सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः





पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

कुरुक्षेत्रम्, क्ली, (कुरुणा चन्द्रवंशोद्भवेन राजविशेषेण भूरितपसोपार्ज्जितं धर्म्मक्षेत्रनाम्ना प्रसिद्धं कुरुदेशान्तर्गतं क्षेत्रम् । शाकपार्थिवादित्वात् मध्यपदलोपः ।) देशविशेषः । तत्तु धर्म्मक्षेत्रम् । (किञ्चास्मिन्नेव क्षेत्रे क्षत्त्रियकुलारण्यकुठारेण भृ- गुवंशधुरन्धरेण भगवता जामदग्र्यरामेण क्षत्त्रि- यशोणितैः पञ्च ह्रदाः कृताः तदारभ्य च क्षेत्रमेतत् समन्तपञ्चकनाम्नोच्यते । नितरामेवात्र युध्यतां क्षत्त्रियाणां शरीरविसर्ज्जनेन पुण्यप्राचुर्य्यात् वैकुण्ठप्राप्तिः । तत एवात्र कुरुपाण्डवानां सुमह- द्युद्धं निर्वृत्तम् । एतद्विवरणं महाभारतीये १२ । ४८ अध्याये श्रीकृष्णयुधिष्ठिरसंवादे द्रष्टव्यम् ॥ यथा भगवद्गीतायाम् १ । १ । “धर्म्मक्षेत्रे कुरुक्षेत्रे समवेता युयुत्सवः । मामकाः पाण्डवाश्चैव किमकुर्व्वत सञ्जय !” ॥ एतत्क्षेत्रस्य सीमानिर्द्देशे बहूनि मतानि लक्ष्यन्ते दिङ्मात्रमुदाहृतमत्र । यथा, हेमचन्द्रः । “धर्म्मक्षेत्रं कुरुक्षेत्रं द्वादशयोजनावधि” ॥ तथा त्रिकाण्डशेषेऽपि । “कुरुक्षेत्रं प्रयागञ्च हिमाद्रिं विन्ध्यमन्तरा” ॥ एष हि ब्रह्मर्षिदेशः । यथा, मनौ । २ । १९ । “कुरुक्षेत्रं च मत्स्याश्च पञ्चालाः शूरसेनकाः । एष ब्रह्मर्षिदेशो वै ब्रह्मावर्त्तादनन्तरः” ॥)



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

कुरुक्षेत्र¦ न॰ कुरुणा चन्द्रवंश्यनृपभेदेन कृष्टं क्षेत्रम्, करु-देशान्तरगतं वा क्षेत्रम् शाक॰ मध्यपदलोपः। तीर्थभेदेतद्विवृतिः भा॰ शल्य॰

५३ अ॰
“ऋषय ऊचुः। प्रजापतेरुत्तरवेदिरुच्यते सनातनी राम!समन्तपञ्चकम्। समीजिरे तत्र पुरा दिवौकसो वरेणसत्रेण महावरप्रदाः। पुरा च राजर्षिवरेण धीमताबहूनि वर्षाण्यमितेन तेजसा। प्रकृष्टमेतत् कुरुणा महा-त्मना ततः कुरुक्षेत्रमितीह पप्रथे। राम उवाच। किमर्थं कुरुणा कृष्टं क्षेत्रमेतन्महात्मना। एतदिच्छाम्यहंश्रोतुं कथ्यमानं तपोधनाः!। ऋषय ऊचुः। पुरा किलकुरुं नाम कर्षन्तं सततोत्थितम्। अभ्येत्य शक्रस्त्रिदिवात्पर्य्यपृच्छत कारणम्। इन्द्र उवाच। किमिदं वर्त्तमेराजन्! प्रयत्नेन परेण च। राजर्षे। किमभिर्मतं येनेयंकृत्यते क्षितिः। कुरुरुवाच। इह ये पुरुषाः क्षेत्रे मरि-ष्यन्ति शतक्रतो!। ते गमिष्यन्ति सुकृतान् लोकान् पाप-विवर्ज्जितान्। अवहस्य ततः शक्रो जगाम त्रिदिवंपुनः। राजर्षिरप्यनिर्विण्णः कर्षत्येव वसुन्धराम्। आरा-भ्यागम्य चैवैनं भूयो भूयोऽवहस्य च। शतक्रतुरनिर्विण्णःपृष्ट्वा पृष्ट्वा जगाम ह। यदा तु तपसोग्रेण चकर्ष वसुधांनृपः। ततः शक्रोऽब्रवीद्देवान्राजर्षेयच्चिकीर्षितम्। एत-च्छ्रुत्वाऽब्रुवन्देवाः सहस्राक्षमिदं वचः। वरेण च्छन्द्यतांशक्र! राजर्षिर्यदि शक्यते। यदि ह्यत्र प्रमीता वै स्वर्गंगच्छन्ति मानवाः। अस्मानमिष्ट्वा क्रतुभिर्भागो नो नभविष्यति। आगम्य च ततः शक्रस्तदा राजर्षिम-ब्रवीत्। अलं खेदेन भवतः क्रियतां वचनं मम। मानवा ये निराहारा देहं त्यक्ष्यन्त्यतन्द्रिताः। युधि वानिहताः सम्यगपि तिर्य्यग्गता नृप!। ते स्वर्गभाजो[Page2124-a+ 38] राजेन्द्र! भविष्यन्ति महामते!। तथाऽस्त्विति ततो राजाकुरुः शक्रमुवाच ह। ततस्तमभ्यनुज्ञाप्य प्रहृष्टेनान्तरा-त्मना। जगाम त्रिदिवं भूयः क्षिप्रं बलनिसूदनः। एव-मेतद्यदुश्रेष्ठ! कृष्टं राजर्षिणा पुरा। शक्रेण चाभ्यनु-ज्ञातं ब्रह्माद्यैश्च सुरैस्तथा। नातः परतरं पुण्यं भूमेःस्थानं भविष्यति। इह तप्स्यन्ति ये केचित् तपः पर-मकं नराः। देहत्यागेन ते सर्वे यास्यन्ति ब्रह्मणः क्षयम्। ये पुनः पुण्यभाजो वै दानं दास्यन्ति मानवाः। तेषांसहस्रगुणितं भविष्यत्यचिरेण वै। ये चेह नित्यंमनुजा निवत्स्यन्ति शुभैषिणः। यमस्य विषयं ते तु नद्रक्ष्यन्ति कदाचन। यक्ष्यन्ति ये च क्रतुभिर्महद्भिर्मनु-जेश्वराः। तेषां त्रिविष्टपे वासो यावद्भूमिर्धरिष्यति। अपि चात्र स्वयं शक्रो जगौ गाथां सुराधिपः। कुरु-क्षेत्रनिबद्धां वै तां शृणुष्व हलायुध!। पांशवोऽपि कुरु-क्षेत्राद्वायुना समुदीरिताः। अपि दुष्कृतकर्माणं नयन्तिपरमां गतिम्। सुरर्षभा व्राह्मणसत्तमाश्च तथा नृगाद्यानरदेवमुख्याः। इष्ट्वा महार्हैः क्रतुभिर्नृसिंह! संत्यज्यदेहान् सुगतिं प्रपन्नाः। तरन्तुकारन्तुकयोर्यदन्तरं राम-ह्रदानान्तु मचक्रकस्य। एतत् कुरुक्षेत्रसमन्तपञ्चकं प्रजा-पतेरुत्तरवेदिरुच्यते। शिवं महापुण्यमिदं दिवौकसांसुसंमतं सर्वगुणैः समन्वितम्। अतश्च सर्वे निहता नृपारणे यास्यन्ति पुण्यां गतिमक्षयां सदा। इत्युवाच स्वयंशक्रः सह ब्रह्मादिभिस्तथा! तच्चानुमोदितं सर्वं ब्रह्म-विष्णुमहेश्वरैः।
“कुरुक्षेत्रे परीणहि स्थलेऽप्यग्न्याधेयमन्वारम्भणीयान्तंभवति” कात्या॰

