पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
मरुभूमि/ मरु--भूमि f. a desert , wilderness(658273 -त्वn. ) ib.
मरुभूमि/ मरु--भूमि f. N. of a country (= Marwar) MBh.
Purana Encyclopedia
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Maru, Marubhūmi, Marubhauma : m. f. (sg., pl.): Name of a country and its people.
A. Location: Listed by Saṁjaya among the northern Janapadas (also called Deśas 6. 10. 68) of Bhāratavarṣa (ata ūrdhvaṁ janapadān nibodha) 6. 10. 37, 5; marubhaumāś ca māriṣa) 6. 10. 46; to the west of Khāṇḍavaprastha (pratīcīm abhito diśam) 2. 29. 5; 2. 23. 10; Kāmyaka forest was at the northern extremity of Marubhūmi (kāmyakaṁ kānanottamam/marubhūmeḥ śiraḥ khyātam) 3. 244. 13; near the sea, where once Sarasvatī flew (13. 139. 26; see Past event below).
B. Characteristic: As mostly unfertile land, it is contrasted with those producing abundant corn (marubhūmiṁ…tathaiva bahudhānyakam) 2. 29. 5.
C. Epic events:
(1) Nakula brought completely under control the whole of Marubhūmi in his expedition to the west before the Rājasūya (marubhūmiṁ ca kārtsnyena…vaśe cakre) 2. 29. 5-6;
(2) Since there was not enough room in Hāstinapura, the large army of Kauravas spread beyond the land of five rivers even up to the whole of Marubhūmi (na hāstinapure rājann avakāśo 'bhavat tadā/…tataḥ pañcanadaṁ caiva…marubhūmiś ca kevalā/…eṣa deśaḥ…babhūva kauraveyāṇām balena susamākulaḥ//) 5. 19. 28-29, 31;
(3) After the mutual killings of Yādavas, Vasudeva remembered that once Kṛṣṇa had killed the kings of Marubhūmi ((videhān) akarot…marubhūmau ca pārthivān) 16. 7. 9-10.
D. Past event: Utathya asked Sarasvatī to disappear in the Maru country; he wanted the land, when deserted by the river, to be unholy; in that land which was thus thoroughly pounded, Varuṇa handed over Utathya his wife who was abducted by him (adṛśyā gaccha bhīru tvam sarasvati maruṁ prati/…apuṇya eṣa bhavatu deśas tyaktas tvayā śubhe//tasmin saṁcūrṇite deśe bhadrām ādāya vāripaḥ/adadāc charaṇaṁ gatvā bhāryām āṅgirasāya vai) 13. 139. 26-27.
*5th word in right half of page p829_mci (+offset) in original book.
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Mahabharata Cultural Index
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Maru, Marubhūmi, Marubhauma : m. f. (sg., pl.): Name of a country and its people.
A. Location: Listed by Saṁjaya among the northern Janapadas (also called Deśas 6. 10. 68) of Bhāratavarṣa (ata ūrdhvaṁ janapadān nibodha) 6. 10. 37, 5; marubhaumāś ca māriṣa) 6. 10. 46; to the west of Khāṇḍavaprastha (pratīcīm abhito diśam) 2. 29. 5; 2. 23. 10; Kāmyaka forest was at the northern extremity of Marubhūmi (kāmyakaṁ kānanottamam/marubhūmeḥ śiraḥ khyātam) 3. 244. 13; near the sea, where once Sarasvatī flew (13. 139. 26; see Past event below).
B. Characteristic: As mostly unfertile land, it is contrasted with those producing abundant corn (marubhūmiṁ…tathaiva bahudhānyakam) 2. 29. 5.
C. Epic events:
(1) Nakula brought completely under control the whole of Marubhūmi in his expedition to the west before the Rājasūya (marubhūmiṁ ca kārtsnyena…vaśe cakre) 2. 29. 5-6;
(2) Since there was not enough room in Hāstinapura, the large army of Kauravas spread beyond the land of five rivers even up to the whole of Marubhūmi (na hāstinapure rājann avakāśo 'bhavat tadā/…tataḥ pañcanadaṁ caiva…marubhūmiś ca kevalā/…eṣa deśaḥ…babhūva kauraveyāṇām balena susamākulaḥ//) 5. 19. 28-29, 31;
(3) After the mutual killings of Yādavas, Vasudeva remembered that once Kṛṣṇa had killed the kings of Marubhūmi ((videhān) akarot…marubhūmau ca pārthivān) 16. 7. 9-10.
D. Past event: Utathya asked Sarasvatī to disappear in the Maru country; he wanted the land, when deserted by the river, to be unholy; in that land which was thus thoroughly pounded, Varuṇa handed over Utathya his wife who was abducted by him (adṛśyā gaccha bhīru tvam sarasvati maruṁ prati/…apuṇya eṣa bhavatu deśas tyaktas tvayā śubhe//tasmin saṁcūrṇite deśe bhadrām ādāya vāripaḥ/adadāc charaṇaṁ gatvā bhāryām āṅgirasāya vai) 13. 139. 26-27.
*5th word in right half of page p829_mci (+offset) in original book.
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