[सम्पाद्यताम्]Purana Encyclopedia
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Khaḍgasādhana : nt.: Name (?) of a chapter (12. 160) in the Śāntiparvan in which the acquisition of the sword is narrated 12. 160. 87; also described as ‘acquainting (the hearer) with the creation of the sword’ (?) (ity eṣa prathamaḥ kalpo vyākhyātas te suvistaraḥ/aser utpattisaṁsargaḥ) 12. 160. 86.
Described as best (uttama) 12. 160. 87; the origin of the sword was narrated by Bhīṣma, lying on the bed of arrows, to Nakula, who was expert in wielding a sword, at the latter's request 12. 160. 1, 8, 9; a ‘being’ (bhūtam) called ‘sword’ (asi) was conceived by Pitāmaha (mayaitac cintitaṁ bhūtam asir nāma) for the protection of the world and destruction of the enemies of gods; the ‘being’ then gave up its form and became nistriṁśa (tatas tad rūpam utṣṛjya babhau nistriṁśa eva saḥ) 12. 160. 42-43; the asi or nistriṁśa is described as spotless (vimala) 12. 160. 43, shining (dīpta) 12. 160. 44; sharp-edged (tīkṣṇadhāra) 12. 160. 43; strong (vīryavant) 12. 160. 42; warding off adharma (adharmaprativāraṇa) 12. 160. 44; great (parama) 12. 160. 79; ready to strike like a Kālāntaka (kālāntaka ivodyataḥ) 12. 160. 43; foremost among weapons (agryaḥ praharaṇānāṁ ca) 12. 160. 83; protector of dharma (dharmasya goptāram) 12. 160. 64; the interior of which was dharma (dharmagarbha) 12. 160. 67; the asi, after its creation, was given by god Brahman first to Rudra 12. 160. 42, 44; with that nistriṁśa in hand Rudra cut off, broke, wounded, tore asunder, split open, and destroyed the Daityas (chindan bhindan rujan kṛntan dārayan pramathann api/ acarad daityasaṁgheṣu rudraḥ) 12. 160. 55; god Rudra then honoured Viṣṇu and handed over the sword to him; from Viṣṇu it passed successively through various hands to different persons until from the guardians of the world (lokapālas) it came to Manu, the son of Sūrya and lord of men; Manu was asked to protect his subjects with the sword 12. 160. 64-67; from Manu it again changed hands through successive generations of kings until it came from Bharadvāja to Droṇa, then to Kṛpa, and finally from him to Nakula and his brothers (tatas tvaṁ bhrātṛbhiḥ sārdhaṁ paramāsim avāptavān) 12. 160. 71-79; the asi is governed by the nakṣatra Kṛttikā, its deity is Agni, its gotra is Rohiṇis, and its guru is Rudra 12. 160. 80; asi has eight secret names (nāmāni rahasyāni) which were told by Bhīṣma to Nakula: asi, viśasana, khaḍga, tīkṣṇavartman, durāsada, śrīgarbha, vijaya, and dharmapāla 12. 160. 81-82; one who recites the eight secret names of asi gets victory 12. 160. 81; asi should always be worshipped by those who are expert in fighting 12. 160. 85; one who listens to this khaḍgasādhana obtains fame (in this life) and eternal happiness (in the next world) (labhate puruṣaḥ kīrtiṁ pretya cānantyam aśnute) 12. 160. 87.
*2nd word in right half of page p179_mci (+offset) in original book.
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Mahabharata Cultural Index
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Khaḍgasādhana : nt.: Name (?) of a chapter (12. 160) in the Śāntiparvan in which the acquisition of the sword is narrated 12. 160. 87; also described as ‘acquainting (the hearer) with the creation of the sword’ (?) (ity eṣa prathamaḥ kalpo vyākhyātas te suvistaraḥ/aser utpattisaṁsargaḥ) 12. 160. 86.
Described as best (uttama) 12. 160. 87; the origin of the sword was narrated by Bhīṣma, lying on the bed of arrows, to Nakula, who was expert in wielding a sword, at the latter's request 12. 160. 1, 8, 9; a ‘being’ (bhūtam) called ‘sword’ (asi) was conceived by Pitāmaha (mayaitac cintitaṁ bhūtam asir nāma) for the protection of the world and destruction of the enemies of gods; the ‘being’ then gave up its form and became nistriṁśa (tatas tad rūpam utṣṛjya babhau nistriṁśa eva saḥ) 12. 160. 42-43; the asi or nistriṁśa is described as spotless (vimala) 12. 160. 43, shining (dīpta) 12. 160. 44; sharp-edged (tīkṣṇadhāra) 12. 160. 43; strong (vīryavant) 12. 160. 42; warding off adharma (adharmaprativāraṇa) 12. 160. 44; great (parama) 12. 160. 79; ready to strike like a Kālāntaka (kālāntaka ivodyataḥ) 12. 160. 43; foremost among weapons (agryaḥ praharaṇānāṁ ca) 12. 160. 83; protector of dharma (dharmasya goptāram) 12. 160. 64; the interior of which was dharma (dharmagarbha) 12. 160. 67; the asi, after its creation, was given by god Brahman first to Rudra 12. 160. 42, 44; with that nistriṁśa in hand Rudra cut off, broke, wounded, tore asunder, split open, and destroyed the Daityas (chindan bhindan rujan kṛntan dārayan pramathann api/ acarad daityasaṁgheṣu rudraḥ) 12. 160. 55; god Rudra then honoured Viṣṇu and handed over the sword to him; from Viṣṇu it passed successively through various hands to different persons until from the guardians of the world (lokapālas) it came to Manu, the son of Sūrya and lord of men; Manu was asked to protect his subjects with the sword 12. 160. 64-67; from Manu it again changed hands through successive generations of kings until it came from Bharadvāja to Droṇa, then to Kṛpa, and finally from him to Nakula and his brothers (tatas tvaṁ bhrātṛbhiḥ sārdhaṁ paramāsim avāptavān) 12. 160. 71-79; the asi is governed by the nakṣatra Kṛttikā, its deity is Agni, its gotra is Rohiṇis, and its guru is Rudra 12. 160. 80; asi has eight secret names (nāmāni rahasyāni) which were told by Bhīṣma to Nakula: asi, viśasana, khaḍga, tīkṣṇavartman, durāsada, śrīgarbha, vijaya, and dharmapāla 12. 160. 81-82; one who recites the eight secret names of asi gets victory 12. 160. 81; asi should always be worshipped by those who are expert in fighting 12. 160. 85; one who listens to this khaḍgasādhana obtains fame (in this life) and eternal happiness (in the next world) (labhate puruṣaḥ kīrtiṁ pretya cānantyam aśnute) 12. 160. 87.
*2nd word in right half of page p179_mci (+offset) in original book.
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