सामग्री पर जाएँ

संस्कृत-आङ्लभाषा कोशः (विद्यासागरेणकृतः)/भाग-४

विकिशब्दकोशः तः

  •  :: The twenty-second consonant of the Nāgari Alphabet, the aspirate of the preceding letter, and expressed by Ph.
  •  :: m. (-फः) 1. Increasing, swelling, enlarging, expanding. 2. Perform- ance of a mystical rite, by which KUVERA'S attendants are pro- pitiated. 3. A high wind, a gale. 4. Wind expelled in yawning. 5. Fruitfulness, fertility. 6. An augmentor or increaser. nf. (फं-फा) Unprofitable or idle speech. n. (-फं) 1. Angry speech. 2. Bursting with some little noise, as air bubbles, boiling water, &c.; bubbling, boiling. f. (-फा) Distress, anxiety. E. फल् to bear fruit, or स्फाय् to swell, aff. ड; in the latter case, the initial is rejected.
  • फक्क :: r. 1st cl. (फक्कति) 1. To creep, to move slowly or sluggishly. 2. To behave ill, to practise ill or improper conduct.
  • फक्किका :: f. (-का) 1. A position, an assertion or argument, to be proved or maintained. 2. Logical exposition or elucidation. 3. A sophism. 4. A trick. 5. Illusion. 6. Fraud. E. फक्क् to move slowly, aff. ण्वुल् टाप् ।
  • फञ्जिका :: f. (-का) 1. A plant, (Siphonanthus Indica.) 2. A species of Hedysarum, (H. alhagi.) E. भञ्ज् to break, (disease,) aff. ण्वुल्, and the radical initial changed to फ ।
  • फञ्जिपुत्रिका :: f. (-का) A plant, (Talvinia cucullata.) E. फञ्जि as above, and पुत्रिका infant. “उन्दुरकानि” ।
  • फट :: mfn. subst. (-टः-टा-टं) The expanded hood or neck of the Cobra de capello. mf. (-टः-टा) 1. A tooth. 2. A cheat. E. स्फुट् to burst or expand, aff. अच् fem. aff. टाप्, deriv. irr.
  • फट् :: Ind. Exclamation of no meaning, forming part of a Mantra or in- cantation. E. स्फुट् to burst, aff. क्विप्, and the deriv. irr.
  • फडिङ्गा :: f. (-ङ्गा) A cricket, a locust.
  • फण :: r. 1st cl. (फणति) 1. To go. 2. To produce easily or readily. 3. To be unoily, Causal form, (फाणयति) 1. To dilute. 2. To shine. (फणयति) To cause to go.
  • फण :: mfn. Subst. (-णः-णा-णं) The expanded hood or neck of the Cobra de capello, &c. E. फण् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • फणकर :: m. (-रः) A snake, especially the Cobra de capello, or COLUBER naja. E. फल् the hood, and कर who makes; also फणाकर ।
  • फणधर :: m. (-रः) A snake. E. फण the hood, and धर who has; also फणाधर ।
  • फणभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) A snake. E. फण a hood, and भृत् who possesses.
  • फणमणि :: m. (-णिः) A jewel supposed to be in the head of a snake. E. फण and मणि a gem.
  • फणवत् :: m. (-वान्) A snake. E. फणा a hood, and मतुप् possessive aff.
  • फणाकर :: m. (-रः) A snake: see फणकर .
  • फणाधर :: m. (-रः) A snake: see फणधर ।
  • फणाभर :: m. (-रः) A snake. E. फण the hood expanded, भृ to possess, aff. अच् ।
  • फणावत् :: m. (-वान्) A snake: see फणवत् ।
  • फणिकेशर :: m. (-रः) A plant, (Mesua ferrea.) E. फणिन् a snake and केशर filaments.
  • फणिखेल :: m. (-लः) A quail. E. फणि a snake, and खेल who plays. “भारुइपाखि” ।
  • फणिज्झक :: m. (-कः) A plant, also Marua. f. (-का) A plant, commonly Rāmadūti, apparently a sort of basil with small leaves. E. फणि for फणी a snake, and उज्झ to abandon, aff. वुन् deriv. irr.
  • फणित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Gone. 2. Diluted. E. फण् to go, क्त aff.
  • फणितल्पग :: m. (-गः) VISHṆU whose bed in the serpent Sesha. E. फणि a snake, तल्प a bed, and ग who goes.
  • फणिन् :: m. (-णी) A snake. E. फण a hood, and इनि aff.
  • फणिप्रिय :: m. (-यः) Air, wind. E. फणि for फणी a snake, and प्रिय fond of.
  • फणिफेण :: m. (-णः) Opium.
  • फणिभाष्य :: n. (-ष्यं) The commentary of Patanjali on Pānini's Sutras.
  • फणिभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) 1. An epithet of Garuda. 2. A Peacock.
  • फणिमुख :: n. (-खं) An instrument for throwing earth.
  • फणीश्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. The great serpent ANANTA. 2. An epithet of Śesha. E. फणी a snake, and ईश्वर sovereign; also फणीन्द्र, &c.
  • फण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) The belly. E. फण् to go, Unādi aff. ड ।
  • फत्कारिन् :: m. (-री) A bird. E. फत् imitative sound, and कारिन् who makes.
  • फर :: n. (-रं) A shield. E. र substituted for ल; see फल ।
  • फरुवक :: n. (-कं) A betel-box.
  • फर्फर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) One moving quickly. E. स्फुर्-अच् ।
  • फर्फरीक :: m. (-कः) The Palm of the hand with the fingers extended. n. (-कं) Young shoot or branch. f. (-का) A shoe.
  • फरीक :: m. (-कः) The palm of the hand with the fingers extended. n. (-कं) Sweetness. E. स्फुर् to expand, Unādi aff. ईकन् and the form irr.
  • फल् :: r. 1st cl. (फलति) 1. To produce or bear fruit. 2. To make fruitful, to fructify. 3. To go. (ञि, आ) ञिफला r. 1st cl. (फलति) To divide, to cleave or split.
  • फल :: n. (-लं) 1. The fruit of any plant, fruit in general. 2. Fruit, (meta- phorically,) result, produce, consequence. 3. Prosperity, flourish- ing, thriving. 4. Gain, profit, acquisition. 5. Recompense, reward. 6. A shield. 7. The blade of a sword or knife, the head of an ar- row, &c. 8. A sort of fragrant berry and drug commonly Kākoli. 9. A nutmeg. 10. The three myrobalans collectively. 11. The men-

strual discharge. 12. Gift, giving. 13. A ploughshare. 14. The quotient of a sum, (in arithmetic.) 15. The area of a circle, &c. 16. An equation. 17. (In astronomy,) The anomalistic equation of a planet. f. (-ली) A medicinal plant, commonly Priangu. m. (-लः) A plant, (Echites anti-dysenterica, Rox.:) see कुटज . E. फल् to bear or produce fruit, aff. अच् ।

  • फलक :: mn. (-कः-कं) 1. A shield. 2. A bench. 3. A plank. 4. A layer. m. (-कः) 1. A bone, the os frontis, or bone of the forehead. 2. A leaf or page for writing on. 3. A plant, (Mesua ferrea.) n. (-कं) The buttocks. E. कन् added to the preceding, or फल् to split or divide, aff. वुन् ।
  • फलकपाणि :: m. (-णिः) A soldier armed with a shield. E. फलक and पाणि the hand.
  • फलकयन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) An astronomical instrument invented by Bhāskarā- chārya.
  • फलकामना :: f. (-ना) Desire of any consequence. E. फल, and कामना desiring.
  • फलकिन् :: mfn. (-की -किनी -कि) Having or being armed with a shield, &c. m. (-की) A sort of fish commonly Phalūi. E. फलक as above and इनि aff.
  • फलकृष्ण :: m. (-ष्णः) A small fruit, (Carissa carandas.) E. फल fruit and कृष्ण black. “पानिआमलके” ।
  • फलकेशर :: m. (-रः) The cocoanut-tree. E. फल the fruit and केशर hair, covered with a fibrous coat-like hair.
  • फलकोषक :: m. (-कः) 1. The cocoanut-tree. 2. The testicle. E. फल fruit, कोष sheath, and कन् aff. of comparison.
  • फलखण्डन :: n. (-नं) Disappointing. E. फल and खण्डन destroying.
  • फलग्रहि :: mfn. (-हिः -हिः -हि) Fruitful, bearing fruit in due season. E. फल fruit, ग्रह् to take, aff. इन्, also फलेग्रहि ।
  • फलग्राहिन् :: m. (-ही) A tree. E. फल fruit, ग्रह् to take, aff. णिनि ।
  • फलचमस :: m. (-सः) The bark of the Indian fig, ground and eaten with curds, by way of penance.
  • फलत् :: mfn. (-लन् -लन्ती -लत्) Yielding fruit, profit, &c. E. फल् to bear fruit, शतृ aff.
  • फलत्रय :: n. (-यं) 1. Three sorts of fruit collectively, as the fruit of the vine, the Parush, and the Gmelina arborea. 2. The three myrobal- ans. E. फल fruit and त्रय three.
  • फलत्रिक :: n. (-कं) The three myrobalans collectively. E. फल fruit, and त्रिक three-fold. “शुण्ठीपिप्पली मरिचरूपायाम् च” ।
  • फलद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Yielding or bearing fruit, result, &c. m. (-दः) A tree. E. फल fruit, and द what gives; also फलदातृ, फलदायिन् &c.
  • फलन :: n. (-नं) Fructifying, bearing fruit, producing consequences. E. फल, and ल्युट् aff.
  • फलनिवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Cessation of consequences. E. फल and निवृत्ति stop.
  • फलनिर्वृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Final consequence or result. E. फल and निर्वृत्ति completion.
  • फलनिष्पत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Bearing fruit. 2. Yielding profit or desired re- sults. E. फल and निष्पत्ति putting forth.
  • फलपाक :: m. (-कः) 1. The ripening of fruit. 2. The fulness of conse- quences. 3. The Caronda. E. फल fruit and पाक ripening.
  • फलपाकान्ता :: f. (-न्ता) An annual plant. E. फल fruit, पाक ripening or ripe- ness, and अन्त end; dying after bearing fruit.
  • फलपातन :: n. (-नं) Knocking down or gathering fruit. E. फल and पातन felling.
  • फलपुच्छ :: m. (-च्छः) A sort of esculent root or bulb. E. फल fruit and पुच्छ a tail.
  • फलपूर :: m. (-रः) Common citron, (Citrus medica.) E. फल fruit and पूर् to fill, aff. क ।
  • फलपूरक :: m. (-कः) Common citron. E. कन् added to the last.
  • फलप्रद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Yielding fruit, productive, yielding a reward, &c. E. फल and प्रद what gives.
  • फलप्रदान :: n. (-नं) 1. A ceremony at weddings. 2. The giving of fruits.
  • फलप्रयुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Connected with or producing consequences, yielding fruit, &c. E. फल and प्रयुक्त applied.
  • फलप्राप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) Obtaining the desired result or fruit. E. फल and प्राप्ति acquiring.
  • फलप्रिया :: f. (-या) Priyangu.
  • फलबन्धिन् :: Adj. Forming or developing fruits.
  • फलभाज् :: mfn. (-भाक्) Having or receiving fruit, consequence, &c. E. फल and माज् who shares.
  • फलभूमि :: f. (-मिः) Any region not included in the known continent, as heaven, hell, &c. E. फल fruit, (of actions,) and भूमि land.
  • फलभोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Receipt or enjoyment of consequences. 2. Possess- ion of rent or profit, usufruct. E. फल and भोग enjoyment.
  • फलभोगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) Who receives the profits, consequences, &c. E. फल and भोगिन् who enjoys.
  • फलमुख्या :: f. (-ख्या) Common carroway. “अजमोदा” ।
  • फलमुद्गरिका :: f. (-का) A sort of date. E. फल fruit and मुद्गर a mallet, aff. कन् in the fem. form. “पिण्डीखेजुर” ।
  • फलयोग :: m. (-गः) 1. The attainment of an object. 2. Remuneration, wages.
  • फलराजन् :: m. (-जा) The water-melon.
  • फलवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Bearing fruit. 2. Yielding results or con- sequences. E. फल fruit and मतुप् poss. aff.
  • फलशाडव :: m. (-वः) The promegranate. E. फल fruit, शाड् to extol, aff. अव ।
  • फलशालिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) Bearing or yielding fruit. E. फल and शलिन् having.
  • फलश्रेष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) The mango. E. फल fruit and श्रेष्ठ best.
  • फलस :: m. (-सः) The jack or bread-fruit. E. फल fruit, सह् to be able. aff. डः also read फलशः see पनस ।
  • फलसम्पद् :: f. (पद् or -पत्) Prosperity, success. E. फल and सम्पत् abundance.
  • फलसम्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Produced in or by fruit. E. फल and सम्भव born also फलसम्भू ।
  • फलसाधन :: n. (-नं) Means or instrument of success. E. फल and साधन means.
  • फलसिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Realising an object, reaping the fruit of any act. E. फल and सिद्धि perfection.
  • फलहानि :: f. (-निः) Loss of fruit or profit. E. फल and हानि abandonment.
  • फलहारी :: f. (-री) An epithet of Durgā.
  • फलाकाङ्क्षा :: f. (-ङ्क्षा) Hope or expectation of favourable consequences. E. फल and आकाङ्क्षा desire.
  • फलागम :: m. (-मः) The fruit-season, autumn.
  • फलादन :: m. (-नः) A parrot. E. फल fruit, अदन eating.
  • फलाध्यक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A tree, commonly Khirani, (Mimusops Kauki.) E. फल fruit, अध्यक्ष superintendent.
  • फलान्त :: m. (-न्तः) A bamboo. E. फल fruit or blossom, अन्त end.
  • फलानुबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Sequence of results.
  • फलानुमेय :: Adj. Inferable from consequences of results.
  • फलानुसरण :: n. (-णं) Rate or aggregate of profits. E. फल and अनुसरण conformity.
  • फलापेक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) Regard to or expectation of consequences. E. फल and अपेक्षा expectation.
  • फलापेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unproductive, unfertile. E. फल and अपेत de- prived.
  • फलाभोग :: m. (-गः) Non-enjoyment of profits, &c. E. फल and अभोग non-use.
  • फलायोषित् :: f. (-त्) A cricket.
  • फलाशन :: m. (-नः) A parrot. E. फल fruit and अशन food.
  • फलाशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Living on fruits. E. फल and अशिन् who eats.
  • फलासक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Doing any thing for the sake of reward. 2. Fond of or seeking to pluck fruit. E. फल and आसक्त attached to.
  • फलि :: m. (-लिः) A kind of fish. “फलुइ” ।
  • फलिग :: m. (-गः) The cloud.
  • फलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Fruitful, bearing fruit. 2. Successful, yielding a result. m. (-तः) A tree. f. (-ता) A woman in her courses. E. फल fruit and इतच् aff.
  • फलिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) 1. Bearing fruit, fruitful. 2. Productive of consequences. m. (-नी) 1. A sort of fish, commonly Phalūi, (Mys- tus kapirat.) 2. A tree, (especially in fruit.) f. (-नी) 1. A medicinal

plant, commonly Priyangu. 2. A potherb, (Echites dichotoma.) 3. A flower, (Celosia cristata.) E. फल fruit, and इनि aff.