२४ ।

६ ।

३४ । कुरुक्षेत्रं च ब्रह्मर्षिदेशः।
“कुरुक्षेत्रञ्च मत्स्याश्च पञ्चालाःशूरसेनकाः। एष ब्रह्मर्षिदेशो वै ब्रह्मावर्त्तादनन्तरः” मनूक्तेः। इदं संवरसुतकुरुनृपराज्यान्तर्गतमत स्तन्नाम्नापथितम् अतएव कुरुशब्ददर्शिते भाग॰ वाक्ये
“कुरुक्षे-त्रपतिं कुरुमित्युक्तम्। भा॰ आ॰

९४ अ॰।
“ततःसंवरणाद्देवी तपती सुषुवे कुरुम्। राजन्नेतं प्रजाःसर्वा धर्म्मज्ञ इति मेनिरे। तस्य नाम्नाऽभि विख्यातंपृथिव्यां कुरुजाङ्गलम्। कुरुक्षेत्रं च तपसा पुण्यंचक्रे महातपाः” इति। कुरुक्षेत्रस्थतीर्थमहात्म्यं भा॰ व॰

८३ अ॰ उक्तं यथा
“ततोगच्छेत राजेन्द्र! कुरुक्षेत्रमभिष्टुतम्। पापेभ्योयत्र मुच्यन्ते दर्शनात् सर्वजन्तवः। कुरुक्षेत्रं गमिष्यामि[Page2124-b+ 38] कुरुक्षेत्रे वसाम्यहम्। य एबं सततं ब्रूयात् सोऽपिपापैः प्रमुच्यते। पांशवोऽपि कुरुक्षेत्रे वायुना समुदी-रिताः। अपि दुष्कृतकर्म्माणं नयन्ति परमां गतिम्। दक्षिणेन सरस्वत्यादृषद्वत्युत्तरेण च। ये वसन्ति कुरुक्षेत्रेते वसन्ति त्रिपिष्टपे। तत्र मासं वसेद्वीर! सरस्वत्यांयुधिष्ठिर!। यत्र व्रह्मादयो देवा ऋषयः सिद्धचारणाः। गन्धर्व्वाप्सरसो यक्षाः पन्नगाश्च महीपते!। ब्रह्मक्षेत्रंमहापुण्यमभिगच्छन्ति भारत!। मनसाप्यभिकामस्य कुरु-क्षत्रं युधिष्ठिर!। पापानि विप्रणश्यन्ति ब्रह्मलोकञ्चगच्छति। गत्वा हि श्रद्धया युक्तः कुरुक्षत्रं कुरूद्वह!। फलं प्राप्नोति च तदा राजसूयाश्वमेधयोः। ततो मङ्क-णकं नाम द्वारपालं महाबलम्। यक्षं समभिवाद्यैवगोसहस्रफलं लभेत्। ततो गच्छेत धर्म्मज्ञो विष्णोःस्थानमनुत्तमम्। सततं नाम राजेन्द्र! यत्र सन्निहितोहरिः। तत्र स्नात्वा च नत्वा च त्रिलोकप्रभवं हरिम्। अश्वमेधमयाप्नोति विष्णुलोकञ्च गच्छति। ततः परिप्लवंगच्छेत्तोर्थं त्रैलोक्यविश्रुतम्। अग्निष्टोमातिरात्राभ्यांफलं प्राप्नोति भारत!। पृथिवीतीर्थमासाद्य गोसहस्रफलंलभेत्। ततः शालूकिनीं गत्वा तीर्थसेवी नराधिप!। दशाश्वमेधे स्नात्वा च तदेव फलमाप्नुयात्। सर्पदेवींसमासाद्य नागानां तीर्थमुत्तमम्। अग्निष्टोममवाप्नोतिनागलोकञ्च विन्दति। ततो गच्छेत धर्म्मज्ञो द्वारपालंतरन्तुकम्। तत्रोष्य रजनीमेकां गोसहस्रफलं लभेत्। ततः पञ्चनदं गत्वा नियतो नियताशनः। कोटितीर्थमु-पस्पृश्य हयमेधफलं लभेत्। अश्विनोस्तीर्थमासाद्यरूपवानभिजायते। ततो गच्छेत धर्म्मज्ञो वाराहं तीर्थ-मुत्तमम्। विष्णुर्वराहरूपेण पूर्वं यत्र स्थितोऽभवत्। तत्र स्नात्वा नरश्रेष्ठ! अग्निष्टोमफलं लभेत्। ततोजयन्त्यां राजेन्द्र सोमतीर्थं समाविशेत्। स्नात्वा फल-मवाप्नोति राजसूयस्य मानवः। एकहंसे नरः स्नात्वागोसहस्रफलं लभेत्। कृतशौचं समासाद्य तीर्थसेवीनराधिप। पुण्डरीकमयाप्नोति कृतशौचो भवेच्च सः। ततो मुञ्जवटं नाम स्थाणोः स्थानं महात्मनः। उपोष्यरजनीमेकां गाणपत्यमवाप्नुयात्। तत्रैव च महाराज!यक्षिणीं लोकविश्रुताम्। स्नात्वाभिगम्य राजेन्द्र! सर्व्वान्कामानवाप्नुयात्। कुरुक्षेत्रस्य तद्द्वारं विश्रुतं भरत-र्षभ!। प्रदक्षिणमुपावृत्य तीर्थसेवी समाहितः। सम्मितंपुष्कराणाञ्च स्नात्वा{??} पितृदेवताः। जामदग्न्येन रा-[Page2125-a+ 38] मेण कृतन्तत् सुमहात्मना। कृतकृत्यो भवेद्राजन्नश्वमेधञ्चविन्दति। ततो रामह्रदात् गच्छेत् तीर्थसेवी समाहितः। तत्र रामेण राजेन्द्र! तरसा दीप्ततेजसा। क्षात्त्रमुत्साद्यवीरेण ह्रदाः पञ्च निवेशिताः। पूरयित्वा नरव्याघ्र!रुधिरेणेति विश्रुतम्। पितरस्तर्षिताः सर्वे तथैव प्रपि-तामहाः। ततस्ते पितरः प्रीता राममूचुर्नराधिप!। पितर ऊचुः। राम! राम! महाभाग! प्रीताः स्म तवभार्गव!। अनया पितृभक्त्या च विक्रमेण च ते प्रभो!। वरं वृणीष्व भद्रं ते किमिच्छसि महाद्युते। एवमुक्तः सराजेन्द्र। रामः प्रहरतां वरः। अब्रवीत् प्राञ्जलिर्व्वाक्यंपितॄन् स गगनेस्थितान्। भवन्तो यदि मे प्रीता यद्य-नुग्राह्यता मयि। पितृप्रसादमिच्छेयं तप आप्यायनंपुनः। यच्च रोषाभिभूतेन क्षत्त्रमत्सादितं मया। ततश्चपापान्मुच्येयं युष्माकं तेजसाप्यहम्। ह्रदाश्च तीर्थीभूतामे भवेयुर्भुवि विश्रुताः। एतच्छ्रुत्वा शुभं वाक्यं रामस्यपितरस्तदा। प्रत्यूचुः परमप्रीता रामं हर्षसमन्विताः। तपस्ते वर्द्धतां भूयः पितृभक्त्या विशेषतः। यच्च रोषाभि-भूतेन क्षत्त्रमुत्सादितं त्वया। ततश्च पापान्मुक्तरत्वंनिहतास्ते स्वकर्म्मभिः। ह्रदाश्च तव तीर्थत्वं गमिष्यन्तिन संशयः। ह्रदेष्वेतेषु यः स्नात्वा पितॄन् सन्तर्पयिष्यति। पितरस्तस्य वै प्रीत दास्यन्ति भुवि दुर्लभम्। ईप्सितञ्चमनःकामं स्वर्गलोकञ्च शाश्वतम्। एवं दत्त्वा वरान्राजन्!रामस्य पितरस्तदा। आमन्त्र्य भार्गवं प्रीत्या तत्रैवान्त-र्हितास्ततः। एवं रामह्रदाः पुण्या भार्गवस्य महात्मनः। स्नात्वा ह्रदेषु रामस्य ब्रह्मचारी शुभव्रतः। राममभ्यर्च्च्यराजेन्द्र! लभेद्बहु सुवर्णकम्। वंशमूलकमासाद्यतीर्थ-सेवी कुरूद्वह!। स्ववेशमुद्धरेद्राजन्! स्नात्वा वै वंशमूलके। कायशोधनमासाद्य तीर्थं भरतसत्तम!। शरीरशुद्धिःस्नातस्य तस्मिं स्तीर्थे न संशयः। शुद्धदेहश्च संयातिशुभाल्लो काननुत्तमान्। ततो गच्छेत धर्म्मज्ञ! तीर्थंत्रैलोक्यविश्रुतम्। लोका यत्रोद्धृताः पूर्बं विष्णुनाप्रभविष्णुना। लोकोद्धारं समासाद्य तीर्थं त्रैलोक्यपू-जितम्। स्नात्वा तीर्थ वरेराजन्! लोकानुद्धरते स्वकान्। श्रीतोर्थञ्च समासाद्य स्नात्वा नियतमानसः। अर्च्चयित्वापितॄन् देवान् विन्दते श्रियमुत्तमाम्। कपिलातीर्थमासाद्यब्रह्मचारी समाहितः। तत्र स्नात्वार्च्च यित्वा च पितॄन्स्वान् दैवतान्यपि। कपिलानां सहस्रस्य फलं विन्दातमानवः। सूर्य्यतीर्थं समासाद्य स्नात्वा नियतमानसः। [Page2125-b+ 38] अर्च्चयित्वा पितॄन् देवानुपयासपरायणः। अग्निष्टोमम-वाप्नोति सूर्य्यलोकञ्च गच्छति। गवां भयनमासाद्य ती-र्थसेवी यथाक्रमम्। तत्राभिषेकं कुर्व्वाणो गोसहस्रफलंलभेत्। शङ्खिनीतीर्थ मासाद्य तीर्थसेवी कुरूद्वह!। दे-व्यास्तीर्थे नरः स्नात्वा लभते वीर्य्यमुत्तमम्। ततो गच्छेतराजेन्द्र! द्वारपालं करन्तुकम्। तच्च तीर्यं सरस्वत्यांयक्षेन्द्रस्य महात्मनः। तत्र स्नात्वा नरो राजन्नग्निष्टो-मफलं लभेत्॥ ”
“धर्म्मक्षेत्रं कुरुक्षेत्रं द्वादशयोज-नावधि” हारा॰

