सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

द्वारवती, स्त्री, (द्वाराणि सन्त्यत्र । यद्वा, चतु- र्वर्णानां मोक्षद्वाराणि सन्ति अत्रेति । द्वार + मतुप् । मस्य वः ।) द्वारका । इति त्रिकाण्ड- शेषः ॥ (यथा, हरिवंशे । १० । ३४ । “कृतां द्वारवतीं नाम बहुद्बारां मनोरमाम् ॥” तथा च तत्रैव, -- “चतुर्णामपि वर्णानां यत्र द्वाराणि सर्व्वतः । अतो द्वारवतीत्युक्ता विद्बद्भिस्तत्त्ववेदिभिः ॥” इयं हि पीठस्थानानामन्यतमा । अत्र भगवती रुक्मिणीरूपेण विराजते । यथा, देवीभावते । ७ । ३० । ६९ । “रुक्मिणी द्वारवत्यान्तु राधा वृन्दावने वने ॥”)


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

द्वार(रा)वती¦ स्त्री द्वाराणि चतुर्वर्णमोक्षद्वाराणि प्रश-स्तान्यत्र मतुप् मस्य वः संज्ञात्वेन वा पूर्वपददीर्घः। सवद्रोपान्तिके श्रीवासुदेवनिर्मिते पुरीभेदे तत्पुरीनिर्माणप्रकारस्थानादिकं हरिवं॰ विस्तरती वर्णितं दिङ्-मात्रमत्रोच्यते। (
“आनूपं सिन्धुराजस्य प्रपेदुर्यदुपुङ्गवाः। ते तत्ररमणीयेषु विषयेषु सुखप्रियाः। मुसुदुर्यादवाः सर्वेदेवाः स्वर्{??}गता यथा। पुरवास्तु विचिन्वन् स कृष्ण-स्तु परवीरहा। ददर्श विपुलं देशं सागरानूपशोभि-तम्। वाहनानां हितञ्चैव सिकताताम्रमृत्तिकम्। पुरलक्षणसम्पन्नं कृतास्पदमिव श्रिया। सागरानिल-संवीजं सागराम्बुनिषेवितम्। विषयं सिन्धुराजस्यशोभितं पुरलक्षणैः। तत्र रैवतकोनाम पर्वतोनाति-दूरतः। मन्दरोदारशिखरः सर्वतोऽभिविराजते। तत्रैकलव्यसंवासो द्रोणेनाध्युषितश्चिरम्। प्रभूत-पुरुषोपेतः सर्वरत्नसमाकुलः। विहारभूमिस्तत्रैवतस्य राज्ञः सुनिर्मिता। नाम्ना द्वारवती नाम स्वायताऽष्टापदोपमा। केशवेन मतिस्तत्र पुर्य्यर्थे विनि-वेशिता। निवेशं तत्र सैन्यानां रोचयन्ति स्म यादवाः। तै रक्तसूर्य्ये दिवमे तत्र यादवपुङ्गवाः। सेनापालाश्चसञ्चक्रुः स्कन्धावारनिवेशनम्। ध्रुवाय तत्र न्यवसत्केशवः सह यादवैः। देशे पुरनिवेशाय स यदु[Page3809-b+ 38] प्रवरो विभुः। तस्यास्तु विविधं नाम वास्तूनि चगदाग्रजः। निर्ममे पुरुषश्रेष्ठो मनसा यादवोत्तमः। एवं द्वारावतीञ्चैव पुरीं प्राप्य सवान्धवाः”। हरिवं॰


४ अ॰।
“इयं द्वारावती नाम पृथिव्यां निर्मितामया। भविष्यति पुरी रम्या शक्रस्येवामरावती। तान्येवास्याः कारयिष्ये चिह्नान्यायतनानि च। चत्व-रान् राजमार्गांश्च समानन्तःपुराणि च। देवाइवात्र मोदन्तां वसन्तो विगतज्वराः। बाधमाना रि-पूनुग्रानुग्रसेनपुरोगमाः। गृह्यन्तां गृहवास्तूनि का-र्य्यन्तां त्रिकचत्वराः। मीयन्तां राजमार्गाश्च प्राका-रस्य च या गतिः। प्रेष्यन्तां शिल्पिमुख्या वै नियुक्तावेश्मकर्मसु। नियुज्यन्ताञ्च देशेषु प्रेष्यकर्मकराजनाः। एवमुक्तास्तु यदवो गृहसंग्रहतत्पराः। यथा-निवेशं संहृष्टाश्चक्रुर्वास्तुपरिग्रहम्। सूत्रहस्तास्ततो-मानं चक्रुर्यादवपुङ्गवाः। पुण्येऽहनि महाराज!द्विजातीन् प्रतिपूज्य च। वास्तुदैवतकर्माणि विधि-नाऽकारयंस्ततः। स्थपतीनथ गोविन्दस्तत्रोवाचमहामतिः। अस्मदर्थे सुविहितं क्रियतामत्र मन्दिरम्। विभक्तचत्वरपथं सुनिविष्टेष्टदैवतम्। ते तथेतिमहाबाहुमुक्त्वा स्थपतयस्तदा। दुर्गकर्मणि सम्भारानुप-लभ्य यथाविधि। यथान्यायं निर्ममिरे द्वाराण्यायत-नानि च। स्थानानि विदधुस्तस्यां ब्रह्मादीनां यथा-क्रमम्। अपामग्नेः सुरेशस्य वृषदोलूखलस्य च। चातुर्द्देवानि चत्वारि द्वाराणि विदधुश्च ते। शुद्धाक्ष-मैन्द्रं भल्लाटं पुष्पदन्तं तथैव च। ते वेश्मसु युक्तेषुयादवेषु महात्मसु। पुर्य्याः क्षिप्रं प्रवेशार्थं चिन्तयामासमाधवः। तस्य दैवोत्थिता बुद्धिर्विमला क्षिप्रकारिणी। पुर्य्याः सा वै प्रियकरी यदूनामभिवर्द्धिनी। शिल्पि-मुख्यस्तु देवानां प्रजापतिसुतः प्रभुः। विश्वकर्माखमत्या वै पुरीं संस्थापयिष्यति। मनसा समनुध्यायतस्यागमनकारणात्। त्रिदशाभिसुखः कृष्णो विविक्तेसमपद्यत। तस्मिन्नेव ततः काले शिल्प्याचार्य्यो महा-मतिः। विश्वकर्मा सुरश्रेष्ठः कृष्णस्य प्रमुखे स्थितः। यदीच्छेत् सागरः किञ्चिदुत्स्रष्टुमिह तोयराट्। ततः स्वायतलक्षण्या पुरी स्यात् पुरुषोत्तम!। एव-मुक्तस्ततः कृष्णः प्रागेव कृतनिश्चयः। सागरं सरितांनाथमुवाच वदतां वरः। समुद्र! दश च द्वे च योज-नानि जलाशये। प्रतिसंह्रियतामात्मा यद्यस्ति मयि[Page3810-a+ 38] मान्यता। अवकाशे त्वया दत्ते पुरीयं मामके बले। पर्य्याप्तविषयारामा समग्रं विषहिष्यते। ततः कृष्णस्यवचनं श्रुत्वा नदनदीपतिः। समारुतेन योगेन उत्-ससर्ज्ज जलाशयम्। विश्वकर्मा ततः प्रीतः पुर्य्याःसंदृश्य वास्तु तत्। गीविन्दे चैव सम्मानं सागरः कृतवांस्तदा” हरिव॰


