सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

द्रमिडः [dramiḍḥ] लः [lḥ], लः See द्रविडः.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

द्रमिड m. pl. N. of a school of grammarians (opposed to the आर्यs). Cat. (See. next and द्रविड).

Purana Encyclopedia[सम्पाद्यताम्]

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Dramiḍa (Dramiḷa), Draviḍa  : m. (pl.): Name of a Janapada and its people.

A. Location: Listed by Saṁjaya among the southern Janapadas (also called Deśas 6. 10. 68) of Bhāratavarṣa (athāpare janapadā dakṣiṇā bharatarṣabha) 6. 10. 56, 5; (draviḍāḥ keralāḥ prācyā…) 6. 10. 57; Yudhiṣṭhira went to the south to reach the Draviḍa country (prayayau dakṣiṇāmukhaḥ) 3. 117. 18; 3. 118. 4; Arjuna fought with the Draviḍas when he reached the southern ocean (prayayau…dakṣiṇaṁ salilārṇavam) 14. 84. 10.

B. Origin:

(1) Created, along with the Puṇḍras and others, by Nandinī, the cow of Vasiṣṭha, from her foam (dramiḍān…phenataḥ sā sasarja ha) 1. 165. 36;

(2) They are listed among those Kṣatriyas who were degraded on account of not respecting Brāhmaṇas (dramiḷāś ca kaliṅgāś ca… tās tāḥ kṣatriyajātayaḥ/vṛṣalatvaṁ parigatā brāhmaṇānām adarśanāt) 13. 33. 2021; (dramiḍāḥ) 13. 35. 17; they became degraded due to their neglect of the duties of a Kṣatriya (ta ete dramiḍāḥ…vṛṣalatvaṁ parigatā vyutthānāt kṣatradharmataḥ) 14. 29. 16.

C. Description: of terrific valour (ugravikrama) 8. 4. 46.

D. Epic events:

(1) Sahadeva, in his expedition to the south (2. 28. 1, 8, 37) subjugated the Draviḍas by just sending messengers to them and made them pay tribute for the Rājasūya (draviḍāṁś caiva…dūtair eva vaśe cakre karaṁ cainān adāpayat) 2. 28. 48;

(2) Draviḍas mentioned among those whose kings attended the Rājasūya of Yudhiṣṭhira 2. 31. 12; Kṛṣṇa saw them who, afraid of the luster of the arms, attended the Rājasūya and acted as servers (āgatān aham adrākṣaṁ yajñe te pariveṣakān) 3. 48. 18, 22;

(3) In his pilgrimage Yudhiṣṭhira, going south along the river Godāvarī, reached the sea in the Draviḍa country before going to the Agastyatīrtha and the Nārītīrthas (draviḍeṣu…samudram āsādya) 3. 118. 4;

(4) Kṛṣṇa told Karṇa that the Draviḍas would be among those who would lead his procession if he joined the Pāṇḍavas (purogamāś ca te santu draviḍāḥ saha kuntalaiḥ) 5. 138. 25;

(5) Ulūka mentioned Draviḍas among those who had joined the army of Duryodhana (rājacamūṁ sametām… draviḍāndhrakāñcyaiḥ) 5. 158. 19-20;

(6) On the sixteenth day of the war, Dhṛṣṭadyumna, along with the Draviḍas (on the side of the Pāṇḍavas), attacked the Kaurava army (draviḍaiḥ) 8. 8. 14;

(7) On the seventeenth day, the Draviḍa footsoldiers (on the side of Pāṇḍavas), incited by Sātyaki, attacked Karṇa; Karṇa cut off with his arrows their arms and head-gears and felled them down (draviḍaº …abhyardayañ…karṇaṁ āhave te vibāhuśirastrāṇāḥ…prahatāḥ karṇasāyakaiḥ petuḥ pṛthivyāṁ) 8. 33. 4-5;

(8) Saṁjaya listed Draviḍas among those who were killed in the first seventeen days of war (draviḍāś cogravikramāḥ…nihatāḥ) 8. 4. 46, 48;

(9) Arjuna had to fight with the Draviḍas (draviḍair) when he accompanied the Aśvamedha horse 14. 84. 11.

E. A Dramiḍa king occurs in a comparison: The glorious Aśoka tree, according to Damayantī, with its chaplets (of blosssoms), shone like the glorious king of Dramiḍas (aho batāyam agamaḥ śrīmān…āpīḍair bahubhir bhāti śrīmān dramiḍarāḍ iva) 3. 61. 98 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 3. 64. 103: agamaḥ vṛkṣaḥ āpīḍaiḥ puṣpaphalādirūpair alaṁkāraiḥ).

