, affix भावे ल्युट् or ग्रन्थ चुरा-युच् ।
- ग्रन्थविस्तर :: m. (-रः) A voluminous work. E. ग्रन्थ, and विस्तर extent.
- ग्रन्थि :: m. (-न्थिः) 1. The joint or knot of a reed or cane, &c. 2. A tie, the knot of a cord, &c. 3. A joint or articulation of the body, 4. A plant, commonly Ganthiala: see ग्रन्थिपर्ण . 5. Crookedness, dis- tortion. 6. A complaint, knotting of the vessels as in varicocele, &c. E. ग्रन्थ to connect, &c. Unadi affix इन् .
- ग्रन्थिक :: m. (-कः) 1. An astrologer, a fortune teller. 2. The youngest of the Pandus. 3. A thorny plant: see करीर . n. (-कं) 1. The root of long pepper. 2. A kind of resin, Bdellium. 3. A perfume: see ग्रन्थि- पर्ण . E. कन् added to the preceding, or ग्रन्थ a book, &c. and ठन् aff.
- ग्रन्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Strung, tied. E. ग्रन्थ to tie, affix क्त .
- ग्रन्थिदूर्व्वा :: f. (-र्व्वा) A species of Durva grass. E. ग्रन्थि, and दूर्व्वा Panicum dactylon.
- ग्रन्थिन् :: mfn. (-न्थी -न्थिनी -न्थि) 1. Bookish, read, learned. 2. Relating or be- longing to a book, &c. E. ग्रन्थ, and णिनि aff.
- ग्रन्थिपर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) A plant, and according to some authorities a perfume commonly called Ganthiala. E. ग्रन्थ a knot, and पर्ण a leaf.
- ग्रन्थिबन्धन :: n. (-नं) 1. Tying a knot. 2. A ligament. 3. Tying together the garments of the bride and bridegroom at the marriage cere- mony. E. ग्रन्थि, and बन्धन binding.
- ग्रन्थिमत् :: m. (-मान्) A plant, (Heliotropium indicum;) also अस्थिसंहार . E. ग्रन्थि knot, and मतुप् poss. aff.
- ग्रन्थिमूल :: n. (-लं) Garlic. E. ग्रन्थि a knot, and मूल root.
- ग्रन्थिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Knotted, knotty, &c. m. (-लः) 1. A plant, com- monly Bainchi (Flacourtia sapida, Rox.) 2. Karir, a thorny plant, capparis:) see करीर . n. (-लं) 1. Green or undried ginger. 2. Root of long pepper. E. ग्रन्थि a knot, and लच् aff.
- ग्रन्थिवर्हिन् :: m. (-र्ही) A plant: see ग्रन्थिपर्ण . E. ग्रन्थि a knot, वर्ह to cover, and णिनि aff.
- ग्रन्थिहर :: m. (-रः) A counsellor, a minister. E. ग्रन्थि knot, and हर who removes; who unties the knots of business. E. ग्रन्थिं हरति हर-अच् ।
- ग्रन्थीक :: n. (-कं) The root of long pepper: see ग्रन्थिक . पिप्पलीमूले ।
- ग्रस :: r. 1st cl. (उ) ग्रसु (ग्रसते) 1. To eat. 2. To swallow, to devour. r. 1st and 10th cls. (ग्रसति ग्रासयति) To take, to seize. भ्वा-आत्म-सक-सेट् । चुरा-उभ० ।
- ग्रसन :: n. (-नं) 1. Swallowing, eating. 2. Taking, seizing. E. ग्रस् to take भावे ल्युट् aff.
- ग्रसमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Swallowing, devouring. 2. Receiving or listen- ing to any thing eagerly. E. ग्रस् to eat, शानच् aff.
- ग्रसिष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) Eating, taking food. E. ग्रस् to eat, इष्णुच् aff.
- ग्रस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Inarticulately pronounced, slurred, uttered with the omission of a letter or syllable. 2. Eaten. 3. Taken, seized. 4. Affected by. 5. Commenced as an eclipse, eclipsed. E. ग्रस् to eat, affix कर्मणि क्त .
- ग्रस्तास्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Commenced and ended as an eclipse. E. ग्रस्त seized. अस्त set.
- ग्रह :: r. 1st, and 10th cls. (ग्रहति-ग्रहयति) r. 9th cl. (उभ) ग्रहू (गृह्णाति गृह्णीते) 1. To take, to seize, to receive or accept. With अनु, prefixed, To
favour, to show kindness to. With अव, To oppose. With उत्, To deposit, to trust. With उप, To provide. 2. To favour. With नि, 1 To take, to arrest. 2. To punish. 3. To restrain. With परि, To lay hold of, to seize. With प्रति, 1. To assent to, to receive as a precept or truth. 2. To embrace, to enfold, to comprehend or contain. 3. To subdue. 4. To accept. With वि, To quarrel, to fight. With सम्, To collect, to assemble. क्न्या-उभ-सक-सेट् । आदाने वा चुरा-उभ पक्षे भ्वा-प ।
- ग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. Taking, whether by seizure or acceptance. 2. An eclipse or seizure of the sun or moon, by RAHU, &c. 3. A planet. 4. The place of a planet in the fixed zodiac. 5. A moveable point in the heavens. 6. A name of RAHU, or the ascending node. 7. An imp, one of a particular class, beginning with PUTANA, sup- posed especially to seize upon young children producing convul- sions. 8. Effort in battle. 9. Tenacity, perseverance. 10. Purpose, design. 11. Favor, patronage. E. ग्रह् to take, &c. affix अच् .
- ग्रहकल्लोल :: m. (-लः) A name of RAHU, the personified ascending node. E. ग्रह a planet, and कल्लोल an enemy.
- ग्रहगण :: m. (-णः) The planets taken collectively. E. ग्रह, and गण a number.
- ग्रहण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) A prisoner, captive, confined. n. (-णं) 1. Taking, seizure. 2. Receiving, acceptance. 3. Assent, agreement. 4. Respect. 5. The hand. 6. An eclipse. 7. Comprehension, the taking or receiving of instruction, or the acquirement of any science. 8. Sound. 9. An organ of sense. 10. In grammar, Exception. E. ग्रह् to take, affix भावे ल्युट् .
- ग्रहणान्त :: n. (-न्तं) Close of study, acquirement of science, &c. E. ग्रहण taking, and अन्त end.
- ग्रहणान्तिक :: n. (-कं) Termination of holy study. E. ग्रहण, and अन्तिक final.
- ग्रहणि :: f. (-णिः) 1. Diarrhœa, dysentery. 2. The vessels diffusing vital warmth. 3. The small intestines, that part of the alimentary canal where the bile assists digestion. E. ग्रह् to seize, अनि Unadi affix; also with ङीप् added ग्रहणी .
- ग्रहणीरुज् :: f. (-रुक्) Diarrhœa, dysentery. E. ग्रहणी the same (as above), and रुज् sickness, disease.
- ग्रहणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be taken, to be seized, accepted, &c. E. ग्रह्, and अनीयर् aff.
- ग्रहणीहर :: n. (-रं) Cloves. E. ग्रहणी diarrhœa, and हर what removes.
- ग्रहनायक :: m. (-कः) 1. The sun. 2. The planet Saturn. E. ग्रह a planet, and नायक a chief.
- ग्रहनाश :: m. (-शः) A planet, (Echites scholaris) E. ग्रह taking, and नाश injury, producing pain in the bowels, &c. also ग्रहनाशन .
- ग्रहनेमि :: m. (-मिः) The moon. E. ग्रह a planet and नेमि the circumference of a wheel, from its shape,
- ग्रहपति :: m. (-तिः) The sun. E. ग्रह a planet. and पति chief.
- ग्रहपीडा :: f. (-डा) The influence of an unpropitious planet. E. ग्रह, and and पीडा pain.
- ग्रहपुष :: m. (-षः) The sun, E. ग्रह, and पुष् to cherish, affix क; cherishing the planets with his light.
- ग्रहपूजा :: f. (-जा) worship of the sun and the other planets. E. ग्रह, and पूजा worship.
- ग्रहयाग :: m. (-गा) Worship of or offering to the planets. E. ग्रह, and याग sacrifice; also ग्रहयज्ञ .
- ग्रहयालु :: mfn. (-लुः -लुः -लु) Taking, receiving. E. ग्रह to take, आलुच् affix, अय inserted; also गृहयालु,
- ग्रहराज :: m. (-जः) 1. The sun. 2. The moon. 3. The planet Jupiter or its regent. E. ग्रह a planet, and राज a king, a chief.
- ग्रहविप्र :: m. (-प्रः) An astrologer. E. ग्रह and विप्र a Brahman.
- ग्रहाधार :: m. (-रः) The constellation DHRUVA or the polar star. E. ग्रह planet, and आधार asylum; the star remaining fixed amidst the planetary movements.
- ग्रहाधीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Subject to planetary influence. E. ग्रह, and अधीन dependent.
- ग्रहामय :: m. (-यः) Epilepsy, convulsions, demoniac possession which the complaint is supposed to be. E. ग्रह an imp, and आ मय sickness.
- ग्रहाशिन् :: m. (-शी) A plant, (Echites scholaris:) see ग्रहनाश . E. ग्रह taking, and अश् here meaning to hurt, affix इनि .
- ग्रहीतव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be taken or accepted. 2. To be learned or acquired. E. ग्रह् to take, तव्य affix, and ई inserted.
- ग्रहीतृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Taking, disposed to take. E. ग्रह् to take, तृच् affix, and ई inserted.
- ग्राम :: m. (-मः) 1. A village, a hamlet, an inhabited and unfortified place in the midst of fields and meadow land, where men of the servile class mostly reside, and where agriculture thrives. 2. A scale in music. 3. (In composition,) A multitude. E. गम् to go, affix घञ्, and deriv. irr. or ग्रस् to eat, Unadi affix मन् and आच् substituted for the radical final. ग्रस-मन् आदन्तादेशः ।
- ग्रामकुक्कुट :: m. (-टः) A tame or domestic cock. E. ग्राम, and क्ककुट a cock.
- ग्रामकूट :: m. (-टः) A man of the fourth tribe, a Sudra. E. ग्राम a village, and कूट a number, the crowd or population of the village. ग्रामस्य कूट इव वञ्चनाप्रघानत्वात् । शूद्रे ।
- ग्रामग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Who or what goes to a village. E. ग्राम, and गम् to go, ड aff.
- ग्रामगमिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Going in or to a village. E. ग्राम, and गमिन् who goes.
- ग्रामगृह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) Being or remaining outside the village. E. ग्राम, and गृह्य to be taken out. ग्राम-वाह्यार्थे क्यप् ।
- ग्रामघात :: m. (-तः) Plundering a village. E. ग्राम, and घात attacking.
- ग्रामङ्गमिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Who or what goes to a village. E. ग्राम in the 2nd case, गमिन् what goes.
- ग्रामज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Village, rustic, village-born or produced. E. ग्राम, and ज born; also ग्रामजात, &c. ग्रामे जायते जन-ड ।
- ग्रामणी :: mfn. (-णीः -णीः -णि) 1. Best, excellent. 2. Chief, pre-eminent, superintendent. 3. One who only thinks of enjoyment. m. (-णीः) A barber. f. (-णीः) 1. A whore, a harlot. 2. A female peasant or villager. 3. The indigo plant. E. ग्राम a village, नी to get or obtain, affix क्विप् . ग्रामं समूहं नयति प्रेरयति स्वस्वकार्य्येषु ।
- ग्रामणीपुत्र :: m. (-त्रः) The son of a whore, a bastard. E. ग्रामणी, and पुत्र a son; also read ग्रामणिपुत्र .
- ग्रामतक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The village carpenter. E. ग्राम a village, and तक्ष car- penter.
- ग्रामतस् :: ind. From the village. E. ग्राम and तसि aff.
- ग्रामता :: f. (-ता) A multitude of villages. E. ग्राम, and तल् affix of multi- tude; also ग्रामत्वं with त्व aff.
- ग्रामदशेश :: m. (-शः) The head of ten villages. E. ग्राम, दश ten, and ईश chief; also ग्रामदशाधिपति, &c.
- ग्रामभृत :: m. (-तः) The village messenger or servant. E. ग्राम, and भृत sup- ported.
- ग्राममद्गुरिका :: f. (-का) 1. A kind of fish, (Silurus singio, HAM.) 2. A riot, a fray, a village war, (ग्रामयुद्ध .) E. ग्राम, and मद्गुर a fish, &c.
- ग्राममुख :: m. (-खः) A market town, a fair, a market. E. ग्राम a village, and मुख chief.
- ग्राममृग :: m. (-गः) A dog. E. ग्राम, and मृग deer, the village deer.
- ग्रामयाजक :: m. (-कः) The village priest, one who conducts the ceremonies for any or all classes, and is consequently considered as a degrad- ed Brahman; it also applies to the attendant of an idol. E. ग्राम a village, यज् to sacrifice, in the causal form, affix वुन्; also with णिनि affix ग्रामयाजिन् .
- ग्रामलुण्ठन :: n. (-नं) Plundering or pillaging a village. E. ग्राम, and लुण्ठन robbing.
- ग्रामवास :: m. (-सः) 1. A villager. 2. Living in a village. E. ग्राम, and वास abode; also ग्रामेवास .
- ग्रामवासिन् :: m. (-सी) A villager. E. ग्राम, and वासिन् who inhabits; also ग्रामेवासिन् .
- ग्रामविशेष :: m. (-षः) Variety of the scales in music. E. ग्राम, and विशेष dif- ference.
- ग्रामशत :: n. (-तं) A hundred villages, a province. E. ग्राम and and शत a hundred.
- ग्रामशतेश :: m. (-शः) The governor of a province. E. ग्राम, शत and ईश chief also ग्रामशताधिपतिः, ग्रामशताध्यक्षः, &c.
- ग्रामसङ्कर :: m. (-रः) The common sewer or drain of a village. E. ग्राम and सङ्कर a narrow place.
- ग्रामसङ्घ :: m. (-ङ्घः) A village corporation, a municipality. E. ग्राम, and सङ्घ assembly.
- ग्रामस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Being or residing in a village, belonging to it &c. m. (-स्थः) A village. E. ग्राम, and स्थ what stays. ग्रामे तिष्ठति स्था-क ।
- ग्रामहासक :: m. (-कः) A sister's husband. E. ग्राम a village, and हास who delights, from हस् to laugh, &c. and ण्वुल् aff. ग्रामं हासयति हम-णिच् . ण्वुल् ।
- ग्रामाधान :: n. (-नं) Hunting. E. ग्राम a village, and आधान what supports.
- ग्रामाधिकृत :: m. (-तः) The head man or chief of a village. E. ग्राम and अधि- कृत set over.
- ग्रामाधिपति :: m. (-तिः) Chief or head of a village. E. ग्राम, and अधिपति chief.
- ग्रामाध्यक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) Superintendent or chief of a village. E. ग्राम and अध्यक्ष superior.
- ग्रामान्त :: n. (-न्तं) Space near a village. E. ग्राम and अन्त a boundary.
- ग्रामान्तीय :: n. (-यं) Space near a village. E. ग्राम and अन्त end, छ aff.
- ग्रामिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Village, rude, rustic. 2. Chromatic. m. (-कः) 1. The head-man of a village 2. A village. E. ग्राम and ठञ् aff.
- ग्रामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Village, villager. m. (-मी) The head-man of a village. f. (-मिनी) The indigo plant. E. ग्राम a village, इनि and ङीप् affixes; also ग्रामीणा .
- ग्रामीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. A villager, a rustic. 2. Produced in or pecu- liar to a village. 3. Vulgar, rude. 4, Chromatic. m. (-णः) 1. A dog. 2. A crow. f. (-णा) The indigo plant. E. ग्राम and खञ् aff.
- ग्रामीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Belonging to a village, produced in or derived from it. m. (-यः) A villager. E. ग्राम and ढक् affix; also with कन् add- ed ग्रामीयक .
- ग्रामेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) A villager, rustic, village-born, &c. E. ग्राम and ढक् affix; also with कन् added ग्रामेयक .
- ग्रामेवास :: m. (-सः) 1. A villager. 2. A village abode. E. ग्रामे seventh case, and वास abode.
- ग्रामेवासिन् :: m. (-सी) A villager. E. ग्रामे seventh case, वासिन् who dwells.
- ग्रामेश :: m. (-शः) The head-man of a village. E. ग्राम and ईश a master.
- ग्रामेश्वर :: m. (-रः) The head-man or ruler over a village. E. ग्राम, and ईश्वर a master.
- ग्राम्य :: mfn. (-म्यः -म्या -म्यं) 1. Village-born, produced in or relating to a village. 2. Vulgar, rude, rustic. 3. Relating to a musical scale. m. (-म्यः) A hog, a tame or a village hog. n. (-म्यं) 1. Rustic or homely speech. 2. The Prakrit, and the other dialects of India, except the Sanskrit. E. ग्राम and यत् aff.
- ग्राम्यकर्क्कटी :: f. (-टी) A pumpkin gourd. E. ग्राम्य village, and कर्क्कटी gourd.
- ग्राम्यकन्द :: m. (-न्दः) A common species of Arum. E. ग्राम्य, and कन्द root.
- ग्राम्यकुङ्कुम :: n. (-मं) A yellow dye, safflower, (Carthamus tinctorius.) E. ग्राम्य and कुङ्कुम saffron, village saffron. कुसुम्भे ।
- ग्राम्यधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) Copulation. n. ग्राम्य and धर्म्म virtue, village virtue.
- ग्राम्यमद्गुरिका :: f. (-का) A kind of fish, (Silurus singio, HAM.) Also ग्राममद्गु- रिका .
- ग्राम्यमांस :: n. (-सं) Meat of tame animals. E. ग्राम्य rural, and मांस flesh.
- ग्राम्यमृग :: m. (-गः) A dog. E. ग्राम्य and मृग a deer, the village deer; also ग्राममृग .
- ग्राम्यराशि :: f. (-शिः) A name of several of the signs of the zodiac. E. ग्राग्य, and राशि a sign.
- ग्राम्यशूकर :: m. (-रः) A village hog, a tame hog, a pig. E. ग्राम्य, and शूकर a hog.
- ग्राम्याश्व :: m. (-श्वः) An ass. E. ग्राम्य, and अश्व a horse, the village horse.
- ग्रावन् :: mfn. (-वा -वा -व) Hard, solid. m. (-वा) 1. A stone or rock. 2. A mountain. 3. A cloud. E. ग्रसते ग्रस ड ग्रः आवनति वन सम्भक्तौ विच् कर्म ।
- ग्रास :: m. (-सः) A mouthful or a quantity equivalent to a mouthful, a lump of rice, &c. of the size of a peacock's egg. E. ग्रस् to eat, affix कर्मणि घञ् .
- ग्रासाच्छादन :: n. (-नं) Bare subsistence, food and clothing. E. ग्रास, and आच्छादन covering.
- ग्राह :: m. (-हः) 1. Taking, either by seizure or acceptance. 2. A shark; according to some, the Gangetic alligator, (Lacerta Gangetica;) according to others, the water elephant, (the hippopotamus.) 3. Any large fish or marine animal. E. ग्रह् to take, affix घञ् or ण .
- ग्राहक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) One who takes or seizes, one who accepts or receives. m. (-कः) 1. A hawk, a falcon. 2. A police officer, a cons- table, a bailiff. E. ग्रह् to take, णिच् ण्वुल् aff.
- ग्राहवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Containing or abounding with alligators. E. ग्रह्, and मतुप् aff.
- ग्राहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) 1. Taking, seizing, accepting, who or what takes. 2. Astringent, binding, constipating. m. (-ही) 1. A seda- tive, a narcotic. 2. The elephant or wood apple: see कपित्थ . f. (-णी) A small kind of Jawasa, perhaps a species of Hedysarum. E. ग्रह् to take, णिनि aff.
- ग्राह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) 1. To be seized, to be taken, to be accepted. 2. To be accepted as a rule or a law, to be acknowledged or assented to. 3. To be attended to or obeyed. 4. To be admitted in evidence, &c. 5. To be apprehended or arrested. E. ग्रह् to take, ण्यत् aff.
- ग्रीवा :: f. (-वा) 1. The neck. 2. The back part of the neck, the nape, the tendon of the Trepazium muscle. E. गॄ to swallow, वनिप् Unadi affix गिरति अनया गॄ वनिप् निपातने ।
- ग्रीविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विणी -वि) Long-necked, handsome-necked. m. (-वी) A camel. E. ग्रीवा a neck, and इनि poss. aff. दीर्घा ग्रीवा अस्ति अस्य ।
- ग्रीष्म :: mfn. (-ष्मः -ष्मा -ष्मं) Hot, warm. m. (-ष्मः) 1. The hot season, compre- hending two months, about June July. 2. Heat, warmth. f. (-ष्मी) Jasmin. E. ग्रस् to take, &c. मनिन् Unadi affix, and the deriv. irr. ग्रसते रसान् ।
- ग्रीष्मज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) 1. Produced by heat. 2. Produced in the hot season. f. (-जा) A kind of fruit, (Annona reticulata.) E. ग्रीष्म the hot season, and ज produced.
- ग्रीष्मभव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Produced by heat or in the hot season. f. (-वा) Double jasmin: see नवमल्ली . E. ग्रीष्म the hot season, and भव being, flourishing.
- ग्रीष्मसुन्दरक :: m. (-कः) A kind of potherb, (Chironia centauroides; it is also applied to Pharnaceum mollugo.) E. ग्रीष्म the hot season, and सुन्दर handsome, affix कन् .
- ग्रीष्महास :: n. (-सं) The flocculent seeds, blown down, about in the air. E. ग्रीष्म the hot season, and हास a smile, considered from their white colour, as the smiles of the season.
- ग्रीष्मोद्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Produced by heat or in the hot season. f. (-वा) Double jasmin. E. ग्रीष्म, and उद्भव produced. ग्रीष्मकाले उद्भवति उद् + भू-अच् ।
- ग्रुच (इर उ) इर ग्रुचु :: r. 1st. cl. (ग्रोचति) To steal or rob. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- ग्रैव :: mfn, (-वः-वी-वं) Belonging to the neck, &c. n. (-वं) 1. A necklace, a close necklace or collar. 2. A chain worn round the neck of an elephant, &c. E. ग्रीवा the necklace, and अण् aff.
- ग्रैवेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Belonging to the neck. n. (-यं) 1. A collar, a neck- lace. 2. A chain on the neck of an elephant or horse. E. ग्रीवा, and ढक् affix; also ग्रैवेयक .
- ग्रैवेयक :: n. (-कं) A collar, an ornament for the neck. E. ग्रीवा and ढकङ् affix: see ग्रैव and ग्रैवेय .
- ग्रैष्म :: mfn. (-ष्मः -ष्मी -ष्मं) Belonging or relating to, or produced by heat or
hot season. of. (-ष्मी) Double jasmin. E. ग्रीष्म the hot season, &c. affix अण् .
- ग्लपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Distressed, pained. 2. Exhausted, overpower- ed. E. ग्लै to be weary, causal form, क्त aff.
- ग्लस (उ) ग्लसु :: r. 1st cl. (ग्लसते) To eat: see ग्रस .
- ग्लस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Eaten. E. ग्लस् to eat, affix क्त .
- ग्लह (उ) ग्लहु :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (ग्लहति-यति) To take, to receive or ac- cept: see ग्रह आदाने वा चुरा-उभ पक्षे भ्वा-सक-वेट् ।
- ग्लह :: m. (-हः) Gaming, playing with dice. E. ग्लह् to take, &c. affix अच् or it is derived irregularly from ग्रह, and with अप् aff.
- ग्लान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Wearied, languid, feeble, exhausted by fatigue, disease, &c. E. ग्लै to be feeble, and कर्त्तरि क्त aff.
- ग्लानि :: f. (-निः) Langour, lassitude, fatigue of body or depression of mind. E. ग्ला or ग्लै to be weary, Unadi affix भावे नि .
- ग्लायत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Being exhausted, languid, faint, &c. E. ग्लै to be weary, शतृ aff.
- ग्लास्नु :: mfn. (-स्नः -स्नुः -स्नु) Exhausted by disease or fatigue, wearied, lan- guid. E. ग्लै to be weak, affix स्नु .
- ग्लुच (इर उ) इर ग्लुचु :: r. 1st cl. (ग्लोचति) 1. To steal, to rob. 2. To go; see ग्रुच . भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- ग्लुञ्च (इर उ) इर ग्लुञ्चु :: r. 1st cl. (ग्लुञ्चति) To go, to move. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- ग्लेप (ऋ) ग्लेपृ :: r. 1st cl. (ग्लेपते) 1. To be poor or dependent. 2. To shake to tremble. 3. To move. सक-भ्वा-आ-सेट् ।
- ग्लेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be made weary or exhausted, exhaustible, fatiguable. E. ग्ला or ग्लै to be weary, affix यत् .
- ग्लेव (ऋ) ग्लेवृ :: r. 1st cl. (ग्लेवते) To serve, to worship, to gratify by service or devotedness. भ्वा-आ-सक-सेट् ।
- ग्लेष (ऋ) ग्लषृ :: r. 1st cl (ग्लेषते) To inquire, to search, to investigate.
- ग्लै :: r. 1st cl, ग्लायति 1. To be languid or weary, to be exhausted, faded, &c. 2. To yawn, this root is sometimes considered to be ग्ला . making ग्लायति as above, and in the causal form ग्लपयति or ग्लापयति . भ्वा-पर-अक-अनिट् ।
- ग्लैतृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Wearied, exhausted. E. ग्लै to be weary, तृच् aff.
- ग्लौ :: m. (-ग्लौः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. E. ग्ला to be weary, Unadi affix डा .
- घ :: The fourth consonant of the Sanskrit alphabet, being the aspirate of the preceding letter, and corresponding to Gh.
- घ :: m. (-घः) 1. A bell. 2. A rattling or gurgling sound. f. (-घा) 1. A tin- kling ornament worn by women round the waist. 2. Strikling, kill- ing. 3. Wetting, sprinkling, E. हन् to kill, affix ड, and घ substi- tuted for the radical letter, or the same affix, with घृ to sprinkle, &c.
- घग्घ :: r. 1st cl. (घग्घति) To laugh, to laugh at or deride also; घघ and गग्घ .
- घघ :: r. 1st cl. (घघति) To laugh or to laugh at: see the preceding.
- घट :: r. 1st cl. (घटते) To act, to strive or endeavour. r. 10th cl. (घाटयति) 1. To unite or to put together. 2. To injure or kill. 3. To shine (इ) घटि r. 10th cl. (घण्टयति) To shine. घट भ्वा-आ-अक-सेट् घटादि ।
- घट :: m. (-टः) 1. A large earthen water jar. 2. The sign Aquarius. 3. A measure; see कुम्भ . 4. An elephant's frontal sinus. 5. Suspending the breath as a religious exercise. 6. A man who makes effort or exer- tion. f. (-टा) 1. A troop of elephants assembled for martial purposes. 2. Effort, endeavour. 3. An assembly. 4. A number, a collection, an assemblage. f. (-टी) 1. The Ghari or Indian clock, a plate of iron or mixed metal on which the hours are struck. 2. A small
water jar, a ewer. E. घट् to endeavour, &c. affix अच् or अङ् and fem. affix टाप् or ङीप् .
- घटक :: m. (-कः) 1. A tree that produces fruit without apparent flowers. 2. A match-maker, an agent who ascertains or invents genealogies, and negociates matrimonial alliances. 3. A genealogist. E. घट् to endeavour, and णिच् ण्वुल् aff.
- घटग्रह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Who or what takes a water pot. E. घट and ग्रह् to take, अच् aff.
- घटदासी :: f. (-सी) A bawd or procuress. E. घट् effort, and दासी a slave or servant.
- घटन :: nf. (-नं-ना) 1. Effort, exertion. 2. Assembling, bringing together. 3. Joining, mixing. 4. Occuring. E. घट् to strive, &c. affix युच् ।
- घटयोनि :: m. (-निः) The saint AGASTYA. E. घट a water jar, and योनि place of birth; the saint being born from a water jar. see कुम्भसम्भव .
- घटराज :: m. (-जः) A large water jar of baked clay. E. घट् a jar, and राज king, chief. घटेन योजनेन राजते राज-अच् ।
- घटस्थापन :: n. (-नं) Placing a water pot as a type of DURGA, an essential part of various Tantrika ceremonies. E. घट, and स्थापन placing.
- घटाटोप :: m. (-पः) A covering for a carriage or any article of furniture. E. घट and आटोप pride.
- घटिक :: n. (-कं) The posteriors. f. (-का) 1. The ankle; also घटिका . 2. A Muhurta or thirtieth part of a day and night. 3. A Danda or period of twenty-four minutes. m. (-कः) A waterman. E. घटी a clock. &c. affixes कन् and टाप् for the feminine; otherwise घट a jar and ठन् aff.
- घटित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Devised, attempted. 2. Made of. 3. In contact with, contiguous, joined. E. घट् to make effort, णिच् क्त aff.
- घटिन्धम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Who blows or sounds in a jar. m. (-मः) A potter E. घटी and ध्मा to blow, खश् aff. मुम् ह्रस्वश्च ।
- घटिन्धय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Who drinks a Ghati, (in measure.) E. घटी and घै to drink, खश् aff. मुम् ह्रस्वश्च ।
- घटीकार :: m. (-रः) A potter. E. घट कार who makes, with अण् aff.
- घटीग्रह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Who or what takes a small jar, &c. E. घटी and ग्रह who takes. अच् aff.
- घटीयन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) The rope and bucket of a well, or any machine for rais- ing water. E. घट effort, and यन्त्र machine.
- घटोत्कच :: m. (-चः) The son of BHIMA by the Rakshasi, named HIDIMBA.
- घटोत्कचान्तक :: m. (-कः) A name of KARNA, natural brother to the Pandus E. घटोत्कच a proper name, and अन्तक destroyer.
- घटोद्भव :: m. (-वः) The sage AGASTYA. E. घट a jar, and उद्भव born, produced.
- घट्ट :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (घट्टते or घट्टयति-ते) To move. With परि prefixed, To spread or diffuse. With वि, To rub gently, to scratch. भ्वा-आत्म- सक-सेट् । वा चुरा-उभ० ।
- घट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः) A Ghat, a quay or landing place, steps on the side of a river, &c. leading to the water's edge. f. (ट्टी) A small or inferior landing place, private stairs, &c. E. घट्ट् to go, affix घञ् and with ङीष् affix, implying diminution.
- घट्टना :: f. (-ना) 1. Going, moving. 2. Practice, business, means of living. 3. Rubbing or striking together. E. घट्ट् to go, affix युच् fem. टाप् .
- घट्टजीविन् :: m. (-वी) An attendant at a landing place, who takes care of the clothes of the bathers, &c. E. घट्ट, and जीविन् who subsists. णिन् ।
- घण (उ,) घणु :: r. 8th cl. (घणुति or घणुते) To shine. तना-उभ-अक सेट् ।
- घण्ट :: m. (-ण्टः) A sort of sauce, vegetables made into a pulp with water, turmeric, mustard seeds and capsicums. f. (-ण्टा) 1. A bell; also a plate of iron or mixed metal struck as a bell. 2. A plant: see घण्टापाटली E. घन to strike, क्त affix, fem. टाप् and deriv. irr.
- घण्टाक :: m. (-कः) A plant: see घण्टा पाटली E. कन् added to the preceding; some copies read घण्टीक and घाण्टीक .
- घण्टाकर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) One of SIVA'S attendants, and is worshipped to pre- side over cutaneous complaints, and is worshipped for exemption
from them in the month Chaitra. E. घण्टा, and कर्ण and ear; having ears as broad as a bell.
- घण्टाताड :: m. (-डः) A bell-man, one who strikes a bell or Ghadi. E. घण्टा, and ताड who beats.
- घण्टाताडन :: n. (-नं) Striking a bell. E. घण्टा, and ताडन beating.
- घण्टानाद :: m. (-दः) The sound of a bell, &c. E. घण्टा, and नाद sound.
- घण्टापथ :: m. (-थः) The chief road through a village, a highway. E. घण्टा a bell, and पथि a road, affix अच्; the bell-road, or that by which elephants, &c. decorated with tinkling ornaments, proceed.
- घण्टापाटली :: f. (-ली) A plant commonly called by the similar name Ghan- taparuli, a species of the trumpet flower, (Bignonia suave-olens.) E. घण्टा a bell, &c. and पाटली the trumpet flower.
- घण्टावाद्य :: n. (-द्यं) The sound of a clock. E. घण्टा and वाद्य playing.
- घण्टावीज :: n. (-जं) The croton nut. E. घण्टा, and वीज seed.
- घण्टारवा :: f. (-वा) Crotolaria of various species. E. घण्टा, and रव sound; the seed rattling within the husk.
- घण्टाशब्द :: m. (-ब्दं) 1. Bell-metal. 2. The sound of a bell. E. घण्टा, and शब्द sound.
- घण्टास्वन :: m. (-नः) The sound of a bell or clock. E. घण्टा, and स्वन sound.
- घण्टिका :: f. (-का) The uvula or soft palate. E. घण्टा a bell, and कन् affix of similitude.
- घण्टु :: m. (-ण्टुः) 1. A string of bells tied on an elephant's chest, &c. by way of ornament. 2. Heat, light, &c. E. घटि to shine, Unadi affix उन् ।
- घण्टेश्वर :: m. (-रः) A minor deity, the son of MARS. E. घण्टा, and ईश्वर lord.
- घण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A bee. E. घण वा-ड तस्य नेत्त्वम् । भ्रमरे ।
- घन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Material, solid. 2. Coarse, gross. 3. Compact. 4. Hard, firm. 5. Full, plum. 6. Impenetrable. 7. Vicid, thick, inspis- sated. 8. Deep, (as sound) 9. Very, much. 10. Auspicious, fortu- nate. 11. Permanent, eternal. m. (-नः) 1. A cloud. 2. An iron club. 3. The body. 4. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) 5. A num- ber, an assemblage or quantity. 6. Extension, diffusion. 7. Hard- ness. 8. Solidity, substance. matter. 9. The cube of a number, (in arithmetic.) 10. A solid, (in geometry.) 11. Phlegm. 12. Talc. n. (-नं) 1. A cymbal, a bell, a Gong, &c. any brazen or composite metallic instrument, which is struck as a clock, &c. 2. A mode of dancing, neither quick nor slow. 3. Iron. 4. Skin, rind, bark, &c. E. हन् to strike or be struck, affix अप् and ह changed to घ .
- घनकफ :: m. (-फः) Hail. E. घन a cloud, and कफ phlegm.
- घनकाल :: m. (-लः) The rainy season. E. घन a cloud, and काल time.
- घनगोलक :: m. (-कः) An alloy of gold and silver.
- घनघनौघ :: m. (-घः) A gathering of dark clouds. E. घन thick, close, घनौघ cumulus.
- घनचय :: m. (-यः) A collection of clouds, cumulus E. घन, and चय a heap.
- घनजम्वाल :: m. (-लः) A quantity of mire, a slough. E. घन much, a heap, and जम्वाल mud.
- घनजाल :: n. (-लं) A gathering of clouds. E. घन, and जाल multitude.
- घनज्वाला :: f. (-ला) Lightning, a flash of lightning. E. घन a cloud, and ज्वाला flame.
- घनताल :: mf. (-लः-ला) A bird: see घनतोल . घनतायां निविडतायाम् अलति पर्य्या- प्नोति अल्-अच् ।
- घनतिमिर :: n. (-रं) 1. The darkness of clouds. 2. Great darkness. E. घन, and तिमिर dark.
- घनत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Firmness, compactness. 2. Thickness, coarseness, solidity. E. त्व added to घन; also with तल्, घनता .
- घनतोल :: mf. (-लः-ला) The Chataka, (Cuculus melanolencos.) E. घन a cloud, and तुल् to be equal, घनं मेघं तोलयति ऊर्द्ध्वं नयति आह्वानेन । तुल- उन्मितौ अण् उपमित समासः । who soars to the clouds in the rainy sea- son, which, according to the fable, is the only time when he gets
water to drink; some books have घनताल from ताल tune, or sound; whose music is (from) the clouds.
- घनध्वनि :: mfn. (-निः -निः -नि) Roaring, who or what makes such a sound. m. (-निः) 1. A deep and loud tone, a roar. 2. The muttering of thunder clouds. E. घन and ध्वनि sound.
- घननाभि :: m. (-भिः) Smoke. E. घन a cloud, and नाभि the navel or centre; smoke being supposed to be a principal ingredient in clouds. घनस्य मेघस्य नाभिरिव योनित्वात् । धूमे ।
- घननीहार :: m. (-रः) Thick falling frost or snow. E. घन, and नीहार hoar- frost.
- घनपदवी :: f. (-वी) The sky. E. घन a cloud, and पदवी station.
- घनपयोधर :: m. (-रः) A firm breast. E. घन, and पयोधर the female breast.
- घनपल्लव :: m. (-वः) A plant, (Hyperanthera; morunga:) see शोभाञ्जन E. घन abundance, and पल्लव a shoot or sprout. घना निविडाः पल्लवा अस्य .
- घनपाषण्ड :: mf. (-ण्डः-ण्डा) A peacock. E. घन a cloud, and पाषण्ड a sectary; this bird is supposed to delight in cloudy and rainy weather. घनेन मेघध्वनिना पाषण्ड इव उन्मत्तत्वात् । मयूरे ।
- घनफल :: m. (-लः) The contents of a solid, (in Geometry.) E. घन and फल fruit. घनानि निविडानि फलानि अस्य । विकङ्कटवृक्षे च ।
- घनमूल :: n. (-लं) Cube root, (in Arithmetic.) E. घन and मूल root. घनस्य समत्रिघातस्य मूलमाद्यम् ।
- घनरव :: m. (-वः) The roaring of clouds, thunder. E. घन and रव sound.
- घनरस :: mn. (-सः-सं) Water. m. (-सः) 1. Camphor. 2. Extract, decoction, &c. 3. A plant, (Aletris hyacinthoides.) 4. Thick or inspissated juice. E. घन a cloud or a heap, and रस juice, essence. घनस्य मेघस्य मुस्नकस्य वा रसो निष्यन्दः ।
- घनवर्त्म :: n. (-र्त्म) The sky. E. घन and वर्त्मन् path.
- घनवल्लिका :: f. (-का) Lightning. E. घन a cloud, and वल्लिका a creeper. घना निविडा वल्ली यस्याः कप् ह्रस्वः ।
- घनवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) Lightning. E. घन and वल्ली a creeper. घनस्य मेघस्य वल्लीव । विद्यु ति ।
- घनवात :: m. (-तः) One of the regions of hell. E. घन much, and वात wind; the region of storm. घनो निविडो वातोऽत्र ।
- घनवास :: m. (-सः) A pumpkin gourd. E. घन a long time, and वास abiding. घनो वासो गन्धोऽस्य कुष्माण्डे ।
- घनवाहन :: m. (-नः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. A name of INDRA. E. घन a cloud and वाहन a vehicle; who rides in the clouds. घन इव शुभ्रं वाहनमस्य । शिवे । घनो मेघो वाहनमस्य । इन्द्रे वा ।
- घनवीथि :: f. (-थिः) A line of clouds. E. घन and वीथि a row. घनानां वीथिः ।
- घनशब्द :: m. (-ब्दः) The noise of clouds, thunder. E. घन and शब्द sound.
- घनश्याम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Black, deep black, as that of heavy clouds m. (-मः) 1. RAMA. 2. KRISHNA. E. घन and श्याम black. घनः मेघ इव श्यामः ।
- घनसंवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Profound secrecy. E. घन impenetrable, संवृत्ति secret purpose.
- घनस्वन :: m. (-नः) Low thunder, the muttering of clouds. E. घन, and स्वन sound. घनेन तज्जलेन सुष्ठु अनिति अन्-अच् तृती-तत्पुरुषः । तण्डुलीयशाके । मेघध्वनौच ।
- घनसमय :: m. (-यः) The rainy season. E. घन a cloud, समय time.
- घनसार :: m. (-रः) 1. Camphor. 2. Mercury, or some peculiar form of it. 3. Water. 4. A kind of tree. E. घन firm, &c. and सार essence. घनस्य मुस्त- कस्य सारः ।
- घनाकर :: m. (-रः) The rainy season. E. घन a cloud, and आकर a mine or place of producing. घनानामाकरः घनान् आकिरति आ + कॄ अच् वा । वर्षाकाले ।
- घनाघन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Mischievous, cruel. 2. Even, uniform, with- out spaces or interstices. m. (-नः) 1. A name of INDRA. 2. A vici- ous elephant, or one in rut. 3. A rainy cloud. 4. Mutual collision. f. (-ना) A vegetable, (Solanum Indicum;) also काकमाची . E. घन as above, reiterated and the final of the first made long. हन-अच् निपातने ।
- घनात्यय :: m. (-यः) The season succeeding the rains, autumn. E. घन a cloud and अत्यय disappearance, departure. घनानामत्ययोऽत्र । शरत्काले ।
- घनान्त :: n. (-न्तं) Autumn, the end of the rains. E. घन a cloud, and अन्त end.
- घनामय :: m. (-यः) The date tree, (Elate sylvestris.) E. घन a cloud, and आमय sickness, pining in the rains. घनो दृढः आमयो यस्मात् ।
- घनामल :: m. (-लः) A kind of potherb, (Chenopodium album:) see वास्तूक . E. घन much, and अमल clear, clean.
- घनाम्बु :: n. (-म्बु) Rain. E. घन, and अम्बु water.
- घनारुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Deep red. E. घन, and अरुण red.
- घनारुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Overcast, overspread with clouds. E. घन, and आरुद्ध obstructed.
- घनावरुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Overcast, overspread with clouds. E. घन, and अवरुद्ध impeded.
- घनाश्रय :: m. (-यः) Æther, the atmosphere or heaven. E. घन a cloud, and आश्रय asylum.
- घनीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Hardened, compacted, made solid or firm. 2. Congealed, thickened. E. घन and कृत made, with च्वि augment.
- घनोदधि :: m. (-धिः) A division of hell. E. घन viscid, and उदधि an ocean.
- घनोपल :: m. (-लः) Hail. E. घन a cloud, and उपल a stone.
- घनोपरुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Clouded, overcast. E. घन and उपरुद्ध obstructed.
- घनौघ :: m. (-घः) A gathering of clouds. E. घन, and ओघ a heap.
- घम्ब :: r. 1st. cl. (घम्बति) To go to move. गतौ भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- घर्घट :: m. (-टः) A kind of fish, (Pimelodus gagora or P. tengara, HAM.) E. घर् an imitative sound, and घट् to endeavour, affix अच्; who makes such a sound.
- घर्घर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) One of the tones or notes in music. m. (-रः) 1. The pass of a mountain. 2. A door, a gate. 3. An owl. 4. The name of a river, the Gogra or Ghogra. 5. Sound. 6. Laughter, mirth. 7. A fire of straw or chaff. f. (-रा or -री) A girdle of small bells or tin- kling ornaments worn by women. f. (-रा) A kind of lute. E. घर्घ here said to said to imply an inarticulate sound, gurgling, &c. and रा to give or take, affix क also with कन् added घर्घरक . घर्घेत्यनुकरणशब्दं राति । राक ।
- घर्घरारव :: m. (-वः) A tinkling sound, the sound of small bells. E. घर्घरा and रव sound.
- घर्घरिका :: f. (-का) 1. An ornament of small bells worn by women, horses, &c. 2. The bow or stick of a viol, &c. 3. A sort of musical instru- ment. 4. Fried grain. 5. The name of a river. E. घर्घरी as above, and ठन् added fem. form. घर्घरोऽस्ति अस्य ठन् ।
- घर्घूर्घा :: m. (-र्घा) 1. A sort of insect. घृ-विच् घुर ध्वनौ क्विप् तौ हन्ति हन् ड निः तस्य घः ।
- घर्ब :: r. 1st cl. (-घर्बति) To go, to move. गतौ भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- घर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) 1. Heat. 2. The hot season. 3. Sunshine. 4. Sweat, pers- piration. E. घृ to sprinkle and मक् Unadi affix; what sprinkles the limbs. घरति अङ्गात् घृ सेके क्षेरणे कर्त्तरि मक्-निपातने । गुणः ।
- घर्म्मचर्च्चिका :: f. (-का) Eruptions from suppressed perspiration. E. घर्म्म and चर्च्चिका घर्मकृता चर्चिका । घामाचि इति ख्याते ।
- घर्म्मद्युति :: m. (-तिः) The sun. E. घर्म्म and द्युति splendour.
- घर्म्मपयस् :: n. (-यः) 1. Sweat, perspiration. 2. Warm water. E. घर्म्म, and पयस् water.
- घर्म्मरश्मि :: m. (-श्मिः) 1. The sun. 2. Heat, radiance. E. घर्म्म, and रश्मि a ray.
- घर्म्मविचर्च्चिका :: f. (-का) Cutaneous eruptions or pimples from suppressed perspiration. E. घर्म्म and विचर्च्चिका pustular eruption.
- घर्म्मान्त :: m. (-न्तः) The rainy season. E. घर्म्म and अन्त end.
- घर्म्मान्तकामुकी :: m. (-की) A small white bird; a kind of crane. E. घर्म्मान्त, and कामुकी who wishes for.
- घर्म्मार्त्त :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -र्त्ता -र्त्तं) Suffering from heat. E. घर्म्म and आर्त्त pained by.
- घर्म्माम्बु :: n. (-म्बु) 1. Perspiration, sweat. 2. Warm water. E. घर्म्म and अम्बु water.
- घर्म्मोदक :: n. (-कं) 1. Perspiration. 2. Warm water. E. घर्म्म and उदक water.
- घर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Rubbing friction. E. घृष् to rub, घञ् aff.
- घर्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Grinding, pounding. 2. Rubbing, friction. f. (-णी) Tur- meric. E. घृष् to grind, affix भावे ल्युट् .
- घर्षणाल :: m. (-लः) A roller or pestle for grinding, &c. E. घर्षण rubbing, and अल what is fit for. घर्षणाय अलति अल अच् । (नोडा) ।
- घर्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Rubbed. 2. Ground. E. घृष् to rub, affix क्त .
- घष (इ) घषि :: r. 1st cl. (घंषते) To render handsome or brilliant. क्षरणे भ्वा- आत्म-अक-सेट् इदित् ।
- घस (आ ऌ) औघसॢ :: r. 1st cl. (घसति) To eat: this root is in many tenses a substitute for अद and is itself imperfect in others. (इ) घसि r. 1st cl. (घंसते) To sprinkle or drop; this root is not generally admitted. भक्षणे भ्वा-पर-सक-अनिट् ।
- घसि :: m. (-सिः) Food, victuals. E. घस् to eat, भावे इन् aff.
- घस्मर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Gluttonous, voracious, E. घस् to eat, क्मरच् aff. मक्षण- शीले ।
- घस्र :: mfn. (-स्रः -स्रा -स्रं) Mischievous, hurtful. m. (-स्रः) A day. n. (-स्रं) Saffron. E. घस् to eat, and रक् aff. घसति अन्धकारम् ।
- घाट :: mf. (-टः-टी) The nape or back of the neck. E. घट् to unite, affix अच्; the radical is of the 10th class of roots, whence the penul- timate is long. ग्रीवयोः पश्चाद्भागे अवटौ (घाड्) ।
- घाटिका :: f. (-का) The nape of the neck. E. स्वाथ क added to the prece- ding. घाटायाम् ।
- घाण्टिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A bard, who sings in chorus, but especially in honour of the gods, and rings a bell in presence of their images. 2. Datura fastuosa. E. घण्टा a bell affix ठक् घण्टया चरति ।
- घात :: n. (-तं) 1. Striking, wounding, killing. 2. A bruise, a blow. 3. An arrow. 4. Product (of a sum in multiplication.) E. हन to to kill, घञ् affix, and the radical letters changed respectively, to घ and त .
- घातक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) A murderer, a maimer, &c. E. हन् as above, with ण्वुल् aff. हननकर्त्तरि .
- घातन :: n. (-नं) A murderer, a killer. n. (-नं) 1. Killing, slaughter. 2. Stri- king. 3. Immolating victims. E. हन् to kill, ल्युट् affix, and घात sub- stituted for the radical. हस्त्यर्थत्वात् स्वार्थे णिच् भावे ल्युट् ।
- घातयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Striking, hurting, killing. E. हन् to kill, causal form, शतृ aff.
- घातव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be killed, what may be or ought to be killed &c. E. हन् to kill, तव्य affix, and घा substituted.
- घातस्थान :: n. (-नं) 1. A slaughter house. 2. A place of execution. E. घात, and स्थान place. श्मशाने ।
- घाति :: m. (-तिः) 1. Catching or killing birds, fowling. 2. killing in gener- al. 3. Striking. E. हन् to kill or hurt, affix इण्, and the radical changed: see घात .
- घातिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) Murderous, felonious, who or what strikes or kills. E. हन् to kill, णिनि aff. हन-ताच्छील्यार्थे णिन् ।
- घातिपक्षिन् :: mf. (-क्षी-क्षिणी) A hawk or falcon. E. घाति fowling, and पक्षिन् a bird. श्येनखगे ।
- घातुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Mischievous, hurtful. 2. Cruel, savage. vio- lent, ferocious. E. हन् to kill, changed to घात, and उकञ् aff. हिंसे, क्रूरेच .
- घात्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) Proper or fit to be killed. E. हन् and ण्यत् aff.
- घार :: m. (-रः) Sprinkling, wetting. E. घॄ to sprinkle, and घञ् aff.
- घार्त्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Pulse ground and fried with clarified butter. E. घृत ghee, and ठञ् aff. घृतप्रचुरे छिद्रबहुले पक्कान्नभेदे । (घिओड्) ।
- घास :: m. (-सः) Meadow or pasture grass. E. घस् to eat. कर्मणि घञ् affix; what is eaten by animals.
- घासि :: m. (-सिः) Fire or its deity. E. घस् to devour, and इण् Unadi aff. भक्ष्ये तृणादौ-त्रि ।
- घिण :: r. 1st cl. (इ) घिणि (घिणते) To take, to seize or accept. ग्रहणे भ्वा-आ- सक-सेट् ।
- घु :: 1st cl. (घवते) To sound. ध्वनौ भ्वा-आ-अक-अनिट् ।
- घु :: m. (-घुः) Sound. E. घु to sound, aff. डु । घु-ध्वनौ वा डु ।
- घुट :: r. 1st cl. (घोटते) 1. To come back, to return. 2. To barter or ex- change. r. 6th cl. (घुटति) 1. To strike again or retaliate, to resist or oppose. 2. To prevent. 3. To protect or preserve. भ्वा-आत्म- सक-सेट् ।
- घुट :: m. (-टः) The ankle. E. घुट् to resist, and क affix; also घुटि, &c.
- घुटि :: f. (-टिः-टी) The ankle. E. घुट् to resist, affix इन् and वा ङीप् may be added, also with कन् added घुटिका .
- घुटिक :: mf. (-कः-का) The ankle, &c. see घुट and घुटि; also घुण्ट . घुट अस्त्यर्थे ठन् ।
- घुण :: r. 1st and 6th cls. (घोणते घुणति) To roll, to whirl, to turn round, (इ) घुणि r. 1st cl. (घुणते) To take or accept. भ्वा-आ-सक-सेट् । तु-प-अक ।
- घुण :: m. (-णः) 1. An insect that is found in timber. 2. The pangolin or armadillo. E. घुण् to turn round, affix क .
- घुण्ट :: m. (-ण्टः) The ankle. E. घुट् to resist, affix क and नुम् inserted; also with कन् added घुण्टक, or without the augment घुट &c. as above.
- घुण्टिक :: n. (-कं) Cowdung found in thickets. घुण्ट-स्तदाकारोऽस्ति अस्य ठन् ।
- घुण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A large black bee. E. घुण् to roll, Unadi affix ड .
- घुर :: r. 6. th cl. (घुरति) 1. To be frightful or terrible. 2. To sound.
- घुर (ई) घुरी :: r. 4th cl. (घुर्य्यते) 1. To be ignorant. 2. To inquire.
- घुर्घुर :: m. (-रः) A kind of worm borrowing in the skin, guinea worm, Dracunculus. f. (-री) The mole cricket. f. (-रा) Growling, as of dog or cat. E. घुर् imitative sound, and घुर् to sound, with क aff.
- घुष (इ) घुषि :: r. 1st cl. (घुंषते) To render beautiful or brilliant (इर) घुषिर r. 1st cl. (घोषति) To do any act except manifest sentiment by sound. r. 10th cl. (घोषयति) 1. To manifest sentiment or thought by sound, to speak, to affirm, to declare or proclaim. 2. To make various sounds. 3. To praise. With आङ् prefixed, To weep in- cessantly.
- घुषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Manifested by sound, proclaimed. E. घुष् as above, affix क्त इट् augment; also घुष्ट .
- घुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Sounded, proclaimed, E. घुष् to sound, क्त aff.
- घुष्टान्न :: n. (-न्नं) Food given away by proclamation. E. घुष्ट and अन्न food. घुष्टं को भोक्ता इति उद्घुष्य देयमन्नम् ।
- घुष्ट्र :: m. (-ष्ट्रः) A car, a carriage.
- घुसृण :: n. (-णं) Saffron. E. घुषि to beautify, ऋणक् aff.
- घूक :: m. (-कः) An owl. E. घू an imitative sound, and कै who sounds, from कै with क aff.
- घूकारि :: m. (-रिः) A crow. E. घूक an owl, and अरि an enemy.
- घूर (ई) घूरी :: r. 4th cl. (घूर्य्यते) 1. To kill, to hurt or injure. 2. To become old, to decay. सक-जीर्णतायाम् अक-दि-आ-सेट् ।
- घूर्ण :: r. and 6th cls. (घूर्णते, घूर्णति) To roll, to whirl, to turn round. भ्रमणे अक-तु-उभ-सेट् .
- घूर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) 1. A kind of potherb, (Chironia centauroides:) see ग्रीष्मसुन्दरक 2. Turning round, whirling, rolling, &c. E. घूर्ण to roll, affix अच् .
- घूर्णन :: n. (-नं) Revolving, whirling turning round. E. घूर्ण to whirl, भावे ल्युट् aff.
- घूर्णायमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Whirling, revolving, rolling, tossing E. घूर्ण and शानच् aff. घूर्णः भ्रान्त इव आचरति भृशा-च्वर्थे वा क्यङ् कर्त्तरि शानच् .
- घूर्णि :: f. (-र्णिः) Rolling, revolving, going round or over. E. घूर्ण and भावे इन् aff.
- घूर्णित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Rolling, turning, tossing. E. घूर्ण to turn round, affix कर्त्तरि क्त .
- घूर्ण्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Agitated, set in motion, made to go round. E. घूर्ण to revolve, pass, voice, शानच् affix also घूर्णमान middle voice.
- घृ :: r. 1st, 3rd and 10th cls. (घरति जिघर्त्ति and घरयति) 1. To sprinkle, to wet or moisten. 2. To drop or distil. 3. To shine. भासे-अक-सेके-सक- भ्वा-जु-पर अनिट् घृ सेके छादने च चु-उभ-सक-सेट् ।
- घृण (उ) घृणु :: r. 8th cl. (घर्णोति घृणोति घर्णुते) To shine. (इ) घृणि r. 1st. cl. (घृणते) To take or accept. दीप्तौ तना-उभ-अक-सेट् . ग्रहणे भ्वा-आ सक-सेट् ।
- घृणा :: f. (-णा) 1. Reproach, blame, censure, &c. 2. Compassion, tender- ness, pity. E. घृण् to shine, अङ् and टाप् affixes, or घृ to sprinkle, with नक् and टाप् affs.
- घृणावास :: m. (-सः) A pumpkin gourd. कूष्माण्डे ।
- घृणि :: m. (-णिः) 1. A ray of the sun or moon. 2. The sun. 3. Water. E. घॄण to shine, affix इन्; or घृ to sprinkle, Unadi नि .
- घृणित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Abused, hated. 2. Pitied E. घृणा pity इतच् aff.
- घृणिन् :: mfn. (-णी -णिनी -णि) 1. Censorious, abusive. 2. Compassionate. E. घृणा and इनि aff.
- घृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sprinkled. 2. Illumined. n. (-तं) 1. Ghee, clarified butter, or butter which has been boiled gently, and allowed to cool: it is then used for culinary and religious purpose and is highly esteemed by the Hindus. 2. Water. f. (-ता) The name of a tree: see घृतमण्डा . E. घृ to sprinkle Unadi affix क्त .
- घृतकुमारी :: f. (-री) The aloe, (Aloes perfoliata) E. घृत ghee, to which the extact is compared, and कुमारी a virgin, which the plant is sup- posed to resemble in delicacy and elegance; also घृतकुमारिका . घुतमिव कुमारी सुन्दरी ।
- घृतकुम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) A jar of ghee. E. घृत and कुम्भ a jar.
- घृतदीधिति :: m. (-तिः) The deity of fire. E. घृत ghee, and दीधिति light; of- ferings to fire, always comprehending clarified butter.
- घृतपशु :: m. (-शुः) Ghee made into or supposed to resemble an animal to be offered at a sacrifice or eaten at a meal, for which it is substi- tuted. E. घृत, and पशु an animal.
- घृतपूर :: m. (-रः) A sweetmeat composed of flour, milk, cocoanut and ghee, &c. E. घृत ghee, and पूर what is full of.
- घृतपूर्णक :: m. (-कः) A tree. (Caledupa arborea, &c.) see करञ्ज E. घृत ghee, and पूर्ण full, कप् added.
- घृतप्राश :: m. (-शः) Swallowing ghee. E. घृत and प्राश eating.
- घृतप्राशन :: n. (-नं) Tasting or swallowing ghee. E. घृत and प्राश eating.
- घृतप्लुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sprinkled or smeared with ghee,. E. घृत, and प्लुत bathed.
- घृतमण्डा :: f. (-ण्डा) A tree; also वायसोली . E. घृत, and मण्ड scum; the scum of its infusion resembling ghee.
- घृतलोलीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Mixed with ghee, steeped in it or wet with it, &c. E. घृत लोल desirous. कृत made, च्वि augment.
- घृतवर :: m. (-रः) A sweetmeat, or flour, &c. baked with ghee, and sugar. E. घृत and वर what excels.
- घृतविक्रयिन् :: m. (-यी) A vender of ghee. E. घृत विक्रय to sell, इनि aff.
- घृतस्पृश् :: mfn. (-स्पृक्) Who or what touches ghee. E. घृत स्पृश to touch, क्विन् aff.
- घृताक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Smeared with ghee. E. घृत and अक्त smeared.
- घृताची :: f. (-ची) One of the Apsaras or courtezans of Swarga. E. घृत ghee, अञ्च to worship, क्विप् and ङीप् affs.
- घृताचीगर्भसम्भवा :: f. (-वा) Large cardamoms. E. घृताची गर्भ the womb, and सम्भव born from.
- घृताभ्यक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Smeared or anointed with ghee. E. घृत and अभ्यक्त anointed.
- घृताह्व :: m. (-ह्वः) Turpentine. E. घृत ghee, and आह्वा and appellation, named from ghee.
- घृतेली :: f. (-ली) A cock-roach. E. घृत ghee. इल् to go, अच् affix, र changed to ल fem. affix ङीष् । घृते स्नेहद्रव्ये इलति शेते इल शाये-अच् गौरा-ङीष् । (तेलापोका) ।
- घृतोद :: m. (-दः) The sea of ghee surrounding Kusa Dwipa. E. घृत and उद water. घृतमिव स्वादु उदकमस्य । उदकस्य उदः ।
- घृतोदङ्कः :: m. (-ङ्कः) A leather vessel holding ghee. E. घृत उद up, अञ्च् to go, affix घञ् .
- घृष (उ) घृषु :: r. 1st cl. (घर्षति) To grind or pound. सक-पर-सेट् ।
- घृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Ground, rubbed, pounded. 2. Frayed, grazed, rubbed off. E. घृष् to rub, कर्मणि क्त aff.
- घृष्टि :: mf. (-ष्टिः) A hog; also गृष्टि f. (-ष्टिः) 1. A plant, commonly Varaha- cranti, (Lycopodium imbricatum, Rox.) 2. Grinding, pounding. 3. Emulation, contest. E. घृष् to grind, affix कर्त्तरि क्तिच् .
- घृष्टिला :: f. (ला) A plant: see पृश्निपर्णी E. घृष्टिं लाति लाक घर्षति भूमिं तुण्डेन ।
- घृष्वि :: mf. (-ष्विः-ष्वी) A hog. E. घृष् to rub, Unadi affix क्विन् घर्षति भूमिं तुण्डेन ।
- घेञ्चलिका :: f. (-का) An esculent root, (Arum orinense.)
- घोङ्क (-ङ्क-ङ्का) :: mf. पक्षिभेदे ।
- घोङ्घ :: m. (-ङ्घः) Intermediate space.
- घोट :: m. (-टः) a horse: see the next.
- घोटक :: m. (-कः) A horse. f. (-टिका) A mare. E. घुट to strike again, (to spurn the ground,) अच् and कन् ण्वुल् वा affixes, or without the latter affix घोट .
- घोणा :: f. (णा) 1. The nose. 2. The nose or nostrils of a horse. E. घुण् to roll, to turn, and अच् and टाप् affs.
- घोणिन् :: m. (-णी) A hog. E. घोणा nose or snout, and इनि aff.
- घोण्टा :: f. (-ण्ठा) 1. The jujube, (Zizyphus jujuba.) 2. The betelnut tree: see गुवाक . 3. A timber tree, (Schrebera swietenioides.) E. घुट् to resist, affix अच् and नुम् inserted or घुण वा ट ।
- घोन[ण्]स :: m. (-सः) A large kind of snake. E. घो for गो a cow, and नस a nose. see गोनस according to others the word is घोणस, from घुण् to roll, and असच् aff.
- घोर :: r. 1st cl. (घोरति) To go as a horse.
- घोर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Frightful, horrible, terrific. m. (-रः) A name of SHIVA. f. (-रा) Night. n. (-रं) 1. Horror, horribleness. 2. Poison. E. घुर् to be frightful, affix अच or गुर् substituted for हन् to injure or kill, and अच् Unadi aff.
- घोरदर्शन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Terrific, of horrid or frightful appearance. m. (-नः) An owl. E. घोर as above, and दर्शन sight.
- घोरपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) Bellmetal. E. घोर and पुष्प a flower.
- घोररासन :: m. (-नः) A jackal. E. घोर frightful, and रासन cry or sound, from रास् to sound, affix ल्युट .
- घोररासिन् :: m. (-सी) A jackal. E. See the last, णिनि aff.
- घोररूप :: mfn. (-पः -पी -पं) Frightful, hideous. n. (-पं) A hideous. appearance. E. घोर and रूप form.
- घोररूपिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिणी -पि) Frightful, horrible, hideous. E. घोररूप and णिनि aff.
- घोरसङ्काश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Dreadful, horrible. E. घोर, and सङ्काश like.
- घोराकृति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Frightful, hideous, of horrible aspect or form. E. घोर, and आकृति form.
- घोल :: n. (-लं) Buttelmilk. E. घुड substituted for हन् to strike, (i. e. with the churn,) and घञ् affix, ड changed to ल .
- घोष :: m. (-षः) 1. A station of herdsmen. 2. A herdsman. 3. A creeping plant, commonly called by the same name Ghosha, and bearing white or yellow flowers, (Luffa pentandra and acutangula.) 4. Bellmetal, tutenague, &c. 5. Low thunder or the muttering of clouds. 6. Sound. 7. A proclamation. 8. A gnat, a musquito 9. A term proper for the name of a Kayastha. f. (-षा) A kind of fennel, (Anethum sowa:) see मधुरिका . E. घुषि to shine, to sound, &c. affix. आधारे घञ् .
- घोषक :: m. (-कः) 1. A cryer, a proclaimer. 2. Ghosha, described as a cree- king plant, (Luffa pentangula, &c.) E. कन् added to the preceding.
- घोषकाकृति :: f. (-तिः) A plant commonly called Hatighosha, and perhaps a species of the preceding. E. घोषक Ghosha, and आकृति shape, ap- appearance of similar appearance.
- घोषण :: nf. (-णं-णा) 1. Speaking loud, making a great noise. 2. Crying, proclaiming. E. घुष् to sound, affixes णिच् भावे ल्युट् and टाप् .
- घोषयित्नु :: m. (-त्नुः) 1. A Brahman. 2. The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. 3. A
captive. 5. A cryer, a herald. E. घोष sound, इत्नुच् affix, and य inserted.
- घोषवती :: f. (-ती) A lute, a Vina. E. घोष sound, and मतुप् poss. aff.
- घौर :: n. (-रं) Horror, horribleness. E. घोर and अण् aff.
- घ्नत् :: mfn. (-घ्नत् -घ्नन्ती -घ्नत्) Striking, beating, hurting. E. हन् to strike, &c. शतृ aff.
- घ्रति :: f. (-तिः) The nose. E. घ्रा to smell, डति aff.
- घ्रा :: r. 1st cl. (जिघ्रति) To smell, to receive smell.
- घ्राण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Smelled. n. (-णं) 1. The nose. 2. Smell, odour. 3. Smelling. E. घ्रा to smell, करणे ल्युट् ।
- घ्राणतर्पण :: m. (-णः) Fragrance, odour, a fragrance, a perfume. E. घ्राण the smell, and तर्पण what satisfies.
- घ्राणदुःखदा :: f. (-दा) Sneezing. E. घ्राण, and दुःखदा paining.
- घ्रात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Smelled. E. घ्रा to smell, affix क्त .
- घ्रात्वा :: ind. Having smelled. E. घ्रा to smell, क्त्वाच् aff.
- घ्राति :: f. (-तिः) 1. The nose. 2. Smelling. E. घ्रा and करणे क्तिन् aff.
- ङ :: The fifth consonant of the Sanskrit alphabet, and the nasal of the first class; the sound of this letter corresponds with that of the nasal N in Song, &c. or in the French word bon.
- ङ :: m. (-ङः) 1. An object of sense. 2. Desire, wish for any sensual object. E. ङु to sound, affix. ड । विषये विषयस्पृ हायां भैरवे च ।
- ङु (ङु) :: r. 1st cl. (ङवते) To sound. भ्वा-आत्म-अक-अनिट् ।
- च :: The twentieth letter of the alphabet, and first of the second or palatial class of consonants, having the sound of Ch in church.
- च :: mfn. (चः-चा-चं) 1. Seedless. 2. Vile, base. m. (-चः) 1. A name of SHIVA. 2. The moon. 3. A theif. 4. A tortoise. Ind A particle and conjunction copulative or disjunctive. corresponding to. 1. And. 2. Also, 3. Moreover. 4. Mutually. 5. Equally. 6. Otherwise. 7. For, on account of. 8. But. &c. 9. An expletive. E. चर् to go, or चि to collect, &c. ड aff.
- चक :: r. 1st cl. (चकते) To repel, to resist. To be satiated or satisfied. 2. To shine. चक तृप्तौ प्रतिधाते च भ्वा-आ-अक-सेट् । भ्रान्तौ सौत्र-पर-अक-सेट् इदित् । चङ्कति ।
- चकास (ऋ) चकासृ :: r. 2nd cl. (चकास्ति) To shine. अदा जक्षा पर-अक-सेट् ।
- चकासयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Beautifying, illuminating. E. चकास to shine, causal form, शतृ aff.
- चकासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Illuminated, shining, splendid, beautiful. E. चकास, and क्त aff.
- चकित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Timid, fearful. 2. Frightened at, afraid of. n. (-तं) Timidity, groundless alarm. f. (-ता) A species of the Ashti metre. E. चक् to repel, affix भावे क्त .
- चकोर :: m. (-रः) The bartavelle or Greek partridge, (Perdix rufa or Tetrao rufus.) E. चक् to be satisfied, ओरन् Unadi affix; also with कन् add- ed चकोरक; what is satisfied with the moonbeams, upon which the bird is fabulously said to subsist.
- चकोरक :: m. (-कः) The Greek partridge: see the preceding.
- चकोरदृश् :: mfn. (-दृक्) Fine-eyed. E. चकोर, and दृश् the eye.
- चक्क :: r. 10th cl. (चक्कयति) to give or inflict pain.
- चक्रस :: m. (-सः) 1. Crookedness. 2. Dishonesty, E. क्रस् to be crooked, अप् affix, and the root repeated.
- चक्र :: m. (-क्रः) 1. The ruddy or Brahmani goose, (Anas casarca.) n. (-क्रं) 1. An army, a host. 2. A realm, a region. 3. A multitude, a heap 4. A wheel. 5. A potter's wheel. 6. An oil mill, &c. 7. A discus or sharp circular missile weapon. 8. A whirlpool. 9. A province, a number of villages, a district. 10. A form of military array, a circular position. 11. A diagram of various sorts for calculating nativities or foretelling events. 12. A ring, circle or depression of the body for mystical, astrological or cheiromantic purposes; six such are enu- merated, or Muladhara the parts about the pubis, above that is the Swadhishthanam or umbilical region, and above that the Munipuram or pit of the stomach or epigastrium, Anahatam is the root of the nose, Visuddham the hollow between the frontal sin- uses, and the Ajnyakhyam the fontenelle or union of the coronal and sagittal sutures; various faculties and divinities are supposed to be present in these hollows. 13. A cycle, a cycle of years. 14. (In Astronomy,) A sphere or circle, as राशिचक्रं the zodiac; प्राक्चक्रं an epicycle. 15. The horizon. 16. The spiral marks of the Salagram or ammonite. E. कृ to do or make, with the reduplicate initial letter, affix क, or चक् to repel, &c. with रक् aff.
- चक्रक :: m. (-कः) A logical form or proposition, arguing in a circle. E. कन् implying resemblance, added to the last.
- चक्रकारक :: m. (-कः) A kind of perfume, apparently a dried shellfish: see नखी . E. चक्र a heap, and कारक what makes.
- चक्रकुल्या :: f. (-ल्या) A species of fern, commonly Chakuliya, (Hemionites cordifolia, Rox.)
- चक्रगण्डु :: m. (-ण्डुः) A round pillow. E. चक्र, and गण्डु a pillow.
- चक्रगुच्छ :: m. (-च्छः) A tree, (Jonesia asoca.) E. चक्र a wheel, and गुच्छ a cluster.
- चक्रजीवक :: m. (-कः) A potter. E. चक्र a wheel, and जीवक who lives by; also चक्रजीविन् .
- चक्रदंष्ट्र :: m. (-ष्ट्रः) A hog. E. चक्र and दंष्ट्र a tusk, having a curved tusk.
- चक्रधर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Having a wheel, &c. m. (-रः) 1. A village or common tumbler or juggler. 2. One who holds a wheel, discus, &c. 3. The manager or owner of many villages. 4. A name of VISHNU or KRISHNA, who is represented as holding a discus in one hand. 5. A snake. E. चक्र a wheel, &c. and धर who holds. धृ अच् ।
- चक्रनामन् :: m. (-मा) A pyritic ore or iron: see माक्षिक . E. चक्र a wheel, &c. and नामन् appellation. चव्रवाके माक्षिकधातौ च ।
- चक्रपद्माट :: m. (-टः) Cassia tora: see चक्रमर्द्दक . E. चक्र a wheel, पद्म a lotus, and अट what goes or is अच् aff.
- चक्रपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A plant commonly Chakuliya, (Hemionites cordifolia, Rox.) E. चक्र a wheel, and पर्ण a leaf, the leaves being nearly round.
- चक्रपाणि :: m. (-णिः) A name of VISHNU. E. चक्र and पाणि the hand, being always represented with a discus in one hand.
- चक्रपाद :: m. (-दः) 1. A carriage, 2. An elephant. E. चक्र a wheel, and पाद a foot; also चक्रपादक .
- चक्रपाल :: m. (-लः) 1. Superintendent of a province. 2. One who carries a discus. 3. A circle. 4. The horizon. E. चक्र and पाल who or what protects. E. पालि + अण् ।
- चक्रफल :: n. (-लं) A missile weapon, a kind of discus. E. चक्र and फल fruit, bearing a discus as it were for fruit.
- चक्रबान्धव :: m. (-वः) The sun. E. चक्र the ruddy goose, and बान्धव a friend; these birds being supposed to couple only in the day time.
- चक्रभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) A name of VISHNU. E. चक्र a discus, and भृत् who cher- ishes: see चक्रपाणि, &c. चक्रं विभर्त्ति भृ-क्विप् ।
- चक्रभेदिनी :: f. (-नी) Night. E. चक्र the ruddy goose, and भेदिनी what di- vides, (male and female;) these birds being condemned, according to the Hindus, to be separated at night. भिद-णिनि ङीप् ।
- चक्रमण्डलिन् :: m. (-ली) A large snake, (Boa constrictor.) E. चक्र a wheel, and मण्डल a circumference, implying either that the body of the snake, or the spots on the body may be compared to a wheel.
- चक्रमर्द्द :: m. (-र्द्दः) Cassia tora. E. चक्र a wheel, here meaning figuratively a large leprous spot, and मर्द्द what cleanses or removes, from मृद् with अण् added; or with ण्वुल् affix चक्रमर्द्दक .
- चक्रमर्द्दक :: m. (-कः) See the preceding.
- चक्रमुख :: m. (-खः) A hog. E. चक्र a discus, and मुख face; cutting the ground as it were with a sharp weapon.
- चक्रयान :: n. (-नं) Any wheel carriage. E. चक्र a wheel, and यान a carriage.
- चक्ररद :: m. (-दः) A hog, a boar. E. चक्र and रद a tooth or tusk: see चक्रमुख .
- चक्रलक्षणा :: f. (-णा) A plant, (Menispermum glabrum:) see गुडूची .
- चक्रला :: f. (-ला) A plant, (Kyllinga monocephala.) E. चक्र a wheel, and ल what gets. लाति ला-क । उच्चटायाम् ।
- चक्रवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Circular, being in a ring or circle. 2. Armed with a discus. 3. Wheeled, &c. m. (-वान) 1. The proprietor of an oil mill, or any one in which seeds are bruised. 2. VISHNU. 3. An emperor. E. चक्र a wheel. &c. मतुप् poss. aff.
- चक्रवत् :: ind. In rotation, going round or revolving like a wheel. E. चक्र, and मतुप् aff. मस्य वः ।
- चक्रवर्त्तिन् :: m. (-त्तीं) An emperor, a sovereign of the world, the ruler of a Chakra or country described as extending from sea to sea; twelve princes beginning with Bharata are especially considered as Chakravartis. E. चक्र a reign, and वृत् to abide, affix णिच् वा णिन् ।
- चक्रवर्त्तिनी :: f. (-नी) A fragrant plant, commonly Chakawat. E. चक्र a heap, and वर्त्तिन् what abides or grows, fem. affix ङीप्,
- चक्रवाक :: m. (-कः) The ruddy goose. commonly called in India, the Brah- many duck or goose, (Anas casarca.) E. चक्र an imitative sound, and वाक speech. वच परिभाषणे कर्मणि घञ् ।
- चक्रवाट :: m. (-टः) 1. Limit, boundary. 2. A lamp stand. 3. Engaging in any action. E. चक्र and वट् वेष्टने to surround, affix घञ् .
- चक्रवाड :: m. (-डः) See चक्रवाल . चक्रमिव वाडते वेष्टयति वाड-अच् ।
- चक्रवात :: m. (-तः) A whirlwind, a hurricane. E. चक्र a circle, and वात wind.
- चक्रवाल :: m. (-लः) A range of mountains supposed to encircle the earth, and to be the limit of light and darkness. n. (-लं) The sensible horizon. E. चक्र a region, वल् to encompass, and अण् affix; girding the world; or वाड to emerge, &c. affix अच् what emerges (from darkness), in the shape of a wheel; ड changed to ल also चक्रवाड .
- चक्रव्यूह :: m. (-हः) The circular array of troops. E. चक्र and व्यूह array.
- चक्रवृद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Compound interest. E. चक्र a wheel, वृद्धि increase.
- चक्रश्रेणी :: f. (-णी) A plant bearing a crooked fruit: see अजशृङ्गी E. चक्र a wheel, and श्रेणी a line or row.
- चक्रसंज्ञ :: n. (-ज्ञं) Tin. E. चक्र and संज्ञा a name.
- चक्रसंवर :: m. (-रः) The name of a Bauddha deity; also हेरम्ब . E. चक्र a discus, and संवर who holds.
- चक्रहस्त :: m. (-स्तः) VISHNU. E. चक्र and हस्त hand: holding a discus.
- चक्राङ्की :: f. (-ङ्की) A wild goose. E. चक्र a number, and अकि to go, affixes अच् and ङीष् flying in large flocks.
- चक्राङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A gander. 2. A carriage. f. (-ङ्गी) 1. A goose. 2. A drug: see कटुकि . 3. A potherb, (Hilancha repens:) see हिलमोचिका . E. चक्र a wheel, &c. and अङ्ग a limb or the body.
- चक्राट :: m. (-टः) 1. A juggler, a snake-catcher, one who exhibits snakes and pretends to cure their bites. 2. A knave, a cheat, a rogue. 3. A gold coin or certain weight of gold, a Dinar. E. चक्र a number of villages, and अट who goes, i. e. a vagabond, &c. चक्राकारमटति अट- अण् उप-सः ।
- चक्राण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Doing. 2. Done. E. कृ to do, काणच् aff.
- चक्राधिवासिन् :: m. (-सी) The orange tree. E. चक्र a heap, and अधिवस् to abide, णिनि aff.
- चक्रावर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) Turning round, whirling or rotatory motion. E. चक्र a wheel, and आवर्त्त revolving.
- चक्रि :: m. (-क्रिः) An agent, a maker, a doer. E. कृ to do, कि affix the root reduplicate and the deriv. irr.
- चक्रिका :: f. (-का) The knee. चक्रं तदाकारोऽस्ति अस्य ठन् । जानुनि ।
- चक्रिन् :: mfn. (-क्री -क्रिणी -क्रि) 1. Having or holding a discus, &c. 2. Wheeled, having a wheel. 3. Circular. m. (-क्री) 1. A name of VISHNU. 2. A potter. 3. The ruddy goose. 4. A snake. 5. An informer. 6. A tumb- ler, one who exhibits tricks with a discus or a wheel. 7. An oil grinder. 8. An emperor, a Chakravarti: see चक्रवर्त्तिन् 9. One who rides in a carriage. 10. A crow. 11. An ass. 12. Cassia, (the tree.) E. चक्र a wheel, &c. and इनि poss. aff.
- चक्रीवत् :: m. (-वान्) 1. An ass. 2. The name of a king. E. चक्र a wheel, वतु affix, and deriv. irr. rolling over like a wheel.
- चक्रु :: m. (-क्रुः) An agent, a maker, a doer. E. कृ to make or do, with the reduplicate initial, and कु Unadi aff.
- चक्रेश्वरी :: f. (-री) A female deity peculiar to the Jainas, one of their Vidya Devis or goddesses of wisdom. E. चक्र the universe and ईश्वरी mistress.
- चक्ष (इङ्) चक्षिङ् :: r. 2nd cl. (चष्टे) 1. To speak, to tell. 2. To see; (in this sense आङ् is usually prefixed.) 3. To eat. ख्या or कश are substitu- ted for the radical letters in several tenses of this verb. कथने त्यागे च अदा-आ-सक-सेट् ।
- चक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Eating a relish to promote drinking. 2. Speaking, saying. E. चक्ष् to speak, to eat, affix ल्युट् .
- चक्षस् :: m. (-क्षाः) 1. A name of VRIHASPATI the preceptor of the gods. 2. A spiritual teacher, an instructor in sacred science. E. चक्ष् to speak affix असि न ख्यादेशः ।
- चक्षुःश्रवस् :: m. (-वाः) A snake. E. चक्षुस् an eye, and श्रवस् an ear; whose eyes are ears. चक्षुषा शृणोति श्रु-असुन् चक्षुरेव श्रवः कर्णौ यस्य वा ।
- चक्षुर्दान :: n. (-नं) The ceremony of anointing the eyes of the image at the time of consecration. E. चक्षुस् and दान giving.
- चक्षुर्विषय :: m. (-यः) 1. Presence, sight. 2. An object of sight, any visible object. 3. Visibility E. चक्षुस् and विषय object.
- चक्षुष्मान् :: mfn. (-ष्मान् -ष्मन्ती -ष्मत्) 1. Having eyes, seeing. 2. Having fine eyes. E. चक्षुस् and मतुप् aff.
- चक्षुष्य :: mfn. (-ष्यः -ष्या -ष्यं) 1. Beautiful, pleasing or well looking. 2. Fit or agreeable for the eyes. m. (-ष्यः) 1. A flower, (Pandanus odora- tissimus.) 2. A plant: see पुण्डरीक . 3. collyrium or application to the eyes, extracted from the Amomum anthorhiza. f. (-ष्या) 1. A blue stone, or according to some, the calx of brass used as coll- yrium. 2. A pleasing or interesting woman. E. चक्षुस् the eye, affix यत् । चक्षुषे हितः यत् ।
- चक्षुस् :: n. (-क्षुः) The eye. E. चक्ष् to speak, and करणे उसि aff.
- चक्षूरोग :: m. (-पः) Ophthalmia. E. चक्षुस् and रोग disease.
- चघ :: r. 5th cl. (चघ्नोति) To smite or slay. स्वा-सक-सेट् घातने ।
- चङ्कुर :: m. (-रः) 1. A car, a carriage. 2. A tree. n. (-रं) Any vehicle. E. चकि a sautra root, to wonder, and उरच् Unadi aff.
- चङ्क्रमण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) who or what goes slowly or crookedly. n. (-णं) Going, proceeding, going tortuously or slowly. E. क्रम् to go, and the root reiterated. क्रम + यङ् ल्युट् यञोलुक् .
- चङ्क्रमा :: f. (-मा) Going tortuously or slowly. E. क्रम् to go, root repeated, अङ् and टाप् affs.
- चङ्क्रमावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Who or what moves slowly or crookedly. E. चङ्क्रमा and मतुप् aff.
- चङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) 1. Handsome, beautiful. 2. Dexterous, clever. 3. Sound, healthy. E. चं the moon, and ग what goes; what resembles the moon in beauty, &c.
- चचेण्डा :: f. (-ण्डा) A creeper, commonly Chichira.
- चञ्च (उ) चञ्चु :: r. 1st cl. (चञ्चति) To go, to move.
- चञ्चत् :: mfn. (-ञ्चन् -ञ्चन्ती -ञ्चत्) 1. Going, moving. 2. Unsteady, shaking. E. चञ्च् to go, शतृ aff.
- चञ्चत्क :: mfn. (-त्कः -त्का -त्कं) Trembling, moving. E. चञ्चत् the present parti- ciple of चञ्च् as above, affix कन् .
- चञ्चरी :: f. (-री) A bee.
- चञ्चरीक :: m. (-कः) A large black bee. E. चर् to go, reduplicated, नुम् in- serted, ईकन् Unadi aff.
- चञ्चल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Trembling, Shaking. moving, unsteady. 2. Fic- kle, inconsiderate, inconstant, (unsteady, metaphorically.) m. (-लः) 1. The wind. 2. A lecher, a libertine, a lover. f. (-ला) 1. Lightning. 2. LAKSHMI or the goddess of the fortune. 3. Long pepper. E. चल to go, in the reiterative form, नुम् inserted. चन्च अलच् । चञ्चं गतिं लाति ला क वा ।
- चञ्चलत्व :: n. (-त्व) Fickleness, inconstancy, unsteadiness. E. चञ्चल, and त्व affix; also with तल् affix चञ्चलता .
- चञ्चलहृदय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Capricious, fickle, false hearted. E. चञ्चल, and हृदय the heart.
- चञ्चा :: f. (-ञ्चा) 1. A mat, a stool, &c. made of reeds or basket work. 2. A puppet of grass or reeds, a man of straw. E. चञ्च् to go, अच् aff.
- चञ्चु :: f. (-ञ्चुः) A beak; also चञ्चू . m. (-ञ्चुः) 1. The castor oil plant. 2. A kind of potherb. 3. A deer. E. चञ्चु to go, to eat, affix उन् .
- चञ्चुका :: f. (-का) A beak. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- चञ्चुभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) A bird. E. चञ्च a beak, and भृत् who possesses; also other similar compounds as चञ्चुमत्, &c.
- चञ्चुमत् :: mf. (-मान्-मती) A bird. E. चञ्चु a beak, and मतुप् poss. aff.
- चञ्चुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Expert in, conversant with 2. Going to, repeat- edly. E. चर् to go, intensitive form, अच् aff. or चन्च उरच् .
- चञ्चुसूचि :: m. (-चिः) The tailor bird, (Sylvia sutoria.) E. चञ्चु a beak, and सूचि a needle; having a sharp-pointed beak; also with कन् added, चञ्चुमूचिकम् .
- चञ्चू :: f. (-ञ्चूः) A beak: see चञ्चु, the affix being ऊ .
- चञ्चूर्य्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Following evil practices, behaving ill, addict- ed to wickedness. E. चर् to go, intensitive form, शानच् aff.
- चट :: r. 1st. and 10th cls. (चटति, चाटयति-ते) 1. To break, to pierce. 2. To kill, to injure. भ्वादि-पर-सक-सेट् । वधे भेदे च चुरा-उभ-सक-सेट् ।
- चटक :: m. (-कः) A sparrow. f. (-का) 1. A hen-sparrow. 2. A young hen- sparrow. 3. The root of long pepper: see चटकाशिरस् and चटिका . E. चट् to break, क्वुन् affix, braking corn, &c. चटति भिनत्ति धान्यादिकम् ।
- चटकाशिरस् :: n. (-रः) The root of long pepper: see चटिकाशिरस्; also mas. चटकाशिरस् (-राः) .
- चटिका :: f. (-का) 1. The root of long pepper. 2. A sparrow: see चटका, &c. चट-वा-इकन् .
- चटिकाशिरस् :: mn. (-राः-रः) The root of long pepper. E. चटका a sparrow, and शिरस् a head; resembling in colour the head of a sparrow; in other forms चटका, चटिकाशिरस् and चटकाशिरस्, &c.
- चटु :: mn. (-टुः-टु) 1. Scream, screech. 2. Kind or agreeable discourse. m. (-टुः) 1. The belly. 2. A posture of devotion amongst ascetics. E. चट् to break, &c, Unadi affix उन्; also चाटु .
- चटुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Tremulous, trembling. 2. Shaking, moving. 3. Beautiful. f. (-ला) Lightning. E. चट् to hurt, to break, and उलच् Unadi aff.
- चटुलालस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Pleased with or desirous of flattery. E. चटु, and लालस desirous.
- चटुलोल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Tremulous and beautiful, beautiful as a soft swimming eye, &c. E. चटु beautiful, and लोल shaking, trembling.
- चड (इ,) चडि :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (चण्डते and चण्डयति-ते) To be angry, to be wrathful or passionate. भ्वा-आ-अक-सेट् अथवा चुरा-उभ- अक-सेट् .
- चण :: r. 1st cl. (चणति) 1. To give. 2. To sound. 3. To hurt or kill. भ्वा-पर- सक-सेट् ।
- चणक :: m. (-कः) 1. Chick-pea, (Cicer arietinum.) 2. The name of a sage. f. (-का) Linseed. E. चण् to be given, affix अच् and कन् added; what is given to horses, &c.
- चणकात्मज :: m. (-जः) The name of a sage; also called VATSYAYANA. E. चणक, and आत्मज born; the son of CHĀNAKA.
- चणकाम्लक :: n. (-कं) Pease with salt. E. चणक, and अम्ल acid.
- चणकाम्लवार् :: n. (र्) Water drops on the leaves of the Cicer. E. चणकाम्ल, and वार् water.
- चण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डा -ण्डं) 1. Fierce, violent, passionate. 2. Hot, warm. 3. Pungent, acrid. m. (-ण्डः) 1. The tamarind tree. 2. A messenger of YAMA, 3. A Daitya, a demon. f. (-ण्डा) 1. A perfume, commonly Chor. 2. A kind of grass, (Andropogon aciculatum.) 3. The name of a river in the east of Bengal. 4. A goddess, peculiar to the Jainas. f. (-ण्डा-ण्डी) A name of the goddess DURGA, applied especial. ly to her incarnation for the purpose of destroying Mahisasura; this exploit forms the subject of a section of the Markandeya Puran, and is particularly celebrated in Bengal at the Durga Puja, or festival held in honour of the goddess, towards the close of the year, (Oct.-Nov.) (-ण्डी) 1. A passionate woman. 2. A mischievous or furious woman. 3. A species of the Atijgati verse. n. (-ण्डं) 1. Heat, warmth. 2. Passion, wrath. E. चडि to be wrathful, अच् affix, and टा or ङीप् affixes of the feminine gender. चडि कोपे अच् चण दाने चमु अदने वा ड तस्य नेत्त्वम् ।
- चण्डता :: f. (-ता) 1. Warmth, pungency. 2. Warmth of temper, passionate- ness. E. चण्ड angry, and तल् abstract affix; also with त्व, चण्डत्वम् .
- चण्डनायिका :: f. (-का) 1. The goddess DURGA. 2. One of the eight Nayikas. E. चण्ड a demon, and नायिका mistress.
- चण्डरुद्रिका :: f. (-का) Knowledge of mystical nature, acquired by worship of the Nayikas. E. चण्ड, and रुद्र SIVA, वुन् aff.
- चण्डवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Passionate, violent, warm. f. (-ती) 1. A name or form of DURGA. 2. One of her attendants. E. चण्ड anger, and मतुप् poss, aff.
- चण्डात :: m. (तः) A fragrant plant, (Nerium odorum;) also प्रतीहास . E. चण्ड heat, and अत् to go or be, affix अण् .
- चण्डातक :: mn. (-कः-कं) A short petticoat. E. चण्डा an angry woman, अत् to go, and ण्वुल् affix; it being described as the garb of women of some consequence, and therefore privileged to give themselves airs.
- चण्डाल :: m. (-लः) An outcaste, a Chandala, the generic name for a man of the lowest of the mixed tribes, born from a Sudra father and Brahman mother. E. चण्ड angry, and अल able, or चण्ड् to be angry. and आलच् Unadi affix; proper to execute all vile or barbarous acts; also चाण्डाल
- चण्डालवल्लकी :: f. (-की) A common or vulgar lute. E. चण्डाल an outcaste, and वल्लकी a lute.