२ देवयजनस्थाने
“कुरुक्षेत्रेऽमी देवायज्ञं तन्वते” शत॰ व्रा॰

४ ।

१ ।

५ ।

१३ ।
“तेषां कुरुक्षेत्रंदेवयजनं यस्मादाहुः कुरुक्षेत्रं देवानां देवयजनंतस्माद्यत्र क्व च कुरुक्षेत्रस्य निगच्छति तदेव मन्यते इदंदेवयजनमिति तद्धि देवानां देवयजनम्” शत॰ व्रा॰

१४ ।

१ ।

१ ।

२ अस्मिन् पक्षे च कुरु देवयज्ञाधारभूतंक्षेत्रम् आधारे कर्त्तृत्वोपचारात् कर्त्तरि कुप्रत्यय इतिमन्त्रव्यम्।

३ अविमुक्ते क्षेत्रे च। देवयजनपरताऽविमुक्त-परता चास्य
“धर्म्मक्षेत्रे कुरुक्षेत्रे” इति गीताव्या॰नीलकण्ठेन समर्थिता यथा
“तत्र वेदे तेषां कुरुक्षेत्रंदेवयजनमासेति” कर्भकाण्डप्रसिद्धं कुरुक्षेत्रमन्यत्
“अवि-मुक्तं वै कुरुक्षेत्रं देवानां देवयजनं सर्वेषां भूतानांब्रह्म सदनम्” इत्यविमुक्ताख्यं ब्रह्मप्राप्तिस्थानभूतं कुरुक्षे-त्रमन्यत् ब्रह्मसदनत्वं चास्य
“अत्र हि जन्तोः प्राणे-षूत्क्रममाणेषु रुद्रस्तारकं ब्रह्म व्याचष्टे येनासावमृतीभूत्वा मोक्षी भवतीति” वाक्यशेषेण व्युत्पादितम् एत-द्व्यावृत्त्यर्थं धर्मक्षेत्रे इति विशेषणं कुरुदेशान्तरगतंहि कुरुक्षेत्रं धर्मक्षेत्रमेव न तु तत् ब्रह्मसदनंप्रवर्ग्यकाण्डे तस्य धर्मक्षेत्रत्वमात्रश्रवणात्”

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

कुरुक्षेत्र/ कुरु--क्षेत्र n. " the field of the कुरुs " , N. of an extensive plain near Delhi (the scene of the great battles between the कुरुs and पाण्डुs) AitBr. S3Br. etc.

कुरुक्षेत्र/ कुरु--क्षेत्र m. pl. the inhabitants of that country (renowned for their bravery) Mn. vii , 193.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

