संस्कृत-आङ्लभाषा कोशः (विद्यासागरेणकृतः)/भाग-३
- द :: The third letter of the dental class, and eighteenth consonant in the Deva Nagari alphabet, corresponding to the letter D.
- द :: n. (-दं) A wife. nf. (दंदा) 1. Gift, donation. 2. Dividing, cutting, breaking, &c. f. (दा) 1. Purifying, cleansing. 2. Preserving, cherish- ing. 3. Repentance. m. (दः) 1. A donor, a giver. 2. A mountain. 3. A gift, a thing given. E. दा to give, or दो to cut, &c. affix ड .
- दंश :: r. 1st cl. (दंशति) To bite, to sting.
- दंश :: m. (-शः) 1. A gadfly. 2. A tooth. 3. Biting, stinging. 4. Armour, mail. 5. Cutting, dividing, tearing. 6. Fault, defect. 7. A joint, a limb. 8. The sting of a snake. 9. Pungency. f. (-शी) A small gadfly. E. दंश् to bite or sting, affix अच्, diminutive affix ङीष् ।
- दंशक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) What bites or stings. m. (-कः) A gadfly. E. दंश- ण्वुल् ।
- दंशन :: n. (-नं) 1. Biting, stinging. 2. Armour, mail. E. दंश् to bite, &c. भावे ल्युट् aff.
- दंशभीरु :: m. (-रुः) A buffalo. E. दंश a gadfly, and भीरु afraid of; also with कन् added, दंशभीरुक m. (-कः) दंशात् भीरुः ।
- दंशमूल :: m. (-लः) A plant, (Hyperanthera morunga.) E. दंश biting, and मूल a root; the root of this plant is substituted in Bengal for horseradish.
- दंशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Armed, mailed. 2. Bitten, stung. E. दंश armour, and इतच् affix, or दंश to bite, affix इतच् ।
- दंशेर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Mischievous, noxious. E. दंश् to bite or sting, Unadi affix एरच् ।
- दंष्ट्रा :: f. (-ष्ट्रा) A large tooth, a tusk. E. दंश् to bite, affix ष्ट्रन्, and टाप् fem. aff.
- दंष्ट्रिका :: f. (-का) The beard. E. दंष्ट्रा a tooth, इकन् aff.
- दंष्ट्रिन् :: mfn. (-ष्ट्री -ष्ट्रिणी -ष्ट्रि) 1. Biting or wounding with the teeth, (any animal, &c.) 2. Tusked, having tusks or sharp teeth. 3. Carnivo- rous. m. (-ष्ट्री) 1. A hog. 2. A snake. E. दंष्ट्रा a tooth, and इनि aff.
- दंसन :: n. (-नं) Armour, mail: see दंशन ।
- दक :: n. (-कं) Water. E. See उदक, the initial vowel being dropped.
- दक्ष :: r. 1st cl. (दक्षते) 1. To grow or increase. 2. To dispatch, to expedite, to do quickly. 3. To go, to move. 4. To hurt or kill. भ्वा-आ-अक-सेट् ।
- दक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Clever, able, dexterous. m. (-क्षः) 1. A Bramhadika; according to one legend, son of BRAMHA, born from the thumb of his right hand, for the purpose of peopling the world: according to another, he is the son of the Munis, called Prachetasas. DAKSHA, had sixty daughters, of whom twenty-seven are the nymphs who form the lunar asterisms, and wives of the Moon; one of his daughters also SATI or DURGA, the wife of SIVA; and seventeen were married to KASYAPA, and were the mothers of all created beings. DAKSHA was on one occasion decapitated by SIVA: see दक्षाध्वरध्वंसकृत्; he is sometimes regarded as an Avatara of Bramha himself. 2. A Muni and legislator, who flourished in the beginning of the Treta Yuga. 3. A kind of tree. 4. The bull of SIVA. 5. A
cock. 6. A scholar, a Pandit. 7. A dexterous or clever man. 8. SIVA. 9. A name of Agni or fire. 10. A general lover, one attached to many mistresses. f. (-क्षा) The earth. E. दक्ष् to grow or increase, affix कर्त्तरि अच ।
- दक्षकन्या :: f. (-न्या) 1. A name of DURGA. 2. Any lunar mansion. E. दक्ष, and कन्या the maiden, the daughter of DAKSHA, who in this case seems to be identified with Himalaya, the snowy mountain.
- दक्षजा :: f. (-जा) 1. The goddes DURGA. 2. A lunar asterism. E. दक्ष, and जा born: see the preceding.
- दक्षजापति :: m. (-तिः) 1. The moon. 2. The deity SIVA. E. दक्षजा a lunar asterism or DURGA, and पति husband.
- दक्षता :: f. (-ता) Dexterity, cleverness. E. तल् added to दक्ष; also with त्व, दक्षत्वम् ।
- दक्षयज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) The sacrifice made by DAKSHA. E. दक्ष, and यज्ञ sacrifice.
- दक्षयज्ञविनाशिनी :: f. (-नी) DURGA. E. दक्षयज्ञ, and विनाशिनी destructress.
- दक्षसावर्णि :: m. (-र्णिः) The ninth Manu.
- दक्षाध्वरध्वंसकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) A name of SIVA. E. दक्ष the Bramhadika, as DAKSHA, अध्वर a sacrifice, ध्वंसकृत् subduer or disturber: DAKSHA having on one occasion made a sacrifice, to which he invited all the gods, except his son-in-law SIVA, and his wife SATI, the latter went unbid, and being received coolly, threw herself into the fire; This being informed siva, tore off a lock of his hair and cast it vio- lently on the ground. It started up into being a demon named Birbhadra who being ordered by siva proceeded against DAKSHA, and an affray ensued, in which the gods and Rishis were maltreated and dispersed, and DAKSHA decapitated; he was restored to life, and the head of a ram substituted for the one he had lost.
- दक्षाय्य :: m. (-य्यः) 1. The bird of VISHNU, Garuḍa. 2. A vulture. E. दक्ष् to hurt, आय्य Unadi aff.
- दक्षिण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Candid, sincere, honest, upright. 2. Right, (not left.) 3. South, southern. 4. Dependent, subject. 5. Clever, able, dexterous. f. (-णा) 1. A present to Brahmans, upon solemn or sacrificial occasions. 2. The south. 3. Completion of any rite, fixing or establishing any act or place. 4. A form or figure of DURGA, in which the right side is said to be advanced. 5. Dona- tion to Brahmans, personified as a goddess, said to be born from KRISHNA'S right side. E. दक्ष् to prosper, &c. Unadi affix इनन् ।
- दक्षिणकालिका :: f. (-का) A form of DURGA worshiped by the Tantrikas. E. दक्षिण, and कालिका a form of the same.
- दक्षिणतस् :: ind. Southward, southerly. E. तसि added to दक्षिण ।
- दक्षिणापथ :: n. (-थं) 1. The south. 2. Southern road or course. 3. Deccan. E. दक्षिण, and पथ for पथिन् path.
- दक्षिणपूर्वा :: f. (-र्वा) The south-east quarter. E. दक्षिण south and पूर्व east.
- दक्षिणस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Upon the right side, to the south, &c. m. (-स्थः) A charioteer. E. दक्षिण as above, and स्थ who stays or abides.
- दक्षिणाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) One kind of sacred fire. that which is taken from the domestic or consecrated fire, and is placed to the south. E. दक्षिण south, and अग्नि fire.
- दक्षिणाग्र :: mfn. (-ग्रः -ग्रा -ग्रं) Pointing to the south, having the head or top to the south. E. दक्षिण, and अग्र end.
- दक्षिणाचल :: m. (-लः) The Malaya mountain. E. दक्षिण south, and अचल mountain.
- दक्षिणाचार :: m. (-रः) A worshipper of Sakti according to the purer or right-hand ritual. E. दक्षिण, and आचार observance.
- दक्षिणात् :: ind. Southward. E. The fifth case of दक्षिण, used as a participle.
- दक्षिणात्यय :: m. (-यः) A southern, or an inhabitant of South. E. दक्षिण, अत्यय who goes to or beyond.
- दक्षिणापथ :: m. (-थः) The south, the southern direction or quarter. E. दक्षिणा, and पथ for पथिन् path.
- दक्षिणापथजन्मन् :: m. (-न्मा) A southern, or the Andhakas, Guhas, Pulin- das, Savaras, Chuchukas, and Madrapas, all outcaste or barbar- ous tribes. E. दक्षिणापथ, and जन्मन् birth.
- दक्षिणाप्रवण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Declining, shelving or inclining to the south. E. दक्षिणा, and प्रवण declivity.
- दक्षिणामुख :: mfn. (-खः -खी -खं) Turning the face southwards. E. दक्षिण south, and मुख the face, with आङ् prefixed.
- दक्षिणायन :: n. (-नं) The suns progress towards the south of the equator, the winter solstice. E. दक्षिण, and अयन going.
- दक्षिणारण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) The peninsula, the great southern forest. E. दक्षिण, and अरण्य a wood.
- दक्षिणार्ह :: mfn. (-र्हः -र्हा -र्हं) Meriting a reward. E. दक्षिण a present, and अर्ह fit for.
- दक्षिणावर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) 1. A conch-shell with the valve opening to the right. 2. Curved to the right. 3. Turned towards the south. E. दक्षिण, and आवर्त्त a turn.
- दक्षिणावर्त्तकी :: f. (-की) A line of bees. E. दक्षिण, and आवर्त्तक turning.
- दक्षिणाशा :: f. (-शा) The south. E. दक्षिण, and आशा quarter.
- दक्षिणाशापति :: m. (-तिः) A name of YAMA. E. दक्षिण south, आशा quarter, and पति master or regent.
- दक्षिणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Meriting a reward. E. दक्षिण a present or reward, affix छ ।
- दक्षिणेन :: ind. Southward, southerly. E. The third case of दक्षिण, used as a participle.
- दक्षिणेर्म्मन् :: m. (-र्म्मा) A deer struck by a hunter. E. दक्षिण the right side, and इर्म्म wound, comp. irr. दक्षिणे ईर्मं व्रणं यस्य ।
- दक्षिण्य :: mfn. (-ण्यः -ण्या -ण्यं) Meriting a reward. E. दक्षिण a present, and यत् aff.
- दग्ध :: mfn. (-ग्धः -ग्धा -ग्धं) 1. Burnt, scorched, consumed by fire. 2. Tasteless. 3. A term of abuse usually prefixed to the word it vilifies. f. (-ग्धा) 1. The quarter where the sun is observable. 2. An epithet of certain lunations, on which it is unlucky to do any thing, and religious rites are prohibited. n. (-ग्धं) A fragrant grass. E. दह् to burn, affix क्त ।
- दग्धकाक :: m. (-कः) A raven, or perhaps the carrion crow. E. दग्ध burnt, (black,) and काक crow.
- दग्धव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be burnt. E. दह् to burn, तव्य aff.
- दग्धिका :: f. (-का) Scorched rice. E. दग्ध burnt, कन् depreciative affix, and the fem. form.
- दग्धेष्टका :: f. (-का) A burnt or vitrified brick. E. दग्ध burnt, and इष्टक a brick.
- दग्धोदर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Hungry, starving. n. (-रं) The appetite, an empty or craving stomach. E. दग्ध, and उदर the belly.
- दग्ध्वा :: ind. Having burnt. E. दह् to burn, क्त्वा aff.
- दघ :: r. 1st cl. (इ) दघि (दंघति) 1. To quit or abandon. 2. To cherish or protect. r. 5th cl. (दघ्नोति) 1. To hurt or kill. 2. To protect: some consider this root peculiar to the Vedas. भ्वा० प० सक० सेट् इदित् । घातनार्थे स्वा० प० सक० सेट् ।
- दध्न :: f. (-ध्नी) A termination affixed to nouns to denote “reaching to” &c. “As high as.”
- दण्ड :: r. 10th cl. (दण्डयति-ते) 1. To punish, especially by fine. 2. To fine, to amerce. चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- दण्ड :: mn. (-ण्डः-ण्डं) A stick, a staff. m. (-ण्डः) 1. Punishment, castiga- tion, amercement, imprisonment or putting to death. 2. A name of Yama, regent of the dead. 3. An army. 4. A form of array, a line or column of troops. 5. A long measure, a pole of four cubits. 6. A churning stick. 7. A corner, an angle. 8. A horse. 9. A companion or attendant of the sun. 10. A stem or stick of a tree. 11. Subduing, subjecting. 12. Pride, arrogance. 13. A measure of time, a Danda, (1/60)th part of the day and night, or twenty- four minutes. 14. Standing upright or erect, being like a staff. 15. A son of IKSHWAKU. E. दम् to tame, and ड Unadi aff. or दण्ड to punish, affix अच् ।
- दण्डक :: mn. (-कः-कं) A sort of metre, the stanza of which exceeds twenty-seven syllables, and may extend to 200. f. (-का) The penin- sula of India, from between the Narmada and Godaveri rivers to the south, the whole of which, in the days of RAMA, was a large forest. E. दण्ड a staff, &c. and स्वार्थे क aff.
- दण्डकारण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) The peninsula, the peninsular forest: see the last. E. दण्डक, and अरण्य a wood.
- दण्डग्रहण :: n. (-णं) Becoming a mendicant or ascetic. E. दण्ड the staff carried by the mendicant, and ग्रहण taking.
- दण्डघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) A fighter, one who commits personal violence. E. दण्ड a stick, and घ्न who strikes.
- दण्डजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Suppressed by punishment. E. दण्ड, and जित conquered.
- दण्डढक्का :: f. (-क्का) A kettle drum. E. दण्ड a stick, and ढक्का a drum.
- दण्डताम्री :: f. (-म्री) A perforated copper vessel, of given capacity, placed in a vessel of water; when filled with water, it sinks, marking a certain portion of time. E. दण्ड twenty-four minutes, and ताम्री (q. v.) a copper vessel, &c.
- दण्डदास :: m. (-सः) A slave, a bondsman, one who has become so as a punishment or for debt. E. दण्ड, and दास a slave.
- दण्डधर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Having a stick or staff. 2. Having authority to punish. m. (-रः) 1. A name of YAMA. 2. A king. 3. A potter. 4. A mendicant carrying a staff. E. दण्ड punishment, a stick, &c. and धर who holds or possesses; also दण्डधार m. (-रः) दण्डधारिन्, &c. दण्डं लगुडं वा धरति धर-अच् ।
- दण्डधारण :: n. (-णं) 1. Punishment. 2. Carrying a staff. 3. Following the order of a mendicant. E. दण्ड, and धारण having.
- दण्डन :: n. (-नं) Punishing, inflicting punishment. E. दण्ड to tame, ल्युट् aff.
- दण्डनायक :: m. (-कः) 1. General, a commander-in-chief. 2. A magistrate, a head police officer. E. दण्ड a column of troops, and नायक a leader.
- दण्डनीति :: f. (-तिः) Polity, the system of civil and military administration taught by CHANAKYA and others. E. दण्ड (by) punishment or sub- jection, नी to get or obtain, and क्तिच् aff.
- दण्डनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Punishable, deserving punishment. E. दण्ड to punish, अनीयर् aff.
- दण्डनीयत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Demerit, desert of punishment. E. त्व added to the last; also with तल्, दण्डनीयता ।
- दण्डपांशुल :: m. (-लः) A porter, a warder or door-keeper. E. दण्ड a staff, पा to cherish or bear, affix ड, दण्डपः again, अंशुल for अंशल strong, sturdy.
- दण्डपाणि :: m. (-णिः) 1. YAMA. 2. A staff-bearer. 3. One of SIVA'S atten- dants worshipped at Benares. E. दण्ड, and पाणि a hand.
- दण्डपातिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) Awarding punishment, fining. E. दण्ड, punishment and पातिन् causing.
- दण्डपारुष्य :: n. (-ष्यं) 1. Assault and battery, a title of jurisprudence. 2. Infliction of cruel punishment, one of the seven vices of kings and rulers. E. दण्ड punishment, पारुष्य severity.
- दण्डपाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A door-keeper, a porter. 2. A small kind of fish, (Cyprinus danrica, HAM.) See अर्द्धसफर . E. दण्ड a staff, &c. and पाल who cherishes. दण्डं देहं पालयति भक्षणात् पालि-अण् ।
- दण्डपालक :: m. (-कः) 1. A sort of fish: see the preceding, which it is supposed to resemble. 2. A door-keeper. E. कन् implying likeness, or pleonastic added.
- दण्डपाशिक :: m. (-कः) A hangman, an executioner. E. दण्ड, and पाश a noose, ठक् aff.
- दण्डप्रणयन :: n. (-नं) Inflicting punishment. E. दण्ड, and प्रणयन leading.
- दण्डभीति :: f. (-तिः) Fear of punishment. E. दण्ड, and भीति fear.
- दण्डभृत् :: mfn. (-भृत्) 1. Having a staff or stick. 2. Inflicting punishment. m. (-भृत्) 1. A potter. 2. An epithet of Yama. E. दण्ड the stick or handle of his wheel, and भृत् who possesses or works with.
- दण्डमानव :: m. (-वः) 1. An ascetic, one who used a staff. 2. A leader. E. दण्ड, and मानव a man.
- दण्डयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Punishing, amercing, chastising. E. दण्ड to punish, शतृ aff.
- दण्डयात्रा :: f. (-त्रा) 1. Subjection or conquest of a region or quarter. 2. A
bridal procession. 3. Procession, moving in state or with attend- ants. E. दण्ड punishment, &c. and यात्रा going.
- दण्डयाम :: m. (-मः) 1. A name of YAMA. 2. The saint AGASTYA. 3. A day. E. दण्ड punishment, &c. यम् to refrain, in the causal form, and घञ् aff. दण्डेन यच्छति यम वा कर्त्तरि यम घञ् ।
- दण्डयोग :: n. (-गं) Infliction of punishment. E. दण्ड, and योग application.
- दण्डलेश :: n. (-शं) A small fine. E. दण्ड, and लेश a little.
- दण्डवत् :: ind. Prostrate, falling or lying prostrate. E. दण्ड a stick, and वति aff.
- दण्डवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Having a stick, carrying a staff. E. दण्ड, and मतुप् aff.
- दण्डवादिन् :: m. (-दी) 1. A door-keeper or a warder. 2. One who threatens another with punishment or castigation. E. दण्ड castigation, and वद् to speak, to threaten, affix णिनि .
- दण्डवालधि :: m. (-धिः) An elephant. E. दण्ड a stick, and वालधि a tail.
- दण्डवासिन् :: m. (-सी) 1. A door-keeper, a warder, a chamberlain. 2. The magistrate or the head of a village. E. दण्ड a staff or mace, or punishment, &c. वस् to abide, affix णिनि ।
- दण्डविकल्प :: m. (-ल्पः) Appropriate punishment or sentence. E. दण्ड, and विकल्प alternative.
- दण्डविधि :: f. (-धिः) Criminal law, mode of punishment. E. दण्ड, and विधि rule.
- दण्डविशेष :: m. (-षः) Kind or degree of punishment. E. दण्ड, and विशेष sort.
- दण्डविष्कम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) A post or stake, round which plays the string that works the churning stick. E. दण्ड a stick, स्कम्भ to stop, with वि pre- fixed, and अण् aff. दण्डं मन्थानदण्डं विष्कभ्राति । (घोलमयार खुंँटि) ।
- दण्डहस्त :: m. (-स्तः) 1. A staff-bearer. 2. A door-keeper. n. (-स्तं) A tree, (Tabernæmontana coronaria.) E. दण्ड, and हस्त the hand.
- दण्डाजिन :: n. (-नं) Deceit, fraud, cheating, roguery.
- दण्डादण्डि :: ind. Single stick, cudgelling, fighting with sticks or staves. E. दण्ड a stick, repeated, with आ inserted, and इच् added.
- दण्डार :: m. (-रः) 1. A carriage, a vehicle. 2. A potter's wheel. 3. A bow or any instrument for casting arrows or darts. 4. An elephant in rut, a furious or intoxicated elephant. E. दण्ड a stick, ऋ to go, and अण् aff. दण्डं ऋच्छति ।
- दण्डाहत :: m. (-तः) Buttermilk. E. दण्ड a churning stick, and आहत struck, churned.
- दण्डिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A mace-bearer, &c. one carrying a stick or staff. 2. A fish, (Cyprinus dankena, HAM.) E. दण्ड a staff, and ठन् aff.
- दण्डिका :: f. (-का) 1. A kind of necklace. 2. A string. E. दण्ड a measure, and इकन् aff.
- दण्डित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Punished, chastised, sentenced, fined. E. दण्ड to punish, affix क्त .
- दण्डिन् :: mfn. (-ण्डी -ण्डिनी -ण्डि) Having a staff or stick. m. (-ण्डी) 1. A door- keeper, a warder, a porter, a staff or mace-bearer. 2. A name of YAMA. 3. A man of the fourth order or beggar. 4. A mendicant carrying a staff. 5. A mendicant of a particular order, derived from SANKARACHARYA. 6. A Jina or Jaina saint. E. दण्ड a staff, &c. and इनि aff.
- दण्डोत्पला :: f. (-ला) A small shrub; also सहदेवा । मत्स्यभेदे च ।
- दण्ड्य :: mfn. (-ण्ड्यः -ण्ड्या -ण्ड्यं) Punishable, deserving punishment. E. दण्ड punishment, and कर्मणि यत् affix implying fitness.
- दत् :: m. (-दन्तः-दन्तौ-दन्तः) 2nd case plu. (दतः) A tooth: see दन्त; the nasal is dropped after the 2nd case. E. दम् to subdue, affix डत् .
- दत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Given, presented, made over, assigned. 2. Preserved, guarded, protected. m. (-त्तः) 1. The name of a king. 2. A saint; also दत्तात्रेय . 3. A common surname or title of a man of the Vaisya or third tribe, at present common to the Kayeth class. n. (-त्तं) A gift, a donation. E. दा to give, affix कर्मणि क्त .
- दत्तक :: m. (-कः) A son given: see the next. E. कन् added to the last.
- दत्तकपुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) A son given away by his natural parents, to persons engaging to adopt him; one of the twelve heirs acknowledged by the old Hindu law. E. दत्तक, and पुत्त्र a son; also simply दत्तक, and sometimes दत्त्रिम .
- दत्तवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Gave, was giving. E. दा to give, क्तवतु aff.
- दत्तशुल्का :: f. (-ल्का) A bride for whom a sum of money has been paid to her father. E. दत्त, and शुल्क dower.
- दत्तात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Self-given. m. (-त्मा) A youth or orphan, who gives himself to persons disposed to take the place of parents. E. दत्त given, and आत्मन् self.
- दत्तात्रेय :: m. (-यः) A sage, the son of ATRI given to him by three deities BRAMHA, VISHNU and SIVA. E. दत्त, and आत्रेय son of ATRI: also दत्त .
- दत्तादत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Given and received. E. दत्त, and आदत्त taken.
- दत्तादर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Treated with respect. E. दत्त, and आदर respect.
- दत्तानपकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Nonresumption of gifts. E. दत्त a gift, अन for अ neg. before अपकर्म्मन् resuming.
- दत्तापहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Given and taken again. E. दत्त, and अपहृत taken back.
- दत्ताप्रदानिक :: n. (-कं) Resumption of gifts; one of the eighteen titles of law. E. दत्त, and अप्रदानिक not giving.
- दत्तावधान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Attentive. E. दत्त and अवधान attention.
- दत्तासन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Having a seat given, requested to sit. E. दत्त, and आसन a seat.
- दत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Gift, donation. E. दा to give, क्तिन् aff.
- दत्त्रिम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Given. 2. Produced or effected by gifts. m. (-मः) 1. A slave who is given by another. 2. A son given by his parents. E. दा to give, क्त्रिम aff.
- दत्तेय :: m. (-यः) The deity INDRA.
- दत्त्वा :: ind. Having given. E. दा to give, क्त्वाच् aff.
- दद :: r. 1st cl. (ददते) 1. To give. 2. To relinquish. भ्वा० आ० सक० सेट् ।
- ददत् :: mfn. (-दन् -दती -दत्) Giving. E. दा to give, शतृ aff.
- दद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Who gives or bestows. E. दद to give, and श aff.
- ददन :: n. (-नं) Gift, giving, donation. E. दद to give, affix भावे ल्युट् ।
- ददि :: mfn. (-दिः -दिः -दि) Who or what gives or bestows. E. दा to give, कि aff.
- ददिवस् :: mfn. (-वान् -दुषी -वः) Giving, who or what gives. E. दा to give, वसु aff.
- ददृत् :: mfn. (-दृत्) Fearful, alarmed. E. दॄ to fear, क्विप् affix, and the radi- cal vowel made short.
- ददृशिवस् :: mfn. (-वान् -शुषी -वः) Seeing, looking. E. दृश् to see, वसु affix, इट् inserted.
- ददृश्वस् :: mfn. (-श्वान् -शुषी -श्वः) Seeing, looking. E. दृश् to see, वसु aff.
- दद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) Cutaneous and herpetick eruptions; also दद्रूः or with कन् added दद्रुक m. (-कः).
- दद्रुघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) A kind of cassia, (C. tora.) E. दद्रु herpes, and घ्न destroy- ing, remedying; also दद्रूघ्न । हन्ति हन-टक् ।
- दद्रण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Herpetick, afflicted with herpes. E. दद्रु, and न affix; also दद्रूण .
- दद्रुरोगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिणी -गि) Herpetick, diseased by herpes. E. दद्रु herpes, रोग a disease, and इनि aff.
- दद्रू :: m. (-द्रूः) Herpetick eruptions: see दद्रु .
- दद्रूघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) See दद्रूघ्न .
- दद्रूण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) See दद्रुण .
- दध :: r. 1st cl. (दधते) 1. To hold, to possess or retain. 2. To give, to present, to assign or make over. (इ) दधि (दन्धति) To nourish. भ्वा० आ० सक० सेट् ।
- दध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Who has or possesses. E. धा to have, श aff.
- दधत् :: mfn. (-धन् -धती -धत्) Having, holding, possessing. E. धा to have, शतृ aff.
- दधान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Having, holding, possessing. E. धा to have, शानच् aff.
- दधि :: mfn. (-धिः -धिः -धि) Holding, having, who or what has or possesses. n. (-धि) 1. Milk curdled or coagulated spontaneously by heat, or by the addition of buttermilk; it is an article of food of general use, and is held in high estimation amongst the Hindus, and is con- sidered, medicinally, as the remedy or preventative of most disorders. 2. Resin, turpentine; (all the synonimes are common to these two senses.) 3. A house, an abode. E. धा to have, कि affix, and the root reiterated.
- दधिकूर्च्चिका :: f. (-का) A mixture of boiled and coagulated milk, or of water and sour curds. E. दधि as above, and कूर्च्चिका inspissated milk. (छाना) ।
- दधिचार :: m. (-रः) The churning stick. E. दधि curdled milk, and चर् to move, in the causal form, affix णिच् अण् ।
- दधिज :: n. (-जं) Fresh butter. E. दधि curdled milk, and ज born.
- दधित्थ :: m. (-त्थः) The wood-apple: see कपित्थ . E. दधि, स्था to stand or be, affix ड; the root yielding a juice compared to curdled milk.
- दधिधेनु :: f. (-नुः) A quantity of curds given away at any sacrifice. E. दधि, and धेनु a cow.
- दधिपुष्पिका :: f. (-का) A flower, (Clitorea ternata.) E. दधि curdled milk, and पुष्प a flower, कन् added in the fem. form.
- दधिफल :: m. (-लः) The elephant or wood-apple; also दधित्थ . E. दधि curdled milk, and फल fruit, the fruit having the acid taste of Dahi or Dadhi.
- दधिभाण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) A vessel for holding curds, a pail. E. दधि, and भाण्ड a vessel.
- दधिमण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) Whey. E. दधि, and मण्ड scum.
- दधिमण्डोद :: m. (-दः) The sea of curds, or rather of whey. E. दधिमण्ड, and उद water.
- दधिशोण :: m. (-णः) A monkey. E. दधि, and शोण crimson; of a colour composed of that of curdled milk and crimson.
- दधिसक्तु :: m. plu. always (-क्तवः) Barley meal mixed with curds. E. दधि, and सक्तु the meal of barley, after frying and grinding.
- दधिसर :: m. (-रः) The skim of coagulated milk; also सर only. E. दधि Dahi, and सर which goes on or upon.
- दधिसार :: m. (-रः) Fresh butter. E. दधि curdled milk, and सार essence.
- दधिस्नेह :: m. (-हः) Skim of Dahi, or curdled milk whey. E. दधि curdled milk, and स्नेह oily substance.
- दधिस्वेद :: m. (-दः) Buttermilk. E. दधि as above, and स्वेद exudation.
- दधीच :: m. (-चः) The name of a Muni or saint, famous for having devoted himself to death, that the gods might be armed with his bones in the shape of thunderbolts; they being the only effective weapons against the demon VRITRA; also दधीचि .
- दधीचि :: m. (-चिः) A Muni or saint: see the last.
- दधीच्यस्थि :: n. (-स्थि) 1. The diamond. 2. The thunderbolt. E. दधीचि a saint, and अस्थि a bone; the bones of the saint were converted into thunderbolts, which are of the same substance with the diamond, according to the Hindus.
- दधृच् :: mfn. (धृक्) Shameless, impudent. E. धृष् to be vain, affix क्विन्, deriv. irr.
- दध्न :: m. (-ध्नः) A name of YAMA. E. धा to have, reiterated, and न aff.
- दध्याकर :: m. (-रः) The sea of curds. E. दधि, and आकर a mine.
- दध्यानी :: f. (-नी) A medicinal plant: see कटुकी . E. दधि curdled milk, नी with आङ् prefixed, affix क्विप् ।
- दध्याह्व :: m. (-ह्वः) The wood-apple. E. दधि, and आह्वा name.
- दध्युत्तर :: n. (-रं) The skim of curdled milk, whey. E. दधि, and उत्तर upper part; also with कन् added दध्युत्तरक n. (-कं .)
- दध्युद :: m. (-दः) The sea of curds. E. दधि, and उद water; that which has curds for water.
- दनु :: f. (-नुः) A daughter of DAKSHA, wife of KASYAPA, and mother of the demons or Daityas, the Titans of Hindu mythology.
- दनुज :: m. (-जः) An Asura. E. दनु the mother of the giant race, and ज born.
- दनुजद्विष् :: m. (-द्विट्) A god, a deity. E. दनुज a demon, and द्विष् the hater.
- दनुजारि :: m. (-रिः) A god, a deity. E. दनुज, and अरि enemy.
- दनुसूनु :: m. (-नुः) An Asura or infernal deity. E. दनु as above, and सूनु off- spring; also similar compounds, as दनुज, &c.
- दन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. A tooth. 2. The peak of a mountain. 3. The side or ridge of a mountain. 4. An arbour. 5. Ivory, elephant's tooth. f. (-न्ती) A medicinal plant, commonly known by the same name Dan- ti, (Croton polyandrum.) E. दम् to subdue, तन् Unadi aff.
- दन्तक :: m. (-कः) 1. A crooked peak or projecting in a rock or mountain. 2. A bracket, a pin or shelf projection from a wall. 3. A tooth. कन् implying resemblance, added to दन्त ।
- दन्तकर्षण :: m. (-णः) The common lime, (Citrus acida.) E. दन्त a tooth, and कर्षण attracting, drawing.
- दन्तकाष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) A piece of stick, or of the small branch of a tree used as a tooth brush. E. दन्त, and काष्ठ wood.
- दन्तच्छद :: m. (-दः) A lip. E. दन्त a tooth, and छद a cover.
- दन्तजात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Toothed, having teeth. E. दन्त, and जात produced.
- दन्तधावन :: n. (-नं) 1. A tooth brush, or a fibrous stick used for cleaning the teeth. 2. Cleaning the teeth. m. (-नः) 1. A tree yielding an astringent resin, (Mimosa catechu.) 2. A plant, (Mimusops elengi) see वकुल . E. दन्त a tooth, and धाव् to clean, affix ल्युट् ।
- दन्तपत्र :: n. (-त्रः) An ear-ring. E. दन्त a tooth, and पत्र a leaf or plate set with studs, resembling teeth.
- दन्तपत्रक :: n. (-कं) A kind of jasmine, (J. pubescens.) E. दन्त a tooth, and पत्र a leaf: the petals or leaves of the flower resembling teeth in colour and shape; this comparison is frequent among the poets.
- दन्तपवन :: n. (-नं) A dentifrice, or any thing taken to clean the teeth. E. दन्त, and पवन purifying. दन्तं पुनाति अनेन पू करणे ल्युट् ।
- दन्तपुप्पुटक :: m. (-कः) Gum boil.
- दन्तपुष्प :: m. (-प्पः) A plant, the flower of which is compared to a tooth, (Strychnos potatorum.) E. दन्त a tooth, and पुप्प a flower. कुन्दे ।
- दन्तफल :: m. (-लः) A plant: see the preceding. E. दन्त, and फल a fruit.
- दन्तभाग :: m. (-गः) 1. An elephant's front or forehead. 2. Part of a tooth. E. दन्त the tusk, and भाग a part.
- दन्तमल :: mn. (-लः-लं) The tarter of the teeth. E. दन्त a tooth, and मल dirt.
- दन्तमांस :: n. (-सं) The gums. E. दन्त, and मांस flesh.
- दन्तमूलिका :: f. (-का) A plant: see दन्ती . E. दन्त, and मूल a root, कन् fem. form.
- दन्तवस्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) A lip. E. दन्त a tooth, and वस्त्र a garment.
- दन्तवासस् :: m. (-साः) A lip. E. दन्त a tooth, and वासस् vesture.
- दन्तव्यसन :: n. (-नं) Fracture or decay of a tusk or tooth. E. दन्त, and व्यसन misfortune.
- दन्तवेष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) The gums. E. दन्त, and वेष्ट what incloses.
- दन्तशट :: m. (-टः) A lime: see the next.
- दन्तशठ :: m. (-ठः) 1. Elephant or wood-apple: see कपित्थ . 2. Common lime, (Citrus acida.) 3. A plant bearing an acid fruit, (Averhoa carambola,) 4. An orange. 5. Sourness, acidity. f. (-ठा) Wood- sorrel, (Oxalis monadelpha.) E. दन्त a tooth, and शठ noxious, bad.
- दन्तशर्करा :: f. (-रा) Tarter of the teeth. E. दन्त tooth, and शर्करा sand.
- दन्तशाण :: n. (-णं) A dentifrice, composed chiefly of the powdered fruit of the chebulic myrobalan, and green sulphate of iron. E. दन्त a tooth, and शाण a whetstone; sharpening or polishing the teeth.
- दन्तशिरा :: f. (-रा) The gum. E. दन्त, and शिरा a long vein or tubular vessel.
- दन्तशुद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Cleaning the teeth. E. दन्त, and शुद्धि cleaning.
- दन्तश्लिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Entangled in or between the teeth. E. दन्त, and श्लिष्ट united.
- दन्तसक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Touched by the teeth; entangled in or be- tween the teeth. E. दन्त, and सक्त in contact.
- दन्तहर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Tenderness of the teeth; intolerance of any rough, aus- tere, or acid substances. E. दन्त, and हर्ष delight.
- दन्तहर्षक :: m. (-कः) The lime, (Citrus acida.) E. दन्त a tooth, and हर्षक de- lighting, from हृष् to please, with वुन् affix; also with युच् affix दन्त- हर्षण . m. (-णः) ।
- दन्ताघात :: m. (-तः) A bite. E. दन्त, and आघात a wound.
- दन्तावल :: m. (-लः) An elephant. E. दन्त a tooth, वलच् affix, and the final of दन्त made long.
- दन्तायुध :: m. (-धः) A hog. E. दन्त a tooth or tusk, and आयुध a weapon.
- दन्तार्व्वुद :: m. (-दः) A disease of the teeth or gums; gum boil, ulceration of the gums. E. दन्त a tooth, and अर्व्वुद a swelling.
- दन्तालिका :: f. (-का) A horse's bridle. E. दन्त a tooth, अल भूषायाम् affix ण्वुल् and fem. form.
- दन्तिका :: f. (-का) A plant, commonly Danti, (Droton polyandrum.) E. कन् added to दन्ती; also read दन्तिजा f. (-जा .)
- दन्तिन् :: mfn. (-न्ती -न्तिती -न्ति) Toothed, tusked. m. (-न्ती) 1. An elephant. 2. A mountain. E. दन्त a tooth, and इनि possessive aff.
- दन्तिमद :: m. (-दः) The temporal juice of the elephant. E. दन्ति and मद the effusion.
- दन्तीवीज :: n. (-जं) A strongly purgative nut, the fruit of the croton. E. दन्ती, and वीज seed.
- दन्तुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Having a large or projecting tooth. 2. Waving, undulatory. 3. Rising (a hair), bristling. E. दन्त a tooth, &c. affix उरच्, उन्नता दन्ताः सन्ति अस्य ।
- दन्तोद्भेद :: m. (-दः) Dentition. E. दन्त, and उद्भेद out-break.
- दन्तोलूखलिक :: m. (-कः) One who eats grain without its having been threshed, an anchorite. E. दन्त a tooth, उलूखल a mortar, and ठन् affix; who winnows with his teeth. दन्ता एव उलूखलः कण्डनसाधनं विद्यते अस्य ।
- दन्त्य :: mfn. (-न्त्यः -न्त्या -न्त्यं) Dental of or belonging to the teeth. E. दन्त, and यत् aff.
- दन्दश :: m. (-शः) A tooth. E. Frequentative form of दश to bite.
- दन्दशूक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Mischievous, malignant, venomous. m. (-कः) 1. A snake or serpent. 2. A Rakshasa, a demon or goblin. E. दश to bite, affix ऊक, the radical reiterated, and नुक् inserted.
- दन्द्रम :: n. (-मं) Going slowly or tortuously. E. द्रम् to go, root redup. घञ् aff.
- दन्द्रमण :: n. (-णं) Going slowly or tortuously. mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Who or what goes so. E. द्रम् to go, root redup. युच् aff.
- दभ :: r. 10th cl. (दभयति-ते) also दभि (दम्भयति-ते) To order, to command. चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् इदित् ।
- दभ्र :: mfn. (-भ्रः -भ्रा -भ्रं) Little, small. m. (-भ्रः) The ocean. E. दन्भ-रक् ।
- दम :: r. 4th cl. (इर, उ) इरदमु (दाम्यति) 1. To tame or subject as an enemy to quiet or pacify, to tranquilize. 2. To be tamed or tranquilized. दिवा० प० अक० सेट् ।
- दम् :: ind. A wife. E. दम् to subject, affix क्विप् ।
- दम :: m. (-मः) 1. Punishing, chastisement, punishment. 2. Taming, sub- duing. 3. Self-command, endurance of the most painful austerities. 4. Self-restraint, subduing the senses, suppressing the appetites, passions, &c. 5. Mud, mire. 6. (In the Vedas,) The hall of sacri- fice. E. दम् to tame or subdue, affix भावे घञ् ।
- दमक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) A tamer, a subduer. E. दम् to tame, affix ण्वुल् ।
- दमघोष :: m. (-षः) A prince of the lunar race, king of Chedi, father of SISUPALA.
- दमघोषसुत :: m. (-तः) A name of SISUPALA, a king and enemy of KRISHNA. E. दमघोष a proper name, the father of SISUPALA, and सुत a son.
- दमथ :: mn. (-थः-थं) 1. Punishment, punishing, chastising. 2. Self-control, endurance of rigorous austerities. n. (-थं) Taming, subduing. E. दम् to tame or subdue, Unadi affix अथच् ।
- दमथु :: mn. (-थुः-थु) 1. Punishment, restraint or subjection of others. 2. Self-denial, subjection of oneself. E. दम् to tame, अथुच् aff.
- दमन :: m. (-नः) 1. A hero. 2. A philosopher. 3. A kind of flower, common- ly Dona, (Artemisia.) n. (-नं) Taming, subduing. E. दम् to tame, भावे ल्युट् aff.
- दमनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be tamed, subjected, or subdued. E. दम् to tame, अनीयर् aff.
- दमयत :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Taming, restraining, chastising. f. (-न्ती) 1. The wife of NALA. 2. A kind of cucumber. E. दम् to subdue, parti- cipial affix शतृ .
- दमस्वसृ :: f. (-सा) DAMAYANTI. E. दम, स्वसृ sister of.
- दमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Tamed, subdued, patient of every suffering, exaction or privation. E. दम् to tame, affix क्त, with इट् inserted.
- दमिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) A tamer, a dominator. E. दम with शीलार्थे घिनुण् aff.
- दमुनस् :: m. (-नाः) 1. A name of Agni or fire. 2. A name of SUKRA, regent of Venus. E. दम् to tame (all things), Unadi affix उनसि; also ऊनसि whence दमूनस् m. (-नाः .)
- दम्पति :: m. du. (-ती) Husband and wife. E. दम् a wife, and पति a husband. जाया च पतिश्च द्वन्द्वे जायाशब्दस्य पक्षे दमादेशः ।
- दम्भ :: r. 5th cl. (उ) दम्भु (दम्नोति) 1. To act deceitfully, to cheat, to impose upon, to trick or deceive. 2. To split or divide. r. 10th cl. (दम्भयते) To collect, to gather, to arrange or string. स्वा० प० अक० सेट् । सङ्घाते चुरा० आ० ।
- दम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Deceit, fraud, cheating. 2. Hypocrisy. 3. Sin, wicked- ness. 4. Arrogance, pride. E. दम्भ to deceive, &c. affix घञ् .
- दम्भिन् :: mfn. (-म्भी -म्भिनी -म्भि) 1. Hypocritical. 2. Proud. 3. Wicked. m. (-म्भी) A hypocrite, an impostor. E. दम्भ, and णिनि aff.
- दम्भोलि :: m. (-लिः) INDRA'S thunderbolt. E. दम्भ to divide or split, affix उलि ।
- दम्य :: mfn. (-म्यः -म्या -म्यं) To be subjected or tamed. 2. To be punished. m. (-म्यः) A steer, a young bullock. E. दम् to tame, यत् affix.
- दय (ञ) ञिदय :: r. 1st cl. (दयते) 1. To give. 2. To move. 3. To take. 4. To protect. 5. To hurt or kill. भ्वा० आ० सक० सेट् ।
- दय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Compassionate, tender-hearted. mf. (-यः-या) Tender- ness, compassion, clemency. E. दय् to preserve, affix अङ्, fem. affix टाप् .
- दयमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Preserving, protecting. E. दय, and शानच् aff.
- दयाकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Kind, showing compassion. E. दया, and कर who makes.
- दयाकूर्च्च :: m. (-र्च्चः) A Buddha, a Bauddha saint, or a form of BUDDHA, the founder of the sect. E. दया compassion, and कूर्च्च boasting.
- दयाकृत् :: mfn. (-त्) Compassionate. E. दया, and कृत् doing.
- दयान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Compassionate, charitable, kind. E. दया, and अन्वित possessed of.
- दयायुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Compassionate, benevolent. E. दया, and युक्त joined.
- दयाल :: m. (-लः) The breaking of a bank.
- दयालु :: mfn. (-लुः -लुः -लु) Tender, compassionate. E. दया compassion, आलुच् affix; also दयालुक .
- दयालुत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Tenderness, compassionateness. E. त्व added to the last; with तल् दयालुता ।
- दयावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Merciful, tender, E. दया, and मतुप् aff.
- दयाशील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Kind, compassionate. E. दया, and शील poss- essed of.
- दयित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Beloved, dear, desired. m. (-तः) 1. A husband. 2. A lover. f. (-ता) 1. A woman. 2. A wife or mistress. E. दय् to regard tenderly, affix क्त ।
- दयिताधीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Hen-pecked, subject to a wife. E. दयिता a wife, and अधीन subject.
- दर :: mn. (-रः-रं) 1. Fear, terror. 2. A hole in the ground. n. (-रं) A conch- shell. ind. A little. f. (-रा-री) 1. A natural or artificial excavation in a mountain, a cave, a cavern, a grotto, &c. 2. A valley. E. दॄ to divide, to dread, &c. affix भावे अप् ।
- दरणि :: m. (-णिः) An eddy, a current. E. दॄ to tear (down the banks), affix अनि; some books read दारणि, and others आरणि .
- दरद् :: f. (-त्) 1. Terror. 2. A mountain. 3. A precipice. 4. The heart. 5. A bank or mound. 6. A tribe of barbarians. E. दॄ to divide or tear, अदि Unadi aff.
- दरद :: mf. (-दः-दा) A country bordering on Kashmir, the mountains about Kashmir and above Peshawar. m. (-दः) 1. Fear, terror. 2. A tribe of barbarians. E. अच् added to the former.
- दरविदलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Slightly or a little burst or opened. E. दर, and विदलित divided.
- दरि :: f. (-रिः) A cave: see दर . E. दॄ to divide, इन् aff.
- दरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Frightened, terrified. 2. Torn, rent, divided. E. दर fear, इतच् affix; or दॄ to divide, affix क्त .
- दरिद्र :: mfn. (-द्रः -द्रा -द्रं) Poor, needy, indigent, distressed. E. दरिद्रा to be poor, affix क ।
- दरिद्रता :: f. (-ता) Poverty, indigence. E. दरिद्र, and तल् affix; also with त्व दरिद्रत्वम् ।
- दरिद्रा :: r. 2nd cl. (दरिद्राति) 3rd plu. (दरिद्रति) To be poor or needy. अदा० पर० अक० सेट् ।
- दरिद्रायक :: mfn. (कः-का-कं) Poor, distressed. E. दरिद्रा, and ण्वुल् aff.
- दरिद्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Poor, impoverished. E. दरिद्रा to be poor, affix क्त .
- दरिद्रितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Poor, needy. E. दरिद्रा, and तृच् affix; otherwise with ण्वुल् affix दरिद्रायक ।
- दरीभू :: f. (-भूः) A cavern, a hollow. E. दरी, and भू a place.
- दरीभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) A mountain. E. दरी a cave, and भृत् what has.
- दरोदर :: m. (-रः) 1. A gamester. 2. A stake. n. (-रं) Gambling: see दुरोदर .
- दर्दर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Cracked, flawed, slightly broken, (a vessel, &c.) m. (-रः) A mountain. E. दॄ to tear or break, affix अच्, and the root repeated.
- दर्दराम्र :: m. (-म्रः) A sort of sauce or condiment; also मीनाम्रीण ।
- दर्दरीक :: mn. (-कः-कं) A musical instrument. m. (-कः) 1. A cloud. 2. A frog. E. दॄ to tear, Unadi affix ईकन्, and the radical reduplicate; what is struck, &c.
- दर्दुर :: m. (-रः) 1. A frog. 2. A cloud. 3. A mountain. 4. A sort or mu- sical instrument, a pipe or flute. n. (-रं) A number of villages. f. (-रा) A name of DURGA. E. दॄ to tear, Unadi affix उरच्, and the ra- dical repeated.
- दर्दुरपुट :: m. (-टः) The mouth or extremity of a pipe. E. दर्दुर, and पुट a cup.
- दर्द्रु :: m. (-र्द्रुः) Herpetick eruption: see दर्द्रू .
- दर्द्रू :: m. (-र्द्रूः) A cutaneous disease, herpes; also दर्द्रू .
- दद्रू :: m. (-र्द्रूः) Cutaneous eruption, herpes. E. दरिद्रा to be poor, ऊ Una- di affix, the form is irregular: by substituting the short vowel, and omitting the first र, this word and its compounds appear in a variety of forms, as दद्रु, दद्रू, दर्द्रू; also omitting the second र, दर्द्रू, &c. &c. q. v.
- दर्द्रूघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) Cassia, (tora:) also दद्रुघ्न and दर्द्रूघ्न .
- दद्रूण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Diseased with herpes, herpetick; also दर्द्रुण, दर्द्रूण, &c.
- दर्द्रूरोगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिणी -गि) Herpetic, afflicted with herpes; also दर्द्र रोगिन्, दर्द्रु रोगिन्, &c.
- दर्प :: m. (-र्पः) 1. Pride, arrogance. 2. Musk. 3. Heat. E. दृप् to be proud, to inflame, affix भावे घञ्, कर्त्तरि अच् वा ।
- दर्पक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) What kindles, inflames, or excites, m. (-कः) A name of KAMADEVA. E. दृप् to inflame, affix ण्वुल् .
- दर्पण :: m. (-णः) A mirror. n. (-णं) 1. The eye. 2. Kindling, inflaming. E. दृप् to excite, to shine, affix ल्यु ।
- दर्पध्मात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Puffed up or swelling with pride. E. दर्प, and ध्मात inflated.
- दर्पह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Humbling, humiliating, pride-destroying. E. दर्प, and ह what removes.
- दर्पारम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) Incipient pride, conceit. E. दर्प pride, आरम्भ commencement.
- दर्पोपशान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) Conciliating or subduing arrogance. E. दर्प, and उप- शान्ति allaying.
- दर्ब्ब :: m. (-र्ब्बः) 1. A Rakshasa, an imp or goblin. 2. A mischievous man or animal, &c. E. दॄ to tear, Unadi affix ब .
- दर्ब्बट :: m. (-टः) A constable, police officer set over a village, &c. 2. A warder, a door-keeper.
- दर्ब्बरीक :: m. (-कः) 1. INDRA. 2. Air, wind. 3. A musical instrument.
- दर्ब्बि :: f. (-र्ब्बिः-र्ब्बी) 1. A ladle or spoon. 2. The expanded hood of a snake. E. दॄ to divide, Unadi affix बि; also with ङीप् added दर्ब्बी; some authorities made the final consonant the labial letter व, as as दर्व्वि, दर्व्वी; also दार्व्वी .
- दर्ब्बिक :: m. (-कः) A ladle, a spoon. f. (-का) A potherb: see दार्ब्बिका . E. कन् added to the preceding.
- दर्ब्बीकर :: m. (-रः) A snake. E. दर्ब्बी the hood expanded, and कर who makes.
- दर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) 1. Kusa or sacrificial grass, (Poa cynosuroides.) 2. A kind of reed, (Saccharum spontaneum.) 3. Another species, (S. cylindricum.) E. दृभि to collect, to arrange, affix घञ्; or दॄ to tear, Unadi affix भ .
- दर्भट :: m. (-टः) A private apartment or house, a retirement.
- दर्भपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A kind of grass, (Saccharum spontaneum.) E. दर्भ, and पत्र a leaf.
- दर्श :: m. (-र्शः) 1. Sight, seeing. 2. Day of new moon when it rises in- visible. 3. Half monthly sacrifice, performed at the change of the moon, by persons maintaining a perpetual fire. E. दृश् to see, affix आधारे घञ् .
- दर्शक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what shows, displays, explains, makes clear, &c. m. (-कः) 1. A door-keeper, a warder. 2. An exhibiter, one who points out or shows any thing. 3. A skilful man, one who is conversant with any science or art, &c. E. दृश् to see, ण्वुल् aff.
- दर्शत :: m. (-तः) 1. The sun. 2. The moon. E. दृश् to see, कर्मणि अतच् aff.
- दर्शन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sight, seeing, looking. 2. The eye. 3. A Mirror. 4. Show- ing. 5. Aspect, appearance. 6. Directing, instructing. 7. A dream, a vision. 8. Virtue, moral merit. 9. Knowledge, especially religi- ous. 10. Understanding, intellect. 11. A Sastra, one of six religi- ous or philosophical systems, the Patanjala, Sankhya, Vaiseshika, Nyaya, Mimansa, and Vedanta. 12. Sacrifice. 13. Colour. 14. Vi- siting any sacred shrine, worshipping in the presence of any image. E. दृश् to see, affix भावकरणादौ ल्युट् ।
- दर्शनप्रतिभू :: m. (-भूः) A surety for appearance. E. दर्शन, and प्रतिभू a surety.
- दर्शनप्रातिभाव्य :: n. (-व्यं) Surety for appearance, bail. E. दर्शन, and प्रातिभाव्य surety.
- दर्शनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Beautiful, handsome, agreeable. 2. Visible, to be seen. E. दर्श looking, and छ affix; or दृश् to see, and अनीयर् aff.
- दर्शनीयमानिन् :: mfn. (-नी -निनी -नि) Vain, conceited, thinking oneself hand- some. E. दर्शनीय, मन् to mind, णिनि aff.
- दर्शयामिनी :: f. (-नी) The night or new moon, on which it rises invisible. E. दर्श new moon, and यामिनी night.
- दर्शयितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Showing, displaying, who or what shows. m. (-ता) 1. A warder, an usher, a door-keeper. 2. A show man, a guide, an exhibiter. E. दृश् to see, in the causal form, and तृच् aff.
- दर्शयित्वा :: ind. Having shown, having made manifest. E. दृश् to see, causal form, क्त्वाच् aff.
- दर्शयिष्यत् :: mfn. (-ष्यन् -ष्यन्ती -ष्यत्) Showing, explaining or proposing to shew or explain. E. दृश् to see, causal form, शतृ affix, with a future sense.
- दर्शविपद् :: m. (-द्) The moon. E. दर्श day of new moon, and विपद् trouble.
- दर्शित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Visible, apparent. 2. Shown, displayed. 3. Explained. 4. Seen. 5. Understood. E. दृश् to see, in the causal form, affix णिच् and क्त ।
- दर्शितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Having shown, showing, displaying. 2. Explaining, teaching. E. दृश causal form, क्तवतु aff.
- दल :: r. 1st cl. (दलति) r. 10th cl. (दालयति-ते) 1. To cut, to divide, to split or pierce. 2. To be cut, &c. 3. To display. 4. To wither. भ्वा० अक० भेदे सक० भेदने सेट् । भेदने चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- दल :: mn. (-लः-लं) A leaf. n. (-लं) 1. A part, a portion, a fragment. 2. Dividing, tearing, cutting, splitting, &c. 3. A sheath, a scabbard. 4. An adulteration or alloy. 5. A heap or quantity. 6. The leaf of Tamala. 7. A half. E. दल् to divide, to cut, &c. affix अच् .
- दलकपाट :: m. (-टः) A folded petal or leaf. E. दल, and कपाट a door.
- दलकोष :: m. (-षः) A sort of jasmine, (J. pubescens.) E. दल a leaf, and कोष a sheath.
- दलत् :: mfn. (-लत् -लन्ती -लत्) 1. Splitting, rending. 2. Being torn or cut. E. दल् to cut or be pierced, affix शतृ ।
- दलद्धृदय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Broken-hearted, cut to the heart, &c. E. दलत् . and हृदय the heart.
- दलन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Breaking to pieces, cutting, dividing, (who or what does so.) n. (-नं) Tearing, rending, breaking, pulling to pieces. f. (-नी) A clod or clump of earth or mould. E. दल् to divide, affix करणे ल्युट् ।
- दलनिर्म्मोक :: m. (-कः) The Bhurjapatra, a tree of which the bark is used, for hookah snakes, &c. E. दल a leaf, and निर्म्मोक shedding, casting off.
- दलप :: m. (-पः) 1. Gold. 2. A sacred or religious institute. E. दल् to be divided, Unadi affix कपन् .
- दलपुष्पी :: f. (-ष्पी) A fragrant plant, (Pandanus odoratissimus.) E. दल a leaf, and पुष्प a flower; the leaves surrounding the flower. केतक्याम् ।
- दलसूचि :: m. (-चिः) A thorn. E. दल a leaf, and सूचि a needle.
- दलस्नसा :: f. (-सा) The fibre or vein of a leaf. E. दल a leaf, and स्नसा a fibre. पत्रशिरायाम् ।
- दलाढक :: m. (-कः) 1. Sesamum growing wild or spontaneously. 2. An aquatic plant, (Pistia stratiotes.) 3. A plant commonly Nageshwara, (Mesua ferrea.) 4. A tree, (Mimosa sirisha.) 5. Red chalk. 6. Cuttle fish bone. 7. A moat, a ditch. 8. A sort of jasmine, (J. pubescens.) 9. An elephant's ear. 10. The driver of an elephant. 11. A hurri- cane, a high wind. E. दल as above, ढौकृ to go, with आङ् prefix- ed, affix अच्, deriv. irr.
- दलाढ्य :: m. (-ढ्यः) Mud, but mud especially on the banks of a river.
- दलामल :: n. (-लं) 1. A tree, (Vangueria spinosa:) see मरुवक . 2. A plant, (Artemisia.) E. दल a leaf, and अमल clear, clean.
- दलाम्ल :: n. (-म्लं) Sorrel. E. दल the leaf, and अम्ल sour.
- दलि :: mf. (-लिः-ली) A clod of clay or mould. E. दल् to be divided, (by the harrow or plough,) Unadi affix इ ।
- दलिक :: m. (-कः) Timber, wood. E. दल् to split, affix इकच् ।
- दलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Blown, full blown, expanded. 2. Broken, split. 3. Cut to pieces. 4. Torn, rent. 5. Scattered, driven apart, divid- ed. 6. Opened, unfolded. E. दल् to split, affix क्त ।
- दलेगन्धि :: m. (-न्धिः) A plant, (Echites scholaris:) see सप्तपर्ण . E. दल in the seventh case दले, in the leaf, and गन्धि fragrance.
- दल्भ :: m. (-ल्भः) 1. Fraud, dishonesty. 2. Sin. 3. The name of a Muni or saint. 4. A wheel. E. दल् to divide, and भ Unadi affix.
- दल्मि :: m. (-ल्मिः) 1. A name of INDRA. 2. INDRA'S thunderbolt. E. दल् to break or split, Unadi affix मि ।
- दव (इ) दवि :: r. 1st cl. (दन्वति) To go, to move. भ्वा० प० सक० सेट् ।
- दव :: m. (-वः) 1. A wood on fire, a forest conflagration. 2. A wood, a forest. 3. Fire in general. 4. Heat, (general or physical.) E. दु to agitate, affix अच्; also दाव ।
- दवथु :: m. (-थुः) 1. Anxiety, vexation, distress. 2. Inflammation of the eye, &c. E. दु to be agitated, अथुच् aff.
- दवयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Removing, making remote, placing at a dis- tance. E. दव for दूर used as a verb, शतृ aff.
- दवाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) A wood on fire, or the conflagration of a forest. E. दव a wood, and अग्नि a fire; also दव and दाव ।
- दविष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Very remote, very distant. E. दूर् far, affix इष्ठन्, and दव substituted for दूर्; also दवीयस् ।
- दवीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Very remote or distant: see the preced- ing, the affix being the superlative affix ईयसुन् ।
- दश (इ) दशि :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (दशति दंशयति-ते) 1. To bite or sting. 2. To arm, to put on armour. 3. To see. r. 10th cl. (दंशयते) To shine. With उप, to be in trouble, to be reduced in circumstances. With सम्, to pinch, to nip, to bite. दीप्तौ चु० उभ० अक० सेट् इदित् । दंशनार्थे चु० आत्म० and भ्वा० प० ।
- दशक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Ten. E. कन् added to दश ।
- दशकण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) A name of RAVANA. E. दश ten, and कण्ठ a neck: the ten-necked: also similar names, as दशग्रीव, &c.
- दशकण्ठजित् :: m. (-जित्) A name of RAMA. E. दशकण्ठ RAVANA, and जित् the conqueror.
- दशकन्धर :: m. (-रः) RAVANA: see दशकण्ठ ।
- दशकामजव्यसन :: n. (-नं) The aggregate of ten vices, proceeding from the the quality of desire, viz. hunting, gambling, sleeping during the day, abusiveness, lechery, drunkenness, dancing, singing, play- ing, and hypocrisy. E. दश ten, काम desire, ज born, व्यसन calamity.
- दशगुण :: adv. n. (-णं) Ten times, ten-fold. E. दश, and गुण a time.
- दशग्राम :: n. (-मं) A district or collection of ten villages. E. दश, and ग्राम a village.
- दशग्रामपति :: m. (-तिः) A magistrate or chief of ten villages. E. दश, and ग्राम a village, पति master.
- दशग्रामिन् :: m. (-मी) 1. The head man of ten villages. 2. Municipality or corporation of the same. E. दशग्राम, and इनि aff.
- दशग्रीव :: m. (-वः) RAVANA: see दशकण्ठ ।
- दशति :: f. (-तिः) A hundred.
- दशधा :: ind. In ten ways. E. दश, and धाच् aff.
- दशन् :: mfn. plu. (-श) Ten. E. दश् to bite, Unadi affix अन्, the nasal rejected.
- दशन :: mn. (-नः-नं) A tooth. m. (-नः) The peak of a mountain. n. (-नं) Armour, mail. E. दंश् to bite, affix भावे करणादौ ल्युट् ।
- दशनवासस् :: n. (-सः) A lip. E. दशन tooth, and वासस् vesture.
- दशनांशु :: m. (-शुः) The whiteness or brightness of the teeth. E. दशन, and अंशु a ray.
- दशनाङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) A bite, the mark of the teeth. E. दशन, and अङ्क a mark.
- दशनाढ्या :: f. (-ढ्या) A kind of sorrel.
- दशनोच्छिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Toothless. m. (-ष्ठः) 1. Breathing, breathing out, expiration. 2. A lip. 3. Kissing, a kiss. E. दशन a tooth, and उच्छिष्ठ expelled, ejected.
- दशपारमिताधर :: m. (-रः) A Buddha or Bauddha saint. E. दश, पारमिता a particular work or scripture of this sect, धर who has.
- दशपुर :: n. (-रं) A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus:) see दाशपुर . 2. A district, part of Malwa or Bundelkhand. 3. A town or city. E. दश for दाश a fisherman, and पुर or पूर to nourish, affix दश; also दश ten, and पुर a city: district of ten cities.
- दशपूर :: n. (-रं) A fragrant grass: see the preceding; also दाशपूर .
- दशबल :: m. (-लः) A Buddha of Bauddha teacher. E. दश ten, (the ten worlds,) बल powerful.
- दशभूमिग :: m. (-गः) BUDDHA, the founder of the Bauddha sect, or a Buddha, the generic name of the sanctified teachers of that sect. E. दश ten, भूमि earth, and ग who goes; traversing the ten worlds; also दशभूमीश m. (-शः) Lord of the same.
- दशम :: mfn. (-मः -मी -मं) Tenth. f. (-मी) 1. The tenth day of the half month. 2. The tenth or last stage of human life, the last ten years of a century. E. दशन् ten, and मट् aff.
- दशमहाविद्या :: f. (-द्या) DURGA. E. दश ten, (forms, or names,) महा great, and विद्या a name of DURGA.
- दशमाल :: nf. (-लं-ली) A collection of ten garlands. E. दश ten, माला a garland, टच् aff.
- दशमिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Very old or aged. E. दशमी the tenth, (stage of life,) and इनि aff.
- दशमीङ्गत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Very old, above ninety. E. दशमी, and गत arrived at.
- दशमीस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) 1. Impotent. 2. Very old, turned of ninety. 3. Dying, on the point of death. E. दशमी the last stage of life, and स्थ who is.
- दशमुख :: m. (-खः) A name of RAVANA. E. दश ten, and मुख a face.
- दशमुखान्तक :: m. (-कः) A name of RAMA. E. दशमुख RAVANA, and अन्तक destroyer.
- दशमूल :: n. (-लं) A tonic medicament prepared from the roots of ten plants. E. दश ten, and मूल a root.
- दशरथ :: m. (-थः) A proper name, sovereign of Ayodhya or Oude, and father of RAMA. E. दश ten, and रथ a car; whose car bore him to the ten quarters of the universe.
- दशरात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A period of ten days and nights. E. दश, and रात्र for रात्रि night.
- दशरूपभृत् :: mfn. (-भृत्) A name of VISHNU. E. दश ten, रूप forms, (Ava- taras,) and भृत् who assumes.
- दशलक्षण :: n. (-णं) Ten marks or attributes. E. दश, and लक्षण a mark.
- दशवाजिन् :: m. (-जी) The moon. E. दश ten, and वाजिन् a horse, whose car is drawn by ten horses.
- दशशत :: n. (-तं) A thousand. E. दश, and शत a hundred.
- दशसहस्र :: n. (-स्रं) A myriad. E. दश, and सहस्र a thousand.
- दशा :: f. (-शा) or m. plu. (-शाः) 1. The ends of a piece of cloth, the end of a garment. 2. A state, a condition, a period or time of life, as youth, age, manhood, &c. 3. The wick of a lamp. 4. The mind or faculty, of understanding. 5. Aspect or position of the planets at birth. E. दश् to bite, to cut or divide, or be cut or divided, अङ् aff.
- दशाकर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) A lamp. E. दशा a wick, आकर्ष what possesses.
- दशाकर्षिन् :: m. (-र्षी) A lamp. E. दशा a wick, आङ् before, कृष् to make lines, affix इनि .
- दशानन :: m. (-नः) The giant RAVANA. E. दश ten, and आनन a face.
- दशानिक :: m. (-कः) A plant, commonly Danti, (Croton polyandrum.)
- दशाफल :: n. (-लं) Result of circumstance of the condition of life. E. दशा, and फल fruit.
- दशार्ण :: m. (-र्णः) A country, part of central Hindustan, lying on the south-east of the Vindhya mountains. f. (णा) A river rising in the Vindhya hills, the Dosarna of the ancients. E. दश ten, ऋण a fort.
- दशास्थिति :: f. (-तिः) Condition. E. दशा, and स्थिति stay.
- दशार्ह :: m. (-र्हः) 1. A Buddha or Jina. 2. A country in the south of India, the kingdom of YADU. m. plu. (-र्हाः) The Yadavas or people of Dasarha. E. दश ten, and अर्ह proper, worthy.
- दशावतार :: m. (-रः) A name of VISHNU. E. दश ten, and अवतार descent; the deity of whom there are ten descents from heaven, for the purpose of protecting or punishing mankind: see अवतार ।
- दशाविशेष :: m. (-षः) Excisting circumstances, peculiar condition. E. दशा, and विशेष sort.
- दशाश्व :: m. (-श्वः) A name of CHANDRA or the moon. E. दश ten, and अश्व a horse; driving ten horses in his carriage.
- दशास्य :: m. (-स्यः) A name of RAVANA. E. दश ten, and आस्य face, the ten- headed.
- दशास्यजित् :: m. (-जित्) RAMA. E. दशास्य as above, and जित् the conqueror.
- दशाह :: n. (-हं) A period of ten days. E. दश, and अहन् a day.
- दशेन्द्रिय :: m. plu. (-याः) The ten organs of sense and action, viz, the skin, eye, tongue, nose, ear, organ of speech, hand, foot, anus, and pudendum. E. दश ten, and इन्द्रिय an organ.
- दशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Having ten of any thing. m. (-शी) The super- intendent of ten villages. E. दश, and इनि aff.
- दशेन्धन :: m. (-नः) A lamp. E. दशा a wick, and इन्धन fuel.
- दशेर :: m. (-रः) A mischievous or venomous animal, a beast of prey, &c. E. दश् to bite, Unadi affix एरक् ।
- दशेरक :: m. (-कः) A country destitute of water. E. कन् added to the pre- ceding: also दशेरुक ।
- दष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Bitten. 2. Joining to, in contact with. E. दश् to bite, क्त aff.
- दस (इर्, उ) इरदसु :: r. 4th cl. (दस्यति) 1. To lose. 2. To throw or direct, to throw up or toss. r. 10th cl. (दसयते) To see. (इ) दसि r. 1st and 10 cls. (दंसति, दंसयति) 1. To bite or string. 2. To see. 3. To shine. दिवा० उत्क्षेपे, उपक्षये अपक्षये च अक० प० सक० सेट् । दर्शने दंशने च चु० आ० सक० सेट् इदित् । पक्षे भ्वा० प० ।
- दसन :: n. (-नं) 1. Throwing, tossing. 2. Dismissing. 3. Perishing. E. दस् to lose, affix ल्युट् ।
- दस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Lost, destroyed. 2. Thrown, tossed. 3. Sent away, dismissed. E. दस् to lose, &c. and क्त aff.
- दस्म :: m. (-स्मः) 1. A name of fire. 2. A sacrificer, one who employs Brahmans in instituting a religious ceremony. 3. A thief. 4. A rogue, a knave. E. दस् to throw or send, मक् Unadi aff.
- दस्यु :: m. (-स्युः) An enemy. 2. A thief. 3. An oppressor, a violator, a committer of injustice, &c. 4. A barbarian, an outcaste, or a Hindu who has become so by neglect of the essential rites. E. दस् to lose or be lost, Unadi affix युच् ।
- दस्युह :: m. (-हः) A name of Bali.
- दस्र :: m. (-स्रः) 1. Either of the twin sons of ASWINI, and physicians of Swarga; also collectively. m. du. (दस्रौ) 2. An ass. n. (-स्रं) Thin rain, dew, frost. E. दस् to destroy, (disease, &c.) रक् Unadi aff.
- दस्रदेवता :: f. (-ता) The lunar constellation ASWINI. E. दस्र a divine physi- cian, and देवता a deity: he being the ruling genius of the asterism.
- दस्रसू :: f. (-सूः) A name of SANJNYA, a wife of the sun, and mother, ac- cording to one legend, of the twin physicians of INDRA'S heaven. E. दस्र as above, and सू mother.
- दह (औ) दहौ :: r. 1st cl. (दहति) To burn or reduce to ashes. (इ) दहि r. 10th cl. (दंहयति-ते) 1. To shine. 2. To burn. भ्वा० सक० प० अनिट् । दीप्तौ अक० दाहे सक० चु० उभ० सेट् इदित् ।
- दहत् :: mfn. (-हन् -हन्ती -हत्) Scorching, burning. E. दह् to burn, शतृ aff.
- दहन :: n. (-नं) Burning, combustion. m. (-नः) 1. Fire, or the deity AGNI. 2. A bad man, one of evil dispositions. 3. The marking nut plant. 4. Lead wort, (Plumbago zeylanica, &c.) E. दह् to burn, affix ल्युट् ।
- दहनकेतन :: n. (-नं) Smoke. E. दहन fire, and केतन a banner or sign.
- दहनप्रिया :: f. (-या) A name of SWAHA, the wife of AGNI. E. दहन fire, and प्रिया the beloved.
- दहनबहुल :: m. (-लः) Fire. E. दहन, and बहुल much.
- दहनाराति :: m. (-तिः) Water. E. दहन, and अराति foe.
- दहनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be or what may be burnt, combustible. E. दह् to burn, अनीयर् aff.
- दहनोपल :: m. (-लः) The Sun-gem, a crystal lens. E. दहन fire, and उपल a stone; fire-stone.
- दहर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Thin, small, fine. m. (-रः) 1. A rat, a mouse. 2. A
young animal. 3. A younger brother. 4. A child, an infant. E. दह् to burn, affix अर ।
- दह्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Burnt, being burnt. E. दह् to burn, pass. v. शानच् aff.
- दह्न :: m. (-ह्नः) 1. A name of AGNI or fire. 2. The conflagration of forest. E. दह् to burn, रक् aff.
- दा (ण) दाण :: r. 1st cl. (यच्छति, or with सम् prefixed संयच्छते) also (डु ञ) डुदाञ् r. 3rd cl. (ददाति दत्ते) To give, to present. With आङ् prefixed (आदत्ते), To take, to accept or receive. With प्र, To give, to give to, With वि and आङ्, To open. With सम् and आङ्, To select. (प) दाप् r. 2nd cl. (दाति) To cut. भ्वा० प० सक० सेट् ण इत् । जुहो० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- दाक :: m. (-कः) 1. A donor, one who makes presents, especially to Brahm- ans. 2. A sacrificer, one who pays all the expenses of the cere- mony, and employs the officiating priests. E. दा to give, क Unadi aff.
- दाक्षक :: n. (-कं) A multitude of the descendants of DAKSHA. E. दक्ष, and and वुञ् aff.
- दाक्षायण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) Of or relating of DAKSHA, a descendant, &c. n. (-णं) Gold, or a gold ornament, as an ear-ring, &c. E. दक्ष, and फक् aff.
- दाक्षायणिन् :: mfn. (-णी -णिनी -णि) Having gold. m. (-णी) A Brahman student, wearing gold ear rings. E. दाक्षायण, and इनि aff.
- दाक्षायिणी :: f. plu. (-यिण्यः) The twenty-seven lunar mansions, considered mythologically as the daughters of DAKSHA, and wives of the moon. f. sing. (-णी) A name of DURGA. 2. The nymph and asterism ROHINI. 3. A plant, commonly Danti, (Croton polyandrum.) 4. A lunar asterism in general. E. दक्ष the son of BRAMHA, so called, फिञ् affix of descent, and ङीप् fem. aff.
- दाक्षायिणीप :: m. (-पः) 1. CHANDRA. 2. SIVA. E. दाक्षायिणी, and प who protects.
- दाक्षायिणीपति :: m. (-तिः) CHANDRA or the moon. E. दाक्षायिणी an asterism and पति husband: see the preceding; also similar compounds.
- दाक्षायिणीरमण :: m. (-णः) The moon: see the last. E. दाक्षायिणी, and रमण lover.
- दाक्षाय्य :: m. (-य्यः) A vulture. E. दक्ष् to be quick, आय्य affix, and again, अण् affix of descent.
- दाक्षिकन्था :: f. (-न्था) A place in the north of India, in the country of Valhika or Balkh: see कन्थ .
- दाक्षिकन्थीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Produced or born, &c. in Dakshikantha; see the last, E. दाक्षिकन्थ, and छ affix; also similar compounds, as दाक्षि- नगरीय, दाक्षिग्रामीय ।
- दाक्षिण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) Relating or belonging to the south, to a gift to Brahmans, &c. E. दक्षिण, and अण् aff.
- दाक्षिणात्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) Southerly, southern, belonging to or pro- duced in the south. m. (-त्र्यः) The cocoanut. E. दाक्षिण southern, and त्यक् aff.
- दाक्षिण्य :: mfn. (-ण्यः -ण्या -ण्यं) Meriting a reward. n. (-ण्यं) 1. Concord, har- mony, agreement. 2. Cleverness, talent. 3. Appeasing or restoring any one offended to good humour. E. दक्षिणा a gift, &c. affix ण्यत् ।
- दाक्षीपुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) The inspired grammarian PANINI. E. दाक्षी a proper name, the mother of the saint, and पुत्त्र a son.
- दाक्षेय :: m. (-यः) A name of PANINI. E. दाक्षी the mother of the Muni, and ढक् affix of descent.
- दाक्ष्य :: n. (-क्ष्यं) Cleverness, dexterity, ability. E. दक्ष, and ष्यञ् aff.
- दाडक :: m. (-कः) A tooth, a tusk.
- दाडिम :: subst. mfn. (-मः -मी -मं) 1. The pomegranate tree, (or mf. the tree, n. the fruit.) 2. Small cardamoms. E. दल् to divide, भावे घञ् दालेन निर्वृत्तः भावात् इमप् लस्य डः affix, the radical vowel made long, and ल changed to ड .
- दाडिमपुष्पक :: m. (-कः) A medicinal plant, (Andersonia rohitaka.) E. दाडिम as above, पुष्प a flower, and कन् affix of resemblance; bearing flowers like those of the pomegranate.
- दाडिमप्रिय :: m. (-यः) A parrot. E. दाडिम a pomegranate, and प्रिय fond of. दाडिर्म तत्फलं प्रियमस्य । शुकखगे, दाडिमप्रियमात्रे च ।
- दाडिमभक्षण :: m. (-णः) A parrot. E. दाडिम a pomegranate, and भक्षण eating. दाडिमं भक्षयितुं शीलमस्य ल्यु । शुकखगे दाडिमफलभक्षके । भक्ष-भावे ल्युट् दाडिमस्य भक्षणे न० ।
- दाडिम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) The pomegranate: see दाडिम ।
- दाढा :: f. (-ढा) 1. A large tooth, a tusk. 2. Wish, desire. 3. A number, a multitude. E. दा to cut, ढ affix, fem. affix टाप् .
- दाढिका :: f. (-क्रा) The beard. E. दाढा a tooth, and कन् affix, implying propinquity, fem. form.
- दाण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डी -ण्डं) 1. Relating to a stick or staff. 2. Relating to punishment, &c. E. दण्ड a stick, अण् aff.
- दाण्डमाथिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Churning with a straight stick or staff. E. दण्डमाथ a churning stick, ठञ् aff.
- दाण्डाजिनिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Fraudulent, dishonest. E. दण्डाजिन fraud, affix ठञ् ।
- दात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Cut, divided. E. दा to cut, affix कर्मणि क्त .
- दातव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be given, what may or ought to be given. E. दा to give, तव्य aff.
- दाति :: f. (-तिः) Cutting, destroying. E. दा to cut, भावे क्तिच् aff.
- दातृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) A donor, a giver, giving, bestowing. E. दा to give, तृच् aff.
- दात्यूह :: m. (-हः) 1. A gallinule. 2. The Chataka, a sort of cuckoo. 2. A cloud. E. दाति destroying, ऊह to plan or arrange, affix अण्; also दात्यौह .
- दात्यौह :: mfn. (-हः -ही -हं) Of, relating to, or produced in the vehicle of a demon. E. दैत्य a demon, वह् to bear, affix घञ्, अण् added, and the first vowel, changed to आ by especial rule.) m. (-हः) A gallinule. E. See दात्यूह (the radical vowel being optionally changed,) with अण् affix.
- दात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A sort of sickle, a large knife, a Da. E. दो to cut, त्रन् Unadi aff.
- दात्व :: m. (-त्वः) A giver, a donor. E. दा to give, त्वन् Unadi aff.
- दाद :: m. (-दः) 1. A gift, a donation. 2. Giving. E. दद to give, भावे घञ् aff.
- दादद :: m. (-दः) A donor, one who gives. E. दाद, and द who gives.
- दादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Giving. E. दद to give, णिनि aff.
- दाधिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Made of or from Dadhi, or coagulated milk, mixed with it, sprinkled with it, &c. E. दधि, and ठक् aff.
- दान (उ) दानु :: r. 1st cl. irr. (दीदांसति-ते) 1. To cut. 2. To straighten or make straight. 2. To be straight. भ्वा० उभ० सक० ।
- दान :: n. (-नं) 1. Gift, giving, donation. 2. The fluid that flows from the temples of an elephant in rut. 3. Nourishing, cherishing. 4. Purifi- cation. 5. Cutting, dividing. 6. A present, a special gift. 7. Beat- ing, striking. 8. Wild honey. E. दा to give, or दो to cut, affix ल्युट् ।
- दानकुल्या :: f. (-ल्या) The flow of an elephant's temporal ichor. E. दान, and कुल्या a river.
- दानधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) 1. Almsgiving, charity. 2. The rules for making donations. E. दान, and धर्म्म virtue.
- दानपति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A liberal or munificent man. 2. A name of AKRURA, the kinsman of KRISHNA. E. दान giving, and पति eminent.
- दानप्रतिभाव्य :: n. (-व्यं) Security for payment of a debt, &c. E. दान, and प्रतिभाव्य surety.
- दानभिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Divided or made hostile by bribes. E. दान, and भिन्न broken.
- दानयोग्य :: mfn. (-ग्यः -ग्या -ग्यं) Fit for or meriting a donation. E. दान, and योग्य fit for.
- दानव :: m. (-वः) A demon, a Titan or giant. E. दनु the mother of these beings, and अण् affix of descent.
- दानवज्र :: m. (-ज्रः) Vaisya or man of the third tribe. E. दान, and वज्र diamond.
- दानवर्षिन् :: m. (-र्षी) 1. An elephant in rut. 2. A liberal man. E. दान, and वर्षिन् showering.
- दानवारि :: m. (-रिः) A deity. E. दानव a Titan, and अरि a foe.
- दानवीर :: m. (-रः) A liberal man. E. दान, and वीर a hero.
- दानव्यत्यास :: m. (-सः) Gift under error, as giving to the wrong person, &c. E. दान, and व्यत्थास perversion.
- दानशील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Liberal, munificent. E. दान giving, शील addict- ed to.
- दानशौण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डा -ण्डं) Liberal, bountiful, munificent. E. दान a gift, and शौण्ड intoxicated, attached to violently.
- दानिन् :: mfn. (-नी -निनी -नि) Giving. E. दान, and इनि aff.
- दानीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Worthy of having any thing given, or worthy or fit to be given. n. (-नं) Gift, donation. E. दा to give, अनीयर् affix of the future participle.
- दानु :: m. (-नुः) 1. A donor, a giver. 2. A victor, a conqueror. 3. Prosperity. 4. Air, wind. E. दा to give, Unadi affix नु ।
- दान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Tamed, subdued, daunted. 2. Bearing patient- ly privation, austerity, &c. 3. Dental. m. (-न्तः) 1. A donor, a giver. 2. A well situated about the peak of a mountain. E. दम् to tame, to pacify, affix क्त, or दन्त a peak, &c. affix अण् ।
- दान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) 1. The patient endurance of religious austerities or privations. 2. Subjection, humiliation. E. दम् to tame, &c. affix क्तिन् ।
- दापयित्वा :: ind. Having fined. E. दा to give, causal form, क्त्वा aff.
- दापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Condemned, adjudged, (the person.) 2. assigned, awarded, (the thing.) 3. The person to whom a fine, &c. is awarded or paid. 4. Given, caused to be given. 5. Purified. E. दा to give, in the causal form, and णिच् and क्रर्म्मणि क्त affix; also दायित ।
- दाप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) To be fined, to be made to give or pay. E. दा to give, causal form, णिच् and कर्म्मणि यत् aff.
- दाभ्य :: mfn. (-भ्यः -भ्या -भ्यं) To be ordered, to be governed or ruled. E. दम् to order, ण्यत् aff.
- दामन् :: nf. (-म-मा) A string, a cord, a thread or rope. E. दो to cut or divide, &c. affix भावे करणे वा मनिन् ।
- दामन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Relating to the Dona or Artemisia flower. E. दामन, and अण् aff.
- दामनपर्व्वन् :: n. (-र्व्व) The fourteenth of the light half of Chaitra, when the Dona flower is worshipped. E. दामन, and पर्व्व a holiday.
- दामनी :: f. (-नी) A string, a rope, especially for tying cattle. E. दामन् as above, अण् and ङीष् affs.
- दामलिप्त :: n. (-प्तं) A country, the modern district of Tumlook. E. See तामलित, त being changed to द .
- दामा :: f. (-मा) A rope, a string, a cord. E. See दामन् .
- दामाञ्जन :: n. (-नं) A foot-rope for horses, &c. E. दामा, and अञ्ज् to go, affix ल्युट्; also दामा, and अञ्चल end, दामाञ्चल, n. (-लं).
- दामोदर :: m. (-रः) 1. A name of KRISHNA. 2. A Jina of the past age. E. दाम a rope, and उदर a belly; YASODHA his foster mother having in vain passed the folds of a rope round his body, whilst a child, to keep him in confinement. दाम बन्धनसाधनं उदरे यस्य ।
- दाम्भिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Hypocritical. m. (-कः) 1. A hypocrite. 2. A kind of crane, (Ardea nivea.) E. दम्भ, and ठक् aff. दम्भेन .
- दाय (ऋ) दायृ :: r. 1st cl. (दायते) To give. भ्वा० आ० सक० सेट् ।
- दाय :: m. (-यः) 1. Gift, donation. 2. A special gift, as a nuptial present, alms to a student at his initiation, &c. 3. Portion, inheritance. 4. Loss, destruction. 5. Breaking, dividing. 6. A place, a site. 7. Irony. E. दा to give, in the passive form, affix ण; that which is given; or दो to cut, &c. that which is divided. or दाय् to give, affix कर्मणि भावे वा घञ् ।
- दायक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Liberal, giving, a donor. E. दा to give, ण्वुल् aff.
- दायबन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) A brother. E. दाय portion, बन्धु a friend.
- दायभाग :: m. (-गः) Partition of heritage, apportioning inheritance, &c. E. दाय heritage, and भाग a part or portion.
- दायविभाग :: m. (-गः) Portioning or portion of inheritance, division of property amongst different heirs. E. दाय heritage, and विभाग a part or portion.
- दायाद :: m. (-दः) 1. A son. 2. A kinsman, near or remote. 3. An heir. f. (-दा-दी) A daughter, an heiress. E. दाय a portion, आङ् prefixed to दा to take, affix क .
- दायादव :: m. (-वः) An heir, a kinsman.
- दायापवर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) Privation, a forfeiture of property. E. दाय, and अप- वर्त्तन taking away.
- दायित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Condemned, sentenced. 2. Awarded, adjudged. 3. The person to whom any thing is awarded, &c. see दापित . E. दायं दानं करोति दायि-कर्मणि क्त ।
- दार :: m. plu. (-राः) A wife. E. दॄ to take, to tear, (a husband,) affix अच्; also दारा । दारयति भ्रातॄन् दॄ-णिच्-दारि कर्त्तरि अच् ।
- दारक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) A breaker, a tearer. m. (-कः) 1. A son. 2. A child, an infant or young animal. 3. The charioteer of VISHNU. 4. A village-hog. f. (-रिका) 1. A daughter. 2. A whore. E. दॄ to tear, affix ण्वुल् ।
- दारकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Marriage. E. दार a wife, and कर्म्मन् a business; also दारक्रिया ।
- दारण :: n. (-णं) 1. The clearing nut plant, (Strychnos potatorum.) 2. Tearing, rending, dividing. E. दॄ to tear, affixes णिच् and युच् करणे ल्युट् वा ।
- दारद :: m. (-दः) 1. A sort of poison, one brought from the country named Darad. 2. Quicksilver. 3. Vermilion. 4. The ocean. E. दरद a country, &c. affix अण् ।
- दारपरिग्रह :: m. (-हः) Marriage. E. दार, and परिग्रह taking.
- दारव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Wooden, made of wood. E. दारु, and अञ् aff.
- दारबलिभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) 1. The Vaka, a sort of crane. 2. A crow. 3. A sparrow. E. दार a wife or female, बलि food, and भुज् who eats.
- दारसङ्ग्रह :: m. (-हः) Marrying, marriage. E. दार, and सङ्ग्रह taking.
- दारा :: f. (-रा) A wife: see दार ।
- दाराधीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Dependent upon a wife, subject to her, &c. E. दार, and अधीन subject.
- दारि :: f. (-रिः) Cutting, tearing, dividing. E. दॄ to tear, affixes णिच् and इन् ।
- दारिकादान :: n. (-नं) Giving a daughter in marriage. E. दारिका, and दान gift.
- दारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Torn, divided. E. दॄ to tear, to divide, affix क्त ।
- दारिद्र :: n. (-द्रं) Poverty. E. दरिद्र and अण् aff.
- दारिद्र्य :: n. (-द्र्यं) Poverty, indigence. E. दरिद्र poor, ष्यञ् aff.
- दारिन् :: m. (-री) 1. A husband. 2. A polygamist. E. दार, and इनि aff.
- दारु :: mfn. (-रुः -र्वी -रु) 1. Liberal, munificent, a giver, a donor. 2. An artist. 3. Tearing, rending, a tearer. mn. (-रुः-रु) Wood, timber. n. (-रु) 1. A sort of pine, (Pinus devadaru.) 2. Brass. E. दॄ to tear or split, Unadi affix उण्, or दा to give, रु Unadi aff.
- दारुक :: m. (-कः) A proper name, the charioteer of KRISHNA. E. दॄ to tear (his foes), affix उकञ् . n. (-कं) A pine, (Pinus devadaru.) f. (-का) A doll, a puppet. E. दारु wood, and स्वार्थे क aff.
- दारुकदली :: f. (-ली) A wild uneatable plantain. E. दारु, and कदली a plan- tain. दारु इव कठिना कदली ।
- दारुगर्भा :: f. (-र्भा) A doll, a wooden puppet. E. दारु wood, गर्भ place of birth.
- दारुज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Made of wood, wooden, &c. m. (-जः) A kind of drum. E. दारु wood, and ज produced.
- दारुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Horrible, terrific, frightful. fearful. 2. Dread- ful, shocking. mn. (-णः-णं) Horror, horribleness. m. (-णः) Lead-
wort, (Plumbago zeylanica.) E. दॄ to tear to pieces, Unadi affix उनन् ।
- दारुनिशा :: f. (-शा) A plant, (Curcuma zanthorrhizon.) E. दारु wood, and निशा turmeric.
- दारुपुत्त्रिका :: f. (-का) A wooden doll or puppet. E. दारु wood, and पुत्त्रिका an infant.
- दारुमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Made of wood, woody, wooden. E. दारु, and मयट् aff.
- दारुवह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) What bears or carries timber. E. दारु, and वह what bears.
- दारुस्त्री :: f. (-स्त्री) A doll. E. दारु wood, and स्त्री a woman.
- दारुहरिद्रा :: f. (-द्रा) A kind of curcuma, (C. zanthorrhizon.) E. दारु wood, and हरिद्रा turmeric.
- दारुहस्तक :: m. (-कः) A wooden ladle. E. दारु wood, हस्त hand, and कन् affix of resemblance.
- दारोपसङ्ग्रह :: m. (-हः) Marrying, taking a wife. E. दार, and उपसङ्ग्रह taking.
- दार्घसत्र(-त्रः-त्री-त्रं) :: Performing a long continued sacrifice, &c. E. दीर्घसत्र a particular sacrifice, अण् affix of relation, and the vowel changed to आ by special rule.
- दार्ढ्य :: n. (-र्ढ्यं) Hardness, fixedness, stability. E. दृढ hard, firm, ष्यञ् affix of the abstract. दृढस्य भावः ।
- दार्द्दुर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Relating to a cloud, a frog, &c. n. (-रं) 1. A conch, the valve of which opens to the right. 2. Lac. 3. Water. E. दर्द्दुर a mountain, &c. अण् aff.
- दार्व्वट :: n. (-टं) A court or council-house. E. दारु timber, and अट् to go or be, affix अच् । दारु इव निश्चलतया निरुपणीयविषयनिश्चयार्थम् अटन्ति अत्र अट- घञर्थे क ।
- दार्व्वण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A peacock. E. दारु wood, and अण्ड an egg. दारु इव कठिनः अण्डोऽस्य । मयूरे ।
- दार्व्वाघाट :: m. (-टः) The wood-pecker. E. दारु wood, हन् to injure, with आङ् prefixed, and अण् affix, घ is substituted for ह, and ट for न in place of त; also with त, दार्व्वाघात ।
- दार्व्वाघात :: m. (-तः) The wood-pecker: see the preceding.
- दार्व्विका :: f. (-का) 1. A sort of collyrium prepared from an infusion of the Curcuma zanthorrhizon. 2. A sort of potherb: see गोजिह्वा . E. दार्व्वी as below, and कन् aff.
- दार्व्विपत्रिका :: f. (-का) Gojihwa, a sort of wild potherb. E. दार्व्वी Curcuma, पत्र a leaf, and ठन् aff. दार्व्व्या दारुहरिद्रायाः पत्रमिव पत्रमस्ति अस्याः ।
- दार्व्वी :: f. (-र्व्वी) 1. A sort of Curcuma, (C. zanthorrhizon.) 2. A kind of pine: see देवदारु . 3. Turmeric. 4. Gojihwa, a potherb. 5. A col- lyrium extracted from an infusion of the Curcuma zanthorrhizon. E. दॄ to tear or dissipate (disease,) उण् affix fem. affix ङीष्ः see दारु ।
- दार्षद :: mfn. (-दः -दी -दं) 1. Ground on a flat stone, (meal, &c.) 2. Stony, of stone, mineral. E. दृषद् a stone or slab on which condiments are prepared, affix अण् ।
- दाल :: n. (-लं) Wild or unprepared honey. m. (-लः) A sort of grain, (Pas- palum frumentaceum.) f. (-ला) Colocynth. E. दल a sheath, affix अण् .
- दालन :: n. (-नं) Toothache. E. दल् to tear, causal v. णिच् and ल्यु affs.
- दालव :: m. (-बः) A sort of poison. E. दल् to tear. in the causal form, अन् affix, and व added.
- दालिम :: m. (-मः) The pomegranate: see दाडिम ।
- दाल्मि :: m. (-ल्मिः) A name of INDRA. E. दल् to tear or split, (mountains,) णिच् and मि affs.
- दाव :: m. (-वः) 1. A forest. 2. A forest on fire. 3. Fire in general. 4. Heat. E. दु to go or run, affix कर्त्तरि णः see दव ।
- दावाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) The conflagration of a forest. E. दाव a forest, and अग्नि fire.
- दावानल :: m. (-लः) Fire in a forest. E. दाव, and अनल fire: see the pre- ceding.
- दाविक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Belonging, relating to, or produced in or near the river Devika or Deva. E. देविका the Deva, अण् affix, deriv. irr.
- दाश (ऋ) दाशृ :: r. 1st cl. (दाशति-ते) 10th cl. (दाशयति-ते) To give 5th cl. (दाश्नोति) To hurt, to injure or kill: see दास । भ्वा० उभ० सक० सेट् । चुरा० उभ० । स्वादि० प० ।
- दाश :: m. (-शः) 1. A fisherman, the son of a Nishada by a woman of the Ayogava caste. 2. A servant. f. (-शी) 1. A female slave, &c. E. दाशृ to give, affix घञ् । see दास ।
- दाशनन्दिनी :: f. (-नी) The mother of VYASA: see दासनन्दिनी ।
- दाशपुर :: n. (-रं) A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus:) see दशपुर; also दाशपूर, n. (-रं).
- दाशरथ :: m. (-थः) A name of RAMA. E. दशरथ the father of RAMA, and अण् patronymic affix; also with इञ् affix दाशरथि m. (-थिः) ।
- दाशार्ह :: mfn. (-र्हः -र्ही -र्हं) Produced in Dasarha, (the country.) m. (-र्हः) A name of KRISHNA. E. दशार्ह a country or one of KRISHNA'S an- cestors, अण् aff.
- दाशेय :: m. (-यः) A servant. f. (-यी) The mother of VYASA: see दासेय . E. दाश्या धीवर्य्या अपत्यम् ढक् ।
- दाशेर :: m. (-रः) 1. A servant. 2. A camel: see दासेर . E. दास्या अपत्यम् ढ्रक् ।
- दाशेरक :: m. (-कः) Malwa, the province. दाशेरकप्रधानः देशः संज्ञायां कन् ।
- दाश्व :: mfn. (-श्वः -श्वा -श्वं) Liberal, giving, a doner, a giver. E. दाश to give, वन् aff.
- दाश्वत् :: mfn. (-श्वन् -श्वती -श्वत्) Liberal, munificent. E. दा to give, श्वत् aff.
- दास (ऋ) दासृ :: r. 1st cl. (दासति-ते) To give; also दाश r. 5th cl. (दास्नोति) To hurt, to injure, to wound or kill: this and दाश, in the last sense, are restricted by some authorities to the Vedas. भ्वा० उभ० सक० सेट् । स्वा० पर० ।
- दास :: m. (-सः) 1. A fisherman. 2. A servant, a slave. 3. A Sudra or man of the fourth tribe. 4. A Sudra affix or appellation. 5. A person to whom it is proper to make gifts. 6. A sage, one to whom it is proper nature of the soul is known. f. (-सी) A female servant or slave. 2. The wife of a slave, a fisherman or Sudra. 3. A harlot. 4. A plant, a sort of Barleria. E. दास् to give, affix घञ्, to whom wages, &c. are given; also दाश; otherwise, दश or दंश to bite, &c. Unadi affix ठन्, and the short vowel and nasal changed to आ ।
- दासत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Slavery, servitude. E. दास, and त्व affix,; also with तल् affix, दासता ।
- दासनन्दिनी :: f. (-नी) A name of SATYAVATI, the mother of the poet VYASA. E. दास a fisherman, and नन्दिनी daughter; also दाशनन्दिनी ।
- दासदासी :: f. (-सी) The female slave of a slave. E. दास, and दासी the female.
- दासपूर :: n. (-रं) A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) E. दास a fisher- man, and पूर what nourishes, from पृ to nourish, affix क also दाशपूर ।
- दासिका :: f. (-का) A female servant or slave. E. कन् added to दासी .
- दासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Thrown, lost. 2. Lost, destroyed. E. दस् to toss, affix क्त, इट् inserted, and the vowel made long.
- दासीपुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) 1. The son of a slave. 2. A bastard. E. दासी a female slave, and पुत्त्र a son.
- दासीसभ :: n. (-भं) A multitude of female slaves. E. दासी a female slave. and सभा an assembly.
- दासेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Born of a slave, &c. m. (-यः) 1. A servant or slave. 2. A fisherman. f. (-यी) The mother of VYASA. E. दास as above, affix ढक्; also दाशेय ।
- दासेर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Born or sprung from a servant or slave. m. (-रः) 1. A servant. 2. A fisherman. 3. A camel. E. दास as above, and ढ्रक् affix; also दाशेर, or with कन् added दासेरक ।
- दास्य :: n. (-स्यं) Slavery, servitude. E. दास a slave, affix ष्यञ् ।
- दाह :: m. (-हः) 1. Burning, combustion. 2. Morbid heat. 3. Actual or po- tential cautery. E. दह् to burn, घञ् aff.
- दाहक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Burning, inflammatory. 3. Cauterising, caus- tic. m. (-कः) A plant, (Plumbago zeylanica.) E. दह् to burn, and ण्वुल् aff.
- दाहज्वर :: m. (-रः) Inflamatory fever. E. दाह, and ज्वर fever.
- दाहन :: n. (-नं) 1. Burning, reducing to ashes. 2. Cauterising. E. दह् to burn. ल्युट् aff.
- दाहवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Burning, heated on fire. E. दाह, and मतुप् aff.
- दाहसर :: m. (-रः) A place where dead bodies are burnt. E. दाह, and सृ to go or be, affix अप्; also with असुन्, affix दाहसरस्, m. (-सः) ।
- दाहहरण :: n. (-णं) The root of a fragrant grass, (Andropogon muricatum.) E. दाह heat, and हरण removing; this root being woven into screens, and kept wet, for the purpose of excluding or tempering the hot winds. दाहो ह्रियते अनेन हृ-ल्युट् and णिच् कर्त्तरि ल्यु वा । वीरणमूले ।
- दाह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) To be burnt, inflammable. E. दह् to burn, ण्यत् aff.
- दिक्क :: m. (-क्कः) A young elephant. E. दिक् an imitative sound, and क who utters, some books have धिक्क, and others विक्क in place of this word. दिक्षु कायति कै-क । विंशतिवर्षवयस्के करिशावके ।
- दिक्कर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Young, juvenile. f. (-री) A young woman. E. दिक् inflection of दिश् place, कर who makes; who is restlessly active, changing place continually.
- दिक्पति :: m. (-तिः) A regent of a quarter of the universe, as the sun of the east; Saturn of the west; Mars of the south; Mircury of the north; Venus of the south-east; Rahu of the south-west; Chandra of the north-west; and Jupiter of the north-east. E. दिश्, and पति master: see the next.
- दिक्पाल :: m. (-लः) A regent of a quarter of the universe, INDRA of the east; AGNI of the south-east; Yama of the south; NAIRRIT of the south-west; VARUNA of the west; MARUTA of the north-west; KUVERA of the north; ISANA of the south-east. E. दिश्, and पाल who protects: this word applicable to the Dikpatis, (see the last,) as that term is to these also.
- दिक्शूल :: n. (-लं) An inauspicious planetary conjunction, as for the Sun and Venus to be in the west, &c. E. दिश्, and शूल a spear or stake.
- दिगन्त :: m. (-न्तः) The horizon. E. दिक्, and अन्त end.
- दिगन्तर :: n. (-रं) Space, the atmosphere. E. दिक्, and अन्तर interval.
- दिगन्तराल :: n. (-लं) The sky, the atmosphere, space. E. दिक्, and अन्तराल interval.
- दिगम्बर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. Naked, unclad, unclothed. 2. Dressed in, or enveloped by the atmosphere, clouds, &c. m. (-रं) 1. A Bauddha mendicant, wearing coloured clothes, or going naked. 2. Any mendicant not wearing clothes. 3. Darkness. 4. A name of SIVA, (from his being naked.) 5. A Jain of one great division, which represents the images of their saints, either naked or plainly attired. f. (-री) A name of DURGA. E. दिक् inflection of दिश् space, अम्बर vestment; whose only garment is the atmosphere. दिक् शून्य- मम्बरं यस्य ।
- दिग्गज :: m. (-जः) An elephant of a quarter or point of the compass, one of eight attached to the north, north-east, &c. supporting the globe. E. दिश् a quarter, and गज an elephant.
- दिग्दाह :: m. (-हः) Preternatural redness of the horizon, as if on fire. E. दिश्, and दाह burning.
- दिग्ध :: mfn. (-ग्धः -ग्धा -ग्धं) Smeared, anointed. m. (-ग्धः) 1. A poison- ed arrow. 2. A name of fire. 3. Oil, unguent, oily substance. 4. A tale, true or false. E. दिह् to smear or anoint, affix क्त ।
- दिग्वासस् :: mfn. (-साः -साः -सः) Naked. m. (-साः) A name of SIVA. E. दिक् for दिश् space, and वासस् vesture: see दिगम्बर ।
- दिग्विजय :: m. (-यः) Subjugation of an extensive country, either in arms or controversy. E. दिश्, and विजय triumph.
- दिग्विजयक्रम :: m. (-मः) Invasion, going forth to conquer the world. E. दिग्विजय, and क्रम march.
- दिग्विभाग :: m. (-गः) A quarter or point of the compass. E. दिक्, and विभाग division.
- दिग्विभावित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Famous, celebrated, known in all quarters. E. दिक्, and विभावित made known.
- दिग्व्यापिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिनी -पि) Spreading through all space. E. दिक्, and व्यापिन् what pervades.
- दिङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) A nit.
- दिङ्मण्डल :: n. (-लं) The circle of the heaven, or any point of the compass. E. दिश्, and मण्डल sphere.
- दिङ्मुख :: mfn. (-खः -खी -खं) Looking to, or facing any point or quarter. n. (-खं) Any part of the heavens. E. दिश्, and मुख face.
- दिङ्नाग :: m. (-गः) An elephant of the quarter: see दिग्गज .
- दित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Cut, torn, divided. E. दी to cut, affix क्त .
- दिति :: f. (-तिः) 1. One of the wives of KASYAPA, and mother of the Dai- tyas or infernal race, opposer of the gods. 2. Cutting, splitting, dividing. m. (-तिः) A king, a prince. E. दो to cut, affix क्तिच् ।
- दितिज :: m. (-जः) An Asura, a sort of Titan or giant. E. दिति as above, and ज born.
- दितिसूत :: m. (-तः) 1. Titan or giant. E. दिति as above, and सुत a son.
- दित्य :: m. (-त्यः) 1. Titan, a demon or giant. E. दिति as above, affix यत्, and the vowel unchanged: see दैत्य ।
- दित्सा :: f. (त्सा) Desire or purpose to give. E. दा to give, desid. form, अ and टाप् affs.
- दित्सु :: mfn. (-त्सुः -त्सुः -त्सु) Wishing to give. E. दा to give, desid. form, affs. सन् and उ ।
- दिदृक्षमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Wishing to see. E. दृश् to see, desid. form, शानच् aff.
- दिदृक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) Desire or wish to see. E. दृश् to see, desid. form, सन् भावे अ and टाप् affs.
- दिदृक्षु :: mfn. (-क्षुः -क्षुः -क्षु) Desirous of seeing. E. दृश् to see, desid. form, सन् and उ affs.
- दिदृक्षावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Wishing to see. E. दिदृक्षा, and मतुप् aff.
- दिदेविषत् :: mfn. (-षन् -षन्ती -षत्) Wishing to play or sport. E. दिव् to play, desid. form, शतृ aff.
- दिद्युत् :: mfn. (-द्युत्) Shining, blazing, bright. E. द्यु to shine, शतृ affix, intens. form.
- दिद्योतिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing to shine. E. द्यू to shine, desid. form, उ aff.
- दिधक्षमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Wishing to burn. E. दह to burn, desid. v. शानच् aff.
- दिधक्षयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Desiring to burn. E. दह् to burn, desid. v. शतृ aff.
- दिधि :: f. (-धिः) Firmness. stability, fixed state of mind or being. E. धा to have, affix कि, and the root reiterated.
- दिधिषाय्य :: m. (-य्यः) A pretended friend, an intimate. E. धा to have, Unadi affix आय्य, the root reduplicated, इट् and षुक् augments.
- दिधिषु :: m. (-षुः) The second husband of a woman twice married. f. (-षुः) A virgin widow remarried. E. धा to have (sin), or धिष् to be re- proached, root reduplicate, affix कु or कू; in the first case, इट् and षुक् augments; also दिधिषू .
- दिधिषू :: f. (-षूः) 1. A virgin widow remarried: see the preceding; also दिधीषू . 2. An elder sister unmarried, whose junior is a bride. m. (-षूः) 1. The husband of a woman married a second time: see दिधिषु . 2. Instability, want of firmness. E. दिधि firmness, षो to abandon, कू Unadi aff.
- दिधिषुपति :: m. (-तिः) The husband of a woman remarried. E. दिधिषू as above, and पति a husband.
- दिन :: mn. (-नः-नं) A day. E. दी to waste, नक् affix, and the vowel made short; or दो to destroy, (darkness,) किनन् Unadi aff.
- दिनकर :: m. (-रः) The sun. E. दिन day, and कर who makes, कृ-ट ।
- दिनकरात्मजा :: f. (-जा) The Yamuna or Jumna river. E. दिनकर the sun, and आत्मजा daughter.
- दिनकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) The sun. E. दिन, and कृत् who makes.
- दिनकेशव :: m. (-वः) Darkness. E. दिन day, and केशव hair.
- दिनज्योतिस् :: n. (-तिः) Sunshine, day-light. E. दिन day, and ज्योतिस् night.
- दिनदुःखित :: m. (-तः) The ruddy goose. E. दिन day, and दुःखित pained; regretting throughout the day, the approaching nocturnal separa- tion from its female.
- दिनप्रणी :: m. (-णीः) The sun. E. दिन day, and प्रणी leading, bringing.
- दिनबल :: m. (-लः) A name of certain signs of the zodiac, the fifth to the eighth; also the eleventh and twelfth. E. दिन, and बल strong.
- दिनमणि :: m. (-णिः) The sun. E. दिन day, and मणि jewel or gem.
- दिनमूर्द्धन् :: m. (-र्द्धा) The eastern mountain, behind which the sun is sup- posed to rise. E. दिन day, and मूर्द्धन् the forehead.
- दिनांश :: m. (-शः) A portion of the day, a watch, an hour, or the three seasons of dawn, moon, and evening. E. दिन and अंश part or portion.
- दिनादि :: m. (-दिः) Dawn, day-break. E. दिन, and आदि commencement.
- दिनान्त :: m. (-न्तः) Evening, sun-set, close of day. E. दिन day, and अन्त end.
- दिनान्तक :: m. (-कः) Darkness. E. दिन day, and अन्तक ender.
- दिनारम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) Morning. E. दिन, and आरम्भ beginning.
- दिनावसान :: n. (-नं) Evening, close of day. E. दिन day, and अवसान expiration.
- दिनिका :: f. (-का) A day's wages, hire for a day or by the day. E. दिन a day, and ठक् aff.
- दिभ (इ) दिभि :: r. 10th cl. (दिम्भयति-ते) To order, to direct. चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् इदित् ।
- दिम्प :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (दिम्पति-ते दिम्पयति-ते) To order, to command. भ्वा० उभ० । चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- दिम्भ :: r. 10th cl. (दिम्भयति-ते) 1. To command, to direct. 2. To collect.
- दिलीप :: m. (-पः) The name of a king and ancestor of RAMA. E. दिली said to be the barbarous name of Hastinapur of the modern Dehli, and प who protects or rules.
- दिलीपराज् :: m. (-राट्) King DILIPA: see the preceding. E. दिलीप as above, and राज् a king.
- दिलीर :: m. (-रः) A mushroom.
- दिव (उ) दिवु :: r. 4th cl. (दीव्यति) 1. To play, to sport, to play with, to romp or gambol. 2. To desire, to overcome, to be ambitious of surpassing, &c. 3. To deal, to traffic, to buy or sell. 4. To shine, to be splendid or beautiful. 5. To praise. 6. To be glad, to rejoice. 7. To be mad, to be wild or inflated with pride, passion, &c. 8. To be sleepy or sluggish. 9. To love, to desire. 10. To go. r. 10th cl. (देवयति-ते) 1. To suffer pain. 2. To ask, to beseech or beg. 3. To move, to go. 4. (-ति-ते) To lament, to wail, to mourn audibly. (इ) दिवि r. 1st cl. (दन्वति) 1. To please. 2. To be pleased. जिगीषायां व्रीडायां च अक० पणे व्यवहारे, इच्छायां स्तुतौ च सक० दिवा० पर० सेट् । चुरा० कूजने आत्मने० सक० सेट् । अर्दे चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् । प्रीतौ भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् इदित् ।
- दिव् :: f. (द्यौः दिवौ दिवः) 1. Heaven, paradise. 2. Air, sky. E. दिव् to play, affix क्विप्, where sport immortals; also दिव ।
- दिव :: n. (-वं) 1. Heaven, paradise. 2. Heaven, sky, atmosphere. 3. A day. 4. A wood, a thicket. E. दिव् to play, to shine, &c. affix घञर्थे आधारे वा कः see the preceding.
- दिवन् :: m. (-वा) A day. E. दिव् to play, Unadi affix कनिन् ।
- दिवस :: mn. (-सः-सं) A day. E. दिव् to play, असच् Unadi aff. किच्च .
- दिवसकर :: m. (-रः) The sun. E. दिवस day, and कर who makes.
- दिवसमुख :: n. (-खं) Dawn, day-break. E. दिवस day, and मुख beginning.
- दिवसात्यय :: m. (-यः) Evening, close of day. E. दिवस and अत्यय loss.
- दिवसावसान :: n. (-नं) Evening, close of day. E. दिवस, and अवसान end.
- दिवस्पति :: m. (-तिः) A name of INDRA the Indian JOVE. E. दिवः of day, and पति lord, Divespiter.
- दिवस्पृथिबी :: f. du. (-व्यौ) Heaven and earth. E. दिव heaven, and पृथिवी earth, स inserted for the sake of euphony.
- दिबा :: ind. By day, the day. E. दिव् to play, &c. affix का .
- दिवाकर :: m. (-रः) 1. The sun. 2. A crow. 3. A flower, the sun-flower. E. दिवा the day, and कर who makes.
- दिवाकीर्त्ति :: m. (-र्त्तिः) 1. A man of a low or impure caste, a Chandala. 2. A barber. 3. An owl. E. दिवा by day, and कीर्त्ति credit, (the bar- ber is not allowed to operate at night,) or दिवा day, अकीर्त्ति dis- repute; the Chandala and owl coming abroad only in the dark. दिवा एव कीर्त्तिः कृत्यं यस्य रात्रौ क्षुरकर्मनिषेधात् नापिते चण्डाले पेचके च ।
- दिवाकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Done by day. E. दिवा, and कृत done.
- दिवाचर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Going about by day. E. दिवा, and चर who or what goes.
- दिवाटन :: m. (-नः) A crow. E. दिवा by day, अट् to go, affix ल्यु ।
- दिवातन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Daily, diurnal, of or belonging to the day. E. दिवा by day, ट्यु aff. तुट् च ।
- दिवानिश :: n. (-शं) Day and night. E. दिवा, and निशा night.
- दिवान्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Being blind by day. m. (-न्धः) An owl. E. दिवा by day, and अन्ध dark or blind.
- दिवाभीत :: m. (-ताः) 1. An owl. 2. A thief or house-breaker. 3. The white lotus (कुमुदाकर;) perhaps any such flower, the petals of which open at night, and close in the day time. E. दिवा day, and भीत afraid.
- दिवाभीति :: m. (-तिः) An owl. E. दिवा by day, and भीति fear: see the pre- ceding.
- दिवामणि :: m. (-णिः) The sun. E. दिवा, and मणि a jewel.
- दिवामध्य :: n. (-ध्यं) Mid-day, noon. E. दिवा and मध्य middle.
- दिवारात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A day and night. E. दिवा, and रात्र for रात्रि night.
- दिवारात्रि :: f. (-त्रिः) 1. Day or night. 2. A day and night. E. दिवा, and रात्रि night.
- दिवास्वप्न :: m. (-प्नः) A sleep by day. E. दिवा, and स्वप्न sleep.
- दिवि :: m. (-विः) The blue jay. E. दिव् to play, affix कि । चाष खगे ।
- दिविज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Celestial, heavenly, of heavenly origin. E. दिवि in heaven, and ज born. दिवि जायते जन-ड अलुक् स० ।
- दिविषद् :: m. (-द्) A deity. E. दिवि in heaven, सद् to go, affix क्विप् ।
- दिविष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Celestial, heavenly, situated in heaven. E. दिवि in heaven, and स्थ what stays.
- दिवी :: f. (-वी) A sort of insect; also उपजिह्विका . E. दिव् to play, वा ई affix, fem. affix ङीप् ।
- दिवोकस् :: m. (-काः) 1. A deity. 2. A kind of cuckoo, the Chataka: see दिवौकस् । द्यौः स्वर्गः आकाशो वा ओको यस्य ।
- दिवोदास :: m. (-सः) DIVODASA, a king so named, king of Benares, and founder of the Indian school of medicine. E. दिवः of heaven, दास the slave. or दिवः स्वर्गात् दासो दानं यस्मै ।
- दिवोद्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Born or produced in heaven. f. (-वा) Cardamoms. E. दिव heaven, उद्भव born.
- दिवौकस् :: m. (-काः) 1. A deity. 2. The Chataka, (Cuculus melanoleucos.) 3. A deer. 4. A bee. 5. An elephant. E. दिव heaven either, ओकस् a mansion; also with the vowel unaltered दिवोकस् ।
- दिव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. Divine, celestial. 2. Beautiful, agreeable, charming. m. (-व्यः) 1. Barley. 2. A fragrant resin, (Bdelliun.) 3. The divine character or property. f. (-व्या) Emblic myrobalan. n. (-व्यं) 1. Cloves. 2. A sort of Sandal. 3. An ordeal. 4. An oath. E. द्यु the sky or heaven, and यत् aff. दिवि भवः ।
- दिव्यकारिन् :: m. (-री) One who undergoes an ordeal. E. दिव्य, and कारिन् who makes.
- दिव्यगन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Sulphur. n. (-न्धं) Cloves. f. (-धा) Large cardamoms. E. दिव्य, and गन्ध smell.
- दिव्यगायन :: m. (-नः) A Gandharba or singer of heaven. E. दिव्य divine, and गायन a singer.
- दिव्यचक्षुस् :: mfn. (-क्षुः -क्षुः -क्षुः) 1. Beautiful-eyed. 2. Blind. m. (-क्षुः) 1. A sort of perfume. 2. A monkey. n. (-क्षुः) The faculty of seeing what is invisible by the human eye. E. दिव्य divine, and चक्षुस् an eye. दिव्यं चक्षुः यस्मात् ५ ब० ।
- दिव्यदोहद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Fit for an offering or oblation. E. दिव्य divine, and दोहद wish, that which is the subject of a deity's desires.
- दिव्यधर्म्मिन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मी -र्म्मिणी -र्म्मि) Virtuous, agreeable. E. दिव्य, and धर्म्मिन् virtuous.
- दिव्यपञ्चामृत :: n. (-तं) A mixture of five articles, ghee, curd, milk, but- ter, and sugar. E. दिव्य divine, पञ्च five, and अमृत ambrosia.
- दिव्यरत्न :: n. (-त्नं) The fabulous gem Chintamani. E. दिव्य divine, and रत्न jewel.
- दिव्यरथ :: m. (-थः) The car or vehicle of any deity. E. दिव्य divine, and रथ a carriage.
- दिव्यरस :: m. (-सः) Quicksilver. E. दिव्य divine, and रस juice. पारदे, मनोज्ञे रसे, रुचिररसयुक्ते त्रि० ।
- दिव्यवस्त्र :: mfn. (-स्त्रः -स्त्रा -स्त्रं) 1. Clothed or invested in celestial raiment. 2. Handsomely dressed. m. (-स्त्रः) A plant, commonly Suryasobha, a sort of sun-flower. E. दिव्य divine, वस्त्र cloth or clothes. दिव्यं वस्त्रं यस्मात् ।
- दिव्यादिव्या :: f. (-व्या) The heroine of a poem, as SITA, &c. of mixed origin or character, a demigoddess. E. दिव्य divine, अदिव्य not divine, partaking of both natures.
- दिव्योघ :: m. (-घः) A form of SIVA, worshipped by the Tantrikas. E. दिव्य, and ओघ heap.
- दिव्योदक :: n. (-कं) Rain-water, dew, &c. E. दिव्य heavenly, and उदक water.
- दिव्योपपादुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Divine, celestial, of heavenly birth or being. E. दिव्य divine, पद् to go, with उप prefixed, and उकञ् aff.
- दिश (औ) दिशौ :: r. 6th cl. (दिशति-ते) 1. To show, to exhibit, to explain or make intelligible. 2. To order, to command, to direct or send. 3. To say, to speak. 4. To give. With अप prefixed, To change, to dis- guise. With आङ्, 1. To order or command. 2. To show. 3. To summon. With उद्, 1. To proclaim, to make known or public. 2. To show. With उप, To point out (literally or metaphorically), to show, to advise. With निर्, 1. To speak aloud. 2. To specify, to show. With प्र, To appoint, to order. With प्रति and सम्, To command, to return, to send back. With वि and अप, To plead in excuse, to state as a plea or pretext. With वि and निर्, To declare. With सम्, 1. To exhibit, to show, &c. 2. To communicate as news or information, With सम् and आङ्, To approve, to permit. With सम्, To point out at a distance, as with the finger. तु० उभ० सक० अनिट् ।
- दिश् :: f. (-दिक् दिशौ दिशः) Region, space, quarter, part. E. दिश् to show, affix क्विन्ः also with टाप् added, दिशा, f. (-शा) or with ङीप्, दिशी .
- दिशस् :: f. (-शाः) Region, quarter. E. दिश्, and कसुन् affix: see the preceding.
- दिश्य :: mfn. (-श्यः -श्या -श्यं) Situated, bearing, lying in a particular tract or quarter, as पूर्व्वदिश्य eastern, bearing east. E. दिश् a quarter, यत् aff.
- दिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Shown, pointed out. 2. Delineated, described. 3. Counselled, advised, enjoined. m. (-ष्टः) 1. Time. 2. A sort of Curcuma: see दारुहरिद्रा . n. (-ष्टं) Fate, destiny, fortune, good or ill luck. E. दिश् to show, affix कर्मणि क्त ।
- दिष्टान्त :: m. (-न्तः) Death, dying. E. दिष्ट fortune, and अन्त end.
- दिष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) 1. Pleasure, happiness. 2. A sort of measure. E. दिश् to point out, affix भावे क्तिन्, संज्ञायां कर्त्तरि क्तिच् वा ।
- दिष्ट्या :: ind. An exclamation, indicative of joy or auspiciousness, luckily, fortunately. E. दिश् pointing out, स्त्र्यै to sound, affix भावे क्विप् ।
- दिष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) Giving, one who gives, a donor. E. दा to give. इष्णु Unadi affix: see देष्णु .
- दिह (औ) दिहौ :: r. 2nd cl. (देग्धि दिग्धे) 1. To increase, to augment, to accumulate. 2. To smear. अदा० उभ० सक० अनिट् ।
- दी :: r. 4th cl. (ओ ङ) ओदीङ (दीयते) To waste, to diminish, to be reduced, to decay. दिवा० आ० अक० अनिट् ।
- दी :: f. (दीः) Wasting, destruction. E. दी to waste, क्विप् aff.
- दीक्ष :: r. 1st cl. (दीक्षते) 1. To be shaved. 2. To perform a sacrifice. 3. To initiate. 4. To teach religious observances. 5. To be selfres- trained भ्वा० आ० सक० सेट् ।
- दीक्षणीयेष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) A particular sacrifice, that preceded by the Diksha; see the next. E. दीक्षा as below, छ affix, and इष्टि a sacrifice.
- दीक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) 1. Sacrificing, offering oblations. 2. Worshipping in general. 3. Engaging in a course of austerities. 4. Certain cere- monies preliminary to a cacrifice. 5. Receiving the initiatory Man- tra or incantation. E. दा to give, (knowledge,) and क्षि to destroy, (sin;) deriv. irr. or दीक्ष् to initiate, &c. affixes अ and टाप् ।
- दीक्षान्त :: m. (-न्तः) A supplementary sacrifice, one made to atone for any defects in a preceding one. E. दीक्षा sacrifice, and अन्त completion, end.
- दीक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Initiated. 2. Performed, (as the Diksha cere- mony.) 3. One by whom the preparatory ceremonies have been observed. m. (-तः) 1. An assemblage of priests for peculiar cere- monies, or for any sacrifice. 2. The pupil or an ascetick. E. दीक्ष् to perform a sacrifice or to be initiated, affix कर्त्तरि क्त or दीक्षा जाता अस्य तार० इतच् वा ।
- दीक्षितृ :: m. (-ता) A spiritual father, the communicator of the initiatory Mantra or prayer. E. दीक्ष to sacrifice, &c. तृच् aff.
- दीद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Destroying. E. दी, and द who or what gives.
- दौदिवि :: mfn. (-विः -विः -वि) Risen, ascended. mn. (-विः-वि) Boiled rice. m. (-विः) A name of VRIHASPATI. E. दिव् to play, Unadi affix क्विन्, the radical reduplicate, deriv. irr.
- दीधिति :: f. (-तिः) 1. A ray of light, a sun or a moonbeam. 2. Light in general. E. दीधी to shine, affix क्तिन् .
- दीधी (ङ) दीधीङ :: r. 2nd cl. (दीधीते) 1. To shine. 2. To play or sport. अदा० जक्षा० आ० सक० सेट् ।
- दीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Poor, indigent, needy, distressed. 2. Afraid, frightened, timid. f. (-ना) A mouse or shrew. E. दी to waste or decay, affix क्त, deriv. irr. or दी as before, Unadi affix नक् ।
- दीनचेतन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Distressed, dejected. E. दीन, and चेतन feeling.
- दीनमुख :: mfn. (-खः -खी -खं) Down-cast, of melancholy aspect. E. दीन, and मुख mouth.
- दीनार :: m. (-रः) 1. A gold ornament. 2. A seal. 3. A weight of gold, variously stated as two Kashthas, one Pala of thirty-two Rattis, and also as the large Pala or hundred and eight Suvernas. 4. A coin, a Dinara. E. दीन a pauper, and ऋ to go; what is given to the poor; or दी to waste, Unadi affix आरक् and नुट् augment.
- दीप :: r. 4th cl. (ई ऋ) ऋदीपी (दीप्यते) To shine, to blaze, to be luminous or light. दिवा० आ० अक० सेट् ।
- दीप :: m. (-पः) A lamp. E. दीप् to shine, affix, क, अच् or घञ् ।
- दीपक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Making luminous or beautiful. 2. Kindling, inflaming. 3. Exciting, rendering intense (a feeling, &c.) 4. Tonic, stimulant. m. (-कः) 1. An aromatic seed, (Ligusticum ajwaen, Rox.) 2. Small cumin. 3. Celosia cristata. 4. Saffron. 5. A lamp. 6. A falcon. 7. A name of KAMA. 8. One of the Ragas or modes of music. f. (-पिका) 1. One of the Raginis or female personifications of the musical modes. 2. A title of various books, (the illustrator, the illuminator.) 3. Moonlight. n. (-कं) A figure of rhetoric, dilating upon an idea, or accumulation of expressions tending to one object. E. दीप् to shine, in the causal form, affix ण्वुल् ।
- दीपकिट्ट :: n. (-ट्टं) Lamp black, soot. E. दीप a lamp, and किट्ट sediment.
- दीपकूपी :: f. (-पी) The wick of a lamp. E. दीप a lamp, and कूप a well.
- दीपखोरी :: f. (-री) The wick of a lamp. E. दीप light, खुड् to divide, affix अच्, and ड changed to र ।
- दीपध्वज :: mn. (-जः-जं) Lamp black, the condensed smoke or soot of a lamp. E. दीप a lamp, and ध्वज symbol. दीपस्य ध्वज इव । कज्जले ।
- दीपन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Inflaming, light or heat-exciting. 2. Tonic, stimulant. n. (-नं) 1. Inflaming, lighting. 2. Stimulating, exciting. 3. A root, commonly Tagara. 4. Saffron. mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) An aromatic seed, (Ligusticum ajwaen.) m. (-नः) 1. A sort of potherb commonly Salincha, (Achyranthes triandra, Rox.) 2. Celosia cristata. 3. Cassia tora. E. दीप् to shine, in the causal form, and and युच् or ल्युट् aff. or दीपयति वह्निं दीप-णिच्-ल्यु ।
- दीपनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be lighted, to be inflamed. 2. To be excited or stimulated. m. (-यः) 1. An aromatic seed, (Ligusticum ajwaen, Rox.) 2. A stimulant drug, as pepper of various kinds, &c. E. दीप् to shine, अनीयर् aff. दीपनाय जठरानलोद्दीपनाय हितः छ । यवान्याम् ।
- दीपपादप :: m. (-पः) A lampstand, a candlestick. E. दीप and पादप a tree.
- दीपपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) The Champaca, (Michelia champaca.) E. दीप enkindling, (passion,) and पुष्प a flower.
- दीपमाला :: f. (-ला) A row of lamps an illumination. E. दीप, and माला a garland; also दीपमालिका ।
- दीपयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत) Illuminating, inflaming. E. दीप् to kindle, causal form, शतृ aff.
- दीपवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The stand or stem of a lamp, a candlestick. E. दीप a lamp, and वृक्ष a tree; also दीपवृक्षक ।
- दीपशिखा :: f. (-खा) 1. Lamp black, especially considered as applicable to the eyes, to darken the lashes, &c. 2. The flame of a lamp. E. दीप a lamp, and शिखा a crest.
- दीपशृङ्खला :: f. (-ला) A row or string of lamps. E. दीप, and शृङ्खला a chain.
- दीपान्विता :: f. (-ता) A festival: see the next. E. दीप, and अन्वित having.
- दीपाली :: f. (-ली) 1. The day of new moon in the month Aswin or Kartik, (September-October,) a festival with nocturnal illuminations in honor of KARTIKEYA; the Diwali, as it usually termed. 2. A row or range of lamps. E. दीप a lamp, and आली a line; also दीपावली the same.
- दीपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Illuminated, irradiated. 2. Excited, inflamed. 3. Manifested. E. दीप् to kindle, causal form, क्त aff.
- दीपितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) An illuminator, an enlightener, shining, irradiat- ing. E. दीप् to kindle, &c. तृच् aff.
- दीप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1 Luminous, splendid, radiant. 2. Blazing, glow- ing. 3. Burnt. n. (-प्तं) 1. Gold. 2. Asafœtida. m. (-प्तः) 1. A lion. 2. A lime. f. (-प्ता) A plant: see लाङ्गलिकी . E. दीप् to blaze, to shine, affix क्त ।
- दीप्तक :: m. (-कः) Gold. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- दीप्तजिह्वा :: f. (-ह्वा) A fox. E. दीप्त shining, fiery, and जिह्वा tongue.
- दीप्तपिङ्गल :: m. (-लः) A lion. E. दीप्त shining, and पिङ्गल tawny.
- दीप्तरस :: m. (-सः) An earth-worm. E. दीप्त shining, and रस juice.
- दीप्तलोचन :: m. (-नः) A cat. E. दीप्त shining, and लोचन an eye.
- दीप्तलोह :: m. (-हः) Bell metal. E. दीप्त shining, and लोह iron.
- दीप्ताक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. A cat. 2. A peacock. E. दीप्त glowing, and अक्ष the eye.
- दीप्ताग्नि :: mfn. (-ग्निः -ग्निः -ग्नि) 1. Of good digestion. 2. Kindled, fed, (as fire.) m. (-ग्निः) A name of the saint AGASTYA. E. दीप्त excited, and अग्नि fire, or the appetite.
- दीप्ताङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A peacock. E. दीप्त, and अङ्ग body.
- दीप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) 1. Light, lustre, splendour. 2. Beauty. 3. The swift flight of an arrow. 4. A property of women, extreme loveliness, brilliant beauty. 5. Lac. 5. Bell metal. E. दीप् to shine, affix भावे क्तिन् ।
- दीप्तिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Shining, radiant. 2. Blazing, flaming. E. दीप्त, and मतुप् aff.
- दीप्तोपल :: m. (-लः) The sun-gem, crystalline lens. E. दीप्त shining, and उपल a stone.
- दीप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) 1. To be kindled or inflamed. 2. To be stimulated. m. (-प्यः) 1. A plant, (Celosia cristata.) 2. An aromatic seed, (Ligusticum ajwaen.) E. दीप, and यत् affix: see दीप; also with कन् added दीप्यकः see दीपक .
- दीप्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Shining, radiant, irradiating. E. दीप् to shine, शानच् aff.
- दीप्र :: mfn. (-प्रः -प्रा -प्रं) Light, luminous. E. दीप् to shine, affix र ।
- दीप्रास्त्रधर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Armed with shining weapons; well accoutred. E. दीप्र light, अस्त्र arms, धृ to hold.
- दीर्घ :: mfn. (-र्घः -र्घा -र्घं) Long, applied either to space or time. m. (-र्घः) 1. The Sal tree. 2. A long vowel. 3. The 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th sign of the zodiac. E. दॄ to divide or send, affix घञ् ।
- दीर्घकण्ठक :: m. (-कः) A sort of crane, the Vaka, (Ardea nivea.) E. दीर्घ long, कण्ठ throat, and कन् added.
- दीर्घकन्धर :: m. (-रः) A sort of crane, (Ardea nivea.) E. दीर्घ, and कन्धर neck.
- दीर्घकाल :: n. (-लं) A long time, a long period. E. दीर्घ, and काल time.
- दीर्घकाष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) A spar, a beam, a long piece of timber. E. दीर्घ, and काष्ठ wood.
- दीर्घकील :: m. (-लः) A tree, (Alangium hexapetalum.) E. दीर्घ long, कील a stem or stake; also with कन् दीर्घकीलक ।
- दीर्घकेश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) Long-haired. m. (-शः) A bear. E. दीर्घ, and केश hair.
- दीर्घकोशिका :: f. (-का) A cockle; also दीर्घकोशी, &c. see the next. (झिनुक्) ।
- दीर्घकोषिका :: f. (-का) A cockle. E. दीर्घ long, कोश or कोष a sheath or shell, affix ङीप्, दीर्घकोषी or दीर्घकोशी and कन् with the fem. form added, दीर्घकोशिका, -षिका ।
- दीर्घगति :: m. (-तिः) A camel. E. दीर्घ, and गति going.
- दीर्घग्रीव :: m. (-वः) 1. A camel. 2. A kind of curlew. E. दीर्घ long, and ग्रीवा a neck.
- दीर्घघाटिक :: m. (-कः) A camel E. दीर्घ long, घाटा the neck, affix ठन् ।
- दीर्घजङ्गल :: m. (-लः) A kind of fish, commonly Bhangan. E. दीर्घ long, and जङ्गल desert.
- दीर्घजङ्घ :: mfn. (-ङ्घः -ङ्घा -ङ्घं) Long-thighed. m. (-ङ्घः) 1. A crane. 2. A camel. E. दीर्घ long, and जङ्घा a thigh.
- दीर्घजिह्व :: m. (-ह्वः) A snake. E. दीर्घ long, and जिह्वा a tongue.
- दीर्घजीव :: m. (-वः) Long life. E. दीर्घ, and जीव life; also दीर्घजीवित ।
- दीर्घजीविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Living or existing a long time. E. दीर्घ, and जीविन् who lives.
- दीर्घतनु :: mfn. (-नुः -नुः -नु) Tall, long. E. दीर्घ, and तनु body.
- दीर्घतरु :: m. (-रुः) The Tal or palm tree. E. दीर्घ long, and तरु a tree.
- दीर्घतिमिषा :: f. (-षा) A kind of cucumber: see कर्क्कटी ।
- दीर्घतुण्डा :: f. (-ण्डा) The musk shrew. E. दीर्घ, and तुण्डा a snout.
- दीर्घदण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) The castor oil tree. E. दीर्घ long, दण्ड a stick or stem; also with कन् added, दीर्घदण्डक .
- दीर्घदर्शिन् :: mfn. (-र्शी -र्शिणी -र्शि) Far-seeing, provident, wise. m. (-र्शी) 1. A wise or learned man, a scer, a prophet. 2. A vulture. 3. A bean. E. दीर्घ long, दृश् to see, affix णिनि ।
- दीर्घदृष्टि :: m. (-ष्टिः) A wise or provident man; also mfn. Wise, pro- vident, far-seeing. E. दीर्घ long, and दृष्टि sight.
- दीर्घद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) The palm tree. E. दीर्घ long, and द्रु a tree.
- दीर्घनाद :: m. (-दः) A conch shell. E. दीर्घ, and नाद sound.
- दीर्घनिद्रा :: f. (-द्रा) Death. E. दीर्घ long, and निद्रा sleep.
- दीर्घनिश्वस्य :: ind. Sighing or having sighed deeply. E. दीर्घ, and निश्वस्य having sighed.
- दीर्घनिश्वास :: m. (-सः) A long or deep drawn sigh. E. दीर्घ, and निश्वास a sigh.
- दीर्घपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The fork-tailed shrike. E. दीर्घ, and पक्ष a wing.
- दीर्घपत्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्री-त्रं) Long-leaved longifolium. m. (-त्रः) Garlic. f. (-त्रा) 1. A sort of Eugenia. 2. A kind of Chakulya. E. दीर्घ long, and पत्र a leaf.
- दीर्घपत्रक :: m. (-कः) 1. A thorny plant: see करीर . 2. A kind of Bassia grow- ing in marshy places. 3 Garlic. E. दीर्घ long, पत्र a leaf, and कन् added.
- दीर्घपर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -णी-र्णं) long-leaved longifolium. E. दीर्घ, and पर्ण a leaf.
- दीर्घपल्लव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वी-वं) Having long shoots or tendrils. m. (-वः) The San plant, (Crotolaria juneca.) E. दीर्घ, and पल्लव a shoot.
- दीर्घपादप :: m. (-पः) 1. The cocoanut tree. 2. The betelnut tree. E. दीर्घ, and पादप a tree.
- दीर्घपाद् :: m. (-द् or -त्) A heron. E. दीर्घ long, and पाद् for पद a foot; also with a final vowel दीर्घपाद m. (-दः) ।
- दीर्घपृष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) A snake. E. दीर्घ long, and पृष्ठ back.
- दीर्घफल :: n. (-लं) A plant, (Cassia fistula.) E. दीर्घ long, and फल fruit.
- दीर्घमारुत :: m. (-तः) An elephant. E. दीर्घ long, and मारुत wind or breath.
- दीर्घमुख :: mfn. (-खः -खी -खं) Long-faced. E. दीर्घ, and मुख the face.
- दीर्घमूल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -ली-लं) Having a long root. m. (-लः) m. (-लः) A kind of Bilwa tree. n. (-लं) A sort of sensitive plant. f. (-ला) 1. A creeper, Echites frutescens:) see श्यामलता . 2. A plant, (Hedysarum gangeticum;) also Salaparni. f. (-ली) A plant, (Hedysarum alhagi.) E. दीर्घ long, मूल a root.
- दीर्घरत :: m. (-तः) A dog. E. दीर्घ long, and रत copulation.
- दीर्घरद :: m. (-दः) A hog. E. दीर्घ long, and रद a tooth.
- दीर्घरसन :: m. (-नः) A snake. E. दीर्घ long, and रसना a tongue. दीर्घा रसना जिह्वा अस्य ।
- दीर्घरात्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1, A long period. 2. A long night. E. दीर्घ long, and रात्र for रात्रि night.
- दीर्घराव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Making a long continued noise, yelling, howl- ing. E. दीर्घ, and राव cry.
- दीर्घरोगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिणी -गि) Being long ill. E. दीर्घ, and रोगिन् sick.
- दीर्घरोमन् :: m. (-मा) A bear. E. दीर्घ long, रोमन् hair of the body.
- दीर्घरोहिषक :: n. (-कं) A fragrant sort of grass. E. दीर्घ, and रोहिषक an- other sort.
- दीर्घवंश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) 1. Having a long staff or stick. 2. Being of an ancient family. m. (-शः) A reed. E. दीर्घ, and वंश a race, a bamboo. दीर्घः वंश इव । नलतृणे सन्तते कुले च ।
- दीर्घवक्त्र :: m. (-क्त्रः) An elephant, E. दीर्घ long, and वक्त्र face.
- दीर्घवर्च्छिका :: f. (-का) An alligator.
- दीर्घवर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) A long vowel. E. दीर्घ, and वर्ण a letter.
- दीर्घवर्त्मन् :: m. (-र्त्मा) A long road, a long journey. E. दीर्घ, and वर्त्मन् a path.
- दीर्घवृन्त :: m. (-न्तः) A plant, (Bignonia Indica.) E. दीर्घ long, and वृन्त stalk; with कन् added दीर्घवृन्तक ।
- दीर्घवृन्तिका :: f. (-का) A plant, (Mimosa octandra.) E. दीर्घ long, and वृन्त a stalk; कन् affix, with the fem. form.
- दीर्घशाख :: m. (-खः) The Sal tree, (Shorea robusta.) E. दीर्घ long, and शाखा a branch. दीर्घा शाखा यस्य ।
- दीर्घसक्थ :: mfn. (-क्थः -क्था -क्थं) Long-thighed. E. दीर्घ long, and सक्थि a thigh, affix अच्; figuratively used, the compound retains its proper final, as दीर्घसक्थि चक्रं a long-spoked wheel.
- दीर्घसत्र :: n. (त्रं) 1. A sort of religious ceremony, one of long continuance. 2. A place of pilgrimage. E. दीर्घ long, सत्र sacrifice, &c.
- दीर्घसन्ध्यत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Long-continued observance of the chief daily rites. E. दीर्घ and सन्ध्या the morning, noon, and evening oblation, त्व aff.
- दीर्घसुरत :: m. (-तः) A dog. E. दीर्घ long, and सुरत coition.
- दीर्घसूत्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) Dilatory, slow, tedious. E. दीर्घ long, and सूत्र line or thread. दीर्घेण चिरकालेन सूत्रम् ईप्सितव्यापारो यस्य ।
- दीर्घसूत्रता :: f. (-ता) Dilatoriness, tediousness. E. दीर्घसूत्र, and तल् added; also with त्व दीर्घसूत्रत्वम् ।
- दीर्घसूत्रिन् :: mfn. (-त्री -त्रिणी -त्रि) Dilatory. E. दीर्घ, and सूत्रिन् having a line or thread. दीर्घं कर्त्तव्यव्यापारोऽस्ति अस्य इनि ।
- दीर्घस्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. A long vowel. 2. A long note, a minim or semi breve. E. दीर्घ, and स्वर a sound.
- दीर्घाध्वग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) A letter carrier, a messenger, an express. m. (-गः) A camel. E. दीर्घ long, अध्वन् a road, and ग who goes. दीर्घमायतम- ध्वानं गच्छति गम-ड । ६ त० ।
- दीर्घाध्वन् :: n. (-ध्व) A long journey. E. दीर्घ, and अध्वन् a road.
- दीर्घामय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Long ill. E. दीर्घ, and आमय sickness.
- दीर्घायुध :: m. (-धः) 1. A spear, a javelin. 2. A hog. E. दीर्घ long, and आयुध weapon, or one so armed.
- दीर्घायुस् :: mfn. (-युः -युः -युः) Long-lived. m. (-युः) 1. The saint MARKANDEYA. 2. The silk cotton tree, (Bombax heptaphyllum.) 3. A crow. 4. A tree.: see जीवक . n. (-युः) Long life. E. दीर्घ long, and आयुस् life.
- दीर्घायुष्य :: mfn. (-ष्यः -ष्या -ष्यं) Long-lived. E. दीर्घ, and आयुष्य lived.
- दीर्घिका :: f. (-का) A large and long pond. E. दीर्घ long, affix क, fem. form.
- दीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णाः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Torn, rent, sundered. 2. Frightened, afraid. E. दॄ to tear, affix क्त, deriv. irr.
- दीवि :: m. (-विः) The blue jay. E. See दिवि and किकीदिवि, &c.
- दीव्यत् :: mfn. (व्यन्-व्यती-व्यत्) Playing, sporting. E. दीव् to play, शतृ aff.
- दीव्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Throwing, darting, shooting. 2. Playing. E. दिव् to play, शानच् aff.
- दु :: r. 1st cl. (दवति) To go, to move. (दुनीति) r. 5th cl. (ओ, दू) ओदुटु 1. To be in pain, to burn morally or figuratively. 2. To cause pain, anxiety, &c. 3. to burn, to heat. गतौ भ्वा० प० अक० अनिट् । उपतापे स्वा० प० सक० सेट् ।
- दुःख :: r. 10th cl. (दुःखयति-ते) To give pain. चुरा० उभ० अक० सेट् ।
- दुःख :: n. (-खं) 1. Pain, sorrow. affliction, distress, unhappiness. 2. The world. 3. Difficulty, trouble. E. दुःख to give pain, affix अच्; or दु bad, and ख्या to call; or खन् to dig, ड aff. दुष्टानि खानि यस्मिन्, or दुष्टं खनति ।
- दुःखकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Causing pain. 2. Afflicting, occasioning sor- row or trouble. E. दुःख, and कर what makes.
- दुःखच्छिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Cut with difficulty, tough, hard. 2. Afflicted, pained, distressed. E. दुःख, and छिन्न cut.
- दुःखच्छेद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) 1. To be cut with difficulty, tough, hard. 3. To be overcome with difficulty. 3. To be hurt or pained by, (afflic- tion, &c.) E. दुःख, and छेद्य to be cut.
- दुःखजीविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Living in pain or distress. E. दुःख, and जीविन् living.
- दुःखदग्ध :: mfn. (-ग्धः -ग्धा -ग्धं) Afflicted, pained, distressed. E. दुःख, and दग्ध burnt.
- दुःखदोह्या :: f. (-ह्या) A cow difficult to be milked. E. दुःख trouble, दोह्य to be milked.
- दुःखप्राय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Full of trouble or pain. E. दुःख, and प्राय abundant.
- दुःखबहुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Painful, distressful, abounding with trouble, &c. E. दुःख, and बहुल much.
- दुःखभागिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) Suffering pain, having pain as their portion. E. दुःख and भागिन् who shares.
- दुःखयोग :: m. (-गः) Occurrence or incidence of trouble, pain, &c. E. दुःख, and योग union.
- दुःखलभ्य :: mfn. (-भ्यः -भ्या -भ्यं) To be obtained or effected with difficulty. E. दुःख, and लभ्य obtainable.
- दुःखसंवर्द्धित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Reared with trouble and difficulty. E. दुःख, and संवर्द्धित raised.
- दुःखसंयोग :: m. (-गः) Accession or presence of pain, distress, &c. E. दुःख, and संयोग union.
- दुःखसंस्थिति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Wretched, poor, miserable. E. दुःख, and संस्थिति condition.
- दुःखसागर :: m. (-रः) 1. Deep distress. 2. The world. E. दुःख, and सागर an ocean.
- दुःखहन् :: mfn. (-हा -हा -ह) Removing pain. E. दुःख, and हन् who or what destroys.
- दुःखातीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Free from pain. E. दुःख, and अतीत passed.
- दुःखान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pained, afflicted, distressed. E. दुःख, and अन्वित having.
- दुःखार्त्त :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -र्त्ता -र्त्तं) Afflicted, pained, distressed. E. दुःख, and आर्त्त pained.
- दुःखित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pained, suffering pain. n. (-तं) Pain, distress, trouble. E. दुःख to give pain, affix क्त or तारका० इतच ।
- दुःखिन् :: mfn. (-खी -खिनी -खि) 1. Suffering pain, sorrowing, afflicted. 2. Difficult, painful. E. दुःख, and इनि aff.
- दुःखोपेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Suffering distress, &c. E. दुःख, and उपेत gone to.
- दुःप्राप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Difficult of attainment. E. दुर्, and प्राप obtain- ing; also दुष्प्राप ।
- दुःप्राप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) Difficult of attainment. E. दुर्, and प्राप्य obtain- able; also दुष्प्राप्य ।
- दुःशासन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Ungovernable, ill managed, intractable. E. दुर्, and शासन an edict. दुःखेन शिष्यते असौ कर्मणि युच् ।
- दुःशील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) ill behaved, reprobate, abandoned. E. दुर्, and शील behaviour.
- दुःषमम् :: ind. Improperly, unseasonable, unfitly. E. दुर् bad. सम् equal to; स changed to ष ।
- दुःषूति :: m. (-तिः) A wicked son. E. दुर्, सूति progeny.
- दुःसन्धान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Not coherent, difficult to be united or joined, E. दुर्, and सन्धान uniting.
- दुःसम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Improper, unseasonable. E. दुर् bad, ill, सस same.
- दुःसह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Intolerable, difficult to be borne. E. दुर्, and सह what is borne.
- दुःसाधिन् :: m. (-धी) A porter, a warder. E. दुर् ill, साध् to accomplish, affix णिनि ।
- दुःसाध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) 1. Difficult, arduous, not easily accomplished 2. Incurable or difficult of cure. E. दुर् ill, साध् to accomplish, affix यत् ।
- दुःस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) 1. Poor, ill conditioned, badly situated. 2. Ignorant, unwise, a fool. 3. Suffering pain or affliction, distressed, unhappy. 4. Covetous. m. (-स्थः) Pain, trouble. E. दुर् bad, स्था to be or exist, affix ड .
- दुःस्थिति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Unsteadiness, instability. 2. Unhappiness, ill for- tune or condition. E. दुर् bad, &c. स्थिति staying, state.
- दुःस्पर्श :: mfn. (-र्शः -र्शा -र्शं) Difficult or unfit to be touched. m. (-र्शः) A plant, (Hedysarum alhagi.) f. (-र्शा) A prickly sort of nightshade. E. दुर् bad, स्पृश् to touch, affix खल्, fem. affix टाप् ।
- दुःस्फोट :: m. (-टः) A sort of weapon. E. दुर् ill, स्फुट् to bear, affix अच् ।
- दुकूल :: n. (-लं) 1. Wove silk. 2. Yery fine cloth or raiment. E. दु for दुर् ill, कूल् to cover, affix क; or दु to heat, to keep hot, उलच् affix, and कू or गू augment, whence also दुगूल ।
- दुगूल :: n. (-लं) Wove silk: see the preceding.
- दुग्ध :: mfn. (-ग्धः -ग्धा -ग्धं) 1. Filled, full. 2. Milked. n. (-ग्धं) 1. Milk. 2. Milking f. (-ग्धी) A medicinal plant; also क्षीरी . E. दुह् to milk, affix क्त ।
- दुग्धकूपिका :: f. (-का) A sort of cake made of ground rice, and milk, &c. fried with ghee.
- दुग्धता :: f. (-ता) Milkiness, the nature of milk. E. तल् added to दुग्ध; also with त्व दुग्धत्वम् ।
- दुग्धतालीय :: n. (-यं) Milk and mangoes, mango fool. 2. The froth of
milk, syllabub. 3. The skim of milk or cream. E. दुग्धता, लीङ् to embrace or adhere, affix छ ।
- दुग्धपाचन :: n. (-नं) A vessel for boiling milk. E. दुग्ध milk, and पाचन cooking
- दुग्धपुच्छी :: f. (-च्छी) A plant commonly Dugdhapeya. E. दुग्ध milk, and पुच्छ a tail.
- दुग्धफेन :: n. (-नं) The froth or skim of milk, syllabub, cream. f. (-नी) A small medicinal shrub, so called. E. दुग्ध milk, फेन froth, foam.
- दुग्धाक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A sort of stone, (opal.) E. दुग्ध milk, and अक्ष a die, &c.
- दुग्धाब्धि :: m. (-ब्धिः) The sea of milk. E. दुग्ध, and अब्धि sea.
- दुग्धाब्धितनया :: f. (-या) A name of LAKSHMI. E. दुग्धाब्धि, and तनया daughter.
- दुग्धिका :: f. (-का) A sort of Asclepias, (A rosea, Rox.) the Hindi deri- vative Dudhi, is also applied to Euphorbia hirta and thymifolia. E. दुग्ध milk, and ठन् affix, and the feminine form; the leaves, &c. yielding a milky sap.
- दुग्धिन् :: mfn. (-ग्धी -ग्धिनी -ग्धि) Milky, having milk. E. दुग्ध, and इनि aff.
- दुग्धिनिका :: f. (-का) A plant described as a red sort of Apang, (Achyranthes aspera.)
- दुच्छक :: m. (-कः) A kind of perfume: see मुरा .
- दुडि :: f. (-डिः) A small or female tortoise: see दुलि .
- दुण्डक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Fraudulent, dishonest, bad-hearted.
- दुण्डुभ :: m. (-भः) A kind of snake, one which is described as not vene- mous. E. द्रुभ् to sink, Unadi affix उभ, deriv. irr.
- दुद् :: f. (दुत् or दुद्) Anxiety, uneasiness. E. दु to give pain, affix क्विप् ।
- दुद्द :: mfn. (-द्दः -द्दा -द्दं) 1. Giving pain. 2. Wicked. E. दुद्, and द who or what gives.
- दुद्युषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing to play with or brandish. E. दिव् to play, desid. form, irr., उ aff.
- दुद्रुम :: m. (-मः) A green onion. E. दु bad, द्रुम tree; onions being prohi- bited food.
- दुधूषत् :: mfn. (-षन् -षन्ती -षत्) Trying to shake. E. धु to tremble, desid. form, शतृ aff.
- दुन्दम :: m. (-मः) A sort of drum. E. दु bad, ill, दम् to subdue, affix अच्, नुम् augment.
- दुन्दु :: m. (-न्दुः) 1. A name of VASUDEVA, the father of KRISHNA. 2. A kind of drum. E. दु difficult, दस् to tame, affix डु, and नुम् inserted.
- दुन्दुभि :: m. (-भिः) 1. A sort of large kettle drum. 2. A name of VARUNA, regent of the ocean. 3. The name of a Daitya or demon. 4. A pair or couple. f. (-भिः-भी) 1. A die or dice. 2. Twice three spots on a dice, or a pair of dice, with three spots on each. E. दुन्दु imitative sound, and भा to utter, affix कि or द्यौ heave, उभ् to fill, and deriv, irr.
- दुन्दुमार :: m. (-रः) 1. A sort of red worm. 2. The smoke of a house. 3. A cat: other authorities have धुन्धुमार, q. v.
- दुन्वत् :: mfn. (-न्वन् -न्वती -न्वत्) Afflicting, injuring. E. दु to injure, शतृ aff.
- दुर् :: ind. A depreciative particle, implying, 1. Pain, trouble, (bad, diffi- cult, ill.) 2. Inferiority, (bad, vile, contemptible.) 3. Prohibition, (away, hold, forbear.) It corresponds in general to the English prefixes, in. un, &c. as in infamous, unbearable, and the like. E. दो to cut or divide, डुर affix. In composition, the final र is changed to visarga, and this to a sibilant optionally before the two first consonants of each class and the sibilants, as दुःकर, दुष्कर; and दुःसह, दुस्सह; or to र again before any other consonant or vowel, as दुर्ग, दुरतिक्रम, &c. q. v.
- दुरक्ष :: n. (-क्षं) A loaded or fraudulent die or dice. E. दुर्, and अक्ष a die.
- दुरतिक्रम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Difficult to be suppressed or overcome, insuperable, unconquerable. 2. Difficult of performance or accomplishment. E. दुर्, and अतिक्रम overcoming.
- दुरत्यय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Difficult to be passed or overcome. E. दुर्, and अत्यय going over or beyond.
- दुरदृष्ट :: n. (-ष्टं) Bad luck, misfortune. E. दुर्, and अदृष्ट fortune.
- दुरधिगम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Difficult to be traversed. 2. Difficult to be read through or studied. 3. Insurmountable, difficult to be over- come. E. दुर्, and अधिगम going over.
- दुरध्यय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Difficult of attainment or of acquirement. 2. Difficult of perusal. E. दुर्, and अध्यय going over.
- दुरध्व :: m. (-ध्वः) A bad road. E. दुर् bad, अध्वन् a road, अच् substituted for the final syllable of the last member of the compound.
- दुरन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Ending ill, having a bad end. E. दुर्, and अन्त end.
- दुरपचार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Difficult to be displeased or offended. E. दुर्, and अपचार offence.
- दुरभिग्रह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Difficult to be taken or laid hold of. m. (हः) A tree, (Achyranthes aspera.) f. (-हा) Cowach. E. दुर्, and अभिग्रह taking.
- दुराक :: m. (-कः) A barbarian. E. दुर् bad, vile, अक + संज्ञायां कर्त्तरि घञ् ।
- दुराक्राम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Difficult to be passed. 2. Invincible. E. दुर्, and आङ् before, क्रम् to go, अच् aff.
- दुराचार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Wicked, depraved, following evil practices. 2. Disregarding or deviating from established practices. m. (-रः) Wickedness. E. दुर् bad, आचार observance.
- दुराढ्य :: mfn. (-ढ्यः -ढ्या -ढ्यं) Poor, not rich. E. दुर्, and आढ्य rich.
- दुराढ्यकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Who does any thing with difficulty though rich. 2. What is done by one not rich. E. दुराढ्य, कृ to do, खल् aff.
- दुराढ्यसम्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) 1. Proceeding from one not rich. 2. Produced with difficulty by one who is rich. E. दुराढ्य, भू to be, खल् मुम् aff.
- दुरात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Vile, wicked, bad. m. (-त्मा) A rascal, a scoun- drel, a villain. E. दुर्, and आत्मन् soul. दुष्टः आत्मा अन्तः करणं यस्य ।
- दुराधर्ष :: mfn. (-र्षः -र्षा -र्षं) Haughty, intractable. m. (-र्षः) White mustard. E. दुर्, and आ + धृष अच् ।
- दुराधि :: mfn. (-धिः -धिः -धि) Painful, distressing. E. दुर्, and आधि affliction.
- दुराप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Difficult of attainment. E. दुर्, आप to obtain, खल aff.
- दुरारोह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Of difficult ascent. m. (-हः) 1. The palm tree. 2. The date tree. f. (-हा) The silk cotton tree. E. दुर् with difficulty, आरोह to be ascended, from रुह् to rise, with आङ् prefixed, affixes खल् and टाप् ।
- दुरालभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) 1. Unfit to be touched or taken, difficult of handling. 2. Difficult of attainment. f. (-भा) A prickly plant, com- monly Jawasa, (Hedysarum alhagi.) E. दुर् bad, hardly, लभ् to attain, with आङ् prefixed, affix खल, fem. affix टाप्: see the next.
- दुरालम्भा :: f. (-म्भा) A plant, Jawasa: see the preceding. E. As above, नुम् optionally inserted.
- दुरालाप :: m. (-पः) Abuse, scurrilous or abusive language. E. दुर् bad, आलाप address.
- दुरालोक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Painfully bright, dazzling, not to be looked at. m. (-कः) Great brightness or splendour. E. दुर्, and आलोक seeing.
- दुराश्रय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Difficult of shelter or asylum. E. दुर्, and आश्रय resting place.
- दुरास :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Difficult to be overcome or expelled, E. दुर्, and आस् to sit, खल् aff.
- दुरासद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Difficult of attainment. 2. Difficult of access. 3. Unequalled, unrivalled. 4. Intolerable. E. दुर् with difficulty, आङ् implying to or up to, सद् to go, affix कर्मणि खल् ।
- दुरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sinful, wicked. n. (-तं) Sin. E. दुर् vile, bad, and इत gone, become. दुष्टम् इतम् गमनम् अस्मात् ।
- दुरिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Very bad, very wicked. n. (-ष्ठं) Great crime, ex- treme wickedness. E. दुर् bad, vile, and इष्ठन् superlative aff.
- दुरीषणा :: f. (-णा) 1. Curse, cursing. 2. An evil eye. E. दुर् bad, ईषणा seeing.
- दुरुत्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Impassable, difficult to be crossed. 2. Unanswer-
able. E. दुर्, and उत्तर going over. दुःखेन उत्तीर्य्यते असौ दुर् + उद् + तॄ कर्मणि खल् ।
- दुरुदाहर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Difficult to be articulated or pronounced. E. दुर्, and उदाहर pronouncing. दुःखेन उदाह्नियते दुर + आ-हृ कर्मणि खल् ।
- दुरुद्वह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Burthensome, unbearable. E. दुर्, and उद्वह up- bearing.
- दुरुपक्रम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Difficult of access or approach. 2. Difficult of cure. E. दुर्, and उपक्रम approach.
- दुरुपचार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Difficult of cure. 2. Unmanageable. E. दुर्, and उपचार implement.
- दुरुपस्थान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Unapproachable, unattainable. E. दुर्, and उप- स्थान proximity.
- दुरोदर :: m. (-रः) 1. A gamester. 2. A stake. n. (-रं) Playing, gaming. E. दुर् bad, reprehensible, उदर contest.
- दुर्ग :: mfn. (-र्गः -र्गा -र्गं) 1. Difficult of access or approach, inaccessible, im- pervious, impermeable. 2. Difficult of attainment, unattainable. n. (-र्गं) 1. A fort, a strong hold, a Durga or hill fort. 2. A pass, a defile, a difficult or narrow passage over a stream or a mountain, through a wood, &c. m. (-र्गः) The name of an Asura slain by DURGĀ. f. (-र्गा) 1. The goddess DURGĀ, the wife of SIVA, and mother of KARTIKEYA, and GANESA; also called UMĀ, and PĀRVATI, &c.: as DURGĀ, she is a goddess of terrific form, and irascible temper, and particularly worshipped at the DURGĀ Pujā, held in Bengal in the month of Āswin, or about October. 2. The indigo plant. 3. A creeping shrub, (Clitotia ternata.) 4. A singing bird, the Syama. E. दुर् bad, ill, with difficulty, गम् to go, affix ड; the etymology of goddess is thus given, दुर् with diffi- culty; गम् to be known; a knowledge of whom is obtained only by the severest austerities; or दुर् bad, गै to sing, who is especially hymned by the wicked; or दुर्ग the Asura slain by the goddess.
- दुर्गकर्म्म :: mn. (-र्म्मः-र्म्मं) Enterprize, difficult undertaking. E. दुर्ग, and कर्म्म act.
- दुर्गकारक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Making difficult or impassable. n. (-कं) The Bhurjpatra or birch. E. दुर्ग an impervious thicket, and कारक making.
- दुर्गत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Poor, indigent, distressed. 2. Suffering pain or affliction. E. दुर् ill, गत gone, become. दुर् + गम् कर्त्तरि क्त ।
- दुर्गति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Hell. 2. Poverty, indigence. 3. A difficult path or site. E. दुर् bad, ill, गति going.
- दुर्गतिनाशिनी :: f. (-नी) DURGĀ. E. दुर्गति hell, नाशिनी who destroys.
- दुर्गनिवासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Staying in a stronghold. E. दुर्ग, and निवा- सिन् who abides.
- दुर्गन्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Ill-smelling, ill-scented. m. (-न्धः) 1. Any Ill- smelling substance. 2. The mango tree. n. (-न्धं) Soubarchala salt. E. दुर् bad, vile, and गन्ध smell. दुःस्थितः गन्धः अस्य ।
- दुर्गन्धिन् :: mfn. (-न्धी -न्धिनी -न्धि) Ill-smelling. E. दुर्गन्ध a bad smell, and इनि aff.
- दुर्गपुर :: n. (-रं) A fortified city. E. दुर्ग, and पुर a city.
- दुर्गपुष्पी :: f. (-ष्पी) A plant, commonly Kesapushpa. E. दुर्ग with difficulty, पुष्पी a flower.
- दुर्गम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Inaccessible, difficult of access or approach. 2. Unattainable, difficult of attainment. E. दुर् with pain or difficulty, गम् to go, affix खल्; see दुर्ग । दुःखेन गम्यते दुर् + गम कर्मणि खल् ।
- दुर्गमार्ग :: m. (-र्गः) A defile, a difficult pass or way. E. दुर्ग, and मार्ग a road.
- दुर्गलङ्घन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) 1. Overcoming difficulties, making way through arduous passages or affairs, &c. m. (-नः) A camel. E. दुर्ग, and लङ्घन who traverses.
- दुर्गव्यसन :: n. (-नं) Defect in a citadel, its being ill-guarded, &c. E. दुर्ग, and व्यसन misfortune.
- दुर्गसञ्चर :: m. (-रः) 1. Progress or passage through an almost impervious or inaccessible spot. 2. A bridge, &c. or any contrivance for pass-
ing a river, a defile, &c. E. दुर्ग a defile, &c. सञ्चर going; also with संचार, दुर्गसंचार m. (-रः) सम् + चर करणे अप् ।
- दुर्गसम्पद् :: f. (-द् or -त्) Essential part of a fortress. E. दुर्ग, and सम्पद् wealth.
- दुर्गाधिकारिन् :: m. (-री) The governor of a fort. E. दुर्ग, and अधिकारिन् who superintends.
- दुर्गाध्यक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The governor of a fortress. E. दुर्ग, and अध्यक्ष super- visor.
- दुर्गानवमी :: f. (-मी) The ninth of the light half of Kārtik, sacred to DURGĀ as JAGADDHĀTRI form. E. दुर्गा, and नवमी the ninth.
- दुर्गावरोध :: m. (-धः) Investing or besieging a fortress. E. दुर्ग, and अवरोध investing.
- दुर्गाश्रयण :: n. (-णं) Taking refuge in a fortress. E. दुर्ग, and आश्रयण seeking shelter.
- दुर्घोष :: (-षः-षा-षं) Harsh-voiced, roaring, bellowing. m. (-षः) 1. A bear. 2. A loud or disagreeable cry. E. दुर्, and घोष sound.
- दुर्जन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Bad, wicked, vile. 2. Malicious, mischief-mak- ing. m. (-नः) A bad man. E. दुर् bad, vile, जन a man. दुष्टो जनः प्रा० स० ।
- दुर्जनत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Wickedness, villainy. E. त्व added to दुर्जन; also with तल् affix दुर्जनता ।
- दुर्जय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Invincible, difficult to be subdued or overcome, E. दुर्, and जय victory. दुःखेन जीयते दुर् + जि कर्मणि खल् ।
- दुर्जर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Difficult of digestion, indigestible. E. दुर्, and जर digesting. दुःखेन जीर्य्यति जॄ-अच् ।
- दुर्जात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Inauspiciously born or produced. 2. Improper. n. (-तं) 1. Misfortune, calamity. 2. Disparity, unconformity, impro- priety. E. दुर् bad, जात born. दुष्टं जातम् प्रा० स० ।
- दुर्जाति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) 1. Vile, wicked. 2. Low, outcaste. E. दुर्, जाति kind.
- दुर्ज्ञेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Difficult to be known or understood. E. दुर्, and ज्ञेय to be known. दुःखेन ज्ञायते ज्ञा + कर्मणि यत् ।
- दुर्णय :: m. (-यः) Want of conduct, impropriety, impolicy. E. दुर्, and नय policy.
- दुर्णीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Ill-behaved, ill-governed. 2. Impolitic. n. (-तं) 1. Misconduct. 2. Impolicy. E. दुर and नीत conducted.
- दुर्णीति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Impolicy. 2. Misconduct. E. दुर्, and नीति policy.
- दुर्दम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Difficult to be subdued. E. दुर्, and दम taming. दुःखेन दम्यते असौ दुर + दम-कर्मणि खल् ।
- दुर्दर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Tearing. 2. Distressing. m. (-रः) A kind of drug, Rishabha. E. दुर्, and दर what tears.
- दुर्दर्श :: mfn. (-र्शः -र्शा -र्शं) Dazzling painful to the sight. 2. Difficult to be seen or met with. E. दुर्, and दृश seeing. दुःखेन दृश्यते असौ दुर् + दृश्- कर्मणि खल् ।
- दुर्दान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Untameable, intractable, difficult to be res- trained or disciplined. m. (-न्तः) 1. Strife, tumult. 2. A caff. E. दुर्, and दान्त daunted. दुःखेन दान्तः दमितः दमि + क्त वा नि० ।
- दुर्दिन :: n. (-नं) 1. A dark or cloudy day. 2. Rain, or cloudy and rainy weather. E. दुर् bad, vile, दिन a day. दुष्टं दिनम् प्रा० स० ।
- दुर्दुरुट :: m. (-टः) An atheist. E. दुर् vile, repeated, अट् to go or be, affix घञ्, and उ substituted for the penultimate.
- दुर्दृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Ill seen, (literally or figuratively) ill-examined, imperfectly investigated. 2. Looked at with an evil eye. E. दुर् bad, दृष्ट seen.
- दुर्दैव :: n. (-वं) Bad luck, misfortune. E. दुर्, and दैव fate.
- दुर्द्धरुट :: m. (-टः) A pupil who obeys his teacher only after judging of the propriety or obedience.
- दुर्द्रिता :: f. (-ता) A creeping plant.
- दुर्द्रुम :: m. (-मः) A green onion. E. दुर् bad, and द्रुम a tree: see दुद्रुम .
- दुर्द्धर्ष :: mfn. (-र्षः -र्षा -र्षं) 1. Difficult of attainment or approach. 2. Haughty, distant. E. दुर्, pride. दुःखेन धृष्यते असौ दुः + धृष-कर्मणि खल् ।
- दुर्धर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Difficult to be sustained or borne, troublesome, unbearable. 2. Irresistible, difficult to be restrained. m. (-रः) 1. A division of hell. 2. A kind of drug, commonly Rishabha. 3. The name of an Asura or Titan. E. दुर् bad, ill, धर having, possessing; it is also written दुर्द्धर । दुःखेन धार्य्यते दुर् + धृ-कर्मणि खल् ।
- दुर्नामक :: n. (-कं) Hæmorrhoids. E. दुर्, bad नामन् a name, and कप् added; see the next.
- दुर्नामन् :: mf. (-मा-म्नी) A cockle. n. (-म) Piles or hæmorrhoids. E. दुर्, bad and नामन् a name, fem. affix, टाप् or ङीष्; also in the first sense, with a final vowel दुर्नामा . f. (-मा) ।
- दुर्निग्रह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Ungovernable, difficult of restraint. E. दुर्, and निग्रह restraint.
- दुर्निवार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Difficult to be stopped, hindered, condradict- ed, &c. Invincible, unconquerable. E. दुर्, and निवार resistance.
- दुर्निरीक्ष्य :: mfn. (-क्ष्यः -क्ष्या -क्ष्यं) Hard to be looked at, as the sun, &c. E. दुर and निरीक्ष्य to be seen.
- दुर्ब :: r. 1st cl. (इ) दुर्बी (दूर्बति) To hurt, to injure, to wound, to kill दूर्ब, &c.
- दुर्बल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Feeble, thin, emaciated. 2. Weak, impotent. m. (-ल्) One who is circumcised, or whose glans penis is void of pre- puce. E. दुर् implying depreciation or diminution, and बल strong, potent. दुःस्थितं बलमस्य ।
- दुर्बुद्धि :: mfn. (-द्धिः -द्धिः -द्धि) Silly, ignorant. E. दुर्, and बुद्धि under- standing.
- दुर्भक्ष्य :: mfn. (-क्ष्यः -क्ष्या -क्ष्यं) To be eaten with difficulty. E. दुर्, and भक्ष्य eating.
- दुर्भगा :: f. (-गा) 1. A wife not loved or liked by her husband. 2. A bad or ill tempered woman. E. दुर् little or ill, भग affection.
- दुर्भर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Burdensome, troublesome, hard to be supported. E. दुर्, and भर what bears.
- दुर्भिक्ष :: n. (-क्षं) Dearth, famine. E. दुर्, and भिक्षा alms; when charity ceases.
- दुर्भाग्य :: mfn. (-ग्यः -ग्या -ग्यं) Unfortunate, unlucky. E. दुर्, and भाग्य fortune.
- दुर्भेद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) 1. To be broken with difficulty. 2. Firm, con- stant, not easily disunited. E. दुर्, and भेद्य to be broken.
- दुर्मति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Silly, ignorant, simple, a blockhead. E. दुर्, and मति mind.
- दुर्मनस् :: mfn. (-नाः -नाः -नः) Sad, distressed, meditating or thinking sor- rowfully. E. दुर् distress, मनस् the mind.
- दुर्मर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Dying. with difficulty, retentive of life: f. (-र्) Bent grass: see दूर्व्वा . E. दुर् with difficulty, मृ so perish, affix अच् ।
- दुर्मल्लिका :: f. (-का) A minor drama, a comedy, a farce.
- दुर्मुख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खी-खं) 1. Scurrilous, foul-mouthed. 2. Hideous ugly. m. (खः) 1. One of the monkey chiefs. 2. One of the principal Nagas or serpents. 3. A horse. 4. An Asura. E. दुर् bad, ill, मुख mouth or face.
- दुर्मूल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Any thing of high price or value. E. दुर्, and मूल्य price.
- दुर्मेधस् :: mfn. (-धाः -धाः -धः) Of little or contemptible understanding, dull, stupid, ignorant, uninformed. E. दुर् bad, मेधस् understanding.
- दुर्योधन :: m. (-नः) The elder of the Kuru princes, and leader in the war against his cousins, the Pāndus and KRISHNA. E. दुर् vile, ill, युध् to make war, affix युच्; the author and leader of an unjust warfare.
- दुर्योनि :: mfn. (-निः -निः -नि) Of low or impure origin. E. दुर्, and योनि place of birth.
- दुर्लभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) 1. Difficult of attainment. 2. Excellent, eminent. 3. Dear, beloved. m. (-भः) A plant, (a sort of Hedysarum:) see
- दुरालभा :: f. (-भा) A prickly nightshade. E. दुर् difficult, लभ् to gain, affix खल् but without any nasal.
- दुर्वच :: mfn. (-चः -चा -चं) 1. Speaking ill or improperly. 1. Speaking in pain. 3. Difficult of utterance or articulation. 4. What ought not
to be spoken. n. (-चं) 1. Abuse, censure. 2. Evil or unlucky speech. E. दुर्, वच् to speak. दुःखेन उच्यते दुर् + वच्-कर्मणि खल् ।
- दुर्वचस् :: n. (-चः) Abuse, bad language. E. दुर् bad, वचस् speech.
- दुर्वर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Of a bad species or class. n. (-र्णं) 1. Silver. 2. A sort of perfume, commonly Elabāluka: see एलवालुक . E. दुर् bad, vile, and वर्ण species; the reduplication of the व is optional in this and the following words. हेमापेक्षया निकृष्टो वर्णोऽस्य । रजते ।
- दुर्वर्णक :: n. (-कं) Silver. E. दुर् inferior, वर्ण species, कन् pleonasm; in- ferior as compared with gold.
- दुर्वह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Difficult to be borne or supported. E. दुर्, and वह bearing. दुःखेन उह्यते असौ दुर् + वह-कर्मणि खल् ।
- दुर्वाच् :: mfn. (-वाक्) An ill speaker, morally or physically. f. (-वा) Speak- ing ill, either inelegantly or abusively. E. दुर् ill, वाच् speech. गर्हिता वाक् प्रा० स० ।
- दुर्वाच्य :: n. (-च्यं) Any unlucky or ill omened speech. 2. censure, abuse. E. दुर् improperly, वाच्य to be spoken. दुष्टं निन्द्यं वाच्यम् प्रा० स० ।
- दुर्वाद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) One who speaks ill, (grammatically, &c.) or one who utters abusive or unbecoming language. E. दुर् ill, bad, वाद speaking. दुष्टो वादः प्रा० स० ।
- दुर्वार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Irresistible, not to be prevented or checked. E. दुर् and वार preventing. दुःखेन वार्य्यते असौ दुर् + वारि-कर्मणि खल् ।
- दुर्वासस् :: mfn. (-साः -साः -सः) Ill dressed. m. (-साः) The name of a Rishi or saint, the son of ATRI, and an incarnation or portion of SIVA, famous for his choleric temperament. E. दुर्, and वासस् vesture.
- दुर्विध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) 1. Poor, pauper, indigent. 2. Wicked, melevo- lent. 3. Foolish, stupid. E. दुर् bad, ill, विध habit, custom.
- दुर्विनीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Ill mannered, ill trained or behaved. m. (-तः) A restive horse. E. दुर् with difficulty, विनीत led, managed.
- दुर्विभाव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Incomprehensible, inconceivable. E. दुर्, and विभाव्य to be observed.
- दुर्विवाह :: m. (-हः) A bad mode or form of marriage. E. दुर् and विवाह marriage.
- दुर्विषह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Difficult to be sustained or supported. E. दुर् and वि before, सह to bear. दुःखेन विषह्यते असौ दुर् + वि + सह कर्मणि खल् ।
- दुर्वृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Vile, wicked, leading a low or infamous life, following disreputable habits or business, a cheat, a juggler, a rogue, a blackguard, &c. E. दुर् bad, वृत्त to be or abide. दुष्टं वृत्तम् प्रा० स० ।
- दुर्वृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Leading a disreputable life, following a degrading business, &c. 2. Juggling, fraud. E. दुर्, and वृत्ति maintenance.
- दुर्हन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) What is killed with difficulty. E. दुर् before, हन् to kill. दुःखेन हन्यते असौ दुर् + हन-कर्मणि खल् ।
- दुर्हृद् :: mfn. (-द् or -त्) Inimical, ill disposed. m. (-द् or -त्) An enemy. E. दुर् bad, हृद् heart. दुःस्थं हृद् हृदयमस्य प्रा० स० ।
- दुर्हृदय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Evil-minded, bad-hearted. E. दुर् bad, ill, हृदय the heart.
- दुल :: r. 10th cl. (दोलयति-ते) 1. To raise, to throw up. 2. To excite. 3. To shake, to swing. चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- दुलि :: m. (-लिः) A Muni or saint. f. (-लि or -ली) A small or female tortoise. E. दुल् to throw up, (mud, &c.) affix कि fem. affix option- ally ङीष् ।
- दुश्चर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. Going with trouble of difficulty. 2. Acting ill, behaving wickedly. 3. Unattainable. m. (-रः) 1. A bivalve shell. 2. bear. E. दुर् bad, चर् to go, अच् or टच् aff.
- दुश्चरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Misbehaving, abandoned, wicked. m. (-तं) Misbehaviour, ill conduct, wickedness. E. दुर् and चरित conduct.
- दुश्चर्म्मन् :: m. (-र्म्मा) A circumcised man, or one whose prepuce is naturally or artificially wanting. E. दुर् bad, difficult, चर्म्मन् skin.
- दुश्चेष्टित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Misbehaving, doing or besieging evil. n. (-तं)
Evil purpose or action, misconduct, error. E. दुर् and चेष्टित exerted.
- दुश्च्यवन :: m. (-नः) A name of INDRA. E. दुर् ill, च्यवन the name of a saint: INDRA having raised his arm to hurl his thunderbolt at Chyavana had it fixed in that position by the curse of the saint; other ety- mologies are given.
- दुश्छद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Tattered, hardly covered. E. दुर् and छद covering.
- दुश्शासन :: m. (-नः) One of the Kaurava princes. E. दुर्, and शासन government.
- दुष (इर, औ) इरदुषौ :: r. 4th cl. (दुष्यति) 1. To do or act wrong or impro- perly. 2. To be impure. With प्र and आङ prefixed, To become manifest or apparent. दिवा० पर० अक० अनिट् ।
- दुष्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. Difficult to be done. 2. One who behaves ill, does wrong, &c. wicked, bad. n. (-रं) 1. Æthen atmo- sphere. 2. Doing any thing with pain or difficulty. E. दुर् bad, and कर what does from कृ with कर्मणि खल् aff. दुःखेन क्रियते ।
- दुष्कर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) 1. Wickedness, sin. 2. Any difficult or painful act. E. दुर् and कर्म्मन् act.
- दुष्कुल :: n. (-लं) A low family or race. E. दुर bad, कुल race.
- दुष्कुलीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Of a low or degraded family. m. (-नः) A sort of perfume, commonly Chor. E. दुर् bad and कुलीन family or species.
- दुष्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Done wrong or wickedly. 2. Done with diffi- culty or pain. n. (-तं) Sin, crime, guilt. E. दुर् evil, कृत done, commit- ted. दुष्टं कृतम् प्रा० स० ।
- दुष्कृतकर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्म) Wicked, reprobate. n. (-र्म्म) Wickedness. E. दुष्कृत, and कर्म्मन् act.
- दुष्कृतवहिष्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Holy, free from sin. दुष्कृत, and वहिष्कृत excluded.
- दुष्कृतिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) Wicked, an evil doer. E. दुष्कृत, and इनि aff.
- दुष्क्रम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Difficult of access. 2. Going ill or laboriously. 2. Ill arranged, unmethodical. E. दुर्, and क्रम going.
- दुष्क्रीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Dear, bought too dearly or unadvisedly. E. दुर् bad, क्रीत purchased: a bad bargain.
- दुष्ख :: n. (-ष्खं) Pain in general: see दुःख ।
- दुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Low, vile, 2. Weak, impotent. 3. Wicked, depraved. 4. spoiled, injured. 5. violated. 6. Contaminated, degraded. 7. Worthless. f. (-ष्टा) A harlot, a wanton. n. (-ष्टं) A kind of Costus, (C. speciosus:) see कुष्ठ . E. दुष् to be corrupt. &c. affix क्त .
- दुष्टचारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Wicked. E. दुष्ट, and चारिन् practising. दुष्टं चरति चर-णिनि ।
- दुष्टचेतस् :: mfn. (-ताः -ताः -तः) 1. Melevolent. 2. Stupid. E. दुष्ट, and चेतस् the heart or mind.
- दुष्टता :: f. (-ता) 1. Wickedness, badness. 2. Contamination, defilement. 3. Violation. E. तल् added to दुष्ट; also त्वं दुष्टत्वम् ।
- दुष्टभाव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Innately bad. E. दुष्ट, and भाव nature.
- दुष्टभावता :: f. (-ता) Wickedness, innate depravity. E. दुष्टभाव, and तल् aff.
- दुष्टमति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Wicked, depraved. E. दुष्ट, and मति mind.
- दुष्टवृष :: m. (-षः) A lazy ox. E. दष्ट as above, and वृष an ox.
- दुष्टव्रण :: m. (-णः) A dull boil or sore, a sinus. E. दुष्ट bad, and व्रण sore.
- दुष्टान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Defiled, rendered impure. E. दुष्ट, and अन्वित possessed of.
- दुष्ठु :: ind. Ill, bad. 2. Improperly, incorrectly. mfn. (-ष्ठुः -ष्ठुः -ष्ठु) Ill behaved, unprincipled, depraved. E. दु ill, स्था to be, affix कु ।
- दुष्पत्र :: m. (-त्रः) Chor, a perfume. E. दुर् bad, पत्र a leaf.
- दुष्पर्श :: mfn. (-र्शः -र्शा -र्शं) Not to be touched, unpleasant to the touch. m. (-र्शः) A plant, (Hedysarum alhaji:) see दुस्पर्श । दुर् + स्थल-कर्मणि खल् ।
- दुष्पान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Difficult to be drunk. E. दुर्, and पान drinking. दुःखेन पीयते असौ खलर्थे कर्मणि युच् । भावे युच् वा ।
- दुष्प्रकृति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Of a bad nature or disposition. E. दुर्, and प्रकृति naure दुःस्था प्रकृतिरस्य प्रा० ब० ।
- दुष्प्रधर्षणी :: f. (-णी) The egg plant, (Solanum melongena.) E. दुर् with difficulty, प्र before, धृष् to show, to guide, affix ल्युट्; also with णिनि affix दुष्प्रधर्षिणी ।
- दुष्प्रधर्षा :: f. (-र्षा) A plant, (Hedysarum alhaji.) 2. The date tree. E. दुर्, and प्र before, धृष् to guide, affixes अङ् and टाप् .
- दुष्प्रमय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Immeasurable, difficult to be measured. E. दुर्, and प्र before, मी to measure, खल् aff.
- दुष्प्रलम्भ :: mfn. (-म्भः -म्भा -म्भं) Difficult of attainment. E. दुर्, and प्र before, लभ् to gain, खल् affix, नुम् inserted.
- दुष्प्राप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Difficult of attainment, difficult to be got or reached. E. दुर्, and प्राप obtaining.
- दुष्प्राप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) Remote, unattainable, difficult of approach or attainment. E. दुर्, and प्राप्य obtainable.
- दुष्मन्त :: m. (-न्तः) A prince of the lunar line, the husband of SAKUNTALĀ. E. दुर्, and झ affix, मुम्, aug; also read दुष्यन्त .
- दुष्यन्त :: m. (-न्तः) A prince: see that last. E. दुष् to do wrong, झ aff.
- दुस्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Difficult to be crossed. E. दुर्, and तर crossing.
- दुस्त्यज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Difficult to be relinquished or parted with. E. दुर् and त्यज abandoning.
- दुस्सथ :: m. (-थः) 1. A dog. 2. A cock.
- दुह (औ) दुहौ :: r. 2nd cl. (दोग्धि, दुग्धे) 3rd pers. plu. (दुहन्ति) To milk, (इर) दुहिर r. 1st cl. (दोहति) 1. To hurt, to afflict, to give pain. 2. To kill. अदा० उभ० द्विक० अनिट् । भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- दुह :: m. (धुक्) A milker. E. दुह्, and क्विप् aff.
- दुहत् :: mfn. (-हन् -हन्ती -हत्) 1. Relinquishing, parting with. 2. Milking. E. दुह to milk, शतृ aff.
- दुहितुःपति :: m. (-तिः) A son-in-law, a daughter's husband. E. दुहितृ a daughter, in the possessive case, and पति a husband.
- दुहितृ(-ता) :: A daughter. E. दुह् to milk, (the mother,) Unadi affix तृच्, and इट् inserted.
- दुह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) To be milked, milkable. E. दुह् to milk, affix क्यप्; also ण्यत्प्रत्ययं कृत्वा दोह्य ।
- दू (ओ, ङ) ओदूङ :: r. 4th cl. (दूयते) 1. To suffer or be consumed with pain. 2. To inflict pain or anxiety. दिवा० आ० अक० सेट् ।
- दू :: f. (-दूः) Pain, distress. E. दू, and क्विप् aff.
- दूडभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Unfortunate, distressed. E. दूर् difficult, दन्भ to deceive, deriv. irr. दुःखेन दभ्यते असौ दन्भ-कर्मणि खल् ।
- दूडाश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) Pained, afflicted. E. दुर bad, painful, दशि to hurt, deriv. irr. दुःखेन दाश्यते दुर् + दाश्-कर्मणि खल् ।
- दूढ्य :: mfn. (-ढ्यः -ढ्या -ढ्यं) Bad, vile. E. दुर्, and ध्यै to meditate, क aff. दुष्टं ध्यायति दुर् + ध्यै-क ।
- दूणाश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) Destroyed or annihilated with trouble or difficul- ty E. दूर् before, णश् to destroy, deriv. irr. दुःखेन नाश्यते दुर् + नाशि- कर्मणि खल् .
- दूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sent, despatched. m. (-तः) 1. A messenger or envoy, a news-carrier. 2. An ambassador. f. (-तिः-ती) A female messenger, a confidante, a procuress, a go-between. &c. E. दु to go, Unadi affix क्त, and the vowel made long; or दू to suffer, affix क्त fem. affix क्तिन् or क्तिच् and optionally ङीप् ।
- दूतघ्नी :: f. (-घ्नी) A plant, resembling the Kadamba: see कदम्बपुष्पी . E. दूत a messenger, घ्नी what destroys. दूतं खेदं हन्ति हन-टक् । ङीप् ।
- दूति :: f. (-तिः) See दूत दु-वा ति दीर्घश्च ।
- दूतिका :: f. (-का) A female messenger, a confidante, &c. see दूत, &c. E. कन् added to दूति; also with the penultimate, vowel made long, दूतीका ।
- दूत्य :: n. (-त्यं) 1. An embassy, a message. 2. The abstract state or condi- tion of a message or a messenger. E. दूत a messenger, and यत् aff.
- दूद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Afflicting, harassing. E. दू, and द what gives or occasions.
- दून :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Suffering pain or fatigue. 2. Going, moving. 3. Shaken, agitated. E. दु उपतापे to suffer, affix क्त ।
- दूनवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Being agitated or distressed. 2. Gone, having gone. E. दू to be agitated, क्तवतु aff.
- दूप्र :: mfn. (-प्रः -प्रा -प्रं) Strong.
- दूर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Distant, remote. n. adv. (-रं) Far, far off. 2. Widely. deeply. E. दुर with difficulty, इण् to go, Unadi affix रक्, deriv. irr. or दैप् शुद्धौ वा कू ।
- दूरग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) 1. Going afar or a long way. 2. Remote. E. दूर, and ग what goes.
- दूरगामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Going far. m. (-मी) An arrow, &c. E. दूर, and गामिन् what goes.
- दूरतस् :: ind. Afar, far off, from a distance, from afar. E. दूर, and तसि aff.
- दूरता :: f. (-ता) Remoteness, distance. E. दूर, and तल्; also with त्वं दूरत्वम् ।
- दूरदर्शन :: n. (-नं) 1. Foresight. 2. Long-sightedness. m. (-नः) A vulture. E. दूर, and दर्शन seeing.
- दूरदर्शिन् :: mfn. (-र्शी -र्शिनी -र्शि) Long-sighted, far-seeing, (literally or metaphorically.) m. (-र्शी) 1. A Pandit, a learned man, a teacher. 2. A prophet, a seer. 3. A vulture. E. दूर far, and दर्शिन् who sees, from दृश् to see, with णिनि affix; also with क्विप् affix दूरदृश् ।
- दूरदृश् :: m. (-दृक्) 1. A learned man. 2. A vulture: see the preceding.
- दूरदृष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) 1. Long-sightedness. 2. Foresight. E. दूर, and दृष्टि sight.
- दूरपातिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) Far going. E. दूर, and पातिब् who goes.
- दूरभाज् :: mfn. (-क् or -ज्) Distant. E. दूर, and भाज् what shares.
- दूरभिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Struck or wounded deeply. E. दूर, and भिन्न divided.
- दूरयायिन :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Going far. E. दूर, and यायिन् what goes.
- दूरवस्त्रक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Naked, undressed. E. दूर, and वस्त्र clothes.
- दूरवासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Residing in a foreign land, outlandish. E. दूर, and वासिन् who or what abides.
- दूरविभिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Unconnected by the ties of nature, of a differ- ent nature. E. दूर, and विभिन्न separated.
- दूरवेधिन् :: mfn. (-धी -धिनी -धि) Missile, projectile, (weapons, &c.) E. दूर afar, and वेधिन् what pierces or wounds.
- दूरसंस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Remote, distant. E. दूर, and संस्थ what stays.
- दूरसंस्थान :: n. (-नं) Being or residing at a distance. E. दूर, and संस्थान site.
- दूरस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Remote, far off. E. दूर, and स्थ what stays or is; also दूरस्थित, and दूरस्थायिन्, &c.
- दूराप्लाव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Jumping far. E. दूर, and आप्लाव a leap.
- दूरावस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Standing being or afar off. E. दूर, and अवस्थित situated.
- दूरीकरण :: n. (-णं) Removing, placing at a distance. E. दूर, and करण making, च्वि aff.
- दूरीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Removed, placed afar off. E. दूर, and कृत made, च्वि aff.
- दूरीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Remote, far off. E. दूर, and भूत become, च्वि aff.
- दूरेत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) Far, distant. E. दूर, and एत्य aff.
- दूरेरितेक्षण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Squint-eyed. E. दूर afar, ईरित sent, and ईक्षण sight.
- दूर्वा :: f. (-र्वा) Bent grass, commonly Durbā, (Panicum dactylon.) E. दूर्व to hurt or be hurt, affix अच् or घञ्; fem. affix टाप् what hurts sin, or is injured by cattle. दूर्वति रोगान् अनिष्टं वा ।
- दूर्वावण :: n. (-णं) A thicket of Durbā grass. E. दूर्वा and वन wood; also with the final unchanged, दूर्वावन ।
- दूर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Fæces, ordure. E. दूर far, या to go, aff. यत् । पुरीषे, शट्याम् च ।
- दूलाश :: m. (-शः) Which is to be injured with difficulty. E. दूडाश + डस्य वा लः । दःखेन हिंस्ये ।
- दूश्य :: n. (-श्यं) A tent. see दूष्य । दू-खेदे सम्पदा, भावे क्विप् तां श्यायते गमयति अन्तर्भूतण्यर्थे श्यै गतौ क ।
- दूष :: r. 4th cl. (दूष्यति) 1. To be or become bad. 2. To make bad.
- दूषक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Ill, low, contemptible, infamous. 2. Spoiling,
corrupting, contaminating, who or what does so. E. दुष् to be vile, affixes णिच् and ण्वुल् ।
- दूषण :: m. (-णः) Rakshasa, the brother of RĀVAṆA. n. (-णं) 1. Blame, fault, defect, offence. 2. Spoiling, ruining, vitiating. defiling. 3. Violating, (as a girl.) 4. Breaking, (as an agreement.) E. दूष् to become vile or wicked. affix भावे ल्युट् ।
- दूषणारि :: m. (-रिः) RĀMA. E. दूषण the brother of RĀVANĀ, and अरि a foe.
- दूषयाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Vitiating, defiling, spoiling. E. दूष् to make bad, शानच् aff.
- दूषि :: f. (-षिः-षी) The rheum of the eyes. E. दूष् to make bad, affix इन् or क with ङीष् added; also दूषिका and दूषीका ।
- दूषिका :: f. (-का) 1. The rheum of the eyes. 2. A pencil or painting brush. E. दूष् to make bad, (the eyes, &c.) affix ण्वुल्, or स्वार्थे क वा, fem. form; also दूषी, दूषि and दूषीका ।
- दूषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Calumniated, falsely accused, especially of adultery. 2. Contaminated, corrupted, spoiled. 3. Violated. 4. Blamed censured. f. (-ता) A girl who has been violated or deflower- ed. E. दूष् to become or make bad, affix क्त ।
- दूषीका :: f. (-का) The secretion or rheum of the eyes. E. दूष् to hurt, (the eyes,) Unadi affix ईकन्ः see दूषिका ।
- दूषीविष :: n. (-षं) Poison that may be overcome by drugs or charms, or that does not act upon the system. E. दूषी rheum, and विष venom.
- दूष्य :: mfn. (-ष्यः -ष्या -ष्यं) Reprehensible, contemptible, vile, bad. f. (-ष्या) An elephant's leathern-girth. n. (-ष्यं) 1. Clothes. 2. A tent. 3. Pus, matter. E. दूष् to be or become wicked or bad, यत् or ण्यत् affix, fem. affix टाप् ।
- दृ :: r. 6th cl. usually with आङ् prefixed (आद्रियते) To reverence, to revere, to respect. r. 5th cl. (दृणोति) To hurt or kill. r. 1st and 10th cls. (दरति दारयति-ते) To fear, to be afraid of. तुदा० आ० सक० अनिट् । स्वादि० पर० सक० अनिट् । भ्वा० पर० अक० सेट् । चुरा० उभ० ।
- दृंहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Grown, increased. E. दृहि to increase, क्त affix.
- दृक :: n. (-कं) A hole. दॄ विदारे कक् ह्रस्वश्च न कित्त्वम् ।
- दृकाण :: m. (-णः) A demigod, presiding over the third part of a sign of the zodiac, (in Astrology.)
- दृक्कर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) A snake. E. दृश् an eye, and कर्ण an ear; whose eyes are his ears in the opinion of the Hindus, the snake has no visible external ear.
- दृक्काण :: m. (-णः) See दृकाण ।
- दृक्प्रिया :: f. (-या) 1. Beauty. 2. Splendor. E. दृश् and प्रिय amiable.
- दृक्श्रुति :: m. (-तिः) A snake. E. दृश्, and श्रुति the ear; see दृक्कर्ण ।
- दृगध्यक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The sun. E. दृश् the sight, अध्यक्ष ruler.
- दृग्गोल :: m. (-लः) A small circle on the axis of the earth, within the greater circle of the armillary sphere, and accompanying each planetary circle. E. दृश्, and गोल circle.
- दृग्विष :: m. (-षः) A serpent or other such venomous reptile. E. दृश् eye, and विष poison; whose eye is venomous.
- दृङ्मण्डल :: n. (-लं) A small circle within the great circles of the armillary sphere, accompanying each planetary circle or orbit. E. दृश्, and मण्डल sphere.
- दृडक :: m. (-कः) A fire-place, or hole made in the ground for cooking.
- दृढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Much, exceeding; (in this sense it is also an adverb declinable in the neuter gender.) 2. Hard, firm. 3. Able, powerful. 4. Bulky, massive, solid. 5. Strong. 6. Confirmed. n. (-ढं) Iron. E. दृह् to increase, affix क्त .
- दृढकण्टक :: m. (-कः) A plant, commonly Dhaliākāra. E. दृढ much or many and कण्टक a thorn.
- दृढकाण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A bamboo. E. दृढ, and काण्ड a stem.
- दृढकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Persevering, determined. E. दृढ and कारिन् who does, (any act.)
- दृढगात्रिका :: f. (-का) Granulated sugar. E. दृढ firm, गात्र substance, affix कप् ।
- दृढग्रन्थि :: m. (-न्थिः) A bamboo. E. दृढ, and ग्रन्थि a knot.
- दृढता :: f. (-ता) 1. Firmness, hardness. 2. Steadiness. 3. Solidity. 4. Strength. E. तल् added to दृढ; also with त्वं दृढत्वम् ।
- दृढदंशक :: m. (-कः) A shark. E. दृढ hard, दंशक a biter.
- दृढधन्वन् :: m. (-न्वा) A good archer. E. दृढ, and धन्वन् a bow.
- दृढधुर् :: mfn. (-धूः -धूः -धु) Strong, able to bear a weight or load. E. दृढ, and धुर् a burthen.
- दृढनिश्चय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Certain, confirmed, corroborated, undoubted. E. दृढ, and निश्चय certainty.
- दृढफल :: m. (-लः) The cocoanut. E. दृढ hard, and फल fruit.
- दृढबद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Bound or tied tightly. E. दृढ, and बद्ध bound.
- दृढबन्धिनी :: f. (-नी) A creeper, (Echites frutescens.) E. दृढ firmly, बन्ध to bind, affixes णिनि, and ङीप्; winding closely round a tree or stem.
- दृढभक्ति :: mfn. (-क्तिः -क्तिः -क्ति) Faithful, devoted. E. दृढ and भक्ति faith.
- दृढमुष्टि :: mfn. (-ष्टिः -ष्टिः -ष्टि) Miserly, niggardly close-fisted, m. (-ष्टिः) A sword, any weapon with a hilt or handle. E. दृढ firm, and मुष्टि a handle, a fist.
- दृढमूल :: m. (-लः) The cocoanut. E. दृढ, and मूल root.
- दृढलोमन् :: mfn. (-मा -मा -मं) Having coarse hair on the skin. m. (-मा) 1. A wild hog. 2. Coarse hair, bristles. E. दृढ firm, stiff, and लोमन् the hair of the body.
- दृढव्रत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Observing steadily a religious vow or obligation, E. दृढ, and व्रत a vow.
- दृढसन्धि :: mfn. (-न्धिः -न्थिः -न्धि) 1. Strong knit, well fixed or compact, (the person, &c.) 2. Close, compact, free from interstices. 3. Closely connected or allied. E. दृढ firm, and सन्धि union, a joint, &c.
- दृढसूत्रिका :: f. (-का) A plant from the fibres of which bow strings are made: see सूर्व्वा . E. दृढ firm, and सूत्र a thread, a fibre, affix क ।
- दृढसौहृद :: mfn. (-दः -दी -दं) Firm in friendship, constant. E. दृढ, and सौहृद friendship.
- दृढस्कन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) A plant, a sort of Mimusops: see क्षीरिका . E. दृढ firm, and स्कन्ध stem.
- दृढाङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गी-ङ्गं) Firm-bodied, hard, strong. n. (-ङ्गं) A dia- mond. E. दृढ, and अङ्ग body.
- दृढार्त्ति :: f. (-र्त्तिः) 1. The end of a bow. 2. Great pain. E. दृढ, and आर्त्ति end of a bow, &c.
- दृढाभक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) A faithful mistress or wife. E. दृढा fem. form, and भक्ति attachment.
- दृढायुध :: m. (-धः) A hero, one firm in battle. E. दृढ, and आयुध war.
- दृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Respected, honoured. f. (-ता) Cumin. E. दृ to res- pect, affix क्त .
- दृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. A bellows. 2. A fish. 3. A skin of leather, or a leather bag for holding water. 4. Skin, hide. E. दृ to divide, क्तिन् aff.
- दृतिधारक :: m. (-कः) A plant, commonly Acanpātā. E. दृति a bellows, and धारक having; having leaved compared to a leather bellows.
- दृतिहरि :: m. (-रिः) A dog. E. दृति here said to mean skin in general, and हरि who steals, from हृ with इन् aff.
- दृतिहार :: m. (-रः) A carrier of skins or bags, a water carrier, &c. E. दृति, and हृ to take, अण् aff.
- दृन्भू :: m. (-न्भूः) 1. The thunderbolt. 2. The sun. f. (-न्भूः) 1. A snake in general. 2. A wheel. E. दृभ् to fear, Unadi affix कू, क्विप् and नुम् inserted; न being optionally changed to म, before भ, the word is also read दृम्भू ।
- दृप :: r. 4th cl. (ञि ईर ऊ) ञि ईरदृपू (दृप्यति) 1. To be glad, to rejoice. 2. To be arrogant. to be vain or proud. r. 6th cl. (दृपति) To pain, to inflict pain, to torture. r. 1st and 10th cls. (दर्पति दर्पयति-ते) To light, to kindle or inflame. हर्षे गर्वे च अक० दिवा० वेट् । तुदा० पर० सक० सेट्० । भ्वा० पर० । चुरा० उभ० ।
- दृप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Proud, arrogant. E. दृप् to be proud, affix क्त .
- दृप्यत् :: mfn. (-प्यन् -प्यती -प्यत्) Being proud or arrogant. E. दृप् to be proud, शतृ aff.
- दृप्र :: mfn. (-प्रः -प्रा -प्रं) 1. Strong, powerful. 2. Proud, arrogant. E. दृप् to be proud Unadi affix रक् ।
- दृफ :: r. 6th cl. (दृम्फति) To pain, to hurt. तुदा० मुचादि० अक० पर० सेट् ।
- दृब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) 1. Strung, tied. 2. Afraid, frightened. 3. Pained, tortured. E. दृभ् to pain, to string, affix कर्मणि कर्त्तरि वा क्त ।
- दृभ (ई) दृभी :: r. 6th cl. (दृभति) 1. To string, to arrange. 2. To give pain. r. 1st and 10th cls. (दर्भति दर्भयति-ते) To fear, to be afraid. तुदा० पर० सक० सेट् । भ्वा० पर० अक० । चुरा० उभ० ।
- दृम्प :: r. 6th cl. (दृम्पति) To inflict pain, to torture. तुदा० पर० अक० सेट् ।
- दृम्फ :: r. 6th cl. (दृम्फति) To pain, to torture. तुदा० पर० अक० सेट् ।
- दृम्फू :: f. (-म्फूः) A snake, in general. E. दृम्फ to give pain, affix कूः see दृन्भू ।
- दृम्भू :: f. (-म्भूः) A snake, &c.: see दृन्भू ।
- दृश (औ ईर) औदृशीर :: r. 1st cl. (पश्यति) To see. With उत् prefixed, 1. To see, to observe. 2. To anticipate, to foresee. 3. To doubt, to think doubtingly. भ्वा० पर० सक० अनिट् ।
- दृश् :: mfn. (दृक्) 1. A seer, a looker. 2. Wise, possessed of knowledge f. (-दृक्) 1. The eye. 2. Sight, seeing. E. दृश् to see, affix क्विप्ः also दृशा and दृशि, &c.
- दृशद् :: f. (-शद्-शत्) 1. A stone, a rock. 2. A flat stone for grinding condiments upon. E. दॄ to divide, Unadi affix अदि, augment षुक्, and ष changed to श; the crude form may also be दृषत् or दृषद्, &c.
- दृशद्वती :: f. (-ती) 1. The name of a river which forms the eastern bound- ary of the Āryāvarta or holy land of the Hindus, running on the north-east of Delhi. 2. A name of the goddess DURGĀ. E. दृशद् a stone or rock, and मतुप् poss. aff.
- दृशा :: f. (-शा) The eye. E. See दृश, टाप् being here added.
- दृशाकाङ्क्ष्य :: n. (-ङ्क्ष्यं) A lotus, or rather a kind of nelumbium. E. दृश् the eye, काङ्क्ष्य to desire, with आङ् prefix, and यत् affix; desirable as an object of comparison to the eye.