  • फलूष :: m. (-षः) A sort of creeper. E. फल fruit, and ऊषन् Unādi aff.
  • फलेग्रहि :: mfn. (-हिः -हिः -हि) Bearing fruit in season, fruitful. E. फल fruit, ग्रह् to take, aff. इन्; ए substituted irregularly for the final of फल; also फलग्रहि and फलेग्राहिन् ।
  • फलेग्राहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) Bearing fruit in due season. E. As above, णिनि aff.
  • फलेपुष्पा :: f. (-ष्पा) A kind of flower known as “द्रोणपुष्पी” ।
  • फलेरुहा :: f. (-हा) The trumpet-flower, (Bignonia suave-olens.) E. फल fruit, in the seventh case, रुह् to grow, aff. क । “पाटलिवृक्षे” ।
  • फलोच्चय :: m. (-यः) 1. Collecting of fruits. 2. A collection of fruits. E. फल and उच्चय abundance.
  • फलोत्तमा :: f. (-मा) 1. A small sort of grape without stones. 2. The three myrobalans collectively. 3. The benefit arising from sacred study. E. फल fruit, उत्तम best.
  • फलोत्पति(त्ति) :: m. (-तिः or त्ति) The mango. f. (-त्तिः) Production of fruit. E. फल fruit, उत् over, पति ruler; or फलाय उत्पत्तिरस्य ।
  • फलोदय :: m. (-यः) 1. Gain, profit. 2. Heaven, paradise. 3. Joy, happiness. 4. Consequence, result. E. फल fruit, gain, &c. उदय rising.
  • फलोद्देश :: m. (-शः) Regard to results. E. फल and उद्देश pointing out.
  • फलोनि :: m. (-निः) Pudendum muliebre.
  • फलोपेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Having or yielding fruit, &c. E. फल and उपेत possessing.
  • फल्क :: m. (-ल्कः) An expanded or extended body. E. फल् to separate, Unādi aff. क । “विशोधिताङ्गे च” ।
  • फल्ग :: mfn. (-ल्गुः -ल्गुः -ल्गु) 1. Pithless, sapless. 2. Vain, unprofitable, unmeaning, useless. 3. Weak, feeble. f. (-ल्गुः) 1. The opposite leaved fig-tree, (F. oppositi-folia, Rox.) 2. The name of a river which is said to run underneath Gya. 3. Falsehood, false or lying speech. 4. A red powder, usually of the root of wild ginger, col- oured with sappan wood, and thrown over one another by the Hindus, at the Holi festival. 5. The spring season. E. फल् to bear fruit, Unādi aff. गुक ।
  • फल्गुन :: m. (-नः) 1. A name of ARJUNA. The month Phālguna. f. (-नी) The constellation Phalguni. E. फल् to bear fruit, Unādi aff. उनन् and गुक् aug.: see फाल्गुन ।
  • फल्गुनाल :: m. (-लः) The month Phālguna. E. फल्गु, and अल equal to, the same.
  • फल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) A bud, a flower. E. फल fruit, यत् aff.
  • फल्लकिन् :: m. (-की) A fish, caught in ponds, commonly Phalūi, (Mystus kapirat.)
  • फाट् :: Ind. An interjection of calling.
  • फाणि :: f. (-णिः) 1. Unrefined sugar, molasses. 2. Flour or meal mixed with curds. E. स्फायी to swell, Unādi aff. नि, deriv. irr.
  • फाणित :: n. (-तं) Raw sugar, the inspissated juice of the sugarcane. E. फण् to go, causal form, aff. क्त ।
  • फाण्ट :: mfn. (-ण्टः -ण्टा -ण्टं) Readily prepared, made by an extemporaneous easy process, (decoction, &c.) n. (-ण्टं) 1. Diluted decoction, decoc- tion, easily prepared. 2. The first particles of butter that are produced by churning. E. फण् to prepare easily, aff. क्त, deriv. irr.
  • फाल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Made of cotton, (vesture.) m. (-लः) 1. A name of SĪVA. 2. A name of BALARĀMA. 3. A citron tree. n. (-लं) The share of a plough. E. फल् to divide, in the causal form. aff. घञ् or फल fruit and अण् aff.
  • फालकृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Furrowed, ploughed. n. (-ष्टं) A ploughed-field. E. फाल and कृष्ट furrowed.
  • फाल्गुन :: m. (-नः) 1. A name of ARJUNA. 2. A sort of tree, (Pentaptera Arjuna.) 3. A month, commonly called by the name Phālguna, (February-March.) f. (-नी) 1. Day of full moon on the month of Phālguṇa, on which Holi or great vernal festival of the Hindus is celebrated. 2. A name common to the eleventh and twelfth lunar asterisms, distinguished by the epithets first and last, or पूर्व्व and उत्तरफाल्गुनीः see पूर्व्वफाल्गुनी &c.
  • फाल्गुनानुज :: m. (-जः) Spring. E. फाल्गुन the month, अनु according, ज born.
  • फाल्गुनिक :: m. (-कः) The month Phālguna. E. फाल्गुनी day of full moon in this month, and ठक् aff.
  • फि :: m. (फिः) Anger, passion. E. फल् to separate, aff. डि ।
  • फिङ्गक :: m. (-कः) The fork-tailed shrike. E. फिङ्ग imitative sound, कै to utter, aff. ड ।
  • फिरङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. The country of the Franks. 2. A particular disease. It is a word of foreign origin.
  • फुक :: m. (-कः) A bird.
  • फुट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) 1. Blown. 2. Burst. 3. The hood or expanded neck of a snake. E. स्फुट् to swell, aff. क, deriv. irr.
  • फु(फू)त् :: Ind. 1. Expression of disregard or contempt, (Phoo, hoot.) 2. Imitative sound, implying the bubbling or boiling of water, &c. or of blowing into any liquid. E. स्फुर् to swell, aff. क्विप्, स rejected, and तुक् added, form irr.
  • फुत्कर :: m. (-रः) Fire. E. फुत् boiling and कर who makes.
  • फुत्कार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Arrogant, contemptuous, disdainful. m. (-रः) 1. The sound of bubbling or breathing into, (as to cool it.) E. फुत् expression of contempt, and कार who makes.
  • फुत्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Blown up, (as a bubble.) 2. Blown into, cooled by blowing into it. E. फुत् and कृत made.
  • फुप्फुस :: m. (-सः) The lungs see पुप्फुस ।
  • फुल्ल :: r. 1st cl. (फुल्लति) To blow or blossom, to bud or flower.
  • फुल्ल :: mfn. (-ल्लः -ल्ला -ल्लं) 1. Blown, opened, expanded, (as a flower.) 2. Opened, (as the eyes with pleasure, &c.), smiling, gay. E. फुल्ल् to blow, aff. अच्; also फुल्त ।
  • फुल्लदामन् :: n. (-म) A species of the Atidhriti metre.
  • फुल्लनयन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Full or large-eyed. 2. Smiling, looking hap- py. E. फुल्ल and नयन the eye; also similar compounds, as फुल्लनेत्र, फुल्लदृष्टि, &c.
  • फुल्लफाल :: m. (-लः) Winnowing corn. E. फुल्ल blown, and फाल for स्फाल् spreading.
  • फुल्लरीक :: m. (-कः) A serpent.
  • फुल्ललोचन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Full-eyed. 2. Looking pleased or happy. n. (-नं) A large full eye. m. (-नः) A species of the antelope. E. फुल्ल् full, expanded, and लोचन the eye.
  • फुल्लवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Blossoming, blowing. E. फुल्ल् to blow, क्तवतु aff.
  • फुल्लवदन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Looking pleased or happy. E. फुल्ल् and वदन the face.
  • फुल्लि :: f. (-ल्लिः) Blowing, blossoming. E. फुल्ल् to blow, aff. इन् ।
  • फुल्लति :: f. (-तिः) Flowering, blossoming. E. फुल्ल् to blow, क्तिन् aff.
  • फूत् :: Ind. Imitative sound of bubbling, sobbing, &c.: see फुत् .
  • फूत्कार :: m. (-रः) 1. Bubbling. 2. Sobbing. 3. Blowing or breathing into any liquid. E. फूत् and कार making.
  • फूत्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Bubbled, bubbling, made to sound so. 2. Blown or breathed into, (a liquid.) 3. Sounded, as in sobbing. E. फूत्, and कृत made.
  • फे(ण)न :: m. (-नः) 1. Froth, foam. 2. Cuttle-fish-bone, supposed to be the indurated foam of the sea. 3. Vapour. E. स्फायी to swell, नक् Unādi aff., deriv. irr.
  • फे(ण)नक :: m. (-कः) Cuttle-fish-bone. f. (-का) 1. Rice, ground and boiled with water. 2. The soap berry. E. फेन froth, and कन् aff.
  • फेनता :: f. (-ता) Frothiness, vapour. E. तल् added to फेन; also with त्व, फेनत्वं ।
  • फेनल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Frothy, foamy. E. फेन froth, अलच् poss. aff.; also with इलच् similar aff. फेनिल, and with the usual possessive मतुप्, फेनवत् ।
  • फेनवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Frothy, foaming, bubbling. E. फेन froth and मतुप् aff.
  • फेनवाहिन् :: m. (-ही) The thunderbolt of INDRA. E. फेन foam, वह् to bear, aff. णिनि; INDRA having used the foam of the sea for his thunder- bolt, to kill the demon VRITRĀSURA.
  • फेनाग्र :: n. (-ग्रं) A bubble. E. फेन foam, and अग्र top.
  • फेनायमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Foaming, frothing. E. फेन nom. verb to foam, शनच् aff.
  • फेनाशनि :: m. (-निः) A name of INDRA. E. फेन foam and अशनि the thund- bolt: see फेनवाहिन् ।
  • फेनि(णि)का :: f. (-का) 1. Froth arising from treacle. 2. A kind of sweet- meat called Patty. “खाजा” । E. फेन foam, कन् added, fem. form.
  • फेनिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Frothy, foamy. m. (-लः) The soap plant, (Sapin- dus detergens, Rox.) n. (-लं) 1. The fruit of the jujube. 2. The fruit of the Vangueria spinosa. E. फेन froth or foam, इलच् aff.
  • फेर :: m. (-रः) A jackal.
  • फेरण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A jackal. E. फे imitative sound, रम् to sport, aff. ड ।
  • फेरव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) 1. Fraudulent, crafty, a rogue or cheat. 2. Mali- cious, noxious, injurious. m. (-वः) 1. A jackal. 2. A demon, a goblin. E. फे imitative sound, रु to utter, aff. अप् ।
  • फेरु :: m. (-रुः) A jackal. E. फे imitative sound, रु to cry, aff. डु ।
  • फेल (ऋ) फेऌ :: r. 1st cl. (फेलति) To go or move.
  • फेलक :: m. (-कः) Orts, leavings of a meal, or droppings from the mouth. E. फेल् to go, वुन् aff.
  • फेला :: f. (-ला) Orts, leavings. E. फेल् to go, अच् aff. fem. aff. टाप्; also फेलक and फेलि ।
  • फेलि :: f. (-लिः or -ली) Orts, leavings. E. फेल् to go, इन् aff.; ङीप् optionally added; also with टाप् and कन् added, फेलिका f. (-का) ।
  • फ्वल :: r. 1st. cl. (फ्वलति) to live.
  •  :: The twenty-third consonant of the Nāgari Alphābet, corresponding to the letter B, and often confounded with the analogous semi- vowel व or V, with which some grammarians consider it to be at all times optionally interchangeable.
  •  :: m. (बः) 1. A name of VARUṆA. 2. A water jar. 3. Ocean. 4. The vulva. E. बण् to sound, &c. aff. ड ।
  • बंहिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Very much, excessively many. E. बहु much, इष्ठन् superlative aff. form irr.
  • बंहीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -य) Very many. E. बहु much, ईयमुन् superlative aff.
  • बठ :: r. 1st cl. (बठति) To be large, powerful, or able: better also वठ् ।
  • बडवा :: f. (-वा) 1. A mare. 2. A female slave. 3. The nymph AŚHWINI, or the personified asterism which is designated by a horse's head. E. बल strength or force, and वा to go to, affs. क and टाप्, and ल change to ड ।
  • बडवाकृ(हृ)त :: m. (-तः) The gallant of a female slave, and thence also a slave. E. बडवा and कृत or हृत taken.
  • बडवाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) Submarine fire: see the next. E. बडवा a mare, and अग्नि fire.
  • बडवानल :: m. (-लः) Submarine fire; in mythology, a being consisting of flame, but with the head of a mare, who sprang from the thighs of OURVĀ, and was received by the ocean. E. बडवा a mare, and अनल fire.
  • बडवामुख :: m. (-खः) Submarine fire: see बडवानल . n. (-लं) The infernal regions. E. वडबा a mare, and मुख head, principal.
  • बडवासुत :: m. dual. (-तौ) The two sons of AŚHWINĪ and the physicians of heaven. E. बडवा the nymph AŚHWINĪ and सुत a son.
  • बण :: r. 1st cl. (बणति) To sound; better also वण ।
  • बण :: m. (-णः) Sound, noise. E. बण् to sound, aff. अच् ।
  • बणिक्पथ :: n. (-थं) Traffic, commerce. E. बनिज् and पथ् for पथिन् a path.
  • बणिक्पत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) The son of a merchant or a young merchant or trader. f. (-त्त्री) A young woman of the same tribe. E. बणिज् and पुत्त्र a son.
  • बणिग्बन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) The indigo plant, (Indigofera tinctoria.) E. बणिज् a trader, and बन्धु the friend.
  • बणिग्भाव :: n. (-वं) Traffic, trade, commerce. E. बणिज् a trader, and भाव property.
  • बणिग्वह :: m. (-हः) A camel. E. बणिज् a trader, वह who bears.
  • बणिज् :: m. (-णिक्) 1. A merchant, a trader. 2. The sixth of the astro- nomical periods called Karanas, corresponding to the half of a lunar day. f. (-णिक्) Trade, traffic. E. पण् to transact business, इजि Unādi aff. and ब substituted for प; also बणिज ।
  • बणिज्य :: nf. (-ज्यं-ज्या) Trade, traffic. E. बणिज् a trader, य aff.
  • बद :: r. 1st cl. (बदति) To be steady or firm. r. 1st and 10th cls. (बदति-ते बादयति-ते) 1. To speak. 2. To declare or communicate informa- tion; in these two senses, the root is more commonly and correct- ly written वद ।
  • बदर :: mf. (-रः-री) 1. The jujube, (Zizyphus jujuba or scandens.) m. (-रः) The seed of the cotton pod. f. (-रा-री) Cotton. f. (-रा) 1. A plant, (Mimosa octandra.) 2. A medicinal drug, commonly Varāhakrānti. n. (-रं) 1. The fruit of the jujube. 2. The berry or pod of the cot- ton. E. बद् to be firm, Unādi aff. अरच्; or if derived from वद् to give information; it is read by some authorities वदर ।
  • बदरप (पा) चन :: n. (-नं) Name of a sacred bathing place.
  • बदरामलक :: m. (-कः) A plant, (Flacourtia cataphracta.) E. बदर the jujube, आमलक myrobalan.
  • बदरि :: m. (-रिः) The jujube: see बदर . E. बद्द् to be firm, aff. अरि ।
  • बदरिकाश्रम :: m. (-मः) The hermitage at Badarikā.
  • बदरी :: f. (-रीः) 1. The jujube tree. 2. A name of one of the sources of the Ganges and the hermitage of Nara and Nārāyana. E. बदर, ङीष् aff.
  • बदरीच्छदा :: f. (-दा) 1. A kind of perfume, apparently a dried shell fish. 2. A tree, apparently a species of the zizyphus. E. बदर the juju- be, छद a leaf.
  • बदरीपत्रक :: n. (-कं) A sort of perfume, a leaf. E. बदरी the jujube, पत्र a leaf, and कन् aff. of comparison added.
  • बदरीफला :: f. (-ला) A plant, commonly blue Śephālikā or nyctanthes. E. बदरी the jujube, फल fruit.
  • बदरीशैल :: n. (-लं) A part of the Himālaya range, and a celebrated place of pilgrimage; the Badrināth of modern travellers, or a town and temple on the west bank of the Alakānanda river, in the province of Srinagar. E. बदरी the jujube and शैल mountain; also बदरीवन n. (-नं) The wood of jujubes, &c.
  • बद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Bound, tied. 2. Checked, suppressed. 3. Fixed, firm. 4. Withheld. 5. Captured. 6. Confined. 7. United. 8. Dis- played. 9. Cherished. E. बन्ध् to bind, aff. क्त, form irr.
  • बद्धकक्ष :: Adj. Having the girdle girt up, prepared, ready.
  • बद्धकोप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) 1. One who governs or suppresses wrath. 2. Smothering resentment. E. वद्ध and कोप passion.
  • बद्धचित्त :: Adj. Riveting the mind.
  • बद्धजिह्व :: Adj. Tongue-tied.
  • बद्धमूल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Fast or firmly rooted. E. बद्ध, and मूल the root.
  • बद्धशिख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खं) Young, a pupil, a child, one whose hair has not been shaven. f. (-खा) A sort of pungent root, a kind of garlic. E. बद्ध tied, and शिखा a crest or lock of hair, &c.
  • बद्धाञ्जलि :: mfn. (-लिः -लिः -लि) Saluting respectfully, putting the hands joined to the forehead. E. बद्ध attached, अञ्जलि the palms joined and touching the forehead.
  • बद्धानुशय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Of fixed intent. 2. Taking aim. E. बद्ध, and अनुशय purpose.
  • बध :: r. 1st cl. (वीभत्सते) 1. To bind or tie. 2. To hate, to despise, to loathe. 3. To suffer change or affection of the mind. r. 1st and 10th cls. (बधति-बाधयति-ते) 1. To tie, to bind. 2. To kill.
  • बध :: m. (-धः) 1. Killing, slaughter, slaying, murder. 2. A killer, a slau- ghter. E. बध् substituted for हन् to kill, aff. घञ् ।
  • बधक :: m. (-कः) A slaughterer, a killer. E. हन् changed to बध and कुन् aff.
  • बधकाङ्क्षिन् :: mfn. (-ङ्क्षी -ङ्क्षिणी -ङ्खि) Wishing death. E. बध and काङ्क्षिन् who wishes.
  • बधकाम्या :: f. (-म्या) Intent or desire to kill. E. बध and काम्या desire.
  • बधजीविन् :: m. (-वी) A hunter, a fowler, a butcher. &c. E. बध killing, and जीविन् who lives by.
  • बधत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A weapon. E. बध् to kill, Unādi aff. अत्रन् ।
  • बधदण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) Capital punishment. E. बध and दण्ड punishment.
  • बधस्थली :: f. (-ली) A place of slaughter or execution. E. बध killing, स्थल ground.
  • बधस्थान :: n. (-नं) Place of slaughter or execution. E. बध killing, स्थान place.
  • बधाङ्गक :: n. (-कं) 1. Poison. 2. Prison. E. बध killing, अङ्ग the body, aff. कन् ।
  • बधार्ह :: mfn. (-र्हः -र्हा -र्हं) Deserving death. E. बध and अर्ह fit for.
  • बधिर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Deaf. E. बन्ध् to bind, (the hearing.) aff. किरच्, deriv. irr.
  • बधू :: f. (-धूः) 1. A woman. 2. A wife. E. बन्ध् to bind, aff. ऊ; it is more usually derived from वह् to bear, and is consequently written with the semi-vowel: see वधू &c.
  • बधोदर्क :: mfn. (-र्कः -र्का -कं) Effecting or causing death, E. बध, and उदरक future result.
  • बधोद्यत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Murderous, felonious, an assassin, a murderer. E. बध killing, and उद्यत endeavouring.
  • बधोपाय :: m. (-यः) Instrument or means of putting to death. E. बध, and उपाय means.
  • बध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) 1. Deserving death. 2. Condemned to death. E. बध् for हन् to kill, aff. यत् ।
  • बध्यता :: f. (-ता) 1. Destruction. 2. Fitness to be killed. E. बध्य, and तल् aff.; also with त्व, बध्यत्वं .
  • बध्यभूमि :: f. (-मिः) Place of public execution. E. बध्य and भूमि site.
  • बध्यस्थान :: n. (-नं) Place of execution. E. बध्य, and स्थान place.
  • बद्धा :: Ind. 1. Having tied or bound. 2. Having killed. E. बन्ध् to tie, or बध् to kill, and क्त्वाच् aff.
  • बध्र :: n. (-ध्रं) Lead. f. (-ध्री) A thong. E. वन्ध् to bind, aff. ष्ट्रन्; see वर्द्ध and वर्द्धी ।
  • बध्र्य :: n. (-ध्र्यं) A shoe, a slipper. E. बन्ध् to bind or tie, ष्ट्रान् aff.
  • बन (उ) (बनु) :: r. 8th cl. (बनुते) To ask or beg, preferably written वन ।
  • बन्ध :: r. 9th. cl. (बध्नाति) r. 10th cl. (बन्धयति-ते) To bind or tie; with आङ् prefixed. To loosen, to let loose. With अनु, 1. To follow. 2. To be affixed or attached to. With नि, to disunite. With सम्, to connect.
  • बन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) 1. A pledge, a deposit. 2. A binding, a tie or fetter, &c. 3. Binding, tying. 4. The body. 5. Joining. 6. Forming. 7. A li- gature, a bandage. 8. Connection, intercourse. 9. Agreement, union. 10. Result. 11. Border, frame-work. 12. The body. 13. Manifestation, display. 14. Bondage, (opposite to annihilation.) 15. A posture. 16. The different forms of sexual intercourse men- tioned in Kāma Shāstra. 17. Feeling. 18. Laying snares. 19. A stanza which can be arranged in a particular shape, as “Padma bandha,” &c. E. बन्ध् to tie, aff. अच् ।
  • बन्धक :: n. (-कं) 1. Exchanging, barter. 2. A city. 3. A binding, 4. Bind- ing, confinement. m. (-कः) A pledge. f. (-की) 1. An unchaste wo- man, a harlot, a wanton. 2. A barren woman. 3. A she-elephant, E. बन्ध् to bind, ण्वुल् aff. fem. aff. ङीष् ।
  • बन्धतन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) A complete army, or one with its four divisions, of chari- ots, elephants, horse and foot. E. बन्ध् binding, तन्त्र an army.
  • बन्धन :: n. (-नं) 1. Binding, tying, confining. 2. A rope for tying cattle. 3. Killing. 4. Hurting, injuring. mfn. Subst. (-नः-ना or -नी-नं) The implement of binding or tying, a rope, a chain, a bandage, a liga- ture, &c. E. बन्ध् to tie, aff. ल्युट् or युच् ।
  • बन्धनग्रन्थि :: m. (-न्थिः) 1. A rope for tying cattle. 2. The knot of a ligature. E. बन्धन tying, and ग्नन्थि a knot.
  • बन्धनरज्जु :: f. (-ज्जुः) 1. A rope for tying cattle, &c. 2. Any rope or string used for tying. E. बन्धन tying, रज्जु a rope.
  • बन्धनवेश्मन् :: n. (-श्म) A prison. E. बन्धन confinement, and वेश्मन् a house.
  • बन्धनालय :: m. (-यः) A prison. E. बन्धन confinement and आलय abode.
  • बन्धस्तम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) The post to which an elephant is tied. E. बन्ध् a bind- ing and स्तम्भ a post.
  • बन्धित्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. Love, desire. 2. A leathern fan. E. बन्ध् to bind, इत्र Unādi aff.
  • बन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) 1. A kinsman, a relation, but especially a distant or cog- nate kinsman, and subsequent in right of inheritance to the gen- tile or Sagotra; the Bandhu, is of three kinds; the kinsman of the person himself, of his father or his mother, as his father's brother's son, and his mother's sister's or brother's son; and the same reckoning upwards, as his father's father's sister's son, &c. 2. A friend. 3. A brother. 4. A flower, (Pentapetes phœnicea.) E. बन्ध् to bind or connect, (in affection.) उ aff.
  • बन्धुक :: m. (-कः) A flower: see बन्धूक ।
  • बन्धुजन :: m. (-नः) A relation, a friend. E. बन्धु, and जन a person.
  • बन्धुजीव :: m. (-वः) A flower, (Pentapetes Phœnicea.) E. बन्धु a friend, जीव् to live, aff. अच्; also कन् being added, बन्धुजीवक m. (-कः).
  • बन्धुता :: f. (-ता) 1. A multitude of relations. 2. Relationship. E. बन्धु a kinsman, and तल् aff.
  • बन्धुत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Relationship. E. बन्धु and त्व aff.; also with तल् बन्धुता ।
  • बन्धुदत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Given by a kinsman. n. (-त्तं) One kind of fe- male property, that given to a girl at her marriage by her own relations. E. बन्धु and दत्त given.
  • बन्धुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Uneven, undulating, wavy, partially even and de- pressed. 2. Bowed, bent. 3. Pleasing, delightful, handsome, beauti- ful. 4. Deaf. 5. Injurious, mischievous. m. (-रः) 1. A goose. 2. A flower, (Pentapetes Phœnicea.) 3. A drug, commonly Biranga. 4. A bird. 5. A crane. 6. A drug, commonly Rishabha. 7. The vulva. n. (-रं) 1. A diadem, a crest. 2. The dregs of oil, or oil-cake. 3. A hole. f. (-रा) A whore, a prostitute. f. plu. (-राः) The meal of parched corn. E. बन्ध् to bind, उरच् Unādi aff.; also with ऊरच् aff. बन्धूर ।
  • बन्धुल :: f. (-ला) 1. Bent, inclined. 2. Attractive. m. (-लः) 1. A bastard. 2. An attendant in the chamber of a harlot. 3. The Bandhuka tree.
  • बन्धुहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Friendless, relationless. E. बन्धु and हीन devoid of.
  • बन्धूक :: m. (-कः) 1. A shrub bearing a red flower, (Pentapetes Phœnicea, but also applied to the Ixora Bandhūca.) 2. A tree, (Pentaptera.) 3. A bastard. E. बन्ध् to bind, ऊक aff.
  • बन्धूकपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A tree, (Pentaptera tomentosa.) E. बन्धूक the Penta- petes or Ixora and पुष्प flower; having a similar flower.
  • बन्धूर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Wavy, undulating, uneven. 2. Bowing, bent. 3. Beautiful, handsome. m. (-रः) A hole, a chasm. E. बन्ध् to bind, Unādi aff. ऊरच्; also बन्धुर ।
  • बन्धूलि :: m. (-लिः) A flower, (Pentapetes, &c.): see बन्धूक . E. बन्ध् and ऊलिच् aff.
  • बन्ध्य :: mfn. (-न्ध्यः -न्ध्या -न्ध्यं) 1. Barren, unfruitful, not bearing fruit in due season. 2. Detained, confined, under arrest. f. (-न्ध्या) 1. A child- less woman. 2. A barren cow. 3. A perfume, commonly Bālā. E. बन्ध् to bind, aff. यत् ।
  • बभूवस् :: mfn. (-वान् -भूषी -वः) Been, become. E. भू to be, बसु aff.
  • बभ्र :: r. 1st cl. (बभ्रति) To go; also वभ्र ।
  • बभ्रवी :: f. (-वी) A name of DURGĀ. E. बभ्रु SIVA, and ङीप् aff.
  • बभ्रि :: mfn. (-भ्रिः -भ्रिः -भ्रि) Who or what has, holds, possesses, &c. E. भृ to cherish, किन् aff.
  • बभ्रु :: mfn. (-भ्रुः -भ्रुः or -भ्रूः-भ्रु) 1. Large, great. 2. Tawny, &c. 3. Bald- headed through disease. m. (-भ्रुः) 1. A name of VISHṆU. 2. SĪVA. 3. AGNI or fire. 4. A large ichneumon. 5. The name of a Muni or holy sage. 6. A rat. n. (-भ्रु) 1. A tawny or brown colour. 2. Any object of that colour. E. भृ to fill, aff. कु, and the initial repeated; or बभ्र, उ aff.
  • बम्भर :: m. (-रः) A bee. E. बम्भ् imitative sound, रा to make, क aff.
  • बम्भराली :: f. (-ली) A fly. E. बम्भ् imitative sound, रा to make, लच् aff.: also भम्भराली ।
  • बर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Best, excellent. m. (-रः) 1. A boon, a blessing, &c. 2. A Son-in-law. 3. Surrounding, encompassing. 4. A catamite. n. (-र) Saffron. m. (-रः) Asparagus racemosus. f. (-रा) The three my- robalans. n. or ind. (-रं) Slightly desired, preferable. E. बॄ, to select, &c. अच् aff.; the root is more usually written वॄ, and the derivative वर, q. v.
  • बर्ब्ब (र्ब) :: r. 1st cl. (बर्ब्बति) To go.
  • बर्ब्बट :: mf. (-टः-टी) A sort of bean, (Dolichos catjang.) “बरबटी” f. (-टी) A whore. E. बर्ब्ब् to go, अट् aff.
  • बर्ब्बणा :: f. (-णा) A blue fly. E. बर्ब्ब् to go, aff. युच् or ल्यु; or derived from बर् imitative sound, and बण् or वण् to sound, aff. अच्, बर्ब्बण or बर्ब्बण ।
  • बर्ब्बर :: m. (-रः) 1. A blockhead, a fool. 2. A barbarian. E. बर्ब्ब् to go, अरच् aff.
  • बर्बुर :: n. (-रं) Water. E. बर्ब-उरच् aff.
  • बर्ह :: r. 1st cl. (बर्हते) 1. To be pre-eminent or excellent; (also वर्ह, but less usually. 2. To speak or tell. 3. To kill or hurt. 4. To cover. 5. To remember. 6. To spread. 7. To give. (In these senses it is more usually वर्ह .) r. 10th cl. (-बर्हयति) To hurt or kill; also वर्ह ।
  • बर्ह :: mn. (-र्हः-र्हं) 1. A peacock's tail. 2. A leaf. 3. Dependents, retinue. E. बर्ह to spread, &c. aff. अच्; this word and the corresponding forms are more usually derived from वृह् to increase, &c. and are written with the semi-vowel: see वर्ह, वर्हिस्, &c.
  • बल :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (बलति बलयति) 1. To live. 2. To hoard grain. 3. To prevent or obstruct wealth. r. 1st cl. (बलते) 1. To kill 2. To go. r. 10th cl. (बालयते) To explain. (बालयति) To support, nourish, rear, as a child.
  • बल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Strong, stout, robust, powerful. m. (-लः) 1. BALA- DEVA, the elder brother of KRISHṆA, and the third of the three incarnations termed RAMĀS. 2. A crow. 3. A demon, slain by IN- DRA. 4. The Varunā tree. n. (-लं) 1. Strength, power. 2. Bulkiness. 3. Form, figure. 4. An army, forces. 5. Gum myrrh. 6. Semen virile. 7. The body. 8. The leaf of a tree. 9. Blood. 10. Rigour, severity. f. (-ला) An aquatic plant, (Sida cordifolia.) E. बल् to live, aff. अच्; in some of the senses it may be derived from वल् to go or surround, and may then be written with the semi-vowel; see वल ।
  • बलक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) White, (the colour, &c.) E. बल strength, and क्षै to waste, aff. क; this word is more properly written वलक्ष, q. v.
  • बलज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced by or from strength or power. n. (-जं) 1. A field. 2. A city-gate. 3. Fruit. 4. War. 5. Pith, marrow. f. (-जा) 1. A pretty or handsome woman. 2. The earth. 3. Arabian jasmine. E. बल strength, and ज born.
  • बलद :: m. (-दः) An ox. E. बल, द who gives.
  • बलद्विष् :: m. (-द्विट्) A name of INDRA. E. बल, and द्विष् a foe.
  • बलदेव :: m. (-वः) BALADEVA, the elder brother of KRISHṆA. 2. Air, wind. f. (-वा) A medicinal plant, commonly Trāyamāṇa. E. बल the same and देव divine, or बल strength, and देव who sports.
  • बलनिग्रह :: m. (-हः) Weakening, reducing strength or power. E. बल, and निग्रह restraint.
  • बलप्रसू :: f. (-सूः) ROHINĪ, the mother of BALARĀMA. E. बल and प्रसू the mother.
  • बलभद्र :: m. (-द्रः) 1. BALADEVA. 2. ANANTA, the great serpent, consi- dered as identified with the proceding, BALADEVA being re- garded by some authorities as an incarnation of ANANTA. 3. A strong or robust man. 4. A tree, commonly Lodh. f. (-द्रा) 1. A young girl, a maiden. 2. A drug, commonly Trāyamāṇa. E. बल strength, and भद्र auspicious, excellent.
  • बलभद्रिका :: f. (-का) A medicinal plant, Trāyamāṇa. E. बलभद्र the same, and कन् aff.
  • बलभिद् :: mfn. (-भिद्) Breaking or routing an army. m. (-भिद्) INDRA. E. बल and भिद् who or what destroys.
  • बलराम :: m. (-मः) The demi-god named BALARĀMA, half brother to KRISHṆA, and the third of the RĀMAS; according to some, the eighth Avatār of VISHṆU. E. बल strength, रम् to sport, aff. घञ् ।
  • बलल :: m. (-लः) BALARĀMA: see the last. E. बल strength, aff. कलच् .
  • बलवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Strong, stout, lusty, powerful. E. बल strength, and मतुप् poss. aff.
  • बलवत्ता :: f. (-त्ता) Strength, power. E. बलवत्, and तल् aff.
  • बलबर्द्धन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Strengthe ning. 2. Ennobling. E. बल, and वर्द्धन augmenting.
  • बलवर्द्धिन् :: mfn. (-र्द्धी -र्द्धिनी -र्द्धि) Strengthening. f. (-र्द्धिनी) A plant: see जीवक . E. बल, and वर्द्धिन् what augments.
  • बलविन्यास :: m. (-सः) Array of troops. E. बल forces and विन्यास disposition.
  • बलवृत्रनिसूदन :: m. (-नः) INDRA. E. बल and वृत्र two demons, and निसूदन destroyer.
  • बलवृत्रहन् :: m. (-हा) A name of INDRA. E. बलवृत्र as before, हन् who kills.
  • बलव्यसन :: n. (-नं) Defeat or rout of an army. E. बल, व्यसन calamity.
  • बलशालिता :: f. (-ता) Pride of, or confidence in strength or prowess. E. बल- शालि, and तल् added.
  • बलशालिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) Having strength, confident of strength, &c. E. बल, and शालिन् having.
  • बलसूदन :: m. (-नः) A name of INDRA. E. बल the demon, and सूदन destroyer.
  • बलस्थिति :: f. (-तिः) A royal residence, a royal camp or quarters. E. बल forces, स्थिति station.
  • बलहन् :: m. (-हा) Phlegm, the phlegmatic humour. E. बल strength and हन् destroying.
  • बलहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Weak, infirm. E. बल and हीन void of.
  • बलहीनता :: f. (-ता) Exhaustion, weakness, prostration of strength, infirm- ity from fatigue or age, &c. E. बलहीन and तल् added.
  • बलाका :: f. (-का) A sort of crane. E. बल strength, अक् to go, aff. अच्; it is preferably written वलाका .
  • बलाञ्चिता :: f. (-ता) A sort of Vina or lute, called also RĀMA'S lute.
  • बलाट :: m. (-टः) A sort of bean, (Phaseolus mungo.) E. बल strength, and अट what goes or grows. “मुग इति भाषा” ।
  • बलात्कार :: m. (-रः) 1. Violence, oppression, exaction. 2. (In law.) The de- tention of the person of a debtor by his creditor, and the violent measures taken by the latter, (flogging, &c.) to recover his debt. E. बल strength, अत् to go, aff. क्विप्, बलात्, and कार making, doing.
  • बलात्मिका :: f. (-का) A sort of sun-flower, (Heliotropium Indicum.) E. बल strength, आत्मन् self, aff. कन्, fem. form.
  • बलाध्यक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) Commander of an army, a general. E. बल and अध्यक्ष superintendent.
  • बलान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Strong, powerful. 2. Leading an army. E. बल and अन्वित possessed of.
  • बलानुज :: m. (-जः) KRISHṆA. E. बल, BALARĀMA, and अनुज younger born.
  • बलापकर्षम् :: Ind. By force. E. बल and अपकर्ष removal.
  • बलाबल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Strong and weak. E. बल, and अबल feeble.
  • बलाय :: m. (-यः) A plant, (Capparis trifoliata.) E. बल strength, अय to go, aff. अच् । “वरुणवृक्षे” ।
  • बलाराति :: m. (-तिः) A name of INDRA. E. बल a demon, and अराति an enemy.
  • बलालक :: m. (-कः) The Caronda, (Carissa carandas,) E. बल strength, आङ् before, ला to get, aff. वुन् । “पानीयामलके” ।
  • बलावलेप :: m. (-पः) Pride of strength or prowess. E. बल, and अवलेप pride.
  • बलाश :: m. (-शः) The phlegmatic humour. E. बल strength, अश् to eat or destroy, aff. अच्; also with कन् added बलाशक ।
  • बलास :: m. (-सः) The phlegmatic humour. E. बल life or strength, अस् to pervade, aff. अच् ।
  • बलासम :: m. (-मः) One of the Jaina saints. E. बल strength, असम unequalled.
  • बलाह :: n. (-हं) Water. E. बल strength, आहा to quit, aff. क ।
  • बलाहक :: m. (-कः) 1. A mountain. 2. A cloud. 3. One of the Nāgas or

