पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
वह्¦ r. 1st cl. (वहति) To bear, to carry, to convey or transport. (वहते) To flow, (as a stream.) Desid. (विवक्षति-ते) [This is one of those roots which take two accusatives.]
1. To transport.
2. To move on.
3. To flow.
4. To blow.
5. To marry.
6. To be responsible for.
7. To waft, to propel.
8. To bear the load of.
9. To possess. With अति, To pass, (as time.) With अप,
1. To carry off.
2. To deduct. With आ,
1. To cause to bring about.
2. To flow.
3. To have, to possess. With उद्,
1. To raise, to elevate, to bear up.
2. To marry.
3. To bear the burden of.
4. To wear.
5. To have. With उप्, To commence. With नि, To support. With निस्, To be finished. With परि, To overflow. With प्र,
1. To draw, to carry.
2. To blow.
3. To flow.
4. To waft, (as scent.)
5. To bear the burden of. With वि, To marry. With सम,
1. To bear along.
2. To take a wife.
3. To press together.
4. To display. Caus. (वाहयति-ते)
1. To cause to draw or carry.
2. To traverse, to go over. With अति, To lead, (as life.) With आ, To invoke. With निस्, To perform, to manage, to com- plete. With सम्, To press together, to rub. (इ) वहि r. 10th cl. [Page639-a+ 60] (वंहयति-ते) To shine. r. 1st cl. (वंहते) To grow or increase; this last root is more properly बहि q. v.
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
वह् [vah], 1 U. (वहति-ते, उवाह, ऊहे, अवाक्षीत्, अवोढ, वक्ष्यति-ते, वोढुम्, ऊढ; pass. उह्यते)
To carry, lead, bear, convey, transport (oft. with two acc.); अजां ग्रामं वहति; वहति विधिहुतं या हविः Ś1.1; न च हव्यं वहत्यग्निः Ms.4.249.
To bear along, cause to move onward, waft, propel; जलानि या तीरनिखातयुपा वहत्ययोध्यामनु राजधानीम् R.13.61; त्रिस्रोतसं वहति यो गननप्रतिष्ठाम् Ś.7.6; R.11.1.
To fetch, bring; वहति जलमियम् Mu.1.4.
To bear, support, hold up, sustain; न गर्दभा वाजिधुरं वहन्ति Mk.4.17; ताते चापद्वितीये वहति रणधुरां को भयस्यावकाशः Ve.3.5 'when my father is leading the van &c.'; वहति भुवनश्रेणीं शेषः फणाफलकस्थिताम् Bh.2.35; Ś.7.17; Me.17.
To carry off; take away; अद्रेः शृङ्गं वहति (v. l. for हरति) पवनः किंस्विद् Me.14.
To marry; यद्ढया वारणराजहार्यया Ku.5.7; Ms.3.38.
To have, possess, bear; वहसि हि धनहार्यं पण्यभूतं शरीरम् Mk.1.31; वहति विषधरान् पटीरजन्मा Bv.1.74.
To assume, exhibit, show; लक्ष्मीमुवाह सकलस्य शशाङ्कमूर्तेः Ki.2.59;9.2.
To look to, attend to, take care of; मुग्धाया मे जनन्या योगक्षेमं वहस्व M.4; तेषां नित्याभियुक्तानां योगक्षेमं वहाम्यहम् Bg.9.22.
To suffer, feel, experience; धर्मव्यथां वहति शीतभवां रुजं च Bv.1.94; so दुःखं, हर्षं, शोकं, तोषं &c.
(Intransitive in this and the following senses) To be borne or carried on, move or walk on; वहतं बलीवर्दौ वहतम् Mk.6; उत्थाय पुनरवहत् K.; Pt.1.43,291.
To flow (as rivers); प्रत्यगूहुर्महानद्यः Mb.; परोपकाराय वहन्ति नद्यः Subhāṣ.
To blow (as wind); मन्दं वहति मारुतः Rām.; वहति मलयसमीरे मदनमुपनिधाय Gīt.5.
To breathe. -Caus. (वाहयति-ते)
To cause to bear or carry, cause to be brought or led.
To drive, impel, direct.
To traverse, pass or go over; स वाह्यते राजपथः शिवाभिः R.16.12; भवान् वाहयेदध्वशेषम् Me.4.
To use, carry; असींश्च वाहयांचक्रुः Bk.14.23.
To place in a boat.
To proceed, go.
To carry out, complete, finish.
To go to, visit. -Desid. (विवक्षति-ते) To wish to carry &c.
