सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः





पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

वायुः, पुं, (वातीति । वागतिगन्धनयोः + “कृवा- पाजिमिस्वदिसाध्यशूभ्य उण् ।” उणा० १ । १ । इति उण् । “आतो युक्चिण्कृतोः ।” ७ । ३ । ३३ । इति युक् ।) उत्तरपश्चिमकोणाधिपतिः । वाति यः । वातास इति भाषा । स च पञ्चभूतान्तर्गतभूतविशेषः । तद्विशेषविवरणं यथा । वायवः प्राणापानव्यानोदानसमानाः ॥ प्राणो नाम प्राग्गमनवान् नासाग्रस्थानवर्त्ती । अपानो नाम अवाग्गमनवान् पाय्वादिस्थान- वर्त्ती । व्यानो नाम विश्वग्गमनवानखिलशरीर- वर्त्ती । उदानः कण्ठस्थानीय ऊर्द्ध्वगमनवानुत्- क्रमणवायुः । समानः शरीरमध्यगताशित- पीतान्नादिसमीकरणकरः । समीकरणन्तु परि- पाककरणं रसरुधिरशुक्रपुरीषादिकरणम् ॥ केचित्तु नागकूर्म्मकृकरदेवदत्तधनञ्जयाख्याः पञ्चान्ये वायवः सन्तीत्याहुः । नत्र नागः उद्गिरणकरः । कूर्म्मः निमीलनादिकरः । कृकरः क्षुधाकरः । देवदत्तः जृम्भणकरः । धनञ्जयः पोषणकरः । एतेषां प्राणादिष्वन्त- र्भावात् प्राणादयः पञ्चैवेति केचित् ॥ इदं प्राणादिपञ्चकं आकाशादिगतरजोऽंशेभ्यो मिलितेभ्य उत्पद्यते । इदं प्राणादिपञ्चकं कर्म्मेन्द्रियसहितं सत् प्राणमयकोशो भवति । अस्य क्रियात्मकत्वेन रजोऽशकार्य्यत्वम् । एतेषु कोशेषु मध्ये विज्ञानमयो ज्ञानशक्तिमान् कर्त्तृ- रूपः । मनोमय इच्छाशक्तिमान् करणरूपः । प्राणमयः क्रियाशक्तिमान् कार्य्यरूपः । इति वेदान्तसारः ॥ तत्पर्य्यायः । श्वसनः ३ स्पर्शनः ३ मातरिश्वा ४ सदागतिः ५ पृषदश्वः ६ गन्ध- वहः ७ गन्धवाहः ८ अनिलः ९ आशुगः १० समीरः ११ मारुतः १२ मरुत् १३ जगत्प्राणः १४ समीरणः १५ नभस्वान् १६ वातः १७ पवनः १८ पवमानः १९ प्रभञ्जनः २० । इत्य- मरः ॥ अजगत्प्राणः २१ खश्वासः २२ वाहः २३ धूलिध्वजः २४ फणिप्रियः २५ वातिः २६ नभःप्राणः २७ भोगिकान्तः २८ स्वकम्पनः २९ अक्षतिः ३० कम्पलक्ष्मा ३१ शसीनिः ३२ आवकः ३३ हरिः ३४ । इति शब्दरत्नावली ॥ वासः ३५ सुखाशः ३६ मृगवाहनः २७ सारः प्रस्यन्दनं चोद्वहनं पूरणञ्च विरेचनम् । धारणञ्चेति पञ्चैताश्चेष्टाः प्रोक्ता नभस्वतः ॥ क्रुद्धः स कुरुते रोगान् प्रायशः सर्व्वदेहगान् । युगपत् कुपिता एते देहं भिन्द्युरसंशयम् ॥” देहं भिन्नं कुर्य्युर्मारयेयुरित्यर्थः । इति भाव- प्रकाशः ॥ * ॥ (असुरविशेषः । यथा, हरि- वंशे । २ । ८५ । “दीर्घजिह्वोऽर्कनयनो मृदुचापो मृदुप्रियः । वायुर्गरिष्ठो नमुचिः शम्बरोविजयो महान् ॥”)