infernal serpents. 4. The name of a demon. 5. A kind of crane. 6. Name of one of the seven clouds which arise at the end of the world. E. बल strength, अ the negative prefix to हा to abandon, aff. क्वुन्, this word is differently derived also, and preferably written वलाहक, q. v.

  • बलि :: m. (-लिः) 1. Tax, royal revenue. 2. An oblation, religious offering in general. 3. The handle of a Chowrie or fly-flapper. 4. Presenta- tion of food to all created beings, one of the five great sacraments of the Hindu religion: it consists in throwing a small parcel of the offering Ghee or rice, or the like, into the open air at the back of the house. 5. The sacrifice of an animal, or raw flesh offered to the goddess DURGĀ. 6. Fragments of food left at an oblation or a meal. 7. An animal, or one which is fit for an oblation. 8. Three- folds of skin at the end of the rectum. 9. A king, and Daitya, also MAHĀBALI, the virtuous sovereign of Mahābalipur, tricked out of the dominion he had obtained over earth and heaven, by VISH- ṆU, in the Vāmana or dwarf Avatar, and left in consideration of his merits, the sovereignty of Pātāla, or the infernal regions. f. (-लिः-ली) 1. A wrinkle, skin shrivelled by old age. 2. The fold of skin in stout persons, especially females, upon the upper part of the belly, or between the ensiform cartilage and the navel. 3. The ridge of a thatch. E. बल् to live, or बध् to hurt or kill, ध changed to ल, aff. इन् or इ ।
  • बलिक :: m. (-कः) The edge of a thatch. E. बलि the ridge, and कन् aff.
  • बलिकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Offering sacrifices. 2. Producing wrinkles. E. बलि before, क्त to make, टच् aff.
  • बलिकरम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) Sacrificial cake. E. बलि, and करम्भ a sort of cake.
  • बलिकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Offering of oblation to all creatures. E. बलि, and कर्म्मन् act.
  • बलिदान :: n. (-नं) 1. Offering victims in sacrifice. 2. Giving food to all be- ings. E. बलि, and दान giving.
  • बलिध्वंसिन् :: m. (-सी) A name of VISHṆU. E. बलि the king so named, and ध्वंसिन् injuring.
  • बलिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) Strong, stout, robust. m. (-ली) 1. A camel. 2. A buffalo. 3. A bull. 4. A hog. 5. Phlegm. 6. A name of BALA- RĀMA. 7. A sort of pulse, (Phaseolus radiatus.) 8. A sort of jas- mine, (J. Pubescens.) f. (-नी) Sida cordifolia. E. बल strength, इनि aff.
  • बलिन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Shrivelled, wrinkled, flabby, flaccid. E. बलि wrinkled skin, aff. न .
  • बलिनन्दन :: m. (-नः) VĀNĀSUR, the son of BALI. E. बलि, and नन्दन the son; BALI had however four sons, to either of whom the epithet is applicable.
  • बलिन्दम :: m. (-मः) VISHṆU. E. बलि, and दम् to humble, खच् aff.
  • बलिपुष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) A crow. E. बलि fragments of food, and पुष्ट nourished.
  • बलिप्रिय :: m. (-यः) The Lodh tree. E. बलि sacrifice, and प्रिय fond of; said to grow the quicker for being perfumed and illuminated.
  • बलिभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Shrivelled, withered, flaccid, wrinkled. E. बलि a wrinkle, भ aff.
  • बलिभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) 1. A crow. 2. A sparrow. 3. A crane. E. बलि the orts of a meal or sacrifice, and भुज् who eats.
  • बलिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Wrinkled, shrivelled, flaccid. E. बलि a wrin- kle, and मतुप् poss. aff.
  • बलिमन्दिर :: n. (-रं) The infernal regions. E. बलि the Daitya, and मन्दिर abode.
  • बलिमुख :: m. (-खः) A monkey. E. बलि a wrinkle, and मुख a face: also बलीमुख ।
  • बलिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Very strong, more or most powerful. E. बल, and इष्ठन् super. aff.
  • बलिष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) Arrogant, disrespectful. E. बल् to be powerful, इष्णु Unādi aff.
  • बलिसङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. The lash of a whip. 2. A number of monkeys. 3. The base of an ant-hill.
  • बलिसद्मन् :: n. (द्म) The infernal regions. E. बलि the Daitya, sovereign of Pātāla, and सद्मन् abode.
  • बलिहन् :: m. (-हा) VISHṆU. E. बलि BALI, and हन् to injure, aff. क्विप् .
  • बलीक :: m. (-कः) The edge of a thatched roof. E. वृ to cover, इकन् aff.; see बलिक .
  • बलीन :: m. (-नः) A scorpion.
  • बलीमुख :: m. (-खः) A monkey. E. बली a wrinkle, and मुख face.
  • बलीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Very strong, exceedingly powerful. E. बल strong, ईयसुन् superlative aff.
  • बलीयस्त्व :: n. (-स्त्वं) Superiority in strength. E. बलीयस् and त्व added.
  • बलीवर्द्द :: m. (-र्द्दः) A bull or ox. E. बल strength, and वर्द्ध increasing, ली substituted for ल, and द final for ध; also बरीवर्द्द and वलीवर्द्द ।
  • बलूल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Strong. E. बल + सिध्मा० वालच्-ऊङ् ।
  • बलोपविष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Endowed with or possessed of strength. E. बल, and उपविष्ट entered.
  • बलोपेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Possessed of strength. E. बल, and उपेत possessed of.
  • बल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) Strong, vigorous. n. (-ल्यं) Semen virile. m. (-ल्यः) A Bauddha mendicant. E. बल strength, यत् aff.
  • बल्लव :: m. (-वः) 1. A cowherd. 2. A cook. 3. The name assumed by Bhima when living in disguise at the palace of VIRĀTA.
  • बल्वज :: mf. (-जः-जा) A kind of grass. “उलपे तृणभेदे” ।
  • बष्क(स्क)य(यि)णी(नी) :: f. (-णी or -नी) A cow bearing many calves: see वष्कयणी ।
  • बस्त :: m. (-स्तः) A goat.
  • बह (इ) बहि :: r. 1st cl. (बंहते) To grow or increase; also बहि, but upon inferior authority.
  • बहल :: f. (-ला) 1. Much. 2. Dense. 3. Hard. m. (-कः) A kind of sugarcane.
  • बहिस् :: Ind. Out of doors.
  • बहु :: mfn. (-हुः -हुः -ह्वी-हु) 1. Much, many. 2. Large, great. E. बहि to in- crease, Unādi aff. कु; it is less correctly derived from वह् to obtain and written वहु ।
  • बहुक :: m. (-कः) 1. A crab. 2. A gallinule. 3. A plant, (Asclepias gigantea.) 4. The digger of a tank, (जलखातके .) E. बहु much, कन् aff.
  • बहुकण्टक :: m. (-कः) 1. A prickly plant, (Hedysarum alhagi.) 2. The marshy date tree. E. बहु many, कण्ट a thorn, कन् aff.
  • बहुकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. A sweeper. 2. Industrious, labouring. m. (-रः) A camel. f. (-री) A broom. E. बहु much, कृ to do, अप् or अच् aff.
  • बहुक्षम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Patient, enduring. m. (-मः) A Jaina deified saint. E. बहु much, and क्षम् to bear, aff. ण ।
  • बहुगन्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Smelling, strong-scented. m. (-न्धः) Olibanum. f. (-न्धा) 1. Arabian jasmine. 2. The bud of the Champaka. E. बहु much, गन्ध odour.
  • बहुगर्ह्यवाच् :: mfn. (-वाक्) Talking much and blameably. E. बहु much, गर्ह्य reproachable, and वाच् speech.
  • बहुगुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Many times. 2. Having many good qualities. E. बहु and गुण quality, &c.
  • बहुग्रन्थि :: m. (-न्थिः) Tamarisk, (Tamarix diœca.) E. बहु many and ग्रन्थि a knot or joint. “झाउवृक्षे” ।
  • बहुग्रह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) What takes or holds much. E. बहु, and ग्रह what takes.
  • बहुतन्त्रि :: mfn. (-न्त्रिः -न्त्री -न्त्रि) Many-fibred, (applicable only to the body) E. बहु many, and तन्त्री a string.
  • बहुतन्त्रीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Many-stringed, (a musical instrument, &c.) E. बह् many, तन्त्री a wire, and कप् added.
  • बहुतर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Much, many, most. E. तरप् aff. added to बहु ।
  • बहुतस् :: Ind. From or by much, or many. E. बहु much, तसि aff.
  • बहुतिथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) Manieth, (the ordinary of many.) E. बहु many, much, इट् aff. and तिथुक् augment.
  • बहुत्र :: Ind. In many ways, or places, &c. E. बहु much, many, त्रल् aff.
  • बहुत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Plurality, multitude, muchness, abundance. E. बहु much, त्व aff. of the abstract.
  • बहुत्वक्क :: m. (-क्कः) The Bhurja-patra or Birch-tree. E. बहु much, त्वच् skin or bark, कन् aff.; having several layers of bark.
  • बहुत्वच् :: m. (-त्वक्) The Bhurja-patra, or Birch tree. E. बहु much, and त्वच् bark: see the last.
  • बहुद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Liberal, munificent. E. बहु, and द who gives.
  • बहुदक्षिण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Accompanied with many presents, (a cere- mony.) 2. Liberal, bountiful. E. बहु, and दक्षिणा a gift.
  • बहुदण्डिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Having many staff-bearers, &c. E. बहु many, दण्डिन् having a staff, कन् aff.; also in the masculine form बहु- दण्डिन् m. (-ण्डी).
  • बहुदुग्ध :: m. (-ग्धः) Wheat. f. (-ग्धा) A cow giving much milk. E. बहु much and दुग्ध milk.
  • बहुदुग्धिका :: f. (-का) A plant, yielding a caustic milky juice, (Euphor- bia, of various sorts.) E. बहु much. दुग्ध milk, कन् aff.; fem. form.
  • बहुदृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Experienced. E. बहु, and दृष्ट seen.
  • बहुदोष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Full of faults or defects, very wicked, very bad. E. बहु and दोष fault.
  • बहुधन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Wealthy, rich. E. वहु, and धन wealth.
  • बहुधा :: Ind. In many ways. sorts, &c. E. बहु much, धाच् aff.
  • बहुधागत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Dispersed, scattered. E. बहुधा, and गत gone.
  • बहुधार :: m. (-रः) INDRA'S thunderbolt. E. बहु many, धारा edge.
  • बहुनाद :: m. (-दः) The conch-shell. E. बहु much, नाद sound.
  • बहुपटु :: mfn. (-टुः -ट्वी -टु) Very clever. E. बहु much, and पटु clever.
  • बहुपत्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्री त्रं) Many-leaved. m. (-त्रः) An onion. n. (-त्रं) Talc. f. (-त्री) A drug, (Trigonella fœnugræcum.) E. बहु many, पत्र a leaf, &c.
  • बहुपर्णी :: f. (र्णी) A medicinal plant, (Trigonella fœnugræcum.) E. बहु many, पर्ण a leaf.
  • बहुपाद् :: m. (-पाद्) The Indian fig-tree. E. बहु many, पाद foot: also बहुपाद m. (-दः) Alluding to the branches, which grow down-wards and take root again.
  • बहुपुत्त्र :: mfn. (-त्त्रः -त्त्री -त्त्रं) Having many children. m. (-त्त्रः) A tree, (Echites scholaris.) f. (-त्त्री) A plant, (Asparagus racemosus.) E. बहु many, पुत्त्र a child or produce.
  • बहुप्रज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Having a numerous progeny. m. (-जः) 1. A hog. 2. A sort of grass: see मुञ्ज . E. बहु many, प्रजा offspring.
  • बहुप्रतिज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) 1. Complicated, containing more than one circumstance. 2. (In law.) Comprising many counts, (a plaint, &c.) E. बहु many, प्रतिज्ञा assent.
  • बहुप्रद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Munificent, bountiful. E. बहु much, and प्रद who gives.
  • बहुप्रवाह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Flowing in many streams. E. बहु and प्रवाह course.
  • बहुप्रसू :: f. (-सूः) The mother of many children. E. बहु much, and प्रसू who bears offspring.
  • बहुफल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Fertile, fruitful. m. (-लः) The Kadamba tree, (Nauclea kadamba.) f. (-ली) The opposite-leaved fig-tree. E. बहु much, फल fruit.
  • बहुभाग्य :: mfn. (-ग्यः -ग्या -ग्यं) Fortunate. E. बहु, and भाग्य fortune.
  • बहुभुज् :: mfn. (-भुक) Voracious. E. वहु and भुज् who eats.
  • बहुमत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Thought much of, respected, considered. 2. Having many different opinions. E. बहु and मत minded.
  • बहुमति :: f. (-तिः) Value, estimation, prizing or preferring. E. बहु, and मति mind.
  • बहुमल :: n. (-लं) Lead. E. बहु much, मल dirt.
  • बहुमार्ग :: m. (-र्गः) A place where four roads meet. E. बहु many, मार्ग a road.
  • बहुमान :: n. (-नं) Respect, reverence. E. बहु, and मान respect.
  • बहुमूर्त्ति :: mfn. (-र्त्तिः -र्त्तिः -र्त्ति) Multiform. f. (-र्त्तिः) Wild-cotton. E. बहु many, मूर्त्ति form.
  • बहुमूर्द्धन् :: mfn. (-र्द्धा -र्द्धा -र्द्ध) Many-headed. m. (-र्द्धा) VISHṆU. E. बहु many, मूर्द्धन् a forehead.
  • बहुमूल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Many-rooted, having many roots. m. (-लः) A

sort of reed or grass: see इक्कट and इत्कट . E. बहु many, and मूल a root; also with कुन् added, बहुमूलक m. (-कः).

