सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Taṅgaṇa  : m. (pl.): Name of a Janapada and its people.

A. Location: There seem to be two Taṅgaṇas: northern and southern:

(1) They are said to have lived in the large kingdom of Subāhu on Himālaya (subāhor viṣayaṁ mahat…kirātataṅgaṇākīrṇam… himavaty amarair juṣṭam) 3. 141. 24-25; they lived in the region between the mountains Meru and Mandara and along the river Śailodā (merumandarayor madhye śailodām abhito nadīm) 2. 48. 2;

(2) Listed by Saṁjaya among the southern Janapadas (also called Deśas 6. 10. 68) of the Bhāratavarṣa (athāpare dakṣiṇā janapadā…) 6. 10. 56, 5; (taṅgaṇāḥ parataṅgaṇāḥ) 6. 10. 63; designated as janapada also in 6. 46. 50.

B. Characteristic: They enjoyed the pleasing shadow of kīcaka and veṇu types of bamboos (ye te kīcakaveṇūnāṁ chāyāṁ ramyām upāsate) 2. 48. 2.

C. Description: Strong, very strong (balin) 8. 51. 19; (atibala) 8. 5. 18; fierce (ugra) and of cruel deeds (krūrakarman) 8. 51. 18; furious, expert in battles, firm-fisted (saṁraṁbhiṇo yuddhaśauṇḍā…dṛbdhapāṇayaḥ) 8. 51. 19; difficult to be won (durjaya) 8. 5. 18; no one except Arjuna could conquer them (na śakyā yudhi nirjetuṁ tvad anyena paraṁtapa) 8. 51. 20.

D. Epic events:

(1) King of Taṅgaṇas brought lumps of gold of the pipīlika variety, given as boon by ants (?), to be measured by droṇas, as tribute for the Rājasūya; they were stopped at the gate (te vai pipīlikaṁ nāma varadattaṁ pipīlikaiḥ/jātarūpaṁ droṇameyam ahārṣuḥ puñjaśo nṛpāḥ…dvāri tiṣṭhanti vāritāḥ) 2. 48. 3-4, 7;

(2) Subdued by the fear of the sharp edge of the weapons of Pāṇḍavas, they attended the Rājasūya and acted as servers at meals (śastratejobhayārditān…taṅgaṇān…yajñe te paṛiveṣakān) 3. 48. 18, 21-22;

(3) Karṇa had once defeated them and were made to pay tribute (cakre balibhṛtaḥ purā) 8. 5. 18;

(4) Mentioned among those who joined the Kauravas for the sake of Duryodhana 8. 51. 18, 20;

(5) On the second day of war, the Taṅgaṇas on the side of the Pāṇḍavas were stationed at the right wing (dakṣiṇaṁ pakṣam) of the Krauñcāruṇa vyūha 6. 46. 39) of the Pāṇḍavas 6. 46. 49;

(6) On the fourteenth day of war, Taṅgaṇas on the side of the Kauravas, led by Duryodhana, attacked Sātyaki; Sātyaki repulsed with ñārāca arrows the attack of Taṅgaṇas who fought with iron weapons and śūlas (ayohastaiḥ śūlahastaiḥ) 7. 97. 14, 39;

(7) On the sixteenth day of war, Pāṇḍya killed many of them who rode on horsebacks and fought with śakti, prāsa and bows and arrows (saśaktiprāsatūṇīrān aśvārohān) 8. 15. 9;

(8) One of the countries visited by the Aśvamedha horse was Taṅgaṇa (kirātān atha taṅgaṇān) 14. 84. 4.

*5th word in left half of page p732_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Mahabharata Cultural Index


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Taṅgaṇa  : m. (pl.): Name of a Janapada and its people.

A. Location: There seem to be two Taṅgaṇas: northern and southern:

(1) They are said to have lived in the large kingdom of Subāhu on Himālaya (subāhor viṣayaṁ mahat…kirātataṅgaṇākīrṇam… himavaty amarair juṣṭam) 3. 141. 24-25; they lived in the region between the mountains Meru and Mandara and along the river Śailodā (merumandarayor madhye śailodām abhito nadīm) 2. 48. 2;

(2) Listed by Saṁjaya among the southern Janapadas (also called Deśas 6. 10. 68) of the Bhāratavarṣa (athāpare dakṣiṇā janapadā…) 6. 10. 56, 5; (taṅgaṇāḥ parataṅgaṇāḥ) 6. 10. 63; designated as janapada also in 6. 46. 50.

B. Characteristic: They enjoyed the pleasing shadow of kīcaka and veṇu types of bamboos (ye te kīcakaveṇūnāṁ chāyāṁ ramyām upāsate) 2. 48. 2.

C. Description: Strong, very strong (balin) 8. 51. 19; (atibala) 8. 5. 18; fierce (ugra) and of cruel deeds (krūrakarman) 8. 51. 18; furious, expert in battles, firm-fisted (saṁraṁbhiṇo yuddhaśauṇḍā…dṛbdhapāṇayaḥ) 8. 51. 19; difficult to be won (durjaya) 8. 5. 18; no one except Arjuna could conquer them (na śakyā yudhi nirjetuṁ tvad anyena paraṁtapa) 8. 51. 20.

D. Epic events:

(1) King of Taṅgaṇas brought lumps of gold of the pipīlika variety, given as boon by ants (?), to be measured by droṇas, as tribute for the Rājasūya; they were stopped at the gate (te vai pipīlikaṁ nāma varadattaṁ pipīlikaiḥ/jātarūpaṁ droṇameyam ahārṣuḥ puñjaśo nṛpāḥ…dvāri tiṣṭhanti vāritāḥ) 2. 48. 3-4, 7;

(2) Subdued by the fear of the sharp edge of the weapons of Pāṇḍavas, they attended the Rājasūya and acted as servers at meals (śastratejobhayārditān…taṅgaṇān…yajñe te paṛiveṣakān) 3. 48. 18, 21-22;

(3) Karṇa had once defeated them and were made to pay tribute (cakre balibhṛtaḥ purā) 8. 5. 18;

(4) Mentioned among those who joined the Kauravas for the sake of Duryodhana 8. 51. 18, 20;

(5) On the second day of war, the Taṅgaṇas on the side of the Pāṇḍavas were stationed at the right wing (dakṣiṇaṁ pakṣam) of the Krauñcāruṇa vyūha 6. 46. 39) of the Pāṇḍavas 6. 46. 49;

(6) On the fourteenth day of war, Taṅgaṇas on the side of the Kauravas, led by Duryodhana, attacked Sātyaki; Sātyaki repulsed with ñārāca arrows the attack of Taṅgaṇas who fought with iron weapons and śūlas (ayohastaiḥ śūlahastaiḥ) 7. 97. 14, 39;

(7) On the sixteenth day of war, Pāṇḍya killed many of them who rode on horsebacks and fought with śakti, prāsa and bows and arrows (saśaktiprāsatūṇīrān aśvārohān) 8. 15. 9;

(8) One of the countries visited by the Aśvamedha horse was Taṅgaṇa (kirātān atha taṅgaṇān) 14. 84. 4.

*5th word in left half of page p732_mci (+offset) in original book.

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