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

वायु पुं।




प्रचेता वरुणः पाशी यादसांपतिरप्पतिः। श्वसनः स्पर्शनो वायुर्मातरिश्वा सदागतिः॥

 : महावायुः, सवृष्टिकः_वायुः, शरीरवायुः

पदार्थ-विभागः : , द्रव्यम्, आत्मा, देवता



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

वायु¦ पु॰ वा--उण्।

१ स्पर्शगुणके पञ्चभूतमध्ये भूत{??}उत्तरपश्चिमविदिशाधिपतौ

२ देवभेदे

३ देहस्थधातुभेदे चअनिलसब्दे


४ पृ॰ दृश्यम्।



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

वायु¦ m. (-युः)
1. Air, wind, or its personified deification.
2. The air of the body, of which five are enumerated, viz. PRA4N4A, SAMA4N4A, APA4N4A, UDA4N4A, and BYA4N4A.
3. Morbid affection of the windy humour. E. वा to go, उण् Una4di aff., and युक् augment.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

वायुः [vāyuḥ], [वा उण् युक् च Uṇ.1.1]

Air, wind; वायुर्विधूनयति चम्पकपुष्परेणून् K. R.; आकाशात्तु विकुर्वाणात् सर्वगन्धवहः शुचिः । बलवाञ्जायते वायुः स वै स्पर्शगुणो मतः ॥ Ms.1.76. (There are seven courses of wind one above the other: आवहः प्रवह- श्चैव संवहश्चोद्वहस्तथा । विवहाख्यः परिवहः परावह इति क्रमात् ॥).

The god of wind, the deity supposed to preside over wind, (who is the regent of the north-west quarter).

A life-wind or vital air, of which five kinds are enumerated: प्राण, अपान, समान, व्यान and उदान.

Morbid affection or vitiation of the windy humour.

Breathing, breath.

A mystical N. of the letter य.-Comp. -अधिक a. gouty; Buddh. -आस्पदम् the sky, atmosphere. -कुम्भः a part of the elephant's face in the middle of Pratimāna; Mātaṅga L.1.1. -केतुः dust. -कोणः the north-west. -गण्डः flatulence (caused by indigestion). -गति a. swift as wind, very fleet. -गीतa. ('sung by the wind') universally known; अत्र गाथा वायुगीताः कीर्तयन्ति पुराविदः Ms.9.42.

गुल्मः a hurricane, storm.

a whirl-pool.

गोचरः the range of the wind.

the north-west. -ग्रन्थिः a swelling caused by the disturbance of the air in the body. -ग्रस्तa.

affected by wind, flatulent.

gouty. -जातः, -तनयः, -नन्दनः, -पुत्रः, -सुतः, -सूनुः epithets of Hanumat or Bhīma. -दारः, -दारुः a cloud. -दिश् the north-west. -देवम् the lunar mansion स्वाति. -निघ्न a. affected by wind, crazy, mad, frantic. -निवृत्तिः f.

a lull, calm.

cure of windy distempers (such as gout &c.). -परमाणुः a primary aerial atom. -पुराणम् N. of one of the 18 Purāṇas.

फलम् hail.

the rain-bow.-भक्षः, -भक्षणः, -भुज् m.

one who feeds only on air (as an ascetic).

a snake; cf. पवनाशन. -भूत a. going everywhere at will. -मण्डलम् a whirl-wind. -मरुल्लिपिः (मरुत् + लिपिः) a particular mode of writing. -मार्गः the atmosphere. -रुग्ण a. broken down by wind; फुल्ला- सनाग्रविटपानिव वायुरुग्णान् R.9.63. -रोषा night. -वर्त्मन् m., n. the sky, atmosphere. -वाहः smoke.

