सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः





पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

भारतम्, क्ली, (भरतान् भरतवंशीयानधिकृत्य कृतो ग्रन्थ इत्यण् । यद्बा, भारं चतुर्वेदादिशास्त्रे- भ्योऽपि सारांशं तनोतीति । तन् + डः ।) ग्रन्थभेदः । इति मेदिनी । ते, १३८ ॥ तत्तु व्यासप्रणीतलक्षश्लोकात्मकमहाभारतसंज्ञकेति- हासः । तस्य श्रवणादिफलं यथा, -- “भारतं शृणुयान्नित्यं भारतं परिकीर्त्तयेत् । भारतं भवने यस्य तस्य हस्तगतो जयः ॥ यो गोशतं कनकशृङ्गमयं ददाति विप्राय वेदविदुषे सुबहुश्रुताय । पुण्याञ्च भारतकथां शृणुयाच्च नित्यं तुल्यं फलं भवति तस्य च तस्य चैव ॥ नवनीतं यथा दध्नो द्विपदां ब्राह्मणो यथा । ह्रदानामुदधिः श्रेष्ठो गौर्वरिष्ठश्चतुष्पदाम् । यथैतानीतिहासानां तथा भारतमुच्यते ॥ यश्चैनं श्रावयेत् श्राद्धे ब्राह्मणान् पादमन्ततः । अक्षय्यमन्नपानं वै पितॄंस्तस्योपतिष्ठते ॥ इतिहासपुराणाभ्यां वेदं समुपबृंहयेत् । बिभेत्यल्पश्रुताद्वेदो मामयं प्रहरिष्यति ॥ कार्ष्णं वेदमिमं विद्वान् श्रावयित्वार्थमश्वुते । भ्रूणहत्याकृतञ्चापि पापं जह्यादसंशयः ॥” इति महाभारतम् ॥ * ॥ तद्वृत्तान्तो यथा, -- ब्रह्मोवाच । “भारतं संप्रवक्ष्यामि भारावतरणं भुवः । चक्रे कृष्णो युध्यमानः पाण्डवादिनिमित्ततः ॥ विष्णुनाभ्यब्जजो ब्रह्मा ब्रह्मपुत्त्रोऽत्रिरत्रितः । सोमस्ततो बुधस्तस्मादुर्व्वश्यान्तु पुरोरवाः ॥ तस्माद्यस्तस्य पुत्त्रोऽभूद्ययातिर्भरतः कुरुः । शान्तनुस्तस्य वंशेऽभूद्गङ्गायां शान्तनोः सुतः ॥ हिमालयादासमुद्रं पुण्यक्षेत्रञ्च भारतम् । श्रेष्ठं सर्व्वस्थलानाञ्च मुनीनाञ्च तपःस्थलम् ॥ लब्ध्वा तत्र जन्म जीवो वञ्चोतो विष्णुमायया । शश्वत् करोति विषयं विहाय सेवनं हरेः ॥ कृत्वा तत्र महत् पुण्यं स्वर्गं गच्छति पुण्यवान् । गृहीत्वा स्वर्गकन्याश्च चिरं स्वर्गे प्रमोदते ॥ स्वर्गमागच्छति नरो विहाय मानवीं तनूम् ॥” इति ब्रह्मवैवर्त्तपुराणे श्रीकृष्णजन्मखण्डे । १ । ५९ । अध्यायौ ॥

भारतः, पुं, (भरतस्य मुनेरयमिति । भरत + अण् ।) नटः । इति जटाधरः ॥ अग्निः । इति त्रिकाण्डशेषः ॥ (भरतस्य गोत्रापत्य- मिति । भरत + अण् ।) भरतस्य गोत्रापत्यम् ॥ (यथा, महाभारते । ३ । ११ । ७४ । “तत्राश्रौषमहञ्चैतत् कर्म्म भीमस्य भारत ! ॥”)



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

भारत¦ न॰ भरतान् भरतवंश्यानधिकृत्य कृतोग्रन्थः अण्। भारं वेदादिशास्त्रेभ्योऽपि सारांशं तनोति तन--ड वा।

१ वेदव्यासप्रणीते लक्षश्लोकात्मके ग्रन्थभेदे। भरतेन चि-ह्नितं तस्येदं वा अण्।
“हिमाह्वं दक्षिणं वर्षं भरतायददौ पिता। तस्माच्च भारतं वर्षम्” इत्युक्ते जम्बुद्वीपा-न्तर्गते

२ वर्षभेदे। भरतस्य गोत्रापत्यम् अण्। भरतनृपस्य

३ वंश्ये। भरतेन मुनिना प्रोक्तमण्।

४ भरतमुनिकृते नाटक-शास्त्रादौ न॰। तदधीयते पुनरण्।

५ नटे ब॰ व॰

६ अग्निभेदे चग्रन्थरूपभारतशब्दस्य निरुक्तिः भा॰ आ॰

१ अ॰ दर्शिता यथा
“एकतश्चतुरो वेदान् भारतञ्चैतदेकतः। पुरा किल सुरैःसर्वैः समेत्य तुलया धृतम्। चतुर्भ्यः सरहस्येभ्योवेदेभ्यो ह्यधिकं यदा। तदाप्रभृति लोकेऽस्मिन् महा-भारतमुच्यते। महत्त्वे च गुरुत्वे च ध्रियमाणं यतो-ऽधिकम्। महत्त्वाद्भारतत्वाच्च महाभारतमुच्यते। नि-रुक्तमस्य यो वेद सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते”। तच्च वेदव्यासेन कृतं तदादिष्टः तच्छिष्यः वैशम्पायनःजनमेजयं श्रावयामास यथोक्तं भा॰ आ॰

१ अ॰।
“जनमेजयेन पृष्टः सन् व्राह्मणैश्च सहस्रशः। शशासशिष्यमासीनं वैशम्पायनमन्तिके। स सदस्यैः सहासीनःश्रावयामास भारतम्। कर्मान्तरेषु यज्ञस्य चोद्यमानःपुनःपुनः। विस्तरं कुरुवंशस्य गान्धार्य्या धर्मशीलताम्। क्षत्तुः प्रज्ञां, धृतिं कुन्त्याः सम्यग्द्वैपायनोऽव्रवीत्। वासु-देवस्य माहात्म्यं पाण्डवानाञ्च सत्यताम्। दुर्वृत्तंधार्त्तराष्ट्राणामुक्तवान् भगवानृषिः”। [Page4653-a+ 38] तच्च नानाविधं नानासंख्यान्वितं च कृतं लोके तु शतसा-हस्रसंख्यातं यथोक्तं तत्रैवाध्याये
“चतुर्विंशतिसाहस्रीं चक्रे भारतसंहिताम्। उपा-ख्यानैर्विना तावद्भारतं प्रोच्यते बुधैः। ततोऽध्यर्{??}शतंभूयः संक्षेपं कृतवानृषिः। अनुक्रमणिकाध्यायं वृत्ता-न्तानां सपर्वणाम्। इदं द्वैपायनः पूर्बं पुत्रमध्यापय-च्छुकम्। ततोऽन्येभ्योऽनुरूपेभ्यः शिष्येभ्यः प्रददौविभुः। षष्टिं शतसहस्राणि चकारान्यां स संहिताम्। त्रिंशच्छतसहस्रञ्च देवलोके प्रतिष्ठितम्। पित्र्ये पञ्च-दश प्रोक्तं गन्धर्वेषु चतुर्दश। एकं शतसहस्रन्तु मानु-षेषु प्रतिष्ठितम्। नारदोऽश्रावयद्देवानसितो देवलःपितृन्। गन्धर्वयक्षरक्षांसि श्रावयामास वै शुकः। अस्तिंस्तु मानुषे लोके वैशम्पायन उक्तवान्। शिष्योव्यासस्य धर्मात्मा सर्ववेदविदांवरः। एकं शतसहस्रन्तुमयोक्तं वै निबोध तत्”। तच्चाष्टादशमहापर्वयुतं तदवा-न्तरपर्बशतकं तद्विभागस्तत्र वर्णनीयपदार्थानां संग्रहश्चभा॰ आ॰

२ अ॰ दर्शितो यथा
“भारतस्येतिहासस्य श्रूयतां पर्वसंग्रहः। आदिपर्वणि

१ पर्वानुक्रमणी पूर्वं द्वितीयः

२ पर्वसंग्रहः।

३ पौष्यं

४ पौ-{??}ममास्तीक

५ मादिरं (वं) शावतारणम्

६ । ततः सम्भव

७ प-र्वोक्तमद्भुतं रोमहर्षणम्।

८ दाहो जतुगृहस्यात्र है-डिग्बं

९ पर्व चोच्यते। तती वकबधः

१० पर्व पर्व चैत्र-रथं

११ ततः। ततः स्वयम्बरी

१२ देव्याः पाञ्चाल्याःपर्व चोच्यते। क्षात्रधर्मेण निर्जित्य तती वैवाहिकं

१३ स्मृतम्। विदुरागमनं पर्व राज्यलाभस्तथैव

१४ च। अर्जुनस्य वने वासः

१५ सुभद्राहरणं

१६ ततः। सुभद्रा-हरणादूर्द्ध्वं ज्ञेयं हरणकारिका

१७ । ततः खाण्डय-दाहाख्यं

१८ तत्रैव मयदर्शनम्। (

२ ) सभापर्व तत

१९ प्रोक्तंमन्त्रपर्व

२० ततः परम्। जरासन्धबधः

२१ पर्व पर्वदिग्विजय

२२ स्तथा। पर्व दिग्विजयादूर्द्ध्वं राजसूयिक

२३ -मुच्यते। ततश्चार्घाभिहरणं

२४ शिशुपालबध

२५ स्ततः। द्यूतपर्व

२६ ततः प्रोक्तमनुद्यूत

२७ मतः परम्। तत(

३ ) आरण्यकं पर्व किर्मीरबधः

२८ एव च। अर्जुनस्या-भिगमन

२९ पर्व ज्ञेयमतः परम्। ईश्वरार्जुनयोर्युद्धंपर्व कैरात

३० संज्ञितम्। इन्द्रलीकाभिगमनं

३१ पर्वप्रेयमतः परम्। नलीपाख्यान

३२ मपि च धर्मिष्ठं{??}करु-{??}दयम्। तीर्थयात्रा

३३ ततः पर्व कुरुराजस्यधीमतः। जटासुरबधः

३४ पर्व यस्तयुद्ध

३५ मतः परम्। [Page4653-b+ 38] निवातकवचैर्युर्द्ध

३६ पर्व चाजगर

३७ स्ततः। मार्क-ण्डेसमास्या

३८ च पर्वानन्तरमुच्यते। संवादश्च ततः पर्वंद्रौपदीसत्यभांमयोः

३९ । घोषयात्रा

४० ततः पर्व मृग-स्वर्योद्भव

४१ स्ततः। व्रीहिद्रौणिक

४२ माख्यानमैन्द्रद्युम्नं(समास्यान्तर्गतं) तथैव च। द्रौपदीहरणं

४३ पर्वजयद्रथविमोक्षणम

४४ । पतिव्रताया महात्म्यं सावि-त्र्याश्चैवमद्भुतम्

४५ । रामोपाख्यान

४६ मत्रैव पर्व ज्ञेय-मतः परम्। कुण्डलाहरणं

४७ पर्व ततः परमिहोच्यते। आरणेय

४८ न्ततः पर्व (

४ ) वैराटन्तदनन्तरम्। पाण्ड-वानां प्रवेशश्च

४९ समयस्य च पालनम्। कीचकानांबधः

५० पर्व पर्व गोग्रहण

५१ न्ततः। अभिमन्योश्चवैराट्या पर्व वैवाहिकं

५२ स्मृतम्। (

५ ) उद्योगपर्वविज्ञेयमत ऊर्द्ध्वं महाद्भुतम्। ततः सञ्जयया-नाख्य

५३ पर्व ज्ञेयमतः परम्। प्रजागरस्ततः

५४ पर्वधृतराष्ट्रस्य चिन्तया। पर्व सनत्शुजातं

५५ वै गुह्य-मध्यात्मदर्शनम्। यानसन्धि

५६ स्ततः पर्व भगवद्-यान

५७ मेवच। मातुलीयमुपाख्यानं चरितं गालवस्यच। सभाप्रवेशः कृष्णस्य विदुरापुत्रशासनम्। ज्ञेयंविवादपर्वा

५८ त्र कर्णस्यापि महात्मनः। निर्याणञ्च

५९ ततः पर्व कुरुपाण्डवसेनयोः। रथातिरथसंख्या

६० न पर्वोक्तं तदनन्तरम्। उलूकदूतागमनं

६१ पर्वा-मर्षविवर्द्धनम्। अन्वोपाख्यान

६२ मत्रैव पर्व ज्ञेय-मतः परम्। भीष्माभिषेषचनं (

६ ) पर्ब ततश्चाद्भुतमुच्यते। जम्बूखण्डविनिर्माणं

६३ पर्वोक्तं तदनन्त-रम्। भूमिपर्व

६४ ततः प्रोक्तं द्वीपविस्तारकीर्त्तनम्। पर्वोक्तं भगवद्सीता

६५ पर्व भीष्मवध

६६ स्ततः। द्रो-णाभिषे (

७ ) चनं पर्व संशप्तकबधः

६७ स्ततः। अभिमन्यु-बभः

६८ पर्व प्रतिज्ञा

६९ पर्व चोच्यते। जयद्रथ-बधः

७० पर्व धठोत्कचबध

७१ स्ततः। ततो द्रोणबधः

७२ पर्व विज्ञेयं लोमहर्षणम्। मोक्षो

७३ नारायणास्त्रस्यपर्वानन्तरमुच्यते। कर्णपर्व (

८ ) ततो ज्ञेयं शल्यपर्व (

९ )ततः परम्। ह्रदप्रनेशनं

७४ पर्व पदायुद्धमतः

७५ परम्। सारस्वतं

७६ ततः पर्व तीर्थवंशानुकीर्त्तनम्। अत ऊर्द्ध्वं सुबीभत्सं पर्व सौप्तिक (

१० ) सुच्यते। ऐ-षीकं

७७ पर्व चोद्दिष्टमत ऊर्द्ध्वं सुदारुणम्। जलप्रदा-निकं

७८ पर्व स्त्रीविलाप (

११ ) स्ततः परम्। श्राद्धपर्व

७९ ततो ज्ञेयं कुरूणाभौर्द्ध्वदेहिकम्। चार्वाकस्यबधः

८० पर्व रक्षसो ब्रह्मरूपिणः। आभिषेचकनिकं

८१ [Page4654-a+ 38] पर्व धर्मराजस्य धीभतः। प्रतिभागो

८२ गृहाणाञ्चपर्वोक्तं तदनन्तरम्। शान्तिपर्व (

१२ ) ततो यत्र राज-धर्मानुशासनम

८३ । आपद्धर्मश्च

८४ पर्वोक्तं मोक्षधर्म-

८५ स्ततः परम्। शुकप्रश्नाभिगमनं ब्रह्मप्रश्नानुशास-नम्। प्रादुर्भावश्च{??}दुर्वासःसंवादश्चैव मायया। ततः पर्व परिज्ञेयमानुशासनिकम् (

१३ ) परम्। स्वर्गा-पोहणिकञ्चैव ततो भीष्मस्य धीमतः। ततीऽश्व-मेधिकं (

१४ ) पर्व सर्वपापप्रणाशनम्। अनुगीता

८६ ततः पर्व ज्ञेयमध्यात्मवाचकम्। पर्व चाश्रमवासा (

१५ ) ख्यंपुत्रदर्शनमेव च। नारदागमनं

८७ पर्व ततः परि-मिहोच्यते। मौसलं (

१६ ) पर्व चोद्दिष्टं ततो घोरंसुदारुणम्। महाप्रस्थानिकं (

१७ ) पर्व स्वर्गारोहणिकं (

१८ )तत। हरिवंशस्ततः पर्व

८८ पुराणं खिलमज्ञितम्। विष्णुपर्व

८९ शिशोश्चर्य्या विष्णोः कंसबधस्तथा। भविष्यंपर्व

९० चाप्युक्तं खिलेष्वेवाद्भुतं महत्। एतत् पर्व शतंपूर्णं व्यासेनोक्तं महात्मना। (महापर्वसहितं किञ्चिदधि-कशतपर्वाण्यत्रेति बोध्यम्)। यथावत् सूतपुत्रेणलौमहर्षणिना ततः। उक्तानि नैमिषारण्ये पर्वाण्यष्टादशैव तु। समासो भारतस्यायमत्रोक्तः पर्वसंग्रहः। पौष्यं पोलीममास्तीकमादिरं(वं)शावतारणम्। सम्भवीजतुवेश्गाख्यं हिडिम्बवकयोर्वधः। तथा चैत्ररथं देव्याःपाञ्चाल्याश्च स्वयंवरः। क्षात्रधर्मेण निर्जित्य ततोवैवाहिक स्मृतम्। विदुरागमनञ्चैव राज्यलम्भस्तथैवच। वनवासोऽर्जुनस्यापि सुभद्राहरणं ततः। हरणा-हरणञ्चैव दहनं खाण्डवस्य च। मयस्य दर्शनञ्चैवआदिपर्वणि कथ्यते। पौष्ये पर्वणि महात्म्यमुतङ्क-स्योपवर्णितम्। पौलोमे भृगुवंशस्य विस्तारः परिकीर्त्तितः। आस्तीके सर्वनागानां गरुडस्य च सम्भवः। क्षीरोदमथनञ्चैव जन्मोच्चैःश्रवसस्तथा। यजतः सर्प-सत्रेण राज्ञः पारीक्षितस्य च। कथेयमभिनिर्वृत्ताभारतानां महात्मनाम्। विविधाः सम्भवा राज्ञामुक्ताःसम्भवपर्वणि। अन्येषाञ्चैव शूराणामृषेर्द्वैपाथनस्यच। अंशावतारणञ्चात्र देवानां परिकीर्त्तितम्। दै-त्यानां दानवानाञ्च। यक्षाणाञ्च महौजसाम्। नागा-नामथ सर्पाणां गन्धर्वाणां प्रतत्रिणाम्। अन्येषाञ्चैवभूतानां विविधानां समुद्भवः। महर्षेराश्रमपदे कण्ठस्यच तपस्विनः। शकुन्तलायां दुष्मन्ताद्भरतश्चापि जज्ञि-वान्। यस्य लोकेषु नाम्नेदं प्रथितं भारतं कुलम्। [Page4654-b+ 38] वसूनां पुनरुत्पत्तिर्भागीरथ्यां महात्मनाम्। शान्तं-नोर्वेश्मनि पुनस्तेषाञ्चारोहणं दिवि। तेजोऽंशानाञ्चसम्पातो भीष्मस्याप्यत्र सम्भवः। राज्यान्निवर्त्तनं तस्यब्रह्मचर्य्यव्रते स्थितिः। प्रतिज्ञापालनञ्चैव रक्षा चित्रा-ङ्गदस्य च। हते चित्राङ्गदे चैव रक्षा भ्रातुर्यवीयसः। विचित्रवीर्य्यस्य तथा राज्ये सम्प्रतिपालनम्। धर्मस्यनृषु सम्भूतिरणीमाण्डव्यशापजा। कृष्णद्वैपायनाच्चैवपसूतिर्वरदानजा। धृतराष्ट्रस्य पाण्डोश्च पाण्डवानाञ्चसम्भवः। वारणाबतयात्रार्या मन्त्रो दुर्य्योधनस्य च। कूटस्य धार्त्त राष्ट्रेण प्रेषणं पाण्डवान् प्रति। हितोपदेशश्च पथि धर्मराजस्थ धीमतः। विदुरेणकृतो यत्र हितार्थं म्लेच्छभाषया। विदुरस्य चवाक्येन सुरङ्गीपक्रमक्रिया। निषाद्याः पञ्चपुत्रायाःसुप्ताया जतुवेश्मनि। पुरोचनस्य चात्रैव दहनं स-म्प्रकीर्त्तितम्। पाण्डवानां बने घोरे हिडिम्बायाश्चदर्शनम्। तत्रैव च हिडिम्बस्य बधो भीमान्महाबलात्। धटोत्कचस्य चोत्पत्ति रत्रैव परिकीर्त्तिता। महर्षे-र्दर्शनञ्चैव व्यासस्यामिततेजसः। तदाज्ञयैकचक्रायांब्राह्मणस्य निवेशने। अज्ञातचर्य्यया वासो यत्र तेषांप्रकीर्त्तितः। वकस्य निधने चैव नागराणाञ्च विस्मयः। सम्भवश्चैव कृष्णाया धृष्टद्यम्नस्य चैव हि। ब्राह्म-णात् समुपश्रुत्य व्यासवाक्यप्रचोदिताः। द्रौपटींप्रार्थयन्तस्ते स्वयंवरदिदृक्षया। पाञ्चालानमितोज-ग्मुर्यत्र कौतूहलान्विताः। अङ्गारपर्णं निर्जित्यगङ्गाकूलेऽर्जुनस्तदा। सख्यं कृत्वा ततस्तेन तस्मादेवच सुश्रुवे। तापत्यमथ वाशिष्ठभौर्वञ्चाख्यानमुत्तमम्। भ्रातृभिः सहितः सर्वैः पाञ्चालानभिती ययौ। पाञ्चालनगरे चापि लक्ष्य भित्त्वा धनञ्जयः। द्रौपर्दीलब्धवानत्र मध्ये सर्वमहीक्षिताम्। भीमसेनार्जुनौयत्र संरब्घान् पृथिवीपतीन्। शल्यकर्णौ च तरसाजितवन्तौ महामृधे। दृष्ट्वा तयोश्च तद्वीर्य्यमप्रमेयममा-नुषम्। शङ्कमानौ पाण्डवांस्तान् रामकृष्णौ महामती। जग्मतु{??} समागन्तुं शालाम्भार्गववेश्मनि। पञ्चानामे-कपत्नीत्वे विमर्षो द्रुपदस्य च। पञ्चेन्द्राणासुपाख्या-नमषैवाद्भुतमुच्यते। द्रौपद्या देवविहितो विवाहश्चाप्य-मानुषः। क्षत्तुश्च धृतराष्ट्रेण प्रेषणं पाण्डवान् प्रति। विदुरस्य च सम्प्राप्तिर्दर्शनं केशवस्य च। खाण्डव-प्रस्थवासश्च तथा राज्यार्द्धशासनम्। नारदस्याज्ञया[Page4655-a+ 38] चैव द्रौपद्याः समयक्रिया। सुन्दोपसुन्दयोस्तद्वदाख्यानंपरिकीर्त्तितम्। अनन्तरञ्च द्रौपद्या सहासीनं युधि-ष्ठिरम्। अनुप्रविश्य विप्रार्थं फाल्गुनो गृह्य चायु-धम्। मीक्षयित्वा गृहं गत्वा विप्रार्थं कृतनिश्चयः। समयं पालयन् वीरो वनं यत्र जगाम ह। पार्थस्यवनवासे च उलूप्या पथि सङ्गमः। पुण्यतीर्थानुसंयानंबभ्रुवाहनजन्म च। तत्रैव मोक्षयामास पञ्च सोऽपू-सरसः शुभाः। शापाद्ग्राहत्वमापन्ना ब्राह्मणस्य तप-स्विनः। प्रभासतीर्थे पार्थेन कृष्णस्य च समागमः। द्वारकायां सुभद्रा च कामयानेन कामिनी। वासुदेव-स्यानुमते प्राप्ता चैव किरीटिना। गृहीत्वा हरणंप्राप्ते कृष्णे देवकिनन्दने। अभिमन्थोः सुभद्रायांजन्म श्चोत्तमतेजसः। द्रौपद्यास्तनयानाञ्च सम्भवोऽनु-प्रकीर्त्तितः। बिहारार्थञ्च गतयोः कृष्णयोर्यमुनामनु। सम्प्राप्तिवकधनुधोः खाण्डवस्य च दाहनम्। मयस्यमोक्षो ज्वलनाद्भुजङ्गस्य च मोक्षणम्। महर्षेर्मन्द-पालस्य शार्ङ्ग्यां तनयसम्भवः। इत्येतदादिपर्वोक्तंप्रथमं बहुविस्तरम्। अध्यायानां शते द्वेतु संख्यातेपरमर्षिणा। सप्तविंशतिरध्याया व्यासेनोत्तमतेज सा। अष्टौ श्लोकसहस्राणि अष्टौ श्लोकशतानि च। श्लोका॰श्चतुरशीतिश्च मुनिनोक्ता महात्मना (

१ )। द्वियतीन्तु सभापर्व बहुवृत्तान्तमुच्यते। सभाक्रिया पाण्ड-वानां किङ्कराणाञ्च दर्शनम्। लोकपालसभाख्यानं नारदा-द्देवदर्शिनः। राजसूयस्य चारम्भो जरासन्धबधस्तथा। गिरिव्रजे निरुद्धानां राज्ञां कृष्णेन गोक्षणम्। तथादिग्विजयोऽत्रैव पाण्डबानां प्रकीर्त्तितः। राज्ञामा-गमनञ्चैव सार्हणानां महाक्रतौ। राजसूयेऽर्घ्यसंवादेशिशुपालबधस्तथाः यज्ञे विभूतिं तां दृष्ट्वा दुःखामर्षा-न्वितस्य च। दुर्य्योधनस्याबहासो भीमेन च सम्भातले। यत्रास्य मन्युरुद्भूतो येन द्यूतमकारयत्। यत्र षर्म-सुतं द्यूते शकुनिः कितवोऽजयत्। यत्र द्यूतार्णवेमग्नां द्रौपदीं नावमर्णवात्। धृतराष्ट्री महाताज्ञःस्नुसां परमदुखिताम्। तारयामास तां तीर्णां ज्ञात्वादुर्य्योधनो नृपः। पुनरेब ततो द्यूते समाह्वयत पाण्ड-वान्। जित्वा स वनवासाय प्रेषयामास तांस्ततः। एतत् सर्वं सभापर्व समाख्यातं महात्मना। अध्यायाःसप्ततिर्ज्ञेयास्तथा चाष्टौ प्रसंख्यया। श्लोकानां द्वे स-{??} तु पञ्च श्लोकशंतानि च। श्लोकाश्चैकादश ज्ञेयाः[Page4655-b+ 38] पर्वण्यस्मिन् द्विजोत्तमाः” (

२ )। (द्वितीयसभापर्व)(
“अतःपरं तृतीयन्तु ज्ञेयमारण्यकं महत्। वनवासं प्रयातेषु पाण्डवेषु महात्मसु। पौरानु-गमनञ्चैव धर्मपुत्रस्य धीमतः। अन्नौषधीनाञ्च कृतेपाण्डवेन महात्मना। द्विजानां भरणार्थञ्च कृत-माराधनं रवेः। धौम्योपदेशात्तिग्मांशुप्रसादादन्न-सम्भवः। हितन्तु ब्रुवतः क्षत्तुः परित्यागोऽम्बिकासु-तात्। त्यक्तस्य पाण्डुपुत्राणां समीपगमनन्तथा। पुनरागमनञ्चैव धृतराष्ट्रस्य शासनात्। कर्णप्रोत्साहना-च्चैव धार्त्तराष्ट्रस्य दुर्मतेः। वनस्थान् पाण्डवान् हन्तुंमन्त्रो दुर्य्योधनस्य च। तं दुष्टभावं विज्ञाय व्यासस्या-गमनं द्रुतम्। निर्याणप्रतिषेधश्च सुरभ्याख्यानमेवच। मैत्रेयागमनञ्चात्रं राज्ञश्चैवानुशासनम्। शापोत्-सर्गश्च तेनैव राज्ञो दुर्य्योधनस्य च। किर्मीरस्य वधश्चात्रभीमसेनेन संयुगे। घृष्णीनामागमश्चात्र पाञ्चालानाञ्चसर्वशः। श्रुत्वा शकुनिना द्यूते निकृत्या निर्जितांश्चतान्। क्रुद्धस्यानुप्रशमनं हरेश्चैव किरीटिना। परि-देवनञ्च पाञ्चाल्या वासुदेवस्य सन्निधौ। आश्वासनञ्चकृष्णेन दुःखार्त्तायाः प्रकीर्त्तितम्। तथा सौभबधा-ख्यानमत्रैवोक्तं महर्षिणा। सुभद्रायाः सपुत्रायाःकृष्णेन द्वारकां पुरीम्। नयनं द्रौपदेयानां धृष्टद्युम्नेनचैव हि। प्रवेशः पाण्डवेयानां रम्ये द्वैतबने ततः। धर्मराजस्य चात्रैव संवादः कृष्णया सह। संवादश्च तथाराज्ञा भीमस्यापि प्रकीर्त्तितः। समीपं पाण्डुपुत्राणांव्यासस्यागमनं तथा। प्रतिस्मृत्याश्च विद्याया दानंराज्ञो महर्षिणा। गमनं काम्यके चापि व्यासे प्रतिगतेततः। अस्त्रहेतोर्विवासश्च पार्थस्यामिततेजसः। भहा-देवेन युद्धञ्च किरातवपुषा सह। दर्शनं लोकपाला-नामस्त्रप्राप्तिस्तथैब च। महेन्द्रलोकगमनमस्त्रार्थे चकिरीटिनः। यत्र चिन्ता समुत्पन्ना धृतराष्ट्रस्य भूयसी। दर्शनं वृहदश्वस्य महर्षेर्भावितात्मनः। युधिष्ठिरस्यचार्त्तस्य व्यसने परिवेदनम्। नलोपाख्यानमत्रैवधर्मिष्ठं करुणोदयम्। दमयन्त्याः स्थितिर्यत्र नलस्यचरितं यथा। तथाक्षहृदयप्राप्तिस्तस्मादेव महर्षितः। लोमशस्यागमस्तत्र स्वर्गात् पाण्डुसुतान् प्रति। वन-वासगतानाञ्च पाण्डवानां महात्मनाम्। स्वर्गे प्रवृत्ति-राख्याता लोमशेनार्जुनस्य वै। सन्देशादर्जुनस्यात्रतीर्थाभिगमनक्रिया। तीर्थानाञ्च फलप्राप्तिः पुण्यत्य-[Page4656-a+ 38] ञ्चापि कीर्त्तितम्। पुलस्त्यतीर्थयात्रा च नारदेनमहर्षिणा। तीर्थयात्रा च तत्रैव पाण्डवानां महा-त्मनाम्। कर्णस्य परिमोक्षोऽत्र कुण्डलाभ्यां पुरन्द-रात्। तथा यज्ञविभूतिश्च गयस्यात्र प्रकीर्त्तितः। आगस्त्यमपि चाख्यानं यत्र बातापिभक्षणम्। लोपा-मुद्राभिगमनमपत्यार्थमृषेस्तथा। ऋष्यशृङ्गस्य चरितंकौमारब्रह्मचारिणः। जामदग्न्यस्य रामस्य चरितंभूरितेजसः। कार्त्तवीर्य्यबधो यत्र हैहयानाञ्च व-र्ण्यते। प्रभासतीर्थे पाण्डूनां वृष्णिभिश्च समागमः। सौकन्यमपि चाख्यानं च्यवनो यत्र भार्गवः। शर्य्यातियज्ञे नासत्यौ कृतवान् सोमपीतिनौ। ताभ्याञ्च यत्रम मुनिर्यौवनं प्रतिपादितः। मान्त्रातुश्चाप्युपाख्यानंरा{??}ऽत्रैव प्रकीर्त्तितम्। जन्तूपाख्यानमत्रैव यत्रपुत्रेण सोमकः। पुत्रार्थमयजद्राजा लेभे पुत्रशतञ्चसः। ततः श्येनकपीतीयमुपाख्यानमनुत्तमम्। इन्द्वाग्नीपत्र धर्मश्चाभ्यजिज्ञासञ्छिविं नृपम्। अष्टावक्रीयमत्रैवविवादो यत्र वन्द्वि{??}। णष्टावक्रस्य विप्रर्षेर्जनकस्या-ध्वरेऽभवत्। नैयाभिकातां मुख्येन वरुणस्यात्मजेन च। पराजितो यत्र वन्दी विवादेन महात्मना। विजित्यसागरं प्राप्तं पितरं लब्धवामृषिः। यवक्रीतस्य चा-ख्यानं रैभ्यस्य च महात्मनः। गन्धमादनयात्रा चवासो नारायणाश्रमे। नियुक्तो भीमसेनश्च द्रौपद्यागन्धमादने। व्रजन् पथि महाबाहुर्दृष्टवान् पवना-त्मजम्। कदलीषण्डमध्यस्थं हनूमन्तं महाबलम्। यत्र सौगन्धिकार्थेऽसौ नलिनीं तामधर्षयत्। यत्रास्ययुद्धमभवत् सुमहद्राक्षसैः सह। यक्षैश्चैव महावीर्य्यै-र्मणिमत्प्रमुखैस्तथा। जटासुरस्य च बधो राक्षसस्यवृकोदरात्। वृषपर्वणो राजर्षेस्ततोऽभिगमनं स्मृतम्। आर्ष्टिषेणाश्रमे चैषां गमनं वास एव च। प्रीत्साहनञ्च पाञ्चाल्या भीमस्यात्र महात्मनः। कैलासारो-हणं प्रोक्तं यत्र यक्षैर्वलोत्कटैः। युद्धमासीन्महा-घोरं मणिमत्प्रमुखैः सह। समागमश्च पाण्डूनां यत्रवैपवणेन च। समागमश्चार्जुनस्य तत्रैव भ्रातृभिःसह। अवाप्य दिव्यान्यस्त्राणि गुर्वर्थं सव्यसाचिना। निवातकवचैर्युद्धं हिरण्यपुरवासिभिः। निवातकवचैर्घोरैर्दानवैः सरशत्रुभिः। पौलोमैः कालकेयैश्च यत्रयुदुं किरीटिनः। बवश्चैषां समाख्याती राज्ञस्तेनैववीमता। अस्वसन्दर्शनार{??} धर्मराजस्य सन्निधौ। [Page4656-b+ 38] पार्थस्य प्रतिषेधश्च नारदेन सुरर्षिणा। अव{??}हःपुनश्चैव पाण्डूनां गन्धमादनात्। भीमस्य ग्रहण-ञ्चात्र पर्वताभोगवर्ष्मणा। भुजगेन्द्रेण बलिना त-स्मिन् सुगहने वने। अमोक्षयद्यत्र चैनं प्रश्नामुक्त्वायुधिष्ठिरः। काम्यकागमनञ्चैव पुनस्तेषां महात्मनाम्। तत्रस्थांश्च पुनर्द्रष्टुं पाण्डवान् पुरुषर्षभान्। वासुदेव-स्यागमनमत्रैव परिकीर्त्तितम्। मार्कण्डेयस्य च तथादेवर्षेर्नारदस्य च। मार्कण्डेयसमास्यायामुपाख्यानानिसर्वशः। पृथोर्वैण्यस्य यत्रोक्तमाख्यानं परमर्षिणा। संवादश्च सरस्वत्या तार्क्ष्यर्षेः सुमहात्मनः। मत्स्यो-पाख्यानमत्रैव प्रोच्यते तदनन्तरम्। मार्कण्डेयसमास्याच पुराणं परिकीर्त्तितम्। ऐन्द्रद्युम्नमुपाख्यानं धौन्धु-मारं तथैव च। पतिव्रतायाश्चाख्यानं तथैवाङ्गिरसंस्मृतम्। द्रौपद्याः कीर्त्तितश्चात्र संवादः सत्यभामया। पुनर्द्वैतवनञ्चैव पाण्डवाः समुपागताः। घोषयात्रा चगन्धर्वेर्यत्र बद्धः सुषोधनः। ह्रियमानस्तु मन्दात्मामी{??}ऽसौ किरीटिना। धर्मराजस्य चात्रैव मृग-स्वप्ना{??}दर्शनम्। काम्यके काननश्रेष्ठे पुनर्गमनमुच्यन। व्रीहिद्रा{??}णकमाख्यानमत्रैव बहुविस्तरम्। दुर्वाससोऽप्युपाख्यानमत्रैव परिकीर्त्तितम्। जयद्रथेवाप-हारो द्रौपद्याश्चाश्रमान्तरात्। यत्रैनमन्वयाद्भीमोवायुवेगसमो जवे। चक्रे चेनं पञ्चशिखं यत्र भीमोमहाबलः। रामायणमुपाख्यानमत्रैव बहुविस्तरम्। यत्र रामेण विक्रमम्य निहिती रावणो युधि। सा॰वित्र्याश्चाप्युपाख्यानमत्रैव परिकीर्त्तितम्। कर्णस्यपरिमोक्षोऽत्र कुण्डलाभ्यां पुरन्दरात्। यत्रास्य शक्तिंतुष्टोऽदादेकवीरबधाय च। आरणेयमुपाख्यानं यत्र-धर्मोऽन्वशात् सुतम्। जग्मुर्लब्धवरा यत्र पाण्डवाःपश्चिमां दिशम्। एतदारण्यकं पर्व तृतीयं परि-कीर्त्तितम्। अत्राध्यायशते द्वे तु संख्यया परिकीर्त्तिते। एकोनसप्ततिश्चैव तथाध्यायाः प्रकीर्त्तिताः। एकादशसहस्राणि श्लोकानां षट्शतानि च। चतुःषष्टिस्तथाश्लोकाः पर्वण्यस्मिन् प्रकीर्त्तिताः