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
वह् cl.1 P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxiii , 35 ) वहति, ते(in later language A1. only mc. ; Vedic forms which may partly belong to the aor. are वक्षि, वोढम्, ढाम्or वो।अम्, ।आम्, उहीत, वक्ष्व, वोढ्वम्, ऊढ्वम्, उहान; pf. उवाह, ऊहुः; ऊहेRV. etc. ; ववाह, हतुःMBh. ; aor. Ved. अवाक्षीत्or अवाट्Subj. वक्षत्, अति, Prec. उह्यात्; अवक्षि, अवोढGr. ; fut. वोढाBr. ; वक्ष्यति, तेAV. etc. ; वहिष्यतिMBh. etc. ; inf. वोढुम्RV. etc. etc. [Ved. also ढवेand ढवै] ; वाहेRV. ; वहध्यैib. ; ind.p. ऊढ्वाBr. ; -उह्यAV. etc. ; cf. 1. ऊह्) , to carry , transport , convey (with instr. of vehicle) RV. etc. ; to lead , conduct ( esp. offerings to the gods , said of अग्नि) ib. ; to bear along (water , said of rivers) ib. ; to draw (a car) , guide (horses etc. ) ib. ; to lead towards , to bring , procure , bestow Ka1v. Katha1s. ; to cause , effect BhP. ; to offer (a sacrifice) ib. ; to spread , diffuse (scent) Katha1s. ; to shed (tears) BhP. ; to carry away , carry off , rob MBh. Ka1v. etc. ; to lead home , take to wife , marry RV. etc. ; to bear or carry on or with (Inc. or instr. ) MBh. Ka1v. etc. ; to take or carry with or about one's self , have , possess Ka1v. Pur. Ra1jat. ; to wear (clothes) Mr2icch. ; (with शिरस्)to bear one's head( उच्चैश्-तराम्, " high ") Hariv. ; (with वसुंधराम्or क्ष्मा-मण्डालम्)to support i.e. rule the earth Ra1jat. ; (with गर्भम्)to be with child Pan5cat. ; to bear , suffer , endure Ka1v. Pur. ; to forbear , forgive , pardon BhP. ; to undergo (with अग्निम्, विषम्, तुलाम्, " the ordeal of fire , poison , and the balance ") Ya1jn5. ; to experience , feel MBh. Ka1v. etc. ; to exhibit , show , betray ib. ; to pay (a fine) Ya1jn5. ; to pass , spend (time) Ra1jat. ; (intrans.) to drive , ride , go by or in (with instr. of the vehicle) , be borne or carried along , run , swim etc. RV. etc. ; to draw ( scil. a carriage , said of a horse) Mn. viii , 146 ; to blow (as wind) Ka1v. Sa1h. ; to pass away , elapse Hcar. : Pass. उह्यते( ep. also ति; aor. अवाहि) , to be carried( उह्यमान, " being -ccarried ") etc. ; to be drawn or borne by( instr. )or along or off RV. etc. etc. : Caus. वाहयति( mc. also ते; aor. अवीवहत्; Pass. वाह्यते) , to cause to bear or carry or convey or draw (with two acc. Pa1n2. 1-4 , 52 Va1rtt. 6 Pat. ), drive (a chariot) , guide or ride (a horse) , propel (a boat) , go or travel by any vehicle MBh. Ka1v. etc. ; to cause to guide (two acc. ) Vop. ; to cause any one( acc. )to carry anything( acc. )on( loc. ) MBh. ; to cause to take in marriage ib. ; to cause to be conveyed by( instr. ) Ragh. Ra1jat. ; to traverse (a road) Ragh. ; to accomplish (a journey) Megh. ; to employ , keep going or in work Mn. iii , 68 ; iv , 86 ; to give , administer(See. वाहित); to take in , deceive(See. id. ): Desid. विवक्षति, तेGr. : Intens. वनीवाह्यते, to carry hither and thither( cf. वनीवाहनand वनीवाहित); वावहीति, to bear (a burden) Subh. ; वावह्यते, वावोढिGr. ([ cf. Gk. ? for ? ; Lat. vehere , vehiculum ; Slav. vesti ; Lith. ve4z3ti ; Goth. gawigan ; Germ. wgan , bewegen ; Eng. weigh.])
वह् ( ifc. ; strong form वाह्weak form ऊक्, which with a preceding अcoalesces into औ; See. Pa1n2. 3-2 , 64 ; iv , 1 , 61 )carrying , drawing , bearing , holding(See. अनड्-उह्, अप्सु-वह्, इन्द्र-वह्etc. ).