६ अ॰ ततो देवस्य लीलासंवरणा-नन्तरं तत्कलत्रादीनां ततोऽपगमने समुद्रेण तत्पुर्य्याःप्लावनं कृतम् तत्कथा भा॰ मौ॰

७ अ॰।
“निर्यातेतु जने तस्मिन् सागरो मकरालयः। द्वारकां रत्न-सम्पूर्णां जलेनाप्लावयत्तदा। यद्यद्धि पुरुषव्याघ्रोभूमेस्तस्या व्यमुञ्चत। तत्तत् संप्लावयामास सलिलेन ससागरः। तदद्भुतमभिप्रेक्ष्य द्वारकावासिनो जनाः। तूर्णात्तूर्णतरं जग्मुरहो दैवमथाब्रुवन्”
“काशीकाञ्ची च मायाख्या त्वयोध्या द्वारवत्यपि। मथुरा-ऽवन्तिका चैव सप्त पुर्य्योऽत्र मोक्षदाः। श्रीशैलःमोक्षदः सर्वः केदारोऽपि ततोऽधिकः। श्रीशैलाच्चापिकेदारात् प्रयागं मोक्षदं परम्। प्रयागादपि तीर्था-ग्र्यादविमुक्तं विशिष्यते। यथाऽविमुक्ते निर्वाणं न तथा-न्यत्र कुत्रचित्। अन्यानि मुक्तिक्षेत्राणि काशीप्राप्तिकराणि च। काशीं प्राप्य विमुच्येत नान्यथा तीर्थको-टिभिः” काशी॰

७ अ॰ निषिद्धमपि तप्तमुद्रादिधार-णञ्च तन्माहात्म्यकथनात् तत्र विहितं तन्नाम निर्व-चनञ्चोक्तं काशीख॰

७ अ॰
“सप्तरात्रमुषित्वा तु ययौ द्वारावतीं प्रति। चतुर्णामपिवर्ण्णानां यत्र द्वाराणि सर्वतः। अतो द्वारवती-त्युक्ता विद्वद्भितत्त्ववेदिभिः। अस्थीन्यपि च जन्तूनांयत्र चक्राङ्कितान्यहो। किं चित्रं यत्र तत्र स्युःशङ्खचक्राङ्किताः करैः। अन्तकः शिक्षयत्येवं निज-दूतान् मुहुर्मुहुः। ते त्याज्या यैर्द्वारवत्या नामापि परि-गृह्यते। श्रीखण्डे क्व स आमोदः स्वर्णे वर्ण्णः क्वतादृशः। तत् पावित्रं क्व वै तीर्थे, तद्गोपीचन्दने यथा। दूताः! शृणुत यद्भालं गोपीचन्दनलाञ्छितम्। ज्वल-दिन्धनवत् सोऽपि दूरे त्याज्यः प्रयत्नतः। तुलस्यलङ्कृताये ये तुलसीनामजापकाः। तुलसीवनमाला-ये ते त्याज्या दूरतोभटाः। पवित्राणां च सर्वेषांसुपवित्रा बलाधिका। तुलां स्यति यतस्तस्मात्तुलसीतिनिरुच्यते। युगे युगे द्वारवत्यारत्नानि परितोमूषन्। अब्धीरत्नाकरोऽद्यापि लोकेषु परिगीयते। द्वारवत्यां[Page3810-b+ 38] म्रियन्तोये जन्तवः कालचोदिताः। चतुर्भुजाः स्युर्वैकुण्ठेते पीताम्बरधारिणः। तत्रापि सन्तर्प्य पितॄन् सहदेवर्षिमानवान्। तत्र तेषु च तीर्थेषु सस्नौ सर्वेषु तन्त्रितः” दीर्घे द्वारावती तत्रार्थे
“अयोध्या मथुरा माया काशीकाञ्ची अवन्तिका। पुरी द्वारावती चैव सप्तैता मोक्ष-दायिकाः। एतास्तु पृथिवीमध्ये न गण्यन्ते कदाचन। पुरी द्वारावती विष्णोः प्राञ्चजन्योपरिस्थिता। मुक्तिदागणिता एताः सर्वाश्च मानिताः सुरैः। यानि कानि चक्षेत्राणि काशीप्राप्तिकराणि षट्” इति भूतशुद्धितन्त्रम्।


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

द्वारवती¦ f. (-ती) The city Dwa4raka
4. E. द्वार a door, and मतुप् poss. affix; also द्वारावती |


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

द्वारवती [dvāravatī] द्वारावती [dvārāvatī], द्वारावती = द्वारका q. v.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

द्वारवती/ द्वार--वती f. N. of the capital of कृष्णMBh. Hariv.

Purana index[सम्पाद्यताम्]

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

(I)--(द्वारका s.v.); a great city of वासु- deva inhabited by Bhoja, वृष्णि and the Andhakas; फलकम्:F1:  Br. III. ६१. २३; वा. ८६. २७; ९६. ४६.फलकम्:/F capital of कृष्ण; फलकम्:F2:  Br. III. ७१. ४८; M. १३. ३८; ६९. 9. Vi. V. ३३. १० ff.फलकम्:/F and abode of रुक्मिणी.
(II)--the wife of भन्गकार. वा. ९६. ५४.

Purana Encyclopedia[सम्पाद्यताम्]

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Dvārakā, Dvāravatī  : f.: Name of a city, also called Kuśasthalī (2. 13. 49; 12. 326. 83, 85), Ānartanagarī (5. 7. 4; 14. 51. 41), Ānartanagara (3. 21. 1), Ānartapurī (14. 51. 56), Vṛṣṇipura (3. 21. 4; 3. 180. 25).

A. Location: In the west (pratīcīṁ diśam āśritāḥ) 2. 13. 49; (samāvṛttāḥ paścimāṁ diśam eva te/dadṛśur dvārakāṁ cāpi) 17. 1. 43; in the Anarta country (ānartam evābhimukhāḥ…vṛṣṇipuraṁ praviśya) 3. 180. 25; in the Surāṣṭra country (surāṣṭreṣu …puṇyā dvāravatī tatra) 3. 86. 20-21; near the Raivataka mountain (raīvatenopaśobhitām) 2. 13. 49; 2. 13. 52; 14. 58. 3-4.

B. Description: Holy (puṇyā) 3. 13. 31; pleasing (ramyā) 2. 13. 49; 5. 7. 4; 14. 58. 3; 14. 84. 13; liked by the sages (ṛṣikāntā) 3. 13, 41; offering different kinds of enjoyments (bhogavatī) 3. 13. 31; full of jewels (ratnasaṁpūrṇā) 16. 8. 40; adorned by Raivataka mountain (raivatenopaśobhitām) 2. 13. 49; guarded by Vṛṣṇi heroes (vṛṣṇivīrābhirakṣitā) 14. 84. 13; the place of residence of the Vṛṣṇis (vṛṣṇinilaya) 16. 6. 4; having ramparts and watch towers (prākārāṭṭālakopetā) 16. 7. 17; referred to chiefly as pūrī 1. 212. 9; 1. 213. 55; 2. 13. 49, 65; 2. 42. 49, 55; 3. 16. 2, 4; 3. 21. 9; 5. 7. 3; 12. 326. 83, 84; 14. 15. 21, 26; 14. 51. 42; 14. 58. 3; 14. 84. 15; 16. 5. 7; 16. 7. 13; but also as nagara 3. 16. 12; 3. 21. 8; 16. 2. 17, 18; 16. 8. 10; nagarī 16. 7. 17; and pura 3. 16. 18.