- चण्डालिका :: f. (-का) 1. A common lute. 2. A name of the goddess DURGA. 3. A plant. E. चण्डाल, and इकन् affix; or चण्ड a demon, &c. आली a line or troop, and कन् affix; hence also चण्डालिका .
- चण्डांशु :: m. (-शुः) The sun. E. चण्ड hot, अंशु ray.
- चण्डिका :: f. (-का) The goddess DURGA. E. कण् added to चण्डी q. v. also चण्डा and चण्डी-चण्डी स्वार्थे क चडि कोपे ण्वुल् वा ।
- चण्डिल :: m. (-लः) 1. A barber. 2. A name of SIVA. 3. A kind of potherb: see वास्तुक . f. (-ला) The name of a river. E. चडि to be wrathful, or to cause wrath, and इलच् Unadi aff.
- चण्डी :: f. (-ण्डी) DURGA: see चण्ड . चण्ड-वह्वा-वा ङीष् ।
- चण्डीकुसुम :: m. (-मः) Red oleander. E. चण्डी, and कुसुम a flower.
- चण्डु :: m. (ण्डुः) 1. A rat. 2. A small monkey, (Simia erythrœa.) E. चडि to be passionate, उ aff.
- चत (ए) चते :: r. 1st cl. (चतति-ते) To ask, to beg, to solicit.
- चतुः :: ind. Four times: see चतुर् .
- चतुःशाल :: nf. (-लं-ला) A square formed by four houses. E. चतुर् four, शाला
a hall or house: the compound takes the neuter gender or the femi- nine, with टाप् affix; also with कन् added चतुःशालक चतसृणां शालानां समाहारः ।
- चतुःषष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) 1. The number sixty-four. 2. The Rig Veda. 3. Art science collectively, supposed to comprise sixty-four branches. E. चतुर् four, and षष्टि sixty; before ष, र becomes Visarga. चतुरधिका षष्टिः ।
- चतुर् :: mfn. plu. only, (चत्वारः चतस्रः चत्वारि) Four: in composition, and the last member of a compound, the numeral is inflected in all the numbers; thus प्रियचतुर् Who has four favorites, makes masc. and fem. (sing.) प्रियचत्वा (du.) त्वारौ (plu.) त्वारः and n. (sing.) प्रियचतुः (du.) चत्वारी (plu.) चत्वारि, &c. वहुवचनान्तः चत-उरन् ।
- चतुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Dexterous, ingenious, clever. 2. Visible, percepti- ble. m. (-रः) 1. A round pillow, one for the cheek. 3. An elephant stable. E. चत् to ask, Unadi affix उरच् .
- चतुरङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) 1. An entire army, comprising elephants, cars, horse and foot. 2. A sort of chess. E. चतुर्, and अङ्ग a member. चत्वारि अङ्गानि यस्य .
- चतुरङ्गबल :: n. (-लं) An entire army: see the last. E. चतुरङ्ग, and बल an army.
- चतुरङ्गसैन्य :: n. (-न्यं) An entire army: see चतुरङ्ग . E. चतुरङ्ग, and सैन्य an army.
- चतुरङ्गिन् :: mfn. (-ङ्गी -ङ्गिनी -ङ्गि) Having four parts or members. f. (-ङ्गिनी) An army. E. चतुरङ्ग and इनि aff.
- चतुरङ्गुल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Four fingers, (long, &c.) m. (-लः) A kind of Cassia. (Cassia fistula.) E. चतुर् four, and अङ्गुली a finger; the leaves being four fingers in length.
- चतुरस्र :: mfn. (-स्रः -स्रा -स्रं) Four cornered, quadrangular. n. (-स्रं) A square. E. चतुर् four, and अस्र a corner.
- चतुरानन :: m. (-नः) A name of BRAHMA. E. चतुर four, and आनन face; four-faced.
- चतुर्गति :: m. (-तिः) A tortoise. E. चतुर् four (feet), and गति motion; a quadruped.
- चतुर्गुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Four times, four-fold. E. चतुर्, and गुण multi- plication.
- चतुर्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था or र्थी -र्थं) Fourth. f. (-र्थी) The fourth lunation. E. चतुर् four. डट् थुक् aff. चतुर्णी पूरणं डट् थुक् च ।
- चतुर्थकाल :: n. (-लं) The fourth season, implying especially the evening of every second day of a person's fasting, E. चतुर्थ, and काल time.
- चतुर्थफल :: n. (-लं) (In astronomy,) The second inequality or equation of a planet. E. चतुर्थ, and फल quotient.
- चतुर्थांश :: m. (-शः) A quarter, a fourth part. E. चतुर्थ, and अंश part.
- चतुर्थिका :: f. (-का) A Pala. E. कन् fem. form added to चतुर्थ .
- चतुर्दत् :: mfn. (-दन् -दती -दत्) Four-toothed. E. चतुर् four, दतृ substituted for दन्त a tooth.
- चतुर्दन्त :: m. (-न्तः) INDRA'S elephant. E. चतुर् four, and दन्त a tooth.
- चतुर्दश :: min. (-शः-शी-शं) Fourteen. f. (-शी) The fourteenth lunation. E. चतु- र्दश, and टच् aff.
- चतुर्दशन् :: mfn. plur. (-दश) Fourteen. E. चतुर् and दशन् ten.
- चतुर्दोल :: n. (-लं) A royal letter. E. चतुर् four, (supporters,) दोल a swing.
- चतुर्द्धा :: ind. Four times. four-fold. E. चतुर् and धा aff.
- चतुर्भद्र :: n. (-द्रं) The aggregate of four objects of human wishes, viz. virtue, love, wealth, and final beatitude. E. चतुर् four, and भद्र for- tunate, auspicious: see चतुर्वर्ग .
- चतुर्भाग :: m. (-गः) Fourth part. E. चतुर् and भाग a share.
- चतुर्भुज :: m. (-जः) 1. A name of VISHNU 2. An equilateral tetragon. E. चतुर् four, and भुज an arm.
- चतुर्मुख :: m. (-खः) 1. The deity BRAHMA. 2. A preparation of mercury. E. चतुर् and मुख a face.
- चतुर्युग :: n. (-गं) The aggregate of the four Yugs or ages of the Hindus, a Mahayuga or 4,320,000 years. E. चतुर् four, and युग an age.
- चतुर्वक्त्र :: m. (-क्तः) A name of BRAHMA. E. चतुर् four, and वक्त a face: see चतुर्मुख and other synonimous compounds.
- चतुर्वर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) 1. The four objects of human pursuit collectively see चतुर्भद्र . 2. Any assemblage of four things. E. चतुर् four, and वर्ग class.
- चतुर्वर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) 1. The four classes of Hindus. 2. Four principal colours. 3. Four letters. E. चतुर्, and वर्ण tribe.
- चतुर्विद्य :: m. (-द्यः) A priest who has studied the four Vedas. E. चतुर् four, विद्या knowledge: also चतुर्वेद, and with अण् added चातुर्वेद्य and चातुर्वेद .
- चतुर्विध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Of four sorts or kinds, in four ways. E. चतुर्, and विध kind.
- चतुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Depositing, placing, fixing.
- चतुश्शाला :: f. (-ला) A square of four houses, or a court enclosed by four buildings. E. चतुर्, and शाला a hall.
- चतुष्क :: mfn. (-ष्कः -ष्का -ष्कं) Four. f. (-ष्की) 1. A large four-sided pond or tank. 2. A bed or musquito curtain. 3. A necklace of four strings. E. चतुर् four, कन् affix, and र is changed to ष . चतुरवयवं चत्वारोऽवयवा यस्य वा कन् ।
- चतुष्कोण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Square, quadrangular. m. (-णः) A square, a tetragon. E. चतुर् . and कोण a corner.
- चतुष्टय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) 1. Four. 2. Four-fold. n. (-यं) 1. A square. 2. The centre of a circle. 3. The aggregate of four. E. चतुर्, and तयप् aff. चत्वारोऽवयवा विधा अस्य तयप्र् ।
- चतुष्पथ :: m. (-थः) A Brahman. n. (-थं) A place where four roads meet. E. चतुर् four, and पथि a road, अच् aff. चत्वारः पन्थानः ब्रह्मचर्य्यादयः आश्रमा यस्य अच् समासः ।
- चतुष्पद :: nf. (-दं-दी) Verse, a metre of stanzas especially consisting of four Padas or lines. m. (-दः) An animal with four legs, a quadruped. E. चतुर् four, and पद for पाद a foot also read चतुष्पाद चत्वारि पदानि चरणा अस्य .
- चतुष्पाटी :: f. (-टी) A river. E. चतुर् four (the four quarters), and पाटी what goes. चतस्रो दिशः पाटयति पाटि-अण् उप सः ।
- चतुष्पाठी :: f. (-ठी) A school for Brahmans. E. चतुर् four, (the Vedas,) पाठ perusal. चतुर्णां चेदानां पाठोऽत्र गौरा-ङीष् ।
- चतुष्पाणि :: m. (-णिः) A name of VISHNU. E. चतुर् four, and पाणि a hand, four-handed. चत्वारः पाणयोऽस्य ।
- चतुष्पाद् :: mfn. (-पात्) 1. A quadruped. 2. A whole of four parts or quarters 3. A judicial procedure, consisting of four processes, plea, defence, rejoinder, and sentence. E. चतुर् and पाद् a foot.
- चतुस्म :: n. (-मं) An ungent of four ingredients, Sandal, agallochum, saffron, and musk. E. चतुर् four, and सम equal, same.
- चतुस्त्रिंशज्जातकज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) A Bauddha, a Buddha saint. E. चतुस्त्रिंशत् thirty-four, जातक species, and ज्ञ who knows.
- चत्वर :: n. (-रं) 1. A levelled spot of ground prepared for a sacrifice. 2. A court yard. E. चत् to ask, Unadi affix ष्वरच् .
- चत्वाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A hole in the ground, &c. prepared for oblation with fire. 2. The womb. 3. Kusa grass. E. चत् to ask, वालच् affix, or with वालञ् affix, चात्वल .
- चद :: r. 1st cl. (ए) चदे (चदति-ते) To ask or beg, to solicit. (इ) चदि (चंदति) 1. To gladden. 2. To shine. भ्वा-द्विक-उभ-सेट् ।
- चदिर :: mf. (-रः-रा) 1. An elephant. 2. The moon. 3. Camphor. 4. A snake. E. चद् to shine, किरच् Unadi aff.
- चन :: r. 1st. and 10th cls. (चनति, चानयति) To hurt, to injure in any man- ner, to wound or kill, &c. 2. To believe, to confide. 3. To make a sound. भ्वा-पर सक-सेट् । चुरा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- चन :: ind. A particle affixed to certain words, giving them an indefinite signification, as कदा when, कदाचन some, when, at sometime, कः who, कश्चन some one; see चित् E. कन् to sound, affix अच् ।
- चनस् :: n. (-नः) Food, E. च असुन् Unadi affix, and नुट् augment.
- चन्द :: m. (-न्दः) The moon. E. चदि to shine, affix अच् see चन्द्र .
- चन्दक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Pleasing, joy-inspiring. m. (-कः) 1. The moon. 2. Moonlight. 3. A small silvery fish, of a genus allied to the Zeus, (Chanda, HAM) E. चन्द इव कायति कै क ।
- चन्दकपुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) Cloves. E. चन्दक, and पुष्प flower.
- चन्दन :: mn. (-नः -नं) Sandal, (Sirium myrtifolium;) it implies either the tree, the wood, or the unctuous preparations of the wood, held in high estimation as perfumes. n. (-नं) Red Sandal wood: see रक्तच- न्दन . m. (-नः) A kind of ape. f. (-नी) The name of a river. E. चदि to gladden, to delight, affix णिच् ल्यु .
- चन्दनाचल :: m. (-लः) The Malaya mountain, part of the southern range of the Ghats, where Sandal wood is procured. E. चन्दन and अचल a hill, the Sandal hill; also similar names, as चन्दनाद्रि, चन्दन- पर्व्वत, &c.
- चन्दिर :: m. (-रः) 1. An elephant. 2. The moon. E. चदि to shine, &c. Unadi affix किरच् .
- चन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) 1. The moon considered as a planet or a deity. 2. Cam- phor. 3. Water. 4. Gold. 5. A plant, (Crinum:) see रोचनी . 6. (In composition) Pre-eminent, (as पुरुषचन्द्र an eminent man, a chief, a moon of men.) 7. The edge in the peacock's tail. 8. One of the eighteen minor Dwipas or divisions of the known continent. 9. The mark of the soft aspirate. 10. A pearl with a red tinge. 11. Any thing giving pleasure. f. (-न्द्रा) 1. An awning, a canopy. 2. Small cardamoms: see एला . E. चदि to shine Unadi affix णिच् रक् .
- चन्द्रक :: m. (-कः) 1. The moon. 2. A ring, a circle, (like the moon.) 3. The eye in a peacock's tail. 4. A finger nail. 5. A fish, (Chanda, HAM.) n. (-कं) Black pepper. E. चन्द्र the moon, and क affix of resemblance. चन्द इव कायति कै क ।
- चन्द्रकवत् :: m. (-वान्) A peacock. E. चन्द्रक the mark in his tail, मतुप् aff.
- चन्द्रकला :: f. (-ला) 1. A digit, or one-sixteenth of the moon's orb; each is personified as a female divinity, and worshipped in some Tan- trika ceremonies. 2. A small drum. 3. A fish commonly called Vacha or Bacha, (Pimelodus vacha, HAM.) E. चन्द्र the moon, and कला a digit.
- चन्द्रकान्त :: m. (-न्तः) A fabulous gem, the moon-stone, supposed to be formed of the congelation of the rays of the moon; a kind of crystal may perhaps be meant. mn. (-न्तः-न्तं) 1. Sandal. 2, The white water lily. f. (-न्ता) 1. Night. 2. The wife of the moon. E. चन्द्र the moon, and कान्त splendid or beloved.
- चन्द्रकिन् :: m. (-की) A peacock. E. चन्द्रक the eye of the peacock's tail, and इनि poss. aff.
- चन्द्रगुप्त :: m. (-प्तः) 1. The registrar of YAMA'S court. 2. CHANDRAGUPTA a king of Pataliputra.
- चन्द्रगोल :: n. (-लं) The orb or sphere of the moon. E. चन्द्र and गोल a ball.
- चन्द्रगोलस्थ :: m. (-स्थः) A deceased and defied progenitor. E. चन्द्रगोल and स्थ who stays or abides; an inhabitant of the lunar sphere.
- चन्द्रगोलिका :: f. (-का) Moonlight. E. चन्द्रगोल the lunar orb, and कन् affix; derived from the moon.
- चन्द्रचञ्चल :: mf. (-लः-ला) A small fish, (Chanda, HAM.) E. चन्द्र and चञ्चल trembling, quivering, and glistering like the moon.
- चन्द्रदार :: plu. m. (-राः) The twenty-seven lunar mansions, which in mythology, are so many nymphs, daughters of DAKSHA, and wed- ded to CHANDRA, or the moon. E. चन्द्र and दार a wife.
- चन्द्रनिभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Like the moon, bright, handsome. E. चन्द्र and निभ what resembles.
- चन्द्रभागा :: f. (-गा-गी) The name of a river, the Chennab, one of the five streams of the Punjab. E. चन्द्रभाग the name of a mountain, part of the Himalaya range, where the river is said to have its source, affix of derivation अण् hence also it may be read चान्द्रभागा-गी ।
- चन्द्रप्रभ :: m. (-भः) The eight Jina or Jaina pontiff. f. (-भा) 1. Moonlight.
2. A compound of various drugs used in jaundice, piles, &c. E. चन्द्र and प्रभा light. चन्द्रस्य प्रभा इव प्रभा अस्य ।
- चन्द्रमणि :: m. (-णिः) The Chandrakanta or moon-gem: see चन्द्रकान्त . E. चन्द्र the moon, and मणि a gem.
- चन्द्रमण्डल :: n. (-लं) The orb or disc of the moon, the lunar sphere. E. चन्द्र and मण्डल circle.
- चन्द्रमस् :: m. (-माः) The moon. E. चन्द्र camphor, मा to mete or measure, and असुन् Unadi affix, मा देशः rendering all objects white like camphor.
- चन्द्रमौलि :: m. (-लिः) A name of SIVA. E. चन्द्र and मौलि a crest; this deity being represented with a half moon on his fore-head.
- चन्द्ररेखा :: f. (-खा) A digit of the moon. E. चन्द्र and रेखा a line.
- चन्द्ररेणु :: m. (-णुः) A plagiarist, a poetical thief, (काव्यचौर) E. चन्द्र the moon, and रेणु dust.
- चन्द्रलेखा :: f. (-खा) 1. A plant, (Serrantula anthelmintica:) see सोमराजी . 2. A digit of the moon. E. चन्द्र and लेखा a line or mark.
- चन्द्रलोक :: n. (-कं) The sphere or heaven of the moon. E. चन्द्र and लोक world.
- चन्द्रलौह :: n. (-हं) Silver. E. चन्द्र and लौह metal; also चन्द्रलौहकं .
- चन्द्रवंश :: m. (-शः) The race of the moon. the second great branch of the Kshetriya or royal dynasties, derived from the moon, through BUDDHA his son, and Pururavas his son. E. चन्द्र and वंश race.
- चन्द्रवंशिन् :: m. (-शी) A member of the lunar dynasty. E. चन्द्रवंश and इनि aff.
- चन्द्रवल्लरी :: f. (-री) 1. A kind of asclepias, (A. acida:) see सोमलता . 2. Rue. See ब्राह्मी . E. चन्द्र the moon, and वल्लरी a creeper. सोमलतायां माधवी- लतायाम् च ।
- चन्द्रवाला :: f. (-ला) Large cardamoms. E. चन्द्र camphor, and वाला a child, a diminutive term in general.
- चन्द्रविहङ्गम :: m. (-मः) A kind of crane. E. चन्द्र the moon, (as white,) and विहङ्गम a bird.
- चन्द्रव्रत :: n. (-तं) 1. A regal property or virtue. 2. A kind of penance. see चान्द्रायण . E. चन्द्र the moon, and व्रत religious observance.
- चन्द्रशाला :: f. (-ला) 1. Moonlight. 2. An upper room, an apartment on the top of the house. E. चन्द्र the moon, and शाला a hall. चन्द्रः शाला इव आधारो यस्याः । ज्योत्स्नायाम्, प्रासादोपरिस्थे गृहे (चिलेर घर) ।
- चन्द्रशालिका :: f. (-का) A room on the top of a house. E. कन् affixed to the preceding.
- चन्द्रशेखर :: m. (-रः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. The name of a mountain; one so called is amongst the hills of Aracan. E. चन्द्र the moon, and शेखर a crest; whose crest is the moon. चन्द्रः चन्द्रकला शेखरे अस्य ।
- चन्द्रसंज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) Camphor. E. चन्द्र and संज्ञा a name: having all the synonimes of the moon.
- चन्द्रसम्भव :: m. (-वः) Budha, the planet MERCURY. E. चन्द्र and आत्मज son.
- सन्द्रसम्भवा :: f. (-वा) Small cardamoms. E. चन्द्र the moon, and सम्भव produced.
- चन्द्रसालोक्य :: n. (-क्यं) Attainment of the lunar heaven. E. चन्द्र and सालोक्य domicile.
- चन्द्रहास :: m. (-सः) 1. A scimitar. 2. the sword of RAVANA. f. (-सा) Moon plant, (Menispermum glabrum.) n. (-सं) Silver. E. चन्द्र the moon, and हास what derides: outvieing the moon in brightness.
- चन्द्राकृति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Moon-shaped, like the moon, (in roundness, whiteness, &c.) E. चन्द्र and आकृति form.
- चन्द्रातप :: m. (-पः) 1. Moonlight 2. An awning. E. चन्द्र the moon, and आतप shining. चन्द्रस्य आतो गमनं ततः पाति-पा-क । चांँदोया ।
- चन्द्रार्द्ध :: n. (-र्द्धं) A half moon, a crescent. E. चन्द्र and अर्द्ध half.
- चन्द्रापीड :: m. (-डः) A name of SIVA. E. चन्द्र the moon, and आपीड a chaplet; who has the moon like a chaplet amidst his hair.
- चन्द्राभास :: m. (-सः) A false moon, an appearance like the moon. E. चन्द्र, and आभास resembling.
- चन्द्रिका :: f. (-का) 1. Moonlight. 2. A small fish, commonly Chanda, (Chanda of var. species, HAM.) 3. Large cardamoms. E. चन्द्र the moon, चन्द्रोऽस्ति अस्याः आश्रयत्वेन ठन् । चदि दीप्तौ रक् ततः स्वार्थे कवा ।
- चन्द्रिकाद्राव :: m. (-वः) The moon-stone. E. चन्द्रिका and द्राव what fuses; liquefying in moonlight. चन्दिकया द्रावो निष्यन्दो यस्य । चन्द्रकान्तमणौ ।
- चन्द्रिकापायिन् :: m. (-यी) The Chakora or hill partridge. E. चन्द्रिका and पायिन् who drinks. चन्द्रिकां पिबति पा-णिनि ।
- चन्द्रिकाम्बुज :: n. (-जं) The white lotus. E. चन्द्रिका and अम्बुज a lotus. चन्द्रिकेव शुम्रमम्बुजम् । सितोत्पले ।
- चन्द्रिल :: m. (-लः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. A barber. 3. A potherb, (Cheno- podium album.) E. चन्द्र the moon or weapon, &c. bright as the moon, and इलच् aff.
- चन्द्रोदय :: m. (-यः) 1. An awning, a cloth spread over the large open courtyard of Hindu houses, upon festival occasions. 2. Moon-rise 3. A mercurial preparation used in medicine. E. चन्द्र the moon, and उदय rising, (of a planet, &c.)
- चन्द्रोपल :: m. (-लः) Moongem; see चन्द्रकान्त . E. चन्द्र, the moon, and उपल a stone. चन्द्रप्रियः उपलः । चन्द्रकान्तमणौ ।
- चप :: r. 1st cl. (चपति) To caress, to coax, to soothe or console, r. 10th. cl. (चपयति-ते) To grind or pound. (इ) चपि r. 1st and 10th cls. (चम्पति, चम्पयति) To go, to move. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् चुरा-उभ-सक-सेट् ।
- चपट :: m. (-टः) The palm with extended fingers: see चपेट .
- चपल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Trembling, tremulous, shaking. 2. Wavering, unsteady. 3. Inconsiderately criminal. 4. Swift, expeditious; (also in this sense, or swiftly, adv. n. (-लं) 5. Momentary, instantaneous. 6. Agitated violently, overcome with alarm, &c. m. (-लः) 1. Quicksilver. 2. A kind of stone. 3. A fish. 4. A thief. f. (-ला) 1. The goddess LAKSHMI or fortune. 2. Light- ning. 3. A whore. 4. Long pepper. 5. The tongue. 6. Spirituous liquor. 7. A species of the Arya metre. E. चप् to go, affix अलच् or चुप् to move, Unadi affix कल and the radical vowel changed.
- चपलता :: f. (-ता) 1. Moving, trembling. 2. Fickleness, inconstancy E. तल् added to the last, also with त्व, चपलत्वम् .
- चपलात्मक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Of a fickle or inconstant nature E. चपल, आत्म self, and कन् added.
- चपेट :: m. (-टः) The palm of the hand with the fingers extended. E. चप् to go, affix अच्, चप trembling, and इट what goes or is, from इट् with क affix; also चपट and चर्पट .
- चपेटाघात :: m. (-तः) A slap with the open hand. E. चपेट, and आघात a blow.
- चपेटिका :: f. (-का) A slap with the open hand. E. चपेट, and वुन् aff.
- चम (उ) चमु :: r. 1st and 5th cls. (चमति, चम्नोति) To eat, to drink, to take any thing into the mouth, as food, whether solid or liquid. With आङ् prefixed, (आचामति) To sip as water. With वि, (विचमति) To eat. भ्वा-प-सक-सेट् स्वादि वा .
- चमत्करण :: n. (-णं) 1. Astonishing, producing wonder or surprise. 2. Fes- tival. 3. spectacle. 4. High poetical composition. E. चमत् a sound of surprise, and करण making; also चमत्कार and चमत्कृति .
- चमत्कार :: m. (-रः) 1. Astonishment, surprise. 2. Show, spectacle. 3. Row, riot, festive or angry turbulence. 4. Elaborate style or high poeti- cal composition. 5. The name of a tree: see अपामार्ग E. चमत् a sound of surprise, and कार making. चमदित्यव्यक्तं क्रियते कृभावे घञ् ।
- चमत्कारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Unusual, surprising, astonishing. E. चमत्कार, and इनि aff.
- चमत्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Surprised, astonished. E. चमत्, and कृत made.
- चमत्कृति :: f. (-तिः) Display, spectacle, &c.: see चमत्करण .
- चमर :: n. (-रं) 1. A Chowri or long brush, most usually made of the tail-hairs of the Yak or Bos Grunniens, and employed to whisk off insects, flies, &c. 2. The name of a demon, f. (-री) A compound pedicle. mf. (-रः-री) A kind of deer, or rather the Bos Grunniens,
erroneously classed by the Hidu writers amongst the deer. E. चम् to eat or be eaten, अरच् aff.
- चमरपुच्छ :: m. (-च्छः) A small animal with a bushy tail; a squirrel. n. (-च्छं) A Chowri. E. चमर, and पुच्छ tail.
- चमरिक :: m. (-कः) A species. of ebony, (Bauhinia variegata.) E. चमर a Chowri, and ठन् affix, growing in clusters, resembling a Chowri.
- चमस :: mf. (-सः-सी) 1A vessel used at sacrifices for drinking the juice of the acid asclepias, a kind of ladle or spoon. 2, A cake made of barley, rice or lentils ground to meal. 3. A plant, commonly Khetpapra, (Mollugo pentaphylla.) 4. A sweetmeat, or flour, sesamum, &c. mixed up with sugar into a kind of cake, &c. E. चम् to eat, असच् Unadi affix, fem. affix ङीष् .
- चमू :: f. (-मूः) 1. An army. 2. A squadron, a division of an army con- sisting of 129 elephants, as many cars, 2187 horse, and 3685 foot. E. चम् to eat or destroy, (the enemy.) and ऊ Unadi aff.
- चमूचर :: m. (-रः) A soldier, a warrior. E. चमू, and चर who marches.
- चमूपति :: m. (-तिः) A general of division, any general. E. चमू, and पति master.
- चमूरु :: m. (-रुः) A kind of deer. E. चम् to be eaten, ऊरच् affix, and उ final added. पृषोदरादित्वात् अत उत्त्वम् ।
- चम्प :: r. 1st cl. (चम्पति) To go or move.
- चम्प :: m. (-म्प्रः) Mountain ebony, (Bauhinia variegata.) f. (-म्पा) The capital of KARNA, the modern Bhagalpur, or a place in its vicini- ty. E. चपि to go &c. अच् and टाप् aff.
- चम्पक :: m. (-कः) 1. A tree bearing a yellow fragrant flower, (Michelia champaca.) 2. A division of the jack fruit. n. (-कं) The flower of the Champa. 2. A variety of the banana or plantain, (the fruit.) E. चपि to shine, &c. affix ण्वुल् .
- चम्पकालु :: m. (-लुः) The Jack or Indian bread fruit tree, (Artocarpus in- tegrifolia.) E. चम्पक as above, and आलच् poss. aff.
- चम्पकोष :: m. (-षः) The Jack: see the preceding.
- चम्पाधिप :: m. (-पः) A name of KARNA. E. चम्पा the city, and अधिप ruler.
- चम्पापुरी :: f. (-री) The city Champa: see चम्पा . E. चम्पा and पुर a city.
- चम्पालु :: f. (-लुः) The Jack: see चम्पकालु . E. चम्प for चम्पक, and आलुच् aff.
- चम्पावतो :: f. (-ती) The district of Champa: or Bhagulpur. E. चम्प the ebony tree, and मतुप् poss. affix, abounding in such trees.
- चम्पू :: f. (-म्पूः) A work in which the same subject is continued through alternations in the composition of prose and verse. E. चम् to eat or be eaten, ऊ affix प inserted; what is relished by persons of taste.
- चम्पेश :: m. (-शः) KARNA the natural brother of the Pāṇḍus. E. चम्पा the city Champa, and ईश sovereign.
- चम्पोपलक्षित :: m. (-तः) The district of champa or Bhāgulpnr, or m. plu. (-ताः) The inhabitants. E. चम्प the ebony, and उपलक्षित designated: see चम्पावती .
- चम्ब :: r. 1st cl. (चम्बति) To go, to move. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् गतौ ।
- चय :: r. 1st cl. (चयते) To go to or towards, to go, to move, भ्वा-आ-सक-सेट् ।
- चय :: m. (यः) 1. An assemblage, a multitude. 2. A heap, a collection. 3. A mound of earth, raised to form the foundation of a building. 4. A rampart or mound of earth raised from the ditch of a fort. 5. The gate of a fort. 6. Any edifice. 7. A seat, a stool. 8. A cover, a covering. E. चि to collect, aff. अच् .
- चयन :: n. (-नं) Collecting, gathering. E. चि to collect, ल्युट् aff.
- चयनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be collected or gathered. E. चि to collect, अनीयर aff.
- चर :: r. 1st cl. (चरति) 1. To go. 2. To eat. 3. To behave or act, (in this sense आङ् is usually prefixed;) With अति, and आङ् prefixed, To transgress, to go astray. With अभि, 1. To deceive, to betray. 2. To conjure. 3. To attend. With अनु, 1. To follow, to attend. 2. To imitate. With आङ् To practise. a duty. With उत्, (उच्चरते) 1. To
transgress. 2. To expel. 3. (उच्चरति) To go up, to rise. With उप, 1 To approach. 2. To worship. With परि, To serve. With प्र, 1. To prevail as a custom. 2. To declare, to manifest. With वि and अभि, To go astray, to act wickedly. With सम् (सञ्चरते) 1. To ride upon. 2. (सञ्चरति) To accompany. With सम् and आङ् 1. To perform. 2. To announce. r. 10th cl. (चारयति) 1. To doubt 2. To be free from doubt. With वि prefixed, To discuss, to dispute, to reason upon or respecting any doubtful points. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् । चु-उभ-सक-सेट् ।
- चर :: mfn. (-रः -रा or -री-रं) 1. Moveable, locomotive. 2. Trembling, shak- ing, unsteady. m. (-रः) 1. A spy, a secret emissary or agent. 2. The planet Mars. 3. A game played with dice and men, similar to backgammon. 4. A wagtail. 5. A cowri. 6. The seventh Karana, (in Astrology.) 7. The Karanas collectively. f. (-री) A young wo- man. E. चर् to go, affix अच् or टच् and in the latter case the fem. affix is ङीप् .
- चरक :: m. (-कः) 1. The author of a treatise upon medicine: applied also to the work. 2. A spy or secret emissary, &c. E. चर to go, Unadi affix. स्वार्थे क संज्ञायां कन् वा ।
- चरट :: mf. (-टः-टी) A wagtail; also चर . E. चर वा अटच् । खञ्जनखगे ।
- चरण :: mn. (-णः-णं) 1. A foot. 2. The root of a tree. A race, a family. 4. A portion of the Vedas, 5. Fixed or instituted observance. 6. The peculiarity of condition or conduct implied by the English affix hood, as manhood, priesthood, &c. 7. The fourth part of a stanza. 4. (in Prosody,) A dactyl. n. (-णं) 1. Wandering, roaming, going round or about. 2. Eating. E. to चर् go affix करणे ल्युट् .
- चरणकिशलय :: n. (-यं) The foot of a lover, or deity, &c. E. चरण and किशलय lotus filament.
- चरणगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Fallen at one's feet, prostrate. E. चरण and गत gone.
- चरणग्रन्थि :: f. (-न्थिः) The ankle. E. चरण the foot, and ग्रन्थि a joint.
- चरणपतन :: n. (-नं) Prostration, falling at the feet. E. चरण and पतन falling.
- चरणपतित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Prostrate, fallen at the feet. E. चरण and पतित fallen.
- चरणपात :: m. (-तः) Tread, trampling, foot-fall. E. चरण and पात falling.
- चरणयुग :: n. (-गं) 1. Both the feet. 2. Two lines of a stanza. E. चरण, and युग a pair.
- चरणसेवा :: f. (-वा) Service, devotion. E. चरण and सेवा service.
- चरणार्द्ध :: n. (-र्द्धं) 1. The half of the foot. 2. Half of the fourth of a stanza E. चरण and अर्द्ध half.
- चरणानमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Trodden down, bent or bowed under the feet. E. चरण and आनमित bowed.
- चरणाभरण :: n. (-णं) An ornament on the feet. E. चरण and आभरण orna- ment.
- चरणामृत :: n. (-तं) The water in which the feet of a venerable Brahman or teacher have been washed. E. चरण and असृत nectar.
- चरणायुध :: m. (-धः) A cock. E. चरण the foot, and आयुध a weapon, whose foot is his weapon. E. चरणम् आयुधं यस्य । कुक्वुटे ।
- चरणारविन्द :: n. (-न्दं) The foot (of a deity, a lover, &c.) E. चरण and अर- विन्द a lotus; also many similar compounds, as चरणपद्मं, चरणकमलं, चरणनलिनं, &c.
- चरणास्कन्दन :: n. (-नं) Trampling, trading on. E. चरण and आस्कन्दन going.
- चरणोदक :: n. (-कं) Water in which the feet of a venerable Brahman or spiritual teacher have been washed. E. चरण and उदक water.
- चरणोपग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) In contact with the feet, at the feet. E. चरण . and उपग approached.
- चरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती रत्) Going, going. to. E. चर् to go, शतृ aff.
- चरपुष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) A mediator.
- चरम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Last, ultimate, final. 2. West, western. चर् to go, अमच् Unadi aff.
- चरमक्ष्माभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) The western mountain behind which the sun is
supposed to set. E. चरम western, and क्ष्माभृत् a mountain; also चरमाचल, &c.
- चरमाचल :: m. (-लः) See the preceding.
- चरमाद्रि :: m. (-द्रिः) See चरमक्ष्मामृत्; also other similar compounds.
- चराचर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. Moveable, locomotive. 2. Shaking, trem- bling, unsteady. 3. Wished, desired. 4. Moveable and immove- able. n. (-रं) 1. The world. 2. Sky, atmosphere. 3. Heaven, paradise. 4. The aggregate of all things, whether inanimate or animate. E. चर् to go, affix अच् and the derivative reiterated, आङ् inserted; or चर what goes and अचर what does not go.
- चरि :: m. (-रिः) An animal in general. E. चर locomotive, and इ Unadi aff.
- चरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Gone, gone to, attained. n. (-तं) Fixed institute, proper or peculiar observance: see चरण . 2. Story, adventures. 3. Practice, behaviour. 4. Nature. E. चर् to go, affix क्त .
- चरितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be followed or observed. E. चर and तव्य aff
- चरितार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) 1. Effected, accomplished. 2. Successful. E. चरित and अर्थ object.
- चरितगुणत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Accompaniment, assistance. 2. Meritorious con- duct. E. चरित and गुणत्व faculty.
- चरित्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. Instituted and peculiar observance or conduct. 2. Story, adventures 3. Practice, habit, behaviour. 4. Nature, dispo- sition. f. (-त्रा) The tamarind tree. E. चर् to go, इत्र Unadi aff.
- चरित्रबन्धक :: n. (-कं) A friendly pledge, one of unequal value to the loan. E. चरित्र and बन्धक a pledge.
- चरिष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) 1. Moveable, locomotive. 2. Wandering about. E. चर् to go, and इष्णुच् aff.
- चरीत्र :: n. (-त्रं) Practice conduct behaviour: see चरित्र .
- चरु :: m. (-रुः) 1. An oblation of rice barley, and pulse, boiled with butter and milk for presentation to the gods or manes. 2. The vessel in which such an oblation is prepared. E. चर् to eat, उण् Unadi affix, what the gods feed upon.
- चरुव्रण :: m. (-णः) A kind of cake. E. चर् to eat, उ affix, edible, and व्रण what is ground or pounded.
- चरुश्रपण :: n. (-णं) Sprinkling an oblation of milk and ghee. E. चरु and श्रपण scattering.
- चरुस्थाली :: f. (-ली) The vessel in which an oblation is prepared. E. चरु and स्थाली a pot.
- चर्घ :: r. 1st cl. (चर्घति) To go or move.
- चर्च :: r. 6th cl. (चर्चति) 1. To speak or say. 2. To abuse, to reprove, to censure or condemn. 3. To injure or hurt. 4. To inquire, r. 10th cl. (चर्चयति-ते) To read over, to peruse carefully, to study; also read चर्च्च . चुरा-उभ-सक-सेट् । तु-पर ।
- चर्चरी :: f. (-री) 1. A festival, festive sport. 2. A kind of song. 3. Striking the hands to beat time. (In music). 4. Curled or woolly hair. 5. Musical symphony or, the recitation of scholars. 6. The noise made at festivals, &c 7. Flattery, dishonest praise. E. चर्च् to speak, or say to sound, &c. अरन् and ङीष् affs.
- चर्चरीक :: m. (-कः) 1. A form of SIVA. 2. A potherb. 3. Decorating or curling the hair. E. चर्चरी noise, &c. and क who utters, from कै to sound, affix ड; or चर्च ईकन् some authorities substitute बर्चरीक for this word.
- चर्चा :: f. (-र्चा) 1. Reflexion, consideration, the exercise of judgment or deliberation. 2. Cleaning the person with fragrant unguents, 3. Inquiry, investigation. 4. A name of the goddess DURGA. E. चर्च् to read, &c. affixes अच् and टाप् also चर्चिका &c.
- चर्चिका :: f. (-का) 1. The goddess DURGA. or CHAMUNDA. 2. Cleaning the person with perfumes. 3. Deliberation, inquiry. E. चर्च् to ask, affix ण्वुल्; also चर्चा as above.
- चर्चित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Perfumed, anointed, smeared with sandal, &c.
2. Sought, desired. 3. Inquired into or after, investigated. E. चर्चा smearing, &c. and कर्मणि क्त aff.
- चर्च्च :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (चर्च्चते चर्च्चयते) 1. To speak, to tell. 2. To re- prove. 3. To study: see चर्च .
- चर्त्त्य :: mfn. (-र्त्त्यः -र्त्त्या -र्त्त्यं) 1. To be hurt or injured. 2. To be strung or tied in order. E. चृत् to hurt, &c. and कर्मणि यत् affix from special.
- चर्पट :: m. (-टः) 1. The open palm of the hand with fingers extended. 2. A plant, (Mollugo pentaphylla.) 3. A quantity of bubbles or specks (स्फारविपुल) f. (-टी) A thin cake or biscuit of flour. E. चर्प a Sautra root, to be low or flat, or चप् दीप्तौ; affix अटन् also चपट and चपेट .
- चर्ब :: r. 1st cl. (चर्बति) To go to move. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- चर्भट :: m. (-टः) A kind of cucumber, (C. utilatissimus:) see इर्व्वारु . f. (-टी) The noise of merriment or festivity: see चर्च्चरी . E. चारु agreeable sound, and भट what makes, deriv. irr. चर क्विप् भट अच् कर्मधारय ।
- चर्म्म :: n. (-र्म्मं) A shield: see चर्म्मन् . चर्म साधनतया अस्ति अस्य अच् टिलोपः ।
- चर्म्मकरण :: n. (-णं) Working in skins or leather. E. चर्म्म and करण making.
- चर्म्मकषा :: f. (-षा) A plant, commonly called by a similar name Charmra- ksha or Charmagha. E. चर्म्म the skin, and कष what injures; also चर्म्मकसा . चर्म कषति कष-अच्
- चर्म्मकार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) The shoe-maker, a currier or worker in leather, the offspring of the Chandala woman by a man of the fisherman caste, or of a Vaideha female by a Nishadha. f. (-री) 1. The plant Char- maghas: see the preceding. 3. The wife of a Chamar. E. चर्म्म skin or leather, and कार who does or makes. चर्म तन्निमित्तं पादुकादि करोति कृ-अण् उपमित समासः ।
- चर्म्मकारक :: m. (-कः) A worker in leather. E. चर्म्म and कारक making.
- चर्म्मकारिन् :: m. (-री) A currier, a worker in hides or leather. E. चर्म्म and कारिन् who makes.
- चर्म्मकार्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Working in leather or skins. E. चर्म्म and कार्य्य business.
- चर्म्मकील :: n. (-लं) A wart. E. चर्म्म and कील a bolt. चर्मणि कील इव ।
- चर्म्मकृत् :: n. (-कृत्) A shoe-maker: see चर्म्मकार .
- चर्म्मचटका :: f. (-का) A bat. E. चर्म्म leather, and चटका a sparrow, the leather-winged sparrow; also चर्म्मचटिका चर्म्मचटी &c. चर्मणा चटका इव (चाम्चिका) ।
- चर्म्मचटी :: f. (-टी) A bat. E. चर्म्म leather, and चट who hurts. चर्म चटति भिनत्ति चटभेदे अच् ङीष् ।
- चर्म्मज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced by or from the skin. n. (-जं) 1. Hair. 2. Blood. E. चर्म्म and ज born. चर्मणि जायते जन ड । रोमणि ।
- चर्म्मण्वती :: f. (-ती) 1. A river that runs across Bundelkhand into the Ganges, the modern Chambal. 2. The plantain tree, (Musa sapien- tum.) E. चर्म्मन् skin, and मतुप् poss. affix; न is changed to ण it may also be dropped, and the word may be written चर्म्मवती .
- चर्म्मतरङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A wrinkle, a fold of skin. E. चर्म्म and तरङ्ग a wave. चर्मणि तरङ्ग इव । जरया पलिते बलौ ।
- चर्म्मदण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A whip. E. चर्म्म a leather (thong), and दण्ड a stick. चर्मणा कृतो दण्डः । कषायाम् ।
- चर्म्मदूषिका :: f. (-का) 1. Leprosy. 2. Cutaneous disease. E. चर्म्म and दूष् to vitiate, ण्वुल् aff. चर्म दूषयति ।
- चर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) 1. Skin, hide, bark, &c. 2. A shield. 3. A student's hide, usually that of an antelope. E. चर् to go, to obstruct, Unadi affix मनिन् .
- चर्म्मनासिका :: f. (-का) A whip. E. चर्म्म, and नासिका the nose or end.
- चर्म्मपट्टिका :: f. (-का) A piece or strap of leather, for playing upon with dice, a leather backgammon board, &c. E. चर्म्म, and पट्टिका a fillet.
- चर्म्मपत्रा :: f. (-त्रा) A bat, the small house-bat. E. चर्म्म leather, and पत्र a wing, the fem. form implies diminutiveness. चर्म इव पत्रं पक्षोऽस्याः । (चाम्चिका) ।
- चर्म्मपादुका :: f. (-का) A leather shoe. E. चर्म्म and पादुका a slipper. चर्ममयी पादुका ।
- चर्म्मप्रभेदिका :: f. (-का) A shoe-maker's awl. E. चर्म्म leather, भिद् to pierce, with प्र prefixed, ण्वुल् affixed. चर्मं प्रभिनत्ति प्र + भिद-ण्वुल् टापि अत इत्त्वम् ।
- चर्म्मप्रसेवक :: mf. (-वकः-विका) A bellows. E. चर्म्म leather, सिव् to sew, प्र prefix, and वुन् affix; what is sewn or made of leather.
- चर्म्मवन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) A leather band or strap. E. चर्म्म and बन्ध band.
- चर्ममय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Leather, made of leather. E. चर्म and मयट् aff.
- चर्ममुण्डा :: f. (-ण्डा) A form of the goddess DURGA. E. चर्म a shield, and मुण्डा, a bald head whose head is round like a shield.
- चर्मयष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) A whip. E. चर्म, and यष्टि a stick.
- चर्मरु :: m. (-रुः) A shoe-maker, a worker in leather. E. चर्म leather, and रु to make a noise, affix क्विप् .
- चर्मसम्मवा :: f. (-वा) Cardamoms: see एला . E. चर्म skin, and सम्भव produced.
- चर्मसार :: m. (-रः) Lymph, serum. E. चर्म and सार essence.
- चर्माच्छादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Covered with skin. E. चर्म and आच्छादित covered.
- चर्मावकर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) Working in leather or skins. चर्म and अवकर्त्तन cutting off.
- चर्मावकर्त्तिन् :: m. (-र्त्ती) A worker in leather or skins, a man of the lowest caste. E. चर्म and अवकर्त्तिन् who cuts off. चर्म अवकृन्तति स्वशिल्पनिर्वाहाय अव-कृती-छेदे णिनि । चर्मकारे ।
- चर्मावनद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Covered with skin. 2. Tied with leather, &c. E. चर्म and अवनद्ध bound.
- चर्मावृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Covered with skin or leather. E. चर्म and आवृत covered.
- चर्माम्भस् :: n. (-म्भः) Lymph, serum. E. चर्म and अम्भस् water.
- चर्मार :: m. (-रः) A worker in leather. E. चर्म and ऋ to go, with अण् aff.
- चर्मिन् :: mfn. (-र्मी -र्मिणी -र्मि) 1. Having a hide or skin. 2. Leather, made of leather, &c. m. (-र्मी) 1. A soldier armed with a shield, a shield bearer. 2. A tree of which the bark is used for writing upon, &c. See भूर्ज a sort of birch. 3. One of SIVAS door-keeper: see भृङ्गरीट 4. A plantain. E. चर्म skin, a shield, and इनि aff.
- चर्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) To be gone, (in or by) nf. (-र्य्यं-र्य्या) 1. Persever- ance in religious austerities. 2. Due and regular observance of all rites or custom. 3. Following the rules of studentship. 4. Going. 5. Eating. 6. Practice usage. 7. Behaviour. E. चर् to go, and यत् or ण्यत् aff.
- चर्व :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (चर्वति चर्वयति-ते) To eat, to chew, to masticate. भ्रा-पर-सक-सेट् । चुरा उभ० ।
- चर्व्वण :: n. (-णं) Chewing, masticating. E. चर्व्व् to chew, and भावे ल्युट् aff.
- चर्व्वन् :: m. (-र्व्वा) Striking with the flat of the hand. E. चर् to go, affix वुन् .
- चर्व्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Eaten. 2. Chewed. E. चर्व्व् to eat, and कर्मणि क्त aff.
- चर्व्वितपात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A spitting pot. E. चर्व्वित chewed, (pan or tobacco,) पात्र a vessel; also चर्व्वितपात्रकं . (पिकदानी) ।
- चर्व्व्या :: mfn. (-र्व्व्यः -र्व्व्या -र्व्व्यं) To be chewed. n. (-र्व्व्यं) Solid food, requiring mastication. E. चर्व्व् to chew, ण्यत् यत् वा affix; also चर्व्वणीय चर्व्वितव्य .
- चर्षणि :: m. (-णिः) A man. कृष-अनि आदेश्च चः उणादि । मनुष्ये ।
- चल :: r. 1st. cl. (चलति) To tremble, to shake or totter. r. 6th cl. (चलति) To sport, to play. to frolic or wanton. r. 10th cl. (चालयति-ते) To cherish, to foster, (चालयति चालयते) To shake to cause to shake. With प्र, To fall as from a seat. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् । तुदा-पर-अक-सेट् । चुरा-सक-उभ-सेट् ।
- चल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Trembling tremulous, unfixed or unsteady. m. (-लः) Trembling, shaking. f. (-ला) 1. The goddess of fortune, LAKSHMI. 2. Lightning. 3. Incense. E. चल् to go, affix अच् fem. affix टाप् .
- चलकर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) The true distance of a planet from the earth. E. चल and कर्ण hypothenuse.
- चलचञ्चु :: mf. (-चञुः) The Greek partridge: see चकोर E. चल tremulous, and चञ्चु a beak. चला चञ्चुरस्य । चकोरे ।
- चलचित्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Fickle, inconstant. n. (-त्तं) Fickleness, muta- bility. E. चल, and चित्त mind.
- चलचित्तता :: f. (-ता) Fickleness, unsteadiness, inconstancy. E. तल् added to the last: also with त्व, चलचित्तत्वं .
- चलत् :: mfn. (-लन् -लन्तो -लत्) Going, moving. E. चल् to go, शतृ aff.
- चलत्पद :: n. adv. (-दं) Moving, walking. E. चलत् and पद a step.
- चलत्पूर्णिमा :: f. (-मा) A small fish, (Chanda, HAM) E. चलत् trembling, and पूर्णिमा full moon, being of a white glistering colour, like that of the moon. चलन्ती पूर्णिमा तदुपलक्षितः चन्द्र इव ।
- चलदङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A fish, a sort of gilt-head. E. चलत् trembling, and अङ्ग body; also with कन् added चलदङ्गक .
- चलदल :: m. (-लः) The holy fig tree. E. चल shaking, and दल a leaf. चलानि दलानि अस्य । अश्वत्थ-वृक्षे ।
- चलद्विष :: m. (-षः) The Kokila or Indian cuckoo.
- चलन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नी-नं) 1. Who or what goes or moves. 2. Trembling, tremulous, shaking. m. (-नः) 1. A foot. 2. A deer, an antelope. f. (-नी) 1. A short petticoat worn by common women. 2. The tye of an elephant. n. (-नं) 1. Wandering, roaming. 2. Trembling, shak- ing. 3. Going. E. चल् to go, affix भावे or करणे ल्युट् or युच् or कर्त्तरि ल्यु ।
- चलनक :: n. (-कं) A short petticoat worn by women of some rank, E. चलन and कन् added. संज्ञायां कन् । चण्डातके ।
- चलमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Going, moving, proceding. E. चल् to go शानच् aff.
- चलस् :: n. (-लः) Wood sorrel; see अम्ल . E. चल् to go, असुन् Unadi affi.
- चलसन्धि :: m. (-न्धिः) Moveable articulation of the bones, Diarthrosis. E. चल and सन्धि a joint.
- चलाचल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Tremulous, unsteady, unfixed. 2. Moveable and stationary. m. (-लः) A cow. E. चल् to go, affix अच् deriv. re- iterated, and the first final vowel made long, or चल and अचल immoveable.
- चलि :: m. (-लिः) A cover, a wrapper, a surtout: see निचोल .
- चलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Shaking, trembling. 2. Gone, departed. 3. Went, proceeded. E. चल् to go, affix क्त .
- चलु :: m. (-लुः) A handful of water, water taken up in the hollowed palm of the hand for rincing the mouth, &c. E. चल् to go, affix उन्, गण्डूषे ।
- चलुक :: m. (-कः) 1. The hand hollowed as for holding a little water, &c. 2. A small pot, a gallipot, &c. n. (-कं) A handful of water: see चलु E. चल् to go कन् affix: see चुलक । चलुना मीयते कन् । प्रसृतौ, भाण्डभेदे च ।
- चलेन्द्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Sensitive, sensual, not having subdued senses or passions. E. चल and इन्द्रिय organ of sense.
- चवि :: f. (-विः-वी) The pepper plant or a kind of it. E. चर्व् to eat इन् affix; also sometimes ङीष्, deriv. irr. also चव्य and चविका .
- चविक :: mf. (-कः-का or -की) A plant that yields a sort of long pepper, (Piper chavya.) E. चर्व् to eat, and क्कुन् affix, र rejected.
- चव्य :: nf. (-व्यं-व्या) A variety of pepper, (Piper chavya, Rox.) f. (-व्या) Orris root. E. चर्व् to be eaten, कर्मणि ण्यत् affix and deriv. irr.
- चष :: r. 1st cl. (चषति) To kill or hurt, (चषति-ते) To eat. भ्वा-उभ-सक-सेट् ।
- चषक :: mn. (-कः-कं) 1. A vessel for drinking spirits with, a wine glass, &c. 2. Any drinking vessel. 3. Spirituous liquor. 4. Honey. E. चष् to eat, करणे क्वुन् Unadi aff.
- चषति :: m. (-तिः) Decay, infirmity. E. कृष् to plough, ति Unadi affix, and च substituted for the radical initials. चष-भक्षे बधे वा भावे अति ।
- चषाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A wooden ring on the top of a sacrificial post. 2. An iron ring at the base of the post. 3. A hive. E. चष् to eat, &c. आलच् Unadi aff.
- चह :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (चहति, चहयति-ते) 1. To be wicked, to commit wickedness. 2. To cheat. 3. To be proud, &c. r. 10th cl. (चहयति-ते) To grind or pound. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् । चुरा-उभ-सक-सेट् ।
- चाक्रिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Circular. 2. Belonging to a wheel or discus.
3. Relating to a company or circle. m. (-कः) 1. A chorister, a bard who chaunts in chorus the praises of kings heroes, gods, &c. 2. An oil maker. 3. A coach-man, a driver. E. चक्र a multitude, &c. and ठक् aff. चक्रेण समूहेन यन्त्रभेदेन चक्रयुक्तशकटेन वा चरति ।
- चाक्षुष :: mfn. (-षः -षी -षं) Visible, perceptible, seen. m. (-षः) The sixth Manu. E. चक्षुष the eye, अण् aff. चक्षुषा गृह्यते ।
- चाङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Whiteness or beauty of the teeth. E. चङ्ग handsome, affix ड । ची-ड चमङ्गमस्य । चाङ्गेय्याम् दन्तपटुत्वे च ।
- चाङ्गेरी :: f. (-री) Wood sorrel, (Oxalis monadelpha, Rox.) E. चाङ्ग as above, and इर् to send or cause, affixes अण् and ङीष् .
- चाचलि :: mfn. (-लिः -लिः -लि) Moving much or repeatedly. E. चल् to go, intents from, कि aff.
- चाञ्चल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) 1. Tremulousness, unsteadiness. 2. Transitoriness. E. चञ्चल, and ष्यञ् aff.
- चाट :: m. (-टः) A cheat, a rogue, a peculator, one who makes away with money &c. entrusted to him. E. चट् to injure, affix अच् ।
- चाटकैर :: m. (-रः) A young sparrow. E. चटक a sparrow, and ऐरक् aff.
- चाटु :: mn. (-टुः-टु) 1. Pleasing or grateful discourse. 2. Distinct speech. 3. Flattery. E. चट् to break, (anger,) Unadi affix ञुण्; also चटु .
- चाटुकार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Speaking agreeably or kindly. m. (-रः) A flat- terer. E. चाटु and कार who makes. चाटुं करोति ।
- चाटुपटु :: m. (-टुः) A jester, a buffoon. E. चाटु agreeable speech, and पटु clever; also चाटुवटु . भण्डे । (भांँड) ।
- चाटुलोल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Elegantly tremulous. E. चाटु for चटु beautiful, and लोल trembling.
- चाटुवटु :: m. (-टुः) A jester. E. चाटु wit and वटु who utters: see चाटुपटु .
- चाटुशत :: n. (-तं) Repeated coaxing, a hundred entreaties. E. चाटु and शत a hundred.
- चाटूक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Service. 2. Agreeable language. 3. Flattery. E. चाटु agreeable speech, and उक्ति saying.
- चाणकीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Fit for or sown with the chickpea, (a field, &c.) E. चणक chickpea, and खञ् aff. चणकस्य भवनं क्षेत्रम् ।
- चाणक्य :: m. (-क्यः) 1. A name of the sage VATSYAYANA. 2. Name of a Brahman, the reputed author of a work on polity, and minister of CHANDRAGUPTA. n. (-क्यं) The work of Chanakya, detached stanzas original or compiled, on morals and polity. E. चणक a saint, and यञ् affix of descent. चणकस्य मुनेः गोत्रापत्यम् ।
- चाणूर :: m. (-रः) A wrestler in the service of KANSA.
- चाणूरसूदन :: m. (-नः) KRISHNA. E. चाणूर and सूदन destroyer.
- चाण्डाल :: m. (-लः) A name of an impure or degraded tribe, a Chandala, a Pariah, an outcaste. f. (-ली) A woman of the same tribe. E. चडि to be angry, Unadi affix आलञ् and according to some अण् added also चण्डाल .
- चाण्डालिका :: f. (-का) 1. A vulgar lute. 2. A name of DURGA. 3. A kind of herb: see चण्डालिका .
- चातक :: m. (-कः) A bird, a kind of cuckoo, (Cuculus melanoleucus.) E. चत् to beg, affix कर्त्तरि ण्वुल्; begging water from the clouds, the supposed sole source of the fluid which this bird drinks.
- चातकानन्दन :: m. (-नः) The rainy season. E. चातक and आनन्दन delighting.
- चातुर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Perceptible, visible. 2. Speaking well or amiably. 3. Driving, one who drives, a driver, a charioteer, &c. 4. Clever, able, ingenious. 5. Relating to four. f. (-री) Dexterity, ability, cleverness. m. (-रः) A small round pillow for resting the cheek upon. n. (-रं) a four-wheeled carriage, a cart holding four people. E. चतुर dexterous, or चतुर् four, अण् affix; also with कन् added चातुरक .
- चातुरक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) See the preceding.
- चातुराश्रम्य :: n. (-म्यं) The aggregate of the four orders of a Brahmana such as religious studentship, house-holder, mendicant and ascetic. E. चतुर् four, आश्रम order, ष्यञ aff.
- चातुरिक :: m. (-कः) A charioteer, a coachman. E. चातुर a carriage, and ठक् aff.
- चातुर्यक :: m. (-कः) A quartan ague. E. चतुर्य अण् affix, and कन् added.
- चातुर्मास :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) Produced in four months. E. चतुर्मास, and अण् aff.
- चातुर्मास्य :: n. (-स्यं) A sacrifice performed every four months. E. चतुर् and मास a month, यञ् aff.
- चातुर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Dexterity, cleverness. E. चत्र and ष्यञ् aff.
- चातुर्वर्ण्य :: mfn. (-र्ण्यः -र्ण्या -र्ण्यं) Suited to the four tribes, belonging to them &c. n. (-र्ण्यं) The aggregate of the four original castes, the Brahman, Kshetriya, Vaisya and Sudra. E. चतुर् four, and वर्ण a class, ष्यञ् aff.
- चातुर्विध्य :: n. (-ध्यं) Four kinds collectively. E. चतुर्विध and ञ aff.
- चातुर्वैद्य :: m. (-द्यः) A priest, &c. versed in the four Vedas. E. चतुर four, वेद a Veda, and ष्यञ् affix; it is also derived from विद्या Know- ledge, and is optionally as here given, or चातर्विद्य .
- चातुर्होतृक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Performed by four priests, read or sacrificed by, &c. E. चतुर् होतृ a priest, ठक् aff.
- चात्वाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A hollow made in the ground to receive, a burnt off- ering or sacrificial fire. 2. Any hole in the ground. E. चत् to ask, (to solicit the gods) and वालञ् Unadi affix; also चत्वाल q. v.
- चान्दनिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Made of or derived form Sandal, perfumed with it, &c. E. चन्दन, and ठक् aff.
- चान्द्र :: mfn. (-न्द्रः -न्द्री -न्द्रं) Lunar, relating to the moon, regulated by it, &c. m. (-न्द्रः) 1. The Chandrakanta or moongem. 2. A month, a lunar month. 3. The light fortnight or half month, during which the moon is on the increase. (-न्द्रं) The Chandrayana observance: see चान्द्रायण f. (-न्द्री) Moonlight. E. चन्द्र the moon, and अण् affix of relation. चन्द्रस्य इदम् ।
- चान्द्रक :: n. (-कं) Dried ginger. E. कन् added the last. शुण्ठ्यास् ।
- चान्द्रभागा :: f. (-गा) A river, the Chinab: see चन्द्रभागा; also चान्द्रभागी .
- चान्द्रमस :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) Lunar, relating or belonging to the moon, &c. n. (-सं) The constellation Mrigasira: stars in Orion. E. चन्द्रमस् the moon, and अण् affix; the moon being its ruling deity.
- चान्द्रमसायन :: m. (-नः) A name of BUDDHA, regent of mercury, and son of CHANDRA or the moon. E. चन्द्रमस् the moon, फक् affix: or with फिञ् affix चान्द्रमसायनि .
- चान्द्रमास :: m. (-सः) A lunar month, from new moon to new moon, when it is called Mukhya, and from full moon to full moon it is termed Gouna. E. चान्द्र lunar, मास month.
- चान्द्रायण :: m. (-णः) A religious or expiatory observance regulated by the moon's age; diminishing the daily consumption of food every day, by one mouthful, for the dark half of the month beginning with fif- teen at the full moon, until is it reduced to one at the now moon, and then increasing it in like manner during the fortnight of the moon's increase: there are other forms of this penance. E. चन्द्र the moon, and स्वार्थे अण् aff. चन्द्रस्य अयनमिव अयनमत्र ।
- चान्द्रायणव्रत :: n. (-तं) The penance called Chandrayana. E. चान्द्रायण as be- fore, and व्रत observance.
- चान्द्रायणविधान :: n. (-नं) The penance called Chandrayana. E. चान्द्रायण as before, and विधान rite.
- चाप :: m. (-पः) 1. A bow. 2. (In Geometry,) An arc or portion of a circle. 3. Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the Zodiac. E. चप् to cast, (arrows,) affix अण् .
- चापपट :: m. (-टः) A tree, (Buchanania latifolia, Rox.) See पियाल . E. चाप a bow, and पट what goes.
- चापल :: n. (-लं) 1. Unsteadiness, (literally or metaphorically.) 2. Transi- toriness. E. चपल trembling, अण् affix; also with यञ् affix चापल्य n. (-ल्यं .)
- चापलाश्रय :: n. (-यं) Unsteadiness: transitoriness. E. चापल . and आश्रय support.
- चापल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Unsteadiness: see चापल .
- चाबुका :: f. (-का) A small circular pillow.
- चामर :: nf. (-रं-रा or -री) A Chowri, the bushy tail of the Bos grunniens, used to whisk off flies, also as an emblem or insignia of princely rank. E. चमर the Yak or Bos grunniens, and अण् aff.
- चामरपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) 1. The betel-nut tree, (Areca faufel or catechu.) 2. A kind of grass, (Saccharum cylindricum.) 3. The mango tree. 4. A flower, (Pandanus odoratissimus.) 5. Ketaka plant. E. चामर a Chowri, and पुष्प a flower; whose flowers grow in clusters like the Indian chowri.
- चामरपुष्पक :: m. (-कः) A kind of grass: see काश . E. कन् added to the pre- ceding.
- चामरिन् :: m. (-री) A horse. E. चामर a Chowri, and इनि affix. Either allud- ing to his bushy tail, or the custom of whisking off flies, &c. from the animal.
- चामीकर :: n. (-रं) 1. Gold. 2. The Dhutura plant. Gold. E. चमीकर said to mean a kind of mine, and अण् affix implying production.
- चामुण्डा :: f. (ण्डा) 1. A terrific form of DURGA. 2. One of the Matrikas. E. च the moon, and मुण्ड the head, having a head like the moon; or चा for चण्ड the name of a demon, and मुण्ड the skull; having seized the decapitated head of the demon: in either case the deriv. is irregular: see चर्ममुण्डा &c.
- चाम्पिला :: f. (-ला) The champa river. (Probably the mordern Chambal).
- चाम्पेय :: mn. (-यः-य) 1. The Champaca, (Michelia champaca.) 2. A plant commonly Nageshwar, or Naga kesara (Mesua ferrea.) 3. The filament of flower. 4. gold. 5. Dhutura plant. E. चम्पा the district, and ढक् aff.
- चाम्प :: n. (-म्पं) Food, &c. E. चम् to eat, ण्यत् aff.
- चाय (ऋ) चायृ :: r. 1st cl. (चायति-ते) 1. To worship, to revere. 2. To discern, to perceive. भ्वा-सक-उभ-वेट् ।
- चार :: m. (-रः) 1. Going in motion. 2. A spy, a secret agent or emissary. 3. Binding, a binding, a fetter, &c. 4. A prison, a house of confine- ment. 5. A kind of tree, the Piyal, (Buchanania latifolia, Rox.) see पियाल 6. Wandering about, travelling. n. (-रं) A factitious poison. E. चर going, &c. affix अण् .
- चारक :: m. (-कः) 1. A groom, a horseman, a cavalier. 2. A binding, a fetter. 3. An associate, a companion. 4. A spy. 5. A herdsman E. चर् to go, in the causal form, and णिच्-ण्वुल् aff.
- चारकाण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) Ascenscional difference, (in Astronomy.) E. चार and काण्ड part.
- चारचक्षुस् :: n. (-क्षुः) Espionage. m. (-क्षुः) One (a king, &c.) who employs spies. E. चार and चक्षुस् eye. चारश्चक्षुरस्य । नृपे ।
- चारचण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Graceful in gait or motion. E. चार and चणप् aff.
- चारचुञ्चु :: mfn. (-ञ्चुः -ञ्चुः -ञ्चु) Remarkable in walking, of graceful carriage. E. चार and चुञ्चुप् aff.
- चारज्या :: f. (-ज्या) The sine of the ascensional difference. (In astronomy.) E. चार, and ज्या sine.
- चारटी :: f. (टी) A plant: see पद्मचारिणी . E. चर in the causal, what makes go or disperses, (disease,) अटन् aff.
- चारण :: m. (-णः) 1. A dancer, a mime. 2. An actor of note. 3. A reader of scripture. 4. A panegyrist of the gods. 5. A bard, a herald. 6. A celestial singer. 7. A spy. 8. A pilgrim. E. चर in the causal, to cause to go, to diffuse, (fame, &c.) and णिच् ल्युट् aff.
- चारणदारा :: f. plur. (-राः) Female dancers, actresses, &c. E. चारण and दारा wives.
- चारपथ :: m. (-थः) A meeting of two roads. E. चार a passenger, and पथिन् a road ष affix, which leaves final अच् समासान्तः ।
- चारभट :: m. (-टः) A hero, a chief or a warrior. E. चार diffusion, (of praise, &c.) and भट who desires.
- चारयित्वा :: ind. 1. Having enjoined or prescribed, having caused to
observe. 2. Having made to go. E. चर् to go, causal form, क्त्वा aff.
- चारवायु :: m. (-युः) Summer air, zephyr. E. चार causing to go, and वायु air or wind. चारेण रवेरुदग्गतिभेदेन कृतो वायुः ।
- चारान्तरित :: m. (-तः) A secret emissary or spy. E. चार and अन्तरित con- cealed.
- चारिका :: f. (-का) 1. A female attendant. A cockroach.
- चारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Caused to go. 2. Distilled. E. चर् to go, causal form क्त aff.
- चारिवाच् :: f. (-क्) A plant: see कर्क्कटशृङ्गी .
- चारित्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. Peculiar observance or practice, peculiarity of customs or condition. 2. Conduct. 3. Reputation: see चरण f. (-त्रा) The tamarind tree. E. चर् to go णित्रन् Unadi affix; also चरित्र &c. चरित्र- मेव स्वार्थे अण् वा ।
- चारित्र्य :: n. (-त्र्यं) Becoming practices moral conduct or instituted obser- vance. E. चरित्र and स्वार्थे ष्यञ् aff.
- चारु :: mfn. (-रुः -र्वी -रु) 1. An agreeable, welcome, dear. 2. Beautiful, elegant. m. (-रुः) A name of VRIHASPATI, regent of JUPITER, and preceptor of the gods. E. चर् to go, Unadi affix उण् .
- चारुक :: m. (-कः) The seed of the Sara cane. E. चारु + संज्ञायां कन् added to the last.
- चारुगर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) A son of KRISHNA. E. चारु and गर्भ asylum.
- चारुगुप्त :: m. (-प्तः) A son of KRISHNA. E. चारु and गुप्त preserved.
- चारुता :: f. (-ता) Loveliness, beauty. E. तल् added to चारु; also with त्व added चारुत्वम् .
- चारुदेष्ण :: m. (-ष्णः) The son of KRISHNA by RUKMINI.
- चारुधामन् :: m. (-मा) A plant: see शठी .
- चारुधारा :: f. (-रा) A name of Sachi the wife of Indra. E. चारु beautiful, and धारा fame, splendor, &c. चारुं चारुतां धारयति धारि अण् । चार्वी धारा अस्या वा । शच्याम् । some authorities read चारुधामा, from चारु and abode.
- चारुफला :: f. (-ला) A grape. E. चारु beautiful, and फल fruit.
- चारुमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Lovely, beautiful. f. (-ती) The daughter of KRISHNA by RUKMINI. E. चारु and मतुप् aff.
- चारुलोचन :: m. (-नः) A deer. f. (-ना) A woman with fine eyes. E. चारु beautiful and लोचन an eye.
- चारुवर्द्धना :: f. (-ना) A woman. E. चारु and वर्द्धन increasing.
- चारुबाहु :: m. (-हुः) One of KRISHNA'S sons. E. चारु and बाहु an arm.
- चारुव्रता :: f. (-ता) A female who observes a month of fasting. E. चारु ele- gant, and व्रत religious observance.
- चारुशिला :: f. (-ला) A jewel, a gem. E. चारु and शिला a stone.
- चारुशील :: mfn. (-ल -ला -लं) Lovely. beautiful. E. चारु and शील having.
- चारुहासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Smiling sweetly. E. चारु and हासिन् smil- ing. चारु हसति हस-णिनि ।
- चारेक्षण :: m. (-णः) A statesman, a minister or king. E. चारु a spy, and ईक्षण seeing.
- चार्च्चिक्य :: n. (-क्यं) 1. Perfuming the person, smearing it with Sandal, &c. 2. An unguent E. चर्च् to beautiful, धात्वर्थे ण्वुल् affix, and चर्चिका एव स्वार्थे ष्यञ् added: see चर्चिका, &c.
- चार्म :: mfn. (-र्म -र्मी -र्मं) 1. Covered with leather, (a car, &c.) 2. Defended by a hide or skin. 3. Shielded, having a shield. E. चर्म leather, and अण् aff. चर्मणा परिवृतो रथः ।
- चार्मण :: n. (-णं) A multitude of hides, or of shields, f. (-नी) covered with skin or leather &c. E. चर्मण् a hide. &c. and अण् affix of aggre- gation. चर्मणां समूहः । चर्मसमुदाये ।
- चार्मिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Leather, made of leather. 2. Belonging to the skin, &c. E. चर्म, and ठक् aff.
- चार्मिण :: n. (-णं) A number of men armed with shields. E. चर्मिन् A shield- bearer, and अण् aff. चर्मिणां समूहः ।
- चार्व्वङ्गी :: f. (-ङ्गी) A beauty. E. चारु, and अङ्ग the body.
- चार्व्वाक :: m. (-कः) 1. A sophist, a philosopher; one acquainted with the
doctrines of the schools, a sceptic n many matters of Hindu faith, and considered by the orthodox as an atheist or materialist. 2. Name of an old philosopher a pupil of Brihaspati who taught the rankest form of Atheism E. चारु good, beautiful, and वाक discourse. चारुः लोकसम्मतो वाको वाक्यं यस्य पृषो० । वृहस्पतिशिष्ये ।
- चार्व्वाघाट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Destructive of beauty. E. चारु, and हन् to des- troy, affix अण् and घट substituted for the radicals; also with घात, चार्व्वाघात । चारु आहन्ति आ + हन् चारुः वाहनोऽण् अन्त्यस्य च टः संज्ञायाम् चारौ वा वार्त्ति-अण् वा टान्तादेशः ।
- चार्व्वी :: f. (-र्व्वी) 1. A beautiful woman, a beauty. 2. The wife of KUVERA. 3. Understanding, intellect. 4. Moonlight. 5. Light, splendour. E. चारु beautiful, fem. affix ङीप् . चारु + गुणवचनत्वात् स्त्रियां ङीप् ।
- चाल :: m. (-लः) 1. The thatch or roof of a house. 2. The blue jay. 3. Shaking, moving. E. चल् to go, affix ण .
- चालक :: m. (-कः) A restive elephant. E. चल् to go, ण्वुल् aff.
- चालन :: nf. (-नं-नी) A sieve, a strainer. n. (नं) 1. Causing to move or go. 2. Muscular action. E. चल in the causal, to make go, (grain, &c. through its pores,) णिच् भावे ल्युट् and ङीप् affs.
- चाष :: m. (-षः) 1. The blue jay, (Coracias Indica.) 2. A kingfisher, (ac- cording to some.) E. चष् to injure, (fish. &c.) affix; स्वार्थे णिच् अच् also चास .
- चास :: m. (-सः) 1. The blue jay. 2. Sugar cane: see the preceding. चष् हिंसायां णिच् अच् पृषो० चाषखगे, इक्षुभेदे च ।
- चि (चिञ) चिञ् :: r. 1st, 5th and 10th cls. (चयति-ते चिनोति चययति or चपयति) To collect, to gather together, to heap, to assemble, to accumulate, &c. With अप, To lose, to squander. With उप or सम्, To collect or acquire. With निर्, To determine. With वि and निर्, To deter- mine exactly (ईरण) ईरणिच् r. 1st cl. (चयति) to injure, (peculiar to the Vedas.) भ्वा उभ-अनिट् । चुरा-उभ । स्वा-उभ-द्विक-अनिट् ।
- चिकरिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Desirous to cast or throw. E. कृ to throw, de- siderative form, उ aff.
- चिकर्त्तिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Desiring or intending to cut or cut off. E. कृत् to cut, desiderative form, उ aff.
- चिकित्सक :: m. (-कः) A physician, a practiser in medicine. E. कित् to cure, affix स्वार्थे सन् ण्वुल् and the root reiterated.
- चिकित्मन :: n. (-नं) Healing, practising medicine. E. कित् to relieve, rei- terative form, ल्युट् aff.
- चिकित्सा :: f. (-त्सा) The practice of medicine, healing, curing, administer- ing or applying remedies. E. कित् to relieve, (disease,) in the redu- plicate form, affixes अ and टाप् । कित-स्वार्थे सन् भावे अ ।
- चिकित्सित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Remedied, healed, physicked, cured. n. (-तं) Healing, remedying. E. कित, &c.: see the preceding, affix क्त स्वार्थे सन् कर्मणि क्त । भावे क्त वा ।
- चिकिन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Flat-nosed. E. नि preposition, इनच् affix in this sense, and नि changed to चिकः निनता नासिका इनच् ‘पिटाच्चिकचि च’ वार्त्ति० इनच प्रकृतेश्च चिक्यादेशः । निनतनासिके (खांँदा) ।
- चिकिल :: m. (-लः) Mud, mire. E. चिक् to obstruct, इलच् affix deriv. irr. चि वा इलच् कुक् च । पङ्के ।
- चिकीर्षत् :: mfn. (-र्षन् -र्षन्ती -र्षत्) Wishing, purposing, meaning to do. E. कृ to do, desiderative form, शतृ aff.
- चिकीर्षा :: f. (-र्षा) Desire to do any thing. E. कृ to do, in the desiderative form, अ aff.
- चिकीर्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Wished, designed. purposed. n. (-तं) Purpose, intention. E. कृ to do, desiderative form, क्त aff.
- चिकीर्षु :: mfn. (-र्षुः -र्षुः -र्षु) Desirous to do any thing. E. कृ to do, reiterated, and उ aff.
- चिकुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Rashly criminal, inconsiderately guilty, punishing or injuring others without consideration. m. (-रः) 1. Hair. 2. A mountain. 3. A snake, a reptile. 4. A musk rat. 5. A kind of bird. 6. A kind of tree. f. (-रा) Moving. E. चि imitative sound, and कुर् to utter, affix क । चि इति अव्यक्तशब्दं कुरति कुर-क ।
- चिकुरपाश :: m. (-शः) Abundance of hair. E. चिकुर &c. and पाश affix in this sense: see केशपाश; also with other affixes चिकुरपक्ष, and चिकुरहस्त, &c.
- चिकूर :: m. (-रः) Hair. E. See चिकुर; the vowel made long.
- चिक्क :: r. 10th cl. (चिक्कयति-ते) To give pain. पीडने । चु-उभ-सक-सेट् ।
- चिक्क :: mfn. (-क्कः -क्की -क्कं) Flat-nosed. m. (-क्कः) A musk rat. f. (-क्का) A mouse. E. चिक् imitative sound, and क who utters, from कै with ड affix; or चिक्क् to give pain, and क affix; or in the last sense, नि preposi- tion changed. to चिक् and कच् added चिक् इति अव्यक्तेन शब्देन कायति कै क ।
- चिक्कण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णी-णं) 1. Unctuous, greasy. 2. Bland, emollient. 3. Smooth, glossy. 4. Slippery. m. (-णः) The betel-nut tree. nf. (-णं-णा or -णी) 1. The betel nut. 2. A good cow. E. चित् to think of, Unadi affix अच्, the final of the radical changed to क . or चिक्क-क्विप् चिक् तं कणति कण + शब्दे अच् ।
- चिक्कणता :: f. (-ता) Smoothness, greasiness, oiliness. E. तल् added to to the last; also with त्व चिक्कणत्वम् .
- चिक्कस :: m. (-सः) Barley meal. E. चिक्क् to give pain, असच् aff. यवचूर्णे ।
- चिक्किण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Unctuous, greasy. 2. Bland, emollient. 3. Glossy, shining, smooth. 4. Slippery. f. (-णा) An excellent cow: see चिक्कण .
- चिक्रंसा :: f. (-सा) Wish to go or to approach. E. क्रम् to go, desiderative form, अङ् and टाप् affs.
- चिक्लिद :: n. (-दं) Moisture, freshness. E. क्लिद् to be wet, यङ लुक् अच् नि० । affix, root redup. अतिशयक्लेदयुक्ते ।
- चिङ्गेट :: mf. (-टः-टी) A shrimp or prawn. E. चिङ्ग handsome, and अट what goes, the radical vowel changed; also चिङ्गड .
- चिचिण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A sort of gourd, commonly Chichinda, (Trichosanthes anguinæ) चि-वा इण्डच् चुक् च ।
- चिचीषत् :: mfn. (-षन् -षन्ती -षत्) Wishing to gather or collect. E. चि to collect desiderative form, शतृ aff.
- चिञ्चा :: f. (-ञ्चा) 1. The tamarind tree or its fruit. 2. The gunja plant. E. चम् to eat, affix क्विप् and the radical vowel changed, चिम् then, चर् to go, with ड affix, and the fem. form what becomes edible. चिम् इति अव्यक्तं शब्दं चिनोति चि ड ।
- चिञ्चाटक :: m. (-कः) A sort of grass, commonly Chenchra. चिञ्चा इव अटति अट ण्वुल् । (चेंच् को) तृणभेदे ।
- चिञ्चाम्ल :: m. (-म्लः) An acid potherb, (Rumex vesicatorius.) E. चिञ्चा and अम्ल sour. चिञ्चा इव अम्लम् अम्लशाके (आमरुल्) ।
- चिञ्चासार :: m. (-रः) A sort of potherb. (Rumex vesicatorius.) E. चिञ्चा and सार essence. चिञ्चाया इव सारोऽस्य । अम्लशाके (आमरुल्) ।
- चिट :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (चेटति चेटयति-ते) 1. To be another's messenger or servant. 2. To order as a servant भ्वा-पर-सक-चुरा-उभ वा सेट् ।
- चित (ई) चिती :: r. 1st cl. (चेतति) चित r. 10th cl. (चेतयति-ते) also (इ) चिति r. 10th cl. (चिन्तयति) To think or reflect on, to be sensible or rational, to weigh, to remember, to consider, &c. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् । चु-आत्म-सक- सेट् । स्मृतौ चु-उभ-सक-सेट् ।
- चित् :: f. (-चित्) Intellect, understanding. ind. A particle and affix to words giving them an indefinite signification, as कश्चित् some one, कस्यचित् of some one, &c. see चन . E. चित् to remember, affix भावे क्विप्
- चित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Covered, veiled, concealed. 2. Collected, accum- ulated. 3. Piled, heaped. f. (-ता) 1. A funeral pile. 2. A heap, an assemblage. E. चि to collect, &c. affix कर्मणि क्त; also चिति and चिती
- चिताग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) The funeral fire. E. चिता the pile, and अग्नि fire.
- चिताचूडक :: n. (-कं) A mark where funeral pile has been, a mausoleum, a monument, &c. E. चिता a pile, and चूडक a crest.
- चिति :: f. (-तिः) Collecting, gathering. (-तिः-ती) 1. funeral pile. 2. A heap, a quantity. 3. A pile, a stack. 4. An oblong with quadrangular sides. E. चि to collect, affix आधारे क्तिन् and optionally ङीष् is added.
- चितिका :: f. (-का) 1. A funeral pile. 2. A small chain worn as an
ornament round the loins. E. चित् to think of, इकन् affix and fem. form. चितिरिव कायति कै क वा चिति स्वार्थे क ।
- चित्कार :: m. (-रः) A cry, a scream. E. चित् imitative sound, and कार making. चित् + कृ भावे यञ् । पृषो वा दीर्घः । Also चीत्कार .
- चित्कारशब्द :: m. (-ब्दः) A cry, a scream. E. चित्कार the same, and शब्द sound.
- चित्त :: n. (-त्तं) The mind or faculty of reasoning, the heart considered as the seat of intellect. E. चित् to consider, and करणे क्त aff.
- चित्तकलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Anticipated, expected, calculated. 2. Known E. चित्त and कलित computed.
- चित्तजन्मन् :: m. (-न्मा) Love. E. चित्त and जन्मन् birth.
- चित्तनिर्वृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Contentment, happiness. E. चित्त and निर्वृत्ति repose.
- चित्तप्रशम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Tranquil, content. E. चित्त and प्रशम calmness.
- चित्तप्रसन्नता :: f. (-ता) Happiness, gaiety, joy. E. चित्त the heart, प्रसन्नता happiness.
- चित्तराग :: mn. (-गः-गं) Passion. desire. E. चित्त and राग passion.
- चित्तवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Kind-hearted, amiable. E. चित्त and मतुप् aff.
- चित्तविकार :: m. (-रः) Change of thoughts or feelings. E. चित्त, and विकार alteration.
- चित्तविकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Changing a person's character or feel- ing. E. चित्त and विकारिन् causing change.
- चित्तविप्लव :: m. (-वः) Madness, insanity. E. चित्त the mind, and विप्लव afflic- tion. चित्तस्य विप्लवोऽनवस्थानं यस्मात् । उन्मादरोगे ।
- चित्तविभ्रम :: m. (-मः) Madness, derangement. E. चित्त as above, and विभ्रम wandering, चित्तस्य विभ्रमो विशेषेण भ्रमणमनवस्थानं यम्मात् । उन्मादरोगे ।
- चित्तवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Inward purpose, feeling, emotion. E. चित्त and वृत्ति being.
- चित्तवेदना :: f. (-ना) Anxiety, affliction. E. चित्त, and वेदना pain.
- चित्तभव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Felt, perceived, being in the thoughts. E. चित्त, and भव being.
- चित्तभू :: m. (-भूः) Love. E. चित्त, and भू born.
- चित्तभेद :: m. (-दः) Inconsistency, contrariety of purpose or will. E. चित्त, and भेद difference.
- चित्तसङ्ख्य :: mfn. (-ङ्ख्यः -ङ्ख्या -ङ्ख्यं) Pervading the heart, penetrating, knowing the thoughts. E. चित्त, and सङ्ख्य what enumerates.
- चित्तसमुन्नति :: f. (-तिः) Pride, arrogance, hauteur, haughtiness. E. चित्त the mind, समुन्नति elevation.
- चित्तसंहति :: f. (-तिः) A multitude of thoughts, minds or emotions. E. चित्त, and संहति assemblage.
- चित्तहृत् :: mfn. (-हृत्) Winning, fascinating. E. चित्त . and हृत् who takes.
- चित्तहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Beautiful, agreeable, fascinating. E. चित्त, हारिन् what seizes.
- चित्तापहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Captivating, attractive. E. चित्त, and अप- हारिन् what takes away.
- चित्ताभोग :: m. (-गः) Consciousness of pleasure or pain, the attention of the mind to its own sensations. E. चित्त the mind, and आभोग enjoyment.
- चित्तासङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Love, attachment, affection. E. चित्त and आसङ्ग devotion.
- चित्तैक्य :: n. (-क्यं) Harmony, agreement, unanimity. E. चित्त and ऐक्य identity.
- चित्तोन्नति :: f. (-तिः) Pride, &c. see चित्तसमुन्नति . E. चित्त and उन्नति elevation.
- चित्य :: n. (-त्यं) A monument, or any mark of the site of a funeral pile. E. चिता a pile, and भावे क्यप् affix. f. (-त्या) A funeral pile. m. (-त्यः) Fire. E. चि to collect, ण्यत् affix, and deriv. irr.
- चित्याधिरोहण :: n. (-णं) Burning with a husband's corpse. E. चित्या, and अधिरोहण ascending.
- चित्यारोहण :: n. (-णं) Ascending the funeral pile, E. चिति, and आरोहण mounting; also चितारोहण .
- चित्र :: r. 10th cl. (चित्रयति-ते) 1. To paint, to delineate, to colour with various colours, &c. 2. To wonder. 3. To cause wonder or be won- derful. 4. To see a rare or wonderful sight. चु-उभ-सक-सेट् ।
- चित्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) 1. Variegated, spotted, speckled. 2. Wonderful, surprising. m. (-त्रः) A name of YAMA. f. (-त्रा) 1. A plant: see मूषिक- पर्णी . 2. A kind of cucumber: see गोडुम्बा . 3. A plant, commonly Danti: see दन्तिका . 4. A name of SUBHADRA, the sister of JAGAN- NATHA. 5. A star in the virgin's spike. 6. A kind of snake. 7. A name of river. 8. Illusion, wordly unreality. 9. The name of a nymph of Swarga. 10. A form of metre. (त्रं) 1. Wonder, surprise. 2. Painting, delineation, writting, &c. 3. Sky, heaven. 4. A circular ornament, a sectarial mark on the forehead. 5. White or spotted leprosy. 6. Facetious conver- sation, conundrums, riddles, &c. 7. Writing or arrange- ment of verses in mathematical or other fanciful figures. mn. (-त्रः-त्रं) Variegated colour. E. चि to accumulate. Unadi affix क्ति, or चित् the mind, and त्र what preserves, from त्रै with क affix, and the duplicate त rejected, or चित्र-भावे अच्, चि-ष्ट्रन् वा ।
- चित्रक :: m. (-कः) 1. The Chita or small hunting leopard. 2. A painter. 3. The castor oil plant. 4. A medical plant, (Plumbago zeylanica.) n. (-कं) 1. A mark made with Sandal, &c. on the forehead. E. कन् added to the preceding. चित्रमिव कायति कै-क; चित्र-स्वार्थे क वा ।
- चित्रकण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) A pigeon. E. चित्र variegated, speckled, and कण्ठ throat. चित्रः कण्ठोऽस्य । पारावते । तद्भेदे वनकपोते च (घुघु) ।
- चित्रकर :: m. (-रः) A painter. E. चित्र colouring, and कर who makes. चित्रं लेख्यभेदं आश्चर्य्यं वा करोति ताच्छील्यादौ ट ।
- चित्रकम्बल :: m. (-लः) A painted cloth used as an elephant's housings, &c. E. चित्र, and कम्बल a blanket.
- चित्रकर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्म) 1. Astonishing, surprising, working wonders. 2. Painting, variegating. m. (-र्म्मा) 1. A magician. 2. A painter. 3. A tree, (Dalbergia ougeiniensis.) n. (-र्म्म) 1. Painting, or a painting. 2. Magic. E. चित्र surprising, and कर्म्मन् function. चित्रं कर्म अस्य ।
- चित्रकर्म्मविद् :: m. (-विद्) 1. A painter. 2. A magician. E. चित्रकर्म्म, and विद् who knows.
- चित्रकाय :: m. (-यः) 1. A tiger. 2. A Chita. E. चित्र speckled, and काय body. चित्रः कायोऽस्य ।
- चित्रकार :: m. (-रः) A painter. E. चित्र, and कार who makes. चित्रं करोति कृ-अण्-उप-स० ।
- चित्रकूट :: m. (-टः) The name of a mountain in Bundelkhand, the modern Compteh, and first habitation of RAMA in his exile. E. चित्र wonder- ful, and कूट peak; it is an epithet of many hills. चित्रं कूटं शृङ्गं अस्य ।
- चित्रकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) 1. A painter. 2. A tree, (Dalbergia ougieniensis.) E. चित्र, and कृत् what makes. चित्रं करोति कृ-क्विप् ।
- चित्रकोल :: m. (-लः) A kind of lizard. E. चित्र speckled, and क्रोड haunch, deriv. irr.
- चित्रगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Painted, delineated, represented in a picture. 2. Coloured, variegated. E. चित्र, and गत gone. चित्रे गतः ।
- चित्रगन्ध :: n. (-न्धं) Yellow orpiment. E. चित्र, and गन्ध smell.
- चित्रगुप्त :: m. (-प्तः) 1. A name of YAMA, or rather one of the fourteen YAMAS. 2. YAMA'S registrar, who records the vices and virtues of mankind. E. चित्र wonderful, and गुप्त preserving; or चित्र writing, and गुप्त as before.
- चित्रगो :: mfn. (-गौः -गौः -गु) Having a brindled cow. E. चित्र, and गो a cow.
- चित्रजल्प :: m. (-ल्पः) Talking incoherently. E. चित्र, and जल्प prattle.
- चित्रतण्डुल :: mfn. subst. (-लः-ला-लं) A medicinal plant, said to possess anthelmintic virtues: see विडङ्ग . E. चित्र wonderful, and तण्डुल grain. चित्रः तण्डुलः अस्य । विडङ्गे ।
- चित्रतल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Painted or variegated on the surface, (as a floor, &c.) E. चित्र, and तल below.
- चित्रत्वच् :: m. (-त्वक्) The birch or Bhurja tree. E. चित्र, and त्वच् bark. चित्रा त्वक् यस्य । भूर्जत्वचि ।
- चित्रदण्डक :: m. (-कः) The cotton plant. E. चित्र, and दण्डक stem. चित्रः दण्डः काण्डो यस्य (ओल्) शूरणे ।
- चित्रन्नेत्रा :: f. (-त्रा) A small bird, the Maina of the dialects. E. चित्र varie- gated, and नेत्र an eye. चित्रं नेत्रं यस्याः । शारिकायाम् ।
- चित्रपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The francoline partridge. E. चित्र surprising, and पक्ष a wing. चित्रौ पक्षौ अस्य । तित्तिरिखगे ।
- चित्रपत्रिका :: f. (-का) The name of a plant, commonly कपित्थानी . E. चित्र wonderful, and पत्र a leaf. चित्रं पत्रं यस्या कप् ।
- चित्रपदक्रम :: adv. ind. or n. (-मं) At a good pace. E. चित्र, पद a step, and क्रम going.
