[सम्पाद्यताम्]Purana Encyclopedia
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Arundhatī : f.: Name of a star.
A. Placement: Suparṇa told Gālava that the place of Arundhatī was in the north 5. 109. 12.
B. Description; heavenly (devī) 5. 109. 12; having smoky red lustre (dhūmāruṇasamaprabhā) 1. 224. 29; not pleasing (nābhirūpā) 1. 224. 29; scarcely visible (lakṣyālakṣyā) 1. 224. 29; appears like a mark (nimittam iva lakṣyate) 1. 224. 29 (Nī., however, who reads nimittam iva paśyati comments on Bom. Ed. 1. 233. 29: nimittam bhartur lakṣaṇam iva paśyati kapaṭena).
C. Importance: Yājñavalkya told Janaka that one who failed to see the star Arundhatī, having seen it once before, lived only for a year (saṁvatsaraviyogasya saṁbhaveyuḥ śarīriṇaḥ//yo 'rundhatīṁ na paśyeta dṛṣtapūrvāṁ kadācana//) 12. 305. 8-9.
D. Omen: According to one of the omens noticed by Vyāsa before the war, Arundhatī shone more brightly than the star Vasiṣṭha (arundhatī tayāpy eṣa vasiṣṭhaḥ pṛṣṭhataḥ kṛtaḥ) 6. 2. 31 (see the Editor's note on this stanza, Vol. 7, p. 757). [For Arundhatī also see Section 1. 7].
p. 231. 2 at the end of the entry Āṣāḍha add: [See Śuci ].
p. 232. 1 at the end of the entry Uttarā Phalgunī add: [See Bhagadaivata ].
p. 232. 2 at the end of the entry Uttarā Bhādrapadā add: [See Pūrvā Bhādrapadā ]
p. 233. 1. 2 after 13. 16. 46; add the following: Uttarāyaṇa lasts for six months (ṣaṇmāsā uttarāyaṇam) 6. 30. 24;
p. 233. 1. 4 (from below) after holyadd the following: Those who know Brahman and die during the six months of the Uttarāyaṇa they, after death, pass through fire, light, day, the bright half of the month and reach Brahman; this is known as the bright course; those who go along this way do not return (to this world) (agnir jyotir ahaḥ śuklaḥ ṣaṇmāsā uttarāyaṇam/tatra prayātā gacchanti brahma brahmavido janāḥ// …śuklakṛṣṇe gatī hy ete…/ekayā yāty anāvṛttim) 6. 30. 24, 26;
p. 234. 1. 3 from below: after the entry Aindra add the following entry:
*1st word in left half of page p283_mci (+offset) in original book.
Mahabharata Cultural Index
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Arundhatī : f.: Name of a star.
A. Placement: Suparṇa told Gālava that the place of Arundhatī was in the north 5. 109. 12.
B. Description; heavenly (devī) 5. 109. 12; having smoky red lustre (dhūmāruṇasamaprabhā) 1. 224. 29; not pleasing (nābhirūpā) 1. 224. 29; scarcely visible (lakṣyālakṣyā) 1. 224. 29; appears like a mark (nimittam iva lakṣyate) 1. 224. 29 (Nī., however, who reads nimittam iva paśyati comments on Bom. Ed. 1. 233. 29: nimittam bhartur lakṣaṇam iva paśyati kapaṭena).
C. Importance: Yājñavalkya told Janaka that one who failed to see the star Arundhatī, having seen it once before, lived only for a year (saṁvatsaraviyogasya saṁbhaveyuḥ śarīriṇaḥ//yo 'rundhatīṁ na paśyeta dṛṣtapūrvāṁ kadācana//) 12. 305. 8-9.
D. Omen: According to one of the omens noticed by Vyāsa before the war, Arundhatī shone more brightly than the star Vasiṣṭha (arundhatī tayāpy eṣa vasiṣṭhaḥ pṛṣṭhataḥ kṛtaḥ) 6. 2. 31 (see the Editor's note on this stanza, Vol. 7, p. 757). [For Arundhatī also see Section 1. 7].
p. 231. 2 at the end of the entry Āṣāḍha add: [See Śuci ].
p. 232. 1 at the end of the entry Uttarā Phalgunī add: [See Bhagadaivata ].
p. 232. 2 at the end of the entry Uttarā Bhādrapadā add: [See Pūrvā Bhādrapadā ]
p. 233. 1. 2 after 13. 16. 46; add the following: Uttarāyaṇa lasts for six months (ṣaṇmāsā uttarāyaṇam) 6. 30. 24;
p. 233. 1. 4 (from below) after holyadd the following: Those who know Brahman and die during the six months of the Uttarāyaṇa they, after death, pass through fire, light, day, the bright half of the month and reach Brahman; this is known as the bright course; those who go along this way do not return (to this world) (agnir jyotir ahaḥ śuklaḥ ṣaṇmāsā uttarāyaṇam/tatra prayātā gacchanti brahma brahmavido janāḥ// …śuklakṛṣṇe gatī hy ete…/ekayā yāty anāvṛttim) 6. 30. 24, 26;
p. 234. 1. 3 from below: after the entry Aindra add the following entry:
*1st word in left half of page p283_mci (+offset) in original book.