C. Fortification: The Yādavas fortified Dvārakā in such a way that even gods could not reach it and women could defend it (tathaiva durgasaṁskāraṁ devair api durāsadam//striyo 'pi yasyāṁ yudhyeyuḥ kiṁ punar vṛṣṇipuṁgavāḥ) 2. 13. 50-51.

D. Epic events:

(1) The Yādavas fled to the west from Mathurā due to fear of Jarāsandha and repaired to Kuśasthalī; they settled down there and fortified the town; they lived in Kuśasthalī without fear from any quarter (akutobhayāḥ); seeing the mountain (Raivataka) nearby and the Mādhavītīrtha, the Yādavas were highly delighted 2. 13. 49-52, 65; hence the city is referred to as the residence of the Yādavas (yadusadana) 8. 26. 63;

(2) Hearing that Śiśupāla was killed by Kṛṣṇa, Śālva, during the absence of Kṛṣṇa from Dvārakā, attacked the city riding in his Saubha town; he killed young Vṛṣṇi heroes who defended the city and destroyed all gardens (purodyānāni sarvāṇi bhedayām āsa durmatiḥ) 3. 15. 5-7; hearing that Śrautaśrava (Śiśupāla) was killed, Śālva besieged Dvāravatī from all sides; he mounted his Saubha, flying in the sky, and from there attacked the city; the fortification and the defence arrangements of the city were looked after by Gada, Sāmba, Uddhava and others according to the rules laid down in the Śāstras (śāstradṛṣṭena vidhinā saṁyūktā); drinking liquor was forbidden in the town to avoid negligence on the part of citizens (āghoṣitaṁ ca nagare na pātavyā sureti ha/ pramādaṁ parirakṣadbhiḥ) 3. 16. 2-18; Dvārakā was well guarded by king Āhuka by giving largesses (dvārakā bhūridakṣiṇaiḥ/ āhukena suguptā ca rājñā) 3. 16. 23; Śālva attacked Dvārakā with the speed of the king of birds (abhisārayām āsa tadā vegena patagendravat) 3. 17. 7; all the people in Dvārakā were bewildered when Śālva descended on the earth with his Saubha (saubhasthaṁ pṛthivīgatam) 3. 17. 28; when Śālva was defeated by the Vṛṣṇis led by Pradyumna he left Dvārakā mounting his Saubha 3. 20. 27;

(3) At the end of the Rājasūya Kṛṣṇa wished to return to Dvārakā 2. 42. 46, 52; Yudhiṣṭhira approved of Kṛṣṇa's return to Dvāravatī 2. 42. 49; when Kṛṣṇa returned to Ānartanagara after the Rājasūya of Yudhiṣṭhira at Indraprastha he saw Dvārakā lack-lustre; it was bereft of the sound of Vedic studies and Vedic sacrifices (ānartanagaraṁ muktaṁ tato 'ham agamaṁ tadā/mahākratau rājasūye nivṛtte…// apaśyaṁ dvārakāṁ cāhaṁ mahārāja hatatviṣam/niḥsvādhyāyavaṣaṭkāram); noble women of the town did not put on ornaments; the gardens of Dvārakā were changed beyond recognition (anabhijñeyarūpāṇī dvārakopavanānī ca); Kṛṣṇa found Vṛṣṇipura with its men and women very much ill at ease (asvasthanaranārīkam idaṁ vṛṣṇipuraṁ bhṛśam); the siege of Dvārakā by Śālva and lifting of the siege later by him was reported to Kṛṣṇa; enraged, he asked the Yādava heroes to be watchful in the city (apramādaḥ sadā kāryo nagare yādavarṣabhāḥ) and left for the destruction of Śālva; he vowed not to return to Dvāravatī without killing Śālva (nāhatvā taṁ nivartiṣye purīṁ dvāravatīṁ prati) 3. 21. 1-9; he asked Sātyaki, Baladeva, and Pradyumna to protect Dvārakā and his father Vasudeva 3. 22. 16-17; during the fight with Śālva, a certain resident of Dvārakā (puruṣaḥ kaścid dvārakānilayaḥ), a servant (paricārakaḥ) of Āhuka, met Kṛṣṇa and gave him a false message from Āhuka; according to the message Śālva had attacked Dvārakā and killed the son of Śūrasena (Vasudeva); hence Kṛṣṇa was advised to leave the battle, return to Dvārakā and protect it; that should be Kṛṣṇa's prime concern (dvārakām eva rakṣasva kāryam etan mahat tava) 3. 22. 12-14; Kṛṣṇa then mentally blamed Sātyaki and others who were entrusted with the protection of Dvārakā and of Vasudeva 3. 22. 16-17; (Kṛṣṇa, however, soon realized that he was tricked by Śālva by his māyā and started to fight with him again); he was incited to action by his charioteer who reminded him that Dvārakā was ransacked by Śālva (dvārakā cāvamarditā) 3. 23. 25;

(4) Kṛṣṇa told Yudhiṣṭhira that he was not in Dvārakā when the game of dice was played in Hāstinapura 3. 14. 1; he heard of the dyūta only when he returned to Dvārakā after vanquishing Śālva 3. 14. 15;

(5) After informing Yudhiṣṭhira in the forest about Śālva's attacking Dvārakā and Kṛṣṇa's subsequent battle with him, he comforted Yudhiṣṭhira and returned to Dvārakā 3. 23. 42-45;

(6) Dvārakā was once burnt by Śiśupāla when Kṛṣṇa and others had gone to Prāgjyotiṣapura 2. 42. 7;

(7) Prophecies regarding Dvārakā: (i) Nārāyaṇa told Nārada that at the conjunction of Dvāpara and Kali (dvāparasya kaleś caiva saṁdhau 12. 326. 82) he would be born at Mathurā but would make Kuśasthalī (i. e. Dvārakā) his residence (kuśasthalīṁ kariṣyāmi nivāsaṁ dvārakāṁ purīm) 12. 326. 83-85; while residing in that city he would kill Naraka, Mura and Pīṭha 12. 326. 84; he would also kill the demons and take the wealth of Prāgjyotiṣapura to Kuśasthalī (prāgjyotiṣapuraṁ ramyaṁ nānādhanasamanvitam/kuśasthalīṁ nayiṣyāmi) 12. 326. 85; having lessened the burden of the earth he would bring about the destruction of the Sātvata heroes, his kinsmen and of Dvārakā (kṛtvā bhārāvataraṇaṁ vasudhāyā yathepsitam/sarvasātvatamukhyānāṁ dvārakāyāś ca sattama/kariṣye pralayaṁ ghoram ātmajñātivināśanam//) 12. 326. 92; (ii) prophesied also by Arjuna that Dvārakā, which was made his home by Kṛṣṇa, would be drowned in the sea by him (dvārakām ātmasāt kṛtvā samudraṁ gamayiṣyasi) 3. 13. 31; (iii) Kṛṣṇa too had foretold that when Arjuna would leave Dvārakā taking with him the citizens, the city, together with its ramparts and watchtowers, would be instantly inundated by the sea (imāṁ ca nagarīṁ sadyaḥ pratiyāte dhanaṁjaye/prākārāṭṭālakopetāṁ samudraḥ plāvayiṣyati) 16. 7. 17; 16. 8. 10;