--founded by Kuru and sacred to हरी. फलकम्:F1: भा III. 3. १२; VII. १४. ३०; Vi. VI. 8. २९.फलकम्:/F Watered by the river सरस्वती. फलकम्:F2: भा. IX. १४. ३३.फलकम्:/F Capital city of the Kurus. फलकम्:F3: Ib. IX. २२. 4.फलकम्:/F Sages of कुरुक्षेत्र visited द्वारक. At कुरुक्षेत्र Kr2s2n2a performed sacrifices for twelve years. फलकम्:F4: Ib. X. ९०. २८[3], ४६[1].फलकम्:/F The battlefield where the पाण्डवस् fought with the Kurus led by Duryo- dhana. फलकम्:F5: Ib. X. ७८. [९५ (V) 9], [१८].फलकम्:/F Here परशुराम dug a lake called स्यमन्तपञ्- caka. फलकम्:F6: Br. III. ४७. 2.फलकम्:/F On the occasion of a sacrifice सूत narrated the ब्र्। पुराण here. फलकम्:F7: भा. I. 1. १७.फलकम्:/F पुरूरवस् met उर्वशी after their separa- tion at; the residence of सनत्कुमार and धर्मराज fit for श्राद्ध offerings, and sacred to पितृस्. Founded by Kuru, son of सम्वरण; फलकम्:F8: III. १३. ६५ and ६८; ६६. १८; M. २२. १८; वा. ७७. ६४; ९१. ३१; ९९. २१५, २५९.फलकम्:/F residence of sage कौशिक, and sacrifice of अधिसीमकृष्ण for 2 years at; sacred in द्वा- para; फलकम्:F9: M. २०. 2; ५०. २० and ६७; १०६. ४९ and ५७; १०९. 3; १८०. ५५; १८४. १६.फलकम्:/F धर्मक्षेत्र where a great sacrifice was per- [page१-407+ ३०] formed. फलकम्:F१०: वा. 1. १४; ५९. १०७.फलकम्:/F Residence at, leads to मुक्ति; no shaving or उप- वास required here. फलकम्:F११: Ib. १०५. १६ and २५.फलकम्:/F Noted for अम्भोजसरस् or lotus tank. फलकम्:F१२: Vi. IV-१९. ७७.फलकम्:/F R. सरस्वती flows here: noted for a temple of वामन. फलकम्:F१३: M. १८६. १०; १९२. १२; २४४. 3.फलकम्:/F

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Kurukṣetra : nt.: Name of a tīrtha.

A. Description: Holy (puṇyam āhuḥ kurukṣetram) 3. 81. 125; (puṇya) 3. 81. 177; 12. 148. 10; very holy (mahāpuṇya) 3. 81. 4; full of holy tīrthas (puṇyatīrthaiś ca kalilam) 13. 151. 19; praised (abhiṣṭuta) 3. 81. 1; resorted to by brahmanical sages (brahmarṣisevita) 3. 81. 177; called brahmakṣetra 3. 81. 4; altar of Brahman (brahmavedī) 3. 81. 177.

B. Importance:

(1) Kurukṣetra is distinguished in all the three worlds (trayāṇām api lokānāṁ kurukṣetraṁ viśiṣyate) 3. 81. 173;

(2) Brahman and other gods, the sages, the Siddhas, the Cāraṇas, the Gandharvas and the Apsarases, the Yakṣas and the mythical serpents (Uragas) visit Kurukṣetra 3. 81. 3-4;

(3) Pulastya told Bhīṣma that one should live at Kurukṣetra for a month 3. 81. 3; those who live in Kurukṣetra are not reduced to a lamentable condition in any way (na te śocyāḥ kathaṁcana) 3. 81. 177; all creatures who repair there are released from their sins 3. 81. 1; one who always simply says, ‘I shall visit Kurukṣetra, I shall live in Kurukṣetra’ (kurukṣetraṁ gamiṣyāmi kurukṣetre vasāmy aham), even he is freed of all sins 3. 81. 2; one who says this just once is freed of all sins (apy ekāṁ vācam utsṛjya sarvapāpaiḥ pramucyate) 3. 81. 176; one who mentally longs (manasāpy abhikāmasya) for Kurukṣetra, his sins are destroyed and he goes to the world of Brahman 3. 81. 5; one who visits Kurukṣetra with faith (śraddhayā) obtains the fruit of an Aśvamedha and a Vājapeya 3. 81. 6; if one bathes in Kurukṣetra or drinks its water he will never (?) have an occasion to repent a premature death (yatrāvagāhya pītvā vā naivaṁ śvomaraṇaṁ tapet) 12. 148. 10;

(4) There are many holy places in the vicinity of Kurukṣetra 3. 81. 8-20; a pilgrim (tīrthasevī) should make a round of these holy places (pradakṣiṇam upāvṛtya) 3. 81. 20; the tīrtha is mentioned in the Daivata-Ṛṣi-Vaṁśa 13. 151. 19, 2. [See Samantapañcaka and Kurukṣetra in 1. 5

A. ]

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Kurukṣetra : (nt.): The country of the Kurus; also part of it where the great battle was fought; also called Kurukṣetrasamantapañcaka.

A. Location: Close to the river Sarasvatī (abhyagacchat tato rāmaḥ… kurukṣetraṁ…nyaviśanta tataḥ sarve parigṛhya sarasvatīm) 5. 177. 23-24; (tato gaccheta…kurukṣetram…tatra māsaṁ vased vīra sarasvatyām) 3. 81. 1, 3; not far from Gaṅgā--Rāma wanted the river Gaṅgā to see Bhīṣma killed by him at Kurukṣetra (ayaṁ gacchāmi kauravya kurukṣetraṁ tvayā saha/…tatra tvāṁ nihataṁ mātā…jāhnavī paśyatāṁ bhīṣma) 5. 179. 2-3; along the river Ikṣumatī (kurukṣetre nivasatāṁ nadīm ikṣumatīm anu) 1. 3. 145; near the river Hiraṇvatī (āsādya saritaṁ puṇyāṁ kurukṣetre hiraṇvatīm) 5. 149. 73; (yuddhaṁ kurukṣetre babhūva ha/…nadyās tīre hiraṇvatyāḥ) 1. 95. 7-8; the boundaries of Kurukṣetra were marked by Tarantuka, Arantuka, the (five) lakes of Rāma and Macakruka-this whole area was called Kurukṣetrasamantapañcaka (also called Brahmavedi, Uttaravedi of Pitāmaha, Uttaravedi of Prajāpati) (brahmavedī kurukṣetraṁ… tarantukāruntakayor yad antaraṁ rāmahradānāṁ ca macakrukasya/etat kurukṣetrasamantapañcakaṁ pitāmahasyottaravedir ucyate) 3. 81. 177-178; 9. 52. 20 (prajāpater uttaravedir ucyate); the five lakes of Rāma could be seen from a distance while reaching Kurukṣetra from Hāstinapura (kurukṣetraṁ…gacchann eva …amī rāmahradāḥ pañca dṛśyante pārtha dūrataḥ) 12. 48. 6-8; Muñjavaṭa tīrtha, sacred to Mahādeva, was the famous gate of Kurukṣetra (muñjavaṭam…kurukṣetrasya tad dvāraṁ viśrutam) 3. 81. 18, 20; the Plakṣāvataraṇa tīrtha on Yamunā river was also called the gate of Kurukṣetra (dvāram etad dhi kaunteya kurukṣetrasya…/etat plakṣāvataraṇaṁ yamunātīrtham ucyate) 3. 129. 11, 13; Naimiṣeya kuñja was located in Kurukṣetra (evaṁ sa kuñjo rājendra naimiṣeya iti smṛtaḥ/kurukṣetre) 9. 36. 54; the Bāhlīka country lay outside Kurukṣetra (bahiṣkṛtā…kurukṣetreṇa cāpi ye/ …tān…bāhlīkān) 8. 30. 10-11.

B. Name and history: The great royal sage Kuru ploughed the Kuru land for many years, hence called Kurukṣetra (purā ca rājarṣivareṇa…bahūni varṣāṇy…/prakṛṣṭam etat kuruṇā…/tataḥ kurukṣetram itīha paprathe//) 9. 52. 2 (Rāma asked the sages why Kuru ploughed the land; the sages told him the reason 9. 52. 3 ff.); the place known after the pious Kuru, son of Saṁvaraṇa and Tapatī (tataḥ saṁvaraṇāt saurī suṣuve tapatī kurum/…tasya nāmnābhivikhyātaṁ pṛthivyāṁ kurujāṅgalam/ kurukṣetram) 1. 89. 42-43.