- दृशान :: n. (-नं) Light. m. (-नः) 1. The name of an Asura; also VIROCHANA 2. A holy or spiritual teacher. 3. A king, a ruler, a protector or cherisher of the world. 4. A Brāmhan. E. दृश् to see, आनच् Unādi affix; by whom or which, sight, &c. is enjoyed.
- दृशि :: f. (-शिः or -शी) The eye. 2. A Sāstra. E. दृश् to see, affix कि, ङीष् is optionally added.
- दृशोपम :: n. (-मं) The white lotus, (Nelumbium speciosum.) E. दृशा the eye, उपमा resemblance; what resembles the eye.
- दृश्य :: mfn. (-श्यः -श्या -श्यं) 1. Visible, to be seen. 2. Beautiful, pleasing. m. (-श्यः) (In Arithmetic,) A given quantity or number. E. दृश् to see, क्यप् aff.
- दृश्यत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Vision, sight. E. त्व added to the last.
- दृषद् :: f. (-पद् or -षत्) 1. A stone or rock. 2. A flat stone or plate on which spices, &c. are ground. E. दॄ to divide, Unadi affix अदि, and षुक् augment; also दृशद् .
- दृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Seen, visible, apparent. n. (-ष्टं) Obvious danger or calamity. E. दृश् to see, affix क्त ।
- दृष्टकूट :: n. (-टं) A riddle, an enigma. E. दृष्ट seen, कूट trick.
- दृष्टदोष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Found out, exposed detected. E. दृष्ट, and दोष fault.
- दृष्टरजस् :: f. (-जाः) A girl arrived at puberty. E. दृष्ट seen, (by whom,) and रजस् the menstrual discharge.
- दृष्टवन् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Seeing, beholding, having seen. E. दृश् to see, क्तवतु aff.
- दृष्टान्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. A science, a Sāstra. 2. An example, an illustration. 3. Death, dying. E. दृष्ट obvious or seen, and अन्त end.
- दृष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) 1. The eye. 2. Sight, seeing. 3. Knowledge, wisdom. 4. The sight of the eye, the pupil. 5. Aspect, (of the stars.) E. दृश् to see, affix भावे क्तिन् .
- दृष्टिकृत् :: n. (-कृत्) A flower, (Hibiscus mutabilis.) E. दृष्टि the eye, कृ to make, affix क्विप् and तुक् added; also with क्त affix दृष्टिकृत n. (-तं) दृष्टिं करोति ।
- दृष्टिगुण :: m. (-णः) A butt, a mark for archers, &c. E. दृष्टि the eye, and गुण object.
- दृष्टिनिपात :: m. (-तः) A look, a look at or on. E. दृष्टि, and निपात alighting.
- दृष्टिपात :: m. (-तः) A look, a glance. E. दृष्टि, and पात falling.
- दृष्टिपूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Kept pure by the sight, i. e. watched, that no impropriety is committed, or impurity contracted. E. दृष्टि, and पूत purified.
- दृष्टिबन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) A fire-fly. E. दृष्टि sight, and बन्धु a friend.
- दृष्टिविक्षेप :: m. (-पः) A leer, a side glance. E. दृष्टि the eye, विक्षेप casting.
- दृष्टिविष :: m. (-षः) A snake. E. दृष्टि, and विष poison, venomous in his look.
- दृष्ट्वा :: ind. Having seen. E. दृश् to see, क्त्रा aff.
- दृह :: r. 1st cl. (दर्हति) also (इ) दृहि r. 1st cl. (दृंहति) To grow, to increase, to prosper. भ्वा० पर० अक० सेट् ।
- दृहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Grown, increased, thriven. E. दृह् to grow, affix क्त with इट् inserted; also from दृहि, दृंहित ।
- दॄ :: r. 9th cl. (दृणाति) To tear, to rend, to divide or pull to pieces. r. 1st cl. (दरति) To fear, to dread. क्या-प्वा० पर० अक० सेट् । भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् । दिवा० पर० सक० सेट् । दीर्य्यति ।
- दे (ङ) देङ् :: r. 1st cl. (दयते) To preserve, to cherish or protect. भ्वा० आ० सक० अनिट् ।
- देदीप्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Shining repeatedly or intensely, glowing, blazing. E. दोप to kindle, intense, form, शानच् aff.
- देय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To given, fit or proper for a gift. E. दा to give, कर्मणि यत् affix, and the vowel changed.
- देव (ऋ) देवृ :: r. 1st cl. (देवते) To sport or play. भ्वा० आ० अक० सेट् ।
- देव :: m. (-वः) 1. A deity, a god. 2. A king, in poetical language. 3. A husbands's brother: see देवृ . 4. A cloud. 5. A fool, a dolt. 6. A child. 7. A man following any particular line or business. 8. A spear-man, a lancer. 9. Emulation, wish to excel or overcome. 10. Sport, play. 11. A term or surname applicable to a Bramhan; also to a man of the kayestha class. n. (-वं) An organ of sense. f. (-वी) 1. A flower, (Hibiscus mutabilis.) 2. A plant, (Marsilea quadrifolia.) f. (-वी) 1. A goddess, the wife of any deity of divine being. 2. A name very commonly applied to the goddess DURGĀ. 3. A queen, one who has been consecrated as well as the king, (in the theatrical language chiefly.) 4. A respectful epithet or title applied to a woman of the first class. 5. Worship, reverence. 6. A plant, (Trigonella corniculata.) 7. Another plant: see मूर्व्वा . E. दिव् to play, (in heaven, &c.) affix अच्, fem. affix टाप् or ङीष् ।
- देवक :: mfn. (-कः -का -की-कं) 1. Who or what sports or plays. 2. Divine, celestial, like a deity. m. (-कः) A proper name, the maternal grandfather of KRISHNA. E. दिव् to play, ण्वुल् affix; or देव, and कन् aff.
- देवकर्दम :: m. (-मः) A fragrant paste of sandal, agallochum, camphor, and safflower. E. देव, and कर्दम mud.
- देवकात्मजा :: f. (-जा) The mother of KRISHNA. E. देवक as above, and आत्मजा daughter.
- देवकार्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Worship of, or oblations to the gods. E. देव,, and कार्य्य business.
- देवकाष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) A kind of pine: (Pinus devadaru.) E. देव divine, and काष्ठ wood.
- देवकिरी :: f. (-री) One of the female personifications of the modes of music.
- देवकी :: f. (-की) DEVAKĪ, the daughter of DEVAKA, wife of VĀSUDEVA, and mother of KRISHNA. E. देवक, अञ् patronymic affix, fem. affix ङीष्; also with the vowel changed by the affix, दैवकी .
- देवकीनन्दन :: m. (-नः) A name of KRISHNA. E. देवकी as above, and नन्दन a son.
- देवकीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Divine, belonging or relating to a divinity. E. देव, and छ aff.
- देवकीसूनु :: m. (-नुः) The deity KRISHNA. E. देवकी as above, and सूनु a son; also similar compounds, as देवकीनन्दन, and देवकीपुत्र ।
- देवकुण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) A natural spring. E. देव, and कुण्ड a well.
- देवकुल :: n. (-लं) A temple. E. देव a god, and कुल a house.
- देवकुसुम :: n. (-मं) Cloves. E. देव a deity, and कुसुम a flower fit for a deity.
- देवखात :: n. (-तं) 1. A cave or hollow a midst mountains. 2. A natural pond or reservoir. E. देव a deity, and खात dug; not the work of men.
- देवखातक :: mn. (-कः-कं) 1. A natural pond or one in front of a temple. 2. A natural cavern, a grotto. E. देव a deity, खात dug, and कन् affix; dug by divine hands, or in honour of a god.
- देवखातविल :: n. (-लं) A cavern, a chasm. E. देवखात, and विल a hole.
- देवगान्धारी :: f. (-री) One of the Rāginis, or female personification of the modes of music.
- देवगायन :: m. (-नः) A Gandharba, a celestial quirister. E. देव a god, and गायन a singer.
- देवगिरी :: f. (-री) One of the female personifications of the modes of music.
- देवगुरु :: m. (-रुः) A name of VRIHASPATI. E. देव, and गुरु teacher; the preceptor of the gods.
- देवगृह :: n. (-हं) 1. A celestial or planetary sphere, the dwelling of the gods. 2. A temple. E. देव, and गृह house.
- देवचिकित्सक :: m. du. (-कौ) The two sons of ASWINĪ, and physicians of heaven. E. देव a god, and चिकित्सक a physician.
- देवच्छन्द :: m. (-न्दः) A garland or necklace of pearls, &c. composed of 100 strings. E. देव a deity, and छदि to cover, affix घञ् ।
- देवजग्ध :: n. (-ग्धं) A fragrant grass. E. देव a deity, and जग्ध eaten.
- देवजग्धक :: n. (-कं) A fragrant grass. E. कन् pleonastic, added to the preceding.
- देवट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) An artist, an artisan. E. दिव् to sport, अटन् Unādi aff.
- देवट्टी :: f. (-ट्टी) A sort of gull, (Larus ridibundus.) गङ्गाचिल्ल्याम् ।
- देवतरु :: m. (-रुः) The holy fig tree. 2. A tree of Swarga or paradise, the Mandāra tree. 3. The tree of plenty. 4. Any venerable and ancient tree: usually the place of assembling in a village. E. देव a deity, and तरु a tree.
- देवता :: f. (-ता) 1. A god, a deity or divine being. 2. Divinity; see देवत्व . E. देव divine, स्वार्थे तल् affix of the abstract: in the first case, अन् added; of whom the attribute is divinity.
- देवतागार :: m. (-रः) A temple. E. देवता, and आगार a house.
- देवताड :: m. (-डः) 1. A kind of grass, (Andropogon serratus.) 2. A name of Rāhu, the personified ascending node. 3. A name or fire. 4. A sort of creeper: see घोषक . E. देव a deity, &c. तड् to torment, affix अण् .
- देवताडक :: m. (-कः) A grass: see the preceding. E. कन् added to देवताड ।
- देवताधिप :: m. (-पः) A name of INDRA. E. देवता a deity, अधिप ruler or chief.
- देवताभ्यर्च्चन :: n. (-नं) Worshipping an idol. E. देवता, and अभ्यर्च्चन wor- shipping.
- देवतायतन :: n. (-नं) A temple. E. देवता, and आयतन dwelling.
- देवतीर्थ :: n. (-र्थं) The part of the hand sacred to the gods, the tips of the fingers. E. देव, and तीर्थ a shrine.
- देवत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Divinity, the abstract attribute of divine being. 2. Identification with a deity, deification. E. देव a deity, and त्व abs- tract affix; also with तल् देवता ।
- देवदत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Given by the gods, god-given. m. (-त्तः) 1. The younger brother of Buddha. 2. The conch of ARJUNA. 3. One of the vital airs that which is exhaled in yawning E. देव a deity, and दत्त given; the name is often used in gram- matical and other examples, in the place of some one, a certain person, &c.
- देवदत्ताग्रज :: m. (-जः) A name of Buddha. E. देवदत्त as above, and अग्रज elder born.
- देवदानी :: f. (-नी) A sort of creeper, commonly Hātighoshā. E. देव a deity, and दान a gift, भावे ल्युठ् । fem. affix ङीष् ।
- देवदारु :: mn. (-रुः-रु) A species of pine, (Pinus devadaru;) in Bengal it is usually applied to the Uvaria longifolia, and in the Peninsula to another tree, (Erythroxylon sideroxylloides.) E. देव a deity, and दारु timber.
- देवदासी :: f. (-सी) A courtezan, especially one employed as a dancer, &c. in a temple. E. देव a deity, and दासी a female slave.
- देवदीप :: m. (-पः) An eye. E. देव an organ of sense, and दीप a lamp.
- देवदूती :: f. (-ती) 1. A female messenger of the gods. 2. A sort of plant; also मधुकुक्कुटी . E. देव, and दूती a messenger.
- देवदेव :: m. (-वः) 1. A name of BRAMHĀ. 2. A name of SIVA. E. देव god, repeated; god of gods.
- देवद्रोणी :: f. (-णी) The procession of a deity or idol. E. देव a deity, द्रुण्, to go, affixes घञ् and ङीप् ।
- देवद्र्यञ्च् :: mfn. (-द्र्यङ् -द्रीची -द्र्यक्) Approaching or adoring a deity. E. देव an idol, अञ्च् to go to or to worship, affix क्विप्, and द्रि inserted.
- देवधान्य :: n. (-न्यं) A sort of grain cultivated in many parts of Hindustan, (Andropogon saccharatus.) E. देव a deity, and धान्य corn.
- देवधूप :: m. (-पः) A fragrant resin, (Bdellium,) used in the incense. E. देव a deity, and धूप incense.
- देवन् :: m. (-वा) A husband's brother. E. दिव् to play. अन् Unādi aff.
- देवन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sport, play, pastime, &c. 2. Emulation, desire to excel or overcome. 3. Affair, business, profession. 4. Gaming. 5. Splen- dour, lustre, beauty. 6. Light. 7. Praise. 8. Motion. 9. Grief, sorrow. 10. A garden, a play or pleasure ground. 11. A lotus. m. (-नः) A die or dice. f. (-ना) 1. Service. 2. Sport, wanton sport or pastime. E. दिव् to play, &c. affix ल्युट्, or युच्, fem. aff टाप् ।
- देवनन्दिन् :: m. (-न्दी) One of INDRA'S doorkeepers. E. देव a deity, and नन्दिन् who pleases.
- देवनल :: m. (-लः) A kind of reed, (Arundo bengalensis) E. देव, and नल a reed; also read देवनाल ।
- देवनारक :: m. (-कः) A superhuman being, also देवनामक ।
- देवनिकाय :: m. (-यः) A heaven, a paradise, the residence of a divinity. E. देव, and निकाय abode.
- देवनिन्दक :: m. (-कः) A heretic, an unbeliever, a reviler of the gods. E. देव, and निन्दक a calumniator.
- देवनिन्दा :: f. (-न्दा) Heresy. atheism. E. देव, and निन्दा abuse.
- देवनिर्मित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Natural, created. E. देव, and निर्मित made by.
- देवपति :: m. (-तिः) A name of INDRA. E. देव a deity, and पति master.
- देवपत्नी :: f. (-त्नी) 1. The wife of a deity. 2. Sweet potato. E. देव a deity, &c. and पत्नी wife.
- देवपथ :: f. (-थः) Heaven, the firmament, the celestial path or way. E. देव a deity, and पथिन् a road, final affix अ ।
- देवपद :: n. (-दं) The royal presence. E. देव, and पद for पाद a foot; also देवपाद ।
- देवपर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Addicted to play. 2. Future, what will be, (predestined, &c.) see दैवपर ।
- देवपशु :: m. (-शुः) An animal consecrated to a deity. E. देव, and पशु an animal.
- देवपुत्त्री :: f. (-त्त्री) A medicinal plant: see पृक्का . E. देव a deity, and पुत्त्री a daughter.
- देवपुर :: f. (-पूः) The capital of INDRA. E. देव a god, and पुर् a city.
- देवप्रतिमा :: f. (-मा) An idol. E. देव, and प्रतिमा image.
- देवप्रश्न :: n. (-श्नं) Astrology, consulting the stars or gods. E. देव a deity, and प्रश्न asking.
- देवबल्लभ :: m. (-भः) A tree used in dying, (Rottleria tinctoria, Rox.) See पुन्नाम . E. देव a deity, and बल्लभ a friend.
- देवब्रह्मन् :: m. (-ह्मा) A name of the Muni NĀRADA. E. देव a deity, ब्रह्मन् BRAMHĀ; BRAMHĀ amongst the saints and demigods.
- देवब्राह्मण :: m. (-णः) A venerable Brahman, one esteemed by deities. E. देव, and ब्राह्मण a Brahman or देवपूजकः ब्राह्यणः । देवले ।
- देवभवन :: n. (-नं) 1. The holy fig tree. 2. Paradise. 3. A temple. E. देव a deity, and भवन a dwelling.
- देवभाज् :: mfn. (-क् or -ग्) Belonging to a god. E. देब, and भाज् what has.
- देवभू :: m. (-भूः) 1. A deity. 2. Swarga or paradise. E. देव divine, and भू being.
- देवभूति :: f. (-तिः) The Ganges of heaven. E. देव a deity, and भूति being, abiding. देवानामैश्वर्य्येच ।
- देवभूय :: n. (-यं) 1. Divinity, godhead. 2. Inferior deification or identifica- tion with a deity. E. देव a deity, and भूय being, becoming.
- देवमञ्जर :: n. (-रं) The jewel of KRISHNA suspended on his breast.
- देवमणि :: m. (-णिः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. The jewel of KRISHNA. 3. A twist of hair on a horse's neck. E. देव a deity, मणि a jewel.
- देवमातृ :: f. (-ता) A name of ADITI. E. देव, and मातृ a mother; the mother of gods.
- देवमातृक :: mfn. (-कः -का -की-कं) Watered by rain, (corn, land, &c.) E. देव a cloud, मातृ a mother, and कप् affix; cherished by the clouds as by a parent.
- देवमानक :: m. (-कः) The jewel worn by KRISHNA: see कौस्तुभ . E. देव a deity, मान respect, affix कन् . or कप्
- देवमास :: m. (-सः) The eighth month of pregnancy; also देवमासक . E. देव divine, and मास a month.
- देवयज् :: m. (-यक्) A worshipper of the gods. E. देव, and यज् to worship, क्विप् aff.
- देवयजि :: m. (-जिः) 1. A worshipper of the gods. 2. A Muni. E. देव, and यजि who worships. देवं यजते यज्-इन् .
- देवयज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) The Homa or burnt sacrifice. E. देव, and यज्ञ sacrifice; the sacrifice appropriated to the gods.
- देवयात्रा :: f. (-त्रा) The procession of a deity or idol, or sacred festival when the images are carried in procession. E. देव a god, and यात्रा going. देवानां यात्रा ।
- देवयान :: n. (-नं) The car or vehicle of god. f. (-नी) The daughter of SUKRA. E. देव a deity, and यान going. यायते अनेन या-करणे ल्युट् ।
- देवयितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Sporting, playing. E. देव to play, शतृ aff.
- देवयु :: mfn. (-युः -युः -यु) 1. Pious, righteous, virtuous. 2. Frequenting holy festivals. m. (-युः) A deity. E. देव a deity, या to go, Unadi affix कु ।
- देवयोनि :: m. (-निः) A superhuman being, a demon or demigod. E. देव a deity, and योनि place of production.
- देवर :: m. (-रः) A husband's brother, especially his younger brother. E. देव् to play, &c. affix अरच् । दीव्यते अनेन दिव-करणे अरच् ।
- देवरथ :: m. (-थः) The car or vehicle of a deity. E. देव a deity, and रथ a carriage.
- देवराज :: m. (-जः) INDRA. E. देव a deity, राजन् a king, and टच् aff.
- देवरात :: m. (-तः) 1. A sort of crane. 2. The name of a king; also Parikshit.
- देवरूपिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिणी -पि) Godlike, of divine form. E. देव, and रूप form. इनि aff.
- देवर्षि :: m. (-र्षिः) A Rishi, a saint of the celestial class, as NĀRADA, ATRI, MARĪCHĪ, BHARADWĀJA, PULASTYA, PULAHA, KRATU, BHRIGU, VASISHTHA, PRACHETAS; also BHARATA, TUMBURU, KANĀDA, and others. E. देव divine, and ऋषि a saint: see ऋषि, and राजर्षि ।
- देवल :: m. (-लः) 1. An attendant upon an idol; a Brahman of an inferior order, who subsists upon the offerings made to the images which he attends, and who conducts the ceremonies of all sorts of people for hire. 2. A Muni; according to some authorities, a name of NĀ- RADA; to others, of a different saint, who is also a legislator, the son of ASITA and also named ASHTĀVAKRA. 3. A husband's bro- ther: see देवर . 4. A holy or virtuous man. E. देव a deity, ला to bring, and क aff. or देव-कलच् ।
- देवलक :: m. (-कः) The attendant on an idol: see the preceding. E. कन् added to देवल ।
- देवलता :: f. (-ता) Double jasmine. E. देव divine, and लता a creeper.
- देवलोक :: m. (-कः) 1. Heaven or paradise. 2. Any one of the seven superior worlds, from earth to the highest or Satya loka, in op- position to those below the earth. 3. The particular sphere or heaven of any divinity. E. देव, and लोक a world.
- देववक्त्र :: m. (-क्त्रः) Fire or its deity AGNI. E. देव a deity, and वक्त्र a face, here implying, mouth; the mouth of the gods, eating or con- suming the oblations made to them.
- देववल्लभ :: m. (-भः) A tree: see पुन्नाग ।
- देववर :: m. (-रः) A superior or supreme deity. n. (-रं) A divine boon or blessing. E. देव, and वर best.
- देववर्द्धकि :: m. (-किः) A name of VIŚWAKARMĀ, the divine architect. E. देव a deity, वर्द्धकि a carpenter.
- देववृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. A tree, (Echites scholaris.) 2. A tree of heaven or paradise. 3. A plant yielding a fragrant resin, (Bdellium.) E. देव a god, वृक्ष a tree.
- देवव्रत :: m. (-तः) 1. A worshipper of the gods. 2. A name of BHĪSHMA. n. (-तं) Any obligation or vow of a deity. E. देव a deity, and व्रत religious obligation.
- देवश्रुत :: m. (-तः) A god. 2. A sacred treatise or branch of scripture. 3. A name of NĀRADA. E. देव divine, and श्रुत heard.
- देवसभा :: f. (-भा) An assembly of the gods. E. देव a deity, and सभा assembly.
- देवसभ्य :: m. (-भ्यः) 1. A player, a gambler, a frequenter of clubs or assem- blies. 2. An attendant on a deity. E. देव sport in general, or gam- bling, सभा an assembly, and यत् aff.
- देवसन्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Divine, relating to a deity. E. देव, and सन्ध con- nected.
- देवसहा :: f. (-हा) A small shrub: see सहदेवा . E. देव a deity, सह् to bear, affixes टाप् and अञ् ।
- देवसात् :: ind. In or on a deity, becoming as a deity, appropriate or offer- ed to one. E. देव, and साति aff.
- देवसायुज्य :: n. (-ज्यं) 1. Inferior deification, the state or being of the infe- rior gods. 2. Absorption into or identification with a deity. E. देव a god, स with युज् to join or be joined, affix क्विप्, देवसयुज् junc- tion with a deity, ष्यञ् added, implying the state or condition.
- देवसृष्टा :: f. (-ष्टा) Spirituous liquor. E. देव, and सृष्ट created, made by the gods.
- देवसेना :: f. (-ना) 1. The daughter of INDRA. 2. An army or host of celes- tials. E. देव Indra or any deity, and सेना an army.
- देवसेनापति :: m. (-तिः) A name of SKANDA. E. देवसेना as above, and पति ruler; commander of the hosts of heaven.
- देवस्व :: n. (-स्वं) The property applicable to religious purpose, endowment, &c. E. देव divine, and स्व wealth.
- देवाजीव :: m. (-वः) An attendant upon an idol, a low Brahman, subsist- ing by attendance upon an image, and upon the offerings made to it. E. देव a deity, and आजीव who gets a livelihood; also इनि added देवाजीविन् m. (-वी .)
- देवात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) 1. One with or identified with a deity. 2. Belonging to a deity, consecrated, sacred. m. (-त्मा) The holy, fig tree, (Ficus religiosa.) E. देव, and आत्मन् the self or soul.
- देवानाम्प्रिय :: m. (-यः) 1. A goat. 2. An ascetic, one who relinquishes or abandons the world. 3. A fool, an ideot. E. देव in the second case plural, and प्रिय beloved; the beloved of the gods.
- देवान्न :: n. (-न्नं) Rice or food that has been first presented to an idol. E. देव, and अन्न food.
- देवापि :: m. (-पिः) The son of PRATĪPA, supposed to be still alive, near the Sumeru mountain.
- देवाभीष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Sacred, dedicated to a deity. f. (-ष्टा) Betel, (Piper betel.) E. देव, and अभीष्ट wished.
- देवायतन :: n. (-नं) A temple. E. देव, and आयतन abode.
- देवायुध :: n. (-धं) The rainbow. E. देव, and आयुध a weapon.
- देवालय :: n. (-यं) 1. A division of heaven, the residence of the gods. 2. A temple. E. देव, and आलय an asylum.
- देवाला :: f. (-ला) One of the female personifications of the modes of music. E. देव a deity, and अल adopted to, fem. affix टाप् ।
- देवार्ह :: mfn. (-र्हः -र्हा -र्हं) Divine, worthy of the gods. E. देव, and अर्ह fit for.
- देवावास :: m. (-सः) 1. A temple. 2. The holy fig tree. E. देव a deity, and आवास abode.
- देवाश्व :: m. (-श्वः) The horse of INDRA. E. देव a deity, and अश्व a horse.
- देविक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Appertaining to or derived from a deity. E. देव, and ठन् affix; also देविय and देविल ।
- देविका :: f. (-का) The name of a river, the Saraju or Deva. E. देवी, and कन् affix, fem form.
- देविल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Virtuous, pious, just. 2. Appertaining to a deity: see देविक . E. देव, and इलच् Unādi aff.
- देवी :: f. (-वी) See देव ।
- देवीकोट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः) A town, the city of VĀNA, probably DEVICOTTA, on the Coromandel coast. E. देवी a name of DURGA, and कोट्ट a house or abode.
- देवृ :: m. (-वा) 1. A husbands's brother, but especially his younger brother. 2. The husband of a woman previously married. E. दिव् to play, Unādi affix ऋण् .
- देवेज्य :: m. (-ज्यः) A name of VRIHASPATI. E. देव a deity, and इज्य a tea- cher, the Guru or spiritual preceptor of the gods.
- देवेष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Acceptable to the gods, wished for by them E. देव, and इष्ट wished.
- देवोद्यान :: n. (-नं) A sacred grove, one near a temple or consecrated to a deity. E. देव a deity, and, उद्यान a garden.
- देश :: m. (-शः) 1. A country, a region, whether inhabited or uninhabited. 2. A part, a portion. 3. Institute, ordinance. E. दिश् to point, to show, affix घञ् ।
- देशक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what shows, points out, describes, &c. m. (-कः) 1. A ruler, a governor. 2. A guide. 2. An instructor. E. दिश to command, affix ण्वुल् ।
- देशकारी :: f. (-री) A mode of music, a Rāgini.
- देशकालविद् :: mfn. (-विद्) Knowing what is suited to time and place. E. देश, काल time, and विद् who knows.
- देशकालव्यवस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Regulated by time and place. E. देश, and काल time, व्यवस्थित determined.
- देशदृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Considered locally, judged as to place, E. देश, and दृष्ट seen.
- देशधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) Local law, the law of usage of the country, E. देश, and धर्म्म moral merit.
- देशरूप :: n. (-पं) Propriety, fitness. E. देश ordinance, रूप form, essence.
- देशव्यवहार :: m. (-रः) Local usage, custom of the country. E. देश, and व्यवहार practice.
- देशान्तर :: n. (-रं) 1. foreign country. 2. Longitude or difference of long- itude. E. देश, and अन्तर different.
- देशापेक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Spying, searching out a land. E. देश, and अपेक्ष who inspects.
- देशिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A traveller, a stranger, a so-journer. 2. A Guru or spiritual teacher. E. देश a country, &c. ठक् aff.
- देशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Directed, commanded. 2. Shown. 3. Advised, instructed. E. दिश् to show, and क्त affix, with इट् inserted.
- देशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) 1. Of or belonging to a country. 2. Showing, instructing, guiding. f. (-नी) The index or fore-finger. E. दिश् to show, affix णिनि or देश्, and इनि aff.
- देश्य :: mfn. (-श्यः -श्या -श्यं) 1. What is proper to be proved or ordered. 2. Local. 3. Present at any transaction, on the spot. n. (-श्यं) 1. The postulate, the statement or exhibition of a question or argu- ment. 2. The fact or charge to be proved or substantiated. m. (-श्यं) An eyewitness of any thing, one who was on the spot. E. दिश् to show or command, affix ण्यत्; or देश, and यत् aff.
- देष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) 1. Difficult of subjection, untamable, intract- able, ungovernable, Liberal in giving, a donor. m. (-ष्णुः) A wash- erman. E. दा to give, &c. इष्णुच् Unadi affix.
- देह :: mn. (-हः-हं) The body. E. दिह to collect together, affix घञ् ।
- देहकोष :: m. (-षः) 1. The skin. 2. A feather, a wing. E. देह body, and कोष a sheath or covering.
- देहक्षय :: m. (-यः) Disease, sickness. E. देह the body, and क्षय a wasting.
- देहच्युत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Separated or detached from the body, (as excre- ment or the spirit, &c.) E. देह, and च्युत fallen.
- देहत्याग :: m. (-गः) 1. Voluntary death. 2. Death in general. E. देह, and त्याग leaving.
- देहद :: m. (-दः) Quicksilver. E. देह, and द what gives.
- देहधारक :: n. (-कं) A bone. E. देह the body, and धारक sustainer.
- देहधि :: m. (-धिः) A wing. E. देह the body, धा to have, and कि aff.
- देहधृज् :: m. (-धृक्) Air, wind. E. देह the body, धृज् to pervade, क्विप् aff.
- देहभृत् :: mfn. (-भृत्) 1. Living-being. 2. Embodied, corporeal. m. (-त्) Life, vitality. E. देह the body, भृत् what has or supports.
- देहयात्रा :: f. (-त्रा) 1. Death, dying. 2. Food. E. देह the body, यात्रा proceeding, (to or by which.)
- देहला :: f. (-ला) Spirituous liquor. E. देह the body, ला to seize, affix उ, and टाप् ।
- देहलि :: f. (-लिः or ली) 1. The threshold of a door, the lower past of the wooden frame of a door, or a raised terrace in front of it. E. देह here said to imply plastering of cow-dung, &c. ला to have or get, affix कि or क, and ङीष् ।
- देहसार :: m. (-रः) Marrow. E. देह, and सार essence.
- देहवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Corporeal, inhabiting a body. E. देह, and मतुप् aff.
- देहात्मवादिन् :: m. (-दी) A Chārvāka, a materialist. देह, and आत्मन् the soul, and वादिन् who maintains; asserting that the body and soul are one.
- देहावरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Armour. 2. Dress. E. देह, and आवरण screening.
- देहिका :: f. (-का) A sort of insect, (a flea.) E. देह the body, affix ठन्, and ठाप् ।
- देहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिनी -हि) 1. Corporeal, embodied, having body. 2. Living, a living being. m. (-ही) The spirit. E. देह, and इनि aff.
- दै (प) दैप् :: r. 1st cl. (दायति) To purify or cleanse.
- दैतेय :: m. (-यः) A demon, an Asur, the Titan or giant of Hindu mytho- logy. E. दिति the mother of the giants, and ढक् affix of descent.
- दैत्य :: m. (-त्यः) A Daitya or demon: see the preceding. f. (-त्या) 1. A perfume, commonly Mura. 2. A drug: see चण्डा . 3. Spirituous liquor. 4. The wife of a demon. E. दिति, and ण्य aff.
- दैत्यगुरु :: m. (-रुः) A name of SUKRA, regent of Venus. E. दैत्य, and गुरु a teacher; the spiritual preceptor of the Daityas, or Titans.
- दैत्यदेव :: m. (-वः) 1. A name of VARUNA, deity of the waters. 2. Air or wind personified. E. दैत्य a demon, and देव a god.
- दैत्यपुरोधस् :: m. (-धाः) A name of SUKRA. E. दैत्य, and पुरोधस् a family priest: see दैत्यगुरु ।
- दैत्यपुरोहित :: m. (-तः) A name of SUKRA, regent of Venus. E. दैत्य, and पुरोहित a family priest.
- दैत्यमातृ :: f. (-ता) A name of DITI, the mother of the Titanic race of Daityas. E. दैत्य, and मातृ a mother.
- दैत्यमेदजा :: f. (-जा) the earth. E. दैत्य, मेद marrow, ज born.
- दैत्ययुग :: m. (-गः) An age of the demons, consisting of 12,000 divine
years, or the sum the four Yugs or ages of men. E. दैत्य a demon, and युग an age.
- दैत्यारि :: m. (-रिः) 1. A name of VISHNU. 2. a deity in general. E. दैत्य, and अरि a foe; the enemy of the Daityas.
- दैत्याहोरात्र :: m. (-त्रः) A day and night of demons, being a year of mortals. E. दैत्य a demon, अहन् a day, and रात्रि a night.
- दैन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Diurnal, daily, relating to a day. n. (-नं) Poverty, wretchedness. E. दीन or दिन and अण् aff.
- दैनन्दिन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Diurnal, quotidian. E. दिनदिन day by day अण् aff.
- दैनन्दिनप्रलय :: m. (-यः) Destruction of the world after fifteen years of BRAMHA'S age. E. दैनन्दिन, and प्रलय destruction.
- दैनार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Bought with a Dinar, of the value of one, &c. E. दीनार, and अण् aff.
- दैनिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Diurnal, of or relating to a day. f. (-की) A day's hire wages. E. दिन a day, affix ठञ् ।
- दैन्य :: n. (-न्यं) 1. Meanness, covetousness. 2. Poverty, humbleness. E. दीन a pauper, &c. ष्यञ् aff.
- दैप :: mfn. (-पः -पी -पं) Relating or belonging to a lamp. E. दीप, and अण् aff.
- दैर्घ्य :: n. (-र्घ्यं) Length. E. दीर्घ long, ष्यञ् aff.
- दैव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Of or relating to divinity or a deity, divine, celestial, &c. mn. (-वः-वं) Destiny, fate, fortune. n. (-वं) 1. The part of the hand sacred to the gods; the tips of the fingers, (some exclude the thumbs.) 2. One of the forms of marriage; the gift of a daughter at a sacrifice to the officiating priest. f. (-वी) a division of medicine, the medical use of charms, &c. E. देव a deity, and अण् affix of reference or relation.
- दैवकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Burnt-offering, oblations to the gods. E. दैव, and कर्म्म rite.
- दैवकी :: f. (-की) The mother of KRISHNA. E. दैवक father of the lady, affix of descend अण्, fem. affix ङीष्ः see देवकी ।
- दैवकीनन्दन :: m. (-नः) KRISHNA. E. दैवकी as above, नन्दन a son; also दैवकीनन्दन .
- दैवकोविद :: mf. (-दः-दा) A conjuror or fortune-teller. E. दैव fortune, and कोविद skillful.
- दैवचिन्तक :: m. (-कः) A fatalist. E. दैव, and चिन्तक who thinks of.
- दैवचिन्ता :: f. (-न्ता) Fatalism, reliance on fate. E. दैव, and चिन्ता thinking also दैवचिन्तनम् ।
- दैवज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Prophetic, fore-telling, acquainted with fate. m. (-ज्ञः) An astrologer. f. (-ज्ञा) A female fortune-teller. E. दैव, and ज्ञ who knows.
- दैवत :: mfn. (-तः -ती -तं) 1. Of or relating to a god. mn. (-तः-तं) 1. A god, a deity. 2. An idol. n. (-तं) A number of gods. E. देवता a deity, अण् pleonastic dor referential affix.
- दैवदीप :: m. (-पः) 1. The eye. 2. A heavenly lamp. E. देव, and दीप a lamp.
- दैवदुर्विपाक :: m. (-कः) Hardness of fortune, unpropitiousness of fate. E. दैव, and दुर्विपाक unfavourableness.
- दैवपर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Fated, willed, predestined. 2. Trusting to fate, a fatalist. E. दैव fate, &c. पर after, according to.
- दैवप्रश्न :: m. (-श्न) Astrology, fortune-telling. E. दैव fate. &c. प्रश्न asking.
- दैवयुग :: m. (-गः) An age of the gods or immortals: see दैत्ययुग ।
- दैवयोग :: m. (-गः) The occurrence of unforeseen event, the intervention of destiny. E. दैव, and योग juncture.
- दैवलक :: m. (-कः) The servant or worshipper of an evil spirit.
- दैवलेखक :: m. (-कः) An astrologer, a fortune-teller. E. दैव fate लिख to write, ण्वुल aff.
- दैववाणी :: f. (-णी) A voice from heaven. E. दैव and वाणी speech.
- दैवाकरि :: m. (-रिः) 1. YAMA. 2. SATURN. f. (-री) YAMUNĀ. E. दिवाकर the sun, and इञ् patron. aff.
- दैवात् :: ind. By chance, by accident, unavoidably, fatally. E. The 5th case of दैव used as a participle.
- दैवानुरोधिन् :: mfn. (-धी -धिनी -धि) Subject or obedient to the gods. E. दैव divine (will), अनुरोधिन् assenting to.
- दैवायत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Dependant upon destiny. E. दैव, and आयत्त subject to.
- दैवासुर :: n. (-रं) The natural enmity between the gods and Asurs. E. दैव, and असुर, with अण् added in this sense.
- दैवाहोरात्र :: m. (-त्रः) A day of the gods, the human year: see दैत्याहोरात्र ।
- दैविक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Of or relating to the gods, divine, deific, &c. E. देव a deity, and ठक् aff.
- दैवोढा :: f. (-ढा) A woman married according to the Daiva ritual. E. दैव, and ऊढा married.
- दैवोपहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Ill-fated, unfortunate, unlucky. E. दैव, and उपहत struck by; also with कन्, दैवोपहतकः ।
- दैव्य :: n. (-व्यं) Gate, fortune. E. देव a deity and यञ् affix: see दैव ।
- दैशिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Provincial, national, belonging to a country, produced in it, &c. देश, and ठञ् aff.
- दैष्टिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Fated, predestined. m. (-कः) A predestinarian, a fatalist. E. दिष्ट fate, affix ठक् ।
- दैष्टिकता :: f. (-ता) Fatalism, predestinarianism. E. तल् added to दैष्टिक; with त्व, दैष्टिकत्वम् ।
- दैहिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Corporeal, bodily. E. देहे भवः तस्थ इदं वा ठक् ।
- दो :: r. 4th cl. (द्यति) To cut, to divide: अव is usually prefixed.
- दोग :: m. (-गः) A bull.
- दोःशिखर :: n. (-रं) The shoulder. E. दोस्, and शिखर crest.
- दोःसहस्रभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) The name of a king, also called KĀRTA-VĪRYA. E. दोस् an arm, सहस्र a thousand, and भृत् possessing: having a thousand arms.
- दोग्धृ :: mfn. (-ग्धा -ग्ध्री -ग्धृ) 1. A milker, who or what milks. 2. What yields milk. m. (-ग्धा) 1. A poet, a panegyrist, one who writes verses for hire or reward. 2. A calf. 3. A cowherd. f. (-ग्धी) A cow. E. दुह् to milk, तृच् aff.
- दोदुल्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Swinging or being swung repeatedly or violently. E. दुल् to swing, intens, form, शानच् aff.
- दोध :: m. (-धः) A calf. E. दुह् to milk, घञ् affix, deriv. irr.
- दोधक :: n. (-कं) A form of metre.
- दोधूयमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Shaking or trembling violently E. धू to shake, intens. form, शानच् aff.
- दोरक :: mf. (-रकः-रिका) A string for fastening the wires of a lute.
- दोर्गडु :: mfn. (-डुः -डुः -डु) Crooked-armed. having a cripple or crooked arm. E. दोस् an arm, and गडु a cripple.
- दोर्ग्रह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Strong, powerful. m. (-हः) Pain in the arm. E. दोस् an arm, and ग्रह who takes or uses.
- दोर्दण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) The arm. E. दोस्, and दण्ड a stick.
- दोर्मध्य :: n. (-ध्यं) The middle of the arm. E. दोस् the arm, and मध्य the centre.
- दोर्मूल :: n. (-लं) The armpit. E. दोस् the arm, and मूल the root.
- दोल :: m. (-लः) 1. Swinging. 2. A festival on the 14th of Phālgun, the swinging of the juvenile KRISHNA. m. (-लः-ला or ली) 1. A litter, a swinging cot, a dooly. 2. A swing. f. (-ला) The indigo plant. E. दुल् to throw up or toss, to swing, affix अच्; fem. affix टाप् or ङीष् ।
- दोलायमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Swinging, being swung. 2. Doubting, perplexed, vacillating. E. दुल् to swing, causal form, शानच् aff.
- दोलिका :: f. (-का) A swing. E. कन् added to दोली ।
- दोष :: m. (-षः) 1. Fault, defect, blemish. 2. Sin, offence, transgression. 3. Disorder of the humours of the body, or defect in the functions of bile, circulation, or wind. 4. A calf. E. दुष् to be defective, affix घञ् ।
- दोषक :: m. (-कः) A calf. E. कन् added to दोष ।
- दोषकल्पन :: n. (-नं) Reprehending, condemning. E. दोष, and कल्पन attributing.
- दोषग्राहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) Malicious, malignant, censorious. E. दोष a fault, ग्रह् to take, affix णिनि ।
- दोषज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Knowing faults, &c. m. (-ज्ञः) 1. A Pandit, a teacher, a sage. 2. A physician. E. दोष fault, defect, and ज्ञ who knows.
- दोषत्रय :: n. (-यं) 1. Vitiation of the three humours, bile, wind, and phlegm. 2. Any combination of three defects. E. दोष, and त्रय triad.
- दोषप्रसङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Censure, condemnation. E. दोष, and प्रसङ्ग attribution.
- दोषभाज् :: mfn. (-भाक्) Wrong, faulty, doing wrong, being defective or to blame. E. दोष, and भाज् who or what shares.
- दोषवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Faulty, defective. 2. wicked. E. दोष, and मतुप् aff.
- दोषा :: f. (-षा) 1. Night. 2. The arm. ind. (-षा) 1. By night, at night. 2. At the beginning of the night. E. दम् to tame, ङीस् affix, and टाप् added.
- दोषाकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Defective, faulty. m. (-रः) The moon. E. दोषा night, and कर a ray, or दोष and आकर a mine.
- दोषातन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Nocturnal, by night. E. दोषा by night, द्यु aff.
- दोषातिलक :: m. (-कः) A lamp. E. दोष night, and तिलक excellence.
- दोषास्य :: m. (-स्यः) A lamp. E. दोषा night, and आस्य a face.
- दोषिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Faulty, defective, bad. m. (-कः) Sickness, disease. E. दोष defect, ठन् aff.
- दोषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) 1. Faulty, defective. 2. Wicked, bad. E. दुष् to be defective, affix णिन् ।
- दोषैकदृश् :: mfn. (-दृक्) Malevolent, censorious, discovering defects only. E. दोष a fault. एक one, alone, and दृष् seeing.
- दोस :: m. (-दोः) 1. The arm. 2. The side of a triangle, or square, &c. E. दम् to subdue, affix डोम् ।
- दोस्क :: mfn. (-स्कः -स्का -स्कं) Worn, &c. on the arms. E. दोस् the arm, क aff.
- दोस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Placed on the arm. m. (-स्थः) 1. Play, sport. 2. player, one who sports or plays. 3. Service. 4. A servant. E. दु bad, स्था to stay, ड affix दुस्थ, अण् added.
- दोह :: m. (-हः) 1. A milk-pail. 2. Milk. 3. Milking. 4. Satisfaction, success. E. दुह् to milk, &c. affix घञ् ।
- दोहज :: n. (-जं) Milk. E. दोह milking, and ज produced.
- दोहडिका :: f. (-कः) The Prakrit metre, commonly Doha; a stanza of four lines, containing thirteen and eleven syllabic instants alter- nately.
- दोहद :: n. (-दं) 1. Wish, desire. 2. The longing of a pregnant woman, especially as a sign of impregnation. E. दोह here said to mean satisfaction, and द what gives.
- दोहदलक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. The fœtus, the embryo, sometimes confounded with womb. 1. The period of passing from one season of life to another, as from childhood to youth from youth to manhood. E. दोहद longing, and लक्षण a sign.
- दोहदवती :: f. (-ती) A pregnant woman longing for any thing. E. दोहद as above, and मतुप् aff.
- दोहदान्विता :: f. (-ता) A pregnant woman longing for any thing. E. दोहद as above, and अन्वित attached or become inherent.
- दोहन :: nf. (-नं-नी) A milk vessel, a milkpail. n. (-नं) Milking. E. दुह् to milk, affix ल्युट् ।
- दोहल :: m. (-लः) 1. Wish, desire. 2. Longing. f. (-ली) The Asoka tree. E. दोह satisfaction, and ल what gets: see दोहद ।
- दोहलवती :: f. (-ती) A pregnant woman longing for any thing: see दोहदवती ।
- दोहापनय :: m. (-यः) Milk. E. दोह milking, अप below, णी to bring, affix अप् ।
- दोहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) Milking, a milker. E. दुह् to milk, घिनुण् aff.
- दोहीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Yielding a great abundance of milk. E. दोह milk, ईयसुन् aff.
- दोह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) To be milked, milkable. E. दुह to milk, ण्यत् affix, also दुह्य ।
- दौःसाधिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A sort of head borough or beadle, the superin-
tendent of a village. 2. A door keeper, a warder, a porter. E. दुर् bad, difficult, साध् to accomplish, affix ठक् ।
- दौकूल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Covered with silk, (a car, &c.) E. दुकूल wove silk, affix अण् ।
- दौत्य :: n. (-त्यं) An embassy or message. E. दूत a messenger, affix ष्यञ्: see दूत्य ।
- दौरात्म्य :: n. (-त्म्यं) Wickedness, depravity. E. दुरात्मन् wicked, ष्यञ् aff.
- दौर्गन्धि :: n. (-न्धि) Fœtor, bad smell. E. दुर्गन्ध ill smelling, and इञ् aff.
- दौर्ग्य :: n. (-र्ग्यं) Difficulty, Inaccessibility. E. दुर्ग and ष्यञ् aff.
- दौर्जन्य :: n. (-न्यं) Wickedness, depravity, vileness. E. दुर्ज्जन and ष्यञ् aff.
- दौर्बल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Weakness, debility. E. दुर्बल and ष्यञ् aff.
- दौर्भागिनेय :: m. (-यः) The son of a woman disliked by her husband. f. (-यी) The daughter of such a woman. E. दर्भगा such a woman, ढक् affix and इनङ् augment.
- दौर्भाग्य :: n. (-ग्यं) Ill-luck, misfortune. E. दुर् bad, भाग portion, ष्यञ् aff.
- दौर्मनस्य :: n. (-स्यं) 1. Evil disposition or thought. 2. Despair. 3. Affliction, distress. E. दुर्मनस् and ष्यञ् aff.
- दौर्वीण :: n. (-णं) 1. The sap or juice of bent grass. 2. A clean leaf. E. दूर्वा bent grass, and खञ् aff.
- दौर्हृद :: n. (-दं) Wish, desire, but especially the longing of pregnant women. E. दुर् pained, हृद् to heart, affix अण .
- दौलेय :: m. (-यः) A turtle or tortoise. E. दूली a female tortoise. affix ढक् ।
- दौल्मि :: m. (-ल्मिः) A name of INDRA.
- दौवारिक :: m. (-कः) A warder, a porter. E. दु bad, वार impediment, and ठक् aff.
- दौश्चर्म्म्य :: n. (-र्म्म्यं) Paraphymosis, circumcision. E. दुश्चर्म्म and ष्यञ् aff.
- दौष्कुलेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Sprung of a bad or low family or race. E. दुष्कुल of a bad race, affix ढक् also दुष्कुलीन .
- दौष्ठव :: n. (-वं) Badness, wickedness. E. दुष्ट and अण् aff.
- दौष्मन्ति :: m. (-न्तिः) A name of BHARAT, the first sole monarch of India. E. दुष्मन्त DUSHMANTA, husband of SAKUNTALĀ, and father to BHARAT, इञ् affix of descent; it is perhaps preferably read दौष्यन्ति from दुष्यन्त .
- दौहित्र :: m. (-त्रः) A daughter's son. f. (-त्री) A daughter's daughter. E. दुहितृ a daughter, affix अञ् .
- द्यावाक्षमा :: f. always dual, (-मे) Heaven and earth. E. द्यौ heaven, क्षमा the earth, form irr.; also similar compounds, as द्यावापृथिवी, द्यावा- भूमी, &c.
- द्यावापृथिवी :: f. always dual, (-व्यौ) Heaven and earth. E. द्यौ heaven, and पृथिवी the earth: see the preceding.
- द्यावाभूमी :: f. always dual, (-भ्यौ) Heaven and earth. E. द्यौ, and भूमी the earth: see the two words preceding.
- द्यु :: r. 2nd cl. (द्योति) 1. To advance towards or against, to assail. 2. To advance before or in front of, to approach.
- द्यु :: m. (-द्युः) A name of AGNI or fire. n. (-द्यु) 1. A day. 2. Heaven, sky, æther. 3. Heaven, paradise. E. द्यु to go to or towards, affix क्विप् ।
- द्युक :: m. (-कः) An owl.
- द्युकारि :: m. (-रिः) A crow.
- द्युग :: m. (-गः) A bird. E. द्यु, and ग who goes.
- द्युगण :: m. (-णः) A given term of days, as a month, &c. E. द्यु, and गण a number.
- द्युत :: r. 1st cl. (द्योतते) To shine.
- द्युत् :: m. (द्युत्) A ray of light. E. द्युत् to shine, affix क्विप् .
- द्युति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Light. 2. Beauty or splendour. 3. A ray of light. 4. Stimulating, exciting. E. द्युत् to shine, affix कि .
- द्युतिकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Shining, bright. 2. Handsome. m. (-रः) The polar star, or in mythology, the divine sage DHRUVA. E. द्युति light, and कर who makes.
- द्युतित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Enlightened, illuminated, &c. E. द्युत् to shine, affix क्त; also with the vowel changed द्योतित्र ।
- द्युतिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Resplendent, bright. E. द्युति, and मतुप् aff.
- द्युतिला :: f. (-ला) A plant, (Hemionites cordifolia.) E. द्युति beauty, and ला to possess, affixes ड and टाप् ।
- द्युनिवास :: m. (-सः) 1. Heavenly abode, heaven. 2. A deity. E. द्यु, and निवास abiding.
- द्युनिवासिन् :: m. (-सी) 1. A deity. 2. A pious person. E. द्यु, and निवासिन् who abides.
- द्युनिश :: n. (-शं) Day and night. E. द्यु a day, निशा night.
- द्युपति :: m. (-तिः) 1. The sun. 2. A name of INDRA. E. द्यु, a day or paradise, and पति ruler.
- द्युमणि :: m. (-णिः) The sun. E. द्यु a day, and मणि a gem.
- द्युमयी :: f. (-यी) The daughter of VISWAKARMĀ, and wife of the sun. E. द्यु a day, and मयट् affix of identity.
- द्युम्र :: n. (-म्रं) 1. Wealth, property, substance. 2. Strength, power. E. द्यु day, म्रा to remember or regard, affix क ।
- द्युवन् :: m. (-वा) 1. The sun. 2. Heaven. E. द्यु to go (through the heavens,) Unādi affix कनिन् .
- द्युषद् :: m. (-षद् or -षत्) 1. A god, a deity. 2. A planet. E. द्यु heaven, षद् to go, affix क्विप्; it is also written द्युसद् .
- द्यूत :: mn. (-तः-तं) Gaming, playing with dice, or any thing not possess- ing life. E. दिव् to play, क्त aff.
- द्यूतकर :: m. (-रः) A gambler. E. द्यूत and कर who practises.
- द्यूतकार :: m. (-रः) 1. The keeper of a gaming house. 2. A gambler. E. द्यूत gaming, and कार who practises, also with कन् added, द्यूतकारक .
- द्यूतकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) A gambler. E. द्यूत, and कृत् who practises: see the last.
- द्यूतपूर्णिमा :: f. (-मा) The day of full moon in the month Kartic, (October-November,) the night of which is spent in games of chance, in honour of the goddess of fortune, LAKSHMI. E. द्यूत gaming, and पूर्णिमा day of full moon; also with अण् pleonastic affix added, and ङीष् fem. affix द्यूतपौर्णिमा, f. (-मी).
- द्यूतप्रतिपत् :: f. (-पत्) The first day of the moon's increase in Kartic. when BALI is to be venerated. E. द्यूत, and प्रतिपद् the first lunation.
- द्यूतवीज :: n. (-जं) A Couri, a small shell used as a coin in most parts of India. E. द्यूत, gaming, and वीज seed.
- द्यूतवृत्ति :: m. (-त्तिः) A gambler. E. द्यूत E. वृत्ति, subsistence.
- द्यूतसभा :: f. (-भा) A gaming house or assembly. E. द्यूत and सभा an assembly.
- द्यूताधिकारिन् :: m. (-री) The keeper of a gaming house. E. द्यूत, and अधिकारिन् who superintends.
- द्यून :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Playing, sportive. n. (-नं) The seventh sign of the zodiac, reckoning from that which the sun enters. E. दिव् to play, &c. affix क्त .
- द्यै :: r. 1st cl. (द्यायति) To despise, to reprove, to treat or name with contempt.
- द्यै :: ind. Fie, for shame. E. द्यै, and क्विप् aff.
- द्यो :: f. (-द्यौ) 1. Heaven, paradise. 2. Heaven, sky. E. दिव् to sport, Unādi affix डो आधारे; where the gods, &c. sport. द्योतन्ते देवा अत्र ।
- द्योत :: m. (-तः) Sun-shine, light, lustre, heat. E. द्युत् to shine, भावे घञ् aff.
- द्योतन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नी-नं) Bright, shining. n. (-नं) 1. Sight, seeing. 2. Making manifest. 3. Illumination. 4. An illumination. m. (-नः) A lamp. E. द्युत् to shine, affix भावे ल्युट् or शीलार्थेयुच् ।
- द्योतमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Shining, bright, radiant. E. द्युत् to shine, शानच् aff.
- द्योतयमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Enlightening, irradiating. E. द्युत् to shine, causal v. शानच् aff.
- द्योतित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Enlightened, &c. 2. Shining. E. द्युत् to light, affix क्त ।
- द्योतितप्रभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Resplendent. E. द्योतित, and प्रभा splendor.
- द्योभूमि :: m. (-मिः) A bird. f. du. (-मी) Heaven and earth. E. द्यो heaven, and भूमि the earth. द्यौराकाशो भूमिर्गतिस्थानं यस्य ।
- द्योषद् :: m. (-षद्-षत्) A deity, a celestial. E. द्यो heaven, षद् to go, affix क्विप् । द्यवि सीदति ।
- द्यौत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. Light, splendor, 2. Much or forked lightning. E. द्यु for दिव् to shine, Unādi affix ष्ट्रन् ।
- द्रगड :: m. (-डः) A kettle drum. E. द्रेति गडति गड-अच । (दगड्काडा) ।
- द्रङ्क्षण :: n. (-णं) A measure or weight, a Tolā. तोलके ।
- द्रङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A city, a town. E. द्रम् to go, affix गन् ।
- द्रढिमन् :: m. (-मा) Firmness, hardness, heaviness. E. दृढ hard, firm, इमनिच् aff. दृढस्य भावः ।
- द्रढिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Hardest, very hard or firm, &c. E. दृढ with the superlative affix, इष्ठन् and the liquid substituted for the vowel; also with ईयसुन् affix द्रढीयस् (-यान्-यसी-यः) ।
- द्रप्स :: mn. (-प्सः-प्सं) Thin or diluted curds. E. दृप् to please, affix क्स; also त्रप्स and द्रप्स्य । दृप्यति कफोऽनेन । (जलो दै) ।
- द्रप्स्य :: n. (-प्स्यं) Thin or diluted curds. E. दृप् to please, affix स्यः or it is derived from तृप् to be satisfied, त being changed to द ।
- द्रम :: r. 1st cl. (द्रमति) To go, to move. भ्वा० प० सक० सेट् ।
- द्रव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) 1. Dropping, oozing. 2. Flowing. 3. Fluid, liquid. 4. Fused, liquefied, melted. m. (-वः) 1. Going, motion. 2. Flight, retreat. 3. Sport, amusement. 4. Juice, essence, exudation. 5. Fusion, liquefaction. 6. Decoction. 7. Dropping, distilling, trickl- ing. E. द्रु to go, to go out of, to drop, affix भावे अप् ।
- द्रबज :: m. (-जः) Treacle. E. द्रव, and ज born. द्रवात् जायते जन-ड ।
- द्रवण :: n. (-णं) 1. Going. 2. Dropping, exuding. 3. Heat. E. द्रु to go, affix ल्युट् ।
- द्रवत् :: mfn. (-वन् -वन्ती -वत्) 1. Trickling, oozing. 2. Running, flowing. 3. Going. f. (-न्ती) 1. A river in general. 2. A medicinal plant, (An- thericum tuberosum.) E. द्रु to go, affix शतृ ।
- द्रवत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Fluidity, natural or artificial. 2. Distillation. 3. Fusion. E. द्रव, and त्व affix; also with तल् द्रवता । द्रवस्य भावः ।
- द्रवरसा :: f. (-सा) Lac. E. द्रव, and रस juice. द्रवयुक्तो रसी यस्याः ।
- द्रवाधार :: m. (-रः) A small vessel, a receiver. E. द्रव juice, distillation, &c. and आधार what receives.
- द्रविड :: m. (-डः) A man of an outcaste tribe, descended from a degraded Kshetriya. f. (-डी) One of the Rāginis or female personifications of the modes of music.
- द्रविण :: n. (-णं) 1. Wealth, property, thing, substance. 2. Gold. 3. Strength, power. E. द्रु to go, इनन् Unādi aff.
- द्रविणनाशन :: m. (-नः) A plant, (Hyperanthera morunga.) E. द्रविण strength, and नाशन destroying.
- द्रविणोदास् :: m. (-दाः) AGNI. E. द्रविण, and दास् who gives.
- द्रवीकरण :: n. (-णं) Liquefying, melting. E. द्रव fluid, करण making, च्वि augment.
- द्रवीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Melted, liquefied. E. द्रव, कृत made, च्वि augment.
- द्रवीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Fluid, liquefied, fused. E. द्रव, and भूत become, च्वि augment.
- द्रवेतर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Hard, solid, congealed. E. द्रव, and इतर reverse.
- द्रव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. Fit, proper, right, what is or ought to be. 2. Derived from or relating to a tree. n. (-व्यं) 1. Wealth, property. 2. Substance, thing, the receptacle or substratum of properties, &c. 3. Elementary substance, nine kinds of which are reckoned; viz. earth, water, fire, air, æther, time, space, soul, and intellect. 4. Brass. 5. A stake, a wager. 6. A drug, a medicament, any thing. used in medicine. 7. Anointing, plastering. 8. Lac, the animal dye. 9. Extract, gum, resin, &c. derived from vegetables. 10. Modesty, propriety. 11. Spirituous liquor. E. द्रु a tree, affix यत् ।
- द्रव्यक :: m. (-कः) A carrier or taker of any thing. E. कन् added to the last.
- द्रव्यप्रयोजन :: n. (-नं) Use or employment of any article. E. द्रव्य, and प्रयोजन purpose.
- द्रव्यमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) 1. Material. 2. Having or holding any thing. E. द्रव्य, मयष्ट् aff.
- द्रव्ययज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) Offering oblations, sacrifice, &c. E. द्रव्य, and यज्ञ sacrifice.
- द्रव्यवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Rich, wealthy. E. द्रव्य, and मतुप् aff.
- द्रव्यशुद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Cleansing or purification of any soiled or defiled article. E. द्रव्य, and शुद्धि purity.
- द्रव्यसंस्कार :: m. (-रः) 1. Consecration of articles for sacrifice. 2. Purification or cleansing of any articles soiled or defiled. E. द्रव्य, and संस्कार perfectioning.
- द्रव्यसञ्चय :: m. (-यः) Accumulation of property. E. द्रव्य, and सञ्चय collection.
- द्रव्यसिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) 1. Acquirement of wealth. 2. Effecting any thing by wealth. E. द्रव्य, and सिद्धि completion.
- द्रव्यहस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Holding any thing in the hand. E. द्रव्य, and हस्त hand.
- द्रव्यार्जन :: n. (-नं) Gain, acquisition, acquiring property. E. द्रव्य, and अर्जन acquiring.
- द्रष्टव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be seen, visible, apparent. E. दृश् to see, तव्य affix, and ऋ changed to र ।
- द्रष्टृ :: mfn. (-ष्टा -ष्ट्री -ष्टृ) Who or what sees, a spectator. E. दृश् to see, तृच् aff.
- द्रा :: r. 2nd cl. (द्राति) 1. To fly, to run away. 2. To be ashamed or spoiled. अदा० प० अक० अनिट् ।
- द्राक् :: ind. Instantly, immediately, soon, shortly. E. द्रा to fly, कु aff.
- द्राक्ष (इ) द्राक्षि :: r. 1st cl. (द्राङ्क्षति) 1. To croke, to caw, &c. as a bird. 2. To desire, to wish or long for. भ्वा० प० सक० सेट् इदित् ।
- द्राक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) A grape. E. द्राक्षि to desire, affix अ ।
- द्राख (ऋ) दाखृ :: r. 1st cl. (दाखति) 1. To be dry or arid. 2. To adorn. 3. To be able or competent. 4. To prohibit, to prevent. शोषणे सक० अलमर्थे अक० भ्वा० पर० सेट् ।
- द्राघ (ऋ) द्राघृ :: r. 1st cl. (द्राघति) 1. To be able or competent. 2. To stretch, to lengthen. 3. To tire, to be tired or fatigued. भ्वा० पर० अक० सेट् ।
- द्राघिमन् :: m. (-मा) Length. E. दीर्घ, and इमनिच् affix, the first syllable changed. दीर्घस्य भावः ।
- द्राघिमवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Long, lengthy. E. द्राघिनन्, and मतुप् aff.
- द्राघिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Longest, very long. E. दीर्घ long, इष्ठन् affix of the superlative, and द्राघ substituted for दीर्घ ।
- द्राघीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Very or exceeding long. E. दीर्घ, and ईयसुन् affix, deriv. irr.
- द्राड (ऋ) दाडृ :: r. 1st. cl. (द्राडते) To divide, to split, to pierce, to pull to pieces, &c. भ्वा-आ-सक-सेट् ।
- द्राण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Flown, run away, &c. E. द्रु to fly, affix कर्त्तरि क्त, deriv. irr. तस्य नः । भावे क्त । स्वप्ने पलायने च क्लीव० लि० ।
- द्राप :: m. (-पः) 1. Mud, mire. 2. Heaven, sky. 3. A fool, an idiot 4. A cowri. -द्रा-णिच्-पुक्-अच् ।
- द्रामिल :: m. (-लः) The Muni CHĀNAKYA. E. द्रमिल a proper name, and अण् patronymic aff. द्रमिलो देशोऽभोजनोऽस्य ।
- द्राव :: m. (-वः) 1. Flight, retreat. 2. Speed, going quickly. 3. Flowing, running. 4. Fusion, liquefaction. 5. Heat. E. द्रु to go, affix भावे घञ् ।
- द्रावक :: m. (-कः) A kind of stone, (a loadstone.) 2. A wit, a wag, a sharp or clever man. 3. A thief. 4. A libertine, a lecher. 5. A pursuer, a chaser, one who causes to fly. 6. A sort of Ras or quality. n. (-कं) Bee's wax. E. द्रु to fly, affix ण्वुल् । द्रवति चन्द्रकरसम्पर्कात् ।
- द्रावकर :: n. (-रं) 1. A kind of borax. 2. A flux. E. द्राव fusion, and कर what makes. द्रावं द्रवं करोति स्वर्णादिकं स्वसम्पर्केण कृ-ताच्छील्ये ट ।
- द्रावण :: n. (-णं) 1. The clearing nut. 2. Causing to fly or retreat. 3. Fusing. 4. Distilling. E. द्रु to go or retreat, in the causal form णिच् and युच् affs. द्रावयति जलमलं स्वसंयोगात् ।
- द्राविका :: f. (-का) Saliva. E. द्रु to ooze out, ण्वुल् affix, and the fem. form.
- द्राविड :: m. (-डः) 1. A country, properly the coast of Coromandel from Madras to Cape Comorin, or the country in which Tamil is spoken. 2. A native of Drāvira or Drāvida. 3. A Brahman of Drāvira, of rather of the south five Drāviras being specified, or Drāvira, Karnāta, Gujrāta, Mahārashtra, and Tailanga. 4. A particular number. 5. Zedoary. E. द्रविड, and अण् aff. द्रविडो देशोऽभिजनोऽस्य ।
- द्राविडक :: m. (-कः) Zedoary, (Curcuma zerumbet.) n. (-कं) Black salt. E. कन् added to the preceding, growing in the country of Drāvira. द्रविडे भवः अण् संज्ञायां कन् ।
- द्राविडभूतिक :: m. (-कः) Zedoary. E. द्राविड the country, भूत being, affix कप्: see the preceding.
- द्रावित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Melted, liquefied. 2. Softened, mollified. 3. Driven, chased. E. द्रु to go, causal form, क्त aff.
- द्राव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be set in motion, to be put to flight, &c. 2. Fusible, liquefiable, to be made fluid. E. द्रु to go, ण्यत् aff.
- द्राह (ऋ) द्राहृ :: r. 1st cl. (द्राहते) 1. To wake. 2. To deposit, to pledge. भ्वा-आ-अक-सेट् ।
- द्रु :: r. 1st cl. (द्रवति) 1. To go, to move, to run. 2. To drop. 3. To distil or ooze. r. 5th cl. (द्रुनुते-द्रुनोति) To hurt, to injure, to wound or kill. With अनु prefixed, To pursue, to follow. With अभि, To swim, to float, to descend. With आङ्, To flee. With उप, To oppress, to destroy. With प्र, To fly, to retreat, to run away. With वि, 1. To smite, to kill. 2. To flee, to run away. With सम् and आङ् To run together. With सम् and उप, 1. To flee. 2. To meet. भ्वा० प० सक० अनिट् । अनुतापे स्वा० पर० सक० अनिट् ।
- द्रु :: m. (द्रुः) A tree. f. (द्रुः) Going, motion. E. द्रु to go (up), to grow, affix डु ।
- द्रुकिलिम :: n. (-मं) A tree, a sort of pine: (Pinus devadāru.) E. द्रु a tree, किलिम the fir or pine, derived from किल् to send or cast, to give out (resin), and किमच् aff.
- द्रुघण :: m. (-णः) 1. A mace, a mallet, an iron weapon made like a carpen- ter's hammer. 2. An axe, a hatchet. 3. A name of BRAMHĀ. 4. A plant: see भूमिचम्पक . E. द्रु a tree, हन् to injure or demolish, affix अप्, and घन substituted for the radical; न is usually changed to ण, but the word is also written द्रुघन । द्रुः वृक्षः संसारगतिर्वा हन्यते अनेन ।
- द्रुड :: r. 6th cl. (द्रुडति) The sink. तुदा० कुटा० प० सक० सेट् ।
- द्रुण :: r. 6th cl. (द्रुणति) 1. To hurt, to injure. 2. To go, to move, to ap- proach. 3. To bind, to make crooked or curved. तुदा० कुटा० प० अक० सेट् ।
- द्रुण :: m. (-णः) 1. A scorpion. 2. A bee. 3. A rogue, a cheat. f. (-णा) A bow-string. n. (-णं) 1. A bow. 2. A sword, a scimitar. E. द्रुण् to in- jure, affix क । द्रुणति हिनस्ति कुटिलीभवति वा द्रुण-क ।
- द्रुणस :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) Large-nosed. E. द्रु a tree, and नस for नास a nose. द्रुरिव दीर्घा नासिका अस्य अच् समा० नसादेशः पूर्वपदात् संज्ञायां णत्वम् ।
- द्रुणह :: m. (-हः) A scabbard, a sword sheath. E. द्रुण a sword, हा to kill or remove, affix क; the word is also द्रुनह ।
- द्रुणि :: f. (-णिः-णी) 1. An oval water bason of wood or stone, &c. shaped like a boat, and used for pouring water. 2. A bucket, a basket. f. (-णी) 1. A centipede. 2. A small of female tortoise. E. द्रुण् to go, to hurt, affixes कि and ङीष् ।
- द्रुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Quick or swift. 2. Melted, fused. 3. Liquid, fluid. 4. Flown, escaped, run away. 5. Scattered, diffused. m. (-तः) A tree. n. (-तं) Quick time, (in music.) adv. n. (-तं) Quickly, swiftly. E. द्रु to go, affix क्त ।
- द्रुतपद :: n. subs. (-दं) A quick pace or step. adv. Quickly. E. द्रुत, and पद a step.
- द्रुनख :: m. (-खः) A thorn. E. द्रु a tree, and नख nail.
- द्रुनह :: m. (-हः) A scabbard: see द्रुणह ।
- द्रुम :: m. (-मः) 1. A tree in general. 2. A tree of Swarga or paradise. 3. A name of KUVERA. E. द्रु to go, म aff. द्रुः शाखा अस्वि अस्य ।
- द्रुमनख :: m. (-खः) A thorn. E. द्रुम a tree, and नख a finger-nail: see द्रुनख ।
- द्रुमर :: m. (-रः) A thorn. E. द्रुम a tree, रम् to sport, affix ड ।
- द्रमव्याधि :: m. (-धिः) Lac. E. द्रुम, and व्याधि disease.
- द्रुमशीर्ष :: n. (-र्षं) The upper part of a building or wall. E. द्रुम a tree, and शीर्ष a head, resembling the top of a tree.
- द्रुमश्रेष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) The palm tree: see ताल . E. द्रुम a tree, and श्रेष्ठ best.
- द्रुमामय :: m. (-यः) Lac, the animal dye. E. द्रुम a tree, and आमय sickness.
- द्रुमारि :: m. (-रिः) An elephant. E. द्रुम, and अरि a foe.
- द्रुमाश्रय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Sheltering or dwelling in trees. E. द्रुम, and आश्रय abode.
- द्रुमेश्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. The palm tree: see ताल . 2. The moon. E. द्रुम a tree, and ईश्वर sovereign.
- द्रुमोत्पल :: m. (-लः) A plant: see कर्णिकार . E. द्रुम a tree, and उत्पल a lotus, to which the flowers are compared.
- द्रुवय :: n. (-यं) Measure in general. E. द्रु a tree, and वय affix, implying measure.
- द्रुसल्लक :: m. (-कः) A tree, (Chironjia sapida.) E. द्रु a thing or substance, सल्लका the olibanum plant: a resinous plant.
- द्रुह :: m. (ध्रुक्) An injurer. E. द्रुह to hate, affix क्विप् ।
- द्रुह :: r. 4th cl. (द्रुह्यति) To bear hatred, to seek to hurt or injure. दिवा० प० सक० सेट् ।
- द्रुह :: m. (-हः) A son. f. (-ही) A daughter. E. द्रुह to hurt, affix क ।
- द्रुहण :: m. (-णः) A name of BRAMHĀ: see the next. द्रुं संसारगतिं हन्ति हन्-अच् ।
- द्रुहिण :: m. (-णः) A name of BRAMHĀ. E. द्रुह् to injure or hurt, (the wicked,) and इनन् affix, or द्रु a tree, (figuratively the universe,) हन् to destroy, इनि affix, destroyer of the world; न changed to ण; also द्रुहण ।
- द्रुह्यत् :: mfn. (-ह्यन् -हन्ती -ह्यत्) 1. Attacking, assailing, defying. 2. Tyrannis- ing over, oppressing. E. द्रुह् to hate, शतृ aff.
- द्रू :: r. 9th cl. (ञ) द्रूञ् (द्रूणोति, द्रणुते, द्रूणाति, द्रूणीते) 1. To go, to move. 2. To hurt, to injure, to wound or kill. स्वा० क्य्रा० उ० सक० सेट् ।
- द्रू :: m. (द्रूः) Gold. E. द्रु to go, क्विप् affix, and the vowel made long.
- द्रूघण :: m. (-णः) 1. A name of BRAMHĀ. 2. An iron club. 3. A sort of hatchet. E. द्रु a tree, हन् to strike, affix अप्, घ and ण substituted for ह and न, and the vowel of द्रु made long; also optionally द्रुघण, द्रुघन, and द्रूघन ।
- द्रूण :: m. (-णः) A scorpion; also द्रुण and द्रोण ।
- द्रेक :: r. 1st cl. (ऋ) द्रेकृ (द्रेकते) 1. To sound. 2. To grow or increase. 3. To manifest joy or elevation by noise. भ्वा० आ० अक० सेट् ।
- द्रेक्क :: m. (-क्कः) The regent of one-third of a planetary sign.
- द्रेक्काण :: m. (-णः) The regent of one-third of a planetary sign, the Decanus of European astrology, whence the word is probably derived.
- द्रै :: r. 1st cl. (द्रायति) To sleep; नि is usually prefixed.
- द्रोण :: mn. (-णः-णं) 1. A measure of capacity, the same as an Āḍhaka: see आढक . 2. A measure of four Āḍhakas. 3. In common use, a measure of thirty-two Seers, or rather more than sixty-four lbs. avoirdupois. 4. The sixteenth part of a Khāri, or forty-eight gallons. m. (-णः) 1. A proper name, the military preceptor of the Pāndus. 2. A raven, or perhaps the carrion crow. 3. A scorpion: see द्रुण . 4. A large piece of water, one four hundred poles long. 5. One of the principal clouds. 6. A small tree bearing white flowers. f. (-णिः-णी) 1. Any oval vessel made of wood, stone, &c. in the shape of a boat, and used for holding or pouring out water, as a bathing tub, a baling vessel, a bucket, a watering pot, &c. 2. A trough or rack for feeding cattle. 3. The name of country. 4. The name of a mountain. m. (-णिः) The name of a river. f. (-णी) 1. The indigo plant. 2. The union of two mountains, the valley or chasm be- tween them. 3. A sort of boat, implying the sort of water vessel,
probably described above. 4. A measure of capacity equal to 128 Seers. E. द्रु to go, न or नि Unādi affix, and ङीष् added to either form.
- द्रोणकाक :: m (-कः) A raven. E. द्रोण the same, and काक a crow.
- द्रोणकाकल :: m. (-लः) A raven. E. द्रोण as above, काकल here said to mean a crow, from का imitative sound, caw, and कल who utters.
- द्रोणक्षीरा :: f. (-रा) A cow that yields a Dronā of milk. E. द्रोण the measure so called, and क्षीरा milk; also other analogous compounds, ut infra.
- द्रोणगन्धिका :: f. (-का) A plant: see रास्ना ।
- द्रोणघा :: f. (-घा) A cow that yields a Dronā of milk. E. द्रोण the measure, दुह् to milk, deriv irr.
- द्रोणदुग्धा :: f. (-ग्धा) A cow that yields a Dronā of milk. E. द्रोण, and दुग्ध milk.
- द्रोणदुघा :: f. (-घा) See the last. E. द्रोण, and दुह to milk, affix कप्, and ह changed to घ .
- द्रोणपुष्पी :: f. (-ष्पी) A plant, known commonly by the same name; also गोशीर्षक . E. द्रोण the measure, and पुष्प a flower.
- द्रोणमाना :: f. (-ना) A cow yielding a Dronā of milk. E. द्रोण, and मान a measure: see द्रोणक्षीरा ।
- द्रोणमुख :: m. (-खः) The capital of a district, the chief of four hundred villages.
- द्रोणम्पच :: mfn. (-चः -चा -चं) Liberal in entertaining, one who cooks a Dronā. E. द्रोण, and पच् to cook, स्वच् aff.
- द्रोणाचार्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) A proper name; Drona, the son of BHARADWĀJA, and the Achārya or teacher of the Pāndava princes. E. द्रोण as above, and आचार्य्य a preceptor; also with कन् added द्रोणाचार्य्यक ।
- द्रोणिका :: f. (-का) The indigo plant. E. द्रोणी the same, and कन् added.
- द्रोणीदल :: m. (-लः) A flower, (Pandanus odoratissimus.) E. द्रोणी a water vessel, and दल a leaf, the leaves being boat-shaped.
- द्रोणीमुख :: m. (-खः) The principal of four hundred villages: see द्रोणसुख ।
- द्रोह :: m. (-हः) 1. Mischief, malice, trespass, injury. 2. Offence, wrong. 3. Rebellion. E. द्रुह् to hurt or injure, affix भावे घञ् ।
- द्रोहचिन्तन :: n. (-नं) Injurious design, malice prepense; the wish, thought, or attempt to injure. E. द्रोह as above, and चिन्तन thinking, meditating.
- द्रोहाट :: m. (-टः) 1. A hunter, a deer-killer. 2. A sort of metre the Doha or stanza of Hindī poetry. 3. A religious impostor, a tar- tuffe, a hypocrite. E. द्रोह injury, mischief, and अट who goes or is. द्रोहेण अटति अट-अच् ।
- द्रोहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) 1. Hurting, harming, endeavouring to hurt, malignant, malicious. 2. Rebellious. E. द्रुह् to seek to hurt, घिनुण् aff.
- द्रोणायण :: m. (-णः) A name of AŚWATTHĀMĀ, son of Drona. E. द्रोण as above, and फक् affix; also with फिञ् affix. द्रौणायणि, इञ् affix द्रौणि ।
- द्रौणिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Sown with a Dronā of grain, (fields, &c.) f. (की) A vessel holding a Dronā by measure. E. द्रोण the measure, ठञ् or ठन् affix; also with अण् and ङीष् affixes in the last sense. द्रौणी ।
- द्रौपदी :: f. (-दी) A proper name. DRAUPADĪ, the daughter of DRUPADA, king of Panchāla, and the common wife of the five Pāndava princes. E. द्रपद the father of this lady, and अण् and ङीप् affixes.
- द्वन्द :: m. (-न्दः) A clock or plate on which hours are struck. n. (-न्दं) A pair, a couple, (male and female especially:) see the next.
- द्वन्द्व :: n. (-न्द्वं) 1. A pair, a brace. 2. A couple of animals, or male and female. 3. Union of the sexes or coupling. 4. Strife, dispute. 5. A secret. m. (-न्द्वः) 1. A form of grammatical combination uniting two or more words in the same case, properly separated by a conjunc- tion, as रामलक्ष्मणौ RĀMA and LAKSHMANA; पाणिपादं hand and foot. 2. A sign of the zodiac (Gemini.) 3. A species of disease, a
complication of two disorders, or compound affection of two humours. E. द्वि two, reduplicate, deriv. irr.
- द्वन्द्वचर :: m. (-रः) The ruddy goose. E. द्वन्द्व a couple, and चर who goes; flying in couples.
- द्वन्द्वचारिन् :: m. (-री) The ruddy goose. E. द्वन्द्व, and चर् to go, affix णिनिः see the last.
- द्वन्द्वज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) 1. Produced or proceeding from morbid affection of two humours. 2. Proceeding from a pair, &c. E. द्वन्द्व, and ज born.
- द्वन्द्वदुःख :: n. (-खं) Pain arising from alternation, as a heat or cold, pleasure or pain, &c. E. द्वन्द्व, and दुःख pain.
- द्वन्द्वभिन्न :: n. (-न्नं) Separation of the sexes. E. द्वन्द्व, and भिन्न broken.
- द्वन्द्वयुद्ध :: n. (-द्धं) Sigle combat. E. द्वन्द्व, and युद्ध war. द्वयोर्द्वयोयुद्धम् ।
- द्वन्द्वातीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Free from worldly affections. E. द्वन्द्व alternation (of pain and pleasure, &c.) and अतीत passed.
- द्वय :: mn. (-यः-यं) A pair, a couple, two, chiefly used in composition, as पुरुषद्वयं two men. E. द्वि two, तयप् aff.
- द्वयाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) A plant, (Plumbago zeylanica.)
- द्वयातिग :: m. (-गः) A saint, a holy or virtuous man. E. द्वय a pair, the two bad qualities, passion and ignorance, अति beyond, and ग who goes.
- द्वाःस्थ :: m. (-स्थः) 1. A warder, a porter. 2. NANDI, one of SIVA'S door- keepers. E. द्वार् a door, and स्थ who stays; also द्वास्थ ।
- द्वाःस्थित :: m. (-तः) A door-keeper, a warder. E. द्वार् a door, and स्थित staying; also द्वास्थित ।
- द्वाःस्थितदर्शक :: m. (-कः) A warder, a porter, a chamberlain. E. द्वार् a door, स्थित staying, and दर्शक who shows, who introduces to the prince or great man to whom the mansion belongs; also द्वाःस्थित, and दर्शक severally; also द्वाःस्थितदर्शीन् m. (-र्शी .)
- द्वात्रिंशदक्षरिन् :: m. (-री) A book or composition. E. द्वात्रिंशत् thirty-two, अक्षर a letter, a consonant, इनि affix; formed of thirty-two letters.
- द्वात्रिंशल्लक्षणोपेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Having thirty-two auspicious marks, illustrious, great. E. द्वात्रिंशत् thirty-two, लक्षण a mark, उपेत possess- ing, endowed with.
- द्वादश :: mf. (-शः-शी) Twelfth. f. (-शी) The twelfth day of the half month E. द्वादशन्, and टच् aff.
- द्वादशक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Consisting of twelve, amounting to twelve, &c. E. कन् added to the last.
- द्वादशकर :: m. (-रः) 1. A name of VRIHASPATI. 2. A name of KĀBTIKEYA. E. द्वादश twelve, and कर a hand or ray.
- द्वादशन् :: mfn. plu. (-श) Twelve. E. द्वा for द्वि two, and दशन् ten.
- द्वादशपत्रक :: n. (-कं) A particular religious observance. E. द्वादश, and पत्र leaf or part, कन् added.
- द्वादशलोचन :: m. (-नः) The god KĀRTIKEYA. E. द्वादश twelve, and लोचन an eye; the twelve-eyed, or six-headed deity.
- द्वादशांशु :: m. (-शुः) The deity VRIHASPATI, or planet Jupiter, over which he presides. E. द्वादश twelve, and अंशु a ray.
- द्वादशाक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. The god KĀRTIKEYA. 2. The deity or sage Buddha. E. द्वादश twelve, and अक्ष an eye: the word is sometimes read in the second sense, द्वादशाख्य m. (-ख्यः) the twelve named.
- द्वादशाक्षरमन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) A prayer of twelve syllables, especially as address- ed to VISHNU, or Om, BHAGAVATE, VASUDEVAYA, RĀMĀYA. E. द्वादश, अक्षर a letter, and मन्त्र formulæ.
- द्वादशाङ्गुल :: m. (-लः) A measure of twelve fingers. E. द्वादश, and अङ्गुल a finger.
- द्वादशात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) The sun. E. द्वादश twelve, and आत्मन् identity; being represented in and identified with the twelve Adityas, or the sun in each month of the year; also द्वादशात्मक ।
- द्वादशायुस् :: m. (-युः) A dog. E. द्वादश twelve, (years,) and आयुस् life.
- द्वादशार्च्चिस् :: m. (-र्च्चिः) VRIHASPATI, regent of Jupiter, and precepter of the gods. E. द्वादश twelve, and अर्च्चिस् a ray of light.
- द्वादशास्र :: nf. (-स्रं-स्री) A parallelopipedon, a dodecagonal figure. E. द्वादश, and अस्र an angle.
- द्वापर :: m. (-रः) 1. The third of the four Yugas or great periods, compris- ing 864,000 years. 2. The age personified as a god. 3. Doubt, un- certainty. E. द्वा for द्वि two, पर after.
- द्वार् :: f. (-द्वाः) 1. A door, a gate. 2. A means, an expedient, a medium or way by which any thing takes place or is effected. E. द्वृ to cover or hold, in the causal form, affix विच् ।
- द्वार :: n. (-रं) 1. A door, a gate, or rather the door or gateway, a passage, an entrance. 2. A way, a means, a medium or vehicle. E. द्वृ to cover, affix अच् ।
- द्वारक :: mf. (-कः-का) Dwarakā the capital of KRISHNA, supposed to have been submerged by the sea, but represented by a small island of the north part of the Malaber coast. E. द्वार a way, (to salvation,) affix कन्; also द्वारिका, द्वारवती, &c.
- द्वारकण्टक :: m. (-कः) A door, gate, the door itself. E. द्वार a doorway, and कण्टक a thorn.
- द्वारकेश :: m. (-शः) A name of KRISHNA. E. द्वारक as above, and ईश master.
- द्वारपाल :: m. (-लः) A warder, a door-keeper. E. द्वार a door, and पाल who protects; also with कन् added द्वारपालक, or with the radical finals dropped द्वारप ।
- द्वारपिण्डी :: f. (-ण्डी) the threshold of a door. E. द्वार a door, and पिण्ड a ball.
- द्वारयन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) A lock, a bolt. E. द्वार a door, and यन्त्र an instrument.
- द्वारवती :: f. (-ती) The city Dwārakā. E. द्वार a door, and मतुप् poss. affix; also द्वारावती ।
- द्वारवलिभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) The Vaka, a sort of crane, (Ardea nivea.) E. द्वार a door, वलि offal or fragments, and भुज् who eats.
- द्वारशाखा :: f. (-खा) The leaf of a door. E. द्वार a door, and शाखा a branch.
- द्वारस्तम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) A door-post. E. द्वार, and स्तम्भ a post.
- द्वारस्थ :: m. (-स्थः) A door-keeper. E. द्वार a gate, and स्थ who stays.
- द्वारावती :: f. (-ती) Dwārakā: see द्वारवती, &c.
- द्वारिक :: m. (-कः) A door-keeper, a warder. E. द्वार a door, and ठक् affix f. (-का) Dwārakā, KRISHNA'S capital: see द्वारक . E. द्वार, and ठन् aff.
- द्वारिन् :: m. (-री) A porter, a warder, a door-keeper. E. द्वार, and इनि aff.
- द्वास्थ :: m. (-स्थः) A door-keeper, a warder. E. द्वार् a door, स्थ who stays, and र rejected; also र being changed to Visarga, द्वाःस्थ ।
- द्वास्थित :: m. (-तः) A door-keeper. E. द्वार, and स्थित who stays; also द्वाःस्थित; see the last.
- द्वास्थितदशक :: m. (-कः) A door-keeper: see द्वाःस्थितदर्शक, &c.
- द्वि :: dual only. mf. (-द्वौ) n. (-द्वे) Two. m. (-द्विः) Two, (of times, &c.) is only used in composition, as अतिद्वि a thing more than two, and inflected like other nouns in इः in composition with other nume- rals, it is changed to द्वा, as द्वादश twelve, द्वाविंशति twenty-two, द्वात्रिंशत् thirty-two, &c.
- द्विक :: m. (-कः) 1. A crow. 2. The ruddy goose. E. द्वि two, and क the letter क, as in काक mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Two. 2. Twice. 3. Two-fold. E. द्वि two, कन् pleonastic aff.
- द्विककार :: m. (-रः) A crow. E. द्वि two or twice, and ककार the letter क, as in काक .
- द्विककुद् :: m. (-द्) A camel. E. द्वि two, and ककुद् a hump.
- द्विकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Who or what makes two of any thing. E. द्वि and कृ to make, अच् aff.
- द्विगु :: m. (-गुः) A form of grammatical combination, that in which the first member of the compound is a numeral.
- द्विगुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Twice, two times. 2. Multiplied by two, doubled. E. द्वि two, and गुण number.
- द्विगुणाकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Twice ploughed. E. द्विगुणा twice, and कृत ploughed.
- द्विगुणित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Doubled, multiplied by two. 2. Folded, doubled. 3. Inverted, enveloped. E. द्वि, and गुण a time, इतच् aff.
- द्विगुणीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Doubled. 2. Increased. E. द्विगुण twice, कृत made, च्वि augment.
- द्विगुणीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Doubled. 2. Augmented. E. द्विगुण twice, भूत become, च्वि augment.
- द्विज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) 1. Twice born. 2. Oviparous. m. (-जः) 1. A man of either of the three first classes, a Brahman, a Kshetriya or a Vaisya whose investiture with the characteristic string, at years of puberty, constitutes, religiously and metaphorically, their second birth. 2. Any oviparous animal, as a bird, a snake, a fish, &c. first born in the shell, and in the second instance produced from it. 3. A tooth. 4. Coriander seed. f. (-जा) 1. A sort of perfume also called Renukā. 2. A plant. (Siphonanthus Indicus.) 3. Kundur or gum olebanum. E. द्वि two, and ज born. द्विः जायते । जन ड ।
- द्विजकुत्सित :: m. (-तः) A tree, (Cordia myxa.) E. द्विज a bird, कुत्सित reviled, disregarded. द्विजैः कुत्सितः । (नोना आता) द्विजानां तद्भक्षण निषेधात् तथात्वम् ।
- द्विजन्मन् :: mfn. (-न्मा -न्मा -न्म) 1. Twice born, regenerate. 2. Oviparous m. (-न्मा) 1. A tooth. 2. A Brahman. 3. A bird. 4. A man of the three first classes. 5. Any oviparous animal: see द्विज . E. द्वि twice, जन्मन् birth.
- द्विजदास :: m. (-सः) A Sudra or man of the fourth and servile tribe. E. द्विज a man of either of the three first castes, and दास a slave.
- द्विजपति :: m. (-तिः) The moon. E. द्विज a Brahman, and पति master. १ चन्द्रे २ कर्पूरे ४ द्विजश्रेष्ठे ५ पक्षिश्रेष्ठे ६ गरुडे ।
- द्विजप्रपा :: f. (-पा) A trough near a well for watering birds, cattle, &c. E. द्विज a bird, &c. and प्र prefixed to पा to drink, affixes अङ् and टाप् . द्विजार्थं पक्षिणमुद्दिश्य प्रषा । आलवाले ।
- द्विजप्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Acceptable or friendly to a man of the three first classes, or a Brahman especially. f. (-या) The moonplant, (Asclepias acida.) E. द्विज a Brahman, and प्रिय beloved, the acid juice being drank at certain sacrifices.
- द्विजब्रुव :: m. (-वः) A Brahman by birth only, one not studied or not practising the duties of his caste. E. द्विज a Brahman, and ब्रुव who speaks.
- द्विजराज :: m. (-जः) 1. The moon. 2. The great serpent ANANTA. 3. The bird and vehicle of VISHNU. 4. Camphor. E. द्विज a snake or bird, and राज king. see द्विजपति .
- द्विजलिङ्गिन् :: m. (-ङ्गी) 1. A Kshetriya or man of the military tribe 2. An impostor, a pretended Brahman, wearing the distinguishing mark of that tribe without belonging to it. E. द्विज twice born, and लिङ्ग a mark, इनि aff.
- द्विजवर्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) An excellent or superior Brahman. E. द्विज and वर्य्य excellent.
- द्विजब्रण :: m. (-णः) Gumboil, toothache. E. द्विज a tooth, ब्रण a sore.
- द्विजशप्त :: m. (-प्तः) A sort of pulse; also called Rāja-māsh-kalai and Barbatti, (Dolichos catjang.) E. द्विज a Brahman, and शप्त cursed; it is a prohibited food on some occasions.
- द्विजशुश्रूषा :: f. (-षा) Service of the three first classes, especially of the Brahmans, by the forth. E. द्विज and शुश्रूषा service.
- द्विजसत्तम :: m. (-मः) A respectable Brahman. E. द्विज and सत्तम best; also द्विजवर द्विजप्रवर &c.
- द्विजसेवक :: m. (-कः) A Sudra or man of the fourth and servile class. E. द्विज a man of the three first classes, and सेवक a servant.
- द्विजसेवा :: f. (-वा) Service of the three first classes, especially of the Brahman by the fourth. E. द्विज, and सेवा service.
- द्विजाग्र्य :: m. (-ग्र्यः) A chief or respectable Brahman. E. द्विज, and अग्र्य first.
- द्विजाङ्गी :: f. (-ङ्गी) A medicinal plant; also कटुरोहिणी ।
- द्विजाति :: f. (-तिः) 1. A Brahman. 2. A man of either of the three first classes. 3. Any oviparous animal, as a bird, a snake, &c. E. द्वि two, जाति birth. द्विः जातिः जन्म यस्य ।
- द्विजानुलोम :: n. (-मं) The regular order or series of the three first classes. E. द्विज, and अनुलोम with the hair.
- द्विजायनी :: f. (-नी) The characteristic thread or cord which designates the three first classes of the Hindus. E. द्विज twice-born, ल्युट् affix, fem. affix ङीप् । द्विजः अय्यते ज्ञायते अनया । यज्ञोपवीते ।
- द्विजालय :: m. (-यः) 1. The hollow of a tree. 2. The residence of Brah- mans. E. द्विज a bird, or a Brahman, and आलय an asylum.
- द्विजिह्व :: (mfn.) (-ह्वः-ह्वा-ह्वं) Double-tongued, (literally or figuratively.) m. (-ह्वः) 1. A snake. 2. An informer. 3. A rogue, a scoundrel, a bad man. 4. A thief. E. द्वि two, जिह्वा the tongue. द्वे जिह्वे यस्य ।
- द्विजिह्वता :: f. (-ता) Insincerity, dishonesty. E. तल् added to the last.
- द्विजोत्तम :: m. (-लः) 1. A Brahman. 2. A superior or excellent Brahman. E. द्विज the twice-born, (three first classes,) and उत्तम best.
- द्विज्या :: f. (-ज्या) The sine or chord of an arc. E. द्वि, and ज्या sine.
- द्विज्यामार्ग :: m. (-र्गं) A horizontal line. E. द्विज्य, and मार्ग road.
- द्विट्सेवा :: f. (-वा) Treachery. E. द्विष् a foe, सेवा service.
- द्विट्सेविन् :: n. (-वी) A traitor. E. द्विट् an enemy, and सेविन् who serves.
- द्विठ :: m. (-ठः) Swāhā, the expression used with an oblation to fire. द्वौ ठकारौ लेखनाकारे यस्य । विसर्गे स्वाहायाम् । ठकारद्वये ।
- द्वितय :: n. (-यं) A couple, a pair, two. E. द्वि two, तयप् aff.
- द्वितीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Second. 2. Two. m. (-यः) A son, a second or successor. f. (-या) 1. A wife, according to the ritual, a woman wedded after the ceremony prescribed by the Vedas, a second self as it were. 2. The second day of the fortnight. E. द्वि two, and तीय affix, fem. affix टाप्; also with कन् added, द्वितीयक ।
- द्वितीयत्व :: n. (-त्वं) The circumstance or state of second. E. द्वितीय, and त्व affix; also with तल्, द्वितीयता ।
- द्वितीयत्रिफला :: f. (-ला) A set of three fruits, the grape, the date, and the Gāmbhāri. E. द्वितीय second, त्रिफल three fruits.
- द्वितीयाकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Twice ploughed, &c. (a field) E. द्वितीय a second time, and आकृत made.
- द्वितीयाभा :: f. (-भा) A scitamineous plant, (Curcuma zanthorrhiza) E. द्वितीय second, आभा lustre.
- द्वितीयीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Second. E. द्वितीय, and ईकक pleonasm added.
- द्वित्र :: mfn. plu. always (-त्राः-त्राः-त्राणि) Two or three. E. द्वि two and त्र for त्रि three.
- द्विदत् :: mfn. (-दन् -दती -दत्) Two-toothed. E. द्वि two, दत् for दन्त a tooth; in marking age or period the compound is द्विदन्त .
- द्विदन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ती -न्तं) Old enough to have two teeth, &c. E. द्वि, and दन्त a tooth, see the last.
- द्विदण्डि :: ind. Single stick, quarter staff, as द्विदण्डि प्रहरणं fighting with two sticks. E. द्वि, दण्ड a staff, इच् affix; also similar compounds, as द्विमुषलि, &c.
- द्विदश :: m. plu. (-शाः) Twenty, two tens. E. द्वि, and दश ten.
- द्विदाम्नी :: f. (-म्नी) A cow tied with two ropes. E. द्वि, and दामन् a rope.
- द्विदेह :: m. (-हः) A name of GANESA. E. द्वि two, and देह a body; having the head of an elephant, with the figure of a man. द्वाभ्यां देहोऽस्य ।
- द्विदैवत्या :: f. (-त्या) The constellation Viśākhā. E. द्वि two, दैवत a deity, and क्यप् affix; INDRA and AGNI jointly presiding over the asterism.
- द्विघा :: ind. Of two kinds, in two ways. E. द्वि two, धा aff.
- द्विधाकरण :: n. (-णं) Dividing into two parts, arranging in two ways, &c. E. द्विधा, and करण making.
- द्विधागति :: m. (-तिः) A crocodile. E. द्विधा of two sorts, गति going; amphibious.
- द्विधातु :: mfn. (-तुः -तुः -तु) Having two natures, two roots, &c. m. (-तुः) A name of GANESA. E. द्वि two or double, धातु nature: see द्विदेह । द्वौ धातू यत्र । धातुद्बयघटिते कांस्यरैत्यादौ, गणेशे च ।
- द्विधात्मक :: n. (-कं) A nutmeg. E. द्विधा two sorts, and आत्मक being.
- द्विधालेख्य :: mfn. (-ख्यः -ख्या -ख्यं) To be written in two ways. m. (-ख्यः) The
marshy date tree. E. द्विधा, and लेख्य to be written or described. द्विप्रकारे लेखनीये हिन्तालवृक्षे च ।
- द्विनग्नक :: m. (-कः) A circumcised man, one having no prepuce. E. द्वि two, नग्न naked, कन् added; exposed either by want of clothes or skin.
- द्विनिष्क :: mfn. (-ष्कः -ष्का -ष्कं) Bought, &c. with two Nishkas. E. द्वि, and निष्क a measure of value; also द्विनैष्किक mfn. (-कः -की -कं)
- द्विप :: m. (-पः) 1. An elephant. 2. A plant, (Mesua ferrea.) E. द्वि two, and प who drinks, the elephant imbibing fluids by his trunk, and thence conveying them into his mouth. द्वाभ्यां मुखशुण्डाभ्यां पिबति पा-क ।
- द्विपथ :: n. (-थं) A place where two roads meet. E. द्वि two, पथिन् a road.
- द्विपद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Two-footed. 2. Having two parts. 3. Binomial. m. (-दः) A biped, including four genera, gods, demons. men, and birds. E. द्वि, and पद for पाद a foot.
- द्विपदराशि :: f. (-शिः) Either of the signs, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Virgo, and half of Sagittarius. E. द्विपद, and राशि a sign.
- द्विपमद :: m. (-दः) The elephant's temporal juice. E. द्विप, and मद the exudation.
- द्विपर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णी -र्णं) Two leaved, opposite-leaved. E. द्वि, and पर्ण a leaf.
- द्विपात्त्व :: n. (-त्त्वं) The having of two feet, two parts, &c. E. द्विपाद्, and त्व affix; also with तल्, द्विपात्ता .
- द्विपाद् :: mfn. (-पाद् -पती -पत्) Biped, two-footed. E. द्वि two, and पाद् for पाद a foot.
- द्विपाद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) Bought, &c. with two quarters. n. (-द्यं) A double penalty, an amercement of twice the common amount. E. द्वि two, पाद a division, and यत् aff.
- द्विपायिन् :: m. (-यी) An elephant. E. द्वि two, and पायिन् who drinks: see द्विप .
- द्विपृष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) A proper name; also VASUDEVA. ब्रह्मसम्भवे राजभेदे ।
- द्विप्रतिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Bought, &c. with two Karshas. E. द्वि, प्रति for कार्षापण, and ठन् added.
- द्विबाहु :: mfn. (-हुः -ह्वी -हु) Two armed. E. द्वि, and वाहु an arm.
- द्विभुज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) 1. Two armed. 2. An angle or the lines which form it. E. द्वि two, and भुज an arm.
- द्विमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Made or consisting of two, (parts of any thing.) E. द्वि, and मयट् aff.
- द्विमातृज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Having two mothers, born in two ways; it may be said of some of the deities, thus GANESA was the son of PĀRVATI, but not born in the usual way, being made of the scur of her body; see द्वैमातुर . E. द्वि two, मातृ a mother, and ज born. द्वाभ्यां मातृभ्यां जायते जन-ड ।
- द्विमुख :: m. (-खः) A serpent. f. (-खा) 1. A small water jar. 2. A leech. E. द्वि, and मुख mouth; double-headed.
- द्विमुखाहि :: m. (-हिः) A sort of serpent, (Amphisbœna.) E. द्वि two, मुख face, अहि a snake; the double-headed snake.
- द्विमुखोरग :: m. (-गः) A sort of snake: see the last. E. द्विमुख as above, and उरग a snake.
- द्विमूर्द्ध :: mfn. (-र्द्धः -र्द्धा -र्द्धं) Two-headed. E. द्वि two, मूर्द्धन् the fore-head, and यच् aff.
- द्विर :: m. (-रः) A bee: see द्विरेफ .
- द्विरद :: m. (-दः) An elephant. E. द्वि two, and रद a tooth, having tusks and teeth,
- द्विरदान्तक :: m. (-कः) A lion. E. द्विरद, and अन्तक destroyer.
- द्विरशन :: n. (-नं) Eating twice a day. E. द्वि, and अशन् eating.
- द्विरसन :: m. (-नः) A snake in general. E. द्वि two, रसना the tongue; double or forky-tongued.
- द्विरात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A period of two nights. E. द्वि, and रात्र for रात्रि night.
- द्विराप :: m. (-पः) An elephant. E. द्विर् for द्वि two, आङ् prefixed to पा to drink, affix ड; drinking with the trunk and mouth: see द्विप ।
- द्विरुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Repeated, said twice. 2. Said or told in two ways. E. द्वि, and उक्त said.
- द्विरुक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Tautology, repetition. 2. Variety of narration, telling any thing in two ways. 3. (In Grammar,) Repetition of a syllable. E. द्वि, and उक्ति saying.
- द्विरुढा :: f. (-ढा) A woman who has been twice married. E. द्वि two, उढ a married woman.
- द्विरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पी-पं) 1. Of two forms, having a different shape. 2. Spelled or written in two ways. m. (-पः) 1. A word that may be correctly spelled in two ways. 2. Variety of interpretation or reading. E. द्वि, and रूप form.
- द्विरेफ :: m. (-फः) A large black bee. E. द्वि two, रेफ the letter र; having two rs, in the most common name, भ्रमर, Bhramara.
- द्विरेफवृन्द :: n. (-न्दं) A flight or swarm of bees. E. द्विरेफ, and वृन्द a number.
- द्विवर्ष :: mfn. (-र्षः -र्षी -र्षं) Two years old, &c. f. (-र्षा) A cow two years old. E. द्वि two, वर्ष a year.
- द्विवर्षिका :: f. (-का) A cow two years old. E. द्विवर्ष, and कन् added.
- द्विवर्षीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Two years old, two years standing, &c. E. द्वि two, वर्ष a year, ख affix; also with ठञ् affix द्विवार्षिक mfn. (-कः -की -कं) when futurity is implied, the first vowel is usually changed, as द्वैवार्षिक .
- द्विवाहिका :: f. (-का) A swing, a swinging cot, a litter. E. द्वि two, वाह to bear, affix ण्वुल्; born usually by two men.
- द्विविद :: m. (-दः) The name of monkey, slain by RĀMA or VISHNŪ in that incarnation.
- द्विविदारि :: m. (-रिः) VISHNŪ. E. द्विविद as above, अरि the foe.
- द्विविध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Of two kinds, in two ways. E. द्वि, and विध sort.
- द्विवेशरा :: f. (-रा) A kind of carriage.
- द्विशफ :: m. (-फः) Any cloven-footed animal. E. द्वि and शफ a hoof.
- द्विशस् :: ind. Two, respectively. E. द्वि two, and शस् aff.
- द्विशीर्षक :: m. (-कः) A name of AGNI. E. द्वि two, शीर्ष a head, and कन् added.
- द्विशूर्प्प :: mfn. (-र्प्प -र्प्पी -र्प्पं) Bought with two winnowing baskets of any- thing. E. द्वि, and शूर्प्प a basket; also with ठञ्, द्विशौर्प्पिक, mfn. (-कः -की -कं .)
- द्विशृङ्गिन् :: m. (-ङ्गी) A sort of fish, commonly called Marmaka. E. द्वि two, शृङ्ग a horn, and इनि aff.
- द्विष :: r. 1st cl. द्विषति also (औ) औद्विष r. 2nd cl. (द्वेष्टि-ष्टे) plu. (द्विषन्ति) To hate, to dislike, to be hostile or unfriendly. अदा० उभ० सक० अनिट् ।
- द्विष् :: mfn. (द्विट्) Inimical, hostile. m. (द्विट्) An enemy. E. द्विष् to hate, affix क्विप्; also with क affix द्विष m. (-षः) or mfn. (-षः -षा -षं .)
- द्विषत् :: mfn. (-षन् -षन्ती -षत्) 1. Hating or detesting, hostile. 2. Inimical, unfriendly. m. (-न्) An enemy. E. द्विष् to hate, participal aff. शतृ .
- द्विषतीताप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Vexing or harassing an enemy. E. द्विषत् and ताप who afflicts, with च्वि augment.
- द्विषन्तप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Punishing or annoying an enemy, revenging, retaliating. E. द्विष an enemy, तप् to burn, affix खच् .
- द्विष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Hated, dislike. n. (-ष्टं) Copper: see द्व्यष्ट . E. द्विष् to hate, affix क्त .
- द्विष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Staying in two shapes or places, &c. E. द्वि two, and स्थ what is or abides. द्वयो स्तिष्ठति स्था-क ।
- द्विसप्ताह :: m. (-हः) A fortnight. E. द्वि twice, सप्त seven, and अह a day. twice seven days.
- द्विसम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Consisting of two equal portions, &c. E. द्वि two, सम equal. द्वि समे परिमाणमस्य ठञ् तस्य लुक् । द्विवर्षपरिमाणे .
- द्विसमत्रिभुजा :: f. (-जा) An isosceles triangle. E. द्वि, सम equal, त्रिभुजा triangle.
- द्विसहस्राक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The great serpent, sovereign of the snake race, and
the couch of VISHNŪ. E. द्विसहस्र two thousand, and अक्षि an eye: the two thousand-eyed. द्विरावृत्तं सहस्रमक्षोणि यस्य, अनन्ते ।
- द्विसीत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) Twice ploughed. E. द्वि twice, सीता a plough. and यत् aff.
- द्विस्तन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Two-breasted, two-uddered. E. द्वि and स्तन breast.
- द्विहन् :: m. (-हा) An elephant. E. द्वि two ways, with tusks and teeth, and हन् who kills.
- द्विहल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) Twice ploughed. E. द्वि two, हल a plough, affix यत् .
- द्विहायन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Two years old. f. (-नी) A cow two years old. E. द्वि two, हायन a year, affixes अण् and ङीष् .
- द्विहृदया :: f. (-या) A pregnant woman. E. द्वि two, हृदय a heart; having, one of her own and one in the fœtus.
- द्विन्द्रियग्राह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) Perceptible by two senses or forms, by sight and touch, &c. E. द्वि, इन्द्रिय an organ of sense, ग्राह्य to be seized.
- द्वीप :: mn. (-पः-पं) 1. An island, any land surrounded by water; the word is hence applied to the seven grand divisions of the terrestrial world, each of these being separated from the next, by a peculiar and circumambient ocean: the seven Dwīpas, reckon- ing from the central one are, Jambu, Kusa, Plaksha, Sālmalī, Krauncha, Sāka, and Pushkara: the central Dwīpa, or the known continent, is again portioned into ten divisions, likewise termed Dwīpas: viz. Kuru, Chandra, Varuna, Saumya, Naga, Kumārikā, Gabhastiman, Tāmrāpurna, Kaseru and Indra. 2. A tiger's skin. E. द्वि two, (on both sides,) and आप water, आ dropped and इ made long. द्विर्गता द्वयो र्वा दिशोर्गता आपोऽत्र । अ० समा० ।
- द्वीपकर्पूरक :: m. (-कः) China camphor. E. द्वीप and कर्पूर camphor.
- द्वीपवत् :: m. (-वान्) The ocean. mf. (-वान्-वती) A river. f. (-वती) The earth. E. द्वीप an island, मतुप् possessive aff.
- द्वीपिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिनी -पि) Island, islander. m. (-पी) 1. A tiger. 2. An ounce or panther. E. द्वीप an Island, इनि affix; haunting the small woody islands that abound in the rivers in India, or द्वीप a tiger's spotted skin, derived from द्वि two; इ to go or be, प affix: and इनि as before.
- द्वीपिशत्रु :: m. (-त्रुः) A plant, (Asparagus racemosus.) E. द्वीपिन् a tiger, and शत्रु obnoxious. शतावर्य्याम् । द्वीपिनः व्याघ्रस्य शत्रुरिव ।
- द्वीप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) Island, an islander, &c. m. (-प्यः) 1. A sort of crow. 2. A name of VYĀSA. E. द्वीप, and यत् aff.
- द्वृ :: r. 1st cl. (द्वारति) 1. To accept, to appoint. 2. To cover.
- द्वेधा :: ind. In two ways: see द्विधा .
- द्वेष :: m. (-षः) Hate, enmity. E. द्विष to hate, affix घञ् .
- द्वेषण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Inimical, hostile. m. (-णः) An enemy. n. (-णं) Hate, enmity. E. द्विष् to hate, and ल्यु or युच् aff.
- द्वेषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Hostile, inimical, adverse, obnoxious. m. (-षी) An enemy. E. द्विष् to hate, णिन् aff.
- द्वेष्टृ :: mfn. (-ष्टा -ष्ट्री -ष्टृ) Hating, inimical, an enemy. E. द्विष to hate, तृच् aff.
- द्वेष्य :: mfn. (-ष्यः -ष्या -ष्य) Hateful, detestable. E. द्विष to hate, affix ण्यत् । द्वेष्टु- मर्हः यत् कर्मणि ण्यत् वा ।
- द्वेष्यता :: f. (-ता) Aversion, dislike, detestableness. E. द्वेष्य and तल् aff.
- द्वैगुणिक :: m. (-कः) A usurer, a money lender. E. द्वि two, गुण number, affix ठक्; who requires cent. per cent.
- द्वैगुण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) 1. Duality. 2. The possession of two out of the three qualities. 3. Doubling. E. द्विगुण and अण् aff.
- द्वैजात :: mfn. (-तः -ती -तं) Twice-born. E. द्विजात, and अण् aff.
- द्वैत :: n. (-तं) 1. Duplication, doubling or being doubled. 2. Duality, in philosophy, the assertion of two principles, as the distinctness of life and soul, spirit and matter, god and the universe. E. द्वि two तल् affix, द्वित double, two-fold, abstract affix अण् . द्विधा इतं द्वीतं तस्य भावः स्वार्थे वा अण् ।
- द्वैतवादिन् :: m. (-दी) A philosopher who asserts two principles. E. द्वैत, and वादिन् who asserts. द्वैतं जीवभेदं जीवेश्वरयोः भेदं वा वदति वद णिनि जीवभेदवादिनि जीवेश्वरयोः भेदवादिनि च नैयायिकादौ ।
- द्वैतीयीक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Second. E. द्वितीय second, pleonastic affix अण् and ईकक् added.
- द्वैध :: mfn. (-धः -धी -धं) Two-fold, of two sorts. n. (-धं) 1. A double resource, a stratagem, a secondary arrangement or array, a reserve. 2. Contest, dispute, difference. 3. A two-fold form or state. E. द्वैधम् and ड added.
- द्वैधम् :: ind. In two ways. E. द्वि, and धमुञ् aff.
- द्वैधीकरण :: n. (-णं) Making two, separating, disuniting. E. द्वैध and करण making, च्वि augment.
- द्वैधीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Separated. 2. made into two, sundered. E. द्वैध and कृत made, च्वि augment.
- द्वैधीभाव :: m. (-वः) 1. Sowing dissension, causing tho separation of allies. 2. Dividing into two. 3. The nature or property of being two or distinct. E. द्वैध, and भाव property, च्वि aff.
- द्वैधीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Being two, being separated or disunited. E. द्वैध and भूत become, च्वि augment.
- द्वैप :: mfn. (-पः -पी -पं) 1. Made of a tiger's skin. 2. Island, islander. m. (-षः) A car covered or hung with a tiger's skin. E. द्वीप a tiger's skin, and अञ् aff.
- द्वैपायन् :: m. (-नः) A name of VYĀSA, the author or compiler of the Vedas and Purānas. E. द्वीप an island, फक् affix; the island-born, the place of his nativity being a small island in Jamunā.
- द्वैप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) Of or belonging to an island. E. द्वीप an island, यञ् aff.
- द्वैमातुर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Having two mothers, or the natural mother and a step-mother. m. (-रः) 1. A name of GANESA. 2. An epithet of JARĀSANDHA: see जरासन्ध . E. द्वि two, मातृ a mother, अण् affix, उ substituted for the penultimate: see द्विमातृज .
- द्वैमित्रि :: mfn. (-त्रिः -त्री -त्रि) Born of two friends, the children, &c. E. द्वि, and मित्र a friend, इञ् aff.
- द्वैयह्निक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Of or belonging to two days. E. द्व्यहन्, and ठञ् aff.
- द्वैरथ :: m. (-थः) Single combat in chariots. E. द्विरथ two cars, अण् aff.
- द्वैरात्रिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Of or belonging to a period of two nights. E. द्विरात्र, and ठञ् aff.
- द्वैवर्षिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) After two years, of or belonging to two years to come. E. द्वि, वर्ष a year, ठञ् aff.
- द्वैविध्य :: n. (-ध्यं) The state of being two-fold. E. द्विविध, and ष्यञ् aff.
- द्वैहायन :: n. (-नं) The age of two years. E. द्विहायन, and अण् aff.
- द्व्यंश :: m. (-शः) Two shares. E. द्वि, and अंश part.
- द्व्यक्षर :: n. (-रं) A word of two syllables. E. द्वि, and अक्षर a syllable.
- द्व्यङ्गुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Measuring two fingers. n. (-लं) Two fingers. E. द्वि two, अङ्गुलि a finger, if wood (काष्ठ) is implied, the fem. form is द्व्यङ्गुलि .
- द्व्यञ्जल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Measuring, &c. two Anjalis. m. (-लिः) Two Anjalis collectively. E. द्वि, and अञ्जलि a certain measure, टच् affix; also with the final retained द्व्यञ्जलि .
- द्व्यणुक :: n. (-कं) The aggregation of two atoms, the first step in the formation of substances, and when they become perceptible, The molecule of two atoms. E. द्वि and अणु an atom, कन् added.
- द्व्यन्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) Accompanied, &c. by two others. n. (-न्यं) Two others collectively. E. द्वि, and अन्य another.
- द्व्यर्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) 1. Having two senses, meaning two things. 2. Having two objects. m. (-र्थः) Two-fold meaning, double-entendre. E. द्वि, and अर्थ sense.
- द्व्यष्ट :: n. (-ष्टं) Copper. E. द्वि two, (metals; gold and silvers.) अश to
pervade, affix क्त; mixed as alloy with the fine metals; also the य being interchanged with its congener इ, द्विष्ट .
- द्व्यह :: m. (-हः) Two days. E. द्वि two, and अह a day.
- द्व्यहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Of or belonging to two days. E. द्व्यह, and ख aff.
- द्व्यात्मक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Comprising two, being two. m. (-कः) A sign of the zodiac, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. E. द्वि, and आत्मन् self, कन् aff.
- द्व्यामुष्यायण :: m. (-णः) A boy who remains heir to his father though adopted by another. E. द्वि, and आमुष्यायण a certain person. अमुष्य प्रसिद्धस्यापत्यम् फक् आमुष्यायणः द्वयोरामुष्यायणः ६ तत् पु० स० ।
- द्व्यायुष :: n. (-षं) Two lives. E. द्वि, and आयुष् life.
- द्व्याहिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Produced, &c. in two days. E. द्व्यह, and ठञ् aff.
- द्व्येकान्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Having two between, two off. E. द्वि, and एकान्तर an interval, a line.
- ध :: The aspirated letter corresponding to the preceding, and expressed by Dh.
- ध :: m. (धः) 1. A name of BRAMHĀ. 2. A name KUVERA. 3. Virtue, moral merit n. (-धं) Wealth, property. E. धा to have or possess, affix ड .
- धक्क :: r. 10th cl. (धक्कयति-ते) To destroy or annihilate. चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- धट :: m. (-टः) 1. A balance, a pair of scales. 2. the sign Libra. 3. Ordeal by the balance. f. (-टी) 1. Old cloth or raiment. 2. A piece of cloth worn over the privities. E. धण् to sound, and ट substi- tuted for ण, affix अच् .
- धटक :: m. (-कः) A weight of forty-two Rattis.
- धटिनी :: f. (-नी) A cotton tie or string, fastened round the loins E. धट a cloth, and इनि aff.
- धटीदान :: n. (-नं) Giving old cloth to a woman after impregnation. E. धटी, and दान giving.
- धण :: r. 1st cl. (धणति-ते) To sound. भ्वा० प० अक० सेट् ।
- धत्तूर :: m. (-रः) The thorn apple: see धुस्तर . E. धेट to drink, उरच् affix, or more correctly, धययि धातून् धा-ऊर-पृ ।
- धन :: r. 1st cl. (धनति) To sound. r. 3rd cl. (दधन्ति) To bear or produce, (grain, &c.): restricted to the Vedas. भ्वा० प० अक० सेट् । जुहो० ।
- धन :: n. (-नं) 1. property of any description, thing, substance, wealth. 2. Wealth in cattle, property in herds. 3. A term of endearment 4. (In Algebra,) The affirmative quantity or plus. E. धन to pro- duce, (a crop,) affix अच् .
- धनकेलि :: m. (-लिः) KUVERA, the Hindū Plutus; also धनकेलिक . E. धन wealth, and केलि who sports.
- धनगर्व्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) purse-proud. E. धन, and गर्व्वित arrogant.
- धनच्छु :: m. (-च्छुः) The Numidian crane. E. धन the wealth, (of fields,) and च्छो to destroy, affix टु Note; as a synonym of करेटुखगे this word would seem to mean the bird stated: the name itself is more analogous to the Dhanesa of the dialects or the Indian Buceros.
- धनजात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Springing from wealth. E. धन, and जात born.
- धनञ्जय :: m. (-यः) 1. The deity of fire. 2. A name of ARJUNA. 3. One of the Nāgas or infernal serpents. 4. One of the five vital airs, that which is supposed to fatten. 5. A tree, (Pentaptera arjuna.) E. धन wealth, जि to conquer or possess, affix खच् मुम् च ।
- धनतृष्णा :: f. (-ष्णा) Covetousness. E. धन, and तृणा thirst.
- धनद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Beneficent, liberal, who gives away pro-
perty, &c. m. (-दः) A name of KUVERA. E. धन wealth, देङ् to drink, or दा to give, affix क, or धनं दयते दे पालने ।
- धनदण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) Fine, amercement. E. धन and दण्ड punishment.
- धनदर्प :: m. (-र्पः) Pride of wealth. E. धन and दर्प pride.
- धनदानुज :: m. (-जः) RĀVANA. E. धनद KUVERA अनुज younger brother.
- धनदायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Liberal, munificent. m. (-यी) 1. The deity of fire. 2. A benefactor, a donor. E. धन wealth, दा to give, णिनि aff.
- धनन्ददा :: f. (-दा) One of the Śaktis, or female personifications of Divine power peculiar to the Bauddhas E. धन wealth, दद to give, affix खश्
- धनपति :: m. (-तिः) The god of riches, KUVERA. E. घन wealth, and पति master or lord.
- धनपिचाशिका :: f. (-का) Avarice, thirst of wealth. E. धन wealth, पिचाशि a she-demon, affix कन् .
- धनपिशाची :: f. (-धी) Extreme desire of riches, avarice. E. See the preceding.
- धनप्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Fond of wealth. f. (-या) A vegetable, (Ardisia solanacea.) E. धन, and प्रिय dear to.
- धनमद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Proud, inflated with the pride of wealth, E. धन wealth, मद to be intoxicated, affix अप् .
- धनमूल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Proceeding from wealth. n. (-लं) Principal, capital E. धन, and मूल root.
- धनलुब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) Miserly, avaricious, greedy of wealth, merce- nary. E. धन, and लुब्ध desirous.
- धनलोभ :: m. (-भः) Desire of wealth, greediness, avarice, E. धन, and लोभ desire.
- धनवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Wealthy, opulent. f. (-वती) The constellation Dhanishṭhā. E. धन wealth, and मतुप् possessive aff.
- धनव्यय :: m. (-यः) Expenditure, extravagance. E. धन and व्यय expense.
- धनसम्पत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Accumulation of wealth. E. धन, and सम्पत्ति acquire- ment.
- धनसू :: m. (-सूः) The fork-tailed shrike.
- धनस्थक :: m. (-कः) A plant: see गोक्षुर .
- धनहर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. Inheriting, an heir. 2. Stealing, a thief. 3. Taking wealth, &c. f. (-री) A sort of perfume, commonly called Chor. E. धन wealth, हृ to steal, affix अप् or ट .
- धनहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) A thief, a pilferer. E. See the last.
- धनहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Inheriting, an heir. 2. A thief. E. धन and हारिन् who takes.
- धनहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Poor, reduced to poverty. E. धन and हीन deprived of.
- धनागम :: m. (-मः) Accession of wealth. E. धन, and आगम coming.
- धनादान :: n. (-नं) Acceptance of money. E. धन and आदान taking.
- धनाधिकारिन् :: mf. (-री-रिणी-रि) An heir, an heiress. m. (-रीः) A treasurer, a collector. E. धन and अधिकारिन् having a right to.
- धनाधिकृत :: m. (-तः) A treasurer. E. धन and अधिकृत placed over.
- धनाधिप :: m. (-पः) 1. A name of KUVERA. 2. A treasurer. E. धन riches and अधिप lord; also similar compounds, धनाधिपति, &c.
- धनाध्यक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. A name of KUYERA. 2. A treasurer. E. धन wealth, अध्यक्ष superintendent.
- धनापहार :: m. (-रः) 1. Fine, amercement. 2. Plunder. E. धन, and अपहार taking away.
- धनार्च्चित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Wealthy, opulent. E. धन, and अर्च्चित respected by.
- धनार्ज्जन :: n. (-नं) Acquisition of property. E. धन and अर्ज्जन acquiring.
- धनार्थिन् :: mfn. (-र्थी -र्थिनी -र्थि) Seeking for wealth, covetous, miserly. E. धन, and अर्थिन् who wants.
- धनाशा :: f. (-शा) Thirst of wealth, longing after riches. E. धन wealth आशा hope, wish.
- धनाश्री :: f. (-श्री) One of the Rāginis.
- धनिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Pious, virtuous, excellent. 2. Rich, opulent. m. (-कः) 1. A wealthy man. 2. A creditor. 3. A husband. 4.
Coriander. f. (-का) 1. A virtuous or excellent woman. 2. A wife. 3. A young woman. 4. A tree: see प्रियङ्गु . E. धन wealth, affix ठन् धनमादेयत्वेन अस्ति अस्य ।
- धनिन् :: mfn. (-नी -निनी -नि) Wealthy, opulent. m. (-नी) 1. A rich man. 2. A creditor, E. धन wealth, इनि aff. धनमस्ति अस्य धन + इनि ।
- धनिष्ठा :: f. (-ष्ठा) The twenty-fourth Nakshatra or lunar mansion, it com- prises four stars, and is figured by a drum or tabor. E. धन to produce, (as corn,) affix अच् and मतुप् added, धनवत् again, इष्ठन् added, and मतुप् rejected, fem. affix टाप् .
- धनीका :: f. (-का) A young woman. E. धन wealth, ठक् affix, and the vowel made long.
- धनीयक :: n. (-कं) Coriander-seed. E. धन to be produced, (as corn,) affix छ and कन् added see धन्याक .
- धनु :: m. (-नुः) 1. A bow. 2. The sign Sagittarius. 3. A tree: see पियाल . 4. A measure of four cubits. E. धन here meaning to cast as an arrow, Unādi affix उन् also धनुस् .
- धनुःकाण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) A bow and arrow. E. धनुस्, and काण्ड an arrow.
- धनुःखण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) A bow, the stick or horns of the bow. धनुस् and खण्ड a part.
- धनुःपट :: m. (-टः) The Piyasal tree, (Buchanania latifolia, Rox.) E. धनुस् a bow, and पट width; bending like a bow. धनुष इव पटो विस्तारो दले यस्य ।
- धनुःशाखा :: f. (-खा) A plant, from the leaves of which a tough thread is extracted, of which bow strings were formerly made: see मूर्व्वा, (Sanseviera zeylanica, Rox. but called by Sir WM. JONES, Aletris hyacinthoides.) E. धनुस् a bow, शाखा a branch. धनुरवयव इव शाखा यस्याः । पियालतरौ, मूर्ब्बायाम् ।
- धनुःश्रेणी :: f. (-णी) A plant: see the last. E. धनुस् a bow, and श्रेणी a line.
- धनुर्गुण :: mf. (-णः-णा) A bow string. f. (-णा) A plant, from which bow strings are made: see the two last. E. धनुस् a bow, and गुण a string. धनुषो गुणो यस्याः सकाशात् ।
- धनुर्द्रुम :: m. (-मः) A bamboo. E. धनुस् and द्रुम a tree. धनुषः साधनं द्रुमः । वंशवृक्षे । ततएव धनुषो जननात् ।
- धनुर्धर :: m. (-रः) An archer, a bowyer, one armed with a bow. E. धनुस् a bow, and धर who possesses. धनुर्धारयति धृ-अच् ।
- धनुर्धारिन् :: m. (-री) An archer, a bowyer. E. धनुस् and धारिन् who has.
- धनुर्भृत् :: m. (-त्) An archer. E. धनुस् a bow, and भृत् who possesses: see the last. धनुर्भिभत्ति भृ कर्त्तरि क्विप् तुक् ६ तत् पु० स० ।
- धनुर्मध्य :: n. (-ध्यं) The middle part of a bow. E. धनुस् a bow, मध्य the centre.
- धनुर्मार्ग :: n. (-र्गं) A curve line. E. धनुस् an arc, मार्ग a road.
- धनुर्माला :: f. (-ला) A plant, from the leaves of which bow strings were made: see मूर्व्वा . E. धनुस् a bow, and माला a garland.
- धनुर्य्यास :: m. (-सः) A plant, (Hedysarum alhagi.) E. धनुस् for धन्वन् a dry soil, and यास here said to mean effort; also धन्वयास धनुरिव यासः । दुरालभायाम् ।
- धनुर्लता :: f. (-ता) The moon plant. धनुरवयवयोग्या लता । सोमवल्ल्याम् ।
- धनुर्वृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. A plant; also called Dhāminiya. 2. A bamboo. 3. A measure of four cubits. 4. An are, a portion of the circum- ference of a circle. E. धनुस् bow, and वृक्ष a tree.
- धनुष्कर :: m. (-रः) A bowyer, an archer. E. धनुस् a bow, and कर who makes or practises.
- धनुष्पट :: m. (-टः) A tree: see धनुःपट . E. धनुस् a bow, पट breadth.
- धनुष्पाणि :: mfn. (-णिः -णिः -णि) Armed with a bow. m. (-णिः) An archer. E. धनुस्, and पाणि hand.
- धनुष्मत् :: m. (-ष्मान्) An archer, a bowyer. E. धनुस् a bow, मतुप् aff.
- धनुस् :: mfn. (-नुः -नुः -नु) Armed with a bow. mn. (-नुः-नु) 1. A. bow. 2. Sagittarius, the sign. m. (-नुः) The piyal tree, (Buchanania latifolia, Rox.) E. धन to produce, (as grain,) to throw forth, (darts, &c.) Unādi affix उसि; also with उ affix धनु, and with ऊ affix, धनू .
- धनू :: m. (-नूः) A bow: see the last.
- धनेयक :: n. (-कं) Coriander: see धन्याक . E. धन grain, ढक् affix, and कन् added.
- धनेश :: m. (-शः) KUVERA. E. धन, and ईश lord.
- धनेश्वर :: m. (-रः) KUVERA, the Hindū PLUTUS. E. धन wealth, ईश्वर lord.
- धनैषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Wishing or claiming property. m. (-षी) A creditor. E. धन, and ऐषिन् who wishes.
- धनोपचय :: m. (-यः) Accumulation of wealth. E. धन, and उपचय assembling.
- धन्य :: mfn. (-न्य -न्या -न्यं) 1. Fortunate, well fated, lucky. 2. Good, virtuous. m. (-न्यः) 1. An infidel, an atheist. 2. A virtuous or fortunate man. f. (-न्या) 1. Emblic myrobalan. 2. A nurse. 3. Coriander. n. (-न्यं) Wealth. E. धन to produce, (grain, &c.) or धन wealth, and यत् affix of fitness.
- धन्यत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Luck, good fortune. E. धन्य, and त्व affix; also with तल् affix धन्यता .
- धन्याक :: n. (-कं) A plant, bearing a small pungent seed used by the Hindus as a condiment, (Coriandrum sativum.) E. धन to produce, (as grain,) deriv. irr. धन्यते भक्ष्यार्थिभिः । धनिया इति ख्याते पदार्थे ।
- धन्व :: n. (-न्वं) A bow: see धन्वन् . धन्व गतौ सौ० भ्वा० प० सक० सेट् । r. 1st cl. (धन्वति) To go.
- धन्वदुर्ग :: n. (-र्गं) A desert. E. धन्व the same, and दुर्ग strong-hold.
- धन्वन् :: mn. (-न्वा-न्वं) A bow. m. (-न्वा) A country scantily supplied with water, a desert, a waste. n. (-न्वं) A firm spot, land, ground. E. धन्वि Sautra root, to go or move, (by or on which,) and कनिन् Unādi affix; also with अच् affix धन्व .
- धन्वन् :: m. (-न्वः) A medicinal plant, commonly called Dhāminiya or Dhamin.
- धन्वन्तरि :: m. (-रिः) 1. The physician of the gods, who was produced at the churning of the ocean. 2. A celebrated physician; also काशिराज, being the same as the preceding in another existence: he appears to have been the founder of the Hindu medical school. 3. The sun. 4. A name of SIVA. 5. One of the nine gems of the court of VIKRAMĀDITYA. धनोः तन्निमित्त शल्यस्य अन्तं पारं ऋच्छति ऋ गतौइन् किच्च । समुद्रोत्थिते देववैद्यभेदे ।
- धन्वन्तरिग्रस्ता :: f. (-स्ता) A medicinal plant: see कटुकी . E. धन्वन्तरि, and ग्रस्त eaten.
- धन्वयवास :: m. (-सः) A plant, (Hedysarum alhaji.) E. धन्व dry soil, यु to unite, आसच् affix; also with कन् added धन्वयवासक . मरुभवे यवास भेदे, दुरालभाभेदे ।
- धन्वयास :: m. (-सः) A plant: see the last, alse simply यास, &c.
- धन्विन् :: m. (-न्वी) 1. An archer, a bow-man. 2. A name of ARJUNA. 3. A tree, (Pentaptera arjuna.) 4. A wag, a wit, a sharp or shrewd man. E. धन्व a bow, इनि aff. धन्वं चापोऽस्ति अस्य धम ध्माने सौ० पर० सक० सेट् । धमति । To blow.
- धम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) One who blows a fire or a trumpet. m. (-मः) 1. A name of the moon. 2. KRISHNĀ. 3. A name of Yama. 4. BRAMHĀ, or the Supreme Spirit, E. ध्मा to blow, affix अच् ।
- धमक :: m. (-कः) A blacksmith. E. ध्मा to blow, (the forge.) क्वुन् Unādi aff. धमादेशश्च ।
- धमधमा :: ind. Blowing reiteratedly, or the sort of sound made by blow- ing with a bellows or a trumpet. E. धम + प्रकारे द्वित्वम् ।
- धमन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. One who blows a bellows, a trumpet, &c. 2. Cruel. m. (-नः) 1. A reed, (Arundo tibialis or karka.) 2. Blowing, (a wind instrument.) f. (-निः or -नी) 1. Any tubular vessel of the body, as a vein, a nerve, &c. 2. The neck. 3. Turmeric. 4. A sort of perfume; also हट्टविलासिनी . E. धम from ध्मा to blow, &c. affix युच् fem. affix इन् or ङीष्; or ध्मा as before, Unādi affix अनि, and ङीप् optionally added.
- धम्मल :: m. (-लः) The breast ornamented with gold or jewels: see धम्मिल्ल .
- धम्मिल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) Braided and ornamented hair, tied round the head,
and intermixed with flowers, pearls, &c. E. धम a Sautra root, to breathe, affix विच्, मिल to meet, लच् or क affix, and the two conjoined.
- धया :: mfn. (-यः -या -यी-यं) Who or what drinks. f. (-या) A little girl, female infant. E. धे to drink, affix श ।
- धर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Who or what has or holds. m. (-रः) 1. A mountain. 2. A flock of cotton. 3. The tortoise Avatāra. 4. One of the demi- gods called VASUS. f. (-रा) 1. The earth. 2. The uterus or womb. 3. Marrow. 4. A vessel of the body. 5. A golden globe or heap of valuables, representing the earth, and given to Brāhmans. E. धृञ् to have or hold, to contain or support. &c. affix अच्, or ट fem. affix टाप् or ङीष् .
- धरण :: mn. (-णः-णं) 1. Holding, possessing, having. 2. A sort of measure, a weight of ten Palās. 3. A weight of silver, sixteen Māshās. m. (-णः) 1. The Himālayā mountain considered as king of mountains. 2. The sun. 3. A world. 4. A breast, a female breast. 5. Rice. 6. A ridge of land answering the purpose of a bridge, the edge of a river, the skirt of a mountain, a bridge. f. (-णी) 1. The earth. 2. The silk cotton tree. 3. A vessel of the body. 4. An esculent root. E. धृ to hold, to uphold or support, affix युच्, भावे ल्युट्, fem, affix ङीप् ।
- धरणि :: f. (-णिः) The earth. E. धृ to be contained, (animals, &c.) Unādi affix अणि; also धरणी as above.
- धरणिधर :: m. (-रः) A name of VISHNŪ. E. धरणि the earth and धर who sustains; also धरणीधर, धरणीं धरति धृ-अच् ।
- धरणिस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Being or staying on earth. E. धरणि, and स्थ what stays or is.
- धरणीकन्द :: m. (-न्दः) An esculent root or bulb. E. धरणी the earth, कन्द a root.
- धरणीकीलक :: m. (-कः) A mountain. E. धरणी the earth, कीलक a pin or bolt.
- धरणीधर :: m. (-रः) 1. VISHNŪ. 2. A mountain. 3. A tortoise see धरणिधर .
- धरणीपूर :: m. (-रः) The ocean. E. धरणी the earth, पूर to surround com- pletely, affix अच् .
- धरणीप्लव :: m. (-वः) The ocean. E. धरणी the earth, and प्लव what swims; in which the earth floats. धरण्याः प्लवः यस्मात् ।
- धरणीश्वर :: m. (-रः) A name of SIVA. E. धरणी, and ईश्वर lord; lord of the world. शिवे, भूमिपतौ, विष्णौ च ।
- धरणीसुता :: f. (-ता) A name of SĪTĀ, the wife of RĀMA. E. धरणी the earth, and सुता daughter; the earth-born; being turned up from the soil by a plough, as JANAKA was ploughing a spot to prepare it for a sacrifice.
- धरसंस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थ) Like a mountain, as huge as, &c. E. धर, and संस्थ what is, or is like.
- धराकदम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) The Kadamba tree, (Nauclea kadamba;) also धराकदम्बक ।
- धरात्मज :: m. (-जः) The planet Mars or its regent. E. धरा the earth, and आत्मज son, terræ-filius; also similar compounds, as धरासुत, धरापुत्त्र &c. मङ्गलग्रहे । तारकासुरे च ।
- धराधर :: m. (-रः) 1. A name of VISHNŪ. 2. A mountain. E. धरा the earth, and धर who or what sustains. विष्णौ, पर्वते, अनन्ते च ।
- धराशय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Sleeping on the ground. E. धरा, and शय who sleeps.
- धरामर :: m. (-रः) A Brāhman. E. धरा and अमर a deity. धरायाममर इव ।
- धरित्री :: f. (-त्री) The earth. E. धृ to contain, (beings.) इत्र Unādi affix, fem. affix ङीप् .
- धरिमन् :: m. (-मा) 1. Form, figure, semblance. 2. A balance, a pair of scales. E. धृ to have or hold, Unādi affix इमनिच् .
- धरिममेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Measurable by weight. E. धरिम, and मेय to be measured.
- धरुण :: m. (-णः) 1. A name of BRAMHĀ. 2. Heaven, paradise. 3. Water. 4. Opinion, conception. E. धृ to hold or uphold, affix उनन् .
- धर्त्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be uphold or supported. 2. To be had or possessed. 3. To be placed or fixed. 4. To be fallen or alighted by. E. धृ to hold, तव्य aff.
- धर्त्तृ :: mfn. (-त्ता -र्त्त्री -र्त्तृ) Who or what has or holds. E. धृ to have, तृन् aff.
- धर्त्र :: n. (-र्त्रं) 1. A house. 2. Sacrifice. 3. Virtue, moral merit. E. धृ to contain, Unādi affix त्र .
- धर्म्म :: mn. (-र्म्मः-र्म्मं) 1. Virtue, moral and religious merit, according to the law and the Vedas. 2. Usage, practice, the customary observances of caste, sect, &c. 3. Duty, especially that enjoined by the Vedas. 4. Fitness, propriety. 5. Nature, character, proper or natural state or disposition, 6. Innocence, innoxiousness. 7. Resemblance. 8. Any sacrifice. 9. An Upanishad or theological portion of a Veda. 10. Any peculiar or prescribed practice or duty; thus, giving alms, &c. is the dharma of a householder; administering justice, the dharma of a king; piety, that of a Brāhman; courage, that of a Kshetriya, &c. 11. Kind and virtuous speech or discourse. 12. Law. m. (-र्म्मः) 1. A name of YAMA, ruler of the lower regions, and judge of the dead. 2. A drinker of the juice of the acid asclepias, at certain sacrifices. 3. Virtue personified, born from the right breast of BRAMHĀ. 4. A bow. 5. Associating with the virtuous. 6. The fifteenth of the twenty-four jaina pontiffs of the present age. 7. A pious or virtuous man. 8. The bull of SIVA, a personification or type or virtue. E. धृ to maintain or support, &c. Unādi affix मन्, what supports all men. ध्रियते लोकोऽनेन, धरति लोकं वा ।
- धर्म्मकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Acting according to some or any indispensable act of piety or duty. E. धर्म्म, and कर्म्मन् act.
- धर्म्मकाय :: m. (-यः) A jina or jaina deified saint. E. धर्म्म virtue, and काय body; virtue personified. धर्मार्थं कायोऽस्य, बुद्धे ।
- धर्म्मकार्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) 1. Any indispensable act of religion, &c. 2. Religious or virtuous conduct. E. धर्म्म piety, and कार्य्य act.
- धर्म्मकील :: m. (-लः) An edict, a royal order, decree, or grant. E. धर्म्म virtue, कील proper stay; also with कन् added धर्म्मकीलक m. (-कः) धर्मस्य कील इव । राजशासने ।
- धर्म्मकृत्य :: n. (-त्यं) Any moral or religious observance. E. धर्म्म and कृत्य to be done.
- धर्म्मकेतु :: m. (-तुः) A jaina deified saint. E. धर्म्म virtue, केतु an emblem or banner. धर्मः अहिंसारूपकर्म केतुः यस्य ।
- धर्म्मकोष :: m. (-षः) Store or treasure of virtue. E. धर्म्म, and कोष treasury. धर्मः कोष इव धर्मस्य कोषः समूहो वा ।
- धर्म्मक्रिया :: f. (-या) 1. Righteous conduct, acting according to law. 2. any religious act. E. धर्म्म, and क्रिया act.
- धर्म्मक्षेत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A plain in the north west of India near Dehli, the scene of the great battle between the Kurus and Paṇḍus. m. (-त्रः) A man of piety and virtue. E. धर्म्म . virtue, holiness, and क्षेत्र a field, literally or figuratively.
- धर्म्मग्रहण :: n. (-णं) Observance of moral or religious institutes accepting or following the law. E. धर्म्म, and ग्रहण taking.
- धर्म्मघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) immoral, unlawful, contrary to law or duty. E. धर्म्म, and घ्न what destroys.
- धर्म्मचक्र :: m. (-क्रः) A Jaina deified saint. E. धर्म्म, and चक्र a wheel, &c. or धर्मसमूहे ।
- धर्म्मचक्रभृत् :: m. (-त्) A Jaina deified saint. E. धर्म्म virtue, चक्र a circle, and भृत् possessing. धर्मचक्रं विभर्त्ति भृ-क्विप तुक् । धर्म्मसमूहधारके त्रि० ।
- धर्म्मचारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Virtuous, moral, dutiful f. (-रिणी) A virtuous woman, an honest wife. E. धर्म्म duty and चर to follow, affixes णिनि and ङीष् . धर्म्मं तत्साधनकर्मे चरति ।
- धर्म्मचिन्तन :: n. (-नं) Virtuous reflection. E. धर्म्म, and चिन्ता reflection. चिन्ति भावे ल्युट् ।
- धर्म्मचिन्ता :: f. (-न्ता) Virtuous reflection. E. धर्म्म, and चिन्ता reflection: see the last. चिन्ति भावे अ ।
- धर्म्मजीवन :: m. (-नः) Brahman who lives according to rule: one who practises the outward acts of the law. E. धर्म्म, and जीवन living.
- धर्म्मज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Knowing one's duty, conversant with virtue. E. धर्म्म, and ज्ञ who knows. धर्मं जानाति ज्ञा-क ।
- धर्म्मज्ञान :: n. (-नं) Knowledge of moral, legal, and religious duty. E. धर्म्म and ज्ञान knowledge.
- धर्म्मण :: m. (-णः) 1. A sort of tree, commonly Dhāminiya. 2. A kind of large snake, not poisonous, commonly Dhamna. धर्माय नम्यते नम-वा-कर्मणि-ड । धामनि ।
- धर्म्मतस् :: ind. Rightly, justly, righteously. E. धर्म्म and तसि aff.
- धर्म्मत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Morality, piety. 2. Inherent nature, peculiar property, &c. E. धर्म्म, and त्व aff.
- धर्म्मद्रवी :: f. (-वी) The Ganges. E. धर्म्म virtue, द्रु to shed. affix अच् .
- धर्म्मद्रोहिन :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) Wicked. m. (-ही) A Rākshasa. E. धर्म्म, and द्रोहिन् rebellious. धर्माय परस्य धर्माचरणाय द्रुह्यति । द्रुह णिनि । ४ तं ।
- धर्म्मधातु :: m. (-तुः) A Jaina saint. E. धर्म virtue, धातु essence, root. धर्मं दधाति । धा-तुन् ।
- धर्म्मध्वजिन् :: m. (-जी) A religious hypocrite or imposter, one who makes a livelihood by assumed devotion. E. धर्म्म piety, ध्वज an emblem, इनि affix; having every outward mark of piety, matted hair, ragged garments, &c.
- धर्म्मनिबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Piety, virtue. E. धर्म्म, and निबन्ध attachment.
- धर्म्मनिबन्धिन् :: mfn. (-न्धी -न्धिनी -न्धि) Pious, holy, engaged in or conductive to virtue. E. धर्म्म, निबन्ध connexion, and इनि aff.
- धर्मनिष्पत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Duty, moral or religious observance, discharge or fulfilment of duty. E. धर्म, and निष्पत्ति completion.
- धर्मपत्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. Pepper. 2. The name of a district or city. E. धर्म virtue, पत्तन a city; pepper grows there, whence is said to be its name.
- धर्मपत्नी :: f. (-त्नी) A man's first wife and of the same class. E. धर्म, and पत्नी a wife. धर्मार्थं पत्नी । निर्दोषायाम् पत्न्याम् ।
- धर्मपत्र :: (-त्रं) Glomerous fig tree, (Ficus glomerata) E. धर्म sacrifice, and पत्र leaf.
- धर्मपर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Righteous, pious. E. धर्म, and पर addicted to. धर्मःपरो यस्य ।
- धर्मपाठक :: m. (-कः) A teacher of law. E. धर्म, and पाठक who teaches.
- धर्मपुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) 1. A name of the Pāndu prince, YUDHISHṬHIRA. 2. One so considered, as a son for piety or duty; also धर्मपुत्त्रक . E. धर्म a proper name, and पुत्त्र a son, the son of DHARMA or YAMA.
- धर्मप्रधान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Eminent in piety. E. धर्म, and प्रधान chief.
- धर्मप्रवक्तृ :: m. (-क्ता) A teacher or expounder of the law. E. धर्म, and प्रवक्तृ who explains. धर्मं सन्दिग्धार्थे अयं धर्म इति प्रवक्ति प्र + वच-तृच् ।
- धर्मभागिनी :: f. (-नी) A virtuous and amiable wife. E. धर्म, and भागिनी who shares.
- धर्मभाणक :: m. (-कः) A lecturer, a public reader of the Mahābhārat and other sacred works which are read aloud, and explained to large assemblies of Hindūs at particular seasons. E. धर्म virtue, and भण् to utter, to speak, affix ण्वुल् .
- धर्मभ्रातृ :: m. (-ता) A fellow religious student. E. धर्म, and भ्रातृ a brother. धर्मतः कृतो भ्राता ।
- धर्मभिक्षुकः :: m. (-कः) A mendicant Brāhman, one who is so, or has become so from meritorious motives. E. धर्म, and भिक्षुक a beggar.
- धर्ममय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Moral, righteous, made up or replete with virtue, &c. E. धर्म, and मयट् aff.
- धर्ममूल :: n. (-लं) The foundation of Hindu law and religion (the Vedas.) E. धर्म, and मूल root.
- धर्मयु :: mfn. (-युः -युः -यु) Virtuous righteous. E. धर्म virtue, यु to go, affix क्विप् ।
- धर्मयुज् :: mfn. (-युक्) Righteous, pious, just. E. धर्म virtue, युज् to join, affix क्विप् धर्मेण युज्यते युज-कर्मणि-क्विप् ।
- धर्मराज :: m. (-जः) 1. A Jain or deified saint, according to the Jaina sect. 2. A name of YAMA, regent of the dead. 3. A name of YUDHISH- THIRA. 4. Also of ARJUNA. 5. A king in general. E. धर्म virtue, Justice, and राज who shines, affix अच्; or राज from राजन् a king; lord of justice or धर्मेण राजते । राज-क्विप् ।
- धर्मरोधिन् :: mfn. (-धी -धिनी -धि) Illegal, immoral. E. धर्म, and रोधिन् opposed to.
- धर्मलक्षण :: n. (-णं) An essential ingredient in ethics or law, (as place, time, &c.) E. धर्म, and लक्षण mark. धर्मो लक्ष्यते ज्ञायते अनेन लक्ष-करणे ल्युट् ।
- धर्मवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Virtuous, pious, upright, just. E. धर्म as above, मतुप् poss, aff. अस्त्यर्थे मतुप् । मस्य वः ।
- धर्मवासर :: m. (-रः) The day of full moon. E. धर्म virtue, and वासर a day; peculiar sacrifices being performed on this day. धर्मस्य तत्साधनस्य वासरः ।
- धर्मवाहन :: m. (-नः) A name of SIVA. E. धर्म the bull of this god, virtue typified, and वाहन a vehicle. धर्मं वाहयति प्रापयति नरान् । वाहि-ल्यू ।
- धर्मविद् :: mfn. (-द् or -त्) 1. Virtuous, pious, moral. 2. Acquainted with the law. E. धर्म, and विद् who knows. धर्मं वेत्ति विद् क्विप् ।
- धर्मविधि :: f. (-धिः) Course of law, legal precepts or injunctions. E. धर्म, and विधि manner.
- धर्मविप्लव :: m. (-वः) Immorality, wickedness. E. धर्म, and विप्लव sub- mersion.
- धर्मविवेचन :: n. (-नं) Judicial investigation. E. धर्म, and विवेचन delibera- tion.
- धर्मशाला :: f. (-ला) A court of justice, a tribunal. E. धर्म justice, and शाला a hall. धर्मार्थं शाला । धर्मार्थमन्नादिदानाधिकरणशालायाम् ।
- धर्मशास्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) 1. The body or code of Hindu law. 2. Any work on the subject. E. धर्म virtue, and शास्त्र a treatise. शिष्यते अनेन शास करणे ष्ट्रन् । ६ त० स० ।
- धर्मशील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Virtuous, just, pious. E. धर्म virtue, शील attached to. धर्मः धर्मसाधनं शीलमस्य, धर्मं शीलयति शील अण् वा ।
- धर्मसंहिता :: f. (-ता) A code of laws, especially the work of some saint or divine person, as MANU, YĀJÑAVALKYA, &c. E. धर्म virtue, and सम् prefixed to धा, to have or possess, affix क्त, fem. affix टाप्; a compilation made for the purpose of teaching and maintaining virtue.
- धर्मसङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. Virtue. 2. Hypocrisy. E. धर्म, and सङ्ग addiction to, real or seeming.
- धर्मसन्तानसू :: mfn. (-सूः -सूः -सू) Virtuous, producing virtuous offspring or actions. E. धर्म, सन्तान progeny, सू who bears.
- धर्मसभा :: f. (-भा) A tribunal, a court of justice. E. धर्म justice, and सभा assembly.
- धर्मसाधन :: n. (-नं) Any act or virtue essential to a system of duties. E. धर्म, and साधन instrument.
- धर्मसावर्णि :: m. (-र्णिः) The eleventh MANU.
- धर्मसुत :: m. (-तः) A name of YUDHISHṬHIRA. E. धर्म YAMA and सुत a son; also धर्मसूनु, धर्मात्मज, &c.
- धर्मात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) A saint, a pious or virtuous person E. धर्म virtue, आत्मन् self. धर्म आत्मा स्वभावोयस्य ।
- धर्माधर्मपरीक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) Ordeal by drawing lots or slips of black and white paper. E. धर्म, अधर्म iniquity, परीक्षा trial.
- धर्माधिकरण :: n. (-णं) A court of justice. m. (-णः) A judge. E. धर्म, and अधिकरण supervision. धर्मोऽधिक्रियते अत्र । अधि + कृ आधारे ल्युट् ।
- धर्माधिकरणिन् :: m. (-णी) A judge, a sovereign, an administrator of the law. E. धर्माधिकरण, and affix इनि ।
- धर्माधिकार :: m. (-रः) The office of a judge. E. धर्म, and अधिकार office.
- धर्माधिकारिन् :: m. (-री) A judge. E. धमाधिकार, and णिनि aff. धर्मं व्यवहारे तन्निर्णयमधिकरोति । अधि + कृ-णिनि ।
- धर्म्माध्यक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A magistrate, a judge, &c. E. धर्म justice, and अध्यक्ष superintendent.
- धर्मानुष्ठान :: n. (-नं) Virtuous or moral conduct, behaviour according to law. E. धर्म, and अनुष्ठान act or condition.
- धर्म्मानुसार :: m. (-रः) Conformity to law or virtue, course or practice of duty. E. धर्म, and अनुसार following.
- धर्म्मापेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Wicked, immoral, unrighteous. n. (-तं) Im- morality, vice. E. धर्म, and अपेत deviated.
- धर्म्माभिमनस् :: mfn. (-नाः -नाः -नः) Virtuous. E. धर्म, अभि to or inclined to, मनस् the mind.
- धर्म्मारण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) A forest into which DHARMA once retired. E. धर्म, and अरण्य a wood.
- धर्म्मासन :: n. (-नं) The seat of the judge, the bench. E. धर्म, and आसन a seat.
- धर्मिन् :: mfn. (-र्मी -र्मिणी -र्म्मि) 1. Virtuous, pious, just. 2. Endowed with a peculiar property or faculty. E. धर्म, and इनि poss. aff.
- धर्मिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Very pious or virtuous. E. धर्म, and इष्ठन् aff.
- धर्मीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Very pious, moral, &c. E. धर्म, and ईयसुन् aff.
- धर्मोपदेश :: m. (-शः) Moral or religious instruction. E. धर्म, and उपदेश advice.
- धर्मोपदेशक :: m. (-कः) A Guru or spiritual preceptor. E. धर्म virtue, उप before, दिश् to show, affix ण्वुल्; pointing out good and evil to his scholars.
- धर्मोपध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Hypocritical. E. धर्म, and उपधि fraud, अच् aff.
- धर्मोपेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Virtuous, moral. E. धर्म, and उपेत possessed of.
- धर्म्य :: mfn. (-र्म्यः -र्म्या -र्म्यं) 1. Conformable or according to justice or morality. 2. Obtainable by virtue or justice. E. धर्म as above, यत् aff.
- धर्म्यविवाह :: m. (-हः) Legal marriage of five sorts, as the Brāhma, Daiva, Ārsha, Gāndharba, and Prājāpatya. E. धर्म्य, and विवाह marriage.
- धर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) 1. Pride, arrogance. 2. Contumely, overbearing. 3. Impa- tience. 4. Paralysing, rendering weak or impotent. 5. Injury, wrong. 6. Restraint. 7. Copulation. 8. A eunuch. E. धृष to be vain, affix भावे घञ् ।
- धर्षक :: m. (-कः) A dancer, an actor, a mine. E. धृष् to be vain or pres- umptuous, affix ण्वुल् ।
- धर्षकारिणी :: f. (-णी) A violated virgin. E. धर्ष, कृ to act, affix णिनि ।
- धर्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Disrespect, contumely, overbearingness, contempt. 2. copulation. 3. arrogance, vanity. f. (-णिः-णी) An unchaste woman. E. घृष् to be arrogant, &c. affix भावे ल्युट् or युच् .
- धर्षवर :: m. (-रः) eunuch superintending the women's apartments. E. धर्ष copulation, वृ to cherish, affix अप् .
- धर्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Proud, insolent. 2. Unbearing, impatient. 3. Overpowered, smitten. n. (-तं) 1. Copulation, cohabitation. 2. Con- tumely. 3. Pride. f. (-ता) An unchaste woman. E. धृष् to be vain or impatient, affix, कर्मणि भावे वा क्त । इट् गुणश्च ।
- धर्षिन् :: mfn. (-र्षी -र्षिणी -र्षि) 1. Proud, arrogant. 2. Cohabiting. f. (-णी) A dishonest or unchaste woman. E. धर्ष cohabitation, ईनि and ङीष् affs.
- धलण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A small tree, commonly called Dhalākara; also धलण्डक ।
- धव (इ) धवि :: r. 1st cl. (धन्वति) To go or move: this is considered some- times as Sautra root. भ्वा० प० सक० सेट् इदित् ।
- धव :: m. (-वः) 1. A husband. 2. A man. 3. A rogue, a cheat. 4. A tree, (Grislea tomentosa.) E. धू to make tremble, (children, &c.) affix अच् ।
- धवल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. White. 2. Handsome, beautiful. m. (-लः) 1.
White, (the colour.) 2. A capital ox. 3. The Grislea tomentosa. 4. Camphor. 5. An inferior Rāga or mode of music. n. (-लं) White pepper. f. (-ला or -ली) A white cow, &c. E. धाव to be clean or pure, कलच् affix, and the radical vowel made short.
- धवलपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. A goose. 2. The fortnight of the moon's increase. E. धवल, and पक्ष wing or fortnight. धवलौ पक्षौ यस्य ।
- धवलमृत्तिका :: f. (-का) Chalk. E. धवल white. मृत्तिका earth.
- धवलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) White, whitened. E. धवल, and इतच् aff. |
- धवलीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) White, made white. E. धवल, and कृत made, च्वि augment.
- धवलीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Become white. E. धवल, and भूत become, च्वि aff.
- धवलोत्पल :: n. (-लं) The white esculent water lily. E. धवल white, and उत्पल a lotus.
- धवाणक :: m. (-कः) Air, wind. E. धू to agitate, (the leaves or trees, &c.) and आणक Unādi aff.
- धवित्र :: n. (-त्रं) A Pankhā or fan, made of antelope's skin, and used especially for blowing a sacrificial fire, E. धृ to agitate, इत्र aff.
- धा (डु, ञ,) डुधाञ् :: r. 3rd cl. (दधाति-धत्ते) 1. To hold or support. 2. To nurture, to maintain. 3. To give. 4. To have, to possess. With अनु and सम् prefixed, To search after. With अपि, To cover. With अभि, 1. To speak, to speak to or address. 2. To promulgate. 3. To show. With अभि and सम, To overcome. With अव, 1. To be careful. 2. To attend to. With आङ्, To take, to receive. With उप and आङ्, To support. With उप, 1. To uphold. 2. To do, to perform. With नि, 1 To take up or hold up. 2. To place in or upon. 3. To be born or produced. 4. To hold. With परि, To assume, to put on, as clothes, &c. With प्र and नि, 1. To hold or support. 2. To elevate or exalt, to dignify. 3. To admit. With प्र, 1. To be chief or first. 2. To send. With प्रति and वि, To do, to perform. With वि, 1. To do, to execute, to act. 2. To act conformably to religious ordinances, to execute the precepts of the Vedas. 3. To choose, to select. 4. To provide. 5. To order or direct 6. To promise. 7. To give. With वि and अव, To hide, to veil, to conceal. With सम, 1. To place, to place firmly, to fix. 2. To unite to combine, to hold together. 3. To shoot at a mark. With सम and प्र, To doubt, to discuss; (also with प्रति and सम्) With आङ्, To instruct, to teach. With सम and नि, To place or have near at hand. In the causal with उप, To understand. जुहोत्या० उभ० सक० अनिट् ।
- धा :: m. (-धाः) 1. A possessor, a holder, a container, &c. 2. A name of BRAMHĀ. 3. VRIHASPATI. E. धा to have, affix विच् ।
- धाक :: m. (-कः) 1. An ox. 2. Food. 3. Boiled-rice. 4. A post. E. धा to have or hold, Unādi affix क ।
- धाटी :: f. (-टी) advancing towards or confronting an enemy.
- धाणक :: m. (-कः) A weight of gold, a coin of metal, the division of a Dinār. E. धा to contain, Unādi affix आणक ।
- धातकी :: f. (-की) A tree, (Grislea tomentosa.) E. धा to have, affix ण्वुल्, तन् inserted.
- धातु :: m. (-तुः) 1. A principle or humour of the body, as phlegm, wind, and bile. 2. Any constituent part of the body, as blood, flesh, &c. 3. A primary or elementary substance, viz. earth, water, fire, air and Ākāsa or atmosphere. 4. The property of a primary element viz. ordour, flavour, colour, touch, and sound. 5. An organ of sense. 6. A mineral, a fossil. 7. A metal. 8. A grammatical root; in Sanskrit this radical performs no other office, and cannot be used as a word without undergoing some change. E. धा to possess, to contain, (life, substance, &c.) तुन् aff.
- धातुकाशोश :: n. (-शं) Red sulphate of iron. E. धातु mineral, and काशीश the green sulphate.
- धातुघ्न :: n. (-घ्नं) Sour gruel, prepared from the fermentation of rice-water. E. धात chyle, and घ्न destroying; also similar compounds.
- धातुनाशन :: n. (-नं) Sour gruel: see the last. E. धातु, and नाशन injuring. धातुं नाशयति नश-णिच्-ल्यु । स्वर्णादि धातुमारके, काञ्चिके च ।
- धातुप :: m. (-पः) The alimentary juice or chyle. E. धातु an essential cons- tituent of the body, and प what cherishes. धातुं पाति पा-क ।
- धातुपुष्पिका :: f. (-का) A plant: see धातुपुष्पिका; also धातुपुष्पी ।
- धातुभृत् :: m. (-त्) 1. A mountain. 2. A robust man. mfn. (-भृत्) Promot- ing the animal secretions. E. धातु a mineral, and भृत what contains.
- धातुमाक्षिक :: n. (-कं) A mineral substance, a sulphurate of iron. E. धातु mineral, and माक्षिक the same substance.
- धातुमारिणी :: f. (-णी) Borax. E. धातु a metal, मृ to perish, in the causal form, णिनि and ङीप् affixes; the borate of soda is generally used in India as a flux. धातुं मारयति मृ णिच् णिनि ङीप् (सोहागा)
- धातुराजक :: m. (-कः) Semen, the seminal fluid. E. धातु animal fluid, &c. राज chief, कन् added. धातुषु राजते राज-ण्वुल् धातुनां राजा टच् स० स्वार्थे क वा ।
- धातुवल्लभ :: n. (-भं) Borax. E. धातु, and वल्लभ a friend, a flux.
- धातुवादिन् :: m. (-दी) An assayer, a miner, a mineralogist. E. धातु a miner- al, वद् to speak or describe, affix णिनि ।
- धातुवैरिन् :: m. (-री) Sulphur. E. धातु a metal, and वैरिन् an enemy; tarnishing metallic lustre, &c.
- धातुशेखर :: m. (-रः) Green sulphate of iron, or green vitriol. E. धातु a mineral, and शेखर crest or chief.
- धातूपल :: m. (-लः) Chalk. E. धातु a mineral, and उपल stone.
- धातृ :: m. (-ता) 1. A name of BRAMHĀ. 2. A title of VISHNŪ. 3. A father, a parent. f. (-त्री) 1. A mother. 2. A foster-mother, a nurse. 3. The earth. 4. Emblic myrobalan. mfn. (-त्रा -त्री -तृ) 1. A cherisher, a protector, fostering, nourishing, 2. Having, containing, possess- ing, a possessor, &c. E. धा to have, to nourish, &c. affix तृच् ।
- धातृपुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) A saint, also called SANATKUMĀRA. E. धातृ BRAMHĀ, and पुत्त्र the son.
- धातृपुष्पिका :: f. (-का) A tree, (Grislea tomentosa, Rox.) E. धातृ cherish- ing, पुष्प a flower, ङीष् added, धातृपुष्पी and कन् added; also with- out the pleonasm, धातृपुष्पी f. (-ष्पी).
- धात्रिका :: f. (-का) Emblic myrobalan. E. कन् added to धात्री ।
- धात्रीपुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) 1. An actor. 2. A foster-brother. E. धात्री a nurse, and पुत्त्र a son.
- धात्रीफल :: n. (-लं) The fruit of the emblic myrobalan. E. धात्री phyllan- thus emblica, and फल fruit.
- धात्रेयी :: f. (-यी) 1. A sort of confidante, a foster-sister so employed. 2. A wet-nurse, E. धातृ a nurse, ढक् affix, fem. affix ङीप् ।
- धाना :: f. plu. (-नाः) 1. Fried barley or rice. sin (-नः) 1. Coriander, (Corian- drum sativum) 2. Grain fried, and reduced to powder. 3. A bud, a shoot. E. धा to nourish, न Unādi aff.
- धानाका :: f. plu. (-काः) Fried barley or rice. E. धाना as above, कन् added.
- धानाचूर्ण :: n. (-र्णं) The meal or flour of fried barley, rice, &c. E. धाना fried grain, चूर्ण powder, dust.
- धानी :: f. (-नी) 1. Coriander. 2. A granary. a receptacle. 3. The site of a habitation. 4. The name of a river. 5. What has or contains, used in composition, as राजधानी a royal capital, having the king's presence, मत्स्यधानी a net, &c. E. धा to have, affix युच्, fem. affix. ङीप् ।
- धानुष्क :: m. (-ष्कः) A bowyer, an archer. E. धनुस् a bow, ठक् affix. f. (-ष्का) A tree, (Achyranthes aspera.) E. धनुष्क an archer, अण् affix, and fem. affix टाप्, or धनुस् a bow, ठक् aff.
- धानुष्य :: m. (-ष्यः) A bamboo. E. धनुस् as above, ञ्य aff.
- धानेय :: n. (-यं) Coriander, (Coriandrum sativum.) E. धन grain, &c. aff. स्वार्थे ढक्; also with कन् added, धानेयक .
- धान्धा :: f. (-न्धा) Small cardamoms. एलायाम् ।
- धान्य :: n. (-न्यं) 1. Corn in general, but especially rice, (Orizasativa.) 2.
Coriander. 3. A measure equal to four Seasamum seeds. E. धा to nourish (mankind), Unādi affix यत्, and नुट् augment. धाने पोषणे साधु यत् ।
- धान्यक :: n. (-कं) Coriander, (C. sativum) E. कन् added to धान्य; also धन्याक and धान्याक .
- धान्यकल्क :: n. (-ल्कं) Bran, chaff, straw. E. धान्य, and कल्क dirt or sediment.
- धान्यकोष्ठक :: n. (-कं) A granary, a basket, A cupboard or small shed of matting, &c. for keeping rice. E. धान्य rice, कोष्ठ a granary, and कन् added.
- धान्यचमस :: m. (-सः) Rice flattened by threshing after it has been steeped and fried in the husk. E. धान्य grain, and चमस a sort of cake.
- धान्यधेनु :: f. (-नुः) A heap of rice to be presented to Brāhmans. E. धान्य, and धेनु a cow.
- धान्यमाय :: m. (-यः) A corn-seller, &c. E. धान्य grain, मा to measure, अण् aff. धान्यं माति मा-अण् युक् वा ।
- धान्यराज :: m. (-जः) Barley. E. धान्य, and राजा king. यवे ।
- धान्यवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Abounding in corn, having abundance of it. E. धान्य, and मतुप् poss. aff.
- धान्यवर्द्धन :: n. (-नं) Lending grain at interest; receiving a usurious return for a loan of corn seed supplied to the peasants. E. धान्य corn, वर्द्धन increasing.
- धान्यवीज :: n. (-जं) Coriander. E. धान्य, and वीज seed.
- धान्यवीर :: m. (-रः) A sort of pulse, (Phaseolus max.) E. धान्य, and वीर best. माषे (कलाई) ।
- धान्वशीर्षक :: n. (-कं) The ear or spike of corn. E. धान्य, with शीर्षक the top or head.
- धान्यसंग्रह :: m. (-हः) A store or magazine of grain. E. धान्य, and संग्रह col- lection.
- धान्यसार :: m. (-रः) Grain after threshing. E. धान्य corn, and सार essence.
- धान्याक :: n. (-कं) Coriander. E. स्वार्थे अण् added to धन्याक ।
- धान्याचल :: m. (-लः) A pile of grain for presentation to Brahmans. E. धान्य, and अचल a mountain.
- धान्याम्ल :: n. (-म्लं) Sour gruel made of the fermentation of boiled rice-water. E. धान्य rice, and अम्ल sour.
- धान्यारि :: m. (-रिः) A rat E. धान्य, and अरि a foe.
- धान्यार्थ :: m. (-र्थः) Wealth in rice or gain. E. धान्य, and अर्थ wealth.
- धान्यास्थि :: n. (-स्थि) Grain after threshing. E. धान्य, and अस्थि a bone.
- धान्योत्तम :: m. (-मः) Rice. E. धान्य, and उत्तम best. धान्येषूत्तमः ।
- धामन् :: n. (-मः) 1. The body. 2. A house, a dwelling. 3. Dignity, conse- quence, eminence. 4. Spirit, pride, especially martial pride, hero- ism. 5. Light, splendour, radiance. 6. A ray of light. 7. A place, a spot, a country. 8. Birth. E. धा to contain, (life, a tenant, &c.) and मनिन् aff.
- धामनिधि :: m. (-धिः) The sun. E. धाम light, निधि a nest or receptacle.
- धामनी :: f. (-नी) Any tubular vessel of the body: see धमनी .
- धामवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Splendid, luminous, 2. Eminent, exalted, illustrious. 3. Heroic. E. धामन् and मतुप् aff.
- धामार्गव :: m. (-वः) 1. A tree, (Achyranthes aspera.) 2. A plant, a sort of Ghoshā, with white flowers. E. धामन् a dwelling, मार्ग a road, व to go or approach, affix क, deriv. irr. or धाम्नोऽर्गं वाति वा-क ।
- धाय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Having, possessing, or who has or possesses. E. धा to have, ण aff.
- धायस् :: mfn. (-याः -याः -यः) An upholder. E. धा to have, &c. असुन् Unādi affix; also with a final vowel added, धायस .
- धाय्य :: m. (-व्यः) A Purohit or family priest. f. (-य्या) A prayer for exciting fire, upon the addition of fuel. E. Irregularly derived from धो to contain, with ण्यत् aff. or more correctly. धा-कर्मणि ण्यत्-युक् ।
- धार :: n. (-रं) Water derived from rain. m. (-रः) 1. A sort of stone. 2. Debt. 3. Slight sprinkling rain. 4. Frost. 5. End, bound, a line or limit. 6. A deep place, a depth. f. (-रा) 1. A horse's pace,
as the trot, canter, &c. 2. The van of an army. 3. The sharp edge of a sword or any cutting instrument. 4. The flowing. running, oozing, or distilling &c. of any liquid, the motion of a fluid, stream, current, &c. 5. Offspring. 6. A leak, a flaw, a hole in pitcher &c. 7. Excellence. 8. The wheel of a carriage. 9. A garden wall or fence, a hedge, &c. 10. The edge of a mountain. 11. Quantity, multitude. 12. A heavy shower falling in large drops, or hail. 13. Fame. 14. Likeness. 15. Custom, usage. 16. The capital of BHOJA. 17. Pouring a stream of water upon an image to get rid of a fever. E. धृ to fall, to uphold &c. in the cansal form, and णिच् and अच् affs. धाराया इदम् अण् ।
- धारक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what holds or contains, a vessel or- receptacle of any kind. m. (-क .) A water pot. E. धृ to have, ण्वुल् aff.
- धारण :: n. (-णं) Holding, having, keeping, maintaining. f. (-णा) 1. Con- tinuance in rectitude, keeping in the right way. 2. Fortitude, firmness, steadiness, resolution. 3. A particular religious exercise; keeping the mind collected, the breath suspended, and all natural wants restrained; steady, immoveable abstraction. 4. Mental re- tention, memory. 5. Understanding, intellect. 6. Believing, con- viction. 7. Certainty, conclusion. 8. Positive precept or injunction. 9. Debt. f. (-णी) 1. Any tubular vessel of the body. 2. A mystical verse or charm, or collection of such verses, among the Bauddhas 3. A row or line. E. धृ to hold, (purpose, intent, virtue, &c.) affix ल्युट् or भावे युच् aff.
- धारणक :: m. (-कः) A debtor. E. धारण a debt, कन् aff.
- धारणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be held or retained, to be adhered to. E. धृ to hold, अनीयर् aff.
- धारय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Who or what has or possesses. E. धृ to have, causal form, श aff.
- धारयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) 1. Having, possessing. 2. Acquainted with, versed in. 3. Holding as doctrine, believing, maintaining. E. धृ to have, शतृ aff.
- धारयित्री :: f. (-त्री) The earth. E. धृ to contain, in the causal form, तृच् aff.
- धाराकदम्बक :: m. (-कः) A sort of Kadamba tree. प्रावृट्काले पुष्पवति कदम्बभेदे ।
- धाराङ्कुर :: m. (-रः) 1. Thin rain. 2. Hail. 3. Advancing before an army by way of defiance to an enemy. E. धारा rain, and अङ्कुर shoot or sprout.
- धाराङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A sword, a scimitar. 2. A place of pilgrimage. E. धारा the edge of a sword, &c. and अङ्ग body.
- धाराट :: mf. (-टः-टा) 1. The Chātaka, (Cuculus melanoleucos.) 2. A horse. 3. A cloud. 4. A furious elephant. E. धारा rain, &c. अट who goes. affix अच् । धारायै अटति धारया वा अटति अट-अच् ।
- धाराध्वनि :: f. (-निः) The sound of falling rain or of the flowing of any fluid. E. धारा, and ध्वनि sound.
- धाराधर :: m. (-रः) 1. A cloud. 2. A sword. E. धारा rain or an edge, and धर what has.
- धारायन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) A scent bottle, a sprinkling vase or ewer, a sort of censer. E. धारा, and यन्त्र an instrument. धारायाः प्रस्रवार्थं यन्त्रम् । (फोयारा)
- धारावनि :: mf. (-निः-निः) Air, wind. E. धारा thin rain, वन् to sound, affix इ . धाराया अवनिरिव । वायौ ।
- धाराविष :: m. (-षः) A crooked sword, a scimitar, a sabre. E. धारा, and विष poison; whose edge is as fatal as venom.
- धाराश्रु :: n. (-श्रु) A flood of tears. E. धारा, and अश्रु a tear.
- धारासम्पात :: m. (-तः) A hard shower, a heavy fall of rain. E. धारा rain, सम् implying quantity or accumulation, and पात falling.
- धारासार :: m. (-रः) A heavy fall of rain, a large drop or shower. E. धारा and आसार sprinkling.
- धारिणी :: f. (-णी) 1. The earth. 2. The silk cotton tree, (Bombax hepta- phyllum.) E. धृ, and णिनि aff.
- धारित :: n. (-तं) A horse's trot; also धारितकंः see धौरितकं .
- धारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Having, holding, keeping, possessing. 2.
Edged. m. (-री) A sort of tree: see पीलु . E. धारा an edge, &c. णिनि aff. or धारं ऋणं शीध्यत्वेन अस्ति अस्य । स्त्रीयां ङीप् ।
- धारु :: mfn. (-रुः -रुः -रु) Who drink, or sucks, a drinker, a sucker. E. धे to drink, रु affix, form special. पानशीले जटाधरः ।
- धार्त्तराष्ट्र :: m. (-ष्ट्रः) A sort of goose, with black legs and bill. 2. A kind of snake. 3. DURYODHANA or any other descendant of DHRITA- RĀSHTRA. E. धृतराष्ट्र the name of a king or a bird, &c. and अण् affix of descent.
- धार्म्मिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Virtuous, pious, just. E. धर्म्म virtue, affix ठक् ।
- धार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्य -र्य्यं) 1. To be born or upheld, to be contained. &c. 2. To be kept or detained. E. धृ to hold, ण्यत् aff.
- धार्य्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Being held, maintained, &c. E. धृ to uphold, pass. v. शानच् aff.
- धार्य्यमाणत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Property. E. त्व added to the last.
- धार्ष्ट्य :: n. (-र्ष्ट्यं) Boldness, confidence, arrogance. E. धृष्टि bold, and ष्यञ् aff.
- धाव (उ) धावु :: r. 1st cl. (धावति-ते) 1. To go or move. 2. To run. 3. To cleanse. 4. To be clean or pure. With अनु . 1. To know. 2. To run after. With अभि prefixed. To approach, to come before. With आङ्, To alight. With परि, To run fast. With वि, To shed or sprinkle. With सम् and उप, To run to meet. जवे शुद्धौ अक० शुद्धिकरणे संमार्जने च सक० भ्वा० उभ० सेट् ।
- धावक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Running, going, swift, expeditious. 2. Clean- ing, what cleans or cleanses. E. धाव to go. ण्वुल् aff.
- धावत् :: mfn. (-वन् -वन्ती -वत्) Running, going quickly. E. धाव् to go, शतृ aff.
- धावन :: n. (-नं) 1. Going, motion. 2. Cleansing, purifying. f. (-निः or नी) A sort of creeping plant, (Hedysarum lagopodioides.) E. धाव् to go to cleanse, affix ल्युट् or अनि fem. affix ङीप् .
- धावनिका :: f. (-का) A prickly nightshade: se कण्टकारी . E. कन् added to धावनी implying similitude.
- धावित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Purified, Clean, cleansed. 2. Gone, gone or run away. 3. Run to, advanced to or against. E. धाव् to clean, affix क्त, with इट् augment, or without the augment धौत .
- धासस् :: m. (-साः) A mountain. E. धा to uphold, Unādi affix असुन् and षुट् augment; the word is considerd as peculiar to the Vedas.
- धि :: r. 6th cl. (धियति) To have hold, to keep, to possess. तुदा० प० सक० अनिट् ।
- धिक् :: ind. An interjection of reproach or menace, (fie, shame, shame, &c.) E. धक्क् to annihilate, डिकन् aff.
- धिक्कार :: m. (-रः) Disrespect, reproach, censure, contempt. E. धिक fie, and कार making.
- धिक्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Cursed. 2. Reproached, reviled, censured, condemned. E. धिक् fie, and कृत made.
- धिक्किया :: f. (-या) Reproach. E. धिक् fie, and क्रिया making.
- धिक्पारुष्य :: n. (-ष्यं) Excessive abuse. E. धिक्, and पारुष्य violence.
- धिक्ष :: r. 1st cl. (धिक्षते) 1. To kindle. 2. To be weary, 3. To live. सन्दीपने सक; क्लेशे जीवने अक० भ्वा० आ० सेट् ।
- धिग्वण :: mf. (-णः-णा) A man of a low caste sprung from a Brāhman, and a female of the tribe called Ayogava.
- धिग्दण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) Reprimand, censure. E. धिक, and दण्ड punishment.
- धिप्सु :: mfn. (-प्सुः -प्सुः -प्सु) Deceptive, wishing to trick or deceive. E. दम्भ to cheat. desid. v. सन् उ aff.
- धियाम्पति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A Jina or Jaina deified saint. 2. The soul. E. धी the understanding, in the seventh case, and पति master.
- धिव (इ) धिवि :: r. 1st and 5th cls. (धिनोति) 1. To please, to satisfy. 2. To be pleased or satisfied. 3. To go or approach: this verb takes उ, and substitutes अ for the final, whence its unusual form for the first class, in the instance given. प्रीणने अक० गतौ च सक० स्वा० पर० सेट् इदित् । सार्वधातुके धिः आदेशः ।
- धिष :: r. 3rd cl. (दिधेष्टि) To emit sound. जु० प० अक० सेट् ।
- धिषण :: m. (-णः) 1. A name of VRIHASPATI. 2. Any Guru or spiritual preceptor. f. (-णा) The understanding, the intellect. E. धृष् to be presumptuous, Unādi affix क्यु, and धिष substituted for the root.
- धिष्ट्य :: See धिष्ण्य .
- धिष्ठ्य :: See the next.
- धिष्ण्य :: n. (-ष्ण्यं) 1. A place, a spot, a country. 2. A house. 3. A star, an asterism. 4. Fire. 5. Power. strength. m. (-ष्ण्यः) A name of AGNI, the deity of fire. 2. A name of SUKRA, regent of VENUS. E. धृष् to be proud or overbearing, deriv. irr.; or more correctly. धृष-ण्य-नि० the word is also written धिष्ट्य or धिष्ठ्य ।
- धी (ओ ङ) ओधीङ् :: r. 4th cl. (धीयते) 1. To contain, to hold. 2. To light, to disregard or despise. 3. To accomplish. With अन्तर, To dis- appear, to become invisible. दिवा० आ० सक० अनिट् ।
- धी :: f. (-धीः) Understanding, intellect. E. ध्यै to meditate, affix क्विप्, the final diphthong rejected, and the semi-vowel changed to its congen- er इ, which becomes long. धै-सम्प-भावे-क्किप् ।
- धीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Drank, sucked. E. धे to drink, participal affix, क्त and the form irr. अनादृते आराधिते च ।
- धीति :: f. (-तिः) Thirst. E. धे to drink, affix क्तिन्, and the radical vowel changed to ई .
- धीदा :: f. (-दा) 1. A virgin, a maiden. 2. Understanding, intellect धियं ददाति दा-क ।
- धीन्द्रिय :: n. (-यं) An intellectual organ, as the mind, the eye, the ear, the nose, the tongue, and skin. E. धी the intellect, इन्द्रिय an organ of sense in general.
- धीमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Sensible, wise, learned. m. (-मान्) A name of VRIHASPATI, the preceptor of the gods. E. धी wisdom, understand- ing मतुप् possess. aff. धी अस्ति अस्य ।
- धीर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Wise, sensible, learned. 2. Firm, steady, con- sistent, determined. 3. Cool, collected. 4. Head-strong, self-willed, uncontrollable. 5. Lazy, dull, slow. 6. Strong, powerful. 7. Well- behaved, decorous, decent. 8. Gentle, steady, (as a breeze.) 9. Deep, (as a sound) m. (-रः) 1. A name of BALI, a celebrated prince. 2. The ocean. mn. (-रः-रं) Saffron. f. (-रा) 1. A drug; also काकोली . 2. A woman who, although jealous of a husband or lover, suppresses all expression of resentment in his presence. E. धी understanding, रा to possess, क affix; or धी with ईर to go to, affix अण्; or धी to possess, क्तन् Unādi aff. धियं राति रा-क । धियमीरयति ईरअण् वा । उप० स ।
- धीरत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Firmness, fortitude. 2. The feminine property of sup- pressing violent expression of jealousy. E. धीर firm, steady, affix त्व; also with तल् affix धीरता .
- धीरप्रशान्त :: n. (-न्तं) The hero of a poem or play who unites all good qualities. E. धीर, and प्रशान्त calm.
- धीरललित :: m. (-तः) The hero of a poem or play, who is firm and brave, but reckless and inconsiderate. E. धीर and ललित sportive.
- धीरस्कन्द :: m. (-न्दः) A buffalo. E. धीर strong, स्कन्द a shoulder.
- धीराधीरा :: f. (-रा) A mistress or wife, who having cause for jealousy, pursues a middle conduct between the suppression and expression of resentment. E. धीरा and अधीरा joined.
- धीरोदात्त :: m. (-त्तः) The hero of a poem or play whose characteristics are benevolence and fortitude. E. धीर, and उदात्त liberal.
- धीरोद्धत :: m. (-तः) The hero of a poem or play who is deficient in magn- animity. E. धीर and उद्धत haughty.
- धीलटि :: f. (-टि) A daughter. लट-बाल्योक्तौ इन्-धिया कर्मणा लटिः ।
- धीवन् :: m. (-वा) 1. A brazier. 2. A fisherman. E. धृ to hold, Unadi affix कनिन् and ऋ changed to ई .
- धीवर :: m. (-रः) A fisherman. f. (-री) 1. A fisherman's wife. 2. A sort of harpoon for catching fish with. E. धी to hold or gain, (fish,) Unādi affix ष्वरच् .
- धीशक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) An intellectual faculty or power of the understanding, as attention, comprehension. &c. E. धी the intellect, and शक्ति power.
- धीसख :: m. (-खः) 1. A counsellor, an adviser, a minister. 2. A tutor or friend. E. धी the understanding, and सखि a friend.
- धीसचिव :: m. (-वः) 1. A counsellor, a minister. 2. A friendly or prudent adviser. E. धी the intellect, and सचिव a friend.
- धु (ञ) धुञ् :: r. 7th cl. (धुनोति-धुनुते) To shake, to agitate: see धू कम्पने अक० चालने सक० स्वादि० उभ० अनिट् ।
- धु :: f. (-धुः) Shaking, trembling. E. धु to shake भावे डु aff.
- धुक्ष :: r. 1st cl. (धुक्षते) 1. To kindle. 2. To be weary. 3. To live. भ्वा० आ० अक० अनिट् .
- धुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Abandoned, deserted, left. 2. Shaken, agitated, (as leaves by wind, &c.) E. धु to shake, affix क्त .
- धुतपाप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Purified from sin. E. धुत shaken, पाप sin.
- धुनन :: n. (-नं) Shaking, agitation. E. धु to shake, affix ल्यु also धूनन &c.
- धुनान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Shaking, agitating. E. धु to shake, शानच् aff.
- धुनि :: f. (-निः) A river; see the next.
- धुनी :: f. (-नी) A river. E. धु to go, affix इन् fem. affix ङीप्; the affix is sometimes considered as निक् leaving नि, which makes धुनि ut sup.
- धुनीनाथ :: m. (-थः) The ocean. E. धुनी and नाथ lord.
- धुन्धुमार :: m. (-रः) 1. The name of a sovereign; also named Kuvalayāswa. 2. An insect, (Coccinella.) 3. The smoke of a house. 4. A house. A house lizard E. धूम smoke reiterated, ऋ to go, affix अण्, deriv. irr. or धुन्धुं मारयति-मारि-अण्-उप-स० ।
- धुन्वत् :: mfn. (-न्वन् -न्वन्ती -न्वत्) Shaking, agitating. E. धु to shake, शतृ aff.
- धुन्वान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Shaking, agitating. E. धु to shake, शानच् aff.
- धुर् :: f. (-धूः) 1. The fore part of a carriage, the pole or the path where the yoke is fixed. 2. Agitation, trembling. 3. Reflection, recollec- tion. 4. A spark of fire. 5. A burthen, a load. 6. A part, a portion. 7. Wealth. 8. A name of the Gānges. E. धुर्ब्ब hurt, affix क्विप्, and व rejected; also with टाप् added, धुरा ।
- धुरन्धर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Bearing a burthen. 2. Bearing, (figuratively,) laden with good qualities, heavy duties, &c. m. (-रः) 1. A beast of burthen. 2. A man of business. 3. A tree, (Grislea tomentosa.) E. धुर् a burthen, and धृ to have, affix खच् । खचिह्रस्वः ।
- धुरा :: f. (-रा) A burthen, a load. E. धुर्ब्ब to hurt, affixes क and टाप् ।
- धुरीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Bearing, (as a burthen.) 2. Charged with, abounding with, (qualities, duties, &c.) m. (-ण) 1. A beast of bur- then. 2. A man of business. E. धुर a burthen, ख aff.
- धुरीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Fit for a load, suited to a burthen 2. Charged with important duties. m. (-यः) 1. A beast of burthen. 2. A man of business. E. धुर्, and छ aff.
- धुर्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) Fit for a burthen, adopted to it, &c. m. (-र्य्यः) 1. A beast of burthen. 2. minister, a charged affairs. 3. A house. E. धुर् a burthen, यत् aff.
- धुर्व (इ) र्व्वि :: r. 1st. cl. (धुर्वति) To kill or hurt: भ्वा० प० सक० सेट् ।
- धुर्व्वह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Bearing a load, a burthen. m. (-हः) 1. A beast of burthen. 2. A minister, a charged affairs. E. धुर् and वह who bears; also धुरावह ।
- धुबका :: f. (-का) The introductory stanza to a song, forming afterwards the burthen of each verse. (धुया) E. धू to agitate, क्वुन् Unādi aff.
- धुवन :: m. (-नः) A title of AGNI. E. धू to agitate, affix क्युन् ।
- धुवित्र :: n. (-त्रं) A sort of fan made of deer skin, and used especially to excite a sacrificial fire. E. धू to agitate, इत्र affix also धवित्र .
- धुस्तुर :: m. (-रः) Thorn apple, (Dhatura fastuosa:) see the next.
- धुस्तूर :: m. (-रः) Thorn apple, (Datura fastuosa:) E. धूष् to make hand- some, affix क्विप्, तूर् to be mischievous, affix क; elegant but deleteri- ous: the vowels are also both made short, as धुस्तुर, or both remain long, as in धूस्तूर also written धुत्तूर ।
- धु[धू] (ञ) धूञ् :: r. 5th cl. (धूनोति-धूनुते) r. 6th cl. धूवति r. 9th cl. (धनाति धुनिते) r. 1st and 10th cls. धवति-ते-धावयति-ते or धूनयति) To shake or agitate, to make tremble; with अव, prefixed, 1. To abandon, to quit 2. To perceive. With निर् 1. To destroy. 2. To go or move. With वि to make tremble or agitate. स्वा० क्य्रा० स्वादि० उभ० सक० अनिट् । उभ० पक्षे तुदा० कु० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- धूक :: m. (-कः) 1. The air or wind. 2. A rogue, a cheat. 3. time. E. धु to agitate, कन् Unadi affix, and the vowel made long.
- धूक्ष :: r. 1st cl. (धूक्षते) 1. To live. 2. To kindle. 3. To be disinterested.
- धूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Shaken, agitated. 2. Reproached, reviled. 3. Abandoned, deserted. 4. Judged, discriminated. f. (-ता) A wife. E. धू to shake, &c. affix क्त; this root also forms धून with the same aff.
- धूतपाप :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Pure, free from sin. E. धूत shaken, पाप sin.
- धून :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Distressed by heat or thirst. 2. Shaken, agitated. E. धू to shake, affix क्त, form irr. धू-क्त-ल्वादि० तस्य-नः ।
- धूनक :: m. (-कः) Resin; it is sometimes read धूणक .
- धूनन :: n. (-नं) Shaking, agitating. E. धू to shake, affix भावे ल्युट् .
- धूनि :: f. (-निः) Shaking, agitating. E. धू to agitate, affix क्तिन्, and त changed to न . धू-भावे क्तिन्-ल्वादि-तस्य नः ।
- धूप :: r. 1st cl. (धूपायति) To heat. r. 10th cl. (धूपयति-ते) 1. To speak. 2. To shine. तापे अक० तापने सक० भ्वा० प० सेट् । दीप्तो चु० उभ० अक० दीपने सक० सेट् ।
- धूप :: m. (-पः) Incense, the aromatic vapour that proceeds from the combustion of any fragrant gum or resin, the use of which is authorized by scripture. E. धूप् to heat, affix अच् . धपयति रोगान् दोषान् वा ।
- धूपन :: m. (-नः) 1. Resin. 2. Incense. E. धूप् to heat, affix ल्यु .
- धूपवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A species of pine, (Pinus longifolia.) E. धूप incense or resin so used, and वृक्ष a tree; also with कन् added, धूपवृक्षक .
- धूपाङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Turpentine. E. धूप, and अङ्ग a part.
- धूपायित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Suffering pain or fatigue. 2. Incensed, perfu- med with incense. E. धूप (to heat, &c.) affix क्त, आय inserted, or the passive form with the same aff.
- धूपिका :: f. (-का) Mist, fog. E. धूप incense, कन् affix of resemblance, fem. form.
- धूपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Suffering pain or fatigue. 2. Scented, perfumed, incensed. E. धूप् to heat, affix क्त .
- धूम :: m. (-मः) 1. Smoke. 2. Scent. E. धू to agitate, Unādi affix मक् .
- धूमकेतन :: m. (-नः) 1. KETU, the personified descending node. 2. Fire or its deity. E. धूम smoke, and केतन a symbol.
- धूमकेतु :: m. (-तुः) 1. A comet or falling-star. 2. Fire. 3. The personified descending node. E. धूम smoke, and केतु a mark or symbol.
- धूमध्वज :: m. (-जः) Fire. E. धूम smoke, and ध्वज a sign or symbol.
- धूमप्रभा :: f. (-भा) A division of hell, the hell of smoke. E. धूम, and प्रभा what shines.
- धूममहिषी :: f. (-षी) Fog, mist. E. धूम smoke, महिषी a buffalo.
- धूमयोनि :: m. (-निः) A cloud. E. धूम smoke, and योनि womb; what is engendered from smoke or vapour.
- धूमल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Of a purple colour. m. (-लः) Purple, a colour compounded of black and red. E. धूम smoke, and ल what is, being of the hue of smoke. धूमं लाति ला-क ।
- धूमसंहति :: f. (-तिः) A cloud or quantity of smoke. E. धूम, and संहति collection.
- धूमसी :: f. (-सी) A cake of pulse steeped in water, and dried in the sun.
- धूमाकार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Of the form or appearance of smoke. E. धूम, and आकार form.
- धूमाभ :: mfn. (-भः -मा -मं) Of a purple colour. m. (-भः) Purple. E. धूम smoke, and आभ resembling; of a smoky hue.
- धूमावलि :: f. (-लिः) A wreath or cloud of smoke. E. धूम, and आवलि a line.
- धूमिका :: f. (-का) Fog, vapour. E. धूम smoke, and ठन् affix of resemblance.
- धूमोर्णा :: f. (-र्णा) The wife of YAMA. E. धूम smoke, and ऊर्ण wool; of a smoky hue, and woolly-headed, a Caffree, Proserpine.
- धूमोर्णापति :: m. (-तिः) YAMA, the ruler of the dead. E. धूमोर्णा as above, and पति husband.
- धूम्या :: f. (-म्या) A quantity of smoke. E. धूम with य affix, implying aggregation.
- धूम्याट :: m. (-टः) The fork-tailed shrike. E. धूम्या much smoke, and अट who goes, E. धूम्या इव अटति अट् अच् ।
- धूम्र :: mfn. (-म्रः -म्रा -म्रं) Of a purple or smoky colour. m. (-म्रः) Purple, the colour; a compound of red and black. n. (-म्रं) Sin, vice, wickedness. E. धू smoke. रा to get, affix क, deriv. irr.
- धूम्रक :: m. (-कः) A camel. E. धूम्र smoky, कन् affix; of a smoky or tawny hue. धूम्र इव कायति कै-क ।
- धूम्रलोचन :: m. (-नः) A pigeon. E. धूम्र dark, लोचन the eye.
- धूम्ररुच् :: mfn. (-रुक्) Of a purple colour. E. धूम्र, and रुच् to shine, affix क्विप् .
- धूम्रवर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Of a smoky hue. m. (-र्णः) Incense. f. (-र्णा) Flame, or one of the seven tongues of AGNI or fire. E. धूम्र smoky or purplish, and वर्ण colour.
- धूम्राक्षि :: m. (-क्षिः) A pearl of a bad colour. E. धूम्र smoky, अक्षि an eye.
- धूम्राट :: m. (-टः) The fork-tailed shrike. E. धूम्र smoky, and अट who goes.
- धूम्राभ :: m. (-भः) Air, wind. E. धूम्र smoky, आभ who shines.
- धूम्रिका :: f. (-का) The Sisu tree. E. कन् added to धूम्र, fem. form.
- धूयमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Agitated, shaken. E. धू to shake, pass. v. शानच् aff.
- धूर (ई,) धूरी :: r. 4th cl. (धूर्य्यते) 1. To kill or hurt. 2. To move or approach. बधे गतौ च दिवा० आ० सक० सेट् ।
- धूर्ज्जटि :: m. (-टिः) A name of SIVA. E. धुर् a burthen, and जटि a colle- tion, from जट् to collect, and इन् affix; who collects or bears the burthen of the three worlds.
- धूर्त्त :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -र्त्ता -र्त्तं) 1. Fraudulent, crafty, dishonest, knavish; &c. 2. Mischievous, injurious. m. (-र्त्तः) 1. A gamester. 2. A rogue, a cheat. 3. Thorn apple, (Dhutura.) n. (-र्त्तं) 1. Rust or iron filings. 2. Black salt. E. धुर्व्व to injure, Unādi affix तन्, deriv. irr. धूर वा क्त ।
- धूर्त्तक :: m. (-कः) 1. A jackal. 2. A cheat, a rogue, &c. E. धूर्त्त crafty, कन् added. धूर्त्त इव इवार्थे कन् ।
- धूर्त्तकितव :: m. (-वः) A gamester. E. धूर्त्त, and कितव a knave.
- धूर्त्तकृत् :: mfn. (-कृत्) Dishonest, a knave, a rogue, a cheat. m. (-त्) Thorn apple: see धुस्तूर E. धूर्त्त mischievous, and कृत् who acts.
- धूर्त्तजन्तु :: m. (-न्तुः) Man. E. धूर्त्त crafty, and जन्तु an animal; the subtlest of all animals.
- धूर्त्तता :: f. (-ता) Knavery, roguery, knavishness. E. धूर्त्त, and तल् affix; also with त्व, धूर्त्तत्वं .
- धूर्त्तमण्डल :: m. (-लः) A party of rogues or gamblers. E. धूर्त्त a cheat, and मण्डल a circle.
- धूर्त्तमानुषा :: f. (-षा) A plant: see रास्ना .
- धूर्धर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Bearing a load or burthen. 2. Managing affairs. m. (-रः) A beast of burthen. E. धूर् a burthen, and धर bearing.
- धूर्व्वह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Bearing a load, who or what does so. 2. Manag- ing affairs. E. धूर, and वह what bears.
- धूर्व्वी :: f. (-र्ब्बी) The fore part or pole of a carriage. E. धूर्व्व to injure, affix- es अच् and ङीष् ।
- धूलक :: n. (-कं) Poison.
- धूलि :: mf. (-लिः-लिः or -ली) 1. Dust. 2. A number. E. धू to agitate, affix लिक् वा ङीप् ।
- धूलिका :: f. (-का) Fog or mist. E. धूलि dust, कन् affix of resemblance; the dust of the atmosphere. धूलिरिव कायति कै-क ।
- धूलिकुट्टिम :: n. (-मं) A mound, a rampart. E. धूलि dust or earth, and कृट्टिम prepared ground.
- धूलिकेदार :: m. (-रः) A mound, a rampart of earth. E. धूलि dust, and केदार a field.
- धूलिगुच्छक :: m. (-कः) The red vegetable powder thrown about at the spring festival called the Holi. E. धूलि dust, and गुच्छक a nose- gay; also धूलिगुच्छ m. (-च्छः)
- धूलिध्वज :: m. (-जः) Air or wind. E. धूली dust, and ध्वज sign or symbol.
- धूलीकदम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) 1. A species of the Kadamba tree, (Nauclea cordi folia.) 2. Tila, a plant. 3. A tree: see वरुण (Tapia cratæva.) E. धूली dust, and कदम्ब Kadamba, whose pollen perhaps resembles that of the Kadamba, or having a similar quantity of blossoms; also with कन् added धूलीकदम्बक; these words are also written with a short इ, as धूलिकदम्बक ।
- धूलीपटल :: m. (-लः) A cloud of dust. E. धूली, and पटल a heap.
- धूश :: r. 10th cl. (धूशयति-ते) To make splendid or elegant; also धूष, and धूस । चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- धूष :: r. 10th cl. (धूषयति-ते) to make splendid or elegant चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् । also धूश and धूस ।
- धूस :: r. 10th cl. (धूसयति-ते) To embellish, to make splendid or elegant.
- धूसर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Grey, of that colour. m. (-रः) 1. Grey, (the colour,) 2. A jack ass. 3. An oilman. 4. A camel. 5. A pigeon. 6. Any thing of a grey tint. f. (-री) A female Kinnara or chorister of heaven. E. धृ to agitate (the mind,) सर Unadi aff.
- धूसरछदा :: f. (-दा) A plant commonly Swetarāsna. E. धूसर grey, and छद a leaf, grey-leaved.
- धूस्तूर :: m. (-रः) The thorn apple, (Dhutura metel and fastuosa.) E. धूस् elegant, and तूर injurious: see धुस्तुर .
- धृ (ङ) धृङ् :: r. 1st cl. (धरते) To fall. r. 6th cl. (ध्रियते) 1. To continue. to remain. 2. To have or hold, (ञ) धृञ् r. 1st cl. (धरति-ते) To have or hold, to keep, to maintain. r. 1st cl. (धरति) To sprinkle. r. 10th cl. (धारयति-ते) To hold. With अप or निर् prefixed, To verify, to make sure or certain. स्थितौ अक० धृतौ सक० उभ० भ्वा० अनिट् । तुदा० आ० अनिट् । चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- धृज :: r. 1st cl. (धर्जति) also (इ) धृजि r. 1st cl. (धृञ्जति) To go or move. भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् । इदित् च ।
- धृत् :: mfn. (धृत्) Who has, holds, possesses, &c. E. धृ to have, क्विप् aff.
- धृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Possessed, held, contained. 2. Cherished, sup- ported. 3. Stood, stayed, standing. 4. Alighted, gone down. 5. Placed. 6. Considered, weighed. E. धृ to hold, and क्त aff.
- धृतकार्म्मुकेषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Armed with bow and arrow. E. धृत, कार्म्मुक a bow, and इषु an arrow.
- धृतपट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Covered or overspread with a cloth, &c. E. धृत, and पट a cloth.
- धृतराष्ट्र :: m. (-ष्ट्रः) A proper name; DHRITARĀSHṬRA, the father of DŪRYODHANA, and uncle of the Paṇḍu princes. 2. A good king. 3. A Nāgā or serpent of the lower regions. 4. A kind of bird, perhaps a short of goose: see धार्त्तराष्ट्र . f. (-री) A goose, the female bird only. E. धृत possessed, cherished, (by whom,) राष्ट्र a region.
- धृतवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Held, was holding, 2. Having taken or conveyed. धृ to hold, क्तवतु aff.
- धृतहेति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Armed. E. धृत, and हेति a weapon.
- धृतात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Firm, steady, calm, collected. E. धृत, and आत्मन् self.
- धृताम्भस् :: mfn. (-म्भाः -म्भाः -म्भः) Full of water. E. धृत, and अम्भस् water.
- धृति :: m. (-तिः) Sacrifice, offering, religious rite or ceremony. f. (-तिः) 1. Holding, having. 2. Steadiness, firmness. 3. One of the astrolo- gical Yogas. see योग . 4. Pleasure. 5. Satisfaction, content. 6. Happiness. 7. A metre; a stanza of four lines of eighteen syll- ables each. 8. The thirteenth Mātrikā E. धृ to have &c. affix क्तिन् .
- धृतिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) 1. Firm, steady, calm. 2. content E. धृति, and मतुप् aff.
- धृतिमुष् :: mfn. (-मुट्) Discomposing, agitating. E. धृति firmness, and मुष् what steals.
- धृत्वन् :: m. (-त्वा) 1. Virtue, morality. 2. A Brāhman. 3. The sea. 4. The sky. 5. A clever man 6. A name of VISHṆU. E. धृ to hold, क्वनिप् affix, तुक् augment.
- धृत्वरी :: f. (-री) The earth. E. धृ to hold, क्वरप् affix, and तुक् augment.