वाहनः N. of Viṣṇu.

of Śiva. -वाहिनी a vein, an artery, a vessel of the body. -वेग, -सम a. swift as wind. -सखः, -सखिःm. fire. -स्कन्धः the region of the wind.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

वायु m. (fr. 2. वा)wind , air (as one of the 5 elements ; in MBh. 7 winds are reckoned) RV. etc.

वायु m. the god of the wind (often associated with इन्द्रin the ऋग्- वेद, as वात[See. ] with पर्जन्य, but although of equal rank with इन्द्र, not occupying so prominent a position ; in the पुरुषसूक्तhe is said to have sprung form the breath of पुरुष, and elsewhere is described as the son-in-law of त्वष्टृ; be is said to move in a shining car drawn by a pair of red or purple horses or by several teams consisting of ninety-nine or a hundred or even a thousand horses [See. नि-युत्] ; he is often made to occupy the same chariot with इन्द्र, and in conjunction with him honoured with the first draught of the सोमlibation ; he is rarely connected with the मरुत्s , although in i , 134 , 4 , he is said to have begotten them from the rivers of heaven ; he is regent of the नक्षत्रस्वातिand north-west quarter See. लोक-पाल) ib.

वायु m. breathing , breath VPra1t I1s3Up.

वायु m. the wind of the body , a vital air (of which 5 are reckoned , viz. प्रा-ण, अपा-न, समान, उदान, and व्यान; or नाग, कूर्म, कृकर, देवदत्त, and धनं-जय) Hariv. Sa1m2khyak. Veda7ntas.

वायु m. (in medicine) the windy humour or any morbid affection of it Sus3r.

वायु m. the wind as a kind of demon producing madness Ka1d. Vcar. (See. -ग्रस्त)

वायु m. (in astron. ) N. of the fourth मुहूर्त

वायु m. a mystical N. of the letter यUp.

वायु m. N. of a वसुHariv.

वायु m. of a दैत्यib.

वायु m. of a king of the गन्धर्वs VP.

वायु m. of a मरुत्R.

वायु m. pl. the मरुत्s Katha1s. Ma1rkP.

वायु mfn. (fr. वै)tired , languid RV. vii , 91 , 1.

वायु mfn. (fr. वी)desirous , covetous , greedy (for food , applied to calves) TS.

वायु mfn. desirable , desired by the appetite RV.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

