
विकिशब्दकोशः तः



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

जरासन्धः, पुं, (जरया तदाख्यया प्रसिद्धया राक्षस्या कृता सन्धा देहसंयोजनमस्य ।) चन्द्रवंशीयराजविशेषः । स तु बृहद्रथराज- पुत्त्रः । कंसश्वशुरः द्बन्द्बयुद्धे भीमस्तं हतवान् । अस्य नामकरणं यथा, -- “अन्यस्यामपि भार्य्यायां शकले द्वे बृहद्रथात् । ते मात्रा बहिरुत्सृष्टे जरया चाभिसन्धिते ॥ जीव जीवेति क्रीडन्त्या जरासन्धोऽभवत् सुतः ॥” इति श्रीभागवतम् ॥ तत्पर्य्यायः । बार्हद्रथिः २ । इति त्रिकाण्डशेषः ॥ (अस्य जन्मविवरणं महाभारते सभापर्व्वणि १७ अध्याये तथा मृत्युविवरणं तत्रैव २४ अध्याये द्रष्टव्यम् ॥ अयं हि विप्रचित्तिनामकस्यासुर- स्यावतारः । यथा, महाभारते । १ । ६७ । ४ । “विप्रचित्तिरिति ख्यातो य आसीद्दानवर्षभः । जरासन्ध इति ख्यातः स आसीत् मनुजर्षभः ॥” धृतराष्ट्रपुत्त्राणामन्यतमः । यथा, महाभारते । १ । ११७ । ८ । “दृढसन्धो जरासन्धः सत्यसन्धः सदःसुवाक् ॥”)