- धृत्वा :: ind. Having taken or held. E. धृ, and क्ता aff.
- धृष :: r. 5th cl. (ञि आ) ञिधृषा (धृष्णोति) To be proud, to be confident or presumptuous. r. 1st and 10th cls. (धर्षति धर्षयतिते) To overcome, to overbear, to resist impatiently, to be impatient. (उ) धृषु r. 1st cl. (धर्षति) 1. To collect. 2. To hurt or kill. (ङ) धृषङ् r. 10th cl. (धर्षयते) To neutralise, paralyse or make powerless. प्रागल्भ्ये स्वा० प० अक० सेट् । संहतौ अक० हिंसे सक० भ्वा० प० सेट् । क्रोधे अभिभवे च वा चुरा उभ० पक्षे भ्वा० प० सक० सेट् । सामर्थ्यबन्धने चुरा० आत्म० अक० सेट् ।
- धृषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) 1. A clever man. 2. A proud one. 3. A heap. E. धृष् to be confident. Unādi affix कु .
- धृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Impudent, confident, bold, shameless. 2. For- ward, intrusive, presumptuous. 3. Secured, obtained. 4. Profligate, abandoned. m. (-ष्टः) A faithless husband. f. (-ष्टा) A disloyal or un- chaste woman. E. धृष् to be confident, affix वैयात्ये क्त्र .
- धृष्णज् :: mfn. (-ष्णक्) Confident, impudent, shameless. E. धृष् to be confident नजिज् aff.
- धृष्णि :: m. (-ष्णिः) A ray of light. E. धृष् to be arrogant, नि aff.
- धृष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) 1. Confident, bold. 2. Impudent, shameless. f. (-ष्णु) The branch of a bamboo. E. धृष् to be arrogant, affix क्नु ।
- धॄ :: r. 9th cl. (धॄणाति) To be or grow old.
- धे :: r. 1st cl. (ट) धेट (धयति) also (ङ) धेङ् (धयते) To drink. भ्वा० प० सक० अनिट्० टित् ।
- धेन :: m. (-नः) 1. The ocean. 2. A male river. f. (-ना) A river. E. धे to drink, Unādi affix नन्-इच्च; what is drunk.
- धेनु :: f. (-नुः) A milch cow, one that has lately calved. E. धे to drink, Unādi affix नु इच्च । धयति सुतान्, धीयते पीयते वत्सैर्वा ।
- धेनुक :: m. (-कः) The name of an Asura or demon, killed by KRISHṆA. f. (-का) 1. A she-elephant. 2. A milch cow. E. धेनु a cow and कन् aff. धेनुरिव “इवे प्रतिकृतौ” पा-कन् ।
- धेनुकसूदन :: m. (-नः) A name of KRISHṆA. E. धेनुक a demon, so called, and सूदन the destroyer, also similar compounds, as धेनुकहन्, धेनुकारि &c. सूदि-ल्यु ।
- धेनुकादुग्ध :: n. (-ग्धं) 1. Cow's milk. 2. A plant: see चिर्भिट E. धेनुका and दुग्ध milk.
- धेनुकारि :: m. (-रिः) 1. KRISHṆA. 2. small tree, Nageshwar. E. धेनुक, and अरि a foe.
- धेनुष्या :: f. (-ष्या) A cow at the dairy or tied up to be milked. E. धेनु a milch cow, यत् affix, and षुक् augment.
- धेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be held. 2. Denominated, called. E. धा to have, यत् aff.
- धैनुक :: n. (-कं) A herd of milch cows. E. धेनुका a milch cow, and ठक् aff.
- धैर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Steadiness, firmness. E. धीर firm. ष्यञ् aff.
- धैर्य्यकलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Steady, calm, assuming firmness or composure E. धैर्य्य and कलित made.
- धैवत :: m. (-तः) The sixth note of the gamut. E. धी intellect, deriv. irr.
- धोड :: m. (-डः) A sort of snake, commonly called Dhonra, a kind of water-snake. E. धू to make tremble, ड aff.
- धोर (ऋ) धोरृ :: r. 1st cl. (धोरति) To move well, to be quick or alert, or to have good paces. गतौ सक० चातुर्य्ये अक० भ्वा० प० सेट् ।
- धोरण :: n. (-णं) 1. A vehicle in general, any means of conveyance, as a horse, an elephant, a car, &c. A horse's trot. 2. Going well or quickly. E. धोर् to move well or quickly, affix करणे भावे वा ल्युट् .
- धोरणि :: f. (-णिः) Tradition. E. धोर् to proceed, affix अनि .
- धोरित :: n. (-तं) A horse's trot. E. धोर to go well, affix भावे क्त; also with कन् added, धोरितक n. (-कं) and with अण् again added, धौरितक .
- धौत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Washed, cleaned, purified. 2. Bright and shin- ing. 3. White. n. (-तं) Silver. E. धाव् to make clean, affix क्त .
- धौतकट :: m. (-टः) A bag of coarse cloth, a sack. E. धौत washed and कट mat.
- धौतकोषज :: n. (-जं) Bleached or wild silk. E. धौत pure or washed, कोष the cocoon, and ज born.
- धौतकौशेय :: n. (-यं) Bleached or wild silk. E. धौत pure or washed, कोश a cocoon, and ढक् aff.
- धौतशिल :: n. (-लं) Crystal. E. धौत pure, शिला a stone.
- धौमक :: m. (-कः) The name of a district. E. धूम smoke, वुञ् aff.
- धौरितक :: n. (-कं) A horse's trot: see धोरितक .
- धौरेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Fit for burthen, capable of taking or bearing it, (either a vehicle or a beast. &c.) m, (-यः) 1. A beast of burthen. 2. A horse. E. धूर् a burthen, ढक् aff.
- धौर्त्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Belonging to a cheat, knavish, fraudulent &c. n. (-कं) Fraud, dishonesty. E. धूर्त्त cheat, ठन् aff.
- धौर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) A horse's trot. E. धोर् to go well, affix ण्यत् .
- ध्मा :: r. 1st cl. (धमति) 1. To blow, as a wind instrument, to produce sound by blowing. 2. To blow a fire, to excite fire by blowing. 3. To apply fire. 4. To excite sparks. अग्निसंयुतौ दीर्घश्वासहेतुके शब्द- भेदे अक० तादृशशब्देन वादने सक० भ्वा० प० अनिट् ।
- ध्माकार :: m. (-रः) A blacksmith. E. ध्मा blowing, from ध्मा to blow, affix कर्त्तरि अण् and कार who makes.
- ध्माक्ष (इ) :: r. 1st cl. (ध्मांक्षति) 1. To desire. 2. To crow or caw: see ध्राक्ष and ध्वाक्ष । आकाङ्क्षे सक०, धोररवे अक०, भ्वा० प० सेट् इदित् ।
- ध्माक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. Any aquatic bird. 2. A crow, &c. E. ध्माक्ष् to crow or caw, अच् affix; more usually read ध्वाङ्क्ष, q. v. also read ध्वाक्ष ।
- ध्मात(-तः-ता-तं) :: 1. Inflamed, excited. 2. Blown into or up, inflated. 3. Blown by a bellows, (a fire, &c.) E. ध्मा to blow, &c. affix क्त .
- ध्मामन् :: m. (-मा) 1. Measure. 2. Light. 3. Meditation. E. ध्मा to blow or breathe, Unādi affix मनिन् ।
- ध्मायमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Being melted or refined. 2. Being inflated. E. ध्मा to blow, शानच् aff.
- ध्यात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Thought, meditated. E. ध्यै to meditate affix क्त .
- ध्यातव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be thought or reflected upon. E. ध्यै to think, तव्य aff.
- ध्यान :: n. (-नं) 1. Meditation, reflection, but especially that profound and abstract consideration which brings its object fully and un- disturbedly before the mind. 2. Mental representation of the per- sonal attributes of the divinity to whom worship is addressed. E. ध्यै to meditate, affix भावे ल्युट् ।
- ध्यानयोग :: n. (-गं) The performance of religious abstraction. E. ध्यान medi- tation, &c. योग a religious observance. ध्यानमेव योगः ।
- ध्यानपर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Meditating, reflecting. E. ध्यान, and पर engaged in.
- ध्यानतत्पर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Reflecting. E. ध्यान, and तत्पर absorbed in.
- ध्यानीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be meditated upon. E. ध्यै to think, and अनीयर् aff.
- ध्याम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Black. n. (-मं) 1. A fragrant grass. 2. A plant, (Artemisia.) E. ध्यै to think, कर्मणि मन् aff. गन्धतृणे, मदनवृक्षे, रोहिष- तृणेच ।
- ध्यामन् :: n. (-म) Meditation. m. (-मा) Measure. E. ध्यै to meditate, and भावे मनिन् aff.
- ध्याममूर्द्धज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Having dishevelled hair.
- ध्यायत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Thinking of, meditating upon. E. ध्यै to think, शतृ aff.
- ध्येय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be meditated or pondered. E. ध्यै to meditate, कर्मणि यत् aff.
- ध्यै :: r. 1st cl. (ध्यायति) To recollect, to call to mind, to meditate, to think; with the preposition नि, to see, to look, to look out for. भ्वा० प० सक० अनिट् ।
- ध्रज :: r. 1st cl. (ध्रजति) To go; also (इ) ध्रञ्जि r. 1st cl. (ध्रंजति) To go or move. भ्वा० प० सक० सेट् ।
- ध्रण :: r. 1st cl. (ध्रणति) To sound, as a drum or other instrument. भ्वा० प० अक० सेट् ।
- ध्रस :: r. 1st cl. (ध्रसयति) To throw or toss up. (उ) उध्रस r. 9th cl. (ध्रस्नाति) To glean: the root is by some authorities read उध्रस । चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् । कणश आदाने क्य्रादि० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- ध्राक्ष (इ) ध्राक्षि :: r. 1st cl. (ध्रांक्षति) 1. To utter the sound of birds or to crow, caw, &c. 2. To desire: see ध्वाक्ष भ्वा० प० सक० सेट् इदित् ।
- ध्राख (ऋ) ध्राखृ :: r. 1st cl. (ध्राखति) 1. To be dry or arid. 2. To adorn. 3. To suffice, to be able or competent. 4. To refuse, to prevent. भ्वा० प० सक० सेट् ।
- ध्राघ :: r. (ऋ) धघृ r. 1st cl. (ध्राघते) To be able or competent. भ्वा० आ० अक० सेट् ।
- ध्राजि :: f. (-जिः) A whirlwind, a gale. E. ध्रज् to go, मतौ वा भावे इन् Unādi affix, and the radical vowel made long.
- ध्राड (ऋ) ध्राडृ :: r. 1st cl. (ध्राडति-ते) To divide, to split, to cut or pierce. भ्वा० आत्म० सक० सेट् ।
- ध्राडि :: m. (-डिः) gathering flowers. E. ध्राड् to divide, affix इन् ।
- धृज :: r. 1st cl. (ध्रेजति) To go or move. भ्वा० प० सक० सेट् ।
- ध्रियमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Being held or sustained. 2. Being with- held, checked, suppressed, &c. E. धृ to hold, passive v. शानच् aff.
- ध्रु :: r. 1st cl. (ध्रुवति) r. 6th cl. (ध्रुवति) 1. To be firm or fixed. 2. To go or move. गतौ भ्वा० प० अनिट् । तुदा० कु० प० अनिट् । स्थैर्य्ये अक० सर्पणे सक ।
- ध्रुव :: r. 6th cl. (ध्रुवति) 1. To stand, firm. 2. To go or move. ध्रु अच् ।
- ध्रुव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) 1. External. 2. Fixed, stable, firm. 3. Continual, permanent. 4. Certain, ascertained. 5. Spread, extended. m. (-वः) 1. A name of BRAMHĀ. 2. SIVA. 3. VISHṆU. 4. The polar star or north pole itself; in mythology, personified by DHRUVA, the son of UTTĀNAPĀDA, and grandson of the first MANU. 5. The pole of any great circle, particularly either of the celestial poles. 6. (In Astronomy,) The distance of a planet from the beginning of the sydereal zodiac. 7. Any epoch to which a computation of dates is referred. 8. One of the demi-gods called VASUS. 9. The trunk of a lopped tree. 10. The Indian fig tree, (Ficus Indica.) 11. One of the twenty-seven astronomical Yogas, or the Yoga star of the twelfth lunar asterism, supposed to be Leonis. 12. A sort of bird: see शराटि . n. (-वं) 1. Ascertainment, certainty. 2. Logic, reasoning, discussion. 3. Heaven. f. (-वा) 1. A sacrificial vase made in the shape of the Indian fig leaf, and of the wood of the Flacourtia sapida. 2. A plant, (Hedysarum gangeticum.) 3. A small tree from the fibres of which bow strings are made: see मूर्ब्बा . 4. The intro- ductory stanza of a song: it is distinct form the verses of the song, after each of which it is again repeated as a burden or chorus. 5. A virtuous woman. E. ध्रु to be fixed affix अच् .
- ध्रुवक :: m. (-कः) 1. The trunk of a lopped tree. 2. Longitude. f. (-का) The introductory stanza and burden of a song: see ध्रुवा E. कन् added to the preceding.
- ध्रू :: r. 6th cl. (ध्रुवति) 1. To be firm, to stand fast. 2. To go or move.
- ध्रेक (ऋ) ध्रेकृ :: r. 1st cl. (ध्रेकते) 1. To sound. 2. To grow or increase. 3. To be exhilarated or elevated with joy. 4. To manifest elevation or hilarity by noise. भ्वा० आ० अक० सेट् ।
- ध्रै :: r. 1st cl. (ध्रायति) To be satisfied or pleased. भ्वा० प० अक० अनिट् ।
- ध्रौव्य :: n. (-व्यं) Firmness, fixedness. 2. Duration. E. ध्रुव and ष्यञ् aff.
- ध्वंस (उ) ध्वंसु :: r. 1st cl. (ध्वंसते) 1. To fall down. 2. To reduce to powder. 3. To go.
- ध्वंस :: m. (-सः) Loss, destruction. f. (-सी) A mote in a sun-beam. E. ध्वंस to fall, affix भावे घञ् ।
- ध्वंसन :: n. (-नं) 1. Perishing, dying. 2. Loss, destruction. 3. Going. 4. Falling. E. ध्वंस to fall down, affix भावे ल्युट् । णिच्-ल्यु ।
- ध्वंसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Lost, destroyed. 2. Vexed, incensed. E. ध्वंस to fall down, क्त aff.
- ध्वंसिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) 1. Destructive, destroying, 2. Suffering loss, perishing. m. (-सी) A Pilu tree, said to grow in mountainous dis- tricts. E. ध्वंस to fall, and णिनि aff.
- ध्वज :: r. 1st cl. (ध्वजति) also (इ) ध्वजि r. 1st cl. (ध्वंजति) To go, to move. भ्व० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- ध्वज :: mn. (-जः-जं) 1. A flag or banner. 2. A mark, a sign or symbol. 3. The penis. 4. The upper part of a skull carried on a stick, as a penance for the murder of a Brāhman. 5. A house situated to the east of any object. 6. A flag-staff. 7. (In Prosody,) An Iam- bic. m. (-जः) 1. A distiller. 2. Pride. 3. Hypocrisy, fraud. E. ध्वज to go, affix अच् ।
- ध्वजद्रुम :: m. (-मः) The palm tree. E. ध्वज a banner, द्रुम a tree.
- ध्वजप्रहरण :: m. (-णः) Air or wind. E. ध्वज a flag, and प्रहरण who seizes.
- ध्वजभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. Impotence. 2. Fracture or fall of a banner E. ध्वज, and भङ्ग breaking.
- ध्वजवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Having a mark or sign. m. (-वान्) 1. An en- sign, astandard-bearer. 2. A distiller, a vender of spirituous liquors. 3. A Brāhman who having slain another carries the skull of the murdered man with him to places of pilgrimage by way of pen- ance. E. E. ध्वज as above, मतुप् affs.
- ध्वजराजिन् :: mfn. (-जी -जिनी -जि) Bearing or displaying ensigns. E. ध्वज, and राज् to shine, णिनि aff.
- ध्वजांशुक :: m. (-कः) A flag. E. ध्वज, and अंशुक a cloth.
- ध्वजिन् :: mfn. (-जी -जिनी -जि) Having a flag or sign, &c. m. (-जी) 1. A Brāhman. 2. A mountain. 3. A car or carriage. 4. A snake. 5. A horse. 6. A peacock. 7. A distiller or vender of spirituous liquors. 8. A standard bearer. 9. An armiger, one having an emblem or sign. f. (-नी) An army. E. ध्वज symbol, इनि aff.
- ध्वजीकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Raising a standard. 2. Taking an emblem &c. 3. Making any thing a plea or setting up as a claim or right. E. ध्वज, and करण making, च्वि augment.
- ध्वजोत्थान :: n. (-नं) The twelfth day of the light half of Bhādra, a festival in honour of INDRA. E. ध्वज a flag, and उत्थान elevating.
- ध्वण :: r. 1st cl. (ध्वणति) To sound. भ्वा० अक० पर० सेट् ।
- ध्वन :: r. 1st cl. (ध्वनति) r. 10th cl. (ध्वनयति-ते ध्वानयति) To sound. भ्वा० प० अक० सेट् । अद-चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- ध्वन :: m. (-नः) Sound E. ध्वन् to sound, अच् affix: see ध्वान ।
- ध्वनत् :: mfn. (-नन् -नन्ती -नत्) Sounding, making a noise. E. ध्वन् sound, शतृ aff.
- ध्वनमोदिन् :: m. (-दी) The humble bee. E. ध्वन sound, and मोदिन् who delights.
- ध्वनयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्तो -यत्) Sounding, resounding, echoing with. E. ध्वन् to sound, शतृ aff.
- ध्वनि :: m. (-निः) 1. Sound. 2. Figurative or poetical style. 3. The sound of a drum. E. ध्वन् to sound, इन् aff.
- ध्वनिग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. The ear. 2. Hearing. E. ध्वनि sound, ग्रह the recipient.
- ध्वनित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sounded, making a noise, as a drum, &c. 2. Poetical, figurative, rhetorically expressed. E. ध्वन् to sound, affix क्त .
- ध्वनिनाला :: f. (-ला) 1. The Vina or lute. 2. A pipe, a fife. 3. A sort of trumpet. E. ध्वनि sound, and नाला a hollow tube.
- ध्वनिविकार :: m. (-रः) Change of voice, through fear, grief, &c. E. ध्वनि sound, विकार change.
- ध्वस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Fallen, 2. Destroyed, perished, lost. E. ध्वंस to fall, affix कर्त्तरि क्त .
- ध्वाक्ष (इ) ध्वाक्षि :: r. 1st cl. (ध्वांक्षति) 1. To utter a cry peculiar to birds, as to croke, caw, &c. 2. To desire. भ्वा० प० सक० सेट० इदित् ।
- ध्वाङ्क्ष :: m. (-ङ्क्षः) 1. Any aquatic bird, as a crane, a gull, &c. feeding upon fish. 2. crow. 3. One of the Nāgas. 4. A beggar. f. (-ङ्क्षी) 1. A drug: see काकोली . 2. A female imp or fiend. E. ध्वाङ्क्ष to cry. affix अच्; it and its derivatives, may also be read ध्माक्ष, &c.
- ध्वाङ्क्षपुष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. E. ध्वाङ्क्ष a crow, and पुष्ट fostered.
- ध्वाङ्क्षराविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Having a voice like a crow. E. ध्वाङ्क्ष a crow, and रव sound, affix णिनि .
- ध्वाङ्क्षाराति :: m. (-तिः) An owl. E. ध्वाङ्क्ष a crow, and अराति an enemy.
- ध्वाङ्क्षाली :: f. (-ली) A medicinal plant: see काकोली .
- ध्वान :: m. (-नः) Sound in general E. ध्वन् to sound, भावे घञ् aff.
- ध्वान्त :: n. (-न्तं) Darkness. E. ध्वन् to sound, क्त affix deriv. irr.
- ध्वान्तवित्त :: m. (-त्तः) The fire-fly. E. ध्वान्त darkness, and वित्त wealth.
- ध्वान्तशात्रव :: m. (-वः) 1. A sort of Cassia, (C. fistula) 2. The sun or any luminous body. E. ध्वान्त darkness, and शात्रव averse to.
- ध्वान्ताराति :: m. (-तिः) The sun or any luminous body. E. ध्वान्त darkness, and अराति an enemy.
- ध्वान्तोन्मेष :: m. (-षः) The fire-fly. E. ध्वान्त darkness, and उन्मेष twinkling.
- ध्वृ :: r. 1st cl. (ध्वरति) 1. To bend, to make crooked. 2. To kill. 3. To describe. भ्वा० पर० अक० अनिट् ।
- न :: The twentieth consonant of the Deva Nāgri Alphābet, correspon- ding with the letter N.
- न :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Thin, spare. 2. Vacant, empty. 3. Identical, same, like. 4. Unvexed, unwearied 5. Undivided, unbroken. m. (नः) 1. A Bauddha, a follower of Buddha. 2. Binding, tying. 3. One who is praised. 4. A name of GANESA. 5. War. 6. Giving, a gift. 7. Good, welfare, prosperity. 8. A jewel. f. (ना) 1. The navel. 2. A musical instrument. 3. Knowledge. ind. 1. No, not, a particle of prohibition. 2. A particle of comparison. 3. A particle of negation, annihilation, &c. E. नी to obtain, or नह् to bind, &c. ड aff.
- नःक्षुद्र :: mfn. (-द्रः -द्रा -द्रं) Small-nosed. E. नस् the nose, क्षुद्र small.
- नंशुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Injurious, destructive. E. नश् to destroy, णुकन् Unādi affix and नुम् inserted.
- नंष्टृ :: mfn. (-ष्टा -ष्ट्री -ष्टृ) An injurious, destructive. नश् to destroy, affix तृच् and नुम् inserted.
- नकुट :: n. (-टं) The nose.
- नकुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Disgraced, rejected from a family or race. m. (-लः) 1. The Bengal mungoose, (Viverra ichneumon) 2. A proper name, NAKULA, the fourth of the five Pāṇḍu princes. 3. A son. 4. A name of SIVA. f. (-ली) 1. Silk cotton tree, 2. Indian spikenard. 3. A sort of perfume: see शङ्क्षिनी . Saffron. 4. The letter ह as used in the Tantras. E. न not, कुल race or heap, fem. affix ङीष् .
- नकुलेश :: m. (-शः) 1. A Bhairava, an attendant on or emanation from SIVA. 2. The letter ह as used mystically in Tantras. E. नकुल, and ईश master.
- नकुलेष्टा :: f. (-ष्टा) A plant: see रास्ना . E. नकुल an ichneumon, and इष्ट wished; the mungoose, if wounded in a conflict with a poisonous snake, is supposed to prevent the effects of the venom by the use of this plant; also नकुलेष्टका .
- नक्क :: r. 10th cl. (नक्कयति-ते) To destroy or annihilate. चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट्
- नक्त :: n. (-क्तं) Night. E. नज् to be ashamed, क्त aff.
- नक्तक :: m. (-कः) 1. Dirty or ragged cloth. 2. A rag, a wiper, a hand- kerchief, &c. E. नज् to be ashamed or modest, affix तन् and कन् added; also लक्तक .
- नक्तचारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Going or moving about at night. m. (-री) 1. A cat. 2. An owl. 3. A goblin. 4. A thief. E. नक्त by night, चर् to go, णिनि aff.
- नक्तञ्चर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Going at night. m. (-रः) 1. A goblin, a demon. 2. A tree, the Bdellium tree: see गुग्गुल . 3. An owl, 4. A thief. E. नक्त by night, and चर who goes. नक्तं रात्रौ चरति चर-ट ।
- नक्तभोजन :: n. (-नं) Supper. E. नक्त night, भोजन food.
- नक्तन् :: ind. By night, at night. E. नज् to be ashamed, तनिन् aff.
- नक्तमाल :: m. (-लः) A tree, (Galedupa arborea, Rox.) E. नक्तम् by night, अल् to ornament, आङ् prefix and अच् affix; blossoming at night. करञ्ज वृक्षे । नक्तम् आ अलति अल-अच् ।
- नक्तमुखा :: f. (-खा) Night. E. नक्तम् by night, उख् to produce, affix क । नक्तव्रताङ्गं मुखमाद्यभागोऽस्याः ।
- नक्तव्रत :: n. (-तं) 1. Fasting by day and eating at night. E. नक्त and व्रत vow.
- नक्र :: n. (-क्रं) The upper timber of a door-frame. nf. (-क्रं-क्रा) The nose. f. (क्रा) A string of bees or wasps m. (-क्रः) A crocodile. E. न not, क्रम् to go affix ड . न क्रामति दूरस्थानम् ।
- नक्रराज् :: m. (-राट्) or नक्रराज m. (-जः) A shark, but applied also differ- ently: see ग्राह . E. नक्र a crocodile, and राज् or राज king.
- नक्षत्र :: n. (-त्र) 1. A star in general. 2. An asterism in the moon's path or lunar mansion, of which twenty-eight, distinct in name, figure, and number of stars, are enumerated; the Pourānic and popular enumeration of those constellations is twenty-seven; Abhijit, the twenty-eighth, being considered as formed of portions of the two contiguous asterisms, and not distinct from them 2. A pearl. E. नक्ष् to go, Unādi, affix अत्रन् or क्षद Sautra root, to injure, or क्षर् to drop, or क्षी to waste or decay, with the negative prefix, and ष्ट्रन् affix; deriv. irr. न क्षीयते क्षरते वा ।
- नक्षत्रचक्र :: n. (-र्क्र) 1. A particular diagram for astrological calculations 2. The lunar asterisms collectively. E. नक्षत्र and चक्र a circle.
- नक्षत्रनेमि :: m. (-मिः) 1. The moon. 2. The pole-star. 3. VISHNŪ. f. (-मिः) The last of the asterisms, Revati, containing thirty-two stars. E. नक्षत्र a star, and नेमि circumference.
- नक्षत्रप :: m. (-पः) The moon. E. नक्षत्र and प who cherishes.
- नक्षत्रमाला :: f. (-ला) 1. A necklace containing twenty-seven pearls. 2. The table of the asterisms in the moon's path. 3. A kind of dance. E. नक्षत्र a constellation, and माला a garland.
- नक्षत्रेश :: m. (-शः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. E. नक्षत्र an asterism, and ईश lord.
- नख :: r. 1st cl. (नखति) To move. भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- नख :: mf. (-खः-खी) A finger nail. m. (-खः) A part, a portion. nf. (-खं-खी) A perfume, a dried substance, of a brown colour, and of the shape of a nail; apparently, a dried shell-fish, used as a perfume. f. (-खी) A vegetable perfume, different from the one above, though known by the same name, NAKHI. E. न privative, ख sense; or नह् to bind ख Unādi affix, the radical ह rejected. नखम् छिद्रम् अत्र ।
- नखकुट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः) A barber. E. नख a nail, and कुट्ट who cuts, (barbers in India trim the nails, नखं कुट्टति कुट्ट-छेदे अण् उप० स० ।
- नखखादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Who or what eats with nails or tal- ons. E. नख, and खादिन् eating.
- नखदारण :: m. (-णः) A falcon. E. नख a nail, and दारण tearing.
- नखपद :: n. (-दं) A scratch, the mark of a finger nail. E. नख, and पद a mark.
- नखभिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Torn, or torn off with a nail. E. नख, and भिन्न divided.
- नखमुच :: m. (-चः) A bow. E. नख a nail, मुच् to let loose, क aff.
- नखम्पच :: mfn. (-चः -चा -चं) What scalds the nail. E. नख, and पच् to cook, खश् aff. मुम् च ।
- नखर :: m. (-रः) A finger nail. f. (-री) A perfume: see नखी . E. न not, खन् to go, and डर affix; or नख a nail, रा to go or be, affix ड . or नखं-राति-रा + क ।
- नखरञ्जनी :: f. (-नी) A nail-parer. E. नख, and रञ्जनी beautifying.
- नखरायुध :: m. (-धः) 1. A lion. 2. Any beast of prey. 3. A cook. E. नखर a nail, आयुध a weapon.
- नखलेखा :: f. (-खा) A scratch E. नख, and लेखा a line.
- नखविलेख :: m. (-खः) A scratch. E. नख, and विलेखा a mark.
- नखविष्किर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) What tears or rends, (as a bird of prey, &c.) E. नख, and विष्किर what scatters.
- नखव्रण :: n. (-णं) A scratch. E. नख, and व्रण a wound.
- नखशङ्ख :: m. (-ङ्खः) A small shell. E. नख a nail, शङ्ख a shell, one as small as a nail.
- नखांशु :: m. (-शुः) Elegance of the finger nails. E. नख, and अंशु a ray.
- नखाङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) 1. A scratch, a mark of the nail. 2. A sort of perfume. E. नख a nail, and अङ्क a mark.
- नखायुध :: m. (-धः) 1. A tiger. 2. A lion. 3. A cock. 4. Any beast or bird having talons. E. नख, and आयुध a weapon.
- नखालि :: m. (-लिः) A small. E. नख a nail, and आलि a line; also नखालिका
- नखाशिन् :: m. (-शी) An owl. E. नख a nail, and अशिन् who eats, using its claws in feeding.
- नखिन् :: mfn. (-खी -खिनी -खि) Nailed, clawed, having nails or talons. E. नख, and इनि aff.
- नग :: m. (-गः) 1. mountain. 2. A tree. E. न not, गम् to go, affix ड, im- moveable; or दह् to burn, Unādi affix ग, ह rejected, and द changed to न .
- नगज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Mountain, mountaineer. m. (-जः) An elephant. E. नग a mountain, and ज born.
- नगणा :: f. (-णा) Heart pea, (Cordiospermum halicacabum.)
- नगनन्दिनी :: f. (-नी) The goddess DURGĀ. E. नग mountain, and नन्दिनी a daughter, being in one of her characters the daughter of Himā- laya, the snowy mountain personified.
- नगपति :: m. (-तिः) Himālaya, the personified range of snowy mountains dividing India from Tārtāry, &c. E. नग mountain, and पति lord.
- नगभिद् :: m. (-द् or -त्) 1. A plant, (Plectranthus scutellaroides.) 2. An axe, a crow. 3. INDRA. E. नग, and भिद्, what breaks. नगं भिनत्ति भिद-क्विप-६ त० स ।
- नगभू :: mfn. (-भूः -भूः -भु) Mountain, mountaineer. E. नग, and भू born. नगे भवति-भू-क्विप् ७ त० स ।
- नगमूर्द्धन् :: m. (-र्द्धा) The crest or brow of a mountain. E. नग, and मूर्द्धन् forehead.
- नगर :: nf. (-रं-री) A town, a city. E. नग a tree, or according to some, a mountain, रल् affix; having trees or houses like mountains. नगा इव प्रासादाः सन्ति अत्र बा० र ।
- नगरघात :: m. (-तः) An elephant, E. नगर a city, and घात who destroys or subverts. नगरं हन्ति अमनुष्य कर्त्तृ कत्वेन टकं बाधिन्वा अण् उप० स० । हस्तिनि हन-भावे घञ् ६ त० । नगरस्थलोकस्य हनने च ।
- नगरजन :: m. (-नः) Towns-folk, citizen. E. नगर, and जन people.
- नगरस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) City, citizen. E. नगर, and स्थ who or what stays.
- नगरस्वरूपिणी :: f. (-णी) A species of the Anushtubh metre.
- नगरीवक :: m. (-कः) A crow. E. नगरी, and वक a crane, the town-crane.
- नगरोपान्त :: n. (-न्तं) Suburb, skirts of the town. E. नग, and उपान्त vicinity.
- नगरौषधि (धी) :: f. (-धिः) The plantain. E. नगर a city, and औषधि a medica- ment.
- नगाटन :: m. (-नः) A monkey. E. नग a mountain, अट् to go, affix ल्युट् .
- नगाधिप :: m. (-पः) Himālaya; see नगपति . E. नग mountain, and अधिप a lord; also नगाधिराज, &c.
- नगाश्रय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Living in or frequenting mountains. E. नग, and आश्रय abode. हस्तिकन्दवृक्षे, पर्वतवासिनि ।
- नगोच्छ्राय :: n. (-यं) The elevation of a mountain. E. नग and उच्छ्राय heighth.
- नगौकस् :: m. (-काः) 1. A bird in general 2. A lion 3. A fabulous animal: see शरभ . 4. A crow. E. नग a tree, a mountain, and ओकस् a house or dwelling.
- नग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) Naked. m. (-ग्नः) 1. A naked mendicant. 2. A Bauddha. 3. A bard. f. (-ग्ना) A naked woman. E. नज् to be as- hamed, affix कर्त्तरि क्त .
- नग्नक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Naked. E. कन् added to the last.
- नग्नजित् :: m. (-जित्) The name of a king, father of one of KRISHṆA'S wives E. नग्न Bauddha, and जित् who conquers.
- नग्नत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Nudity, nakedness. E. त्व added to नग्न; also with तल्, नग्नता .
- नग्नहू :: mn. (-हूः-हु) Ferment, a drug used to throw the mixture for spirituous liquor into fermentation. E. नग्न naked, and ह्वे to call, affix क्विप्, what is called for by the bare-faced, shameless, &c.
- नग्नाट :: m. (-टः) 1. A naked man, but especially a kind of religious men- dicant, who wanders about without clothes. 2. A Bauddha. 3. A Jain. E. नग्न naked, and अट who goes; also with कन् added नग्नाटक, नग्न एव अटति अट-अच् स्वार्थे क अट-ण्वुल् वा ।
- नग्निका :: f. (-का) 1. A girl before menstruation or about ten years old. 2. A naked woman. E. नग्न naked, संज्ञायां कन् added: and the fem. from, see नग्नक ।
- नग्नीकरण :: n. (-णं) Stripping, undressing. E. नग्न, and करण making, च्वि augment.
- नग्नीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Undressed, stripped, naked. E. नग्न, and कृत made, च्वि aff.
- नज (ओ ई) ओनजी :: r. 6th cl. (नजते) also (इ, ओ) (ओनजि) r. 1st cl. (नञ्जते) To be ashamed, to be modest or bashful. तुदा० आ० अक० सेट् भ्वा० इदित् च ।
- नज् :: ind. A particle of negation, prohibition, &c. (no, not:) see अ and न ।
- नट :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (नटति नाटयति-ते) 1. To dance, to dance as an actor, to act. 2. To drop or fall. 3. To shake, to move slightly. 4. To injure. 5. To shine. भ्वा० प० चुरा० उभ० अक० सेट् ।
- नट :: m. (-टः) 1. A dancer, a mime, an actor, a Nata, &c. in modern times: in caste, the son of a degraded Kshetriya by a woman of the second caste. 4. A sort of reed, (Arundo tibialis, or latterly called A. karka, Roxburgh's Catalogue;) also नड and नल, 5. A subordi- nate mode of music. f. (-टा) A sort of shrub, (Cæsalpinia bonduc- cella.) f. (-टी) 1. A medicinal plant: see नली . 2. A whore. 3. A Nautch- girl, a dancer, an actress. 2. Red arsenic: see नली . 5. A Rāgini. E. नट् to dance, affixes अच्, and टाप् or ङीष्; otherwise, नश् to destroy Uṇadi affix डट, &c.
- नटन :: n. (-नं) The art or act of dancing, pantomime, &c. E. नट् to dance affix भावे ल्युट् ।
- नटनारायण :: m. (-णः) A Rāga or mode of music, according to some, the sixth, or to others, a subdivision of Dīpaka or of Megha. E. नट, and नारायण VISHṆU: the supreme with dancers, &c.
- नटपर्ण :: n. (-णं) Skin.
- नटपत्रिका :: f. (-का) The egg-plant (Solanum melongena.)
- नटमण्डन :: m. (-नः) Yellow orpiment. E. नट an actor, and मण्डन adorning; dying theatrical raiment. नटं मण्डयति-मण्डि-ल्यु हरिताले ।
- नटवर :: m. (-रः) A chief dancer or actor. E. नट, and वर best.
- नटसंज्ञक :: m. (-कः) 1. Yellow orpiment, 2. An actor, a dancer, &c. E. नट an actor, संज्ञा a name, affix कन् । गोदन्ताख्यहरिताले ।
- नटश्रेष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) A chief or excellent dancer or actor. E. नट, and श्रेष्ठ best.
- नटान्तिका :: f. (-का) Shame, modesty, E. टन dancing, and अन्त destroying, affixes कन् and टाप्; it is also read नटान्धिका ।
- नटेश्वर :: m. (-रः) A name of SIVA, E. नट a dancer, and ईश्वर a deity, the god of the dancers.
- नड :: r. 1st cl. (नडति) To be thick or impervious. r. 10th cl. (नाडयति-ते) To fall off or from. भ्रंशे भ्वा० प० चुरा० उभ० अक० सेट् ।
- नड (ल) :: m. (-डः or -लः) 1. A sort of reed, (Arundo tibialis, or karka;) also नल . 2. A particular tribe whose employment is making a sort of glass bracelets. E. नड् to be thick, affix अच् । नल वन्धे अच् वा डस्य-लः ।
- नडकोय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Abounding in reeds, (a field, &c.) E. नड a reed, छ affix, and कुक् augment.
- नडप्राय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Abounding in reeds. E. नड, and प्राय aboun- dance.
- नड(ल)मीन :: m. (-नः) A small fish a kind of sprat haunting reedy places. E. नड a reed, and मीन a fish. “चिंडौ” मत्स्ये ।
- नडसंहति :: f. (-तिः) A quantity of reeds. E. नड, and संहति assemblage; also any analogous compound.
- नडह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Lovely, beautiful, desirable. E. नड here said to be mental anxiety, derived form नड् to fall off or from, हन् to destroy, affix ड ।
- नड्या :: f. (-ड्या) A quantity of reed. E. नड a reed, affix यत् .
- नड्वन् :: mfn. (-ड्वान् -ड्वती -ड्वत्) Reedy, abounding in reeds. E. नड, and नतुप् aff.
- नड्वल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Reedy, abounding in reeds. E. नड, and ड्वलच् aff.
- नड्वाभू :: f. (-भूः) A house or hut of reeds. E. नड्व, and भू being, with आङ् prefixed.
- नत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Bent, bowed, reclining. 2. Crooked, curved. n. (-तं) 1. The arc or distance of any planet from the Zenith. 3. A plant or its root: see तगर and तगरमूल . E. नम् to bow or bend, affix कर्त्तरि-क्त ।
- नतनाडिका :: f. (-का) Any hour of birth, after moon or before midnight. E. नत, and नाडिका a period of twenty-four minutes.
- नतनासिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Flat-nosed. E. नत bowed, and नासिक the nose.
- नतभाग :: m. (-गः) (In Astronomy,) Zenith distance. E. नत and भाग a part.
- नतभ्रु :: mfn. (-भ्रुः -भ्रुः -भ्रु) Frowning. E. नत, and भ्रु the brow.
- नतमुख :: mfn. (-खः -खी -खं) Down-faced, looking down. E. नत, and मुख the face.
- नतमूर्द्धन् :: mfn. (-र्द्धा -र्द्धा -र्द्ध) Looking down, hanging down the head. E. नत, मूर्द्धन् the forehead.
- नतांश :: n. (-र्शं) Zenith distance, (in Astronomy.) E. नत, and अंश a degree.
- नताङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Bent, curved, bowed, stooping. f. (-ङ्गी A woman E. नत, and अङ्ग the body.
- नति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Bending, bowing, stooping. 2. Curvature, crookedness. E. नम् to bow, भावे क्तिन् aff.
- नत्युह :: m. (-हः) A gallinule.
- नद :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (नदति, नादयति-ते) 1. To speak or emit sound. 2. To shine: see खद With वि and अनु, To fill with noise or sound; (दु इ,) दुनदि r. 1st cl. (नन्दति) 1. To thrive, to be prosperous, 2. (Usually with आङ् prefixed,) To be happy, to be pleased or de- lighted. With अभि prefixed, 1. To wish for. 2. To acknowledge or confess. With प्रति, To be thankful. भ्वा० प० सक० सेट इदित् । चुरा० ।
- नद :: m. (-दः) A river, applied only to one of which the personification is male, as the Bramhaputra, Sone, Indus, &c. f. (-दी) A river in general; the common personification of rivers being female E. नद् to sound, affix अच्, fem. affix ङीप् ।
- नदत् :: mfn. (-दन् -दन्ती -दत्) Sounding, making a sound. E. नद् to sound, शतृ aff.
- नदनदीपति :: m. (-तिः) The sea. E. नद, and नदी, and पति lord.
- नदनु :: m. (-नुः) 1. A cloud. 2. A lion. E. नद् to sound, अनुङ् Unādi aff.
- नदीकान्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. The ocean. 2. A sort of tree, (Barringtonia acut- angula:) see हिज्जल . 3. A small tree, (Vitex negundo.) f. (-न्ता) 1.
A creeper. 2. The rose apple, (Eugenia jambu.) 3. A shrub, (Leea hirta.) E. नदी a river, कान्त loved.
- नदीकूल :: n. (-लं) The bank or shore of a river. E. नदी a river, कूल a bank.
- नदीकूलप्रिय :: m. (-यः) A short of reed, (Calamus rotang.) E. नदीकूल a river bank, and प्रिय fond of; growing on The banks of rivers. जलवेतसे जटाध० ।
- नदीज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Aquatic, water-born. n. (-जं) 1. Antimony. 2. A lotus. m. (-जः) 1. A sort of tree, (Pentaptera arjuna.) 2. The marshy date tree. 3. A name of BHĪSHMA. E. नदी a river, and ज born. अर्ज्जुनवृक्षे, यावनाल शरे, हिज्जलवृक्षे भीष्मे च ।
- नदीज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) One who knows the course of rivers, &c. E. नदी, and ज्ञ who knows.
- नदीतरस्थान :: n. (-नं) A Ghāṭ, a landing place, a ferry. E. नदी a river, तर crossing, and स्थान place; also नदीतरस्थल .
- नदीतीर :: n. (-रं) The bank of a river. E. नदी, and तीर a bank.
- नदीन :: m. (-नः) 1. The ocean. 2. The god of water, VARUṆA. E. नदी a river, and इन lord.
- नदीमातृक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Watered by rivers, (land, rice, &c.) E. नदी a river, मातृ a mother, कन् aff.
- नदीरय :: m. (-यः) The stream or current of a river. E. नदी, and रय going.
- नदीवङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) The bend or arm of a river. E. नदी a river, and वङ्क a bend. (-वांँक ।)
- नदीवेग :: m. (-गः) The stream or current of a river. E. नदी, and वेग speed.
- नदीवेला :: f. (-ला) The current or stream of a river. E. नदी, and वेला flow.
- नदीष्ण :: mfn. (-ष्णः -ष्णा -ष्णं) 1. Bathing, &c. in a river. 2. One who knows rivers, their depth, course, &c. E. नदी river, स्ना to bathe, ड affix; and स्न changed to ष्ण । नद्यां स्नातुं जानन्ति स्ना-क ।
- नदीसर्ज :: m. (-र्जः) A tree, (Pentaptera arjuna.) E. नदी a river, and सर्ज the Sal tree. नद्या नृज्यते असौ सृज-कर्मणि-अप् ।
- नदेयी :: f. (-यी) A plant, (Premna herbacea, Rox.) E. नदी a river, ढक् affix; also नादेयी ।
- नद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Bound, tied. 2. Drawn up, raised. E. नह् to tye, affix कर्मणि क्त ।
- नद्ध्री :: f. (-द्ध्री) A leather cord, a thong E. नह् to bind, करणे ष्ट्रन्-ङीप् ।
- ननन्दृ :: f. (-न्दा) A husband's sister. E. न negative, नन्द to please, ऋत् Unādi affix; also the penultimate being made long, ननान्दृ ।
- ननु :: ind. 1. A particle of interrogation, (how, what.) 2. Of affirmation, (certainly.) 3. Of assent. 4. A consolatory and kind expression. 5. A vocative particle, (ho, hola.) or one implying kindness, concilia- tion, (pray, good friend, &c.) 6. An inceptive particle, implying doubt or dissent, (may be, but, on the other hand.) 7. A responsive particle. 8. A particle of reproach. E. न negative, नुद् to send or command, affix डु ।
- ननुच :: ind. An inceptive particle, implying doubt, dissent, or contra- diction. E. ननु as above, and च particle. अष्यय० ननु + च + स्रमा-द्व० ।
- नन्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be saluted, to be revered or honoured. E. नम् to salute, तव्य aff.
- नन्द :: mf. (-न्दः-न्दी) Happiness, pleasure, felicity. m. (-न्दः) 1. One of KUVERA'S nine inestimable gems or treasure. 2. The cow- herd NANDA, the foster father of KRISHṆA. 3. A name of VISHṆU. 4. A prince, the son of MAHĀNANDI. 5. A flute, one eleven inches long. f. (-न्दा) 1. An earthen water jar. 2. The first, sixth, or eleventh day of the fortnight. 3. Prosperity, increase. 4. A husband's sister. f. (-न्दी) INDRA'S garden. f. (-न्दा or -न्दी) A name of DURGĀ. E. नदि to be prosperous or happy, affixes अच् and टाप् or भावे घञ् ।
- नन्दक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Rejoicing, making happy or delighted. 2. Cherishing or rearing a family. m. (-कः) 1. Happiness, pleasure. 2. The sword of KRISHṆA. 3. The foster father of KRISHṆA. 4. A frog. E. नदि to make happy, affix ण्वुल् ।
- नन्दकि :: f. (-किः) Long pepper. E. नन्द to delight, affix इन् वा कुक् ।
- नन्दकिन् :: m. (-की) KRISHṆA. E. नन्दक, and इनि aff.
- नन्दगोपिता :: f. (-ता) A plant: see रास्ना ।
- नन्दथु :: m. (-थुः) Happiness, felicity. E. नदि to be happy, affix अथुच् ।
- नन्दन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Delighting, rejoicing, making pleased or happy. m. (-नः) 1. A son. 2. A frog. 3. VISHṆU. n. (-नं) INDRA'S pleasure ground, elysium. 2. A species of the Dhritti metre. f. (-ना) A daughter. E. नदि to be or make happy, affix ल्यु ।
- नन्दनन्दन :: m. (-नः) A name of KRISHṆA. E. नन्द, and नन्दन a son; the Son of NANDA.
- नन्दनन्दनी :: f. (-नी) A name of DURGĀ. E. नन्द the cowherd NANDA, and नन्दिनी a daughter.
- नन्दन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. A son. 2. A friend. 3. A prince. E. नदि to make happy, झच् Unādi aff.
- नन्दनमाला :: f. (-ला) A chaplet or garland made by KRISHṆA. E. नन्दन delighting, माला a garland.
- नन्दयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Making happy, delighting. E. नदि to be happy, causal v. शतृ aff.
- नन्दयन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ती -न्तं) Making happy, rejoicing, delighting. E. नदि in the causal form, with झच् aff.
- नन्दपाल :: m. (-लः) A name of VARUṆA E. नन्द KUVERA'S treasure, and पाल who guards.
- नन्दपुत्री :: f. (-त्री) DURGĀ. E. नन्द the cowherd NANDA, and पुत्री a daught- er; the goddess becoming incarnate, as the infant daughter of NANDA.
- नन्दात्मज :: m. (-जः) KRISHNA f. (-जा) DURGĀ as Yogamāyā. E. नन्द as above and आत्मज offspring: see नन्दनन्दन; also नन्दपुत्र, नन्दसुत, &c.
- नन्दि :: mn. (-न्दिः-न्दि) 1. Gambling, gaming. 2. Happiness. m. (-न्दिः) 1. One of SIVA'S principal attendants. 2. The speaker of the prologue or prelude to a drama. 3. One who pronounces a benediction. E. नदि to make happy, and इन् Unādi aff.
- नन्दिक :: m. (-कः) Tun, a tree, the wood of which resembles mahogany, and is used for furniture, &c. (Cedrela tunna.) f. (-का) 1. INDRA'S garden or pleasure ground. 2. An earthen water pot. 3. The first, sixth or eleventh day of a fortnight. E. नन्द, with कन् or ठन् aff.
- नन्दिकेश्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. One of SIVA'S chief attendants. 2. An inferior Purāna. E. नन्दिक INDRA'S garden, and ईश्वर master.
- नन्दिघोष :: m. (-षः) 1. The car of ARJUNA. 2. The acclaim or proclam- ation of a panegyrist or herald. E. नन्दि happy, and धोष sound.
- नन्दिन् :: mfn. (-न्दी -न्दिनी -न्दि) Happy, rejoiced, delighted. m. (-न्दी) 1. The name of one of ŚIVA'S chamberlains, and chief attendants. 2. The Indian fig tree. 3. Parspipal, (Hibiscus populneoides.) 4. The speaker of the prelude or prologue to a drama. f. (-न्दिनी) 1. A name of the goddess PĀRVATI. 2. GANGĀ, the river goddess. 3. A hus- band's sister. 4. A fabulous cow, related to the cow of plenty, and the property of the sage VAŚISHṬHA. 5. The Alakānanda river. 6. The mother of the writer VYĀḌI. E. नन्द happiness, णिनि aff.
- नन्दिनीतनय :: m. (-यः) A name of VYĀRI, author of a vocabulary. E. नन्दिनी as above, and तनय a son; also similar compounds, as नन्दिनीसुत, नन्दिनीपुत्त्र, &c.
- नन्दिवर्द्धन :: m. (-नः) 1. SIVA. 2. The last day of either half of the month, the full or new moon. 3. A son. 4. A friend. E. नन्दि happiness, &c. and वर्द्धन increasing. वृध-णिच् ल्यु ।
- नन्दिवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) Tun tree. E. नन्दि pleasure, and वृक्ष a tree: also ङीष् being added to नन्दि, नन्दीवृक्ष; or with कन् added, नन्दिवृक्षक । कोङ्कणदेश प्रसिद्धे सुगन्धवृक्षभेदे, अश्वत्थाकारे क्षीरयुक्ते वृक्षमेदे (तुंँद) गान्धीराख्य- तृणे, मेषशृङ्गीवृक्षे च ।
- नन्दीट :: m. (-टः) A bald-headed man. E. नन्दि SIVA'S bald-headed atten- dant, and अट who resembles, deriv. irr.
- नन्दींमुखी :: f. (-खी) Sleep, drowsiness.
- नन्दीश :: m. (-शः) 1. name of NANDĪ, SIVA'S attendant. 2. A name of
SIVA. 3. A species of musical rhythm. E. नन्दी INDRA'S garden, or नन्दि a proper name, ईश master.
- नन्दीश्वर :: m. (-रः) A name of SIVA, &c.: see the last. E. नन्दि SIVA'S cham- berlain, and ईश्वर master.
- नन्दीसरस् :: n. (-रः) A lake or pond in INDRA'S garden, E. नन्दी the garden, सरस् a piece of water.
- नन्द्यावर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) 1. A sort of temple. 2. A tree, (Tabernæmontana coronaria:) see तगर . 3. A peculiar diagram. E. नन्दी happiness, आवर्त्त abode. नन्दी आवर्त्तो यत्र ।
- नन्नम्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Bending or bowing very low. E. नम् to bow, intens. form, शानच् aff.
- नपुंसक :: mn. (-कः-कं) 1. A eunuch. 2. An impotent or imbecile man. 3. The neuter gender. E. न not. पुंसक male.
- नप्तृ :: m. (-प्ता) A grandson. f. (-प्त्री) A grand daughter. E. न not, पत् to fall, तृच् Unādi affix; propping or sustaining the family.
- नभ :: m. (-भः) 1. The month Srāvana. 2. Æther, atmosphere. f. (-भा) 1. A spitting pot. 2. The city of the sun. E. नह् to bind, affix भ; see नभस ।
- नभःक्रान्तिन् :: m. (-न्ती) A lion. E. नभस् a cloud, and क्रान्तिन् who goes; whose shape is seen in the clouds.
- नभःप्राण :: m. (-णः) Air, wind. E. नभस् atmosphere and प्राण life or breath.
- नभःसद् :: m. (-सद्) A deity. E. नभस् heaven, and सद who travels, from सद् to go, with क्विप् aff.
- नभःसरित् :: f. (-रित्) The celestial Ganges. E. नभस् heaven, and सरित् a river.
- नभःस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Celestial, ærial, heavenly, ethereal, E. नभस्, and स्थ what stays; also नभस्स्थ ।
- नभःस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Abiding in heaven or in the sky. m. (-तः) A division of the infernal regions, a hell. E. नभस् atmosphere, and स्थित a staying; also नभस्स्थित ।
- नभश्चक्षुस् :: m. (-क्षुः) The sun. E. नभस् heaven, and चक्षुस् the eye.
- नभश्चमस :: m. (-सः) 1. The moon. 2. A variegated cake. 3. Conjuring. E. नभस् heaven, and चमस a short of ladle, &c.
- नभश्चर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) going in the air or heaven. m. (-रः) 1. A bird. 2. A Vidyādhara or demi-god so called. 3. A cloud. 4. Air, wind. E. नभस् heaven, and चर who goes.
- नभस् :: m. (-भाः) 1. The month Srāvana, (July-August) 2. A cloud. 3. The rains, rainy season. 4. Smell. 5. The fibres in the root of the lotus. 6. A bird. 7. A grey-headed man. n. (-भः) sky, atmosphere, ether or heaven. E. नभ् to injure, to be annihilated, (at the end of the world,) Unādi affix असुन्, or नह् to bind, and भ substituted for ह .
- नभस :: n. (-सं) Heaven, sky, &c. see the last. E. नभ as above, Unādi affix असच् ।
- नभसङ्गम :: m. (-मः) A bird. E. नभस heaven, गम् to go, affix खच् ।
- नभस्तल :: m. (-लः) The atmosphere. E. नभस् sky, and तल below.
- नभस्य :: m. (-स्यः) The month Bhādra, (August-September.) E. नभस् a cloud or rain, and यत् aff.
- नभस्वत् :: m. (-स्वान्) Air, wind. E. नभस्, and मतुप् aff.
- नभाक :: n. (-कं) Darkness. E. नभ् to injure, आक Unādi aff.
- नभि :: m. (-भिः) A wheel.
- नभोगज :: m. (-जः) A cloud. E. नभस् sky, and गज an elephant.
- नभोगति :: f. (-तिः) Flying, soaring, going in the air. E. नभस् sky, and गति going.
- नभोदुह :: m. (-हः) A cloud. E. नभस् rain, दुह् to milk, affix क .
- नभोद्वीप :: m. (-पः) A cloud. E. नभस् rain, द्वीप an island.
- नभोधूम :: m. (-मः) A cloud. E. नभस् sky, and धूम smoke.
- नभोनदी :: f. (-दी) The celestial Ganges. E. नभस् heaven, and नदी a river.
- नभोमणि :: m. (-णिः) The sun. E. नभस् sky, मणि a gem.
- नभोऽम्बुप :: m. (-पः) The Chātaka, (Cuculus melanoleucos.) E. नभस् sky, अम्बु water, and प who drinks.
- नभोरजस :: n. (-जः) Darkness. E. नभस् sky, and रजस् dust.
- नभोरेणु :: f. (-णुः) Fog, mist, vapour. E. नभस् sky, and रेणु thin dust.
- नभोलय :: m. (-यः) Smoke. E. नभस् sky, and लय abode.
- नभोलिह् :: mfn. (-लिट्) Lofty, towering, rising to the clouds. E. नभस्, and लिह् what touches.
- नभ्य :: mfn. (-भ्यः -भ्या -भ्यं) Relating to the nave of a wheel, resembling it, &c. E. नभ for नाभि, and यत् aff.
- नभ्राज् :: m. (-भ्राट्) A cloud. E. न negative, भ्राज् to shine, affix क्विप् ।
- नम :: r. 1st cl. (नमति) To bow, to pay obeisance. r. 10th cl. (नमयति- नामयति) To bend, to bow: see णम ।
- नमत् :: mfn. (-मन् -मन्ती -मत्) Bending, stooping, bowed. E. नम् to bow, शतृ aff.
- नमत :: m. (-तः) 1. A master, a lord. 2. An actor, a mime. 3. A cloud. E. नम to bow or bend, Unādi affix कर्मणि अतच् ।
- नमयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Bending, directing downward, declining. E. नम् to bow. r. 10th cl. शतृ aff.
- नमस् :: ind. 1. Gift, present. 2. Bowing, bending, salutation, obeisance. 3. An inarticulate cry. 4. The term used in connexion with the name of a deity in the fifth case to signify veneration, as रामाय नमः salutation, glory or reverence to RĀMA. E. नम् to bend, and affix असुन-सच् ।
- नमस :: m. (-सः) Agreement, concord. E. नम् to bow, affix असच् । अनुकूले च ।
- नमसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Reverenced, respected, worshipped. E. नमस् bowing, क्यप् affix, and क्त added, य rejected: see नमस्यित ।
- नमस्कार :: m. (-रः) 1. Respectful or reverential address or salutation. 2. A sort of poison. f. (-री) A sensitive plant. E. नमस् bowing, and कार making, fem. affix अच० गौरा० ङीष्; or नमस् + कृ + घञ् ।
- नमस्कत्वा :: ind. Having saluted reverentially. E. नमस्, and कृत्वा having made.
- नमस्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) Venerable, respectable, entitled to salutation or civility. f. (-स्या) Reverence, respect, worship, adoration. E. नमस् respect, क्यच् aff or नामधातुः नमस्य कर्मणि यत् अल्लोपयल्लोपौ ।
- नमस्यत् :: mfn. (-स्यन् -स्यन्ती -स्यत्) Saluting reverentially, bowing to, paying adoration. E. नमस् nominal verb, to bow, शतृ aff.
- नमस्यित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Reverenced, respected. worshipped. E. नमस् res- pect, affix क्यप्, and the participial affix क्त; also नमसित ।
- नमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Bowed, making salutation or obeisance. 2. Bowed, bent down. E. नम् to bend, causal form, affix णिच् क्त वा ह्रस्वः ।
- नमुचि :: m. (-चिः) 1. The deity of love. 2. A demon so named. E. न nega- tive, मुच् to loose, and कि aff.
- नमुचिमूदन :: m. (-नः) A name of INDRA. E. नमुचि the demon, and सूदन des- troyer; also similar names, as नमुचिद्विष्, &c. नमुचिं सूदयति हिनस्ति सूदि-ल्यु ।
- नमेरु :: m. (-रुः) The seed of the Elæocarpus. E. न not, मेरु the mountain Meru. or नम वा एरु ।
- नमोगुरु :: m. (-रुः) A spiritual teacher. E. नमस् reverence, and गुरु a teacher.
- नम्ब :: r. 1st cl. (नम्बति) To go, to move.
- नम्र :: mfn. (-म्रः -म्रा -म्रं) Crooked, curved, bent, bowed. E. नम् to bow, affix र .
- नम्रक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Bent or bowed, stooping. E. कत् added to the last. नम्र इव कायति कै-क ।
- नम्रमुख :: mfn. (-खः -खी -खं) Looking down, having the head bent. E. नम्र, and मुख the face.
- नम्रमूर्त्ति :: mfn. (-र्त्तिः -र्त्तिः -र्त्ति) Bending down, stooping, bowed, E. नम्र, and मूर्त्ति form.
- नम्राङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Bent, bowed, stooping. E. नम्र, and अङ्ग the body.
- नय :: r. 1st cl. (नयते) To go, to move: see णय and णी । भ्वा० आ० सक० सेट् ।
- नय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Fit, right, proper. 2. Leading, conducting, (who or what does so.) m. (यः) 1. Guiding, directing, (literally or figura- tively, as in morals, &c.) 2. Polity, civil and military government. 3. The theological part of the Vedas. 4. A sort of dice or men for playing with. 5. A guide, a conductor. E. नय् to go, affix घञ्, or णी to guide, &c. affix भावे अच् ।
- नयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) 1. Leading, guiding. 2. Tending or conducing to. 3. Informing, certifying, giving in evidence. 4. Obtaining. E. णी to obtain, शतृ aff.
- नयन :: n. (-नं) 1. The eye. 2. Leading, guiding, (literally or figuratively.) 3. Attaining, obtaining. 4. Bringing. f. (-ना) The pupil of the eye. E. णी to guide, affix करणे ल्युट् । नीयते वुद्धि वृत्तिः स्वसंयुक्तविषयान् अनेन ।
- नयनवारि :: n. (-रि) Tears. E. नयन, and वारि water.
- नयनामोषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Sight-stealing, blinding. E. नयन, and आमोषिन् what steals.
- नयनोत्सव :: m. (-वः) 1. A lamp. 2. Any lovely or desired object. E. नयन the eye, and उत्सव a festival.
- नयनोपान्त :: m. (-न्तः) The outer angle or canthus of the eye. E. नयन, and उपान्त extremity. अपाङ्गे ।
- नयनौषध :: m. (-धः) Green sulphate of iron, or the salt in a state of par- tial decomposition by exposure to the atmosphere. E. नयन the eye, and औषध a medicament, being used as a collyrium. पुष्पकासीसे ।
- नयपीठी :: f. (-ठी) The board or cloth on which dice are played. E. नय dice, पीठी a stool. (छक् ।)
- नयप्रयोग :: m. (-गः) Policy, political address. E. नय, and प्रयोग application.
- नयविशारद :: m. (-दः) A politician, a statesman. E. नय, and विशारद skilled in.
- नयसिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Political success, accomplishing any thing by good management. E. नय, and सिद्धि success.
- नर :: m. (-रः) 1. Man, individually or generally. 2. The Eternal, the divine imperishable spirit pervading the universe. 3. A name of ARJUNA. 4. VISHṆU. 5. A gnomon. 6. A man or piece at chess, draughts, &c. 7. A Muni, an incarnation of VISHṆU. n. (-रं) A fragrant grass, commonly Rāmkappur. f. (-रौ) Woman in general: see नारी . E. नॄ or नृ to lead or guide, affix नये-अच् । गणितशास्त्रोक्ते छायाप्रमाण ज्ञानोपयोगिनि शङ्कौ च ।
- नरक :: mn. (-कः-कं) Hell, the infernal regions, including a number of places of torture of various descriptions. m. (-कः) The name of a Daitya or demon. E. नृ to guide or lead, affix वुन्, whither the wicked are conducted: It is sometimes read नारक ।
- नरककुण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) A well or pit in Tartarus, eighty-six such are enu- merated. E. नरक, and कुण्ड a pit.
- नरकजित् :: m. (-जित्) A name of VISHṆU. E. नरक tke demon, and जित् subduing. नरकम् असुरभेदं जयति स्म । जि-भूते क्विप् ६ त० स० ।
- नरकदेवता :: f. (-ता) Misfortune, personified as a goddess. E. नरक, and देवता divinity. निऋतौ ।
- नरकस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Living or being in Tartarus, who or what is there. f. (-स्था) The river of hell named “Baitarany”. E. नरक hell, स्थ who stays or abides, fem. affix टाप् ।
- नरकान्तक :: m. (-कः) VISHṆU. E. नरक hell, and अन्तक destroyer.
- नरकामय :: m. (-यः) The soul after death. E. नरक hell, and आमय sickness.
- नरकीलक :: m. (-कः) The murderer of his spiritual preceptor. E. नर man- kind, and कील a stake, affix कन् ।
- नरङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Pimples of the face. n. (-ङ्गं) The penis. E. नृ to guide or lead, Unādi affix अङ्गच् .
- नरदेव :: m. (-वः) A sovereign, a king. E. नर a man, and देव a deity,
- नरनारायण :: m. dual. (-णौ) Two sages, incarnations of VISHṆU, and born again, as KRISHṆA and ARJUNA. E. नर, and नारायण, each severally the name of a sage.
- नरपति :: m. (-तिः) A king, a sovereign, a prince. E. नर man, पति lord.
- नरप्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Favourable or friendly to mankind. E. नर, and प्रिय fond of. नीलवृक्षे च ।
- नरभू :: f. (-भूः) Bhārata Varsha, India, or the central of the known conti- nent. 2. The birth or birthplace of men. E. नर man, and भू land; also नरभूमि f. (-मिः)
- नरमानिनी :: f. (-नी) A woman who has a beard. E. नर a man, मन् to re- gard or think, and णिनि affix; also with कन् affix in the feminine form, नरमानिका; these words are also written नरमालिनी, &c. नरं मन्यते मन-णिनि-ङीप् ।
- नरमाला :: f. (-ला) A string or girdle of skulls. E. नर, and माला a garland.
- नरमालिनी :: f. (-नी) A woman with a beard. E. नर a man, माला a necklace, इनि aff.
- नरमेध :: m. (-धः) A human sacrifice. E. नर, and मेध a sacrifice. मिध आधारे घञ् ।
- नरवाहन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Borne or carried by men. m. (-नः) A name of KUVERA. E. नर a man, and वाहन a vehicle.
- नरवाहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिनी -हि) Carried by men, (a vehicle.) E. नर, and वाहिन् what bears.
- नरविष्वण :: m. (-णः) An imp or goblin. E. नर man, विष्वण who devours.
- नररूप :: mfn. (-पः -पी -पं) Having the form of man. n. (-पं) The human form. E. नर, and रुप form.
- नररूपिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिणी -पि) Having the human form. E. नररूप, and इनि aff.
- नरसिंह :: m. (-हः) VISHṆU in his fourth Avatār or descent, the lion- headed man. 2. A chief, a man of eminence or power. E. नर a man and सिंह a lion.
- नरहरि :: m. (-रिः) VISHṆU in his fourth Avatār. see the last. E. नर, and हरि a lion.
- नराधम :: m. (-मः) A low or vile man, a wretch. E. नर, and अधम low.
- नराधारा :: f. (-रा) The earth. E. नर man, आधार receptacle.
- नराधिप :: m. (-पः) A king. E. नर and अधिप ruler.
- नरान्तक :: m. (-कः) 1. Death. 2. A Rākshasa, a son of RĀVANA. E. नर, and अन्तक destroyer.
- नरायण :: m. (-णः) A name of VISHṆU. E. नर man, and अयण going; see नारायण ।
- नरेन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) 1. A king, an anointed sovereign. 2. A dealer in anti- dotes, a juggler. E. नर a man, इन्द्र chief.
- नरेश :: m. (-शः) A king. E. नर, and ईश master.
- नरेश्वर :: m. (-रः) A king. E. नर, and ईश्वर a sovereign.
- नर्कुटक :: n. (-कं) The nose.
- नर्त्तक :: m. (-कः) 1. An actor, a mime. 2. A juggler, a dancer, a player of any description. 3. A bard, a herald. 4. An elephant. 5. A reed, (Arundo karka, Rox.) 6. A peacock. f. (-की) 1. An actress, female dancer or singing girl. 2. A female elephant. 3. A peahen. E. नृत् to dance or act, ष्वुन् aff.
- नर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) Dancing, gesticulating, acting. E. नृत् to dance, &c. affix भावे ल्युट् ।
- नर्त्तनप्रिय :: m. (-यः) A peacock. E. नर्त्तन dancing, and प्रिय fond of.
- नर्त्तित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Danced, dancing. E. नृत् to dance, णिच् कर्मणि क्त aff.
- नर्द्द :: r. 1st cl. (नर्द्दति प्रनर्द्दति) To sound: the radical न is not convertible to ण after a preposition, &c. see णर्द्द । शब्दे अक० गतौ सक० भ्वा० पर० सेट् ।
- नर्द्दटक :: n. (-कं) A kind of metre, containing seventeen letters. “यदि भवतो नजौ भजजलागुरुर्नर्दष्टकम्” इत्युक्त लक्षणे सप्तदशाक्षरे छन्द्वोभेदे ।
- नर्द्दत् :: mfn. (-र्द्दन् -र्द्दन्ती -र्द्दत्) 1. Sounding. 2. Praising aloud, proclaiming. E. नर्द्द, and शतृ aff.
- नर्द्दन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sounding, roaring, making a noise. 2. Celebrating, praising aloud. E. नर्द्द to sound, affix भावे ल्युट् ।
- नर्द्दनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be sounded. 2. To be celebrated or praised aloud. E. नर्द्द sound, and अनीयर् aff.
- नर्द्दित :: mfn. (-तः -तः -तं) 1. Sounded, made as a noise. 2. Celebrated, prai- sed aloud. n. (-तं) Sound, roar, bellowing. E. नर्द्द to sound, क्त aff.
- नर्द्धटक :: n. (-कं) A stanza of four parts, having seventeen syllables in each.
- नर्ब्ब :: r. 1st. cl. (नर्ब्बति) To go, to move भ्वा० प० सक० सेट् ।
- नर्म्मकील :: m. (-लः) A husband. E. नर्म्म amusement, कील a drop or stay.
- नर्म्मगर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) A secret lover. E. नर्म्म, and गर्भ source.
- नर्म्मट :: m. (-टः) 1. The sun. 2. A potsherd. E. नर्म्म, and अट what goes, deriv. irr. or नर्म अटन् पृषो० ।
- नर्म्मठ :: m. (-ठः) 1. The nipple. 2. A rake, a lecher, a libertine. 3. Sport, amusement. 4. Coition. E. नर्म्म pleasure, स्था to abide, ड affix, deriv. irr. or नर्मणि कुशलः नर्मन् + अठन ।
- नर्म्मद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Delighting, making happy, giving pleasure. m. (-दः) The associate or companion of a person's sports or amuse- ments. f. (-दा) 1. The Narmadā river, which rising in the Vindhya mountains, runs westward to the gulf of Cambay. 2. A plant: see पृक्का . E. नर्म्म pleasure, and द what gives. नर्म ददाति दा-क ६ त० स० ।
- नर्म्मद्युति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Happy, merry. f. (-तिः) Enjoyment of a joke or any amusement. E. नर्म्म, and द्युति lustre.
- नर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) 1. Sport, amusement, pastime, diversion. 2. Jest, joke. 3. Wit, humour. E. नृ to guide, affix मनिन् ।
- नर्म्मसचिव :: m. (-वः) A companion, an associate, the promoter and parta- ker of a person's amusements, especially of a prince or man of rank. E. नर्म्मन, and सचिव a minister.
- नर्म्मसाचिव्य :: n. (-व्यं) Superintendance or provision of a prince's amuse- ments, partaking a person's amusements. E. नर्म्मसाचिव, and ष्यञ् aff.
- नर्म्मस्फूर्ज्ज :: m. (-र्ज्जः) Happiness or amusement ending in alarm. E. नर्म्म, and स्फूर्ज्ज thundering.
- नर्म्मस्फोट :: m. (-टः) Slight or inferior amusement. E. नर्म्म, and स्फोट opening.
- नल :: r. 10th cl. (नालयति) 1. To shine. 2. To bind or confine.
- नल :: r. 10th cl. (-लः) 1. A reed, (Arundo karka, Rox.) 2. The name of a king, son of NISHADHA, and hero of several poetical works famous amongst the Hindus, especially the poem called Naishadha. 3. Another prince, the son of VĪRASENA. 4. A deified progenitor or Pitrideva. 5. The name of a monkey chief. 6. A demon. f. (-ली) Red arsenic. 2. A perfume, commonly called by the same name of Nali. n. (-लं) 1. The water lily, (Nelumbium speciosum.) 2. Smell, odour. E. नल् to shine, affix अच् ।
- नलक :: n. (-कं) A bone of either of the extremities, any long bone. E. नल a reed, and कन् affix of resemblance.
- नलकिनी :: f. (-नी) The knee cap or pan. E. नलक as above, and इनि affix; connecting the bones of the lower extremity.
- नलकील :: m. (-लः) The knee. E. नल a reed, or reed-like bone, and कील a pin or bolt.
- नलकूवर :: m. (-रः) The son of KUVERA. E. नल a reed, कूवर a carriage yoke.
- नलद :: n. (-दं) Indian spikenard, (Valeriana jatamansi.) f. (-दा) 1. The honey or nectar of a flower. 2. The root of the Andropogon muri- catum. E. नल here said to mean, fragrance, and द what gives.
- नलपट्टिका :: f. (-का) A sort of mat made with reeds, a coarse mat. E. नल a reed, and पट्ट a cloth, कन् affix of similitude.
- नलमीन :: m. (-नः) A kind of sprat of according to some, a shrimp or prawn. E. नल a reed, and मोन a fish; frequenting reedy spots. See नडमीन ।
- नलिका :: f. (-का) A perfume: see नली . E. नली, and कन् added.
- नलिन :: n. (-नं) 1. A lotus or water lily, (Nelumbium speciosum, or Nym- phæa nelumbo.) 2. Water. 3. Indigo. m. (-नः) 1. The Indian crane. 2. A small fruit, Karonda. f. (-नी) 1. An assemblage of lotus flowers. 2. A place abounding in lotuses. 3. The flexible stalk of a
water lily. 4. A pond in which the lotus grows or may grow. 5. The Ganges of heaven. 6. The fermented and intoxicating juice of the cocoanut. E. नल् to be bright, Unādi affix इनन् ।
- नलिनीरुह :: m. (-हः) 1. BRAMHĀ. 2. n. (-हं) The fibres of the lotus stalk. E. नलिनी, and रुह what grows and क affix.
- नलिनेशय :: m. (-यः) A name of VISHṆU. E. नलिने in a lotus, and शय who sleeps. नलिने व्रह्मनाभिकमले शेते शी-अच् । अलुक़् स० ।
- नल्व :: m. (-ल्वः) A furlong, a distance measured by four hundred cubits. E. नल् to be as a reed in length, and व aff.
- नल्ववर्त्मगा :: f. (-गा) The orange tree. E. नल्व as above, वर्त्म a road, and ग what goes.
- नव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) New. m. (-वः) Praise, panegyric, celebration. E. नु to praise, &c. affix. कर्मणि भावे वा अप् ।
- नवकारिक :: f. (-का) 1. A bride, a woman newly married. 2. A new com- ment. E. नव new, and कारिका agent.
- नवकालिका :: f. (-का) A young woman, either one recently married or one in whom menstruation has lately commenced. E. नव new, काल time, कन् added with the fem. form.
- नवग्रहा :: m. plu. (-हाः) The nine planets, or sun, moon, five planets, and the ascending and descending nodes. E. नव for नवन्, and ग्रह a planet.
- नवछात्र :: m. (-त्रः) A student, a novice. E. नव new, and छात्र a disciple.
- नवत :: m. (-तः) An elephant's painted or variegated housings. E. नव new, तन् to spread, affix ङ or नू-अतच् ।
- नवता :: f. (-ता) Novelty. E. तल् added to नव; also with त्व, नवत्वं;
- नवति :: f. (-ति or -ती) Ninety. E. नव nine, and क्तिन् aff.
- नवतिका :: f. (-का) A painting brush. E. नवति ninety, (hairs,) कन् aff.
- नवतिधा :: ind. Ninety-fold. E. नवति, and धा aff.
- नवतिशस् :: ind. Ninety by ninety. E. नवति, and शस् aff.
- नवदल :: n. (-लं) 1. The new leaf of a lotus. 2. Any young leaf. E. नव new, and दल a leaf.
- नवदीधिति :: m. (-तिः) Mars, the planet or its deified regent. E. नव nine, दोधिति a ray.
- नवदुर्गा :: f. (-र्गा) The nine forms of DURGĀ. E. नव, and दुर्गा the goddess.
- नवदोला :: f. (-ला) A litter borne by nine men. E. नव, and दोल a litter.
- नवद्वार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Having nine doors; an epithet applied to the body, which has nine inlets or outlets, as the nostrils, ears, mouth, &c. E. नव, and द्वार a door.
- नवधा :: ind. Nine-fold, in nine ways. E. नव nine, and धा aff.
- नवन् :: mfn. always plu. (-व) Nine.
- नवनी :: f. (-नी) Fresh butter.
- नवनीत :: n. (-तं) Fresh butter. E. नव new, and नीत procured from milk, &c.)
- नवनीतक :: n. (-कं) Clarified butter. E. कन् added to the last.
- नवनीतधेनु :: f. (-नुः) A quantity of butter as a present to Brāhmans. E. नवनीत, and धेनु a milch cow.
- नवपल्लव :: n. (-वं) A new shoot or sprout. E. नव, and पल्लव a shoot.
- नवफलिका :: f. (-का) 1. A bride, a newly married woman. 2. A girl in whom menstruation has recently begun. E. नव new, फल fruit, and ठक् aff.
- नवब(व)धू :: f. (-धूः) A bride, a newly married woman. E. नव, and बधू a wife.
- नवम :: mfn. (-मः -मी -मं) Ninth. f. (-मी) The ninth day of a lunar half month. E. नव nine, and डढि-मट् aff.
- नवमल्लिका :: f. (-का) Double jasmine: see the next.
- नवमालिका :: f. (-का) Double jasmine, (J. Zambac.) E. नव excellent, praised, and मालिका or मल्लिका jasmine: see the last.
- नवयौवना :: f. (-ना) A young woman. E. नव new, and यौवन young.
- नवरक्तक :: n. (-कं) A newly dyed garment. E. नव, रक्त red, and कन् aff.
- नवरङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) Gift to five and acceptance by fours persons of the best Kayastha families. E. नव, and रङ्ग colour.
- नवरत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. Nine precious gems, or a pearl, ruby, topaz, diamond, emerald, lapis lazuli, coral, sapphire, and one called Gomedā. 2. The nine men of letters at the court of VIKRAMĀDITYA, or DHAN- WANTARI, KSHAPANAKA, AMARASINHA, SANKU, VETĀLABHATTA, GHATAKARPARA, KĀLIDĀSA, VARĀHAMIHIRA, and VARARŪCHI. E. नव and रत्र a jewel.
- नवरात्र :: n. (-त्रं) The period of nine days, from the first of the light half of Aswin to the ninth; part of the time devoted to the worship of DURGĀ. E. नव, and रात्रि a night.
- नववरिका :: f. (-का) A newly married woman. E. नव new, वर a blessing, affix कन् added, fem. affix टाप् ।
- नववस्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) New cloth. E. नव, new, and वस्त्र cloth.
- नवशस् :: ind. Nine by nine. E. नव, and शस् aff.
- नवशस्य :: n. (-स्य) Grain of the year's harvest. E. नव, and शस्य grain.
- नवशस्येष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) A sacrifice performed on eating the new rice or grain of the year, नवशस्य, and इष्टि sacrifice.
- नवशायक :: m. (-कः) A name given to any of nine inferior classes, the cowherd, gardener, oilman, weaver, confectioner, betel seller, potter, blacksmith, and barber.
- नवश्राद्ध :: n. (-द्धं) The first series of Shrāddhas collectively, or funeral offer- ings on the first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh days after a person's demise. E. नव, and श्राद्ध obsequial rite.
- नधसूतिका :: f. (-का) 1. A milch cow. 2. A woman recently delivered. E. नव new, and सूत offspring, and कन् affix, fem. form.
- नवांश :: m. (-शः) A ninth, a ninth part. E. नव, and अंश share,
- नवान्न :: n. (-न्नं) 1. New rice or grain. 2. A ceremony observed on first eating the rice, &c. of the last harvest. E. नव, and अन्न food.
- नवाम्बर :: n. (-रं) New and unbleached cloth. E. नव new, and अम्बर cloth.
- नवार्च्चिस् :: m. (-र्च्चिः) The planet Mars or its deified personification. E. नव nine, and अर्च्चिस् light.
- नवाह :: m. (-हः) 1. A new day. 2. The first day of the fortnight. E. नव new, and अह a day.
- नवीकरण :: n. (-णं) Renewing, doing or making anew, E. नव, करण making, च्वि augment.
- नवीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Renewed, revived, done or made anew, E. नव, and कृत made, च्वि augment.
- नवीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) New. E. नव new, ख pleonasm, and the semi-vowel changed.
- नवीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Renewed, revived. E. नव, and, भूत become, च्वि augment.
- नवै :: ind. Not so perhaps, a particle implying doubt. E. न not, वै expletive.
- नवोढा :: f. (-ढा) A newly married woman, a bride. E. नव new, and ऊढा a wife.
- नवोद्धृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Newly extracted or drawn up. n. (-तं) 2. Fresh butter. E. नव new, उद्धृत made or drawn up.
- नव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) New, recent, young, modern. &c. m. (-व्यः) Praise, panegyric. E. नव new, and स्वार्थे यत् aff. रक्तपुनर्नवायाम् च ।
- नशाक :: mf. (-कः-का) A bird, said to be a sort of crow. E. नश् to destroy, affix आक ।
- नशितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Destroying. E. णश to destroy, affix तृच् with इट् augment, else with a nasal augment नष्टृ ।
- नश्यत् :: mfn. (श्यन्-श्यन्ती-श्यत्) Perishing, decaying, wasting, being destroy- ed. E. नश् to perish, and शतृ aff.
- नश्यत्प्रसूतिका :: f. (-का) A female bearing a dead child. E. नश्यत्, प्रसूतिका a mother.
- नश्वर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Mischievous. 2. Destructive, perishable. E. णशि to destroy, affix छरप् ।
- नष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Lost, destroyed, removed, annihilated. E. णश to perish, affix क्त ।
- नष्टचन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) The moon on the fourth lunation of either half of Bhādra. E. नष्ट, and चन्द्र the moon: it is is very unlucky to see the moon on these days.
- नष्टचेतन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Fainted, insensible. E. नष्ट, and चेतन conscious.
- नष्टचेष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Insensible, inert. E. नष्ट, and चेष्टा effort.
- नष्टचेष्टता :: f. (-ता) Fainting, swooning, insensibility, proceeding either from joy or sorrow, &c. E. नष्ट lost, चेष्टता effort. हर्षशोकादिभिः सर्व- चेष्टाराहित्ये ।
- नष्टसंस्मृति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Unmindful, forgetful. E. नष्ट, and संस्मृति recollection.
- नष्टाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) A Brāhman or householder who has lost his conse- crated fire. E. नष्ट lost, and अग्नि fire.
- नष्टाप्तिसूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) Booty, plunder. E. नष्ट lost, आप्ति gain, and सूत्र thread or chain.
- नष्टार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) Reduced, become poor. E. नष्ट, and अर्थ wealth.
- नष्टेन्दुकला :: f. (-ला) The day of new moon when it rises invisible. E. नष्ट, and इन्दुकला a digit.
- नस् :: f. (-नाः) The nose. E. नस् to sound, affix क्विप् ।
- नसा :: f. (-सा) The nose: see नासा and नासिका ।
- नस्त :: m. (-स्तः) The nose. n. (-स्तं) A sternutatory, snuff, &c. f. (-स्ता) A hole bored in the septum of the nose. E. णस् to make crooked, affix संज्ञायां त ।
- नस्तित :: m. (-तः) An ox or any other draft animal, with a string through his nose, the sort of rein usually employed in India. f. (-ता) Nozzled. E. नस्त as above, the nose, formed into a nominal verb, and क्त added, nozzled or nose-led. णस्-तार-इतच् । (नाकफोडा) ।
- नस्तोत :: mf. (-तः) An ox led by a string through his nose: see the last; also नस्योत . नसि नासिकायां सम्यक् ऊतः आ + वे-क्त ।
- नस्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) Nasal, relating or belonging to the nose. n. (-स्यं) A sternutatory, snuff. f. (-स्या) The nose. E. नसा the nose, यत् aff.
- नस्योत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) An ox or other animal led by a string through the septum of the nose. E. नसा the nose, यत् affix of relation or fitness, and ऊत woven: see नस्तित । आ + वे + क्त ।
- नह (-औ) औनह :: r. 4th cl. (नह्यति-ते) To bind: see णह ।
- नहि :: ind. No, not. E. णह् to bind or tie, affix इन् ।
- नहुष :: m. (-षः) 1. The name of a Nāga or serpent. 2. The name of a king, one of the lunar race, son of AYUS and grandson of PURŪ- RAVAS. E. णह् to bind, Unādi affix उषन् .
- नहुषात्मज :: m. (-जः) A king, also YAYĀTI. E. नहुष as above, आत्मज son.
- ना :: ind. No, not (another form of न ।)
- नाक :: m. (-कः) Heaven, paradise, æther. sky, atmosphere. E. न not with अक derived from क happiness, and the privative अ prefixed misery; in which there is no unhappiness. न कम् अकम् दुःखम् तत् नास्ति यत्र ।
- नाकनाथ :: m. (-थः) A name of INDRA. E. नाक paradise, and नाथ lord; also with कन् added नाकनाथक ।
- नाकनायक :: m. (-कः) INDRA. E. नाक, and नायक a chief.
- नाकवनिता :: f. (-ता) A nymph of heaven. E. नाक, and वनिता a wife.
- नाकषेधक :: m. (-कः) INDRA.
- नाकसद् :: m. (-सत्) A deity. E. नाक, and सद् who dwells in.
- नाकिन् :: m. (-की) A deity, a god. E. नाक heaven, and इनि aff.
- नाकु :: m. (-कुः) 1. An ant or mole hill, a burrow. 2. A mountain. 3. A name of a Muni or saint. E. न privative, अक् to go, affix उ, or नम् to be crooked or bowed, Unādi affix उ, and नाक substituted for the radical letters.
- नाकुल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Relating or belonging to an ichneumon. f. (-ली) 1. A plant; the ichneumon plant, a vegetable supposed to furnish
the mungoose with an antidote, when bitten in a conflict with a snake, (Serpent ophioxylon) 2. The root of the Simul tree, (कुक्कुटोकन्द) A sort of pepper, (Piper chavya) E. नकुल the ichneu- mon, affixes अण् and ङीष् । चविके, (चै) राम्नायां, यवतिक्तायां, श्वेत- कण्टकार्य्यां च ।
- नाकुलान्ध्य :: n. (-न्धं) Weakness of sight E. नाकुल, and अन्ध्य blindness.
- नाकुसद्मन् :: m. (-द्मा) A snake. E. नाकु a mound of earth, सद्मन् a dwelling.
- नाक्षत्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्री -त्रं) Relating or belonging to the luner asterisms. n. (-त्रं) A month, one computed by the moon's passage through the twenty-seven mansions, or of thirty days of sixty Gharis each. E. नक्षत्र, and अण् aff.
- नाक्षत्रिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating or belonging to the lunar asterisms. m. (-कः) A month of twenty-seven days, each day being the period of the moon's passage through a luner asterism, f. (-की) The state or condition to which a person is subjected agreeably to the asterism presiding over his nativity. E. नक्षत्र as above, and ठञ् aff.
- नाग :: m. (-गः) Nāga or demi-god so called, having a human face, with the tail of a serpent, and the expanded neck of the Koluber Nāga; the race of these beings is said to have sprung from KADRU, the the wife of KĀSYAPA, in order to people Pātāla or the regions below the earth. 2. A serpent in general or especially the specta- cle snake, or cobra capella, (Coluber Nāga.) 3. An elephant. 4. A cruel or tyrannical person. 5. A cloud. 6. (In composition,) Pre- eminent. 7. A pin or nail projecting from a wall to hang any thing upon. 8. A small tree, (Mesua ferrea.) 9. A sort of grass, (Cyperus pertenuis.) 10. A tree used in dying, (Rottleria tinctoria.) 11. One of the airs of the body, that which is expelled by belching. 12. Betel or Pān. 13. The name of a country. 14. A shark. n. (-गं) 1. Tin. 2. Lead. 3. One of the astronomical periods called Karaṇas; it is one of those termed invariable, and always corresponds to the last half of Āmavasya or new moon. 4. The effects of that period on any thing done or happening during it. E. नग a moun- tain, and अण् affix; living or produced in mountainous regions, &c. नगे पर्वते भवः अण् न गच्छति अगः न अगो वा ।
- नागकेशर :: m. (-रः) A small tree, commonly Nageshwar, (Mesua ferrea). E. नाग, and केशर synonymes of the same plant compounded; the word is also written नागकेसर .
- नागगर्भ :: n. (-भं) Red lead. E. नाग lead. and गर्भ origin. सिन्दुरे ।
- नागज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced by or of a Nāga. &c. n. (-जं) 1. Red lead. 2. Tin. E. नाग lead, &c. and ज produced.
- नागजिह्वा :: f. (-ह्वा) A plant, (Asclepias pseudosarsa:) see शारिवा E. नाग a snake, and जिह्वा a tongue.
- नागजिह्विका :: f. (-का) Red arsenic. E. नाग a snake, जिह्वा a tongue, कन् affix of comparison. मनःशिलायाम् ।
- नागजीवन :: m. (-नः) Tin. E. नाग lead, जीवन proceeding.
- नागदन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. Elephant's tooth or ivory; also the tooth of the ele- phant. 2. A shelf, a pin or bracket projecting from a wall, and used to hang things upon. f. (-न्ती) 1. A sort of sun-flower, (Helio- tropium Indicum.) 2. A whore. E. नाग an elephant, and दन्त a tooth.
- नागदन्तिक :: m. (-कः) A wooden pin or bracket, projecting from a wall, a shelf. E. नागदन्त an elephant's tooth, and कन् affix of resemblance.
- नागदन्तिका :: f. (-का) A plant, commonly called Rāmadūtī, see विशल्या । E. नागदन्ती a plant, and कन् affix of resemblance. (विछाति ।)
- नागदलोपम :: m. (-मः) A sort of tree commonly Parusha. E. नाग one of the plants so called, दल a leaf, and उपमा resemblance.
- नागद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) Euphorbia E. नाग a snake, and द्रु a tree; being used in offerings to the snake goddess MANASĀ. सि वृक्षे ।
- नागनिर्य्यूह :: m. (-हः) A large pin or bracket, projecting from a wall like a shelf. E. नाग an elephant, and निर्य्यूह projection.
- नागपाश :: m. (-शः) 1. A weapon of VARUṆA the regent of water. 2. A
sort of magical noose or knot, used in battle to entangle an enemy. E. नाग an elephant, and पाश a binding.
- नागपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) 1. A tree in used in dyeing, (Rottleria tinctoria.) 2. Nāgeshwar, (Mesua ferrea.) 3. The Champaka, (Michelia champa- ca) E. नाग an elephant, and पुष्प flower.
- नागबन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) The holy fig tree, (Ficus religiosa.) E. नाग an elephant and बन्धु friendly, liked.
- नागबल :: m. (-लः) A name of BHĪMA. f. (-ला) A creeping plant, (Hedy- sarum lagopodioides.) E. नाग an elephant, and बल strong. (गोरक्ष चाकुलिया ।)
- नागभिद् :: m. (-भिद्) A sort of snake, (Amphisbæna.) E. नाग an elephant, and भिद् destroying; the word is sometimes written नागभृत्, from भृत् cherishing.
- नागमल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) The elephant of INDRA. E. नाग an elephant, and मल्ल a boxer.
- नागमातृ :: f. (-ता) 1. A name of MANASĀ, a goddess supposed to preside over snakes. 2. Red arsenic. E. नाग a snake, and मातृ a mother.
- नाममार :: m. (-रः) A sort of potherb; also केशराज E. नाग a snake, and मार destroying; considered as an antidote.
- नागयष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) A piece of wood erected in a newly dug pond for showing the depth of water. E. नाग a snake, and यष्टि a staff; also नागयष्टिका ।
- नागर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Clever, sharp, knowing, (as a buck, a blood, a wag. &c.) 2. Town-born or bred, citizen. 3. Nameless. 4. Rela- ting to a city. 5. Polite, civil 6. Bad, vile. n. (-रं) 1. Dry ginger. 2. A short of grass, (Cyperus pertenuis). 3. A form of writing, the “Devanāgari alphabet.” m. (-रः) 1. A husband's brother. 2. An orange. 3. A lecturer. 4. Denial of knowledge. 5. Fatigue. 6. Desire of final beatitude. f. (-री) 1. A sort of Euphorbia. 2. A clever or intriguing woman. E. नगर a city अण् aff. नगरे भवः अण् ।
- नागरक :: m. (-कः) 1. The orange; see नागरङ्ग 2. A thief. 3. An artist. E. नागर, and वुञ् aff.
- नागरक्त :: m. (-क्तः) Red lead. E. नाग mountain, and रक्त red. सिन्दुरे ।
- नागरङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) The orange; in India usually applied to the Sylhet orange, (Citrus aurantium.) E. नाग an elephant, रङ्ग to be sick, affix घञ्; on which elephants feed till they become ill; or नाग red lead, and रङ्ग colour, of the colour of red lead. (नाराङ्गी नेवु ।)
- नागरमुस्ता :: f. (-स्ता) A grass. (Cyperus.) नागरमुथा ।
- नागराज :: m. (-जः) ANANTA, the chief of the Nāgas. E. नाग, and राज king.
- नागरीट :: m. (-टः) A libertine, a debauchee, a rake, a blackguard. E. नागरी an intriguing woman, अट् to accompany, affix अच्, deriv. irr. or more appropriately नागरी-मेटति-इट-गतौ-क ।
- नागरुक :: m. (-कः) The orange: see नागरङ्ग ।
- नागरेणु :: m. (-णुः) Red lead. E. नाग, and रेणु oxid. सिन्दुरे ।
- नागरेयक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) City, citizen. E. नगर a town, and ढकञ् aff.
- नागलता :: f. (-ता) The penis. E. नाग a snake, and लता a creeper.
- नागलोक :: m. (-कः) The Nāga regions below the earth. E. नाग a Nāga, and लोक world.
- नागवल्लिका :: f. (-का) The betel plant: see the next.
- नागवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) The betel plant, (Peper betel.) E. नाग the infernal Nāga, and वल्ली a creeper; the creeper of the lower regions; also with कन् added नागवल्लिका ।
- नागवारिक :: m. (-कः) Garuda, the bird of VISHNŪ. 2. A peacock. 3. A royal elephant. 4. An elephant driver or keeper. 5. The chief person in a court or assembly. E. नाग an elephant, वृ to cherish, &c. affix ठक् ।
- नागवीट :: m. (-टः) A rake: see नागरीट ।
- नागवीथी :: f. (-थी) The path of Airāvata, “the milky way.” E. नाग the elephant, वीथी a road or path.
- नागसम्भव :: n. (-वं) Minium or red lead. E. नाग lead, and सम्भव pro- duction.
- नागसुगन्धा :: f. (-न्धा) The ichneumon plant: see नाकुली . E. नाग a snake, and सुगन्ध perfume.
- नागाख्य :: m. (-ख्यः) A plant: see नागकेसर . E. नाग an elephant, and आख्या a name.
- नागाङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) Hastināpur.
- नागाञ्चला :: f. (-ला) A stick or pole driven into a square piece of earth in the centre of a newly dug pond, a boring rod. E. नाग a snake, and अञ्चला end of a garment; it is also written नागाञ्चना f. (-ना) see नागयष्टि ।
- नागाधिप :: m. (-पः) The great serpent ANANTA. E. नाग a serpent, and अधिप a king.
- नागान्तक :: m. (-कः) Garuda, the bird and vehicle of VISHṆU. E. नाग a snake, and अन्तक a destroyer; this and similar compounds are also applied to the “Ardea Argala,” the peacock, and other birds who are natural enemies of the serpent genus.
- नागारूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Mounted or riding upon an elephant. E. नाग, and आरूढ mounted.
- नागाशन :: m. (-नः) Garuda: see नागान्तक . E. नाग a snake, and अशन food.
- नागाह्व :: n. (-ह्वं) Hastināpur or ancient Delhi. E. नाग an elephant, and आह्वा a name.
- नागोद :: n. (-दं) Armour for the front or the belly.
- नागोदर :: n. (-रं) A breast plate, a cuirass.
- नाचिकेतु :: m. (-तुः) A name of fire; also नाचिकेतः ।
- नाट :: n. (-टं) 1. Dancing, acting. 2. The Carnatic. E. नट् to dance, affix घञ् ।
- नाटक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) An actor, acting, dancing, &c. m. (-कः) a play, a drama: the first of the ten species of dramatic compositions of the first order. f. (-की) The court of INDRA. E. नट् to act or per- form, ण्वुल् aff.
- नाटकप्रपञ्च :: m. (-ञ्चः) Course or arrangement of a drama. E. नाटक, and प्रपञ्च extent.
- नाटकीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Dramatic. E. नाटक, and छ aff.
- नाटाम्र :: m. (-म्रः) The Water melon, (Cucurbita citrullus.)
- नाटार :: m. (-रः) The son of an actress.
- नाटिका :: f. (-का) A short or light comedy, the first of the Uparūpakas or dramas of the second order. E. नट् to dance, ण्वुल् aff.
- नाटेय :: m. (-यः) The son of an actress. E. नटी and ढक् aff.
- नाटेर :: m. (-रः) The son of an actress or dancing girl. E. नटी an actress, ढ्रक् aff.
- नाट्य :: n. (-ट्यं) The science or art of dancing or acting, or the union of song, dance, and instrumental music. E. नट् to dance, affix ण्यत् or ज्य, or नटानां कर्म ष्यञ् ।
- नाट्यधर्म्मिक :: m. (-कः) Rules of dramatic representation. E. नाट्य acting, धर्म्म rule, and ठक् aff.
- नाट्यप्रिय :: m. (-यः) A name of SIVA. E. नाट्य dancing, and प्रिय fond of.
- नाट्यशाला :: f. (-ला) A theatre, a building for dramatic exhibitions; accor- ding to some it should be built near the gate of a palace. E. नाठ्य and शाला a hall.
- नाट्योक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Dramatic phraseology. E. नाठ्य and उक्ति expression.
- नाडि :: f. (-डिः-डी) 1. The stalk or stem of any plant. 2. Any tubular, organ of the body, as an artery, a vein, an intestine, &c. 3. The hollow stalk of a lotus, &c. 4. A fistulous sore, a fistula, a sinus. 5. A sort of bent grass. 6. A juggling trick. 7. Deception. 8. An hour of twenty-four minutes. 9. Any pipe or tube. 10. The pulse, either at the hand or feet, &c. E. नड् to fall off or from, affix अच् and इन् or ङीष् optionally added.
- नाडिका :: f. (-का) An Indian hour, or twenty-four minutes. E. नाडि the same, कन् pleonasm.
- नाडिकेल :: m. (-लः) The cocoanut: see नारिकेल .
- नाडिचीर :: n. (-रं) A small reed or tube round which the woof is wound;
it is then used as a shuttle. E. नाडि a tube, and चीर old cloth.
- नाडिन्धम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Terrifying. 2. Moving the intestines. m. (-मः) A goldsmith. E. नाडि a tube, a hollow bamboo, &c. and धम who blows, from ध्मा with खश् aff.
- नाडिन्धय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Who or what drinks or sucks through a tube. E. नाडि a pipe, धे to drink, affix खश् .
- नाडिपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) An esculent root, (Arum colocasia.) E. नाडि a tube, पत्र a leaf.
- नाडिमण्डल :: m. (-लं) The celestial equator. E. नाडि, and मण्डल a sphere.
- नाडीकेल :: m. (-लः) The cocoanut: see नाडिकेल .
- नाडीच :: n. (-चं) An esculent root, (Arum colocasia.) E. नाडी a tube, चर् to go or grow, affix ड .
- नाडीचरण :: m. (-णः) A bird in general. E. नाडी a tube, चरण foot.
- नाडीजङ्घ :: m. (-ङ्घः) 1. A crow. 2. The name of a holy teacher or saint. 3. The name of a fabulous crane. E. नाडी a stalk, and जङ्घा a leg or thigh.
- नाडीतरङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A sort of poison: see काकोल . 2. An astrologer. 3. A ravisher, a debaucher. E. नाडी an Indian hour, and तरङ्ग a wave; also नाडीतरङ्गक .
- नाडीदेह :: m. (-हः) BHRINGI, one of SIVA'S followers. E. नाडी a tube, and देह the body; as thin.
- नाडीनक्षत्र :: n. (-त्रं) The planet of a person's nativity. E. नाडी and नक्षत्र an asterism.
- नाडीविग्रह :: m. (-हः) A name of BHRINGI, one of SIVA'S chief attendants. E. नाडी a pipe, and विग्रह the body; also नाडीदेह, &c.
- नाडीव्रण :: n. (-णं) An ulcer. E. नाडी a sinus, and व्रण a sore. (नालीघा ।)
- नाडीस्नेह :: m. (-हः) A name of BHRINGI: see नाडीदेह ।
- नाणक :: n. (-कं) A coin, or any thing struck or stamped with an impression.
- नाणकपरीक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) Assaying. E. नाणक, and परीक्षा trial.
- नाणकपरीक्षिन् :: m. (-क्षी) An assayer. E. नाणक, and परीक्षिन् who tries.
- नात्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. Praise, eulogium. 2. Surprise, wonder. m. (-त्रः) 1. SIVA. 2. A sage. E. नम् to bow, ष्ट्रण् affix, म is dropped, and the short radical vowel made long.
- नाथ (ऋ) नाथृ :: r. 1st cl. (नाथति-ते) 1. To ask or beg. 2. To bless. 3. To destroy. 4. To have wealth or power. 5. To be deceased. उपतापे पर० आशिषि आत्म० ऐश्ये अर्थने च पर० भ्वा० सक० सेट् ।
- नाथ :: m. (-थः) 1. A master, a lord. 2. A name of SIVA, especially in the form of a Linga; it is usually compounded with some word relat- ing to the legendary history of the Linga, as Somanātha, the Linga set up by SOMA, &c. 3. A name adopted by a class of Yogis, as GORAKSHANĀTHA, &c. 4. A rope passed through the nose of a draft ox. E. नाथ् to ask, (from whom,) and अच् aff.
- नाथवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Dependent, subservient, subject, E. नाथ master, and मतप् poss. aff.
- नाथहरि :: m. (-रिः) An animal bridled by the nose. E. नाथ the string, हृ to take, इन् aff.
- नाथहार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Taking or carrying a master, &c. E. नाथ, हृ to take, अण् aff.
- नाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Sound in general. 2. A semicircle, used especially as an abbreviation or hieroglyphic in mystical works. E. नद् to sound, affix घञ् ।
- नादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Who or what sounds. E. नद् to sound, aff णिनि ।
- नादेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Ocean or river-born, marine, aquatic. n. (-यं) 1. Sea salt. 2. Antimony. f. (-यी) 1. A sort of reed growing usually near water, (Calamus fasciculatus. Rox.) 2. A plant, (Premna herbacea, Rox.) 3. The orange. 4. A tree see जयन्ती 5. The China rose. E. नद a river or the sea, and ढक् affix, fem. affix ङीप्; also with कन् added, in the fem. form नादेयिका f. (-का ।)
- नाध (ऋ) नाधृ :: r. 1st cl. (नाधते) 1. To ask or beg. 2. To bless. 3. To des- troy. 4. To have wealth or power, 5. To be deceased. भ्वा० आ० सक० सेट् ।
- नाना :: ind. 1. Without, except. 2. Many, various. 3. Double or two-fold. E. नञ् negative, and नाञ् aff.
- नानाध्वनि :: m. (-निः) A musical instrument of more than one tone. E. नाना various, and ध्वनि sound.
- नानारस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Of different flavours. E. नाना, and रस flavour.
- नानाराग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Variegated, of many colours. E. नाना, and राग colour.
- नानारूप :: mfn. (-पः -पी -पं) Multiform, various. E. नाना various, and रूप form.
- नानावर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Variegated, many-coloured. E. नाना, and वर्ण colour.
- नानाविध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) 1. In various ways. 2. Of various sorts or kinds. E. नाना, and विध kind.
- नानुष्ठेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Improper, unusual, not right or customary. E. न not, अनु according to, ष्ठेय from स्था to be, to be fixed or deter- mined.
- नान्दिकर :: m. (-रः) The speaker of the prologue to a drama: see नान्दीकर ।
- नान्दी :: f. (-न्दी) 1. Eulogium of a king, or praise of a deity, recited in be- nedictory verses at the commencement of a religious ceremony, or the opening of a drama; it most usually signifies the kind of blessing pronounced as a prologue to a Nātaka or play. 2. Pros- perity, thriving, increase. E. नदि to be happy, in the causal form, affix इन्, and ङीप्; delighting the gods, &c. or procuring happiness for mankind. नन्दन्ति देवा अत्र नन्द-घञ् पृषो० वृद्धिः ङीप् ।
- नान्दीक :: m. (-कः) A pot in a door-way, set up for good luck, E. नान्दी prosperity, कृ to make, affix ड ।
- नान्दीकर :: m. (-रः) The speaker of the prologue or prelude of a drama. E. नान्दी as above, कर who makes; also with the vowel made short, नान्दिकर ।
- नान्दीपट :: m. (-टः) The lid or cover of a well.
- नान्दीमुख :: m. (-खः) 1. The lid or cover of a well. 2. The class of male progenitors to whom the Nāndi-mukha-shrāddha is addressed. f. (-खी) A female ancestor sharing in the same. n. (-खं) 1. A speci- es of the Sarkari, metre. 2. A Shrāddha or funeral obsequies per- formed on joyous occasions, as initiation, marriage, &c. in which nine balls of meat are offered to the deceased father, paternal grandfather, and great grandfather; to the maternal grandfather, great grandfather, and great great grandfather; and to the mother, paternal grandmother, and paternal great grandmother. E. नान्दी good fortune, मुख principal.
- नान्दीवादिन् :: m. (-दी) 1. The speaker of the prologue or introduction to a drama. 2. A drummer, one who beats a drum at festivals, &c. E. नान्दी as above, and वादिन् who speaks.
- नापि :: ind. Not even. E. न not, and अपि even.
- नापित :: m. (-तः) A barber. E. न negative, आप् to obtain, (respect.) तन् Unādi affix, and इट् augment शूद्रायां क्षत्रियात् जाते सङ्कीर्णजातिभेदे ।
- नापितशाला :: f. (-ला) A barber's shop, E. नापित, and शाला house; also with कन् added in the fem. form, नापितशालिका f. (-का ।)
- नापित्य :: m. (-त्य) The business of a barber. E. नापित and यत् aff.
- नाभक :: m. (-कः) A myrobalan, (Terminalia chebula.) E. नभ-ण्वुल्, वनतिक्तेवृक्षे ।
- नाभि :: f. (-भिः-भी) 1. The nave of a wheel. 2. Musk. mf. (-भिः or भी) The navel, m. (-भिः) 1. An emperor, a sovereign, a lord, para- mount. 2. The centre, focus, chief point. 3. A king, a chief. 4. A Kshetriya or Hindu of the regal and military tribe. 5. The son of PRIYAVRATA. 6. A race, a family. E. नह् to bind, Unādi affix इञ्, and भ substituted for ह .
- नाभिकण्टक :: m. (-कः) Ruptured or protruded navel. E. नाभि a navel, and कण्टक a thorn. (गांँड ।)
- नाभिगुड(ल)क :: m. (-कः) A prominent or ruptured navel. E. नाभि, and गुडक a ball or lump.
- नाभिगोलक :: m. (-कः) A prominent or ruptured navel. E. नाभि, and गोलक a lump or ball.
- नाभिच्छेदन :: n. (-नं) Division of the umbilical cord. E. नाभि, and छेदन cut- ting.
- नाभिज :: m. (-जः) BRAMHĀ. E. नाभि navel, and ज born; BRAMHĀ appear- ing from the lotus which sprung from the navel of VISHṆU.
- नाभिजन्मन् :: m. (-न्मा) BRAMHĀ. E. नाभि the navel, and जन्मन् birth: see the last.
- नाभिनाडी :: f. (-डी) the umbilical cord. E. नाभि and नाडी a vessel.
- नाभिनाला :: f. (-ला) The umbilical cord E. नाभि the navel, and नाला a string, a vessel.
- नाभिभू :: m. (-भूः) BRAMHĀ. E. नाभि, and भू born: see नाभिज .
- नाभिवर्द्धन :: n. (-नं) 1. Division of the Umbilical cord. 2. Umbilical hernia. 3. Corpulency. E. नाभि, and वर्द्धन increasing.
- नाभील :: n. (-लं) 1. The groin of a woman. 2. A prominent or ruptured navel. 3. pain. 4. The hollow of the navel. E. नाभि the navel, लच् aff.
- नाभ्य :: mfn. (-भ्यः -भ्या -भ्यं) Umbilical, of or relating to the navel. E. नाभि the navel, and यत् aff.
- नाभ्यावर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) The hollow or pit of the navel. E. नाभि a navel, आवर्त्त a round.
- नाम :: ind. A particle implying. 1. Certainty. 2. Possibility. 3. Anger. 4. Reproach. 5. Consent, promise. 6. Recollection. 7. Surprise. 8. Pretence, &c. as हिमालयो नाम नगाधिपः Himālaya, evidently the king of mountains, इह नाम सीता भविष्यति SITĀ will perhaps be here, &c. E. णम् to call or address, affix ड . deriv. irr. नाम्यते नामि-ड ।
- नामकरण :: n. (-णं) Naming a child first after birth. E. नाम, and करण making.
- नामग्रह :: n. (-हं) Addressing by name, E. नाम and ग्रह taking; also नामग्रहण .
- नामद्वादशी :: f. (-शी) A religious ceremony, worshipping DURGĀ daily under one of twelve appellations. E. नाम, and द्वादशी twelfth.
- नामधेय :: n. (-यं) A name or appellation. E. नाम a name, and स्वार्थे धेय aff.
- नामन् :: n. (म) A name, an appellation. E. म्रा to be minded or remember- ed, मनिन् Unādi affix, deriv. irr.
- नामशेष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Dead, deceased. m. (-षः) Dying, death. E. नाम a name, and शेष end.
- नामापराध :: m. (-धः) Abusing a respectable object, as a pious man, a deity by name. E. नाम, and अपराध offence.
- नामित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bent, bent down, bowed. E. णम् to bow, causal form, क्त aff.
- नाय :: m. (-यः) 1. Guiding, directing, (morally or physically.) 2. Policy. 3. Obtaining. 4. Means, expedient. E. णी to guide, &c. affix ण or घञ्; also with अच् affix नय .
- नायक :: m. (-कः) 1. A guide, a leader, a conductor. 2. A chief, a head, pre-eminent, principal. 3. A general, a commander, 4. The cen- tral gem of a necklace. 5. (In Erotic poetry,) The man, the husband or lover. f. (-यिका) 1. mistress, a wife, the female in the amatory poetry of the Hindūs. 2. A sort of goddess, an inferior form of DURGĀ, and attendant upon her: there are eight Nā- yikās. E. णी to guide, ण्वुल् aff.
- नायकाधिप :: m. (-पः) A king, a sovereign, a prince. E. नायक a chief, and अधिप lord.
- नार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Relating to men, human, mortal, &c. 2. Spiri- tual. nf. (-रं-रा) Water. m. (-रः) A calf. n. (-रं) A multitude of men. E. नर, and अण् affix or न negative, ऋ to go, अप् aff.
- नारक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Infernal, hellish. m. (-कः) Hell or the infernal regions. E. नरक hell. अण् aff.
- नारकिन् :: mfn. (-की -किनी -कि) Infernal, being in hell, condemned to or deserving it. E. नारक, and इनि aff.
- नारकीट :: m. (-टः) 1. A sort of worm. 2. A deceiver, one who disappoints expectations excited by himself.
- नारङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. The juice of the pepper plant. 2. An animal, one of twins. 3. A catamite. 4. The orange tree. E. नार many men, and ग who goes.
- नारद :: m. (-दः) A name of NĀRADA, born from the hip of BRAMHĀ and one of the ten divine Munis or Rishis; he is a friend of KRISHṆA, a celebrated legislator, and inventor of the Vinā or lute. He is often described as engaged in conveying messages and causing dis- cord among gods and men. E. नार men, and दा to give, (instruc- tion,) ड affix; or नार water, and द who gives; offering sacrifices to the manes.
- नाराच :: m. (-चः) 1. An iron arrow. (E. नार men, आङ् before, चम् to eat or consume, affix ड; destroying hosts of men.) 2. A bad or cloudy day. 3. A species of the Dhriti metre. (E. नार water, आचम् to spit, affix ड .) f. (-ची) A goldsmith's scales, a fine or assay balance. E. नाराच an iron arrow, and ङीष् diminutive affix; also with कन् added in the fem. from, नाराचिका f. (-का). or नरान् आचामति आ + चम-डि ।
- नारायण :: m. (-णः) 1. A name of VISHṆU, but especially considered as the deity who was before all worlds. 2. A sage, and brother of नर । The two great sages, while practising penance at the Badarikāshram on the Himālaya, Indra being afraid lest he might be deprived of his throne sent Heavenly nymphs to disturb their devotions; But Nārāyana put these damsels to shame by creating a nymph (Urvashi by name) from his thigh far excelling Indra's nymph's in beauty. 3. A valiant combatant. f. (-णी) 1. A name of DURGĀ. 2. A name of LAKSHMĪ, the goddess of prosperity, and wife of VISHNŪ. 3. GANGĀ. 4. A plant, (Asparagus racemosa.) E. नारा the primeval waters, derived from नर the spirit of God, whence they originated, and अयन place of coming or moving; he who moved over the waters before creation; the word has several etymologies, as नर the spirit or soul of the universe, अण् affix, नार appertaining to it, the actions or emotions of the soul, and अयन pervading, influencing; again नार multitudes, man kind, and अयन place; present amongst all men, &c.
- नारायणक्षेत्र :: n. (-त्रं) Four cubits on either side of the stream of the Ganges, E. नारायण and क्षेत्र shrine.
- नारायणतैल :: n. (-लं) An oil of great reputed efficacy in many complaints, expressed from a variety of plants. E. नारायण and तैल oil.
- नारायणप्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Attached to KRISHNA or VISHṆU. m. (-यः) SIVA. E. नारायण, and प्रिय fond of.
- नारायणास्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) A weapon of undefined form and mystical nature. E. नारायण and अस्त्र weapon.
- नारिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Watery, aqueous. 2. Spiritual. E. नर or नार and ठक् aff.
- नारिकेर :: m. (-रः) The cocoanut: see the next.
- नारिकेल :: mf. (-लः-ली) The cocoanut. E. नारिक watery (place), ईर् to go or grow, affix क, and र optionally changed to ल; also with इन्, नारिकेलि, and ड being substituted for र, नाडिकेर, &c. नल-इन् नालिः केन वायुना जलेन वा इलति चलति, इल-क-कर्म-रलयोरैक्यम् ।
- नारी :: f. (-री) 1. A woman in general, a female. 2. A species of the Madhya metre. E. नर a man, अञ् and ङीप् affs. or नृ + नर + वा जातौ ङीष् निपातने ।
- नारीकवच :: m. (-चः) A king of the solar line, the son of ASMAKA.
- नारीकेल :: mf. (-लः-ली) The cocoanut. f. (-ली) Fermented liquor made from the water of the cocoanut: see नारिकेल &c.
- नारीच :: n. (-चं) An esculent root, Arum colocasia: see नाडीच (नालिता)
- नारीतरङ्गक :: m. (-कः) A catamite. E. नारी a woman, तरङ्ग capricious, and कन् affix of comparison. नारिं तरङ्गयति तरङ्ग + कृतौ-णिच्-ण्वुल् ।
- नारीदूषण :: n. (-णं) A vice or breach of duty in a woman, of which six cases are reckoned, drinking spirits, keeping bad company, quit- ting a husband, rambling abroad, and sleeping or dwelling in a strange house. E. नारी a woman, दूषण defect.
- नारीप्रसङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Libertinism, lechery. E. नारी, and प्रसङ्ग addiction.
- नारीयान :: n. (-नं) A litter or other conveyance for women. E. नारी, and यान a carriage.
- नार्य्यङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) The orange tree; also नागरङ्ग । नार्य्यं नरहितसम्बन्धिनं गच्छति गम-ड । मुम् च ।
- नाल :: mfn. (-लः -ला or -ली-लं) 1. A hollow or tubular stalk, the stalk of the water lily, &c. 2. Any pipe or tube. 3. A handle. n. (-लं) Yellow orpiment. f. (-ली) 1. A stalk or culm.. 2. An instrument for perfora- ting an elephant's ear. 3. A period of time, a Ghati, twenty-four minutes. 4. Any tubular vessel of the body. 5. The pulse. E. णल् to bind, affix ण, fem. affix टाप्, and ङीष्, &c.
- नालि(ली) :: f. (-लिः or ली) 1. Any tubular vessel of the body. 2. A hollow stalk. E. ल interchanged with ड; see नाडि . नल-णिच्-इन् वा ङीप् ।
- नालिक :: m. (-कः) A buffalo. n. (-कं) A lotus. f. (-का) 1. A tubular stalk. 2. An instrument for piercing an elephant's ear. 3. A plant, commonly Charmaghās. 4. A sort of potherb, (Hibiscus canna- binus.) 5. Any plant growing on a hollow stem, as San, safflower, a mushroom, &c. 6. A flute. E. नाली as above, and कन् aff. or नाल्या कायति कै-क ।
- नालिकास्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रम्) Cannon. E. नालिक as above, and अस्त्र a missile weapon. (क्षुद्रनालिक means a pistol.)
- नालिकेर :: m. (-रः) The cocoanut. E. नल् to bind, affix इन, नालि a leaf, &c. क air, wind, and इर what goes; fluttering in the wind. see नारिकेल ।
- नालिजङ्घ :: m. (-ङ्घः) A raven or the carrion crow. E. नालि a tube, and जङ्घा the leg.
- नालिता :: f. (-ता) An esculent root, (Arum colocasia.)
- नालीक :: m. (-कः) 1. An arrow. 2. A dart, a javelin, a pike. 3. A lotus. 4. The fibrous stalk of the lotus. n. (-कं) An assemblage of lotus flowers. E. नाली a fibrous stalk, affix ठन् .
- नालीकिनी :: f. (-नी) A multitude of lotus flowers. E. नालीक, and इनि aff.
- नालीव्रण :: m. (-णः) A fistulous or sinus sore; see नाडीव्रण, ल and ड being interchanged.
- नावमिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Ninth. E. नवम and, ठञ् .
- नाविक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Belonging to a vessel, or a boat, &c. m. (-कः) 1. The helmsman of a vessel, the steersman, the pilot. 2. A. sailor. E. नौ a boat, affix ठन् .
- नाव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. Navigable. 2. Belonging to a boat. n. (-व्यं) Newness, novelty. E. नौ a boat or vessel, and यत् affix; or नव new, ष्यञ् aff. नावा तीर्य्यते असौ, नवस्य भावः वा ।
- नाश :: m. (-शः) 1. Annihilation, loss, destruction, disappearance, ruin. 2. Death. 3. Flight, retreat. 4. Abandonment, desertion. (In Arith- metic.) 5. Elimination. E. णश् to cease to be, affix भावे घञ् .
- नाशन :: n. (-नं) 1. Destruction, perishing. 2. Removal, expulsion. E. णश् to perish, affix णिच् . ल्युट् .
- नाशयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) destroying annihilating. E. णश् to perish, causal form, शतृ aff.
- नाशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Destroyed. E. नश् to perish, causal form. क्त aff.
- नाशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) 1. Destructive, destroying, a destroyer. 2. Perishing, being lost or destroyed. E. नश् to cease to be, in the causal from, affix इनि; or नाश, and इनि aff.
- नाष्टिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Belonging or relating to any thing lost. m. (-कः) The owner of any thing lost. E. नष्ट, and ठक् aff.
- नासत्य :: m. du. (-त्यौ) The two sons of AŚHWINĪ, and physicians of Swarga. f. (-त्या) The constellation AŚHWINĪ. E. न not, असत्य impure.
- नासा :: f. (-सा) 1. The nose. 2. The upper timber of a door. 3. The trunk of an elephant. E. णस् to sound, to stand, अच् aff.
- नासाछिन्नी :: f. (-न्नी) A sort of bird; also पूर्णिका . E. नासा the nose, छिन्न cut, fem. affix ङीप् .
- नासादक्षिणावर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) Wearing the nose-ring in the right nostril by women who have money and children. E. नासा the nose, दक्षिण the right, and आवर्त्त a turning.
- नासादारु :: m. (-रुः) The upper timber of a door: see नासा .
- नासानाह :: m. (-हः) Thickening of the membrance of the nose, stoppage of the nostrils. E. नासा, and नाह binding
- नासापरिस्राव :: m. (-वः) 1. Running at the nose. 2. A running cold. E. नासा and परिस्राव flow.
- नासारन्ध्र :: n. (-न्ध्रं) The nostril. E. नासा, and रन्ध्र a hole.
- नासालु :: m. (-लुः) A plant, commonly Kāyaphal: see कट्फल . E. नासा the nose, and लु to cut, affix डु .
- नासावंश :: m. (-शः) The bridge of the nose. E. नासा and वंश bamboo.
- नासावामावर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) Wearing the nose-ring in the left nostril, a mark of sorrow or distress. E. नासा the nose. वाम the left side, आवर्त्त a turning.
- नासाशोष :: m. (-षः) Dryness of the nostrils. E. नासा and शोष drying.
- नासिकन्धम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Blowing or breathing through the nose, snoring, &c. E. नासिका the nose, ध्मा to blow &c. affix खश् . मुम् ह्रस्वश्च ।
- नासिकन्धय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Drinking through the nose. E. नासिका, and घेट् to drink, affix. खञ् ।
- नासिका :: f. (-का) 1. The nose. 2. The upper timber, or nose as it were, of a door. 3. A name of the nymph AŚHwini. E. नासा as above, affix कन् fem. form. or नास शब्दे ण्वुल् । The same as नासा ।
- नासिकाग्र :: m. (-ग्रं) The tip of the nose. E. नासिका, and अग्र end.
- नासिकामल :: n. (-लं) The mucus of the nose, snot. E. नासिका, and मल excrement; it may also be नासामल । शिङ्घाणे ।
- नासिक्य :: m. du. (-क्यौ) 1. The two sons of Aśhwini. 2. A nasal sound. n. (-क्यं) The nose. E. नासिका, and यत् affix of identity or descent.
- नासिक्यक :: n. (-कं) The nose. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- नासीर :: n. (-रं) Advancing or skirmishing in front of an army, leaving the line, and defying the enemy by shouts and gestures. m. (-रः) The van, or a champion who advances before the line. E. णास् to sound, affix ईरन्; or नासाय शब्दाय इर्त्ते इर-क ।
- नास्ति :: ind. Non-existence, not so, it is not. E. न negative, and अस्ति is, third person, singular, present tense of अस् to be.
- नास्तिक :: m. (-कः) An atheist, but applied by the orthodox Hindūs, to any one who denies the divine authority of the Vedas, or doubts the legends of the Purānas, or a future life or the existence of a ruler, or creator of the universe. E. नास्ति there is not (a god &c.) and ठन् aff.
- नास्तिकता :: f. (-ता) Atheism, denial of the deity, of a future state, of the divinity of the Vedas; Buddhism, heresy, &c. E. तल् abs- tract affix added to the preceding: also with त्व नास्तिकत्व, or with यत् affix नास्तिक्य ।
- नास्तिक्य :: n. (-क्यं) Infidelity, atheism, heresy. E. नास्तिक, and यत् aff.
- नास्तित्व :: n. (-त्वं) Non-existence. E. त्व added to नास्ति; also with तल् affix नास्तिता; ।
- नास्तिद :: m. (-दः) The mango tree.
- नास्य :: n. (-स्यं) The rein of an ox passed through the septum of the nostrils. E. नासा the nose, शरीरावयवत्वात् यत् aff. नासायां भवम् ।
- नाह :: m. (-हः) 1. Binding, confinement. 2. A trap, a snare for catching deer, &c. 3. Obstruction in any organ or secretion of the body, as costiveness, &c. E. णह् to bind, affix भावे घञ् ।
- नाहल :: m. (-लः) A man of a barbarous or outcast tribe.
- नाहुषि :: m. (-षिः) The name of a king; also YAYĀTI. E. नहुष, and इञ् affix of descent. Also नाहुष ।
- निःकारण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Causeless, unfounded. E. निर् neg. कारण cause.
- निःकासन :: n. (-नं) Expulsion, exile, turning out. E. निर्, and कस् to go, causal form, ल्युट् affix; also निःकाशन ।
- निःकासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Turned out or forth, expelled, removed. E. निर् out, कस् to go, in the causal form, affix क्त; also निष्कासित, निःकाशित and निष्काशित ।
- निःक्रामित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Expelled, turned out. E. निः for निर् out, क्रामित caused to go, also निष्क्रामित ।
- निःक्षत्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) Having none of the military tribe, (in a city, &c.) E. निर् not, चत्र a Kshetriya.
- निःक्षिप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Thrown or sent away. 2. Spent. 3. Passed. E. निर् before, क्षिप्त to throw, &c. affix क्त ।
- निःक्षिप्य :: ind. 1. Having thrown or sent away. 2. Having spent, (as time.) 3. Having wiped away, (as tears,) &c. E. निर् before, क्षिप् to throw, and ल्यप् aff.
- निःक्षेप :: m. (-पः) 1. Throwing, sending, putting away. 2. Spending. 3 Passing, (as time.) 4. Wiping away, (as tears) E. निर् and क्षिप् to throw, घञ् aff.
- निःप्रभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Gloomy, dark, obscured. E. निः for निर् priva- tive, and प्रभा light; also निष्प्रभ .
- निःफल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Fruitless, barren. E. निर् neg. फल fruit, more commonly निष्फल .
- निःशंसय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Undoubted. E. निः for निर्, शंसय doubt.
- निःशङ्क :: mfn. (-ङ्कः -ङ्का -ङ्कं) Fearless. E. निर् and शङ्का apprehension.
- निःशलाक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Solitary, private. E. निः for निर् privative, and शलाका the maina; not even frequented by birds; also निश्शलाक .
- निःशब्द :: mfn. (-ब्दः -ब्दा -ब्दं) Silent, voiceless. E. निः for निर्, and शब्द sound.
- निःशूक :: m. (-कः) Rice without any awn or beard. E. निः for निर् and शूक beard of corn.
- निःशेष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Complete, entire. E. निः for निर् negative, and शेष remainder; also निश्शेष .
- निःशोध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) Cleansed, cleared, purified. E. निः for निर् implying completion, and शोध्य pure; also निश्शोध्य .
- निःश्रयणी :: f. (-णी) Wooden steps, a ladder, a staircase. E. निः for निर् out, forth, श्रि to go, affix ल्युट्; also with अच् affix, and इनि added, निःश्रयिणी .
- निःश्रेणि :: f. (-णिः-णी) 1. A ladder or staircase, a flight of steps. 2. The wild date tree. E. निः for निर् implying certainty, and श्रेणी a line also निश्श्रेणी .
- निश्रेयसः :: n. (-यः) 1. Final beatitude, the release of the soul from the body, and its reunion with the primary and universal spirit. 2. Happiness, welfare. 3. Knowledge, learning. 4. Belief, faith, devotedness. 5. Apprehension, conception. m. (-याः) A name of SIVA. E. निः for निर् implying eternity or certainty, श्रेयस् best, अच् added; also निश्श्रेयस .
- निःश्वसन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sighing, &c. 2. Breathing out. E. निर् and श्वसन breathing.
- निःश्वसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sighed, sig hing. 2. Breathing out. n. (-तं) 1. Expiration. 2. Sighing. E. निर् and श्वस् to breathe, क्त aff.
- निःश्वस्य :: ind. Having sighed. E. निर् and श्वस् to breathe, affix ल्यप् .
- निःश्वास :: m. (-सः) 1. Breathing out, expiration. 2. Sighing. E. निर्, and श्वस् to breathe, भावे घञ् aff.
- निःश्वासपरम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Sorrowful. E. निःश्वास and परम best.
- निःषमम् :: ind. 1. A particle of reproof, (improperly, unseasonably.) 2 A term of regret, (das!) E. निर् not, सम equal to, र is changed to Visarga, and स becomes ष .
- निःसङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) 1. Separated, unconnected. 2. Regardless, indifferent, free from attachment or desire. E. निर् not, सङ्ग associa- tion.
- निःसंज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Senseless, insensible. E. निर् not, संज्ञा sign of life.
- निःसत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) False, untrue. E. निर् neg. सत्य true.
- निःसत्यता :: f. (-ता) Insincerity, falsehood. E. निर् neg. सत्यता truth.
- निःसत्व :: mfn. (-त्वः -त्वा -त्वं) 1. Weak, impotent. 2. Insignificant, mean, low. 3. Non-existent. 4. Insubstantial. n. (-त्वं) 1. Insignificance, absence of power or consideration. 2. Non-existence. E. निर् neg. सत्व substance, &c.
- निःस(ष)न्धि :: mfn. (-न्धिः -न्धिः -न्धि) Firm, well-knit, compact. E. निर् not, सन्धि junction; the joints of which are not perceivable. निष्क्रान्तः सन्धेः सुश्लिष्टित्वात् निरादिस० सुषमा-षत्वम् ।
- निःसम्पात :: m. (-तः) 1. Without motion. 2. Midnight. E. निर् neg. सम्पात going, from पत् to go, with सम् prefix, and घञ् aff.
- निःसरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Death, dying. 2. A means or expedient. 3. Exit, a going forth or out. 4. Final beatitude. 5. The entrance into a house or town, &c. the gate, the gate-way. E. निर् forth or out, सृ, to go, भावे ल्युट् aff.
- निःसह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) 1. Intolerable, unbearable. 2. Irresistible. 3. Unable to support or bear. E. निर् neg. सह bearing.
- निःसहत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Inability to bear or support. 2. Impatience, unen- durance. E. निःसह, and त्व affix; also with तल् निःसहता .
- निःसाध्वस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Bold, fearless. E. निर् and साध्वस fear.
- निःसार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Sapless, pithless. 2. Worthless, vain, insubs- tantial. m. (-रः) 1. A plant, (Trophis aspera.) 2. Going forth. f. (-रा) The plantain. E. निर् privative, सार essence, pith; or निर् out, सृ to go, घञ् aff.
- निःसारण :: n. (-णं) 1. Going forth or out. 2. The entrance of a house or town, &c. the passage, the road of ingress and egress. E. निर् forth or out, and सृ to go णिच्ल्युट् aff; see निःसरण .
- निःसारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Turned forth or out, expelled, dismissed. E. निर् out, and सारित caused to go. निर सृ-णिच् कर्मणि क्त ।
- निःसुख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खं) 1. Disagreeable, distressing. 2. Unhappy. E. निर् neg. सुख pleasure.
- निःसृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Gone forth or out. E. निर्, and सृ to go, affix क्त .
- निःस्नेह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) 1. Dry, not greasy or unctuous. 2. Cold, in- sensible, unfeeling. f. (-हा) Linseed, (Linum utilitissimum.) E. निर् forth, out, and स्नेह oil; whence oil is extracted or expressed, &c. or निर् privative, स्नेह oil or affection.
- निःस्पृह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) 1. Free from desire. 2. Disregarding, indiffer- ent to. E. निर् neg. स्पृहा wish.
- निःस्राव :: m. (-वः) The moisture or water of boiled rice. E. निर forth, and स्राव what is oozing or निर-स्रु-ण (फेन) ।
- निःस्व :: mfn. (-स्वः -स्वा -स्वं) Poor, indigent. E. निर् not, nothing, स्व own property.
- निःस्वादु :: mfn. (-दुः -दुः -दु) Insipid, tasteless. E. निर् neg. स्वादु sweet.
- नि :: ind. 1. In, within; on, upon: a particle and prefix. 2. A negative or prohibitive particle. 3. A particle implying certainty, affirma- tion, proximity, continuance, doubt, intensity, fulness, Lowness, order, skill, wrong, group, &c. see the following compounds.
- निकट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) 1. Near, proximate. 2. Kinless, solitary. E. नि, and कटच् affix; or नि prefixed to कट् to go to or towards, affix अच् .
- निकर :: m. (-रः) 1. A flock or multitude. 2. A heap, a bundle. 3. Pith, sap, essence. 4. Suitable or proper gift. 5. A treasure, especially belonging to KUVERA: see निधि . E. नि in or upon, कॄ to throw, affix अप् ।
- निकर्षण :: m. (-णः) 1. An open space or sort of play-ground in or near a town. 2. A court at the entrance to a house. 3. A neighbourhood. 4. A plot of ground not ploughed. E. नि, with कर्षण ploughing; so prepared.
- निकष(स) :: m. (-षः-सः) The touch-stone. f. (-षा) The mother of the imps or goblins. E. नि prefixed to कष् to injure, affix घ .
- निकषा :: ind. 1. Near, proximate. 2. In the middle, betwixt, between. 3. The mother of a Rākshasha. E. नि prefixed to कष् to hurt, UNĀDI affix आ .
- निकषात्मज :: m. (-जः) A Rākshasa, a sort of goblin. E. निकषा the mother of the race, and आत्मज a son.
- निकस :: m. (-सः) A touch-stone: see निकष .
- निकाम :: n. adv. (-मं) Voluntarily, willingly, implying certainty. E. नि, काम will.
- निकाय :: m. (-यः) An assemblage of persons performing like duties, a congregation, an audience. 2. A flock, a multitude. 3. A butt, a mark. 4. A house, habitation. 5. The Supreme Being. 6. The body. E. नि in or within, चि to collect, affix घञ्, and क substituted for the radical initial.
- निकाय्य :: m. (-य्यः) A house. E. नि in or within, चि to collect, affix ण्यत् कुत्वम् ।
- निकार :: m. (-रः) 1. Opposition, contradiction. 2. Injury, wrong, offence. 3. wickedness; malice. 4. Abuse, reproach, disrespect. 5. Raising, tossing or lifting up. 6. Piling or winnowing corn. 7. Killing. E. नि depreciative prefix, कृ to make, or कॄ to throw, affix भावे घञ् or अप् .
- निकारण :: n. (-णं) Killing, slaughter. E. नि prefixed to कॄ to injure, affix ल्युट् .
- निकाष :: m. (-षः) Rubbing, Scratching. E. नि before, कष् to hurt, घञ् aff
- निकास(श) :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) 1. Likeness. (in composition:) 2. Proximity 3. Appearance. See नीकास .
- निकुञ्चक(न) :: m. (-कः) A measure of capacity equal to (1/4)th of a Kuḍava. E. नि before, कुचि to be small. affix क्कुन् .
- निकुञ्चित्र :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Contracted. E. नि in, and कुञ्चित curved.
- निकुञ्ज :: mn. (-ञ्जः-ञ्जं) An arbour, a bower, a place overgrown with creep- ers and shrubs, E. नि expletive, and कुञ्ज an arbour.
- निकुम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. The son of KUMBHAKARṆA, the brother of RĀVAṆA. 2. A plant, (Croton polyandrum) E. कु the earth, भू to be, affix खच्, and नि prefixed.
- निकुम्भिला :: f. (-ला) A cave situated on the western part of ceylon, where offerings with fire are made. E. नि before, कुम्भ a jar, इलच् aff.
- निकुरुम्ब :: n. (-म्बं) A flock or multitude: also निकुरुम्बक E. नि before, कुर् to divide or cut, affix अम्बच्, and उ substituted for the penultimate; also read निकुरुम्भ .
- निकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Dishonest, wicked, perverse. 2. Removed, set aside, dismissed. 3. Tricked, cheated, deceived. 4. Injured, afflicted. 5. Low, base, vile. E. नि prefixed to कृत् to cut, affix क .
- निकृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Wickedness, dishonesty. 2. Abuse, reproach. 3. Re- jection, removal. 4. Poverty, indigence. E. नि prefixed to कृत् to cut, affix कि . or नि + कृ-भावे क्तिन् ।
- निकृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Outcast, despised, low. E. नि prefixed to कृष् to make furrows, to revile or despise, affix क्त .
- निकेचाय :: m. (-यः) Piling or collecting repeatedly. E. नि before, चि to gather, reit. v., घञ् aff.
- निकेत :: m. (-तः) A house, a habitation. E. नि in, कित् to dwell, affix घञ्; also with युच affix निकेतन .
- निकेतक :: n. (-कः) A house, a dwelling. E. कन added to निकेत .
- निकेतन :: n. (-नं) A house, a habitation. m. (-नः) An onion E. see निकेत .
- निकोच(ठ)क :: m. (-कः) A tree, (Allangium hexapetalum.) E. नि prefixed to कुच् to be crooked, affix वुन्; also derived from कुठ् to surround, निकोठक; also with अण् pleonasm added, निकौचक or नि + कुच + शब्दे वुन् । अङ्कोट वृक्षे ।
- निक्वण :: m. (-णः) 1. A musical tone or sound. 2. Any sound. E. नि prefixed to क्कण् to sound, अप् affix; also with घञ् affix निक्वाण m. (-णः)
- निक्ष :: r. 1st cl. (निक्षति) To kiss: see णिक्ष ।
- निक्षण :: n. (-णं) Kissing. E. निक्ष् to kiss, ल्युट् aff.
- निक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) A nit. E. णिश् to meditate, Unādi affix अच् according to some a wrong form of लिक्षा ।
- निक्षिप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Rejected, abandoned, foregone, given or thrown away. 2. Deposited, pawned, pledged. 3. Thrust into, placed in. 4. Sent, sent off or away. E. नि implying absolutely or internally, and क्षिप to throw क्त aff.
- निक्षिपत् :: mfn. (-पन् -पन्ती -पत्) Throwing or placing in or upon. E. नि before, क्षिप् to throw, affix शतृ ।
- निक्षेप :: m. (-पः) 1. A pledge, a deposit in general, or one which is count- ed or particularised in presence of the receiver, and left without cover or seal. 2. Abandoning, parting with, throwing away. 3. sending or putting away. 4. Wiping, drying. E. नि prefixed to क्षिप to throw or reject, affix घञ् ।
- निक्षेप्तृ :: mfn. (-प्ता -प्त्री -प्तृ) Who or what places or deposits. m. (-प्ता) A de- positor, a pawner or pledger. E. नि before, क्षिप् to throw, तृच् aff.
- निखर्व्व :: mfn. (-र्व्वः -र्व्वा -र्व्वं) Dwarfish, a dwarf. n. (-र्व्वं) A billion. E. नि certainly, verily खर्व्व short &c.
- निखात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Dug dug, up, excavated. 2. Fixed in the ground as a snake. E. नि before खन् to dig, क्त aff.
- निखिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) All, entire, complete. E. नि negative, खिल de- fective. निवृत्तं खिलं शेषो यस्मात् ।
- निगड :: mn. (-डः-डं) Iron chain for the feet, a fetter, but especially the heel chains of an elephant. E. नि not, गड् to drop, (to drop off,) affix अच् । नि + गल + अच् । डलयोरैक्यात् डत्वम् ।
- निगडित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bound, tied, chained &c. E. निगड a chain, तार-इतच् aff.
- निगण :: m. (-णः) The smoke of a burnt offering or sacrificial fire. E. नि implying certainty, prefixed to गण् to estimate, affix क; by which presence of fire is indicated.
- निगद :: m. (-दः) 1. Speech, speaking, discourse. 2. Audible recitation of prayers or charms. E. नि affirmative prefix, गद speech. अच् aff.
- निगदत् :: mfn. (-दन् -दन्ती -दत्) Speaking, saying, speaking to, addressing. E. निगद to speak, शतृ aff.
- निगदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Said, spoken, E. नि before गद् to speak, क्त aff.
- निगदितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Speaking, having spoken. E. नि before, गद् to speak, क्तवतु aff.
- निगम :: m. (-मः) 1. A town, a city. 2. A market, a fair. 2. Holy writ, the Vedas collectively. 4. A road, a market road. 5. Trade, traffic. 6. A camp or caravan of itinerant dealers, as Bazaris, &c. 7. Certainty, assurance. 8. Logic. E. नि affirmative prefix, गम to go, affix घञ् by which people go, &c. निगम्यते अत्र अनेन वा नि + गम-घञ् ।
- निगमन :: n. (-नं) 1. Certain or logical conclusion, the winding up of a syllogism. 2. Quotations of words from the Vedas. 3. The con- clusion in a syllogism, the deduction (the fifth member of a five- membered syllogism. (In logic.) 4. Going. E. नि, and गमन going.
- निग(गा)र :: m. (-रः) Eating, swallowing E. नि in, गॄ to swallow, affix अप् .
- निग(गा)रण :: n. (-णं) Eating, swallowing. m. (-णः) 1. The throat, the gullet. 2. Smoke of a burnt offering. E. नि prefixed to गॄ to swallow, affix ल्युट् ।
- निगाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Speech, discourse. 2. A prayer recited aloud E. नि before गद् to speak, affix घञ्; also निगद ।
- निगार :: m. (-रः) Swallowing. E. नि prefixed to गॄ to swallow, affix घञ्; also निगर ।
- निगा(ग)ल :: m. (-लः) Throat or neck of a horse. E. नि before, गल् to eat, affix घञ् or नि + गॄ + धञ् अप् वा-रस्य लः ।
- निगालवत् :: m. (-वान्) A horse. E. निगाल as above, and अस्त्यर्थे मतुप् aff. मस्य-वः ।
- निगीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sung, said. E. नि and गीत sung.
- निगु :: m. (-गुः) 1. A root. 2. The mind, the faculty of feeling and reasoning. 3. Painting. 4. excrement E. नि affirmation, ग्रह to take, affix डु । रलोपश्च ।
- निगूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Profound, obscure. 2. Hidden, concealed. 3. Embraced, m. (-ढः) A sort of wild bean; see मुद्ग E. नि before, गुह् to hide or conceal, affix क्त . आलिङ्गिते, वनमुद्गे च ।
- निगूढार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) Having a hidden sense or purpose. E. निगूढ, and अर्थ meaning.
- निगूहनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be hid or concealed. 2. To be protected or defended. E. नि before, गुह् to conceal, अनीयर् aff.
- निगृहीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Assailed, attacked. 2. Harassed, spoiled. 3. Seized, arrested. 4. Restrained, subdued, checked. E. नि before, ग्रह् to take, क्त aff.
- निगृहीति :: f. (-तिः) Restraint, check, &c.: see निग्रह, E. नि before, ग्रह to take, क्तिन् aff.
- निगृह्णत् :: mfn. (-ह्णन् -ह्णन्ती -ह्णत्) 1. Seizing, taking 2. Suppressing, restrain- ing. E. नि before, ग्रह् to take, शतृ aff.
- निगृह्य :: ind. 1. Having taken. 2. Having restrained or suppressed. 3. Having arrested or confined. E. नि before, ग्रह् to take, ल्यप् aff.
- निग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. Aversion, disfavour, discouragement, dislike. 2. Abusing. 3. Binding, confinement, capture, arrest, 4. A binding, a tie. 5. Restraint, subjection. 6. Suppression, putting down. 7. A boundary, a limit. 8. Administering medicine. 9. Killing. 10. A name of KRISHṆA. 11. Removing. 12. A flaw in an argument. 13. A handle. E. नि before, ग्रह् to take or seize, affix अप् .
- निग्रहण :: n. (-णं) 1. Subduing, suppression. 2. Defeat. 3. Capture. 4. Punishment in general. E. नि before ग्रह् to take, ल्युट् aff.
- निग्रहस्थान :: n. (-नं) Failure in logical argument. E. निग्रह, and स्थान place.
- निग्राह :: m. (-हः) Aversion, &c. used as an imprecation, as, निग्राहस्ते भूयात् confusion seize you, &c. E. नि before, ग्रह् to seize, affix घञ् ।
- निघ :: m. (-घः) 1. A round or circle, a ball, any thing whose height and circumference are equal. 2. A tree. 3. Sin. E. नि before, हन् to kill, affix क, deriv irr.
- निघण्टु :: m. (-ण्टुः) A vocabulary, a collection of words or names.
- निघस :: m. (-सः) 1. Food, victuals. 2. Eating, Dining. E. नि before, अद् to eat, अप् affix, and घस् substituted for the root.
- निघाति :: m. (-तिः) An iron club or mace. E. नि before, हन् to kill, इञ् Unādi affix, and घात substituted for the root.
- निघानिघ :: mfn. (-घः -घा -घं) Of different forms or sizes.
- निघुष्ट :: n. (-ष्टं) Sound, noise. E. नि before, घुष् to sound, affix क्त .
- निघृष्व :: m. (-ष्वः) 1. A hoof. 2. A mule. 3. A boar. 4. A road. E. नि before, घृष् to pound, Unādi affix वन् or क्कन् । Der: Irreg.
- निघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्ना -घ्नं) 1. Docile, subservient, domestic, dependant. 2. Completing a quotient, (in Arithmetic.) 3. Dependant on a sub- stantive (as an adjective.) E. नि before, हन् to injure or do mis- chief, घञर्थे क aff.
- निघ्नत् :: mfn. (-घ्नन् -घ्नन्ती -घ्नत्) 1. Slaying. Destroying, overcoming. E. नि before, हन् to kill, शतृ aff.
- निघ्नान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Slaying, killing. E. नि before, हन् to kill, शानच् aff.
- निचय :: m. (-यः) 1. Heap, assemblage, collection. 2. Certainty. 3. An assemblage of parts constituting a whole. E. नि before, चि to collect, affix भावे अच् ।
- निचयिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Having or containing a quantity, full of, redolent with, abounding. E. निचय, and इनि aff.
- निचिकी :: f. (-की) A capital cow: see नैचिकी .
- निचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. full, filled. 2. Covered, overspread. 3. Raised up. 4. Narrowed. E. नि before, चि to collect, affix क्त .
- निचुल :: m. (-लः) 1. A plant, (Barringtonia acutangula.) 2. An upper and outer garment. 3. A name of a poet. E. नि before, चुल् to lift up, affix क । हिज्जले तथा वेतसवृक्षे च ।
- निचुलक :: n. (-कं) A breast-plate, a cuirass. E. क्कुन् added to the preceding; also निचोलक ।
- निचोल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) A cover, a wrapper, a veil, a surtout. 2. A
bed cover. 3. The cover of a litter. E. नि before, चुल् to lift up, affix अच् ।
- निचोलक :: m. (-कः) A sort of jacket, but especially a soldier's jacket, or a body dress, serving as a cuirass or breast-plate. E. कन् added to निचोल ।
- निच्छवि :: m. (-विः) A district, the modern Tirhut. E. नि constantly, छवि light; or निकृष्टा छविरत्र ।
- निच्छिद्र :: mfn. (-द्रः -द्रा -द्रं) Unimpeached. E. नि neg. छिद्र flaw.
- निच्छिवि :: m. (-विः) A man of one of the degraded classes, born from the outcast Kshetriya; the occupation of this caste is apparently public exhibition of tricks, prize-fighting, &c. being classed with the Jhallas, Mallas, and others. E. नि privative, छवि light or credit, इ substituted for the penultimate.
- निच्छेद :: m. (-दः) 1. Cutting off. 2. Leaving no common measure. (In Arithmetic.) E. नि, and छेद cutting.
- निज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) 1. Own. 2. Perpetual, eternal. 3. Peculiar. E. नि implying continuance, and ज what is produced. नितरां जायते नि + जन-ड ।
- निजिघृक्षयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Desirous of making to excel. E. नि be- fore, ग्रह् to take, desid v., शतृ aff.
- निजुह्नुषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing to conceal. E. नि before, ह्नु to hide, desid. v., उ aff.
- निटल :: n. (-लं) The forehead. E. नि before, टल् to be marked, (with frowns, &c.) affix अच्; also with घञ् added निटाल ।
- निटलाक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A name of SIVA E. निटल the forehead, and अक्ष an eye.
- निडीन :: n. (-नं) The downward flight of a bird or a peculiar mode of flying. E. नि affirmative prefix and डीन flight, flying.
- निण्डिका :: f. (-का) A plant commonly Teori.
- नितम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) 1. A woman's buttock's. 2. The buttocks or posteriors in general, or as it is sometimes applied, to the circumference of the hip and loins. 3. The shoulder. 4. The side of a mountain. 5. The sloping bank or shore of a river. E. नि prefixed to तम्ब् to go, affix अच्; or तम् to go with ब aff. निभृतं तम्यते काम्यते कामुकैः ।
- नितम्बिनी :: f. (-नी) A woman with large and handsome posteriors. E. नितम्ब as above, इनि and ङीप् affs.
- नितराम् :: ind. 1. Always, continually, eternally. 2. Especially, particu- larly. 3. Hence. E. नि always, तरप् comparative affix, and आमु added.
- नितल :: m. (-लः) One of the seven divisions of Pātāla or hell. E. नि not, (known,) तल depth. नितान्ते, एकान्ते च ।
- नितान्त :: adj. mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Much, excessive. adv. n. (-न्तं) much, ex- cessively. E. नि prefixed to तम् to desire, affix क्त, and the vowel made long.
- नित्य :: mfn. adj. (-त्यः-त्या-त्यं) 1. Eternal, everlasting, continual, perpe- tual, past, present, and future. 2. Regular, fixed, invariable. 3. Ordinary. 4. Necessary. n. adv. (-त्यं) Always, eternally, conti- nually. sub. Indispensable rite or act. m. (-त्यः) The ocean. f. (-त्या) 1. A name of PĀRVATĪ. 2. The goddess MANASĀ. 3. A Saktī, a form of DURGĀ, or personified energy of SIVA. E. नि particle implying perpetually, and त्यप aff.
- नित्यकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Indispensable act or ceremony, as observance of the five great sacrifices, or any daily and necessary rite. E. नित्य, and कर्म्म act; also नित्यक्रिया, &c.
- नित्यकृत्य :: n. (-त्यं) Regular and necessary act or ceremony. E. नित्य, and कृत्य to be done.
- नित्यगति :: m. (-तिः) Air or wind. E. नित्य eternal, गति motion.
- नित्यता :: f. (-ता) Perpetuity, eternity. E. तल् added to नित्य; also with त्व, नित्यत्वं ।
- नित्यदान :: ind. Always, constantly, and eternally. E. नित्य, and दाच् aff.
- नित्यदान :: n. (-नं) Daily alms. E. नित्य, and दान gift.
- नित्यनैमित्तिक :: n. (-कं) Any act or ceremony which though occasional is of irregular recurrence, as Srāddhas at fixed lunar periods. E. नित्य, and नैमित्तिक occasional; also नित्यनैमित्तिककर्म्मन् ।
- नित्यप्रलय :: m. (-यः) 1. Sleep. 2. The constant loss of living beings. E. नित्य and प्रलय destruction.
- नित्ययुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Always busy or engaged in. E. नित्य and युक्त attached to.
- नित्ययौवन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Ever or always young. f. (-ना) A name of DRAUPADI. E. नित्य always, and यौवन youth.
- नित्यशस् :: ind. Always. constantly, eternally. E. नित्य, and शसि aff.
- नित्यसम :: m. (-मः) An erroneous answer, one asserting perpetuity for perishable things. E. नित्य, and सम same.
- नित्यानध्याय :: m. (-यः) A period when the perusal of the Vedas is invari- ably prohibited, as the day of full moon, new moon, the eighth and fourteenth days of the half month. E. नित्य always, अन् nega- tive prefix, अध्याय to be read.
- नित्यानित्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) Eternal and perishable, permanent and tem- porary, &c. E. नित्य, and अनित्य transient.
- निद (इ) निदि :: r. 1st cl. (निन्दति) To reproach, to blame.
- निद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Abusive. n. (-दं) Poison, venom. E. नि affirmative prefix, दो to destroy, affix ड or निदि-क, वा नलोपः ।
- निदत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Given, given absolutely. E. नि and दत्त given.
- निदद्रु :: mf. (-द्रुः-द्रुः) A man. E. निद poison, and द्रु tree, a living Upas.
- निदर्शन :: n. (-नं) 1. An example or illustration. 2. Injunction, precept. 3. Tenour, purport. 4. Authority, text. 5. A sign. 6. A scheme. 7. View. 8. Evidence. E. नि fully or certainly, दर्शन showing, or नि + दृश ल्युट् ।
- निदाघ :: m. (-घः) 1. The hot season, (May and June.) 2. Heat, warmth. 2. Sweat, perspiration. E. नि always, दह् to burn, आधारे घञ् affix, न्यङ्क्वादि० कुत्वम् ।
- निदाघकर :: m. (-रः) The sun. E. निदाघ the hot season, and कर who makes.
- निदाघकाल :: m. (-लः) The hot season, two months previous to rains, about May and June E. निदाघ, and काल time or season.
- निदाघसिन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) A river in the hot weather, one nearly dry. E. निदाघ, and सिन्धु a river.
- निदान :: n. (-नं) 1. A first cause, a primary or remote cause. 2. Diappear- ance, cessation or removal of a first cause. 3. Purification purity, correctness. 4. Asking for the recompense or objects of austere devo- tion. 5. End, cessation. 6. A rope for tying a calf. 7. Ascertaining the causes of disease, study of symptoms with a view to trace the remote or proximate causes; hence this word is the name of a divi- sion of all works on medicine. E. नि always or certainly, देङ् to cherish affix पालने ल्युट्; by which all effects are produced.
- निदिग्ध :: mfn. (-ग्धः -ग्धा -ग्धं) Smeared, anointed, plastered. f. (-ग्धा) 1. Small cardamoms. 2. Increasing. E. नि prefixed to दिह् to smear, affix क्त .
- निदिग्धिका :: f. (-का) A sort of prickly nightshade, (Solanum jacquini.) E. कन् added to the preceding. कण्टकारिकायाम् ।
- निदिध्यासन :: n. (-नं) Deep and repeated consideration, thinking of or recalling repeatedly. E. नि before, ध्यै in the reiterative form, affix ल्यु .
- निदिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Ordered, directed. 2. Advised, enjoined. 3. Explained, pointed out. E. नि implying certainty, दिश् to show, affix क्त ।
- निदुश :: m. (-शः) A fish.
- निदेश :: m. (-शः) 1. Order, command, direction, instruction. 2. Speech, speaking, saying, relating. 3. Vicinity, proximity. 4. The word of command. E. नि verily, दिश् to show, affix घञ् ।
- निदेशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Showing, directing, pointing out. f. (-नी) 1. A quarter of space. 2. A point of the compass. E. नि before, दिश् to show, णिनि aff.
- निदेष्टृ :: mfn. (-ष्टा -ष्ट्री -ष्टृ) Who or what show or points out, explaining, advising, commanding, &c. E. नि before दिश् to show, तृच् aff.
- निद्रा :: f. (-द्रा) 1. Sleep, sleepiness, sloth. 2. Dream. E. णिद् to condemn or censure, Unādi affix रक्; or द्रै to sleep, affix क्विप् and नि pre- fixed. or more correctly. नि + द्रा भावे अ ।
- निद्राण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Asleep, sleepy, drowsy. 2. Shut up, closed. E. निद्रा as above, affix क्त । नि + द्रा-तस्य नः ।
- निद्रात् :: mfn. (-द्राण द्रान्ती -द्रात्) Sleeping. E. नि before, द्रा to go, affix शतृ ।
- निद्राभङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) Awaked, aroused from sleep. E. निद्रा, भङ्ग breaking.
- निद्रायमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Sleeping, asleep. E. नि before द्रै to sleep, शानच् aff.
- निद्रालु :: mfn. (-लुः -लुः -लु) Sleeping, sleepy, drowsy, slothful. m. (-लुः) A name of Vishṇu. f. (-लुः) A sort of perfume, commonly नीली . E. निद्रा, and शीलार्थे आलु aff.
- निद्रावृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) Darkness. E. निद्रा sleep, and वृक्ष a tree, (whose fruit is sleep.)
- निद्रासंजनन :: n. (-नं) Phlegm, phlegmatic humour. E. निद्रा sleep, and संजनन producing, occasioning. निद्रां संजनयति सम्-जन-णिच् ल्यु ।
- निधन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Poor. mn. (-नः-नं) 1. Race, family. 2. Loss, dis- appearance, annihilation, 3. Death, dying. 4. The seventh asterism of the lunar mansions, reckoning from that under which a person is born. m. (-नः) The head of a family. E. नि before धा to cherish, affix अच्, or नि neg. धन wealth, or नि + धा + क्यु ।
- निधनकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Destroying, destructive. E. निधन and कारिन् making.
- निधनता :: f. (-ता) Poverty. E. निधन, and तल् added; also with त्व, निधनत्वं .
- निधान :: n. (-नं) 1. A Nidhi or divine treasure, belonging especially to KUVERA the god of wealth. 2. A receptacle, a place or vessel in or on which any thing is collected or deposited. 3. Place of cessa- tion or rest. 4. Property, possessions, wealth. E. नि in or on, धा to possess, Unādi affix क्यप् or according to others भावे ल्युट्ः see निधि ।
- निधापक :: m. (-कः) 1. A weapon. 2. Burnt timber, charcoal. 3. The castor oil plant.
- निधाय :: ind. Having fixed or placed in or on. E. नि before धा to have, ल्यप् aff.
- निधि :: m. (-धिः) 1. One of KUVERA'S Nidhis or divine treasures, nine of which are enumerated: viz. The Padma, Mahāpadma, Sankha, Makara, Kachchapa, Mukunda, Kunda, Nila, and Kharba: their nature is not exactly defined, though some of them appears to be precious gems; according to the Tāntrika system, they are per- sonified and worshipped as demi-gods, attendant either upon KUVERA or upon LAKSHMĪ, the goddess of prosperity. 2. A recep- tacle, a place of asylum or accumulation, as a treasury, a granary, a nest, &c.; also figuratively, as गुणनिधिः a man who contains or is endowed with all good qualities. 3. A treasure, any sum or quan- tity of wealth or valuables. 4. A medicinal plant and perfume, commonly Jivaka. 5. The ocean. 6. An epithet of Vishṇu E. नि in, धा to have, affix. आधारे कि ।
- निधिनाथ :: m. (-थः) A name of KUVERA. E. निधि a divine treasure and नाथ lord; also similar compounds, as निधिप्रभु निधीश्वर, &c.
- निधीयमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being in the course of placing, depositing, &c. E. नि before, धा to have, causal form, शानच् aff.
- निधीश :: m. (-शः) KUVERA. E. निधि as above, and ईश lord.
- निधुवन :: n. (-नं) 1. Coition, copulation. 2. Trembling, agitation. 3. Plea- sure, enjoyment. 4. Sport, play, pastime. E. नि before धू to shake or agitate, युच् aff. नितरां धुवनं हस्तपादादिचालनमत्र ।
- निधेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be placed in or on, to be deposited, &c. E. नि before धा to have, यत् aff. स्त्रियां टाप् ।
- निध्यान :: n. (-नं) sight, seeing. E. नि before, ध्यै to think, affix भावे ल्युट् .
- निधुवन :: m. (-नः) Sound. E. नि before, ध्वन् to sound, affix भावे घञ् .
- निनङ्क्षु :: mfn. (-ङ्क्षुः -ङ्क्षुः -ङ्क्षु) Wishing to kill. E. नि before, णश् to destroy, desid. v, उ affix, form irr. or correctly नश-सन्-उ नुम् ।
- निनद :: m. (-दः) Sound in general. E. नि before नद् to sound, affix भावे अप्; also निनाद .
- निनयन :: n. (-नं) Engaging in performance. E. नि before, णी to lead, ल्युट् aff.
- निनाद :: m. (-दः) Sound in general. E. नि before नद् to sound, affix पक्षे घञ्; also निनद .
- निनादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sounded. E. नि before नद् to sound, causal v., क्त aff.
- निनीषा :: f. (-षा) Desire to take or lead. E. णी to lead, desid. form, affixes अङ् . and टाप् .
- निनीषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Desirous to take or lead. E. णी to lead, desid. form, उ aff.
- निन्दक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Reproachful, abusive, scurrilous, censorious. E. निदि to abuse, ण्वुल् aff. or निन्द-वुञ् ।
- निन्दत् :: mfn. (-न्दन् -न्दन्ती -न्दत्) Abusing, blaming. E. निन्द to blame, शतृ aff.
- निन्दतल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Having a maimed or defective hand: it is also sometimes read निम्नतक . E. निन्द as above, तल the fore-arm and कर्मणि घञ् aff.
- निन्दन :: n. (-नं) Reproach, censure, blame. E. णिद्, to reprove, affix ल्युट् .
- निन्दा :: f. (-न्दा) 1. Censure, reproach, reproof, blame, abuse, reviling, defamation. 2. Injury, injuring. 3. Wickedness. E. णिद् to abuse, &c. affixes अङ् and टाप् or निन्दि भावे अ ।
- निन्दास्तुति :: f. (-तिः) Irony, ironical praise. E. निन्दा censure, and स्तुति praise.
- निन्दित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Abused, reviled, reproved, 2. Low, despi- cable, worthy of being reviled. 3. Prohibited, forbidden. E. णिद् to abuse, affix क्त .
- निन्दु :: f. (-न्दुः) A woman bearing a dead child. E. णिदि to abuse, affix कर्मणि उ ।
- निन्द्य :: mfn. (-न्द्यः -न्द्या -न्द्यं) 1. Bad, vile despicable, reprehensible. 2. Forbidden, Prohibited. E. निन्दा, and, यत् aff.
- निप :: mn. (-पः-पं) A water jar. m. (-पः) The Kadamba tree, (Nauclea cadamba.) E. नि continuative Particle, पा to drink, affix करणे घञर्थे क ।
- निप(पा)ठ :: m. (-ठः) Reading, studying or lecturing. E. नि before. पठ् to read, affix भावे अप् पक्षे घञ् वा; also with ल्युट् निपठनं ।
- निपठित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Read, studied, E. नि पठ् to read, क्त . aff.
- निपठिति :: f. (-तिः) Reading, study. E. नि पठ् to read, क्तिन् aff.
- निपतत् :: mfn. (-तन् -तन्ती -तत्) 1. Falling, falling down, prostrating. 2. Alighting. E. नि before पत् to fall, affix शतृ .
- निपतन :: n. (-नं) 1. Falling. 2. Alighting, descending. E. नि in or on, पत to go, ल्युट् aff.
- निपतित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Fallen, fallen down. 2. Alighted, descended. E. नि in or on, पत् to go, क्त aff.
- निपत्य :: ind. 1. Having fallen down, prostrate. 2. Having alighted. E. नि before पत् to fall, ल्यप् aff.
- निपत्या :: f. (-त्या) 1. A field of battle. 2. Any plashy or slippery ground. E. नि in or on, पत् to fall, आधारे क्यप् aff.
- निपाक :: m. (-कः) Cooking, maturing, ripening. E. नि before पच् to cook, affix घञ् ।
- निपाठ :: m. (-ठः) Reading, study of the sacred books, or public perusal of popular poems. E. नि before, पठ् to read, affix घञ् ।
- निपात :: m. (-तः) 1. Death, dying. 2. Falling, coming down, alighting. 3. Irregularity, (in Grammar,) 4. A particle, (in ditto.) 5. Attack- ing. 6. Casting. 7. Accidental occurrence or mention. E. नि before, पत् to go, affix भावे घञ् ।
- निपातन :: n. (-नं) 1. Causing to descend or fall, throwing down. 2. Bea-
ting, knocking down. 3. Killing. 4. (In Grammar,) Irregularity, exception. E. नि before, पत् to fall, it the causal form, णिच्-ल्युट् aff.
- निपातित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Beaten down, made to fall or descend. 2. Killed. 3. Irregular, excepted. E. नि before पत् to fall, causal form, affix क्त ।
- निपान :: n. (-नं) 1. A trough or ditch near a well for watering cattle. 2. A well. 3. Any reservoir of water, a pool, a puddle. 4. A milk- pail. 5. Drinking off, imbibing. E. नि before. पा to drink, आधारे ल्युट् affix: also with कन् added निपानक n. (-कं ।)
- निपीडन :: n. (-नं) 1. Squeezing, pressing. 2. Embracing. 3. Hurting, giving pain. E. नि before, पीड् to give pain, भावे ल्युट् aff.
- निपीडित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Squeezed, pressed. 2. Embraced. 3. Pained, hurt. E. नि before, पीड् to give pain, affix क्त ।
- निपीड्य :: ind. 1. Having pressed or squeezed, having pressed against or upon. 2. Having embraced, 3. Having hurt. E. नि before, पीड् to pain and ल्यप् aff.
- निपीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Drank, drank up. 2. Absorbed, imbibed, dried up. E. नि before, पा to drink, क्त aff.
- निपीतमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being drank. E. नि before, पा to drink, pass. form, शानच् aff.
- निपुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Clever, skilful, conversant with. 2. Skilled in. 3. Kindly or friendly towards. 4. Sharp, fine, delicate. 5. Com- plete, perfect. E. नि before, पुण् to be pure, affix क ।
- निफालन :: n. (-नं) Seeing, sight.
- निबद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Bound, confined. 2. Bound, costive. 3. Fixed upon, fastened to. 4. Checked, restrained, 5. Restricted to. E. नि before बध् to bind, and, affix क्त ।
- निबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) 1. Epistasis suppression of urine or constipation. 2. Commentary, explanation of technical rules. 3. The Nimb tree: see निम्ब . 4. Binding, confinement. 5. Intentness on or attachment to. 6. A grant of property, an assignment of cattle or money for support, a corrody. 7. Fixed property, not moveable or fluctuating. 8. A bond, a fetter. n. (-न्धं) Song, singing. E. नि before, बन्धि to bind, affix घञ् ।
- निबन्धदान :: n. (-नं) Grant of an assignment, gift of a corrody. E. निबन्ध, and दान gift.
- निबन्धन :: n. (-नं) 1. Cause, motive, origin. 2. Binding, confining. 3. Checking, restraining. 4. Fastening. 5. A grant, an assignment. 6. A commentary. 7. The tie or peg of a lute. 8. Constructing, building. 9. A receptacle. 10. A bond, a fetter. 11. Support. 12. Syntax. (in gram.) 13. Composing. 14. Composition, a treatise. E. नि before, बधि to bind, affix ल्युट् .
- निबन्धित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bound, confined, tied. E. नि before, बन्ध् to bind affix क्त .
- निबन्धृ :: mfn. (-न्धा -न्ध्री -न्धृ) Who or what ties or binds. m. (-न्धा) An author, a commentator. E. नि affirmative, बन्ध् bind, तृच् aff.
- निभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Like, resembling, similar. mn. (-भः-भं) 1. fraud, trick, disguise, pretence. 2. Light, manifestation, appearance. E. नि before, भा to shine, affix क .
- निभालन :: n. (-नं) Sight, seeing. E. नि before भाल् to see, affix ल्युट् .
- निभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Past, gone. f. (-ता) Quite frightened. E. नि affirm- ative, भूत been.
- निभृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Modest, humble, unassuming. 2. Lonely, soli- tary. 3. Placed down. 4. Secret. 5. Still, Silent. 6. Firm. 7. On the point of setting. 8. Filled with. E. नि before, भृ to cherish, affix क्त .
- निभृतम् :: ind. 1. Privately, apart. 2. Unobservedly in a corner. 2. Cover- tly, in disguise or out of sight. E. नि before, भृ to cherish, affix क्त and मुट् added.
- निम :: m. (-मः) A pin, a stake. E. नि in, माञ् to plunge or stick, affix ड; stuck in the ground.
- निमग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) 1. Plunged in, immersed. 2. Gone down, set. 3. Over whelmed. E. नि in, मस्ज to bathe, affix क्त ।
- निमज्जत् :: mfn. (-ज्जन् -ज्जन्ती -ज्जत्) Bathing, plunging in. E. नि before, मस्ज to bathe, शतृ aff.
- निमज्जथु :: m. (-थुः) 1. Sleep, sleeping. 2. The act of diving or entering into. E. नि in, मस्ज to bathe. भावे अथुच् aff.
- निमज्जन :: n. (-णं) 1. Bathing. 2. Immersion. E. नि before, मस्ज to bathe, भावे ल्युट् aff.
- निमन्त्रण :: n. (-णं) 1. Summoning, calling. 2. Inviting, invitation, 3. A summons. E. नि affirmative, मन्त्रण advising or नि + मन्त्र-भावे-ल्युट् ।
- निमन्त्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Summoned, convoked. 2. Invited. E. नि be- fore मन्त्र to advise, affix क्त्र .
- निमय :: m. (-यः) Barter, exchange. E. नि before, मि to measure, to mete, affix अच् ।
- निमातव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be exchanged or bartered. E. नि before, मा to measure, तव्य aff.
- निमि :: m. (-मिः) 1. Twinkling. 2. A son of IKSHWAKU condemned to reside in the twinkle of the eye.
- निमित्त :: n. (-त्तं) 1. Cause, motive, instrumental cause. 2. Mark, sign, spot, trace, token. 3. Omen. 4. A butt, a target. 5. Pretext. E. नि before, मि to measure, क्त affix, also with कन् added निमित्तक ।
- निमित्तक :: n. (-कं) 1. Kissing, a kiss. 2. Cause, &c. E. See the last.
- निमित्तकारण :: n. (-णं) The instrumental cause, the material or the agent, especially the deity considered as the agent in creation. E. निमित्त the instrumental cause, कारण cause.
- निनित्तकाल :: m. (-लः) Any given or specific time. E. निमित्त, and काल time.
- निमित्तत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Causality, instrumentality. E. निमित्त, and त्व affix, also with तल् निमित्तता ।
- निमित्तधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) 1. Expiation. 2. Any occasional or special penance, rite, or obligation. E. निमित्त, and धर्म्म piety.
- निमित्तमात्र :: n. (-त्रं) The mere agent or instrument. E. निमित्त and मात्र alone.
- निमित्तविद् :: m. (-विद्) An astrologer. E. निमित्त a mark (lucky or un- lucky,) and विद् who knows.
- निमित्तावृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Dependence upon a special cause or occasion. E. निमित्त and आवृत्ति revolving.
- निमिष :: m. (-षः) 1. Twinkling of the eye. 2. The twinkling of an eye considered as a measure of time. 3. A name of VISHṆU. E. नि before, मिष् to twinkle, affix क; also with घञ् affix निमेष, or निमि a proper name षद् to go, ड aff.
- निमिषत् :: mfn. (-षन् षन्ती -षत्) Blinking, closing the eyelids. E. निमिष् to twinkle, शतृ aff.
- निमिलत् :: mfn. (-लन् -लन्ती -लत्) Twinkling, closing, (as the eye.) E. नि be- fore मील् to disappear, शतृ aff.
- निमीलन :: n. (-नं) 1. Death, dying. 2. Twinkling of the eye, shutting of the eyelids, winking. 3. Total eclipse. E. नि before, मील् to dis- appear, &c. affix भावे ल्युट् ।
- निमीलिका :: f. (-का) 1. Fraud, trick, disguise. 2. Twinkling of the eye, winking. blinking. 3. Conniving at anything. E. नि before, मील to twinkle, affixes, वुन् and ठाप् .
- निमीलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Closed, (as the eyelid,) twinkled, blinked. E. नि before, मील् to disappear, क्त aff.
- निमेय :: m. (-यः) Barter, exchange. E. नि before, मि to measure, affix यत् ।
- निमेष :: m. (-षः) 1. Twinkling of the eye. 2. A momentary space of time, a twinkling of the eye considered as measure of time: see निमिष नि + मिष भावे घञ् ।
- निमेषक :: m. (-कः) 1. Twinkling of the eye. 2. A firefly. E. कन् added to the last.
- निमेषकृत् :: f. (-कृत्) Lightning. E. निमेष twinkling, and कृत् what makes. निमेषं करोति कृ-क्विप् तुक् ।
- निमेषरुच् :: m. (-रुक्) A firefly. E. निमेष a twinkling, रुच् who shines.
- निम्न :: mfn. (-म्नः -म्ना -म्नं) 1. Deep, profound, (literally or figuratively.) 2. Low. 3. Low land 4. A slope. 5. A gap, a chasm in the ground. 6. A depression. E. नि before, म्ना to mind, affix क .
- निम्नग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Deep, going deep. f. (-गा) A river. E. निम्न deep, and ग what goes. निम्नं गच्छति गम-ड ।
- निम्नता :: f. (-ता) Depth, profundity. E. निम्न with तल् affix; also with त्व, निम्नत्वं .
- निम्नोन्नत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) High and low, up and down. E. निम्न, and उन्नत high.
- निम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) The Nimb or Neemb tree, (Melia azadiracta.) E. निबि to sprinkle, affix अच्; also with कन् added, निम्बकः these words are written with either व or ब, as निम्ब or निम्ब .
- निम्बतरु :: m. (-रुः) The coral tree, (Erythrina fulgens;) it is considered as one of the trees of paradise. E. निम्ब as above, and तरु a tree.
- निम्बूक :: m. (-कः) The common lime, (Citrus acida.)
- नियत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Self-governed, subdued, restrained. 2. Attentive, fixed or intent upon. 3. Constant, permanent. 4. Ascertained, certain, fixed. 5. Inevitable. 6. Positive, definite. 7. Permeable, what may be spread through or over. n. adv. (-तं) Always, cons- tantly. subst. Elementary or crude matter, the recipient of attri- butes or properties. E. नि before, यम् to restrain affix क्त .
- नियतमानस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Of subdued mind or spirit. E. नियत, and मानस the mind.
- नियतात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Self-regulated, self-controlled or restrained. E. नियत, and आत्मन् self.
- नियताहार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Abstemious, moderate. E. नियत, and आहार food.
- नियति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Destiny, luck, good or bad fortune. 2. A religious duty or obligation. 3. Self-command, self-restraint. 4. A name of DURGĀ. 5. Abidyā, or the will of god E. नि before, यम् to re- frain, affix करणे क्तिन् or क्तिच् ।
- नियतेन्द्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Of restrained or subdued passions. E. नियत controlled, इन्द्रिय an organ of sense.
- नियन्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be restrained, checked, controlled, &c. E. नि before, यम् to restrain, तव्य aff.
- नियन्तृ :: mfn. (-न्ता -न्त्री -न्तृ) Who or what restrains, governs, or guides m. (-न्ता) 1. A charioteer, a coachman. 2. A ruler, a governor, a mas- ter. 3. A punisher. E. नि before यम् to restrain, affix तृच् .
- नियन्त्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Checked, restrained, governed, guided. E. नि affirmative particle, यम् to restrain or check, affix क्त ।
- नियम :: m. (-मः) 1. Agreement, contract, engagement, assent, promise. 2. Any religious observance voluntarily practised, as fasting, watching, pilgrimage, praying, &c. voluntary penance, meritor- ious or supererogatory piety. 3. A religious observance or obligation in general. 4. Certainty, ascertainment. 5. Rule, precept. 6. Usage, practice. 7. Common places in poetry, conventional expression, as notice of the Birch in describing the Himālaya, of the Sandal tree in describing the Malaya mountain, the white- ness of vesture, blackness of hair, the cry of the peacock in the rains, of the kokila in spring, &c, E. नि before, यम् to refrain, affix घञ् वा ह्रस्वः ।
- नियमन :: n. (-नं) 1. Precept, fixed practice or rule. 2. Binding. 3. Res- training, checking. E. नि before, यम् to restrain, affix भावे ल्युट् .
- नितमपर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Observing fixed rules. 2. Relating to or corroborative of a rule. E. नियम, and पर attached to.
- नियमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Regulated, prescribed. 2. Governed, guided. 3. Checked, restrained. 4. Bound, confined. E. नि before, यम् to check, णिच्-कर्मणि क्त affix.
- नियम्य :: ind. Having restrained. mfn. (-म्यः -म्या -म्यं) To be checked or res- trained. E. नि before, यम् to govern, ल्यप् or यत् aff.
- नियातन :: n. (-नं) Causing to fall or descend: see निपातन । नितरां यात्यते याति-ल्युट् ।
- नियाम :: m. (-मः) 1. Religious act, penance, fasting, &c. especially if an act of supererogation. 2. Restraint. E. नि before, यम् to restrain, affix घञ्ः see नियम .
- नियामक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Guiding, governing, what regulates or res- trains. m. (-कः) 1. A boatman, a sailor; but variously applied to one who rows, who steers, or who keeps a lookout from the mast head. 2. A pilot, a helmsman. 3. A charioteer. E. नि before, यम् to go or stop, affix णिच् ण्वु ल् .
- नियुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Engaged in, applying or attached to. 2. Authorized, called, appointed. 3. Directed, enjoined, commanded. 4. Ascertained. 5. Fastened or attached to. E. नि before, युज् to join, affix क्त .
- नियुञ्जान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Authorizing, appointing. E. नि before, युज् to join, शानच् aff.
- नियुज्य :: ind. 1. Having joined or attached to. 2. Having put to or har- nessed. E. नि before, युज् to join, ल्यप् aff.
- नियुत :: mn. (-तः-तं) 1. A million. 2. A hundred thousand. 3. Ten thou- sand krores. E. नि before, यु to join, affix क्त .
- नियुद्ध :: n. (-द्धं) Close fight, personal struggle. E. नि before, युद्ध fight, contest.
- नियोक्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be appointed or authorized. E. नि, युज् to join, affix तव्य .
- नियोग :: m. (-गः) 1. An order or command. 2. Authority, appointment. 3. Occupation, appointed duty. 4. Effort, exertion. 5. Ascertain- ment, certainty. 6. Incidence, occurrence. 7. The practise in ancient times by which a childless widow was permitted to have intercourse with the brother or any other near relative of her deceased husband to raise up issue to him. E. नि before, युज् to join, affix घञ् कुत्वम् ।
- नियोगप्रयोजन :: n. (-नं) The object of any appointment, authorized act or duty. E. नियोग, and प्रयोजन cause.
- नियोगविधि :: m. (-धिः) The form of appointing to any act or duty. E. नियोग and विधि rule.
- नियोगार्थ :: m. (-र्थः) The object of an authorized act or appointment E. नियोग and अर्थ object.
- नियोगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) 1. Engaged in any pursuit, closely attached to it or engrossed by it. 2. Appointed, authorized, entrusted with authority, &c. m. (-गी) A minister, a deputy, an agent, &c. E. नियोग and इनि aff.
- नियोग्य :: mfn. (-ग्यः -ग्या -ग्यं) Fit to be appointed or authorized, able or fit for a duty. m. (-ग्यः) A master. E. नि before, युज् to join, अहार्थे कर्त्तरि ण्यत् aff.
- नियोजन :: n. (-नं) 1. Ordering, commanding, directing. 2. Uniting, attaching to. 3. Urging, impelling. 4. Fasting. E. नि before, युज् to join, affix भावे ल्युट् ।
- नियोजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Entrusted with, appointed to. 2. Directed, ordered. 3. Impelled, urged to, instigated. 4. Joined or attached to. 5. Suited or adapted to, connected with, &c. E. नि before, युज् to join, क्त affix, with इट् augment.
- नियोजनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be attached or joined to. E. नि, युज् to join, अनीयर् aff.
- नियोज्य :: mfn. (-ज्यः -ज्या -ज्यं) 1. To be attached to. 2. To be appointed to or employed in. 3. To be commanded, instigated, &c. m. (-ज्यः) A servant. E. नि before, युज् to join, शक्यार्थे कर्मणि ण्यत् aff.
- नियोद्धृ :: m. (-द्धा) 1. A cock. 2. A combatant, a wrestler, a boxer, E. नि near, युध् to fight, तृच् aff.
- निर् :: ind. 1. A particle and prefix implying certainty, assurance. 2. Negation, privation. 2. Outside, out, without, forth. E. नॄ to guide, affix क्विप् .
- निरक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) 1. Having no dice, &c. 2. Having no latitude. m. (-क्षः) (In Astronomy.) The terrestrial equator. E. निर् and अक्ष a die, &c.
- निरक्षदेश :: m. (-शः) 1. A first meridian, as Lankā, a place where the sun is always vertical and the days and nights are equal. 2. The equatorial region. E. निर् and अक्ष latitude, देश a country.
- निरग्नि :: mfn. (-ग्निः -ग्निः -ग्नि) Having lost or neglected the consecrated fire. E. निर् अग्नि fire.
- निरङ्कुश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -श) Unchecked, uncontrolled, self-willed, indepen- dant E. निर् privative, अङ्कुश a hook for guiding an elephant.
- निरङ्कुशत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Self-willed, wilfulness. E. त्व added to the foregoing; also with तल् निरङ्कुशता .
- निरञ्जन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Void of passion or emotion. 2. Unstained, unblackened. n. (-नं) The Supreme Being. f. (-ना) The day of full- moon. m. (-नः) An Epithet of Sīva. E. नि neg. रञ्जन affection; or निर् not, अञ्जन collyrium; figuratively, darkness.
- निरत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Engaged or interested in. 2. Attached or devot- ed to. E. नि, and रत occupied.
- निरत्यय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Faultless, unblamable. E. निर् neg. अत्यय fault.
- निरनुक्रोश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Hard-hearted, destitude of compassion. E. निर् and अनुक्रोश pity.
- निरनुक्रोशता :: f. (-ता) Cruelty, hard-hearted-ness. E. तल् added to the last.
- निरनुरोध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Unkind unfavourable. E. निर् neg. अनुरोध favour.
- निरन्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Coarse, gross, without interstices. 2. Conti- nuous. 3. Uninterrupted, continual. 4. Unbounded. 5. Identical, not different. 6. Unconcealed, not hidden or vanished. 7. Not external, &c. E. निर् not, अन्तर interval, difference, &c.
- निरन्तराल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Narrow, contracted. E. निर् neg. अन्तराल in- termediate space.
- निरन्ताभ्यास :: m. (-सः) 1. Private study, reading to one's self the sacred works. 2. Diligent and uninterrupted pursuit, exercise, practice. E. निर् not, अन्तर between, अभ्यास practice.
- निरन्वय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Childless, having no family, 2. Unconnected with, not belonging or related to. 3. Done in one's absence, not done openly or visibly. 4. Unmethodical, ill arranged. E. निर् neg. अन्वय descent, connexion.
- निरप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Destitute of water. E. निर्, and अप water.
- निरपत्रप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) 1. Shameless, impudent. 2. Bold, confident. E. निर् not, अपत्रप shame.
- निरपराध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Faultless, blameless. E. निर् neg. अपराध fault.
- निरपवर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) 1. Non-returning or turning back 2. (In Arithmetic,) Leaving no common measure. E. निर्, and अपवर्त्त returning.
- निरपाय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Free from destruction or decay, eternal. E. निर् neg. अपाय loss.
- निरपेक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) 1. Independent of, unconnected or unconcerned with. 2. Careless, indifferent, negligent. 3. Without purpose or hope. E. निर्, and अपेक्षा regard to.
- निरब्भ्र :: mfn. (-ब्भ्रः -ब्भ्रा -ब्भ्रं) Cloudless. E. निर्, and अब्भ्र a cloud.
- निरय :: m. (-यः) Hell. E. निर् out, beyond, अय good fortune.
- निरर्गल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Unobstructed, unrestrained, unimpeded. E. निर् not, अर्गल a bolt or bar.
- निरर्थक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Vain, fruitless, unprofitable. 2. Unmeaning. E. निर् not, अर्थ object, end, कन् added.
- निरव :: m. (-वः) Loss of voice. E. नि neg. and रव sound.
- निरवग्रह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Self-willed, headstrong, independent, uncon- trolled. E. निर् neg. अवग्रह control.
- निरवद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) Unobjectionable, unexceptionable. E. निर् neg. अवद्य not to be said.
- निरवशेषतस् :: ind. Fully, particularly, circumstantially. E. निर् neg. अवशेषतस् a remainder.
- निरवसाद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Animated, anxious, eager. E. निर् neg. अवसाद languor.
- निरवहानिका :: f. (-का) A fence, a hedge, an outer wall. E. निर् out, with- out, and अवहानिका a fence. निर + अव + हन-ण्वुल ।
- निरशन :: n. (-नं) Fasting, going without food. E. निर् and अशन, eating.
- निरस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) 1. Dry. 2. Insipid, tasteless. m. (-सः) 1. Insi- pidity, want of flavour or passion. 2. Dryness, want of juice. E. नि neg. रस juice, &c. also नीरस .
- निरसन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) What removes, expels, subdues, checks, &c. n. (-नं) n. 1. Rejection, denial, contradiction, disallowance. 2. Suppressing, checking. 3. Appeasing. 4. Expelling, ejecting, 5. Spitting, spitting out any thing with sickness or disgust. 6. Kill- ing, destroying. E. निर् out or forth. अस् to throw ल्युट् affix or युच्
- निरस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Expelled, sent forth or out. 2. Sent, thrown, cast, directed. 3. Thrown off, (as from a horse.) 4. Abandoned, deserted, left. 5. Rejected, disallowed. 6. Shot, (as an arrow,) 7. Uttered ra pidly, hurried. 8. Destroyed, 9. Gone, absent, what is not. 10. Suppressed, checked. 11. Torn or taken. 12. Broken, (as an agreement.) E. निर् out or forth, अस् to throw or send, affix कर्मणि क्त .
- निरस्य :: ind. Having ejected or thrown out. 2. Having expelled, &c. E. निर् and अस् to throw. ल्यप् aff.
- निरस्यत् :: mfn. (-स्यन् -स्यन्ती -स्यत्) 1. Ejecting, thrown out. 2. Abandoning, neglecting. 3. Expelling. 4. Scattering. 5. Destroying, &c. E. निर् out, अस् to throw, शतृ aff.
- निरस्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Being suppressed or checked. 2. Being ab- andoned 3. Suppressing. 4. Expelling. 5. Scattering, &c. E. निर् before, अस् to throw, either a. or p. voice, शानच् aff.
- निरहङ्कार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Humble, free from pride. E. निर् neg. अहङ्कार pride.
- निराकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Obstruction, opposition, contradiction. rejection. 2. Refutation, reply. 3. Holding in consideration, making light of, contempt, disesteem. 4. Expelling, turning out or away. 5. Throwing out or off. 6. Neglecting the chief sacrificial or religious duties. E. निर् privative particle, and आङ् before, कृ to do or make, affix ल्युट् .
- निराकरिष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) 1. Obstructive, obstructing. 2. Disdaining, despising. E. निर्, and आङ् before कृ, affix शोलार्थे इष्णुच् .
- निराकार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Devoid of form or figure. 2. Formless. 3 Disguise. m. (-रः) 1. Heaven. 2. VISHṆU. 3. SĪVA. 4. The divine spirit, God. 5. Reproach, censure. E. निर . implying negative or depreciation, and आकार shape, &c.
- निराकुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Calm, steady, unperplexed, unconfused. E. निर् neg. आकुल agitated.
- निराकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Removed, rejected, set aside. 2. Refuted, replied to. 3. Made light of, contemned, despised. 4. Expelled, turned out. 5. Thrown from or off. 6. Divorced. E. निरा, and कृत done, with आङ् prefixed.
- निराकृति :: mfn. (-ति -तिः -ति). 1. A person who has not duly gone through a course of study, especially applied however to the religious student, who has not duly read the Vedas. 2. One who neglects the five great religious obligations. 3. Shapeless, formless, viewless. m. (-तिः) 1. Rejection, contradiction, opposi- tion, disallowance. 2. Obstacle, impediment. E. निरा implying privation or obstruction, कृति making, causing; or निर् private and आकृति form. निर + आ + कृ क्तिन् or कर्त्तरि क्त्रिच् ।
- निराक्रोश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Unaccused, unreviled. E. निर्, and आक्रोश exclaiming.
- निरागस् :: mfn. (-गाः -गाः -गः) Sinless, faultless, E. निर् neg. आगस् sin.
- निराचार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Lawless, corrupt, barbarian, depraved. E. निर् not, आचार moral ordinances: it is especially applied to those people who have not the ordinances of the Vedas or distinction of Casts, &c. and comprises all, therefore, except Hindūs.
- निरातपा :: f. (-पा) Night. E. निर् not, none, and आतप sunshine.
- निरादिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Given, paid, (as a debt) delivered. E. निर्, and आदिष्ट shown.
- निरादेश :: m. (-शः) Payment, discharge, delivery. E. निर्, and आङ् before, दिश् to show, affix घञ् .
- निरानन्द :: mfn. (-न्दः -न्दा -न्दं) Causing no pleasure, undelighting. E. निर् neg. आनन्द happiness.
- निरापद् :: mfn. (-द् or -त्) Prosperous, fortunate. E. निर् neg. आपद् misfortune.
- निराबाध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Frivolously or unreally vexatious, (as a cause of complaint.) E. निर् private, आङ् before, बाधा pain, annoyance.
- निरामय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Well, hale, recovered from sickness. m. (-यः) 1. A wild goat. 2. A hog, a boar. E. निर् not, आमय sickness.
- निरामालु :: m. (-लुः) The wood apple: see कपित्थ .
- निरामिषाशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) 1. Living without meat. 2. Free from sensual desires. E. निर्, आमिष flesh, अशिन् who eats.
- निराय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Having no income or profit, yielding none &c. E. निर् neg. आय receipt.
- निरायत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Contracted, compact. E. निर् neg. आयत spread.
- निरायव्ययवत् :: m. (-वान्) An idler who lives by clandestine means, has neither income nor expenditure. E. निर्, आय income, व्यय expense, मतुप् aff.
- निरायास :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Not giving trouble, ready, easily attainable. E. निर् neg. आयास exertion.
- निरायुध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Unarmed, defenceless. E. निर् neg. आयुध a weapon.
- निरालम्ब :: mfn. (-म्बः -म्बा -म्बं) 1. Self-supported, not relying on another. 2. The supreme being. E. निर्, आलम्ब stay.
- निराश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) 1. Hopeless, despairing. 2. Disappointed. E. निर्, and आश hope.
- निराशिस् :: mfn. (-शिः -शिः -शिः) Without a blessing. E. निर्, and आशिस् blessing.
- निराश्रय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Without refuge, destitute. E. निर्, and आश्रय an asylum.
- निरास :: m. (-सः) 1. Opposing. rejecting. 2. Dispension. 3. Ejecting. expelling. 4. Removal. 5. Abandonment. 6. Vomitting. E. निर् out, and अस to be, भावे घञ् ।
- निरासन :: n. (-नं) 1. Rejection, contradiction. 2. Killing, destroy- ing. 3. spitting out. E. निर् before, अस् to be, &c. with आङ् prefixed and ल्युट् affix; also निरसन .
- निराहार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Fasting through necessity or choice. E. निर् privative, आहार food.
- निरास्पद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Restless, anxious, unappeasable. 2. Homeless, portionless. E. निर् neg. आस्पद station.
- निरिङ्गिणी :: f. (-णी) A veil. E. निर् negative, अङ्ग a hint, इनि and ङीप् affs. निभृतमङ्गं निरङ्गं तदस्त्यस्या आच्छादत्वेन इनि ङीप् ।
- निरिन्द्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Imperfect, mutilated, maimed. E. निर् privative, इन्द्रिय an organ of sense.
- निरीक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Looking at, regarding, seeing. 2. Expecting. E. निर्, and ईक्षण seeing.
- निरीक्षत् :: mfn. (-क्षन् -क्षन्ती -क्षत्) 1. Looking at, regarding. 2. Ex- pecting, hoping. E. निर्, and ईक्षत् seeing.
- निरीक्षमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Looking at, regarding. 2. Hoping, expecting. E. निर् before, ईक्ष् to see, शनच् aff.
- निरीक्षा :: f. (-क्षा). 1. Looking at, regarding. 2. Hope, expectation. E. निर् before, ईक्ष् to see. अङ् and टाप् aff.
- निरीक्षामाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Being regarded or looked at. E. निर् and ईक्ष to see, pass. शानच aff.
- निरोक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Seen beheld, looked at. 2. Hoped, ex- pected. E. निर्, and ईक्षित seen.
- निरीश(ष) :: n. (-शं) The body of a plough. E. ईश or ईष the shaft of the plough, and निर् forth or from, prefixed; hence also निरीष n. (-षं).
- निरीह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Indifferent, desireless, unanxious. E. निर् neg. ईह who seeks.
- निरीहता :: f. (-ता) Indifference, absence of effort or wish to get any- thing. E. तल् added to the preceeding; also with त्व, निरीहत्वं .
- निरुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Said, described. 2. Obscure, obsolete. n. (-क्तं) 1. One of the Vedāngas or works considered as supple- mentary to and connected with the Vedas, forming a part of the scriptural or sacred science: glossarial explanation of obscure terms especially those occurring in the Vedas. 2. Explanation of the concord or disagreement of letters, &c. 3. Separation or analysis of a derivative or compound word. 4. The name of the Yāskās commentary on the Nighantus. 5. Loud, Distinct. E. निर् negative or affirmative prefix, उक्त spoken, said.
- निरुक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) The Vedanga or portion of the scriptural science, which explains obscure and obsolete terms. 2. Explanation of words. 3. An artificial explanation of the derivation of a word; (In rhetoric). see the last. E. निर्, and उक्ति saying, or निर् + वच-क्तिन् ।
- निरुच्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being uttered or said. E. निर्, and उच्यमान being spoken.
- निरुच्छास :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Breathless. 2. Narrow, contracted, crowded. E. निर् and उच्छास breathing.
- निरुत्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Non-plussed, without an answer. E. निर्, and उत्तर an answer.
- निरुत्साह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Indolent, indifferent. E. निर् neg. उत्माह effort.
- निरुत्सुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -क) Unanxious, unregretting. E. निर् neg. उत्सुक sorrowing for.
- निरुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Stopped, checked, restrained, hindered. 2. Confined, imprisoned. E. नि, and रुद्ध hindered.
- निरुद्धप्रकष(स) :: m. (-षः or सः) Stricture of the urethra. E. निरुद्ध, and प्रकष what pains.
- निरुद्धशमवृत्ति :: mfn. (-त्तिः -त्तिः -त्ति) Wearied, tired. E. निरुद्ध, and शमवृत्ति repose.
- निरुद्द्राव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Immoveable, undecaying. E. निर्, and उद्द्राव going away.
- निरुद्विग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) Sedate, free from perturbation. E. निर्, and उद्विग्न perturbed.
- निरुद्योग :: mfn. (-गः -गः -गं) Causeless, groundless. E. निर् negative, उद्योग cause.
- निरुन्धत् :: mfn. (-न्धन् -न्धन्ती -न्धत्) Hindering, checking, suppressing. E. नि before, रुध to hinder, शतृ aff.
- निरुन्धान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Hindering, opposing. 2. Preventing, depriving of. E. नि before, रुध to hinder, शानच् aff.
- निरुपद्रव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -) Free from any national distress or affliction, free from tyranny. E. निर्, and उपद्रव violence.
- निरुपप्लव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Free from trouble or alarm. E. निर् and उपप्लव calamity.
- निरुपम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Unequalled, having no resemblance or likeness. E. निर्, and उपमा similitude.
- निरुपेक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Honest, free from trick or fraud. E. निर्, and उपेक्षा trick.
- निरूढ :: mfn. (-ढ -ढा -ढं) 1. Conventional, accepted, (as the meaning of
technical words or names in opposition to their etymological sense alone.) 2. Unmarried 3. Inherent. m. (-ढः) 1. The force or applica- tion of words, according to their natural or received meanings, (in Rhetoric) 2. (In Logic,) The implied description of any property in the term designing it, (as of redness in the word red, &c.) E. नि affix, and रूढ ascended; or निर् neg. ऊढ married.
- निरूपण :: n. (-णं) 1. Sight, seeing. 2. Doubt, discussion, investigation. 3 Ascertaining, determining. 4. Searching, looking for. 5. Form, shape. E. नि implying certainty, रूप to have form, affix ल्युट् .
- निरूपणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be discussed, to be investigated. 2. To be sought or looked for. E. नि before, रूप to have form, अनीयर् aff.
- निरूपयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) 1. Searching, looking for. 2. Investigating, considering. E. नि, रूप to have form, शतृ aff.
- निरूपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Seen, beheld. 2. Ascertained. 3. Discovered, found. 4. Appointed, deputed, directed to do any thing. 5. Con- sidered, weighed. E. नि before, रूप to have form, affix क्त .
- निरूप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) To be seen or ascertained. ind. Having seen or considered, E. नि before, रूप to have form, यत् or ल्यप् aff.
- निरूप्यत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Ascertaining, determining. E. त्व added to the last: also with तल् निरूप्यता .
- निरूह :: m. (-हः) 1. A complete sentence, one having no ellipsis. 2. Certainty, ascertainment. 3. Logic, disputation. 4. An enema, one not of an oily kind. E. निर् privative, and ऊह reasoning, &c. करणे घञ् ।
- निरूहण :: n. (-णं) 1. Ascertaining. 2. Administering enemata not of an oily kind. E. निर before, ऊह to reason, affix ल्युट् .
- निरृति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Free from violence, tyranny, &c. m. (-तिः) A demi-god and ruler of the south-west quarter: see नैरृति f. (-तिः) 1. Misfortune, calamity. 2. Security, prosperity, immunity from tyranny or violence. E. निर् implying reverse, ऋति good fortune, &c.
- निरृथ :: m. (-थः) The Sāma Veda. E. निर्, ऋ to go, Unādi affix थक् .
- निरेभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भ) Silent, noiseless. E. नि neg. रेभ sounding.
- निरोध :: m. (-धः) 1. Loss, destruction. 2. Opposition, hindrance, check, restraint, prevention. 3. A version, disfavour, dislike. 4. Preserving. 5. Confinement. E. नि before, रुध् to oppose, affix भावे घञ् .
- निर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) Country, region, place or province. E. निर् forth, गम् to go, affix अधिकरणे ड .
- निर्गत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Gone out or forth. 2. Expended, extinct, de- parted. E. निर् out, गत gone.
- निर्गन्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Inodorous, void of fragrance or smell. E. निर् neg. गन्ध smell.
- निर्गन्धन :: n. (-नं) Killing, slaughter. E. निर्, affirmative particle, गन्ध to hurt, affix ल्युट् .
- निर्गन्धपुष्पी :: f. (-ष्पी) The Simul or silk cotton tree. E. निर्गन्ध, पुष्प a flower, ङीष् aff.
- निर्गम :: m. (-यः) 1. Going forth or out, exit. 2. Total loss or departure. E. निर् out, गम going; also निर्गमन and निर्गति .
- निर्गुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Void, of all properties. 2. Bad, worthless, having no good qualities. 3. Stringless. m. (-णः) The Supreme Being, or any deity so considered. E. निर् privative, and गुण a property, an excellence.
- निर्गुणत्व :: n. (-त्वं) The state of being free from all qualities, an attribute especially of the Supreme Being. E. निर्गुण, and त्व affix; also with तल्, निर्गुणता .
- निर्गुण्ठी :: f. (-ण्ठी) 1. A shrub, (Vitex negundo.) 2. Another plant, (नीलशेफालिका) 3. The root of the lotus. E. निर् forth or out, गुठी or गुडि to surround, क affix, fem. affix ङीष्; hence also निर्गुण्डी f. (-ण्डी) निसिन्दावृक्षेच ।
- निर्गूढ :: m. (-ढः) The hollow of a tree. E. निर् in, गुह to hide, aff. क्त .
- निर्ग्रन्थ :: m. (-न्थः) 1. A saint, a devotee, one who has withdrawn from the world, and lives either as a beggar or a hermit. 2. A religious character wandering about naked. 3. A pauper, a beggar. 4. An idiot, a fool. 5. A gambler. E. निर not, ग्रन्थ a knot or tie, or figuratively, attachment.
- निर्ग्रन्थक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Unattended, unaccompanied. 2. Abandon- ed, deserted. 3. Clever, expert, conversant. m. (-कः) 1. A religious mendicant. 2. A naked devotee. 3. A gambler. E. निर् not, ग्रन्थ tie or connection, affix कन्; also read निर्ग्रन्थिक .
- निर्ग्रन्थन :: n. (-नं) Killing, slaughter. E. निर् privative, before ग्रन्थ to hurt or kill, affix ल्युट् .
- निर्घट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) 1. A great collection of people, a fair, a market, &c. 2. A free market or wharf, one where no toll is levied. 3. A place where is no quay or stairs. E. निर् prefixed to घट to endea- vour, affix, अच् or निर्गतो घटो यस्मात् प्र० ब ।
- निर्घण्ट :: m. (-ण्टः) A vocabulary, an index. E. निर् before, घटि to endea- vour, aff. अच् .
- निर्घर्षण :: n. (-णं) Rubbing, friction, E. निर् before घृष् to rub, ल्युट् aff.
- निर्घर्षणक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Rubbing, a rubber. E. कन् added to the last.
- निर्घात :: m. (-तः) 1. A gust of wind, a hurricane, a whirlwind. 2. The noise of contending vapours in the heavens. 3. An earthquake. 4. Destruction. E. निर् forth, हन् to drive, affix घञ्, घात substitu- ted for the radical.
- निर्घूरिणी :: f. (-णी) A river.
- निर्घृण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Cruel, unmerciful. 2. Shameless, immodest. E. निर् neg. घृणा mercy, &c.
- निर्घोष :: m. (-षः) A sound in general. E. निर् before, घुष् to sound, affix घञ् .
- निर्ज्जन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Lonely, unpeopled, unfrequented. E. निर् neg. जन a person.
- निर्जर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Immortal, imperishable, undecaying. m. (-रः) A deity, an immortal. n. (-रं) Ambrosia, the food of the gods. f. (-रा) 1. A plant: see गुडुची . 2. A sort of perfume, commonly Mura. E. निर् not, जरा decrepitude or decay.
- निर्जल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Dry, desart, void of water. m. (-लः) A desart, a waste. E. निर् neg. and जल water.
- निर्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Conquered, subdued, overcome. 2. Won, gained. 3. Unconquered. E. निर् affirmative or neg. prefix, जित conquered.