- चित्रपदा :: f. (-दा) 1. A creeper, (Cissus pedata.) 2. A kind of metre. E. चित्र surprising, and पद foot.
- चित्रपर्णिका :: f. (-का) 1. A plant, commonly Chakuliya, (Hemionites cordifolia.) 2. Bengal madar, (Bubia manjith.) E. कन् added to चित्रपर्णी .
- चित्रपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) 1. Chakuliya. 2. M adra; also चित्रपर्णिका . E. चित्र writing or painting, and पर्ण leaf; the leaves being as it were painted: see the preceding.
- चित्रपादा :: f. (-दा) The Maina, a small bird so called. E. चित्र speckled, and पाद foot. चित्रौ पादौ यस्याः । शारिकायाम् ।
- चित्रपिच्छक :: m. (-कः) A peacock. E. चित्र, and पिच्छ the tail.
- चित्रपुङ्ख :: m. (-ङ्खः) An arrow. E. चित्र wonderful, and पुङ्ख shaft.
- चित्रपृष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) A sparrow. E. चित्र speckled, and पृष्ठ the back.
- चित्रफल :: mf. (-लः-ला) A kind of cucumber, (C. utilatissimus.) m. (-लः) A kind of fish, (Mystus chitala, HAM.) f. (-ला-ली) 1. Egg plant, (Solanum malongena.) 2. Prickly nightshade, (Solanum jacquini.) 3. Gourds of various sorts. 4. A fish, (Mystus karpirat, HAM.) E. चित्र surprising, and फल fruit. चित्रं फलं फलकमिव आकारोऽस्ति अस्य-अच् । (चितल्) मत्स्यभेदे ।
- चित्रफलक :: m. (-कः) A sort of fish: see the last. E. चित्र variegated, and फलक a scale.
- चित्रभानु :: m. (-नुः) 1. Fire. 2. The sun. 3. A name of BHAIRAVA, a form of SIVA. 4. The marking-nut plant. 5. Gigantic swallow wort. E. चित्र surprising, and भानु light. चित्राः भानवः यस्य ।
- चित्रमृग :: m. (-गः) The spotted antelope. E. चित्र, and मृग a deer.
- चित्रमेखल :: m. (-लः) A peacock. E. चित्र spotted, and मेखला a girdle.
- चित्रयोधिन :: m. (-धी) 1. A name of ARJUNA. 2. A tree, (Pentaptera Arjuna.) 3. Any hero. E. चित्र, and योधिन् a warrior. चित्रं युध्यति युध-णिनि ।
- चित्ररथ :: m. (-थः) 1. The sun. 2. The chief of the Gandharbas or cho- risters of INDRA'S heaven. E. चित्र painted, and रथ a car; lord of the painted car. चित्रः रथः अस्य ।
- चित्रल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Variegated or spotted. m. (-लः) A variegated colour. E. चित्र painting, and ल what produces.
- चित्रलेखा :: f. (-खा) 1. A portrait, a picture. 2. An Apsaras and friend of USHA. 3. A form of metre.
- चित्रलिखित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Represented, delineated, (as in a picture.) E. चित्र, and लिखित drawn.
- चित्रलोचना :: f. (-ना) The Maina, a small bird so called. E. चित्र variegated, and लोचन an eye.
- चित्रवदाल :: m. (-लः) A sheat fish, (Silurus pelorius.) E. चित्र variegated, and वदाल a sheat fish, the epithet being a pleonasm. चित्रवत् आ समन्तात अलति आ + अल-अच् ।
- चित्रवल्लिक :: m. (-कः) A sheat fish. पाठीन मत्स्ये । (वोइयाल्) ।
- चित्रवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Astonishing act or effort. E. चित्र and वृत्ति practice.
- चित्रशिखण्डिज :: m. (-जः) A name of BRIHASPATI. E. चित्रशिखण्डी one of the seven Rhishis, and ज born; being the son of ANGIRAS; also similar compounds, as चित्रशिखण्डिप्रसुत, &c. चित्रशिखण्डिनः अङ्गिरसः जायते जन-ड ।
- चित्रशिखण्डिन् :: m. plu. (-ण्डिनः) The seven sages or Rishis, but especially as represented in the seven principal stars of the great bear; these sages are MARICHI, ATRI, ANGIRAS, PULAHA, PULASTYA, KRATU, and VASISHṬHA. E. चित्र surprising, शिखण्ड a crest, and इनि affix; sing. nom. case, शिखण्डिन् (-ण्डी) चित्रः शिखण्डः अस्नि अस्य .
- चित्रशिखण्डिप्रसुत :: m. (-तः) VRIHASPATI. E. चित्रशिखण्डि, and प्रसुत born: see चित्रशिखण्डिज; there are other similar compounds.
- चित्रश्री :: f. (-श्रीः) Great beauty, or the loveliness of variegated colours. E. चित्र, and श्री beauty.
- चित्रसंस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Pictured, painted. E. चित्र, and संस्थ fixed.
- चित्रसर्प :: m. (-र्पः) A large speckled snake. E. चित्र, and सर्प a snake.
- चित्रसेन :: m. (-नः) One of the judges or recorders of hell. E. चित्र, सेना an army. धृतराष्ट्रपुत्रभेदे, गन्धर्वभेदे च ।
- चित्राक्षी :: f. (-क्षी) The Maina, (Turdus salica.) E. चित्र variegated, अक्ष an eye, fem. affix ङीष्, implying diminution.
- चित्राङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Painted, spotted, striped, (the body.) m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A kind of snake. 2. A plant, (Plumbago zeylanica.) n. (-ङ्गं) 1. Yellow orpiment. 2. Vermilion. f. (-ङ्गी) 1. Mader. 2. A worm, (Julus cornifex.) E. चित्र spotted or painted, &c. अङ्ग the body. धृतराष्ट्रपुत्रभेदे च ।
- चित्राङ्गद :: m. (-दः) 1. A Prince, a brother of Bichitrabirya father of DHRITARASHTRA and PANDU, and son of SANTANU. 2. A judge and recorder in hell. E. चित्र अङ्ग body, and द who gives. शान्तनोः सत्यवत्यां जाते पुत्रभेदे ।
- चित्राङ्गदसू :: f. (-सूः) The mother of VYASA. E. चित्राङ्गद the name of a prince, uterine brother of VYASA, and सू mother. सत्यवत्याम् ।
- चित्राटीर :: m. (-रः) 1. The moon. 2. The forehead, spotted with the blood of a goat, slain in the worship of the demon GHANTAKARNA. E. चित्र spotted, &c. and अट् to go or be, and ईरच् aff. चित्रां नक्षत्रं अटति चित्रं वा अटति । अट-वा-ईरच् ।
- चित्रान्न :: n. (-न्नं) Rice dressed with coloured condiments. E. चित्र and अन्न food. चित्रौदने । दध्योदनं हविश्चूर्णं मासिं चित्रान्नमेव च ।
- चित्रापूप :: m. (-पः) A cake. E. चित्र speckled, and अपूप a cake, a plum-cake. नित्यकर्मधारयः । पिष्टकभेदे ।
- चित्रायस :: n. (-सं) Steel, E. चित्र, and अयस् iron. कर्म० अच् समा । तीक्ष्णलौहे । (इस्पात्) ।
- चित्रिक :: m. (-कः) The month Chaitra or Cheyt, (March-April.) E. चित्र the star, and ठन् affix; also चैत्रिक .
- चित्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Painted. 2. Spotted, striped. 3. Variegated. E. चित्र to paint, क्त aff.
- चित्रिन् :: mfn. (-त्री -त्रिणी -त्रि) 1. Variegated. 2. Wonderful. f. (-णी) One of the four kinds in which women are classed. E. चित्र, and इनि aff. or चित्र-णिनि वा ।
- चित्रीयमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Astonishing, surprising, causing wonder or astonishment. E. चित्र with क्यच्, or used as a verb, शानच् aff.
- चित्रेश :: m. (-शः) The moon. E. चित्र the star, and ईश lord.
- चित्रोक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. A voice from heaven, that of an invisible speaker. 2. A marvellous tale. 2. Agreeable or eloquent discourse. E. चि miraculous, and उक्ति saying.
- चित्रौदन :: n. (-नं) Boiled rice coloured with turmeric, &c. E. चित्र variegated, and ओदन boiled rice.
- चिदात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) The intellectual soul, spirit. E. चित्, and आत्मन् soul.
- चिद्रूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) 1. Amiable, good-hearted. 2. Wise, intelligent, of liberal or expansive mind. n. (-पं) The Supreme Being, as indenti- fiable with intellect or understanding. E. चित् mind, and रूप form. चिदेव रुपमस्य । आत्मस्फूर्त्तिमतिउ हृदयालौ च ।
- चिन्तयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Reflecting, considering. E. चिति to think, and शतृ aff.
- चिन्तनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be considered or thought. 2. To be compre- hended. 3. To be meditated on. E. चिति to reflect, अनीयर् aff.
- चिन्तयितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be considered, to be reflected on. E. चिति to think, (10th cl.) तव्य aff.
- चिन्तयित्वा :: ind. Having thought or considered, E. चिति to think, (10th cl.) क्त्वा aff.
- चिन्ता :: f. (-न्ता) Reflexion, consideration, recollection. E. चिति to reflect, affixes अङ् and टाप् .
- चिन्ताकुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Disturbed in thought or distracted by any idea. E. चिन्ता, and आकुल agitated.
- चिन्तापर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Thoughtful, anxious. E. चिन्ता, and पर engaged in.
- चिन्तामणि :: m. (-णिः) 1. A fabulous gem, supposed to yield its possessor whatever may be required. 2. A name of BRAHMA. 3. A Jina or Jaina saint. E. चिन्ता, reflexion, and मणि a jewel.
- चिन्त्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Reflecting, considering, meditating. E. चिति to think, शानच् aff.
- चिन्तावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Thinking, thoughtful. E. चिन्ता, and मतुप् aff.
- चिन्तावेश्मन् :: n. (-श्म) Council house or room. E. चिन्ता reflection, and वेश्मन् a house.
- चिन्तिडी :: f. (-डी) The tamarind tree. E. Irregularly changed from तिन्तिडी, q. v. also चिन्तिडीका, कन् being added.
- चिन्तित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Thought, considered. 2. Reflecting, consider- ing. n. (-तं) Reflexion: see चिन्ता . E. चिति to think, affix क्त .
- चिन्तिति :: f. (-तिः) Consideration, reflexion. E. चिति to think, क्तिन् aff. चिति-क्तिन् वा इट् णिलोपश्च । चिन्तायाम् ।
- चिन्तिया :: f. (-या) Reflexion, consideration, thinking. E. चिति, and इय aff.
- चिन्तोक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Midnight cry or alarm.
- चिन्त्य :: mfn. (-न्त्यः -न्त्या -न्त्यं) 1. To be considered. 2. To be appreciated or conceived. 3. To be thought of or meditated upon. E. चित् to think, कर्मणि यत् aff.
- चिन्न :: m. (-न्नः) A kind of grain, (Panicum miliaceum.) A various reading of चीन, q. v.
- चिन्वत् :: mfn. (-न्वन् -न्वन्ती -न्वत्) Gathering, collecting. E. चि to gather, (5th cl.) शतृ aff.
- चिपिट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Flat-nosed. E. नि preposition, पिटच् किच्च affix in this sense, and नि changed to चि . m. (-टः) Rice or grain flattened. E. पिट् to flatten, क affix, the derivative reduplicated, and and ल substituted for the radical; also with कन् added चिपिटक; also the pen becoming उ, चिपुट .
- चिपिटक :: m. (-कः) See the preceding.
- चिपुट :: m. (-टः) See चिपिट .
- चिप्य :: n. (-प्यं) A whitlow. नखमांसमधिष्ठाय वातं पित्तं च देहिनाम् । करोति दाह- पाकौ च तं व्याधिं चिप्यमादिशेत् ॥ इत्युक्ते नखरोगभेदे ।
- चिमि :: m. (-मिः) 1. A parrot. 2. A plant, from the fibres of which coarse cloth and rope are made: see पट्ट . E. चि imitative sound, and मि to utter, affix क्विप्, with कन् added चिमिक .
- चिमिक :: m. (-कः) A parrot: see the preceding.
- चिर :: n. (-रं) E. चि-रक् । दीर्घकाले, तद्वर्त्तिनि पदार्थे । त्रि० लघ्वादौ त्रि कले गणे ।
- चिरकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Dilatory, tedious, slow. E. चिर, and कारिन् who acts. चिरेण करोति कृ-णिनि । दीर्घसूत्रे, गौतमपुत्रभेदे च ।
- चिरकाल :: n. (-लं) A long period. E. चिर long, and काल time.
- चिरकालपालित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Protected for a long time. E. चिरकाल, and पालित nourished.
- चिकालोपार्ज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Accumulated slowly or after a long time. E. चिरकाल, and उपार्ज्जित gained.
- चिरक्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Dilatory, tedious, slow. E. चिर long, and क्रिया business.
- चिरगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Long absent, a long time gone. E. चिर, and गत gone.
- चिरचेष्टित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Long sought for, of rare occurence. E. चिर, and चेष्टित sought.
- चिरजीवक :: m. (-कः) A tree: see जीवक E. चिर long, and जीवक lived.
- चिरचीविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Long-lived. m. (-वी) 1. A name of VISHNU. 2. A crow. 3. The Jivaka: see the preceding. 4. An epithet applied especially to eight chiefs or saints, viz. MARKANDEYA, ASWATTHAMA,
BALI, VYASA, HANUMANA, VIBHISHANA, KRIPA, and PARASURAMA. E. चिर for चिरम् long, and जीविन् living or lived; also चिरञ्जीविन् .
- चिरञ्जीविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Long-lived. m. (-वी) 1. A crow. 2. VISHNU. E. See the preceding.
- चिरण्डी :: f. (-ण्डी) 1. A woman married or single, who continues to reside after maturity in her father's house. 2. A young woman. E. चिरम् long or late, and अट् to go, (from home,) affix अच् and deriv. irr.; also चिरिण्टी . चिरेण अटति पितृगृहात् भर्तृ गेहम् ।
- चिरतिक्त :: m. (-क्तः) A kind of gentian, (Gentiana cherayta.) E. चिर long, and तिक्त bitter. चिरः तिक्तः रसो यत्र (चिराता) मूनिम्बे ।
- चिरत्न :: mfn. (-त्नः -त्नी -त्नं) Old, ancient, what has been or lasted long. E. चिर long, and त्न aff. चिरन्तने, पुराणे ।
- चिरदिवसं :: ind. For a long time. E. चिर . and दिवस a day.
- चिरनिविष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Long rested, long abided. E. चिर, and निविष्ट rested.
- चिरन्तन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Old, ancient, antiquated, long lasting. E. चिरम् long, and ट्युल् affix, with तुट् augment. चिरं भवार्थे ट्युल् तुट् च ।
- चिरम् :: ind. A long time. E. चिर् to injure, and क affix: वा रमुक् । this word, and others evidently derived from it, are now considered as particles, and have accordingly appropriate, though strained ety- mologies; the derivatives however corresponding with the inflec- tions of the singular number of nouns masculine or neuter, it may have been originally an imperfect noun of the 1st declension, thus; nom. चिरः or चिरं acc. चिरं 1st abl. चिरेण dat. चिराय, 2nd abl. चिरात्, gen. चिरस्य, 3rd abl. चिरे; see these words severally.
- चिरप्रवासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Dwelling a long time abroad. E. चिर and प्रवासिन् who is away from home.
- चिरमित्र :: n. (-त्रं) An old friend. E. चिर and मित्र a friend.
- चिरमेहिन् :: m. (-ही) An ass. E. चिर a long time, and मिह् to sprinkle or urine, affix णिनि .
- चिरम्भण :: m. (-णः) A kite. E. चि imitative cry, and रभि to commence, affix ल्युट् .
- चिररात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A period of very many nights, a long time E. चिर long, and रात्र a night.
- चिररात्राय :: ind. A long time E. चिररात्र as above, and अय् to go, affix अण् .
- चिरलब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) Obtained after a long time, (as a son in old age.) E. चिर, and लब्ध gained.
- चिरविल्व :: m. (-ल्वः) The name of a plant: see करञ्ज . E. चिर a long time, विल to divide, and व affix; also चिरिविल्व . चिरं विलति विलभेदने वा । करञ्जवृक्षे ।
- चिरसूता :: f. (-ता) A cow that has borne many calves. E. चिर for a long time, and सूता prolific; also चिरसूतिका .
- चिरसेवक :: m. (-कः) An old servant. E. चिर, and सेवक who serves.
- चिरस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Long continuing, enduring, lasting. E. चिर, and स्थ what is; also चिरस्थायिन् . चिरं तिष्ठति स्था-क ।
- चिरस्थायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Of long continuance. E. चिर for चिर् and स्थायिन् what stays.
- चिरस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Long enduring, lasting or remaining for a long time. 2. Left behind for a long time. E. चिर, and स्थित stayed.
- चिरस्य :: ind. A long time. E. चिर a long time, अस् to be, affix ण्यत्: see चिरम् .
- चिराटिका :: f. (-का) Hogweed, the white sort. E. चिरमटति अट-ण्वुल् कापि अत इत्त्वम् ।
- चिरातिक्त :: m. (-क्तः) A sort of gentian: see चिरतिक्त .
- चिरात् :: m. (-रात्) A name of GARUDA. ind. A long time. E. चिर for a long time, and अद् who eats, from अद् with क्विप् affix or चिर and आजि aff. चिरमतति अत-क्विप् ।
- चिराय :: ind. A long time. E. चिर a long time and अय् to go, affix अण् .
- चिरायुस् :: mfn. (-युः -युः -यु) Long-lived. m. (-युः) A deity, a divinity. E. चिर long, and आयुस् life. चिरमायुर्यस्य ।
- चिरारोध :: m. (-धः) Blockade. E. चिर and आरोध obstruction.
- चिराश्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Long maintained or protected. E. चिर, and आश्रित supported.
- चिरि :: r. 5th cl. (चिरिणोति) To hurt, to injure, to wound or kill. स्वा-प सक-सेट् ।
- चिरि :: m. (-रिः) A parrot. E. चि imitative cry, and रा to utter, affix रिक्; or चि-वा-रिक् । शुकखगे ।
- चिरिण्ठी :: f. (-ण्ठी) 1. A woman staying in her father's house. 2. A young woman. E. Irregularly derived from चिरि to hurt: see चिरण्टी .
- चिरिविल्व :: m. (-ल्वः) A tree: see चिरविल्व E. चिरि a parrot, and विल् to break, affix व .
- चिरु :: n. (-रु) The shoulder joint. E. चिर् to hurt, affix उ; or चीयते-वा- रुक् । बाहुसन्धौ .
- चिरे :: ind. A long time: see चिरम् . चिरयति इ-विच् । दीर्घकाले ।
- चिरेण :: ind. A long time: see चिरम् . चिर-अव्य-श वा एनप् ।
- चिरोज्झित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Long since abandoned or left. E. चिर, and उज्झित abandoned.
- चिर्भिटी :: f. (-टी) A kind of cucumber, (C. utilatissimus.) चिरेण भटति भट-अच् । गौ-ङीष् । कर्कट्याम् ।
- चिल :: r. 6th cl. (चिलति) To put on clothes. तु-प-अक सेट् ।
- चिलमीलिका :: f. (-का) 1. A necklace. 2. A firefly. 3. Lightning. E. चिर a long time, and र changed to ल, मील् to twinkle or glister, with ण्वुल् affix; and the fem. form. चिरं मिलति मीलति वा ण्वुल् रस्य लः ।
- चिलिचिम :: m. (-मः) 1. A kind of sprat, (Clupea cultrata.) 2. A kind of prawn, (according to some.) E. चिल् to sport or play, affix कि, चिलि and reiterated, चिलिचि sport, pastime, मा to mete, to find, क affix, finding sport in marshy places amongst reeds, &c.; this word has various forms, being read as above, and चिलिचीम, चिलिमीनक, चिलीचिम, चिलिचिम, चिलीम, &c. चिल-इन् चिलिं वासं चिनोति चि-मक् [वेलेगुडगुडिया] मत्स्यभेदे ।
- चिल्ल :: r. 1st cl. (-चिल्लति) 1. To be loose, to be slack or flaccid. 2. To in- dicate one's meaning. 3. To act wantonly. भ्वा-प-अक-सेट् ।
- चिल्ल :: mfn. (-ल्लः -ल्ली -ल्लं) Blear-eyed. m. (-ल्लः) 1. The Bengal kite, (Falco cheela, Lath.) 2. A bleared or sore eye. f. (-ल्ली) 1. A potherb, said to be a small kind of Chenopodium: see वास्तुक . 2. A cricket. E. चिल्ल् to be flaccid or loose, affix अच्ः see चुल्ल, or नि preposition, लच् in the second sense, and चिल् substituted for नि . or चिल्ल् अच् । पक्षिभेदे । (चिल्) क्लिन्ने त्रि० ।
- चिल्लका :: f. (-का) A cricket: see चीलिका .
- चिल्लभक्ष्या :: f. (-क्ष्या) A vegetable perfume: see हट्टविलासिनी . E. चिल्ल a kite, and भक्ष्य eatable.
- चिल्लाभ :: m. (-भः) A petty thief, a shoplifter, a pick-pocket, &c. E. चिल्ल kite, and आभ resembling, from भा to shine, with आङ् prefix and ड affix, pouncing on his prize like a kite on its prey.
- चिवि :: m. (-विः) The chin. E. चीव् to take, कि affix, and the radical vowel shortened: see चिवु; or चीव्-इन् पृषो० । चिवुके ।
- चिविट :: m. (-टः) Flattened grain. A various reading of चिपिट, q. v.
- चिवु :: m. (-वुः) The chin: see the next. चीव संवरणे उ-पृषो० ह्रस्वः ।
- चिवुक :: n. (-कं) The chin. E. चीव् to take or cover, कु affix, and कन् added; also चिवु .
- चिह्न :: Sautra root. 10th cl. (चिह्नयति-ते) To mark, to spot, to stamp. E. चु-उभ-सक-सेट् । सौत्रोऽयं धातुः इति केचित् ।
- चिह्न :: n. (-ह्नं) 1. A mark of any kind, a spot, stain, sign, symbol, &c. 2. A banner, a standard. 3. A symptom. E. च् to pound, affix नक्, and the radical vowel changed to इ, or चिह्न to mark, क aff. or चिह्न-अच् चह-न उपधाया इत्त्वम् वा ।
- चिह्नकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Spotting, marking. 2. Hideous, frightful. 3. Striking, killing. E. चिह्न, and कारिन् who or what makes. चिह्नं करोति कृ-णिनि । चिह्नकर्त्तरि, घोरदर्शने च ।
- चिह्नधारिणी :: f. (-णी) A plant, (Echites frutescens.) E. चिह्न a mark, and धारिणी possessing.
- चिह्नित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Marked, spotted, stained, stamped. 2. Desig- nated. 3. Known. E. चिह्न् to mark, and कर्मणि क्त aff.
- चीक :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (चीकति चीकयति-ते) 1. To be patient, to suffer or endure. 2. To be impatient. 3. To touch. E. मर्षणे वा चु-उ पक्षे भ्वा-प-सक-सेट् ।
- चीन :: m. (-नः) 1. A kind of deer. 2. A sort of panic, (Panicum miliaceum.) 3. A country, China. 4. A sort of cloth 5. A thread. n. (-नं) 1. A banner, (perhaps made of deer skin.) 2. Lead. E. चि to collect, नक् affix, and the deriv. irr. पृषो दीर्घः ।
- चीनक :: m. (-कः) A sort of panic, (P. miliaceum.) E. कन् added to the preceding.
- चीनकर्पूर :: m. (-रः) Camphor. E. चीन, and कर्पूर the same; the best is from China.
- चीनज :: n. (-जं) Steel. E. चीन, and ज produced. चीने जायते जः ।
- चीनपिष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) 1. Minium or red-lead. E. चीन China, and पिष्ट cake; brought in lumps from the hills on the north-west of Bengal, and between it and China. चीनस्य सीसकस्य पिष्टं चूर्णं (चीनेर सिन्दुर) ।
- चीनवङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) Lead, or more probably tutenague. E. चीन and वङ्ग zinc. सीसके ।
- चीनांशुक :: n. (-कं) China cloth, silk. E. चीन, and अंशुक cloth.
- चीब् (ऋ) चीबृ :: r. 1st 10 cl. (चीवति-ते) (चीवयति-ते) To take: see चीव . भ्वा-उभ-सक-सेट् चु ।
- चीभ (ऋ) चीभृ :: r. 1st cl. (चीभते) To coax, to commend, to flatter. 2. To appropriate praise to boast, &c. some authorities substitute चीभृ for this root. भ्वा-आ-सक-सेट् ।
- चीय (ऋ) चीयृ :: r. 1st cl. (चीयति-ते) 1. To take to receive. 2. To wear.
- चीर :: n. (-रं) 1. Cloth, clothes. 2. A rag, old and torn cloth. 3. Bark, rind. 4. A crest. 5. A kind of garland. 6. Lead. 7. A line, a stroke. 8. Writing. 9. The dress of a Bouddha priest. f. (-री) 1. A cricket. 2. The ends or hem of a garment. E. चि to collect, Unadi affix क्रन् दीर्घश्च deriv. irr.
- चीरवासस् :: mfn. (-साः -साः -सः) Clothed in tatters. E. चीर and वासस् vesture.
- चीरि :: f. (-रिः) An eye cloth, a veil covering the eyes. E. चिर to hurt, and क्रि affix; the radical vowel lengthened. चि-वा क्रि दीर्घश्च ।
- चीरिका :: f. (-का) A cricket. E. कन् added to चीरी .
- चीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Conversant, learned. 2. Split, divided.
- चीर्णपर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) 1. The Nimb: see निम्ब . 2. The date tree, (Elate syl- vestris.) E. चीर्ण divided, and पर्ण a leaf.
- चीलिका :: f. (-का) A cricked. E. चीरी imitative cry, and क who utters; also चिल्लका and झिल्लका .
- चीव :: r. 10th cl. (चीवयति-ते) 1. To shine. 2. To speak. (ऋ) चीवृ r. 1st cl. (चीवति-ते) 1. To take. 2. To wear. चु-उभ-सक-सेट् पक्षे भ्वादि ।
- चीवर :: n. (-रं) The tattered dress of a Bauddha mendicant, or of any mendicant. E. चि to collect, &c. and वरच् Unadi aff. चीव-अच् वा ।
- चीवरिन् :: m. (-री) A Bauddha or Jaina mendicant. E. चीवर a beggar's dress, and इनि aff. चीवरमस्ति अस्य ।
- चुक्क :: r. 10th cl. (चुक्कयति-ते) To inflict or suffer pain. E. चु-उभ-सक-सेट् ।
- चुक्कार :: m. (-रः) The roaring of a lion. E. चक्क pain, derived from चुक्व with भावे अच् affix, ऋ in the causal, to occasion, affix अच्; or चुक्कं पीड्न- माराति सम्यक् ददाति आ + रा-क ।
- चुक्र :: m. (-क्रः) 1. Sorrel. 2. Sourness. n. (-क्रं) 1. Acid seasoning. 2. Vine- gar made by the acetous fermentation of grain. f. (-का or -क्री) 1. Indian sorrel, (Rumex vesicarius.) 2. Hogplum. 3. The tamarind. E. चक् to satisfy, Unadi affix रक्, and the radical vowel changed to उ; also with कन् चुक्रक .
- चुक्रिका :: f. (-का) Indian sorrel, (Rumex vesicarius.) E. क्रन् added to the preceding.
- चुचि :: m. (-चिः) The female breast or bosom.
- चुचुक :: mn. (-कः-कं) A nipple. E. चुष् to suck, and क affix, deriv. irr. or
- चुचु :: imitative sound, (such as a child makes in sucking,) and क
what sounds; also चुचूक and चूचुक; चुचु इति अव्यक्तशब्दं कायति पीयमानः कै-क ।
- चुचू :: m. (-चूः) A potherb, (Marsilea dentata, Rox.)
- चुच्य (ई) चुच्यी :: r. 1st cl. (चुच्यति) 1. To distil, to drop. 2. To bathe. भ्वा-पर-सक ।
- चुञ्चु :: m. (-ञ्चुः) 1. The musk rat or shrew. 2. A mixed caste, born of a Brahman father by a Vaideha female.
- चुञ्चुरी :: f. (-री) A game, a kind of hazard played with tamarind seeds in place of dice. E. चुञ्च substituted for चिञ्चा the tamarind, and र from रा to get or give, affixes ड and ङीष्, or with ल affix चुञ्चुली .
- चुट :: r. 1st cl. (चोटति) and 10th cl. (चोटयति-ते) To wane, to become small, low or shallow. r. 6th and 10th cls. (चुटति चोटयति-ते) To cut, to pierce or divide; (इ) चुटि r. 1st cl. (चुटति) To become low or shallow. r. 1st and 10th cls. (चुण्टति चुण्टयति-ते) To cut, &c.; also चुट्ट and चुड .
- चुट्ट :: r. 10th cl. (चुट्टयति-ते) 1. To become small, low or shallow, as a river, &c. 2. To collect. चु-उभ-अक-सेट् ।
- चुड (इ) चुडि :: r. 1st cl. (चुण्डति) To become small, low or shallow. r. 10th cl. (चुण्डयति-ते) To cut, to pierce of divide. भ्वा-प-अक-सेट् । पक्षे चुरा- उभ-सक-सेट् ।
- चुड्ड :: r. 1st cl. (चुड्डति) 1. To hint one's meaning. 2. To dally, to wanton, to coquet, &c. 3. To act. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- चुण :: r. 6th cl. (चुणति) To cut, to pierce or divide. तु-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- चुण्टा :: f. (-ण्टा) A small well or reservoir near a well. E. चुडि to be low or shallow, affixes अङ् and टाप्; also चुण्डी, the fem. affix being ङीष् .
- चुण्टी :: f. (-ण्टी) A small well: see the preceding.
- चुत (इर) चुतिर :: r. 1st cl. (चोतति) To wet, to be wet or moist. भ्वा-प-अक-सेट् ।
- चुत :: m. (-तः) The anus. E. चुत् to be moist, affix क; also च्युत and चुति .
- चुति :: f. (-तिः) The anus. E. चुत् to be wet. क्तिन् affix; also च्युति .
- चुद :: r. 10th cl. (चोदयति-ते) 1. To send, to direct, to throw or cast. 2. To ask or interrogate. (इर, इ) इर चुदि r. 1st cl. (चुन्दति-ते) To sharpen. चु-उभ-सक-सेट् । पक्षे भ्वादि ।
- चुन्दी :: f. (-न्दी) A procuress, a bawd. E. चुद् to inquire, affixes की and ङीष्, and नुम् inserted.
- चुप :: r. 1st cl. (चोपति) To move slowly, to creep or steal along. भ्वा-प-सक-सेट् ।
- चुब (इ) चुबि :: r. 1st cl. (चुम्बति) or implying reciprocity, To kiss r. 10th cl. (चुम्बयति-ते) To kill or hurt. भ्वा-प-सक-सेट् । पक्षे चुरादि उभ ।
- चुब्र :: n. (-ब्रं) The face. E. चुब् to kiss, इन् Unadi aff.
- चुम्बक :: m. (-कः) 1. A kisser, a lecher. 2. A rogue, a cheat. 3. The load- stone. 4. A general scholar, one who knows parts in a variety of books. 5. The upper part or middle of a balance. E. चुबि to kiss, affix ण्वुल् .
- चुम्बत् :: mfn. (-म्बन् -म्बन्ती -म्बत्) Kissing. E. चुवि to kiss, शतृ aff.
- चुम्बन :: n. (-नं) 1. Kissing. 2. A kiss. E. चुवि to kiss, affix भावे ल्युट् .
- चुम्बनदान :: n. (-नं) Kissing. E. चुम्बन, and दान giving.
- चुम्बित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Kissed. E. चुबि to kiss, क्त aff.
- चुम्बितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Kissing. E. चुबि, and क्तवतु aff.
- चुर :: r. 10th cl. (चोरयति-ते) To steal, to rob: according to some it is also r. 1st cl. (चोरति) This root gives its name to the 10th class, which is thence called चुरादिः (ई) चुरी r. 4th cl. (चूर्य्यते) To burn.
- चुरा :: f. (-रा) Theft, stealing. E. चुर् to steal, affix क, fem. affix टाप् .
- चुरी :: f. (-री) A small well. E. चुटि to be shallow, affixes क and ङीष्; ट् changed to र .
- चुल :: r. 10th cl. (चोलयति-ते) 1. To rise, to increase. 2. To raise, to ele- vate. 3. To dip or dive into. चु-उभ-सक-सेट् ।
- चुलुक :: m. (-कः) 1. Mud, mire. 2. A small vessel or pot, a gallipot, &c. 3. The hand hollowed to hold water. n. (-कं) Water in which pulse has been steeped. E. चुल् to dip into, aff. उकक्ः see चलुक .
- चुलुकिन् :: m. (-की) A porpoise. E. चुलुक mud, इनि aff.
- चुलुम्प :: r. 1st cl. (चुलुम्पति) 1. To cut. 2. To disappear, to be lost. भ्वा-प-अक-सेट् ।
- चुलुम्प :: m. (-म्प्रः) Fondling or nursing children, &c. f. (-म्पा) A she goat. E. चुलुम्प to cut, भावे घञ् and टाप् affs.
- चुलुम्पिन् :: m. (-म्पी) The gangetic porpoise. E. चुलुम्प to cut, इनि aff.
- चुल्ल :: r. 1st cl. (चुल्लति) 1. To manifest one's meaning. 2. To dally, to wanton or coquet. भ्वा-प-अक-सेट् ।
- चुल्ल :: mfn. (-ल्लः -ल्ला -ल्लं) Blear-eyed. m. (-ल्लः) A blear eye. f. (-ल्ली) 1. A chimney, a fire place. 2. A funeral pile. E. चुल्ल् to indicate mean- ing, affix इन् वा ङीप्; or नि proposition, लच् affix implying mois- ture of the eyes, and चुल् substituted for नि .
- चुल्लक :: m. (-कः) The palm of the hand hollowed as if to hold water.
- चुल्लकी :: f. (-की) 1. A porpoise. 2. A water pot. 3. The opposite bank of a river. E. चुल्ल् to dally, (in the water.) ण्वुल् affix, and fem. affix ङीष् .
- चुल्लि :: f. (-ल्लिः) A fire place, a chimney. E. चुल्ल् to manifest meaning, and इन् aff. वा ङीप् । चुल--वा-निक् वा ।
- चुस्त :: n. (-स्तं) 1. Friend meat, 2. Chaff, rind. E. चूष् to suck, क्त affix, deriv. irr. चु-क्त वा सुट् ।
- चूचुक :: mn. (-कः-कं) A nipple. E. चूष् to suck, and deriv. irr.; or चूचु imitative sound, (in sucking) and क what makes; also चुचुक, &c. चूष्यते चूष वा उकः पृषो-षस्य च । कुचाग्रे ।
- चूडक :: m. (-कः) A well, E. चुड् to become shallow, affix कन् and the vowel lengthened. चूडा अस्ति अस्य वा कन् । कूपे ।
- चूडा :: f. (-डा) 1. A single lock of hair left on the crown of the head at the ceremony of tonsure. 2. A peacock's crest. 3. Any crest, plume, diadem, &c. 4. The head. 5. Top, summit. 6. An upper house, a room on the top of a house, &c. 7. A kind of bracelet. 8. A small well. 9. Tonsure; more commonly चूडाकरणं . E. चुल् to elevate, अङ् and टाप् affixes, ल changed to ड, and the vowel lengthened. चूल् अङ् चुल-समुच्छ्रये अङ् डस्य लः निः दीर्घः ।
- चूडाकरण :: n. (-णं) Shaving the head all but one lock, considered as a religious, and purificatory rite; it should be performed in the first or third year. E. चुडा, and करण making.
- चूडाकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) The rite of tonsure: see the last. E. चूडा, and कर्म्म act.
- चूडामणि :: m. (-णिः) 1. A jewel worn in a crest or a diadem. 2. The Gunja, (Abrus precatorius.) E. चूडा a crest, and मणि a jewel.
- चूडाल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Crested, having a lock of hair on the crown of the head, &c. f. (-ला) A kind of grass, (Kyllinga monocephala.) n. (-लं) The head. E. चूडा a crest, and ल what has, from ला with ड affix, or लच् poss. aff.
- चूडालक्षण :: n. (-णं) Tonsure. E. चूडा, and लक्षण mark.
- चूडावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Crested, having a lock of hair, &c. on the top of the head. E. चूडा a crest, and मतुप् aff.
- चूण :: r. 10th cl. (चूणयति-ते) To contract, to close or shrink. E. चु-उभ-सक- सेट् ।
- चूत :: m. (-तः) 1. The mango, (Manjifera Indica.) 2. The anus. E. चूष् to drink, affix क्त, deriv. irr. or चुत् to be moist, affix. अच् । चूष-क्त चोतति रसम्, चुत अच् वा ।
- चूतक :: m. (-कः) 1. The mango. 2. A small or shallow well. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- चूति :: f. (तिः) The anus: see चुति .
- चूर (इ) चूरी :: r. 1st. cl. (चूर्य्यते) To burn. E. दिवा-आत्म-सक-सेट् ।
- चूर्ण :: r. 1st cl. (चूर्णयति-ते) 1. To contract, to shrink, to close as an eye, to wink. 2. Throw, to send or direct. 3. To grind or pound. E. चुरा-उभ-सक-सेट् ।
- चूर्ण :: mn. (-र्णः-र्णं) 1. Powder, any pulverulent or minute division of substance. 2. Chalk, lime. 3. Aromatic powder, pounded Sandal, &c. 4. Pounded camphor. f. (-र्णी) 1. A Cowri, the shell used as a coin. 2. Selection of an unanswerable argument. 3. A river in Bengal. 4. The red powder scattered at the Holi festival. 5. Dust: see चूर्णि E. चूर्ण् to pound, &c. affix. कर्मणि अच् । भावे अच् पेषणे ।
- चूर्णक :: m. (-कः) Grain fried and pounded. n. (-कं) Expounding in prose the purport of a foregoing verse, an order or interpretation in
prose not abounding in compound words. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- चूर्णकार :: m. (-रः) A lime-burner, a maker of lime. E. चूर्ण, and कार who makes. E. चूर्णं करोति कृ-अण् उप-स ।
- चूर्णकुन्तल :: m. (-लः) A lock of hair, a curl or curling hair. E. चूर्ण what contracts, and कुन्तल hair.
- चूर्णखण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) Pebble, gravel, hardened fragments of earth or brick lime-stone nodule, commonly known in India by the name of Kankar. E. चूर्ण dust, and खण्ड fragment. (कांँकड घुटिङ्) ।
- चूर्णता :: f. (-ता) Pulverulence, comminution, the state of dust or powder. E. चूर्ण with तल् affix; also त्व, चूर्णत्वम् .
- चूर्णपारद :: m. (-दः) Vermilion. E. चूर्ण, and पारद quicksilver.
- चूर्णमुष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) A handful of perfume or powder. E. चूर्ण and मुष्टि handful.
- चूर्णि :: m. (-र्णिः) A sum of 100 Cowries, the small shells used as coin. 2. A selection or picking out of an unanswerable argument. 2. The grammar of PATANJALA, a comment on PANINI'S grammar. E. चर् to go, to pass, (current,) नि Unadi affix, and उ substituted for the radical vowel, or चूर्ण् to direct, &c. affix इन् । अशेषविदुषां तर्कं चूर्णयति । पतञ्जलिकृते महाभाष्ये ।
- चूर्णिका :: f. (-का) Fried and ground rice. E. चूर्ण to pound, ठन् affix, and the feminine form. चूर्णश्चूर्णनमस्ति अस्याः ।
- चूर्णिकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) An annotator, commentator, &c. E. चूर्णि selecting, picking out, (meanings or corroborative passages.) and कृत who makes. चूर्णिं महाभाष्यं करोति कृ-क्विप । महाभाष्यकारे ।
- चूर्णित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Ground, pounded, reduced to dust or powder. 2. Squeezed, smashed. E. चूर्ण् to pound, क्त aff.
- चूर्णिन् :: mfn. (-र्णी -र्णिनी -र्णि) Made or mixed up with any thing powdered or pounded. E. चूर्ण powder. and इनि aff.
- चूर्णीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Reduced to dust or powder, pounded, beaten to pieces. E. चूर्ण, and कृत made, च्वि augment.
- चूर्त्ति :: f. (-र्त्तिः) Going. E. चर् to go, भावे क्तिन् affix, deriv. irr.
- चूला :: f. (-ला) 1. An upper room, a room on the top of a house. 2. A crest. E. चूल् to rise, affixes अङ् and टाप्: see चूडा .
- चूलिका :: f. (-का) 1. The root of an elephant's ear. 2. The body of a drama, the inferior personages of the drama collectively. 3. The crest of a peacock. n. (-कं) Flour-cakes fried with ghee. E. चूल् to be or make high, affix ण्वुल् .
- चूष :: r. 1st cl. (चूषति) To drink or suck. E. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- चूषा :: f. (-षा) 1. Sucking. 2. A leathern girth. E. चूष् to drink, affix घञ् . चूष-घञर्थे क । चूष्यते पीयते पृष्ठमांसेन अदृश्यतां नीयते ।
- चूष्य :: mfn. (-ष्यः -ष्या -ष्यं) To be drunk or sucked. n. (-ष्यं) Any thing that can be eaten by sucking. E. चूष् to suck, ण्यत् aff.
- चृत :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (चर्त्तति-चर्त्तयति-ते) To light, to kindle. (ई) चृती r. 6th cl. (चृतति) 1. To hurt, to wound or kill. 2. To tie or connect together. E. तुदा-सक-सेट् । चुरा-उभ० पक्षे-भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- चृप :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (चर्पति, चर्पयति-ते) To light or kindle. E. चु-उभ- पक्षे भ्वा-प-सक-सेट् ।
- चेक्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Who does much or often, active, industrious. E. कृ to do, intens, form, अच् aff.
- चेट :: m. (-टः) A servant, a slave. f. (-टी) A female servant. E. चिट् to serve, affix अच् also with कन् added चेटक . f. चेटिका; also चेड, &c.
- चेटक :: m. (-कः) 1. A slave. A gallant: see the last. 3. A servant, a minister, one who fulfils an appointed duty. E. चिट् to serve, ण्वुल् affix, or चेट with कन् added.
- चेड :: m. (-डः) A servant. f. (-डी) A female servant or slave. E. चिट् to serve, अच् affix, and ट changed to ड; also चेट, &c. as above, and चेडक, चेडिका, &c.
- चेत् :: ind. If. E. चित् to think, to consider, affix. विच् .
- चेतक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Suggesting, causing to think. 2. What thinks or feels, sentient. f. (-की) The yellow myrobalan, (Terminalia chebula.) E. चित् to consider, affix, णिच् ण्वुल् ।
- चेतन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Alive, living, feeling. m. (-नः) 1. Soul, self. 2. A man. 3. A living and sentient being. f. (-ना) Understanding, in- telligence, wisdom, reflection. E. चित् to reflect, affix ल्युट् ।
- चेतनावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Living, sentient. E. चेतना, and मतुप् aff.
- चेतय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) A living and sentient being. E. चित् to think, श aff.
- चेतयमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Sentient, reflecting, conscious. E. चित् to thing शानच् aff.
- चेतव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be collected, to be gathered. E. चि to collect तव्य aff.
- चेतस् :: n. (-तः) Mind, intellect, the faculty of reasoning or understand- ing. E. चित् to consider, Unadi affix असुन् .
- चेतोभू :: m. (-भूः) Love. E. चेतस्, and भू born.
- चेदार :: m. (-रः) A lizard, a chamelion.
- चेदि :: m. (-दिः) The name of a country, perhaps the modern Chandail. m. plu. (-दयः) The inhabitants of Chedi. देशभेदे, सोऽभिजनोऽस्य अणः तद्राजाणश्च बहुत्वे लुक् ।
- चेदिपति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A VASU named UPARICHARA. 2. A name of SISU- PALA. E. चेदि, and पति master.
- चेदिराज :: m. (-जः) A name of SISUPALA a king killed by KRISHNA. E. चेदि the country, and राज a king; also चेदिपति, चेदिराज, &c.
- चेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be gathered or collected. E. चि to collect, कर्मणि यत् aff.
- चेल (ऋ) चेऌ :: r. 1st cl. (चेलति) 1. To shake or tremble. 2. To go or move. लौल्ये अक । गतौ सक-भ्वा-पर-सेट् ।
- चेल :: mfn. sub. (-लः-ली-लं) Cloth, clothes, raiment. adj. Vile, wicked, bad. E. चिल् to wear, affix, कर्मणि घञ्; also चेलक and चैल .
- चेलप्रक्षालक :: m. (-कः) A washer-man. E. चेल, and प्रक्षालक who washes.
- चेलाल :: m. (-लः) A cucumber. चेलम् इव अलति अल-अच् । लतापनसे ।
- चेलिका :: f. (-का) A corset, a boddice. E. चेल clothes, ण्वुल् aff. पट्टवसने । (चेलिर कापड) ।
- चेलीम :: m. (-मः) A small kind of fish.
- चेल्ल :: r. 1st cl. (चेल्लति) 1. To think. 2. To go: this root is not usually admitted: see चेल . E. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- चेवी :: f. (-वी) One of the Raginis or female personifications of music.
- चेष्ट :: r. 1st cl. (चेष्टते) To act or perform functions, duties, &c., to strive, to endeavour, to be busy or follow any particular avocation. E. भ्वा-आ-सक-सेट् ।
- चेष्टन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Making effort, who or what acts or attempts any act. n. (-नं) Effort, exertion. E. चेष्ट, and युच् or ल्युट् aff.
- चेष्टमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Active, moving. E. चेष्ट् to exert, शानच् aff.
- चेष्टा :: f. (-ष्टा) Effort, exertion, bodily effort. E. चेष्ट् to act, अङ् and टाप् affs.
- चेष्टानिरूपण :: n. (-णं) Observing a person's actions. E. चेष्टा, and निरूपण investigating.
- चेष्टानाश :: m. (-शः) The end of the world. E. चेष्टा, and नाश destruction. चेष्टायाः नाशः अत्र । प्रलयकाले ।
- चेष्टित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Exerted, done with effort. 2. Done. n. (-तं) 1. Going, motion. 2. Bodily act or function. 3. Action, behaviour. E. चेष्ट् to act, affix कर्त्तरि क्त ।
- चैतन्य :: n. (-न्यं) 1. Soul, spirit, the deity considered as the essence of all being. 2. Sense, consciousness. m. (-न्यः) A modern reformer of the Vaishnava faith, considered in Bengal as an Avatara of KRISH- NA. E. चेतन intellect, and ष्यञ् aff. चेतनः एव चेतनस्य भावः वा--ष्यञ् ।
- चैत्य :: m. (-त्यः) A sacred tree, a religious fig tree, &c. growing in a village or near it, and held in veneration by the villagers. n. (-त्यं) 1. A place of sacrifice or religious worship, an altar, a shed kept for sacrifices, &c. 2. A religious building peculiar to the Jainas, a Jaina temple. 3. A Jaina or Bauddha image, &c. 4. A monument a tomb-stone, a column, &c. erected in memory of some deceased
person, or on the site of a funeral pile. 5. A pile of stones form- ing a land-mark or boundary. E. चि to collect, deriv. irr.; or चित् to consider, affix क्यप्; चित्य and अण् aff. चित्तस्य इदम् अण् ।
- चैत्यद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) 1. The religious fig tree, (Ficus religiosa.) 2. A large tree in a village. E. चैत्य as above, and द्रु a tree.
- चैत्यद्रुम :: m. (-मः) A large tree in a village. E. चैत्य as above, and द्रुम a tree.
- चैत्यमुख :: m. (-खः) A student's water pot. E. चैत्य place of sacrifice, and मुख principal. कमण्डलौ ।
- चैत्यवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. The religious fig tree. 2. A large tree in a village. E. चैत्य and वृक्ष a tree: see चैत्य .
- चैत्र :: m. (-त्रः) 1. The month Chaitra or Cheyte, (March-April.) 2. One of the ranges of mountains dividing the continent into portions or Varshas: see वर्ष . 3. A Bauddha or Jaina religious mendicant. 4. The son BUDHA by CHITRA. n. (-त्रं) 1. A monument erected to the dead, a column or block of wood, a tree, &c. so considered. 2. 2. A small temple. E. चित्रा the star, or चित्र wonderful, &c. affix अण्, or चि-ष्ट्रन् ।
- चैत्रक :: m. (-कः) The month Chaitra. E. कन् added to the preceding; also चैत्रिक .
- चैत्ररथ :: n. (-थं) The garden of the deity KUVERA. E. चित्ररथ a Gandharba in charge of the garden, affix अण् . चित्ररथेन निर्वृत्तम् ।
- चैत्रावली :: f. (-ली) The day of full moon in Chaitra. E. चैत्र the month, and आवली a line, a series.
- चैत्रि :: m. (-त्रिः) The month Chaitra. E. चित्रा, and इञ् aff.
- चैत्रिक :: m. (-कः) The month Chaitra. E. चित्रा the asterism, or lunar mansion for this month, and ठक् aff.
- चैत्रिन् :: m. (-त्री) the month Chaitra. E. चित्रा, and णिनि aff.
- चैद्य :: m. (-द्यः) A name of SISUPALA an adversary of KRISHNA, the son of DAMAGHOSHA, and sovereign of Chedi or Chandail. m. plu. (-द्याः) The inhabitants of Chedi. E. चेदि the country so called, and ज्य aff.
- चैल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) 1. Cloth, of cloth. 2. Bred in clothes, (insects or lice, &c.) E. चेल cloth, कर्मणि घञ् aff.
- चैलाशक :: m. (-कः) An eater of lice, (a goblin so designated.) E. चैल an insect found in clothes, and अशक who eats.
- चोक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) 1. Sung. 2. Pure, clean. 3. Clever, dexterous. 4. Pleasing, delightful, beautiful. 5. Sharp, pungent, keen, &c. E. चूष् to suck, affix ष .
- चोच :: n. (-चं) 1. Bark, rind. 2. Skin. 3. Cassia bark. 4. Half eaten fruit of the palm. 5. A banana or plaintain: see मोचा . 6. A cocoanut.
- चोचक :: n. (-कं) Bark, rind. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- चोटी :: f. (-टी) A petticoat. E. चुट् to be small, affixes अच् and ङीष् .
- चोड :: m. (-डः) 1. A bodice or jacket. 2. A country: see चोल .
- चोदना :: f. (-ना) 1. A precept, a sacred ordinance or commandment. 2. Sending, commanding, directing, &c. 3. Enjoining, ordaining. 4. Casting, throwing. E. चुद् to command, &c. affixes युच् and टाप् .
- चोदनागुड :: m. (-डः) A ball for playing with. E. चोदना directing or throw- ing, and गुड a ball.
- चोदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Informed, apprised. 2. Ordered, directed. 3. Appointed. 4. Urged, impelled. 5. Thrown, cast. E. चुद् to direct, क्त aff.
- चोद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) To be sent, thrown, or directed. n. (-द्यं) 1. Sur- prise, wonderful or astonishing. 2. Asking, an asking. a ques- tion, an objection &c. E. चुद् to send, to command, &c. affix ण्यत् .
- चोपन :: m. (-नः) Moving, moving slowly. E. चोप् to move, affix ल्युट् .
- चोर :: m. (-रः) 1. A thief, a robber. 2. A perfume called commonly by the same name. f. (-रा) A plant: see चोरपुष्पी . E. चोर् to steal, affix अच्; also with कन् added चोरक .
- चोरकण्टक :: m. (-कः) A kind of grass, commonly Chorcanta, (Andropo- gon aciculatum.) E. चोर, and कण्टक a thorn: the seeds clinging to the feet and clothes of those who walk amongst it.
- चोरपुष्पी :: f. (-ष्पी) A kind of grass, (Andropogon aciculatum.) E. चोर a thief, and पुष्प a flower, fem. affix ङीष्ः see the last; also with कन् added चोरपुष्पिका .
- चोरिका :: f. (-का) Theft, robbery: see चौरिका .
- चोल :: mf. (-लः-ली) A short jacket, a bodice. m. (-लः) or m. plu. (-लाः) A country, the modern Tanjore, the name is also supposed to apply to a part of Birbhum in Bengal. E. चुल् to be high or to elevate, affix अच् and ल being changed to ड चोड ut sup. or चोल a proper name, that of the king of the country applied to the country, or चुल कर्मणि घञ् ।
- चोलक :: m. (-कः) A breast-plate, a cuirass. n. (-कं) Bark, rind. E. चुल to elevate, affix वुन् .
- चोलकिन् :: m. (-की) 1. The shoot of the bambu. 2. The wrist. 3. The orange. 4. A cuirassier, a soldier armed with a breast-plate. E. चोलक armour, rind, &c. and इनि aff.
- चोलोण्डुक :: m. (-कः) A diadem, a fillet for the head, a turban or tiara.
- चोष :: m. (-षः) 1. Suction, sucking. 2. Burning, (of the skin,) inflam- mation. 3. Drying up. E. चूष् to suck, घञ् aff.
- चोषण :: n. (णं) Sucking, suction. E. चूष् to suck, ल्युट् aff.
- चोस्क :: m. (-स्कः) A horse of a particular and good breed.
- चौक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षी -क्षं) Agreeable, pleasant. E. चोक्ष the same, अण् aff.
- चौड :: mfn. (-डः -डी -डं) 1. Crested, relating to a crest. 2. Relating to to tonsure. n. (-डं) Tonsure. E. चूडा a crest, &c. and अण् aff.
- चौडकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) The rite of tonsure. E. चौड, and कर्म्मन् act.
- चौर :: mf. (-रः-री) 1. A thief, a robber, a pilferer. 2. A plant: see चोरपुष्पी 3. A perfume. f. (-री) Stealing, theft. E. चोर a thief, affix अण् .
- चौरतस् :: ind. From theft. E. चौर, and तसि for the sign of the fifth case.
- चौरहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Stolen, robbed. E. चौर, and हृत taken.
- चौरापहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Carried off, stolen. E. चौर and अपहृत taken away.
- चौरिका :: f. (-का) Theft, robbing. E. चोर a thief, वुञ् affix, optionally चोरिका; or चौरी theft, कन् added.
- चौर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Theft, robbing. E. चोर a thief, ष्यञ aff.
- चौर्य्यार्ज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Acquired by plunder or robbery. E. चौर्य्य, and अर्ज्जित gained.
- चौल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Relating to a crest or top-knot, &c. E. चूला for चूडा, and अण् aff.
- चौलकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) The ceremony of tonsure, cutting of all the hair from the head of a child three years old, except one lock on the crown. E. चौल or चोड relating to the चूडा or crest, and कर्म्मन् work, act.
- चोलुक्य :: m. (-क्यः) One of the Rajarshis or royal saints.
- च्यवन :: n. (-नं) 1. Oozing, tricking, flowing. 2. Going, moving. m. (-नः) The name of a RISHI. E. च्यु to go, ल्यट् aff.
- च्यु (ङ) च्युङ् :: r. 1st cl. (च्यवते) 1. To go or move. 2. To flow, to drop. r. 10th cl. (च्यावयति-ते) 1. To laugh. 2. To bear or suffer. E. भ्वा-आ- सक-अनिट् । चुरा-उभ-सेट् ।
- च्युत (इर) च्युतिर :: r. 1st cl. (च्योतति) To wet thoroughly, to moisten a little, to sprinkle, to drop, to exude. E. भ्वा-पर-अक-सेट् ।
- च्युत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Fallen, dropped, oozed out, &c. 2. Fallen, from or off. 3. Deviated from, erred, strayed. 4. Broken, disordered. 5. Lost. E. च्यु to go, affix क्त .
- च्युताचार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Deviating from duty. E. च्युत and आचार rite, usage.
- च्युताधिकार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Dismissed, (from an office, &c.) deprived of, (as a right.) E. च्युत lost, and अधिकार function.
- च्युतोत्साह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Spent, exhausted, incapable of effort. E. च्युत and उत्माह exertion.
- च्युति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Dropping, dripping, oozing. 2. Falling, falling from. 3. Deviating from. 4. The vulva. 5. The anus. E. च्यु to fall, &c,
affix क्तिन्; also with ङीष्, च्युती again with the radical vowel pro- tracted च्यूति, &c.; and without the semivowel चुति, &c.
- च्युप :: m. (-पः) The face. E. च्यु to laugh, प Unadi aff.
- च्युस :: r. 10th cl. (च्वोसयति-ते) 1. To laugh. 2. To bear. 3. To loose. 4. To hurt or kill. चु-उभ-अक-सेट् ।
- च्योत :: n. (-तं) Sprinkling, pouring forth, or dropping falling as an unctuous substance, oozing, trickling, &c. E. च्युत् to wet or moisten, affix घञ् .
- च्योत्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्री -त्रं) 1. A mover, a goer, one who moves or goes. 2. Oviparous. 3. Abandoned, wicked, void of virtue or purity. E. च्य to go, Unadi affix त्रण् .
- छ :: The aspirated letter corresponding to the preceding, and expressed by Chh.
- छ :: mfn. (छः-छा-छं) 1. Pure, clean. 2. Trembling, tremulous, unsteady. m. (छः) Cutting, dividing. 2. A part, a fragment. f. (छा) 1. Covering, concealing. 2. An infant, a child, any young animal. E. छो to cut, or छद् to cover, &c. affix ड .
- छग :: mf. (-गः-गा) A goat. E. छो to cut, गक् aff.
- छगण :: mn. (-णः-णं) Dried cowdung. E. छ a fragment, and गण assemblage.
- छगल :: m. (-लः) A goat. f. (-ला-ली) A she goat. 2. A kind of convolvulus (C. aegenteus,) or more probably (C. pes-capræ;) see ऋक्षगन्धा . n. (-लं) Blue cloth or garment. E. छो to cut or tear, Unadi affixes कलच् and गुक्, or ग substituted for क, ह्रस्वश्च ।
- छगलक :: m. (-कः) A goat. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- छगलाङ्घ्री :: f. (-ङ्घ्री) A kind of convolvulus, (C. pes-capræ:) see छगला . E. छगल a goat, and अङ्घ्री a foot; also छगलान्त्री, &c.
- छगलाण्डी :: f. (-ण्डी) A plant: see the preceding.
- छगलान्त्री :: f. (-न्त्री) A kind of convolvulus: see छगलाङ्घ्री . E. छगल a goat. and अन्त्र a gut, an entrail; with कन् added, छगलान्त्रिका; also छगलाङ्घ्री .
- छटा :: f. (-टा) 1. Light, lustre, splendor. 2. Assemblage, quantity. number. 3. A straight or continuous mark or line. E. छो-अटन् किच्च ।
- छटाफल :: m. (-लः) A palmyra tree. E. छटा a line, and फल fruit.
- छटाभा :: f. (-भा) Lightning. E. छटा a streak, and भा light.
- छत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A parasol, and umbrella, the Indian chhattah. f. (-त्रा) 1. A kind of fennel, (Anethum sowa.) 2. A pungent seed, coriander. 3. A mushroom. 4. Anise. E. छद् to cover, and णिच् and ष्ट्रन् Unadi affixes ह्रस्वश्च; hence the word and its derivatives are also written with a double त, छत्र &c.
- छत्रक :: m. (-कः) A king-fisher 2. A mushroom. 3. A shrub, commonly Kuliya-khara. 4. A small vaulted temple, in honour of a deity. 5. A beehive of a conical or umbrella form. E. कन् added to the preceding. E. छत्रम् इव कायति कै-क ।
- छत्रचक्र :: n. (-क्रं) An astrological diagram. E. छत्र, and चक्र a circle.
- छत्रधार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Bearing a parasol, having or possessing one. E. छत्र and धर who has or holds, affix अच् or अण्; also छत्रधर, छत्र- धारक, and छत्रधारिन् । छत्रं धरति धारयति वा अच् अण् वा ।
- छत्रधारण :: n. (-णं) 1. Carrying a chhatra. 2. The carrying of one as a type of authority. E. छत्र, and धारण having.
- छत्रपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A plant, (Hibiscus mutabilis.) E. छत्र, and पत्र a leaf, um- brella-leaved; also छत्रपत्रक । छत्रम् इव पत्रम् अस्य । स्थलपाद्मे, भूर्जपत्रवृक्षे च ।
- छत्रभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. Widowhood. 2. Wilfulness, independence. 3. Sub- version of dominion, loss of empire, deposition, &c. E. छत्र a
parasol, and भङ्ग a breaking; in the first two senses छत्र is used metaphorically, for any cover or defence, as a husband, &c. in the last it is used by synecdoche, a parasol being one of the ensigns of royalty. E. छत्रस्य भङ्गः यत्र । नृपनाशे, वैधव्ये, स्वातन्त्र्ये च ।
- छत्राक :: n. (-कं) A mushroom. f. (-की) A plant, commonly Rasna: see रास्ला . E. छत्र a parasol, and अक् to go, to resemble; affixes अण् and ङीष् । छत्रा अतिछत्रा इव कायति कै-क ।
- छत्रातिच्छत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A fragrant grass, described as growing in marshy ground. E. छत्र a mushroom, and अतिच्छत्र surpassing an umbrella, i. e. more like a chhattah, than even a mushroom. छत्रम् अतिक्रम्य छत्रम् आवरणम् अस्ति अस्म्य अच् । छत्राकारे जलोद्भवे सुगन्धितृणमदे ।
- छत्रिका :: f. (-का) A mushroom. E. छत्र-ठन् affix of resemblance, fem. form. छत्रं तदाकारं पुष्पं वा अस्ति अस्य ठन् । शिलीन्ध्रे, स्वेदजे शाकभेदे च ।
- छत्रिन् :: mfn. (-त्री -त्रिणी -त्रि) Bearing a parasol or umbrella. m. (-त्री) A barber. E. छत्र, and इनि aff.
- छत्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. A house, a dwelling. 2. A bower, an arbour. E. छद् to cover, ष्वरच् Unadi affix, and त substituted for द .
- छद :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (छदति-ते छदयति-ते or more commonly छादयति-ते) 1. To cover, to clothe, to veil, to hide, or remove from view: (आङ् is usually prefixed to the root in these senses.) 2. To march. (इ) छदि r. 1st cl. (छन्दति) To live or breathe, to be or make strong; also. r. 1st and 10th cls. (छन्दति-ते छन्दयति-ते) To cover, &c. as above. E. चु-उभ-सक सेट् । भ्वा-उभ ।
- छद :: m. (-दः) 1. A leaf. 2. A wing. 3. A plant: see ग्रन्थिपर्णी . 4. A tree bearing dark blossoms: see तमाल . E. छद् to cover, &c. aff. घ, ह्रस्वश्च ।
- छदन :: n. (-नं) 1. A leaf. 2. A wing. 3. A covering, a sheathe, a scabbard. 4. Cassia. E. छद् to cover or hide, affix ल्युट् ।
- छदपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A tree, (Symplocos racemosa, Rox. See भूर्य्य . E. छद a cover or skin, and पत्र a leaf. छदार्थं पत्रम अस्य । भूर्जपत्रे ।
- छदिस् :: m. (-दिः) The thatch or roof of a house. E. छद् to cover, इसि Unadi aff.
- छद्मतापस :: m. (-सः) A religious hypocrite, a false brother. E. छद्म disguise. and तापस an ascetic. छद्मना छलेन त्रापसः ।
- छद्मन् :: n. (-द्म) 1. Trick, deceit. 3. Fraud, dishonesty. 2. Plea, pretext. 4. Masquerade, disguise of person, &c. E. छद a cloak, a covering, and मनिन् Unadi aff. छाद्यते स्वरूपमनेन ।
- छद्मवेशिन् :: m. (-शी) Being in disguise, a player. E. छद्म, and वेशिन् who wears a dress, &c.
- छद्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. A tooth. 2. An arbour or bower.
- छन्च्छन :: ind. An imitative sound. expressive of sobbing, &c.
- छन्द :: mfn. (-न्दः -न्दा -न्दं) Solitary, secret, private. m. (-न्दः) 8. Meaning, intention, purport, opinion. 2. Subjection. 3. Poison. n. (-न्दं) Wish, desire. E. छद् to cover, affix अच्; see छन्दस् .
- छन्दपातन :: m. (-नः) A hypocrite, a pretended and false ascetic. E. छन्द subjection, (of all human beings,) and पातन obtaining, from पत् to go, affix ल्युट्; also छन्दकपातन .
- छन्दस् :: n. (-न्दः) 1. Poetical metre of every kind, but it is also applicable particularly to the metre of the Vedas. 2. Meaning, purport, ob- ject, intention. 3. Wish, desire. 4. the Vedas or scripture. 5. Wilfulness, independence, uncontrolled or unrestrained conduct. E. छदि to gladden, &c. and असुन् Unadi affix, च is changed to छ; also in some senses with a final vowel छन्द q. v.
- छन्दस्कृत :: n. (-तं) A holy verse. E. छन्दस् and कृत made.
- छन्दस्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) Made or done at will or according to one's wish. E. छन्दस् inclination, and यत् aff.
- छन्दोग :: m. (-गः) A reciter, or chanter of the Sama Veda. E. छन्दस् the metre of the Vedas, and ग who sings.
- छन्दोऽनुवृत्त :: n. (-त्तं) Humouring, indulgence. E. छन्दस् will, and अनुवृत्त con- forming to.
- छन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Private, secret. 2. Solitary. 3. Covered. E. छद् to cover, affix क्त .
- छप (इ) छपि :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (छम्पति छम्पयति-ते) To go or. move. चु- उभ-पक्षे भ्वा-प-सक-सेट् ।
- छम (उ) छमु :: r. 1st cl. (छमति) To eat: see चमु . भ्वा-प-सक-सेट् ।
- छमण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. An orphan, a fatherless son. 2. A lad who has no kinsmen. E. छम् to eat, अण्डच् Unadi affix; also छेमण्ड ।
- छर्द :: r. 10th cl. (छर्दयति-ते) To vomit, to be sick. E. चु-उभ-सक-सेट् ।
- छर्द :: nf. (-र्दं-र्दी) Vomiting, sickness, retching. E. छर्द् to vomit, affix अच्; also with the affixes ल्युट् and इन्, छर्दन्, छर्दि, &c. ut infra.
- छर्दन :: n. (-नं) Vomiting, reaching, sickness. m. (-नः) 1. The Nimb tree: see निम्ब . 2. The Rakshasa, ALAMBUSHA. E. छृद् to be or make sick, affix ल्युट् .
- छर्दि :: f. (-र्दिः) Vomiting. see छर्द . E. छृद् to be sick, इन् Unadi affix also with ङीष् added छर्दी, and with a further addition of कन्, छर्दिका .
- छर्द्दिघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) The Nimb tree. E. छर्द्दि and घ्न what removes.
- छर्दिकारिपु :: m. (-पुः) Small cardamoms. E. छर्दिका vomiting, and रिपु ene- my, anti-emetic.
- छर्दिस् :: f. (-र्दिः) Vomiting. E. छृद् to be sick, Unadi affix इसि; also छर्दि and छर्द .
- छर्ष :: r. 1st cl. (छर्षति-ते) To kill, to wound, to hurt. भ्वा-सक-सेट् ।
- छल :: n. (-लं) 1. Wickedness. 2. Fraud, circumvention, trick, stratagem. 3. Design, device. E. छल to cut, अलच् affix, and the radical final rejected.
- छलन :: nf. (-नं-ना) Tricking, deceiving. E. छल nominal verb, णिच् and भावे ल्युट् aff.
- छलनापर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Cunning, crafty, deceitful. E. छलना and पर ad- dicted to.
- छलयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Deceiving, cheating. E. छल nom. verb to cheat, शतृ aff.
- छलिन् :: m. (-ली) A cheat. E. छल, and इनि aff.
- छल्लि :: f. (-ल्लिः) Skin, bark, rind, &c. E. छद a cover, ला to give or get; with affix कि, द becomes ल; also with ङीप् added छल्ली .
- छल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) 1. Skin, bark, rind, &c. 2. Offspring, posterity. 3. A spreading creeper. 4. A kind of flower. E. See the preceding.
- छवि :: f. (-विः) 1. Beauty, splendor, brilliance. 2. Light, lustre. E. छो to divide, (darkness, &c.) इन् affix, and the deriv. irr. or कित् च वा Unadi affix; also with ङीष् added छवी .
- छा :: f. (छा) A young animal. E. छो to cut, डा aff.
- छाग :: f. (-गः) A goat. f. (-गी) A she goat. E. छो to cut, Unadi affix गन् .
- छागण :: m. (-णः) A fire of dried cowdung. E. कर्मणि अच् affix of relation added to छगण् । छया छादनेन गण्यते गण कर्मणि अच् । छगण-स्वार्थे अण् वा करीषाग्नौ ।
- छागभोजिन् :: m. (-जी) A wolf. E. छाग, and भोजिन् who eats.
- छागरथ :: m. (-थः) AGNI or the deity of fire. E. छाग a goat, and रथ a car or any vehicle.
- छागल :: m. (-लः) 1. A goat: see छगल; also with कन् added छागलक . 2. A proper name, the son of CHHAGALA or ATRI. E. छगल, and अण् affix; also with इञ् aff. छागलि or कन् added छागलक .
- छागलान्त्री :: f. (-न्त्री) A plant, (Convolvulus pes-capræ:) see छगलान्त्री .
- छागवाहन :: m. (-नः) A name of AGNI or the deity of fire. E. छाग a goat, and वाहन a vehicle, the goat-born.
- छागिका :: f. (-का) A she goat. E. कन् added to छागी .
- छात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Cut, divided. 2. Thin, feeble, emaciated. E. छो to cut, affix क्त; also छित .
- छात्र :: m. (-त्रः) A scholar, a pupil, a disciple, a tyro or novice. n. (-त्रं) Honey. E. छत्र an umbrella, a screen or cover, affix ण । छत्रं गुरोः वैगुण्यावरणं शीलमस्य छत्रा० ण ।
- छात्रक :: n. (-कं) Honey in the comb or hive. E. छत्रक a hive, and अण् aff.
- छात्रगण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) An indifferent scholar in poetical composition; one citing imperfect portions only of a verse. E. छात्रः गण्डः इव ।
- छात्रदर्शन :: n. (-नं) Oiled butter prepared from milk one day old. छात्रं मधु भेद इव दृश्यते दृश-कर्मणि ल्युट् । मधुतुल्यास्वादे हैयङ्गवीने, शिष्यस्य दर्शने च ।
- छाद :: n. (-दं) A thatch, a roof E. छद् to cover, affix अच् ।
- छादन :: n. (-नं) 1. Covering. 2. A covering, a screen, &c. 3. Hilling, con- cealing. 4. A leaf. E. छद् to cover, affix ल्युट् and the vowel lengthened. भावे ल्युट् । छादने । करणे ल्युट् पत्रे । कर्त्तरि ल्यु छादके ।
- छादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Cut, divided. 2. Covered. 3. Hidden, conceal- ed. E. छो to cut, or छद् to cover, affix क्त । आछादिते ।
- छाद्मिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Fraudulent, dishonest. m. (-कः) A rogue, cheat. E. छद्मन् knavery, ठक aff. छद्मना चरति व्यवहरति ।
- छान्दस :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) Relating to poetical metre, to the Vedas, &c. m. (-सः) A priest conversant with scripture. E. छन्दस्, and अण् aff. छन्दः अधीते वेत्ति वा पक्षे अण् ।
- छान्दोग्य :: n. (-ग्यं) 1. The doctrine of the Vedas 2. A celebrated Upa- nishad of the Sama Veda. E. छान्दस belonging to the Vedas, ग who goes, and ञ्य affix of habitude or practice.
- छाया :: f. (-या) 1. Shade. 2. Shadow, reflected image. 3. The wife of the sun. 4. Beauty, splendor, lustre. 5. Light. 6. Nourishing, cherish- ing. 7. A bribe. 8. A straight or continuous line. 9. A name of the goddess DURGA. 10. Darkness, obscurity. 11. The shadow of a Gnomon, especially as indicative of the position of the sun. E. छो to cut, (to cut off the light, &c.) and ण Unadi aff.
- छायाकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Shading, shadowing. m. (-रः) 1. A Chhattah or umbrella bearer. 2. A species of metre. E. छाया shade, and कर who makes. छायां करोति छत्रेण कृ-ट ।
- छायातनय :: m. (-यः) A name of SATURN. E. छाया the wife of SURYA, and तनय a son; also similar compounds, as छायात्मज, छायासुत, &c. शनैश्चरे ।
- छायातरु :: m. (-रुः) A large tree, one that gives shade or shelter. E. छाया, and तरु a tree. छायाप्रधानः तरुः । छायाप्रधाने वृक्षे ।
- छायात्मज :: m. (-जः) SATURN: see छायातनय .
- छायापथ :: m. (-थः) Æther, the Akas or firmament. E. छाया light, and पथ a road. छायायुक्तः पन्थाः । आकाशस्थे ज्योतिश्चक्रमध्यवर्त्तिनि दक्षिणोत्तरायते तिरश्चीने आकाशस्थानभेदे ।
- छायाभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) CHANDRA or the moon. E. छाया light, and भृत् who possesses.
- छायामय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) 1. Reflected. 2. Casting a shadow. E. छाया, and मयट् aff.
- छायामित्र :: n. (-त्रं) A Chhattah or parasol. E. छाया shade, and मित्र friend- ly. छायाया मित्रम् इव । आतपत्रे ।
- छायामृगधर :: m. (-रः) The moon. E. छाया an image, मृग a deer, and धर who possesses; also छायाधर, and मृगधर, severally. छायारूपं मृगं धरति धृ- अच् । चन्द्रे ।
- छायासुत :: m. (-तः) SATURN: see छायातनय .
- छि :: m. (छिः) Abuse, reproach. E. छो to cut, कि aff. गर्हायाम् ।
- छिक्कन :: n. (-नं) Sneezing. f. (-नी) A small plant, (Artemisia sternutato- ria.) E. छिक्क nominal verb, to sneeze, ल्युट् aff. or छिक् इति अव्यक्तं नासिकाशब्दं कनति शब्दायते कन-अच् गौरा-ङीष् ।
- छिक्का :: f. (-क्का) Sneezing. E. छिक् imitative sound, and क what utters, from कै with ड and टाप् affs. छिक् इति अव्यक्तं शब्दं करोति कृ-ड । क्षुते ।
- छिक्कक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Sternutatory. 2. Sneezing. f. (-का) A plant, (Artemisia sternutatoria.) E. छिक्क nominal verb, to sneeze, वुन् aff.
- छित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Cut, divided. E. छो to cut, affix क्त deriv. irr.
- छित्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Cutting, division. 2. A plant, (Galedupa arborea:) see करज . E. छिद् to cut, affix कर्त्तरि क्तिच् .
- छित्वर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Roguish, fraudulent, knavish, a knave. 2. Hos- tile, inimical, a foe. 3. Cutting or fit for cutting, (a weapon, &c.) E. छिद् to cut, ष्वरप् Unadi affix, and त optionally substituted for the radical final, otherwise छिद्वर .
- छित्वा :: ind. Having cut or divided. E. छिद् to cut, क्त्वा aff.
- छिद (औ, इर) औ छिदिर :: r. 7th cl. (छिनत्ति, छिन्ते) To divide to split, to cut,
&c. With the prefix आङ्, To seize, to lay hold of. With the prefix उत् , To slay or kill. रुधा-उभ-सक-अनिट् ।
- छिद् :: mfn. (-द् or -त्) Cutting, destroying, who or what cuts. E. छिद् to cut, affix क्विप् . छेदनकर्त्तरि ।
- छिदक :: n. (-कं) INDRA'S thunderbolt. E. छिद् to cut or split, affix क्वुन्; also छिदिक .
- छिदा :: f. (-दा) Cutting, dividing. E. छिद as above, affixes भावे अङ् and टाप् .
- छिदि :: f. (-दिः) An axe. E. छिद् to cut, इन् Unadi affix and the radical vowel unchanged.
- छिदिर :: m. (-रः) 1. Fire. 2. A rope, a cord. 3. A sword. 4. An axe, a hatchet. E. छिद् to cut, किरच् Unadi aff.
- छिदुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Cutting, dividing, what cuts or divides. 2. A knave. 3. Hostile, a foe. E. छिद् to cut, and कुरच् aff.
- छिद्र :: r. 10th cl. (छिद्रयति-ते) 1. To pierce, to bore, to perforate, to make openings or holes. 2. To perforate the ear for rings &c. चु- उभ-सक-सेट् ।
- छिद्र :: n. (-द्रं) 1. A hole, a vacuity, a perforation, &c. 2. Fault, defect, flaw (moral or physical.) 3. A weak side. 4. Infirmity. E. छिद् to pierce, Unadi affix रक्, or छिद्र अच्-वा ।
- छिद्रकर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णी -र्णं) Having the ears pierced. E. छिद्र, and कर्ण the ear, छिद्रयुक्तः कर्णः अस्य ।
- छिद्रानुसारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Looking out for faults or flaws. E. छिद्र, and अनुसारिन् who pursues.
- छिद्रान्तर् :: m. (-न्तः) A reed. E. छिद्र, and अन्तर् within. छिद्रम् अन्तः मध्ये यस्य । नले ।
- छिद्रान्वेषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Seeking for faults, malicious. E. छिद्र, and अन्वेषिन् searching.
- छिद्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Perforated, pierced, having holes or openings. E. छिद्र to pierce, affix कर्मणि क्त .
- छिद्वर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) See छित्वर .
- छिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Cut, divided. f. (-न्ना) 1. A whore, a harlot. 2. A tree: see गुडूची . E. छिद् to cut, affix क्त, deriv. irr.
- छिन्नक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Cut a little, incised, not cut off. E. कन् added to छिन्न .
- छिन्नकर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णी -र्णं) Having the ears cut off. E. छिन्न, and कर्ण the ear. छिन्नः कर्णोऽस्य ।
- छिन्नकेश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Shorn, shaven. E. छिन्न, and केश the hair.
- छिन्नधन्वन् :: m. (-न्वा) A warrior whose bow has been cut or broken by his enemy's arrow. E. छिन्न, and धन्वन् a bow.
- छिन्ननासिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Noseless, having had the nose cut off. E. छिन्न, and नासिका the nose.
- छिन्ननास्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) Having the rope that passes through the nose of a draft ox broken. E. छिन्न, and नास्य the nose-rein.
- छिन्नबन्धन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Loosed, liberated. E. छिन्न, and बन्धन binding.
- छिन्नभिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Cut up, destroyed, scattered. E. छिन्न, and भिन्न broken.
- छिन्नमस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Decapitated. f. (-स्ता) A form of DURGA with- out her head. E. छिन्न, and मस्त the head; also with कन् added छिन्न मस्तक, छिन्नमस्तका .
- छिन्नरुहा :: f. (-हा) A tree, (Menispermum glabrum:) see गुडूची . E. छन्न cut, and रुहा what grows; growing again after being cut. छिन्नः सन् रोहति रुह-क .
- छिन्नवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Having cut or cut off. E. छिन्न, and मतुप् aff.
- छिन्नवेशिका :: f. (-का) A plant, commonly Akanadi, (Cissampelos hexan- dra.) E. छिन्न what is cut, (a wound,) and विश् to enter, कन् affix, and the fem. form.
- छिन्नसंशय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Confirmed, confident, free from doubt. E. छिन्न, and संशय doubt.
- छुछुन्दरी :: f. (-री) The musk rat, or shrew. (छुंँचो) ।
- छुट :: r. 6th and 10th cls. (छुटति, छोटयति-ते) To cut; also चुट्, चु० उभ० पक्षे तु० कुटादि० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- छुड :: r. 1st and 6th cls. (-छोडति, छुडति) to cover. E. तुदा० पर० सक० सेट् । भ्वा० पर० ।
- छुद्र :: n. (-द्रं) 1. Retaliating, returning, remedying. 2. A ray.
- छुप (औ) औछुप :: r. 6th cl. (छुपति) To touch. तुदा-पर-सक-अनिट् .
- छुप :: m. (-पः) 1. A small tree, a shrub, a bush. 2. Touch, touching. 3. Air, wind. 4. War, combat. E. छुप् to touch, affix कर्त्तरि क, घञर्घेक वा । आधारे-क, युद्धे ।
- छुर :: r. 1st and 6th cls. (छोरति छुरति) To cut. भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् । तदा० कुटादि० पर० सेट् ।
- छुरा :: f. (-रा) Lime. E. छुर् to cut, क and टाप् affs. (कलिचन्) ।
- छुरिका :: f. (-का) A knife. E. छुर् to cut, क्वुन् affix, and the fem form; also with क and ङीष् affixes, छुरी .
- छुरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Cut. 2. Inlaid, set, coated, spread. 3. Blended intermingled. E. छुर् to cut, affix क्त .
- छुरितोदर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Pierced, transpierced. 2. Run through the belly. E. छुरित, and उदर the belly.
- छुरी :: f. (-री) A knife: see छुरिका . E. छुर-क गौराः० ङीष् ।
- छृद :: (उ and इर) उछृदिर r. 7th cl. (-छृणत्ति-छिंत्ते) 1. To shine 2. To vomit. 3. To play. (ई) छृदी r. 1st and 10th cls. (छर्दति छर्दयति-ते) To light to kindle. देवने दीप्तौ च अक वमने सक० रुधा० उभ० सेट् । सन्दोपने वा चु० उभ० पक्षे भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- छृप (ई) छृपी :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (छर्पति छर्पयति-ते) To light. to inflame or kindle. याचने द्विक० शब्दे अक वा चुरा० उभ० पक्षे भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- छेक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Tame, domesticated as a bird or beast. 2. Citizen town-bred, rakish, buckish, smart, trained in the acuteness and vice of towns. E. छो to cut, affix उकन्, deriv. irr.
- छेकोक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Indirect speech, insinuation, double entendre, hint, &c. E. छेक city bred, and उक्ति saying.
- छेत्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be cut, to be cut off, &c. E. छिद् to cut, तव्य aff.
- छेत्तृ :: mfn. (-त्ता -त्त्री -त्तृ) 1. Who or what cuts. 2. Solving, resolving, (doubts, &c.) E. छिद् to cut, तृच् aff.
- छेद :: r. 10th cl. (छेदयति-ते) To cut, to cover, to divide, but especially into two parts. चरा० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- छेद :: m. (-दः) 1. Cutting, dividing. 2. A part, a portion. 3. Solving, dis- sipating, (as doubt.) 4. The denominator of a fraction. 5. The divisor. E. छिद् to cut, affix भावे घञ्, or अच् वा ।
- छेदकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Cutting. m. (-रः) A wood-cutter. E. छेद, and कर who makes.
- छेदन :: n. (-नं) 1. Cutting, dividing. 2. A part, a portion. E. छिद् to cut, affix भावे ल्युट् .
- छेदनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be cut or divided. E. छिद to cut, अनीयर् aff.
- छेदि :: mfn. (-दिः -दिः -दि) Cutting, dividing, a cutter, &c. E. छिद् to cut, Unadi affix इन् .
- छेदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Cut, divided. E. छिद् to cut, affix क्त, or छेदो जातोऽस्य तारकादित्वात् इतच् ।
- छेदितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be cut or divided. E. छिद् to cut, तव्य aff.
- छेद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) To be cut or divided. n. (-द्यं) Amputation, exscis- sion. E. छिद् to cut, ण्यत् aff. छेत्तुं योग्यः कर्मणि योग्यार्थे ण्यत् ।
- छेमण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A fatherless son: see छमण्ड पृषोदरादित्वात् अतः एत्त्वम् । मातृपितृहीनेवालके ।
- छेलु :: m. (-लुः) A medicinal plant, (Conyza anthelmintica.) E. छो वा डेलु । सोमराज्याम् ।
- छैदिक :: m. (-कः) A ratan, a cane. E. छेद cutting, ठञ् aff.
- छो :: r. 4th cl. (छ्यति) To cut, to mow, to reap, &c. दिवा० पर० सक० अनिट् ।
- छोटिका :: f. (-का) Snapping the thumb and fore-finger together. E. छुट् to touch, ण्वुल् aff.
- छोटिन् :: m. (-टी) A fisherman. E. छुट् to cut, णिन् affix, deriv. irr. कैवर्त्ते ।
- छोरण :: n. (-णं) Abandoning, leaving. E. छुर् to cut, affix मावे ल्युट् । परित्यागे ।
- छोलङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A citron, a lime. E. छुर् वा अङ्गच्, रस्य लः ।
- छ्यु :: r. 1st cl. (छ्यवते) To go, to move or approach: see च्यु । भ्वा० आत्म०
- ज :: The third letter of the second class of consonants, corresponding to the letter J in jet.
- ज :: mfn. (जः-जा-जं) 1. Speedy, swift. 2. Eaten. 3. Victorious, triumph- ant, conquering or a conqueror. (जः) 1. A name of Siva. 2. A name of VISHNU. 3. Birth, production. 4. A parent, a progenitor. 5. Poison. 6. Enjoyment. 7. Light, Iustre. 8. Speed. 9. An imp- a goblin. E. जन् to bear or to born, जि to conquer, or other roots, and ड aff.
- जकुट :: m. (-टः) 1. The Malaya mountain. 2. A dog. n. (-टं) The egg- plant. (Solanum melongena.) जं जातं कटति कुट-क ।
- जक्ष :: r. 1st cl. (जक्षिति) 3rd plu. जक्षति) 1. To eat. 2. To laugh. (इ) जक्षि (जंक्षते) 1. To give. 2. To go भक्षे सक० हासे अक० जक्षादि स्वपादि पर० सेट् । दाने भ्वा० इदित् आत्म० सक० सेट् ।
- जक्षण :: n. (-णं) Eating. E. जक्ष् to eat. affix भावे ल्युट् .
- जक्षि :: f. (-क्षिः) Eating. E. जक्ष to eat, कि aff.
- जक्षिवस् :: mfn. (-वान् -क्षुषी -वत्) Eating, who eats. E. जक्ष् to eat, वसु aff.
- जक्ष्म :: m. (-क्ष्मः) Consumption, decline: see the next.
- जक्ष्मन् :: m. (-क्ष्मा) Consumption, phthisis. E. यक्ष् to worship, and मनिन् affix; ज is substituded for the semi-vowel; also यक्ष्मन्, and with a final vowel जक्ष्म .
- जगच्चक्षुस् :: m. (-क्षुः) The sun. E. जगत् the universe, and चक्षुस the eye.
- जगत् :: mfn. (-गन् -गती -गत्) Moveable, loco-motive, transitory, nf. (-त्-ती) The world, the universe. m. (-त्) Air, wind. f. (-ती) 1. The earth. 2. people, mankind. 3. A sort of metre, a stanza of forty-eight syl- lables variously disposed so as to form thirty varieties. 4. A field of Jambu flowers. E. गम् to go, Unadi affix अति, जग substituted for the root, and ङीप् fem. affix, or गम् as before, and शतृ aff.
- जगतीधर :: m. (-रः) A mountain. E. जगती, and धर what holds.
- जगतीपति :: m. (-तिः) A kind, a prince. E. जगती, and पति lord.
- जगतीपाल :: m. (-लः) A king. E. जगती, and पाल who protects.
- जगतीरुह :: m. (-हः) A tree. E. जगती, and रुह what grows.
- जगत्कर्तृ :: m. (-र्ता) A name of BRAMHA. E. जगत्, and कर्तृ a maker, the creator of the world.
- जगत्कृत्स्न :: n. (-स्नं) The universe. E. जगत्, and कृत्स्न whole.
- जगत्क्षय :: m. (-यः) The destruction of the world. E. जगत्, and क्षय loss.
- जगत्त्रय :: n. (-यं) The three worlds, or heaven, earth, and hell. E. जगत्, and त्रय three.
- जगत्पति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A king. 2. A deity. E. जगत्, and पति master.
- जगत्प्राण :: m. (-णः) Air, wind. E. जगत् the universe, and प्राण breath or being.
- जगत्समग्र :: n. (-ग्रं) The universe. E. जगत्, and समग्र whole.
- जगत्सर्व :: n. (-र्वं) The whole world. E. जगत्, and सर्व whole.
- जगत्साक्षिन् :: m. (-क्षी) The sun. E. जगत् the universe, and साक्षिन् witness, spectator.
- जगत्स्रष्टृ :: m. (-ष्टा) The creator of the world, BRAMHA. E. जगत्, and स्रष्टृ creator.
- जगदन्त :: m. (-न्तः) The end of the world. E. जगत्, and अन्त end.
- जगदम्बा :: f. (-म्बा) A name of DURGA. E. जगत्, and अम्बा mother.
- जगदात्मक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Identical with the world. E. जगत्, and आत्मक same.
- जगदात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) The supreme spirit. E. जगत्, and आत्मन् the soul.
- जगदाधार :: m. (-रः) 1. Air, wind. 2. A stay or supporter of the universe. E. जगत् the world, and आधार support.
- जगदीश :: m. (-शः) An epithet of VISHNU. E. जगत् the universe, and ईश lord.
- जगदेकपावन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -न) Purifying or sanctifying the world E. जगत्- एक chief, and पावन purifying.
- जगद्गौरी :: f. (-री) A name of MANASADEVI, the deified wife of the sage JARATKARU, and sister of VASUKI. E. जगत् the world, and गरी the goddess GAURI; a terrestrial GAURI; her rela- tionship to the snake breed is supposed to give her an influence over them, which is implored frequently by the Hindus.
- जगद्धातिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) Destroying the world, destructive, hostile to mankind. E. जगत, and घातिन् who destroys.
- जगद्धात्री :: f. (-त्री) A name of DURGA. E. जगत्, and धात्री a nurse.
- जगद्बल :: m. (-लः) Air, wind. E. जगत् the universe, and बल surrounding.
