सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः





पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

वैतरणी, स्त्री, नरकसिन्धुः । इत्यमरः ॥ “वित- रणेन दानेन तीर्य्यते वैतरणी । ष्णः षित्त्वादीप् ष्णौ वैतरणिश्च । अटविपटिघाटी- वैतेरण्यर्च्चिशुण्ठीरिति ह्नस्वान्तेषु रुद्रः । ततो- ऽपि पाच्छोणादीति वा ईप् । विरुद्धं तरणं वितरणं तदस्यामस्तीति वैतरणीत्यन्ये । वित- रणौ विसूर्य्ये पाताले भवा वैतरणीत्यन्ये । वितरणिर्विनौका तरणशून्येत्यर्थः स्वार्थे ष्णे वैतरणीत्येके । सिन्धुर्नदी । ‘नारका जन्तवः प्रेता नदी वैतरणी स्मृता ॥’ इति त्रिकाण्डम् ॥” इति भरतः ॥ * ॥ सा नदी दुर्गन्धा तप्तजला महावेगा अस्थिकेशरक्तपरिपूर्णा यमद्बारे वर्त्तते । यथा, -- “नदी वैतरणी नाम दुर्गन्धा रुधिरावहा । उष्णतोया महावेगा अस्थिकेशतरङ्गिणी ॥” इति प्रायश्चित्तविवेकधृतयमदग्निवचनम् ॥ * ॥ अस्य उत्पत्तिर्यथा, -- मार्कण्डेय उवाच । “ततो ब्रह्मादयो देवाः सर्व्वे ते शङ्करान्तिकम् । गत्वा हरं संमुमुहुः सांसार्य्या योगमायया ॥ शनैश्चरोऽपि भूतेशमासाद्यान्तर्हितस्तदा । वाष्पवृष्टिं दुराधर्षामवजग्राह मायया ॥ यदा स नाशकद्वाष्पान् सन्धारयितुमर्कजः । तदा महागिरौ क्षिप्ता वाष्पास्ते जलधारके ॥ लोकालोकस्य निकटे जलधाराह्वयो गिरिः । पुष्करद्वीपपृष्ठस्थस्तोयसागरपश्चिमे ॥ स तु सर्व्वप्रमाणेन मेरुपर्व्वतसन्निभः । तस्मिन् विन्यस्तवान् षाष्पान् न धर्त्तुं क्षम ईशितुः ॥ विदीर्णस्तैस्तु वाष्पौघैर्भग्नमध्योऽभवद्द्रुतम् । ते वाष्पाः पर्व्वतं भित्त्वा विविशुस्तोयसागरम् ॥ सागरोऽपि ग्रहीतु तान्न शशाक खरानति । ततस्तु सागरं मध्ये भित्त्वा वाष्पाः समागताः ॥ तोयधेः प्राग्भवां वेलां स्पर्शमात्राद्बिभेद ताम् । विभिद्य वेलां ते वास्पाः पुष्करद्वीपमध्यगाः ॥ नदी वैतरणी भूत्वा पूर्व्वसागरगाभवन् । जलधारस्य वेगेन संसर्गात् सागरस्य च ॥ अवाप्य सौम्यतां किञ्चिद्वाष्पास्ते नाभिदन् क्षितिम् । त्वद्वाष्पव्याकुला पृथ्वी विदीर्णा स्यान्न चेच्छनिः ॥ अवजग्राह ते वास्पं सोऽपि कृष्णोऽभवद्धठात् । शनैश्चरेण ते वोढमसमर्थेन लोतकैः ॥ क्षिप्तैर्वि दारितः सोऽसौ जलधारो महागिरिः । विभिद्य पर्व्वतं शम्भोर्व्वास्पास्ते सागरं ययुः ॥ वैवस्वतपुरद्बारे योजनद्वयविस्तृता । अद्यापि तिष्ठत्यपगा हरलोतकसम्भवा ॥ भित्त्वा वेलां ततः पृथ्वीं विभिद्याशु तरङ्गिणीम् । चक्रुर्वैतरणीनाम्ना पूर्व्वसागरगामिनीम् ॥ नानायानविमानेन न द्रौण्या स्यन्दनेन च । तर्त्तुं शक्या सा तु नदी तप्ततोया विभीषणा ॥ दुःखेन तां तु पृथिवी बिभर्त्ति महताधुना । सदा चोर्द्ध्वगतैर्वाष्पैर्विक्षिपन्ति नभश्चरान् ॥ तस्या उपरि नो यान्ति देवा अपि भयाद्धर । यमद्धारं समावृत्य योजनद्वयविस्तृता । निम्नं वहति संपूर्णा भीषयन्ती जगत्त्रयम् ॥” इति कालिकापुराणे १८ अध्यायः ॥ * ॥ आसन्नमृत्युकाले वैतरणीगवीदानं यथा, -- “आसन्नमृत्युना देया गौः सवत्सा च पूर्ब्बवत् । तदभावे च गौरेका नरकोद्धारणाय वै ॥ तदा यदि न शक्नोति दातुं वैतरणीञ्च गाम् । शक्तोऽन्योऽरुक् तदा दत्त्वा श्रेयो दद्यान्मृतस्य च ॥” पूर्ब्बवद्धेमशृङ्गादिना । अत्र मृतस्य चेति श्रवणा- देकादशाहेऽपि वैतरणीदानाचारः । इति शुद्धितत्त्वम् ॥ * ॥ वैतरणीगोदानानन्तरं प्रार्थनामन्त्रो यथा, -- “यमद्वारे महाघोरे तप्ता वैतरणी नदी । ताञ्च तर्त्तुं ददाम्येनां कृष्णां वैतरणीञ्च गाम् ॥” इति तत्प्रयोगः ॥ अन्यत् मुमूर्षुशब्दे द्रष्टव्यम् ॥ पितृकन्या । यथा, -- “अयज्वानश्च यज्वानः षितरो ब्रह्मणः स्मृताः अग्निस्वात्ता वर्हिषदो द्विधा तेषां व्यवस्थितिः । तेभ्यः स्वधा मुतां जज्ञे मेनां वैतरणीं तथा ॥” इति कौर्म्मे १३ अध्यायः ॥ * ॥ (कलिङ्गदेशस्थ-नदीविशेषः । यथा, महा- भारते । ३ । ११४ । ४ । “एते कलिङ्गाः कौन्तेय ! यत्र वैतरणी नदी । यत्रायजत धर्म्मोऽपि देवाञ्छरणमेत्य वै ॥”)