(8) Destruction of Dvārakā: Arjuna advised all people to leave the town at the end of a week and stay outside 16. 8. 12; before leaving Dvārakā, the citizens (dvārakāvāsinaḥ) attended the funeral of Vasudeva 16. 8. 19-23; when all people had left, the city was overrun by the sea (sāgaraḥ…/dvārakāṁ ratnasaṁpūṛṇāṁ jalenāplāvayat tadā//) 16. 8. 40; the people of Dvārakā witnessed the event the like of which had not happened before (adbhutam) 16. 8. 41; the people of Dvārakā who followed Arjuna to Indraprastha were handed over to Vajra 16. 8. 73: the Pāṇḍavas when they started on their great final journey (mahāprasthāna) went, on their way, to the west and saw Dvārakā inundated by the sea (dadṛśur dvārakāṁ cāpi sāgareṇa pariplutām) 17. 1. 43; Arjuna's going to Dvāravatī, bereft of the Vṛṣṇi heroes, and his taking with him the people of Dvāravatī listed in the contents of the Mausalaparvan 1. 2. 223, 226;

(9) After the Pāṇḍavas were established at Indraprastha Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma left for Dvāravatī with the consent of the Pāṇḍavas 1. 199. 50.

(10) During the period of his exile Arjuna went from Raivataka mountain to Dvārakā; the city, even up to the modest houses (?), was decorated to welcome him (alaṁkṛtā dvārakā…api niṣkuṭakeṣv api) 1. 210. 15-16 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 2. 218. 16: niṣkuṭeṣu gṛhārāmeṣv api alaṁkṛtā kim uta rājamārgādiṣu); the people of Dvārakā rushed to the main roads to see Arjuna; women in large numbers rushed to the windows (?) (avalokeṣu nārīṇām sahasrāṇi śatāni ca); there was a great gathering (samavāyo mahān abhūt) of the Bhojas, the Vṛṣṇis and the Andhakas; Arjuna lived (in Dvārakā) in the house of Kṛṣṇa for many nights 1. 210. 17-21; once, while Subhadrā was returning to Dvārakā after worshipping Raivataka mountain she was kidnapped by Arjuna; the helpless soldiers cried aloud and ran towards Dvārakā 1. 212. 7, 9; the incident is referred to in 8. 26. 63;

(11) The Yādavas, returned to Dvāravatī after visiting Indraprastha where they had gone to give gifts to the Pāṇḍavas in connection with the marriage of Subhadrā 1. 213. 55; Subhadrā's abduction by Arjuna from Dvārakā referred to (i) in the Anukramaṇīparvan 1. 1. 103; also listed in the contents of the Ādiparvan narrated in the Parvasaṁgrahaparvan 1. 2. 92, (ii) in Vaiśaṁpāyana's summary of the Mahābhārata events 1. 55. 32-34, and (iii) in the Saṁbhavaparvan of the Ādiparvan 1. 90. 85;

(12) After asking Maya to build a sabhā for the Pāṇḍavas, Kṛṣṇa left for Dvārakā 2. 2. 23;

(13) Yudhiṣṭhira sent a messenger to Dvārakā to invite Kṛṣṇa, living in Dvārakā, for consuitations regarding the Rājasūya 2. 12. 29; at the end of the Rājasūya, Yudhiṣṭhira consented to Kṛṣṇa's return to Dvāravatī; accordingly Kṛṣṇa reached Dvāravatī 2. 42. 49, 55, 60;

(14) The sons of Draupadī, during the period of exile of the Pāṇḍavas, went to Vṛṣṇipura situated in the Ānarta country 3. 180. 25; later, Satyabhāmā informed Draupadī that her sons were all well and happy at Dvāravatī 3. 224. 11;

(15) Before going to the Virāṭanagara for the ajñātavāsa, Yudhiṣṭhira sent away Indrasena and others, with their chariots, to Dvāravatī 4. 4. 3; the spies, who were sent by Duryodhana in search of the Pāṇḍavas, told him that the charioteers of the Pāṇḍavas had reached Dvāravatī but neither the Pāṇḍavas nor Kṛṣṇā was to be found in Dvāravatī 4. 24. 15-16;

(11) After the marriage of Abhimanyu, Kṛṣṇa, Balarāma and others, permitted by Virāṭa, went to Dvārakā; after Kṛṣṇa's departure to Dvārakā, Yudhiṣṭhira started making all kinds of preparations for the war (cakruḥ sāṅgrāmikaṁ sarvam) 5. 5. 11-12; 5. 7. 1 (Dvāravatī);

(12) When Duryodhana knew through his messengers and spies that Kṛṣṇa had returned to Dvārakā, he started to go there to seek Kṛṣṇa's help in war; that very day Arjuna too arrived in Ānartanagarī; both of them, after reaching Dvārakā, saw Kṛṣṇa sleeping 5. 7. 3 (ānartanagarīṁ ramyāṁ jagāmāśu dhanaṁjayaḥ) 5. 7. 4, 5;

(13) When Balarāma started for his pilgrimage he, on his way, asked his servants to bring from Dvārakā all the materials and utensils required for the pilgrimage, as also the sacred fires and priests (saṁbhārāṁs tīrthayātrāyāṁ sarvopakaraṇāni ca/ānayadhvaṁ dvārakāyā agnīn vai yājakāṁs tathā) 9. 34. 15; when Balarāma chose to go to the battlefield to watch the duel between Bhīma and Duryodhana, he sent away his co-pilgrims and attendants to Dvārakā 9. 53. 32; at the end of the duel, Balarāma, expressing his disapproval of the way Bhīma brought about the downfall of Duryodhana, left for Dvārakā 9. 59. 26; when he left for Dvāravatī, the Pāñcālas and the Pāṇḍavas, did not feel very happy 9. 59. 27;

(14) When the sacrificial horse for the Aśvamedha of Yudhiṣṭhira reached Dvāravatī, king Ugrasena came out of the town to honour Arjuna who accompanied the horse 14. 84. 13-15; when Yudhiṣṭhira asked Kṛṣṇa to give some news about Arjuna (who was accompanying the horse), Kṛṣṇa told him that a confidential attendant who lived in Dvārakā (dvārakāvāsī mamāptaḥ puruṣaḥ) had seen him (Arjuna) who, fighting many battles, was emaciated (bahusaṁgrāmakarśitam) 14. 88. 9;

(15) After the war, Kṛṣṇa informed Arjuna his intention to return to Dvāravatī to meet his father, Baladeva and others, if permitted by Yudhiṣṭhira, but not otherwise; hence he wanted Yudhiṣṭhira to be informed by Arjuna about his wish to go to Dvārakā 14. 15. 20-21, 26, 31; before Kṛṣṇa's return to Dvārakā, Arjuna wanted Kṛṣṇa to tell him once again what he taught him before in the Gītā 14. 16. 6-7; Arjuna approved Kṛṣṇa's wish to return to Dvārakā; so he suggested that they should go to Hāstinapura to seek Yudhiṣṭhira's permission for Kṛṣṇa's return to Dvārakā 14. 50. 51; 14. 51. 23; Arjuna sought Yudhiṣṭhira's permission for Kṛṣṇa's return to Ānartanagarī 14. 51. 40-41; Yudhiṣṭhira gave Kṛṣṇa his permission to return to Dvāravatī to see his father 14. 51. 42; Arjuna and others embraced Kṛṣṇa when he left Hāstinapura to go to Dvārakā 14. 52. 1;