३ । (वनपर्व)
“अतःपरं निबोधेदं वैराटं पर्व विस्तरम्। विराटनगरंगत्वा श्मशाने विपुलां शमीम्। दृष्ट्वा सन्निदधुस्तत्र पा-ण्डवा ह्यायुधान्युत। यत्र प्रविश्य नगरं छद्मना न्यवसंस्तु ते। पाञ्चालीं प्रार्थयानम् कामोपहतचेतसः। दुष्टा-त्ननो बवो यत्र कीचकस्य वृ{??}दरात्। पाण्डवान्येषणा-[Page4657-a+ 38] र्थञ्च राज्ञो दुर्य्योधनस्य च। चराः प्रस्थापिताश्चात्रनिपुणाः सर्वतो दिशम्। न च प्रवृत्तिस्तैर्लब्धा पाण्ड-वानां महात्मनाम्। गोग्रहश्च विराटस्य त्रिगर्त्तैः प्र-थमं कृतः। यत्रास्य युद्धं सुमहत् तैरासील्लोमहर्ष-णम्। ह्रियमाणश्च यत्रासौ भीमसेनेन मोक्षितः। गोधनञ्च विराटस्य मोक्षितं यत्र पाण्डवैः। अनन्त-रञ्च कुरुभिस्तस्य गोग्रहणं कृतम। समस्ता यत्र पा-र्थेन निर्जिताः कुरवो युधि। प्रत्याहृतं गोधनञ्च वि-क्रमेण किरीटिना। विराटेनोत्तरा दत्ता स्नुषा यत्रकिरीटिनः। अभिमन्युं समुद्दिश्य सौभद्रमरिघाति-नम्। चतुर्थमेतद्विपुलं वैराटं पर्व वर्णितम्। अत्रापिपरिसंख्याता अध्यायाः परमर्षिणा। सप्तषष्टिरथोपूर्णा श्लोकानामपि मे शृणु। श्लोकानां द्वे सहस्रे तुश्लोकाः पञ्चाशदेव तु। उक्तानि वेदविदुषा पर्वण्यस्मिन्महर्षिणा

४ । (विराटपर्व)(
“उद्योगपर्वः विज्ञेयं पञ्चमं शृण्वतः परम्। उपप्लव्ये निविष्टेषु पाण्डवेषु जिगीषया। दुर्य्यो-धनोऽर्जुनश्चैव वासुदेवमुपस्थितौ। साहाय्यमस्मिन्समरे भवान्नौ कर्त्तुमर्हति। इत्युक्ते वचने कृष्णोयत्रोवाच महामतिः। अयुध्यमानमात्मानं मन्त्रिणं पु-रुषर्षभौ। अक्षौक्षिणीं वा सैन्यस्य कस्य किंवा ददा-म्यहम्। वव्रे दुर्य्योधनः सैन्यं मन्दात्मा यत्र दुर्मतिः। अयुध्यमानं सचिवं वव्रे कृष्णं धनञ्जयः। मद्रराजञ्चराजानमायान्तं पाण्डवान् प्रति। उपहारैर्वञ्चयित्वावर्त्मन्येव सुयोधनः। वरदं तं वरं वव्रे साहाय्यंक्रियतां मम। शल्यस्तस्मै प्रतिश्रुत्य जगामोद्दिश्य पा-ण्डवान्। शान्तिपूर्वञ्चाकथयद्यत्रेन्द्रविजयं नृपः। पुरो-हितप्रेषणञ्च पाण्डवैः कौरवान् प्रति। वैचित्रवीर्य्यस्यवचः समादाय पुरोधमः। तथेन्द्रविजयञ्चापि यानञ्चैवपुरोधसः। सञ्जयं प्रेषयामास शमार्थी पाण्डवान्प्रति। यत्र दूतं महाराजो घृतराष्ट्रः प्रतापवान्। श्रुत्वा च पाण्डवान् यत्र वासुदेवपुरोगमान्। प्रजागरःसंप्रजज्ञे धृतराष्ट्रस्य चिनया। विदुरो यत्र वाक्यानिविचित्राणि हितानि च।{??}वयामास राजानं धृत-राष्ट्रं मनीषिणम्। तथा सनत्सुजातेन यत्राध्यात्ममनुत्तमम्। मनस्तापान्वितो राजा श्रावितः शीकलालसः। प्रमाते राजसमितौ सञ्जयो यत्र वा विभोः। रेक्यात्म्यं वासुदेवस्य प्रोक्तवानर्जुनस्य च। तत्र कृष्णो[Page4657-b+ 38] दयापन्नः सन्धिमिच्छन्महामतिः। स्वयमागाच्छमं कर्त्तंनगरं नागसाह्वयम्। प्रत्याख्यानञ्च कृष्णस्य राज्ञादुर्य्योधनेन वै। शमार्थे याचमानस्य पक्षयोरुभयोर्हि-तम्। दम्भोद्भवस्य चाख्यानमत्रैव परिकीर्त्तितम्। वरान्वेषणमत्रैव मातलेश्च महात्मनः। महर्षेश्चापिचरितं कथितं गालवस्य वै। विदुलायाश्च पुत्रस्य प्रोक्त-ञ्चात्यनुशासनम्। कर्णदुर्य्योधनादीनां दुष्टं विज्ञायमन्त्रितम्। योगेश्वरत्वं कृष्णेन यत्र राज्ञां प्रदर्शितम्। रथमारोप्य कृष्णेन यत्र कर्णोऽनुमन्त्रितः। उपाय-पूर्वं शौटीर्य्यात् प्रत्याख्यातश्च तेन सः। आगम्य हा-स्तिनपुरादुपप्लव्यमरिन्दम!। पाण्डवानां यथावृत्तंसर्वमाख्यातवान् हरिः। ते तस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा मन्त्र-यित्वा च यद्धितम्। सांग्रामिकं ततः सर्वं सज्यञ्चक्रुःपरन्तपाः। ततो युद्धाय निर्याता नराश्वरथदन्तिनः। नगराद्धास्तिनपुराद्बलसंख्यानमेव च। यत्र राज्ञा ह्यू-लूकस्य प्रेषणं पाण्डवान् प्रति। श्वो भाविनि महा-युद्धे दौत्येन कृतवान् प्रभुः। रथातिरथसंख्यानमम्बो-पाख्यानमेव च। एतत्सुबहुवृत्तान्तं पञ्चमं पर्वभारते। उद्योगपर्व निर्दिष्टं सन्धिविग्रहमिश्रितम्। अध्यायानां शतं प्रोक्तं षडशीतिर्महर्षिणा। श्लोकानांषट् सहस्राणि ताबन्त्येव शतानि च। श्लोकाश्च नवतिःप्रोक्तास्तथैवाष्टौ महात्मना। व्यासेनोदारमतिना पर्व-ण्यस्मिंस्तपोधनाः! (

५ )। (उद्योगपर्व)
“अतःपरं विचित्रार्थं भीष्मपर्व प्रचक्षते। जम्बू-खण्डविनिर्माणं यत्रोक्तं सञ्जयेन ह। यत्र यौधि-ष्ठिरं सैन्यं विषादमगमत् परम्। यत्र युद्धमभूघोरंदशाहानि सुदारुणम्। कश्मल यत्र पार्थस्यवासुदेवो महामतिः। मोहजं नाशयामास हेतुभि-र्मोक्षदर्शिभिः। समीक्ष्याधोक्षजः क्षिप्रं युधिष्ठिरहि-तेरतः। रथादाप्लुत्य वेगेन स्वयं कृष्ण उदारधीः। प्रतोदपाणिराधावद्भीष्म हन्तुं व्यपेतभीः। वाक्यप्रतोदा-भिहितो यत्र कृष्णेन पाण्डवः। गाण्डीवधन्वा समरेसर्वशस्त्रभृताम्बरः। शिखण्डिनं पुरस्कृत्य यत्र पार्थोमहाधनुः। विनिघ्नन्निशितैर्बाणैरथाद्भीष्ममपातयत। शरतल्पगतश्चैव भीष्मी यत्र बभूव ह। षष्ठमेतत् समा-ख्यातं भारते पर्व विस्तृतम्। अध्यायानां शतं प्रोक्तंतथा सप्तदशापरे। पञ्च श्लोकसक्षस्राणि संख्ययाष्टौशतानि च। तीकात चतुरशीतिरस्मिन् पर्यणि की-[Page4658-a+ 38] र्त्तिताः। व्यासेन वेदविदुषा संख्याता भीष्मपर्वणि (

६ )। द्रोणपर्व ततश्चित्रं बहुवृत्तान्तमुच्यते। सैनापत्येऽभिषिक्तोऽथ यत्राचार्य्यः प्रतापवान्। दुर्य्योधनस्य प्रीत्यर्थंप्रतिजज्ञे महास्त्रवित्। ग्रहणं धर्मराजस्य पाण्डु-पुत्रस्य धीमतः। यत्र संशप्तकाः पार्थमपनिन्यूरणा-जिरात्। भगदत्ती महाराजो यत्र शक्रममो युधि।{??}प्रतीवेन नागेन स हि शान्तः किरीटिना। यत्राभि-मन्युं बहवो जघ्नुरेकं महारथाः। जयद्रथसुखा बालंशूरमप्राप्तयौवनम्। हतेऽभिमन्यौ क्रुद्धेन्न यत्र पार्थेनसंयुगे। अक्षौहिणीः सप्त हत्वा हतो राजा जयद्रथः। यत्र भीमो महाबाहुः सात्यकिश्च मयारथः। अन्वे-षणार्थं पार्थस्य युधिष्ठिरनृपाज्ञया। प्रविष्टो भारतींसेनामप्रघृष्यां सुरैरपि। संशप्तकावशेषञ्च कृतं निःशेष-माहवे। अलम्बूषः श्रुतायुश्च जलसन्धश्च वीर्य्यवान्। सौमदत्तिर्विराटश्च द्रुपदश्च महारथः। घटोत्कचा-दयश्चान्ये निहिता द्रोणपर्वणि। अश्वत्थामापि चा-त्रैव द्रोणे युधि निपातिते। अस्त्रं प्रादुश्चकारोग्रंनारायणममर्षितः। आग्नेयं कीर्त्त्यते यत्र रुद्रमा-हात्म्यमुत्तमम्। व्यासस्य चाप्यागमनं माहात्म्यं कृष्ण-पार्थयोः। सप्तमं भारते पर्व महदेतदुदाहृतम्। यत्रते पृथिवीपालाः प्रायशो निधनं गताः। द्रोणपर्वणिये शूरा निर्दिष्टाः पुरुषर्षभाः। अत्राध्यायशतं प्रोक्तंतथाध्यायाश्च सप्ततिः। अष्टौ श्लोकसहस्राणि तथा नवशतानि च। श्लोका नव तथैवात्र संख्यातास्तत्त्वदर्शिना। पाराशर्य्येण मुनिना संचिन्त्य द्रोणपर्वणि (

७ )। ( अतःपरं कर्णपर्व प्रोच्यते परमाद्भुतम्। मारथ्येविनियोगश्च मद्रराजस्य धीमतः। आख्यातं यत्र पौराणंत्रिपुरस्य निपातनम्। प्रयाणे परुषश्चात्र संवादः कर्णश-ल्ययोः। हंसकाकीयमाख्यानं तत्रैवाक्षेपसंहितम्। बधःपाण्ड्यस्य च तथा अश्वत्थाम्ना महात्मना। दण्डसेनस्यच ततो दण्डस्य च यधस्तथा। द्वैरथे यत्र कर्णेब धर्म-राजो युधिष्ठिरः। संशयं गमितो युद्धे मिषतां सर्व-षन्विनाम्। अन्योन्यं प्रति च क्रोधो युधिष्ठिरकिरी-टिनीः। यत्रैवानुनयः प्रोक्तो माधवेनार्जुनस्य हि। प्रतिज्ञापूर्वकञ्चापि वक्षो दुःशासनस्य च। भित्त्वा वृको-टरो रक्तं पीतवान् यत्र संयुगे। द्वैरथे यत्र पार्थेनहतः कर्णो महारथः। अष्टमं पर्व निर्दिष्टमेतद्भारत-{??}। एकोनसप्ततिः प्रोक्ता अध्यायाः कर्णपर्वणि। [Page4658-b+ 38] चत्वार्य्येव सहस्राणि नव श्लोकशतानि च। चतुःषष्टिस्तथाश्लोकाः पर्वण्यस्मित् प्रकीर्त्तिताः (

८ )। (कर्णपर्व)
“अतःपरं विचित्रार्थं शल्यपर्व प्रकीर्त्तितम्। हत-प्रवीरे सैन्ये तु नेता मद्रेश्वरोऽभवत्। यत्र कौमारका-ख्यानमभिषेचनकर्म च। वृत्तानि रथयुद्धानि कीर्त्त्यन्त्येयत्र भागशः। विनाशः कुरुमुख्यानां शल्यपर्वणि की-र्त्त्यते। शल्यस्य निघनञ्चात्र धर्मराजान्महात्मनः। शकु-नेश्च बधोऽत्रैव सहदेवेन संयुगे। सैन्ये च हतभूयिष्ठेकिञ्चिच्छिष्टे सुयोधनः। ह्रदं प्रविश्य यत्रासौ संस्तभ्यापोव्यवस्थितः। प्रवृत्तिस्तत्र वाख्याता यत्र भीमस्य लुब्धकैः। क्षेपयुक्तैर्वचोभिश्च धर्मराजस्य धीमतः। ह्रदात् समु-त्यितो यत्र धार्त्तराष्ट्रोऽत्यमर्षणः। भीमेन गदयायुद्धं यत्रासौ वृतवात् सह। समवाये च युद्धस्य राम-स्यागमनं स्मृतम्। सरस्वत्याश्च तीर्थानां पुण्यतापरिकीर्त्तिता। गदायुद्धञ्च तुमुलमत्रैव परिकीर्त्तितम्। दुर्य्योधनस्य राज्ञोऽथ यत्र भीमेन संयुगे। ऊरू भग्नौप्रसह्याजौ गदया भीमवेगया। नवमं पर्व निर्दिष्टमेत-दद्भुतमर्थवत्। एकोनषष्टिरध्यायाः पर्वण्यत्र प्रकी-र्त्तिताः। संख्याता बहुवृत्तान्ताः श्लोकसंख्यात्र कथ्यते। त्रीणि शोकसहस्राणि द्वे शते बिंशतिस्तथा। मुनिनामम्प्रणीतानि कौरवाणां यशीभृता (

९ )। (शल्यपर्व)
“अतःपरं प्रवक्ष्यामि सौप्तिकं पर्व दारुणम्। भग्नोरुं यत्रराजानं दुर्य्योधनममर्षणम्। अपयातेषु पार्थेषु त्रयस्ते-ऽभ्याययूरथाः। कृतवर्मा कृपो द्रौणिः सायाह्ने रुधि-रोक्षितम्। समेत्य ददृशुर्भूमौ पतितं रणमूर्द्धनि। प्रति-जज्ञे दृढक्रोधो द्रौणिर्यत्र महारथः। अहत्वा सर्व-पाञ्चालान् धृष्टद्युम्नपुरोगमान्। पाण्डवांश्च सहामा-त्यान्न विमोक्ष्यामि दंशनम्। यत्रैवमुक्त्वा राजानमप-क्रम्य त्रयो रथाः। सूर्य्यास्तमनवेलायामासेदुस्ते महद्-वनम्। न्यग्रोघस्यात्र महतो यत्राधस्ताद्व्यबस्थिताः। ततः काकान बहून रात्रौ दृष्ट्वौलूकेनः हिंसितान्। द्रौणिः क्रोधसमाविष्टः पितुर्बधमनुस्मरन्। पाञ्चालानांप्रसुप्तानां बधं प्रति मनोदघे। गत्वा च शिविरद्वारिदुर्दर्शन्तत्र राक्षसम्। घोररूपमपश्यत् स दिवमावृत्यधिष्ठितम्। तेन व्याघातमस्त्राणां क्रियमाणमवेक्ष्य च। द्रौणिर्यत्र विरूपाक्षं रुद्रमाराध्य सत्वरः। प्रसुप्तान्निशिविश्वस्तान् धृष्टद्युम्नपुरोगमान्। पाञ्चालान् सपरीवारान्द्रौपदेयांश्च सर्वशः। कृतवर्मणा च सहितः कृपेण च[Page4659-a+ 38] निजघ्निवान्। यत्रामुच्यन्त ते पाथाः पञ्च कृष्णबला-श्रयात्। सात्यकिश्च महेष्वासः शेषाश्च निधनं गताः। पाञ्चालानां प्रसुप्तानां यत्र द्रोणसुताद्वधः। धृष्टद्युम्नस्यसूतेन पाण्डवेषु निवेदितः। द्रीपदी पुत्रशोकार्त्ता पि-तृभ्रातृबधार्दिता। कृतागशनसंकल्पा यत्र भर्त्तॄनुपा-विशत्। द्रौपदीवचनाद्यत्र भीमो भीमपराक्रमः। प्रियं तस्याश्चिकीर्षन् वै गदामादाय बीर्य्यमान्। अन्व-धावत् सुसंक्रुद्धो मारतद्वाजं गुरोः सुतम्। भीम-सेनभयाद्यत्र देवेनाभिप्रचीदितः। अपाण्डवायेतिरुषा द्रोणिरस्त्रमवासृजत्। मैवमित्यब्रवीत् कृष्णःशमयंस्तस्य तद्वचः। यत्रास्त्रमस्त्रेण च तच्छमयामासफालगुनः। द्रौणेश्च द्रोहबुद्धित्वं वीक्ष्य पापात्मन-स्तदा। द्रौणिद्वैपायनादीनां शापाश्चान्योन्यकारिताः। मणिं तथा समादाय द्रोणपुत्रान्महारथात्। पाण्डवाःप्रददर्हृष्टा द्रौपद्यै जितकाशिनः। एतद्वै दशमं पर्वसौप्तिकं समुदाहृतम्। अष्टादशास्मिन्नध्यायाः पर्वण्युक्तामहात्मना। श्लोकानां कथितान्यत्र शतान्यष्टौ प्रसंख्यया। श्लोकाश्च सप्ततिः प्रोक्ता मुनिना व्रह्मवादिना। सौप्तिकैषीकसम्बद्धे पर्वण्युत्तमतेजसा (

१० )। (सौप्तिकपर्व)
“अत ऊर्द्ध्वमिदं प्राहुः स्त्रीपर्व करुणोदयम्। पुत्रशोका-भिसन्तप्तः प्रज्ञाचक्षुर्नराधिपः। कृष्णोपनीतां यत्रासा-वायसीं प्रतिमां दृढाम्। भीमसेनद्रोहबुद्धिर्धृतराष्ट्रोबभञ्ज ह। तथा शोकाभितप्तस्य धृतराष्ट्रस्य धीमतः। संसारगहन बुद्ध्या हेतुभिर्मोक्षदर्शनैः। विदुरेण चयत्रास्य राज्ञश्चाश्वासनं कृतम्। धृतराष्ट्रस्य चात्रैवकौरवायोधनन्तथा। सान्तःपुरस्य गमनं शोकार्त्तस्यप्रकीर्त्तितम्। विलांपो वीरपत्नीनां यत्रातिकरुणःस्मृतः। क्रोधावेशः प्रमोहश्च गान्धारीधृतराष्ट्रयोः। यत्र तान् क्षत्रियान् शूरान् संग्रामेष्वनिवर्त्तिनः। पुत्रान् भातन् पितॄंश्चैव ददृशुर्निहतान् रणे। पुत्र-पौत्रबधार्त्तायास्तथात्रैव प्रकीर्त्तिता। गान्धार्य्याश्चापिकृष्णेन क्रोधोपशमनक्रिया। यत्र राजा महाप्राज्ञःसर्वधर्मभृतांवरः। राज्ञां तानि शरीराणि दाह-यामास शास्त्रतः। तोयकर्मणि चारब्धे राज्ञामुद-कदानिके। गूढोत्पन्नस्य चाख्यानं कर्णस्य पृथयात्मनः। सूतस्यैतदिह प्रोक्तं व्यासेन परमर्षिणा। एतदेकादशंपर्व लोकवैक्लव्यकारकम् प्रणीतं सज्जनमनोवैक्लव्या-{??}प्रवर्त्तकम् सप्तविंशतिरध्याया पर्वण्यस्मिन् प्रकी-[Page4659-b+ 38] र्त्तिताः। श्लोकसप्तशती चापि पञ्चसप्ततिसंयुता। संख्ययाभारताख्यानमुक्तं व्यासेन धीमता (

११ ) (स्त्रीपर्व)
“अतःपरं शान्तिपर्व द्वादश बुद्धिवर्द्धनम्। यत्र निर्वेद-मापन्नो धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः। घातयित्वा पितृन् भ्रा-तृन् पुत्रान् सग्वन्धिमातुलान्। शान्तिपर्वणि धर्माश्चव्याख्याताः शारतल्पिकाः। राजभिर्वेदितव्यास्ते स-म्यग्ज्ञानबुभुत्मुभिः। आपद्धर्माश्च तत्रैव कालहेतु-प्रदर्शिनः। यान् बुद्ध्वा पुरुषः सम्यक् सर्वज्ञत्वमवाप्नुयात्। मोक्षधर्माश्च कथिता विचित्रा बहुबिस्तराः। द्वादशंपर्व निर्दिष्टमेतत् प्राज्ञजनप्रियम्। अत्र पर्वणि घिज्ञेय-मध्यायानां शतत्रयम्। त्रिंशच्चैव तथाध्याया नव चैवतपोधनाः। चतुर्दशसहस्राणि तथा सप्त शतानि च। सप्त श्लोकास्तथैवात्र पञ्चविंशतिसंख्यया (

१२ )। (शान्तिपर्वं)
“अत ऊर्द्ध्वञ्च विज्ञेयमनुशासनमुत्तमम्। यत्र प्रकृतिमापन्नःश्रुत्वा धर्भविनिश्चयम्। भीष्माद्भागीरथीपुत्रात् कुरुराजीयुधिष्ठिरः। व्यवहारोऽत्र कार्त्स्न्येन धर्मार्थीयः प्रकी-र्त्तितः। विविधानाञ्च दानानां फलयोगाः प्रकीर्त्तिताः। तथा पात्रविशेषाश्च दानानाञ्च परो विधिः। आचार-विधियोगश्च सत्यस्य च परा गतिः। भाहाभाग्यं गवा-ञ्चैव ब्राह्मणानां तथैव च। रहस्यञ्चैव धर्माणां देश-कालोपसंहितम्। एतत् सुबहुवृत्तान्तसुतमञ्चानुशास-नम्। भीष्मस्यात्रैव सम्प्राप्तिः स्वर्गस्य परिकीर्त्तिता। एतत्त्रयोदशं पर्व धर्मनिश्चयकारकम्। अध्यायानां शतंत्वत्र षट्चत्वारिंशदेव तु। श्लोकानान्तु सहस्राणि प्रोक्ता-न्यष्टौ प्रसंख्यया (

१३ )। (अनुशासनपर्व)(
“ततोऽश्वमेधिकं नाम पर्व प्रोक्तं चतुर्दशम। तत्-संवर्त्तमरुत्तीयं यत्राख्यानमनुत्तमम्। सुवर्णकोष-सम्प्राप्तिर्जन्म चोक्तं परीक्षितः। दग्धस्यास्त्राग्निनापूर्वं कृष्णात् सजीवनं पुनः। चर्य्यायां ह{??}सुत्सृष्टंपाण्डवस्यानुगच्छतः। तत्र तत्र च युद्धानि राज-पुत्रैरमर्षणैः। चित्राङ्गदायाः पुत्रेण पुत्रिकाया धन-ञ्जयः। संग्रामे बन्धुवाहेण संशयञ्चात्र लम्भितः। अश्व-मेधे महायज्ञे नकुलाख्यानमेव च। अनुगीता तथाप्रोक्ता सम्यगभगवता पुनः। कथितः शाश्वतो धर्मःकृष्णेनार्जुनसन्निधौ। तथा ब्राह्मणगीता च सवादोगुरुशिष्ययो। इत्याश्वमेधिकं पर्व प्रोक्तमेतन्महाद्भुतम्। अध्यायानां शतञ्चैव त्रयोऽध्यायाश्च कीर्त्तिताः। त्रीणिश्लोकसहस्राणि तावन्त्येव शतानि च। विशतिस तथा[Page4660-a+ 38] श्लोकाः संख्यातास्तत्त्वदर्शिना” (

१४ आश्वमेधिकपर्व)। (
“ततस्त्वाश्रमवासाख्यं पर्व पञ्चदशं स्मृतम्। यत्रराज्यं समुत्सृज्य गान्धार्य्या सहितो नृपः। धृत-राष्ट्राश्रमपदं विदुरश्च जगाम ह। यं दृष्ट्वा प्रस्थितंसाध्वी पृथाप्यनुययौ तदा। पुत्रराज्यं परित्यज्यगुरुशुश्रूषणे रता। यत्र राजा हतान् पुत्रान्पौत्रानन्यांश्च पार्थिवान्। लोकान्तरगतान् वीरान-पश्यत् पुनरागतान्। ऋषेः प्रसादात् कृष्णस्य दृष्ट्वा-श्चर्य्यमनुत्तमम्। त्यक्त्वा शोकं सदारश्च सिद्धिं परमिकांगतः। यत्र धर्मं समाश्रित्य विदुरः सुगतिं मतः। सृञ्जयश्च महामात्यो विद्वान् नावल्गणिर्वशी। ददर्शनारदं यत्र धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः। नारदाच्चैव शुश्राववृष्णीनां कदनं महत्। एतदाश्रभवासाख्यं पर्वोक्तं सु-महाद्भुतम्। द्विचत्वारिंशदध्यायाः पर्वैतदभिसंख्यया। सहस्रमेकं श्लोकानां पञ्च श्लोकशतानि च। षडेव चतथा श्लोकाः संख्यातास्तत्त्वदर्शिना” (

१५ आश्रमवासपर्व)
“अतः परं निबोधेदं भौपलं पर्व दारुणम्। यत्र ते पुरुष-व्याघ्राः शस्त्रस्पर्शसहा युधि। ब्रह्मदण्डविनिष्पिष्टाः समीपेलवणाम्भसः। आपाने पानकलिता दैवेनाभिप्रचोदिताः। एरकारूपिभिर्वज्रैर्निजघ्नुरितरेतरम्। यत्र सर्वक्षयं कृत्वातावुभौ रामकेशवौ। नातिचक्रमतुः कालं प्राप्तं सर्व-हरं महत्। यत्रार्जुनो द्वारवतीमेत्य वृष्णिविनाकृताम्। दृष्ट्वा विषादमगमत् पराञ्चार्त्तिं नरर्षभः। स संस्कृत्यनरश्रेष्ठं मातुलं शौरिमात्मनः। ददर्श यदुवीराणामा-पाने वैशसं महत्। शरीरं वासुदेवस्य रामस्य च महा-त्मनः। संस्कार लम्भयामास वृष्णीनाञ्च प्रधानतः। स वृद्धबालमादाय द्वारवत्यास्ततो जनम्। ददर्शापदिकष्टायां गाण्डीवस्य पराभवम्। सर्वेपाञ्चैव दिव्याना-मस्त्राणामप्रसन्नताम्। नाशं वृष्णिकलत्राणां प्रभावा-णामनित्यताम्। दृष्ट्वा निर्वेदमापन्नो व्यासवाक्यपची-दितः। धर्मराजं समासाद्य सन्न्यासं समरोचयत्। इत्येतन्मौषलं पर्व षोडशं परिकीर्त्तितम्। अध्या-याष्टौ समाख्याताः श्लोकानाञ्च शतत्रयम्। श्लोकानांविंशतिश्चैव संख्यातास्तत्त्वदर्शिना” (

१६ मौषलपर्व)। (
“माहाप्रस्थानिकं तस्मादूर्द्ध्वं सप्तदशं स्मृतम्। यत्रराज्यं परित्यज्य पाण्डवाः पुरुषर्षभाः। द्रौपद्या सहितादेव्या महाप्रस्थानमास्थिताः। यत्र तेऽग्निं ददृशिरेलौहित्यं प्राप्य सागरम्। यत्राग्निना चोदितश्च पार्थस्तस्मै[Page4660-b+ 38] महात्मने। ददौ सम्पूज्य तद्दिव्यं माण्डीवं धनुरुत्तमम्। यत्र भ्रातॄन् निपतितान्द्रौपदीञ्च युधिष्ठिरः। दृष्ट्वा हित्वाजगामैव सर्वाननवलोकयन्। एतत् सप्तदशं पर्व साहा-प्रस्थानिकं स्मृतम्। तत्राध्यायास्त्रयः प्रोक्ताः श्लोका-नाञ्च शतत्रयम्। विंशतिञ्च तथा श्लोकाः संख्या-तास्तत्त्वदर्शिना”। (

१७ माहाप्रस्थानिकपवं)। (
“स्वर्गपर्व ततो ज्ञेयं दिव्यं यत्तदमानुषम्। प्राप्त” दैवरथं स्वर्गान्नेष्टवान् यत्र धर्मराट्। आरोढूंसुमहाप्राज्ञ आनृशंस्याच्छुना विना। तामस्यावि-चलां ज्ञात्वा स्थितिं धर्मे महात्मनः। श्वरूपं यत्रतत्त्यक्त्वा धर्मेणासौ समन्त्रितः। स्वर्गं प्राप्तः स चतथा यातनां विपुलां भृशम्। देवदूतेन भरकोयत्र व्याजन दर्शितः। शुश्राव यत्र धर्मात्मा भ्रातॄणांकरुणागिरः। निदेशे वर्त्तमानानां देशे तत्रैव वर्त्त-ताम्। अनुदर्शितश्च धर्मेण देवराज्ञा च पाण्डवः। आप्लुत्याकाशगङ्गायां देहं त्यक्त्वा स मानुषम्। स्व-धर्मनिर्जितं स्थानं स्वर्गे प्राप्य स धर्मराट्। मुमुदेपूजितः सर्वैः सेन्द्रैः सुरगणैः सह। कर्णस्य नरक-प्राप्तिः प्रमोक्षश्चात्र कीर्त्त्यते। समागमश्च वीराणांस्वर्गलोके महात्मना। कीर्त्त्यते यत्र विधिवत् स्वर्ग-सवाद एव च। स्वानि स्थानानि च प्राप्ता यत्र तेपुरुषर्षभाः। एतदष्टादशं पर्व प्रोक्तं व्यासेन धीमता। अध्यायाः पञ्च संख्याताः पर्वण्यस्मिन्महात्मना। श्लोकानांद्वेशते चैव सुसंख्याते तपोधनाः। नव श्लोकास्तथैवान्येसंख्याताः परमर्षिणा। (

१८ स्वर्गारोहणिकपर्व)। अष्टादशेवमेतानि पर्वाण्युक्तान्यशेषतः। खिलेषु हरि-वंशश्च भविष्यञ्च प्रकीर्त्तितम्। विष्णुपर्व शिशीश्चर्य्याविष्णोः कंसबधस्तथा। भविष्यं पर्व चाप्युक्तं खिलेष्वे-वाद्भुतं महत्। दश श्लोक सहस्राणि विंशत् श्लोकश-तानि च लिलेषु हरिवंशे च संख्यातानि महर्षिणा”।
“भारतं शृणुयान्नित्यं भारतं परिकीर्त्तयेत्। भारतंभवने यस्य तस्य हस्तगतो जयः” भा॰ आ॰

१ अ॰। भर-तस्य अपत्यादि शुभ्रा॰ ढक् भारतेय तदपत्यादौ पुंस्त्री॰।



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

भारत¦ n. (-तं)
1. Bha4ratavarsha or India proper, so called from BHA- RATA, the son of DUSHYANTA, whose patrimony it was. (E. भरत the the prince and अण् aff.)
2. The great sacred epic-poem of the Hin- dus. (E. भार weight, त aff., भारतः having been put by the Rishis in a scale and weighed against the four Ve4das which it was found to outweigh; thence its usual prefix of Maha4 or great: a special grammatical rule, however, derived it from भरत the prince so named, because the war narrated in it occoured amongst his descen- dants.) m. (-तः) An actor, a mime.
2. A name of fire.
3. A descen- dant of BHARATA f. (-ती)
1. The goddess of speech.
2. Speech.
3. A quail.
4. A branch of the dramatic art, dramatic recitation or de- clamation, the delivery of the dialogue that is composed in ela- borate Sanskrit stanzas. E. भरत the inventor of the Indian drama, aff. अण्; or the name of a sage, whose devotions brought the god- dess SARASWATI4 from heaven; or again, भॄ to nourish, aff. अतच्, fem. aff. ङीप् |

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

भारत [bhārata], a. (-ती f.) [भरतस्येदम्, भारतान् भरतवंश्यानधिकृत्य कृतो ग्रन्थः अण्] Belonging to or descended from Bharata.

तः A descendant of Bharata; (such as विदुर; सञ्जातहर्षो मुनिमाह भारतः Mb.3.2.8; also धृतराष्ट्र, अर्जुन in Bg.).

An inhabitant of Bharatavarṣa or India.

An actor,

An epithet of the sun shining on the south of Meru.


तम् India, the country of Bharata; एतदूढगुरुभार भारतं वर्षमद्य मम वर्तते वशे Śi.14.5.

N. of the most celebrated epic poem in Sanskrit which gives the history of the descendants of Bharata with innumerable episodes. (It is attributed to Vyāsa or कृष्णद्वैपायन, but the work, as we have it at present, is evidently the production of many hands); श्रवणाञ्जलिपुटपेयं विरचितवान् भारताख्यममृतं यः । तमहमरागमकृष्णं कृष्णद्वैपायनं वन्दे ॥ Ve.1.4; व्यासगिरां निर्यासं सारं विश्वस्य भारतं वन्दे । भूषणतयैव संज्ञां यदङ्कितां भारती वहति ॥ Āryā. S.31.

The science of music and dramaturgy founded by Bharata. -ती Speech, voice, words, eloquence; भारतीनिर्घोषः U.3; तमर्थमिव भारत्या सुतया योक्तुमर्हसि Ku.6.79; नवरसरुचिरां निर्मिति- मादधती भारती कवेर्जयति K. P.1.

The goddess of speech, Sarasvatī; कीरानने स्फुरसि भारति का रतिस्ते Govindarāja.

N. of a particular kind of style; भारती संस्कृतप्रायो वाग्व्यापारो नटाश्रयः S. D.285.

A quail.

The dramatic art in general.

The Sanskrit speech of an actor.

One of the 1 orders (दशनाम) of Gosāvins, mendicants (Mar. दसनाम गोसावी). -Comp. -आख्यानम्, -इतिहासः, -कथा the story of the Bhāratas (महाभारत).-मण्डलम्, -वर्षम् India. -सावित्री N. of a stotra; इमां भारतसावित्रीं प्रातरुत्थाय यः पठेत् Mb.18.5.64.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

भारत mf( ई)n. descended from भरतor the भरतs (applied to अग्निeither " sprung from the priests called -Bh भरतs " or " bearer of the oblation ") RV. etc.

भारत mf( ई)n. belonging or relating to the भरतs (with युद्धn. संग्रामm. समरm. समितिf. the war or battle of the -Bh भरतs ; with or scil , आख्यानn. with इतिहासm. and कथाf. the story of the -Bh भरतs , the history or narrative of their war ; with or scil. मण्डलn. or वर्षn. " king -Bh भरतs's realm " i.e. India) MBh. Ka1v. etc.

भारत mf( ई)n. inhabiting -Bh भरत-वर्षi.e. India BhP.

भारत m. a descendant of भरत(also in pl. for भरतास्) RV. etc.

भारत m. (with अश्व-मेध) , N. of the author of RV. v , 27

भारत m. (with देव-वातand देव-श्रवस्) , N. of the authors of RV. iii , 23

भारत m. fire L.

भारत m. an actor L. (See. भरत)

भारत m. N. of the sun shining on the south of मेरुL.

भारत n. the land of -Bh भरतs i.e. India(See. above )

भारत n. the story of the -Bh भरतs and their wars (sometimes identified with the महा-भारत, and sometimes distinguished from it) MBh. Ra1jat. IW. 371 n. 1 and 2

भारत n. (with सरस्) , N. of a lake S3atr.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

--an आख्यान by व्यास; the essentials of the Vedas are introduced for the use of women, शूद्रस् and others. भा. I. 4. २५, २९; 5. 3.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Bhārata, Mahābhārata : nt.: Name of the great epic composed by Vyāsa, who was also known as Kṛṣṇa Dvaipāyana; the title Bhārata once given to an abridgement of the original in 24000 ślokas made by dropping the upākhyānas (caturviṁśatisāhasrīm cakre bhāratasaṁhitām/upākhyānair vinā tāvad bhārataṁ procyate budhaiḥ//) 1. 1. 61; also called Bhāratī kathā (śrotuṁ pātraṁ ca rājaṁs tvaṁ prāpyemāṁ bhāratīṁ kathām) 1. 55. 3.