(I)--a God and father of इला; फलकम्:F1:  भा. IV. १०. 2; १४. २६.फलकम्:/F and मुदा clan of Apsarasas: presented पृथु with चामरस्: worshipped through प्राणायम in शाकद्वीप; फलकम्:F2:  Ib. V. १५. १५; २०. २७.फलकम्:/F A लोकपाल and father of भीम. Took part in the देवासुर wars and killed the Asuras. Deprived of his force by the Asuras; फलकम्:F3:  Ib. VIII. 5. १९; १०. २६; ११. 1 and ४२; IX. २२. २७. M. ३१. १२; ४६. 9. २६६. २४; वा. ९९. २४४.फलकम्:/F set out on a black antelope against कृष्ण taking पारिजात, but returned afraid of him; फलकम्:F4:  भा. X. [६५ (v)  ४४]: [६६ (v)  २७-32]; M. १४८. ६०-61.फलकम्:/F his city was visited by Arjuna in search of the dead child of a द्वारका Bra1hman2a; फलकम्:F5:  Ib. X. ८९. ४४; Br. IV. ३३. ६७.फलकम्:/F Born of आकाश: the wind-god loved अञ्जना and gave birth to हनुमान्: overlord of the winds, formless creatures and of time. Presiding deity of Bhuvarloka and hence Bhuvas- pati (also मातरिश्व). Addressed by the sages engaged in sacrifice to speak on लोकालोक; फलकम्:F6:  Ib. II. २०. 1 and 7; २५. 5-१४; III. 7. २३, २२४-5, २९६; 8. १२; IV. 2. २०; १९५-7, २१२, २४५-6.फलकम्:/F narrates the fourth पाद of the ब्रह्माण्ड पुराण, फलकम्:F7:  Ib. IV. 1. २२७; 4. ४४.फलकम्:/F reported to उमा in penance of a lady in her chamber little knowing her to be आदि in disguise; फलकम्:F8:  M. १५६. ३९.फलकम्:/F worship of; फलकम्:F9:  Ib. २३६, 5; २५३. २४; २६५. ३९ and ४१. २६८. १२.फलकम्:/F Icon of, mounted on a black deer, फलकम्:F१०:  Ib. २६१. १९; २८९. 6.फलकम्:/F a स्थान of Rudra; फलकम्:F११:  Vi. I. 8. 7.फलकम्:/F father of Manojava and भीम; फलकम्:F१२:  Ib. I. 8. ११; IV. २०. ४०.फलकम्:/F कृष्ण's messenger to Indra. फलकम्:F१३:  Ib. V. २१. १४-17; ३७. १६-28.फलकम्:/F [page३-196+ ३३]
(II)--is a transformation of आकाश with the two qualities of शब्द and स्पर्श। Its subtle element is स्पर्श from which came तेजस्; फलकम्:F1:  M. 3. २४.फलकम्:/F it is प्राण, अपान and समान; फलकम्:F2:  Ib. १६६. 5.फलकम्:/F role of, in sustaining life. फलकम्:F3:  वा. ३१. ४१-5.फलकम्:/F
(III)--a Vasu: a son of Dharma and सुदेवी. M. १७१. ४७.
(IV)--a son of अनुह्राद; फलकम्:F1:  वा. ६३. १२; ६७. ७५.फलकम्:/F the lord of सब्द, आकाश and बल, फलकम्:F2:  Ib. ७०. १२.फलकम्:/F the appointed father of वृकोदर; फलकम्:F3:  Ib. ९९. २४४.फलकम्:/F present- ed Skanda with the banners of the cuckoo and hen. फलकम्:F4:  Ib. ७२. ४५.फलकम्:/F
(V)--a तिर्थ sacred to, in the सरस्वती. भा. III. 1. २२.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

VĀYU I : One of the eight guardians of the world. (Dikpālakas).

1) General information. Vāyu was born from the breath of Viśvapuruṣa. (Ṛgveda 10, 90). Tvaṣṭā was the son in-law of Vāyu. The eight dikpālakas are Indra, Vahni (Fire), Yama, Nirṛti, Varuṇa, Vāyu, Kubera and Śiva. Vāyu is the guardian of the North West zone. The palace of Bhagavān Vāyu is known as Gandhavatī.

2) Confrontation with Vāsuki. Once Vāyu and Vāsuki tried to find out who of the two was mightier, in con- sequence of which, Trikūṭaparvata, a peak of Mount Himālaya, was broken from its bed and thrown into the southern ocean near Laṅkā. Later, the city of Laṅkā was built on this mountain. (For details see under Trikūṭa).

3) Children. Bhīmasena and Hanūmān are said to be the prominent sons of Bhagavān Vāyu. It is mentioned in Ṛgveda, Maṇḍala 1, Anuvāka 7, Sūkta 112, that Agni was the son of Vāyu. To make fire from wood by attrition, the hands obtain strength by the help of the life breath called Vyāna (a breath or vāyu). It is from this, that the idea that fire is the son of Vāyu, came in- to existence. To know how Vāyu obtained the paternity of Bhīma and Hanūmān see under Bhīma and Hanūmān. It is stated in Brahma Purāṇa that a group of celestial maids called ‘Mudā’ owes its origin to Vāyu.