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

वैतरणी स्त्री।




सङ्घातः कालसूत्रं चेत्याद्याः सत्त्वास्तु नारकाः। प्रेता वैतरणी सिन्धुः स्यादलक्ष्मीस्तु निरृतिः॥

पदार्थ-विभागः : , द्रव्यम्, पृथ्वी, अचलनिर्जीवः, स्थानम्, अलौकिकस्थानम्

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

वैतरणी f. See. below.

वैतरणी f. N. of the Hindu Styx i.e. the river that flows between earth and the lower regions or abode of departed spirits presided over by यम(it is described as rushing with great impetuosity , hot , fetid , and filled with blood , hair and bones See. RTL. 290 , 570 ) MBh. Pur. etc.

वैतरणी f. a cow (given to Brahmans) that transports a dead man over that river Hcat.

वैतरणी f. N. of a sacred river in कलिङ्गor Orissa (usually called Baitarani) MBh. Hariv. R. Pur.

वैतरणी f. of a division of the lower regions MW.

वैतरणी f. of the mother of the राक्षसs L.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

(I)--(वैतरणम्) one of twenty-eight hells. Intended for the mad, and for those fallen from character and conduct, those that spoil मख or devastate villages. भा. V. २६. 7; Br. II. २८. ८३; IV. 2. १४९-171; M. १४१. ६९; वा. ५६. ७८; १०१. १४८, १६९; Vi. II. 6. 3 and २४.
(II)--a R. in hell. For transgressing law and convention one gets drowned in this river of refuse and urine, etc. भा. II. 2. 7; V. २६. २२; VII. 9. ४३.
(III)--a R. from the Vindhyas; fit for श्राद्- dha offerings; फलकम्:F1:  Br. II. १६. ३३; III. १३. १०३; M. ११४. २७; वा. ४५. १०२; ७७. ९५.फलकम्:/F a deva नदी; gift of a cow here secures release for twenty-one generations. फलकम्:F2:  वा. १०५. ४४; १०८. ८०; १०९. १७; ११२. २६.फलकम्:/F

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Vaitaraṇī^1  : f.: Name of a river.