  • बहुमूल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) Costly, precious. E. बहु much, and मूल price, aff. यत् ।
  • बहुरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पी -पं) Multiform. m. (-पः) 1. Resin. 2. ŚIVA. 3. VISHṆU. 4. Love, CUPID. 5. A chameleon. 6. BRAHMĀ. 7. Hair. 8. One of the Jinas or Jaina saints. E. बहु many, रूप shape.
  • बहुरेखा :: m. plu. (-खाः) Wrinkles, furrows, marks of care or pain. E. बहु many, रेखा a line.
  • बहुरेतस् :: m. (-ताः) BRAHMĀ. E. बहु much, and रेतस् seed.
  • बहुरोमन् :: m. (-मा) A sheep. E. बहु much, and रोमन् hair.
  • बहुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Much, many, 2. Black. 3. Variously applicable, comprehensive, (a rule, &c.) m. (-लः) 1. AGNI or fire. 2. The dark half of a month. n. (-लं) The sky. f. plu. (-लाः). The Pleiades. f. (-ला) 1. Indigo. 2. Cardamoms. 3. A cow. E. बहु many, ला to get, aff. क ।
  • बहुलत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Abundance, muchness. 2. Comprehensiveness, (of a rule.) E. त्व added to the last; also with तल् aff. बहुलता ।
  • बहुलीकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Multiplying, magnifying, making much. 2. Win- nowing. E. बहुल and करण making, with च्वि aug.
  • बहुलीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Threshed and winnowed. 2. Made manifold or much. E. बहुल much, कृत made, and च्वि substituted for the final of the former, by which the ई is inserted.
  • बहुवचन :: n. (-नं) The plural number. (in grammar.) E. बहु, and वचन saying.
  • बहुवार :: m. (-रः) A fruit, (Cordia myxa.) E. बहु much, वॄ to nourish, aff. अण्; also with कन् added, बहुवारक m. (-कः) ।
  • बहुविध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Various multiform, of many sorts or kinds. E. बहु many, and विध sort.
  • बहुविस्तीर्ण :: mfn. (र्णः-र्णा-र्ण) Widely spread or diffused. f. (-र्णा) A shrub bearing a small red and black berry, (Abrus precatorious.) E. बहु much, विस्तीर्ण spreading. “कुंँच” ।
  • बहुवीज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Having many or much seed. n. (-जं) The cus- tard-apple, (Annona squamosa.) “आता” E. बहु many, and वीज a seed.
  • बहुवीर्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) Beleric myrobalan. (Terminalia belerica.) E. बहु much and वीर्य्य seed. “वहेडा” .
  • बहुत्रीहि :: m. (-हिः) One of the forms of grammatical composition, the compounding two or more words to furnish an epithet or attri- butive, as बहुमाल or बहुमालक having many necklaces, from बहु, and माला a necklace. E. बहु many, and व्रीहि grain.
  • बहुशत्रु :: mfn. (-त्रुः -त्रुः -त्रु) Having many enemies. m. (-त्रुः) A sparrow. E. बहु many, and शत्रु an enemy.
  • बहुशस् :: Ind. Abundantly, plentifully. E. बहु much, many, शस् aff.
  • बहुशाख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खं) Having many branches or ramifications. E. बहु, and शाखा a branch.
  • बहुश्रुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Well-taught, learned. 2. Acquainted with the Vedas. E. बहु, and श्रुत heard, or श्रुति Vedas.
  • बहुश्रेयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) 1. Having many excellencies. 2. Very excellent. E. बहु, and श्रेयस् best.
  • बहुस्पृश् :: mfn. (-स्पृक्) Expanded, spread, diffused. E. बहु, and स्पृश् what touches.
  • बहुसन्तति :: m. (-तिः) A species of bamboo, (Bambusa spinosa.) E. बहु much, सन्तति spreading.
  • बहुसुता :: f. (-ता) A plant, (Asparagus.) E. वहु many, सुत a birth or shoot. “शतमूली” ।
  • बहुसू :: f. (-सूः) 1. A sow 2. The mother of many children. E. बहु many, and सू bearing, aff. क्विप् ।
  • बहुसूति :: f. (-तिः) A cow bearing many calves. E. बहु many, सू to bear, aff. क्तिन् .
  • बहुस्वन :: m. (-नः) An owl. E. बहु much, स्वन noise or sound.
  • बहूदक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Having much water. E. बहु and उदक water.
  • बह्ल :: r. 1st cl. (बह्लते) 1. To be pre-eminent or excellent, (also वह्ल,) but less usually.) 2. To speak or tell. 3. To kill or hurt. 4. To cover, to spread. 5. To give, (also वह्ल in these four senses, and more accu- rately.) 6. To remember. r. 10th cl. (बह्लयति) To shine.
  • बह्वर्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) 1. Important, having much meaning. 2. Having many objects. E. बहु, and अर्थ meaning.
  • बह्वपत्य :: m. (-त्यः) 1. A hog. 2. A rat. f. (-त्या) A cow that has borne many calves. E. बहु many, अपत्य offspring.
  • बह्वाशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Voracious, gluttonous. E. बहु much, आशिन् who eats.
  • बह्वृच् :: f. (-ह्वृक्) The Rig-Veda. E. बहु many, ऋच् a hymn or prayer.
  • बह्वृची :: f. (-ची) The wife of a Brāhman conversant with the Rig- Veda. E. वहु many, ऋच् a prayer or incantation, aff. ङीप् ।
  • बा :: Ind. 1. As, like. 2. Or, either: see वा .
  • बाड (ऋ) बाडृ :: r. 1st cl. (बाडते) To bathe, to dive and emerge. Vopadeva differs from other authorities in writing this with an initial व ।
  • बाडव :: m. (-वः) 1. Submarine fire. 2. A Brāhman. n. (-वं) A stud, a col- lection of mares. E. वाडव a mare, and अण् aff. of derivation: see बडवानल ।
  • बाडवाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) Hell. E. बडवाग्नि submarine fire, and अण् aff. of place.
  • बाडवेय :: m. du. (-यौ) The two sons of ĀSHWINĪ and physicians of Swar- ga. E. बडवा a mare, Sanjaya changed into a mare, and टक् aff. of descent.
  • बाडव्य :: n. (-व्यं) A number of Brāhmans. E. बाडव a Brāhman, यत् aff.
  • बाडीर :: m. (-रः) A servant, a hired labourer.
  • बाण :: m. (-णः) 1. An arrow, a shaft. 2. An aim. 3. The udder of a cow. 4. The feathered end of an arrow. 5. A kind of creeper, (Blue Barleria.) 6. A name of a demon, son of Virochan. 7. The name of the celebrated poet, the author of Kādambari and Harsha- charita, &c. 8. The number five. E. बण् or वण् to sound, aff. घञ् ।
  • बाणगोचर :: m. (-रः) The course of an arrow. E. बाण and गोचर object.
  • बाणि :: f. (-णिः) 1. Speech. 2. The goddess of speech, &c.: see वाणि . E. बण् or वण् to speak, in the causal form, aff. इ ।
  • बाणिज :: m. (-जः) 1. A merchant, a trader. 2. Submarine fire. E. बणिज्, &c. aff. अण् ।
  • बाणिजिक :: m. (-कः) 1. Submarine fire. 2. A trader, a merchant. 3. A rogue, a cheat. E. बणिज् trade, aff. ठञ् ।
  • बाणिज्य :: nf. (-ज्यं-ज्या) Trade, traffic, commerce. E. बणिज् a trader, with ष्यञ् aff.; or बाणिज् the same, aff. यत् ।
  • बाणिनी :: f. (-नी) An excellent woman. 2. A shrewd woman. 3. A dancing girl. 4. A drunken woman. E. बण-णिनि-ङीप् ।
  • बा(वा)दर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Made of cotton, mf. (-रः-रा) The cotton plant. n. (-रं) 1. The jujube. 2. Silk. 3. Water. 4. A garment made of cotton. 5. A conch-shell that winds from left to right. E. वदर cotton, aff. अण् ।
  • बा(वा)दरायण :: m. (-णः) An epithet of Vyāsa, as the author of the Ve- dānta Sūtra. E. बदर, फक् aff. of descent.
  • बा (वा) दरायणि :: m. (-णिः) An epithet of Sūka the son of Vyāsa.
  • बाध (ऋ) बाधृ :: r. 1st cl. (बाधते) 1. To resist, to oppose. 2. To annoy or afflict. 3. To assault. 4. To drive. 5. To abolish.
  • बाध :: m. (-धः) 1. Opposing, hindering. 2. Annoyance. 3. Refutation arising from incompatibility or contradiction of assigned cause and effect, (in logic.) 4. Danger. E. बाध् to oppose, घञ् aff.
  • बाधक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) What hinders, opposes, pains, &c. f. (-धिका) 1. Tormenting. 2. Annulling. 3. Vexing. E. बाध् and ण्वुल् aff.
  • बाधन :: n. (-नं) 1. Pain. 2. Impeding, opposing. E. बाध् to oppose, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • बाधमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Painting, annoying. E. बाध् to annoy, and शानच् aff.
  • बाध्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being harassed or tormented. E. बाध् to annoy, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • बाधा :: f. (-धा) 1. Pain. 2. Annoyance. 3. Resistance. 4. Injury.
  • बाधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Obstructed, impeded. 2. Pained, tormented.