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

जरासन्ध¦ पु॰ जरया राक्षस्या सन्धा देहयोजनमस्य। वृहद्रथभूपसुते मागधे नृपे तस्योत्पत्तिकथा यथा।
“राजा वृहद्रथो नाम मगधाधिपतिर्बली” इत्युपक्रमे। (
“नाससाद नृपश्रेष्ठः पुत्रं कुलविवर्द्धनम्। अथकाक्षावतः पुत्रं गौतमस्य महात्मनः। शुश्राव तपसिश्रान्तमुदारं चण्डकौशिकम् यदृच्छयागतं तन्तु वृक्ष-मूलमुपाश्रितम्। पत्नीभ्यां सहितो राजा स च रत्रै-रतोषयत्। तमब्रवीत्सत्यधृतिः सत्यवागृषिसत्तमः। परि-तुष्टाऽस्मि राजेन्द्र! वरं वरय सुव्रत!। ततः सभार्यःप्रणतस्तमुवाच वृहद्रथः। पुत्रदर्शननैराश्याद्बाष्पसंदि-ग्धया गिरा। राजोवाच। भगवन्राज्यमुत्सृज्यप्रस्थितोऽहं तपोवनम्। किं वरेणाल्पभाग्यस्य किंराज्येनाप्रजस्य मे। कृष्णौवाच। एतत् श्रुत्वामुनिर्ध्यानमगमत् क्षुभितेन्द्रियः। तस्यैव चाम्रवृक्षस्यछायायां समुपाविशत्। तस्योपविष्टस्य मुनेरुत्सङ्गेनिपपात ह। अवानमशुकादष्टमेकमाम्रफलं किल। तत् प्रगृह्य मुनिश्रेष्ठो हृदयेनाभिमन्त्र्य च। राज्ञंददावप्रतिमं पुत्रसंप्राप्तिकारणम्। उवाच चमहाप्राज्ञस्तं राजानं महामुनिः। गच्छ राजन्!कृतार्थोऽसि निवर्त्तस्व नराधिप!। एतत् श्रुत्वा मुने-र्वाक्यं शिरसा प्रणिपत्य च। मुनेः पादौ महाप्राज्ञःस नृपः स्वगृहं गतः। यथा समयमाज्ञाय तदा स[Page3060-a+ 38] नृपसत्तमः। द्वाभ्यामेकं फलं प्रादात् पत्नीम्यां भरत-र्षभ!। ते तदाम्रं द्विधा कृत्वा भक्षयामासतुः शुभे। भावित्वादपि चार्थस्य सत्यवाक्यतया मुनेः। तयोःसमभवद्गर्भः फलप्राशनसम्भवः। ते च दृष्ट्वा स नृपतिःपरां मुदमवाप ह। अथ काले महाप्राज्ञ! यथासमयमागते। प्राजायेतामुभे राजन्! शरीरशकलेतदा एकाक्षिवाहुचरणे अर्द्धोदरमुखस्फिचे। दृष्ट्वाशरीरशकले प्रवेपतुरुभे भृशम्। उद्विग्ने सहसंमन्त्र्यते भगिन्यौ तदाऽवले। सजीवे प्राणिशकले तत्यजातेसुदुःखिते। तयोर्धात्र्यौ सुसंवीते ते कृत्वा गर्मसंप्लवे। निर्गम्यान्तःपुरद्वारात् समुत्सृज्याभिजग्मतुः। तेचतुष्पथनिःक्षिप्ते जरा नामाथ राक्षसी। जग्राहमनुजव्याघ्र! मांसशोणितभोजना। कर्त्तुकामा सुख-वहे शकले सा तु राक्षसी। संयोजयामास तदाविधानवलनोदिता। ते समानीतमात्रे तु शकले पुरुष-र्षभ!। एकमूर्त्तिधरो वीरः कुमारः समपद्यत। ततः सा राक्षसी राजन्! विस्मयोत्फुल्ललोचना। न शशाक समुद्वोढुं वज्रसारमयं शिशुम्। वालस्ता-म्रतलं