सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः





पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

विक्रमादित्यः, पुं, (विक्रमेणादित्य इव ।) स्वनाम- ख्यातो राजा । स च उज्जयनीदेशाधिपतिः संवत्कर्त्ता च । तत्पर्य्यायः । साहसाङ्कः २ शकारिः ३ । इति जटाधरः ॥ अस्य विवरणं द्वात्रिंशत्पुत्तलिकाकथायां तथा विक्रमार्कशब्दे च द्रष्टव्यम् ॥ (मोदकविशेषः । यदुक्तं चिन्ता- मणौ । यथा, -- “घृते गुन्दपलं विंशत् पचेत् सम्यग्भिषग्वरः । उत्तार्य्य च क्षिपेदेषां खण्डश्च पलविंशतिः ॥ तालमूली तुरङ्गी च शुण्ठी चेति पलार्द्धकम् । जातीफलञ्च कक्कोलं लवङ्गञ्चेति कार्षिकम् ॥ मालतीञ्च कुलिञ्जञ्च कबावं करभं त्वचम् । एतेषां कोलमात्राञ्च आयसस्य पलद्वयम् ॥ पलैकं मोदकं कृत्वा एकैकं भक्षयेद् दिने । धातुक्षीणोऽग्निक्षीणश्च बलानलकरं परम् ॥ नेत्ररोगेषु सर्व्वेषु कासश्वासे च कामले । प्रमेहान् विंशतिं हन्याद्विक्रमादित्यमोदकः ॥”)



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

विक्रमादित्य¦ पु॰ विक्रमेणादित्य इव। स्वनामख्याते नृपभेदेविक्रमार्कोऽप्यत्र
“नो दुष्टः श्रुत एव वा क्षितितलेश्रीविक्रमार्कोपमः” मिता॰।



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

विक्रमादित्य¦ m. (-त्यः) The name of a celebrated prince, the sovereign of Ougein, and reputed founder of an æra still in use amongst the Hindus, commencing 56 years before the Christian æra; there are however many princes of this name, and it has been applied to BHO4JA-Ra4ja, to SA4LIVA4HAN4A, and PRITHVI4 Ra4ja, as well as to five or six others; the name also occurs variously written, as VIKRAMA4DITYA, VIKRAMASEN4A, VIKRAMASINHA, VIKRAMA4RKA, &c. E. विक्रम power, and आदित्य the sun.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

विक्रमादित्य/ वि-क्र m. See. below

विक्रमादित्य/ विक्रमा m. " valour-sun " , N. of a celebrated Hindu king (of उज्जयिनीand supposed founder of the [ मालव-] विक्रमera [See. संवत्] , which begins 58 B.C. [but subtract 57-56 from an expired year of the -V विक्रमera to convert it into A.D.] ; he is said to have driven out the शकs and to have reigned over almost the whole of Northern India ; he is represented as a great patron of literature ; nine celebrated men are said to have flourished at his court [see नव-रत्न] , and innumerable legends are related of him all teeming with exaggerations ; according to some he fell in a battle with his rival शालि-वाहन, king of the south country or Deccan , and the legendary date given for his death is कलि-युग3044 [which really is the epoch-year of the विक्रमera] ; there are , however , other kings called विक्रमा-दित्य, and the name has been applied to king भोजand even to शालि-वाहन) Inscr. Katha1s. Vet. etc.

विक्रमादित्य/ विक्रमा m. of a poet Cat. (694228 -कोशm. N. of a dictionary ; 694228.1 -चरित्रn. N. of a poem = विक्रम-च्; 694228.2 -राजm. N. of a king)

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

VIKRAMĀDITYA : Vikramāditya, who is believed to be one of the mighty emperors of Bhārata, was an extra- ordinarily wise, righteous and valiant ruler. There are several stories in all the languages of India, prevalent every- where. They are generally called Vikramāditya stories. Vikramāditya was the son of Mahendrāditya, King of Ujjayinī. Mahendrāditya and his wife Saumyadarśanā were in great distress as they were childless. Sumati, the Prime Minister, Vajrāyudha, the army commander, and Mahīdhara, the priest, were as distressed as the royal couple. The King and the queen engaged them- selves in fast and prayer.

In the meanwhile, the Devas found life extremely difficult due to the wicked deeds of the barbarians, and they went to Kailāsa and told Rudradeva of their grievances. They said, “Oh! Lord! All the asuras exterminated by yourself and Mahāviṣṇu, are born on the earth as Barbarians. They commit great sins such as killing the Brahmins, obstructing sacrifices carrying away hermit damsels etc. The sacrificial offerings in the sacred fire with Vedic Mantras by Brahmins, is the food of Devas. Because of the troubles caused by the Barbarians in the earth, the sacrifices are hindered and the Devas are in trouble due to lack of food. So a being, mighty and strong enough to ex- terminate all the Barbarians on the earth, should take incarnation.”

Śiva agreed and sent the devas back to their world. Then he called Mālyavān and told him to take birth as the son of Mahendrāditya in the city of Ujjayinī. Śiva added. “You should exterminate all the Barbarians and reinstate rituals and ceremonies. The Yakṣas, Rākṣasas, ghosts etc. will be under your control. You will be an emperor there with divine powers.” Accord- ingly Mālyavān took birth as the son of Mahendrā- ditya. That infant was Vikramāditya who became a mighty emperor later. (Kathāsaritsāgara, Viṣamaśīla- lambaka, Taraṅga 1).

*9th word in right half of page 854 (+offset) in original book.

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