4) Love of Vāyu. Once Bhagavān Vāyu happened to see the six beautiful daughters of Kuśanābha, a king, and he was excited sexually. As the princesses refused to satisfy his desire, Vāyu changed the damsels into hunch- backs, by a curse. (For detailed story see under Kuśa- nābha).

5) The Vāyus (breaths) in the body. (See under Nāḍīcakra).

6) Curbing the arrogance of Silk-cotton tree. Long ago a silk-cotton tree grew up on the top of the Himālayas. It grew up to be a big tree spreading its branches in all directions. Birds built their nests on the branches of that big tree and hermits and animals found shelter under its shade. The silk-cotton tree became arrogant. Once Nārada came there and praised the tree:--“How gigantic, this silk-cotton tree is! Even in a great storm its branches do not move.” The praise of Nārada made the tree more haughty. It told Nārada that the storm etc. were its servants. Nārada told Vāyu, what the silk-cotton tree said to him. Vāyu got angry and com- ing to the tree, said thus:- “You, wicked silk-cotton tree, in days of yore, when Brahmā was carrying on creation he took rest on you for a while. That is why I keep motionless when I come to you. It is not because I am afraid of you. I knew that you belittled me before Nārada. If you are bold enough, come and fight with me.”

The silk-cotton tree accepted the challenge. Next day Bhagavān Vāyu changed into a storm and blew against the tree. The tree lost leaves, flowers and fruits and stood bare. Thus within a very short time the arrogance of the tree was curbed.

This story was told to Yudhiṣṭhira by Bhīṣma, to show that rendering help to a foe, will only make him haughty. (M.B. Śānti Parva, 3 Chapters from 154).

Other details.

(i) When Indra cut off the wings of the mountains, Bhagavān Vāyu saved the mountain Maināka from this danger, by hiding it in the ocean. (Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa, Sundara Kāṇḍa, Sarga 1, Stanza 126).

(ii) The image of Bhagavān Vāyu should be consecrated as sitting on the haunch of a deer, holding a flag. (Agni Purāṇa, Chapter 51).

(iii) Indra sent Vāyu also along with Menakā to hinder the penance of Viśvāmitra. While Menakā was dancing in front of Viśvāmitra, Vāyu displaced her cloth. (M.B. Ādi Parva, Chapter 72, Stanza 1).

(iv) It is mentioned in Mahābhārata, Vana Parva, Chapter 19, Stanza 22, that Vāyu is the messenger of the gods.

(v) Mention is made in Mahābhārata, Sabhā Parva, Chapter 11, Stanza 20, that Vāyu stays in the palace of Brahmā, praising him.

(vi) Once Pradyumna tried to kill Śālva. At that time Vāyu went to Pradyumna as the messenger of Gods. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 19, Stanza 22).

(vii) Vāyu proved that Damayantī was chaste. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 76, Stanza 36).

(viii) Vāyu declared that Sītā was chaste. (M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 291, Stanza 27).

(ix) In Tripuradahana (the burning of Tripura) Vāyu acted as the arrow of the bow of Śiva. (M.B. Droṇa Parva, Chapter 202, Stanza 76).

(x) Vāyu gave Subrahmaṇya two attendants called Bala and Atibala. (M.B. Śalya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 44).

(xi) Once Vāyu advised Purūravas about the need of a priest. (M.B. Śānti Parva, Chapter 72, Stanzas 10-25).

(xii) Once Bhagavān Vāyu talked elaborately on the secrets of goodness and badness. (M.B. Anuśāsana Parva, Chapter 128).

(xiii) Bhagavān Vāyu once talked about the greatness of Brahmins to Kārtavīryārjuna. (M.B. Anuśāsana Parva, Chapter 152).

*9th word in right half of page 840 (+offset) in original book.

VĀYU II : An ancient hermit of India. It is mentioned in Mahābhārata, Śānti Parva, Chapter 47, Stanza 9, that this hermit visited Bhīṣma on his bed of arrows.

*1st word in right half of page 841 (+offset) in original book.

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