सामग्री पर जाएँ


दृश्यताम् (पूर्वतनम् २० | ) (२० | ५० | १०० | २५० | ५००)
  • ऋचीकः [ṛcīkḥ], [ऋच्-ईकक्] The father of Jamadagni. N. of a country....
    ४५० B (१२ शब्दाः) - ०८:०९, २१ मार्च् २०१६
  • --interchange of sacrificial cakes leading to birth of Jamadagni (s.v.). वा. ६५. ९३....
    ५१६ B (१४ शब्दाः) - २१:४९, २७ मे २०१६
  • born to Jamadagni by his wife Reṇukā. The sons of Jamadagni were, Rumaṇvān, Suṣeṇa, Vasu, Viśvāvasu and Paraśurāma. It was Rumaṇvān that Jamadagni ordered...
    १ KB (११४ शब्दाः) - २३:०९, २७ मे २०१६
  • --a daughter of king रेणुक of इक्ष्वाकु line. Hence रेणुका; wife of Jamadagni; mother of परशुराम. Br. III. ६६. ६१....
    ५९४ B (२० शब्दाः) - ११:०९, २ मे २०१७
  • sage Jamadagni. Jamadagni once got his wife Reṇukā killed by Paraśu- rāma. Though he brought her back to life as desired by Paraśurāma, Jamadagni felt...
    ४ KB (२३१ शब्दाः) - १३:४८, २ मे २०१७
  • 88. 1; described as holy (puṇyeṣu) and pleasing (ramyeṣu) 3. 88. 13; Jamadagni offered a sacrifice at the Palāśakas (jamadagnir mahāyaśāḥ/palāśakeṣu…ayajatābhibhūḥ)...
    ४ KB (२२४ शब्दाः) - ०२:३९, २८ मे २०१६
  • कोङ्कणा [kōṅkaṇā], N. of Reṇukā, wife of Jamadagni. -Comp. -सूतः an epithet of Paraśurāma. कोङ्कणा f. a कोङ्कणwoman W. कोङ्कणा f. N. of the mother of...
    ९४३ B (३४ शब्दाः) - १०:५१, २१ मार्च् २०१६
  • the three incarnations of VISHN4U called RA4MAS; PARASURA4MA the son of JAMADAGNI. E. भृगु in the sixth case plural, and पति master, chief of the BHRIGUS...
    ६४९ B (३६ शब्दाः) - ११:१२, २१ मार्च् २०१६
  • [jamadagniḥ], A Brāhmaṇa and descendant of Bhṛigu and father of Paraśurāma. [Jamadagni was the son of Ṛichika and Satyavatī. He was a pious sage, deeply engaged...
    २२ KB (२,७०९ शब्दाः) - २१:५३, २७ मे २०१६
  • umbrella) were born. Once the heat of the Sun be- came unbearable to Jamadagni and enraged at this the sage started sending arrows against the Sun. His...
    २ KB (३१८ शब्दाः) - २१:५१, २७ मे २०१६
  • daughter of Saṁhitāśva and daughter of Prasenajit was married by maharṣi Jamadagni. (Brahmāṇḍa Purāṇa, Chapter 1). _______________________________ *8th word...
    ७९२ B (४४ शब्दाः) - २३:५०, २७ मे २०१६
  • daughter of Saṁhitāśva and daughter of Prasenajit was married by maharṣi Jamadagni. (Brahmāṇḍa Purāṇa, Chapter 1). _______________________________ *8th word...
    ७९२ B (४४ शब्दाः) - २३:४५, २७ मे २०१६
  • जमद्-अग्निTS. vii , 1. Jāmadagniya is the patronymic of two ‘descendants of Jamadagni’ in the Taittirīya Saṃhitā. It appears from the Pañcaviṃśa Brāhmaṇa that...
    १ KB (६५ शब्दाः) - २३:१४, २० फेब्रवरी २०१७
  • 2. The hero PARASURA4MA. E. भृगु the saint BHRIGU, or his descendant JAMADAGNI, and सुत the son. भृगुसुत/ भृगु--सुत m. " -Bh भृगु's son " , the planet...
    २ KB (६५ शब्दाः) - ११:१२, २१ मार्च् २०१६
  • groups in thousands (hundreds-वा। प्।); vanquished by भार्गव, son of Jamadagni; फलकम्:F1: Br. III. 6. १८-22; M. 6. २५; २४९. ५१, ६७; वा. ६८. १७-22.फलकम्:/F...
    ८७९ B (६९ शब्दाः) - ००:०२, २८ मे २०१६
  • designates a particular kind of skill in speech which Viśvāmitra obtained from Jamadagni. What it was is quite uncertain. iii. 53, 15, 16. Bṛhaddevatā, iii. 113...
    १ KB (८१ शब्दाः) - २३:२९, २० फेब्रवरी २०१७
  • three RA4MAS, being the sixth Avata4r of VISHN4U, as the son of the Muni JAMADAGNI. E. पर्शु an axe, and राम RA4MA; also परशुराम। पर्शुराम/ पर्शु--राम m...
    २ KB (७६ शब्दाः) - १०:२१, २१ मार्च् २०१६
  • (vedi). Located at Śūrpāraka; described as delightful (ramyā); raised by Jamadagni 3. 86. 9. p. 383. 1 after the entry Puramālinī add the following entry:...
    २ KB (१८६ शब्दाः) - ०२:४०, २८ मे २०१६
  • Puraścandrā  : f.: Name of an altar (vedi). Located at Śūrpāraka; raised by Jamadagni 3. 86. 9. p. 400. 1 before the entry Bhṛgutuṅga add the following entry:...
    २ KB (१९८ शब्दाः) - ०२:४०, २८ मे २०१६
  • Puraścandrā  : f.: Name of an altar (vedi). Located at Śūrpāraka; raised by Jamadagni 3. 86. 9. p. 400. 1 before the entry Bhṛgutuṅga add the following entry:...
    २ KB (१९८ शब्दाः) - ०२:४०, २८ मे २०१६
दृश्यताम् (पूर्वतनम् २० | ) (२० | ५० | १०० | २५० | ५००)
"https://sa.wiktionary.org/wiki/विशेषः:अन्वेषणम्" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्