A. Contents and definition: It narrates the extensive life-story of the Kurus (kurūṇāṁ caritaṁ mahat) 1. 56. 1, or the full story of the Kurus and the Pāṇḍavas (kurūṇāṁ caritaṁ kṛtsnam pāṇḍavānāṁ ca bhārata) 18. 5. 25; or the history of Śaṁtanu (yasya (i. e. śaṁtanoḥ) itihāso dyutimān mahābhāratam ucyate) 1. 93. 46; Vaiśaṁpāyana summarized for Janamejaya its contents in three words, ‘breach, loss of kingdom, and victory’ (evam etat purāvṛttaṁ teṣām akliṣṭakarmaṇām/ bhedo rājyavināśaś ca jayaś ca jayatāṁ vara) 1. 55. 43 (also cf. 1. 55. 4-5 where the three events are referred to as bheda, vanavāsa and yuddha); earlier the three events are referred to by a single word bheda (kurūṇāṁ pāṇḍavānāṁ ca yathā bhedo 'bhavat purā) 1. 54. 22, or by two bheda and rājyavināśa ( bhedaṁ rājyavināśaṁ ca kurupāṇḍavayos tadā) 1. 54. 24; the sage (Vyāsa) examined together the śāstras related to Dharma, Kāma and Artha, as also other śāstras, and the laws that govern the affairs of the world; next also the histories with their commentaries and different revealed texts; all that is included here--this defines the text (of the Mahābhārata) (dharmakāmārthaśāstrāṇi śāstrāṇi vividhāni ca/lokayātrāvidhānaṁ ca saṁbhūtaṁ dṛṣṭavān ṛṣiḥ// itihāsāḥ savaiyākhyā vividhāḥ śrutayo 'pi ca/iha sarvam anukrāntam uktaṁ granthasya lakṣaṇam 1. 1. 47-48.

B. Characterizations: (i) ākhyāna (once upākhyāna 1. 2. 236) 1. 1. 16 (ºvariṣṭha); 1. 2. 29, 30, 195, 235, 238-241, 243; 1. 53. 31, 32, 35; 1. 56. 1, 30, 32; 12. 331. 2; 12. 334. 11; 12. 337. 10; 18. 5. 53; (ii) itihāsa 1. 1. 17, 24, 52; 1. 2. 31, 32 (ºuttama), 33, 237 (ºuttama) 1. 54. 23 (purātana); 1. 56. 16, 18, 1. 93. 46 (dyutimant); 18. 5. 31 (puṇyo 'yam itihāsākhyaḥ), 43 (puṇya); (iii) purāṇa 1. 1. 15; 1. 56. 15 (purāṇaṁ ṛṣisaṁstutam); (iv) kathā 1. 53. 28, 33; 1. 55. 3 (Bhāratī kathā); 1. 56. 2 (citrārthā); 12. 334. 4; (v) carita (kurūṇāṁ caritaṁ mahat) 1. 56. 1; (vi) (fifth) Veda 1. 1. 204, 205 (kārṣṇa veda); 1. 56. 17 (kārṣṇa veda); 1. 57. 74 (vedān… mahābhāratapañcamān); (vii) saṁhitā 1. 1. 19 (vyāsasyādbhutakarmaṇaḥ/saṁhitām); 1. 1. 61 (bhāratasaṁhitā); 1. 57. 75 (saṁhitās taiḥ pṛthaktvena bhāratasya prakāśitāḥ; Nī., however on Bom. Ed. 1. 63. 90; bhāratasya mūlabhūtāḥ saṁhitāḥ mantrabrāhmaṇarūpā vedāḥ/taiḥ sumantuprabhṛtibhiḥ prakāśitāḥ idam asya mūlam idam asya mūlaṁ iti spaṣṭīkṛtās tena pratyakṣavedamūtam etad iti bhāvaḥ); 18. 5. 46; (viii) puṇyā upaniṣad (atropaniṣadaṁ puṇyāṁ kṛṣṇadvaipāyano 'bravīt) 1. 1. 191 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 253: brahmātmaikatvavidyāpratipādakaṁ granthaṁ sūtravṛttyoḥ prāg uktayor vārtikasthānīyam upaniṣacchabdavācyam abravīt); (ix) mata 1. 1. 23 (pravakṣyāmi mataṁ kṛtsnaṁ vyāsasyāmitatejasaḥ); 1. 55. 2; 1. 56. 12; 1. 53. 35 (kṛṣṇadvaipāyanamataṁ mahābhāratam); (x) composition (sandarbha) described as ‘not received by tradition’ i. e. ‘original’ (?) (anāgataṁ…kṛṣṇadvaipāyanaḥ prabhuḥ/saṁdarbhaṁ bhāratasyāsya kṛtavān dharmakāmyayā) 18. 5. 41.

C. Author: The great epic composed by the great sage Kṛṣṇa Dvaipāyana, also called Vyāsa, the son of Satyavatī 1. 1. 9-10 (kṛṣṇadvaipāyanaproktāḥ…kathāḥ… mahābhāratasaṁśritāḥ); 1. 1. 15 (dvaipāyanena yat proktaṁ purāṇam); 1. 1. 19 (vyāsasyādbhutakarmaṇaḥ/saṁhitām); 1. 1. 52 (itihāsam imaṁ cakre puṇyaṁ satyavatīsutaḥ); 1. 1. 56 (mahān ṛṣiḥ not named); 1. 1. 60 (bhagavān ṛṣiḥ not named); came out of the lips of Dvaipāyana (dvaipāyanoṣṭhapuṭaniḥsṛtam) 1. 2. 242 18. 5. 54; 1. 53. 28 (vyāsasaṁpannām); 1. 53. 35 (kṛṣṇadvaipāyanamatam); 1. 56. 12 (mataṁ kṛtsnaṁ vyāsasya); 1. 56. 13 (satyavatyātmajeneha vyākhyātam 1. 56. 15 (purāṇam ṛṣisaṁstutam sage not named); 1. 56. 21 (proktaṁ vyāsena); 1. 56. 25 (kṛṣṇadvaipāyanenedaṁ kṛtam); fully engrossed, the sage composed it in three years (tribhir varsaiḥ sadotthāyī kṛṣṇadvaipāyano muniḥ/mahābhāratam ākhyānaṁ kṛtavān) 1. 56. 32, 18. 5. 41; 12. 334. 9 (kṛṣṇadvaipāyanaṁ vyāsaṁ viddhi nārāyaṇaṁ prabhum/ko hy anyaḥ puruṣavyāghra mahābhāratkṛd bhavet); having composed it at the foot of the mountain Himavant the sage (not named) was tired by the strenuous activity (? tapaḥ) of composing the ākhyāna (himavatpāda āsataḥ//kṛtvā bhāratam ākhyānaṁ tapaḥśrāntasya dhīmataḥ) 12. 337. 9-10; 18. 5. 31 (kṛṣṇena muninā); 18. 5. 46 (maharṣir bhagavān vyāsaḥ kṛtvemāṁ saṁhitāṁ purā); the sage Kṛṣṇa (Vyāsa) who is described as gitfed with divine sight (divyacakṣuḥ 18. 5. 7) and supersensory power (kṛṣṇena…atīndriyeṇa 18. 5. 31-32) composed it having seen it with his divine eye (dṛṣṭvā divyena cakṣuṣā) 18. 5. 33; Vyāsa had assured Dhṛtarāṣṭra that he would proclaim the fame of the Kurus and the Pāṇḍavas 6. 2. 13; the sage is also credited to have made the Parvasaṁgraha listing a hundred sub-parvans of the Bhārata (etat parvaśataṁ pūrṇaṁ vyāsenoktaṁ mahātmanā) 1. 2. 70.

D. Etymology: So called because of its extent (? importance ?) and weight (mahattvād bhāravattvāc ca mahābhāratam ucyate/niruktam asya yo veda) 1. 1. 209; so called because it contains the great life-story (?) of the Bhāratas (bhāratānāṁ mahaj janma mahābhāratam ucyate/niruktam asya yo veda) 1. 56. 31.

E. Extent: One hundred thousand ślokas 1. 56. 13 (idaṁ śatasahasraṁ hi ślokānāṁ puṇyakarmaṇām); 12. 331. 2 (idaṁ śatasahasrād dhi bhāratākhyānavistarāt).

F. Abridgements: Its abridgements are referred to in 1. 1. 25 (vistaraiś ca samāsaiś ca dhāryate yad dvijātibhiḥ); the sage himself is credited with an abridgement of the store of knowledge after he had first expounded it in full; learned men desire to preserve it in full as well as in abridgement (vistīryaitan mahaj jñānam ṛṣiḥ saṁkṣepam abravīt/iṣtaṁ hi vidusāṁ loke samāsavyāsadhāranam) 1. 1. 49; the sage Dvaipāyana abridged (the full extent of one hundred thousand ślokas into 24000 ślokas by omitting the upākhyānas- this is known as Bhārata (caturviṁśatisāhasrīṁ cakre bhāratasaṁhitām/upākhyānair vinā tāvad bhārataṁ procyate budhaiḥ) 1. 1. 61; it was further abridged into 150 ślokas in the form of a table of contents of all the incidents of the sub-parvans (this could refer to 1. 2. 71-233) (tato 'dhyardhaśataṃ bhūyaḥ saṁkṣepaṁ kṛtavān ṛṣiḥ/anukramaṇim adhyāyaṁ vṛttāntānāṁ saparvaṇām 1. 1. 62; etad akhilam ākhyātaṁ bhārataṁ parvasaṁgrahāt 1. 2. 234); the list of the hundred sub-parvans of the Bhārata (1. 2. 34-1. 2. 70) is included in its abridgement (samāso bhāratasyāyaṁ tatroktaḥ parvasaṁgrahaḥ) 1. 2. 71; before narrating in all details, the Mahābhārata was first summarized by Vaiśampāyana for Janamejaya (kathitaṁ vai samāsena tvayā sarvaṁ dvijottama/ mahābhārataṁ ākhyānam) 1. 56. 1; this summary began with the return of the Pāṇḍavas to Hāstinapura after the death of Pāṇḍu and it ended with the death of Duryodhana and the Pāṇḍavas obtaining the kingdom 1. 55. 6-42; a sort of a summary which began with Pāṇḍu's conquering many countries and then retiring to the forest and ended with the great destruction after the war leaving only ten heroes alive is made by Sūta Ugraśravas for the sages assembled in the Naimiṣa forest 1. 1. 67-158.

G. Three beginnings: According to Sūta Ugraśravas there were three different views regrding the beginning of the Bhārata:

(1) according to one view it began with Manu Vaivasvata (manvādi bhārataṁ kecit) 1. 1. 50 (i. e. with prajāpates tu dakṣasya manor vaivasvatasya ca/…anvaye//yādavānām imaṁ vaṁśaṁ pauravāṇāṁ ca sarvaśaḥ/tathaiva bhāratānāṁ ca (?) 1. 70. 1-2); Devabodha on 1. 1. 50 explains manuḥ as ādirājaḥ; according to Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 52, in the opinion of the easterners, manu means mantra and hence manvādi refers to the maṅgala stanza nārāyaṇaṁ namaskṛtya etc. or om namo bhagavate etc. found at the beginning of the epic in some manuscripts; in his own opinion, however, manu refers to Manu Vaivasvata, the son of the heaven, cf. manur mantraḥ nārāyaṇaṁ namaskṛtyeti/ om namo bhagavate vāsudevāyeti vā tadādi iti prañcaḥ/divaḥ putro vaivasvatamahyasaṁjño manus tadādīti tattvam/);

(2) according to another view the Bhārata begins with āstīka (āstīkādi tathāpare) 1. 1. 50 (i. e. with the adhyāya 1. 13 beginning of the Āstīkaparvan);

(3) according to a third view it begins with uparicara (tathoparicarād anye) 1. 1. 50 (i. e. with rājoparicaro nāma 1. 57. 1).

H. Its first teaching and subsequent narrations:

(1) Teaching: Dvaipāyana (Vyāsa) first taught it to his son Śuka and then handed it over to his other deserving pupils 1. 1. 63; he taught it to Śuka together with the four ślokas (18. 5. 47-50) known as the Bhāratasāvitrī 18. 5. 51; Vyāsa taught the Mahabhārata to his pupils Sumantu, Jaimini, Paila, Vaiśaṁpāyana and to his son Śuka 1. 57. 74-75; Vyāsa taught it to them on the mount Meru 12. 327. 16-18; on the slope of the Himavant mountain (himavatpāde) 12. 337. 9, 12, 14-15 (vedārthān bhāratārthāṁś ca …vyāhartum upacakrame);

(2) Narrations: (i) Nārada recited it for the gods, Asita Devala for the manes (pitṛn), and Śuka for the Gandharvas, the Yaksas and the demons 1. 1. 64; 18. 5. 42; (ii) The pupils of Vyāsa made separate public recitations of the Bhārata saṁhitā received by them from him (saṁhitās taiḥ pṛthaktvena bhāratasya prakāśitāḥ) 1. 57. 75; (iii) one such recitation by his pupil Vaiśaṁpāyana is recorded in the epic: When Kṛṣṇa Dvaipāyana arrived at the snake-sacrifice of Janamejaya he was requested by the king to narrate to him the life-story of the Kurus and the Pāṇḍavas (1. 54. 18 ff.); Kṛṣṇa Dvaipāyana then asked his pupil Vaiśaṁpāyana to narrate it as the latter had heard it from him; Vaiśaṁpāyana then narrated the whole purātana itihāsa to the king, and to those who had assembled in the sadas, and to all other Kṣatriyas (tasmai rājñe sadasyebhyaḥ kṣatriyebhyaś ca sarvaśaḥ) 1. 54. 21-24; 1. 1. 8-10; 1. 1. 18; 1. 1. 57-58; 1. 55. 2-3; 1. 55. 4-43 (summary); 18. 5. 26, 30, 42; 18. 1. 2; (iv) but in one place the ākhyāna is said to have been narrated by Vyāsa himself to Janamejaya continuously (vyāsas tv akathayan nityam ākhyānaṁ bhārataṁ mahat) 1. 53 31; he narrated it in intervals (mahābhāratam ākhyānaṁ…janamejayena yat pṛṣṭaḥ kṛṣṇadvaipāyanas tadā//śrāvayām āsa vidhivat tadā karmāntareṣu saḥ/) 1. 53. 32-33; (v) it was further narrated by Sūta Ugraśravas, son of Lomaharṣaṇa, to Śaunaka and the other sages assembled in the Naimiṣa forest for the twelve-yearly sacrificial session of Śaunaka as the Sūta had heard the composition of Vyāsa being told by Vaiśaṁpāyana to Janamejaya in the latter's snake sacrifice 1. 1. 8-10, 23; 1. 4. 1; 1. 2. 74; 1. 1. 67-158 (summary); 1. 2. 29; Ugraśravas recounted the Parvasaṁgraha (1. 2. 34-69) made by Vyāsa as also the eighteen major parvans (etat parvaśataṁ pūrṇaṁ vyāsenoktaṁ mahātmanā/yathāvat sūtaputreṇa lomaharṣaṇinā punaḥ//kathitaṁ naimiṣāraṇye parvāṇy aṣṭādaśaiva tu) 1. 2. 70-71; the Sūta also narrated the summary of the eighteen major parvans (based on the hundred sub-parvans) together with the number of the adhyāyas and the ślokas in each parvan 1. 2. 72-234; 1. 53. 2736; 18. 5. 30.

I. Purpose: To spread the fame of the Pāṇḍavas in the world (pāṇḍavānāṁ yaśaskaram) 1. 53. 32; of the Kurus and the Pāṇḍavas 6. 2. 13; and also of the other Kṣatriyas possessing ample wealth and lustre (kīrtim prathayatā loke pāṇḍavānāṁ mahātmanām/anyeṣāṁ kṣatriyāṇāṁ ca bhūridraviṇatejasām) 18. 5. 34.

J. Description: Described as unfathomable (aprameya) 1. 2. 242 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 2. 392: nāsti prakṛṣṭaṁ meyaṁ yasmād ity aprameyam/…yad vā āśayasya gaṁbhīratvād agādham); 18. 5. 54; best (uttama) 1. 53. 35; 1. 56. 15, 32; 18. 5. 31, 54, (anuttama) 1. 2. 243; most exquisite (variṣṭha) 1. 1. 202; superior among all āgamas (śreṣṭhaḥ sarvāgameṣu) 1. 2. 31; great (mahat) 1. 2. 243; 1. 53. 31, 35; 12. 334. 11; seen by the seer (Vyāsa) (ārṣa) 1. 1. 207; having great import (mahārtha) 1. 2. 243; 18. 5. 43; holy (puṇyā¤) 1. 1. 17, 52; 1. 1. 191; 1. 2. 242 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 2. 392: puṇyaṁ puṇyahetuḥ/…yad vā…puṇyaṁ jyotiṣṭomādivat svargyam); 1. 53. 33; 1. 56. 52; 18. 5. 31, 43, 45, 54; (supuṇyā) 1. 1. 9; (mahāpuṇyā) 1. 56. 16; conferring merit (puṇya) 1. 56. 25; purifying (pavitra) 1. 2. 242 (however, Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 2. 392; pavir iva pavir vajratulyo mṛtyus tasmāt trāyata iti pavitraṁ mṛtyutaraṇam ity arthaḥ/…(yad vā) pavitraṁ saṁdhyopāsanādivac cittaśuddhikaram); 1. 56. 15; 18. 5. 31; 18. 5. 54; related to righteousness (saṁhitāṁ…dharmyām) 1. 1. 19; auspicious (śiva) 1. 2. 242 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 2. 392 śivaṁ kalyāṇam…(yad vā) śivaṁ yogābhyāsavat sarvakalyāṇapradam); 18. 5. 54; bringing wealth (dhanya) 1. 56. 25; bringing fame (yaśasya) 1. 56. 25; conferring long life (āyuṣya) 1. 56. 25; leading to heaven (svargya) 1. 56. 25; destroying sin (pāpahara) 1. 2. 242 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 2. 392: pāpaharaṁ puṇyahetutvād eva…(yad vā) prāyaścittavad brahmahatyādidoṣaghnam); 18. 5. 54; removing sin and danger (saṁhitām…pāpabhayāpahām) 1. 1. 19 (however, Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 21: pāpabhayāpahāṁ cittaśodhikām); having the same measure as, i. e. equal to, the four Vedas (vedaiś caturbhiḥ samitām…saṁhitām) 1. 1. 19 (Nī. who reads saṁyuktām says on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 21: saṁmitām iti pāṭhe tulyām ity arthaḥ); 1. 56. 15 (idaṁ hi vedaiḥ samitam); 18. 5. 43 (itihāsaṁ…vedasaṁmitam); (however cf. 1. 1. 208 in the next section where it is said that the Mahābhārata outweighs the four Vedas taken together); adorned with the thoughts of the Veda (vedārthair bhūṣitasya ca/bhāratasyetihāsasya) 1. 1. 16-17 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 18: vedārthaiḥ vedatātparyaviṣayabhūtair arthaiḥ); enlarged with various śāstras (nānāsāstropabṛṁhitā…saṁhitā) 1. 1. 17 (but Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 19 nānāśāstrair upabṛṁhitām uddīpitāṁ śāstrāntarāviruddhām); (cf. 1. 1. 204 in the next section); where the best intellect is at work (itihāsottame hyasminn arpitā buddhir uttamā) 1. 2. 32; accomplished with the intellect (prajñābhipannasya…itihāsasya) 1. 2. 33 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 2. 40: prajñayābhipannaṁ prāptam); approached by wise men (abhipannaṁ naraiḥ prājñaiḥ) 1. 2. 30; loved by the learned (viduṣāṁ priyam) 1. 1. 26; adorned with divine and human conventions (alaṁkṛtaṁ…samayair divyamānuṣaiḥ) 1. 1. 26 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 28: samayaiḥ saṁketaiḥ…divyamānuṣaiḥ vaidikalaukikaiḥ); following many conventions (anekasamayānvita 1. 2. 30); composed in varied words and consisting of various parvans (vicitrapadaparvaṇaḥ) 1. 1. 16 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 18: vicitrāṇi svarūpato 'rthataś ca ramyāṇi padāni vākyāder upalakṣaṇaṁ parvāṇi pauṣyapaulomādīni ādisabhādīni vā); 1. 2. 33; an ākhyāna composed in varied words of varied import (vicitrārthapadākhyānam) 1. 2. 30; has many stories of various import (vividhāḥ kathāḥ…vicitrārthā mahābhāratasaṁśritāḥ) 1. 1. 9-10; (kathāś citrāḥ) 1. 53. 30; exhibiting subtle meaning and logic (sūkṣmārthanyāyayukta) 1. 1. 16; constituting as though the whole speech made up of vowels and consonants that are used in the world and in the Vedas (svaravyañjanayoḥ kṛtsnā lokavedāśrayeva vāk) 1. 2. 32; the speech (related to Brahman) in its refined form saṁskāropagatāṁ brāhmīm) 1. 1. 17 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 19; brāhmīm vācam); adorned with auspicious words (alaṁkṛtaṁ śubhaiḥ śabdaiḥ) 1. 1. 26; composed in many metres (chandovṛttaiś ca vividhair anvitam) 1. 1. 26; (see also the next section).

K. Importance: In this epic Kṛṣṇa Dvaipāyana has expounded a holy upaniṣad (atropaniṣadaṁ puṇyāṁ kṛṣṇadvaipāyano 'bravīt) 1. 1. 191; truth and nectar constitute the body of the Bhārata (as the butter of curds and the Brāhmaṇa of the bipeds) bhāratasya vapur hy etat satyaṁ cāmṛtam eva ca) 1. 1. 201 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 264: satyaṁ brahma amṛtaṁ devabhāvaś ca atraivāstīty arthaḥ); as ocean is the best of the reservoirs of water, a cow of the quadrupeds, so is the Bhārata (among the literary works) 1. 1. 201-202; one should expand this Veda (of Kṛṣṇa) with the help of the Itihāsa and Purāṇa for, with the thought: “he may (easily) go over me” the Veda is afraid of one who has not studied much (itihāsapurāṇābhyāṁ vedaṁ samupabṛṁhayet/bibhety alpaśrutād vedo mām ayaṁ pratariṣyati) 1. 1. 204 (Devabodha: upabṛṁhaṇam arthāntarakalpanayā kṣīṇasya yathāvad vyākhyānena paripoṣaḥ; Nī., however, on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 268: “yad dha tyaṁ māyinaṁ mṛgam tam u tyaṁ māyayāvadhīr” (ṚV. 1. 80. 7) iti mantrāvayavo hi rāmāyaṇīyamārīcavadhajñenaivopabṛṁhituṁ śakyo na tv anyenātas tasmādalpaśrutād vedasya bhayam ucitam eva/ vedārthajijñāsunā idam avaśyam adhyetavyam ity arthaḥ); when the sages once weighed the Bhārata in a balance against the four Vedas put together it outweighed them in largeness and heaviness (mahattve ca gurutve ca dhriyamāṇaṁ tato 'dhikam) 1. 1. 208 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 273: mahattve granthata ādhikye gurutve arthata ādhikye); best among the works which deserve to be heard (when recited) (śrāvyāṇām uttamaṁ cedaṁ) 1. 56. 15; having heard this Purāṇa, composed by the great sage Dvaipāyana, it was honoured (abhipūjitam) by gods and Brahmarṣis 1. 1. 15; here are glorified holy divine sages (devarṣayaḥ puṇyāḥ), brahmanical and royal sages of auspicious deeds (puṇyā brahmarājarṣayas tathā/kīrtyante śubhakarmāṇaḥ), the Yakṣas and the great snakes, as also lord Vāsudeva 1. 1. 192-193; in this Purāṇa are expounded fully the two Puruṣārthas artha and dharma (asminn arthaś ca dharmaś ca nikhilenopadiśyate) 1. 56. 16; in respect of all the four Puruṣārthas viz. dharma, artha, kāma and mokṣa, whatever is here will be found elsewhere, what is not here cannot be found anywhere (dharme cārthe ca kāme ca mokṣe ca bharatarṣabha/ yad ihāsti tad anyatra yan nehāsti na tat kvacit/) 1. 56. 33 = 18. 5. 38; in this highly sacred Itihāsa one finds the exposition leading to emancipation (buddhiś ca parinaiṣṭhikī) 1. 56. 16; (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 62. 17: pariniṣṭhā mokṣas taducitā); this is a text on profit (arthaśāstram), a holy treatise on law (puṇyaṁ dharmaśāstram), a way to liberation (mokṣaśāstra) as expounded by Vyāsa 1. 56. 21; this is a great store of knowledge of the three worlds which is committed to memory by the twice-born fully and in abridgements (idaṁ tu triṣu lokeṣu mahaj jñānaṁ pratiṣṭhitam/vistaraiś ca samāsaiś ca dhāryate yad dvijātibhiḥ) 1. 1. 25; 1. 1. 49; storehouse of choice objects (ratnanidhi) 1. 56. 27 = 18. 5. 52; the unsurpassed ocean of knowledge-having churned it with his intellect Vaiśaṁpāyana collected the ākhyāna based on the Nārāyaṇakathā (idaṁ (i. e. ākhyānaṁ) …āmathya dadhimanthena jñānodadhim anuttamam/ navanītaṁ yathā dadhno…samuddhṛtaṁ… nārāyaṇakathāśrayam) 12. 331. 1-4; some poets have narrated this itihāsa (composed by Vyāsa) before (Sūta Ugraśravas did it), some of the contemporaries of Ugraśravas were narrating it in his times, and others will narrate it in future (ācakhyuḥ kavayaḥ kecit saṁpraty ācakṣate pare/ ākhyāsyanti tathaivānye itihāsam imam bhuvi) 1. 1. 24; 1. 56. 22; even if one knew the four Vedas together with their aṅgas and the Upaniṣads, but did not know this ākhyāna, he could not be called learned (vicakṣaṇa) 1. 2. 235; having once listened to this ākhyāna one does not like to listen to any other composition although worth hearing 1. 2. 236; the intellects of the poets take their start from this excellent itihāsa (itihāsottamād asmāj jāyante kavibuddhayaḥ) 1. 2. 237; there is no narrative on this earth which does not have its basis in this ākhyāna (anāśrityaitad ākhyānaṁ kathā bhuvi na vidyate) 1. 2. 240; all great poets live on this ākhyāna (idaṁ sarvaiḥ kavivarair ākhyānam upajīvyate) 1. 2. 241; the whole Purāṇa is included in the scope of this ākhyāna (asyākhyānasya viṣaye purāṇaṁ vartate dvijāḥ) 1. 2. 238; all good qualities of actions have this ākhyāna for their resting place (i. e. they are motivated by this ākhyāna) (kriyāguṇānāṁ sarveṣām idam ākhyānam āśrayaḥ) 1. 2. 239 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 2. 387: kriyāḥ laukikyo vaidikyaś ca tāsāṁ guṇāḥ utkṛṣṭaphalasādhanāni/athavā kriyāḥ dānadhyānādayaḥ/guṇāḥ śamādayaḥ).

L. phalaśruti: If one recites with devotion even a quarter of the Bhārata all his sins, without a remainder, get purified (bhāratādhyayanāt puṇyad api pādam adhīyataḥ/śraddadhānasya pūyante sarvapāpāny aśeṣataḥ) 1. 1. 191 (but Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 254: asya ślokasya caturthāṁśoccāraṇamātrād api sarvapāpanāśaḥ kiṁ vācyaṁ kṛtsnādhyayanāt tadarthasya jñānāt sākṣātkārād veti bhāvaḥ); 18. 5. 45 (here, Nī. on Bom. Ed. 18. 5. 59: pādaṁ ślokapādaṁ granthapādaṁ vā); if one were to recite a quarter of the Bhārata for the Brāhmaṇas at the end of a śrāddha he will ensure for the manes inexhaustible food and drink (yaś cainaṁ (? idam cf. 1. 56. 29) śrāvayec chrāddhe brāhmaṇān pādam antataḥ/akṣayyam annapānam tat pitṝṁs tasyopatiṣṭhati) 1. 1. 203; 18. 5. 36 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 18. 5. 42: antataḥ nikaṭe); 1. 56. 29 (akṣayyaṁ tasya tac chrāddham upatiṣṭhet pitṝn api); after reciting the whole of this Veda of Kṛṣṇa (i. e. the Bhārata) one attains profit, and one will undoubtedly get rid of even the sin of killing an embryo 1. 1. 205; one who recites it for those that are not low, are generous, truthful and believers attains profit 1. 56. 17; even a very cruel person after hearing this Itihāsa will be rid of the sin of killing an embryo 1. 56. 18; one who learns the Bharata when it is being recited need not bathe in the waters of Puṣkara 1. 2. 242; 18. 5. 54; one who recites for others the composition of Vyāsa and one who listens to it, all of them having attained to the place of Brahman become equal to gods 1. 56. 14; this (i. e. listening to the recitation of the Bhārata) is the best means for obtaining a male child (puṁsavanaṁ śreṣṭham), a high road to one's wellbeing (svastyayanaṁ mahat), it should be listened to by the chief queen and the crown prince 1. 56. 20; (of one who narrates this), his sons are obedient to him and his servants do him good (putrāḥ śuśrūṣavaḥ santi preṣyāś ca priyakāriṇaḥ) 1. 56. 22; one who listens to it divests himself quickly of all sins incurred by body, speech, and mind 1. 56. 23; those who listen, without envy, to the great life (story) of the Bhāratas have no fear from disease (in this world), and need have no fear of the next world at all 1. 56. 24; Kṛṣṇa Dvaipāyana has composed it which helps to acquire wealth, fame, long life, heaven and merit 1. 56. 25; the one who having known it recites it for the Brāhmaṇas on the parvan days is cleansed of his sins, wins heaven for himself and becomes one with Brahman (brahmabhūyaṁ sa gacchati) 1. 56. 28; 18. 5. 35; the sin that one inadvertently commits by day in one's activities disappears if he listens to the Mahābhārata Ākhyāna 1. 56. 30, or is released from it by narrating it in the evening 18. 5. 37 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 18. 5. 43: paścimāyāṁ sandhyāyāṁ paṭhyate ced dinakṛtaṁ pāpaṁ naśyati); one who recites it for the three varṇas with Brāhmaṇas at their head is cleansed of his sins, obtains fame and undoubtedly achieves the greatest perfection (gacchet paramikāṁ siddhim) 18. 5. 4344; or one who studies attentively (paṭhet susamāhitaḥ) the Mahābhārata Ākhyāna will undoubtedly attain the greatest perfection 18. 5. 53. [See Kārṣṇa, Jaya, Bhāratasāvitrī ]

*2nd word in right half of page p193_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Bharata, Bhārata : m. (pl.): General characterization of the descendants of Bharata, the son of Duḥṣanta, very often used to refer to Kauravas, or to Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas, or to Pāṇḍavas; also used as an adj. (fem. -ī) mostly to refer to the lineage or the army of the Kauravas, occasionally used also to refer to their narrative and town.

A. Origin: The family was named Bhārata after Bharata; his descendants as well as those who preceded him (?) were known as Bhāratas; the fame of Bhāratas was due to Bharata (bharatād bhārātī kīrtir yenedaṁ bhārataṁ kulam/apare ye ca pūrve ca bhāratā iti viśrutāḥ) 1. 69. 49; 1. 89. 16; 13. 75. 26; (1. 1. 44).

B. Lineage (vaṁśa or kula), its importance: Since the lineage was established by Bharatas it was known as Bhārata (yenedaṁ (i. e. bharatena) bhārataṁ kulam) 1. 69. 49; bhārataṁ vaṁśam 1, 99. 47; Arjuna born in the lineage of Bharata (jātasya bhārate vaṁśe) 2. 16. 1; Duryodhana born in the lineage of Bharata (jāto 'si bhārate vaṁśe) 5. 7. 27; (bhārataṁ kulaṁ) 1. 69. 49; 1. 92. 12; it was respected by all kings (bhārate vaṁśe sarvapārthivapūjite) 5. 7. 27.

C. The narrative of Bhāratas, its importance: Vaiśaṁpāyana having received it from his teacher Vyāsa was eager to narrate the narrative of Bhāratas to Janamejaya, who was a worthy person to listen to it (śrotuṁ pātraṁ ca rājaṁs tvaṁ prāpyemāṁ bhāratīṁ kathām/guror vaktuṁ parispando mudā protsāhatīva mām//) 1. 55. 3; it was told in the sarpasatra of king Janamejaya (katheyam…bhāratānām) 1. 2. 74; one who listened to the narration of the birth of Bhāratas has no fear from diseases, least of all of the next world; it was holy, brought wealth, fame, long life and heaven; it is also large and leads to bliss (bhāratānāṁ mahaj janma śṛṇvatām …/nāsti vyādhibhayaṁ teṣāṁ paralokabhayaṁ kutaḥ//dhanyaṁ yaśasyam āyuṣyaṁ svargyaṁ puṇyaṁ tathaivaca) 1. 56. 24-25; (vaṁśaṁ…/tathaiva bhāratānāṁ ca puṇyaṁ svastyayanaṁ mahat/dhanyaṁ yaśasyam āyuṣyaṁ kīrtayiṣyāmi te 'nagha//) 1. 70. 2; Mahābhārata so called because it describes the life of the Bhāratas; that is the etymology of the word (bhāratānāṁ mahaj janma mahābhāratam ucyate/ niruktam asya yo veda) 1. 56. 31.

D. Description of Bhāratas: Magnanimous (mahātman) 1. 2. 74; 7. 61. 34; famous (bhāratā iti viśrutāḥ) 1. 69. 49; (prakhyāta) 1. 92. 12; (bharatavaṁśasya vipratasthe mahad yaśaḥ) 1. 89. 16; best men (uttamapuruṣa) 2. 64. 8.