C. Description: very famous (abhivikhyāta) 1. 89. 43; pleasing (ramaṇīya) 9. 22. 23; holy (puṇya) 9. 22. 23; very holy (mahatpuṇya) 9. 52. 21; most holy in the three worlds (puṇyatame trailokyasyāpi) 5. 139. 53 (also see the next section

D. ); auspicious (śiva) 9. 52. 21; place suitable for austerities (tapaḥkṣetra) 6. 1. 2; honoured by gods (divaukasāṁ susaṁmatam) 9. 52. 21; place where people practise dharma (dharmakṣetra) 6. 23. 1; 14. 93. 2; chosen by many who were conversant with dharma (dharmajñair bhahubhir vṛte) 14. 93. 2; place of the whole dharma (kṣetram dharmasya kṛtsnasya) 12. 53. 23; having heavenly qualities (svargaguṇaiḥ samanvitam) 9. 52. 21; battlefield (raṇakṣetra) 5. 179. 15; (after the war) full of hair, marrow, and bones (keśamajjāsthisaṁkula) 12. 48. 3 (also stanzas 4-6).

D. Holy: King, Kuru made the place holy by his austerities (kurukṣetraṁ sa tapasā puṇyaṁ cakre) 1. 89. 43; it was desirable for the Kṣatriyas to get killed by weapons on Kurukṣetra (śastreṇa nidhanaṁ gacchet samṛddhaṁ kṣatramaṇḍalam/kurukṣetre puṇyatame) 5. 139. 53; all kings killed here would obtain the condition of the highsouled ones 9. 52. 21; fruit obtained by people by visiting Kurukṣetra (kurukṣetrasya yat phalam) 9. 51. 25-26; Śakra himself sang a gāthā in praise of the holiness of Kurukṣetra: even the dust particles carried by wind were capable of leading a sinner to the highest condition (pāṁsavo 'pi kurukṣetrād vāyunā samudīritāḥ/api duṣkṛtakarmāṇaṁ nayanti paramāṁ gatim) 9. 52. 18; chief gods (surarṣabhāḥ) and excellent Brāhmaṇas, similarly great kings like Nṛga and others obtained good condition after death by offering costly sacrifices at Kurukṣetra 9. 52. 19.

E. Epic events:

(1) Takṣaka and his son Aśvasena used to live in Kurukṣetra 1. 3. 144-145; 1. 218. 4; 1. 219. 13;

(2) Citrāṅgada and the Gandharva king of the same name fought a battle at Kurukṣetra on the river Hiraṇvatī for three years 1. 95. 7;

(3) When Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Pāṇḍu and Vidura were born, the Kurus, Kurukṣetra and Kurujāṅgala prospered 1. 102. 1 (the way they prospered described in stanzas 2-14);

(4) The Pāṇḍavas, at the start of their life in the forest, proceeded towards Kurukṣetra from the bank of Gaṅgā (prayayur jāhnavīkūlāt kurukṣetram) 3. 6. 1;

(5) Before going to Virāṭa, Yudhiṣṭhira unstrung his bow with which he formerly protected Kurukṣetra 4. 5. 18;

(6) Duryodhana asked the kings to proceed towards Kurukṣetra under the Puṣya nakṣatra (prayādhvaṁ vai kurukṣetraṁ puṣyo 'dyeti); accordingly the kings started for Kurukṣetra 5. 148. 3, 18; he also asked them to establish camps at Kurukṣetra 5, 150. 14; Duryodhana himself with his brothers, led by Bhīṣma, went to Kurukṣetra with his large army; he made a round of Kurukṣetra with Karṇa and measured on level ground the land required for his camp (kurukṣetraṁ jagāma ha/… parikramya kurukṣetraṁ karṇena saha…/ śibiraṁ māpayām āsa same deśe) 5. 153. 3334; he and his allies got ready for the war on the western half of Kurukṣetra (kurukṣetrasya paścārdhe) 5. 196. 11 (should this be kurukṣetrasya pūrvārdhe ? see 6. 1. 5* and the editor's note on 6. 1. 5 (p. 755));

(7) The Pāṇḍavas too reached Kurukṣetra; reaching there, they blew their conches; there, Dhṛṣṭadyumna and Sātyaki measured the land for raising the camp of the Pāṇḍavas (śibiraṁ māpayām āsa dhṛṣṭadyumnaś ca…/sātyakiś ca); Kṛṣṇa ordered the digging of a ditch at Kurukṣetra for the protection of the camp (khānayām āsa parikhāṁ keśavas tatra…/guptyartham) 5. 149. 63-64; 72-74; the place of the camp of Pāṇḍavas described in 5. 149. 67-69; (the camp of Pāṇḍavas was outside the Samantapañcaka 6. 1. 6); Pāṇḍavas were encamped on the western side (of the Kurukṣetra) and faced east (prāṅmukhāḥ paścime bhāge) 6. 1. 5;

(8) The two armies were arrayed against each other at Kurukṣetra (tathā vyūḍheṣv anīkeṣu kurukṣetre) 5. 156. 1;

(9) Duryodhana informed Yudhiṣṭhira through Ulūka that Kurukṣetra was free from mud and that the road to it was even (kurukṣetram akardamam/samaḥ panthā…) 5. 157. 18; 5. 158. 11 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 5. 160. 93: akardamam iti yuddhayogyatvaṁ bhūmer uktam);

(10) Rāma (Bhārgava) took Ambā to Kurukṣetra (to meet Bhīṣma) 5. 177. 23;

(11) Bhīṣma agreed to fight with Rāma at Kurukṣetra and asked him to return there (kurukṣetre yotsye) 5. 178. 31; (vinivartasva kurukṣetram) 5. 178. 33; Rāma agreed to return to Kurukṣetra and he went there (ayaṁ gacchāmi kauravya kurukṣetram) 5. 179. 2; (yayau ramaḥ kurukṣetram) 5. 179. 8; later, Bhīṣma too reached Kurukṣetra from Hāstinapura (niṣkramya gajasāhvayāt/kurukṣetram upāyām) 5. 179. 15, 17; (apparently the earlier meeting between Rāma and Bhīṣma did not take place at Kurukṣetra but on the outskirts of Hāstinapura); the fight between Bhīṣma and Rāma at Kurukṣetra referred to in 12. 27. 8; 13. 154. 25;

(12) Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas were encamped at Kurukṣetra and were eager to fight 6. 1. 2-3, 23;

(13) Vaiśaṁpāyana began the narration of what the Kauravas and the Pāṇḍavas did at Kurukṣetra as was done earlier by Saṁjaya 6. 1. 2; 6. 23. 1;

(14) After the death of Śalya, the Kṣatriyas, inspite of bad omens, were ready to fight at Kurukṣetra desirous of reaching the heaven (if killed in war) (kurukṣetre…svargaṁ yiyāṁsavaḥ) 9. 22. 23;

(15) Balarāma in his tīrthayātrā went to Kurukṣetra 9. 34. 32;

(16) From Kurukṣetra he went to the āśrama where formerly Viṣṇu practised austerities 9. 53. 1, 5;

(17) On reaching Kurukṣetra, the Kuru women saw their near relatives lying dead 11. 16. 11;

