पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
भुज्¦ r. 7th cl. (भुनक्ति भुंक्ते)
1. To save, to cherish or protect.
2. To eat.
3. To enjoy, (carnally.)
4. To suffer or endure. (ओ, औ) औभुजौ r. 6th. cl. (भुजति) To bend, to make crooked.
भुज्¦ Adj. (At the end of a compound.)
1. Eating, enjoying, as in स्वधा- भुज्।
2. Ruling, as in क्षितिभुज्। f.
1. Enjoyment.
2. Profit.
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
भुज् [bhuj], I. 6 P. (भुजति, भुग्न)
To bend.
To curve, make crooked. -II. 7 U. (भुनक्ति-भुङ्क्ते, भुक्त)
To eat, devour, consume (Ātm.); शयनस्थो न भुञ्जीत Ms.4.74;3.146; Bk. 14.92; हत्वार्थकामांस्तु गुरूनिहैव भुञ्जीय भोगान् रुधिरप्रदिग्धान् Bg. 2.5.
To enjoy, use, possess (property, land &c.); संप्रीत्या भुज्यमानानि न नश्यन्ति कदाचन Ms.8.146;Y.2.24.
To enjoy carnally (Ātm.); सदयं बुभुजे महाभुजः R.8.7; 4.7;15.1;18.4; सुरूपं वा कुरूपं वा पुमानित्येव भुञ्जते Ms. 9.14.
To rule, govern, protect, guard (Paras.); राज्यं न्यासमिवाभुनक् R.12.18; एकः कृत्स्नां (धरित्रीं) नगरपरिघ- प्रांशुबाहुर्भुनक्ति Ś2.16.
To suffer, endure, experience; वृद्धो नरो दुःखशतानि भुङ्क्ते Sk.
To pass, live through (as time).
(In astr.) To pass through, fulfil. -Pass.
To be enjoyed or eaten.
To be possessed.
To be brought under the influence of.-Caus. (भोजयति-ते) To cause to eat, feed with. -Desid. (बुभुक्षति-ते) To wish to eat &c.
भुज् [bhuj], a
(At the end of comp.) Eating, enjoying, suffering, ruling, governing; स्वधाभुज्, हुतभुज्, पाप˚, क्षिति˚, मही˚ &c.
Useful, serviceable. -f.
Profit, advantage.
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
भुज् cl.6 P. ( Dha1tup. xxviii , 124 ) भुजति( pf. बुभोजaor. अभौक्षीत्fut. भोक्ष्यतिand क्ताGr. ; really only pr. stem aor. -अबुभोजीस्and ind.p. -भुज्यafter निर्and , परि; cf. also भुजम्in भुजं-गand भुजंगम) , to bend , curve; (?) to sweep( cf. 1. भुजि) RV. : Pass. भुज्यते, to be bent down or disheartened Hit. iv , 28. [ cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. fugio ; Goth. biugan , baugjan (?) ; Germ. biogan , biegen ; Angl.Sax. bu4gan ; Eng. bow.]
भुज् See. त्रि-भुज्.
भुज् cl.7 P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxix , 17 ) भुनक्ति, भुङ्क्ते(rarely cl.6 P. A1. भुञति, तेUp. MBh. ; 3. pl. A1. भुञ्जतेRV. ; Pot. P. भुञ्जीयात्Gobh. ; pf. A1. बुभुजे, ज्महे, ज्रिरेRV. ; 3 pl. P. जुःMBh. ; aor. अभौक्षीत्, अभ्न्क्तGr. ; भोजम्, भोजते, भुजेमRV. ; भुक्षिषीयBr. ; fut. भोक्ष्यति, तेMBh. etc. ; भोक्ताR. ; inf. भोजसे, भुजम्, भुजेRV. : भोक्तुम्MBh. etc. ; ind.p. भुक्त्वाor भुङ्क्त्वाib. ).to enjoy , use , possess , ( esp. ) enjoy a meal , eat , eat and drink , consume (mostly A1. ; in Ved. generally with instr. , later with acc. ) RV. etc. Page759,3; to enjoy (carnally) Gr2ihya1s. MBh. Ka1v. ; to make use of. utilize , exploit Mn. MBh. etc. ; (with पृथिवीम्, महीम्etc. ) to take possession of , rule , govern MBh. Ka1v. etc. ; to suffer , experience , undergo , be requited or rewarded for( acc. )or at the hands of( gen. ) RV. etc. ; ( P. )to be of use or service to( acc. ) RV. TS. Br. Up. ; to pass , live through , last (a time) Ra1jat. BhP. ; (in astron. ) to pass through , fulfil Su1ryas. : Pass. भुज्यते( aor. अभोजि) , to be enjoyed or eaten or possessed or made use of Br. MBh. etc. : Caus. भोजयति( ते, mc. ; cf. Pa1n2. 1-3 , 87 ; once भुञ्जापयतिPan5cat. ii , 49 v.l. ; aor. अबूभुजत्, जतGr. ) , to cause to enjoy or eat , feed with (two acc. or acc. of pers. and instr. of thing ; cf. Pa1n2. 1-4 , 52 ) AV. etc. ; etc. ; to use as food Car. : Desid. बुभुक्षति(once) , ते, to wish to eat , be hungry MBh. BhP. ; to wish to enjoy or partake of Naish. ( cf. बुभुक्षा, क्षित, क्षु): Intens. बोभुज्यते, to be eaten frequently VarBr2S. ; बोभोक्तिand बोभुजीति, to eat or enjoy frequently Gr. ([ cf. Lat. fungor.])
भुज् f. enjoyment , profit , advantage , possession or use of( gen. ) RV. AV. ( भुजे, also as infin.)
भुज् m. an enjoyer , eater (said of अग्नि) RV. x , 20 , 2
भुज् mfn. ( ifc. )enjoying (also carnally) , eating , consuming , partaking of , possessing , ruling Mn. MBh. and o. (with words meaning " earth " - " king " ; See. क्षितिभ्etc. )
भुज् m. enjoying the reward of. suffering for( किल्बिष-भ्) Ma1rkP.
भुज् m. passing , through , fulfilling( व्यक्त-भ्) BhP.