[सम्पाद्यताम्]Purana Encyclopedia
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Astramāyā : f.: Name of a missile (?).
It was used by Arjuna to defeat the purpose of the rain of fire, gushes of wind, and shower of rocks simultaneously produced by the Nivātakavacas using their māyās 3. 168. 11-13; Arjuna's use of Astramāyā removed the darkness, confused the enemies and produced results for the benefit of the gods (mohanīṁ sarvaśatrūṇāṁ hitāya tridivaukasām) 3. 168. 24-25.
p. 91. 1. 14-15 before 3. 163. 32 add the following: it was swallowed (jagrāsa) by the Kirāta.
p. 91. 1. 14-15 read 3. 163. 32; and add the following: a great shower of big rocks (aśmavarṣa) was released on Arjuna by the Nivātakavaca demons by employing their māyā; Arjuna, who was severely afflicted by it, defeated the Aśmavarṣa by pounding the stones into hundreds of pieces with the arrows released from his Indrāstra; then fire broke out and the pieces of stones fell into it like pieces of fire 3. 167. 28; 3. 168. 1-3; when the first use of Aśmavarṣa was defeated, the shower of rocks was produced again by the Nivātakavacas with their māyā and Arjuna was oppressed by it 3. 168. 9, 12-13; but it was again defeated by Arjuna by employing his Astramāyā 3. 168. 24-25.
p. 91. 1. 2 from below after 1. 225. 12, 10; add: Indra asked Arjuna to go to his residence and learn among other missiles the one of Agni 3. 164. 29.
p. 91. 2. 5 (from below) after 7. 172. 14, 32; add (v)
p. 92. 1. 11 from below after 13. 14. 127. add: [See Agnivarṣa, Jātavedasaḥ astram (both in Addenda)]
p. 92. 2. 23 read 7. 29. 25; and add: when Garuḍa flew up from the summit of the mountain to fetch the Soma from the heaven, bad omens occurred for the gods, one of these being that the weapon (praharaṇa) of the Ādityas clashed with that of the Vasus, the Rudras, the Sādhyas, the Maruts and the other hosts of gods (ye cānye devatāgaṇāḥ); such a thing had never happened before 1. 26. 29-30.
p. 92. 2 last line from below after 6. 19. 2 add: (yo veda mānuṣaṁ vyūhaṁ daivaṁ gāndharvam āsuram/kathaṁ bhīṣmaṁ sa kaunteyaḥ pratyavyūhata pāṇḍavaḥ// Obviously we have to interpret kathaṁ bhīṣmam as kathaṁ taṁ bhīṣmam).
p. 93. 1. 8 before Ghaṭotkaca add: According to Yudhiṣṭhira, Āsura astra known to Bhīṣma, Droṇa, Kṛpa, Karṇa and Aśvatthāman; they knew its employment and remedy i. e. the way to ward it off if employed by the enemy (saprayogacikitsitam) 3. 38. 5 (cikitsā paraprayuktānāṁ eṣāṁ pratīkāraḥ Nī. on 3. 37. 5 Bom. Ed.).
p. 93. 1. 27-28 read: ‘one of the astras used by Karṇa against Yudhiṣṭhira’ and delete ‘for covering him up with arrows’.
p. 93. 2. 16 after 10. 14. 8; add: called the missile of Aśvatthāman (droṇaputrāstra) 14. 66. 7; 14. 67. 13;
p. 93. 2. 20 read savyena
p. 94. 1. 22 after 10. 16. 7-8 add: 14. 66. 3, (10); 14. 67. 13; Iṣīkā, identified with the Brahmāstra, killed or burnt the foetus 14. 65. 9, (16); 14. 66. 6, 10 (not named); 14. 67. 13 (not named); 14. 67. 21; 14. 68. 16; 14. 69. 1; Uttarā told Kṛṣṇa that it would have been better if Dharmarāja (Yudhiṣṭhira), Bhīmasena, or Kṛṣṇa himself had said: “may this Iṣīkā kill the mother (i. e. Uttarā herself)” 14. 67. 15.
p. 94. 1. 22 after Brahmaśiras add: Brahmāstra.
p. 94. 1 after the entry Upananda add the following entry:
*1st word in right half of page p159_mci (+offset) in original book.