(16) Yudhiṣṭhira was grieved to think of what Subhadrā, who was then in Dvārakā (dvārakāvāsinī), would say to Kṛṣṇa when he returned to Dvārakā (since her son was killed in war) 12. 1. 16;

(17) Aśvatthāman once went to Dvārakā where he stayed for some time honoured by the Vṛṣṇis; he wanted to exchange his Brahmaśiras missile for the Sudarśana of Kṛṣṇa; while he was in Dvāravatī (vasan dvāravatīm anu), one day he approached Kṛṣṇa who was sitting alone on seashore; Kṛṣṇa informed Aśvatthāman that none of the Vṛṣṇi and the Andhaka heroes who lived in Dvārakā had ever asked him to part with his Sudarśana 10. 12. 11-12, 15, 31-33;

(18) The Yādavas, headed by Sāraṇa, once saw Viśvāmitra, Kaṇva, Nārada and other sages who were on a visit to Dvārakā 16. 2. 4; by the proclamation of a royal decree Āhuka prohibited fermentation of spirituous liquor in all the houses of Vṛṣṇis and Andhakas living in the town (Dvārakā) (adyaprabhṛti sarveṣu vṛṣṇyandhakagṛheṣviha/surāsavo na kartavyaḥ sarvair nagaravāsibhiḥ) 16. 2. 17-18; one of the bad omens that occurred for the citizens of Dvārakā was that a laughing black woman with white teeth entered the houses at night, stole the marriage threads of women while they were asleep, and ran through the streets of Dvārakā (kālī strī pāṇḍurair dantaiḥ praviśya hasatī niśi/striyaḥ svapneṣu muṣṇantī dvārakāṁ paridhāvati) 16. 4. 1 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 16. 3. 1: muṣṇantī strīṇām maṅgalasūtrādikaṁ corayantī); when the Yādavas were destroyed, Kṛṣṇa entered Dvāravatī and told Vasudeva to guard the women folk and wait for the arrival of Arjuna in Dvāravatī 16. 5. 7; 16. 7. 13; when Arjuna reached Dvārakā with Dāruka the city appeared to him like a woman who had lost her husband (mṛtanāthām iva striyam) 16. 6. 4; Arjuna, after he witenessed the plight of Dvārakā and the women of Kṛṣṇa he wept loudly and fell down on the ground 16. 6. 12.

E. Past events or events not related to the epic narrative:

(1) Kṛṣṇa told Uttaṅka whom he met on his way to Dvārakā that he (Uttaṅka) should think of him (Kṛṣṇa) if he desired something 14. 54. 13; Govinda (Kṛṣṇa) gave boon to Uttaṅka and went to Dvārakā in the company of Sātyaki 14. 58. 2, 3 (Dvāravatī);

(2) Pious king Nṛga, due to a sin unknowingly committed by him (13. 69. 22; 13. 71. 2), had to live as a lizard in a deep well at Dvāravatī 13. 69. 1-4; Kṛṣṇa liberated him when the Yādavas were settling down at Dvāravatī 13. 71. 2-3; 13. 69. 25-29;

(3) Śiva, in the form of Durvāsas, lived for a long time with Kṛṣṇa in his residence at Dvāravatī 13. 145. 35;

(4) Yudhiṣṭhira asked Bhīṣma the kind of gifts which one should give under different nakṣatras (nakṣatrayogasyedānīṁ dānakalpaṁ bravīhi me); Bhīṣma then told him what formerly Nārada, who had arrived at Dvārakā, told Devaki in reply to her question 13. 63. 1-4.

F. Dvārakā as a holy place: Described as holy (puṇyā) 3. 86. 21; Yudhiṣṭhira, while on a pilgrimage, visited Dvārakā (yac cāpi tīrthāni carann agacchaṁ dvārakāṁ prati) 7. 85. 63; a holy place Piṇḍāraka located in Dvāravatī 3. 80. 82.

G. Similes:

(1) The city Dvārakā was well protected and well camouflaged and was furnished with all kinds of weapons as is done for the residence of Indra (surakṣitaṁ suguptaṁ ca sarvāyudhasamanvitam/tat puraṁ bharataśreṣṭha yathendrabhavanaṁ tathā//) 3. 16. 18;

(2) As Indra left for heaven after killing his enemies so did Kṛṣṇa leave for Ānartapurī (when all the Kauravas were killed) 14. 51. 56;

(3) Dvārakā, bereft of Vṛṣṇi heroes, compared with a woman who had lost her husband (dvārakāṁ…mṛtanāthāṁ iva striyam) 16. 6. 4;

(4) In a long drawn metaphor Dvārakā compared to a river: the Vṛṣṇis and the Andhakas were its water, horses its fishes, chariots its boats, the sound of musical instruments and the one produced by chariots its current, residences and holy bathing places its big crocodiles, jewels its thick layer of moss, ramparts made of vajra its garlands, streets its whirlpools, cross-roads its steady, deep pieces of water, Rāma and Kṛṣṇa its big sharks; this river in the form of Dvārakā looked like the terrible Vaitaraṇī river having the noose of Kāla as its shark (tām sa vṛṣṇyandhakajalāṁ hayamīnāṁ rathoḍupām/ vāditrarathaghoṣaughāṁ veśmatīrthamahāgrahām//ratnaśaivalasaṁghāṭāṁ vajraprākāramālinīm/rathyāsrotojalāvartāṁ catvarastimitahradām//rāmakṛṣṇamahāgrāhāṁ dvārakāsaritam tadā/kālapāśagrahāṁ ghorāṁ nadīṁ vaitaraṇīm iva//) 16. 6. 8-10;

(5) Arjuna saw Dvārakā bereft of Vṛṣṇi heroes like a lotus pond in winter which is without its glory and gives no delight (gataśriyaṁ nirānandāṁ padminīṁ śiśire yathā) 16. 6. 11.

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Mahabharata Cultural Index[सम्पाद्यताम्]

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Dvārakā, Dvāravatī  : f.: Name of a city, also called Kuśasthalī (2. 13. 49; 12. 326. 83, 85), Ānartanagarī (5. 7. 4; 14. 51. 41), Ānartanagara (3. 21. 1), Ānartapurī (14. 51. 56), Vṛṣṇipura (3. 21. 4; 3. 180. 25).

A. Location: In the west (pratīcīṁ diśam āśritāḥ) 2. 13. 49; (samāvṛttāḥ paścimāṁ diśam eva te/dadṛśur dvārakāṁ cāpi) 17. 1. 43; in the Anarta country (ānartam evābhimukhāḥ…vṛṣṇipuraṁ praviśya) 3. 180. 25; in the Surāṣṭra country (surāṣṭreṣu …puṇyā dvāravatī tatra) 3. 86. 20-21; near the Raivataka mountain (raīvatenopaśobhitām) 2. 13. 49; 2. 13. 52; 14. 58. 3-4.