- जगद्योनि :: m. (-निः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. A name of VISHNU. f. (-निः) The earth. E. जगत् the universe, and योनि womb, or place of pro- duction.
- जगद्वहा :: f. (-हा) The earth. E. जगत् the universe, and वह what bears.
- जगद्विनाश :: m. (-शः) The expiration of a Yuga or period of the world's existence. E. जगत् the world, and विनाश destruction.
- जगनु :: m. (-नुः) 1. Fire or its deity. 2. An animal or insect. E. गम् to go, deriv. irr. जगता नम्यते नम-वा कर्मणि डुवा ।
- जगन्नाथ :: m. (-थः) A form of VISHNU. E. जगत् the universe, and नाथ lord; a peculiar and celebrated idol of this name is worshipped on the Coromandal coast, in Orissa, and pilgrimages are made to the shrine of JAGANNATHA from all parts of India.
- जगन्नाथक्षेत्र :: n. (-त्रं) The shrine of JAGANNATHA and surrounding dis- trict. E. जगन्नाथ, and क्षेत्र holy place.
- जगन्निवास :: m. (-सः) 1. Worldly existence. 2. A deity, as VISHNU, in whom the world exists. E. जगत्, and निवास abode.
- जगन्नु :: m. (-न्नुः) 1. Fire. 2. An animal. E. जगत्, and नु to send, डु affix; also जगनु .
- जगन्मातृ :: f. (-ता) A name of DURGA. E. जगत्, and मातृ mother.
- जगन्वस् :: mfn. (-वान् -न्वुषी -न्वत्) Who or what goes. E. गम् to go, वसु affix, root repeated.
- जगर :: m. (-रः) Armour, mail. E. जागृ to awaken, अच् affix, deriv. irr.; also जागर । जागर्त्ति युद्धे अनेन जागृ-अच् । कवचे ।
- जगल :: m. (-लः) 1. Vinous liquor for distilling. 2. Armour: see the pre- ceding. E. गल् to ooze, अच् affix, and the root reduplicated; other- wise ल interchanged with रः see जगर .
- जग्ध :: mfn. (-ग्धः -ग्धा -ग्धं) Eaten. n. (-ग्धं) Food. E. अद् to eat, affix कर्मणि भावे वा क्त, and जग्ध substituted for the regular form.
- जग्धि :: f. (-ग्धिः) 1. Eating. 2. Eating together or in company. 3. Food, victuals. E. अद् to eat, क्तिन् affix, and जग्धि substituted.
- जग्मि :: f. (-ग्मिः) Air, wind. E. गम् to go, किन् द्बित्वम् affix, root reiterated, and form irr.
- जग्मिवस् :: mfn. (-वान् -ग्मुषी -वत्) Who or what goes. E. गम् to go, वसु affix, इट् inserted.
- जघन :: n. (-नं) 1. Mons veneris. 2. The hip and loins. E. हन् to kill or hurt, जघन substituted for the radical, and अच् Unadi aff. वक्र हन्ति हन-यङ् अच् पृषो० ।
- जघनकूपक :: m. du. (-कौ) The hollows of the loins of a handsome woman. E. जघन the loins, and कूपक a well or pit. जघनस्य कूपः इव कायति कै-क ।
- जघनचपला :: f. (-ला) 1. A woman active as in dancing. 2. A species of the Aryaya metre.
- जघनेफला :: f. (-ला) Opposite leaved fig tree, (Ficus oppositi-folia, Rox.) E. जघन the haunch, &c. here put for the stem, and फल fruit; growing round the stem.
- जघन्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) 1. Last, hindmost. 2. Low, vile, base. 3. Worst, vilest, lowest. n. (-न्यं) The penis. m. (-न्यः) A Sudra or man of the fourth tribe. E. जघन tke loins, &c. and यत् aff.
- जघन्यगुणवृत्तिस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Vile, addicted to low pursuits. E. जघन्य vile, गुण quality, वृत्ति practice, and स्थ standing.
- जघन्यज :: m. (-जः) 1. A Sudra. 2. A younger brother or younger born. E. जघन्य last, and ज born. जघन्ये चरमे जायते जन-ड ।
- जघन्वस् :: mfn. (-न्वान् -नुषी -न्वत्) Who or what kills. E. हन् to kill वसु affix, root repeated.
- जघ्नि :: m. (-घ्निः) A sharp or offensive weapon. E. हन् to kill, affix किन्, द्वित्वञ्च, form irr.
- जघ्नु :: mfn. (-घ्नुः -घ्नुः -घ्नु) Striking, beating, injuring, one who does so. E. हन् to hurt or kill, कु द्वित्वञ्च affix, and the radical reiterated.
- जघ्मिवस् :: mfn. (-वान् -घ्मुषी -वत्) Killing, who or what kills. E. हन to kill, वसु affix, root repeated, इट् inserted.
- जङ्गपूग :: n. (-गं) Wickedness, sin.
- जङ्गम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Locomotive, moveable, that which has motion as opposed to that which is stationary. E. गम् to go affix यङ्-अच् the radical reduplicated.
- जङ्गमकुटी :: f. (-टी) A parasol, a Chhattah or umbrella. E. जङ्गम moveable, and कुटी a house. जङ्गमा कुटी इव । छत्रे ।
- जङ्गल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Desert, solitary, waste, jungle, wild, &c. n. (-लं) Flesh. E. जङ्ग for जङ्गम moveable, and ल what brings, or takes, i. e. appertaining to moveable beings, as beasts birds, &c. गल-यङ्-अच् पृषोदरादित्वात् ।
- जङ्गाल :: m. (-लः) A land mark, a limit, a boundary, a ridge of earth run- ning along the edge of a field for collecting water and forming a passage over it. E. जङ्ग locomotion, and ल what makes, आङ् pre- fixed, with the sense of limitation. गम-यङ् लुक् वा ड । जङ्गं कुटिलगतिं अलति वारयति अल् अण् ।
- जङ्गुल :: n. (-लं) Poison, venom. E. जङ्गु locomotive, (an animal), and ल what destroys, from लु to cut, affix ड । गम यङ् लुक् वा डुल । विषे ।
- जङ्घा :: f. (-ङ्घा) The leg. E. जन् to be born, जङ्घ substituted for the radical, and अच् aff. जङ्घन्यते कुटिलं गच्छति गत्यर्थकस्य हन्तेः कौटिल्ये यङ्लुकि अच् पृषो० ।
- जङ्घाकारिक :: m. (-कः) A courier, a runner, an express. E. जङ्घा a leg, and कर a toll, affix ठन्; who levies a toll by his legs.
- जङ्घात्राण :: n. (-णं) Cuisses or greaves. E. जङ्घा the leg, and त्राण what pre- serves. त्रायते अनेन त्रै करणे ल्युट् । जङ्घासन्नाहे ।
- जङ्घाल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Quick, rapid, going quickly. m. (-लः) 1. A courier. 2. A deer, an antelope. E. जङ्घा the leg, and अल able, stout, or जङ्घा वेगवती अस्ति अस्य लच् । धावके ।
- जज :: r. 1st cl. (जजति) also (इ) जजि (जंजति) To fight. भ्वा० पर० अक-सेट् ।
- जज :: m. (-जः) A warrior. E. जज् to fight, and अच् aff.
- जजौजस् :: n. (-जः) Prowess, valour. E. जज, and ओजस् power.
- जञ्जपूक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Muttering repeatedly. 2. Muttering evil prayers or charms. m. (-कः) An ascetic, a devotee, one who does so. E. जप् to mutter, reiterative form ऊक aff. जप-यङ् ऊक । अतिशयजपशीले
- जट :: r. 1st cl. (जटति) To clot, to be entangled, as hair. भ्वा-प-अक सेट् ।
- जटा :: f. (-टा) 1. The hair matted as worn by the god SIVA, and by ascetics; the long hairs occasionally clotted together, and brought over the head so as to project like a horn from the forehead, at other times allowed to fall carelessly over the back and shoulders. 2. The root of a tree, a fibrous root. 3. Spikenard: see जटामांसी . 4. A plant, (Asparagus racemosa.) 5. Cowach. 6. Hedysarum, vari- ous species. E. जट् to entangle, अच् affix; or जन् to be produced, टन् Unadi affix, and the radical final rejected.
- जटाजूट :: m. (-टः) 1. A quantity of clotted hair. 2. SIVA'S hair. E. जटा, and जूट the same. जटानां जूटः बन्धः ।
- जटाज्वाल :: m. (-लः) A lamp. E. जटा entangled hair, and ज्वाला flame. जटा इव ज्वाला अस्य । प्रदीपे ।
- जटाटङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) SIVA. E. जटा as above, टकि to bind, affix अच्, जटा टङ्कः इव अस्य । महादेवे ।
- जटाटीर :: m. (-रः) SIVA. E. जटा as above, अट् to go, and ईरन् affix; some copies read जटाचीर । जटाम् अटति ।
- जटाधर :: m. (-रः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. A Jina or Jaina deified saint. 3. Any mendicant wearing the braid of hair. E. जटा entangled hair, and धर possessor; also with धारिन्, जटाधारिन् (-री)
- जटामांसी :: f. (-सी) Indian spikenard, (Valeriana jatamansi.) E. जटा entan- gled hair or root, and मांसी the same plant. जटां मन्यते ।
- जटायु :: m. (-युः) 1. A fabulous bird, the son of ARUNA, killed by RAVANA. 2. Bdellium. E. जटा accumulation, आयु or आयुस् life; long-lived; hence also जटायुस् m. (-युः) जटां याति या-कु-जटा-ऊर्णा युच् वा, जट संहतौ अच्, जटं संहतम् आयुः अस्य वा ।
- जटाल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Wearing clotted hair. m. (-लः) The Indian fig tree. 2. Zedoary. 3. Bdellium. f. (-ला) Spikenard: see जटामांसी . E. जाट as above, and लच् affix of possession.
- जटावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Having clotted hair. f. (-ती) Spikenard, (Valeriana jatamansi.) E. जटा, and मतुप् aff.
- जटि :: f. (-टिः) 1. Waved-leaf fig tree, (F. venosa:) see जटिन् . 2. Assem- blage, multitude. 3. Clotted hair: see जटा . E. जट् to collect, affix इन् .
- जटिन् :: mfn. (-टी -टिनी -टि) Having clotted hair, m. (-टी) Waved-leaf fig tree: see जटि . E. जटा as above, and इनि aff.
- जटिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Having any clotted or entangled hair. m. (-लः) A lion. f. (-ला) 1. Indian spikenard. 2. Long pepper. 3. Orris. E. जटा, and अस्त्यर्थे इलच् aff.
- जटी :: f. (-टी) Waved-leaf fig tree: see जटि . E. जट् to entangle, इ Unadi affix, and ङीष् added.
- जटुल :: m. (-लः) A freckle, a mark. E. जट् to accumulate, उलच् affix; also जडुल .
- जठर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Hard, firm. 2. Bound, tied. mn. (-रः-रं) The bel- ly. E. जम् to eat, अर् Unadi affix, and ठच् substituted for the radi- cal final.
- जठरज्वाला :: f. (-ला) Belly-ache, colic, enteritis. E. जठर, and ज्वाला burning.
- जठरनुद् :: m. (-नुत्) Cassia fistula. E. जठर the belly, and नुद् a laxative.
- जन :: m. (-नः) 1. Man, individually or collectively, a man, mankind. 2. The universe. 3. A division of the universe or Loka, the resi- dence of deified mortals: see जनलोक . 3. A low man, a wretch. f. (-नी) A mother, &c. see जनि . f. (-ना) Birth, production. E. जन् to be born, affix अच् .
- जनक :: m. (-कः) A father, a progenitor. 2. The name of a king, sover- eign of Mithila, and father of Sita. E. जन to be born, and णिच् ण्वुल aff.
- जनकता :: f. (-ता) The property of generation, productiveness, paternity. E. जनक, and तल् affix; also with त्व, जनकत्वम् .
- जनकात्मजा :: f. (-जा) A name of SITA the wife of RAMA. E. जनक as above, and आत्मजा daughter; also similar compounds, as जनकतनया, जन- कसुता, &c.
- जनङ्गम :: m. (-मः) A Chandala, a man of low or degraded tribe. E. जन a mean man, and गम् to go, खच् युम् च aff. जनेभ्यो गच्छति वहिः ।
- जनता :: f, (-ता) 1. Mankind, a number of men. 2. Manhood. 3. Genera- tion, birth. E. जन a man, and तल् affix; also with त्व, जनत्वम् ।
- जनत्रा :: f. (-त्रा) An umbrella or parasol. E. जन the person, and त्रा saving; from sun and rain.
- जनन :: n. (-नं) 1. Birth, production. 2. Family, race, lineage. f. (-नी) 1. A mother. 2. Tenderness, compassion. 3. A plant, commonly Chak- wat; also जननि and जनी . 4. A bat. 5. Arabian jasmin. 6. Vale- rian. mf. (-नः-नी) A parent, a progenitor. E. जन् to bear or be born, affix भावे ल्युट्, and ङीष् .
- जननि :: f. (-निः) 1. A fragrant plant: see the preceding. 2. Birth, pro- duction. E. जन् to be born, affix अनि .
- जनपद :: m. (-दः) 1. Any inhabited country. 2. Man, mankind E. जन man, and पद going. जनाः पद्यन्ते गच्छन्ति यत्र । पद आधारे घ ।
- जनप्रवाद :: m. (-दः) Rumour, report. E. जन man, and प्रवाद speech, from वद् to speak, with प्र prefixed, and घञ् aff.
- जनप्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Agreeable to mankind. 2. Philanthropic. m.
(-यः) 1. Coriander seed. 2. A tree, (Morunga hyperanthera.) E. जन, and प्रिय fond of. शोभाञ्जनबृक्षे, धन्याके, लोक प्रियमात्रे च ।
- जनमेजय :: m. (-यः) 1. The name of a king, son and successor to PARIK- SHIT. 2. A son of PURU. E. जन in the second case, the world, एजृ to shine, affix णिच् and खश् .
- जनयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Begetting, engendering, producing. E. जन to be born, causal form, शतृ aff.
- जनयितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Generating, begetting, producing, who or what does so. m. (-ता) A father, a progenitor. f. (-त्री) A mother. E. जन् in the causal form, to give birth, to engender, affix णिच् and तृच् .
- जनरव :: m. (-वः) 1. Rumour, report. 2. Calumny, scandal. E. जन, and रव sound.
- जनलोक :: m. (-कः) One of the seven Lokas or divisions of the world, the fifth, next above MAHARLOKA, where the sons of BRAMHA, and other pious men, reside. E. जन man and लोक a world.
- जनवल्लभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Kind to or fond of mankind. E. जन, and वल्लभ a friend.
- जनवाद :: m. (-दः) News, rumour, report. E. जन man, and वाद speech: see जनप्रवाद .
- जनश्रुति :: f. (-तिः) News, tidings, intelligence. E. जन mankind, and श्रुति that which is heard. जनेभ्यः श्रूयते श्रु-क्तिन् ।
- जनस्थान :: n. (-नं) The forest Dandaka, (in the Deccan) the eastern part. of it. E. जन a world, and स्थान् a place; the resort of a world of demons.
- जनाचार :: m. (-रः) Propriety, decorum, good conduct. E. जन mankind, and आचार moral observance.
- जगातिग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Superior, superhuman. E. जन, and अतिग going beyond.
- जनाधिनाथ :: m. (-थः) 1. VISHNU. 2. A king. E. जन, and अधिनाथ supreme lord.
- जनाव् :: m. (-नौः) A preserver or protector of mankind. E. जन, and अव् to preserve, क्विन् affix.
- जनान्त :: m. (-न्तः) A district, an inhabited country. E. जन man, and अन्त boundary.
- जनान्तिक :: n. (-कं) Secret communication, whispering, speaking aside, &c. E. जन man, and अन्तिक near. त्रिपताककरेणान्यानपवार्य्यान्तरा क्वथा । अन्योन्या- मन्त्रणं यत् स्यात् जनान्ते तत् जनान्तिकम् ।
- जनार्दन :: m. (-नः) A name of VISHNU. E. जन mankind, and अर्दन worship- ing; whom men worship. जनैः अर्द्यते याच्यते पुरुषार्थलाभाय अर्द याचने कर्मणि ल्युट् । जनं जननम् अर्दति हिनस्ति ताडयति जनान् समुद्रवासिनः असुरभे- दान् अर्दयति वा कर्त्तरि ल्युट् ।
- जनाशन :: m. (-नः) A wolf. E. जन, and अशन food. जनान् अश्नाति अश भोजने ल्यु ।
- जनाश्रय :: m. (-यः) A temporary hall. E. जन man, and आश्रय an asylum. जनानां लोकानाम् आश्रयः । मण्डपे ।
- जनि :: f. (-निः-नी) 1. A woman in general. 2. A mother. 3. Birth, pro- duction. 4. The wife of a son, or brother's son, &c. 5. A fragrant plant: see जतूका . E. जन् to be born or to bear, Unadi affix भावे इन्, and optionally वा ङीप् added.
- जनिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Producing. f. (-का) A woman, a wife, a mother.
- जनित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Engendered, begotten. 2. Occasioned, occur- ring, produced. E. जन् to be born, causal form, णिच् क्त aff.
- जनितस्वन :: m. (-नः) Sounding, making a noise. E. जनित, स्वन sound.
- जनितृ :: m. (-ता) A father. f. (-त्री) A mother. E. जन् to be born, (from whom) अन्तर्भूतण्यर्थे तृच् affix; and इट् inserted. पितरि मातरि च ।
- जनितोद्यम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Vigorous, energetic, making exertion. E. जनित, and उद्यम effort.
- जनित्व :: m. (-त्वः) A father. f. (-त्वा) A mother. E. जन् to be born, (from whom,) and णिच् इत्वन् Unadi aff.
- जनिमन् :: m. (-मा) Birth, engenderment. E. जन् to be born, भावे मनिन् Unadi aff. जन्मनि ।
- जनीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Appropriate, good for, suitable. E. जन, and ख aff.
- जनु :: f. (-नुः) Birth. E. जन् to be born, उ Unadi affix; also with ऊ affix जनू f. (-नूः)
- जनुस् :: n. (-नुः) Birth. E. जन् to be born, Unadi affix उसि .
- जनेष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Desired or prized by mankind. f. (-ष्टा) Turmeric. E. जन, and इष्ट wished.
- जनोदाहरण :: n. (-णं) Fame, glory. E. जन mankind, and उदाहरण pre- eminence. जनैरुदाह्रियते उद् + आ + हृ-कर्मणि ल्युट् ।
- जनौघ :: n. (-घं) A multitude, a mob. E. जन, and ओघ a heap.
- जन्तु :: m. (-न्तुः) Any animal, any being endowed with animal life; it is more usually applied however to beings of the lowest organiza- tion. E. जन् to be born, तुन् Unadi aff.
- जन्तुकम्बु :: m. (-म्बुः) A shell, a snail's shell, &c. E. जन्तु, and कम्बु a shell. जन्तुरूपः कम्बुः । कृमिशङ्खे ।
- जन्तुका :: f. (-का) Lac. E. क added to जन्तु . जन्तुभिः कायति कै क । लाक्षायाम् । नाभिहिङ्गुनि च ।
- जन्तुघ्न :: nf. (-घ्नं-घ्नी) 1. A plant, and vermifuge: see विडङ्गः 2. Asafœtida. m. (-घ्नः) A citron. E. जन्तु an animal, (a worm) and घ्न what destroys. जन्तून् कृमीन् हन्ति हन-क ।
- जन्तुनाशन :: n. (-नं) Asafætida. E. जन्तु, and नाशन destroying. जन्तून् नाशयति नश-णिच्-ल्यु । हिङ्गुनि ।
- जन्तुफल :: m. (-लः) Glomerous fig tree, (Ficus glomerata.) E. जन्तु an ani- mal, and फल a leaf; its leaves swarm with insects. जन्तवः फले अस्य । उडम्बरे ।
- जन्तुला :: f. (-ला) A kind of grass, (Saccharum spontaneum.) E. जन्तु an animal or insect, and ला what gets. जन्तून् कीटान् लाति ला-क ।
- जन्म :: mn. (-न्मः-न्मं) Birth: see जन्मन् . E. जन-वा-मन् । जन्मनि ।
- जन्मकील :: m. (-लः) VISHNU. E. जन्म birth, and कील the stay. जन्मनः कीलः इव रोधकत्वात् । विष्णौ ।
- जन्मद :: m. (-दः) A father. E. जन्म birth, and द who gives.
- जन्मन् :: n. (-न्म) Birth, production. E. जन् to be born, and मनिन् Unadi affix, or with a final vowel जन्म .
- जन्मनक्षत्र :: n. (-त्रं) The planet or constellation under which a person is born, the natal star. E. जन्म, and नक्षत्र asterism.
- जन्मभूमि :: f. (-मिः) Native country, birth place. E. जन्म, and भूमि land.
- जन्मवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Mortal, living. E. जन्म, and मतुप् aff.
- जन्मवर्त्मन् :: n. (-र्त्मः) The vulva. जन्म birth, and वर्त्मन् path or way.
- जन्मवैलक्षण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) Acting contrary to one's origin, unbecoming one's birth, &c. E. जन्म, and वैलक्षण्य inconsistency.
- जन्मशोधन :: n. (-नं) Acquitting the obligations derived from birth. E. जन्म, and शोधन wiping away.
- जन्मसाफल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Attainment of the object or end of existence. E. जन्म, and साफल्य fruitfulness.
- जन्मान्तर :: n. (-रं) 1. The other world. 2. Regeneration, another birth. E. जन्म, and अन्तर difference.
- जन्मान्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Blind from birth. E. जन्म, and अन्ध blind.
- जन्माष्टमी :: f. (-मी) The eighth lunation or dark half of Bhadra, the birth day of KRISHNA. E. जन्म, and अष्टमी eighth.
- जन्मिन् :: m. (-न्मी) An animal, an existent being. E. जन्म birth, and इनि aff. जन्म अस्ति अस्य व्रीह्यादि इनि । प्राणिनि ।
- जन्मेजय :: m. (-यः) The name of a prince: see जनमेजय .
- जन्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) 1. To be born or produced. 2. Fit for or favourable to men. m. (-न्यः) 1. A father. 2. The friend, attendant, or companion of a bridegroom. f. (-न्या) The friend of a mother. 2. The relation or companion of a bride, a bride's maid, &c. 3. Pleasure, happiness. 4. Affection. 5. A mother. n. (-न्यं) 1. War, combat. 2. Rumour, report. 3. A market, a fair. 4. A portent, one occurring at birth. E. जन to be born, &c. affix णिच् कर्त्तरि यत् ।
- जन्यु :: m. (-न्युः) 1. An animal, an existent. and sentient being. 2. A name
of BRAMHA. 3. Fire or Agni. E. जन् to be born, &c. Unadi affix युच् .
- जप :: r. 1st cl. (जपति) 1. To speak, to say or tell. 2. To meditate, to speak internally, to say to one's self. With उप prefixed, to divide. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- जप :: m. (-पः) Muttering prayers, repeating inaudibly passages from the scriptures, charms, names of a deity, counting silently the beads of a rosary, &c. f. (-पा) The China rose, the flower or plant; also जवा . E. जप् to repeat inaudibly, affix कर्त्तरि अच्; the flower is a sacred object.
- जप्त्वा :: ind. Having repeated inaudibly. E. जप्, and क्त्वा affix: see जपित्वा; the omission of इट् is unusual.
- जपन :: n. (-नं) Inaudible repetition of prayers, &c.: see the last. E. जप् as before, affix भावे ल्युट् ।
- जपनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be meditated on, to be repeated inaudibly. E. जप्, and अनीयर् aff.
- जपपरायण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Devoted to religious meditation, engaged in muttering prayers, &c. E. जप् as above, and परायण adhering or attached to.
- जपमाला :: f. (-ला) A rosary. E. जप, and माला a string of beads, &c.
- जपयज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) Muttering prayers as a religious rite, or sacrifice. E. जप, and यज्ञ sacrifice.
- जपित्वा :: ind. Having repeated inaudibly. E. जप्, and क्त्वा affix, इट् inserted.
- जपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Repeated inaudibly. E. जप् to mutter prayers, and क्त aff.
- जप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) To be repeated inaudibly, to be said over repeat- edly, (a prayer, &c.) E. जप्, and कर्मणि यत् aff.
- जभ् :: r. 1st. cl. (जभति-ते) also (इ) जभि r. 1st cl. (जम्भति) 1. To gape or yawn. 2. To copulate. r. 10th cl. (जम्भयति-ते) To destroy, to efface. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् । चु० उभ० सक० इदित् ।
- जम (उ) जमु :: r. 1st cl. (जमति) To eat; also चम । भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- जम :: ind. A wife. It is used in composition: see जम्पती .
- जमदग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) A Muni, the father of PARASURAMA. E. जमन् प्रज्वलितः अग्निः इव ।
- जमन :: n. (-नं) 1. Eating. 2. Food, victuals. E. जम् to eat, affix भावेल्युट् .
- जम्पति :: m. du. (-ती) Husband and wife. E. जं for जाया a wife, and पति a husband: see दम्पती &c. जाया च पतिश्च द्व० जायायाः जम् ।
- जम्बाल :: mn. (-लः-लं) 1. Mud, clay. 2. An aquatic plant, (Vallisneria.) &c. m. (-लः) A fragrant plant, (Pandanus odoratissimus.) E. जल water, बल् to move, affix अण्, and the deriv. irr. or जम्ब-घञ् जम्बम् आलाति आदत्ते आ-ला-क ।
- जम्बालिनी :: f. (-नी) A river. E. जम्बाल mud, इनि and ङीष् affs. नद्याम् ।
- जम्बिर :: m. (-रः) A lime: see the next.
- जम्बीर :: m. (-रः) 1. Common lime, (Citrus acida;) the name seems to be applied to more than one species. 2. A plant, called by some a sort of basil, with small leaves; also जम्भीर, and जम्बिर . E. जम् to eat, ईरन् affix, and वुक् augment.
- जम्बु :: mn. (-म्बुः-म्बु) 1. Jambu Dwipa, said to be so named from the Jambu tree abounding in it, and implying, according to the Puranas the central division of the world, or the known world: according to the Bauddhas, it is confined to India. 2. A fabulous river, said to flow from the mountain Meru. f. (-म्बुः) A fruit tree the rose apple, (Eugenia jambolana;) also applied to every species of Eugenia. fn. (-म्बुः-म्बु) The fruit. E. जम् to eat, वुक् augment, and कु or कू Unadi affix; hence it is also written जम्बू .
- जम्बुक :: m. (-कः) 1. A jackal. 2. The deity of water, VARUNA. 3. A low man. 4. The rose apple. जम् to eat, affix उकच् and वुक् augment, eating flesh, &c. or जम्बु as above, and क added the affix also being ऊकच्, जम्बूक । जम्बः इव कायति कै-क ।
- जम्बुद्वीप :: m. (-पः) One of the divisions of the world. E. द्वीप a continent, added to जम्बु । जम्बुवृक्षयुक्तः द्वीपः । भूमेः सप्तद्वीपान्तर्गते द्वीपभेदे ।
- जम्बुमत् :: m. (-मान्) 1. A monkey. 2. A mountain. f. (-मती) An Apsara or heavenly nymph.
- जम्बू :: f. (-म्बूः) See जम्बु .
- जम्बूक :: m. (-कः) See जम्बुक .
- जम्बूल :: m. (-लः) 1. A fragrant plant, (Pandanus odoratissimus.) 2. The rose apple. n. (-लं) Jokes addressed to the bridegroom by his female relatives and friends. E. जम्बू as above, and ल what gets or is.
- जम्बूलमालिका :: f. (-का) Compliments or jokes addressed to the bride and bridegroom. E. जम्बूल, and मालिका a string.
- जम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. A tooth. 2. The lime. 3. Food, victuals. 4. The chin. 5. A quiver. 6. A part, a portion. 7. The name of a demon. E. जभि to destroy, affix अच् and नुम् । दैत्यभेदे । करणे घञ् दन्ते । कर्मणि घञ् जम्बीरे । भावे घञ् भक्षणे । कर्मणि घञ् अंशे । करणे घञ् तूणे हनौ च ।
- जम्भक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Who or what yawns, opens, expands, &c. 2. Who or what kills or destroys. m. (-कः) A lime or citron. f. (-का) Yawning. E. जभि to yawn, &c. ण्वुल् aff.
- जम्भद्विष् :: m. (-द्विट्) A name of INDRA. E. जम्भ a demon, and द्बिष् a foe; also similar compounds. जम्भम् असुरं द्वेष्टि द्विष-क्विप् । इन्द्रे ।
- जम्भभेदिन् :: m. (-दी) INDRA. E. जम्भ as above, and भेदिन् destroying: see the last. जम्भम् असुरं भिनत्ति भिद-णिनि । इन्द्रे ।
- जम्भर :: m. (-रः) A lime or citron. E. See the next, ल being changed to र । जम्भं भक्षणरुचिं राति ददाति रा-क । जम्बीरे ।
- जम्भल :: m. (-लः) 1. A lime or citron. 2. A Jina or deified Jaina saint. f. (-ला) A female Rakshasi, the worship of whom is supposed to procure for women procreation. E. जभि to destroy, (sickness, sin, &c.) कलच् aff.
- जम्भरि :: m. (-रिः) 1. INDRA'S thunderbolt. 2. Fire or its deity. 3. INDRA. E. जम्भ the demon, and अरि a foe. जम्भस्य भक्ष्यस्य असुरभेदस्य वा अरिः । वह्नौ वज्रे च ।
- जम्भिन् :: m. (-म्भी) A lime or citron. E. जभि to destroy, (disease,) affix णिनि and नुम् । जम्बीरे । जृम्मायुक्ते त्रि० ।
- जम्भीर :: m. (-रः) 1. The lime or citron, apparently of more than one species. 2. A plant, considered to be a kind of basil with small leaves. E. जभि to destroy, (sickness,) ईरन् affix, and नुम् augment; also जम्बीर, &c.
- जय :: m. (-यः) 1. Conquest, victory, triumph. 2. A name of YuDHISH- ṬHIRA. 3. A proper name, the son of INDRA. 4. One of VISHNU'S door keepers. 5. The name of a king; also विजयनन्दन . 6. A kind of Mung or bean, (Phaseolus mungo.) f. (-या) 1. A name of the goddess PARVATI. 2. One of her female companions. 3. The 3rd, 8th, or 13th lunar day of either half month. 4. Yellow myrobalan, (Ter- minalia chebula.) 5. A plant: see जयन्ती . 6. A tree, commonly Ganiyari, (Premna spinosa.) 7. Hemp, (Cannabis sativa.) 8. A banner, a flag. E. जि to conquer or excel, affixes भावे अच् and टाप् .
- जयकोलाहल :: m. (-लः) 1. A kind of dice. 2. Shouts of victory. E. जय vic- tory, कोलाहल a noise. जयस्य कोलाहलः यस्मिन् । पाशकक्रीडाभेदे, जयध्वनौ च ।
- जयगर्व्व :: m. (-र्व्वः) Pride of conquest, exultation. E. जय, and गर्व्व pride.
- जयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Conquering, excelling. E. जि to conquer, शतृ aff.
- जयढक्का :: f. (-क्का) A large kettle drum, beaten as a sign of victory. E. जय, and ढक्का a drum. जयसूचिका ढक्का । वाद्यभेदे ।
- जयदत्त :: m. (-त्तः) The son of INDRA. E. जय victory, दत्त given, to whom victory is given by his enemies.
- जयद्रथ :: m. (-थः) A chief in the army of DURYODHANA.
- जयन :: n. (-नं) 1. Armour for cavalry, elephants, &c. 2. Conquering, sub- duing. f. (-नी) INDRA'S daughter. E. जि to conquer or excel, affixes करणे ल्युट् and ङीष् । हयादिसन्नाहे । भावे ल्युट् जये ।
- जयनयुज् :: mfn. (-युक्) 1. Caparisoned, (as a war horse.) 2. Victorious. E. जयन, and युज् having.
- जयन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. A hero and demigod, the son of INDRA. 2. A name of
SIVA. 3. The moon. 4. A name of BHIMA. f. (-न्ती) 1. A tree, (Æschynomene sesban.) 2. A name of the goddess DURGA. 3. The daughter of INDRA. 4. A flag, a banner, 5. A particular combina- tion in astronomy, or the rising of the asterism ROHINI at midnight, on the 8th of the dark half of Sravan, or in fact on the birth day of KRISHNA, which is then particularly sacred. 6. Blades of barley planted at the commencement of the Dasahara, and plucked at its close. E. जि to conquer or excel, Unadi affix झच् fem. affix ङीष् .
- जयपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) Record of victory or triumph; in law, the sealed and written award of the judge in favour of either party; in historical tradition, the label on the brow of a horse turned loose for the Aswamedha sacrifice. E. जय conquest, and पत्र a leaf; also with कन् added जयपत्रक । जयसूचकं पत्रम् ।
- जयपाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A name of BRAMHA. 2. VISHNU. 3. A king, a sover- eign; (it is also the appellation of several celebrated Hindu princes.) 4. A tree, (Croton tiglium.) E. जय victory, पाल who nourishes.
- जयध्वनि :: m. (-निः) Shout of victory. E. जय, and ध्वनि sound.
- जयपुत्रक :: m. (-कः) A kind of dice.
- जयमङ्गल :: m. (-लः) The royal elephant. E. जय victory, and मङ्गल good fortune.
- जययज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) The Aswamedha or sacrifice of a horse, as a mark of dominion. E. जय, and यज्ञ sacrifice.
- जयवह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) 1. Conferring victory. 2. Victorious. E. जय and वह what bears.
- जयवाहिनी :: f. (-नी) The wife of INDRA. E. जय conquest, and वाहिनी who bears.
- जयशब्द :: m. (-ब्दः) A shout or song of victory, or the exclamation Jaya Jaya repeated like the Io of the Greeks, as जयदेवहरे, &c. E. जय and शब्द sound.
- जयशील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Victorious, triumphant. E. जय and शील possessed.
- जयश्री :: f. (-श्रीः) Victory, glory. E. जय, and श्री splendor.
- जयान्तराय :: m. (-यः) An impediment or hindrance to victory. E. जय and अन्तराय obstacle.
- जयारव :: m. (-वः) The Io or song of victory: see जयशब्द . E. जय and आरव sound.
- जयावह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) 1. Victorious. 2. Conferring victory. E. जय and, आवह what gives.
- जयिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Victorious. E. जय victory, शीलार्थे इनि aff.
- जयोद्धुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Victorious, conquering. E. जय and उद्धुर firm.
- जय्य :: mfn. (-य्यः -य्या -य्यं) Able to conquer, victorious. E. जि to subdue, affix यत्, deriv. irr. जेतुं शक्यः ।
- जय्यता :: f. (-ता) Victory, success, ability to conquer. E. जय्य and तल् affix; with त्व जय्यत्वम् .
- जरठ :: mfn. (-ठः -ठा -ठं) 1. Hard, solid. 2. Herd-hearted, harsh, cruel. 3. Pale, yellowish-white. 4. Old, decayed, infirm. 5. Bent, bowed down, drooping. m. (-ठः) 1. A name of Pandu, father of the five Pandavas. 2. Decrepitude. E. जॄ to become old or decayed, Unadi affix अठ्, and the deriv. irr.
- जरण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Old, infirm, decayed. m. (-णः) 1. Cuminseed. 2. A plant yielding a pungent seed, (Nigella Indica.) 3. A sort of salt, (Bit-laban.) 4. Old age, becoming old and infirm. n. (-णं) Asafœtida. E. जॄ to become old, affix ल्यु ।
- जरण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डा -ण्डं) Old, decayed. E. जॄ to be old, अण्डच् Unadi aff.
- जरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रती -रत्) 1. Old, ancient, advanced in years. 2. Infirm, decayed. m. (-रन्) An old man. f. (-ती) An old woman. E. जॄ to be or become old, participial affix शतृ .
- जरत्कारु :: m. (-रुः) A celebrated Muni or sage so named. f. (-रुः) The wife of JARATKARU, the snake goddess MANASA. E. जरत् being old, and कारु a maker; a practiser of austerities in old age.
- जरत्कारुप्रिया :: f. (-या) The goddess MANASA, exercising a peculiar power
over serpents, as the sister of VASUKI, the Naga. E. जरत्कारु as above, and प्रिया the beloved.
- जरद्गव :: m. (-वः) An old ox. f. (-वी) An old cow. E. जरत् old, गो a cow, affix टच् fem. affix ङीष् .
- जरन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. A buffalo. 2. An old man. E. जॄ to be or become old, Unadi affix झच् .
- जरसान :: m. (-नः) A man. E. जॄ to grow old, असानच् Unadi aff.
- जरा :: f. (-रा) 1. Decrepitude, the general relaxation and debility conse- quent upon old age, or old age itself. 2. A tree, (Mimusops kauki, Rox.) 3. A female demon or Rakshasi. E. जॄ to grow old, affixes अङ् and टाप् .
- जरातुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Infirm, decrepid, debilitated, old. E. जरा infirmi- ty and आतुर diseased, affected.
- जरापरिणत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Stooping, bent down with age or infirmity. E. जरा, and परिणत bent.
- जरापुष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) A proper name: see जरासन्ध . E. जर a female Rakshasi, and पुष्ट fostered; assisted at his birth by a demon.
- जराभीरु :: m. (-रुः) Love or the deity KAMA. E. जरा decrepitude, and भीरु formidable.
- जरायणि :: m. (-णिः) The sovereign JARĀSANDHA. E. जरा the Rakshasi, फिञ् affix of descent.
- जरायु :: m. (-युः) The womb, the uterus. E. जरा infirmity, इण् to obtain, Unadi affix ञुण्, also with a final स, जरायुस् m. (-युः .)
- जरायुज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Viviparous, born from the womb, as man and other animals. E. जरायु the womb, ज born. जरायौ जायते जन-ड ।
- जरासन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) A proper name, a celebrated king and warrior, sover- eign of Magadha, father-in-law to KANSA, and foe to KRISHNA; he was slain in single combat by BHIMA. E. जरा a female demon, and सन्ध connection, union; he was born in two halves, which were put together by the Rakshasi JARA.
- जरासन्धजित् :: m. (-जित्) BHIMASENA, the third of the Pandu princes. E. जरासन्ध and जित् conqueror: see the last.
- जरिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Old, ancient. 2. Infirm. decayed. m. (-री) An old man. E. जॄ to become old, इनि aff. जरा अस्ति अस्य ।
- जरूथ :: n. (-थं) 1. Flesh. 2. Skinniness, flesh flaccid with old age. E. जॄ to become old, ऊथन् Unadi aff. मांसे, जरणीये च ।
- जर्च :: r. 6th cl. (जर्चति) 1. To say, to speak. 2. To reprove, to abuse or blame. 3. To threaten. तुदा० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- जर्च्छ :: r. 6th cl. (जर्च्छति) To say, to blame: see जर्च । तुदा० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- जर्ज :: r. 1st and 6th cls. (जर्जति) 1. To say. To blame, to reprove. 3. To kill or hurt. उक्तौ भर्त्सने च तुदा० पर० सक-सेट् । पक्षे भ्वा० ।
- जर्जर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Old. infirm. 2. Split, broken. 3. Wounded, hurt. 4. Divided in parts or pieces. 5. Perforated. m. (-रः) 1. INDRA'S banner or emblem. 2. Benzoin. 3. An aquatic plant, (Utricularia fasciculata.) E. जर्ज् to hurt, and अर affix; or जॄ to grow old, affix अच् the radical repeated, and the deriv. irr.
- जर्जरीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Ragged, perforated, full of holes. 2. Old, decayed. E. See the last, ईकन् aff.
- जर्जरीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Wounded, disabled. E. जर्जर, and कृत made, च्वि inserted.
- जर्झ :: r. 6th cl. (जर्झति) 1. To say or speak, 2. To blame. 3. To threaten. तुदा० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- जर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Old, decayed m. (-र्णः) 1. The moon. 2. A tree. E. जॄ to grow old, नन् Unadi affix, deriv. irr. जीर्णे, चन्द्रे, वृक्षे च ।
- जर्त्तिल :: m. (-लः) Sesamum growing wild. E. जन् to be produced, and तिल sesamum, deriv. irr.; also read जर्हिल or जॄ-विच् नित्यस० ।
- जर्त्तु :: m. (-र्त्तुः) 1. The vulva. 2. An elephant. E. जन् to be born, तु Unadi affix, and र inserted.
- जर्हिल :: m. (-लः) Wild sesamum: see जर्त्तिल .
- जर्त्स :: r. 1st cl. (जर्त्सति) 1. To say or speak. 2. To blame, to censure, to abuse. भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- जल :: r. 1st cl. (जलति) 1. To be sharp. 2. To be wealthy. r. 1st and 10th cls. (जलति जालयति-ते) To cover, to hide or veil; to cover also as with a net, to encompass. भ्वा० अक० पर० सेट् । आच्छादने चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- जल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Cold stupid, apathetic, idiotic, &c. n. (-लं) 1. Water. 2. A kind of perfume: see ह्रीवेर . 3. The uterus of a cow. 4. Frigidity, (moral, mental, or physical.) 5. The constellation called Purvashada. E. जल् to hide, to encompass, &c. affix अच्; also ल being changed to its congener ड, जड q. v.
- जलक :: n. (-कं) A conch, a shell.
- जलकण्टक :: m. (-कः) 1. An aquatic plant, (Trapa bispinosa.) 2. A croco- dile. E. जल water, and कण्टक a thron. जले कण्टक इव । शृङ्गाटके कुम्भीरे च ।
- जलकपि :: m. (-पिः) The gangetic porpoise. E. जल, and कपि an ape, the water-ape. जले कपिरिव । शिशुमारे । (शोषक) ।
- जलकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Making or shedding water. m. (-रः) Rent or tax derived from water, for fisheries, &c. E. जल, and कर tax or what makes.
- जलकरङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) 1. A cocoanut. 2. A shell or conch. 3. A lotus. 4. A cloud. 5. A wave. E. जल water, and करङ्क a cup or receptacle. जलस्य करङ्कः इव आधारः । नारिकेले मेघे पद्मे च ।
- जलकल्क :: m. (-ल्कः) Mud, mire. E. जल water, and कल्क sediment. जले कल्क इव । जम्बाले ।
- जलकाक :: m. (-कः) The diver. E. जल, and काक a crow; the water-crow. जले काकः इव कृष्णत्वात् । (पान्कौडि) .
- जलकाङ्क्ष :: m. (-ङ्क्षः) An elephant. E. जल water, and काङ्क्ष desirous, from कांक्षि with अण् affix; also with इनि affix, ut inf. जलं काङ्क्षति काङ्क्ष-अण् उपमित समासः । हस्तिनि जलाभिलाषिणि च ।
- जलकाङ्क्षिन :: mfn. (-ङ्क्षी -ङ्क्षिणी -ङ्क्षि) Desirous of water, fond of water. m. (-ङ्क्षी) An elephant. E. जल, and काङ्क्षिन् wishing: see the last. जलं काङ्क्षति काङ्क्ष-णिनि ।
- जलकान्तार :: m. (-रः) A name of VARUNA. E. जलकान्त the water-gem, the ocean, and अर who goes or rules. जलम् एव कान्तारो दुर्गमवर्त्म यस्य । वरुणे ।
- जलकिराट :: m. (-टः) A shark, or according to some, a large alligator. E. जल water, किर a hog, and अट who goes. जले किराट इव ग्राहे (हाङ्गोर) ।
- जलकुक्कुटी :: f. (-टी) The black-headed gull: see गङ्गाचिल्ली . E. जल water, and कुक्कुटी a fowl. जले कुक्कुटी इव । (गां चिल्) ।
- जलकुक्कुभ :: m. (-भः) A sort of aquatic bird. E. जल water, and कुक्कुभ a wild fowl. जले कुक्कुभ इव (कोडा पाखि) ।
- जलकुन्तल :: m. (-लः) An aquatic plant, (Vallisneria.) E. जल water, and कुन्तल hair. जलस्य कुन्तल इव । शैवाले ।
- जलकुब्जक :: m. (-कः) An aquatic plant, (Trapa bispinosa.) E. जल, कुब्ज to be crooked, affix क्वुन् । जले कुब्जः इव कायति कै-क ।
- जलकूपी :: f. (-पी) 1. A whirlpool. 2. A pond, a pool. 3. A spring, a well. E. जल water, कूप a well, ङीष् affix of diminution.
- जलकूर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) The gangetic porpoise. E. जल, and कूर्म्म a tortoise, a water-tortoise. जले कूर्म इव । शिशुमारे ।
- जलक्रिया :: f. (-या) A funeral ceremony, presenting water to the manes of the deceased. E. जल, and क्रिया ceremony.
- जलकेश :: m. (-शः) 1. A plant, (Vallisneria.) E. जल, and केश hair; spread- ing over the water like dishevelled hair. शैवाले ।
- जलक्रीडा :: f. (-डा) Sporting or gamboling in water, bathing for pleasure or amusement. Splashing one another with water. E. जल, and क्रीडा pastime, play.
- जलगुल्म :: m. (-ल्मः) 1. A whirlpool. 2. A turtle, a tortoise. 2. A piece of water. 3. A quadrangular tank, a lake. E. जल water, and गुल्म a lump like the spleen, or a cluster. जलस्य गल्मः इव । जलावर्त्ते (घुर्णो) कमठे जलचत्वरे च ।
- जलङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) Aquatic, frequenting or going to water. m. (-ङ्गः) The colocynth. E. जल and ग what goes. जलं गच्छति गम-ड नि-मुम् ।
- जलङ्गम :: m. (-मः) A Chandala, an outcaste. E. जल water, and गम who
goes; who goes to fish for his subsistence; also जनङ्गम q. v. E. जलं गमयति स्पर्शात् गामि वा-ख । चण्डाले ।
- जलचर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Aquatic, amphibious, going in or into water. E. जल and, and चर what goes. जले चरति चर-ठक् ।
- जलचारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Aquatic, living in or frequenting water. m. (-री) A fish. E. जल water, and चर् to go, affix णिनि . जले चरति चर णिनि ७ तत् स० ।
- जलज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Water-born, aquatic. m. (-जः) 1. A fish. 2. Any aquatic animal. n. (-जं) 1. A lotus. 2. A shell. f. (-जा) A plant; said to be a sort of bassia growing in or near water. E. जल, and ज produced. जले जायते जल-ड ।
- जलजन्तु :: m. (-न्तुः) A fish, or any marine, aquatic, or amphibious animal. E. जल water, and जन्तु animal.
- जलजन्तुका :: f. (-का) A leech. E. कन्, and टाप् added to the preceding.
- जलजन्मन् :: n. (-न्म) A lotus. E. जल, and जन्मन् birth. जले जन्म यस्य ।
- जलजिह्व :: m. (-ह्वः) A crocodile. E. जल cold, and जिह्व a tongue. जला जडा स्वादे असमर्था जिह्वा अस्य ।
- जलडिम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) A bivalve shell. E. जल, and डिम्ब a young animal. जले डिम्ब इव । शम्बूके ।
- जलतरङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A wave. 2. A metal cup with water, so as to produce a harmonic note like a musical glass. E. जल, and तरङ्ग a wave.
- जलतापिक :: m. (-कः) 1. The Hilsa or sable fish, (Clupanodon ilisha, HAM.) 2. Another kind of fish, commonly Caouchhi, (Cyprinus cachius HAM.) E. जल water, तप to inflame, ठक् affix; also with णिनि affix जलतापिन् m. (-पी) The Hilsa.
- जलताल :: m. (-लः) The Ilisa or Hilsa fish: see the last. E. जल water, तल् to abide, affix अच् । जलतायै अलति पर्य्याप्नेति अल-अच् ।
- जलत्रा :: f. (-त्रा) An umbrella. E. जल rain, त्रा defending, from त्रै, with ड and टाप् affs. or जलात् त्रायते त्रै-क । छचे, जङ्गमकुठ्याञ्च ।
- जलद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Giving or shedding water. m. (-दः) 1. A cloud. 2. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) E. जल water, and द what gives. जलं ददाति दा-क ।
- जलदपङ्क्ति :: f. (-ङ्क्ति) A line or succession of clouds. E. जलद, and पङ्क्ति a line.
- जलदसंहति :: f. (-तिः) Cloudiness, gathering of clouds. E. जलद, and संहति assemblage.
- जलदागम :: m. (-मः) The rainy season. E. जलद, and आगम arrival.
- जलदान :: n. (-नं) Giving water. E. जल, and दान giving.
- जलदाभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Dark, black. E. जलद a cloud, and आभ what resembles.
- जलदाशन :: m. (-नः) The Saltree, (Shorea robusta.) E. जलद a cloud, and अशन imbibing, from अश् to eat, affix ल्युट् .
- जलधर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Holding or having water. m. (-रः) 1. A cloud. 2. The ocean. 3. A grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) E. जल water, and धर . containing, possessing, form धृ with अच् aff. जलं धरति ।
- जलधरमाला :: f. (-ला) 1. A row of clouds. 2. A species of the Jagati metre. E. जलधर, and माला a garland.
- जलधि :: m. (-धिः) 1. The ocean. 2. A large number, (a hundred lacs of crores.) 3. The number “four”. E. जल water, धा to have. and आधारे कि aff. जलं धीयते अत्र ।
- जलधिगा :: f. (-गा) A river. E. जलधि the sea, गा going. जलधिं समुद्रं गच्छति गम-ड ।
- जलधिजा :: f. (-जा) A name of the goddess LAKSHMI. E. जलधि and जा produced, the ocean-born; appearing at the churning of the ocean, amongst the fourteen precious things recovered from it. जलधौ जायते जन-ड-टाप् .
- जलनकुल :: m. (-लः) An otter. E. जल, and नकुल an ichneumon; the water- ichneumon. जले नकुल इव । (उद्विडाल) ।
- जलनिधि :: m. (-धिः) The ocean. E. जल water and निधि a nest. निधीयते अस्मिन् नि-धा-आधारे कि उप स० ।
- जलनिर्गम :: m. (-मः) A drain, a water-couse, a pipe along a wall or build- ing for carrying off water, a waterfall, the descent of a spring, &c. into a river below. E. जल water, निर्गम transit or passage. जलानां निर्गमः ।
- जलनिवह :: m. (-हः) A quantity of water. E. जल and निवह a quantity.
- जलनीली :: f. (-ली) Vallisneria. Moss. E. जल and नीली a blue dye or indigo; imparting its own tinge to the stream. जलं नीलयति नील + तत्करोति णिच् अण् उप स गौरा ङीष् ।
- जलन्धर :: m. (-रः) An Asura sprung from SIVA, and adopted by the ocean. E. जल, and धर who has. जलं धरति वा ख मुम् .
- जलपटल :: n. (-लं) 1. A quantity of water. 2. A cloud. E. जल, and पटल a quantity.
- जलपति :: m. (-तिः) 1. VARUNA, the deity presiding over the watery ele- ment, the Hindu Neptune. 2. The ocean. E. जल and पति lord or master.
- जलपात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A drinking vessel. E. जल, and पात्र vessel.
- जलपान :: n. (-नं) Drinking water: in Bengal, refreshment, luncheon. E. जल, and पान drinking.
- जलपित्त :: m. (-त्तः) Fire. E. जल, and पित्त bile; being as a dust to water as bile is to the body.
- जलपिप्पली :: f. (-ली) An aquatic plant, (Commelina salicifolia, &c.) See जलभू . E. जल water, and पिप्पली long-pepper.
- जलपृष्ठजा :: f. (-जा) An aquatic plant, (Pistia stratiotes.) E. जल water, पृष्ठ back or surface, and ज produced.
- जलप्राय :: n. (-यं) A country abounding with water. E. जल, and प्राय abund- ance.
- जलप्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Fond of water, frequenting water. m. (-यः) 1. The Chataka, (Cuculus melanoleucos.) 2. A fish. E. जल water, and प्रिय fond of.
- जलप्लव :: m. (-वः) An otter. E. जल water, and प्लव who goes or swims.
- जलप्लावन :: n. (-नं) An inundation, a deluge. E. जल, and प्लावन over- flowing.
- जलबन्धक :: m. (-कः) A dam, a dike, rocks or stones impeding a current. E. जल water, and बन्धक confining.
- जलबन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) A fish. E. जल water, and बन्धु a friend.
- जलबुद्वुद :: n. (-दं) n. A bubble of water. E. जल water, and वुद्बुद a bubble.
- जलब्रह्मी :: f. (-ह्यी) A kind of potherb, (Hilancha repens.) E. जल, and ब्रह्मी an asclepias.
- जलभू :: mfn. (-भूः -भूः -भू) Aquatic, produced in or by water. m. (-भूः) 1. A cloud. 2. An aquatic plant, (Commelina salicifolia or bengalensis:) see कञ्चट E. जल water, and भू being or born. भवति अस्मात् भू अपादाने क्विप् ६ तत् स० ।
- जलमक्षिका :: f. (-का) A water insect. E. जल, and मक्षिका a fly. जलजाता मक्षिका .
- जलमद्गु :: m. (-द्गुः) A kingfisher. E. जल and मद्गु another bird.
- जलमसि :: m. (-सिः) A cloud. E. जल, and मसि ink; composed as it were of ink and water, alluding to its dark colour. जलंस्वस्थितं तोयं मस्यति छिनति सूक्ष्मांशतया भिनत्ति मस इन् ६ तत्-स० ।
- जलमार्ग :: m. (-र्गः) A drain or issue from a pond, &c. E. जल water, and मार्ग a road, a water-course. जलस्य तद्वाहस्य मार्गः ।
- जलमार्जार :: m. (-रः) An otter. E. जल water, and मार्जार a cat.
- जलमुच् :: m. (-मुक्) A cloud. E. जल and मुच् from मुच् to set free, affix क्विप् liberating. जलानि मुञ्चति । मुच क्विप् ।
- जलमूर्त्ति :: m. (-र्त्तिः) SIVA. E. जल and मूर्त्ति form; of whom one form is water; implying his omnipresence. जलं मूर्त्तिः अस्य ।
- जलमूर्त्तिका :: f. (-का) Hail. E. जल and मूर्त्ति form, with कप् added; a form or condition of water. जलस्य मूर्त्तिः घनीभावः यत्र कप् ।
- जलमोद :: n. (-दं) A fragrant grass, (Andropogon muricatum.) E. जल and मोद what delights. जलेन मोदयति सेविनं मुद-णिच् अण् उप-स । उशीरे ।
- जलम्बल :: n. (-लं) 1. A stream. 2. Collyrium.
- जलयन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) A water-work, a machine for raising water, &c., any
contrivance connected with that element. E. जल, and यन्त्र a ma- chine. जलानाम् उत्क्षेपणार्थं यन्त्रम् । (फोयारा) ।
- जलयन्त्रगृह :: n. (-हं) A house or fabric erected in the midst of water, or subterraneous apartments constructed in the bank of a river, for retiring to in the hot season; a summer house, &c. E. जलयन्त्र a water-work, and गृह a house; also similar compounds, as जलयन्त्र- निकेतन, जलयन्त्रमन्दिर, &c.
- जलरङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) A kind of crane, (Ardea nivea.) E. जल, and रङ्क miserly, greedy of water; feeding on small fish chiefly, and therefore haunting swamps, &c. जले रङ्कः इव । वकपक्षिणि ।
- जलरङ्कु :: m. (-ङ्कुः) A gallinule. E. जल, and रङ्कु a sort of deer; the water- deer.
- जलरञ्ज :: m. (-ञ्जः) The Vaka, (Ardea nivea.) E. जल, रञ्जि to be fond of, affix अच् । जले रञ्जति ।
- जलरण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. A whirlpool. 2. A drop or a thin sprinkling of water. 3. A snake. E. जल, and लडि to tremble, to play, &c. affix अच्, and ल becomes र । जलस्य रण्डः इव ।
- जलरस :: n. (-सं) Salt. E. जल water, and रस taste, essence. जलप्रधानः रसः अस्य ।
- जलराशि :: f. (-शिः) A piece of water, a quantity of water. E. जल, and राशि a heap.
- जलरुह् :: m. (-रुट्) A lotus. E. जल water, रुह् to mount, affix क्विप्; also with क affix, जलरुह n. (-हं)
- जलरुप :: m. (-पः) The fish of KAMADEVA. E. जल, and रूप form. जलस्य रूषम् इव रूपम् अस्य शुभ्रत्वात् । मकरे ।
- जललता :: f. (-ता) A wave, a billow. E. जल water, and लता a creeping plant. जलस्य लता इव सन्ततिमत्त्वात् । तरङ्गलेखायाम् ।
- जलवरण्ट :: m. (-ण्टः) A watery pustule, a sort of watery pox, E. जलप्रधानः वरण्टः (पानवसन्त) ।
- जलवल्कल :: n. (-लं) An aquatic plant, (Pistia stratiotes.) E. जल, and वल्कल bark, rind. जलानां वल्कलः इव । कुम्भिकायाम् । (पाना) ।
- जलवायस :: m. (-सः) A bird, the diver. E. जल, and वायस a crow, the water- crow; also जलकाक । जले वायसः इव कृष्णत्वात् (पानिकौडी) ।
- जलबालक :: m. (-कः) The Vindhya mountain. E. जल water, बाड् to dive, and ण्वुल् affix; ड changed to ल; alluding to the many streams that rise in this range.
- जलबालिका :: f. (-का) Lightning. E. जल water, and बालिका offspring, engendered at the rainy season.
- जलवाह :: m. (-हः) 1. A cloud. 2. A water-carrier. E. जल, and वह् to bear, affix अण् । उप० स० । जलं वहति ।
- जलवाहन :: n. (-नं) Flowing of water. f. (-नी) A watercourse, an aqueduct. E. जल, and वाहन bearing.
- जलविडाल :: m. (-लः) An otter. E. जल, and विडाल a cat; the water-cat. जले विडालः इव । (उद्विडाल) ।
- जलविन्दु :: f. (-न्दुः) A drop of water. E. जल, and विन्दु a drop.
- जलविल्व :: m. (-ल्वः) 1. A crab. 2. A tortoise. 3. A piece of water. E. जल, and विल्व a particular tree and fruit.
- जलविषुव :: n. (-वं) The autumnal equinox, the moment of the sun's enter- ing Libra. E. जल and विषुव equinox; the watery equinox occurring near the close of the annual rains.
- जलवृश्चिक :: m. (-कः) A prawn or shrimp. E. जल water, वृश्चिक a scorpion. जले वृश्चिकः इव । (चिङ्गडिमत्स्ये) ।
- जलव्यध :: m. (-धः) A kind of fish, (Esox cancila, HAM.) E. जल, and व्यध् to pierce, affix अच् .
- जलव्याल :: m. (-लः) 1. A water-snake. 2. A marine monster. E. जल, and व्याल a snake. जलस्थः व्यालः हिंस्रः (ढोडा साप) .
- जलशय :: m. (-यः) VISHNU. E. जल water, and शय who sleeps; he is suppos- ed to sleep borne by his serpent couch above the ocean, during the four months of the periodical rains in India; also during the intervals of the submersion of the world. जले शेते शी-अच् । ७ त० स० ।
- जलशयन :: m. (-नः) VISHNU. E. जल water, शी to sleep, affix ल्यु, see the preceding. जलं शयनम् अस्य । विष्णौ ।
- जलशायिन् :: m. (-यी) VISHNU. E. जल, and शायिन् who sleeps: see the preceding. जले समुद्रजले शेते शी-णिनि । नारायणे ।
- जलशुक्ति :: m. (-क्तिः) A bivalve shell. E. जल, and शुक्ति an oyster. जलस्य शुक्तिः इव । शम्बूके ।
- जलशुचि :: mfn. (-चिः -चिः -चि) Bathed, washed. E. जल, and शुचि cleansing.
- जलशूक :: m. (-कः) Vallisneria. E. जल, and शूक the beard of corn, &c. जलस्य शूकम् अग्रम् इव । शैवाले ।
- जलशूकर :: m. (-रः) A crocodile. E. जल and शूकर a hog, the water-hog. जलस्य शूकर इव । कुम्मीरे ।
- जलसंसर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) Mixture with water, dilution. E. जल, and संसर्ग com- bination.
- जलसर्पिणी :: f. (-णी) A leech. E. जल water, सृप् to go or creep, affix णिनि, and ङीष् . जले सर्पति सृप्-णिनि । जलौकायाम् ।
- जलसूचि :: m. (-चिः) 1. A fish, a small sort of pike, (Esox cancila, HAM.) 2. The Gangetic porpoise. 3. A heron. 4. An aquatic plant, (Trapa bispinosa.) f. (-चिः) A leech. E. जल water, and सूचि a needle. जलस्था सूचिः इव ।
- जलस्थ :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्था -स्थं) Being or abiding in water. E. जल, and स्थ who or what stays.
- जलह :: n. (-हं) A small water (or summer) house. E. जल water, and हा to quit, affix डः see जलयन्त्रगृह, &c. जलेन हन्यते ।
- जलहास :: m. (-सः) Cuttle fish bone, considered as the indurated foam of the sea; also जलहासक . E. जल water, and हास laugh, smile; allud- ing to its white colour. जलानां हासः इव शुभ्रत्वात् ।
- जलाकर :: m. (-रः) A piece of water, a spring, a fountain. E. जल, and आकर a mine.
- जलाका :: f. (-का) A. leech. E. जल, and अक् to go, अच् aff. जले आकायते प्रका- शते आ-कै-क ।
- जलाक्षी :: f. (-क्षी) An aquatic plant, (Commelina salicifolia.) E. जल, and अक्ष the eye, affix ङीष्ः see जलपिप्पली । जलम् अक्ष्णोति व्याप्नोति कारणतया अक्ष-अण् गौरा० ङीष् ।
- जलाखु :: m. (-खुः) An otter. E. जल, and आखु a cat.
- जलाञ्चल :: n. (-लं) A natural water-course or channel. 2. A plant, (Vallis- neria.) E. जल, and अञ्चल end of a garment. जलम् अञ्चति अञ्च-वा अलच् उत० स० ।
- जलाञ्जलि :: f. (-लिः) A handful of water, or water held in the palms of the hand, as presented in oblation, &c. E. जल, and अञ्जलि saluta- tion. जलपूर्णः अञ्जलिः ।
- जलाटन :: m. (-नः) A heron. f. (-नी) A leech. E. जल water, अट् to go, affixes ल्यु and ङीष् । जले अटति ।
- जलाढ्य :: mfn. (-ढ्यः -ढ्या -ढ्यं) Watery, marshy. E. जल, and आढ्य rich, abounding.
- जलाण्टक :: m. (-कः) A shark, or according to some a large alligator, &c. see ग्राह . E. जल water, अटि to go, ण्वुल् पृषो० aff.
- जलाण्डक :: m. (-कः) Small fry. E. जल water, अण्ड an egg, and क aff. जले अण्डः इव कायति कै-क ।
- जलात्मिका :: f. (-का) 1. A leech. 2. A well. E. जल and आत्मा being, exist- ence, कप् aff. जलम् एव आत्मा अस्याम् ।
- जलादर्श :: m. (-र्शः) Water reflecting any object, a watery mirror. E. जल, and आदर्श a mirror.
- जलाधार :: m. (-रः) A pond, a lake, a reservoir, any piece of water. E. जल, and आधार a receptacle.
- जलाधिदैवत :: m. (-तः) A name of VARUNA. n. (-तं) The asterism Purva- shadha. E. जल water, अधि over, and दैवत divinity; the possessor of divine supremacy over the element of water.
- जलानुसार :: m. (-रः) Going or acting like water. E. जल, and अनुसार agree- ing with.
- जलाभिषेक :: m. (-कः) Sprinkling with water. E. जल, and अभिषेक aspersion
- जलाम्बिका :: f. (-का) A well. E. जल, and अम्बिका a mother; bearing water as it were in its womb: the word is sometimes read जलात्मिका .
- जलायुका :: f. (-का) A leech. E. जल water, अय to go, कप् aff. जलमायुरस्याः ।
- जलार्णव :: m. (-वः) 1. The rainy season. 2. The sea of fresh water. E. जल water, and अर्णव a sea.
- जलार्थिन् :: mfn. (-र्थी -र्थिनी -र्थि) Thirsty, desirous of water. E. जल, and अर्थिन् desirous of.
- जलार्द्र :: mfn. subst. (-र्द्रः-र्द्रा-र्द्रं) Wet cloth or clothes. adj. Wet. charged with aqueous moisture. E. जल water, and आर्द्र damp, moist.
- जलालुका :: f. (-का) A leech. E. जल water, अल-उक affix; also जलायुका and जलालोका .
- जलालोका :: f. (-का) A leech. E. जल water, आलोक to look or see, affix. घञ् । जले आलोक्यते । आ + लोक-कर्मणि घञ् ।
- जलावर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) An eddy, a whirlpool. E. जल water, and आवर्त्त turn- ing round. आ + वृत्-णिच् भावे अच् उत० स० । जलस्य स्वतः भ्रमणे ।
- जलाविल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Stained or spotted with water. E. जल, and आविल muddy.
- जलावुका :: f. (-का) A leech.
- जलाशय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Stupid, dull, cold, apathetic. m. (-यः) 1. A pond, a tank, a lake, a reservoir or any piece of water. 2. The ocean. n. (-यं) A fragrant grass, (Androdgon muricatum.) E. जल water, and आशय an abode or receptacle, or जल for जड cold, and आशय disposition.
- जलाशायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Lying or sleeping in water as a penance. E. जल, and शी to sleep or lie, with आङ् prefixed, and णिनि aff.
- जलाश्रय :: n. (-यं) 1. A piece of water, a pond, a lake. 2. A waterhouse. E. जल and आश्रय refuge, abode.
- जलाष्टीला :: f. (-ला) A large square pond. E. जल water, स्था to abide, with आङ् prefixed, and अच् and ङीष् affixes. जलाष्टी and लच् added.
- जलाह्वय :: n. (-यं) A lotus. E. जल, and आह्वय appellation.
- जलिका :: f. (-का) A leech. E. जल water, and ठक् affix: see जलौका .
- जलुका :: f. (-का) A leech. E. जस् to set free, (blood,) उक or ऊक Unadi affix, and स changed to ल; hence also, जलूका f. (-का) also जलौका, &c.
- जलेचर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Aquatic, living in or frequenting water. m. (-रः) 1. A fish. 2. Any kind of water fowl. E. जले in water, and चर who goes. जले चरति चर-ट वा अलुक् स ।
- जलेच्छया :: f. (-या) A plant, (Heliotropium Indicum.) E. जलम् एति इ-क्विप् ।
- जलेजात :: n. (-तं) A lotus. E. जले the seventh case, in water, and जात born.
- जलेन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) 1. VARUNA, the regent of water. 2. A Jina or Jaina saint. 3. The ocean of fresh water. E. जल water, and इन्द्र a ruler or chief.
- जलेन्धन :: m. (-नः) Submarine fire. E. जल water, and इन्धन inflaming. जलानि इव इन्धनानि यस्य । वाडवानले ।
- जलेवाह :: m. (-हः) A diver, (by caste or business.) E. जले and वाह bearing.
- जलेशय :: m. (-यः) A fish. E. जले in the seventh case, in water, and शय who sleeps or abides, from शीङ् to sleep, affix अच् अलुक् समा० ।
- जलेश्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. A name of the deity of water, VARUNA. 2. The ocean. E. जल, and ईश्वर sovereign.
- जलोका :: f. (-का) A leech. E. जल water, and ओक a house; also जलौका, जलौकस् .
- जलोकिका :: f. (-का) See the preceding.
- जलोच्छास :: m. (-सः) A drain or channel, made on purpose for carrying off an excess of water, or such a channel made naturally by the overflow of a river, &c. E. जल water, उत् up, and श्वास breath, breathing forth or expiration. जलानि उच्छसन्ति एभिः उत् + श्वस-घञ् ।
- जलोदर :: n. (-रः) Dropsy. E. जल, and उदर the belly. जलप्रधानम् उदरम् ।
- जलोद्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Aquatic, marine, born of or in water. E. जल, and उद्भव produced. जले उद्भवः अस्य ।
- जलोरगी :: f. (-गी) A leech. E. जल water, उरग a snake, diminutive affix ङीष् । जले उरगी इव ।
- जलौकस् :: f. (-काः) A leech. E. जल and ओकस् house; also जलौकस् with a final vowel. जलम् ओकः वसतिः आसाम् ।
- जलौकस :: mfn. sub. (-सः-सा-सं) A leech. E. As before: see जलौकस्, अच् being added. जलम् ओकः स्थानम् अस्ति अस्याः ।
- जलौका :: f. (-का) A leech. E. See the preceding; also जलोका .
- जलौघ :: m. (-घः) A quantity of water. E. जल, and ओघ a heap.
- जल्प :: r. 1st cl. (जल्पते) 1. To speak articulately, to say or tell. 2. To prattle, to talk much or idly. (भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।)
- जल्प :: m. (-ल्पः) 1. Dissention, wrangling. 2. Prate, babble. 3. (In Logic.) Refutation of an advesary's arguments, and assertion of one's own. E. जल्प to speak, affix भाव घञ् ।
- जल्पक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) A chatterer, one who talks much or idly. E. जल्प to prate, ण्वुल् aff.
- जल्पन :: n. (-नं) 1. Talking, saying. 2. Chattering, prattling. E. जल्प, and भावे ल्युट् aff.
- जल्पाक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) A chatterer, talking much and foolishly, or improperly. E. जल्प to talk idly, षाक affix; also जल्पक .
- जल्पित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Said, told, spoken. n. (-तं) Talking, babbling, gossiping. E. जल्प to talk, affix कर्मणि क्त । कथिते । भावे कथने ।
- जव (इ) जवि :: r. 10th cl. (जंवयति) To shine.
- जव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Swift, quick, expeditious. m. (-वः) 1. Speed, velo- city. 2. A runner, an express. f. (-वा) The China rose, (Hibiscus rosa sinensis;) also जपा . E. जु to move quickly, भावे अप् ।
- जवन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नी-नं) Quick, fleet. m. (-नः) 1. A courser, a fleet horse. 2. A country, Ionia Greece: see यवन . 3. A native of that country. 4. A sort of deer. n. (-नं) Speed, velocity. f. (-नी) 1. A screen surrounding a tent, a Kanat. 2. A drug. E. जु to be quick affix ल्युट् or युच्, and fem. ङीष् or टाप् .
- जवनाल :: n. (-लं) A sort of grain, (Andropogon bicolor:) see यवनाल . जवनाय अलति पर्य्याप्नोति अल-अच् । (जनार .)
- जवनिका :: f. (-का) 1. A wall or screen of cloth surrounding a tent, an outer tent, &c. 2. A curtain, a screen in general. E. कन् added to जवनि सौ-जु करणे ल्युट् संज्ञायां कन् । (कानात्, चिक्) प्रभृतिव्यवधायकवस्त्रादौ ।
- जवस :: m. (-सः) Meadow or pasture grass. जु to grow quick, असच् affix: see यवस .
- जवादि :: m. (-दिः) A perfume. मृगघर्मजाते कृत्रिमे गन्धद्रव्ये ।
- जवाधिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Very quick. m. (-कः) A fleet horse, a courser. E. जव speed, and अधिक exceeding. जवेन अधिकः ।
- जवानिल :: m. (-लः) A gale, a hurricane. E. जव fleet, अनिल wind.
- जवापुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) The China rose, the plant or its flower. E. जवा as above, and पुष्प a flower.
- जविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Quick or fleet expeditious. m. (-वी) 1. A camel. 2. A horse. E. जव speed, अस्त्र्यर्थे इनि aff.
- जष :: r. 1st cl. (जषति-ते) To kill, to wound, to hurt or injure. भ्वा-उभ-सक- सेट् ।
- जस (इर उ) इर् जसु :: r. 4th cl. (जस्यति) To liberate, to set free, to let loose. r. 1st and 10th cls. (जसति, जासयति-ते) 1. To kill or injure. 2. To slight or disregard, to treat irreverently. 3. To strike, to punish with blows. (इ) जसि r. 1st and 10th cls. (जंसति जंसयति-ते) To pre- serve, to protect. मोक्षणे दिवा-पर-सक-सेट् । गतौ भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् । बधे अनादरे च चुरा-उभ-सक-सेट् ।
- जसुरि :: m. (-रिः) INDRA'S thunderbolt. E. जस् to kill or hurt, Unadi affix उरिन् .
- जहक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Abandoning, who leaves or abandons. m. (-कः) 1. Time. 2. A child. 3. The slough of a snake. E. हा to quit, or abandon, क्वुन् Unadi aff. द्वित्वञ्च ।
- जहत् :: mfn. (-हन् -हन्ती -हत्) Leaving, quitting, foregoing. E. हा to quit, शतृ aff.
- जहत्स्वार्था :: f. (र्था) The use of a word in a sense different from its ordi- nary one. E. जहत्, and स्वार्थ own meaning. जहन् स्वार्थः याम् । लक्षणाभेदे ।
- जहा :: f. (-हा) A plant, commonly Mundiri; also कदम्बपुष्पी, &c. E. हा to abandon, affixes ड and टाप्; shedding its leaves in spring.
- जहानक :: m. (-कः) The period of the total destruction of the world E. हा to abandon, शानच् affix. and कन् added; also इ being substi- tuted for the vowel of reduplication, जिहानक as it is sometimes read.
- जह्नु :: m. (-ह्नुः) 1. The name of a king or saint, son of KURU: see the next. 2. A name of VISHNU. E. हा to abandon, (the world for devo- tion.) नु Unadi aff.
- जह्नुतनया :: f. (-या) The Ganges. E. जह्नु and तनया the daughter: the river in its course disturbed the devotions of the saint JANNHU, upon which he drank up its waters; having released them at the intercession of BHAGIRATHA, he is thus considered as the parent of the stream: see जाह्नवी; also जह्नुसुता, &c.
- जागर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Walking, awake. mf. (-रः-रा) Waking, wakeful- ness, vigilance, &c. m. (-रः) Mail, armour. E. जागृ to wake, affix भावे घञ् गुणश्च ।
- जागरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Waking, watchfulness. 2. Keeping watch, sitting up at night as part of a religious ceremony. E. जागृ to be awake, affix ण्वुल् गुणश्च ।
- जागरितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Wakeful, awake, vigilant. E. जागृ to wake, तृच् aff.
- जागरिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Wakeful, awake. E. जागृ to wake, णिनि aff.
- जागरूक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Wakeful, waking, watchful. E. जागृ to wake, ऊक aff.
- जागर्त्ति :: f. (-र्त्तिः) 1. Waking, vigilance. 2. Keeping watch. E. जागृ to wake, भावे क्तिन् aff.
- जागर्य्या :: f. (-र्य्या) Wakefulness, waking, watching. E. जागृ as above, भावे क्यप् aff. गुणश्च ।
- जागुड :: n. (-डं) 1. Saffron. 2. A country so named. देशभेदे । सः अभिजन . अस्य अण् । तद्देशवासिनित्रि तत्र भवः अण् तद्देशभवेत्रि कुङ्कुमेन ।
- जागृ :: r. 2nd cl. (जागर्त्ति) To wake, to be awake, or watchful. अदा-पर- अक-सेट् ।
- जागृवि :: m. (-विः) Fire or its deity. E. जागृ to wake. Unadi affix क्विन्, न गुणः । नृपे, तस्य स्वकार्य्ये अप्रमत्तत्वात् तथात्वम् । अग्नौ जागरणशीले च त्रि ।
- जाग्रत् :: mfn. (-ग्रन् -ग्रती -ग्रत्) Watching, being awake. E. जागृ to wake, Unadi affix शतृ .
- जाग्रिया :: f. (-या) Waking, watching. E. जागृ to wake, यत् affix, ऋ changed to its congener रि .
- जाङ्गल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) 1. Rural, picturesque, diversified with hill, vale, wood, and water, (country) 2. Wild, jangali, barbarous, savage. 3. Wild, (not tame, as an animal, &c.) m. (-लः) The francoline partridge. f. (-ली) Cowach, (Carpopogon pruriens.) n. (-लं) 1. Flesh 2. Game, the flesh of deer, &c. E. जङ्गल a wilderness, and अण् aff. जङ्गले भवः जङ्गलप्रायो वा ।
- जाङ्गलि :: m. (-लिः) A snake-catcher. E. जङ्गल a wilderness, and इञ् aff.
- जाङ्गुल :: n. (-लं) Poison, venom. f. (-ली) 1. Knowledge of poisons, the possession of charms or drugs, and employment of them as anti- dotes. 2. A potherb, (Luffa acutangula.) E. जङ्गुल poison, affix अण् or गम-यङ् लुक् वा डल् पृषो० दीर्घः ।
- जाङ्गुलि :: m. (-लिः) A snake-catcher, a dealer in antidotes. E. जङ्गुल, and इञ् aff. or गम-यङ् लुक् वा डुलि । विषवैद्ये ।
- जाङ्गुलिक :: m. (-कः) A snake-catcher, a snake-doctor, one who pretends, chiefly by charms, to cure the bite of snakes or other venomous animals, a dealer in antidotes, &c. E. जङ्गुल poison, and ठञ् aff. जाङ्गुली विषविद्या ताम् अधीते वेद वा तया दीव्यति वा ठञ् । विषवैद्ये ।
- जाङ्घनी :: f. (-नी) The thigh. E. जङ्घा the leg, affixes अण् and ङीष्, नुम् augment.
- जाङ्घिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating or belonging to the leg. m. (-कः) 1. A courier, a running footman, an express. 2. A camel. E. जङ्घा a leg, and ठञ् aff. जङ्घाभ्यां जीवति ठञ् । धावके उष्ट्रे च ।
- जाजिन् :: m. (-जी) A warrior, a combatant. E. जज् to fight, and णिनि aff. जजो योधे ताच्छील्ये णिनि । योधशीले ।
- जाज्वल्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Shining, flaming, blazing. E. ज्वल् to burn, intensitive form, शानच् aff.
- जाटलि :: mf. (-लिः-ली) A plant, (Bignonia suave-olens;) a various reading for पाटलि q. v.
- जाड्य :: n. (-ड्यं) 1. Coldness, apathy. 2. Folly, stupidity, dulness or cold- ness of intellect. 3. Coldness, frigidity. E. जड cold, &c. ष्यञ् aff.
- जात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Born, engendered. 2. A child, offspring. 3. Ap- parent, manifest. 4. Produced, caused, occasioned. 5. Felt, enter- tained. 6. Inspired with, affected by. n. (-तं) 1. Kind, sort, class, species. 2. Multitude, collection. 3. Individuality, specific condi- tion. 4. Birth, production. E. जन् to be born, aff. कर्त्तरि भावे वा क्त ।
- जातक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Born. m. (-कः) A mendicant. n. (-कं) Astrolo- gical calculation of a nativity. E. स्वार्थे क added to the pre- ceding.
- जातकध्वनि :: m. (-निः) A leech.
- जातकर्मन् :: n. (-र्म) 1. A ceremony performed when the navel string is divided, touching the infant's tongue thrice with ghee, with ap- propriate prayers, &c. 2. Delivery &c. of a newborn infant. E. जात born, and कर्मन् rite.
- जातदन्त :: mf. (-न्तः-न्ती) A child that has got a tooth. E. जात, and दन्त a tooth.
- जातप्रत्यय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Confiding. believing, inspired with confidence. E. जात, and प्रत्यय trust.
- जातमर्ष :: mfn. (-र्षः -र्षी -र्षं) Enraged, vexed, angry. E. जात, and मर्ष wrath.
- जातमात्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्री -त्रं) What is just born, or merely born. n. (-त्रं) As soon as born, the instant of birth. E. जात, and मात्रच् aff.
- जातरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पी -पं) Embodied, assuming shape or form. n. (-पं) Gold. E. जात produced, and रूप form. जातं प्रशस्तं जात + प्रशस्ते रूपप् ।
- जातवेदस् :: m. (-दाः) AGNI or fire. E. जात born, वेद a Veda, असुन् Unadi affix or जात kind, sort, and विद् to know, or comprehend, affix as before: one legend makes the Vedas to have issued from the mouth of AGNI. जातं सद्योजातं विन्दति प्राप्नोति विद-लाभे असुन् ।
- जातश्रम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Wearied, exhausted. E. जात, and श्रम fatigue.
- जातस्पृह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Desirous, wishing for. E. जात, and स्पृहा wish.
- जातहार्द्द :: mfn. (-र्द्दः -र्द्दी -र्द्दं) Becoming attached to or fond of. E. जात, and हार्द्द affection.
- जातागस् :: mfn. (-गाः -गाः -गः) Offending, sinning, committing any fault. E. जात, and आगस् sin; also जातापराध, जातदोष, &c.
- जातापत्या :: f. (-त्या) A mother, a woman who has borne a child. E. जात born, (by whom,) अपत्य offspring.
- जाताश्रु :: mfn. (-श्रुः -श्रुः -श्रु) Weeping, shedding tears. E. जात, and अश्रु a tear.
- जाति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Kind, sort, species, class, tribe. 2. Birth, production. 3. Lineage, race, family. 4. A fire-place, a chimney. 5. Emblic myrobalan, (Phyllanthus emblica.) 6. A plant: see काम्पिल्ल . 7. A kind of poetical metre. 8. A rhetorical ornament. 9. (In Arith- metic,) Assimilation, as विशेषजाति assimilation of the difference, शेषजाति of the remainder. 10. Proximate cause or occurance of disease, &c. f. (-तिः or -ती) 1. Great flowered jasmin, (J. grandi- florum.) 2. Mace, nutmeg. f. (-तिः) The flower of the jasmin. E. जन् to be born, affix क्तिन् and occasionally ङीष added.
- जातिकोश :: n. (-शं) Nutmeg. E. जाति or जाती mace, and कोश or कोष sheathe; hence also जातिकोष, जातीकोश or जातीकोष .
- जातित्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Distinction or nature of caste or tribe. 2. Special or generic property. E. त्व added to जाति; also with तल् जातिता ।
- जातिधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) 1. The duty of caste, as sacred study of the Brah-
man, battle of the Kshetriya, &c. 2. Generic or specific property. E. जाति, and धर्म्म duty.
- जातिफल :: n. (-लं) Nutmeg. E. जाति or जाती mace, and फल fruit; also जातीफल; also जातिकोष, जाति or जाती and जातिपुष्पं .
- जातिभ्रंश :: m. (-शः) Loss of caste. E. जाति, and भ्रंश injury.
- जातिभ्रंशकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Forbidden, improper, causing loss of caste. n. (-रं) Doing any act prohibited to a particular caste. E. जातिभ्रंश, and कर what makes.
- जातिमात्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. Species, genus. 2. Caste only, not the performance of its especial duties. E. जाति, and मात्र only.
- जातिलक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Specific or generic distinction or characteristic. 2. Mark of tribe or caste. E. जाति and लक्षण indication.
- जातिवैर :: n. (-रं) Innate or instinctive hostility. E. जाति and वैर enmity.
- जातिवैलक्षण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) Inconsistency, incompatibility, conduct or qua- lity at variance with tribe or species. E. जाति, and वैलक्षण्य incon- sistency.
- जातिस्वभाव :: m. (-वः) Specific or generic character or nature. E. जाति and स्वभाव nature.
- जातिस्मर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) One who recollects his condition in a former life. E. जाति, and स्मर who remembers.
- जातिहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Outcaste, void of caste. E. जाति and हीन void of.
- जातीपत्री :: f. (-त्री) Mace. E. जाति and पत्री a leaf.
- जातीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Relating to any species, belonging to any tribe or order. E. जाति, and छ aff. जातौ भवः ।
- जातीरस :: n. (सं) Gam myrrh. E. जाती nutmeg, and रस juice.
- जातु :: ind. 1. Sometimes, occasionally. 2. A particle of prohibition. 3. Of doubt, 4. Of contempt or abuse. E. जै to waste or decay, क्तुन् aff. जै क्षये जन वा क्तुन् ।
- जातुक :: n. (-कं) Asafœtida. E. जतुक the same, and अण् pleonastic aff. जातु गर्हितं कं जलम् अस्मात् । हिङ्गुनि ।
- जातुधान :: m. (-नः) A Rakshasa, an imp or goblin. E. जातु sometimes, धान possessing, from धा with ल्युट् or युच्; otherwise यातुधान, or जातु गर्हितं धानम् अभिधानम् अस्य । राक्षसे ।
- जातुष :: mfn. (-षः -षी -षं) Made, &c. of lac, any artificial form or condition of it. E. जतु lac, अण् affix, and मुक् augment. जतुनो विकारः ।
- जातेष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) Rites performed at birth. E. जात and इष्टि sacrifice. जाते पुत्रजनने इष्टिः ।
- जातोक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A bullock. E. जात born, उक्ष an ox. जातः प्राप्तदम्यावस्थः । उक्षा टच् स ।
- जात्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) 1. Well-born, legitimate, born of parents of the same caste. 2. Best, excellent. 3. Pleasing, beautiful. 4. Rectangu- lar. E. जाति family, &c. यत् aff. जातौ भवः ।
- जात्यन्तर :: n. (-रं) Interval of difference of caste. E. जाति and अन्तर interval.
- जात्यन्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Born-blind. E. जाति birth, अन्ध blind.
- जानकी :: f. (-की) A name of SITA. E. जनक the father of this lady affixes अण् and ङीष् ।
- जानत् :: mfn. (-नन् -नन्ती -नत्) Knowing, understanding. E. ज्ञा to know, aff. शतृ .
- जानन :: n. (-नं) Knowing, understanding. E. ज्ञा to know, ल्युट् aff.
- जानपद :: m. (-दः) 1. Man, mankind. 2. An inhabited country. E. जनपद the same, and अप् aff. जानेन उत्पत्त्या पद्यते पद-अप् ।
- जानु :: m. (-नुः) The knee. E. जन् to be produced, (walking, motion.) ञुन् Unadi aff.
- जानुफलक :: n. (-कं) The knee pan or patella. E. जानु, and फलक a layer.
- जानुसन्धि :: f. (-न्धिः) The knee-joint. E. जानु, and सन्धि articulation.
- जाप :: m. (-पः) Muttering prayers by beads, or reciting passages of the Vedas, &c. inaudibly. E. जप् to mutter, &c. affix घञ्, deriv. irr.
- जापक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Muttering prayers, one who does so. E. जप and ण्वुल् aff.
- जापन :: n. (-नं) 1. Declining, rejection, dissent. 2. Dismissing, complet- ing, finishing. E. जप् to speak, causal form भावे ल्युट् aff.
- जाप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) To be muttered, &c. n. (-प्यं) The muttering of prayers, &c.
- जाबाल :: m. (-लः) 1. The name of a saint. E. जबलाया अपत्यम् अण् ।
- जाबालि :: m. (-लिः) The name of a Muni, one of the original teachers of the Vedas. E. जबल and इञ् patronymic affix; also with अण् जाबाल as before.
- जामदग्न्य :: m. (-ग्न्यः) A name of PARASURAMA. E. जमदग्नि a Muni so named and यञ् patronymic affix; the son of the saint JAMADAGNI.
- जामातृ :: m. (-ता) 1. A daughter's husband, a son-in law. 2. A husband, a lord or master. 3. A friend. 4. The sunflower, (Helianthus annus.) E. जा for जाया a wife, मा to take, तृच् Unadi aff. जायां याति मिनोति मिमीते वा निपा ।
- जामि :: f. (-मिः or -मी) 1. A virtuous and respectable woman. 2. A sister, &c. E. जै to decline or decay, affix मि; or जम् to eat, affix option- ally added इन् नि० वृद्धिः ।
- जामेय :: m. (-यः) A sister's son. E. जामि a sister, ढक् aff.
- जाम्बव :: n. (-वं) 1. The rose apple, the fruit. 2. Gold. E. जम्बु the tree, अण् aff.
- जाम्बवौष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) A cauterising needle or probe. E. जाम्बवम् इव ओष्ठः अस्य ।
- जाम्बबत् :: m. (-वान्) A fabulous bear, father-in-law to KRISHNA. E. जाम्ब the Jambu tree, and मतुप् affix; also जाम्बुवत् .
- जाम्बूनद :: n. (-दं) Gold. E. जम्बुनदी a river flowing from mount Sumeru, the Indian Pactolus, and अण् aff.
- जाम्बुनदमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Golden, made of gold. E. जाम्बूनद and मयट् aff.
- जायक :: n. (-कं) A yellow fragrant wood. E. जि to excel (all perfumes), and ण्वुल् aff.
- जायमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being born, coming into life. E. जन् to be born, शानच् aff.
- जाया :: f. (-या) A wife, one wedded according to the perfect ritual. E. जन् to be born, affix यक्; in whom a man is again born, that is to say, he is re-born in his children. जायते अस्याम् ।
- जायाघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) 1. A murderer of his wife. 2. A mole or mark on the body, indicative of the death of a wife. E. जाया and घ्न what destroys.
- जायाजीव :: m. (-वः) An actor, a dancer. E. जाया a wife, and जीव who gets a livelihood. जायया तन्नर्त्तनवृत्त्या जीवति अच् ।
- जायात्व :: n. (-त्वं) The character or attributes of a wife. E. जाया, and त्व aff.
- जायानुजीविन् :: m. (-वी) 1. An actor, a dancer, a mime, &c. 2. A kind of crane, the Vaka (Ardea nivea.) 3. A needy man, a pauper. 4. The husband of a harlot. E. जाया a wife, अनु like or with, and जीविन् who gets a livelihood; who is supported by his wife. जायया अनुजी- वति अनु + जीव-णिनि ।
- जायापती :: m. du. (-ती) Husband and wife. E. जाया a wife, and पति hus- band.
- जायु :: m. (-युः) A medicine, a medicament. E. जि to subdue, (disease,) Unadi affix उण् । जयति रोगान् । औषधे जयशीले च ।
- जार :: m. (-रः) A paramour, a gallant. f. (-री) A drug, a medicament. E. जॄ to grow infirm, करणे घञ् affix of agency, fem. ङीष्; weakening the affection of wives to their husbands, or diminishing the force of disease. जीर्य्यति अनेन ।
- जारज :: mf. (-जः-जा) An adulterine, the child of a woman by her gallant. E. जार as above, and ज born. जारात् उपपतेः जायते जन-ड ।
- जारजात :: mf. (-तः-ता) An adulterine. E. जार and जात born; also with कन् added, जारजातक .
