पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
अभीषाह/ अभी-षाह m. pl. N. of a people MBh. viii , 127.
Purana Encyclopedia
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Abhīṣāha : m. (pl.): Name of a Janapada and its people; mentioned almost always along with Śūrasenas, Śibis and Vasātis (in 7. 132. 24 Bāhlīkas appear in place of Śibis).
A. Characteristic: They are counted twice among the twelve Janapadas (abhīṣāhāḥ śūrasenāḥ…dvādaśaite janapadāḥ) 6. 18. 12-13; 6. 114. 76-77; Kṣatriyas (7. 136. 4), distinguished by their armour, they are said to be brave, ready to die in battle (śūrās tanutyajaḥ 6. 18. 14) and haughty due to pride (abhīṣāhāḥ kavacinaḥ praharanto madotkaṭāḥ) 8. 4. 37; very much excited in battle (abhīṣāhān...yuddhadurmadān) 7. 136. 4; strong (balavantaḥ) 6. 112. 107; they ranked as mahārathas 6. 112. 107, 111.
B. Epic events:
(1) Abhīṣāhas, Śūrasenas, Śibis and Vasātis were among the thousands of charioteers who followed Duḥśāsana and other heroes acting as rear-guards (pṛṣṭhagopāḥ 6. 18. 10) of Bhīṣma (rathā viṁśatisāhāsrās… abhīṣāhāḥ śūrasenāḥ śibayo 'tha vasātayaḥ//…mahatā rathavaṁśena te 'bhyarakṣan pitāmaham) 6. 18. 10, 12, 14;
(2) On the ninth day of the war, Abhīṣāhas, Śūrasenas and others did not run away from Bhīṣma though they were being killed by the sharp arrows of the Pāṇḍavas (ābhīṣāhāḥ śūrasenāḥ śibayo 'tha vasātayaḥ/ saṁgrāme nājahur bhīṣmaṁ vadhyamānāḥ śitaiḥ śaraiḥ//…vadhyamānāḥ pāṇḍaveyair mahātmabhiḥ) 6. 102. 7-8;
(3) On the tenth day of the war, Abhīṣāhas, Śūrasenas, Śibis and Vasātis attacked Arjuna as the moths jump on fire; they were burnt by Arjuna with his heavenly missiles; struck by Arjuna the charioteers fell down with their standards, the horseriders with their horses, and the elephantriders with their elephants (abhīṣāhāḥ śūrasenāḥ śibayo 'tha vasātayaḥ/…abhipetū raṇe pārthaṁ pataṅgā iva pāvakam//) 6. 112. 109-112; (sadhvajā rathinaḥ petur hayārohā hayaiḥ saha/gajāḥ saha gajārohaiḥ) 6. 112. 115;
(4) On the tenth day of the war, a little before the fall of Bhīṣma, twelve Janapadas, among whom were Abhīṣāhas, Śūrasenas, Śibis and Vasātis, who did not forsake Bhīṣma, fighting with Arjuna, though they were themselves pierced by arrows and wounded (abhīṣāhāḥ śūrasenāḥ śibayo 'tha vasātayaḥ/ …dvādaśaite janapadāḥ śarārtā vraṇapīḍitāḥ/saṁgrāme na jahur bhīṣmaṁ yudhyamānaṁ kirīṭinā//) 6. 114. 76-77;
