सामग्री पर जाएँ


किं भवतः/भवत्याः आशयः एवमस्ति : load chip
  • a bit late and Jamadagni enraged at this commanded his son Paraśurāma to chop the head of his own mother. (Brahmāṇḍa Purāṇa, Chapter 59). _______________________________...
    १७ KB (१,७८८ शब्दाः) - २१:५०, २७ मे २०१६
  • ordered him and then Mura said “You should stop killing people or I will chop your head off.” Dharmarāja replied “Mura, if you had been the person who...
    १२ KB (१,२९२ शब्दाः) - २२:५९, २७ मे २०१६
  • residence of आपव and was cursed that a भार्- gava and a ब्राह्मण would chop off his १००० hands. फलकम्:F१४: M. ४३. २५-43; वा. ९४. 9-२४.फलकम्:/F A गाथ...
    ७८ KB (१०,२३० शब्दाः) - १०:२०, २ मे २०१७
"https://sa.wiktionary.org/wiki/विशेषः:अन्वेषणम्" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्