A. Location: Listed by Saṁjaya among the rivers of the Bhāratavarṣa; people used its water for drinking 6. 10. 33, 13; in the Kaliṅga country (ete kaliṅgāḥ kaunteya yatra vaitaraṇī nadī) 3. 114. 4; flowing near the tīrtha Triviṣṭapa 3. 81. 70 and the tīrtha Viraja 3. 83. 6.

B. Description: Holy (puṇyā) 3. 81. 70; releasing from sins (pāpapramocanī) 3. 81. 70; 3. 83. 6; the northern bank of Vaitaraṇī is described as adorned by a mountain; this bank is fit for performing sacrifices, is thronged by sages and is always visited by Brāhmaṇas (ṛṣibhiḥ samupāyuktaṁ yajñiyaṁ giriśobhitam/uttaraṁ tīram etad dhi satataṁ dvijasevitam//) 3. 114. 5; all the rivers listed by Saṁjaya are described as mothers of the universe and very strong 6. 10. 35 (for citation see Atikṛṣṇā ).

C. Holiness:

(1) By bathing in Vaitaraṇī and by worshipping there god Vṛṣadhvaja (Śiva) one is cleansed of all sins and he obtains the highest condition (gaccheta paramāṁ gatim) 3. 81. 71;

(2) By visiting Vaitaraṇī (and also the tīrtha Viraja) one shines like moon (virājati yathā śaśī); he destroys all sins and, (after death), is born in a meritorious family (prabhavec ca kule puṇye); he gets the fruit of gifting a thousand cows and purifies his family 3. 83. 6-7;

(3) Its northern bank specially suitable for performing sacrifices (yajñiyaṁ…uttaraṁ tīram) 3. 114. 5 (see the section on Past and mythological events);

(4) One who touches the water of this river and recites the following gāthā (called Anuvaṁśa of Rudra): ayātayāmaṁ sarvebhyo bhāgebhyo bhāgam uttamam/ devāḥ saṁkalpayām āsur bhayād rudrasya śāśvatam (3. 114. 11) goes (to heaven) by the devayāna and his eye shines (imāṁ gāthām atra gāyann apaḥ spṛśati yo naraḥ/ devayānas tasya panthāś cakṣuś caiva prakāśate) 3. 114. 12.

D. Epic events: Pointed out by Lomaśa to Yudhiṣṭhira 3. 114. 4; the Pāṇḍavas and Draupadī descended into the river Vaitaraṇī and gave offerings to manes (avatīrya mahābhāgā (? mahābhāgāṁ) tarpayāṁ cakrire pitṝn) 3. 114. 13; Yudhiṣṭhira told Lomaśa that by bathing (upaspṛśya) in the river he went above the realm of human beings and saw all the worlds and (heard) the sound of the Vaikhānasas who were offering prayers (mānuṣād asmi viṣayād apetaḥ paśya lomaśa/sarvāĩ lokān prapaśyāmi…vaikhānasānām japatām eṣa śabdo mahātmanām) 3. 114. 14-15; Lomaśa then told him that the sound he was hearing was coming from a distance of three hundred thousand yojanas and that he should keep quiet (tūṣṇīm āssva viśāṁ pate) 3. 114. 16.

E. Past and mythological events:

(1) Sages formerly offered sacrifices on the bank of Vaitaraṇī and went to heaven by a path similar to the devayāna (samena devayānena pathā svargam upeyuṣaḥ/atra vai ṛṣayo 'nye 'pi purā kratubhir ījire) 3. 114. 6;

(2) Here Dharma himself took refuge with gods and offered a sacrifice (yatrāyajata dharmo 'pi devāñ śaraṇam etya vai) 3. 114. 4;

(3) Here Rudra once took away the sacrificial animal (paśu) in a sacrifice saying ‘this is (my) share’; gods then requested him not to take away what belonged to some one else and destroy the dharmas; they praised Rudra and satisfied him with a sacrifice and honoured him; Rudra then let go the sacrificial animal and went away by the Devayāna 3. 114. 7-10;

(4) Near the river Vaitaraṇī was the wood of Svayaṁbhū where Viśvakarman offered a sacrifice 3. 114. 17 (for details see Vedī^2 ).

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Vaitaraṇī^2  : f.: Name of a river.