- निर्जितेन्द्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Of subdued passions or feelings. E. निर्जित, and इन्द्रिय an organ of sense.
- निर्जितेन्द्रियग्राम :: m. (-मः) A Muni, a saint. E. निर्जितेन्द्रिय, and ग्राम ac- cumulation.
- निर्जीव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Lifeless. E. निर्, and जीव alive.
- निर्झर :: mf. (-रः-री) A cascade or torrent, the precipitous descent of water from mountains, &c., f. (-री) A river. m. (-रः) 1. A horse of the sun. 2. A fire of chaff. 3. An elephant. E. निर् before, झृ to waste, and अप् aff. (झरणा ।)
- निर्झरिन् :: m. (-री) A mountain. f. (-रिणी) A river. E. निर्झर a waterfall, इनि aff.
- निर्णय :: m. (-यः) 1. Certainty, positive conclusion. 2. Doubt, discussion, investigation. 3. (In Law,) Sentence, decision. 4. (In the Mi- mānsa.) The application of a conclusive argument. 5. (In Logic,) Complete ascertainment. E. निर् affirmative prefix, णी to guide, affix, भावे अच् .
- निर्णयन :: n. (-नं) Certainty, ascertainment, positive conclusion. E. See निर्णय . with ल्युट् aff.
- निर्णयपाद :: m. (-दः) A sentence, a verdict, a decree, (in Law,) E. निर्णय, and पाद process.
- निर्णर :: m. (-रः) One of the horses of the sun.
- निर्णायक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Causing or leading to certainty, E. निर् before, णी to guide, causal form, ण्वुल् aff.
- निर्णायन :: n. (-नं) 1. Causing certainty. 2. The outer angle of the ele- phant's eye. E. निर्णय certainty, फक् aff. or निर् + नी-णिच्-ल्युट् ।
- निर्णिक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Cleaned, purified, cleansed. E. निर् before, निज to clean, affix क्त .
- निर्णीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Ascertained, determined. 2. Sentenced, de- creed. E. निर् before, णी to get, affix क्त .
- निर्णेक :: m. (-कः) 1. Cleansing, washing, cleaning. 2. Ablution. 3. Atonement, expiation. E. निर् before, निज to wash, घञ् aff.
- निर्णेजक :: m. (-कः) A washerman. E. निर् before, निज to clean, affix ण्वुल् .
- निर्णेतृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Certifying, verifying, leading to certainty, decisive. m. (-ता) 1. A judge. 2. A document. a voucher. 3. A guide. E. निर् before, णी to lead, तृच् aff.
- निर्णेतृत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Proof, verification, E. त्व added to the preceding.
- निर्णेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be ascertained, what is or ought to be deter- mined. E. निर् before, णी to lead, यत् aff.
- निर्द्दग्ध :: mfn. (-ग्धः -ग्धा -ग्धं) 1. Burnt, burnt up. 2. Unburnt. E. निर् and दग्ध burnt.
- निर्दट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) 1. Unkind, unfeeling, unmerciful, devoid of pity or or charity 2. Unnecessary. 3. Envious, slanderous, abu- sive. 4. Mad, intoxicated. 5. Violent. 6. Rejoicing over the faults of others. E. निर् before, दो to cut, to hurt, affix अटच्, deriv. irr.
- निर्दय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Unkind, unmerciful, cruel, hard-hearted. E. निर् before, दया compassion, charity.
- निर्द्दर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Harsh spoken. 2. Shameless. n. (-रं) Much, excessively, subst. n. (-रं) Pith, essence. E. निर् not, दृ to respect, अच् aff.
- निर्द्दरि :: m. (-रिः) A cave. E. निर् before, द to rend, इन् aff.
- निर्द्दरिवासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Inhabiting a cave. E. निर्द्दरिन्, and वासिन् who abides in.
- निर्द्दशत् :: mfn. (-शन् -शन्ती -शत्) Biting, consuming. E. निर्, and दशत् biting.
- निर्दशन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Toothless. E. निर् neg. दशन a tooth.
- निर्दहन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Not burning, not caustic. n. (-नं) Marking nut. E. निर् affir. or neg. and दहन burning.
- निर्दहनी :: f. (-नी) A sort of creeper, from the fibres of which bowstrings are made, (Sanseviera zeylanica.)
- निर्द्दातृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) 1. A reaper, a husbandman. 2. A Donor. E. निर्, before दो to cut, तृच् aff. निर् + दो खण्डने, दा-दाने, दै शोधने, तृच् ।
- निर्द्दारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Torn, rent. 2. Open, unclosed. 3. Start- ing, (the eyes.) E. निर्, and दारित torn.
- निर्दिग्ध :: mfn. (-ग्धः -ग्धा -ग्धं) 1. Stout, lusty. 2. Anointed, smeared. E. निर् before, दिह to heap, affix क्त .
- निर्दिश्य :: ind. Having shown, explained, enjoined, &c. E. निर् before, दिश् to show, ल्यप् aff.
- निर्दिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Described, depicted, pointed out, shown. 2. Ascertained, determined. 3. Ordered, directed. 4. Assigned. 5. Asserted. E. निर् before दिश to show, affix क्त .
- निर्देश :: m. (-शः) 1. Order, command, authoritative instruction or direc- tion. 2. Description, designation. 3. Depicting, pointing out or exhibiting. 4. Certainty, ascertainment. 5. Saying, telling. 6. Vicinity, proximity. E. निर् before, दिश to show, affix, भावे घञ् ।
- निर्देष्टृ :: mfn. (-ष्टा -ष्ट्री -ष्टृ) Who or what shows or explains. m. (-ष्टा) An authority, a guide. E. निर् before, दिश् to show, तृच् aff.
- निर्दोष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) 1. Faultless, without defect or blemish. 2. Not hostile, friendly. E. निर् negative, and दोष defect.
- निर्द्वन्द्व :: mfn. (-न्दः -न्दा -न्दं) 1. Not double. 2. Free from either of two alternatives, neither glad nor sorry, &c. 3. Not acknowledging
two principles. 4. Free from jealousy. 5. Not dependant upon another. E. निर् neg. द्वन्द्व a pair.
- निर्ध(र्द्ध)न :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Poor, indigent. m. (-नः) An old ox. E. निर् priv. and धन wealth.
- निर्ध(र्द्ध)र्म्म :: mfn. (-र्म्मः -र्म्मा -र्म्मं) 1. Impious, unrighteous, immoral, void of law or religion. 2. Not acknowledging moral or religious institu- tions, but especially those of the Hindūs. E. निर् not, धर्म्म virtue, &c.
- निर्धा(र्द्धा)र :: m. (-रः) 1. Certainty, ascertainment. 2. Particularising in- dividuals according to their degree of merit. E. निर् before, धृ to hold or have, affix णिच् + भावे-घञ्
- निर्धा(र्द्धा)रण :: n. (-णं) 1. Certainty, ascertainment. 2. Specifying one out of many. 3. Determining, settling. E. निर् before, धृ to have, affix णिच् + ल्युट् ।
- निर्धारणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be ascertained. 2. Acting resolutely, irresistible. E. निर् affir. or neg. धृ to hold, अनीयर् affix; also निर्धारितव्य, and निर्धार्य्य ।
- निर्धारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Ascertained, determined. E. निर् affirmative, धृ to have, causal form, क्त aff.
- निर्धा(र्द्धा)र्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) 1. Acting fearlessly. 2. Active, energetic. 3. Ascertainable, to be ascertained or determined. E. निर् neg. or affir. धृ to restrain, affix कर्मणि ण्यत्; it may also be written निर्द्धार्य्य .
- निर्धूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Deserted, rejected. 2. Removed, departed. 3. Broken, divided. 4. Refuted. 5. Thrown out. 6. Suffered, under- gone. 7. Destroyed. m. (-तः) A man abandoned by his relatives or friends. E. निर् before, धू to shake, affix कर्मणि-क्त .
- निर्धौत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Washed off. 2. Bright, polished. E. निर् and धौत cleansed.
- निर्नमस्कार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Uncourteous. E. निर् Neg. नमस्कार salutation.
- निर्नाथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) Having no superior, master, or protector, &c. E. निर् neg. नाथ a lord.
- निर्नाथता :: f. (-ता) 1. Being without a master. 2. Widow-hood. E. निर् neg. नाथता masterhood.
- निर्निमित्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Causeless, groundless. E. निर् neg. निमित्त cause.
- निर्ब्ब(र्ब)न्ध :: m. (-न्धः) 1. Intent, and pertinacious pursuit of any thing, urgency, importunity. 2. Seizure, laying hold of any thing, literally or figuratively. 3. Caprice, fancy, whim. E. निर् before, बन्ध to bind or tie, affix भावे घञ् ।
- निर्ब्ब(र्ब)र्हण :: n. (-णं) Killing, slaughter. E. निर् before, वर्ह to slay, affix भावे ल्युट् also निर्बहण ।
- निर्ब्बल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Weak, feeble, powerless. E. निर् neg. बल strength.
- निर्ब्बुद्धि :: mfn. (-द्धिः -द्धिः -द्धि) Ignorant, unwise. E. निर् neg. and दुद्धि under- standing; also निर्बोध .
- निर्ब्बैर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Free from hatred or enmity. E. निर् neg. बैर hostility.
- निर्भग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) Broken down. E. निर्, and भग्न broken.
- निर्भट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Hard, firm, compact. E. निर् before, भट् to main- tain, affix अच् .
- निर्भय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Fearless, undaunted. E. निर् not, भय fear.
- निर्भर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Much, excessive. 2. Fearless. 3. A servant employed without a pay. n. adv. (-रं) Much, excessively, subs. Pith, essence. E. निर् before, भृ to fill, affix अप् .
- निर्भर्त्सन :: n. (-नं) 1. Wickedness, malignity. 2. Abuse, blame. 3. Lac. 4. Threat, menace. E. निर् before, भर्त्स to abuse, affix ल्युट् ।
- निर्भर्त्सित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Abused, reviled, despised. E. निर् before, भर्त्स to abuse, affix क्त .
- निर्भाग्य :: mfn. (-ग्यः -ग्या -ग्यं) Unlucky. E. निर् neg, भाग्य luck.
- निर्भद्य :: ind. Having pierced or penetrated. E. निर् before, भिद् to break, ल्यप् aff.
- निर्भिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Undistinguished, equal, like. 2. Pierced, divided. E. निर्, भिन्न separated or pierced.
- निर्भुग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) Straight, flat, not bent. E. निर्, and भुग्न curved.
- निर्म्मथ्य :: ind. 1. Having discriminated or particularised. 2. Having ground or churned. E. निर् before, मथि to churn, ल्यप् aff.
- निर्म्म(र्म)द :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Sober, quiet, unintoxicated. m. (-दः) An ele- phant after the frontal juice has ceased to exude, one out of rut. E. निर् priv. and मद madness.
- निर्म्मनुष्य :: mfn. (-ष्यः -ष्या -ष्यं) Uninhabited, desolate. E. निर्, मनुष्य a man.
- निर्म्मन्थन :: n. (-नं) 1. Separating, distinguishing, discriminating. 2. Churn- ing. 3. The wood used for kindling fire by friction. E. निर् before, मन्थ् to churn, ल्युट् aff.
- निर्म्मन्थ्य :: mfn. (-न्थ्यः -न्थ्या -न्थ्यं) 1. To be rubbed or churned, &c. 2. To be distinguished or discriminated. E. निर् affix. मन्थ्य to be rubbed, कर्मणि ण्यत् affix.
- निर्म्मम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Disinterested, claiming or wishing for nothing. E. निर्, and मम mine.
- निर्म्ममत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Disregard of wordly interests or possessions. E. निर्म्मम, and त्व affix; also निर्म्ममता, with तल् aff.
- निर्म्म(र्म)ल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Clear, clean, free from dirt or impurities, (literally or figuratively.) 2. Bright n. (-लं) 1. The remains of an offering made to a deity. 2. Talc. E. निर् priv. and नल dirt.
- निर्म्मलत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Purity, cleanness, (physical or moral.) E. त्व added to the last; also with तल, निर्म्मलता .
- निर्म्मा(र्मा)ण :: n. (-णं) 1. Manufacture, production, making. 2. Pith, mar- row, essence. 3. Propriety, fitness. E. निर् before, मि to measure, affix भावे ल्युट् .
- निर्म्माल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) Clear, clean. n. (-ल्यं) 1. The remains of an offering presented to a deity. 2. Faded flowers. 3. Purity clean- ness, clearness. f. (-ल्या) A medicinal plant: see पृक्का . E. निर् not, मल dirt, impurity, affix ण्यत् .
- निर्म्मि(र्मि)त :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Made. 2. Fabricated, artificial. E. निर् before, मा to mete, affix क्त .
- निर्म्मिति :: f. (-तिः) Making, manufacturing, artificial production. E. As above: see निर्म्मित, affix भावे क्तिन् .
- निर्म्मुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Loosed, set free, liberated, disjoined, sun- dered, separated, &c. m. (-क्तः) A snake who has lately cast his skin. E. निर् before, मुच् to let loose affix क्त .
- निर्म्मुट :: m. (-टः) 1. A tree bearing apparent blossoms. 2. The sun. 3. A rogue. n. (-टं) A large, and free market or fair. E. निर् before, मुट् to press, &c. affix क .
- निर्म्मूल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Baseless, unfounded. 2. Eradicated. E. निर् and मूल a root.
- निर्मृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Rubbed out. E. निर्, and मृज to rub affix क्त .
- निर्म्मोक :: m. (-कः) 1. The slough of a snake. 2. Liberating, setting loose or free. 3. Armour, mail. 4. Sky, heaven, atmosphere. E. निर् forth, मुच् to let loose, affix घञ् .
- निर्यत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Going forth or out, issuing. E. निर्, and यत् going.
- निर्य्यन्त्रण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Self-willed, unrestrained, uncontrolled, independent. n. (-णं) Independence, absence of restraint. E. निर् not, यन्त्रण restraining. निष्पीडने, यन्त्रणाशून्ये, निरर्गले, उच्छृङ्खलेच ।
- निर्यन्त्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Self-willed, uncontrolled, unrestrained. E. निर् neg. यन्त्रित restrained.
- निर्याण :: n. (-णं) 1. Going forth or out, exit, issue. 2. Eternal eman- cipation, final beatitude. 3. A rope for tying cattle, a foot-
rope. 4. The outer corner of an elephant's eye. 5. Vanishing. 6. Death. E. निर् before, या to go, affix करणे ल्युट् .
- निर्य्यात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Gone out or forth, departed. E. निर्, and यात gone.
- निर्यातन :: n. (-नं) 1. Revenge. 2. Gift, donation. 3. Delivery of a deposit. 4. Replacing any thing lost. 5. Payment of a debt. 6. Killing, slaughter. E. निर् before, यत् to endeavour, in the causal form, affix णिच्-ल्युट् .
- निर्य्यातित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Taken away. 2. Retaliated, requited. E. निर्, यत् to endeavour, causal v. क्त aff.
- निर्याम :: m. (-मः) A sailor, a boatman. E. निर् before, यम् to refrain, affix घञ् .
- निर्य्याय :: ind. Having gone out or departed. E. निर् out, याय having gone.
- निर्यास :: m. (-सः) 1. Extract, decoction, infusion. 2. Any natural exu- dation of a plant, as gum, milk, extract, &c. 3. Any thick fluid substance. E. निर् forth or out, यस् to endeavour, affix घञ्; it is also read निर्य्यास .
- निर्य्युक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Disunion. 2. Unfitness, inappropriateness, im- propriety. 3. Want of connexion or government, (in Grammar.) E. निर् neg. युक्ति union, &c.
- निर्य्युक्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Detached, disunited. 2. Unconnected, unmeaning. 3. Inappropriate, improper. E. ठक् added to the preceding.
- निर्य्यूह :: m. (-हः) 1. A chaplet, a crest, an ornament for the head. 2. Extracted juice, or a decoction. &c. 3. A door, a gate. 4. A pin or bracket projecting from a wall to hang or place any thing upon. 5. Wood placed in a wall for doves to build upon. E. निर् out, from, युह् to go, affix क, or according to Tarkabāchaspaty:-- E. निर + ऊह-क-पृषो, मत्तवारणे ।
- निर्य्योगक्षेम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Free from care or anxiety about property. E. निर् neg. योगक्षेम property.
- निर्लक्षण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Unmarked, unnoted, unspotted, &c. 2. Undefined. E. निर् priv. and लक्षण a mark.
- निर्लज्ज :: mfn. (-ज्जः -ज्जा -ज्जं) Impudent, shameless. E. निर् neg. लज्जा shame.
- निर्लिप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Unsmeared, unanointed. 2. Undefiled, uncon- taminated, (by passion, &c.) m. (-प्तः) 1. A name of Krishṇa. 2. A sage. E. निर् neg. लिप to anoint and क्त affix.
- निर्लेप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) 1. Anointed or smeared. 2. Undefiled, (by pass- ion.) 3. Stainless m. (-पः) A sage. E. निर् on, लेप plastering.
- निर्व्व(र्व)चन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Silent. n. (-नं) 1. Explanation, declaration. 2. Etymology. 3. A proverb. 4. Vocabulary, an index. E. निर् affix or neg. वचन speaking.
- निर्व्वण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Bare, open, (a country) E. निर् neg. वन a wood.
- निर्व्व(र्व)पण :: n. (-णं) 1. Gift, donation. 2. Presentation of funeral offer- ings. 3. Extinguishing, pulling out. E. निर् before, वप् to go, affix भावे ल्युट् .
- निर्व्वयनी :: f. (-नी) The cast slough of a snake.
- निर्व्व(र्व)र्णन :: n. (-नं) Sight, seeing, looking at, regarding. E. निर् before, वर्ण to class or colour, affix भावे ल्युट् .
- निर्वर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. Leaving off, desisting from. 2. Completing, ending. 3. Limiting to, measuring by. 4. Accomplishment. E. निर् before, वृत् to be ल्युट् aff.
- निर्व्वर्त्य :: ind. 1. Having finished, having done. 2. Having ceased, E. निर् before, वृत् to be, ल्यप् aff. or निर् + वृत णिच्-कर्मणि-यत् ।
- निर्व्व(र्व)हण :: n. (-णं) 1. End, completion. 2. Supporting, carrying on, maintaining. 3. The catastrophe of a drama, the conclusion of the fable. E. निर् out, वह् to bear, affix भावे ल्युट् .
- निर्व्वा(र्वा)च्य :: mfn. (-च्यः -च्या -च्यं) 1. Unobjectionable, blameless, not to be
found fault with or censured. 2. Improper to be said. E. निर् neg. वाच्य to be spoken.
- निर्व्वा(र्वा)ण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Liberated from existence. 2. Dead, de- ceased. 3. Gone out, extinguished, (as a fire). 4. Set, as a planet. 5. Immersed, plunged. 6. Having no arrows. n. (-णं) 1. Eternal happiness, emancipation from matter, and reunion with the deity; it is especially employed in this sense by the Baudhas and Jains, understanding by it perfect and perpetual calm. 2. Setting, disappearing, departure. 3. Refraining, desisting, leav- ing off, cessation. 4. Union, association, blending, confluence. 5. Bathing or plunging of an elephant. 6. Repose. 7. Vacuity, vacuum or space. 8. Instructing in science. E. निर् before, वाण् to blow, etc. affix क्त, deriv. irr. or निर् neg. वाण an arrow or निर् + वा-क्त ।
- निर्व्वा(र्वा)णमस्तक :: m. (-कः) Liberation. E. निर्व्वाण and मस्तक head, chief.
- निर्व्वा(र्वा)त :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Calm, still, not windy, having ceased to blow. 2. Sheltered from the wind. m. (-तः) A calm. E. निर् before, वात wind, air.
- निर्ब्बा(र्वा)द :: m. (-दः) 1. Censure, blame, reproach. 2. Bad rumour, or report, Scandal. 3. Asseveration, affirmation, decision of a con- troversy. 4. Absence of dispute or railing. 5. Disrespect. E. निर् privat. prefix, and षाद speech.
- निर्व्वा(र्वा)प :: m. (-पः) 1. Putting out, as a fire or light. 2. Gifts in honour of a deceased ancestor: see निवाप . E. निर् + वप-भावे-घञ् ।
- निर्व्वा(र्वा)पण :: n. (-णं) 1. Putting out, as a fire or light, extinguishing, quenching. 2. (In medicine,) Refrigerant. 3. Killing, slaughter. 4. Gift, giving. 5. Presenting funeral oblations. 6. Cooling, re- freshing. E. निर् before, वप् to go. &c, in the causal form, affix णिच्, वा णिच्-पुक्-ल्युट् ।
- निर्व्वा(र्वा)पित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Put out, quenched, extinguished. 2. Allayed, cooled. 3. Killed. 4. Offered in oblation. E. निर्, वप् to go, causal v. क्त aff.
- निर्व्वा(र्वा)प्य :: ind. 1. Having offered funeral cakes. 2. Having delighted. 3. Having quenched. E. निर् before, वप् to sow, affix ल्यप् .
- निर्वार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) 1. Acting fearlessly or determinately. 2. Irresistible, not to be opposed or resisted. E. निर्, वृ to hinder, affix ण्यत् .
- निर्व्वासन :: n. (-नं) 1. Killing, slaughter. 2. Hurting, injuring. 3. Ba- nishment, expulsion. E. निर् out, forth, वस् to abide, causal form, and णिच्-भावे-ल्युट् aff.
- निर्व्वासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Expelled, banished. E. निर् out, वस् to abide, causal v., क्त aff.
- निर्व्वास्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) To be banished. E. निर् out, वस् to abide, causal form णिच्-कर्मणि-यत् aff.; also निर्व्वासनीय, निर्व्वासितव्य .
- निर्व्वा(र्वा)ह :: m. (-हः) 1. Accomplishment, completion, end. 2. Carrying on, supporting, maintaining. 3. Providing means. 4. Suf- ficiency, adequacy. 5. Steadfastness. E. निर् before, वह् to bear, affix घञ् .
- निर्व्वाहक :: n. (-कं) Application or connexion of cause and effect, E. निर् before, वह् to convey, ण्वुल् aff.
- निर्व्वाहण :: nf. (-णं-णा) Catastrophe of a drama: see निर्व्वहण .
- निर्व्विकल्प(क) :: n. (-कं) Knowledge, not depending upon or derived from the senses. E. निर् neg. विकल्प alternative, कन् added.
- निर्विकार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Unchanged, unaltered, uniform. E. निर् neg. विकार change of form or state.
- निर्विघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्ना -घ्नं) Unobstructed. n. subs. (-घ्नं) Absence of obs- truction or impediment. adv. Freely, unobstructedly. E. निर् neg. विघ्न obstruction.
- निर्विण्ण :: mfn. (-ण्णः -ण्णा -ण्णं) 1. Desponding, overcome with fear or sorrow. 2. Humble. 3. Abused, degraded. 4. Fallen away, emaciate
with grief. 5. Decayed, impaired. 6. Certain. 7. Disgusted with anything. E. निर् private, विद् to know, affix क्त .
- निर्विण्णचेतस् :: mfn. (-ताः -ताः -तः) Humble, resigned, meek. E. निर्विण्ण, and चेतस् mind.
- निर्विन्ध्या :: f. (-न्ध्या) The name of a river that rises in the Vindhya moun- tains. E. निर् out of, विन्ध्या the Vindhya hills, fem. aff. टाप् .
- निर्विवर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Close, contiguous, without interval or inters- tice. E. निर् neg. विवर a space.
- निर्विवेक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Foolish, undiscriminating. E. निर् neg. विवेक judgment.
- निर्विशङ्क :: mfn. (-ङ्कः -ङ्का -ङ्कं) Fearless, undaunted, confident. E. निर् neg. विशङ्क fearful.
- निर्विशत् :: mfn. (-शन् -शन्ती -शत्) 1. Entering in or into. 2. Engaged in. 3. Attaining, obtaining. 4. Marrying. E. निर् before, विश् to enter, शतृ aff.
- निर्विशेष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) 1. Undiscriminating, making no difference. 2. Same, like, indiscriminate. E. निर् neg. विशेष difference.
- निर्विषा :: f. (-षा or -षी) A plant, (Curcuma zedoaria.) E. निर् opposite, (anti,) विष poison, antidote.
- निर्विष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Attained, arrived at, Engaged out. 2. Obtained, got (as wages). 3. Engaged in, occupied by. 4. Staying, being. 5. Married. 6. Earned, gained. 7. Taken, received. E. निर् before, विश् to enter affix क्त .
- निर्व्वी(र्वी)ज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) 1. Seedless. 2. Impotent. E. निर् neg. वीज a seed.
- निर्वीर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Unheroic, cowardly. f. (-रा) A woman whose husband and children are dead, a childless widow. E. निर priva- tive, and वीर a hero, a champion.
- निर्वीर्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) 1. Tame, feeble, spiritless. 2. Impotent. E. निर् not, वीर्य्य power.
- निर्वृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Ended, terminated. 2. Happy, content. 3. Eman- cipated. 4. Free from occupation or interest. n. (-तं) A house. E. निर्, and वृ to choose. क्त affix: see निवृत्त .
- निर्वृति :: f. (-ति) 1. Final emancipation from existence. 2. Death. 3. Happiness. 4. Rest, repose, tranquillity, ceasing or abstaining from. 5. Setting, departure, disappearance. 6. Completion, accom- plishment, conclusion. E. निर् affirmative particle, वृ to choose, affix भावे क्तिन् .
- निर्वृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Finished, completely done, accomplished. E. निर् before, वृत् to be, affix क्त .
- निर्वृत्ति :: mfn. (-त्तिः -त्तिः -त्ति) Desititute, having no occupation. f. (-त्तिः) 1. Completion, termination, conclusion. 2. Satisfaction. 3. Final beatitude. 4. Approach, advance. E. निर् neg. वृत् to be, affix भावे क्तिन्; or निर्, and वृत्ति business.
- निर्वेग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Calm, (as the ocean.) E. निर्, and वेग agi- tation.
- निर्वेद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Not having the Vedas, infidel, unscriptural. m. (-दः) 1. Humility, self-Humiliation. 2. Being neglected or disre- garded by others. 3. Indifference, disregard of worldly objects. E. निर् depreciative particle, विद् to know, affix भावे घञ्, or निर् neg. वेद the Vedas.
- निर्वेश :: m. (-शः) 1. Wages, hire. 2. Enjoyment. 3. Eating. 4. Fainting, swooning, syncope. 5. Attaining, obtaining. 6. Engaged or enter- ing in. E. निर् before, विश् to enter, affix घञ् .
- निर्वेष्टन :: n. (-नं) A. small reed used as a shuttle. E. निर् without, वेष्टन surrounding.
- निर्वैर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Friendly, without enmity. E. निर् neg. वैर hostility.
- निर्व्यथन :: n. (-नं) 1. A hole, a chasm. 2. Exemption from pain. 3. Paining, afflicting. E. निर् affir. or neg. prefix, and व्यथन fear, dread.
- निर्व्यपेक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Indifferent to, disregarding. E. निर् neg. व्यपेक्षा expectation.
- निर्व्यलीक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Undissembling, true, E. निर् neg. व्यलीक false.
- निर्व्याज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) 1. Without deceit. 2. Without obstruction. E. निर् neg. व्याज deceit.
- निर्व्यूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Abandoned, left, deserted. 2. Finished, completed. 3. Grown, developed. 4. Vindicated. E. निर् before, व्यूढ arranged. निर + वि-वह-क्त ।
- निर्हरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Taking forth or out. 2. Removing entirely. 3. Set- ting apart. 4. Burning dead bodies, or carrying them out to be burnt. E. निर् away, हरण taking.
- निर्हार :: m. (-रः) 1. Extracting, drawing out, rooting up, &c. 2. Put- ting forth or out. 3. Evacuation of any of the natural excrements of the fæces, urine, sweat, &c. 4. Burning, combustion. 5. Giving away, selling, exchanging, &c. 6. Diffusive fragrance. 7. Ac- cumulation of wealth, a hoard, a private purse. E. निर् out, हृ to take, affix घञ् .
- निर्हारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Taking forth or out. 2. Diffusively fragrant, having a wide spreading odour. 3. Having wealth. E. निर्, हृ to take, घिणुन् aff. or निर्हार, affix णिनि .
- निर्हृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Taken or carried forth or out. 2. Extracted. E. निर् out, हृत taken.
- निर्हृत्य :: ind. 1. Having taken forth or out. 2. Having extracted. E. निर् before, हृ to take, ल्यप् aff.
- निर्हेति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Unarmed. E. निर्, and हेति a weapon.
- निर्ह्राद :: m. (-दः) A sound in general. E. निर् before, हृद् to sound, affix घञ् .
- निलय :: m. (-यः) 1. A house, a habitation. 2. Abiding place, a den of animals. E. नि in, ली to embrace, affix आधारे अच् .
- निलयन :: n. (-नं) Place, dwelling. 2. Setting in a place. E. नि before, ली to endeavour, आधारे ल्युट् aff.
- निलायिता :: f. (-ता) Dwelling, domesticality. E. निलायिन्, and तल् aff.
- निलायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Dwelling in, inhabiting. E. नि before, ली to embrace, णिनि aff.
- निलिम्प :: m. (-म्पः) A deity. f. (-म्पा) A cow. E. नि in or on, लिम्प to smear, affix खञ्, or according to others, नि + लिप-कर्त्तरि-श ।
- निलिम्पिका :: f. (-का) A cow. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- निलीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Encompassed, surrounded, shut or wrapt up, embraced. 2. Destroyed, perished entirely. 3. Transformed, changed. 4. Fused in or into. 5. Full. E. नि in or on, ली to embrace, affix क्त, deriv. irr.
- निवपन :: n. (-नं) 1. Gifts in honour of deceased ancestors. 2. Scattering, or throwing out. 3. Sowing. also निवाप . नि + वप-भावे-ल्युट् ।
- निवरा :: f. (-रा) A virgin, a girl unmarried. E. नि priv. and वर a husband.
- निवर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. Returning or coming back. 2. Bringing back. 3. Reforming, repenting. 4. Desisting from a work. 5. Giving back, returning. 6. Stopping, ceasing. 7. A measure of land 20 rods, or 200 cubits square. E. नि before वृत् to be, णिच्-भावे ल्युट् aff.
- निवर्त्तयितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be restrained, to be hindered or diverted. E. नि before, वृत् to be, causal v., तव्य aff.
- निवर्त्ता :: ind. 1. Having desisted or refrained from. 2. Having turned back. 3. Having repented. 4. Having repaid. E. नि before, वृत् to be, aff. ल्यप्
- निवर्हण :: nf. (-णं-णा) 1. Killing, destroying. 2. Removing. E. नि before, वर्ह to cover, ल्युट् aff.
- निवर्हित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Killed, destroyed. 2. Removed, taken away. E. नि before, वर्ह to cover, क्त aff.
- निवसत् :: mfn. (-सन् सन्ती -सत्) Dwelling in, inhabiting. E. नि before, वस् to dwell, शतृ aff.
- निवसति :: f. (-तिः) A house, a habitation. E. नि in, वस् to dwell, आधारे अतिच् aff.
- निवसथ :: m. (-थः) A village. E. नि in, वस् to dwell, aff. आधारे अथच् .
- निवसन :: n. (-नं) 1. A house, a habitation. 2. Cloth, clothes, raiment. E. नि in, वस् to dwell or wear, aff. आधारे ल्युट् .
- निवह :: m. (-हः) 1. A multitude, a quantity. 2. One of the seven winds. E. नि always, वह to gain, घ or अच् aff.
- निवात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Well armed, accoutred in strong mail. 2. Secure, safe as in an asylum. 3. Calm, not windy. 4. Unhurt. 5. Protected against the wind. m. (-तः) 1. An asylum, a dwelling, &c. 2. A calm. 3. Strong armour. E. नि neg. वात wind, &c.
- निवातकवच :: m. (-चः) A demon, the grandson of HIRANYAKASIPU. E. निवात, and कवच a cuirass.
- निवाप :: m. (-पः) 1. Gifts in honour of a deceased parent or relative. 2. Offering of water at Śrāddhas, or daily ablution to the manes. 3. Gift, giving in general. 4. Seed, grain. E. नि before, वप् to go, to give, &c. aff. घञ् .
- नि(नी)वार :: m. (-रः) 1. Hindering, opposition, impediment. 2. Name of the grain so called. E. नि prefix, वॄ to screen, घञ् . aff.
- निवारण :: n. (-णं) 1. Hindering, opposing. 2. An impediment. 3. Contemning, holding light or worthless. E. नि prefix, वॄ to screen, णिच्-भावे-ल्युट् aff.
- निवारणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be checked, hindered, &c. E. नि before, वॄ to screen, aff. अनीयर्; also निवारितव्य and निवार्य्य .
- निवारयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Opposing, hindering. E. नि before, वॄ to screen, शतृ aff.
- निवारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Hindered, checked, opposed. E. नि prefix, वॄ to screen, क्त aff.
- निवार्य्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) To be opposed or hindered. E. नि before, वॄ to screen, pass. v., शानच् aff.
- निवास :: m. (-सः) 1. A house, a dwelling. 2. Passing the night. E. नि in, वस् to abide, aff. आधारे घञ् ।
- निवासभूय :: n. (-यं) Habitation or inhabiting. E. निवास, and भूय being.
- निवासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Dwelling, abiding in, inhabiting. E. निवास, and णिनि aff.
- निविड :: mfn. (-डः -डा -डं) 1. Coarse, large, gross, bulky, without spaces or interstices. 2. Thick, impervious, impenetrable. 3. Crooked- nosed. E. नि not, विल an interstice, ल changed to ड; or नि parti- cle, with विलच् aff.
- निविरीस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) 1. Coarse, gross. 2. Crooked-nosed. E. नेर्वि- डज् विरीसची पा० विरीसच् दन्त्योच्चारणसामर्थ्यात् न षत्वम् ।
- निविवृत्सत् :: mfn. (-सन् -सन्ती -सत्) Wishing to stop or return. E. नि before, वृत् to abide, desid. form, शतृ aff.
- निविशेष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Alike, not different. E. नि neg. विशेष difference.
- निविष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Entered, gone in or into. 2. Seated, sit- ting upon. 3. Situated or placed in or on. 3. Arranged. 4. Fixed on. E. नि before, विश् to enter, aff. क्त .
- निवीत :: mfn. subst. (-तः-ता-तं) A veil, a mantle, a wrapper. n. (-तं) The Brahmanical thread suspended round the neck, in which manner it is worn on some occasions. E. नि before, व्ये to cover, aff. क्त . or नि + अज क्त व्यादेशः ।
- निवीतिन् :: m. (-ती) A Brāhman with the cord suspended round his neck E. निवीत, and इनि aff.
- निवृत :: mfn. adj. (-तः-ता-तं) Surrounded, enclosed, encompassed. subst. A veil, a mantle, a wrapper. E. नि before, वृ to surround aff क्त .
- निवृति :: f. (-तिः) Covering, enclosing. E. नि, वृ to be, क्तिन् aff.
- निवृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Ceased, stopped. 2. Abstaining from worldy acts, &c. 3. Abstracted from or independent of worldly motives. 4. Desisting from or repenting of any improper conduct. 5. Re-
turned, turned back. 6. Gone, departed. 7. Finished, complet- ed. E. नि prohibitory prefix, वृत् to be, aff. क्त; see निर्वृत्त .
- निवृत्तकारण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Without further cause or motive. m. (-णः) A virtuous man, one uninfluenced by worldy desires. E. निवृत्त ceased, कारण cause.
- निवृत्तराग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Of subdued appetite or passions. E. निवृत्त stopped, राग passion.
- निवृत्तवृत्ति :: mfn. (-त्तिः -त्तिः -त्ति) Quitting any practice or occupation. E. निवृत्त, and वृत्ति maintenance.
- निवृतात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) 1. A sage. 2. VISHṆU. E. निवृत्त stopped, (from worldly acts, &c.) आत्मन् spirit.
- निवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Cessation, completion, leaving off, rest, repose. 2. Discontinuance of worldly acts, cessation of emotions, separation from the world. 3. Denial, refusal. 4. Abolition, prevention. 5. Returning. E. नि negative prefix, वृत् to be, aff. भावे क्तिन्ः see निर्वृत्ति .
- निवेदन :: n. (-नं) 1. Delivering, giving, entrusting, addressing, (either an article, a massage, or a speech.) 2. Dedication. 3. Oblation. 4. An offering. E. नि before, विद् to know, causal form, aff. ल्युट् .
- निवेदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Given, entrusted, addressed, delivered. 2. Represented, stated, told. E. नि before, विद् to know, aff. क्तः see निवेदन ।
- निवेश :: m. (-शः) 1. Entrance, entering. 2. Delivering, entrusting, de- positing. 3. A camp. a place, the residence of a king or general. 4. Any dwelling. 5. Military array. 6. Ornament, dress, decora- tion. 7. Marriage. 8. Encamping. E. नि before, विश् to enter, aff. भावे घञ्,
- निवेशन :: n. (-नं) 1. Entering, entrance. 2. A house, a habitation. 3. A town or city. 4. A camp. E. नि before, विश् to enter, aff आधारे ल्युट् .
- निवेशनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be entered. 2. To be engaged in. E. नि before, विश् to enter, अनीयर् aff.; also निवेशितव्य and निवेश्य .
- निवेशयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Sending in or into, causing to enter. E. नि before विश् to enter, causal form, शतृ aff.
- निवेशित् :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Entered into. 2. Engaged in. 3. Sent, directed. 4. Placed in or upon. 5. Turned to or towards, fixed upon. E. नि before, विश् to enter, क्त aff.
- निव्यूढ :: n. (-ढं) Perseverance, resolution. E. नि, and व्यूढ arranged.
- निश् :: f. (-निट्) 1. Night. 2. Turmeric. see निशा . नितरां श्यति तनूकरोति व्यापारान् शो-क-पृषो० ।
- निशठ :: m. (-ठः) The son of BALARĀMA.
- निशमन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sight, seeing. 2. Hearing. 3. Becoming aware of. E. नि before, शम् to be quite, aff णिच्-ल्युट् .
- निशम्य :: ind. Hearing, having heard. E. नि, शम् to repose, ल्यप् aff.
- निशमयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Hearing. E. नि before, शम् to rest, शतृ aff.
- निशमय्य :: ind. Having heard. E. नि before, शम् to repose, ल्यप् aff., and अय inserted.
- निशा :: f. (-शा) 1. Night. 2. Turmeric, (Curcuma longa.) 3. Another sort, (C. zanthorrhiza.) E. नि always, शो to waste or reduce, (mortals,) aff. क; or निश् to meditate, aff. क्विप्, and टाप added.
- निशाकर :: m. (-रः) 1. The moon. 2. A cock. 3. Camphire. E. निशा night, and कर who makes or marks.
- निशाकेतु :: m. (-तुः) The moon. E. निशा night, and केतु symbol.
- निशागण :: m. (-णः) A number of nights. E. निशा a night, and गण a class, a troop.
- निशाचर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Nocturnal, night walking, what goes or moves about by night. m. (-रः) 1. A Rākshasa, a fiend, an imp or goblin. 2. A Jackal. 3. An owl. 4. A snake. 5. The ruddy goose. 6. A ghost, an evil spirit. 7. A thief. f. (-री) 1. A woman who goes to an assignation, a harlot, a whore. 2. A she devil, a
female fiend. 3. A sort of perfume: see केशिनी . E. निशा night, and चर who goes.
- निशाचर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Darkness. E. निशा night, and चर्म्मन् skin or hide.
- निशाजल :: n. (-लं) 1. Frost, hoar frost. 2. Dew. E. निशा night, and जल water.
- निशाट :: m. (-टः) 1. An owl. 2. A demon, a ghost. E. निशा night, and अट who goes; अच् aff. also with ल्यु aff. निशाटन m. (-नः).
- निशात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sharpened, polished, whetted, burnished. E. नि before, शो to cut or pare, aff. क्त .
- निशाद :: m. (-दः) A man of a low caste: see निषाद .
- निशादत्व :: n. (-त्वं) The state or condition of a man of low caste.
- निशादर्शिन् :: m. (-र्शी) An owl. E. निशा night, and दर्शिन् who sees.
- निशादि :: f. (-दिः) Evening, twilight. E. निशा, and आदि beginning.
- निशान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Quiet, tranquil, patient. n. (-न्तं) 1. A house, a dwelling. 2. The end of the night, or break of day. E. नि before, शम् to be quiet, aff. क्त; or निशा night, अम् to go, aff. क्त; or निशा as before night, and अन्त end or term.
- निशान्तनारी :: f. (-री) A female, a housewife. E. निशान्त a house, नारी a a woman.
- निशान्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Blind at night. E. निशा, and अन्ध blind.
- निशापति :: m. (-तिः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. 3. An epithet of Siva. 4. A name of Rāvana. E. निशा night, and पति master.
- निशापुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) 1. Hoar, frost. 2. Dew. 3. The white water lily which blossoms at night. E. निशा, and पुष्प a flower.
- निशाभङ्गा :: f. (-ङ्गा) A plant commonly Dugdhapeya. E. निशा night, भङ्गा breaking.
- निशामणि :: m. (-णिः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. E. निशा night, and मणि a gem.
- निशामन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sight, seeing. 2. Looking at, beholding. 3. Looking at repeatedly. 4. Hearing. 5. A shadow, a reflexion. E. नि before, शम् to quiet, aff. ल्युट् .
- निशामृग :: m. (-गः) A Jackal. E. निशा night, and मृग a deer.
- निशाम्य :: ind. 1. Having put out, (as a light) 2. Having tranquillized. E. नि before, शम् to be quiet, causal form, ल्यप् aff.
- निशारण :: n. (-णं) 1. Killing, slaying, slaughter. 2. Night-combat. E. नि before, शृ to injure or kill, aff. स्वार्थे ल्युट्; or निशा night, and रण war.
- निशारत्र :: m. (-त्रः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. E. निशा night, and रत्न a jewel.
- निशारुक :: n. (-कं) An air, a sort of musical composition, played as an accomplishment to dancing.
- निशावृन्द :: n. (-न्दं) A number of nights. E. निशा, and वृन्द a many.
- निशावेदिन् :: m. (-दी) A cock. E. निशा night, and वेदिन् who knows.
- निशाहस :: m. (-सः) The white water lily. E. निशा, and हस what smiles; opening its petals at night.
- निशाह्वा :: f. (-ह्वा) Turmeric. E. निशा, and आह्वा appellation.
- निशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sharpened, whetted. 2. Stimulated. n. (-तं) Iron. E. नि before, शो to pare, affix क्त .
- निशिपुष्पा :: f. (-ष्पा) A flower, (Nyctanthes tristis.) E. निशि by night, seventh case of निश्, and पुष्प flower, fem. affix टाप्; also with ङीप् affix निशिपुष्पी, and with कन् added निशिपुष्पिका the night-flowers.
- निशीथ :: n. (-थं) 1. Midnight. 2. Night. (In general). E. नि always, शी to sleep, Unādi affix थक् .
- निशीथिनी :: f. (-नी) Night. E. निशीथ as above, इनि aff.
- निशीथिनीनाथ :: m. (-थः) The moon. E. निशीथिनी night, and नाथ lord.
- निशीथ्या :: f. (-थ्या) Night. E. निशीथ midnight, and यत् aff.
- निशुम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Killing, slaughter. 2. The name of a giant slain by DURGĀ. E. नि before, शुम्भ् to hurt or kill, aff. भावे घञ् .
- निशुम्भन :: n. (-नं) Killing, slaying, slaughter. E. See the last, aff. ल्युट् .
- निशुम्भमर्द्दिनी :: f. (-नी) A name of DURGĀ. E. निशुम्भ an Asur or demon so named, and मर्द्दिनी the female destroyer.
- निशुम्भिन् :: m. (-म्भी) An inferior deity of the Baudhas; also Heramba and Vajratika. E. नि not, शुम्भ injuring, aff. इनि .
- निशोपशाय :: m. (-यः) Resting at night. E. निशा, and उपशाय rest.
- निशैत :: m. (-तः) The Vaka, a crane, (Ardea nivea.) E. निशा by night, इत gone, to his roost.
- निश्चय :: m. (-यः) 1. Certainty, ascertainment, positive, conclusion. 2. A fixed intention, design, purpose, aim. E. निर affirmative particle, चि to collect, aff. अच् .
- निश्चल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -ली-लं) 1. Immoveable, still, fixed. 2. Invariable. f. (ला) The earth. E. निर् privat. चल what goes or moves.
- निश्चलाङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Firm, immoveable. m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A kind of crane, (Ardea nivea.) 2. A mountain, a rock. E. निश्चल, and अङ्ग body.
- निश्चायक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what ascertains or determines. E. निर् before, चि to collect, ण्वुल् aff.
- निश्चारक :: m. (-कः) 1. Evacuation by stool. 2. Air, wind. 3. Obstinacy, wilfulness. E. निर् not, चर् to go, aff. ण्वुल् .
- निश्चित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Certain, ascertained, determined, con- cluded. 2. Sentenced, pronounced. n. (-तं) Certainty, conclusion, E. निर् before, चि to collect, क्त aff.
- निश्चित्य :: ind. Having ascertained, E. निर् aff. चि to collect, ल्यप् aff.
- निश्चिन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Thoughtless, inconsiderate, void of reflex- ion. E. निर् neg. चिन्ता reflexion.
- निश्चीयमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being in the course of ascertainment or conclusion, being under investigation. E. निर् before, चि to col- lect, शानच् aff., यक् inserted.
- निश्चुक्वण :: n. (-णं) A sort of tooth-powder prepared of sulphate of iron &c., it destroys the tartar, but blackens the teeth. E. निर् before, चुक्क् to give pain, aff. ल्युट् .
- निश्चेष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Powerless, helpless. 2. Incapable of effort. E. निर् neg. चेष्टा effort.
- निश्श्रेयस :: n. (-सं) Final emancipation: see निःश्रेयस .
- निश्श्रेयसकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Conferring final happiness or emancipa- tion. E. निःश्रेयस and कर what makes.
- नि(श्)श्वसन :: n. (-नं) 1. Breathing out, expiration. 2. Sighing. E. निर् and असन breathing.
- नि(श्)श्वास :: m. (-सः) 1. Breath expired, breathing out, expiration. E. निर् out, and श्वास breath.
- निष (उ) निषु :: r. 1st. cl. (नेषति) To sprinkle.
- निषङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A quiver. 2. Union, meeting, association. 3. At- tachment. E. नि before, सञ्ज् to embrace, aff. घञ्; a collection of arrows, &c.
- निषङ्गथि :: m. (-थिः) 1. Embracing, an embrace. 2. A bowman. 3. A charioteer. 4. A car. 5. Grass. 6. The shoulder. E. नि before, सञ्ज् to embrace, Uṇadi aff. भावे गथिन्, कुत्वम् .
- निषङ्गिन् :: m. (-ङ्गी) 1. An archer, a bowman. 2. A quiver. E. निसङ्ग a quiver, and इनि aff.
- निषद :: m. (-दः) A musical note: see निषाद .
- निषद्या :: f. (-द्या) 1. A market. 2. A small bed or couch. 3. A shop. E. नि before, षद् to go क्यप् aff.
- निषद्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. Mud, mire. 2. The god of love. f. (-री) Night. E. नि before, सद् to go Unādi, aff. क्विप् .
- निषध :: m. (-धः) 1. The name of a mountain or mountainous range, forming one of the principal ranges of the universe, and des- cribed as lying immediately south of Ilāvrata, and north of the Himālaya range. 2. A country in the south-east division of India. 3. The sovereign of Nishada. 4. A musical note; also निषाद ।
5. Hard, solid. E. नि before, सद् to go, aff. अच्, and द irregularly changed to ध .
- निषण्ण :: mfn. (-ण्ण -ण्णा -ण्णं) 1. Placed in or on. 2. Gone to. 3. Rested, reclined. E. नि before, सद् to go, क्त aff.
- निषण्णक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Seating, seated. n. (-कं) A seat. E. कन् added to the last.
- निषन्नक :: m. (-कः) A sort of potherb, (Marsilea dentata.).
- निषाद :: m. (-दः) 1. The last or the seventh note of the Hindu gamut, or more properly the highest of the scale. 2. A man of a degraded tribe, or an outcaste, especially the son of a Brāhman by a Sūdra woman. 3. A fisherman. E. नि before, सद् to go, aff. आधारे घञ्; pervading the mind, &c.
- निषादिन :: mf. (-दी-दिनी) 1. An elephant-keeper or driver. 2. Sitting. E. नि before, सद् to go, aff. णिच्-णिनि .
- निषिद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Prohibited, forbidden. 2. Prevented. E. नि priv. सिध् to complete, aff. क .
- निषीदत् :: mfn. (-दन् -दन्ती -दत्) 1. Sitting, sitting upon. 2. Standing or resting in or on. E. नि before, सद् to go, शतृ aff.
- निषू(सू)दन :: n. (-नं) Killing, slaughter. m. (-दः) A killer. E. नि before, षद् to kill, aff. ल्युट् ।
- निषेक :: m. (-कः) 1. The ceremony performed upon impregnation taking place. 2. Sprinkling, aspersion. 3. Effusion. 4. Seminal infusion. 5. Irrigation. 6. Dirty water. E. नि, and सिच् to sprinkle, aff. भावे घञ् ।
- निषेदिवस् :: mfn. (-वान् -वसी -वस्) Sitting, seated on or upon. E. नि before, सद् to go, क्वसु aff.
- निषेध :: m. (-धः) 1. Prohibition, negation. 2. Stop, discontinuance. 3. Contrariety to or deviation from rule, irregularity, exception. 4. Negation. 5. A prohibitive rule or precept (In religious law). E. नि before, सिद to complete, aff. घञ् .
- निषेवन :: n. (-नं) 1. Service. 2. Observance, practice, adherence to. 3. Worship. 4. Enjoying. 5. Familiarity with. E. नि before, सेव् to serve, ल्युट् aff.
- निषेवणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be served, to be obeyed. 2. To be observed or followed. E. नि before, सेव् to serve, अनीयर aff.; also निषेवितव्य, and निषेव्य .
- निषेवित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Observed, practised. 2. Served, obeyed. 3. Frequented through respect. E. नि before, सेव् to serve, क्त aff.
- निष्क :: r. 10th cl. (निष्कयते) To measure or weigh.
- निष्क :: mn. (-ष्कः-ष्कं) 1. A weight of gold, applied however to different quantities: it is considered as synonimous with the Dināra of thirty-two small, or sixteen large Rattis; with the Karsha or Suvarṇa of sixteen Māshās; with the Pala of four or five Suvar- ṇas; and with the larger Pala or Dināra, which is sometimes reckoned at 108, and other times at 150 Suvarṇas. 2. Gold in general. 3. Any ornament of the breast. 4. An ornament of the neck. 5. A weight of four Māshās. 6. A weight of silver of four Suvarṇas. 7. A value of sixteen Kāhons or Dramyas. 8. A chan- dāla. E. नि before, सद् to go, Unādi aff. कन्, and the radical final rejected or निस् + कै-क or निष्क-अच् ।
- निष्कण्टक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Without thorns. 2. Free from trouble. E. निर् neg. कण्टक a thorn.
- निष्कण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) A plant, (Capparis trifoliata) &c.; see वरुणा .
- निष्कर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्म) Exempt from or neglecting religious rites, worldly acts, &c. E. निर् neg. कर्म्मन् act.
- निष्करुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Cruel unpitying, unmerciful. E. निर् neg. करुण compassionate.
- निष्कल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Waned, diminished. 2. Impotent, seedless, barren. m. (-लः) 1. Pudendum muliebre. 2. A name of BRAMHĀ. 3. A fancied personification of BRAMHĀ, for religious cere monies.
f. (-ला or -ली) A woman past child bearing, in whom menstruation has ceased. E. निर् gone, lost, कल a part &c.
- निष्कर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) 1. Certainty, ascertainment. 2. Drawing out. 3. The chief point. 4. Measuring. E. निर् before, कृष् to plough, घञ् aff.
- निष्कार्मा :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Free from wish or desire. n. adv. (-मं) Un- willingly. E. निर् neg. काम desire.
- निष्कारण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Causeless, groundless. E. निर् neg. कारण cause.
- निष्कारुष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Of a noble, not degraded.
- निष्कालक :: m. (-कः) A penitent, shaved and smeared with Ghee.
- निष्काश(स) :: m. (-शः or सः) 1. A portico, a vārāndā. 2. Exit, egress. 3. Day break. E. निर् and कश् to go, भावे घञ् aff.
- निष्काशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Expelled: see the next.
- निष्कासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Expelled, dismissed, turned out. 2. Gone forth or out, issued. 3. Placed, deposited. 4. Placed over, appoint- ed, stationed. 5. Reviled, reproached, 6. Opened out, blown, expanded. E. निर् out, कस् to go, in the causal form, aff. क्त, र be- comes ष or Visarga: see निःकासित; also निष्काशित .
- निष्कासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Who or what expels. f. (-नी) A female slave not restrained by her master. E. निर् forth, कस् to go, causal form, णिनि aff.
- निष्कुट :: m. (-टः) 1. A pleasure grove near a house. 2. A field. 3. A door. 4. The private apartments, the Zenana. 5. The harem of a king. E. निर् without, कुट the house. f. (-टा, also -टिः or -टी) Large carda- moms. E. निर् out, कुट the shell or husk, aff. क, with टाप् fem. aff. or कि with ङीष् optionally added.
- निष्कुम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) A plant, commonly Danti. E. निर् forth, ष्कुम्भ a Sautra root, to spread, aff. अच्; also निःकुम्भ .
- निष्कुषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Expelled, extracted, forced or drawn out. E. निर् neg. कुष् to extract, aff. निष्कर्षे-क्त ।
- निष्कुह :: m. (-हः) The hollow of a tree. E. निर् affirmative prefix, कुह् to astonish, aff. अच् .
- निष्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Regardless, negligent. 2. Disregarded, thought nothing of. 3. Pardoned. 4. Undone. E. निर् neg. कृत made.
- निष्कृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Pardon, absolution. 2. Expiration. 3. Escaping from, avoiding the consequence of anything. 4. Undoing, doing away. 5. Disregarding, neglecting. 6. Acquittance, compensation, discharge of a debt or obligation. E. निर् neg. कृ to do, क्तिन् affix.
- निष्कोषन :: n. (-नं) 1. Taking away. 2. Extracting, extirpating. 3. Hus- king, shelling. E. निर् before, कुष् to expel, aff. ल्युट् .
- निष्कोषितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be taken away. E. निर् out, कुष् to expel, तव्य aff.; also निष्कोषणीय ।
- निष्क्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Any intellectual faculty, as attention, comprehen- sion, &c. 2. Degradation, baseness, inferiority of tribe, family, &c. 3. Going out, exit. 4. Intellectual faculty. E. निर् assuredly or forth, and क्रम going.
- निष्क्रमण :: n. (-णं) 1. Going forth or out. 2. Taking a child for the first time out of the house, in the fourth month, considered as an essential ceremony, and accompanied by sacrifice, &c. E. निर् forth, क्रम to go, ल्युट् aff.
- निष्क्रम्य :: ind. Going forth, E. निर्, क्रम् to go, ल्यप् aff.
- निष्क्रय :: m. (-यः) 1. Hire, wages. 2. Reward. 3. Barter. 4. Price. 5. Ran- som. E. निर् before, क्री to buy, aff. अच् .
- निष्क्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Gone out, gone, departed. E. निर् out, क्रम् to go, aff. क्त .
- निष्क्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Abstaining from ceremonial rites. 2. Idle, unoccupied. n. (-यं) BRAMHĀ or the Supreme Spirit. E. निर neg. क्रिया act.
- निष्क्वाथ :: m. (-थः) Broth, soup. E. निर् before, क्वथ् to decoct, aff. घञ् .
- निष्ट्य :: m. (-ष्ट्यः) A man of one of the outcast or barbarous tribes.
- निष्टप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Well done, dressed or cooked. 2. Burnished, made bright. E. निर्, and तप्त heated.
- निष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) 1. Staying, being in, who or what stays or is in or on anything. 2. Believing, faithful. 3. Skilled in. 4. Devoted to. f. (-ष्ठा) 1. The catastrophe of a drama, the conclusion of a fable. 2. Conclusion in general, end, termination. 3. Disappearance, loss, destruction. 4. Confirmation, completion. 5. Asking, begging. 6. Ordinary and uniform practice or profession. 7. Good conduct, excellence. 8. Religious practice, devout and austere exercise. 9. Faith, belief. 10. Condition, state. 11. Fixed time of life, &c. 12. Trouble, distress, anxiety. 13. The technical term for the past participial affixes क्त and क्तवतु . E. नि completely, assuredly, स्था to stay or stop, क्त aff.
- निष्ठान :: n. (-नं) Sauce, condiment. E. नि before, स्या to stay, aff ल्युट् .
- निष्ठित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Firm, fixed. 2. Certain, ascertained. 3. En- gaged in, attached to, devoted to. 4. Staying, being in or on. E. नि before, स्था to stay, क्त aff.
- निष्ठिव :: m. (-वः) Spitting; see निष्ठेव .
- निष्ठीवन :: n. (-नं) Spitting, spitting out, ejecting any thing from the mouth. E. नि before, ष्ठिव to object, aff. ल्युट्; also निष्ठेवन and निष्ठीव ।
- निष्ठुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Harsh, contumelious (as speech.) 2. Hard, solid. 3. Cruel. 4. Severe. E. नि before, स्था to be, to be firm, aff. उरच् ।
- निष्ठुरता :: f. (-ता) Harshness of speech, reviling, abuse. E. निष्ठुर, and तल् aff., also with त्व, निष्ठुरत्व .
- निष्ठ्यूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Cast, thrown, sent, directed, despatched. 2. Ejected from the mouth, spit. E. नि before, ष्ठिव् to eject, aff. क्त, deriv. irr.
- निष्ठ्यूति :: f. (-तिः) Spitting, spitting out. E. नि before, ष्थिव् to eject from the mouth, aff. क्त .
- निष्ठेव :: subst. mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Spitting, spitting out, ejecting any thing from the mouth. E. नि before, ष्ठिव् to eject, aff. घञ्; also निष्ठीव .
- निष्ठेवन :: n. (-नं) Spitting. E. See the last; also निष्ठीव .
- निष्ण :: mfn. (-ष्णः -ष्णा -ष्णं) Skilful, &c. see the next. E. नि + स्ना + क ।
- निष्णात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Skiful, clever, conversant, learned. 2. Perfect, superior, supreme. 3. (In law,) Agreed upon. E. नि before, स्ना to bathe, aff. कर्त्तरि-क्त; also with ड, निष्ण .
- निष्पक्क :: mfn. (-क्वः -क्वा -क्वं) Decocted, infused, boiled. E. निर् before, पक्व ripe or cooked.
- निष्पङ्क :: mfn. (-ङ्कः -ङ्का -ङ्कं) Pure, free from mud or filth. E. निर् neg. पङ्क mud.
- निष्पतत् :: mfn. (-तन् -तन्ती -तत्) Issuing, going forth or out. E. निर् before, पत् to go, शतृ aff.
- निष्पतन :: n. (-नं) Going forth or out, issuing. E. निर्, and पतन going.
- निष्पत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Completion, conclusion, termination, consumma- tion. 2. Birth, production. 3. Going forth or out. E. निर् negative, पद् to go, aff. क्तिन् .
- निष्पत्राकृति :: f. (-तिः) Excessive bodily pain. E. निष्पत्र + डाच् + क-भावे क्तिन् ।
- निष्पन्द :: mfn. (-न्दः -न्दा -न्दं) Motionless. E. निर् not, स्पदि to shake or move, aff: अच्; also निष्पन्न .
- निष्पन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Done, finished, concluded, completed. 2. Born, produced. 3. Motionless. 4. Gone forth or out of. E. निर् affirmation or negation, and पन्न gone, from पद् to go, aff. क्त .
- निष्पराक्रम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Weak, destitute of power. E. निर् neg. पराक्रम valour.
- निष्परिग्रह :: m. (-हः) An ascetic, one who has no family nor dependants. E. निर् neg. परिग्रह dependants.
- निष्पादन :: nf. (-नं-ना) 1. Doing, effecting, accomplishing. 2. Concluding. 3. Producing, causing, engendering. E. निर् forth, पद् to go, causal form, aff. युच् ।
- निष्पादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Done, effected, made produced. E. निर् forth, पद् to go, causal form, क्त aff.
- निष्पाद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) To be done, to be effected or accomplished. E. निर forth, पद् to go, causal form यत् aff.; also निष्पादनीय and निष्पादयितव्य .
- निष्पाद्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being done or made, in the course of com- pletion. E. निर् before, पद् to go, causal form, शानच् aff.
- निष्पान :: n. (-नं) Drinking. E. निर् before, पान drinking.
- निष्पाव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Certain, indubitable. m. (-वः) 1. Winnowing, cleaning corn, &c. 2. Wind, air. 3. The wind of the winnowing sieve or basket. 4. Straw, chaff. 5. A legume, a pod. 6. A sort of pulse, (Phaseolus radiatus.) E. निर् before, पू to purify, aff. करणे घञ् .
- निष्पिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Ground, reduced to dust or powder. 2. Beaten, oppressed. E. निर्, and पिष्ट ground.
- निष्पुत्त्र :: mfn. (-त्त्रः -त्त्रा -त्त्रं) Sonless, E. निर्, and पुत्त्र a son.
- निष्पुरुष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Feminine, neuter, not male. m. (-षः) 1. a eunuch or impotent man. 2. A coward. E. निर् neg. पुरुष a man.
- निष्प्रतिभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Stupid, frigid, dull, apathetic, ignorant. E. निर् privative, प्रतिभ brilliance.
- निष्प्रत्यूह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Unobstructed, unimpeded. n. adv. (-हं) Freely, without hindrance. E. निर् neg. प्रत्यूह obstacle.
- निष्प्रभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Gloomy, dark, obscure. E. निर privative, and प्रभा light.
- निष्प्रयोजन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Causeless, groundless. E. निर् negative, प्रयोजन, motive, cause.
- निष्पृह :: mfn. (-हृः -हा -हं) Content, not envying any person, nor covet- ing any thing. f. (-हा) A plant; also अमूला and विष्णुवल्लभा . E. निर् not, स्पृहा envy, &c.
- निष्प्रवाण(णि) :: mfn. subst. (-णः-णी-णं) New and unbleached cloth. E. निर् gone, प्रवाणी here said to mean the weaver's brush; also निष्प्रवाणि mfn. (-णिः -णिः -णि) the forms are irregular.
- निष्फल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Barren, unfruitful. 2. Seedless, impotent. f. (-ला or -ली) A woman past child-bearing: one in whom menstrua- tion has ceased: see निष्कल . E. निर् priv. and फल fruit.
- निसम्प्रात :: m. (-तः) Midnight; also निःसम्पात .
- निसर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) 1. The natural state, nature, peculiar character or condition. 2. Form. 3. Creation. 4. Relinquishment, abandon- ing. 5. Transfer, barter. 6. Voiding excrement. E. नि before, सृज् to create, or to abandon, aff. घञ् ।
- निसर्गज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) 1. Cognate, innate. 2. Produced at crea- tion. E. निसर्ग, and ज produced.
- निसिन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) A shrub, (Vitex negundo:) it is also read निसिन्ध, and with कन् added निसुन्धक; the words are considered as barbar- ous: see सिन्धुवार ।
- निसूदन :: n. (-नं) Killing, slaughter. E. नि before, सूद् to kill, aff. भावे ल्युट्ः also निषूदन ।
- निसृता :: f. (-ता) A plant commonly Teori. E. नि + सृ-क्त स्त्रियां-आप् ।
- निसृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Delivered, deposited. 2. Centrical, middle. 3. Permitted. 4. Abandoned. E. नि before, सृज् to go, aff कर्मणि-क्त ।
- निसृष्टार्थ :: m. (-र्थः) A messenger, an envoy, an ambassador: one who decides upon his own discretion, knowing the intents of both parties. E. निषृष्ट deposited, अर्थ meaning.
- निस्तनी :: f. (-नी) A pill, a bolus, a sort of force-meat ball. E. नि before, स्तन a breast, ङीप् diminutive aff.
- निस्तरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Going out or forth. 2. Crossing over or pass- ing. 3. Extraction, getting rid of or free from. 4. Means of suc-
cess, an expedient, a plan, E. निर् before, तॄ to cross or pass over, aff. करणे ल्युट् ।
- निस्तब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) 1. Paralysed, numbered. 2. Stopped, fixed. E. नि before, स्तम्भ् to stop, aff. क्त ।
- निस्तर्हण :: n. (-णं) Killing, slaughter. E. निर् before, तृहू to kill or hurt, aff. भावे ल्युट् ।
- निस्तल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Round, globular. 2. Trembling, shaking, moving. 3. Down, below. E. निर् negative or affirmative, and तल a support or stay; or depth, bottom.
- निस्तार :: m. (-रः) 1. Getting over or across. 2. Getting rid of, or away from, extraction, escape. 3. Acquittance, requital. 4. Means, expedient. 5. Final liberation. E. निर्, and तॄ to cross, घञ् aff.
- निस्तारवीज :: n. (-ञः) The cause of final liberation, faith in any deity. &c. E. निस्तार, and वीज seed.
- निस्तितीर्षत् :: mfn. (-र्षन् -र्षन्ती -र्षत्) 1. Desirous or anxious to cross. 2. Wishing for salvation, or to traverse the world. E. निर् before, तॄ to cross, desid. form, शतृ aff.
- निस्तुष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Freed from the chaff, (corn, &c.) E. निर् neg. तुष chaff.
- निस्तुषक्षीर :: m. (-रः) Wheat. E. निस्तुष, and क्षीर milk.
- निस्तुषरत्न :: n. (-त्नं) Crystal. E. निस्तुष, and रत्न a gem.
- निस्तुषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Left abandoned, deserted. 2. Skinned, peeled. 3. Pared, made thin. E. निर् before, तुष् husk or skin, converted in to a nominal verb, and क्त participial aff.
- निस्तेजस् :: mfn. (-जाः -जाः -जः) 1. Dull, obscure. 2. Dull, spiritless. 3. Powerless, impotent, E. निर् neg. तेजस् light, &c.
- निस्त्रंश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Fearless, unapprehensive. E. निर् neg. त्रशि to fear, aff अच् .
- निस्त्रिंश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Merciless, unfeeling, unpitying. m. (-शः) A scimitar, a sacrificial knife. E. निर् forth, त्रिंशत् thirty, ड aff; being of thirty finger's length, &c.
- निस्त्रिंशधारिन् :: m. (-री) A soldier armed with a sword. E. निस्त्रिंश, and धारिन् who bears.
- निस्त्रैगुण्य :: mfn. (-ण्यः -ण्या -ण्यं) Destitute of the qualities, truth, passion, and darkness. E. निर् neg. त्रैगुण्य three qualities.
- निस्नाव :: m. (-वः) The remainder of articles, &c. after a sale or market.
- निस्पन्द :: mfn. (-न्दः -न्दा -न्दं) Still, steady, immoveable. m. (-न्दः) Thro- bbing, trembling. E. नि before, स्पद् to go, aff घञ् ।
- निस्पृह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Content, unenvious. f. (-हा) 1. A plant. (Gloriosa superba.) 2. Contentment. E. नि neg. स्पृहा desire.
- निस्यन्द :: m. (-न्दः) Trickling, oozing, issuing. E. नि before, स्यन्द to ooze, aff. घञ् ।
- निस्राव :: m. (-वः) 1. The scum of boiled rice. 2. A torrent. E. नि before, स्रु to ooze or drop, aff घञ् .
- निस्वन :: m. (-नः) 1. Sound. 2. Silence, E. नि before, स्वन् to sound, aff. अप् .
- निस्वान :: m. (-नः) Sound. E. नि before, स्वन with घञ् aff.: see to last.
- निहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Killed, slain. E. नि affir. हत killing.
- निहनन :: n. (-नं) Killing, slaughter, E. नि before, हन to kill, तृच् aff.
- निहन्तृ :: mfn. (-न्ता -न्त्री -न्तृ) Murderous, who or what kills. E. नि before, हन् to kill, तृच् aff.
- निहन्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Killed. E. नि, हन to kill, pass. v. शानच् aff.
- निहव :: m. (-वः) Calling, calling to. E. नि before, ह्वे to call, अप् aff.
- निहाका :: f. (-का) An iguana or the Gangetic alligator. E. नि before, हा to quit, Unādi aff. कन् .
- निह्यर :: m. (-रः) Frost, dew: see नीहार . E. नि + हृ + कर्मणि घञ् वा दीर्घः ।
- निहिंसन :: n. (-नं) Killing, slaughter. E. नि before, हिंस् to kill or hurt, aff. भावे ल्युट्
- निहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Deposited, delivered, given, entrusted. 2. Applied to, bestowed upon. 3. Laid, (as dust by rain.) E. नि before, धा to have, aff. क्त; हिरादेशः ।
- निहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) A low man, an outcast. E. नि before, हीन abandoned.
- निह्नव :: m. (-वः) 1. Denial or concealment of knowledge, dissimulation, secrecy. 2. Concealment in general. 3. Mistrust, doubt, suspicion. 4. Wickedness. 5. A secret. 6. Excuse. E. नि before, ह्नु to hide or secrete aff. अप् .
- निह्नववादिन् :: m. (-दी) A defendant or witness who prevaricates or tries to hide the truth. E. निह्नव and वादिन् who speaks.
- निह्नवोत्तर :: n. (-रं) An evasive reply or defence. E. निह्नव, and उत्तर answer.
- निह्नुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Concealed, secreted. 2. Denied, evaded. E. नि before, ह्नु to secrete aff. क्त .
- निह्नुति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Denial or concealment of knowledge, dissimulation, reserve, secrecy. 2. Hiding, concealment. E. नि before, ह्नु to sec- rete aff. क्तिन् .
- निह्नुवान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Insinuating, using double entendre. E. नि be- fore, ह्नु to secrete शानच् aff.
- निह्नाद :: m. (-दः) Sound. E. नि before, ह्रद् to sound aff. घञ् .
- निह्नादवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती वत्) Sounding, making a noise. E. निह्राद and मतुप् aff.
- नीक :: m. (-कः) The name of a tree. E. नी to gain, Unādi aff. कक् ।
- नी(नि)कार :: m. (-रः) Disrespect, contempt, vilifying, degrading. E. नि before, कृ to make, aff. भावे घञ् ।
- नी(नि)काश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) (In composition) Like, resembling. m. (-शः) Certainty, ascertainment. E. नि before, काश् to shine, aff. घञ् and the vowel made long.
- नीच :: mfn. (-चः -चा -चं) 1. Low (in stature) short, dwarfish. 2. Low, (in condition) vile, base, mean. 3. Deep. E. न privative, ई good fortune, चि to obtain, aff. ड .
- नीचक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Low, dwarfish, a dwarf. 2. Vile, low. f. (-का) An excellent cow. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- नीचकिन् :: m. (-की) 1. The head or top of any thing. 2. The owner of a good cow.
- नीचकैस् :: ind. Low, below, little, vile, &c. E. नीचैस् low, अकच् inserted.
- नीचग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Low, vile, base. n. (-गं) Water. f. (-गा) A river. E. नीच low or deep, and ग who is going.
- नीचभोज्य :: m. (-ज्यः) An onion. E. नीच a low man, and भोज्य food.
- नीचिका :: f. (-का) A good cow; also नीचिकी and नैचिकी .
- नीचैस् :: ind. Little, small, low. E. नि before, चि to collect, डैसि aff. and the vowel of नि made long.
- नीड :: mn. (-डः-डं) 1. Nest 2. A place, a spot. E. नि before, इङ् to go, aff. घञ् or नि + इल-क, डस्य-लः ।
- नीडज :: m. (-जः) A bird in general. E. नीड a nest, and ज born.
- नीडोद्भव :: m. (-वः) A bird. E. नीड a nest, and उद्भव born.
- नीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Well behaved, correct, modest. 2. Gained, ob- tained. 3. Led, conducted. n. (-तं) 1. Wealth. 2. Corn, grain. E. नी to get &c. aff. क्त .
- नीति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Guiding, directing. 2. Obtaining, acquirement, acquisi- tion. 3. Polity, political science, treating especially of the ad- ministrating of government, including the practice of morality in private life, both by the sovereign and his subjects. E. नी to guide or gain, aff. क्तिन् .
- नीतिकथा :: f. (-था) Any work on polity or good government. E. नीति and कथा a tale.
- नीतिकुशल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Politic, conversant with government and human affairs. E. नीति and कुशल able.
- नीतिघोष :: m. (-षः) The car of VṚHASPATI. E. नीति guiding, and घोष sound.
- नीतिज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Knowing what is right especially in govern- ment, sagacious, politic. m. (-ज्ञः) A statesman, a politician. E. नीति and ज्ञ who knows.
- नीतिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Moral eminent for royal duties. E. नीति, and मतुप् aff.
- नीतिविद्या :: f. (-द्या) Political science. E. नीति, and विद्या knowledge.
- नीतिशास्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) The science of political ethics, or any work treat- ing of it. E. नीति, and शास्त्र a scripture. शिष्यते अनेन शास-त्रल् ।
- नीत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Given, given away. E. नि before, दत्त given, form irr.
- नीत्वा :: ind. 1. Having taken. 2. Having passed or spent. E. णी to take, क्ता aff.
- नीथ :: m. (थः) A guider, a leader. n. (-थं) Water. E. नी to guide, क्थन् Unādi aff.
- नीध्र(व्र) :: n. (-ध्रं-व्रं) 1. The edge of a thatch or roof. 2. A wood. 3. The circumference of a wheel. 4. The moon. 5. The constellation Revati. E. नि before, धृ to fall, &c. aff. क, and the vowel of the prefix made long: this is considered as a various reading also of नीव्र q. v.
- नीप :: m. (-पः) 1. The Kadamba tree, (Nauclea Kadamba.) 2. A spe- cies of Ixora, (I. bandhuca, Rox.) 3. A sort of Aśoca or Nil Aśoka. 4. The foot of a mountain. E. नी to obtain, (pleasure.) and प Uṇadi aff.; किच्च ।
- नीयमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Being sought or obtained. 2. Being taken away, E. नी to obtain, शानच् aff. यक् inserted.
- नीर :: n. (-रं) 1. Water. 2. Juice, liquor. E. नी to obtain, aff. रक् .
- नीरक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Colourless, faded, having the colour taken out. E. निर् neg. रक्त red or dyed.
- नीरज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Aquatic. n. (-जं) 1. A sort of Costus, (C. spe- ciosus.) 2. A. lotus in general. m. (-जः) An otter. E. नीर water, and ज born, or produced.
- नीरजस् :: mfn. (-जाः -जाः -जः) 1. Free from dust. 2. Having no pollen, (as a flower.) f. (-जाः) A woman not menstruating. E. निर् neg. रजस् dust &c. and इ made long before र .
- नीरजीकारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Cleansed, made free from dust. E. नीरजस् and कारित caused, च्वि augment.
- नीरत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Indifferent, not taking pleasure in. 2. Stop- ped, in stating. E. नि neg. or affir. रत engaged in, इ made long.
- नीरद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Toothless. m. (-दः) A cloud. E. नीर water, द what gives, or नि neg. रद a tooth.
- नीरदिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Cloudy. E. नीरद, and इनि aff.
- नीरधि :: m. (-धिः) The ocean. E. नीर water, and धि having.
- नीरनिधि :: m. (-धिः) The ocean. E. नीर water, and निधि receptacle.
- नीरन्ध्र :: mfn. (-न्ध्र -न्ध्रा -न्ध्रं) 1. Coarse, thick, gross, without interstices. 2. Entire, having no holes, imperforate. E. नी for निर् negative prefix, रन्ध a hole.
- नीरस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Dry, withered, insipid, devoid of taste, &c. morally or physically m. (-सः) The pomegranate. E. नी for निर negative or affirmative prefix, and रस juice, flavour.
- नीराखु :: m. (-खुः) An otter. E. नीर water, and आखु a cat; the water- cat.
- नीराजन :: nf. (-नं-ना) 1. Lustration of arms; military and religious ceremony held or the 19th of Āshwin, by kings or generals for purifying the army before taking the field; it is still ob- served by some Hindu states, under the name of Dashahārā. 2. Waving lights before an idol; but it may also be performed with a lotus, clean cloth, or the leaves of various sacred plants; prostration is also considered as the fifth kind of this sort of adoration. E. निर् completely, राज to shine, aff युच् or भावे ल्युट्; रलोपे पूर्वाणो दीर्घः or नीर water, and अजन going, sprinkling the arms, horses, &c. with water.
- नीरिन्दु :: m. (-न्दुः) A plant, (Trophis aspera.) E. नीर् water, इन्दु the moon; or नि + ईर् + क्विप् । (आस्श्याओडा) ।
- नीरुच् :: mfn. (-रुक्) Dull, dim, faded. E. निर् neg. रुच् light, and इ made long, affix क्विप् । According to Turkabāchaspati:-- निश्चितं रोचते निर + रूच-क्विप् रलोपे दीर्घः । नितान्तदीप्तिशीले ।
- नीरुज् :: mfn. (-रुक्) Convalescent, well, in health. E. नि private, रुज् disease.
- नीरुज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Convalescent, well. n. (-जं) A sort of Costus, (C. speciosus.) E. नि implying opposition, (anti,) and रुज् disease.
- नीरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Formless, shapeless. n. (पं) Heaven, æther. m. (-पं) 1. Air, wind. 2. GOD. E. निर् neg. रूप form.
- नील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Blue, dark blue or black. m. (-लः) 1. Black or dark blue, (the colour.) 2. The blue mountain, one of the princi- pal ranges of mountains, dividing the world into nine portions, and lying immediately north of Ilāvrata or the central division. 3. One of the monkey chiefs. 4. One of the Nidhis or divine treasures of KUVERA. 5. A gem, (the sapphire.) 6. A name of the Buddha MANJUGHOSHA. 7. The blue or hill Maina, a bird so called. n. (-लं) 1. Indigo, the dye. 2. A mark, a characteristic mark. 3. A medical plant, apparently distinct from the Indigo- fera. 4. Blue vitriol. 5. Black salt. 6. Poison. 7. Antimony. f. (-ला) 1. A blue fly. 2. A Ragini or mode of music, personified as the wife of the Rāga Mallār. f. (-ली) 1. The indigo plant, (Indigofera tinctoria.) 3. A complaint of the eyes, a darkening of the pupil. 3. A bruise, a black and blue mark on the skin. E. नील to dye or tinge, Unādi aff. अच्; or नीली indigo, अन् aff., implying being coloured or stained by it.
- नीलक :: m. (-कः) 1. The Nil Gai or slate coloured antilope, (A. picta.) 2. A tree, (Pentaptera tomentosa.) n. (-कं) 1. Blue steel. 2. Blue vitriol. 3. Black salt. E. नील, स्वार्थे संज्ञायाम् कन् वा ।
- नी(का)लकण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) 1. A name of SĪVA. 2. Gallinule. 3. A sparrow. 4. A wagtail. 5. A peacock. 6. Morunga, (Hyperanthera morunga.) 7. A blue necked jay. E. नील, blue or black, and कण्ठ the throat; also कालकण्ठ .
- नीलकण्ठाक्ष :: n. (-क्षं) The Elœocarpus seed. E. नीलकण्ठ SĪVA, and अक्ष a seed.
- नीलकमल :: n. (-लं) The blue lotus. E. नील, and कमल a lotus.
- नीलकुरुण्टक :: m. (-कः) Blue Barleria, (B. cærulea.) E. नील, and कुरुण्टक Barleria.
- नीलक्रौञ्च :: m. (-ञ्चः) A sort of curlew or heron. E. नील blue, and क्रीञ्च a heron, &c. (काचवक) ।
- नीलग्रीव :: m. (-वः) A name of MAHĀDEVA. E. नील blue, and ग्रीवा neck; the neck of SĪVA was stained blue by the acrimony of the poison, which, upon its production at the churning of the ocean, he swallowed.
- नील(ला)ङ्गु :: m. (-ङ्गुः) An insect in general. 2. A sort of worm. 3. A Jackal. E. नि before, लिगि to go, Unādi aff. कु, and the इ of नि made long.
- नीलज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced in the blue mountain, &c. n. (-जं) Blue steel. E. नील, and ज produced.
- नीलझिण्टी :: f. (-ण्टी) Blue Barleria. E. नील blue, and झिण्टी Barleria.
- नीलपङ्क :: mn. (-ङ्कः-ङ्कं) 1. Darkness. 2. Black mud. E. नील black, and पङ्क clay or mire.
- नीलपटल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Very dark or black. E. नील, and पटल abundance.
- नीलपत्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) Having black or dark blue leaves. n. (-त्रं) The blue lotus. E. नोल blue, and पत्र a leaf.
- नीलपाचन :: n. (-नं) Steeping or maceration of indigo. E. नील, and पाचन cooking.
- नीलपाचनभाण्ड :: E. (-ण्डं) An indigo vat. E. नीलपाचन, and भाण्ड a vessel.
- नीलपद्म :: n. (-द्मं) The blue lotus, (Nynphæa cærulea.) E. नील, and पद्म a lotus.
- नीलपिच्छ :: m. (-च्छः) A falcon. E. नील blue, and पिच्छ a tail.
- नीलपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A sort of Verbesina with blue flowers. f. (-ष्पी) A blue species of Rasan. E. नील blue, and पुष्प a flower.
- नीलपुष्पिका :: f. (-का) The indigo plant. E. कन् added to नीलपुष्पी .
- नीलपृष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) 1. A sort of fish, commonly called Rohita, (Cyprinus denticulatus.) 2. The fire. E. नील blue, पृष्ठ the back.
- नीलभ :: m. (-भः) 1. The moon. 2. A cloud. 3. A bee. E. नील blue, or black, भा to show, aff. क .
- नीलमणि :: m. (-णिः) 1. A gem of a blue colour, the sapphire. 2. An epi- thet of Krishnā. E. नील blue, and मणि a jewel.
- नीलमाधव :: m. (-वः) A name of KRISHṆA. E. नील and माधव VISHṆU, being of a dark colour.
- नीलमीलिक :: m. (-कः) A firefly. E. नील black or dark blue, मील् to twinkle, aff. ठक् ।
- नीलमृत्तिका :: f. (-का) 1. Iron pyrites. 2. Black mould. 3. Black earth. E. नील and मृत्तिका earth.
- नीललोह :: n. (-हं) Blue steel. E. नील blue, and लोह iron.
- नीललोहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Purple, of a purple colour. m. (-तः) 1. A name of SĪVA. 2. A mixture of red and blue, purple. f. (-ता) A vegetable: see भूमिजम्बू E. नील blue or black, and लोहित red.
- नीलवर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णी -र्णं) Blue, of a blue colour. E. नील, and वर्ण colour.
- नीलवसन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Wearing dark blue or black garments. m. (-नः) The planet Saturn. E. नील dark blue, and वसन vesture.
- नीलवस्त्र :: mfn. (-स्त्रः -स्त्रा -स्त्रं) Dressed in dark black vesture. n. (-स्त्रं) Dark coloured cloth. m. (-स्त्रः) A name of BALARĀMA. E. नील, and वस्त्र clothes.
- नीलवासस् :: mfn. (-साः -साः -सः) Dressed in dark blue clothes. m. (-साः) A name of Saturn. E. नील dark blue, वासस् raiment.
- नीलवृष :: m. (-षः) A dark coloured bull. E. नील, and वृष a bull.
- नीलाक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A goose. E. नील and अक्ष an eye, having dark blue eyes.
- नीलाङ्ग :: mf. (-ङ्गः-ङ्गी) 1. The Indian crane, or Sārasa. 2. The blue jay. E. नील blue, and अङ्ग body.
- नीला(ल)ङ्गु :: m. (-ङ्गुः) 1. An insect in general. 2. A sort of insect. 3. A Jackal. f. (-ङ्गुः) A gad-fly. E. See नीलङ्गु; the penultimate being irregularly made long.
- नीलाञ्जन :: n. (-नं) Blue vitriol. f. (-ना) Lightning. E. नील blue, अञ्जन collyrium, &c. (तुंँते |)
- नीलाञ्जसा :: f. (-सा) 1. One of the Apsarās or courtezans of Swarga. 2. The name of a river. 3. Lightning. E. नील dark, अञ्जस quickly, affs. अच् and टाप् . अन्जि-णिच्-असच् ।
- नीलाम्बर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Dressed in dark blue cloth. m. (-रः) 1. A name of BLARĀMA. 2. A demon, A goblin. 3. A name of SANI or Saturn. n. (-रं) Black or dark blue raiment. E. नील, and अम्बर clothing &c. तालीश पत्रे ।
- नीलाम्बुजन्मन् :: n. (-न्म) The blue lotus. E. नील, and अम्बुजन्मन् a lotus.
- नीलाभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Blue. m. (-भः) A cloud. E. नील, and आभ what shines.
- नीलाभ्र :: n. (-भ्रं) A dark cloud. E. नील, and अभ्र cloud.
- नीलाश्मन् :: m. (-श्मा) A blue stone, a sapphire. E. नील, and अश्मन् a stone.
- नीलिका(नी) :: f. (-का) A plant, (Nyctanthes tristis;) a species with blue flowers. 2. The indigo plant. 3. A slight malady; black and blue marks in the body from bruises, &c. कन् added to नीली .
- नीलिनी :: f. (-नी) 1. Indigo, (Indigofera tinctoria.) 2. A black species of Teori. E. नील black or dark blue, poss aff. इनि, fem. aff, ङीप् .
- नीलीराग :: m. (-गः) 1. A firm and constant friend. 2. Firm, unalterable attachment, (as that of RĀMA and SĪTĀ.) 3. Dark blue. E. नीली indigo, and राग colour; as permanent as the dye of indigo.
- नीलीसन्धान :: n. (-नं) Fermentation or maceration of indigo. E. नीली, and सन्धान fermentation.
- नीलीसन्धानभाण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) An indigo vat. E. नीलीसन्धान, and भाण्ड a vessel.
- नीलोत्पल :: n. (-लं) A blue lotus. (Nymphæa cærulea.) E. नील blue, and उत्पल a lotus.
- नीलोत्पलिन् :: m. (-ली) One of the Jaina saints or teachers. called Manzughosa.
- नीलोपल :: n. (-लं) A blue stone, lapis lazuli. E. नील, and उपल a stone.
- नीवर :: m. (-रः) 1. Trade, traffic. 2. A place, &c. proper for the site of a habitation. 3. A religious mendicant. 4. A trader. n. (-रं) 1. Water. 2. Mud, mire. E. णी to obtain, &c. ष्वरच् Uṇadi aff.
- नीवाक :: m. (-कः) Increased demand for grains in times of dearth, scarcity. E. नि before, वच् to speak, aff. घञ्; creating alarm and causing conversation.
- नीवार :: m. (-रः) Rice growing wild or without cultivation. E. नि before, वृ to be, aff. घञ् .
- नीवि(वी) :: f. (-विः-वी) 1. Capital, principal, stock. 2. Stake, wager. 3. A cloth round a woman's waist, or the ends of the cloth passed round the loins so as to hold the whole together; on being loosed the lower members are exposed: the tie of drawers worn by women, &c. 4. The outer tie of a packet, in which the offer- ings of a Sudra at funeral obsequies are presented. E. नि before, व्येञ् to cover, Unādi aff. इन् and ङीप् optionally added; the इ of नि is made long, and the radical finals rejected.
- नीव्र(घ्र) :: n. (-व्रं-घ्रं) 1. The edge of a thatch. 2. The circumference of a wheel. 3. A wood. 4. The moon. 5. The constellation Revati. E. नि certainly, वृ to be, aff. क, deriv. irr.; also नीध्र .
- नीवृत् :: mfn. (-वृत्) Any inhabited country. E. नि always, वृत to be, aff. क्विप्, and the vowel of the prefix made long.
- नीशार :: m. (-रः) 1. A warm cloth, blanket. 2. Curtains, musquito- curtains. 3. An outer tent or screen. E. नि before, शृ to hurt, &c. aff. घञ्, deriv. irr.
- नीहार :: m. (-रः) 1. Frost, hoar-frost. 2. Heavy dew. 3. Evacuation. E. नि before, हृ to steal or take, aff. कर्मणि घञ् ।
- नु :: ind. 1. A particle of interrogation; 2. Of discrimination; 3. Of reflexion; 4. Of doubt; 5. Of contempt; 6. Of pretence; 7. Of respect; 8. A particle implying cause or motive: (what, but, how, hum, or either, &c. will in general express it.) E. णुट् to go, or णु praise, &c. aff. डु .
- नु :: m. (-नुः) 1. A weapon. 2. Time. 3. A boat. 4. The nasal mark above the line in neuter nouns, &c. f. (-नुः) Praise, eulogium, panegyric. E. णु to praise, &c. aff. क्किप् .
- नुड :: r. 9th cl. (नुडति) To hurt or kill. तु-कु-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- नुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Praised, commended. E. णु to praise, aff. क्त .
- नुति :: f. (-निः) 1. Praise, eulogium, panegyric. 2. Worship, reverence. E. णु to praise, क्तिन् aff.
- नुत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Sent, ordered, despatched. m. (-त्तः) A plant: see लकुच . E. णुद to send, aff. क्त; also नुन्न .
- नुनुत्सु :: mfn. (-त्सुः -त्सुः -त्सु) Desirous of removing. E. णुद् to send, desid. v. उ aff.
- नुन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Sent. thrown, despatched, cast, dismissed. E. णुद् to praise, aff. क्त, form irr.; also नुत्त .
- नूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. New. 2. Praised, eulogized, hymned. E. णु to praise, aff. क्त .
- नूतन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. New, recent, fresh, young, &c. 2. Present. 3. Instantaneous. 4. Modern. 5. Curious. E. नव new, नू substituted for it, and तनप् aff. नुरादेशश्च ।
- नूततत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Newness, novelty. E. त्व added to the last; also with तल्, नूतनता .
- नूत्न :: mfn. (-त्नः -त्ना -त्नं) New. E. नू substituted for नव new, त्नप् aff.
- नूद :: m. (-दः) The mulberry tree, (Morus Indica.) E. णद् to send, क aff. and the deriv. irr. नुदति पापं; क-पृषो-दीर्घः ।
- नूनम् :: ind. 1. Certainly, assuredly. 2. A particle of doubt or delibera-
tion. 3. A reminiscent particle. 4. An expletive. E. नू a particle, नम् to bow or bend, aff. विच् deriv. irr. or नु + ऊन-मि ।
- नूपुर :: mn. (-रः-रं) An ornament for the toes and feet. E. णु to praise or be praised, aff. क्विप्; or नू an ornament, पुर् to precede, aff. क .
- नृ :: r. 1st cl. (नरति) 5th cl. (नृणाति) To lead, to conduct, to guide; phy- sically or morally. भ्वा० प० अक० अनिट् ।
- नृ :: n. (-ना) 1. Man, individually or collectively, a man, mankind. 2. A piece at chess, &c. 3. A gnomon. E. णी to guide or gain, aff. दृन् .
- नृकेशरिन् :: m. (-री) The Nrisinha or man-lion Avatār. E. नृ and केशरिन् a lion.
- नृग :: m. (-गः) The name of a king, the son of IKSHWAKU.
- नृचक्षस् :: m. (-क्षाः) A demon, a Rākshasa, a goblin. E. नृ a man, and चक्षस् an eater; from चक्ष् to eat, असुन् aff.
- नृजग्ध :: m. (-ग्धः) A man-eater, a cannibal, a Rākshasa. E. (by whom,) नृ man, जग्ध is eaten.
- नृत (ई) नृती :: r. 4th cl. (नृत्यति) To dance, to dance as an actor, to gesti- culate, to act. दिवा० प० अक० सेट् ।
- नृति :: f. (-तिः) Dancing, the science or practice. E. नृत् to dance, aff. कि .
- नृतू :: m. (-तूः) 1. A dancer, a mime, an actor. 2. Earth. 3. A worm. 4. Length. E. नृत् to dance, and कू aff.
- नृत्त :: m. (-त्तं) Dancing. E. नृत् to dance, aff. क्त .
- नृत्य :: n. (-त्यं) Dancing, acting, the actor's practice in general. E. नृत् to dance, aff. क्यप् .
- नृत्यत् :: mfn. (-त्यन् -त्यन्ती -त्यत्) Dancing. E. नृत् to dance, शतृ aff.
- नृदेव :: m. (-वः) A king. E. नृ and देव a divinity.
- नृधर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्म) Acting as a man, doing a man's duty, &c. m. (-र्म्मा) A name of KUVERA. n. (-र्म्म) Manly property or duty. E. नृ man, धर्म्म virtue, अनिच् aff.
- नृप :: m. (-पः) A king, a sovereign. E. नृ man, पा to protect, aff. क .
- नृपनीति :: f. (-तिः) Royal policy. E. नृप, नीति policy.
- नृपति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A name of KUVERA. 2. A king, a sovereign. E. नृ man, and पति a master.
- नृपद्रुम :: m. (-मः) A tree, (Cassia fistula.) E. नृप, and द्रुम a tree.
- नृपप्रिय :: m. (-यः) A thorny species of bamboo, (Bambusa spinosa.) E. नृप a king, and प्रिय fond of. (वेड्वांँश) ।
- नृपमन्दिर :: n. (-रं) A royal palace. E. नृप a king, and मन्दिर a residence.
- नृपमान :: n. (-नं) Sound of music, made to give warning to kings when eating or feasting. E. नृप, and मान measure.
- नृपलक्ष्मन् :: n. (-क्ष्म) 1. The royal umbrella. 2. Any of the royal insignia. E. नृप, and लक्ष्मण a mark or sign.
- नृपलिङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) Any emblem or mark of royalty. E. नृप, and लिङ्ग a mark.
- नृपलिङ्गधर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Assuming the insignia of sovereignty. 2. Taking, (fraudulently,) the emblem or marks of the royal or mi- litary caste. E. नृपलिङ्ग, and धर who has.
- नृपवल्लभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) 1. A king's friend. 2. A prepared oil or ghee containing medicinal properties. f. (-भा) A queen. E. नृप, and वल्लभ beloved.
- नृपसंश्रय :: m. (-यः) Service of princes. E. नृप, and संश्रय dependence.
- नृपसभ(भा) :: n. (-भं) 1. An assembly of princes. 2. A palace. E. नृप a king, and सभा an assembly.
- नृपांश :: m. (-शः) Revenue, the royal portion; of grain, a sixth, eighth, or twelfth; of fruits, &c. a sixth, and of merchandise a fiftieth. E. नृप, and अंश a part.
- नृपात्मज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Of royal birth. m. (-जः) A prince. f. (-जा) 1. A bitter gourd. 2. A princess. E. नृप a king, and आत्मज offspring.
- नृपाध्वर :: m. (-रः) A sort of sacrifice; the Rājasūya, held by a lord pa- ramount, in which all the offices are performed by tributary princes. E. नृप a king, अध्वर a sacrifice.
- नृपाभीर :: n. (-रं) Music played at the royal meals.
- नृपामय :: m. (-यः) Consumption. E. नृप, and आमय disease.
- नृपावर्त्त :: n. (-र्त्तं) A kind of gem. E. नृप, and आवर्त्त what revolves.
- नृपासन :: n. (-नं) A throne. E. नृप a king, and आसन a seat.
- नृपोचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Kingly, princely, suited to a king. E. नृप, and उचित proper.
- नृयज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) Hospitality. E. नृ a man, and यज्ञ sacrifice.
- नृवराह :: m. (-हः) The third or the boar incarnation of VISHṆU. E. नृ a man, वराह a boar; being delineated with the figure of a man, and the head of the wild boar.
- नृशंस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Malicious, wicked, hurtful, injurious, mischievous, destructive. E. नृ man, शसि to hurt, aff. अण ।
- नृशंसवृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Practising mischief. E. नृशंस, and वृत्त engaged in.
- नृसिंह :: m. (-हः) 1. Vishṇu. 2. The fourth Avatāra or descent of that deity, in the shape of a man, with the head and claws of a lion. 3. A chief, a noble, a great or illustrious man, a great man. E. नृ a man, and सिंह a lion; applied in composition, also to signify preeminence.
- नृसेन(ना) :: nf. (-नं-ना) An army of men. E. नृ a man, and सेना an army.
- नृसोम :: m. (-मः) An illustrious or great man, a prince or chief. E. नृ mankind, and सोम the moon, here implying superiority, or ex- cellence.
- नृहरि :: m. (-रिः) VISHṆU as the man-lion. E. नृ and हरि a lion.
- नेजक :: m. (-कः) A washerman. E. णिज् to cleanse, aff. ण्वुल् ।
- नेतव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be taken, to be carried or conducted. E. णी to take, तव्य aff.
- नेतृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Leading, conducting, one who guides or leads, &c. m. (-ता) 1. A master, an owner. 2. A guide. E. णी to lead, aff. तृच् ।
- नेत्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्री -त्रं) A leader, a guide, one who guides or leads. n. (-त्रं) 1. The eye. 2. The foot of a tree. 3. Bleached or wove silk. 4. A car, a carriage. 5. The string of a churning rope. 6. An enema- pipe. 7. The number “two”. mn. (-त्रः-त्रं) Any tubular vessel. f. (-त्री) 1. A river. 2. The goddess LAKSHMĪ. E. णी to guide or gain, Unādi aff. ष्ट्रन्, fem. aff. ङीप् ।
- नेत्रज :: n. (-जं) A tear. E. नेत्र, and ज born.
- नेत्रच्छद :: m. (-दः) An eyelid. E. नेत्र the eye, छद् to cover aff. णिच्-क ।
- नेत्रपर्य्यन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) As far as to the eye, up to the eye. m. (-न्तः) The outer angle of the eye. E. नेत्र, and पर्य्यन्त limita- tive अपाङ्गे ।
- नेत्रपिण्ड :: mf. (-ण्डः-ण्डी) 1. A cat. 2. The ball of the eye. E. नेत्र the eye, and पिण्ड a ball of flesh, &c.
- नेत्रयोनि :: m. (-निः) 1. INDRA. 2. The moon. E. नेत्र an eye, and योनि the vulva; being covered with marks resembling that organ, through the curse of GAUTAMA, whose wife he had attempted to debauch; the sage afterwards relenting, changed these dis- graceful marks on the body of the deity to as many eyes.
- नेत्ररञ्जन :: n. (-नं) Collyrium. E. नेत्र and रञ्जन delighting.
- नेत्ररोग :: m. (-गः) Any disease of the eye. E. नेत्र, and रोग disease.
- नेत्रवस्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) A veil over the eye. E. नेत्र and वस्त्र clothes.
- नेत्रामय :: m. (-यः) Ophthalmia, &c. E. नेत्र, and आमय sickness.
- नेत्राम्बु :: m. (म्बुः) A tear. E. नेत्र an eye, and अम्बु water.
- नेत्रोत्सव :: n. (-वं) Any pleasing or beautiful object. E. नेत्र, and उत्सव festival.
- नेत्रौषध :: n. (-धं) 1. Green sulphate of iron considered as a collyrium. 2. Collyrium in general. f. (-धी) A drug, commonly कोंगा . E. नेत्र the eye, and औषघ a medicament.
- नेदयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Approximating, bringing near. E. नेद for अन्तिक nom. verb, शतृ aff.
- नेदिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) 1. Very near. 2. Clever. m. (-ष्ठः) A tree; (Alan-
gium hexapetalum.) E. अन्तिक near, इष्ठन् affix of the superlative, and the form irr.; also नेदीयस् with ईयसुन् aff.
- नेदीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Very near, nearest: see the last.
- नेन्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) Taking or obtaining frequently. E. णी to ob- tain, frequent. v., अच् aff.
- नेप :: m. (-पः) 1. The family priest. 2. Water. E. णी to guide, Unādi aff. प .
- नेपथ्य :: n. (-थ्यं) 1. A stage, or the part behind the scenes, the tiring room, &c. 2. Ornament, decoration, embellishment. E. णी to guide, विच् aff. and the vowel changed, ने the eye, or a chief, पथ्य proper, agreeable, grateful.
- नेपाल :: m. (-लः) The country of Nepal. E. ने a chief: see the last, and पाल cherishing.
- नेपालिका :: f. (-का) Arsenic. E. नेपाल, and ठन् aff.
- नेम :: m. (-मः) 1. Time, period, season. 2. Term, boundary, limit. 3. Part, portion. 4. A fence, a boundary wall or hedge. 5. A hole, a chasm. 6. Fraud, deceit. 7. Acting, dancing. 8. Other, dif- ferent. 9. Evening. 10. Up, above. 11. A root. 12. The founda- tion of a wall. E. णी to gain, Unādi aff. मन् .
- नेमि :: f. (-मिः-मी) 1. The circumference of a wheel. 2. The framework for the rope of a well. 3. Edge, rim. 4. A windlass. 5. A thun- derbolt. 6. The earth. m. (-मिः) 1. The twenty-second Jina or Jaina pontiff. 2. A sacred place, as Mathurā. mf. (-मिः-मी) A tree, (Dalbergia Oujeiniensis.) E. णी to gain or go, Unādi aff. मि .
- नेमिचक्र :: m. (-क्रः) A prince descended from PARĪKSHIT, who is said to have removed the capital of India to Kausāmbi, after the inundation of Hastināpur.
- नेमिन् :: m. (-मी) A tree. E. नेमि the circumference of a wheel, इनि aff. the wood being used for its manufacture.
- नेष्टृ :: m. (-ष्टा) One of the sixteen officiating priests at a soma sacrifice. E. णी to lead or conduct the ceremonies, Unādi aff. तृन्, and षुक् augment.
- नैःश्रेयस :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) Relating to final emancipation, leading to it, effecting it, &c. E. निःश्रेयस्, and अण aff.
- नैःश्रेयसिक :: mfn. (-कः -कीकं) Relating to final emancipation, &c. E. निःश्रेयस, and ठक् aff.
- नैस्नेह्य :: n. (-ह्यं) 1. Dryness, austerity. 2. Coldness, want of affection. E. निःस्नेह, and ष्यञ् aff.
- नैक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Many, various. E. न neg. एक one.
- नैवटिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Near, being near. E. निकट, and ठञ् aff.
- नैकट्य :: n. (-ठ्यं) Proximity, vicinage. E. निकट and ष्यञ् aff.
- नैकभेद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Various, multiform, manifold. E. नैक, and भेद kind.
- नैकरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Multiform. E. नैक, and रूप form.
- नैकषेय :: mf. (-यः-या) A Rākshasa, a fiend, goblin. E. निकशा the mother of the race, and ढक् aff.
- नैकृतिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Morose, harsh-spoken. 2. Wicked, bad. E. निकृति, and ठक् aff.
- नैगम :: m. (-मः) An Upanishad or portion of the Vedas. 2. A sectarian, not a heretic. 3. A trader, a merchant. 4. A citizen, a towns- man. 5. Guiding, leading, directing. 6. A road, a way E. निगम a religious obligation, aff. स्वार्थे अण् .
- नैचिक :: n. (-कं) The head of an ox. f. (-की) A capital cow. E. नीकैस् low, down, चर् to go, ठक् aff. and the radical finals rejected; also नीचिकी, &c.
- नैज :: mfn. (-जः -जी -जं) Own E. निज, and अण् aff.
- नैत्य :: n. (-त्यं) Eternity, perpetuity. E. नित्य + व्युष्टा-अण् aff.
- नैत्यक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Always, constant, indispensable. E. नित्य, and वुन् aff.
- नैत्यिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Invariable, constant, perpetual, indis- pensable. E. नित्य and ठक् aff.
- नैद्र :: mfn. (-द्रः -द्री -द्रं) Sleepy, somniferous, relating or occurring in sleep. E. निद्रा, and अण् aff.
- नैधान :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Relating to a treasure, a nest, &c. f. (-नी) A boundary where some articles are buried and dug up. E. निधान a treasure, अञ् aff.
- नैपाल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Produced in Nepal. f. (-ली) 1. Double jasmine. 2. Red arsenic. 3. Sephālica, (Nyctanthes tristis.) 4. Indigo. E. नेपाल Nepal, अण् and ङीष् affs.; brought from thence.
- नैपालिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Produced in or brought from Nepal &c. n. (-कं) Copper. E. नेपाल, and ठेक् aff.
- नैपुण :: n. (-णं) Dexterity, cleverness, skill. E. निपुण skilful, aff. अण; also with ष्यञ् aff., नैपण्य n. (ण्यं) ।
- नैपुण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) Dexterity, cleverness.
- नैमित्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Occasional. n. (-कं) 1. An effect (opposite to “cause”) 2. Occasional, periodical act or rite. m. (-कः) An astro- loger, a prophet. E. निमित्त cause, ठक् aff.
- नेमित्तिककर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) An occasional ceremony, such as should be observed on the birth of a child, &c. E. नैमित्तिक, and कर्म्म act; also नैमित्तिकक्रिया, &c.
- नैमिष :: mfn. (-षः -षी -षं) Momentary, transient, in a twinkling. n. (-षं) The name of a forest. See नैमिषारण्य . E. निमिष, and अण् aff.
- नैमिषारण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) A wood celebrated as the residence of the Ṛshis, to whom Sautī related the Mahābhārat. E. निमिष a twinkling of an eye, in which the sage GAURAMUKHA destroyed a sort of Asuras, and अण् aff. and अरण्य a forest.
- नैमेय :: m. (-यः) Barter, exchange. E. नि before, मि to measure, यत् aff. and स्वार्थे-अण् added.
- नैयग्रोध :: n. (-धं) The fruit of the Indian fig tree, &c. E. न्यग्रोध the fig tree, &c. and अण् aff.
- नैयङ्कव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Made of the skin, &c. of the deer, called न्यङ्कु E. न्यङ्कु and अण् aff.
- नैयत्य :: n. (-त्यं) Self-government or subjugation. E. नियत, and ष्यञ् aff.
- नैयमिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) According to rule, regular, enjoined, E. नियम, and ठक् aff.
- नैयायिक :: m. (-कः) A logician, a follower of the Nyāya or logical philosophy. E. न्याय the Nyāya system, and ठक् aff.
- नैरन्तय्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Compactness, closeness, contiguity. E. निरन्तर, and ष्यञ् aff.
- नैराश्या :: n. (-श्यं) Despair. E. निराश, and ष्यञ् aff.
- नैरुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ती -क्तं) 1. Obsolete, uncommon, belonging to the glossary of the Vedas 2. Acquainted with the terms of the Ve- das. 3. A Philologist. E. निरुक्ति and अण् aff.
- नैरृत :: m. (-तः) 1. A demon, a fiend. 2. The ruler of the south-west quarter. f. (-ती) 1. The south-west quarter. 2. An epithet of Durgā. E. निऋति said to be a proper name, and अण् aff.
- नैर्गुण्य :: n. (-न्यं) Absence of qualities or properties. E. निर्गुण, and ष्यञ् aff.
- नैर्मल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Cleanness, purity. E. निर्मल, and ष्यञ् aff.
- नैल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Blueness, darkness of colour. E. नील, and ष्यञ् aff.
- नैवि(ब)ड्य :: n. (-ड्यं) 1. Thickness, substance. 2. Closeness, compactness. 3. Continued sound. E. निविड thick, &c. ष्यञ् aff.
- नैवेद्य :: n. (-द्यं) An offering of eatable articles presented to a deity, and may afterwards be distributed to his ministers or worshippers, es- pecially when it has been presented to any form of VISHṆU. E. निवेद presenting, offering, ष्यञ् aff.
- नैवेशिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) A present to a Brāhman who is a householder, a girl so given, or ornaments with her, &c. E. निवेश a house, aff. ठक् ।
- नैश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) Nocturnal, relating to the night; or a person, &c. doing any thing by night. E. निशा night, and अण् aff. also with ठञ् aff. नैशिक mfn. (-कः -की -कं ।)
- नैश्चित्य :: n. (-त्यं) 1. Certainty. 2. A fixed festival; as at birth, investi- ture, marriage. &c. E. निश्चित certain, ष्यञ् aff.
- नैषध :: mfn. (-धः -धी -धं) Relating to NISHADHA. m. (-धः) A name of NALA. E. निषध the country so called, aff. अण् ।
- नैष्कर्म्म्य :: n. (-र्म्म्यं) 1. Abstinence or exemption from acts or their conse- quences. 2. The salvation obtained by abstraction in opposition to that obtained by works. E. निष्कर्म्मन् and ष्यञ् aff.
- नैष्कशतिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Worth a hundred Nishkas, bought with them, &c. E. निष्क and शत a hundred, ठञ् aff.; also with सहस्र a thou- sand नैष्कसहस्रिक mfn. (-कः -की -कं ।)
- नैष्किक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Bought with, made of, &c. a Nishka. m. (-कः) The mint-master. E. निष्क a weight of gold, and ठक् aff.
- नैष्कृतिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Wicked, evil-doing, malignant. E. निष्कृति, and ठक् aff.
- नैष्ठिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Relating to state or condition. 2. Belonging to the character or office of a perpetual student. 3. Firm, fixed. 4. Final. 5. Highest, perfect. 6. Completely versed in. 7. Vowing perpetual abstinence and chastity. m. (-कः) The Brāhman who continues with his spiritual preceptor, and always remains in the condition of the religious student. E. निष्ठा certainty, ठक् aff.
- नैष्ठुर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्य) Severity, cruelty. E. निष्ठुर, and ष्यञ् aff.
- नैसर्गिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Natural, innate. E. निसर्ग nature, ठक् aff.
- नैस्त्रिंशिक :: m. (-कः) A swordsman, a soldier armed with a sword. E. निस्त्रिंश a sword, aff. ठक् .
- नो :: ind. No, not. E. नह to command, aff. डो .
- नोधस् :: m. (-धाः) The name of a saint. E. नु to praise, असि Unādi aff. and धुट augment.
- नोपस्थातृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Remote, far off. E. न negative, उप near, स्था to be, aff. तृच् .
- नौ :: f. (-नौः) A boat, a vessel in general. E. नुद् to send, Unādi aff. डौ .
- नौका :: f. (-का) A boat. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- नौकादण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) An oar, a paddle. E. नौका a boat, and दण्ड a stick.
- नौतार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) Navigable, to be gone to or traversed in a vessel. E. नौ, and तार्य्य to be crossed.
- नौयायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) A passenger, a freight, who or what goes in a boat or vessel. E. नौ, and यायिन् who goes.
- न्यक् :: ind. A particle implying abuse or contempt when prefixed to कु or भू . E. The neuter of न्यञ्च used as a particle.
- न्यक्करण :: n. (-णं) Treating with disrespect or contempt. E. न्यक्, and करण making.
- न्यक्कार :: m. (-रः) Contempt, disrespect. E. न्यङ् little, low, कृ to make, aff. घञ् .
- न्यक्कारुका :: f. (-का) An insect found in ordure.
- न्यक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) 1. Whole, entire. 2. Low, inferior. m. (-क्षः) 1. A name of PARAŚURĀMA. 2. A buffalo. n. (-क्षं) 1. A kind of grass called mahishatrina. E. नि before, अक्ष a die &c.
- न्यग्जाति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Of mean or inferior race. E. न्यक्, and जाति caste.
- न्यग्भावन :: m. (-नः) 1. Contempt. 2. Defiling. E. न्यक्, and भावन con- ceiving.
- न्यग्रोध :: m. (-धः) 1. The Indian fig tree. (Ficus Indica.) 2. A fathom measured by the arms extended. 3. The Sami, (Mimosa albida) f. (-धी) 1. A plant, (Salvinia cucullata, Rox.) 2. A medical plant, commonly Mohānā. E. न्यक् short, रुध् to impede, aff. अण् .
- न्यग्रोधपरिमण्डला :: f. (-ला) An elegant woman. In Vāchaspatya she is thus described: --स्तनौ सुकठिनौ यस्या नितम्बे च विशालता । मध्ये क्षीणा भवेद्या सा न्यग्रोधपरिमण्डला ॥
- न्यङ्कु :: m. (-ङ्कुः) 1. A deer. 2. The name of a saint or Muni. E. नि always, अञ्च् to go, aff. कु .
- न्यङ्कुभूरूह :: m. (-हः) A tree, (Cassia fistula.) E. न्यङ्कु a deer, and भूरुह a tree. श्योनाकवृक्षे ।
- न्यङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) Low abuse. E. न्यङ्, and ग what goes or is. According to Vāchaspatya.--m. (-ङ्गः) नितरामञ्जने E. नि-अन्ज-घञ् ।
- न्यञ्च :: mfn. (न्यङ्-नीची-न्यक्) 1. Short, dwarfish. 2. Low, vile, con- temptible, base. 3. Slow, lazy. 4. Whole, entire. E. नि prefixed to अञ् to go, aff. क्विप् . निम्नतया अञ्चति, अञ्च-विच् । निम्ने क्विन् न्यच् तत्रार्थे त्रि० । शसादौ भत्वे च नीचः नीचा अन्यत्र कुत्वम् ।
- न्यञ्चित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Thrown or cast down. E. नि before, अञ्चित gone.
- न्यय :: m. (-यः) Loss, expense, waste, destruction. E. नि before इ to go, aff. अच् .
- न्यर्ण :: mfn. (-र्ण्णः -र्ण्णा -र्ण्णं) 1. Asked, solicited. 2. Gone, 3. Injured. E. नि, अर्द्द् to ask, क्त aff.
- न्यसन :: n. (-नं) 1. Delivering, Giving up. 2. Depositing. E. नि before, अस् to throw ल्युट् aff.
- न्यस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Deposited, consigned, delivered. 2. Placed in or upon. 3. Applied to. E. नि before, अस् to throw or send, aff. क्त .
- न्यस्तशस्त्र :: mfn. (-स्त्रः -स्त्रा -स्त्रं) Unarmed, defenceless, having laid down or resigned weapons. m. (-स्त्रः) A deified progenitor. E. न्यस्त delivered, and शस्त्र a weapon.
- न्याक्य :: n. (-क्यं) Fried rice. E. नि + अकि-न्यत् बा० न लीपः । “मुडि” इति भाषा ।
- न्याद :: m. (-दः) Eating, feeding. E. नि before, अद् to eat, णः aff. न घसादेशः ।
- न्याय :: m. (-यः) 1. Propriety, fitness. 2. The Nyāya doctrine, logic, logi- cal philosophy. 3. Apposite illustration. 4. A complete argument or syllogism. 5. Policy, good government. 6. Method, way, man- ner, plan, rule. 7. Virtue, honesty. 8. Justice, law. 9. A law-suit. 12. Judgment. 13. A universal rule, (In gram.) 14. Likeness analo- gy. 15. A vedic accent. E. नि certainly, इण to go, aff. भावकरणादौ घञ् .
- न्यायता :: f. (-ता) Fitness, propriety. E. तल् added to न्याय; also with त्व न्यायत्वं .
- न्यायसारिणी :: f. (-णी) 1. A woman acting or judging rightly. 2. Right behaviour. E. न्याय propriety, सारिणी proceeding. न्यायं सरति, सृ-णिनि ।
- न्यायाचार :: m. (-रः) A virtuous man. E. न्याय, and आचार observance.
- न्यायाधार :: m. (-रः) An example of virtue or propriety. E. न्याय, and आधार what uphelds.
- न्यायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) 1. Right, fit. 2. Logical. E. न्याय, and इनि aff.
- न्याय्य :: mfn. (-य्यः -य्या -य्यं) Right, proper, fit. E. न्याय, and यत् aff.
- न्यास :: m. (-सः) 1. A deposit, a pledge. 2. Deserting, abandoning. 3. De- livering, presenting. 4. Mental delivering, consigning or entru- sting any thing to the mind. 5. Mental appropriation or assi- gnment of various parts of the body to tutelary divinities. accom- panied with certain prayers and gesticulations. 6. Painting, stamp, mark. 7. Bringing forward. 8. Seizing. (with the claws.) E. नि before, अस् to throw or cast away, aff. कर्मणि, भावे वा घञ् .
- न्यासधारिन् :: m. (-री) The holder of a deposit, a mortgagee. E. न्यास, and धारिन् who has.
- न्यु(न्यू)ङ्ख :: m. (-ङ्खः) 1. Six-fold repetition of the triliteral name of god. 2. The Sāma Veda. 3. Pleasing, agreeable charming, beautiful. E. नि before, उखि to go, aff. घञ्; it is also read न्यूङ्ख .
- न्युब्ज :: mfn. (-ब्जः -ब्जा -ब्जं) 1. Crooked-backed, hump-backed, 2. Looking downwards. 3. Bent, crooked. 4. Convex. m. (-ब्जः) 1. Disease, sickness, pain. 2. A sort of ladle made of Kusa grass. 3. The Nyagrodha tree. n. (-ब्जं) 1. The fruit of the Kāmaranga, (Caram- bola averrhoa.) 2. A vessel used at Shrāddhas. E. न्युब्ज् to be crooked, aff. घञ् .
- न्युब्जखड्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A sabre, a crooked sword. E. न्युब्ज crooked, and खङ्ग a sword.
- न्यून :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Blamable, vile, wicked, despicable. 2. Less, deficient, defective. E. नि before, ऊन less, affix अच् ।
- न्यूनता :: f. (-ता) 1. Deficiency. 2. Inferiority. E. तल् added to न्यून, also न्यूनत्व .
- न्यूनधी :: mfn. (-धीः -धीः -धि) Ignorant, foolish, E. न्यून, and धी intellect.
- न्यूनपञ्चाशद्भाव :: m. (-वः) An idiot. E. न्यून, and पञ्चाशत् fifty, भाव property having but forty-nine properties of human nature.
- न्यूनाङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Maimed, mutilated, imperfect. E. न्यून, and अङ्ग body.
- न्यूनाधिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Unequal, more or less. E. न्यून, and अधिक more.
- न्यूनाधिकविभाग :: m. (-गः) Unequal partition. E. न्यूनाधिक, and विभाग division.
- न्यूनेन्द्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Imperfect, wanting some organ; as blind, deaf, &c. E. न्यून . and इन्द्रिय an organ of sense.
- न्रस्थिमालिन् :: m. (-ली) A name of SĪVA. E. नृ man, अस्थि a bone, माला a necklace, and इनि poss. aff.; ornamented with a garland of human skulls.
- प :: The twenty-first consonant of the Deva Nāgri alphabet, corres- ponding to the letter P.
- प :: m. (-पः) 1. Air, wind 2. A prince, a ruler. 3. A leaf. 4. An egg. f. (-पा) (at the end of compounds). 1. Drinking, (as in अनेकप) 2. Guarding, Protecting, ruling. (As in गोप) E. पा to nourish, &c. aff. ड ।
- पक्कण :: mn. (-णः-णं) The residence of low or outcast tribes. E. पच् to cook, कण् aff. and क substituted for च .
- पक्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be cooked or dressed. 2. To be matured. 3. To be digested. पच् to cook, &c. तव्य aff.
- पक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Cooking. 2. Ripening. 3. Fame, respectability. 4. Digestion. E. पच् to cook, aff. भावे-क्तिन् ।
- पक्तिशूल :: n. (-लं) Inflammation with violent pain of the bowels proceed- ing from indigestion, cholic. E. पक्ति, and शूल cholic.
- पक्तृ :: mfn. (-क्ता -क्त्री -क्तृ) Who or what ripens or cooks. m. (-क्ता) 1. The digestive faculty. 2. Fire. E. पच् to cook, &c. तृच् aff.
- पक्त्र :: n. (-क्त्रं) The sacred fire to be maintained perpetually by the huse- holder. E. पच् to mature, Unādi aff. त्र .
- पक्त्रिम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Ripe, ripened, matured, cooked. E. पच् to cook, &c. aff. क्त्रि and मप् added.
- पक्त्वा :: ind. Having cooked, dressed, matured, &c. E. पच् to cook, क्त्रा aff.
- पक्व :: mfn. (-क्वः -क्वा -क्वं) 1. Mature, dressed, matured by nature or by art. 2. Fully matured, on the eve of rottenness or decay. 3. Perfect, come to perfection. 4. Able, shrewd, experienced, mature (as the understanding.) 5. Grey, (the hair.) 6. Digested. 7. Cooked, boiled. 8. Baked, burned. E. पच् too cook or ripen, व substituted for क्त ।
- पक्वकृत् :: mfn. (-कृत्) Cooking, maturing, who or what does so. m. (-त्) The Nimba tree. E. पक्व ripe, and क्वत् what makes; the leaves of the plant are applied to phlegmonoid swellings, to induce suppuration.
- पक्वकेश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -श) Grey-haired. E. पक्व, and केश the hair.
- पक्वरस :: m. (-सः) Wine or vinous liquor. E. पक्व matured, रस juice.
- पक्ववारि :: n. (-रिः) 1. Rice-gruel. 2. Boiling water. 3. Distilled water. E. पक्व boiled, वारि water; also read पङ्कवारि .
- पक्वान्न :: n. (-न्नं) Dressed or cooked food. E. पक्व, and अन्न food.
- पक्वाशय :: m. (-यः) The abdomen, the stomach. E. पक्व, and आशय receptacle.
- पक्वेष्टका :: f. (-का) A burnt or baked brick. E. पक्व, and इष्टका a brick.
- पक्ष :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (पक्षति पक्षयति-ते) 1. To take or accept. 2. To take a part or side. भ्वा० चु० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- पक्ष :: m. (-क्ष-) 1. The half of a lunar month or fortnight, comprising fif- teen days. 2. A wing, a feather; (it is also neuter in this sense.) 3.
The feather of an arrow. 4. Partisan. 5. friend. 6. A side, a flank. 7. An army, forces. 8. A house. 9. An argument, a thesis, a posi- tion advanced, doctrine to be maintained. 10. Contradiction, opposition, rejoinder, reply. 11. The subject of an inference. 12. Alternative. 13. A tribe, a class. 14. The ash pit of a fire place. 15. A royal elephant. 16. (In composition with words signifying “hair”.) Quantity, as केशपक्ष much or abundant hair. 17. A bird. 18. A bracelet. 19. Purity, perfection. 20. A limb, a member. 21. A tail. 22. (In Arithmetic,) Side of an equation in a primary division. 23. Condition. 24. A wall. 25. A party. 26. The subject of a syllogism or inference. E. पक्ष् to take, aff. अच् or पण to tran- sact business, Unādi aff. स, and क substituted for the radical final.
- पक्षक :: m. (-क) 1. A private or back door. 2. A side. 3. A sidesman, an associate, a confederate or partisan. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- पक्षचर :: m. (-रः) 1. The moon. 2. An elephant strayed from the herd. 3. An attendant, a constant companion. E. पक्ष a fortnight, &c. चर who goes.
- पक्षज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced in a fortnight, &c. m. (-जः) The moon. E. पक्ष a fortnight, and ज born.
- पक्षजन्मन् :: m. (-न्मा) The moon. E. पक्ष, and जन्मन् birth: the last.
- पक्षता :: f. (-ता) 1. The nature or essential character of a proposition. 2. The taking up a side of argument. 3. Maintaining or defend- ing a thesis. E. तल् added to पक्ष; also with त्व, पक्षत्वं .
- पक्षति :: f. (-तिः-ती) 1. The first day of the half month. 2. The root or insertion of a wing. E. पक्ष a fortnight, &c. तिन् aff. and ङीष् optionally added.
- पक्षद्वय :: n. (-यं) 1. A month. 2. Both sides of an argument, &c. E. पक्ष, and द्वय two.
- पक्षद्वार :: n. (-रं) A private entrance, an inner or back door. E. पक्ष a a side, and द्वार a door.
- पक्षधर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Who or what has a part or side, a wing, &c. m. (-रः) 1. The moon. 2. A bird. 3. A partisan. 4. An elephant strayed from the herd. E. पक्ष a half month, धर who has.
- पक्षपात :: m. (-तः) 1. Adopting a side or an argument whether right or wrong, partisanship. 2. A partisan, an adherent, who or what sides with. 3. The moulting of birds considered to proceed from fever. E. पक्ष, and पात who cause to go, or पक्ष a wing, and पात falling.
- पक्षपातिता :: f. (-ता) Adherence, friendship, fellowship. E. पक्षपातिन्, and तल aff.; also with त्व, पक्षपातित्वं .
- पक्षपातिन् :: m. (-ती) 1. A partisan, a friend, an adherent. 2. Moving the wings. E. पक्षपात, and इनि aff.
- पक्षपालि :: m. (-लिः) A private or back door. E. पक्ष a side, and पालि a point, &c.
- पक्षभाग :: m. (-गः) 1. The side or flank of an elephant. 2. The side, in general. E. पक्ष the side, and भाग a part.
- पक्षमूल :: n. (-लं) The root or articulation of a wing. E. पक्ष a wing, and मूल a root.
- पक्षवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Winged. 2. Having a side or party. E. पक्ष, and मतुप् aff.
- पक्षवाहन :: m. (-नः) A bird. E. पक्ष a wing, and वाहन vehicle.
- पक्षविन्दु :: m. (-न्दुः) A heron. E. पक्ष a feather, and विन्दु a spot.
- पक्षस :: m. (-सः) A wing. E. पक्ष as above, असि aff.
- पक्षसुन्दर :: m. (-रः) A sort of tree, commonly Lodh. E. पक्ष a part, सुन्दर, handsome.
- पक्षाघात :: m. (-तः) 1. Refutation. containing. 2. Palsy, hemiplegia. E. पक्ष, and आघात a blow.
- पक्षान्त :: m. (-न्तः) The fifteen and last day of either half month, new or full moon. E. पक्ष a fortnight, and अन्त end.
- पक्षान्तर :: n. (-रं) Another side or part, another view of the argument. E. पक्ष, and अन्तर difference.
- पक्षाभास :: m. (-सः) 1. A seeming or fallacious argument. 2. A false plaint. E. पक्ष, and आभास semblance.
- पक्षालु :: m. (-लुः) A bird. E. पक्ष a wing, आलुच् poss. aff.
- पक्षावसर :: m. (-रः) The last day of either half month, new or full moon. E. पक्ष a fortnight, and अवसर conclusion.
- पक्षिन् :: mf. (-क्षी-क्षिणी) A bird. m. (-क्षी) 1. An arrow. 2. An epithet of Sīva. f. (-णी) 1. A night and two days. 2. Day of full moon. 3. A female fiend, also called Pūtana. E. पक्ष a wing, and इनि poss. aff.
- पक्षिपानीयशालिका :: f. (-का) A trough for watering birds, cattle, &c. E. पक्षिन् a bird, पानीय water, शाला a hall, and कन् diminutive aff.
- पक्षिराज :: m. (-जः) King of the birds, usually applied to Gadura. E. पक्षिन्, and राज for राजा a king.
- पक्षिल :: m. (-लः) A name of the saint VATSYĀYANA. E. पक्ष् to take, इलच् aff.
- पक्षिशावक :: m. (-कः) A young bird. E. पक्षिन्, and शावक a young animal.
- पक्षिशाला :: f. (-ला) A nest, an aviary. E. पक्षिन् a bird, शाला a hall or house.
- पक्षिसिंह :: m. (-हः) A name of GADURA, the bird and vehicle of VISHṆU. E. पक्षि for पक्षिन् a bird, सिंह pre-eminent.
- पक्षिस्वामिन् :: m. (-मी) GADURA. E. पक्षि, and स्वामिन् lord: see the last.
- पक्षोद्ग्राहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) Showing partiality, taking a side. E. पक्ष, and उट्ग्राहिन् taking.
- पक्ष्णु :: mfn. (-क्ष्णुः -क्ष्णुः -क्ष्णु) Who or what cooks or matures. E. पच् to ripen, स्नु aff.
- पक्ष्मन् :: n. (-क्ष्म) 1. An eye-lash. 2. The filament of a flower. 3. The point of a thread. 4. A wing. E. पक्ष् to take, मनिन् aff.
- पक्ष्य :: mfn. (-क्ष्यः -क्ष्या -क्ष्यं) 1. Produced or occurring in a fortnight. 2. Belonging to a side, &c. E. पक्ष, and यत् aff.
- पङ्क :: mn. (-ङ्कः-ङ्कं) 1. Mud, mire, clay. 2. Sin. E. पचि to spread, aff. कर्मणि, करणे वा घञ् and च changed to क ।
- पङ्ककर्व्वट :: m. (-टः) Soft mud, especially such as is left by the retiring of floods, or on the banks of a river, a marsh, a quagmire. E. पङ्क mud, कर्व्वट the capital of a district.
- पङ्ककीर :: mf. (-रः-री) A lap-wing. E. पङ्क mud, and कीर a parrot.
- पङ्कक्रीड :: mfn. (-डः -डा डं) Wallowing, sporting in mud. m. (-डः) A pig. E. पङ्क mud, and क्रीड who sports.
- पङ्कगडक :: m. (-कः) A small fish, (Macrognathus Pancalus, HAM.) E. पङ्क mud, and गडक another fish. (पांँकाल माछ) ।
- पङ्कगति :: f. (-तिः) The Pancāl fish: see the last. E. पङ्क mud, and गति going.
- पङ्खग्राह :: m. (-हः) The makara, a marine monster. E. पङ्क mud, and ग्राह a shark.
- पङ्कज :: n. (-जं) A lotus. E. पङ्क mud, ज born.
- पङ्कजन्मन् :: n. (-न्म) A lotus. E. पङ्क mud, and जन्मन् birth; also पङ्कज, &c.
- पङ्कजिनी :: f. (-नी) A pool or pond where the lotus grows, or a place abounding with that flower. 2. The flexible stalk of a water- lily. E. पङ्कज a lotus, इनि and ङीष् affs.
- पङ्कण :: m. (-णः) The residence of the lowest and most impure tribes. E. पचि to spread, युच् aff.
- पङ्कता :: f. (-ता) Muddiness, the nature or property of mud. E. तल् added to पङ्क; also with त्व, पङ्कत्व .
- पङ्कधूम :: m. (-मः) One of the divisions of hell. E. पङ्ग, and धूम smoke.
- पङ्कप्रभा :: f. (-भा) A hell, the hell of mud or mire. E. पङ्क, and प्रभा light.
- पङ्कभाज् :: mfn. (-क् or -ग्) Sunk in the mire E. पङ्क, and भाज् what shares.
- पङ्घभारक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Muddy, laden with mud. E. पङ्क, and भारक, burthened.
- पङ्कमण्डुक :: m. (-कः) A brivalve-shell. E. पङ्क mire, मडि to ornament, aff. उक .
- पङ्करुह् :: n. (-रुट्) A lotus. E. पङ्क mud, रुह् to grow, aff. क्किप्; also with क aff. पङ्करुह n. (-हं) ।
- पङ्कवास :: m. (-सः) A crab. E. पङ्क, and वास abode.
- पङ्कशुक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) A cockle. E. पङ्क mud, शुक्ति an oyster.
- पङ्कृसूरण :: m. (-ण्णः) The fibrous root of a lotus. E. पङ्क mud, and सूरण a sort of root; also written पङ्कशूरण, and पङ्कषूरण्ण .
- पङ्कार :: m. (-रः) 1. An aquatic plant, (Vallisneria.) 2. A bridge or rai- sed bank, forming a path amidst inundated fields. 3. Stairs, steps. 4. An aquatic plant, (Trapa bispinosa, Rox.) E. पङ्क mud, ऋ to go, अण् aff.
- पङ्किल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Muddy, clayey. m. (-लः) A boat, a canoe. E. पङ्क mud, इलच् aff.
- पङ्केज :: n. (-ज) A lotus. E. पङ्के in mud, and ज born; also पङ्कज .
- पङ्केरुक्ष :: n. (-हं) A lotus. m. (-हः) The Indian crane. E. पङ्के in mud, and रुह what grows; also पङ्करुह .
- पङ्क्ति :: f. (-ङ्क्तिः-ङ्क्ती) 1. A line, a row or range. 2. A sort of metre, a stanza of four lines, each line consisting of ten syllables. 3. The number “ten,” (in composition, ut infra.) 4. The earth. 5. Fame, celebrity. 6. Cooking, maturing. 7. Associating with, eating or sitting with, especially with persons of the same caste. 8. A com- pany, a society, an assembly. E. पचि to spread, to extended, to make evident, and क्तिन् aff. or पच् to cook, deriv. irr.
- पङ्क्तिग्रीव :: m. (-वः) A name of RĀVANA. E. पङ्क्ति ten, ग्रीवा a neck, the ten-necked.
- पङ्क्तिचर :: m. (-रः) An ospray. E. पङ्क्ति, and चर who goes.
- पङ्क्तिदूषक :: m. (-कः) An improper person to associate with, an outcaste. E. पङ्क्ति, and दूषक who spoils.
- पङ्क्तिपावन :: m. (-नः) A respectable or eminent person. E. पङ्क्ति, and पावन who purifies.
- पङ्क्तिरथ :: m. (-थः) DAŚARAṬHA, the father of RĀMA. E. पङ्क्ति ten, (sides) and रथ a car, whose car goes on all sides.
- पङ्गु :: mfn. (-ङ्गु -ङ्गुः -ङ्गु) Lame, crippled, halt, one who has lost his legs, &c. m. (-ङ्गुः) The planet Saturn. E. पण् to engage in busi- ness, उ aff, and अङ्गु substituted for the radical final. खजि-कु- पगादेशः नुक् च ।
- पङ्गुल :: m. (-लः) A horse of a glassy or silvery white colour.
- पङ्गुग्राह :: m. (-हः) One of the signs of the zodiac: see मकर .
- पङ्गुता :: f. (-ता) Deformity, mutilation. E. तल् added to पङ्गु .
- पच (डु, ष्) डुपचस् :: r. 1st. cl. (पचति) To mature by cooking or ripen- ing, to boil, to dress, to ripen; (इ) पचि r. 1st. and 10th. cls. (पचति-ते पचयति) 1. To make evident or apparent. 2. To represent, to state fully. 3. To spread. E. पाके भ्वा० उभ० सक० अनिट् । व्यक्तीकारे भ्वा० आत्म० अनिट् । विस्तारे चु० उभ० सक० सेट् इदित् ।
- पच :: mfn. (-चः -चा -चं) Who or what cooks, matures, &c. m. (-चः) Cook- ing, maturing, &c. E. पच् to cook, aff. अच् .
- पचक :: m. (-कः) A cook. E. पच् to cook, वुन् aff.
- पचत् :: mfn. (-चन् -चन्ती -चत्) Cooking, ripening. E. पच् to cook, partici- pial aff. शतृ .
- पचत :: m. (-तः) 1. The sun. 2. Fire. 3. A name of INDRA. E. पच् to cook or ripen, Unādi aff. अतच् .
- पचतिकल्प :: mfn. (-ल्पः -ल्पा -ल्पं) or adv. n. (-ल्पं) Almost cooked or ripened. E. पचति what cooks, and कल्प aff.; implying incompleteness; also in a similar sense, पचतिदेश्य and पचतिदेशीय .
- पचत्पुट :: m. (-टः) A tree, (Hibiscus phæniceus.) E. पचत् here side to mean the sun, and पुट् to shine, aff. क .
- पचन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नी-नं) What cooks or matures, &c. n. (-नं) 1. Cook- ing, dressing, boiling. 2. Maturing. m. (-नः) Fire. E. पच् to cook, aff. युच् or कर्त्तरि-ल्युट् ।
- पचमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Cooking, in the act of cooking or ripening. E. पच् to cook, &c. and शानच् aff., मुक् augment.
- पचम्पचा :: f. (-चा) A species of Curcuma, (C. zanthorhizon.) E. पच् to cook, reiterated, अच् aff. and मुम् inserted; it is also read पचम्बचा . पचं पाचकं पचति पच-वा० खस्-मुम् । दारुहरिद्रायाम ।
- पचा :: f. (-चा) Cooking, dressing, maturing. E. पच् to dress, affs. अङ् and टाप् .
- पचि :: m. (-चिः) 1. Fire. 2. Cooking, maturing. E. पच् to be cooked, (by it,) इन् Unādi aff.
- पचेलिम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Fit to cook or ripen of itself. m. (-मः) 1. The sun. 2. Fire. E. पच् to dress or ripen, केलिम्न् aff. of the reflec- tive form, or Unādi aff. एलिमच् .
- पचेलुक :: m. (-कः) A cook E. पच, and एलुक aff.
- पच्छस् :: ind. Foot by foot, or stanza by stanza. E. पत् for पाद, and शस् aff. of several orders.
- पच्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being in the act of ripening, cooking &c. E. पच् to cook, pass, शानच् aff.
- पज्ज :: m. (-ज्जः) A Sūdra. E. पत् for पाद a foot, and ज born, from the feet of BRAMHĀ. पद्भ्यां जायते जन-ड ।
- पञ्चक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Five or relating to five, made of five, bought with five, &c. m. (-कः) Any collection or aggregate of five, a five. n. (-कं) A field of battle. E. पञ्च five, and कन् aff.
- पञ्चकपाल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) A particular ceremony in which ghee is offered in five cups. E. पञ्च five, कपाल a concave piece of pottery skull-shaped.
- पञ्चकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Five actions of the body, viz. vomiting, evacuation by bleeding or by stool, diseased excretion of fæces or purging, and blowing the nose. E. पञ्च five, कर्म्मन् an act.
- पञ्चकृत्वस् :: ind. Five times. E. पञ्च, and कृत्वसुच् aff.
- पञ्चकोण :: m. (-णः) A pentagon. E. पञ्च, and कोण an angle.
- पञ्चकोल :: n. (-लं) The aggregate of five spices. viz. Long pepper, its root, Chai or Piper Chavya, Plumbago, and dry ginger. E. पञ्च five, and कोल pepper.
- पञ्चकोषा :: m. plu. (-षा) The five sheathes supposed to invest the soul, or the Annamaya kosha, that supported by food, the gross form; the Prānamaya kosha, the organs of action; the Manomaya Kosha, the organs of perception, with the manas or mind; Vijnānamaya, the same with the Buddhi or intellect; and the Anandamaya, con- sisting of the elements of identity and divine wisdom. E. पञ्च, and कोष a sheath.
- पञ्चखट्व :: nf. (-ट्व-ट्वी) A collection of five beds. E. पञ्च five, and खट्रा bed.
- पञ्चगव :: n. (-वं) A collection of five cows. E. पञ्च, and गौ a cow.
- पञ्चगवधन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Having five cows. E. पञ्चगव, and धन wealth.
- पञ्चगव्य :: n. (-व्यं) Five articles derived from the cow; viz. milk, curds, clarified butter, cow's urine, and cow-dung. E. पञ्च five, and गव्य from गौ a cow.
- पञ्चगुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Five times, five-fold. E. पञ्च, and गुण multiply- ing.
- पञ्चगुप्त :: m. (-प्तः) 1. A tortoise, a turtle. 2. The atheistical system of the Bauddhas. E. पञ्च five, (members, &c.) गुप्त concealed.
- पञ्चगो :: mfn. (-गौः -गौः -गु) Bought with five cows. E. पञ्च, and गो a cow.
- पञ्चचामर :: n. (-रं) A form of metre, in which the line contains sixteen syllables.
- पञ्चचीर :: m. (-रः) A Bauddha saint and legislator; also named MANju- GHOSA, apparently the teacher of this doctrine in Nepal. E. पञ्च spreading, चीर rags.
- पञ्चचूडा :: f. (-डा) One of the nymphs of heaven. E. पञ्च, and चूडा a top knot.
- पञ्चजन :: m. (-नः) 1. Man is general, a man. 2. The name of a demon, whose bones became the Conch Pānchajanya, the shell of
KRISHṆA. f. (-नी) An assemblage of five persons E. पञ्च five, (elements,) and जन who is born.
- पञ्चजनीन :: m. (-नः) 1. An actor, a mimic, a buffoon. 2. The chief of five men, E. पञ्च five, and जन a man, or पञ्चजन man, and ख aff.
- पञ्चज्ञान :: m. (-नः) A Buddha or Bauddha sanctified teacher. E. पञ्च five (organs,) and ज्ञान knowledge.
- पञ्चत् :: mfn. (-ञ्चत्) Five. E. पचि to spread, अति aff.
- पञ्चतक्ष :: nf. (-क्षं-क्षी) An assemblage of five carpenters. E. पञ्च, and तक्ष a carpenter.
- पञ्चतत्व :: mn. (-त्वः-त्वं) 1. The five elements collectively. 2. (In the Tan- tras,) The five essentials of certain rites; or wine meat, fish, sexual intercourse, and mystic gesticulations. E. पञ्च, and तत्व an element.
- पञ्चतन्मात्र :: n. (त्रं) The five subtile rudiments of the five elements. E. पञ्च, and तन्मात्र element.
- पञ्चतपस् :: m. (-पाः) An ascetic, who in the hot weather, sits amongst four fires, and has the sun for the fifth. E. पञ्च, and तपस् penance.
- पञ्चतय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Having five parts or limbs. 2. Five. E. पञ्च five, and तयप् aff.
- पञ्चता :: f. (-ता) 1. Death, dying, (i. e.) the separation of the five elements of whose aggregate the body consists. 2. The nature or condition of five, the aggregate of five or five times. 3. The five elements collectively, earth, air, fire, water, and Akās. E. पञ्च five, and तल् abstract aff.
- पञ्चतीर्थी :: f. (-र्थी) 1. Any five principal places of pilgrimage, especially Visrānti, Saukara, Naimisha, Prayāga and Pushkara. 2. Bathing on the day of the equinox. E. पञ्च, and तीर्थ a shrine, affix ङीप् ।
- पञ्चत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Death. 2. The state or being of five. 3. The co-existence of the five elements. 4. An aggregate, &c. of five. E. पञ्च five, and त्व aff.; see पञ्चता .
- पञ्चथु :: m. (-थुः) 1. Time. 2. The Kokila or Indian cuckoo.
- पञ्चदश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) Fifteen or fifteenth. f. (-शी) The fifteenth day of a half month, full or new moon. E. पञ्च five, दशन् ten, aff. डट् .
- पञ्चदशन् :: mfn. plu. (-श) Fifteen. E. पञ्च five, and दशन् ten.
- पञ्चदीर्घ :: m. (-र्घः) Marks on five parts of the body, the arms, eyes, belly, nose, and breast.
- पञ्चधा :: ind. In five ways, five-fold. E. पञ्चन् five, and धा aff.
- पञ्चन् :: mfn. plu. (-ञ्च) Five. E. पचि to spread, Unādi aff. कनिन् ।
- पञ्चनख :: m. (-खः) 1. An elephant. 2. A tortoise. 3. A tiger. 4. Any animal having five toes or claws. f. (-खी) A lizard. E. पञ्च five, नख a nail.
- पञ्चनद :: m. (-दः) The Panjāb, or country of five rivers, viz. the Sata- drū, Vipāsā, Irāvati, Chandrabhāgā and Vitasthā. E. पञ्च, नदी a river, अच् aff.
- पञ्चनिम्ब :: n. (-म्बं) Five parts of the Nimba tree:--the flowers, fruit, leaves, bark, and root. E. पञ्च five, and निम्ब the Nimba, tree, (Melia azadiracta).
- पञ्चनी :: f. (-नी) A chequered cloth for playing at draughts, chess, &c. E. पञ्च five, नी to get, aff. क्विप् .
- पञ्चनीराजन :: n. (-नं) Waving four things before an idol; a lamp, a lotus, cloth, a mango or betel leaf, and then falling prostrate. E. पञ्च, and नीराजन presentation.
- पञ्चपञ्चनख :: m. (-खः) Five kinds of animals allowed to be killed and eaten, the hare, porcupine, alligator, rhinoceros, and tortoise. E. पञ्च, and पञ्चनख a five-toed animal.
- पञ्चपल्लव :: n. (-वं) The aggregate of five sprouts; six. of the spondias, rose-apple, Bel or marmelos, citron, and wood apple. E. पञ्च five, and पल्लव a new shoot.
- पञ्चपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A small shrub.
- पञ्चपात्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. Five plates collectively. 2. A Srāddha in which
offerings are made in five vessels. E. पञ्च five, and पात्र a vessel.
- पञ्चप्राण :: m. plu. (-णाः) The five airs supposed to be in the body, and necessary to life. viz:-- प्राण, अपान, व्यान, उदान, समान । E. पञ्च, and प्राण vital air.
- पञ्चप्रासाद :: m. (-दः) A temple with four pinnacles and a steeple. E. पञ्च, and प्रासाद a palace.
- पञ्चबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) A fine equal to the fifth part of any thing lost or stolen. E. पञ्च five, and बन्ध binding.
- पञ्चभद्र :: mfn. (-द्रःद्री -द्रं) A horse with five auspicious marks; or spotted on the chest, back, face, and flanks. n. (-द्रं) A sauce or condiment of five vegetables. E. पञ्च five, and भद्र fortunate.
- पञ्चभूत :: mn. (-तः-तं) The five elements; earth, air, fire, water, Ākās. E. पञ्च, and भूत an element.
- पञ्चभूतात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) Man as formed of the five elements. E. पञ्चभूत, and आत्मन् one with.
- पञ्चम :: mfn. (-मः -मी -मं) 1. Fifth. 2. Beautiful, pleasing. 3. Dexterous, cle- ver. m. (-मः) 1. The fifth note of the Hindu musical scale. It is called Panchama, from being said to be formed by air drawn from five places; the navel, the breast, the heart, the throat, and forehead. 2. One of the RĀGAS or modes of music. f. (-मी) 1. A name of DRAUPADĪ, the wife of the five Pāndus. 2. A che- quered cloth for playing at draughts, &c. a chess board. 3. The fifth day of a half month. 4. The ablative case, (in gram.) n. (-मं) 1. The fifth. 2. Sexual intercourse. E. पञ्चन् five, and डटि aff. with मट augment; or पञ्चपतीन् मिनोति वध्नाति प्रेम्णा । मी-वन्धे ।
- पञ्चमकार :: n. (-रं) The five essentials of the left hand Tantra ritual; “Madya” wine, “Maṃsa” flesh, “Matsya” fish, “Maithuna” copu- lation, “Mudra” gesticulation. E. पञ्च, and मकार the letter M; all beginning with that letter.
- पञ्चमवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Having the fifth of any thing. E. पञ्चम, and मतुप् aff.
- पञ्चमहापातक :: n. (कं) The five great sins. They are thus described in Vāchaspatya. viz:--
ब्रह्महत्या सुरापानं स्तेयं गुर्वङ्गनागमः । महान्ति पातकान्याहुः संसर्गश्चापि तैः सह ॥
- पञ्चमहायज्ञ :: m. plu. (-ज्ञाः) The five great sacraments of the Hindus, or the worship of spirits, progenitors, gods, Vedas, and man- kind, by offerings of perfumes and flowers, obsequial rites, oblations with fire, the study of the Vedas, and hospitality. E. पञ्च five, महा great, and यज्ञ sacrifice.
- पञ्चमार :: m. (-रः) The son of BALADEVA. पञ्चविधकामे च ।
- पञ्चमाषिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Of five Māshas, relating to, worth, amount- ing to five Māshas. E. पञ्च, माष a measure of silver, ठक् aff.
- पञ्चमास्य :: m. (-स्यः) The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. E. पञ्चम, the musical note, and आस्य mouth.
- पञ्चमिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Being in the fifth year of one's age. E. पञ्चम, and इनि aff.
- पञ्चमुख :: m. (-खः) 1. A name of SĪVA. 2. A lion. E. पञ्च five, and मुख face.
- पञ्चमुद्रा :: f. (-द्रा) Five gestures to be made in the usual presentation of offerings to an idol. E. पञ्च, and मुद्रा gesture.
- पञ्चमूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) The urine of the cow, goat, sheep, buffalo, and ass. E. पञ्च, and मूत्र urine.
- पञ्चमूल :: n. (-लं) The assemblage of five roots, viz:--The Bel, Premna longi- folia, Cassia, Gmelian arborea, and the Trumpet flower. f. (-ली) A similar aggregate of five roots, considered as the similar one, viz:--Hedysarum gangeticum, H. logopodioides, Solanum melon- gena, S. Jacquini, and Tribulus lanuginosus. E. पञ्च five, मूल a root; the fem. aff. has a diminutive import.
- पञ्चयज्ञ :: m. plu, (-ज्ञाः) The five rites of a house-keeper: see पञ्चमहायज्ञ । E. पञ्च, and यज्ञ a sacrifice.
- पञ्चरत्न :: n. (-त्नं) A collection of five precious objects; viz:--Gold, a diamond, a pearl, a ruby, an amethyst. E. पञ्च and रत्न a gem. For particulars see Vāchaspatya.
- पञ्चरसा :: f. (-सा) Emblic myrobalan. E. पञ्च five, रस flavour, taste. (आम्लकी)
- पञ्चलक्षण :: n. (-णं) A Purāna or mythological poem. E. पञ्च five, and लक्षण a mark; Puraṇa should comprehend five topics; the creation of worlds, their destruction and renovation, the genea- logy of gods and heroes, the reigns of the MANUS, and the ac- tions of their descendants.
- पञ्चलवण :: n. (-णं) Five kinds of salt. E. पञ्च, and लवण salt. viz:--
काचकं सैन्धवं चैव सामुद्रं विडमेव च । सौवर्चल तथा पञ्चलवणं परिकीर्त्तितम् ॥
- पञ्चलाङ्गलक :: n. (-कं) Gift of land to the extent requiring five ploughs. E. पञ्च, लाङ्गल a plough, कन् aff.
- पञ्चलोह :: n. (-हं) A metallic alloy containing five metals; copper, brass, tin, lead, and iron. E. पञ्च five, and लोह iron.
- पञ्चवक्त्र :: m. (-क्त्रा) 1. SIVA. 2. A lion. E. पञ्च five, and वक्त्र a face.
- पञ्चवट :: m. (-टः) The Brāhminical thread as worn across the breast; also पञ्चावट . f. (-टी) 1. Five fig-trees, viz:--the Indian and the holy fig, the Bel, Grislea tomentosa, Rox. (धात्री) and Asoka, placed or plan- ted in several quarters; viz. east, west, north, south and south- east. 2. Part of the great southern or Dandaka forest where the Godāvari rises. E. पञ्च, and वट the Indian fig.
- पञ्चवर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) A class of five persons or things. E. पञ्च, and वर्ग a class.
- पञ्चवल्कल :: n. (-लं) A collection of the bark of five trees, the Indian and the holy fig, the opposite-leaved fig, the wavy-leaved fig, and a sort of reed; other trees are sometimes taken. E. पञ्च five, and वल्कल a bark.
- पञ्चवाण :: m. (-णः) KĀMADEVA, The Indian Cupid. E. पञ्च five, and वाण an arrow; being armed with five arrows.
- पञ्चशर :: m. (-रः) KĀMADEva. E. पञ्च five, and शर an arrow: see the last.
- पञ्चशाख :: m. (-खः) 1. The hand. 2. An elephant. E. पञ्च five, शाखा a branch, the five-fingered.
- पञ्चशिख :: m. (-खः) 1. A lion. 2. The name of a Muni, the son of DHA- RMA by HINSĀ. E. पञ्च spreading, शिखा a crest or mane.
- पञ्चशैरीषक :: n. (-कं) The bark of five trees. E. पञ्च, and शिरीष Mimosa sirisha, ठञ् aff. शिरीषवृक्षस्य पुष्पमूलफलपत्रवल्कलेषुच ।
- पञ्चष :: mfn. plu. (-षाः-षाः-षाणि) Five or six. E. पञ्च, and षष् six, with डच् aff.
- पञ्चसुगन्धक :: n. (-कं) The aggregate of five aromatic vegetable substances; cloves, nutmeg, camphor, aloe wood, and Kakkola. E. पञ्च five, सुगन्ध fragrance, कन् added.
- पञ्चसूना :: m. plu. (-नाः) The five things in a house by which animal life may be accidentally destroyed; viz:--the fire place, the slab on which condiments are ground, the broom, the pestle and mortar, and the waterpot. E. पञ्च five, and सूना place of slaughter.
- पञ्चाग्नि :: n. (-ग्नि) 1. A collection of five fires, amidst which a devotee performs penance during the summer season; or four fires light- ed severally to the north, south, east and west, and the sun over head. 2. Five mystic fires, supposed to be present in the body. m. (-ग्निः) 1. A householder who maintains five fires, or the do- mestic one, and one for warming visitors in addition to the other three. 2. One who is acquainted with the doctrine of the five mystic fires. viz:-- अन्वाहार्य्य, पचन, गार्हपत्य, आहवनीय, सभ्य and आवसथ्य । E. पञ्च five, and अग्नि fire.
- पञ्चाङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Having five limbs or members, five parts or subdivisions, consisting of five things, &c. n. (-ङ्गं) 1. Any aggregate of five parts or five things. 2. Five modes of dovo- tion; viz:--silent prayer, burnt offering, libations, bathing idols,
and feeding Brāhmans. 3. An almanack describing solar days, lunar days, and the periods of asterisms, Yogas and Karanas. m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A tortoise. 2. A species of horse with five spots on his body: see पञ्चभद्र . 3. Reverence by extending the hands, bending the knees and head, and in speech and look. E. पञ्च five, अङ्ग body.
- पञ्चाङ्गगुप्त :: m. (-प्तः) A tortoise. E. पञ्च five, अङ्ग limb, and गुप्त hidden; covering his head and legs beneath his shell.
- पञ्चाङ्गुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -ली-लं) Measuring five fingers. m. (-लः) The castor-oil plant. E. पञ्च five, अङ्गुलि a finger, aff. अच्: the leaves having five lobes compared to fingers.
- पञ्चाङ्गुलि :: mfn. (-लिः -लिः -लि) Having five fingers, or finger-like divisions. E. पञ्च five, अङ्गुलि a finger.
- पञ्चातपा :: f. (-पा) Doing penance with five fires, or four fires and the sun. E. पञ्च, and आतप heat.
- पञ्चानन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Very passionate. m. (-नः) 1. A name of SĪVA. 2. (With the mouth wide open) A lion. 3. A title used at the end of the names of learned men to express veneration or high scho- larship. E. पञ्च five or spreading, आनन a face.
- पञ्चामृत :: n. (-तं) 1. A mixture of milk, curds, sugar, ghee, and honey. 2. The aggregate of any five drugs of supposed efficacy. E. पञ्च, and अमृत ambrosia.
- पञ्चाम्नाय :: m. plu. (-याः) Five Shāstras supposed to have proceeded from the five mouths of SĪVA, constituting the basis of the Tantra ritual. E. पञ्च, and आम्नाय a scripture.
- पञ्चाम्ल :: n. (-म्लं) The aggregate of five acid plants; the jujube, prome- granate, sorrel, spondias, and citron. E. पञ्च five, and अम्ल sour.
- पञ्चारी :: f. (-री) A chequered cloth for playing draughts upon: see पञ्चाली .
- पञ्चार्च्चिस :: m. (-र्च्चिः) The planet Mercury. E. पञ्च five, अर्च्चिस् a ray.
- पञ्चाल :: m. (लः) 1. A country in the north of India. 2. It may either be applied to its people or their king. f. (-ली) 1. A chequered cloth for playing at draughts, &c. 2. A doll, a puppet. 3. A style of singing. E. पचि to spread, Unādi aff. कालन्; also with कन् added पञ्चालिका .
- पञ्चावट :: m. (-टः) The sacrificial cord, as worn crossed upon the breast, the ends hanging over the shoulders. E. पञ्च spreading, वट् to surround, aff. अच्, आङ् prefixed to the root; also पञ्चवट ।
- पञ्चावस्थ :: m. (-स्थः) A corpse. E. पञ्च five, (elements,) अवस्था state or condition.
- पञ्चाशत् :: f. (-शत्) Fifty. E. पञ्च, with शत् aff. and आ augment.
- पञ्चास्य :: mf. (-स्यः-स्या) 1. A lion. 2. SĪVA, E. पञ्च spreading, and आस्य a face.
- पञ्चेन्द्रिय :: n. (-यं) 1. The five organs of sense; the eye, ear, nose, tongue, and skin; or those of action, as hands, feet, windpipe, anus, and parts of generation. E. पञ्च five, and इन्द्रिय an organ of sense.
- पञ्चेषु :: m. (-षुः) A name of KĀMADEVA, the Hindu Cupid. E. पञ्च five, इषु an arrow.
- पञ्चेष्मन् :: m. plu. (-ष्माणः) The five digestive fires supposed to be in the body. E. पञ्च, and उष्मन् heat.
- प(पि)ञ्जर :: mn. (-रः-रं) A skeleton. n. (-रं) 1. A cage, an aviary, a dove-cot. 2. The ribs. m. (-रः) 1. The body. 2. The Kali age. E. पजि for पिजि to dwell, &c. Unādi aff. अरच्; also पिञ्जर .
- पञ्जराखेट :: m. (-टः) A sort of basket or wicker trap in which fish are caught. E. पञ्जर a cage, आखेट hunting. “पोलो” इति भाषा ।
- पञ्जि(ञ्जी) :: f. (-ञ्जिः-ञ्जी) 1. The ball or whisp of cotton from which thread is spun. 2. A journal, a register. 3. An almanack. E. पजि for पिजि to touch, &c. aff. इन् and ङीष् optionally added; also पिञ्जि .
- पञ्जिका :: f. (-का) 1. The ball or skein of cotton from which thread is spun: see the last. 2. A perpetual commentary. 3. A calendar, an almanack. 4. A journal, a register. 5. The register or journal of YAMA, the record of human actions. E. स्वार्थेक added to पञ्जि; also पञ्जीका .
- पञ्जिकाकारक :: m. (-कः) 1. A writer, a man of the Kāyastha tribe. 2. An almanack-maker. E. पञ्जिका a journal, &c. and कारक who makes.
- पञ्जीकर :: m. (-रः) 1. The Kāyastha or scribe. 2. An almanack-maker. E. पञ्जी a journal, &c. कर who makes.
- पट :: r. 1st cl. (पटति) To go, to move. r. 10th cl. (पटयति-ते) 1. To string. 2. To surround or encompass. 3. To share, to portion, to distri- bute. (पाटयति-ते) 1. To speak. 2. To shine. With उत् prefixed, To pluck up, to eradicate, to destroy utterly. With वि, To fly, to run away. गतौ भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् । दीप्तौ० चू० उभ० अक० सेट् । वेष्टने, अद० चु० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- पट :: mn. (-टः-टं) 1. Fine cloth. 2. Coloured cloth. 3. A leaf or sheet of cloth, &c. on which any figures may be painted. 4. A veil or screen. 5. A tablet for writing or painting. m. (-टः) 1. A kind of tree: see पियाल . 2. Any thing well made or polished. f. (-टी) 1. A particular sort of cloth, coarse thick cloth, canvas. 2. A screen of cloth surrounding a tent, an outer tent. 3. A coloured or chintz garment. n. (-टं) A thatch, a roof. E. पट to sur- round, aff. अच् fem. aff. ङीप्ः see पटि .
- पटक :: m. (-कः) A camp, an encampment. E. पट to surround, वुन् aff.
- पटकार :: m. (-रः) 1. A weaver. 2. A painter. E. पट cloth, and कार maker.
- पटकुटी :: f. (-टीः) A tent. E. पट cloth, कुटी a house.
- पटच्चर :: n. (-रं) Old cloth. m. (-रः) A thief. E. पटत् imitative sound, and चर going. पटदिव वेष्टित इव चरति चर-अच् ।
- पटमण्डप :: m. (-पः) A tent. E. पट cloth, and मण्डप a house.
- पटमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Made of cloth. n. (-यं) 1. A tent, a canvas house. 2. A petticoat. E. पट cloth, मयट् aff.
- पटल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) A heap, a number, a quantity or multitude. nf. (-लं-ली) 1. A chapter of a book. 2. A tree. 3. A stalk. mf. (-लः-ला) A roof, a thatch. n. (-लं) 1. A cover, a coating, an enclo- sing or surrounding skin or membrance. 2. A place, a spot, a circle or district. 3. A mark on the forehead with Sandal wood 4. A basket. 5. Train, retinue. 6. A coat or film over the eyes. E. पट् to go, कलच् aff.
- पटलप्रान्त :: m. (-न्तः) The edge of a thatch. E. पटल a thatch, and प्रान्त end.
- पटवाप :: m. (-पः) A tent. E. पट cloth, and वाप what is woven.
- पटवास :: m. (-सः) 1. A tent. 2. A petticoat. 3. Perfumed powder. E. पट cloth, वास abode, or वस् to perfume, aff. अच् .
- पटवासक :: m. (-कः) Perfumed powder. E. कन् added to the last.
- पटवेश्मन् :: n. (-श्म) A tent. E. पट, and वेश्मन् a house.
- पटह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) A kettle-drum. m. (-हः) 1. A war-drum, or one used in battle. 2. Injury, killing, slaughter. 4. Tumult. E. पट imitative sound, हा to quit or make, aff. ड ।
- पटाक :: m. (-कः) A kind of bird. f. (-का) A flag, a banner. E. पट to go, आक Unādi aff.
- पटालुका :: f. (-का) A leech. E. पट् to go, आलुच् aff., कन् added.
- पटि(टी) :: f. (-टिः or -टी) 1. A kind of cloth. 2. An aquatic plant: see कुम्मिका . 3. The curtain of a stage. 4. A screen of a cloth surround- ing a tent. E. पट् to surround, &c. aff. इन् or ङीप् । see पट and पटी .
- पटिका :: f. (-का) Cloth. E. वुन् added to पटी .
- पटिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Very clever. E. पटु and irr. superlative.
- पटीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Very clever or able. E. पटु clever, ईयसुन् aff. of the superlative.
- पटीर :: n. (-रं) 1. Sandal-wood. 2. A field. 3. Bamboo manna. 4. A radish. 5. The belly. 6. A sieve. 7. Height. 8. Khayar. 9. Rheu- matism. m. (-रः) 1. KANDARPA. 2. A cloud. E. पट् to go, Unādi aff. ईरन् .
- पटु :: mfn. (-टुः -ट्वी -टु) 1. Clever, dexterous, skilful. 2. Diligent. 3. Smart, sharp. 4. Hale, healthy. 5. Warm, hot. 6. Blown, ex- panded. 7. Cruel, ferocious, unmerciful, unfeeling. 8. Harsh, contumelious, (speech, &c.) 9. Fraudulent, crafty, a rogue or cheat. 10. Loquacious, talkative. m. (-टुः) 1. A small kind of
cucumber. (Trichosanthes diœca.) 2. The leaf of the Trichosanthes. n. (-टु) 1. Salt. 2. A mushroom. E. पट r. 10th cl. to speak, &c. Unādi aff. डु, and the radical vowel shortened. or पट-उन् ।
- पटुक :: m. (-कः) A sort of gourd. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- पटुकल्प :: mfn. (-ल्पः -ल्पा -ल्पं) Not so clever, a little less able, &c. E. पटु clever, and कल्प aff. of incompleteness; also in a similar sense पटुदेश्य, and पटुदेशीय ।
- पटुजातीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Of a clever sort, &c. E. पटु as above, and जातीय aff. of kind.
- पटुत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Cleverness. 2. Eloquence. E. त्व added to पटु; also with तल्, पटुता .
- पटुपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A medicinal sort of moon plant. E. पटु a sort of gourd, and पर्ण a leaf, fem. aff. ङीष्; also पटुपत्रक n. (-कं) and पटुपत्रिका f. (-का .)
- पटुरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Very clever. E. पटु, and रूप here implying much.
- पटोटज :: m. (-जं) A tent. E. पट and उटज a house.
- पटोल :: m. (-लः) A kind of cucumber, commonly Parwor, (Trichosanthes diœca.) n. (-लं) A sort of cloth, a kind of chintz. f. (-ली) A small cucumber, either the same as above, (Trichosanthes diœca,) or another kind, (Luffa acutangula.) E. पट् to go, in the causal form, aff. ओलच्; removing malady.
- पटोलक :: m. (-कः) An oyster. E. पटोल as above, and कन् aff. of res- emblance; compared to the shape of the Trichosanthes.
- पटोलिका :: f. (-का) A small cucumber, (Trichosanthes diœca:) it is also applied to Luffa acutangula. E. कन् with the fem. form added to पटोली .
- पट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः) 1. Cloth. 2. Coloured cloth, wove silk. 4. A turban, &c. or cloth for that purpose. 5. A coloured silk turban. 6. A fillet bound round the head. 7. A bandage, a ligature, a cloth bound round a sore, &c. 8. An upper or outer garment. 9. A plant, com- monly called Pāt, (Corchorus,) from the fibres of the bark of which, (called jute) a coarse sack-cloth and cordage are prepared. 10. A stone for grinding with a mullar. 11. A plate of metal for inscription or engraving. 12. A royal grant or order written on copper, stone, &c. 13. A shield. 14. A place where four roads meet. 15. A chair, a stool. n. (-ट्टं) A city, a town, a village, the Pettāh probably of the south. f. (ट्टा) 1. An ornament of the fore- head. 2. Red Lodh. 3. A horse's girth. E. पट् to surround, क्त aff. and त changed to ट .
- पट्टक :: m. (-कः) Cloth, a bandage, &c. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- पट्टज :: n. (-जं) A sort of cloth, probably a kind of canvas or sack-cloth. E. पट्ट as above, and ज produced; made from jute. कौशेयवस्त्रेच ।
- पट्टदेवी :: f. (-वी) A principal queen. E. पट्ट a fillet or tiara, देवी a queen.
- पट्ट(त्त)न :: n. (-नं-नी) A city: E. पट(त)न्ति जना यत्र पट पत, वा तनन् नेट् ।
- पट्टबन्धन :: n. (-नं) Crowing, binding the head with a fillet or tiara. E. पट्ट, and बन्धन binding.
- पट्टमहिषी :: f. (-षी) A principal queen. E. पट्ट a fillet or tiara, and महिषी a queen. (पाटराणी) ।
- पट्टरङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) A plant used in dying, (Cœsalpinia sappan.) E. पट्ट cloth, and रञ्ज to dye, aff. करणे घञ् (वकम्) ।
- पट्टरञ्जन :: n. (-नं) Sappen wood. E. पट्ट cloth, and रञ्जन colouring: with कन् added, पट्टरञ्जक .
- पट्टशाक :: n. (-कं) A sort of potherb, commonly called Nālita, (Corchorus capsularis.) E. पट्ट Corchorus, and शाक a potherb; the leaves re- sembling to those of the Pāt. नालिता, वा पाटशाक् ।
- पट्टारोहा :: f. (-हा) A principal queen. E. पट्ट, and आरोह what mounts.
- पट्टिका :: f. (-का) Lodh. E. पट्टी the same, कन् added: again with आख्या a name; it is read also पट्ठिकाख्य, mf. (-ख्यः-ख्या)
- पट्टिन् :: m. (-ट्टी) Red Lodh; also पट्टी .
- पट्टिल :: m. (-लः) A plant, (Cæsalpinia bonduccella.) E. पट्ट + अस्त्यर्थे -इलच् ।
- पट्टि(का)लोध्र :: m. (-ध्रः) A sort of tree, the bark of which is used as an astringent; the red species of the Lodh, (Symploces racemosa, Rox.) E. पट्टी the same plant, लोध्र the Lodh; also with कन् added पट्टिलोध्रक .
- पट्टिश(स) :: m. (-शः -or -सः) A sort of weapon, a kind of axe. E. पट् to go, aff. टिश् or टिस्; whence it is also read पट्टिस .
- पट्टोलिका :: f. (-का) 1. A title deed, a Pāttā, a lease, &c. 2. A written legal opinion. E. पट्ट a royal mandate, &c. ओलच् aff., कन् in the fem form added.
- पठ :: r. 1st. cl. (पठति) To speak articulately, to declaim, to recite or read. भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- पठत् :: mfn. (-ठन् -ठन्ती -ठत्) Reading, reciting. E. पठ् to read, शतृ part. aff.
- पठन :: n. (-नं) Reading, reciting. E. पठ् to read, ल्युट् aff.
- पठनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Readable, to be read. E. पठ् to read, अनीयर् aff.
- पठमञ्जरी :: f. (-री) A Rāgīni, one of the wives of SRĪRĀGA.
- पठि :: f. (-ठिः-ठी) Reading, perusal. E. पठ् to read, aff. इन्, ङीष् option- ally added.
- पटित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Read, studied. 2. Recited, repeated. E. पठ् to read, क्त aff.
- पठितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be read, what may or ought to be read. E. पठ् to read, तव्य aff.
- पठितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Reading, reciting, a reader. E. पठ् to read, तृच् aff.
- पठ्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being read or recited. E. पठ् to read, poss. v. शानच् aff.
- पड (इ) पडि :: r. 1st. cl. (पण्डते) To go, to move. r. 1st. and 10th. cls. (पण्डति पण्डयति-ते) 1. To destroy, to annihilate. 2. To heap together, to accumulate. गतौ भ्वा० आ० सक०-सेट्-इदित् । राशीकरणे चु० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- पण :: r. 1st cl. (पणते) also 10th. cl. (पणयति) 1. To negociate, to treat or transact business. 2. To bet or stake at play. (पणायति) To praise. व्यवहारे स्तुतौच भ्वा० आ० सक० सेट् ।
- पण :: m. (-णः) 1. Measure of account, in cowries or shells, twenty gandās or eighty cowries; also a weight of copper of similar value. 2. Wages or hire. 3. A stake at play, a bet, a wager. 4. Gaming, playing. 5. Playing with dice. 6. Price. 7. Wealth, property 8. A commodity for sale. 9. Business. 10. A distiller. 11. A house, a dwelling. 12. A stipulation, a treaty. 13. A vendor. 14. A shop. E. पण् to do business, aff. अप् ।
- पणग्रन्थि :: m. (-न्थिः) A fair, a market. E. पण a commodity, ग्रन्थि a knot.
- पणता :: f. (-ता) 1. The state or condition of a pledge or stake. 2. Price, value. E. तल् added to पण; also with त्व, पणत्वं .
- पणन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sale, selling. 2. Betting. E. पण् to do business, aff. भावे ल्युट् .
- पणव :: mf. (-वः-वा) A sort of musical instrument; a small drum or tabor. E. पण् business or price, वा to sound, aff. क; it is also read प्रणव .
- पणस :: m. (-सः) A commodity, an article of sale or traffic. E. पण् to do business, Unādi aff. कर्मणि-असच् ।
- पणाङ्गना :: f. (-ना) A prostitute, a whore, E. पण price, अङ्गना a woman.
- पणाया :: f. (-या) Business, affair, transaction, buying and selling, &c. 2. Profits or receipts of trade. 3. A market place. 4. Gambling. 5. Praise. E. पण् to negotiate, in the causal form, अच् and टाप् affs.; or पण, and आय income, it also occurs mas. (-यः).
- पणायित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Praised. 2. Transacted. E. पण् to praise, aff. स्वार्थे-आय-क्त .
- पणार्पण :: n. (-णं) Agreement, engagement, contract. E. पण price, अर्पण delivering.
- पणस्थि :: n. (-स्थि) The small shell used as coin, a Cowri. E. पण busi- ness, and अस्थि a bone; also with कन् added पणस्थिक .
- पणित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Prasied. 2. Transacted as business. E. पण to praise, aff. क्त; also पणायित .
- पणितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. Vendible, fit or intended for sale. 2. To be transacted, negotiable. 3. To be praised. E. पण to deal, aff. तव्य .
- पण्ड :: mn. (-ण्डः-ण्डं) 1. A catamite. 2. An eunuch. f. (-ण्डा) 1. Wisdom, understanding. 2. Science, learning. E. पडि to go, aff. अच् or पण् to deal, Unādi aff. ड, तस्य नेत्वम्; also with कन् added पण्डक .
- पण्डापूर्व :: n. (-र्वं) Non-occurrence of the results of fate or destiny. E. पण्ड, and अपूर्व unprecedented.
- पण्डित :: m. (-तः) 1. A scholar, a teacher, a Pandit, a learned Brāhman, or one read in sacred science, and teaching it to his disciples. 2. Incense. 3. Clever. 4. Proficient. E. पण्डा learning, तार० इतच् aff.
- पण्डितम्मन्य :: m. (-न्यः) An ignorant and vain person, a pedant, one who thinks himself a Pandit or scholar. E. पण्डित learned, मन् to think, खश् aff.; also with णिनि aff. पण्डितमानिन् .
- पण्डितमानिन् :: m. (-नी) An arrogant and ignorant man: E. see the last.
- पण्डितायमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Become wise from a state of ignorance. E. पण्डित used as a verb, शानच् aff.
- पण्य :: mfn. (-ण्यः -ण्या -ण्यं) 1. To be sold, salable, vendible. 2. To be praised, 3. To be transacted as business. n. (-ण्यं) 1. A ware. 2. Price. 3. Traffic. f. (-ण्या) Heart pea: see पिण्या . E. पण to deal, कर्मणि- यत् aff.
- पण्यफलत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Prosperity in trade, profit. E. पण्य, and फलत्व fruitfulness.
- पण्यमूल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) The price of a commodity. E. पण्य, and मूल्य price.
- पण्यवीथी :: f. (-थी) 1. A stall, &c. 2. A market: see the last.
- पण्यवीथिका :: f. (-का) 1. A stall, a shop, a place of sale. 2. A market. E. पण्य vendible, and वीथी a shop, &c. कन् added.
- पण्यशाला :: f. (-ला) 1. A market. 2. A shop, a ware-room. E. पण्य vendible, and शाला a hall.
- पण्यस्त्री :: f. (-स्त्री) A whore. E. पण्य vendible, and स्त्री a woman.
- पण्याङ्गना :: f. (-ना) A prostitute, a whore. E. पण्य to be sold, अङ्गना a woman; also पणाङ्गना .
- पण्यजीव :: m. (-वः) A trader. n. (-वं) A market, a fair, E. पण्य a vendible, and आजीव a livelihood.
- पण्याजीवक :: n. (-कं) A market. E. कन् added to the last; also पण्यजीवकं .
- पण्यार्ह :: mfn. (-र्ह -र्हा -र्हं) Salable, vendible. E. पण्य, and अर्ह fit for.
- पत(ऌ)पतॢ :: r. 1st. cl. (पतति) r. 10th cl. (पतयति-ते or पातयति-ते) 1. To go, to move, but especially downwards, as, to fall, to descend, to alight. 2. To possess supreme or superhuman power. r. 4th cl. (पत्यते) To be rich or powerful. With अति prefixed. To excel or surpass. With अभि or अव, To descend. With आङ्, To arrive, to come. With उत्, To ascend. With नि 1. To gain or get. 2. To happen. With निर, To abscond. With परि, 1. To go fast. 2. To be valuable. With प्र and नि, To fall prostrate, to salute, to worship. With वि and निर, To turn, to turn back. With सम्, 1. To go with. 2. To gain. With आङ्, To purify or cleanse. With सम् and उत्, To fly. With सम् and नि, To go forth or out. गतौ अद० चु० उभ० सक० ऐश्ये० अक सेट् । ऐश्ये दि० आ० अक० सेट् । गतौ भ्वा० पर० सक० ऐश्ये अक० ज्वला० सेट् ।
- पत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Cherished, protected. m. (-तः) 1. Going, 2. Fall- ing, alighting. 3. Flying, flight. E. पत् to go, अच् aff. or a various reading of पात .
- पतक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Who or what falls, descends, &c. m. (-कः) An astronomical table. E. पत् to fall, to go, वुन् aff.
- पतग :: m. (-गः) A bird. E. पत् to go, Unādi aff. अगच् .
- पतङ्ग :: mf. (-ङ्गः-ङ्गी) 1. A grasshopper. 2. A bird. 3. A sort of rice. 4. The sun. n. (-ङ्गं) 1. Quicksilver. 2. A kind of Sandal. E. पत् falling, गम् to proceed, aff.; खच्; or पत् to fall, अङ्गच् Unādi aff. also पतङ्गम ।
- पतङ्गम :: mf. (-मः-मा) 1. A bird. 2. A grasshopper. E. पत, and गम what goes; see the last. पतन् उत्प्लवन् सन् गच्छति गम-खच् ।
- पतङ्गिका :: f. (-का) 1. A sort of bee. 2. A small bird. E. कन् implying resemblance, with the fem. form added to पतङ्ग ।
- पतञ्चिका :: f. (-का) A bow-string.
- पतञ्ज(ञ्च)लि :: m. (-लिः) 1. The name of a saint or Muni and teacher of the Yoga philosophy, thence called after him PĀTANJALA; also the author of Mahābhāshya or commentary on PĀNINI. 2. A name of the poet VARARUCHI. E. पत् falling, अञ्जलि the hands joined as a mark of respect; having fallen from heaven, it is said, in the shape of small snake, into the hands of the saint PĀNINI as he was performing this act of reverence.
- पतत् :: mfn. (तन्-तन्ती-तत्) Falling, coming down, alighting, &c. m. (-तन्) A bird. E. पत् to go, to alight, participial aff. शतृ or अति
- पतत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. A wing. 2. A vehicle. E. पत् to go, अत्रन् करणे । Unādi aff.
- पतत्रि :: m. (-त्रिः) A bird. E. पत् to go, अत्रिन् Unādi aff.
- पतत्रिन् :: m. (-त्री) 1. A bird. 2. An arrow. 3. A horse. E. पतत्र a wing, इनि poss. aff.
- पतत्रिराज :: m. (-जः) VISHṆU'S bird, “Gadura.” E. पतत्रिन्, and राज king.
- पतद्ग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. A spitting pot. 2. The reserve of an army. E. पतत् what falls, and ग्रह what takes. (पिक्दानी) ।
- पतद्भीरु :: m. (-रुः) A hawk, a falcon. E. पतत् a bird, and भीरु fearful.
- पतन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Who or what goes, falls, descending. &c. n. (-नं) 1. Falling. 2. Alighting, descending. 3. Falling from dignity, virtue, &c. 4. Sin. 5. Going. 6. Subtraction. 7. The latitude of a planet. E. पत् to fall, युच् or भावे-ल्युट् aff.
- पतम :: m. (-मः) 1. The moon. 2. A bird. 3. A grasshopper. E. पत् to go, अमच् Unādi aff.
- पतयालु :: mfn. (-लुः -लुः -लु) Falling, liable or accustomed to fall. E. पत् to go, &c. in the causal form, आलुच् aff. तत्पर्युदानेन न णि लोपः ।
- पतस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) 1. A bird. 2. The moon. 3. A caterpillar. E. पत् to go, Unādi aff. असच् .
- पताका :: f. (-का) 1. A flag or banner. 2. A flagstaff. 3. An emblem carried as an ensign or banner, a symbol, a sign. 4. A mark. 5. An episode, or episodical incident in a drama. 6. Good fortune, auspiciousness. E. पत् to go, अकन् Unādi aff. पत्यते ज्ञायते योधो अनया पत-णि-आक ।
- पताकिन् :: m. (-की) 1. An ensign, a standard bearer. 2. A scheme for casting a nativity. f. (-नी) An army. E. पताका a flag, and इनि aff.
- पतापत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Who or what goes, &c. much or frequently. E. पत् to go, अच् aff. repeated, and आच् augment.
- पति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A master, an owner. 2. A husband. 3. A root. 4. Ruler 5. Going, motion. E. पा to nourish, Unādi aff. डति, or पत् to go, with the same aff.
- पतिघ्नी :: f. (-घ्नी) 1. The murderess of her husband. 2. A line on the hand, indicating that a woman will be faithless or treacherous to her husband, E. पति and घ्न who kills, fem. aff. ङीप् .
- पतिघ्नीलक्षण :: n. (-णं) Sign of a murderess of a husband. E. पतिघ्नी, and लक्षण a mark.
- पतित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Fallen, alighted. 2. Fallen from virtue, wicked, abandoned. 3. Fallen in war, defeated, overthrown. 4. Degraded, outcaste. 5. Gone. E. पत् to go, aff. कर्त्तरि क्त .
- पतितसावित्रीक :: m. (-कः) A man of the first three classes, whose investi- ture has not been duly performed. E. पतित, and सावित्री the mys- tical verse, कन् added.
- पतितेक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Looked at by an outcaste. E. पतित, and ईक्षित seen.
- पतितोत्पन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Born of an outcaste. E. पतित, and उत्पन्न born.
- पतित्व :: n. (-त्वं) The conjugal state. E. पति, and त्व aff.
- पतित्वा :: ind. Having fallen or fallen down, having alighted, &c. E. पत् to fall, क्त्वा aff.
- पतिप्राणा :: f. (-णा) A faithful wife. E. पति, and प्राण life.
- पतिंवरा :: f. (-रा) 1. A bride choosing her husband. 2. A pungent seed, (Nigella Indica.) E. पति a husband, वृ to choose, खच् aff.
- पतिवत्री :: f. (-त्री) A married woman, a wife whose husband is living. E. पति a husband, मतुप् aff. fem. form irr., नुक् being inserted.
- पतिव्रता :: f. (-ता) A good and virtuous wife. E. पति a husband, व्रत a religious obligation; who never violates her marriage vow.
- पतिसेवा :: f. (-वा) Devotion to a husband. E. पति, and सेवा service.
- पतीयत्री :: f. (-न्ती) A woman wishing or fit for a husband. E. पति, and क्यच् added, aff. शतृ .
- पतेर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Going, moving, one who goes or moves. m. (-रः) 1. A bird 2. An Arhaka, a measure so called. 3. A hole. E. पत् to go, एरक् Unādi aff.
- पत्काषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Pedestrian, going on foot. m. (-षी) A footman, a foot soldier, &c. E. पत् for पाद foot, कष् to injure, णिनि aff. पदादेशः ।
- पत्तङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) Red sanders: see पत्रङ्ग, of which it appears to be a local corruption. (वकम्) ।
- पत्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. A town, a city. 2. A sort of drum. E. पत् to go, तनन् aff.
- पत्तनवणिज् :: m. (-णिक्) A tradesman. E. पत्तन a city, वणिज् a trader.
- पत्ति :: m. (-त्तिः) 1. A foot soldier. 2. A hero. f. (त्ति) 1. Going, moving, walking. 2. A company, a platoon, consisting of one chariot, one elephant, three horse, and five foot. E. पद् to go, नि Unādi aff. or तिन् aff. for the feminine.
- पत्तिपङ्क्ति :: f. (-ङ्क्ति) A line of infantry. E. पत्ति, and पङ्क्ति a line.
- पत्तिसंहति :: f. (-तिः) A body of troops. E. पत्ति, and संहति assemblage.
- पत्तूर :: m. (-रः) A plant, commonly Salincha. n. (-रं) Red sanders.
- पत्त्र :: n. (-त्त्रं) Any vehicle or means of conveyance. E. पत् to go, ष्ट्रन् aff.; also पत्र .
- पत्री :: f. (-त्री) A wife. E. पति a husband, ङीप् aff. and नुक् augment.
- पत्न्याट :: m. (-टः) The Harem, the private or women's apartments. E. पत्री a wife, आट who goes, from अट, with घञ् affix, and आङ् prefix.
- पत्र(त्त्र) :: n. (-त्रं) 1. A leaf. 2. A vehicle in general; as a car, a horse, a camel, &c. 3. The wing of a bird. 4. The feather of an arrow. 5. The leaf of the Laurus cassia. 6. The leaf of a book. 7. Gold leaf, &c. any thin sheet or plate of metal. 8. A letter. 9. The blade of a weapon. 10. Painting the person as a decoration. 11. A knife, a dagger. 12. The leaf of a flower. nf. (-त्रं-त्री) A letter, any written document or address. E. पत् to go, ष्ट्रन् aff. and one त rejected; also sometimes पत्त्र ।
- पत्रक :: n. (-कं) 1. A leaf. 2. The leaf of the Laurus cassia. 3. Staining the person with Sandal, &c. by way of decoration. E. पत्र with स्वार्थे-क added.
- पत्रकाहला :: f. (-ला) The noise made either by the flapping of wings, or by the rustling of leaves. E. पत्र a leaf, a wing, &c. and काहल noise.
- पत्रकृच्छ्र :: n. (-च्छ्रं) A sort of penance, drinking infusion of any leaves for a given time. E. पत्र a leaf, and कृच्छ्र a penance.
- पत्रगुप्त :: m. (-प्तः) A species of Euphorbia, commonly Teykānta Sij. E. पत्र a leaf, and गुप्त hidden.
- पत्रङ्गं :: n. (-ङ्गः) Red sanders, (Pterocarpus santalinus.) also पत्राङ्ग .
- पत्रझङ्कार :: m. (-रः) The current of a river: other authorities have in place of this word, पुरसंस्कार, and पत्रसस्कार, of which the last appears to be most accurate. रायभटीवृक्षे च ।
- पत्रणा :: f. (-णा) 1. Trimming the feathered butt of an arrow. 2. Pain- ting figures on the body as a decoration. E. पत्र the feather of an arrow, णी to get, aff. ड .
- पत्रगण्डुला :: f. (-ला) 1. A woman. 2. A kind of barley.
- पत्रतरु :: m. (-रुः) The fœtid Mimosa. दुष्खदिरे ।
- पत्रदारक :: m. (-कः) A saw. E. पत्र a leaf, &c. and दृ to tear, ण्वुल् aff. (करात) ।
- पत्रनाडिका :: f. (-का) The fibre or vein of a leaf. E. पत्र a leaf, नाडी a vessel, aff. कन् .
- पत्रपरशु :: m. (-शुः) A small file used by silversmiths, &c. E. पत्र a sheet of metal, परशु an axe; also with पर्शु the same, पत्रपर्शु m. (-र्शुः) (छेनी) ।
- पत्रपाल :: m. (-ल) A large knife. f. (-ली) A pair of shears or scissors. E. पत्र a leaf, पाल् to nourish, aff. अच् (कांचि) ।
- पत्रपाश्या :: f. (-श्या) An ornament of the forehead, a piece of gold leaf situated on the forehead, or a painted mark upon it. E. पत्र a leaf, पश् to bind, aff. ण्यत् . (टीका) ।
- पत्रपिशाचिका :: f. (-का) A sort of cap or cover for the head, made of leaves. E. पत्र a leaf, पिशाचिका an imp. (टोका) ।
- पत्रपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A plant, a red sort of Tulasi or Basil, (Ocymum pilo- sum.) f. (-ष्पा) Holy basil, (Ocymum sanctum.) E. पत्र a leaf, and पुष्प a flower.
- पत्रपुष्पक :: m. (-कः) A kind of birch, from the bark of which Hukka snakes, &c. are made: see भूर्ज्जपत्र E. पत्र a leaf, and पुष्प a flower, कन् added.
- पत्रपूग :: m. (-गः) A shower of arrows. E. पत्र, and पूग a heap.
- पत्रबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Adorning with leaves, flowers, &c. decorating with nosegays or garlands. E. पत्र a leaf, and बन्ध a binding.
- पत्रबाल :: m. (-लः) An oar, especially a large one used as a rudder. E. पत्र a leaf, बल् to be strong, aff. घञ् .
- पत्रभङ्ग :: mf. (-ङ्गः-ङ्गी) Decorating the person by staining it with fragrant pigments of sandal, musk, &c. E. पत्र a leaf, भञ्ज to break, aff. अच् .
- पत्रयौवन :: n. (-नं) A new leaf, a sprout. E. पत्र a leaf, यौवन youth.
- पत्ररथ :: m. (-थः) A bird. E. पत्र a wing, and रथ a vehicle.
- पत्ररञ्जन :: n. (-नं) Embellishing a page, illuminating, gilding, &c. E. पत्र, and रञ्जन colouring.
- पत्रल :: n. (-लं) Thin or skim milk. E. पत् to go, रल् aff. (पात्ला दै) ।
- पत्रले(रे)खा :: f. (खा) Decoratien of the face or person, by means of fragrant pigments, consisting of Sandal, saffron, musk, &c. E. पत्र a leaf, and लेखा a line.
- पत्रवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) Staining the person with Sandal, &c. by way of ornament. E. पत्र a leaf, and वल्ली a creeper; also पत्रावली, पत्रलेखा, &c.
- पत्रवाह :: m. (-हः) 1. An arrow. 2. A bird. 3. A postman, a letter carrier. E. पत्र a feather or a letter, and वाह bearing.
- पत्रशि(सि)रा :: f. (-रा) The vein or fibre of a leaf. E. पत्र a leaf, and शिरा a tubular vessel.
- पत्रश्रेष्ठ :: m. (ष्ठः) The Bel tree.
- पत्रसंस्कार :: m. (-रः) The current of a river. E. पत्र a leaf, संस्कार making perfect; see पत्रझङ्कार .
- पत्रसूचि :: m. (-चिः) A thorn. E. पत्र a leaf, and सूचि a needle.
- पत्रहिम :: n. (-मं) Cold, wintry weather. E. पत्र here said to mean falling, हिम frost or snow.
- पत्राख्य :: m. (-ख्यः) The pungent leaf of the Laurus cassia. E. पत्र a leaf, and आख्या a name; the leaf, by way of distinction.
- पत्राङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) 1. Red sanders (Pterocarpus santolinus) 2. Red or sappan wood, (Cæsalpinia sappan.) 3. Bhūrjapatra, a tree so called, a kind of Birch. 4. Another plant: see पद्मक . E. पत्र a leaf, अङ्ग body or substance.
- पत्राङ्गुलि :: f. (-लिः) Painting the forehead, throat, neck, &c. with coloured Sandal, saffron, or any other fragrant substance. E. पत्र a leaf and आङ्गुलि a finger, being applied with the finger.
- पत्राञ्जन :: n. (-नं) Ink or blacking. E. पत्र a leaf, (of a book,) and अञ्ज् to tint, करणे-ल्युट् aff.
- पत्राढ्य :: n. (-ढ्यं) 1. The root of a long pepper. 2. A kind of grass.
- पत्राली :: f. (-ली) Coloured or ornamental marks on the face or person. E. पत्र, and आलि a row.
- पत्रावलि :: f. (लि) 1. Red chalk. 2. A row of leaves. 3. Decorating the person. E. पत्र, and आवलि a line: see the next.
- पत्रावली :: f. (-ली) 1. Drawing lines along the form; staining some parts of the body with coloured and fragrant pigments, as with saffron, sandal, &c. 2. A mixture of young Aswattha leaves with barley and honey. E. पत्र a leaf, and आवली a line: see पत्रलेखा, पत्रक, &c.
- पत्रिका :: f. (का) A leaf, a written leaf or page, a writing, a letter, &c. E. पत्र, and कन् added, fem. form.
- पत्रिन् :: mfn. (-त्री -त्रिणी -त्रि) 1. Winged. 2. Feathered. 3. Having a page or leaf. m. (-त्री) 1. An arrow. 2. A bird. 3. A falcon. 4. A tree. 5. A mountain. 6. A chariot. 7. A rider in a car or car- riage. f. (-णी) A sprout, a shoot. E. पत्र a leaf, &c. इनि aff.
- पत्रोपस्कर :: m. (-रः) A tree, (Cassia esculenta.) E. पत्र a leaf, उपस्कर a condiment.
- पत्रोर्ण :: n. (-र्णं) Wove silk. m. (-र्णः) A plant, (Bignonia indica.) E. पत्र a leaf, ऊर्णा wool.
- पत्रोल्लास :: m. (-सः) A bud. E. पत्र, and उल्लास what delights.
- पत्सल :: m. (-लः) A road. E. पत् to go, सर Unādi aff. र changed to ल .
- पथ :: r. 1st. cl. (पथति) to go, to move. r. 10th. cl. (पाथयति) To throw, to cast, to despatch or send; (इ) पथि, r. 1st. and 10th. cls. (पन्थति पन्थयति) To go, to proceed, to travel. गतौ भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् । वा चुरा उभ० पक्षे भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् इदित् ।
- पथ :: m. (-थः) A road. E. पथ् to go, aff. अच् .
- पथत् :: mfn. (-थन् -थन्ती -थत्) Going, travelling. m. (-थन्) A road. E. पथ् to go, शतृ aff.
- पथिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -की-कं) Knowing or going on a road. m. (-कः) 1. A traveller, a way-farer. 2. A guide, one who knows the way. E. पथिन् a road, वुन् or कन् aff.
- पथिकसन्तति :: f. (-ति) A line or range of travellers, a cafileh, a caravan. E. पथिक a traveller, सन्तति a range; also with संहति assemblage, पथिकसंहति .
- पथिद्रुम :: m. (-मः) A sort of Khayar, (Mimosa alba.) E. पथिन् a road, and द्रुम a tree.
- पथिन् :: m. (पन्था) 1. A road, a way. 2. Sect, doctrine, path in morals or religion. 3. A division of hell. 4. A journey. 5. Course of manner or action. E. पथ् to go, इन् Unādi aff.; the noun is irregu- larly inflected.
- पथिप्रज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Acquainted with roads. E. पथिन्, and प्रज्ञ who knows.
- पथिल :: m. (-लः) A traveller, a way-farer. E. पथिन् a road, इलच् Unādi aff.
- पथिवाहक :: m. (-कः) 1. A fowler, a bird-catcher. 2. A porter, a burthen- carrier. Adj. Cruel. E. पथिन् a road, and वाहक who bears.
- पथ्य :: mfn. (-थ्यः -थ्या -थ्यं) Proper, fit, suitable, agreeing with, but applied chiefly medically, with respect to diet, regimen, &c. mf. (-थ्यः- थ्या) Yellow Myrobalan, (Terminalia chebula.) n. (-थ्यं) Sea salt. E. पथ् to go, यत् aff.
- पथ्यापथ्य :: n. (-थ्यं) The class of things that are considered beneficial or hurtful in disease. E. पथ्य, and अपथ्य improper.
- पथ्याशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Eating wholesome things. E. पथ्य, and अशिन् who eats.
- पद :: r. 4th. cl. (औ) पदौ (पद्यते) r. 10th. cl. (पदयते) to go, to move. (ए) पदे r. 1st. cl. (पदति) to stand fast. With अभि, prefixed, 1. To know, to understand. 2. To see, to look. With अनु, To follow. With आङ्, 1. To happen, to befall. 2. To gain. 3. To suffer misfortune. 4. To multiply. 5. To produce. 6. To come. With उत्, To be born or produced. With उप, 1. To gain. 2. To be born. 3. To be near or connected with. With उप, and सम्, To offer oblations. With प्र, 1. To gain, to acquire. 2. To commence. With प्र; and वि, To
establish, to enact. With प्रति, 1. To gain. 2. To assent, to agree or promise. 3. To restore. With वि, To suffer misfortune or pain. With वि, and आङ्, To injure or kill. With वि and उत्, To discri- minate, to analyze. With सम्, 1. To thrive, to grow or increase. 2. To do, to execute, to perform. 3. To select. With सम्, and आङ्, 1. To arrive. 2. To finish. स्थैर्ये भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् । गतौ दि० आ० सक० अनिट् पक्षे अद० चु० आत्म० सक० सेट् ।
- पद् :: n. (-द् or -त्) A foot. E. पद् to go, aff. क्विप्; also पद; or it is considered as an irregular substitute for पाद .
- पद :: n. (-दं) 1. A foot. 2. A footstep, the mark of a foot. 3. A word. 4. An inflected word. 5. A crude word. 6. A connected sentence. 7. Subject, thing, matter. 8. Preservation, defence 9. Industry, application. 10. Disguise. 11. Place, site 12. Rank, station, degree. 13. A mark, a spot. 14. A foot or rather line of a stanza. 15. A mode of writing the Vedas, in which the several words are detached from one another. 16. A business, an affair. 17. (In Arithmetic,) Any one of a set of numbers the sum of which is required, or the last of the series, a square-root. 18. To occupy. 19. Step, pace, 20. A trace, a mark. m. (-दः) A ray of light. E. पद् to go, aff. अच् or घञ् .
- पदक :: m. (-कः) 1. A Brāhman knowing the verses of the Vedas. 2. A Nishka, a weight of gold. 3. An ornament of the neck. n. (-कं) 1. Step. 2. Position. 3. Office. E. पद a verse, &c. and कन् aff.
- पदकार :: m. (-रः) One who divides or separates compound term. E. पद, and कार who makes.
- पदक्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Step, pace. 2. Walking. E. पद, and क्रम going.
- पदग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Going with the feet. m. (-गः) A footman, a foot soldier, &c. E. पद् or पद a foot, and ग who goes; hence also पद्न .
- पदगत :: mfn. (-ता -ता -तं) 1. Gone on foot 2. Described or recorded in a line or stanza. E. पद, and गत gone.
- पदन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Who or what goes or move. E. पद् to go, युच् aff.
- पदन्यास :: m. (-सः) 1. Step, pace. 2. Conduct, procedure. 3. Position of the feet in a particular attitude. 4. A plant; also गोक्षुर . E. पद, and न्यास gesticulation.
- पदपात :: m. (-तः) Step, pace, foot-fall, tread. E. पद, and पात fall.
- पदभञ्जन :: n. (-नं) 1. Explanation of obscure or obsolete words. 2. Ety- mology. 3. Separating the words of a line or sentence. E. पद a word, भञ्जन a breaking.
- पदभञ्जिका :: f. (-का) A register, a journal, a calendar or almanack. E. पद a mark, &c. भञ्ज् to divide, aff. ण्वुल् .
- पदवि :: f. (-विः-वी) 1. A road, a path, a way. 2. Station, situation, degree, rank. 3. Place, site. E. पद् to go, अवि aff.; fem. aff. optionally ङीप् .
- पदविक्षेप :: m. (-पः) 1. Step, pace, walking. 2. A horse's paces. E. पद, and विक्षेप throwing.
- पदविष्टम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) Tread, step, stamp with the foot. E. पद, and विष्टम्भ fixing.
- पदष्टीव :: n. (-वं) The feet and knees. E. पद् a foot, and अष्ठीवत् the knee, deriv. irr.
- पदसङ्घात :: m. (-तः) A writer, an annotator, one who collects or classes words. E. पद, and सम् before, हन् to hurt, अण् aff.; also पदसङ्घाट .
- पदाङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) Foot-mark, vestige. E. पद, and अङ्क a mark.
- पदाजि :: m. (-जिः) A foot soldier. E. पद a foot, अज् to go, इन् Unādi aff.
- पदात :: m. (-तः) A footman, a pedestrian. E. पद foot, अत् to go, aff. क्विप् .
- पदाति :: m. (-तिः) A footman or foot soldier. E. पद foot, अत् to go, इन् Unādi aff.
- पदातिक :: m. (-कः) A peon, a footman or foot soldier. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- पदानुराग :: m. (-गः) 1. A servant. 2. An army E. पद, and अनुराग attachment.
- पदाम्भोज :: n. (-जं) 1. The foot of a mistress, or a divinity; &c. 2. A
lotus-like foot. E. पद, and अम्भोज a lotus; also similar compounds, पदारविन्द, &c.
- पदार :: m. (-रः) 1. The dust of the feet. 2. A boat. E. पद a foot, ऋ to go, घञ् aff.
- पदारविन्द :: n. (-न्दं) The foot of a mistress, of a divinity, &c. E. पद, and अरविन्द a lotus.
- पदार्थ :: m. (-र्थः) 1. Thing, substantial or material form of being. 2. A category of predicament in Logic, of which seven are enumerated; viz:--substance, quality, action, identity, variety, relation and non-existence or annihilation. They are sixteen according to Nyaya Philosophy six according to the Vaiseshika, twenty-five according to Sānkhya, twenty six according to Pātanjala, and two according to Vaidantica. 3. The meaning of a word or sentence. 4. A head, a topic. E. पद word, thing, and अर्थ meaning.
- पदासन :: n. (-नं) A foot-stool. E. पद a foot, आसन a place of sitting.
- पदिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Going on foot. m. (-कः) A foot soldier. n. (-कं) The point of the foot. E. पद a foot. aff. ष्ठन् .
- पदेपदे :: ind. Continually. E. पद a foot-step, seventh case repeated.
- पद्ग :: m. (-द्गः) A foot-soldier. E. पद् a foot, and ग who goes.
- पद्धति :: f. (-तिः-ती) 1. A road. 2. A line, a row or range. 3. A ritual, a manual, a work upon any act or ceremony, detailing the mode of its performance, and collecting the texts connected with it. 4. A family name, a surname or title. E. पद् a foot, हन् to strike, aff. क्तिन् ।
- पद्धिम :: n. (-मं) Coldness of the feet, E. पद् for पाद, and हिम frost or cold.
