
विकिशब्दकोशः तः


Purana index[सम्पाद्यताम्]

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

--(girls) see कात्यायनि vrata. The gopi women were enchanted by the music of कृष्ण, took to ब्रिन्दावन, and worshipped him. By singing his glories and through काम they became one with Him. फलकम्:F1: भा. X. २१. 7-२०.फलकम्:/F On another occasion they were so much moved by his music that they left their household work, children and male members and came to ब्रिन्दावन्. Though they were asked to go back they refused, and desired to attain His feet. While they were enjoying his presence, कृष्ण suddenly disappeared. They wandered all the forest in search of Him, addressing all trees and plants as to his whereabouts. During all this time each thought that every one of them was कृष्ण and imitated his boyish exploits. After vain search they came to the very place wherefrom they started and meditated on his great- ness. They praised him in the form of गीतम् looking for- ward to his arrival. Soon he was in their midst and con- soled them. They took part in the रास क्रीड where was seen a कृष्ण between every two women. They sang and danced unconscious of the loosening of their jewels, braid or clothes. When they sweated in fatigue, कृष्ण wiped off their sweat. They then enjoyed water-sports, and sports on the river-banks in the उपवन। By dawn they repaired to their homes. फलकम्:F2: Ib. chaps. २९-33.फलकम्:/F When some gopis were forcibly taken by शन्ख Cu1da, कृष्ण released them and killed him. फलकम्:F3: Ib. ३४. २४-32.फलकम्:/F When कृष्ण was away in the woods, the gopis who were at homes sang in praise of his वेणु गीता। फलकम्:F4: Ib. ३५ (whole).फलकम्:/F Gopis heard of कृष्ण going to मथ्रा with अक्रूर and characterised अक्रूर to be only a क्रूर as he brought about कृष्ण's sepa- ration from them. They turned their minds on the past deeds of कृष्ण, and stood motionless as pictures at his leav- [page१-550+ ३१] ing them. कृष्ण assured them of his return soon. फलकम्:F5: Ib. ३९. १३-32.फलकम्:/F Uddhava was sent by कृष्ण with a message to gopis and gopas. The gopis mistook his chariot for that of अक्रूर. They all sur- rounded him and enquired of कृष्ण and his attitude towards them. Uddhava brought relief to them by delivering कृष्ण's message while they recounted to him his deeds at ब्रिन्दा- van. Pleased at their attachment to the Lord, Uddhava took leave of them after spending some time there. फलकम्:F6: Ib. ४६. ४८, and ch. ४७ whole.फलकम्:/F They went to स्यमन्तपञ्चक and met कृष्ण who took them aside and consoled them so much so that they were all in contem- plation of Him. Left for मथुरा. फलकम्:F7: Ib. ८२. ४०-49; ८४. ६९.फलकम्:/F and attained salvation by सत्सन्ग। फलकम्:F8: Ib. XI. १२. 6; VII. 1. ३०.फलकम्:/F

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