मुष्टिं कृत्वा चास्ये निधाय सः। प्राक्रोशदति-संरब्धः सतोय इव तोयदः। तेन शब्देन सुम्भ्रान्तःसहसान्तःपुरे जनः। निर्जगाम नरव्याघ्र! राज्ञा सहपरन्तप!। ते चाबले परिम्लाने पयःपूर्णपयोधरे। निराशे पुत्रलाभाय सहसैवाभ्यगच्छताम्। ते तु दृष्ट्वातथामूते राजानञ्चेष्टसन्ततिम्। तञ्च बालं प्रवलिनंचिन्तयामास राक्षसी। नार्हामि विषये राज्ञो वसन्तीपुत्रगृद्धिनः। बालं पुत्रमिमं हन्तुं धार्मिकस्य महा-त्मनः। सा तं बालमुपादाय मेघलेखेन भास्करम्। कृत्वा च मानुषं रूपमुवाच वसुधाधिपम्। राक्षस्यु-वाच। वृहद्रथ! सुतस्तेऽयं मया दत्तः प्रगृह्यताम्। तव पत्नीद्वये जातो द्विजातिवरशासनात्। धात्रीजनपरित्यक्तो मयायं परिरक्षितः। कृष्ण उवाच। ततस्तेभरतश्रेष्ठ! काशिराजमुते शुभे। तं बालमभिपद्याशुप्रस्रवैरभ्यषिञ्चताम्। ततः स राजा संहृष्टः सर्वं तदुप-लभ्य च। अपृच्छद्धेमगर्भाभां राक्षसीं तामराक्षसीम्। राजोवाच। कात्वं कमलगर्भाभे! मम पुत्रप्रदायिनी। काम्यया व्रूहि कल्याणि! देवता प्रतिभासि मे। ”( राक्षस्युवाच। जरा नामास्मि भद्रन्ते राक्षसीकामरूपिणी। तव वेश्मनि राजेन्द्र! पूजिता न्यवसं[Page3060-b+ 38] सुखम्। गृहे गृहे मनुष्याणां नित्यं तिष्ठामिराक्षसी। गृहदेवीति नाम्ना वै पुरा सृष्टा स्वय-म्भुवा। दानवानां विनाशाय स्थापिता दिव्यरूपिणी। यो मां भक्त्या लिखेत् कुड्ये सपुत्रां यौवनान्विताम्। गृहे तत्र भवेद्वृद्धिरन्यथा क्षयमाप्नुयात्। त्वद्गृहे तिष्ठ-माना तु पूजिताहं सदा विभो!। लिखिता चैवकुड्येषु पुत्रैर्वहुभिरावृता। गन्धपुष्पैस्तथा धूपैर्भक्ष्य-भोज्यैः सुपूजिता। साहं प्रत्युपकारार्थं चिन्तयाम्यनिशं तव। तवेमे पुत्रशकले दृष्टवत्यस्मि धार्मिक!। संश्लेषिते मया दैवात् कुमारः समपद्यत। तव भा-ग्यान्महाराज! हेतुमात्रमहं त्विह। मेरुं वा खा-दितुं शक्ता किं पुनस्तव बालकम्। गृहे सम्पूजनात्तुष्ठ्या मया प्रत्यर्पितस्तव। कृष्ण उवाच। एवमुक्त्वातु सा राजंस्तत्रैवान्तरधीयत। स संगृह्य कुमारंतं प्रविवेश गृहं नृपः। तस्य बालस्य यत् कृत्यंतच्चकार नृपस्तदा। आज्ञापयच्च राक्षस्या मगधेषुमहोत्सवः। तस्य नामाकरोच्चैव पितामहसमः पिता। जरया सन्धितो यस्माज्जरासन्धो भवत्वयम्। सोऽवर्द्धतमहातेजा मगधाधिपतेः सुतः। प्रमाणबलसम्पन्नोहुताहुतिरिवानलः। मातापित्रोर्नन्दिकरः शुक्लपक्षे यथाशशी” भा॰ स॰