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Mahabharata Cultural Index
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Astramāyā : f.: Name of a missile (?).
It was used by Arjuna to defeat the purpose of the rain of fire, gushes of wind, and shower of rocks simultaneously produced by the Nivātakavacas using their māyās 3. 168. 11-13; Arjuna's use of Astramāyā removed the darkness, confused the enemies and produced results for the benefit of the gods (mohanīṁ sarvaśatrūṇāṁ hitāya tridivaukasām) 3. 168. 24-25.
p. 91. 1. 14-15 before 3. 163. 32 add the following: it was swallowed (jagrāsa) by the Kirāta.
p. 91. 1. 14-15 read 3. 163. 32; and add the following: a great shower of big rocks (aśmavarṣa) was released on Arjuna by the Nivātakavaca demons by employing their māyā; Arjuna, who was severely afflicted by it, defeated the Aśmavarṣa by pounding the stones into hundreds of pieces with the arrows released from his Indrāstra; then fire broke out and the pieces of stones fell into it like pieces of fire 3. 167. 28; 3. 168. 1-3; when the first use of Aśmavarṣa was defeated, the shower of rocks was produced again by the Nivātakavacas with their māyā and Arjuna was oppressed by it 3. 168. 9, 12-13; but it was again defeated by Arjuna by employing his Astramāyā 3. 168. 24-25.
p. 91. 1. 2 from below after 1. 225. 12, 10; add: Indra asked Arjuna to go to his residence and learn among other missiles the one of Agni 3. 164. 29.
p. 91. 2. 5 (from below) after 7. 172. 14, 32; add (v)
p. 92. 1. 11 from below after 13. 14. 127. add: [See Agnivarṣa, Jātavedasaḥ astram (both in Addenda)]
p. 92. 2. 23 read 7. 29. 25; and add: when Garuḍa flew up from the summit of the mountain to fetch the Soma from the heaven, bad omens occurred for the gods, one of these being that the weapon (praharaṇa) of the Ādityas clashed with that of the Vasus, the Rudras, the Sādhyas, the Maruts and the other hosts of gods (ye cānye devatāgaṇāḥ); such a thing had never happened before 1. 26. 29-30.
p. 92. 2 last line from below after 6. 19. 2 add: (yo veda mānuṣaṁ vyūhaṁ daivaṁ gāndharvam āsuram/kathaṁ bhīṣmaṁ sa kaunteyaḥ pratyavyūhata pāṇḍavaḥ// Obviously we have to interpret kathaṁ bhīṣmam as kathaṁ taṁ bhīṣmam).
p. 93. 1. 8 before Ghaṭotkaca add: According to Yudhiṣṭhira, Āsura astra known to Bhīṣma, Droṇa, Kṛpa, Karṇa and Aśvatthāman; they knew its employment and remedy i. e. the way to ward it off if employed by the enemy (saprayogacikitsitam) 3. 38. 5 (cikitsā paraprayuktānāṁ eṣāṁ pratīkāraḥ Nī. on 3. 37. 5 Bom. Ed.).
p. 93. 1. 27-28 read: ‘one of the astras used by Karṇa against Yudhiṣṭhira’ and delete ‘for covering him up with arrows’.
p. 93. 2. 16 after 10. 14. 8; add: called the missile of Aśvatthāman (droṇaputrāstra) 14. 66. 7; 14. 67. 13;
p. 93. 2. 20 read savyena
p. 94. 1. 22 after 10. 16. 7-8 add: 14. 66. 3, (10); 14. 67. 13; Iṣīkā, identified with the Brahmāstra, killed or burnt the foetus 14. 65. 9, (16); 14. 66. 6, 10 (not named); 14. 67. 13 (not named); 14. 67. 21; 14. 68. 16; 14. 69. 1; Uttarā told Kṛṣṇa that it would have been better if Dharmarāja (Yudhiṣṭhira), Bhīmasena, or Kṛṣṇa himself had said: “may this Iṣīkā kill the mother (i. e. Uttarā herself)” 14. 67. 15.
p. 94. 1. 22 after Brahmaśiras add: Brahmāstra.
p. 94. 1 after the entry Upananda add the following entry:
*1st word in right half of page p159_mci (+offset) in original book.
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