[सम्पाद्यताम्]Purana Encyclopedia
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Aṅgiras : m. (pl.): The descendents of the sage Aṅgiras; the family was also known as Āṅgirasa; often mentioned along with Bhṛgus.
A. Their connection with Agni: Because Agni adopted Aṅgiras, all those born in the line of Aṅgiras were to be known as Angirases (jagrāhāṅgirasaṁ devaḥ śikhī …/tasmādaṅgiraso jñeyāḥ sarva eva tadanvayāḥ) 13. 85. 45.
B. Extensive lineage: Bhārgava and Āṅgirasa families are characterized by extensive lineage (bhārgavāṅgirasau loke lokasaṁtānalakṣaṇau) 13. 85. 34.
C. Persons born in the family of Aṅgiras:
(1) Bṛhaspati referred to as the best among the Aṅgirases (aṅgirasāṁ variṣṭhe bṛhaspatau) 5. 16. 27; (aṅgirasāṁ vara) 12. 323. 43; (bṛhaspatiṁ…aṅgirasāṁ varam) 18. 5. 10; (utpanne'ṅgirase…bṛhaspatau) 12. 322. 51.
(2) Droṇa referred to as the best among the Aṅgirases (aṅgirasāṁ varaḥ) 1. 123. 49, 68; (droṇam aṅgirasāṁ varam) 5. 194. 15; (aṅgirasāṁ…śreṣṭhe… gurau) 12. 2. 5;
(3) Aśvatthāman (droṇaputraḥ…jātam āṅgirase kule) 10. 7. 5254;
(4) Utathya (utathyasya jātasyāṅgirase kule) 13. 139. 9;
(5) Cirakāri (cirakāres tu yat pūrvaṁ vṛttam āṅgirase kule) 12. 258. 2.
D. Gods related to Aṅgirases (?): While describing the fourfold classification of gods, those related to the Aṅgirases are said to be the Brāhmaṇas among the gods (smṛtās tv aṅgiraso devā brāhmaṇā iti niścayaḥ) 12. 201. 23.
E. Epic events:
(1) Baka Dālbhya pointed out to Yudhiṣṭhira, sages of different families, among whom were mentioned Bhṛgus and Aṅgirases, who, observing vows, practised dharma in Dvaitavana under the protection of Yudhiṣṭhira (paśya dvaitavane pārtha…caranti dharmam…tvayā guptā dhṛtavratāḥ/bhṛgavo 'ṅgirasaś caiva) 3. 27. 6-7;
(2) When the Pāṇḍavas were on the Mahendra mountain, Yudhiṣṭhira, along with his brothers, honoured many ascetics, introduced by Lomaśa, among whom there were, Bhṛgus and Aṅgirases (mahendram āsādya…sa tatra…tāpasānāṁ paraṁ cakre satkāraṁ bhrātṛbhiḥ saha//lomaśaś cāsya tān sarvān ācakhyau tatra tāpasān/bhṛgūn aṅigirasaś caiva) 3. 114. 26; 3. 115. 1-2;
(3) When Droṇa released Brāhma astra to kill the Pāñcālas (7. 164. 79), great sages, led by Agni, came to him; among these sages were Bhṛgus and Aṅgirases; they told Droṇa that he had not acted according to Dharma and that it was time for his death (havyavāhapurogamāḥ… bhṛgavo 'ṅgirasaś caiva…ta enam abruvan sarve droṇam…adharmataḥ kṛtaṁ yuddhaṁ samayo nidhanasya te) 7. 164. 86, 88-89.
F. Past events:
(1) As an example of the Kṣatriya lustre and power pacified by the Brāhmaṇas, it was pointed out that the Aṅgirases had defeated the Nīpas (kṣatriyāṇāṁ pratapatāṁ…brāmaṇeṣv eva śāmyanti tejāṁsi ca balāni ca//nīpān aṅgiraso 'jayan) 13. 34. 15-16;
(2) Bhṛgus and Aṅgirases, along with Daṇḍa, are mentioned among those who followed Hara (Śiva) and Pārvatī when they started for Bhadravaṭa when Skanda was anointed as the leader of gods; they were on the right side of Hara (tasya dakṣiṇato bhāti daṇḍo gacchañ śriyā vṛtaḥ/bhṛgvaṅgirobhiḥ sahito…) 3. 221. 14; Aṅgirases, along with Bhṛgus, mentioned among those who were present at the time of anointing of Skanda (bhṛgubhiś cāṅgirobhiś ca…tathā vṛtaḥ) 9. 44. 8;
(3) Indra saw in the east at the Raudra muhūrta on an Amāvāsyā day (3. 213. 26-27) Agni entering the sun after receiving oblations offered with various mantras by Bhṛgus and Aṅgirases (bhṛgubhiś cāṅgirobhiś ca hutaṁ mantraiḥ pṛthagvidhaiḥ/havyaṁ gṛhītvā vahniṁ ca praviśantaṁ divākaram//) 3. 213. 29.
*3rd word in left half of page p608_mci (+offset) in original book.