Situated in the south 5. 107. 1; it was sought by those who wished to go beyond (the cycle of life and death) (atra vaitaraṇī nāma nadī vitaraṇair vṛtā) (this explains the name of the river); by reaching it one puts an end both to happiness and misery (atra gatvā sukhasyāntaṁ duḥkhasyāntaṁ prapadyate) 5. 107. 14 (Nī., however, on Bom. Ed. 5. 109. 14-15: vitaraṇaiḥ vaitaraṇīnadīsajñakanarakagāmibhiḥ/sukhasyāntaṁ narakaṁ duḥkhasyāntaṁ svargasukham).

*1st word in right half of page p451_mci (+offset) in original book.

Vaitaraṇī^3  : f.: Name of a mythological river; also called Mahāvaitaraṇī (6. 55. 125; 8. 58. 7; 8. 68. 18)

A. Location: In the realm of Yama (vaitaraṇyāṁ…yamakṣaye) 12. 290. 31; flows towards the kingdom of Yama (yathā vaitaraṇī rājan yamarāṣṭrapuraṁ prati) 7. 146. 47; 6. 99. 38.

B. Description: Big river (mahānadī) 12. 309. 31; hot (uṣṇā) 12. 309. 31; cruel (krūrā) 6. 55. 125; fierce (ugrā) 8. 55. 42; frightful (ghorā) 16. 6. 10; very frightful (sughorā) 6. 55. 121; (subhīmā) 6. 55. 125; (mahābhayā) 7. 48. 50; painful to look at (durdṛśā) 8. 68. 18; river of blood (asṛgjalā) 7. 48. 49; (śoṇitaughataraṅgiṇī) 7. 146. 47; difficult to cross (dustarā) 7. 48. 50; difficult to cross by evildoers (dustarā pāpakarmabhiḥ) 1. 158. 19; difficult to cross by those who have not realized the Soul (vaitaraṇīm…dustarām akṛtātmabhiḥ) 8. 55. 42 (also see section F. Similes below).

C. Characteristic: A person who does evil deeds (duṣkṛtakarmā 12. 309. 30) plunges into Vaitaraṇī; his limbs are cut by a forest of sword-sharp leaves and, lying on the bed of axes, he lives in hell, severely afflicted 12. 309. 31; those who fall in Vaitaraṇī experience grief (vaitaraṇyāṁ ca yad duḥkhaṁ patitānām) 12. 290. 31; (knowing it the followers of the Sāṁkhya doctrine seek knowledge and go beyond the phenomenon of birth 12. 290. 69).

D. Form of Gaṅgā: Dvaipāyana (Vyāsa) had declared that the river Gaṅgā became Vaitaraṇī after reaching the world of Pitṛs and was difficult to cross by evildoers (tathā pitṝn vaitaraṇī dustarā pāpakarmabhiḥ/ gaṅgā bhavati gandharva yathā dvaipāyano 'bravīt//) 1. 158. 19.

E. Epic event: When Indra and other gods and Dharma in bodily form came to meet Yudhiṣṭhira, the river Vaitaraṇī with its thorny Śālmali trees disappeared (nadī vaitaraṇī caiva kūṭaśālmalinā saha (nādṛśyata)) 18. 3. 1-2, 4-5.

F. Similes:

(1) The river of blood of the warriors killed by Arjuna (6. 55. 121) compared with Mahāvaitaraṇī (mahāvaitaraṇīprakāśām) 6. 55. 125;

(2) The river of blood and entrails (lohitāntrataraṅgiṇī) flowing on the field of battle and carrying away the timid ones compared with Vaitaraṇī which carries corpses to the city of Yama (yathā vaitaraṇī pretān pretarājapuraṁ prati) 6. 99. 38;

(3) The river made to flow on the field of battle by prominent warriors (yodhavaraiḥ pravartitā raṇanadī) compared to Vaitaraṇī 7. 48. 50;

(4) The river of blood with mud (śoṇitakardamām//śoṇitodām) made to flow by Bhīma compared with Vaitaraṇī 8. 55. 38-39, 42;

(5) The battle-field appeared like Mahāvaitaraṇī (raṇabhūmir abhūd rājan mahāvaitaraṇī yathā) 8. 58. 7;

(6) Dvārakā, bareft of Balarāma, Kṛṣṇa and other Yādava heroes, appeared as frightful to Arjuna as Vaitaraṇī (ghorāṁ nadīṁ vaitaraṇīm iva) 16. 6. 10.

*2nd word in right half of page p451_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Mahabharata Cultural Index


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Vaitaraṇī^1  : f.: Name of a river.