- जारण :: n. (-णं) 1. Calcining or oxydizing metals. 2. A condiment, a digester. E. जॄ to decay, causal form, ल्यु aff.
- जारभरा :: f. (-रा) An adulteress. E. जार, and भरा who cherishes.
- जारुत्थ :: m. (-त्थः) A sacrifice, thrice worshipping the sun in his southern declination.
- जाल :: n. (-लं) 1. A net. 2. A window, a lattice, an eyelet or loophole. 3. A multitude, an assemblage. 4. An unblown flower. 5. Pride, arrogance. 6. Magic, conjuring, illusion, supernatural deception m. (-लः) 1. The Kadamba-tree. 2. The young fruit of a gourd or cucumber. f. (-ली) 1. A small cucumber, (Trichosanthes diœca, Rox.) 2. Any medicament or drug. E. जल् to encompass, to hide or screen, affix अण् .
- जालक :: n. (-कं) 1. A bud, a germ. 2. An unblown flower. 3. A nest. 4. A net. 5. Pride. 6. A plantain, the fruit. 7. Multitude, assemblage. m. (-कः) A window, a lattice, a loop or eyelet-hole. f. (-लिका) 1. Armour, chain armour. 2. A kind of cloth or raiment, woollen cloth. 3. A leech. 4. A window. 5. Iron. E. जाल, and कन् added, or जल् to enclose, वुन् aff.
- जालकारक :: m. (-कः) 1. A spider. 2. A net-maker. E. जाल a net, cobweb, and कारक a fabricator.
- जालकिनी :: f. (-नी) A sheep, an ewe. E. जालक woollen cloth, इनि and ङीष affs.
- जालगणिका :: f. (-का) A churning vessel.
- जालगर्द्दभ :: f. (-भः) A dull spreading pimple or boil.
- जालन्धर :: m. (-रः) The name of a country situated in the northwest of India, apparently part of Lahore, and perhaps the modern Jullun- dhar. m. plu. (-राः) The inhabitants of Jallandhara.
- जालपाद् :: m. (-त् or -द्) A goose. E. जाल a net, and पाद् a foot; web-footed.
- जालप्राया :: f. (-या) Armour, iron net-work, or chain armour. E. जाल a net, and प्राय resembling.
- जालबद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Caught in a net, snared. E. जाल, and बद्ध bound.
- जालिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) A cheat, a rogue, a vagabond, a conjuror or juggler. 2. One who employs nets, &c. for a livelihood. m. (-कः) A spider. 2. A fisherman. 3. A hunter using nets. E. जाल a net, &c. affix ठक् ।
- जालिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) 1. Having a net. 2. Having a window. Illu- sory, deceptive. m. (-ली) 1. A fisherman. 2. a hunter using nets. 3. A juggler. f. (-नी) A painting room. E. जाल a net, &c इनि aff.
- जाल्म :: mfn. (-ल्मः -ल्मा -ल्मं) 1. Cruel, harsh, severe. 2. Inconsiderate, rash, acting without thinking. m. (-ल्मः) A low man, one of a degraded tribe or business. E. जल् to screen or hide, affix मक् .
- जाषक :: n. (-कं) A yellow fragrant wood. E. जष् to hurt, affix ण्वुल् .
- जाह :: m. (-हः) A termination affixed to nouns denoting parts of the body, such as कर्ण, अक्षि, &c. in the sense of “the root of” com- pare कर्णजाह .
- जाहक :: m. (-कः) 1. A cat 2. A pole-cat. 3. A bed, a cot. 4. A leech. E. हा to quit, affix ण्वुल्; radical initial doubled.
- जाह्नवी :: f. (-वी) GANGA or the Ganges personified. E. जह्नु a saint, अण् affix of descent, fem. affix ङीष्, the daughter of JANHU: see जह्नुतनया .
- जि :: r. 1st cl. (जयति) 1. To excel, to be pre-eminent, to surpass. 2. To conquer, to reduce or overcome. With वि or परा prefixed, (विजयते पराजयते) To overcome, to conquer. भ्वा-पर-सक-अनिट् ।
- जि :: mfn. (जिः-जिः-जि) Victorious, conquering, a victor. m. (-जिः) A demon. E. जि to conquer, कि aff. जयशीले पिशाचे च ।
- जिगत्नु :: m. (-त्रुः) Breath, life. E. गम् to go, to depart, कत्नुच् Unadi affix, and the radical repeated. प्राणवायौ ।
- जिगमिषत् :: mfn. (-षन् -षन्ती -षत्) Wishing or endeavouring to go. E. गम् to go, desiderative form, शतृ aff.
- जिगमिषा :: f. (-षा) Wish to go or move. E. गम् to go, desider. form, अङ् टाप् affs.
- जिगमिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing to go. E. गम् to go, desiderative form, उ aff.
- जिगरिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing to take, to lay hold of, to take away. E. गृ to seize, desiderative form, उ aff.
- जिगीषा :: f. (-षा) 1. Emulation, wish to excel or overcome. 2. Eminence.
3. Usage, profession or habit of life. E. जि to conquer, in the desi- derative form, अङ् and टाप् affs.
- जिगीषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Striving to overcome, vieing or contending with. E. जि to conquer; desiderative form, affix उ .
- जिघत्सत् :: mfn. (-त्स्यन् -त्सन्ती -त्सत्) Wishing to eat. E. अद् to eat, desiderative form, शतृ aff.
- जिघत्सा :: f. (-त्सा) Hunger. E. अद् to eat, in the desiderative form, अङ् and टाप् affs.
- जिघत्सु :: mfn. (-त्सुः -त्सु -त्सु) Hungry. E. See the preceding, affix उ .
- जिघांसा :: f. (-सा) Wish or intention to kill. E. हन् to kill, desiderative form, अङ् and टाप् affs.
- जिघांसु :: mfn. (-सुः -सुः -सु) Mischievous, murderous, seeking to hurt or kill. m. (-सुः) An enemy. E. हन् to kill &c. in the desiderative form, form, उ aff.
- जिघांसत् :: mfn. (-सन् -सन्ती -सत्) Wishing to kill, murderous, felonious. E. हन् to kill, desiderative form, शतृ aff.
- जिघांसियस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Very desirous or determined to kill, E. जिघांस, and ईयसुन् aff.
- जिघृक्षत् :: mfn. (-क्षन् -क्षन्ती -क्षत्) Desirous to take, greedy, avaricious. E. ग्रह् to take, desiderative form, शतृ aff.
- जिघृक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) Greediness, covetousness, wish to seize or take. E. ग्रह् to take, desiderative form, सन् भावे अ and टाप् affs.
- जिघृक्षु :: mfn. (-क्षुः -क्षुः -क्षु) Wishing to seize or take. E. ग्रह् to take, desi- derative form, उ aff.
- जिघ्र :: mfn. (-घ्रः -घ्रा -घ्रं) Smelling, E. घ्रा to smell, श affix, root reiterated.
- जिघ्रत् :: mfn. (-घ्रन् घ्रन्ती -घ्रत्) Smelling E. घ्रा to smell, शतृ aff.
- जिङ्गशल्य :: m. (-ल्यः) A tree, (Mimosa catechu:) see जिह्मशल्य .
- जिङ्घि :: f. (-ङ्घिः or ङ्घी) Bengal madder, (Rubia manjith, Rox.) E. इङ्ग going. from इगि to go, &c. added to जि to excel, fem. affix ङीष्; excelling all other plants.
- जिजीविषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Desirous of life. E. जीव् to live, desiderative form, उ aff.
- जिजीषत् :: mfn. (-षन् -षन्ती -षत्) Wishing or striving to overcome, emulous, ambitious, a warrior. E. जि to conquer, desiderative form, शतृ aff.
- जिज्ञापयिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing or seeking to inform. E. ज्ञा to know, desiderative form of the causal. उ aff.
- जिज्ञासमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Inquiring, investigating. E. ज्ञा to know, desi- derative form, शानच् aff.
- जिज्ञासा :: f. (-सा) 1. Asking, inquiring. 2. Search, investigation. E. ज्ञा to know, desider. form, अङ् and टाप् affs.
- जिज्ञासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Asked, inquired, sought. E. ज्ञा to know, de- sid. form, क्त aff.
- जिज्ञासु :: mfn. (-सुः -सुः -सु) Inquiring, inquisitive. E. ज्ञा to know, desid. form, उ aff.
- जित् :: mfn. (-जित्) Who or what conquers or surpasses. E. जि to conquer, affix क्विप् .
- जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Conquered, subdued, surpassed, overcome. m. (-तः) One of the attendants upon a Jina or Jaina saint. E. जि to con- quer, aff. कर्मणि क्त .
- जितकाशि :: m. (-शिः) The fist doubled. जित conquered, काश to shine, इनि aff.
- जितकाशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Victorious. E. जित conquered, and काशिन् who shines, from काशृ, with णिनि aff. जितेन जयेन काशते प्रकाशते ।
- जितक्रोध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Of subdued passion, not to be provoked or made angry. E. जित, and क्रोध wrath. जितः क्रोधः येन ।
- जितनेमि :: m. (-मिः) A staff made of the wood of religious fig tree. E. जित excelled, (by which,) and नेमि circumference of a wheel, (of any other wood.) जिता नेमिः अत्र ।
- जितशत्रु :: mfn. (-त्रुः -त्रुः -त्रु) Victorious, triumphant. m. (-त्रुः) The father
Ajita, the 2nd Jaina saint. E. जित, and शत्रु a foe: see other simi- lar compounds, जितामित्र, जितारि, &c. जितः शत्रुः येन ।
- जितश्रम :: m. (-मः) One who is free from worldly cares, a stoic. E. जित, and श्रम fatigue, exertion.
- जिताक्षर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Reading well or readily. E. जित mastered, and अक्षर a letter. जितानि आयत्तीकृतानि अक्षराणि येन .
- जितात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Self-subdued, void of passion. E. जित, and आत्मन् spirit. जितः वशीकृतः आत्मा इन्द्रियं मनः वा येन ।
- जितामित्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) Triumphing, victorious over an enemy. m. (-त्रः) VISHNU. E. जित subdued, by whom, and अमित्र a foe. जितः अमित्रः येन ।
- जितारि :: mfn. (-रिः -रिः -रि) Victorious, triumphant. m. (-रिः) 1. A Jina or Jaina deified saint. 2. The father of SAMBHAVA, the third of the Jaina pontiffs of this age. 3. A conqueror. E. जित conquered, (by whom,) and अरि an enemy.
- जिताहव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Victorious, triumphant. E. जित conquered, and and आहव war, battle. जितः शत्रुः आहवे येन ।
- जितेन्द्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Having subdued the senses, calm, unmoved. m. (-यः) An ascetic, a sage, one who has completely subdued his passions. E. जित subdued, इन्द्रिय an organ of sense. जितानि वशीकृतानि इन्द्रियाणि येन ।
- जितेन्द्रियत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Continece, subjugation of the senses or passions. E. त्व added to the last.
- जित्तम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Most victorious, first of the victors. m. (-मः) The constellation, Gemini. E. जित, and तमप् aff.
- जित्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) Conquerable, vincible. m. (-त्वः) A harrow. f. (-त्या) A ploughshare. E. जि to excel, क्यप् affix, तुक् augment.
- जित्वर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Victorious, triumphant. f. (-री) The city of Benares. E. जि to conquer or excel, क्वरप् affix, तुक् inserted, fem. affix ङीप् .
- जित्वा :: ind. Having conquered or excelled. E. जि to conquer, क्त्वाच् aff.
- जिन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Victorious, triumphant. m. (-नः) 1. A Jina, the generic name of the personage peculiar to the Jaina sect, who is ranked by them as superior to the gods of the other sects: a saint and teacher: twenty-four Jinas are supposed to flourish in an Avasarpini or Jaina age, and their writers enumer- ate those of the ages past, present, and to come. 2. A Buddha; a generic term applied to the chief saints of the Buddha sect, in the same manner as to those of the Jainas. 3. A name of VISHNU. 4. A very old man. 5. A sage, one who is omniscient. E. जि to conquer or excel, नक् Unadi aff.
- जिनयोनि :: m. (-निः) A deer. E. अजिन the skin of a deer, and योनि a place of production; the initial of the first word rejected; also अजिनयोनि .
- जिनसद्मन् :: n. (-द्म) A Jaina temple, or monastery. E. जिन a Jina, and सद्मन् abode.
- जिनेन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) A Jaina or Jina saint. E. जिन a Jaina teacher, and इन्द्र a lord or master.
- जिम (उ) जिमु :: r. 1st cl. (जेमति-ते) To eat: see जम भ्वा० प० सक० सेट् ।
- जिरि :: r. 5th cl. but restricted to the Vedas (जिरिणोति) To injure, wound or kill. स्वा-प-सक-सेट् । अयं वैदिकधातुः ।
- जिव (इ) जिवि :: r. 1st cl. (जिन्वति) 1. To please, to delight or charm. 2. To be pleased, or charmed. 3. To loose. भ्वा० प० सक० सेट् इदित् ।
- जिवाजिव :: m. (-वः) 1. A pheasant. 2. The Chakora bird: see जीवञ्जीव .
- जिवि :: r. 5th cl. (जिविनोति) To seek, to hurt or kill.
- जिव्रि :: m. (-व्रिः) 1. Time. 2. A bird. E. जॄ to decay, Unadi affix रिक् रस्य वः and व substituted for the conversion of र .
- जिष (उ) जिषु :: r. 1st cl. (जेषति) To sprinkle. भ्वा० प० सक० सेट् ।
- जिष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) 1. Victorious, triumphant. 2. Winning. 3. Ex- celling m. (-ष्णुः) 1. A name of VISHNU or KRISHNA. 2. An epithet of INDRA. 3. A name of ARJUNA. 4. The sun. E. जि to conquer, ण्स्नु aff.
- जिहान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Going, going to, attaining, obtaining. 2. Abandoning, leaving. E. हा to go, शानच् aff.
- जिहानक :: m. (-कः) The destruction of the world: see जहानक .
- जिहीर्षा :: f. (-र्षा) Wish to take or seize. E. हृ to take, desiderative form, चङ् and टाप् affs.
- जिहीर्षु :: mfn. (-र्षुः -र्षुः -र्षु) Wishing to take, seizing, carrying off. E. हृ to take, desiderative form, उ aff.
- जिह्म :: mfn. (-ह्मः -ह्मा -ह्मं) 1. Morally Crooked. 2. Dishonest. 3. Slow, lazy. 4. Dim, dark. 5. Oblique squint. m. (-ह्मः) A tree, (Tabernæmontana coronaria.) E. हा to quit, (a straight line,) मन् Unadi affix, and the root reduplicated, deriv, irr. हा मन् सन्वत् आलोपश्च ।
- जिह्मग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Going tortuously or lazily. m. (-गः) A snake. E. जिह्म as above, and ग what goes. जिह्मं कुटिलं मन्दं वा गच्छति गम-ड ।
- जिह्मता :: f. (-ता) 1. Crookedness, curvature. 2. Dishonesty. E. तल् added to जिह्म; also with त्व, जिह्मत्वं .
- जिह्ममोहन :: m. (-नः) A frog. E. जिह्म slowly, and मोहन copulation.
- जिह्मशल्य :: m. (-ल्यः) The Khadira, (Mimosa catechu.) E. जिह्म crooked, शल्य a dart.
- जिह्मित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Bent, bowed, curved. 2. Turned away. E. जिह्म, and इतच् aff.
- जिह्व :: mf. (-ह्वः-ह्वा) The tongue. E. लिह् to lick, Unadi affix वन्, and the initial changed do ज .
- जिह्वल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Greedy. E. जिह्वा the tongue, ल to take, क affix, deriv. irr.
- जिह्वाग्र :: n. (-ग्रं) 1. The tip of the tongue. E. जिह्वा, and अग्र end.
- जिह्वानिर्लेखन :: n. (-नं) 1. Scraping the tongue. 2. A tongue-scraper. E. जिह्वा, and निर्लेखन scraping.
- जिह्वाप :: m. (-पः) 1. A dog. 2. A cat. 3. A tiger. 4. The hunting leopard. 5. A bear. E. जिह्वा the tongue, and प who drinks, who laps. जिह्वया पिबति पा-क ।
- जिह्वामल :: n. (-लं) The fur of the tongue. E. जिह्वा, and मल dirt, excretion.
- जिह्वामूल :: n. (-लं) The root of the tongue. E. जिह्वा, and मूल a root.
- जिह्वामूलीय :: m. (-यः) 1. A term applied to the Visarga before क, and ख, and also to the guttural class of consonant. 2. A character substi- tuted for the Viserga as हरिःकाम्य, and with a like sound. E. जिह्वा- मूल, and छ aff.
- जिह्वारद :: m. (-दः) A bird. E. जिह्वा, and रद a tooth; whose tooth, (i. e. beak,) is like a tongue. जिह्वा रदः इव यस्य । पक्षिणि ।
- जिह्वालिह :: m. (-लिट्) A dog. E. जिह्वा, and लिह् who licks or laps, from लिह् with क्विप् aff.
- जिह्वास्वाद :: m. (-दः) Licking, lapping. E. जिह्वा the tongue, and आस्वाद eating.
- जिह्वाशत :: n. (-तं) A hundred tongues. E. जिह्वा, and शत a century.
- जिह्वोल्लेखन :: n. (-नं) Scraping the tongue. f. (-नी) A tongue-scraper, made of a thin piece of wood of the Mimusops Kauki or other trees. E. जिह्वा, and उल्लेखन scraping; also in the second sense. with कन् added, जिह्वोल्लेखनिका ।
- जीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Old, aged. E. ज्या to become old, क्त affix, deriv. irr.
- जीमूत :: m. (-तः) 1. A cloud. 2. A mountain. 3. A grass, (Andropogon serratus.) 4. A name of INDRA. 5. A nourisher, a sustainer. 6. A plant: see घोषक . 7. A species of the Dandaka metre. E. जि to excel or surpass, Unadi affix तन् and मूट् augment, or जी for जीव life, and मूत who urines. जयति नभः जीयते अनिलेन वा ।
- जीमूतकुट :: m. (-टः) A small hill near a mountain. E. जीमूत a mountain, and कुट a house.
- जीमूतवाहन :: m. (-नः) 1. INDRA. 2. The author of “Dayabhaga” a celebrated work on inheritance. E. जीमूत a cloud, and वाहन vehicle. जीमूतः मेघः वाहनम् अस्य ।
- जीमूतवाहिन् :: m. (-ही) Smoke. E. जीमूत a cloud, and वह् to bear, affix णिनि .
- जीर :: m. (-रः) 1. Cumin-seed. 2. A sacrificial knife or sword, a scymitar. 3. A sort of panic seed: see अणु . E. जु to go, or grow quickly, रक् Unadi affix, and the radical vowel changed.
- जीरक :: m. (-कः) Cumin seed. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- जीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Old, ancient. 2. Withered decayed. 3. Digest- ed. m. (-र्णः) 1. An old man. 2. Cumin seed. n. (-र्णं) Benjamin. E. E. जॄ to become old or decayed, affix क्त .
- जीर्णज्वर :: m. (-रः) Fever of some continuance and diminished intensity. E. जीर्ण, and ज्वर fever.
- जीर्णता :: f. (-ता) 1. Old oge. 2. Infirmity, decay. E. जीर्ण and तल् affix; also with त्व, जीर्णत्वं .
- जीर्णदारु :: m. (-रुः) A potherb, (Convolvulus argentaceus.) E. जीर्ण and दारु wood.
- जीर्णपर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) The Kadamba: see कदम्बक . n. (-र्णं) A withered leaf. E. जीर्ण old, withered, and पर्ण a leaf.
- जीर्णवज्र :: n. (-ज्रं) A particular gem, said to be a sort of diamond. E. जीर्ण decayed, वज्र diamond.
- जीर्णवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Old, decayed. E. जॄ to grow old, क्तवतु aff.
- जीर्णवस्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) Old, worn or tattered raiment. E. जीर्ण old, and वस्त्र cloth or clothes.
- जीर्णवाटिका :: f. (-का) A ruined mansion. E. जीर्ण, and वाटिका a house.
- जीर्णब्रध्नक :: m. (-कः) A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) E. जीर्ण old, and ब्रध्न a root, affix कन् .
- जीर्णि :: f. (-र्णिः) 1. Old age, infirmity, decay. 2. Digestion. E. जॄ to be- come old, क्तिन् aff.
- जीर्णोद्यान :: n. (-नं) A neglected garden. E. जीर्ण, and उद्यान a garden.
- जीर्णोद्धार :: m. (-रः) Repairing, renewal, repairs. E. जीर्ण and उद्धार lifting up.
- जीर्णोद्धृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Repaired, renewed. E. जीर्ण, and उद्धृत lifted up.
- जीर्वि :: m. (-र्विः) 1. An axe. 2. A cart. 3. The body. E. जॄ to decay, Unadi affix क्विन् .
- जीव (ऋ) जीवृ :: r. 1st cl. (जीवति) To live. With आङ् To use or enjoy, to get a living. With उप, To be dependent on for a living. With सं or प्र To live agreeably. भ्वा० अक० प० सेट् ।
- जीव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) 1. Life, the vital breath, existence. mf. (-वः-वा) 1. Livelihood, profession, specific occupation. 2. A tree: see जीवन्ती . m. (-वः) 1. The sentient soul, the emanation of the deity, which is incorporated with the animal body, and gives it life, motion and sensation; hence also called जीवात्मन्; it is opposed to that abstract state of the soul परमात्मन् in which, by meditating upon its own divine nature and origin, the spirit is set at liberty from human feelings and passions. 2. A name of VRIHASPATI. 3. A name of the prince KARNA. 4. The constellation called Pushya. f. (-वा) 1. A bow string. 2. The earth. 3. The tinkling of metallic ornaments. 4. Orris root. 5. (In Geometry.) The chord of an arc. E. जीव् to live, affix घञ् or क and fem. affix टाप् .
- जीवक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. A servant, a slave, one who gets a livelihood by service. 2. A snake-catcher, one whose business is catching snakes, curing their bites, &c. 3. An usurer, or one who lives by lending money at high interest. 4. A mendicant or one who lives by begging. 5. One whose life is prolonged by blessings. m. (-कः) 1. A tree, (Pentaptera tomentosa:) see असन . 2. A medicinal plant, com- monly called by the same name Jivaca, and considered as one of the eight principal drugs, classed together under the name अष्टबर्ग . 3. An animal, any being endowed with life. E. जीव् to live, affix णिच् ण्वुल् or वुन् .
- जीवग्राह :: m. (-हः) A prisoner, one taken alive. E. जीव, and ग्राह capture.
- जीवजीव :: m. (-वः) A kind of bird, supposed to be a a sort of pheasant: see जीवञ्जीव .
- जीवञ्जीव :: m. (-वः) 1. A kind of bird, supposed to be a pheasant. 2. The Chakora or Greek partridge. 3. A kind of tree. E. जीव life, and जीव who lives, from जीव् with खच् affix, long lived.
- जीवत् :: mfn. (-वन् -वन्ती वत्) Living, alive. E. जीव् to live, शतृ aff.
- जीवत्तोका :: f. (-का) A woman whose children are living. E. जीवत् living, and तोक offspring.
- जीवत्पति :: f. (-तिः) A wife whose husband is alive. E. जीवत्, living, and पति a husband.
- लीवत्पितृक :: m. (-कः) A son whose father is alive. E. जीवत्, and पितृ a a father, कप् added.
- जीवथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) 1. Virtuous, pious. 2. Long-lived. m. (-थः) 1. Virtue, piety. 2. Life, existence. 3. A cloud. 4. A peacock. 5. A tortoise. E. जीव् to live, अथ Unadi aff.
- जीवद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Life-giving, who or what gives life. m. (-दः) 1. A physician, a practitioner of medicine. 2. An enemy. E. जीव life, and द in the first sense, from दा to give, in the second, from दो to destroy, affix क, जीवं जीवनं ददाति द्यति वा ।
- जीवधन :: n. (-नं) Living property, live stock, wealth in flocks and herds. E. जीव alive, and धन wealth. जीव एव धनम् ।
- जीवन :: m. (-नः) 1. A plant, commonly Jiuti, (Odina wodier.) 2. A son. 3. A living being, an animal. f. (-ना or -नी) A plant, commonly Jiyati: see जीवन्ती . f. (-नी) 1. Jasmin. 2. giving life. n. (-नं) 1. Life, existence. 2. Livelihood, profession. 3. Water. 4. Butter of new one day-old milk. 5. Marrow. 6. Wind. E. जीव् to live, affix ल्यु or करणे वा भावे ल्युट् . ।
- जीवनक :: m. (-कः) Food especially boiled rice. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- जीवनविडम्बन :: n. (-नं) Disappointment of all hopes, living in vain. E. जीवन, and विडम्बन frustrating.
- जीवनयोनि :: m. (-निः) Communication of vitality with body. E. जीवन, and योनि origin.
- जीवनहेतु :: m. (-तुः) End or object of life, the cause of living. E. जीवन, and हेतु cause.
- जीवनाघात :: n. (-तं) Poison. E. जीवन life, and आघात destroying.
- जीवनान्त :: m. (-न्तः) Death. E. जीवन, and अन्त end.
- जीवनावास :: m. (-सः) VARUNA, regent of water. E. जीवन water, and आवास abode.
- जीवनीय :: n. (-यं) Water. f. (-या) Jiyati: see जीवन्ती . E. जीवन life, छ affix: being friendly or necessary to existence.
- जीवनोपाय :: m. (-यः) Livelyhood, means of subsistence. E. जीवन, and उपाय means.
- जीवनौषध :: n. (-धं) A drug to revive the dead. E. जौवन living, and औषध a medicament.
- जीवन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ती -न्तं) Living, existent. m. (-न्तः) 1. Life, existence. 2. A medicament, a drug. f. (-न्ती) 1. The name of a tree, commonly Jiyati, (Celtis orientalis.) 2. A plant, (Menispermum glabrum:) see गुडूची . 3. The Sami or Saen tree, (Mimosa albida.) 4. A para- site plant. 5. Yellow myrobalan, (Terminalia chebula, Rox.) E. जीव् to live, affix कर्त्तरि, fem. affix ङीप्; also with कन् added जीवन्तिका, &c.
- जीवन्तिक :: m. (-कः) A fowler, a bird-catcher: see जीवान्तक . f. (-का) 1. A parasite plant, (Epidendron tesseloides,) and other species. 2. A plant, (Menispermum glabrum.) 3. A kind of potherb. E. कन् add- ed to the preceding.
- जीवन्मुक्त :: m. (-क्तः) A man purified by knowledge of BRAMHA, and exon- erated whilst living from future birth, and all ritual ceremonies. E. जीवन, and मुक्त freed. जीवन्नेव मुक्तः ।
- जीवन्मुक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Acquirement of spiritual knowledge, and consequent liberation from future birth, and ritual acts. E. जीवत्, and मुक्ति li- beration.
- जीवपुत्रक :: m. (-कः) 1. A tree, commonly Ingua. 2. A different plant bearing seeds which are used in rosaries, commonly (जिंँआपोती) Jiyaputa, (Nageia putranjiva.)
- जीवबध :: m. (-धः) Destruction of living beings. E. जीव, and बध killing.
- जीवमन्दिर :: m. (-रः) The body. E. जीव life, and मन्दिर mansion.
- जीवभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Alive, endowed with life. E. जीव, and भूत become.
- जीवलोक :: n. (-कं) 1. The world, the habitation of living beings. 2. Man- kind. E. जीव, and लोक world. जीवानां लोकः भोगसाधनम् ।
- जीवसाधन :: n. (-नं) Rice, grain, corn. E. जीव, and साधन means.
- जीवसाफल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Realisation of all one's wishes. E. जीव, and साफल्य fruit- fulness.
- जीवसू :: f. (-सूः) The mother of living offspring. E. जीव living, and सू bring- ing forth. जीवन्तं मूते सू-क्विप् ।
- जीवस्थान :: n. (-नं) A joint, an articulation. E. जीव life, and स्थान place कर्मणि ल्यु ।
- जीवाजीवाधार :: m. (-रः) The material and visible world. E. जीव animate, and अजीव inanimate, आधार a support.
- जीवातु :: mn. (-तुः-तु) 1. A drug for reanimating the dead. 2. Boiled rice, food. 3. Life, existence. E. जीव life, णिच् कर्त्तरि आतु Unadi aff.
- जीवात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) The vital principle or spirit; that spiritual essence which renders bodies susceptible of motion or sensation. E. जीव life, and आत्मन् soul or spirit. जीवति जीव अच् कर्म० ।
- जीवाधार :: m. (-रः) 1. The world. 2. Heart. E. जीव an animal, and आधार support. संसारे हृदये च ।
- जीवान्तक :: m. (-कः) 1. A fowler, a bird-catcher. 2. A destroyer of life, a slayer, a murderer. E. जीव a living being, and अन्तक a destroyer; also sometimes written जीवन्तिक .
- जीवाश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Hoping for life. f. (-शा) Hope of living. E. जीव, and आशा hope.
- जीविका :: f. (-का) 1. Livelihood, profession or occupation by which a subsistence is obtained. 2. A tree: see जीवन्ती . E. जीव् to live, ण्वुल् and टाप् affixes: see जीवक .
- जीविकापन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Having obtained subsistence. E. जीविका, and आपन्न obtained.
- जीविकाप्राप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Having obtained as a livelihood. E. जीविका, and प्राप्त obtained.
- जीवित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Living, alive, existent. n. (-तं) Living, life, exist- ence. E. जीव, and भावे क्त aff.
- जीवितकाल :: n. (-लं) Period or duration of life, a life. E. जीवित existence, and काल time.
- जीवितज्ञा :: f. (-ज्ञा) An artery, a vessel of the body. E. जीवित, and ज्ञा who knows.
- जीवितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be lived, to be kept alive. E. जीव, and तव्य aff.
- जीवितव्यय :: m. (-यः) Casting away life, sacrifice of life. E. जीवित, and व्यय expense.
- जीवितसंशय :: m. (-यः) Fear of death. E. जीवित, and संशय doubt.
- जीवितहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Destroying life. E. जीवित, and हारिन् what takes away.
- जीविताशा :: f. (-शा) Love of life. E. जीवित, and आशा hope.
- जीवितेश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Ruling life, a master of being, (applicable to objects either of reverence or affection.) m. (-शः) 1. A name of YAMA, regent of death. 2. The sun. 3. The moon. 4. A lover, a husband. 5. Lord or master of existence. 6. A drug to revive the dead. E. जीवित life, and ईश lord, ruler.
- जीवोत्सर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) Abandonment of life, voluntary death. E. जीव, and उत्सर्ग leaving.
- जीविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Alive, living, animate, a living being. E. जीव, and णिनि aff.
- जु :: r. 1st cl. (जवति) 1. To go or move quickly, to go rapidly. E. भ्वा० प० अक० अनिट् जुङ् (ङ) r. 1st cl. (जवते) To go or move. सौत्रधातुः आत्म० सक० अनिट् ।
- जुकुट :: m. (-टः) 1. The Malaya range of mountains. 2. A dog. n. (-टं) The egg plant, (Solanum melongena)
- जुग (इ) जुगि :: r. 1st cl. (जुंगति) 1. To except, to exclude. 2. To quit or abandon. E. भ्वा० प० सक० सेट् इदित् ।
- जुगुप्सन :: n. (-नं) Censure, abuse, reproach, reviling. E. गुप् to censure,
affix स्वार्थे सन् भावे ल्यट्, or with अङ् and टाप् affixes जुगुप्सा; the root is always inflected in this sense, in the desiderative form. कर्त्तरि युच् । निन्दाशीले त्रि० ।
- जुगुप्सा :: f. (-प्सा) Censure, &c. See the preceding.
- जुगुप्सित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Reviled, blamed, censured, abused. E. गुप् to censure, affix क्त .
- जुङ्ग :: mf. (-ङ्गः-ङ्गा) A potherb, (Convolvulus argenteus.) E. जुगि to quit, affix अच्, removing all blemishes; also with कन् added जुङ्गक m. (-कः .)
- जुङ्गित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Outcaste, deserted, injured, abandoned. m. (-तः) A man of a degraded caste, a Chandala, &c. E. जुगि to abandon, affix क्त .
- जुटक :: nf. (टकं-टिका) 1. The matted hair of SIVA or of ascetics. 2. Any knot or fillet of hair. E. जट् to collect, affix अच्, and सज्ञायां कन् पृषो० or ऊ inserted; see जटा; also जूट, जूटक’ &c.
- जुड :: r. 6th cl. (जुडति) 1. To go, to move. 2. To bind. 3. To join, as in making or mending. r. 10th cl. (जोडयति-ते) 1. To send, to cast or throw, to direct. 2. To grind or pound. E. तु० कुटा० प० सेट् सक । चुरा० उभ० ।
- जुत (ऋ) जुतृ :: r. 1st cl. (जोतते) To shine, &c. E. भ्वा० आत्म० अक० सेट् ।
- जुन :: r. 6th cl. (जुनति) To go, or move. E. तु० प० सक० सेट् ।
- जुर् :: f. (-जूः) 1. Speed, velocity. 2. Motion in general. E. ज्वर् to make haste, affix क्विप्, and उठ् substituted for ब .
- जुल :: r. 10th cl. (जोलयति-ते) To reduce to powder. E. चु० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- जुर्व (ई) जुर्वी :: r. 1st cl. (जुर्वति) To hurt or kill. E. भ्वा० प० सक० सेट् ।
- जुष :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (जोषति जोषयति-ते) 1. To reason, to think, to conceive or imagine, to investigate or examine. 2. To injure, to hurt or kill. 3. To like. (ञि ई) ञि जुषो r. 6th cl. (जुषते) To please. to gratify, to give satisfaction or delight, to serve. E. भ्वा० प० सक- सेट् । चुरा० उभ० अक तृप्तौ, सक तर्के । तुदा० आ० सेट् हर्षे अक०, सेवायां सक०
- जुष्कक :: m. (-कः) The water of boiled pulse, pease soup, porridge, &c. E. जुष् to please or satisfy, कक् affix, and deriv. irr. see जूष .
- जुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Served, obliged, worshipped, gratified by service. n. (-ष्टं) The crumbs or remnants of a meal or its leavings. E. जुष् to please, &c. affix कर्मणि क्त .
- जुष्य :: mfn. (-ष्यः -ष्या -ष्यं) To be served or worshipped. E. जुष् to please, aff. कर्मणि भावे वा क्यप् ।
- जुहुवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत) Sacrificing, offering oblations. m. (-वान्) Fire. E. हु to sacrifice, क्तवतु aff.
- जुहुवान :: m. (-नः) 1. Fire. 2. A tree. 3. A hard-hearted man.
- जुहू :: f. (-हूः) A wooden vessel, of the shape of a semicircle or crescent. used to pour sacrificial butter in to the fire. E. हु to sacrifice, Unadi affix क्विप्, the root reiterated, and the final made long also remain- ing short जुहु . f. (-हुः) |
- जुहूवत् :: m. (-वान्) Fire, or the deity AGNI. E. जुह a sacrificial vessel, and मतुप् possessing; being the medium of (burnt) offerings; also जुहुवत् .
- जुहूराण :: m. (-णः) 1. The moon. 2. Fire or its deity. 3. An officiating priest E. हूर्च्छ to be crooked, to abandon, &c. Unadi affix आनच्; the root is reiterated, and the final छ rejected.
- जुह्वत् :: mfn. (-ह्वन् -ह्वती -ह्वत्) Sacrifice, offering oblations. E. हु to sacri- fice, शतृ aff.
- जू :: f. (-जूः) 1. Æther, heaven. 2. A name of the goddess SARASWATI. 3. A female demon or goblin. 4. Speed, expedition, velocity. 5. Going, motion. 6. The atmosphere E. जू to go swiftly, affix क्विप्, and the final lengthened.
- जूट :: m. (टः) 1. The matted hair of SIVA. 2. The clotted hair of an as- cetic. E. जट् to collect, affix अच्, ऊ inserted; see जटा;
also with कन् added जूटक . n. (-कं) and with a short vowel जुटक q. v.; it is also used compounded with जटा in the same sense, as जटाजूट .
- जूति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Speed, velocity. 2. Going, proceeding, moving. E. जु to go swiftly, affix भावे क्तिन्, deriv. irr.
- जूर (ई) जूरी :: r. 4th cl. (जूर्य्यते) 1. To hurt, to injure, to wound or kill. 2. To be angry with (with a dat.) 3. To be decayed, to decay or grow old. E. वयोहानौ अक० बधे सक-दिवा-आ-सेट् ।
- जूर्णाह्वय :: m. (-यः) A kind of grain, (Andropogon sorghum:) see देवधान्य, जूर्णम् आह्वयते काण्डेन स्पर्द्धते आ + ह्वे वा श ।
- जूर्णि :: f. (-र्णिः) 1. Speed. 2. The body. 3. The sun. 4. BRAMHA. 5. Fever. E. ज्वर् to be feverish, Unadi affix नि .
- जूर्त्ति :: f. (-र्त्तिः) Fever, feverish or morbid heat. E. ज्वर् to be feverish, ऊठ् भावे क्तिन् aff.
- जूर्व्व (-ई) जूर्व्वी (जूर्व्वति) :: To hurt or kill.
- जूष :: r. 1st cl. (जुषति-ते) To kill or hurt. E. भ्वा-उभ सक-सेट् ।
- जूष :: n. (-षं) The water of boiled pulse, pease soup, porridge, &c. E. जूष् to satisfy, affix क and the radical vowel made long.
- जूषण :: n. (-णं) A plant, (Grislea tomentosa.) E. जूष् to hurt, affix ल्यु .
- जृ :: r. 1st cl. (जरति) To make short or low. E. भ्वा-प-सक-अनिट् ।
- जृभ (ई) जृभी :: r. 1st cl. (जृभते) or more commonly r. 1st cl. (इ) जृभि (जृम्भते) To gape, to yawn. r. 10th cl. (जृम्भयति-ते) To fear, to dread. E. भ्वा-आ-अक-सेट् । जृम्भे गात्रशैथिल्ये च भ्वा-आ-अक-सेट् इदित् । चु-उभ ।
- जृम्भ :: mfn. sub. (-म्भः-म्भा-म्भं) 1. Gaping, yawning. 2. Expansion, stretch- ing, expanding. 3. Swelling, a puffing or blowing up. 4. Blowing, blossoming. E. जृभि to gape, affix भावे घञ् .
- जृम्भक :: m. (-कः) 1. A subordinate deity. 2. A yawner. E. जृभि, and ण्वुल् aff.
- जृम्भण :: n. (-णं) 1. Gaping, yawning. 2. Blowing. E. जृभि to yawn, affix भावे ल्युट् .
- जृम्भमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Yawning, gaping. 2. Opening, blowing. E. जृभि to open, शानच् aff.
- जृम्भावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Yawning, gaping. E. जृम्भा, and मतुप् aff.
- जृम्भिका :: f. (-का) Gaping, yawning. E. जृम्भि and क्वुन् affix, fem. form.
- जृम्भित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Opened, expanded. 2. Enlarged. 3. Done, exerted. 4. Opened, (as a flower,) blown. n. (-तं) 1. Gaping, yawn- ing. 2. Swelling, expansion. 3. Bursting, opening. 4. Wish, active wish or search for. E. जृभि to gape, affix क्त .
- जृम्भिन् :: mfn. (-म्भी -म्भिनी -म्भि) 1. Who or what yawns or gapes. 2. Expand- ing, blossoming. f. (-नी) A kind of Mimosa, (M. octandra.) E. जृम्भ bursting, budding and णिनि aff.
- जॄ :: r. 1st cl. (जरति) 4th cl. (जीर्य्यति) 9th cl. (जृणाति) and 10th cl. (जरयति- ते) 1. To grow old, to be or become old or decayed. 2. To be con- sumed, to perish. 3. To be digested. E. भ्वा-अक-सेट् । दिवा-प-अक-सेट् इदित् । क्य्रादि-प्वादि-अक-सेट् । पक्षे चुरा-उभ० ।
- जेतव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be conquered or overcome, to be surpassed or excelled. E. जि to conquer, तव्य aff.
- जेतृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) 1. Victorious, triumphant. 2. Surpassing, excelling. 3. An epithet of vishnu. m. (-ता) A victor, a conqueror. E. जि to conquer, तृच् aff.
- जेन्ताक :: m. (-कः) A dry hot bath, or heated chamber for inducing per- spiration in rheumatism, &c.
- जेमन :: n. (-नं) 1. Food, victuals Dinner. 2. Eating. E. जिम् to eat, affix भावे ल्युट् .
- जेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Conquerable, fit or subject to be conquered. E. जि to conquer, affix कर्मणि यत् .
- जेष (ऋ) जेषृ :: r. 1st cl. (जेषते) To go or move. E. भ्वा-आ-सक-सेट् ।
- जेह (ऋ) जेहृ :: r. 1st cl. (जेहते) 1. To resolve, to attempt resolutely, to endeavour diligently or perseveringly. 2. To go, to move. E. भ्वा-आ- अक-सेट् ।
- जै :: r. 1st cl. (जयति) To wane or decline. E. भ्वा-प-अक-अनिट् .
- जैत्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्री -त्रं) 1. Victorious, triumphant. 2. Leading to victory. m. (-त्रः) 1. A conqueror, a victor. 2. Quicksilver. f. (-त्री) A tree, (Æs- chynomene sesban.) E. जेतृ to conquer or excel, प्रज्ञा० अण् aff.
- जैत्ररथ :: m. (-थः) A hero, a victor, a conqueror. E. जैत्र victorious, and रथ a car; whose chariot is triumphant जैत्रः रथः अस्य ।
- जैन :: m. (-नः) A Jaina, a follower of the principles of a Jina or teacher of heterodox notions, the chief of which are, the supremacy of certain religious pontiffs over the gods of the Hindus, a denial of the divine authority of the Vedas, and a disregard of the distinc- tion of castes. E. जिन a Jina, and अण् aff. जिनः देवता अस्य ।
- जैपाल :: m. (-लः) A plant, (Croton tiglium): see जयपाल, the diphthong being considered as a substitute for the semivowel and vowels of the first members of the compound; it is most probably a corrup- tion borrowed from the dialects in which such a substitution is common.
- जैमिनि :: m. (-निः) The name of a celebrated saint and philosopher, the pupil of VYASA, and founder of the Purva Mimansa school, which is commented by Savaraswami.
- जैवातृक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Long-lived. 2. Thin, spare. m. (-कः) 1. The moon. 2. A drug, a medicament. 3. Camphor. 4. A son. f. (की) 1. Longlived. 2. Thin, lean. E. जीव life, आतृ कन् Unadi affix, and the radical vowel changed.
- जैष्णव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Relating to a conqueror, to ARJUNA, &c. E. जिष्ण as above, and अण् aff.
- जैह्म्य :: n. (-ह्म्यं) Crookedness, moral or physical. E. जिह्म crooked, ष्यञ् aff.
- जोङ्गक :: n. (-कं) Alœ wood or Agallochum. E. जुगि to remove, ण्वुल् affix; dissipating bad smells.
- जोङ्गट :: m. (-टः) 1. Longing for, wishing earnestly or eagerly. 2. The longings of a pregnant woman. E. जुगि to abandon, (all objects save that desired,) and अटन् aff.
- जोटिङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. A devotee, an ascetic, who sub- jects himself to the severest penances. E. जुट the braided hair of SIVA, ग who goes, from गम् to go, the form is irregular.
- जोन्ताला :: f. (-ला) A kind of grain: see देवधान्य .
- जोष :: n. (-षं) Happiness, felicity, pleasure, enjoyment, satisfaction. f. (-षा) A woman: see जोषा; also जोषित्, जोषिता, &c. E. जुष् to delight, affix भावे घञ् fem. affix टाप् .
- जोषम् :: ind. 1. Silently. 2. In happiness, delightedly at ease, &c. 3. Well, excellently. 4. Excessively, beyond bounds. E. जुष् to please or be pleased, affix अमु, संज्ञायां कन् ।
- जोषिका :: f. (-का) 1. A bud, a germ. 2. A woman. E. जुष् to please, affix कन् . and fem form; some copies have more accurately perhaps कोषिका .
- जोषित् :: f. (-षित्) A woman. E. जुष् to delight, affix इति; also योषित, जोषिता, &c.
- जोषिता :: f. (-ता) A woman, E. जुष् to please, affix क्त; also योषित, योषिता, &c.
- ज्ञ :: A compound letter, considered to be composed of ज and ञ; it is usually expressed by jn or gn, but its peculiar nasal sound is not well conveyed by any combination of the Roman alphabet.
- ज्ञ :: mfn. (ज्ञः ज्ञा ज्ञं) Who or what knows. m. (ज्ञः) 1. A wise and learned man; it especially applies to one possessed of sacred learning, and religious knowledge. 2. A name of BRAMHA. 3. The moon. 4. Bu- dha, first of the line of the moon, and regent of the planet MER- CURY. 5. The planet MARS or its regent. 6. The Sentient soul. E. ज्ञा to know, to possess knowledge, affix क .
- ज्ञप :: r. 10th cl. (ज्ञपयति-ते) 1. To know. 2. To cause to be known: see ज्ञा . 3. To whet or sharpen. 4. To beat. 5. To please. E. चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् घटादि ।
- ज्ञपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Taught, expounded, made known. E. ज्ञप् to make known, affix क्त, नि-वा-इट् optionally inserted, otherwise ज्ञप्त .
- ज्ञप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Made known: see the preceding.
- ज्ञप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) Understanding, comprehension, the exercise of the intel- lectual faculty. E. ज्ञप् to make known, affix भावे क्तिन्, deriv. irr.
- ज्ञा :: r. 9th cl. (जानाति जानीते) To know, to understand. With अनु, prefix-
ed, 1. To assent or conform to. 2. To acknowledge. With अप, To conceal. With अव, To disrespect, to despise. With उप, To deny knowledge of any thing. With परि, To ascertain. With प्र, To know well. With प्रति or सम्, To assent, to admit, to agree, to pro- mise. With प्रति and अभि, To recognise. With वि, To discriminate, to know. With सम्, To recollect or possess the power of knowing. (In combination, it usually takes the deponent form, as अनुजानीते, अपजानीते, &c.) r. 10th cl. (ज्ञापयतिते) To command, to direct; आङ् is usually prefixed in this sense. r. 1st cl. but occurring in the form of the causal, (ज्ञपयति) 1. To slay. 2. To gratify or please. 3. To exhibit 4. To sharpen. 5. To praise. In these senses the root is, in general. combined with a prefix. क्र्या-प-सक-अनिट् । चु-उभ-सक-सेट् ।
- ज्ञात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Known, comprehended, understood fully. E. ज्ञा to know, affix कर्मणि क्त .
- ज्ञातव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be known or understood. E. ज्ञा, and तव्य aff.
- ज्ञातसिद्धान्त :: m. (-न्तः) A man completely versed in any science or Shastra. E. ज्ञात what is known, and सिद्धान्त completion.
- ज्ञातान्वय :: m. (-यः) A name of Varddhamana, the last Jina or Jaina pon- tiff. E. ज्ञात known, and अन्वय lineage.
- ज्ञाति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A father. 2. A kinsman in general. 3. A distant kins- man, one who does not participate in the oblations of food or water offered to deceased ancestors. E. ज्ञा to know, affix कर्त्तरि करणे वा क्तिच्; who is known, an acquaintance.
- ज्ञातिकर्मन् :: n. (-र्म) Duty of kindred. E. ज्ञाति, and कर्म act; also ज्ञातिकार्य्य .
- ज्ञातित्व :: n. (-त्वं) Relationship, kin. E. त्व added to ज्ञाति .
- ज्ञातृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Knowing, wise, intelligent, who or what knows. E. ज्ञा to know, तृच् active aff.
- ज्ञातेय :: n. (-यं) Relationship, affinity. E. ज्ञाति a kinsmen, and ढक् aff.
- ज्ञात्वा :: ind. Having known. E. ज्ञा to know, क्त्वाच् aff.
- ज्ञान :: n. (-नं) 1. Knowledge in general. 2. Knowledge of a specific and religious kind, that which is derived from meditation, and the study of philosophy, which teaches man the divine nature and origin of his immaterial part, with the unreality of corporal en- joyments or worldly forms, and which, separating him during life from terrestrial objects, secures him, after death, a final eman- cipation from existence, and reunion with the universal spirit. 3. Cognizance, consciousness. 4. The organ of intelligence, sense. 5. Learning. E. ज्ञा to know, aff. भावे ल्युट् .
- ज्ञानगम्य :: mfn. (-म्यः -म्या -म्यं) Attainable by knowledge. E. ज्ञान, and गम्य attainable.
- ज्ञानचक्षुस् :: mn. (-क्षुः) 1. (Intellect, intellectual vision.) A learned & wise- man. E. ज्ञान, and चक्षुस् the eye.
- ज्ञानतपस् :: n. (-पः) Cultivation of sacred knowledge. E. ज्ञान, and तपस् religious austerity.
- ज्ञानतस :: ind. 1. By or 2. Knowingly, intentionally, through knowledge. E. ज्ञान, and तसिल् aff.
- ज्ञानदर्पण :: m. (-णः) One of the Jaina saints. E. ज्ञान true knowledge, and दर्पण a mirror.
- ज्ञानदीप :: m. (-पः) Knowledge, the lamp of knowledge. E. ज्ञान, and दीप a lamp.
- ज्ञाननिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Cultivating spiritual knowledge. E. ज्ञान, and निष्ठ engaged in.
- ज्ञानपर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Versed in spiritual wisdom. E. ज्ञान, and पर attentive to.
- ज्ञानपूर्व :: mfn. (-र्वः -र्वा -र्वं) Preceded by the acquirement of divine wis- dom. E. ज्ञान, and पूर्व prior.
- ज्ञानमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) 1. Consisting of knowledge, made up of it. 2. Spiritual. E. ज्ञान, and मयट् aff.
- ज्ञानमुद्र :: mfn. (-द्रः -द्रा -द्रं) Having the impress of wisdom, wise, making wise. E. ज्ञान, and मुद्रा a seal.
- ज्ञानमूल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Founded on spiritual knowledge. E. ज्ञान, and मूल root.
- ज्ञानलक्षण :: nf. (-णं-णा) 1. Indication, sign, means of knowing or inferring. 2. (In Logic.) Sign or proof of knowledge, or subsequent derived from antecedent knowledge. E. ज्ञान, and लक्षण indication.
- ज्ञानवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Wise, especially in spiritual things. E. ज्ञान, and मतुप् aff.
- ज्ञानविज्ञान :: n. (-नं) 1. Sacred and profane knowledge. 2. The Vedas and their subordinate parts, as medicine, war, &c. E. ज्ञान, and विज्ञान miscellaneous knowledge.
- ज्ञानानुत्पाद :: m. (-दः) Folly, ignorance. E. ज्ञान, and अनुत्पाद nonproduction.
- ज्ञानावस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Occupied by wisdom. E. ज्ञान, and अवस्थित placed.
- ज्ञानिन् :: mfn. (-नी -निनी -नि) 1. Wise, intelligent. 2. Knowing, who or what knows. m. (-नी) 1. An astrologer, a fortune-teller, a man prescient of future events. 2. A sage, one possessing religious wisdom or Jnan (ज्ञान) as above. E. ज्ञान knowledge, affix इनि .
- ज्ञानेन्द्रिय :: n. (-यं) An organ of preception or consciousness, the skin, tongue, eye, ear and nose (intellect.) E. ज्ञान, and इन्द्रिय an organ. ज्ञायते अनेन ज्ञा-करणे ल्युट् । ज्ञानसाधनम् इन्द्रियम् ।
- ज्ञापक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Making or causing to know. m. (-कः) An in- structor. 2. A commander, a master. n. (-कं) A rub or precept imply- ing something not expressly mentioned or laid down (In Philspay) E. ज्ञा to know, causal form, णिच् ल्युट् aff.
- ज्ञापन :: n. (-नं) Making known, apprising, informing. E. ज्ञा to know, causal form, णिच् ल्युट् aff.
- ज्ञाप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) Making known, informing. E. ज्ञा to know, causal form, क्तिन् aff.
- ज्ञीप्सा :: f. (-प्सा) The desire of knowing.
- ज्ञेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be known, what may be or ought to be known. E. ज्ञा, and कर्मणि यत् aff.
- ज्यका :: f. (-का) The chord of an are. E. ज्या the same, कन् added.
- ज्या :: r. 9th cl. (जिनाति) To decay, to be or become old. क्य्रा० प्वा० पर० अक० अनिट् ।
- ज्या :: f. (ज्या) 1. A mother. 2. The earth, 3. A bowstring. 4. The chord of an are. E. ज्या to become old, to decay, affixes अघ्न्या० यक् ।
- ज्याघोष :: m. (-षः) Twang of a bow. E. ज्या, and घोष sound.
- ज्यानि :: f. (-निः) 1. Old age, decay, infirmity. 2. Abandoning, quitting, leaving. 3. A river, a stream. E. ज्या to decay, &c. Unadi aff. नि .
- ज्यायस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) 1. Very old. 2. Very excellent, best. 3. Su- perior, Elder, elder born. 4. In law, one independent (come of age) and answerable for his own conduct. E. ज्या to be old, ईयसुन् affix. अतिशयेन प्रशस्यः वृद्धः वा ।
- ज्यु :: r. 1st cl. (ज्यवते) To go or approach. E. भ्वा-आ-सक-अनिट् ।
- ज्युत :: r. 1st cl. (ऋ) ज्युतृ (ज्योतते;) also (इर) ज्युतिर r. 1st cl. (ज्योतति) To shine. see द्युत । भ्वा० आ० अक० सेट् । भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- ज्येष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठी-ष्ठं) 1. Best, most excellent, pre-eminent. 2. Very old, oldest. 3. most senior Elder, elder born. f. (-ष्ठा) 1. One of the aste- risms, considered as lunar mansions; the eighteenth, comprising three stars, of which one is a Scorpionis, figured by a ring or ear- ring. 2. The middle finger. 3. Misfortune, personified as a goddess. 4. The Ganges, (-ष्ठा or ष्ठी) A small house lizard. m. (-ष्ठः) The month Jyeshtha or Jeyte, (May-June.) n. (-ष्ठं) Age, oldness. E. ज्या to decay, to grow infirm or old, affix इष्ठन्, fem. affixes टाप् and ङीष् .
- ज्येष्ठता :: f. (-ता) Seniority. 2. Superiority. E. ज्येष्ठ, and तल् affix; also ज्येष्ठत्व .
- ज्येष्ठतात :: m. (-तः) A father's elder brother. E. ज्येष्ठ elder born, and तात a father; the usual order of composition is here irregularly inverted.
- ज्येष्ठभार्य्या :: f. (-र्य्या) 1. An elder brother's wife. 2. The elder or chief wife. E. ज्येष्ठ, and भार्य्या wife.
- ज्येष्ठवर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) A Brahman. E. ज्येष्ठ elder born or best, वर्ण tribe.
- ज्येष्ठवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) The duties of age or seniority. E. ज्येष्ठ, and वृत्ति practice.
- ज्येष्ठावाप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) To be obtained by virtue or seniority, &c. E. ज्येष्ठ, and आवाप्य obtainable.
- ज्येष्ठश्वश्रू :: f. (-श्रू) A wife's elder sister. E. ज्येष्ठ elder, श्वश्रू mother-in-law.
- ज्येष्ठसामन् :: n. (-म) 1. A portion of the Sama Veda. 2. A religious rite of which its perusal is a part.
- ज्येष्ठांश :: m. (-शः) 1. The elder brother's share. 2. The best share. E. ज्येष्ठ, and अंश a share.
- ज्येष्ठामूलीय :: m. (-यः) The month of Jyeshtha. E. ज्य्येष्ठा the constellation, (as above,) मूल root, origin, and छ aff.
- ज्येष्ठाम्बु :: m. (-म्बुः) The scum of boiled rice, or water in which grain has been washed. E. ज्येष्ठ, and अम्बु water.
- ज्यष्ठाश्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. The order of the householder. 2. A householder. E. ज्येष्ठ, and आश्रम order.
- ज्येष्ठाश्रमिन् :: m. (-मी) A householder, a man of the second order. E. ज्येष्ठ best, आश्रम order, इनि aff.
- ज्यैष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) The month Jyeshtha or Jeyte, (May-June.) f. (-ष्ठी) 1. The day of full moon in Jeyshta. 2. A house lizard. E. ज्यैष्ठा the mansion or asterism which the moon is in this month, and अण् aff.
- ज्यैष्ठसामन् :: m. (-मा) A Brahman versed in that portion of the Sama Veda called Jyeshtha Sama. ज्येष्ठसामन् as above. aff. अण् .
- ज्यैष्ठिनेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Born of the elder or principal wife. E. ज्यैष्ठा, and ढक् affix, इनङ् inserted.
- ज्यैष्ठ्य :: n. (-ष्ठं) Seniority, age. E. ज्यैष्ठ, and यञ् aff.
- ज्यो :: r. 1st cl. (ज्यवते) 1. To advise or instruct. 2. To order. 3. To ob- serve a vow or any religious obligation. E. भ्वा-आ-सक-अनिट् ।
- ज्योतिःशास्त्र :: n. (स्त्रं) 1. The science of Astronomy or astrology. E. ज्योतिस् and शास्त्र a Scripture.
- ज्योतिरिङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) A fire-fly. E. ज्योतिस् light, इगि to go, affix क; also with युच् affix, ज्योतिरिङ्गण n. (-णं).
- ज्योतिर्गण :: m. (-णः) The heavenly bodies collectively. E. ज्योतिस् a planet, and गण a class.
- ज्योतिर्विद् :: m. (-त्) An astrologer, an arithmetician. E. ज्योतिस्, and विद् who knows. ज्योतिषां मूर्य्यादीनां गत्यादिकं वेत्ति विद्-क्विप् ।
- ज्योतिर्विद्या :: f. (-द्या) The science of computation, from arithmetic to as- tronomy and astrology. E. ज्योतिस्, and विद्या science.
- ज्योतिर्वीज :: n. (-जं) A fire-fly. E. ज्योतिस् light, and वीज seed.
- ज्योतिश्चक्र :: n. (-क्रं) 1. The zodiac. 2. The lunar mansion. E. ज्योतिस्, pla- net, and चक्र a sphere.
- ज्योतिष :: mfn. (-षः -षी -षं) Astrological, astronomical, relating to the hea- venly bodies. mf. (-षः-षी) An astrologer. n. (-पं) Mathemetical, as- tronomical and astrological science, astronomy. f. (-षी) A star, a planet, a asterism. E. ज्योतिस् light, especially of the heavenly bodies, affix अच्, fem. ङीष् .
- ज्योतिषिक :: m. (-कः) An astrologer: see ज्योतिषिक .
- ज्योतिष्क :: m. (-ष्कः) 1. A planetary or heavenly body; the generic term for the sun, the moon, a planet, an asterism, a star: the word in the m. plu. (-ष्काः) implies all these five. 2. A tree, the wood of which is used to produce fire by attribution: see गणिकारिका f. (-का) Heart-pea: see ज्योतिष्मती . E. ज्योतिस् light, and क what makes, from कृ, with ड aff.
- ज्योतिष्कल्प :: mfn. (-ल्पः -ल्पा -ल्पं) Blazing, radient, like flame or fire. E. ज्योतिस्, and कल्प affix, implying resemblance.
- ज्योतिष्टोम :: n. (-मं) A particular sacrifice at which sixteen officiating priests are required. It is a sacrifice considered as the typical form of a whole class of sacrificial ceremonies. E. ज्योतिस् light, and स्तोम a sacrifice.
- ज्योतिष्मत् :: m. (-ष्मान्) The sun. f. (-ष्मती) Heart-pea, (Halicacabum cardios- permum) E. ज्योतिस् light or splendor, and मतुप् poss. aff.
- ज्योतिस् :: n. (-तिः) 1. Light. 2. A star. 3. The pupil of the eye. The faculty of seeing. 4. The light regarded as the supreme spirit. 5. The lightening. 6. A heavenly body. m. (-तिः) 1. The sun. 2. AGINI
or fire. E. द्यत् to shine, to be or give light इसुन् Unadi affix, and ज substituted for the radical initial.
- ज्योतिस्मात् :: ind. In flame or fire. E. ज्योतिस्, and साति aff.
- ज्योतीरथ :: m. (-थः) The pole star, or in mythology DHRUVA, the son of UTTANAPADA. E. ज्योतिस् a star, and रथ a vehicle.
- ज्योत्स्ना :: f. (-त्स्ना) 1. Moonlight. 2. Amoonlight night. 3. A small cucum- ber: see ज्योत्स्नी . E. ज्योतिस् light, त affix, and the penultimate re- jected, deriv. irr. fem. affix टाप्; also with ङिष्, ज्योत्स्नी q. v.
- ज्योत्स्नाप्रिय :: m. (-यः) The Chakora or Greek partridge. E. ज्योत्स्ना moon- light, and प्रिय fond of; this bird is said to feed upon the moon- beams.
- ज्योत्स्नावृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The tripod or tree of a lampstand, a candle-stick. E. ज्योत्स्ना moonlight, (put for lamp-light,) and वृक्ष a tree.
- ज्योत्स्नी :: f. (-त्स्नी) 1. A moonlight night. 2. A small cucumber, (Tricho- santhes diæca;) it is also applied to Luffa acutangula, &c. 3. A kind of perfume: see रेणुका . E. See ज्योत्स्ना .
- ज्यौ :: m. The planet Jupiter.
- ज्यौतिषिक :: m. (-कः) An astrologer or astronomer. E. ज्योतिस् a star, affix ठक्; also the the vowel being unchanged optionally, ज्योतिषिक .
- ज्यौत्स्न :: mfn. (-त्स्नः -त्स्नी -त्स्नं) Light, especially with moonlight, &c. E. ज्योत्स्ना moonlight, अण् affix: see ज्योत्स्नी and ज्यौत्स्निका .
- ज्यौत्स्निका :: f. (-का) A moonlight. E. ज्योत्स्नी, and कन् added.
- ज्यौत्स्नी :: f. (-त्स्नी) A moonlight night, or a night on which the moon is full. 2. A kind of cucumber: see ज्यीत्स्नी . E. ज्यौत्स्नी as above, and अण् pleonastic aff.
- ज्रि :: r. 1st cl. (ज्रयति) 1. To conquer, to reduce. 2. To be conquered or reduced. E. भ्वा-प-सक-अनिट् ।
- ज्री :: r. 1st cl. (ज्रिणाति) r. 1st and 10th cls. (ज्रयति-ज्राययति-ते) To grow old, to be or become old or decayed. E. क्र्या-प्वा-प-अक-अनिट् । भ्वा-वाचुरा-उभ ।
- ज्वर :: r. 1st cl. (ज्वरति) To be diseased, to be feverish, &c. भ्वा-प-अक ।
- ज्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. Fever, intermitting or continued. 2. Mental Pain, affli- ction, Distress. E. ज्वर to be feverish, affix भावेघ ।
- ज्वरघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) Anti-febrile, febrifuge. f. (-घ्नी) 1. A plant, (Men- ispermum glabrum.) 2. A potherb, (Chenopocium album) E. ज्वर, and घ्न what destroys. ज्वरं हन्ति हन-ठक् ।
- ज्वरनाशक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Febrifuge. E. ज्वर, and नाशक what destroys.
- ज्वरहन्तृ :: mfn. (-न्ता -न्त्री -न्तृ) Febrifuge. E. ज्वर, and हन् what destroys; ज्वरहन् m. (-हा)
- ज्वराग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) Feverish heat, or the hot paroxysm of fever. E. ज्वर fever, and अग्नि fire.
- ज्वरान्तक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Febrifuge. m. (-कः) 1. A kind of Nimb from Nepal. 2. Casia fistula. E. ज्वर, and अन्तक what removes.
- ज्वरापहा :: f. (-हा) A plant, (Medicago esculenta.) E. ज्वर fever, अपहा removing.
- ज्वरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Febrile, feverish, affected with fever. E. ज्वर् to be feverish, क्त aff.
- ज्वरिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Febrile, feverish, fevered. E. ज्वर, and इनि .
- ज्वल :: r. 1st cl. (ज्वलति,) or with a prefix, r. 10th cl. (प्रज्वलयति-ते) 1. To shine to blaze, to flame. 2. To be ardent. 3. To kindle E. भ्वा-प-अक-सेट् चु० उ० ।
- ज्वल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Blazing, shining. m. (-लः) Flame, blaze, light. E. ज्वल् to blaze, affix अच्; also ज्वाल .
- ज्वलका :: f. (-का) A large Flame. E. ज्वल् to blaze, affix वुन् .
- ज्वलत् :: mfn. (-लन् -लन्ती -लत्) 1. Burning, blazing. 2. Shining, radient, brilliant. E. ज्वल् to burn, शतृ aff.
- ज्वलन :: n. (-नं) 1. Burning, blazing. 2. The fire. m. (-नः) AGNI, or fire. 3. The number “Three.” E. ज्वल् to blaze, affix ताच्छील्यादौ युच् ।
- ज्वलनाश्मन् :: m. (-श्मा) The sun-stone. E. ज्वलन, and अश्मन् a stone.
- ज्वलन्मणि :: mfn. (-णिः -णिः -णि) Blazing with jewels. m. (-णिः) A brilli- ant gem. E. ज्वलत्, and मणि a jewel.
- ज्वलयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) 1. Burning, blazing. 2. Radient. E. ज्वल् to burn, r. 10th cl. शतृ aff.
- ज्वलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Burnt. 2. Blazing, flaming. E. ज्वल् to flame, affix क्त .
- ज्वलितनयन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Fiery-eyed, looking angrily or fiercely. E. ज्वलित, and नयन the eye; also ज्वलितचक्षुस्, ज्वलितनेच, &c.
- ज्वलिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) 1. Burning, flaming. 2. Shining. E. ज्वल, and इनि aff.
- ज्वाल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Burning, blazing. mf. (लः-ला) Flame, blaze. f. (-ला) Burnt rice. E. ज्वल् to blaze, affix अण्, fem. affix टाप् or ङीप् .
- ज्वालाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) Flame. E. ज्वाल, and अग्नि fire.
- ज्वालजिह्व :: m. (-ह्वः) AGNI, or fire. E. जाला, and जिह्वा a tongue; whose tongue is flame.
- ज्वालामुखी :: f. (-खी) A place where subterraneous fires break forth; an object of veneration to the Hindus: a celebrated Jwalamukhi exists in Punjab, to which pilgrimages are made; the soil abound- ing with carburetted hydrogen, which takes fire upon coming in contact with the external air; otherwise vents being made, a light is applied to the orifice, and flame being kindled, is fed by the stream of gas that escapes. The tongue of PARVATI is said to have fallen at this place. E. ज्वाला flame, and मुख chief, principal, fem. affix ङीष् ।
- ज्वालिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) 1. Flaming, blazing. 2. An Epithet of Siva. E. ज्वल्, and णिनि aff.
- झ :: The ninth consonant of the Deva Nagara alphabet; the aspirate of the preceding letter, and corresponding in power to Jh.
- झ :: mfn. (झः झा झं) 1. Asleep, sleeping. 2. Lost, destroyed. m. (झः) 1. A name of VRIHASPATI, preceptor of the gods. 2. A name of the chief of the Daityas or demons. 3. Sound or a sort of sound like the splashing of water, or the clashing of cymbals, jangling, clanging, &c. 4. High wind. 5. A stray, a thing lost or mislaid. 6. Playing a tune, beating time. f. (झा) The descent of a cascade, a water fall. E. झट to collect, affix ड .
- झङ्कार :: m. (-रः) A low inarticulate sound, as the buzzing of bees, &c. E. झ, and कार a making. कृ-घञ् ।
- झञ्झन :: n. (-नं) An indistinct noise, like the jangling of metallic orna- ments, a ringing, a rattling, &c.
- झञ्झा :: f. (-ञ्झा) 1. Wind, wind and rain, a hurricane, a gale. 2. A sharp clanging sound, jangling. 3. Raining in large drops. 4. A stray, any thing lost. झमिति कृत्वा झटति झट-ड ।
- झञ्झानिल :: m. (-लः) Wind with rain, a high wind in the rainy season, a typhoon or the sort of tempest frequent during the south-west monsoon. E. झञ्झा heavy rain, and अनिल wind; also झञ्झा- मरुत्, &c.
- झञ्झावात :: m. (-तः) Wind with rain, a storm, a squall. E. झञ्झा heavy rain, and वात wind.
- झट :: r. 1st. cl. (झटति) To clot, to be entangled, (as hair:) see जट . E. भ्वा-पर-अक-सेट् ।
- झटा :: f. (-टा) A plant, (Flacourtia cataphracta.) E. झट् to entangled, affix अत्र् .
- झटि :: m. (-टिः) A small tree, a shrub, a bush. E. जट् to be entangled, इन् Unadi aff.
- झटिति :: ind. Quickly, speedily, instantly. E. झटि entangling, confusing, affix इन् क्तिन्; also जटिति .
- झनत्कार :: m. (-रः) The clanging of metallic ornaments, &c. E. झनत् imi- tative sound, &c. कार making.
- झम (उ) झमु :: r. 1st cl. (झमति) To eat: see जमु, &c. E. भ्वा-प-सक-सेट् ।
- झम्प :: mf. (-म्पः-म्पा) Jumping, springing, plunging. E. झं imitative sound, and पत् to fall, affix ड .
- झम्पाक :: m. (-कः) A monkey or ape. E. झम्प, and अक to go. झम्पेन आकायति आ + कै-क । वानरे ।
- झम्पारु :: m. (-रुः) A monkey, an ape. E. झम्प plunging, and अश् to go, उण् aff.
- झम्पाशिन् :: m. (-शी) A kingfisher. E. झम्प plunging, and अश् to eat, affix णिनि .
- झम्पिन् :: m. (-म्पी) A monkey, an ape. E. झम्प springing, इनि aff.
- झर :: m. (-रः) f. (-रा or -रिः-री) A cascade, a water-fall. f. (-री) A river. E. झॄ to waste or decay, affix अप्, fem. affix टाप्, इन् or ङीष्; also निर्झर .
- झर्च :: r. 6th cl. (झर्च्चति) 1. To say. 2. To blame, to abuse or menace; also झर्छ झर्ज, &c. E. तुदा० प० सक० सेट् ।
- झर्छ :: r. 6th cl. (झर्छति) 1. To say. 2. To blame, to abuse or menace; also झर्च . E. तुदा-प-सक-सेट् ।
- झर्ज :: r. 6th cl. (झर्जति) 1. To say, to speak. 2. To censure, to blame. E. तुदा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- झर्झ :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (झर्झति झर्झयति-ते) 1. To speak or say. 2. To censure or reprove. r. 1st cl. (झर्झति) To kill or hurt.
- झर्झर :: mf. (-रः-री) A sort of drum. m. (-रः) 1. The Kaliyuga, the pre- sent Yug or age of the world. 2. The name of a river. 3. A cane- staff. 4. A cymbal f. (-रा) A whore. n. (-रं) A sound as of splashing or dropping. E. झर्झ an imitative sound like that of water splash- ing, &c. and र what makes, from रा with ड affix, or झर्झ to cen- sure, and करच् Unadi aff.
- झर्झरक :: m. (-कः) The Kaliyug. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- झर्झरीक :: m. (-कः) 1. The body. 2. A country. 3. A picture. E. झर्झ to injure or destroy, ईकन् affix, and र inserted.
- झलञ्झला :: f. (-ला) The flapping of an elephant's ears, or loose breasts, &c. the word is considered as merely imitative of the noise made.
- झलरी :: f. (-री) 1. A sort of drum. 2. A curl. E. झल imitative sound, र from रा to get or make, affixes ड and ङीप्; also झल्लरी and झल्ली .
- झला :: f. (-ला) 1. A daughter, a girl. 2. Sunshine, splendour, brilliant or glistering light. 3. A cricket; also झाला .
- झलि :: f. (-लिः) The areca nut.
- झल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) A prize fighter, a cudgel player, a man of a tribe follow- ing such a profession; one of the degraded classes, being sprung from the outcaste Kshetriya E. जल् to surround or embrace, ल added, and ज changed to झ .
- झल्लक :: n. (-कं) Cymbals. E. झल्ल imitative sound, a clash, and क what emits, from कै to sound, affix ड .
- झल्लकण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) A pigeon. E. झल्ल imitative sound, and कण्ठ a throat.
- झल्लरी :: f. (-री) 1. A sort of drum. 2. A curl, a lock of hair: see झलरी . 3. A ball, &c. of perfumed substances used for cleaning the hair. 4. Moisture. 5. Purity.
- झल्लिका :: f. (-का) 1. Light, splendour, lustre. 2. A rag or cloth used for applying colour or perfumes. 3. Dirt brought off the body by rub- bing it with perfumes. E. झर्झ ण्वुल् पृषो० ।
- झल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) A kind of drum: see झलरी .
- झल्लोल :: m. (-लः) A ball or protuberance at the lower end of a spindle.
- झष :: r. 1st. cl. (झषति-ते) 1. To kill or hurt. 2. To take. 3. To put on, to wear. E. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् । ग्रहणे पिधाने च भ्वा-उभ-सक-सेट् ।
- झष :: m. (-षः) 1. A fish. 2. The sign “Pisces” of the Zodiac. 3. Heat, warmth. 4. A forest, a thicket. f. (-षा) A plant, (Hedysarum lagopodioides.) n. (-षं) Waste land. E. झष् to injure, affix कर्मणि घ ।
- झषकेतन :: m. (-नः) A name of KANDARPA. E. झष a fish, and केतन a ban- ner, who bears a fish on his banner.
- झषाङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) A name of Kandarpa झष, E. a fish and अङ्क a mark or symbol.
- झषाशन :: m. (-नः) The gangetic porpoise. E. झष fish, and अशन food.
- झषोदरी :: f. (-री) An epithet of Satyabati the mother of the poet VYASA. E. झष a fish, and उदर the belly: born from the belly of a fish.
- झांकृत :: n. (-तं) 1. A tinkling ornament worn on the toes or the feet. 2. A gurgling or rattling noise. E. झां a jungling or jingling, and कृत made (by which.)
- झाट :: m. (-टः) 1. An arbour, a bower, a place overgrown with creepers. 2. A wood, a thicket. 3. Cleaning sores or wounds. f. (-टा-टी) 1. Jasmine. 2. A plant, (Flacourtia cataphracta:) see झाट n. (-टं) A wood, a thicket. E. झट् to be entangled, affix णिच् अच् । निकुञ्जे कान्तारे व्रणादीनां मार्ज्जने भूम्यामलक्यायां यूथिकायां च ।
- झाटाल :: m. (-लः) A kind of flower: see घण्टापाटलि . E. झट् to entangle, affix णिच् अलच ।
- झाटास्त्रक :: m. (-कः) The water melon.
- झाटिका :: f. (-का) A plant, (Flacourtia cataphracta)
- झामक :: n. (-कं) A burnt or vitrified brick. E. झम् to eat, affix कर्मणि ण्वुल् being fed upon by fire. (झामा) ।
- झामर :: m. (-रः) A small whetstone, used chiefly by housewives for sharpening their spindles, needles, &c. E. झाम eating, wearing away, from झम् to eat, affix भावे घञ्, and र what gets, from रा with ड aff.
- झार्झर :: mf. (-रः-री) A tabor player, a drummer. E. झर्झर a cymbal, affix अण्; also with ठक् affix झार्झरिक .
- झालरी :: f. (-री) A kind of drum or tabor. E. झलरी the same, अण् pleo- nastic aff.
- झाला :: f. (-ला) See झला .
- झालि :: f. (-लिः) A sort of sour or unripe mangoes, fried with salt, mus- tard, and asafœtida.
- झावु :: m. (-वुः) A tree, (Tamarix Indica;) also with कन् added झावुक m. (-कः) and with a long final vowel झावू m. (-वूः) The words are con- sidered as irregular or foreign. झा-इति वाति गच्छति वा डु (झाउ) स्वार्थे कन् ।
- झिङ्गाक :: n. (-कं) A sort of cucumber, (Luffa acutangula.) (भिङ्गा).
- झिङ्गिनी :: f. (-नी) 1. A torch, a firebrand, The fire falling from heaven. 2. A sort of cucumber (Luffa acutangula.) or the tree. लिगि-णिनि पृषो० । जिङ्गिनीवृक्षे, उल्कायाम् च ।
- झिङ्गी :: f. (-ङ्गी) 1. A cricket. 2. The wick of a lamp. 3. light, lustre. 4. The Jhingine tree. see झिल्ली . E. लिगि अच् गौरा० ङीष् ।
- झिञ्जिम :: m. (-मः) A forest on fire.
- झिण्टी :: f. (-ण्टी) A shrub, (Barleria cristata.) E. झि imitative sound, रट् to utter, affix अच्, deriv. irr.
- झिरी :: f. (-री) A cricket. E. झि imitative of the cricket's chirp, रा to make, affixes ड and ङीष्: also झिल्ली; भिरिका, and (कन् being add ed); also इ pen. being made long झिरीका, or changed to उ, झिरुका the first vowel also being lengthened झीरिका, and झीरुका, &c. झिरिति अव्यक्तशब्दोऽस्ति अस्या इन् ।
- झिरुका :: f. (-का) A cricket: see the last.
- झिल्लि :: f. (ल्लिः) 1. Cymbals. 2. A cricket. 3. Membrane: see झिल्ली . चिल्लति चिल-अच् पृ-गौरा-ङोष् आतपरुचौ, कीटभेदे वर्त्त्याञ्च ।
- झिल्लिका :: f. (-का) 1. A cricket. 2. The light of sunshine, strong light, splendour. 3. Dirt taken off the body in rubbing it with perfumes. 4. A cloth or rag used for applying colour, unguents, &c. 5. A cricket's cry. 6. Membrane, thin skin, parchment. E. झिल्ल for चिल्ल imitative sound, expressing the cricket's chirp, and ङीष् being added झिल्ली, and कन् again added झिल्लिका; also with the penulti- mate long झिल्लीका .
- झिल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) 1. A cricket. 2. Sunshine, light, lustre. 3. The wick of a lamp. 4. A cloth or rag for applying unguents, colour, &c. 5. A musical instrument, cymbals. 6. Membrane. E. See the preceding.
- झिल्लीकण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) A pigeon. E. झिल्ली a cricket, and कण्ठ the throat, chirping as it were in the throat.
- झीरिका :: f. (-का A cricket: see झिरी .
- झीरुका :: f. (-का) A cricket: see झिरी .
- झु :: r. 1st cl. (झवते) To go or move.
- झुण्ट :: m. (-ण्टः) 1. A tree. 1. A shrub, a bush. E. झट् to be entangled, affix अच्, नुम् augment, and the vowel changed to उ . ल्युण्ठ अच्-पृ० ।
- झूणि :: f. (-णिः) 1. A kind of betel nut. 2. Heavenly annunciation of misfortunes.
- झूमेरि :: f. (-रिः) One of the Raginis, or modes of music personified.
- झूष :: r. 1st cl. (झूषति) To hurt or kill.
- झॄ :: r. 9th cl. (झॄणाति) (ष) झॄष् r. 1st cl. (झीर्य्यति) To grow old, क्य्रा० दिवा- प० अक० सेट् । to become infirm with age, &c. to decay.
- झोड :: m. (-डः) The betel nut tree,
- झ्यु :: r. 1st cl. (झ्यवते) To go or move. गतौ भ्वा० आ० सक० अनिट् ।
- ञ :: The nasal attached to the class of palatal letters, having some- thing like the sound of N in the French word Singe, and express- ed by the letter accented N.
- ञ :: m. (-ञः) 1. A name of SUKRA, regent of Venus. 2. An ox. 3. A heretic, an apostate. 4. Singing. 5. Jingling or inarticulate sound.
- ट :: The 11th consonant of the Nagri alphabet, and first of the 3rd class or cerebrals. It corresponds in sound to the letter T pro- nounced far back in the mouth, or as in true, and is expressed in the roman character by the accented letter T.
- ट :: m. (-टः) Sound. a particular sound, like the twang of a bow string. 2. A dwarf. 3. A quarter, a fourth, n. (-टं) A hollowed cocoanut, f. (टा) 1. The earth. 2. An oath, confirming an asser- tion by ordeal, &c. E. टक् to bind, &c. affix ड
- टक (इ) टकि :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (टङ्कति टङ्कयति-ते) To bind, to tie. भ्वा० प० पक्षे चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् इदित् ।
- टक्कादेशीय :: m. (-यः) A potherb, (Chenopodium album.)
- टगर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Squint-eyed. m. (-रः) 1. Borax. 2. Wanton play or sport. 3. Wandering of the mind, confusion, perplexity. 4. An object of sense.
- टङ्क :: mn. (-ङ्कः-ङ्कं) 1. A kind of elephant or wood apple, नीलकपित्थ . 2. Borax. 3. A spade or hoe. m. (-ङ्कः) 1. A hatchet or stone cut- ter's chisel. 2. A sword, a scimiter, a sacrificial hatchet or knife. 3. A scabbard, a sword-sheath. 4. Anger, wrath. 5. A weight of (silver) equal to four mashas. 6. A coin. 7. Pride, arrogance. 8. A cleft, a chasm. 9. A peak. f. (-ङ्गा) 1. The leg. 2. The edge or side of a mountain. E. टकि to bind, affix अच् घञ् वा or ट imitative, कै to emit sound, affix ड, and नुम् augment. संज्ञायाम् ।
- टङ्कक :: m. (-कः) A stamped coin, especially of silver. E. संज्ञायां कन् added to टङ्क a weight of silver.
- टङ्ककपति :: m. (-तिः) The master of a mint or superintendent of the silver coin. E. टङ्कक, and पति master.
- टङ्ककशाला :: f. (-ला) A mint. E. टङ्कक, and शाला a hall.
- टङ्कटीक :: m. (-कः) A name of SIVA. E. टङ्क an axe, and टीक who has, from टीक् to go or get, affix अच् .
- टङ्कन :: mn. (-नं) 1. Borax. 2. m. (णः) A species of horse. Binding, tying. E. टकि to bind, affix ल्यु . पृषो० बा णत्वम् टङ्कण ।
- टङ्कपति :: m. (-तिः) The master of the mint. E. टङ्क a weight of silver put for a coin, and पति master.
- टङ्कशाला :: f. (-ला) A mint. E. टङ्क see the last, and शाला a house or hall.
- टङ्कानक :: m. (-कः) The mulberry, (Morus Indica.) (वामन गाछा) E. टङ्कं कोपमानयति उद्दीपयति अन-णिच् ण्वुल ।
- टङ्कार :: m. (-रः) 1. Surprise, wonder. 2. Fame, notoriety. 3. The twang of a bow string. 4. A howl, a cry. E. टकि to bind, &c. affix आरक्; or ट twang, in the second case, कृ to make, affix घञ् .
- टङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A spade or hoe. 2. An axe. 3. The leg. 4. Borax. 5. A weight of four mashas. E. टकि to bind, affix अच् . क changed to ग, otherwise टङ्क् as above; also with ल्युट् affix, टङ्गन n. (-नं)
- टङ्गिनी :: f. (-नी) A plant, (Cissampelos hexandra.) टकि णिनि-पृ आकनादौ ।
- टट्टनी :: f. (-नी) A house lizard. E. टट्ट imitative sound, and न what makes, from नी, affixes ड and ङीष् .
- टट्टरी :: f. (-री) 1. A joke, a jest. 2. A kettle drum. 3. Any musical ins- trument. E. टट्ट imitative sound, and र what makes sound, and रा, with ड and ङीष् affs.
- टट्टुर :: m. (-रः) The sound of a drum. E. टट्टु imitative sound, tattoo, and र what gets or has.
- टल :: r. 1st cl. (टलति) To be confused, to be disturbed by fear, anxie- ty, &c. भ्वा० पर० अक० सेट्-ज्वला० । विप्लवे ।
- टलन :: n. (-नं) Anxiety, Perturbation. E. टल् to be disturbed, ल्युट् aff.
- टाङ्कर :: m. (-रः) A black-guard, a lecher, a libertine. E. टां an oath, and कर who takes.
- टाङ्कार :: m. (-रः) A clang, a twang.
- टार :: m. (-रः) 1. horse. 2. A catamite. E. टां पृथ्वीमृच्छति ऋ-अण् ।
- टिक (ऋ) टिकृ :: r. 1st cl. (टेकते) To go or move. भ्वा-आत्म-सक-सेट् ।
- टिटिभक :: m. (-कः) A bird: see the next.
- टिट्टिभ :: m. (-भः) A bird, (Parra jacana or goensis.) E. टिट्टि imitative sound, भास् to utter, affix ड; also with स्वाथ कन् added, टिट्टिभक; also टिटिभक, टटिभक, &c.
- टिण्डिश :: m. (-शः) A kind of tree.
- टिप :: r. 10th cl. (टेपयति-ते) To direct, to send, to throw or cast: the act of throwing being considered analogous to that of sending or ordering. चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- टिप्पनी :: f. (-नी) A gloss, a comment. E. टिप-क्विप् टिपा पन्यते स्तूयते पा घञर्थे क गौरा ङीष् । टीकायाम् ।
- टीक (ऋ) टीकृ :: r. 1st cl. (टीकते) To go or move. गतौ भ्वा-आत्म-सक-सेट् ।
- टीका :: f. (-का) A commentary. E. टीक् to go, affixes घञ् and टाप् by which the sense of the text proceeds. टीक्यते मम्यते ग्रन्थार्थीऽनया टीक करणे घञ् घञर्थे क वा ।
- टु :: m. (-टुः) 1. Gold. 2. A Proteus, a changer of shapes at will, KAMA or love.
- टुण्टुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Low, little, vile. 2. Cruel, harsh. m. (-कः) 1. A plant, (Bigonia Indica.) 2. A black species of catechu. 3. A small bird, (Silvia sutoria.) f. (-का) A plant, commonly Akanadhi: see टङ्गिनी . E. टुण्टु imitative sound, and क what utters.
- टेपन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sending. 2. Throwing. E. टिप् to throw, ल्युट् aff.
- टेर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Squint-eyed.
- टेरक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Spuint-eyed.
- टौक :: m. (ऋ) टौकृ r. 1st cl. (टौकते) To go, or move.
- ट्वल :: r. 1st cl. (ट्वलति) To be disturbed or confused: see टल । भ्वा-प-अक- सेट् ।
- ठ :: The aspirate of the preceding letter, corresponding to Th.
- ठ :: m. (-ठः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. The disk of the sun or moon. 3. A circle, a globe. 4. A cypher. 5. An object of sense. 5. A loud noise. 7. An imitative sound as of a metallic pot rolling down steps. 8. An idol, a deity.
- ठक्कुर :: m. (-रः) 1. An idol, a deity, an object of reverence or worship. 2. An honorific title after the name of a distinguished person.
- ठठम् :: ind. An imitative sound.
- ठालिनी :: f. (-नी) A girdle.
- ड :: The third letter of the cerebral class of consonants, having the sound of D, pronounced far back in the “head”: it is often con- founded in pronounciation with a hard R, or L, sounded as in the Northumbrian bur; it is written in the Roman character D.
- ड :: m. (-डः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. Fear. 3. Sound. 4. Submarine fire. 5. A kind of drum or tabor. 6. A kind of bird. f. (-डा) 1. A kind of female imp or goblin. 2. A basket, &c. carried by a sling: see डलक . E. डप to collect, affix, ड .
- डङ्गरी :: f. (-री) A kind of gourd; also read डङ्गारी E. डं त्रासं गिरति गॄ-अच् गौरा ङीष् । कर्कटीभेदे ।
- डप :: r. 10th cl (डापयते) (इ) डपि r. 1st and 10th cls. (डम्प-ते डम्पयते) To collect, to accumulate, to heap together. संहतौ वा-चुरा-आत्म-अक-सक- सेट् पक्षे भ्वा ।
- डब :: r. 10th cl. (इ) डबि (डम्बयति-ते) To throw, to send, to order. With वि prefixed, to deceive, to disgrace. चुरा-उभ-प-आत्मप्रेरणे राशिकरणे च । सक-सेट् ।
- डभ (इ) डभि :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (डम्भति डम्भययि-ते) To collect, to heap. together. चुरा-उभ-पस-सक-सेट् पक्षे भ्वा । इदित् ।
- डम :: m. (-मः) A man of low caste, employed to clear away filth, &c. E. डं तासं माति मा-क । (डोम्)
- डमर :: mf. (-रः-रा) 1. An affray, a conflict without weapons. 2. Terri- fying an enemy by shouts and gestures. 3. Petty or predatory warfare, war carried on by detachments or by villagers, one in which kings are not engaged. 4. Rout, riot. n. (-रं) Flight. run- ning away through fear. E. डम् imitative sound, and अर what occa- sions, from ऋ to go, affix घञर्थे क ।
- डमरु :: m. (-रुः) 1. A musical instrument, a sort of small drum, shaped like an hour-glass, and held in one hand usually carried by Kapa- likas. 2. Any thing surprising, any strange occurence, &c. E. डम imitative sound, ऋ to go or get उण् affix and the vowel changed.
- डम्बर :: adj. f. (-रा) 1. Famous, Renowned. 2. (m) An assemblage, a mass. as in गेघडम्वर ।
- डयन :: n. (-नं) 1. A car or litter carried upon men's shoulders, a Palan- quin, a Duli. 2. Flying in the air, the flight of a bird. E. डी to fly aff ल्युट् .
- डवित्थ :: m. (-त्थः) A wooden antelope.
- डलक :: n. (-कं) A sling, a basket, a duli carried on mens’ shoulders by means of a stick and ropes like the beam and strings of a balance; presents of fruit, sweetmeats, &c. are usually sent in this manner; also read डल्लक . (डालि)
- डहु :: m. (-हुः) A tree, (Artocarpus lacucha.) E. दह् to burn, affix उ, and deriv. irr.; also with ऊ affix डहू m. (-हूः).
- डाकिनी :: f. (-नी) A kind of female imp or evil being. डाकानां समूहः इनि ।
- डाङ्कृति :: f. (-तिः) The clang of a bell, ding-dong.