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Mahabharata Cultural Index
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Aṅgiras : m. (pl.): The descendents of the sage Aṅgiras; the family was also known as Āṅgirasa; often mentioned along with Bhṛgus.
A. Their connection with Agni: Because Agni adopted Aṅgiras, all those born in the line of Aṅgiras were to be known as Angirases (jagrāhāṅgirasaṁ devaḥ śikhī …/tasmādaṅgiraso jñeyāḥ sarva eva tadanvayāḥ) 13. 85. 45.
B. Extensive lineage: Bhārgava and Āṅgirasa families are characterized by extensive lineage (bhārgavāṅgirasau loke lokasaṁtānalakṣaṇau) 13. 85. 34.
C. Persons born in the family of Aṅgiras:
(1) Bṛhaspati referred to as the best among the Aṅgirases (aṅgirasāṁ variṣṭhe bṛhaspatau) 5. 16. 27; (aṅgirasāṁ vara) 12. 323. 43; (bṛhaspatiṁ…aṅgirasāṁ varam) 18. 5. 10; (utpanne'ṅgirase…bṛhaspatau) 12. 322. 51.
(2) Droṇa referred to as the best among the Aṅgirases (aṅgirasāṁ varaḥ) 1. 123. 49, 68; (droṇam aṅgirasāṁ varam) 5. 194. 15; (aṅgirasāṁ…śreṣṭhe… gurau) 12. 2. 5;
(3) Aśvatthāman (droṇaputraḥ…jātam āṅgirase kule) 10. 7. 5254;
(4) Utathya (utathyasya jātasyāṅgirase kule) 13. 139. 9;
(5) Cirakāri (cirakāres tu yat pūrvaṁ vṛttam āṅgirase kule) 12. 258. 2.
D. Gods related to Aṅgirases (?): While describing the fourfold classification of gods, those related to the Aṅgirases are said to be the Brāhmaṇas among the gods (smṛtās tv aṅgiraso devā brāhmaṇā iti niścayaḥ) 12. 201. 23.
E. Epic events:
(1) Baka Dālbhya pointed out to Yudhiṣṭhira, sages of different families, among whom were mentioned Bhṛgus and Aṅgirases, who, observing vows, practised dharma in Dvaitavana under the protection of Yudhiṣṭhira (paśya dvaitavane pārtha…caranti dharmam…tvayā guptā dhṛtavratāḥ/bhṛgavo 'ṅgirasaś caiva) 3. 27. 6-7;
(2) When the Pāṇḍavas were on the Mahendra mountain, Yudhiṣṭhira, along with his brothers, honoured many ascetics, introduced by Lomaśa, among whom there were, Bhṛgus and Aṅgirases (mahendram āsādya…sa tatra…tāpasānāṁ paraṁ cakre satkāraṁ bhrātṛbhiḥ saha//lomaśaś cāsya tān sarvān ācakhyau tatra tāpasān/bhṛgūn aṅigirasaś caiva) 3. 114. 26; 3. 115. 1-2;
(3) When Droṇa released Brāhma astra to kill the Pāñcālas (7. 164. 79), great sages, led by Agni, came to him; among these sages were Bhṛgus and Aṅgirases; they told Droṇa that he had not acted according to Dharma and that it was time for his death (havyavāhapurogamāḥ… bhṛgavo 'ṅgirasaś caiva…ta enam abruvan sarve droṇam…adharmataḥ kṛtaṁ yuddhaṁ samayo nidhanasya te) 7. 164. 86, 88-89.
F. Past events:
(1) As an example of the Kṣatriya lustre and power pacified by the Brāhmaṇas, it was pointed out that the Aṅgirases had defeated the Nīpas (kṣatriyāṇāṁ pratapatāṁ…brāmaṇeṣv eva śāmyanti tejāṁsi ca balāni ca//nīpān aṅgiraso 'jayan) 13. 34. 15-16;
(2) Bhṛgus and Aṅgirases, along with Daṇḍa, are mentioned among those who followed Hara (Śiva) and Pārvatī when they started for Bhadravaṭa when Skanda was anointed as the leader of gods; they were on the right side of Hara (tasya dakṣiṇato bhāti daṇḍo gacchañ śriyā vṛtaḥ/bhṛgvaṅgirobhiḥ sahito…) 3. 221. 14; Aṅgirases, along with Bhṛgus, mentioned among those who were present at the time of anointing of Skanda (bhṛgubhiś cāṅgirobhiś ca…tathā vṛtaḥ) 9. 44. 8;
(3) Indra saw in the east at the Raudra muhūrta on an Amāvāsyā day (3. 213. 26-27) Agni entering the sun after receiving oblations offered with various mantras by Bhṛgus and Aṅgirases (bhṛgubhiś cāṅgirobhiś ca hutaṁ mantraiḥ pṛthagvidhaiḥ/havyaṁ gṛhītvā vahniṁ ca praviśantaṁ divākaram//) 3. 213. 29.
*3rd word in left half of page p608_mci (+offset) in original book.
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