सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Ailavaṁśa  : m. (sg.), Ailavaṁśya (pl.): The lineage of Aila, those born in the lineage of Aila.

Many kings, great heroes and godlike, were born in the dynasty of Manu; they prospered the lineage of Aila (i. e. of Purūravas 1. 90. 7) (devakalpā mahārathāḥ/jātā manor anvavāye ailavaṁśavivardhanāḥ) 1. 89. 55; Kings and Kṣatriyas claim their succession either from the lineage of Aila or from Ikṣvāku; the kings born in the lineage of Aila and Ikṣvāku together make up one hundred and one families of Kṣatriyas (ailasyekṣvākuvaṁśasya prakṛtiṁ paricakṣate/rājānaḥ śreṇibaddhāś ca tato 'nye kṣatriyā bhuvi//ailavaṁśyās tu ye rājaṁs tathaivekṣvākavo nṛpāḥ/tāni caikaśataṁ viddhi kulāni bharatarṣabha// (2. 13. 4-5).

*2nd word in right half of page p642_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Mahabharata Cultural Index


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Ailavaṁśa  : m. (sg.), Ailavaṁśya (pl.): The lineage of Aila, those born in the lineage of Aila.

Many kings, great heroes and godlike, were born in the dynasty of Manu; they prospered the lineage of Aila (i. e. of Purūravas 1. 90. 7) (devakalpā mahārathāḥ/jātā manor anvavāye ailavaṁśavivardhanāḥ) 1. 89. 55; Kings and Kṣatriyas claim their succession either from the lineage of Aila or from Ikṣvāku; the kings born in the lineage of Aila and Ikṣvāku together make up one hundred and one families of Kṣatriyas (ailasyekṣvākuvaṁśasya prakṛtiṁ paricakṣate/rājānaḥ śreṇibaddhāś ca tato 'nye kṣatriyā bhuvi//ailavaṁśyās tu ye rājaṁs tathaivekṣvākavo nṛpāḥ/tāni caikaśataṁ viddhi kulāni bharatarṣabha// (2. 13. 4-5).

*2nd word in right half of page p642_mci (+offset) in original book.

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