- डामर :: m. (-रः) 1. Affray, conflict without weapons, &c. See डमर . 2. Rout, uproar, the bustle and the confusion of festivity or strife. 3. Any surprising thing, sight or occurrence. 4. A name common to six Tantras, as the Sivadamara, Yogadamara, Durgada mara, f. (-रा) 1. Terrific. 2. Beautiful. 3. Variegated &c. E. डमर q. v. and अण् aff.
- डालिम :: m. (-मः) A pomegranate: see दाडिम .
- डाहल :: m. (-लः) The name of a country; also Tripura: see त्रिपुर .
- डाहुक :: m. (-कः) A gallinule. E. दह to consume, (disease,) उकञ् affix, the flesh being considered medicinal: the radical initial is changed.
- डिक्करी :: f. (-री) A young woman.
- डिङ्गर :: m. (-रः) 1. Throwing, sending. 2. A fat man. 3. A servant, a slave. 4. A rogue, a cheat. 5. A low or depraved man.
- डिण्डिम :: m. (-मः) 1. A musical instrument, a kind of small drum or tabor. 2. A plant, bearing a small fruit, (Carissa carandas:) (पानआमला) see कृष्णपाक . E. डिण्डि imitative sound, a din, and म what emits, from मि, with ड aff.
- डिण्डिर :: m. (-रः) 1. Cuttle-fish bone, considered to be the foam of the sea. 2. A foam in general also. डिण्डीर ।
- डिण्डिरमोदक :: n. (-कं) Garlic.
- डित्थ :: m. (-त्थः) 1. Wodden elephant. 2. An agreeable man. “श्यामरूपो युवा विद्वान् सुन्दरः प्रियदर्शनः । सर्व्वशास्त्रार्थावेत्ता च डित्थ इत्यभिधीयते ॥
- डिप :: r. 4th cl. (इर) डिपिर (डिप्यति) r. 6th cl. (डिपति) and r. 10th cl. (डेप- यति-ते) To throw, to cast, to send or order, to direct प्रेरणे वा चुरा-उभ- पक्षे तुदा कुटा० पर-सक-सेट् । see टिप r. 10th cl. (डेपयति-ते) also (इ) डिपि r. 1st and 10th cls. (डिम्पति) and (डिम्पय-ति-ते) To collect, to heap to gether. संहतौ वा चुरा उभ, पक्षे भ्वा-आत्म-अक-सेट् ।
- डिब :: r. 10th cl. (इ) डिबि (डिम्बयति-ते) To cast, to throw. प्रेरणे वा चुरा उभ पक्षे भ्वा-पर-सक सेट् इदित् ।
- डिभ (इ) डिभि :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (डिम्भति and डिम्मयति-ते) To collect to heap together.
- डिम :: m. (-मः) A dramatic entertainment, dramatic exhibition of battle or seige, such as the Tripurabadha, in which the destruction of the three cities of TRIPURA by SIVA is dramatised. E. डिम affray, and affix क 2. One of the ten kinds of drama, thus defined:-- मायेन्द्र- जालसंग्रामक्रोधोद्भान्तादिचेष्टितैः । उपरागैश्च भूयिष्ठो डिमः ख्यातोऽतिवृत्तकः ॥
- डिम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) 1. Affray, assault. conflict without weapons mutual de- fiance, petty and predatory war, &c. See डमर . 2. Sound or noise occasioned by terror. 3. An egg. 4. A chrysalis. 5. The bladder. 6. The spleen. 7. The uterus. 8. Fear, terror. 9. Any young ani- mal. 10. A globe or ball. E. डिबि घञ् अच् वा ।
- डिम्बाहव :: m. (-वः) Petty warfare, affray. skirmish, riot, &c. E. डिम्ब as above, and आहव war, battle; also डिम्बयुद्ध and other similar compounds.
- डिम्बिका :: f. (-का) 1. A bubble. 2. A kind of waterfly. 3. A libidinous woman. E. डिम्ब the bladder, &c. कन् aff, or डिवि-ण्वुल् ।
- डिम्प्र :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Any young animal. 2. A fool, an idiot, a blockhead. f. (-म्भा) An infant. E. डिभि to collect, affix अच्; कन् being added; also डिम्भक .
- डिम्भचक्र :: n. (-क्रं) A diagram for telling fortunes.
- डी (ङ) डीञ् :: r. 1st and 4th cls. (डयते डीयते) 1. To fly, to pass through the air. 2. To go, to move. With अव, prefixed, To fly down, to to alight. With उत्, To fly up, to soar. With परि, To fly round. With प्र, To fly well or swiftly. With सम्, To fly well or in flocks. With सम् and उत्, To fly up by degrees. नभोगतौ भ्वा० दिवा० आत्म० सक० सेट् ।
- डीन :: n. (-नं) Flying, the flight of a bird, to go. E. डी to fly, भ्वावे क्त ।
- डीनडीनक :: m. (-कः) Flying reiteratedly. E. डीन flying, reduplicated, कन् added.
- डीनावडीन :: n. (-नं) 1. Flying up and down. 2. Flying ill. E. डीन, and अवडीन alighting.
- डुण्डु :: m. (-ण्डुः) A kind of snake, (Amphisbæna)
- डुण्डुभ :: m. (-भः) A kind of snake, not poisonous. (Amphisbæna) E. डुण्डु, and भ from भा to shine or resemble. डुण्डु इत्यनुकरणशब्दं भणति तेन भाति वा भण भा वा ड (ढोडासाप) ।
- डुण्डुल :: m. (-लः) A small owl.
- डुन्दुक :: m. (-कः) A gallinule: see डाहुक .
- डुलि :: f. (-लिः) 1. A small turtle. 2. A female turtle: see टुलि .
- डुलिका :: f. (-का) A bird resembling a wagtail.
- डोर :: n. (-रं) A fillet of thread or cord tied round the arm or wrist; it is also applied to the string tying a packet or parcel; also with कन् added डोरक . दोष् रा-ड-पृषो ।
- ढ :: The aspirate of the preceding letter corresponding Dh: the use of this as an initial letter is very limited and several of the words in which it occurs can scarcely be regarded as pure Sanskrit.
- ढ :: m. (-ढः) 1. A large drum. 2. A dog. 3. A dog's tail. 4. Sound. 5. A serpent.
- ढक्क :: m. (-क्कः) 1. The city or district Dhacca or Dacca. 2. Coveting, disappearance. f. (-क्का) A large or double drum, a Dhak. E. ढक् imitative sound, and क what utters.
- ढक्कारी :: f. (-री) The goddess TARINI, a Tantrika form of DURGA.
- ढगण :: m. (-णः) मात्रावृत्ते त्रिमात्रिक प्रस्तावभेदे ।
- ढण्टी :: f. (-ण्टी) वाक्यभेदे ढण्टीवाक्यस्वरूपा च ढकाराक्षररूपिणी ।
- ढामरा :: f. (-रा) A goose.
- ढाल :: n. (-लं) A shield.
- ढालिन् :: m. (ली) A warrior armed with a shield, a shield-bearer.
- ढुढ (इ) ढुढि :: Sautra root, (ढुण्ढति) To search, to seek. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- ढुण्ढन :: n. (-नं) Seeking, investigating. E. ढुढि to search, ल्युट् . aff.
- ढुण्ढि :: m. (-ण्ढिः) A name of GANESHA. E. ढुढि to seek, कि aff.
- ढुण्ढित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sought, inquired. E. ढुढि to seek, क्त aff.
- ढोल :: m. (-लः) A Dhol or large drum. दोलायमानो वाद्यमाने वाद्यभेदे ।
- ढौक (ऋ) ढौकृ :: r. 1st cl. (ढौकते) To go or move. प्रेरण गत्याञ्च भ्वा-आ-सक- सेट् ।
- ढौकन :: n. (-नं) 1. Offering. 2. A present, a bribe. E. ढौक् to go, ल्यु aff.
- ण :: The nasal N belonging to the third or cerebral class of conso- nants; in derivation and inflection this is usually changed to न or to dental N, and hence the derivatives from the following re- dicals occur under that letter.
- ण :: m. (-णः) 1. Knowledge. 2. Certainty, ascertainment. 3. A name of SIVA. 4. Vindudeva, said to be a A Jaina deity. 5. An orna- ment. 6. A water or summer house. 7. One without good qualities. 8. A kind of sound, the sound of negation. 9. Gift, giving. E. णी to guide, &c. affix ड .
- णक्ष :: r. 1st cl. (नक्षति, or with प्र prefixed प्रणक्षति) To go, to move; to approach.
- णख :: r. 1st cl. (नखति) also (इ) णखि r. 1st cl. (नंखति) To go, to move, also नख . गतौ भ्वा-पर-सक सेट् । णोपदेशत्वात् सति निमित्ते णत्वम् ।
- णट :: r. 1st cl. (नटति प्रणटति) 1. To dance. 2. To dance as an actor, to gesticulate, to act; also नट . 3. To hurt. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- णद :: r. 1st cl. (नदति प्रणदति) To sound Inarticulately, to roar as a river or a wild beast, to ring as a bell, &c. r. 10th cl. (नादयति-ते) To speak or tell, to shine. भासे चुरा-उभ-सक-सेट् । भ्वा-पर-अक-सेट् ।
- णभ :: r. 1st cl. (नभते प्रणभते) 4th cl. (नभ्यति) and 9th cl. (नम्नाति) 1. To kill, to injure. 2. To be annihilated, to cease to be.
- णम :: r. 1st cl. (नमति) 1. To salute with reverence or respect. 2. To bow down or bent, to bow down in homage or worship. 3. To sound. With अव or आङ् or or सम् prefixed, To bend down, to decline. With प्र, to bow, to salute. With उत्, To lift up, to raise, to make straight or erect. शब्दे अक-नतौ सक भ्वा-पर-अनिट् ।
- णय :: r. 1st cl. (नयते प्रणयते) 1. To go, to move or approach. 2. To pres- erve, to protect, to defend. । भ्वादि-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- णर्द :: r. 1st cl. (नर्दति प्रणर्दति) To sound; also नर्द-भ्वा-पर-अक-सेट् ।
- णल :: r. 1st cl. (नलति प्रणलति) 1. To smell. 2. To bind.
- णश :: r. 4th cl. (ऊ) णशू (नश्यति) To disappear, to cease to be, to perish, to be annihilated. अदर्शने नाशे च दिवा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- णस :: r., 1st cl. (नसते (प्रणसते) 1. To be crooked, (literally or metaphorical- ly.). 2. To bend, to make curved or crooked. भ्वा-आत्म-अक-सेट् ।
- णह :: r. 4th cl. (औ) औनह (नह्यति नह्यते) To bind, to tie. With सम् pre- fixed, (सन्नाहति) To arm, to put on mail or military accoutrements. दिवा-उभ-सक-अनिट् ।
- णास (ऋ) णासृ :: r. 1st cl. (नसते प्रणासते) To sound in particular manner, to snore. भ्वा-आत्म-अक-सेट् ।
- णिक्ष :: r. 1st cl. (निक्षति प्रणिक्षति) To kiss: the change of the ण after a preposition is optional in the derivatives of this root. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- णिज (इ) णिजि :: r. 2nd cl. (निंक्ते प्रणिंक्ते) To kiss; the cleanse, (औ, इर) औणिजिर r. 3rd cl. (नेनेक्ति नेनिक्ते) 1. To nurture, to cherish or maintain. 2. To purify, to cleanse.
- णद (इ) णिदि :: r. 1st cl. (निन्दति-ते प्रणिन्दति) also (ऋ) णिदृ r. 1st cl. (नेदति- ते, प्रणेदति) 1. To abuse. to censure, to reproach, to reprove or revile, to despise or condemn, &c. (The second root means also) 2. To approach, to come near. The change of ण after a preposition is op- tional in the derivatives of the first of these roots. E. कुत्सने भ्वादि- पर-सक-सेट् इदित् । सन्निधाने अक-निन्दने सक-भ्वा-उभ-सेट् ।
- णिल :: r. 6th cl. (निलति) 1. To misunderstand, to comprehend ill or im- perfectly. 2. To be thick or impenetrable.
- णिव (इ) णिवि :: r. 1. cl. (निन्वति प्रणिन्वति) To wet, To moisten, to sprinkle.
- णिश :: r. 1st cl. (नेशति प्रणेशति) To meditate profoundly.
- णिष :: r. 1st cl. (उ) णिषु (नेषति) To sprinkle, to shed as water.
- णिस (इ) णिसि :: r. 2nd cl. (निंस्ते प्रणिंस्ते) To kiss: the change of ण after a preposition is optional in the derivatives. अदा-अक-सेट् इदित् ।
- णी (ञ) णीञ् :: r. 1st cl. (नयति-ते) 1. To conduct, to drive or guide to cause progressive conveyance. 2. To obtain, to get. The root is inflected as the deponent verb, implying, 1. Instruction, as नयते शास्त्रे he instructs in the Sastra; 2. Worshipping, विष्णुं नयते he worships VISHNU; also with prepositions in the sense of; 1. Paying, भृत्यमुपनयते he pays the hire; 2. Paying as a debt, ऋणं विनयते he discharges the debt; 3. Casting or lifting up, दण्डमुन्नयते he lifts up the stick; 4. Giving, द्रव्यं विनमते he gives the things; and 5. Brahmanical Investiture, पुत्त्रमुपनयते he invests his son with the thread: it is also deponent, governing an incorporeal object existing in the agent, as क्रोधं विनयते he suppresses wrath; if the object is not in the agent the verb is active, as गुरोः क्रोधं विनयति he appeases his teacher's anger; as also if the object is
corporal, as गण्डं विनयति he turns away the cheek. The root occurs with many prefixes, and in a great variety of meanings; 1. With अनु, a To ask, to entreat. b To make like or resembling. c. To favour. 2. With अप, a To take away, to remove. b. To attract. 3. With अभि, a. To indicate by signs. b. To be kind or civil to. 4. With आङ् To bring. 5. With उत्, To raise up. 6. With उप, To approach, to go near to (see also above.) 7. With दुर्, To act or behave wickedly. 8. With निर्, a. To get or obtain. b. To ascertain, to de- termine. 9. With परि, a. To marry. b. To take cognizance of. 10. With प्र, a. To punish. b. To love. 11. With वि, a. To take away, to make remote or distant. b To behumble or modest. 12. With वि and अप, To remove, to dispel, to disperse. 13. With वि and निर्, To decide by law. 14. With सम्, a. To collect. b. To discharge. 15. With सम् and अनु, To entreat. 16. With सम् and आङ्, To assemble to collect, &c.
- णील :: r. 1st cl. (नीलति प्रणीलति) 1. To be blue. 2. To make or dye blue.
- णीव :: r. 1st cl. (नीवति प्रणीवति) To be large or corpulent.
- णु :: r. 3rd cl. (नौति-प्रणौति) To praise. With आङ् prefixed (आनुते) To utter a cry of regret. r. 6th cl. (नवति) To praise. अदा-पर सक-वेट् ।
- णुद :: r. 6th cl. (औ) औणुद (नुनति नुदते) 1. To cast, to command, to direct, to throw or send; the act of ordering being considered analogous to that of throwing. 2. To go or proceed. With अप, To remove. With निर् 1. To throw out. 2. To confess, to acknowledge. With वि, To be happy. With सं in the causal, To drive, (as horses.)
- णू :: r. 6th cl. (नुवति) To praise; also णु-तु-कु-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- णेद (ऋ) णेदृ :: r. 1st cl. (नेदति-ते) 1. To censure, to despise. 2. To approach or come near; see णिद . उभ-सक-सेट् ।
- णेष (ऋ) णेषृ :: r. 1st cl. (नेषते) To go, to move or approach. भ्वा-आत्म-सेट् ।
- ण्य :: m. ब्रह्मलोकस्थे सरोवरभेदे ।
- त :: The first consonant of the fourth or dental class, corresponding to the letter T, in tongue.
- त :: m. (-तः) 1. A thief. 2. Nectar, the food of the immortals. 3. An out- caste, a barbarian or Mlechchha. 4. The flank, the hip or haunch. 5. A tail. 6. The womb. 7. A wicked man. 8. A tree. 9. A jewel. 10. A Buddha. n. (-तं) 1. Passing, crossing. 2. Virtue, sancity. E. तृ to cross, &c. affix ड .
- तक :: r. 1st cl. (तकति) 1. To laugh at or deride. 2. To bear. With वि and अति prefixed, and implying reciprocity (व्यतितकते) To retort a laugh. (इ) तकि r. 1st cl. (तङ्कति) To live in distress to be in poverty or pain. (तंकते) To go to move. हसने सहने वा ड । हासे अक-सहने सक- भ्वा-पर-सेट् ।
- तक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) That. E. तत् that कन् pleonasm added.
- तकिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Fraudulent, crafty, a rogue or cheat. f. (-ला) A medicament, a drug तक् to deride, affix इलच् .
- तक्य :: mfn. (-क्यः -क्या -क्यं) 1. Laughable, ridiculous. 2. To be borne or en- dured. E. तक् to laugh, यत् participial aff.
- तक्र :: n. (-क्रं) n. Buttermilk with a fourth part water. E. तक् to bear (sickness), Unadi affix रक् .
- तक्रकूर्च्चिका :: f. (-का) Inspissated buttermilk. E. तक्र, and कूर्च्चिक । inspissat- ed milk.
- तक्रमांस :: n. (-सं) Meat fried with ghee, turmeric and asafœtida, &c. eaten with buttermilk. E. तक्र, and मांस flesh.
- तक्राट :: m. (-टः) A churning stick. E. तक्र buttermilk, and अट what goes or is, (from it)
- तक्ष :: r. 1st cl. (तक्षति) 1. To cover. 2. To skin or peel. (ऊ) तक्षू of 1st cl. (तक्ष्णोति) To pare, to plane, to make thin, to cut off to chip or slice; used in any other sense, this root takes the regular form only, whether simple or compound, as with सम् prefixed, To censure, (सन्तक्षति,) &c. भ्वा-पक्षे स्वादि-पर-सक-सेट् (चाचा छोला) ।
- तक्षक :: m. (-कः) 1. A carpenter. 2. The Sutradhara, the manager and chief actor in the prelude of a drama. 3. One of the principal Nagas or serpents of Patala. 4. The divine artist, VISWAKARMA. 5. The name of a tree. E. तक्ष् to chip, to peel or plane, &c. affix ण्वुल् .
- तक्षण :: n. (-णं) Paring, peeling, planing, &c. f. (-णी) A carpenter's adze. E. तक्ष् to plane or pare, affixes भावे ल्युट् and ङीष् .
- तक्षशिला :: f. (-ला) The name of a city, the Taxila of Ptolemy in the Punjab. E. तक्ष paring, शिला stone, built of hewn stones.
- तक्षन् :: m. (-क्षा) A carpenter. E. तक्ष् to pare, Unadi affix कनिन् .
- तग (इ) तगि :: r. 1st cl. (तङ्गति) 1. To go or move. 2. To quake, to shake or tremble. 3. To trip, to stumble. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् इदित् । स्खलने कम्पेच अक०
- तगर :: m. (-रः) 1. A shrub, (Tabernæmontana coronaria.) 2. A thorny shrub, (Vangueria spinosa.) 3. Another plant, commonly Tagara- mula. गॄ अच् । तस्य क्रोडस्य गरः ।
- तगरपादिका :: f. (-का) A plant; also Tagaramula.
- तङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) 1. An axe, a crow, a stone cutter's chisel: see टङ्क . 2. Grief upon separation from a beloved object. 3. Fear, terror. 4. Wearing cloth. 5. Living in distress. E. तकि to be in distress, &c. affix अच् . भावे
- तज्ज :: mfn. (-ज्जः -ज्जा -ज्जं) Immediate, instantaneous. E. तत् that, (that moment,) and ज born. ततो जायते जन ड ।
- तञ्च (उ) तञ्चु :: r. 1st cl. (तञ्चति) To go, (ऊ) तञ्चू r. 7th cl. (तनक्ति) To shrink or contract; also तञ्ज .
- तञ्ज (ऊ) तञ्जू :: r. 7th cl. (तनक्ति) To shrink or contract.
- तट :: r. 1st cl. (तटति) To be elevated or high, to rise. r. 10th cl. (ताटयतिते) To beat.
- तट :: mfn. sub. (-टः-टा-टी-टं) A shore or bank. n. (-टं) A field. E. तट to to rise or be high, affix अच्, fem. aff. ङीप् .
- तटस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) 1. Indifferent, alien, neuter. 2. Situated on the bank or shore. m. (-स्थः) An indifferent person, one neither a friend nor a foe. n. (-स्थं) That property which is distinct from the nature of any thing, yet is the faculty by which it is known: in other words, spiritual essence unconnected with bodily wants or passions. E. तट a bank, a weight, and स्थ who stands. तटे ममीपे तिष्ठति स्था-क ।
- तटाक :: m. (-कः) A pond deep enough for the lotus and other aquatic flowers. E. तट a band, and अक् to go, affix अच्; or तट-आकन् also तडाक; also ताटाक and तटीक .
- तटिनी :: f. (-नी) A river. E. तट a bank, and इनि poss. aff.
- तड :: r. 10th cl. (ताडयतिते) 1. To beat, to strike. 2. To shine: (इ) तडि . r. 1st cl. (तण्डते) To strike or beat. चु० उभ० सेट । दीप्तौ अक० आहतौ सक० आहतौ भ्वा० आ० सक० सेट् इदित् ।
- तडग :: m. (-गः) A pond, a tank: see तडाग .
- तडाक :: m. (-कः) A pond or pool, one deep enough for the lotus. f. (-क्रा) 1. A bank, a shore. 2. A blow. E. तड् to beat, Unadi affix आक; also तटाक and तडाग .
- तडाग :: m. (-गः) 1. A pond, a pool, deep enough for the growth of the lotus, &c. See the preceding. 2. A trap for catching deer. E. तड् to beat, affix आग, deriv. irr.
- तडाघात :: m. (-तः) A blow from an elephant's uplifted trunk. E. तडा a beating, and आघात a blow.
- तडित् :: f. (-डित्) Lightning. E. तड् to strike or beat, Unadi affix इति striking the earth, &c.
- तडित्वत् :: mfn. (-त्वान् -त्वती -त्वत्) Lightning, emitting lightning, flashing. m. (-त्वान्) A cloud. E. तडित् lightning, and मतुप् aff.
- तडिल्लता :: f. (-ता) Forked lightning. E. तडित्, and लता a creeper.
- तण्डक :: mn. (-कः-कं) Complete performance or preparation. m. (-कः) 1. A wag-tail. 2. Froth, foam. 3. The trunk of a tree. 4. The up-
right post of a house. 5. A compound word. 6. A juggler. a cheat. E. तडि to beat or kill, affix ण्वुल् .
- तण्डु :: m. (-ण्डुः) One of SIVA'S doorkeepers, and one of the original teachers of the arts of dancing and mimicry.
- तण्डुरीण :: m. (-णः) 1. A worm, an insect. 2. A fool, a blockhead. 3. The water in which rice has been soaked or steeped. E. तण्डुल rice, &c. ख affix, and ल changed to र . or तण्डा अस्त्यर्थे उरच् तढ भवः खः ।
- तण्डुल :: m. (-लः) 1. Grain after threshing and winnowing, especially rice. 2. A vermifuge plant: see विडङ्ग . 3. A potherb, a sort of Ama- ranth, (A. polygonoides.) E. तड् to beat, Unadi affix उलच्, and नुम् inserted.
- तण्डुजाम्बु :: f. (-म्बुः) Rice water or gruel. E. तण्डुल, and अम्बु water.
- तण्डुलीक :: m. (-कः) A sort of Amaranth. E. ईकन् added to the preceding; also तण्डुलीय .
- तण्डुलीय :: m. (-यः) 1. A kind of Amaranth. (A. polygonoides.) 2. Bidanga a vermifuge. 3. A mineral, iron pyrites. E. तण्डुल grain, (to which the seeds, &c. are compared. and छ affix; also तण्डुलीयक .
- तण्डुलु :: f. (-लुः) A plant of which the seeds are used as a vermifuge: see विडङ्ग . E. तडि to beat, affix उलु .
- तण्डुलेर :: m. (-रः) A sort of Amaranth: see तण्डुलीय, &c. E. तण्डुल, and एरक् aff.
- तण्डुलोदक :: n. (-कं) Water in which rice has been boiled, rice gruel. E. तण्डुल, and उदक water.
- तण्डुलौघ :: m. (-घः) A prickly sort of bamboo, (Bambusa spinosa.) 2. A heap of grain. E. तण्डुल grain &c. or (as derived from तडि to bent, to tear,) a thorn, ओघ a heap or quantity.
- तत् :: ind. Therefore, thence, the consequent or correlative to यत् . E. तन् to spread, or extend, affix क्विप् .
- ततःप्रभृति :: ind. Thenceforth. E. ततस्, and प्रभृति the rest.
- तत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Spread, diffused, expanded. 2. Stretched, extend- ed. m. (-तः) Air, wind. n. (-तं) Any stringed instrument. E. तन् to spread, &c. क्त affix, or Unadi aff. तन् .
- ततचिह्न :: mfn. (-ह्नः -ह्ना -ह्नं) Distinctly marked. E. तत, and चिह्न a mark.
- ततपत्री :: f. (-त्री) The plantain tree. E. तत spread, and पत्री leaf, broad- leaved.
- ततम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) That one, (of many.) E. तद् that, and डतमच् affix of the superlative degree.
- ततर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) That one, (of two.) E. तद् that, and डतरच् affix of the comparative degree.
- ततस् :: ind. 1. Therefore, thence, consequently. 2. From that, then. 3. Then, how, (asking.) 4. Then, further, after that (continuation.) 5. Afterwards, subsequently. 6. Thither, there. E. तद् that, affix तसि .
- ततस्ततस् :: ind. 1. Hither and thither. 2. Then after that, what next; (asking impatiently.) E. ततस् reiterated.
- ततस्त्य :: mfn. (-स्त्यः -स्त्या -स्त्यं) Of or relating to that, &c. E. ततस् as above, त्यप् aff.
- तति :: mfn. plu. (ततयः ततयः ततीनि) So many.
- तति :: f. (-तिः) 1. A line, a row or range. 2. A number, a crowd. E. तन् to spread, affix क्तिन् .
- तत्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Obeying, serving, a servant. E. तत्, and कर who does.
- तत्काल :: m. (-लः) Present time, time being, or the time when an act occurs. E. तत् that, काल time.
- तत्कालधी :: m. (-धीः) A man wise or intelligent for the time being, one having presence of mind, &c. E. तत्काल time being, and धी under standing.
- तत्क्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Working without hire or wages. E. तत् thence, क्रिया business.
- तत्क्षण :: n. (-णं) Time present, time being. E. तद् that, and क्षण moment.
- तत्त्व :: n. (-त्त्वं) 1. Essential nature, the real nature of the human soul, considered as one and the same with the divine spirit animating the universe: the philosophical etymology of this word best explains its meaning, तद् that, that divine being, and त्व thou, that very God art thou. 2. The Supreme being, or BRAMHA. 3. Truth, reality, substance, opposed to what is illusory or fallacious. 4. An element or elementary property, differently enumerated in different system from the three which are the same with the three Gunas, to twenty-seven, which in- clude the elements, organs, faculties, matter, spirit, life, and God. 5. A first principle, an axiom. 6. Mind, intellect. 7. Slow time in music. 8. A musical instrument. E. As above, or तद् that, then &c. affix त्व; the word is properly, therefore, written तत्त्व, but in books one त is commonly rejected.
- तत्त्वज्ञान :: n. (-नं) Knowledge of divine truth. E. तत्त्व as above, and ज्ञान knowledge.
- तत्त्वतस् :: ind. Truly, accurately, fully. E. तत्त्व, and तसिल् aff.
- तत्त्वन्यास :: m. (-सः) Touching different parts of the body in the worship of VISHNU. E. तत्त्व, and न्यास gesticulation.
- तत्त्वविद् :: mfn. (-वित्) Knowing the truth, knowing things as they are. E. तत्त्व, and विद् who knows.
- तत्त्वावबोध :: m. (-धः) Knowledge of spirit. E. तत्त्व, and अवबोध ascertain- ment.
- तत्त्वाभियोग :: m. (-गः) A positive charge or declaration. E. तत्त्व, and अमि- योग accusation.
- तत्पर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Diligent, attending to any thing closely and an- xiously. 2. Belonging to a principal object or intent of. m. (-रः) The thirtieth part of the time of the twinkling of the eye. E. तत् that, पर addicted to.
- तत्परायण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Attached or addicted to some particular thing or person. E. तद् that, परायण attached to.
- तत्पूर्व :: mfn. (-र्वः -र्वा -र्वं) Prior, former. E. तत्, and पूर्व before.
- तत्पुरुष :: m. (-षः) 1. That or a certain person. 2. A form of composition, (in Grammar,) usually consisting of two nouns, the first of which was in any case except the nominative or vocative; sometimes the inflection of the case is retained. E. तत् that, and पुरुष man or person.
- तत्फल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Resulting from any particular act, &c. m. (-लः) 1. The white water lily. 2. A fragrant grass. E. तद्, and फल fruit.
- तत्र (इ) तत्रि :: r. 10th cl. (तन्त्रयते) 1. To spread, to extend or expand. 2. To nourish or support a family, &c. चु० आ० सक० सेट् इदित् ।
- तत्र :: ind. There, therein, the relative to अत्र . E. तद् that, त्रल् affix, in lieu of the proper seventh case.
- तत्रत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) Produced there or in a certain place. E. तत्र, and त्यप् aff.
- तत्रभवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Venerable, respectable, reverend. E. तत्र therein. (in all things) भवत् pre-eminent: see अत्रभवत् .
- तत्व :: n. (-त्वं) See तत्त्व .
- तथा :: ind. 1. So, like, correlative to यथा as, &c. 2. Thus, (implying certain- ty.) 3. So, so be it, (implying assent or promise.) 4. Thus, then, therefore, (or reply.) 5. And, so, in (conjunction.) E. तद् in that, थाल् affix, implying manner.
- तथागत :: m. (-तः) A Jina or Buddha. E. तथा thus, (what really is,) and गत known, obtained.
- तथाच :: ind. And so, thus, even so likewise. E. तथा with च and.
- तथात्व :: n. (-त्वं) Being so; the case or circumstance being admitted to be as stated. E. तथा, and त्व aff.
- तथापि :: ind. Nevertheless, yet, even. E. तथा, and अपि even.
- तथाविध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Of such a sort or kind. E. तथा and विध sort.
- तथाराज :: m. (-जः) A Jina or Buddha.
- तथैव :: ind. So, even so, in the same manner. E. तथा, and एव thus.
- तथ्य :: mfn. (-थ्यः -थ्या -थ्यं) True. n. (-थ्यं) Truth. E. तथा thus, (what is really so,) and यत् aff.
- तद् :: Relative or third personal pronoun. (सः सा तद्) He, she, it, that man, that woman, that thing. E. तन् to extend or spread, Unadi affix अदि . डिच्च .
- तद् (इ) तदि :: r. 1st cl. (तन्दते) To be content or happy.
- तदतिपात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Transgressing, going beyond the bounds.
- तदनन्तर :: n. adv. (-रं) Next, afterwards. E. तत् that, अनन्तर after.
- तदन्त :: n. adv. (-न्तं) To that end, just so far. E. तद्, and अन्त end.
- तदर्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) 1. On that account, with that object. 2. Hav- ing such a meaning. E. तद्, and अर्थ sense.
- तदर्पण :: n. (-णं) 1. A thing returned. 2. Delivering any article. E. तद्, and अर्पण delivery.
- तदा :: ind. Then, at that time. E. तद् that, दाच् affix, implying time.
- तदात्व :: n. (-त्वं) Time being, time present. E. तदा then, त्व affix of the abstract.
- तदानीम् :: ind. Then, at that time. E. तद् that, दानीम् aff.
- तदाप्रभृति :: ind. Thenceforward. E. तदा, and प्रभृति the rest.
- तदामुख :: n. (-खं) Commencement, beginning. E. तदा, and मुख beginning.
- तदीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) That, that person, that thing. E. तद्, and छ aff.
- तद्दिनम् :: ind. 1. In the course of the day. 2. Day by day. n. (-नं) On a certain day. E. तद् that, and दिन a day.
- तद्धन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -न) Miserly, niggardly. E. तत् thence, धन wealth.
- तद्वत् :: ind. So, in like manner, the correlative to यद्वत् as. E. तद् that, वति aff.
- तद्वला :: f. (-ला) A sort of arrow. E. तत् thence, वल strong.
- तद्विध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) In that manner, in such a manner, of such a kind or sort. E. तद्, and विध way.
- तद्धित :: m. (-तः) A derivative noun, as a patronymic or attributive of vari- ous kinds, &c. n. (-तं) The formation of such nouns. E. तत् that, (original noun,) हित what relates to or suits.
- तन (उ) तनु :: r. 8th cl. (तनोति-तनुते) To expand, to spread, to extend, to diffuse, to dilate, &c. physically or morally. r. 1st and 10th cls. (तनति तानयतिते) 1. To confide, to believe or have faith in. 2. To aid, to assist. 3. To be harmless. 4. To sound. 5. To pain or afflict with disease. 6. (With a preposition,) To lengthen, to stretch, to expand, &c. as in the 8th cl.
- तनय :: m. (-यः) 1. A son. 2. A male descendant. f. (-या) 1. A daughter. 2. A plant: see चक्रकुल्या . E. तन् to spread, (to extend the family or name,) कयन् Unadi aff. तनोति कुलम् ।
- तनिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) 1. Smaller, less. 2. Minute, delicate, small. E. तनु, and इष्ठन् aff.
- तनीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) 1. Smallest, least. 2. Very small or delicate, &c. E. तनु, and ईयसुन् aff.
- तनु :: mfn. (-नुः -नुः or -न्वी or -नूः-नु) 1. Small, minute. 2. Delicate, fine, but with interestics. 3. Thin, slender, emaciated. 4. Little. f. (-नु नूः) 1. The body. 2. The skin. f. (-नुः) 1. A woman. 2. Point of conjunction, or sun's entrance into a new sign. f. (-नी) 1. A deli- cate or slender woman. 2. A stanza of four lines, and twenty-four syllables in each: a variety of the Sankriti metre. E. तन् to stretch or spread, Unadi affix उ; also तनू and तनुस् .
- तनुकूप :: n. (-पः) A pore of skin. E. तनु, and कूप a well.
- तनुच्छद् :: mfn. (-छत्) Covering (the body,) clothing, protecting. f. (-छत्) 1. Armour. 2. Attire. E. तनु, and छद् to cover, affix क्विप् .
- तनुज :: m. (-जः) A son. f. (-जा) A daughter. E. तनु body, and ज born.
- तनुत्र :: n. (-त्रं) Armour, mail. E. तनु the body, and त्र what preserves; also तनुत्राण n. (-णं .)
- तनुत्रवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Armed, defended. E. तनुत्र, and मतुप् aff.
- तनुत्याग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Niggardly, sparing, letting little go to be spent.
m. (-गः) Quitting the body, death. E. तनु little or the body, त्याग parting with.
- तनुभस्त्रा :: f. (-स्त्रा) The noise. E. तनु the body, and भस्त्रा a bellow.
- तनुमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मतो -मत्) Embodied, corporeal. E. तनु, and मतुप् aff.
- तनुमध्या :: f. (-ध्या) 1. A woman with a slender or elegant waist. 2. A species of the Gayatri metre. E. तनु, and मध्य middle.
- तनुरस :: m. (-सः) Perspiration, sweat. E. तनु the body, and रस juice.
- तनुरुह :: n. (-हं) The hair or down of the body. E. तनु, and रुह what grows: also with the final consonant. तनुरुह् n. (-रुट् .)
- तनुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Spread, expanded. E. तनु to spread, उलच् Unadi affix.
- तनुवात :: m. (-तः) A division of hell. E. तनु thin, small, and वात wind.
- तनुवार :: n. (-रं) Armour. E. तनु, वृ to defend, अण् aff.
- तनुवारभस :: m. (-सः) A warrior, a man in armour. E. तनुवार and भस who shines.
- तनुव्रण :: m. (-णः) A pimple, a pustule, a boil. E. तनु slight, and व्रण a sore.
- तनुस् :: n. (-नुः) The body. E. तन् to stretch, Unadi affix उसि .
- तनुसञ्चारिणी :: f. (-णी) 1. A young woman, a girl, one of ten years old. E. तनु the body, सञ्चारिणी who makes perfect.
- तनू :: f. (-नूः) The body. E. तन् to stretch, affix ऊः see तनु .
- तनूकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pared, made delicate or thin. E. तनु thin, कृत made, and उ rendered long.
- तनूज :: m. (-जः) A son. f. (-जा) A daughter. E. तनू, and ज born.
- तनूजनि :: m. (-निः) A son. E. तनू body, and जनि birth.
- तनून :: m. (-नः) The wind. E. तनू body, ऊन defective.
- तनूनप :: n. (-पं) Clarified butter or ghee. E. तनु the body, and ऊन defici- ency, thinness, spareness of body, and प what cherishes; what fattens.
- तनूनपाद् :: m. (-पाद् or पात्) Fire or its deity. E. तनूनप ghee, and अद् who eats, from अद with विच् affix, or तनू the body, न negative, and पा to preserve, deriv. irr. destroying other bodies, or consuming its own support or fuel, and ceasing to be.
- तनूरुह :: mn. (-हः-हं) 1. The hair of the body. 2. The wing of a bird. m. (-हः) A son. E. तनु or तनू the the body, and रुह what grows or rises, from रुह् with क affix; also तनुरुह .
- तनूह्रद :: m. (-दः) The anus, the rectum. E. तनू the body, and ह्रद a deep place.
- तन्ति :: m. (-न्तिः) A weaver. f. (-न्तिः) Expantion, extension. E. तन् to stretch, affix क्तिच् .
- तन्तु :: m. (-न्तुः) 1. A thread. 2. A shark. 3. Offspring, race, descendants. E. तन् to spread or stretch, Unadi affix तुन् .
- तन्तुक :: m. (-कः) Mustard seed. f. (-की) A vein or any tubular vessel: see तन्तुभ .
- तन्तुकाष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) A piece of fibrous wood, or a brush used by weavers for cleaning the threads of the woof. E. तन्तु a weaver's thread, and काष्ठ a wood.
- तन्तुकीट :: m. (-टः) A silk-worm. E. तन्तु a thread, and कीट a worm.
- तन्तुण :: m. (-णः) A shark. E. तन् to spread, तुण aff.
- तन्तुनाग :: m. (-गः) A shark. E. तन्तु, and नाग a snake.
- तन्तुनिर्य्यास :: m. (-सः) A palmyra tree. E. तन्तु thread, and निर्य्यास exudation, alluding to its stringy or adhesive nature.
- तन्तुपर्व्वन् :: n. (-र्व्व) The full moon of Sravana, when KRISHNA is invested with the Brahmanical cord. E. तन्तु, and पर्व्वन् a festival.
- तन्तुभ :: m. (-भः) 1. Mustard seed, (Sinapis dichotoma;) also sometimes तन्तुका . 2. A calf. E. तन्तु a thread, and भा to shine, affix क .
- तन्तुर :: n. (-रं) See the next.
- तन्तुल :: n. (-लं) The filaments or fibrous root of the lotus. E. तन्तु a thread, and ल what has; also with र, तन्तुर .
- तन्तुवाप :: m. (-पः) 1. A weaver. 2. A loom. E. तन्तु a thread वप् to weave, affix घञ् .
- तन्तुवाय :: m. (-यः) 1. A weaver. 2. A spider. E. तन्तु a thread, वे to weave, अण् affix; also तन्त्रवाय .
- तन्तुविग्रहा :: f. (-हा) The banana or plantain. E. तन्तु a thread, and विग्रह a part.
- तन्तुशाला :: f. (-ला) A weaver's shop. E. तन्तु weaving, and शाला a house or hall.
- तन्तुसन्तत :: n. (-तं) Woven cloth. E. तन्तु a thread, and सन्तत collected.
- तन्तुसार :: m. (-रः) The betelnut tree; also तन्तुसारक . E. तन्तु a thread, and सार pith; having a stringy pith.
- तन्त्र :: mfn. (-न्त्रः -न्त्रा -न्त्रं) Dependant, subservient. m. (-न्त्रः) A weaver. f. (-न्त्री) 1. Any string or rope. 2. The wire or string of a lute. 3. Any tubular vessel of the body. 4. A plant, (Menispermum glabrum:) see गूडुची . 5. The name of a river. 6. A young woman. n. (-न्त्रं) 1. A Tantra, a religious treatise teaching peculiar and mystical formulæ and rites for the worship of the deities, or the attainment of superhuman power: it is mostly in the form of a dialogue between SIVA and DURGA, who are the peculiar gods of the Tantrikas: there is a great number of these works, and their authority, in many parts of India, seems to have, in a great measure, superseded that of the Vedas: according to one account, a Tantra comprises five subjects, the creation and destruction of the world, the worship of the gods, the attainment of all objects, magical rites for the acquirement of six (superhuman) faculties, and four modes of union with spirit by meditation; a variety of subjects are, however, introduced many of them, whilst some are limited to a single topic, as the mode of breathing in certain rites, the language of birds, beasts, &c. 2. A branch of the Vedas, that which teaches Mantra or mystical and magical formulæ. 3. Demon- stration, clear and right conclusion. 4. Raiment, vesture. 5. A me- dicament, a drug. 6. A principal medicament, or perhaps a charm considered as producing medicinal effects. 7. Providing for a fami- ly. 8. A cause, a motive. 9. Cause common to two or more results; the instruments or means of more than one effect. 10. Necessary or indispensable act or provision; the right way of doing any thing. 11. Chief, principal. 12. A royal retinue, a court, a train. 13. An army. 14. A royal property: that of providing for the security and prosperity of the kingdom. 15. A realm, a country. 16. A thread, 17. Subservience, service, dependence. 18. Oath or ordeal. 19. De- corations, hanging with trophies, garlands, &c. 20. Heap, multitude. 21. Wealth. 22. A house. 23. An implement or weaving a loom. 24. Happiness, felicity. E. तन to spread or extend, affix ष्ट्रन्; or तत्रि to spread, to support a family, &c. affix क, fem. affix ङीप्; or तन्त्र with ई Unadi aff.
- तन्त्रक :: n. (-कं) New and unbleached cloth. E. तन्त्र the loom, and कन् affix, recently from the loom.
- तन्त्रकाष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) A fibrous stick for cleaning the woof, &c. E. तन्त्र weav- ing, and काष्ठ wood.
- तन्त्रता :: f. (-ता) 1. Dependence, subservience. 2. The quality or character of a Tantra. 3. Comprehending several rites in one, performance of one ceremony or penance in lien of a number. E. तन्त्र, and तल् add- ed; also with त्व तन्त्रत्वं .
- तन्त्रवाप :: m. (-पः) A weaver. mn. (-पः-पं) A loom. E. तन्त्र a thread, and वप् to weave, affix घञ् .
- तन्त्रवाय :: m. (-यः) 1. A weaver. 2. A spider. E. तन्त्र a thread, a web, and वे to spin or weave, affix घञ्; also तन्त्रवाप and sometimes तन्द्रवाय .
- तन्त्रिका :: f. (-का) A plant, Gurichi. E. कन् added to तन्त्री .
- तन्त्रिन् :: mfn. (-त्री -त्रिणी -त्रि) 1. Spun, wove, made of threads. 2. Chorded,
having chords or wires, (as an instrument.) 3. A musician. 4. Hav- ing a Tantra, following one, &c. E. तन्त्र and इनि aff.
- तन्त्रिपालक :: m. (-कः) A name of JAYADRATHA. E. तन्त्रि (derived from तन्त्र any, army, with इनि affix,) a general, and पालक who cherish or aids.
- तन्द्रवाय :: m. (-यः) A weaver: see तन्त्रवाय .
- तन्द्रा :: f. (-न्द्रा) 1. Lassitude, exhaustion, weariness, syncope. 2. Sleepi- ness, sluggishness. E. तदि a Sautra root, to be weary, affix भावे अ; also with किन् affix तन्द्रि f. (-न्द्रिः) and with ङीप् added तन्द्री .
- तन्द्रालु :: mfn. (-लुः -लुः -लु) Slothful, sluggish, overcome with sleep or fati- gue. E. तन्द्र sloth, and आलुच् aff.
- तन्द्रि :: f. (-न्द्रिः) 1. Sleepiness. 2. Lassitude. 3. Fainting, exhaustion: see तन्द्रा . E. As above, or तदि Sautra root, to be weary, and क्रिन् Unadi aff.
- तन्द्रिका :: f. (-का) Sloth, sleepiness. E. कन् added to तन्द्री .
- तन्द्री :: f. (-न्द्री) 1. Drowsiness. 2. Lasitude: see तन्द्रा .
- तन्नि :: f. (-न्निः) A plant: see चक्रकुल्या .
- तन्मात्र :: n. sub. (-त्रं) The archetype or subtile rudiment of elementary matter. adv. Merely that. E. तत्, and मात्र only, or element. तदेव एवार्थे मात्रच् सा मात्रा यस्य वा ।
- तन्यतु :: m. (-तुः) 1. Night. 2. A musical instrument. E. तन् to spread, यतुच् Unadi aff.
- तन्वत् :: mfn. (-न्वन् -न्वन्ती -न्वत्) Spreading, extending. E. तन् to spread, शतृ aff.
- तप (औ) तपौ :: r. 1st cl. (तपति-ते) r. 4th cl. (तप्यति-ते) and r. 10th cl. (ताप- यति-ते) 1. To heat or be hot, to burn; (hence figuratively,) to suffer mental or bodily pain. 2. To have pre-eminent or super- human power: the deponent form only is used when the root with the prefix उत् or वि occurs intransitively, or governs as its object part of the body of the agent, as पाणिं वितपते warms the hand, (उत्तपते वितपते) shines, burns, &c. The root takes the pas- sive form also, when implying religious meditation, as तप्यते तपस्ता- पसः the devotee revolves religious thoughts. With अनु prefixed, (अनुतपते) To repent, to regret. With परि or सम् (परितपति सन्तपति,) 1. To bear or inflict pain, anguish, heat, distress, &c. 2. To be sorrowful, to repent.
- तपःकर :: m. (-रः) The mango fish: see तपस्विन् .
- तपःकृश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Emaciated by austerities. E. तपस्, and कृश lean.
- तपःक्लेशसह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Patient of austerities. E. तपस् austere devo- tion, क्लेश fatigue, and सह bearing.
- तपःस्थली :: f. (-ली) A name of Benares. E. तपस् religious austerities, and स्थल soil, place, fem. affix ङीष् .
- तप :: m. (-पः) 1. The hot season, summer. 2. Heat, warmth. 3. The sun. E. तप् to heat, affix अच् .
- तपत् :: mfn. (-पन् -पन्ती -पत्) 1. Heating or warming. 2. Performing pen- ance. E. तप् to heat, शतृ aff.
- तपती :: f. (-ती) 1. A name of CHHAYA, wife of the sun. 2. Also of the daughter of the sun, or the personified Tapti river, married to SAMVARANA of the Kuru family. E. तप heat or the sun, and अत who accompanies, fem. affix ङीष् .
- तपन :: m. (-नः) 1. The sun. 2. A division of hell. 3. Heat, burning. 4. Mental distress, pining, grieving. 5. The hot season. 6. the marking nut plant. f. (-नी) The Godavari river. E. तप् to inflame, affixes भावे ल्यु and ङीष् .
- तपनकर :: m. (-रः) A ray, a sunbeam. E. तपन, and कर a ray.
- तपनतनय :: m. (-यः) KARNA, &c. f. (-या) 1. The Yamuna river. 2. The Tapti river. E. तपन the sun, and तनय child.
- तपनमणि :: m. (-णिः) The sun-stone. E. तपन, and मणि a gem.
- तपनांशु :: m. (-शुः) A ray of the sun, a sun-beam. E. तपन, and अंशु ray.
- तपनात्मजा :: f. (-जा) 1. The Godavari river. 2. The Yamuna or Jumana river. E. तपन the sun, and आत्मजा a daughter.
- तपनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be heated. 2. To be suffered or practised as penance. n. (-यं) Gold. E. तप् to heat, &c. अनीयर् aff.
- तपनीयक :: n. (-कं) Gold. E. तपनीय, and कन् added.
- तपनेष्ट :: n. (-ष्टं) Copper. E. तपन, and इष्ट liked.
- तपस् :: m. (-पाः) 1. The name of a month, Magha, (January February.) 2. The cold or dewy season. 3. The hot season. n. (-पः) 1. Religi- ous austerity, penance, mortification, the practice of mental or perso- nal self-denial, or the infliction of bodily tortures. 2. A world, the region above the Janaloka, inhabited by saints or devotees after death. 3. Virtue, moral merit. 4. Duty, the special observance of certain things: thus the Tapas of a Brahman is sacred learning; of a Kshetrya, the protection of subject; of a Vaisya, almsgiving to Brahmans; of a Sudra, the service of the same tribe; and of a Rishi or saint, feeding upon herbs and roots. E. तप् to heat or in- flame, affix असुन् .
- तपस :: m. (-सः) 1. The moon. 2. A bird. E. तप् to heat, असच् Unadi aff.
- तपस्तक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A name of INDRA. E. तपस् austerity, and तक्ष who pares or makes thin; emaciating himself by his devotions. E. तपस्त- क्षति तक्ष-अण् उप० स० । इन्द्रे ।
- तपस्य :: m. (-स्यः) 1. The month Phalguna, (February-March) 2. A name of ARJUNA. f. (-स्या) 1. Devout austerity, religious penance. n. (-स्यं) The flower of the Kunda, (Jasminum pubescens.) E. तपस् the cold season, यत् aff. तपशि साधु यत् ।
- तपस्विन् :: mfn. (-स्वी -स्विनी -स्वि) 1. Devout practicing austerities. 2. Poor wretched, pitiable. m. (-स्वी) 1. An ascetic, a religious man engaged in the practice of rigorous and devout penance. 2. A name of NARADA. 3. A mendicant, a pauper. 4. The mangoe fish, (Polynemus risua.) f. (-स्विनी) 3. A female devotee, a woman leading a religious life. 2. Spikenard, (Valeriana jatamansi.) 3. Another plant: see कटुरोहिणी . E. तपस् religious aus- terity, the hot season, &c. अस्त्यर्थेविनि aff.
- तपस्समाधि :: m. (-धिः) The practice of penance. E. तपस्, and समाधि obliga- tion.
- तपात्मक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Practicing austerities. E. तप and आत्मक self.
- तपात्यय :: m. (-यः) The rainy season. E. तप the warm season. E. अत्यय des- troying; following the hot weather. तपस्य ग्रीष्मस्य अत्ययः अवसानं यत्र काले । वर्षाकाले ।
- तपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Heated, burnt. E. तप् to heat, affix क्त, with इट् inserted.
- तपुस् :: m. (-पुः) 1. Fire. 2. The sun. E. तप् to heat, Unadi affix उसि .
- तपोधन :: m. (-नः) A devotee, an ascetic, one who performs religious pen- ance. f. (-ना) A plant: see मुण्डीरी . E. तपस religious austerity, and धन wealth तपोधनं यस्य ।
- तपोऽनुभाव :: m. (-बः) The influence of religious penance. E. तपस् and अनु- भाव authority.
- तपोनिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Performing penance, practising austerities. E. तपस् and निष्ठ engaged in.
- तपोमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Devout, practising austerities. E. तपस् and मयट् aff.
- तपोमूर्त्ति :: m. (-र्त्तिः) An ascetic. E. तपस् and मूर्त्ति form.
- तपोराशि :: m. (-शिः) An ascetic. E. तपस् and राशि a heap.
- तपोवट :: m. (-टः) A country, part of central India or holy land. E. तपस् religious austerity, and वट what surrounds.
- तपोवन :: n. (-नं) A sacred grove, a place frequented by asceties. E. तपस्, and वन a wood.
- तप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Heated, Inflamed, burnt. 2. Scorched by pain or sorrow, distressed, afflicted. 3. Inflamed with anger, incensed 4. Undergone or performed as penance. 5. Fused, melted. 6. Burnish- ed. E. तप् to heat, क्त aff.
- तप्तकुम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) A hell. E. तप्त, and कुम्भ a jar.
- तप्तकृच्छ्र :: n. (-च्छ्रं) A sort of penance, drinking hot water, milk, and ghee for three days each, and inhaling hot air for three days. E. तप्त heated, कृच्छ्र penance.
- तप्ततपस् :: m. (-पाः) An ascetic. E. तप्त, and तपस् penance.
- तप्तपाषाणकुण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) A hell. E. तप्त, पाषाण a stone, and कुण्ड a well.
- तप्तबालुक :: m. (-कः) A hell. E. तप्त, and बालुका sand.
- तप्तरूपक :: n. (-कं) Silver. E. तप्त, and रूपक silver.
- तप्त्वा :: ind. 1. Having heated. 2. Having performed penance. E. तप, and क्त्वा aff.
- तप्स्यत् :: mfn. (-प्स्यन् -प्स्यन्ती -प्स्यत्) Practising or intending to practise aus- terities. E. तप् to perform penance. शतृ affix, future part.
- तमःप्रवेश :: m. (-शः) 1. Groping in the dark. 2. Mental indistinctness or aberration. E. तमस्, and प्रवेश entrance.
- तमःस्थित :: n. (-तं) A hell, one of the lowest divisions of hell. E. तमस्, and स्थित placed.
- तम (इर उ) इर्तमु :: r. 4th cl. (ताम्यति) 1. To desire. 2. To be distressed in body or mind. E. खेदे अक० इच्छायां सक-दिवा-प० सेट् ।
- तम :: m. (-मः) The quality of darkness incident to humanity: see तमस् . mf. (-मः-मा) A tree bearing black blossoms. n. (-मं) 1. Darkness, gloom. 2. The point of the foot. f. (-मा-मी) Night. E. तम् to be disturb- ed, to be fatigued, &c. affixes करणे घञर्थे संज्ञायां घ, and टाप् or ङीष् .
- तमङ्गक :: m. (-कः) The flat and projecting roof of a house, a sort of bal- cony or terrace. E. तम् to desire, अङ्गक affix; pleasant, desirable.
- तमत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Desirous, cupidinous, longing or hankering after. 2. Wished, desired. E. तम् to desire, affix अतच् .
- तमःप्रभ :: mf. (-भः-भा) A hell, one of the lowermost divisions of the infer- nal regions. E. तम darkness, add प्रभ what is manifested.
- तमर :: n. (रं) Lead. E. तम् to be disturbed, affix अरन् .
- तमराज :: m. (-जः) A kind of sugar.
- तमस् :: n. (-मः) 1. Third of the qualities incident to the state of humani- ty, the Tama guna, or property of darkness, whence proceed folly, ignorance, mental blindness, worldly delusion, &c. 2. Darkness, gloom. 3. Sin. 4. Sorrow, grief. mn. (-माः-मः) Rahu or the personi- fied ascending node: see राहु . E. तम् to be disturbed, and असुन् Unadi affix; that property by which the mind is troubled, the world perplexed, &c.; also तमस and तम .
- तमस :: n. (-सं) 1. Darkness. 2. A city. f. (-सा) A river, the Tamasa or Tonse. E. तम् to be disturbed, (daylight, &c.) and असच् aff.
- तमस्कल्प :: mfn. (-ल्पः -ल्पा -ल्पं) Like darkness, black, gloomy. E. तमस्, and कल्प aff.
- तमस्तति :: f. (-तिः) Great or diffusive darkness. E. तमस् darkness, and तति a spreading.
- तमस्विन् :: mfn. (-स्वी -स्विनी -स्वि) Dark, gloomy. f. (-नी) 1. Night. 2. Tur- meric. E. तमस् darkness, and विनि affix, fem. affix ङीष् .
- तमाल :: m. (-लः) 1. The sectarial mark made with Sandal, &c. upon the forehead. 2. The name of a tree bearing black blossoms, (Xantho-) cymus pictorios, Rox.) 3. A sword, a scymitar or large sacrificial knife. 4. A plant: see वरुण . 5. A black kind of Mimosa. 6. The bark of the bambu. n. (-लं) The leaf of the Laurus cassia. The bark or troubled, leaf of the Luarus cassia. E. तम् to be dark or troubled, Unadi affix कालन् .
- तमालक :: n. (-कं) 1. A sort of potherb, (Marsilea dentata, Rox.) 2. The leaf of the Laurus cassia. mn. (-कः-कं) 1. The bark of a bambu. 2. The Tamala tree: see the preceding. E. कन् pleonasm, or implying some resemblance, added to तमाल .
- तमालपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. The Tamala tree: see तमाल . 2. The Tilaka or sec- tarial mark on the forehead. 3. The leaf of the Laurus cassia. E. तमाल, and पत्र a leaf: the leaf of the Tamala, either in fact or resemblance.
- तमालिका :: f. (-का) A district of Bengal, the modern Tamluk. E. तमाल a
Tamala tree, कन् affix, implying possession; also with an analo- gous affix इनि, तमालिनी abounding in Tamala trees.
- तमाली :: f. (-ली) A medicinal plant: see ताम्रवल्ली .
- तमि :: f. (-मिः) Night. E. तम् to be weary, इन् affix: see तम and तमी .
- तमिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Desiring, desirous, wishing. E. तम् to desire, इन् or ङीप् aff.
- तमिस्र :: m. (-स्रः) The dark half of the month, from the full to the change. f. (-स्रा) 1. A dark night, or one during the wane of the moon. 2. Great or extensive darkness. 3. The night of the new moon. 4. Any night. n. (-स्रं) 1. Darkness. 2. Anger, wrath. E. तमस् dark- ness, र added, and इ substituted for the penultimate.
- तमिस्रपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The fortnight of the moon's wane. E. तमिस्र, and पक्ष a fortnight.
- तमोगुण :: m. (-णः) The quality of darkness or ignorance. E. तमस्, and गुण property.
- तमोघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) 1. Fire. 2. The sun. 3. The moon. 4. The legislator BUDDHA. 5. VISHNU. 6. SIVA. E. तमस् darkness, (physical or moral,) and घ्न destroyer. तमोऽन्धकारं मोहमज्ञानं वा हन्ति तम-ठक् ।
- तमोज्योतिस् :: m. (-तिः) A fire-fly. E. तमस् darkness, and ज्योतिस् light. तमसि अन्धकारे ज्योतिरस्य । खद्योते ।
- तमोनुद् :: mfn. (-नुद्) Dispersing darkness. m. (-नुद् or -नुत्) 1. Fire. 2. The sun. 3. The moon. 4. A lamp. E. तमस darkness, नुद् to send away or disperse, affix क्विप्; also with क affix तमोनुद । तमो नुदति खण्डयति नुद्-क्विप् ।
- तमोनुद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) See the preceding.
- तमोऽपह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Lightening, enlightening, removing darkness physical or moral. m. (-हः) 1. The sun. 2. The moon. 3. Fire. 4. A name of Buddha, the founder of Buddha sect. E. तमस् dark- ness, अपह removing, from the अप prefixed to हन् to kill or destroy, affix ड; also तमोहन्तृ mfn. (-न्ता -न्त्री -न्तृ) तमोऽपहन्ति अप-हन ड ।
- तमोभिद् :: m. (-भिद् or -भित्) A fire-fly. E. तमस् darkness, and भिद् what pene- trates. तमो भिनत्ति भिद-क्विप् ।
- तमोभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Dark. 2. Ignorant. E. तमस्, and भूत become.
- तमोमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Consisting of or composed of darkness, derived from it. E. तमस्, and मयट् aff. तम आत्मकं प्रचुरं वा ।
- तमोमणि :: m. (-णिः) A fire-fly. E. तमस् darkness, मणि a gem. तमसि मणिरिव ।
- तमोलिप्ती :: f. (-प्ती) The district of Tumlook in Bengal. E. तमस् darkness or sin, and लिप्त soiled, affix ङीष्; a country of which the inhabi- tants are notoriously depraved.
- तमोविकार :: m. (-रः) Disease, sickness. E. तमस्, and विकार changed, pro- ceeding from the Tama guna.
- तमोवृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Overcome with or influenced by rage, fear, &c. or any of the effects of the property of darkness. 2. Obscured, clouded. E. तमस् as above, and वृत surrounded.
- तमोहर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Removing darkness, lightening. m. (-रः) The moon. E. तमस् darkness, and हर who removes. तमो हरति ह- अच् ।
- तम्पा :: f. (-म्पा) A cow. E. तम् to desire, अप् affix; also प being changed to ब, तम्बा .
- तम्ब :: r. 1st cl. (तम्बति) To go or move. E. भ्वा-प-सक-सेट् ।
- तम्बा :: f. (-म्बा) A cow: see तम्पा .
- तय :: r. 1st cl. (तयते) To go or move. 2. To guard or preserve. E. भ्वा-आ- सक-सेट् .
- तय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Who or what protects. m. (-यः) Protection. E. तय, and अच् aff.
- तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Who or what passes over or beyond. m. (-रः) 1. Passing over, crossing. 2. A float, a raft. 3. A road. 4. A tree. f. (-री) 1. A boat. 2. A club. 3. A clothes basket, a Pitara. 4. Smoke. 5. A small wooden baling vessel. 6. The end of a garment. E. तॄ
to cross, affix भावे अप्, fem. affix ङीष्; also with इन् affix तरि, q. v. कर्त्तरि अच् । कृशानौ पु० तरति अनेन करणे अप् । आतरे पणादौ ।
- तरक्षु :: m. (-क्षुः) A hyena. E. तर a road, and क्षि to annoy, affix डु infesting the road; also with कन् added तरक्षुक m. (-कः) or with ड affix तरक्ष m. (-क्षः) but not common. तरं गतिं मार्गं वा क्षिणोति ।
- तरङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. Wave. 2. Cloth or clothes. 3. The gallop of a horse. E. तॄ to pass over or cross, Unadi affix अङ्गच् .
- तरङ्गिणी :: f. (णी) A river. E. तरङ्ग a wave, इनि and ङीष् affs.
- तरङ्गित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Wavy, billowy, tossing with waves. E. तरङ्ग, and इतच् aff. तरङ्गः सञ्जातः अस्य ।
- तरण :: m. (-णः) 1. A raft, a float. 2. Swarga or paradise. n. (-णं) 1. Crossing over, passing, going across. 2. Removing from an in- undation. E. तॄ to cross, affix ल्युट् .
- तरणि :: m. (-णिः) 1. The sun. 2. A ray of light. 3. A float or raft. f. (-णिः- or -णी) 1. A boat. 2. The Socotrine aloe, (A perfoliata.) 3. A plant, (Hibiscus mutabilis.) E. तॄ to cross, Unadi affix करणे कर्मणि भावे वा ल्युट् .
- तरणिपेटक :: m. (-कः) An oval bowl or bason of wood, for baling a boat. E. तरणि, and पेटक a basket, the boat's basket.
- तरणिरत्न :: n. (-त्नं) A ruby.
- तरण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डा or -ण्डी-ण्डं) A boat, a vessel. mn. (-ण्डः-ण्डं) 1. A raft or float, made of bamboos, &c. tied together, and sometimes floated upon jars or hollow gourds inverted. 2. The float of a finish- ing line. 3. An oar. m. (-ण्डः) A country. E. तॄ to cross, अण्डन् aff.
- तरण्डपादा :: f. (-दा) A boat. E. तरण्ड an oar, and पाद a foot, having oars for feet.
- तरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रत्) Crossing, passing over. n. (-रत् or -रद्) 1. A float or raft. 2. A kind of duck. E. तॄ to cross, शतृ affix of the active participle.
- तरत्सल :: m. (-लः) Conflagration of chaff: see तृणाग्नि .
- तरन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. A fog. 2. A hard shower, a torrent of rain. 3. The ocean. f. (-न्ती) A boat. E. तॄ to cross, झच् aff.
- तरम्बुज :: n. (-जं) A watermelon, (most probably borrowed from a Persian word.)
- तरपण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) Fare, freight. E. तर passing (a river), and पण्य price.
- तरल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Trembling, tremulous. 2. Libidinous, lech- erous, wanton. 3. Luminous, splendid. 4. Hollow. 5. Liquid, liquefied m. (-लः) 1. The central gem of a necklace. 2. A necklace. 3. Bottom, depth, lower or under part. f. (-ला) 1. Rice gruel. 2. Wine, vinous or spirituous liquor. 3. A bee. E. तॄ to pass, to go or move, affix अलच् .
- तरलता :: f. (-ता) Tremulousness, unsteadiness. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, तरलत्वं .
- तरललोचना :: f. (-ना) A woman with rolling or tremulous eyes. E. तरल trembling, and लोचन an eye.
- तरलायित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Caused to tremble, agitated, undulating. m. (-तः) 1. A large wave or surf. 2. Fickleness. E. तरल used as a verb, क्त aff.
- तरलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Shaken, trembling, tremulous. E. तरल trembling, and इतच् aff.
- तरवारि :: m. (-रिः) A sword, a scymitar. E. तर passing, वॄ to effect, इन् affix; making its pass through the enemy, &c. also तरवारिक m. (कः)
- तरस् :: n. (-रः) 1. Speed, velocity. 2. Strength. 3. A bank. 4. A float, a raft. E. तॄ to go, to go quick, &c. असुन् aff.
- तरस :: n. (-सं) Flesh. E. तरस् strength, affix अच्; in which there is strength.
- तरस्थान :: n. (-नं) A landing place, a wharf or stairs. E. तर passing, ferry- ing, and स्थान place.
- तरस्वत् :: mfn. (-स्वान् -स्वती -स्वत्) 1. Quick, swift. 2. Valiant. E. तरस्, and वतुप् aff.
- तरस्विन् :: mfn. (-स्वी -स्विनी -स्वि) 1. Quick, swift. 2. Strong, valiant. m. (-स्वी) 1. A courier, an express, a runner. 2. A hero. 3. The bird of VISHNU. 4. Air, wind. E. तरस् speed, &c. विनि aff.
- तरान्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) A large flat bottomed boat. E. तर crossing., अन्धु water; perhaps a various reading of the next.
- तरालु :: m. (-लुः) A flat bottomed boat. E. तर passing over, आलुच् affix: see the preceding.
- तरि :: f. (-रिः) 1. A boat. 2. A clothe's basket. 3. The end of a cloth. E. तॄ to pass, Unadi affix इन्; also with ङीष् affix तरीः see तर, &c.
- तरिक :: n. (-कं) A raft, a float. m. (-कः) A ferry-man. f. (-का) A boat. E. तरि a boat, कन् aff.
- तरिकिन् :: m. (-की) A ferry-man. E. तरिक a raft, इनि aff.
- तरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Carried over or across. f. (-ता) 1. The fore finger. 2. Garlic, or perhaps hemp: see गृञ्जन . E. तॄ to cross, इतच् aff.
- तरिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -णि) Who or what crosses. f. (-णी) a boat. E. तॄ to go, in the causal, affix इनि .
- तरितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) What crosses, passes or carries over. f. (-त्री) A boat, a raft. E. तॄ to cross, तृच् aff.
- तरिरथ :: m. (-थः) An oar, a paddle. E. तरि a boat, and रथ a car.
- तरीष :: m. (-षः) 1. The ocean. 2. Heaven or paradise. 3. Decorating, ornamenting. 4. A raft, a float. 5. Practice, business, profession. f. (-षी) The daughter of INDRA. E. तॄ to cross or cause to cross, Unadi affix ईषन्, in some of its senses this word and तबिष seem to be confounded; see तबिष and ताविष .
- तरु :: m. (-रुः) A tree. E. तॄ to proceed, Unadi affix उन्, what goes or grows; or from what flowers and fruits arise, &c.
- तरुकूणि :: m. (-णिः) A sort of bird. E. तरु a tree, and कुण् to contract, affix इन्; nestling in the tree.
- तरुज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Borne, produced by a tree, (as a flower, fruit, &c.) E. तरु, and ज born.
- तरुजीवन :: n. (-नं) The root of a tree. E. तरु a tree, and जीवन living.
- तरुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Young, juvenile. 2. New, fresh, novel. m. (-णः) 1. A young man, one of the virile age. 2. The castor-oil-plant. 3. Large cumin seed. f. (-णी) 1. A young woman from 16 to 30 years of age; generally however one about the first age. 2. The alœ tree, (A. perfoliata.) A perfume, commonly Chira. 4. A flower, the Indian white rose, (Rosa standulifera) n. (-णं) A kind of flow- er, that of the Achyranthes aspera (कुब्जपुष्प .) E. तॄ to pass away, उनन् Unadi aff.
- तरुणज्वर :: m. (-रः) A fever that lasts a week. E. तरुण, and ज्वर fever.
- तरुणदधि :: n. (-धि) Curds five days old. E. तरुण, and दधि curds.
- तरुणास्थि :: n. (-स्थि) Cartilage, gristle. E. तरुण, and अस्थि bone.
- तरुणीगण :: m. (-णः) A number of young woman. E. तरुणी, and गण a troop.
- तरुणीजन :: m. (-नः) A young woman. E. तरुणी, and जन person.
- तरुतल :: m. (-लः) The part under the branches of a tree, the ground about its root. E. तरु, and तल below.
- तरुतूलिका :: f. (-का) The flying fox. n. E. तरु a tree, and तूलिका scales, suspended like a balance from the branches of a tree; also read तरुदूलिका .
- तरुनख :: m. (-खः) A thorn. E. तरु a tree, and नख a nail.
- तरुपङ्क्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) A row of trees, an avenue. E. तरु, and पङ्क्ति a line.
- तरुभुज् :: m. (-क्) A parasite plant. E. तरु, and भुज् what enjoys.
- तरुमृग :: m. (-गः) A monkey, an ape. E. तरु a tree, and मृग a deer.
- तरुराग :: m. (-गः) 1. A bud, a blossom. 2. A new sprout. E. तरु a tree, राग delight.
- तरुविटप :: m. (-पः) A branch or sprout. E. तरु, and विटप a shoot.
- तरुराज :: m. (-जः) The palmyra tree. E. तरु, and राज king, chief.
- तरुरुहा :: f. (-हा) A parasite plant. E. तरु, and रुह what mounts.
- तरुरोहिणी :: f. (-णी) A parasite plant. E. तरु, and रोहिणी what ascends.
- तरुशायिन् :: m. (-यी) A bird. E. तरु a tree, and शीङ् to sleep, with णिनि aff.
- तरुसार :: m. (-रः) Camphor. E. तरु a tree, and सार essence.
- तरुस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Staying or being in a tree. f. (-स्था) A para- site plant. E. तरु, and स्थ what stays.
- तरुट :: m. (-टः) The root of the lotus.
- तर्क :: r. 10th cl. (तर्कयति-ते) 1. To shine. 2. To speak. 3. To reason, to discuss. 4. To doubt or apprehend. दीप्तौ अक० आकाङ्क्षायां वितर्के च सक० चुरा० उभ० सेट् ।
- तर्क :: m. (-र्कः) 1. Doubt or disputation, discussion, reasoning. 2. Wish. desire. 3. Supplying an ellipsis. 4. Cause, motive. 5. The science of reasoning, logic. 6. (In logic,) Reduction to absurdity, a con- clusion opposed to or disproving the premises. E. तर्क to infer, to reason, &c. affix भावे अच् .
- तर्कक :: m. (-कः) 1. A supplicant, a petitioner, an asker. 2. A logician. E. तर्क to reason, and affix ण्वुल् .
- तर्कयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) 1. Expecting, anticipating. 2. Doubting. E. तर्क to doubt, शतृ aff.
- तर्कविद्या :: f. (-द्या) The science of reasoning or logic. E. तर्क as above, and विद्या knowledge.
- तर्काभास :: m. (-सः) Apparent reduction to absurdity, or seeming not real, incompatibility of the conclusion with the premises. E. तर्क, and आभास fallacy.
- तर्कारी :: f. (-री) A tree, (Æschynomene sesban.) E. तर्क reasoning, ऋ to go or affect, affixes अण् and ङीप् .
- तर्कित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Doubted, apprehended. 2. Discussed. E. तर्क, to doubt, क्त aff.
- तर्किन् :: m. (-र्की) A logician, a disputant, a follower of the Tarka Sastra. E. तर्क as above, इनि aff.
- तर्किल :: m. (-लः) Cassia tora.
- तर्कु :: f. (-र्कुः) A spindle, an iron pin upon which the cotton is first drawn out; it also serves as the distaff, the cotton being next transferred from it to the wheel. E. कृत् to cut, Unadi affix उ, and the radical letters transposed.
- तर्कुट :: n. (-टं) Drawing out the cotton upon the distaff or upon the wheel. f. (-टी) A spindle or a distaff: see तर्कु . E. कृत् to cut, &c. उटच् affix, and the radical letters transposed.
- तर्कुपिण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A ball of clay, &c. upon the lower end of the spin- dle to assist in giving it a rotatory motion. E. तर्कु as above, पिण्ड a lump.
- तर्कुपीठी :: f. (-ठी) A ball at the lower end of a spindle: see the preced- ing. E. तर्कु a spindle, and पीठ a stool.
- तर्कुलासक :: m. (-कः) A concave shell or saucer in which the lower end of the spindle is placed, and whirled round. E. तर्कु a spindle, लस् to go, णिच् and ण्वुल् affs. तर्कुं लासयति चालयति । चरका ।
- तर्कुशाण :: m. (-णः) A small whetstone, for sharpening spindles, &c. E. तर्कु a spindle, and शाण whetstone.
- तर्क्षु :: m. (-र्क्षुः) A hyena. E. तर्ज् to give pain, affix कु; also तरक्षु .
- तर्क्ष्य :: m. (-र्क्ष्यः) Nitre, saltpetre. E. तृक्ष-यत् वा गुणः । यवक्षारे ।
- तर्ज :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (तर्जति तर्जयते) To blame, to censure, to reprove. भ्वा-प-सक-सेट् । चुर-आ-सक-सेट् ।
- तर्जन :: n. (-नं) 1. Blaming, censuring. 2. Pointing at, in ridicule, or contempt. 3. Putting to shame, surpassing. 4. Wrath, anger. f. (-नी) The forefinger. E. तर्ज् to abuse, to injure, affixes भावे ल्युट् and ङीप् .
- तर्जिक :: m. (-कः) The name of a country, perhaps to the north-west of India or Bokhara, &c. the country of the Tajics: also तायिक . E. तर्जलर्जनमस्ति अत्र ठन् ।
- तर्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Blamed, reviled. 2. Shamed, disgraced. E. तर्ज् to blame, affix क्त .
- तर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) A calf. E. तृण to go, अच् affix; also with ण्वुल् added, तर्णक .
- तर्णक :: m. (-कः) A calf: see the preceding.
- तर्णि :: m. (-र्णिः) 1. A raft, a float. 2. The sun. E. तरति आकाशपद्धतिं तॄ-नि करणे नि वा ।
- तर्त्तरीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) A passenger, one who passes or crosses. n. (-कं) A boat, a raft, a vessel. E. तॄ to cross over, ईक aff. and deriv. irr.
- तर्द :: r. 1st cl. (तर्दति) To kill or hurt. E. भ्वा-प-सक-सेट् ।
- तर्दू :: m. (-र्दूः) A wooden ladle. E. तर्द or तृद to go, Unadi affix ऊ .
- तर्पण :: n. (-णं) 1. Satisfaction given or received; either the act of pleasing, or the state of being pleased. 2. Satiety, fulness. 3. A religious rite, presenting water to the manes of the deceased or to the Pitris collectively; also to the gods either generally or in- dividually. 4. Fuel used on sacrificial occasions. f. (-णी) A plant; also गुरुस्कन्ध . E. तृप् to satisfy or be satisfied, affixes णिच् and ल्युट् ।
- तर्पणेच्छु :: mfn. (-च्छुः -च्छुः -च्छु) Desirous of satisfaction, or of receiving after death the presentation of water called Tarpana. m. (-च्छुः) A name of BHISHMA. E. तर्पण as above, इच्छु to wish, and उ aff.
- तर्पित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pleased, satisfied. E. तृप् to be pleased, क्त affix, with इट् .
- तर्पिन् :: mfn. (-र्पी -र्पिणी -र्पि) 1. Giving pleasure or satisfaction. 2. Offering oblations to the manes, (who does so.) f. (-णी) A plant, (Hibiscus mutabilis.) E. तृप् to give pleasure, णिच्, णिनि and ङीप् affs.
- तर्ब :: r. 1st cl. (तर्बति) To go or move. E. भ्वा-प-सक-सेट् ।
- तर्बट :: m. (-टः) A year. E. तर्ब to go, अटन् aff.
- तर्मन् :: n. (-र्म) The top or term of the sacrificial post. E. तॄ to pass up, and मनिन् aff.
- तर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) 1. Thirst. 2. Wish, desire. 3. The ocean. 4. A raft or float. 5. The sun. E. तृष् to thirst, affix भावे घञ् or तॄ to pass over, कर्मणि करणे वा स । समुद्रे भेलके च ।
- तर्षण :: n. (-णं) Thirst, thirsting: it is also used metaphorically. E. तृष् to thirst, affix भावे ल्युट् ।
- तर्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Thirsting, a thirst, thirsty. 2. Desiring, wish- ing for. E. तर्षो जातोऽस्य तारका० इतच् ।
- तर्हि :: ind. Therefore. E. तद् that, and र्हिल् aff. तस्मिन् काले .
- तल :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (तलति तालयति-ते) 1. To be full or complete to. 2. To fix, to found. 3. To establish. E. चुरा० उभ० पक्षे भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- तल :: n. (-लं) 1. Essential nature, (in composition especially, as महीतलं the earth itself, the very earth.) 2. Depth, bottom, lowness, in- feriority of position, the place under or underneath. 3. A wood, a forest. 4. A hole, a pit, a chasm. 5. Cause, origin, motive, the root or seed of events. 6. Sole of the foot. 7. A slap with the hand. nf. (-लं-ला) A leathern fence worn by archers on the left arm. m. (-लः) 1. The palmyra tree. 2. The palm with extended fingers. 3. The hilt or handle of a sword, &c. 4. Pressing the strings of a lute with the left hand. 5. The stand or support of any thing, that which is under or below it. 6. The fore arm. 7. A span. E. तल् to fix, affix अच् .
- तलक :: n. (-कं) A large pond. E. तल a hole, a hollow, and कन् aff.
- तलप्रहार :: m. (-रः) A slap or blow with the palm of the hand. E. तल the open palm, प्रहार striking.
- तलवारण :: n. (-णं) A sword. E. तल, and वारण opposing.
- तलसारक :: n. (-कं) A martingale. 2. A vessel from which horses are fed. E. तल below, सृ to go, in the causal form, कप् aff.
- तलहृदय :: n. (-यं) The centre of the sole of the foot. E. तल below, and हृदय heart.
- तलाची :: f. (-ची) A mat, one made of reeds or bamboos. E. तल below, अञ्च् to go, क्विप् affix, fem. form.
- तलातल :: n. (-लं) One of the seventh divisions of the infernal regions. E. तल below, reiterated, as down-adown.
- तलिका :: f. (-का) A martingale. E. तल् to fix, and ठन् aff.
- तलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Fixed, placed, having a bottom. n. (-तं) Fried meat. E. तल् to be fixed or to satisfy, इतच् aff.
- तलिन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Separate, having spaces or interstices. 2. Clear, clean. 3. Small, little. 4. Delicate, thin, spare. 5. below, situated under or underneath. n. (-नं) A bed, a couch or cot. E. तन् to fix or be fixed, Unadi affix इनन् .
- तलिम :: n. (-मं) 1. Ground prepared for the site of a dwelling, &c. see कुट्टिम . 2. A bed, a couch or cot. 3. An awning. 4. A scymitar, a large sacrificial sword or knife. E. तल् to fix, इमन् aff.
- तलुन :: m. (-नः) 1. Air, wind. 2. A youth. f. (-नी) A young woman. E. तल to fix, उनन् affix: see तरुण .
- तलेक्षण :: m. (-णः) A hog. E. तल down, and ईक्षण looking. तले ईक्षणमस्य ।
- तलोदरी :: f. (-री) A mistress or wife. E. कृशोदर्य्यां भार्य्यायाम् ।
- तलोदा :: f. (-दा) A river. E. तल steep, down, उद water. तले उदकं यस्यां उदकस्य उदादेशः ।
- तल्क :: n. (-ल्कं) A wood, a forest. E. तल् to fix, कन् Unadi aff.
- तल्प :: mfn. (-ल्पः -ल्पा -ल्पं) 1. A bed. 2. An upper story, a room on the top of a house, a turret, a tower or keep. 3. A wife. E. तल् to fix, Unadi affix पक् .
- तल्पकीट :: m. (-टः) A bug. E. तल्प a bed, and कीट an insect.
- तल्पज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) 1. Born of a wife, (as a son by an appointed substituted.) 2. Produced in or from a bed, &c. E. तल्प and ज born.
- तल्पन :: n. (-नं) An elephant's back. 2. The exterior muscles of the back. E. तल्प a nominal verb, to be as a bed, to be broad, &c. क्विप् and कर्त्तरि ल्यु affs.
- तल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) A reservoir, a large pond, a tank or Talao. f. (-ल्ला) 1. A young woman. 2. A boat. 3. The wife of VARUNA. n. (-ल्लं) A pit, a hole. E. तल deep, depth, and ल to be or have, from ली with ड aff.
- तल्लज :: m. (-जः) Excellence, happiness; also attributively, Excellent, happy: used in apposition as an epithet, the gender is not chang- ed, as कुमारीतल्लजः an excellent maiden. E. तत् that, (that which is every thing,) and लज् to attain, affix अच् । तत् प्रसिद्धं यथा तथा लजति लज कान्तौ अच् । प्रशस्ते ।
- तल्लिका :: f. (-का) A key.
- तल्व :: n. (-ल्वं) Scent arising from the rubbing of fragrant substances.
- तवक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Thine. E. कन् added to तव to poss. case of त्वं .
- तवक्षीर :: n. (-रं) Milk and water. E. तु-अच् । नित्यकर्म० ।
- तवराज :: m. (-जः) A sort of sugar prepared from a species of Hedysa- rum. E. तु-अच् । तवः पूर्णः सन् राजते राज-अच् ।
- तविष :: m. (-षः) 1. Heaven, paradise. 2. The ocean. f. (-षी) 1. A river. 2. The daughter of INDRA. 3. Strength, (in the dialect of the Vedas.) E. तव a Sautra root, टिषच् Unadi affix; also ताविष and तवीष .
- तवीष :: m. (-षः) 1. Heaven. 2. The ocean. 3. Gold. E. See the last.
- तष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Pared, made thin. E. तक्ष् to pare, affix क्त .
- तष्टृ :: m. (-ष्टा) 1. A carpenter. 2. A name of VISWAKARMA. 3. One of the twelve Adityas or suns; also तष्टृ . E. तक्ष् to pare, तृच् aff.
- तस (इर उ) इरतसु :: r. 4th cl. (तस्यति) To throw, to toss, to direct, to send, (इ) तसि r. 1st and 10th cls. (तंसति तंसयति-ते) or with अव prefixed (अवतंसति अवतंसयति) To adorn to dress or decorate. E. चु० उभ० पक्षे भ्वादि० पर० सक० सेट् इदित् । दिवा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- तसर :: m. (-रः) A shuttle. E. तन् to stretch, क्सरन् Unadi aff.
- तस्कर :: m. (-रः) 1. A thief, a robber. 2. The ear. 3. A kind of potherb, (Medicago esculenta.) 3. A tree, (Vangueria spinosa:) see मदन . f. (-री) A passionate woman. E. तत् that, used depreciatingly, and कर who does, सुट् substituted for the final of तत् .
- तस्करता :: f. (-ता) 1. Thievishness, thieving. 2. Hearing, catching by the ear. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, तस्करत्वं .
- ताटङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) An ornament of the ear, a large sort of ear-ring: see ताडङ्क and तालपत्र .
- ताटस्थ्य :: n. (-स्थ्यं) 1. Indifference, disregard, exemption from attachment or aversion. 2. Proximity. E. तटस्थ, and ष्यञ् aff.
- ताड :: m. (-डः) 1. Beating, whipping, inflicting bodily chastisement. 2.
Sound, noise. 3. A handful of grass, corn, &c. a sheaf. 4. A moun- tain. 5. A kind of grass, (Andropogon serratus.) f. (-डि or -डी) A kind of palm, (Coripha talliera, Rox.) See ताली . E. तड् to give pain, to beat, &c. affix भावे अच् कर्मणि अच् वा ।
- ताडका :: f. (-का) A female demon, killed by RAMA.
- ताडकाफल :: n. (-लं) Large cardamoms.
- ताडङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) A kind of ear-ring: see तालपत्र . E. तड् to shine, अङ्कन् affix; also ड being changed to ट, ताटङ्क .
- ताडघ :: mfn. (-घः -घा -घं) Beating with a whip or with strokes of any kind. E. ताड, and घ who strikes.
- ताडघात :: m. (-तः) An artificer who beats or hammers any thing. E. ताड, and घात a blow.
- ताडन :: n. (-नं) Beating, whipping, &c. f. (-नी) A whip. E. तड् to beat, भावे ल्युट् affix, fem. affix ङीष् ।
- ताडनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be beaten, punishable. E. तड् to beat, अनी- यर् affix; also ताड्य and ताडयितव्य .
- ताडपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) An ornament of the ear. E. ताड the Tal tree, and पत्र a leaf, an earring resembling this: see तालपत्र .
- ताडयितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Who or what beats or strikes. E. तड् to beat, तृच् aff.
- ताडयित्वा :: ind. Having beaten. E. तड् to beat, क्त्वा aff.
- ताडित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Struck, beaten. E. तड् to beat, क्त aff.
- ताडुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Beating, who or what beats or strikes. E. तड् to give pain, उल Unadi aff.
- ताड्य :: mfn. (-ड्यः -ड्या -ड्यं) To be beaten or chastised, what may or ought to be punished, punishable. E. तड् to beat, ण्यत् aff.
- ताड्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being beaten or struck. m. (-नः) A musical instrument, which is struck, as a drum, &c. E. तड् to beat or strike, शानच् affix, यक् inserted.
- ताण्डव :: mn. (-वः-वं) 1. Dancing, especially with violent gesticulation, and particularly applied to the frantic dance of the god SIVA, and his votaries. 2. A sort of grass, (Saccharum procerum.) m. (-वः) In prosody, a tribrach or foot of three sort syllables. E. तण्डु the name of the Muni, by whom the style of dancing was first taught, affix अण्, or तडि to beat, and अव aff.
- ताण्डवतालिक :: m. (-कः) A name of NANDI, one of SIVA'S principal attendants. E. ताण्डव SIVA'S dancing. and तालिक accompanied with music, from ताल tune or time, and ठञ् aff.
- ताण्डवप्रिय :: m. (-यः) A name of SIVA. E. ताण्डव dancing, and प्रिय fond of.
- ताण्डि :: f. (-ण्डिः) The science of dancing. E. तण्डु the teacher of this art, and इञ् off.
- तात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Venerable, reverend, respectable. m. (-तः) 1. A father. 2. A term of affection addressed to any person, but especi- ally to a junior or inferior, as हे तात oh! child, &c. E. तन् to extend, (his race or fame,) क्त affix, and the vowel made long.
- तातगु :: mfn. (-गुः -गुः -गु) Paternal, relating or belonging to the father. m. (-गुः) A paternal uncle. E. तात a father, गु who goes or is, from गम् to go, with डु aff.
- तातजनयित्री :: f. du. always (-त्र्यौ) Father and mother, parents. E. तात father, and जनयितृ mother.
- ताततुल्य :: m. (-ल्यः) A paternal uncle, or the most respectable of the male relations. E. तात a father, and तुल्य like, equal to.
- तातन :: m. (-नः) A wagtail. तातं प्रशस्तं नृत्यति नृत-ड । खञ्चनखगे ।
- तातल :: m. (-लः) 1. A fatherly relative, one who may be considered as a father. 2. Sickness, disease. 3. An iron club or spike. 4. Cooking or maturing. 5. Heat, physical or morbid. E. तापं लाति ला-क पृषो० ।
- ताति :: m. (-तिः) A son. E. ताय to spread, (the race,) क्तिच् aff.
- तात्कालिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating to any particular moment of time. E. तत्काल and ठङ् aff. ञिठ वा ।
- तात्पर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) 1. Object, purpose, intent, design. 2. Meaning, purport. 3. Explanation. E. तत्पर intent, ष्यञ् aff. तत्परस्य भावः ।
- तात्पर्य्यार्थ :: m. (-र्थः) The meaning or purpose of a sentence. E. तात्पर्य्य pur- pose, and अर्थ meaning.
- तादर्थ्य :: n. (-र्थ्यं) 1. Sameness or precision of meaning. 2. Identity of ob- ject. E. तदर्थ, ष्यञ् aff.
- तादात्म्य :: n. (-त्म्यं) Identity, unity, sameness. E. तदात्म same, and ष्यञ् aff.
- तादृश् :: mfn. (-दृक्) Such like, like him or it, &c. E. तद् that, दृश् to see, affix क्विप्; also with ट affix तादृश mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) or with क्स affix, तादृक्ष mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं .)
- तान :: m. (-नः) A tune. n. (-नं) 1. Expanse, extension. 2. An object of sense. E. तन् to extend, affix घञ् .
- तानव :: n. (-वं) Thinness, spareness. E. तनु, and अण् aff.
- तानूर :: m. (-रः) A whirlpool. E. तन् to spread, ऊरण् aff.
- तान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Wearied, fatigued, distressed. 2. Languid, lan- guishing. 3. Faded, withered, blighted. E. तम् to be distressed, affix क्त .
- तान्तव :: n. (-वं) Spinning, weaving. E. तन्तु a thread, अञ् aff.
- तान्त्र :: mfn. (-न्त्रः -न्त्री -न्त्रं) 1. Stringed, having wires or strings, (as a musical instrument.) 2. Relating to the Tantras, &c. E. तन्त्र, and अण् aff.
- तान्त्रिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Relating to the Tantras, taught by them, following them, &c. 2. Relating to a thread, &c. m. (-कः) 1. A scholar, a man completely versed in any science. 2. A follower of the doctrine taught by the Tantras. E. तन्त्र truth, &c. and ठक् aff. तन्त्रं सिद्धान्तं वेत्ति शास्त्रमधीते वा ।
- तान्द्रन :: m. (-नः) Wind.