B. Description: Holy (puṇyā) 3. 13. 31; pleasing (ramyā) 2. 13. 49; 5. 7. 4; 14. 58. 3; 14. 84. 13; liked by the sages (ṛṣikāntā) 3. 13, 41; offering different kinds of enjoyments (bhogavatī) 3. 13. 31; full of jewels (ratnasaṁpūrṇā) 16. 8. 40; adorned by Raivataka mountain (raivatenopaśobhitām) 2. 13. 49; guarded by Vṛṣṇi heroes (vṛṣṇivīrābhirakṣitā) 14. 84. 13; the place of residence of the Vṛṣṇis (vṛṣṇinilaya) 16. 6. 4; having ramparts and watch towers (prākārāṭṭālakopetā) 16. 7. 17; referred to chiefly as pūrī 1. 212. 9; 1. 213. 55; 2. 13. 49, 65; 2. 42. 49, 55; 3. 16. 2, 4; 3. 21. 9; 5. 7. 3; 12. 326. 83, 84; 14. 15. 21, 26; 14. 51. 42; 14. 58. 3; 14. 84. 15; 16. 5. 7; 16. 7. 13; but also as nagara 3. 16. 12; 3. 21. 8; 16. 2. 17, 18; 16. 8. 10; nagarī 16. 7. 17; and pura 3. 16. 18.

C. Fortification: The Yādavas fortified Dvārakā in such a way that even gods could not reach it and women could defend it (tathaiva durgasaṁskāraṁ devair api durāsadam//striyo 'pi yasyāṁ yudhyeyuḥ kiṁ punar vṛṣṇipuṁgavāḥ) 2. 13. 50-51.

D. Epic events:

(1) The Yādavas fled to the west from Mathurā due to fear of Jarāsandha and repaired to Kuśasthalī; they settled down there and fortified the town; they lived in Kuśasthalī without fear from any quarter (akutobhayāḥ); seeing the mountain (Raivataka) nearby and the Mādhavītīrtha, the Yādavas were highly delighted 2. 13. 49-52, 65; hence the city is referred to as the residence of the Yādavas (yadusadana) 8. 26. 63;

(2) Hearing that Śiśupāla was killed by Kṛṣṇa, Śālva, during the absence of Kṛṣṇa from Dvārakā, attacked the city riding in his Saubha town; he killed young Vṛṣṇi heroes who defended the city and destroyed all gardens (purodyānāni sarvāṇi bhedayām āsa durmatiḥ) 3. 15. 5-7; hearing that Śrautaśrava (Śiśupāla) was killed, Śālva besieged Dvāravatī from all sides; he mounted his Saubha, flying in the sky, and from there attacked the city; the fortification and the defence arrangements of the city were looked after by Gada, Sāmba, Uddhava and others according to the rules laid down in the Śāstras (śāstradṛṣṭena vidhinā saṁyūktā); drinking liquor was forbidden in the town to avoid negligence on the part of citizens (āghoṣitaṁ ca nagare na pātavyā sureti ha/ pramādaṁ parirakṣadbhiḥ) 3. 16. 2-18; Dvārakā was well guarded by king Āhuka by giving largesses (dvārakā bhūridakṣiṇaiḥ/ āhukena suguptā ca rājñā) 3. 16. 23; Śālva attacked Dvārakā with the speed of the king of birds (abhisārayām āsa tadā vegena patagendravat) 3. 17. 7; all the people in Dvārakā were bewildered when Śālva descended on the earth with his Saubha (saubhasthaṁ pṛthivīgatam) 3. 17. 28; when Śālva was defeated by the Vṛṣṇis led by Pradyumna he left Dvārakā mounting his Saubha 3. 20. 27;

(3) At the end of the Rājasūya Kṛṣṇa wished to return to Dvārakā 2. 42. 46, 52; Yudhiṣṭhira approved of Kṛṣṇa's return to Dvāravatī 2. 42. 49; when Kṛṣṇa returned to Ānartanagara after the Rājasūya of Yudhiṣṭhira at Indraprastha he saw Dvārakā lack-lustre; it was bereft of the sound of Vedic studies and Vedic sacrifices (ānartanagaraṁ muktaṁ tato 'ham agamaṁ tadā/mahākratau rājasūye nivṛtte…// apaśyaṁ dvārakāṁ cāhaṁ mahārāja hatatviṣam/niḥsvādhyāyavaṣaṭkāram); noble women of the town did not put on ornaments; the gardens of Dvārakā were changed beyond recognition (anabhijñeyarūpāṇī dvārakopavanānī ca); Kṛṣṇa found Vṛṣṇipura with its men and women very much ill at ease (asvasthanaranārīkam idaṁ vṛṣṇipuraṁ bhṛśam); the siege of Dvārakā by Śālva and lifting of the siege later by him was reported to Kṛṣṇa; enraged, he asked the Yādava heroes to be watchful in the city (apramādaḥ sadā kāryo nagare yādavarṣabhāḥ) and left for the destruction of Śālva; he vowed not to return to Dvāravatī without killing Śālva (nāhatvā taṁ nivartiṣye purīṁ dvāravatīṁ prati) 3. 21. 1-9; he asked Sātyaki, Baladeva, and Pradyumna to protect Dvārakā and his father Vasudeva 3. 22. 16-17; during the fight with Śālva, a certain resident of Dvārakā (puruṣaḥ kaścid dvārakānilayaḥ), a servant (paricārakaḥ) of Āhuka, met Kṛṣṇa and gave him a false message from Āhuka; according to the message Śālva had attacked Dvārakā and killed the son of Śūrasena (Vasudeva); hence Kṛṣṇa was advised to leave the battle, return to Dvārakā and protect it; that should be Kṛṣṇa's prime concern (dvārakām eva rakṣasva kāryam etan mahat tava) 3. 22. 12-14; Kṛṣṇa then mentally blamed Sātyaki and others who were entrusted with the protection of Dvārakā and of Vasudeva 3. 22. 16-17; (Kṛṣṇa, however, soon realized that he was tricked by Śālva by his māyā and started to fight with him again); he was incited to action by his charioteer who reminded him that Dvārakā was ransacked by Śālva (dvārakā cāvamarditā) 3. 23. 25;

(4) Kṛṣṇa told Yudhiṣṭhira that he was not in Dvārakā when the game of dice was played in Hāstinapura 3. 14. 1; he heard of the dyūta only when he returned to Dvārakā after vanquishing Śālva 3. 14. 15;

(5) After informing Yudhiṣṭhira in the forest about Śālva's attacking Dvārakā and Kṛṣṇa's subsequent battle with him, he comforted Yudhiṣṭhira and returned to Dvārakā 3. 23. 42-45;

(6) Dvārakā was once burnt by Śiśupāla when Kṛṣṇa and others had gone to Prāgjyotiṣapura 2. 42. 7;