(18) Kṛṣṇa, along with the Pāṇḍavas, went to Kurukṣetra to meet Bhīṣma lying on the bed of arrows 12. 48. 2-3, 6; 12. 53. 23; 12. 57. 2;

(19) When Uttarāyaṇa set in, Yudhiṣṭhira, with Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Gāndhārī and others, went from Hāstinapura to Bhīṣma lying at Kurukṣetra 13. 153. 12;

(20) Dhṛtarāṣṭra first went to Kurukṣetra from the river Bhāgīrathī where there was the āśrama of Śatayūpa 15. 25. 8-9;

(21) Yudhiṣṭhira and others started for the āśrama of Dhṛtarāṣṭra which was at Kurukṣetra (kurukṣetrāśramaṁ prati) 15. 29. 21; he reached Kurukṣetra after crossing the river Yamunā (kurukṣetram avātarat/ krameṇottīrya yamunām) 15. 30. 16;

(22) The great sages, Śatayūpa and others, living at Kurukṣetra arrived to meet Dhṛtarāṣṭra and the Pāṇḍavas (śatayūpaprabhṛtayaḥ kurukṣetranivāsinaḥ) 15. 34. 21;

(23) Vyāsa told Gāndhārī that Gandharvas, Apsarases, and the rest, born as human beings, met their death at Kurukṣetra (gandharvāprarasaś caiva ta… ete nidhanaṁ prāptāḥ kurukṣetre) 15. 39. 6-7;

(24) Dhṛtarāṣṭra went from Kurukṣetra to Gaṅgādvāra (where he was reduced to ashes by forest fire) (kurukṣetrāt pitā tubhyaṁ gaṅgādvāraṁ yayau) 15. 45. 10;

(25) Arjuna arrived at Kurukṣetra from Dvārakā after he was attacked by Dasyus on his way 16. 8. 85.

F. Past events:

(1) Viṣṇu once told Pṛthivī that the kings who would gather at Kurukṣetra would kill each other (kurukṣetre samāgatāḥ/anyonyaṁ ghātayiṣyanti) 11. 8. 25;

(2) Janamejaya, son of Parikṣit, with his brothers performed a long sacrificial session at Kurukṣetra (janamejayaḥ pārikṣitaḥ saha bhrātṛbhiḥ kurukṣetre dīrghasatram upāste) 1. 3. 1;

(3) The place where king Māndhātṛ offered sacrifices was situated in the middle of Kurukṣetra (tasyaitad devayajanaṁ…kurukṣetrasya madhyataḥ) 3. 126. 42;

(4) Sudarśana, with his wife Oghavatī, decided to lead the life of a householder at Kurukṣetra 13. 2. 39;

(5) When king Kuru offered a sacrifice at Kurukṣetra, Sarasvatī appeared at Ṛṣabhadvīpa as Suveṇu (suveṇur ṛṣabhadvīpe… kuroś ca yajamānasya kurukṣetre…ājagāma…sarasvatī) 9. 37. 24;

(6) When Vasiṣṭha invited her at Kurukṣetra, Sarasvatī appeared there as Oghavatī (oghavaty api…vasiṣṭhena…/samāhūtā kurukṣetre… sarasvatī) 9. 37. 25;

(7) When the sages of the Nimiṣa forest decided to go on a pilgrimage, they went to Kurukṣetra 3. 81. 92;

(8) In the Kṛtayuga (9. 36. 39), when the ascetics from the Nimiṣa forest went to Kurukṣetra, they found no place there as it was already full of sages (te 'vakāśaṁ na dadṛśuḥ kurukṣetre) 9. 36. 48;

(9) Pious Mudgala, who lived only by gleaning ears of corn, lived at Kurukṣetra (śiloñchavṛttir dharmātmā mudgalaḥ…/ āsīd…kurukṣetre) 3. 246. 3;

(10) A certain noble Brāhmaṇa (name not mentioned), who lived the life of a pigeon by gleaning ears of corn, lived at Kurukṣetra (uñchavṛtter vadānyasya kurukṣetranivāsinaḥ) 14. 92. 9, 19, 21; (kurukṣetre…/ uñchavṛttir dvijaḥ kaścit kāpotir abhavat purā) 14. 93. 2;

(11) Sunda and Upasunda, after conquering the whole earth, settled down at Kurukṣetra (niḥsapatnau kurukṣetre niveśam abhicakratuḥ) 1. 202. 27 [See Kurukṣetra (holy place) Vol. 1. 5. pp. 312-313 and Kurujāṅgala (below)].

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Mahabharata Cultural Index


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Kurukṣetra : nt.: Name of a tīrtha.

A. Description: Holy (puṇyam āhuḥ kurukṣetram) 3. 81. 125; (puṇya) 3. 81. 177; 12. 148. 10; very holy (mahāpuṇya) 3. 81. 4; full of holy tīrthas (puṇyatīrthaiś ca kalilam) 13. 151. 19; praised (abhiṣṭuta) 3. 81. 1; resorted to by brahmanical sages (brahmarṣisevita) 3. 81. 177; called brahmakṣetra 3. 81. 4; altar of Brahman (brahmavedī) 3. 81. 177.

B. Importance:

(1) Kurukṣetra is distinguished in all the three worlds (trayāṇām api lokānāṁ kurukṣetraṁ viśiṣyate) 3. 81. 173;

(2) Brahman and other gods, the sages, the Siddhas, the Cāraṇas, the Gandharvas and the Apsarases, the Yakṣas and the mythical serpents (Uragas) visit Kurukṣetra 3. 81. 3-4;

(3) Pulastya told Bhīṣma that one should live at Kurukṣetra for a month 3. 81. 3; those who live in Kurukṣetra are not reduced to a lamentable condition in any way (na te śocyāḥ kathaṁcana) 3. 81. 177; all creatures who repair there are released from their sins 3. 81. 1; one who always simply says, ‘I shall visit Kurukṣetra, I shall live in Kurukṣetra’ (kurukṣetraṁ gamiṣyāmi kurukṣetre vasāmy aham), even he is freed of all sins 3. 81. 2; one who says this just once is freed of all sins (apy ekāṁ vācam utsṛjya sarvapāpaiḥ pramucyate) 3. 81. 176; one who mentally longs (manasāpy abhikāmasya) for Kurukṣetra, his sins are destroyed and he goes to the world of Brahman 3. 81. 5; one who visits Kurukṣetra with faith (śraddhayā) obtains the fruit of an Aśvamedha and a Vājapeya 3. 81. 6; if one bathes in Kurukṣetra or drinks its water he will never (?) have an occasion to repent a premature death (yatrāvagāhya pītvā vā naivaṁ śvomaraṇaṁ tapet) 12. 148. 10;

(4) There are many holy places in the vicinity of Kurukṣetra 3. 81. 8-20; a pilgrim (tīrthasevī) should make a round of these holy places (pradakṣiṇam upāvṛtya) 3. 81. 20; the tīrtha is mentioned in the Daivata-Ṛṣi-Vaṁśa 13. 151. 19, 2. [See Samantapañcaka and Kurukṣetra in 1. 5

A. ]

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Kurukṣetra : (nt.): The country of the Kurus; also part of it where the great battle was fought; also called Kurukṣetrasamantapañcaka.