3. Self-refuted, (in logic.), contradictory, incompatible. E. बाध् to oppose, क्त aff.

  • बान्धकिनेय :: m. (-यः) A bastard, the son of a disloyal wife. E. बन्धकी a wanton, aff. ढक्, and इनङ् augment.
  • बान्धव :: m. (-वः) 1. A relation, a kinsman: see बन्धु . 2. A friend. E. बन्धु a kinsman, अण् pleonastic aff.
  • बान्धवाक्रोशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Calling upon or bewailing a kinsman. E. बान्धव and आक्रोशिन् who calls aloud.
  • बार्ब्बटीर :: m. (-रः) 1. Tin. 2. A shoot of the mango. 3. The stone of the mango fruit. 4. The son of an unchaste woman, a bastard. E. बर्ब्बटी a whore, and र aff.
  • बाभ्रवी :: f. (-वी) A name of DURGĀ. E. बभ्रु SĪVA, with अण् and ङीप् added.
  • बार्ह :: f. (-हीं) Made of the feathers of a peacock's tail.
  • बार्हस्पत :: f. (-ती) 1. Relating to Brihaspatī. 2. Descended from him. 3. Sacred to him.
  • बार्हस्पत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) Relating to Brihaspatī. m. (-त्यः) 1. A pupil of him. 2. A materialist. n. (-त्यं) The constellation Pushyā.
  • बाल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Ignorant, unwise, uninstructed. 2. Young, in- fantine, a child. mf. (-लः-ला) 1. An infant, a child; it usually means the young child, under five years old, but is equally appli- cable till sixteen years of age. 2. A colt. 3. An elephant of five years old. 4. An elephant's tail. 5. A horse's tail. 6. Any tail. 7. Hair. 8. A sort of fish, (Cyprinus Rohita, HAM.) mn. (-लः-लं) A perfume perhaps a sort of fragrant grass, (Andropogon schænanthus.) f. (-ला) 1. Small cardamoms. 2. A woman, a female. 3. Aloes. 4. An- other plant, commonly Ākanādi. 5. The cocoa-nut. 6. Turmeric. 7. A sort of jasmine. 8. A flower, (Hibiscus tortuosus, Rox.) 9. Pure, (applied specially to a female animal, as a heifer, &c. fit for an oblation.) f. (-ली) A sort of ear-ring. E. बल् to live, aff. घञ्, it sometimes occurs, but less accurately perhaps, with a palatial initial.
  • बालक :: m. (-कः) 1. A boy, an infant: see the last. 2. A fool, a block- head. 3. The tail of a horse or elephant. 4. A finger-ring. 5. A bracelet. 6. A perfume; also द्रीवेर . f. (-लिका) 1. A female infant. 2. Sand. 3. The knot or flower of an ear-ring. 4. The rustling of leaves. 5. Small cardamoms. n. (-कं) A sort of Hibiscus, (H. muta- bilis.) E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • बालकत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Childheod, childishness. E. बालक, and त्व aff.: also with तल्, बालकता ।
  • बालकीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Childish, infantine. E. बालक, and छ aff.
  • बालकृमि :: m. (-मिः) A louse. E. बाल hair, and कृमि a worm.
  • बाल (लि) खिल्य :: m. (-ल्यः) A divine personage, of the size of the thumb, sixty thousand of whom were produced from the hair of BRAH- MĀ'S body.
  • बालगर्भिणी :: f. (-णी) A cow with calf for the first time. E. बाल young, गर्भिणी pregnant.
  • बालचर्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) KĀRTIKEYA. E. बाल a child and चर्य्य usage.
  • बालतनय :: m. (-यः) 1. A young son. 2. A tree, (Mimosa catechu.) E. बाल young or small, and तनय offspring, leaves.
  • बालतन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) Midwifery, care of a lying-in woman and her child. E. बाल an infant, and तन्त्र rule, management.
  • बालतृण :: n. (-णं) Young grass. E. बाल young and तृण grass.
  • बालदलक :: m. (-कः) A tree, (Mimosa catechu.) E. बाल small, दल a leaf, aff. कन् ।
  • बालधन :: n. (-नं) The property of a minor or infant. E. बाल, धन wealth.
  • बालधि :: m. (-धिः) A hairy tail, as a horse's &c. E. बाल hair, धा to have, aff. कि ।
  • बालपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) Khayer, (Mimosa catechu.) E. बाल young or small and पत्र a leaf; also with कन् added, बालपत्रक ।
  • बालपाश्या :: f. (-श्या) 1. An ornament of gold or silver, &c. worn between the hair divided on the forehead. 2. A string of pearls binding the hair. E. बाल hair, पाश a tie or quantity and यत् aff. “सिंँती” ।
  • बालपुष्पी :: f. (-ष्पी) A sort of jasmine, (J. auriculatum.) E. बाल the hair and पुष्प flower; worn in the hair.
  • बालभद्रक :: m. (-कः) A sort of mineral poison.
  • बालभाव :: m. (-वः) Childhood. E. बाल and भाव nature.
  • बालमूषिका :: f. (-का) A small rat or mouse. E. बाल small, मूषिका a rat.
  • बालयज्ञोपवीतक :: n. (-कं) A sort of substitute for the sacrificial thread, a string or scarf as worn by children. E. बाल a child and यज्ञोपवीत the Brāhminical cord.
  • बालराज :: m. (-जः) Lapis lazuli. E. बाल young, and राज what shines.
  • बालवत्स :: m. (-त्सः) A pigeon, a dove. E. बाल a child, and वत्स dear.
  • बालवायज :: n. (-जं) Lapis lazuli.
  • बालवासस् :: m. (-साः) Woolen garments. E. बाल hair, (of cows, goats, &c.) and वासस् vesture.
  • बालवाह्य :: m. (-ह्यः) A wild goat. E. बाल hair, वह् to endeavour, aff. ण्यत् ।
  • बालव्यजन :: n. (-नं) A Chowrie, a whisk, a fly-flapper. E. बाल hair and व्यजन a fan; it being made usually of the tail of the Yak.
  • बालव्रत :: m. (-तः) A Bauddha saint; also named MANJUGHOSHA.
  • बालसन्ध्याभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Of a purple colour. m. (-भः) Purple, the colour. E. वाल young, and सन्ध्या twilight, आङ् before, भा to shine, aff. क ।
  • बालहस्त :: m. (-स्तः) The tail of a horse, or any hairy animal. E. बाल hair and हस्त the hand, to which organ it is compared.
  • बालाक्षी :: f. (-क्षी) A plant, commonly Keśapushpi.
  • बालातप :: m. (-पः) The rays of the rising sun. E. बाल and आतप light.
  • बालापत्य :: n. (-त्यं) Young offspring or progeny. E. बाल, अपत्य offspring.
  • बालि :: m. (-लिः) The celebrated monkey king, the son of INDRA, killed by RĀMA. E. बाल hair and इञ् aff.; being born from the hair of his mother.
  • बालिका :: f. (-का) 1. A girl. 2. A kind of ear-ring. 3. Sand. 4. The rustling of leaves.
  • बालिन् :: m. (-ली) The monkey-son of INDRA. f. (-नी) The constellation AśHwini. E. See the last, aff. इनि ।
  • बालिश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) 1. Young. 2. Ignorant. 3. Careless, heedless. n. (-शं) A pillow. E. बाड् to emerge, इन् aff., बाडि or बालि and शो to destroy, aff. ड ।
  • बालिश्य :: n. (-श्यं) 1. Thoughtlessness, heedlessness. 2. Youth. 3. Folly. E. बालिश and यञ् aff.
  • बालिसम्भव :: m. (-वः) Name of celebrated monkey, the son of BĀLI.
  • बालिहन्तृ :: m. (-न्ता) RĀMA. E. बालि the monkey, and हन्तृ killer.
  • बाली :: f. (-ली) A kind of ear-ring.
  • बालीश :: m. (-शः) Pain in making water from gravel, &c.
  • बालु :: m. (-लुः) A drug, commonly Elabāluka E. बल् to live, aff. उण् ।
  • बालुक :: m. (-कः) A drug and perfume; also Elabāluka. f. (-का) 1. Sand, gravel. 2. (also बालुकी) A sort of cucumber, (Cucumis utilatissi- mus.) 3. Camphor. 4. A sand-cloth. E. बल् to live, (by its means,) उकञ् aff. or बालु as above, and कन् added.
  • बालुकागड :: m. (-डः) A sort of fish, (Cheilodipterus culius and butis, HAM.) E. बालुका sand and गड् to scatter, aff. अच् ।
  • बालुकात्मिका :: f. (-का) Sugar. E. बालुका sand, आत्मन् identity, कन् aff. in the fem. form.
  • बालुकाप्रभा :: f. (-भा) One of the seven hells of the Jainas, the hell of sand. E. बालुका sand and प्रभा splendour.
  • बालुङ्की :: f. (-ङ्की) A sort of cucumber, (Cucumis utilatissimus.) Also बालुकी and बालुङ्गी ।
  • बालुङ्गी :: f. (-ङ्गी) A sort of cucumber.: see the last; also with कन् add- ed बालुङ्गिका ।
  • बालूक :: m. (-कः) A sort of poison.
  • बालेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) 1. Soft. 2. Fit or proper for a child. 3. Fit or proper for a tax, a sacrifice, &c. m. (-यः) 1. An ass. 2. A demon, a Daitya. 3. A plant, (Siphonanthus Indica.) E. बलि a tax, a sacri- fice, or बाल a child and ढक् aff.
  • बालेयशाक :: m. (-कः) A plant, Siphonanthus Indica.) E. बालेय an ass and शाक a potherb; also बालेय । “वामनहाटि” ।
  • बालोपवीत :: n. (-तं) 1. The sacrificial thread, or a substitute for it as worn by children. 2. A cloth covering the privities. E. वाल a child, उपवीत the thread.
  • बाल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) 1. Childhood. 2. Immaturity of understanding. 3. A state of waxing. E. बाल a child. ष्यञ् aff.
  • बाल्हि :: m. (-लहि) Name of the “Balkh” country.
  • बाष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) 1. Vapour, steam. 2. A tear, tears, rheum. 3. Iron. E. बाध to oppose, Unādi aff. प . and ध changed to ष; according to other etymologies, this word is वाष्प, or बास्प and वास्प ।
  • बाह (ऋ) बाहृ :: r. 1st cl. (बाहते) 1. To resolve, to attempt perse- veringly or resolutely, to endeavour diligently; also वाह .
  • बाह :: mf. (-हः-हा) 1. The arm. 2. A horse. E. बाह् to endeavour, aff. अच्; it is sometimes read वाह ।
  • बाहिक :: m. plu. (-कः) The people of Punjab.
  • बाहु :: m. (-हुः) 1. The arm. 2. The side of any angular geometrical fig- ure, the leg of a triangle, &c. 3. A door-post. E. बाध् to oppose, कु Unādi aff. and ध changed to ह ।
  • बाहुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) A servant, servile, dependent. m. (-कः) 1. The name of NALA, after his change of form, by the bite of KARKO- TAKA Nāga. 2. A monkey. f. (-का) The name of a river. E. बाहु an arm, कन् aff.; or कृ to do, with ड aff.
  • बाहुकुन्थ :: m. (-न्थः) A wing E. बाहु the arm, कुन्थ what adheres to, aff. अच् ।
  • बाहुकुब्ज :: mfn. (-ब्जः -ब्जा -ब्जं) Crooked-armed. E. बाहु an arm, and कुब्ज bent.
  • बाहुज :: m. (-जः) 1. The Kshetriya or warrior, born from the arms of BRAHMĀ. 2. A parrot. 3. Sesamum growing wild or spontaneous- ly. E. बाहु the arm, and ज born.
  • बाहुत्राण :: n. (-णं) Armour for the arms. E. बाहु the arm, and त्राण preserving.
  • बाहुदन्तिन् :: m. (-न्ती) INDRA. E. बह् many, (four.), दन्त a tooth, aff. इनि ।
  • बाहुदा :: f. (-दा) The name of a river, said to rise in the snowy chain of the Himālaya, and probably the modern Behut, the classical Hy- daspes. E. बाहु an arm, and दा bestower; alluding to a legend of a saint's recovering his lost arms, by bathing in this stream.
  • बाहुप्रहरण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) A striker, a boxer. n. (-णं) Boxing, wrestling. E. बाहु and प्रहरण striking.
  • बाहुभूषा :: f. (-षा) An armlet, an ornament worn round the upper arm. E. बाहु the arm, and भूषा an ornament.
  • बाहुमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Made or done with the arms. E. बाहु, and मयट् aff.
  • बाहुमूल :: n. (-लं) The arm-pit. E. बाहु the arm, मूल the root.
  • बाहुयुद्ध :: n. (-द्धं) Close fight, personal struggle, boxing, wrestling. E. बाहु the arm and युद्ध fight.
  • बाहुल :: m. (-लः) 1. Fire or its deity. 2. The month Kārtika. n. (-लं) 1. Mail worn on the arm. 2. A term in grammar, implying various or irregular formation, or construction or such as is analogous to this word. E. बहुल fire, and अण् aff.; also with कन् added, बाहुलक ।
  • बाहुलेय :: m. (-यः) The deity KĀRTIKEYA. E. बहुला the Pleiades, consider- ed as nymphs, and nurses of this god; aff. of relation ढक् ।
  • बाहुल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Plenty, abundance, quantity. E. बहल, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • बाहुवीर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Personal prowess. E. बाहु, and वीर्य्य heroism.
  • बाहुसहस्रभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) A king killed by PARASURĀMA, also named KĀRTAVĪRJAYA. E. बाहु, an arm, सहस्र a thousand, भृत् having.
  • बाहू(हा)बाहवि :: Ind. Arm to arm, hand to hand, (fighting, &c.) E. बाहु the arm, (repeated.) इच् aff.
  • बिट् :: r. 1st cl. (बेटति) To curse: Also विट् ।
  • बिडालक :: m. (-कः) 1. A cat. 2. Application of ointment to the eye. n. (-कं) Yellow orpiment.
  • बिद् (इ) बिदि :: r. 1st cl. (बिन्दति) To make or constitute a part; the root is obsolete.
  • बिदल :: n. (-लं) 1. A slip. 2. A twig. 3. A split bamboo.
  • बिन्दु :: m. (-न्दु) 1. A drop. 2. a particle. 3. A dot, a point. 4. A cipher, (in math.) E. विदि उ aff.
  • बिन्दुजाल :: n. (-लं) 1. A collection of drops or particles. 2. Red marks on the trunks of an elephant.
  • बिभ्रक्षु :: mfn. (-क्षुः -क्षुः -क्षु) 1. Desirous to destroy or lose. 2. Wishing to scorch, fry, parch. m. (-क्षुः) Fire. E. भ्रस्ज् to break, to fry, desid. v., उ aff.
  • बिभ्रज्जिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing to fry or scorch. m. (-षुः) Fire. E. भ्रस्ज् to fry, desid, v., उ aff.
  • बिल् :: r. 6th cl. (बिलति) r., 10th cl. (बेलयति-ते) To break, to tear or rend, to divide or detach.
  • बिल :: n. (-लं) 1. A hole. 2. A pit. 3. An outlet.
  • बिलेशय :: m. (यः) 1. An animal that lives in holes. 2. A snake. 3. A hare. 4. A rat.
  • बिल्ल :: n. (-ल्लं) 1. A basin for water round the root of a tree. 2. Asafœtida.
  • बिल्व :: m. (-ल्वः) A species of tree. n. (-ल्वं) 1. The fruit of this tree. 2. A weight equal to one pala.
  • बिस् (इर्) विसिर् :: r. 4th cl. (बिस्यति) To throw or cast, to send or direct.
  • बिसिनी :: f. (-नी) The lotus-plant.
  • बीज :: n. (-जं) See वीज ।
  • बीभत्स :: mfn. Subst. (-त्सः-त्सा-त्सं) 1. Disgust, abhorrence. Adj. Detesting, loathing, changed or averted in mind. 2. Cruel, mischievous. 3. Compassionate. 4. Wicked. 5. Envious. E. बध् to bind, to hate, &c. aff. घञ् ।
  • बुक्क :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (बुक्कति बुक्कयति-ते) 1. To bark. 2. To speak. r. 10th cl. To give pain.
  • बुक्क :: Subst. mfn. (-क्कः -क्का -क्वी-क्वं) 1. The heart. 2. The chest. 3. Blood. m. (-क्कः) 1. A goat. 2. Time. E. बुक्क to bark, &c., aff. अच्; also बुक्कन् mn. (-क्का-क्कं) and बूक्क ।
  • बुक्कन :: n. (-नं) Barking, (as of a dog.) E. बुक्क् to bark, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • बुक्काग्रमांस :: n. (-सं) The heart. E. बुक्व् the heart, अग्र principal, मांस flesh.
  • बुक्वार :: m. (-रः) The roar or barking of a lion. E. बुक्क् to bark, आर aff., the lion of Hindustan barks much like a dog.
  • बुड् :: r. 6th cl. (बुडति) 1. To leave, to abandon. 2. To cover, to clothe.
  • बुद् (उ, इर) उवुदिर् :: r. 1st cl. (बुदति-ते) To discern, to apprehend, to perceive, to understand.
  • बुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Known, understood. m. (-द्धः) 1. A generic name for a deified teacher of the Bauddha sect, amongst whom numer- ous Buddhas are reckoned; the name is especially applied to the 9th incarnation of VISHṆU and the apparent founder of the reli- gion of the Bauddhas; the term is often confounded but impro- perly, with a Jina: see जिन . 2. A sage, a wise or learned man. E. बुध् to know, aff. क्तः see बुध ।
  • बुद्धद्रव्य :: n. (-व्यं) Avarice, covetous accumulation. E. बुद्ध known, द्रव्य thing.
  • बुद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Understanding, intellect. E. बुध् to know, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • बुद्धिविनाश :: m. (-शः) Loss or deficiency of understanding. E. बुद्धि and विनाश destruction.
  • बुद्धिजीविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Rational, an intellectual being. E. बुद्धि and जीविन् alive.
  • बुद्धिभृत् :: mfn. (-भृत्) Wise, intelligent. E. बुद्धि and भृत् having.
  • बुद्धिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) 1. Wise, learned. 2. Famed, known. 3. Humble, docile. m. (-मान्) A man. E. बुद्धि wisdom, मतुप् aff.
  • बुद्धिसहाय :: m. (-यः) A counsellor, a minister. E. बुद्धि understanding and सहाय companion.
  • बुद्धिहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Ignorant, silly, a fool. E. बुद्धि and हीन void of.
  • बुद्धिहीनत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Folly, ignorance. E. बुद्धिहीन and त्व aff.; also with तल्, बुद्धिहीनता ।
  • बुद्धीन्द्रिय :: n. (-यं) An organ of intellect, as the mind, eye, ear, nose, tongue, and skin. E. बुद्धि understanding and इन्द्रिय an organ.
  • बुद्धुद :: m. (-दः) A bubble. E. बुद् imitative sound, बुद् to perceive, aff. क ।
  • बुद्ध्यवज्ञान :: n. (-नं) Disregard of or contempt for one's understanding. E. बुद्धि, and अवज्ञान disrespect.
  • बुध् (औ) औबुध :: r. 1st cl. (बोधति) r. 4th cl. (बुध्यते-ति) also (उ, इर) उबुधिर् r. 1st cl. (बोधति-ते) To know, to understand. With प्रति, to look for, expect. With प्रति and वि, to wake.
  • बुध :: m. (-धः) 1. BUDDHA, the son of the moon and regent of the planet MERCURY, with whom he is identified. 2. A wise or learned man, a sage. f. (-धा) Indian spikenard. E. बुध् to know or understand, aff. क ।
  • बुधजन :: m. (-नः) A wise man. E. बुध्, and जन a person.
  • बुधतात :: m. (-तः) The moon, the father of BUDDHA.
  • बुधवार :: m. (-रः) Wednesday, E. बुध् MERCURY, and वार a day.
  • बुधसुत :: m. (-तः) PURŪRAVAS, the first king of the lunar dynasty. E. बुध् BUDDHA or MERCURY, and the son of SOMA, and सुत son.
  • बुधान :: m. (-नः) 1. A wise man, a sage. 2. A holy teacher. 3. One who speaks kindly. 4. A worshipper or adorer of BRAHMĀ. E. बुध् to know, आनच् Unādi aff.
  • बुधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Known, understood. E. बुध् to know, aff. क्त ।
  • बुधिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Wise, learned. E. बुध् to know, Unādi aff. किलच् ।
  • बुध्न :: m. (-ध्नः) 1. The root of a tree. 2. The bottom of a vessel. 3. ŚIVA. E. बुध् to know, Unādi aff. नक्ः also ब्रध्न in the last sense.
  • बुन्द् (उ, इर्) उबुन्दिर् :: r. 1st cl. (बुन्दति-ते) To discern, to perceive, literally or figuratively.
  • बुन्ध् (उ, इर्) उबुधिर् :: r. 1st. cl. (बुन्धति-ते) To discern, to perceive: see बुन्द ।
  • बुभुक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) 1. Hunger. 2. The desire of enjoyment. E. भुज् to eat, in the desid. form, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • बुभुक्षित :: mfn. (तः-ता-तं) Hungry. E. बुभुक्षा hunger, इतच् aff.
  • बुभुक्षु :: mfn. (-क्षुः -क्षुः -क्षु) Wishing to eat. E. भुज् to eat, desid. v., उ aff.
  • बुभुत्सा :: f. (-त्सा) The wishing to know. E. बुध् to know, desid, v., अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • बुभुत्सु :: mfn. (-त्सुः -त्सुः -त्सु) Wishing to know. E. बुध् to know, desid. v., उ aff.
  • बुभूषा :: f. (-षा) Desire to be or become. E. भू to be, desid. v., affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • बुभूषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing to be or become. E. भू to be, desid. v., उ aff.
  • बुभूर्षु :: mfn. (-र्षुः -र्षुः -र्षु) 1. Wishing to fill. 2. Desirous to nourish, &c. E. भृ to nourish, desid. v., उ aff.
  • बुल् :: r. 10th cl. (बोलयति-ते) To sink, to dive, to plunge.
  • बुलि :: f. (-लिः) 1. The vulva. 2. Fear. E. बुल् to emerge, aff. इन् ।
  • बुष :: n. (-षं) 1. Chaff. 2. Water; also बुस .
  • बुस् :: r. 4th cl. (बुस्यति) To dismiss, to loose, to quit or leave.
  • बुस :: n. (-सं) 1. Chaff. rubbish, refuse. 2. Wealth. 3. Dry cow-dung. 4. The thick part of sour curds. f. (-सा) A younger sister, (in theatrical language.) E. बुस् to abandon, aff. क; also बुष, स being changed to ष ।
  • बुस्त :: r. 10th cl. (बुस्तयति-ते) 1. To regard, to respect. 2. To disregard, to treat with disrespect.
  • बुस्त :: n. (-स्तं) 1. Fried meat. 2. The inner part of the jack fruit. E. बुस्त to disrespect, aff. अच् ।
  • बूक्क :: mfn. (-क्कः -क्का -क्कं) The heart; also बुक्क; also with a final न्, बूक्कन् mfn. (-क्का -क्का -क्क) also बृक्व ।
  • बृक्क :: mfn. (-क्कः -क्का -क्कं) 1. The heart. 2. The kidney. E. See the last, ऋ substituted for ऊ ।
  • बृशी (षी) :: f. (-शी or -षी) The seat of a holy sage: also बृसी ।
  • बृह :: r. 1st cl. (बर्हति) To grow, to increase: see वृह ।
  • बृहत् :: mfn. (-हन् हन्ती हत्) See वृहत् ।
  • बॄ :: r. 9th cl. (बॄणाति) 1. To choose or select 2. To support or nourish; also in the first sense, वॄ more usually.
  • बोद्धव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be informed, taught, waked, &c. 2. Re- quiring to be taught or explained. 3. Necessary to be understood. E. बुध् to know, causal v., तव्य aff.
  • बोध :: m. (-धः) 1. Wisdom, intellect. 2. A wakening, arousing. E. बुध् to understand, aff. घञ् ।
  • बोधक :: m. (-कः) 1. A spy, an informer. 2. A teacher. E. बुध् to under- stand, causal form, aff. वुन् ।
  • बोधकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Who teaches, informs, awakes, &c. m. (-रः) An awakener, a sort of minstrel who awakens the prince or chief in the morning, by music. E. बोध awakening, कर who makes.
  • बोधन :: nf. (-नं-नी) 1. Knowledge. 2. Teaching, informing. 3. Awaking, arousing. n. (-नं) Burning incense. m. (-नः) The planet MERCURY. f. (-नी) Long-pepper. E. बुध् to know, aff. ल्युट् .
  • बोधनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be explained or expounded, to be rendered intelligible. E. बुध् to know, in the causal form, aff. अनीयर् ।
  • बोधयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) 1. Informing, apprising. 2. Teaching. 3. Arousing, waking. E. बुध् to know, causal v., शतृ aff.
  • बोधि :: mfn. (-धिः -धिः -धि) Wise, learned. m. (-धिः) 1. A branch of holy study; keeping the mind awake to the knowledge of the true GOD. 2. Intellect, understanding. 3. The holy fig-tree. E. बुध् to know, Unādi aff. इन् .
  • बोधितरु :: m. (-रुः) The holy fig-tree. E. बोधि wisdom, and तरु the tree.
  • बोधिद्रुम :: m. (-मः) The holy fig-tree, (Ficus religiosa.) E. बोधि know- ledge, द्रुम a tree.
  • बोधिसत्त्व :: m. (-त्त्वः) A Buddha, or Bauddha saint. E. बोधि intellect, सत्त्व truth.
  • बोध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) To be informed, taught, waked, &c. E. बुध् to know, causal v., यत् aff.
  • बौद्ध :: m. (-द्धः) A Bauddha, or follower of the religion of the Buddhas. E. बुद्ध a Buddha, अण् aff.
  • बौध :: m. (-धः) A name of PURŪRAVAS, the son of BUDDHA, and grandson of SOMA or the moon. E. बुध् MERCURY, and अण् aff. of descent.
  • ब्युष् :: r. 4th cl. (ब्युष्यति) To burn. r. 10th cl. (ब्युषयति-ते) 1. To divide. 2. To offer in oblation.
  • ब्रण् :: r. 1st cl. (ब्रणति) To sound; व्रण more properly.
  • ब्रतति :: f. (-तिः-ती) 1. A creeper. 2. Expansion. E. प्र before, तन् to spread, aff. क्तिच्, and प changed to ब; also व्रतति .
  • ब्रध्न :: m. (-ध्नः) 1. The root of a tree. 2. The sun. 3. SĪVA. 4. BRAHMĀ. 5. A horse. 6. The body. 7. A day. 8. The Arka plant. 9. Bubo, (the disease.) 10. Lead. E. बन्ध् to bind, aff. नक् and ब्रध substituted for the root.
  • ब्रह्मकन्यका :: f. (-का) The goddesss SARASWATĪ. E. ब्रह्म BRAHMĀ, and कन्या the daughter; being born from the head of that deity.
  • ब्रह्मगिरि :: m. (-रिः) A mountain. E. ब्रह्म and गिरि a hill; the hill of BRAHMĀ.
  • ब्रह्यघातक :: m. (-कः) The slayer of a Brāhman. E. ब्रह्म and घातक who kills; also ब्रह्मघातिन् m. (-ती) ।
  • ब्रह्मघातिनी :: f. (-नी) A woman on the second day of the menses.
  • ब्रह्मघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) The slayer of a Brāhman. E. ब्रह्म and घ्न who kills.
  • ब्रह्यचर्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) The Brahmacharya or Brahmachārī, the religious student: see ब्रह्मचारिन् n. (-र्य्यं) The order or condition of the reli- gious student. E. ब्रह्म the Veda and चर्य्य observance.
  • ब्रह्मचर्य्यस्खलन :: n. (-नं) Incontinence. E. ब्रह्मचर्य्य and स्खखन deviating from.
  • ब्रह्मचारिन् :: m. (-री) The Brahmachārī or religious student; the young Brāhman, from the time of his investiture with the cord, to the period of his becoming a householder: it is also applied to a per- son, who continues with his spiritual teacher, through life, study- ing the Vedas and observing the duties of the student; it is also given as a title to Pandits learned in the Vedas; to a class of ascetics; by the Tantras, it is assigned to persons whose chief virtue is the observance of continence; and it is assumed by many religious vagabonds. f. (-रिणी A woman leading a life of con- tinence. E. ब्रह्म the Veda and चर् to go or follow, aff. णिनि ।
  • ब्रह्मजन्मन् :: n. (-न्म) Second or spiritual birth, investiture. E. ब्रह्म the Vedas and जन्मन् birth.
  • ब्रह्मजीविन् :: m. (-वी) An impure Brāhman, one who converts his religious duties into a trade, and performs sacrifice, teaches the Veda, &c. for hire. E. ब्रह्मन् an officiating priest, and जीविन् who gets a living.
  • ब्रह्मज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) A sage, one who has spiritual wisdom. E. ब्रह्म and ज्ञ who knows.
  • ब्रह्मज्ञान :: n. (-नं) Spiritual wisdom. E. ब्रह्म and ज्ञान knowledge.
  • ब्रह्मण्य :: mfn. (-ण्यः -ण्या -ण्यं) Relating to or connected with BRAHMĀ or a Brāhman. m. (-ण्यः) 1. The mulberry tree, (Morus Indica.) 2. The planet SATURN. E. ब्रह्मन् and यत् aff.
  • ब्रह्मतत्त्व :: n. (-त्त्वं) The true knowledge of Supreme Spirit. E. ब्रह्म and तत्त्व truth.
  • ब्रह्मत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Identification with BRAHMĀ or God. 2. God-head. E. ब्रह्म BRAHMĀ, त्व aff. of the abstract; also with तल् aff. ब्रह्मता, or with भूय added ब्रह्मभूय n. (-यं) ।
  • ब्रह्मद :: m. (-दः) A spiritual teacher. E. ब्रह्म the Veda or holy knowledge, and द who gives, also ब्रह्मदातृ, ब्रह्मदायिन, &c.
  • ब्रह्मदण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. A plant. see ब्रह्मयष्टि . 2. A curse, an anathema. 3. The tribute paid to a Brāhmana in the shape of a fine. E. ब्रह्म a Brāhman and दण्ड a stick.
  • ब्रह्मदत्त :: m. (-त्तः) One of the sovereigns of the race of Ikshwāku enumerated by the Jains. E. ब्रह्म by or to BRAHMĀ, दत्त given.
  • ब्रह्मदर्भा :: f. (-र्भा) A plant, (Ligusticum ajwaen, Rox.) E. ब्रह्म and दर्भा sacrificial grass. “यमानिकायाम् ।”
  • ब्रह्मदान :: n. (-नं) Instruction in the Vedas. E. ब्रह्म and दान gift.
  • ब्रह्मदारु :: m. (-रुं) The mulberry, (Morus Indica.) E. ब्रह्म and दारु wood.
  • ब्रह्मन् :: m. (-ह्मा) 1. BRAHMĀ, the first deity of the Hindu triad, and the operative creator of the world. 2. A Brāhman. 3. The superin- tending or presiding priest at the sacrifice. 4. One of the astrono- mical Yogas. 5. One of the principal servants of the Jinas. n. (-ह्म) 1. The divine cause and essence of the world, from which all created things are supposed to emanate and to which they return; the unknown God. 2. The practice of austere devotion. 3. The Vedas or scripture. 4. Holy knowledge. E. वृह् to increase, (man- kind) aff. मनिन् and the initial letter changed to ब ।
  • ब्रह्मनाभ :: m. (-भः) VISHṆU. E. ब्रह्मन् BRAHMĀ and नाभि the navel; BRAH- MĀ having arisen to create the world, in a lotus, which sprang from the navel of VISHṆU.
  • ब्रह्मनिर्व्वाण :: n. (-णं) Absorption into or identification with the Supreme. E. ब्रह्म, and निर्व्वाण final absorption.
  • ब्रह्मपद :: n. (-दं) The place or nature of spiritual being. 2. The station or rank of a Brahman or of BRAHMĀ. E. ब्रह्म, and पद to place.
  • ब्रह्मपादप :: m. (-पः) The Palāsh tree, (Butea frondosa.) E. ब्रह्म a Brāhman, and पादप a tree.
  • ब्रह्मपुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) 1. A sort of poison. 2. The Brahmaputra river, which rises in the Himālaya and with the Ganges falls into the Bay of Bengal. 2. A place of pilgrimage, probably the source of the stream. f. (-त्री) 1. The SARASWATĪ river. 2. The goddess SARAS- WATĪ. E. ब्रह्मन् BRAHMĀ and पुत्त्र offspring.
  • ब्रह्मपुरी :: f. (-री) The capital of BRAHMĀ on the mountain Kailasā. E. ब्रह्मन् and पुरी the city.
  • ब्रह्मबन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) 1. The epithet or appellative of a BRĀHMAN. 2. A term of abuse. E. ब्रह्म BRAHMĀ and बन्धु a friend.
  • ब्रह्मभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Become one with the Supreme spirit. E. ब्रह्म and भूत become.
  • ब्रह्मभूति :: f. (-तिः) Twilight. E. ब्रह्म BRAHMĀ and भूति being.
  • ब्रह्मभूय :: n. (-यं) Identification with BRAHMĀ. E. ब्रह्म BRAHMĀ, and भूय being.
  • ब्रह्ममय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Consisting of or identified with spirit. 2. Belong- ing to or fit for a BRĀHMAN, &c. E. ब्रह्म and मयट् aff.
  • ब्रह्ममूर्द्धभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) ŚIVA. E. ब्रह्म BRAHMĀ, मूर्द्धन् the forehead and भृत् who has: having in a dispute cut off one of BRAHMĀ'S heads.
  • ब्रह्मयज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) The study of the Vedas. E. ब्रह्म a Veda or the Supreme being, and यज्ञ sacrifice.
  • ब्रह्मयष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) A plant, (Ligusticum ajwaen, Rox.) E. ब्रह्म a Brāhman

and यष्टि a stick; also with कन् added in the fem. form, ब्रह्मयष्टिका, for with ङीप् added ब्रह्मयष्टी ।

  • ब्रह्मयोग :: m. (-गः) Cultivation of spiritual knowledge. E. ब्रह्म and योग addition to.
  • ब्रह्मयोनि :: m. (-निः) A particular mountain. Adj. Sprung from BRAHMĀ. E. ब्रह्म and योनि place of production.
  • ब्रह्मरन्ध्र :: n. (-न्ध्रं) An aperture in the crown of the head, through which the soul is supposed to escape.
  • ब्रह्मंराक्षस :: m. (-सः) A demon or fiend of the Brāhminical class. E. ब्रह्म and राक्षम a goblin.
  • ब्रह्मरात्रि :: m. (-त्रिः) 1. A name of YĀJNYAVALKYA, a saint and legislator. E. ब्रह्म BRAHMĀ, रा to give, ष्ट्रिन् aff.; conferring the knowledge of BRAHMĀ upon JANAKA in return for his bounty. 2. A night of BRAHMĀ, equal to a thousand divine ages. E. ब्रह्म BRAHMĀ and रात्रि night.
  • ब्रह्मरीति :: f. (-तिः) Brass. E. ब्रह्म and रीति calx.
  • ब्रह्मरेखा :: f. (-खा) The lines written by BRAHMĀ on the forehead of a man indicative of his lot in this world: also ब्रह्मलेखा ।
  • ब्रह्मर्षि :: m. (-र्षिः) A divine saint, a Rishi of a particular class, including VĀSISHṬHA, &c. E. ब्रह्म a Brāhman, and ऋषि a saint; the saints of this class are supposed to be of the Brāhminical order.
  • ब्रह्मर्षिदेश :: m. (-शः) A part of India, including the four countries of Kuru-kshetra, Matsya, Panchāla, and Surasena or Mathurā. E. ब्रह्मर्षि a Rishi, देश country.
  • ब्रह्मलोक :: m. (-कः) A division of the universe, the supposed eternal resi- dence of the spirits of the pious. E. ब्रह्मन् BRAHMĀ and लोक a world.
  • ब्रह्मवद्य :: n. (-द्यं) Knowledge or declaration of BRAHMĀ, the knowledge of the universal permeation of one spirit, as taught by the Vedānta system of philosophy. E. BRAHMĀ or the spiritual deity, वद् to speak or declare, aff. क्यप्, also with the aff. यत्, and the semi-vowel changed, ब्रह्मोद्य n. (-द्यं).
  • ब्रह्मवर्च्चस् :: n. (-र्च्चः) The power or sanctity of a Brāhman. E. ब्रह्म and वर्च्चस् splendour.
  • ब्रह्मवर्च्चस :: n. (-सं) 1. Holiness, resulting from the study and observance of the Vedas. 2. The sanctity or superhuman power of a Brāh- man. E. ब्रह्म the Velas, and वर्च्चस splendour, aff. अच् ।
  • ब्रह्मवर्च्चस्विन् :: mfn. (-स्वी -स्विनी -स्वि) 1. Endowed with sanctity, pure, pious. 2. Having Brāhminical power or virtue. E. ब्रह्मवर्च्चस्, and विनि aff.
  • ब्रह्मवर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) A district of western India; also ब्रह्मावर्त्त . E. ब्रह्म a Brāhman, and वृत् to abide, aff. अच् ।
  • ब्रह्मवर्द्धन :: n. (-नं) Copper. E. ब्रह्म a Brāhman, and वर्द्धन increasing, favour- ing; being highly proper for utensils of worship. &c.
  • ब्रह्मवाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Citing the Vedas. 2. Declaring or teaching spiritual knowledge. E. ब्रह्म scripture, and वाद speaking.
  • ब्रह्मवादिन् :: m. (-दी) 1. A follower of the Vedānta system of philosophy, one who maintains all things are spirit. 2. A defender or ex- pounder of the Veda. E. ब्रह्म the Veda or BRAHMĀ, GOD, and वादिन् who recites.
  • ब्रह्मविद् :: m. (-वित् or -विद्) A sage, one who knows the nature of the Supreme Spirit. E. ब्रह्म and विद् who knows.
  • ब्रह्मविद्या :: f. (-द्या) Knowledge of spirit. E. ब्रह्म, and विद्या science.
  • ब्रह्मविन्दु :: m. (-न्दुः) A drop of saliva sputtered out in reading the Vedas. E. ब्रह्म scripture, and विन्दु a drop.
  • ब्रह्मवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. The Palāsh tree, (Butea frondosa.) 2. The glomer- ulus fig-tree. E. ब्रह्म a BRAHMĀ and वृक्ष a tree.
  • ब्रह्मवृन्दा :: f. (-न्द्रा) The capital of BRAHMĀ. E. ब्रह्मन् and वृन्द heap, assemblage.
  • ब्रह्मवेद :: m. (-दः) 1. Knowledge of BRAHMĀ, monotheism. 2. Knowledge of the Vedas. E. ब्रह्म BRAHMĀ and वेद knowing.
  • ब्रह्मवेदि :: f. (-दिः) A country. see ब्रह्मावर्त्त . E. ब्रह्म a Brāhman and बेदि a country.
  • ब्रह्मवेदिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Knowing or acquainted with the Vedas, with spiritual knowledge, &c. E. ब्रह्म and वेदिन् who knows.
  • ब्रह्मशल्य :: m. (-ल्यः) A tree, (Mimosa Arabica.) E. ब्रह्म a Brāhman, and शल्य a stake. “वाव्ला” ।
  • ब्रह्मशासन :: n. (-नं) An edict or grant, &c. addressed to Brāhmans. E. ब्रह्म a Brāhman and शासन governing or an edict, &c.
  • ब्रह्मसत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. Study and teaching of the Vedas. 2. The constant study of them. E. ब्रह्म and सत्र sacrifice.
  • ब्रह्मसर्प :: m. (-र्पः) A sort of snake. E. ब्रह्म BRAHMĀ and सर्प a snake.
  • ब्रह्मसम्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Born or produced from BRAHMĀ. m. (-वः) The second of the persons called VĀSUDEVA or KRISHṆA by the Jains. E. ब्रह्म BRAHMĀ and सम्भव offspring.
  • ब्रह्मसायुज्य :: n. (-ज्यं) Identification with BRAHMĀ. E. ब्रह्म BRAHMĀ and सायुज्य intimate union.
  • ब्रह्मसार्ष्टिता :: f. (-ता) Equality with BRAHMĀ. E. ब्रह्म and सार्ष्टिता sameness.
  • ब्रह्मसुवर्च्चला :: f. (-ला) A plant, an infusion of which is to be drank in ex- piation of having anything touched by a dog, cat, &c. E. ब्रह्म, and सुवर्च्चला linseed.
  • ब्रह्मसू :: m. (-सूः) 1. ANIRUDDHA, the son of KĀMA. 2. KĀMADEVA. E. ब्रह्म BRAHMĀ and सू the son.
  • ब्रह्मसूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. The sacrificial or Brāhminical thread. 2. An aphor- ism of the Vedānta philosophy. E. ब्रह्म a Brāhman and सूत्र thread.
  • ब्रह्मसूनु :: m. (-नुः) A sovereign according to the Jains, of the race of Iksh- wāku. E. ब्रह्म BRAHMĀ and सूनु son.
  • ब्रह्मस्वरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Of the nature of spirit, of the same essence as the God-head. E. ब्रह्म and स्वरूप nature.
  • ब्रह्महत्या :: f. (-त्या) 1. Brāhminicide, killing a Brāhman. 2. Any crime equally heinous. E. ब्रह्म and हत्या killing.
  • ब्रह्महन् :: m. (-हा) The murderer or slayer of a Brāhman. E. ब्रह्मन् and हन् who kills.
  • ब्रह्महुत :: n. (-तं) The performance of hospitality, &c., that one of the great sacraments which consists in the veneration of mankind. E. ब्रह्म a Brāhman हुत worshipped; being the most worthy of res- pect, &c.
  • ब्रह्माक्षर :: m. (-रः) The sacred and mysterious name of the deity. E. ब्रह्म GOD, अक्षर a letter, the Omkāra.
  • ब्रह्माग्रभू :: m. (-भूः) A horse.
  • ब्रह्माञ्जलि :: m. (-लिः) 1. Joining both hands together, whilst reading the Vedas, either as an act of humility or to mark the accentuation of the Sāma-Veda. 2. Paying obeisance to the spiritual preceptor at the beginning or end of a lecture. E. ब्रह्म the Vedas and अञ्चलि the hands joined.
  • ब्रह्माणी :: f. (-णी) 1. The female energy of BRAHMĀ. 2. A sort of perfume, commonly Renukā. 3. A kind of brass; “वेङापितल” । E. ब्रह्मन् BRAHMĀ, fem. aff. ङीप् .
  • ब्रह्माण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. The globe, the world. 2. One of the Purānas. E. ब्रह्म BRAHMĀ and अण्ड an egg, to which it is compared; in creation there are said to have been innumerable Brahmāndas.
  • ब्रह्माधिगमन :: n. (-नं) Perusal of the Vedas. E. ब्रह्म and अघिगमन going through; also ब्रह्माधिगम ।
  • ब्रह्माधिगामिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating or contributing to a course of sacred study. E. ब्रह्माधिगम and ठञ् aff.
  • ब्रह्माभ्यास :: m. (-सः) Study or repetition of scripture. E. ब्रह्म and अभ्यास exercise.
  • ब्रह्माम्भस् :: n. (-म्भं) Cow's urine. E. ब्रह्मन् a Brāhman and अम्भस् water.
  • ब्रह्मारण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) A place where the Vedas are read and explained. E. ब्रह्म the Veda and अरण्य a wood.
  • ब्रह्मावर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) The country to the north-west of Delhi, lying between the rivers Saraswatī and Drishadwati. E. ब्रह्म a Brāh- man आवर्त्त abode.
  • ब्रह्मासन :: n. (-नं) A posture suited to devout and religious meditation. E. ब्रह्म BRAHMĀ and आसन sitting.
  • ब्रह्मास्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) The BRAHMĀ'S weapon, a fabulous weapon originally