E. Epic events:

(1) Bhīṣma after defeating the kings who came for the svayaṁvara of the Kāśi princesses left for Bhāratas (i. e. to the place where Bhāratas lived) (prāyād bhārato bhāratān prati) 1. 96. 24;

(2) Satyavatī asked Ambikā to bear a son (from Vyāsa) and rescue the Bhārata dynasty 1. 99. 47-48;

(3) Satyavatī asked Bhīṣma to get consecrated as a king and rule the Bhāratas 1. 97. 11;

(4) Satyavatī told Ambikā that due to the wrong policy of her son, Bhāratas and their relatives would perish 1. 119. 9 (that is what she had heard from Vyāsa 1. 119. 5);

(5) Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas born in the lineage of Bharata (bharatasyānvaye jātā..) 1. 122. 15;

(6) Bhīṣma told Duryodhana that if Pāṇḍavas did not get a share in the kingdom, neither could he nor any other Bhārata have one (kuta eva tavāpīdaṁ bhāratasya ca kasyacit) 1. 195. 6;

(7) When Kṛṣṇa arrived, the town of Bharatas (i. e. Indraprastha bhārataṁ puram) was delighted 2. 30. 15;

(8) When Draupadī was dragged to the Sabhā, she felt that the law of Bhāratas had perished (naṣṭaḥ khalu bhāratānām dharmas…) 2. 60. 33;

(9) Vidura felt that the end of Bharatas had arrived when Draupadī was brought to their Sabhā (etadantāḥ stha bharatā…) 2. 72. 27;

(10) When Bhīma vowed to break the thigh of Duryodhana Vidura felt that the unlawful course, ordained before by the fate, was proving true for the Bharatas (Kauravas) (daiverito nūnam ayaṁ purastāt paro 'nayo bharateṣūdapādi) 2. 63. 16;

(11) Arjuna reminded Bhīma, that the Bhāratas, since they were best men, did not answer back the harsh words, spoken or unspoken, by low men (na caivoktā na cānuktā hīnataḥ paruṣā giraḥ/bhāratāḥ pratijalpanti sadā tūttamapūruṣāḥ) 2. 64. 8 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 2. 72. 8: pratijalpanti pratyuttarayanti);

(12) The bad omens which occurred when Pāṇḍavas started for vanavāsa predicted extinction of Bhāratas (bhāratānām abhāvāya) 2. 71. 28;

(13) When Duryodhana and others sought refuge with Droṇa, he addressed them as well as the rest of the Bhāratas present in the Sabhā 2. 71. 33;

(14) Yudhiṣṭhira took leave of Bharatas like Bhīṣma, Bāhlīka Somadatta, and others (which included all those who sided with Kauravas) to go to vanavāsa (āmantrayāmi bharatāṁs tathā vṛddhaṁ pitāmaham) 2. 69. 1;

(15) Dhṛtarāṣṭra remembered that all Bhārata women, together with Gāndhārī, had cried fiercely when Draupadī was taken to Sabhā (prākrośan bhairavaṁ tatra) 2. 72. 19;

(16) If Duryodhana did not give Pāṇḍavas their share, that would bring calamity to Bharatas (bharatānām abhūtaye) 3. 30. 48;

(17) Yudhiṣṭhira reminded Bhīma what Duryodhana had stipulated for his single bait in the presence of all Bharatas (ekaglahārthaṁ bharatānāṁ samakṣam); he had said that if the Pāṇḍavas were found out by the spies of Bhāratas (Kauravas), they would have to spend another twelve years in the forest (avabhotsyante bhāratānāṁ carāḥ sma) 3. 35. 7, 9;

(18) Dhṛtarāṣṭra imagined that the army of Bhāratas (Kauravas) (bhāratī camūḥ) was torn on all sides (vidīrṇeva) hearing the sound of Arjuna's chariot 3. 46. 17; it would be distressed (vitrastā) for the same reason 5. 51. 16;

(19) Bhāratas (Pāṇḍavas) spent a month on the mountain Himavant (māso 'tha… vyatītas…bhāratānām) 3. 161. 16;

(20) Brāhmaṇas blessed Bharatas (Pāṇḍavas) (bharatān) at the end of their vanavāsa before taking their leave 3. 299. 25;

(21) Bhīṣma addressed the Bhāratas (Kauravas) before they sent spies to search Pāṇḍavas 4. 27. 2;

(22) Uttara did not dare enter the army of the Bhāratas (Kauravas) (bhāratīṁ senāṁ) 4. 36. 10;

(23) When Droṇa and Arjuna clashed with each other the large army of Bharatas trembled excessively (prākampata) 4. 53. 13;

(24) Dhṛtarāṣṭra wanted Saṁjaya to speak whatever was in the interest of the Bhāratas (bhāratānāṁ hitaṁ ca) when he would address the assembly of Virāṭa 5. 22. 39;

(25) Yudhiṣṭhira enquired with Saṁjaya whether the mothers of Bhāratas were free from grief (bhāratānāṁ jananyo…avyalīkāḥ) 5. 23. 14 (Nī., however, on Bom. Ed. 5. 23. 14; avyalīkāḥ niṣkapaṭāḥ);

(26) The king of Bāhlīkas always wished nothing but peace among the Bhāratas (yasya kāmo vartate nityam eva nānyaḥ śamād bhāratānām iti sma) 5. 30. 19;

(27) Saṁjaya predicted that the subjects would perish due to the conflict among Bhāratas 5. 32. 27;

(28) Dhṛtarāṣṭra feared that in the battle, destruction would overcome Bharatas (kṣayaḥ kilāyaṁ bharatān upaiti) 5. 51. 19;

(29) According to Dhṛtarāṣṭra, the fighting of the Bhārata army (i. e. the Kaurava army) with Sātyaki was going to be an upstream task (pratīpam iva me bhāti yuyudhānena bhāratī) 5. 57. 21;

(30) Dhṛtarāṣṭra expected that Kṛṣṇa would address words to be honoured by Bhāratas (Kauravas and others on their side) (īrayantaṁ bhāratīṁ bhāratānāṁ abhyarcanīyāṁ…) 5. 69. 2 (Nī., however, on Bom. Ed. 5. 71. 2; bhāratānāṁ pāṇḍavānāṁ bhāratīṁ vācaṁ īrayantaṁ asmatsabhāyāṁ kathayantam);

(31) Kṛṣṇa was expected to pacify the Bhāratas (on the side of Kauravas) (bhāratāñ śamayeḥ prabho) 5. 70. 90;

(32) Due to Duryodhana's wrath, the Bhāratas (on both sides) would be burnt (bhāratā…dhakṣyante) 5. 72. 10;

(33) Kṛṣṇa assured Draupadī that before long she would see the women of Bharatas (Kauravas) weeping when they heard their kinsmen and relatives killed (rudatīr bharatastriyaḥ) 5. 80. 44-45;

(34) Kṛṣṇa was to embrace individually all Bharatas (senior ones on the side of Kauravas) in the assembly of Kauravas (sarvāṁś ca bharatān pṛthak…svajethā madhusūdana) 5. 81. 4748;

(35) On way to Hāstinapura, Kṛṣṇa saw many towns and countries happy and protected by Bhāratas (Kauravas) (bhāratair abhirakṣitāḥ) 5. 82. 17;

(36) Kṛṣṇa told Dhṛtarāṣṭra that if the Bharatas (Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas) remained united, they togethr would work for him (i. e. for Dhṛtarāṣṭra) (sahabhūtās tu bharatās tavaiva syur janeśvara) 5. 93. 16; he also advised Duryodhana to come to terms with Yudhiṣṭhira and be instrumental in achieving complete well-being and health for Bhāratas (Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas) (cara svastyayanaṁ kṛtsnaṁ bhāratānām anāmayam) 5. 123. 25; Kṛṣṇa requested Bhāratas in the Sabhā of Kauravas to listen to his words, if that pleased them, which were in their interest (bhavatām ānukūlyena yadi roceta bhāratāḥ) 5. 126. 35;

(37) To Kuntī, there could be nothing more grievous than Pāṇḍavas and their allies fighting with Bhāratas (Kauravas and the Bhāratas on their side) 5. 142. 12;

(38) Saṁjaya was going to describe to Dhṛtarāṣṭra the great war of the Bhāratas (Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas) 6. 16. 10;

(39) On the fourth day, Bhīṣma led the army of the Bhāratas (bhāratānām anīkinīnāṁ pramukhe) 6. 56. 1;

(40) Abhimanyu tormented the large army of Bhāratas (bhāratī sā mahācamūḥ) 6. 96. 18;

(41) On the tenth day, bad omens occurred for the army of Bhāratas (Kauravas) 6. 108. 6; according to Droṇa, the wrath of Yudhiṣṭhira was burning Bhāratas (Kauravas) 6. 108. 32; after Bhīṣma's fall, he was praised by the ancient forefathers of Bharatas (pitaraś caiva praśaśaṁsur…/bharatānāṁ ca ye pūrve) 6. 114. 111; with the fall of Bhīṣma, the army of the Bhāratas (Kauravas) (bhāratī…senā) was like a boat in a big ocean, shaken by wind in all directions and shattered 7. 1. 27-28; hearing Bhīṣma's fall Dhṛtarāṣṭra swooned, surrounded and touched by Bharata women (bharatastriyaḥ parivavrur mahārājam aspṛśaṁś caiva pāṇibhiḥ) 7. 9. 3;

(42) On the eleventh day, the eminent Bharatas (on both sides) took their arms and started for the war (niryayur bharataśreṣṭhāḥ śaśtrāṇy ādāya sarvaśaḥ) 7. 1. 21;

(43) Arjuna wielded in war the same bow against Kṣatriyas (Kauravas) which once before proved beneficial for Bharatas (Kauravas) fleeing in their fight (with Gandharvas cf. 3. 230 ff.) (yat tad anāmayaj jiṣṇur bharatānām apāyinām/dhanuḥ kṣemakaraṁ saṁkhye…/tad eva…kṣatravināśāya dhanur āyacchad arjunaḥ//) 7. 27. 15-16;

(44) On the thirteenth day, Abhimanyu attacked the army of Bhāratas (Kauravas) (abhyapatat senāṁ bhāratīm) 7. 40. 11; Abhimanyu, lying on the ground, was like the sun that had set after tormenting the army of Bhāratas (taptvā bhāratavāhinīm) 7. 48. 16;

(45) On the fourteenth day, Dhṛtarāṣṭra remembered that he had told Duryodhana that Pāṇḍavas would do what was in his interest if Bhīṣma and other elderly magnanimous Bharatas spoke to them on his behalf (bhīṣmasya ca mahātmanaḥ/ …anyeṣāṁ caiva vṛddhānāṁ bharatānāṁ mahātmanām) 7. 61. 33-34; Arjuna saw many omens when the Bharatas (Kauravas), desirous of fighting, were slowly getting ready for the battle (abhihārayatsu śanakair bharateṣu yuyutsuṣu) 7. 64. 3 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 7. 88. 3: abhihārayatsu sannahyamāneṣu abhiyujyamāneṣu vā praharatsv iti kecit); Arjuna attacked the army of Bhāratas (Kauravas) killing their eminent warriors (abhyagād bhāratīṁ senām) 7. 68. 26, (prāviśad) 56; the army of the Bhāratas was getting torn to pieces (dīryamāṇāṁ ca bhāratīm) 7. 85. 70; Arjuna had entered the army of Bhāratas (praviṣṭas tāta bhāratīm) 7. 85. 80, 82; the army of Bhāratas was reduced to a miserable condition (śocyeyaṁ bhāratī senā) 7. 98. 8; Sātyaki had entered the army of Bhāratas (bhāratīṁ senām) 7. 102. 16; (bhāratīm camūm) 7. 102. 34; the army of Bhāratas was besieged from behind and in front (sā purastāc ca paścāc ca gṛhītā bhāratī camūḥ) 7. 105. 12; Bhīma discharged arrows towards Bhārata warriors (sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra 7. 112. 28) who cut them asunder 7. 112. 26; Sātyaki was in the midst of the army of Bhāratas (here, the army of the Trigartas cf. 7. 116. 2) (bhāratīmadhyam); this army is described as full of the sound made by palms of hands and equipped with swords, śaktis and maces (talaghoṣasamākula, asiśaktigadāpūrṇa) 7. 116. 5; Sātyaki had entered the army of Bhāratas (bhāratīṁ senām) after Arjuna had fought with Bhārata heroes of great prowess (yodhitaś ca mahāvīryaiḥ sarvair bhārata bhāratatḥ) 7. 117. 43; Droṇa took it for granted that with the fall of Bhīṣma the army of the Bhāratas was as good as perished (tadaivājñāsiṣam ahaṁ neyam astīti bhāratī) 7. 126. 8 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 7. 126. 8: iyaṁ senā nāstity asya naṣṭety arthaḥ);

(46) Night war: During the night, the army of Bhāratas (bhāratī senā) adorned with jewels and gold and with ornaments like aṅgadas, ear-ornaments, niṣkas and weapons shone like the sky full of nakṣatras (dyaur tvāsīt sanakṣatrā) 7. 129. 24, 27; the army of Bhāratas (bhāratī senā) was getting killed by Arjuna 7. 132. 42; 7. 136. 16; when the Bhārata warriors (on the side of Kauravas) were in a difficult situation no one could offer them protection (majjatāṁ bhāratās nāṁ na sma dvīpas tatra kaścid babhūva) 7. 154. 41; Duryodhana proposed to divide the army of Bhāratas (on his side) and kill Arjuna (dvaidhīkṛtyādya bhāratīm) 7. 160. 22;

(47) On the sixteenth day, Kṛṣṇa pointed out to Arjuna the terrible destruction of the Bharatas (on both sides) that had taken place (mahāraudro vartate bharatakṣayaḥ) 8. 14. 27; Dhṛtarāṣṭra remembered that Arjuna had once protected Bharatas (Kauravas) (reference to the fight with Gandharvas 3. 230. ff.) (eko 'bhyarakṣad bharatān) 8. 22. 4;

(48) On the seventeenth day, the army of Bhāratas (Kauravas 8. 43. 54) running away when attacked by Bhīma's arrows appeared pitiable (bhāratī senā…kṛpaṇadarśanā) 8. 43. 55; Arjuna boasted that he laid low the army of Bhāratas (on the side of Kauravas) which shone like the army of gods (bhāratīcamu…devacamūprakāśā) 8. 49. 97; when the important heroes and other warriors as well as horses and elephants in the army of the Bhāratas (army of Kauravas) were killed in battle it looked like the sky devoid of the sun, the moon and the nakṣatras (hīnā sūryendunakṣatrair dyaur ivābhāti bhāratī//…seneyam) 8. 51. 48-49; the army of Bhāratas (bhāratī), along with that of the Saṁśaptakas, led by Duḥśāsana attacked Bhīma 8. 53. 9; the army of Bhāratas, afraid, was scattered by Bhīma in all directions (balaṁ…bhāratānāṁ… bhītaṁ diśo 'kīryata bhīmanunnam) 8. 54. 9; Bhīma showed to his charioteer the army of Bhāratas running away because it was covered by the arrows of Arjuna (bhāratīṁ dīryamāṇāṁ…sainyaṁ hy etac chādayaty āśu bāṇaiḥ) 8. 54. 21;

(49) On the eighteenth day, Arjuna, after the death of Śalya, killed Śuśarman, his sons and followers, and then turned towards the remaining army of Bhāratas (abhyagād bhāratīṁ senāṁ hataśeṣām) 9. 26. 46;

(50) It was proper for Yuyutsu to return to Kauravas after the destruction of Bharatas (on Kaurava's side) (bharatakṣaye) 9. 28. 91;

(51) At the end of the war, Dhṛtarāṣṭra asked Saṁjaya to narrate to him how the Bharatas (on both sides 9. 3. 1) were completely destroyed (bharatānāṁ mahākṣayam) 9. 2. 62;

(52) Scenes on the battlefield: Some of the women of Bharatas (Kauravas) stumbled, and some fell on the ground after visiting the battlefield (bharatastriyaḥ (kurustriyaḥ 11. 16. 10) / śarīreṣv askhalann anyā nyapataṁś cāparā bhuvi) 11. 16. 14; some of them (bharatayoṣitaḥ) were not able to recognize their husbands whose bodies were mutilated 11. 16. 53; (pitiable condition of the widows described by Gāndhārī 11. 16. 42-58); according to Somadatta's wife her husband was fortunate in that he was not alive to witness the terrible destruction of Bharatas (dāruṇaṁ bharatakṣayam) 11. 24. 4; Gāndhārī cursed Kṛṣṇa saying that Yādava women, with their husbands and relatives killed, would fall on the ground like the Bharata women (yathaite bharatastriyaḥ) 11. 25. 42;

(53) Bhagavān had told his son Apāntaratamas (Vyāsa 12. 337. 38, 43) that when Tiṣya (i. e. Kaliyuga) would arrive Kurus, called Bhāratas, would become famous kings, but there would be family feud resulting in mutual destruction (punas tiṣye ca saṁprāpte kuravo nāma bhāratāḥ/…teṣāṁ tvattaḥ prasūtānāṁ kulabhedo bhaviṣyati/parasparavināśārtham) 12. 337. 42-43;

(54) Bhīṣma, before abandoning his body, saw all Bhāratas (Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas) standing around him 13. 153. 24; after Bhīṣma's cremation, eminent Kurus, followed by Bharata women (anugamyamānā…bharatastrībhir) went to Bhāgīrathī 13. 154. 16;

(55) Arjuna and Kṛṣṇa saw Subhadrā and all other Bharata women surrounding Gāndhārī (sarvā bharatānāṁ striyas tathā…sthitāḥ sarvā gāndhārīṁ parivārya vai) 14. 51. 27;

(56) Uttaṅka asked Kṛṣṇa whether he (Kṛṣṇa) did what Uttaṅka had expected him to do in respect of Bharatas (Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas) (yā me saṁbhāvanā tāta tvayi nityam avartata/api sā saphalā kṛṣṇa kṛtā te bharatān prati) 14. 52. 14;

(57) Kuntī and all Bharata women cried in grief when they saw Uttarā fallen on the ground (sarvāś ca bharatastriyaḥ) 14. 68. 2; when Parikṣit was brought back to life, Bharata women were delighted and asked Brāhmaṇas to recite svastimantras for the benefit of Parikṣit (bharatastriyaḥ/brāhmaṇān vācayām āsuḥ) 14. 69. 4 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 14. 70. 5: vācayām āsuḥ svastīti śeṣaḥ); (striyo bharatasiṁhānām) 14. 69. 5;

(58) The best of the Bharatas (bharatasattamāḥ i. e. Pāṇḍavas) on their ‘great journey’ made a pradakṣiṇā of the earth 17. 1. 44.

F. Past events:

(1) When Saṁvaraṇa was the ruler of the Bhāratas, the land was oppressed by many calamities; a certain king of the Pāñcālas (not named) attacked the Bhāratas; Saṁvaraṇa fled with his wife and others from his country; the Bhāratas lived for a long time in an inaccessible place near a mountain in a country near the river Sindhu; Vasiṣṭha then visited the Bharatas; all Bhāratas welcomed him with a respectful guest offering and told him their condition; Saṁvaraṇa chose Vasiṣṭha, who had lived with them for eight years, to act as their purohita; he said ‘yes’ to Bhāratas; Saṁvaraṇa again occupied the town which was formerly held by Bharatas (abhyaghnan bhāratāṁś caiva sapatnānāṁ balāni ca/…abhyayāt taṁ ca pāñcālyo/… sindhor nadasya mahato nikuñje nyavasat tadā/nadīviṣayaparyante parvatasya samīpataḥ/tatrāvasan bahūn kālān bhāratā durgam āśritāḥ//…athābhyagacchad bharatān vasiṣṭho bhagavān ṛṣiḥ//…arghyam abhyāharaṁs tasmai te sarve bhāratās tadā/ taṁ samām aṣṭamīm uṣṭaṁ rājā vavre svayaṁ tadā/purohito bhavān no 'stu rājyāya prayatāmahe/om ity evaṁ vasiṣṭho 'pi bhāratān pratyapadyata//…bharatādhyuṣitaṁ pūrvaṁ so 'dhyatiṣṭhat purottamam/) 1. 89. 31-40.

G. bhārata as adj.: Besides its adjectival use in connection with vaṁśa (m.) or kula (nt.), and senā or camū (f.) (for which see above

B. and

E. ), bhārata is also occasionally used in connection with samiti, śrī or kīrti (all f.) and pura (nt.):

(1) Gathering (samiti): The brilliant gathering of Bhāratas (both Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas) around Bhīṣma lying on the bed of arrows shone like the sun in the sky (śuśubhe bhāratī dīptā divī vādityamaṇḍalam) 6. 116. 7;

(2) Glory (śrī) or fame (kīrti): (i) Bhīṣma appealed to Duryodhana not to destroy the glory of Bhāratas shining brightly among all kings (imāṁ śriyaṁ prajvalitāṁ bhāratīṁ sarvarājasu) 5. 123. 5; (ii) The fame of Bhāratas had its origin in Bharata (bharatād bhāratī kīrtir…) 1. 69. 49;

(3) Town (pura) i. e. Indraprastha: Described as the best town (purottamaṁ…bhārataṁ puram) 2. 30. 14-15.

H. Several persons referred to simply as belonging to the Bhāratas or as tiger or bull among the Bhā¤ratas, best or chief of them, rarely as an outcaste among the Bhāratas: A. Born in the line of Bharata (i) (1) bhārata:

(1) Akṛtavraṇa (?) 5. 175. 19 (was some one born in the Bharata lineage a follower of Paraśurāma ? (akṛtavraṇaḥ…rāmasyānucaraḥ priyaḥ (5. 175. 6).

(2) Arjuna 1. 126. 20; 1. 160. 10; 1. 165. 8; 1. 166. 14, 34; 1. 167. 17; 1. 168. 3; 1. 208. 19; 1. 209. 14; 2. 1. 4; 2. 3. 3; 2. 25. 13; 2. 64. 10-11; 3. 12. 41; 3. 13. 40; 3. 38. 4, 25; 3. 163. 4, 13; 3. 164. 29; 3. 169. 33; 3. 171. 2, 11, 15; 3. 172. 18; 3. 233. 16; 3. 296. 26; 4. 1. 14; 4. 5. 7; 4. 49. 7; 5. 77. 10; 5. 77. 12. 6. 24. 14, 18, 28, 30; 6. 25. 25; 6. 26. 7, 42; 6. 29. 27; 6. 33. 6; 6. 35. 2, 33; 6. 36. 3, 8-10; 6. 37. 19, 20; 6. 38. 3; 6. 39. 3; 6. 40. 62; 6. 78. 6; 6. 103. 88; 7. 117. 43; 7. 121. 26; 7. 123. 4; 7. 123, 36; 8. 14. 28, 31, 39, 55; 8. 40. 123; 8. 43. 21, 24, 39, 43, 52; 8. 49. 22, 34, 67; 8. 51. 2, 16, 17, 46, 65, 80, 104, 106; 10. 14. 3; 12. 328. 28, 34, 37-38, 44; 12. 330. 23, 42, 67; 14. 15. 19; 14. 72. 13; 14. 83. 6; 16. 9. 32.

(3) Janamejaya 1. 53. 10; 1. 58. 40, 42; 1. 59. 13-14, 19, 21, 29, 44; 1. 60. 44, 63; 1. 61. 63, 66; 1. 69. 37, 43, 51; 1. 70. 34; 1. 71. 21, 23, 27; 1. 78. 1; 1. 89. 18, 26-27; 1. 92. 44; 1. 94. 52, 68, 77; 1. 96. 19; 1. 97. 1; 1. 100. 15; 1. 103. 10, 12, 16; 1. 106. 3; 1. 107. 28; 1. 108. 18; 1. 111. 2; 1. 114. 10, 21; 1. 118. 5; 1. 119. 11, 29; 1. 123. 5, 62; 1. 124. 1, 26; 1. 125. 26; 1. 126. 13; 1. 127. 21; 1. 128. 14; 1. 135. 17; 1. 136. 6; 1. 138. 12; 1. 140. 12; 1. 145. 9; 1. 146. 36; 1. 150. 1; 1. 151. 7, 14; 1. 152. 4-5; 1. 155. 4; 1. 176. 9, 12; 1. 186. 4; 1. 187. 32; 1. 198. 7, 10; 1. 199. 13; 1. 204. 30; 1. 206. 5. 8; 1. 207. 1, 5, 7, 10; 1. 208. 19; 1. 209. 14; 1. 210. 12; 1. 211. 7, 16; 1. 212. 5; 1. 213. 57; 1. 214. 17, 20; 1. 216. 34; 1. 217. 9; 1. 218. 10, 38; 1. 219. 6, 8, 37-38; 1. 220. 4, 7, 18; 1. 224. 7, 20; 1. 225. 4; 2. 1. 15; 2. 3. 16; 2. 4. 3; 2. 5. 1; 2. 11. 73; 2. 12. 1, 17; 2. 17. 23; 2. 19. 21, 31; 2. 22. 20, 46, 52, 57; 2. 25. 1; 2. 27. 18; 2. 28. 8, 31; 2. 30. 43, 51; 2. 31. 4, 14; 2. 33. 27; 2. 32. 15; 2. 39. 14; 2. 53. 18; 2. 58. 38; 2. 61. 39; 3. 6. 4; 3. 7. 1; 3. 12. 25, 41; 3. 23. 48; 3. 40. 5, 50; 3. 42. 2; 3. 80. 11; 3. 93. 2, 7; 3. 114. 3; 3. 118. 1; 3. 143. 9, 21; 3. 146. 58; 3. 150. 2, 19; 3. 153. 30; 3. 154. 52; 3. 157. 43; 3. 158. 32; 3. 161. 16; 3. 162. 2; 3. 172. 3; 3. 176. 46; 3. 180. 39; 3. 192. 8; 3. 228. 1; 3. 229. 12; 3. 230. 2, 9, 23; 3. 233. 2, 9, 21; 3. 238. 32; 3. 240. 26, 29; 3. 243. 13, 17; 3. 251. 1; 3. 256. 24; 3. 284. 8; 3. 289. 10; 3. 295. 4; 3. 299. 27; 4. 1. 4; 4. 15. 8; 4. 22. 28, 30; 4. 30. 3; 4. 32. 1; 4. 36. 36; 4. 46. 13; 4. 57. 1, 16; 4. 59. 39; 4. 67. 13; 5. 7. 20; 5. 8. 6, 24; 5. 19. 28, 30; 5. 41. 8; 5. 46. 12; 5. 48. 1; 5. 54. 66; 5. 60. 29; 5. 82. 11; 5. 92. 45; 5. 122. 2; 5. 149. 74, 83; 5. 150. 24; 5. 151. 16; 5. 152. 1, 30; 5. 155. 38; 5. 196. 12; 5. 197. 1, 19; 6. 1. 29; 8. 1. 10; 9. 34. 24, 41; 9. 37. 18, 21, 30; 9. 38. 3, 22, 24; 9. 41. 3, 9, 10, 19; 9. 42. 2, 37; 9. 43. 48; 9. 44. 39, 43, 61, 65, 76, 80, 96-97, 99-100, 105; 9. 45. 2, 5, 7-8, 11, 13, 23-24, 27, 30, 83; 9. 47. 7, 11; 9. 48. 22; 9. 49. 11, 15, 57, 61; 9. 50. 1, 33, 37; 9. 62. 9; 11. 8. 3; 11. 11. 13; 11. 15. 8; 11. 25. 34; 11. 26. 32; 12. 38. 40; 12. 39. 3, 7, 19; 12. 40. 22; 12. 147. 20; 12. 326. 122; 12. 327. 19, 27; 12. 336. 63, 78; 12. 338. 6; 13. 18. 7; 14. 54. 35; 14. 55. 3; 14. 57. 45-46, 48; 14. 58. 9; 14. 60. 2; 14. 61. 11; 14. 62. 16; 14. 65. 29; 14. 69. 8, 11-12; 14. 70. 8; 14. 72. 13; 14, 73. 6; 14. 74. 12; 14. 75. 11; 14. 76. 13; 14. 77. 2, 6; 14. 91. 15; 14. 92. 4; 14. 94. 7, 18, 34; 15. 7. 6; 15. 9. 5; 15. 24. 2, 18; 15. 25. 5; 15. 28. 14; 15. 34. 1, 13; 15. 36. 9; 15. 41. 28; 15. 45. 44; 16. 3. 5, 12; 16. 4. 43; 16. 7. 2; 16. 8. 19, 44; 18. 2. 30; 18. 3. 6; 18. 5. 25.

(4) Duryodhana 1. 126. 15; 2. 44. 9; 2. 45. 37; 2. 51. 3; 2. 59. 4; 2. 71. 38; 3. 226. 2; 3. 228. 17-18; 3. 235. 21; 3. 236. 12, 14; 3. 239. 14; 3. 241. 14, 30, 33; 3. 242. 2; 4. 24. 20; 4. 25. 8; 4. 27. 8; 4. 28. 10; 5. 59. 21; 5. 63. 13; 5. 81. 3; 5. 89. 18; 5. 94. 22, 43; 5. 103. 1: 5. 122. 6, 11, 18, 26, 40-41, 44-45; 5. 123. 15; 5. 126. 4; 5. 127. 43; 5. 147. 29; 5. 153. 16; 5. 163. 12; 5. 165. 19; 5. 167. 7, 14; 5. 168. 1, 2, 4, 9, 18; 5. 169. 1, 15, 20; 5. 170. 22; 5. 173. 1, 10; 5. 174. 17; 5. 176. 20; 5. 177. 23; 5. 179. 1; 5. 180. 19, 22, 38; 5. 181. 5, 11, 16; 5. 182. 3, 7; 5. 183. 18; 5. 184. 12; 5. 185. 1-3, 6, 19, 22; 5. 187. 11, 39; 5. 191. 5; 5. 192. 7, 26; 5. 193. 53; 5. 194. 13, 14; 6. 62. 37; 6. 63. 21; 6. 84. 43; 6. 93. 12, 37-38; 6. 94. 17; 6. 95. 12; 6. 116. 51; 7. 5. 15; 7. 69. 41; 7. 105. 25; 7. 126. 26, 31; 7. 127. 18; 7. 133. 6; 7. 135. 5, 7, 14; 7. 145. 56; 7. 160. 26; 7. 165. 90, 92; 7. 166. 53; 8. 22. 32, 58; 8. 68. 9, 12; 9. 3. 27; 9. 17. 19; 9. 29. 13; 9. 30. 25, 30, 32-33, 59; 9. 31. 38, 52; 9. 58. 20; 10. 9. 27, 49; 12. 124. 18;

(5) Duḥśāsana 3. 238. 21; 7. 98. 21;

(6) Dhṛtarāṣṭra 1. 1. 184; 1. 130. 11; 1. 195. 3; 1. 196. 3, 5, 12; 1. 197. 6, 10, 22; 2. 45. 14, 31; 2. 46. 24, 26, 28; 2. 47. 1, 2; 2. 48. 35, 42; 2. 49. 4, 20, 23-24; 2. 50. 25; 2. 55. 15, 17; 2. 56. 10; 2. 63. 30; 2. 65. 1, 5; 2. 66. 30, 32; 2. 71. 10, 15-16, 21; 3. 9. 3, 8; 3. 12. 6, 25, 74; 3. 48. 2; 3. 228. 18; 5. 23. 7; 5. 32. 11; 5. 33. 78; 5. 34. 6, 70, 80; 5. 35. 65; 5. 36. 27; 5. 37. 11, 51, 55; 5. 38. 18, 31, 38, 41; 5. 39. 4; 5. 40. 10. 19; 5. 41. 2; 5. 43. 21; 5. 44. 5; 5. 45. 26; 5. 53. 1, 19; 5. 54. 5, 17, 20, 30, 46, 51, 54, 57, 64-65; 5. 56. 20, 41, 47; 5. 58. 2; 5. 60. 3, 7, 10; 5. 68. 4; 5. 85. 1; 5. 93. 3, 6, 12, 26, 45, 59; 5. 126. 39, 41; 5. 128. 27-29; 5. 138. 5; 5. 157. 1; 6. 2. 5, 30; 6. 3. 43; 6. 4. 21; 6. 4. 34; 6. 7. 5, 11, 30, 38; 6. 10. 5, 8, 32, 34, 41; 6. 11. 12-13; 6. 12. 20, 27; 6. 13. 28, 44; 6. 14. 13; 6. 16. 22, 44; 6. 18. 7, 18; 6. 20. 16-17; 6. 23. 24; 6. 24. 10; 6. 41. 88; 6. 42. 23; 6. 43. 19, 21, 29, 40, 49; 6. 44. 1, 19, 37; 6. 45. 4, 25, 59, 61; 6. 46. 50-51; 6. 47. 3, 21; 6. 48. 38, 59-60, 68; 6. 49. 10, 29, 32; 6. 50. 11, 38, 52^2; 6. 51. 1, 5, 30-31, 33, 43; 6. 52. 1. 14, 22; 6. 53. 1, 23, 27; 6. 54. 2, 14, 28; 6. 55. 3, 5, 13, 20, 38, 132; 6. 56. 1; 6. 58. 12, 17, 26, 56; 6. 59. 19, 29; 6. 60. 5; 6. 61. 15; 6. 65. 14, 21; 6. 66. 12; 6. 67. 11, 32; 6. 68. 22, 24; 6. 70. 5, 37; 6. 71. 2-3, 34-35; 6. 73. 71; 6. 74. 12, 20, 23, 31, 35; 6. 75. 27, 39; 6. 77. 19; 6. 78. 37, 39, 45; 6. 79. 28-30, 36, 49; 6. 80. 27, 51; 6. 81. 37; 6. 82. 6, 40; 6. 83. 11, 27, 30; 6. 84. 23; 6. 85. 32, 35; 6. 86. 22, 81; 6. 87. 4; 6. 90. 18; 6. 91. 62, 73, 79; 6. 92. 13, 43, 47, 76-77; 6. 93. 24; 6. 94. 3; 6. 95. 28, 31; 6. 96. 8; 6. 97. 13, 43, 49; 6. 98. 8, 18; 6. 99. 5, 41, 43; 6. 100. 7, 34; 6. 102. 14. 28; 6. 103. 2, 8; 6. 104. 9, 15, 17; 6. 106. 15, 28^2, 42; 6. 107. 2, 22, 51, 54-55; 6. 109. 15, 44; 6. 110. 16, 35; 6. 111. 3, 34-35, 43; 6. 112. 7, 10, 18, 51, 79, 124; 6. 113. 1, 5, 30; 6. 114. 3, 62-63, 87, 95; 6. 115. 15; 6. 116. 14; 7. 1. 32; 7. 6. 15; 7. 11. 13; 7. 12. 2, 17; 7. 13. 19, 40; 7. 14. 11, 19; 7. 16. 17; 7. 19. 28; 7. 20. 53; 7. 24. 33; 7. 27. 26; 7. 29. 34; 7. 31. 77; 7. 32. 18; 7. 35. 1, 40; 7. 37. 8; 7. 38. 7; 7. 40. 22; 7. 41. 15; 7. 47, 2; 7. 58. 5; 7. 64. 4; 7. 67. 22. 41, 60; 7. 68. 19, 27, 59-60; 7. 69. 75; 7. 70. 20, 30-31, 48; 7. 71. 21; 7. 72. 23; 7. 73. 15, 27, 41; 7. 74. 13; 7. 75. 12, 26; 7. 80. 10; 7. 81. 18, 29, 34; 7. 82. 9, 14, 16, 21, 25; 7. 85. 13; 7. 90. 4, 28; 7. 91. 32; 7. 93. 26; 7. 94. 5; 7. 95. 45; 7. 97. 11, 18, 23-24; 7. 98. 37; 7. 99. 16, 26-27; 7. 100. 22, 26; 7. 101. 4, 20, 40, 53, 57; 7. 102. 2, 53; 7. 103. 4; 7. 104. 30, 32; 7. 106. 44; 7. 109. 13, 17; 7. 111. 6, 32; 7. 112. 14, 26, 32; 7. 113. 21; 7. 114. 6. 10; 7. 115. 11, 22; 7. 117. 43; 7. 120. 2, 58; 7. 124. 1; 7. 126. 3; 7. 128. 14, 21; 7. 130. 13. 36; 7. 131. 95, 100, 113; 7. 132. 19, 31, 37; 7. 134. 45; 7. 137. 29, 32, 43; 7. 138. 7; 7. 139. 3; 7. 140. 14; 7. 141. 39; 7. 142. 1, 32; 7. 143. 1, 26, 34. 42; 7. 144. 26, 33; 7. 145. 7, 68; 7. 146. 8-9, 18, 29; 7. 147. 14; 7. 148. 17; 7. 150. 19, 55; 7. 152. 39; 7. 153. 24, 37; 7. 155. 2; 7. 159. 16, 28, 30-31; 7. 160. 26; 7. 162. 3, 20; 7. 163. 18, 32; 7. 164. 82, 154; 7. 165. 2, 72; 7. 166. 60; 7. 167. 3; 7. 170. 43; 7. 171. 22; 7. 172. 21, 27, 29; 8. 2. 3; 8. 4. 77; 8. 6. 1, 4, 46; 8. 7. 31; 8. 9. 11; 8. 10. 19, 25-26; 8. 11. 24, 26; 8. 12. 17; 8. 14. 31; 8. 16. 14; 8. 17. 6, 40, 47, 56, 85, 91; 8. 18. 14, 18, 42; 8. 19. 3, 27, 65; 8. 20. 6, 21; 8. 21. 37; 8. 23. 54; 8. 26. 5; 8. 32. 36-37; 8. 33. 14, 47, 66; 8. 35. 37, 43, 56; 8. 36. 8, 10, 23, 35, 38; 8. 37. 12, 33, 36; 8. 38. 3, 16; 8. 39. 23-24; 8. 40. 15, 53, 62, 92, 128; 8. 42. 3; 8. 44. 22, 27; 8. 45. 5, 13, 20, 54; 8. 50. 42; 8. 52. 1; 8. 53. 9; 8. 54. 9; 8. 55. 28-29, 37, 50, 69; 8. 56. 25, 49-50; 8. 58. 2, 22, 24; 8. 59. 39; 8. 63. 8, 32, 62; 8. 64. 9; 8. 65. 45; 8. 66. 18, 37; 8. 68. 1, 59; 9. 1. 30, 36; 9. 3. 4; 9. 6. 6, 18; 9. 7. 5, 17, 39; 9. 8. 5, 15, 19, 43; 9. 12. 24; 9. 13. 14, 16, 25, 32; 9. 15. 43, 59; 9. 16. 85; 9. 17. 16, 26; 9. 18. 6; 9. 19. 22; 9. 21. 4, 8, 20, 35, 43; 9. 22. 77; 9. 23. 60; 9. 24. 18, 24; 9. 25. 1, 35; 9. 26. 4, 51; 9. 27. 6-7, 16, 31, 62; 9. 28. 13^2-14; 9. 29. 52, 55; 9. 30. 15; 9. 33. 15; 9. 54. 4; 9. 56. 15, 24, 27; 9. 57. 48, 58; 9. 60. 25, 51-52; 9. 61. 31; 9. 62. 38-39, 45; 9. 63. 43; 10. 1. 32, 38; 10. 7. 18, 21, 27, 51; 10. 8. 12, 17, 27, 92, 109; 10. 10. 5; 11. 1. 25; 11. 2. 4; 11. 3. 8, 11; 11. 7. 4. 8, 16-17, 19; 11. 8. 3, 14, 31, 39, 42; 11. 10. 18; 11. 12. 6; 11. 26. 13; 15. 19. 10; 15. 35. 9-10;

(7) Nakula: 12. 160. 30, 50;

(8) Pāṇḍu: 1. 106. 3; 1. 109. 11, 21; 1. 112. 3; 1. 113. 36;

(9) Bhīmasena: 1. 137. 22; 2. 64. 16; 3. 35. 1, 10; 3. 37. 3-4, 10; 3. 142. 25; 3. 147. 40; 3. 149. 18, 24; 3. 150. 7; 3. 232. 18; 3. 296. 33; 4. 2. 16; 4. 17. 2, 6-7, 28; 4. 18. 1, 24, 35; 4. 19. 11; 4. 20. 31-32; 4. 21. 29; 4. 32. 18; 5. 73. 22; 5. 75. 9; 6. 50. 38; 7. 109. 11; 9. 60. 15-16; 10. 12. 2; 10. 16. 33; 11. 14. 12;

(10) Bhīṣma: 1. 94. 57, 62; 1. 96. 24; 1. 97. 9; 1. 99. 4, 9-10; 2. 38. 39; 2. 39. 8; 2. 41. 18; 3. 80. 53; 5. 172. 5; (5. 175. 19 if bhārata is a mistake for bhārataḥ; otherwise Akṛtavraṇa, see No. 1); 5. 176. 41; 5. 178. 7^2; 5. 184. 12; 6. 15. 15; 6. 54. 32; 6. 93. 37-38; 6. 105. 21; 6. 112. 88; 7. 3. 9, 19; 12. 50. 16-17, 31-32; 12. 51. 11; 12. 54. 33; 12. 59. 5; 12. 69. 2; 12. 79. 1; 12. 102. 1; 12. 108. 5, 7; 12. 109. 1; 12. 110. 1; 12. 115. 1; 12. 116. 13; 12. 120. 1; 12. 122. 51; 12. 124. 3; 12. 128, 1; 12. 129. 2; 12. 138. 1; 12. 139. 3; 12. 141. 5; 12. 158. 1, 3; 12. 189. 3; 12. 203. 1; 12. 213. 1; 12. 215. 1; 12. 252. 3, 14; 12. 263. 1; 12. 266. 1; 12. 289. 42; 13. 8. 1; 13. 25. 1, 6; 13. 49. 19; 13. 57. 2, 5; 13. 61. 2; 13. 62. 23, 30, 36, 38; 13. 63. 17; 13. 66. 1; 13. 76. 2; 13. 109. 31;