१७ ।

१८ अ॰।


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

जरासन्ध¦ m. (-न्धः) A proper name, a celebrated king and warrior, sover- eign of Magad'ha, father-in-law to KANSA, and foe to KRISHNA; he was slain in single combat by BHIMA. E. जरा a female demon, and सन्ध connection, union; he was born in two halves, which were put together by the Rakshasi JARA.

Purana index[सम्पाद्यताम्]

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

(I)--born to बृहद्रथ in two parts and cast away by the mother. जरा (s.v.) joined them together, saying in sport ‘Live, Live’. It was जरासन्ध. He was father of Sahadeva. फलकम्:F1:  भा. I. १५. 9; IX. २२. 7-8; M. ५०. ३१-32; २७१. १८; Vi. IV. १९. ८३-4; २३. 2-3.फलकम्:/F King of Magadha and father-in-law of कम्शा who married his daughters Asti and प्राप्ति; acted as कम्शा's guru in his wicked plans. Heard of कम्शा's death from his widowed daughters and resolved to destroy all the यादवस्. He besieged मथुरा with twenty-three अक्षौ- हिनिस्, stationing at the four gates king of Kalinga and others. Drums were sounded as a call to arms. Told कृष्ण that he was a boy unfit to fight him and asked राम to meet him in battle. राम challenged him on the western gate. Finding all his army followers killed, जरासन्ध attacked राम. When the latter was about to bind him with ropes, कृष्ण asked that he be set free. जरासन्ध went home greatly distressed. Three months after, जरासन्ध collected [page१-640+ ४६] another huge army of twenty-three अक्षौहिनिस्, encamped at यमुना banks and slept that night. कृष्ण divided his army into three divisions and attacked the enemy on all sides by surprise. All जरासन्ध's followers took to flight leaving all their belongings which were presented to Ugra- sena. Then he called on बाण at his city शोणितपुर soliciting his help against the Yadus. बाण's welcome and offer to help; with this force he again besieged मथुरा. Fight between him and राम. Defeat of कुम्भाण्ड and retreat of कूप- कर्ण and other soldiers of बाण to their city. जरासन्- dha's return to the city. फलकम्:F2:  भा. X. ३६. ३५; ५० (whole); also ch. ५० Vijaya (whole); chaps. ५१-52 (V) Vi. V. ४८ (whole).फलकम्:/F Felt angry at शृगाल's end and led another expedition to मथुरा. Defeat and return. In this way he led seven- teen expeditions. During the eighteenth expedition a cer- tain Yavana sent by नारद besieged the city. फलकम्:F3:  भा. X. [५३ (v) २२-24]; ५०. ४२-44; Vi. V. ch. २२.फलकम्:/F जरासन्ध attacked the Yadus going to द्वारका after vanquishing the म्लेच्छस् by the formation of मकरव्यूह when कृष्ण destroyed it by throwing a big tree on it. राम also gave them mighty blows. Then he turned upon two brothers who were unarmed and who ran to प्रवर्षण hill. जरासन्ध followed them and burnt the hill by besieging it from all sides. The brothers leaped into the plains and regained द्वारका, but were taken by their enemies to be burnt dead. His defeat at कृष्ण's hands during the स्वयम्वर of Ruk- मिणी is mentioned. Arrival at कुण्डिन; went to शिशुपाल and comforted him that all was due to fate, and returned to his city. फलकम्:F4:  भा. X. ५२ (whole); ५३. १७ and [३४], ५७; ५४. 9-१७; [५६ (v) 6]; Vi. २६. 3 and 7; ३७. २६.फलकम्:/F His defeats were recalled by कृतवर्मन्. फलकम्:F5:  भा. X. ५७. १३.फलकम्:/F He had his capital at Girivraja, where thousands of kings were kept imprisoned. फलकम्:F6:  Ib. X. ६०. १८; ७०. २३-24, २९.फलकम्:/F A preliminary to युधिष्ठीर's राजसूय was to kill जरासन्ध. Finding him unconquered and also devoted to ब्रह्मणस्, कृष्ण, भीम and Arjuna went to him in Brahmana's guise and asked for meals. जरासन्ध understood them to be क्षत्रियस् and still recalled Bali giv- ing the earth to Hari in a Brahmana's guise. So he offered to give his head. Then कृष्ण and his two friends revealed themselves and invited him to battle. He refused to fight a [page१-641+ २५] coward who left मथुरा for a sea-girt-city, nor with un- equal Arjuna. But he agreed to fight with भीम. Then battle continued for २७ days and भीम felt despondent. कृष्ण gave him a hint by tearing a twig behind. So भीम pulled him down and tore him to two pieces from head to foot. फलकम्:F7:  Ib. ७१. 2[1], 3-4; ७२. १५-47; ७३. ३१; ७६. 2; वा. ९३. २७.फलकम्:/F One of those who failed to hit the fish in the स्वयम्- वर of लक्ष्मणा. फलकम्:F8:  भा. X. ८३. २३; Br. III. ६८. २८; ७४. १०८.फलकम्:/F
(II)--a son of Nabhasa; a powerful con- queror of all क्षत्रियस्. वा. ९९. २२६-7.

Purana Encyclopedia[सम्पाद्यताम्]

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

JARĀSANDHA I : A terrible King of Magadha.

1) Genealogy. Descended from Viṣṇu in the following order:--Brahmā-Atri-Candra-Budha-Purūravas-Āyus- Nahuṣa-Yayāti-Pūru-Janamejaya-Prācinvān-Pravīra- Namasyu-Vītabhaya-Śuṇḍu-Bahuvidha-Saṁyati-Raho- vādi-Raudrāśva-Matināra-Santurodha-Duṣyanta- Bharata-Suhotra-Suhotā-Gala-Garda-Suketu-Bṛhat- kṣeṭra-Hasti-Ajamīḍha-Ṛṣa-Saṁvaraṇa-Pūru-Sudhanvā- Cyavana-Kṛti-Vasu-Bṛhadratha-Jarāsandha.

2) Birth. Jarāsandha was created by joining together two halves of a child, by a giantess called Jarā, and so this child got the name Jarāsandha. (For detailed story see under Jarā).