- ताप :: m. (-पः) 1. Heat, burning, (moral or physical.) 2. Pain, sorrow, distress. E. तप् to burn or inflame, affix घञ् . f. (-पी) A name of the Tapti or Surat river. 2. A name of the Yamuna or Jamna river. E. तप the sun, affix of descent अच्, ङीष् ।
- तापक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Burning, inflaming, heating. m. (-कः) Fever, morbid heat. E. तप् to burn, ण्वुल् aff.
- तापत्य :: m. (-त्यः) ARJUNA. E. तपती, and ण्य affix of descent.
- तापन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) What heats or inflames. m. (-नः) 1. The sun. 2. Of KAMA'S arrows, the inflamer. 3. Sun-shine. 4. Heating, in- flaming. E. तप् to heat, in the causal form, and णिच् and भावे ल्युट् affs. or तापि-कर्त्तरि ल्यु । सूर्य्ये ।
- तापनीय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Golden, made of gold. E. तपनीय, and अण् aff. उपनिषद्भेदे च । यथा गोपालतापनीयः, नृसिंहतापनीयः ।
- तापस :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) Performing penance, a practiser of devout aus- terities, a devotee, an ascetic. m. (-सः) A kind of crane, (Ardea nivea.) n. (-सं) The leaf of the Laurus cassia. E. तपस् penance, affix अण् । तपश्चरणं शीलमस्य छत्रादि० ण or तपोऽस्त्यस्य अण् ।
- तापसक :: m. (-कः) A contemptible devotee, one not long engaged in austerities. E. तापस, and कन् depreciative aff.
- तापसतरु :: m. (-रुः) A tree, commonly Ingua or Jiyaputa, (Nagelia pu- tranjiva.) E. तापस an ascetic, and तरु a tree; also similar com- pounds, as तापसद्रुम, तापसवृक्ष, &c.
- तापसप्रिय :: m. (-यः) A tree, (Chiranjia sapida:) see पियाल . f. (-या) A grape. E. तापस an ascetic, प्रिय beloved by. तापसानां प्रियः छाया- प्रदत्वात् ।
- तापहर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Cooling, removing heat. 2. Consoling, alle- viating distress. f. (-री) A dish, a sort of soup, of pulse and grain, first fried with ghee and turmeric, and afterwards boiled with salt and sugar. E. ताप, and हर what removes. तापं हरति हृ-ट ।
- तापिच्छ :: m. (-च्छः) A tree bearing dark blossoms, the Tamala: see the next, तापिनं छादयति छद-ड पृषो० । तमालवृक्षे ।
- तापिञ्छ :: m. (ञ्छः) The Tamala tree, (Xanthocymus pictorius.) E. तापिन् a person heated, and छद what covers or shelters, ड affix, deriv.
irr. also the final being dropped तापिच्छ, and with जि to conquer or remove तापिञ्ज ।
- तापिञ्ज :: m. (-ञ्जः) The Tamala tree. n. (-ञ्जं) Sulphate of iron: see the preceding.
- तापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Inflamed. 2. Distressed, pained. E. तप् to inflame, affix क्त .
- तापिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिनी -पि) Oppressed by heat, morbid, moral or physical; any thing heated or growing. m. (-पी) One of the defied saints of the BAUDDHA. E. तप् to heat, affix णिनि .
- ताप्य :: mn. (-प्यः-प्यं) A mineral substance, sulphate of iron. E. तापी the river, and यत् affix; said to be procured from the Tapi river; also with कन् added ताप्यकम् ।
- ताम :: m. (-मः) An object of terror. 2. Fault, defect, vice. 3. Anxiety, distress. 4. Desire. E. तम् to be distressed, affix करणे भावे वा घञ् ।
- तामर :: n. (-रं) 1. Water. 2. Ghee or oiled butter. E. ताम desire, and र from रा to get or have; desirable for drinking, &c. तामं ग्लानिं रवते हिनस्ति रुङ् बधे वा ड ।
- तामरस :: n. (-सं) 1. A lotus, (Nymphæa nelumbo.) 2. Copper. 3. Gold. 4. A species of the Jagati metre. E. तामर water, सम् to abide, and ड affix; or ताम desire, and रस here implying object. तामरे जले सलि सस-ड ।
- तामलकी :: f. (-की) A plant, (Flacourtia cataphracta:) see मूम्यामलकी . E. तम् to desire, to be as it were, or resemble, आमलकी the Amalaki, तम णिच् क्विप् तान् कर्मधा० ।
- तामलिप्त :: nf. (-प्तं-प्ती) A district in the south of Bengal, commonly Tam- look. E. ताम distress, trouble, and लिप्त smeared, affected.
- तामस :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) 1. Affected by or appertaining to the third qua- lity, that of darkness or vice: belonging to it as a Purana, a sys- tem of philosophy, a ceremonial rite, &c. 2. Dark, of or belong- ing to darkness. m. (-सः) 1. A snake. 2. An incendiary, a malignant and mischievous man, a villain. 3. An owl. 4. The fourth Menu. f. (-सी) A dark night. 2. A name of the goddess DURGA. n. (-सं) The quality of darkness. E. तमस् the quality of drakness, &c. affix अण् । तमः अस्ति अस्य ।
- तामसिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Of belonging to the quality of darkness, derived from it, teaching lessons so characterised, &c. 2. Of or be- longing to physical drakness. E. तमस्, and ठञ् aff. तमसा निर्वृत्तम् ।
- तामिस्र :: n. (-स्रं) 1. Great darkness. 2. A hell, that of deep gloom. m. (-स्रः) Indignation at being disappointed or slighted. E. तमिस्र, and अण् added. तमिस्रा तमस्ततिः अस्ति अत्र ।
- ताम्बूल :: nf. (-ल-ली) 1. Areca, (Areca faufel or catechu.) 2. Betel, (Piber betel,) or its pungent leaf, which together with the areca nut and catechu, and sometimes caustic lime and spices, is eaten very generally by the natives of the east. n. (-लं) The areca nut. m. (-लः) San, a plant, (Crotolaria juncea.) E. तम् to desire, affix ऊलच् and वुक् augment, the radical vowel made long.
- ताम्बूलकरङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) The Pan-dan or betel-box. E. ताम्बूल as above, and करङ्क a hollowed cocoanut, &c. which the Pan-box usually resem- bles. (पानेर डिपा) ।
- ताम्बूलद :: m. (-दः) The betel-bearer; kings and great men being attended by an officer of this description. E. ताम्बूल betel, and द who gives. ताम्बूलं ददाति दा-क ।
- ताम्बूलपेटिका :: f. (-का) A betel-box. E. ताम्बूल, and पेटिका a casket.
- ताम्बूलराग :: m. (-गः) A kind of pulse, (Ervum lens.) E. ताम्बूल betel, and राग colour. ताम्बूलकृतो रागः ।
- ताम्बूलवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) A small plant bearing a pungent leaf, which with the areca nut, a small quantity of caustic lime (or Chunam) and catechu, and occasionally cloves, cardamoms, &c. form the Pan or betel of the Asiatic, (Piper betel.) E. ताम्बूल the same, and वल्ली root- stalk; also with कन् added ताम्बूलवल्लिका .
- ताम्बूलवाहक :: m. (-कः) A betel-bearer, a servant attached to men of rank to prepare the Pan, and carry the betel-box. E. ताम्बूल, and वाहक who carries; also ताम्बूलवाहिन् m. (-ही .)
- ताम्बूलिक :: mf. (-कः-की) A seller of betel. E. ताम्बूल, and ठक् aff. ताम्बूलं तद्रचनं शिल्पमस्य ।
- ताम्बूलिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) Relating or belonging to a Pan having one, giving one, &c. m. (-ली) The Pan-bearer, a servant who prepares and furnishes the Pan. E. ताम्बूल as above, इनि aff. ताम्बूलं पण्यतया अस्ति अस्य ।
- ताम्यत् :: mfn. (-म्यन् -म्यती -म्यत्) Distressing, afflicting, annoying. E. तम् to distress, शतृ aff.
- ताम्र :: mfn. (-म्रः -म्री -म्रं) Of a coppery red colour. n. (-म्रं) 1. Copper. 2. A kind of sandal, represented as of a dark red colour, and smelling like a lotus. 3. A dark or coppery red. m. (-म्रः) A leprosy with large red spots. f. (-म्री) A copper or metallic cup of prescribed capacity, and perforated by a small hole at the bottom, answering the purpose of an hour glass: it is put into a vessel of water; the water gradually filling it, and the cup sinking, marks the time that has elapsed. E. तम् to desire, Unadi affix रक्, and the vowel made long; or ताम्र copper, अण् and ङीष् affixes, implying analogy or derivation.
- ताम्रक :: n. (-कं) Copper. E. ताम्र as above, and कन् pleonastic aff.
- ताम्रकर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A name of the female elephant of the west. E. ताम्र coppery, and कर्ण ear.
- ताम्रकार :: m. (-रः) A brazier, a copper-smith. E. ताम्र copper, and कार worker. ताम्रं ताम्रपात्रादिकं करोति कृ-अण् उप० स० ।
- ताम्रकिलि :: m. (-लिः) A small worm of a red colour. E. ताम्र red, and किलि a worm.
- ताम्रकुट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः) A brazier or copper-smith. E. ताम्रं कुट्टयति कुट्ट-अण् उप० स० ।
- ताम्रकुट्टक :: m. (-कः) A brazier. E. ताम्र, and कुट्ट a point: the word is imitative of the foreign original, ण्वुल्प्रत्ययः ।
- ताम्रकृमि :: m. (-मिः) A kind of red insect. E. ताम्र red, and कृमि a worm. इन्द्रगोपकीटे ।
- ताम्रगर्भ :: n. (-र्भ) Blue vitriol or sulphate of copper. E. ताम्र copper, and गर्भ womb or source.
- ताम्रचूड :: m. (-डः) A cock. E. ताम्र, and चूडा a crest. ताम्रा रक्ता चूडा यस्य ।
- ताम्रतनु :: mfn. (-नुः -नुः -नु) Having a ruddy or fair complexion, copper-co- loured. E. ताम्र, and तनु body.
- ताम्रपट्ट :: n. (-ट्टं) A copper-plate, such as Hindu grants of land, &c. are frequently inscribed on. E. ताम्र copper, and पट्ट a cloth.
- ताम्रपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) 1. A large point or lake. 2. The name of a river in the peninsula, and of the district in its vicinity.
- ताम्रपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A plate of copper. m. (-त्रः) A potherb: see जीव . E. ताम्र, and पत्र a leaf.
- ताम्रपाकिन् :: m. (-की) A tree: see गर्द्दभाण्ड . E. ताम्र red, and पाकिन् ripen- ing, the fruit being of this colour.
- ताम्रपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) 1. A kind of ebony, (Bauhinia variegata.) 2. A plant, (Kæmpfera rotunda.) f. (-ष्पा) Trumpet flower, (Bignonia suave- olens.) f. (-ष्पी) 1. Lythrum or uticosum: see धातृ-पुष्पिका . 2. Trumpet flower. 3. Red Teori: see त्रिकृत् . E. ताम्र coppery red, and पुष्प a flower, bearing red blossoms. ताम्रं पुष्पं यस्य ।
- ताम्रफल :: m. (-लः) A tree, (Alangium hexapetalum.) E. ताम्र copper, and फल fruit. ताम्रं रक्तं फलमस्य ।
- ताम्रफलक :: n. (-कं) A copper-plate. E. ताम्र, and फलक a plank or board.
- ताम्रमुख :: mfn. (-खः -खी -खं) Copper-coloured, fair-complexioned. m. (-खः) A European. E. ताम्र, and मुख face.
- ताम्रमूला :: f. (-ला) A plant: see ग्राहिणी . E. ताम्र copper, and मूल root. ताम्रं रक्तं मूलं यस्याः टाप् ।
- ताम्रमृग :: m. (-गः) The red deer. E. ताम्र, and मृग deer.
- ताम्रवर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णी -र्णं) Red, copper-coloured. f. (-र्णी) The blossom of sesamum. E. ताम्र, and वर्ण colour.
- ताम्रवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) Bengal madder, (Rubia manjith.) 2. A medicinal plant used as an emollient in affections of the mouth and face; also called तमाली, ताली, मूक्ष्मवल्ली, &c. E. ताम्र copper, and वल्ली pedicle.
- ताम्रवीज :: m. (-जः) A kind of vetch: see कुलत्थ . E. ताम्र copper, and वीज the seed. ताम्रं वीजं यस्य ।
- ताम्रवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A sort of Sandal wood. E. ताम्र copper, and वृक्ष a tree.
- ताम्रवृन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) A kind of vetch: see कुलत्थ E. ताम्र copper, or coppery, वृन्त foot-stalk. ताम्रं वृन्तमस्य ।
- ताम्रशिखिन् :: m. (-खी) A cock. E. ताम्र copper, शिखा a crest, and इनि affix. see ताम्रचूड . ताम्रा रक्ता शिखा अस्ति अस्य ।
- ताम्रसार :: m. (रः) A red kind of Sandal, (Pterospermum santolinum.) E. ताम्र copper, and सार pith. ताम्रं रक्तं सारं अस्य ।
- ताम्राकु :: m. (-कुः) One of the eighteen minor divisions of the known continent.
- ताम्राक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षी -क्षं) Red-eyed. m. (-क्षः) The Koil or Kokila, the Indian cuckoo. E. ताम्र, and अक्षि an eye. ताम्रे अक्षिणी यस्य ।
- ताम्राभ :: n. (-भं) Red sandal wood. E. ताम्र copper, and resembling. ताम्रस्य आभा इव आभा यस्य । रक्तचन्दने ।
- ताम्रार्द्ध :: n. (-र्द्धं) Mixed or bell metal. E. ताम्र copper, and अर्द्ध part or half. ताम्रस्य अर्द्धः अंशभेद उत्पादकोऽस्य । कांस्ये ।
- ताम्रिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Of copper, made of copper, &c. m. (-कः) A brazier, a copper-smith. E. ताम्र copper, and ठञ् affix. f. (-का) A copper-vessel for marking time. E. कन् added to ताम्री, q. v. ताम्रं तत्पत्रादिनिर्माणं शिल्पमस्य ।
- ताय (ऋ) तायृ :: r. 1st cl. (तायते) 1. To spread, to extend, to proceed in a continuous stream or line. 2. To cherish or protect. E. भ्वा-आ-सक- सेट् ।
- तायिक :: m. (-कः) A country; or plu. m. (-काः) 1ts inhabitants. E. ताय् to cherish, ठञ् aff. ताये वृद्धौ साधु ठञ् ।
- तार :: mfn. adj. (-रः-रा-रं) 1. High, as a note in music. 2. Radiant, shin- ing, radiating. 3. Clean, clear. 4. Good, excellent, well flavoured, &c. m. (-रः) 1. A high note or tone in music. 2. Elegance of a pearl. 3. A clear or beautiful pearl. 4. Crossing, passing over, &c. 5. A wire, a cord. 6. The mystic monosyllable Om. 7. A mystical monosyllable in the Tantras. 7. The name of a monkey chief, the son BALI. N. (-रं) 1. Silver. 2. A pearl. mfn. subst. (-रः-रा-रं) 1. The pupil of the eye. 2. A star in general, a planet, as asterism, &c. f. (-रा) A female deity peculiar to the Bauddha sect. 2. The wife of VRIHASPATI. 3. The wife of the monkey king BALI. 4. A name of the goddes DURGA. E. तॄ to pass or proceed; also in the causal, to cause to pass, and णिच्, अच् or घञ् aff. संसारार्णवात् तारयति स्वजापकान् ।
- तारक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. A protector, a preserver. 2. One who causes or enables to pass or go over. n. (-कं) 1. The eye. 2. A Mantra, a formula addressed to Rama, as Ramaya namah. nf. (-कं-का) 1. The pupil of the eye. 2. A star. mn. (-कः-कं) A float or raft. m. (-कः) A pilot, a helmsman or steersman. 2. The man of a demon or evil spirit destroyed by KARTIKEYA. E. तॄ to pass or cause to pass, and णिच् and ण्वुल् affixes; or कन् added to the preceding.
- तारकजित् :: m. (-जित्) A name of KARTIKEYA. E. तारक a demon, and जित् conqueror: also similar names, as तारकारि, तारकहन्, तारकरिपु, &c. तारकं दैत्यं जयति जि-क्विप् ।
- तारकारि :: m. (-रिः) The deity KARTIKEYA. E. तारक and अरि a foe: see the preceding.
- तारकित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Starry. E. तारक a star, इतच् aff.
- तारकिन् :: mfn. (-की -किणी -कि) Starry. f. (-णी) Night. E. तारक, and इनि aff.
- तारण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) Who or what causes or enables to cross. m. (-णः)
A raft, a float. n. (-णं) Carrying or conveying across. E. तॄ to cross, affix ल्युट् तारयति अनेन ।
- तारणि :: f. (-णिः) A boat. E. तॄ to pass over, णि or अणि aff.
- तारतम्य :: n. (-म्यं) 1. More or less, the state or condition. 2. Dependence of larger numbers on smaller in a progressive series. E. तर, and तम affixes of the comparative and superlative degrees, and ष्यञ् aff तरतमयोर्भावः ।
- तारनाद :: m. (-दः) A loud sound or noise. E. तार, and नाद sound.
- तारल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Libidinous, dissipated, a lecher. E. तरल un- steady, affix अण् । तरल एव ।
- तारविमला :: f. (-ला) A sort of mineral said to be of the colour of silver. F. तार a star, and विमल pure, clean.
- तारशुद्धिकर :: n. (-रं) Lead. E. तार silver, and शुद्धिकर what refines.
- ताराधिपति :: m. (-तिः) The moon. E. तारा a star, and अधिपति a ruler.
- तारापथ :: m. (-थः) The atmosphere, the firmament, heaven or sky. E. तारा a star, and पथ for पथिन् a path. ताराणां पन्थाः ।
- तारापीड :: m. (-डः) The moon. E. तार a star, and आपीड a chaplet. ताराणां आपीडः भूषणमिव । चन्द्रे ।
- ताराभूषा :: f. (-षा) Night. E. तारा, and भूषा ornament. तारा भूषा यस्याः । रात्रौ ।
- ताराभ्र :: m. (-भ्रः) Camphor. E. तारा, and अभ्र talc.
- तारामण्डल :: m. (-लः) 1. A large splendid temple. 2. The region of the stars. E. तारा a star, and मण्डल a region; shining with gold and jewels as with stars.
- तारारि :: m. (-रिः) A pyritic ore of iron: see विट्माक्षिक . E. तारा the pupil of the eye, and अरि hostile.
- तारिक :: n. (-कं) Fare, freight, toll. f. (-का) 1. A star; also तारका . 2. The juice of the palmyra tree, especially when become a spirit by spontaneous fermentation. E. तर fare, ठक् affix, of तारक fem. form or ताली and कन् added, ल changed to र .
- तारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Enabling or causing to cross or get over. f. (-णी) 1. A goddess peculiar to the Jainas or Bauddhas. 2. A name of DURGA. E. तॄ to cause to proceed, (life, fortune, &c.) and ङीष् aff. तारयति तॄ-णिच्-णिनि .
- तारीष :: m. (-षः) 1. Swarga or paradise. 2. The ocean. 3. Gold. f. (-षी) The daughter of INDRA. E. तॄ to cross, ईषन् affix, fem. affix ङीष्ः see तरीष and तरिष .
- तारुण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) Youth. E. तरुण young, ष्यञ् aff. तरुणस्य भावः ।
- तारेय :: m. (-यः) The son of BALI, the monkey. E. तारा the wife of BALI, and ढक् aff. तारायाः अपत्यम् ।
- तार्कव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Spun, made with or belonging to a spindle. E. तर्कु, and अण् aff. तर्कोर्विकारः ।
- तार्किक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating or attached to the science of reason- ing or logic. m. (-कः) A philosopher, a sophist, a follower of either of the six schools of Hindu philosophy. E. तर्क doubt, disputation, affix ठञ् .
- तार्क्ष :: m. (-र्क्षः) A name of KASYAPA. E. तृक्ष एव स्वार्थे अण् ।
- तार्क्ष्य :: m. (-र्क्ष्यः) 1. A horse. 2. A name of GARUDA, the bird and vehicle of VISHNU. 2. A name of ARUNA, or the dawn personified, consi- dered as the elder brother of GARUDA. 4. A car, a chariot. 5. A snake. 6. Gold. 7. A tree, the Sal, (Shorea robusta.) n. (-र्क्ष्यं) A sort of collyrium. f. (-र्क्ष्यी) A wild creeper. E. तृक्ष् to go, घञ् affix तार्क्ष and यञ् added; again, तृक्ष or तार्क्ष considered as a name of KASYAPA the father of ARUNA, &c. ष्यञ् or अण् aff.
- तार्क्ष्यध्वज :: m. (-जः) A name of VISHNU. E. तार्क्ष्य GARUDA, and ध्वज emblem or symbol. तार्क्ष्यः ध्वजः अस्य ।
- तार्क्ष्यनायक :: m. (-कः) GARUDA. E. तार्क्ष्य, and नायक leader.
- तार्क्ष्यशैल :: n. (-लं) A substance prepared from the calx of brass, or from the Amomum Anthorrhiza, and used as a medical application to the eyes: see रसाञ्जन . E. तार्क्ष्य a collyrium, and शैल derived from शिला a rock or stone. तार्क्ष्य शैले भवम् अण् ।
- तार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) To be crossed or carried across, to be ferried over. n. (-र्य्यं) Toll, fare, freight. E. तॄ to cross. कर्मणि ण्यत् aff.
- ताल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Made of the palm wood. m. (-लः) 1. Beating time in music, musical time or measure. 2. A short span, one measur- ed by the thumb and middle finger. 3. Slapping or clapping the hands together, or against the arms, &c. 4. The open hand with the fingers extended, the palm. 5. A musical instrument of bell metal or brass, (a sort of cymbal,) played with a stick. 6. The hilt of a sword or sacrificial knife, &c. 7. The palmyra tree or fan palm, (Borassus flabelliformis.) 8. A lock, a bolt. 9. In proso- dy, a trochee. n. (-लं) 1. The throne of DURGA. 2. Yellow orpiment: see हरिताल . 3. The fruit of the palm tree. f. (-ली) 1. A sort of key or pin. 2. A species of the mountain palm, (Corypha taliera, Rox.) 3. A plant, (Flacourtia cataphracta:) see झटा and अमला . 4. A fra- grant earth: see तुवरिका . 5. A plant, (Curculigo orchioides.) 6. The spirituous juice of the palm, the common Tady. E. तल् to fix or तन् to spread, affix घञ्; or in the causal form, with अच् affix fem. affix ङीष्, न changed to ल; otherwise, तड् to beat, to overcome, (disease, &c.) अच् and ङीष् affixes, and ड changed to ल; the adjective is derived from the substantive by adding अण् .
- तालक :: n. (-कं) 1. A bolt, a latch, a kind of lock for fastening a door with. 3. Yellow orpiment. 3. A fragrant earth. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- तालकाभ :: adj. mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Green. m. (-भः) Green, the colour. E. तालक yellow orpiment, and आभ what resembles.
- तालकी :: f. (-की) Toddy, or the fermented exudation of the palm trees. E. ताल to palmyra, कन् aff. or तालकस्य इयम् अण्-ङीष् ।
- तालजटा :: f. (-टा) The fibres of the palm tree under the outer bark. E. ताल, and जटा matted hair.
- तालध्वज :: m. (-जः) A name of BALARAMA. f. (-जा) The name of a city. E. ताल the palm, and ध्वज a banner. तालः ध्वजः अस्य ।
- तालपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. A hollow cylinder of gold with or without a ring attached to it, thrust through the lobe of the ear, and worn as an ornament. 2. The palm leaf. E. ताल the palmyra, and पत्र a leaf, pieces of the leaf of this tree being rolled up and used occasion- ally for the purpose or as a substitute. f. (-त्री) A plant: see मूषिक- पर्णी . E. As above; the leaves resembling those of the palm tree, or the palm of the hand. तालस्य पत्रमिव । कर्णभूषणभेदे ।
- तालपर्ण :: nf. (-र्णं-र्णीं) 1. A kind of vegetable perfume: see मुरा . f. (-र्णी) A sort of anise, (Anethum pammorium, Rox.) E. ताल the palm, and पर्ण a leaf, palm-leaved. ताल इव खङ्गमुष्टिरिव पर्णमस्य ।
- तालपुष्पक :: n. (-कं) A medicinal application to the eyes. E. ताल the pal- myra, पुष्प a flower, and कप् affix; perhaps prepared from the blos- soms of the palmyra. तालः खङ्गमुष्टिरिव पुष्पमस्य ।
- तालप्रलम्ब :: n. (-म्बं) The fibres that grow on the cocoanut and other palms under the outer rind and from which Coir a sort of cordage, prepared. E. ताल, and प्रलम्ब what depends. ताले वृक्षे प्रलम्बते प्र + लम्ब-अच् । तालवृक्षस्य जटायाम् ।
- तालभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) A name of BALARAMA. E. ताल the palm, and भृत् who retains, (as his banner or symbol:) see तालध्वज, &c. तालं ध्वजरूपेण बिभर्त्ति भृ-क्विप् । वलदेवे ।
- तालमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Made of the palm, &c. E. ताल, and मयट् aff.
- तालमूली :: f. (-ली) A plant, (Curculigo orchioides.) E. ताल the palm, and मूल a root, having a similar root; also with कन् added तालमूलिका f. (-का) तालस्य मूलमिव मूलमस्याः ङीप् ।
- तालयन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) 1. A lock, a lock and key. 2. A small pair of pincers. E. ताल, and यन्त्र instrument.
- ताललक्ष्मन् :: m. (-क्ष्मा) A name of BALARAMA. E. ताल, and लक्ष्मन् a mark or sign: see तालध्वज .
- तालवृन्त :: m. (-न्तः) A fan. E. ताल the palm of the hand, and वृन्त a root-
stalk, expanding from the hand like a leaf from its stem; also with कन् added तालवृन्तक, ताले करताले वृन्तं बन्धनमस्य ।
- तालवृन्तक :: n. (-कं) A fan, a Pankha: see the preceding.
- तालवेचनक :: m. (-कः) A dancer, an actor. E. ताल musical tone, विच् to ob- served, ल्यु affix, तालवेचन and कन् pleonasm added; also read तालरेचनक .
- तालाख्या :: f. (-ख्या) A perfume: see मुरा . E. ताल the palmyra, and आख्या a name.
- तालाङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) 1. A name of BALARAMA. 2. A saw. 3. A book. 4. A name of SIVA. 5. A man marked with every fortunate spot or sign &c. 6. A sort of vegetable. E. ताल the tree, and अङ्क mark or em- blem. तालः तालचिह्नितः अङ्कः ध्वजोऽस्य । वलरामे ।
- तालावचर :: m. (-रः) A dancer, an actor. E. ताल musical time, अवचर to follow or perform, affix अच् .
- तालि :: f. (-लिः) A kind of palm, (Corypha taliera:) see ताली . तल प्रतिष्ठायां णिच् and इन् ।
- तालिक :: mf. (-कः-का) The open of palm of the hand. m. (-कः) A tie, a seal, a string, &c. binding a letter or parcel of papers. f. (-का) A plant: see तालमूली . E. ताल as above, and ठक् aff. तालेन करतालेन निर्वृत्तः ।
- तालित :: n. (-तं) 1. Any musical instrument. 2. Dyed or coloured cloth. 3. A string, a tie. E. ताल musical time, &c. इतच् aff. or तड-क्त डस्य ल ।
- तालिश :: m. (-शः) A mountain. E. ताल् to be fixed, ईश Unadi affix, the radical vowel made long.
- तालीश :: n. (-शं) A tree, commonly Talis or its leaf. E. ताल the corypha, ईश what resembles. तालीव रीगान् शवति शो-ड ।
- तालीशपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. A plant, (Flacourtia Cataphracta.) 2. A tree, Talisa or its leaf, which is used in medicine. E. तालीश as above, and पत्र a leaf.
- तालु :: n. (-लु) The palate. E. तॄ to pass, to go, Unadi affix ञुण् । by which words, &c. proceed.
- तालुका :: f. (-का) The palate. E. तालु, and कन् added.
- तालुजिह्व :: m. (-ह्वः) 1. The uvula. 2. A crocodile. E. तालु the palate, and जिह्वा the tongue.
- तालुपुप्पुट :: m. (-टः) An indolent swelling of the palate. E. तालुगतरोगभेदे ।
- तालूर :: m. (-रः) A whirlpool, an eddy. E. तल् to be deep, ऊरन् affix; also read तालुर .
- तावक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Thine. E. तवक, and अण् added युष्मद् + अण्-एकवचने तवकादेशः ।
- तावकीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Thine. E. तवक for तव thine, and खञ् aff. तव इदं युध्मद् + खञ् एकवचने तवकादेशः ।
- तावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. So many, as many, as much. 2. All. ind. So much, so far, so many, unto, until, the correlative to यावत् . E. तत् that, then, and डावत् affix: see यावत् .
- तावतिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Of so much, worth so much, &c. see the next. E. तावता क्रीतः संख्यात्वात् कन् वतोरिड् वा पा० वा इट् ।
- तावत्क :: mfn. (-त्कः -त्का -त्कं) Of so much, bought for so much, &c. E. कन् added to तावत्; also with इट् inserted तावतिक .
- तावत्काल :: adv. n. (-लं) For so long a period, for such a time. E. तावत्, and काल time.
- तावद्द्वयस :: mfn. (सः-सी-सं) Measuring so much. E. तावत्, and द्वयसच् aff.
- तावन्मात्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्री -त्रं) So much. E. तावत्, and मात्रच् aff.
- तावर :: n. (-रं) A bow-string.
- ताविष :: m. (-षः) 1. Swarga or paradise. 2. The ocean. f. (-षी) The daugh- ter of INDRA. 2. A river. 3. The earth. E. तव a Sautra root, Unadi affix टिषच्; also read तविष, तवीष, &c.
- तावुरि :: m. (-रिः) The constellation Taurus.
- तास्कर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Theft, robbery. E. तस्कर, and यञ् aff.
- तिक :: r. 1st cl. (ऋ) तिकृ (तेकते) To go or move. r. 5th cl. (तिक्नोति) 1. To go. 2. To assail, to assault. 3. To seek to injure or kill: see तिग । भ्वा-आ-सक-सेट् । आस्कन्दे बधे च स्वा० प० अक० सेट् ।
- तिक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Bitter. 2. Fragrant. m. (-क्तः) 1. A bitter taste, bitterness. 3. Fragrance, perfume. 3. A medicinal plant, (Echites antidysenterica.) 4. A tree, (Capparis trifoliata:) see वरुण . f. (-क्ता) Katuki, a medicinal plant. n. (-क्तं) A medicinal plant, (Mollugo pentaphylla.) E. तिज् to sharpen, (the appetite,) affix कर्त्तरि क्त ।
- तिक्तक :: m. (-कः) 1. A kind of gourd, (Trichosanthes diœca, Rox.) 2. A sort of gentian, (G. cherayta.) 3. A dark sort of the Khayar or Mimosa catechu. E. कन् added to तिक्त a bitter; alluding to the taste of these substances.
- तिक्तगन्धा :: f. (-न्धा) A plant, (Lycopodium imbricatum, Rox.) E. तिक्त fra- grant, and गन्ध smell, fem. affix टाप्; also with कन् added, and the fem. form, तिक्तगन्धिका ।
- तिक्ततुम्बी :: f. (-म्बी) A bitter gourd. E. तिक्त, and तुम्बी a gourd.
- तिक्तदुग्धा :: f. (-ग्धा) A medicinal kind of moon plant: see स्वर्णक्षीरी . E. तिक्त bitter, and दुग्ध milk.
- तिक्तपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A cucurbitaceous plant, (Momordica mixta.) E. तिक्त bit- ter, and पत्र a leaf.
- तिक्तपर्व्वन् :: f. (-र्व्वा) 1. A potherb, (Hiliancha repens.) 2. A plant (Menis- permum glabrum.) 4. Liquorice. E. तिक्त bitter, and पर्व्वन् a joint.
- तिक्तभद्रक :: m. (-कः) A kind of cucumber, (Trichosanthes diœca.) E. तिक्त bitter, and भद्रक auspicious, useful in medicine.
- तिक्तरोहिणिका :: f. (-का) A medicinal plant: see कटुकी . E. तिक्त bitter, and रीहिणी the same plant, कन् added.
- तिक्तवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) A plant, (Aletris hyacinthoides:) E. तिक्त bitter, and वल्ली a stalk.
- तिक्तशाक :: m. (-कः) 1. A plant (Capparis trifoliata:) see वरुण . 2. A kind of mimosa: see खदिर . E. तिक्त bitter, and शाक an esculent vegeta- ble; also तिक्तशाकक .
- तिक्तसार :: m. (-रः) A sort of mimosa, (M. catechu:) see खदिर . E. तिक्त bitter, and स्तर pith.
- तिक्तिका :: f. (-का) A bitter gourd. E. तिक्त, and कन् aff.
- तिग :: r. 5th cl. (तिग्नोति) 1. To go or move. 2. To assail. 3. To seek to injure, to attempt to kill, &c. also तिक . E. स्वा० प० सक० सेट् ।
- तिग्म :: mfn. (-ग्मः -ग्मा -ग्मं) 1. Hot. 2. Pungent, acrid. 3. Sharp, (as a weap- on.) 4. Passionate, hasty. n. (-ग्मं) Heat; also the heat of spices, or pungency. E. तिज् to sharpen, Unadi affix मक् .
- तिग्मता :: f. (-ता) 1. Sharpness. 2. Pungency. 3. Heat. 4. Passion, petu- lance. E. तल् added to तिग्म; also with त्व, तिग्मत्वं .
- तिग्मरुच् :: mfn. (-रुक्) 1. Bright, shining. 2. Hot. m. (-रुक्) The sun. E. तिग्म, and रुच् light.
- तिग्मांशु :: m. (-शुः) The sun. E. तिग्म hot, and अंशु a ray; also similar com- pounds, as तिग्मकर, तिग्मरश्मि ।
- तिघ :: r. 5th cl. (तिघ्नोति) To strike, to hurt or kill. E. स्वा० प० सक० सेट् ।
- तिङ्गुद :: m. (-दः) The name of a plant: see इङ्गुद .
- तिज :: r. 1st cl. (तितिक्षते) To bear, to endure, to suffer with patience. r. 1st and 10th cls. (तेजते तेजयति-ते) 1. To whet, to sharpen. 2. To shine: see तेज । तिज क्षान्तौ स्वार्थे सन् निशाने न सन् । भ्वा-आ-सक-सेट् । तीक्ष्णीकरणे चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- तिजिल :: m. (-लः) 1. The moon. 2. A Rakshasa. E. तिज् to shine, and इलच् Unadi aff.
- तिण्ठी :: f. (-ण्ठी) A plant, commonly Teori, (Convolvulus turpethum.)
- तितउ :: mn. (-उः-उ) A sieve, a cribble. E. तन् to spread or scatter, (grain, &c.) उउ Unadi affix, and the radical reiterated.
- तितिक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) Patience, resignation, sufferance, endurance. E. तिज् to bear, भावे अ and टाप् affixes, and the root repeated. स्वार्थे सन् भावे अ ।
- तितिक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Patient, resigned. E. तिज् to bear, affix इतच्, and the root reduplicate.
- तितिक्षु :: mfn. (-क्षुः -क्षुः -क्षु) Patient, resigned. E. तिज् to bear, reduplicated, and स्वार्थे सन् and उ affs.
- तितिभ :: m. (-भः) An insect, coccinella. E. तितीति भणति भण-ड । इन्द्रगोपकीटे ।
- तितिल :: n. (-लं) 1. One of the seven Karanas, or astronomical periods so called. 2. A bowl or bucket. 3. A sort of sweetmeat made of sesa- mum, ground and baked with sugar. E. तिल to go, affix क, and the radical reiterated: see तैतिल .
- तितीर्षा :: f. (-र्षा) 1. Wish to cross. 2. Wish to be freed from life. E. तॄ to cross, desid. form, अङ् and टाप् affs.
- तितीर्षु :: mfn. (-र्षुः -र्षुः -र्षु) 1. Desirous of crossing. 2. Desirous of emancipa- tion from existence. E. तॄ to cross, desid. form affix उ .
- तित्तिर :: m. (-रः) The francoline parridge: see the next. E. तित्ति इति शब्दं रौति रु-वा ड ।
- तित्तिरि :: m. (रिः) 1. The francoline parridge. 2. The name of a Muni, and one of the early teachers of the Taittiri or Black Yajur Veda. 3. The Yajur Veda named after its teachers. E. तित्ति an imitative sound, रा to make, affix कि; also with क affix तित्तिर .
- तिथ :: m. (-थः) 1. Fire. 2. KAMA or love. 3. Time. E. तिथ् to inflame, Unadi affix थक्, and the radical final rejected.
- तिथि :: mf. (-थिः-थिः or -थी) A lunar day, 1-30th of a whole lunation. E. अत् to go, to proceed, affix इथिन् and the radical initial rejected; also ङीष् being added तिथी .
- तिथिक्षय :: m. (-यः) Day of new moon. E. तिथि, and क्षय destruction. तिथीनां तिथ्युपलक्षितचन्द्रकलानां क्षयः क्षयारम्भो-यस्मिन् ।
- तिथिप्रणी :: m. (-णीः) The moon. E. तिथि a lunar day, प्र before, णी to get or obtain, affix क्विप् ।
- तिनाशक :: m. (-कः) A tree: see the next. तिनिशवृक्षे ।
- तिनिश :: m. (-शः) A tree, (Dalbergia ougenensis.) E. अति exceeding, निश् to meditate, affix क and the initial of the prefix rejected, deriv. irr. अतिशयेन नेशति अति + निश-क पृषो० अतेरकारलोपः ।
- तिन्तिड :: mf. (-डः-डी) The tamarind tree, (Tamarindous Indica.) m. (-डः) 1. The name of a demon. 2. Acid seasoning, sour sauce. 3. An inauspicious period, the evil aspect of planets, &c. f. (-डी) Emblic myrobalan. E. तिम् to be damp or moist, अच् affix, the root redu- plicated, and ड substituted for the final म .
- तिन्तिडिका :: f. (-का) The tamarind tree. E. कन् added to तिन्तिडी .
- तिन्तिडीक :: subst. mfn. (-कः -का -कं) The tamarind tree. n. (-कं) 1. Acid sea- soning. 2. The fruit of the tamarind. E. तिन्तिड as above, and इकन् Unadi aff.
- तिन्तिडीद्यूत :: n. (-तं) A kind of game, a sort of odd or even played with tamarind seeds. E. तिन्तिडी the tamarind, and द्यूत playing.
- तिन्तिली :: f. (-ली) The tamarind tree. E. See तिन्तिड, ल being substituted for ड; also कन् being added in the usual form, तिन्तिलिका or retain- ing the final तिन्तिलीका .
- तिन्दु :: m. (-न्तुः) A species of ebony, from the fruit of which a kind of resin is obtained, that is used in India as pitch for caulking vessels, &c. (Diospyros glutinosa.) E. तिम् to be wet or moist, affix कु; also with कन् added, तिन्दुक ।
- तिन्दुक :: mf. (-कः-की) A sort of ebony, (Diospyros glutinosa.) f. (-की) The resinous fruit of this tree: see the preceding. Also with इ substi- tuted for the final तिन्दुकि . n. (-कं) A Karsha, the measure. E. तिन्दु, and कन् added.
- तिन्दुल :: m. (-लः) A sort of ebony: see the preceding. E. लच् added to तिन्दु .
- तिप (उ ऋ) उ तिपृ :: r. 1st cl. (तेपते) To sprinkle, to distil or drop, to ooze or leak. E. भ्वा-आ-सक-सेट् ।
- तिम :: r. 4th cl. (तिम्यति) To be or become wet, damp, &c. E. दिवा० प० सक० सेट् ।
- तिम :: m. (-मः) A fish: see the next.
- तिमि :: m. (-मिः) 1. A whale, or a fabulous fish of an enormous size, said to be one hundred Yojanas long. 2. The ocean. E. तम् to distress, इन् affix, and इ substituted for the radical vowel; otherwise तिम् to be wet or watery, affix कि, or with क affix तिम .
- तिमिकोष :: m. (-षः) The ocean. E. तिमि a fish, as above, and कोष recepta- cle: also तिमिकोषक .
- तिमिङ्गिल :: m. (-लः) A large fabulous fish: see तिमि . E. तिमि the fish so called, and गिल who swallows, (from गृ with क affix, र changed to ल) and मुम् augment.
- तिमिङ्गिलगिल :: m. (-लः) A fabulous fish larger than either of the preced- ing: see तिमि and तिमिङ्गिल . E. तिमिङ्गिल the fish so called, and गिल who devours.
- तिमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Wet, moist, moistened, damp. 2. Steady, fix- ed, unmoved, unshaken. E. तिम् to be wet or damp, affix कर्त्तरि क्त .
- तिमिर :: n. (-रं) 1. Darkness. 2. Gutta serena, total blindness from affection of the optic nerve. E. तिम् to be damp, or तम् to give pain, किरच् Unadi affix, in the latter case, इत् is inserted.
- तिमिररिपु :: m. (-पुः) The sun. E. तिमिर darkness, and रिपु an enemy.
- तिमिष :: n. (-षं) 1. A kind of pumpkin gourd: see ग्राम्यकर्कटी . 2. A water- melon. E. तम् to desire or be desired, इषक् affix, इत् inserted.
- तिरश्चीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Sideways, awry, irregular. E. तिर्य्यच्, and ख aff. तिर्य्यगेव स्वार्थे ख ।
- तिरस् :: ind. 1. Indirectly, underhandedly, secretly, covertly. 2. Crooked- ly, awry. 3. A particle of abuse or depreciation. E. तॄ to go, असुक् aff.
- तिरस्करिणी :: f. (-णी) 1. An outer tent, a Kanat, a wall or screen of cloth surrounding the principal tent. 2. A veil. 3. A curtain. E. तिरस् secret, and करिणी making; also with the antepen. vowel long, तिरस्कारिणी .
- तिरस्कार :: m. (-रः) 1. Disrespect, abuse, reproach. 2. Disappearance, con- cealment. E. तिरस् disrespect, and कार making. तिरस् + कृ-भावे घञ् । कर्त्तरि अण् अवज्ञाकारके त्रि० ।
- तिरस्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Reviled, abused, reproached, censured. 2. Veiled, hidden. 3. Vanished, disappeared. E. तिरस्, and कृत made. तिरस् + कृ-कर्मणि क्त ।
- तिरस्क्रिया :: f. (-या) 1. Disrespect, contempt, reproach. 2. Disappearance, concealment. E. तिरस् disrespect, and क्रिया action. तिरस् + कृ- भावे श ।
- तिरिट :: m. (-टः) The sugar-cane. E. तॄ-वा क, इटक् । इक्षुग्रन्थौ ।
- तिरिम :: m. (-मः) A kind of rice. E. तॄ-वा इमक् । शालिभेदे ।
- तिरिय :: m. (-यः) A sort of rice. E. तॄ-वा इषक् । शालिभेदे ।
- तिरीट :: m. (-टः) Pale Lodh, a kind of tree: see लोध्र . n. (-टं) A diadem, a tiara. E. तॄ to pass, इटक् Unadi aff. लोध्रवृक्षे ।
- तिरोगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Disappeared, vanished, out of sight. E. तिरस्, and गत gone.
- तिरोधान :: n. (-नं) 1. A cover or concealment, a sheath, a veil, a cloth or cloak, any thing which withholds another from sight. 2. Disap- pearance, the being hidden or the act of hiding or vanishing. E. तिरस् concealing, and धान having or holding. तिर + धा-भावे ल्युट् ।
- तिरोहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Covered, concealed, hidden, removed or with- drawn from sight. E. तिरस् covering, धा to have, affix क्त .
- तिर्य्यक् :: ind. Crookedly, awry: see तिर्य्यच् .
- तिर्य्यक्स्रोतस् :: m. (-ताः) An animal, a beast or bird. E. तिर्य्यक् crookedly, and स्रोतस् motion. तिर्य्यक् स्रोतः आहारसञ्जारो यस्य । पशुपक्ष्यादौ ।
- तिर्य्यग्ज :: mfn. (-ग्जः -ग्जा -ग्जं) Born of an animal or insect. E. तिर्य्यच्, and ज born.
- तिर्य्यग्जाति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Of the brute species, born as an animal. f. (-तिः) The brute kind. E. तिर्य्यच्, and जाति species.
- तिर्य्यग्यवोदर :: n. (-रं) A barley corn. E. तिर्य्यच् curved, यव barley, उदर the interior.
- तिर्य्यग्यान :: m. (-नः) A crab. E. तिर्य्यक् crookedly, and यान motion, going.
- तिर्य्यग्योनि :: mfn. (-निः -निः -नि) Born of or as an animal. E. तिर्य्यच्, and योनि place of birth.
- तिर्य्यग्योन्यन्वय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Of the brute kind. m. (-यः) The race or kind of animals, birds, &c. E. तिर्य्यग्योनि, and अन्वय race.
- तिर्य्यच् :: or तिर्य्यञ्च् mfn. (तिर्य्यङ् तिरश्ची तिर्य्यक्) Moving tortuously, going crookedly or awry, (the neuter is also used adverbially: see तिर्य्यक् m. (-र्य्यङ्) 1. An animal, a quadruped. 2. A bird, or any animal moving tortuously. f. (-र्य्यञ्ची) The female of an animal, a beast or bird. E. तिरस् crookedly, अञ्च् to go, affix क्विप् .
- तिल :: r. 1st cl. (तेलति) To go. r. 6th cl. (तिलति) and 10th cl. (तेलयति-ते) 1. To be unctuous or greasy. 2. To oil or anoint. E. भ्वा० प० सक० सेट् । तुदा० प० अक० अनिट् । चुरा० उभ० अक० सेट् ।
- तिल :: m. (-लः) 1. A plant bearing an oily seed; the oil and seed being both much used in Oriental cooking, (Sesamum orientale.) 2. A mole or spot, compared to a seed of sesamum. 3. A small particle or portion. E. तिल् to be unctuous, affix क .
- तिलक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Spotted, freckled, a person having moles or spots. 2. Chief, principal. mn. (-कः-कं) A mark or marks made with coloured earths or unguents upon the forehead, and between the eye-brows, either as an ornament or a sectarial distinction. m. (-कः) 1. A freckle, a natural mark on the person. 2. A kind of tree, commonly Tila. 3. A sort of horse. 4. A title, especially in composition, implying pre-eminence, as रघुवंशतिलकः the Tilaka of the race of RAGHU, a name of RAMA. n. (-कं) 1. The bladder. 2. Black Sochal salt, a factitious salt, containing sulphur and iron, &c. 3. A disease, the appearance of dark spots on the skin, un- attended with inflammation. f. (-का) A kind of necklace. E. तिल sesamum, &c. कन् added, or तिल् to go or be unctuous, and क्वुन् aff.
- तिलकट :: m. (-टः) The farina of sesamum. E. तिल्, and कटच् aff.
- तिलकल्क :: n. (-ल्कं) Sesamum ground or bruised. E. तिल, and कल्क sedi- ment.
- तिलकालक :: m. (-कः) 1. A mole, a spot on the body. 2. A man so mark- ed. E. तिल sesamum seed, and काल black, कन् aff.
- तिलकाश्रय :: m. (-यः) The forehead. E. तिलक, and आश्रय asylum.
- तिलकिट्ट :: n. (-ट्टं) The sediment or cake of sesamum after the oil is ex- tracted. E. तिल, and किट्ट sediment.
- तिलकिन् :: mfn. (-की -किनी -कि) 1. Marked with the Tilaka. 2. Freckled, spotted. E. तिलक, and अस्त्यर्थे इनि aff.
- तिलचूर्ण :: n. (-र्णं) Sesamum ground or pounded. E. तिल, and चूर्ण powder.
- तिलतण्डुलक :: n. (-कं) An embrace, embracing. E. तिल sesamum, and तण्डुल grain, कन् affix, as agreeable as rice mixed with sesamum.
- तिलतैल :: n. (-लं) Sesamum oil. E. तिल, and तैलच् aff.
- तिलधेनु :: f. (-नुः) Sesamum made up in the shape of a cow, for the purpose of being presented to Brahmans, &c. E. तिल sesamum, and धेनु a cow.
- तिलपर्ण :: n. (-र्णं) 1. Sandal. 2. The leaf of the Tila tree. m. (-र्णः) Turpen- tine. E. तिल, and पर्ण a leaf.
- तिलपर्णिका :: f. (-का) Red sandal: see the next. E. कन् added to तिलपर्णी .
- तिलपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) Red sanders, (Pterocarpus santolinus.) E. तिल the sesamum plant, and पर्ण a leaf: also तैलपर्णी .
- तिलपिच्चट :: n. (-टं) A sort of sweetmeat, and chiefly of ground sesamum.
- तिलपिञ्ज :: m. (-ञ्जः) Barren sesamum, bearing no blossom, or its seed yielding no oil. E. तिल sesamum, and पिञ्ज affix, in this sense.
- तिलपेज :: m. (-जः) Barren sesamum: see the preceding. E. तिल sesamum, and पेज affix, with this sense.
- तिलमय :: mfn. (-यः -यः -यं) Made or composed of sesamum. E. तिल, and मयट् aff.
- तिलमयूर :: m. (-रः) A kind of peafowl. E. तिल, and मयूर a peacock: marked with spots resembling the seed of the sesamum.
- तिलरस :: m. (-सः) Sesamum oil. E. तिल, and रस extract.
- तिलस्नेह :: n. (-हं) Oil, especially from sesamum. E. तिल, and स्नेह grease.
- तिलहोम :: n. (-मं) Burnt offering of sesamum. E. तिल, and होम burnt offering.
- तिलापत्या :: f. (-त्या) A plant, bearing a small pungent seed (Nigella In- dica.) E. तिल sesamum, and अपत्य offspring as it were, from the resemblance of the seeds.
- तिलत्स :: m. (-त्सः) A large snake, according to some, the same as the Gokhura, to others the Boa, (Boa constrictor.) E. तिलत् here said to imply motion, षो to destroy, and क affix, destroying life or loco-motion.
- तिलोत्तमा :: f. (-मा) One of the courtezans of Swarga. E. तिल a mole, and उत्तम excellent, beautiful.
- तिलोदक :: n. (-कं) Sesamum seeds and water, as an oblation. E. तिल, and उदक water.
- तिलौदन :: n. (-नं) A dish of milk, rice, and sesamum. E. तिल sesamum, and ओदन boiled rice.
- तिल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) A field of sesamum. E. तिल with यत् aff. तिलानां भवनं क्षेत्रम् ।
- तिल्ल :: r. 1st cl. (तिल्लति) To go or move. E. भ्वा-प-सक-सेट् ।
- तिल्व :: m. (-ल्वः) A pale sort of Lodh: see लोघ्र . E. तिल् to anoint, and क affix; also with कन् added तिल्वक .
- तिष्ठत् :: mfn. (ष्ठन्-ष्ठन्ती-ष्ठत्) Staying, abiding, standing, being. E. स्था to stay, &c. शतृ aff.
- तिष्ठद्गु :: n. (-द्गु) Evening, sun-set, the time which a cow stands to be milked, &c. E. स्था to sound, गौ a cow. तिष्ठन्त्यः गावः यस्मिन् काले ।
- तिष्य :: mfn. (-ष्यः -ष्या -ष्यं) Auspicious, fortunate, lucky. m. (-ष्यः) 1. The eighth Nakshatra or lunar mansion, an asterism figured by an arrow, and containing three stars, of which one is Cancri. 2. The month Pausha, (December-January.) 3. The Kali Yuga, the fourth and present age. f. (-ष्या) Emblic myrobalan, (Phyllanthus emblica.) E. तुष् to please er delight, affix क्यप्, and इत् substituted for the penultimate.
- तिष्यक :: m. (-कः) The month Pausha: see the preceding. E. कन् added to तिष्य, the moon being then in that asterism.
- तिष्यपुष्पा :: f. (-ष्पा) Emblic myrobalan. E. तिष्य auspicious, and पुष्प a flower.
- तिष्यफला :: f. (-ला) Emblic myrobalan: see तिष्य . E. तिष्य auspicious, and फल fruit.
- तिहन् :: m. (-हा) 1. Sickness. 2. Rice. 3. A bow. 4. A good disposition.
- तीक (-ऋ) तीकृ :: r. 1st cl. (तिकते) To go or move. E. भ्वा० आ० सक० सेट् ।
- तीक्ष्ण :: mfn. (-क्ष्णः -क्ष्णा -क्ष्णं) 1. Hot, warm. 2. Hot, pungent. 3. Self-devoted, self-abandoning, committing suicide, &c. 4. Zealous, active, warm. 5. Keen, intelligent. 6. Devout, ascetic, a devotee, a zealot. 7. Sharp, (as a sword.) n. (-क्ष्णं) 1. Heat, warmth. 2. Poison. 3. Iron. 4. War, battle. 5. Plague, pestilence, epidemic, destruction. 6. Death, dying. 7. Any weapon. 8. Haste, hurry. 9. Sea salt. 10. The scrotum or testicles. 11. Any metal. 12. Pungency, the heat of pepper, &c. m. (-क्ष्णः) Nitre. f. (-क्ष्णा) 1. Orris root. 2. The cast skin of a snake. E. तिज् to sharpen or be sharp, Unadi affix क्स्न ।
- तीक्ष्णक :: m. (-कः) 1. The scrotum or the testicles. 2. White mustard. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- तीक्ष्णकण्टक :: m. (-कः) Thorn apple, (Datura metel.) E. तीक्ष्ण sharp, and कण्टक a thorn. १ धुस्तूरे, २ वर्वुरे, ३ इङ्गुदीवृक्षे, ४ वंशे, ५ कन्थारीवृक्षे स्त्री- टाप् । ६ तीक्ष्णकण्टकयुक्ते त्रि०, ७ तीक्ष्णकण्टके पु० न० । E. तीक्ष्णः कण्टकोऽस्य ।
- तीक्ष्णकन्द :: m. (-न्दः) The onion. E. तीक्ष्ण pungent, and कन्द root.
- तीक्ष्णकर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्म) Active, zealous. E. तीक्ष्ण sharp, keen, and कर्म्मन् conduct.
- तीक्ष्णगन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) 1. Morunga hyperanthera. 2. The gum olibanum tree. 3. Small cardamoms. 4. A tree: see जियती . f. (-न्धा) 1. Mustard
seed. 2. Orris root. 3. Pandanus odoratissimus. E. तीक्ष्ण sharp, and गन्ध smell; also with कन् added तीक्ष्णगन्धक .
- तीक्ष्णतण्डुला :: f. (-ला) Long-pepper. E. तीक्ष्ण pungent, and तण्डुल grain.
- तीक्ष्णतैल :: n. (-लं) 1. Resin. 2. The milky juice of the Euphorbia. 3. Spirituous or vinous liquor. E. तीक्ष्ण hot, pungent, and तैल oil, unguent.
- तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्र :: m. (-ष्ट्रः) A tiger. E. तीक्ष्ण sharp, and दंष्ट्र a tooth.
- तीक्ष्णधार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Sharp-edged, sharp. E. तीक्ष्ण, and धारा edge.
- तीक्ष्णपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) Coriander. E. तीक्ष्ण pungent, and पत्र a leaf. तुम्बुरुवृक्षे ।
- तीक्ष्णपुष्प :: n. (-ष्प) Cloves. E. तीक्ष्ण pungent, and पुष्प flower. लवङ्गे ।
- तीक्ष्णफल :: m. (-लः) Coriander. E. तीक्ष्ण pungent, and फल fruit, bearing pungent seeds.
- तीक्ष्णरस :: m. (-सः) Saltpetre. E. तीक्ष्ण sharp, and रस juice. यवक्षारे ।
- तीक्ष्णशूक :: m. (-कः) Barley. E. तीक्ष्ण sharp, and शूक awn. यवे ।
- तीक्ष्णाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) Heart-burn, dyspepsia. E. तीक्ष्ण, and अग्नि digestion.
- तीक्ष्णायस :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) Made of steel, sharp. n. (-सं) Steel. E. तीक्ष्ण, अयस् iron, टच् added.
- तीम :: r. 4th cl. (तीम्यति) To be wet or moist: see तिम । दिवा० प० अक० सेट् ।
- तीर :: r. 10th cl. (तीरयति-ते) To finish or complete, to get through or over. E. चुरा० उत्र० अक० सेट् ।
- तीर :: n. (-रं) 1. A shore, a bank. 2. An arrow. m. (-रः) Tin. f. (-री) A kind of arrow E. तीर् to get through or over, अच् aff.
- तीरभक्ति :: m. (-क्तिः) Tirhut, a province in the east of central Hindustan, lying on the north of Behar. E. तीर a bank, and भक्ति here signifying a limit: being bounded on the west and east by the Gandaki and Kausiki rivers, on the south by the Ganges, and on the north, by the skirts of the Himalaya mountains.
- तीराट :: m. (-टः) Lodh: see तिरीट .
- तीरान्तर :: n. (-रं) The opposite bank or shore. E. तीर, and अन्तर beyond.
- तीरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Adjudged, settled, finished. n. (-तं) 1. Completion of any act or affair. 2. Corrupt or improper non-infliction of a sen- tence. E. तीर् to get through, affix क्त .
- तीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Crossed, passed over. 2. Spread, expanded. 3. Surpassed, excelled. E. तॄ to pass, affix क्त .
- तीर्णपदी :: f. (-दी) A plant: see तालमूली . E. तीर्ण spreading, and पाद foot or root.
- तीर्णवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Crossed, having crossed. E. तॄ to cross, affix क्तवतु .
- तीर्थ :: mn. (-र्थः-र्थं) 1. Sacred science, or any of the branches of knowlege esteemed holy. 2. A holy place of pilgrimage, as Benares, &c. but es- pecially particular sports along the course of sacred streams, as the Ganges, &c. and in the vicinity of some piece of water or sacred springs. 3. Any piece of water. 4. A Ghat or stairs of a landing place. 5. A sacred preceptor, a Guru. 6. Sacrifice. 7. An Avatar or descent of a diety. 3. A school of philosophy, a Darsana a sect. 9. A coun- sellor, an adviser. 10. An expedient, a means of success. 11. The menses. 12. Pudendum muliebre. 13. A vessel. 14. A royal vessel. 15. Brahman. 16. Ascertainment of disease. 17. Fire. 18. A part of the hand sacred to any deity, as between the thumb and finger to the manes, the root of the thumb to BRAMHA, &c. E. तॄ to pass over, थक् Unadi affix; by which persons are extricated from sin, difficulty, &c.
- तीर्थकर :: m. (-रः) One of the synonimes of a Jina or sanctified teacher of the Jaina sect. E. तीर्थ pure, purity, and कर who does or acts; also retaining the nasal. तीर्थङ्कर . तीर्थं शास्त्रं करोति कृ-ट ।
- तीर्थकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) A Jina: see the preceding. E. तीर्थं शास्त्रं कोरति कृ-क्विप् ।
- तीर्थध्वाङ्क्ष :: m. (-ङ्क्षः) An epithet of contempt, a crow, as it were, at a pilgrimage. E. तीर्थ, and ध्वाङ्क्ष a crow.
- तीर्थराजी :: f. (-जी) A name of Benares. E. तीर्थ a holy place, and राजी the
assemblage: the most eminent of the Tirtthas or places of pilgrimage. तीर्थानां राजिरत्र । काश्याम् ।
- तीर्थवाक :: m. (-कः) A curl of hair. E. तीर्थ, and वच् to speak, and affix घञ् । तीर्थस्य इव वाको वचनमस्य डत्तमाङ्गस्थित्या प्रशंसनीयत्वात् । केशे ।
- तीर्थसेविन् :: mf. (-वी-विनी) 1. A pilgrim. 2. A sort of crane, (Ardea nivea.) E. तीर्थ, and सेविन् who frequents. तीर्थं जलप्रान्तं सेवते । सेव-णिनि ।
- तीव :: r. 1st. cl. (तीवति) To be large, to be fat or corpulent. E. भ्वा० प० अक० सेट् ।
- तीवर :: m. (-रः) The ocean. 2. A hunter, one who lives by killing and selling game. 3. A fisherman, one who lives by fishing. f. (-री) The wife of a hunter. E. तॄ to go, to pass or cross, ष्वरच् aff.
- तीव्र :: mfn. (-व्रः -व्रा -व्रं) 1. Much, excessive, endless, unbounded, unlimit- ed. 2. Pungent. 3. Hot, warm. m. (-व्रः) A name of SIVA. f. (-व्रा) 1. A medicinal plant, Katuki. 2. Black mustard. 3. A sort of Durva or bent grass, (गण्डदूर्व्वा) 4. The name of a river in the east of Bengal; also the Chandi or Padmabati. adv. n. (-व्रं) 1. Much, excessively, endless. 2. Violently, fiercely. subst. 1. A shore, a bank. 2. Tin. 3. Heat. 4. Pungency. E. तीव् to be large, &c. रक् aff.
- तीव्रवेदना :: f. (-ना) Agony, excessive pain, the pain of damnation. E. तीव्र exceeding, and वेदना pain.
- तु :: r. 2nd cl. (तौति or तवति) 1. To go or move. 2. To thrive or increase. 3. To injure, to hurt or kill. 4. To become full. According to some authorities this is merely a Sautra root. वृत्तौ, वृद्धौ अक० हिंसायां जेतरि सक० अदा० प० अनिट् ।
- तु :: ind. A particle, implying. 1. Difference, (but, or.) 2. Disjunction, (but, again, further, other.) 3. Connection, (and, moreover.) 4. As- severation, (indeed.) 4. An expletive. E. तुद्-डु ।
- तुकाक्षीरी :: f. (-री) The manna of bamboos; also तुगा and तुगाक्षीरी . वंशरोचनायाम् ।
- तुगा :: f. (-गा) The manna of bamboos. वंशरोचनायाम् ।
- तुगाक्षीरी :: f. (-री) Bamboo manna वंशरोचनायाम् ।
- तुङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) 1. High, elevated, lofty. 2. Chief, principal. 3. Passionate, hot. m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A tree, (Rottleria tinctoria.) 2. A mountain. 3. The planet Mercury. 4. The superior apsis or aphe- lion of a planet. 5. Top, vertex, altitude. 6. The cocoanut tree. f. (-ङ्गी) 1. A kind of basil, (Ocymum gratissimum.) 2. Turmeric. 3. Night. f. (-ङ्गा) Bamboo manna. E. तुजि to guard, to dwell, to hurt, &c. affix घञ् ।
- तुङ्गक :: m. (-कः) A tree, (Rottleria tinctoria.) E. स्वार्थे कन् added to the preceding.
- तुङ्गता :: f. (-ता) 1. Loftiness. 2. Passionateness. E. तल् added to तुङ्ग; also with त्व, तुङ्गत्वम् .
- तुङ्गभद्र :: m. (-द्रः) A restive elephant or one in rut. f. (-द्रा) A river in the Mysore country, the Toombhadra. E. तुङ्ग lofty, tall, &c. and भद्र auspicious.
- तुङ्गशेखर :: m. (-रः) A mountain. E. तुङ्ग lofty, and शेखर crest or summit.
- तुङ्गिन् :: mfn. (-ङ्गी -ङ्गिनी -ङ्गि) High, lofty. m. (-ङ्गी) A planet at the apex of its orbit, or of its position, with regard to others considered as- trologically. E. तुङ्ग, and इनि aff.
- तुङ्गीपति :: m. (-तिः) The moon. E. तुङ्गी night, and पति master.
- तुङ्गीश :: m. (-शः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. The moon. 3. The son. 4. A name of KRISHNA. E. तुङ्गी night or तुङ्ग a mountain, &c. and ईश lord.
- तुच्छ :: mfn. (-च्छः -च्छा -च्छं) 1. Void, empty. 2. Small, little. 3. Abandoned, deserted. 4. Low, contemptible. n. (-च्छं) Chaff. E. तुद-सम्प० क्विप् । तुदा व्यथया छ्यति छो-क ।
- तुच्छधान्यक :: n. (-कं) Straw. E. तुच्छ, and धान्यक grain.
- तुच्छद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) The castor-oil tree. E. तुच्छ empty, pithless, द्रु a tree; having no sap.
- तुज् :: m. (-तुक्) Offspring, children. E. तुज् to guard, affix क्विप् .
- तुज :: r. 1st cl. (तोजति) To kill or hurt. (इ) तुजि r. 1st cl. (तुञ्जति) To guard or protect. r. 1st and 10th cls. (तुञ्जति तुञ्जयति-ते) 1. To
dwell, to abide. 2. To be strong or vigorous. 3. To give. 4. To hurt, to injure or kill. 4. To shine. E. प्रापणे हिंसायां च भ्वा० प० सक० बले इदित् सेट् । चुरा० उभ० अक० सेट् ।
- तुञ्ज :: mfn. (-ञ्जः -ञ्जा -ञ्जं) Noxious, mischievous. m. (-ञ्जः) A Daitya, a de- mon. E. तुजि to hurt, affix अच् । दैत्ये वज्रे च ।
- तुट :: r. 5th cl. (तुटति) 1. To dispute, to quarrel, to wrangle. 2. To hurt or injure. E. तुदा० कुटा० पर० अक० सेट् ।
- तुटुम :: m. (-मः) A rat. E. तुट् to injure, affix उम .
- तुड (ऋ) तुडृ द्विधाकरणे (तोडति) :: also (इ) तुडि r. 1st cl. निष्पीडने (तुण्डते) also तुड r. 6th cl. भेदे (तुडति) 1. To tear, to break or cut, to pull to pieces, to hurt or kill. E. भ्वा० पर० सक० इदित् सेट् । तुदा० कुटा० पर० अक० सेट् ।
- तुड्ड :: r. 1st cl. (तुड्डति) To disrespect. E. भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- तुण :: r. 6th cl. (तुणति) 1. To curve, to bend or make crooked. 2. To act fraudulently. E. तुदा० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- तुणि :: m. (-णिः) A timber tree: see तुन्न . E. तूण् to shrink or wrap, affix इन्, and the radical vowel made short.
- तुण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) The mouth, the face. E. तुडि to tear, (food, &c.) affix अच्, and कन् being added तुण्डक .
- तुण्डकेरी :: f. (-री) A cucurbitaceous plant, (Momordica monadelpha.) E. तुण्डक the mouth, ऋ to go, अण् and ङीष् affs.
- तुण्डि :: mf. (-ण्डिः-ण्डी) 1. The mouth, the face. 2. A beak. 3. The navel; (also तुन्दि .) E. तुडि to break or destroy, Unadi affix इन् .
- तुण्डिका :: f. (-का) 1. The naval. 2. A plant, commonly Telakucha. E. कन् added to तुण्डी .
- तुण्डिकेरी :: f. (-री) The cotton plant. 2. A sort of gourd, (Momordica mo- nadelpha.) 3. A large boil or swelling on the palate. E. तुण्डिका the mouth or beak, ऋ to go, affixes अण् and ङीष्; also with कन् added तुण्डिकेरिका f. (-का) and with इन् fem. affix तुण्डिकेरि f. (-रिः) also तुण्डकेरी and तुण्डिकेशी .
- तुण्डिकेशी :: f. (-शी) A sort of gourd, commonly Telakucha: see the preceding.
- तुण्डिभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) 1. Having a prominent or elevated naval. E. तुण्डि the navel, भ affix; also तुण्डिम, &c.
- तुण्डिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Having a prominent or elevated navel. 2. Speaking harshly or severely. E. तुण्डि the navel, and ल affix; also तुन्दिल, &c.
- तुत्थ :: r. 10th cl. (तुत्थयति-ते) 1. To screen, to veil, to cover. 2. To spread. E. चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- तुत्थ :: m. (-त्थः) Fire. f. (-त्था) 1. Indigo. 2. Small cardamoms. n. (-त्थं) 1. A collyrium extracted from the Amomum zanthorrhiza. 2. Blue vitriol, sulphate of copper, especially medicinally considered as an Anjan, or application to the eyes. E. तुद् to pain, थक् Unadi aff.
- तुत्थक :: n. (-कं) Blue vitriol. E. कन् added to तुत्थ .
- तुत्थाञ्जन :: n. (-नं) Blue vitriol, considered as a medicinal application to the eyes. E. तुत्थ the same, and अञ्चन a collyrium.
- तुद (औ) :: r. 6th cl. (तुदति-ते) To pain, to wound, to vex or harass, to tease, to torture or torment, (इ) तुदि r. 1st cl. (तुन्दति) To search, to seek. E. तुदा० उभ० सक० अनिट् ।
- तुन्द :: n. (-न्दं) The belly. f. (-न्दी) The navel: see तुण्डि . E. तुद् to torment, क affix, and नुम् augment.
- तुन्दकूपी :: f. (-पी) The navel. E. तुन्द the belly, and कूप a pit, a well, dim. affix ङीष्; also with कन् added तुन्दकूपिका f. (-का).
- तुन्दपरिमार्ज :: m. (-र्जः) A lazy man, a sloth, a sluggard: see the next.
- तुन्दपरिमृज :: m. (-जः) A lazy man, a sluggard. E. तुन्द the belly, मृज to rub, with परि prefixed, and क affix; also with the affix घञ्, तुन्द- परिमार्ज as above; passing his whole time in stroking his sides.
- तुन्दवत् :: mfn. (-वान् वती -वत्) Corpulent, fat. E. तुन्द, and मतुप् aff. also from तुन्दि, तुन्दिवत् ।
- तुन्दि :: n. (-न्दि) The belly. f. (-न्दिः) The navel. m. (-न्दिः) One of the Gandharbas or quiristers of Swarga. E. तुद् to vex or harass, affix इन्, and नुम् inserted.
- तुन्दिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Having a large or prominent navel, fat, corpu- lent. f. (-का) The navel. E. तुन्दी the naval. कन् affix, or तुन्द with ठन् aff.
- तुन्दिकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) See the preceding.
- तुन्दित :: mfn. (तः-ता-तं) Having a large or prominent naval. E. तुन्द with इतच् affix; also तुन्दिक, तुन्दिल, &c.
- तुन्दिन् :: mfn. (-न्दी -न्दिनी -न्दि) Having a large or prominent navel. E. तुन्द with इनि affix; also तुन्दिक, &c.
- तुन्दिभ :: See तुण्डिभ, &c.
- तुन्दिल :: See तुण्डिल, &c.
- तुन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Tormented, vexed, injured. 2. Cut, broken, cut down, &c. m. (-न्नः) Toon or Tuna, a tree of which the wood bears some resemblance to mahogany, and is used for furniture, &c. (Cedrela tunna.) E. तुद् to vex, affix क्त ।
- तुन्नवाय :: m. (-यः) A taylor. E. तुन्न cut, (cloth, &c.) and वे to sew, affix अण् .
- तुन्नसेवनी :: f. (-नी) A suture of the skull. E. तुन्न cut, and सेवनी a suture. तुन्नं छिन्नं सीव्यते अनया सिव-करणे ल्युट् ङीष् ।
- तुप :: r. 1st, 6th and 10th cls. (तोपति तुपति, तोपयति) (इ) तुपि r. 1st and 10th cls. (तुम्पति, तुम्पयति-ते) To injure, to hurt or kill; also तुफ, तुम्ब, तुम्प, &c. E. भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् । तुदा० बधे० सक० क्लेशे-मुचादि-पर-सेट् । अदने चुरा० उभ-सक-सेट् इदित् ।
- तुफ :: r. 1st, 6th and 10th cls. (तोफति, तुम्फति, तोफयति-ते) To hurt or kill. E. भ्वा-सक-सेट् । बधे सक-क्लेशे अक-तुदा-मुचा-पर-सेट् ।
- तुब(इ)तुबि :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (तुम्बति तुम्बयति-ते) To kill or hurt. r. 10th cl. (तुम्बयति-ते) To disappear. E. भ्वा-पर-सेट् इदित् । पक्षे चुरा-उभ-सक ।
- तुभ :: r. 1st cl. (तोभते) 4th cl. (तुभ्यति) 9th cl. (तुभ्नाति) To kill, to hurt, to injure in any manner. E. भ्वा-आत्म-लुङि उभ-सक-सेट् । दिवा-क्य्रा च पर-सक सेट् ।
- तुमुर :: mn. (-रः-रं) Mingled combat: see तुमुल .
- तुमुल :: mn. (-लः-लं) 1. Mingled or tumultuous combat. 2. Uproar, clangour, tumult, tumultuous sound or noise. m. (-लः) Beleric myrobalan. E. तु a Sautra root, to kill, to injure, &c. मुलक् affix; or with the vowel long तुमूल . mn. (-लः-लं) and ल being changed to र, तुमुर as above.
- तुम्प :: r. 1st and 6th cls. (तुफति, तुम्पति) 1. To hurt or kill. 2. To be distressed. E. भ्वा-सक-पर-सेट् । बधे सक-क्लेशे अक-तुदा-पर-सेट् ।
- तुम्फ :: r. 1st. cl. (तुफति, तुम्फति) To hurt or kill. E. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् । बधे सक- क्लेशे अक-तुदा-पर-सेट् ।
- तुम्ब :: mf. (-म्बः-म्बा or -म्बी) A long gourd, &c. See तुम्बि . f. (-म्बा) a cow disposed to be milked. E. तुबि to destroy, (bile, &c.) affix अच् .
- तुम्बक :: m. (-कः) A long gourd. n. (-कं) The gourd. कन् added to the preceding: see तुम्बि .
- तुम्बि :: f. (-म्बिः or -तुम्बी) A long gourd, (Cucurbita lagenaris.) E. तुबि to destroy, (bile, sickness, &c.) अच् affix; fem. affix इन् or ङीष् also with कन् added तुम्बिका .
- तुम्बीपुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) The flower of the Cucurbita lagenaris. E. तुम्बी, and पुष्प a flower.
- तुम्बुरी :: f. (-री) 1. Coriander. 2. A bitch: see तुम्बुरु . E. शम्यां धन्याके च ।
- तुम्बुरु :: m. (-रुः) 1. One of the Gandharbas or singers of heaven. 2. A celestial inhabitant and attendant upon the sanctified Jaina teach- ers. n. (-रु) Coriander. E. तुबि to hurt, &c. उरन् affix; also with the pen. long तुम्बूरु .
- तुर :: r. 3rd cl. (तुतोर्त्ति) To go quick, to hurry, to make haste; this root is restricted to the Vedas: see त्वर जुहो० पर० अक० सेट् ।
- तुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Quick, swift. E. तुर् to make haste, क aff.
- तुरग :: m. (-गः) 1. A horse. 2. The mind. E. त्वर speed, velocity, and ग what goes, व changed to उ . f. (-गी) 1. A plant, (Physalis flexuosa:) see अश्वगन्ध . 2. A mare. E. ङीष् added to तुरग तुरेण वेगेन गच्छति गम-ड ।
- तुरगगन्धा :: f. (-न्धा) A plant: see the preceding. E. तुरग a horse, and गन्ध smell, smelling like a horse; also अश्वगन्ध, &c.
- तुरगब्रह्मचर्य्यक :: n. (-कं) Necessary celibacy, leading a life of continence, in consequence merely of being without female society. E. तुरग a horse, and ब्रह्मचर्य्यक the practice of a religious student, one of whose duties is continence.
- तुरगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिणी -गि) Equestrian, riding, mounted or carried in a horse. m. (-गी) A horse-man, cavalier, &c. E. तुरग a horse, and इनि aff.
- तुरङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A horse. 2. The mind, considerd as the seat of feeling as well as intellect, the heart. E. त्वर speedily, and ग what goes. f. (-ङ्गी) 1. A plant: see तुरगी and तुरगगन्धा . 2. A mare. E. ङीष् added to the preceding.
- तुरङ्गक :: m. (-कः) A plant, a kind of Ghosha, commonly हस्तिधोष . E. तुरङ्ग a horse, and कन् affix analogy; coursing through the body.
- तुरङ्गद्विषणी :: f. (-णी) A she buffalo. E. तुरङ्ग, and द्विषणी disliking.
- तुरङ्गप्रिय :: m. (-यः) Barley. E. तुरङ्ग, and प्रिय fond of.
- तुरङ्गम :: m. (-मः) A horse. E. तुर speed, and गम् to go, with खच् and मुम् affs.
- तुरङ्गयायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Going on horse-back. E. तुरङ्ग, यायिन् who goes.
- तुरङ्गवक्त्र :: m. (-क्त्रः) A Kinnara or quirister of INDRA'S heaven. E. तुरङ्ग a horse, and वक्त्र a face.
- तुरङ्गवदन :: m. (-नः) A celestial quirister. E. तुरङ्ग a horse, and वदन a face; these beings are described as having the bodies of men, and the heads of horse; also similar compounds, as तुरङ्गानन, तुरङ्गवक्त्र, तुरङ्गास्य, अश्ववक्त्र, &c.
- तुरङ्गारि :: m. (-रिः) 1. A buffalo. 2. Oleander. E. तुरङ्ग, and अरि foe.
- तुरङ्गिन् :: m. (-ङ्गी) 1. A horse-man, a rider. 2. A groom. E. तुरङ्ग, and इनि aff.
- तुरायण :: subst. mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Attachment to any object or pur- suit. adj Attached to any object or pursuit. m. (-णः) A particular sacrifice. E. तुर speed, haste, अय् to go, affix ल्यु; speeding towards a given end or in a certain cause: see परायण .
- तुरासाह :: m. (-षाट् or षाड्) A name of INDRA. E. तुर for त्वर haste, सह् to bear, in the causal form, and क्विप् affix, स being changed to ष in- flexion. हलादौ षत्वं । अजादौतु न षत्वम् ।
- तुरि :: f. (-रिः) See the next; also तुलि . E. तुर-इन् ।
- तुरी :: f. (-री) 1. A brush or a fibrous stick used by weavers to clean and separate the threads of the woof. 2. A painter's brush, &c. see तुली .
- तुरीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Fourth, a fourth. m. (-यः) A fourth part, a quarter. n. (-यं) The divine being, or universal spirit. E. irr. derived from चतुर् four, with छ affix; also तूर्य्य and तुर्य्य । तुरीय-अच् । चतुर्णां पूरणः चतुर् + छ आद्यलोपश्च ।
- तुरीयभाग :: m. (-गः) A fourth part or share. E. तुरीय, and भाग share.
- तुरीयभाज् :: mfn. (-भाक्) A sharer of a fourth. E. तुरीय, and भाज् who divides.
- तुरीयवर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) The Sudra or fourth tribe of the Hindus. E. तुरीय fourth, and वर्ण tribe.
- तुरीयांश :: m. (-शः) A fourth part, a quarter share. E. तरीय, and अंश a share.
- तुरुष्क :: m. (-ष्कः) 1. Incense. 2. A country, or m. plu. (-ष्काः) 1ts inhabit- ants; Turan or Turkestan, the original country of the Turks. E. तुर् to haste, (into smoke, &c.) affix उसिक्, and कन् added.
- तुर्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) Fourth. E. irr. derived from चतुर् four, with यत् aff.
- तुर्व(ई)तुर्वी :: r. 1st cl. (तुर्वति) To hurt, to injure, to kill. E. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- तुर्व्वसु :: m. (-सुः) One of the sons of YAYATI, king of the south and eastern portion of India, reigning over the Mlechcha tribes.
- तुल :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (तोलति तुलति तोलयति-ते or irr. तुलयति) To weigh or measure. E. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् । पक्षे-चुरा-उभ० ।
- तुलयित्वा :: ind. Having weighed, having counterpoised, mode equal or like, &c. E. तुल् to weigh, क्त्वा . aff.
- तुलसारिणी :: f. (-णी) A quiver.
- तुलसी :: f. (-सी) A small shrub held in veneration by the Hindus, Tulasi or holy basil, (Ocymum sanctum.) E. तुला resemblance, and षो to destroy, affixes ङ and ङीप्; being unparalleled: this plant is said to be a female metamorphosed. तुलां सादृश्यं स्यति सो-क गौरा० ङीष् ।
- तुला :: f. (-ला) 1. Measure by weight. 2. A measure or weight of gold and silver, 100 Palas, or about 145 ounces troy. 3. Any balance, es- pecially a fine balance, goldsmith's or assay scales. 4. The sign of the zodiac, Libra. 5. Resemblance, likeness, equality, similarity. 6. A vessel. 7. Sloping beams or timbers in the roof of a house. E. तुल् to weigh or to resemble, affix अङ् .
- तुलाकोटि :: f. (-टिः-टी) 1. An ornament of the feet or toes. 2. A certain weight. 3. A hundred millions. E. तुला a balance, कुट् to measure, affixes अङ् and इन् or ङीप्; what is valued by weight, &c. or तुला a measure, &c. and कोटि Crore, or million. तुलया तुलां वा कोटयति कुट परितापे इन् वा ङीप् ।
- तुलाकोश :: m. (-शः) A sort of ordeal, in which the accused is tried by being weighed repeatedly in a scale: if he is lighter the second time he is pronounced innocent; if equipoised still, or heavier, he is guilty. E. तुला a scale, and कोश ordeal.
- तुलाधट :: m. (-टः) 1. An oar, a paddle. 2. The scale or cup of a balance. E. तुला, and धट a scale. तुलायै तोलनाय धटः ।
- तुलाधर :: m. (-रः) The sun. E. तुला the sign, and धर who has or possesses. तुलाया मानदण्डस्य धरः धृ-अच् ।
- तुलाधार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) A trader, a dealer, trafficking, trading. m. (-रः) 1. The sign Libra. 2. The string of a balance. 3. The beam. E. तुला the scales, &c. आधार what or who supports.
- तुलापरीक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) Ordeal by the balance, the weight of the accused being first taken, certain prayers and ceremonies are performed, after which he is weighed again: if lighter, he is innocent, if heavy, or as at first, guilty. E. तुला, and परीक्षा test.
- तुलापुरुष :: m. (-षः) A person weighed in a balance, or an effigy of him used as a weight. E. तुला, and पुरुष a man.
- तुलापुरुषदान :: n. (-नं) Gift of gold or valuables of the weight of the donor. E. तुलापुरुष, and दान gift.
- तुलाप्रग्रह :: m. (-हः) The string of a balance. E. तुला, and प्रग्रह holding; also तुलाप्रग्राह ।
- तुलामान :: n. (-नं) Measure by weight. E. तुला, and मान measure.
- तुलावीज :: n. (-जं) The Gunja or berry of the Abrus precatorius, from which the goldsmith's or jeweller's weight in India is taken; the berry weighs about 1(5/16) grain troy, the factitious weight about 2(3/16). E. तुला weight, and वीज seed.
- तुलासूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) The string of a balance. E. तुला, and सूत्र thread.
- तुलि :: f. (-लिः or -ली) 1. A fibrous stick or brush used by weavers for cleaning the threads of the woof. 2. A painter's brush, or fibrous stick used for that purpose: see तूलिका, E. तुल् to resemble, &c. affix क, fem. affix इन् or ङीष्; also with ल changed to र, तुरि, तुरी .
- तुलिका :: f. (-का) A small bird said to resemble the wagtail.
- तुलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Made equal or like, equalled, compared. 2. Weighed, counterpoised. E. तुल् to weigh, णिच् and कर्मणि क्त affs.
- तुलिफला :: f. (-ला) The Simul or silk cotton tree. E. तुलि for तूलि cotton, and फल fruit. तुलि तुलयुक्तं फलमस्याः ।
- तुल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) Like, resembling, equal or analogous to. E. तुला resemblance, and यत् aff.
- तुल्यता :: f. (-ता) Likeness, sameness, equality. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, तुल्यत्वं .
- तुल्यपान :: n. (-नं) Drinking together. E. तुल्य alike, and पान drinking.
- तुल्यबल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Of equal strength. E. तुल्य, and बल strength.
- तुल्यभावन :: n. (-नं) Combination of like series, (in calculation.) E. तुल्य, and भावन computing.
- तुल्यरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पी-पं) 1. Like, similar, analogous. 2. Of like or equal form. E. तुल्य, and रूप nature, &c.
- तुल्यवृत्ति :: mfn. (-त्तिः -त्तिः -त्ति) Following the same or similar occupation. E. तुल्य, and वृत्ति business.
- तुल्यशुद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Equal substraction, transposition, (in Arithmetic.) E. तुल्य, शुद्धि substraction.
- तुल्याकृति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Alike, of the same form. E. तुल्य, and आकृति form.
- तुवर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Astringent. 2. Beardless. mn. (-रः-रं) An astringent taste. f. (-री) 1. A fragrant earth. 2. A kind of lentil, (Cytisus cajan:) see आढकी . E. तु a Sautra root, to remove, (disease, &c.) ष्वरच् and affix ङीष्; also कन् being added, in the fem. form तुवरिका f. (-का .)
- तुवरीशिम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) A kind of cassia. E. तुवरी the pulse so called, and शिम्ब Cassia tora.
- तुवि :: f. (-विः) A long gourd: see तुम्बी ।
- तुष :: r. 4th cl. (ञि, औ) ञिऔतुष (तुष्यति) To be satisfied or content, to be pleased or delighted. E. दिवा-प-ऌदित् अक-सेट् ।
- तुष :: mf. (-षः-षा) 1. The husk or chaff of rice, &c. 2. Beleric myrobalan. E. तुष् to please or be pleased, affix क .
- तुषग्रह :: m. (-हः) Agni or fire. E. तुष chaff, and ग्रह who seizes. तुषेण गृह्यते गृह-कर्मणि अप् ।
- तुषसार :: m. (-रः) Agni or fire. E. तुष chaff, and सार who embraces, from सृ to go, with अण् aff. तुषं सरति अनुसरति ।
- तुषानल :: m. (-लः) 1. A conflagration of chaff, or of the husk of corn. 2. A capital punishment, burning; twisting dry straw, &c. round the limbs of a criminal, and setting it on fire. E. तुष, and अनल fire.
- तुषार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Cold, frigid, frosty. m. (-रः) 1. Frost. 2. Cold. 3. Thin rain, mist. 4. Ice or snow. 5. The name of a country. E. तुष् to please, Unadi affix आरन् .
- तुषारकण :: m. (-णः) 1. A dew drop. 2. An icicle. 3. Hoar frost. E. तुषार, and कण a particle.
- तुषारकाल :: m. (-लः) Winter, the cold season. E. तुषार, and काल time.
- तुषारपात :: m. (-तः) 1. Thin rain, a sprinkling, a shower. 2. A fall of snow. E. तुषार, and पात falling.
- तुषाराद्रि :: m. (-द्रिः) The Himalaya mountain. E. तुषार, and अद्रि a moun- tain; also similar compounds, as तुषारपर्व्वत, तुषारशैल, &c.
- तुषित :: m. (-तः) A Tushita, a kind of subordinate deity, one of a class of thirty-six. F. तुष् to please, इतच् aff. तारका० इतच् ।
- तुषोदक :: n. (-कं) Rice gruel. E. तुष to satisfy, and उदक water.
- तुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Pleased, satisfied. E. तुष् to be pleased, कर्त्तरि क्त . ।
- तुष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) 1. Pleasure, satisfaction, gratification, content. 2. In- difference to every thing but that possessed or obtained. 3. One of the Matris. E. तुष् to please, &c. affix भावे क्तिन् .
- तुष्टिकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Pleasing, satisfying. E. तुष्टि, and कर what makes.
- तुष्टिजनन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Gratifying, giving or producing satisfaction. E. तुष्टि, and जनन birth.
- तुष्टिद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Pleasing, ‘satisfying.’ E. तुष्टि, and द what gives.
- तुष्टु :: m. (-ष्टुः) A jewel worn in the ears. E. तुष् to please, तुक् aff.
- तुष्ट्वा :: ind. Having pleased or gratified. E. तुष्, and क्त्वा aff.
- तुस :: r. 1st cl. (तोसति) To sound. E. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- तुस :: m. (-सः) The husk of corn or rice: see तुष .
- तुस्त :: n. (-स्तं) Dust. E. तुस् to sound, affix क्तः see तूस्त .
- तुह (इर) तुहिर :: r. 1st cl. (तोहति) To hurt or give pain, to kill. E. भ्वा-पर- सक-सेट् ।
- तुहिन :: n. (-नं) 1. Frost. 2. Moonlight, moonshine. E. तुह् to give pain, इनन् Unadi aff.
- तुहिनशैल :: m. (-लः) The Himalaya mountains. E. तुहिन, and शैल a moun- tain; also similar compounds, as तुहिनपर्व्वत, &c.
- तुहिनांशु :: m. (-शुः) The moon. E. तुहिन cold, अंशु a ray.
- तुहिनांशुतैल :: n. (-लं) Camphor. E. तुहिनांशु, and तैल oil.
- तुहिनाद्रि :: m. (-द्रिः) The Himalaya mountains. E. तुहिन, and अद्रि a moun- tain; also तुहिनशैल, &c.
- तूण :: r. 1st cl. (तूणयते) To fill, to fill up. (तूणयति) To shrink, to contract, to close as the eye-lids or wink. E. पूरणे चुरा-आ । सङ्कोचे उभ-सक-सेट् ।
- तूण :: mf. (-णः-णा or -णी) A quiver, &c. f. (-णी) Indigo. E. तूण् to be filled (with arrows, &c.) अच् and टाप् affixes, or कर्मणि घञ् and ङीष् । तूण्यते बाणैः ।
- तूणक :: n. (-कं) A measure of verse, species of the अतिशर्करी metre.
- तूणिन् :: mfn. (-णी -णिनी -णि) Having a quiver, quivered. m. (-णी) The Tun tree. E. तूण, and इनि aff.
- तूणीर :: m. (-रः) A quiver. E. तूण to be filled (with arrows), ईरण् aff.
- तूतक :: n. (-कं) Blue vitriol.
- तूनी :: f. (-नी) Sharp pain in the perinœum and lower part of the abdomen.
- तूर् :: f. (तूः) Speed. m. (तूः) A courier. E. तुर् to make haste, क्किप् affix, and the semivowel changed to ऊ .