(5) On the fourteenth day of the war, Abhīṣāhas, Śūrasenas, Śibis and Vasātis were among the tens of thousands of charioteers who followed Kāmboja and Śrutāyu(dha) who attempted to arrest the march of Arjuna towards Jayadratha; then there was a fierce fight (eṣāṁ daśasahastrāṇi rathānām anuyāyinām/abhīṣāhāḥ śūrasenāḥ śibayo 'tha vasātayaḥ/…maheṣvāsaṁ parākrāntaṁ naravyāghram avārayan//tataḥ pravavṛte yuddhaṁ tumulam) 7. 66. 37, 41-43;
(6) When Śrutāyudha and Sudakṣina (a Kāmboja) were killed by Arjuna, Abhīṣāhas, Śūrasenas, Śibis and Vasātis showered arrows on Arjuna; when Arjuna retaliated, afraid, they ran away; however, they returned and surrounded Arjuna; Arjuna cut off their heads and arms (abhīṣāhāḥ śūrasenāḥ śibayo 'tha vasātayaḥ/abhyavarṣaṁs…śaravarṣair dhanaṁjayam//…te sma bhītāḥ palāyanta …/te nivṛtya punaḥ pārthaṁ sarvataḥ paryavārayan//) 7. 68. 2-6; after the fall of Jayadratha, Duryodhana referred to this incident and said that Abhīṣāhas and others had given their life for his sake while fighting with Arjuna (abhīṣāhāḥ śūrasenāḥ śibayo 'tha vasātayaḥ…hatā madarthaṁ saṁgrāme yudhyamānāḥ kirīṭinā//) 7. 125. 31-32;
(7) In the night war, Abhīṣāhas, Śūrasenas and Vasātikas are mentioned among those who were killed by Yudhiṣṭhira (abhīṣāhāñ śūrasenān…savasātikān/ nikṛtya pṛthivīṁ rājā cakre śoṇitakardamām//) 7. 132. 24; Śibis are mentioned in 7. 136. 3;
(8) Bhīma too killed Abhīṣāhas and Śūrasenas in the night war (abhīṣāhāñ śūrasenān…nikṛtya prthivīṁ cakre bhīmaḥ śoṇitakardamām//) 7. 136. 4;
(9) Saṁjaya, while recounting to Dhṛtarāṣṭra the names of fallen heroes, mentioned among others Vasātis, Śūrasenas, Abhīṣāhas and Śibis who were killed while fighting with Arjuna (vasātayo mahārāja…/śūrasenāś ca vikrāntāḥ…/abhīṣāhāḥ kavacinaḥ praharanto madotkaṭāḥ…/śibayaś ca rathodārāḥ…te sarve pārtham āsādya gatā vaivasvatakṣayam//) 8. 4. 36-38.
*2nd word in left half of page p618_mci (+offset) in original book.
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Mahabharata Cultural Index
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Abhīṣāha : m. (pl.): Name of a Janapada and its people; mentioned almost always along with Śūrasenas, Śibis and Vasātis (in 7. 132. 24 Bāhlīkas appear in place of Śibis).
A. Characteristic: They are counted twice among the twelve Janapadas (abhīṣāhāḥ śūrasenāḥ…dvādaśaite janapadāḥ) 6. 18. 12-13; 6. 114. 76-77; Kṣatriyas (7. 136. 4), distinguished by their armour, they are said to be brave, ready to die in battle (śūrās tanutyajaḥ 6. 18. 14) and haughty due to pride (abhīṣāhāḥ kavacinaḥ praharanto madotkaṭāḥ) 8. 4. 37; very much excited in battle (abhīṣāhān...yuddhadurmadān) 7. 136. 4; strong (balavantaḥ) 6. 112. 107; they ranked as mahārathas 6. 112. 107, 111.