from BRAHMĀ. 2. The imprecation of a Brāhman. E. ब्रह्म and अस्त्र a weapon.

  • ब्रह्माहूति :: f. (-तिः) An oblation of ghee. E. ब्रह्म the Veda, and आहूति an offering.
  • ब्रह्मो :: f. (-ह्मी) 1. A sort of fish, commonly Pāncāl, (Macrognathus Pan- calus, HAM.) 2. A plant, (Siphonanthus Indica.) E. वृह् to grow or increase, affs. मनिन् and ङीप्; also ब्राह्मी .
  • ब्रह्मोज्झता :: f. (-ता) Neglecting or forgetting the Veda. E. ब्रह्म, उज्झता abandonment.
  • ब्रह्मोद्य :: n. (-द्यं) Reciting or explaining the Vedas. E. ब्रह्म, वद् to speak, aff. क्यप् ।
  • ब्रह्मौदन :: n. (-नं) Boiled-rice distributed to priests at a sacrifice. E. ब्रह्मन् a Brāhman and ओदन boiled-rice.
  • ब्रा (व्रा) ह्म :: mfn. (ह्मः-ह्मी-ह्मं) Relating or belonging to BRAHMĀ, the Vedas, &c. n. (-ह्यं) 1. The part of the hand under the root of the thumb. 2. One of the eight forms of marriage, the presentation of the bride elegantly adorned, by the father to the bridegroom whom he has invited. 3. The missile presided over by BRAHMĀ. m. (-ह्मः) NĀRADA the sage and son of BRAHMĀ. f. (-ह्मी) One of the eight divine mothers of created beings, or the personified energies of the gods; the Saktī or energy of BRAHMĀ. 2. The goddess of speech, SARASWATĪ. 3. The moon plant, (Asclepias acida.) 4. A sort of potherb, (Ruta grave- olens. 5. A shrub, (Siphonanthus Indica.) 6. A sort of fish. 7. The asterism Rohini. 8. A she-frog. 9. A yellow-coloured ant. 10. The wife of a Brāhman. E. ब्रह्म BRAHMĀ, &c. अण् aff.
  • ब्राह्मण :: m. (-णः) A man of the first Hindu tribe, a Brāhman. n. (-णं) 1. An assemblage of Brāhmans, a council, a conclave. 2. A portion of the Vedas, that which comprises the precepts that inculcate reli- gious duties, the maxims which explain those precepts and the arguments which relate to theology; it is, however, now often blended with other portions. f. (-णी) 1. The wife of a Brāhman, or a woman of the Brāhminical tribe. 2. A kind of wasp. 3. A small ant. 4. a potherb, (Ruta graveolens.) 5. A shrub, (Sipho- nanthus Indica.) 5. A sort of grass, (Trigonella corniculata.) E. ब्रह्मन् the Veda, &c. अण् aff. and the final syllable of the ori- ginal word retained.
  • ब्राह्मणचाण्डाल :: m. (-लः) An outcaste Brāhman, one who is attended by a wife of another caste or the son of a Sudra by a Brāhman female. E. ब्राह्मण and चाण्डाल an outcaste.
  • ब्राह्मणजाति :: f. (-तिः) The Brāhminical tribe or caste. E. ब्राह्मण and जाति tribe.
  • ब्राह्मणजातीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Belonging to the Brāhminical race. E. ब्राह्मण and जातीय generic.
  • ब्राह्मणजीविका :: f. (-का) The occupation or subsistence of a Brāhman. E. ब्राह्मण and जीविका livelihood.
  • ब्राह्मणता :: f. (-ता) Brāhmanhood. E. ब्राह्मण and तल् aff.; also with त्व, ब्राह्मणत्वं ।
  • ब्राह्मणबध :: m. (-धः) Brāhminicide. E. ब्राह्मण and बध killing.
  • ब्राह्मणब्रुव :: m. (-वः) A Brāhman by birth but not by attention to his du- ties; one who subsists by avocations properly limited to the other tribes. E. ब्राह्मण a Brāhman and ब्रुव who speaks, who calls himself, (improperly.) a Brāhman.
  • ब्राह्मणयष्टिका :: f. (-का) A shrub, (Siphonanthus Indica.) E. ब्राह्मण a Brāh- man and यष्टि a staff, aff. कन् । “वामनहाटी” ।
  • ब्राह्मणसंस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Belonging to or abiding with a Brāhman. E. ब्राह्मण and संस्थ what stays with.
  • ब्राह्मणहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Suitable to or fit for a Brāhman. E. ब्राह्मण and हित proper.
  • ब्राह्मणातिक्रम :: m. (-मः) Disregarding or disrespecting Brāhmans. E. ब्राह्मण and अतिक्रम going over or beyond.
  • ब्राह्मणात्मक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Belonging to, or with one containing Brāhmans, the Brāhmana section of the Vedas, &c. E. ब्राह्मण and आत्मक own.
  • ब्राह्मणादर्शन :: n. (-नं) Absence of Brāhminical instruction or guidance. E. ब्राह्मण and अदर्शन not showing or teaching.
  • ब्राह्मणाभ्युपपत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) The protection of a Brāhman. E. ब्राह्मण and अभ्युपपत्ति defence.
  • ब्राह्मणायण :: m. (-णः) A Brāhman, sprung from a learned and holy proge- nitors. E. ब्राह्मण and फक् affs.
  • ब्राह्मणीगामिन् :: m. (-मी) The gallant of a woman of the Brāhminical tribe or the wife of a Brāhman. E. ब्राह्मणी a female Brāhman. and गामिन् who goes to or with.
  • ब्राह्मण्य :: m. (-ण्यः) The planet SATURN. n. (-ण्यं) 1. An assembly of Brāh- mans. 2. The state, quality or business of a Brāhman, Brāhman- hood. E. ब्रह्मन् and यञ् aff.; or ब्राह्मन and यत् aff.
  • ब्राह्मदेया :: f. (-या) A girl to be wedded by the Brāhma form. E. ब्राह्म and देय to be given.
  • ब्राह्मपिङ्गा :: f. (-ङ्गा) Silver.
  • ब्राह्ममुहूर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) A particular period of the early part of the day.
  • ब्राह्माहोरात्र :: m. (-त्र) A day and night of BRAHMĀ, a period of two thou- sand ages of the gods or two Kalpas of mortals. E. ब्राह्मण relating to BRAHMĀ, अहन् a day and रात्रि a night.
  • ब्राह्मिका :: f. (-का) A shrub, (Siphonanthus Indica.) E. ब्राह्मी and कन् aff.
  • ब्राह्मीपुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) The son of a woman married according to the Brāhma form. E. ब्राह्मी and पुत्त्र a son.
  • ब्राह्म्य :: n. (-ह्म्यं) 1. The worship or veneration of Brāhmans, considered as one of the great sacraments. 2. Astonishments. E. ब्रह्म and ष्यञ् aff.
  • ब्राह्महुत :: n. (-तं) Respect shown to guests, especially to Brāhmans, hos- pitality. E. ब्राह्म्य and हुत sacrifice.
  • ब्रुवत् :: mfn. (-वन् -वन्ती -वत्) Speaking, saying. E. ब्रु to speak, शतृ aff.
  • ब्रूवाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Speaking, saying. E. ब्रू to speak, शानच् aff.
  • ब्रू (ञ) ब्रूञ् :: r. 2nd cl. (ब्रवीति or आह) To speak or tell: आह is option- ally substituted for this root before the first five inflections of the present tense and वच in several other tenses.
  • ब्लेष्क :: n. (-ष्कं) A snare.
  •  :: The twenty-fourth consonant of the Nāgari alphabet and aspirate of the last letter, or Bh.
  •  :: n. (-भं) 1. A star. 2. An asterism. 3. A planet. 4. The number twenty-seven. m. (-भः) 1. A name of SUKRA, regent of the planet VENUS. 2. A bee. 2. Error, delusion. f. (-भा) 1. Light, lustre, splendour. 2. A ray of light. f. (-मी) Fear. E. भा to shine, or भी to fear, aff. ड ।
  • भक्किका :: f. (-का) A cricket.
  • भक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Attached or attentive to, devoted to, engrossed by. 2. Served, worshipped. 3. Dressed, cooked. 4. Distributed. 5. Divided. 6. Loyal. n. (-क्तं) 1. Boiled-rice. 2. Food. 3. Any edible grain boiled with water. 4. A share. m. (-क्तः) A follower, a votary. E. भज् to serve, &c. aff. क्त ।
  • भक्तकर :: m. (-रः) Factitious incense, incense prepared from various fra- grant resins and perfumes. E. भक्त dressed, and कर making.
  • भक्तकार :: m. (-रः) A cook. E. भक्त boiled rice, and कार who makes.
  • भक्तछन्द :: n. (-न्दं) Appetite, wish for food. E. भक्त and छन्द will.
  • भक्तजा :: f. (-जा) Nectar.
  • भक्तता :: f. (-ता) Devotedness, implied faith in and attachment to E. भक्त and तल् aff.; also with त्व, भक्तत्वं ।
  • भक्ततूर्य्य :: n. (र्य्यं) Music played at the hour of eating, amongst princes and great men. E. भक्त rice or food. and तूर्य्यं a musical instrument.
  • भक्तद :: m. (-दः) A supporter, a maintainer. E. भक्त and द who gives: also भक्तदायक, भक्तदायिन्, &c.
  • भक्तदातृ :: m. (-ता) A maintainer, a feeder. E. मक्त food and दातृ a donor.
  • भक्तदास :: m. (-सः) A slave, one maintained in consideration of service. E. भक्त food, दास a slave.
  • भक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Service, worship. 2. Faith, belief. 3. Devotion or attachment to. 4. Part, portion. 5. Fracture, division. 6. Meto- nymy. E. भज् to serve, or भञ्ज् to break, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • भक्तिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Faithful, devoted to. E. भक्ति and मतुप् aff.
  • भक्तियोग :: m. (-गः) Devotion or worship. as shown by implicit faith in any divinity. E. भक्ति and योग devotion.
  • भक्तिल :: m. (-लः) 1. A good horse. 2. A follower, a votary. E. भक्ति ser- vice, &c. ला to afford, aff. क ।
  • भक्ष् :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (-भक्षति भक्षयति-ते) 1. To eat. 2. To waste. 3. To bite.
  • भक्षक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Gluttonous, voracious, gourmand. 2. A feeder, an eater, who or what eats. f. (-क्षिका) A meal, a feed. E. भक्ष् to eat, aff. ण्वल् ।
  • भक्षकार :: m. (-रः) A confectioner, a pastry cook. E. भक्ष् food, कार who prepares; also भक्षङ्कार ।
  • भक्षण :: n. (-णं) Eeating. E. भक्ष् to eat, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • भक्षणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Eatable, to be eaten. E. भक्ष् and अनीयर् aff.
  • भक्षमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Eating. E. भक्ष to eat, शानच् aff.
  • भक्षयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Eaten. E. भक्ष् to eat, शतृ aff.
  • भक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Eaten. E. भक्ष् to eat, aff. क्त ।
  • भक्षितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be eaten, what may be eaten. E. भक्ष् to eat, तव्य aff.; also भक्षयितव्य ।
  • भक्ष्य :: mfn. (-क्ष्यः -क्ष्या -क्ष्य) Eatable. n. (-क्ष्यं) Food. E. भक्ष् to eat, aff. यत् ।
  • भक्ष्यकार :: m. (-रः) A baker. E. भक्ष्य eatable and कार who makes or pre- pares; also भक्ष्यंकार ।
  • भक्ष्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) To be eaten. E. भक्ष् to eat, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • भग :: n. (गं) 1. Pudendum muliebre. 2. Fortune, prosperity. 3. Beauty, splendour. 4. Excellence, greatness. 5. Desire, wish, love. 6. Strength, vigour. 7. Effort, exertion. 8. Fame, glory. 9. Know- ledge. 10. Absence of passion, the tranquillity of the religious man, who has divested himself of worldly excitability. 11. Omni- potence, supreme or divine power. 12. Virtue, moral merit. 13. Final emancipation. m. (-गः) 1. The sun. 2. One of the twelve suns or Ādityas. 3. The moon. 4. A form of ŚIVA. E. भज् to serve, &c. ग aff.
  • भगण :: m. (-णः) 1. The whole multitude of stars. 2. Revolution of the planets in the Zodiac. 3. The Zodiac.
  • भगदेवता :: f. (-ता) Hymeneal divinity. E. भग and देवता divinity.
  • भगन्दर :: m. (-रः) Fistula in ano. E. भग the vulva, दृ to divide, aff. खश् ।
  • भगवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Respectable, worshipful, adorable, and hence the common appellative of a prince or deity. m. (-वान्) One of the generic titles of a Jina or Jaina deified sage. f. (-वती) 1. A name of GAURĪ. 2. Any goddess. E. भग fortune, supremacy, &c., and मतुप् poss. aff.
  • भगाङ्कुर :: m. (-रः) The clitoris. E. भग and अङ्कुर a shoot.
  • भगाल :: m. (-लः) The human skull. E. भग ŚIVA, अल् to adorn, aff. अच् ।
  • भगालिन् :: m. (-लो) A name of ŚIVA. E. भगाल a skull, and इनि aff.
  • भगिन् :: f. (-नी) Adj. 1. Prosperous, fortunate. 2. Grand, splendid.
  • भगिनी :: f. (-नी) 1. A sister. 2. A lucky woman. 3. A woman in general. E. भग prosperity, desire, इनि and ङीप् affs.
  • भगीरथ :: m. (-थः) A king of the solar dynasty, whose austerities brought down GANGĀ, the river, from heaven to the earth.
  • भगोल :: m. (-लः) The starry sphere.
  • भगोस् :: Ind. A particle used as a respectful term of address. E. भगवत्

reverend and ओस् irregularly substituted for the three final letters.