(11) Māndhātṛ (?): 12. 92. 54; 12. 122. 51;

(12) Yudhiṣṭhira: 1. 155. 4; 2. 5. 12, 17, 64, 95; 2. 6. 10; 2. 7. 4, 19; 2. 8. 32; 2. 9. 6, 21; 2. 10. 9, 17; 2. 11. 9, 16, 22, 27, 39, 62, 66; 2. 13. 1, 14, 40, 60; 2. 17. 10, 23; 2. 33. 22; 2. 34. 11; 2. 37. 11; 2. 60. 7: 2. 65. 5, 11; 2. 67. 2, 13, 20; 2. 69. 11, 20; 3. 2 77; 3. 3. 12; 3. 15. 5; 3. 18. 23; 3. 21. 20, 25, 34; 3. 22. 10, 26; 3. 23. 4, 8; 3. 28. 7, 13, 26; 3. 31. 4, 11 23, 28; 3. 33. 2, 6, 47, 54-55; 3. 34. 8, 79, 84; 3. 37. 23; 3. 48. 25; 3. 50. 6; 3. 51. 1; 3. 52. 1; 3. 54. 10, 13, 22, 25^2, 27; 3. 56. 16; 3. 60. 28, 30; 3. 61. 112; 3. 62. 42; 3. 65. 31; 3. 66. 11; 3. 71. 16, 21; 3. 72, 29; 3. 73. 23; 3. 80. 11, 17, 53, 85, 113, 120, 125; 3. 81. 4, 47, 49, 58, 64-65, 68, 73, 80, 117, 124; 3 82. 9-10, 13, 15, 17, 43, 46, 55-56, 64, 71, 77-78, 106, 118; 3. 83. 5, 35, 38, 44, 74, 77, 100; 3. 85. 4; 3. 86. 1^2, 9, 12; 3. 87. 2, 13; 3. 88. 4; 3. 89. 22; 3. 91. 8; 3. 92. 7; 3. 93. 17, 21; 3. 94. 20; 3. 97. 15, 23; 3. 103. 9; 3. 104. 7; 3. 106. 23; 3. 109. 15, 17; 3. 111. 1; 3. 115. 10; 3. 116. 18; 3. 117. 6; 3. 121. 13; 3. 125. 12; 3. 126. 32; 3. 128. 6-7; 3. 129. 11, 17; 3. 130. 1, 11, 18; 3. 135. 13-14, 23; 3. 137. 2, 5, 13; 3. 139. 7, 15; 3. 140. 1, 10; 3. 141. 8-9, 21; 3. 144. 6; 3. 154. 26; 3. 159. 2, 21; 3. 160. 22, 37; 3. 163. 27; 3. 164. 1, 3, 18, 40, 53, 57; 3. 166. 14, 2; 3. 167. 1, 19; 3. 168. 11; 3. 169. 8; 3. 170. 30, 41, 49; 3. 171. 9; 3. 173. 12-13; 3. 178. 2; 3. 186. 44, 59-60, 74, 76, 83, 90, 94; 3. 188. 34, 37; 3. 189. 7; 3. 192. 8; 3. 195. 34; 3. 196. 18; 3. 197. 1; 3. 202. 1; 3. 203. 1; 3. 207. 18; 3. 209. 17; 3. 210. 4; 3. 212. 23; 3. 244. 5; 3. 245. 16; 3. 261. 8; 3. 263. 26; 3. 266. 31; 3. 274. 8; 3. 278. 1; 3. 279. 22; 3. 296. 4; 3. 298. 17; 4. 2. 26; 4. 3. 16; 4. 5. 14; 4. 17. 28; 5. 8. 21, 37; 5. 9. 2, 51; 5. 12. 10; 5. 14. 8; 5. 18. 12; 5. 23. 5; 5. 70. 5; 5. 71. 13, 33; 5. 130. 11; 5. 148. 6, 10; 5. 149. 41; 5. 154. 30; 6. 21. 17; 6. 41. 13, 33; 6. 111. 14; 7. 86. 35; 7. 87. 44; 7. 124. 21; 7. 158. 60; 8. 31. 32; 8. 47. 12; 8. 49. 81, 83; 9. 6. 24, 27-28; 9. 30. 6, 35, 47; 9. 32. 13; 9. 61. 22; 10. 10. 5; 10. 12. 2, 11, 23; 10. 17. 9; 10. 18. 7; 11. 11. 9; 11. 17. 15; 11. 26. 21; 12. 2. 2; 12. 3. 8; 12. 4. 3, 8, 10-11; 12. 5. 5; 12. 10. 14; 12. 12. 5, 12; 12. 13. 1, 6, 11; 12. 14. 14, 26-27; 12. 15. 17, 54^2; 12. 18. 2; 12. 20. 6; 12. 21. 6; 12. 25. 5-6; 12. 29. 38; 12. 30. 28; 12. 32. 11, 20, 22, 24; 12. 34. 17, 21, 34; 12. 35. 12, 32; 12. 36. 1, 12, 24; 12. 39. 40, 44; 12. 43. 17; 12. 49. 5, 38; 12. 54. 8; 12. 56. 22, 58; 12. 57. 40; 12. 59. 15; 12. 60. 13, 27, 36, 43; 12. 66. 11-13, 19, 35; 12. 68. 2; 12. 69. 30; 12. 70. 2; 12. 72. 6, 22; 12. 76. 2, 6, 8; 12. 79. 7; 12. 83. 1, 3, 67; 12. 84. 3; 12. 87. 2; 12. 88. 7, 18; 12. 89. 26; 12. 90. 18, 25; 12. 92. 55; 12. 97. 21; 12. 101. 4, 10, 21; 12. 103. 5, 17, 34, 40; 12. 108. 24; 12. 109. 9, 17; 12. 110. 4; 12. 113. 18; 12. 114. 2; 12. 118. 28; 12. 121. 28; 12. 122. 55; 12. 124. 5; 12. 125. 24; 12. 128. 8, 13, 20, 44-45; 12. 131. 10, 16; 12. 134. 3; 12. 136. 12, 15-16, 208, 211; 12. 138. 2; 12. 139. 40; 12. 140. 8, 15, 19; 12. 141. 26; 12. 151. 34; 12. 152. 24; 12. 153. 9; 12. 154. 36; 12. 156. 3, 7, 22-23; 12. 157. 14; 12. 163. 1; 12. 164. 10; 12. 165. 18-19; 12. 167. 18; 12. 171. 2; 12. 187. 11, 26, 28; 12. 188. 20; 12. 200. 20, 23; 12. 214. 6; 12. 217. 1; 12. 218. 37; 12. 221. 12; 12. 222. 3; 12. 253. 20; 12. 256. 22; 12. 258. 69; 12, 263. 40; 12. 265. 8, 17, 22; 12. 270. 14; 12. 273. 3, 11, 21, 41; 12. 274. 4-5, 12, 57; 12. 275. 2; 12. 290. 12, 41, 50, 60, 69, 7172, 84, 87, 92-93; 12. 297. 49; 12. 298. 3; 12. 308. 3; 12. 311. 20; 12. 312. 4, 39, 46; 12. 313. 1; 12. 316. 4; 12. 319. 1; 12. 320. 9, 13, 38; 12. 324. 2, 27; 12. 326. 107; 12. 336. 13, 35; 12. 353. 8; 13. 2. 6, 18, 75, 95; 13. 4. 21; 13. 9. 4, 7, 18; 13. 10. 11-12, 35; 13. 14. 41; 13. 15. 6, 27; 13. 16. 9; 13. 18. 59; 13. 19. 10; 13. 24. 5, 7, 18, 21, 37^2, 39, 46, 63, 65, 82, 84, 88, 92, 98, 101; 13. 30. 16; 13. 31. 8, 19, 29; 13. 33. 2; 13. 37. 9; 13. 40. 27; 13. 42. 6, 12, 15; 13. 44. 23; 13. 46. 14; 13. 47. 10, 15, 19, 21, 54; 13. 49. 5, 7; 13. 52. 7, 22, 27; 13. 53. 8, 51; 13. 54. 3, 8, 33; 13. 57. 7. 26; 13. 58. 14; 13. 59. 4. 13. 60. 13-14, 17-18, 21, 23; 13. 62. 4; 13. 65. 37-38, 53, 56; 13. 76. 27; 13. 80. 28; 13. 81. 25; 13. 82. 47; 13. 90. 43-44, 47; 13. 92. 3, 7; 13. 93. 6; 13. 94. 3, 10; 13. 98. 16, 21; 13. 99. 26; 13. 100. 2; 13. 101. 2; 13. 102. 13; 13. 103. 19; 13. 104. 2; 13. 106. 5; 13. 107. 97, 114, 117-119, 132, 135, 140; 13. 108. 2-3, 16, 18; 13. 109. 9, 14; 13. 110. 137; 13. 111. 15; 13. 112. 32, 41, 43, 58, 60, 72, 82-83, 101, 106, 111; 13. 113. 28; 13. 116. 18; 13. 117. 6, 19, 26, 34; 13. 137. 2; 13. 143. 16; 13. 145. 15, 29; 13. 147. 6; 13. 153. 48; 14. 2. 20; 14. 3. 3, 8; 14. 4. 5; 14. 5. 6; 14. 6. 1; 14. 13. 1, 5, 8; 14. 70. 2425; 15. 8. 10; 15. 9. 18; 15. 10. 2; 15. 11. 8-9; 15. 12. 6, 15; 15. 33. 6; 15. 45. 14; 15. 47. 1; 17. 3. 17, 21; 18. 2. 35; 18. 3. 32;

(13) Vidura 1. 192. 18 (? or Janamejaya ?); 1. 198. 4; 2. 57. 11; 3. 6. 17;

(14) Śaṁtanu 1. 93. 42, 46; 1. 94. 33;

(15) Any one of the Bhāratas (unspecified) 1. 195. 6;

B. The most excellent, best or noblest among the Bharatas, the great warrior among them; (i) bharataprabarha (pl.):

(1) Pāṇḍavas 3. 25. 25;

(2) Yudhiṣṭhira 3. 24. 7; (ii) bharatapravīra: Bhīma 3. 35. 18; (iii) bharatarṣabha (lit. bull of the Bharatas):

(1) Arjuna 1. 158. 54; 1. 165. 3, 25, 39; 1. 172. 10; 1. 206. 6; 1. 207. 5, 21; 1. 208. 1; 1. 212. 2; 2. 23. 6; 3. 38. 11; 3. 168. 15 (?); 5. 160. 1; 6. 22. 16; 6. 25. 41; 6. 29. 11, 16; 6. 30. 23; 6. 35. 26; 6. 36. 12; 6. 39. 12; 6. 40. 36; 6. 102. 34; 7. 50. 65; 7. 78. 7; 8. 43. 20, 45, 49, 51; 8. 43. 74; 8. 49. 25; 8. 51. 108; 8. 65. 24; 14. 15. 30; 14. 16. 15; 14. 19. 52, 58; 14. 80. 18; 16. 9. 6, 36;

(2) Janamejaya 1. 55. 5; 1. 56. 33; 1. 58. 9, 16, 23, 25; 1. 61. 83, 88^2; 1. 73. 1; 1. 89. 52; 1. 93. 8; 1. 94. 5, 39, 66, 74; 1. 95. 4; 1. 96. 39; 1. 101. 4; 1. 105. 12; 1. 106. 6; 1. 111. 4; 1. 122. 46; 1. 123. 51, 68; 1. 128. 5; 1. 132. 2; 1. 133. 6; 1. 134. 8; 1. 138. 13; 1. 139. 11; 1. 145. 7; 1. 151. 21; 1. 164. 1; 1. 176. 30; 1. 216. 33; 1. 225. 19; 2. 1. 8; 2. 20. 30; 2. 22. 6, 37, 55; 2. 23. 17; 2. 28. 55; 2. 30. 36, 53; 2. 42. 45; 2. 43. 1; 2. 60. 14; 2. 66. 3; 3. 23. 50; 3. 48. 1; 3. 109. 1; 3. 153. 1, 21; 3. 157. 19; 3. 159. 25; 3. 182. 21; 3. 192. 1; 3. 240. 31; 3. 241. 23; 3. 243. 6; 3. 245. 1; 3. 275. 62; 3. 296. 29; 4. 5. 15; 4. 30. 29; 4. 36. 46; 4. 53. 58, 63; 4. 57. 13; 4. 58. 13; 4. 67. 38; 5. 18. 21; 5. 19. 26; 5. 46. 7; 5. 82. 15; 5. 87. 7; 5. 123. 1; 5. 129. 15; 5. 155. 34; 5. 156. 2; 6. 1. 26; 6. 5. 2; 6. 17. 12-13; 6. 22. 1; 6. 103. 54; 6. 105. 29; 7. 168. 2; 8. 3. 4; 9. 1. 49-50; 9. 2. 50; 9. 34. 19, 26; 9. 40. 20; 9. 44. 34; 9. 45. 29, 32, 36, 42, 63, 92; 9. 50. 24; 9. 62. 7; 10. 13. 10; 14. 56. 19; 14. 57. 56; 14. 58. 14; 14. 68. 5, 24; 14. 69. 7; 14. 72. 16; 14. 75. 1; 14. 77. 46; 14. 78. 13; 14. 83. 11; 14. 87. 14; 14. 90. 26; 14. 91. 3, 37; 15. 13. 4, 21; 15. 16. 26; 15. 20. 17; 15. 22. 7; 15. 25. 2; 15. 29. 18; 15. 30. 13, 18; 15. 32. 1; 15. 41. 9; 15. 47. 10; 16. 8. 28; 17. 1. 20; 18. 5. 7, 9, 38 (?);

(3) Duryodhana 2. 50. 2, 4, 15; 2. 57. 15; 3. 8. 8; 3. 11. 27; 4. 24. 16; 5. 7. 27; 5. 31. 22; 5. 48. 27; 5. 54. 22; 5. 60. 5; 5. 122. 9, 13, 17, 27, 31-32, 37, 51; 5. 123. 17, 19; 5. 124. 13, 15; 5. 127. 21, 45, 53; 5. 160. 26; 5. 169. 21; 5. 170. 10, 12; 5. 171. 8; 5. 172. 18; 5. 179. 15; 5. 180. 27, 36; 5. 183. 9; 5. 190. 18; 5. 192. 8; 5. 193. 1, 60; 6. 63. 2; 6. 105. 25; 7. 16. 12; 7. 164. 31; 8. 22. 52; 9. 3. 40; 9. 54. 28; 9. 64. 14;

(4) Dhṛtarāṣṭra 1. 195. 7; 1. 196. 8; 2. 45. 4, 28; 2. 50. 16; 2. 55. 14; 2. 63. 28; 2. 66. 17, 21; 2. 71. 12; 2. 72. 35; 3. 6. 15; 3. 48. 22; 5. 33. 21, 25, 34 55; 5. 34. 47; 5. 35. 67; 5. 36. 58; 5. 39. 17, 21; 5. 48. 41; 5. 49. 31, 43; 5. 53. 3, 14; 5. 54. 7, 24, 41, 50; 5. 57. 12; 5. 60. 5; 5. 62. 18-19; 5. 93. 10, 12, 21, 29, 36-39, 43, 47, 50; 5. 164. 7; 5. 166. 22; 6. 2. 13; 6. 5. 9; 6. 8. 17, 20, 26; 6. 9. 17; 6. 10. 56; 6. 11. 3, 7; 6. 12. 11; 6. 14. 3; 6. 17. 12, 19; 6. 19. 22, 38-39, 44; 6. 22. 21; 6. 42. 21; 6. 43. 4; 6. 44. 4, 48; 6. 45. 3, 6, 26, 51, 63; 6. 46. 1, 46; 6. 48. 28, 57; 6. 50. 33, 61, 108, 110; 6. 51. 10; 6. 57. 24; 6. 60. 15, 72; 6. 64. 18; 6. 66. 6-7, 15; 6. 67. 8, 16, 2728; 6. 70. 30; 6. 73. 1; 6. 78. 30; 6. 86. 84; 6. 88. 2, 33; 6. 92. 27; 6. 95. 49; 6. 97. 36; 6. 98. 38; 6. 101. 3, 21; 6. 102. 15; 6. 104. 7, 21, 23; 6. 105. 5, 13, 29; 6. 106. 3; 6. 110. 31; 6. 112. 78, 84, 88; 6. 113. 21; 6. 114. 19, 102; 6. 116. 9; 7. 18. 8; 7. 40. 11; 7. 50. 2; 7. 54. 8; 7. 62. 2; 7. 70. 34; 7. 74. 31, 33; 7. 77. 23; 7. 80. 7, 25; 7. 81. 41; 7. 84. 26; 7. 90. 1, 43; 7. 93. 21; 7. 96. 28; 7. 101. 48; 7. 102. 99; 7. 104. 23; 7. 107. 39; 7. 109. 12; 7. 111. 23; 7. 112. 5; 7. 117. 51; 7. 119. 22; 7. 125. 8; 7. 129. 12, 24; 7. 131. 110; 7. 133. 44; 7. 134. 19, 52; 7. 135. 24, 48; 7. 137. 7; 7. 139. 29; 7. 141. 54; 7. 142. 13, 31, 38, 41; 7. 144. 10; 7. 145. 8; 7. 146. 17, 35, 41; 7. 150. 66; 7. 159. 30; 7. 162. 7; 7. 164. 30; 7. 165. 85; 7. 170. 20; 7. 173. 3; 8. 6. 3; 8. 7. 3, 38; 8. 8. 45; 8. 18. 5; 8. 22. 28; 8. 27. 16; 8. 31. 3; 8. 32. 19; 8. 33. 64; 8. 34. 5; 8. 35. 32; 8. 40. 37; 8. 44. 31, 45; 8. 46. 2; 8. 50. 11, 18; 8. 55. 30, 73; 8. 59. 20; 8. 63. 23, 30; 9. 1. 25, 36; 9. 6. 20; 9. 7. 29, 37-38, 40; 9. 8. 42, 46; 9. 9. 49; 9. 11. 30; 9. 13. 3, 22; 9. 14. 5; 9. 16. 67; 9. 20. 7; 9. 21. 9, 31; 9. 22. 29, 43; 9. 23. 3; 9. 26. 41, 50; 9. 29. 38-39, 47; 9. 57. 40, 49, 57; 9. 61. 8, 33; 9. 62. 50; 10. 8. 107; 11. 5. 16; 11. 7. 6; 11. 10. 4; 11. 11. 24; 12. 92. 53; 15. 16. 23; 15. 18. 8; 15. 35. 23;

(5) Nakula 2. 29. 19; 12. 160. 86;

(6) Pāṇḍavas (pl.) 1. 119. 3; 1. 124. 21; 1. 133. 9; 1. 138. 6; 1. 144. 7; 1. 145. 8; 1. 174. 9; 2. 67. 6; 3. 6. 1; 3. 12. 71; 3. 25, 6; 3. 37. 39; 3. 155. 19, 23; 3. 156. 20; 3. 157. 8; 3. 159. 27; 3. 174. 1-2; 3. 222. 52; 5. 129. 32; 14. 52. 1;

(7) Unspecified (pl.) 11. 16. 19;

(8) Pāṇḍu 1. 110. 26; 1. 111. 10; 1. 112. 34; 1. 119. 4;

(9) Bhīmasena 1. 138. 10; 2. 26. 11; 2. 27. 23; 3. 146. 52; 3. 149. 24, 43; 3. 157. 35, 38; 4. 19. 13; 9. 54. 28; 15. 17. 14;

(10) Bhīṣma 1. 94. 80; 2. 21. 21; 2. 45. 55; 3. 80. 52; 5. 179. 6; 5. 184. 10; 5. 186. 6; 6. 15. 47, 54; 6. 22. 16; 6. 103. 62; 6. 115. 12, 29; 7. 2. 35; 12. 54. 39; 12. 59. 11; 12. 60. 3; 12. 68. 1; 12. 78. 1; 12. 79. 3; 12. 88. 1; 12. 98. 1; 12. 101. {??}; 12. 110. 1; 12. 116. 13; 12. 120. 2; 12. 121. 5; 12. 136. 1, 7; 12. 152. 1; 12. 157. 1; 12. 201. 1; 12. 202. 2; 12. 219. 2; 12. 272. 4-5, 17; 12. 307. 1; 13. 3. 17, 19; 13. 7. 1; 13. 11. 1; 13. 19. 1; 13. 26. 1-2; 13. 32. 1; 13. 58. 4; 13. 62. 42; 13. 83. 22, 25; 13. 97. 1; 13. 99. 1; 13. 100. 1; 13. 101. 1; 13. 104. 1; 13. 108. 1; 13. 109. 33; 13. 126. 3;

(11) Māndhātṛ 12. 92. 6, 53;

(12) Yudhiṣṭhira 1. 214. 3; 2. 5. 13, 34, 44, 47, 109-110; 2. 6. 12; 2. 9. 25; 2. 11. 3, 60, 63; 2. 13. 3, 5, 43; 2. 14. 12, 17; 2. 16. 16, 31; 2. 33. 12; 2. 34. 6; 2. 50. 15; 2. 58. 18; 2. 67. 8, 20; 2. 69. 7; 3. 14. 17; 3. 15. 2; 3. 16. 9; 3. 18. 1; 3. 20. 11; 3. 21. 10; 3. 23. 50; 3. 25. 6; 3. 33. 5, 56; 3. 34. 9, 18; 3. 74. 6; 3. 78. 6; 3. 80. 65, 79, 84, 86, 88, 94, 110, 112, 122; 3. 81. 20, 132, 153; 3. 82. 22, 67, 81, 83, 104, 117, 124; 3. 83. 60; 3. 85. 2, 9; 3. 86. 4; 3. 89. 19; 3. 93. 23; 3. 104. 8; 3. 105. 1, 9; 3. 106. 40; 3. 110. 1; 3. 114. 8; 3. 115. 30; 3. 155. 9; 3. 158. 44; 3. 163. 29; 3. 164. 20, 38; 3. 166. 16; 3. 168. 15 (? Arjuna); 3. 170. 26, 40; 3. 171. 13; 3. 178. 19; 3. 185. 42, 4647, 52; 3. 186. 24, 59; 3. 188. 9; 3. 189. 27; 3. 194. 8; 3. 195. 7, 20; 3. 197. 7; 3. 258. 1; 3. 275. 62; 3. 276. 7, 12; 3. 277. 22; 3. 280. 9; 3. 297. 21, 74; 3. 298. 6; 4. 1. 7; 4. 64. 37; 5. 9. 9, 38, 49; 5. 10. 31; 5. 16. 11; 5. 154. 8; 6. 103. 79; 7. 158. 55; 8. 45. 62; 8. 49. 1; 9. 30. 43; 9. 31. 58; 9. 32. 5; 10. 12. 3, 16; 10. 17. 8; 12. 4. 1; 12. 10. 2; 12. 11. 1; 12. 12. 13; 12. 16. 23; 12. 22. 8, 15; 12. 32. 4; 12. 37. 43; 12. 39. 47; 12. 49. 40, 61; 12. 59. 33, 46, 60; 12. 69. 11; 12. 92. 6, 53; 12. 97. 2; 12. 98. 1; 12. 113. 12; 12. 114. 1; 12. 116. 13; 12. 128. 5-6; 12. 136. 117; 12. 139. 57; 12. 140. 33; 12. 150. 6; 12. 200. 32, 35, 41, 45; 12. 223. 2; 12. 263. 17; 12. 265. 3; 12. 273. 8, 12, 19, 45; 12. 274. 41; 12. 289. 26, 30, 50; 12. 290. 35, 80, 101; 12. 320. 39; 13. 2. 26; 13. 4. 60; 13. 8. 12; 13. 10. 5, 9, 12, 23-26, 32, 36, 40; 13. 24. 12, 23-24, 28, 30, 34, 59, 7576, 81, 95; 13. 26. 35; 13. 33. 12; 13. 34. 16, 19; 13. 40. 3; 13. 43. 23; 13. 44. 14, 16; 13. 47. 26, 52-53; 13. 49. 17; 13. 50. 3, 9; 13. 51. 41; 13. 53. 12; 13. 57. 9, 43; 13. 58. 37; 13. 65. 47, 61; 13. 66. 3; 13. 73. 11; 13. 74. 32; 13. 80. 11, 26; 13. 83. 16, 20, 22; 13. 98. 19; 13. 103. 23; 13. 104. 29; 13. 107. 122; 13. 108. 19; 13. 109. 8, 10, 54; 13. 114. 2; 13. 116. 51; 13. 125. 3; 13. 144. 2, 49, 51; 13. 146. 5; 14. 11. 19; 14. 12. 11; 15. 5. 21; 15. 7. 11; 15. 10. 8; 15. 11. 11; 15. 16. 17; 15. 29. 13; 15. 33. 5; 15. 44. 22; 15. 45. 35; 15. 47. 5; 17. 3. 5-6;

(13) Vikarṇa 2. 61. 32;

(14) Vidura 3. 7. 19; 9. 1. 43;

(15) Śaṁtanu 1. 93. 11, 32; 5. 170. 4;

(16) Unspecified (all Bharata heroes in the Sabhā) (pl.) 2. 67. 14; (iv) bharataśārdūla (lit. tiger of the Bharatas):

(1) Janamejaya (Pārikṣita) 1. 47. 1; 17. 1. 42;

(2) Duryodhana 5. 185. 6; 9. 54. 29;

(3) Dhṛtarāṣṭra 9. 62. 51;

(4) Bhīmasena 2. 26. 2; 7. 107. 17; 9. 54. 29;

(5) Bhīṣma 6. 91. 6;

(6) Yudhiṣṭhira 3. 106. 6; 3. 259. 4; 12. 59. 68; 13. 61. 93; (v) bharataśreṣṭha:

(1) Arjuna 1. 169. 2; 1. 173. 4, 24; 3. 170. 9; 6. 39. 12; 8. 12. 35; 8. 43. 55; 8. 50. 21; 8. 51. 91; 8. 59. 6; 14. 50. 49; 14. 77. 25; 14. 84. 16;

(2) Janamejaya 1. 89. 19; 2. 66. 3; 3. 284. 4; 3. 294. 7; 9. 1. 9, 22; 9. 35. 29; 9. 47. 53; 9. 48. 21; 9. 51. 23; 14. 74. 2; 14. 76. 20; 15. 40. 21; 17. 1. 41;

(3) Duryodhana 3. 228. 23; 3. 243. 9; 5. 94. 44; 5. 123. 7; 5. 136. 9; 5. 147. 6; 5. 162. 23; 5. 171. 1; 5. 172. 17; 5. 175. 8; 5. 176. 15; 5. 181. 15; 5. 183. 19; 5. 193. 21; 6. 93. 7; 7. 11. 11; 8. 40. 27; 9. 56. 57; 9. 64. 11;

(4) Dhṛtarāṣṭra 5. 93. 52; 5. 94. 44; 5. 162. 23; 6. 5. 19; 6. 10. 72; 6. 12. 9; 6. 13. 33, 48; 6. 53. 20; 6. 61. 23; 6. 74. 34; 6. 77. 1; 6. 78. 17; 6. 83. 33; 6. 87. 19, 21; 6. 89. 1; 6. 91. 71; 6. 114. 22; 7. 1. 27; 7. 18. 37; 7. 19. 3; 7. 40. 20; 7. 62. 3; 7. 78. 44; 7. 81. 18-19; 7. 84. 17; 7. 86. 2; 7. 107. 29; 7. 108. 18; 7. 112. 43; 7. 114. 94; 7. 117. 22; 7. 120. 38; 7. 131. 101; 7. 139. 28; 7. 141. 43; 7. 144. 20, 37; 7. 146. 39; 8. 39. 5, 28; 8. 40. 7; 8. 55. 33; 9. 7. 12; 9. 13. 17; 9. 18. 10; 9. 24. 3; 9. 28. 11, 23, 72; 9. 56. 55;

(5) Nakula 8. 40 10; 9. 9. 42;

(6) Pāṇḍavas (pl.) 3. 49. 3; 3. 179. 17; 3. 244. 16; 3. 248. 1; Pāṇḍavas and Kauravas (?) 7. 1. 21;

(7) Bhīmasena 4. 18. 26; 8. 35. 24; 9. 32. 34;

(8) Bhīṣma 5. 48. 43; 5. 86. 23; 5. 170. 1; 5. 186. 6; 6. 95. 14; 6. 105. 28; 6. 115. 43; 6. 116. 21; 7. 1. 24; 7. 3. 13; 9. 32. 40; 12. 56. 8; 12. 200. 2, 5; 13. 23. 1; 13. 27. 3; 13. 102. 1; 13. 109. 33; 13. 125. 1;

(9) Yudhiṣṭhira 2. 16. 49; 3. 14. 12; 3. 15. 4; 3. 16 2, 7; 3. 17. 12; 3. 21. 7; 3. 23. 1; 3. 66. 21; 3. 79. 8; 3. 86. 7; 3. 104. 8; 3. 187. 49; 3. 188. 53; 3. 196. 1, 14; 3. 213. 41; 3. 256. 22; 3. 261. 26; 6. 46. 27; 7. 158. 23, 59; 8. 50. 10; 9. 30. 7; 9. 31. 20; 9. 55. 23; 12. 22. 5; 12. 25. 3; 12. 59. 141; 12. 88. 7; 12. 142. 36; 12. 149. 115; 12. 150. 1; 12. 158. 13; 12. 200. 19; 12. 201. 2; 12. 278. 38; 12. 353. 4; 13. 4. 2; 13. 9. 5, 24; 13. 10. 8, 17; 13. 23. 7; 13. 26. 36; 13. 34. 12; 13. 90. 18; 13. 98. 18. 22; 13. 147. 21; 14. 91. 8, 41; 17. 3. 21; 18. 3. 37;

(10) Sahadeva 8. 40. 10; (vi) bharatasattama:

(1) Arjuna 1. 209. 1; 6. 40. 4; 7. 50. 68; 9. 61. 9; 14. 82. 32;

(2) Janamejaya 1. 45. 27; 1. 54. 10; 1. 57. 49; 1. 59. 6; 1. 62. 3; 1. 92. 36; 1. 114. 14; 1. 119. 12; 1. 121. 7; 1. 213. 80; 1. 214. 12; 2. 3. 10; 2. 19. 33; 2. 46. 5; 5. 48. 12; 8. 3. 2; 9. 44. 40; 9. 50. 16; 11. 11. 5; 14. 51. 5; 14. 63. 7; 14. 73. 23; 14. 92. 3; 14. 95. 11; 15. 16. 12; 17. 1. 30;

(3) Duryodhana 5. 57. 2; 5. 122. 57; 5. 123. 17; 5. 137. 9; 5. 145. 35; 5. 179. 13; 5. 182. 1; 5. 185. 17 (bhāratasattama); 6. 61. 31; 7. 166. 33;

(4) Dhṛtarāṣṭra 5. 181. 36; 6. 9. 14; 6. 10. 63; 6. 12. 30; 6. 91. 9, 47; 7. 137. 41; 7. 144. 40; 8. 18. 9; 8. 23. 54; 9. 6. 5; 9. 21. 42; 9 22. 45, 88; 9. 24. 11; 10. 8. 87; 10. 9. 18; 15. 16. 12;

(5) Parikṣit 1. 38. 18;

(6) Pāṇḍavas (pl.) 1. 204 26; 3 156. 21; 3. 157. 13; 5. 56. 47; 14. 70. 6; 17. 1. 44;

(7) Pāṇḍu 1. 112. 33; 1. 116. 26;

(8) Bhīṣma 12. 136. 2; 12. 146. 1; 13. 38. 1; 13. 62. 1; 13. 83. 28; 13. 149. 3;

(9) Māndhātṛ 12. 91. 18;

(10) Yudhiṣṭhira 1. 214. 12; 2. 13. 60; 2. 16. 15; 3. 28. 33; 3. 37. 26; 3. 80. 38, 81, 100; 3. 81. 35, 46, 51, 63, 74, 91, 93, 120, 130, 172; 3. 82. 56, 67; 3. 85. 14; 3. 88. 11; 3. 129. 11; 3. 156. 27; 3. 192. 23; 3. 195. 26; 3. 197. 9, 17; 3. 209. 8; 3. 280. 15; 4. 66. 29 (bhāratasattama); 7. 137. 45; 7. 158. 57; 8. 43. 17; 9. 55. 22; 12. 13. 13; 12. 14. 35; 12. 59. 17 (bhāratasattama); 12. 62. 2; 12. 64. 2; 12. 91. 18; 12. 108. 22; 12. 141. 2; 12. 145. 12; 12. 159. 3; 12. 165. 12; 12. 168. 3; 12. 202. 20; 12. 273. 13, 20; 12. 322. 14; 12. 340. 3; 13. 9. 21; 13. 40. 40; 13. 50. 13; 13. 51. 43; 13. 53. 52; 13. 56. 15; 13. 58. 40; 13. 65. 29; 13. 67. 27; 13. 69. 30; 13. 80. 3; 13. 81. 2; 13. 83. 28; 13. 96. 2; 13. 98. 22; 13. 109. 5; 13. 110. 135; 14. 51. 5; 15. 30. 1; 15. 47. 3; 17. 1. 13;

(11) Vikarṇa 11. 19. 6;

(12) Śaṁtanu 1. 93. 5, 7;

(13) Sahadeva 2. 28. 34; (vii) bharatasiṁha (lit. lion of the Bharatas):

(1) Pāṇḍu 1. 110. 39;

(2) Bhīṣma 6. 82. 20;

(3) Yudhiṣṭhira 3. 19. 24;

(4) Unspecified (pl.) 14. 69. 5 (striyo bharatasiṁhānām);

C. Protector of the Bhāratas, of the dynasty of Bharata: bhāratagoptṛ: Śaṁtanu 1. 94. 3; (āsīd bharatavaṁśasya goptā sādhujanasya ca) 1. 94. 7;

D. Foremost of the Bhāratas: (i) bhāratamukhya (i) Janamejaya 1. 183 5;

(2) Duryodhana 5. 30. 47; (ii) bhāratāgrya:

(1) Arjuna 15. 21. 7;

(2) Janamejaya 1. 50. 1-7;

(3) Duryodhana 5. 26. 28;

(4) Dhṛtarāṣṭra 5. 32. 16;

(5) Pāṇḍavas (pl.) 5. 1. 11;

E. Foremost chariot-fighter of Bhā¤ratas: bhāratarathaśreṣṭha:

(1) Arjuna 7. 31. 51;

(2) Citrasena (son of Dhṛtarāṣṭra) bharatānāṁ mahārathaḥ 7. 143. 8;

F. The delighter of all Bhāratas: sarvabhārataharṣaṇa: Arjuna 7. 31. 51;

G. Teacher of Bhāratas: (i) bhāratācārya:

(1) Droṇa 4. 46. 9; 10. 12. 13; (ii) Son of the teacher of Bhāratas: bhāratācāryaputra: Aśvatthāman 10. 12. 34;

H. An outcaste of Bhāratas: Duḥśāsana bhāratāpasada: 2. 61. 46;

I. The elevator of Bharatas:

(1) Duryodhana: bharatāṇāṁ kulodvaha 3. 240. 1;

(2) Bhīṣma 13. 154. 7 (kulodvahaḥ);

J. The Chief of Bhāratas: patiṁ…bhāratānāṁ: Duryodhana 8. 68. 59;

K. The grand-father of Bhā¤ratas: bharatānāṁ pitāmahaḥ:

(1) Bhīṣma 4. 27. 1; 6. 14. 3; 6. 65. 28; 10. 14. 12; 12. 47. 1; pitāmahaṁ 6. 82. 25; 6. 99. 7; 6. 112. 63; pitāmahe 6. 115. 15; 12. 54. 6; (bhāratānām) 5. 31. 8; 5. 154. 1; 6. 110. 39;

(2) Vyāsa 6. 2. 2;

L. The foremost of the Bharatas: bharatānām amadhyame (lit. who is not the middle one of Bharatas). 6. 114. 102; 6. 115. 14, 42 (amadhyamam); 7. 3. 7;

M. The destroyer of the line of Bhāratas: bhāratānāṁ kulaghnaḥ; Duryodhana 2. 55. 2.

*5th word in right half of page p795_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Mahabharata Cultural Index


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Bhārata, Mahābhārata : nt.: Name of the great epic composed by Vyāsa, who was also known as Kṛṣṇa Dvaipāyana; the title Bhārata once given to an abridgement of the original in 24000 ślokas made by dropping the upākhyānas (caturviṁśatisāhasrīm cakre bhāratasaṁhitām/upākhyānair vinā tāvad bhārataṁ procyate budhaiḥ//) 1. 1. 61; also called Bhāratī kathā (śrotuṁ pātraṁ ca rājaṁs tvaṁ prāpyemāṁ bhāratīṁ kathām) 1. 55. 3.