*2nd word in right half of page p753_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Mahabharata Cultural Index[सम्पाद्यताम्]

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Dramiḍa (Dramiḷa), Draviḍa  : m. (pl.): Name of a Janapada and its people.

A. Location: Listed by Saṁjaya among the southern Janapadas (also called Deśas 6. 10. 68) of Bhāratavarṣa (athāpare janapadā dakṣiṇā bharatarṣabha) 6. 10. 56, 5; (draviḍāḥ keralāḥ prācyā…) 6. 10. 57; Yudhiṣṭhira went to the south to reach the Draviḍa country (prayayau dakṣiṇāmukhaḥ) 3. 117. 18; 3. 118. 4; Arjuna fought with the Draviḍas when he reached the southern ocean (prayayau…dakṣiṇaṁ salilārṇavam) 14. 84. 10.

B. Origin:

(1) Created, along with the Puṇḍras and others, by Nandinī, the cow of Vasiṣṭha, from her foam (dramiḍān…phenataḥ sā sasarja ha) 1. 165. 36;

(2) They are listed among those Kṣatriyas who were degraded on account of not respecting Brāhmaṇas (dramiḷāś ca kaliṅgāś ca… tās tāḥ kṣatriyajātayaḥ/vṛṣalatvaṁ parigatā brāhmaṇānām adarśanāt) 13. 33. 2021; (dramiḍāḥ) 13. 35. 17; they became degraded due to their neglect of the duties of a Kṣatriya (ta ete dramiḍāḥ…vṛṣalatvaṁ parigatā vyutthānāt kṣatradharmataḥ) 14. 29. 16.

C. Description: of terrific valour (ugravikrama) 8. 4. 46.

D. Epic events:

(1) Sahadeva, in his expedition to the south (2. 28. 1, 8, 37) subjugated the Draviḍas by just sending messengers to them and made them pay tribute for the Rājasūya (draviḍāṁś caiva…dūtair eva vaśe cakre karaṁ cainān adāpayat) 2. 28. 48;

(2) Draviḍas mentioned among those whose kings attended the Rājasūya of Yudhiṣṭhira 2. 31. 12; Kṛṣṇa saw them who, afraid of the luster of the arms, attended the Rājasūya and acted as servers (āgatān aham adrākṣaṁ yajñe te pariveṣakān) 3. 48. 18, 22;

(3) In his pilgrimage Yudhiṣṭhira, going south along the river Godāvarī, reached the sea in the Draviḍa country before going to the Agastyatīrtha and the Nārītīrthas (draviḍeṣu…samudram āsādya) 3. 118. 4;

(4) Kṛṣṇa told Karṇa that the Draviḍas would be among those who would lead his procession if he joined the Pāṇḍavas (purogamāś ca te santu draviḍāḥ saha kuntalaiḥ) 5. 138. 25;

(5) Ulūka mentioned Draviḍas among those who had joined the army of Duryodhana (rājacamūṁ sametām… draviḍāndhrakāñcyaiḥ) 5. 158. 19-20;

(6) On the sixteenth day of the war, Dhṛṣṭadyumna, along with the Draviḍas (on the side of the Pāṇḍavas), attacked the Kaurava army (draviḍaiḥ) 8. 8. 14;

(7) On the seventeenth day, the Draviḍa footsoldiers (on the side of Pāṇḍavas), incited by Sātyaki, attacked Karṇa; Karṇa cut off with his arrows their arms and head-gears and felled them down (draviḍaº …abhyardayañ…karṇaṁ āhave te vibāhuśirastrāṇāḥ…prahatāḥ karṇasāyakaiḥ petuḥ pṛthivyāṁ) 8. 33. 4-5;

(8) Saṁjaya listed Draviḍas among those who were killed in the first seventeen days of war (draviḍāś cogravikramāḥ…nihatāḥ) 8. 4. 46, 48;

(9) Arjuna had to fight with the Draviḍas (draviḍair) when he accompanied the Aśvamedha horse 14. 84. 11.

E. A Dramiḍa king occurs in a comparison: The glorious Aśoka tree, according to Damayantī, with its chaplets (of blosssoms), shone like the glorious king of Dramiḍas (aho batāyam agamaḥ śrīmān…āpīḍair bahubhir bhāti śrīmān dramiḍarāḍ iva) 3. 61. 98 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 3. 64. 103: agamaḥ vṛkṣaḥ āpīḍaiḥ puṣpaphalādirūpair alaṁkāraiḥ).

*2nd word in right half of page p753_mci (+offset) in original book.

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