- पद्म :: mn. (-द्मः-द्मं) 1. A lotus, (Nelumbium speciosum;) it is often con- founded with the water lily, (Nymphæa.) 2. A form of arraying army resembling to that of a lotus. 3. One of KUVERA'S trea- sures or gems. 4. A large number, ten billions. 5. Coloured marks on the face and trunk of an elephant. 6. A drug, also termed Pad- makāshṭha. 7. Lead. 8. A name given to the six Chakras of the body, or to the mystical faculties present in them. 9. The root of a lotus. m. (-द्मः) 1. A Nāga or serpent of the lower regions. 2. One of the twelve Chakravartis or paramount princes of the Jai- nas. 3. One of the persons termed Sukla Balas by the Jains. 4. A name of RĀMA. 5. The personified treasures of KUVERA, as wor- shipped by the Tāntrikas. 6. A particular mode of sexual enjoy- ment. The posture is thus described on Vāchaspatya:--
हस्ताभ्याञ्च समालिङ्ग्य नारीपद्मासनोपरि । रमेद्गाढं समाकृष्य बन्धोऽयं पद्मसंज्ञकः ॥
f. (-द्मा) 1. A name of LAKSHMĪ. 2. A plant, (Hibiscus mutabilis.) 3. A shrub, (Siphonanthus Indica.) 4. A female serpent or Nāga, the goddess MANASĀ, and wife to the sage JARATKĀRU. 5. The mother of the twentieth Jina or Jaina saint. 6. The flower of the Carthamus or safflower. E. पद् to go, (on the water, &c.) Unadi aff. मन् .
- पद्मक :: n. (-कं) 1. Coloured marks or spots on the face and trunk of an elephant. 2. A sort of drug, commonly called पद्मकाष्ठ, 3. A kind of leprosy. 4. An army arrayed in the form of a lotus-flower. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- पद्मकर :: m. (-रः) 1. The sun. 2. An epithet of Vishṇu. E. पद्म, and कर hand, his image always holding a lotus in one hand.
- पद्मकाष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) A fragrant wood used in medicine, and described as cooling and tonic. E. पद्म a lotus, and काष्ठ wood.
- पद्मकिन् :: m. (-की) 1. The Bhūrjapatra or birch tree, the bark is used for writing mantras upon, &c. 2. An elephant. E. पद्मक, and इनि aff.
- पद्मकेशर :: mn. (-रः-रं) The filament of a lotus. E. पद्म, and केशर the same.
- पद्मखण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) A quantity of lotuses, or spot abounding with them. E. पद्म a lotus, and खण्ड a portion or district.
- पद्मगन्ध(न्धि) :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Lotus-smelling; smelling like a lotus. E. पद्म, and गन्ध smell; also with इ substituted for the final, पद्मगन्धि .
- पद्मगर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) 1. A name of BRAMHĀ. 2. The sun. 3. An epithet of Vishṇu. E. पद्म a lotus, and गर्भ womb, born from the lotus.
- पद्मचारिणी :: f. (-णी) A small tree, (Hibiscus mutabilis.) E. पद्म a lotus, चर् to resemble, aff. णिनि, fem. aff. ङीष् .
- पद्मतन्तु :: m. (-न्तुः) The fibrous stalk of the lotus. E. पद्म, and तन्तु thread.
- पद्मदर्शन :: m. (-नः) The resin of the Pinus longifolia.
- पद्मनाभ :: m. (-भः) 1. A name of VISHṆU. 2. One of the Jinas of a fur- ture age. E. पद्म a lotus, and नाभि a navel, अच् aff.
- पद्मनाभि :: m. (-भिः) VISHṆU is thus termed, because the lotus, contain- ing BRAMHĀ, sent to create the world, sprang from his navel.
- पद्मनाल :: n. (-लं) The stalk of a lotus. E. पद्म lotus, and नाल a hollow stalk.
- पद्मपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A sort of Costus, (C. specious.) E. पद्म a lotus, and पत्र a leaf; also पद्मपर्ण n. (-र्णं) from पर्ण a leaf.
- पद्मपाणि :: m. (णिः) 1. A name of BRAMHĀ. 2. The sun. 3. A Buddha, a Bauddha sanctified teacher. 4. An epithet of Vishṇu. E. पद्म a lotus, and पाणि the hand holding a lotus in one hand.
- पद्मपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) 1. A shrub, (Webera corymbosa:) see कर्णिकार . 2. A sort of bird. E. पद्म a lotus, and पुष्प a flower.
- पद्मप्रभ :: m. (-भः) The sixth Jina or Jaina pontiff. E. पद्म a lotus, and प्रभ who shines. कमलसदृशप्रभान्वितेच ।
- पद्मप्रिया :: f. (-या) The wife of the Muni JARATKĀRU. E. पद्म a lotus, and प्रिया fond of.
- पद्मबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) The artificial arrangement of the words of a verse in a figure representing the leaves of a lotus; It is fully illustrated in Saraswatī Kanthābharana. E. पद्म, and बन्ध binding.
- पद्मबन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) 1. A bee. 2. The sun. E. पद्म a lotus, and बन्धु the friend. अर्कवृक्षे च ।
- पद्मभू :: m. (-भूः) BRAMHĀ. E. पद्म a lotus, and भू born, क्विप् aff.
- पद्ममुखी :: f. (-खी) A sort of prickly nightshade.
- पद्मयोनि :: m. (-निः) BRAMHĀ. E. पद्म, and योनि place of production.
- पद्मराग :: m. (-गः) A ruby. E. पद्म a lotus, and राग colour.
- पद्मरेखा :: f. (-खा) A lotus-figure on the palm of the hand, indicating the possession of great wealth. E. पद्म a large number, and रेखा a line.
- पद्मलाञ्छन :: m. (-नः) 1. A king, a sovereign. 2. A name of BRAMHĀ. 3. The sun. 4. KUVERA, the god of wealth. f. (-ना) 1. A name of LAKSHMĪ, 2. A name of SARASWATĪ. 3. A title of TĀRĀ, one of the forms of DURGĀ. E. पद्म a lotus, a Chhātā or parasol-shaped, like one, a fabulous gem, &c. and लाञ्छन a mark or designation.
- पद्मवर्णक :: n. (-कं) A species of Costus, (C. speciosus.) E. पद्म a lotus, वर्ण a colour, कप् aff.
- पद्मवासा :: f. (-सा) 1. A name of LAKSHMĪ. 2. Having the fragrance of a lotus-flower. E. पद्म a lotus, and वासा abode; abiding at the crea- tion within the petals of the lotus. or पद्मं वासो अस्याः ।
- पद्मवी(बी)ज :: n. (-जं) The seed of the lotus. E. पद्म a lotus, and वीज a seed.
- पद्मस्नुषा :: f. (-षा) 1. GANGĀ. 2. LAKSHMĪ. 3. GAURĪ or DURGĀ. E. पद्म a lotus, and स्नुषा a daughter-in-law.
- पद्माकर :: m. (-रः) A large deep tank or pond; one in which the lotus does or may grow. E. पद्म, and आकर a mine.
- पद्माक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. The seed of the lotus. 2. Lotus-eyed. E. पद्म a lotus, and अक्ष an eye.
- पद्माट :: m. (-टः) A sort of Cassia, (C. tora.) E. पड्म a lotus, and अट् to resemble, aff. अच् . चक्रमर्दवृक्षे, (दादमर्दनैति भाषा) ।
- पद्मान्तर :: m. (-रः) Petal of the lotus. E. पद्म, and अन्तर inside.
- पद्मालया :: f. (-या) A name of the goddess LAKSHMĪ. E. पद्म a lotus, and आलय an asylum. लवङ्गे च ।
- पद्मावती :: f. (-ती) 1. A name of the goddess manasā or the wife of the JARATKĀRU. 2. The name of a river, the main stream of the Ganges, between the KĀSIMBĀZĀR river and the sea. E. पद्म a lotus, मतुप aff., fem. aff. ङीप्, and the antepen. made long.
- पद्मावतीप्रिय :: m. (-यः) 1. The Muni JARATKĀRU. 2. The Kalki avatāra. E. पद्मावती as above, and प्रिय beloved. शृगाल नृपेच ।
- पद्मासन :: n. (-नं) A posture in religious meditation, sitting with the thighs crossed, one hand resting on the left thigh, the other held up with the thumb upon the heart; the eyes directed to the tip of the nose. 2. A seat or throne made in the shape of a lotus, one especially on which idols are placed. m. (-नः) 1. A name of BRAMHĀ. 2. The sun. E. पद्म a lotus, and आसन sitting.
- पद्मिन् :: m. (द्मी-) An elephant. f. (-नी) 1. A multitude of lotuses, or place abounding in them. 2. A woman of one of the four classes into which the sex is distinguished; the first and the most excellent. She is thus described in Vāchaspatya:--
भवति कमलनेत्रा नासिकाक्षुद्ररन्ध्रा । अविरलकुचयुग्मा दीर्घकेशी कृशाङ्गी ॥ मृदुचरणसुशीला गीतनृत्यानुरक्ता । सकलतनुसुवेशा पद्मिनी पद्मगन्धा ॥
3. A lotus, (Nelumbium speciosum.) 4. A pool or pond, espe- cially one deep enough for the growth of the lotus. 5. The fibrous stalk of a lotus. 6. A female elephant. E. पद्म coloured marks. &c. or a lotus, इनि aff.
- पद्मिनीकान्त :: m. (-न्तः) The sun. E. पद्मिनी a lotus, and कान्त beloved. अर्कवृक्षे च ।
- पद्मिनीखण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) A place abounding with lotuses, or a district in which they grow. E. पद्मिनी, and खण्ड division.
- पद्मिनीबल्लभ :: m. (-भः) The sun. E. पद्मिनी a lotus, and बल्लभ a friend.
- पद्मेशय :: m. (-यः) A name of VISHṆU. E. पद्म in or on a lotus, and शय who sleeps.
- पद्मोत्तर :: m. (-रः) 1. Safflower. 2. A proper name: see the next. E. पद्म, and उत्तर better.
- पद्मोत्तरात्मज :: m. (जः) One of the Jaina Chakravartis or emperors. E. पद्मोत्तर, and आत्मज son.
- पद्मोद्भव :: m. (-वः) 1. A name of BRAMHĀ. f. (-वा) The snake goddess MANASĀ. E. पद्म a lotus, and उद्भव born.
- पद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) Hurting or coming in contact with the feet. n. (-द्यं) 1. Metre, verse, a stanza. 2. Wickedness, infamy. m. (-द्यः) 1. A Sūdra. 2. A part of a word. f. (-द्या) 1. A road. 2. Praise, eulogium. E. पद् to go, यत् aff.
- पद्र :: m. (-द्रः) 1. A village. 2. The entrance into a village. E. पद् to go, रक् Unādi aff.
- पद्व :: m. (-द्वः) 1. The abode or world of human beings. 2. A car. 3. A road. E. पद् to go, वन् Unādi aff.
- पद्वन् :: m. (-द्वा) A road. E. पद् to go, वनिप् Unādi aff.
- पन :: r. 1st. cl. (पनायति) To praise: this root and पण in the same sense, take आय before the Sārvadhātuka, and some of the Ārddhadhātuka, affixes. (पनते) To traffic, to buy and sell: see पण . स्तुतौ भ्वा० आत्म० सक० सेट् । स्वार्थे आय वा तत्र आत्म० ।
- पनस :: m. ((सः) 1. The bread-fruit or JACK tree, (Artocarpus integri- folia.) 2. A thorn. 3. The name of a monkey. f. (-सा) 1. A malady, pustular and phlegmonoid inflammation of the skin or external organs. 2. A she monkey. 3. A female demon. E. पन् to praise or be praised, Unadi aff. असच् .
- पनसना(ता)लिका :: f. (-का) The bread-fruit or JACK. E. पनस, ठन् aff.
- पन्थक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Produced in or on the road. E. पथिन्, and वुन् aff.
- पन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Fallen, gone down or downwards. 2. Gone. m. (-न्नः) Downward motion, falling, descending. E. पद् to go, aff. क्त, deriv. irr., otherwise पद् to go, Unādi aff. नन् ।
- पन्नग :: m. (-गः) 1. A snake. 2. A drug: see पद्मकाष्ठ . f. (-गी) The snake goddess MANASĀ. n. (-गं) Lead. E. पन्न a fallen, ग who goes, or पद् a foot, न not, ग who goes,; moving without feet.
- पन्नगाशन :: m. (-नः) A name of GADURA, the bird and vehicle of VISHṆU. E. पन्नग a snake, and अशन food; the snake-eater.
- पन्नद्धा :: f. (-द्धा) A leather shoe or boot. E. पद् a foot, नह to bind, aff. क्त, deriv. irr.
- पनद्ध्री :: f. (-द्ध्री) A shoe, a boot. E. पद् a foot, नह् to bind, affs. ष्ट्रन्, or ङीष् optionally added.
- पपि :: mfn. (-पिः -पिः -पि) Who or what drinks. m. (-पिः) The moon. E. पा to drink, कि aff. and the root repeated.
- पपिस् :: m. (-पीः) 1. The moon. 2. The sun. E. पा to drink, reiterated by special rule, Unādi aff. इस् .
- पपीति :: f. (-तिः) Mutual or reciprocal drinking, drinking alike or to- gether. E. पा to drink, in the reiterative form, aff. क्तिन् .
- पपु :: m. (-युः) A fosterer, a protector. f. (-पुः) A nurse, a fostermother. E. पा to cherish, कु aff. and the radical consonant repeated.
- पम्पा :: f. (-म्पा) 1. The name of a river, in the south of India. 2. Name of a lake in the Dandaka forest. E. पा to drink, प Unādi aff., मन् inserted, and the radical vowel made short.
- पय :: r. 1. st. cl. (पयते) To go, to move. भ्वा० आत्म० सक० सेट् ।
- पयश्चय :: m. (-यः) A piece of water. E. पयस् water, चय collection.
- पयस् :: n. (-यः) 1. Water. 2. Milk. 3. Semen virile. 4. Boiled-rice. 5. Night. E. पय् to go, असुन् Unādi aff.
- पयस :: n. (-सं) 1. Water. 2. Milk. E. पयस् the same, अच् added.
- पयस्प :: m. (-स्पः) A cat. E. पयस् milk, and प who drinks.
- पयस्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) 1. Made from milk, (curds, butter, cheese, &c.) 2. Relating to or connected with milk or water. 3. A cat. f. (-स्या) 1. A shrub, (Asclepias rosea.) 2. A medicinal kind of moon plant. 3. A drug: see क्षीरकाकोली . 4. Curds of two milk whey. 5. Any plant yielding a milky sap, as the Euphorbia, the Asclepias, &c. E. पयस् milk, यत् aff.
- पयस्वल :: m. (-लः) A goat. E. पयस्, वलच् aff.
- पयस्विनी :: f. (-नी) 1. A river. 2. A milch cow. 3. Night. 4. A she-goat. E. पयस् water or milk, विनि aff.
- पयोगड(ल) :: m. (-डः or -लः) Hail. n. (-डं) An island. E. पयस् water, गड a drop.
- पयोघन :: m. (-नः) Hail. E. पयस् water. घन a lump.
- पयोजन्मन् :: m. (-न्मा) A cloud. E. पयस् water, जन्मन् origin.
- पयोद :: m. (-दः) A cloud. E. पयस्, and द what gives.
- पयोधर :: m. (-रः) A woman's breast. 2. A cloud. 3. The sugarcane. 4. The cocoanut. 5. A sort of rush, (Scirpus kysoor.) 6. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus, &c.) 7. An udder. 8. The back-bone. 9. (In Prosody) A scolius. E. पयस् milk or water, and धर containing.
- पयोधस् :: m. (-धाः) 1. The ocean. 2. A piece of water. 3. A cloud E. पयस् water, धा to contain, Unādi aff. असि .
- पयोधि :: m. (-धिः) The ocean. E. पयस्, and धा to have, कि aff.
- पयोधिक :: n. (-कं) The cuttle-fish-bone. E. पयोधि, and कन् aff. समुद्रफेने ।
- पयोनिधि :: m. (-धिः) The ocean. E. पयस्, and निधि a treasure.
- पयोमुच् :: m. (-मुक्) A cloud. E. पयस्, and मुच् what lets go.
- पयोर :: m. (-रः) The Khayar, (Mimosa catechu.) E. पयस् water, रा to get, aff. क .
- पयोराशि :: f. (-शिः) A piece of water. E. पयस्, and राशि a quantity.
- पयोव्रत :: n. (-तं) Living upon milk for a month, which with prayer and residence in a cow house, is an expiation or receiving an unsuitable present; offering of milk to VISHṆU, and subsisting upon it for twelve days; also for one or for three days is consi- dered as a religious act. E. पयस् milk, and व्रत religious observance.
- पयोष्णी :: f. (-ष्णी) A river that rises in the Vindhya mountain. The Narmadā according to some, the Tapti according to others.
- पर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Distant, removed, remote. 2. Best, pre-eminent.
3. Subsequent, after, following. 4. Other, different. 5. Inimical, hostile, estranged, adverse. 6. Addicted to, attached to, engaged in. 7. More, exceeding, as परं शतं more than a hundred, परो लक्षः more then a Lac: these are also considered as distinct com- pounds, see the next. 8. Higher, Superior. 9. Beyond. 10. Last, final. m. (रः) 1. An enemy 2. The life of BRAMHĀ. n. ind. (-रं) 1. Only, alone. 2. After, afterwards. subst. 1. Final beatitude. 2. The Supreme spirit. 3. (In Logic,) One species of common property; that which comprehends many objects, genus; or it is the same with existence, as the common property of all things. E. पॄ to fill, &c. aff. भावे अप् or कर्त्तरि अच् ।
- परःशत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) More than a hundred, many. E. पर more, and शत a hundred: see the last.
- परःश्वस् :: ind. (-श्वः) The day after to-morrow. E. पर after, श्वस् tomorrow.
- परःसहस्र :: mfn. (-स्रः -स्रा -स्रं) More than a thousand. E. पर more, and सहस्र a thousand: see पर .
- परकलत्र :: n. (-त्रं) Another's wife. E. पर, and कलत्र a wife.
- परकलत्राभिगमन :: n. (-नं) Intriguing with another man's wife, adultery. E. परकलत्र another's wife, अभिगमन approaching.
- परकीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Another, belonging to another. f. (-या) The mistress or wife of another, one of the three objects of love, according to the Sringāra or amatory, doctrine. E. पर another, छ aff. कुक् augment.
- परक्षेत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. Another man's wife. 2. Another's body. 3. Another's field. E. पर another, क्षेत्र a field.
- परग्रन्थि :: m. (-न्थिः) An articulation, a finger-joint. E. पर after, ग्रन्थि a joining.
- परग्लानि :: f. (-निः) Reduction or subjugation of an enemy. E. पर, and ग्लानि vexing.
- परछन्द :: mfn. (-न्दः -न्दा -न्दं) Dependant, subservient, subjected. E. पर another, छन्द inclination.
- परछिद्र :: n. (-द्रं) A fault or defect in another. E. पर and छिद्र flaw.
- परजात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Adopted, fostered, nourished by a stranger. 2. Dependant, servile, subjected. m. (-तः) 1. The kokila. 2. A ser- vant. E. पर another, and जात born.
- परजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Nourished by a stranger. 2. Conquered, or subdued by another. 3. The kokila. पर another, and जित con- quered, &c.
- परञ्ज :: m. (-ञ्जः) 1. An oil press. 2. Froth, foam. 3. The blade of a sword or a knife. 4. A sword or scimitar. f. (-ञ्जा) The sound of instruments at a festival. n. (-ञ्जं) The sword of INDRA. E. पर in the second case, another, and जि to conquer, aff. ड; some works have परज, and others पराञ्ज in place of this word.
- परञ्जन :: m. (-नः) A name of VARUNA, the regent of water. E. पर an- other, जि to conquer, deriv. irr; also परञ्जय .
- परञ्जय :: m. (-यः) VARUNA: see the last.
- परतन्त्र :: mfn. (-न्त्रः -न्त्रा -न्त्रं) Subservient, obedient, dependant. E. पर another, तन्त्र will.
- परतम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Greatest. E. पर, and तरप् aff. of the superlative.
- परतर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Greater, more. E. पर more, and तरप aff.
- परतस् :: ind. 1. Afterwards. 2. Behind. 3. Otherwise, differently. 4. From an enemy. E. पर or परा, and अतमुच् aff. According to Vāchaspatya:--1. From another. 2. Dependence. E. पर + विभक्तर्थे- तसिल् ।
- परत्र :: ind. 1. The next world, futurity. 2. Further on, in the sequel. E. पर another, त्रल् aff.
- परत्रभीरु :: m. (-रूः) A pious man, one standing in awe of futurity. E. परत्र the next world, and भीरु timid.
- परत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Difference, distinction, separateness. 2. Hostility. 3. (In Logic,) Priority of place or time, proximity, juvenility. 4. The nature of common or generic property. E. त्व added to पर; also with तल्, परता .
- परदार :: m. (-रः) Plu. Another's wife. E. पर, and दार a wife.
- परदारगमन :: n. (नं) Adultery, adulterous intercourse or intrigue. E. पर- दार, and गमन frequenting.
- परदाराभिमर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Intriguing with another man's wife. E. परदार, and अभिमर्ष contact.
- परदारोपसेवन :: n. (-नं) Intriguing with another's wife. E. परदार, and उप- सेवन frequenting; also परदारोपसेवा ।
- परदुःख :: n. (-खं) The pain or sorrow of another. E. पर, and दुख pain.
- परदेश :: m. (-शः) A foreign country. E. पर, and द्रेश place.
- परदेशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Foreign, exotic. m. (-शी) 1. A foreigner. 2. One residing abroad. E. परदेश, and इनि aff.
- परदेशसेविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Living abroad, travelling, traveller. E. पर देश, and सेविन् who frequents.
- परदोषकीर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) Scandal, calumny, censoriousness. E. पर, दोष fault, कीर्त्तन proclaiming.
- परद्वेषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Hostile, inimical, adverse. E. पर another, द्विष् to hate, घिणुन् aff.
- परद्रव्य :: n. (-व्यं) Another's property. E. पर, and द्रव्य thing.
- परद्रोहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) Tyrannising over another. E. पर, and द्रोहिन् injurious.
- परधन :: n. (-नं) Another's wealth. E. पर, and धन wealth.
- परधनास्वादनसुख :: n. (-खं) Feeding luxuriously at another's expense. E. परधन, आस्वादन eating, सुख pleasure.
- परधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) Another's duty or business, the occupation of another caste. E. पर, and धर्म्म duty. उत्कृष्ट धर्मेच ।
- परध्यान :: n. (-नं) Intent absorption or abstraction in the subject of medi- tation. E. पर, and ध्यान meditating.
- परन्तप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Vexing or annoying another, subduing a foe. m. (-पः) A conqueror. E. पर another, तप to heat or inflame, aff. खच् ।
- परपद :: n. (-दं) 1. Eminence, high station. 2. Final felicity. E. पर supreme, पद, a place.
- परपरिग्रह :: m. (-हः) The family or dependants of another. E. पर, and परिग्रह dependants.
- परपाक :: m. (-कः) What is dressed or cooked by another, another's food. E. पर, and पाक cooking.
- परपाकनिवृत्त :: m. (-त्तः) One who dresses his own food without observing the expiatory sacrifice for the five Sūnas, or places of destruction to animal life: see पञ्चसूना . E. पर another, पाक cooking, and निवृत्त ceased.
- परपाकरत :: m. (-तः) One who observes all the due ceremonies prepara- tory to cooking, but lives upon others. E. पर another, पाक cooking, रत constant.
- परपाकरुचि :: m. (-चिः) A constant guest at other's tables. E. पर another, पाक cooking, and रुचि shining.
- परपिण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) Food given by another. E. पर, and पिण्ड a ball of rice or meat.
- परपिण्डाद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Feeding at another's cost. E. परपिण्ड, and आद who takes.
- परपुरुष :: m. (-षः) 1. A name of VISHṆU. 2. Another man. E. पर supreme, or other, and पुरुष a man.
- परपुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्ठा -ष्टं) 1. Fostered, nourished, &c. by a stranger. m. (-ष्टः) The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. f. (-ष्टा) 1. A harlot, a whore. 2. A parasite plant. E. पर another, पुष्ट cherished.
- परपुष्टमहोत्सव :: m. (-वः) The mango. E. परपुष्ट the cuckoo, महा great, and उत्सव festival.
- परपूर्व्वा :: f. (-र्व्वा) A woman formerly married. E. पर another, (husband,) पूर्व्व prior, fem. aff. टाप् ।
- परपूर्व्वापति :: m. (-तिः) The husband of a woman remarried. E. परपूर्व्वा, and पति a husband.
- परप्रतिनप्तृ :: m. (-प्ता) A great-great-grandson. E. पर subsequent, प्रति after, नप्तृ a grandson.
- परप्रपौत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A great-great-grandson. E. पर, subsequent, प्रपौत्र great-grandson.
- परप्रेष्यत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Servitude, slavery. E. पर, and प्रेष्यत्व service.
- परव्रह्मन् :: n. (-ह्म) The supreme Being. E. पर, and व्रह्म the same.
- परभाग :: m. (-गः) 1. Excellence, superior merit, supremacy. 2. Good fortune, prosperity. 3. The last part, residue, remainder. E. पर best, and भाग portion.
- परभाग्य :: n. (-ग्यं) Another's wealth or prosperity. E. पर, and भाग्य good fortune.
- परभुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Possessed or enjoyed by another. E. पर, and भुक्त enjoyed.
- परभुमि :: f. (-मिः) A foreign or an enemy's country. E. पर, and भूमि land.
- परभूमिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Living or being in a foreign or an enemy's country. E. परभूमि, and स्थ who stays.
- परभूषण :: n. (-णं) Another's ornament. m. (-णः) Peace purchased by ceding the produce of lands. E. पर, and भूषण ornament.
- परभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) A crow. E. पर another, (the cuckoo,) and भृत् who nourishes.
- परभृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Cherished or nourished by a stranger, fostered, adopted. m. (-तः) The Indian cuckoo, which is supposed to leave its eggs in the nest of the crow to be hatched. E. पर another, and भृत nourished.
- परभेदक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Destroying or subduing a foe, E. पर, and भेदक who breaks.
- परम् :: ind. A particle of command. 2. Of dismissal or refusal. 3. Here- after, afterwards.
- परम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Best, most excellent. 2. Chief principal, preced- ing 3. First, chief part. 4. Adequate. ind. (-मं) 1. A term of assent, yes 2. A term of command. E. पर best, मा to mete, aff. ड or डम् .
- परमगति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Chief object or refuge, as a god, protector. 2. Final felicity. E. परम, and गति going.
- परमगव :: mf. (-वः-वी) An excellent bull or cow. E. परम, and गो a cow.
- परमगहन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Very mysterious or profound. E. परम, and गहन thick.
- परमत :: n. (-तं) A different opinion or doctrine. E. पर, and मत thought.
- परमपद :: n. (-दं) 1. Eminence, high station. 2. Final felicity E. परम, and पद station.
- परमब्रह्मन् :: n. (-ह्म) The Supreme Spirit. E. परम, and ब्रह्मन् the same.
- परमराज :: m. (-जः) A supreme monarch. E. परम, and राजन् a king, टच् aff.
- परमर्षि :: m. (-र्षिः) A Rishi or divine sage, of a peculiar order or division, comprising the Muni BHELA and others. E. परम excellent, and ऋषि a divine sage.
- परमर्म्मज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) One who knows another's character or disposition. E. पर, and मर्म्म a vital point, and ज्ञ who knows.
- परमस्वधर्म्मन् :: m. (-र्म्मा) A virtuous or pious man, one who attends scrupu- lously to the proper duties of his tribe or station. E. परम best, स्व own, धर्म्म virtue or duty, and अनिच् added.
- परमहंस :: m. (-सः) An ascetic, a religious man who has subdued all his senses by abstract meditation. E. परम best or first, हंस devotee.
- परमागति :: f. (-तिः) Final beatitude. E. परमा best, गति going.
- परमाङ्गना :: f. (-ना) A beautiful woman. E. परम, and अङ्गना a woman.
- परमाणु :: m. (-णुः) 1. An atom, the invisible base of all aggregate bodies; thirty of them are supposed to form a mote in a sunbeam; the lowest measure of weight; in Logic, six of them form the first perceptible object. 2. A measure of time, the sun's passage past an atom of matter. E. परम first, and अणु an atom.
- परमाण्वङ्गक :: m. (-कः) A name of VISHṆU. E. परमाणु an atom, अङ्ग the body, कप् aff., deriv. irr.; smaller than the smallest; as he is larger than the largest, &c.
- परमात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) The Supreme Being, considered as the soul of the universe. E. परम first, आत्मन् spirit or soul.
- परमाद्वैत :: n. (-तं) Pure unitarianism. m. (-तः) VISHṆU, the only supreme. E. परम, and अद्वैत without duality.
- परमान्न :: n. (-न्नं) An oblation of rice to progenitors or gods, boiled with milk and sugar. E. परम best, and अन्न boiled rice; or परम the best, the supreme, (deities, &c.) and अन्न food.
- परमापम :: m. (-मः) 1. The inclination of a planet's orbit to the ecliptic. 2. The sine of the sun's greatest declination. E. परम, and अपम declination.
- परमायुष :: m. (-षः) A particular tree: see असन ।
- परमायुस् :: m. (-युः) The longest period of life, either in men or animals. E. परम and आयुस life.
- परमार्थ :: m. (-र्थः) 1. Truth, fitness. 2. Spiritual knowledge. 3. Any excel- lent or important aim or object. 4. The best sense. 5. The best kind of wealth E. परम, and अर्थ object.
- परमार्थविद् :: m. (-वित्) A sage, a philosopher, one who knows the truth. E. परमार्थ, and विद् who knows.
- परमार्थविन्द् :: mfn. (-न्दः -न्दा -न्दं) Who or what acquires knowledge of truth, the best kind of wealth, &c. E. परमार्थ, and विद् to acquire, श aff. मुम् augment.
- परमावधि :: f. (-धिः) Utmost term or limit. E. परम, and अवधि limit.
- परमार्हत :: m. (-तः) A king and holy saint, apparently the same as SĀLI- BĀHANA. E. परम excellent, अर्हत a Jina.
- परमृत्यु :: m. (-त्युः) A crow. E. पर another, and मृत्यु death; having many enemies.
- परमेश्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. The Supreme Being. 2. SĪVA. 3. VISHṆU. f. (-री) DURGĀ. E. परम best, ईश्वर lord.
- परमेष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Supreme, superior. m. (-ष्ठः) 1. BRAMHĀ. 2. A deity. E. परमे, in heaven, and स्थ who stays or is.
- परमेष्ठिन् :: m. (-ष्ठी) 1. A name of BRAMHĀ. 2. A Jina or deified teacher of the Jaina sect. 3. A kind of Sālagrām stone. 4. A Guru or spiritual guide. E. परमे in the most exalted place, in heaven, स्था to be, Unādi aff. निन् .
- परम्पद :: n. (-दं) 1. Eternal felicity. 2. The abode of VISHṆU. E. पर् an- other, पद degree.
- परम्पर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Successive, proceeding from one to another, from father to son, &c. m. (-रः) 1. A sort of deer. 2. A great-great-grand- son. f. (-रा) 1. Race, progeny, lineage. 2. Order, method, continu- ous arrangement, regular series or succession. 2. Hurting, killing, injury. E. पर subsequent, repeated, and the nasal augment.
- परम्परतस् :: ind. Mutually. E. परम्पर, and तसि aff.
- परम्पराक :: n. (-कं) Immolating animals in sacrifice. E. परम्पर tradi- tionary or successive, and अक going or worshipping; or परम् much, पर the best, and अक going, custom.
- परम्परीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Hereditary, what has come by inheritance or descent. 2. Traditional. E. परम् another, and पर again, another, ख aff.
- पररु :: m. (-रुः) A potherb, (Eclipta prostrata;) also केशराज . E. पर much, रुह् to grow, डु aff.
- पररूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) परस्य रूपमिव रूपमस्य । स्वोत्तरवर्त्तिपरस्येव रूपवति “एङिपररूपम्” पानिनि ।
- परलोक :: m. (-कः) Heaven, paradise. E. पर another, and लोक world.
- परलोकगम :: m. (-मः) Death, dying. E. पर another, लोक world, and गम going.
- परवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Dependent, subject. E. पर another, मतुप् aff.
- परवश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) 1. Subservient, dependant, subject. 2. Deceived. E. पर another, and वश subjection.
- परवाच्य :: mfn. (-च्यः -च्या -च्यं) Reprehensible, blamable. n. (-च्यं) Fault, defect. E. पर, and वाच्य to be named, not to be spoken of.
- परवाणि :: m. (-णिः) 1. A Judge, a ruler. 2. A year. 3. The peacock on which the god KĀRTIKEYA rides. E. पर best, वा to go, णि aff,
- परव्रत :: m. (-तः) A name of DHRITARĀSHTRA. E. पर best, व्रत, religi- ous observance.
- परश :: m. (-शः) A kind of stone, the touch of which turns iron into gold, the philosopher's stone.
- परशव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Fit or proper for a hatchet. E. परशु an axe, यञ् aff.
- परशु :: m. (-शुः) An axe, a hatchet. E. पर another, शु to injure, Unādi aff. कु, डिच्च ।
- परशुधर :: m. (-रः) 1. A soldier armed with an axe. 2. A name of GANESA. 3. PARASURĀMA: see the next. E. परशु an axe, धर who holds.
- परशुराम :: m. (-मः) A hero and demigod; the first of the three RĀMAS, and the sixth Avatāra or descent of the deity VISHṆU: who appeared in the world as the saint JAMADAGNI, for the purpose of repressing the tyranny and punishing the violence of the Kshetriya, or military tribe; PARASURĀMA appears to typify the tribe of Brāmhans and their contests with the Kshetrityas. E. परशु an axe, and राम who delights in; also with कन् added, परशुरामक; and with the first member, पर्शु, पर्शुराम, q. v.
- परश्व(स्व)ध :: m. (-धः) An axe, a hatchet. E. पर another, an enemy, श्व derived from श्वि, to grow or thrive; परश्व the prosperity of a foe, धे to drink, क aff.; what drinks the blood or destroys the life of an enemy; also पारश्वध and परस्वध .
- परश्वस् :: ind. The day after to-morrow. E. पर after, अवस् to-morrow; also परःश्वस् .
- परस् :: ind. Beyond, further, more than, on the other side of, &c. (Not used by itself in classical Sanskrit.) E. पर, पञ्चम्याद्यर्थे बा असि ।
- परसङ्गत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Associated with another. 2. Fighting or engaged with another. E. पर, and सङ्गत gone with.
- परसंज्ञक :: m. (-कः) The soul. E. पर best, संज्ञा name or title; aff. कप् .
- परसम्बन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Relation or connexion with another. E. पर, and सम्बन्ध connexion.
- परसम्बन्धिन् :: mfn. (-न्धी -न्धिनी -न्धि) 1. Related to another. 2. Belonging to another. E. परसम्बन्ध, and इनि aff.
- परस्तात् :: ind. 1. Subsequently, afterwards. 2. Behind. E. पर, and अस्ताति aff.
- परस्पर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Mutual, interchanging. E. पर another repeated: from one to another.
- परस्परज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) A friend, an intimate. E. परस्पर, and ज्ञ who know.
- परस्परानुमति :: f. (-तिः) Mutual concurrence or assent. E. परस्पर, and अनुमति agreement.
- परस्पराम :: ind. Mutually. E. परस्पर, and आम् aff.
- परस्परोपकार :: m. (-रः) 1. Mutual assistance. 2. Offensive and defensive alliance. E. परस्पर, उपकार aid.
- परस्परोपकारिन् :: m. (-री) 1. An ally. 2. An associate, a helper. E. इनि added to the last.
- परस्मैपद :: n. (-दं) The transitive or active verb. E. परस्मै to another, पद an inflected word.
- परस्व :: n. (-स्वं) Another person's property. E. पर, and स्व own.
- परस्वत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Another's right. E. पर, and स्वत्व own right.
- परस्वत्वापादन :: n. (-नं) Conferring a right upon another as by gift, &c. E. परस्वत्व, and आपादन producing.
- परस्वध :: m. (-धः) An axe: see परश्वध .
- परस्वादायिन् :: mfn. (यी-यिनी-यि) Extortionary, extortioner. E. परस्व, and आदायिन् taking.
- परस्वोपजीविक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Dependent, living on the property of others. E. परस्व, and उपजीविक subsisting.
- परहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Friendly, benevolent. 2. Good or profitable form for another. E. पर, and हित favourable.
- परा :: ind. A participle and prefix implying, 1. Supremacy. 2. Libera- tion. 3. Inverted order. 4. Pride, contumely. 5. Encounter, mutual presence. 6. Excess, exceeding. 7. Overcoming, surpass- ing. 8. Going. 9. Killing, destroying, injuring. As पराक्रम supe-
rior power or valour; पराजय defeat; पराभव disgrace; परावर्त्त turning back, &c. see the following. E. पॄ to fill, aff. अप्, and आ added.
- पराक् :: ind. Crooked, crookedly. E. परा away, अच् to go, aff. क्विप् .
- पराक :: m. (-कः) 1. A religious obligation of an expiatory kind, fasting for twelve days and nights, and keeping the mind attentive, and organs subdued. 2. A sacrificial sword or scimitar. E. परा best, अक what goes.
- पराकरण :: n. (-णं) Disdaining, disregarding, rejecting. E. परा before, कृ to do, ल्युट् aff.
- पराकुर्व्वन् :: mfn. (-र्व्वन् -र्व्वन्ती -र्व्वत्) Throwing off or aside, rejecting, dis- daining. E. परा, and कुर्व्वन् making.
- पराकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Rejected, set aside, thrown off, disdained. E. पर, and कृत made.
- पराक्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Power, strength. 2. Exertion. 3. Valour, prowess. 4. Going out or forth, exit or issue. 5. Attacking an enemy. 6. Attempt, enterprise. 7. A name of Vishṇu. E. परा supremacy, opposition, &c. and क्रम going, करणे घञ् aff.
- पराक्रमज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Knowing the power, (of the enemy.) E. पराक्रम, and ज्ञ who knows.
- पराग :: m. (-गः) 1. The pollen or farina of a flower. 2. Dust. 3. Fra- grant powder used after bathing. 4. Sandal. 5. The name of a mountain. 6. Fame, celebrity. 7. An eclipse of the sun or moon. 8. Following one's own inclinations. E. परा implying supremacy, &c. and ग who goes, ड aff.
- परागवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Laden with pollen. E. पराग, and मतुप् aff.
- परागत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Spread, expanded. 2. Budded, blown. E. पर, and आङ् before, गम् to go, aff. क्त .
- परागिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिणी -गि) Laden with pollen. E. पराग, and इनि aff.
- पराङ्गद :: m. (-दः) A name of ŚIVA. E. पर another, (DURGĀ,) अङ्ग form and द who gives; forming with the goddess a deity, half male and half female; or better, पर an enemy, KĀMADEVA, अङ्ग body, and द who gives; restoring the body of that deity to shape, after having reduced it to ashes in a rage.
- पराङ्गव :: m. (-वः) Ocean. E. पर another, (river,) अङ्ग substance, water, and व who receives.
- पराङ्मुख :: mfn. (-खः -खी -खं) Turning away, having the face averted. E. पराञ्च्, and मुख the face.
- पराङ्मुखता :: f. (-ता) 1. Turning away. 2. Regardless of. 3. Adverse from. 4. Unfavourable. E. पराङ्मुख, and तल् aff.; also with त्व, पराङ्मुखत्वं .
- पराच् :: mfn. (-ङ्ः -ची -क्) 1. Situated beyond or on the other side. 2. Dis- tant. E. परा + अञ्चति-क्किप्ः see परञ्च् ।
- पराचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Cherished or fostered by a stranger. E. पर another, आचित nourished.
- पराचीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Turned away, having the face averted. 2. Not minding, not caring about. 3. Happening subsequently. 4. Situated on the other side. E. पराञ्च् or पराच् turned away, ख aff.
- पराजय :: m. (-यः) 1. Defeat. 2. Overpowering. 3. Loss, failure, (as in law suit.) 4. The being overcome by, (with an ablative.) E. परा imply- ing encounter, contest, and जय victory.
- पराजयमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Overcoming, surpassing, defeating. E. पर before, जि to conquer, शानच् aff.
- पराजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Conquered, defeated, overcome. 2. Won at dice, &c. E. परा encounter, and जित conquered.
- पराञ्च् :: or पराच् mfn. (पराङ् पराची पराक्) Turned away, inverted, reversed. E. परा away, अञ्च् to go, aff. क्विन् .
- पराञ्ज :: m. (ञ्जः) 1. An oil mill. 2. Froth or foam. 3. The blade of a sword or knife: see परञ्ज .
- परात्पर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Superior to the best. E. पर in the fifth case, and repeated in the first.
- परात्प्रिय :: m. (-यः) A kind of reed, (Saccharum spontaneum.) उल इतिभाषा ।
- परादन :: mf. (-नः-ना) A horse of the Persian breed. E. परा exceeding, अदन food. (अरवी घोडा) ।
- पराधि :: m. (-धिः) Hunting, the chase. अन्यस्याधौकर्म०, परममानसव्यथायाम्च ।
- पराधिकार :: m. (-रः) Another person's office or post. E. पर, and अधिकार superintendence.
- पराधिकारचर्च्चा :: f. (-र्च्चा) Officiousness, interference with another's con- cerns. E. पराघिकार, and चर्च्चा searching.
- पराधीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Dependant, subject, subservient. E. पर another, and अधीन humble, docile.
- पराधीनता :: f. (-ता) Subjection, dependence. E. तल् added to the last; with त्य, पराधीनत्व n. (-त्वं)
- परान(ण)सा :: f. (-सा) The practice of medicine, administering remedies. E. परान् enemies, (disease,) षो to destroy, aff. ड; form irr; or correctly: परा + अन-करणे वा अस ।
- परान्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Living at another's expense. n. (-न्नं) 1. Food supplied by another. 2. Food dressed or touched by or belonging to another. E. पर another, अन्न food.
- परान्नभोजिन् :: mfn. (-जी -जिनी -जि) Living at another's cost. E. परान्न, and भोजिन् who eats.
- पराप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) A place, &c. whence water has retired. E. पर away, अप water; also परेप .
- परापतत् :: mfn. (-तन् -तन्ती -तत्) Coming back quickly, returning hastily E. पर, and आङ् before, पत् to go, शतृ aff.
- परापर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Best and worst, prior and posterior, in front and behind, earlier and later, &c. n. (-रं) (In Logic,) Community of property intermediate between the greatest and smallest num- bers: a species, as being between genus and individual. m. (-रः) A Guru of an intermediate class, a term applied in the Tantras to the goddess DURGĀ. E. पर, and अपर another.
- पराभ(भा)व :: m. (वः) 1. Discomfiting, overcoming. 2. Contempt, disres- pect, disgrace. 3. Destruction. 4. Mortification, humiliation. E. परा disgrace, भू to be, अप् aff. or rarely घञ् ।
- पराभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Defeated, discomfited, overcome. 2. Degrated, humbled, treated with contempt. E. परा disgrace, and भू been, become, from भू with क्त aff.
- परामर्श :: m. (-र्शः) 1. Discrimination, discriminating, distinguishing, judgment. 2. (In Logic,) Drawing conclusions from analogy or experience: knowledge of the existence of hetu in the Paksha. 3. Seizing, pulling. 4. Violence, assault, attack. 5. Hindrance. 6. Reflection, consideration, investigation. E. परा implying supre- macy, &c. मृश् to deliberate, भावे घञ् aff.
- परामर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Forbearance. E. परा, and मृष् to bear, aff. घञ् ।
- परामृत :: n. (-तं) Raining. E. पर best, अमृत water.
- परामृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Weighed, considered, Judged. 2. Con- nected with. 3. Touched or affected by. 4. Borne, endured. 5. Roughly handled, violated. E. पर, and आङ् before, मृश् to deliber- ate, or मृष् to bear, क्त aff.
- परायण :: mfn. subst. (-णः-णा-णं) 1. Adherence to any pursuit, attachment to any object. 2. Dependence upon. 3. Best refuge. adj. 1. Adher- ing or attached to. 2. Connected with, depending upon. 3. Wish- ed, desired. n. (-णं) A religious order or division. E. पर only, (one object,) अयन going.
- परायत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Dependant, subject. E. पर another, आयत्त tame, humble.
- परारि :: ind. The year before last. E. पर another, (last.) अरि aff. in this sense.
- परारित्न :: mfn. (-त्नः -त्ना -त्नं) Belonging to the year before last. E. परारि as above, and त्न aff.
- परारु :: m. (-रु .) A kind of gourd, (momordica charantia.) E. पृ to fill or satisfy, आरु aff. or परा + ऋ + उण् । (डच्छा) ।
- परारुक :: m. (-कः) A stone or rock. E. परारु a gourd, कन् aff. of comparison.
- परार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) 1. Having another object or sense, &c. 2. Designed or purposed by another. 3. The highest interest. 4. The chief meaning. n. (-र्थं) For the sake or good of another. E. पर, and अर्थ object.
- परार्थवादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Officious, intermeddling. E. परार्थ, and वादिन् who speaks.
- परार्द्ध :: n. (-र्द्धं) 1. A great number, a lack of lacks of crores, or a number equal to half the term of BRAMHĀ'S life, or as many mortal days as are equal to fifty of his years. 2. The other part, the latter half. E. पर, and अर्द्ध half.
- परार्द्ध्य :: mfn. (-र्द्ध्यः -र्द्ध्या -र्द्ध्यं) 1. Excellent, chief, principal, best. 2. Most costly. 3. Most beautiful. 4. Most exalted, highly esteemed. 5. Most remote, most distant in number. n. (-र्द्ध्यं) An immense or infinite number; see the last. E. परा best, अर्द्ध part, यत् aff.
- परावज्ञा :: f. (-ज्ञा) Indignity, insult, (received.) E. पर, and अवज्ञा disrespect.
- परावर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Before and after, prior and subsequent, far and near, earlier and later, higher and lower. 2. All including. E. पर, and अवर after.
- परावर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) 1. Retreat, turning back. 2. Exchange, barter. 3. Reversal of a sentence. 4. Restoration. E. परा, वृत् to be, aff. घञ् .
- परावर्त्त्य :: mfn. (-र्त्त्यः -र्त्त्या -र्त्त्यं) 1. To be turned back. 2. To be exchanged. 3. to be reserved, (as a sentence.) 4. To be given back or restor- ed. E. परा, वृत् to be, यत् aff.
- परावर्त्त्यव्यवहार :: m. (-रः) Appeal, (in law.) E. परावर्त्त्य to be reserved, व्यवहार judicial procedure.
- पराविद्ध :: m. (-द्धः) A name of KUVERA. E. पर an enemy, आविद्ध frightened; or परा + व्यध-क्त ।
- परावृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Fled, retreated, turned back. 2. Turned round, revolved. 3. Exchanged. 4. Reversed, (as a judgment.) 5. Given back, restored. परा before. वृत् to be, क्त aff.
- परावृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Returning, retreating, turning back. 2. Revolving. 3. Exchange, barter. 4. Reversion of a judgment. 5. Restoration of property. E. परा before, वृत् to be, क्तिन् aff.
- पराशर :: m. (-रः) The father of the poet VYĀSA and a great Hindu law-giver. E. पर best, शृ to complete, with आङ् prefixed, and अच् aff.
- पराशरिन् :: m. (-री) A beggar, a wandering mendicant. E. पराशर the rules of PĀRĀSARA or VYĀSA, the founder of the tribe, and इनि aff.; also पाराशरिन् .
- पराश्रय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Dependent or relying upon another. m. (-यः) Dependence. f. (-या) A parasite plant. E. पर another, आश्रय asy- lum.
- पराश्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Subject, dependent. E. पर, and आश्रित having refuge.
- परासन :: n. (-नं) Killing, slaughter. E. पर an enemy, अस् to throw or cast, aff. भावे ल्युट् .
- परासिसिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) 1. Desirous to throw or send. 2. Wishing to overcome. E. पर before, अस to throw, desid. v., उ aff.
- परासु :: mfn. (-सुः -सुः -सु) Dead, expired. E. पर away, remote, असु vital breath.
- परासुता :: f. (-ता) 1. Death, extinction. 2. Drowsiness, sleepiness. E. परासु, and तल् aff. or with त्व, परासुत्वं .
- परास्कन्दिन् :: m. (-न्दी) A thief, a robber. E. पर another's property, स्कन्द to steal, with आङ् prefix, णिनि aff. (डाकाइत) ।
- परास्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Thrown, tossed. 2. Expelled, turned out. 3. Defeated. 4. Rejected. E. पर, and अस् to throw, क्त aff.
- पराह :: m. (-हः) The next day. E. पर, and अह, for अहन् a day.
- पराहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Assailed, attacked. 2. Struck back. 3. Re- pulsed. n. (-तं) A stroke. E. पर, आहत struck.
- पराह्ण :: n. (-ह्लं) The afternoon, the latter part of the day. E. पर after, (past,) अह a day. टच् अह्नादेशः णत्वञ्च ।
- परि :: A particle and prefix to words implying, 1. Ubiquity, (all round, on every side.) 2. Part, portion. 3. Abandonment, (away.) 4. End, term. 5. Sickness. infirmity. 6. Enforcement, stress, (even, very great.) 7. Separateness, several distributions, (each by each, &c.) 8. Embracing, encircling, (round, round about.) 9. Depreciation, exposure of faults. 10. Homage, respect. 11. Rejection, turning off or away. 12. Ornament. 13. Diffusion, extension. 14. Mark or sign. 15. Sorrow. 16. Cessation, stop, impediment. 17. Truth. 18. An exclamation of Pleasure or satisfaction. As परिकर्त्तुं, to adorn; परिक्षिप्नुं, to abandon; परिछेत्तुं, to divide; परिदेवितुं, to lament; परिरब्धुं, to embrace; परिव्रजितुं, to go about, to wander, &c.: see the following compound nouns. E. पॄ to complete, to satisfy, aff. इन्; in combination with roots forming nouns by घञ्, the इ of परि is sometimes optionally lengthened, as परी .
- परिकथा :: f. (-या) A work of fiction, a tale, a story, the history or ad- ventures of any fabulous person. E. परि implying ornament, and कथा a tale.
- परिकम्प :: m. (-म्पः) 1. Fear, terror. 2. Trembling. E. परि very great, कम्प a trembling, करणे घञ् aff.
- परिकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Who or what helps or assists. m. (-रः) 1. A sofa, a bed. 2. Dependents, retinue, train. 3. Multitude, numbers, a crowd. 4. A firm girth, a waist, a zone or sash. 5. Commence- ment. 6. Discrimination, judgment. 7. Covert or indirect inti- mation of wish or purpose, or of coming events in the plot of a drama. (In dramaturgy.) 8. Unusual meaning or expression. 9. Name of a figure of speech consisting in the employment of suggestive epithets (in rhetoric.) E. परि round about, कर making.
- परिकर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) Cutting, cutting off or round, a circular incision. E. परि, and कृत् to cut, ल्युट् aff.
- परिकर्त्तिका :: f. (-का) Sharp shooting pain, especially in the rectum. E. परि, and कृत् to cut, वुन् aff.
- परिकर्त्तृ :: m. (-र्त्तृः) A priest who performs the marriage ceremony for a younger brother, whose elder brother is yet unmarried.
- परिकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) 1. Personal decoration, dressing, painting or per- fuming the body. 2. Perfuming the person after bathing. 3. Cleansing, purifying, (the body or the mind.) 4. Arithmetical computation. 5. Worship, adoration. m. (-र्म्मा) A servant, a slave. E. परि implying ornament, and कर्म्मन् business.
- परिकर्म्माष्टक :: n. (-कं) The eight rules of arithmetic. E. परिकर्म्म, and अष्टक eight.
- परिकार्म्मिन् :: mfn. (-म्मी -र्म्मिणी -र्म्मि) Adorning, decorating. m. (-र्म्मी-र्म्मिणी) A slave, a servant, E. परिकर्म्म decoration, इनि aff.
- परिकल्कन :: n. (-नं) Deceit, cheating.
- परिकल्पन :: n. (-नं) 1. Contriving, making, inventing. 2. Doing what is necessary, tending, providing food, rest, &c. 3. Dividing. 4. Settling, agreeing upon. E. परि, क्वष् to be able, ल्युट aff.
- परिकल्पित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Made, invented. 2. Divided. 3. Tended, waited upon, provided with all necessaries. 4. Settled, agreed. E. परि before, कृप् to be able, क्त aff.
- परिकर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Dragging out. E. परि, कष् to draw, भावे घञ् aff.
- परिकाङ्क्षित :: m. (-तः) A devotee, a religious ascetic. E. परि gone, काङ्क्षा wish, and इतच् aff.; having no earthly desires.
- परिकीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -णं) 1. Spread, diffused, scattered around or about. 2. Surrounded. E. परि about, कीर्ण scattered.
- परिकीर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. Saying, telling. 2. Talking of, boasting. E. परि before, कीर्त्तन celebrating.
- परिकीर्त्तित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Said, declared, promulgated. 2. Vaunted or boasted of. E. परि, and कीर्त्तित famed.
- परिकट :: n. (-टं) A barrier, a trench before the gate of a town, forming a sort of covered way. E. परि round, कट a fort or house. हस्तिनखेच ।
- परिकृश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Emaciate, thin, wasted. E. परि, and कृश thin.
- परिक्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Walking, going. 2. Walking round or about, circumambulating, going about. 3. Roaming about. 4. Series, order. E. परि about, around, क्रम going, भावे घञ् aff.
- परिक्रमसह :: m. (-हः) A goat. E. परिक्रम going about, and सह who bears.
- परिक्रय :: m. (-यः) 1. Redemption, purchasing or purchasing back. 2. Giving up part of a treasure to preserve the rest. E. परि, क्री to buy, अच् aff.
- परिक्रामत् :: mfn. (-मन् -मन्ती -मत्) Going, going round or about. E. परिक्रम् to go, round, &c. शतृ aff.
- परिक्रिया :: f. (-या) 1. Enclosing, surrounding with a fence or ditch, &c., intrenching. 2. Attention. E. परि round about, क्रिया making.
- परिक्लिश :: m. (-शः) Vexation, trouble. E. परि much, क्लिश् to be vexed, क aff.
- परिक्लिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Vexed, annoyed. E. परि before, क्लिश् to be wearied, क्त aff.
- परिक्षत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Wounded, abraded, cut, scratched, &c. E. परि before, क्षत broken.
- परिक्षति :: f. (-तिः) Wounding, lesion. E. परि before, क्षति rupture.
- परिक्षय :: m. (-यः) 1. Waste, decay, dissolution, destruction. 2. Ruin, failure. E. परि before, क्षि to waste, भावे अच् aff.
- परिक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) Mud, dirt.
- परिक्षित् :: m. (-क्षित्) The name of a king, the son of ABHIMANYU, and grand-son of ARJUNA; see परीक्षित् .
- परिक्षिपक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what scatters, disperses, &c. E. परि before, क्षिप् to throw, वुञ् aff.
- परिक्षिप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Surrounded, encircled, intrenched. 2. Scattered, thrown about, diffused. 3. Left, abandoned. E. परि round about, क्षिप् to throw, क्त aff.
- परिक्षीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Wasted, worn away, decayed. 2. Diminished, exhausted, decreased. 3. Lost, destroyed. 4. (In Law,) Insolvent. E. परि, and क्षीण emaciate.
- परिक्षीव :: mfn. (वः-वा-वं) Drunk. E. परि, and क्षीव drunk.
- परिक्षेप :: m. (-पः) Scattering, spreading, diffusion. 2. Surrounding. 3. A bandoning, leaving. 4. Moving about. 5. That by which any thing is surrounded. E. परि about, क्षेप throwing.
- परिक्षेपिन :: mfn. (-पी -पिणी -पि) Who or what scatters or distributes, &c. E. परि about, क्षिप् to throw, विणुन् aff.
- परिखा :: f. (-खा) A moat, a ditch surrounding a fort or a town, &c. E. परि round, खन् to dig, aff. ड .
- परिखेद :: m. (-दः) Fatigue, exhaustion. lassitude. E. परि, खेद depression.
- परिख्यात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Famous, celebrated. E. परि before, ख्यात said.
- परिख्याति :: f. (-तिः) Fame, reputation. E. परि on every side, ख्याति notoriety.
- परिगणित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Reckoned, calculated. E. परि, and गणित counted.
- परिगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Known, understood. 2. Sought, inquired after. 3. Obtained, gained. 4. Forgotten. 5. Diffused, spread. 6. Obs- tructed, detained. 7. Encircled, encompassed. E. परि about, &c. and गत gone, become.
- परिगम :: m. (-मः) 1. Surrounding. 2. Seeking for. 3. Knowing, ascertain- ing. 4. Obtaining. 5. Spreading, extending. E. परि before, गम् to go, क्त aff.; also with ल्युट् परिगमनं .
- परिगमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Brought, conducted, driven. E. परि, and गम् to go, causal v., क्त aff.
- परिगलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Flowing, fluid. 2. Melted. f. (ता) 1. Sunk. 2. Dropped down, vanished. E. परि before, गल् to ooze, aff. क्त ।
- परिगर्हण :: n. (-णं) Excessive blame.
- परिगढ :: mfn. (ढः-ढा-ढं) 1. Quite secret, very mysterious. 2. Very difficult to understand. E. परि + गुह-क्त .
- परिगृहीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Taken, accepted. 2. Assented, consented to. 3. Obeyed. 4. Opposed, checked. f. (-ता) 1. Grasped. 2. Em- braced. 3. Favoured. 4. Obeyed. E. परि before, ग्रह् to take, क्त aff.
- परिगृह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) 1. To be taken or accepted. 2. To be re- garded. f. (-ह्या) A married woman. ind. 1. Having taken. 2. Con- sidering, looking upon. E. परि encircling, ग्रह् to take; aff. यत् or ल्यप् .
- परिग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. Acceptance, taking. 2. Assent, consent. 3. De- pendents, a family, a train or retinue. 4. A wife. 5. Root, origin. 6. An oath. 7. The reserve of an army, a corps posted with the general, four hundred yards in the rear of the line: see प्रतिग्रह . 8. Maintaining, observing. 9. Continued possession, continuance. 10. Subjugation, making subservient or subject. 11. Connexion, concern, business or interference with. 12. Comprehension. 13. The sun near the moon's node. 14. Surrounding. 15. Putting on (as a dress). 16. Marriage. 17. An epithet of Vishṇu. E. परि intensitive prefix, or round about, &c. and ग्रह taking, अप् aff.
- परिग्राह :: m. (-हः) A mound or place prepared for a burnt offering at a ceremony which requires three or four such places, placed to the north or east, &c. as उत्तरपरिग्राह, पुर्ब्बपरिग्राह . E. परि about, ग्रह् to take, aff. घञ् .
- परिग्नान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Wearied out, exhausted. f. (-ना) Adverse from E. परि intensitive, ग्लान wearied.
- परिघ :: m. (-घः) 1. A bludgeon, a stick mounted with iron, or an iron club. 2. Killing, striking, destroying. 3. The nineteenth of the astronomical Yogas. 4. The pin or bolt of a door. 5. A glass vessel. 6. A pike, a spear. 7. A water jar. 8. The outer door or gate of a palace. 9. A house: see पलिघ E. परि round about, हन् to kill, अप् aff., घ substituted for the root.
- परिघट्टित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Rubbed repeatedly. 2. Much handled or touched. E. परि and घट्टित rubbed.
- परिघात :: m. (-तः) 1. Killing, striking. 2. A weapon. E. परि completely, हन् to kill, aff. घञ् and the root changed.
- परिघातन :: n. (-नं) 1. Striking, hurting killing. 2. A staff or bludgeon armed with iron. E. परि before, हन् to kill, aff. स्वार्ये-णिच्-कर्त्तरि-ल्यु ।
- परिघोष :: m. (-षः) 1. Sound. 2. Improper or blamable discourse. 3. The muttering or grumbling of clouds. E. परि intensitive or de- preciative prefix, and घोष sound.
- परिचय :: m. (-यः) 1. Acquaintance, intimacy. 2. Accumulation. 3. Meeting with a friend. 4. Study, Practice. 5. Recognition. E. परि about, चि to gather, aff. अच् .
- परिचयनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be known. 2. To be collected. E. परि before, चि to heap, aff. अनीयर .
- परिचर :: m. (-रः) 1. A guard, a body-guard. 2. An attendant, a com- panion, a servant. 3. A commander-in-cheif. E. परि about, and चर who goes.
- परिचर्य्या :: f. (-र्य्या) 1. Service, dependence. 2. Veneration, worship. E. परि about, चर् to go, aff. क्यप् .
- परिचाय्य :: m. (-य्यः) 1. A place for preparing or holding a sacrificial fire. 2. Sacrificial fire in general. 3. Raising the rent or re- venue of land. E. परि worship, &c. चि to collect, aff. ण्यत्, form specific.
- परिचारक :: m. (-कः) A servant, an attendant. E. परि before, चर् to go, ण्वुल aff.
- परिवार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) To be served or obeyed, to be worshipped. E. परि before, चर् to go, ण्यत् aff.
- परिचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Known, acquainted with. 2. Heaped, accu- mulated. 3. Learnt, Practised. E. परि before, चि to collect, क्त aff.
- परिचेतव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be known, fit or proper to be known as an acquaintance. 2. To be collected together. E. परि, and चेतव्य to be gathered.
- परिचेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be collected all round, or from every side. 2. To be known as an acquaintance. E. परि before, चि to collect. aff. ण्यत् .
- परिच्युत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Lost, gone, deprived or devoid of. E. परि and च्युत fallen.
- परिच्छद :: m. (-दः) 1. Court, train, attendants, retinue. 2. Family, depen- dents. 3. Goods and chattels, personal property. 4. Dress, parap- hernalia. 5. Covering. 6. Clothes. E. परि round, छद् to cover, aff. णिच्-घ .
- परिच्छन्द :: m. (-न्दः) Retinue, train. E. परि around, छद to cover, aff. अच् .
- परिच्छन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Covered, clothed. 2. Invested, enclosed. 3. Having a retinue or paraphernalia. 4. Overlaid. 5. Surrounded. E. परि before, छद् to cover, क्त aff.
- परिच्छित्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Partition, separation, &c. 2. Accurate definition: E. परि + छिद्-भावे-क्तिन् ।
- परिच्छिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्न) 1. Detached, divided, cut off. 2. Resisted, remedied. 3. Limited, confined. E. परि before, छिद् to cut, क्त aff.
- परिच्छेद :: m. (-दः) 1. Segment, division, cutting or severing. 2. Discri- mination. 3. Limit, boundary. 4. Obviating, remedying. 5. The division of a book, a section or chapter. 6. Moderation. 7. Ac- curate distinction or definition. 8. Exact determination. E. परि successively, severally, च्छेद cutting.
- परिच्छेदन :: n. (-नं) 1. Dividing, division. 2. Discriminating. 3. The division of a book. 4. Laughter, expressive of joy, E. परि before, छिद to divide, aff. ल्युट् .
- परिजन :: m. (-नः) 1. Dependents, servants, family, followers. 2. Train, retinue, Suit, (especially the maids of a lady). E. परि about, and जन a person.
- परिजल्पित :: n. (-तं) 1. The covert reproaches of a mistress neglected or ill-used by her lover. 2. A servant's indication of his superiority by finding fault with his master. E. परि, and जल्पित prattling.
- परिज्ञात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Known, ascertained. E. परि, and ज्ञात known.
- परिज्ञात :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -त) Wise, intelligent, one who has knowledge. E. परि before, ज्ञा to know, तृच् aff.
- परिज्ञान :: n. (-नं) Knowledge, ascertainment, discrimination. E. परि, and ज्ञान knowledge.
- परिज्ञाय :: ind. Having known or ascertained. E. परि, and ज्ञाय having known.
- परिज्वन् :: m. (-ज्वा) 1. Moon. 2. Fire. E. परि before, जु a sautra root, means to be quick, Unādi aff. कनिन् .
- परिडीनक :: n. (-क) The flight of a bird in circles. E. परि round, डीन or डीनक flying.
- परिणत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Ripe, mature. 2. Bowed, bent. 3. Aimed at, directed to, inclined to. 4. Changed or transformed into. 5. Di- gested. 6. Full grown. 7. Advanced, come to a close, ended. m. (-तः) An elephant stooping to strike with his tusks. n. (-तं) Capital, stock, wealth accumulated for the sake of profit. E. परि before, णम् to bend or bow, aff. क्त .
- परिणति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Bending, bowing. 2. Ripeness. 3. Transformation. 4. Fulfilment 5. Result, issue. 6. Old age, 7. Conclusion, end. E. परि before, नम् to bow, क्तिन् aff.
- परिणय :: m. (-यः) Marriage. E. परि successively or individually, णी to take, अच् aff.; also with ल्युट aff. परिणयन .
- परि(र)णाम :: m. (-मः) 1. Change of form or state. 2. Maturity, fulness, ripeness. 3. End, last stage or state. 4. Digestion. 5. Result. 6. A figure of speech closely resembling Rupaka and minutely distinguished by it; it consists in transferring the properties of any object to that with which it is compared. E. परि before, नम् to bend, aff. घञ् .
- परिणामदर्शिन् :: mfn. (-र्शी -र्शिनी -र्शि) Who looks forward or to the end. E. परिणाम, and दर्शिन् who sees.
- परिणामनिरोध :: m. (-धः) Human vicissitude; as birth, growth, death, &c. E. परिणाम and निरोध obstruction, (of final felicity.)
- परिणामपथ्य :: mfn. (-थ्यः -थ्या -थ्यं) Suited to a future stage or condition. E. परिणामः and पथ्य good for.
- परिणामशूल :: m. (-लः) Flatulence with pain or vomiting after eating, dyspepsia. E. परिणाम, and शूल colic.
- परि(री)णाय :: m. (-यः) 1. Leading or taking round. 2. Moving a piece at chess, draughts, &c. E. परि about, णी to take, aff. घञ् .
- परिणायक :: m. (-कः) 1. A husband. 2. A leader. E. परि before, णी to take, ण्वुल् aff.
- परिणाह :: m. (-हः) Width, breadth. 2. Circumference of a circle. E. परि extension, नह् to bind, aff. घञ् वा दीर्घः ।
- परिणिंसक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what eats or feeds upon. 2. Who or what kisses. E. परि before, निसि to kiss, वुन् aff.
- परिणिंसा :: f. (-सा) 1. Eating. 2. Kissing. E. परि before, निसि to kiss, अङ् and टाप् affixes.
- परिणिनंसु :: mfn. (-सुः -सुः -सु) Seeking to take or lay hold of. E. परि, नश् to lose, उ aff. desid. v.
- परिणिष्ठा :: f. (-ष्ठा) Perfect skill.
- परिणीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Married. E. परि before, णी to take, क्त aff.
- परिणेतृ :: m. (-ता) A husband. E. परि before, णी to take, तृच् aff.
- परितर्पण :: n. (-णं) Gratifying.
- परितस् :: ind. 1. Around, every way, all round. 2. Towards. E. परि round, and तसिल् aff.
- परि(री)ताप :: m. (-पः) 1. Pain, anguish. 2. Sorrow. 3. A division of hell. 4. Heat, warmth. 5. Fear. 6. Trembling. E. परि exceeding, ताप burning.
- परितुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Pleased, delighted. E. परि much, तुष्ट pleased.
- परितुष्टि :: f. (ष्टि) Contentment.
- परितोष :: m. (-षः) Pleasure, satisfaction, delight. E. परि entirely, तोष pleasure.
- परित्यक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Void or deprived of, left, quitted, abandon- ed. 2. Let go, let fly, (as an arrow). 3. Bereft of, (with an instru- mental.) E. परि, and त्यक्त left.
- परित्यजन :: n. (-नं) 1. Distributing, dispersing. 2. Abandoning. E. परि about, त्यज् to abandon, ल्युट् aff.
- परित्यज्य :: ind. Having abandoned. E. परि before, त्यज् to leave, ल्यप् aff.
- परित्याग :: m. (-गः) 1. Abandonment, quitting, omission, desertion. 2. Loss, privation. 3. Liberality E. परि away, त्याग quitting.
- परित्यागिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) Abandoning, quitting. E. परि before, त्यज् to quit, णिनि aff.
- परित्याज्य :: mfn. (-ज्यः -ज्या -ज्यं) To be left or abandoned. E. परि before, त्यज् to leave, ण्यत् aff.
- परित्रस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Afraid. E. परि much, त्रस्त alarmed.
- परित्राण :: n. (-णं) 1. Warding a blow, self-defence. 2. Preserving, rescue, deliverance, protecting. E. परि about, त्राण preserving.
- परिदर :: m. (-रं) Sponginess of the gums. E. परि, and दर rending.
- परिदहन :: n. (-नं) Scorching, burning. E. परि, and दह् to burn, aff. ल्युट् .
- परिदान :: n. (-नं) 1. Barter, exchange, returning any thing or its equi- valent. 2. Donation. 3. Restitution of a deposit. E. परि recipro- cally, दान giving.
- परि(री)दाह :: m. (-हः) 1. Burning. 2. Pain, sorrow.
- परिदाहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिनी -हि) Hot, scorching. E. परि before, दह् to burn, घिणुन् aff.
- परिदेव :: m. (-वः) Wailing, lamentation.
- परिदेवक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what laments or complains. E. परि before, दिव् to play, ण्वुल् aff.
- परिदेवन :: nf. (-नं-ना) Lamentation, complaint, bewailing. 2. Fearing. E. परि implying grief, देवन showing, playing.
- परिदेवित :: n. (-तं) 1. Lamentation. 2. Repentance. E. परि before, देव् to play, क्त aff.
- परिदेविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) 1. Lamenting. 2. Fearing, apprehensive. E. परि before, दिव् to play, इनि aff.
- परिधान :: n. (-नं) 1. A lower garment. 2. Vesture, clothes. 3. Putting on, (a garment), dressing. E. परि about, round, धान having.
- परिधानीय :: n. (-यं) An under-garment, also परिधेय ।
- परिधाय :: m. (-यः) 1. Retinue, attendants. 2. The posteriors. 3. A piece of water. E. परि circling surrounding, धा to have, घञ् aff. and युक augment.
- परिधि :: m. (-धिः) 1. The circumference of a circle. 2. The disk of the sun or moon. 3. The periphery of a wheel. 4. The horizon, circle surrounding the globe, a great circle. 5. An epicycle. 6. The branch of the tree to which the victim at a sacrifice is tied. 7. A wooden frame round the hole in which a sacrificial fire is lighted. 8. A wall, a fence. E. परि around, धा to have, कि aff.
- परिधिस्थ :: m. (-स्थः) 1. A guard, a body-guard. 2. An aide-de-camp, an officer attendant on the king or general. E. परिधि around, (the king,) स्थ who stands.
- परिधूपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Perfumed. E. परि, and धूपित perfumed.
- परिध्वंस :: m. (-सः) 1. Injury, destruction. 2. A man of a mixed caste. 3. Failure. 4. Loss of caste. E. परि before, ध्वंस् to lose, अच् aff.
- परिनिर्वपन :: n. (-नं) Distributing, dispensing, giving. E. परि and निर् before, वप् to give, ल्युट् aff.
- परिनिर्विवप्सा :: f. (-सा) Liberality, wish to give. E. परि, and निर् before, वप् to give, desid. form, अङ् and टाप् affs.
- परिनिर्विवप्सु :: mfn. (-प्सुः -प्सुः -प्सु) Desirous of giving. E. परि, and निर् before, वप् to give उ aff. desid. v.
- परिनिष्ठित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Skilled in, acquainted with. E. परि, and नि before, स्था to stay, क्त aff.
- परिन्यास :: m. (-सः) Completing the sense of a passage. E. परि, and न्यास position.
- परिपक्व :: mfn. (क्कः-क्का-क्कं) 1. Cooked, dressed. 2. Mature. 3. Shrewd, knowing. 4. Digested. 5. On the point of decay. E. परि before, पक्क ripe.
- परिपक्कता :: f. (-ता) 1. Being dressed or cooked. 2. Maturity, perfection. 3. Shrewdness. 4. Digestion. E. तल् added to the last.
- परिपण(न) :: n. (-णं or नं) Capital, principal, stock E. परि severally, पण price.
- परिपणित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pledged, plighted, agreed, promised. E. परि, and पण् to pledge, क्त aff.
- परिपदीन् :: m. (-दी) An enemy. E. परि against, पद् to go, इनि aff.
- परिपन्थक :: m. (-कः) An enemy, an antagonist. E. परि opposition, पन्थक who goes.
- रपपिन्थिन् :: mf. (-न्थी-न्थिनी) 1. An enemy, an antagonist. 2. A robber, a high-way-man, a bandit. f. (न्थिनी) Opposing, hindering. E. परि obstacle or opposition, पन्थिन् who goes the road.
- परि(री)पाक :: m. (-कः) 1. Being cooked or dressed. 2. Maturity, perfec- tion. 3. Cleverness, shrewdness. 4. Digestion. 5. The fruit or consequence of actions. E. परि before, पच् to cook or ripen, घञ् aff.
- परिपाकिन् :: mfn. (-की -किनी -कि) Who or what cooks, ripens, digests, &c. f. (-नी) A drug. (Convolvulus turpethum.) E. परि completely, पच् to ripen, aff. णिनि, fem. aff. ङीप् .
- परिपाटि(टी) :: f. (-टिः or टी) 1. Order, method, arrangement. 2. Arith- metic. E. परि several distribution, पाटि proceeding, from पट् to go, in the causal form, aff. इन् .
- परिपाठ :: m. (-ठः) Complete enumerations.
- परिपालन :: n. (-नं) Protecting, cherishing. E. परि, and पालन the same.
- परिपालित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Protected, cherished. E. परि, and पालित protected.
- परिपिष्टक :: n. (-कं) Lead. E. परि + पिष्-क्त सज्ञायाम् कन् ।
- परिपीडन :: n. (-नं) 1. Squeezing, pressing out. 2. Injuring, hurting.
- परिपुटन :: n. (-नं) Peeling, desquamation, removing the bark, losing the bark. E. परि before, पुट् to reduce, and ल्युट् aff.
- परिपुष्करा :: f. (-रा) A sort of cucumber, (C. madraspatanus.) (गोमुक्) ।
- परिपूजन :: n. (-नं) Worshipping, adoring. E. परि before, पूज् to worship, ल्युट् aff.; also परिपूजा .
- परिपूजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Served, worshipped, adored. E. परि, पूज् to worship, क्त aff.
- परिपूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Pure, purified. 2. Winnowed, threshed, freed from the chaff. E. परि, and पूत pure.
- परिपूर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -णं) 1. Full, entire, complete. 2. Self-satisfied, content. E. परि quite, पूर्ण full.
- परिपूर्णता :: f. (-ता) 1. Completion, entireness, fulness. 2. Satiety or satisfaction. E. परि completely, पूर्णता fulness.
- परिपूर्णत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Completion, &c.; see the last. E. परि, and पूर्णत्व ful- ness.
- परिपेल :: n. (-लं) A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) E. परि extension, पेल् to go, aff. अच् .
- परिपेलव :: fn. (-वा-वं) A grass. f. (-वा) Very fine, very delicate. See the last. E. As above, वन् added.
- परिपोट :: m. (-टः) A particular disease of the ear, (in medicine). Also परिपोटक ।
- परिपोषण :: n. (-णं) Furthering, promoting nourishing.
- परिप्रश्न :: m. (-श्नः) Inquiry, interrogation.
- परिप्रेप्सु :: mfn. (प्सुः-प्सुः-प्सु) Desiring, seeking. E. परि, and प्र before, आप् to obtain, उ aff. desid. v.
- परिपेषण :: n. (-णं) Abandoning, leaving, sending or putting away. E. परि before, प्रेष् to send, aff. ल्युट् .
- परिपेषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Abandoned, left, put or sent away. E. परि before, प्रेष् to send, क्त aff.
- परिप्लव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) 1. Shaking, trembling. 2. Unsteady, restless, moveable. 3. Floating. m. (-वः) 1. Bathing, wetting with water, immersing. 2. Inundation. 3. Oppression, tyranny. 4. A boat. E. परि about, प्लव what goes, from प्लु to go, aff. अप् .
- परिप्लुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Immersed, inundated. 2. Wetted, bathed. f. (-ता) Spirituous or vinous liquor. n. (-तं) A spring, a jump. E. परि every where, प्लु to go, aff. क्त . मैथुनवेदनायुक्ते, नार्य्यङ्गभेदेच ।
- परिप्लुष्ट :: f. (-ष्टा) Burnt.
- परिब(-व)र्ह :: m. (-र्ह) 1. Retinue, train. 2. Insignia of royalty. 3. Wealth. 4. Thing, substance. 5. Furniture. E. परि about, or a mark, a sign. वर्ह् to cover, घञ् aff.
- परिब(व)र्हण :: n. (-णं) 1. Retinue, train. 2. Fatigue, hardship.
- परिबृं(वृं)हण :: n. (-णं) 1. Prosperity, welfare. 2. Appendix, supplement.
- परिबृं(वृं)हित :: fn. (-ता-तं) 1. Increased, augmented. 2. Furnished with. n. (-तं) The roar of an elephant.
- परिभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Breaking to pieces, shattering. E. परि, and भङ्ग a breaking.
- परि(-री)भव :: m. (-वः) 1. Disrespect, contempt, disgrace. 2. Defeat, dis- comfiture. E. परि implying depreciation, and भव being; also परिभाव .
- परिभवपद :: n. (-दं) Disgrace, a disgraceful situation. E. परिभव, and पद degree.
- परिभवाष्पद :: n. (-दं) A situation of disgrace or defeat. E. परिभव, and आस्पद situation.
- परिभविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) 1. Treating with contumely or disrespect. 2. Suffering disrespect. E. परि before, भ to be, णिनि aff. der. irr. or परिभव, and इनि aff.
- परिभाव :: m. (-वः) Disrespect: see परिभव .
- परिभाविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) 1. Irreverent, disrespectful. 2. Putting to shame, surpassing. E. परि before, भू to be, धिणुन् aff.
- परिभावुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Who or what shames or humbles another. E. परि before, भू to be, उकञ् aff.
- परिभाषण :: n. (-णं) 1. Reproof, abuse, ridicule, expression of censure or contempt. 2. Addressing, discourse, conversing. 3. Agreement, engagement. 4. Rule, precept. E. परि exposure of faults, or mutually, &c., भाषण speaking.
- परिभाषणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Reprehensible, liable to or deserving reproof. 2. To be addressed or spoken to. E. परि before, भाष् to speak, अनीयर् aff.
- परिभाषा :: f. (-षा) 1. A technicality, a conventional term in any science. 2. (In Grammar,) A maxim given by the ancient grammarians as a summary interpretation of the rules of PĀNINI. 3. (In medi- cine,) Prognosis. 4. Abuse, ridicule. 5. A speech. 6. Censure, blame. E. परि severally, and भाषा speech.
- परिभाषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Said. 2. Formed or used technically. E. परि, भाष् to speak, क्त aff.
- परिभुक्त :: mfn. (क्त-क्ता-क्तं) Enjoyed, possessed, eaten. E. परि, and भुज् to enjoy, क्त aff.
- परिभुग्र :: f. (-ग्ना) Bowed, bent.
- परिभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Treated with contempt or disrespect, dis- regard, despised. E. परि exposure of fault, and भूत become.
- परिभूय :: ind. Disgracing, shaming, outvieing, having disgraced, &c. E. परि before, भू to be, ल्यप् aff.
- परिभूषण :: Peace obtained by cession of the revenue of a land.
- परोभोक्तृ :: mfn. (-क्ता -क्त्री -क्त) 1. One who uses another's property without leave. 2. Possessing, one who possesses or enjoys. E. परि, and भुज् to enjoy, तच् aff.
- परिभोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Using or living upon another person's pro- perty without leave or improperly. 2. Possession, enjoyment, especially sexual enjoyment. E. परि, भुज् to enjoy, aff. घञ् .
- परिभ्रंश :: m. (-शः) 1. Escape. 2. Falling from.
- परिभ्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Wandering, going about. 2. Error. 3. Rambling discourse. परि before, भ्रम् to roam, घञ् aff.; also with ल्युट्, परिभ्रमणं .
- परिभ्रष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Fallen, degraded, deprived of, void of, (with an ablative, or instrumental.) E. परि, and भ्रष्ट fallen.
- परिमण्डल :: n. (-लं) A ball, a globe, a circle. f. (-ला) Globular, circu- lar. E. परि round, and मण्डल a sphere or circumference.
- परिमण्डलता :: f. (-ता) Rotundity, circularity. E. परिमण्डल, and तल् aff.; also परिमण्डलत्वं, with त्व aff.
- परिमण्डलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Rounded, made round or circular E. परिमण्डल, and इतच् aff.
- परिमन्थर :: f. (-रा) Extremely slow.
- परिमन्द :: mfn. (-न्दः -न्दा -न्दं) 1. Little, a little, not much. 2. Slow. 3. Dull. E. परि and मन्द slow.
- परिमर :: m. (-रः) Air, wind. E. परि + मृ-आधारे अप् ।
- परिमर्द्दन :: n. (-नं) 1. Rubbing, grinding. 2. Embracing, pressing. 3. Trampling or destroying. E. परि, and मर्द्दन rubbing.
- परिनल :: m. (-लः) 1. An exquisite scent, especially arising from the trituration of fragrant substances. 2. The trituration of perfumes. 3. Copulation. 4. A meeting of learned men. 5. Soil, stain, dirt. E. परि extension, मल् to increase, aff. अच् .
- परिमलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Soiled, despoiled of freshness or beauty. 2. Perfumed. E. परिमल, and इतच् aff.
- परिमर्श :: m. (-र्शः) 1. Contact, propinquity. 2. Friction. E. परि, and मश् to touch, घञ् aff.
- परिमर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Envy, dislike. E. परि before, मष् to bear, aff. घञ् .
- परिमार्ग :: m. (-र्गः) 1. Friction. 2. Touch. 3. Cleaning, wiping. E. परि before, मृज् to clean, घञ् aff.
- परिमार्गितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be sought after. E. परि before, मार्ग् to search, तव्य aff.
- परिमार्ग्य :: mfn. (-र्ग्य -र्ग्या -र्ग्य) 1. To be cleaned or cleansed. 2. To be rubbed. E. परि completely, मृज् to clean, ण्यत् aff.; also परिमृज्य .
- परि(री)माण :: n. (-णं) 1. Measure. 2. Measuring. 3. Weight, number, value. E. परि completely, and माण measuring. परि + मा-ल्युट् ।
- परिमाणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be measured. E. परि before, मा to measure, अनीयर् aff.; also परिमातव्य and परिमेय .
- परिमार्ज्जन :: n. (-नं) Cleaning, cleansing. 2. A dish of honey and oil. E. परि completely, मृज् to cleanse, aff. भावे-ल्युट् .
- परिमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Joined. 2. Meted, measured. 3. Regulated. E. परि, मा to measure, क्त aff.
- परिमितभुज् :: mfn. (-क्) Temperate, abstemious. E. परिमित, and भुज् who eats or enjoys.
- परिमिताहार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Eating moderately. E. परिमित, and आहार food.
- परिमिति :: f. (-तिः) Measure, quantity. E. परि, मा to measure क्तिन् aff.
- परिमिलन :: n. (-नं) Touch, contact.
- परिमुग्ध :: f. (-ग्धा) Lovely yet simple, fascinating but foolish.
- परिमृज्य :: mfn. (-ज्यः -ज्या -ज्यं) 1. To be cleaned. 2. To be touched. E. परि before, मृज् to clean, aff. क्यप्; also परिमार्ग्यं .
- परिमृदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Rubbed, ground. 2. Embraced, clasped. E. परि before, मृद् to rub, क्त aff.
- परिमृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Rubbed, touched. 1. Embraced, clasped. 3. Invested. 4. Spread, pervaded. 5. Washed, cleaned, purified. E. परि before, मृष् to rub, क्त aff.
- परिमृष्यत् :: mfn. (-ष्यन् -ष्यन्ती -ष्यत्) 1. Envying. 2. Rubbing. E. परि before, मृष् to bear, शतृ aff.
- परिमेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Measurable, to be measured. 2. Few, select. E. परि before, मा to measure, यत् aff.
- परिमोषिन् :: m. (-षी) A thief, a robber. E. परि every where, मुष् to steal, aff. ताच्छील्ये-इनि ।
- परिमोहन :: n. (-नं) Fascinating, beguiling. E. परि, and मोहन fascinating.
- परिमोहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिनी -हि) What is bewitching, fascinating, &c. E. परि before, मुह् to be foolish, घिणुन् aff.
- परिम्लान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Soiled, stained. 2. Waned, withered, faded. 3. Diminished, impaired. n. (नं) 1. Soil. 2. Change of countenance by fear or grief. E. परि, and म्लान dirty.
- परिरक्षण :: n. (-णं) Guarding, defending, preserving. E. परि around, and रक्षण preserving.
- परिरटन :: n. (-नं) Crying, crying aloud. E. परि before, रट् to cry, and ल्युट् aff.
- परिरब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) 1. Embraced. 2. Encircled. E. परि before, रभ् to begin, क्त aff.
- परिरभमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Embracing. E. परि, and रभ् to begin, शानच् aff.
- परिरभ्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Being embraced. E. परि everywhere, रभ् to go, pass. v., शानच् aff.
- परिरम्म :: m. (-म्मः) Embrace, embracing. E. परि about, रभ् to begin, aff. घञ्, and नुम् augment.
- परिरम्मण :: n. (-नं) Embracing. E. परि before, रभ् to begin, ल्युट् aff.
- परिराटिन् :: mfn. (-टी -टिनी -टि) Crying, crying aloud, screaming, &c. E. परि before, रट् to cry, ताच्छील्ये धिणुन् aff.
- परिरिसमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Wishing or trying to embrace. E. परिरभि to embrace, desid. v. शानच् aff.
- परिलुप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Gone, lost, E. परि completely, लुप्त lost.
- परिलुप्तसंज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Senseless. E. परिलुप्त, and संज्ञा sign of life.
- परिलेख :: m. (-खः) An outline, a sketch. E. परि + लिख-करणे घञ् ।
- परिलोप :: m. (-पः) 1. Injury. 2. Neglect, omission.
- परिवत्सर :: m. (-रः) A year. E. परि end, वत्सर a year.
- परिवदन :: n. (-नं) 1. Reviling, accusing. 2. Crying out, clamouring, screaming. E. परि, and वद् to speak, aff. ल्युट् .
- परिवर्जन :: n. (-नं) 1. Killing, slaughter. 2. Quitting, abandonment. E. परि finally, वृज् to shun, aff. ल्युट् ।
- परिवर्ज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Abandoned. 2. Devoid of E. परि before, वृज् to shun, क्त aff.
- परि(री)वर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) 1. Going or turning back. 2. Turning round, revolving. 3. Flight, retreat, desertion. 4. Exchange, barter. 5. Requital, return. 6. The end of a period of four ages, or destruction of the world. 7. A chapter, a book, a canto, &c. 8. The king of the tortoises, or the tortoise incarnation. E. परि severally, &c. वृत् to be, aff. भावे घञ् ।
- परिवर्त्तक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Who or what turns back or round. 2. Who or what requites, exchanges, &c. 3. Leaving off a thing begun for some other object. E. परि, and वृत् to be, ण्वुल् aff.
- परिवर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. Turning back or round, returning. 2. Turning round, revolving. 3. Barter, exchange. 4. Requital, return. 5. Inverting, taking or putting any thing in a wrong direction. E. परि around, वृत to be, भावे-ल्युट् aff.
- परिवर्त्तित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Turned round, revolved. 2. Returned, retreated. 3. Taken out but on in a wrong direction. 4. Ex- changed. E. परि before, वृत् to be, क्त aff.
- परिवर्त्तिन् :: mfn. (-र्त्ती -र्त्तिनी -र्त्ति) 1. Revolving, going round. 2. Return- ing. 3. Flying, retreating. 4. Exchanging. 5. Requiting, recom- pensing. E. परि, and वृत् to be, णिनि aff.
- परिवर्द्धन :: n. (-नं) 1. Growing, increasing. 2. Rearing, breeding, (as of cattle.) E. परि, and वर्द्धन increasing.
- परिवर्द्धित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Increased, augmented. E. परि before, वृद्ध to increase, क्त aff.
- परिवर्ह :: m. (-र्हः) 1. Train, retinue, dependents. 2. Royal insignia. E. परि around, वर्ह् to cover, घञ् aff.; also परिबर्ह .
- परिवसथ :: m. (-थः) A village. E. परि about, वस to abide, aff. आधारे अथच् ।
- परिवह :: m. (-हः) Name of the second of the seven courses of wind. E. परि + वह-अच् ।
- परिवाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Abuse reproach, reproof. 2. Charge, accusation. 3. The bow or quill of the lute or fiddle. E. परि censure, &c. and वाद speech.
- परिवादक :: m. (-कः) An accuser, a plaintiff, a complaint or calumnia- tor. E. परि implying censure, वद् to speak, वुञ् aff.
- परिवादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) 1. Who or what reproaches, accuses, &c. 2. Censured, abused. 3. Calling out, crying, screaming. m. (-दी) An accuser, a reprover; (in Law,) a plaintiff. f. (-नी) A lute or a vinā, with seven strings. E. परिवाद as above, इनि aff. or परि before, वद् to speak, ताच्छील्ये घिणुन् aff.
- परिवाप :: m. (-पः) 1. Shaving, shearing. 2. A pool, a pond, a piece of water. 3. Train, retinue. 4. Sowing. 5. Furniture. E. परि be- fore, वप् to shave, aff. घञ् .
- परिवापन :: n. (-नं) Shaving, shearing. E. परि before, वप् to cut or shave, causal v. aff. ल्युट् .
- परिवापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Shaven, shorn. E. परिवाप shaving, aff. इतच् . or परि + वप्-णिच्-क्त ।
- परिवार :: m. (-रः) 1. Dependent. 2. Train or retinue. 3. A scabbard, a sheath. E. परि round, वृ to be, aff. घञ् .
- परिवारता :: f. (-ता) Subjection, dependence. E. तल् added to परिवार .
- परिवारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Surrounded, enclosed or begirt by. E. परि, and वारित impeded.
- परिवास :: m. (-सः) Abiding, abode. E. परि, and वस् to dwell, घञ् aff.
- परिवासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Respectfully attentive to superiors. E. परि respect, वस् to abide, aff. क्त, and इट inserted.
- परि(री)वाह :: m. (-हः) 1. An inundation, an overflowing, natural or arti- ficial. 2. An water course or a drain to carry off excess of water. E. परि about, वह् to bear, aff. घञ्; also परीवाह .
- परिवाहवत् :: m. (-वान्) A pond or pool. E. परिवाह a drain, and मतुप् poss. aff.
- परिवाहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Drained. E. परिवाह, and इतच् aff.
- परिविण्ण(न्न) :: m. (-ण्णः or न्नः) An unmarried elder brother whose junior is married. E. परि before, विद् to know, क्त aff.
- परिवित्ति :: m. (-त्तिः) An unmarried elder brother, the younger being married and a householder. E. परि abandoning, and विद् to cover, affix क्तिच् ।
- परिविन्दक :: m. (-कः) A younger brother married or become a house- holder before the elder. E. परि, विद् to possess, क्कुन् aff.
- परिविन्दत् :: m. (-न्दन्) An unmarried elder brother. E. परि before, विद् to know, शतृ aff.
- परिविष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Surrounded, enclosed 2. Offered, pre- sented. E. परि, and विष् to enter, क्त aff.
- परिविष्णु :: ind. Entirely or every where VISHṆU. E. परि sound, विष्णु VISHṆU.
- परिविह्वल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Agitated, bewildered. E. परि, and विह्वल agitated.
- परिविह्वलता :: f. (-ता) Bewilderment. E. परिविह्वल, and तल् aff.
- परिवीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Surrounded, encompassed, invested. 2. Overspread, pervaded. n. (-तं) The bow of BRAMHĀ. E. परि, and व्येञ् to surround, क्त aff.
- परिवृंहण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) Augmenting, enlarging, what enlarges or adds to. m. (-णः) An appendix, an additional work or section. E. वृहि to increase, with परि prefixed, and ल्युट् aff.
- परिवृंहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Increased, augmented. 2. Improved, thriven. 3. Sounded. 4. Lightened, illuminated. 5. Excited, stimulated. E. परि before, वृहि to augment, aff. क्त .
- परिवृढ :: m. (-ढः) A master, an owner, a superior. E. परि exceeding, वृह to thrive, aff. क्त .
- परिवृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Encompassed, surrounded. 2. Gained or received entirely. 3. Known. 4. Concealed. 5. Overspread. E. परि before, वृ to be, aff. क्त .
- परिवृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Gone round, revolved. 2. Turned back, retreated, retired. 3. Exchanged. 4. Finished, ended. n. (-त्तं) An embrace. E. परि before, वृत् to be, aff क्त .
- परिवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Exchange, barter. 2. Revolution, return. 3. End, termination. 4. An unmarried elder brother. 5. Surrounding, encompassing. 6. A striking exchange, one producing charm, considered as a figure of speech in rhetoric. E. परि mutually, वृत् to be, क्तिन aff.
- परिवृत्य :: ind. 1. Having retreated or retired. 2. Having turned round or revolved. E. परि before, वृत् to be, ल्यप् aff.
- परिवृस्ति :: m. (-स्तिः) An elder brother unmarried: see परिवित्ति ।
- परिवृहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Increased, literally or figuratively, grown, thriven. 2. Making effort, exerted. E. परि much, वृह् to grow, aff. क्त .
- परिवेतृ :: m. (-ता) A younger brother married or become a householder before his elder. E. परि abandoning, (the usual practice,) विद् to know or possess, (a wife,) तृच् aff.
- परिवेदन :: n. (-नं) 1. Anguish, pain, misery. 2. Marriage, (especially the marriage of a younger brother before the elder,) marrying. 3. Discussion. 4. Gain, acquisition. 5. Keeping the household fire. 6. Universal existence. f. (-ना) 1. Shrewdness, wit. 2. Fore- sight, prudence. E. परि before, विद् to know, &c. aff. ल्युट्, or युच् .
- परिवेदिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) 1. Shrewd, knowing. 2. Suffering pain. f. (-नी) The wife of a younger brother, the elder brother being unmarried. E. परि, and विद् to know, aff. घिणुन् .
- परिवेश :: m. (-शः) 1. Surrounding, encompassing. 2. The circumference of a circle. 3. The disk of the sun or moon, a halo round the sun or moon. 4. Waiting at or serving up meals. E. परि round, विश् or विष् to encompass, aff. घञ्; hence also परिवेष ।
- परिवेष :: m. (-षः) 1. Surrounding, encircling. 2. The circumference of a circle. 3. The disk of the sun or moon. 4. Distributing rice, &c. to a party, serving up a meal: see the last.
- परिवेषण :: n. (-णं) 1. Surrounding, enclosing. 2. Serving up dinner, distributing food to guests, &c. 3. A halo round the sun or moon. E. परि round, वेषण encompassing.
- परिवेष्टन :: n. (-नं) 1. Surrounding, encompassing. 2. Circumference. E. परि before, वेष्ट् to surround, ल्युट् aff.
- परिवेष्टित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Enclosed, surrounded, encompassed. 2. Covered, veiled. E. परि around, and वेष्टित surrounded.
- परिव्यय :: m. (-यः) 1. Best. 2. Condiment, spices.
- परिव्याध :: m. (-धः) 1. A tree, (Pteros permum acerifolia.) 2. A sort of reed growing in water, (Calamus fasciculatus.) E. परि much, व्याध pain. परि + व्यध्-कर्त्तरि-ण ।
- परिव्रज्या :: f. (-ज्या) 1. Ascetic devotion, religious austerity, abandon- ment of the world. 2. Leading the life of a mendicant. E. परि about, व्रज्या religious wandering. परि + व्रज्-भावे क्यप् ।
- परिव्रढिमन् :: m. (-मा) Masterhood, superiority. E. परिवृढ, and इमनिच् aff., ऋ changed to र ।
- परिव्राज् :: m. (-ड् or ट्) The man of the last religious order, the mendi- cant devotee. E. परि about, व्रज् to go, aff. क्किप्, and the vowel made long; also with घञ् aff. परिव्राज .
- परिव्राज :: m. (-जः) An ascetic: परि + व्रज्-सज्ञायां-कर्त्तरि घञ् ।
- परिव्राजक :: m. (-कः) A religious mendicant. E. परि about, व्रज् to wander, ण्वुल् aff.
- परिव्राज्य :: n. (-ज्यं) The state or condition of an ascetic. E. परिव्राज् as above, and यत् aff.
- परिशङ्कनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be doubted, to be feared or apprehend- ed. E. परि completely, शकि to doubt, अनीयर् aff.
- परिशाप :: m. (-पः) Cursing, reviling. E. परि before, शप् to curse, घञ् aff.
- परिशाश्वत :: f. (-ती) Perpetually the same.
- परिशिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Left, remaining. 2. Finished. n. (ष्टं) A supplement, an appendix. E. परि, and शिष्ट left. or परि + शिष्-क्त ।
- परिशीलन :: n. (-नं) 1. Intercourse, correspondence. 2. Steady pursuit, study.
- परिशुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Cleaned. 2. Purified. 3. Discharged, paid. E. परि before, शुघ् to be pure, क्त aff.
- परिशुष्क :: mfn. (-ष्कः -ष्का -ष्कं) Dry, dried. n. (ष्कं) Meat fried, first with ghee, washed well with warm water, and dressed with spice, &c. E. परि much, शुष्क dried.
- परिशृत :: m. (-तः) Ardent spirits.
- परिशेष :: m. (-षः) 1. Remainder. 2. Completion. 3. Supplement. E. परि, and शेष end. परि + शिष्-घञ् ।
- परिशोध :: m. (-धः) 1. Cleansing, purifying, correcting. 2. Discharging a debt or obligation. E. परि, and शोध purifying; also परिशोधन .
- परिशोष :: m. (-षः) Drying, evaporation. E. परि before, शुष् to be dry, घञ् aff.
- परिश्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Labour, trouble, pain. 2. Distress, fatigue. E. परि exceeding, श्रम weariness.
- परिश्रय :: m. (-यः) 1. An assembly, a meeting. 2. An asylum. E. परि before, श्री to serve, &c. aff. अच् .
- परिश्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Overcome with distress or fatigue, ex- hausted, wearied. E. परि before, श्रम् to be weary, aff. क्त .
- परिश्रान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) 1. Labour, trouble. 2. Fatigue, exhaustion. E. परि before, श्रम् to be weary, क्तिन् aff.
- परिश्रत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Heard. E. परि, and श्रुत heard.
- परिश्लिष :: m. (-ष्टः-ष्टा-ष्टं) Embraced, clasped. E. परि before, श्लिष् to embrace, क्त aff.
- परिश्लेष :: m. (-षः) Embracing, an embrace. E. परि, and श्लेष embracing.
- परिषत्त्व :: n. (-त्त्वं) The formation or collection or functions of an assembly. E. त्त्व added to the next.
- परिषद् :: f. (षद् or षत्) An assembly, a meeting, an audience or congre- gation. E. परि around, सद् to go, aff. आधारे क्विप् .
- परिषद :: m. (-दः) A spectator at a play, one of an assembly or congre- gation. E. परिषद् as above, and अण् aff.; whence it is more usually परिषद । or परि + सद्-अच् ।
- परिषद्य :: m. (-द्यः) One of a party or assembly, a spectator, a guest. E. See परिषद, यत् being added.
- परिषद्वल :: m. (-लः) 1. An assistant in an assembly, an associate. 2. A spectator, &c. E. परिषद as above, वलच् aff.
- परिष्क(स्क)न्द :: m. (-न्दः) 1. A foster child, one nourished by a stranger. 2. A servant. see परिस्कन्द ।
- परिष्कन्न(ण्ण) :: m. (-न्नः -or -ण्णः) A foster child, or one nourished by a stranger: see परिस्कन्न . E. परि + स्कन्द-क्त ।
- परिष्कार :: m. (-रः) 1. Decoration, embellishment. 2. Cooking, dressing. 3. Finishing, polishing. 4. Initiation, purification by essential rites. 5. Surrounding. 6. Furniture. E. परि implying ornament, and कार making, स inserted, and changed to ष; also in the same sense परिस्कार .
- परिष्कृ(स्कृ)त :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Adorned, decorated, embellished. 2. Highly finished or polished. 3. Cooked, dressed. 4. Purified by initiatory rites. 5. Surrounded, encompassed. E. परि before, कृ to make, aff. क्त . see the last.
- परिष्कृतभूमि :: f. (-मिः) An altar, or ground prepared for a sacrifice, or for the victim and the untensils employed. E. परिष्कृत, and भूमि ground.
- परिष्कृति :: f. (-तिः) Finished, polishing, &c. see परिष्कार .
- परिष्टोम :: m. (-मः) An elephant's coloured housings: see षरिस्तोम ।
- परिष्ठल :: n. (-लं) Surrounding place or site. E. परि, and स्थल place.
- परिष्वङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Embracing, an embrace. E. परि before, ष्वजि to embrace, aff. घञ् ।
- परिष्वज्य :: ind. Having embraced. E. परि, ष्कजि to embrace, ल्युप् aff.
- परिसङ्ख्या :: f. (-ङ्ख्या) 1. Total or complete enumeration or specification, implying exclusion of any other. 2. Reckoning, enumerating. E. परि, and सङ्ख्या a number.
- परिसङ्ख्यात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Counted, enumerated. 2. Reckoned up or specified exclusively of any more. E. परि, and सङ्ख्यात counted.
- परिसङ्ख्यान :: n. (-नं) 1. Exclusive enumeration or specification. 2. Cor- rect judgment. E. परि, and सङ्ख्यान reckoning.
- परिसञ्चर :: m. (-रः) Time of universal destruction. E. परि + सम-चर-अच् ।
- परिसभ्य :: m. (-भ्यः) An assistant at an assembly. E. परि about, सभ्य a fellow guest.
- परिसमापन :: n. (-नं) Finishing entirely. E. परि, and सम् before, आप् to get, ल्युट् aff.
- परिसमाप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Finished, done entirely. E. परि, and समाप्त finished.
- परिसमाप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) Entire completion. E. परि, and सम before, आप् to obtain, क्तिन् aff.
- परिसमूहन :: n. (-नं) 1. Heaping up. 2. Sprinkling water round the sacri- ficial fire. E. परि + सम-उह-भावे-ल्युट् ।
- परिसर :: m. (-रः) 1. Ground on the skirts of a river or mountain, or contiguous to a town, &c. 2. Death, dying. 3. Rule, precept, prescribed mode. 4. Part, place, site. 5. Width, breadth. E. परि about, or end, term, &c. सर going, from सृ to go, aff. अप् .
- परिसरण :: n. (-णं) Running about.
- परिसर्प :: m. (-र्पः) 1. Encompassing, surrounding. 2. Going, proceeding. 3. following, pursuing. E. परि around, and सर्प going.
- परिसर्पण :: n. (-णं) 1. Creeping about. 2. Running to and fro. 3. Cons- tantly moving.
- परि(री)सर्य्या :: f. (-र्य्या) 1. Perambulation, wandering round or about. 2. Near approach. 3. Service. E. परि about, सृ to go, भावे-क्यप् aff.
- परिसाधन :: n. (-नं) 1. Accomplishing, effecting. 2. Determining, ascer- taining. E. परि before, साध् to accomplish, aff. ल्युट् .
- परिसार :: m. (-रः) Wandering about. E. परि before, सृ to go, aff. अण् .
- परिसारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Wandering. E. परि before, सृ to go, धिणुन् aff.
- परिसीमन् :: m. (-मा) Boundary, extreme term or limit. E. परि and सीमन् a limit.
- परिसेधत् :: mfn. (-धन् -धन्ती -धत्) Opposing. E. परि against, षिध् to effect, शतृ aff.
- परिसेसिचा :: f. (चा) Frequent bathing or sprinkling. E. परि before, षिच् to sprinkle, frequent. v. अङ् and टाप् affs.
- परिस्कन्द :: m. (-न्दः) A foster child, one nourished by a stranger. n. (-न्दं) Going round or about. E. परि about, स्कदि to go, aff. अच्; also स being optionally changed, परिष्कन्द .
- परिस्कन्दत् :: mfn. (-न्दन् -न्दन्ती -न्दत्) 1. Going round or about. 2. Surround- ing, circumambulating. 3. Wandering. E. परि, स्कदि to go, aff. शतृ .
- परिस्कन्न :: m. (-न्नः) 1. A foster or an adopted child. 2. The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. E. परि before, स्कन्द् to go, aff. क्त; also परिष्कन्न .
- परिस्तृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Covered, spread over. E. परि, and स्तृत strewed.
- परिस्तो(ष्टो)म :: m. (-मः) An elephant's painted or coloured cloth or housings. E. परि around, स्तु to applaud, aff. क्त, irregular form, मन् being substituted for the proper termination; also परिष्टोम when considered as a compound of परि and स्तोम .
- परिस्थान :: n. (-नं) 1. Fixedness, solidity. 2. Fortitude, firmness. E. परि and स्थान place; also परिस्थिति .
- परिस्पन्द :: m. (-न्दः) 1. Beating, throbbing. 2. Decoration of the hair, with flowers, &c. 3. Train, retinue. E. परि around, स्पन्द् to go, aff. घञ् .
- परिस्पन्दन :: n. (-नं) Beating, throbbing. E. परि before, स्पदि to go, aff. ल्युट् .
- परिस्पन्दमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Moving tremulously, being gently agitated, shaking, trembling. 3. Throbbing, beating, E. परि be- fore, स्पदि to go, शानच् aff.
- परिस्फुट :: f. (-टा) 1. Quite plain, very manifest. 2. Fully developed.
- परिस्फुरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Glancing, shooting. 2. Budding. E. परि, and स्फुर् to expand, ल्युट् aff.
- परिस्फुरत् :: mfn. (-रन -रन्ती -रत्) 1. Budding, expanding. 2. Bursting forth. 3. Darting, glancing, moving quickly or suddenly. 4. Gleam- ing. E. परि, and स्फुर् to expand, शतृ aff.
- परिस्फुरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Glancing, gleaming. 2. Opened, ex- panded. 3. Shot, glanced. E. परि, and स्फुर् to expand, क्त aff.
- परिस्यन्द :: m. (-न्दः) 1. Oozing, dropping. 2. Decoration of the hair. 3. Flow, stream. 4. Train, retinue: see परिस्पन्द . E. परि around, स्यन्द to drop, aff. घञ् .
- परिस्यन्दन :: n. (-नं) Dropping, flowing, oozing. E. परि, and स्यदि to drop, ल्युट् aff.
- परिस्रव :: m. (-वः) 1. Flowing, streaming. 2. A river, a torrent. E. परि + स्नु- भावे-अप् ।
- परिस्राव :: m. (-वः) Effluxion, efflux. E. परि + स्रु-णिच्-अच् ।
- परिस्रुत् :: f. (स्रुत्) 1. Vinous liquor. 2. Dropping. flowing. E. परि before, स्रु to distil, aff. क्विप् and तल् added.
- परिस्रत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Oozed, trickled, dropped, distilled. f. (-ता) Vinous or distilled liquor. E. परि before, स्रु to drop or ooze, aff. क्त .
- परिहत :: f. (-ता) Loosened.
- परिहरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Seizing, taking. 2. Leaving, abandoning. 3. Avoi- ding. 4. Disappearing. 5. Refuting, repelling. E. परि before, ह to take, ल्युट् aff.
- परिहरणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be shunned or avoided. 2. To be taken away. 3. To be confuted. E. परि, हृ to take, अनीयर् aff.
- परिहरणीयता :: f. (-ता) 1. Disappearance, unattainableness. 2. Refuta- tion. E. परिहरणीय to be taken away, तल् abst. aff.
- परिहरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रत्) 1. Illuding. 2. Shunning, avoiding. E. परि, हृ to take, शतृ aff.
- परिहरमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Leaving, quitting. 2. Taking, seizing. 3. Confuting. E. परि before, हृ to take, शानच् aff.
- परिहर्त्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be shunned or avoided. 2. To be taken away. 3. To be confuted. E. परि before, हृ to take, तव्य aff.
- परिहाणि(नि) :: f. (-णि or नि) Decrease, loss. 2. Waste, decay, decline.
- परि(री)हार :: m. (-रः) 1. Disrespect. 2. Seizing, surrounding, 3. Bounty, largess. 4. Any thing or person objectionable. 5. Leaving. 6. Re- moving. 7. Repelling. 8. Omission. 9. The common land round a village or town. E. परि, हृ to take away, aff. घञ् ।
- परिहार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) 1. To be shunned or avoided. 2. To be taken off or away. m. (-र्य्यः) A bracelet: see परीहार्य्य . E. परि, हृ to take, कर्मणि-ण्यत् aff.
- परिहास :: m. (-सः) 1. Mirth, sport, pastime. 2. Deriding. Ridiculing. E. परि much, हस् to laugh, aff. घञ्; also परीहास .
- परिहासवेदिन् :: m. (-दी) A Jester, a wag, a wit. E. परिहास, and वेदिन् who knows.
- परिहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Covered, invested, put on. E. परि, and हित placed.
- परिहीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Waned, faded, wasted. 2. Deserted by, deprived of. E. परि, and हीण quitted.
- परिहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Avoided, quitted. 2. Taken. 3. Repelled, refuted. E. परि before, हृ to take, क्त aff.
- परीक्षक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Investigating acutely, trying, examining. m. (-कः) 1. An experimenter, an assayer, a prover. 2. An investigator, a Judge. E. परि well, closely, ईक्ष् to look or see, aff. ण्वुल् .
- परिक्षण :: n. (-णं) Trial, experiment, examination. E. परि about, ईक्ष् to see, aff. ल्युट् .
- परीक्षणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be tried or investigated to be submit- ted to ordeal, &c. E. परि before, ईक्ष् to see, अनीयर् aff.; also परीक्षितव्य and परीक्ष्य .
- परीक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) 1. Discrimination, investigation, examination, test, trial, experiment. 2. Trial by ordeal of various kinds: see दिव्य . E. परि intensitive prefix, before, ईक्ष् to see, affs. अङ् and टाप्; looking into any thing or person closely and minutely.
- परीक्षित् :: m. (-क्षित्) The grandson of ARJUNA, to whom the Bhāgavat was related. He came to the throne of Hastināpura after Yudhishthira. The advent of the Kali age is placed at the commencement of his reign. He died of a snake-buite. E. परि before, क्षि to destroy, क्विप् aff. also with a final vowel परीक्षितः he was destroyed in his mother's womb, but reanimated by KRISHṆA.
- परीक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Tried, examined, tested, proved. m. (-तः) A prince: see the last. E. परि before, ईक्ष् to see, क्त aff.
- परीणाय :: m. (-यः) Moving a piece at chess, draughts, &c. E. परि before, णी to take, aff. घञ् . the vowel of the prefix is optionally made long; also परिणाय .
- परीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Surrounded, encompassed. 2. Circumam- bulated. 3. Addicted, affected by. 4. Departed. 5. Seized. E. परि round, and इत gone.
- परोतत् :: mfn. (-तत्) Every way spread or extended. E. परि around, तन् to spread, aff. क्विप्, and the vowel of the prefix augmented.
- परीत्य :: ind. 1. Having passed round or circumambulated. 2. Having encompassed. E. परि before, इण् to go, ल्यप् aff.
- परीधाविन् :: m. (-वी) The forty-first year of the Indian cycle.
- परीप्सा :: f. (-प्सा) 1. Desire of obtaining. 2. Haste, hurry. E. परि + आप्- सन्-भावे अ ।
- परीभाव :: m. (-वः) Disrespect. E. See परिभाव, the vowel of the prefix being here made long.
- परीयमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Being penetrated or pervaded by. E. परि before, इङ् to go, pass. v. शानच् aff.
- परोर :: n. (-रं) Fruit. E. प to satisfy, Unādi aff. ईरन् .
- परीरण :: m. (-णः) 1. A tortoise. 2. A stick. 3. A garment. E. परि + रण-अच् ।
- परीरम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) An embrace: see परिरम्भ . E. परि + रम्भ-घञ् ।
- परीवर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) 1. Exchange, barter. 2. The royal tortoise: See परिवर्त्त .
- परीवाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Reproof, censure, abuse. 2. The bow or quill of a lute: see परिवाद .
- परीवार :: m. (-रः) 1. The sheath of a sword. 2. Dependents, family, reti- nue. E. परि around, वृ to cover, aff. घञ् and the final of परि made long; also परिवार .
- परीवाह :: m. (-हः) 1. A drain or channel made to carry off water from a pond that overflows. 2. A natural inundation or overflow. 3. Royal insignia. 4. A sword-sheath, a scabbard. E. परि before, वह् to bear, aff. घञ् and the इ of परि is in consequence optionally long; also परिवाह .
- परीष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) 1. Inquiry, research, especially philosophical. 2. Ser- vice. 3. Willingness, readiness. 4. Homage, worship. E. परि much, इष्टि wish.
- परीसार :: m. (-रः) 1. Going round or about, wandering, perambula- tion. 2. Near approach. E. परि about, सृ to go, aff. घञ् .
- परीहार :: m. (-रः) 1. Disrespect. 2. An open space for the pasturage of cattle near a village or town. 3. Remedying or atoning for any improper action. E. परि disrespect, हृ to convey, aff. घञ् .
- परीहास :: m. (-सः) Mirth, sport, amusement. E. परि pleasure, हस् to laugh, aff. घञ् .
- परु :: m. (-रुः) 1. A knot or joint in a reed. 2. Paradise. 3. The ocean. 4. A mountain. E. पॄ to fill, aff. ड, also परुस् .
- परुत् :: ind. Last year. E. पर prior, उत् aff.
- परुत्न :: mfn. (-त्नः -त्ना -त्नं) Of or belonging to last year. E. परुत् last year, त aff.
- परुद्वार :: m. (-रः) A horse.
- परुष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) 1. Harsh, abusive, (speech.) 2. Rough, rugged. 3. Severe, cruel, unkind. 4. Variegated in colour. 5. Shaggy, rough to the touch. 6. Sharp, piercing. n. (-षं) 1. Harsh and contume- lious speech, abuse. 2. Yellow Barleria. m. (-षः) A sort of tree, (Xylocarpus granatum.) E. पॄ to fill or satisfy, उषन् Unādi aff.
- परुषवचन :: n. (-नं) Harsh language, reproach, abuse. E. परुष, and वचन speech.
- परुषवाच् :: mfn. (-क्) Harsh spoken. f. (-क्) Harsh or contumelious speech. E. परुष, and वाच् speech.
- परुषोक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Abusive or harsh language. E. परुष, and उक्ति speech.
- परुषोक्तिक :: m. (-कः) An abuser, one uttering harsh and scurrilous language. E. परुष abuse, and उक्ति speech, aff. कप् .
- परुस् :: n. (-रुः) The knot or joint of a cane or reed. E. पॄ to complete, Unādi aff. उसि .
- परूष :: m. (-षः) The Parush tree: see परुष; also with कन् added परूषक . E. पॄ-ऊषन् ।
- परेत् :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Dead, defunct. m. (-तः) A kind of goblin, a ghost, a spirit. E. पर another, (world,) इत gone. or परा + इ-क्त ।
- परेतर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Faithful, friendly. E. पर an enemy, इतर other, opposed to.
- परेतराज् :: m. (-राट्) A name of YAMA. E. परेत a ghost, and राज who rules.
- परेद्यवि :: ind. Next day, to-morrow. E. पर another, एद्यवि aff.
- परेद्युस् :: ind. (-द्युः) Next day. E. पर after, एद्युस् aff.
- परेप :: mfn. (पः-पा-पं) Where water is lodged or retired, whence it has, (a place, &c.) E. पर, and अप water.
- परेष्टि :: m. (-ष्टिः) BRAMHĀ. E. पर best, इष्टि worship.
- परेष्टुका :: f. (-का) A cow bearing many calves. E. पर best, इष् to go, तु aff., and कन् added.
- परैवित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Nourished by a stranger. m. (-तः) The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. E. पर a stranger, एवित nourished.
- परोक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) 1. Invisible, imperceptible. 2. Absent. 3. Past. m. (-क्षः) An ascetic, a religious hermit. n. (-क्षं) 1. Invisibility, absence, secrecy. 2. (In Grammar,) Past time or tense. E. पर before, उक्ष् to sprinkle, aff. क; or पर away, अक्षि the eye, form irr.
- परोक्षभोग :: m. (-गः) Enjoyment or possession of any thing in the absence of the proprietor. E. परोक्ष, and भोग enjoyment.
- परोक्षमन्मथ :: m. (-थः) Not experienced in love matters.
- परोक्षवृत्ति :: mfn. (-त्तिः -त्तिः -त्ति) One who does any thing whilst absent. E. परोक्ष, and वृत्ति practice.
- परोक्षार्थ :: n. (-र्थं) An absent or invisible object. E. परोक्ष, and अर्थ object.
- परोत्कर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Another's superiority. E. पर, and उत्कर्ष eminence.
- परोदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Said by an enemy, &c. n. (-तं) Clamour, menace. E. पर, and उदित said.
- परोपकार :: m. (-रः) Charity, benevolence, doing good to others. E. पर another, उपकार assistance.
- परोपकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Benevolent, charitable, good to others. E. परोपकार, and इनि aff.
- परोपकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Helped or befriended by another. 2. Brought by another. E. पर, and उपकृत assisted.
- परोपजाप :: n. (-पं) The dissension of enemies. E. पर, and उपजाप dissension.
- परोपदेश :: m. (-शः) Giving advice, counselling, admonishing. E. पर, and उपदेश instruction.
- परोपरुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Invested, besieged, blockaded. E. पर, and उपरुद्ध surrounded.
- परोवरीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Having both superior and inferior, prior and subsequent, &c. E. पर best, अवर lowest, खश् aff.
- परोष्णी :: f. (-ष्णी) A cockroach. E. पर best, उष्णा warmth; it is also written परोष्टी .
- पर्कट :: n. (-टं) Regret, anxiety. m. (-टः) A heron.
- पर्क्कटि :: f. (-टिः-टी) The waved-leaf fig tree, (Ficus infectiosa.) E. पृच् to touch, अटि aff., ङीष् optionally added; also with इन् added पर्क्कटिन् . (पाकुड) ।
- पर्क्कटिन् :: m. (-टी) The waved-leaf fig tree: see the last.
- पर्जनी :: f. (-नी) A sort of Curcuma, (C. zanthorrhizon.) E. पृ to satisfy, aff. क्विप्, जन् to produce, aff. अच् and ङीष् . “दारुहरिद्रा” ।
- पर्ज्जन्य :: m. (-न्यः) 1. A name of INDRA. 2. A thundering cloud. 3. The muttering of clouds or distant thunder. 4. Any cloud. 5. Rain. E. पृष्, to sprinkle, (rain,) Unādi aff. अन्य, and ज or य substituted for ष; also पर्य्यन्य ।
- पर्ण :: r. 10th cl. (पर्णयति-ते) To make or be green. अ-चु-उभ-सक-सेट् ।
- पर्ण :: n. (-र्णं) 1. A leaf. 2. The Pān or betel-leaf. 3. A wine. 4. The feather of an arrow. m. (-णः) The Palāsh tree, (Butea frondosa.) f. (र्णी) 1. An aquatic plant, (Pistia stratiotes.) 2. The leaf of the asafœtida. E. पॄ to please, and Unādi aff. न, fem. aff. ङीष्, or पर्ण् to be or make green, aff. अच् .
- पर्णकार :: m. (-रः) A vender of Pān leaves E. पर्ण, and कार who makes.
- पर्णकृच्छ्र :: n. (-च्छ्रं) Living upon leaves and water for a limited term, as a religious obligation. E. पर्ण, and कृच्छ penance.
- पर्णखण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. A tree without apparent blossoms. 2. A tree in general. n. (-ण्डं) A multitude of leaves. E. पर्ण a leaf, खण्ड a part.
- पर्णचीरपट :: m. (-टः) An epithet of Śiva.
- पर्णचोरक :: m. (-कः) A kind of perfume, called “chor.”
- पर्णध्वत् :: mfn. (-ध्वत्) Causing the falling of leaves. E. पर्ण a leaf, ध्वंस् to fall, aff. क्विप्, and तुक् substituted for the final.
- पर्णनर :: m. (-रः) A man of leaves, an effigy stuffed with leaves, made to represent a person deceased, whose body cannot be found, and for whom obsequial rites are performed with this representative. E. पर्ण, and नर a man.
- पर्णभेदिनी :: f. (-नी) The priyangu creeper. पत्रभेदकमात्रेच ।
- पर्णभोजन :: m. (-नः) 1. A goat. 2. Any animal eating leaves. E. पर्ण a leaf, and भोजन food.
- पर्णमाचाल :: m. (-लः) The Kāmrāngā, an acid fruit; (Averrhoa caram- bola.) E. पर्ण a leaf, मच् to be tall, aff. आलच् . According to Vāchaspatya:-- कारवेल्लवृक्षे(उच्छा) ।
- पर्णमुच् :: m. (-क्) The winter. शिशिरकाले ।
- पर्णमृग :: m. (-गः) Any wild animal lodging in the boughs of trees, as a monkey, a sloth, a squirrel. E. पर्ण, and मृग deer.
- पर्णरूह् :: m. (-रुट्) The spring.
- पर्ण(र्णि)ल :: f. (-ला) Full of leaves, some authority places पल्वली instead of this word.
- पर्णलता :: f. (-ता) The betel plant. E. पर्ण, and लता a creeper.
- पर्णवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) A tree, (Butea frondosa.) E. पर्ण and वल्ली a pedicle.
- पर्णवीटिका :: f. (-का) Pieces of the areca-nut and other spices rolled up in betel leaves.
- पर्णशाला :: f. (-ला) A hut of leaves and grass, a hermitage. E. पर्ण a leaf, and शाला a hall.
- पर्णसन्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Sleeping on leaves. E. पर्ण and सन्तर a bed.
- पर्णसि :: m. (-सिः) 1. A lotus. 2. A summer or water house. 3. A vege- table. 4. Decoration, toilet. E. पॄ to delight, Unādi aff. असि, and नुङ् inserted.
- पर्णाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A boat. 2. A spade or hoe. 3. Single combat.
- पर्णाशन :: m. (-नः) A cloud. n. (नं) Feeding on leaves. E. पर्ण a leaf, and अशन food.
- पर्णास (सि) :: m. (-सः or सिः) A Tulasi tree with few leaves.
- पर्णासि :: m. (-सिः) A sort of Basil, (Ocymum sanctum,) with small leaves, E. पर्ण a leaf, असि to go, (beautiful,) aff. अच्, अस् or इन् ।
- पर्णिन् :: m. (-र्णी) 1. A tree. 2. The Butea frondosa. E. पर्ण a leaf, aff. इनि .
- पर्णोटज :: n. (-जं) A hut of leaves, the residence of holy anchorets, a hermitage. E. पर्ण a leaf, and उटज a hut.
- पर्द्द :: r. 1st. cl. (पर्द्दते) 1. To fart, to break wind. भ्वा० आत्म० सक० सेट् ।
- पर्द्द :: m. (-र्द्दः) 1. A quantity of hair. 2. A fart. E. पॄ to nourish, द Unādi aff., or पर्द्द् to fart, aff. भावे घञ् or ल्युट् ।
- पर्द्दन :: n. (-नं) A fart, farting, E. पर्द्द् to fart, aff. ल्युट् .
- पर्प :: r. 1st. cl. (पर्पति) to go, to move. भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- पर्प :: n. (-पं) 1. A house. 2. Young grass. 3. A wheel chair, or one on which a cripple can move about. E. पॄ to be pleased, Unādi aff. प, or पर्प् to go, aff. अच् .
- पर्पट :: m. (-टः) A medicinal plant with bitter leaves, (apparently the Oldenlandia biflora, though the Hindi name Pāpar is also applied to the Gardenia latifolia, Rox.) f. (-टी) 1. A thin crisp cake made of any pulse. 2. A red aluminous earth, apparently a sort of Bol, brought from Surāt or Saurāshtra. E. पर्प् to go, and अटन् Unādi aff. “क्षेतपापडा” ।
- पर्पटद्रुम :: m. (-मः) Bdellium. कुम्मीवृक्षे ।
- पर्परीक :: m. (-कः) 1. The sun 2. Fire. 3. A piece of water. E. पॄ to nourish, ईकन् Unādi aff., the root repeated.
- पर्प्पिक :: mf. (-कः-की) A cripple that moves about by the aid of a chair of cradle. E. पर्प्प a chair, &c. aff. ष्ठन् .
- पर्ब :: r. 1st. cl. (पर्बति) To go, to move. भ्वा० पर० स० सेट् ।
- पर्य्य(ल्य)ङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) 1. A bed. 2. A cloth thrown over the back, loins, and kneels, while seated upon the hams. The posture is thus des- cribed on Vāchaspatya, viz:--
एकं पादमथैकस्मिन् विन्यस्योरौ तु मंस्थितम् । इतरस्मिन् तथैवोर्द्धं वीरासन मिदं स्मृतम् ॥ उत्तानिते करतले फरमुत्तानितं परम् । आधायाङ्क गतं कृत्वा ध्यायेद्यस्तस्य सोऽन्तरम् ॥
E. परि about, अकि to go, aff. अच्; also र being optionally chang- ed to ल, पल्यङ्क .
- पर्य्यङ्कबन्धन :: n. (-नं) Binding a cloth round the knees, thighs, and back, as seated on the hams. E. पर्य्यङ्क, and बन्धन binding.
- पर्य्यटन :: n. (-नं) Wandering about, roaming. E. परि about, अटन going.
- पर्य्यनुयोग :: m. (-गः) Asking, inquiring, (with a view to contradict.) E. परि severally, अनु according to, योग fitness.
- पर्य्यन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. Limit, term, boundary, extent. 2. End, termina- tion, close. 3. Side, flank. n. (-न्तं) Far, (limitative,) as किंपर्य्यन्तं or कियत्पर्य्यन्तं, how much, how far. E. परि, and अन्त end.
- पर्य्यन्तभू :: f. (-भूः) Ground contiguous to the skirts of a river or moun- tain, &c. E. परि about, अन्त term, भू earth.
- पर्य्यन्तस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Limitative, boundary, confining. E. पर्य्यन्त, and स्थ what stays.
- पर्य्यन्तस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bounding, confining. E. पर्य्यन्त, and स्थित placed.
- पर्य्यन्तिका :: f. (-का) Loss of all good qualities, depravity. E. परि com- pletely, अन्त end, ठन् aff.
- पर्य्यन्य :: m. (-न्यः) 1. A name of INDRA. 2. A thunder cloud. 3. The mut- tering of clouds. E. पृष् to sprinkle, अन्य Unādi aff., य substituted for ष; it is also read पर्ज्जन्य .
- पर्य्यय :: m. (-यः) 1. Contrariety, opposition. 2. Irregular or inverted order. 3. Neglect of enjoined or customary observances. 4. Re- volution, lapse, expiration. 5. Change, alteration. 6. Confusion. E. परि improperly, अय् to go or be, aff. अच् .
- पर्य्ययण :: n. (-णं) 1. A horse's saddle or housings. 2. Walking round. E. परि about, अयण going.
- पर्य्यवदात :: f. (-ता) Quite pure or clean.
- पर्य्यवसान :: n. (-नं) 1. End, conclusion. 2. Determination. E. परि, and अवसान end. परि + अव + सो-भावे ल्युट् ।
- पर्य्यवसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Finished, completed, concluded. 2. Perished. E. परि and अवसित ended.
- पर्य्यवस्था :: f. (-स्था) Opposition, contradiction. E. परि opposition, अवस्था staying, station. परि + अव + स्था-अङ् ।
- पर्य्यवस्थातृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Opposing, obstructing, opposed to or against. m. (-ता) An antagonist, an opponent, an enemy. E. परि against, अव before, स्था to stand or be, aff. तृच् .
- पर्य्यवस्थान :: n. (-नं) Opposition, resistance, contradiction. E. परि against, अव being, स्थान standing.
- पर्य्यवस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Opposed to, siding with an enemy. E. परि adverse, अवस्थित staying.
- पर्य्यश्रु :: mfn. (-श्रुः -श्रुः -श्रु) Filled or suffused with tears. E. परि, and अश्रु a tear.
- पर्य्यवष्टब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) Surrounded, invested. E. परि, and अवष्टब्ध stopped.
- पर्य्यवष्टम्मन :: n. (-नं) Surrounding, investing. E. परि, and अवष्टम्मन obs- tructing.
- पर्य्यसन :: n. (-नं) 1. Casting, sending. 2. Putting off or away. 3. Throw- ing. E. परि, and अस् to throw, भावे ल्युट् aff.
- पर्य्यस्यत् :: mfn. (-स्यन् -स्यन्ती -स्यत्) 1. Going forth, issuing. 2. Investing, oversetting. 3. Scattering. E. परि before, अस् to throw, शतृ aff.
- पर्य्यस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Fallen, descended, alighted. 2. Thrown
down or off. 3. Overturned, upset. 4. Struck, killed. 5. Dismissed, laid aside. 6. Bound, surrounded. E. परि round, &c. अस्त thrown.
- पर्य्यस्तिका :: f. (-का) 1. A bed. 2. Sitting upon the hams: (see पर्य्यङ्क) E. परि about, अस् to be, aff, क्तिन्, and कन् added.
- पर्य्याकुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Agitated, anxious. f. (ला) 1. Turbid. 2. Con- fused, disordered. E. परि, and आकुल agitated.
- पर्य्यागलत् :: mfn. (-लन् -लन्ती -लत्) Dropping, falling. E. परि, and आङ् before, गल् to fall, शतृ aff.
- पर्य्याचान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Sipped, (as water, to rinse the mouth whilst eating.) E. परि, and आचान्त sipped.
- पर्य्याण :: n. (-णं) A saddle, a pack-saddle or cloth serving for one. E. परि about, इण् to go. form irr, or परि + वा-ल्युट्-पृषो ।
- पर्य्याप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Obtained, gained. 2. Able, adequate. 3. All, complete, entire, enough, sufficient. n. adv. (-प्तं) 1. Willing, readily. 2. Ably, powerfully. 3. Satisfactorily. 4. Unwillingly. E. परि before, आप् to acquire, aff. भावे क्त ।
- पर्य्याप्तभोग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Possessing or enjoying a sufficiency. E. पर्य्याप्त, and भोग enjoyment.
- पर्य्याप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) 1. Willingness, readiness. 2. Obtaining, acquiring. 3. Satisfaction, repletion, satiety. 4. Entireness, fulness, sufficiency. 5. Adequacy, competency, fitness. 6. Discrimination or distinction of objects according to their natural properties. 7. Preserving, guarding. 8. Warding off a blow. E. परि exceeding, आप्ति obtain- ing.
- पर्य्याय :: m. (-यः) 1. Order, arrangement, regular and methodical dis- posal or succession. 2. Manner, kind. 3. Opportunity, occasion. 4. Manufacture, preparation, artificial production. 5. Property of substances, as bitter, cooling, &c. 6. Generic or specific charac- ter. 7. Comprehensiveness, aggregation. 8. The text of a voca- bulary, or the order of the synonyms for any term. E. परि suc- cessively, अय् to go or proceed, aff. घञ् .
- पर्य्यायशयन :: n. (-नं) Alternate sleeping and watching. E. पर्य्याय order, शयन sleeping.
- पर्य्यायान्न :: n. (-न्नं) Food that should have been given to some one else, as that of a Sūdra to a Brāhman, &c. E. पर्य्याय, and अन्न food.
- पर्य्याली :: Ind. A particle expressing “harm,” “injury.” E. परि + आ + अल्-इ ऊर्य्यादि ।
- पर्य्यालोचन :: n. (-नं) Looking round or about. 2. Considering, delibera- ting. 3. Knowing, recognising. E. परि, and आङ् before, लोच् to see, aff. भावे ल्युट् .
- पर्य्याविल :: f. (-ला) Very turbid, much soiled.
- पर्य्यास :: m. (-सः) 1. Inverted order or position. 2. End, conclusion. 3. Rotation, revolution. E. परि before, अस् to be, aff. घञ् .
- पर्य्याहार :: m. (-रः) 1. Conveying, taking. 2. A load. 3. A yoke. 4. Stor- ing hay or grain. 5. An ewer, a pitcher. E. परि, and आङ् before, हृ to take, घञ् aff.
- पर्य्युक्षण :: n. (-णं) Sprinkling round water without uttering any mantras.
- पर्य्युत्थान :: n. (-णं) Standing up.
- पर्य्युत्सुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Afflicted, sorrowful, regretting. 2. De- sirous, longing for. E. परि, and उत्सुक unhappy.
- पर्य्युदञ्चन :: n. (-नं) 1. Debt. 2. Raising up, taking out. E. परि severally, उत् over, अञ्च् to go, aff. ल्युट् .
- पर्य्युदस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Prohibited, objected to, (as a ceremony.) 2. Excepted, excluded. E. परि, and उद् before, अस to be, क्त aff.
- पर्य्युदास :: m. (-सः) A prohibitive rule or precept. E. परि, and उद् before, अस् to throw or be, aff. घञ्; also पर्य्युदासन .
- पर्य्युपासन :: n. (-नं) 1. Joining in or concurrence with any act of reve- rence. 2. Service, worship. 3. Courtsey. E. परि, and उपासना worship.
- पर्य्युपासीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Seated or sitting upon. E. परि, and उप before, आसीन seated.
- पर्य्युप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Sown. 2. Set as a gem in a ring, E. परि be- fore, वप् to sow, aff. क्त .
- पर्य्युषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Stale, not fresh. 2. Insipid. 3. Stupid, vain. E. परि about, वस् to abide, aff. क्त .
- पर्य्युषितभोजिन् :: m. (-जी) The eater of stale viands, who will be regener- ated as a maggot or worm. E. पर्य्युषित stale, भोजिन् who eats.
- पर्य्येषणा :: f. (-णा) 1. Research, investigation of duty by reasoning. 2. Search, inquiry in general. E. परि severally, इष् to go, with युच् and टाप् affs.
- पर्य्येष्टि :: f. (-ष्टि) Search, inquiry.
- पर्व :: r. 1st. cl. (पर्वति) To fill. भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- पर्व्वक :: n. (-कं) The knee. E. पर्व्व for पर्व्वन् a joint, aff. कन् .
- पर्व्वकारिन् :: m. (-री) A Brāhman who performs ceremonies for hire out of season. E. पर्व्व, and कारिन् who makes.
- पर्व्वगामिन् :: m. (-मी) A man who associates with his wife on festival or holy days. E. पर्व्व, and गामिन् who goes.
- पर्व्वणिका :: f. (-का) Specks with pain on the edge of the cornea of the eye. E. पर्व्वन्, and कन् added; also पर्व्वणीका .
- पर्व्वत :: m. (-तः) 1. A mountain, a hill. 2. A tree. 3. A sort of potherb. 4. A kind of fish, (Silurus pabda, HAM.) 5. One of the divine Rishis, a friend and rival of NĀRADA, and mentioned in the Mahābhārata. 6. The number “Seven.” E. पर्व्व to fill, Unādi aff. अतच् .
- पर्व्वतकाक :: m. (-कः) A raven. E. पर्व्वत a mountain, and काक a crow.
- पर्व्वतज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Mountain, mountain-born. f. (-जा) Ariver. E. पर्व्वत a mountain, and ज born.
- पर्व्वतवासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Living, &c. in the mountains. f. (-नी) 1. A name of DURGĀ. 2. The Gayatrī. E. पर्व्वत, and वासिन् who dwells.
- पर्व्वताधारा :: f. (-रा) The earth. E. पर्व्वत a mountain, and आधार a recep- tacle or stay.
- पर्व्वतारि :: m. (-रिः) A name of INDRA. E. पर्व्वत a mountain, and अरि an enemy.
- पर्व्वताशय :: m. (-यः) A cloud. E. पर्व्वत a mountain, and आशय asylum.
- पर्व्वताश्रय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Mountaineer, living, &c. in mountains. m. (-यः) A fabulous animal, the Śarabha. E. पर्व्वत, and आश्रय abode.
- पर्व्वतीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Mountainous, mountaineer, &c. E. पर्व्वत moun- tain, छ aff.
- पर्व्वधि :: m. (-धिः) The moon. E. पर्व्व a day of the month, and धि who has.
- पर्व्वन् :: n. (-र्व्वं) 1. A knot, a joint in a cane or body, &c. 2. A name given to certain days in the lunar month, as the full and change of the moon, and the 8th and 14th of each half month. 3. Par- ticular periods of the year, as the equinox, solstice, &c. 4. The moment of the sun's entering a new sign. 5. A festival, a holy day. 6. Opportunity, occasion. 7. A chapter, a book, the divi- sion of a work. 8. A moment, an instant. 9. Step of a staircase. E. पॄ to fill or please, Unādi aff. वनिप् .
- पर्व्वपुष्पी :: f. (-ष्पी) A plant, also called Rāmadūti. E. पर्व्व a joint, and पुष्प a flower.
- पर्व्वपूर्णता :: f. (-ता) 1. Preparations for an assembly or festival. 2. Join- ing, uniting. 3. Completion of a festival. E. पर्व्व a festival, and पूर्णता completion.
- पर्व्वयोनि :: m. (-निः) A cane or reed, the sugarcane, &c. E. पर्व्व a joint, and योनि place of production.
- पर्व्वरीण :: n. (-णं) A festival, &c.: see पर्व्वन् .
- पर्व्वरुह् :: m. (-रुट्) The pomegranate. E. पर्व्व a joint, and रुह what grows.
- पर्व्वसन्धि :: m. (-न्धिः) The full and change of the moon, the junction of the 15th and 1st of a lunar fortnight, or the precise moment of
the full and change of the moon. E. पर्व्व a joining of the month, and सन्धि union.
- पर्व्वावधि :: m. (-धिः) A peculiar period, the end of a Parva, &c. E. पर्व्व as above, and अवधि limit.
- पर्व्वित :: m. (-तः) A sort of fish, (Silurus pabda, HAM.)
- पर्शु :: m. (-र्शुः) An axe, a hatchet. E. पर an enemy, शृ to destroy, Unādi aff. कु, deriv. irr,; or स्पृश् to touch, changed to पृ, and शुन् Unādi aff.; also परशु .
- पर्शुका :: f. (-का) A rib. E. पृ to fill, to complete, शुन् aff. and कन् added.
- पर्शुपाणि :: m. (-णिः) A name of GAṆEŚA. E. पशु an axe, and पाणि the hand, holding an axe, in one hand.
- पर्शुराम :: m. (-मः) The first of three RĀMAS, being the sixth Avatār of VISHṆU, as the son of the Muni JAMADAGNI. E. पर्शु an axe, and राम RĀMA; also परशुराम .
- पर्श्वध :: m. (-धः) An axe, a hatchet.
- पर्ष :: r. 1st cl. (पर्षते) 1. To be kind or affectionate to. 2. To be moist. भ्वा० आत्म० सक० सेट् ।
- पर्षद् :: f. (-षद् or षत्) An assembly, an audience. E. पृष् to please, Unādi aff. अदि; also परिषद् .
- पर्षद्वल :: m. (-लः) An assistant at an assembly, a spectator, &c. E. पर्षद् as above, वलच् aff.
- पल :: r. 1st cl. (पलति) To go, to move. भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- पल :: r. 1st cl. (पालयति-ते) To protect. चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- पल :: n. (-लं) 1. A weight of gold or silver equal to four Karshas or Suvarnas; also of four or of eight Tolās, or in common use, of three Tolās, two Māshas, and eight Rattis. 2. A moment, the sixtieth part of an Indian hour. 3. Flesh. m. (-लः) Straw after threshing, &c. E. पल् to go, to move, aff. अच् ।
- पलक्षार :: m. (-रः) Blood. E. पल flesh, and क्षार what oozes.
- पलगण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A bricklayer, a plasterer. E. पल flesh or mortar, compared to it, and गण्ड a mark or spot.
- पलङ्कट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Timid, fearful, frightened. E. पल flesh, कट् to go, aff. स्वच्; whose flesh shrinks with fear.
- पलङ्कर :: m. (-रः) Bile. E. पल flesh, कर what makes.
- पलङ्कष :: m. (-षः) 1. A Rākshasa, an imp or goblin. mf. (-षः-षा) The Bdellium tree. f. (-षा) 1. A plant, (Ruellia longifolia.) 2. The ichneumon plant: see रास्ना . 3. The Palāsh tree, (Butea frondosa.) 4. Lac, the animal dye. 5. A creeper: see मुण्डीरी . E. पल flesh, and कष what injures, aff. खच् .
- पलभा :: f. (-भा) The mid-day shadow of a gnomon, when the sun is in the equinoctial points.
- पलल :: n. (-लं) 1. Flesh. 2. Mud, mire, clay. 2. Oil-cake or sesamum seed. m. (-लः) A Rākshasa, a goblin or imp. E. पल् to go, Unādi aff. कलच्; or पल flesh, and ला to get, aff. क .
- पललज्वर :: m. (-रः) Bile. E. पलल flesh, ज्वर heat.
- पललप्रिय :: m. (-यः) A raven. E. पलल, and प्रिय fond of.
- पललाशय :: m. (-यः) Swelled neck, bronchocele. E. पलल flesh, आशय asylum.
- पलव :: m. (-वः) A snare or basket of wicker work for catching fish. E. पल flesh, and वा to get, aff. अच् .
- पलाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) Bile, the bilious humour. E. पल flesh, अग्नि fire.
- पलाङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) The Gangetic porpoise. E. पल flesh, गम् to go or get, aff. ड .
- पलाण्डु :: m. (-ण्डुः) An onion. E. पल् to preserve (from disease,) अण्डु aff.
- पलाद :: mf. (-दः-दा) A Rākshasa, male or female. E. पल flesh, अद who eats; also पलादन mf. (-नः-नी).
- पलाप :: m. (-पः) 1. A halter. 2. An elephant's temples. E. पल + आप-घञ् .
- पलापहा :: f. (-हा) A collyrium: see कुलत्था .
- पलायन :: n. (-नं) Flight, retreat. E. परा from, अय् to go, ल्युट् aff. र changed to ल .
- पलायमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Running away. E. परा before, अय् to go, शानच् aff.
- पलायनपरायण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Fugitive. E. पलायन, and परायण addic- ted to.
- पलायित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Defeated, flown, run away, retreated. E. पलायन flying, इतच् aff., or परा + अय्गत्यर्थत्वात्-कर्त्तरि क्त रस्य लः ।
- पलाल :: mn. (-लः-लं) Straw. E. पल् to go, Unādi aff. कालन् .
- पलालदोहद :: m. (-दः) The mango tree. E. पलाल straw, दोहद wishing, requiring straw for manure, or from the fruit being sometimes ripened in straw.
- पलाश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) 1. Green. 2. Unfeeling, unmerciful, cruel. n. (-शं) A leaf. m. (-शः) 1. A tree bearing red blossoms, (Butea frondosa.) 2. A demon, a goblin. 3. A sort of Curcuma, (C. re- clinata, Rox.) 4. Ancient Behār or Magadha. f. (-शी) 1. Lac. 2. A kind of creeper. E. पल going, or flesh, अश् to spread, to eat, aff. अण् or अच् .
- पलाशक :: m. (-कः) 1. Curcuma reclinata. 2. The Palāsh tree. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- पलाशाख्य :: m. (-ख्यः) Asafœtida.
- पलाशाम्भा :: f. (-म्भा) Ajwaen: see गन्धपत्रा .
- पलाशिन् :: m. (-शी) 1. A tree in general. 2. A goblin. 3. A sort of Mimusops, (M. kauki, Rox.) E. पलाश a leaf, इनि aff.
- पलिक्नी :: f. (-क्नी) 1. An old or greyheaded woman. 2. A cow with calf. E. पलित grey hair, aff. ङीप्, and क्न substituted for तः see पलित .
- पलिघ :: m. (-घः) 1. A glass vessel. 2. A water pot. 3. The gate way of a building. 4. A wall, a rampart. 5. A cowpen. 6. An iron club. E. परि completely, हन् to injure; घ substituted for the radical, and र changed to लः see परिघ .
- पलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -ती-तं) Grey-haired, old. m. (-तः) An old man. f. (-ता) An old woman. n. (-तं) 1. Greyness of the hair. 2. Much or ornamented hair. 3. Heat, burning. 4. Mud, mire. 5. Benzoin. E. पल् to go, (towards death,) Unādi aff. भावे क्त, or पल flesh, &c. and इतच् aff.
- पल्यङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) A bedstead. E. See पर्य्यङ्क, र being changed to ल .
- पल्ययन :: n. (-नं) 1. A saddle, a pack-saddle. 2. A rein, a bridle. E. परि before, अयन going, र changed to ल .
- पल्युल :: r. 10th cl. (पल्युलयति-ते) 1. To cut. 2. To purify; also written पल्युल्ल and पल्यूल &c. अद० चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- पल्यूल :: r. 10th cl. (पल्यूलयति-ते) 1. To cut. 2. To purify; also पल्युल and पल्युल्ल .
- पल्ल :: r. 1st cl. (पल्लति) To go. भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- पल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) 1. A large basket or matted shed used for keeping corn, &c. 2. A large granary. f. (-ल्ली) 1. A small village. 2. A city, or rather an affix to words forming the name of a town; it is espe- cially used in the Dekhin, as in Trichinopoly or Trisira-palli, &c. 3. A small house-lizard. 4. A creeping plant. E. पल्ल् to go, aff. अच्; also with इन् aff. पल्लि . or पदं लाति ला-क, पादस्थाने पत् ।
- पल्लव :: mn. (-वः-वं) 1. A sprout, a shoot, the extremity of a branch bearing new leaves. 2. A branch. 3. Spreading, expansion. 4. A wood. 5. The red dye of lac or Alakta. 6. Love, the sentiment or passion. 7. A catamite. 8. A bracelet. 9. Unsteadiness, moral or physical. E. पद् the foot, लू to cut or break, अप् aff.
- पल्लवक :: m. (-कः) 1. The paramour of a harlot, a libertine. 2. A kind of fish, (Cyprinus denticulatus.) 3. A catamite. 4. The Aśoka tree. E. पल्लव love, and कन् aff.
- पल्लवद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) The Aśoka tree. E. पल्लव, and द्रु a tree.
- पल्लवाद :: m. (-दः) A deer. E. पल्लव a shoot, अद् to eat, aff. अच् .
- पल्लवाधार :: m. (-रः) A branch. E. पल्लव a sprout, and आधार receptacle.
- पल्लवास्त्र :: m. (स्त्रः) KĀMADEVA E. पल्लव a sprout or blossom, and अस्त्र a weapon.
- पल्लविक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Amorous, desirous. 2. A libertine 3. A catamite. E. पल्लव passion, ठक् aff.
- पल्लवित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Having new sprouts. 2. Spread, extended. 3. Dyed red with Lac. m. (-तः) The red dye of the lac insect. E. पल्लव a sprout, &c. इतच् aff.
- पल्लविन् :: m. (-वी) A tree. E. पल्लव a sprout, aff. इनि .
- पल्लि(ल्ली) :: f. (-ल्लिः) 1. A small village. 2. Any village. 3. A house. 4. A number of houses. 5. Any place or station. 6. A house-lizard: see पल्ल .
- पल्लिका :: f. (का) 1. A House-lizard. 2. A small village. E. पल्ली, and कन् added.
- पल्वल :: mn. (-लः-लं) A small pond. E. पल् to go, Unādi aff. वल .
- पल्वलावास :: m. (-सः) A tortoise. E. पल्वल a pond, and आवास abode.
- पव :: m. (-वः) 1. Winnowing corn. 2. A marsh. 3. Air, wind. 4. Puri- fication, purity. n. (-वं) Cow-dung. E. पू to purify, aff. अप् .
- पवत् :: mfn. (-वन् -वन्ती -वत्) Pure, purifying. E. पू to be pure, शतृ aff.
- पवन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Pure, clean. m. (-नः) 1. Air, wind, physical or personified, as a deity. 2. Winnowing grain. 3. The domestic fire. n. (-नं) 1. A potter's kiln. 2. Water. 3. Purifying, purification. E. पू to be or make pure, aff. ल्युट् or युच् .
- पवनव्याधि :: m. (-धिः) 1. Uddhava, one of KRISHṆA'S friends and advisers. 2. Wind, as affected morbidly, or rheumatism, &c. E. पवन, and व्याधि sickness.
- पवनात्मज :: m. (-जः) 1. Hanumān, the monkey hero. 2. Fire. 3. A name of Bhima. E. पवन wind (the deity,) and आत्मज son.
- पवनाल :: m. (-लः) A kind of grain, (Andropogon saccharatus.) (देधान) ।
- पवनाश :: m. (-शः) A snake. E. पवन wind, and अश who eats.
- पवनाशन :: m. (-नः) A snake. E. पवन wind, and अशन food.
- पवनाशनाश :: m. (-शः) 1. Garuda, the bird and vehicle of VISHṆU. 2. A peacock. E. पवनाशन a snake, and अश who eats; feeding on the serpent race.
- पवनाहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Shaken by the wind. 2. Rheumatic. E. पवन and आहत struck.
- पवनेष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) A large kind of Nimba tree. “महानिम्” ।
- पवनोम्बुज :: m. (-जः) The Porush tree: see परुष . E. पवन air, अम्बु water, and ज born.
- पवमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Purifying. m. (-नः) 1. Air, wind. 2. Household fire or the sacred fire called Garhapatya. E. पूञ् to purify, शानच् aff.
- पवमानात्मज :: m. (-जः) The householder's perpetual fire. E. पवमान, and आत्मज son.
- पवाका :: f. (-का) A whirlwind. E. पू to purify, आक Unādi aff.
- पवि :: m. (-विः) The thunderbolt of INDRA. E. पू to purify, Unādi aff. इ ।
- पवित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Purified, cleansed. n. (-तं) Black-pepper. E. पू to purify, क्त aff.
- पवितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Purifying, cleansing. E. पू to purify, तृन् aff.
- पवित्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) 1. Pure, clean, purified physically or morally. 2. Who or what cleans, or purifies, &c. n. (-त्रं) 1. Sacrifical grass, (Poa cynosuroides.) 2. Copper. 3. Water. 4. Rain. 5. Rubbing, cleansing. 6. The vessel in which an Argha or libation or oblation is presented. 7. The Brāhminical cord. 8. Ghee. 9. Honey. 10. A couple of Kusa leaves a span long, used at sacrifices to present offerings upon, or to sprinkle Ghee, &c. 11. Kusa grass used to clean or purify Ghee used in a sacrifice. 12. A ring of Kusa grass worn on the fourth finger on some occa- sions. 13. A text or Mantra of the Vedas. 14. Any divinity, as Agni, &c. f. (-त्रा) 1. Holy basil, (Ocymum sanctum.) 2. The name of a river, a little to the north-west of Haridwār; the Pabar. 3. The twelfth of the light fortnight of Srāvana, a festival in honour of VISHṆU. E. पू to purify, aff. करणे इत्र .
- पवित्रक :: n. (-कं) Packthread, or a rope or net made of it. E. पवित्र pure, क aff. अश्वत्थवृक्षे, उदुम्बरवृक्षे, कुशे, दमनकवृक्षे, शणसूत्र निर्मिते जाले ।
- पवित्रारोपण :: n. (-णं) 1. Investiture with the Brāhminical cord. 2. In- vesting the image of KRISHṆA with it, on the twelfth of the light fortnight of Srāvana. E. पवित्र, and आरोपण placing.
- पवित्रारोहण :: n. (-णं) The putting of the Brāhminical cord on images of DURGĀ on the eighth of the light half of Srāvana or Āshārh. E. पवित्र, and आरोहण mounting.
- पवित्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Clean, pure, (literally or metaphorically.) E. पवित्र purifying, इतच् aff.
- पवित्रीकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Purification, cleansing. 2. The instrument or means of purifying. E. पवित्र, and करण making, च्वि augment.
- पवित्रीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Purified, cleansed. E. पवित्र, and कृत made, च्वि augment.
- पवीनस :: m. (-सः) Name of an Asura said to be the destroyer of the child while in the womb.
- पवीर :: n. (-रं) 1. An weapon. 2. The thunder. 3. A plough-share. E. पवि, the thunder-bolt, and स्वार्थे ईर aff.
- पश (ष-स) :: r. 1st cl. (पशति-ते) r. 10th cl. (पाशयति-ते पशयति-ते) 1. To bind, to fetter. 2. To knot or tie. 3. To go, to move. 4. To hinder or obstruct. 5. To touch. बाधे भ्वा, पक्षे अद० बन्धे-चु-उभ-सक-सेट् .
- पशव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. Fit or advantageous for cattle, (meadow, pasturage; &c.) 2. Possessed of or relating to a cattle. 3. Brutish. E. पशु, and यत् aff.
- पशु :: m. (-शुः) 1. An animal in general, a beast. 2. A goat. 3. A subor- dinate deity and one of SĪVA'S followers. 4. Any living be- ing. 5. A sacrifice, an oblation. 6. The divine soul of the universe. 7. The glomerous fig tree. ind. See, behold. E. दृश् to see, पश substituted, and कु Unādi aff.
- पशुका :: f. (-का) Any small animal. E. पशु, and कन् dimin. aff.
- पशुक्रिया :: f. (-या) 1. Copulation, coition. 2. The act of animal sacrifice. E. पशु an animal, and क्रिया action.
- पशुगायत्री :: f. (-त्री) A parody of the holy verse of the Vedas, whispered into the ear of an animal about to be sacrificed. E. पशु, and गायत्री the Gāyatrī.
- पशुघात :: n. (-तं) Slaughter of animals for sacrifice, &c. E. पशु, and घात killing.
- पशुता :: f. (-ता) The condition or nature of an animal, bestiality, bru- tality. E. तल् added to पशु .
- पशुत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Sacrifice of an animal. 2. Nature of an animal, E. पशु, and त्व aff.
- पशुधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) 1. Action, property, or treatment of animals. 2. Pro- miscuous cohabitation. 3. The marrying of widows. E. पशु, and धर्म्म office.
- पशुपति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A herdsman. 2. A name of ŚIVA. E. पशु living creature, and पति the master, the creator, or preserver; or पशु SĪVA'S attendant, and पति master; or according to one legend, पशु an animal, which every deity acknowledged himself to be before his lord and master ŚIVA, when they solicited him to destroy the Asura TRIPURĀ.
- पशुपल्वल :: n. (-लं) A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) कैवर्त्तीमुस्तके ।
- पशुपाल :: m. (-लः) A herdsman. E. पशु, and पाल who cherishes.
- पशुपालन :: n. (-नं) Tending or rearing cattle. E. पशु, and पालन protecting.
- पशुप्रेरण :: n. (-णं) Driving cattle. E. पशु a beast, प्रेरण sending.
- पशुयाग :: m. (-गः) Sacrifice of animals. E. पशु, and याग sacrifice.
- पशुरक्षण :: n. (-णं) Tending cattle. E. पशु, and रक्षण preserving.
- पशुरक्षिन् :: m. (-क्षी) A herdsman, a shepherd. E. पशु, and रक्षिन् who guards.
- पशुरज्जु :: m. (-ज्जुः) A string or tie for fastening cattle. E. पशु an animal, and रज्जु a rope.
- पशुराज :: m. (-जः) A lion. E. पशु a beast, and राज sovereign.
- पशुरोमन् :: n. (-म) The hair of an animal. E. पशु, and रोमन् hair of the body.
- पशुसम्मव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Produced by an animal, (flesh, honey, butter, &c.) E. पशु, and सम्मव product.
- पशुहरीतकी :: f. (-की) The hog plum. E. पशु an animal, हरीतकी myro- balan. आम्रातकफले ।
- पशुहव्य :: n. (-व्यं) Sacrifice of animals. E. पशु, and हव्य oblation.
- पश्चात् :: ind. After, afterwards, behind, westward. E. पश्च, considered as a substitute for अपर, and आति aff.
- पश्चात्ताप :: m. (-पः) Repentance. E. पश्चात् afterwards, ताप sorrow.
- पश्चार्द्ध :: mfn. (-र्द्धः -र्द्धा -र्द्धं) The remaining half or part of any thing. E. पश्च for अपर, and अर्द्ध a part.
- पश्चिम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. West, western. 2. Behind, after. mf. (-मः-मा) The region of VARUṆA, the west. E. पश्चात् behind, and डिमच् aff.; Hindus in their prayers, usually facing the east; and conse- quently having the west behind them.
- पश्य :: ind. An exclamation of wonder or admiration, (lo, behold, see.) E. दृश् to see, deriv. irr. also पश्यतु and पशु .
- पश्य :: mfn. (श्यः-श्या-श्यं) Who or what sees. E. पश्य for दृश् to see, श aff.
- पश्यत् :: mfn. (-श्यन् -श्यन्ती -श्यत्) 1. Looking, seeing. 2. Remarking, consi- dering. f. (-न्ती) 1. A harlot, a courtezan. 2. A particular sound. E. दृश् to see, शतृ aff. of the present participle, and root irr.
- पश्यतस् :: ind. Visibly, in sight. E. पश्य, and तसि aff.
- पश्यतोहर :: m. (-रः) A thief, a pilferer, but one who steals in presence of the parties, and proverbially applied to the goldsmith, &c. E. पश्यतस् in presence of, and हर who takes.
- पश्ववदान :: n. (-नं) Sacrifice of offering of animals. E. पशु, and अवदान oblation.
- पश्याचार :: m. (-रः) Worship of DEVI. E. पशु, and आचार instituted observance.
- पष :: r. 10th. cl. (पाषयति पषयति) 1. To bind, to tie. 2. To move. 3. To oppose, to hinder. 4. To touch.
- पस :: r. 1st. and 10. cls. (पसति-ते पासयति पसयति) 1. To bind, to fetter, to tie, to string. 2. To touch. 3. To oppose, to obstruct, to hinder. 4. To go, to move. 5. To injure or kill. (इ) पसि r. 1st and 10th. cls. (पंसति पंसयति-ते) To annul, to annihilate or destroy. चु-उभ-सक- सेट-इदित् ।
- पस्त्य :: n. (स्त्यं) A house, E. पस्-भावे क्तिन्, तत्र साधु यत् ।
- पस्पश :: m. (-शः) Name of the 1st Āhnika of the first chapter of Patanjalīs Mahābhāsya; (hence) An introductory chapter generally.
- पह्नव :: m. (-वः) The name of one of the degraded Kshetriya races sentenced by SAGARA to wear beards, perhaps a Parthian.
- पह्निका :: f. (-का) A plant, (Pistia stratiotes.)
- पह्लिक :: m. plu. (-कः) Name of a people, (perhaps the Persians.)
- पांक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Linear, in or by line, or row. E. पंक्ति a line, aff. अण् .
- पांश(स)न :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नी-नं) 1. Vitiating, spoiling. 2. Wicked. f. (ना or नी; generally used at the end of a compound.) 1. Disgraceful, dishonouring, as in कुलपांशन .
- पांश(स)व :: mf. (-वः-वी) 1. Rock or fossile salt. 2. Consisting of dust. E. पांशु dust, and अण् aff.
- पांशु(सु) :: m. (-शुः or सुः) 1. Dust. 2. Manure. 3. Landed property. 4. A kind of camphor. E. पशि to bind, Unādi aff. कु; also पांसु .
- पांशुका :: f. (-का) 1. A menstruous woman. 2. A fragrant plant, (Panda- nus odoratissimus.)
- पांशुकासीस :: n. (-सं) Sulphate of iron. E. पाशु dust, and कासीस the same.
- पांशुकुली :: f. (-ली) A principal road, E. पांशु dust, कुल a heap.
- पांशुकूल :: n. (-लं) 1. A dust-heap. 2. A black lease, a title deed, one not made out in any person's name. E. पांशु landed property, कूल a mound, (as it were.)
- पांशु(सु)चत्वर :: m. (-रः) Hail. E. पांशु dust, चत्वर a level space.
- पांशुचन्दन :: m. (-नः) A name of ŚIVA. E. पांशु dust, चन्दन Sandal.
- पांशुचामर :: m. (-रः) 1. A tent. 2. A bank overgrown with Durbā grass. 3. A Praise. 4. A heap of dust. 5. A small cucumber. E. पांशु dust, चामर a chowri.
- पांशु(सु)ज :: n. (-जं) Salt extracted from soil, rock or fossile salt. E. पांशु dust, ज born.
- पांशुपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A potherb, (Chenopodium.) E. पांशु dust, and पत्र leaf.
- पांशुमर्द्दन :: m. (-नः) A channel or basin for water, near or about the root of a tree. E. पांशु dust, and मर्द्दन destroying. “केदारक्षेत्रेच” ।
- पांशुव :: m. (-वः) A cripple: see पीठसर्पिन् .
- पांशुर :: m. (-रः) 1. A gadfly. 2. A cripple carried or moving about in a chair. E. पांशु dust, and रा to get, क or ड aff. (डांश)
- पांशुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Dusty, covered or spotted with dust. 2. Sullied, defiled. 3. Disgracing. m. (-लः) 1. A name of ŚIVA. 2. One of SĪVA'S weapons; a sort of pole armed at the upper end with transverse pieces, representing the breastbone and ribs adjoining, and surmounted by a skull; also खट्वाङ्ग . 3. A paramour, a gallant. 4. A kind of tree, (Cæsalpinia bonducella.) f. (-ला) 1. An unchaste woman. 2. A woman during mens- truation. 3. The earth. E. पांशु dust, लच् aff.
- पांशुवर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) A shower or fall of dust. E. पांशु, and वर्ष rain.
- पांसक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Contemptible, vile. 2. Vitiating, spoiling. E. पसि to destroy, ण्वुल् aff.
- पांसन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Contemptible, wicked, bad, infamous. 2. Vitiating, spoiling, destructive. E. पसि to destroy, &c. aff. ल्युट् .
- पांसु :: m. (-सुः) 1. Dust. 2. Manure. 3. A kind of camphor. E. पसि to bind, &c., aff. कु, also पांशु .
- पा :: r. 1st. cl. (पिवति) To drink. r. 2nd. cl. (पाति) To cherish, to nourish, to protect or preserve. पाने, भ्वा-पर-सक-अनिट् । रक्षणे, अदा-पर-सक-सेट् ।
- पा :: mfn. (पाः-पाः-पं) 1. Who drinks. 2. Who protects or cherishes. 3. To feast on, (with the eyes or ears.) 4. To absorb, to swallow up, to destroy. E. पा to drink, &c. क्विप् aff.
- पाक :: m. (-कः) 1. Maturity, natural or artificial, as the state of being cooked or ripened. 2. Cooking, baking, boiling, dressing food. 3. A vessel in which any thing is dressed, a saucepan, a boiler, &c. 4. Digestion, assimilation of food. 5. Suppuration, ripeness of a boil. 6. Greyness of the hair. 7. General panic, or the sub- version of a country. 8. Fear. 9. An owl. 10. The name of a demon. 11. Completion. 12. The consequence of an act done. 13. Domestic fire. 14. Grain, corn. 15. Fruit, fruition. mf. (-कः-का) The young of animals. E. पच् to be or become ripe, aff. भावे-घञ्; or पा to nourish, Unādi aff. कन् .
- पाककृष्ण :: m. (-ष्णः) The Caronda tree, (Carissa carondas.) E. पाक ripen- ing, कृष्ण black; bearing a black fruit when ripe; also other similar compounds, पाककृष्णफल, कृष्णपाक, &c. “पानाम्ला” ।
- पाकज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced by cooking, maturing, &c. n. (-जं) 1. Black-salt. 2. Flatulence. E. पाक, and ज born.
- पाकपात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A cooking utensil, a boiler, &c. E. पाक, and पात्र a vessel.
- पाकपुटी :: f. (-टी) A potter's kiln. E. पाक backing, पुट् to heap, affs. क and ङीप् .
- पाकफल :: m. (-लः) The Caronda. E. पाक ripe, फल fruit, (black under- stood;) see पाककृष्णफल; also पाकफलकृष्ण, फलपाक, &c.
- पाकभाण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) A culinary utensil. E. पाक, and भाण्ड a vessel.
- पाकमत्स्य :: m. (-त्स्यः) Fish sauce. E. पाक cooking, मत्स्य fish.
- पाकयज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) An oblation offered on building a house, liberating a bull, &c. or a religious rite of four kinds, oblation to the VISWADEVAS, offerings to the spirits, the permanent obsequial rites, and hospitality. E. पाक, and यज्ञ sacrifice; the distribu- tion of food being a part of each of these ceremonies.
- पाकयज्ञिक :: m. (-कः) The performer of the ceremony called Pāk-yajna, E. पाकयज्ञ, aff. ठञ् .
- पाकरञ्जन :: n. (-नं) The leaf of the Laurus cassia. E. पाक cooking, रञ्ज् to colour, aff. णिच्-ल्यु “तेजपत्रे” ।
- पाकल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Producing maturity. 2. Suppurative, pro- ducing suppuration in a boil. n. (-लं) A sort of Costus, (C. spe- ciosus.) m. (-लः) 1. Fine. 2. Wind. 3. Fever in an elephant. f. (-ली) A sort of cucumber, (C. utilatissimus.) E. पाक ripeness, ला to get, aff. ड .
- पाकलि :: m. (-लिः) A sort of plant, (Bauhinia candida.) रोहिणीवृक्षे ।
- पाकशाला :: f. (-ला) A kitchen. E. पाक cooking, शाला a hall.
- पाकशासन :: m. (-नः) INDRA. E. पाक a demon, शासन ruling, overcoming.
- पाकशासनि :: m. (-निः) 1. “Jayanta” the son of INDRA. 2. A name of Vāli. 3. A name of Arjuna. E. पाकशासन INDRA, इञ् aff. of descent.
- पाकशुक्ला :: f. (-क्ला) Chalk. E. पाक cooking, burning, शुक्ल white.
- पाकस्थान :: n. (-नं) A kitchen. E. पाक cooking, स्थान a place.
- पाकिम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Cooked, dressed, ripened, naturally or artificially. E. पाक cooking, इमनिच् aff.
- पाकुक :: m. (-कः) A cook. E. पच् to cook, Unādi aff. उकञ्, चस्य कश्च ।
- पाक्य :: mfn. (-क्यः -क्या -क्यं) What may or is to be cooked, matured, &c. n. (क्यं) Bit-Labana, a medicinal salt, impregnated with iron. m. (-क्यः) Nitre, salt-petre. E. पच् to cook, aff. कर्मणि ण्यत् .
- पाक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षी -क्षं) 1. Belonging to a half month. 2. Relating to a side or party, &c. E. पक्ष, and अण् aff.
- पाक्षायण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) Belonging to or occurring in a Pakhsa or fortnight, &c. E. पक्ष half month, &c. and फक् aff.
- पाक्षिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Belonging to a bird, to a fortnight, to an argument, &c. 2. Favouring a party or faction. 3. Optional, allowed but not prescribed. m. (-कः) 1. A fowler, a bird-catcher. 2. An alternative. E. पक्ष a fortnight, or पक्षिन् a bird, aff. ठञ् .
- पाखण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A heretic, a heterodox Hindu, adopting the exterior marks of the classes, but not respecting the ordinances of the Vedas. E. पा for पाल what nourishes, (mankind, as virtue may be said to do,) and खडि to subvert or destroy, aff. अण्; also पाषण्ड .
- पांक्त्य :: m. (-क्त्यः) A Brāhman who is or may be worthy to eat in a res- pectable society at sacrifices, &c. E. पंक्ति an assembly, and अञ् aff.
- पाचक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. What produces maturity. 2. What cooks or dresses. 3. Digestive, tonic, what effects digestion. n. (-कं) The bile which assists in digestion. m. (-कः) 1. Fire. 2. A cook. E. पच् to ripen or concoct, ण्वुल् aff.
- पाचकस्त्री :: f. (-स्त्री) A she-cook. E. पाचक cooking, स्त्री a woman.
- पाचन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) 1. What cooks or ripens, &c. 2. Disgestive. Suppurative. n. (-नं) 1. A medicinal preparation, an infu- sion, a decoction, &c. of various drugs, chiefly carminatives or gentle stimuli given to bring the vitiated humours in fever, &c. to maturity, a sort of diet drink. 2. Penance, expiation. 3. The act of cooking, or ripening. m. (-नः) 1. Fire. 2. Acidity, sourness. f. (-नी) 1. A sort of myrobalan, (Terminalia, chebula.) 2. Cooking, ripening, E. पच् to dress, in the causal form, aff. ल्युट् ।
- पाचनक :: m. (-कः) 1. Borax. n. (-कं) A sort of diet drink: see the last. E. पच् to mature, (metals,) in the causal form, ल्युट् aff., and कन् added. “सोहागा” ।
- पाचल :: n. (-लं) Cooking, maturing. m. (-लः) 1. Fire. 2. Wind. 3. A thing dressed or matured without the aid of fire. 4. What- ever ripens, cooks, causes digestion, &c. E. पच् in the causal form, णिच्वा-कलन् aff.
- पाचा :: f. (-चा) Cooking, maturing. E. पच् to cook, causal v. अङ् and टाप् affs.
- पाचि :: f. (-चिः) Cooking, maturing. E. पच् to cook, इञ् aff.
- पाचिका :: f. (-का) Cooking, maturing. E. पच् to cook, ण्वुल् aff.
- पाजस् :: n. (-जः) Strength, power. E. पा to nourish, असुन् Unādi aff., and जुट् augment.
- पाञ्चकपाल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Relating to or part of that oblation which is offered in five cups. E. पञ्चकपाल, q. v. अण् aff.
- पाञ्चजन्य :: m. (-न्यः) 1. KRISHṆA'S conch. 2. A name of fire. 3. Any shell. 4. A sort of fish, commonly Garāi. E. पञ्चजन a demon, from whose bones the shell was made, यत् aff.
- पाञ्चजन्यधर :: m. (-रः) A name of KRISHṆA. E. पञ्चजन्य the conch, and धर who has.
- पाञ्चयाज्ञिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating or belonging to, or included in the five great ceremonies. n. (-कं) Either of the five great sacra- ments. E. पञ्चयज्ञ, and ठञ् aff.
- पाञ्चभौतिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Consisting or made of the five elements. E. पञ्चभूत, and ठञ् aff.
- पाञ्चलिका :: f. (-का) A doll, a puppet: see पाञ्चालिका ।
- पाञ्चशब्दिक :: n. (-कं) Musical instruments in general, or of five sorts. E. पञ्च, शव्द sound, and ठञ् aff.
- पाञ्चार्थिक :: m. (-कः) A follower or votary of ŚIVA.
- पाञ्चाल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Belonging to, dwelling in, ruling over, &c. the country of Panchāla. m. (-लः) 1. The sovereign of Panchāla. plu. The people of that country. 2. The company or association of five trades, the carpenter, weaver, barber, washerman, and shoemaker. E. पञ्चाल the country so called, and स्वार्थे अण् aff. &c.
- पाञ्चालिका :: f. (-का) A doll, a puppet: see पाञ्चाली ।
- पाञ्चाली :: f. (-ली) 1. A name of DRAUPADĪ, the wife of the five Pāṇḍu princes. 2. A woman of the Panchālas. 3. A puppet, a doll. 4. Melodious combination of five or six words, (In rhetoric). E. पाञ्चाल the country so called, अण्, aff. of descent or reference, and fem. aff. ङीप्; coming from that region; also with कन् added पाञ्चालिका, and by making the second vowel short पाञ्चलिका ।
- पाट् :: ind. A vocative particle or interjection used in calling. E. पट् to go, in the causal form, aff. णिच् क्विप् ।
- पाट :: m. (-टः) Breadth, expanse, extension. f. (-टा) Regular or successive order, series, succession. E. पट् to spread, aff. घञ् ।
- पाटक :: m. (-कः) 1. The half of a village. 2. A shore, a bank, a flight of steps leading to water. 3. Casting dice. 4. A musical instru- ment. 5. A large span. 6. Expense or loss of capital or stock. 7. A splitter, a divider. E. पट् to go, ल्युल् aff.
- पाटच्चर :: m. (-रः) A thief. E. पटच्चर the same, and अण् pleonastic aff.
- पाटन :: n. (-नं) Cutting, breaking. E. पट् to go, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
- पाटल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Of a pink or pale-red colour. m. (-लः) 1. Pale-red, rose colour. 2. Rice ripening in the rains. f. (-ला) 1. The Trumpet- flower, (Bignonia suave-olens.) 2. Red Lodh. 3. A name of DURGĀ. 4. Pale-red. nf. (-लं-ला) 1. The flower of the Bignonia snave-olens. 2. Rice. 3. Saffron. E. पाट extension, and ला to get, aff. ड; also पाटलि; or पट-णिच्-कलच् ।
- पाटलि :: mf. (-लिः) Trumpet-flower. m. (-लिः) Rice ripening in the rains. E. पाटल pale-red, aff. इन् . पट-णिच्-अलि “पारुल पुष्पे”
- पाटलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Made red, tinted red, reddened. E. पाटल, and इतच् aff.
- पाटलिपुत्र :: n. (-त्रं) The name of an ancient city, supposed to be the an- cient Palibothra, and the modern Pātnā; It was the capital of Magadha, situated near the confluence of the Sona and the ganges, and is also known by the name of Pushpapura in Sans- krit literature. E. पाटलि the trumpet flower, पू to be pure, त्रन् aff.; also with कन् added, पाटलिपुत्रक; it is also said to be named after its founder and sovereign, पाटलिपुत्र being a proper name.
- पाटलोपल :: n. (-लं) A ruby. E. पाटल, and उपल, a stone.
- पाटव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Clever, sharp, dexterous. n. (-वं) 1. Cleverness, talent. 2. Health. 3. Eloquence. E. पटु clever, &c. aff. अण् .
- पाटविक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Cunning, crafty, fraudulent. 2. Clever, dexterous. E. पटु clever, ठक् aff.
- पाटहिका :: f. (-का) A small shrub, (Abrus, precatorius.) see गुञ्जा .
- पाटित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Torn, broken, divided. 2. Pierced. E. पट् to divide, in the causal form, aff. क्त .
- पाटिन् :: m. (-टी) A sort of fish described as having many teeth.
- पाटी :: f. (-टीः) 1. Arithmetic. 2. A kind of shrub called Bālā. 3. Regular order. E. पट to go, इन् or ङीप् aff.
- पाटीर :: m. (-रः) A field. 2. A pungent root, a sort of radish. 3. The pith or manna of the bamboo. 4. A cloud. 5. A sieve, a cribble. 6. Tin. 7. Disease arising from wind. 8. Sandal. E. पट् to go, &c. in the causal form, ईरन् aff.; or पटीर + स्वार्थे अण् ।
- पाटूपट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Going, who or what goes. E. पट् to go, अच् aff. and the root repeated, form irr.
- पाठ :: m. (-ठः) 1. Studying the Vedas scriptures, considered as one of the five great sacraments of the Hindus. 2. Reading, perusal or study in general. f. (-ठा) A plant, commonly Akanādi. E. पठ् to read, aff. भावे घञ् .
- पाठक :: m. (-कः) 1. A lecturer, a public reader of the Puraṇās or other sacred works, or a Paṇḍit who declares what is the law or custom according to the scriptures. 2. A spiritual preceptor. 3. A reader, a student. E. पठ् to read, ण्वुल् aff., or पठ, causal v. वुन् aff.
- पाठन :: n. (-नं) Lecturing, teaching. E. पठ् to read, causal v. भावे ल्युट् aff.
- पाठभू :: f. (-भूः) A place where the Vedas are read or studied. E. पाठ reading, (the Vedas,) and भू place.
- पाठमञ्जरी :: f. (-री) A small bird, commonly Sāri, (Gracula religiosa.)
- पाठशाला :: f. (-ला) A college, a school. E. पाठ study, शाला a hall.
- पाठशालिनी :: f. (-नी) A small bird: see पाठमञ्जरी . पाठेन शलते, शल-णिनि-ङीप् .
- पाठान :: m. (-नः) 1. Bdellium. 2. kind of fish.
- पाठित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Instructed, taught, lectured. E. पठ् to read. causal v., क्त aff.
- पाठिन् :: m. (-ठी) 1. A plant. (Plumbago zeylanica.) 2. A Brāhman, especially one who has finished his sacred studies. E. पाठ perusal, and इनि aff.; the virtues of the plant are to be read of in medical works.
- पाठीन :: m. (-नः) A sort of fish, (Silurus boalis, Ham.) 2. A public reader or lecturer on the Purāṇās, &c. 3. A tree: see गुग्गुल . E. पाठी a Brāhman, and ईन् added. “वोयाल” ।
- पाठ्य :: mfn. (-ठ्यः -ठ्या -ठ्यं) To be read or studied. E. पठ् to read, ण्यत् aff.; also पठनीय, &c.
- पाडिनी :: f. (-नी) An earthen pot or boiler.
- पाण :: m. (-णः) 1. Trade, traffic. 2. A trader. 3. An agreement. 4. Praise. 5. The hand. E. पण् to be of price, &c. भावे घञ् aff.
- पाणि :: m. (-णिः) The hand. f. (-णिः) A place of sale, a shop, a market. E. पण् to be of price, &c. Unādi aff. इण् .
- पाणिका :: f. (-का) A sort of spoon or ladle. E. पाणि the hand, कन् aff.
- पाणिगृहीती :: f. (-ती) A bride, one wedded according to the ritual. E. पाणि the hand, and गृहीत taken: see the next: when the com- pound means merely taken by the hand, the form is पाणिगृहीत mfn. (-तः -ता -तं).
- पाणिग्रहण :: n. (णं) 1. Marriage. 2. Laying hold of the hand. E. पाणि the hand, and ग्रहण taking, the junction of the hands of the bride and bridegroom, forming a part of this ceremony.
- पाणिग्रहणिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Matrimonial. E. पाणिग्रहण, and ठक् aff.
- पाणिग्राह :: m. (-हः) 1. Laying hold of the hand. 2. Marriage. E. पाणि, and ग्राह taking.
- पाणिघ :: m. (-घः) 1. A drummer, one who plays on a tabor, &c, with his hands. 2. Playing upon a hand instrument. 3. A workman, a
handicraftsman. E. पाणि the hand, हन् to strike, ठक् aff. and घ substituted for the root.
- पाणिघात :: m. (-तः) 1. Striking with the hands, boxing. 2. A boxer, or one who strikes with his hand. E. पाणि the hand, and घात blow.
- पाणिचापल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Fighting with the hand, snapping the fingers, &c. E. पाणि the hand, चापल्य unsteadiness.
- पाणिज :: m. (-जः) A finger-nail. E. पाणि the hand, जन् to be born, aff. ड .
- पाणितल :: n. (-लं) 1. The palm of the hand. 2. A measure of two Tolās. E. पाणि, and तल below.
- पाणिन :: m. (-नः) A name of Pāṇini: see the next.
- पाणिनि :: m. (-निः) Pāṇini, a Muni and inspired grammarian. E. पाणिन् a proper name and इञ् aff. of descent.
- पाणिनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Connected with or derived from Pāṇini, the grammarian, (as a scholar, a rule, &c.) E. पाणिनि the saint, and छ aff.
- पाणिधम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Who blows through the hands. 2. Obscure. dark, (as a path, where a noise is made with the hands, to frighten away snakes, &c.) E. पाणि the hand, ध्मा to blow or breathe, aff. स्वञ् .
- पाणिन्धय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Who or what drinks from the hand. E. पाणि, and धे to drink, खश् aff.
- पाणिपाद :: n. (-दं) The hands and feet E. पाणि the hand, and पाद the foot.
- पाणिपीडन :: n. (-नं) Marriage. E. पाणि the hand, पीडन paining, taking: see पाणिग्रहण .
- पाणिभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) The glomerous fig tree, (F. glomerata.) E. पाणि the hand, and भुज् what eats.
- पाणिप्तत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Possessed of hands. E. पाणि, and मतुप् aff.
- पाणिमुक्त :: n. (-क्तं) A missile weapon, one thrown with the hand, as a dart, a spear. E. पाणि the hand, and मुक्त loosed.
- पाणिरुह् :: m. (-रुट्) A finger-nail. E. पाणि, and रुह् to grow, क्विप् aff.
- पाणिवाद :: m. (-दः) 1. A drummer, playing on a drum or tabor with the hand. 2. Clapping the hands together. E. पाणि the hand, and वाद who sounds; also with कन् added पाणिवादक .
- पाणिसर्ग्या :: f. (-र्ग्या) A rope, a cord. E. पाणि, the hand, सृज् to go, aff. कर्मणि-ण्यत् .
- पाणिस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Held in the hand. E. पाणि, and स्थ what stays.
- पाणिहोम :: m. (-मः) Offerings made to Brāhmans where consecrated fire is not used. E. पाणि, and होम burnt offering.
- पाणीतल :: n. (-लं) A measure of two Tolās.
- पाणौकरण :: n. (-णं) Marriage. E. पाणौ with the hand, and करण making.
- पाण्डर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Pale or yellowish white. m. (-रः) 1. Pale or yellowish white, (the colour.) 2. A plant, commonly Marūa or Marūvaka. n. (-रं) 1. Many-flowered jasmine. 2. Red chalk. E. पडि to go, अर् Unādi aff., and the radical vowel made long; also पाण्डुर .
- पाण्डरपुष्पिका :: f. (-का) A plant, commonly Sitalā, (perhaps phrynium dichotomum:) see शीतला . E. पाण्डर pale white, पुष्पी flower, aff. कप् .
- पाण्डव :: m. (-वः) A Pāṇḍava or descendant of PĀṆḌU; especially ap- plied to YUDHISṬHIRA and his four brothers. E. पाण्डु a proper name, and patronymic aff. ओरञ् ।
- पाण्डवाभील :: m. (-लः) A name of KRISHṆA. E. पाण्डव a Pāṇḍava, and अभी courage, (not fear,) ल who gives.
- पाण्डवायन :: m. (-नः) A name of KRISHṆA. E. पाण्डव a Pāṇḍava, and अयन going, accompanying; being the friend and ally of the Pāṇḍu princes.
- पाण्डवेय :: m. (-यः) A descendant of Pāṇḍu E. पाण्ड, and ढक् aff.
- पाण्डित्य :: nf. (-थं-ती) Scholarship, learning. 2. Dexterity, cleverness.
E. पण्डित a teacher, aff. ष्यञ् the semivowel rejected before the feminine aff.
- पाण्डु :: mfn. (-ण्डुः -ण्डुः -ण्डु) Pale of yellowish white. m. (-ण्डुः) 1. Pale or yellowish white, (the colour.) 2. the name of a sovereign of ancient Delhi, and nominal father of YUDHISHṬHIRA and he other four Pāṇḍava princes; he was a son of Vyāsa by the wife of Bichitrabirya. 3. The jaundice. 4. A white elephant. f. (-ण्डुः) A plant, commonly Māshaparni, (Glycine debilis.) E. पडि to go, aff. कु, and the penultimate vowel made long.
- पाण्डक :: m. (-कः) 1. The jaundice. 2. A name of Pāṇḍu. 3. Pale or yellowish white, (the colour.) E. कन् added to the preceding.
- पाण्डुकम्बल :: m. (-लः) 1. A sort of blanket or warm upper garment. 2. A kind of stone, (Limestone or marble). 3. The housings of a royal elephant. E. पाण्डु pale, and कम्बल blanket.
- पाण्डुकम्बलिन् :: m. (-ली) 1. A carriage covered with a sort of blanket. 2. The housings of a royal elephant. E. पाण्डुकम्बल a blanket, and इनि aff.
- पाण्डुनाग :: m. (-गः) A plant, (Rottleria tinctoria.) 2. A white elephant. 3. A white species of serpent. E. पाण्डु pale, नाग a plant, a snake, or elephant.
- पाण्डुपुत्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) Either of the Pāṇḍava princes. E. पाण्डु, and पुत्त्र son; also similar compounds, as पाण्डुनन्दन, &c.
- पाण्डुपृष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Having unlucky marks on the back &c. E. पाण्डु pale, &c. and पृष्ठ back.
- पाण्डुभूम :: m. (-मः) A country with a light-coloured soil. E. पाण्डु pale, and भूमि earth, aff. अच् .
- पाण्डुमृत् :: f. (-मृत्) 1. A country in which the soil is of a whitish colour. 2. Chalk. E. पाण्डु pale, and मृत् earth.
- पाण्डुमृत्तिका :: f. (-का) 1. The opal. 2. A pale soil. E. पाण्डु pale, and मृत्तिका earth.
- पाण्डुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Of a yellowish white colour. m. (-रः) 1. A pale or yellowish white. 2. The jaundice. 3. A tree: see मरुवक . n. (-रं) The white leprosy, vitiligo. E. पाण्डु pale, and र added.
- पाण्डुरद्रुम :: m. (-मः) A plant, (Echites antidysenterica.) “कुड्ची” ।
- पाण्डुरपृष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठी -ष्ठं) Having unlucky marks on the back, &c. E. पाण्डुर pale, and पृष्ठ the back.
- पाण्डुराग :: m. (-गः) Whiteness, pallor. E. पाण्डु, and राग colour.
- पाण्डुलेख :: m. (-खः) A sketch made with chalk, a draft.
- पाण्डुलोमा :: f. (-मा) 1. A plant, (Glycine debilis.) 2. Having white hair on the body, &c. E. पाण्डु pale, लोमन् hair or fibres: see पाण्डु . “माषपर्ण्याम्” ।
- पाण्डुवर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -णं) White. m. (-र्णः) Whiteness. E. पाण्डु, and वर्ण colour.
- पाण्डुशर्क्क(र्क)रा :: f. (-रा) Light-coloured gravel, (disease.) E. पाण्डु, and शर्क्करा sugar. सितानामक प्रमेह रोगे ।
- पण्डुशर्म्मिला :: f. (-ला) A name of DRAUPADI. E. पाण्डु a Pāṇḍu prince, शर्म्म fortune, aff. इलच् .
- पाण्डुसोपाक :: m. (-कः) The offspring of a Chandāla by a Vaidehī woman, a maker of mats, baskets, &c. a worker with bamboos, and reeds.
- पाण्ड्य :: m. (-ण्ड्य) plu. 1. Name of a country and its inhabitants. 2. Sing. A king of that country.
- पाण्य :: mfn. (-ण्यः -ण्या -ण्यं) Excellent, praise-worthy. E. पण् to praise, aff. ण्यत् .
- पाण्यास्य :: m. (स्यः) A Brāhman who reads the Vedas upon receiving a gift at a Shrāddha. E. पाणि, and आस्य face or mouth, having his mouth in his hand.
- पात् :: m. (-पात्) 1. Falling. 2. Sin, wickedness. E. पत् to fall, aff. क्किप, and the radical vowel made long.
- पात् :: mfn. (-पान् -पान्ती -पात्) Who or what defends or preserves, a guardian, a protector, &c. E. पा to preserve, aff. शतृ .
- पात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Preserved, protected. E. पा to preserve, aff. क्त . m. (-तः) 1. Falling, alighting, descending. 2. A name of Rāhu. 3. The node of a planet's orbit. 4. Flying, flight. 5. A stroke, as in खङ्गपात । 6. Shedding, emitting, discharging. 7. An attack, an inroad. 8. Happening. 9. Failing, defect. 10. Destruction, dissolution. E. पत् to fall, aff. घञ् .
- पातक :: n. (-कं) 1. Sin, crime. 2. The cause of falling, literally or figuratively. For particulars see पञ्चपातक . E. पत् to fall or des- cend, (from virtue,) causal form, aff. ण्वुल् .
- पातकयोग :: m. (-गः) Incurring guilt, acting sinfully. E. पातक, and योग accession.
- पातकिन् :: mfn. (-की -किनी -कि) Wicked, sinful, a sinner. E. पातक, and इनि aff.
- पातङ्कि :: m. (-ङ्किः) 1. Saturn. 2. Yama. 3. Karṇa. 4. Sugrīva. E. पतङ्ग the sun, इञ् aff. of descent.
- पातञ्जल :: f. (-ली) Composed by Patanjali “पातञ्जले महाभाष्ये कृत भूरि परिश्रमः” Nagogibhatta. n. (लं) The Yoga system of philosophy. (It is an open question whether the author of the Mahā- bhāsya was identical with this Patanjali.) E. पतञ्जलि the sage by whom it was first taught, अण् aff.
- पातन :: n. (-नं) Bringing down, causing to fall. 2. Lowering, humbling, 3. Felling, knocking down. 4. Nodding, (as in sleep.) 5. Causing an abortion, as गर्भस्य पातनम् . 6. Beating, as in दण्डस्य पातनम् &c. E. पत् to fall in the causal form, aff. ल्युट् .
- पातव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be drunk. 2. To be preserved or protected. E. पा to drink, to preserve, तव्य aff.
- पाताल :: n. (-लं) The regions under the earth, and the abode of the Nāgas or serpents. 2. A hole, a chasm. 3. Submarine fire. 4. The fourth sign from that in which the sun is present. m. (-लः) A sort of apparatus for calcining and subliming metals, formed of two earthen pots, the upper one inverted over the lower, and the two joined together by their necks with cement, and placed in a hole containing fire. E. पत् to alight, Unādi aff. आलञ् .
- पातालगङ्गा :: f. (-ङ्गाः) The ganges of the lower world.
- पातालनिलय :: m. (-यः) 1. A demon, a Daitya. 2. A Nāga or infernal serpent. E. पाताल hell, and निलय abode.
- पातालौकस् :: m. (-काः) An Asur, a demon. E. पाताल hell, ओकस् a house.
- पाति :: m. (-तिः) A master, a lord, a husband. E. पा to nourish, Unādi aff. अति .
- पातिक :: m. (-कः) The Gangetic porpoise. E. पात trembling, falling,
- पातित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Felled, struck down. 2. Lowered, depressed, humbled. E. पत् to fall, causal v., क्त aff.
- पातित्य :: n. (-त्यं) Loss of caste or position.
- षातिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) Going, going to, alighting, falling, pouring forth. E. पत् to go, घिणुन् aff.
- पातिली :: f. (-ली) 1. A trap or snare for catching deer. 2. A small earthen vessel or pot, especially used by religious mendicants. 3. A woman of a particular class. E. पात falling, इलच् aff. fem. aff. ङीप् .
- पातुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Falling frequently or habitually, disposed to fall. m. (-कः) 1. The declivity of a mountain, a precipice. 2. An aquatic animal of a large size; figuratively, the water-elephant. E. पत् to fall, aff. उकञ् .
- पातृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Who or what protects or nourishes. m. (-ता) A plant, (Ocymum pilosum.) E. पा to nourish, तृच् aff.
- पात्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) To be fallen, to be alighted. E. पत् to fall, ण्यत् aff.
- पात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A preservative from sin, a preserver, a saviour. E. पात्, and त्र who or what saves.
- पात्रता :: f. (-ता) The quality or property of a preservative from sin. E. पात, and तल् aff.; also with त्व, पातत्वं .
- पात्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्री -त्रं) A vessel in general, a plate, a cup, a jar, &c. n. (-त्रं) 1. A sacrificial vase or vessel, comprising various forms of cups, plates, spoons, ladles, &c. so used. 2. The channel of a river, or its course between the near and opposite bank. 3. A king's counsellor or minister. 4. Propriety, fitness. 5. A leaf. 6. The persons of a drama. 7. An order, a command. 8. The body. 9. A fit or competent person. 10. A measure of one Ārhaka or of eight Seers. 11. A receptacle of any kind, what holds or supports. f. (-त्री) A small or portable furnace. E. पा to pro- serve or retain, aff. त्रन् .
- पात्रट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Spare, emaciate, thin. m. (-टः) Ragged gar- ments. E. पातेव पिवन्निव अटति, अट्-अच् ।
- पात्रटीर :: m. (-रः) 1. An able or competent minister. 2. A vessel of metal, as silver, brass, &c. 3. Rust of iron. 4. Fire. 5. A heron. 6. A crow. E. पात्र a vessel, &c. and टीर aff.
- पात्रता :: f. (-ता) 1. Capacity, fitness. 2. Appropriate state or circums- tance. 3. The property or capacity of a cup or vessel. 4. Dignity, honor. E. पात्र capable, and तल् aff. of the abstract, quality; also with त्व aff., पात्रत्वं .
- पात्रपाल :: m. (-लः) A large oar used as a rudder. 2. The rod of a balance. E. पात्र a vessel, (a boat,) and पाल what cherishes, affix. अण् .
- पात्रभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) The object of a present or of respectful treat- ment. E. पात्र fit, and भूत become.
- पात्रभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) A servant. E. पात्र, and भृत् who takes care of.
- पात्रसंस्कार :: m. (-रः) 1. The current of a river. 2. Cleaning a vessel that has been used. E. पात्र the channel, and संस्कार completion.
- पात्रिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Measured by a vessel, or the measure Pātra, sown with it, preparing it, &c. 2. Fit, adequate, appro- priate. n. (-कं) A vessel, a cup, a dish. E. पात्र, and ष्ठन् aff.; also with घ aff. पात्रिय, and with यत्, पात्र्या, &c.
- पात्रिन् :: mfn. (-त्री -त्रिणी -त्रि) 1. Having a vessel. 2. Having fit or worthy persons. E. पात्र, and इनि aff.
- पात्रिय :: f. (-या) Worthy to partake of a meal.
- पात्रीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Measured, sown, cooked, &c. by a Pātra. E. पात्र, and ख aff.
- पात्रीय :: n. (-यं) A sacrificial vessel. E. पात्र, the same, and छ aff.
- पात्रीर(व) :: m. (-रः or -वः) An oblation. E. पात्र, a sacrificial vessel, ईर to go, क aff.
- पात्रेसमित :: m. (-तः) 1. A parasite, a person constant at dinners, or feasts, but good for nothing else. 2. A connoisseur in eating. 3. A hypocrite. E. पात्रे in a vessel, plate, &c and समित collected.
- पात्रोपकरण :: n. (-णं) Decorations of an inferior class, as bells, chowris, &c. E. पात्र, and उपकरण instrument.
- पाथ :: m. (-थः) 1. The sun. 2. Fire. n. (-थं) Water. E. पा to drink, and थक् aff.; the more usual form however is पीथ .
- पाथस् :: n. (-थः) 1. Water. 2. Food. 3. Air. 4. Sky. E. पा to drink, Unādi aff. असुन, and थुक् augment.
- पाथिस् :: m. (-थि) 1. The sea. 2. The eye. n. (-थि) A blotch, a scab. E. पा to drink, Unādi aff. इसिन्, and थुक् augment.
- पाथेय :: n. (-यं) 1. Provender, or provisions, &c. for a journey, viaticum. 2. The sign Virgo of the Zodiac. E. पयिन् road, aff. ढञ् .
- पाथोज :: n. (-जं) 1. A lotus. 2. The conch. E. पाथस्, and ज produced.
- पाथोद :: m. (-दः) A cloud. E. पाथस् water, दा to give, aff. क .
- पाथोधर :: m. (-रः) A cloud. E. पाथस् water, धर having.
- पाथोधि :: m. (-धिः) The ocean. E. पाथस् water, and घा to have, aff. कि .
- पाथोनिधि :: m. (-धिः) The ocean. E. पाथस् water, and निधि receptacle.
- पाद् :: m. (-पाद् or -पात्) The foot. E. पद् to go, aff. णिच्-क्विप्, and the radical vowel made long.
- पाद :: m. (-दः) 1. A foot. 2. A quarter. 3. A hill at the foot of a mountain. 4. A ray of light. 5. The root of a tree. 6. The foot or line of a
stanza. 7. The line of a hymn or stanza of the Rig Vedas. 8. The quadrant of a circle. 9. The foot or leg of an inanimate object. E. पद् to go, aff. घञ् .
- पादकटक :: m. (-कः) An ornament for the feet or toes. E. पाद a foot, and कटक bracelet.
- पादकृच्छ्र :: n. (-च्छ्रं) A sort of penance, eating once and fasting on alternate nights. E. पाद a quarter, and कृच्छ्र penance.
- पादगण्डिर :: m. (-रः) Morbid enlargement of the legs and feet. E. पाद the foot, गण्ड a swelling, इरन् aff.
- पादग्रहण :: n. (-णं) Respectful obeisance, touching the feet of a Brāh- man or superior. E. पाद, and ग्रहण taking.
- पादचत्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. A goat. 2. A sand bank. 3. The religious fig-tree, (Ficus religious.) 4. Hail. 5. A slanderer, a calumniator. E. पाद the foot, and चत्वर levelled ground.
- पादचापल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Beating or shuffling with the feet. E. पाद a feet, &c. चापल्य unsteadiness.
- पादचार :: n. (-रं) 1. The daily position of the planets. 2. Going on foot. E. पाद, and चार going.
- पादचारिन् :: m. (-री) A footman, a foot-soldier. E. पाद, and चर् to go, aff. णिनि .
- पादज :: m. (-जः) A Sūdra, or man of the fourth and servile tribe. E. पाद the foot, (of BRAMHĀ,) and ज born.
- पादजाह :: n. (-हं) The tarsus. पादस्य मूलं कर्णा० जाहच् ।
- पादतल :: n. (-लं) 1. The sole or the lower part of the foot. adv. As low as, or under the feet. E. पाद, and तल below.
- पादतस् :: ind. 1. At the foot. 2. By or with a quarter. E. पाद, and तसि aff.
- पादत्राण :: n. (-णं) A boot, a shoe. E. पाद the foot, and त्राण preserving.
- पाददारी :: f. (-री) A chap in the feet, a chilblain E. पाद, दृ to rend, अण् aff.
- पादप :: m. (-पः) 1. A tree. 2. A foot-stool, a cushion, &c. for the feet. f. (-पा) A shoe, a slipper. E. पाद, a foot, or root, and पा to drink or preserve, aff. क .
- पादपरिघट्टन :: n. (-नं) Trampling, treading upon. E. पाद, and परिघट्टन friction.
- पादपरुहा :: f. (-हा) A creeping or a parasite plant. E. पादप a tree, and रुह what mounts.
- पादपाश :: m. (-शः) 1. A foot-rope for cattle or horses. 2. An anklet of small bells, &c. f. (-शी) 1. A chain for the feet, a fetter. 2. A foot- carpet or mat. E. पाद the foot, and पाश a fetter.
- पादपीठ :: m. (-ठः) A foot-stool. E. पाद, and पीठ a stool.
- पादपीठिका :: f. (-का) 1. Any common or vulgar trade, as that of a bar- ber, &c. 2. A white-stone. E. पादपीठ a foot-stool, a work bench, ङीप् depreciative aff., and कन् added.
- पादपूरण :: n. (-णं) An expletive.
- पादप्रक्षालन :: n. (-नं) Washing the feet. E. पाद, and प्रक्षालन washing.
- पादप्रणाम :: m. (-मः) Bowing to the feet, prostration. E. पाद, and प्रणाम bowing.
- पादप्रधारण :: n. (-णं) A shoe. E. पाद, and प्रधारण defending.
- पादप्रहार :: m. (-रः) A kick. E. पाद the foot, and प्रहार striking.
- पादबन्धन :: n. (-नं) Stock of cattle. E. पाद a foot, and बन्धन binding, alluding to the foot-ropes with which cattle are tied.
- पादमुद्रा :: f. (-द्रा) A foot-print.
- पादमूल :: n. (-लं) The heel. 2. The tarsus. 3. A polite designation of a person. E. पाद the foot, and मूल the root.
- पादरक्षण :: n. (-णं) A leather boot or shoe. E. पाद the foot, and रक्षण protecting.
- पादरज्जु :: f. (-ज्जुः) An elephant's heel-ropes. E. पाद, and रज्जु a rope.
- पादरथ :: mf. (-थः-था) A shoe, a slipper E. पाद the foot and रथ a vehicle.
- पादरोहण :: m. (-णः) The Indian fig-tree. E. पाद, and रोहण what rises.
- पादवन्दन :: n. (-नं) Respect, respectful behaviour. E. पाद, and बन्दन saluting.
- पादवल्मीक :: n. (-कं) Morbid enlargement of the legs and feet. E. पाद the foot, वल्मीक a hillock.
- पादविक :: m. (-कः) A traveller, a way-farer. E. पदवी a road, aff. ठक् .
- पादविरजस् :: m. (-जाः) A god. f. (जाः) A shoe, a slipper. E. पाद the foot, वि privative, रजस् dust.
- पादशब्द :: m. (-ब्दः) The sound or noise of the feet. E. पाद a foot, and शव्द sound.
- पादशाश् :: ind. 1. Verse by verse, stanza by stanza. 2. Foot by foot. 3. By a fourth. E. पाद a verse, शशि aff.
- पादशाखा :: f. (-खा) A toe. E. पाद a foot, शाखा a branch.
- पादशैल :: m. (-लः) A hill near a mountain. E. पाद the foot, and शैल a hill.
- पादशोथ :: m. (-थः) Swelling of the feet, gout. E. पाद, and शोथ a swelling.
- पादसेवन :: n. (-नं) Service, duty. E. पाद, and सेवन waiting upon.
- पादस्फोट :: m. (-टः) Kibe, chilblain, a sore or ulcer on the foot. E. पाद the foot, and स्फोट a boil.
- पादहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Trodden on, kicked, touched with the feet. E. पाद and हत struck.
- पादहर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Tingling of the feet after pressure upon the crural nerves. E. पाद, and हर्ष pleasure.
- पादहारक :: m. (-कः) One who takes or steals any thing with his feet. E. पाद a foot, ह to take, aff. ण्वुल् .
- पादाग्र :: n. (-ग्रं) The point of the foot. E. पाद, and अग्र point or tip.
- पादाङ्गद :: n. (-दं) An ornament for the feet or toes. E. पाद the foot, अङ्ग shape, beauty, and द what gives.
- पादाङ्गुली :: f. (-ली) A toe. E. पाद a foot, अङ्गुली a finger.
- पादाङ्गुष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) The great toe. E. पाद a foot, अङ्गुष्ठ the thumb.
- पादाङ्गुष्टिका :: f. (-का) An ornament or ring worn on the great toe. E. पादाङ्गुष्ठ the great toe, aff. कन्, fem. form.
- पादात् :: m. (-दात्) A foot-soldier, a footman. E. पाद foot, अत् to go, aff. क्किप् .
- पादात :: m. (-तः) A foot-soldier, a footman. n. (-तं) Infantry. E. पाद, and अत् to go, aff. अच्, or पदाति a foot-soldier, अण् collective aff.
- पादाति :: m. (-तिः) A foot-soldier, a man on foot, or footman. E. पाद, with अत्, to go, aff. इन्; also पदाति; with कन् added, पादातिक m. (-कः).
- पादाध्यास :: m. (-सः) Treading upon, kicking, spurning. E. पाद, and अध्यास placing upon.
- पादानत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bowed down to the feet, prostrate. E. पाद, and आनत bowed.
- पादारक :: m. (-कः) The knees or ribs of a boat, supporting the deck on each side. E. पाद a foot, ऋ to go, aff. ण्वुल् .
- पादार्घ्य :: n. (-र्घ्यं) A donation to a Brāhman, or venerable persons. E. पाद foot, अर्घ्य a respectful offering.
- पादार्द्ध :: n. (-र्द्धं) 1. An eighth. 2. Half a line of a stanza. E. पाद, and अर्द्ध a half.
- पादालिन्द :: mf. (-न्दः-न्दा -or -न्दी) A boat. पादैव अलिन्दो यस्याः गौरा० ङीष् ।
- पादावनेजन :: n. (-नं) Washing the feet. E. पाद, and अवनेजन washing.
- पादावर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) A machine for raising water from a well. E. पाद foot, and आवर्त्त revolving, worked by the feet.
- पादावसेचन :: n. (-नं) Washing the feet. E. पाद, and अवसेचन sprinkling.
- पादाविक :: m. (-कः) A foot-soldier. E. पाद a foot, अव् to go, &c. aff. इक् or ठक् .
- पादासन :: n. (-नं) A foot-stool. E. पाद, and आसन a seat.
- पादास्फालन :: n. (-नं) Trampling, shuffling, or motion of the feet. E. पाद, and आस्फालन waving.
- पादाहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Kicked, trodden, touched by the foot. E. पाद, and आहत struck.
- पादिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Fourth, a fourth. E. पाद a quarter, and ठक् aff.
- पादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) 1. Footed, having feet. 2. Having a fourth part or share. 3. Having four parts, as a stanza, &c. m. (-दी) 1. A footed aquatic animal, an amphibious animal. 2. The heir of a fourth part of the estate. E. पाद, and इनि aff.
- पादिन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) A fourth part. E. पाद a quarter, घ aff.
- पादु :: f. (-दुः) Walking. E. पद् to go, aff. उण् ।
- पादुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -की-कं) Who or what does on foot or with feet. f. (-का) A shoe, a slipper. E. पद, and उकन् aff.
- पादुकाकार :: m. (-रः) A shoemaker. E. पादुका a shoe, and कार who makes.
- पादुकाकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) A shoemaker. E. पादुका a shoe, कृत् who makes.
- पादू :: f. (-दूः) A shoe. E. पद् to go, Unādi aff. ऊ, णिच्च ।
- पादूकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) A shoemaker. E. पादू a shoe, and कृत् who makes.
- पादोदक :: n. (-कं) Water for the feet, especially that in which the feet of a Brāhman have been washed. E. पाद, and उदक water.
- पाद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) Water, &c. for cleaning the feet. E. पाद the foot, यत् aff.
- पाद्यपात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A metal vessel for washing the feet. E. पाद्य, and पात्र a vessel.
- पान :: n. (-नं) 1. Drinking. 2. A drinking cup or vessel. 3. Preserv- ing, protecting. 4. A beverage. 5. Sharpening. m. (-नः) 1. Breath, breathing out, expiration. 2. A distiller. E. पा to drink, &c. aff. ल्युट् .
- पानक :: n. (कं) A drink. E. पानार्थं कायति-कै-क ।
- पानगोष्ठिका :: f. (-का) A dram shop, a place where people drink together. E. पान drinking, गोष्ठी a station, aff. कन् .
- पानपर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Drinking, quaffing, who or what drinks assiduously. 2. Looking at amorously. E. पान and पर intent.
- पानपात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A glass, a drinking vessel. E. पान drinking, पात्र a vessel.
- पानबणिज् :: m. (-णिक्) A distiller, a vender of spirits. E. पान drinking, बणिज् a dealer.
- पानभाजन :: n. (-नं) A drinking vessel, a glass, a goblet. E. पान, and भाजन a vessel.
- पानरत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Drinking, drunken. E. पान, and रत engaged in.
- पानशौण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A hard drinker. E. पान, and शौण्ड intoxicated.
- पानस :: n. (-सं) A spirituous liquor prepared from the fruit of the Jack tree. E. पनस the Jack, and अण् aff.
- पानात्यय :: m. (-यः) Morbid state after intoxication. E. पान, and अत्यय end.
- पानिक :: m. (कः) A vendor of spirituous liquors.
- पानिल :: n. (-लं) A drinking vessel. E. पान drinking, and इलच् aff.
- पानीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Drinkable, to be drunk. 2. To be cherished, protected or preserved. n. (-यं) Water. E. पा to drink, अनीयर् participial aff.
- पानीयनकुल :: mf. (-लः-ला) An otter. E. पानीय water, नकुल an ichneumon.
- पानीयपृष्ठज :: m. (-जः) An aquatic plant, (Pistia stratiotes.) E. पानीय water, पृष्ठ surface, ज born. “पाना” ।
- पानीयमूलक :: m. (-कः) A plant, (Serratula anthelmintica:) see सोमराजी . E. पानीय water, मूल root, कप् aff.
- पानियवर्णिका :: f. (-का) Sand. पानीयमिव वर्णवति-वर्णि-ण्वुल् ।
- पानीयशालिका :: f. (-का) A place where water, &c. is distributed. E. पानीय water, शाला a place, aff. स्वार्थे-क, कापि अत इत्त्वम् ।
- पानीयामलक :: n. (-कं) A fruit, (Flacourtia cataphracta.) E. पानीय water, and आमलक myrobalan. “पानिआम्ला” ।
- पान्थ :: mf. (-न्थः-न्था) A traveller. E. पथिन् a road, and अण् aff.
- पाप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) 1. Mischievous, destructive, malignant. 2. Vile, low, abandoned, vicious. 3. Inauspicious. m. (-पः) A wicked man, a wretch, a profligate. n. (-पं) 1. Sin, crime, wickedness, vice. 2. Bad state, bad fortune. E. पा to preserve (from it,) and प Unādi aff.
- पापक :: n. (-कं) Sin. E. कन् added to the last.
- पापकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Wicked, abandoned. E. पाप, and कर who does.
- पापकर्त्तृ :: mfn. (-र्त्ता -र्त्त्री -र्त्तृ) Sinful, wicked, a sinner. E. पाप, and कर्चृ who does.
- पापकर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्म) Wicked, sinful. E. पाप, and कर्म्मन् act.
- पापकृत् :: mfn. (-कृत्) Sinful, wicked, a sinner. E. पाप sin, क्व to commit, aff. क्किप् .
- पापगोचर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Evidently involved in the consequences of sin. E. पाप, and गोचर visible object.
- पापग्रह :: m. (-हः) Any ill-omened aspect of the stars, as the conjunc- tion of the sun or Budha with the moon in its last quarter. 2. Rāhu. 3. Saturn. 4. Mars. E. पाप, and ग्रह asterism.
- पापघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) Removing sin. E. पाप, and घ्न destructive; or पापं हन्ति हन-टक् ।
- पापचक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what matures or cooks often or much. E. पच् to cook, &c. frequent. v. ण्वुल् aff.; also पापाचक .
- पापचर्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) 1. A sinner. 2. A fiend, a Rākshasa. E. पाप, and चर्य्या practice, or चर्य्य to be gone (in or by.)
- पापचेतस् :: mfn. (-ताः -ता -त) Wicked, vile. E. पाप, and चेतस्र् understanding.
- पापचेली :: f. (-ली) A plant, commonly Ākanādi, (Cissampelos hexandra.) E. पच् to ripen, reiterated पापच, (rheumatism,) ईर् to dissipate, affs. अच् and ङीप्, and र changed to ल; also with कन् added in the fem. form पापचेलिका .
- पापति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Who or what alights, goes or falls much or frequently. E. पत् to alight, &c. frequent. v., किन् aff. or पत-यङ् लुक्-इन् ।
- पापदर्शिन् :: mfn. (-र्शी -र्शिनी -र्शि) Malevolent, looking at faults. E. पाप, and दर्शिन् who sees.
- पापदृश्वन् :: mfn. (-श्वा -श्वा -श्व) Conscious of guilt, knowing an act to be wicked. E. पाप, and दृश् to see, क्वनिप् aff.
- पापनापित :: m. (-तः) A vile, cunning or bad barber. E. पाप sinful, नापित a barber.
- पापनाशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Purifying, sin-destroying E. पाप, and नाशिन् destroying.
- पापनिरति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Wicked, villainous, a wretch. f. (-तिः) Wickedness. E. पाप, and निरति attachment.
- पापपति :: m. (-तिः) A paramour, a gallant. E. पाप wicked, and पति husband.
- पापपुरुष :: m. (-षः) A personification of all sin, or a male, whose head is Brāhmanicide, whose arms are theft, whose heart is wine drinking, &c. E. पाप, and पुरुष a man.
- पापबुद्धि :: mfn. (-द्धिः -द्धिः -द्धि) Evil-minded, wicked. E. पाप, and बुद्धि intellect.
- पापमति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Of a corrupt mind, depraved. E. पाप, and मति mind.
- पापमुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Freed from sin, liberated from all crime. E. पाप, and मुक्त set free.
- पापभाज् :: mfn. (-भाक्) Sinful.
- पापयोनि :: f. (-निः) Birth in some inferior state, as an animal, &c. as the punishment of sin. E. पाप, and योनि womb.
- पापरोग :: m. (-गः) A disease, considered as the punishment of sin in former life. 2. Small box. E. पाप sin, and रोग disease.
- पापर्द्धि :: f. (-र्द्धिः) Hunting, chase. E. पाप sin, and ऋर्द्धि thriving.
- पापल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Giving or taking sin. n. (-लं) A measure. E. पाप, and लच् aff.
- पापविनिग्रह :: m. (-हः) Restraining or punishing wickedness. E. पाप, and विनिग्रह restraint.
- पापशमन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Palliating or removing crime. n. (-नं) A sin- offering. E. पाप, and शमन appeasing.
- पापसम्मित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Equal in sin, of like guilt. E. पाप, and सम्मित measured.
- पापात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) A sinner, a reprobate, an evil-minded person, a wretch. E. पाप, and आत्मन् soul.
- पापानुवसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Addicted to sin. E. पाप, and अनुवसित dwelling with.
- पापापनुत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Expiation. E. पाप, and अपनुत्ति removing.
- पापाशय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Wicked, sinful, E. पाप, and आशय abode.
- पापिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिनी -पि) Wicked, sinful, bad, a sinner. E. पाप, and इनि aff.
- पापिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठ) Very wicked. E. पाप, and इष्ठन् aff.
- पापीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Very wicked. E. पाप, and ईयसुन् aff.
- पाप्मन् :: m. (-मा) Sin, wickedness. E. पा to preserve (from it,) मनिन् Unādi aff., deriv. irr.
- पामघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) Sulphur. E. पामन् scab, and घ्न destroying.
- पामन् :: nf. (-म-मा) Cutaneous eruption, herpes, scab. E. पै to dry, aff. मनिन् . “खोस्पाच्डा” ।
- पामन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Diseased with herpes. E. पामन् herpes, and न aff.
- पामर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Wicked, vile, low, base. 2. Stupid, an idiot, fool. 3. Poor, helpless. m. (-रः) A fool. E. पाम scab, and रा to get, क aff.
- पामरोद्धारा :: f. (-रा) A plant: see गुडुची . E. पामर here said to mean bile, उद् before, हृ to take away, affs. अण् and टाप् .
- पामारि :: m. (-रिः) Sulphur. E. पामा scab, and अरि an enemy.
- पाम्प :: mfn. (-म्पः -म्पी -म्पं) Belonging to the river, (Pampā.) E. पम्पा, and अण् aff.
- पाय :: n. (-यं) Water. E. पा to drink, अच् aff. and युक् augment.
- पायना :: f. (-ना) Whetting, sharpening, (as a weapon). E. पा-णिच् भावे युच् .
- पायस :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) Made of or from milk or water. mn. (-सः-सं) 1. An oblation of milk, rice, and sugar. 2. Turpentine. n. (-सं) Milk. E. पयस् milk or water, aff. अण् .
- पायसिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Fond of or relating to a mixture of milk, &c. E. पायस, and ठक् aff.
- पायिक :: m. (-कः) A foot-soldier, a footman. E. पा to cherish, ण्वुल् aff., and युक् and इट् augments.
- पायु :: m. (-युः) The anus. E. पा to preserve, Unādi aff. उण् and युक inserted.
- पाय्य :: mfn. (-य्यः -य्या -य्यं) Low, vile, reprehensible, contemptible. n. (-य्यं) 1. Measure. 2. Water. 3. Drinking. 4. Practice, profession. E. पा to drink, ण्यत् aff.
- पार :: r. 10th cl. (पारयति-ते) To accomplish, to finish, to get through or over. अद० चु० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- पार :: n. (-रं) The further or opposite bank of a river. mn. (-रः-रं) The end, the extremity, the last. m. (-रः) Quicksilver. f. (-रा) The name of a river, said to flow from the Pariyatra mountains, or the centrical and western portion of the Vindhya chain. f. (री) 1. A quantity of water. 2. A rope for tying an elephant's feet. 3. A small water jar. 4. The pollen of a flower. 5. A drinking vessel, a glass, a cup. 6. A milk pail, E. पर another, ईर् to go to or towards; or पार to cross over; or प to fill aff. अच् .
- पारक :: mfn. (-कः -का -की-कं) 1. What purifies, protects, cherishes, pleases, &c. 2. What enables one to cross, (a river or the world.) 3. Ser- ving, delivering. E. पॄ to please, ण्वुल् aff.
- पारक्य :: mfn. (-क्यः -क्या -क्यं) 1. An enemy, hostile, inimical. 2. Alien, belonging to another. n. (-क्यं) Pious conduct, doing any thing for the sake of future happiness. E. परक or पारक, and ष्यञ् aff.
- पारग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) 1. Crossing, crossing over. 2. Going over or beyond the world. 3. Completely familiar or conversant with. 4. Profoundly learned. E. पार the opposite bank, and ग who goes.
- पारगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Crossed. 2. Gone over the world, pure, holy. m. (-तः) A Jina or Jaina deified teacher. E. पार the further bank, (of the world,) and गत attained, gone to.
- पारग्रामिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Hostile, inimical. E. पर an enemy, ग्राम a number, ठक् aff.
- पारज् :: m. (-रक्) Gold. E. प to satisfy, Unādi aff. अजि .
- पारजायिक :: m. (-कः) An adulterer. E. पर another जाया wife, ठक् aff.
- पारटीट(न) :: m. (-टः or नः) A stone, a rock. E. पर across, and टीट aff.
- पारण :: m. (-णः) 1. A cloud. nf. (-णं-णा) 1. Eating or drinking after a fast, breaking a fast. 2. Satisfying, satisfaction. 3. Accomplishing. 4. Reading through. 5. Carrying across. 6. Saving. E. प to satisfy, aff. ल्युट् .
- पारत(द) :: m. (-तः or दः) Quicksilver. E. पार fulness, (from पॄ to please,) and तन् to spread or diffuse, aff. ड, also पारद .
- पारतन्त्र्य :: n. (न्त्र्यं) Subservience, slavery, dependence. E. परतन्त्र depen- dent, aff. ष्यञ् .
- पारत्रिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating to the next world. E. परत्र, and ठक् aff.
- पारत्र्य :: n. (-त्र्यं) Reward in a future state.
- पारद(त) :: m. (-दः or तः) Quicksilver. E. पार as in पारत, and द what gives, from दा with क aff.
- पारदण्डक :: m. (-कः) The name of a country, a part of Orissa. E. पार be- yond, दण्डक the Dandaka forest.
- पारदारिक :: m. (-कः) An adulterer. E. पर another, दार wife, aff. ठक् .
- पारदार्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Adultery. E. पर another, दार a wife, ष्यञ् aff.
- पारदेशिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Foreign, abroad. m. (-कः) 1. A traveller. 2. A foreigner. E. परदेश, and ठक् aff.
- पारदेश्य :: mfn. (-श्यः -श्यी -श्यं) Belonging to another country. m. (-श्यः) 1. A traveller, one gone to a foreign country. 2. A foreigner. E. पर another, देश country, ष्यञ् aff.
- पारदृश्वन् :: mfn. (-श्वा -श्वा -श्व) Long-sighted, far-seeing, wise. E. पार, and दृश् to see, क्वनिप् Unādi aff.
- पारधेनु :: m. (-नुः) A particular and low cast, the Ayogava. Also, पारधेनुक .
- पारभृत :: n. (-तं) A present, an offering. E. पर, भृत prepared, अण् aff. Ac- cording to some it is a misreading of प्राभृत ।
- पारभृतीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Belonging or relating to a present. E. पारमृत, and छ aff.
- पारमहंस्य :: n. (-स्यं) Most sublime asceticism.
- पारमार्थिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Preferable, best, most desirable. 2. Re- lating to the spiritual knowledge. 3. Real, true, existing. 4. Loving truth. E. पारमार्थ chief object, and ठक् aff.
- पारमिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Supreme, chief, best. E. परम best, ठञ् aff.
- पारमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Crossed, traversed. 2. Transcendant, (as spiritual knowledge.) E. पारम् across, and इत gone.
- पारम्पर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) 1. Traditional instruction, tradition. 2. Continueous order or succession. E. परम्पर from one to another, aff. ष्यञ् .
- पारम्पर्य्योपदेश :: m. (-शः) Traditional instruction. E. पारम्पर्य्य, and उपदेश instruction.
- पारय :: mfn. (यः-या-यं) 1. Able, adequate, fit for. 2. Satisfying. E. प to satisfy, श aff.
- पारयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) 1. Satisfying, filling. 2. Being able or com- petent to. 3. Being alive, living. E. पॄ to satisfy, शतृ aff.
- पारयिष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) Gratifying, pleasing, satisfying. E. पॄ to please, causal. v. इष्णु aff.
- पारलौकिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Belonging or relating to the next world. E. परलोक another world, aff. ठक्, and both vowels changed by special rule.
- पारवत :: m. (-तः) A pigeon. See पारावत .
- पारशव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) 1. Made or derived from an axe. 2. Made of iron. m. (वः) 1. The son of a Sūdra woman by a Brāhman. 2. A son by another's wife, an adulterine, a bastard. 3. An iron weapon. E. पर another, शव् to go, अच् aff. and अण् implying descent, added; or पार crossing, शव a corpse, a living corpse; or परशु an axe, aff. अञ् .
- पारशीक :: m. (-कः) 1. Persia. 2. A native of Persia. 3. A Persian horse. also पारसीक .
- पारश्वध :: m. (-धः) One armed with an axe, a hatchet-man, a pioneer, &c. E. परश्वध an axe, aff. अण् .
- पारश्वधिक :: m. (-कः) A soldier, or any other man armed with an axe. E. परश्वध an axe, ठञ् aff.
- पारश्वय :: m. (-यः) Gold.
- पारसिक :: m. (-कः) Persia; plu. The Persians also पारसीक .
- पारसीक :: m. (-कः) 1. The kingdom of Persia. 2. A Persian, an inhabi- tant of Persia. 3. A Persian horse.
- पारस्त्रैणेय :: m. (-यः) An adulterine, the son of another's wife. E. पर another, स्त्री woman, ढञ् aff. of descent, and इणङ् augment.
- पारा :: f. (-रा) Name of a river.
- पारापत :: m. (-तः) A pigeon; also पारावत .
- पारापा(वा)र :: m. (-रः) The ocean. n. (-रं) The two banks of a river. E. पार the further bank, and अपार near bank.
- पारायण :: n. (-णं) 1. Totality, entireness, completeness. 2. Going over, reading or doing any thing completely. 3. Going across. 4. Reading a Purāna, or causing it to be read. f. (-णी) 1. The goddess SARA- SWATĪ. 2. Action, act. 3. Considering, meditating. 4. Light. E. पार the boundary or limit, and अयन going to, extending: when used attributively it remains always neuter.
- पारायणिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A pupil, a scholar. 2. A lecturer, a reader of the Purānas. E. पारायण reading through, ठक् aff.
- पारारुक :: m. (-कः) A rock. E. पार the further bank, ऋ to go to, aff. डकञ् . Also पारारुप ।
- पारावत :: m. (-तः) 1. A dove, a pigeon. 2. A monkey. 3. A sort of ebony, (Diospyros glutinosa.) 4. A mountain. f. (-ती) 1. The name of a river in the peninsula. 2. The fruit of the Annona reticulata. 3. A form of song, peculiar to the cowherds. E. पर another, (life, &c.) अव् to go, to preserve, शतृ participial aff., and अण् added.
- पारावतपदी :: f. (-दी) Heart-pea: see पारावताङ्घ्रि । काकजङ्घायाम्च ।
- पारावताङ्घ्रि :: f. (-ङ्घ्रि) Heart-pea, (Cardiospermum haliacacabum.) E. पारावत a pigeon, अङ्घ्रि a foot, the root being compared to a pigeon's foot; also similar compounds, as पारावतपदी .
- पारावताङ्घ्रिपिच्छ :: m. (-च्छः) A pigeon.
- पारावार :: m. (-रः) The ocean. n. (-रं) The near and opposite banks of a stream. E. पार the further bank, वृ to surround, with आङ् pre- fix, and अण् aff.
- पारावारीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. On both sides of a river, &c. 2. One who goes to both sides. E. पार the opposite side, अवार this side, aff. खञ् ।
- पाराशर :: m. (-रः) A name of the poet VYĀSA. n. (-रं) The rules of PARĀSARA, or VYĀSA, the conduct of the mendicant orders. E. पराशर, and अण् added.
- पाराशरकल्पिक :: m. (-कः) A follower of PARĀSARA, the institutor of rules for the mendicant order. E. पराशर the sage, कल्प aff., and ठक् added.
- पाराशरि :: m. (-रिः) 1. VYĀSA. 2. An epithet of Sūkra. E. पराशर, and इञ् patronymic aff.
- पाराशरिन् :: m. (-री) 1. A recluse. Plu. The religious mendicant or Brāhman, who having passed through the three stages of student, house-holder, and ascetic leads a vagrant life, and subsists upon alms; or the class of ascetics who study the Shā- riraka Sutra of Vyāsa. E. पाराशर्य्य VYĀSA, the author of the rules of this order, and इनि aff.
- पाराशर्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) The poet VYĀSA. E. पाराशर the father of the poet, and यञ् aff.
- पारिकाङ्क्षिन् :: m. (-ङ्क्षी) 1. An ascetic, one who devotes his days to devout contemplation. 2. The religious mendicant. E. परि imply- ing secession, (abandoning worldly wishes,) काङ्क्षि to desire,
and णिनि aff.; or पारि derived from पर, supreme felicity, and काङ्क्षिन् who desires.
- पारिखेय :: f. (-यीः) Surrounded by a ditch. E. परिखा, affix, ढक् ।
- पारिजात :: m. (-तः) 1. Name of one of the five trees of paradise sup- posed to have been produced at the churning of the ocean. 2. The coral tree, (Erythrina fulgens.) E. पारि said to mean, above, and जात produced.
- पारिजातक :: m. (-कः) 1. A tree of paradise. 2. The coral tree. E. कन् added to the last.
- पारिणाय्य :: mfn. (य्यः-य्यी-य्यं) Belonging to specifically or peculiarly. n. (-य्यं) Property received at the time of marriage by a woman. f. (य्यी) 1. Relating to marriage. E. परि about, around, णी to get, aff. ष्यञ् ।
- पारिणाह्य :: n. (-ह्यं) Household furniture and utensils. E. परिणाह, and ष्यञ् aff.
- पारितथ्या :: f. (-थ्या) A trinket worn on the forehead, where the hair is parted; or a string of pearls for binding the hair. E. परि every way (splendid), तथा there, ष्यञ् added.
- पारितोषिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Delighting, making happy. n. (-कं) A reward, a gratuity. E. परितोष satisfaction, ठञ् aff.
- पारिध्वजिक :: m. (-कः) A standard-bearer.
- पारिन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) A lion: see परिन्द्र .
- पारिपन्थिक :: m. (-कः) A robber, a thief, a highwayman. E. परि around, पथिन् the road, aff. ठक् .
- पारिपाठ्य :: n. (-ठ्यं) Regularity, methodicalness, successiveness. E. परि- पाटी orderly course, ष्यञ् aff.
- पारिपात्र :: m. (-त्रः) The name of a mountain, apparently the centrical or western portion of the “Vindhya” chain, which skirts the province of Mālwā. E. परि every way, पा to cherish, ष्ट्रन् aff.; or with कन् added, पारिपात्रक; also read पारियात्र .
- पारिपात्रक :: m. (-कः) A mountain so called: see the last.
- पारिपार्श्विक :: m. (-कः) 1. An actor, who serves as a sort of chorus to the drama, and is one of the interlocutors in the prologue. 2. An attendant. E. परि about, पार्श्व the side, (of the manager, &c.) aff. ठक् .
- पारिपार्श्विका :: f. (-का) A chamber-maid.
- पारिप्लव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) 1. Perturbed, troubled in mind. 2. Trembling, tremulous, unsteady. 3. Swimming, floating. m. (-वः) A boat. E. परिप्लव, and अण् added.
- पारिप्लाव्य :: m. (-व्यः) A goose. n. (-व्यं) 1. Perplexity, agitation. 2. Tre- mulousness. E. परिप्लव, and ष्यञ् aff.
- पारिवर्ह :: m. (-र्हः) A wedding present.
- पारिभद्र :: m. (-द्रः) 1. The coral tree, (Erythrina fulgens.) 2. The Nimba tree. 3. A sort of pine, (Pinus Devadāru.) 4. The Sarala, also a sort of pine, (P. longifolia.) E. परि completely, भद्र auspicious, aff. अण्; also with कन् added, पारिभद्रक .
- पारिभाव्य :: n. (-व्यं) 1. Surety, security, bail. 2. A drug, a sort of cos- tus, (C. speciosus.) E. परिभू a surety, or परिभव overcoming, (dis- ease) aff. ष्यञ् ।
- पारिभाषिक :: f. (-की) 1. Current, common, universally received 2. Techni- cal, (as a word.) E. परिभाषा, and ठञ् affix.
- पारिमाण्डल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) An atom, as a measure of space, a mote in a sun beam. E. परिमण्डल a ball, and ष्यञ् aff.
- पारिमुखिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Present, before or about the face. E. परि about, मुख the face, ठक् aff.
- पारिमुख्य :: n. (-ख्यं) Presence, being before the face. E. परिमुख, and ष्यञ् aff.
- पारियात्र :: m. (-त्रः) The name of one of the seven principal mountains: see पारिपात्र, also with कन् added, पारियात्रक, or with ठक aff. पारियात्रिक .
- पारियानिक :: m. (-कः) A travelling cart or carriage. E. पारि every way, यान going, aff. ठक् .
- पारिरक्षक :: m. (-कः) An ascetic or religious mendicant. E. पारि said to mean, future happiness, from परि and रक्षक who preserves.
- पारिश :: m. (-शः) A tree: see गर्द्धभाण्ड । पलाशपिपुल ।
- पारिशेष्य :: n. (-यं) That which is left, remainder. [CDSL change from
- पारिषद :: mfn. (-दः -दी -दं) Belonging or relating to an assembly. m. (-दः) 1. A spectator, a person present at an assembly or congregation. 2. A king's companion. plu. The retinue of a god. E. परिषद् an assembly, aff. अण्; or with ण्य aff. पारिषद्य .
- पारिषद्य :: m. (-द्यः) A spectator: see the last.
- पारिहारिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Taking away, seizing. 2. Surrounding. m. (-कः) A maker of garlands. f. (-की) A kind of riddle. E. परिहार seizure, ठक aff.
- पारिहार्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) A bracelet. n. (-र्य्यं) Taking, seizure. E. परिहार, and ष्यञ् aff. also परिहार्य्य .
- पारिहास्य :: n. (-स्यं) Jest, joke, fun.
- पारी :: f. (-री) 1. A rope for tying an elephant's feet. 2. A quantity of water. 3. A drinking cup. 4. A milk-pail. E. पा + क्किप्-रा-क-ङीष् ।
- पारीक्षित :: m. (-तः) 1. The name of a sovereign, to whom the Sri-Bhā- gavat, or life of KRISHṆA, is supposed to have been addressed. 2. The successor of the preceding; also JANAMEJAYA. E. परीक्षित् the king so called, and अण् pleonasm or patronymic.
- पारीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. On the opposite side. 2. Who goes or crosses to the other side. 3. Completely versed in. E. पार the other side, aff. खञ् ।
- पारीणह्य :: n. (-ह्यं) Household furniture.
- पारीन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) 1. A lion. 2. A large snake, (Boa.) E. पर another, (animal,) and इन्द्र lord, form irr.
- पारीरण :: m. (-णः) 1. A tortoise. 2. A stick, a staff. पार्य्यां रणति, रण + अच् ।
- पारु :: m. (-रुः) 1. The sun. 2. Fire. E. पा or nourish, Unādi aff. रु .
- पारुष्य :: n. (-ष्यं) 1. Abuse, reproach, scurrilous, opprobrious or un- friendly speech. 2. The property of harshness, &c. in speaking. 3. The forest or grove of INDRA. 4. Aloe wood or Agallochum. 5. Severity, violence, either in word or deed, as वाक्षारुष्यं defama- tion, abuse, or violence words, and दण्डपारुष्यं personal injury, assault or violence of blows. m. (-ष्यः) A name of VRIHASPATI. E. परुष harsh, contumelious, &c. aff. ष्यञ् .
- पारेरक :: m. (-कः) A sword, a scimitar. E. पार collectively, foes, from पर an enemy, ईर् to penetrate, aff. वुन् .
- पारोरर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Tradition.
- पार्घट :: n. (-टं) 1. Ashes. 2. Dust. E. पार from पर another, घट् to endeavour, aff. अच्, and the final vowel of पार rejected.
- पार्जन्य :: f. (-न्या) Belonging to rain.
- पार्ण :: f. (-र्णी) Relating to leaves. 2. Raised from leaves (as a tax.)
- पार्थ :: m. (-र्थः) 1. A king, a prince. 2. A name of the Pāndu prince ARJUNA. 3. A name of KĀRTAVĪRYA. 4. A tree, (Pentaptera arjuna.) E. पृथा a proper name, अण् aff. of descent.
- पार्थक्य :: n. (-क्यं) Severalty, individuality, difference. E. पृथक् separate, ष्यञ् aff.
- पार्थव :: n. (-वं) Greatness, immensity. E. पृथु great, अण् aff.; also पृथुता, पृथुत्व, &c.
- पार्थिव :: mfn. (-वः -वा or वी -वं) 1. Earthen, made or derived from earth. 2. Ruling or possessing the earth. 3. Princely, royal. m. (-वः) 1. A king, a prince. 2. An earthen vessel. 3. An inhabi- tant of the earth. f. (-वी) 1. A name of ŚITA. 2. An epithet of Lakshmi. E. पृथिवी the earth, अण् aff.
- पार्पर :: m. (-रः) 1. A name of YAMA. 2. Consumption. 3. A handful of rice.
- पार्य्यन्तिक :: f. (-की) Final, conclusive.
- पार्व्व :: mfn. (-र्व्वः -र्व्वी -र्व्वं) Relating to a Parva, a particular day of the month, &c. E. पर्व्वन्, and अण् aff.
- पार्व्वण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) m. (-णः) A sort of deer. n. (-णं) The gene- ral funeral ceremony to be offered to all the manes at the Parva, or conjunction of the sun and moon, at which double oblations are offered; three cakes to the father, paternal grand- father, and great grandfather; and three to the maternal grand- father, his father, and grandfather; and the crumbs of each set to the remoter ancestors in each line. f. (-णी) 1. Belonging or relating to a Parvan. 2. Waxing, increasing. E. पर्व्व a knot, &c. aff. अण् ।
- पार्व्वत :: mfn. (-तः -ती -तं) Mountain, produced in the mountains. m. (-तः) A tree called the large Nīmb, (Melia sempervirens.) f. (-ती) 1. A name of DURGĀ, in her capacity of daughter of HIMĀLAYA, the sovereign of the snowy mountains. 2. DRAUPADĪ the wife of the Pāṇḍu princes. 3. A female cowherd or Gopī. 4. The olibanum tree, (Boswellia thurifera.) 5. Another tree, (Celtis orientalis.) 6. A red clay, commonly called Saurāshtri, or Surat earth. 7. A name applied to several rivers. E. पर्व्वत a mountain, अण् aff. of descent or relation.
- पार्व्वतीनन्दन :: m. (-नः) 1. A name of KĀRTTIKEYA. 2. A name of GANE- ŚHA. E. पार्व्वती the goddess, and नन्दन a son.
- पार्व्वतीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Mountain, mountaineer. m. plu. Name of a mountain tribe. E. पर्व्वतीय, and अण् added.
- पार्व्वतेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Mountain or mountain-born, &c. n. (-यं) 1. Antimony. 2. A plant bearing a pungent fruit. E. पर्व्वत a moun- tain, and ढक् aff.
- पार्व्वायनान्तीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Occurring at the end of a Parva or a solstice, (a sacrifice, &c.) E. पर्व्व, and अयन solstice, अन्त end, छण् aff.
- पार्शव :: m. (-वः) A warrior armed with an axe. E. पर्शु an axe, and अण् aff.
- पार्श्व :: mfn. (-र्श्वः -र्श्वा -र्श्वं) Near, proximate, by the side of. mn. (-र्श्वः-र्श्वं) 1. A side, the part of the body below the armpit. 2. The curve or circumference of a wheel. 3. Side of any square figure. n. (-र्श्वं) 1. A multitude of ribs, the thorax. 2. A fraudulent or crooked expedient. m. (-र्श्वः) The twenty-third Jina or Jaina pontiff. E. स्पृश् to touch, श्वण् Unādi aff., and पृ substituted for the root; or पर्शु a rib, aff. अण् .
- पाश्वक :: m. (-कः) 1. A pilferer, a swindler, any one who seeks wealth or other objects, by dishonest or indirect means. 2. A rib. E. पार्श्व a dishonest means, a side, and कन् aff.
- पार्श्वगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Close to, beside. E. पार्श्व, and गत gone to.
- पार्श्वतस् :: ind. By or from the side of, &c. E. पार्श्व the side, and तसिल् aff.
- पार्श्वतीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Belonging to the side of. E. पार्श्वतस्, and छ aff.; the final अस् rejected.
- पार्श्वपरिवर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. Turning round from one side to the other in a bed. 2. A festival held in the eleventh day of the first half of Bhādra when VISHṆU is supposed to turn upon the other side in his sleep. E. पार्श्व, and परिवर्त्तन turning.
- पार्श्वभाग :: m. (-गः) The side, the flank. E. पार्श्व the side, and माग part.
- पार्श्वशय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Sleeping on. 2. Sleeping beside the side. E. पार्श्व, and शी to sleep, aff. अच् .
- पार्श्वशूल :: n. (-लं) Spasm of the chest, stitch. E. पार्श्व, and शूल sharp pain.
- पार्श्वस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थ्यं) Staying near or close to, or at the side. m. (स्थः) 1. A sort of chorus to the Indian drama, an actor in the prelude, and interpreter of the plot. 2. An associate, a compa- nion, E. पार्श्व the side, (of the manager, &c.) स्थ who stays.
- पार्श्वाचान्त :: n. (-न्तं) Food not to be taken after one of the party has washed his mouth. E. पार्श्व, and आचान्त sipped.
- पार्श्वास्थि :: n. (-स्थि) A rib. E. पार्श्व the side, and अस्थि a bone.
- पार्श्विक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Lateral, belonging to the side, &c. m. (-कः) 1. A juggler. 2. A partisan, a sidesman, an associate or companion. E. पार्श्व the side, and ठक् aff.
- पार्श्वोदरप्रिय :: m. (-यः) A crab. E. पार्श्व the side, उदर the belly, and प्रिय fond of; going sidelong.
- पार्षत :: m. (-तः) A Pāṇḍu prince. f. (-ती) 1. A name of DRAUPADĪ. 2. Belonging to the spotted antelope. 3. An epithet of DURGĀ. E. पृषत the name of a king, अण् aff. of descent.
- पार्षद :: m. (-दः) 1. A spectator, a person present in a congregation or assembly. 2. A companion, an attendant. 3. A retinue, a train. E. पर्षद an assembly, अण् aff.; also with ण्य aff., पार्षद्यः or derived from परिषद, पारिषद .
- पार्ष्णि :: mf. (-र्ष्णिः) 1. The heel. 2. The rear of an army. 3. The back. 4. Enquiry, asking. 5. A kick. f. (-र्ष्णिः) 1. A violent or licen- tious woman, one intoxicated literally or figuratively, &c. 2. A name of KUNTĪ the mother of YUDHISHṬHIRA. E. पृष् to sprin- kle, &c. Unādi aff. नि .
- पार्ष्णिग्राह :: m. (-हः) 1. An enemy in the rear. 2. A commander in the rear of his army or reserve. 3. An ally who supports a prince. E. पार्ष्णि the rear, and ग्राह who takes.
- पार्ष्णिवाह :: m. (-हः) An outside horse. E. पार्ष्णि, वह to bear, aff. अण् ।
- पार्ष्णित्र :: n. (-त्रं) A reserve, a body of forces in the rear. E. पार्ष्णि the rear, and त्रा to preserve, aff. क .
- पाल :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (पालयति-ते) To guard, to preserve or protect. चु० उभ० सक-सेट् ।
- पाल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Who or what guards or preserves. m. (-लः) 1. A nourisher, a protector. 2. A spitting-pot. 3. A herdsman. 4. A king. f. (-ली) 1. The sharp edge of a sword. 2. A woman with a beard. 3. A louse. 4. A line, a row or range. 5. A pot, a boiler. E. पाल् to nourish, aff. अच्; ङीष् added; also with इ aff. पालि .
- पालक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what protects, nourishes, &c. m. (-कः) 1. A horse-keeper, a groom. 2. A cherisher, a protector, a guar- dian. 3. A prince. 4. A horse. 5. The chitraka tree. E. पाल् to nourish, aff. ण्वुल् ।
- पालकाव्य :: m. (-व्यः) A name of a Muni or saint, a form of the divine physician DHANWANTARI, who promulgated the science of elephants. n. (व्यं) The science of elephants.
- पालघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) A mushroom. E. पाल earth, derived from पाल् to nourish, and ध्न destructive.
- पालङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) 1. The olibanum tree, (Boswellia thurifera.) 2. A sort of beet root, (Peta bengalensis.) 3. A hawk. f. (-ङ्की) Incense, the resin of the olibanum; also पालङ्क्या . E. पाल nourishing, अङ्क what goes or gives, aff. घञ् ।
- पालङ्क्या :: f. (-ङ्का) Gum olibanum. E. पालङ्क the olibanum tree, ष्यञ् added.
- पालन :: n. (-नं) 1. Preserving, guarding, protecting, cherishing, nourishing. 2. The milk of a cow that has recently calved. E. पाल् to nourish, aff. ल्युट् ।
- पालयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Protecting, cherishing. E. पाल् to protect, ल्युट् aff.
- पालयितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Protecting, cherishing, a protector, &c. E. पाल् to nourish, तृच् aff.
- पालाश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) 1. Of a green colour. 2. Belonging to the Palāsha tree, made of its wood, &c. m. (-शः) Green, (the colour.) E. पालाश a leaf, or the tree, aff. अण् .
- पालाशखण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A country in India, the western part of Bihar. E. पालाश belonging to the Palāsha tree, &c. खण्ड district; aboud- ing in the Butea frondosa.
- पालि(ली) :: f. (-लिः or लीः) 1. The sharp edge of a sword, or any cutting instrument. 2. The tip of the ear. 3. A line, a row or range. 4. A mark, a spot, a stain. 5. A louse. 6. A woman with a beard. 7. A boundary, a limit. 8. A raised bank, a causeway, a bridge.
9. A circumference. 10. Maintenance of a scholar during the period of his studies, by his teacher. 11. Praise, eulogium. 12. The hip or haunch. 13. A Prastha or measure so called. 14. The lap, the bosom. E. पाल् to nourish, इण् aff., and in most cases, ङीप् being optionally added, also पाली: see पाल .
- पालिका :: f. (-का) 1. The sharp edge of a cutting instrument. 2. A sort of ladle or knife for skimming milk, curds, &c. 3. The lobe of the ear. E. पाली as above, with कन् added; see also पालक .
- पालित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Cherished, nourished. m. (-तः) The Sākhota tree. E. पाल् nourish aff. क्त .
- पालित्य :: n. (-त्यं) Greyness of hair consequent on old age. E. पलित + ष्यञ् aff.
- पालिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) Who or what nourishes or protects. E. पाल् to protect, णिनि aff.
- पालिन्द :: m. (-न्दः) A sort of jasmine, (J. pubescens.) f. (-न्दी) Teori; see the next. E. पाल् to nourish, (the bee,) aff. किन्दच् ।
- पालिन्धी :: f. (-न्धी) A plant, commonly Teori, (Convolvulus turpethum,) the black sort. E. See the last, aff. किन्धच् .
- पावक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Who or what renders pure, a purifier, purifica- tory. m. (-कः) 1. fire, or its deified personification. 2. Social fire, one lighted in common. 3. A fire lighted on taking possession of a house. 4. A saint, a person purified by religious abstraction. 5. A tree, the wood of which is used to procure fire by attrition, (Premna, spinosa.) 6. Leadwort, (Plumbago zeylanica.) 7. Marking nut plant, (Semicarpus anacardium.) 8. A vermifuge plant. 9. A flash of lightning. 10. The number “three”: see विडङ्ग . f. (-की) Wife of AGNI. E. पू to purify, ण्वुल् aff.
- पावकारणि :: m. (-णिः) A tree, the wood of which is used to procure fire by attrition. E. पावक fire, अरणि touch-wood.
- पावकि :: m. (-किः) A name of KĀRTTIKEYA. E. पावक, and इञ् aff.; indirectly this deity is the son of fire.
- पावन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Pure, purified. 2. Purifying, expurgatory, purificatory. n. (-नं) 1. Water. 2. Penace, expiation, purification by acts of austerity and devotion. 3. Cow-dung. 4. The Eleo- carpus seed. 5. A kind of grass, (Costus.) m. (-नः) 1. The inspired poet VYĀSA. 2. Fire generally or for various ceremonial pur- poses. 3. Incense. 4. A Siddha. f. (-नी) 1. Yellow myrobalan. 2. A cow. 3. The Ganges, or the goddess GANGĀ. 4. Holy basil. E. पू to cleanse or purify, aff. णिच् ल्यु ।
- पावनध्वनि :: m. (-निः) A conch-shell. E. पावन, and ध्वनि sound.
- पावमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Purificatory, purifying. f. (-नी) An expiatory text. E. पू to purify, शानच् + अण् aff.
- पावमानी :: f. (-नी) An epithet of particular Vedic hymns.
- पावर :: m. (-रः) 1. The side of a die which is marked with two points. 2. A particular throw of the die.
- पावित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Purified. E. पू to purify, causal v., क्त aff.
- पाविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Who or what purifies. E. पू to purify, घिणुन् aff.
- पाव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) What is to be or must be purified. E. पू to purify, ण्यत् aff.
- पाश :: m. (-शः) 1. A fetter, a chain, a tie, the string for fastening tamed animals, or the net or noose for catching birds, deer, &c. 2. A noose as a weapon of combat. 3. A die. 4. In composition with words signifying “hair,” denotes quantity, as केशपाशः much or flowing hair. 5. In composition with कर्ण, denotes “beauty,” as कर्णपाशः a handsome ear. 6. in composition with छत्र and other words expresses “contempt” or “depreciation,” as छत्रपाशः an inelegant or shabby umbrella; भिषक् पाश् “a bad physician &c.” E. पश् to bind, aff. घञ्; where it is used in composition, it is in fact but a technical aff.
- पाशक :: m. (-कः) A dice, particularly the long sort used in playing Chaupai. E. पश to bind, ण्वुल् aff.
- पाशन :: n. (-नं) 1. A noose, a snare. 2. Fettering, entrapping. E. पाशि, aff. ल्युट् ।
- पाशपाणि :: m. (-णिः) A name of VARUṆA, the regent of water. E. पाश a sort of noose, and पाणि the hand, VARUṆA being represented as holding a cord in one hand, shaped like a sling or a noose.
- पाशबद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Noosed, snared, caught or bound. E. पाश, and वद्ध bound.
- पाशबन्ध :: n. (-न्धं) A noose, a snare, a halter, a net, &c. E. पाश, and बन्ध a binding.
- पाशभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) 1. VARUṆA. 2. A soldier, &c. armed with a noose. E. पाश, and भृत् who has.
- पाशव :: n. (-वं) A flock, a herd. f. (वी) adj. Relating to animals. E. पशु an animal, अण् aff.
- पाशवपालन :: n. (-नं) Pasturage or meadow grass. E. पाशव, and पालन supporting.
- पाशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Tied, fettered, bound. E. पाश a fetter, and इतच् aff.
- पाशिन् :: m. (-शी) 1. One armed with a net or noose. 2. A deer-catcher or fowler, using a net or noose. 3. A name of VARUṆA. 4. A name of YAMA. E. पाश a fetter, इनि aff.
- पाशीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Tied, fettered. E. पाश a fetter, कृत made, and ई substituted for the final of the first word.
- पाशुपत :: m. (-तः) 1. A follower and worshipper of ŚIVA, in one of his forms as the supreme deity of the Hindū triad. 2. A followers of the doctrines of Paśupati, an old philosopher. A tree, (Æschynomene grandiflora.) n. (-तं) The teaching of Paśupati. E. पशुपति a name of ŚIVA, अण् aff.
- पाशुपतास्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) ŚIVA'S trident. E. पाशुपत, and अस्त्र a weapon.
- पाशुपाल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) The business of a grazier, rearing and keeping cattle. E. पशु an animal, पाल nourishing, ष्यञ् aff.
- पाश्चात्त्य :: mfn. (-त्त्यः -त्त्या -त्त्यं) 1. Behind, being behind. 2. Subsequent. 3. Western. n. (त्त्यं) The hinder part. E. पश्चाद् भवः त्यक् aff.
- पाश्या :: f. (-श्या) A number of nooses. E. पाश, and यत् aff.
- पाषक :: m. (-कः) An ornament for the feet. E. पष to bind aff. ण्वुल् ।
- पाषण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. A heretic, an impostor, one who not conforming to the orthodox tenets of Hindu faith, assumes the external characteristics of tribe or sect, a Jain, a Bauddha &c. 2. Any sect not Hindu. E. पाप sin, षण् to give, ड aff., deriv. irr.
- पाषण्डक :: m. (-कः) A heretic, an impostor. E. कन् added to the preced- ing.
- पाषण्डिन् :: m. (-ण्डी) A heretic, &c.: see पाषण्ड . E. पाषण्ड, and इनि added.
- पाषाण :: m. (-णः) A stone in general. f. (णी) A small stone used as a weight. E. पिश् to grind, (condiments upon,) घञ् aff. आनच् added, and the deriv. irr.
- पाषाणदारक :: m. (-कः) A sort of hatchet for cutting stones, a stone- cutter's chisel. E. पाषाण a stone, and दारक what tears or breaks; also पाषाणदारण, from दारण rending, tearing. “छेनी” ।
- पाषाणदारण :: m. (-णः) An instrument for cutting stones; see the last.
- पाषाणभेदिन् :: m. (-दी) A plant, (Plectranthus scutellaroides.) E. पाषाण a stone, and भेदिन् dividing; growing amongst stones and rocks.
- पाषाणसन्धि :: m. (-न्धिः) A cave in a rock.
- पाषाणहृदय :: Adj. Stone-hearted, cruel.
- पाहात :: m. (-तः) The mulberry tree, (Morus Indica.)
- पि :: r. 1st cl (पियति) To go, to move. तु० सक० पर-अनिट् ।
- पिक :: m. (-कः) The Indian cuckoo, (Cuculus Indicus.) f. (-की) The female. E. पि imitative sound, कै to utter, aff. क ।
- पिकबन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) The mango tree. E. पिक the Kokila, and बन्धु friend; the favourite haunt of that bird.
- पिकराम :: m. (-मः) The mango tree. E. पिक, and राग fondness.
- पिकवल्लम :: m. (-मः) The mango tree, E. पिक, and वल्लभ beloved.
- पिकाक्ष :: n. (-क्षं) A vegetable, and perfume, commonly Rochaṇi. E. पिक Kokila and अक्ष an eye; having red blossoms.
- पिकाङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A small bird, commonly called Chāṭaka. E. पिक the Kokila, and अङ्ग body or form.
- पिकानन्द :: m. (-न्दः) The spring season. E. पिक the Kokila, and आनन्द delight. Also पिकबान्धव ।
- पिक्व :: m. (-क्वः) 1. A young elephant. 2. An elephant twenty years old. E. पिक imitative sound, and कै to utter, aff. क .
- पिङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) Of a tawny colour. m. (-ङ्गः) 1. Tawny, (the colour. 2. A rat. 3. A buffalo. n. (-ङ्गं) A young animal. f. (-ङ्गा) 1. A yellow dye: see गोरोचना . 2. Asafœtida. 3. A tubular vessel of the body, which according to the Yoga system, is the channel of respiration and circulation for one side. 4. A name of DURGĀ. 5. Turmeric. 6. Bamboo manna. f. (-ङ्गी) A sort of Mimosa, (M. suma, Rox.) E. पिजि to colour, aff. अच्; or पिङ्ग tawny, aff. टाप्, &c.
- पिङ्गकपिशा :: f. (-शा) A cockroach. E. पिङ्ग tawny, and कपिश brown.
- पिङ्गचक्षुस् :: m. (-क्षुः) A crab. E. पिङ्ग tawny, and चक्षुस् the eye.
- पिङ्गजट :: m. (-टः) ŚIVA. E. पिङ्ग tawny, and जटा braided hair.
- पिङ्गल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Of tawny colour, brown, yellowish. m. (-लः) 1. Tawny, (the colour,) a dull brown, or yellow. 2. An attendant upon the sun. 3. The sun. 4. A fabulous being in the form of a Nāga or serpent of lower regions, to whom a treatise on prosody is ascribed; he hence considered as a Muni, or inspired and divine personage. 5. A name of ŚIVA. 6. One of KUVERA'S divine treasures. 7. A monkey. 8. Fire. 9. An ichneumon. 10. A sort of poison. 11. A small owl. 12. The 51st year of the Hindu cycle. n. (-लं) 1. Brass. 2. Yellow orpiment. f. (-ला) 1. The female elephant of the south quarter. 2. A pious whore, commemorated in the Bhāgavata. 3. A particular vessel of the body, the right of three canals which run from the os-coccygis; to the head, and which are the chief passages of breath and air, according to the anatomy of the Yoga school of philosophy. 4. An astrological house or period. 5. The Sisu tree, (Dalbergia Sisu.) 6. Heartpea. 7. A kind of owl. 8. A kind of metal. E. पिजि to colour, Unādi aff. अलच्; or पिङ्गल of a tawny hue, fem. aff. टाप् .
- पिङ्गलिका :: f. (-का) 1. A sort of crane. 2. A kind of owl. see वलाक . E. पिङ्गल of a tawny colour, कन् aff.
- पिङ्गसार :: m. (रः) Yellow orpiment. “हरिताले” ।
- पिङ्गस्फटिक :: m. (कः) A kind of gem called “gomedh”.
- पिङ्गाक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षी -क्षं) Red-eyed. m. (क्षः) A name of ŚIVA. E. पिङ्ग reddish brown, and अक्ष an eye.
- पिङ्गाश :: m. (-शः) 1. A sort of fish, (Pimelodius pangasius, HAM.) 2. The head man or proprietor of a village. n. (-शं) Virgin gold. f. (-शी) The indigo plant. E. पिङ्ग tawny, आश flesh, from अश् to eat aff. अण् .
- पिङ्गास्य :: m. (-स्यः) A fish: see the last.
- पिङ्गेक्षण :: m. (-णः) A name of ŚIVA. E. पिङ्ग tawny, and ईक्षण eye.
- पिचण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. The belly. 2. The back of an animal. E. अपि certainly, चम् to eat, aff. ड, initial of the prefix rejected; also पिचिण्ड .
- पिचण्डिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Big-bellied, corpulent. E. पिचण्ड the belly, and इलच् aff.
- पिचण्डिका :: f. (-का) The instep; also पिचिण्डिका .
- पिचव्य :: m. (-व्यः) The cotton plant. E. पिचु cotton, and यत् aff. “कार्पासवृक्षे” .
- पिचिण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. The belly or abdomen. 2. The back of an animal. E. अपि certainly, चम् to eat, aff. ड, and इ substituted for the radical vowel.
- पिचिण्डिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Big-bellied, corpulent, pot-bellied. E. पिचिण्ड a belly, and इलच् aff.
- पिवु :: m. (-चुः) 1. Cotton. 2. The name of an Asura. 3. A Karsha or weight of two Tolās: see कर्ष . 4. A sort of leprosy. 5. One of the eight faces of BHAIRAVA. E. पिच Sautra root, means to rub, Unādi aff. उ; or पच-उ-पृषो० ।
- पिचुक :: m. (-कः) A plant, (Vangueria spinosa.) E. कन् added to the preceding. मदनवृक्षे ।
- पिचुतूल :: n. (-लं) Cotton. E. पिचु, and तूल both meaning the same, cotton.
- पिचुमन्द :: m. (-न्दः) The Nimba tree, (Melia azadirachta.) E. पिवु a sort of leprosy, and मन्द to be slow, in the causal form, to make slow or check, aff. अच्; also पिचुमर्द्द .
- पिचुमर्द्द :: m. (-र्द्दः) The Nimba tree: see the last. E. पिचु as before, मृद् to destroy, aff. अच् .
- पिचुल :: m. (-लः) 1. Cotton: also पिचु . 2. The tamarisk, (T. Indica.) 3. A plant, (Barringtonia acutangulā.) 4. The diver or water-crow. E. पिचु cotton, ला to get, &c. aff. क . झावुकवृक्षे ।
- पिच्च :: r. 10th cl. (पिच्चयति-ते) To cut, to divide. चु० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- पिच्चट :: m. (-टः) Inflammation of the eyes, ophthalmia. n. (-टं). 1. Tin. 2. Lead. E. पिच्च् to divide, aff. अच्, and टौक for ढोक to go, aff. ड; or पिच्च-अटन् ।
- पिच्चा :: f. (-च्चा) A particular measure of pearls.
- पिच्छ :: r. 6. th cl. (पिच्छति) 1. To pain or torture. 2. To hinder. r. 10th cl. (पिच्छयति) To cut, to divide. तु० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- पिच्छ :: n. (-च्छं) 1. The tail of a peacock. 2. A crest. 3. The feather of a tail. 4. The feather of an arrow. m. (-च्छः) A tail in general. f. (-च्छा) 1. The gum of the silk cotton tree. 2. A line, a row or range. 3. A diseased affection of a horse's feet. 4. The nut of the Areca, betel-nut. 5. A plantain. 6. The scum of boiled rice. 7. A sort of body dress, or jacket. 8. The venomous saliva of a snake. 9. The Sisu tree, (Dalbergia Sisu.) 10. A she- ath, a coat or cover. 11. An armour. 12. A multitude, a heap. 13. The calf of the leg. 14. The Indian cuckoo. 15. The exudation of the Sālmalī tree. E. पिच्छ् to divide, aff. घञ् or अच् ।
- पिच्छल :: f. (-ला) Slimy, slippery.
- पिच्छलदला :: f. (-ला) The jujube, (Zizyphus jujuba.) E. पिच्छल for पिच्छिल a tree, and दल a leaf. वदरोवृक्षे ।
- पिच्छवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Tailed, having a tail. E. पिच्छ, and मतुप् aff.
- पिच्छवा(बा)ण :: m. (-णः) A hawk.
- पिच्छिका :: f. (-का) The feather of a peacock's tail tied in a bunch.
- पिच्छितिका :: f. (-का) The Sisu, (Dalbergia Sisu.)
- पिच्छिल :: mfn. subst. (-लः-ला-लं) 1. Sauce mixed with rice gruel. 2. Sauce, gravy, or condiments with water or Ghee. 3. Broth, soup. 4. Moist, and split pulse. f. (-ला) 1. The silk cotton tree, (Bombax heptaphyllum.) 2. A potherb, (Basella rubra and lucida.) 5. A timber tree, (Dalbergia Sisu.) 4. The name of a river. 5. An esculent root, (Arum Indicum.) 6. Lubricous, slippery, smeary. m. (-लः) The tamarisk, (Tamarix Indica.) mfn. adj. (-लः-ला-लं) Having a tail. E. पिच्छा rice water, scum, &c. and इलच् aff.
- पिच्छिलत्वच् :: m. (-त्वक्) 1. An orange. 2. Orange-peel. E. पिच्छिल said to mean an orange, and त्वच् skin.
- पिज(इ)पिजि :: r. 2nd cl. (पिंक्ते) 1. To tinge, to dye or colour, to impinge. 2. To touch. 3. To tinkle. 4. To adore. r. 1st and 10th cls. (पिञ्जति पिञ्जयति-ते) 1. To kill or injure. 2. To be strong. 3. To give. 4. To dwell. 5. To speak. 6. To shine. दीप्तौ वासे सामर्थ्येच अक० हिंसायां दानेच सक० चु० उभ० सेट् इदित् ।
- पिञ्ज :: mfn. (-ञ्जः -ञ्जा -ञ्जं) Disturbed in mind, confused, confounded. m. (-ञ्जः) 1. The moon. 2. A kind of camphor. 3. A heap. 4. Killing, slaughter. n. (-ञ्जं) Strength, power. f. (-ञ्जा) 1. Hurting, injuring, injury. 2. Cotton. 3. Turmeric. 4. A sort of palm. 5. A switch. E. पिजि to hurt or kill, aff. अच् ।
- पिञ्जट :: m. (-टः) The concrete rheum of the eyes. E. पिजि to give pain, अटन् aff.
- पिञ्जन :: n. (-नं) A bow-shaped instrument used for cleaning cotton. E. पिजि to touch, aff. ल्युट् ।
- पिञ्जर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Yellow or tawny, reddish yellow. m. (-रः) 1. A sort of colour, tawny brown, a reddish yellow, or a mixture of red and yellow. 2. A horse, probably a bay or chesnut horse. n. (-रं) 1. Gold. 2. Yellow orpiment. 3. A cage. 4. The ribs or the cavity formed by them, the thorax: see पञ्जर . E. पिजि to dye or tinge, अरच् aff.
- पिञ्जल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Confounded, overcome with terror or grief. m. (-लः) An army panic-struck, or in great disorder. n. (-लं) 1. The leaf of the Kusa grass. 2. Yellow orpiment. f. (-ली) Two blades of Kusa grass, used as a vessel, or to take up articles with, at sacrifices. E. पिजि to hurt, &c. aff. कलच् ।
- पिञ्जाल :: n. (-लं) Gold. E. पिजि, आलच् aff.
- पिञ्जिका :: f. (-का) A roll of cotton, from which the threads are spun. E. पिञ्जा cotton, कन् added in the fem. form. “पाइज” ।
- पिञ्जूल :: n. (-लं) The wick of a lamp. E. पिजि to hurt, &c. Unādi aff. ऊलव् .
- पिञ्जूष :: m. (-षः) The wax of the ear. E. पिजि to stain, ऊषन् aff.
- पिञ्जेट :: m. (-टः) The excretion, or concrete rheum of the eyes.
- पिञ्जोला :: f. (-ला) The noise, or rustling of leaves. E. पिजि, ओल aff.
- पिट :: r. 1st cl. (पेटति) 1. To sound. 2. To assemble or heap together. भ्वा० पर० अक० सेट् ।
- पिट :: m. (-टः) 1. A basket for holding grain, a sort of cupboard or granary made of bamboos or canes. 2. A basket, a box. n. (-टं) 1. A house, a hovel. 2. A roof. E. पिट् to collect, क aff.
- पिटक :: mfn. subst. (-कः-का-कं) A boil, an ulcer. m. (-कः) 1. A basket, a box. 2. A large basket, or receptacle of basket work, for keeping grain, &c.; a granary. 3. An ornament on Indra's banner. E. पिट् to collect, aff. क्कुन्; also पिट and पेटक ।
- पिटङ्काश :: m. (-शः) A species of pike, (Esox scolopax.)
- पिटङ्कीकी :: f. (-की) Colocynth. इन्द्रवारुण्याम् ।
- पिटाक :: m. (-कः) 1. The name of a saint. 2. A basket, a box. E. पिट् to collect, and काक Unādi aff.
- पिट्टक :: n. (-कं) The tartar or excretion of the teeth. E. पिट् to collect, aff. ण्वुल् ।
- पिठ :: r. 1st cl. (पेठति) 1. To hurt or kill. 2. To feel pain or affliction. क्लेशे अक० वधे सक० भ्वा० पर० सेट् ।
- पिठ :: m. (-ठः) Pain, distress. E. पिठ, and क aff.
- पिठर :: mf. (-रः-री) A pot, a pan. n. (-रं) 1. A churning stick. 2. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) 3. A sort of building, a hut or watch box made of bamboos and mats, or as it is sometimes explained, a kind of store room or scullery. E. पिठ pain, रा to take, aff. क; or पिठ-करन् ।
- पिठरक :: m. (-कः) A kind of serpent. E. see the last.
- पिड(इ,)पिडि :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (पिण्डति-ते पिण्डयति-ते) To accu- mulate, to assemble, to heap together. राशीकरणे भ्वा० आत्म० सक० सेट्० इदित् । चुरादेरुभयपदी ।
- पिडक :: mf. (-कः-वा) A small boil, a pimple. E. पीड-ण्वुल् ।
- पिण्ड :: mn. (-ण्डः-ण्डं) A lump, a heap, a cluster, a quantity or collec- tion. mf. (-ण्डः-ण्डी) An oblation to deceased ancestors as a ball or lump of meat, or rice, mixed up with milk, curds, flowers, &c. and offered to the manes at the several Shrāddhas. by the nearest surviving relations. m. (-ण्डः) 1. A ball, a globe. 2. A mouthful, or roundish lump of food, considered as equivalent to a mouthful. 3. Presenting water or cake to a deceased relation. 4. The body. 5. The side immediately below the armpit. 6. A part of a house; a sort of portico or shed, in front of the door. 7. Coarse, gross, thick, solid. 8. Strength, power. 9. Myrrh. 10. Franki-
ncense. 11. The China rose. 12. Food. 13. Flesh, meat. 14. The projection of an elephant's frontal sinus. 15. The embryo or fetus in an early stage of gestation. 16. A sum, (in arith- metic.) 17. Thickness, (In geometry.) 18. (In astronomy,) The twenty-fourth part of the quadrant of a circle, or 30-45’. n. (-ण्डं) 1. Livelihood, means, means of living. 2. Iron. 3. Fresh butter. 4. Power, strength. 5. An army. f. (-ण्डी) 1. A long gourd, (Cucurbita lagenaria.) 2. A sort of palm, (Phœnix dactyli- fera.) 3. A flowering shrub, (Tabernæmontana coronaria flor. plen.) 4. Performance of certain gesticulations, accompanying the silent repetition of prayers, &c. in meditation on real or divine knowledge. 5. The nave of a wheel. 6. A house. 7. Solid, compact, close. 8. The calf of the leg. 9. A round mass. E. पिडि to heap, to gather, to collect, &c. aff. अच् fem. aff. ङीप् ।
- पिण्डक :: mn. (-कः-कं) 1. Incense. 2. Carrot. 3. The calf of the leg. 4. A lump of food. 5. A lump or ball. m. (-कः) A goblin, a demon. E. पिण्ड as above, and कन् added.
- पिण्डकन्द :: m. (-न्दः) See पिण्डालु .
- पिण्डखर्ज्जूर :: mf. (-रः-री) A sort of date tree. E. पिण्ड a lump, a cluster, and खर्ज्जूर the date. “छोहारा” ।
- पिण्डगोस :: m. (-सः) Gum myrrh; also पिण्ड, and गोस severally. “गन्धरसे” ।
- पिण्डतैलक :: m. (-कः) Incense, olibanum.
- पिण्डद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Who or what gives the funeral cake to deceased ancestors. 2. One who supports or feeds another. m. (-दः) 1. The nearest male relation who offers the funeral cake. 2. A patron, a master. E. पिण्ड, and द who or what gives.
- पिण्डदान :: n. (-नं) 1. Presentation of the obsequial cake. 2. The funeral oblation made to deceased ancestors on the evening of the new-moon day. E. पिण्ड, and दान giving.
- पिण्डन :: m. (-नः) A mound or bank. n. (-नं) Forming globes.
- पिण्डनिर्वपन :: n. (-नं) Presenting obsequial cake to the manes. E. पिण्ड, and निर्वपन offering funeral oblations.
- पिण्डपात :: m. (-तः) Collecting or giving alms.
- पिण्डपाद :: m. (-दः) An elephant. E. पिण्ड a lump of flesh, and पाद a foot: also पिण्डपाद्य .
- पिण्डपुष्प :: mn. (-ष्पः-ष्पं) 1. The flower of the Asoka tree, (Jonesia Asoca.) 2. The China rose. 3. A lotus. 4. A flower, (Tabernæmontana coronaria.) 5. The pomegranate. E. पिण्ड a cluster, and पुष्प a flower.
- पिण्डपुष्पक :: m. (-कः) A potherb, (Chenopodium album.) E. पिण्ड a lump, पुष्प a flower, कन् added. वास्तूकशाके ।
- पिण्डफला :: f. (-ला) A bitter gourd. E. पिण्ड a lump, फल fruit.
- पिण्डभाज् :: m. (-भाक्) Plu. The manes.
- पिण्डभृति :: f. (-ति) Livelihood.
- पिण्डमात्रोपजीविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Living, breathing, having no intellectual existence. E. पिण्ड, मात्र only, उपजीविन् subsisting.
- पिण्डमुस्ता :: f. (-स्ता) A sort of grass, (Cyperus pertenuis.) E. पिण्ड a lump, and मुस्ता Cyperus. नागरमुस्तायाम् ।
- पिण्डमूल :: n. (-लं) The carrot, (Daucus carota.) E. पिण्ड lump of flesh, and मूल a root; also with कन् added, पिण्डमूलक . “गांँजर” ।
- पिण्डल :: m. (-लः) A bridge, a causeway, a passage over a stream or ravine, &c. or a mound raised to form a path across inundated fields. E. पिण्ड a heap, (of earth, &c.) and ला to get, aff. ड; or पिडि वा कलच् ।
- पिण्डलेप :: m. (-पः) 1. The fragments of the obsequial cake which cling to the hand.
- पिण्डलोप :: m. (-पः) Interruption in offering the funeral cakes.
- पिण्डवीज :: m. (-जः) A flowering shrub, (Oleander odorum.) E. पिण्ड, and वीज seed.
- पिण्डस :: m. (-सः) A beggar, a mendicant living upon alms. E. पिण्ड a ball of rice, &c. सद् to go or get, aff. ड .
- पिण्डसम्बन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Relationship between a living person and one deceased, near enough to qualify the former to offer the obsequial cake to the latter.
- पिण्डात :: m. (-तः) Incense. E. पिण्ड the same, अत् to be, aff. मातत्ये-अच् .
- पिण्डाभ्र :: n. (-भ्रं) Hail. E. पिण्ड a lump, and अभ्र a cloud.
- पिण्डायस :: n. (-सं) Steel. E. पिण्ड, and अयस iron.
- पिण्डार :: m. (-रः) 1. A keeper or attendant on buffaloes. 2. A cow- herd. 3. A beggar, a religious mendicant. 4. The vikankata tree, (Trewia nudiflora.) E. पिण्ड a heap, ऋ to go, aff. अण् .
- पिण्डालक्तक :: m. (-कः) A red dye.
- पिण्डाल :: m. (-लुः) An esculent and medical root, described as sweet, cooling, and diuretic. E. पिण्ड a lump, and आलु an esculent root. “गोलआलु” ।
- पिण्डाश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) A beggar. E. पिण्ड a piece of meat, आश who eats; also पिण्डाशनः, and पिण्डाशिन् m. (-शी ।)
- पिण्डि :: f. (-ण्डि) 1. The have of a wheel. 2. The Asoka tree, &c: see पिण्डी . E. पिडि to collect, (the spokes,) aff. इन्; also पिण्डी and पिण्डिका ।
- पिण्डिका :: f. (-का) 1. The nave of a wheel. 2. The instep. 3. A stool or seat of various shapes and dimensions. E. पिण्डी as above, and कन् added.
- पिण्डित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Multiplied, added. 2. Counted, numbered. 3. Thick, massy, lumpish. 4. Collected, heaped together. E. पिण्ड a lump, a heap, and इतच् aff.; or पिडि-क्त ।
- पिण्डिन् :: mfn. (-ण्डी -ण्डिनी -ण्डि) Having a Pinda or ball of food, (a ceremony, an ancestor, &c.) m. (-ण्डी) 1. A beggar. 2. An offerer of oblations. E. पिण्ड, and इनि aff.
- पिण्डिल :: m. (-लः) 1. A bridge, a mound, a causeway. 2. An astrologer, an arithmetician, a calculator of nativities, &c. f. (-ला) A sort of cucumber, (C. madraspatanus.) E. पिण्ड a heap, &c. इलच् Unādi aff.
- पिण्डीकरण :: n. (-णं) Heaping, making up into a lump or ball. E. पिण्ड, and करण making, च्वि augm.
- पिण्डीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Made into a lump or ball. E. पिण्ड, and कृत made, च्वि augm.
- पिण्डीतक :: m. (-कः) 1. A tree, (Vangueria spinosa, Rox.) 2. A shrub, (Tabernæmontana coronaria.) 3. A plant, commonly marua: see मरुवक । E. पिण्डी a plant, तन् to spread, to resemble, aff. ड and कन् added.
- पिण्डीतगर :: m. (-रः) A plant, a species of Tabernæmontana. E. पिण्डी the same, and तगर T. coronaria.
- पिण्डीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Lumped, heaped, made up in a lump or ball. E. पिण्ड, and भूत become, च्वि augm.
- पिण्डीर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Sapless, juiceless, arid, dry. m. (-रः) 1. The pomegranate. 2. Cuttle-fish-bone considered to be the foam of the sea. E. पिण्ड a ball, &c. ईर to go, to resemble, aff. अण् .
- पिण्डीशूर :: m. (रः) A cot queen, an effeminate braggart. E. पिण्ड a house, and शूर a hero.
- पिण्डोद्धरण :: n. (-णं) Participating in obsequial offerings, presenting them to common ancestors. E. पिण्ड, and डद्धरण sharing.
- पिण्डोलि :: f. (-लिः) Orts, leaving of a meal, or fragments dropped from the mouth. E. पिडि to heap, aff. ओलि .
- पिण्या :: f. (ण्या) Heart-pea, (Cardiospermum haliacacabum.) E. पण् to praise, ण्यत् aff., and इ substituted for the radical vowel: see पण्या .
- पिण्याक :: m. (-कः) 1. The sediments of seeds, &c. ground for oil; oil- cake, or the seeds after expression. 2. Saffron. 3. Asafœtida. 4. Incense. E. पिषु to pound or bruise, deriv. irr.
- पितामह :: m. (हः) 1. A paternal grandfather. 2. A name of BRAHMĀ. the great father of all. f. (-ही) A paternal grandmother. E. पितृ a father, and डामह aff.
- पितृ :: m. (-ता) A father, dual, (-रौ) Mother and father, parents. plu. always, (-रः) 1. Paternal ancestors. 2. The manes, or the deceased and deified progenitors of mankind, inhabiting a peculiar region or heaven, or according to some, the orbit of the moon. E. पा to nourish, Unādi aff. तृच् .
- पितृक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Paternal, ancestral, parental, obsequial, relating or belonging to parents or progenitors. E. पितृ a sire, and कन् aff.
- पितॄक्थ :: n. (-क्थं) Paternal property. E. पितृ, and ऋक्थ wealth.
- पितृकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Obsequial rites. E. पितृ, and कर्म्मन् act.
- पितृकार्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Obsequial rites. E. पितृ, and कार्य्य to be done.
- पितृकानन :: n. (-नं) A cemetery. E. पितृ an ancestor, and कानन a wood.
- पितृक्रिया :: f. (-या) Obsequial rites. E. पितृ, and क्रिया ceremony.
- पितृगण :: m. (-णः) A class of progenitors, the sons of the Rishis or Prajāpatis: the principal classes are the Somasads descended from VIRĀT, the Agnishwattās from MARĪCHI, Bārhishads from ATRI, Somapās from BHRIGU, Havishmats from ANGIRAS, Ājyapas from PULASTYA, Sukālins from VASHISTHA; there are also the Agnidaghas and Anagnidagdhas, Kavyas and Saumyas. E. पितृ father, (of mankind,) गण a troop.
- पितृगामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Belonging to, or pertaining to a father. E. पितृ, and गामिन् what goes.
- पितृगृह :: n. (-हं) 1. A paternal mansion. 2. A burying ground, a cemetery. E. पितृ a deceased ancestor, and गृह a house.
- पितृघातक :: m. (-कः) A parricide. E. पितृ and घातक a slayer.
- पितृतर्पण :: n. (णं) 1. The part of the hand between the middle finger and thumb, sacred to the manes. 2. Gifts in honour of deceased relations, distributed at the Śrāddhas or funeral ceremonies. 3. The act of throwing water out of the right hand at seasons of ablution, by way of offering to the manes or deceased ancestors in general. E. पितृ a father, a progenitor, and तर्पण satisfying.
- पितृतस् :: ind. From or by the father. E. पितृ, and तसि aff.
- पितृतिथि :: m. (-थिः) Day of new moon, on which she rises invisible. E. पितृ a progenitor, and तिथि a lunar day, sacred to the manes.
- पितृतीर्थ :: n. (-र्थं) 1. Gaya, the city so called, where the performance of funeral sacrifices is peculiarly efficacious and meritorious. 2. The part between the forefinger and thumb, sacred to the manes. E. पितृ a progenitor, and तीर्थ a place of pilgrimage.
- पितृत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Paternity. 2. The state or condition of a Pitṛ, or deified progenitor. E. त्व added to पितृ .
- पितृदान :: n. (-नं) Gift in honour of deceased ancestors. E. पितृ a pro- genitor, and दान giving or gift; also with कन् added, पितृदानक n. (-कं).
- पितृदाय :: m. (-यः) Patrimony.
- पितदैवत :: n. (-तं) The tenth lunar asterism or Maghā. E. पितृ, and दैवत divinity, presiding over the asterism.
- पितृपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. The paternal side. 2. The second half of the month of Bhādrapada peculiarly appointed for the celebration of obsequial rites to the manes.
- पितृपति :: m. (-तिः) YAMA, regent of the dead. E. पितृ a deceased pro- genitor, and पति lord.
- पितृपद :: n. (-दं) The world or state of the manes. E. पितृ, and पद degree.
- पितृपात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A cup or vessel used at obsequial rites. E. पितृ, and पात्र a cup.
- पितृपितृ :: m. (-ता) A paternal grandfather. E. पितृ a father, and पितृ the same, father's father.
- पितृप्रसू :: f. (-सूः) 1. Twilight. 2. A father's mother. E. पितृ a deceased progenitor, and प्रसू the parent; the first is the time when manes are abroad.
- पितृप्राप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Received from a father. 2. Inherited patrimonially. E. पितृ, and प्राप्त obtained.
- पितृबन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) A remote or cognate kinsman by the father's side, as the son of the paternal grandfather's sister, of the paternal grandmother's sister, and of the father's maternal uncle. E. पितृ, and बन्धु a kinsman.
- पितृबान्धव :: m. (-वः) A remote kinsman of the paternal line: see the last. E. पितृ, and बान्धव a kinsman.
- पितृभक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Filial duty to a father. E. पितृ, and भक्ति devotion.
- पितृभोजन :: n. (-नं) 1. Food offered to the manes. 2. A father's food. 3. A kind of pulse: see Māsha. E. पितृ, and भोजन food.
- पितृभ्रातृ :: m. (-ता) A father's brother. E. पितृ, and भ्रातृ a brother.
- पितृमन्दिर :: n. (-रं) 1. The paternal mansion. 2. A cemetery. E. पितृ, and मन्दिर a dwelling.
- पितृमेध :: n. (-धं) Obsequial rites. E. पितृ, and मेध sacrifice.
- पितृयज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) 1. Obsequial rites. 2. Oblations of water daily offered to the manes. E. पितृ a progenitor, and यज्ञ sacrifice.
- पितृयाण :: n. (णं) The carriage of the manes, a car to convey holy persons after their decease to heaven. E. पितृ a progenitor, and यान a vehicle. पितरो यान्ति अनेन या-करणे ल्युट् संज्ञात्वात् णत्वम् ।
- पितृराज :: m. (-जः) An epithet of Yama.
- पितृरुप :: m. (-पः) An epithet of SĪVA.
- पितृलोक :: m. (-कः) The world or sphere of the manes: it is variously situated, but principally in I huva region or midheaven. E. पितृ, and लोक world.
- पितृवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Having a father living, &c. E. पितृ, and मतुप् poss. aff.
- पितृवन :: n. (-नं) A cemetery, a place where dead bodies are burnt or buried. E. पितृ a deceased progenitor, वन a wood.
- पितृवनेचर :: m. (-रः) 1. SĪVA. 2. A goblin. E. पितृवन a cemetery, in the seventh case, and चर who goes.
- पितृवसति :: f. (-तिः) A cemetery. E. पितृ a deceased progenitor, and वसति an abode.
- पितृवाक्पर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Obedient to parents. E. पितृ, वाच् speech, पर attentive to.
- पितृव्य :: m. (-व्यः) 1. A paternal uncle. 2. Any elderly relation. E. पितृ a father, व्यत् aff.
- पितृव्रत :: m. (-तः) Who worships the manes. n. (-तं) Worship of ancestors, obsequial rites. E. पितृ, and व्रत obligation.
- पितृश्राद्ध :: n. (-द्धं) The obsequial ceremony of a father. E. पितृ, and श्राद्ध the rite.
- पितृष्वसृ :: f. (-सा) A father's sister. E. पितृ father, and स्वसृ a sister, स changed to ष; the compound may also be पितुःष्वसृ, पितुःखसृ, and पितृस्वसृ .
- पितृसन्निभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Fatherly. E. पितृ, सन्निभ like.
- पितृसामान्य :: n. (-न्यं) Ancestors collectively. E. पितृ, and सामान्य uni- versality.
- पितृमू :: f. (-मूः) 1. Twilight. 2. A father's mother. E. पितृ a ghost, and मू producing: see पितृपसू .
- पितृस्थान :: m. (-नः) A guardian, a protector. n. (-नं) The abode of the manes. E. पितृ, and स्थान like, or in place of; or a place, an abode.
- पितृस्थानीय :: m. (-यः) A guardian. E. पितृस्थान, and छ aff.
- पितृस्वस्रीय :: mf. (-यः-या) A maternal aunt's son or daughter. E. पितृ, and स्वस्रीय sister's son, &c.
- पितृहन् :: m. (-हा) A parricide. E. पितृ, and हन् who kills.
- पित्त :: n. (-त्तं) Bile, the bilious humour. E. अपि certainly, दो to des- troy, or देङ् to nourish, aff. क्त, deriv. irr., or तप् to inflame, aff. क्त, and the radical letters transposed.
- पित्तघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) Anti-bilious. f. (-घ्नी) A plant, (Menispermum glabrum.) n. (घ्नं) Ghee. E. पित्त bile, and घ्न what destroys.
- पित्तज्वर :: m. (-रः) Bilious fever. E. पित्त bile, and ज्वर fever.
- पित्तद्राविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विणी -वि) Removing bile, causing it to flow. E. पित्त, and द्राविन् what disperses.
- पित्तरक्त :: n. (-क्तं) Plethora. See रक्तपित्त . E. पित्त, and रक्त blood.
- पित्तल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Bilious, relating to the bilious humour. n. (-लं) 1. Brass. 2. The Bhūrjapatra or Birch tree, of which the bark is used for writing upon, &c. f. (-ला) A plant, (Jussieua repens.) E. पित्त bile, ला to get, to resemble, (in colour,) aff. ड .
- पित्र्य :: mfn. (-त्र्यः -त्र्या -त्र्यं) 1. Paternal, ancestral. 2. Obsequial, relating to deceased progenitors. m. (-त्र्यः) 1. An elder brother. 2. The month of māgha. n. (-त्र्यं) The part of the hand between the forefinger and thumb, sacred to the manes. f. (-त्र्या) 1. One of the lunar asterisms, called Maghā. 2. Day of full moon. 3. Ceremonies performed in honour of the deceased on the day of full or new moon. E. पितृ a father, and यत् aff., रीङ् substituted for ऋ .
- पित्सत् :: mfn. (-सन् -सन्ती -सत्) 1. Habitually falling or coming down. 2. Obtained, gained. m. (-सन्) A bird. E. पत् to fall or alight, शतृ aff., and desiderative form; the reduplicate syllable omitted.
- पित्सल :: n. (-लं) A road, a path, &c. E. पत् to go, Unādi aff. सल, form irr; or correctly पत् सन् पित्स + आधारे कलच् ।
- पिदधत् :: mfn. (-धन् -धन्ती -धत्) Covering, veiling, hiding. E. अपि before, धा to have, श तृ aff. and the initial rejected.
- पिधान :: n. (-नं) 1. A covering, a cover or concealment. 2. A lid, a top or cover. 3. A sheath. 4. A wrapper, a cloak, &c. E. अपि certainly, धा to have or hold, (from sight,) ल्युट् aff., and the initial rejected.
- पिधानक :: n. (-कं) A sheath, a scabbard.
- पिधायक :: f. (का) Covering, hiding, concealing.
- पिनद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Clothed. 2. Accoutred. 3. Dressed. 4. Con- cealed. 5. Pierced. E. अपि, and नह् to bind, aff. क्त .
- पिनस :: m. (-सः) Cold, catarrh: see पीनस .
- पिनह्य :: ind. Having put on or dressed. E. अपि before, नह् to tie, ल्यप् aff.
- पिनाक :: mn. (-कः-कं) 1. The bow of ŚIVA. 2. A trident or three-pronged spear. 3. The trident of ŚIVA. 4. A shower of dust. f. (-की) A musical instrument, a sort of viol. E. पा to preserve, (the world,) Unādi aff. आकन्, the radical vowel changed to इ, and नुम् augment.
- पिनाकिन् :: m. (-की) ŚIVA. E. पिनाक ŚIVA'S bow or trident, and इनि aff.
- पिन्यास :: n. (-सं) Asafœtida. E. अपि before, न्यस् (compounded of नि and अस् to throw,) to be given or placed in condiments, aff. घञ् .
- पिपतिषत् :: mfn. (-षन् -षन्ती -षत्) Inclined or addicted to falling repeatedly. m. (-षन्) A bird. E. पत् to come down, in the desiderative form, and शतृ participial aff.
- पिपतिषा :: f. (-षा) Wish or inclination to come down, to fall, &c. E. पत् to fall, desid. form, अङ् and टाप् affs.
- पिपतिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Disposed to fall or descend. m. (-षुः) A bird. E. पत् to fall, desid. form, उ aff.
- पिपविषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing to purify. E. पू to be pure, desid. v., उ aff.
- पिपासत् :: mfn. (-सन् -सन्ती -सत्) Thirsty, thirsting. E. पा to drink, desid. v., शतृ aff.
- पिपासा :: f. (-सा) Thirst. E. पा to drink, in the desiderative form, अङ् and टाप् affs.
- पिपासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Thirsty, athirst. E. पिपासा thirst, and इतच् aff.
- पिपासु :: mfn. (-सुः -सुः -सु) Thirsty, athirst. E. पा to drink, desid. form, and उ aff.
- पिपीतकी :: f. (-की) The twelfth of the month Vaisākha, when giving away water is an act of merit. E. पिपीतक the name of a Brāhman, said to have instituted the rite, ङीष् aff.
- पिपीलक :: m. (-कः) A large black ant. f. (-लिका) The common small red ant. E. अपि, पील to stop, ण्वुल् aff. and the initial rejected.
- पिपीलिक :: m. (-कः) An ant. n. (कं) A kind of gold.
- पिपृच्छिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing to ask. E. प्रच्छ् to ask, desid. v., उ aff.
- पिप्पटा :: f. (-टा) A kind of sweetmeat.
- पिप्पल :: m. (-लः) 1. The holy fig-tree, (Ficus religiosa.) 2. A bird. 3. The sleeve of a jacket or coat. 4. A nipple. n. (-लं) 1. Water. 2. A berry of the holy fig-tree. 3. A berry in general. 4. Sensual enjoyment. f. (-ली) Long-pepper. E. पा to preserve, aff. कलच् and the root reiterated.
- पिप्पलक :: n. (-कं) 1. A nipple. 2. Sewing thread.
- पिप्पलि :: f. (-लिः) Long-pepper: see पिप्पल .
- पिप्पलीमूल :: n. (-लं) The root of long-pepper. E. पिप्पली, and मूल the root.
- पिप्पिका :: f. (-का) The tartar of the teeth. E. पाय् to increase, aff. इक, deriv. irr.
- पिप्लु :: m. (-प्लुः) A freckle, a mark, a mole. E. अपि certainly, प्लुष् to burn or inflame, aff डु ।
- पिब्दमाना :: f. (-ना) Noising. E. अपि certainly, शब्द sound, and शानच् aff.
- पियाल :: m. (-लः) A tree, called in Hindi also Chironji, (whence it has been named Chironjia sapida, Rox. in the catalogue it is termed Buchanania, latifolia, Rox.;) in Bengal, commonly Piya or Piyal. E. पीय a sautra root, to regard, Unādi aff. कालन् .
- पिल :: r. 10th cl. (पेलयति-ते) 1. To throw, to cast or send. 2. To incite. चु० उभ० सक० स्रेट् ।
- पिलुक :: m. (-कः) A tree: see पीलु . E. पिल् to send, aff. कु, and कन् added.
- पिलनी :: f. (-नी) A plant; see मूर्वा .
- पिल्ल :: mfn. (-ल्लः -ल्ली -ल्लं) Blear-eyed. m. (-ल्लः) A bleared eye. E. पिल्ल considered as a substitute for क्लिन्न wet. &c.
- पिल्लका :: f. (-का) A female elephant. E. पिल्ल blear-eyed, aff. कन्; the elephant's eye being usually moist.
- पिव(इ,)पिवि :: r. 1st cl. (पिन्वति) To sprinkle, to wet or moisten. भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट्-इदित् ।
- पिव :: mfn. (-व -वा -वं) Who or what drinks. E. पा to drink, अच् aff.
- पिवत् :: mfn. (-वन् -वन्ती -वत्) Drinking. E. पा to drink, शत aff.
- पिश :: r. 1st. cl. (पिंशति) 1. To be decomposed, to be reduced to consti- tuent parts. 2. To be organised. 3. To enlighten, to light. अवयवे समूहस्यांशभावे अक० दीपनायांसक० तुदा० मुचा० पर० सेट् ।
- पिश(स) :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Free from sin. n. (शं) Having many forms. E. पिश to organise, aff. क ।
- पिशङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गी-ङ्गं) Of a tawny or brown colour. m. (-ङ्गः) Tawny, (the colour.) E. पिश् to be a component part, अङ्गच् aff.
- पिशङ्गक :: m. (-क) An epithet of VISHṆU. E. पिशङ्ग, स्वार्थे क aff.
- पिशङ्गता :: f. (-ता) Tawniness. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, पिशङ्गत्व ।
- पिशङ्गिन् :: mfn. (-ङ्गी -ङ्गिनी -ङ्गि) Brown, tawny. E. पिशङ्ग, and इनि aff.
- पिशाच :: m. (-चः) A goblin, a fiend, a malevolent being something between an infernal imp and a ghost, but always described as fierce and malignant. f. (-ची) A female imp, a she-demon. E. पिश for पिशित flesh, and अश् to eat, aff. अण्, deriv. irr.; According to Vāchaspatya:-- पिशितमाचामति आ + चम-बा-ड० पृषो० । also with कन् added, पिशाचक, पिशाचिका .
- पिशाचकिन् :: m. (-की) KUVERA, the god of wealth. E. पिशाच a demon, इनि aff., and कुक् augment; the treasures of this deity being guarded by Pīshāchas, and other malignant beings.
- पिशाचद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) A tree, (Trophis aspera.) E. पिशाच a goblin, and द्रु a tree; the favourite haunt of these beings.
- पिशाचवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The Śākhoṭa tree: see the last. E. पिशाच, and वृक्ष a tree.
- पिशाचभाषा :: f. (-षा) One of the lowest Prākrita dialects used in plays.
- पिशाचसभ :: n. (-भं) 1. An assemblage of goblins or fiends. 2. The place or hall of their assembly, pandemonium. E. पिशाच a goblin, and सभा assembly, but neuter in this compound.
- पिशाचसञ्चार :: m. (-रः) Demoniacal possession.
- पिशाचालय :: m. (-यः) Phosphorescense.
- पिशित :: n. (-तं) Flesh. f. (-ता) Spikenard. m. (-तः) 1. A goblin. 2. A cannibal E. पिश् to be a component part, participial aff. क्त ।
- पिशिताशन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Eating meat. m. (-नः) A demon, a fiend, a cannibal. E. पिशित, and अशन food.
- पिशिताशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Eating flesh or meat, carnivorous. m. (-शी) A goblin, a cannibal. E. पिशित, and अश् to eat, aff. घिणुन् .
- पिशील :: n. (-लं) A shallow earthen dish. E. पिस, ईल aff.
- पिशुन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Cruel, wicked. 2. Vile, low, contemptible. 3. Stupid, a fool. n. (-नं) Saffron. m. (-नः) 1. A spy, an informer, a tale-bearer, a slanderer, a traitor. 2. A name of NĀRADA. 3. A crow. 4. Cotton. f. (-ना) A gramineous plant, “पिडिङ्शाक” (Trigonella corniculata.) 2. Indicating, making known, evincing. 3. Calumniating, back-biting. 4. unkind. E. पिश् to be a part, उनन् Unādi aff., and the vowel unchanged.
- पिशुनवचन :: n. (-नं) Evil speech, abuse, detraction, slander. E. पिशुन and वचन speech.
- पिशुनवाक्य :: n. (-क्यं) Evil speech, bad report, detraction, slander. E. पिशुन, and वाक्य speech.
- पिष :: r. 7. th cl. (पिनष्टि) To grind, to pound, to bruise or powder. r. 10th cl. (पेषयति-ते) 1. To injure. 2. To give. 3. To be strong. 4. To dwell. r. 1st and 10th cls. (पेषति पेषयति-ते) To go or move. चूर्णने रु० पर० सक० अनिट् ।
- पिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Ground, pounded, bruised. 2. Clasped, (as the hands,) squeezed, rubbed together. 3. Kneaded. n. (-ष्टं) 1. Lead. 2. The flour or meal of any thing that is ground. E. पिष् to pound or bruise, aff. क्त .
- पिष्टक :: m. (-कः) 1. A cake made of the flour or meal of any grain. 2. A disease of the eyes, opacity of the cornea. n. (-कं) Oil-cake. E. पिष्ट what is pound, कन् aff.
- पिष्टप :: mn. (-पः-पं) A world, a division of the universe. E. पिश् to go, अप् Unādi aff., and टन् augment; or विश-कप् dev. irr. also विष्टप .
- पिष्टपचन :: n. (-नं) A boiler, a seether, a sauce-pan, a pan for parch- ing flour. E. पिष्ट meal, &c. and पचन cooking.
- पिष्टपशु :: m. (-शुः) A type or effigy of a victim, made with flour. E. पिष्ट, and पशु an animal.
- पिष्टपाकभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) A boiler. E. पिष्ट meal, पाक cooking, and भृत् what makes.
- पिष्टपाचक :: n. (-कं) A boiler. E. पिष्ट, and पाचक what cooks.
- पिष्टपूर :: n. (-रं) Meal, made up into a sort of cake with clarified butter. E. पिष्ट meal, and पॄ to complete, aff. अच् .
- पिष्टपेषण :: n. (-णं) 1. Grinding flour, (literally.) 2. Vain repetition, useless occupation, (figuratively.) E. पिष्ट, पिष् to grind ल्युट् aff.
- पिष्टमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Made of meal or flour, &c. E. पिष्ट that which is ground, मयट् transformative aff.
- पिष्टमेह :: m. (-हः) A kind of urinary disease. E. पिष्ट, मिह् to pass as urine, aff. घञ् ।
- पिष्टवर्त्ति :: m. (-र्त्तिः) A small cake, made of barley, rice or pulse ground to meal. E. पिष्ट meal, and वृत् to be, इन् aff.
- पिष्टसौरभ :: n. (-भं) Sandal. E. पिष्ट ground, and सौरभ fragrant.
- पिष्टात :: m. (-तः) Perfumed powder, for scenting rooms, garments, &c. especially the scented dust, which the Hindus sprinkle over each
other at the Holi or spring festival. E. पिष्ट pounded, (saffron &c.) and अत् to go or be, aff. अच् .
- पिष्टिक :: n. (-कं) A cake made of rice flour. f. (-का) The meal of pulse steeped in water, peeled and ground. E. पिष्ट ground, ठन् aff.
- पिस(ऋ)पिसृ :: r. 1st cl. (पेसति) To go or move. r. 10th cl. (पेसयति-ते) 1. To go. 2. To be strong. 3. To injure or hurt. 4. To give. 5. To dwell. (इ) पिसि r. 10th cl. (पिंसयति) 1. To speak. 2. To shine. 3. To destroy. गतौ भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् । दींप्तौ चु० उम० पक्षे भ्वा० पर० अक० सेट्- इदित् । वासे वलेच अक० वधे दाने गतौच सक० चुरा० उभ० सेट् ।
- पिसङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Tawny (the colour): see पिशङ्ग . E. पिस, अङ्गच् aff.
- पिहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Covered, hidden, concealed. 2. Filled with. 3. Shut, barred. E. अपि before, धा to have, aff. क्त, and the initial of the prefix rejected.
- पी(ङ)पीङ् :: r. 4th cl. (पीयते) To drink. दि० सक० आत्म० अनिट् ।
- पीच :: n. (-चं) The lower jaw, the chin.
- पीठ :: mfn. (-ठः -ठी -ठं) 1. A stool, a seat, a chair. 2. The seat of the reli- gious student, made properly of Kuśa grass. 3. A place where some limb of PĀRVATĪ is supposed to have fallen, as after Daks- ha's sacrifice, her dead body was carried about by ŚIVA, and cut in pieces by the discus of VISHṆU: there are fifty-one such places. 4. Complement of a segment, (in Geometry.) 5. A pedestal. 6. A particular posture in sitting. E. पिठ् to be weary, to feel pain, aff. घञ्; deriv. irr. or पा-ठक् पिठ-क वा पृषो० दीर्घः ।
- पीठकेलि :: m. (-लिः) A male confidant, a parasite. E. पीठ a seat, केलि sport.
- पीठगर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) The cavity in the Pedestal of an idol.
- पीठचक्र :: n. (-क्रं) A car or carriage.
- पीठनायिका :: f. (-का) A girl of fourteen who personates Durgā on the occasion of the festival of that goddess.
- पीठभू :: f. (-भू) Basement.
- पीठमर्द्द :: m. (-र्द्दः) 1. A parasite, a companion. 2. A dancing master who gives instruction in that art to courtezans. E. पीठ a seat, and मृद् to rub, aff. घञ्
- पीठसर्पिन् :: m. (-र्पी) A cripple, who moves about on a wheeled chair, &c. E. पीठ a seat, and सर्पिन् who moves.
- पीठस्थान :: n. (-नं) A place where some limb of PĀRVATĪ is supposed to have fallen: see पीठ . E. पीठ, and स्थान place.
- पीठिका :: f. (-का) 1. A bench. 2. A festival. 3. A chapter of a book.
- पीड(ऋ)पीडृ :: r. 10th cl. (पीडयति-ते) 1. To give pain, to annoy, to hurt. 2. To oppose or resist. 3. To stir, to agitate. 4. To squeeze or pinch. 5. To cover with anything inauspicious. 6. To press, (as corns.) बधे विलोडनेच चु० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- पीडन :: n. (-नं) 1. Inflicting pain, paining, distressing. 2. Devastation, laying a country waste. 3. Squeezing, pressing, rubbing. 4. Tak- ing, holding, as in पाणिपीडन “taking the hand” i. e. marrying. 5. Threshing, (corn). 6. An instrument for pressing. 7. An eclipse, (In astronomy). 8. A fault in the pronounciation of vowels. E. पीड् to give pain, aff. ल्युट् .
- पीडा :: f. (-डा) 1. Pain, anguish, suffering. 2. Compassion, charity, pity. 3. Devastation, laying waste. 4. A chaplet, a garland for the head. 5. The Saral tree, (Pinus longifolia.) 6. Infraction, viola- tion. 7. Damage, injury. E. पीड् to pain, अङ् and टाप् affs.
- पीडाकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Giving pain, afflicting, tormenting. Adj. Painful. E. पीडा, and कर who makes.
- पीडाकरण :: n. (-णं) Torturing, tormenting. E. पीडा, and करण making.
- पीडित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Bound, tied. 2. Pained, suffering pain or dis- tress. 3. Laid waste, destroyed, devastated. 4. Rubbed, chafed. 5. Squeezed, pressed. 6. Espoused: see पीडन . 7. Violated. 8. Op- pressed, harassed. 9. Eclipsed. n. (-तं) 1. Injuring, harassing. 2. A mode of sexual enjoyment. E. पीडा pain, इतच् aff. or पीड-क्त ।
- पीडितम :: It is used as an indeclinable in the sense of “fast,” “closely.”
- पीड्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Being pained or afflicted. 2. Suffering from. 3. Being squeezed or pressed. E. पीड् to pain, pass. v., शानच् aff.
- पीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Of a yellow colour. 2. Drank, quaffed. m. (-तः) 1. Yellow, the colour. 2. Safflower. 3. A topaz, a yellow gem. 4. A yellow pigment, prepared from the urine of kine. n. (-तं) 1. Drinking. 2. Yellow orpiment. 3. Gold. 4. Sulphur. f. (-ता) 1. Turmeric. 2. A medical plant, commonly Ātāich, (Betula.) 3. Saturated, steeped. 4. Drunk. E. पा to drink, aff. क्त; imbibed, literally, or figuratively, by the eye sight, &c.
- पीतक :: n. (-कं) 1. Yellow orpiment. 2. Saffron. 3. Aloe-wood. 4. Brass. 5. Honey. m. (-कः) 1. A sort of gentian, (G. Cherayta.) 2. The Ṭun tree. E. पीत yellow, aff. कन् .
- पीतकदली :: f. (-ली) A sort of Plantain. E. पीत yellow, कदली plantain. “चांपाकला” ।
- पीतकन्द :: n. (-न्दं) The carrot. E. पीत yellow, and कन्द root. “गोंजर” ।
- पीतकावेर :: n. (-रं) 1. Saffron. 2. Brass. E. पीत yellow, कावेर vile shape or substance.
- पीतकाष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) Yellow sanders. E. पीत yellow, काष्ठ wood.
- पीतघोषा :: f. (-षा) A sort of creeper with yellow flowers. E. पीत, and घोषा the plant; yellow Ghosa.
- पीतचन्दन :: n. (-नं) 1. A yellow fragrant wood, considered as a yellow species of Sandal wood. 2. Turmeric. 3. Saffron. E. पीत yellow, and चन्दन Sandal.
- पीतचम्पक :: m. (-कः) A lamp. E. पीत yellow, चम्पक a flower, and कन् aff. of comparison; like the Champaka in colour.
- पीतता :: f. (-ता) Yellowness. E. पीत, and तल् aff.; also with त्व, पीतत्वं .
- पीततुण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) The taylor bird, (Sylvia sutoria.) पीत yellow, and तुण्ड a beak; the whole bird is of a light yellow colour.
- पीततैला :: f. (-ला) A sort of creeper, a species of the heart-pea. E. पीत yellow, तैल oil. “ज्योतिष्मतीलतायाम्” ।
- पीतदारु :: m. (-रुः) 1. A sort of pine, (P. Devadāru.) 2. Another kind of pine, (Pinus longifolia.) E. पीत yellow, and दारु wood.
- पीतदुग्धा :: f. (-ग्धा) 1. A cow tied up to be milked. 2. Any milch cow. E. पीत drank, दुग्ध milk.
- पीतद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) 1. A sort of Curcuma, (C. zanthorrhizon.) 2. A species of pine, (P. longifolia.) E. पीत yellow, and द्रु a tree.
- पीतन :: m. (-नः) 1. The hog-plum, (Spondias mangifera.) 2. A tree. (Pentaptera tomentosa.) 3. The waved-leaf fig-tree. n. (-नं) 1. Saffron. 2. A sort of pine: see पीतदारु . 3. Yellow orpiment. E. पीत yellow, णी to go, or be, aff. ड; or पीत, णिच्-ल्यु ।
- पीतपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A plant, commonly Bichhati; a name applied to the nettle, or a plant of the same class, (Tragia involucrata.) E. पीत yellow, and पर्ण leaf.
- पीतपादा :: f. (-दा) A small bird, the Maina, (Turdus salica.) E. पीत yel- low, पाद a foot.
- पीतपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) 1. A species of Karnikāra. 2. A sort of Tabernæm- ontana. f. (-ष्पा-ष्पी) Yellow barleria. E. पीत yellow, and पुष्प a flower; it may also be applied to any plant with yellow flowers.
- पीतफल :: m. (-लः) A tree, (Trophis aspera.) E. पीत yellow, फल fruit.
- पीतबालुका :: f. (-का) 1. Turmeric. 2. Yellow sand. E. पीत yellow, and बालुका sand or dust.
- पीतमणि :: m. (-णिः) A yellow gem, a topaz. E. पीत yellow, and मणि a gem.
- पीतमाक्षिक :: n. (-कं) The common Pyritic iron.
- पीतमस्तक :: m. (-कः) A small bird, (Loxia philippensis.) E. पीत yellow, and मस्तक the head.
- पीतमुण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A gallinule. E. पीत yellow, मुण्ड the head.
- पीतमुद्ग :: m. (-द्गः) A sort of bean, a yellow variety of the phaseolus Mūng. E. पीत yellow, and मुद्ग Mūng.
- पीतमूलक :: n. (-कं) The carrot. E. पीत, मूल the root, aff. कप् ।
- पीतयूथी :: f. (-थी) Yellow jasmine. E. पीत, and यूथी jasmine.
- पीतरक्त :: n. (-क्तं) A yellow coloured gem, perhaps the topaz. E. पीत yellow, and रक्त coloured.
- पीतराग :: m. (-गः) 1. The fibres of the lotus. 2. A yellow colour. n. (कं) Wax. E. पीत and राग colour.
- पीतल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Of a yellow colour. m. (-लः) Yellow, the colour. n. (-लं) Brass. E. पीत, and लच् aff.
- पीतलक :: n. (-कं) Brass. E. पीतल yellow, कन् added.
- पीतलोह :: n. (-हं) Yellow brass, queen's metal, or a mixed metal, resembling gold. E. पीत yellow, and लोह iron.
- पीतवासस् :: mfn. (-साः -साः -सः) Dressed in yellow. m. (-साः) A name of KRISHṆA E. पीत yellow, वासस् vesture.
- पीतवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A plant (Bignonia Indica.) “श्योनाकवृक्षे” ।
- पीतशाल :: m. (-लः) A tree, (Pentaptera.) E. पीत yellow, and शाल the Sāl tree.
- पीतसार :: m. (-रः) 1. Sandal. 2. A yellow gem, a topaz. 3. A tree, (Alangium hexapetalum.) n. (-रं) A yellow sort of Sandal wood. E. पीत yellow, and सार essence.
- पीतसारि :: n. (-रि) Antimony. E. पीत yellow, सार essence, aff. इन् .
- पीतसालक :: m. (-कः) A tree, (Pentaptera tomentosa.) E. पीत yellow, सार essence, aff. क, and र changed to ल .
- पीतसोम :: m. (-मः) A Brāhman, by whom the juice of the acid asclepias is drank at a ceremony. E. पीत, and सोम the juice.
- पीतस्कन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) A hog. E. पीत for पीन large, and स्कन्ध a shoulder.
- पीतस्फटिक :: m. (-कः) A precious gem, the topaz. E. पीत yellow, and स्फटिक crystal. “पुष्परागमणौ” ।
- पीतहरित :: adj. Yellowish green.
- पीताब्धि :: m. (-ब्धिः) The Muni AGASTYA. E. पीत drank, (by whom,) and अब्धि the ocean; the saint having on one occasion swallowed up the sea.
- पीताम्बर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Dressed in yellow clothes. m. (-रः) 1. KRISHṆA or VISHṆU in that form. 2. A dancer or actor. 3. A religious mendicant, wearing yellow garments. E. पीत yellow, अम्वर vesture, raiment.
- पीतारुण :: adj. Yellowish red.
- पीताश्मन् :: n. (-श्म) A topaz or any yellow gem. E. पीत, and अश्मन् a stone.
- पीति :: m. (-तिः) A horse. f. (-तिः) 1. Drinking. 2. A dram shop. 3. The Proboscis of an elephant. E. पा to drink, aff. क्तिच् or क्तिन् ।
- पीतिका :: f. (-का) 1. Turmeric. 2. Yellow jasmine. 3. Saffron. E. पीत yellow, णिच् aff.
- पीतिन् :: m. (-ती) A horse. E. पा to drink, क्तिन् aff., इन् added.
- पीतु :: m. (-तुः) 1. The sun. 2. Fire. 3. The chief elephant of a herd. E. पा to drink, (or dry up water,) and तुन् Unādi aff.
- पीत्वा :: ind. Having drank. E. षा to drink, क्त्वाच् aff.
- पीथ :: m. (-थः) 1. The sun. 2. Fire. 3. Time. n. (-थं) Water. E. पा to drink, Uṇadi aff. थक्, and the radical vowel changed.
- पीथि :: m. (-थिः) A horse: see पीति .
- पीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Fat, bulky, corpulent, large, much, round, thick. E. प्यै to grow or enlarge, aff. क्त, form irr.
- पीनस :: m. (-सः) 1. Cough, catarrh. 2. Cold, affecting the nose, in- flammation of the schneiderian membrane. E. पीन fat, षो to destroy, aff. क .
- पीनसिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Having a cold. E. पीनस, and इनि aff.
- पीनोध्नी :: f. (-ध्नी) A cow with full or large udders. E. पीन large, सधस् an udder, ङीप् aff. and अनङ् augment.
- पीपर :: r. 1st cl. (पीपरति) To beg. भ्वा० सक० पर० सेट् ।
- पीय :: r. 1st cl. (पीयति) 1. To please. 2. To injure. सौ-पर० सक० सेट् ।
- पीयु :: m. (-युः) 1. The sun. 2. Time. 3. An owl. 4. A crow. E. पीय a Sautra root, to regard, Unādi aff. उ; or पा-कु; der. irr.
- पीयूष :: n. (षं) 1. The food of the gods, ambrosia, nectar. 2. Milk. mn. (-षः-षं) The milk of a cow during the first seven days after calv-
ing. E. पीय Sautra root, to be kind or love, ऊषन् Unādi aff. In the last sense the word is also written पेयूष ।
- पीयूषमहस् :: m. (-हाः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. E. पीयूष nectar, and महस् light; whose rays are filled with nectar.
- पीयूषरुचि :: m. (-चिः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. E. पीयूष nectar, and रुचि light: see the last.
- पीयूषवर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) 1. A shower of water. 2. The moon. 3. Camphor. E. पीयूषं वर्षति करद्वारा-वृष-अण् ।
- पील :: r. 1st cl. (पीलति) 1. To stop, to cease to be or do. 2. To become stupid. भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- पीलक :: m. (-कः) 1. The large black ant. 2. An opposer. E. पील् to stop; aff. ण्वुल् ।
- पीलु :: m. (-लुः) 1. The name of a tree, applied in some places to the Careya arborea, and in others to the Salvadora persica; it is very commonly assigned also to all exotic, and unknown trees. 2. An elephant. 3. An arrow. 4. A flower. 5. The blossom of the Saccharum sara. 6. An atom. 7. An insect. 8. The metacarpus, the central part of the hand. 9. The stem of the palm tree. E. पील् to stop, aff. उ; also with कन् added, पीलुक .
- पीलुक :: m. (-कः) 1. A kind of worm. 2. An ant. E. see the last.
- पीलुनी :: f. (-नी) A kind of creeper called murbā. E. पील, उन् aff.
- पीलुपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) 1. A plant: see पीलु . 2. Bryonia grandis. 3. A sort of drug. E. पीलु the tree, and पर्ण a leaf.
- पीलुमूल :: n. (-लं) 1. A plant called shatamuli and shatābari. (Aspara- gus racemosus.) 2. A shrub called shālaparni, (Hedysarum gange- ticum.) 3. A plant called Ashwagandhā, (Physalis flexuosa.) 4. A young cow.
- पीव :: r. 1st cl. (पीवति) To be fat or corpulent. भ्वा० पर-अक० सेट् ।
- पीवन् :: mfn. (-वा -वा -व) 1. Fat, large. 2. Strong, robust. 3. Full, fast, stout. m. (-वा) Air, wind. E. प्ये to swell or increase, Unādi aff. क्वनिप् ।
- पीवर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Fat large. f. (-रा-री) A plant, (Asparagus racemosus.) f. (-री) 1. A young woman. 2. A cow. m. (-रः) A tor- toise. E. प्यै to increase, Unādi aff. ष्वरच् ।
- पीवरस्तनी :: f. (-नी) 1. A cow with large udders. 2. A woman with large breast. E. पीवर large, and स्तन a breast.
- पीवा :: f. (-वा) Water. E. पी to drink, वन् Unādi aff.
- पुंध्वज :: m. (-जः) 1. The male of any species of animal. 2. A mouse.
- पुंनाग :: m. (-गः) 1. A white elephant 2. A white lotus. 3. A nutmeg. 4. A name of the tree commonly called Nāgakesara, (mesua ferrea.) 5. A distinguished man.
- पुंयोग :: m. (-गः) Association or cohabitation with men. E. पुम्, and योग union.
- पुंराशि :: m. (-शिः) A male sign of the zodiac.
- पुंलिङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. The male organ. 2. The masculine gender, (in grammar.) E. पुम् male, and लिङ्ग mark.
- पुंवत्स :: m. (-त्सः) A bull-calf.
- पुंवृष :: m. (षः) The musk-rat. E. पुम् male, and वृष a bull. “छुछुन्दरे” ।
- पुंवेष :: adj. Wearing male attire.
- पुंश्चली :: f. (-ली) A harlot, an unchaste woman. E. पुंस् a man, and चल् to go, affs. अच् and ङीष् .
- पुंश्चिह्न :: n. (-ह्नं) The penis. E. पुंस् male, and चिह्न a mark.
- पुंस :: r. 10th cl. (-पुंसयति-ते) 1. To punish, to pain. 2. To crush, to grind. चु० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- पुंसवन :: n. (-नं) The first of the essential ceremonies of Hindu initia- tion; a religious and domestic festival held on a woman's per- ceiving the first signs of a living conception. 2. Milk. 3. Fetus. E. पुम् a male, सू to bear aff. ल्युट् ।
- पुंसानुज :: m. (-जः) Having an elder brother.
- पुंस्कामा :: f. (-मा) A woman wishing for a husband.
- पुंस्कोकिल :: m. (-लः) A male cuckoo.
- पुंस्त्व :: n. (-स्त्वं) 1. Semen virile. 2. Manhood, virility. 3. The masculine gender, (In gram.) E. पुम् man, and त्व aff. of the abstract; also with तल् aff., पुंस्ता f. (-स्ता .)
- पुक्कश(स) :: m. (-शः- or -सः) A Chaṇḍāla, an outcaste: see पुक्कस .
- पुक्कस :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) Low, vile. m. (-सः) A Chaṇḍala, or man of an impure and degraded tribe or occupation, born of the Nishāda by a Sūdra female. f. (-सी) 1. Indigo. 2. A bud, a blossom. 3. A woman of the Pukkasa tribe. E. पु for पुण्य purity, कु bad (understood,) कस् to go, aff. अच्, deriv. irr. or appropriately पुक् कुत्सतिं कसति कस-गतौ अच् पृषो० वा शः ।
- पुङ्ख :: m. (-ङ्खः) 1. The feathered part of an arrow. 2. A falcon, a heron. E. पुम् man, खन् to destroy, aff. ड .
- पुङ्ग :: mn. (-ङ्गः-ङ्गं) A heap, a collection, a quantity. E. पुं man, गम to go, aff. ड ।
- पुङ्गल :: m. (-लः) The soul. E. पुं man, and गल् to pervade, aff. अच्; also read पुद्गल .
- पुङ्गव :: m. (-वः) 1. A bull. 2. A drug, commonly Mashāni. 3. (In compo- sition,) Excellent, pre-eminent. E. पुं male, and गौ a cow, aff. अच् .
- पुङ्गवकेतु :: m. (-तुः) An epithet of SĪVA.
- पुच्छ :: r. 1st cl. (पुच्छति) To err, to be careless or inattentive. भ्वा० पर० अक० सेट् ।
- पुच्छ :: mn. (-च्छः-च्छं) 1. A tail, the tail, the hinder part. 2. A horse's tail. 3. The tail of the peacock. 4. Any hairy tail. 5. The end of anything. E. पुच्छ to be careless, अच् aff.
- पुच्छकण्टक :: m. (-कः) A scorpion. “वृश्चिके” ।
- पुच्छजाह :: n. (-हं) The root of the tail.
- पुच्छटि(टी) :: f. (-टि or टी) Snapping or cracking the fingers. E. पुच्छ-अटि वा ङीप् ।
- पुच्छिन् :: mfn. (-च्छी -च्छिनी -च्छि) Having a tail. m. (-च्छी) A cock. E. पुच्छ a tail, and इनि aff.
- पुञ्ज :: m. (-ञ्जः) A heap, a quantity, a collection. E. पुं man, जन् to be born, aff. ड; also पुङ्ग and पुञ्जि m. (-ञ्जिः).
- पुञ्जिक :: m. (-कः) Hail.
- पुञ्जित :: f. (-ता) 1. Heaped. 2. Pressed together.
- पुञ्जिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Heaped, accumulated. E. पुञ्जि, and स्थ who or what stays.
- पुट :: r. 1st cl. (पोटति) To rub, to press, to grind or pound. r. 6th cl. (पुटति) To embrace, to intertwine. r. 10th cl. (पोटयति-ते) 1. To be or become small, or shallow. 2. To shine. 3. To speak. 4. To reduce to powder, to grind. r. 10th cl. (पुटयति-ते) 1. To fasten, to string, to bind together. 2. To be in contact with. दीप्तौ अक० चूर्णने सक० चुरा० उभ० सेट् । श्लेषे तु० कु० पर० सक० सेट् । संसर्गे अद० चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- पुट :: mfn. (-टः -टी -टं) 1. A cover, a covering. 2. A plate or vessel, made of leaves. 3. A cloth worn to cover the privities. 4. An eyelid. 5. A cup or concavity, made of a leaf folded or doubled. 6. A con- cavity, a shallow cup or receptacle, as the hollow of the hand. m. (-टः) 1. A horse's hoof. 2. A narrowing or contracting of any thing. 3. A folding or doubling of any thing, so as to form a cup or concavity. 4. A casket. n. (-टं) 1. Two vessels joined together, the upper one inverted for the sublimation or digestion of medicaments. 2. A nutmeg. E. पुट् to rub or bind, aff. क .
- पुटक :: n. (-कं) 1. A lotus. 2. A bag or vessel made of a leaf doubled over in a funnel-like shape. 3. Any shallow cup or concavity. 4. A nutmeg. E. पुट् to unite, aff. ल्युट् .
- पुटकिनी :: f. (-नी) 1. An assemblage of lotus flowers. 2. A lotus. E. पुटक, and इनि, aff.
- पुटग्रीव :: m. (-वः) 1. A pot, a jar, a pitcher. 2. A brass or copper vessel or jug. E. पुट a contracting, from पुट, and ग्रीवा the neck; having a narrow neck.
- पुटपाक :: m. (-कः) 1. Digesting, subliming. 2. A method of preparing drugs; in it the various ingredients are wrapped up in leaves covered with clay and baked in fire. E. पुट, and पाक cooking.
- पुटभेद :: m. (-दः) 1. The bend of, or an eddy in a river. 2. A city, a town. 3. A musical instrument. E. पुट a contraction, and भेद breaking.
- पुटभेदन :: n. (-नं) A city.
- पुटिका :: f. (-का) Cardamoms. E. पुटमस्त्यस्याः ठन् ।
- पुटित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sewn, stitched. 2. Rubbed, ground. 3. Con- tracted. n. (-तं) Closing or shutting the hands, (to hold anything;) the hollow of the hand. E. पुट rubbing, &c. and इतच् . aff.
- पुटोटज :: n. (-जं) A white umbrella or parasol. E. पुट a covering, and उटज a house.
- पुटोदक :: m. (-कः) The cocoanut. E. पुट a covering, and उदक water.
- पुट्ट :: r. 10th cl. (पुट्टयति-ते) To decrease, to diminish, to be or become small, low or shallow. चु० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- पुड :: r. 6th cl. (पुडति) 1. To leave, to quit. 2. To discover. 3. To emit. (इ) पुडि r. 1st cl. (पुण्डति) 1. To rub. 2. To grind or pound, to reduce to dust or powder. 3. To adorn. मर्दने भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट्-इदित् ।
- पुण :: r. 6th cl. (पुणति) To be pure or virtuous, to do a pious or holy act. तु० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- पुण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A mark made with sandal &c. on the forehead. E. पुडि to adorn, aff. अच् ।
- पुण्डरिन् :: m. (-री) A drug, commonly Puṇderīya.
- पुण्डरीक :: m. (-कः) 1. The elephant presiding over the south-east quarter. 2. A leopard. 3. A sort of snake called Rajila; (Amphisbœna.) 4. A fragrant kind of mango. 5. Fever affecting an elephant. 6. A variety of the sugarcane. 7. A silk worm, (कोषकार) 8. A student's waterpot “Kamandalu.” 9. White, the colour. 10. A sort of leprosy. 11. A species of rice. 12. Fire. 13. A mark on the forehead with sandal, &c. n. (-कं) 1. A white lotus. 2. A lotus in general. 3. A white umbrella. 4. A kind of drug. E. पुडि to grind; or according to some, to adorn, Unādi aff. ईक, and the form irr.
- पुण्डरीकाक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A name of VISHṆU. n. (-क्षं) A drug. E. पुण्डरीक a lotus, and अक्षि an eye, aff. षच् .
- पुण्डरीयक :: n. (-कं) 1. A flower, (Hibiscus mutabilis.) “स्थलपद्म . ” 2 A drug, commonly Punḍerīya. E. पुण्डरिन् + आचारेक्यच् ततः ण्वुल् ।
- पुण्डर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) A creeper, a medicinal plant, used as a remedy for diseased eyes. E. पुडि to dissipate, (disease,) अर्य्य aff.
- पुण्ड्र :: n. (-ण्ड्रं) 1. A red variety of the common sugarcane, (Saccharum officinarum.) 2. The name of a Daitya or infernal being, consi- dered as incarnate in ŚISUPĀLA. 3. A mark or line made on the forehead with Sandal, &c. 4. A sort of creeper, (Gærtnera racemosa.) 5. A worm. 6. A white lotus. 7. The name of a country, the greater part of Bengal and part of Behar. m. plu. (-ण्ड्राः) The inhabitants of that country. E. पुडि to rub, aff. रक् ।
- पुण्ड्रक :: m. (-कः) 1. A creeper, (Gærtnera racemosa.) 2. A mark on the forehead with Sandal, &c. 3. A sort of sugarcane: see the last. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- पुण्ड्रकेलि :: m. (-लिः) An elephant. E. पुण्ड्र sugarcane, and केलि pastime.
- पुण्य :: mfn. (-ण्यः -ण्या -ण्यं) 1. Virtuous, pure, righteous. 2. Beautiful, pleasing. 3. Fragrant. n. (-ण्यं) 1. Virtue, moral or religious merit. 2. A good action. 3. Purity, purification. 4. A trough for watering cattle. f. (-ण्या) 1. Holy basil, (Ocymun sanctum.) 2. Lucky, auspicious. 3. Solemn, festive. E. पूञ् to be or make pure, यत् Unādi aff., and ण्वुक् augment; or appropriately पू-डुण्य ।
- पुण्यक :: n. (कं) A meritorious act or obligation of a religious nature, as fasting, praying, &c. E. पुण्य virtue, कन् added.
- पुण्यकर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्म) Pious, virtuous. E. पुण्य, and कर्म्मन् act.
- पुण्यकन्नत :: n. (-तं) The worship of KRISHṆ A for a year, with daily presents, to be performed by a woman desirous of a son. E. पुण्यक, and व्रत religious obligation.
- पुण्यकाल :: m. (-लः) An auspicious time.
- पुण्यकीर्त्ति :: m. (-त्तिः) Celebrated, famous.
- पुण्यकृत् :: mf. (-कृत्) Virtuous, pious. E. पुण्य virtue, and कृत् who acts.
- पुण्यक्षेत्र :: n. (-त्रं) Holy land or Āryābarta: see पुण्यमू ।
- पुण्यगन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) The Champaka, (Michelia champaca.) Adj. Sweet- scented. E. पुण्य pure, and गन्ध smell.
- पुण्यगृह :: n. (-हं) 1. An alms-house. 2. A temple.
- पुण्यजन :: m. (-नः) 1. A fiend, a goblin, a Rākshasa. 2. A Yaksha, a divine being attendant on KUVERA, the god of wealth. 3. A pious or virtuous man. E. पुण्य virtuous, and जन man, ङीष् added.
- पुण्यजनेश्वर :: m. (-रः) KUVERA, the Hindu deity of wealth. E. पुण्यजन a Yaksha, and ईश्वर master.
- पुण्यजित :: adj. Attained by good works.
- पुण्यतीर्थ :: n. (-र्थं) A holy shrine or place of pilgrimage. E. पुण्य, तीर्थ, sacred pool, &c.
- पुण्यतृण :: n. (-णं) White Kuśa grass. E. पुण्य, and तृण grass: it is much used in religious ceremonies.
- पुण्यदर्शन :: m. (-नः) The blue jay. n. (-नं) Visiting holy shrines. E. पुण्य lucky, and दर्शन appearance.
- पुण्यपुरुष :: m. (-षः) A man rich in moral merit.
- पुण्यप्रताप :: m. (-पः) The efficacy of moral merit.
- पुण्यफल :: m. (-लः) A grove, a garden. n. (-लं) The reward or consequence of good actions. E. पुण्य handsome or virtue, and फल fruit.
- पुण्यभाज् :: mfn. (-भाक्) Virtuous, addicted to virtue. E. पुण्य, and भाज् who possesses.
- पुण्यभू :: f. (-भूः) The holy land of the Hindus; the central part of Asia, bounded on the north by the Himālaya, on the south by the Vindhya mountains, and on the east and west by the sea. E. पुण्य virtue, and भू land.
- पुण्यभूमि :: f. (-मिः) 1. The holy land or Āryāvarta: see the last. 2. The mother of a male child. E. पुण्य virtue, and भूमि land.
- पुण्यरात्र :: m. (-त्रः) A night on which any religious commemoration or ceremony is held. E. पुण्य, and रात्रि night, अच् aff.
- पुण्यलोक :: m. (-कः) Heaven, paradise. E. पुण्य virtue, and लोक a world.
- पुण्यवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Fortunate, well-fated. 2. Virtuous, pious, righteous. 3. Happy. E. पुण्य virtue, &c. aff. मतुप् .
- पुण्यविजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Merited, acquired by merit. E. पुण्य, and विजित conquered.
- पुण्यशकुन :: m. (-नः) A bird of good omen. n. (-नं) An auspicious omen.
- पुण्यशील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Virtuous. E. पुण्य and शील having.
- पुण्यश्लोक :: adj. Of good fame. m. (-कः) 1. A name of NALA. 2. The epithet is also applied to YUDHISṬHIRA, and to VISHṆU. f. (-का) 1. A name of DRAUPADĪ. 5. A name of SĪTA. E. पुण्य holy, श्लोक verse: who is celebrated in sacred poems.
- पुण्ययोग :: m. (-गः) The influence or effect of virtuous actions. E. पुण्य, and योग union.
- पुण्यस्थान :: n. (-नं) A sacred place, a holy ground, a place of pilgrimage. E. पुण्य virtue, and स्थान a place.
- पुण्यात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Holy, pious. E. पुण्य, and आत्मन् spirit.
- पुण्याह :: n. (-हं) A holy day. E. पुण्य holy, and अहन् a day.
- पुण्याहवाचन :: n. (नं) Repeating at sacrifices, &c. “This is a holy day,” three times. E. पुण्याह, and वाचन saying.
- पुण्योदय :: m. (-यः) Good fortune, as the result of virtuous acts in a former life. E. पुण्य, and उदय rise.
- पुण्योद्यान :: adj. Having beautiful gardens.
- पुत् :: n. (-पुत्) A hell to which the childless are condemned.
- पुत्त :: r. 1st cl. (पुत्तति) To go. सौ० भ्वा-पर० सक० सेट् ।
- पुत्तल :: mf. (-लः-ली) 1. An idol, a puppet, a doll. 2. A man of straw burnt in place of a lost corpse: see पर्णनर ।
- पुत्तिका :: f. (-का) 1. A small bee. 2. The white ant. E. पुत् to go, तिक Unādi aff.
- पुत्त्र(त्र) :: m. (-त्त्रः) 1. A son. 2. A child, in the language of the Vedas. 3. The fifth mansion from the point of conjunction of the sun, and a zodiacal sign. f. (-त्त्री) A daughter. du. always, (-त्त्री) Son and
daughter. E. पुत्, and त्रा to preserve, the hell, (from,) aff. क; or पूज् to purify, aff. त्त्र; one त may be rejected in writing this word, and its derivatives, leaving पुत्र . The word is thus derived by Manu. viz:--
“पुन्नाम्नो नरकाद्यस्मात् पितरं त्रायते सुतः । तस्मात्पुत्र इति प्रोक्तः खयमेव स्वयंभूवा ॥”
- पुत्त्रक :: m. (-कः) 1. A son. 2. A son, as it were, used as a term of endearment. 3. A fabulous animal with eight legs: see शरभ . 4. A rogue, a cheat. 5. A particular mountain. 6. A sort of tree. 7. A grasshopper, a locust. 8. A doll, a puppet. f. (-त्रका or -त्रिका) 1. A daughter. 2. A puppet, a doll. 3. Anything little of its kind, (when used at the end of a compound.) E. पुत्र a son, कन् pleonasm; in the feminine from the substitution of इ for the penultimate vowel is optional.
- पुत्त्रकन्दा :: f. (-न्दा) A kind of drug. “लक्षणामूले” ।
- पुत्त्रकाम्या :: f. (-म्या) Wish or affection for progeny. E. पुत्त्र, and काम्यच् aff. अ being added.
- पुत्त्रकार्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Ceremony relating to a son.
- पुत्त्रकृतक :: m. (-कः) Adopted as a son.
- पुत्त्रजात :: Adj. One to whom a son is born.
- पुत्त्रजीव :: m. (-वः) A tree, from the fruit of which necklaces are made of supposed prolific efficacy, (Nagelia putranjiva, Rox.) E. पुत्त्र a child, and जीव life.
- पुत्त्रञ्जीवक :: m. (-कः) A plant; see the last. E. पुत्त्र a child, and जीव् to live, aff. खश् and कन् added.
- पुत्त्रद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Who or what confers offspring. E. पुत्त्र, and द, what gives.
- पुत्त्रदार :: n. (-रं) Son and wife.
- पुत्त्रपौत्र :: mn. (-त्रः-त्रं) Plu. Sons and grandsons.
- पुत्त्रपौत्रीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Descended from son to son. E. पुत्त्र, and पौत्र a grandson, खश् aff.
- पुत्त्रपौत्रीणता :: f. (-ता) Perpetual descent from son to son, &c. E. पुत्त्रपौत्रीण, and तल् aff.
- पुत्त्रप्रतिनिधि :: m. (-धिः) A substitute for a son, as an adopted son, &c. E. पुत्त्र, and प्रतिनिधि a substitute.
- पुत्त्रलाभ :: m. (-भः) The obtaining of a son.
- पुत्त्रवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Having a son or offspring. E. पुत्त्र, and मतुप् poss. aff.
- पुत्त्रवधू :: f. (-धू) A daughter-in-law.
- पुत्त्रवल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Having a son or child. E. पुत्त्र, and वलच् aff.
- पुत्त्रश्रेणी :: f. (-णी) A plant, (Salvinia cucullata.) “मूषिकपर्ण्याम्” ।
- पुत्त्रमख :: m. (-खः) One who is fond of children.
- पुत्त्रसू :: f. (-सूः) The mother of a son. E. पुत्त्र a son, and सू a parent. aff. क्विप् ।
- पुत्त्रहीन :: Adj. Childless.
- पुत्त्राचार्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) A father instructed in sacred science by his son. E. पुत्त्र, and आचार्य्य a teacher.
- पुत्त्रार्थिन् :: Adj. Wishing for a son.
- पुत्त्रान्नाद :: m. (-दः) 1. One who is maintained by his son. 2. A mendicant of a particular order. E. पुत्त्र a son, अन्न food, and आद who takes.
- पुत्त्रिका :: f. (-का) 1. A daughter. 2. A doll, a puppet. 3. The cotton or pappus of the tamarisk. E. पुत्त्री a daughter, कन् aff.
- पुत्त्रिकापुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) 1. The son of a daughter, appointed to raise issue for her father; one of the twelve heirs acknowledged by the old Hindu law. 2. A daughter's son, who by agreement becomes the son of her father, (according to some interpretation.) 3. A daughter who returns to her father's house being considered as his son, (according to other interpretation.) 4. A grandson in general. E. पुत्त्रिका a daughter, and पुत्त्र a son.
- पुत्त्रिकाभर्त्तृ :: m. (-र्त्ता) A daughter's husband. E. पुत्त्रिका, and भर्त्तृ husband.
- पुत्त्रिकाप्रसू :: f. (-सूः) The mother of a daughter. E. पुत्त्रिका, and प्रसू a mother.
- पुत्त्रिकासुत :: m. (-तः) A daughter's son, a grandson. E. पुत्त्रिका, and सुत a son.
- पुत्त्रिन् :: m. (-त्त्री) The father of a son. f. (-णी) 1. The mother of a son, or of children generally. 2. A parasite plant. 3. A plant, (Siphonan- thus Indica.) E. पुत्त्र a son or offspring, इनि aff.
- पुत्त्रीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Belonging or relating to a son, or child. 2. Filial. f. (-या) The desire of a son. E. पुत्त्र, and छ aff.; also पुत्त्र्य .
- पुत्त्रीयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Wishing for a son. E. पुत्त्र, and क्यच् aff. or nominal v., शतृ aff.
- पुत्त्रेप्सु :: mfn. (-प्सुः -प्सुः -प्सु) Desiring a son. E. पुत्त्र, and इप्सु desirous.
- पुत्त्रेष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) A sacrifice performed for the purpose of obtaining children. E. पुत्त्र, offspring, and इष्टि sacrifice; also with कन् added in the feminine form, पुत्त्रेष्टिका .
- पुत्त्रैश्वर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Resignation of property or power by a father to his son. E. पुत्त्र, and ऐशर्य्य masterhood.
- पुत्त्र्य :: mfn. (-त्त्र्यः -त्त्र्या -त्त्र्यं) Belonging to a son, &c. E. पुत्त्र, and यत् aff.
- पुथ :: r. 4th cl. (पुथ्यति) To hurt or kill. r. 10th cl. (पोथयति-ते) 1. To shine. 2. To speak. (इ) पुथि r. 1st cl. (पुन्थति) 1. To hurt. 2. To suffer pain or uneasiness. हिंसे दिवा० पर० सक० सेट् । वधे० सक० क्लेशे अक० भ्वा० पर० सेट० इदित् । दीप्तौ चु० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- पुद्गल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Beautiful, handsome, of a handsome form or figure. 2. Having form or property. m. (-लः) 1. The body. 2. The soul. 3. An atom. 4. An epithet of Śiva. E. पूर what fills, and गल what decays, deriv. irr.
- पुनःपाक :: m. (-कः) Repeated boiling or cooking. E. पुनर्, and पाक dressing.
- पुनःपुनर् :: Ind. Repeatedly, again and again. E. पुनर् again, repeated.
- पुनःपुना :: f. (-ना) The Pumpā river in Bihar. E. पुनर् again, repeated, irrly.; perhaps from the meandering course of the river; or cor- rectly पुनः पुनाति पू-नक्-पृषो० ।
- पुनःसन्धान :: n. (-नं) Reuniting.
- पुनःसम्भव :: m. (-वः) Coming into existence again, metempsychosis.
- पुनःसंस्कार :: m. (-रः) Repetition of any essential ceremony, as re-investi- ture with the sacrificial string of a Brāhman, who has forfeited it by unknowingly drinking spirits, &c. E. पुनर् again, संस्कार ceremony.
- पुनर् :: Ind. 1. Again, once more. 2. But, on the contrary, neverthe- less, however. 3. Assuredly, certainly. 4. A particle indicating division or change of subject. E. पण् to praise, अर् aff., and the radical vowel changed to उ .
- पुनरपि :: Ind. 1. Even, again, also. 2. And, on the other hand.
- पुनरर्थिता :: f. (-ता) Repeated request.
- पुनरागत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Come back, returned. E. पुनर्, and आगत come.
- पुनरागमन :: n. (-नं) Returning, coming back. E. पुनर् and आगमन coming.
- पुनराधान :: n. (-नं) Renewing or replacing a consecrated fire. E. पुनर्, and आधान placing.
- पुनरावर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) 1. Return, revolution. 2. Repeated birth. E. पुनर्, and आवर्त्त revolving.
- पुनरावर्त्तिन् :: mfn. (-र्त्ती -र्त्तिनी -र्त्ति) 1. Returning. 2. Subject to successive births. E. पुनरावर्त्त, and इनि aff.
- पुनरावृत् :: f. (-वृत्) 1. Repetition. 2. Revision. 3. Return to mundane existence.
- पुनरुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Repeated, said over again. n. (-क्तं) Tautology, repetition. E. पुनर्, and उक्त said.
- पुनरुक्तजन्मन् :: m. (-न्मा) A Brāhman. E. पुनर् again, उक्त said, and जन्मन् birth; whose investiture is called a second birth.
- पुनरुक्तवदाभास :: m. (-सः) A figure of speech consisting in the appearance of tautology, the first impression being removed by a right understanding of the passage.
- पुनरुक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Repetition, tautology. 2. Uselessness. E. पुनर्, and उक्ति saying.
- पुनरुत्थान :: n. (-नं) Resurrection.
- पुनरुत्पत्ति :: f. (-त्ति) 1. Reproduction. 2. Metempsychosis.
- पुनरुपगम :: m. (-मः) Return.
- पुनरुपोढा :: f. (-ढा) A woman remarried.
- पुनर्गम :: Ind. To go back.
- पुनर्जन्मन् :: mfn. (-न्मा -न्मा -न्म) Re-born, born again. n. (-न्म) Regeneration, E. पुनर्, and जन्म birth.
- पुनर्जन्मजय :: m. (-यः) Liberation, final emancipation, freedom from transmigration. E. पुनर्जन्म, and जय Victory.
- पुनर्दा :: Ind. To give back.
- पुनर्दारक्रिया :: f. (-या) Taking a second wife.
- पुनर्न(र्ण)व :: m. (-वः) A finger-nail. f. (-वा) Hog weed. (Boerhavia diffusa alata.) E. पुनर् again, and नव new.
- पुनर्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Re-born, born again. n. (-वं) Regeneration. m. (-वः) A finger-nail. E. पुनर् again, and भव being.
- पुनर्भविन् :: m. (-वी) The sentient soul. E. पुनर् again, भव being, and इनि possessive aff.; existing again after the dissolution of one body in another form.
- पुनर्भू :: mfn. (-र्भूः -र्भूः -र्भु) Re-born, regenerated. f. (-र्भूः) 1. A virgin widow re-married. 2. Re-existence. E. पुनर् again, (a wife, &c.) भू being.
- पुनर्यात्रा :: f. (त्रा) Repeated procession.
- पुनर्वचन :: n. (-नं) 1. Repeated text or injunction. 2. Saying anything again. E. पुनर, and वचन speaking.
- पुनर्वसु :: m. (-सुः) The seventh of the lunar asterisms, containing accord- ing to some authorities two, and to others, four stars; (in this sense it is properly confined to the dual number पुनर्व्वसु, though in the Vedas it it used in the singular.) 2. A name of VISHṆU. 3. The name of a saint, and grammarian; also KĀTYĀYANA. 4. A name of ŚIVA. 5. Commencement of wealth. 6. A Loka or division of the universe. E. पनर् again, वस् to dwell, aff. उ .
- पुनर्वसू :: m. du. (-सूः) An asterism; see the last.
- पुन्नक्षत्त्र :: n. (-त्त्रं) An asterism under which males are procreated. E. पुं for पुमस्, and नक्षत्त्र asterism.
- पुन्नाग :: m. (-गः) 1. A tree, from the flowers of which a yellowish dye is prepared, (Rottleria tinctoria.) 2. A white lotus. 3. Nutmeg. 4. A chief, a head or pre-eminent man. 5. A white elephant. E. पुं male, नाग an elephant, or aff. or eminence.
- पुपषत् :: mfn. (-षन् -षन्ती -षत्) Wishing to cleanse or purify. E. पू to purify, desid. v., शतृ aff.
- पुपूषा :: f. (-षा) Wish to cleanse or purify. E. पू to purify, desid. v., affs. अङ् and टाप् .
- पुप्पुट :: m. (-टः) A kind of disease of the palate and gum severally.
- पुप्फुल :: m. (-लः) Flatulence, wind in the bowels. E. फुल् to blow, form irr.
- पुप्फुस :: m. (-सः) 1. The lungs. 2. The pericarp of a lotus. E. स्फुर् to swell, deriv. irr. it is also written. फुप्फुस and पुप्पुस .
- पुमनुज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Born after, like, or according to a man. E. पुं, and अनुज born after.
- पुमस् :: m. (-पुमान्) A man or male. E. पा to preserve, (his own duties,) Unādi aff. डुम and सुन् added.
- पुवत् :: Ind. Manlily, like a man. E. पुं, and वति aff.
- पुर् :: f. (-पूः) A city. E. पुर् to lead, क्विप् aff.
- पुरःसर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) One who goes first or before. m. (-रः) A leader, a preceder. Adv. n. (-रं) By or with, i. e. preceded by, attended with, as कोपपुरःसर with rage. E. पुरस् before, सर who goes.
- पुरःस्थायिन् :: Adj. Standing in front.
- पुरःस्फुरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रत्) Opening or becoming manifest before one. E. पुरस्, and स्फुरत् budding.
- पुर :: r. 6th cl. (पुरति) To precede, to lead, to go before. तु० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- पुर :: nf. (-रं-री) A town, a city: a place containing large buildings surrounded by a ditch, and extending not less than one Krosha in length, is called a city, a pura or Nagara; if it extends not less than half a Krosha it is called a Kheṭa or town; if less than that, a Karvaṭa or small market town; and any cluster of houses less than that, is a Grāma or village. n. (-रं) 1. A town. 2. A fortress, a castle. 3. The female apartments. 4. A brothel. 5. A house. 6. Pāṭaliputra or modern Pātna. 7. The body. 8. The calyx of a flower, or any receptacle or cup formed of leaves. 9. Skin. 10. An upper story. 11. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus.) m. (-रः) 1. A sort of resin, “bdellium.” 2. Yellow barleria. f. (-रा) 1. The east. 2. A perfume. 3. An epithet of the Ganges. E. पुर् to precede, क aff.
- पुरकोट्ट :: n. (-ट्टं) A citadel.
- पुरग :: f. (-गा) Adj. Favouribly inclined.
- पुरजित् :: m. (-जित्) An epithet of Śiva.
- पुरज्योतिस् :: m. (-तिः) The region or world of AGNI or fire. E. पुर pri- mary, from पुर् to precede, with क aff., and ज्योतिस् light.
- पुरञ्जन :: m. (-नः) Life, the living principle. f. (-नी) Understanding. E. पुर the body, and जन what produces.
- पुरञ्जय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Victorious, conquering cities. m. (-यः) 1. The proper name of a king, the third of the race of the sun. E. पुर a city, जी to conquer, aff. खश् .
- पुरञ्जर :: m. (-रः) The armpit.
- पुरट :: n. (-टं) Gold.
- पुरण :: m. (-णः) The ocean. E. प to fill, क्यु Unādi aff.
- पुरतटी :: f. (-टी) A market, a village or small fair. E. पुर a city, तट a bank, and ङीप् diminutive or depreciative aff.
- पुरतस् :: Ind. Before, in front of. E. पुर् to precede, aff. अतसुच् .
- पुरतोरण :: n. (-णं) The outer gate of a city.
- पुरदेवता :: f. (-ता) The tutelary deity of a town. E. पुर, and देवता deity.
- पुरद्वार :: n. (-र) A city gate. E. पुर a city, and द्वार a gate.
- पुरद्विष् :: m. (-द्विट्) A name of ŚIVA. E. पुर a name of Tripura, the demon, and द्विष् who hates.
- पुरनिवेश :: m. (-शः) The founding of a city.
- पुरन्द :: m. (-न्दः) INDRA. E. पुर a city, दो to destroy, ड aff. with the wower of स्व .
- पुरन्दर :: m. (-रः) 1. A name of INDRA. 2. An epithet of Sīva. 3. An epithet of Agni. 4. A thief, a house-breaker. n. (-रं) A sort of pepper, (Piper chavya.) f. (-रा) A name of the Ganges. E. पुर a city, दॄ to tear or rend, aff. स्वच्, deriv. irr.
- पुरन्ध्रि :: f. (-न्ध्रिः-न्ध्री) A woman, whose husband and children are living. E. पुर the body, धृ to uphold, aff. खच्, fem. aff. ङीप्, or the final is optionally short.
- पुरपाल :: m. (-लः) The commandant of a fortress.
- पुरमार्ग :: m. (-र्गः) The street of a town.
- पुररक्षक :: m. (-कः) A constable.
- पुररोध :: m. (-धः) The siege of a fortress.
- पुरला :: f. (-ला) An epithet of Durgā. E. पुर-कलच् ।
- पुरवासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Inhabiting a city or town. E. पुर, and वासिन् inhabitant.
- पुरशासन :: m. (-नः) 1. An epithet of Sīva. 2. A name of Vishṇu.
- पुरश्चरण :: n. (-णं) 1. An introductory rite in Tantra shāstra. 2. Repeti- tion of the name of a deity accompanied by burnt offering. E. पुरस्, चर to go, aff. ल्युट् ।
- पुरश्छद :: m. (-दः) A sort of grass, (Saccharum cylindricum.) m. du. (-दौ) The nipples.
- पुरस् :: Ind. 1. Eastward. 2. In front, before, in presence of, (with a genitive); in this sense it is often prefixed to कृ, भू and गम; hence such forms as पुरस्कत्य &c. 3. Prior, first. 4. Formerly. E. पुर् to precede, aff. असुक् .
- पुरसंस्कार :: m. (-रः) The repairing of a castle.
- पुरस्करण :: n. (-णं) Making perfect, &c.: see पुरस्कार . E. पुरस्, and करण doing.
- पुरस्करणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be respected, &c.: see पुरस्कर्त्तव्य .
- पुरस्कर्त्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be made complete or perfect. 2. To be prepared, to be fitted out. 3. To be set before. 4. To be treated with deference or respect. E. पुरस्, कृ to make, तव्य aff.; also पुरस्करणीय and पुरस्कार्य्य .
- पुरस्कार :: m. (-रः) 1. Making perfect or complete, finishing, polishing. 2. Preparing, getting ready. 3. Arranging, putting in array. 4. Placing before. 5. Honouring, respecting. 6. Worshiping. 7. Sprinkling with holy water. 8. Promise. 9. Accusation. 10. Attacking, assailing. 11. Anticipating, expecting. E. पुरस्, and कार making.
- पुरस्कार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) To be prepared, to be fitted out, &c.: see पुरस्कर्त्तव्य .
- पुरस्क्रिया :: f. (-याः) 1. A preparatory rite. 2. Showing respect. 3. Making perfect, &c.: see पुरस्कार .
- पुरस्कत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Made perfect, finished, polished. 2. Pre- pared. 3. Placed in front. 4. Revered, adored, worshiped. 5. Honoured, respected. 6. Sprinkled with holy water, initiated, anointed. 7. Promised, agreed. 8. Accused, calumniated. 9. Facing, and contending with an enemy. 10. Distrest or haras- sed by an enemy. 11. Anticipated. E. पुरस् before, and कृत made.
- पुरस्तात् :: Ind. 1. Eastward. 2. In front, before. 3. Prior, first, preceding. 4. Formerly. 5. Further on, in the sequel. E. पुर to go before, अस्ताति aff.
- पुरा :: Ind. 1. An ancient story. 2. Old. 3. Past. 4. Long past, of yore. 5. Near. 6. Future. 7. Proximate future. E. पुर् to precede, affs. क and टाप् .
- पुराकथा :: f. (-था) An old legend.
- पुराकल्प :: m. (-ल्पः) 1. A former creation. 2. An old story, a story, of the past.
- पुराकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Done formerly or of old, done long ago. 2. Done or observed precedingly. 3. Begun, commenced. E. पुरा, कृत done.
- पुराट्ट :: n. (-ट्टं) A turret on a city wall.
- पुराण :: r. 1st cl. (पुराण्यति) Legendary tale. यक् पर० सक० सेट् ।
- पुराण :: n. (-णं) A Purāṇa or sacred poetical work, supposed to be compiled or composed by the poet VYĀSA; and comprising the whole body of Hindu theology: each Purāṇa should treat of five topics especially; the creation, the destruction and renovation of worlds; the genealogy of gods and heroes; the reigns of the Manus, and the transaction of their descendants: but great variety prevails in this respect and few contain historical or genealogical matter. There are eighteen acknowledged Purāṇas. 1. BRAHMA. 2. Padma, or the lotus. 3. Brahmāṇḍa, or the egg of BRAHMĀ. 4. Āgneya, or Agni, fire. 5. VAISHNAVA, or of VISHṆU. 6. Garu- da. 7. Brahmavaivarta, or transformations of BRAHMĀ, that is of KRISHṆA, identified with the Supreme. 8. SAIVA, or of ŚIVA. 9. Linga. 10. NĀRADĪYA. 11. SKANDA. 12. MĀRKAṆḌEYA, so called from a Muni of that name. 13. Bhavishyat, or prophetic. 14. Matsya, or the fish. 15. Varāha, or boar. 16. Kaurma, or of the Kurma or tortoise. 17. Vāmana, or dwarf. 18. Bhāgavat, or life of KRISHṆA, which last is by some considered as a spurious and modern work: the Brahmavaivarta is also of very modern origin. The Purāṇas ars reckoned to contain four hundred thousand stanzas: there are also eighteen Upapurāṇas or similar poems of inferior sanctity, and different appellations: the whole constitute the popular or poetical creed of the Hindus, and some of them or particular parts of them, are very generally read, and studied. m. (-णः) A karsha or measure of silver equal to sixteen Panas of Cowries. mfn. (-णः -णा or -णी-णं) Old, ancient. E. पुरा old, and द्यु aff. or पुरा the same, णी to get or be, and ड aff.
- पुराणग :: m. (-गः) 1. A reader or reciter of the Purāṇas. 2. BRAHMĀ. E. पुराण a sacred poem, and ग who goes or pervades.
- पुराणपुरुष :: m. (-षः) VISHṆU. E. पुराण old or primeval, and पुरुष man.
- पुराणान्त :: m. (-न्तः) An epithet of Yama.
- पुराणोक्त :: n. (-क्तं) Enjoined by the Purāṇas.
- पुरातन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) 1. Old, ancient. 2. Worn out. m. (-नः) An epithet of Vishṇu. E. पुरा old, ठ्य, aff., and तुट् augment.
- पुरातल :: n. (-लं) The part below the seven worlds.
- पुराव्यक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The governor or mayor of a city. E. पुर, and अध्यक्ष superintendant.
- पुराधिप :: m. (-पः) The governor of a town.
- पुरायोनि :: m. (-निः) An epithet of Śiva. Adj. Of ancient origin.
- पुरारि :: m. (-रिः) ŚIVA. E. पुर the demon pura, or more properly Tripura, and अरि foe.
- पुरार्द्धविस्तार :: m. (-रः) Part of a town, a suburb, a ward, a division. E. पुर a city, अर्द्ध part, विस्तार extending.
- पुरावसु :: m. (-सुः) A name of BHĪSHMA. E. पुरा in former life, वसु a VASU or demigod, so called.
- पुराविद् :: mfn. (-विद्) Knowing or acquainted with the past. E. पुरा, and विद् who knows.
- पुरावृत्त :: n. (-त्तं) 1. History, traditionary or heroic. 2. Any old or legen- dary event. E. पुरा old, (time, or story,) and आवृत्त happened.
- पुरावृत्तकथा :: f. (-था) An old story. E. पुरावृत्त and कथा tale; also पुरावृत्ताख्यान, and similar compounds.
- पुरासुहृत् :: m. (-हृत्) ŚIVA. E. पुर the demon. and असुहृत् and enemy.
- पुरि :: f. (-रिः or री) 1. A town, a city. 2. A river. m. (-रिः) A king, a sovereign. E. पॄ to fill or to cherish, इ Uṇadi aff.: see पुर, and पुरी .
- पुरिश :: m. (-शः) A living being.
- पुरिशय :: Adj. Reposing in a fortress.
- पुरी :: f. (-री) 1. A city. 2. A stronghold. 3. The body.
- पुरीतत् :: mn. (-तत्) An entrail, a gut. E. पुरि or पुरी for पुर body, and तन् to, spread, to stretch, aff. क्विप् ।
- पुरीमोह :: m. (-हः) The thorn-apple, (Dhuturā): see धुस्तूर E. षुरी a town and मोह intoxicating.
- पुरीष :: n. (-षं) 1. Fæces, excrement, ordure. 2. Rubbish, mould. E. पॄ to nourish or fill, (the body,) aff. ईषन् .
- पुरीषण :: m. (-णः) Fæces: see the last. n. (-णं) Evacuation by stool.
- पुरीषनिग्रहण :: n. (-णं) Obstructing the bowels.
- पुरीषम :: m. (-मः) The black kidney-bean, (Phaseolus mas. or P. radiatus.) E. पुरीष fæces, मा to mete or measure, ड aff.
- पुरीषोत्सर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) Voiding excrement. E. पुरीष, and उत्सर्ग abandoning.
- पुरु :: mfn. (-रुः -रुः -रु) Much, many, exceeding. m. (-रुः) 1. The name of a king, the sixth monarch of the lunar line. He was the youngest son of king Yayāti and Sharmishthā, who consented to give his youth and beauty to his father in exchange for his infirmities. After a thousand years Yayāti restored to him his youth and made him king of Pratishthāna. He was an ancestor of the Kauravas and Pāndavas. 2. Heaven, or the world and residence of immortals. 3. The farina of a flower. 4. The name of a Daitya. f. (-रुः) The name of a river said to run a little to the north- west of the Saraswati E. पॄ to cherish or fill well, Unādi aff. कु .
- पुरुजित् :: m. (-जित्) A name of the king Kuntibhoja. 2. An epithet of Vishṇu.
- पुरुद :: n. (-दं) Gold. E. पुरु much, दा to give, aff. क .
- पुरुर्दशक :: m. (-कः) A goose. E. पुरु much, दंशक who bites.
- पुरुर्दशस् :: m. (-शाः) A name of INDRA. E. पुरु much, दशि to destroy, असि aff.
- पुरुरवस् :: m. (-वाः) KUVERA: see पुरूरवस् .
- पुरुलम्पट :: n. (-टं) Very lascivious.
- पुरुष :: m. (-षः) 1. A man generally or individually, a male, man-kind. 2. Representative of generation. 3. An official, a functionary. 4. The height of a man considered as a measure of length. 5. The pupil of the eye. 6. A person, (in gram.) 7. The soul. 8. God, the Supreme Being. 9. VISHṆU. 10. BRAHMĀ. 11. Life, the living principle. 12. An atom. 13. A follower of the Sānkhya philo- sophy, who believes in the twenty-fifth creation of the Sānkhya philosophy, the soul which according to them is neither a produc- tion nor a productive. 14. A friend. 15. A sort of tree: see पुन्नाग . 16. A sort of tree, commonly Tila or Tilaka. n. (-षं) The mountain Meru. E. पुर the body, or षस् to abide, aff. क, and the vowel changed; or पुर् to precede, Unādi aff. कुषन्; also पुरूष .
- पुरुषक :: n. (-कं) Rearing as a horse, standing like a man on two feet. E. पुरुष, and कन् aff.
- पुरुषकार :: m. (-रः) 1. Manly act, virility. 2. Effort, exertion. 3. Any act of a man, manhood. E. पुरुष, and कार a doing.
- पुरुषकुणप :: mn. (-पः-पं) A human corpse.
- पुरुषकेसरिन् :: m. (-री) Man-lion or Vishṇu in his fourth incarnation.
- पुरुषज्ञान :: n. (-नं) Knowledge of mankind.
- पुरुषता :: f. (-ता) 1. Manhood, manliness. 2. Valour. E. तल् added to पुरुष; also पुरुषत्व .
- पुरुषत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Manhood, virility, manly nature or property. 2. Valour, prowess. E. त्व added to पुरुष a man.
- पुरुषत्रा :: Ind. With or amongst men or mankind, worldly, &c. E. पुरुष mankind, and त्रा aff.
- पुरूषदन्तिका :: f. (-का) A medicinal root; see मेदा .
- पुरुषदध्न :: mfn. (-ध्नः -ध्नी -ध्नं) Of the height, or measure of a man. E. पुरुष a man, दध्नच् aff. in this sense.
- पुरुषद्वयस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Of the height, or measure of a man. E. पुरुष a man, and द्वयसच् aff.
- पुरुषद्वेषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Man-hating, misanthropic. f. (-णी) An ill- tempered, or fractious woman. E. पुरुष a man, and द्वेषिन् who hates.
- पुरुषनाय :: m. (-यः) 1. A general, a commander. 2. A king.
- पुरुषपशु :: m. (-शुः) A man, a human animal. E. पुरुष, and पशु beast.
- पुरुषपुङ्गव :: m. (-वः) An eminent, or excellent man. E. पुरुष, and पुङ्गव a bull; the last implying pre-eminence.
- पुरुषपुण्डरीक :: m. (-कः) 1. An excellent or superior man. 2. The seventh of the nine persons called Vasudevās by the Jainas. E. पुरुष man- kind, and पुण्डरीक a lotus, or here used to signify pre-eminence.
- पुरुषमात्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्री -त्रं) Of the height, or measure of a man. E. पुरुष a man, and मात्रच् aff.
- पुरुषमेध :: m. (-धः) A human sacrifice.
- पुरुषर्षभ :: m. (-भः) An excellent man. E. पुरुष, and ऋषभ best.
- पुरुषवर :: m. (-रः) Vishṇu.
- पुरुषवर्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Desolate, destitute of human beings. E. पुरुष, and वर्जित void of.
- पुरुषवाह :: m. (-हः) 1. Garuda. 2. Kuvera.
- पुरुषव्याध्र :: m. (-ध्रः) 1. A vulture. 2. An eminent, or distinguished man. E. पुरुष a man, and व्याघ्र a tiger; here also implying pre-eminence.
- पुरुषशार्द्दूल :: m. (-लः) An eminent man. E. पुरुष, and शार्द्दल a tiger.
- पुरुषसमवाय :: m. (-यः) A number of men. E. पुरुष, and समवाय assemblage.
- पुरुषसिंह :: m. (-हः) 1. An eminent man. 2. The fifth of the Vāsudevas, according to the Jains, and the son of ŚIVA. E. पुरुष mankind, and सिंह pre-eminent.
- पुरुषसूक्त :: n. (-क्तं) A name given to the 90th hymn of the tenth mandala of the Rigveda.
- पुरुषाङ्ग :: mn. (-ङ्गः-ङ्गं) The male organ of generation.
- पुरुषाद :: m. (-दः) A demon, a goblin.
- पुरुषाद्य :: m. (-द्यः) 1. A name of the first Jaina pontiff of the present age, “ṚSHABHA.” 2. A name of VISHṆU. E. पुरुष mankind, and आद्य first,
- पुरुषाघम :: m. (-मः) A low man, an outcaste. E. पुरुष a man, and अधम low, vile.
- पुरुषाधिकार :: m. (-रः) Manly office or duty. E. पुरुष, and अधिकार duty.
- पुरुषान्तर :: n. (-रं) Another man.
- पुरुषायित :: n. (-तं) 1. Manly conduct. 2. A mode of sexual enjoyment. in which the woman acts the man.
- पुरुषार्थ :: m. (-र्थः) A human object: as the gratification of desire, ac- quirement of wealth, discharge of duty, and final emancipation. n. (-र्थं) Adv. For, or on account of man. E. पुरुष, and अर्थ object.
- पुरुषायुस् :: m. (-युः) Life of man, human existence. E. पुरुष and आयुस् life.
- पुरुषाशिन् :: m. (-शी) A Rākshasa, a cannibal. E. पुरुष, and अशिन् who eats.
- पुरुषास्थिमालिन् :: m. (-ली) SīVA. E. पुरुष a man, अस्थि a bone, माला a necklace, and इनि poss. aff.; wearing a necklace of human skulls.
- पुरुषोक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) The name or title of a man. E. पुरुष, and उक्ति saying.
- पुरुषोक्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Destitute, having no friends. E. पुरुषोक्ति, and कन् aff. having only the name of man.
- पुरुषोत्तम :: m. (-मः) An excellent or superior man. 2. VISHṆU. 3. A Jina, one of the generic terms for a deified chief of the Jaina sect. 4. The fourth of the nine Vāsudevas of the jainas, the son of SOMA. E. पुरुष mankind, उत्तम best.
- पुरुह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Much, many. E. पुरु many, हन् to destroy or surpass, aff. ड; also पुरुहु with डु aff.
- पुरुहु :: mfn. (-हुः -हुः -हु) Much, many. E. See the last.
- पुरुहूत :: Adj. Invoked by many. m. (-तः) A name of INDRA. E. पुरु much, हूत worshiped or invoked.
- पुरूरवस :: m. (-वाः) 1. The son of BUDHA and Ilā and the second king of the lunar dynasty. He was a prince renowned for liberality, devo- tion, love of truth and personal beauty. He fell in love with Urvashi while she was descending from heaven. Urvashi returned his love and became his wife. The king passed many happy days in her company and had one son by her. After some days the nymph returned to her home leaving the king to mourn her loss; but she repeated her visits five times successively and bore five sons to the king. Purūravas was not however, satisfied and longed for an inseparable union with her. This he secured by, celebrating many sacrifices. The story has its origin in a passage in Haribansha where Urvashī is represented as going to live with Purūravas on certain conditions, the accidental violation of which made her leave the king. 2. A demigod, of the class of Viswadevas. E. पुरु much, रु to sound, Unādi aff. असि, form irr.
- पुरोग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) 1. Going before, preceding. 2. Chief, principal, pre-eminent. E. पुरस् before, and गम who goes.
- पुरोगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Preceded, gone before. 2. Leading, chief. E. पुरस्, गत gone.
- पुरोगति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Preceding, going before. m. (-तिः) A dog. f. (-तिः) Precedence, going before. E. पुरस् in front, and गति going.
- पुरोगम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Going before, preceding. E. पुरस् before, and गम who goes.
- पुरोगमन :: n. (-नं) Going before, preceding. E. पुरस्, and गमन going.
- पुरोगामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Going in front or before, preceding. m. (-मी) A dog. E. पुरस्, and गामिन् who goes.
- पुरोजन्मन् :: Adj. Born before.
- पुरोटि :: m. (-टिः) 1. The current of a river. 2. The rustling of leaves.
- पुरोडा(श्)श :: m. (-शः) 1. Ghee or clarified butter as offered in oblations to fire, with cakes of ground barley meal, that have been well steeped in it. 2. The orts, or leavings of any substance, used in an oblation to fire. 3. A sort of flat ladle or spoon, used for placing the cakes in the sacrificial fire. 4. The juice of the acid asclepias drunk at certain sacrifices. 5. A mantra, or prayer recited in offering oblations to fire. E. पुरस् first, दिश् to shew, aff. अच्, deriv. irr.; the first ceremony on all sacred occasions; or accord- ing to Vāchaspatya:-- पुरोदाश्यते दाश-दाने कर्म्मणि क्किप्, घञ् वा दस्य डः ।
- पुरोडाशीय :: mf. (-यः-या-यं) Fit to be offered in oblations. E. पुरोडाश, and छ aff.
- पुरोडाश्य :: mfn. (-श्यः -श्या -श्यं) Fit or proper for offering with Ghee in oblation to fire. E. पुरोडाश as above, यत् aff.
- पुरोद्यान :: n. (-नं) A city garden, a park.
- पुरोद्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Of former or prior origin. f. (-वा) A drug; alse called Mahāmeda. E. पुरस् formerly, उद्भव produced.
- पुरोधस् :: m. (-धाः) The family or domestic priest. E. पुरस् before, धा to have, असि Unādi aff.
- पुरोधान :: n. (-नं) Priestly ministration.
- पुरोधिका :: f. (-का) A favourite wife.
- पुरोपनीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Formerly had or possessed. E. पुरा, and उपनीत taken.
- पुरोभाग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) 1. Obtrusive. 2. Fault-finding. m. (-गः) 1. The. front part. 2. Officiousness. 3. Envy.
- पुरोभागिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) 1. Malevolent, censorious. 2. Taking the first share. E. पुरस् first, भज् to serve, aff. घिणुन् .
- पुरोमारुत :: m. (-तः) Wind blowing in front.
- पुरोवात :: m. (-तः) See the last.
- पुरोहित :: Adj. 1. Placed in front. 2. Charged. m. (-तः) The purohita or family priest, conducting all the ceremonials and sacrifices of a house or family. E. पुरस् first, and हित् held, revered.
- पुर्व :: r. 1st cl. (पुर्वति) To fill. r. 10th cl. (पुर्वयति) 1. To dwell or inhabit 2. To invite. भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट्, चु० ।
- पुल :: r. 1st cl. (पोलति) 6th cl. (पुलति) and 10th cl. (पोलयति-ते) To be great or large, to be lofty or high, to be heaped up or piled. महत्त्वे भ्वा० पर० उद्धृतौ चु० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- पुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Vast, great, extensive. m. (-लः) Erection of the hairs of the body, considered as a proof of exquisite delight, horripilation. f. (-ला) 1. One of the paces of a horse, the canter or gallop. 2. The soft palate or uvula. E. पुल् to be great, क aff.
- पुलक :: m. (-कः) 1. Erection of the hairs of the body, considered as occasioned by internal pleasure or satisfaction. 2. An insect of any class, affecting animals whether externally or internally. 3. A sort of stone. 4. Flaw or defect in a gem. 5. A ball of bread and sweetmeats with which elephants are fed. 6. Yellow orpiment. 7. A Gandharba or heavenly quirister. 8. A wine goblet or glass. 9. A sort of mustard. E. पुल् to be great, कन् aff.
- पुलकाङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) The noose or cord of VARUṆA.
- पुलकालय :: m. (-यः) KUVERA.
- पुलकित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Having the hairs of the body erect. 2. Joyful. E. पुलक, and इतच् aff.
- पुलकिन् :: mfn. (-की -किनी -कि) Having the down of the body erect. m. (-की) A sort of Kadamba, (Nauclea k.) E. पलक, and इनि aff. “धाराकदम्बे” ।
- पुलकोद्गम :: m. (-मः) Erection of the hairs of the body. E. पुलक the same, उद्गम arising.
- पुलस्ति :: m. (-स्तिः) The name of one of the seven Ṛshis, and mind- born sons of BRAHMĀ. E. पुल् great, अस् to throw or cast down, Unādi aff. ति; otherwise with स्त्यै to collect, and क aff. पुलस्त्य .
- पुलस्त्य :: m. (-स्त्यः) A Ṛshi so named: see the last.
- पुलह :: m. (-हः) One of the seven divine sages, supposed to have born from the navel of BRAHMĀ. E. पुल् great, हा to abandon, aff. क .
- पुला :: f. (-ला) The soft palate: see पुल .
- पुलाक :: mn. (-कः-कं) 1. Shrivelled or blighted grain. 2. Rice-water, (according to some medical authorities.) 3. A lump of boiled-rice. 4. Brevity, compendium, abbreviation. 5. Smallness, a little. 6. Despatch, celerity. E. पुल् greatness, अक् to be or go, aff. अच् ।
- पुलाकिन् :: m. (-की) A tree. E. पुलाक dry grain, इनि aff.
- पुलालिका :: f. (-का) A kind of disease affecting the tip of the nose.
- पुलायित :: n. (-तं) A horse's gallop. E. पुल् to be great, &c. aff. क्यच्-क्त .
- पुलिन :: n. (-नं) 1. An island of alluvial formation, or one from which the water has recently withdrawn, or a small island or bank left in the middle of a river, upon the falling of the waters. 2. Any island. E. पुल to be great, इनन् Unādi aff. किच्च ।
- पुलिनवती :: f. (-ती) A river. E. पुलिन an islet, &c. and मतुप् poss. aff.
- पुलिन्द :: m. (-न्दः) A barbarian, a Mlechchha, a savage or mountaineer, one who uses an uncultivated and unintelligible dialect. E. पुल् to be large, Unādi aff. किन्दच् .
- पुलिरिक :: m. (-कः) A snake.
- पुलोमजा :: f. (-जा) Sāchi the wife of INDRA and daughter of Puloman. E. पुलोमन् a demon so called, and जा born.
- पुलोमजित् :: m. (-जित्) INDRA. E. पुलोमन् as below, and जित् who conquers.
- पुलोमद्विष् :: m. (-द्विट्) INDRA. E. पुलोम, and द्विष् hostile; and other similar- compounds.
- पुलोमन् :: m. (-मा) The name of a demon, the father-in-law of INDRA
- पुलोमभिद् :: m. (-भित्) INDRA. E. पुलोम, and भिद् to tear or destroy; the god. destroyed his father-in-law to prevent his curse, for the violation of his daughter.
- पुलोमारि :: m. (-रिः) The god INDRA. E. पुलोम the demon PULOMA, and अरि enemy.
- पुल्कस :: m. (-सः) An impure and degraded tribe born of the Brāhmana by Kshetriya female.
- पुल्ल :: mfn. (-ल्लः -ल्ला -ल्लं) Expanded, full-blown or spread. n. (-ल्लं) A flower. E. पुल् to be large, aff. क्त, form irr.: see फुल्ल .
- पुल्वघ :: m. (-घः) A sort of deer who can eat much. E. पुरु much, अत्ति from अद् to eat, aff. अच्; र being interchanged with ल ।
- पुष :: r. 1st cl. (पोषति) पुष्टौ भ्वा० पर० अक० सेट् । 4th cl. (पुष्यति) and 9th cl. (पुष्णाति) 1. To cherish or nurture, to rear, to bring up. 2. To cause to thrive, to develop. 3. To support, to maintain, to bear. 4. To further, to augment, to enhance, to increase. 5. To get, to possess, to have, to enjoy. 6. To show, to display, to evince. 7. To be increased. पुष्टौ अक० पोषणे सक० क्र्या० प० सेट् । (इर) पुषिर r. 4th cl. (पुष्यति) पुष्टौ दिवा० पर० अक० अनिट् । r. 10th cl. (पोषयति-ते) 1. To put on, to wear. 2. To promote. 3. To maintain. धृतौ चु० उभ० सक० सेट् । With परि or सम् to cherish much, or bring up with care.
- पुषा :: f. (-षा) 1. Cherishing. 2. The lāngali plant: see लाङ्गलिकी . E. पुष् to cherish, affs. क and टाप् .
- पुषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Nourished, nurtured. E. पुष् to nourish, aff. क्त; also without the augment पुष्ट .
- पुष्क :: n. (-ष्कं) To cherish, E. पुष-बा० भावे क किच्च आद्य कस्य नेत्त्वम् ।
- पुष्कर :: n. (-रं) 1. The sky, heaven, atmosphere. 2. Water. 3. A lotus, (Nelumbium speciosum, or Nymphæa nelumbo.) 4. The tip of an elephant's trunk. 5. The head of a drum, or place where any musical instrument is struck. 6. A drug, (Costus speciosus.) 7. The name of a celebrated place of pilgrimage, called Pushkara, about four miles from the city of Ajmere, consisting of a small town on the bank of a lake, whence its name. 8. The blade of a sword. 9. The sheath of a sword. 10. One of the seven great Dwīpas or divisions of the universe. 11. An arrow. 12. The art or science of dancing. 13. War, battle. 14. Intoxica- tion. 15. A cage. 16. A part. 17. Union. 18. Water. m. (-रः) 1. A pond or lake. 2. A disease. 3. The Indian crane. 4. A sort of snake. 5. The name of a king, the brother of NALA. 6. The son of VARUṆA. 7. The Sun. 8. A kind or drum. 9. One of the principal clouds, that which occasions dearth or famine. 10. An inauspi- cious astrological combination or a lunation with an lucky day, and three-fourths of a lunar mansion. 11. An epithet of Krishṇa. 12. An epithet of Śiva. 13. Name of a mountain which is situated on the Pushkara Dwīpa. E. पुष् to nourish, Unādi aff. करन् .
- पुष्करकर्णिका :: f. (-का) A shrub, (Hibiscus mutabelis.) E. पुष्करं पद्ममिव कर्णः पुष्पं यस्याः कप् कापि अत इत्त्वम् “स्थलपद्मिन्याम्” ।
- पुष्करमूलक :: m. (-कः) The root of the Costus speciosus. E. पुष्कर as above, and मूलक root.
- पुष्करशिफा :: f. (-फा) The root of the lotus.
- पुष्करस्रज् :: n. du. (-जौ) The two sons of ĀshwiNĪ, and physicians of Swarga or paradise. f. (-स्रक् or स्रग्) A chaplet of lotuses. E. पुष्कर a lotus, and स्रज् a necklace or chaplet; wearing such.
- पुष्कराह्व :: m. (-ह्वः) The Indian crane. E. पुष्कर a lotus, and आह्वा an appellation; whence also any name of the lotus is applicable to the bird.
- पुष्करिन् :: m. (-री) An elephant. f. (-णी) 1. A square or large pond. 2. A piece of water, a lake. 3. A pool, where the lotus does or may grow. 4. The lotus plant. 5. A female elephant. E. पुष्कर as above, इनि possessive aff.
- पुष्कल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Excellent, eminent, chief, best. 2. Much, many 3. Full, filled, complete. 4. Near, approached. 5. Good, salutary. 6. Possessed of all good things. 7. Magnificent, splen- did. 8. Resounding, resonant. n. (-लं) The mountain Meru. m. (-लः) 1. The holy place Pushkara. 2. The son of Varuṇa. 3. A measure of eight Kunchis or sixty-four handfuls; in some places it means four times a double handful. 4. Alms to the extent of four mouthfuls of food. E. पुष् to nourish, and कलच् Unādi aff.; otherwise पुष्कर as above, and ल interchanged with र .
- पुष्क(ष्य)लक :: m. (-कः) 1. The musk-deer. 2. A bolt, a pin.
- पुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Nourished, cherished, 2. Thriving, strong.
3. Rich, amply provided. 4. Complete, perfect. 5. Full-sounding. E. पुष् to cherish, aff. क्त .
- पुष्टाङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Fat, fattened. E. पुष्ट, and अङ्ग body.
- पुष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) 1. Cherishing, nourishing. 2. Increase, advance, thriving, prosperity. 3. Wealth, property. 4. Plumpness, fatness. 5. Richness, perfection. 6. One of the Mātrikās or divine mo- thers, nourishment personified. E. पुष् to nourish, aff. क्तिन् .
- पुष्टिकर्मन् :: n. (-र्म) A religious ceremony performed for the attainment of prosperity.
- पुष्टिका :: f. (-का) An oyster, a bi-valve-shell. E. पुष्ट, and कन् added, fem. form.
- पुष्टिकान्त :: m. (-न्तः) GAṆEŚA. E. पुष्टि prosperity, कान्त friend.
- पुष्टिद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Nourishing, cherishing. f. (-दा) 1. Increase, thriving. 2. A plant, (Physalis flexuosa.) E. पुष्टि, and द what gives.
- पुष्टिवर्द्धन :: m. (-नः) A cock.
- पुष्प :: r. 4th cl. (पुष्प्यति) To flower, to blossom. दि० पर० अक० सेट् ।
- पुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) 1. A flower in general. 2. The menses. 3. Expansion, expanding. 4. The vehicle or car of KUVERA. 5. A disease of the eyes, specks on the eye, albugo. 6. A topaz. 7. Gallantry, politeness, (in erotic poetry.) f. (-ष्पा) The capital of KARṆA, or Bhāgalpur. m. (-ष्पः) Blossoming, blooming, expanding. E. पुष्प to flower, &c. अच् aff.
- पुष्पक :: n. (-कं) 1. Calx of brass used as collyrium. 2. The chariot of KUVERA. 3. A disease of the eyes, albugo, specks on the eye. 4. A bracelet of diamonds or jewels. 5. A cup or vessel of iron. 6. A small earthen fire-place or furnace. 7. Green vitriol. 8. A flower. E. कन् added to the last.
- पुष्पकरण्डक :: n. (-कं) 1. Avantī or Oujein, or the grove in its vicinity considered as sacred to MAHĀDEVA. 2. A basket on which flower is collected. E. पुष्प a flower, and करण्डक a basket.
- पुष्पकरण्डिनी :: f. (-नी) Oujein: see the last.
- पुष्पकाल :: m. (-लः) 1. The spring. 2. The time of the menstrual flux.
- पुष्पकासीस :: n. (-सं) The green sulphate of iron. E. पुष्प a flower, and कासीश green vitriol.
- पुष्पकीट :: m. (-टः) 1. A large black bee. 2. Any insect affecting flowers. E. पुष्प a flower, and कीट an insect.
- पुष्पकेतन :: m. (-नः) The Hindu Cupid. E. पुष्प a flower, and केतन a symbol.
- पुष्पकेतु :: n. (-तुं) Calx of brass. m. (-तुः) The god of love. E. पुष्प flower and केतु mark or sign.
- पुष्पगण्डिका :: f. (-का) Contrary purpose or effort of a man and woman.
- पुष्पगिरि :: m. (-रिः) A fabulous mountain, the favourite resort of VARUṆA. E. पुष्प a flower, and गिरि a mountain, the hill of flowers.
- पुष्पवातक :: m. (-कः) A bamboo. E. पुप flower, and घातक destroyer; the stem decaying after the plant flowers.
- पुष्पचय :: m. (-यः) 1. A quantity of flowers. 2. Gathering flowers. E. पुष्प and चय gathering.
- पुष्पचाप :: m. (-पः) KĀMADEVA, the Hindu Cupid. E. पुष्प a flower, and चाप a bow; who arms his bow with flowers.
- पुष्पचामर :: m. (-रः) 1. A plant, (Artemisia.) 2. A fragrant plant, (Pan- danus odoratissimus.) E. पुष्प a flower, and चामर a Chowri, having a large bushy flower. वेत्रवृक्षे, मदनवृक्षेच ।
- पुष्पद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -द) Who or what gives flowers. m. (-दः) A tree. E. पुष्प a flower, and द what gives.
- पुष्पदन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. The elephant presiding over the north-west quarter. 2. A chief of the Gandharbas or Vidyādharas, attendant upons ŚIVA, to whom is ascribed the authorship of the “Mahimna Stotra”. 3. One of the Jinas or Jaina teachers. 4. A Nāga or ser- pent of the infernal regions. m. dual. (-न्तौ) The sun and moon. E. पुष्प flower, and दन्त a tooth.
- पुष्पदन्तक :: m. (-कः) A chief of the Gandharbas. E. कन् added to the last.
- पुष्पदामन् :: n. (-म) 1. A garland of flowers. 2. A kind of metre.
- पुष्पद्रव :: m. (-वः) 1. The exudation or saccharine matter of flower.
2. An infusion of flowers, as rose water, &c. E. पुष्प, and द्रव oozing, distilling.
- पुष्पध :: m. (-धः) The offspring of an outcaste Brāhmana.
- पुष्पधन्वन् :: m. (-न्वा) KĀMADEVA. E. पुष्प, and धनु bow, अनङ् aff. otherwise पुष्पधनु; see पुष्पचाप .
- पुष्पधारण :: m. (-णः) An epithet of Vishṇu.
- पुष्पध्वज :: m. (-जः) The god of love.
- पुष्पनिकर :: m. (-रः) Throwing flowers. E. पुष्प, and नि before, कृ to throw, अच् aff.
- पुष्पनिक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A bee. E. पुष्प, and निक्ष who kisses.
- पुष्पनिर्यास :: m. (-सः) Nectar of flowers. E. पुष्प, and निर्यास extract.
- पुष्पनेत्र :: n. (-त्रं) The tube of a flower.
- पुष्पन्धय :: m. (-यः) A bee, E. पुष्प a flower, धे to drink, aff. खश् .
- पुष्पपत्रिन् :: m. (-त्री) The god of love.
- पुष्पपथ :: m. (-थः) The vulva. E. पुष्प the menses, and पथिन् a road, अप aff.
- पुष्पपुर :: n. (-रं) Pātaliputra or Palibothra. E. पुष्प flower, and पुर a city.
- पुष्पप्रचय :: m. (-यः) 1. Gathering fruit or flower, &c. in any way except by the hand. 2. Stealing flowers. E. पुष्प, and प्र before, चि to collect, aff. अच् .
- पुष्पप्रचाय :: m. (-यः) Gathering flowers with the hand. E. पुष्प, and प्र before, चि to collect, घञ् aff.
- पुष्पप्रस्तार :: m. (-रः) A bed of flowers.
- पुष्पफल :: m. (-लः) 1. Elephant or wood apple. 2. A pumpkin gourd. E. पुष्प a flower, and फल fruit.
- पुष्पबलि :: m. (-लिः) An offering of flowers.
- पुष्पबा(-वा)ण :: m. (-णः) An epithet of the god of love.
- पुष्पभव :: m. (-वः) Nectar of flowers. E. पुष्प and भव being.
- पुष्पमञ्जरिका :: f. (-का) The blue lotus.
- पुष्पमास :: m. (-सः) 1. The month of Chaitra. 2. Spring. E. पुष्प flower, and मास a month or season.
- पुष्परक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Dyed red with vegetable colour, as safflower, &c. m. (-क्तः) A shrub, (Hibiscus phæniceus.) E. पुष्प flower, and रक्त coloured, red. “सूर्य्यमणिवृक्षे” ।
- पुष्परजस् :: n. (-जः) The Pollen.
- पुष्प(ष्य)रथ :: m. (-थः) A car or carriage for travelling or pleasure, or any purpose except war. E. पुष्प a flower, and रथ a car.
- पुष्परस :: m. (-सः) The nectar or honey of flowers. E. पुष्प, and रस juice.
- पुष्परसाह्वय :: n. (-यं) Honey, nectar, E. पुष्परस, and आह्वय a name.
- पुष्परा(ज)ग :: m. (-ज or गः) A topaz. E. पुष्प a flower, and राग colour.
- पुष्परेणु :: m. (-णुः) The dust or farina of flowers. E. पुष्प, and रेणु dust.
- पुष्परोचन :: m. (-नः) A plant, (Mesua ferrea.) E. पुष्प, and रोचन pleasing.
- पुष्पलक :: m. (-कः) see पुष्यलक .
- पुष्पलाव :: m. (-वः) A flower-seller, a garland-maker. f. (-वी) A female flower-gatherer. E. पुष्प, and लाव who cuts.
- पुष्पलिक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A bee. E. पुष्प a flower, लिह् to lick, स aff.
- पुष्पलिह् :: m. (-लिट्) A large black bee. E. पुष्प, and लिह् to lick, क्विप् aff.
- पुष्पवटुक :: m. (-कः) A gallant.
- पुष्पवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Having flowers, flowery. m. always dual. (-न्ती) The sun and moon. f. (-वती) A woman during menstruation. E. पुष्प a flower, or expansion as at rising, &c. and मतुप् aff.
- पुष्पवन्त :: m. dual. (-न्ती) The sun and moon. E. पुष्प a flower, अव to prevent, झच् aff.
- पुष्पवर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) A rain of flowers, flowers cast from heaven upon a hero or demigod, or on any great occasion. E. पुष्प, and वर्ष rain- ing; also पुष्पवर्षण, पुष्पवृष्टि, &c.
- पुष्पवाटिका :: f. (-का) A flower-garden.
- पुष्पवाटी :: f. (-टी) A flower-garden. E. पुष्प, and वाटी a garden.
- पुष्पवृष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) See पुष्पवर्ष .
- पुष्पवेणी :: f. (-णी) A garland of flowers.
- पुष्पशकटी :: f. (-टी) 1. Raining flowers, on any great occasion of rejoicing in earth and heaven. 2. A heavenly voice.
- पुष्पशय्या :: f. (-य्या) A flowery bed.
- पुष्पशर :: m. (-रः) KĀMADEVA, the god of love. E. पुष्प, and शर an arrow.
- पुष्पशरासन :: m. (-नः) KĀMADEVA, E. पुष्प, and शरासन a quiver.
- पुष्पशून्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) Not bearing flowers, flowerless. m. (-न्यः) The glomerous fig-tree. E. पुष्प, शून्य void of.
- पुष्पशालिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) Flowery. E. पुष्प, and शालिन् having.
- पुष्पश्री :: f. (-श्रीः) Abundance, or beauty of flowers. E. पुष्प, श्री wealth.
- पुष्पसमय :: m. (-यः) Spring. E. पुष्प, and समय a season.
- पुष्पसायक :: m. (-कः) The god of love.
- पुष्पसार :: m. (-रः) The nectar, or honey of flowers. E. पुष्प . and सार essence.
- पुष्पस्वेद :: m. (-दः) The nectar, or honey of flowers. E. पुष्प, and स्वेद sweat, or exudation.
- पुष्पहासा :: f. (-सा) A woman during menstruation. E. पुष्प, and हास who smiles.
- पुष्पहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Flowerless, not flowering. f. (-ना) 1. The glomerous fig-tree. 2. A woman whose menstruation has ceased a barren woman. E. पुष्प a flower, &c. and हीन abandoned.
- पुष्पा :: m. (-ष्पा) The district of Bhāgalpur or the name of its capital champā.
- पुष्पागम :: m. (-मः) The Spring.
- पुष्पाजीव :: m. (-वः) A flowerman, a maker of garlands. E. पुष्प, and आजीव livelihood.
- पुष्पाजीविन् :: m. (-वी) A flowerman, a maker of garlands. E. पुष्प, आजीव livelihood, इनि aff.
- पुष्पाञ्जन :: n. (-नं) The calx of brass used as a collyrium. E. पुष्प a flower, and अञ्जन collyrium. “कोम काजल” ।
- पुष्पाञ्जलि :: mf. (-लिः-ली) Presenting a nosegay or flowers, held in both hands opened, and hollowed. E. पुष्प, and अञ्जलि the hands joined and opened; also similar compounds, as कुसुमाञ्जलि, प्रसूनाञ्जलि, &c.
- पुष्पानन :: m. (-नः) A kind of Spirituous liquor.
- पुष्पाम्बुज :: n. (-जं) The Sap of flowers.
- पुष्पायुध :: m. (-धः) The god of love.
- पुष्पावचय :: m. (-यः) Gathering flowers. E. पुष्प, and अवचय collecting.
- पुष्पावचायिन् :: mf. (-यी-यिनी) A flower-gatherer. E. पुष्प, and अवचायिन् who collects.
- पुष्पाभिषेक :: m. (-कः) Bathing with flowers.
- पुष्पासव :: n. (-वं) Honey. E. पुष्प, and आसव spirit.
- पुष्पासार :: m. (-रः) A shower of flowers.
- पुष्पास्त्र :: m. (-स्त्रः) KANDARPA, the Hindu Cupid. E. पुष्प, and अस्त्र a wea- pon; pointing his darts with flowers.
- पुष्पाहर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Who or what takes flowers. E. पुष्प, and आहर who or what takes.
- पुष्पिका :: f. (-का) 1. The tartar of the teeth. 2. The mucus of the glans penis, or urethra. 3. The concluding words of a chapter. E. पुष्प a flower, कन् aff. of comparison, fem. form.
- पुष्पिणी :: f. (-णी) A woman in her courses.
- पुष्पित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Flowered, in flower. 2. Florid, flowery. 3. Completely manifested, fully developed. f. (-ता) A woman during menstruation. E. पुष्प, and इतच् aff.
- पुष्पिताग्रा :: f. (-ग्रा) A form of metre, a mixed kind and a variety of the Aupachandasika; the line consisting of four or six short syllables, a pyrrhic or a dactyl, two trochees and a spondee.
- पुष्पिन् :: mfn. (-ष्पो -ष्पिणी -ष्पि) 1. Flowering, bearing flowers. 2. A bound- ing in flowers. E. पुष्प, and इनि aff.
- पुष्पेषु :: m. (-षुः) KĀMADEVA. E. पुष्प, and इषु an arrow.
- पुष्पोद्गम :: m. (-मः) The appearance of flowers.
- पुष्पोद्यान :: n. (-नं) A flower-garden.
- पुष्पोपजीविन् :: m. (-वी) A florist.
- पुष्प्य :: r. 4th. cl. (पुष्प्यति) To blossom. विकशने कण्ड्रा० पाठान्तरम् सक० सेट् । .
- पुष्य :: mf. (-ष्यः-ष्या) 1. The eighth lunar asterism, comprising three stars, of which one is the Cancer. 2. The month Pous, (Dec. and Jan.) 3. The Kali, or fourth age. E. पुष् to nourish, aff. क्यप् .
- पुष्यरथ :: m. (-थः) Any sort of car or carriage, except a war chariot. E. पुष्य the asterism, and रथ a car; also पुष्परथ .
- पुष्यलक :: m. (-कः) 1. The musk-deer. 2. A pin, a bolt, stake. 3. A naked mendicant. It is read in some places पुष्कलक .
- पुस :: r. 10th cl. (पोषयति-ते) 1. To rub. 2. To damage, चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- पुस्त :: r. 10th cl. (पुस्तयति-ते) 1. To respect. 2. To disregard, to treat with disrespect. 3. To bind. 4. To smear. चु० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- पुस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Filled. 2. Covered. n. (-स्तं) 1. Smearing, anoin- ting, painting, plastering, &c. 2. Any thing made of metal, wood or clay, &c. nf. (-स्तं-स्ती) A book, a manuscript. E. पुस्त to bind, अच् aff.
- पुस्तक :: nf. (-कं-की) A book, a manuscript. E. कन् added to the last.
- पुस्तकमुद्रा :: f. (-द्रा) A particular position of fingers in religious worship. The posture is thus defined in Tantra sāra. viz.-- “वाम मुष्टिं स्वाभिमुखीं कृत्वा पुस्तकमुद्रिका” ।
- पुस्तकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Plastering, painting, &c. see पुस्त . E. पुस्त as above, कर्म्मन् business.
- पुस्ती :: f. (-स्ती) A manuscript.
- पुस्फुस :: m. (-सः) The lungs; also पुप्फुस and फुप्फुस .
- पू(ङ)पूङ् :: r. 1st cl. (पवते)शोधे भ्वा० आ० सक० सेट् । (ञ)पूञ् r. 9th cl. (पुनाति- पुनीते) 1. To purify, to cleanse, physically or metaphorically. 2. To clean from chaff, to winnow. 3. To Discriminate, to discern. 4. To invent, to think out, to contrive. क्र्यादि० प्वा० उभ० सक० सेट् । r. 4th cl. (पूयते) To grow or become pure. दिवा० आत्म० सक० सेट् ।
- पूग :: m. (-गः) 1. The betel-nut tree, (Areca faufel or catechu.) 2. A heap, a quantity, a multitude. 3. Disposition, property, nature. 4. The Jack-tree. 5. An association, a corporation. n. (-गं) The fruit of the faufel, the betel-nut. E. पू to cleanse, गन् Unādi aff.
- पूगकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Assembled, collected. E. पूग, and कृत made.
- पूगपात्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. A betel-box. 2. A spitting-spot. E. पूग, and पात्र a vessel.
- पूगपीठ :: n. (-ठं) A spitting-pot. E. पूग betel, and पीठ a stool; chewing the pān producing an increased excretion of saliva.
- पूगपुष्पिका :: f. (-का) Flowers and betel presented to the principal guests at a marriage festival. E. पूग, and पुष्प a flower, कन् added.
- पूगफल :: n. (-लं) The Areca-nut. E. पूग, and फल fruit.
- पूगरोट :: m. (-टः) The marshy date tree, (Phænix or Elate paludosa.) E. पूग Areca, and रुट् to shine, to resemble, aff. घञ; also with कन् added पुगरोटक . “हिन्ताल वृक्षे” ।
- पूगवैर :: n. (-रं) Enmity against a number of men.
- पूज् :: r. 10th cl. (पूजयति-ते) 1. To adore, to reverence, to worship. 2. To present with. With सम्, 1. To pay respect to. 2. To present with. चु० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- पूजक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Worshiping, a worshiper. E. पूज् to worship, ण्वुल् aff.
- पूजत् :: mfn. (-जन् -जन्ती -जत्) Worshiping, reverencing. E. पूज् to wor- ship, शतृ aff.
- पूजन :: n. (-नं) Worship, worshiping: see पूजा . f. (-नी) A sparrow. E. पूज् to worship, and ल्युट् aff.
- पूजनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be worshiped or revered. E. पूज्, and अनीयर् aff.
- पूजयितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be worshiped. E. पूज् to worship, and तव्य aff.
- पूजयितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Worshiping, a worshiper. E. पूज् to wor- ship, तृच् aff.
- पूजा :: f. (-जा) Worship, culture, respect, homage of superiors or adora- tion of the gods. E. पूज् to worship, affs. अङ् and टाप् .
- पूजार्ह :: mfn. (-र्हः -र्हा -र्हं) Worshipful, venerable, respectable, sacred. E. पूजा worship, अर्ह fit, deserving.
- पूजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Worshiped, adored, reverenced. 2. Ac- knowledged. 3. Endowed. E. पूज् to worship, क्त aff.
- पूजिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Venerable, respectable, worshipful, &c. m. (-लः) A deity. E. पूजा, and इलच् aff.
- पूज्य :: mfn. (-ज्यः -ज्या -ज्यं) Worshipful, venerable, fit for or deserving adoration, &c. m. (-ज्यः) A father-in-law. E. पूज् to worship, यत् aff.
- पूज्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being reverenced or respected. E. पूज् to worship, pass. v., शानच् aff.
- पूण् :: r. 10th cl. (पूणयति-ते) To accumulate, to collect or heap together. चु० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- पूत् :: Ind. An imitative word expressive of hard breathing.
- पूत्कारी :: f. (-री) 1. The capital of the Nāgas. 2. A name of SARASWATI.
- पूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Pure, purified. 2. Threshed, winnowed. 3. Cleaned, cleansed. 4. Speaking the truth, sincere, honest. 5. Foul-smelling, stinking, putrid. 6. Guarded, defended. 7. contrived, composed. n. (-तं) Truth, speaking truth. m. (-तः) 1. A conch-shell. 2. White Kusa grass. m. du. (-तौ) The buttocks. E. पू to purify, aff. क्त .
- पूतक्रतायी :: f. (-यी) The wife of INDRA. E. पूतक्रतु INDRA, ङीप् aff; in place of उ, ऐच् is inserted, and then changed before ई to आय .
- पूतक्रतु :: m. (-तुः) A name of INDRA. E. पूत, pure, and क्रतु sacrifice.
- पूततृण :: n. (-णं) White Kusa grass.
- पूतद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) The bread-fruit tree, (Butea frondosa.) E. पूत, and द्रु a tree.
- पूतधान्य :: n. (-न्यं) Sesamum. E. पूत, and धान्य grain.
- पूतना :: f. (-ना) 1. Yellow myrobalan, (Terminalia chebula.) 2. The name of a female demon killed by KRISHṆA, when he was but an infant on her attempting to take his life. 3. A disease, atrophy and wasting in a child, ascribed to the malignant operations of the female fiend PŪTANĀ. E. पूत् to be pure, nominal verb, युच् aff.
- पूतनारि :: m. (-रिः) KRISHṆA. E. पूतना a female fiend, and अरि the foe.
- पूतनासूदन :: m. (-नः) KRISHṆA. E. पूतना, and सूदन destroyer.
- पूतनाहन् :: m. (-हा) KRISHṆA. E. पूतना, and हन् who kills: see the three words preceding.
- पूतपाप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Purified, freed from sin. E. पूत, and पाप sin.
- पूतपाप्मन् :: mfn. (-प्मा -प्मा -प्म) Purified from sin. E. पूत, and पाप्मन् sin.
- पूतफल :: m. (-लः) The jack-tree. E. पूत fetid, फल fruit.
- पूतात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) 1. A saint, an ascetic, a pure or purified person. 2. A man of a cleanly person, or purified by ablution. 3. An epithet of Vishṇu. E. पूत purified, आत्मन् spirit or self.
- पूति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Purity, purification. 2. A stench, a stink, putrefac- tion. 3. Civet. n. (-ति) 1. Filthy water. 2. Pus, matter. Adj. Putr- id, Stinking, ill-smelling. E. पू to be pure, or पूय to stink, aff. क्तिच् .
- पूति(ती)क :: m. (-कः) Grey bonduc, (Cæsalpinia bonducella, Rox.) f. (-का) 1. A potherb, “पुंइशाक” (Basella lucida &c.) 2. A civet or pole- cat. Adj. Foul. n. (-कं) Ordure, excrement. E. पूति a stink, कन् aff.
- पूतिकरज :: m. (-जः) A plant, (Cæsalpinia bonducella.) E. पूतिक the same, रञ्ज् to colour, aff. अण्; also with the nasal retained, पूतिकरञ्ज “नाटाकरम्जा” ।
- पूतिकर्णक :: m. (-कः) Fetid ulceration of the ear. E. पूति, and कर्ण the ear, कन् added.
- पूतिकामुख :: m. (-खः) A bi-valve-shell E. पूतिका a potherb, and मुख face, appearance.
- पूतिकाष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) A sort of pine, (P. devadāru.) E. पूति purity, काष्ठ wood; also with कन् added पूतिकाष्ठक m. (-कः) The Sarala tree.
- पूतिकीट :: m. (-टः) The winged-bug. “गंँधोपोका” ।
- पूतिगन्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Ill-smelling. n. (-न्धं) 1. Sulphur. 2. Tin. m. (-न्धः) Stench, fetid odour. E. पूति a stink and गन्ध smell.
- पूतिगन्धि :: mfn. (-न्धिः -न्धिः -न्धि) Ill-smelling. Adj. Stinking. E. पूति stink- ing, गन्ध smell, and इन् substituted for the final.
- पूतिगन्धिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Ill-smelling, fetid. E. पूति a stink, गन्ध smell, ठक् aff.
- पूतितैला :: f. (-ला) Heart-pea, (Cardiospermum halicacabum.) E. पूति stink, तैल oil. “लताकट्की” इति भाषा ।
- पूतिनस्य :: n. (-स्यं) Fetid exhalation from the nostrils. E. पूति, and नस्य nostril.
- पूतिनासिक :: Adj. Having a fetid nose.
- पूतिपुष्पिका :: f. (-का) A variety of the common citron, (Citrus medica.) E. पूति stinking, and पुष्प a flower, कन् aff.
- पूतिफला :: f. (-ला) A plant, (Psoralea corilifolia.) E. पूति stinking, फल fruit. “सोमराज्याम्” ।
- पूतिफली :: f. (-ली) A medicinal plant, (Serratula anthelmintica.) E. पूति stink, फल fruit.
- पूतिमयरिका :: f. (-का) The common carroway. “अजमोदायाम्” ।
- पूतिमांस :: n. (-सं) Dead or decayed flesh. E. पूति, and मांस flesh.
- पूतिमेद :: m. (-दः) The khayar tree, (mimosa catechu.)
- पूतिवक्त्र :: Adj. Having offensive breath.
- पूतिव्रण :: n. (-णं) A foul ulcer.
- पूतिवात :: m. (-तः) The Bel, (Ægle marmelos.) 2. Foul air. E. पूति a stink, वात wind.
- पूतिवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A plant, (Bignonia Indica.) E. पूति a foul smell, and वृक्ष a tree. “श्योनाक वृक्षे” ।
- पूतिशारिजा :: f. (-जा) The pole or civet-cat. “खटाश” ।
- पूती(ति)क :: m. (-कः) 1. A plant, (Cæsalpinia bonducella.) 2. The pole-cat or civet-cat. f. (-का) A potherb, (Basella rubra, and lucida.) E. पूति a stink or purity, कन् added, and the penultimate optionally long.
- पूतीकरज :: m. (-जः) A plant, (Cæsalpinia bonducella) Also पूतीक, पूतिक, पूतिकरज पूतीकरञ्ज, or पूतिकरञ्ज . “नाटाकरम्जा” ।
- पूत्यण्ड :: m. (-ण्ड) 1. The musk deer. 2. An insect with a fetid smell, the winged-bug. “गंँधोपोका” E. पूति a stench, and अण्ड the testicle or any egg.
- पूथिका :: f. (-का) A potherb; see पूतीक and पूतिक ।
- पून :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Lost, destroyed. E. पू to purify aff. क्त, deriv. irr. “पूञो विनाशे” पा० क्तस्य नः ।
- पूप :: m. (-पः) A cake. E. पू to purify, aff. पक् or यत् ।
- पूपला :: f. (-ली) A sort of sweet cake, fried with Ghee or oil. E. पूप a cake, ला to get or be, aff. क .
- पूपशाला :: f. (-ला) A baker's or confectioner's shop. E. पूप, and शाला a hall.
- पूपाली :: f. (-ली) A sort of cake or biscuit, made of meal or barley, half- baked or fried. E. पूप cake, आङ् before, ला to be or resemble, aff. क, fem. aff. ङीप्; also with कन् added पूपालिका; or पूपाय अलति, अल्- अच० गौरा० ङीष् ।
- पूपिका :: f. (-का) A sort of cake, half-baked or fried in oil or Ghee. E. पूप a cake, कन् aff. of comparison, fem. form.
- पूय(ई)पूयी :: r. 1st cl. (पूयते) 1. To split or cleave. 2. To stink. दुर्गन्धे अक० भेदने विशरणेच सक० दिवा० आत्म० सेट् ।
- पूय :: n. (-यं) Pus, matter, discharge from an ulcer, sore or wound, E. पूय् to stink, aff. अच् .