A. Contents and definition: It narrates the extensive life-story of the Kurus (kurūṇāṁ caritaṁ mahat) 1. 56. 1, or the full story of the Kurus and the Pāṇḍavas (kurūṇāṁ caritaṁ kṛtsnam pāṇḍavānāṁ ca bhārata) 18. 5. 25; or the history of Śaṁtanu (yasya (i. e. śaṁtanoḥ) itihāso dyutimān mahābhāratam ucyate) 1. 93. 46; Vaiśaṁpāyana summarized for Janamejaya its contents in three words, ‘breach, loss of kingdom, and victory’ (evam etat purāvṛttaṁ teṣām akliṣṭakarmaṇām/ bhedo rājyavināśaś ca jayaś ca jayatāṁ vara) 1. 55. 43 (also cf. 1. 55. 4-5 where the three events are referred to as bheda, vanavāsa and yuddha); earlier the three events are referred to by a single word bheda (kurūṇāṁ pāṇḍavānāṁ ca yathā bhedo 'bhavat purā) 1. 54. 22, or by two bheda and rājyavināśa ( bhedaṁ rājyavināśaṁ ca kurupāṇḍavayos tadā) 1. 54. 24; the sage (Vyāsa) examined together the śāstras related to Dharma, Kāma and Artha, as also other śāstras, and the laws that govern the affairs of the world; next also the histories with their commentaries and different revealed texts; all that is included here--this defines the text (of the Mahābhārata) (dharmakāmārthaśāstrāṇi śāstrāṇi vividhāni ca/lokayātrāvidhānaṁ ca saṁbhūtaṁ dṛṣṭavān ṛṣiḥ// itihāsāḥ savaiyākhyā vividhāḥ śrutayo 'pi ca/iha sarvam anukrāntam uktaṁ granthasya lakṣaṇam 1. 1. 47-48.

B. Characterizations: (i) ākhyāna (once upākhyāna 1. 2. 236) 1. 1. 16 (ºvariṣṭha); 1. 2. 29, 30, 195, 235, 238-241, 243; 1. 53. 31, 32, 35; 1. 56. 1, 30, 32; 12. 331. 2; 12. 334. 11; 12. 337. 10; 18. 5. 53; (ii) itihāsa 1. 1. 17, 24, 52; 1. 2. 31, 32 (ºuttama), 33, 237 (ºuttama) 1. 54. 23 (purātana); 1. 56. 16, 18, 1. 93. 46 (dyutimant); 18. 5. 31 (puṇyo 'yam itihāsākhyaḥ), 43 (puṇya); (iii) purāṇa 1. 1. 15; 1. 56. 15 (purāṇaṁ ṛṣisaṁstutam); (iv) kathā 1. 53. 28, 33; 1. 55. 3 (Bhāratī kathā); 1. 56. 2 (citrārthā); 12. 334. 4; (v) carita (kurūṇāṁ caritaṁ mahat) 1. 56. 1; (vi) (fifth) Veda 1. 1. 204, 205 (kārṣṇa veda); 1. 56. 17 (kārṣṇa veda); 1. 57. 74 (vedān… mahābhāratapañcamān); (vii) saṁhitā 1. 1. 19 (vyāsasyādbhutakarmaṇaḥ/saṁhitām); 1. 1. 61 (bhāratasaṁhitā); 1. 57. 75 (saṁhitās taiḥ pṛthaktvena bhāratasya prakāśitāḥ; Nī., however on Bom. Ed. 1. 63. 90; bhāratasya mūlabhūtāḥ saṁhitāḥ mantrabrāhmaṇarūpā vedāḥ/taiḥ sumantuprabhṛtibhiḥ prakāśitāḥ idam asya mūlam idam asya mūlaṁ iti spaṣṭīkṛtās tena pratyakṣavedamūtam etad iti bhāvaḥ); 18. 5. 46; (viii) puṇyā upaniṣad (atropaniṣadaṁ puṇyāṁ kṛṣṇadvaipāyano 'bravīt) 1. 1. 191 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 253: brahmātmaikatvavidyāpratipādakaṁ granthaṁ sūtravṛttyoḥ prāg uktayor vārtikasthānīyam upaniṣacchabdavācyam abravīt); (ix) mata 1. 1. 23 (pravakṣyāmi mataṁ kṛtsnaṁ vyāsasyāmitatejasaḥ); 1. 55. 2; 1. 56. 12; 1. 53. 35 (kṛṣṇadvaipāyanamataṁ mahābhāratam); (x) composition (sandarbha) described as ‘not received by tradition’ i. e. ‘original’ (?) (anāgataṁ…kṛṣṇadvaipāyanaḥ prabhuḥ/saṁdarbhaṁ bhāratasyāsya kṛtavān dharmakāmyayā) 18. 5. 41.

C. Author: The great epic composed by the great sage Kṛṣṇa Dvaipāyana, also called Vyāsa, the son of Satyavatī 1. 1. 9-10 (kṛṣṇadvaipāyanaproktāḥ…kathāḥ… mahābhāratasaṁśritāḥ); 1. 1. 15 (dvaipāyanena yat proktaṁ purāṇam); 1. 1. 19 (vyāsasyādbhutakarmaṇaḥ/saṁhitām); 1. 1. 52 (itihāsam imaṁ cakre puṇyaṁ satyavatīsutaḥ); 1. 1. 56 (mahān ṛṣiḥ not named); 1. 1. 60 (bhagavān ṛṣiḥ not named); came out of the lips of Dvaipāyana (dvaipāyanoṣṭhapuṭaniḥsṛtam) 1. 2. 242 18. 5. 54; 1. 53. 28 (vyāsasaṁpannām); 1. 53. 35 (kṛṣṇadvaipāyanamatam); 1. 56. 12 (mataṁ kṛtsnaṁ vyāsasya); 1. 56. 13 (satyavatyātmajeneha vyākhyātam 1. 56. 15 (purāṇam ṛṣisaṁstutam sage not named); 1. 56. 21 (proktaṁ vyāsena); 1. 56. 25 (kṛṣṇadvaipāyanenedaṁ kṛtam); fully engrossed, the sage composed it in three years (tribhir varsaiḥ sadotthāyī kṛṣṇadvaipāyano muniḥ/mahābhāratam ākhyānaṁ kṛtavān) 1. 56. 32, 18. 5. 41; 12. 334. 9 (kṛṣṇadvaipāyanaṁ vyāsaṁ viddhi nārāyaṇaṁ prabhum/ko hy anyaḥ puruṣavyāghra mahābhāratkṛd bhavet); having composed it at the foot of the mountain Himavant the sage (not named) was tired by the strenuous activity (? tapaḥ) of composing the ākhyāna (himavatpāda āsataḥ//kṛtvā bhāratam ākhyānaṁ tapaḥśrāntasya dhīmataḥ) 12. 337. 9-10; 18. 5. 31 (kṛṣṇena muninā); 18. 5. 46 (maharṣir bhagavān vyāsaḥ kṛtvemāṁ saṁhitāṁ purā); the sage Kṛṣṇa (Vyāsa) who is described as gitfed with divine sight (divyacakṣuḥ 18. 5. 7) and supersensory power (kṛṣṇena…atīndriyeṇa 18. 5. 31-32) composed it having seen it with his divine eye (dṛṣṭvā divyena cakṣuṣā) 18. 5. 33; Vyāsa had assured Dhṛtarāṣṭra that he would proclaim the fame of the Kurus and the Pāṇḍavas 6. 2. 13; the sage is also credited to have made the Parvasaṁgraha listing a hundred sub-parvans of the Bhārata (etat parvaśataṁ pūrṇaṁ vyāsenoktaṁ mahātmanā) 1. 2. 70.

D. Etymology: So called because of its extent (? importance ?) and weight (mahattvād bhāravattvāc ca mahābhāratam ucyate/niruktam asya yo veda) 1. 1. 209; so called because it contains the great life-story (?) of the Bhāratas (bhāratānāṁ mahaj janma mahābhāratam ucyate/niruktam asya yo veda) 1. 56. 31.

E. Extent: One hundred thousand ślokas 1. 56. 13 (idaṁ śatasahasraṁ hi ślokānāṁ puṇyakarmaṇām); 12. 331. 2 (idaṁ śatasahasrād dhi bhāratākhyānavistarāt).

F. Abridgements: Its abridgements are referred to in 1. 1. 25 (vistaraiś ca samāsaiś ca dhāryate yad dvijātibhiḥ); the sage himself is credited with an abridgement of the store of knowledge after he had first expounded it in full; learned men desire to preserve it in full as well as in abridgement (vistīryaitan mahaj jñānam ṛṣiḥ saṁkṣepam abravīt/iṣtaṁ hi vidusāṁ loke samāsavyāsadhāranam) 1. 1. 49; the sage Dvaipāyana abridged (the full extent of one hundred thousand ślokas into 24000 ślokas by omitting the upākhyānas- this is known as Bhārata (caturviṁśatisāhasrīṁ cakre bhāratasaṁhitām/upākhyānair vinā tāvad bhārataṁ procyate budhaiḥ) 1. 1. 61; it was further abridged into 150 ślokas in the form of a table of contents of all the incidents of the sub-parvans (this could refer to 1. 2. 71-233) (tato 'dhyardhaśataṃ bhūyaḥ saṁkṣepaṁ kṛtavān ṛṣiḥ/anukramaṇim adhyāyaṁ vṛttāntānāṁ saparvaṇām 1. 1. 62; etad akhilam ākhyātaṁ bhārataṁ parvasaṁgrahāt 1. 2. 234); the list of the hundred sub-parvans of the Bhārata (1. 2. 34-1. 2. 70) is included in its abridgement (samāso bhāratasyāyaṁ tatroktaḥ parvasaṁgrahaḥ) 1. 2. 71; before narrating in all details, the Mahābhārata was first summarized by Vaiśampāyana for Janamejaya (kathitaṁ vai samāsena tvayā sarvaṁ dvijottama/ mahābhārataṁ ākhyānam) 1. 56. 1; this summary began with the return of the Pāṇḍavas to Hāstinapura after the death of Pāṇḍu and it ended with the death of Duryodhana and the Pāṇḍavas obtaining the kingdom 1. 55. 6-42; a sort of a summary which began with Pāṇḍu's conquering many countries and then retiring to the forest and ended with the great destruction after the war leaving only ten heroes alive is made by Sūta Ugraśravas for the sages assembled in the Naimiṣa forest 1. 1. 67-158.

G. Three beginnings: According to Sūta Ugraśravas there were three different views regrding the beginning of the Bhārata:

(1) according to one view it began with Manu Vaivasvata (manvādi bhārataṁ kecit) 1. 1. 50 (i. e. with prajāpates tu dakṣasya manor vaivasvatasya ca/…anvaye//yādavānām imaṁ vaṁśaṁ pauravāṇāṁ ca sarvaśaḥ/tathaiva bhāratānāṁ ca (?) 1. 70. 1-2); Devabodha on 1. 1. 50 explains manuḥ as ādirājaḥ; according to Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 52, in the opinion of the easterners, manu means mantra and hence manvādi refers to the maṅgala stanza nārāyaṇaṁ namaskṛtya etc. or om namo bhagavate etc. found at the beginning of the epic in some manuscripts; in his own opinion, however, manu refers to Manu Vaivasvata, the son of the heaven, cf. manur mantraḥ nārāyaṇaṁ namaskṛtyeti/ om namo bhagavate vāsudevāyeti vā tadādi iti prañcaḥ/divaḥ putro vaivasvatamahyasaṁjño manus tadādīti tattvam/);

(2) according to another view the Bhārata begins with āstīka (āstīkādi tathāpare) 1. 1. 50 (i. e. with the adhyāya 1. 13 beginning of the Āstīkaparvan);

(3) according to a third view it begins with uparicara (tathoparicarād anye) 1. 1. 50 (i. e. with rājoparicaro nāma 1. 57. 1).

H. Its first teaching and subsequent narrations:

(1) Teaching: Dvaipāyana (Vyāsa) first taught it to his son Śuka and then handed it over to his other deserving pupils 1. 1. 63; he taught it to Śuka together with the four ślokas (18. 5. 47-50) known as the Bhāratasāvitrī 18. 5. 51; Vyāsa taught the Mahabhārata to his pupils Sumantu, Jaimini, Paila, Vaiśaṁpāyana and to his son Śuka 1. 57. 74-75; Vyāsa taught it to them on the mount Meru 12. 327. 16-18; on the slope of the Himavant mountain (himavatpāde) 12. 337. 9, 12, 14-15 (vedārthān bhāratārthāṁś ca …vyāhartum upacakrame);

(2) Narrations: (i) Nārada recited it for the gods, Asita Devala for the manes (pitṛn), and Śuka for the Gandharvas, the Yaksas and the demons 1. 1. 64; 18. 5. 42; (ii) The pupils of Vyāsa made separate public recitations of the Bhārata saṁhitā received by them from him (saṁhitās taiḥ pṛthaktvena bhāratasya prakāśitāḥ) 1. 57. 75; (iii) one such recitation by his pupil Vaiśaṁpāyana is recorded in the epic: When Kṛṣṇa Dvaipāyana arrived at the snake-sacrifice of Janamejaya he was requested by the king to narrate to him the life-story of the Kurus and the Pāṇḍavas (1. 54. 18 ff.); Kṛṣṇa Dvaipāyana then asked his pupil Vaiśaṁpāyana to narrate it as the latter had heard it from him; Vaiśaṁpāyana then narrated the whole purātana itihāsa to the king, and to those who had assembled in the sadas, and to all other Kṣatriyas (tasmai rājñe sadasyebhyaḥ kṣatriyebhyaś ca sarvaśaḥ) 1. 54. 21-24; 1. 1. 8-10; 1. 1. 18; 1. 1. 57-58; 1. 55. 2-3; 1. 55. 4-43 (summary); 18. 5. 26, 30, 42; 18. 1. 2; (iv) but in one place the ākhyāna is said to have been narrated by Vyāsa himself to Janamejaya continuously (vyāsas tv akathayan nityam ākhyānaṁ bhārataṁ mahat) 1. 53 31; he narrated it in intervals (mahābhāratam ākhyānaṁ…janamejayena yat pṛṣṭaḥ kṛṣṇadvaipāyanas tadā//śrāvayām āsa vidhivat tadā karmāntareṣu saḥ/) 1. 53. 32-33; (v) it was further narrated by Sūta Ugraśravas, son of Lomaharṣaṇa, to Śaunaka and the other sages assembled in the Naimiṣa forest for the twelve-yearly sacrificial session of Śaunaka as the Sūta had heard the composition of Vyāsa being told by Vaiśaṁpāyana to Janamejaya in the latter's snake sacrifice 1. 1. 8-10, 23; 1. 4. 1; 1. 2. 74; 1. 1. 67-158 (summary); 1. 2. 29; Ugraśravas recounted the Parvasaṁgraha (1. 2. 34-69) made by Vyāsa as also the eighteen major parvans (etat parvaśataṁ pūrṇaṁ vyāsenoktaṁ mahātmanā/yathāvat sūtaputreṇa lomaharṣaṇinā punaḥ//kathitaṁ naimiṣāraṇye parvāṇy aṣṭādaśaiva tu) 1. 2. 70-71; the Sūta also narrated the summary of the eighteen major parvans (based on the hundred sub-parvans) together with the number of the adhyāyas and the ślokas in each parvan 1. 2. 72-234; 1. 53. 2736; 18. 5. 30.

I. Purpose: To spread the fame of the Pāṇḍavas in the world (pāṇḍavānāṁ yaśaskaram) 1. 53. 32; of the Kurus and the Pāṇḍavas 6. 2. 13; and also of the other Kṣatriyas possessing ample wealth and lustre (kīrtim prathayatā loke pāṇḍavānāṁ mahātmanām/anyeṣāṁ kṣatriyāṇāṁ ca bhūridraviṇatejasām) 18. 5. 34.

J. Description: Described as unfathomable (aprameya) 1. 2. 242 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 2. 392: nāsti prakṛṣṭaṁ meyaṁ yasmād ity aprameyam/…yad vā āśayasya gaṁbhīratvād agādham); 18. 5. 54; best (uttama) 1. 53. 35; 1. 56. 15, 32; 18. 5. 31, 54, (anuttama) 1. 2. 243; most exquisite (variṣṭha) 1. 1. 202; superior among all āgamas (śreṣṭhaḥ sarvāgameṣu) 1. 2. 31; great (mahat) 1. 2. 243; 1. 53. 31, 35; 12. 334. 11; seen by the seer (Vyāsa) (ārṣa) 1. 1. 207; having great import (mahārtha) 1. 2. 243; 18. 5. 43; holy (puṇyā¤) 1. 1. 17, 52; 1. 1. 191; 1. 2. 242 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 2. 392: puṇyaṁ puṇyahetuḥ/…yad vā…puṇyaṁ jyotiṣṭomādivat svargyam); 1. 53. 33; 1. 56. 52; 18. 5. 31, 43, 45, 54; (supuṇyā) 1. 1. 9; (mahāpuṇyā) 1. 56. 16; conferring merit (puṇya) 1. 56. 25; purifying (pavitra) 1. 2. 242 (however, Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 2. 392; pavir iva pavir vajratulyo mṛtyus tasmāt trāyata iti pavitraṁ mṛtyutaraṇam ity arthaḥ/…(yad vā) pavitraṁ saṁdhyopāsanādivac cittaśuddhikaram); 1. 56. 15; 18. 5. 31; 18. 5. 54; related to righteousness (saṁhitāṁ…dharmyām) 1. 1. 19; auspicious (śiva) 1. 2. 242 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 2. 392 śivaṁ kalyāṇam…(yad vā) śivaṁ yogābhyāsavat sarvakalyāṇapradam); 18. 5. 54; bringing wealth (dhanya) 1. 56. 25; bringing fame (yaśasya) 1. 56. 25; conferring long life (āyuṣya) 1. 56. 25; leading to heaven (svargya) 1. 56. 25; destroying sin (pāpahara) 1. 2. 242 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 2. 392: pāpaharaṁ puṇyahetutvād eva…(yad vā) prāyaścittavad brahmahatyādidoṣaghnam); 18. 5. 54; removing sin and danger (saṁhitām…pāpabhayāpahām) 1. 1. 19 (however, Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 21: pāpabhayāpahāṁ cittaśodhikām); having the same measure as, i. e. equal to, the four Vedas (vedaiś caturbhiḥ samitām…saṁhitām) 1. 1. 19 (Nī. who reads saṁyuktām says on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 21: saṁmitām iti pāṭhe tulyām ity arthaḥ); 1. 56. 15 (idaṁ hi vedaiḥ samitam); 18. 5. 43 (itihāsaṁ…vedasaṁmitam); (however cf. 1. 1. 208 in the next section where it is said that the Mahābhārata outweighs the four Vedas taken together); adorned with the thoughts of the Veda (vedārthair bhūṣitasya ca/bhāratasyetihāsasya) 1. 1. 16-17 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 18: vedārthaiḥ vedatātparyaviṣayabhūtair arthaiḥ); enlarged with various śāstras (nānāsāstropabṛṁhitā…saṁhitā) 1. 1. 17 (but Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 19 nānāśāstrair upabṛṁhitām uddīpitāṁ śāstrāntarāviruddhām); (cf. 1. 1. 204 in the next section); where the best intellect is at work (itihāsottame hyasminn arpitā buddhir uttamā) 1. 2. 32; accomplished with the intellect (prajñābhipannasya…itihāsasya) 1. 2. 33 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 2. 40: prajñayābhipannaṁ prāptam); approached by wise men (abhipannaṁ naraiḥ prājñaiḥ) 1. 2. 30; loved by the learned (viduṣāṁ priyam) 1. 1. 26; adorned with divine and human conventions (alaṁkṛtaṁ…samayair divyamānuṣaiḥ) 1. 1. 26 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 28: samayaiḥ saṁketaiḥ…divyamānuṣaiḥ vaidikalaukikaiḥ); following many conventions (anekasamayānvita 1. 2. 30); composed in varied words and consisting of various parvans (vicitrapadaparvaṇaḥ) 1. 1. 16 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 18: vicitrāṇi svarūpato 'rthataś ca ramyāṇi padāni vākyāder upalakṣaṇaṁ parvāṇi pauṣyapaulomādīni ādisabhādīni vā); 1. 2. 33; an ākhyāna composed in varied words of varied import (vicitrārthapadākhyānam) 1. 2. 30; has many stories of various import (vividhāḥ kathāḥ…vicitrārthā mahābhāratasaṁśritāḥ) 1. 1. 9-10; (kathāś citrāḥ) 1. 53. 30; exhibiting subtle meaning and logic (sūkṣmārthanyāyayukta) 1. 1. 16; constituting as though the whole speech made up of vowels and consonants that are used in the world and in the Vedas (svaravyañjanayoḥ kṛtsnā lokavedāśrayeva vāk) 1. 2. 32; the speech (related to Brahman) in its refined form saṁskāropagatāṁ brāhmīm) 1. 1. 17 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 19; brāhmīm vācam); adorned with auspicious words (alaṁkṛtaṁ śubhaiḥ śabdaiḥ) 1. 1. 26; composed in many metres (chandovṛttaiś ca vividhair anvitam) 1. 1. 26; (see also the next section).

K. Importance: In this epic Kṛṣṇa Dvaipāyana has expounded a holy upaniṣad (atropaniṣadaṁ puṇyāṁ kṛṣṇadvaipāyano 'bravīt) 1. 1. 191; truth and nectar constitute the body of the Bhārata (as the butter of curds and the Brāhmaṇa of the bipeds) bhāratasya vapur hy etat satyaṁ cāmṛtam eva ca) 1. 1. 201 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 264: satyaṁ brahma amṛtaṁ devabhāvaś ca atraivāstīty arthaḥ); as ocean is the best of the reservoirs of water, a cow of the quadrupeds, so is the Bhārata (among the literary works) 1. 1. 201-202; one should expand this Veda (of Kṛṣṇa) with the help of the Itihāsa and Purāṇa for, with the thought: “he may (easily) go over me” the Veda is afraid of one who has not studied much (itihāsapurāṇābhyāṁ vedaṁ samupabṛṁhayet/bibhety alpaśrutād vedo mām ayaṁ pratariṣyati) 1. 1. 204 (Devabodha: upabṛṁhaṇam arthāntarakalpanayā kṣīṇasya yathāvad vyākhyānena paripoṣaḥ; Nī., however, on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 268: “yad dha tyaṁ māyinaṁ mṛgam tam u tyaṁ māyayāvadhīr” (ṚV. 1. 80. 7) iti mantrāvayavo hi rāmāyaṇīyamārīcavadhajñenaivopabṛṁhituṁ śakyo na tv anyenātas tasmādalpaśrutād vedasya bhayam ucitam eva/ vedārthajijñāsunā idam avaśyam adhyetavyam ity arthaḥ); when the sages once weighed the Bhārata in a balance against the four Vedas put together it outweighed them in largeness and heaviness (mahattve ca gurutve ca dhriyamāṇaṁ tato 'dhikam) 1. 1. 208 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 273: mahattve granthata ādhikye gurutve arthata ādhikye); best among the works which deserve to be heard (when recited) (śrāvyāṇām uttamaṁ cedaṁ) 1. 56. 15; having heard this Purāṇa, composed by the great sage Dvaipāyana, it was honoured (abhipūjitam) by gods and Brahmarṣis 1. 1. 15; here are glorified holy divine sages (devarṣayaḥ puṇyāḥ), brahmanical and royal sages of auspicious deeds (puṇyā brahmarājarṣayas tathā/kīrtyante śubhakarmāṇaḥ), the Yakṣas and the great snakes, as also lord Vāsudeva 1. 1. 192-193; in this Purāṇa are expounded fully the two Puruṣārthas artha and dharma (asminn arthaś ca dharmaś ca nikhilenopadiśyate) 1. 56. 16; in respect of all the four Puruṣārthas viz. dharma, artha, kāma and mokṣa, whatever is here will be found elsewhere, what is not here cannot be found anywhere (dharme cārthe ca kāme ca mokṣe ca bharatarṣabha/ yad ihāsti tad anyatra yan nehāsti na tat kvacit/) 1. 56. 33 = 18. 5. 38; in this highly sacred Itihāsa one finds the exposition leading to emancipation (buddhiś ca parinaiṣṭhikī) 1. 56. 16; (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 62. 17: pariniṣṭhā mokṣas taducitā); this is a text on profit (arthaśāstram), a holy treatise on law (puṇyaṁ dharmaśāstram), a way to liberation (mokṣaśāstra) as expounded by Vyāsa 1. 56. 21; this is a great store of knowledge of the three worlds which is committed to memory by the twice-born fully and in abridgements (idaṁ tu triṣu lokeṣu mahaj jñānaṁ pratiṣṭhitam/vistaraiś ca samāsaiś ca dhāryate yad dvijātibhiḥ) 1. 1. 25; 1. 1. 49; storehouse of choice objects (ratnanidhi) 1. 56. 27 = 18. 5. 52; the unsurpassed ocean of knowledge-having churned it with his intellect Vaiśaṁpāyana collected the ākhyāna based on the Nārāyaṇakathā (idaṁ (i. e. ākhyānaṁ) …āmathya dadhimanthena jñānodadhim anuttamam/ navanītaṁ yathā dadhno…samuddhṛtaṁ… nārāyaṇakathāśrayam) 12. 331. 1-4; some poets have narrated this itihāsa (composed by Vyāsa) before (Sūta Ugraśravas did it), some of the contemporaries of Ugraśravas were narrating it in his times, and others will narrate it in future (ācakhyuḥ kavayaḥ kecit saṁpraty ācakṣate pare/ ākhyāsyanti tathaivānye itihāsam imam bhuvi) 1. 1. 24; 1. 56. 22; even if one knew the four Vedas together with their aṅgas and the Upaniṣads, but did not know this ākhyāna, he could not be called learned (vicakṣaṇa) 1. 2. 235; having once listened to this ākhyāna one does not like to listen to any other composition although worth hearing 1. 2. 236; the intellects of the poets take their start from this excellent itihāsa (itihāsottamād asmāj jāyante kavibuddhayaḥ) 1. 2. 237; there is no narrative on this earth which does not have its basis in this ākhyāna (anāśrityaitad ākhyānaṁ kathā bhuvi na vidyate) 1. 2. 240; all great poets live on this ākhyāna (idaṁ sarvaiḥ kavivarair ākhyānam upajīvyate) 1. 2. 241; the whole Purāṇa is included in the scope of this ākhyāna (asyākhyānasya viṣaye purāṇaṁ vartate dvijāḥ) 1. 2. 238; all good qualities of actions have this ākhyāna for their resting place (i. e. they are motivated by this ākhyāna) (kriyāguṇānāṁ sarveṣām idam ākhyānam āśrayaḥ) 1. 2. 239 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 2. 387: kriyāḥ laukikyo vaidikyaś ca tāsāṁ guṇāḥ utkṛṣṭaphalasādhanāni/athavā kriyāḥ dānadhyānādayaḥ/guṇāḥ śamādayaḥ).

L. phalaśruti: If one recites with devotion even a quarter of the Bhārata all his sins, without a remainder, get purified (bhāratādhyayanāt puṇyad api pādam adhīyataḥ/śraddadhānasya pūyante sarvapāpāny aśeṣataḥ) 1. 1. 191 (but Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 1. 254: asya ślokasya caturthāṁśoccāraṇamātrād api sarvapāpanāśaḥ kiṁ vācyaṁ kṛtsnādhyayanāt tadarthasya jñānāt sākṣātkārād veti bhāvaḥ); 18. 5. 45 (here, Nī. on Bom. Ed. 18. 5. 59: pādaṁ ślokapādaṁ granthapādaṁ vā); if one were to recite a quarter of the Bhārata for the Brāhmaṇas at the end of a śrāddha he will ensure for the manes inexhaustible food and drink (yaś cainaṁ (? idam cf. 1. 56. 29) śrāvayec chrāddhe brāhmaṇān pādam antataḥ/akṣayyam annapānam tat pitṝṁs tasyopatiṣṭhati) 1. 1. 203; 18. 5. 36 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 18. 5. 42: antataḥ nikaṭe); 1. 56. 29 (akṣayyaṁ tasya tac chrāddham upatiṣṭhet pitṝn api); after reciting the whole of this Veda of Kṛṣṇa (i. e. the Bhārata) one attains profit, and one will undoubtedly get rid of even the sin of killing an embryo 1. 1. 205; one who recites it for those that are not low, are generous, truthful and believers attains profit 1. 56. 17; even a very cruel person after hearing this Itihāsa will be rid of the sin of killing an embryo 1. 56. 18; one who learns the Bharata when it is being recited need not bathe in the waters of Puṣkara 1. 2. 242; 18. 5. 54; one who recites for others the composition of Vyāsa and one who listens to it, all of them having attained to the place of Brahman become equal to gods 1. 56. 14; this (i. e. listening to the recitation of the Bhārata) is the best means for obtaining a male child (puṁsavanaṁ śreṣṭham), a high road to one's wellbeing (svastyayanaṁ mahat), it should be listened to by the chief queen and the crown prince 1. 56. 20; (of one who narrates this), his sons are obedient to him and his servants do him good (putrāḥ śuśrūṣavaḥ santi preṣyāś ca priyakāriṇaḥ) 1. 56. 22; one who listens to it divests himself quickly of all sins incurred by body, speech, and mind 1. 56. 23; those who listen, without envy, to the great life (story) of the Bhāratas have no fear from disease (in this world), and need have no fear of the next world at all 1. 56. 24; Kṛṣṇa Dvaipāyana has composed it which helps to acquire wealth, fame, long life, heaven and merit 1. 56. 25; the one who having known it recites it for the Brāhmaṇas on the parvan days is cleansed of his sins, wins heaven for himself and becomes one with Brahman (brahmabhūyaṁ sa gacchati) 1. 56. 28; 18. 5. 35; the sin that one inadvertently commits by day in one's activities disappears if he listens to the Mahābhārata Ākhyāna 1. 56. 30, or is released from it by narrating it in the evening 18. 5. 37 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 18. 5. 43: paścimāyāṁ sandhyāyāṁ paṭhyate ced dinakṛtaṁ pāpaṁ naśyati); one who recites it for the three varṇas with Brāhmaṇas at their head is cleansed of his sins, obtains fame and undoubtedly achieves the greatest perfection (gacchet paramikāṁ siddhim) 18. 5. 4344; or one who studies attentively (paṭhet susamāhitaḥ) the Mahābhārata Ākhyāna will undoubtedly attain the greatest perfection 18. 5. 53. [See Kārṣṇa, Jaya, Bhāratasāvitrī ]

*2nd word in right half of page p193_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Bharata, Bhārata : m. (pl.): General characterization of the descendants of Bharata, the son of Duḥṣanta, very often used to refer to Kauravas, or to Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas, or to Pāṇḍavas; also used as an adj. (fem. -ī) mostly to refer to the lineage or the army of the Kauravas, occasionally used also to refer to their narrative and town.

A. Origin: The family was named Bhārata after Bharata; his descendants as well as those who preceded him (?) were known as Bhāratas; the fame of Bhāratas was due to Bharata (bharatād bhārātī kīrtir yenedaṁ bhārataṁ kulam/apare ye ca pūrve ca bhāratā iti viśrutāḥ) 1. 69. 49; 1. 89. 16; 13. 75. 26; (1. 1. 44).

B. Lineage (vaṁśa or kula), its importance: Since the lineage was established by Bharatas it was known as Bhārata (yenedaṁ (i. e. bharatena) bhārataṁ kulam) 1. 69. 49; bhārataṁ vaṁśam 1, 99. 47; Arjuna born in the lineage of Bharata (jātasya bhārate vaṁśe) 2. 16. 1; Duryodhana born in the lineage of Bharata (jāto 'si bhārate vaṁśe) 5. 7. 27; (bhārataṁ kulaṁ) 1. 69. 49; 1. 92. 12; it was respected by all kings (bhārate vaṁśe sarvapārthivapūjite) 5. 7. 27.

C. The narrative of Bhāratas, its importance: Vaiśaṁpāyana having received it from his teacher Vyāsa was eager to narrate the narrative of Bhāratas to Janamejaya, who was a worthy person to listen to it (śrotuṁ pātraṁ ca rājaṁs tvaṁ prāpyemāṁ bhāratīṁ kathām/guror vaktuṁ parispando mudā protsāhatīva mām//) 1. 55. 3; it was told in the sarpasatra of king Janamejaya (katheyam…bhāratānām) 1. 2. 74; one who listened to the narration of the birth of Bhāratas has no fear from diseases, least of all of the next world; it was holy, brought wealth, fame, long life and heaven; it is also large and leads to bliss (bhāratānāṁ mahaj janma śṛṇvatām …/nāsti vyādhibhayaṁ teṣāṁ paralokabhayaṁ kutaḥ//dhanyaṁ yaśasyam āyuṣyaṁ svargyaṁ puṇyaṁ tathaivaca) 1. 56. 24-25; (vaṁśaṁ…/tathaiva bhāratānāṁ ca puṇyaṁ svastyayanaṁ mahat/dhanyaṁ yaśasyam āyuṣyaṁ kīrtayiṣyāmi te 'nagha//) 1. 70. 2; Mahābhārata so called because it describes the life of the Bhāratas; that is the etymology of the word (bhāratānāṁ mahaj janma mahābhāratam ucyate/ niruktam asya yo veda) 1. 56. 31.

D. Description of Bhāratas: Magnanimous (mahātman) 1. 2. 74; 7. 61. 34; famous (bhāratā iti viśrutāḥ) 1. 69. 49; (prakhyāta) 1. 92. 12; (bharatavaṁśasya vipratasthe mahad yaśaḥ) 1. 89. 16; best men (uttamapuruṣa) 2. 64. 8.