  • भग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) 1. Torn, broken. 2. Overcome, defeated. 3. Disre- garded, despised. 4. Disappointed. 5. Destroyed. 6. Checked. n. (-ग्नं) Fracture of the leg. E. भञ्ज् to break, aff. क्त ।
  • भग्नजानु :: mfn. (-नुः -नुः -नु) Having a broken leg. E. भग्न and जानु the knee.
  • भग्नपृष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Confronting, encountering, coming before or in front of. E. भग्न disregarded and पृष्ठ the back, heedless of what is behind.
  • भग्नप्रक्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Disorder, confusion. 2. Want of method or arrange- ment in composition. E. भग्न and प्रक्रम proceeding.
  • भग्नसन्धिक :: n. (-कं) Butter milk. E. भग्न broken, सन्धि union, and कप् aff.; divided by churning.
  • भग्नात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) The moon. E. भग्न broken and आत्मन् the body; having been cut in two by the trident of ŚIVA, as a punishment for having violated the wife of VRIHASPATĪ.
  • भग्नाश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Disappointed. E. भग्न and आशा expectation.
  • भग्नी :: f. (-ग्नी) A sister. E. भञ्ज् to share, aff. क्त, fem. aff. ङीप् ।
  • भग्नोद्यम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Labouring in vain. 2. Baffled. E. भग्न, उद्यम effort.
  • भङ्कारी :: f. (-री) A bat.
  • भङ्क्तृ :: mfn. (-क्ता -क्त्री -क्तृ) Breaking, a breaker, who or what breaks. E. भञ्ज् to break, तृच् aff.
  • भङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. Breaking, splitting. 2. A chasm, a fissure, a division. 3. Defeat, discomfiture. 4. Disappointment. 5. Fear. 6. Dishonesty, fraud, circumvention, cheating. 7. Going, motion. 8. A wave. 9. A water-course, a canal. 10. Disease in general. 11. A disease, (hemi- plegia, palsy.) 12. Interruption of the voice. f. (-ङ्गा) 1. Hemp, (Cannabis sativa.) 2. A plant, commonly Teori. 3. A fibrous plant from which a sort of flax is obtained, (Crotolaria juncea.) E. भञ्ज् to break, aff. अच् ।
  • भङ्गभाज् :: mfn. (-भाक्) Breaking, being broken. E. भङ्ग, and भाज् partaking.
  • भङ्गवासा :: f. (-सा) Tumeric.
  • भङ्गसार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) Crafty, fraudulent, dishonest. E. भङ्ग breaking, fraud, &c., स for सम् with, and अर्थ object.
  • भङ्गान :: m. (-नः) A sort of fish, (Cyprinus Banggana, HAM.) E. भङ्ग a wave, अन् to live, aff. अच् ।
  • भङ्गारी :: f. (-री) A bat.
  • भङ्गि :: f. (-ङ्गिः-ङ्गी) 1. Fracture, division, separation. 2. Fraud, deception, trick, disguise. 3. Irony. 4. Wit, repartee. 5. A wave. 6. A crooked path. 7. A step. 8. Modesty. 9. A current. 10. Interval. 11. Circumlocation. E. भञ्ज् to break, aff. इन्, ङीप् optionally added.
  • भङ्गील :: n. (-लं) Defeat in the organ of sense.
  • भङ्गुर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Crooked, bent. 2. Fraudulent, crafty, dishon- est. 3. Perishable. m. (-रः) The bend or elbow of a river. E. भञ्ज् to break, aff. घुरच् ।
  • भङ्ग्य :: n. (-ङ्ग्यं) A field of hemp. E. भङ्गा hemp, यत् aff.
  • भज :: r. 1st cl. (औ) भजौ (भजति-ते) 1. To serve, to worship. 2. To possess, to enjoy, (carnally.) r. 10th cl. (भजयति) 1. To give. 2. To dress or cook. 3. To separate or divide: see भाज् (इ) भजि r. 10th cl. (भंज- यति) 1. To shine. 2. To speak: with वि prefixed, to measure; with प्र and वि, to discriminate, to discuss.
  • भजत् :: mfn. (-जन् -जन्ती -जत्) 1. Serving, waiting upon. 2. Enjoying, (carnal- ly.) 3. Dividing, sharing. E. भज् to serve, &c., शतृ aff.
  • भजन :: n. (-नं) 1. Service, adoration. 2. Possessing or enjoying carnally. 3. Sharing. m. (-नः) The sound of the conch. E. भज् to serve, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • भजमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Serving, waiting. 2. Enjoying, possessing, (carnally.) 3. Dividing, sharing. 4. Right, fit, proper. E. भज् to serve, &c., शानच् aff.
  • भञ्ज् (ओ, औ) ओभञ्जौ :: r. 7th cl. (भनक्ति) To break, to destroy.
  • भञ्जक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what breaks, severes, divides, destroys, &c. E. भञ्ज् to break, ण्वुल aff.
  • भञ्जत् :: mfn. (-ञ्जन् -ञ्जन्ती -ञ्जत) Breaking, destroying E. भञ्ज्, and शतृ aff.
  • भञ्जन :: nf. (-नं-नी) 1. Breaking, destroying. 2. Afflicting. 3. Arresting. 4. Causing violent pain. 5. Routing. 6. Removing. m. (-नः) Decay of teeth. E. भञ्ज to break, ल्युट् aff.
  • भञ्जनक :: m. (-कः) A disease of the mouth, contortion of the lips, and decay of the teeth. E. भञ्जन, and कन् added.
  • भञ्जरु :: m. (-रुः) A tree growing near a temple. E. भञ्ज to break, उरु aff.
  • भट् :: r. 1st. cl. (भटति) 1. To hold or cherish. 2. To hire or maintain. 3. To speak. (इ) भटि r. 10th cl. (भंटयति) To deceive.
  • भट :: m. (-टः) 1. A mercenary. 2. A warrior, a soldier, a combatant. 3. A barbarian, or outcaste of a particular tribe. 4. A goblin. E. भट् to maintain, aff. अच् ।
  • भटित्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) Rosted on a spit, (meat, &c.) E. भट to nourish, इत्र aff.
  • भट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः) 1. A philosopher, a learned man, especially one conver- sant with the philosophical systems. 2. An enemy. 3. Best excell- ent. 4. Authority. 5. A bard in general. E. भट-तन् ।
  • भट्टार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Worshipful, reverend, entitled to homage or res- pect: see the next.
  • भट्टारक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Venerable, respectable, entitled to reverence or to homage. m. (-क्तः) 1. A sage, a Muni or saint. 2. A deity. 3. (In theatrical language,) A king. 4. The sun. 5. A term especially applied to a Bauddha teacher. E. भट to nourish, aff. क्विप्, तृ to pass, aff. खुल् and त changed to ट; otherwise with टल् to be con- fused, the same aff., and ल changed to ष; a cherisher and punisher, a distributor of rewards and punishments; again, भट्ट said here to mean, authority ऋ to go to or obtain, अण् aff. कन् added.
  • भट्टारकवार :: n. (-रं) Sunday E. भट्टारक and वार a day.
  • भट्टिनी :: f. (-नी) 1. A queen, not crowned. 2. The wife of a Brāhman. In plays the word is often used by maids-in-waiting in addressing a queen or princess. E. भट्ट authority: see etymology of the last word, इनि and ङीप् affs.
  • भड् (इ) भडि :: r. 1st cl. (भण्डते) 1. To rally. to deride or treat with merri- ment. 2. To jest, to joke. 3. To speak. 4. To upbraid, to reprove. r. 1st and 10th cls. (भण्डते भण्डयति-ते) To do an auspicious act.
  • भडिल :: m. (-लः) 1. A servant. 2. A hero. E. भड् a Sautra root, to be happy, Unādi aff. इलच् ।
  • भण् :: r. 1st cl. (भणति) To sound, to utter articulate sound, to speak or say. With प्रति, to reply.
  • भणित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sounded, spoken, uttered. E. भण to speak, aff. क्त ।
  • भणिति :: f. (-तिः) Speech, speaking. E. भण् to speak, aff. क्तिन्, with the augment इट्
  • भण्टाकी :: f. (-की) The egg plant, (Solanum melongena.) E. भट् to nourish, aff. आक, and नुम् augment. “वेगुण” ।
  • भण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A mime, a jester, a buffoon, an actor. E. भडि to deride, &c. aff. अच् ।
  • भण्डक :: m. (-कः) A wagtail. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • भण्डन :: n. (-नं) 1. Armour, mail. 2. War, battle. 3. Evil, wickedness, mischief. E. भडि to blame, &c., aff. ल्युट्
  • भण्डहासिनी :: f. (-बी) A whore, a harlot. E. भण्ड a jester, and हासिनी who delights.
  • भण्डि :: f. (-ण्डिः-ण्डी) 1. A plant, from the wood of which a red dye is prepared; Bengal māddār, (Rubia manjith, Rox.) 2. A wave. E. भडि to be auspicious, &c. aff. इन्; also with कन् added भण्डिका; also भण्डिरी and भण्डीरी ।
  • भण्डिर :: m. (-रः) A tree, (Mimosa sirisha.) f. (-री) Māddār. E. See भण्डिल भण्डीरी, &c.
  • भण्डिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. A messenger, one sent or dispatched. 2. Fortunate, happy, prosperous, auspicious. m. (-लः) 1. A mess- enger. 2. An artizan. 3. A tree, (Mimosa sirisha.) E. भडि to be happy, &c., Unādi aff. इलच्; also र being substituted for ल, भण्डिर, or the short vowel being lengthened, भण्डील ।
  • भण्डीरी :: f. (-री) The Bengal māddār tree: see भण्डि . E. भडि to be ans- picious, ईरन् aff.
  • भण्डील :: m. (-लः) The Sirisha tree: see भण्डिल ।
  • भण्डूक :: m. (-कः) A flower, (Bignonia Indica.) E. भडि to be auspicious, ऊकन् aff.
  • भद् (इ) भदि :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (भन्दति-ते भन्दयति) 1. To do an auspici- ous act. 2. To be happy, well prosperous, &c. 3. To shine.
  • भदन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ती -न्तं) 1. Reverend, venerable, worshipped or adored. 2. Brilliant, splendid. m. (-न्तः) 1. A Saugata, a Bauddha, a heterodox or sceptical philosopher. 2. A devotee, an ascetic. भदि to be happy or pleased, to shine, Unādi aff. झच्, and the nasal rejected.
  • भदाक :: mn. (-कः-कं) Prosperous, fortunate, auspicious. E. भदि to be happy, Unādi aff. आकन् ।
  • भद्र :: mfn. (-द्रः -द्रा -द्रं) 1. Happy, prosperous, lucky, propitious. 2. Best, excellent. 3. Pure, pious, virtuous. n. Subst. (-द्रं) 1. Prosperity, fortune, happiness. (Adv.) Happy, well, right. n. (-द्रं) 1. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus.) 2. Gold. 3. Iron or steel. nf. (-द्रं-द्री) One of the astrological periods called Karanas, the seventh; also called Vishti, regarded as an unlucky period. m. (-द्रः) 1. A name of SĪVA 2. A wagtail. 3. A bull. 4. A heap, a multitude. 5. A description of elephant, one of four classes into which they are divided. 6. Mount Meru. 7. One of the nine persons termed Suklabalas by the Jainas. 8. A title of reverential address. 9. A hypocrite. f. (-द्रा) 1. The Ganges of heaven. 2. The ichneumon plant: see राम्ना 3. Indigo. 4. Asclepias pseudosarsa. 5. A shrub, (Pœderia fœtida.) 6. A medicinal plant, commonly Kayaphal. 7. A name of the second, seventh, and twelfth days of the lunar fortnight. 8. A female Saktī or deity of the Jainas. 9. One of the four divisions of the Ganges, according to the Purānas, that which flows to the northern Kuru. 10. A tree, (Gme- lina arborea.) 11. A cow. 12. Turmeric. 13. Dear. 14. Hypocritical. 15. Head, chief. 16. A term of respect used in addressing ladies. E. भदि to happy, Unādi aff. रन् and the nasal rejected.
  • भद्रक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Beautiful, pleasing agreeable. 2. Respectable, worthy, estimable. 3. Lucky, fortunate. n. (-कं) A sort of grass, (Cyperus pertenuis.) m. (-कः) A sort of pine, (Pinus Devadāru.) E. कन् added to the last.
  • भद्रकाली :: f. (-ली) 1. One the forms of the goddess DURGĀ. 2. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus pertenuis or rotundus.) E. भद्र SĪVA, कल् to ap- proximate, affs. घञ् and ङीप् ।
  • भद्रकुम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) A golden jar filled with water from a holy place, or with the water of the Ganges and used especially at the consecra- tion of a king. E. भद्र auspicious and कुम्भ a water jar.
  • भद्रगणित :: n. (-तं) The construction of magical diagrams.
  • भद्रगन्धिका :: f. (-का) A creeping plant, (Asclepias pseudosarsa, the narrow-leaved variety.) E. भद्र auspicious and गन्ध smell, affs. कन् and टाप्; some copies read भद्रवल्लिका in place of this word. “मुस्तके” .
  • भद्रघट :: m. (-टः) A vessel from which a lottery is drawn.
  • भद्रङ्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Auspicious, conferring happiness or prosperity. E. भद्र happy and कृ to make, aff. खश् ।
  • भद्रचूड :: m. (-डः) A sort of Euphorbia, (E. tirucalli.) E. भद्र propitious and चूडा a crest. “लङ्कासिज्” ।
  • भद्रदारु :: m. (-रुः) A sort of pine, (Pinus Devadāru.) E. भद्र auspicious and दारु wood.
  • भद्रदार्व्वादिक :: m. (-कः) A class of thirty-one medicinal plants and subs- tances. E. भद्रदारु the pine, आदि etcetera, कन् added.
  • भद्रनामन् :: m. (-मा) The wood-pecker. E. भद्र auspicious and नामन् a name.
  • भद्रपदा :: f. (-दा) A name given to the 26th and 27th lunar asterisms: see भाद्रपदा ।
  • भद्रपर्णा :: f. (-र्णा) A shrub, (Pœderia fœtida.) E. भद्र auspicious, पर्ण a leaf, and टाप् fem. aff. “गान्धाल” ।
  • भद्रपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) 1. A tree, (Gmelina arborea.) 2. A shrub, (Pœderia fœtida.) E. भद्र lucky, पर्ण a leaf, and ङीप् fem. aff.
  • भद्रपीट :: n. (-टं) 1. A splendid seat, a throne. 2. A king of winged-insect.
  • भद्रबलन :: m. (-नः) A name of BALARĀMA. E. भद्र conferring happiness and बल to be strong, aff. युच् ।
  • भद्रब(व)ला :: f. (-ला) A shrub, (Pœderia fœtida.)
  • भद्रमल्लिका :: f. (-का) A kind of cucumber, (Cucumis Madraspatanus.)
  • भद्रमुस्तक :: m. (-कः) A fragrant grass, (Cyperus pertenuis.) E. भद्र lucky and मुस्तक Cyperus.
  • भद्रमृग :: m. (-गः) A particular kind of elephant.
  • भद्रयव :: n. (-वं) The seed of the Echites or Wrightea antidysenterica. E. भद्र lucky, and यव seed.
  • भद्ररेणु :: m. (-णुः) The elephant of INDRA. E. भद्र auspicious and रेणु dust.
  • भद्रवती :: f. (-ती) A tree, (Gmelina arborea.)
  • भद्रवर्म्मन् :: m. (-र्म्मा) Double jasmine.
  • भद्रबल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) 1. Arabian jasmine, (Jasminum zambac.) 2. The large Bengal creeper, (Gærtnera, racemosa.) E. भद्र lucky, वल्ली a creeper.
  • भद्रश्रय :: n. (-यं) Sandal. E. भद्र auspicious, श्रय for आश्रय asylum, place of growing.
  • भद्रश्री :: f. (-श्रीः) Sandal-wood. E. भद्र best, श्री excellence or beauty.
  • भद्रसोमा :: f. (मा) A name of GANGĀ. E. भद्र SĪVA, स with or equal to, उमा the wife of ŚIVA; equally dear with UMĀ to that deity.
  • भद्राकरण :: n. (-णं) Shaving. E. भद्र auspicious, with डाट् aff., and कृ to do aff. ल्युट् ।
  • भद्रात्मज :: m. (-जः) A sword, a scimitar. E. भद्र iron, and आत्मज born.
  • भद्रारक :: m. (-कः) One of the eighteen minor Dwipas, or divisions of the world. E. भद्र prosperity, ऋ to go to, or attain, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • भद्रालपत्रिका :: f. (-का) A shrub, (Pœderia fœtida.) E. भद्र auspicious, अल् what is equal to, and पत्र a leaf, aff. कन् । “गान्धाल ।”
  • भद्राली :: f. (-ली) A shrub, (Pœderia fœtida.) E. भद्रा the same plant, ला to go or be, affs. ड and ङीष् ।
  • भद्राश्व :: n. (-श्वं) One of the four Mahā Dwipas, into which the known world is divided, according to some systems; or according to another system, one of the nine Khandas, or smaller divisions of the continent; in either case it is the east division. m. (-श्वः) One of the nine sons of AGNIDHRA, whom the division of the earth called Bhadrāswa was assigned and from whom it was so named. E. भद्र auspicious, अश्व a horse.
  • भद्राश्रय :: m. (-यः) Sandal-wood. E. भद्र auspicious and आश्रय abode, habitation.
  • भदासन :: n. (-नं) 1. A throne. 2. A peculiar posture, in which abstract meditation is performed by the devotee; the legs bent and crossed underneath, and turned so as to bring the ancles in contact with the perineum, whilst the soles of the feet are held close to the sides. E. भद्र auspicious or beautiful and आसन a seat or sitting.
  • भद्रिका :: f. (-का) 1. An amulet. 2. Name of the second, seventh and twenty days of a lunar fortnight.
  • भद्रोदनी :: f. (-नी) A plant, (Sida cordifolia.)
  • भन्दिल :: n. (-लं) Good, happiness, welfare, prosperity. 2. Tremulous mo- tion. m. (-लः) A messenger. E. भदि to be auspicious, Unādi aff. इलच् ।
  • भपति :: m. (-तिः) The moon. E. भ a star, and पति chief.
  • भम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Smoke. 2. A fly. E. भम् imitative sound, भा to emit sound, to shine, &c. and ड aff.
  • भम्भरालिका :: f. (-का) A gnat, a musquito. E. भम्भराली a fly and कन् aff.
  • भम्भराली :: f. (-ली) A fly, especially of a large sort. E. भम् imitative sound, repeated, रा to make, and लच् aff.; making a buzzing noise.
  • भम्भासार :: m. (-रः) A sovereign of Magadha; also SRENIKA.
  • भय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Frightful, fearful, horrible, dreadful. n. (-यं) 1. Fear, alarm, fright, dread. 2. The flower of the Trapa bispinosa. m. (-यः) Sickness. E. भी to be afraid, अच् aff.
  • भयकारक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Terrifying, frightening. E. भय and कारक what causes.
  • भयङ्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Fearful, formidable, frightful. E. भय fear, कृ to make, खच् aff.
  • भयद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Fearful, terrifying. E. भय and द who or what gives.
  • भयदर्शिन् :: mfn. (-र्शी -र्शिनी -र्शि) Fearful, frightful. E. भय, दर्शिन् appearing.
  • भयदाय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Terrific. E. भय and दाय what gives.
  • भयद्रुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Routed, put to flight. E. भय fear, द्रुत flown, fled.
  • भयप्रतीकार :: m. (-रः) Removal of fear. E. भय and प्रतीकार counteraction.
  • भतप्रद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Causing or inspiring fear. E. भय and प्रद who or what gives.
  • भयप्रस्ताव :: m. (-वः) Season or occasion of alarm. E. भय, and प्रस्ताव occasion.
  • भयभ्रष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Put to flight. E. भय fear, भ्रष्ट fallen, gone.
  • भयविधायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Alarming, fearful. E. भय, and विधायिन् causing.
  • भयविप्लुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Panic-struc. E. भय and विप्लुत immersed in.
  • भयसंहृष्टरोमन् :: mfn. (-मा -मा -मं) Horrified. E. भय, संहृष्टरोमन् having the hair erect.
  • भयस्थान :: n. (-नं) Seat or part exposed to peril or hurt. E. भय, and स्थान place.
  • भयहेतु :: n. (-तुं) Cause of alarm. E. भय and हेतु cause.
  • भयातुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Afraid. E. भय and आतुर affected.
  • भयार्त्त :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -र्त्ता -र्त्तं) Frightened, afraid. E. भय and आर्त्त afficted.
  • भयानक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Frightful, formidable, terrific. n. (-कं) Terror. m. (-कः) 1. RĀHU or the personified ascending node. 2. A tiger. 3. One of the nine sentiments in poetry, or the sentiment of terror, as excited by poetical or dramatic composition. E. भी to fear, आनक Unādi aff.
  • भयापह :: m. (-हः) A king, a sovereign. E. भय fear, अप् before, हा to quit, to oppose or remove from, aff. क ।
  • भयावह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Formidable, fearful. E. भय fear, वह् to bear, aff. अच् and आङ् prefixed.
  • भयैकप्रवण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Engrossed by fear. E. भय, एक alone, प्रवण bent.
  • भयोत्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Attended with or succeeded by fear. E. भय and उत्तर subsequent.
  • भयोपशम :: m. (-मः) Encouraging, allaying fear. E. भय and उपशम tranquillising.
  • भर :: Adv. n. (-रं) Much, excessive. Noun. m. (-रः) A measure of weight, two thousand Palas. mfn. (-रः -रा or री -रं) Who or what cherishes, upholds, supports, &c. E. भृ to cherish, अप् aff.; or with घञ् aff. भार, q. v.
  • भरट :: m. (-टः) 1. A potter. 2. A servant. E. भृ to cherish, Unādi aff. अटन् ।
  • भरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Cherishing, maintaining, nourishing, supporting. 2. Wages, hire. 3. The constellation Bharaṇī. f. (-णी) 1. The name of the second lunar asterism, containing three stars, (Musca,) and figured by the pudendum muliebre. 2. A creeper, commonly Gho- shā. E. भृ to nourish, ल्युट् aff.
  • भरणीभू :: m. (-भूः) The personified ascending node or Rāhu. E. भरणी the asterism personified as a nymph and भू born.
  • भरणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Fit or proper to be cherished or maintained, a dependent. E. भृ to nourish, अनीयर् aff.
  • भरण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. A master, an owner, a lord, a husband. 2. A sover- eign, a king. 3. A bull. E. भृ to nourish, Unādi aff. अण्डन् ।
  • भरण्य :: mfn. (-ण्यः -ण्या -ण्यं) To be cherished or protected. n. (-ण्यं) 1. Wages, hire. 2. Cherishing, maintaining. 3. The asterism Bharaṇī. f. (-ण्या) A woman. E. भरण maintaining and यत् aff.
  • भरण्यभुज् :: mfn. (-भुक्) A labourer, a hireling, one who works for hire. E. भरण्य wages or hire, भुज् to eat, aff. क्विप् ।
  • भरण्याह्वा :: f. (-ह्वा) A plant, commonly Rāmadūti.
  • भ (भु) रण्यु :: m. (-ण्युः) 1. A master, a protector. 2. The sun. 3. The moon. 4. The fire. E. भृ to nourish, अन्यु aff.
  • भरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रत्) Upholding, supporting, having, cherishing. E. भृ to cherish, शतृ aff.
  • भरत :: m. (-तः) 1. The younger brother of RĀMA. 2. The son of DUSH- YANTA by SAKUNTALĀ. 3. The name of a sage or Muni. 4. The name of a celebrated writer on dramatic composition, of which he is also sometimes considered as the inventor; the term is also ap- plied to his work, which appears to have been a body of Sūtras, or rules relating to every branch of theatrical writing and exhi- bition; it is said to be lost, but is constantly quoted by the com- mentators on the Nātakas or Indian dramas. 5. An actor, a dancer, a mime. 6. A barbarian, a mountaineer, a savage. 7. A weaver. 8. A descendant of BHARATA. E. भृ to nourish, अतच् Unādi aff.
  • भरत्रपुत्त्रक :: m. (-कः) An actor, a mime. E. भरत the dramatic author, पुत्त्र a son and कन् aff. of comparision.
  • भरतप्रसू :: f. (-सूः) A name of KAIKEYĪ, wife of DASARATHA and mother of BHARATA. E. भरत as above and प्रसू parent; hence equally appli- cable to SAKUNTALĀ, &c.
  • भरतवर्ष :: n. (-र्षं) India. E. भरत the son of DUSHYANTA and वर्ष region; he is supposed to have been the first emperor or monarch of all India.
  • भरताग्रज :: m. (-जः) A name of RĀMA. E. भरत and अग्रज elder.
  • भरथ :: m. (-थः) 1. A sovereign, a king. 2. Fire. 3. A deity presiding over one of the regions of the world. E. भृ to nourish, aff. अथ् ।
  • भरद्वाज :: m. (जः) 1. A sky lark. 2. The name of a Muni. 3. The son of VRIHASPATĪ. E. भरत् upholding and वाज a wing: also भारद्वाज ।
  • भरद्वाजक :: m. (-कः) A lark. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • भरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता or -ती-तं) 1. Green, of a green colour. 2. Nourished. 3. Filled. E. भृ to nourish, Unādi aff. इतच् ।
  • भरिमन् :: m. (-मा) Nourishing, cherishing. E. भृ to nourish, aff. इमनिच् ।
  • भरु :: m. (-रुः) 1. A name of VISHṆU. 2. A name of ŚIVA. 3. Gold. 4. A husband, a lord. 5. The sea. E. भृ to nourish, Unādi aff. उन् ।
  • भरुज :: m. (-जः) A jackal.
  • भरुटक :: n. (-कं) Fried-meat.
  • भरे :: Ind. War. E. भृ-उट-कन् ।
  • भर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) 1. A name of ŚIVA. 2. Light, lustre. 3. A name BRAHMĀ. 4. Cooking, frying. E. भ्रस्ज् to fry, aff. ल्युट्; having scorched KĀMADEVA to ashes, with a look.
  • भर्ज्जन :: f. (-ना) 1. Frying. 2. Annihilating. n. (-नं) 1. The act of frying or roasting. 2. A frying-pan. E. भ्रस्ज् to fry, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • भर्त्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be cherished or maintained. E. भृ to nourish,
  • भर्त्तृ :: mfn. (-र्त्ता -त्त्री -र्त्तृ) 1. A cherisher, a nourisher, a protector. 2. A holder, a supporter. m. (-र्त्ता) 1. A husband. 2. A lord, a master. E. भृ to nourish, &c. aff. तृच् ।
  • भर्त्तृघ्नी :: f. (-घ्नी) The murderess of her husband. E. भर्त्तृ, a husband, हन् to kill, aff. ङीष् and घ्न substituted for the radical.
  • भर्त्तृता :: f. (-ता) 1. Masterhood. 2. Husbandship. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, भर्त्तृत्वं ।
  • भर्त्तृताङ्गत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Subject, married. E. भर्त्तृतां 2nd case, and गत gone.
  • भर्त्तृदारक :: m. (-कः) A young prince, designated as successor, and associated to the empire, (in theatrical language.) f. (-रिका) (in theatrical language.) A princess. E. भर्त्तृ the master or monarch, and दारक the son.
  • भर्त्तृहरि :: m. (-रिः) The brother of VIKRAMĀDITYA, prince and poet. E. भर्त्तृ a prince and हरि VISHṆU, a deity amongst kings.
  • भर्त्रिम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Maintained, nourished, supported. E. भृ to nourish, क्ति aff. and मप् added.
  • भर्त्स :: r. 10th cl. (भर्त्सयति-ते) To reprove, to reproach, to abuse or menace.
  • भर्त्सन :: n. (-नं) 1. Threat, menace. 2. Reproach, abuse, cursing, re- viling. E. भर्त्स् to abuse, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • भर्भ :: r. 1st cl. (भर्भति) To injure.
  • भर्म्म :: n. (-र्म्मं) 1. Gold. 2. Hire, wages. 3. The navel. 4. A particular coin. 5. Dhūturā. E. भृ to nourish, Unādi aff. मन्, whence it is properly भर्म्मन्, q. v.
  • भर्म्मण्या :: f. (-ण्या) Wages, hire. E. भर्म्मन् hire, यत् aff.
  • भर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) 1. Wages, hire. 2. Gold. 3. The navel. 4. A coin, a piece of money. 5. Support, maintenance. E. भृ to nourish, Unādi aff. मन् ।
  • भर्व :: r. 1st cl. (भर्वति) To hurt, to injure.
  • भल् :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (भलते भालयते) 1. To describe, to expound, to explain. 2. To see. r. 1st cl. 1. To hurt, to injure. 2. To give. r. 10th cl. To throw up.
  • भलता :: f. (-ता) A shrub, (Pœderia fœtida.)
  • भल्ल् :: r. 1st cl. (भल्लते) 1. To tell, to describe. 2. To hurt, to injure, to wound or kill. 3. To give.
  • भल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) 1. A bear. 2. An epithet of ŚIVA. mn. (-ल्लः-ल्लं) A kind of arrow. f. (-ल्ली) 1. An arrow, with a crescent-shaped head. 2. The marking-nut plant; also भल्लातकी . E. भल्ल् to hurt or kill, aff. अच् ।
  • भल्लक :: m. (-कः) A bear. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • भल्लपुच्छी :: f. (-च्छी) A plant, (Hedysarum lagopodioides.) E. भल्ल a bear, पुच्छ a tail; to which the flower is compared.
  • भल्लात :: m. (-तः) Marking-nut plant. E. See the next.
  • भल्लातक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) The marking-nut plant, (Semicarpus anacardi- um.) E. भल्ल an arrow, अत् to resemble, aff. घञ् with कन् added; wounding like a weapon; also भल्लात, भल्ली, &c.
  • भल्लिका :: f. (-का) Marking-nut. E. कन् added to भल्ली .
  • भल्लुक :: m. (-कः) A bear. E. भल्ल् to hurt, aff. उक; also भल्लूक .
  • भल्लूक :: m. (-कः) A bear. E. भल्ल् to injure, Unādi aff. ऊक; also भाल्लुक and भल्लुक ।
  • भव :: m. (-वः) 1. Being, existing, the self-support of something already produced. 2. Birth. 3. Origin, production. 4. The place or means of being. 5. The state of being. 6. The being or becoming poss- essed of any thing, as family, cattle, &c. 7. Welfare, prosperity. 8. Obtaining, acquisition. 9. Excellence, superiority. 10. The world. 11. A deity, a god. 12. A name of ŚIVA. 13. The world. 14. Life. n. (-व) A fruit, the fruit of the Dillenia speciosa. E. भू to be, aff. अप् ।
  • भवघस्मर :: m. (-रः) A forest-conflagration. E. भव being, घस्मर voracious.
  • भवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Thou; but used as a respectful term of ad- dress, as Sir or Lord, and governing the verb in the third person. E. भा to shine, डवतुप् Unādi aff. mfn. (-वन् -वन्ती -वत्) 1. Present. 2. Being, existing. f. (-न्ती) A poisoned arrow. E. भू to be, participial aff. शतृ ।
  • भवदीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Yours, your honour's. E. भवत् as above and छ aff.
  • भवद्भी :: mfn. (-द्भी -द्भिः -द्भि) Afraid. E. भवत् being and भी fear.
  • भवन :: n. (-नं) 1. A house, a dwelling. 2. A nature, a quality. 3. The place of abiding or being, scite, field, spot, &c. 4. Production. E. मू to be, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • भवनाशिनी :: f. (-नी) Sarayu the river, which runs from the Himālaya chain and falls into the Goggrah with which it is then confound- ed. E. भव being and नाशिनी destructress, giving eternal happiness, being a sacred stream.
  • भवनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be or become, what is or ought to be. E. भू to be, अनीयर् aff. of the gerund.
  • भवनोदर :: n. (-रं) The interior apartments. E. भवन and उदर belly.
  • भवन्त :: m. (-न्तः) Time in general, or time present. f. (-न्ती) A virtuous wife. E. भू to be, Unādi aff. झच् ।
  • भवन्ति :: m. (-न्तिः) Time being, the present. E. भू to be, Unādi aff. झिच् ।
  • भवभाज् :: mfn. (-भाक्) Living, sharing the world E. भव, and भाज who possesses.
  • भवभूति :: m. (-तिः) The author of MĀLATI MĀDHAVA and other dramas. E. भव the world, भूति increase, in wisdom, &c.
  • भवरुद् :: f. (-रुद्-रुत्) A drum played at funerals. E. भव being, रुद् to weep or wail, aff. क्विप् ।
  • भववीति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Liberation from the world, cessation from worldly acts. 2. End of the world. E. भव and वीति passing away.
  • भवात्मजा :: f. (-जा) The goddess MANASĀ.
  • भवादृश् :: mfn. (-दृक) Like you, your like. E. भवत् you, दृश् to shew, aff. क्विप्; also भवादृश, and भवादृक्ष ।
  • भवानी :: f. (-नी) The goddess PĀRVATĪ or DURGĀ, in her pacific and amiable form. E. भव ŚIVA. fem. aff. ङीप्, and आनुक् augment.
  • भवानीगुरु :: m. (-रुः) The personified Himālaya mountain. E. भवानी the goddess, and गुरु here put for father; DURGĀ in this form being the daughter of the mountain.
  • भवाभाव :: m. (-वः) 1. Non-existence of the world. 2. A sage, one unaffec- ted by worldly infirmities. E. भब, and अभाव non-existence.
  • भवाभिभाविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Superior to or overcoming the world. E. भव and अभिभाविन् disgracing.
  • भवायना :: f. (-ना) The Ganges. E. भव the world, and अयन going.
  • भविक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Prosperous, happy, welfaring. 2. Beneficial. n. (-कं) Prosperity, welfare. E. भव being, (for well being,) and ठन् aff.
  • भवित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Been, become. E. भव being, इतच् aff.
  • भवितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be or become, what is to be. E. भू to be, तव्य aff. of the gerund.
  • भवितव्यता :: f. (-ता) Fate, destiny. E. भवितव्य what is to be, तल् abstract aff.
  • भवितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) 1. Actually being, or disposed to be. 2. Well-be- ing, wel-faring. E. भू to be, तृच् aff.
  • भविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Living, being, having life and sensation. E. भव being, इनि aff.
  • भविन :: m. (-नः) A poet, a versifier. E. भू to think, इन् aff.
  • भविल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Being, existing, what is or exists. m. (-लः) 1. A catamite. 2. A sensualist. E. भू to be, इलच् Unādi aff.
  • भविष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) 1. Actually being or disposed to be. 2. Being well, existing happily, virtuously, &c. E. भू to be, इष्णुच् parti- cipial aff.
  • भविष्य :: mfn. (-ष्यः -ष्या -ष्यं) Future, what will be. E. See भविष्यत्, the final rejected.
  • भविष्यत् :: mfn. (-ष्यन् -ष्यन्ती -ष्यत्) What is to be, what will be, future. n. (-ष्यत्) The future. E. भू to be, शतृ participial aff., स्य augment, इट् inserted.
  • भव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. Happy, auspicious, prosperous. 2. Well, proper, fit, right. 3. True. 4. To be or become, what is to be. 5. A being, what is or exists. m. (-व्यः) The Kāmaranga, a small fruit tree, (Averhoa carambola.) f. (-व्या) 1. A name of UMĀ. 2. A large sort of pepper. 3. Existing. 4. Beautiful. 5. Happy. 6. Calm. n. (-व्यं) 1. A bone. 2. Fruit, result. 3. Being, existence. 4. Welfare. mn. (-व्यः-व्यं) One division of the poetical Rasas or sentiments. E. भू to be, aff. यत् ।
  • भशिरा :: f. (-रा) A sort of beet, (Beta Bengalensis)
  • भष् :: r. 1st cl. (भषति) 1. To bark or growl. 2. To reproach, to speak malevolently, to rail.
  • भष :: m. (-षः) A dog. f. (-षी) A bitch. E. भष् to bark, aff. अच् ।
  • भषक :: m. (-कः) A dog. E. भष् to bark, क्कुन् aff.; it is sometimes written. भसक .
  • भषण :: m. (-णः) A dog. n. (-णं) The barking of a dog. E. भष् to bark, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • भषत् :: n. (-त्) 1. The heart. 2. Wood. 3. The thigh.
  • भस् :: r. 3d cl. (वभति) 1. To shine. 2. To blame or abuse; this root is usually restricted to the Vedas.
  • भसद :: f. (-सद्) 1. The sun. 2. Pudendum muliebre. 3. The mons veneris. 4. Time. 5. A sort of duck. 6. A float, a raft. 7. Flesh. n. (-सत्) The hinder parts. E. भस् to shine, अदि Unādi aff.
  • भसन :: m. (-नः) A large bee. E. भस् to sound, युच् aff.
  • भसन्त :: m. (-न्तः) Time. E. भस् to shine, aff. झच् ।
  • भसित :: n. (-तं) Ashes. E. भस् to shine, aff. क्त ।
  • भसूचक :: m. (-कः) An astronomer or astrologer. E. भ a star, मूचक an intelligencer.
  • भस्त्रका :: f. (-का) A bellows. E. कन् added to भस्त्रा; also भस्त्रिका and भस्त्रका .
  • भस्त्रा :: f. (-स्त्रा) A bellows, a large hide with valves and a clay nozzle, which is used for this purpose. E. भस् to shine, त्रन् Unādi aff., fem. aff. टाप्; also with ङीष् aff. भस्त्री and with कन् in the fem. form being added भस्त्रका or भस्त्रिका optionally; and with the feminine termination retained also, भस्त्राका .
  • भस्त्राका :: f. (का) A bellows: see the last.
  • भस्त्राफला :: f. (-ला) क्षुपभेदे “टेपारि” ।
  • भस्त्रिक :: mf. (-कः-की) A bellows-blower, &c. m. (-कः) An inflated skin on which rafts, &c. are floated. f. (-का) A bellows: see भस्त्र . E. भस्त्रन् a bellows, and ठन् aff.
  • भस्त्री :: f. (-स्त्री) A bellows: see भस्त्रा, &c.
  • भस्मक :: n. (-कं) 1. A disease of the eyes, thickening of the membranes, and indistinctness of vision. 2. Morbid appetite from over-diges- tion, constant craving for food with general decay. 3. An an- thelmintic plant, commonly Biranga. 4. Gold or silver. E. भस्मन् ashes, कन् aff.
  • भस्मकार :: m. (-रः) A washerman. E. भस्मन् ashes, and कार agent; using the ashes of wood in place of soap or ley.
  • भस्मगन्धिका :: f. (-का) A perfume, commonly Reṇukā. E. भस्मन् ashes, and गन्ध smell, aff. कन्, and टाप्; also भस्मगन्धिनी ।
  • भस्मगर्भा :: f. (-र्भा) 1. The Sisu tree, or a variety of it, (Dalbergia Sisu.) 2. A sort of perfume, commonly Reṇukā. E. भस्प्र ashes, and गर्भ place of production.
  • भस्मतूल :: n. (-लं) 1. A number of villages. 2. A shower of dust. 3. Frost or snow. E. भस्म ashes, तूल् to weigh, and aff. क ।
  • भस्मन् :: n. (-स्म) 1. Ashes. 2. Holy ashes. E. भस् to shine, Unādi aff. मनिन् ।
  • भस्मवेधक :: m. (-कः) Camphor. E. भस्मन् ashes, and वेधक distresser; whiter than ashes.
  • भस्मसात् :: Ind. To the state of ashes, to ashes, as स भस्मसाच्चकारारीन् He reduced the enemies to ashes. E. भस्मन्, and साति aff.
  • भस्माह्वय :: m. (-यः) Camphor. E. भस्मन् ashes, आह्वय a name.
  • भस्मीकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Reducing to ashes. 2. Calcining. E. भस्म, and करण doing, च्वि aug.
  • भस्मीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Reduced to ashes. 2. Calcined, (as a metal.) E. भस्म, and कृत made, with च्वि aug.; also भस्मकृत and भस्मसात्कृत ।
  • भस्मीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Reduced to ashes. 2. Being mere ashes, i. E. being wholly worthless. E. भष्मन्, and भूत become, च्वि augment.
  • भा :: r. 2nd cl. (-भाति) 1. To shine, to be luminous, splendid or beauti- ful. 2. To be pleased. 3. To be angry. 4. To below. 5. To be, to exist. With आङ् To flash. With प्र or वि To shine brightly.
  • भा :: f. (भा) 1. Light. 2. Beauty. 3. The shadow of a gnomon. m. (-भाः) The sun. E. भा to shine, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • भाकूट :: m. (-टः) 1. A mountain, apparently the part of the Himālaya, called Bhākur. 2. A sort of fish. “भेट्की” . E. भा light, कूट a peak or quantity.
  • भाकोष :: m. (-षः) The sun. E. भा light, कोष receptacle.
  • भाक्त :: m. (-क्तः) 1. A follower, a dependent, one to whom food is regu- larly given. 2. Grain, edible grain, as rice, &c. f. (-क्ती) 1. Fit for food. 2. Inferior, secondary. 3. Confined to any science, (as a term). 4. Dependant. E. भक्त food, aff. अण् ।
  • भाक्तिक :: m. (-कः) One who is fed by another, a dependent, a retainer. E. भक्त . food, aff. ठक् .
  • भाक्ष :: f. (-क्षी) Gluttonous.
  • भाग :: m. (-गः) 1. A portion, a share, a part. 2. Fate, fortune, luck. 3. A half-rupee. 4. Part of any thing given as interest. 5. A division of time, the thirtieth part of a Rasi or zodiacal sign. 6. A degree,