(7) Prophecies regarding Dvārakā: (i) Nārāyaṇa told Nārada that at the conjunction of Dvāpara and Kali (dvāparasya kaleś caiva saṁdhau 12. 326. 82) he would be born at Mathurā but would make Kuśasthalī (i. e. Dvārakā) his residence (kuśasthalīṁ kariṣyāmi nivāsaṁ dvārakāṁ purīm) 12. 326. 83-85; while residing in that city he would kill Naraka, Mura and Pīṭha 12. 326. 84; he would also kill the demons and take the wealth of Prāgjyotiṣapura to Kuśasthalī (prāgjyotiṣapuraṁ ramyaṁ nānādhanasamanvitam/kuśasthalīṁ nayiṣyāmi) 12. 326. 85; having lessened the burden of the earth he would bring about the destruction of the Sātvata heroes, his kinsmen and of Dvārakā (kṛtvā bhārāvataraṇaṁ vasudhāyā yathepsitam/sarvasātvatamukhyānāṁ dvārakāyāś ca sattama/kariṣye pralayaṁ ghoram ātmajñātivināśanam//) 12. 326. 92; (ii) prophesied also by Arjuna that Dvārakā, which was made his home by Kṛṣṇa, would be drowned in the sea by him (dvārakām ātmasāt kṛtvā samudraṁ gamayiṣyasi) 3. 13. 31; (iii) Kṛṣṇa too had foretold that when Arjuna would leave Dvārakā taking with him the citizens, the city, together with its ramparts and watchtowers, would be instantly inundated by the sea (imāṁ ca nagarīṁ sadyaḥ pratiyāte dhanaṁjaye/prākārāṭṭālakopetāṁ samudraḥ plāvayiṣyati) 16. 7. 17; 16. 8. 10;

(8) Destruction of Dvārakā: Arjuna advised all people to leave the town at the end of a week and stay outside 16. 8. 12; before leaving Dvārakā, the citizens (dvārakāvāsinaḥ) attended the funeral of Vasudeva 16. 8. 19-23; when all people had left, the city was overrun by the sea (sāgaraḥ…/dvārakāṁ ratnasaṁpūṛṇāṁ jalenāplāvayat tadā//) 16. 8. 40; the people of Dvārakā witnessed the event the like of which had not happened before (adbhutam) 16. 8. 41; the people of Dvārakā who followed Arjuna to Indraprastha were handed over to Vajra 16. 8. 73: the Pāṇḍavas when they started on their great final journey (mahāprasthāna) went, on their way, to the west and saw Dvārakā inundated by the sea (dadṛśur dvārakāṁ cāpi sāgareṇa pariplutām) 17. 1. 43; Arjuna's going to Dvāravatī, bereft of the Vṛṣṇi heroes, and his taking with him the people of Dvāravatī listed in the contents of the Mausalaparvan 1. 2. 223, 226;

(9) After the Pāṇḍavas were established at Indraprastha Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma left for Dvāravatī with the consent of the Pāṇḍavas 1. 199. 50.

(10) During the period of his exile Arjuna went from Raivataka mountain to Dvārakā; the city, even up to the modest houses (?), was decorated to welcome him (alaṁkṛtā dvārakā…api niṣkuṭakeṣv api) 1. 210. 15-16 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 2. 218. 16: niṣkuṭeṣu gṛhārāmeṣv api alaṁkṛtā kim uta rājamārgādiṣu); the people of Dvārakā rushed to the main roads to see Arjuna; women in large numbers rushed to the windows (?) (avalokeṣu nārīṇām sahasrāṇi śatāni ca); there was a great gathering (samavāyo mahān abhūt) of the Bhojas, the Vṛṣṇis and the Andhakas; Arjuna lived (in Dvārakā) in the house of Kṛṣṇa for many nights 1. 210. 17-21; once, while Subhadrā was returning to Dvārakā after worshipping Raivataka mountain she was kidnapped by Arjuna; the helpless soldiers cried aloud and ran towards Dvārakā 1. 212. 7, 9; the incident is referred to in 8. 26. 63;

(11) The Yādavas, returned to Dvāravatī after visiting Indraprastha where they had gone to give gifts to the Pāṇḍavas in connection with the marriage of Subhadrā 1. 213. 55; Subhadrā's abduction by Arjuna from Dvārakā referred to (i) in the Anukramaṇīparvan 1. 1. 103; also listed in the contents of the Ādiparvan narrated in the Parvasaṁgrahaparvan 1. 2. 92, (ii) in Vaiśaṁpāyana's summary of the Mahābhārata events 1. 55. 32-34, and (iii) in the Saṁbhavaparvan of the Ādiparvan 1. 90. 85;

(12) After asking Maya to build a sabhā for the Pāṇḍavas, Kṛṣṇa left for Dvārakā 2. 2. 23;

(13) Yudhiṣṭhira sent a messenger to Dvārakā to invite Kṛṣṇa, living in Dvārakā, for consuitations regarding the Rājasūya 2. 12. 29; at the end of the Rājasūya, Yudhiṣṭhira consented to Kṛṣṇa's return to Dvāravatī; accordingly Kṛṣṇa reached Dvāravatī 2. 42. 49, 55, 60;

(14) The sons of Draupadī, during the period of exile of the Pāṇḍavas, went to Vṛṣṇipura situated in the Ānarta country 3. 180. 25; later, Satyabhāmā informed Draupadī that her sons were all well and happy at Dvāravatī 3. 224. 11;

(15) Before going to the Virāṭanagara for the ajñātavāsa, Yudhiṣṭhira sent away Indrasena and others, with their chariots, to Dvāravatī 4. 4. 3; the spies, who were sent by Duryodhana in search of the Pāṇḍavas, told him that the charioteers of the Pāṇḍavas had reached Dvāravatī but neither the Pāṇḍavas nor Kṛṣṇā was to be found in Dvāravatī 4. 24. 15-16;

(11) After the marriage of Abhimanyu, Kṛṣṇa, Balarāma and others, permitted by Virāṭa, went to Dvārakā; after Kṛṣṇa's departure to Dvārakā, Yudhiṣṭhira started making all kinds of preparations for the war (cakruḥ sāṅgrāmikaṁ sarvam) 5. 5. 11-12; 5. 7. 1 (Dvāravatī);

(12) When Duryodhana knew through his messengers and spies that Kṛṣṇa had returned to Dvārakā, he started to go there to seek Kṛṣṇa's help in war; that very day Arjuna too arrived in Ānartanagarī; both of them, after reaching Dvārakā, saw Kṛṣṇa sleeping 5. 7. 3 (ānartanagarīṁ ramyāṁ jagāmāśu dhanaṁjayaḥ) 5. 7. 4, 5;

(13) When Balarāma started for his pilgrimage he, on his way, asked his servants to bring from Dvārakā all the materials and utensils required for the pilgrimage, as also the sacred fires and priests (saṁbhārāṁs tīrthayātrāyāṁ sarvopakaraṇāni ca/ānayadhvaṁ dvārakāyā agnīn vai yājakāṁs tathā) 9. 34. 15; when Balarāma chose to go to the battlefield to watch the duel between Bhīma and Duryodhana, he sent away his co-pilgrims and attendants to Dvārakā 9. 53. 32; at the end of the duel, Balarāma, expressing his disapproval of the way Bhīma brought about the downfall of Duryodhana, left for Dvārakā 9. 59. 26; when he left for Dvāravatī, the Pāñcālas and the Pāṇḍavas, did not feel very happy 9. 59. 27;