E. Epic events:

(1) Bhīṣma after defeating the kings who came for the svayaṁvara of the Kāśi princesses left for Bhāratas (i. e. to the place where Bhāratas lived) (prāyād bhārato bhāratān prati) 1. 96. 24;

(2) Satyavatī asked Ambikā to bear a son (from Vyāsa) and rescue the Bhārata dynasty 1. 99. 47-48;

(3) Satyavatī asked Bhīṣma to get consecrated as a king and rule the Bhāratas 1. 97. 11;

(4) Satyavatī told Ambikā that due to the wrong policy of her son, Bhāratas and their relatives would perish 1. 119. 9 (that is what she had heard from Vyāsa 1. 119. 5);

(5) Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas born in the lineage of Bharata (bharatasyānvaye jātā..) 1. 122. 15;

(6) Bhīṣma told Duryodhana that if Pāṇḍavas did not get a share in the kingdom, neither could he nor any other Bhārata have one (kuta eva tavāpīdaṁ bhāratasya ca kasyacit) 1. 195. 6;

(7) When Kṛṣṇa arrived, the town of Bharatas (i. e. Indraprastha bhārataṁ puram) was delighted 2. 30. 15;

(8) When Draupadī was dragged to the Sabhā, she felt that the law of Bhāratas had perished (naṣṭaḥ khalu bhāratānām dharmas…) 2. 60. 33;

(9) Vidura felt that the end of Bharatas had arrived when Draupadī was brought to their Sabhā (etadantāḥ stha bharatā…) 2. 72. 27;

(10) When Bhīma vowed to break the thigh of Duryodhana Vidura felt that the unlawful course, ordained before by the fate, was proving true for the Bharatas (Kauravas) (daiverito nūnam ayaṁ purastāt paro 'nayo bharateṣūdapādi) 2. 63. 16;

(11) Arjuna reminded Bhīma, that the Bhāratas, since they were best men, did not answer back the harsh words, spoken or unspoken, by low men (na caivoktā na cānuktā hīnataḥ paruṣā giraḥ/bhāratāḥ pratijalpanti sadā tūttamapūruṣāḥ) 2. 64. 8 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 2. 72. 8: pratijalpanti pratyuttarayanti);

(12) The bad omens which occurred when Pāṇḍavas started for vanavāsa predicted extinction of Bhāratas (bhāratānām abhāvāya) 2. 71. 28;

(13) When Duryodhana and others sought refuge with Droṇa, he addressed them as well as the rest of the Bhāratas present in the Sabhā 2. 71. 33;

(14) Yudhiṣṭhira took leave of Bharatas like Bhīṣma, Bāhlīka Somadatta, and others (which included all those who sided with Kauravas) to go to vanavāsa (āmantrayāmi bharatāṁs tathā vṛddhaṁ pitāmaham) 2. 69. 1;

(15) Dhṛtarāṣṭra remembered that all Bhārata women, together with Gāndhārī, had cried fiercely when Draupadī was taken to Sabhā (prākrośan bhairavaṁ tatra) 2. 72. 19;

(16) If Duryodhana did not give Pāṇḍavas their share, that would bring calamity to Bharatas (bharatānām abhūtaye) 3. 30. 48;

(17) Yudhiṣṭhira reminded Bhīma what Duryodhana had stipulated for his single bait in the presence of all Bharatas (ekaglahārthaṁ bharatānāṁ samakṣam); he had said that if the Pāṇḍavas were found out by the spies of Bhāratas (Kauravas), they would have to spend another twelve years in the forest (avabhotsyante bhāratānāṁ carāḥ sma) 3. 35. 7, 9;

(18) Dhṛtarāṣṭra imagined that the army of Bhāratas (Kauravas) (bhāratī camūḥ) was torn on all sides (vidīrṇeva) hearing the sound of Arjuna's chariot 3. 46. 17; it would be distressed (vitrastā) for the same reason 5. 51. 16;

(19) Bhāratas (Pāṇḍavas) spent a month on the mountain Himavant (māso 'tha… vyatītas…bhāratānām) 3. 161. 16;

(20) Brāhmaṇas blessed Bharatas (Pāṇḍavas) (bharatān) at the end of their vanavāsa before taking their leave 3. 299. 25;

(21) Bhīṣma addressed the Bhāratas (Kauravas) before they sent spies to search Pāṇḍavas 4. 27. 2;

(22) Uttara did not dare enter the army of the Bhāratas (Kauravas) (bhāratīṁ senāṁ) 4. 36. 10;

(23) When Droṇa and Arjuna clashed with each other the large army of Bharatas trembled excessively (prākampata) 4. 53. 13;

(24) Dhṛtarāṣṭra wanted Saṁjaya to speak whatever was in the interest of the Bhāratas (bhāratānāṁ hitaṁ ca) when he would address the assembly of Virāṭa 5. 22. 39;

(25) Yudhiṣṭhira enquired with Saṁjaya whether the mothers of Bhāratas were free from grief (bhāratānāṁ jananyo…avyalīkāḥ) 5. 23. 14 (Nī., however, on Bom. Ed. 5. 23. 14; avyalīkāḥ niṣkapaṭāḥ);

(26) The king of Bāhlīkas always wished nothing but peace among the Bhāratas (yasya kāmo vartate nityam eva nānyaḥ śamād bhāratānām iti sma) 5. 30. 19;

(27) Saṁjaya predicted that the subjects would perish due to the conflict among Bhāratas 5. 32. 27;

(28) Dhṛtarāṣṭra feared that in the battle, destruction would overcome Bharatas (kṣayaḥ kilāyaṁ bharatān upaiti) 5. 51. 19;

(29) According to Dhṛtarāṣṭra, the fighting of the Bhārata army (i. e. the Kaurava army) with Sātyaki was going to be an upstream task (pratīpam iva me bhāti yuyudhānena bhāratī) 5. 57. 21;

(30) Dhṛtarāṣṭra expected that Kṛṣṇa would address words to be honoured by Bhāratas (Kauravas and others on their side) (īrayantaṁ bhāratīṁ bhāratānāṁ abhyarcanīyāṁ…) 5. 69. 2 (Nī., however, on Bom. Ed. 5. 71. 2; bhāratānāṁ pāṇḍavānāṁ bhāratīṁ vācaṁ īrayantaṁ asmatsabhāyāṁ kathayantam);

(31) Kṛṣṇa was expected to pacify the Bhāratas (on the side of Kauravas) (bhāratāñ śamayeḥ prabho) 5. 70. 90;

(32) Due to Duryodhana's wrath, the Bhāratas (on both sides) would be burnt (bhāratā…dhakṣyante) 5. 72. 10;

(33) Kṛṣṇa assured Draupadī that before long she would see the women of Bharatas (Kauravas) weeping when they heard their kinsmen and relatives killed (rudatīr bharatastriyaḥ) 5. 80. 44-45;

(34) Kṛṣṇa was to embrace individually all Bharatas (senior ones on the side of Kauravas) in the assembly of Kauravas (sarvāṁś ca bharatān pṛthak…svajethā madhusūdana) 5. 81. 4748;

(35) On way to Hāstinapura, Kṛṣṇa saw many towns and countries happy and protected by Bhāratas (Kauravas) (bhāratair abhirakṣitāḥ) 5. 82. 17;

(36) Kṛṣṇa told Dhṛtarāṣṭra that if the Bharatas (Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas) remained united, they togethr would work for him (i. e. for Dhṛtarāṣṭra) (sahabhūtās tu bharatās tavaiva syur janeśvara) 5. 93. 16; he also advised Duryodhana to come to terms with Yudhiṣṭhira and be instrumental in achieving complete well-being and health for Bhāratas (Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas) (cara svastyayanaṁ kṛtsnaṁ bhāratānām anāmayam) 5. 123. 25; Kṛṣṇa requested Bhāratas in the Sabhā of Kauravas to listen to his words, if that pleased them, which were in their interest (bhavatām ānukūlyena yadi roceta bhāratāḥ) 5. 126. 35;

(37) To Kuntī, there could be nothing more grievous than Pāṇḍavas and their allies fighting with Bhāratas (Kauravas and the Bhāratas on their side) 5. 142. 12;

(38) Saṁjaya was going to describe to Dhṛtarāṣṭra the great war of the Bhāratas (Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas) 6. 16. 10;

(39) On the fourth day, Bhīṣma led the army of the Bhāratas (bhāratānām anīkinīnāṁ pramukhe) 6. 56. 1;

(40) Abhimanyu tormented the large army of Bhāratas (bhāratī sā mahācamūḥ) 6. 96. 18;

(41) On the tenth day, bad omens occurred for the army of Bhāratas (Kauravas) 6. 108. 6; according to Droṇa, the wrath of Yudhiṣṭhira was burning Bhāratas (Kauravas) 6. 108. 32; after Bhīṣma's fall, he was praised by the ancient forefathers of Bharatas (pitaraś caiva praśaśaṁsur…/bharatānāṁ ca ye pūrve) 6. 114. 111; with the fall of Bhīṣma, the army of the Bhāratas (Kauravas) (bhāratī…senā) was like a boat in a big ocean, shaken by wind in all directions and shattered 7. 1. 27-28; hearing Bhīṣma's fall Dhṛtarāṣṭra swooned, surrounded and touched by Bharata women (bharatastriyaḥ parivavrur mahārājam aspṛśaṁś caiva pāṇibhiḥ) 7. 9. 3;

(42) On the eleventh day, the eminent Bharatas (on both sides) took their arms and started for the war (niryayur bharataśreṣṭhāḥ śaśtrāṇy ādāya sarvaśaḥ) 7. 1. 21;

(43) Arjuna wielded in war the same bow against Kṣatriyas (Kauravas) which once before proved beneficial for Bharatas (Kauravas) fleeing in their fight (with Gandharvas cf. 3. 230 ff.) (yat tad anāmayaj jiṣṇur bharatānām apāyinām/dhanuḥ kṣemakaraṁ saṁkhye…/tad eva…kṣatravināśāya dhanur āyacchad arjunaḥ//) 7. 27. 15-16;

(44) On the thirteenth day, Abhimanyu attacked the army of Bhāratas (Kauravas) (abhyapatat senāṁ bhāratīm) 7. 40. 11; Abhimanyu, lying on the ground, was like the sun that had set after tormenting the army of Bhāratas (taptvā bhāratavāhinīm) 7. 48. 16;

(45) On the fourteenth day, Dhṛtarāṣṭra remembered that he had told Duryodhana that Pāṇḍavas would do what was in his interest if Bhīṣma and other elderly magnanimous Bharatas spoke to them on his behalf (bhīṣmasya ca mahātmanaḥ/ …anyeṣāṁ caiva vṛddhānāṁ bharatānāṁ mahātmanām) 7. 61. 33-34; Arjuna saw many omens when the Bharatas (Kauravas), desirous of fighting, were slowly getting ready for the battle (abhihārayatsu śanakair bharateṣu yuyutsuṣu) 7. 64. 3 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 7. 88. 3: abhihārayatsu sannahyamāneṣu abhiyujyamāneṣu vā praharatsv iti kecit); Arjuna attacked the army of Bhāratas (Kauravas) killing their eminent warriors (abhyagād bhāratīṁ senām) 7. 68. 26, (prāviśad) 56; the army of the Bhāratas was getting torn to pieces (dīryamāṇāṁ ca bhāratīm) 7. 85. 70; Arjuna had entered the army of Bhāratas (praviṣṭas tāta bhāratīm) 7. 85. 80, 82; the army of Bhāratas was reduced to a miserable condition (śocyeyaṁ bhāratī senā) 7. 98. 8; Sātyaki had entered the army of Bhāratas (bhāratīṁ senām) 7. 102. 16; (bhāratīm camūm) 7. 102. 34; the army of Bhāratas was besieged from behind and in front (sā purastāc ca paścāc ca gṛhītā bhāratī camūḥ) 7. 105. 12; Bhīma discharged arrows towards Bhārata warriors (sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra 7. 112. 28) who cut them asunder 7. 112. 26; Sātyaki was in the midst of the army of Bhāratas (here, the army of the Trigartas cf. 7. 116. 2) (bhāratīmadhyam); this army is described as full of the sound made by palms of hands and equipped with swords, śaktis and maces (talaghoṣasamākula, asiśaktigadāpūrṇa) 7. 116. 5; Sātyaki had entered the army of Bhāratas (bhāratīṁ senām) after Arjuna had fought with Bhārata heroes of great prowess (yodhitaś ca mahāvīryaiḥ sarvair bhārata bhāratatḥ) 7. 117. 43; Droṇa took it for granted that with the fall of Bhīṣma the army of the Bhāratas was as good as perished (tadaivājñāsiṣam ahaṁ neyam astīti bhāratī) 7. 126. 8 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 7. 126. 8: iyaṁ senā nāstity asya naṣṭety arthaḥ);

(46) Night war: During the night, the army of Bhāratas (bhāratī senā) adorned with jewels and gold and with ornaments like aṅgadas, ear-ornaments, niṣkas and weapons shone like the sky full of nakṣatras (dyaur tvāsīt sanakṣatrā) 7. 129. 24, 27; the army of Bhāratas (bhāratī senā) was getting killed by Arjuna 7. 132. 42; 7. 136. 16; when the Bhārata warriors (on the side of Kauravas) were in a difficult situation no one could offer them protection (majjatāṁ bhāratās nāṁ na sma dvīpas tatra kaścid babhūva) 7. 154. 41; Duryodhana proposed to divide the army of Bhāratas (on his side) and kill Arjuna (dvaidhīkṛtyādya bhāratīm) 7. 160. 22;

(47) On the sixteenth day, Kṛṣṇa pointed out to Arjuna the terrible destruction of the Bharatas (on both sides) that had taken place (mahāraudro vartate bharatakṣayaḥ) 8. 14. 27; Dhṛtarāṣṭra remembered that Arjuna had once protected Bharatas (Kauravas) (reference to the fight with Gandharvas 3. 230. ff.) (eko 'bhyarakṣad bharatān) 8. 22. 4;

(48) On the seventeenth day, the army of Bhāratas (Kauravas 8. 43. 54) running away when attacked by Bhīma's arrows appeared pitiable (bhāratī senā…kṛpaṇadarśanā) 8. 43. 55; Arjuna boasted that he laid low the army of Bhāratas (on the side of Kauravas) which shone like the army of gods (bhāratīcamu…devacamūprakāśā) 8. 49. 97; when the important heroes and other warriors as well as horses and elephants in the army of the Bhāratas (army of Kauravas) were killed in battle it looked like the sky devoid of the sun, the moon and the nakṣatras (hīnā sūryendunakṣatrair dyaur ivābhāti bhāratī//…seneyam) 8. 51. 48-49; the army of Bhāratas (bhāratī), along with that of the Saṁśaptakas, led by Duḥśāsana attacked Bhīma 8. 53. 9; the army of Bhāratas, afraid, was scattered by Bhīma in all directions (balaṁ…bhāratānāṁ… bhītaṁ diśo 'kīryata bhīmanunnam) 8. 54. 9; Bhīma showed to his charioteer the army of Bhāratas running away because it was covered by the arrows of Arjuna (bhāratīṁ dīryamāṇāṁ…sainyaṁ hy etac chādayaty āśu bāṇaiḥ) 8. 54. 21;

(49) On the eighteenth day, Arjuna, after the death of Śalya, killed Śuśarman, his sons and followers, and then turned towards the remaining army of Bhāratas (abhyagād bhāratīṁ senāṁ hataśeṣām) 9. 26. 46;

(50) It was proper for Yuyutsu to return to Kauravas after the destruction of Bharatas (on Kaurava's side) (bharatakṣaye) 9. 28. 91;

(51) At the end of the war, Dhṛtarāṣṭra asked Saṁjaya to narrate to him how the Bharatas (on both sides 9. 3. 1) were completely destroyed (bharatānāṁ mahākṣayam) 9. 2. 62;

(52) Scenes on the battlefield: Some of the women of Bharatas (Kauravas) stumbled, and some fell on the ground after visiting the battlefield (bharatastriyaḥ (kurustriyaḥ 11. 16. 10) / śarīreṣv askhalann anyā nyapataṁś cāparā bhuvi) 11. 16. 14; some of them (bharatayoṣitaḥ) were not able to recognize their husbands whose bodies were mutilated 11. 16. 53; (pitiable condition of the widows described by Gāndhārī 11. 16. 42-58); according to Somadatta's wife her husband was fortunate in that he was not alive to witness the terrible destruction of Bharatas (dāruṇaṁ bharatakṣayam) 11. 24. 4; Gāndhārī cursed Kṛṣṇa saying that Yādava women, with their husbands and relatives killed, would fall on the ground like the Bharata women (yathaite bharatastriyaḥ) 11. 25. 42;

(53) Bhagavān had told his son Apāntaratamas (Vyāsa 12. 337. 38, 43) that when Tiṣya (i. e. Kaliyuga) would arrive Kurus, called Bhāratas, would become famous kings, but there would be family feud resulting in mutual destruction (punas tiṣye ca saṁprāpte kuravo nāma bhāratāḥ/…teṣāṁ tvattaḥ prasūtānāṁ kulabhedo bhaviṣyati/parasparavināśārtham) 12. 337. 42-43;

(54) Bhīṣma, before abandoning his body, saw all Bhāratas (Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas) standing around him 13. 153. 24; after Bhīṣma's cremation, eminent Kurus, followed by Bharata women (anugamyamānā…bharatastrībhir) went to Bhāgīrathī 13. 154. 16;

(55) Arjuna and Kṛṣṇa saw Subhadrā and all other Bharata women surrounding Gāndhārī (sarvā bharatānāṁ striyas tathā…sthitāḥ sarvā gāndhārīṁ parivārya vai) 14. 51. 27;

(56) Uttaṅka asked Kṛṣṇa whether he (Kṛṣṇa) did what Uttaṅka had expected him to do in respect of Bharatas (Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas) (yā me saṁbhāvanā tāta tvayi nityam avartata/api sā saphalā kṛṣṇa kṛtā te bharatān prati) 14. 52. 14;

(57) Kuntī and all Bharata women cried in grief when they saw Uttarā fallen on the ground (sarvāś ca bharatastriyaḥ) 14. 68. 2; when Parikṣit was brought back to life, Bharata women were delighted and asked Brāhmaṇas to recite svastimantras for the benefit of Parikṣit (bharatastriyaḥ/brāhmaṇān vācayām āsuḥ) 14. 69. 4 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 14. 70. 5: vācayām āsuḥ svastīti śeṣaḥ); (striyo bharatasiṁhānām) 14. 69. 5;

(58) The best of the Bharatas (bharatasattamāḥ i. e. Pāṇḍavas) on their ‘great journey’ made a pradakṣiṇā of the earth 17. 1. 44.

F. Past events:

(1) When Saṁvaraṇa was the ruler of the Bhāratas, the land was oppressed by many calamities; a certain king of the Pāñcālas (not named) attacked the Bhāratas; Saṁvaraṇa fled with his wife and others from his country; the Bhāratas lived for a long time in an inaccessible place near a mountain in a country near the river Sindhu; Vasiṣṭha then visited the Bharatas; all Bhāratas welcomed him with a respectful guest offering and told him their condition; Saṁvaraṇa chose Vasiṣṭha, who had lived with them for eight years, to act as their purohita; he said ‘yes’ to Bhāratas; Saṁvaraṇa again occupied the town which was formerly held by Bharatas (abhyaghnan bhāratāṁś caiva sapatnānāṁ balāni ca/…abhyayāt taṁ ca pāñcālyo/… sindhor nadasya mahato nikuñje nyavasat tadā/nadīviṣayaparyante parvatasya samīpataḥ/tatrāvasan bahūn kālān bhāratā durgam āśritāḥ//…athābhyagacchad bharatān vasiṣṭho bhagavān ṛṣiḥ//…arghyam abhyāharaṁs tasmai te sarve bhāratās tadā/ taṁ samām aṣṭamīm uṣṭaṁ rājā vavre svayaṁ tadā/purohito bhavān no 'stu rājyāya prayatāmahe/om ity evaṁ vasiṣṭho 'pi bhāratān pratyapadyata//…bharatādhyuṣitaṁ pūrvaṁ so 'dhyatiṣṭhat purottamam/) 1. 89. 31-40.

G. bhārata as adj.: Besides its adjectival use in connection with vaṁśa (m.) or kula (nt.), and senā or camū (f.) (for which see above

B. and

E. ), bhārata is also occasionally used in connection with samiti, śrī or kīrti (all f.) and pura (nt.):

(1) Gathering (samiti): The brilliant gathering of Bhāratas (both Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas) around Bhīṣma lying on the bed of arrows shone like the sun in the sky (śuśubhe bhāratī dīptā divī vādityamaṇḍalam) 6. 116. 7;

(2) Glory (śrī) or fame (kīrti): (i) Bhīṣma appealed to Duryodhana not to destroy the glory of Bhāratas shining brightly among all kings (imāṁ śriyaṁ prajvalitāṁ bhāratīṁ sarvarājasu) 5. 123. 5; (ii) The fame of Bhāratas had its origin in Bharata (bharatād bhāratī kīrtir…) 1. 69. 49;

(3) Town (pura) i. e. Indraprastha: Described as the best town (purottamaṁ…bhārataṁ puram) 2. 30. 14-15.

H. Several persons referred to simply as belonging to the Bhāratas or as tiger or bull among the Bhā¤ratas, best or chief of them, rarely as an outcaste among the Bhāratas: A. Born in the line of Bharata (i) (1) bhārata:

(1) Akṛtavraṇa (?) 5. 175. 19 (was some one born in the Bharata lineage a follower of Paraśurāma ? (akṛtavraṇaḥ…rāmasyānucaraḥ priyaḥ (5. 175. 6).

(2) Arjuna 1. 126. 20; 1. 160. 10; 1. 165. 8; 1. 166. 14, 34; 1. 167. 17; 1. 168. 3; 1. 208. 19; 1. 209. 14; 2. 1. 4; 2. 3. 3; 2. 25. 13; 2. 64. 10-11; 3. 12. 41; 3. 13. 40; 3. 38. 4, 25; 3. 163. 4, 13; 3. 164. 29; 3. 169. 33; 3. 171. 2, 11, 15; 3. 172. 18; 3. 233. 16; 3. 296. 26; 4. 1. 14; 4. 5. 7; 4. 49. 7; 5. 77. 10; 5. 77. 12. 6. 24. 14, 18, 28, 30; 6. 25. 25; 6. 26. 7, 42; 6. 29. 27; 6. 33. 6; 6. 35. 2, 33; 6. 36. 3, 8-10; 6. 37. 19, 20; 6. 38. 3; 6. 39. 3; 6. 40. 62; 6. 78. 6; 6. 103. 88; 7. 117. 43; 7. 121. 26; 7. 123. 4; 7. 123, 36; 8. 14. 28, 31, 39, 55; 8. 40. 123; 8. 43. 21, 24, 39, 43, 52; 8. 49. 22, 34, 67; 8. 51. 2, 16, 17, 46, 65, 80, 104, 106; 10. 14. 3; 12. 328. 28, 34, 37-38, 44; 12. 330. 23, 42, 67; 14. 15. 19; 14. 72. 13; 14. 83. 6; 16. 9. 32.

(3) Janamejaya 1. 53. 10; 1. 58. 40, 42; 1. 59. 13-14, 19, 21, 29, 44; 1. 60. 44, 63; 1. 61. 63, 66; 1. 69. 37, 43, 51; 1. 70. 34; 1. 71. 21, 23, 27; 1. 78. 1; 1. 89. 18, 26-27; 1. 92. 44; 1. 94. 52, 68, 77; 1. 96. 19; 1. 97. 1; 1. 100. 15; 1. 103. 10, 12, 16; 1. 106. 3; 1. 107. 28; 1. 108. 18; 1. 111. 2; 1. 114. 10, 21; 1. 118. 5; 1. 119. 11, 29; 1. 123. 5, 62; 1. 124. 1, 26; 1. 125. 26; 1. 126. 13; 1. 127. 21; 1. 128. 14; 1. 135. 17; 1. 136. 6; 1. 138. 12; 1. 140. 12; 1. 145. 9; 1. 146. 36; 1. 150. 1; 1. 151. 7, 14; 1. 152. 4-5; 1. 155. 4; 1. 176. 9, 12; 1. 186. 4; 1. 187. 32; 1. 198. 7, 10; 1. 199. 13; 1. 204. 30; 1. 206. 5. 8; 1. 207. 1, 5, 7, 10; 1. 208. 19; 1. 209. 14; 1. 210. 12; 1. 211. 7, 16; 1. 212. 5; 1. 213. 57; 1. 214. 17, 20; 1. 216. 34; 1. 217. 9; 1. 218. 10, 38; 1. 219. 6, 8, 37-38; 1. 220. 4, 7, 18; 1. 224. 7, 20; 1. 225. 4; 2. 1. 15; 2. 3. 16; 2. 4. 3; 2. 5. 1; 2. 11. 73; 2. 12. 1, 17; 2. 17. 23; 2. 19. 21, 31; 2. 22. 20, 46, 52, 57; 2. 25. 1; 2. 27. 18; 2. 28. 8, 31; 2. 30. 43, 51; 2. 31. 4, 14; 2. 33. 27; 2. 32. 15; 2. 39. 14; 2. 53. 18; 2. 58. 38; 2. 61. 39; 3. 6. 4; 3. 7. 1; 3. 12. 25, 41; 3. 23. 48; 3. 40. 5, 50; 3. 42. 2; 3. 80. 11; 3. 93. 2, 7; 3. 114. 3; 3. 118. 1; 3. 143. 9, 21; 3. 146. 58; 3. 150. 2, 19; 3. 153. 30; 3. 154. 52; 3. 157. 43; 3. 158. 32; 3. 161. 16; 3. 162. 2; 3. 172. 3; 3. 176. 46; 3. 180. 39; 3. 192. 8; 3. 228. 1; 3. 229. 12; 3. 230. 2, 9, 23; 3. 233. 2, 9, 21; 3. 238. 32; 3. 240. 26, 29; 3. 243. 13, 17; 3. 251. 1; 3. 256. 24; 3. 284. 8; 3. 289. 10; 3. 295. 4; 3. 299. 27; 4. 1. 4; 4. 15. 8; 4. 22. 28, 30; 4. 30. 3; 4. 32. 1; 4. 36. 36; 4. 46. 13; 4. 57. 1, 16; 4. 59. 39; 4. 67. 13; 5. 7. 20; 5. 8. 6, 24; 5. 19. 28, 30; 5. 41. 8; 5. 46. 12; 5. 48. 1; 5. 54. 66; 5. 60. 29; 5. 82. 11; 5. 92. 45; 5. 122. 2; 5. 149. 74, 83; 5. 150. 24; 5. 151. 16; 5. 152. 1, 30; 5. 155. 38; 5. 196. 12; 5. 197. 1, 19; 6. 1. 29; 8. 1. 10; 9. 34. 24, 41; 9. 37. 18, 21, 30; 9. 38. 3, 22, 24; 9. 41. 3, 9, 10, 19; 9. 42. 2, 37; 9. 43. 48; 9. 44. 39, 43, 61, 65, 76, 80, 96-97, 99-100, 105; 9. 45. 2, 5, 7-8, 11, 13, 23-24, 27, 30, 83; 9. 47. 7, 11; 9. 48. 22; 9. 49. 11, 15, 57, 61; 9. 50. 1, 33, 37; 9. 62. 9; 11. 8. 3; 11. 11. 13; 11. 15. 8; 11. 25. 34; 11. 26. 32; 12. 38. 40; 12. 39. 3, 7, 19; 12. 40. 22; 12. 147. 20; 12. 326. 122; 12. 327. 19, 27; 12. 336. 63, 78; 12. 338. 6; 13. 18. 7; 14. 54. 35; 14. 55. 3; 14. 57. 45-46, 48; 14. 58. 9; 14. 60. 2; 14. 61. 11; 14. 62. 16; 14. 65. 29; 14. 69. 8, 11-12; 14. 70. 8; 14. 72. 13; 14, 73. 6; 14. 74. 12; 14. 75. 11; 14. 76. 13; 14. 77. 2, 6; 14. 91. 15; 14. 92. 4; 14. 94. 7, 18, 34; 15. 7. 6; 15. 9. 5; 15. 24. 2, 18; 15. 25. 5; 15. 28. 14; 15. 34. 1, 13; 15. 36. 9; 15. 41. 28; 15. 45. 44; 16. 3. 5, 12; 16. 4. 43; 16. 7. 2; 16. 8. 19, 44; 18. 2. 30; 18. 3. 6; 18. 5. 25.

(4) Duryodhana 1. 126. 15; 2. 44. 9; 2. 45. 37; 2. 51. 3; 2. 59. 4; 2. 71. 38; 3. 226. 2; 3. 228. 17-18; 3. 235. 21; 3. 236. 12, 14; 3. 239. 14; 3. 241. 14, 30, 33; 3. 242. 2; 4. 24. 20; 4. 25. 8; 4. 27. 8; 4. 28. 10; 5. 59. 21; 5. 63. 13; 5. 81. 3; 5. 89. 18; 5. 94. 22, 43; 5. 103. 1: 5. 122. 6, 11, 18, 26, 40-41, 44-45; 5. 123. 15; 5. 126. 4; 5. 127. 43; 5. 147. 29; 5. 153. 16; 5. 163. 12; 5. 165. 19; 5. 167. 7, 14; 5. 168. 1, 2, 4, 9, 18; 5. 169. 1, 15, 20; 5. 170. 22; 5. 173. 1, 10; 5. 174. 17; 5. 176. 20; 5. 177. 23; 5. 179. 1; 5. 180. 19, 22, 38; 5. 181. 5, 11, 16; 5. 182. 3, 7; 5. 183. 18; 5. 184. 12; 5. 185. 1-3, 6, 19, 22; 5. 187. 11, 39; 5. 191. 5; 5. 192. 7, 26; 5. 193. 53; 5. 194. 13, 14; 6. 62. 37; 6. 63. 21; 6. 84. 43; 6. 93. 12, 37-38; 6. 94. 17; 6. 95. 12; 6. 116. 51; 7. 5. 15; 7. 69. 41; 7. 105. 25; 7. 126. 26, 31; 7. 127. 18; 7. 133. 6; 7. 135. 5, 7, 14; 7. 145. 56; 7. 160. 26; 7. 165. 90, 92; 7. 166. 53; 8. 22. 32, 58; 8. 68. 9, 12; 9. 3. 27; 9. 17. 19; 9. 29. 13; 9. 30. 25, 30, 32-33, 59; 9. 31. 38, 52; 9. 58. 20; 10. 9. 27, 49; 12. 124. 18;

(5) Duḥśāsana 3. 238. 21; 7. 98. 21;

(6) Dhṛtarāṣṭra 1. 1. 184; 1. 130. 11; 1. 195. 3; 1. 196. 3, 5, 12; 1. 197. 6, 10, 22; 2. 45. 14, 31; 2. 46. 24, 26, 28; 2. 47. 1, 2; 2. 48. 35, 42; 2. 49. 4, 20, 23-24; 2. 50. 25; 2. 55. 15, 17; 2. 56. 10; 2. 63. 30; 2. 65. 1, 5; 2. 66. 30, 32; 2. 71. 10, 15-16, 21; 3. 9. 3, 8; 3. 12. 6, 25, 74; 3. 48. 2; 3. 228. 18; 5. 23. 7; 5. 32. 11; 5. 33. 78; 5. 34. 6, 70, 80; 5. 35. 65; 5. 36. 27; 5. 37. 11, 51, 55; 5. 38. 18, 31, 38, 41; 5. 39. 4; 5. 40. 10. 19; 5. 41. 2; 5. 43. 21; 5. 44. 5; 5. 45. 26; 5. 53. 1, 19; 5. 54. 5, 17, 20, 30, 46, 51, 54, 57, 64-65; 5. 56. 20, 41, 47; 5. 58. 2; 5. 60. 3, 7, 10; 5. 68. 4; 5. 85. 1; 5. 93. 3, 6, 12, 26, 45, 59; 5. 126. 39, 41; 5. 128. 27-29; 5. 138. 5; 5. 157. 1; 6. 2. 5, 30; 6. 3. 43; 6. 4. 21; 6. 4. 34; 6. 7. 5, 11, 30, 38; 6. 10. 5, 8, 32, 34, 41; 6. 11. 12-13; 6. 12. 20, 27; 6. 13. 28, 44; 6. 14. 13; 6. 16. 22, 44; 6. 18. 7, 18; 6. 20. 16-17; 6. 23. 24; 6. 24. 10; 6. 41. 88; 6. 42. 23; 6. 43. 19, 21, 29, 40, 49; 6. 44. 1, 19, 37; 6. 45. 4, 25, 59, 61; 6. 46. 50-51; 6. 47. 3, 21; 6. 48. 38, 59-60, 68; 6. 49. 10, 29, 32; 6. 50. 11, 38, 52^2; 6. 51. 1, 5, 30-31, 33, 43; 6. 52. 1. 14, 22; 6. 53. 1, 23, 27; 6. 54. 2, 14, 28; 6. 55. 3, 5, 13, 20, 38, 132; 6. 56. 1; 6. 58. 12, 17, 26, 56; 6. 59. 19, 29; 6. 60. 5; 6. 61. 15; 6. 65. 14, 21; 6. 66. 12; 6. 67. 11, 32; 6. 68. 22, 24; 6. 70. 5, 37; 6. 71. 2-3, 34-35; 6. 73. 71; 6. 74. 12, 20, 23, 31, 35; 6. 75. 27, 39; 6. 77. 19; 6. 78. 37, 39, 45; 6. 79. 28-30, 36, 49; 6. 80. 27, 51; 6. 81. 37; 6. 82. 6, 40; 6. 83. 11, 27, 30; 6. 84. 23; 6. 85. 32, 35; 6. 86. 22, 81; 6. 87. 4; 6. 90. 18; 6. 91. 62, 73, 79; 6. 92. 13, 43, 47, 76-77; 6. 93. 24; 6. 94. 3; 6. 95. 28, 31; 6. 96. 8; 6. 97. 13, 43, 49; 6. 98. 8, 18; 6. 99. 5, 41, 43; 6. 100. 7, 34; 6. 102. 14. 28; 6. 103. 2, 8; 6. 104. 9, 15, 17; 6. 106. 15, 28^2, 42; 6. 107. 2, 22, 51, 54-55; 6. 109. 15, 44; 6. 110. 16, 35; 6. 111. 3, 34-35, 43; 6. 112. 7, 10, 18, 51, 79, 124; 6. 113. 1, 5, 30; 6. 114. 3, 62-63, 87, 95; 6. 115. 15; 6. 116. 14; 7. 1. 32; 7. 6. 15; 7. 11. 13; 7. 12. 2, 17; 7. 13. 19, 40; 7. 14. 11, 19; 7. 16. 17; 7. 19. 28; 7. 20. 53; 7. 24. 33; 7. 27. 26; 7. 29. 34; 7. 31. 77; 7. 32. 18; 7. 35. 1, 40; 7. 37. 8; 7. 38. 7; 7. 40. 22; 7. 41. 15; 7. 47, 2; 7. 58. 5; 7. 64. 4; 7. 67. 22. 41, 60; 7. 68. 19, 27, 59-60; 7. 69. 75; 7. 70. 20, 30-31, 48; 7. 71. 21; 7. 72. 23; 7. 73. 15, 27, 41; 7. 74. 13; 7. 75. 12, 26; 7. 80. 10; 7. 81. 18, 29, 34; 7. 82. 9, 14, 16, 21, 25; 7. 85. 13; 7. 90. 4, 28; 7. 91. 32; 7. 93. 26; 7. 94. 5; 7. 95. 45; 7. 97. 11, 18, 23-24; 7. 98. 37; 7. 99. 16, 26-27; 7. 100. 22, 26; 7. 101. 4, 20, 40, 53, 57; 7. 102. 2, 53; 7. 103. 4; 7. 104. 30, 32; 7. 106. 44; 7. 109. 13, 17; 7. 111. 6, 32; 7. 112. 14, 26, 32; 7. 113. 21; 7. 114. 6. 10; 7. 115. 11, 22; 7. 117. 43; 7. 120. 2, 58; 7. 124. 1; 7. 126. 3; 7. 128. 14, 21; 7. 130. 13. 36; 7. 131. 95, 100, 113; 7. 132. 19, 31, 37; 7. 134. 45; 7. 137. 29, 32, 43; 7. 138. 7; 7. 139. 3; 7. 140. 14; 7. 141. 39; 7. 142. 1, 32; 7. 143. 1, 26, 34. 42; 7. 144. 26, 33; 7. 145. 7, 68; 7. 146. 8-9, 18, 29; 7. 147. 14; 7. 148. 17; 7. 150. 19, 55; 7. 152. 39; 7. 153. 24, 37; 7. 155. 2; 7. 159. 16, 28, 30-31; 7. 160. 26; 7. 162. 3, 20; 7. 163. 18, 32; 7. 164. 82, 154; 7. 165. 2, 72; 7. 166. 60; 7. 167. 3; 7. 170. 43; 7. 171. 22; 7. 172. 21, 27, 29; 8. 2. 3; 8. 4. 77; 8. 6. 1, 4, 46; 8. 7. 31; 8. 9. 11; 8. 10. 19, 25-26; 8. 11. 24, 26; 8. 12. 17; 8. 14. 31; 8. 16. 14; 8. 17. 6, 40, 47, 56, 85, 91; 8. 18. 14, 18, 42; 8. 19. 3, 27, 65; 8. 20. 6, 21; 8. 21. 37; 8. 23. 54; 8. 26. 5; 8. 32. 36-37; 8. 33. 14, 47, 66; 8. 35. 37, 43, 56; 8. 36. 8, 10, 23, 35, 38; 8. 37. 12, 33, 36; 8. 38. 3, 16; 8. 39. 23-24; 8. 40. 15, 53, 62, 92, 128; 8. 42. 3; 8. 44. 22, 27; 8. 45. 5, 13, 20, 54; 8. 50. 42; 8. 52. 1; 8. 53. 9; 8. 54. 9; 8. 55. 28-29, 37, 50, 69; 8. 56. 25, 49-50; 8. 58. 2, 22, 24; 8. 59. 39; 8. 63. 8, 32, 62; 8. 64. 9; 8. 65. 45; 8. 66. 18, 37; 8. 68. 1, 59; 9. 1. 30, 36; 9. 3. 4; 9. 6. 6, 18; 9. 7. 5, 17, 39; 9. 8. 5, 15, 19, 43; 9. 12. 24; 9. 13. 14, 16, 25, 32; 9. 15. 43, 59; 9. 16. 85; 9. 17. 16, 26; 9. 18. 6; 9. 19. 22; 9. 21. 4, 8, 20, 35, 43; 9. 22. 77; 9. 23. 60; 9. 24. 18, 24; 9. 25. 1, 35; 9. 26. 4, 51; 9. 27. 6-7, 16, 31, 62; 9. 28. 13^2-14; 9. 29. 52, 55; 9. 30. 15; 9. 33. 15; 9. 54. 4; 9. 56. 15, 24, 27; 9. 57. 48, 58; 9. 60. 25, 51-52; 9. 61. 31; 9. 62. 38-39, 45; 9. 63. 43; 10. 1. 32, 38; 10. 7. 18, 21, 27, 51; 10. 8. 12, 17, 27, 92, 109; 10. 10. 5; 11. 1. 25; 11. 2. 4; 11. 3. 8, 11; 11. 7. 4. 8, 16-17, 19; 11. 8. 3, 14, 31, 39, 42; 11. 10. 18; 11. 12. 6; 11. 26. 13; 15. 19. 10; 15. 35. 9-10;

(7) Nakula: 12. 160. 30, 50;

(8) Pāṇḍu: 1. 106. 3; 1. 109. 11, 21; 1. 112. 3; 1. 113. 36;

(9) Bhīmasena: 1. 137. 22; 2. 64. 16; 3. 35. 1, 10; 3. 37. 3-4, 10; 3. 142. 25; 3. 147. 40; 3. 149. 18, 24; 3. 150. 7; 3. 232. 18; 3. 296. 33; 4. 2. 16; 4. 17. 2, 6-7, 28; 4. 18. 1, 24, 35; 4. 19. 11; 4. 20. 31-32; 4. 21. 29; 4. 32. 18; 5. 73. 22; 5. 75. 9; 6. 50. 38; 7. 109. 11; 9. 60. 15-16; 10. 12. 2; 10. 16. 33; 11. 14. 12;