A. Location: Listed by Saṁjaya among the rivers of the Bhāratavarṣa; people used its water for drinking 6. 10. 33, 13; in the Kaliṅga country (ete kaliṅgāḥ kaunteya yatra vaitaraṇī nadī) 3. 114. 4; flowing near the tīrtha Triviṣṭapa 3. 81. 70 and the tīrtha Viraja 3. 83. 6.

B. Description: Holy (puṇyā) 3. 81. 70; releasing from sins (pāpapramocanī) 3. 81. 70; 3. 83. 6; the northern bank of Vaitaraṇī is described as adorned by a mountain; this bank is fit for performing sacrifices, is thronged by sages and is always visited by Brāhmaṇas (ṛṣibhiḥ samupāyuktaṁ yajñiyaṁ giriśobhitam/uttaraṁ tīram etad dhi satataṁ dvijasevitam//) 3. 114. 5; all the rivers listed by Saṁjaya are described as mothers of the universe and very strong 6. 10. 35 (for citation see Atikṛṣṇā ).

C. Holiness:

(1) By bathing in Vaitaraṇī and by worshipping there god Vṛṣadhvaja (Śiva) one is cleansed of all sins and he obtains the highest condition (gaccheta paramāṁ gatim) 3. 81. 71;

(2) By visiting Vaitaraṇī (and also the tīrtha Viraja) one shines like moon (virājati yathā śaśī); he destroys all sins and, (after death), is born in a meritorious family (prabhavec ca kule puṇye); he gets the fruit of gifting a thousand cows and purifies his family 3. 83. 6-7;

(3) Its northern bank specially suitable for performing sacrifices (yajñiyaṁ…uttaraṁ tīram) 3. 114. 5 (see the section on Past and mythological events);

(4) One who touches the water of this river and recites the following gāthā (called Anuvaṁśa of Rudra): ayātayāmaṁ sarvebhyo bhāgebhyo bhāgam uttamam/ devāḥ saṁkalpayām āsur bhayād rudrasya śāśvatam (3. 114. 11) goes (to heaven) by the devayāna and his eye shines (imāṁ gāthām atra gāyann apaḥ spṛśati yo naraḥ/ devayānas tasya panthāś cakṣuś caiva prakāśate) 3. 114. 12.

D. Epic events: Pointed out by Lomaśa to Yudhiṣṭhira 3. 114. 4; the Pāṇḍavas and Draupadī descended into the river Vaitaraṇī and gave offerings to manes (avatīrya mahābhāgā (? mahābhāgāṁ) tarpayāṁ cakrire pitṝn) 3. 114. 13; Yudhiṣṭhira told Lomaśa that by bathing (upaspṛśya) in the river he went above the realm of human beings and saw all the worlds and (heard) the sound of the Vaikhānasas who were offering prayers (mānuṣād asmi viṣayād apetaḥ paśya lomaśa/sarvāĩ lokān prapaśyāmi…vaikhānasānām japatām eṣa śabdo mahātmanām) 3. 114. 14-15; Lomaśa then told him that the sound he was hearing was coming from a distance of three hundred thousand yojanas and that he should keep quiet (tūṣṇīm āssva viśāṁ pate) 3. 114. 16.

E. Past and mythological events:

(1) Sages formerly offered sacrifices on the bank of Vaitaraṇī and went to heaven by a path similar to the devayāna (samena devayānena pathā svargam upeyuṣaḥ/atra vai ṛṣayo 'nye 'pi purā kratubhir ījire) 3. 114. 6;

(2) Here Dharma himself took refuge with gods and offered a sacrifice (yatrāyajata dharmo 'pi devāñ śaraṇam etya vai) 3. 114. 4;

(3) Here Rudra once took away the sacrificial animal (paśu) in a sacrifice saying ‘this is (my) share’; gods then requested him not to take away what belonged to some one else and destroy the dharmas; they praised Rudra and satisfied him with a sacrifice and honoured him; Rudra then let go the sacrificial animal and went away by the Devayāna 3. 114. 7-10;

(4) Near the river Vaitaraṇī was the wood of Svayaṁbhū where Viśvakarman offered a sacrifice 3. 114. 17 (for details see Vedī^2 ).

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Vaitaraṇī^2  : f.: Name of a river.