A. Location: Close to the river Sarasvatī (abhyagacchat tato rāmaḥ… kurukṣetraṁ…nyaviśanta tataḥ sarve parigṛhya sarasvatīm) 5. 177. 23-24; (tato gaccheta…kurukṣetram…tatra māsaṁ vased vīra sarasvatyām) 3. 81. 1, 3; not far from Gaṅgā--Rāma wanted the river Gaṅgā to see Bhīṣma killed by him at Kurukṣetra (ayaṁ gacchāmi kauravya kurukṣetraṁ tvayā saha/…tatra tvāṁ nihataṁ mātā…jāhnavī paśyatāṁ bhīṣma) 5. 179. 2-3; along the river Ikṣumatī (kurukṣetre nivasatāṁ nadīm ikṣumatīm anu) 1. 3. 145; near the river Hiraṇvatī (āsādya saritaṁ puṇyāṁ kurukṣetre hiraṇvatīm) 5. 149. 73; (yuddhaṁ kurukṣetre babhūva ha/…nadyās tīre hiraṇvatyāḥ) 1. 95. 7-8; the boundaries of Kurukṣetra were marked by Tarantuka, Arantuka, the (five) lakes of Rāma and Macakruka-this whole area was called Kurukṣetrasamantapañcaka (also called Brahmavedi, Uttaravedi of Pitāmaha, Uttaravedi of Prajāpati) (brahmavedī kurukṣetraṁ… tarantukāruntakayor yad antaraṁ rāmahradānāṁ ca macakrukasya/etat kurukṣetrasamantapañcakaṁ pitāmahasyottaravedir ucyate) 3. 81. 177-178; 9. 52. 20 (prajāpater uttaravedir ucyate); the five lakes of Rāma could be seen from a distance while reaching Kurukṣetra from Hāstinapura (kurukṣetraṁ…gacchann eva …amī rāmahradāḥ pañca dṛśyante pārtha dūrataḥ) 12. 48. 6-8; Muñjavaṭa tīrtha, sacred to Mahādeva, was the famous gate of Kurukṣetra (muñjavaṭam…kurukṣetrasya tad dvāraṁ viśrutam) 3. 81. 18, 20; the Plakṣāvataraṇa tīrtha on Yamunā river was also called the gate of Kurukṣetra (dvāram etad dhi kaunteya kurukṣetrasya…/etat plakṣāvataraṇaṁ yamunātīrtham ucyate) 3. 129. 11, 13; Naimiṣeya kuñja was located in Kurukṣetra (evaṁ sa kuñjo rājendra naimiṣeya iti smṛtaḥ/kurukṣetre) 9. 36. 54; the Bāhlīka country lay outside Kurukṣetra (bahiṣkṛtā…kurukṣetreṇa cāpi ye/ …tān…bāhlīkān) 8. 30. 10-11.

B. Name and history: The great royal sage Kuru ploughed the Kuru land for many years, hence called Kurukṣetra (purā ca rājarṣivareṇa…bahūni varṣāṇy…/prakṛṣṭam etat kuruṇā…/tataḥ kurukṣetram itīha paprathe//) 9. 52. 2 (Rāma asked the sages why Kuru ploughed the land; the sages told him the reason 9. 52. 3 ff.); the place known after the pious Kuru, son of Saṁvaraṇa and Tapatī (tataḥ saṁvaraṇāt saurī suṣuve tapatī kurum/…tasya nāmnābhivikhyātaṁ pṛthivyāṁ kurujāṅgalam/ kurukṣetram) 1. 89. 42-43.

C. Description: very famous (abhivikhyāta) 1. 89. 43; pleasing (ramaṇīya) 9. 22. 23; holy (puṇya) 9. 22. 23; very holy (mahatpuṇya) 9. 52. 21; most holy in the three worlds (puṇyatame trailokyasyāpi) 5. 139. 53 (also see the next section

D. ); auspicious (śiva) 9. 52. 21; place suitable for austerities (tapaḥkṣetra) 6. 1. 2; honoured by gods (divaukasāṁ susaṁmatam) 9. 52. 21; place where people practise dharma (dharmakṣetra) 6. 23. 1; 14. 93. 2; chosen by many who were conversant with dharma (dharmajñair bhahubhir vṛte) 14. 93. 2; place of the whole dharma (kṣetram dharmasya kṛtsnasya) 12. 53. 23; having heavenly qualities (svargaguṇaiḥ samanvitam) 9. 52. 21; battlefield (raṇakṣetra) 5. 179. 15; (after the war) full of hair, marrow, and bones (keśamajjāsthisaṁkula) 12. 48. 3 (also stanzas 4-6).

D. Holy: King, Kuru made the place holy by his austerities (kurukṣetraṁ sa tapasā puṇyaṁ cakre) 1. 89. 43; it was desirable for the Kṣatriyas to get killed by weapons on Kurukṣetra (śastreṇa nidhanaṁ gacchet samṛddhaṁ kṣatramaṇḍalam/kurukṣetre puṇyatame) 5. 139. 53; all kings killed here would obtain the condition of the highsouled ones 9. 52. 21; fruit obtained by people by visiting Kurukṣetra (kurukṣetrasya yat phalam) 9. 51. 25-26; Śakra himself sang a gāthā in praise of the holiness of Kurukṣetra: even the dust particles carried by wind were capable of leading a sinner to the highest condition (pāṁsavo 'pi kurukṣetrād vāyunā samudīritāḥ/api duṣkṛtakarmāṇaṁ nayanti paramāṁ gatim) 9. 52. 18; chief gods (surarṣabhāḥ) and excellent Brāhmaṇas, similarly great kings like Nṛga and others obtained good condition after death by offering costly sacrifices at Kurukṣetra 9. 52. 19.

E. Epic events:

(1) Takṣaka and his son Aśvasena used to live in Kurukṣetra 1. 3. 144-145; 1. 218. 4; 1. 219. 13;

(2) Citrāṅgada and the Gandharva king of the same name fought a battle at Kurukṣetra on the river Hiraṇvatī for three years 1. 95. 7;

(3) When Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Pāṇḍu and Vidura were born, the Kurus, Kurukṣetra and Kurujāṅgala prospered 1. 102. 1 (the way they prospered described in stanzas 2-14);

(4) The Pāṇḍavas, at the start of their life in the forest, proceeded towards Kurukṣetra from the bank of Gaṅgā (prayayur jāhnavīkūlāt kurukṣetram) 3. 6. 1;

(5) Before going to Virāṭa, Yudhiṣṭhira unstrung his bow with which he formerly protected Kurukṣetra 4. 5. 18;

(6) Duryodhana asked the kings to proceed towards Kurukṣetra under the Puṣya nakṣatra (prayādhvaṁ vai kurukṣetraṁ puṣyo 'dyeti); accordingly the kings started for Kurukṣetra 5. 148. 3, 18; he also asked them to establish camps at Kurukṣetra 5, 150. 14; Duryodhana himself with his brothers, led by Bhīṣma, went to Kurukṣetra with his large army; he made a round of Kurukṣetra with Karṇa and measured on level ground the land required for his camp (kurukṣetraṁ jagāma ha/… parikramya kurukṣetraṁ karṇena saha…/ śibiraṁ māpayām āsa same deśe) 5. 153. 3334; he and his allies got ready for the war on the western half of Kurukṣetra (kurukṣetrasya paścārdhe) 5. 196. 11 (should this be kurukṣetrasya pūrvārdhe ? see 6. 1. 5* and the editor's note on 6. 1. 5 (p. 755));