(10) Bhīṣma: 1. 94. 57, 62; 1. 96. 24; 1. 97. 9; 1. 99. 4, 9-10; 2. 38. 39; 2. 39. 8; 2. 41. 18; 3. 80. 53; 5. 172. 5; (5. 175. 19 if bhārata is a mistake for bhārataḥ; otherwise Akṛtavraṇa, see No. 1); 5. 176. 41; 5. 178. 7^2; 5. 184. 12; 6. 15. 15; 6. 54. 32; 6. 93. 37-38; 6. 105. 21; 6. 112. 88; 7. 3. 9, 19; 12. 50. 16-17, 31-32; 12. 51. 11; 12. 54. 33; 12. 59. 5; 12. 69. 2; 12. 79. 1; 12. 102. 1; 12. 108. 5, 7; 12. 109. 1; 12. 110. 1; 12. 115. 1; 12. 116. 13; 12. 120. 1; 12. 122. 51; 12. 124. 3; 12. 128, 1; 12. 129. 2; 12. 138. 1; 12. 139. 3; 12. 141. 5; 12. 158. 1, 3; 12. 189. 3; 12. 203. 1; 12. 213. 1; 12. 215. 1; 12. 252. 3, 14; 12. 263. 1; 12. 266. 1; 12. 289. 42; 13. 8. 1; 13. 25. 1, 6; 13. 49. 19; 13. 57. 2, 5; 13. 61. 2; 13. 62. 23, 30, 36, 38; 13. 63. 17; 13. 66. 1; 13. 76. 2; 13. 109. 31;

(11) Māndhātṛ (?): 12. 92. 54; 12. 122. 51;

(12) Yudhiṣṭhira: 1. 155. 4; 2. 5. 12, 17, 64, 95; 2. 6. 10; 2. 7. 4, 19; 2. 8. 32; 2. 9. 6, 21; 2. 10. 9, 17; 2. 11. 9, 16, 22, 27, 39, 62, 66; 2. 13. 1, 14, 40, 60; 2. 17. 10, 23; 2. 33. 22; 2. 34. 11; 2. 37. 11; 2. 60. 7: 2. 65. 5, 11; 2. 67. 2, 13, 20; 2. 69. 11, 20; 3. 2 77; 3. 3. 12; 3. 15. 5; 3. 18. 23; 3. 21. 20, 25, 34; 3. 22. 10, 26; 3. 23. 4, 8; 3. 28. 7, 13, 26; 3. 31. 4, 11 23, 28; 3. 33. 2, 6, 47, 54-55; 3. 34. 8, 79, 84; 3. 37. 23; 3. 48. 25; 3. 50. 6; 3. 51. 1; 3. 52. 1; 3. 54. 10, 13, 22, 25^2, 27; 3. 56. 16; 3. 60. 28, 30; 3. 61. 112; 3. 62. 42; 3. 65. 31; 3. 66. 11; 3. 71. 16, 21; 3. 72, 29; 3. 73. 23; 3. 80. 11, 17, 53, 85, 113, 120, 125; 3. 81. 4, 47, 49, 58, 64-65, 68, 73, 80, 117, 124; 3 82. 9-10, 13, 15, 17, 43, 46, 55-56, 64, 71, 77-78, 106, 118; 3. 83. 5, 35, 38, 44, 74, 77, 100; 3. 85. 4; 3. 86. 1^2, 9, 12; 3. 87. 2, 13; 3. 88. 4; 3. 89. 22; 3. 91. 8; 3. 92. 7; 3. 93. 17, 21; 3. 94. 20; 3. 97. 15, 23; 3. 103. 9; 3. 104. 7; 3. 106. 23; 3. 109. 15, 17; 3. 111. 1; 3. 115. 10; 3. 116. 18; 3. 117. 6; 3. 121. 13; 3. 125. 12; 3. 126. 32; 3. 128. 6-7; 3. 129. 11, 17; 3. 130. 1, 11, 18; 3. 135. 13-14, 23; 3. 137. 2, 5, 13; 3. 139. 7, 15; 3. 140. 1, 10; 3. 141. 8-9, 21; 3. 144. 6; 3. 154. 26; 3. 159. 2, 21; 3. 160. 22, 37; 3. 163. 27; 3. 164. 1, 3, 18, 40, 53, 57; 3. 166. 14, 2; 3. 167. 1, 19; 3. 168. 11; 3. 169. 8; 3. 170. 30, 41, 49; 3. 171. 9; 3. 173. 12-13; 3. 178. 2; 3. 186. 44, 59-60, 74, 76, 83, 90, 94; 3. 188. 34, 37; 3. 189. 7; 3. 192. 8; 3. 195. 34; 3. 196. 18; 3. 197. 1; 3. 202. 1; 3. 203. 1; 3. 207. 18; 3. 209. 17; 3. 210. 4; 3. 212. 23; 3. 244. 5; 3. 245. 16; 3. 261. 8; 3. 263. 26; 3. 266. 31; 3. 274. 8; 3. 278. 1; 3. 279. 22; 3. 296. 4; 3. 298. 17; 4. 2. 26; 4. 3. 16; 4. 5. 14; 4. 17. 28; 5. 8. 21, 37; 5. 9. 2, 51; 5. 12. 10; 5. 14. 8; 5. 18. 12; 5. 23. 5; 5. 70. 5; 5. 71. 13, 33; 5. 130. 11; 5. 148. 6, 10; 5. 149. 41; 5. 154. 30; 6. 21. 17; 6. 41. 13, 33; 6. 111. 14; 7. 86. 35; 7. 87. 44; 7. 124. 21; 7. 158. 60; 8. 31. 32; 8. 47. 12; 8. 49. 81, 83; 9. 6. 24, 27-28; 9. 30. 6, 35, 47; 9. 32. 13; 9. 61. 22; 10. 10. 5; 10. 12. 2, 11, 23; 10. 17. 9; 10. 18. 7; 11. 11. 9; 11. 17. 15; 11. 26. 21; 12. 2. 2; 12. 3. 8; 12. 4. 3, 8, 10-11; 12. 5. 5; 12. 10. 14; 12. 12. 5, 12; 12. 13. 1, 6, 11; 12. 14. 14, 26-27; 12. 15. 17, 54^2; 12. 18. 2; 12. 20. 6; 12. 21. 6; 12. 25. 5-6; 12. 29. 38; 12. 30. 28; 12. 32. 11, 20, 22, 24; 12. 34. 17, 21, 34; 12. 35. 12, 32; 12. 36. 1, 12, 24; 12. 39. 40, 44; 12. 43. 17; 12. 49. 5, 38; 12. 54. 8; 12. 56. 22, 58; 12. 57. 40; 12. 59. 15; 12. 60. 13, 27, 36, 43; 12. 66. 11-13, 19, 35; 12. 68. 2; 12. 69. 30; 12. 70. 2; 12. 72. 6, 22; 12. 76. 2, 6, 8; 12. 79. 7; 12. 83. 1, 3, 67; 12. 84. 3; 12. 87. 2; 12. 88. 7, 18; 12. 89. 26; 12. 90. 18, 25; 12. 92. 55; 12. 97. 21; 12. 101. 4, 10, 21; 12. 103. 5, 17, 34, 40; 12. 108. 24; 12. 109. 9, 17; 12. 110. 4; 12. 113. 18; 12. 114. 2; 12. 118. 28; 12. 121. 28; 12. 122. 55; 12. 124. 5; 12. 125. 24; 12. 128. 8, 13, 20, 44-45; 12. 131. 10, 16; 12. 134. 3; 12. 136. 12, 15-16, 208, 211; 12. 138. 2; 12. 139. 40; 12. 140. 8, 15, 19; 12. 141. 26; 12. 151. 34; 12. 152. 24; 12. 153. 9; 12. 154. 36; 12. 156. 3, 7, 22-23; 12. 157. 14; 12. 163. 1; 12. 164. 10; 12. 165. 18-19; 12. 167. 18; 12. 171. 2; 12. 187. 11, 26, 28; 12. 188. 20; 12. 200. 20, 23; 12. 214. 6; 12. 217. 1; 12. 218. 37; 12. 221. 12; 12. 222. 3; 12. 253. 20; 12. 256. 22; 12. 258. 69; 12, 263. 40; 12. 265. 8, 17, 22; 12. 270. 14; 12. 273. 3, 11, 21, 41; 12. 274. 4-5, 12, 57; 12. 275. 2; 12. 290. 12, 41, 50, 60, 69, 7172, 84, 87, 92-93; 12. 297. 49; 12. 298. 3; 12. 308. 3; 12. 311. 20; 12. 312. 4, 39, 46; 12. 313. 1; 12. 316. 4; 12. 319. 1; 12. 320. 9, 13, 38; 12. 324. 2, 27; 12. 326. 107; 12. 336. 13, 35; 12. 353. 8; 13. 2. 6, 18, 75, 95; 13. 4. 21; 13. 9. 4, 7, 18; 13. 10. 11-12, 35; 13. 14. 41; 13. 15. 6, 27; 13. 16. 9; 13. 18. 59; 13. 19. 10; 13. 24. 5, 7, 18, 21, 37^2, 39, 46, 63, 65, 82, 84, 88, 92, 98, 101; 13. 30. 16; 13. 31. 8, 19, 29; 13. 33. 2; 13. 37. 9; 13. 40. 27; 13. 42. 6, 12, 15; 13. 44. 23; 13. 46. 14; 13. 47. 10, 15, 19, 21, 54; 13. 49. 5, 7; 13. 52. 7, 22, 27; 13. 53. 8, 51; 13. 54. 3, 8, 33; 13. 57. 7. 26; 13. 58. 14; 13. 59. 4. 13. 60. 13-14, 17-18, 21, 23; 13. 62. 4; 13. 65. 37-38, 53, 56; 13. 76. 27; 13. 80. 28; 13. 81. 25; 13. 82. 47; 13. 90. 43-44, 47; 13. 92. 3, 7; 13. 93. 6; 13. 94. 3, 10; 13. 98. 16, 21; 13. 99. 26; 13. 100. 2; 13. 101. 2; 13. 102. 13; 13. 103. 19; 13. 104. 2; 13. 106. 5; 13. 107. 97, 114, 117-119, 132, 135, 140; 13. 108. 2-3, 16, 18; 13. 109. 9, 14; 13. 110. 137; 13. 111. 15; 13. 112. 32, 41, 43, 58, 60, 72, 82-83, 101, 106, 111; 13. 113. 28; 13. 116. 18; 13. 117. 6, 19, 26, 34; 13. 137. 2; 13. 143. 16; 13. 145. 15, 29; 13. 147. 6; 13. 153. 48; 14. 2. 20; 14. 3. 3, 8; 14. 4. 5; 14. 5. 6; 14. 6. 1; 14. 13. 1, 5, 8; 14. 70. 2425; 15. 8. 10; 15. 9. 18; 15. 10. 2; 15. 11. 8-9; 15. 12. 6, 15; 15. 33. 6; 15. 45. 14; 15. 47. 1; 17. 3. 17, 21; 18. 2. 35; 18. 3. 32;

(13) Vidura 1. 192. 18 (? or Janamejaya ?); 1. 198. 4; 2. 57. 11; 3. 6. 17;

(14) Śaṁtanu 1. 93. 42, 46; 1. 94. 33;

(15) Any one of the Bhāratas (unspecified) 1. 195. 6;

B. The most excellent, best or noblest among the Bharatas, the great warrior among them; (i) bharataprabarha (pl.):

(1) Pāṇḍavas 3. 25. 25;

(2) Yudhiṣṭhira 3. 24. 7; (ii) bharatapravīra: Bhīma 3. 35. 18; (iii) bharatarṣabha (lit. bull of the Bharatas):

(1) Arjuna 1. 158. 54; 1. 165. 3, 25, 39; 1. 172. 10; 1. 206. 6; 1. 207. 5, 21; 1. 208. 1; 1. 212. 2; 2. 23. 6; 3. 38. 11; 3. 168. 15 (?); 5. 160. 1; 6. 22. 16; 6. 25. 41; 6. 29. 11, 16; 6. 30. 23; 6. 35. 26; 6. 36. 12; 6. 39. 12; 6. 40. 36; 6. 102. 34; 7. 50. 65; 7. 78. 7; 8. 43. 20, 45, 49, 51; 8. 43. 74; 8. 49. 25; 8. 51. 108; 8. 65. 24; 14. 15. 30; 14. 16. 15; 14. 19. 52, 58; 14. 80. 18; 16. 9. 6, 36;

(2) Janamejaya 1. 55. 5; 1. 56. 33; 1. 58. 9, 16, 23, 25; 1. 61. 83, 88^2; 1. 73. 1; 1. 89. 52; 1. 93. 8; 1. 94. 5, 39, 66, 74; 1. 95. 4; 1. 96. 39; 1. 101. 4; 1. 105. 12; 1. 106. 6; 1. 111. 4; 1. 122. 46; 1. 123. 51, 68; 1. 128. 5; 1. 132. 2; 1. 133. 6; 1. 134. 8; 1. 138. 13; 1. 139. 11; 1. 145. 7; 1. 151. 21; 1. 164. 1; 1. 176. 30; 1. 216. 33; 1. 225. 19; 2. 1. 8; 2. 20. 30; 2. 22. 6, 37, 55; 2. 23. 17; 2. 28. 55; 2. 30. 36, 53; 2. 42. 45; 2. 43. 1; 2. 60. 14; 2. 66. 3; 3. 23. 50; 3. 48. 1; 3. 109. 1; 3. 153. 1, 21; 3. 157. 19; 3. 159. 25; 3. 182. 21; 3. 192. 1; 3. 240. 31; 3. 241. 23; 3. 243. 6; 3. 245. 1; 3. 275. 62; 3. 296. 29; 4. 5. 15; 4. 30. 29; 4. 36. 46; 4. 53. 58, 63; 4. 57. 13; 4. 58. 13; 4. 67. 38; 5. 18. 21; 5. 19. 26; 5. 46. 7; 5. 82. 15; 5. 87. 7; 5. 123. 1; 5. 129. 15; 5. 155. 34; 5. 156. 2; 6. 1. 26; 6. 5. 2; 6. 17. 12-13; 6. 22. 1; 6. 103. 54; 6. 105. 29; 7. 168. 2; 8. 3. 4; 9. 1. 49-50; 9. 2. 50; 9. 34. 19, 26; 9. 40. 20; 9. 44. 34; 9. 45. 29, 32, 36, 42, 63, 92; 9. 50. 24; 9. 62. 7; 10. 13. 10; 14. 56. 19; 14. 57. 56; 14. 58. 14; 14. 68. 5, 24; 14. 69. 7; 14. 72. 16; 14. 75. 1; 14. 77. 46; 14. 78. 13; 14. 83. 11; 14. 87. 14; 14. 90. 26; 14. 91. 3, 37; 15. 13. 4, 21; 15. 16. 26; 15. 20. 17; 15. 22. 7; 15. 25. 2; 15. 29. 18; 15. 30. 13, 18; 15. 32. 1; 15. 41. 9; 15. 47. 10; 16. 8. 28; 17. 1. 20; 18. 5. 7, 9, 38 (?);

(3) Duryodhana 2. 50. 2, 4, 15; 2. 57. 15; 3. 8. 8; 3. 11. 27; 4. 24. 16; 5. 7. 27; 5. 31. 22; 5. 48. 27; 5. 54. 22; 5. 60. 5; 5. 122. 9, 13, 17, 27, 31-32, 37, 51; 5. 123. 17, 19; 5. 124. 13, 15; 5. 127. 21, 45, 53; 5. 160. 26; 5. 169. 21; 5. 170. 10, 12; 5. 171. 8; 5. 172. 18; 5. 179. 15; 5. 180. 27, 36; 5. 183. 9; 5. 190. 18; 5. 192. 8; 5. 193. 1, 60; 6. 63. 2; 6. 105. 25; 7. 16. 12; 7. 164. 31; 8. 22. 52; 9. 3. 40; 9. 54. 28; 9. 64. 14;

(4) Dhṛtarāṣṭra 1. 195. 7; 1. 196. 8; 2. 45. 4, 28; 2. 50. 16; 2. 55. 14; 2. 63. 28; 2. 66. 17, 21; 2. 71. 12; 2. 72. 35; 3. 6. 15; 3. 48. 22; 5. 33. 21, 25, 34 55; 5. 34. 47; 5. 35. 67; 5. 36. 58; 5. 39. 17, 21; 5. 48. 41; 5. 49. 31, 43; 5. 53. 3, 14; 5. 54. 7, 24, 41, 50; 5. 57. 12; 5. 60. 5; 5. 62. 18-19; 5. 93. 10, 12, 21, 29, 36-39, 43, 47, 50; 5. 164. 7; 5. 166. 22; 6. 2. 13; 6. 5. 9; 6. 8. 17, 20, 26; 6. 9. 17; 6. 10. 56; 6. 11. 3, 7; 6. 12. 11; 6. 14. 3; 6. 17. 12, 19; 6. 19. 22, 38-39, 44; 6. 22. 21; 6. 42. 21; 6. 43. 4; 6. 44. 4, 48; 6. 45. 3, 6, 26, 51, 63; 6. 46. 1, 46; 6. 48. 28, 57; 6. 50. 33, 61, 108, 110; 6. 51. 10; 6. 57. 24; 6. 60. 15, 72; 6. 64. 18; 6. 66. 6-7, 15; 6. 67. 8, 16, 2728; 6. 70. 30; 6. 73. 1; 6. 78. 30; 6. 86. 84; 6. 88. 2, 33; 6. 92. 27; 6. 95. 49; 6. 97. 36; 6. 98. 38; 6. 101. 3, 21; 6. 102. 15; 6. 104. 7, 21, 23; 6. 105. 5, 13, 29; 6. 106. 3; 6. 110. 31; 6. 112. 78, 84, 88; 6. 113. 21; 6. 114. 19, 102; 6. 116. 9; 7. 18. 8; 7. 40. 11; 7. 50. 2; 7. 54. 8; 7. 62. 2; 7. 70. 34; 7. 74. 31, 33; 7. 77. 23; 7. 80. 7, 25; 7. 81. 41; 7. 84. 26; 7. 90. 1, 43; 7. 93. 21; 7. 96. 28; 7. 101. 48; 7. 102. 99; 7. 104. 23; 7. 107. 39; 7. 109. 12; 7. 111. 23; 7. 112. 5; 7. 117. 51; 7. 119. 22; 7. 125. 8; 7. 129. 12, 24; 7. 131. 110; 7. 133. 44; 7. 134. 19, 52; 7. 135. 24, 48; 7. 137. 7; 7. 139. 29; 7. 141. 54; 7. 142. 13, 31, 38, 41; 7. 144. 10; 7. 145. 8; 7. 146. 17, 35, 41; 7. 150. 66; 7. 159. 30; 7. 162. 7; 7. 164. 30; 7. 165. 85; 7. 170. 20; 7. 173. 3; 8. 6. 3; 8. 7. 3, 38; 8. 8. 45; 8. 18. 5; 8. 22. 28; 8. 27. 16; 8. 31. 3; 8. 32. 19; 8. 33. 64; 8. 34. 5; 8. 35. 32; 8. 40. 37; 8. 44. 31, 45; 8. 46. 2; 8. 50. 11, 18; 8. 55. 30, 73; 8. 59. 20; 8. 63. 23, 30; 9. 1. 25, 36; 9. 6. 20; 9. 7. 29, 37-38, 40; 9. 8. 42, 46; 9. 9. 49; 9. 11. 30; 9. 13. 3, 22; 9. 14. 5; 9. 16. 67; 9. 20. 7; 9. 21. 9, 31; 9. 22. 29, 43; 9. 23. 3; 9. 26. 41, 50; 9. 29. 38-39, 47; 9. 57. 40, 49, 57; 9. 61. 8, 33; 9. 62. 50; 10. 8. 107; 11. 5. 16; 11. 7. 6; 11. 10. 4; 11. 11. 24; 12. 92. 53; 15. 16. 23; 15. 18. 8; 15. 35. 23;

(5) Nakula 2. 29. 19; 12. 160. 86;

(6) Pāṇḍavas (pl.) 1. 119. 3; 1. 124. 21; 1. 133. 9; 1. 138. 6; 1. 144. 7; 1. 145. 8; 1. 174. 9; 2. 67. 6; 3. 6. 1; 3. 12. 71; 3. 25, 6; 3. 37. 39; 3. 155. 19, 23; 3. 156. 20; 3. 157. 8; 3. 159. 27; 3. 174. 1-2; 3. 222. 52; 5. 129. 32; 14. 52. 1;

(7) Unspecified (pl.) 11. 16. 19;

(8) Pāṇḍu 1. 110. 26; 1. 111. 10; 1. 112. 34; 1. 119. 4;

(9) Bhīmasena 1. 138. 10; 2. 26. 11; 2. 27. 23; 3. 146. 52; 3. 149. 24, 43; 3. 157. 35, 38; 4. 19. 13; 9. 54. 28; 15. 17. 14;

(10) Bhīṣma 1. 94. 80; 2. 21. 21; 2. 45. 55; 3. 80. 52; 5. 179. 6; 5. 184. 10; 5. 186. 6; 6. 15. 47, 54; 6. 22. 16; 6. 103. 62; 6. 115. 12, 29; 7. 2. 35; 12. 54. 39; 12. 59. 11; 12. 60. 3; 12. 68. 1; 12. 78. 1; 12. 79. 3; 12. 88. 1; 12. 98. 1; 12. 101. {??}; 12. 110. 1; 12. 116. 13; 12. 120. 2; 12. 121. 5; 12. 136. 1, 7; 12. 152. 1; 12. 157. 1; 12. 201. 1; 12. 202. 2; 12. 219. 2; 12. 272. 4-5, 17; 12. 307. 1; 13. 3. 17, 19; 13. 7. 1; 13. 11. 1; 13. 19. 1; 13. 26. 1-2; 13. 32. 1; 13. 58. 4; 13. 62. 42; 13. 83. 22, 25; 13. 97. 1; 13. 99. 1; 13. 100. 1; 13. 101. 1; 13. 104. 1; 13. 108. 1; 13. 109. 33; 13. 126. 3;

(11) Māndhātṛ 12. 92. 6, 53;

(12) Yudhiṣṭhira 1. 214. 3; 2. 5. 13, 34, 44, 47, 109-110; 2. 6. 12; 2. 9. 25; 2. 11. 3, 60, 63; 2. 13. 3, 5, 43; 2. 14. 12, 17; 2. 16. 16, 31; 2. 33. 12; 2. 34. 6; 2. 50. 15; 2. 58. 18; 2. 67. 8, 20; 2. 69. 7; 3. 14. 17; 3. 15. 2; 3. 16. 9; 3. 18. 1; 3. 20. 11; 3. 21. 10; 3. 23. 50; 3. 25. 6; 3. 33. 5, 56; 3. 34. 9, 18; 3. 74. 6; 3. 78. 6; 3. 80. 65, 79, 84, 86, 88, 94, 110, 112, 122; 3. 81. 20, 132, 153; 3. 82. 22, 67, 81, 83, 104, 117, 124; 3. 83. 60; 3. 85. 2, 9; 3. 86. 4; 3. 89. 19; 3. 93. 23; 3. 104. 8; 3. 105. 1, 9; 3. 106. 40; 3. 110. 1; 3. 114. 8; 3. 115. 30; 3. 155. 9; 3. 158. 44; 3. 163. 29; 3. 164. 20, 38; 3. 166. 16; 3. 168. 15 (? Arjuna); 3. 170. 26, 40; 3. 171. 13; 3. 178. 19; 3. 185. 42, 4647, 52; 3. 186. 24, 59; 3. 188. 9; 3. 189. 27; 3. 194. 8; 3. 195. 7, 20; 3. 197. 7; 3. 258. 1; 3. 275. 62; 3. 276. 7, 12; 3. 277. 22; 3. 280. 9; 3. 297. 21, 74; 3. 298. 6; 4. 1. 7; 4. 64. 37; 5. 9. 9, 38, 49; 5. 10. 31; 5. 16. 11; 5. 154. 8; 6. 103. 79; 7. 158. 55; 8. 45. 62; 8. 49. 1; 9. 30. 43; 9. 31. 58; 9. 32. 5; 10. 12. 3, 16; 10. 17. 8; 12. 4. 1; 12. 10. 2; 12. 11. 1; 12. 12. 13; 12. 16. 23; 12. 22. 8, 15; 12. 32. 4; 12. 37. 43; 12. 39. 47; 12. 49. 40, 61; 12. 59. 33, 46, 60; 12. 69. 11; 12. 92. 6, 53; 12. 97. 2; 12. 98. 1; 12. 113. 12; 12. 114. 1; 12. 116. 13; 12. 128. 5-6; 12. 136. 117; 12. 139. 57; 12. 140. 33; 12. 150. 6; 12. 200. 32, 35, 41, 45; 12. 223. 2; 12. 263. 17; 12. 265. 3; 12. 273. 8, 12, 19, 45; 12. 274. 41; 12. 289. 26, 30, 50; 12. 290. 35, 80, 101; 12. 320. 39; 13. 2. 26; 13. 4. 60; 13. 8. 12; 13. 10. 5, 9, 12, 23-26, 32, 36, 40; 13. 24. 12, 23-24, 28, 30, 34, 59, 7576, 81, 95; 13. 26. 35; 13. 33. 12; 13. 34. 16, 19; 13. 40. 3; 13. 43. 23; 13. 44. 14, 16; 13. 47. 26, 52-53; 13. 49. 17; 13. 50. 3, 9; 13. 51. 41; 13. 53. 12; 13. 57. 9, 43; 13. 58. 37; 13. 65. 47, 61; 13. 66. 3; 13. 73. 11; 13. 74. 32; 13. 80. 11, 26; 13. 83. 16, 20, 22; 13. 98. 19; 13. 103. 23; 13. 104. 29; 13. 107. 122; 13. 108. 19; 13. 109. 8, 10, 54; 13. 114. 2; 13. 116. 51; 13. 125. 3; 13. 144. 2, 49, 51; 13. 146. 5; 14. 11. 19; 14. 12. 11; 15. 5. 21; 15. 7. 11; 15. 10. 8; 15. 11. 11; 15. 16. 17; 15. 29. 13; 15. 33. 5; 15. 44. 22; 15. 45. 35; 15. 47. 5; 17. 3. 5-6;

(13) Vikarṇa 2. 61. 32;

(14) Vidura 3. 7. 19; 9. 1. 43;

(15) Śaṁtanu 1. 93. 11, 32; 5. 170. 4;

(16) Unspecified (all Bharata heroes in the Sabhā) (pl.) 2. 67. 14; (iv) bharataśārdūla (lit. tiger of the Bharatas):

(1) Janamejaya (Pārikṣita) 1. 47. 1; 17. 1. 42;

(2) Duryodhana 5. 185. 6; 9. 54. 29;

(3) Dhṛtarāṣṭra 9. 62. 51;

(4) Bhīmasena 2. 26. 2; 7. 107. 17; 9. 54. 29;

(5) Bhīṣma 6. 91. 6;

(6) Yudhiṣṭhira 3. 106. 6; 3. 259. 4; 12. 59. 68; 13. 61. 93; (v) bharataśreṣṭha:

(1) Arjuna 1. 169. 2; 1. 173. 4, 24; 3. 170. 9; 6. 39. 12; 8. 12. 35; 8. 43. 55; 8. 50. 21; 8. 51. 91; 8. 59. 6; 14. 50. 49; 14. 77. 25; 14. 84. 16;

(2) Janamejaya 1. 89. 19; 2. 66. 3; 3. 284. 4; 3. 294. 7; 9. 1. 9, 22; 9. 35. 29; 9. 47. 53; 9. 48. 21; 9. 51. 23; 14. 74. 2; 14. 76. 20; 15. 40. 21; 17. 1. 41;

(3) Duryodhana 3. 228. 23; 3. 243. 9; 5. 94. 44; 5. 123. 7; 5. 136. 9; 5. 147. 6; 5. 162. 23; 5. 171. 1; 5. 172. 17; 5. 175. 8; 5. 176. 15; 5. 181. 15; 5. 183. 19; 5. 193. 21; 6. 93. 7; 7. 11. 11; 8. 40. 27; 9. 56. 57; 9. 64. 11;

(4) Dhṛtarāṣṭra 5. 93. 52; 5. 94. 44; 5. 162. 23; 6. 5. 19; 6. 10. 72; 6. 12. 9; 6. 13. 33, 48; 6. 53. 20; 6. 61. 23; 6. 74. 34; 6. 77. 1; 6. 78. 17; 6. 83. 33; 6. 87. 19, 21; 6. 89. 1; 6. 91. 71; 6. 114. 22; 7. 1. 27; 7. 18. 37; 7. 19. 3; 7. 40. 20; 7. 62. 3; 7. 78. 44; 7. 81. 18-19; 7. 84. 17; 7. 86. 2; 7. 107. 29; 7. 108. 18; 7. 112. 43; 7. 114. 94; 7. 117. 22; 7. 120. 38; 7. 131. 101; 7. 139. 28; 7. 141. 43; 7. 144. 20, 37; 7. 146. 39; 8. 39. 5, 28; 8. 40. 7; 8. 55. 33; 9. 7. 12; 9. 13. 17; 9. 18. 10; 9. 24. 3; 9. 28. 11, 23, 72; 9. 56. 55;

(5) Nakula 8. 40 10; 9. 9. 42;

(6) Pāṇḍavas (pl.) 3. 49. 3; 3. 179. 17; 3. 244. 16; 3. 248. 1; Pāṇḍavas and Kauravas (?) 7. 1. 21;

(7) Bhīmasena 4. 18. 26; 8. 35. 24; 9. 32. 34;

(8) Bhīṣma 5. 48. 43; 5. 86. 23; 5. 170. 1; 5. 186. 6; 6. 95. 14; 6. 105. 28; 6. 115. 43; 6. 116. 21; 7. 1. 24; 7. 3. 13; 9. 32. 40; 12. 56. 8; 12. 200. 2, 5; 13. 23. 1; 13. 27. 3; 13. 102. 1; 13. 109. 33; 13. 125. 1;

(9) Yudhiṣṭhira 2. 16. 49; 3. 14. 12; 3. 15. 4; 3. 16 2, 7; 3. 17. 12; 3. 21. 7; 3. 23. 1; 3. 66. 21; 3. 79. 8; 3. 86. 7; 3. 104. 8; 3. 187. 49; 3. 188. 53; 3. 196. 1, 14; 3. 213. 41; 3. 256. 22; 3. 261. 26; 6. 46. 27; 7. 158. 23, 59; 8. 50. 10; 9. 30. 7; 9. 31. 20; 9. 55. 23; 12. 22. 5; 12. 25. 3; 12. 59. 141; 12. 88. 7; 12. 142. 36; 12. 149. 115; 12. 150. 1; 12. 158. 13; 12. 200. 19; 12. 201. 2; 12. 278. 38; 12. 353. 4; 13. 4. 2; 13. 9. 5, 24; 13. 10. 8, 17; 13. 23. 7; 13. 26. 36; 13. 34. 12; 13. 90. 18; 13. 98. 18. 22; 13. 147. 21; 14. 91. 8, 41; 17. 3. 21; 18. 3. 37;

(10) Sahadeva 8. 40. 10; (vi) bharatasattama:

(1) Arjuna 1. 209. 1; 6. 40. 4; 7. 50. 68; 9. 61. 9; 14. 82. 32;

(2) Janamejaya 1. 45. 27; 1. 54. 10; 1. 57. 49; 1. 59. 6; 1. 62. 3; 1. 92. 36; 1. 114. 14; 1. 119. 12; 1. 121. 7; 1. 213. 80; 1. 214. 12; 2. 3. 10; 2. 19. 33; 2. 46. 5; 5. 48. 12; 8. 3. 2; 9. 44. 40; 9. 50. 16; 11. 11. 5; 14. 51. 5; 14. 63. 7; 14. 73. 23; 14. 92. 3; 14. 95. 11; 15. 16. 12; 17. 1. 30;

(3) Duryodhana 5. 57. 2; 5. 122. 57; 5. 123. 17; 5. 137. 9; 5. 145. 35; 5. 179. 13; 5. 182. 1; 5. 185. 17 (bhāratasattama); 6. 61. 31; 7. 166. 33;

(4) Dhṛtarāṣṭra 5. 181. 36; 6. 9. 14; 6. 10. 63; 6. 12. 30; 6. 91. 9, 47; 7. 137. 41; 7. 144. 40; 8. 18. 9; 8. 23. 54; 9. 6. 5; 9. 21. 42; 9 22. 45, 88; 9. 24. 11; 10. 8. 87; 10. 9. 18; 15. 16. 12;

(5) Parikṣit 1. 38. 18;

(6) Pāṇḍavas (pl.) 1. 204 26; 3 156. 21; 3. 157. 13; 5. 56. 47; 14. 70. 6; 17. 1. 44;

(7) Pāṇḍu 1. 112. 33; 1. 116. 26;

(8) Bhīṣma 12. 136. 2; 12. 146. 1; 13. 38. 1; 13. 62. 1; 13. 83. 28; 13. 149. 3;

(9) Māndhātṛ 12. 91. 18;

(10) Yudhiṣṭhira 1. 214. 12; 2. 13. 60; 2. 16. 15; 3. 28. 33; 3. 37. 26; 3. 80. 38, 81, 100; 3. 81. 35, 46, 51, 63, 74, 91, 93, 120, 130, 172; 3. 82. 56, 67; 3. 85. 14; 3. 88. 11; 3. 129. 11; 3. 156. 27; 3. 192. 23; 3. 195. 26; 3. 197. 9, 17; 3. 209. 8; 3. 280. 15; 4. 66. 29 (bhāratasattama); 7. 137. 45; 7. 158. 57; 8. 43. 17; 9. 55. 22; 12. 13. 13; 12. 14. 35; 12. 59. 17 (bhāratasattama); 12. 62. 2; 12. 64. 2; 12. 91. 18; 12. 108. 22; 12. 141. 2; 12. 145. 12; 12. 159. 3; 12. 165. 12; 12. 168. 3; 12. 202. 20; 12. 273. 13, 20; 12. 322. 14; 12. 340. 3; 13. 9. 21; 13. 40. 40; 13. 50. 13; 13. 51. 43; 13. 53. 52; 13. 56. 15; 13. 58. 40; 13. 65. 29; 13. 67. 27; 13. 69. 30; 13. 80. 3; 13. 81. 2; 13. 83. 28; 13. 96. 2; 13. 98. 22; 13. 109. 5; 13. 110. 135; 14. 51. 5; 15. 30. 1; 15. 47. 3; 17. 1. 13;

(11) Vikarṇa 11. 19. 6;

(12) Śaṁtanu 1. 93. 5, 7;

(13) Sahadeva 2. 28. 34; (vii) bharatasiṁha (lit. lion of the Bharatas):

(1) Pāṇḍu 1. 110. 39;

(2) Bhīṣma 6. 82. 20;

(3) Yudhiṣṭhira 3. 19. 24;

(4) Unspecified (pl.) 14. 69. 5 (striyo bharatasiṁhānām);

C. Protector of the Bhāratas, of the dynasty of Bharata: bhāratagoptṛ: Śaṁtanu 1. 94. 3; (āsīd bharatavaṁśasya goptā sādhujanasya ca) 1. 94. 7;

D. Foremost of the Bhāratas: (i) bhāratamukhya (i) Janamejaya 1. 183 5;

(2) Duryodhana 5. 30. 47; (ii) bhāratāgrya:

(1) Arjuna 15. 21. 7;

(2) Janamejaya 1. 50. 1-7;

(3) Duryodhana 5. 26. 28;

(4) Dhṛtarāṣṭra 5. 32. 16;

(5) Pāṇḍavas (pl.) 5. 1. 11;

E. Foremost chariot-fighter of Bhā¤ratas: bhāratarathaśreṣṭha:

(1) Arjuna 7. 31. 51;

(2) Citrasena (son of Dhṛtarāṣṭra) bharatānāṁ mahārathaḥ 7. 143. 8;

F. The delighter of all Bhāratas: sarvabhārataharṣaṇa: Arjuna 7. 31. 51;

G. Teacher of Bhāratas: (i) bhāratācārya:

(1) Droṇa 4. 46. 9; 10. 12. 13; (ii) Son of the teacher of Bhāratas: bhāratācāryaputra: Aśvatthāman 10. 12. 34;

H. An outcaste of Bhāratas: Duḥśāsana bhāratāpasada: 2. 61. 46;

I. The elevator of Bharatas:

(1) Duryodhana: bharatāṇāṁ kulodvaha 3. 240. 1;

(2) Bhīṣma 13. 154. 7 (kulodvahaḥ);

J. The Chief of Bhāratas: patiṁ…bhāratānāṁ: Duryodhana 8. 68. 59;

K. The grand-father of Bhā¤ratas: bharatānāṁ pitāmahaḥ:

(1) Bhīṣma 4. 27. 1; 6. 14. 3; 6. 65. 28; 10. 14. 12; 12. 47. 1; pitāmahaṁ 6. 82. 25; 6. 99. 7; 6. 112. 63; pitāmahe 6. 115. 15; 12. 54. 6; (bhāratānām) 5. 31. 8; 5. 154. 1; 6. 110. 39;

(2) Vyāsa 6. 2. 2;

L. The foremost of the Bharatas: bharatānām amadhyame (lit. who is not the middle one of Bharatas). 6. 114. 102; 6. 115. 14, 42 (amadhyamam); 7. 3. 7;

M. The destroyer of the line of Bhāratas: bhāratānāṁ kulaghnaḥ; Duryodhana 2. 55. 2.

*5th word in right half of page p795_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Vedic Index of Names and Subjects


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Bhārata. See Bharata.
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