B. Epic events:
(1) Abhīṣāhas, Śūrasenas, Śibis and Vasātis were among the thousands of charioteers who followed Duḥśāsana and other heroes acting as rear-guards (pṛṣṭhagopāḥ 6. 18. 10) of Bhīṣma (rathā viṁśatisāhāsrās… abhīṣāhāḥ śūrasenāḥ śibayo 'tha vasātayaḥ//…mahatā rathavaṁśena te 'bhyarakṣan pitāmaham) 6. 18. 10, 12, 14;
(2) On the ninth day of the war, Abhīṣāhas, Śūrasenas and others did not run away from Bhīṣma though they were being killed by the sharp arrows of the Pāṇḍavas (ābhīṣāhāḥ śūrasenāḥ śibayo 'tha vasātayaḥ/ saṁgrāme nājahur bhīṣmaṁ vadhyamānāḥ śitaiḥ śaraiḥ//…vadhyamānāḥ pāṇḍaveyair mahātmabhiḥ) 6. 102. 7-8;
(3) On the tenth day of the war, Abhīṣāhas, Śūrasenas, Śibis and Vasātis attacked Arjuna as the moths jump on fire; they were burnt by Arjuna with his heavenly missiles; struck by Arjuna the charioteers fell down with their standards, the horseriders with their horses, and the elephantriders with their elephants (abhīṣāhāḥ śūrasenāḥ śibayo 'tha vasātayaḥ/…abhipetū raṇe pārthaṁ pataṅgā iva pāvakam//) 6. 112. 109-112; (sadhvajā rathinaḥ petur hayārohā hayaiḥ saha/gajāḥ saha gajārohaiḥ) 6. 112. 115;
(4) On the tenth day of the war, a little before the fall of Bhīṣma, twelve Janapadas, among whom were Abhīṣāhas, Śūrasenas, Śibis and Vasātis, who did not forsake Bhīṣma, fighting with Arjuna, though they were themselves pierced by arrows and wounded (abhīṣāhāḥ śūrasenāḥ śibayo 'tha vasātayaḥ/ …dvādaśaite janapadāḥ śarārtā vraṇapīḍitāḥ/saṁgrāme na jahur bhīṣmaṁ yudhyamānaṁ kirīṭinā//) 6. 114. 76-77;
(5) On the fourteenth day of the war, Abhīṣāhas, Śūrasenas, Śibis and Vasātis were among the tens of thousands of charioteers who followed Kāmboja and Śrutāyu(dha) who attempted to arrest the march of Arjuna towards Jayadratha; then there was a fierce fight (eṣāṁ daśasahastrāṇi rathānām anuyāyinām/abhīṣāhāḥ śūrasenāḥ śibayo 'tha vasātayaḥ/…maheṣvāsaṁ parākrāntaṁ naravyāghram avārayan//tataḥ pravavṛte yuddhaṁ tumulam) 7. 66. 37, 41-43;
(6) When Śrutāyudha and Sudakṣina (a Kāmboja) were killed by Arjuna, Abhīṣāhas, Śūrasenas, Śibis and Vasātis showered arrows on Arjuna; when Arjuna retaliated, afraid, they ran away; however, they returned and surrounded Arjuna; Arjuna cut off their heads and arms (abhīṣāhāḥ śūrasenāḥ śibayo 'tha vasātayaḥ/abhyavarṣaṁs…śaravarṣair dhanaṁjayam//…te sma bhītāḥ palāyanta …/te nivṛtya punaḥ pārthaṁ sarvataḥ paryavārayan//) 7. 68. 2-6; after the fall of Jayadratha, Duryodhana referred to this incident and said that Abhīṣāhas and others had given their life for his sake while fighting with Arjuna (abhīṣāhāḥ śūrasenāḥ śibayo 'tha vasātayaḥ…hatā madarthaṁ saṁgrāme yudhyamānāḥ kirīṭinā//) 7. 125. 31-32;
(7) In the night war, Abhīṣāhas, Śūrasenas and Vasātikas are mentioned among those who were killed by Yudhiṣṭhira (abhīṣāhāñ śūrasenān…savasātikān/ nikṛtya pṛthivīṁ rājā cakre śoṇitakardamām//) 7. 132. 24; Śibis are mentioned in 7. 136. 3;
(8) Bhīma too killed Abhīṣāhas and Śūrasenas in the night war (abhīṣāhāñ śūrasenān…nikṛtya prthivīṁ cakre bhīmaḥ śoṇitakardamām//) 7. 136. 4;
(9) Saṁjaya, while recounting to Dhṛtarāṣṭra the names of fallen heroes, mentioned among others Vasātis, Śūrasenas, Abhīṣāhas and Śibis who were killed while fighting with Arjuna (vasātayo mahārāja…/śūrasenāś ca vikrāntāḥ…/abhīṣāhāḥ kavacinaḥ praharanto madotkaṭāḥ…/śibayaś ca rathodārāḥ…te sarve pārtham āsādya gatā vaivasvatakṣayam//) 8. 4. 36-38.
*2nd word in left half of page p618_mci (+offset) in original book.
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