(7) The Pāṇḍavas too reached Kurukṣetra; reaching there, they blew their conches; there, Dhṛṣṭadyumna and Sātyaki measured the land for raising the camp of the Pāṇḍavas (śibiraṁ māpayām āsa dhṛṣṭadyumnaś ca…/sātyakiś ca); Kṛṣṇa ordered the digging of a ditch at Kurukṣetra for the protection of the camp (khānayām āsa parikhāṁ keśavas tatra…/guptyartham) 5. 149. 63-64; 72-74; the place of the camp of Pāṇḍavas described in 5. 149. 67-69; (the camp of Pāṇḍavas was outside the Samantapañcaka 6. 1. 6); Pāṇḍavas were encamped on the western side (of the Kurukṣetra) and faced east (prāṅmukhāḥ paścime bhāge) 6. 1. 5;

(8) The two armies were arrayed against each other at Kurukṣetra (tathā vyūḍheṣv anīkeṣu kurukṣetre) 5. 156. 1;

(9) Duryodhana informed Yudhiṣṭhira through Ulūka that Kurukṣetra was free from mud and that the road to it was even (kurukṣetram akardamam/samaḥ panthā…) 5. 157. 18; 5. 158. 11 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 5. 160. 93: akardamam iti yuddhayogyatvaṁ bhūmer uktam);

(10) Rāma (Bhārgava) took Ambā to Kurukṣetra (to meet Bhīṣma) 5. 177. 23;

(11) Bhīṣma agreed to fight with Rāma at Kurukṣetra and asked him to return there (kurukṣetre yotsye) 5. 178. 31; (vinivartasva kurukṣetram) 5. 178. 33; Rāma agreed to return to Kurukṣetra and he went there (ayaṁ gacchāmi kauravya kurukṣetram) 5. 179. 2; (yayau ramaḥ kurukṣetram) 5. 179. 8; later, Bhīṣma too reached Kurukṣetra from Hāstinapura (niṣkramya gajasāhvayāt/kurukṣetram upāyām) 5. 179. 15, 17; (apparently the earlier meeting between Rāma and Bhīṣma did not take place at Kurukṣetra but on the outskirts of Hāstinapura); the fight between Bhīṣma and Rāma at Kurukṣetra referred to in 12. 27. 8; 13. 154. 25;

(12) Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas were encamped at Kurukṣetra and were eager to fight 6. 1. 2-3, 23;

(13) Vaiśaṁpāyana began the narration of what the Kauravas and the Pāṇḍavas did at Kurukṣetra as was done earlier by Saṁjaya 6. 1. 2; 6. 23. 1;

(14) After the death of Śalya, the Kṣatriyas, inspite of bad omens, were ready to fight at Kurukṣetra desirous of reaching the heaven (if killed in war) (kurukṣetre…svargaṁ yiyāṁsavaḥ) 9. 22. 23;

(15) Balarāma in his tīrthayātrā went to Kurukṣetra 9. 34. 32;

(16) From Kurukṣetra he went to the āśrama where formerly Viṣṇu practised austerities 9. 53. 1, 5;

(17) On reaching Kurukṣetra, the Kuru women saw their near relatives lying dead 11. 16. 11;

(18) Kṛṣṇa, along with the Pāṇḍavas, went to Kurukṣetra to meet Bhīṣma lying on the bed of arrows 12. 48. 2-3, 6; 12. 53. 23; 12. 57. 2;

(19) When Uttarāyaṇa set in, Yudhiṣṭhira, with Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Gāndhārī and others, went from Hāstinapura to Bhīṣma lying at Kurukṣetra 13. 153. 12;

(20) Dhṛtarāṣṭra first went to Kurukṣetra from the river Bhāgīrathī where there was the āśrama of Śatayūpa 15. 25. 8-9;

(21) Yudhiṣṭhira and others started for the āśrama of Dhṛtarāṣṭra which was at Kurukṣetra (kurukṣetrāśramaṁ prati) 15. 29. 21; he reached Kurukṣetra after crossing the river Yamunā (kurukṣetram avātarat/ krameṇottīrya yamunām) 15. 30. 16;

(22) The great sages, Śatayūpa and others, living at Kurukṣetra arrived to meet Dhṛtarāṣṭra and the Pāṇḍavas (śatayūpaprabhṛtayaḥ kurukṣetranivāsinaḥ) 15. 34. 21;

(23) Vyāsa told Gāndhārī that Gandharvas, Apsarases, and the rest, born as human beings, met their death at Kurukṣetra (gandharvāprarasaś caiva ta… ete nidhanaṁ prāptāḥ kurukṣetre) 15. 39. 6-7;

(24) Dhṛtarāṣṭra went from Kurukṣetra to Gaṅgādvāra (where he was reduced to ashes by forest fire) (kurukṣetrāt pitā tubhyaṁ gaṅgādvāraṁ yayau) 15. 45. 10;

(25) Arjuna arrived at Kurukṣetra from Dvārakā after he was attacked by Dasyus on his way 16. 8. 85.

F. Past events:

(1) Viṣṇu once told Pṛthivī that the kings who would gather at Kurukṣetra would kill each other (kurukṣetre samāgatāḥ/anyonyaṁ ghātayiṣyanti) 11. 8. 25;

(2) Janamejaya, son of Parikṣit, with his brothers performed a long sacrificial session at Kurukṣetra (janamejayaḥ pārikṣitaḥ saha bhrātṛbhiḥ kurukṣetre dīrghasatram upāste) 1. 3. 1;

(3) The place where king Māndhātṛ offered sacrifices was situated in the middle of Kurukṣetra (tasyaitad devayajanaṁ…kurukṣetrasya madhyataḥ) 3. 126. 42;

(4) Sudarśana, with his wife Oghavatī, decided to lead the life of a householder at Kurukṣetra 13. 2. 39;

(5) When king Kuru offered a sacrifice at Kurukṣetra, Sarasvatī appeared at Ṛṣabhadvīpa as Suveṇu (suveṇur ṛṣabhadvīpe… kuroś ca yajamānasya kurukṣetre…ājagāma…sarasvatī) 9. 37. 24;

(6) When Vasiṣṭha invited her at Kurukṣetra, Sarasvatī appeared there as Oghavatī (oghavaty api…vasiṣṭhena…/samāhūtā kurukṣetre… sarasvatī) 9. 37. 25;

(7) When the sages of the Nimiṣa forest decided to go on a pilgrimage, they went to Kurukṣetra 3. 81. 92;

(8) In the Kṛtayuga (9. 36. 39), when the ascetics from the Nimiṣa forest went to Kurukṣetra, they found no place there as it was already full of sages (te 'vakāśaṁ na dadṛśuḥ kurukṣetre) 9. 36. 48;

(9) Pious Mudgala, who lived only by gleaning ears of corn, lived at Kurukṣetra (śiloñchavṛttir dharmātmā mudgalaḥ…/ āsīd…kurukṣetre) 3. 246. 3;

(10) A certain noble Brāhmaṇa (name not mentioned), who lived the life of a pigeon by gleaning ears of corn, lived at Kurukṣetra (uñchavṛtter vadānyasya kurukṣetranivāsinaḥ) 14. 92. 9, 19, 21; (kurukṣetre…/ uñchavṛttir dvijaḥ kaścit kāpotir abhavat purā) 14. 93. 2;

(11) Sunda and Upasunda, after conquering the whole earth, settled down at Kurukṣetra (niḥsapatnau kurukṣetre niveśam abhicakratuḥ) 1. 202. 27 [See Kurukṣetra (holy place) Vol. 1. 5. pp. 312-313 and Kurujāṅgala (below)].

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