- तूर (ई) तूरी :: r. 4th cl. (तूर्य्यते) To go quick, to make haste. 2. To kill, to hurt or injure. E. दिवा-आत्म हिंसायां सक० वेगे अक-सेट् ।
- तूर :: n. (-रं) Any musical instrument. f. (-री) A trumpet. E. तूर् to speed, affix क । तूर्य्यते ताड्यते मुखमारुतेन तूर-घञर्थे कर्मणि क ।
- तूर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Quick, expeditious n. adv. (-र्णं) Quick, swift, quickly. E. त्वर् to go swiftly, affix कर्त्तरि भावे वा क्त ।
- तूर्णि :: m. (-र्णिः) 1. Speed, velocity, expedition. 2. Dirt, excrement. 3. A stanza. 4. The mind. E. त्वर् to make haste, Unadi affix नि .
- तूर्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या र्य्यं) Fourth: see तुर्य्य . n. (-र्य्यं) Any musical instru- ment, the genus of which four species are reckoned, as wind ins- truments, stringed instruments, &c. E. चतुर् four, यत् deriv. irr.
- तूर्य्यखण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A musical instrument, a sort of tabor.
- तूल :: r. 1st cl. (तूलति) 1. To dismiss, to send forth or turn out. 2. To ascertain quantity or weight; some make this a root of the tenth class (तूलयते .) E. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् । चु-आ-सक-सेट् ।
- तूल :: n. (-लं) 1. The mulberry. (Morus Indica.) 2. Æther, the heaven or atmosphere. mn. (-लः-लं) Cotton. f. (-ला-ली) The wick of a lamp, or cotton twisted into a similar form for applying unguents, &c. f. (-ली) 1. Indigo. 2. A weaver's fibrous stick or brush. 3. A painter's brush, &c. see तुली and तुरी; also तूलि . E. तूल् to dismiss, to send forth, affix अच्, fem. affixes टाप् and ङीष् ।
- तूलक :: n. (-कं) Cotton. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- तूलकार्म्मुक :: n. (-कं) A bow which is used for cleaning cotton. E. तूल cotton, and कार्म्मुक bow; also similar compounds, as तूलचाप, तूलधनुः, &c.
- तूलनाली :: f. (-ली) A thick roll of cotton, from which it is drawn out in spinning. E. तूल cotton, नाल a tube, affixes अण् and ङीप्; also with कन् added तूलनालिका f. (-का .)
- तूलपिचु :: m. (-चुः) Cotton. E. तूल cotton, and पिचु the same.
- तूलशर्करा :: f. (-रा) A pod or seed of the plant, any seed yielding a similar substance. E. तूल cotton, and शर्करा sand or gravel.
- तूलसेवन :: n. (-नं) Spinning. E. तूल cotton, सिव्-ल्युट् aff. तूलसूत्रकर्त्तने । (काट्नाकाटा) ।
- तूलि :: f. (-लिः) A painter's brush, or a fibrous stick used as one, and for other purposes. E. तूल् to send forth or cut, affix इन्ः see तूल and तूली .
- तूलिका :: f. (-का) A pencil, a painter's brush, or a stick with a fibrous extremity used as one. 2. A mattress or quilt, a bed, a down or cot- ton bed. 3. An ingot mould. 4. A rod, &c. dipped into crucibles to try if their contents are in fusion. 5. A wick or twist of cotton either for a lamp or for applying unguents, &c. E. तूली as above, and कन् added.
- तूलिनी :: f. (-नी) The silk cotton tree. E. तूल cotton, इनि and ङीष् affs.
- तूवर :: m. (-रः) 1. A bull without horns, though of an age to have them. 2. A beardless man. 3. A eunuch. 4. An astringent taste. f. (-री)
A fragrant earth. E. तू to injure, वरच् affix, and the vowel option- ally long, hence also तुवर and तुवरी; with कन् added तूवरिका and तूवरीका .
- तूष :: r. 1st cl. (तूषति) 1. To satisfy. 2. To be satisfied or happy E. भ्वा-पर- सक-सेट् ।
- तूष्णीशील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Silent, taciturn. E. तूष्णीम् silent, and शील practising.
- तूष्णीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Silent, taciturn. E. तूष्णीम् silent, कन् affix, and म dropped. तूष्णीं शीलं यस्य शीले अर्थे कन् मलोपश्च ।
- तूष्णीकाम् :: ind. Silent, silently. E. तूष्णीम् silent, and काम् aff.
- तूष्णीम् :: ind. Silent, silently. E. तुष् to please or be pleased, affix नीम्, and उ made long.
- तूष्णीम्भूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Silent. E. तूष्णीम्, and भूत become.
- तूस्त :: n. (-स्तं) 1. Dust. 2. Clotted hair. 3. Sin. 4. An atom, a very thin or delicate substance. E. तूस् to sound, Unadi affix तन्, and the ra- dical vowel made long.
- तृक्ष :: r. 1st. cl. (तृक्षति) To go, to move or approach. E. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- तृख :: n. (-खं) Nutmeg.
- तृढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Hurt, injured, wounded. E. तृह् to hurt, क्त aff.
- तृण (उ) तृणु :: r. 8th cl. (तर्णोति तर्णते or तृणोति तृणुते) To eat, especially grass, to graze. E. तना-उभ-सक-सेट् ।
- तृण :: n. (-णं) Grass, any gramineous plant. E. तृह् to hurt, Unadi affix णक्, and ह rejected; what is consumed by cattle, &c.
- तृणकुङ्कम :: n. (-मं) A short of perfume. E. तृण grass, कुङ्कुम saffron.
- तृणकुटी :: f. (-टी) A hovel, a hut of grass, or straw. E. तृण grass, and कुटी a small house.
- तृणकूर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) A long gourd, (Cucurbita lagenaria.) E. तृण grass, and कूर्म्म a tortoise.
- तृणकेतु :: m. (-तुः) A bamboo. E. तृण grass, and केतु a banner.
- तृणगोधा :: f. (-धा) 1. A kind of newt. 2. A chameleon. 3. A worm. E. तृण grass, and गोधा a lizard.
- तृणग्राहिन् :: m. (-ही) 1. Amber, &c. or any gem which being rubbed be- comes electrically attractive. 2. Sapphire. E. तृण grass, and ग्राहिन् what seizes.
- तृणजम्भ :: mfn. (-म्भः -म्भा -म्भं) 1. Graminivorous, one whose food is grass. 2. Grass-toothed, having teeth of the colour of grass, &c. E. तृण grass, and जम्भ food, or a tooth.
- तृणजाति :: m. (-तिः) The vegetable kingdom. E. तृण, and जाति genus.
- तृणता :: f. (-ता) 1. A bow. 2. The aggregate properties of grass or her- bage, gramineousness. E. तल् affix of the abstract, added to तृण; also तृणत्व n. (-त्वं .)
- तृणद्रुम :: m. (-मः) A palm tree, any of the various species, any of the various species, as the palmyra, cocoanut, date, &c. E. तृण grass, and द्रुम a tree; pre-eminent amongst gramineous plants.
- तृणधान्य :: m. (-न्यः) Grain growing wild or without cultivation. E. तृण grass, and धान्य grain, corn.
- तृणध्वज :: m. (-जः) A bamboo. E. तृण grass, and ध्वज a flag or banner.
- तृणपूली :: f. (-ली) A mat, a seat made of reeds or basket-work. E. तृण grass, पूल् to gather together, affixes अण् and ङीष् ।
- तृणमणि :: m. (-णिः) A sort of gem, apparently amber. E. तृण grass, and मणि a gem; attracting straws, &c.
- तृणमत्कुण :: m. (-णः) A bail or surety.
- तृणराज :: m. (-जः) A palmyra tree, (Borassus flabelliformis.) E. तृण grass, राजन् a sovereign, टच् affix, leaving a final vowel.
- तृणविस्तर :: m. (-रः) A heap of grass. E. तृण, and विस्तर expanse.
- तृणशीत :: n. (-तं) A fragrant grass, (Adropogon serratus.) E. तृण grass, and शीत here said to imply abundance.
- तृणशून्य :: mfn. subst. (-न्यः-न्या-न्यं) Arabian jasmine. adj. Free from or devoid of grass. n. (-न्यं) The flower of the Ketaki. E. तृण grass, शून्य void of.
- तृणषट्पद :: m. (-दः) A wasp. E. तृण grass, and षट्पद six-foot; an insect haunting meadows, &c. having six-feet.
- तृणस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Grassy, made, &c. with grass. E. तृण grass, and स aff.
- तृणसारा :: f. (-रा) The plantain or banana. E. तृण grass, and सार essence, pith.
- तृणसिंह :: m. (-हः) An axe. E. तृण grass, and सिंह a lion.
- तृणहर्म्म्य :: m. (-र्म्म्यः) A hovel, a house or upper-room of grass or straw. E. तृण grass, and हर्म्म्य a mansion.
- तृणाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) 1. Conflagration of chaff. 2. Burning a criminal wrapped up in straw. E. तृण grass, and अग्नि fire: see तुषानल .
- तृणाञ्जन :: m. (-नः) A chameleon, a lizard. E. तृण grass, and अञ्जन a lizard.
- तृणेक्षु :: m. (-क्षुः) A kind of long grass, (Saccharum cylindricum.) E. तृण, and इक्षु sugar-cane.
- तृणोद्भव :: m. (-वः) Rice, &c. grow wild or without cultivation. E. तृण grass, and उद्भव produced.
- तृणोल्का :: f. (-ल्का) A firebrand made of a wisp of straw. E. तृण grass, उल्का a firebrand.
- तृणौकस् :: n. (-कः) A hovel, a hut, a house of straw or mats. E. तृण grass, and ओकस् abode.
- तृणौषध :: n. (-धं) A perfume, commonly Elaba luka. E. तृण, and औषध a drug; resembling grass in its appearance.
- तृण्या :: f. (-ण्या) A heap or quantity of grass. E. तृण grass, यत् and टाप् affs.
- तृतीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Third. f. (-या) The third lunation the third day of the fortnight. E. त्रि three, तीय affix, रि changed to the analogous vowel ऋ .
- तृतीयक :: m. (-कः) A tertian ague. E. कन added to the last.
- तृतीयकज्वर :: m. (-रः) Tertian ague. E. तृतीय, and ज्वर fever.
- तृतीयप्रकृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. A eunuch. 2. The neuter gender: see तृतीयाप्रकृति .
- तृतीयाकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Thrice ploughed, (a field, &c. E. तृतीय third, आकृत made, wrought.
- तृतीयाप्रकृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. A eunuch. 2. The neuter gender. E. तृतीय the third, प्रकृति nature; neither male nor female (whose or which) the compound if more regularly तृतीयप्रकृति .
- तृतीयिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Having a third. E. तृतीय, and इनि aff.
- तृद (औ इर्) औतृदिर् :: r. 1st, 7th and 10th. cls. (तृणत्ति तृन्ते तर्दति हिंसायाम्) । 1. To kill, to injure. 2. To disregard. 3. To give. 4. To eat. E. रुधा-उभ-सक-सेट् । भ्वा-सक-सेट् ।
- तृप :: r. 1st cl. (तर्पति) 4th cl. (ञि, उ) ञितृपु (तृप्यति) 5th cl. (तृप्नोति) 6th cl. (तृम्पति) and 10th cl. (तर्पयति-ते) 1. To please, to satisfy, to content. 2. To be pleased or satisfied, to be content or satiate. 3. (In the 1st and 10th cls.) To light or kindle. E. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् । दिवा-पर-सक-सेट् । स्वादि-पर-सक-सेट् । चुरा-उभ-तुदा-मुचादि-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- तृपत् :: m. (-पत्) 1. The moon. 2. A parasol. E. तृप् to please, अति Unadi affix, deriv. irr.
- तृपला :: f. (-ला) A creeper or creeping plant. E. तृप् to please, कल Unadi aff.
- तृप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Contented, satisfied. E. तृप् to be pleased, affix क्त .
- तृपात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Contented, satisfied, tranquil. E. तृप्त, and आत्मन् self.
- तृप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) Satisfaction, content. E. तृप् to please, or be pleased, affix क्तिन् ।
- तृप्र :: m. (-प्रः) Ghee or oiled butter. E. तृप् to satisfy, Unadi affix रक् .
- तृपालु :: mfn. (-लुः -लुः -लु) Having ghee, but not liking it or blending with it. E. तृप, and आलुच् possessive affix; but in this compound implying also aversion.
- तृफ :: r. 6th cl. (तृफति) 1. To content, to please. 2. To be pleased or con- tent. 3. To hurt. E. तुदा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- तृफला :: f. (-ला) The three myrobalans. E. तृ for त्रि three, फल a fruit, fem. affix टाप्; also त्रिफला .
- तृफू :: m. (-फूः) A serpent in general, the serpent genus. E. तृफ् to hurt, or kill, ऊ Unadi aff.
- तृम्प :: r. 6th cl. (तृपति, तृम्पति) 1. To content, to please. 2. To be pleased तुदा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- तृम्फ :: r. 6th cl. (तृफति, तृम्फति) 1. To content, to please. 2. To be pleased or content. E. तुदा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- तृष (ञि आ) ञितृषा :: r. 4th cl. (तृष्यति) 1. To thirst. 2. To thirst metaphori- cally, to desire, to long for. E. दिवा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- तृष् :: f. (तृट्) 1. Thirst. 2. Thirst (metaphorical,) wish, desire, lust. 3. The daughter of KAMA, the deity of love. E. तृष् to thirst, affix क्विप्; also तृषा, &c.
- तृषा :: f. (-षा) Thirst. 2. Wish, desire. 3. The daughter of KAMA: see the preceding. 4. A plant, (Commelina salicifolia:) see लाङ्गलिकी . E. तृष् to thirst, affixes क and टाप्; also तृष्णा, तर्षा, &c.
- तृषाभू :: f. (-भूः) The bladder. E. तृषा thirst, and भू being; whence thirst arises.
- तृषार्त्त :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -र्त्ती -र्त्तं) 1. Affected by desire. 2. Thirsty, a thirst. E. तृषा, and आर्त्त pained.
- तृषाह :: n. (-हं) Water. f. (-हा) A kind of anise: see मधुरिका . E. तृष thirst, आङ् before, हन् to destroy or remove, affix ड .
- तृषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Thirsty, thirsting, (physically or metaphorically.) n. (-तं) Thirst, desire. E. तृष् to thirst, affix इतच् । तृषा जाता अस्य तारकादित्वात् इतच् ।
- तृषितोत्तरा :: f. (-रा) A plant, (Marsilea quadrifolia:) see असनपर्णी . E. तृषित thirst, and उत्तर answering.
- तृष्णज् :: mfn. (-ष्णक्) Thirsty, (physically or metaphorically) desiring, longing for cupidinous. E. तृष् to thirst, न added, तृष्ण and नजिक् aff.
- तृष्णा :: f. (-ष्णा) 1. Thirst. 2. Desire, wish. E. तृष् to thirst, न Unadi aff.
- तृष्णाक्षय :: m. (-यः) Content, resignation, patience. E. तृष्णा greediness, thirst, and क्षय destruction.
- तृष्यत् :: mfn. (-ष्यन् -ष्यती -ष्यत्) 1. Thirsting, a thirst. 2. Desiring. E. तृष् to thirst, and शतृ aff.
- तृह (उ) तृहु :: r. 6th cl. (तृहति) 10th cl. (तर्हयति-ते) also तृह r. 7th cl. (तृणेड्डि) To kill, to hurt, to injure in any manner. (इ) तृहि r. 1st cl. (तृंहति) To grow or increase. E. तुदा-पर-सक-सेट् । चुरा-उभ पक्षे रुधा-पर- सक-सेट् ।
- तॄ :: r. 1st cl. (तरति) 1. To pass over or across. 2. To pass or float over, to navigate. 3. To float or swim. 4. To overcome, to surpass, With अव prefixed, To descend, as from heaven. With आङ्, To cross by a boat, &c. With उत्, {a} To pass over or above; {b} To answer; {c} To land, to arrive at the opposite shore. With दुर्, To cross with difficulty. With निर्, To cross safely, to obtain salvation. With प्र, To excel or surpass. With वि, {a} To pass from; {b} To relin- quish, to give, to give away, to give alms. With सम् To swim over. E. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- ते :: ind. With or by thee. E. ते substituted for त्वया, but not to be con- founded with the optional inflection of the 4th and 6th cases of युष्मद् thou.
- तेज :: r. 1st cl. (तेजति) To guard, to cherish, to defend or protect. E. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- तेज :: m. (-जः) 1. Sharpness, pungency. 2. Sharpness of a weapon. 3. Brilliancy. 4. Spirit. E. तिज् to sharpen, affix घञ्ः see तेजस् .
- तेजन :: n. (-नं) 1. A bamboo. 2. Enlightening, making splendid or polish- ed. 3. Sharpening. f. (-नी) 1. A plant (Aletris hyacinthoides.) 2. Heartpea. E. तिज् to sharpen, &c. affixes णिच् and ल्यु .
- तेजनक :: m. (-कः) A kind of reed, (Saccharum sara.) E. कन् added to the preceding.
- तेजपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) The leaf of the Laurus cassia. E. तेज sharp, pungent, and पत्र a leaf.
- तेजल :: m. (-लः) The francoline partridge. E. तिज् to sharpen, करणे कलच् । कपिञ्जलपक्षिणि ।
- तेजवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Sharp, pungent. 2. Sharp as a weapon. 3. Bright. 4. Spirited, energetic. f. (-ती) An aromatic plant (Pothos officinalis:) see गजपिप्पली . E. तेज sharpness, and मतुप् aff.
- तेजस् :: m. (-जाः) A name of Agni or fire. n. (-जः) 1. Splendour, light, lustre. 2. Dignity, consequence. 3. Srength, power. 4. Ardour, spirit, energy. 5. Semen virile. 6. Fresh butter. 7. Impatience, in- ability to bear or put up with. 8. Gold. 9. Bile, the bilious hu- mour. 10. Marrow, the brain, &c. 11. Fame, glory. 12. Sharpness, (metallic.) 13. Pungency. 14. Heat. 15. Bodily vigour. 16. Viva- city. E. तिज् to sharpen or polish, affix भावे करणादौ असुन् ।
- तेजस्कर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Illuminating, making bright. 2. Sharpening, whetting. 3. Invigorating, tonic. E. तेजस् light, &c. and कर what makes. तेजः करोति कृ-हेत्वादौ ट ।
- तेजस्विन् :: mfn. (-स्वी -स्विनी -स्वि) 1. Famous, celebrated. 2. Splendid, &c. see the preceding. f. (-स्विनी) Heartpea: see ज्योतिष्मती . E. तेजस् splendour, &c. विनि aff.
- तेजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sharpened, whetted, polished, burnished. 2. Excited, invigorated, stimulated. E. तिज् to sharpen; णिच् and क्त affs.
- तेजिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) 1. Very bright or splendid. 2. Vigorous, power- ful. E. तेजस्, and इष्ठन् aff.
- तेजीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) 1. Very bright, radiant, splendid. 2. Very powerful or vigorous. E. तेजस्, and ईयसुन् aff.
- तेजोमन्थ :: m. (-न्थः) A tree, (Premna spinosa:) see गणिकारी . E. तेजस् fire, light, and मन्थ friction; the friction of the wood engendering flame.
- तेजोमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Luminous, brilliant, consisting or made of light. E. तेलस्, मयट् made of.
- तेजोरूप :: n. (-पं) 1. The supreme spirit. 2. The nature of light, &c. E. तेजस् light (divine), रूप form.
- तेजोवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. A Pungent. 2. Sharp. 3. Bright 4. Ener- getic. f. (-ती) 1. A plant bearing a fruit resembling pepper: see गजपिप्पली . 2. A kind of pepper, (Piper chavya, Rox.) E. तेजस् pun- gency, मतुप् aff.
- तेजोवृत्त :: n. (-त्तं) Superior brilliancy or power. E. तेजस्, and वृत्त being.
- तेन :: ind. Therefore, thence, for that reason, on that account, the correlative to येन . E. The third case of तद् that, used as a particle.
- तेन :: m. (-नः) A note or cadence introductory to a song, &c. E. ते said to mean GAURI and न SIVA; whose favour is secured by this word.
- तेप (ऋ) तेपृ :: r. 1st cl. (तेपते) 1. To sprinkle, to distil, to ooze or drop. 2. To shake or tremble. 3. To shine. E. भ्वा-आ-अक-सेट् ।
- तेम :: m. (-मः) Wet, damp, moisture. E. तिम् to be wet, affix घञ् ।
- तैमन :: n. (-नं) 1. Wetting, moistening, moisture. 2. A sauce or condi- ment. f. (-नी) A chimney, a fire-place. E. तिम् to be or become wet, affix ल्युट् ।
- तेव (ऋ) तिवृ :: r. 1st cl. (तेवते) 1. To play, to sport. 2. To weep or lament. E. भ्वा-आ-अक-सेट् ।
- तेवन :: n. (-नं) 1. A garden, a pleasure garden or play-ground. 2. Play, sport, pastime. E. तेव to play, affix भावे आधारे वा ल्युट् ।
- तैक्ष्ण्य :: n. (-क्ष्ण्यं) 1. Sharpness. 2. Heat. 3. Pungency. 4. Fierceness, cruelty. E. तीक्ष्ण, and ष्यञ् aff.
- तैजस :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) 1. Of or relating to fire, fiery, splendid. 2. Power- ful, vigorous, intense. n. (-सं) 1. Ghee or oiled butter. 2. Any metal. 3. Intensity. 4. Vigour, energy. E. तेजस् brilliance, affix अण् । तेजसो विकारः ।
- तेजसावर्त्तिनी :: f. (-नी) A crucible. E. तैजस metal, and आवर्त्तिनी stirring.
- तैतिल :: m. (-लः) A rhinoceros. n. (-लं) One of the astronomical periods called Karanas. E. अण् added to तितिल .
- तैत्तिर :: m. (-रः) A francoline partridge. n. (-रं) A flock of partridges. E. तित्तिर, and अण् affix of aggregation or pleonastic.
- तैत्तिरीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Relating to the Tittiri portion of the Vedas, as a student, a text, teacher, section of, &c. E. तित्तिरि the Yajur Veda so called, and छ affix; or तित्तिरि a partridge, affix as before; the texts of this Veda being disgorged by YAJNYAWALKYA in a tangible form, and picked up by the rest of VAISAMPAYANA'S dis- ciples, who, for the purpose, assumed the shape of partridges. तित्तिरिणा प्रोक्तमधीयते छण् ।
- तैत्तिरीयक :: m. (-कः) A follower of the Tittiri branch of the Vedas. E. कन् added to the preceding; also इन् being added तैत्तिरीयिन्, &c.
- तैग्म्य :: n. (-ग्म्यं) 1. Heat. 2. Sharpness. 3. Pungency. E. तिग्म, and ष्यञ् aff.
- तैल :: n. (-लं) 1. Oil, expressed oil, prepared from sesamum, mustard, &c. 2. Storax, gum benzoin, incense. E. तिल sesamum, and अण् aff. तिलस्य तत्सदृशस्य वा विकारः ।
- तैलक :: n. (-कं) A small quantity of oil. E. तैल, and कन् diminutive affix.
- तैलकार :: m. (-रः) An oil manufacturer. E. तैल, and कार who makes.
- तैलकिट्ट :: n. (-ट्टं) The oil cake, a cake made of the oily seed, after expression. E. तैल, and किट्ट sediment.
- तैलङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) The part of the peninsula south of Orissa to Madras, the modern Carnatic.
- तैलचौरिका :: f. (-का) A cockroach. E. तैल oil, चुर् to steal, ण्वुल् affix; it is also sometimes read तैलाचारिका from चर् to go, with आङ् prefix- ed, and ण्वुल् aff.
- तैलद्रोणी :: f. (-णी) A bathing tub for an oil bath. E. तैल, and द्रोणी a bucket.
- तैलपक :: m. (-कः) A cockroach. E. तैल, and पच to digest, अच् aff.
- तैलपर्णिक :: n. (-कं) White Sandal wood. E. तिलपर्णी Sandal wood, affix कन् .
- तैलपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) 1. Sandal. 2. Incense. 3. Turpentine. E. तिल sesamum, and पर्ण a leaf, affixes अण् and ङीप् .
- तैलपा :: f. (-पा) A cockroach. E. तैल oil, and पा who drinks.
- तैलपायिका :: f. (-का) A cockroach. E. तैल oil, पा to drink, ण्वुल् affix, and यक् inserted.
- तैलपिपीलिका :: f. (-का) The small red ant. E. तैल, and पिपीलिका an ant.
- तैलमाली :: f. (-ली) A wick, the cotton of a lamp. E. तैल oil, माला a neck- lace, ङीप् aff.
- तैलम्पात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Blending with oil, &c. f. (-ता) Oblation to fire. E. तिल sesamum, पत् to go or alight, घञ् affix, and नुम् augment.
- तैलसाधन :: n. (-नं) A fragrant substance, (Civet.) E. तैल oil, and साधन menstruum.
- तैलस्फटिक :: m. (-कः) A sort of gem, (Amber.) E. तैल oil, and स्फटिक crystal.
- तैलाटी :: f. (-टी) A wasp. E. तैल oil, and अट् to go, affixes अण् and ङीप् .
- तैलाम्बुका :: f. (-का) A cockroach. E. तैल oil, अम्बु water or drink, कन् aff.
- तैलिक :: m. (-कः) An oilman. E. तैल, and ठक् aff.
- तैलिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) Relating or belonging to oil only, &c. m. (-ली) An oil-man, an oil grinder or preparer. f. (-लिनी) 1. The wick or cotton of a lamp. 2. A kind of insect found in oil. E. तैल oil, affix इनि .
- तैलिशाला :: f. (-ला) An oil-mill. E. तैलिन् an oilman, and शाला a house or hall.
- तैलीन :: n. (-नं) A field of sesamum. E. तिल sesamum, and खञ् aff.
- तैष :: m. (-षः) The month Pausha, (December-January.) f. (-षी) Day of full moon in Pausha. E. तिष्य the constellation, (in which the moon is full in this month,) and अण् affix; य is dropped.
- तोक :: n. (-कं) A child, a son or daughter, male or female offspring. E. तु a Sautra root, to increase, affix क, deriv. irr. also तोकक .
- तोक्म :: m. (-क्मः) 1. Green or unripe barley. 2. Green, (the colour.) n. (-क्मं) 1. The wax of the ear. 2. A cloud. E. तक् to deride, म affix, and ओ substituted for the radical vowel; it is also written तोक्य .
- तोटक :: n. (-कं) A measure or verse, a stanza, each line containing twelve syllables.
- तोड :: r. 1st cl. (ऋ) तोडृ (तोडति) To treat with disrespect. E. भ्वा-पर-सक- सेट् ।
- तोत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. A stick or bamboo, with a sharp iron head, used for guiding an elephant. 2. A goad or pike for driving cattle. E. करणे ष्ट्रन्; also तोदन ।
- तोत्रवेत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A rod or wand carried by VISHNU. E. तोत्र a goad, and वेत्र a stick.
- तोद :: m. (-दः) 1. Pain, anguish, vexation, torture, uneasiness, (either of body or mind.) 2. Sharp, shooting or pricking pain. E. तुद् to teaze or torment, affix भावे घञ् .
- तोदन :: n. (-नं) 1. A goad: see तोत्र . 2. Pain, affliction from disease, &c. E. तुद् to give pain, affix करणे ल्युट् ।
- तोमर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. An iron club or crow. 2. A lance. E. तु Sautra root, to hurt, affix विच्, तु that which injures, मृ to die, affix करणे अच्, and the vowel of तु changed.
- तोमरग्रह :: m. (-हः) A warrior armed with a club. E. तोमर, and ग्रह who takes.
- तोमरधर :: m. (-रः) 1. A name of Agni. 2. A warrior armed with a club. E. तोमर an iron club, and धर having.
- तोमरिका :: f. (-का) A fragrant earth: see तुवरिका ।
- तोय :: n. (-यं) Water. E. तु to surround, Unadi affix कोय or ताय to nourish, अच् affix, and आ changed irregularly to ओ or तु + विच् तवे पूर्त्त्यै याति या + क ।
- तोयकाम :: m. (-मः) A sort of crane growing in or near water, (Calamus fasciculatus, Rox.) E. तोय water, and काम desiring, affecting.
- तोयकृच्छ्र :: m. (-च्छ्रः) A sort of penance, drinking nothing but water for a fixed period. E. तोय water, and कृच्छ्र penance.
- तोयडिम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) Hail. E. तोय water, and डिम्भ young; also तोयडिम्भक .
- तोयद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Who or what gives water. m. (-दः) 1. A cloud. 2. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) n. (-दं) Ghee or oiled butter. E. तोय water, and द yielding. तोयं ददाति दा + क ।
- तोयधर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Having or containing water. m. (-रः) 1. A cloud. 2. A fragrant grass: see मुस्तक . 3. A potherb. (Marsilia den- tata.) E. तोय water, and धर possessing. तोयं धरति धृ-अच् ।
- तोयधि :: m. (-धिः) The ocean. E. तोय water, and धि having.
- तोयधिप्रिय :: m. (-यः) Cloves. E. तोयधि the sea, and प्रिय fond of; produced in maritime countries. लवङ्गे ।
- तोयनिधि :: m. (-धिः) The ocean. E. तोय water, and निधि nest or receptacle.
- तोयपिप्पली :: f. (-ली) A plant, (Jussieua repens.) E. तोय water, and पिप्पली long pepper.
- तोयपुष्पी :: f. (-ष्पी) Trumpet flower. E. तोय water, and पुष्प a flower; flowering near water.
- तोयप्रसादन :: n. (-नं) The clearing nut plant, (Strychnos potatorum.) E. तोय water, and प्रसादन clearing, cleansing; the nut being rubbed upon the inside of a water-jar, occasions the precipitation of the impurities of the water poured into it. (निर्माल्लि) ।
- तोयप्रसादनफल :: n. (-लं) The clearing nut: see the preceding. E. तोयप्रसादन as above, and फल fruit.
- तोयप्रष्ठा :: f. (-ष्ठा) The trumpet flower.
- तोयवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) A kind of gourd, (Memordica charantia.) E. तोय water, and वल्ली a creeper.
- तोयशुक्तिका :: f. (-का) An oyster. E. तोय, and शुक्तिका an oyster.
- तोयसूचक :: m. (-कः) A frog. E. तोय water, and सूचक a spy.
- तोयाधिवासिनी :: f. (-नी) Trumpet flower. E. तोय water, अधि upon or near, वस् to abide, णिनि and ङीप् affs.
- तोरण :: mn. (-णः-णं) 1. The ornamented arch of a door or gateway. 2. An outer door. 3. Decoration of the gate-post. 3. A temporary and ornamented arch. 5. A mound or raised mark near a bathing place. 6. A triangle supporting a large balance. n. (-णं) The neck,
the throat. E. तुर् to hasten, affix आधारे ल्युट्; by which people pass or go.
- तोल :: mn. (-लः-लं) A Tola, a weight of gold or silver; it is stated in books at 16 Mashas of 5 Rettis or 6(1/2) grains each, and weighs therefore 105 grains troy; in practice it is calculated at 12 Mashas jeweller's weight, and weighs nearly double, or 210 grains; but actually it is of the same weight as the Sicca or grs. 179(2/3.) E. तुल् to weigh, affix कर्मणि अच्; also with ण्वुल् affix तोलक mn. (-कः-कं .)
- तोलन :: n. (-नं) Weighing. E. तुल् to weigh, ल्युट् aff.
- तोलयित्वा :: ind. Having weighed. E. तुल् to weigh, causal form, क्त्वा aff.
- तोष :: n. (-षं) Pleasure, joy, happiness. E. तुष् to be pleased, affix घञ् .
- तोषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pleased, appeased. E. तुष् to be pleased, affix क्त .
- तौक (ऋ) तौकृ :: r. 1st cl. (तौकते) To go or move.
- तौक्षिक :: m. (-कः) Sagittarius, the constellation.
- तौतिक :: n. (-कं) A pearl. m. (-कः) The pearl oyster.
- तौर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) The sound of musical instruments, harmony, &c. E. तूर्य्य an instrument, and अण् aff. तूर्य्ये मुरजादौ वाद्ये भवम् ।
- तौर्य्यत्रिक :: n. (-कं) Symphony, union of song, dance, and instrumental music. E. तौर्य्य as above, त्रि three, कन् affix; triple or three-fold melody.
- तौल :: n. (-लं) A balance. E. तुला, स्वार्थे अण् pleonasm.
- तौलिक :: m. (-कः) A painter. E. तुलिका a brush, and ठक् aff.
- तौलिकिक :: m. (-कः) A painter. E. तुलिका a brush or pencil, and ठक् aff.
- तौषार :: n. (-रं) 1. Snow. 2. Cold. E. तुषार frost, and अण् aff.
- त्यक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Left, resigned, abandoned, deserted, &c. E. त्यज् to quit, affix क्त .
- त्यक्तजीवित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Ready to die; willing to run all hazards, having relinquished the expectation of life as men on the forlorn hope. E. त्यक्त left, and जीवित life.
- त्यक्तवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Leaving, abandoning. E. त्यज् to quit, क्तवतु aff.
- त्यक्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be left, abandoned, excepted, &c. E. त्यज्, and तव्य aff.
- त्यक्ताग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) A Bramhan who has lost his household fire, one who neglects essential ceremonies. E. त्यक्त, and अग्नि fire.
- त्यक्तुकाम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Wishing to leave. E. त्यक्तु for the infin, त्यक्तुं, and काम desiring.
- त्यक्त्वा :: ind. Having left or abandoned. E. त्यज्, and क्त्वा aff.
- त्यज :: r. 1st cl. (औ) त्यजौ (त्यजति) To quit, to abandon, to leave or resign, to part from, to give away.
- त्यजन :: n. (-नं) 1. Leaving, quitting, abandoning. 2. Excepting, exclu- sion. 3. Giving. E. त्यज्, and ल्युट् aff.
- त्यजनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be left or abandoned. 2. To be avoided. 3. To be excepted. E. त्यज्, and अनीयर् aff.
- त्यद् :: pron. for तद् mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -तद्) That. E. त्यज् to quit, Unadi affix अदि, and the final of the radical rejected.
- त्याग :: m. (-गः) 1. Gift, donation. 2. Abandoning, leaving, parting from, separation, deserting, &c. 3. A sage, one who separates himself from worldly thoughts. E. त्यज् to abandon, भावे घञ् aff.
- त्यागशील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Generous, liberal. E. त्याग, and शील addict- ed to.
- त्यागशीलता :: f. (-ता) Generosity. E. त्यागशील, and तल् affix; also with त्व, त्यागशीलत्वम् ।
- त्यागिता :: f. (-ता) Liberality, generosity. E. त्यागिन्, and तल् affix; also with त्व affix, त्यागित्वम् ।
- त्यागिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) Who or what leaves, gives, excepts, &c. m. (-गी) 1. A giver, a donor. 2. A hero. 3. An abandoner, a deserter, but chiefly applied to the religious ascetic, or him who abandons terrestrial objects, thoughts, passions, &c. E. त्याग as above, इनि aff.
- त्यागिम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Left, abandoned. E. त्याग leaving, इमन् aff.
- त्याज्य :: mfn. (-ज्यः -ज्या -ज्यं) 1. To be left or avoided. 2. To be abstained from. 3. To be given. 4. To be excepted. n. (-ज्यं) Part of an as- terism, or its duration considered as unlucky. E. त्यज् to leave, affix ण्यत् .
- त्रक (इ) त्रकि :: r. 1st. cl. (त्रङ्कते) To go or move. भ्वा० आ० सक० सेट् इदित् ।
- त्रख (इ) त्रखि :: r. 1st cl. (त्रङ्खति) To go or move. भ्वा० प० सक० सेट् इदित् ।
- त्रग (इ) त्रगि :: r. 1st cl. (त्रङ्गति) To go or move. भ्वा० प० सक० सेट् इदित् ।
- त्रङ्ग :: mn. (-ङ्गः-ङ्गा) The city of HARISCHANDRA, suspended, it is supposed in the air. E. त्रगि to go, affix अच् ।
- त्रद (इ) त्रदि :: r. 1st cl. (त्रन्दति) 1. To act, to perform functions. 2. To endeavour, to strive. 3. To be busy. भ्वा० प० अक० सेट् इदित् ।
- त्रप (ऊ, ष) त्रपूष् :: r. 1st cl. (त्रपते) To be modest, to be ashamed. भ्वा० आ० अक० सेट् ।
- त्रप :: mf. (-पः-पा) Shame, modesty, bashfulness. f. (-पा) 1. An unchaste woman, (a shame, to her family.) 2. Family, race. 3. Fame, celebrity. E. त्रप् to be modest, affix भावे अङ्, fem. affix टाप् .
- त्रपमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Being ashamed. E. त्रप् to be ashamed, शानच् aff.
- त्रपाक :: m. (-कः) A barbarian of a certain description. E. त्रप् to be modest, आकन् Unadi aff.
- त्रपानिरस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Shameless, impudent. E. त्रपा, and निरस्त expelled.
- त्रपान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Modest, bashful, ashamed. E. त्रपा, and अन्वित possessed of.
- त्रपाभर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Overcome with shame. E. त्रपा, and भर having.
- त्रपायुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Bashful, modest. E. त्रपा, and युक्त attached.
- त्रपारण्डा :: f. (-ण्डा) A whore, a harlot. E. त्रपा shame, लडि to affect, affixes अच् and टाप्, and ल changed to र ।
- त्रपावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Modest, ashamed. E. त्रपा, and मतुप् aff.
- त्रपाहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Immodest, impudent. E. त्रपा, and हीन void of.
- त्रपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Modest, bashful, ashamed. E. त्रप् to be modest, क्त aff.
- त्रपिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) 1. Highly satisfied. 2. Very much ashamed. E. तृप् to please, or त्रपा shame, and इष्ठन् affix, deriv. irr.
- त्रपीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Highly or excessively pleased or content. 2. Very much ashamed. E. तृप् to be pleased, or तृपा, and ईयसुन् affix of the irr. superlative.
- त्रपु :: n. (-पु) 1. Tin. 2. Lead. E. त्रप् to be modest, Unadi affix उन् .
- त्रपुल :: n. (-लं) Tin. E. लच् added to the preceding.
- त्रपुष :: nf. (-षं-षी) A cucumber. n. (-षं) Tin. E. त्रप् to be ashamed, &c. उसस् affix, fem. ङीष् .
- त्रपुस् :: n. (-पुः) Tin, or according to some, lead: see त्रपु . E. त्रप् to be ashamed, Unadi affix उस् ।
- त्रप्स्य :: n. (-प्स्यं) Thin or diluted curds. E. तृप् to be satisfied, deriv. irr.; also without the final य त्रप्स, n. (-प्सं) also द्रप्स्य and द्रप्सा ।
- त्रय :: nf. (-यं-यी) 1. The third. 2. (In composition) Tree, as गुणत्रयं the three properties. E. त्रि, अयच् aff.
- त्रयी :: f. (-यी) 1. The three Vedas collectively, that is, omitting the Atharvan, which not being a text book for the customary reli- gious rites of the Hindus, is considered very commonly rather as an appendix to the other three, than a fourth work of equal authority. 2. A matron, a married woman who has children living. 3. Intellect, understanding. 4. A plant, (Conyza serratula.) E. त्रि three, अयच् or टयप् substituted for the final, fem. affix ङीप् ।
- त्रयीतनु :: m. (-नुः) The sun. E. त्रयी the three Vedas, and तनु diffusion; celebrated through these sacred books, or because the Sama Veda, and portions of the other Vedas, are said to have proceeded from the sun.
- त्रयीधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) Duty enjoined by the Vedas, modes of sacrifice, &c. prescribed by them. E. त्रयी the three Vedas, and धर्म्म virtue.
- त्रयीमुख :: m. (-खः) A Bramhan. E. त्रयी the Vedas, and मुख the mouth.
- त्रयोदश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) Thirteenth. f. (-शी) The thirteenth day of the lunar fortnight: see the next.
- त्रयोदशन् :: mfn. plu. (-श) Thirteen. E. त्रयस् for त्रि three, and दशन् ten.
- त्रस (ई) त्रसी :: r. 1st and 4th cls. (त्रसति त्रस्यति) 1. To fear, to be afraid. 2. To run, to go quickly. (इ) त्रसि r. 1st and 10th cls. (त्रंसति त्रंसयति-ते) 1. To speak. 2. To shine. Also त्रस r. 10th cl. (त्रसयति-ते) 1. To hold. 2. To seize or take. 3. To oppose to prevent or forbid. 4. To frighten. भ्वा० दिवा० प० अक० सेट् । क्षुरा० उभ० अक० सेट् इदित् ।
- त्रस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Moveable, loco-motive. n. (-सं) A wood, a forest. E. त्रस् to go, affix अच् or आधारे घञर्थे क ।
- त्रसर :: m. (-रः) 1. A shuttle. 2. Weaving. E. त्रस् to go, affix अरन् ।
- त्रसरेणु :: mf. (-णुः) An atom or mote visible in a sunbeam, especially con- sidered as an ideal weight, either of the lowest of nomination, or equal to three, or according to some, thirty invisible atoms. f. (-णुः) A wife of the sun. E. त्रस move, and रेणु dust; also read त्र्यसरेणु ।
- त्रसुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Timid, fearful. E. त्रस् to fear, उरच् aff.
- त्रस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Timid, fearful. 2. Frighted, alarmed. 3. Quick. E. त्रस् to fear, affix क्त; also त्रस्नु .
- त्रस्तरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Fearful, terrified. E. त्रस्त; and रूप form.
- त्रस्नु :: mfn. (-स्नुः -स्नुः -स्नु) Timid, fearful. E. त्रस् to fear, क्नु aff.
- त्रस्यत् :: mfn. (-स्यन् -स्यन्ती -स्यत्) Fearing, apprehending. E. त्रस् to fear, शतृ aff.
- त्रा :: r. 2nd cl. (त्राते) To preserve, &c.: see त्रै० अदा० आ० सक० सेट् ।
- त्राण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Preserved, saved, guarded, protected. n. (-णं) 1. Preserving, protection. 2. A plant: see त्रायमाण . E. त्रै to preserve, affix क्त and ण optionally substituted त; also त्रात; again, त्रै to pre- serve, affix भावे ल्युट ।
- त्रात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Preserved, guarded, protected. n. (-तं) Preserving, protection: see the preceding.
- त्रापुष :: mfn. (-षः -षी -षं) Made of tin. E. त्रपुस् tin, affix अण्, and षुक् aug- ment.
- त्रायत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Preserving, protecting. f. (-न्ती) 1. A plant: see the next. 2. A protectress, &c. E. त्रै to preserve, affix शतृ .
- त्रायमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) A preserve, preserving. f. (-णा) A medicinal plant. E. त्रै to preserve, affix शानच् ।
- त्रास :: m. (-सः) 1. Fear, terror. 2. A flaw or defect in a jewel. E. त्रस् to fear, affix भावे घञ् ।
- त्रासकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Fearful, alarming. E. त्रास, and कर what makes.
- त्रासदायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Terrifying, fear-exciting. E. त्रास fear, and दायिन् what gives.
- त्रासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Frightened, alarmed. E. त्रास to fear, causal form, affix क्त .
- त्रि :: plu. only, m. (त्रयः) f. (तिस्रः) n. (त्रीणि) Three. subst. m. sing. (त्रिः) plu. (त्रयः) Three times, a thrice. E. तॄ to pass, Unadi affix ड्रि ।
- त्रिंश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Thirtieth. E. त्रिंशत्, and डट् aff.
- त्रिंशक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Thirty collectively, a multitude of thirty. E. त्रिंशत् thirty, affix वुन् डिच्च ।
- त्रिंशत् :: f. sing. (-त्) Thirty, &c. du. (-तौ) Two thirties. plu. (-तः) many thirties. E. त्रिं for त्रि three, and शत् aff.
- त्रिंशत्पत्र :: n. (-त्रं) The white esculent water lily. E. त्रिंशत् thirty, and पत्र a leaf.
- त्रिक :: n. (-कं) 1. The lower part of the spine. 2. The aggregate of three, a trine, a triad. 3. The three mystical words to be pro- nounced in daily prayer. 4. A place where three roads meet. 5. Three spices, three myrobalans, &c. collectively: see त्रिकटु, त्रिफल and the like. m. (-कः) A plant: see गोक्षुरक . f. (-का) 1. A triangular frame or bar across the mouth of a well over which passes the rope of the bucket, or to which one end of it is tied to guard against its slipping. 2. A wooden frame at the mouth of a well,
or the upper part of the well. 3. A frame at the bottom of a well, on which the masonry rests. 4. The cover or lid of a well. E. त्रि three, and कन् aff.
- त्रिककुद् :: m. (-द् or -त्) A mountain with three peaks. E. त्रि three, and ककुद् a peak.
- त्रिककुद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Having three humps or peaks. E. त्रि, and ककुद् a hump, and अच् aff.
- त्रिकट :: m. (-टः) A plant, (Ruellia Iongifolia,) &c. see गोक्षुरक .
- त्रिकटु :: m. (-टुः) The aggregate of three spices, viz. black and long pep- per, and dry ginger. E. त्रि three, or three-fold, and कटु pungent, (as a spice.)
- त्रिकण्ट :: m. (-ण्टः) 1. A plant, (Ruellia longifolia,) &c. त्रिकट . 2. A sort of Euphorbia. E. त्रि three, and कण्ट a thorn.
- त्रिकण्टक :: m. (-कः) A sort of fish, (Silurus.) 2. A plant: see the preced- ing. E. कन् added to त्रिकण्ट .
- त्रिकाय :: m. (-यः) A name of Buddha, the founder of the Bauddha sect. E. त्रि three, and काय a body, the three-bodied.
- त्रिकालज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Omniscient. m. (-ज्ञः) 1. A divine sage. 2. A deity. 3. A name of Buddha, the founder of the Bauddha sect. E. त्रि three, काल time, and ज्ञ who knows, acquainted with the past, present, and future; also similar compounds as the next, &c.
- त्रिकालदर्शिन् :: mfn. (-र्शी -र्शिनी -र्शि) Omniscient. m. (-र्शी) 1. A Rishi of divine sage. 2. A name of Buddha. E. त्रि three, काल time, and दर्शिन् who views: see the preceding.
- त्रिकालविद् :: mfn. (-विद् -वित्) Omniscient. m. (-विद् or -वित्) A name of Buddha: see the preceding. E. As before, विद् who knows.
- त्रिकूट :: m. (-टः) The name of a mountain in the peninsula; it is also applicable to any mountain with three peaks. n. (-टं) Sea-salt prepared by evaporation. E. त्रि three, कूट a peak, &c.
- त्रिकूर्च्चक :: n. (-कं) A sort of knife with three edges. E. त्रि, and कूर्च्चक a bunch.
- त्रिकोण :: n. (-णं) 1. The vulva. 2. A triangle. 3. Any triangular object. E. त्रि three, and कोण a corner.
- त्रिख (इ) त्रिखि :: r. 1st cl. (त्रिङ्खति) To go, to move or approach.
- त्रिख :: n. (-खं) A cucumber. E. त्रि three, and ख a cavity or space; also read sometimes तृख ।
- त्रिखट्व :: nf. (-ट्वं-ट्वी) The aggregate of three beds. E. त्रि three, खट्वा a bed, अच् aff.
- त्रिगण :: m. (-णः) The aggregate of three human objects, or virtue, wealth, and desire. E. त्रि three, and गण a class: see त्रिवर्ग .
- त्रिगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Tripled. 2. Gone or done in three ways. n. (-तं) The expression of different senses by the same word. E. त्रि, and गत gone.
- त्रिगर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) 1. A country in the north-west division of India, or m. plu. (-र्त्ताः) Its inhabitants: apparently part of Lahore, said, by Mr. WILFORD, to be the modern Tahora, but differently described in the Koshas: see जालन्धर and वालहीक . 2. A form of calculation, (गणितान्तरे .) f. (-र्त्ता) 1. A small worm. 2. A lascivious woman, a wanton. 3. A woman in general. 4. A pearl. E. त्रि three, and गर्त्त a hole, &c.
- त्रिगर्त्तक :: m. (-कः) A country, the same as Valhika: see वाल्हीक . E. कन् added to the preceding.
- त्रिगुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णी-णं) 1. Thrice, three times, triple. 2. Possessing the three Gunas or properties. n. (-णं) The aggregate of the three qualities incident to human nature. E. त्रि three, गुण a time or property.
- त्रिगुणाकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Thrice ploughed, (a field, &c.) E. त्रिगुण three times, and आकृत made, wrought.
- त्रिगूढ :: n. (-ढं) The dancing or acting of a man in female attire. E. त्रि, and गूढ concealed.
- त्रिचतुर :: mfn. plur. (-राः-राः-राणि) Three or four. E. त्रि, and चतुर् four, अच added.
- त्रिजातक :: n. (-कं) Three spices collectively, mace, cardamoms, and cassia leaf. E. त्रि, and जातक species.
- त्रिज्या :: f. (-ज्या) A radius, a sine of three signs or ninety degrees. E. त्रि, and ज्या a sine.
- त्रिण :: n. (-णं) Grass, meadow grass. E. See तृण, ऋ being changed to रि ।
- त्रिणता :: f. (-ता) 1. A bow. 2. The state or abstract property of grass. E. त्रिण for तृण grass. and तल् aff.
- त्रिणाचिकेत :: n. (-तं) A portion of the Yajur Veda. m. (-तः) A follower of that branch of the Vedas. It is also sometimes read तृणाचिकेत ।
- त्रितक्ष :: nf. (-क्षं-क्षी) An assemblage of three carpenters. E. त्रि three, तक्ष a carpenter, affix अच् समा० ।
- त्रितय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Third. E. त्रि three, तयप् aff.
- त्रिदण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) 1. Three staves collectively. 2. Triple subjection of words, thoughts, and acts; the state of a religious ascetic. E. त्रि three, दण्ड a staff, &c.
- त्रिदण्डधारण :: n. (-णं) Carrying three staves tied together, (as done by some mendicants.) E. त्रिदण्ड, and धारण holding.
- त्रिदण्डिन् :: m. (-ण्डी) 1. A wandering devotee, one who carries three long bamboo staves in his right hand. 2. The religious man who has ob- tained a command over his words, thoughts, and actions, or mind, body, and speech. E. त्रि three, and दण्ड a punishment, a staff, &c. इनि aff.
- त्रिदला :: f. (-ला) A creeping plant, (Cissus pedata.) E. त्रि three, and दल a leaf.
- त्रिदश :: m. (-शः) A god, a deity, an immortal. E. त्रि the third, and दशा state, being, (youth;) enjoying perpetual youth, or त्रि three, and दश state, subject as well as mortals to the three conditions, of birth, being, and destruction.
- त्रिदश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Thirteenth. f. (-शी) The thirteenth day of the fortnight; also त्रयोदश ।
- त्रिदशदीर्घिका :: f. (-का) The heavenly Ganges. E. त्रिदश a deity, and दीर्घिका a long pool.
- त्रिदशन् :: mfn. plu. (-श) Thirteen. E. त्रि three, and दशन् ten.
- त्रिदशनदी :: f. (-दी) The heavenly Ganges. E. त्रिदश, and नदी a river.
- त्रिदशपति :: m. (-तिः) INDRA. E. त्रिदश, and पति chief.
- त्रिदशबधू :: f. (-धूः) A nymph of INDRA'S heaven. E. त्रिशद, and बधू wife.
- त्रिदशवनिता :: f. (-ता) A nymph of INDRA'S heaven. E. त्रिदश, and वनिता a wife.
- त्रिदशाङ्कुश :: n. (-शं) The thunderbolt. E. त्रिदश a deity, and अङ्कुश a goad.
- त्रिदशाचार्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) The preceptor of the gods, VRIHASPATI. E. त्रिदश a deity, and आचार्य्य a teacher.
- त्रिदशायुध :: n. (-धं) The thunderbolt of INDRA. E. त्रिदश a deity, and आयुध a weapon.
- त्रिदशारि :: m. (-रिः) An Asura or infernal being hostile to the gods, a Titan, a Giant. E. त्रिदश a deity, and अरि a foe.
- त्रिदशालय :: m. (-यः) 1. Swarga, INDRA'S heaven or paradise. 2. The moun- tain Sumeru. E. त्रिदश a deity, and आलय an abode.
- त्रिदशावास :: m. (-सः) Swarga, the heaven of INDRA. E. त्रिदश a god, and आवास abode.
- त्रिदशाहार :: m. (-रः) Amrita or ambrosia. E. त्रिदश a deity, and आहार food.
- त्रिदालिका :: f. (-का) A plant, commonly Charmaghasa.
- त्रिदिन :: n. (-नं) Three days collectively. E. त्रि, and दिन a day.
- त्रिदिनस्पृश् :: m. (-स्पृक्) Conjunction or concurrence of three lunations with one solar day. E. त्रिदिन, and स्पृश् contact.
- त्रिदिव :: mn. (-वः-वं) 1. Swarga or paradise. 2. Sky, atmosphere, heaven. f. (-वा) The name of a river. E. त्रि the three, BRAMHA, VISHNU, and SIVA, दिव् to sport, affix क; the place where these three gods take divine pleasure.
- त्रिदिवेश :: m. (-शः) A god, a deity. E. त्रिदिव heaven, and ईश master or lord.
- त्रिदिवौकस् :: m. (-काः) A god, a celestial. E. त्रिदिव heaven, and ओकस् asylum.
- त्रिदृश् :: mfn. (-दृक्) Tri-ocular, three-eyed. m. (-दृक्) A name of SIVA. E. त्रि three, and दृश् an eye.
- त्रिदोष :: n. (-षं) Disorder of the three humours of the body, vitiation of the bile, blood, and phlegm. E. त्रि three, and दीष a fault.
- त्रिदोषघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) Correcting the vitiated state of the three hu- mours. E. त्रिदोष, and घ्न what destroys.
- त्रिदोषज :: m. (-जः) Disease, &c. proceeding from disorder of the three hu- mours of the body. E. त्रिदोष, and ज produced.
- त्रिधा :: ind. In three ways. E. त्रि, and धाच् aff.
- त्रिधातु :: m. (-तुः) A name of GANESA. n. (-त) Three minerals, &c. E. त्रि three, and धातु mineral, &c. त्रीन् धर्मार्थकामान् दधाति पुष्णाति धा-तुन् ।
- त्रिधामन् :: mfn. (-मा -मा -म) Having three residences, &c. m. (-मा) 1. A name of VISHNU. 2. An appellation of SIVA. 3. Agni or fire. 4. Death. E. त्रि three (worlds,) and धामन् abode.
- त्रिनयन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Three-eyed, tri-ocular. m. (-नः) A name of SIVA. E. त्रि three, and नयन an eye; this deity is represented with a third eye in his forehead; also similar compounds, as त्रिदृश्, त्रिनेत्र, त्र्यक्ष, &c.
- त्रिनेत्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) Tri-ocular. m. (-त्रः) SIVA. E. त्रि, and नेत्र eye.
- त्रिनेत्रचूडामणि :: m. (-णिः) The moon. E. त्रिनेत्र SIVA, चूडा a crest, and मणि a gem; being worn by that deity as his crest.
- त्रिपक्ष :: n. (-क्षं) A period of six weeks. E. त्रि, and पक्ष a fortnight.
- त्रिषताक :: m. (-कः) 1. The forehead marked naturally with three horizon- tal lines. 2. The hand with three fingers erect. E. त्रि three or three- fold, and पताका a banner, a symbol.
- त्रिपत्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) Three-leaved trefoil. m. (-त्रः) A bell tree, (Ægle marmelos.) E. त्रि, and पत्र leaf.
- त्रिपत्रक :: m. (-कः) The Kinsuka tree, (Butea frondosa.) E. त्रि three, and पत्र a leaf; having three leaves on each stalk.
- त्रिपथ :: n. (-थं) 1. A place where three roads meet. 2. Three ways or paths. E. त्रि, and पथ a road.
- त्रिपथगा :: f. (-गा) The Ganges. E. त्रिपथ three roads, and गा who goes, flowing through earth, heaven, and hell.
- त्रिपद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दी-दं) 1. Three-footed. 2. Having three lines or divi- sions, (a stanza.) 3. (In Arithmetic,) Trinomial. n. (-दं) 1. A tripod. f. (-दा) A verse of three lines, as the Gayatri. f. (-दी) 1. A creeper, (Cissus pedata.) 2. The girth of an elephant. E. त्रि three, and पद a foot.
- त्रिपर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णी -र्णं) Three leaved trefoil. f. (-र्णी) Wild cotton. E. त्रि three, and पर्ण a leaf.
- त्रिपाद् :: m. (-पाद्) 1. A name of VISHNU. 2. Fever, (personified.) E. त्रि three, and पाद foot or part, three-footed, alluding to VISHNU'S three steps which paced the universe; and the demon of fever is described in the Puranas, with three feet, and three heads, allud- ing probably to its three stages of cold, hot, and sweating.
- त्रिपिव :: m. (-वः) A long-eared goat. E. त्रि, and पिव who drinks, touching water with both ears as he laps.
- त्रिपिष्टप :: n. (-पं) 1. Heaven, Swarga or paradise. 2. Sky, æther. E. पिष्टप a world, and त्रि three, or the third; also त्रिविष्टप ।
- त्रिपिष्टपसद् :: m. (-सद्) A deity. E. त्रिपिष्ठप heaven, and सद् who goes, from सद् with क्विप् affix; also त्रिविष्ठपसद् ।
- त्रिपुट :: m. (-टः) 1. Pulse, pease of three kinds. 2. A bank or shore. 3. A kind of vetch, (Cicer arietinum.) 4. A cubit. 5. A plant, (Ruellia longifolia) f. (-टा-टी) A plant, (Convolvulus turpethum.) f. (-टा) Small cardamoms. 2. Arabian jasmine. 3. A goddess. E. त्रि three, and पुट skin or coat of a seed, &c.
- त्रिपुटक :: m. (-कः) A triangle. E. कन् added to the last.
- त्रिपुटिन् :: m. (-टी) The castor-oil plant. E. त्रि three, पुट the Seed vessel, and इनि aff.
- त्रिपुटीफल :: m. (-लः) The castor-oil plant. E. त्रिपुटी as above, and फल fruit.
- त्रिपुण्ड्र :: n. (-ण्ड्रं) Three curved horizontal marks, made across the fore- head with cowdung, &c.; they are worn especially by the fol- lowers of SIVA, or SAKTI, and are indispensable in proceeding to worship the former. E. त्रि three, triple, and पुण्ड्र a line; also with कन् added त्रिपुण्ड्रक ।
- त्रिपुण्ड्रक :: n. (कं) See the preceding.
- त्रिपुर :: nf. (-रं-री) 1. The three cities gold, silver and iron erected by the demon Maya and burnt down by SIVA. 2. A district, the modern Tipperah, &c. m. (-रः) The name of an Asura, and king of Tripura. E. त्रि three, and पुर a city, the district and dominion of that Asura, consisting of three strong and famous cities.
- त्रिपुरदहन :: m. (-नः) A name of SIVA. E. त्रिपुर the country of Tripura, and दहन burning, consuming; the Asura and his three cities being destroyed by MAHADEVA; also similar names, as त्रिपुरजित्, त्रिपुरसूदन, &c.
- त्रिपुरमल्लिका :: f. (-का) A medicinal plant, apparently a kind of jasmine. E. त्रिपुर Tipperah, and मल्लिका jasmine.
- त्रिपुरान्तक :: m. (-कः) A name of SIVA. E. त्रिपुर, and अन्तक ender, destroyer: see त्रिपुरदहन ।
- त्रिपुरुष :: n. (-षं) Three generation collectively. E. त्रि three, पुरुष a man.
- त्रिपुरुषागत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Enjoyed or inherited through three genera- tions. E. त्रिपुरुष, and आगत come.
- त्रिपुषा :: f. (-षा) Black Teori. त्रीन् वातादिदोषान् पुष्णाति पुष-क ।
- त्रिपौरुष :: mfn. (-षः -षी -षं) Relating or belonging to three persons or generations, offered to three, (the funeral cake, &c.) inherited from three, (an estate, &c.) E. त्रिपुरुष, and अण् aff.
- त्रिपृष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) A king, and one of the Vasudevas, or descendants of VASUDEVA, according the Jainas.
- त्रिफला :: f. (-ला) The three myrobalans collectively. E. त्रि three, फल fruit, fem. affix टाप्; also with ङीष् affix त्रिफली ।
- त्रिबलीक :: n. (-कं) The anus. E. त्रि three, (the three humors,) तिस्रो बलो यत्र कप् ।
- त्रिभण्डी :: f. (-ण्डी) A plant, (Convolvulus turpethum.) E. त्रि three, (ailments, or bile, phlegm, and fever,) भडि to oppose, affixes अण् and ङीष् . त्रीन् वातादिदोषान् भण्डति ।
- त्रिभद्र :: n. (-द्रं) Copulation, cohabitation. E. त्रि three, and भद्र pleasurable.
- त्रिभुज :: m. (-जः) A triangle. E. त्रि, and भुज an arm.
- त्रिभुवन :: n. (-नं) Three worlds, or heaven, earth and hell. E. त्रि three, and भुवन a world.
- त्रिमधु :: m. (-धुः) 1. A portion of the Rig Veda. 2. A follower or student of the Trimadhu section of the Rig Veda. n. (-धु) Ghee, honey, and sugar. E. त्रि, and मधु honey.
- त्रिमार्गी :: f. (-र्गी) The meeting of three roads. E. त्रि three, and मार्ग a road.
- त्रिमुकुट :: m. (-टः) A mountain with three peaks. E. त्रि three, and मुकुट a crest.
- त्रिमुख :: mfn. (-खः -खी -खं) Having three faces. m. (-खः) A divine attendant upon a Jaina saint. f. (-खा) A female deity of the Jaina sect. E. त्रि three, and मुख a face, three-faced, or त्रि three (worlds,) and मुख principal.
- त्रिमूर्त्ति :: m. (-र्त्तिः) 1. A Jina or Jaina saint. 2. The united form of BRAMHA, VISHNU, and SIVA, or the Hindu triad. 3. One possessing three forms or modes of being. E. त्रि thee, and मूर्त्ति form, matter.
- त्रिमूर्द्ध :: mfn. (-र्द्धः -र्द्धी -र्द्धं) Three-headed. E. त्रि, and मूर्द्धन् the forehead, ष aff.
- त्रियव :: n. (-वं) A Ratti or weight of three barley-corns. E. त्रि, and यव barley.
- त्रियष्टि :: m. (-ष्टिः) 1. A medicinal plant. 2. A necklace of three strings. (Mollugo pentaphylla.) E. त्रि three, and यष्टि a line; having three stalks.
- त्रियामक :: n. (-कं) Sin. E. त्रि the three objects of life, and यामक impeder, from यम् with ण्वुल् aff.
- त्रियामा :: f. (-मा) 1. Night. 2. The YAMUNA or Jumna river. 3. Indigo. 4. Black Teori, a plant so called. 5. Turmeric. E. त्रि three (times, or past, present and future,) या to go, affix मन् .
- त्रियूह :: m. (-हः) A brown or chesnut horse. कपिलाश्वे ।
- त्रिरात्र :: n. (-त्रं) Three nights collectively, or the duration of three nights. E. त्रि three, and रात्रि night; compounded with a numeral रात्रि sub- stitutes अ for its final, and becomes neuter. तिसृणां रात्रीणां समाहारः ।
- त्रिरेख :: m. (-खः) A conch. E. त्रि, and रेखा a line; this shell being mark- ed with three lines. तिस्रो रेखा यत्र । शङ्के ।
- त्रिलोकी :: f. (-की) The aggregate of the three worlds, or heaven, earth, and hell, collectively. E. त्रि three, and लोक a world, and ङीप् affix, with the sense of aggregation. त्रयाणां लोकानां समाहारः ।
- त्रिलोकेश :: m. (-शः) 1. The sun. 2. God. E. त्रिलोक the three worlds or the universe, and ईश lord. त्रयाणां लोकानाम् ईशः ।
- त्रिलोचन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Tri-ocular, three-eyed. m. (-नः) A name of SIVA. f. (-ना) A female deity of the Jainas. f. (-नी) A name of DURGA. E. त्रि three, and लोचन an eye: see त्रिदृश्, &c.
- त्रिलोहक :: n. (-कं) Gold, silver, and copper. E. त्रि, and लोहक metal.
- त्रिवर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) 1. Three human objects or pursuits as love, duty, and wealth. 2. Three conditions of a king or state; prosperity, even- ness, and decay; or loss, gain, equality, &c. 3. The three qualities of nature, purity, blindness, and depravity. 4. The three myroba- lans. 5. The three spices: see त्रिकटु . 6. propriety, good behavior. E. त्रि three, and वर्ग a class; a class or aggregate of three.
- त्रिवर्गपारीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Having passed through the three condi- tions, or attained the three objects of life. E. त्रिवर्ग, and पारीण gone to the opposite shore.
- त्रिवर्णक :: n. (-कं) 1. The three myrobalans. 2. The three spices. 3. A plant, (Ruellia longifolia:) see गीक्षुरक . E. त्रि three, वर्ण a class, and कन् added.
- त्रिवर्षिका :: f. (-का) A three years old heifer. E. त्रि, and वर्ष a year, affix ठन् .
- त्रिवली :: f. (-ली) Three folds of skin on the abdomen, from obesity. E. त्रि, and वली a wrinkle.
- त्रिविक्रम :: m. (-मः) A name of VISHNU. E. त्रि, and विक्रम going; crossing over the three worlds in three steps, to the discomfiture of BALI.
- त्रिविद्या :: f. (-द्या) Three branches of knowledge, especially that of the three Vedas. E. त्रि, and विद्या knowledge.
- त्रिविध :: mfn. (धः-धा-धं) In three ways, of three kinds. E. त्रि, and विध sort.
- त्रिविष्टप :: n. (-पं) 1. Heaven or paradise. 2. The three worlds, or heaven, earth, and hell: see त्रिपिष्टप ।
- त्रिविष्टपसद् :: m. (-सद्) A deity; also त्रिपिष्टपसद् ।
- त्रिवृत् :: mfn. (-वृत्) Triple, tri-form, three-fold. m. (-वृत्) 1. A plant of valuable purgative properties, commonly called Teori, and distin- guished into two species, white and black, (Convolvulus turpe- thum.) 2. Combining any thing by three. 3. A triple cord, a girdle, &c. of three strings. 4. A kind of sacrifice. E. त्रि three, (three seed vessels,) वृ to cherish, affix क्विप्, and तुक् added: also with टाप् added त्रिवृता f. (-ता .)
- त्रिवृत्करण :: n. (-णं) Combining earth, water, and fire, in the proportion of half of one with a quarter of each of the others. E. त्रिवृत्, and करण making.
- त्रिवृत्पर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A potherb, (Hilancha repens.) E. त्रिवृत् Teori, and पर्ण a leaf; having similar leaves.
- त्रिवेणी :: f. (-णी) A name of the Ganges. E. त्रि three, वेणी a braid of hair: the name is especially applied to the river at Allahabad, where it
receives the Jumuna, and is supposed to receive under ground the Saraswati; it is also that of a village in Bengal, above Hugli.
- त्रिवेद :: n. (-दं) The three Vedas collectively. E. त्रि, and वेद a Veda.
- त्रिवेदिन् :: m. (-दी) A Bramhan acquainted with three Vedas. E. त्रिवेद, and इनि aff.
- त्रिशङ्कु :: m. (-ङ्कुः) 1. The name of a king of the solar race, famous for attempting to go to heaven in his mortal frame, by the aid of VISWAMITRA. 2. A cat. 3. A grasshopper. 4. A bird, the Chataka, (Cuculus melanoleucos.) 5. A fire-fly. E. त्रि three, शङ्कु a dart, ट aff.
- त्रिशङ्कुज :: m. (-जः) A name of HARISCHANDRA, a prince. E. त्रिशङ्कु, and ज born, descended from TRISANKU.
- त्रिशङ्कुयाजिन् :: m. (-जी) VISWAMITRA, a celebrated sage and saint. E. त्रिशङ्कु the king so named, and याजिन् causing to worship; being the family priest of the monarch.
- त्रिशरण :: m. (-णः) A Jina, a sanctified teacher of the Jaina sect. E. त्रि three, (the three worlds,) and शरण protection.
- त्रिशला :: f. (-ला) The mother of VARDDHAMANA, the last of the Jaina pontiffs.
- त्रिशिख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खं) Three-crested, three-headed. n. (-खं) 1. A crest, a tiara with three points. 2. A trident, a three pronged spear. m. (-खः) The son of RAVANA, a demon with three heads. E. त्रि three, and शिखा a crest.
- त्रिशिरस् :: mfn. (-राः -राः -रः) Three-headed. m. (-राः) A name of KUVERA. 2. Fever personified as a demon with three heads: see त्रिपाद . 3. A son of RAVANA. E. त्र three, and शिरस् a head.
- त्रिशीर्षक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Three-headed. m. (-कः) A trident, tri-pointed spear. E. त्रि three, and शीर्ष a head, affix कन् .
- त्रिशूल :: n. (-लं) A trident, a three-pointed pike or spear, especially the weapon of SIVA. E. त्रि three or Tri, and शूल a dar.
- त्रिशूलिन् :: m. (-ली) A name of SIVA. E. त्रिशूल, and इनि affix, armed with a trident.
- त्रिशृङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A hill with three peaks. 2. A triangle. E. त्रि three, and शृङ्ग a horn.
- त्रिशृङ्गिन् :: m. (-ङ्गी) A sort of fish, commonly Rohi, (Cyprinus rohita, HAM.)
- त्रिषवण :: n. (-णं) The three ablutions to be performed in the day or at dawn, noon, and sun-set. E. त्रि three, षवन bathing; also read त्रिसवन ।
- त्रिषवणस्नायिन् :: m. (-यी) A man performing regularly the prescribed ablu- tions, at morning, noon, and night. E. त्रि three, सवन time or period of ablution, and स्नायिन् who bathes.
- त्रिष्टुभ् :: f. (-ष्टुप्) A form of metre, the stanza consisting of four lines of eleven syllables each, or of five lines, one of eleven and four of eight each, forming altogether forty-four syllables; there are other varieties.
- त्रिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Situated in three places. E. त्रि, and स्था to be, क aff.
- त्रिसन्ध्य :: mfn. (-न्ध्यः -न्ध्या or न्ध्यी -न्ध्यं) The three periods of the day, or dawn, noon, and eve. E. त्रि three, and सन्ध्य either of the periods.
- त्रिसम :: n. (-मं) An aggregate of three like or equal things. E. त्रि, and सम same.
- त्रिसर :: subst. mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) A dish of sesamum, rice, &c. E. त्रि three, three-fold, and सर what is, from सृ to go or get, affix अप् ।
- त्रिसवन :: n. (-नं) Bathing thrice: see त्रिषवण ।
- त्रिसीत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) Thrice ploughed, (a field, &c.) E. त्रि thrice, and सीत्य ploughed.
- त्रिसुपर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) 1. A portion of the Rig and Yajur Vedas. 2. A ob- servance enjoined by it. 3. A Brahman following it.
- त्रिसुपर्णिक :: m. (-कः) A Tri Suparna Brahman: see the last.
- त्रिस्रोतस् :: f. (-ताः) 1. The Ganges. 2. Another river. E. त्रि three, and स्रोतस् a river, the river of the three worlds, or one with three channels.
- त्रिहल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) Thrice ploughed, (a field, &c.) E. त्रि thrice, हल्य ploughed.
- त्रिहायण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) Three years, (old, &c.) f. (-णी) A three-years- old heifer. E. त्रि, and हायन a year; also read त्रिहायन ।
- त्रुट :: r. 4th cl. (त्रुट्यति) r. 6th cl. (त्रुटति) and 10th cl. (त्रोटयते) To cut, literally or metaphorically; to cut, (wood, &c.) to cut or solve, (difficulties, doubts, &c.) दिवा० तुदा० प० अक० सेट् । चुरा० आत्म० सक० सेट् ।
- त्रिटि :: f. (-टिः-टी) 1. Cutting, breaking. 2. Loss, destruction. 3. Breaking a promise, &c. 4. Small cardamoms, (Alpinia cardamomum). 5. A short time, a moment. 6. Doubt, uncertainty. 7. (Always feminine, though used attributively.) Little, small. 8. An atom, or a visible atom composed of three subtler elementary par- ticles. E. त्रुट् to cut or divide, affix इन् and ङीप् optionally added.
- त्रुटित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Cut, broken, divided. 2. Hurt, wounded. E. त्रुट, and क्त aff.
- त्रुटितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Chapped, chafed, cut. E. त्रुट, and क्तवतु aff.
- त्रुटिवीज :: m. (-जः) An esculent root: see कचु . E. त्रुटि small, and वीज a seed.
- त्रुप :: r. 1st cl. (त्रोपति) To hurt, to injure or kill.
- त्रुफ :: r. 1st cl. (त्रोफति) To hurt, to kill or injure; also तुफ, तुम्फ, &c.
- त्रुम्प :: r. 1st cl. (त्रुम्पति) To hurt or injure: see तुप, तुम्प, &c. भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- त्रुम्फ :: r. 1st cl. (त्रुम्फति) To kill or injure; also त्रुफ, &c. भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- त्रेता :: f. (-ता) 1. The second Yuga or age of the Hindus, consisting of 1,296,000 years. 2. The three sacred fires collectively, or the southern, household, and sacrificial fires. E. त्र preservation, &c. derived from त्रै to preserve, इत obtained, got.
- त्रेताग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) A man who has preserved the three sacred fires. E. त्रेता as above, and अग्नि fire.
- त्रेतायुग :: n. (-गं) The second or Treta age. E. त्रेता, and युग age.
- त्रेधा :: ind. Triple, three-fold, in three ways. E. त्रि three, धा affix, and ए substituted for the vowel.
- त्रै (ङ) त्रैङ् :: r. 1st cl. (त्रायते) To preserve, to protect, to cherish, to de- fend, &c. E. भ्वा० आ० सक० अनिट् ।
- त्रैगुणिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Giving three times, relating to thrice, three qualities, &c. E. त्रिगुण, and ठक् aff.
- त्रैगुण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) 1. The quality of three Gunas or properties collectively. 2. A trine, a multiplication by three. E. त्रिगुण, and ष्यञ् aff.
- त्रैदशिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Sacred to the gods, belonging or relating to them. त्रिदश, and ठञ् aff. त्रिदशा देवता अस्य ।
- त्रैधम् :: ind. In three ways, three-fold. E. त्रि three, धमञ् affix; also ड being added, the word becomes an attributive, and may be in- flected in the three genders, also त्रैध, mfn. (-धः -धी -धं) ।
- त्रैपुर :: m. (-रः) Tripura or Tipperah: see त्रिपुर . E. स्वार्थे अण् added to त्रिपुर ।
- त्रैराशिक :: mf. (-कः-का) (In Arithmetic,) The rule of three: it is of two kinds क्रमत्रैराशिकः Rule of three direct, व्यस्त or विलोमत्रैराशिकः Rule of three inverse. E. त्रि three, राशि quantity, ठञ् aff.
- त्रैरूप्य :: n. (-प्यं) Three ways or forms. E. त्रि, रूप form, ष्यञ् aff.
- त्रैलोक्य :: n. (-क्यं) The three worlds, or heaven, hell, and earth. E. त्रिलोक and ष्यञ् aff. त्रिलोकी एव स्वार्थे ष्यञ् ।
- त्रैलोक्यविजया :: f. (-या) A sort of hemp from which an intoxicating infu- sion, &c. is prepared. E. त्रैलोक्य and विजय subduing; alluding to its inebriating properties.
- त्रैवर्गिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating to the three objects of life. E. त्रिवर्ग, and ठञ् aff. त्रिवर्गाय हितम् ।
- त्रैवर्णिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating or belonging to three castes, the first three. E. त्रि, वर्ण cast, स्वार्थे ठञ् aff. त्रिषु वर्णेषु विहितः ।
- त्रैवार्षिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Triennial, three years old, &c. E. त्रिवर्ष three years, aff. ठञ् । त्रिवर्षे भूतो भवति वा ठञ् ।
- त्रैविद्य :: m. (-द्यः) A scholar in the three Vedas, or one who possesses three sciences. n. (-द्यं) A collection or assembly of learned Brahm- ans. E. त्रि three, विद्या knowledge, and अण् aff.
- त्रैविध्य :: n. (-ध्यं) Three ways or kinds. E. त्रिविध, and यञ् aff.
- त्रैवेदिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Scriptural, enjoined by the Vedas. E. त्रिवेद, and ठक् aff. त्रिषु वेदेषु तदध्ययनार्थं विहितः ।
- त्रैष्टुभ :: mfn. (-भः -भी -भं) Relating to or written in the Trishtubha metre. E. त्रिष्टुभ्, and अण् aff.
- त्रैस्वर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) The three accents collectively. E. त्रि, and स्वर vowel sound, स्वार्थे ष्यञ् aff.
- त्रैहायण :: n. (-णं) A period or age of three years. E. त्रिहायण अण् affix; also read तैहायन . त्रिहायणस्य इदम् ।
- त्रोटक :: n. (-कं) 1. Angry speech. 2. A minor drama, such as the Vikra- morvasi. E. त्रुट् to cut, ण्वुल् aff.
- त्रोटकी :: f. (-की) A Ragini or one female personifications of music.
- त्रोटि :: f. (-टिः or -टी) 1. The beak or bill of a bird. 2. A bird in general. 3. A kind of pike, (Esox kankila.) 4. A medicinal plant: see कट्फल . E. त्रुट् to cut, affix अच्, and fem. affix इन् or ङीप् ।
- त्रोटिहस्त :: m. (-स्तः) A bird in general. E. त्रोटि a beak, and हस्त a hand.
- त्रोत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. A goad. 2. A weapon. E. त्रै to preserve, उत्र Unadi aff.
- त्रौक (ऋ) त्रौकृ :: r. 10th cl. (त्रौकयते) To go, to move. चुरा० आ० सक० सेट् ।
- त्र्यंश :: m. (-शः) Three-fourths, three shares. E. त्रि, and अंश part.
- त्र्यक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षी -क्षं) Tri-ocular. m. (-क्षः) A name of SIVA. E. त्रि three, अक्षि an eye, अच् substituted for the final: see त्रिदृश् ।
- त्र्यक्षर :: m. (-रः) 1. A genealogist, the Ghataka or person whose business it is to form alliances. 2. A word, &c. of three letters. E. त्रि three, and अक्षर a letter.
- त्र्यङ्गट :: mn. (-टः-टं) 1. A sling or three strings like those of a balance, suspended to either end of a pole for the purpose of carrying burthens. 2. A sort of collyrium. m. (-टः) A name of SIVA. E. त्रि three, अङ्ग body, and अट what goes, deriv. irr.
- त्र्यञ्जन :: n. (-नं) Combination of three, or Kalanjana, Pushpanjana, and Karanjana collyria. E. त्रि, and अञ्जन a collyrium.
- त्र्यधिष्ठान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Situate in or affected by three places, (as body, mind, speech.) E. त्रि, and अधिष्ठान site.
- त्र्यध्वगा :: f. (-गा) A name of the Ganges. E. त्रि three, अध्व a road, and ग what goes; going through the three worlds.
- त्र्यब्द :: n. (-ब्दं) A period of three years. E. त्रि, and अब्द a year.
- त्र्यम्बक :: m. (-कः) A name of SIVA. E. त्रि three, (the three Vedas,) अबि to speak or sound, and कन् added; or त्रि may mean the three letters, अ, उ, म, combined in the mystical word ओम् ।
- त्र्यम्बकसख :: m. (-खः) KUVERA the god of wealth. E. त्र्यम्बक SIVA, and सखि a friend.
- त्र्यवर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Having three inferiors or followers. E. त्रि, and अवर inferior.
- त्र्यसरेणु :: m. (-णुः) A grass atom, one composed of three subtle atoms: see त्रसरेणु .
- त्र्यस्र :: n. (-स्रं) A triangle. E. त्रि, and अस्र an angle.
- त्र्यह :: n. (-हं) Three days collectively. E. त्रि, and अहन् a day.
- त्र्यहस्पर्श :: n. (-र्शं) Meeting of three lunations in one solar day. E. त्र्यह, and स्पर्श contact; also त्र्यहस्पृश् m. (-स्पृक्) and त्र्यहस्पृश .
- त्र्यहैहिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Providing for three days. E. त्र्यह, and ऐहिक who makes an effort for.
- त्र्याहिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Produced or performed, &c. in three days. 2. Quartan, (fever.) E. त्रि, and आहिक diurnal.
- त्र्युषण :: n. (-णं) The three spices collectively, or black pepper, long pep-
per, and dry ginger. E. त्रि three, and उषण a spice or pungent sub- stance; also with ऊषण the same, त्र्यूषण, n. (-णं) ।
- त्व :: mfn. (-त्वः -त्वा -त्वं) Other, different. E. तन् to divide or spread, and व substituted for the final letter of the radical.
- त्वक्कूण्डुर :: m. (-रः) A sore or wound. E. त्वक् the skin, कण्डु itching or irritation, and र what excites.
- त्वक्क्षीरा :: f. (-रा) The manna of the bamboo. E. त्वच् the bark of the bam- boo, and क्षीर milk; also with ङीप् affix, त्वक्क्षीरी .
- त्वक्छद :: m. (-दः) A plant, commonly Kshirakanchuki. E. त्वक् bark, and छद a leaf.
- त्वक्छेद :: m. (-दः) A cut, a scratch. E. त्वक्, and छेद a cut.
- त्वक्त्र :: n. (-क्त्रं) Armour. E. त्वक् and त्र what preserves.
- त्वक्पत्र :: n. (-त्रं) Woody cassia. f. (-त्री) A medicinal and vegetable sub- stances: see हिङ्गुपत्री . E. त्वक् bark, and पत्र a leaf.
- त्वक्परिपुटन :: n. (-नं) Desquamation, pealing of the skin. E. त्वक्, and परि- पुटन pealing.
- त्वक्पुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) Erection of the hairs of the body, horripilation.
- त्वक्पुष्प :: nf. (-ष्पं-ष्पी) Blotch, scab, cutaneous eruption, &c. E. त्वक् the skin and पुष्प a flower.
- त्वक्पुष्पिका :: f. (-का) Scab, blotch: see the preceding. E. कन् added to त्वक्पुष्पी .
- त्वक्सार :: m. (-रः) 1. A bamboo. 2. Woody cassia. f. (-रा) Bamboo manna. E. त्वक् bark, and सार essence.
- त्वक्सुगन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) An orange. f. (-न्धा) A perfume, commonly Elabalu- ka. E. त्वक् skin or rind, and मुगन्ध fragrant.
- त्वग्भेद :: m. (-दः) A flesh wound, a scratch. E. त्वच्, and भेद breaking.
- त्वग्भेदक :: m. (-कः) A stabber, a scratcher, one who draws blood from the skin. E. त्वच्, and भेदक who cuts.
- त्वक्ष (ऊ) त्वक्षू :: r. 1st cl. (त्वक्षति) 1. To pare, to make thin. 2. To be thin. 3. To peel, to skin. भ्वा० सक० पर० सेट् ।
- त्वग (इ) त्वगि :: r. 1st cl. (त्वंगति) To go, to move. भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् इदित् ।
- त्वगङ्कुर :: m. (-रः) Erection of the hairs of the body. E. त्वच् or त्वक् skin, and अङ्कुर a sprout.
- त्वगस्थिमात्रशेष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Reduced to a skeleton, to mere skin and bone. E. त्वच् skin, अस्थि bone, मात्र mere, and शेष end.
- त्वगाक्षीरी :: f. (-री) The manna of the bamboo. E. त्वक् bark, आङ् limitative, and क्षीरी milk, being of a milky colour.
- त्वग्गन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) An orange. E. त्वच् rind, गन्ध smell.
- त्वग्दोष :: m. (-षः) Leprosy. E. त्वक्, and दोष fault.
- त्वग्रोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Leprosy. 2. Any cutaneous disease. E. त्वच्, and रोग disease.
- त्वङ्कार :: n. (-रं) The expression, ‘thou.’ E. त्व, and कार making.
- त्वङ्मय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Made of bark or skin. E. त्वक् skin, and मयट् aff.
- त्वच :: r. 6th cl. (त्वचति) To cover, to clothe, to invest. तुदा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- त्वच् :: f. (त्वक्) 1. Skin. 2. Bark, rind, peel, &c. 3. Woody cassia. E. तन् to spread, to encircle or cover, Unadi affix चिक्, and व substituted for the final letters of the radical; also अच् being added त्वच and त्वचा .
- त्वच :: nf. (-चं-चा) 1. Skin. 2. Bark, rind. 3. Woody cassia: see the preceding.
- त्वचापत्र :: n. (-त्रं) Woody cassia. E. त्वचा bark, and पत्र a leaf; also त्वक्पत्र .
- त्वचिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Having abundant skin or bark. त्वच्, skin, इष्ठन् affix of the superlative; also with ईयसुन् and त्वचीयस् mfn. (-यान् - यसी -यः) ।
- त्वचिसार :: m. (-रः) A bamboo. E. त्वचि seventh case of त्वच् the bark, and सार strength, pith; also त्वक्सार ।
- त्वचिसुगन्धा :: f. (-न्धा) Small cardamoms. E. त्वचि in the bark, सुगन्ध fragrance.
- त्वञ्च (उ) तञ्चु :: r. 1st cl. (त्वञ्चति) To go, move. E. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- त्वत् :: mfn. (त्वत्) Other, different: see त्व .
- त्वत्क :: mfn. (-त्कः -त्का -त्कं) Thine, your. E. त्वत् thine, and कन् added.
- त्वदीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Thine. E. त्वत् from त्वं thou, and ईय added.
- त्वर (ञि आ) ञित्वरा :: r. 1st cl. (त्वरते) To hurry, to make haste, to go or move with speed, to do any thing readily or precipitately. भ्वा-आ- अक-सेट् ।
- त्वरण :: n. (-णं) Making haste, speed, velocity. E. त्वर् to haste, and ल्युट् . aff.
- त्वरमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Hastening, making haste, going speedily. E. त्वर् to be quick, शानच् aff.
- त्वरा :: f. (-रा) Haste, speed. E. त्वर् to make haste, affixes अ and टाप् .
- त्वरान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Swift, quick. E. त्वरा haste, and अन्वित possess- ed of.
- त्वरायण :: mfn. subst. (-णः-णा-णं) Adherence, attachment. E. त्वर to go, with speed, and युच् affix: see तुरायण ।
- त्वरायुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Quick, expeditious. E. त्वरा, and युक्त having.
- त्वरि :: f. (-रिः) Haste, speed. E. त्वर् to make haste, affix इन् .
- त्वरित :: mfn. subst. (-तः-ता-तं) Quick, swift, expeditious. n. (-तं) Dispatch, haste. adv. Quickly, swiftly. E. त्वर् to make haste, affix क्त, and इट् inserted.
- त्वरितगति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Swift motion. 2. A species of the Pankti metre. E. त्वरित, गति going.
- त्वरितोदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Spoken fast, hurried. E. त्वरित quickly, उदित said.
- त्वष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Pared, made thin. E. त्वक्ष् to make thin, affix क्त .
- त्वष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) Carpentry. E. त्वक्ष् to plane, क्तिन् aff.
- त्वष्टृ :: m. (-ष्टा) 1. A carpenter. 2. A name of VISWAKARMA, the artist of the gods. E. त्वक्ष् to pare, affix तृच् . The sun. E. तिष् to shine, Unadi affix तृच् and अ substituted for the radical इ .
- त्वाच :: mfn. (-चः -ची -चं) 1. Cuticular, relating to the skin. 2. Contagious, derived from touch. E. त्वच्, and अण् aff.
- त्वाचप्रत्यक्ष :: n. (-क्षं) Ascertainment of objects by contact. E. त्वाच, and प्रत्यक्ष perception.
- त्वाष्ट्र :: m. (-ष्ट्रः) The name of a demon, also called VRITRASURA. nf. (-ष्ट्रं-ष्ट्री) One of the lunar mansions, the fourteenth or Chitra. f. (-ष्ट्री) 1. A wife of SURYA, or the sun; also called SANJNA, the daughter of VISWAKARMA. 2. A small car. E. त्वष्टृ the sun, or a carpenter, अण् affix of relation or descent, and ङीप् fem. aff. त्वष्टा देवता अस्य ।
- त्विष :: r. 1st cl. (औ) औत्विष (त्विषति-ते) To shine. With अव prefixed, 1. To give. 2. To dwell. भ्वा-उभ-अक-अनिट् ।
- त्विष् :: f. (-त्विट्) 1. Light. 2. Splendour, beauty. 3. Speech. 4. Wish, desire. 5. Custom, practice, usage. E. त्विष् to shine, affix क्विप्; also with टाप् added त्विषा .
- त्विषा :: f. (-षा) Light: see the preceding.
- त्विषाम्पति :: m. (-तिः) The sun. E. त्विषां gen. plu. of त्विष् light, and पति master.
- त्विषि :: m. (-षिः) A ray of light. E. त्विष् to shine, इन् aff.
- त्सर :: r. 1st cl. (त्सरति) To proceed fraudulently or crookedly. भ्वा-पर- सक-सेट् ।
- त्सरु :: m. (-रुः) The hilt or handle of a sword, &c. E. त्सर् to go, Unadi affix उन् ।
- थ :: The seventeenth consonant of the Deva Nagri alphabet, and second of the dental class; the aspirate of the preceding letter, and express- ed by Th.
- थ :: n. (थं) 1. Auspiciousness. 2. Fear, terror, 3. Preserving, preservation. m. (थः) 1. A mountain. 2. Eating. 3. A disease. E. स्था to stand, affix ड .
- थुड :: r. 6th cl. (थुडति) To cover, to screen, to clothe or hide. तुदा-पर- सक-सेट् ।
- थुत्कार :: m. (-रः) The sound made in spitting.
- थुथु :: ind. Imitative sound of spitting.
- थुध :: r. 4th cl. (थुध्यति-ते) To become pure.
- थुर्व (ई) थुर्वी :: r. 1st cl. (थुर्वति) To kill, to injure or hurt. भ्वा-पर-सक- सेट् ।
- थोडन :: n. (-नं) Covering, clothing, wrapping up. E. थुड्, and ल्युट् aff.