Situated in the south 5. 107. 1; it was sought by those who wished to go beyond (the cycle of life and death) (atra vaitaraṇī nāma nadī vitaraṇair vṛtā) (this explains the name of the river); by reaching it one puts an end both to happiness and misery (atra gatvā sukhasyāntaṁ duḥkhasyāntaṁ prapadyate) 5. 107. 14 (Nī., however, on Bom. Ed. 5. 109. 14-15: vitaraṇaiḥ vaitaraṇīnadīsajñakanarakagāmibhiḥ/sukhasyāntaṁ narakaṁ duḥkhasyāntaṁ svargasukham).

*1st word in right half of page p451_mci (+offset) in original book.

Vaitaraṇī^3  : f.: Name of a mythological river; also called Mahāvaitaraṇī (6. 55. 125; 8. 58. 7; 8. 68. 18)

A. Location: In the realm of Yama (vaitaraṇyāṁ…yamakṣaye) 12. 290. 31; flows towards the kingdom of Yama (yathā vaitaraṇī rājan yamarāṣṭrapuraṁ prati) 7. 146. 47; 6. 99. 38.

B. Description: Big river (mahānadī) 12. 309. 31; hot (uṣṇā) 12. 309. 31; cruel (krūrā) 6. 55. 125; fierce (ugrā) 8. 55. 42; frightful (ghorā) 16. 6. 10; very frightful (sughorā) 6. 55. 121; (subhīmā) 6. 55. 125; (mahābhayā) 7. 48. 50; painful to look at (durdṛśā) 8. 68. 18; river of blood (asṛgjalā) 7. 48. 49; (śoṇitaughataraṅgiṇī) 7. 146. 47; difficult to cross (dustarā) 7. 48. 50; difficult to cross by evildoers (dustarā pāpakarmabhiḥ) 1. 158. 19; difficult to cross by those who have not realized the Soul (vaitaraṇīm…dustarām akṛtātmabhiḥ) 8. 55. 42 (also see section F. Similes below).

C. Characteristic: A person who does evil deeds (duṣkṛtakarmā 12. 309. 30) plunges into Vaitaraṇī; his limbs are cut by a forest of sword-sharp leaves and, lying on the bed of axes, he lives in hell, severely afflicted 12. 309. 31; those who fall in Vaitaraṇī experience grief (vaitaraṇyāṁ ca yad duḥkhaṁ patitānām) 12. 290. 31; (knowing it the followers of the Sāṁkhya doctrine seek knowledge and go beyond the phenomenon of birth 12. 290. 69).

D. Form of Gaṅgā: Dvaipāyana (Vyāsa) had declared that the river Gaṅgā became Vaitaraṇī after reaching the world of Pitṛs and was difficult to cross by evildoers (tathā pitṝn vaitaraṇī dustarā pāpakarmabhiḥ/ gaṅgā bhavati gandharva yathā dvaipāyano 'bravīt//) 1. 158. 19.

E. Epic event: When Indra and other gods and Dharma in bodily form came to meet Yudhiṣṭhira, the river Vaitaraṇī with its thorny Śālmali trees disappeared (nadī vaitaraṇī caiva kūṭaśālmalinā saha (nādṛśyata)) 18. 3. 1-2, 4-5.

F. Similes:

(1) The river of blood of the warriors killed by Arjuna (6. 55. 121) compared with Mahāvaitaraṇī (mahāvaitaraṇīprakāśām) 6. 55. 125;

(2) The river of blood and entrails (lohitāntrataraṅgiṇī) flowing on the field of battle and carrying away the timid ones compared with Vaitaraṇī which carries corpses to the city of Yama (yathā vaitaraṇī pretān pretarājapuraṁ prati) 6. 99. 38;

(3) The river made to flow on the field of battle by prominent warriors (yodhavaraiḥ pravartitā raṇanadī) compared to Vaitaraṇī 7. 48. 50;

(4) The river of blood with mud (śoṇitakardamām//śoṇitodām) made to flow by Bhīma compared with Vaitaraṇī 8. 55. 38-39, 42;

(5) The battle-field appeared like Mahāvaitaraṇī (raṇabhūmir abhūd rājan mahāvaitaraṇī yathā) 8. 58. 7;

(6) Dvārakā, bareft of Balarāma, Kṛṣṇa and other Yādava heroes, appeared as frightful to Arjuna as Vaitaraṇī (ghorāṁ nadīṁ vaitaraṇīm iva) 16. 6. 10.

*2nd word in right half of page p451_mci (+offset) in original book.

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