(14) When the sacrificial horse for the Aśvamedha of Yudhiṣṭhira reached Dvāravatī, king Ugrasena came out of the town to honour Arjuna who accompanied the horse 14. 84. 13-15; when Yudhiṣṭhira asked Kṛṣṇa to give some news about Arjuna (who was accompanying the horse), Kṛṣṇa told him that a confidential attendant who lived in Dvārakā (dvārakāvāsī mamāptaḥ puruṣaḥ) had seen him (Arjuna) who, fighting many battles, was emaciated (bahusaṁgrāmakarśitam) 14. 88. 9;

(15) After the war, Kṛṣṇa informed Arjuna his intention to return to Dvāravatī to meet his father, Baladeva and others, if permitted by Yudhiṣṭhira, but not otherwise; hence he wanted Yudhiṣṭhira to be informed by Arjuna about his wish to go to Dvārakā 14. 15. 20-21, 26, 31; before Kṛṣṇa's return to Dvārakā, Arjuna wanted Kṛṣṇa to tell him once again what he taught him before in the Gītā 14. 16. 6-7; Arjuna approved Kṛṣṇa's wish to return to Dvārakā; so he suggested that they should go to Hāstinapura to seek Yudhiṣṭhira's permission for Kṛṣṇa's return to Dvārakā 14. 50. 51; 14. 51. 23; Arjuna sought Yudhiṣṭhira's permission for Kṛṣṇa's return to Ānartanagarī 14. 51. 40-41; Yudhiṣṭhira gave Kṛṣṇa his permission to return to Dvāravatī to see his father 14. 51. 42; Arjuna and others embraced Kṛṣṇa when he left Hāstinapura to go to Dvārakā 14. 52. 1;

(16) Yudhiṣṭhira was grieved to think of what Subhadrā, who was then in Dvārakā (dvārakāvāsinī), would say to Kṛṣṇa when he returned to Dvārakā (since her son was killed in war) 12. 1. 16;

(17) Aśvatthāman once went to Dvārakā where he stayed for some time honoured by the Vṛṣṇis; he wanted to exchange his Brahmaśiras missile for the Sudarśana of Kṛṣṇa; while he was in Dvāravatī (vasan dvāravatīm anu), one day he approached Kṛṣṇa who was sitting alone on seashore; Kṛṣṇa informed Aśvatthāman that none of the Vṛṣṇi and the Andhaka heroes who lived in Dvārakā had ever asked him to part with his Sudarśana 10. 12. 11-12, 15, 31-33;

(18) The Yādavas, headed by Sāraṇa, once saw Viśvāmitra, Kaṇva, Nārada and other sages who were on a visit to Dvārakā 16. 2. 4; by the proclamation of a royal decree Āhuka prohibited fermentation of spirituous liquor in all the houses of Vṛṣṇis and Andhakas living in the town (Dvārakā) (adyaprabhṛti sarveṣu vṛṣṇyandhakagṛheṣviha/surāsavo na kartavyaḥ sarvair nagaravāsibhiḥ) 16. 2. 17-18; one of the bad omens that occurred for the citizens of Dvārakā was that a laughing black woman with white teeth entered the houses at night, stole the marriage threads of women while they were asleep, and ran through the streets of Dvārakā (kālī strī pāṇḍurair dantaiḥ praviśya hasatī niśi/striyaḥ svapneṣu muṣṇantī dvārakāṁ paridhāvati) 16. 4. 1 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 16. 3. 1: muṣṇantī strīṇām maṅgalasūtrādikaṁ corayantī); when the Yādavas were destroyed, Kṛṣṇa entered Dvāravatī and told Vasudeva to guard the women folk and wait for the arrival of Arjuna in Dvāravatī 16. 5. 7; 16. 7. 13; when Arjuna reached Dvārakā with Dāruka the city appeared to him like a woman who had lost her husband (mṛtanāthām iva striyam) 16. 6. 4; Arjuna, after he witenessed the plight of Dvārakā and the women of Kṛṣṇa he wept loudly and fell down on the ground 16. 6. 12.

E. Past events or events not related to the epic narrative:

(1) Kṛṣṇa told Uttaṅka whom he met on his way to Dvārakā that he (Uttaṅka) should think of him (Kṛṣṇa) if he desired something 14. 54. 13; Govinda (Kṛṣṇa) gave boon to Uttaṅka and went to Dvārakā in the company of Sātyaki 14. 58. 2, 3 (Dvāravatī);

(2) Pious king Nṛga, due to a sin unknowingly committed by him (13. 69. 22; 13. 71. 2), had to live as a lizard in a deep well at Dvāravatī 13. 69. 1-4; Kṛṣṇa liberated him when the Yādavas were settling down at Dvāravatī 13. 71. 2-3; 13. 69. 25-29;

(3) Śiva, in the form of Durvāsas, lived for a long time with Kṛṣṇa in his residence at Dvāravatī 13. 145. 35;

(4) Yudhiṣṭhira asked Bhīṣma the kind of gifts which one should give under different nakṣatras (nakṣatrayogasyedānīṁ dānakalpaṁ bravīhi me); Bhīṣma then told him what formerly Nārada, who had arrived at Dvārakā, told Devaki in reply to her question 13. 63. 1-4.

F. Dvārakā as a holy place: Described as holy (puṇyā) 3. 86. 21; Yudhiṣṭhira, while on a pilgrimage, visited Dvārakā (yac cāpi tīrthāni carann agacchaṁ dvārakāṁ prati) 7. 85. 63; a holy place Piṇḍāraka located in Dvāravatī 3. 80. 82.

G. Similes:

(1) The city Dvārakā was well protected and well camouflaged and was furnished with all kinds of weapons as is done for the residence of Indra (surakṣitaṁ suguptaṁ ca sarvāyudhasamanvitam/tat puraṁ bharataśreṣṭha yathendrabhavanaṁ tathā//) 3. 16. 18;

(2) As Indra left for heaven after killing his enemies so did Kṛṣṇa leave for Ānartapurī (when all the Kauravas were killed) 14. 51. 56;

(3) Dvārakā, bereft of Vṛṣṇi heroes, compared with a woman who had lost her husband (dvārakāṁ…mṛtanāthāṁ iva striyam) 16. 6. 4;

(4) In a long drawn metaphor Dvārakā compared to a river: the Vṛṣṇis and the Andhakas were its water, horses its fishes, chariots its boats, the sound of musical instruments and the one produced by chariots its current, residences and holy bathing places its big crocodiles, jewels its thick layer of moss, ramparts made of vajra its garlands, streets its whirlpools, cross-roads its steady, deep pieces of water, Rāma and Kṛṣṇa its big sharks; this river in the form of Dvārakā looked like the terrible Vaitaraṇī river having the noose of Kāla as its shark (tām sa vṛṣṇyandhakajalāṁ hayamīnāṁ rathoḍupām/ vāditrarathaghoṣaughāṁ veśmatīrthamahāgrahām//ratnaśaivalasaṁghāṭāṁ vajraprākāramālinīm/rathyāsrotojalāvartāṁ catvarastimitahradām//rāmakṛṣṇamahāgrāhāṁ dvārakāsaritam tadā/kālapāśagrahāṁ ghorāṁ nadīṁ vaitaraṇīm iva//) 16. 6. 8-10;

(5) Arjuna saw Dvārakā bereft of Vṛṣṇi heroes like a lotus pond in winter which is without its glory and gives no delight (gataśriyaṁ nirānandāṁ padminīṁ śiśire yathā) 16. 6. 11.

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