- पूयन :: n. (-नं) Pus, discharge from a wound or sore. E. पूय to stink, aff. ल्युट् ।
- पूयरक्त :: n. (-क्तं) 1. Ichor, sanies. 2. Discharge of sanies from the nostrils. m. (-क्तः) A kind of disease of the nose. E. पूय, and रक्त blood.
- पूयशोणित :: n. (-तं) Ichor, sanies. E. पूय, and शोणित blood.
- पूयारि :: m. (-रिः) The Nimba tree, (Melia azadirachta.) E. पूय pus, and अरि inimical; the leaves being used to produce discussion, or the absorption of matter that has formed.
- पूयालस :: m. (-सः) 1. Suppuration at the joints, white swelling. 2. Mat- ter in the eye. E. पूय, and अलस idle.
- पूर :: r. 4th cl. (ई) पूरी (पूर्य्यते) 1. To satisfy. 2. To fill. 3. To be satisfied. 4. To be full. दिवा० आत्म० सक० सेट् । r. 10th cl. (पूरयति-ते) 1. To satisfy. 2. To fill out. 3. To fill with wind, to blow. 4. To cover, to surround. 5. To fill with sound, to make resonant. 6. To inten- sify, to strengthen. चु० उभ० सक० सेट् । With आ 1. To fill, to make full. 2. To blow. 3. To cover, to envelop, to intertwine. With परि To fill completely. With प्र, 1. To fill. 2. To enrich, to load with riches. With सम, To fill.
- पूर :: mfn. subst. (-रः-रा-रं) A sort of unleavened cake, fried with Ghee or oil. m. (-रः) 1. A piece of water, a large quantity of water, a lake. 2. The healing or cleansing of ulcers. 3. Making content, satisfying. 4. Filling. 5. Supply. 6. Swelling of a river or the sea. 7. A stream, a flood. n. (-रं) A kind of incense. Adj. (-रः-रा-रं) Full, filled. E. पूर् to fill, क aff.
- पूरक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Filling, completing, or that which fills or completes. 2. Filling up. 3. Satisfying. m. (-कः) 1. A citron, (Citrus medica.) 2. The multiplier. (In arithmetic.) 3. Closing the right nostril, and drawing up air through the left, a religious cere- monial. 4. The funeral cake or cakes that must be given to
complete the obsequial rites. E. पूर् to fill, aff. कुन् .
- पूरकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Filled E. पूर्, and कृत made.
- पूरण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णी-णं) Filling, completing. n. (-णं) 1. Act of filling, completing or making up. 2. The final obsequial ball or cake. 3. Multiplication, (in arithmetic) 4. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) 5. Rain, raining. nf. (-णं-णी) The cross threads in weaving a piece of cloth, m. (-णः) 1. A bridge, a causeway. 2. The ocean. 3. A medicinal oil or embrocation. f. (-णी) The silk cotton tree. E. पूर् to fill, aff. ल्युट् or युच्
- पूरणप्रत्यय :: m. (-यः) An affix forming an ordinal.
- पूरयितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Filling. E. पूर् to fill, तृच् aff.
- पूरयित्क :: Ind. Having filled. E. पूर् to fill, क्त्वाच् aff.
- पूरिका :: f. (-का) A sort of unleavened cake, fried with Ghee or oil. E. पूरी, as above, aff. कन् .
- पूरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Filled, full, complete. 2. Multiplied. 3. Over- spread. E. पूर् to be full, aff. क्त ।
- पूरुष :: m. (-षः) Man, male, mankind. E. पूर् to be full, (the world,) aff. उषन्; it is also written, पुरुष &c.
- पूर्ण :: r. 10th cl. (पूर्णयति-ते) To accumulate, to collect or heap together.
- पूर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Full, filled, complete. 2. All, entire. 3. Strong, powerful, able. 4. Selfish, self-indulgent. f. (-र्णा) 1. Fifth, tenth, or fifteenth day of the half month. 2. Full moon. E. पूर् to be full, aff. क्त, form irr.
- पूर्णक :: m. (-कः) 1. A cock. 2. A kind of tree. f. (-र्णिका) A sort of bird, described as having a double or cleft beak; also नासाच्छिन्नी . E. पूर्ण full, कन् aff.
- पूर्णककूद :: Adj. Full-humped.
- पूर्णकाम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Satisfied, satiated. E. पूर्ण fulfilled, काम desire.
- पूर्णकुम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. A water vessel, one filled with holy water, used at the consecration of a king. 2. A full cup or jar. E. पूर्ण full, and कुम्भ a water jar.
- पूर्णपात्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. A full cup or vessel. 2. A vessel filled with clothes or ornaments, which are scrambled for by the guests and relations at a festival. 3. A vessel full of rice, presented at a sacrifice to the superintending and officiating priests; the Pūrṇa Pātra is pro- perly a measure of 256 handfuls of rice; it may also be composed of as much as will satisfy one great eater. E. पूर्ण full, and पात्र a vessel.
- पूर्णमा :: f. (-मा) The day of full moon. E. पूर्ण full, मा the moon; also पूर्णिमा, &c.
- पूर्णमास :: m. (-सः) A monthly sacrifice, performed on the day of full moon; also पौर्णमास . f. (-सी) Day of full moon. E. पूर्ण complete, मास the month.
- पूर्ण(वी)बीज :: m. (-जः) The citron. E. पूर्ण, and बीज seed.
- पूर्णानक :: n. (-कं) 1. A vessel full of clothes, &c. at a feast: see पूर्णपात्र . 2. The sound of a drum. 3. A moon-beam. E. पूर्ण full, अन् to go, or be, aff. बुन्; also read पूर्णालक .
- पूर्णालक :: n. (-कं) A vessel of clothes or ornaments to be scrambled for. E. पूर्ण full, अल् to ornament, aff. ण्वुल्; also sometimes written पूर्णानक .
- पूर्णिमा :: f. (-मा) Day of full moon. E. पूर्ण full, (the moon,) इमक् aff.
- पूर्णेन्दु :: m. (-न्दुः) The moon, the full moon. E. पूर्ण, and इन्दु the moon.
- पूर्णोपमा :: f. (-मा) A complete simile, in which the four requisites, namely उपमेय, उपमान, साधारणधर्म्म, and उपमावाचक must all be expressed.
- पूर्त्त :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -र्त्ता -र्त्तं) 1. Filled, full, complete. 2. Covered, concealed. n. (-र्त्त) 1. An act of pious liberality, as digging a well, planting a grove, building a temple, &c. 2. Nourishing, cherishing. It is thus defined in Vāchaspatya:-- “वापीकूपतडागादि देवता यतनानि च । अन्न प्रदानमारामः पूर्तमित्यभिघीयते” ॥ E. पृ to cherish or fill, aff. क्त, and the vowel changed.
- पूर्त्ति :: f. (-र्त्तिः) 1. Fullness, completion. 2. Satisfaction. E. पॄ to satisfy or fill, aff. क्तिन् ।
- पूर्त्तिन् :: mfn. (-र्त्ती -र्त्तिनी -र्त्ति) Filling, completing. 2. Effective. E. पॄ to satisfy, णिनि aff.
- पूर्ब्ब :: r. 1st cl. (पूर्ब्बति) To fill. 10th cl. (पूर्ब्बयति-ते) 1. To dwell. 2. To invite: the root is written either पूर्ब्ब or पूर्व्व । निमन्त्रणे सक० निवासे अक० चु० उभ० सेट् । अन्तस्थात्नु भ्वा० प० सेट् ।
- पूर्व्व :: mfn. (-र्व्वः -र्व्वी -र्व्वं) 1. First, former, prior, preceding, initial. 2. East, eastern. 3. All, entire. 4. Before, in front of. m. plu. (-र्व्वाः) Ancestors, forefathers. f. (-र्ब्बा) The east. n. (-र्व्वं) An ancient tradi- tion. E. पूर्ब्ब or पूर्व्व to fill, to dwell, &c. aff. अच्; hence to derivative and its compounds may be written either with व or व; the second of the duplicate consonants may also be rejected, making it पूर्ब or पूर्व ।
- पूर्ब्बक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Prior, before, preceding. m. (-कः) A forefather. E. पूर्ब्ब, and कन् added.
- पूर्ब्बकल्प :: m. (-ल्पः) Former times.
- पूर्ब्बकाल :: n. (-लं) Former time. E. पूर्ब्ब, and काल time.
- पूर्व्वकालीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Ancient, belonging to former times. E. पूर्ब्बकाल and ख aff.
- पूर्ब्बकाष्ठा :: f. (-ष्ठा) The east, the eastern quarter. E. पूर्व्व, and काष्ठा quarter.
- पूर्ब्बकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Done formerly, or in a prior existence. E. पूर्ब्ब, and कृत done.
- पूर्व्वकोटि :: f. (-टि) The starting point, the first statement of a debatable question.
- पूर्व्वगङ्गा :: f. (-ङ्गा) The Narmada river. E. पूर्ब्ब formerly, (called) गङ्गा the Ganges.
- पूर्व्वचोदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Formerly stated, before-mentioned, aforesaid. E. पूर्व्व, and चोदित said.
- पूर्ब्बज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) 1. Born or produced before, either in time or place. 2. Eastern, born in the east. 3. Elder. m. (-जः) 1. An elder brother. 2. The son of the elder wife, even though last born. m. plu. (-जाः) 1. The deified progenitors of mankind. 2. Ancestors, forefathers in general. E. पूर्ब्ब formerly or first, ज born.
- पूर्ब्बजिन :: m. (-नः) A Bauddha teacher; also MANJUGHOSHA. m. plu. (-नाः) The twenty-four Jinas or Jaina saints of a former æra. E. पूर्ब्ब, and जिन a Jina.
- पूर्व्वतन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Former. E. पूर्ब्ब, and तनट् aff.
- पूर्ब्बदिक्पति :: m. (-तिः) A name of INDRA. E. पूर्ब्ब east, दिश् quarter, and पति regent.
- पूर्व्वदिश् :: f. (-दिक्) The eastern region. E. पूर्ब्ब, and दिश् a quarter.
- पूर्व्वदृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Formerly seen. E. पूर्व्व, and दृष्ट seen.
- पूर्व्वदेव :: m. (-वः) 1. An Asura or demon. 2. A Pitri, or progenitor. E. पूर्व्व before, देव a god; the first being the elder offspring of KĀSYAPA, the parent of both gods and demons, and the second being the progenitor of gods and men.
- पूर्व्वदेवता :: f. (-ता) A primeval deity, a Pitri or progenitor of gods as well as men. E. पूर्व्व, and देवता a divinity.
- पूर्ब्बदेश :: m. (-शः) The eastern country, or eastern part of India. E. पूर्व्व eastern, देश country.
- पूर्व्वदेह :: m. (-हः) A former body, a prior existence. E. पूर्व्व, and देह body.
- पूर्व्वपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. A proposition, an assertion; the first part of an argument, to which assent or refutation is necessary. 2. The first half of a lunar month. E. पूर्व्व first, पक्ष argument, &c.
- पूर्व्वपक्षपाद :: m. (-दः) The first division of legal proceeding, the plaint. E. पूर्व्वपक्ष, and पाद quarter.
- पूर्व्वपद :: n. (-दं) The first member of a compounded word, of a sentence, a verse. &c. E. पूर्व्व preceeding, and पद a ward, &c.
- पूर्व्वपदिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Relating to the first member of a compound term. E. पूर्व्वपद, and इकन् aff.
- पूर्व्वपर्व्वत :: m. (-तः) The eastern mountain, behind which to sun is suppo- sed to rise. E. पूर्व्व eastern, and पर्व्वत a mountain.
- पूर्व्वप्रवृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Formerly fixed, or done. E. पूर्व्व, and प्रवृत्त undertaken.
- पूर्व्वफल्गुनी :: f. (-नी) The eleventh lunar asterism; the first Phalguni, the twelfth Nakshatra, being termed Uttara or subsequent; this asterism figured by a couch contains two stars, one of which is the Leonis. E. पूर्व्व first, and फल्गुनी the name of the two asterisms.
- पूर्व्वफल्गुनाभव :: m. (-वः) The planet Jupiter. E. पूर्व्वफल्गुनी as above, and भव being born.
- पूर्व्वभाद्रपदा :: f. (-दा) The first of the two lunar asterisms, called Bhādra- padā, and twenty-sixth, of the whole, containing two stars. E. पूर्व्व first, भाद्रपदा the asterism so named; it is also read पूर्व्वभद्रपदा ।
- पूर्व्वभाषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Polite, complaisant, condescending to speak first. E. पूर्व्व, and भाषिन् who speaks.
- पूर्व्वभुक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Prior possession. E. पूर्व्व, and भुक्ति enjoyment.
- पूर्व्वमारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Dying first. E. पूर्व्व, मृ to die, घिणुन् aff.
- पूर्व्वमीमांसा :: f. (-सा) An inquiry into the ritual portion of the Veda. It is called पूर्व्वमीमांसा in contradistinction to the Vedānta system which is considered to be a sequel to Jaimini's system and is styled उत्तर मीमांसा; there is however very little in common between the two systems.
- पूर्व्वयक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) One of the Jinas or Jaina teachers. E. पूर्व्व formerly, यक्ष a demi-god.
- पूर्व्वरङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) The commencement of a drama, or the prelude to to instrumental or vocal performance; a prologue, an overture. E. पूर्व्व first, रङ्ग a stage.
- पूर्व्वराग :: m. (-गः) Affection arising from some cause before the parties meet. E. पूर्व्व, and राग passion.
- पूर्व्वरात्र :: m. (-त्रः) The first part of the night. E. पूर्व्व preceding, रात्रि night, and the final changed to अ ।
- पूर्व्वरूप :: n. (-पं) 1. Indication of some approaching change. 2. Retention of the first of two concurrent vowels or consonants. 3. Symptom of occurring disease. E. पूर्व्व previous, रूप form.
- पूर्व्वलक्षण :: n. (-णं) Indication of something about to occur, as sickness, &c, E. पूर्व्व, and लक्षण sign.
- पूर्व्ववत् :: Ind. As before, as aforesaid, &c. E. पूर्व्व, and वति aff.
- पूर्व्ववाद :: n. (-दं) A former plaint or averment. E. पूर्व्व former, and वाद speech.
- पूर्व्ववादिन् :: m. (-दी) One who has made a former plea or complaint. E. पूर्व्ववाद, and इनि aff.
- पूर्व्वशैल :: m. (-लः) The eastern mountain, behind which the sun is sup- posed to rise. E. पूर्व्व eastern, शैल a mountain.
- पूर्व्वसर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Preceding, going before. E. पूर्व्व first, सृ to go, aff. ट ।
- पूर्व्वसन्ध्या :: f. (-न्ध्या) Dawn, daybreak. E. पूर्व्व prier, and सन्ध्या junction, (of the day.)
- पूर्व्वसार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Going eastwards. E. पूर्व्व east, and सृ to go, aff. अण् ।
- पूर्व्वसाहस :: n. (-सं) The first or heaviest of the three fines, or punishment. E. पूर्व्व, and साहस infliction.
- पूर्व्वाचरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Done or followed formerly. E. पूर्व्व, and आचरित observed.
- पूर्व्वाद्रि :: m. (-द्रिः) The eastern mountain. E. पूर्व्व eastern, and अद्रि mountain: see पूर्व्वशैल ।
- पूर्व्वापर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) First and last, prior and subsequent. n. (-रं) Proof, and thing to be proved. E. पूर्व्व, and अपर after.
- पूर्व्वाभ्यास :: m. (-सः) Former practice, or experience. E. पूर्व्व, and अभ्यास practice.
- पूर्व्वार्द्ध :: n. (-र्द्धं) The first or east half of any thing. E. पूर्व्व, and अर्द्ध half.
- पूर्व्वावतर :: m. (-रः) First accession or attack, (of any passion, disease, &c.) E. पूर्व्व, and अवतर befalling.
- पूर्व्वावेदक :: m. (-कः) A plaintiff, one who has made a complaint before another. E. पूर्व्व, and आवेदक who represents.
- पूर्व्वाषाढा :: f. (-ढा) The first of two constellations, each called Āshāḍhā,
and the 20th of the lunar asterisms, containing two stars of which one is Sagitarii. E. पूर्व्व first, आषाढा Āshāḍhā.
- पूर्व्वाह्ण :: m. (-ह्णः) The first part of the day, the forenoon. E. पूर्व्व first, and अहन् day.
- पूर्व्वाह्णेतन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Belonging or relating to the forenoon. E. पूर्व्वाह्ण as above, द्यु aff. form irr.
- पूर्व्वेण :: Ind. In the east, easterly, eastward. E. पूर्व्व the east, and the form of the 3rd case used as a participle.
- पूर्व्वेद्युस् :: Ind. 1. A former day, yesterday. 2. The morning, dawn, the first part of the day. 3. A day or portion of a day on which religious ceremonies are to be performed. E. पूर्व्व former or first, and एद्युस् aff. for द्यु a day.
- पूर्व्वोक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Said formerly, before-mentioned, aforesaid. E. पूर्व्व, and उक्त said.
- पूर्व्वोत्तर :: nf. (-रं-रा) The north-east. E. पूर्व्व east, and उत्तर north.
- पूर्व्वोदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Aforesaid, afore-mentioned. E. पूर्व्व, and उदित said.
- पूल् :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (पूलति पूलयति-ते) To accumulate, to collect or heap. चु० उभ० पक्षे भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- पूष् :: r. 1st cl. (पूषति) 1. To increase or grow. 2. To nourish. see पुष् अक० भ्वा० पर० सेट् ।
- पूष :: m. (-षः) The mulberry. (Morus Indica.) E. पूष् to grow, aff. क . “तुंँत् ।”
- पूषन् :: m. (-षा) The sun. E. पूष् to nourish, aff. कनिन् ।
- पूषभासा :: f. (-षा) The capital of INDRA. E. पूष the sun, भास् light, aff. टाप्, splendid as the sun.
- पूषासुहृत् :: m. (-हृत्) SĪVA. E. पूष the sun, and सुहृत् a friend.
- पृ :: r. 3rd cl. (पिपर्त्ति) 1. To protect, to nourish. 2. To fill. जुहो० पर० सक० अनिट् वा दीर्घे सेट् । 5th cl. (पृणोति) To satisfy, to please or content. प्रीतौ अक० प्रीणने सक० स्वादि० पर० अनिट् । r. 1st and 10th cls. (परति पारयति-ते) To fill, as the stomach or a vessel. चु० उभ० सक० सेट् । r. 6th cl. (But with वि and आङ् prefixed, and ङ aff.) व्यापृङ् (व्याप्रियते) To be busy or active, to labour, to make exertions; तु० आत्म० अक० अनिट्ः see पृ ।
- पृक्का :: f. (-क्का) A gramineous plant, (Trigonella corniculata.) E. स्पृश् to touch, कन् aff., deriv. irr.
- पृक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Touched, mixed, in contact or combination with. n. (-क्तं) Wealth, possessions. E. पृच् to mix, aff. क्त ।
- पृक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Touch, contact. E. पृच् to touch, क्तिन् aff.
- पृक्थ :: n. (-क्थं) Property, wealth.
- पृच्(ई)पृची :: r. 2nd cl. (पृक्ते) r. 7th cl. (पृणक्ति) To touch, to be or bring in contact. r. 1st and 10th cls. (पर्चति पर्चयति-ते) 1. To hinder or restrain. 2. To touch. सम्पर्के अदा० आत्म० अक० सेट् । संयमने सक० सम्पर्के अक० चु० उभ० पक्षे भ्वा० पर० सेट् ।
- पृच्छक :: m. (-कः) An inquirer, an investigator, an inquisitive person. E. प्रच्छ् to ask, वुन् aff. र changed to ऋ ।
- पृच्छन :: n. (-णं) Asking, inquiring. E. पृच्छ् to ask, ल्युट् aff., र changed to ऋ ।
- पृच्छा :: f. (-च्छा) Asking, questioning a question or inquiry. E. प्रच्छ् to inquire, affs. अङ् and टाप्, the semi-vowel changed to the corres- ponding vowel.
- पृज्(ई)पृजी :: r. 2nd cl. (पृक्ते) To touch, to be in contact with. अदा० आ० अक० सेट् ।
- पृड् :: r. 6th cl. (पृडति) To delight. तु० पर० अक० सेट् ।
- पृण् :: r. 6th cl. (पृणति) To please or gratify. तुदा० पर० सक० सेट् ।
- पृत् :: f. An army. This word has no form, for the first five cases; accord- ing to some it is an optional substitute for the next.
- पृतना :: f. (-ना) 1. An army. 2. A small army or division consisting of 243 elephants, as many chariots, 729 horse, and 1215 foot. 3. Fight, encounter. E. पृ to fill, तनन् aff.
- पृतनासाह् :: m. (-षाट्) INDRA. E. पृतना an army, सह् to bear or be equal to, ण्वि aff.
- पृथ् :: r. 10th (पर्थयति-ते) To throw or cast, to send or direct. चु० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- पृथक् :: Ind. 1. Without, except. 2. Separately, severally. E. पृथ् to throw or dismiss, aff. ठक् ।
- पृथक्करण :: n. (-णं) Separating, distinguishing, analysing. E. पृथक्, and करण making.
- पृथक्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Separated, sundered, made distinct. E. पृथक्, and कृत made.
- पृथक्क्षेत्र :: m. plu. (-त्राः) Children of one father by wives of different classes. E. पृथक् separately, and क्षेत्र a wife.
- पृथकत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Individuality, separateness, severalty. E. त्व added to पृथक्; also with तल्, पृथक्ता ।
- पृथक्त्वचा :: f. (-चा) A plant, commonly Mūrvā, (Sanseviera zeylanica.) E. पृथक् separately, त्वच् skin; having a fibrous bark from which bows-strings are made.
- पृथक्पर्णी :: f. (-र्णीं) A plant, (Hemionites cordifolia Rox.) E. पृथक् separate, पर्ण a leaf, aff. ङीप् ।
- पृथक्पिण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A relation connected by ablation of water only. E. पृथक्, and पिण्ड obsequial cake.
- पृथगात्मता :: f. (-ता) Discrimination, judgment. E. पृथक् severally, आत्मन् real nature, तल् aff.; distinguishing the different nature of different things.
- पृथगात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Several, separate, individual. m. (-त्मा) Individualised spirit, or that of an individual, as detached from universal spirit, or the soul of all. E. पृथक्, and आत्मन् self or soul.
- पृथगात्मिका :: f. (-का) Individuality, separate or individual state of being. E. पृथक् separately, आत्मन् self, ठक् aff.
- पृथग्गुण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) Having distinct properties. E. पृथक्, and गुण quality.
- पृथग्जन :: m. (-नः) 1. An ignorant man, a fool. 2. A man of a low cast. 3. A sinner, a wicked or vicious man. m. plu. (-नाः) Children of one father by different mothers. E. पृथक् separate, away from, (virtue &c.) and जन a man.
- पृथग्विध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Various, diversified, multiform. E. पृथक् several, विध sort.
- पृथवी :: f. (-वी) The earth: see पृथिवी ।
- पृथा :: f. (-था) KUNTĪ, the wife of PĀṆḌU. E. प्रथ to be famous, affs. अङ् and टाप, the semi-vowel changed.
- पृथाज :: m. (-जः) 1. The son of KUNTĪ, “ARJUNA,” &c. 2. Name of a tree. E. पृथा, and ज born.
- पृथापति :: m. (-तिः) PĀṆḌU, the nominal father of the Pāṇḍava princes. E. पृथा KUNTI, and पति husband.
- पृथिका :: f. (-का) A centipede. E. पृथ् to throw, aff. क्वुन्, fem. form.
- पृथिवि :: f. (-विः) The earth: see the next.
- पृथिवी :: f. (-वी) The earth. E. प्रथ् to be famous, Unādi aff. षिवन्, fem. aff. ङीप्, and the vowel substituted for the semi-vowel; also with the anti-penultimate vowel changed to अ, पृथवी; or dropped alto- gether, पृथ्वी; or without the fem. aff. पृथिवि ।
- पृथिवीक्षित् :: m. (-क्षित्) A king. E. पृथिवी, and क्षित् who rules.
- पृथिवीतल :: n. (-लं) The surface of the ground. E. पृथिवी, and तल surface.
- पृथिवीपति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A king, a sovereign. 2. A drug, commonly Rishabha. 3. YAMA, regent of the dead. E. पृथिवी the earth, and पति master.
- पृथिवीपाल :: m. (-लः) A king, a sovereign, a ruler. E. पृथिवी the earth, and पाल who nourishes.
- पृथिवीशक्र :: m. (-क्रः) A king. E. पृथिवी the earth, and शक्र INDRA.
- पृथु :: mfn. (-थुः -थुः -थ्वी-थु) 1. Large, great. 2. Smart, clever. m. (-थुः) 1. The fifth monarch of the solar dynasty in the second age. 2. A name of Agni or fire. f. (-थुः) 1. A pungent seed, (Nigella Indica.) 2. A medicinal substance, commonly Hingupatri. 3. Opium. E. प्रथ् to be famous, aff. कु, and र changed to ऋ ।
- पृथुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) The young of any animal. mn. (-कः-कं) Rice or grain flattened. f. (-का) Hingupatri: see पृथु . E. प्रथ् to be famous, aff. कुकन् or पृथु as above, and कन् added.
- पृथुरोमन् :: m. (-मा) A fish in general. E. पृथृ large, and रोमन् hair of the human body, to which the scales of the fish may be considered analogous.
- पृथुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Great, large. f. (-ला) A medicinal substance, “Hingupatri.” E. पृथु, and लच् aff.
- पृथुशेखर :: m. (-रः) A mountain. E. पृथु large, and शेखर a crest.
- पृथुस्कन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) A boar. E. पृथु large, स्कन्ध shoulder.
- पृथूदर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Large-bellied, stout, corpulent. m. (-रः) A ram. E. पृथु, and उदर the belly.
- पृथ्वी :: f. (-थ्वी) 1. The earth. 2. A pungent seed. (Nigella Indica.) 3. A medical substance and condiment, perhaps the leaf of the asafœtida plant, “Hingupatri.” 4. The mother of the seventh Jina, or Jaina deified teacher, SUPĀRSWA. 5. Cardamoms. 6. Name of a metre. E. The feminine form of पृथु, or पृथु the king so named, and ङीप् aff.; the domain of king PṚTHU.
- पृथ्वीका :: f. (-का) 1. Large cardamoms. 2. Small cardamoms. 3. A small pungent seed, (Nigella Indica.) E. पृथ्वी as above. कन् aff.
- पृथ्वीभर :: m. (-रः) A species of the Atyasti metre.
- पृदाकु :: m. (-कुः) 1. A snake. 2. A scorpion. 3. A tiger. 4. A leopard or the small hunting leopard. 5. An elephant. 6. A tree. E. पर्द to fart, Unādi aff. काकु; the vowel substituted for the semi-vowel.
- पृश्नि :: mfn. (-श्निः -श्निः -श्नि) 1. Small, short, thin. 2. Delicate, feeble. f. (-श्निः) 1. A ray of light. 2. A queen, the wife of SUTAPĀ, who being regenerated after death, became DEVAKĪ the mother of KRISHṆA. 3. The earth. E. स्पृश् to touch, नि Unādi aff., and the initial rejected; also पृष्णि ।
- पृश्नि(ष्णि)का :: f. (-का) An aquatic plant, (Pistia stratiotes.)
- पृश्निगर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) A name of KRISHṆA. E. पृश्नि the wife of a saint incarnate in DEVAKĪ, and गर्भ the embryo.
- पृश्निधर :: m. (-रः) KRISHṆA.
- पृश्निपर्णी :: f. (-णी) A plant, (Hemionites cordifolia,) according to some of its synonymes, but in ROXBURGH'S Catalogue, Hedysarum lagopo- dioides.) E. पृश्नि small, पर्ण a leaf.
- पृश्निभद्र :: m. (-द्रः) A name of KRISHṆA. E. पृश्नि DEVAKĪ and भद्र auspicious.
- पृश्निशृङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A name of KRISHṆA or VISHṆU, in that incarna- tion. 2. A name of GANEŚA. E. पृश्नि small, and शृङ्ग a crest.
- पृश्नी :: f. (-श्नी) An aquatic plant, (Pistia stratiotes.) E. पृष् to sprinkle, नि, aff. and ङीप् added.
- पृष्(उ)पृषु :: r. 1st. cl. (पर्षति) 1. To sprinkle. 2. To weary. 3. To hurt, to injure. 4. To Give. भ्वा० आ० सक० सेट् ।
- पृषत् :: mfn. (-षन् -षन्ती -षत्) Sprinkling. n. sing. (-षत्) du. (-षती) plu. (-षन्ति) A drop of water or any liquid. mf. (-षन्-षती) The porcine deer. E. पृष् to sprinkle, Unādi aff. अति, or participial aff. शतृ; also पृषत् and पृषन्ति ।
- पृषत :: m. (-तः) 1. A drop of water. 2. The porcine deer. E. पृष् to sprinkle, Unādi aff. अतच्; see the last.
- पृषताम्पति :: m. (-तिः) Air, wind, or its deified personification. E. पृषत् a deer, in the second case plural, and पति master.
- पृषताश्व :: m. (-श्वः) Air, wind. E. पृषत् the porcine deer, and अश्व a horse: see पृषदश्व ।
- पृषत्क :: m. (-त्कः) An arrow E. पृषत् a deer, and कन् added; swift as a deer.
- पृषदश्व :: m. (-श्वः) The god of air, or wind divinely personified. E. पृषत् the porcine deer, or a drop of rain, and अश्व a horse; whose steeds are like deer, or may be considered as the drops of rain, accom- panying a gale.
- पृषदाज्य :: n. (-ज्यं) Ghee mixed with curds, forming an oblation. E. पृषत् sprinkling, and आज्य Ghee.
- पृषद्वल :: m. (-लः) A horse of the wind. E. पृषत् a deer, वलच् aff.
- पृषन्ति :: n. (-न्ति) A drop of water. E. पृष् to sprinkle, aff. झिच्; according to the best authorities, however, this word is the plural inflection of पृषत् ।
- पृषभाषा :: f. (-षा) See पूषभाषा ।
- पृषाकरा :: f. (-रा) A small stone used as a weight.
- पृषातक :: n. (-कं) An oblation of Ghee and curds. E. पृष् sprinkling, अत् to go or be, अच् and कन् affs.
- पृषोदर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Having a spot or circle on the belly. According to Professor Turkabāchaspati:-- पृषः दिवोदरं यस्य पृषो० तलोपः 1. Small- bellied, and पृषन्ति उदरे यस्य . 2. Air, wind. But in his other works this word is taken as a type of such irregular compounds. Accor- ding to others:--E. पृषत् a drop of any thing liquid, and उदर the belly, form irregular and special; the word is most commonly in use as a grammatical term, being the leading word of a class in which the formation of each is peculiar to itself, and being thence applied to designate the rule which comprehends the whole of the series.
- पृषोद्यान :: n. (-नं) A small garden. E. पृषत्, and उद्यान a garden, त rejected.
- पृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Asked, inquired, interrogated. 2. Sprinkled. E. प्रच्छ् to ask, क्त aff. and the vowel substituted for the semi-vowel.
- पृष्टहायन :: m. (-नः) A species of grain. mf. (-नः-ना) An elephant.
- पृष्टि :: m. (-ष्टिः) 1. A ray of light. 2. Touch. E. पृष् to touch, &c. aff. क्तिन् . when it is derived from प्रच्छ्-क्तिन् it means “Inquiry” and when formed from पृष् कर्तरि क्तिच् it signifies “the back” or “at the side of.
- पृष्ट्वा :: Ind. Having asked. E. प्रच्छ् to ask, क्त्वाच् aff.
- पृष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) 1. The back. 2. The rear, the last, the back or hinder part of any thing. 3. The surface or superficies. 4. The back or the other side, (as of a document.) 5. The flat roof of a house. E. पृष् to sprinkle, Unādi aff. थक् ।
- पृष्ठगोप :: m. (-पः) A soldier who protects the rear of a warrior while he is fighting.
- पृष्ठग्रन्थि :: m. (-न्थिः) A hump on the back. E. पृष्ठ the back, ग्रन्थि a knot.
- पृष्ठचक्षुस् :: m. (-क्षुः) A crab. According to Vāchaspatya:--A bear. E. पृष्ठ the back, and चक्षुस् the eye.
- पृष्ठतल्पन :: n. (-नं) The exterior muscles on the back of an elephant.
- पृष्ठतस् :: Ind. 1. Behind, at the back of. 2. Backwards. 3. Secretly, covert- ly. E. पृष्ठ the back, and तसि aff.
- पृष्ठदृष्टि :: m. (-ष्टिः) A bear. E. पृष्ठ and दृष्टि sight, looking behind him.
- पृष्ठफल :: n. (-लं) Superficial contents of any figure. E. पृष्ठ and फल fruit.
- पृष्ठमांस :: n. (-सं) A fleshy protuberance on the back.
- पृष्ठमांसाद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) A backbiter, a talebearer, a slanderer. E. पृष्ठ the back, मांस the flesh, अद् to eat, aff. अच् ।
- पृष्ठमांसादन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) A backbiter. n. (-नं) Backbiting, slandering. E. पृष्ठमांस and अदन eating: see the last.
- पृष्ठयान :: n. (-नं) Riding.
- पृष्ठवंश :: m. (-शः) The back-bone. E. पृष्ठ the back, and वंश a bamboo.
- पृष्ठवास्तु :: n. (-स्तु) The upper story of a house.
- पृष्ठवाह् :: m. (-वाट् or वाड्) An ox of burthen, or one in training. E. पष्ठ and वाह् who bears: also प्रष्ठवाह् ।
- पृष्ठवाह्य :: m. (-ह्यः) An ox of burthen, carrying any thing on his back. E. पृष्ठ the back, वह् to bear, aff. ण्यत् ।
- पृष्ठरक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) See पृष्ठगोप ।
- पृष्ठशय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Sleeping on the back. E. पृष्ठ and शय who sleeps.
- पृष्ठशृङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A wild goat. E. पृष्ठ the back, and शृङ्ग a horn, whose horn bends over towards the back.
- पृष्ठशृङ्गिन् :: m. (-ङ्गी) 1. A buffalo. 2. An eunuch. 3. A name of BHIMASENA. 4. A ram. E. पृष्ठ the back, शृङ्ग a horn, and इनि aff.
- पृष्ठास्थि :: n. (-स्थि) The back bone.
- पृष्ठ्य :: mfn. (-ष्ठ्यः -ष्ठ्या -ष्ठ्यं) Relating or belonging to the back. m. (-ष्ठ्यः) A pack-horse. n. (-ष्ठ्यं) A multitude of back bones. E. पष्ठ the back, यत् aff.
- पृष्णि :: mfn. (-ष्णिः -ष्णिः -ष्णि) Small, short or thin: see पृश्नि . f. (-ष्णिः) 1. The heel: see पार्ष्णि . 2. A ray of light. E. पृष् to sprinkle, नि Unādi aff. deriv. irr.
- पॄ :: r. 3rd. cl. (पिपर्त्ति) 1. To fill. 2. To blow 3. To satisfy. जुही० पर० सक० सेट् । 9th cl. (पृणाति) To rear, to bring up, &c. क्य्र० भ्वा० पर० सक० सेट् । r. 10th cl. (पारयति-ते) 1. To nourish, to protect. 2. To fill. चु० उभ० सक० सेट् ।
- पेचक :: m. (-कः) 1. An owl. 2. The root of an elephant's tail. 3. The tip of it. 4. A cloud. 5. A bed. 6. A louse. E. पच् to spread, Unādi aff. वुन्, इट् inserted.
- पेचकिन् :: m. (-की) An elephant. E. पेचक the root of an elephant's tail, इनि aff.
- पेचिल :: m. (-लः) An elephant. E. पेच for पेचक as above, इलच् aff.
- पेचु :: m. (-चुः) An esculent root, (Arum colocasia.) E. पिच् to hurt, उ aff.; also with उलट् aff. पेचुल, fem. पेचुली ।
- पेचुली :: f. (-ली) An esculent root: see the last.
- पेञ्जूष :: m. (-षः) The wax of the ear.
- पेट :: mf. (-टः-टा or -टी) A basket, a bag, a chest, a large basket. m. (-टः) The open hand with the fingers extended. E. पिट् to collect, घञ् and टाप् affs.
- पेटक :: mn. (-कः-कं) A basket for holding clothes, books, &c. n. (-कं) Multitude, quantity. E. पिट् to collect, वुन् aff.
- पेटाक :: m. (-कः) A basket. E. पेटा, and कन् added.
- पेटिका :: f. (-का) A box, a basket. E. पेटा and कन् added.
- पेटी :: f. (-टी) A small basket. E. पिट्, aff. अच्, ङीप् being added.
- पेडा :: f. (-डा) A basket, a large basket. E. पिड् to collect, affs. अच् and टाप् ।
- पेण(ऋ)पेणृ :: r. 1st cl. (पेणति) 1. To go. 2. To embrace. 3. To grind: it is more usually read पैणु; गतौ पेषेच सक० श्लेषे अक० भ्वा० पर० सेट् ।
- पेत्व :: m. (-त्वः) A small part. n. (-त्वं) 1. Nectar. 2. Ghee or clarified butter. E. पा to drink, इत्वन् Unādi aff.
- पेपीयमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) To be drank repeatedly. E. पा to drink, reit. v., शानच् aff.
- पेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Drinkable, drink. n. (-यं) 1. Water. 2. Milk. f. (-या) 1. Rice gruel. 2. Decoction of any thing after straining. 3. Any drink with a small quantity of boiled rice. 4. Anise, (Pimpinella anisum.) E. पा to drink, aff. यत् ।
- पेयु :: m. (-युः) 1. The sea. 2. Fire. 3. The sun.
- पेयूष :: mn. (-षः-षं) 1. The milk of a cow, which has calved within seven days. 2. Fresh Ghee. 3. Amrita or nectar. E. पीय Sautra root, for पा to drink, ऊसुन् Unādi aff., and the vowel changed; otherwise पीयूष, q. v.
- पेरा :: f. (-रा) A kind of musical instrument. E. पि वा रे ।
- पेरु :: m. (-रुः) 1. The ocean. 2. The golden mountain. 3. The sun. 4. Fire. E. पा to drink, Unādi aff. रु ।
- पेरोज :: n. (-जं) The turquoise: it is the Persian word.
- पेल(ऋ)पेऌ :: r. 1st cl. (पेलति) To go or move. r. 10th cl. (पेलयति-ते) To shake, to tremble. कम्पे अक० गतौ सक० भ्वा० पर० सेट् ।
- पेल :: m. (-लः) 1. A small part. 2. Going. n. (-लं) A testicle. E. पिल् to send, aff. घञ्, or पेल् to go, अच् aff.
- पेलव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) 1. Delicate, fine. 2. Thin, slim, slender. 3. Soft. E. पेल, वा to get, aff. ड ।
- पेलि :: m. (-लिः) 1. One who goes. 2. A horse. E. पेल, इन् aff.
- पेलिन् :: m. (-ली) 1. A horse. E. पेल going, and इनि aff.
- पेव(ऋ)पेवृ :: r. 1st cl. (पेवते) To gratify by service, to serve, to attend on.
- पेशल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Dexterous, clever. 2. Beautiful, agreeable, 3. Fraudulent, crafty. 4. Soft, smooth. 5. Tender, delicate. 6. Thin, slender. E. पिश् to be a component part, अलच् aff.; also पेषल and पेसल ।
- पेशस्कत् :: m. (-कृत्) A sort of insect, a kind of wasp.
- पेशि :: m. (-शिः) The thunderbolt. f. (-शिः or -शी) 1. An egg. 2. Split pease. E. पिश् to be a part, Unādi aff. इन्; also with ङीप् added in the fem, form पेशी, as below.
- पेशी :: f. (-शी) 1. The egg of a bird. 2. A blown bud. 3. Spikenard, (Valeriana jatamansi.) 4. A ball of flesh or meat. 5. A sheath, a
scabbard. 6. A muscle. 7. The fetus shortly after conception. 8. A kind of musical instrument. 9. The name a river. 10. The name of a female imp or demon. E. पिश् to be a component part, aff. इन् and ङीप् added; also पेशि ।
- पेशी(शि)कोष(श) :: m. (-षः or शः) A bird's egg. “अण्डकोषेच” ।
- पेश्वर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Who or what grinds. E. पिश् to grind, वरच् aff.
- पेष(ऋ)पेषृ :: r. 1st cl. (पेषते) To resolve or endeavour diligently.
- पेषण :: n. (-णं) 1. Grinding, pulverising, reducing to dust or powder. 2. A hand mill, a stone and muller, any apparatus for grinding or pounding. 3. A plant, (a sort of Euphorbia with three lobes, com- monly Teṇkātāsij.) E. पिश् to grind, aff. ल्युट्; also पेषणि, &c.
- पेषणि :: f. (-णिः or -णी) A stone slab on which condiments, &c. are ground with a muller. E. पिश् to grind, aff. अनि and ङीप् optionally added.
- पेषल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Dexterous, clever. 2. Beautiful, handsome: see पेशल ।
- पेषाक :: m. (-कः) A small slab for grinding any thing upon. E. पिष् to grind, Unādi aff. आकन् ।
- पेस(ऋ)पेसृ :: r. 1st cl. (पेसति) To go or move.
- पेसल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Dexterous. 2. Handsome. see पेशल ।
- पेस्वर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Destructive. 2. Moving, going. 3. Splendid. E. पिस् to hurt, &c. वरच् aff.
- पै :: r. 1st cl. (पायति) To dry, to wither.
- पैङ्गि :: m. (-ङ्गिः) A patronymic of Yāska.
- पैञ्जूष :: m. (-षः) The ear. E. पिजि to injure, aff. ऊषन्, and the radical vowel augmented, form irr.
- पैठर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Boiled in a pot, (flesh, &c.) E. पिठर a vessel, aff. अण् ।
- पैठीनसि :: m. (-सिः) A Muni, author of a system of laws.
- पैण्(ऋ)पैणृ :: r. 1st cl. (पैणति) 1. To go or approach. 2. To command or direct, (an act.) 3. To touch or embrace. 4. To pound or grind.
- पैण्डिन्य :: n. (-न्यं) Mendicity, living upon alms. E. पिण्ड a ball of meat or rice, इनि poss. aff., यञ् aff. of condition: Also पैण्डिक्य ।
- पैतामह :: mfn. (-हः -ही -हं) 1. Belonging or relating to the grand-father, inherited from him, (property, &c.) 2. Relating to Brahmā. m. (-हः) plu. Ancestors, forefathers. E. पितामह, and अण् aff.
- पैतृक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Paternal, ancestral, belonging or relating to the father or to progenitors. 2. Sacred to the manes. n. (कं) A Śhrā- ddha performed in honor of the manes. E. पितृ a father, ठञ् aff.
- पैतृकभूमि :: f. (-मिः) 1. Father-land, the country of one's ancestors. 2. A paternal estate. E. पैतृक, भूमि land.
- पैतृकष्वसेय :: m. (-यः) A paternal aunt's son. f. (-यी) The daughter of a paternal aunt. E. पितृ a father, स्वसृ a sister, aff. ढक् whence the vowel of स्वसृ is rejected.
- पैतृमत्य :: m. (-त्यः) The son of an unmarried woman.
- पैतृस्वस्रीय :: mf. (-यः-या) The son or daughter of a father's sister. E. पितृ a father, स्वसृ a sister, छण् aff. whence the ऋ of स्वसृ is changed to री ।
- पैत्ति :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ती -त्तं) Biliary, bilious. E. पित्त, and अण् aff.
- पैत्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Bilious, biliary. E. पित्त, and ठञ् aff.
- पैत्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्री -त्रं) 1. Paternal, ancestral, relating or belonging to a parent or progenitor. 2. Sacred to the manes. n. (-त्रं) 1. The part of the hand between the thumb and forefinger, or according to some the root of the forefinger. 2. A year, month, day, &c. of the Pitris. E. पितृ a parent, aff. अण् । Also पैत्र्य ।
- पैत्राहोरात्र :: m. (-त्रः) A day and night of the Pitris, or progenitors, equal to a month of mortals. E. पैत्र relating to the manes, अहन् a day, and रात्रि night.
- पैत्रिक् :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Paternal, ancestral. E. पितृ, and ठञ् aff. and the vowel changed.
- पैल :: m. (-लः) A Sage, the promulgator of the Rig-Veda.
- पैलव :: Adj. f. (-वी) Made of the wood of the pilu tree.
- पैशल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Mildness, affability.
- पैशाच :: mfn. (-चः -ची -चं) Infernal, demoniacal, relating or belonging to a Pīśacha or goblin. m. (-चः) 1. A mode of marriage the ravishment of a girl by her lover; it is the last of the eight forms of marriage in Hindu law, in it the lover defiles a damsel without her consent when she is sleeping or intoxicated or deranged in intellect. 2. A kind of demon. f. (-ची) 1. A present to a friend, or to secure friendly regard made at a religious ceremony. 2. Night. 3. The lowest Prā- krita dialect spoken on the stage by demons in Hindu dramatical representations. E. पिशाच an imp, aff. अण् ।
- पैशाचिक :: Adj. f. (-की) Infernal, demoniacal.
- पैशुन :: n. (-नं) 1. Information, reporting evil of others. 2. Roguery. 3. Backbiting. E. पिशुन a spy, &c. अण् aff.
- पैशुन्ध :: n. (-न्यं) 1. Information, espionage, &c. 2. Depravity, wickedness. E. पिशुन a spy, a rogue, aff. यञ् ।
- पैष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टी -ष्टं) Ground or made up into a cake. f. (-ष्टी) Spiritu- ous liquor distilled from meal. E. पिष्ट ground, अण् aff.
- पैष्टिक :: n. (-कं) 1. A quantity of cakes. 2. Spirituous liquor distilled from meal. f. (की) Made of flour. E. पिष्ट, and ठक् aff.
- पोगण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डा -ण्डं) Deformed, having a redundant or defective member. m. (-ण्डः) A boy one from his fifth to his sixteenth year, E. अपि certainly, गडि to be a part of the cheek., अच् affs the अ of the prefix is rejected, and the इ changed to ओ; otherwise, अप depreciative prefix, गम् to go, and the deriv. irr.; also अपोगण्ड; in the second sense it also occurs पौगण्ड ।
- पोट :: m. (-टः) 1. The foundation of a house, &c. 2. Uniting, mixing. f. (-टा) 1. A woman having a beard. 2. A female servant or slave. 3. A masculine woman, an amazon. 4. A hermaphrodite. (-टी) A. large alligator. E. पुट् to shine, aff. घञ् ।
- पोटगल :: m. (-लः) 1. A reed, (Arundo tibialis, Rox.) 2. A sort of grass, (Saccharum spontanium.) 3. A fish. E. पोट uniting, (with the wind,) गल् to go, aff. अच्, waving in the wind.
- पोट(ट्ट)लिका :: f. (-का) A bundle or packet.
- पोटिक :: m. (-कः) A boil.
- पोट्टली :: f. (-ली) A bundle, a parcel.
- पोडु :: m. (-डुः) The lower surface of the parietal bones.
- पोत :: mf. (-तः-ती) The young of any animal. m. (-तः) 1. A young elephant of ten years old. 2. A vessel, a ship, a boat. 3. The site of a house or dwelling. 4. Cloth, a garment. 5. The young shoot of a plant. E. पूञ् to purify, तन् Unādi aff.
- पोतक :: m. (-कः) The young of an animal. 2. A young plant. 3. The scite of a house.
- पोतकी :: f. (-की) A potherb, (Basella lucida.) E. पूत nominal verb, from पूत a stench, वुञ् aff. ङीप् fem. aff.
- पोतज :: m. (-जः) An animal that produces young at once without the intervention of any medium: elephants and some other animals being supposed in Hindu physiology to carry the young without the aid of an ovarium or uterus. E. पोत young, and जन् to bear, aff. ड ।
- पोतवणिज् :: m. (-णिक्) A voyaging merchant. E. प्रोत a boat, and वणिक् a trader.
- पोतरक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The rudder of a boat, or large oar used as one. E. पोत a boat, रक्ष to preserve, अच् aff.
- पोतलकप्रिय :: m. (-यः) One of the Jinas or Jaina deified teachers.
- पोतवाह :: m. (-हः) A rower, a boatman, a steersman, a towman, or one of the crew that keeps watch and the mast-head. E. पोत a boat, वह् to bear, अण् aff.
- पोताच्छादन :: n. (-नं) A tent. E. पोत a cloth, आच्छादन covering.
- पोताधान :: n. (-न) Small fry, a shoal of young fish. E. पोत, and आघान taking; being caught in bags.
- पोतास :: m. (-सः) A sort of camphor.
- पोतिका :: f. (-का) A potherb, (Basella rubra and lucida.) E. पूत nominal verb, to stink, aff. वुन्, fem. aff. टाष् ।
- पोतृ :: m. (-ता) 1. One of the Sixteen officiating priests at a sacrifice. 2. A name of VISHṆU. E. पू to make pure, aff. तृच् ।
- पोत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. The snout of a hog. 2. The share of a plough. 3. The thunderbolt of INDRA. 4. A boat, a ship. 5. A garment. 6. The office of the Hotri. E. पू to make pure, त्र aff.
- पोत्रायुध :: m. (-धः) A hog. E. पोत्र a snout, आयुध a weapon.
- पोत्रिदंष्ट्राज :: m. (-जः) A gem, supposed to be found in the tooth of a hog. E. पोत्रि a hog, दंष्ट्रा a tooth, and ज born.
- पोत्रिन् :: m. (-त्री) A hog. E. पोत्र the snout, इनि aff.
- पोत्रिरथा :: f. (-था) One of the Śaktis or the female divinities of the Jainas. E. पोत्रि a hog, and रथ a vehicle.
- पोथकी :: f. (-की) Red pimples on the eyelids.
- पोपुव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Purifying or cleansing much or repeatedly. E. पू to purify, intents. v., अच् aff.
- पोल :: m. (-लः) 1. Magnitude, bulk. 2. A heap, a quantity. E. पुल् to be great, घञ् aff.
- पोलिका :: f. (-का) Flat cakes made of barley or wheat, &c.
- पोलिन्द :: m. (-न्दः) 1. A part of a boat supporting the deck, (the knees or ribs of a boat.) 2. The mast of a ship. E. पोल magnitude, इदि to be supreme, aff. अच् ।
- पोष :: m. (-षः) 1. Nourishing, cherishing. 2. Increase, growth. 3. Plenty, abundance. E. पुष् to nourish, aff. घञ्; also with ल्युट् aff. पोषण ।
- पोषण :: n. (-णं) Nourishing, cherishing. E. पुष् to nourish, aff. ल्युट् ।
- पोषणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be cherished or protected. E. पुष् to nourish, अनीयर् aff.
- पोषयित्रु :: mfn. (-त्रुः -त्रुः -त्रु) Nourishing, cherishing. m. (त्रुः) The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. E. पुष् to nourish, in the causal form, इत्रुच् aff.
- पोषितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be cherished or protected. E. पुष्, तव्य aff.
- पोष्टृ :: mfn. (-ष्टा -ष्ट्री -ष्टृ) Who or what nourishes, cherishes, &c. m. (-ष्टा) 1. Grey bonduc. 2. A protector, a cherisher. E. पुष् to nourish, aff. तृच् ।
- पोष्टृवर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Who or what nourishes best. E. पोष्टृ and वर best.
- पोष्य :: mfn. (-ष्यः -ष्या -ष्यं) 1. To be cherished or taken care of. 2. A class of relatives who claim compulsory maintenance. E. पुष् to nourish, ण्यत् aff.
- पोष्यत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Cherishing dependents. 2. Being taken care of. E. पोष्य, and त्व aff.
- पोष्यपुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) An adopted son. E. पोष्य and पुत्त्र a son.
- पोष्यवर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) A class of persons or objects to be cherished as parents, children, guests, and the sacred fire. E. पोष्य and वर्ग a class.
- पौश्चल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Female incontinency, harlotry. E. पुंश्चली a lewd woman, यञ् aff.
- पौंसवन :: n. (-नं) 1. One of the Sanskāras or essential ceremonies of the Hindu religion; a religion; a religious observance held on a woman's perce- iving the first signs of a living conception. 2. fetus. 3. milk. E. पुंसवन, q. v., with अण् pleonastic aff.
- पौस्न :: mfn. (-स्नः -स्नी -स्नं) Virile, manly, relating to or good for man. n. (-स्नं) Manhood. E. पुं man, स्नञ् aff.
- पौगण्ड :: f. (-ण्डी) Boyish. n. (-ण्डं) Boyhood, (from the 5th to the 16th year.)
- पौण्डर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) A drug, commonly Pūndarīya. E. अण् added to पुण्डर्य्य ।
- पौण्ड्र :: m. (-ण्ड्रः) 1. A country, extending from Rangpur across the Ganges to the Jungle Mahals and part of south Behar, including therefore the greater part of Bengal. 2. The Native of that country. 3. A king of that country. 4. A sort of sugar-cane of a pale straw colour. 5. Name of the conch-shell of Bhīma. E. पुण्ड्र the same, aff. अण्; also with कन् added पौण्ड्रक ।
- पौण्ड्रक :: m. (-कः) 1. The pale straw-coloured species of sugar-cane. 2. A man of a mixed caste, from the Vaisya and female of the distiller caste, whose business it is to boil sugar. E. कन् added to पौण्ड्र ।
- पौण्ड्रवर्द्धन :: m. (-नः) A country, one of the divisions of central India, (Behar,) E. पौण्ड्र the sugar-cane, and वर्द्धन increasing.
- पौण्ड्रिक :: m. (-कः) A pale straw variety of the sugar-cane. E. पुण्ड्र the same, aff. ठञ् ।
- पौतव :: n. (-वं) Measuring, a measure. E. पु to be made pure or correct, तन् aff. and अण् added; also यौतव ।
- पौतिनासिक्य :: n. (-क्यं) Fœtor of the nostrils. E. पुतिनासिका a foul nose, and यञ् aff.
- पौत्तिक :: n. (-कं) Honey of a pale colour. E. पुत्तिका a small bee, aff. अण् ।
- पौत्त्र :: mfn. (-त्त्रः -त्त्री -त्त्रं) Relating to a son. m. (-त्त्रः) A son's son, a grand- son. f. (-त्त्री) A grand-daughter, either in the male or female line, though more usually implying a son's daughter. E. पुत्त्र or पुत्त्री a son or daughter, अण् aff. of descent.
- पौत्त्रिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Belonging to a son or a grandson. E. पुत्त्र or पौत्त्र, and ठञ् or ठञ् aff.
- पौत्त्रिकेय :: m. (-यः) 1. A daughter's son. 2. The son of a daughter appointed to raise issue for her father. E. पुत्त्रिका, and ढक् aff.
- पौत्त्रिन् :: mfn. (-त्त्री -त्त्रिणी -त्त्रि) Having a grandson. E. पौत्त्र and इनि aff.
- पौनःपुनिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Repeated, reiterated, again and again. E. पुनर, again, repeated, aff. ठञ् ।
- पौनःपुन्यं :: n. (-न्यं) Reiteration, repetition. E. पुनर् again, repeated, aff. यञ् ।
- पौनरुक्त :: n. (-क्तं) 1. Tautology. 2. Superfluity, uselessness. E. पुनरुक्त, and अण् added.
- पौनर्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Repeated, additional. m. (-वः) 1. The son of a widow remarried, one of the twelve sons or heirs admitted by the old Hindu law; the son of a twice-married woman. 2. The second husband of a woman. E. पुनर्भव, aff. अण् ।
- पौर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) City, citizen, relating to or produced in a town or city. n. (-रं) A fragrant grass. E. पुर a city, aff. अण् ।
- पौरक :: n. (-कं) A garden round a house. E. पौर citizen, and कन् added.
- पौरजन :: m. (-नः) A citizen. E. पौर, जन person.
- पौरन्दर :: n. (-रं) The luner asterism called Jyeshthā.
- पौरव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Of the race of Puru, descended from Puru. E. पुरु, and अण् aff.
- पौरसख्य :: n. (-ख्यं) Connexion or equality by inhabiting the same city for ten years, fellow-citizenship. E. पौर relating to a city, सख्य friendship.
- पौरस्त्य :: mfn. (-स्त्यः -स्त्या -स्त्यं) 1. Prior, first, initial. 2. Foremost. 3. Eastern. E. पुरस् formerly, अण् aff. of relation, पौरस् and त्यक् aff.
- पौरस्त्री :: f. (-स्त्री) A woman residing in a town or city. E. पौरा, and स्त्री a female; also similar compounds, as पौरयोषित, पौराङ्गना, &c.
- पौराण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) Relating to the past, or Purānas. E. पुराण, and अण् aff.
- पौराणिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Of or belonging to the Purānas, Paurānic. m. (-कः) A Brāhman, well read in the Purānas, a mythologist. E. पुराण, and ठक् aff.
- पौरुष :: mfn. subst. (-षः-षी-षं) The measure of a man, equal to the height to which he reaches with both arms elevated, and the fingers extended. Adj. Manly, of or belonging to man. n. (-षं) 1. The property of manhood, virility, manliness. 2. Action, or action incidental to the state of humanity. 3. Semen virile. 4. Strength, power, vigour, heroism. 5. The Penis. 6. A Sundial. E. पुरुष a man, aff. अण् .
- पौरुषता :: f. (-ता) Manhood, manly strength or spirit. E. तल् added to पौरुष; also with त्व, पौरुषत्व ।
- पौरषेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) 1. Made by, derived from, or relating to man, human, manly, virile, &c. 2. Spiritual. m. (-यः) 1. A crowd or number of men. 2. Manslaughter, murder. 3. Law, as affecting persons. 4. A Day-labourer. E. पुरुष a man, and ढक् aff.
- पौरुष्य :: n. (-ष्यं) Manliness, courage.
- पौरोगव :: mf. (-वः-वी) Overseer or superintendent of the royal kitchen. E. पुरुस् first, गौ the eye, aff. अण् ।
- पौरोडाश :: m. (-शः) A prayer, recited upon making an oblation of clarified butter. E. पुरोडाश butter offered to fire, and अण् aff.
- पौरोडाशिक :: m. (कः) A priest who recites the prayer used in offering an oblation of clarified butter. E. पौरोडाश, and ठन् aff.
- पौरोभाग्य :: n. (-ग्यं) Ill-luck, censoriousness, fault-finding.
- पौरोहित्य :: n. (-त्यं) The character or functions of family priest. E. पुरोहित and ष्यञ् aff.
- पौर्णमास :: m. (-सः) A ceremony performed at the full of the moon, by persons maintaining a perpetual fire. f. (-सी) Day of full-moon. E. पुर्णमास a rite, &c. aff. अण् . ।
- पौर्णिम :: m. (-मः) An ascetic. f. (-सा) Day of full-moon. E. पूर्णिमा, and अण् pleonasm.
- पौर्त्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Sacrificial, ceremonial. 2. Relating to meritor- ious deed. E. पूर्त्त, and aff. ठक् . ।
- पौर्व्व :: mfn. (-र्व्वः -र्व्वी -र्व्वं) Relating, or belonging to the past, to the east, &c. E. पूर्व्व and अञ् aff.
- पौर्व्वदे(दै)हिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Belonging to a former body or existence. E. पूर्व्वदेह, and ठक् aff.
- पौर्व्वपदिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating to the first member of a compound. E. पूर्व्वपद and ठञ् aff.
- पौर्व्वार्द्धिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Dwelling or being in the eastern division of town, &c. E. पूर्व्वार्द्ध eastern half or part, and ठञ् aff.; also with घञ्, पौर्व्वार्द्ध; and with यत्, पूर्व्वार्द्ध ।
- पौर्व्वापर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) 1. Priority and subsequence. 2. Context. E. पूर्व्वापर first and last, ष्यञ् aff.
- पौर्व्वाह्णिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Belonging or relating to or produced in the forepart of the day. E. पूर्व्वाह्ण forenoon, aff. ठञ् ।
- पौर्व्विक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Prior, primary, former. 2. Ancestral. E. पूर्व्व and ठक् aff.
- पौलस्त्य :: m. (-स्त्यः) 1. KUVERA. 2. RĀVAṆA. 3. Either of the brothers of RĀVANA, VIBHĪSHAṆA or KUMBHAKARṆA. 3. The moon. f. (-स्त्यी) The sister of RĀVANA, ŚŪRPANAKHĀ. E. पुलस्त्य a saint so named, and अण् aff. of descent.
- पौलि :: mf. (-लिः-ली) Grain half dressed, or scorched or fried with Ghee, and made into a sort of cake. E. पौल a heap, इञ् aff. and ङीप् added for the fem.; also with कन् added पौलिका ।
- पौलिका :: f. (-का) A sort of cake: see the last.
- पौलोमी :: f. (-मी) Sachi, the Daughter of Puloman and wife of INDRA. E. पुलोमन् a saint, the father of the goddess, अण् and ङीप् affs.
- पौलोमीसम्भव :: m. (-वः) An epithet of Jayanta.
- पौष :: m. (-षः) The month Pausha, in which the moon is in the Pushya asterism, (December-January.) f. (-षी) Day of full moon in the month of Pausha. E. पुष्य the asterism in which the moon is full in this month, and अञ् aff.
- पौष्कर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Relating to a pond, to a lotus, to fragrant Costus, &c. E. पुष्कर, q. v., अण् aff.
- पष्करिणी :: f. (-णी) A large pond or reservoir, a lotus-pool. E. पुष्करिणी the same, and अण् pleonastic aff.
- पौष्कल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Maturity, complete development.
- पौष्टिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Preservative, protective, nutritive, &c. 2. Nutritious, fattening. n. (-कं) A cloth worn when the ceremony of tonsure is performed. E. पुष्टि nourishing, and ठञ् aff.
- पौष्ण :: n. (-ष्णं) The last of the twenty-eight lunar asterisms; also REVATĪ. E. पूषन् the sun, in this name regent of the asterism, and अण् aff.
- पौष्प :: mfn. (-ष्पः -ष्पी -ष्पं) Flowery, floral, relating or belonging to flowers, &c. E. पुष्प, and अण् aff.
- पौष्पक :: n. (-कं) The oxid of brass, considered as a collyrium. E. पुष्पक the same, and अण् aff.
- पौष्पी :: f. (-ष्पी) 1. A name of Palibothra or mordern Patna. 2. A kind of spirituous liquor. E. पुष्प a flower, अण् aff. and ङीप् fem. aff.
- प्ना :: f. (-प्ना) Sivās braided hair.
- प्याट् :: Ind. A particle of calling, ho ! hola !
- प्याय्(ओ)(ई)ओप्यायी :: r. 1st cl. (प्यायते) To grow or increase, to enlarge or swell.
- प्यायन :: n. (-नं) 1. Increased. 2. Growth.
- प्यायित :: f. (-ता) 1. Increased. 2. Grown fat. 3. Refreshed.
- प्युष्(इर)प्युषिर :: r. 4th cl. (प्युष्यति) 1. To burn. 2. To share or divide. r. 10th cl. (प्युषयति-ते) To relinquish, to part with.
- प्युस् :: r. 4th cl. (प्युष्यति) 1. To divide. 2. To burn.
- प्यै(ङ)प्यैङ् :: r. 1st cl. (प्यायते) 1. To grow or increase. 2. To swell. Caus. (प्याययति-ते) With आ to make comfortable. 2. To enlarge.
- प्र :: Ind. A particle and prefix, implying. 1. Progressive motion, (forth, forward, away, &c.) 2. Excess or excellence, (very, much, excee- ding.) 3. Appearance, manifestation. It corresponds with the Latin particles Pro and Præ, as in प्रकर्त्तुं To do much or well; प्रक्रमितुं To go forth or over; प्रकर्षितुं To excel; प्रकाशितुं To display; प्रस्थातुं To go forth, set out; प्रकमम् Very willingly; प्रमृगम् When the deer go forth, (the time, &c.) See the following compounds. E. प्रथ् to be famous, &c. aff. ड .
- प्रकट :: mfn. (-टः -टी -टं) Displayed, unfolded, manifest, apparent. E. प्र im- plying manifestation, and कटच् aff.
- प्रकटम् :: Ind. It is also used as an indeclinable in the sense of:--1. Clear, evident. 2. Undisguished, public. 3. Visible: see the above.
- प्रकटन :: n. (-नं) The act of manifesting or disclosing.
- प्रकटित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Manifested, displayed. 2. Evident, apparent. 3. Opened, expanded. E. प्र before, कट् to go, aff. क्त ।
- प्रकटीकरण :: n. (-णं) Making visible or apparent, displaying, manifesting. E. प्रकट, and करण making, च्वि aug.
- प्रकटीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Made manifest, open, or visible. E. प्रकट, and कृत made, च्वि aff.
- प्रकम्प :: m. (-म्पः) 1. Shaking, trembling. 2. Violent motion. E. प्र before, कपि to tremble, घञ् aff.
- प्रकम्पन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Trembling violently. m. (-नः) 1. Wind, air, (gener- ally violent.) 2. A hell. n. (-नं) Violent or excessive motion, great trembling. E. प्र implying excess, कम्पन trembling.
- प्रकम्पमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Shaking, trembling violently. E. प्र before, कपि to tremble, शानच् aff.
- प्रकम्पयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Shaking, agitating. E. प्र before, कपि to tremble, causal v., शतृ aff.
- प्रकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Who or what does much or well. m. (-रः) 1. A heap a, quantity. 2. A bundle of flowers, a nosegay. 3. Aid, assis- tance, friendship. 4. Usage, custom, continuance of a similar practice. 5. Respect. 6. Seduction, abduction. n. (-रं) Aloe wood, (Agallochum.) f. (-री) 1. Theatrical dress or disguise, as wearing a woman's garb, &c. 2. An episodical incident in a drama. 3. An open piece of ground, the meeting of four roads, or the proper scite of any magical operations. E. प्र before कृ to make, aff. अप् ।
- प्रकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. An introduction, a prologue or prelude. 2. A poetical fiction or poem, in which the story and principal persons are wholly imaginary; the term is especially applied to a dramatic poem. 3. A chapter, a section, a book, a place of pausing or stopping. 4. Treating with respect. 5. Doing much or well. 6. Op- pertunity, occasion. 7. Subject, topic. f. (-णी) A minor drama of the same character as the prakarana, but of less extent; also प्रकरणिका . E. प्र before, कृ to make, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रकश :: m. (-शः) Hurting, killing. E. प्र, कश् to hurt, aff. अच् ।
- प्रकर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) 1. Excellence, eminence, superiority. 2. Speciality, intensity, universality. 3. Absoluteness, definitiveness. 4. Strength, power. 5. Length, protractedness. 6. (In grammar.) The effect of the prefix “प्र” upon roots; (the inst. and abl. Singulars viz:-- प्रकर्षेण and प्रकर्षात् are used as indeclinables in the sense of “eminently,” “exceedingly,” “In a high degree.)” E. प्र before, कृष् to attract, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रकर्षगमन :: n. (-नं) Going absolutely or finally, departure. E. प्रकर्ष, and गमन going.
- प्रकर्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Drawing, attracting. 2. Ploughing, drawing furrows.
3. Excellence. superiority. 4. Realizing by the use of a pledge more than interest of the loan. E. प्र before, कृष् to attract, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रकर्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Drawn, drawn out. 2. Exceeded in profit, (the interest of the loan.) n. (-तं) Profit on a pledge beyond interest of a loan. E. प्र before, कृष् to make furrows, क्त aff.
- प्रकला :: f. (-ला) A minute portion.
- प्रकल्पना :: f. (-ना) Settlement, allotment.
- प्रकल्पित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Done, made. 2. Settled f. (-ता) A kind of riddle. E. प्र before, कृप् to be able, क्त aff.
- प्रकाण्ड :: mn. (-ण्डः-ण्डं) 1. The stem of a tree, the part between the root and the branches. 2. A branch, a shoot. 3. Excellence, happiness, (or used as an attributive without admitting variation of gender,) excellent, best, happy. E. प्र implying excess or superiority, कम् to desire, aff. ड, and the penultimate vowel made long by special rule.
- प्रकाण्डर :: m. (-रः) A tree. E. प्रकाण्ड a stem, रा to get, aff. ड ।
- प्रकाम :: f. (-मा) Adj. 1. Much, excessive, to the heart's content. 2. Am- orous. m. (-मः) Desire, pleasure.
- प्रकामम् :: Ind. Voluntarily, willingly. 2. To the heart's content. 3. Ex- ceedingly. E. प्र implying much, very, काम desire, will.
- प्रकार :: m. (-रः) 1. Difference. 2. Similitude. n. (-रं) 1. Sort, kind, species. 2. Way, mode, manner. 3. Property, quality, speciality, E. प्र before, कृ to do, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रकाश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शी-शं) 1. Like, resembling. 2. Open, manifest, blown, expanded. 3. Famous, celebrated. 4. Public. n. adv. (-शं) 1. Openly, publicly. 2. (In dramatic language), Aloud. f. (-शा) 1. Visible. 2. Shining. 3. Open. 4. Renowned. 5. Expanded. 6. Denuded of trees. 7. Looking like, (at the end of compounds.) m. (-शः) 1. Sunshine, lustre, light. 2. Expansion, diffusion, mani- festation; the word being equally applicable to physical or moral subjects, as the blowing of a flower, diffusion of celebrity, the publicity of an event, or the manifestation of a truth. 3. A laugh, a smile. 4. Publicity. 5. An open spot. 6. A golden mirror. 7. The chapter of a book. 8. Elucidation, (at the end of titles of works.) n. (-शं) White or bellmetal, brass. E. प्र implying motion or eminence, काश् to shine. aff. अच् ।
- प्रकाशम् :: Ind. It is used as an indeclinable in the Sense of:--1. Openly, publicly. 2. Aloud, audibly, (used as a Stage-direction in this Sense.)
- प्रकाशक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) What irradiates, what makes open or apparent, &c. m. (-कः) 1. An illuminator, an expounder, an illustrator. 2. The Sun. E. प्रकाश to make light or evident, aff. वुन् ।
- प्रकाशकज्ञातृ :: m. (-ता) A cock. E. प्रकाशक illuminator, (the sun), and ज्ञातृ who knows.
- प्रकाशक्रय :: m. (-यः) An open purchase.
- प्रकाशता :: f. (-ता) 1. Manifestation, visibility. 2. Luminousness. E. प्रकाश, and तल् aff.; also with त्व प्रकाशत्वं ।
- प्रकाशन :: n. (-नं) 1. Illuminating, giving light. 2. Making clear or manifest. 3. Displaying. E. प्र before, काश् to shine, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रकाशनारी :: f. (-री) A public woman.
- प्रकाशमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Splendid, brilliant, radiant. E. प्र before, काश् to shine, शानच् aff.
- प्रकाशात्मक :: Adj. Shining, brilliant.
- प्रकाशात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) 1. The sun. 2. An epithet of Śiva. E. प्रकाश light, आत्मन् self; light itself.
- प्रकाशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Evident, apparent, manifest, visible. 2. Pub- lished, promulgated. 3. Illuminated, enlightened. E. प्रकाश manifes- tation, इतच् aff.
- प्रकिरण :: n. (-णं) Scattering, Strewing.
- प्रकीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Spread abroad, published, promulgated. 2. Expanded, opened. 3. Miscellaneous, mixed. 4. Scattered, disper-
sed, disordered, confused. 5. Agitated, excited, wild. 6. Waved, wav- ing. n. (-र्णं) 1. A Chowri, a cow-tail used as a fan. 2. A chapter, a section. 3. A collection of miscellaneous rules. E. प्र before, कृ to throw or cast, aff. क्त ।
- प्रकीर्णक :: n. (-कं) 1. A Chowri, the tail of the Bos grunniens, used as a whisk or fan, a fly-flap. 2. The section or chapter of a book. 3. Extent, length, especially of a stanza or book. 4. (In law,) A case not provided for by the Śhastras, and to be decided by the authority of the judge or king. 5. A miscellany. 6. Any collection of heterogeneous objects not arranged under any distinct classes or heads. f. (-का) Scattered about. m. (-कः) A horse. E. कन् added to प्रकीर्ण ।
- प्रकीर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. Proclaiming, announcing. 2. Praising, extolling.
- प्रकीर्त्ति :: f. (-र्त्तिः) 1. Fame, celebrity. 2. Declaration. 3. Praise. E. प्र before, कॄ to scatter, aff. क्तिन् ।
- प्रकीर्त्तित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Declared, explained, said, revealed. 2. Celebrated, renowned. E. प्र before, कॄ to scatter, aff. क्त ।
- प्रकीर्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) To be spread abroad or about to be diffused, promulgated, expanded, or extended. m. (-र्य्यः) A plant, (Cæsal- pinia bonducella.) E. प्र progressive motion, कॄ to throw or cast, aff. क्यप् ।
- प्रकुञ्च :: m. (-ञ्चः) A particular measure of capacity.
- प्रकुपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Enraged, incensed. 2. Disordered. 3. Stimula- ted. E. प्र before, कुप् to be angry, क्त aff.
- प्रकुर्व्वत् :: mfn. (-र्व्वन् -र्व्वती -र्व्वत) 1. Behaving respectfully to, waiting upon, serving, honouring. 2. Doing much or well. E. प्र before, कृ to do, शतृ aff.
- प्रकुर्व्वाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Attending, or behaving to with respect. 2. Doing much or well. E. प्र, and कृ to make, शानच् aff.
- प्रकुल :: n. (-लं) A handsome or excellent body. E. प्र excellent, कुल the body aff. क; also read प्रह्वल ।
- प्रकूष्माण्डी :: f. (-ण्डी) An epithet of Durgā.
- प्रकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Made, completed, accomplished. 2. Com- menced. 3. Continuing or engaged in what has been begun. 4. That which is under consideration, the Subject in hand, (In this Sense it is often used for the “Upameya” in works of rhetoric). 5. Genuine, real. 6. Appointed, charged. 7. Wished, expected. 8. Important, interesting. n. (-तं) The original subject. E. प्र before, कृत done.
- प्रकृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Nature; in philosophy the passive or material cause of the world, as opposed to the active or spiritual; and in my- thology, a goddess, the personified will of the Supreme in the creation identified with Māyā or illusion, and in an especial manner the prototype of the female sex; hence it is the same with the Sakti or personified energy or bride of a deity, as LAKSHMI, DURGĀ, &c. in some systems Prakriti is considered the same with the Supreme Being. 2. The natural state or condition of any thing. 3. A radical form or predicament of being, an illusion, intelligence, consciousness, and the five elements, or Ākās, fire, air, earth, and water. 4. The five elements collectively. 5. Cause, origin. 6. A woman or womankind. 7. A mother. 8. An animal. 9. The male organ of generation. 10. The female organ of genera- tion. 11. An uninflected word; the radical form of a word, before the affixes forming cases, &c. are subjoined. 12. A requisite of regal administration, of which seven are enumerated; the king, the minister, an ally, treasure, territory, fortresses, and an army: the corporations or companies of citizens are sometimes added, making an eighth class. 13. A form of metre, consisting of a stanza of four lines, each line containing twenty-one syllables. 14. (In arithmetic,) A given coefficient. (In anatomy,) Temperament,
the predominance of one of the humours at the time of generation. E. प्र implying priority or precedence, कृ to make aff. क्तिन् or क्तिच्; being the first step towards creation.
- प्रकृतितरल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Volatile, fickle. E. प्रकृति nature, and तरल changing.
- प्रकृतिपुरुष :: m. (-षः) A minister of State.
- प्रकृतिमण्डल :: n. (-लं) The entire kingdom.
- प्रकृतिसिद्ध :: n. (-द्धं) Natural.
- प्रकृतिसुभग :: Adj. Naturally agreeable.
- प्रकृतिस्थ :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) 1. Natural, genuine, unmixed. 2. Inherent, innate. 3. In good health. 4. Stripped of everything. 5. Come to oneself. E. प्रकृति, and स्थ what is.
- प्रकृशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Thin, emaciate. E. प्र before, कृश् to be thin, aff. क्त ।
- प्रकृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Chief, principal, pre-eminent. 2. Remote, far, long, (as a road). 3. Drawn out, lengthy, long. 4. Disquieted. E. प्र eminently, कृष् to attract, aff. क्त ।
- प्रकृष्टत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Eminence, superiority. E. प्रकृष्ट, and त्व aff.; also with तल् aff. प्रकृष्टता ।
- प्रकॢप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Made, prepared. 2. Mixed. E. प्र before, कृप् to make, क्त aff.
- प्रकोथ :: m. (-थः) Putrefaction, putridity. E. प्र-कुथ्-घञ् ।
- प्रकोप :: m. (-पः) Irritation, provocation, enraging. E. प्र before, कुप् to be angry, causal v. घञ् aff.
- प्रकोपणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be incensed or enraged. E. प्र before, कुप् to be angry, causal v., अनीयर् aff.; and the न optionally changed; also प्रकोपनीय ।
- प्रकोपन :: n. (-नं) Irritating, provoking. E. प्र before, कुप् to be angry, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
- प्रकोपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Irritated, provoked. E. प्र before, कुप् to be angry, causal v., क्त aff.
- प्रकोष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) 1. The fore-arm. 2. Part of the frame of a door. 3. A court in the house, or open space surrounded by buildings. 4. A room near the gate of a Palace. E. प्र before, कुष् to draw, स्थन् aff.
- प्रक्खर :: m. (-रः) 1. A horse's armour. 2. A dog. 3. A mule. also प्रखर and प्रक्षर ।
- प्रक्रन्तृ :: mfn. (-न्ता -न्त्री -न्तृ) 1. Who proceeds or goes. 2. Conquering, over- powering, surpassing. 3. Who begins, a beginner. E. प्र before, क्रम् to go, तृच् aff.
- प्रक्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Proceeding, going. 2. Leisure, opportunity. 3. Begin- ning. 4. Surpassing, overcoming. 5. A step, a stride. 6. A place considered as a measure of distance. 7. Proportion, order, method. E. प्र first, क्रम् to go, aff. अच् ।
- प्रक्रमणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be gone or proceeded. E. प्र before, क्रम् to go, अनीयर् aff.; also प्रक्रमितव्य and प्रक्रम्य ।
- प्रक्रमभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Want of regularity in expression considered as a fault of composition.
- प्रक्रममाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Proceeding. 2. Beginning. 3. Overcoming. E. प्र before, क्रम् to go.
- प्रकान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Gone, proceeded. 2. Gone beyond, surpassed. 3. Begun. 4. Under discussion, in hand. 5. Valorous. E. प्र be- fore, क्रम् to go, क्त aff.
- प्रक्रिया :: f. (-या) 1. Bearing royal insignia. 2. Way, manner, conduct. 3. High position. 4. Chapter or section of a book. 5. Etymological formation, (In gram.) E. प्र principal, क्रिया business.
- प्रकीडित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Playing, sporting. E. प्र before, क्रीड् to play, क्त aff.
- प्रक्लिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Satisfied. 2. Wet, soaked. E. प्र excess, क्लिद् to wet, aff. क्त ।
- प्रक्वण :: m. (-णः) The sound of the Vīnā or lute. E. प्र principal, क्वण् to sound, aff. अप्; also प्रक्वाण ।
- प्रक्वाण :: m. (-णः) The sound of the Vīṇa or lute. E. प्र before, क्वण् to sound, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रक्षय :: m. (-यः) Ruin, destruction.
- प्रक्षर :: m. (-रः) Iron armour for the defence of a horse or elephant. E. प्र best, क्षर to go, aff. अच् ।
- प्रक्षरण :: n. (-णं) Trickling, oozing.
- प्रक्षालक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what washes. E. प्र before, क्षल् to cleanse, ण्वुल् aff.
- प्रक्षालन :: n. (-नं) 1. Bathing. 2. Anything used for purifying. 3. Water for washing. 4. Cleaning, washing. E. प्र thoroughly, क्षल् r. 10 cl. to clean, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रक्षालित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Washed, cleansed. E. प्र before, क्षल् r. 10th cl. to clean, aff. क्त ।
- प्रक्षिप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Thrown, cast, hurled. 2. Interpolated, spurious. E. प्र before, क्षिप् to throw, क्त aff.
- प्रक्षिप्तवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Throwing, having thrown. E. प्र before, क्षिप् to throw, क्तवतु aff.
- प्रक्षीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1 Decayed, wasting. 2. Destroyed. 3. Disappeared. E. प्र before, क्षि to waste, क्त aff.
- प्रक्षीवित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Intoxicated. E. प्र before, क्षीव् to be drunk, क्त aff.
- प्रक्षुण्ण :: f. (ण्णा) Adj. 1. Crushed. 2. Incited.
- प्रक्षेप :: m. (-पः) 1. Throwing, casting projecting. 2. Throwing into or upon. 3. Anything added, or thrown into drugs when in course of decoction. 4. A throw, a cast. 5. Interpolation. 6. The sum deposited by every member of a commercial corporation. E. प्र before, क्षिप् to throw, घञ् aff.
- प्रक्षेपण :: n. (-णं) Throwing, casting. E. प्र before, क्षिप् to throw, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रक्षोभण :: n. (-णं) Exciting, agitating.
- प्रक्ष्वेडन :: mf. (-नः-ना) 1. An iron arrow. 2. Clamour, a loud indistinct noise. E. प्र especially, क्ष्विद् to sound indistinctly, aff. ल्यु, deriv. irr.; otherwise प्रक्ष्वेदन ।
- प्रक्ष्वेदन :: mf. (-नः-ना) 1. An iron arrow. 2. Calling aloud, clamour: E. See the last.
- प्रक्ष्वेदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Clamorous, shouting, making loud indistinct noise. 2. Unctuous. E. प्र before, क्ष्विद् to sound, क्त aff.; also read प्रक्ष्वेडित .
- प्रक्ष्वेदितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Noisy. 2. Unctuous. E. प्र before, क्ष्विद् to make a noise, क्तवतु aff.
- प्रखर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Very hot or acrid. m. (-रः) 1. Iron armour, for the defence of a horse or elephant. 2. A dog. 3. A mule. E. प्र very much, खन् to hurt, aff. रक, derive. irr, or प्र before, खर an ass, or hot, sharp. &c.
- प्रख्य :: mfn. (-ख्यः -ख्या -ख्यं) 1. Like, resembling, (in composition.) 2. Visible, distinct. f. (-ख्या) 1. Visibility, perceptibility. 3. Fame, renown. 3. Similarity, similitude. E. प्र before, ख्या to say, aff. ड ।
- प्रख्यात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Celebrated, famous. 2. Pleased, happy. 3. Bespoken, forestalled, claimed by right of pre-emption. E. प्र much, ख्यात famed.
- प्रख्यातभाण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) A commodity that is to be first offered for sale to some person, (as the Raja, &c.) E. प्रख्यात claimed, भाण्ड a vessel.
- प्रख्यातवप्तृक :: m. (-कः) A gentleman, a Hidalgo, the son of some eminent person. E. प्रख्यात known, वप्तृ a father, and कन् added.
- प्रख्याति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Publicity. celebrity. 2. Praise, eulogium. 3. Fame. E. प्र pre eminence, &c. and ख्याति reputation.
- प्रख्यानीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be celebrated or made known. E. प्र before, ख्या to say, अनीयर् aff.
- प्रगण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) The upper arm, (from the elbow to the shoulder.) f. (-ण्डी) An outer wall or rampart. E. प्र principal, गण्ड part.
- प्रगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Separate, apart. 2. Gone with difficulty. 3. Gone forward. E. प्र, and गत gone.
- प्रगतजानु :: mfn. (-नुः -नुः -नु) Bandy-legged, having the knees far apart. E. प्रगत separated, and जानु the knee.
- प्रगतजानुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Bandy-legged, bow-legged, having the knees far apart. E. प्र away, गत gone, जानु the knee, कन् aff.
- प्रगदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Speaking, beginning to speak. E. प्र before, गद् to speak, क्त aff.
- प्रगम :: m. (मः) The first advance in love-making.
- प्रगमन :: n. (-नं) 1. Progress, advance. 2. The first advance in love-
making. 3. Difficult progress. 4. Going afar or apart. 5. Disputing words. E. प्र, and गम् to go, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रगर्जन :: n. (-नं) Roaring.
- प्रगल्भ :: mfn. (-ल्भः -ल्भा -ल्भं) 1. Bold, confident. 2. Prompt, ready. 3. Resolute, energetic. 4. Illustrious, eminent. 5. Strong, able. 6. Shameless, impudent, audacious. 7. Mature. 8. Developed, great. m. (-ल्भः) The fire used for oblations at the birth of a child. f. (ल्भा) 1. A woman who courts her husband's caresses. 2. A Scold- ing woman, a shrew. 3. A bold woman experienced in love-matters considered as a character in poetic composition. E. प्र much, गल्भ to be proud, aff. अच् ।
- प्रगलभता :: f. (-ता) 1. Energy, resolution. 2. Confidence, boldness. 3. Audacity, arrogance. 4. Power, eminence, consequence. 5. Perverseness, wilfulness. E. तल् aff. of the abstract, added to the last; also with त्व, प्रगल्भत्वं ।
- प्रगाढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Much, excessive. 2. Hard, difficult. 3. Firm. n. (-ढं) Pain, Privation, penance. n. adv. (-ढं) 1. Much, exceed- ingly. 2. Tightly, firmly. E. प्र before, गाढ much, exceeding.
- प्रगाढम् :: Adj. It is used as an indeclinable in the sense of “exceedingly” “firmly”.
- प्रगातृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) A capital singer. E. प्र excellent, and गातृ who sings.
- प्रगीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sung, vocal. E. प्र, and गीत sung.
- प्रगुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Straight. 2. Honest, upright, straight in morals. 3. Clever, skilful. E. प्र excellent, and गुण quality.
- प्रगुणित :: f. (-ता) Adj. 1. Made straight. 2. Made Smooth.
- प्रगुण्य :: mfn. (-ण्यः -ण्या -ण्यं) 1. More, exceeding. 2. Excellent. E. प्र before, गुण a quality or quantity and क्यप् aff.
- प्रगृहीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Collected, strung together. 2. Accepted, admitted. 3. (In gram.) Pronounced separately without observing the rules of Sandhi: see the next E. प्र, and गृहीत taken.
- प्रगृह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) To be taken, accepted, admitted, &c. mn. (-ह्यः-ह्यं) The class of letters or syllables not subject to the rules of euphony, as the final ई or ऊ of the dual number. &c. As हरी एतौ, विष्णू इमौ, &c.
- प्रगे :: Ind. Dawn, morning.
- प्रगेतन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Relating, or belonging to the morning. E. प्रगे morning, and द्यु aff., तन् inserted.
- प्रगोपन :: n. (-नं) Protection, preservation, salvation. E. प्र especially, गोपन preserving.
- प्रगथन :: n. (-नं) Stringing together.
- प्रग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. Taking, seizing. 2. Confinement, restriction, restraint, captivity. 3. A prisoner, a captive, either man or beast in confine- ment. 4. A rein, a rope or halter for horses, and cattle. 5. The string suspending a balance. 6. Favour, kindness. 7. An arm. 8. A ray of light. 9. The commencement of an eclipse. 10. A vowel not subject to the rules of Sandhi. 11. A sort of Cassia, (C. fistula.) E. प्र before, ग्रह् to take or seize, aff. अप्; otherwise with घञ् aff. प्रग्राह ।
- प्रग्रहण :: n. (-णं) 1. Taking, seizing. 2. Assuming. 3. The commencement of an eclipse. 4. A rein, a bridle. E. प्र before, ग्रह to take, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रग्राह :: m. (-हः) 1. Seizing. 2. Taking, taking up, bearing, carrying. 3. The string of a balance. 4. A rein, &c. E. प्र before, ग्रह् to take, घञ् aff.; see प्रग्रह ।
- प्रग्रीव :: mn. (-वः-वं) 1. A window, a lattice, a balcony. 2. A summer house, a pleasure house. 3. A building on the top of a palace, a painted turret. 4. A wooden balustrade or fence on the edge of a building. 5. A stable. 6. The top of a tree. E. प्र excessive or excellent, and ग्रीवा a neck; the neck as it were of a house.
- प्रग्ल :: mfn. (-ग्लः -ग्ला -ग्लं) Wearied, fatigued, exhausted. E. प्र before, ग्लै to be weary, क aff.
- घ टक :: m. (-कः) A rule, a doctrine.
- प्रघटा :: f. (-टा) The first principles of a science.
- प्रघटाविद् :: m. (-विद्) A general reader, but not a profound one. E. प्रघटा said to imply novelty, and विद् who knows.
- प्रघण :: m. (-णः) 1. A terrace before a house. 2. A copper pot. 3. An iron crow or club. E. प्र before हन् to strike, aff. अप्, and the radical letter changed; also प्रघाण प्रघन, and प्रघान ।
- प्रघन :: m. (-नं) 1. A covered terrace before a house. 2. A sort of bean, (Phaseolus mungo.) E. प्र before, हन् to strike or hurt, aff. अप् .
- प्रघस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Voracious. m. (-सः) 1. Eating much. 2. A Daitya, a demon. E. प्र much, वस for अद् to eat, aff. अप् or अच् ।
- प्रघाण :: m. (-णः) A covered terrace or small portico before the door of house. E. प्र before, हन् to strike, (with the feet,) aff. अप्, and the radical vowel changed optionally; also प्रघण ।
- प्रघात :: m. (-तः) 1. Combat, battle. 2. Killing. E. प्र violently, घात striking; also प्राघात ।
- प्रघान :: m. (-नः) A covered terrace before the door of a house, a porch, a portico: see प्रघन, and प्रघण ।
- प्रघुण :: m. (-णः) A guest; It is another form of प्राघुण ।
- प्रघूर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Turning round or rolling violently. 2. Wandering, roaming. m. (-र्णः) A guest, a visitor. E. प्र before, घूर्ण to turn round, aff. अच्ः Also प्राघूर्ण ।
- प्रघोषक :: m. (-कः) Sound, noise. E. प्र much, घोष sound, aff. कन् ।
- प्रचक्र :: n. (-क्रं) An army in motion, or as sometimes explained, foraging. E. प्र before, चक्र a division.
- प्रचक्षस् :: m. (-क्षाः) 1. The regent of Jupiter, VRIHASPATI. E. प्र before, चक्ष् to speak. Unādi aff. असुन् ।
- प्रचण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डा -ण्डं) 1. Excessively hot or burning. 2. Intolerable, insupportable. 3. Bold, confident, presuming. 4. Wrathful, passionate. 5. Violent, strong. 6. Furious. 7. Terrible. m. (-ण्डः) A sort of Nerium with white flowers. f. (-ण्डा) One of DURGA'S emanations or attendants. E. प्र very, चण्ड hot, &c.
- प्रचण्डघोण :: Adj. Large-nosed.
- प्रचण्डमूर्त्ति :: m. (-र्त्तिः) A tree, (Tapia cratæva.) “वरुण वृक्षे . ” E. प्रचण्ड Ne- rium, and मूर्त्ति form.
- प्रचय :: m. (-यः) 1. A heap, a quantity, a number. 2. Gathering, (as fruit or flowers, but especially by means of a stick or other implement.) 3. Slight union or aggregation. 4. Growth, increase. E. प्र before, चि to gather, aff. अच्; also with घञ् aff. प्रचाय .
- प्रचयण :: n. (-णं) Collecting, gathering.
- प्रचर :: m. (-रः) 1. A road, a path. 2. Usage, custom, currency. 3. Going well or widely. E. प्र before, चर् to go, aff. अप्; also with घञ् aff. प्रचार ।
- प्रचरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Going, proceeding. 2. Circulating, being current. E. प्र before, चर् to go. ल्युट् aff.
- प्रचरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रत्) Going well, quickly, widely, &c. E. प्र before, चर् to go, शतृ aff.
- प्रचरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Gone, going. 2. Pursued, practised, (as an art or business.) E. प्र before, चर् to go, क्त aff.
- प्रचल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. What goes much or widely. 2. Current, circulating, customary. 4. Shaking, trembling. E. प्र before, चल् to go, अच् aff.
- प्रचलत् :: mfn. (-लन् -लन्ती -लत्) 1. Going, proceeding far or much. 2. Prevailing, circulating, being customary or current. 3. Being recognised, (as authority or law, &c.) E. प्र before, चल् to go, शतृ aff.
- प्रचलन :: n. (-नं) 1. Moving, going much or widely 2. Circulating, being customary or current. E. प्र before, चल् to go, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रचलाक :: m. (-कः) 1. A peacock's tail. 2. Archery, shooting with arrows. 3. A snake. E. प्र before, चल् to go, aff. आकन् ।
- प्रचलाकिन् :: m. (-की) 1. A snake. 2. A peacock. E. प्रचलाक a peacock's tail, and इनि aff.
- प्रचलायित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Rolling about, tossing, tumbling, (as in sleep.); Nodding the head, while asleep in a sitting posture. E. प्र before, चल् to go, in the causal form, aff. क्त ।
- प्रचलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Gone far or wide, wandering, roving. 2. Sct in motion, shaken. 3. Current, customary, circulating, prevailing. 4. Recognised, received, (as authority or law, &c.) 5. Rolling (as the eye). E. प्र before, चल् to go, क्त aff.
- प्रचाय :: m. (-यः) Gathering anything with the hand. E. प्र, चि to collect, घञ् aff.
- प्रचायिका :: f. (-का) Gathering in turn.
- प्रचार :: m. (-रः) 1. Going, proceeding. 2. Custom, usage, 3. Conduct. 4. Currency. 5. Appearance, manifestation. 6. A Pasture-ground. 7. A play-ground. 8. A path, a foot-path. E. प्र before, चर् to go, घञ् aff.
- प्रचाल :: m. (-लः) The stick or body of the Vīṇa or lute. E. प्र before, चर् to go, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रचालन :: n. (-नं) Stirring, moving, shaking.
- प्रचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Collected, gathered together. f. (ता) Plucked. 2. Amassed, accumulated. 3. Covered. n. (-तं) A species of the Dandaka metre. E. प्र before, चि to assemble, क्त aff.
- प्रचुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Much, many. f. (-रा) Abundant, plentiful. 2. Rep- lete with, abounding in, (at the end of a compound.) m. (-रः) A thief. E. प्र before, चुर् to steal, क aff.
- प्रचुरपुरुष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Abounding with men, populous, numerous. m. (-षः) A thief. E. प्रचुर, and पुरुष a man.
- प्रचुरीकरण :: n. (-णं) Adding to, augmenting, increasing. E. प्रचुर and करण making, च्वि augment.
- प्रचुरीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Augmented, in quantity or number. E. प्रचुर, and कृत made, च्वि augment.
- प्रचेतस् :: mfn. (-ताः -ताः -तः) Happy, delighted. m. (-ताः) 1. VARUṆA, the regent of water. 2. The name of a saint and law-giver. m. plu. (-सः) The ten sons of PRACHĪNAVARHI by the daughter of VARUṆA, and the progenitors of DAKSHA. E. प्र best, first, चेतस् the heart.
- प्रचेतृ :: m. (-ता) A charioteer. E. प्र before, चि to collect, (the reins,) aff. तृच् ।
- प्रचेल :: m. (लः) A yellow fragrant wood. E. प्र before, चेल् to go, aff. अच् ।
- पचेलक :: m. (-कः) A horse. E. प्र well, fast, चेल् to go, ण्वुल् aff.
- प्रचोद :: m. (-दः) Inciting, instigating.
- प्रचोदन :: n. (-नं) 1. Saying, enjoining, prescribing. 2. Sending, directing. 3. A rule or law. E. प्र before, चुद् to direct, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रचोदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Prescribed, directed. 2. Sent. 3. Determined. 4. Instigated, incited. E. प्र thoroughly, चुद् to direct, aff. क्त ।
- प्रचोदिनी :: f. (-नी) A prickly nightshade, (Solanum jacquini) E. प्र before, चुद् to send, affs. ल्यु and ङीप् ।
- प्रच्युत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Fallen from, deviated from. E. प्र before, च्यु to fall, क्त aff.
- प्रच्छ(औ)प्रच्छौ :: r. 6th cl. (पृच्छति) 1. To ask or inquire. 2. To desire, to know. With अनु to question about; with आ 1. To ask. 2. To take leave of. With परि to ask.
- प्रच्छद :: m. (-दः) A cover, a wrapper. E. प्र completely, छद् to cover, aff. अच् ।
- प्रच्छदपट :: m. (-टः) A cover, a wrapper, either of a person or thing, as a cloak, a veil, a sheet, a curtain, &c. E. प्रच्छद a cover, and पट cloth.
- प्रच्छना :: f. (-ना) Asking, addressing, inviting. E. प्रच्छ् to ask, aff. युच् ।
- प्रच्छन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Covered, clothed. 2. Unavowed, disguised. 3. Private, concealed, secret. n. (न्नं) 1. A private door within a house. 2. A lattice, a loop hole. 3. Any private door. E. प्र before, छद् to hide, aff. क्त, what is concealed or secret.
- प्रच्छन्नम् :: It is used as an indeclinable in the sense of “Secretly,” “covertly.”
- प्रच्छर्द्दन :: n. (-नं) 1. Vomiting. 2. An emetic. E. प्र, छर्द-ल्युट् aff.
- प्रच्छर्दिका :: f. (-का) Vomiting, sickness. E. प्र violently, छर्द to vomit, aff. ण्वुल् ।
- प्रच्छादन :: n. (-नं) 1. An upper or outer garment. 2. Covering, concealing. E. प्र completely, छद् to cover, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रच्छादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Covered, clothed, hidden, concealed. E. प्र before, छद् to cover, aff. क्त ।
- प्रच्छाय :: n. (-यं) Thick shade, a shadowy place.
- प्रच्छिल :: f. (-ला) Dry. E. प्रच्छ्-वा० इलच् ।
- प्रच्यव :: m. (-वः) 1. Fall, ruin. 2. Improvement, growth. E. प्र-च्यु-अच् ।
- प्रच्यवन :: n. (-नं) Dropping, oozing.
- प्रच्युत :: f. (-ता) Adj. 1. Fallen from. 2. Displaced, degraded. 3. Put to flight, routed.
- प्रच्युति :: f. (-ति) 1. Fall, ruin. 2. Loss, deprivation.
- प्रज :: m. (-जः) A husband. E. प्र before, जन् to be born, ड aff. who is re-born in his children: see प्रजा ।
- प्रजन :: mn. (नः-नं) 1. Impregnating, begetting. 2. Impregnation or pregnancy of cattle in general. 3. The season for a cow's taking the bull, &c. m. (-नः) 1. A progenitor, an impregnator. 2. Bringing forth, bearing. E. प्र before, जन् to be born, घञ् aff.
- प्रजनन :: n. (-नं) 1. The vulva. 2. Birth, production. 3. Going well or quickly. 4. Procreation. 5. Semen. E. प्र before, जन् to be born, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रजनार्थम् :: Adv. Ind. For the sake of procreation. E. प्रजन, and अर्थ on account of.
- प्रजनिका :: f. (-का) A mother. E. प्र before, जन् to be born, aff. वुन् ।
- प्रजनिष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) 1. Being born or produced. 2. Producing, generating. 3. Growing or standing, (as corn.) E. प्र before, to जन् be born, इष्णुच् aff.
- प्रजनुक :: m. (-कः) The body. E. प्र-जन्-वा० उक ।
- प्रजल्प :: m. (-ल्पः) 1. Prattle, gossip. 2. Talking heedlessly to a lover. E. प्र and जल्प talking. It is thus described in Vāchaspatya. “असूयेर्ष्या- मदयुता योऽवधीरणमुद्रया । प्रियस्य कौशलोद्गारः प्रजल्पः स तु कथ्यते ॥”
- प्रजल्पन :: n. (-नं) Talking, speaking.
- प्रजव :: m. (-वः) Great speed. E. प्र before, जव quickness.
- प्रजविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Swift, speedy. m. (-वी) A runner, a courier, an express. E. प्र before, जव speed, aff. इनि ।
- प्रजा :: f. (-जा) 1. Progeny, offspring. 2. People, subjects. 3. Propagation, generation. 4. Semen. 5. Mankind. E. प्र before, जन् to be born, affs. ड and टाप् . This word changed with प्रजस् when used as the last member of a Bahubrihi compound with अ, दुस् or सु as the first member.
- प्रजाकाम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Desirous of offspring. E. प्रजा, and काम desire.
- प्रजागर :: m. (-रः) 1. Waking, watching. 2. A guardian. 3. A name of Krishṇa. E. प्र before, जागर wakefulness.
- प्रजातन्तु :: m. (-न्तुः) A race.
- प्रजाता :: f. (-ता) A woman who has born a child. E. प्र before, जात born, (from whom.)
- प्रजाति :: f. (-ति) 1. Procreation, propagation. 2. Delivery. 3. Procreative power.
- प्रजाद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Who or what gives offspring. 2. What removes barrenness, (as a medicine, &c.) E. प्रजा, and द what gives.
- प्रजादान :: n. (-नं) Silver. E. प्रजा people, and दान gift.
- प्रजाधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) The duty of children or of subjects. E. प्रजा and धर्म्म duty.
- प्रजानत् :: mfn. (-नन् -नन्ती -नत्) 1. Sensible, intelligent. 2. Knowing, under- standing. f. (-न्ती) A sensible woman. E. प्र before, ज्ञा to know, aff. शतृ ।
- प्रजानिषेक :: m. (-कः) Impregnation.
- प्रजाप :: m. (-पः) A king. E. प्रजा people, subjects, and प who protects, from पा with क aff.
- प्रजापति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A name of BRAHMĀ. 2. The epithet common to the ten divine personages, who were first created by BRAHMA; they are also termed Brahmādikas, and their names are MARICHI, ATRI, ANGIRAS, PULASTYA, PULAHA, KRATU, PRACHETAS, VASISHṬHA, BHRIGU, and NĀRADA: some authorities make the
Prajāpatis only seven in number, others reduce them to three, such as DAKSHA, NĀRADA, and BHRIGU, and others make them twenty-one. 3. A king, a sovereign. 4. A father. 5. A son-in-law, a daughter's husband. 6. The sun. 7. Fire. 8. A name of VISWA- KARMĀ, the architect of gods. E. प्रजा people or the world, and पति master.
- प्रजायिनी :: f. (-नी) A mother, or bearer of children. E. प्र before, जन् to be born, णिनि aff.
- प्रजावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Having progeny. 2. Having subjects. f. (-ती) 1. A brother's wife 2. The wife of an elder brother. 3. A mother. E. प्रजा offspring, and मतुप् poss. aff.
- प्रजावृद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Increase of progeny. E. प्रजा and वृद्धि increase.
- प्रजाहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Favourable or good for children or subjects, &c. kind to them, useful to them, &c. n. (-तं) Water. E. प्रजा people and हित friendly, useful.
- प्रजिन :: m. (-नः) Air, wind. E. प्र before, जि to surpass or overcome, क्त aff. form irr.
- प्रजीवन :: n. (-नं) Livelihood, subsistence. E. प्र, and जीवन living.
- प्रजुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Strongly attached to, devoted to, intent on. E. and जुष् to serve, aff. क्त ।
- प्रजेश्वर :: m. (-रः) A king. E. प्रजा subject, and ईश्वर lord.
- प्रज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) 1. Wise, learned; also प्राज्ञ . 2. Bandy-legged, having the knees for apart: see प्रज्ञु . f. (-ज्ञा) 1. A clever or sensible woman. 2. Understanding, wisdom, knowledge. 3. The goddess of arts and eloquence, SARASWATĪ. 4. Discrimination, judgment. 5. Power of device or design. E. प्र before, ज्ञा to know, aff. क ।
- प्रज्ञप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) 1. An appointment, an agreement, an engagement. 2. Teaching doctrine. (-प्ती) One of the Vidyā Devīs of the Jainas. E. प्र before, ज्ञा to know, causal v., aff. क्तिन् ।
- प्रज्ञाकाय :: m. (-यः) A Bauddha saint; also MANJUGHOSHA. E. प्रज्ञा knowledge, कै to sound, अङ् aff.
- प्रज्ञाचक्षुस् :: m. (-क्षुः) A name of DHRITARĀSTRA. Adj. Blind, having the understanding as the only eyes. E. प्रज्ञा and चक्षुस् the eye: being physically blind.
- प्रज्ञात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Known, understood. 2. Famous, notorious. 3. Distinct, clear. E. प्र, and ज्ञात known.
- प्रज्ञान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Wise, learned. n. (-नं) 1. Knowledge, wisdom. 2. A mark, a sign, a token. E. प्र exceeding, ज्ञान knowledge.
- प्रज्ञाल :: f. (-ला) Wise, prudent.
- प्रज्ञावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Wise, intelligent. E. प्रज्ञा, and मतुप् aff.
- प्रज्ञावृद्ध :: Adj. Old in wisdom.
- प्रज्ञाहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Silly, unwise, ignorant. E. प्रज्ञा, and हीन void of.
- प्रज्ञिन् :: m. (-ज्ञी) A sage, a scholar, a wise or learned man. E. प्रज्ञा wisdom, aff. इनि ।
- प्रज्ञिल :: f. (-ला) Prudent.
- प्रज्ञु :: mfn. (-ज्ञुः -ज्ञुः -ज्ञु) Bandy-legged, having the knees far apart. E. प्र separate, जानु the knee, and ज्ञु substitude also प्रज्ञ ।
- प्रज्वलन :: n. (-नं) Blazing up, flaming.
- प्रज्वलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Blazing, radiant. 2. Burnt. E. प्र implying excess, ज्वलित burning.
- प्रज्वालित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Lighted, kindled. E. प्र before, ज्वल् to blaze, causal v., क्त aff.
- प्रडीन :: n. (-नं) 1. Flying, rapidly, or flying in every direction. 2. Taking flight, beginning to fly. E. प्र intensitive, डीन flying.
- प्रण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Old, ancient. E. प्र substituted for पुराण, and न aff.
- प्रणख :: m. (-खः) The point of a nail.
- प्रणत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Bending, bowed, humble, stooping, inclined. 2. Skilful, clever. E. प्र before, नम् to bow, aff. क्त ।
- प्रणतवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Bowing, bent, bowed. E. प्र before, णम् to bow down, क्तवतु aff.
- प्रणताशिरस् :: mfn. (-राः -राः -रः) Inclined, stooping, having the head or top bowed. E. प्रणत, and शिरस् the head.
- प्रणति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Salutation, reverence, obeisance. 2. Courtesy. E. प्र before, नम् to bow, क्तिन् aff.
- प्रणदन :: n. (-नं) Sounding, sound.
- प्रणदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sounded, sounding. E. प्र before, णद् to sound, क्त aff.
- प्रणमत् :: mfn. (-मन् -मन्ती -मत्) Bowing to, saluting with reverence or res- pect. E. प्र before, णम् to bow, शतृ aff.
- प्रणमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bending. E. प्र before, णम् to bow, क्त aff. with इट् inserted.
- प्रणय :: m. (-यः) 1. Affection, friendly or fond regard. 2. Acquaintance. 3. Asking, begging. 4. Affectionate solicitation. 5. Final eman- cipation or beatitude. 6. Trust, confidence. 7. Reverence, obeisance, 8. Favour, kindness. E. प्र before, नी to get, aff. अच् ।
- प्रणयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) 1. Leading, conducting. 2. Dispensing. 3. Decreeing, awarded. E. प्र and णी to lead, शतृ aff.
- प्रणयन् :: n. (-नं) 1. Leading, conducting. 2. Dispensing, distributing. 3. Sentencing, awarding. 4. Bringing. 5. Executing. 6. Writing, composing. E. प्र before, णी to guide, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रणयमान :: m. (नः) Lover's quarrels. E. प्रणय and मान indignation.
- प्रणयवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Attached to, loving. E. प्रणय, and मतुप् aff.
- प्रणयविमुख :: Adj. Declined to friendship.
- प्रणयविहति :: f. (-तिः) Denial, refusal, non-compliance. E. प्रणय requiring, विहति rejecting.
- प्रणयापराध :: m. (-धः) An offence against love.
- प्रणयिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिणी -यि) 1. Affectionate, kind. 2. Intimate, familiar. 3. Beloved, dear. 4. Desirous of. m. (-यी) 1. A husband or lover. 2. A favourite 3. A suitor. f. (-यिणी) A wife or mistress. E. प्रणय affection, इनि poss. aff.
- प्रणयोन्मुख :: Adj. Impatient through love.
- प्रणर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) Dancing. E. प्र before, नृत् to dance, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रणव :: m. (-वः) 1. The mystical name of the Deity, or syllable “Om.” 2. A small kind of drum or tabor. 3. A name of Vishṇu. E. प्र before, नु to praise, aff. अप् ।
- प्रणवक :: m. (-कः) The mystical name of the Deity. E. प्रणव, and कन् added.
- प्रणश्यत् :: mfn. (-श्यन् -श्यन्ती -श्यत्) 1. Perishing, falling away. 2. Endeavour- ing to escape. E. प्र before, नश् to destroy, aff. शतृ ।
- प्रणस :: f. (-सा) Adj. Having a prominent nose.
- प्रणाडी :: f. (-डी) Intervention, interposition.
- प्रणाद :: m. (-दः) 1. A loud noise, especially expressing approbation or delight, a huzza, a shout. 2. A low sound expressive of great pleasure, a murmur or sigh of rapture. 3. A cry for help. 4. Neighing, bringing. 5. A disease of the ear, a noise or buzzing in the ear from thickening of the membranes, &c. E. प्र much, and नाद sound.
- प्रणाम :: m. (-मः) Respectful or reverential salutation, addressed especial- ly to a Brahman or deity. E. प्र before, णम् to bow, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रणायक :: m. (-कः) A leader, a chief.
- प्रणाय्य :: mfn. (-य्यः -य्या -य्यं) 1. Devoid of passion or desire. 2. Disobedient, disagreeing. 3. Upright, straight, in rectitude. 4. Beloved. E. प्र away, णी to go, aff. ण्यत् ।
- प्रणाल :: mf. (-लः-ली) 1. An issue from a pond, drain, a watercourse. 2. An uninterrupted series. E. प्र before, नल् to bind, aff. घञ्; also with कन् added in the fem. form प्रणालिका f. (-का)
- प्रणाश :: m. (-शः) Loss, destruction. E. प्र before, णश् to be destroyed, घञ् aff.
- प्रणाशन :: n. (नं) Destruction, annihilation.
- प्रणाशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Destroying. E. प्र before, णश् to be destroyed, causal v., घिणुन् aff.
- प्रणिघ्नत् :: mfn. (-घ्नत् -घ्नती -घ्नत्) Preparing or threatening to strike. E. प्र and नि before, हन् to strike, aff. शतृ ।
- प्रणिंसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Kissed. E. प्र, णिसि to kiss, क्त aff.; also read प्रनिंसित ।
- प्रणिंसितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be kissed, what may or ought to be kissed. E. प्र before, णिसि to kiss, तव्य aff.; also read प्रनिंसितव्य ।
- प्रणिधान :: n. (-नं) 1. Great effort, stress, energy. 2. Profound religious meditation. 3. Access, entrance. 4. Respectful behaviour. 5. Application, use. 6. Renunciation of the fruits of actions. E. प्र and नि and prefixed to धा to have, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रणिधि :: m. (-धिः) 1. A spy, a secret agent or emissary. 2. Asking, solici- tation or request. 3. Care, attention. 4. A follower. E. प्र and नि before, धा to have, aff. कि ।
- प्रणिनदत् :: mfn. (-दन् -दन्ती -दत्) Sounding deep or like thunder. E. प्र and नि before, नद् to sound, शतृ aff.
- प्रणिनाद :: m. (-दः) A deep sound, that of thunder or its like. E. प्र and नि before, नद to sound, घञ् aff.
- प्रणिपतन :: n. (-नं) Saluting, bowing or doing homage to. E. प्र and नि before, पत् to go, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रणिपतित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bowed down in reverence, saluting. E. प्र and नि before, पत् to go, aff. क्त ।
- प्रणिपत्य :: Ind. Having bowed down or in reverence, having saluted respectfully. E. प्र and नि before, पत् to go, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रनिपात :: m. (-तः) 1. Salutation, reverence, obeisance. 2. Falling at one's feet, prostration. E. प्र and नि before, पत् to go, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रणिपातरस :: m. (-सः) A magical formulæ pronounced over weapons.
- प्रणिहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -त) 1. Delivered, entrusted, consigned. 2. Obtained, received, acquired. 3. Acknowledged, admitted. 4. Placed, fixed, deposited. 5. Prudent, advised, careful, wary. 6. Determined, deci- ded. 7. Having the mind concentrated. 8. Spied out. 9. Stretched forth. E. प्र and नि before, धा to have, aff. क्त ।
- प्रणीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Dressed, (as food.) cooked, &c. 2. Made, done. constructed. 3. Thrown, cast. sent. 4. Entered, approached. 5. Proper, fit. 6. Said, declared. 7. Delivered, given, presented. 8. Decreed, sentenced, awarded. 9. Advanced, promoted. 10. Execu- ted, accomplished. 11. Taught. 12. Composed, written. m. (-तः) Fire consecrated by prayers or mystical formulæ. f. (-ता) A vessel used at sacrifices, a sort of cup. n. (-तं) Condiment. E. प्र before, नी to get, aff. क्त ।
- प्रणु(णू)त :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Praised, celebrated. E. प्र before, णु to praise, aff. क्त ।
- प्रणुत्त :: f. (-ता) Adj. Driven away, repelled.
- प्रणुद् :: mfn. (-णुत् or -णुद्) Enjoining, directing, who or what commands or enjoins. E. प्र before, णुद् to command, क्विप् aff.
- प्रणुन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Shaking, trembling. 2. Sent, despatched. 3. Driven away. 4. Set in motion. E. प्र before, णुद् to sound, क्त aff.
- प्रणेतृ :: m. (-तृः) 1. A leader. 2. The promulgator of a doctrine. 3. An author.
- प्रणेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Docile, submissive, agreeable. 2. To te accom- plished. 3. To be settled. E. प्र before, नी to lead, aff. यत् ।
- प्रणोद :: m. (-दः) 1. Directing, ordering. 2. Guilding, driving, (as horses.) E. प्र before, णुद् to send, घञ् aff.
- प्रणोदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Ordered, directed. 2. Driven, guided. E. प्र before, णुद् to send, क्त aff.
- प्रतत :: f. (-ता) Adj. 1. Spread over, covered. 2. Stretched out.
- प्रतति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Spreading, expansion. 2. A creeping plant. E. प्र before, तन् to spread, aff. क्तिन् ।
- प्रतती :: f. (-ती) A creeping plant. E. ङीप् added to the preceding.
- प्रतन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Old, ancient. E. प्र prior, with द्युल् aff. and तन् augment.
- प्रतनु :: mfn. (-नुः -न्वी -नु) 1. Thin, delicate, minute. 2. Small, puny. 3. Slender, emaciated. 4. Insignificant. E. प्र, and तनु thin.
- प्रतपन :: n. (-नं) Making warm.
- प्रतप्त :: f. (-प्ता) Adj. 1. Heated. 2. Tortured, tormented.
- प्रतर :: m. (-रः) Crossing, crossing over. E. प्र + तॄ-अप् ।
- प्रतर्क :: m. (-र्कः) Congecture, supposition.
- प्रतर्कण :: n. (-णं) Reasoning, discussion, doubt, logic. E. प्र before, तर्क् to reason, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रतर्द्दन :: n. (-नं) Repelling. E. प्र + तृद्-ल्युट् ।
- प्रतल :: m. (-लः) The open hand with the fingers extended. n. (-लं) One
of the seven principal divisions of the lower regions. E. प्र excee- ding, तल lowness, &c.
- प्रतान :: m. (-नः) 1. Spreading, expansion. 2. A shoot, a tendril. 3. A low spreading creeper. 4. A disease, fainting, epilepsy. 5. Ramifi- cation. E. प्र before, तन् to spread, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रतानिन् :: mfn. (-नी -निनी -नि) Spreading, extending. f. (-नी) A spreading creeper. E. प्र before, तन् to spread, aff. ल्युट्, and इनि and ङीप् added.
- प्रताप :: m. (-पः) 1. Majesty, dignity, glory, possession of rank and power. 2. Spirit, valour, energy. 3. Splendour, brilliancy. 4. Warmth, glowing, Heat. E. प्र before, तप् to shine, aff. घञ् । “अर्क वृक्षे च ।”
- प्रतापन :: m. (-नः) Name of a hell. n. (-नं) 1. Inflicting pain or punish- ment, burning, consuming. 2. Paining, distressing. E. प्र before, तप् to heat, aff. णिच्-ल्यु ।
- प्रतापवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Majestic, glorious. 2. An epithet of Sīva. E. प्रताप and मतुप् aff.
- प्रतापस :: m. (-सः) A species of gigantic Asclepias, with white flowers. E. प्रताप heat, षो to destroy, aff. क । “शुक्लार्क वृक्षे ।”
- प्रतापिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिनी -पि) 1. Shining, splendid. 2. Dignified, powerful. 3. Burning. 4. Distressing. E. प्रताप, and इनि aff.
- प्रताम् :: mfn. (-तान्) 1. Desiring. 2. Being afficted. E. प्र before, तम् to desire, ण्वि aff.
- प्रतार :: m. (-रः) 1. Crossing over. 2. Carrying over, bearing over. 3. Deceit, fraud. E. प्र before, तृ to cross, अच् aff.
- प्रतारक :: m. (-कः) A cheat. E. प्र before, तृ to cross, aff. णिच्-ण्वुल् ।
- प्रतारण :: nf. (-णं-णा) 1. Fraud, cheating, deceit, over-reaching, trick. 2. Carrying over. E. प्र before, तॄ to cross, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रतारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Cheated, deceived, tricked. E. प्र before, तॄ to pass over, (to overreach,) aff. णिच्-क्त ।
- प्रति :: Ind. As a prefix to verbal themes it means,--1. In the direction of, towards. 2. In opposition to. 3. Back, in return. 4. Down upon. As a prefix to nouns not immediately derived from verbs it means,--1. Likeness, resemblance. 2. Rivalry. As a particle and prefix it means. --I. Substitution, (instead, in lieu;) as प्रद्युम्नः केशवात् प्रति . 2. Several order, (severally, each by each;) as वृक्षं प्रति सिञ्चति; प्रतिवेद each Veda; प्रतिदिनं every day; प्रतिछिद्रं each opening; प्रतिगर्भ every birth; प्रत्येक one by one. 3. Direction, (to, towards, upon;) as वृक्षं प्रति विद्योतते विद्युत् . 4. Beloning to, (as a part or portion.) 3. Exchange, return, (again, back again,) as तिलेभ्यः प्रति माषान् यच्छति . 6. A little, &c. as शाकप्रति, सूपप्रति . 7. Opposition, in place, as प्रतिसूर्य्यं against the sun, प्रतिवात against the wind. 8. With respect to, अनेकभार्य्यं, प्रत्याह . 9. In proportion to, as त्वं सहस्राणि प्रति 10. In the vicinity of, by the side of, as गङ्गां प्रति . 11. At the time of, as फाल्गुनं प्रति . 12. Concerning, as वह्निर्विवाहं प्रति कर्म्मसाक्षी . E. प्रथ् to be famous, डति aff.; in the following compounds the final इ of प्रति is optionally long, before derivatives formed with घञ्, as प्रतिहार or प्रतीहार &c.
- प्रतिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Worth sixteen Pans of Cowries. E. प्रति substituted for कार्षापण, and यक् aff.
- प्रतिकञ्चुक :: m. (-कः) 1. An adversary.
- प्रतिकण्ठम् :: Ind. 1. Severally, one by one. 2. Near the throat.
- प्रतिकर :: m. (-रः) Requital, compensation. E. प्र + कृ-अप् ।
- प्रतिकर्तृ :: f. (-र्त्री) Requiting, compensating. m. (-र्ता) An opponent, an adversary. E. प्र + कृ-तृच् ।
- प्रतिकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) 1. Dress, decoration, personal embellishment. 2. Retaliation, requital. 3. Remedy, redress. 4. Opposition. E. प्रति belonging to, (the body.) and कर्म्मन् business.
- प्रतिकर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) 1. Aggregation. 2. Anticipation, (of a word,) occurring later. E. प्रति + कृष्-भावे-घञ् ।
- प्रतिक(ष्क)श :: m. (-षः) 1. A leader. 2. An assistant. 3. A messenger. E. प्रति + कश्-अच्-मुट् ।
- प्रतिकष :: Adj. Not obeying the whip.
- प्रतिकाय :: m. (-यः) 1. A butt, a mark; the effigy of a man, for archers to practise at. 2. An effigy, an image, a picture. E. प्रति again, and काय the body; a repetition or reflection of the form.
- प्रतिकार :: m. (-रः) 1. Revenge, requital, retribution, retaliation. 2. Reme- dying, counteracting. 3. Remedy, prevention. 4. Opposition. E. प्रति again, against, and कार making; also प्रतीकार ।
- प्रतिकाश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Like, resembling, (used in composition.) m. (-शः) 1. Look, appearance. 2. Reflection. E. प्रति to or again, and काश or कास what shines: also प्रतीकाश, प्रतिकास, and प्रतीकास .
- प्रतिकास :: mfn. (-सः -सा -स) Like, (in composition:) see the last.
- प्रतिकितव :: m. (-वः) An opponent in a game.
- प्रतिकुञ्चित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bent, curved. E. प्रति, and कुचि to be curved, क्त aff.
- प्रतिकुञ्जर :: m. (-रः) A hostile elephant.
- प्रतिकूप :: m. (-पः) A moat, a ditch. E. प्रति implying little, and कूप a well.
- प्रतिकूल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Contrary, adverse, cross-grained, reverse, inverted. 2. Contradictory, cross, perverse. 3. Inauspicious. 4. Unpleasant, disagreeable. E. प्रति for प्रतीप averted, and कूल a bank or shore.
- प्रतिकूलम् :: Ind. 1. Contrarily. 2. Inversely, in an inverted order.
- प्रतिकूलता :: f. (-ता) Opposition, hostility. E. प्रतिकूल, and तल् aff.; also with त्व, प्रतिकूलत्वं ।
- प्रतिकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Requited, returned. 2. Counteracted. 3. Re- medied. E. प्रति, and कृत made.
- प्रतिकृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. An effigy, a figure, an image, a picture, a reflection, a shadow, a reflected image. 2. Retaliation, return, revenge. 3. A substitute. E. प्रति again, &c. and कृति making.
- प्रतिकृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Inferior, low, vile. 2. Twice ploughed, or ploughed back again. 3. Repulsed, rejected. 4. Hidden, con- cealed. E. प्रति against, and कृष्ट drawn.
- प्रतिक्रम :: m. (-मः) Inverted order.
- प्रतिक्रिया :: f. (-या) 1. Return, requital. 2. Retaliation. 3. Remedying, counteracting. 4. Embellishment, decoration. 5. Protection. 6. Help, succour. E. प्रति, and क्रिया act.
- प्रतिक्रष्ट :: f. (-ष्टा) Adj. Miserable, poor.
- प्रतिक्रीध :: m. (-धः) Anger in return.
- प्रतिक्षण :: Adv. n. (-णं) Momentarily, every moment. E. प्रति, several order, and क्षण an instant.
- प्रतिक्षय :: m. (-यः) A guard, an attendant. E. प्रति against, क्षय injury.
- प्रतिक्षिप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Dismissed, rejected, turned away. 2. Sent, despatched. 3. Opposed, repelled, resisted. 4. Abused, reviled. 5. Calumniated, falsely accused. E. प्रति again, against, and क्षिप्त thrown, sent.
- प्रतिक्षुत :: n. (-तं) Sneezing, wheezing. E. प्रति repeatedly, क्षुत sneezing.
- प्रतिक्षेप :: m. (-पः) 1. Rejection. 2. Contradiction. 3. Contest.
- प्रतिगत :: fn. (-ता-तं) Flying backwards and forwards, wheeling in flight. E. प्रति repetition, and गत gone; going and coming.
- प्रतिगमन :: n. (-नं) Returning, going back.
- प्रतिगर्ज्जत् :: mfn. (-र्ज्जन् -र्ज्जन्ती -र्ज्जत्) 1. Echoing, reverberating. 2. Murmuring, rebelling. E. प्रति before, गर्ज्ज to growl, शतृ aff.
- प्रतिगर्जना :: f. (-ना) Roaring against.
- प्रतिगर्हित :: f. (-ता) Adj. Blamed.
- प्रतिगात्रम् :: Ind. In every limb.
- प्रतिगिरि :: m. (-रिः) Any inferior mountain, or any thing like a moun- tain. E. प्रति, and गिरि a hill.
- प्रतिगृहीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Taken, accepted. 2. Admitted. 3. Married. E. प्रति, ग्रह् to take, क्त aff.
- प्रतिगृहीतृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Who takes or accepts, an accepter, a receiver. E. प्रति before, ग्रह् to take, तृच् aff.
- प्रतिगृह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) To be taken, what may be accepted, &c. Ind. 1. Having taken. 2. Bringing up the rear. E. प्रति, and ग्रह् to take, क्यप् or ल्यप् aff.
- प्रतिग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. Acceptance, assent. 2. Proper donation to Brāh-
mans, whatever is a fit present to a Brāhman at suitable periods. 3. The acceptance of such a gift. 4. Friendly reception. 5. Favor. 6. Marrying. 7. A spitting-pot. 8. The reserve of an army, ā detachment posted with the general four hundred yards in the rear of the line. 9. The sun near the moon's node. E. प्रति again, &c. and ग्रह taking.
- प्रतिग्रहण :: n. (-णं) 1. Receiving presents. 2. Marrying. E. प्रति, and ग्रहण taking.
- प्रतिग्रहणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be taken or accepted. E. प्रति, ग्रह् to take, अनीयर् aff.
- प्रतिग्राह :: m. (-हः) 1. A spitting-pot. 2. Accepting gifts. E. प्रति before, ग्रह् to take, ण aff.
- प्रतिग्राह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) To be accepted or taken. E. प्रति, and ग्रह् to taken, ण्यत् aff.
- प्रतिगेहम् :: Ind. In every house.
- प्रतिघ :: mfn. (-घः -घा -घं) Adverse, inimical. m. (-घः) 1. Wrath, rage. 2. Mutual beating, combat, fighting. 3. Fainting. 4. An enemy. 5. Opposition. E. प्रति again, severally, and घ striking.
- प्रति(ती)वात :: m. (-तः) 1. A return blow, repulse, rebound. 2. Warding off a blow. 3. Preventing, prohibiting. E. प्रति before, हन् to kill, aff. निच्-भावे-अप् ।
- प्रतिघातन :: n. (-नं) 1. Repulsing. 2. Killing, slaughter. E. प्रति mutually, हन् to kill, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रतिघातिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) 1. Repelling, repulsing. 2. Hostile, opposed to. E. प्रतिघात, and इनि aff.
- प्रतिघ्न :: n. (-घ्नं) The body. E. प्रति again, घ्न what destroys.
- प्रतिघ्नत् :: mfn. (-घ्नन् -घ्नती -घ्नत्) 1. Opposing, impeding. 2. Destructive. 3. Hostile. E. प्रति before, हन् to kill, शतृ aff.
- प्रतिचन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) A mock-moon.
- प्रतिचरणम् :: Ind. In every Vedic school or branch.
- प्रतिचिकीर्षा :: f. (-र्षा) Desire of retaliation or revenge.
- प्रतिचिन्तन :: n. (-नं) Thinking repeatedly, considering, meditating upon. E. प्रति, and चिति to think, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रतिच्छन्द :: m. (-न्दः) 1. A reflected image, any image, a picture, a statue. 2. A substitute. E. प्रति again, छदि to cover, aff. अच्; also with कन् added प्रतिच्छन्दक n. (-कं)
- प्रतिच्छन्दन :: n. (-नं) A cover, a piece of cloth for a covering.
- प्रतिच्छन्न :: f. (-न्ना) Adj. 1. Covered, enveloped. 2. Hidden, concealed. 3. Furnished with.
- प्रतिच्छाया :: f. (-या) 1. An image, a statue, a bas-relief, a picture. 2. A reflected image, a shade or shade or shadow. E. प्रति again, छाया a shadow.
- प्रतिच्छेद :: m. (-दः) Opposition, resistance. E. प्रति, and छेद cutting.
- प्रतिजङ्घा :: f. (-ङ्घा) The forepart of the leg, the thigh. E. प्रति before, and जङ्घा the thigh.
- प्रतिजल्प :: m. (-ल्पः) A reply, an answer.
- प्रतिजल्पक :: m. (-कः) Reply in assent, respectful concurrence. E. प्रति, and जल्पक talking.
- प्रतिजागर :: m. (-रः) Attention, watchfulness. E. प्रति towards, and जागर watchful.
- प्रतिजिह्वा :: f. (-ह्वा) The uvula, or soft palate. E. प्रति again, or like, जिह्वा the tongue; also with कन् added in the fem. form, प्रतिजिह्विका (-का) ।
- प्रतिजीवन :: n. (-नं) Resuscitation. E. प्रति again, नीवन living.
- प्रतिज्ञा :: f. (-ज्ञा) 1. Promise, agreement, engagement, assent. 2. Admi- ssion, acknowledgment. 3. Declaration, affirmation. 4. (In logic,) The proposition, the assertion to be proved. 5. A plaint, (in law.) E. प्रति mutually, ज्ञा to know, aff. अङ् ।
- प्रतिज्ञात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Promised, agreed. 2. Admitted, acknowledged. 3. Propounded, asserted. E. प्रति mutually, ज्ञात known.
- प्रतिज्ञातव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be promised. 2. To be assented to. E. प्रति before, ज्ञा to know, तव्य aff.
- प्रतिज्ञान :: n. (-नं) Promise, agreement, assent. E. प्रति before, ज्ञा to know, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रतिज्ञान्तर :: n. (-रं) A subsequent proposition on failure of the first, (in logic.) E. प्रतिज्ञा, and अन्तर difference.
- प्रतिज्ञापत्रक :: n. (-कं) A bond, a written contract. E. प्रतिज्ञा agreement, and
- प्रतिज्ञाय :: Ind. Having promised. E. प्रति before, ज्ञा to know, ल्यप् aff.
- प्रतिज्ञाविरोध :: m. (-धः) 1. Denial of a logical proposition. 2. Acting contrary to promise or agreement. E. प्रतिज्ञा, and विरोध opposition.
- प्रतिज्ञाविवाहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Promised in marriage, betrothed. E. प्रतिज्ञा, and विवाहित married.
- प्रतिज्ञासन्न्यास :: m. (-सः) 1. Abandonment of the original proposition, (in logic.) 2. Breaking a promise. E. प्रतिज्ञा, and सन्न्यास quitting.
- प्रतिज्ञाहानि :: f. (-निः) Giving up the argument. E. प्रतिज्ञा, and हानि abandoning.
- प्रतिज्ञेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be promised or accepted. m. (-यः) The reciter or pronouncer of a panegyric, the proclaimer of rank and titles, a herald, a bard, a panegyrist. E. प्रति before, ज्ञा to know, यत् aff.
- प्रतितत्त्वसिद्धान्त :: m. (-न्तः) Conclusion or notion adopted by each disputant severally. E. प्रति severally, तत्त्व truth, and सिद्धान्त conclusion.
- प्रतितन्त्र :: Adv. n. (-न्त्रं) 1. According to each Tantra. 2. According to each opinion, &c. E. प्रति and तन्त्र a doctrine.
- प्रतितर :: m. (-रः) An oarsman, a sailor.
- प्रतिताल :: m. (-लः) A kind of air or melody. f. (-ली) The key of a door or padlock, or an instrument to open a door. E. प्रति relating to, ताल tune, or a lock, fem. aff. ङीप् ।
- प्रतिदर्शन :: n. (-नं) Seeing, perceiving.
- प्रतिदान :: n. (-नं) 1. The return or re-delivery of a deposit. 2. Barter, exchange. 3. Giving back or in return for. E. प्रति again, दान a giving.
- प्रतिदारण :: n. (-णं) 1. War, battle. 2. Splitting. E. प्रति reciprocally, and दारण tearing.
- प्रतिदिन :: Adv. n. (-नं) Every day, day by day. E. प्रति severally, and दिन a day.
- प्रतिदिवन् :: m. (-वा) 1. The sun. 2. The day. E. प्रति severally, दिव् to shine, Unādi aff. कनिन्; also with the vowel lengthened, प्रतिदीवन् ।
- प्रतिदिशं :: Adv. n. (-शं) Every where, all around. E. प्रति, and दिश् a quarter.
- प्रतिदृष्ट :: f. (-ष्टा) Adj. Come in sight, become visible.
- प्रतिदेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be returned, to be given back, or as an equi- valent. n. (-यं) 1. A pledge, a pawn. 2. An article purchased and given back. E. प्रति again, देय to be given.
- प्रतिदैवतम् :: Ind. For every deity.
- प्रतिद्वन्द्व :: n. (-न्द्वं) Opposition, hostility. m. (-न्द्वः) 1. An opponent, an adversary, a rival. 2. An enemy. E. प्रति against, द्वन्द्व a couple.
- प्रतिद्वन्द्विन् :: mfn. (-न्द्वी -न्द्विनी -न्द्वि) Hostile, an enemy. E. प्रतिद्वन्द्व, and इनि aff.
- प्रतिधावन :: n. (-नं) Assailing, attacking.
- प्रतिधुर :: m. (-रः) A horse harnessed by the side of another.
- प्रतिध्वनि :: f. (-निः) Echo, reverberated sound. E. प्रति, and ध्वनि sound.
- प्रतिध्वस्त :: f. (-स्ता) Adj. Down cast.
- प्रतिध्वान :: m. (-नः) Echo, reiterated or repeated sound. E. प्रति again, ध्वान sound.
- प्रतिनन्दन :: n. (-नं) Greeting, congratulating. E. प्रति + नन्द्-भाव-ल्युट् ।
- प्रतिनप्तृ :: m. (-प्ता) A great grandson, a son's grandson. E. प्रति again, repeated, and नप्तृ a grandson.
- प्रतिनव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) 1. New, young, fresh, recent. 2. Newly blown or budded. E. प्रति intensitive prefix, and नव new.
- प्रतिनाडी :: f. (-डी) A branch-vein.
- प्रतिनाद :: m. (-दः) Echo, resonance. E. प्रति, and नाद sound.
- प्रतिनादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Echoing, re-sounding. E. प्रतिनाद, and इतच् aff.
- प्रतिनायक :: m. (-कः) The adversary of the hero of a poetic composition.
- प्रति(ती)नाह :: m. (-हः) A flag, a banner.
- प्रतिनिधि :: m. (-धिः) 1. A resemblance of a real form, an image, a statue, &c. 2. A surety. 3. A substitute. E. प्रति again, धा to have, with नि prefix, कि aff.
- प्रतिनिनद :: m. (-दः) An echo, a reverberation. E. प्रति, and निनद sound.
- प्रतिनियम :: m. (-मः) A general rule.
- प्रतिनिर्जित :: f. (-ता) Adj. 1. Rescinded. 2. Vanquished.
- प्रतिनिर्देश्य :: f. (-श्या) Adj. That which, though stated before, is repeated in order to give some further information about it, viz:--(The attribute ताम्रत्व in “उदेति सविता ताम्रस्ताम्र एवास्तमेति च”) E. प्रति + निर्- दिश-कर्म्मणि-ण्यत् ।
- प्रतिनिर्यातन :: n. (-नं) Retaliation, retribution.
- प्रतिनिवर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. Turning back or away from 2. Returning. E. प्रति, and नि before, वृत् to be, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रतिनिविष्ट :: f. (-ष्टा) Adj. 1. Hardened. 2. Obstinate.
- प्रतिनिविष्टमूर्ख :: m. (-र्खः) A confirmed blockhead.
- प्रतिनिवृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Turned away from, desisted from, leaving, withdrawn from. 2. Come back, returned. E. प्रति and नि before, वृत् to be, क्त aff.
- प्रतिनिश :: Adv. n. (-शं) By night, every night. E. प्रति, and निशा a night.
- प्रतिनोद :: m. (-दः) Repelling, repulse.
- प्रति(ती)प :: m. (-पः) A king of the lunar race, father of SĀNTANU, and grandfather of BHĪSHMA &c.: See प्रतीप . E. प्रति severally, and प who cherishes.
- प्रतिपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. An enemy, (figuratively used in the sense of “equal” “similar.”) 2. A respondent, an opponent. 3. A defendant. E. प्रति against, and पक्ष a part, a party.
- प्रतिपक्षित :: Adj. 1. Containing a contradiction. 2. Nullified by a contradictory premiss, (as a Hetu.)
- प्रतिपक्षिन् :: m. (-क्षी) An adversary, an opponent.
- प्रतिपत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Fame, renown, reputation. 2. Gaining, getting, obtaining, acquirement. 3. Action, wordly practice or activity, as opposed to religious contemplation. 4. Use, application, profit. 5. Arrogance, audacity, confidence. 6. Knowledge, perception, observation, determination, ascertainment. 7. Elevation, exalta- tion, promotion, acquirement of rank or dignity. 8. Acknowledg- ment, assent, admission, acceptance. 9. Inspiring trust or confi- dence, satisfying, shewing in proof. 10. Respectful or affectionate behaviour. 11. Purpose, design. 12. Comprehending, includ- ing. 13. Distribution, disposal. 14. Giving, presentation. 15. Inte- llect, intelligence. 16. Inclination, tendency. 17. Method, means. 18. Promotion, preferment. 19. Proof, conviction. 20. Under- taking, commencement. 21. Resolution. 22. Procedure, act of proceeding. 23. Knowledge of what to do. 24. Blinding, mislead- ing, deceiving. 25. Throwing Ghee on the fire, or images into a sacred stream, or any similar rite from which no advantage is expected. E. प्रति severally or towards, &c. पद् to go, aff. क्तिन् ।
- प्रतिपत्तिपटह :: m. (-हः) A large drum; the state drum allowed only to chiefs of a certain rank. E. प्रतिपत्ति celebrity, and पटह a drum.
- प्रतिपत्तिपराङ्मुख :: mfn. (-खः -खी -खं) Obstinate, unyielding. E. प्रतिपत्ति, and पराङ्मुख averse.
- प्रतिपत्तिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) 1. Active, prompt. 2. Celebrated. 3. High in rank. E. प्रतिपत्ति, and मतुप् aff.
- प्रतिपत्तिविशारद :: Adj. Knowing what is to be done.
- प्रतिपत्तूर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) A kettle-drum. E. प्रतिपद् rank, and तूर्य्य a musical instrument. “दगड् काडा”
- प्रतिपथन् :: Ind. Along the road.
- प्रतिपद् :: f. (-पद्-पत्) 1. The first day of a lunar fortnight, the first of the moon's increase or wane. 2. Beginning, commencement. 3. Understanding, intellect. 4. Rank, consequence. 5. A kettle drum. E. प्रति severally, पद् to go, and क्विप् aff.
- प्रतिपद :: Ind. or n. adv. (-दं) 1. Step by step. 2. At every word. 3. Continually, every moment. E. प्रति, and पद step.
- प्रतिपदा (-दी) :: f. (-दा or दी) The first day of a lunar fortnight.
- प्रतिपन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Known, understood, ascertained, determined. 2. Promised, engaged, assented to, accepted. 3. Overcome,
conquered, subdued. 4. Obtained, gained. 5. Done, effected, accomplished. 6. Undertaken. 7. Replied. 8. Acknowledged, admitted. 9. Proved, demonstrated. E. प्रति again, and पद् to go, aff. क्त ।
- प्रतिपाण :: n. (-णं) 1. Stake, gage, the thing played for. 2. A counter- pledge, the thing staked against another. E. प्रति, and पण् to have price, घञ् aff.
- प्रतिपात्रम् :: Ind. As regards each character.
- प्रतिपादम् :: Ind. In each quarter.
- प्रतिपादक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. What produces effects, causes, &c. 2. Explanatory. f. (-दिका) 1. Granting, bestowing. 2. Establishing, demonstrating. 3. Explaining, illustrating. 4. Furthering, pro- moting. E. प्रति, and पद् to go, causal v., ण्वुल् aff.
- प्रतिपादन :: n. (-नं) 1. Gift, donation. 2. Ascertaining, proving, establi- shing, determining, rendering clear or intelligible. 3. Action, worldly conduct or interest. 4. Accomplishing, effecting. 5. Pro- ducing, causing. 6. Expounding, explaining. 7. Repeated action, practice. E. प्रति severally, and पद् to go, causal v., aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रतिपादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Delivered, given. 2. Caused, produced. 3. Proved, explained, established. E. प्रति before, पद् to go, causal form, क्त aff.
- प्रतिपादुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Determining, ascertaining. 2. Making manifest or clear. 3. What causes or effects. E. प्रति before, पद् to go, causal v., उकञ् aff.
- प्रतिपाप :: Adj. Recompensing evil for evil.
- प्रतिपालक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what protects or defends. m. (-कः) 1. A king. 2. A protector. E. प्रति before, पाल् to protect, वुन् aff.
- प्रतिपालन :: n. (-नं) 1. Protecting, defending, guarding, cherishing. 2. Following, practising. E. प्रति and पाल् to cherish, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रतिपालनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be cherished or protected. 2. To be observed or followed. E. प्रति, and पाल् to cherish, अनीयर् aff.
- प्रतिपालित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Cherished, protected. 2. Practised, follow- ed. E. प्रति before, पाल् to cherish, क्त aff.
- प्रतिपाल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) To be cherished or protected. E. प्रति before, पाल् to cherish, यत् aff.; also प्रतिपालितव्य mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं)
- प्रतिपीडन :: n. (-नं) Oppressing, molesting.
- प्रतिपुरुष :: m. (-षः) 1. A deputy, a substitute. 2. A companion. 3. The effigy of a man which thieves push into a house to ascertain whether any body is awake. n. adv. (-षं) Every man, man by man. E. प्रति, and पुरुष a man.
- प्रतिपूजक :: m. (-कः) A reverer, one who does homage. E. प्रति, and पूजक who worships.
- प्रतिपूजन :: n. (-नं) 1. Exchange of civilities, mutual obeisance or rever- ence. 2. Offering homage or respect. E. प्रति, and पूजन worship- ing.
- प्रतिपूजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Treated with reverence or respect. 2. Exchanged as civilities. E. प्रति, and पूजित worshiped.
- प्रतिपूज्य :: Ind. 1. Having offered homage to. 2. Having exchanged respectful salutation. E. प्रति, and पूज् to worship, ल्युप् aff.
- प्रतिपूरण :: n. (-णं) Filling, filling up.
- प्रतिपूर्वाह्णम् :: Ind. Every forenoon.
- प्रतिप्रणाम :: m. (-मः) A bow in return.
- प्रतिप्रदान :: n. (-नं) 1. Returning, restoring. 2. Giving in marriage.
- प्रतिप्रयाण :: n. (-णं) Return, retreat. E. प्रति, and प्रयाण who goes.
- प्रतिप्रश्न :: m. (-श्नः) 1. A question in return. 2. An answer.
- प्रतिप्रसव :: m. (-वः) Precept for an act which under other circumstances is forbidden, a counter-exception or the application of the general rule to a case covered by an exception. E. प्रति, and प्रसव birth.
- प्रतिप्रसूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Re-enjoined, after having been forbidden. E. प्रति, and प्रसूत born.
- प्रतिपतन :: n. (-नं) Leaping back.
- प्रतिफल :: n. (-लं) 1. An image, a shadow, a reflection. 2. Return requital, retaliation. E. प्रति, and फल fruit.
- प्रतिफलन :: n. (-नं) 1. A reflected image. 2. Requital, return. E. प्रति, and फल to bear fruit, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रतिफलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Represented, reflected, shadowed. 2. Requited, returned. E. प्रति, and फल् to bear fruit, क्त aff.
- प्रतिफुल्लक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Flowered, blossoming, having. flowers. 2. Full blown flowered. E. प्रति severally, फुल्ल blown, and कन् added.
- प्रतिबद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Disappointed, thwarted, crossed, vexed. 2. Obstructed, opposed, kept at a distance, prevented. 3. Set, inlaid, 4. Bound, tied. 5. Connected with, furnished with, entangled. 6. Inseparably connected, (In phil.) E. प्रति against, and बद्ध bound,
- प्रतिबधक :: m. (-कः) An opposer, an injurer. E. प्रति, बघ् to kill, वुन् aff.
- प्रतिबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) 1. Obstacle, impediment. 2. Disappointment. 3. Resistance, opposition. 4. Blockade, siege. 5. Inseparable connec- tion. E. प्रति against, बन्ध a binding.
- प्रतिबन्धक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Impeding, obstructing, an obstructor or opposer. 2. Binding. m. (-कः) A branch, a shoot. n. (-कं) An im- pediment. E. प्रतिबन्ध obstacle, aff. कन् ।
- प्रतिबन्धकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Who or what hinders, obstructs, &c. E. प्रतिबन्ध, and कारिन् who makes.
- प्रतिबन्धन :: n. (-नं) 1. Obstructing, impeding. 2. Binding, confinement. E. प्रति, and बन्ध् to bind, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रतिब(न्दि)न्दी :: f. (-न्दी) An argument equally applicable to the opposite side. E. प्रति + बन्ध-इन् or ङीप् optionally added; also प्रतिबन्धि and प्रतिबन्धी ।
- प्रतिबन्धि :: m. (-न्धिः or -न्धीः) Contradiction. E. प्रति, and बन्ध्, to blind. इन् aff. see the last.
- प्रतिबन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) 1. The sons of a daughter. 2. Equal in rank.
- प्रतिबल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Able, adequate, powerful. 2. On equal stren- gth. n. (-नं) An hostile army. E. प्रति intensitive prefix, and बल strong.
- प्रतिबाधन :: n. (-नं) Repelling, keeping off.
- प्रतिबाहु :: m. (-हुः) The fore part of the arm.
- प्रतिबि(वि)म्ब(म्ब) :: n. (-म्बः-म्बः) 1. A reflection. 2. A picture.
- प्रतिबिम्बन :: n. (-नं) Correspondence, comparison.
- प्रतिबिम्बित :: f. (-ता) Reflected, mirrored.
- प्रतिबुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Exalted, rendered prosperous or great. 2. Known, celebrated. 3. Wakened, awake. E. प्रति and बुध् to know, aff. क्त ।
- प्रतिबोध :: m. (-धः) 1. Waking, awaking. 2. Instructing. E. प्रति before, बुध् to know, घञ् aff.; also with ल्युट् प्रतिबोधन ।
- प्रतिबोधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Instructed, taught. 2. Awakened. E. प्रति, and बोधित taught.
- प्रतिभट :: m. (-टः) A rival.
- प्रतिभणित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Answered, replied. E. प्रति, and भणित said.
- प्रतिभय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Formidable, fearful, frightful. n. (-य) Fear. E. प्रति completely, and भय fear.
- प्रतिभा :: f. (-भा) 1. Understanding, intellect, especially as opening or expanding. 2. Sharpness, brilliancy of conception. 3. Genius, especially poetic genius. 4. Light, splendour. 5. Reflected light. 6. Audacity, boldness, confidence, consequence. 7. An image. E. प्रति before, भा to shine, affs. ड and टाप् ।
- प्रतिभाग :: n. (-गं) A share of small articles, as fruit, flowers, &c. paid daily to the Rājā for household expenditure. E. प्रति, and भाग a share.
- प्रतिभात :: f. (-ता) Adj. 1. Known, understood. 2. Luminous, bright.
- प्रतिभान :: n. (-नं) 1. Boldness, audacity. 2. Brilliancy, light. 3. Intellect, understanding. 3. Presence of mind. E. प्रति before, भा to shine, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रतिभानवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Bold, prompt, audacious. 2. Bright, brilliant. E. प्रतिभान and मतुप् aff.
- प्रतिभान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Confident, bold, audacious. 2. Acquir- ing knowledge or experience. 3. Endowed with genius. E. प्रतिभा confidence, अन्वित joined.
- प्रतिभामुख :: mfn. (-खः -खी -खं) Confident, bold, arrogant. E. प्रतिभा con- fidence, मुख the face.
- प्रतिभाव :: m. (-वः) Corresponding character or disposition. E. प्रति, and भाव quality.
- प्रतिभावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Confident, bold. 2. Knowing, shrewd. 3. Bright, luminous. m. (-वान्) 1. The sun. 2. The moon. 3. Fire. E. प्रतिभा light, lustre, मतुप् aff.
- प्रतिभाववत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Social. E. प्रतिभाव, and मतुप् aff.
- प्रतिभाषा :: f. (-षा) An answer, a reply.
- प्रतिभासन :: n. (-नं) Look, appearance.
- प्रतिभासा :: m. (-साः) 1. Occurring to the mind at once. 2. Illusion. 3. Look, appearance.
- प्रतिभाहानि :: f. (-निः) 1. Loss or absence of knowledge, want of sense. 2. Dulness, darkness. E. प्रतिभा knowledge, and हानि abandonment.
- प्रतिभिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Separated, divided. 2. Pierced through. 3. Closely connected. E. प्रति before, भिद् to break, क्त aff.
- प्रतिभू :: m. (-भूः) A surety, a bail. E. प्रति implying substitution, भू to be, aff. क्विप् ।
- प्रतिभेदन :: n. (-नं) 1. Piercing, cutting, penetrating. 2. Separating. dividing. 3. Putting out, (as the eyes.) E. प्रति before, भिद् to break, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रतिभोग :: m. (-गः) Enjoyment.
- प्रतिम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Like, resembling, (In composition) f. (-मा) 1. A resemblance, a figure, an image, a picture. 2. An idol. 3. The part of an elephant's head between the tusks. 4. Similarity, Similitude. 5. Measure, extent. E. प्रति against, मा to measure, अङ् and टाप् aff.
- प्रतिमण्डल :: n. (-लं) An eccentric orbit.
- प्रतिमता :: f. (-ता) Reflection, image, shadow. E. प्रतिम, and तल् aff.; also with त्व, प्रतिमत्वं ।
- प्रतिमन्दिरम् :: Ind. In every house.
- प्रतिमल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) An antagonist.
- प्रतिमान :: n. (-नं) 1. Resemblance, an image, picture. 2. An idol. 3. A model. 4. Likeness, similarity. 5. A reflection. 6. A weight. 7. The part of an elephant's head between the tusks. E. प्रति before, मा to measure, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रतिमानभाग :: m. (-गः) The part of an elephant's head between the tusks. E. प्रतिमान, and भाग part.
- प्रतिमाया :: f. (-या) Counter spell, counter-charm.
- प्रतिमार्ग्गक :: m. (-कः) The city of HARIŚ CHANDRA. E. प्रति contrary, मार्ग a road, and कन् aff.; having come back part of the way to earth, after being raised to heaven.
- प्रतिमाला :: f. (-ला) An exercise analogous to capping verses, reciting verse for verse, (as a trial of memory or skill.) E. प्रति against, माला a garland.
- प्रतिमासम् :: Ind. Every month, monthly.
- प्रतिमित्र :: n. (-त्रं) An enemy, an adversary.
- प्रतिमुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Clothed, put upon, worn, armed, accoutred. 2. Thrown mutually or at one another. 3. Loosed or liberated re- peatedly. 4. Released. 5. Hurled, flung. E. प्रति against, मुच् to loosen, aff. क्त ।
- प्रतिमुख :: n. (-खं) (In dramatic composition), A secondary plot or inci- dent, calculated either to promote or obstruct the catastrophe, adv. n. (-खं) 1. In front, before, in presence. 2. Near. E. प्रति, and मुख the face.
- प्रतिमुखागत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Come before, or in front of. 2. Run against. E. प्रतिमुख and आगत come.
- प्रतिमुद्रा :: f. (-द्रा) A counter-seal.
- प्रतिमुहूर्त्तम् :: Ind. Every moment.
- प्रतिमूर्त्ति :: f. (-र्त्ति) An image, a likeness.
- प्रतिमूषिका :: f. (-का) A kind of rat.
- प्रतिमेन्दु :: m. (-न्दुः) The image, reflection or resemblance of the moon. E. प्रतिमा and इन्दु the moon.
- प्रतिमोक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) Liberation, deliverance.
- प्रतिमोचन :: n. (-नं) Loosening, 2. Retaliating, retribution. 3. Liberation, release.
- प्रतियत्न :: mfn. (-त्नः -त्ना -त्नं) Active, vigorous, diligent, making effort or exertion. m. (-त्नः) 1. Desire, wish. 2. Taking prisoner, making captive. 3. Comprehension. 4. Acting well or properly. 5. Acquiring a new virtue or accomplishment. 6. Making complete or perfect. 7. A making or preparing. 8. Retaliating, recrimination, revenge. 9. Opposition, counteraction. E. प्रति much or against and यत्न effort.
- प्रतियातन :: n. (-नं) Requital, retaliation.
- प्रतियातना :: f. (-ना) A resemblance of real forms, a picture, a statue, &c. E. प्रति against, यातना an applying.
- प्रतियान :: n. (-नं) Return, retreat.
- प्रतियूथप :: n. (-पः) The leader of a hostile herd of elephants.
- प्रतियोग :: n. (-गं) 1. Opposition, contradiction, controversy. 2. Co-operation, association. 3. Existing, as the counterpart of anything. 4. A re- medy, an antidote. E. प्रति against, युज् to join, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रतियोगिता :: f. (-ता) 1. Mutual co-operation. 2. Opposition. 3. Existence as a counterpart. 4. Dependent existence. E. प्रतियोगिन्, and तल् aff.
- प्रतियोगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) 1. Who or what impedes or opposes. 2. What co-operates with. m. (-गी) 1. An opponent. 2. A partner, an associate. 3. A counterpart. 4. Any thing or object dependent upon another and not existing without it. E. प्रतियोग, and इनि aff.
- प्रतियोध :: m. (-धः) An adversary in fight, an antagonist.
- प्रतिरक्षण :: n. (-णं) Preserving. E. प्रति, and रक्षण keeping.
- प्रतिरथ :: m. (-थः) An opposite fighter in a war-chariot.
- प्रतिरम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) Passion, rage, violent or passionate abuse. E. प्रति before, रभि to sound, and अच् aff.
- प्रतिरव :: m. (-वः) Quarrel. E. प्रति + रु-अप् ।
- प्रतिराज :: m. (-जः) A hostile king.
- प्रतिरात्र :: n. (-त्रं) Every night. E. प्रति repeatedly, and रात्र for रात्रि night.
- प्रतिरुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Impeded, hindered. 2. Obstructed, opposed. 3. Surrounded, invested, blockaded. 4. Impaired. E. प्रति before, रुध् to oppose, क्त aff.
- प्रतिरुरूषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing to speak or tell. E. प्रति, and रु to cry, desid. v., उ aff.
- प्रतिरूप :: n. (-पं) A picture, an image, the counterpart of any real form. Adj. Corresponding, suitable, proper. E. प्रति against, रूप form; also with कन् added, प्रतिरूपक ।
- प्रतिरोद्धृ :: mfn. (-द्धा -द्ध्री -द्धृ) Who or what opposes, hinders, prevents, &c. E. प्रति before, रुध् to obstruct तृच् aff.
- प्रतिरोध :: m. (-धः) 1. Opposition, impediment. 2. An opponent. 3. Con- cealing, hiding. 4. Siege, blockade. 5. Theft, robbery. 6. Abuse, censure. E. प्रति before, रुध् to oppose, and घञ् aff.; also with ल्युट्, प्रतिरोधन ।
- प्रतिरोधक :: m. (-कः) 1. A thief, a robber. 2. An obstacle. 3. An opponent. E. प्रति severally, रुध् to obstruct, aff. ण्वुल् ।
- प्रतिरोधिन् :: mfn. (-धी -धिनी -धि) Who or what obstructs, opposes, impedes, controverts, &c. m. (-धी) 1. A thief, a robber, 2. An opponent. E. प्रति against, रुध् to hinder, aff. णिनि ।
- प्रतिलक्षण :: n. (-णं) A mark, a sign, a token.
- प्रतिलम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Obtaining, getting. 2. Censure, reviling, abuse. E. प्रति before, लभि to sound, aff. घञ्; also with ल्युट् aff. प्रतिलम्भन ।
- प्रतिलाभ :: m. (-भः) Taking back, obtaining back.
- प्रतिलिपि :: f. (-पि) A transcript, a copy.
- प्रतिलोम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Left, not right. 2. Reverse, inverted, contrary
to the natural course or order, against the hair or grain. 3. Hos- tile. 4. Low, vile, base, depraved. 5. In law, contrary to caste, (ap- plied to the issue of a woman higher in caste than her husband.) E. प्रति reverting, and लोमन् hair of the body, aff. अच् ।
- प्रतिलोमक :: n. (-कं) Inverted order.
- प्रतिलोमज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Born in the inverse order of the classes, as of a Kshetriya father and Brāhman mother, of a Vaisya father and Kshetriya or Brāhman mother, &c. E. प्रतिलोम, and ज born.
- प्रतिवचन :: n. (-नं) 1. A reply, an answer, a rejoinder. 2. An echo. E. प्रति again, back again, and वचन speech.
- प्रतिवचस् :: n. (-चः) 1. An answer, a reply. 2. An echo. E. प्रति again and वचस् speech.
- प्रतिवत्सरम् :: Ind. Every year.
- प्रतिवसथ :: m. (-थः) A village. E. प्रति before, वस् to abide, अथच् aff.
- प्रतिवस्तु :: n. (-स्तुं) 1. An equivalent. 2. A parallel.
- प्रतिवस्तूपमा :: f. (-मा) A figure of Speech.
- प्रतिवाक्य :: mfn. (-क्यः -क्या -क्यं) Answerable, admitting or requiring an an- swer. n. (-क्यं) A reply, an answer. E. प्रति before, वाक्य a speech, or वाक् speech, and यत् aff.
- प्रतिवाच् :: f. (-वाक्) An answer, a reply. E. प्रति again, वाच् speech.
- प्रतिवाणि :: f. (-णिः) 1. An answer. 2. A rejoinder. E. प्रति before, वाणि speech.
- प्रतिवात :: n. adv. (-तं) To leeward, against the wind. E. प्रति, and वात wind.
- प्रतिवाद :: m. (-दः) 1. A rejoinder, a reply. 2. Refusal. E. प्रति + वद-घञ् ।
- प्रतिवादिन् :: m. (-दी) 1. A defendant, a respondent, (in law.) 2. An oppon- ent. E. प्रति again and वादिन् who speaks.
- प्रतिवाप :: m. (-पः) Addition of substance to medicines, either during or after decoction. E. प्रति and वप् to sow, घञ् aff.
- प्रतिवार :: m. (-रः) Warding off.
- प्रतिवारण :: n. (-णं) 1. Keeping back, warding off. E. प्रति + वारि-ल्यु ।
- प्रतिवार्त्ता :: f. (-र्त्ता) Account, news, information.
- प्रतिवासर :: n. adv. (-रं) Day by day. E. प्रति severally, and वासर a day.
- प्रतिवासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) A neighbour, neighbouring. E. प्रति near, about, and वासिन् who resides.
- प्रतिविघात :: m. (-तः) Striking back.
- प्रतिविधान :: n. (-नं) 1. Arrangement, array. 2. Counteracting, taking measures against. 3. Subsidiary, or substituted ceremony. E. प्रति and विधान precept.
- प्रतिविधि :: m. (-धिः) 1. Retaliation. 2. A remedy.
- प्रतिविम्ब :: n. (-म्बं) A resemblance or counterpart of real forms, as a picture, an image a shadow, &c. E. प्रति back again, and विम्ब an image; or प्रति + आचारे क्विप् नामधातुः पर० अक० सेट् ।
- प्रतिविम्बात :: m. (-तः) A mirror. E. प्रतिविम्ब and अत what goes.
- प्रतिविशिष्ट :: f. (-ष्टा) Adj. Most excellent.
- प्रतिविषा :: f. (-षा) A plant, commonly Ātāich or Atis, (Betula.) E. प्रति against, and विष venom; an antidote.
- प्रतिविष्णु :: Ind. (-ष्णु) To or in place of VISHṆU. E. प्रति, and विष्णु the deity so named.
- प्रतिविष्णुक :: m. (-कः) The muchukunda tree.
- प्रतिविहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Arranged, arrayed. E. प्रति and वि before, धा to have, क्त aff.
- प्रतिवीर्य :: n. (-र्यं) Being a match for.
- प्रतिवेलम् :: Ind. On every occasion.
- प्रतिवेश :: m. (-शः) 1. The residence of a neighbour, a neighbouring house or neighbourhood. 2. A neighbour. E. प्रति against, विश् to enter, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रतिवेशवासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Neighbouring, a neighbour. E. प्रतिवेश, and वासिन् who dwells.
- प्रतिवेशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) A neighbour, neighbouring, E. प्रतिवेश neighbourhood, इनि aff.
- प्रतिवेश्य :: m. (-श्यः) A neighbour.
- प्रतिवेष्टित :: Adj. f. (-ता) 1. Surrounded. 2. Rolled back.
- प्रतिव्यूह :: m. (-हः) The array of an army against an enemy.
- प्रतिशङ्कनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be ever held in fear or doubt. E. प्रति and शङ्कनीय to be apprehended.
- प्रतिशङ्का :: f. (-ङ्का) Constant fear or doubt. E. प्रति and शङ्का fear.
- प्रतिशब्द :: m. (-ब्दः) 1. Echo. 2. A roar.
- प्रतिशम :: m. (-मः) Cessation.
- प्रतिशयन :: n. (-नं) Laying down without food before any deity for the attainment of an object. E. प्रति + शी-भावे ल्युट् ।
- प्रतिशाप :: m. (-पः) Curse for curse.
- प्रतिशासन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sending a servant on a message, ordering or dispatching an inferior after calling him to attend. 2. Giving orders. 3. Counter-authority. E. प्रति severally, शासन ruling; also प्रतिशास्ति f. (-स्तिः)
- प्रतिशिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Celebrated, famous. 2. Sent, ordered, dis- patched. 2. Dismissed. E. प्रति intensitive, and शिष्ट celebrated, &c.
- प्रतिशीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Melted, fluid, dropping, oozing. E. प्रति before, श्यै to drop, क्त aff.
- प्रतिश्या :: f. (-श्या) Catarrh. E. प्रति before, श्यै to go, to run, affixes अङ् and टाप्; also प्रतिश्याय ।
- प्रतिश्याय :: m. (-यः) Catarrh. E. प्रति before, श्यै to go, to drop, aff. अच् ।
- प्रतिश्रय :: m. (-यः) 1. An assembly. 2. A house, a dwelling. 3. An asylum, a place of refuge. 4. Help, assistance. 5. Promise. 6. A place of sacrifice, the room or building where the sacrifice is performed. 7. A place where food, &c. is given away. E. प्रति completely, श्री to serve, aff. अच् ।
- प्रतिश्रव :: m. (-वः) Promise, assent, agreement. E. प्रति before, श्रु to hear, aff. अप् ।
- प्रतिश्रवण :: n. (-णं) 1. Assenting to, listening to, (with attention and obedience.) 2. Promising, agreeing. E. प्रति, श्रु to hear, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रतिश्रुत् :: f. (-श्रुत्) 1. Repeated sound, echo. 2. Promise. E. प्रति before, श्रु to hear, aff. क्विप्, and तुक् added.
- प्रतिश्रुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Promised, assented, agreed, accepted. E. प्रति mutually, श्रुत heard.
- प्रतिश्रुति :: f. (-तिः) A reverberation.
- प्रतिषिद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Forbidden, prohibited, disallowed. 2. Con- tradictory. E. प्रति against, सिद्ध granted.
- प्रतिषिद्धसेवन :: n. (-नं) Doing what is prohibited. E. प्रतिषिद्ध and सेवन following.
- प्रतिषिद्धसेविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Following or doing what is forbidden. E. प्रतिसिद्ध, and सेविन् who serves.
- प्रतिषेद्धृ :: mfn. (-द्धा -द्ध्री -द्धृ) A prohibitor or prohibitive, prohibiting or forbidding. E. प्रति before, सिद्ध to make complete, aff. तृच् ।
- प्रतिषेध :: m. (-धः) 1. Prohibition, forbidding, exception, contradiction. 2. Denial, refusal. E. प्रति before, सिद्ध to be perfect, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रतिषेधक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what forbids, preventive, prohibitive. E. प्रति before, सिध् to complete, ण्वुल् aff.
- प्रतिषेधन :: n. (-नं) Prohibiting, prohibition. 2. Denial, refusal. E. प्रति, सिद्ध to complete, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रतिषेधाक्षर :: n. (-रं) Denial.
- प्रतिषेधोक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Denial, refusal.
- प्रतिषेधोपमा :: f. (-मा) A kind of Simile thus explained by Dandin:--
“न जातु शक्तिरिन्दोस्ते मुखेन प्रति गर्जितुम् । कलङ्किनो जडस्येति प्रतिषेधोपमैव सा ॥”
But according to modern writers this would be a व्यतिरेक ।
- प्रतिष्क :: m. (-ष्कः) A spy, an emissary. E. प्रति before, कष् to strike, aff. डं, and सुक् augment.
- प्रतिष्कश :: m. (-शः) 1. A spy, a secret emissary, a Harkarā. 2. A companion. 3. A leader, a preceder. 4. A whip, a leather thong. E. प्रति before, कश् to hurt or kill, aff. अच् and सुट् augment; if it is used attributively to imply the application of a whip, the augment is not inserted, as प्रतिकशाश्वः a horse that is whipped on.
- प्रतिष्कष :: m. (-षः) A whip, a leather thong. E. प्रति before, कष् to hurt, aff. अच्, and सुट् augment.
- प्रतिष्कस :: m. (-सः) A spy, a messenger, an emissary. E. प्रति before, कस् to go, aff. अच् and सुट् augment.
- प्रतिष्टब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) Obstructed, impeded, stopped. E. प्रति before, ष्टभि to hinder, aff. क्त ।
- प्रतिष्टम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) Obstacle, impediment, opposition. E. प्रति before, ष्टभि to hinder, aff. अच्; or प्रति + स्तम्भ-भावे घञ् षत्वम् ।
- प्रतिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Famous. f. (-ष्ठा) 1. Fame, celebrity. 2. The earth. 3. The accomplishment of a religious ceremony or any set of rites, especially those instituted for the attainment of super- natural and magical powers. 4. A form of metre, consisting of a stanza of four lines, of four syllables each: it is also applied to a form of the Gāyatrī, being a triplet of 8, 7, and 6 syllable lines, making altogether 21 syllables. 5. Place, scite. 6. Staying, stand- ing, fixation. 7. Limit, boundary. 8. Accomplishment, completion, (in general.) 9. Consecration of a monument erected in honour of a deity, or of the image of a deity. 10. Endowment of a temple, portioning or marrying a daughter, &c. 11. Fixity, Strength, firm foundation 12. Prop, support, Stay. 13. Rest, tranquility. 14. A receptacle. 15. High authority, par-eminence. m. (-ष्ठः) The father of SUPĀRSWA, the seventh Jaina pontiff. E. प्रति before, स्था to stay or stand, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
- प्रतिष्ठान :: n. (-नं) 1. Site, situation. 2. Foundation. 3. Celebrity. 4. The capital of the early kings of the lunar dynasty, opposite to Allā- hābād. 5. The capital of SĀLIBĀHANA on the Godāvery, in the Dakshin. E. प्रति and स्थान place.
- प्रतिष्ठापन :: n. (-नं) Fixing, placing, locating. E. प्रति before, स्था to stay, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
- प्रतिष्ठापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Set up, located, fixed, erected. E. प्रति before, स्था to stay, causal v. क्त aff.
- प्रतिष्ठासु :: mfn. (-सुः -सुः -सु) Wishing or intending to stay or remain. E. प्रति before, स्था to stay, desid. v., उ aff.
- प्रतिष्ठित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Famous, celebrated. 2. Completed, finished. 3. Consecrated. 4. Endowed, portioned. 5. Established in life, married, &c. 6. Placed, situated. 7. Established, fixed. 8. Appli- cable or applied to. 9. Comprised or included in, 10. Prized, valued. 11. Secured, acquired. E. प्रतिष्ठा as above, इतच् aff.
- प्रतिष्णात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pure, (as a thread.) E. प्रति before, ष्णा to bathe, क्त aff., in any other sense प्रतिस्नात ।
- प्रतिसंङ्क्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Reflection. 2. Reabsorption.
- प्रतिसंख्या :: f. (-ख्या) Consciousness. E. प्रति + सम + ख्या-भावे अङ् ।
- प्रतिसंविद् :: f. (-वित्) An accurate knowledge of anything.
- प्रतिसंहार :: m. (-रः) 1. Compression, diminution. 2. Comprehension, inclusion. 3. Withdrawing, taking back. E. प्रति, and सम् before, हृ to take, घञ् aff.
- प्रतिसंहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Comprehended, included. 2. Compressed, reduced in bulk. E. प्रति and संहृत collected.
- प्रतिसञ्चर :: m. (-रः) 1. Reabsorption. 2. Reabsorption of the world in Prakriti or in other words, the destruction of the world.
- प्रतिसन्देश :: m. (-शः) A message sent in return.
- प्रतिसन्धान :: n. (-नं) 1. Self-command, suppression of feeling for a time. 3. Praise, panegyric. 3. Meditating upon. 4. Joining together. 5. The period of transition between two ages. 6. A remedy, a means. E. प्रति and सम् before, धा to have, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रतिसन्धि :: m. (-न्धिः) 1. Reunion. 2. Cessation. 3. The period of transi- tion between two ages. E. प्रति + सम् + धा-कि ।
- प्रतिसम :: Adj. A match for.
- प्रतिसमाधान :: n. (-नं) A remedy, a cure. E. प्रति, सम and आङ् before, धा to have, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रतिसमासन :: n. (-नं) 1. Resisting, withstanding. 2. The being a match for.
- प्रतिसर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) A servant, servile, dependent. m. (-रः) 1. The rear of an army. 2. A garland, a wreath. 3. A bracelet. 4. Cicatri- zing or healing, (as a sore.) 5. A form of magic or incantation. 6. Daybreak, morning. mn. (-रः-रं) 1. A string worn round the hand
at nuptials, &c. 2. Ornament, adorning. 3. The junction of the frontal sinuses of an elephant. E. प्रति before, सृ to go, aff. अच् ।
- प्रतिसर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) 1. The portion of a Purāṇa, which treats of the des- truction and renovation of the world. 2. Secondary creation, or the creation of the world by the agency of BRAHMĀ. and other divine beings regarded as the agents of one Supreme Being. 2. Dissolution. E. प्रति severally, सर्ग going.
- प्रतिसव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Inverted, reverse. E. प्रति intensitive and सव्य the left.
- प्रतिसान्धानिक :: m. (-कः) A bard, a panegyrist. E. प्रतिसन्धान praise, and ठक् aff.
- प्रतिसायम् :: Ind. Every-evening.
- प्रतिसारण :: n. (-णं) 1. Repelling, repulsion. 2. Applying remedies to a wound. 3. An instrument for anointing a wound. E. प्रति, सृ to go, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
- प्रतिसारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Repelled, repulsed. 2. Dressed, as a wound. E. प्रति before, सृ to go, causal v., क्त aff.
- प्रतिसीरा :: f. (-रा) An outer tent, a screen or wall of cloth. E. प्रति before, षिञ् to bind, affs. रक् and टाप्, and the radical vowel made long.
- प्रतिसूर्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) A lizard, a chameleon. n. adv. (-र्य्यं) 1. Opposite to the sun. 2. A mock sun. E. प्रति before, सूर्य्य the sun.
- प्रतिसूर्य्यक :: m. (-कः) 1. A lizard, a chameleon. 2. The sun's disk. E. प्रति before or about, सूर्य्य the sun, aff. कन् ।
- प्रतिसृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Sent, dispatched. 2. Repulsed. 3. Celebrated. 4. Given. 5. Intoxicated. E. प्रति before, सृज् to create, &c. aff. क्त ।
- प्रतिस्कन्ध :: n. adv. (-न्धं) Upon the shoulders. E. प्रति, and स्कन्ध shoulder.
- प्रतिस्नात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bathed, washed. E. प्रति before, ष्णा to bathe, क्त aff.
- प्रतिस्नेह :: m. (-हः) A requital of love.
- प्रतिस्पन्दन :: n. (-नं) Throbbing, vibration. E. प्रति, and स्पन्दन throbbing.
- प्रतिस्पर्द्धा :: f. (-र्द्धा) Emulation, rivalry, the wish or effort to excel or overcome. E. प्रति definitive prefix, and स्पर्द्धा emulation.
- प्रतिस्पर्द्धिन् :: mfn. (-र्द्धी -र्द्धिनी -र्द्धि) 1. Envious, emulous, a rival. 2. Refractory, rebellious. E. प्रतिस्पर्द्धा, and इनि aff.
- प्रतिस्याय :: m. (-यः) Catarrh. E. प्रति before, श्यै to drop, aff. अच्; see प्रतिश्याय ।
- प्रतिस्रोतस् :: n. adv. Against the stream. E. प्रति, and स्रोतस् current.
- प्रतिस्वन :: m. (-नः) Echo.
- प्रतिस्वर :: m. (-रः) Reverberation.
- प्रतिहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Disappointed. 1. Opposed, obstructed. 3. Fallen, overthrown. 4. Sent, despatched. 5. Hated, disliked. 6. Tied, bound. 7. Struck, hurt, killed, especially in return or requital. 8. Repulsed, repelled. 9. Reflected. E. प्रति before, हत hurt or killed.
- प्रतिहतमति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Averse to hating, disliking. E. प्रतिहत, and मति mind.
- प्रतिहति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Repulse, rebound, beating back or again. 2. Disa- ppointment. 3. Rebound. 4. Anger, wrath. E. प्रति, and हति striking.
- प्रतिहनन :: n. (-नं) 1. Striking again, returning a blow, &c. E. प्रति, and हनन striking.
- प्रतिहन्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being failed or disappointed. E. प्रतिहन् to disappoint, pass, v., शानच् aff.
- प्रतिहरण :: n. (-णं) Avoiding, shunning. E. प्रति before, हृ to take, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रतिहस्त :: m. (-स्तः) A deputy, a substitute. E. प्रति, and हस्त the hand; also with कन् added प्रतिहस्तक ।
- प्रतिहस्तिन् :: m. (-स्ती) The keeper of a brothel.
- प्रति(ती)हार :: m. (-रः) 1. A door. 2. A door-keeper. 3. A Juggler. 4. Trick, disguise. E. प्रति against, हृ to take, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रतिहारक :: m. (-कः) A Juggler. E. कन् added to प्रतिहार ।
- प्रतिहारण :: n. (-णं) Entrance, permission to enter a door. E. प्रति before, हृ to take, causal v. ल्युट् aff.
- प्रतिहारभूमि :: f. (-मि) A threshold.
- प्रतिहाररक्षी :: f. (-क्षि) A female door-keeper.
- प्रतिहास :: m. (-सः) 1. Returning a laugh, laughing with or at. 2. A shrub, (Nerium odorum.) E. प्रति intensitive, हस् to smile, aff. घञ्, whence it is also प्रतीहास ।
- प्रतिहित :: f. (-ता) Adj. 1. Fitted to. 2. Placed on.
- प्रतिहिंसा :: f. (-सा) Retaliation, revenge. E. प्रति, and हिंसा injury.
- प्रतीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Contrary, adverse. 2. Inverted, reversed, against the natural order or state. 3. Directed towards. m. (-कः) 1. A limb, a member. 2. A part, a portion n. (-कं) 1. the face. 2. The front. 3. An image. 4. The first word of a verse or sentence. E. प्रति before, ई to go, ईकन् aff.
- प्रती(ति)कार :: m. (-रः) 1. Revenge, retaliation. 2. Remedying, obviating, correcting. 3. Remedying, administering medicines. E. प्रति against, (re), and कार making, re-action, the is made long in conse- quence of the aff. being घञ् ।
- प्रतीकाश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Like, resembling, (in composition.) m. (-शः) 1. Look, appearance. 2. Reflection. E. प्रति before, काश् to shine, aff. घञ्; it is also written प्रतिकाश ।
- प्रतीक्षक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Expecting. 2. Looking at. E. प्रति before, ईक्ष् to see, ण्वुल् aff.
- प्रतीक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Looking to or at, considering, referring to. 2. Re- specting. 3. Expecting, waiting for. E. प्रति before, ईक्ष् to see, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रतीक्षणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be had in view, to be considered or re- garded. E. प्रति before, ईक्ष् to see, अनीयर् aff.
- प्रतीक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) 1. Reference, regard to, consideration, looking to or at. 2. Hope, expectation. 3. Waiting for. E. प्रति before, ईक्ष् to see, अङ् and टाप् affs.
- प्रतीक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Contemplated, considered, had regard to. 2. Respected, honoured. 3. Expected, looked for, hoped. E. प्रति before, ईक्ष् to see, क्त aff.
- प्रतीक्षिन् :: mfn. (-क्षी -क्षिणी -क्षि) Expecting, looking or waiting for. E. प्रतीक्षा, and इनि aff.
- प्रतीक्ष्य :: mfn. (-क्ष्यः -क्ष्या -क्ष्यं) 1. To be considered, to be had regard to. 2. To be expected. Ind. Having considered, having expected, &c. 3. Venerable, respectable. E. प्रति before, ईक्ष् to see, aff. ण्यत् or ल्यप् ।
- प्रतीघात :: m. (-तः) Warding off or returning as a blow. 2. Preventing, prohibiting. E. प्रतिघात, and the इ made long.
- प्रतीची :: f. (-ची) The west quarter: see प्रत्यच् ।
- प्रतीचीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. West, western, westerly. 2. Future, Subse- quent. E. प्रतीची the west, and खश् aff.
- प्रतीच्छक :: m. (-कः) A receiver.
- प्रतीच्य :: mfn. (-च्यः -च्या -च्यं) Western, west. E. प्रतीच for प्रत्यच् west, and यत् aff.
- प्रतीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Famous, celebrated, renowned. 2. Known by the name of, called. 3. Glad, delighted, pleased. 4. Respectful. 5. Past, gone. 6. Proved, established. 7. Firmly determined. 8. Learned. 9. Believing in E. प्रति before, इ to go, aff. क्त ।
- प्रतीति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Knowledge, understanding. 2. Fame, renown. 3. Respect. 4. Delight. 5. Conviction. E. प्रति before, इ to go, aff. क्तिन् ।
- प्रतीत्त :: f. (-त्ता) Adj. Given back.
- प्रतीन्धक :: m. (-कः) A name of the Videha country.
- प्रतीप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) 1. Turned away, having the face averted. 2. Back- wards, following an order or course the reverse of natural, against the grain or stream. 3. Retrograde, coming back. 4. Disobedient, refractory, perverse. 5. Cross, contradictory. 6. Disagreeable, dis- pleasing. m. (-पः) The father of SĀNTANU, and grandfather of BHĪSHMA. n. (-पं) Comparing Upamāna or a new object with Upa- meya or the established object, as with the moon, &c., inverse comparison. There are five forms of this figure according to some, and four according to others; some contend that it is not a
separate figure but a form of Upamā. E. प्रति before, अप् water, and the अ changed to इ by special rule.
- प्रतीपम् :: It is used as an indeclinable in the sense of “against” as in मा स्म प्रतीपं गमः; secondly “in an inverted order.”
- प्रतीपग :: Adj. Going against, unfavourable.
- प्रतीपगमन (-नं) :: n. Retrograde motion.
- प्रतीपतरण :: n. (-णं) Sailing against the stream.
- प्रतीपदर्शिनी :: f. (-नी) A woman. E. प्रतीप turning the face away, and दर्शिनी looking.
- प्रतीपवचन :: n. (-नं) 1. Contradiction. 2. A perverse or evasive answer, a speech to a third person without replying to a previous speaker. E. प्रतीप, and वचन speech.
- प्रतीमान :: n. (-नं) A measure of capacity. E. प्रति, and मा to measure, ल्युट् aff. and the vowel of the prep. made long.
- प्रतीयमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being believed or trusted. E. प्रति before, इ to go, pass. v., शानच् aff.
- प्रतीयिवस् :: mfn. (-वान् -युसी -वस्) Coming back, returning. E. प्रति back, ईय् to go, क्कसु aff.
- प्रतीर :: n. (-रं) A shore or bank. E. प्र beyond, तीर shore, aff. क ।
- प्रतीवाप :: m. (-पः) 1. Calcining or fluxing metals. 2. Throwing one sub- stance into another to alter its form or state. 3. Adding any thing to a medicine during or after decoction. 4. Mixing whey with milk. 5. A public danger or calamity, as a plague, &c. E. प्रति before, वप् to spread, aff. घञ्, whence the vowel of the prefix is lengthened.
- प्रतीवेश :: m. (-शः) A neighbouring residence, a neighbourhood: see प्रतिवेश ।
- प्रतीवेशिन :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) A neighbour, living in the neighbourhood. E. प्रतिवेश a neighbourhood, and इनि aff; also प्रतिवेशिन् ।
- प्रतीहार :: m. (रः) 1. A door. 2. A porter, a warder. 3. An agreement for return of assistance, alliance, confederacy. f. (-री) A female door-keeper; (though this word is a feminine in form, is not necessarily so in sense.) E. प्रति severally, mutually, हृ to convey, aff. घञ्; also प्रतिहार ।
- प्रतीहास :: m. (-सः) A plant, (Nerium odorum.) E. प्रति before, हस् to smile, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रतुद :: m. (-दः) 1. A bird of game, a falcon, a hawk, or rather one that kills or strikes with his beak, including also the owl, parrot, crow, raven, peacock, &c. 2. An instrument for pricking. E. प्र before, तुद् to torment, (with the beak,) and क aff.
- प्रतुष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) Satisfaction, gratification.
- प्रतुष्टुषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) 1. Wishing to praise. 2. Wishing to prepare or make ready. E. प्र before, ष्टु to praise, desid. v., उ aff.
- प्रतूणी :: f. (-णी) Pain shooting from the rectum along the bowels.
- प्रतूर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Quick, fleet. E. प्र before, त्वर् to make haste, क्त aff.
- प्रतोद :: m. (-दः) 1. A long whip. 2. A goad. E. प्र thoroughly, तुद् to tor- ment, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रतोली :: f. (-ली) A high street, the principal road through a town or village. E. प्र before, तुल् to weigh, aff. अच् गौरा० ङीष् ।
- प्रतोलीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Having a high street, (a town.) E. कन् added to the last.
- प्रत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Given, presented. 2. Given in marriage, either betrothed or married. E. प्र before, दा to give, aff. क्त, form special.
- प्रत्तवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Giving, presenting. E. प्र before, दा to give, क्तवतु aff.
- प्रत्न :: mfn. (-त्नः -त्ना -त्नं) 1. Old, ancient. 2. Traditional, customary. E. प्र for प्रगे here said to mean old, त्न aff. and गे rejected.
- प्रत्यक :: Ind. 1. Subsequent, behind, following in time or place. 2. In an opposite direction. 3. Against. 4. In the interior. 5. Uniform, unmixed. 6. Western. 7. Formerly, in old days: see प्रत्यच् ।
- प्रत्यक्पर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A plant, (Achyranthes aspera.) E. प्रत्यच् uniform, and पर्ण a leaf. “अपामार्गे” ।
- प्रत्यक्पुष्पी :: f. (-ष्पी) A plant, (Achyranthes aspera.) E. प्रत्यच् uniform, पुष्प a flower. “अपामार्गे ।”
- प्रत्यक्श्रेणी :: f. (-णी) 1. A plant, commonly Dantī. 2. A plant, (Sal- vinia cucullata.) E. प्रत्यक् western, and श्रेणी line or row. “मूषिकपर्ण्याञ्च ।”
- प्रत्यक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) 1. Perceptible, perceivable, present, cognizable by any of the organs of sense. 2. Distinct, clear, evident. 3. Direct, immediate. 4. Corporeal. n. (-क्षं) Ocular evidence, apprehension by the senses, perception, (considered as a mode of proof. In Phil.) E. अक्ष an organ of sense with प्रति indicative prefix.
- प्रत्यक्षम् :: It is used as an indeclinable in the sense of:--1. In the pre- sence of, before, 2. Publicly. 3. Immediately, directly, personally: also similar words as प्रत्यक्षेण and प्रत्यक्षात् ।
- प्रत्यक्षज्ञान :: n. (-नं) Knowledge obtained by perception.
- प्रत्यक्षतस् :: Ind. Evidently, perceptibly. E. प्रत्यक्ष, and तम् aff.
- प्रत्यक्षदर्शन :: m. (-नः) A witness, an eye-witness. E. प्रत्यक्ष what is present, and दर्शन seeing.
- प्रत्यक्षप्रमा :: f. (-मा) Correct knowledge obtained through perception by the senses.
- प्रत्यक्षप्रमाण :: n. (-णं) 1. Ocular proof, evidence of the senses. 2. An organ or faculty of perception. E. प्रत्यक्ष and प्रमाण proof.
- प्रत्यक्षफल :: Adj. Having visible consequences.
- प्रत्यक्षभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Manifested, become visible. E. प्रत्यक्ष and भूत become.
- प्रत्यक्षभोग :: m. (-गः) Enjoyment or use of any thing with the con- sciousness of the owner. E. प्रत्यक्ष, and भोग enjoyment.
- प्रत्यक्षवादिन् :: m. (-दी) A Bauddha. E. प्रत्यक्ष, and वादिन् who declares; admitting of no other evidence than actual presence.
- प्रत्यक्षविहित :: Adj. Expressly enjoined.
- प्रत्यक्षिन् :: mfn. (-क्षी -क्षिणी -क्षि) Seeing, perceiving, conscious of what is perceptible. E. प्रत्यक्ष perceptible, and इनि aff.
- प्रत्यक्षीकरण :: n. (-णं) Making manifest or apparent. E. प्रत्यक्ष, करण mak- ing, च्वि aug.
- प्रत्यक्षीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Manifested, displayed, made present or visible. E. प्रत्यक्ष and कृत made, च्वि aug.
- प्रत्यक्स्रोतस् :: Adj. Flowing towards the west. f. (-तः) An epithet of Narmadā, the river.
- प्रत्यगक्ष :: n. (-क्षं) An inner organ.
- प्रत्यगात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) The individual soul.
- प्रत्यगाशापति :: m. (-तिः) A name of VARUṆA. E. प्रत्यक् west, आशा a quarter, पति regent or lord.
- प्रत्यगुदच् :: f. (-दङ्) The north-west.
- प्रत्यग्र :: mfn. (-ग्रः -ग्रा -ग्रं) 1. New, fresh, recent. 2. Pre-purified. 3. Repea- ted. E. प्रति before, अग्र first.
- प्रत्यग्रता :: f. (-ता) Newness, freshness. E. तल् added to प्रत्यग्र; also with त्व, प्रत्यग्रत्वं ।
- प्रत्यग्रथ :: m. (-थः) A country; also अहिच्छत्र ।
- प्रत्यग्रवयस् :: n. (-यः) Youth. E. प्रत्यग्र, and वयस् age.
- प्रत्यङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) An organ of perception. n. Adv. (-ङ्गं) On the body, or the limbs severally. n. Subst. (-ङ्गं) 1. A minor member of the body, as the chin, nose, ear, &c. 2. A subdivision of science, &c. E. प्रति belonging to, अङ्ग the body.
- प्रत्यङ्गिराः :: f. (-रा) A form of DURGĀ, one of the goddesses of the Tantrīkas.
- प्रत्यङ्मुख :: mfn. (-खः -खी -खं) Facing the west. E. प्रत्यञ्च, and मुख face.
- प्रत्यच् :: or प्रत्यञ्च् mfn. (-प्रत्यङ् -प्रतीची or according to some प्रत्यञ्ची -प्रत्यक्) 1. Behind or subsequent, following in time or place. 2. Turned away. 3. West, western. 4. Uniform, unmixed. E. प्रति before, अञ्च् to go, aff. क्विप् or विच्; the neuter form is used as a particle: see प्रत्यक् ।
- प्रत्यदन :: n. (-नं) 1. Eating. 2. Food. E. प्रति before, अदन eating.
- प्रत्यनन्तर :: n. Adv. (-रं) Next in succession. E. प्रति, अनन्तर without an interval.
- प्रत्यनीक :: m. (-कः) An enemy. n. (-कं) Injuring one who cannot retaliate. E. प्रति against, अनीक an army.
- प्रत्यन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्त) Bordering, skirting, contiguous. m. (-न्तः) The country of the Mlechchhas or savages. E. प्रति about, अन्त the end.
- प्रत्यन्तपर्व्वत :: m. (-तः) A small hill near a mountain. E. प्रत्यन्त skirting, and पर्व्वत a mountain.
- प्रत्यभिज्ञात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Recognised, known. E. प्रति, and अभि before, ज्ञा to know, aff. क्त ।
- प्रत्यभिज्ञान :: n. (-नं) Recognition, knowing, recognising. E. प्रति and अभि before, ज्ञा to know, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रत्यभिभूत :: f. (-ता) Overcome, conquered.
- प्रत्यभियुक्त :: f. (-क्ता) Accused in return.
- प्रत्यभियोग :: m. (-गः) A counter plaint or charge, an accusation brought against the accuser or plaintiff. E. प्रति against, अभियोग accusation.
- प्रत्यभिवाद :: m. (-दः) Returning a salute or obeisance, the benediction of a teacher. E. प्रति (re), अभिवाद salute; also प्रत्यभिवादन ।
- प्रत्यय :: m. (-यः) 1. Trust, faith, belief, confidence. 2. Oath, ordeal. 3. Cause, motive. 4. Usage, custom, practice. 5. Fame, celebrity. 6. Certainty, ascertainment. 7. Knewledge, apprehension. 8. A termination or an affix to roots and words forming derivatives and inflections, (in Gram.) 9. A dependent, a subject, 10. Instrument, means of agency, a helpmate or associate, applicable either to persons or things. 11. A householder who keeps a sacred fire. 12. Religious contemplation. 13. A hole. E. प्रति again, against, to or towards, इण् to go, aff. अच् ।
- प्रत्ययकारिणी :: f. (-णी) A seal, a signet. E. प्रत्यय confidence, and कारिणी causing.
- प्रत्ययित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Trusted, confidential. E. प्रत्यय confidence, and इतच् aff.
- प्रत्ययिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Trusting, believing, having faith in. E. प्रत्यय, and इनि aff.
- प्रत्यर्थ :: n. (-र्थं) 1. A reply, an answer, a counter-representation. 2. Oppo- sition, hostility. f. (-र्था) Useful, expedient. E. प्रति successive order, and अर्थ representation.
- प्रत्यर्थक :: m. (-कः) An opponent.
- प्रत्यर्थिन् :: mfn. (-र्थी -र्थिनी -र्थि) 1. Hostile, inimical. 2. Opposing, contra- dicting, rejecting. m. (-र्थी) 1. An enemy. 2. (In law,) A defendant. E. प्रति again, against (re), अर्थ meaning, intention, &c. इनि aff.
- प्रत्यर्पण :: n. (-णं) The returning of a thing. E. प्रति back, अर्पण delivering.
- प्रत्यर्पित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Returned, restored, re-delivered. E. प्रति again, अर्पित delivered.
- प्रत्यवमर्श :: m. (-र्शः) 1. Counsel, advice, injunction. 2. Profound contem- plation. 3. A counter-conclusion. E. प्रति and अव before, मृश् to advise, घञ् aff.
- प्रत्यवमर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Patience, constant in pursuit or exertion. E. प्रति, अव before, मृष् to bear, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रत्यवरोधन :: n. (-नं) Obstruction, hindrance.
- प्रत्यवसान :: n. (-नं) Eating. E. प्रति and अव prefixed to षो to destroy, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रत्यवसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Eaten. E. प्रति, अव before, षो to destroy, aff. क्त ।
- प्रत्यवस्कन्द :: m. (-न्दः) A special plea at law; admission of a fact, but quali- fying or explaining it so as not to allow it to be a matter of accu- sation. E. प्रति against, अव before, स्कदि to go, aff. घञ्; also with ल्युट् aff. प्रत्यवस्कन्दन ।
- प्रत्यवस्थातृ :: m. (-ता) An enemy. E. प्रति and अव before, स्था to stay, to oppose or encounter and तृच् aff.
- प्रत्यवस्थान :: n. (-नं) 1. Former state or place, in status quo. 2. Removal. 3. Opposition, hostility. E. प्रति and अवस्थान situation.
- प्रत्यवहार :: m. (-रः) 1. Withdrawal. 2. Universal destruction.
- प्रत्यवाय :: m. (-यः) 1. Sin. 2. Disappearance, either of what exists or non- production of what does not exist. 3. Reverse, contrary course or proceeding. 4. Disappointment. 5. Disarrangement. E. प्रति and अव before, इण् to go, aff. अच् ।
- प्रत्यवेक्षण :: n. (-णं) Looking after, taking care of.
- प्रत्यश्मन् :: n. (-श्म) Red chalk. E. प्रति like, अश्मन् a stone. “गैरिके” ।
- प्रत्यस्तमय :: m. (-यः) 1. The setting of the sun. 2. End, cessation.
- प्रत्यहम् :: Ind. 1. In the morning. 2. Day by day, every day. E. प्रति implying succession, and अहन् a day.
- प्रत्याकार :: m. (-रः) A scabbard, a sheath. E. प्रति like, आकार form.
- प्रत्याकलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Interposed. 2. Introduced, as a step in legal process. E. प्रति and आङ् before, कल् to go, क्त aff.
- प्रत्याक्षेपक :: f. (-पिका) Deriding, treating scornfully.
- प्रत्याख्यात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Removed, set aside. 2. Informed, apprised. 3. Discouraged, prohibited, forbidden. 4. Denied, refused. 5. Celebrated, notorious. E. प्रति before, आख्यात said, declared.
- प्रत्याख्यान :: n. (-नं) 1. Rejection, refutation, disallowance, disregard. 2. Denial, refusal. 3. Reproach. E. प्रति reverse, आङ् before, ख्या to say and ल्युट् aff.
- प्रत्याख्येय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be declined or refused. 2. To be refuted, denied, &c. E. प्रति and आङ् before, ख्या to speak, यत् aff.
- प्रत्यागत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Come back, returned. 2. Arrived at. E. प्रति again, आगत come.
- प्रत्यागम :: m. (-मः) 1. Return. 2. Arrival. E. प्रति, and आगम coming; also प्रत्यागमन ।
- प्रत्यागार :: m. (-रः) Former place or state. E. प्रति, and आगार mansion.
- प्रत्यादान :: n. (-नं) Resumption, receiving back.
- प्रत्यादिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Removed, set aside. 2. Informed, apprised. 3. Warned, cautioned. 4. Declared, (as from heaven.) E. प्रति before, आदिष्ट shewn.
- प्रत्यादेश :: m. (-शः) 1. Rejection, disallowance. 2. Information, apprising, informing. 3. Warning, caution. 4. Refusal, denial. 5. Putting to shame, obscuring. 6. Heavenly annunciation or declaration. E. प्रति, आङ् before, दिश् to shew, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रत्यानयन :: n. (-नं) 1. Bringing back, recovering. E. प्रति, आङ् before, णी to lead, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रत्यानिनीषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Desirous of bringing back. E. प्रति and आङ् be- fore, णी to bring, desid. v., उ aff.
- प्रत्यानीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Brought back. E. प्रति and आङ् before, णी to obtain, क्त aff.
- प्रत्यापत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Return. 2. Indifference to wordly objects.
- प्रत्याम्नाय :: m. (-यः) The fifth member of a complete syllogism, (the repe- tition of the first statement). E. प्रतिरूपतया आम्नायते प्रति + आ + म्ना- कर्मणि घञ् । प्रतिनिधित्वेन विधीयमाने ।
- प्रत्याय :: m. (-यः) A toll, a tax.
- प्रत्यायन :: n. (-नं) 1. Marrying. 2. Setting. E. प्रति + आ + इ-णिच् “णौ गमिर बोधने” पातञ्जल उक्तेः न गमादेशः भावे ल्युट् । बोधने, विश्वासजनने च ।
- प्रत्यालीढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Eaten. n. (-ढं) A particular attitude in shoot- ing, the left foot advanced and right retracted. E. प्रति and आङ् before, लिह् to lick, aff. क्त ।
- प्रत्यावर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) Returning, coming back. E. प्रति and आङ् before, वृत् to be, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रत्यावृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Returned, come back. E. प्रति and आङ् before, वृत् to be, क्त aff.
- प्रत्याशा :: f. (-शा) Hope, expectation, desire. E. प्रति specific, and आशा hope.
- प्रत्याशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Hoping, expecting. E. प्रत्याशा, and इनि aff.
- प्रत्याश्वस्त :: f. (-स्ता) Revived refreshed, consoled.
- प्रत्याश्वास :: m. (-सः) 1. Respiration. 2. Consolation.
- प्रत्यासङ्कलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Added to. 2. Ascertained, determined. E. प्रति and आङ् before, सङ्कलित added.
- प्रत्यासत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Close contact. 2. An agony.
- प्रत्यासन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Near, proximate, contiguous. E. प्रति before, आसन्न near.
- प्रत्यास(सा)र :: m. (-रः) 1. The rear of an army. 2. An array behind an array. E. प्रति and आङ् before, सृ to go, अप् aff.
- प्रत्यासार :: m. (-रः) 1. The rear of an army. 2. A form of array. E. प्रति and आङ् before, सृ to go, aff. घञ्; also प्रत्यासर ।
- प्रत्याहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Repelled, resisted, repulsed. E. प्रति, and आहत struck.
- प्रत्याहरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Restraining the organs of sense. 2. Taking back. 3. Withholding. E. प्रति and आङ् before, हृ to take, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रत्याहरणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be restrained or controlled. 2. Resum- able, to be taken back. 3. To be withheld, &c. E. प्रति and आङ् before, हृ to take, अनीयर् aff.; also प्रत्याहर्त्तव्य and प्रत्याहार्य्य ।
- प्रत्याहार :: m. (-रः) 1. Abstraction, insensibility, restraining the organs so as to be indifferent to disagreeable or agreeable excitement, (in Yoga Phil.) 2. Abridgement, compendium. 3. (In gram. Combination of two or more letters of the alphabet to form a class of letters; the inclusion of a number of letters into one syllable effected by combining the first letter of a Sūtra with its final indicatory consonant:--as “अच्” or “हल्” in Pānini's gram. 4. Substitution of one thing for another. 5. Withholding. 6. Taking back. 7. March- ing back, retracting. 8. The dissolution of the world. E. प्रति and आङ् before, हृ to seize or convey, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रत्याहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Withheld. 2. Restrained. 3. Resumed, &c.: E. प्रति and आङ् before, हृ to take, क्त aff.
- प्रत्युक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Answer, reply. 2. Contradiction. E. प्रति again, वच् to speak, aff. क्तिन्, the semi-vowel changed to उ ।
- प्रत्युच्चार :: m. (-रः) Repetition.
- प्रत्युज्जीवन :: n. (-नं) Revivifying, resuscitation.
- प्रत्युत :: Ind. On the contrary, on the other hand, otherwise. E. प्रति and उत whether.
- प्रत्युत्क्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. A subordinate act, or effort tending to a main object. 2. First step or measure in any business. 3. Declaration of war. 4. Setting out to assail an enemy. E. प्रति and उत् before, क्रम् to go, aff. अच्; also प्रत्युत्क्रमण and प्रत्युत्क्रान्ति ।
- प्रत्युत्क्रान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) A subordinate act, tending to a main object, &c.: see the last. E. As above, see प्रत्युत्क्रम aff. क्तिन् ।
- प्रत्युत्तर :: n. (-रं) A rejoinder, a reply to an answer, an answer. E. प्रति again, उत्तर an answer.
- प्रत्युत्थान :: n. (-नं) 1. Rising from a seat, as a mark of respect shown to a visitor. 2. Making preparations for an encounter. 3. Rising against. E. प्रति and उत् before, स्था to stay, aff. ल्युट ।
- प्रत्युत्थित :: f. (-ता) Adj. Risen to meet or to encounter.
- प्रत्युत्पन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Reproduced, regenerated. 2. Prompt, ready. 3. (In arithmetic,) Multiplied. n. (-न्नं) 1. Multiplication. 2. The product of a sum in multiplication. E. प्रति again, उत्पन्न produced, or प्रति and उत् before, पन्न made, done.
- प्रत्युत्पन्नजाति :: f. (-तिः) (In arithmetic,) Assimilation of fractional increase. E. प्रत्युत्पन्न, and जाति reduction.
- प्रत्युत्पन्नमति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) 1. Confident, bold, arrogant. 2. Sharp, subtle, quick. 3. Endowed with presence of mind, ready-witted. E. प्रत्युत्पन्न prompt, and मति mind.
- प्रत्युद्गत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Met. 2. Risen, as from a seat to receive a visitor. 3. Gone forth against. E. प्रति, उद्गत gone up.