3) The first battle with Śrī Kṛṣṇa. Asti and Prāpti, the two wives of Kaṁsa, were daughters of Jarāsandha. When Śrī Kṛṣṇa killed Kaṁsa, the two daughters went to their father and shed tears before him. Jarā- sandha became angry and with a mighty army sur- rounded the city of Mathurā. A fierce battle was fought between Jarāsandha and Kṛṣṇa. At last Bala- bhadrarāma caught hold of Jarāsandha and was about to kill him, when an ethereal voice said that Balabhadrarāma was not the person to kill Jarāsandha. Accordingly Rāma and Kṛṣṇa set Jarāsandha free. (Bhāgavata, Skandha 10).

4) Other information.

(1) It is mentioned in Bhāgavata, Skandha 10, that Jarāsandha was the teacher too, of Kaṁsa.

(2) Jarāsandha had four sons, Soma, Sahadeva, Tūrya and Srutāśru of whom Sahadeva became King of Magadha, after the death of Jarāsandha.

(3) Mention is made in Mahābhārata, Ādi Parva, Chapter 185, that Jarāsandha had been present at the Svayaṁvara (marriage) of Pāñcālī.

(4) Once there arose a battle between Jarāsandha and Kaṛṇa, in which Jarāsandha was defeated and so he made a treaty with Karṇa. (M.B. Śānti Parva, Chapter 5, Stanza 6).

5) The death of Jarāsandha. The enmity between Śrī Kṛṣṇa and Jarāsandha was life-long. These two mighty powers confronted each other eighteen times. Śrī Kṛṣṇa decided to kill Jarāsandha, the King of Magadha, in a duel. Once Śrī Kṛṣṇa with Arjuna and Bhīma, reached the city of Magadha in the guise of Brāh- maṇas. They started from the kingdom of Kuru travelled through Kurujāṅgala and passed by Padmasaras and Kālakūṭa, visited the holy. places of Gaṇḍakī, Mahāśoṇā, Sadānīrā and such others, crossed the river Sarayū and reached the opposite bank. Then they travelled through the countries of East Kosala and Mithilā. Touring through the countries they crossed the rivers Carmaṇvatī, Gaṅgā and Śoṇa. Wear- ing matted hair and barks of trees they reached Giri- vraja, the capital city of Magadha. There were three big drums, which were used only on special occasions. The hide of elephant was used for making them.(**. See under Bṛhadratha IV to know about the sound of this big drum.**) Seeing all these sights they reached the presence of Jarāsandha, who welcomed them with necessary formalities and talked with them. But they kept silence. At last Śrī Kṛṣṇa told him that his two friends were having the vow of silence, which would terminate only at mid- night. So the King left them in the sacrificial hall and went to the palace. He came to them at midnight and asked them who they were. Śrī Kṛṣha revealed to him that they were Kṛṣṇa, Bhīma and Arjuna, who had come to fight a duel with Jarāsandha, who had unrea- sonably put many innocent Kings in dungeon, and challenged him to select any one of them for duel. Jarā- sandha, trembling with fury, selected Bhīma. In that duel Jarāsandha was killed. (M.B. Sabhā Parva, 3 Chapters from 20).

6) Names given to Jarāsandha. Bārhadratha, Māgadha, Magadhādhipa and Jarāputra are some of the names used in the Mahābhārata by Vyāsa as synonyms of Jarāsandha.

*1st word in right half of page 349 (+offset) in original book.

JARĀSANDHA II : (Śatrusaha). One of the hundred sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra. It is mentioned in Mahābhārata, Droṇa Parva, Chapter 137, Stanza 30 that this Jarā- sandha was killed by Bhīmasena.

*1st word in left half of page 350 (+offset) in original book.

JARĀSANDHA III : In Karṇa Parva of the Mahā- bhārata, Chapter 5, Stanza 30, we see a King Jayatsena who fought on the side of the Kauravas and had been killed by Abhimanyu. The father of this King Jayatsena was one Jarāsandha, a Kṣatriya of Magadha.

*2nd word in left half of page 350 (+offset) in original book.

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