- प्रत्युद्गम :: m. (-मः) 1. Rising, as from a seat. 2. Going to meet a guest, &c. 3. Counterbalance. E. प्रति and उद् before, गम् to go, अच् aff.
- प्रत्युद्गमन :: n. (-नं) 1. Rising from a seat, as a mark of respect, &c. 2. Going forth or out, going to meet any one, &c. E. प्रति and उत् before, गम् to go, aff. घञ्; also with ल्युट्, प्रत्युद्गमनं ।
- प्रत्युद्गमनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be placed near, upon or before. 2. To be worshipped or reverenced. n. (-यं) A pair of bleached cloths, or the upper and lower garments, as worn at meals and sacrifices, &c. E. प्रति and उत् before, गम् to go, अनीयर् aff. of the future par- ticiple.
- प्रत्युद्धरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Recovering, re-obtaining. 2. Rising up again. E. प्रति, उद् before, हृ to take, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रत्युद्धृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Recovered. E. प्रति and उद् before, हृ to take, क्त aff.
- प्रत्युद्यम :: m. (-मः) Counteracting.
- प्रत्युद्यात :: f. (-ता) Adj.: see प्रत्युद्गत ।
- प्रत्युपकार :: m. (-रः) Requital or aid or assistance, mutual assistance. E. प्रति, and उपकार aid.
- प्रत्युपकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Requiting a favour or kindness. E. प्रत्युपकार and इनि aff.
- प्रत्युपलब्ध :: f. (-ब्धा) Recovered, gained back.
- प्रत्युपवेष :: m. (-षः) Besetting any one in order to bring him to compliance.
- प्रत्युपस्थान :: n. (-नं) Vicinity, neighbourhood.
- प्रत्युप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Set, inlaid, studded. 2. Sown. E. प्रति before, वप् to sow, क्त aff.
- प्रत्युव :: m. (-षः) The morning, dawn, daybreak. E. See प्रत्यूष ।
- प्रत्युषस् :: n. (-षः) Morning. E. See प्रत्यूषस् ।
- प्रत्यूष :: mn. (-षः-षं) 1. Morning. 2. One of the demi-gods called VASUS. 3. The sun. E. प्रति before, ऊष् to be sick, aff. क; also with उष् to burn, प्रत्युष; and with असि aff. प्रत्युषस् ।
- प्रत्यूषस् :: n. (-षः) Morning, dawn. E. प्रति before, ऊष् to be sick, and असि aff.; also प्रत्युष and प्रत्युषस् ।
- प्रत्यूह :: m. (-हः) Obstacle, impediment. E. प्रति before, ऊह् to infer, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रत्येक :: n. Adv. (-कं) Singly, one by one, one at a time. E. प्रति, and एक one.
- प्रत्येतृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Believing, trusting, having confidence. E. प्रति before, इ to go, तृच् aff.
- प्रथ :: r. 1st. cl. (प्रथते) 1. To be famous or renowned. 2. To increase. 3. To Spread abroad. 4. To appear, to arise. भ्वा० आ० अक० सेट् । r. 10th cl. (प्राथयति-ते) 1. To throw or cast. 2. To scatter, to spread. 3. To celebrate. ख्यातौ अक० विक्षेपे सक० चुरा० उभ० सेट् घटा ।
- प्रथन :: n. (-नं) 1. Spreading, extension, scattering. 2. Throwing, projec- ting. 3. Celebrating. 4. Showing, evincing. 5. A place where any thing is spread. E. प्रथ् to cast, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रथम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. First, prior, initial. 2. Chief, principal, incomparable. 3. The “third person” (in gram.) according to European System. The nominative Plu. M. of this word is either प्रथमे or प्रथमा E. प्रथ् to be famous, अमच् Unādi aff.
- प्रथमम् :: It is used as an indeclinable in the sense of:--1. Firstly. 2. Previously. 3. Immediately. 4. Before.
- प्रथमकल्प :: m. (ल्पः) The best course to follow.
- प्रथमकल्पित :: f. (-ता) Adj. 1. First in rank. 2. Previously devised.
- प्रथमयौवन :: n. (-नं) The first period of youth.
- प्रथमसाहस :: m. (-सः) The first or lowest degree of fine or punishment. E. प्रथम, and साहस infliction.
- प्रथयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) 1. Displaying, making manifest, famous, &c. 2. Seeing, beholding. 3. Casting, throwing. E. प्रथ् to be famous, शतृ aff.
- प्रथा :: f. (-था) Fame, celebrity. E. प्रथ् to be famous, affs. अङ् and टाप् .
- प्रथित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Famous, celebrated. 2. Made known, declared. 3. Increased, extended. 4. Published announced. 5. Shewn, mani- fested, evinced. 6. Spread, scattered. 7. Stretched. 8. Cast, thro- wn. 9. Intent upon, engaged in, occupied with, devoted to. E. प्रथा fame, aff. इतच् .
- प्रथिति :: f. (-तिः) Celebrity, notoriety. E. प्रथ् to be famous, ति Unādi aff., and इट् aug.
- प्रथिमन् :: m. (-मा) Greatness, extension, magnitude. E. पृथु large, इमनिच् aff. form irr.
- प्रथिमिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Large, great, having size or magnitude. E. प्रथिमा magnitude, and इनि aff.
- प्रथिवि :: f. (-वि) The earth; also प्रथिवी ।
- प्रथिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Very large. E. पृथु large, इष्ठन् superl, aff.
- प्रथीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Very large. E. पृथु large and ईयसुन् aff.
- प्रथु :: Adj. Wide, wide-spread, m. (-थुः) Vishṇu. E. प्रथ-उन् ।
- प्रथुक :: m. (-कः) The young of any animal. E. प्रथ् to be famous, कुकन् aff. see पृथुक . According to Vāchaspatya:--Rice parched and flattened. E. प्रथ बा उक “चिपिटके” ।
- प्रद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) A giver, giving bountiful. f. (-दा) A gift, a dona- tion. E. प्र before, दा to give, श aff. or अङ् and टाप् ।
- प्रदक्षिण :: mfn. subst. (-णः-णा-णं) Reverential salutation, by circumam- bulating a person or object, keeping the right side towards them. E. प्र before, दक्षिण the right.
- प्रदक्षिणम् :: It is used as an indeclinable in the sense of,:--1. From left to right. 2. Turning the right side towords. 3. In a southern direction.
- प्रदक्षिणपट्टिका :: f. (-का) A courtyard.
- प्रदग्ध :: f. (-ग्धा) Burnt, consumed.
- प्रदत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Given, bestowed, conferred. E. प्र before, दत्त given.
- प्रदर :: m. (-रः) 1. Splitting, rending, tearing. 2. Fracturation, breaking. 3. The dispersion of an army. 4. A disease of women, (Mænorr- hagia.) 5. An arrow. E. प्र intensitive, दृ to tear, aff. अप् ।
- प्रदर्प :: m. (-र्पः) Pride, arrogance.
- प्रदर्श :: m. (-र्शः) 1. Look, appearance. 2. Direction.
- प्रदर्शक :: m. (-कः) 1. A teacher, an expounder. 2. A prophet. E. प्र before, दर्शक who shews.
- प्रदर्शन :: n. (-नं) 1. Shewing. 2. Explaining generally, not exclusively. 3. Explaining or specifying. 4. An example. 5. Prophesying. 6. Look, aspect, appearance. E. प्र before, दृश् to see, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
- प्रदर्शित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Mentioned, specified. 2. Shewn. 3. Prophesied. 4. Taught. E. प्र before, दृश् to see, and क्त aff.
- प्रदल :: m. (-लः) An arrow. E. प्र before, दल् to tear, or the र of प्रदर changed to ल ।
- प्रदव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) 1. Who or what annoys, distresses, &c. 2. Burning, inflaming. E. दु to annoy, with प्र prefix, and अच् aff.
- प्रदातृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) 1. A donor, who or what gives. 2. One who gives a daughter in marriage. 3. An epithet of Indra. E. प्र before, दा to give, तृच् aff.
- प्रदान :: n. (-नं) 1. Gift, donation. 2. Bestowing, granting. 3. Instructing, teaching. 4. Giving away in marriage. 5. A goad. E. प्र before दा to give, or दो to cut, aff. ल्युट ।
- प्रदानक :: n. (-कं) An offering, a donation.
- प्रदाय :: n. (-यं) A present.
- प्रदि :: m. (-दिः) A present.
- प्रदिग्ध :: mfn. (-ग्धः -ग्धा -ग्धं) Smeared, anointed. n. (-ग्धं) Fried ment. m. (-ग्धः) A kind of sauce or gravy. E. प्र before, दिग्ध smeared.
- प्रदिश् :: f. (-दिक्) Intermediate point of the compass, or half quarter, as north-east, south-west. &c. 2. Direction, order, command. E. प्र implying division, and दिश् a point or quarter.
- प्रदिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Appointed, directed. E. 2. Shown. प्र before, दिश् to shew, क्त aff.
- प्रदीप :: m. (-पः) 1. A lamp. 2. Elucidation, (at the end of titles of works.) E. प्र before, दीप् to shine, aff. अच् ।
- प्रदीपन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) 1. Inflaming, illuminating. 2. Stimulating, exciting, who or what does so. n. (-नं) The act of inflaming,
exciting, &c. m. (-नः) A sort of mineral poison, of a red colour, and caustic operation. E. प्र before, दीप् to inflame, aff. ल्यु ।
- प्रदीप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Kindled, illuminated. 2. Shining, blazing, burning. 3. Excited, stimulated, (as hunger). E. प्र before, दीप् to inflame, क्त aff.
- प्रदुष्ट :: f. (-ष्टा) 1. Wicked, bad, Sinful. 2. Wanton, licentious.
- प्रदुह् :: mfn. (-धुक्) Who or what milks much or well. E. प्र before, दुह् to milk, क्विप् aff.
- प्रदूषित :: f. (-ता) Adj. 1. Spoiled, corrupted, vitiated. 2. Polluted, defiled.
- प्रदेय :: n. (-यं) A gift. E. प्र before, देय to be given.
- प्रदेश :: m. (-शः) 1. A place in general, a country a district, &c. 2. A foreign country, abroad. 3. A short span, measured from the tip of the thumb to the end of the fore-finger. 4. A wall. 5. Decision, determination. E. प्र before, देश place.
- प्रदेशन :: n. (-नं) 1. A gift, a present, a bribe of offering, any thing given to the gods, to superiors, or friends, &c. 2. Advice, instruction. f. (-नी) The fore-figner. E. प्र before, दिश् to show, aff. ल्युट्, fem. aff. ङीप् ।
- प्रदेशिनी :: f. (-नी) The fore-finger. E. प्र before, दिश् to shew, aff. णिनि, fem. aff. ङीप् ।
- प्रदेह :: m. (-हः) 1. Unguent, unction, a plaster. 2. Applying a plaster. E. प्र before, दिह् to plaster, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रदोष :: m. (-षः) 1. Evening, the first part of the night. 2. Fault, offence. defect, transgression. 3. A disordered condition. E. प्र implying commencement, &c. and दोष fault.
- प्रदोषतिमिर :: n. (-रं) The dusk of early night.
- प्रदोह :: m. (-हः) Milking.
- प्रद्यु :: n. Adv. (-द्यु) Heavenly, holy, securing heaven. E. प्र before, द्यु for द्युस् heaven.
- प्रद्युम्न :: m. (-म्नः) KĀMA, the Hindu CUPID, reborn as the son of KRISHṆA. by Rukmini. He was Stolen from the lying-in-chamber by Sam- bara when he was but six days old. Sambara cast him into the ocean when a large fish swallowed the child. The fish was caught by a fisherman and delivered to Sambara. When the fish was cut open his wife Māyābati found the beautiful boy alive and reared him up. When Pradyumna knew that Sambara had stolen him when a child he defied the demon to battle and killed him and went back to his father's house with Māyābati as his wife. E. प्र pre-eminent, द्युम्न power.
- प्रद्युतित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Illuminated, irradiated. E. प्र before, द्यु to shine, क्त aff., and the vowel unchanged; also प्रद्योतित ।
- प्रद्योत :: m. (-तः) 1. A ray of light. 2. Light, lustre. 3. Lighting, illumin- ing. 4. The name of a king of Ujjayinī but considered to be spurious by Mallinātha. E. प्र excess, and द्योत shining.
- प्रद्योतन :: m. (-नः) The sun. n. (-नं) Blazing, shining, light. E. प्र excess, द्युत् to shine, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रद्योतित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Illuminated, lighted. E. प्र . before, द्यु to shine, क्त aff; also प्रद्युतित ।
- प्रद्राव :: m. (-वः) 1. Flight, retreat, running away. 2. Going, going quick or well. E. प्र before, द्रु to go, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रद्राविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विणी -वि) Who retreats, flies, goes, &c. E. प्र before, द्रु to go, घिनुण् aff.
- प्रद्वार :: n. (-रं) A place near a door.
- प्रद्विष् :: mfn. (-द्विट्) Who hates or dislikes, hostile, inimical. E. प्र before, द्विष् to hate, क्विप् aff.
- प्रद्विषत् :: mfn. (-षन् -षन्ती -षत्) Hating, hostile, an enemy. E. प्र, and द्विषत a foe.
- प्रद्वेष :: m. (-षः) Dislike, aversion, hatred.
- प्रद्वेष्टृ :: mfn. (-ष्टा -ष्ट्री -ष्टृ) Who hates or dislikes. E. प्र before, द्विव् to hate, तृच् aff.
- प्रध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Who or what has or holds. E. प्र before, धा to have, श aff.
- प्रधन :: n. (-नं) 1. War, battle. 2. Tearing, rending, destroying. 3. Spoil taken in battle. E. प्र before, धा to have, aff. क्यु ।
- प्रधमन :: n. (-नं) 1. Blowing in or into. 2. A sternutatory.
- प्रधर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Assaulting, assailing.
- प्रधर्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Haughty, arrogant. 2. Attacked. E. प्र before, धृष् to be proud, क्त aff.
- प्रधर्षितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Proud, arrogant. E. प्र before, धृष् to be proud, क्तवतु aff.
- प्रधान :: n. (-नं) 1. Nature, the natural state of anything, or the cause of the material world. 2. The SUPREME GOD. 3. Intellect, understand- ing. 4. Chief, principal, (in this sense, it is always neuter and confined to the singular number.) mn. (-नः-नं) 1. The first com- panion of a king, his minister, his eunuch or confident, &c. a courtier, a noble, 2. An elephant-driver. f. (-ना) Prevalent, pre- dominant. E. प्र before, धा to have, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रधानतस् :: Ind. According to eminence or superiority. E. प्रधान, and तसि aff.
- प्रधानता :: f. (-ता) Excellence, superiority, supremacy. E. तल् added to प्रधान; also with त्व, प्रधानत्वं ।
- प्रधानधातु :: m. (-तुः) Semen virile. E. प्रधान principal, and धातु radical part.
- प्रधानपुरुष :: m. (-षः) 1. The most distinguished personage. 2. An epithet of SĪVA.
- प्रधानवृष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) Heaviest rain.
- प्रधानमन्त्रिन् :: m. (-न्त्री) Prime minister. E. प्रधान, and मन्त्रिन् counsellor.
- प्रधानाङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) The chief member of the body, the chief person of a state, branch of a science, &c. E. प्रधान, and अङ्ग limb.
- प्रधानामात्य :: m. (-त्यः) Prime minister. E. प्रधान, and अमात्य minister.
- प्रधानोत्तम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Warlike, brave. 2. Eminent. illustrious. E. प्रधान, and उत्तम best.
- प्रधावन :: m. (-नः) Air, wind. n. (-नं) Rubbing, rubbing off, washing off. E. प्र violently, धु to shake, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रधि :: m. (-धिः) 1. The periphery of a wheel. 2. A well. E. प्र principal, धा to have, कि aff.
- प्रधिमण्डल :: n. (-लं) The circumference of a wheel. E. प्रधि, मण्डल a circle.
- प्रधी :: Adj. Pre-eminently intelligent. f. (-धी) Great intelligence.
- प्रधूपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Heated, burned. 2. Lighted, inflamed. 3. Afflicted. 4. Excited. 5. Perfumed, fumigated. f. (-ता) 1. A woman in trouble or affliction. 2. The quarter to which the sun is proceed- ing. E. प्र before, धूप् to heat, aff. क्त ।
- प्रधृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Proud, arrogant. 2. Treated with contumely. E. प्र before, धृष् to be proud, क्त aff.
- प्रध्यान :: n. (-नं) Deep thought, reflection.
- प्रध्वंस :: m. (-सः) Destruction, loss. E. प्र entirely, ध्वंस loss.
- प्रध्वंसाभाव :: m. (-वः) Non-existence on account of annihilation, non-exis- tence of anything which existed before, (in logic.)
- प्रध्वंसिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Destroying, annihilating. E. प्र before, ध्वंस् to destroy, घिनुण् aff.
- प्रध्वनयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Causing to sound. E. प्र before, ध्वन् to sound, causal v, शतृ aff.
- प्रध्वस्त :: f. (-स्ता) Annihilated, destroyed.
- प्रध्मा :: mfn. (-ध्माः -ध्माः -ध्म) Blowing violently. E. प्र before, ध्मा to blow, aff. विच् ।
- प्रध्रुह् :: mfn. (-क्) 1. Injurious, doing wrong or violence to. 2. Rebel- lious, refractory. E. प्र before, द्रुह् to seek to hurt, क्विप् aff.
- प्रनर्त्तित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Shaken, agitated, set in motion. E. प्र before, नृत् to dance, causal v., क्त aff.
- प्रनप्तृ :: m. (-तृः) A great grandson.
- प्रनष्ट :: f. (-ष्टा) 1. Lost. 2. Disappeared, vanished. 3. Perished, ruined.
- प्रना(ण)ल :: mf. (-लः-ली) A water-course, a canal. E. प्र before, नल् to go, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रनिधातन :: n. (-नं) Killing, slaughter. E. प्र and नि before, हन् to kill or hurt, ल्युट् aff., and the radical letters changed.
- प्रनृत्त :: f. (-त्ता) Dancing. n. (-त्तं) A dance.
- प्रपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The extremity of a wing.
- प्रपञ्च :: m. (-ञ्चः) 1. Reverse, opposition, reversion or inversion. 2. Extent, expanse. 3. Heap, abundance, quantity. 4. Delusion, deceit, trick or fraud. 5. Joke, jest. 6. Prolixity, copiousness, in style or com- position. 7. Error, illusion, 8. The world, considered as the expansion of the primary germ and as the scene of manifold action. 9. Elucidation, explanation. 10. Phenomenon, appearance. E. प्र before, षचि to spread, aff. अच् ।
- प्रपञ्चन :: n. (-नं) 1. Diffusion. 2. Explanation.
- प्रपञ्चबुद्धि :: Adj. Cunning, artful.
- प्रपञ्चवचन :: n. (-नं) Prolix discourse.
- प्रपञ्चित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Expanded, diffused. 2. Erring, mistaken. 3. Tricked, deceived, beguiled. 4. Declared fully, explained, treated at length. E. प्रपञ्च prolixity, इतच् aff.
- प्रप्रतन :: n. (-नं) 1. Death dying. 2. Destruction. 3. Falling. 4. Alighting. 5. Flying forth. 6. A precipice, a rock. E. प्र before, पत् to fall, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रपतित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Dead. 2. Decayed. 3. Fallen. 4. Come down. E. प्र before, पत् to fall, क्त aff.
- प्रपथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) Languid, enervated, relaxed. E. प्र before, पथ् to go, aff. अच् ।
- प्रपद :: n. (-दं) The point of the foot, the tip of the toes. E. प्र projecting and पद the foot.
- प्रपदीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Relating to the top of the foot, extending to it, fitting it, &c. E. प्रपद, and ख aff.
- प्रपन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Taking refuge with. 2. Reaching, arriving at. 3. Seeking, adhering to. 4. Effecting, producing. 5. Promised, assent- ed to. 6. Attained, obtained, possessed of. 7. Poor. 8. Distressed. E. प्र before, पद् to go, क्त aff.
- प्रपन्नाड :: m. (-डः) The chakramarda tree. “दाद्मर्द्दन इति भाषा” See प्रपुन्नाड ।
- प्रपर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) A fallen leaf. E. प्र before, पर्ण a leaf.
- प्रपलायन :: n. (-नं) Flight, running away. E. प्र before, पलायन flying.
- प्रपलायित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -त) Routed, defeated. E. प्र before, पलायित the same.
- प्रपलायिन् :: m. (-यी) A fugitive, one who deserts his cause. E. प्र before, पलायिन् who flies.
- प्रपवण :: n. (-णं) Purifying. E. प्र before, पु to purify, ल्युट् aff., the ण being optionally changed, whence also प्रपवन ।
- प्रपवणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be purified or cleansed. E. प्र before, पु to purify, अनीयर् aff.; also प्रपवनीय .
- प्रपश्यत् :: mfn. (-श्यन् -श्यन्ती -श्यत्) 1. Foreseeing. E. प्र, and पश्यत् seeing.
- प्रपा :: f. (-पा) 1. A place where water is distributed. 2. A supply of water, 3. A Plan for watering cattle. 4. A well, a cistern. E. प्र before, पा to drink, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
- प्रपाठक :: m. (-कः) A chapter or subdivision of a book.
- प्रपाणि :: m. (-णिः) The palm of the hand. E. प्र prostrate, and पाणि the hand.
- प्रपाणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Drinkable. E. प्र before, पा to drink, अनीयर् aff.
- प्रपात :: m. (-तः) 1. A cliff, a precipice. 2. A cascade or water fall. 3. A bank, a shore. 4. Facing an enemy. 5. Going away, departure. 6. Falling down, a fall. 7. A sudden attack. 8. Throwing oneself down from a rock. 9. Emission, discharge. E. प्र before, पत् to des- cend, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रपाथ :: m. (-थः) A road, E. प्र before, पथ् to go, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रपादिक :: m. (-कः) A peacock.
- प्रपानक :: n. (-कं) A kind of drink or beverage.
- प्रपायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिणी -यि) 1. Who or what drinks. 2. Who or what protects. E. प्र before, पा to drink, &c. घिनुण् aff. and आय inserted.
- प्रपावन :: n. (-नं) A cool grove, a pleasure garden. E. प्रपा a place of refresh- ment, and वन a wood.
- प्रपितामह :: m. (-हः) 1. A paternal great grandfather. 2. A name of BRAMHĀ. f. (-ही) A paternal great grandmother. E. प्र preceding, पितामह a grandfather.
- प्रपितृव्य :: m. (-व्यः) A paternal grand uncle.
- प्रपित्सु :: mfn. (-त्सुः -त्सुः -त्सु) Wishing or intending to descend, alight, fall, &c. E. प्र before, पत् to go, desid, v., उ aff.
- प्रपीडन :: n. (-नं) 1. Pressing, squeezing. 2. An astringent.
- प्रपीत(न) :: f. (-ता or -ना) Adj. Swollen, extended.
- प्रपुनाड :: m. (-डः) A sort of Cassia, (C. tora,): see प्रपुन्नाड ।
- प्रपुन्नड :: m. (-डः) Cassia tora: see प्रपुन्नाड ।
- प्रपुन्ना :: f. (-न्ना) A sort of grass, (Hedysarum alhaji.)
- प्रपुन्नाड(ट) :: m. (-डः or टः) A tree, (Cassia tora.) E. प्र excellently, पुमस् mankind, and णल् to smell, aff. अण्, the स of पुमस् is rejected, and the ल of the radical changed optionally to ड or ट; the anti- penultimate is occasionally short, and one of the conjunct न is sometimes rejected; whence the word is variously written, प्रपुन्नाल, or प्रपुन्नड, or प्रपुनाड, &c.
- प्रपुन्नाल :: m. (-लः) Cassia tora: see the last. “चाकुन्दा” ।
- प्रपूरण :: n. (-णं) 1. The drawing out of a bow string for the purpose of shooting. 2. Inserting, injecting. 3. Filling, filling up. 4. Satisfy- ing, satiating.
- प्रपूरिका :: f. (-का) A prickly nightshade, (Solanum Jacquini.) “कण्टकार्य्याम् ।”
- प्रपृष्ठ :: f. (-ष्ठा) Adj. Having a prominent back.
- प्रपौण्डरीक :: m. (-कः) A small herbaceous plant, used in medicine as a perfume, commonly Punderya; in medicine it forms the basis of applications to ulcers, and bad eyes. E. प्र excellent, पुण्डरीक the same, and अण् pleonastic aff.
- प्रपौत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A great grandson. f. (-त्री) A great grand-daughter. E. प्र preceding, पौत्र a son's son.
- प्रप्यान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Fat, bulky. E. प्र before, प्याय् to be fat, क्त aff.
- प्रफुल्त :: f. (-ल्ता) See the next. E. प्र + फल्-क्त आदित्वात् इटोऽभावे अत इत्त्वम् । प्र + फुल्ल-विकाशे अच् वा (लद्वययुतः) Mallināth reads प्रफुल्लम् and notices the variant of this word in his commentary on Raghubansha.
- प्रफुल्ल :: mfn. (-ल्लः -ल्ला -ल्लं) 1. Blown, as flower. 2. Smiling. 3. Shining. 4. Glad, pleased. E. प्र before, फुल्ल flowered.
- प्रफुल्लनयन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Having full or sparkling eyes. E. प्रफुल्ल, नयन the eye.
- प्रफुल्लवदन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Having a cheerful or smiling countenance, looking gay or happy. E. प्रफुल्ल, and वदन face.
- प्रबद्ध :: Adj. f. (-द्धा) 1. Bound, fastened. 2. Suppressed, checked, stopped.
- प्रबद्धृ :: m. (-द्धृः) An author.
- प्रबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) 1. Continuous application or action, continuance, unin- terruptedness. 2. A connected discussion. 3. A tie, a bond. 4. A literary composition, particularly a poetical one. E. प्र before, बधि to bind, aff. अच् ।
- प्रबन्धकल्पना :: f. (-ना) A feigned story, a work of imagination, whether founded on fact or not. E. प्रबन्ध a connected narrative, and कल्पना a making.
- प्रबन्धन :: n. (-नं) Bond, tie. E. प्र + बन्ध्-ल्युट् ।
- प्रबभ्र :: m. (-भ्रः) An epithet of INDRA.
- प्रब(व)र्ह :: f. (-र्हा) Adj. Most excellent.
- प्रबल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Strong, powerful. 2. Important. 3. Violent. 4. Dangerous. m. (-लः) A sprout, a shoot. E. प्र before, बल् to be strong, aff. अच् ।
- प्रब(व)ल्हिका :: f. (-काः) See प्रहेलिक्रा ।
- प्रबाधन :: n. (-नं) 1. Oppressing, tormenting. 2. Refusing, denying.
- प्रबाधमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Paining, afflicting, tormenting. E. प्र before, बाध् to pain, शानच् aff.
- प्रबाल :: mn. (-लः-लं) 1. Coral. 2. A shoot, a sprout, a new leaf. 3. The neck of a lute, m. (-लः) 1. An animal. 2. A pupil. E. प्र before, बल to be strong, and aff. घञ्; also प्रबालक ।
- प्रबालफल :: n. (-लं) Red sandal wood.
- प्रबालाश्मन्तक :: m. (-कः) The red Asmantaka tree.
- प्रबालवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Having new leaves or shoots. E. प्रबाल, and मतुप् aff.
- प्रबालिक :: m. (-कः) “जीवशाके” ।
- प्रबाहु :: m. (-हुः) The forearm.
- प्रबाहुकम् :: Ind. 1. On high. 2. At the same time.
- प्रबुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Wise, learned. 2. Blown, expanded. 3. Wake- ned, awake, roused. 4. Beginning to take effect. E. प्र before, बुध् to be wise, aff. क्त ।
- प्रबोध :: m. (-धः) 1. Vigilance, wakefulness, active or vigilant state of being. 2. Intellect, understanding. 3. Knowledge, wisdom. 4. Sense, consciousness. 5. Awaking either from ignorance or sleep. 5. Blowing, (as of a flower.) 6. Consolation. 7. Reviving the frag- rance of a perfume. E. प्र before, बुध् to understand, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रबोधन :: n. (-नं) 1. Awaking, arousing, exciting, reviving. 2. Instruc- tion. 3. Knowledge, wisdom. 4. Reviving the fragrance of a per- fume, which had lost its scent. f. (-नी) The lunation on which VISHṆU is supposed to wake from his sleep, the eleventh of the light half of Kārtika; also प्रबोधिनी . E. प्र before, बुध् to know or understand, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रबोधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Aroused, awakened. 2. Instructed. E. प्र be- fore, बुध् to know, causal v., क्त aff.
- प्रबोधिता :: f. (-ता) A species of the Atijagatī metre.
- प्रभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Breaking down, destroying. E. प्र before, भञ्ज to break, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रभञ्जन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Breaking, destroying. m. (-नः) Air or wind. E. प्र before, भञ्ज् to break, aff. युच् ।
- प्रभद्र :: m. (-द्रः) The Nimba tree.
- प्रभव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) 1. Born, produced. 2. Superior, powerful. m. (-वः) 1. Generative cause, the basis or root of being or existence. 2. The operative cause, or immediate origin of being, as the father or mother, &c. 3. The place of receiving existence, or where an object is first perceived, as हिमवान् गङ्गाप्रभवः the Himavāna moun- tain, (is) the place where Gangā is first seen. 4. Birth, production. 5. The basis or origin of water. i. e. “Light.” 6. The name of a Muni. 7. Strength, superiority, power. 8. The Creator. E. प्र supe- riority or manifestation, and भव being.
- प्रभवन :: n. (-नं) 1. Being born or produced. 2. Ruling, presiding. E. प्र before, भू to be, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रभविष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) 1. Mighty, potent. 2. Born completely or well. 3. An epithet of Vishṇu. E. प्र before, भू to be, इष्णुच् aff.
- प्रभविष्णुता :: f. (-ता) Consequence, importance, power, authority, supre- macy. E. प्र before, भू to be, इष्णुच् aff. and तल् aug.
- प्रभव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be born or produced. 2. Fit for rule. E. प्र before, भू to be, aff. क्यप्; also प्रभवनीय and प्रभवितव्य ।
- प्रभा :: f. (-भा) 1. Light, radiance. 2. A ray of light. 3. The city of KUVERA. 4. One of the wives of the sun. 5. A name of DURGĀ. 6. A name of an Apsarā. E. प्र exceeding, भा to shine, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
- प्रभाकर :: m. (-रः) 1. The sun. 2. Fire. 3. The moon. 4. The ocean. 5. An epithet of Śiva. 6. Name of a learned author, the founder of that school of the Mimānsā philosophy which goes by his name. E. प्रभा light, and कर what makes. “कुशद्वीपस्थे वर्षभेदेः अष्टममन्वन्तरे च” ।
- प्रभाकीट :: m. (-टः) The fire-fly. E. प्रभा light, कीट insect.
- प्रभाग :: m. (-गः) 1. Division. 2. The fraction of a fraction, (in Math.)
- प्रभाज् :: mfn. (-भाक्) Who or what shares or divides. E. प्र before, भज् to divide, and ण्वि aff.
- प्रभाञ्जन :: m. (-नः) A tree, (Hyperanthera morunga.) E. प्रभा light, beauty, अञ्ज् to go, aff. ल्युट् । “शोभाञ्जने” ।
- प्रभात :: n. (-तं) Morning, dawn, daybreak. f. (-ता) Begun to become light. E. प्र before, भा to shine, aff. क्त ।
- प्रभातरल :: Adj. Tremulously radient.
- प्रभान :: n. (-नं) Light, radiance, shining. E. प्र before, भा to shine, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रभानीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be irradiated or lighted. E. प्र before, भि to shine, अनीयर् aff.
- प्रभामण्डल :: n. (-लं) A circle of light.
- प्रभालेपिन् :: Adj. Covered with splendour.
- प्रभाव :: m. (-वः) 1. Majesty, dignity, magnanimity, glory, high-spirit. 2. Power, strength. 3. Spirit. 4. Tranquillizing, conciliation. 5. Splendour, brilliance. 6. Miraculous or superhuman power. E. प्र pre-eminence, भाव quality.
- प्रभावज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Proceeding from conscious majesty or power. E. प्रभाव, and ज born.
- प्रभावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Luminous, radiant, splendid. f. (-ती) 1. The mother of MALLI the 19th of the Jinas or Jaina saints. 2. The lute of one of the demi-gods attendant on SĪVA or other principal deities. 3. A form of poetical metre. E. प्रभा light or splendour, and मतुप् poss. aff.
- प्रभाषण :: n. (-णं) Explanation, interpretation.
- प्रभास :: m. (-सः) 1. A place of pilgrimage near DWĀRAKĀ in the west of India. 2. One of the eight VASUS. 3. One of the Gaṇād- hipas of the Jainas. 4. Splendour, beauty. E. प्र before, भास् to shine, aff. अच् ।
- प्रभासन :: n. (-नं) Illumining, brightening.
- प्रभिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Well cut or detached. 2. Severed, separated. 3. Budded, opened, expanded. 4. Altered, changed, deformed. 5. Loosened. m. (-न्नः) A furious elephant, one in rut, or from whose temples the juice is exuding. E. प्र much, भिन्न broken, or seized with fury.
- प्रभिन्नाञ्जन :: n. (-नं) A kind of collyrium mixed with oil.
- प्रभु :: mfn. (-भुः -भ्वी -भु) 1. Strong, able, (generally with an inf.) 2. Always, eternal. 3. A superior, an owner, a proprietor, a master or mistresss, &c. 4. A match for, (with a dat.) m. (-भुः) 1. A master, a lord. 2. A name of VISHṆU. 3. Quick silver. 4. Sound. E. प्र pre-emi- nent, भू to be, aff. क्विप् and the final vowel made short.
- प्रभुता :: f. (-ता) Greatness, power, supremacy, lordship or sovereignty. E. प्रभु master, aff. तल्; also with त्व aff. प्रभुत्व n. (-त्वं) ।
- प्रभुभक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Faithful, devoted. m. (-क्तः) A good horse. E. प्रभु a master and भक्त worshipped.
- प्रभुभक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Attachment to a lord, faithfulness.
- प्रभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Much, abundant. 2. Gone up or upwards. 3. Been, become, produced. 4. High, Lofty. 5. Goverened, presided over. 6. Mature, perfect. E. प्र principal, &c. भूत been.
- प्रभूतता :: f. (-ता) Abundance, plenty. E. तल् added to the last; also प्रभूतत्वं ।
- प्रभूतवयस् :: Adj. Advanced in years, old.
- प्रभूति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Source, origin. 2. Power, strength.
- प्रभूष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) Strong, able. E. प्र before, भू to be, aff. ष्णुच् ।
- प्रभृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Beginning, commencement, (in this sense the word gene- rally occurs as the last member of a Bahubrihi compound). 2. Man- ner, kind. 3. Etcetera, others, rest, remainder, (in composition;) as गर्म्मुत्प्रभृतयः तृणं the grass called Germut and other sorts. मुनयः सोमश्रवः प्रभृतयः the Munis, Somasravas, and the rest; ततः प्रभृति thence, after. Ind. Beginning with, from, since, (with an abl.) as “अद्य प्रभृति” . E. प्र before, भृ to nourish, aff. क्तिच् ।
- प्रभेद :: m. (-दः) Kind, sort, difference. 2. Splitting, opening. 3. The flowing of ichor from the temples of an elephant. E. प्र before, भेद kind.
- प्रभ्रश्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Falling down, being broken off or down. E. प्र before, भ्रंश् to break, pass. v., शानच aff.
- प्रभ्रंशथु :: m. (-थुः) A particular disease of the nose.
- प्रभ्रष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Fallen, dropping, fallen off. 2. Broken. n. (-ष्टं) A chaplet of flowers suspended from the lock on the head,: see the next. E. प्र before, भ्रंश् to fall, क्त aff.
- प्रभ्रष्टक :: n. (-कं) A chaplet of flowers suspended from the middle lock of hair. E. प्र before, भ्रंश् to fall or depend, aff. क्त and कन् added.
- प्रमग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) Immersed, drowned. E. प्र and मग्न plunged in.
- प्रमङ्गन :: n. (-नं) Going, proceeding. E. प्र before, मगि to go, aff. ल्युट् .
- प्रमङ्गित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Gone, proceeded. E. प्र before, मगि to go, क्त aff.
- प्रमण(न)स् :: mfn. (णाः-णाः-णः) Joyful, cheerful. E. प्र implying pleasure, sure, मनस् the mind; also प्रमनस्; the ण being optionally changed to न ।
- प्रमत :: f. (-ता) Adj. Thought out.
- प्रमत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Careless, negligent, (usually with a loc). 2. Blundering, a blunderer. 3. Intoxicated. 4. Insane. 5. Swerving from, (with an abl. as in स्वाधिकारात्प्रमत्तः) 6. Wanton, lascivious. E. प्र before, मत्त mad.
- प्रमत्तगीत :: Adj. Sung carelessly.
- प्रमत्तचित्त :: Adj. Negligent, careless.
- प्रमथ :: m. (-थः) 1. An attendant on ŚIVA. 2. A horse. f. (-था) 1. Yellow myrobalan, (Terminalia chebula.) “हरितक्याम्” . 2. Pain, affliction. E. प्र excess, मथि to churn, (the enemies of ŚIVA,) aff. अच् ।
- प्रमथन :: n. (-नं) 1. Killing, slaughter. 2. Paining, distressing. 3. Agitat- ing, churning. E. प्र before, मथि to churn, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रमथाधिप :: m. (-पः) ŚIVA. E. प्रमथ a follower of ŚIVA, and अधिप master.
- प्रमथालय :: n. (-यं) Hell. E. प्रमथ pain, and आलय an abode.
- प्रमथित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Well-churned. 2. Pained, distressed. 3. Tram- pled down. n. (-तं) Butter-milk without water. E. प्र before, मथि to churn, क्त aff.
- प्रमद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Mad, intoxicated, figuratively with passion or literally with liquor. 2. Violent. 3. Careless. 4. Impassioned. m. (-दः) 1. Joy, pleasure, delight, rapture. 2. Dhuturā, (D. metel.) f. (-दा) A woman, a handsome woman. E. प्र before, मद् mad, drunk, aff. अप् ।
- प्रमदकानन :: n. (-नं) A royal garden or pleasure ground for the wives of a king. E. प्रमद pleasure, and कानन a wood.
- प्रमदन :: n. (-नं) Amorous desire.
- प्रमदवन :: n. (-नं) A royal garden or pleasure ground attached to the Haram. E. प्रमद pleasure and वन a wood.
- प्रमदा :: f. (-दा) 1. A young handsome woman. 2. A woman in general. 3. The sign VIRGO of the Zodiac. E. प्र + मद्-अप् ।
- प्रमदाकानन :: n. (-नं) A royal garden. E. प्रमदा a woman, and कानन a wood; see the next.
- प्रमदावन :: n. (-नं) A royal garden or pleasure ground attached especially to the private apartments of the palace. E. प्रमदा a woman and वन a grove.
- प्रमद्वर :: f. (-रा) Adj. Careless, inattentive.
- प्रमन(ण)स् :: mfn. (-नाः -नाः -नः) Happy, delighted. E. प्र implying pleasure, मनस् the mind.
- प्रमन्यु :: mfn. (-न्युः -न्युः -न्यु) 1. Distressed, sorrowful. 2. Enraged, incensed. E. प्र, and मन्यु grief.
- प्रमय :: m. (-यः) 1. Death. 2. Killing, slaughter. E. प्र before, मी to injure, aff. अच् ।
- प्रमर्दन :: n. (-नं) Crushing, destroying. m. (-नः) An epithet of Vishṇu.
- प्रमा :: f. (-मा) 1. True knowledge, or knowledge exempt from all error, (in logic.) 2. Consciousness, perception. E. प्र before, मा to mete or measure, affs. अङ् and टाप्; that by which every object is measured or estimated.
- प्रमाण :: n. (-णं) 1. Cause, motive. 2. Limit. 3. Proof, testimony, authority. 4. A scripture, a work of sacred authority. 5. Measure, (whether of weight, length or capacity.) 6. Magnitude, extent. 7. Standard, authority. 8. Correct knowledge, accurate perception, (in logic.) 9. Unity. 10. Quantity. 11. A speaker of the truth. 12. Always, eter-
nal. 13. A title of VISHṆU. 14. Principal, capital. E. प्र before, मा to measure, aff. ल्युट्; that by which all is measured; this word is gener- ally restricted to the singular number, as वेदाः प्रमाणं the Vedas are the authority; it is also confined to the neuter gender, as पुत्त्रः प्रमाणं the boy is a witness; some exceptions occur however, as प्रमाणः पुरुषः, प्रमाणा स्त्री the man witness, the woman witness; and in the following rule, प्रत्यक्षानुमानोपमानशब्दाः प्रमाणानि perception, inference, comparison, and sound, are proofs. According to the Naiyāyikas अनुपलब्धि or non-perception and अर्थापत्ति or the inference from cir- cumstances of the Mimānsakas being exempted by them; the Sānkhys recognize प्रत्थक्ष, अनुमान and शब्द only.
- प्रमाणज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) 1. An epithet of Sīva. 2. A logician.
- प्रमाणतस् :: Ind. 1. According to proof or authority. 2. Agreeably to mea- sure, to weight, &c. E. प्रमाण, and तसि aff.
- प्रमाणदृष्ट :: Adj. Recognized by authority.
- प्रमाणशास्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) Logic.
- प्रमाणमूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A measuring cord.
- प्रमाणपुरुषः :: m. (-षः) An umpire, an arbitrator, a judge. E. प्रमाण, and पुरुष a man.
- प्रमाणयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Receiving, admitting, or obeying, &c. as authority. E. प्रमाण nominal v., शतृ aff.
- प्रमाणान्तर :: n. (-रं) Another means of proof.
- प्रमाणाभाव :: m. (-वः) Want or absence of proof or authority. E. प्रमाण, and अभाव non-existence.
- प्रमाणिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Forming an authority. 2. A measure of length considered from the elbow to the top of the middle finger. f. (-का) A species of the Anushtubh metre. E. प्रमाण and टन् aff.
- प्रमाणीकरण :: n. (-णं) Establishing or admitting as authority or proof. E. प्रमाण, and करण making, च्वि aug.
- प्रमाणीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Admitted or established as proof or authority. E. प्रमाण, and कृत made, च्वि aug.
- प्रमाणीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Proving, establishing. E. प्रमाण, भूत become, च्वि aug.
- प्रमातामह :: m. (-हः) A maternal great grandfather. f. (-ही) A maternal great grandmother. E. प्र before, मातामह a grandfather.
- प्रमातृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Proving, evidence, who or what is proof or authori- ty. E. प्र before, मा to measure, तृच् aff.
- प्रमाथ :: m. (-थः) 1. Killing. 2. Paining, afflicting, torturing. 3. Violence. E. प्र before, मथि to churn, घञ् aff.
- प्रमाथिन् :: mfn. (थी-थिनी-थि) 1. Afflicting, inflicting pain or sorrow. 2. Killing, destroying. 3. Breaking, cutting. 4. Striking down. E. प्र before, मथि to churn, to grind, to pain, and घिनुण् aff.
- प्रमाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Inadvertence, carelessness, error, inaccuracy, a blunder. 3. Intoxication. 4. Insanity. E. प्र before, मद् to be mad, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रमादवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Heedless, careless, incautious, inconsi- derate, unreflecting. 2. Insane. 3. Intoxicated. E. प्रमाद careless- ness, and मतुप् aff.
- प्रमादिका :: f. (-का) 1. An imprudent or careless woman. 2. A deflowered girl. E. प्र before. मद् to be careless, ण्वुल् aff. fem. form.
- प्रमादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) 1. Careless, indifferent. 2. Insane. 3. In- toxicated. E. प्र before, मद् to be inebriate, and घिनुण् aff.
- प्रमाद्य :: n. (-द्यं) 1. Carelessness. 2. Insanity. E. प्र before, मद् to be mad, ण्यत् aff.
- प्रमाद्यतस् :: Ind. From carelessness. E. प्रमाद्य, and तसि aff.
- प्रमापण :: n. (-णं) Killing, slaughter. E. प्र before, मीञ् to hurt or kill, पुक् augment, from its taking the causal form, and ल्युट् aff.; the न of the affix also being unchanged, the word is written प्रमापन n. (-नं)
- प्रमापिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिनी -पि) Killing, destroying. E. प्र before, मी to kill, causal v., णिनि aff.
- प्रमार्जन :: n. (-नं) Rubbling off, wiping off.
- प्रमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Known, understood. 2. Established, proved. 3. Measured. 4. Limited, few. E. प्र before, मा to measure, aff. क्त ।
- प्रमिताक्षरा :: f. (-रा) 1. A species of Jagatī metre. 2. The name of the commentary on Muhurta chintāmani.
- प्रमिति :: f. (-तिः) 1. True knowledge derived from senses, inference, an- alogy or information. 2. Measuring. E. प्र before, मा to measure, (by which,) क्तिन् aff., and the radical vowel changed.
- प्रमीठ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Thick. 2. Passed, passed as urine. E. प्र before, मिह् to sprinkle, aff. क्त .
- प्रमीणत् :: mfn. (-णन् -णन्ती -णत्) 1. Overcoming, subduing. 2. Injuring, kill- ing. E. प्र before, मी to hurt or kill, शतृ aff.
- प्रमीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Dead, deceased. 2. An animal killed at a sacrifice. E. प्र before, मी to hurt or kill, aff. क्त ।
- प्रमीति :: f. (-तिः) Death, destruction.
- प्रमीला :: f. (-ला) 1. Lassitude, enervation, exhaustion from indolence or fatigue. 2. The name of the sovereign of the kingdom of women. She was conquered by Arjūna and become his wife. E. प्र before, मील् to twinkle, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
- प्रमीलित :: f. (-ता) With closed eyes.
- प्रसुक्त :: f. (-क्ता) 1. Set free, liberated. 2. Resigned, renounced. 3. Cast, hurled.
- प्रमुक्तकण्ठम् :: Ind. Bitterly.
- प्रमुख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खं) 1. Chief, principal. 2. Best, most excellent. 3. First. m. (-खः) 1. A chief, a sage, any respectable man. 2. A heap, a multitude. 3. A tree used in dying, (Rottleria tinctoria.) n. (-खं) 1. Time being, the present. 2. The mouth. 3. Beginning of a chap- ter or section. f. (-खा) Facing. E. प्र before, मुख the face, &c.
- प्रमुखतस् :: It is used as an indeclinable in the sense of:--“In the pre- sence of” “In front of”: also प्रमुखे ।
- प्रमुखत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Superiority, pre-dominance. E. प्रमुख, and त्व aff.; also with तल् प्रमुखता ।
- प्रमुग्ध :: f. (-ग्धा) 1. Extremely charming. 2. Unconscious.
- प्रमुद् :: mfn. (-मुत्) 1. Pleased, happy. 2. Extreme joy. E. प्र before, मुद् to be pleased, क्विन् aff.
- प्रमुदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pleased, glad, content, happy. E. प्र excess, मुद् to be pleased, aff. क्त ।
- प्रमुषिता :: f. (-ता) A kind of riddle.
- प्रमूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. A fool, foolish, stupid. 2. Bewildered, deceived. E. प्र, and मूढ a fool.
- प्रमूढसंज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Bewildered, infatuated. E. प्रमूढ and संज्ञा sign of sense.
- प्रमृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Covered, concealed, withdrawn or gone out of sight. 2. Dead. n. (-तं) Tillage, cultivation. E. प्र before, मृ to die, क्त aff.
- प्रमृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Polished, bright, clear. 2. Rubbed. E. प्र before, मृज् to clean, or मृष् to rub, aff. क्त ।
- प्रमेदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Greasy, unctuous. 2. Becoming or made unc- tuous. E. प्र before, मिद् to be unctuous, aff. क्त ।
- प्रमेदितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Being or made unctuous. E. प्र before, मिद् to be unctuous, क्तवतु aff.
- प्रमेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Proveable, what may or ought to be proved. 2. 2. Measurable, finite. n. (-यं) 1. The thing to be proved. 2. In logic, the second head, or topic including twelve objects, as the soul, body, &c. or the form and end of existence. E. प्र before, मा to measure, यत् aff.
- प्रमेह :: m. (-हः) Urinary affection, as change in the colour, quantity, or consistence of the urine; twenty-one varieties are enumerated, including diabetes, gonorrhœa, &c. E. प्र implying change, मिह् to pass urine, with घञ् aff.
- प्रमोघ :: m. (-घः) Discharging, liberating.
- प्रमोचन :: n. (-नं) 1. Liberating, setting free. 2. Shedding, emitting. E. प्र before, मुच् to liberate, ल्युट aff. f. (-नी) A sort of cucumber: see गवाक्षी . E. प्र before, मुच् to loose, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रमोद :: m. (-दः) Pleasure, happiness, delight. E. प्र before, मुद् to be pleased, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रमोदन :: n. (-नं) Gladdening, making glad. m. (-नः) An epithet of VISHNŪ
- प्रमोदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Happy, delighted. m. (-तः) A name of KUVERA, E. प्रमोद happiness, इतच् aff.; or प्र before, मुद् to be happy, क्त aff. and the radical changed.
- प्रमोदिन् :: mfn. (-दि -दिनी -दि) 1. Happy, delighted. 2. Delighting, making happy. E. प्रमोद and इनि aff.
- प्रमोह :: m. (-हः) 1. Fascination. 2. Fainting, insensibility. E. प्र before, मुह् to be bewildered, घज् aff.
- प्रमोहित :: f. (-ता) Bewildered.
- प्रम्लोचा :: f. (-चा) One of the Apsarās, or nymphs of heaven.
- प्रयच्छन् :: mfn. (-च्छन् -च्छती -च्छत्) Giving, presenting, bestowing. E. प्र be- fore, दा to give, शतृ aff.
- प्रयत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Well-governed, restrained, self-subdued. 2. Careful, prudent. m. (-तः) A holy or pious person, one purified by austerity and mortification. f. (-ता) 1. Pure. 2. Submissive. 3. Keeping the organs of sense under restraint. E. प्र intensely, यत् to to endeavour, aff. नङ् ।
- प्रयतात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Devout, pious of a holy spirit. E. प्रयत, and आत्मन् soul.
- प्रयत्न :: n. (-त्नं) 1. Continued or presevering effort, exertion. 2. Act, action. 3. (In logic,) Active effort of three kinds, engaging in any act, prosecuting it, and completing it. 4. Caution, care. 5. Articula- tion of sounds. E. प्र intensitive, यत्न effort.
- प्रयत्नतस् :: Ind. Particularly, especially, with special effort, care or pains. E. प्रयत्न and तसि aff.
- प्रयत्नवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Active, zealous, enterprising, assiduous, persevering. E. प्रयत्न effort, and मतुप् aff.
- प्रयस् :: mfn. (-याः -याः -यः) Valuable, precious.
- प्रयस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Seasoned, dressed with sauces and condiments. E. प्र before, यस् to take pains, and क्त aff.
- प्रयाग :: m. (-गः) 1. Sacrifice, oblation. 2. A celebrated place of pilgrimage, the confluence of the Ganges and Jamunā, with the supposed sub- terraneous addition of the Saraswatī; the modern Allāhābād. The term in composition is applied of many places of reputed sanctity, situated at the confluence of two rivers, as Deva-Prayāga, Rudra- Prayāga, Karṇa-Prayaga, and Nanda-Prayāga, in the Himālayā mountains, which with Prayāga or Allāhābād, constitute the five principal places so termed. 3. A name of INDRA. 4. A horse. E. प्र principal, यज् to worship, and घञ् aff.; actual worship, or the place where worship is peculiarly efficacious; Allāhābād is one of the places where BRAHMĀ is supposed to have consummated ten Aśwamedhas or sacrifices of the horse, in commemoration of his recovery, of the four Vedas from ŚANKHĀSURA.
- प्रयागभय :: m. (-यः) A name of INDRA. E. प्रयाग sacrifice, especially of the horse or Aśwamedha and भय fear; INDRA being dethroned by the performance of a hundred such sacrifices.
- प्रयाचन :: n. (-नं) Begging, imploring.
- प्रयाज :: m. (-जः) 1. A principal ceremony or sacrifice. 2. A part of a sac- rifice. E. प्र before, यज् to sacrifice, aff. घञ्, form irr.
- प्रयाण :: n. (-णं) 1. Going, motion. 2. Going forth or to a distance. 3. Departure. 4. Death. 5. March of an assailing force, attack, in- vasion. 5. Beginning, commencement. 6. The back of a horse. 7. The hind part of any animal. E. प्र before, या to go, aff. ल्युट्; also with कन् added, प्रयाणक n. (-कं).
- प्रयाणकाल :: m. (-लः) 1. Time of departure. 2. Death. E. प्रयाण and काल time.
- प्रयाणभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A break in a journey, a halt.
- प्रयाणार्ह :: mfn. (-र्हः -र्हा -र्हं) Worthy of death. E. प्रयाण, and अर्ह fit for.
- प्रयात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Gone. 2. Removed, gone away or to a distance.
3. Deceased. m. (-तः) 1. A name of BHṚGU. 2. A sleepy or lazy fellow. 3. An invasion. 4. A precipice. E. प्र before, यत् to endea- vour, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रयापण :: n. (-ण) 1. Sending, dispatching. 2. Expelling, driving away. E. प्र before, या to go, causal v., ल्युट् aff.; also न being unchanged, प्रयापन ।
- प्रयापणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be sent or sent away. E. प्र before, या to go, causal v., अनीयर् aff.; also प्रयापनीय ।
- प्रयापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Driven or sent away, made to go or pass away. E. प्र before, या to go, causal v., क्त aff.
- प्रयापिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिनी -पि) Causing to go, who or what sends, or sends away, &c. E. प्र before, या to go, causal v., णिनि aff.
- प्रयाप्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Being sent or made to go, pass away, &c. E. प्र before, या to go, causal v., pass. v., शानच् aff.; also प्रयाप्यमान ।
- प्रयाम :: m. (-मः) 1. Checking, restraining. 2. Scarcity, dearth. 3. Com- petition of buyers in consequence of scarcity. 4. Length, either of space or time. E. प्र before, यम् to refrain, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रयाम्य :: mfn. (-म्यः -म्या -म्यं) To be checked, controlled, &c. E. प्र before, यम् to check, ण्यत् aff.
- प्रयास :: m. (-सः) 1. Trouble, labour, fatigue. 2. Desire for or pursuit of any object. E. प्र before, यस् to make exertion, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रयासभाज् :: mfn. (-भाक्) Capable of exertion or fatigue, active, energetic. E. प्रयास, and भाज् sharing.
- प्रयास्यत् :: mfn. (-स्यन् -स्यन्ती -स्यत्) Going, about to go or depart. E. प्र before, या to go, शतृ aff. to the fut. tense.
- प्रयुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Endowed with, possessing as an attribute, &c. 2. Resulting from, consequential. 3. Appointed, nominated. 4. Associated or connected with. 5. Applied, employed, (as a word.) 6. Compact, closely united. 7. Harnessed, yoked. 8. Done, to or for. 9. Abstracted, lost in meditation. 10. Lent, (as money.) 11. Asleep. n. (-क्तं) Cause. E. प्र before, युज् to join, aff. क्त ।
- प्रयुक्तसंस्कार :: Adj. Refined, polished.
- प्रयुक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Occasion, cause, main object or end. 2. Use, employ- ment. 3. Instigation. E. प्र before, युज् to join and क्तिन् aff.
- प्रयुज् :: mfn. (-युक्) Who or what joins or is connected with, literally or figuratively, as a cause, motive, &c. E. प्र before, युज् to join, क्विप् aff.
- प्रयुज्य :: Ind. 1. Having acted or behaved to or towards. 2. Having con- nected. E. प्र before, युज् to join, ल्यप् aff.
- प्रयुज्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Being united or connected with. 2. Being used, employed, applied, &c. E. प्र before, युज् to join, pass. v., शानच् aff.
- प्रयुञ्जान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Adding, joining. 2. Using, employing. 3. Appointing, deputing. 4. Performing, doing. E. प्र before, युज् to join, शानच् aff.
- प्रयुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Joined, combined, united. n. (-तं) Ten hundred thousand, a million. E. प्र before, यु to join, aff. क्त ।
- प्रयुत्सु :: m. (-त्सुः) 1. A warrior. 2. A name of INDRA. 3. A name of the wind. 4. A ram. 5. An ascetic. E. प्र before, युद्ध to contend, in the desiderative form, with उ aff.
- प्रयुद्ध :: n. (-द्धं) War, battle. E. प्र before, युद्ध the same.
- प्रयुद्धार्थ :: m. (-र्थः) War, battle, going to war or battle. E. प्र initiatory, युद्ध war, and अर्थ object.
- प्रयोक्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Applicable, suitable, to be applied or employ- ed. E. प्र before, युज् to unite, aff. तव्य .
- प्रयोक्तृ :: f. (-क्त्री) 1. One who uses or employs, (as a word.) 2. One who ins- tigates. 3. One who lends money on interest. 4. One who repre- sents, (a drama.) 5. One who shoots, (an arrow.)
- प्रयोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Occasion, cause, motive, object. 2. Consequence, result. 3. Affair, matter. 4. Appointing, appointment. 5. Appli- cation, use, employment. 6. Ceremonial form, course of preceding.
7. Usage, practice, as in भूरिप्रयोग . 8. Hurling, throwing, sending. 9. Delivery, recitation. 10. Exhibition of a dance, dancing. 11. Prac- tice, performance, (opposed to theory.) 12. Beginning, commence- ment. 13. Consequence, result. 14. Application of magic, magical rites. 15. Subduing, fascinating. 16. Device, contrivance. 17. Example, comparision. 18. Act, action. 19. Dramatic action or performance. 20. Principal, loan bearing interest. 21. Lending money at interest. 22. Profits of usury or trade. 23. A horse. 24. Text, authority. E. प्र before, युज् to join, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रयोगतस् :: Ind. 1. According to or in consequence of. 2. Actually, in ac- tion. E. तसि added to प्रयोग ।
- प्रयोगातिशय :: m. (-यः) Bringing a character on the stage unexpectedly at the moment when his name is incidentally pronounced. The word is thus explained on Vāchaspatya:--
“यदि प्रयोग एकस्मिन् प्रयोगोऽन्यः प्रयुज्यते । तेन पात्र प्रवेशश्चेत् प्रयोगातिशयस्तदा ॥”
- प्रयोगार्थ :: m. (-र्थः) Act, tending to a main object. E. प्रयोग aim or end, and अर्थ purpose.
- प्रयोगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) Having some object in view, calculated for some particular purpose. E. प्रयोग object, and इनि aff.
- प्रयोजक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Who or what causes or induces any act. 2. Who or what deputes or appoints. m. (-कः) 1. A founder or ins- titutor of any ceremony. 2. A law-giver, a legislator. 3. An author. 4. A money-lender. E. प्र before, युज् to join, ण्वुल् aff.
- प्रयोजककत्तृत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Acting as an instigator or promoter. E. प्रयोजक, and कत्तृत्व agency.
- प्रयोजन :: n. (-नं) 1. Use, need, necessity, (with an inst.) 2. Cause, occa- sion. 3. Motive, origin. 4. Purpose, object, intention, design. 5. Profit, interest. 6. Means of attaining. E. प्र before, युज् to join, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रयोजनवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Designing, purposing. 2. Having a cause, caused, produced. E. प्रयोजन, and मतुप् aff.
- प्रयोजयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) 1. Behaving to or towards, shewing, dis- playing. 2. Combining, &c. E. प्र before, युज् to join, aff. शतृ .
- प्रयोज्यं :: mfn. (-ज्यः -ज्या -ज्यं) 1. To be set to work, to be appointed or direc- ted. 2. To be used, practised, employed, &c. 3. To be thrown. 4. To be produced. n. (-ज्यं) Capital, principal. m. (-ज्यः) A servant, a slave. E. प्र before, युज् to join, aff. ण्यत् ।
- प्ररुदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Wept, weeping. E. प्र before, रुद् to weep, क्त aff.
- प्ररूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Rooted, fastened, growing or proceeding from a root. 2. Grown, increased. 3. Born, produced. m. (-ढः) The belly. E. प्र before, रुह् to grow, क्त aff.
- प्ररोचन :: n. (-नं) 1. Stimulating, exciting. 2. Propitiating. f. (-ना) Praise of the author of a drama, &c., in the prelude, to secure the favour of the spectators. E. प्र before, रुच् to be light, causal v. णिच्-ल्युट् aff.
- प्ररोह :: m. (-हः) 1. A bud, a shoot. 2. A shoot of light. E. प्र before, रुह् to grow, aff. घञ् ।
- प्ररोहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) Budding, sprouting. E. प्ररोह and इनि aff.
- प्रलपत् :: mfn. (-पन् -पन्ती -पत्) 1. Speaking, talking. 2. Talking nonsense. E. प्र before, लप् to speak, शतृ aff.
- प्रलपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Said, spoken, declared. 2. Prating. E. प्र before, लप् to speak, aff. क्त ।
- प्रलब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) Over-reached, cheated, deceived. E. प्र before, लभ् to gain, क्त aff.
- प्रलम्ब :: mfn. (-म्बः -म्बा -म्बं) 1. Hanging down, depending from, pendulous. 2. Slow, dilatory. m. (-म्बः) 1. Depending, hanging on or from. 2. The new shoot or bud of a creeping plant. 3. A garland of flowers worn round the neck. 4. A branch. 5. The female breast. 6. The name of a Daitya, killed by BALARĀMA. 7. Head. E. प्र before, लवि to oppose, aff. अच् ।
- प्रलम्बघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) A name of BALARĀMA. E. प्रलम्ब a demon, killed by
BALADEVA, and घ्न who kills; also similar compounds, as प्रलम्बभित् &c.
- प्रलम्बभिद् :: m. (-भित्) BALADEVA, the brother of KRISHṆA. E. प्रलम्ब, and भिद् who destroys: see the last.
- प्रलम्बाण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A man having large testicles. E. प्रलम्ब pendulous, and अण्ड testicle.
- प्रलम्बित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Suspended pendulous, hanging. E. प्रलम्ब hanging. इतच् aff.
- प्रलम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Obtaining, gaining. 2. Fraud, cheating. E. प्र before, लभि to get, घञ् aff.
- प्रलय :: m. (-यः) The end of a Kalpa, or destruction of the world. 2. Death, dying, loss, destruction, dissolution, annihilation. 3. Faint- ing, syncope, loss of sense or consciousness, considered as one of the thirty-three subordinate feelings, (in Rhetoric.) 4. The mystic Syllable “Om.” E. प्र before, ली to destroy, aff. अच् ।
- प्रलयकाल :: m. (-लः) The time of universal destruction.
- प्रलयदहन :: m. (-नः) The fire at the dissolution of the world.
- प्रलयपयोधि :: m. (-धिः) The ocean at the dissolution of the world.
- प्रललाट :: f. (-टा) Having a prominent forehead.
- प्रलव :: m. (-वः) A fragrant, a chip. E. प्र + लू-भावे अप् ।
- प्रलवित्र :: n. (-त्रं) An instrument for cutting. E. प्र + लू-करणे इत्र ।
- प्रलाप :: m. (-पः) 1. Unmeaning or incoherent speech. 2. Speaking. 3. Discourse, conversation. 4. Lamentation. E. प्र before, लप् to speak, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रलापिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिनी -पि) 1. Talking much, or unmeaningly, chatter- ing. 2. Speaking to, conversing with. E. प्र before, लप् to speak, घिनुण् aff.
- प्रलिप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Who or what smears, plasters, &c. E. प्र before, लिप् to anoint, क aff.
- प्रलीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Destroyed, annihilated. 2. Unconscious, insen- sible. 3. Melted. E. प्र before, ली to destroy, क्त aff.
- प्रलीनता :: f. (-ता) 1. Destruction, annihilation. 2. The end of the universe. 3. Unconsciousness, loss of sense. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व प्रलीनत्वं ।
- प्रलून :: f. (-ना) Cut off, cut asunder.
- प्रलेप :: m. (-पः) An unguent, an ointment. E. प्र, लिप् to smear, घञ् aff.
- प्रलेपक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what anoints, smears, &c. m. (-कः) 1. A plasterer. 2. A slow fever. E. प्र before, लिप् to smear, aff. ण्वुल् ।
- प्रलेह :: m. (-हः) A kind of food. “कोर्मा” E. प्र + लिह्-कर्मणि-घञ् ।
- प्रलोठन :: n. (-नं) Rolling on the ground, heaving, tossing, (as of the ocean.) E. प्र before, लुठ् to roll, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रलोठित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Rolling, heaving, tossing. E. प्र before, लुठ् to roll, क्त aff.
- प्रलोढ :: m. (-ढः) 1. Cupidity, covetousness. 2. Allurement, seduction.
- प्रलोढन :: n. (-नं) 1. Allurement. 2. A lure, a bait.
- प्रलोभ :: m. (-भः) Desire, cupidity. E. प्र before, लुभ् to covet, घञ् aff.
- प्रलोभन :: n. (-नं) 1. Allurement, inducement. 2. Attraction, attracting, seducing. E. प्र before, लुभ् to desire, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रलोभनी :: f. (-नी) Sand.
- प्रलोल :: f. (-ला) Extremely agitated.
- प्रवक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what goes. E. प्रु to go, वुन् aff.
- प्रवक्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be expounded or explained. E. प्र before, वच् to speak, तव्य aff.
- प्रवक्तृ :: mfn. (-क्ता -क्त्री -क्तृ) Who speaks or declares. m. (-क्ता) A teacher, an expounder, an orator. E. प्र before, वच् to speak, तृच् aff.
- प्रवग :: m. (-गः) 1. A bird. 2. A monkey. E. प्रवग + लस्य रः ।
- प्रवचन :: n. (-नं) 1. A Veda, scripture. 2. Excellent speech or language, eloquence. 3. Teaching, expounding, exposition. 4. Declaration. E. प्र principal, वचन speech.
- प्रवचनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. A good speaker. 2. To be well or elegantly spoken. E. प्र before, वच् to speak, aff. अनीयर् ।
- प्रवचनपटु :: mfn. (-टुः -टुः -टु) Eloquent. E. प्रवचन and पटु skilful.
- प्र(प्रा)वट :: m. (-टः) Wheat. E. प्र before, वट् to divide, aff. अट् ।
- प्रव(ब)ण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Declivity, declining, steep. 2. Bent, bowed. 3. Attached or adhering to, filled with, possessed of, endowed with. 4. Inclined to, disposed to, tending to. 5. Addicted to, devoted to 6. Favourably disposed towords. 7. Curved, crooked. 8. Swift. 9. Generous. 10. Humble, modest. 11. Wasted, decayed. m. (-णः) A place where four roads meet. E. प्र before, वन् to sound, &c. aff. अच् ।
- प्रवत्स्यत् :: f. (ती or न्ती) About to go on a journey.
- प्रवत्स्यत्पतिका :: f. (-का) The wife of one who is about to go on a journey, regarded as one of the eight Nāyikās, (in belles lettres.)
- प्रवदत् :: mfn. (-दन् -दन्ती -दत्) 1. Speaking to or with, conversing, addressing. 2. Speaking much or well. 3. Arguing, a disputant. E. प्र before, वद् to speak, शतृ aff.
- प्रवपण :: n. (-णं) Sowing. E. प्र before, वप् to sow, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रवयण :: n. (-णं) 1. A goad. 2. The upper part of a piece of woven cloth. E. प्र before, अज् to go, वी substituted for the root, and aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रवयस् :: m. (-याः) An old man. E. प्र past, and वयस् life or age.
- प्रवर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Best, most excellent. m. (-रः) 1. A line of ancestors. 2. An ancestor. 3. Lineage. 4. An exalted ancestor who contributes to the credit of a particular Gotra. 5. A particular invocation ad- dressed to Agni by a Brāhmana at the consecration of his fire. 6. A call, a summons. n. (-रं) 1. Offspring, descendants. 2. Family, race, kindred. 3. A black sort of kidney bean, known as Aloe-wood. 4. Covering, screening. 5. A Muni, who contributes to the continua- tion of and credit of a particular caste or tribe of Brāhmans. E. प्र before, वृ to chuse, aff. अप् ।
- प्रवरललित :: n. (-तं) A species of the Ashti metre.
- प्रवरवाहन :: m. (-नः) Du. An epithet of the Aśvins.
- प्रवर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) Sacrificial fire. E. प्र before, वृज् to abandon, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रवर्ग्य :: m. (-र्ग्यः) An officiating priest. n. (-र्ग्यं) A particular ceremony or sacrifice. E. प्रवर्ग, and ण्यत् aff.
- प्रवर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) 1. Engaging in, undertaking. 2. Excitement, stimulus. E. प्र before, वृत् to be, घञ् aff.: see प्रवर्त्तन and प्रवृत्ति ।
- प्रवर्त्तक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Inciting, stimulating, inducing, who or what sets in action. m. (-कः) 1. The original instigator of any act- the author, the principal. 2. An arbiter, a judge. n. (-कं) The en- trance of the first person of the drama on the close of the intro- duction E. प्र before, वृत् to be, aff. णिच्-ण्वुल् ।
- प्रवर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. Action, business, worldly interest or activity as op- posed to abstract contemplation. 2. Fixing, establishing 3. Engag- ing, (in any work.) 4. Beginning. 5. Inciting, stimulating. 6. Direct- ing, superintending. 7. Informing 8. Revolving. 9. Behaviour, con- duct, procedure. 10. Happening, coming to pass. f. (-ना) Order, permission, the sense of the precative, or qualified imperative tense, stimulating to action. E. प्र before, वृत् to be, aff. युच् fem. aff. ठाप् ।
- प्रवर्त्तमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Engaging in, practising, doing. 2. Being used or employed. E. प्र before, वृत् to be, शानच् aff.
- प्रवर्त्तित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Informed, apprized. 2. Stimulated, excited, instigated. 3. Revolving, going round. 4. Made, rendered, caused. 5. Made pure. E. प्र before, वृत् to be, क्त aff.
- प्रवर्द्धन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) What causes to grow or increase. n. (-नं) Increase, augmenting. E. प्र before, वृध् to increase, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रवर्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Raining. 2. The first rain.
- प्रवर्ह :: mfn. (-र्हः -र्हा -र्हं) Chief, principal, first. E. प्र before, वृह् to increase, aff. अच् ।
- प्रवलाकिन् :: m. (-की) 1. A snake. 2. A peacock. 3. One with a variegated girdle.
- प्रवसत् :: mfn. (-सन् -सत्ती -सत्) Residing abroad. E. प्र before, वस् to dwell, शतृ aff.
- प्रवसन :: n. (-नं) Going abroad, sojourning in a foreign country. E. प्र be- fore, वस् to dwell, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रवह :: m. (-हः) 1. Going forth, or from a town. 2. Streaming forth. 3. One of the seven Vāyus, or courses of the wind which is said to cause the motion of the planets. 4. Wind, air. E. प्र before, वह् to bear, aff. अच् ।
- प्रवहण :: n. (-णं) 1. A covered car, a litter or carriage for women. 2. A ship. E. प्र forth, वह् to bear, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रवहत् :: mfn. (-हन् -हन्ती -हत्) 1. Bearing. 2. Receiving, enjoying. E. प्र be- fore, वह् to bear, शतृ aff.
- प्रवह्लि :: f. (-ह्लिः-ह्ली) A riddle. E. प्र before, वल्ह् to speak, aff. इन्, and ङीप् optionally added: see the next.
- प्रवह्लिका :: f. (-का) A riddle, an enigma, a conundrum or charade, &c. E. प्र before, वल्ह् to speak or tell, aff. क्वुन्; the conjunct consonants of the root are transposed,: also प्रवह्लि and प्रवह्ली, and with कन् add- ed to the latter, प्रवह्लीका ।
- प्रवाच् :: mfn. (-वाक्) Eloquent oratorical, speaking, a speaker. E. प्र before, वच् to speak, aff. क्विप् ।
- प्रवाचक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Speaking well, eloquent. E. प्र before, वच् to speak, ण्वुल् aff.
- प्रवाचन :: n. (-नं) Proclamation, promulgation.
- प्रवाण :: n. (-णं) The trimming of a piece of woven cloth.
- प्रवाणी :: f. (-णी) A weaver's shuttle. E. प्र before, वी to go, aff. ल्युट् fem. aff. ङीप्; also प्रवाणि ।
- प्रवात :: f. (-ता) Agitated by the wind. n. (-त) 1. A current of air. 2. Stormy weather. 3. An airy place.
- प्रवाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Rumour, report. 2. Discourse, conversation. 3. Popular belief. 4. A fable, a myth. 5. Litigious language. 6. Mutual defiance the conversation of antagonists prior to combat. E. प्र spreading, and वाद speech.
- प्रवादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Who or what speaks, reports, &c. E. प्र before, वद् to speak, घिनुण् aff.
- प्रवापिन् :: m. (-पी) A sower, one who sows seed. E. प्र before, वप् to sow, घिनुण् aff.
- प्रवार :: m. (-रः) Covering, clothing. E. प्र before, वृ to cover, aff. घञ्, also with अप् aff., and in other senses, प्रवर ।
- प्रवारण :: m. (-णं) 1. A desirable gift. 2. Prohibition, objection, opposition. 3. Priority of choice. 4. Satisfying. 5. A voluntary gift. E. प्र before, वृ to chuse, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रवास :: m. (-सः) A temporary or foreign residence, a habitation away from home. E. प्र far or removed, and वास abode.
- प्रवासत् :: mfn. (-सन् -सन्ती -सत्) Dwelling or being abroad or absent. E. प्र before, वस् to dwell, causal v., शतृ aff.
- प्रवासन :: n. (-नं) 1. Killing, slaughter. 2. Dwelling abroad, sojourning, lodging. 3. Exile. E. प्र away, वस् to dwell, or divide, causal v., aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रवासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Expelled, expatriated. E. प्र before, वस् to dwell, causal v., क्त aff.
- प्रवासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) A traveller, a sojourner, one living away from home. E. प्रवास a foreign or strange habitation, and इनि aff; or प्र before, वस् to dwell, and घिनुण् aff.
- प्रवाह :: m. (-हः) 1. Stream, flow, continuous passage. 2. Uninterrupted series, continuity. 3. Moving onwards like a stream, course of events. 4. Action, occupation, active life. 5. A pond. 6. A swift horse. f. (-ही) Sand. E. प्र continually, वह् to bear, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रवाहक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what bears or carries well. m. (-कः) An imp, a goblin. f. (-हिका) Diarrhœa. E. प्र before, वह् to bear, aff. ण्वुल् ।
- प्रवाहन :: n. (-नं) 1. Driving forth. 2. Evacuation by stool.
- प्रवाही :: f. (-ही) Sand. E. प्र + वह्-णिच् अच् गौरा० ङीष् ।
- प्रवाहुकम् :: Ind. 1. At the same time. 2. Above, over.
- प्रविकशत् :: mfn. (-शन् -शन्ती -शत्) Expanding, opening, blossoming. E. प्र and वि before, कश् to go, शतृ aff.
- प्रविख्याति :: f. (-तिः) Celebrity, reputation. E. प्र वि prefixed to ख्या to say, aff. क्तिन् ।
- प्रविचय :: m. (-यः) Examination, investigation.
- प्रविचार :: m. (-रः) Discerning, discrimination.
- प्रवितत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Spread out, expanded. 2. Dishevelled. E. प्र and वि before, तन् to spread, क्त aff.
- प्रविदारण :: n. (-णं) 1. War, battle, combat. 2. Tearing, rending, breaking. 3. Tumult, crowd, confusion. 4. Bursting, budding. E. प्र and वि prefixed to दॄ to tear to pieces, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रविदारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Torn, rent, severed. 2. Opened, expanded. E. प्र and वि before, दॄ to tear, क्त aff.
- प्रविद्ध :: f. (-द्धा) Cast away.
- प्रविद्रुत :: f. (-ता) Dispersed, scattered.
- प्रविभक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Partitioned, divided, separated, shared. E. प्र and विभक्त divided.
- प्रविभाग :: m. (-गः) Division, a part, distribution. E. प्र and विभान division.
- प्रविर :: m. (-रः) A yellow fragrant wood. E. प्र and वि before, रा to get or be, aff. ड ।
- प्रविरल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. A part, separate, isolated. 2. Very few, rare. E. प्र, विरल distinct.
- प्रविलय :: m. (-यः) 1. Melting away. 2. Complete dissolution.
- प्रविलुप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Lost, removed, fallen or rubbed off. E. प्र and वि before, लुप् to cut, क्त aff.
- प्रविवर :: m. (-रः) 1. Yellow Sandal. n. (-रं) Perforated.
- प्रविवाद :: m. (-दः) Dispute, quarrel.
- प्रविविक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Separated, detached. 2. Solitary. E. प्र and विविक्त detached.
- प्रविव्राजयिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing or intending to banish. E. प्र before, व्रज् to go, causal desid. v., उ aff.
- प्रविश्लेष :: m. (-षः) Separation, parting. E. प्र, वि negative prefix before, श्लिष् to unite, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रविषण :: mfn. (-ण्णः -ण्णा -ण्णं) 1. Sad, spiritless. 2. Dejected, separated. E. प्र much, विषण्ण dejected.
- प्रविषा :: f. (-षा) A plant, commonly Ātāīch. E. प्र against, (anti), and विष poison.
- प्रविष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Entered, gone in or into. 2. Entered upon, (as an affair,) engaged in. E. प्र before, विष् to enter, aff. क्त ।
- प्रविष्टक :: n. (-कं) Entrance on the stage.
- प्रवि(स्त)लार :: m. (-रः) Expance, extent, compass, circumference.
- प्रवीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Skilful, clever, conversant. E. प्र implying excell- ence, and वीणा a lute, or वीण् a nominal verb, to play on a lute, aff. अच् ।
- प्रवीणता :: f. (-ता) Proficiency, skill. E. प्रवीण, and तल् aff.; also with त्वं, प्रवीणत्वं ।
- प्रवीर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Best, most excellent. m. (-रः) 1. A hero, a warrior. 2. A chief, a person of rank or distinction. 3. Strong, powerful. E. प्र pre-eminent, and वीर a hero.
- प्रवृञ्जनीय :: m. (-यः) A great hero. E. प्र + वृञ्ज्-अनीयर् aff.
- प्रवृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Fixed, settled, determined, done. 2. Engaged in, undertaking, occupied by. 3. Begun, beginning. 4. Doing, acting. 5. Undisputed, (as dominion.) 6. Round, globular. m. (-रः) A round ornament. E. प्र before, वृत् to be, aff. क्त; form irr.
- प्रवृत्तकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Any act the cause of being born again. E. प्रवृत्त, and कर्म्मन् act.
- प्रवृत्तचक्रता :: f. (-ता) Absolute dominion. E. प्रवृत्त fixed, चक्र rule, and तल् abstract aff.
- प्रवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Activity, occupation, active life, as opposed to contem- plative devotion; or it is defined to consist of the wish to do, knowledge of the means of success and accomplishing the desired object. 2. Prosecution, perseverance. 3. Addiction to, predilection for. 4. Practice, conduct. 5. Tidings, intelligence. 6. Continuous flow, stream, current. 7. Employment, occupation. 8. Fate, Des- tiny. 9. Signification, sense. 10. Direct perception. 11. Progress, advance. 12. Rise, source, origin. 13. Appearance, manifestation. 14. The juice that exudes from the elephant's temples, when in rut. 15. Oujein, or any holy place. 16. (In arithmetic,) The multiplier. E. प्र before, वृत् to be or abide, aff. क्तिन् ।
- प्रवृत्तिज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) An emissary, an agent, a spy. E. प्रवृत्ति news, and ज्ञ who knows.
- प्रवृत्तिनिमित्त :: n. (-त्तं) Relation for the use of any work in a particular sense.
- प्रवृत्तिमार्ग :: m. (-र्गः) Worldly life, attachment to the pleasures of the world.
- प्रवृद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Full grown. 2. Expanded, diffused, spread abroad or dispersed. 3. Swollen, (as a river.) 4. Full, deep, (as a sigh.) 5. Haughty, arrogant. E. प्र before, वृद्ध् to increase or grow, aff. क्त ।
- प्रवृद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) 1. Increase, growth. 2. Prosperity, preferment, promotion.
- प्रवेक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Chief, head, principal. E. प्र before, विच् to dis- tinguish, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रवेक्षण :: n. (-णं) Foreseeing. E. प्र and अव before, ईक्ष् to see, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रवेक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Foreseen, anticipated. E. प्र and अव before, ईक्ष् to see, क्त aff.
- प्रवेक्ष्यत् :: mfn. (-क्ष्यन् -क्ष्यन्ती -क्ष्यत्) Foreseeing, anticipating. E. प्र and अव be- fore, ईक्ष् to see, शतृ aff., the first syllable made short.
- प्रवेग :: m. (-गः) Great speed.
- प्रवेट :: m. (-टः) Barley. E. प्र before, वी to sound, aff. ट ।
- प्रवेणि :: f. (-णिः) 1. The hair twisted, and undecorated, as worn by wo- men in the absence of their husbands. 2. An elephant's housings. 3. The current of a river. E. प्र before, वेल् to go, aff. इण्; also with ङीप् added, प्रवेणी .
- प्रवेणी :: f. (-णी) 1. Un-ornamented hair. 2. An elephant's housing, &c. E. See the last.
- प्रवेतृ :: m. (-र्त्ता) A charioteer.
- प्रवेदन :: n. (-नं) Making known, announcing.
- प्रवेपण :: n. (-णं) Shaking, agitation, tremulous motion. E. प्र before, वेपृ to tremble, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रवेरित :: f. (-ता) Cast hither and thither.
- प्रवेल :: m. (-लः) The yellow variety of kidney bean. E. प्र before, वेल् to go, aff. अच् ।
- प्रवेश :: m. (-शः) 1. Intentness on an object, engaging closely in a pursuit or purpose. 2. Entrance, penetration. 3. A door. 4. Entrance on the stage. 5. Income, revenue. E. प्र before, विश् to enter, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रवेशक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what enters. m. (-कः) 1. An inferior actor who announces the entrance of the principal characters, or an interlude acted by inferior characters for the sake of making known to the audience events which are not represented on the stage and a knowledge of which is necessary for the understanding of what follows, provided that it can never occur in the begin- ning of the first act or at the end of the last. 2. An entry. E. प्र before, विश् to enter, ण्वुल् aff.
- प्रवेशन :: n. (-नं) 1. The entrance to a house, the principal door or gate. 2. Entering, penetrating. 3. Introducing, leading into. 4. Sexual in- tercourse. E. प्र before, विश् to enter, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रवेशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Called or sent in 2. Introduced. E. प्र before, विश् to enter, causal v., क्त aff.
- प्रवेश्य :: Ind. Having sent in, thrown into, &c. E. प्र before, विश् to enter, causal v., ल्यप् aff.
- प्रवेश्य :: mfn. (-श्यः -श्या -श्यं) To be entered, to be pervaded. E. प्र before, विश् to enter, यत् aff.; also प्रवेशनीय ।
- प्रवेष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) 1. An arm. 2. The fore-arm, or wrist. 3. An elephant's gums. 4. An elephants housings. 5. The back of an elephant. E. प्र before, वेष्ट् to encompass, aff. अच् ।
- प्रवेष्टव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be entered, to be penetrated or pervaded. E. प्र before, विश् to enter, तव्य aff.
- प्रव्यक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Evident, apparent, manifest. E. प्र and वि before, अञ्ज् to spread, aff. क्त ।
- प्रव्यक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Manifestation, appearance.
- प्रव्यथित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Distressed, pained. E. प्र before व्यथ् to pain, aff. क्त ।
- प्रव्यहार :: m. (-रः) Prolongation of discourse.
- प्रव्रजन :: n. (-नं) 1. Going abroad. 2. Becoming a recluse.
- प्रव्रजित :: m. (-तः) 1. An ascetic or mendicant. 2. The pupil, or attendant of a Jaina or Bauddha mendicant. f. (-ता) 1. A female devotee or ascetic. 2. Spikenard, (Valeriana Jatamansi) 3. A plant, commonly Muṇḍīrī, (Sphœranthus molis.) n. (-तं) The life of an ascetic. E. प्र before, व्रज् to go, aff. क्त ।
- प्रव्रज्या :: f. (-ज्या) 1. Roaming, travelling, wandering about, as a religious mendicant especially. 2. Abandonment of the world. E. प्र before, व्रज् to go, aff. क्यप् ।
- प्रव्रज्यावसित :: m. (-तः) An ascetic, who has broken his observance. E. प्रव्रज्या, and अवसित finished.
- प्रव्रश्चन :: m. (-नः) A knife for cutting fuel.
- प्रव्राज :: m. (-जः) An ascetic. E. प्र, व्रज् to go, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रव्राजन :: n. (-नं) Banishment. E. प्र before, व्रज् to go, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
- प्रशंशन :: n. (-नं) Praising, eulogising: see प्रशंसन . E. प्र before, शण्स to praise, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रशंशा :: f. (-शा) Praise, eulogium. E. प्र before, शण्स to praise, अङ् and टाप् affs.: see प्रशंसा ।
- प्रशंसन :: n. (-णं) Praising, eulogising. E. प्र before, शण्स to praise, ल्युट् aff.; also प्रशंशन ।
- प्रशंसनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be praised, praise-worthy. E. प्र before, शण्स to praise, अनीयर् aff.
- प्रशंसा :: f. (-सा) 1. Praise, applause, flattery, commendation. 2. Fame, re- putation, glory. 3. Description, as in अप्रस्तूतप्रशंसा E. प्र especially शण्स, to praise, affs. अङ् and टाप्; the root is also read शण्श, when this word and the analogous derivatives are read प्रशंशा, &c.
- प्रशंसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Praised, eulogised. E. प्रशंसा, and इतच् aff.
- प्रशंसितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be praised, praise-worthy. E. प्र before, शंस् to praise, तव्य aff.
- प्रशंसोपमा :: f. (-मा) A kind of Upamā according to Dandin, who thus defines and illustrates it:--
ब्रह्यणोत्प्युद्भवः पद्मश्चन्द्रः शम्भुशिरोधृतः । तौ तुलौ तन्मुखेनेति सा प्रशंसोपमोच्यते ॥
- प्रशत्वन् :: m. (-त्वा) The ocean f. (-री) A river. E. प्र before, शद् to go, and क्वनिप् Unādi aff, र inserted before ङीप् ।
- प्रशम :: m. (-मः) 1. Calmness, tranquillity, composure. 2. Assuagement, appeasement. 3. Abatement, extinction. E. प्र, शम् to pacify, अच् or घञ् affix.
- प्रशमन :: n. (-नं) 1. Killing, slaughter. 2. Pacifying, tranquillising. 3. Quiescence, reposing. 4. Soothing, assuaging. 5. Ouring, healing. 6. Extinguishing. 7. Bestowing fitly. 8. Securing, guarding. 9. Cessation, abatement. E. प्र before, शम् to pacify, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रशमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Allayed, appeased, relived, tranquilised, &c. E. प्र before, शम् to be calm, causal v., aff. क्त ।
- प्रशमय्य :: Ind. Having appeased. E. प्र before, शम् to be calm, causal v., ल्यट् aff.
- प्रशम्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Pacified, quieted, appeased, flattered. E. प्र be- fore, शम्, to be at rest, pass. v., शानच् aff.
- प्रशस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Happy, well, right. 2. Good, excellent, best. 3. Praised, extolled. E. प्र before, शण्स to praise or commend, aff. क्त ।
- प्रशस्ति :: f. (-स्तिः) 1. Excellence, eminence. 2. Eulogy. 3. A small poem written in praise of any one. 4. Instruction. E. प्र before, शणस to praise, क्तिन् aff.
- प्रशस्य :: f. (-स्या) Praise-worthy, excellent. E. प्र + शण्स to praise, क्यप् ।
- प्रशाख :: f. (-खा) 1. Having red branches. 2. In the fifth stage of for- mation. (as an embryo.)
- प्रशाखिक :: m. (-कः) A small branch or twig. E. प्र before, शाखा a branch, ठक् aff.
- प्रशान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्त) 1. Calmed, clam, tranquillised. 2. Ceased, dis- continued, (as active effort.) 3. Ended. 4. Relieved. E. प्र before, शम् to be calm, क्त aff.
- प्रशान्तचेष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Resting, E. प्रशान्त and चेष्टा effort.
- प्रशान्तात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Peaceful, calm, composed in mind. E. प्रशान्त and आत्मन् self.
- प्रशान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) 1. Calm, quiet, tranquility, moral or physical. 2. Quenching, extinguishing. E. प्र before, शम् to be calm, क्तिन् aff.
- प्रशान्तोज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Weakened, prostrate in strength. E. प्रशान्त, and ओजस् strength.
- प्रशाम् :: mfn. (-प्रशान्) Quiet, tranquil. E. प्र before, शम् to be tranquil, क्विप् aff., and the penultimate made long.
- प्रशाम :: m. (-मः) 1. Tranquillity, quiescence. 2. Allaying, pacifying. 3. Laying, suppressing. E. प्र before, शम् to be at rest, अच् aff.
- प्रशासन :: n. (-नं) 1. Governing, ruling. 2. Enacting. E. प्र before, शास् to rule, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रशास्तृ :: m. (-स्ता) A king. E. प्र + शास्-अनिट् ।
- प्रशासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Governed, ruled. 2. Promulgated, enacted. E. प्र before, शास् to rule, क्त aff.
- प्रशासितृ :: m. (-ता) A ruler or governor. E. प्र before, शास् to govern, तृच् aff.
- प्रशिथिल :: f. (-ला) Very loose.
- प्रशिष्य :: m. (-ष्यः) The disciple of disciple.
- प्रशोष :: m. (-षः) The becoming dry, aridity.
- प्रश्चोतन् :: mfn. (-तन् -तन्ती -तत्) Sprinkling, scattering. प्र before, श्च्युत् to sprinkle, शतृ aff.
- प्रश्न :: m. (-श्नः) 1. A question, a demand, an inquiry, an interrogation. 2. Judicial inquiry. 3. The subject of a controversy, a contro- verted point. 4. Inquiry into the future. 5. Problem for calcula- tion. 6. Section of a book. f. (-श्नी) An aquatic plant, (Pistia- stratiotes.) “पाना” इति भाषा । E. प्रच्छ् to ask, aff. नङ् .
- प्रश्नदूती :: f. (-ती) A riddle, an enigma, an intricate or enigmatical ques- tion. E. प्रश्न a question, and दूती playing.
- प्रश्रथ :: m. (-थः) Laxity, relaxation, flaccidity, E. प्र before, श्रथ् to be loose, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रश्रय :: m. (-यः) 1. Affection, affectionate regard or solicitation. 2. Res- pect. 3. Courtesy, civility. E. प्र before, श्रि to serve, aff. अच् ।
- प्रश्रवण :: n. (-णं) 1. A fountain, a cascade, a water-fall. 2. Oozing, flowing. 3. A range of mountains in the south, part of the western Ghats. E. प्र before, श्रु to ooze or drop, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रश्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Modest, humble, well-behaved. E. प्र before, श्रि to serve, aff. क्त ।
- प्रश्रुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Flowing, oozing, issuing. E. प्र before, श्रु to drop, aff. क्त .
- प्रश्लथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) Languid, flaccid, loose, relaxed, unnerved, E. प्र before, श्लथ् to be loose, aff. अच् ।
- प्रश्लिष्ट :: f. (-ष्टा) 1. Entwined. 2. Well-reasoned. E. प्र + श्लिष-क्त ।
- प्रश्लेष :: m. (-षः) Close, contact, pressing hard.
- प्रश्वास :: m. (-सः) Respiration. E. प्र + श्वस्-घञ् aff.
- प्रष्टव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be asked. E. प्रच्छ् to ask, तव्य aff.
- प्रष्टृ :: mfn. (-ष्टा -ष्ट्री -ष्टृ) Asking, demanding, an asker or questioner. E. प्रच्छ् to ask, तृच् aff.
- प्रष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) 1. A leader, a conductor, one who goes first or be- fore. 2. Prior, preceding. 3. Chief, principal, best. f. (-ष्ठी) The wife of a leader or chief. E. प्र pre-eminent, स्था to stay or be, aff. क ।
- प्रष्ठवाह् :: m. (-वाट्-वाड्) A young bull or steer, training for the plough, &c. E. प्रष्ठ a leader, and वह् to bear, aff. ण्वि or विच् ।
- प्रष्ठौही :: f. (-ही) A cow pregnant with her first calf. E. प्रष्ठ here said to be the first birth, and वह् to bear, aff. ण्वि or विच्, fem. aff. ङीप्, and व is changed to ऊ, which with the preceding vowel becomes औ by special rule.
- प्रस :: r. 1st cl. (प्रस्यते) 1. To spread or diffuse. 2. To bring forth young. सक० दिवा० आ० सेट् । मित् घटादि णिच् (प्रसयति-ते) .
- प्रसक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Eternal, constant, continual. 2. Opened, ex- panded. 3. Obtained, gained, attained. 4. Attached to, devoted to, (person or thing,) engaged in. 5. United to, connected with, accompanying. 6. Applied to, used, employed. 7. Applicability, application. 8. Conclusion, deduction. 9. Topic of conversation. 10. Energy, perseverance. n. adv. (-क्तं) Continually, incessantly, eternally. E. प्र before, सन्ज to unite or embrace, aff. क्त ।
- प्रसक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Union, connection. 2. Adherence or attachment to. 3. Energy, perseverance. 4. Acquiring. 5. Inference, conclusion, deduction. 6. A topic, or subject of conversation. E. प्र before, सन्ज to unite, क्तिन् aff.
- प्रसंख्या :: f. (-ख्या) 1. Total number. 2. Reflection.
- प्रसंख्यान :: m. (-नः) Payment, liquidation. n. (-नं) 1. Enumeration. 2. Re- nown, reputation. 3. Reflection, meditation. E. प्र + सम्-ख्या-ल्युट् ।
- प्रसङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. Introduction, insertion. 2. Association, connexion. 3. Addiction or attachment to 4. Connected language or style. 5. Connected reasoning or argument. 6. Double or conjoint re- sult, producing two effects, attaining two objects by one act. 7. Revealing a secret. 8. (In dramatic language.) A second or subsidiary incident or plot. 9. Union, association, intercourse, (as in स्त्री प्रसङ्ग) 10. Illicit intercourse. 11. Topic of conversation. 12. Occupation. 13. Contingency, event, case. 14. Mention of parents. 15. Equal extent, inseparable connection, (in logic.) 16. A conclusion, an inference. 17. Time, opportunity, occasion. E. प्र preceding, सन्ज to join, aff. अच् ।
- प्रसङ्गनिवारण :: n. (-णं) Obviation of similar contingencies.
- प्रसङ्गवशात् :: Ind. By the force of circumstances.
- प्रसङ्गेन :: Incidentally, by way of.
- प्रसञ्जन :: n. (-नं) 1. Bringing into use, employing, applying, bringing to bear. 2. Combining, connecting. E. प्र before, सन्ज to unite, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रसत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Purity, cleanness, brightness, transparency. 2. Favour, graciousness, complacency. E. प्र before, सद् to go, aff. क्तिन् ।
- प्रसत्वन् :: m. (-त्वा) 1. Virtue, piety. 2. BRAHMĀ f. (-री) Acquisition, ac- complishment. E. प्र before, सद् to go, वनिप् Unādi aff.
- प्रसन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Clear, clean, bright, pellucid. 2. Pleased, de- lighted. 3. Complacent, gracious, favourable. f. (-न्ना) 1. Propitiating, pleasing. 2. Spirituous or vinous liquor. 3. Open, clear, easily intelligible, (as the meaning of a passage.) 4. True. E. प्र prin- cipally, &c. सद् to go, aff. क्त ।
- प्रसन्नता :: f. (-ता) 1. Brightness, pellucidness, clearness, purity. 2. Favour, kindness, being pleased with. E. प्रसन्न clear, and तल् aff; also with त्व, प्रसन्नत्वं ।
- प्रसन्नमुख :: mfn. (-खः -खी -खं) Agreeable-looking, smiling, looking pleased. E. प्रसन्न and मुख face.
- प्रसन्नात्मन् :: Adj. Propitious.
- प्रसन्नेरा :: f. (-रा) Spirituous liquor. E. प्रसन्न clear, and ईरा wine.
- प्रसभ :: n. (-भं) Violently, forcibly. 2. Much, exceedingly. E. प्र gone, passed, सभा an assembly.
- प्रसभम् :: It is used as an indeclinable in the sense of: 1. Exceedingly, much. 2. Violently, forcibly.
- प्रसभहरण :: n. (-णं) Carrying off by force.
- प्रसमीक्षण :: n. (-णं) Considering, deliberating, discussing. E. प्र, सम् before, ईक्ष् to see, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रसमीक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) Deliberation, judgment. E. प्र and सम् before, ईक्ष to see, अङ् and टाप् affs.
- प्रसमीक्ष्य :: mfn. (-क्ष्यः -क्ष्या -क्ष्यं) To be weighed, considered, discussed, &c. Ind. Having considered. E. प्र and सम् before, ईक्ष् to see, यत् or ल्यप् aff.
- प्रसयन :: n. (-नं) 1. Fastening, binding. 2. A net. E. प्र + सि-ल्युट् ।
- प्रसर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Who or what proceeds projects, &c. m. (-रः) 1.
Spreading, extending. 2. Space, room. 3. Occasion, opportunity. 4. affectionate solicitation. 5. Speed, velocity. 6. Battle, war. 7. Multitude, assemblage. 8. An iron arrow. 9. A projection, a pro- cess. 10. Free course, unimpeded motion. 11. Diffusion. 12. A flow, a stream, a torrent, a flood. E. प्र before, सृ to go, aff. अप् or अच् ।
- प्रसरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Going forth or round. 2. Surrounding an enemy. 3. Spreading over the country to forage. 4. Amiability. E. प्र before, सृ to go, aff. ल्युट्; also प्रसरणी and प्रसरणि ।
- प्रसरणि :: f. (-णिः or -णी) Surrounding an enemy. E. प्र before, सृ to go, aff. अनि, and ङीप् optionally added.
- प्रसरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रत्) 1. Expanding, spreading, bursting. 2. Pro- ceeding, projecting. E. प्र before, सृ to go, शतृ aff.
- प्रसर्पक :: m. (-कः) An uninvited guest, an intruder. E. प्र before, सृप् to go, ण्वुल् aff.
- प्रसर्पण :: n. (-णं) 1. Spreading, stretching, expanding. 2. Going, proceed- ing. E. प्र before, सृप् to go, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रसर्पत् :: mfn. (-र्पन् -र्पन्ती -र्पत्) Advancing, proceeding. E. प्र before, सृप् to go, शतृ aff.
- प्रस(श)ल :: m. (-लः) The cold season, (हेमन्ते) E. प्र + शल्-अच् ।
- प्रसव :: m. (-वः) 1. Bringing forth, bearing, (as young.) 2. Birth, pro- duction. 3. Offspring, posterity. 4. Fruit. 5. A blossom, a flower. 6. Source, origin. E. प्र before, सू to bear, aff. अप् ।
- प्रसवक :: m. (-कः) A tree commonly Piyal, (Buchanania latifolia) E. प्रसव a flower, aff. कन्
- प्रसवगृह :: n. (-हं) A lying in-chamber.
- प्रसवबन्धन :: n. (-नं) The foot-stalk of a leaf or flower, the petiole or ped- uncle. E. प्रसव a flower, and बन्धन a binding.
- प्रसवत् :: mfn. (-वन् -वन्ती -वत्) Bearing. f. (-न्ती) A woman in labour. E. प्र before, सू to bear, शतृ aff.
- प्रसवन :: n. (-नं) Bringing forth, fecundity.
- प्रसववेदना :: f. (-ना) The Pangs of child-birth.
- प्रसवस्थली :: f. (-ली) A mother. E. प्रसव and स्थल place, ङीप् aff.
- प्रसवितृ :: m. (-ता) A father. f. (-त्री) A mother. E. प्र before, सू to bear or have offspring, aff. तृच् .
- प्रसविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Having or bearing young. E. प्रसव, and इनि aff.
- प्रसव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Contrary, reverse, unfavourable, inverted, re- verted. E. प्र inclined towards, सव्य the left or wrong side.
- प्रसह :: m. (-हः) 1. A beast or bird of prey. 2. Resistance, endurance. f. (-हा) Adj. Withstanding, bearing up. E. प्र before, सह् to be able, aff. अच् ।
- प्रसहन :: m. (-नः) A beast or bird of prey. n. (-नं) 1. Embracing, an em- brace. 2. Defeat. 3. Bearing, enduring. E. प्र before, सह् to bear, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रसह्य :: Ind. 1. Forcibly, violently. 2. Exceedingly. E. प्र excessively, सह् to be able, ल्यप् aff.
- प्रसह्यचौर :: m. (-रः) A robber, a plunderer. E. प्रसह्य violently, and चौर a thief.
- प्रसातिका :: f. (-का) A kind of rice. “अणुधान्ये” ।
- प्रसाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Clearness, cleanness, transparency, brightness. 2. Fa- vour, kindness, propitiousness, approbation. 3. Well-being, wel- fare. 4. Composure, calmness of mind. 5. Poetry written in an elegant but an easy style. 6. Perspicuity. 7. Connection, associa- tion. 8. Propitiatory offering. 9. Good humour, good temper. 10. Food that has been offered to an idol, or of which a spiritual teacher has partaken. E. प्र before, सद् to go, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रसादक :: f. (-दिका) Adj. 1. Purifying, making pellucid. 2. Gladdening, cheering. 3. Courting favour.
- प्रसादन :: n. (-नं) 1. Boiled-rice. 2. Cleaning, freeing from soil or impu- rities. 3. Pleasing, gratifying. f. (-नी) 1. Cheering, soothing. 2. Purifying, rendering clear. f. (-ना) 1. Service. 2. Worship. 3.
Purifying. m. (-नः) A Royal tent. E. प्र before, सद् to go, aff. ल्युट् fem. aff. टाप् ।
- प्रसादपराङ्मुख :: Adj. Not caring for any body's favour. 2. Withdrawing favour from any one.
- प्रसादयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Pleasing, propitiating. E. प्र before, सद to go, aff. शतृ ।
- प्रसादस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) 1. Kind, propitious, happy. E. प्रसाद and स्थ who or what is.
- प्रसादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Pleased, propitiated. 2. Worshipped. 3. Purified, cleansed. E. प्र before, षद् to go, क्त aff. or प्र + साधि-ण्वुल् ।
- प्रसादोन्मुख :: Adj. Disposed to favour.
- प्रसाधक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Who or what accomplishes or perfects. 2. Who or what cleanses or purifies. 3. A valet-de-chamber. f. (-का) 1. Wild-rice. 2. A dresser, a female attendant, one who decorates or adorns. E. प्र before, साध् to accomplish, aff. ण्वुल .
- प्रसाधन :: n. (-नं) 1. Dress, decoration, embellishment. 2. Accomplishing, effecting. 3. Arranging. 4. Means of decoration, things of orna- mentation. nf. (-नं-नी) A comb. f. (-नी) A drug, commonly called Siddhi. E. प्र before, साध् to accomplish, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रसाधनविधि :: m. (-धिः) Decoration, embellishment.
- प्रसाधनविशेष :: m. (-षः) The highest decoration.
- प्रसाधिका :: f. (-का) A female attendant who dresses her mistress.
- प्रसाधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Ornamented, decorated. 2. Accomplished, completed, done. E. प्र before, साध् to finish, aff. क्त ।
- प्रसाध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) 1. Accomplishable, what may be done. 2. To be done for, destroyed. E. प्र and साध् to accomplish, यत् aff.
- प्रसार :: m. (-रः) 1. Going about, spreading, extending. 2. Going to for- age, spreading over the country for grass and fuel. E. प्र afar, सृ to go, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रसारण :: n. (-णं) 1. Going about, spreading. 2. Expanding, extending. 3. Unfolding. 4. Surrounding an enemy. 5. The dispersion of an army by detachments for that purpose, or for collecting forage. 6. The change of a semi-vowel into a vowel, (in Gram.) f. (-णी) A plant, (Pœderia fœtida.) E. प्र before, सृ to go, aff. णिच् ल्युट्; also प्रसरण ।
- प्रसारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Stretched, expanded, extended. 2. Laidont. E. प्र before, सृ to go, causal v., क्त aff.
- प्रसारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Going along gently, gliding, flowing, creeping. 2. Spreading, expanding. 3. Spreading around or about. 4. Expanded, unfolded. 5. Surrounding an enemy. E. प्र before, सृ to go, णिनि aff.
- प्रसाह :: m. (-हः) Overpowering, defeating.
- प्रसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Diligent, attentive, adhering to, or engaged in. 2. Ingrossed by, devoted or attached to. 3. Bound, fastened. 4. Longing for, greatly desirous of, (with an inst. or loc.) n. (-तं) Pus, matter. E. प्र before, षिञ् to bind, aff. क्त .
- प्रसिति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Ligament, fetters, binding, tie. 2. A net, a snare. E. प्र before, सिञ to bind, aff. क्तिन् ।
- प्रसिद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Famous, celebrated. 2. Adorned, ornamented. E. प्र before, सिद्ध accomplished.
- प्रसिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) 1. Fame, celebrity, notoriety. 2. Ornament, decoration. 3. That which is notorious or known. 4. Success, accomplishment. E. प्र before, सिध् to go, aff. क्तिन् ।
- प्रसीदिका :: f. (-का) A small garden.
- प्रसुप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Sleeping, asleep, fast asleep. E. प्र, सुप्त slept.
- प्रसुप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) 1. Sleepiness. 2. Paralysis.
- प्रसू :: f. (-सूः) 1. A mother. 2. A mare. 3. A spreading creeper. 4. The plantain. Adj. Bringing forth, bearing. E. प्र before, सू to bear, aff. क्विप् ।
- प्रसूका :: f. (-का) A mare. E. कन् added to the last.
- प्रसूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Born, engendered. 2. Bearing, bringing forth, delivered. n. (-तं) 1. A flower. 2. Any productive source. f. (-ता) A woman who has borne a child, or one who is recently delivered. E. प्र before, सू to bear, aff. क्त, fem. aff. टाप्; also प्रसूतिका ।
- प्रसूति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Bringing forth, (as young.) 2. Birth, production. 3. Offspring, children, a son or daughter. 4. A mother. 5. A producer, a procreator. 6. Calving or laying eggs. E. प्र before, सू to bear, aff. क्तिन् or क्तिच् ।
- प्रसूतिका :: f. (-का) A woman who has had a child, or one who has been recently delivered. E. प्रसूता the same, pleonastic aff. कन्, fem. form.
- प्रसूतिज :: n. (-जं) 1. Pain, affliction, mental or corporeal. 2. Pain resulting as a necessary consequence of birth. E. प्रसूति birth, and ज pro- duced; attending man from birth.
- प्रसूतिवायु :: m. (-युः) Air produced in the womb during travail.
- प्रसून :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Born, produced. n. (-नं) 1. A flower, a bud, a blos- som. 2. Fruit. E. प्र before, सू to bear, aff. क्त, form irr.
- प्रसूनेषु :: m. (-षुः) KĀMADEVA. E. प्रसून a flower, and इषु an arrow.
- प्रसृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Dispersed, extended, spread abroad. 2. Stretched. 3. Long, lengthened. 4. Modest, humble. 5. Swift, quick. 6. Gone. 7. Attached to, engaged in, occupied with. 8. Appointed. m. (-तः) The palm of the hand, hollowed as if to hold liquids. f. (-ता) The leg. mn. (-तः-तं) A measure of two Palās. E. प्र before, सृ to go, aff. क्त ।
- प्रसृतज :: m. (-जः) A son born in adultery.
- प्रसृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. The palm of the hand stretched out and hollowed. 2. A handful considered as a measure. 3. Progress, advance. E. प्र before, सृ to go, aff. क्तिन् ।
- प्रसृष्ट :: f. (-ष्टा) Adj. 1. Hurt, injured. 2. Laid aside. E. प्र + सृज्-क्त ।
- प्रसृष्टा :: f. (-ष्टा) A finger stretched forth.
- प्रसृमर :: f. (-रा) Adj. Dropping, distilling, flowing forth.
- प्रसेक :: m. (-कः) 1. Sprinkling, wetting. 2. Dropping, oozing. 3. Runn- ing or watering of the mouth and nose, emission, discharge. 4. Vomiting. E. प्र before, सिच् to sprinkle, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रसेदिका :: f. (-का) A small garden. E. प्र excellence, सद् to go, aff. ण्वुल् fem. aff. टाप् ।
- प्रसेदिवस् :: mfn. (-वान् दुषी -वस्) Pleased, propitiated, favourable. E. प्र be- fore, षद् to go, क्वसु aff.
- प्रसेव :: m. (-वः) 1. Part of a lute: see the next. 2. A sack. E. प्र before, सिव् to tie or sew, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रसेवक :: m. (-कः) 1. A part of a lute, a wooden vessel covered with leather, placed under the neck to render the sound deeper. 2. A crooked piece of wood at the end of a lute. 3. A leathern bottle, a bag for grain. E. प्र before, षेव् to serve, aff. क्वुन्; or प्र + सिव-ण्वुल् ।
- प्रस्कन्दन :: n. (-नं) 1. Purging, diarrhœa. 2. Springing across. m. (-नः) An epithet of Śiva. E. प्र before, स्कन्द् to go, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रस्कन्दिका :: f. (-का) Diarrhœa. E. प्र before, स्कन्द् to go, वुन् aff.
- प्रस्कन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Fallen, dropped. 2. Defeated. m. (-न्नः) A sinner, an outcast, one who has violated the usages of his caste or order. E. प्र before, स्कन्द् to go, to drop, aff. क्त, form irr.
- प्रस्कुन्द :: m. (-न्दः) An alter of a circular shape.
- प्रस्खलन :: n. (-नं) 1. Staggering. 2. Tumbling. 3. Falling.
- प्रस्तर :: m. (-रः) 1. A stone or rock. 2. A jewel, a precious stone. 3. A couch, made of flowers or grass. 4. Any bed or couch. 5. A flat, a level, a surface. 6. A tabular form of representing the long and short vowels of poetical metre. 7. Notation of music. 8. A hand- ful or bundle of Kusa grass used at sacrifices. E. प्र before, स्तृ to spread, aff. अच् ।
- प्रस्तरण :: mf. (-णः-णा) 1. A bed, a couch. 2. A seat.
- प्रस्तार :: m. (-रः) 1. A jungle, a thicket or wood, overgrown with grass. 2. Covering, spreading. 3. A bed made with blossoms, leaves, &c.
4. Any bed or couch. 5. A flat surface, a plain. 6. Representation of the long and short vowels of a metre and its possible varie- ties, (in prosody.) E. प्र before, स्तृ to spread, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रस्ताव :: m. (-वः) 1. Opportunity, occasion, season. 2. Occasional or intro- ductory eulogium. 3. Subject matter of a composition. 4. A chap- ter, a section. 5. Beginning, commencement. 6. Mention, allusion. E. प्र before, स्तु to praise, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रस्तावना :: f. (-ना) 1. Commencement, introduction. 2. A dramatic prelude, an introductory dialogue, usually spoken by the manager and one of the actors. 3. Praising, praise. E. प्र before, स्तु to praise, aff. ल्युट्; the commencement of books, &c. being usually the praise of gods or princes. It is thus defined by Bharata:-- “नटी विदूषको वापि पारिपार्श्विक एव वा । सूत्रधारेण सहिताः संलापं यत्र कुर्वते । आमुखं नाम तज्ज्ञेयं सैव प्रस्तावना मता ।”
- प्रस्तावयज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) A conversation to which each interlocutor contri- butes his share.
- प्रस्तावसदृश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) Suited to the occasion, appropriate, season- able. E. प्रस्ताव and सदृश like.
- प्रस्तावित :: f. (-ता) Adj. 1. Begun, commenced. 2. Mentioned.
- प्रस्तिर :: m. (-रः) A bed or couch made of blossoms, flowers, leaves, &c. E. प्र before, स्तृ to spread, aff. अच् and इर substituted, for अर ।
- प्रस्तीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Crowded, clustering. 2. Sounded, making a noise. E. प्र before, स्त्यै to crowed, aff. क्त, form irr.
- प्रस्तीम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Crowded together, swarming, clustering. 2. Sounded. E. प्र before, स्त्यै to crowed, aff. क्त, form irr.
- प्रस्तुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Said, revealed, propounded, declared. 2. Ready, prepared. 3. Praised, panegyrised. 4. Accomplished, done. 5. Happened, come to pass. 6. Made or consisting of. 7. Ap- proached, proximate. 8. Done with effort or energy. 9. Expected desired. 10. Begun, commenced. n. (-तं) A subject under discuss- ion, a matter in hand, (in this sense the word is often used in the sense of Upameya in rhetorical works.) E. प्र before, स्तु to praise, aff. क्त ।
- प्रस्तुताङ्कुर :: m. (-रः) A figure of speech, (according to some writers,) con- sisting in the mention of any passing circumstance to indicate something in the hearer's mind.
- प्रस्तृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Spread. 2. Disappeared. E. प्र before, स्तृ to spread, aff. क्त ।
- प्रस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) 1. Expanding, spread. 2. What stays well, firm, solid. 3. Who goes on a journey or march, &c. m. (-स्थः) 1. A measure of quantity, four Kuḍavas, or forty-eight double-hand- fuls. 2. Table land on the top of a mountain. 3. A level expanse. 4. A Prastha of any thing, or any thing measuring a Prastha. E. प्र before, स्था to stand, aff. क ।
- प्रस्थपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A sort of Tulasi, or basil with small leaves. E. प्रस्थ the top of a mountain and पुष्प flower.
- प्रस्थान :: n. (-नं) 1. Going forth, preceeding, departing. 2. March of an assailant. 3. March. 4. Method, system. 5. Dying, death. 6. An inferior kind of drama the personages of which are slaves and outcasted. E. प्र away, away from, स्था to stay, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रस्थानविघ्न :: n. (-घ्नं) Non-attendance at a festival, impeding its taking place, &c. E. प्रस्थान proceeding and विघ्न obstacle.
- प्रस्थानिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Belonging or relating to departure. E. प्रस्थान, ठक् aff.
- प्रस्थापन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sending away. 2. Appointment on an embassy. 3. Proving, establishing. 4. Carrying, carrying off cattle, &c. E. प्र before, स्था to stay, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
- प्रस्थापनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be sent away. 2. To be carried or driven off. E. प्र before, स्था to stay, causal v., अनीयर् aff.
- प्रस्थापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sent, dispatched. 2. Sent away, dismissed.
3. Established, proved. E. प्र reverse, स्था to stay, in the causal form, aff. क्त ।
- प्रस्थायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Who or what goes, travels marches, &c. E. प्र before, स्था to stay, णिनि Unādi aff.
- प्रस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Gone, departed, set forth, (on a journey, march &c.) E. प्र before, स्था to stay, aff. क्त ।
- प्रस्थिति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Going forth or away. 2. Journey. 3. March. E. प्र before, स्था to stay, क्तिन् aff.
- प्रस्न :: m. (-स्नः) A vessel for bathing.
- प्रस्नव :: m. (-वः) 1. Flowing, pouring forth. 2. A stream.
- प्रस्नुत :: f. (-ता) Adj. Dropping, pouring forth.
- प्रस्नुतस्तनी :: f. (-नी) A woman whose breasts distil milk, (through excess of love.
- प्रस्नुषा :: f. (-षा) The wife of a grandson.
- प्रस्पन्दन :: n. (-नं) Palpitating, vibrating. E. प्र + स्पन्द्-ल्युट् ।
- प्रस्फुट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) 1. Blown, expanded. 2. Spread abroad, pub- lished. 3. Evident, clear, manifest. E. प्र before, स्फुट् to blossom, क aff.
- प्रस्फुरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Swollen. 2. Budded. 3. Quivering, tremb- ling. E. प्र before, स्फुर् to expand, क्त aff.
- प्रस्फोटन :: n. (-नं) 1. A winnowing basket. 2. Striking, beating. 3. Ex- panding, budding, opening, blowing. 4. Winnowing corn. 5. Ripen- ing, making manifest or apparent. E. प्र before, स्फुट् to blossom, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रस्मृति :: f. (-तिः) Forgetfulness, forgetting. E. प्र privative, स्मृति recollection.
- प्रस्यन्द :: m. (-न्दः) 1. Trickling, forth. 2. Any thing that exudes, gum.
- प्रस्यन्दन :: n. (-नं) Exuding, trickling forth.
- प्रस्रंसिन् :: f. (-नी) Adj. Miscarrying.
- प्रस्रव :: m. (-वः) 1. Trickling forth, oozing out. 2. A flow, a stream. 3. Milk flowing from a breast or an udder. 4. Urine. m. Plu. Falling tears: See the next.
- प्रस्रवण :: n. (-णं) 1. A pool of water formed by dripping of springs in the mountains. 2. Dripping or fall of water, cascade, cataract. 3. Washing away of rocks, &c. by the dripping of water. 4. Oozing, leaking, dripping. m. (-णः) 1. Sweat, perspiration. 2. Pissing, urining. 3. Flowing of milk from a breast or an udder. 4. A range of mountains in the peninsula; also Malayāvan. E. प्र before, स्रु to drop, aff. ल्युट्; also प्रश्रवण ।
- प्रस्राव :: m. (-वः) 1. Flowing, dropping. 2. Urine. E. प्र forth, स्रु to ooze, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रस्रुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Oozed is used, dropped. E. प्र before, स्रु to drop, क्त aff.
- प्रस्व(स्वा)न :: m. (-नः) A loud noise. E. प्र before, स्वन् to sound, aff. अप् or घञ् ।
- प्रस्वाप :: m. (-पः) 1. Sleep. 2. A missile which brings on sleep. 3. A dream.
- प्रस्वापन :: n. (-नं) 1. Causing sleep, inducing sleep. 2. A missile which sends the person attacked to sleep.
- प्रस्विन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Perspiring, covered with perspiration. 2. Heated, sweated. E. प्र before, स्विद् to sweat, क्त aff.
- प्रस्वेद :: m. (-दः) Great or excessive perspiration. E. प्र intensitive, स्वेद sweat.
- प्रस्वेदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Perspiring, sweating. 2. Heated, sweated. 3. Hot, causing perspiration. E. प्र before, ष्विद् to sweat, क्त aff.
- प्रस्वेदितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत) Suffering or producing perspiration. E. प्र before, ष्विद् to sweat, क्तवतु aff.
- प्रहणन :: n. (-नं) Killing, slaughter.
- प्रहनेमि :: m. (-मिः) The moon.
- प्रहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Struck, wounded, killed. 2. Repelled, repulsed, overcome, defeated. 3. Spread, expanded. 4. Contiguous, bound- ing, limitative. 5. Learned, accomplished. 6. Beaten, frequented, (as a path). 7. Beaten, (as a drum). E. प्र again and हत struck, injured.
- प्रहर :: m. (-रः) A watch, an 8th part of the day, or a division compri- sing about three hours. E. प्र before, ह to take, अप् aff.
- प्रहरक :: m. (-कः) A watch.
- प्रहरण :: n. (-णं) 1. A weapon. 2. A covered car, a litter for women or any litter or small covered car for diversion. 3. War, battle. 4. Strik- ing, killing. 5. Assailing, attacking. 6. Removing, expelling. E. प्र before, हृ to take, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रहरणकलिका :: f. (-का) A species of the Sarkari metre.
- प्रहरणीय :: n. (-यं) A weapon.
- प्रहरिन् :: m. (-री) A watchman, a bellman. E. प्रहर a watch, and इनि aff.
- प्रहरिष्यत् :: mfn. (-ष्यन् -ष्यन्ती -ष्यत्) Taking, intending or wishing to take. E. प्र, हृ to take, with a future sense, शतृ aff.
- प्रहर्त्तृ :: mfn. (-र्त्ता -त्त्री -र्त्तृ) 1. Striking, a striker, a combatant. 2. Fighting. 3. Shooting. E. प्र before, हृ to take, तृच् aff.
- प्रहर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) 1. Delight, joy, rapture, exultation. 2. Erection of the male organ. E. प्र before, हृष् to rejoice, णिच्-ल्यु aff.
- प्रहर्षण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Happy, delighted. 2. Delighting. m. (-णः) The planet Mercury, or its ruler. f. (-णी) 1. Turmeric. 2. A form of metre. E. प्र before, हृ to rejoice, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रहर्षुल :: m. (-लः) The planet mercury.
- प्रहर्षिणी :: f. (-णी) A species of the Atijagati metre.
- प्रहर्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Delighted, very happy. E. प्र before, हृष् to rejoice, क्त aff.
- प्रहसत् :: mfn. (-सन् -सन्ती -सत्) Laughing, laughing heartily. f. (-न्ती) Ara- bian jasmine. E. प्र before, हस् to smile, aff. शतृ, fem. aff. ङीप् ।
- प्रहसन :: n. (-नं) 1. Loud, violent or hearty laughter. 2. Mirth, merri- ment. 3. Sarcasm, satire, as a branch of rhetorical composition. 4. Reproof, ridicule, irony. 5. A farce, a comedy. It is thus defined in Sāhitya Darpana:-- भाणवत् सन्धिसन्ध्यङ्गलास्याङ्गाङ्कैर्विनिर्मितम् । भवेत् प्रहसनं वृतं निन्द्यानां कविकल्पितम् । E. प्र before, हस् to laugh, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रहसन्ती :: f. (-न्ती) 1. A kind of Jasmine. 2. A large fire-pan. E. प्र + हस्- शतृ-ङीप् ।
- प्रहसित :: n. (-तं) Laughter, mirth. E. प्र and हस् to laugh, क्त aff.
- प्रहस्त :: m. (-स्तः) 1. The oped hand with the fingers extended. 2. Name of one of the generals of Rāvana. E. प्र exchanging, हस्त the hand.
- प्रहाण :: n. (-णं) Abandoning, omitting.
- प्रहाणि :: f. (-णिः) 1. Abandoning. 2. Want, deficiency. E. प्र + हा-णि-णत्वम् ।
- प्रहापण :: n. (-णं) Driving away, forced abandonment or departure. E. प्र before, हा to quit, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
- प्रहार :: m. (-रः) 1. Striking. 2. Wounding, killing. 3. A blow, a knock, a stroke. 4. A cut, a thrust. 5. A kick. 6. Suiting, fitting. E. प्र before, हृ to take, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रहारण :: n. (-णं) A desirable gift. E. प्र before, हृ to take, aff. ल्युट्; also प्रवारण ।
- प्रहारार्त्त :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -र्त्ता -र्त्तं) Bruised, wounded, hurt by a blow. n. (-र्त्त) Lasting and acute pain from a wound or maim. E. प्रहार striking, and आर्त्त pained.
- प्रहास :: m. (-सः) 1. Loud laughter. 2. Ridicule, derision. 3. Irony. 4. Blowing, (as a flower). 5. Sīva. 6. An actor, a dancer. 7. A place of pilgrimage; also सोमतीर्थ . E. प्र before, हस् to laugh, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रहासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) 1. Laughing aloud. 3. Diverting or causing laughter. m. (-सी) A jester, a Buffoon, a clown. E. प्र before, हस् to laugh, aff. णिनि ।
- प्रहि :: m. (-हिः) A well. E. प्र before, हृ to take, unādi aff. इन्, and the final of the radical rejected.
- प्रहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sent, dispatched. 2. Appointed, commissioned. 3. Stretched out, extended. 4. Placed. 5. Discharged as an arrow from a bow. 6. Learned. 7. Suitable, appropriate. n. (-तं) Sauce, gravy, condiment. E. प्र before, हित proper.
- प्रहीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Left, abandoned. n. (-णं) Removal, loss, waste, destruction. E. प्र before, हा to quit, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रहीणजीवित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Dead, slain. E. प्रहीण and जीवित life.
- प्रहुत :: n. (-तं) Offering articles of food to spirits or goblins. E. प्र well, हु to offer in oblation, क्त aff.
- प्रहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Seized. 2. Struck, beaten, wounded. n. (-तं) 1. Striking, killing. 2. A stroke, a blow. E. प्र and हृत taken.
- प्रहृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Pleased, delighted. 2. Bristling. E. प्र before, हृष् to be pleased, aff. क्त ।
- प्रहृष्टक :: m. (-कः) A crow. E. प्र before, हृष्ट pleased, aff. कन् ।
- प्रहेणक :: n. (-कं) Victuals or sweetmeats, &c. distributed at festivals.
- प्रहेलक :: n. (-कं) 1. A riddle, an enigma, a puzzling question. 2. A kind of cake.
- प्रहेला :: f. (-ला) Playful dalliance, loose-behaviour.
- प्रहेलि :: f. (-लिः) A poetic riddle.: See the next.
- प्रहेलिका :: f. (-का) An enigma, a riddle, a puzzling or enigmatical ques- tion. E. प्र before, हिल् to play and इन्-संज्ञायां कन् aff. It is thus defined in Vāchaspatya. “व्यक्तीकृत्य कमप्यर्थं स्वरूपार्थस्य गोपनात् । यत्र बाह्यान्तरावर्थौ कथ्यते सा प्रहेलिका ॥”
- प्रह्राद :: m. (-दः) A prince: see प्रह्लाद . E. ल changed to र ।
- प्रह्लत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Pleasure, happiness. E. प्र before, ह्लद् to be glad, क्तिन् aff.
- प्रह्लन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Pleased, happy, glad. E. प्र before, ह्लाद् to be happy, क्त aff.
- प्रह्लन्नि :: f. (-न्निः) Pleasure, delight. E. प्र before, ह्लद् to be happy, क्तिन् aff.
- प्रह्लाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Pleasure, joy, happiness. 2. Sound, noise. 3. The name of HIRAṆYĀKSHA'S PIOUS son and regent of one division of Pātāla. E. प्र before, ह्लाद gladness or sound.
- प्रह्लादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Rejoiced, delighted. E. प्रह्लाद to be happy, क्त aff.
- प्रह्व :: mfn. (-ह्वः -ह्वा -ह्वं) 1. Bowed, bent, stooping. 2. Intent upon, engaged in, engrossed by. 3. Sloping, slanting, inclining. 4. Submissive, humble. E. प्र before, ह्वेञ् to call, Unādi aff. वन्, form irr.
- प्रह्वलिका :: f. (-का) See प्रहेलिका ।
- प्रह्वाञ्जलि :: mfn. (-लिः -लिः -लि) Stooping or bowing with the palm of the hands joined, and put to the forehead in taken of respect. E. प्रह्व, and अञ्जलि salute.
- प्रह्वाय :: m. (-यः) Calling, summoning, invocation. E. प्र before, ह्वे to call, घञ् aff.
- प्रह्वीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Conquered, won, subjected. 2. Bent, bowed. E. प्रह्व, and कृत made, च्वि aff.
- प्रा :: r. 2nd cl. (प्राति) To fill. अदा० पर० सक० अनिट् ।
- प्रांशु :: mfn. (-शुः -शुः -शु) 1. High, tall, lofty. 2. A tall man, a man of great stature. E. प्र before, अंशु a ray of light.
- प्राक् :: Ind. 1. Before, already, prior, preceding, in place or time. 2. In front of. 3. As for as, up to. 4. Previously. 5. East, eastern. 6. Past, gone. 7. First. 8. Between, amongst, amidst. 9. At dawn, early in the morning. E. See प्राच् ।
- प्राकट्य :: n. (-ठ्यं) Publicity, notoriety.
- प्राकरणिक :: f. (-की) Belonging to the subject under discussion, relevant to the matter in hand; (the word is sometimes used in the sense of upameya in rhetorical works).
- प्राकर्षिक :: f. (-की) Deserving preference.
- प्राकषिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A catamite. 2. A dancer, but especially one who employs or hires the wives of others. 3. One who gets his livelihood by another man's wife. E. प्र and आङ् prefixed to कष् to go, Unādi aff. किकन् ।
- प्राकाम्य :: n. (-म्यं) 1. Irresistible will or fiat, one of the ŚIVA'S eight attributes. 2. Wilfulness, following or obeying one's own will or inclination. E. प्र and आङ् before, कम् to desire, aff. ण्यत् ।
- प्राकार :: m. (-रः) An inclosure, a fence, a rampart, particularly a sur- rounding wall, &c. elevated on a mound of earth. E. प्र and आङ् implying initial, first, कृ to make, aff. घञ्; otherwise the prefix
is considered as प्र only, the vowel being made long by the affix being घञ् ।
- प्राकारीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Walled, enclosed by a wall. 2. Of, belonging to, or fit for wall. E. प्राकार and छ aff.
- प्राकाश्य :: n. (-श्यं) 1. Publicity. 2. Fame, renown.
- प्राकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Low, common, vulgar, thence especially appli- cable to a provincial and peculiar dialect of the Sanskrit language. 2. Natural. 3. Belonging to or derived from the philosophical Pra- kritī, illusory, material, &c. m. (-तः) A low man or one following a degraded profession. n. (-तं) Any dialect not Sanskrit, it is espe- cially spoken by the female characters and the inferior personages of plays, E. प्रकृति nature, and अण् aff., or प्र pre-eminently and अकृत not made.
- प्राकृतज्वर :: m. (-रः) Common or usual fever, occurring from the affections of the wind, bile, and phlegm severally, in as many seasons, or the rains, autumn and spring. E. प्राकृत and ज्वर fever.
- प्राकृतप्रलय :: m. (-यः) The total dissolution of the world. E. प्राकृत material, and प्रलय destruction.
- प्राकृतमानुष :: m. (-षः) A man in general. E. प्राकृत, and मानुष man.
- प्राकृतमित्र :: m. (-त्रः) A natural friend or ally; as applied to a sovereign, it means one whose states are removed by an intervening kingdom from those to which it should be friendly, the प्राकृतारि or natural enemy is the chief of the intervening state, and the प्राकृतोदासीनः or natural neutral is the outer one of the four. E. प्राकृत natural, and मित्र a friend.
- प्राकृतारि :: m. (-रिः) A natural enemy or the sovereign of an adjacent country.
- प्राकृतिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Belonging or relating to Prakritī, nature or matter, material, natural, illusory, &c. E. प्रकृति, and ठञ् aff.
- प्राक्काल :: n. (-लं) Former age or time. E. प्राच् and काल time.
- प्राक्कालीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Anterior, ancient, of a former time. E. प्राक्काल and ख aff.
- प्राक्कूल :: m. (-लः) The tip of Kusa grass placed to the east. E. प्राक् and कूल point of grass.
- प्राक्तन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) 1. Old, ancient. 2. Prior, anterior, preceding, former. E. प्राक् formerly, ठ्युल् aff. and तन् aug.
- प्राक्तनकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) 1. Fate, destiny. 2. Any act formerly done. E. प्राक्तन prior, and कर्म्मन् act.
- प्राक्फल :: m. (-लः) The bread-fruit-tree. E. प्राक् before, (flower,) and फल fruit.
- प्राक्फल्गुनी :: f. (-नी) The eleventh of the lunar asterisms: see पूर्व्वफल्गुनी . E. प्राक् preceding, and फल्गुनी the asterism.
- प्राक्फल्गुनीभव :: m. (-वः) A name of VRIHASPATI. E. प्राक्फल्गुनी and भव born, when the moon was in that mansion; also similar com- pounds as प्राक्फाल्गुनीय ।
- प्राक्फाल्गुन :: m. (-नः) VRIHASPATI. E. प्राक्फल्गुनी, and अण् aff.
- प्राक्शिरस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) 1. Facing the east. 2. Having the head to the east in burial. E. प्राच्, and शिरस् the head, मच् added.
- प्राक्सन्ध्या :: f. (-न्ध्या) Dawn. E. प्राक् the first, सन्ध्या junction of the day.
- प्राखर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) 1. Sharpness. 2. Pungency. 3. Wickedness. E. प्रखर and ष्यञ् aff.
- प्रागग्र :: Adj. Having the point turned towards the east.
- प्रागभाव :: m. (-वः) Antecedent privation, the non-existence of any thing which may yet be. In law, the non-possession of property that may be possessed. E. प्राक् prior, अ negative and भाव being.
- प्रागल्भ्य :: n. (-ल्भ्यं) 1. Confidence, boldness, determination. 2. Arrogance, effrontery. 3. Importance, rank. E. प्रगल्भ confident, ष्यञ् aff.
- प्रागार :: m. (-रः) A house, a building.
- प्रागुदीची :: f. (-ची) The north-east. E. प्राक् the east, and उदीची the north.
- प्राग्गामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Going before, a precursor. E. प्राच् and गामिन् who goes.
- प्राग्ज्योतिष :: m. (-षः) A country, Kāmarupa, part of Assām. E. प्राक् for- merly, ज्योतिष light; being the scene of BRAHMĀ'S penance.
- प्राग्भार :: m. (-रः) The top or peak of a mountain. E. प्राक् first, भार bur- then; also read प्राग्भाव ।
- प्राग्भाव :: m. (-वः) 1. Prior existence. 2. Superiority, excellence. 3. The top of a mountain. E. प्राक् and भाव being or nature.
- प्राग्भावतस् :: Ind. From a prior state of being. E. प्राग्भाव, and तसि aff.
- प्राग्र :: n. (-ग्रं) The highest point.
- प्राग्रसर :: Adj. Foremost, first.
- प्राग्रहर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Chief, principal. E. प्र, and अग्र first, हर who surpasses.
- प्राग्राट :: n. (-टं) Thin curds. E. प्र before, अग्र the top, and अट what goes.
- प्राग्र्य :: mfn. (-ग्र्यः -ग्र्या -ग्र्यं) Chief, principal. E. प्र prefixed to अग्र्य chief.
- प्राग्व्य :: f. (-ग्व्या) Adj. Best, chief, most excellent.
- प्राग्वंश :: m. (-शः) 1. The room opposite to that which contains the ma- terials for an oblation, and in which the family and friends of the sacrificer assemble. 2. A former dynasty or race. E. प्राक् before, and वंश a race, &c.
- प्राघात :: m. (-तः) War, battle. E. प्र before, हन् to kill, aff. घञ्, and the vowel of the prefix optionally made long.
- प्राघार :: m. (-रः) Dropping, oozing, trickling, aspersion, or pouring out of any oily substance. E. प्र before, घॄ to sprinkle or drop, aff. घञ् ।
- प्राघुण :: m. (-णः) A guest, a visitor, one demanding hospitality. E. प्र and आङ् before, घुण् to turn round, aff. क ।
- प्राघुण(णि)क :: m. (-कः) 1. A guest. E. प्रघुण स्वार्थें ठक् ।
- प्राघूर्णिक :: m. (-कः) A guest. E. प्र before, घूर्ण going about, aff. ठक् ।
- प्राङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A sort of small tabor or drum. E. प्र before, अञ्ज् to go or be, aff. घञ् ।
- प्राङ्गण :: n. (-णं) 1. A sort of drum. 2. A court, a yard. 3. A hall, a floor. E. प्र before, अगि to go, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्राङ्न्याय :: m. (-यः) Plea of a former trial, special plea. E. प्राक् former, न्याय proper.
- प्राङ्मुख :: mfn. (-खः -खा खी -खं) Facing the east. E. प्राञ्च, and मुख the face.
- प्राच् :: or प्राञ्च् mfn. (-प्राङ् -प्राची -प्राक्) 1. East, eastern. 2. Before, in front. 3. Former, prior, first. 4. At top, above. m. Plu. 1. The people of the east. 2. Grammarians of the eastern school. f. (-ची) The east. E. प्र before, अन्च to go, aff. क्विप् or ङीप् ।
- प्राचार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Contrary to rectitude, deviating from the ordi- nary institutions and observances. E. प्र reverse and आचार ordinance.
- प्राचार्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) A scholar, a pupil. E. प्र meaning प्राप्त obtained and आचार्य्य a preceptor.
- प्राचिका :: f. (-का) 1. A musquito. 2. The female falcon. E. प्राचिनोति मधु प्र + आ + चि-ड स्वार्थेकापि अत इत्त्वम् ।
- प्राचीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. East, eastern. 2. Former, prior, ancient, old. 3. Placed towards the east. fn. (-ना-नं) A bound hedge, a fence, a wall. f. (-ना) 1. A plant, (Cissampelos hexandra.) 2. The ichneu- mon plant: see रास्ना . E. प्राक् the east, aff. ख .
- प्राचीनतिलक :: m. (-कः) The moon. E. प्राचीन eastern, and तिलक mark.
- प्राचीनपनस :: m. (-सः) A tree, (Ægle marmelos.) “बिल्वे” E. प्राचीन eastern, and पनस the jack.
- प्राचीनबर्हिस :: m. (-र्हिः) 1. A name of INDRA. 2. A king. E. प्राचीन eastern, and वर्हिर्स् light; presiding over the eastern quarter.
- प्राचीनामलक :: m. (-कः) A fruit, (Flacourtia cataphracta.) E. प्राचीन east- ern, आमलक myrobalan. “पानीयामलके” ।
- प्राचीनानीत :: n. (-तं) The sacrificial thread, worn over the right arm, and passing under the left, as at Shrāddhas. E. प्राचीन east, आनीत hung.
- प्राचीनावीतिन् :: m. (-ती) A Brāhman wearing his cord over his right shoulder, as at Shrāddhas. E. प्राचीनावीत, and इनि aff.
- प्राचीपति :: m. (-तिः) A name of Indra. E. प्राची the east, and पति master, regent.
- प्राचीर :: n. (-रं) A bound hedge, a fence, a wall, an inclosure, a rampart. E. प्र and आङ् prefixed to चि to collect, aff. क्रन्, and the radical vowel made long.
- प्राचेतस :: m. (-सः) VĀLMĪKI, the author of the Rāmāyana. m. Plu. (-साः) The ten sons of Prachinavarhi. E. प्रचेतस् the father of the poet, and अण् aff.; it also occurs प्राचेतस् m. (-ताः) ।
- प्राच्य :: mfn. (-च्यः -च्या -च्यं) Eastern, easterly. m. (-च्यः) The eastern country, the country south or east of the SARASWATĪ, which flows from the north-east to the south-west. E. प्राच् the east, aff. यत् .
- प्राच्छ् :: m. (-प्राट्) An inquirer, a questioner. E. प्रच्छ् to ask, aff. क्विप् ।
- प्राजक :: m. (-कः) A coachman, a driver. E. प्र before, अज् to go, causal form, aff. वुन् ।
- प्राजन :: n. (-नं) A goad. E. प्र before, अज् to go, in the causal form, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्राजापत्य :: m. (-त्यः) 1. A form of marriage, the gift of a girl, respectfully by her father to her lover. 2. A name of Allāhābād or Prayāga. 3. The first of the persons, called Vāsudevas, by the Jainas. n. (-त्यं) 1. A sort of penance, eating once a day for three days in the morning, once in the night for three days subsisting, three days on food given as alms, and fasting three days more. 2. A particular sacrifice performed before appointing a daughter to raise issue in default of male heirs. 3. The asterism Rohīnī. f. (त्या) Giving away the whole of one's property before entering up- on the life of an ascetic or mendicant. E. प्रजापति BRAMHA, and ण्यत् aff.
- प्राजितृ :: m. (-ता) A coachman, a charioteer. E. प्र before, अज् to go, causal, v., तृच् aff.
- प्राज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) 1. Patient in investigation. 2. Wise, clever, sen- sible. m. (-ज्ञः) 1. A Pandit, a learned or wise man. 2. A skilful or clever person. f. (-ज्ञा) Knowledge, understanding. f. (-ज्ञा-ज्ञी) A clever or intelligent woman. f. (-ज्ञी) The wife of a Pandit. E. प्र and आङ् before, ज्ञा to know, क aff.
- प्राज्ञत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Learning, wisdom. E. प्राज्ञ and त्व aff.; also with तल् प्राज्ञता ।
- प्राज्ञमान :: n. (-नं) Respect for learned men. E. प्राज्ञ, and मान respect.
- प्राज्ञमानिन् :: mfn. (-नी -निनी -नि) Respecting men of learning. E. प्राज्ञमान, and इनि aff.
- प्राज्य :: mfn. (-ज्यः -ज्या -ज्यं) Much, many. E. प्र before, अन्ज to pervade, aff. क्यप् ।
- प्राञ्जल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Honest, upright, sincere. E. प्र before, अन्ज to go, aff. अलच् ।
- प्राञ्जलि :: f. (-लिः) Putting the hands together to the forehead as a mark of respect. E. प्र and अञ्जलि the same.
- प्राड्विवाक :: m. (-कः) A judge, a magistrate. E. प्राट् who asks, and विवाक who decides or discriminates.
- प्राण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Full, replete, filled. m. (-णः) 1. Air inhaled, ins- piration, breath. 2. Air, wind. 3. Life, vitality. 4. A vital organ or part. 5. Strength, power. 6. Myrrh. 7. Poetical talent or ins- piration. 8. A name of BRAMHĀ. 9. A title of BRAMHĀ, the Su- preme spirit. 10. An aspiration in the articulation of letters. m. plu. (-णाः) The five vital airs or modes of inspiration and expira- tion collectively. E. प्र before, अन् to breathe, aff. घञ् ।
- प्राणक :: m. (-कः) 1. An animal or sentient being. 2. Cloth, clothes. 3. A plant, (Celtis orientalis.) E. प्राण life, कन् aff.
- प्राणकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Vital action. E. प्राण and कर्म्मन् act.
- प्राणत् :: mfn. (-णन् -णन्ती -णत्) Living, breathing. E. प्राण nominal v., to live, शतृ aff.
- प्राणत्यान :: m. (-गः) Abandoning life, dying, suicide. E. प्राण and त्याग relinquishment.
- प्राणथ :: m. (-थः) 1. Air, wind. 2. A strong or powerful man. 3. A pro- genitor of mankind. 4. A place of pilgrimage. E. प्र before, अन् to breathe or be strong, Unādi aff. अथ ।
- प्राणद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Who or what gives life. n. (-दं) 1. Water. 2. Blood. E. प्राण life and द who gives.
- प्राणधारण :: n. (-णं) Sustenance, supporting life. E. प्राण and धारण upholding.
- प्राणन :: n. (-नं) 1. Life, living. 2. The throat. E. प्र before, अन् to live or breathe, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्राणनाथ :: m. (-थः) A husband. E. प्राण life and नाथ lord.
- प्राणन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. Air, wind. 2. A sort of collyrium: see रसाञ्जन . f. (-न्ती) 1. Sneezing. 2. Hic-cough. E. प्र before, अन् to breathe, Unādi aff. झच्, fem. aff. ङीष् .
- प्राणपरिग्रह :: m. (-हः) Life, existence. E. प्राण and परिग्रह possession.
- प्राणप्रद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Saving life, when in imminent danger. E. प्राण and प्रद who or what gives.
- प्राणप्रदा :: f. (-दा) A medicinal plant, commonly called Riddhi. E. प्राण life, प्रद what gives.
- प्राणबाध :: m. (-धः) Extreme peril or distress, fear for life. E. प्राण, and बाध obstruction.
- प्राणभात्वत् :: m. (-स्वान्) The ocean. E. प्राण life, भास्वत् the sun, the sun be- ing produced or rising from the sea.
- प्राणभृत् :: mfn. (-भृत्) Living, sentient. E. प्राण, and भृत् who has.
- प्राणमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Living, breathing, endowed with breath or life. E. प्राण and मयट् aff.
- प्राणमयकोष :: m. (-षः) One of the cases or investitures of the soul, the vital or organic case. E. प्राणमय and कोष a sheath.
- प्राणयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Rescuing, restoring to life. E. प्राण, nom. v. caus. form, शतृ aff.
- प्राणयात्रा :: f. (-त्रा) Support of life, subsistence. E. प्राण, यात्रा proceeding.
- प्राणव्यय :: m. (-यः) Death, expenditure of life. E. प्राण, and व्यय expense.
- प्राणसंयम :: m. (-मः) 1. A peculiar religious exercise: see “प्राणायाम ।” 2 Suspending the breath. E. प्राण breath, सम् before, यम् to res- train, aff. अञ् ।
- प्राणसद्मन् :: n. (-द्म) The body. E. प्राण vital air and सद्मन् abode.
- प्राणसमा :: f. (-मा) A wife. E. प्राण life, समा equal to, same.
- प्राणहर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Destructive, taking away life. E. प्राण and हर who or what takes.
- प्राणहारक :: n. (-कं) Aconite. E. प्राण and हारक what takes away.
- प्राणहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Mortal, deadly. E. प्राण, and हारिन् what takes.
- प्राणाद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Fatal, deadly. E. प्राण and अद what eats.
- प्राणाधिनाथ :: m. (-थः) A husband. E. प्राण life, अधि over, नाथ lord.
- प्राणान्त :: n. (-न्तं) Death. E. प्राण and अन्त end.
- प्राणान्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Fatal, destructive of life. 2. Capital, (as punishment.) n. (-कं) Murder, assassination. E. प्राण and अन्तिक final.
- प्राणापहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Deadly, fatal. E. प्राण and अपहारिन् what takes away.
- प्राणापान :: m. Du. (-नौ) 1. The Ashwinī kumāras. 2. Two of the vital airs. E. प्राण and अपान the air expelled by the anus.
- प्राणाबाध :: n. (-धं) Any act injurious to life. E. प्राण and आङ् before, बाध् to pain, अच् aff.
- प्राणायाम :: m. (-मः) Breathing in a peculiar way through the nostrils, during the mental recitation of the names or attributes of some deity; it is differently performed. the Vaidikas or followers of the Veda close the right nostril first with the thumb, and in- hale breath through the left, then they close both nostrils, and finally open the right for exhalation; the followers of the Tantras close the left nostril first, and exhale also through it; these operations are severally called पूरक, कुम्भक and रेचक E. प्राण breath, आ before, यम् to restrain, aff. घञ् ।
- प्राणिनिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing for life. E. प्राण nom. v., desid, form, उ aff.
- प्राणिद्यूत :: n. (-तं) Cock-fighting, ram-fighting, setting animals to fight for wagers. E. प्राणि a living being and द्यूत gaming.
- प्राणिन् :: mfn. (-णी -णिनी -णि) Living, breathing. m. (-णी) An animal, a sentient or living being. E. प्राण vital air, and इनि aff.
- प्राणिपीडा :: f. (-डा) Cruelty to animals. प्राणिन् and पीडा pain.
- प्राणिमाता :: f. (-ता) A mother. E. प्राणिन् and मातृ mother.
- प्राणिहिंसा :: f. (-सा) Doing harm to any living creature. E. प्राणि, and हिंसा injury.
- प्राणिहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Favourable or good for living beings. f. (-ता) A shoe, a boot. E. प्राणि an animal, (man,) and हित suitable.
- प्राणीत्य :: n. (-त्य) Debt. E. प्राणीत taken, यञ् aff.
- प्राणेश :: m. (-शः) A husband. f. (-शा) A wife. E. प्राण life, ईश sovereign.
- प्राण्यङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) Any animal part or product, (as flesh, bone, milk, Ghee, &c.) E. प्राणिन्, and अङ्ग a part.
- प्रातःकृत्य :: n. (-त्यं) Morning duty or ceremonies, worship, ablution, puri- fication, &c. E. प्रातर्, and कृत्य to be done.
- प्रातःसन्ध्या :: f. (-न्ध्या) 1. Dawn. 2. The morning-sacrifice. E. प्रातः and सन्ध्या part of the day.
- प्रातःसमय :: m. (-यः) Early morning, day-break. E. प्रातर and समय season.
- प्रातःस्नान :: n. (-नं) Morning ablution, bathing at sun-rise. E. प्रावर् and लान bathing.
- प्रातर् :: Ind. Morning, dawn. E. प्र initial, अत् to go, अरु aff.
- प्रातराश :: m. (-शः) The morning meal, breakfast. E. प्रातर morning, अश् to eat, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रातराशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Breakfasted, having had the morning meal. E. प्रातर् and आशित eaten.
- प्रातर्गेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be sang or chanted in the morning. m. (-यः) A minstrel a bard, but one who especially wakes the sovereign or prince by his morning chant. E. प्रातर् in the morning, गेय to be sung.
- प्रातर्भोक्तृ :: mfn. (-क्ता -क्त्री -क्तृ) Who or what eats early. m. (-क्ता) A crow. E. प्रातर् morning, and भोक्तृ who eats.
- प्रातर्भोजन :: n. (-नं) Breakfast the, morning-meal. E. प्रातर् morning, and भोजन food.
- प्राति :: f. (-तिः) The span of the thumb and fore-finger. 2. Filling 3. Gain- ing. E. प्र and भावे क्तिन् aff.
- प्रातिका :: f. (-का) The China-rose. “जवावृक्षे” E. प्र + अत-ण्वुल् टाप् ।
- प्रातिकूलिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Opposed to, opposing. E. प्रतिकूल and ठक् aff.
- प्रातिकूल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) I. Contrariety, contradiction, opposition. E. प्रतिकूल and ष्यञ् aff.
- प्रातिजनीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Fit for or suitable to dependants, family, &c. E. प्रतिजन, and खञ् aff.
- प्रातिज्ञ :: n. (-ज्ञं) The topic under discussion.
- प्रातिपक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षी -क्षं) 1. Hostile, belonging to an enemy. 2. Ad- verse, contrary. E. प्रतिपक्ष, and अण् aff.
- प्रातिपथिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Hostile, opposing. E. प्रतिपथ, and ठक् aff.
- प्रातिपदिक :: n. (-कं) A crude noun, a noun before any of its inflections are formed with appropriate affixes. m. (-कः) Fire. E. प्र and अति before, पद an inflected word, ठञ् aff.
- प्रातिभ :: f. (-भी) 1. Relating to divination. 2. Relating to genius.
- प्रातिभाव्य :: n. (-व्यं) Security, the act of becoming bail or surety, or be- ing answerable for the appearance of the debtor, of his being trust-worthy, or for the payment of his debt is case of his falling to do it. E. प्रतिभू a security, and ष्यञ् aff.
- प्रातिभासिक :: f. (-की) 1. Existing only in appearance, (not real) 2. Resembling.
- प्रातिलोम्य :: n. (-म्यं) Inverted order. E. प्रतिलोम, and ष्यञ् aff.
- प्रातिवेश्य :: m. (-श्यः) A next-door-neighbour. E. प्रतिवेश, and ष्यञ् aff.
- प्रातिशाख्य :: n. (-ख्यं) A grammatical treatise teaching the phonetic changes that the words in any particular Vedic Shākhā undergo.
- प्रातिस्विक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Own, peculiar, proper. E. प्रति to or towards, स्व own, and ठक् aff.
- प्रातिहर :: m. (-रः) A juggler. E. प्रतिहार the same, and अण् pleonastic: see the next.
- प्रातिहारक :: m. (-कः) A juggler. E. कन् added to प्रातिहार ।
- प्रातिहारिक :: m. (-कः) A juggler, a conjuror. E. प्रतिहार disguise, trick, aff. ठञ् ।
- प्रातीतिक :: f. (-की) Mental.
- प्रातीप :: m. (-पः) A name of ŚANTANU. E. प्रतीप the father of this prince and अण् aff. of descent.
- प्रातीपिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Reverse, contrary, retrograde. E. प्रतीप and ठक् aff.
- प्रात्थयिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Trusty, confidential, having faith in, m. (-कः) A surety. E. प्रत्यय and ठक् aff.
- प्राथमकल्पिक :: m. (-कः) A student, one who has just commenced the peru- sal of the Vedas. E. प्रथम first, कल्प beginning, and ठक् aff.
- प्राथमिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) First, of the first, initial, initiative. E. प्रथम, and ठञ् aff.
- प्राथम्य :: n. (-म्यं) Firstness, priority. E. प्रथम and ष्यञ् aff.
- प्रादक्षिण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) Circumambulation. E. प्रदक्षिण and ष्यञ् aff.
- प्रादुर्भाव :: m. (-वः) Appearance, manifestation. E. पादुस्, and भाव quality,
- प्रादुष्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Manifested, made apparent. E. प्रादुस् and कृत made.
- प्रादुस् :: Ind. 1. Evidently, apparently, manifestly. 2. Visible, apparent. 3. Name, appellation. 4. Existence. 5. Co-existence. E. प्र before, अद् to go, or eat, Unādi aff. उसि ।
- प्रादेश :: m. (-शः) 1. The span of the thumb and fore-finger. 2. Place, coun- try. E. प्र before, दिश् to shew, aff. घञ्; whence the vowel of the prefix is optionally made long: see प्रदेश ।
- प्रादेशन :: n. (-नं) Gift, donation. E. प्र and आङ् before, दिश् to give, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रादेशिक :: f. (-की) 1. Precedented. 2. Limited, local. m. (-कः) The owner of a district.
- प्रादोष :: mfn. (-षः -षी -षं) Belonging, or relating to the evening. E. प्रदोष evening, aff. अण्; also with ठञ् aff. प्रादोषिक ।
- प्राधनिक :: n. (-कं) A destructive weapon.
- प्राधानिक :: n. (-की) Most eminent. 2. Derived from Pradhāna.
- प्राधान्य :: n. (-न्यं) Supremacy, superiority. E. प्रधान chief, ष्यञ् aff.
- प्राधान्यतस् :: Ind. Chiefly. E. प्राधान्य, and तसि aff.
- प्राधीत :: m. (-तः) A Brāhman who has finished his studies. E. प्र and अधीत read over.
- प्राध्ययन :: n. (-नं) Reading, study, E. प्र before, अधि to read through, ल्युट् aff.
- प्राध्व :: mfn. (-ध्वः -ध्वा -ध्वं) 1. Distant, remote, long, as a road or journey. 2. Bowed, bent. 3. Binding, confining. m. (-ध्वः) A car, a carriage. E. प्र before, अध्वन् a road, aff. अच् .
- प्राध्वम् :: Ind. 1. In conformity, conformably. 2. Crooked, crookedly, stoop- ing. E. प्र and आङ् before, ध्वन् to sound, aff. डम् ।
- प्रान्त :: m. (-न्तः) Edge, margin, border, end. E. प्र before, अन्त end.
- प्रान्ततस् :: Ind. Bordering, marginally, along or upon the extremity. E. प्रान्त the edge, and तसि aff.
- प्रान्तदुर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) A suburb or collection of houses out of the walls of the town, a Pettāh, &c. E. प्रान्त skirting, दुर्ग the fort.
- प्रान्तर :: m. (-रः) A long and unshaded road, a lonesome or tiresome path. 2. A forest. 3. The hollow of a tree. E. प्र considerable, अन्तर space.
- प्रान्तरशून्य :: n. (-न्यं) A long and tiresome road. E. प्रान्तर spacious, and शून्य empty, void.
- प्राप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Watery, abounding with water. E. प्र and अप water.
- प्रापक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Procuring causing to obtain. 2. Obtaining, who or what obtains. E. प्राप् to obtain, ण्वुल् aff.
- प्रापण :: n. (-णं) Obtaining, E. प्र before, आप् to gain, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रापणिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A trader, a dealer. 2. A retail dealer. E. प्र and आङ् before, पण् to deal, to transact business, किकन् Unādi aff.
- प्रापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Brought, placed. 2. Procured. E. प्र before, आप् to gain, causal v., क्त aff.
- प्राप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Obtained, gained, received, procured. 2. Fixed, placed. 3. Proper, right. E. प्र before, आप् to gain, aff. क्त ।
- प्राप्तकाल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Fated, destined, one whose fated time has come. 2. Opportune, in season. E. प्राप्त and काल time.
- प्राप्तपञ्चत्व :: mfn. (-त्वः -त्वा -त्वं) Dead, deceased. E. प्राप्त obtained, पञ्चत्व death.
- प्राप्तबुद्धि :: mfn. (-द्धिः -द्धिः -द्धि) 1. Enlightened, instructed, intelligent. 2. Recovering, becoming conscious, (after fainting.) E. प्राप्त and बुद्धि understanding.
- प्राप्तभार :: m. (-रः) A draft ox or beast of burthen. E. प्राप्त and भार load.
- प्राप्तभाव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) 1. Wise. 2. Handsome. 3. Of a good disposi- tion. m. (-वः) A bullock. E. प्राप्त gained, भाव disposition.
- प्राप्तरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) 1. Learned, wise. 2. Handsome, pleasing. E. प्राप्त gained or proper, रूप form.
- प्राप्तार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) Successful, having gained an object. E. प्राप्त, and अर्थ object.
- प्राप्तापराध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Offending, being in fault. E. प्रात, and अपराध offence.
- प्राप्तावसर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Opportune, seasonable, taking or finding occasion. E. प्राप्त and अवसर opportunity.
- प्राप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) 1. Gain, profit. 2. Acquiring, getting, obtaining. 2. Im- provement, success. 4. Rise, ascent. 5. Collection, assemblage, quantity. 6. Happy denouement, successful termination of a plot. 7. Guessing, discovering from a hint. 8. One of the eight super- human faculties, the power of obtaining everything. E. प्र before, आप् to get or obtain, aff. क्तिन् ।
- प्राप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) Attainable, obtainable, E. प्र before, आप् to attain, aff. ण्यत् ।
- प्राबल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) 1. Power, vigour. 2. Pre-dominance, E. प्रबल strong, ष्यञ् aff.
- प्राबोधिक :: m. (-कः) Dawn, day-break. E. प्रबोध waking, and ठक् aff.
- प्राभव :: n. (-वं) Superiority, pre-eminence. E. प्रभु a master, aff. ण् ।
- प्राभबन्य :: n. (-न्यं) Power, authority. E. प्रभवन being superior, ष्यञ् aff.
- प्राभृत :: n. (-तं) A present, an offering to a deity or sovereign, or a gift to a friend, a bribe, the Nazur of Hindustan. E. प्र and आङ् before, भृ to nourish, aff. क्त; also with कन् aff. प्राभृतक n. (-कं) ।
- प्रामाणिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Exercising or proceeding from some evid- ence or authority, &c. 2. Being of authority. m. (-कः) 1. A presi- dent, the chief or head of a trade, &c. 2. A learned man, one who supports his arguments by reference to book, &c. E. प्रमाण testi- mony, authority, aff, ठञ् ।
- प्रामाण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) Authority, proof. E. प्रमाण, and ष्यञ् aff.
- प्रामाद्य :: m. (-द्यः) A tree, (Justicia adhenatoda.) n. (-द्यं) Madness, frenzy, fury, intoxication. E. प्र before, मद् to delight, aff. ण्यत् and अच् added.
- प्रामीत्य :: n. (-त्यं) Debt. E. प and आङ् before, मा to measure, क्यप् aff., and तुक् aug.; also read प्राणीत्य .
- प्राय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Like, resembling, (used in composition.) 2. Exceeding, much. m. (-यः) 1. Fasting to death, as a religious or penitentiary act, after abandoning all wordly goods and desires. 2. Quantity, abundance. 3. Death, dying. 4. A state or condition of life, age, youth, &c. n. (-यं) Sin. E. प्र before, इन् to go, अच् aff.
- प्रायण :: n. (-णं) Death, voluntary death. E. प्र, and अयन going.
- प्रायशस् :: Ind. Usually, commonly, for the most part. E. प्राय, and शासि aff.
- प्रायिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Common, usual. E. प्राय, and ठक् aff.
- प्रायश्चित्त :: m. (-त्तः) Expiation, penance. E. प्राय sin, चित्त or चित्ति reflec- tion, and सुट् aug.; hence also प्रायश्चित्ति f. (-तिः) ।
- प्रायश्चित्तविधि :: f. (-धि) Rules for penance or expiation. E. प्रायश्चित्त, and विधि rite.
- प्रायस् :: Ind. 1. Frequently, generally, for the most part. 2. Abundantly, largely. E. प्र before, इण् or अय् to go, aff. अमुच् ।
- प्रायुधेषिन् :: m. (-षी) A horse. E. प्र mostly, आयुध a weapon, इष् to wish, aff. णिनि ।
- प्रायोपवेशन :: n. (-नं) Fasting to death. E. प्राय and उपवेशन sitting down.
- प्रायोपवेशनिका :: f. (-का) Sitting down to die by fasting. E. प्राय, उपवेश sitt- ing down, कन् added, fem. form.
- प्रारब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) Begun, beginning. E. प्र and आङ् before, रभ् to begin, क्त aff.
- प्रारब्धि :: f. (-ब्धिः) 1. Beginning, commencement. 2. A rope or fastening for an elephant. E. प्र and आङ् before, रभ् to commence, aff. क्तिन् ।
- प्रारम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Beginning. 2. An undertaking. E. प्र and आङ् before, रभि to begin, घञ् aff.
- प्राराह :: m. (-हः) A shoot.
- प्रार्ण :: n. (-र्णं) A chief debt.
- प्रार्वक :: mfn. (-कः -र्थिका -कं) Asking, an asker, a solicitor. E. प्र before, अर्थ to seek, वुन् aff.
- प्रार्थन :: nf. (-नं-ना) Asking, begging. E. ब before, अर्थ to ask, aff. युच् .
- प्रार्थना :: f. (-ना) 1. Desire. 2. Solicitation. 3. Prayer, request.
- प्रार्थनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be asked or begged. n. (-यं) The third or Dwāpar age of the world. E. प्र before, अर्थ to ask, अनीयर् aff.
- प्रार्थयितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) One who asks or solicits, a beggar, an inquirer, a solicitor. E. प्र before, अर्थ to seek, त्तृच् aff.
- प्रार्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Asked, begged, solicited. 2. Said, spoken. 3. obstructed or opposed by an enemy. 4. Killed, hurt. E. प्र before, अर्थ to ask, aff. क्त ।
- प्रार्थितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वनी -वत्) Asking, begging. E. प्र before, अर्थ to ask, क्तवतु aff.
- प्रालम्ब :: n. (-म्बं) A garland hanging round the neck, and reaching to the breast. E. प्र and आङ् before, लवि to hang or fall, aff. अच्; also with कन् added प्रालम्बक ।
- प्रालम्बिका :: f. (-का) A garland, a golden necklace. E. प्रालम्ब a garland, &c. कन् aff., fem. form.
- प्रालेय :: n. (-यं) Frost. E. प्र before, लीच् to unite with, aff. अच्; प्रलय here said to mean a mountain, अण् aff. of derivation, and the penul- timate vowel changed to ए ।
- प्रालेयांशु :: m. (-शुः) The moon. E. (प्रालेय) frost or cold, and अंशु a ray.
- प्रावट :: m. (-टः) Barley. E. प्र and आङ् before, वट् to encompass, aff. अच् ।
- प्रावण :: n. (-णं) A spade, a hoe.
- प्रावर :: m. (-रः) 1. An inclosure, a fence, a hedge. 2. An upper garment. E. प्र and आङ् before, वृ to surround, aff. अप् ।
- प्रावरण :: n. (-णं) 1. An upper or outer garment. 2. Any covering, E. प्र and आङ् before, वृ to cover, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रावार :: m. (-रः) An upper or outer garment, a cloak, a mantle, E. प्र be- fore, वृ with आङ् prefix, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रावारकीट :: m. (-टः) A body louse. E. प्रावार the outward garment, and कीट and insect.
- प्रावीण्य :: m. (-ण्यं) Cleverness, skilfulness. E. प्रवीण and ष्यञ् aff.
- प्रावुर्वृषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing to wear. E. प्र and आङ् before, वृ to wear, desid. v., उ aff.
- प्रावृत :: mfn. subst. (-तः-ता-तं) A veil, a wrapper, a cloak or mantle. Adj. Covered, inclosed, encompassed, E. प्र before, वृ with आङ् prefix, to cover, aff. क्त .
- प्रावृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. An inclosure, a fence, a bound hedge. 2. Spiritual darkness. E. प्र before, वृ with आङ् prefix, to inclose, aff. क्तिन् ।
- प्रावृष् :: f. (-वृट्) The rainy season, monsoon about July and August. E. प्र before, वृष् to sprinkle, aff. क्विप् and the vowel of the prefix made long.
- प्रावृषा :: f. (-षा) The season of the rain. E. प्रावृष् as above and टाप् added.
- प्रावृषायणी :: f. (-णी) Cowach, (Carpopogon pruriens.) E. प्रावृष् the rains, फक् aff.; growing in the rains. “आल्कुशी” ।
- प्रावृषिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Produced, &c. in the rainy season m. (-कः) A peacock. E. प्रावृष् the rains. aff. ठक् .
- प्रावृषिज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced in the rainy season. E. प्रावृष् in the 7th case, ज born.
- प्रावृषेण्य :: mfn. (-ण्यः -ण्या -ण्यं) 1. Produced in the rains. 2. Much abundant. m. (-ण्यः) 1. The Dhārā-Kadama tree, (Nauclea cadamba.) 2. The Kutaja tree. E. प्रावृष् the rains, and एण्य aff.
- प्रावेशन :: n. (-नं) A manufactory, a workshop. f. (-नी) To be done on entering. E. प्र before, आवेशन entering.
- प्राशन :: n. (-नं) 1. Feeding, causing to taste or eat. 2. Tasting E. प्र before, अश् to eat, intransitive or causal v., ल्युट् aff.
- प्राशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Eaten, devoured. 2. Tasted, taken into the
mouth without reaching to the throat. n. (-तं) Oblation to deified progenitors. E. प्र before, अशित eaten.
- प्राशिव :: n. (-त्रं) Any edible article. E. प्र before, अश् to eat, इत्रन् aff.
- प्राश्निक :: m. (-कः) 1. An assistant at a spectacle or assembly. 2. An in- quirer, an asker. E. प्रश्न a question, aff. ठक् .
- प्राश्य :: Ind. Having tasted or sipped. E. प्र before, अश् to eat, ल्यप् aff.
- प्रास :: m. (-सः) A barbed dart. E. प्र before, अस् to throw, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रासक्क :: m. (-कः) 1. A die, dice. 2. A barbed missile. E. प्र before, अस् to throw, aff. ण्वुल् ।
- प्रासङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A yoke for cattle. E. प्र and आङ् before, सन्ज to join, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रासङ्गिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Proceeding from or belonging to any con- nexion or relation. 2. Relevant, belonging to any topic. 3. Inher- ent, innate. 4. Inseparably connected with. 5. Incidental, episodi- cal. E. प्रसङ्ग and ठञ् aff.
- प्रासङ्ग्य :: m. (-ङ्ग्यः) A beast of draught, an ox, yoked or in training E. प्रासङ्ग a yoke, and यत् aff.
- प्रासाद्र :: m. (-दः) A temple a palace, a building consecrated to a deity, or inhabited by a prince. E. प्र before, सद् to go, aff. घञ्, and the vowel of the prefix lengthened, or आङ् prefixed to the verb.
- प्रासादकुक्कुट :: m. (-टः) A pigeon, E. प्रासाद a palace, and कुक्कुट a cock.
- प्रासाद्रपृष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) A terrace or balcony on the top of a large house. E. प्रासाद and पृष्ठ back.
- प्रासादशृङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) A turret, a spire on a palace or temple. E. प्रासाद, and शृङ्ग a horn.
- प्रासादीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Of or belonging to a palace E. प्रासाद, and छ aff.
- प्रासिक :: m. (-कः) A spearman, a lancer, a soldier armed with a dart or spear. E. प्रास a dart and ठक् affix.
- प्रास्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Thrown, thrown of or away. 2. Thrown into. 3. Expelled, turned out, banished. E. प्र before, अस् to throw, क्त aff.
- प्रास्थिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Brought for a Prastha, containing a Prastha, &c. E. प्रस्थ a certain measure, and ठञ् aff.
- प्राह :: m. (-हः) Instruction in the art of acting or dancing.
- प्राह्ण :: m. (-ह्णः) The forenoon E. प्र prior, अह्न the day.
- प्राह्णे :: Ind. In the morning, in the forenoon. E. The seventh case of the last word, used as a particle.
- प्राह्णेतन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Belonging to the forenoon. E. प्राह्णे in the morning, aff. द्यु and तुक् aug.
- प्राह्णेतमा(रा)म् :: Ind. Early in the day, in the forenoon E. प्राह्ले with तमप् or तरप् aff. and आमु added.
- प्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Beloved, dear, desired. m. (-यः) 1. A husband a lover. 2. A sort of drug, commonly Riddhi 3. A sort of deer. f. (-या) 1. A woman. 2. A wife or mistress. 3. Small cardamoms. 4. News, information. 5. Arabian jasmine. 6. Spirituous or vinous liquor. 7. A species of the Supratishthā metre. E. प्री to please, aff. क, and the vowel made short.
- प्रियक :: m. (-कः) 1. A kind of tree, (Nauclea cadamba.) 2. A plant, com- monly Priyangu. 3. A tree, (Pentaptera tomentosa.) 4. A varie- gated or spotted deer. 5. A bee. 6. Saffron. E. कन् added to the preceding.
- प्रियकार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Kind, favourable, affectionate, doing good to, or treating kindly. 2. Suiting, congenial. E. प्रिय, and कृ to do, अण् aff.
- प्रियकृत् :: mfn. (-कृत्त्) Kind, friendly, a friend, a benefactor. E. प्रिय, and कृत् who does.
- प्रियङ्कर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Amiable, exciting or attracting regard. 2. Act- ing kindly or affectionately to. E. प्रिय beloved, कृ to make, aff. खच्- मुम् aug.; also with अण् aff. प्रियकार ।
- प्रियङ्करण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) 1. Acceptable, grateful to. 2. Acting kind- ly to, who or what does so. n. (-णं) Gratifying, treating kindly, (the act). E. प्रिय, कृ to do, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रियङ्गु :: m. (-ङ्गुः) 1. A medicinal plant, and perfume, commonly known by the name Priyangu, and described in some places as a fra- grant seed. 2. Panick seed, (Panicum italicum.) 3. Black mustard
seed. 4. Long pepper. 5. A peculiar tree: see कटुकी . n. (-नं) Saffron. E. प्रिय desired, गम् to go, aff. डुन् and मुम् aug.
- प्रियतम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Dearest, most beloved. m. (-मः) A tree, (Celosia cristata). E. प्रिय desirable, तमप् aff. “मयूरशिखावृक्षे” ।
- प्रियतर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Dearer, more dear. E. प्रिय, तरप् comparative aff.
- प्रियता :: f. (-ता) Love, affection. E. प्रिय beloved, तल् aff.; also with त्व aff. प्रियत्व n. (-त्वं).
- प्रियदर्शन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Handsome, lovely, good-looking. m. (-नः) 1. A parrot. 2. A tree, (Mimusops kauki). E. प्रिय beloved, and दर्शन appearance.
- प्रियप्राय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Eloquent, well-spoken, of pleasing speech. n. (-यं) Eloquence in language. E. प्रिय desired, प्राय abundance.
- प्रियप्रेप्सु :: mfn. (-प्सुः -प्सुः -प्सु) Lamenting the loss or absence of any beloved object, wishing or grieving for it. E. प्रिय beloved and प्रेप्सु desirous.
- प्रियभाषण :: n. (-णं) Speaking kindly. E. प्रिय and भाषण speaking.
- प्रियमधु :: m. (-धुः) BALARĀMA, the half-brother of KRISHṆA E. प्रिय fond, मधु wine.
- प्रियमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Beloved, affectionate. E. प्रि to please, शानच् aff.
- प्रियंवद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Sweet or pleasant speaking. m. (-दः) A sort of demi-god or Vidyādhara E. प्रिय kind, desired, वद् to speak, aff. खच्, मुम् aug.
- प्रियम्भविष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) Become dear to, or beloved by. E. प्रिय, मू to be, खिष्णुच् aff.
- प्रियम्भविष्णुता :: f. (-ता) Amiability, becoming beloved by. E. तल् added to the last.
- प्रियम्भावुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Become dear to, or beloved by. E. प्रिय, and भू to be, खुकञ् aff.
- प्रियम्भावुकता :: f. (-ता) Amiability, becoming beloved, the state or condi- tion. E. तल् added to the last.
- प्रियवर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A creeping plant, (Echites frutescens.) E. प्रिय desired, घर्ण class.
- प्रियवादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Sweet or pleasant spoken, flattering, a flat- terer. E. प्रिय kind, वादिन् who speaks.
- प्रियसख :: m. (-खः) A tree, (Khayer, or Mimosa catechu.) f. (-खी) A female friend or companion, a confidant. E. प्रिय desired, सखि a friend, टच् aff.
- प्रियसत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) Pleasant and true. n. (-त्यं) Eloquent or pleas- ing, as well as true, (discourse.) E. प्रिय loved, and सत्य true.
- प्रियसन्देश :: m. (-शः) A tree bearing a fragrant flower, (Michelia cham- paca.) E. प्रिय a friend, and सन्देश intelligence “चम्पकवृक्षे” .
- प्रियाख्य :: mfn. (-ख्यः -ख्या -ख्यं) Announcing good tidings. E. प्रिय, and आख्य who says
- प्रियाल :: m. (-लः) A tree, commonly Piyāsāl, (Buchanania latifolia, Rox- BUKGH'S catalogue, but the name is applied to different trees.) E. प्रि to satisfy, aff. कालन् and the radical vowel changed to रि; also with कन् added प्रियालक m. (-कः) and with the vowel protract ed. प्रीयाल m. (-लः) also-as derived from पीय a Sautra root, पीयाल . or पियाल &c.
- प्रियासु :: mfn. (-सुः -सुः -सु) Fond of life. E. प्रिय, and असु breath.
- प्रियैषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Friendly, affectionate, wishing to please. E. प्रिय, and एषिन् seeking.
- प्रियोदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Well or kindly spoken, pleasingly uttered. n. (-तं) Kindly or gentle speech. E. प्रिय kind, &c. and उदित said.
- प्री (ङ) प्रीङ् :: r. 4th cl. (प्रीयते) (ञ) प्रीञ् r. 9th cl. (प्रीणाति प्रीणीते) and 1st and 10th cls. (प्रियति-ते प्राययति-ते) or प्रीणयति 1. To please, to delight, to satisfy. 2. To be pleased or satisfied. 3. To desire or love.
- प्रीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Old ancient. 2. Pleased, satisfied. E. प्री to please, aff. णिच्-क्त ।
- प्रीणन :: n. (-नं) Satisfaction, satisfying, satiety. E. प्री to please aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रीणयित्वा :: Ind. Having pleased or propitiated, E. प्री to please, क्ता aff.
- प्रीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Pleased, happy, glad. 2. Pleased or satisfied with. 3. Gracicus, kind, affectionate. 4. Beloved, dear to. n. (-तं) Pleasure, delight. E. प्री to please, aff. क्त ।
- प्रीतात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Pleased, satisfied, content. E. प्रीत and आत्मन् self.
- प्रीति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Joy, pleasure, happiness. 2. Love, affection, regard. 3. The wife of KĀMA, or Cupid. 4. The second of the twenty-seven astronomical Yogas. E. प्री to please, aff. क्तिच ।
- प्रीतिकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Pleasing, agreeable to. E. प्रीति and कर making.
- प्रीतिजुषा :: f. (-षा) The wife of ANIRUDDHA. E. प्रीति the wife of KĀMA, जुष् to serve, affs. क and टाप् ।
- प्रीतिद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Affectionate, inspiring love or regard. m. (-दः) A jester, a buffoon. E. प्रीति affection, pleasure and द who gives.
- प्रीतिदान :: n. (-नं) A kind or friendly present. E. प्रीति affection, and दान giving.
- प्रीतिदाय :: n. (-यं) A gift or token of affection. E. प्रीति and दाय a gift.
- प्रीतिपूर्व्वक :: n. (-कं) Adv. Through favour or kindness. E. प्रीति and पूर्व्वक an antecedent.
- प्रीतिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Kind, affectionate. E. प्रीति and मतुप् aff.
- प्रीतिमनस :: mfn. (-नाः -नाः -नः) 1. Content, happy. 2. Kind. E. प्रीति and मन्स् the mind.
- प्रीतिवचस् :: n. (-चः) Gracious or kindly speech. E. प्रीति and वचस् speech.
- प्रीतु :: m. (-तुः) A bird.
- प्रीयमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Being pleased or propitiated. E. प्री to please, pass. v., शानच् aff.
- प्रु (ङ) प्रुङ् :: r. 1st cl. (प्रवते) 1. To go, to move. 2. To jump.
- प्रुष :: r. 1st cl. (उ) प्रुषु (प्रोषति) To burn, to consume with fire. r. 9th cl. (पुष्णाति) To be unctuous or bland. 2. To sprinkle. 3. To fill. 4. To set free. 5. To be fond of or kind to.
- प्रुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Burnt. E. प्रुष् to burn, aff. क्ता ।
- प्रुष्व :: m. (-ष्वः) 1. A season of the year, a period of two months. 2. The sun. f. (-ष्वा) A drop of water. E. प्रुष् to burn, Unādi aff. क्कन् ।
- प्रेक्षक :: m. (-कः) A spectator, a beholder, one of an audience. E. प्र be- fore, ईक्ष् to see, वुन् aff.
- प्रेक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. The eye. 2. Any public show or spectacle, a sight. 2. A place where public exhibitions are held. nf. (-णं-णा) Seeing, viewing, looking at, regarding. E. प्र before, ईक्ष् to see, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रेक्षणिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Looking, who looks at. f. (-का) A woman fond of seeing shows. E. प्रेक्षण seeing, ठक aff.
- प्रेक्षणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Visible, apparent. 2. Looking or appearing like. f. (-या) 1. Beautiful to the sight. 2. To be seen. 3. To be con- sidered as. E. प्र before, ईक्ष् to see, अनीयर् aff. also with कन् added, प्रेक्षणीयक mfn. (-कः -का -कं) ।
- प्रेक्षमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Looking at or on, beholding, regarding. E. प्र before, इक्ष् to see, शानच् aff.
- प्रेक्ष्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Being seen or looked at. E. प्र before, ईक्ष् to see, pass. v., शानच् aff.
- प्रेक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) 1. Intellect, understanding. 2. Dancing. 3. Seeing, view- ing, observing. 4. Seeing a play or entertainment of dancing, &c. 5. The branch of a tree. 6. Deliberation, reflection. E. प्र before, ईक्ष् to see, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
- प्रेक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Seen, behold, looked at. n. (-नं) A look. E. प्र be- fore ईक्ष् to see, क्त aff.
- प्रेङ्खण :: n. (-णं) 1. Going, wandering. 2. Entering. 3. Swinging. 4. A minor drama in one act. E. प्र before, इखि to go, aff. ल्युट्-णत्वम् ।
- प्रेङ्खत् :: mfn. (-ङ्खन् ङ्खन्ती -ङ्खत्) 1. Touching, being in contact with. 2. Scat- tering, diffusing. 3. Shaking, moving. 4. Wandering, roving. E. प्र before, इखि to go, शतृ aff.
- प्रेङ्खा :: f. (-ङ्खा) 1. A swing, a sort of hammock or swinging cot, either for travelling or diversion. 2. Wandering, roaming, travelling about. 3. A horse's going or motion. 4. Dancing. E. प्र before, इखि to go, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रेङ्खित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Shaken, moving, set in motion, swung, &c. 2. Joined to, being in contact with E. प्र before, इखि to go, aff. क्त or प्रेङ्खा a swing, इतच् aff.
- प्रेङ्खोलिन :: n. (-नं) A swing, a swinging cot or hammock. E. प्रङ्खोल to swing or shake, nominal verb, and ल्युट् aff.
- प्रेङ्खोलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Agitated, shaken, swung, set in motion. E. प्रेङ्खोल nominal verb, to swing, aff क्त .
- प्रेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Dead, deceased. m. (-तः) 1. A ghost, a goblin, a spirit, an evil being, especially animating the carcases of the dead. 2. The spirit before obsequial rites are performed. E. प्र be- fore, इत gone.
- प्रेतकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Funeral or obsequial rites. E. प्रेत and कर्म्मन् act; also प्रेतकार्य्य, प्रेतक्रिया &c.
- प्रेतकार्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Obsequial ceremonies, any usages observed in honour of the dead. E. प्रेत dead, कार्य्य practice.
- प्रेतकृत्य :: nf. (-त्यं-त्या) Obsequial rites. E. प्रेत and कृत्य a ceremony; also प्रेतकर्म्म, &c.
- प्रेतगृह :: n. (-हं) A cemetery, a burying-ground. E. प्रेत a spirit and गृहं abode.
- प्रेतत्व :: n. (-त्वं) The character or state of a departed spirit. E. प्रेत and त्व aff.
- प्रेतधूम :: n. (-मं) The smoke of a funeral pile. E. प्रेत and धूम smoke.
- प्रेतनदी :: f. (-दी) The river of hell. E. प्रेत a goblin and नदी a river.
- प्रेतनर :: m. (-रः) A ghost, a corpse. E. प्रेत and नर a man.
- प्रेतनिर्हारक :: m. (-कः) 1. A man-employed to carry forth dead bodies. 2. A kinsman who does so. E. प्रेत and निर् out, हृ to take, ण्वुल् aff.
- प्रेतपक्ष :: n. (-क्षं) The dark half of the month. E. प्रेत and पक्ष a fortnight.
- प्रेतपटह :: m. (-हः) A drum played at the death of a person. E. प्रेत dead, and पटह a drum.
- प्रेतपति :: m. (-तिः) YAMA, ruler of the dead. E. प्रेत dead and पति master.
- प्रेतपात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A vessel used in obsequial presentations. E. प्रेत and पात्र a vessel.
- प्रेतराज :: m. (-जः) YAMA. E. प्रेत and राज king.
- प्रेतलोक :: m. (-कः) The region of disembodied spirits, in which they re- main for one year, or until the obsequial rites are completed. E. प्रेत and लोक region.
- प्रेतवन :: n. (-नं) A burying ground, a cemetery, a place where bodies are burnt or buried. E. प्रेत a spirit and वन a wood.
- प्रेतवाहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Possessed by a devil or fiend. E. प्रेत a spirit and वाहित borne, actuated.
- प्रेतशुद्धि :: m. (-द्धिः) Purification after the death of a kinsman. E. प्रेत and शुद्धि purifying.
- प्रेतहार :: m. (-रः) One who carries a corpse, a near kinsman. E. प्रेत and हार who takes.
- प्रेतान्न :: n. (-न्नं) Food offered to the manes or distributed on a person's death. E. प्रेत and अन्न food.
- प्रेतोद्देश :: m. (-शः) An offering to the manes. E. प्रेत and उद्देश object.
- प्रेत्य :: Ind. 1. In the next world. 2. Having died. E. प्रेत dead, and यत् aff. or प्र before, इ to go, ल्यप् aff.
- प्रेत्वन् :: m. (-त्वा) 1. Wind. 2. INDRĀ. E. प्र + इ-क्वनिप् ।
- प्रेप्सु :: mfn. (-प्सुः -प्सुः -प्सु) Desirous of obtaining. E. प्र before, अप् to ob- tain, desid. v., उ aff.
- प्रेमन् :: mn. (-मा-म) 1. Affection, kindness, tender regard. 2. Pleasure, sport, pastime, joy. m. (-मा) 1. INDRA. 2. Air. E. प्रे for प्रिय loved, इमनिच् aff.
- प्रेमपर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Affectionate, loving constant. E. प्रेम and पर attached to.
- प्रेमपातन :: n. (-नं) Rheum, tears. E. प्रेम tenderness, पातन falling.
- प्रेयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Dearest, most beloved, very dear. f. (-सी) A wife, a mistress. E. प्रिय dear, and ईयसुन् aff.
- प्रेयोपत्य :: m. (-त्यः) A heron. E. प्रेयस् dear and अपत्य offspring.
- प्रेरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Sending, directing, 2. Ordering, commanding. 3. Passion, operation of the organs of sense. 4. The sense of the causal verb. E. प्र before, ईर to go, णिच्-ल्युट् ।
- प्रेरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sent, directed, dispatched. 2. Ordered. m. (-तः) A messenger. E. प्र before, ईर् to go, aff. क्त .
- प्रेत्यभाव :: m. (-वः) Being born again after dying. E. प्रेत्य, भाव nature.
- प्रेत्वन :: n. (-नं) 1. Pervading, spreading. 2. Satisfying. E. प्र before, इवि to pervade, &c. ल्युट् aff.
- प्रेर्त्वन् :: m. (-र्त्वा) The ocean. f. (-री) A river. E. प्र before, ईर to go, Unādi aff. क्वनिप् and तुट् aug.
- प्रेष (ऋ) प्रेषृ :: r. 1st. cl. (प्रेषति) To go, to move or approach.
- प्रेष :: m. (-षः) 1. Sending, directing, dispatching. 2. Pain, affliction. E. प्र before, इष् to go or send, aff. अच् ।
- प्रेषण :: n. (-णं) Sending, dispatching. E. प्र before, इष् to go, aff. णिच्-युच् ।
- प्रेषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sent, directed. E. प्र before, इष् to go, aff. क्त
- प्रेषितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Sent, having sent. E. प्र before, ईष् to go, क्तवतु aff.
- प्रेष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Most or very dear. f. (-ष्ठा) 1. A wife. 2. The leg. E. प्रिय dear, aff. इष्ठन्, form irr.
- प्रेष्य :: m. (-ष्यः) A servant. E. प्र before, इष् to go, or प्रेष् to send, aff. ण्यत्; also प्रैष्य ।
- प्रैष :: m. (-षः) 1. Sorrow, distress, affliction. 2. Pain, suffering. 3. Send- ing, directing. 4. Phrenzy, intoxication, insanity. E. प्र before, इष् to go, aff. घञ् also प्रेष ।
- प्रैष्य :: m. (-ष्यः) A servant, a slave. n. (-ष्यं) Service, servitude. E. प्र before, इष् to go, and ण्यत् aff.
- प्रोक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Said, declared. E. प्र before, वच् to speak, aff. क्त ।
- प्रोक्तवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Having or had said, was saying E. प्र before, वच् to speak, क्तवतु aff.
- प्रोक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Killing animals in sacrifice, immolation of victims. 2. Killing, slaughter. 3. Sprinkling with water, &c. 4. A text to be repeated when animals are offered. E. प्र before, ऊक्ष् to sprinkle, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रोक्षणीपात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A vessel for sprinkling water, &c. E. प्रोक्षण, and पात्र a vessel, च्वि aff.
- प्रोक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sprinkled. 2. Killed, slaughtered. 3. Offered in sacrifice. E. प्र before, उक्ष् to sprinkle, aff. क्त ।
- प्रोच्चण्ड :: f. (-ण्डा) Exceedingly terrible.
- प्रोच्चैस् :: Ind. 1. In a very high degree. 2. Very loudly.
- प्रोच्छलत् :: mfn. (-लन् -लन्ती -लत्) Flowing, issuing, coming out, or up. E. प्र and उत् before, शल् to go, aff. क्त .
- प्रोच्छून :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Swollen. E. प्र and उच्छून swelled.
- प्रोज्जासन :: n. (-नं) Killing, slaughter. E. प्र and उत् before, जस् to hurt or kill, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रोज्झन :: n. (-नं) Leaving, quitting, letting go. E. प्र before, उज्झ, to leave, aff. ल्युट् ।
- प्रोज्झित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Abandoned, shunned, avoided. E. प्र before, उज्झित left.
- प्रोञ्छग :: n. (-नं) 1. Wiping away. 2. Picking up. E. प्र + उञ्छ-ल्युट् ।
- प्रोण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) A spitting-pot.
- प्रोत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sewn or stitched. 2. Tied, strung. 3. Set, inlaid. 4. Impaled. 5. Joined, connected. n. (-तं) Cloth, clothes. E. प्र before, वे to weave or sew, aff. क्त ।
- प्रोतोत्सादन :: n. (-नं) A parasol, a Chhātā, an umbrella. E. प्रीत cloth, उत् over, सादन a house.
- प्रोत्फल :: m. (-लः) A sort of palm tree. E. प्र and उत् above, फल fruit.
- प्रोत्सादन :: n. (-नं) Contriving, device. E. प्र and उत् before, षद् to go, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
- प्रोत्सारण :: n. (-णं) Clearing away, getting rid of, expelling. E. प्र and उत् before, सृ to go, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
- प्रोत्सारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Relinquished, left, given up. 2. Got rid of, ejected, expelled. E. प्र and उत् before, सृ to go, causal v., क्त aff.
- प्रोत्साह :: m. (-हः) 1. Effort, exertion. 2. Stimulus, incitement. E. प्र be- fore, उत्साह effort.
- प्रोत्साहक :: m. (-कः) The instigator or adviser of any act, or in law, of any crime. E. प्रोत्साह with कन् added.
- प्रोत्साहन :: n. (-नं) Instigating, exciting, stimulating E. प्र and उत् before, सह् to bear, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
- प्रोत्साहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Incited, instigated, stimulated, encouraged. E. प्र and उत् before, सह् to bear, in the causal form, aff. क्त ।
- प्रोथ (ऋ) प्रोथृ :: r. 1st. cl. (प्रोथति-ते) 1. To be able, adequate or competent. 2. To complete or ample. 3. To destroy, to subdue or overpower.
- प्रोथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) 1. Travelling, wayfaring, a traveller. 2. Notorious, famous. 3. Placed, fixed. mn. (-थः-थं) 1. The nose of a horse or the tip of it. 2. The snout of a hog. m. (-थं) 1. The loins or hip. 2. Old clothes. 3. The embryo or fœtus. 4. An excavation. E. प्रु to go, Unādi aff. थक् ।
- प्रोद्घुष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Resonant, sounding well. 2. Making a loud noise. E. प्र and उद्घुष्ट sounded.
- प्रोद्घोषण :: n. (-णं) Sounding or crying aloud. E. प्र and उत् before, घुष् to cry, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रोद्भिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Breaking forth, (as seeds, &c.) E. प्र and उद्भिन्न put forth.
- प्रोन्नत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Towering, very lofty. E. प्र, and उन्नत high.
- प्रोम्भन :: n. (-नं) Filling. E. प्र before, उम्भ् to fill, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रोम्भित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Filled. E. प्र before, उम्भ् to fill, क्त aff.
- प्रोर्णुनविषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing to cover. E. प्र before, ऊर्णु to cover, desire. v., उ aff. and the vowel changed.
- प्रोर्णुनूषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing to cover. E. प्र before, ऊर्णु to cover, desid. v., उ aff. and the augment इ omitted.
- प्रोल्लाघित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Recovered from sickness, convalescent. 2. Strong, robust. E. प्र and उत् before, लाघ् to be able, क्त aff.
- प्रोल्लिखत् :: mfn. (-खन् -खन्ती -खत्) Marking, marking lines, scratches, &c. E. प्र, and उल्लिख to mark, शतृ aff.
- प्रोल्लेखन :: n. (-नं) Scratching, marking, drawing lines or marks. E. प्र and उत् before, लिख् to write, ल्युट् aff.
- प्रोष :: m. (-षः) Burning. E. प्रुष् to burn, aff. घञ् ।
- प्रोषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Abroad, absent, away from home, sojourning in another country. E. प्र before, वस् to dwell, aff. क्त ।
- प्रोषितभर्तृका :: f. (-का) A woman whose husband is absent. E. प्रोषित ab- road, भर्त्तृ a husband, aff. कन् and टाप् ।
- प्रोषितमरण :: n. (-णं) Dying in a foreign country. E. प्रोषित absent, and मरण dying.
- प्रोषितवत् :: mfn. (वान्-वती-वत्) Strange, a stranger, a sojourner. E. प्र be- fore, वस् to dwell, क्तवतु aff.
- प्रो(प्रौ)ष्ठ :: mf. (-ष्ठः-ष्ठी) A sort of carp, (Cyprinus Pausius, Ham.) “पुंँटिमाछ” m. (-ष्ठः) An ox. 3. A bench, a stool. E. प्र before, उष् to burn, aff. थन् ।
- प्रोष्ठपदा :: f. (-दा) One of the constellations, the twenty-sixth or twenty- seventh, containing stars in the wing of Pegasus see भाद्रपदा . E. प्रोष्ठ here said to mean an ox, and पद a foot.
- प्रो(प्रौ)ष्ठपाद :: mfn. (-दः -दी -दं) Born under the sign Proshṭhapada. E. प्रोष्ठ- पद and अण् aff. in this sense; in any other, the form is प्रोष्ठपद ।
- प्रो(प्रौ)ह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) 1. Skilful, clever. 2. Logical, reasoning, a rea- soner, a disputant. m. (-हः) 1. An elephant's foot. 2. A joint, a knot. 3. The ancle of an elephant. E. प्र before, वह् to bear, or ऊह् to reason, aff. क ।
- प्रोहणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be reasoned or argued. E. प्र before, ऊह् to reason, अनीयर् aff.
- प्रौ(प्रो)ढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Full-grown. 2. Confident, bold, arrogant. 3. Impudent. 4. Full-grown, (as the moon.) 5. Thick, heavy, (darkness, &c.) 6. Forward, (as the hand to seize any thing.) 7. Raised, lifted up. 8. Controverted. 9. Old. 10. Married. f. (-ढा) 1. A woman from thirty years of age to fifty-five. 2. A description of the Nāyikā or mistress, a woman whose feelings are violent or impetuous, or one who is not in any awe of her lover or husband. E. प्र before, वह to bear, aff. क्त ।
- प्रौ(प्रो)ढपाद :: m. (-दः) One who sits with his feet upon a seat. E. प्रौढ raised and पाद the foot.
- प्रौ(प्रो)ढि :: f. (-ढिः) 1. Enterprise, zeal, confident or audacious exertion. 2. Investigation, controversy, discussion. E. प्र before, वह् to bear, aff. क्तिन् .
- प्रौण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Clever, learned, skilful. E. प्र + ओणृ-अच् ।
- प्रौर्णुवितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Extending over, covering. E. प्र and ऊर्णु to cover, तृच् aff.
- प्रौष्ठप्रद :: m. (-दः) The month Bhādra, (August-September.) f. (-दौ) Full moon in Bhādra. E. प्रोष्ठपदा the sign, and अण् aff. when the moon is near the wing of Pegasus.
- प्लक्ष :: r. 1st cl. (प्लक्षति-ते) To eat.
- प्लक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. Waved-leaf fig-tree, (Ficus infectoria.) 2. Another tree, (Hibiscus populneoides.) 3. The holy fig, (Fious religiosa.) 4. One of the seven Dwīpas or continents, into which the world is divided. 5. A private or back-door. E. प्लष् to burn, Unādi aff. स, and अ substituted for the penultimate vowel.
- प्लव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Who or what goes by leaps or jumps, leaping, just- ing, a tumbler. m. (-वः) 1. Jumping, leaping, plunging, going by leaps or plunges. 2. Swimming, floating, diving. 3. A raft, a float. 4. A frog. 5. A monkey. 6. A sheep. 7. A diver, or bird so called, (Pelicanus fusicollis.) 8. A sort of duck. 9. A man of a low or de- graded tribe. 10. Waved-leaf fig-tree, (Ficus infectoria.) 11. The continuous protracted accent, the lengthened sound of vowels in poetry or the Vedas. 12. Protracting a sentence through several stanzas. 13. A declivity or shelving ground. 14. A piece of water. 15. A sort of basket or snare of basket-work for catching fish. 16. An enemy. 17. Sending, directing. n. (-वं) 1. A sort of grass, (Cy- perus rotundus.) 2. Fragrant grass in general, or another sort E. प्लु to go, aff. अच् ।
- प्लवक :: m. (-कः) 1. A tumbler, a dancer, a man who walks on the edge of a sword, a rope-dancer, &c. 2. An outcast. 3. A frog. E. प्लव् a tumbler, &c. and कन् aff.
- प्लवग :: m. (-गः) 1. A monkey, an ape. 2. A frog. 3. The charioteer of the sun. 4. A sort of bird, the diver. 3. A frog. E. प्लव् leaping, and ग who goes, from गम् with ड aff. “शिरीषवृक्षे” ।
- प्लवगति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A frog. 2. Going by leaps and jumps. E. प्लव leaping, गति going.
- प्लवङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A monkey. 2. A deer. E. प्लव leaping, गम् to go, aff. खच् with the power of ड, whence the nasal is inserted, and final syllable rejected; also प्लव, प्लवग, and प्लवङ्गम ।
- प्लवङ्गम :: m. (-मः) 1. A monkey, an ape. 2. A frog. E. प्लव leaping, गम् to go, aff. खच् ।
- प्लवन :: n. (-नं) 1. Jumping, leaping. 2. A deluge, an inundation. 3. Swimming, plunging into. E. प्लु to go, ल्युट् aff.
- प्लवमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Bounding, springing, leaping. 2. Swimming. E. प्लु to go, शानच् aff.
- प्लवाका :: f. (-का) A boat, a raft. E. प्लव् tossing, अक what goes, टाप् fem. aff.; also प्लविका, from प्लु with वुन् aff. and fem. form.
- प्लविक :: f. (-का) Taking over on a boat.
- प्लाक्ष :: n. (-क्षं) The fruit of the Hibiscus populneoides. E. प्लक्ष्, and अण् added.
- प्लाव :: m. (-वः) 1. Submersion. 2. Filling a vessel till it runs over. 3. Jumping. 4. Filtering. E. प्लु to go, causal v., घञ् aff.; also with ल्युट्, प्लावनं ।
- प्लाव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be jumped, leaped, &c. 2. To be sumbmerged or inundated. E. प्लु to go, ण्यत् aff.
- प्लाविन् :: m. (-वी) A bird. E. प्लु to go, aff. घिनुण् ।
- प्लिह :: r. 1st cl. (प्लेहति) To go, to move or approach.
- प्लिहन् :: m. (-हा) The spleen: see प्लीहन् ।
- प्लिहा :: f. (-हा) The spleen: see प्लीहन् ।
- प्ली :: r. 9th cl. (प्लीणाति) To go.
- प्लीहघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) A medicinal plant, (Andersonia rohitaka, Rox.) E. प्लीह the spleen, (the disease, &c.) घ्न what removes.
- प्लीहन् :: m. (-हा) The spleen; the organ or the disease of it, as in Eng- lish; in the latter sense, however, it is equally applied to the enlargement of the mesenteric glands, &c. E. प्लिह् to increase, Unādi aff. कनिन्, and the vowel made long; otherwise being प्लिहन्; and with क and टाप् affs., and the vowel long or short प्लिहा or प्लीहा ।
- प्लीहशत्रु :: m. (-त्रुः) A medical plant, commonly Rohera or Rohinī, (An- dersonia rohitaka, Rox.) E. प्लीह for प्लोहन् the spleen, (the disease,) and शत्रु enemy; also प्लीहाशत्रु ।
- प्लीहारि :: m. (-रिः) The holy fig-tree, (Ficus religiosa,) E. प्लीहा the spleen, and अरि enemy. “अश्वत्थवृक्षे” ।
- प्लु (ङ) प्लुङ् :: r. 1st cl. (प्लवते) 1. To go, to approach. 2. To go by leaps, to jump, &c. 3. To be lengthened, (as a vowel.) With उत् pre- fixed, To leap up. With वि, To plunge in, to be submerged or inundated.
- प्लुक्षि :: m. (-क्षिः) Fire or its deity. E. प्लुष् to burn, Unādi aff. किस् ।
- प्लुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Jumped, leaped, gone by leap or jump, &c. 2. Thrown or tossed up. m. (-तः) 1. Bounding, capering, one of a horse's paces. 2. Leaping, jumping, tumbling. mn. (-तः-तं) The third sound given to vowels; the protracted or continuous sound, being three times the length of the short vowel, and occupying three moments in its utterance. E. प्लु to go by leaps, aff. क्त ।
- प्लुति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Over-flowing. 2. Jumping. 3. A particular pace of a horse. 4. Protraction, (of a vowel.) E. प्लु, क्तिन् aff.
- प्लुष् :: r. 1st cl. (उ) प्लुषु (प्लोषति) r. 4th cl. (ऌ) प्लुषॢ (प्लुष्यति) To burn. r. 9th cl. (प्लुष्णाति) 1. To be unctuous. 2. To sprinkle. 3. To fill. 4. To set free. 5. To be fond of or kind to.
- प्लुष :: m. (-षः) Burning, combustion. E. प्लुष् to burn, aff. क ।
- प्लुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Burnt. E. प्लुष् to burn, aff. क्त ।
- प्लुस (इर) प्लुसिर :: r. 4th cl. (प्लुस्यति) 1. To burn, 2. To share.
- प्लेव (ऋ) प्लेवृ :: r. 1st cl. (प्लेवते) To serve, to gratify by service.
- प्लो(प्रो)ष :: m. (-षः) Burning, combustion. E. प्लुष् to burn, aff. घञ् .
- प्सा :: r. 2nd cl. (प्साति) To eat.
- प्सा :: f. (प्सा) Eating. E. प्सा to eat, aff. क्विप् ।
- प्सात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Eaten. E. प्सा to eat, aff. क्त ।
- प्सान :: n. (-नं) 1. Eating. 2. Food E. प्सा to eat, aff. ल्युट् ।