the 360th part of the circumference of a great circle. 7. A frac- tion. 8. The quotient, (in math.) 9. Place, spot. 10. Room. E. भज् to share, aff. घञ् ।

  • भागक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what divides. m. (-कः) (In arithmetic.), A divisor. E. भज्, and ण्वुल् aff.
  • भागजाति :: f. (-तिः) Assimilation of fractions. E. भाग, and जाति species.
  • भागण :: m. (-णः) The whole collection of stars.
  • भागर्धय :: m. (-यः) 1. An heir, a co-heir. 2. Royal revenue. n. (-यं) 1. Fate, destiny, luck. 2. Good-luck. 3. Property. E. भाग and धेय to be taken, or धेय aff.
  • भागन :: n. (-नं) 1. The period, during which the sun passess through the twelve signs of the zodiac, thence by ellipsis, the zodiac. 2. The circumference of a great circle. E. भाग् to divide, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • भागलक्षणा :: f. (-णा) The secondary use of a word in which part of the primary meaning is retained.
  • भागवत :: f. (-ती) Adj. 1. Relating to or worshipping of VISHṆU or KRISH- ṆA. 2. Holy, sacred. m. (-तः) A devotee of the said deity. n. (-तं) Name of one of the eighteen Purānas.
  • भागशस् :: Ind. According to a share or portion, in parts or portions. E. भाग and शसि aff.
  • भागहर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Taking a part, sharing. m. (-रः) 1. A co-heir. 2. (In arithmetic,) Division. E. भाग and हर who or what takes.
  • भागार्थिन् :: mfn. (-र्थी -र्थिनी -र्थि) Desirous of a share. E. भाग and अर्थिन् who seeks.
  • भागानुबन्धजाति :: f. (-तिः) Assimilation of fractional increase. E. भाग, अनुबन्ध accession, जाति kind.
  • भागापवाहजाति :: f. (-तिः) Assimilation of fractional decrease. E. भाग, अप- वाह taking away, जाति kind.
  • भागिक :: mf. (-कः-की-कं) 1. Bearing interest, subject to a deduction for interest. 2. Having a part. 3. Relating to a part. 4. Fractional. E. भाग a part and ठन् aff.
  • भागिन् :: mfn. (गी-गिनी-गि) 1. Who or what shares. 2. Having parts, con- sisting of parts or shares. mf. (-गी-गिनी) A co-heir or co-heiress. E. भाग and घिनुण् aff.
  • भागिनेय :: m. (-यः) A sister's son. E. भगिनी a sister, ढक् aff.
  • भागीरथी :: f. (-थी) The Ganges. E. भगीरथ a pious monarch, at whose in- tercesion the Ganges first descended from heaven, affs. अण् and ङीप् ।
  • भागरि :: m. (-रिः) A celebrated grammarian.
  • भाग्य :: mfn. (-ग्यः -ग्या -ग्यं) 1. To be portioned or divided. 2. Bearing interest, subject to a deduction of some part on that account. n. (-ग्यं) Destiny, fortune, good or ill-luck. E. भज् to divide, ण्यत् aff.; or भाग a part and यत् added.
  • भाङ्गक :: m. (-कः) A ragged cloth.
  • भाङ्गीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Bearing hemp, (a field, &c.) E. भङ्ग hemp and खञ् aff.
  • भाज् :: r. 10th cl. (भाजयति-ते) To divide, to separate; it is usually employ- ed with वि prefixed, especially in a legal sense, as to divide or portion an inheritance.
  • भाज् :: mfn. (-भाक्) Who or what participates or possesses, used chiefly in composition, as धनभाज् rich, &c. E. भाज् to divide and क्विप् aff.
  • भाजक् :: Ind. Swiftly, quickly.
  • भाजक :: m. (-कः) 1. Dividing. 2. A divisor.
  • भाजन :: n. (-नं) 1. Any vessel, as a pot or cup, a plate, &c. 2. A clever, capable or fit person. 3. Sharing, dividing. 4. (In arithmetic,) Division. 5. Representation. 6. A measure equal to sixty-four Palas. E. भज् to serve or share, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • भाजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Divided, portioned. n. (-तं) A portion, a share. E. भाज् to divide, aff. क्त ।
  • भाजी :: f. (-जी) Rice, gruel.
  • भाज्य :: mfn. (-ज्यः -ज्या -ज्यं) Divisible, to be portioned or divided. n.

(-ज्यं) 1. A portion, a share, an inheritance. 2. (In arithmetic.) The dividend. E. भाज् to divide, aff. यत्; or भज्-ण्यत् aff.

  • भाटक :: m. (-कः) Price, especially paid for the use of any thing or per- son; wages, hire. E. भट् to hire, or maintain, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • भाटि :: f. (-टिः) 1. Wages, hire, fee. 2. The gettings of a prostitute. E. भट् to hire, इञ् aff.
  • भाण :: m. (-णः) A sort of dramatic entertainment, described as one, in which one only of the interlocutors appears on the scene; or as the narrative of some intrigue, told either by the hero or a third person. E. भण् to speak, aff. घञ् ।
  • भाणक :: m. (-कः) A proclaimer.
  • भाणिका :: f. (-का) A comic drama in one act. E. भाण and कन् dimin. aff.
  • भाण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) 1. Any vessel, a pot, a cup, a plate, &c. 2. Any musi- cal instrument. 3. Any implement or utensil. 4. Capital, principal, 5. An ornament in general. 6. An ornament round a horse's neck and breast. 7. The bed of a river, the space between its banks. 8. Mimickry, buffoonery, the practice of the Bhānda or professional jester. 9. A box, a case, &c. 10. A tool. 11. The stock of a shop- keeper, (hence any valued posses sion.) m. (-ण्डः) A tree, (Hibiscus propulneoides.) m. plu. Mercandise. E. भदि to be auspicious, aff. अच्; or भण् to sound, aff. ड, deriv. irr.; or भण्ड a jester and अण् aff.
  • भाण्डक :: m. (-कः) A cup, a plate, a vessel or utensil. n. (-कं) Goods, mer- chandize. E. भाण्ड and कन् added.
  • भाण्डपुट :: m. (-टः) A barber. E. भाण्ड a vessel, पुट् to rub, aff. क ।
  • भाण्डपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A sort of snake.
  • भाण्डप्रतिभाण्डक :: m. (-कः) Rule of barter, (in arithmetic.) E. भाण्ड and प्रति for, again, भाण्डक goods.
  • भाण्डभरक :: m. (-कः) The contents of any vessel. E. भाण्ड, and भरक what fills.
  • भाण्डवादन :: n. (-नं) Playing on musical instruments. E. भाण्ड and वादन sounding.
  • भाण्डागार :: m. (-रः) A store-room, a place where household goods and utensils are kept. n. (-रं) A treasury. E. भाण्ड a vessel and आगार a house.
  • भाण्डार :: n. (-रं) A store-house.
  • भाण्डि :: f. (-ण्डिः) A razor-case.
  • भाण्डिक :: m. (-कः) A musician, one especially who is to waken the prince or chief in the morning by vocal or instrumental music. E. भाण्ड a vessel, (an instrument,) and ठक् aff.
  • भाण्डिन् :: mfn. (-ण्डी -ण्डिनी -ण्डि) Having a vessel, utensil, &c. E. भाण्ड and इनि aff.
  • भाण्डिवाह :: m. (-हः) A barber. E. भाण्डि for भाण्ड having a bason and वाह who works or labours.
  • भाण्डिल :: m. (-लः) A barber. E. भाण्ड a vessel and इलच् aff.
  • भाण्डीर :: m. (-रः) The Indian fig-tree. E. भाण्ड a vessel, ईर् to bring, aff. क; referable perhaps to the legend that describes the infant KRISHṆA, taking his meals under a tree of this kind in the woods of Brin- dābana.
  • भात् :: mfn. (-भान् -भान्ती or -भाती-भात्) Shining splendid. E. भा to shine, शतृ aff.
  • भात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Shone, bright, resplendent. m. (-तः) Morning, dawn. E. भा to shine, aff. क्त .
  • भाति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Light, brightness. 2. Perception, knowledge.
  • भातु :: m. (-तुः) The sun. E. भा to shine, तुन् Unādi aff.
  • भाद्र :: m. (-द्रः) The name of a month, (August-September,) when the moon is full near the wing of Pegasus. E. भद्र for भद्रपदा and अण् aff: see the next.
  • भाद्रपद :: m. (-दः) The month Bhādra. E. भद्रपदा the asterism and अण् aff. f. (-दा) A name common to the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh lunar asterisms, distinguished by the epithets prior and subsequent or पूर्व्व and उत्तरः see पूर्व्वभाद्रपदा, &c. E. भाद्र said to mean a cow, and पद foot, अण् added optionally; whence it it is often read भद्रपदा ।
  • भाद्रमातुर :: m. (-रः) The son of a virtuous and loyal mother. E. भद्र aus- picious, मातृ a mother, aff. अण् ।
  • भान :: n. (-नं) The act of growing visible. 2. Light, lustre. 3. Perception. E. भा, ल्युट् aff.
  • भानु :: m. (-नुः) 1. The sun. 2. Light. 3. A ray of light. 4. A master. 5. A sovereign, a prince. 6. The father of the fifteenth Jaina pontiff. 7. Beauty. 8. A day. 9. An epithet of ŚIVA. f. (-नुः) A handsome woman. E. भा to shine, Unādi aff. नु ।
  • भानुफला :: f. (-ला) The plantain, (Musa sapientum.) E. भानु the sun, फल the fruit; being offered in the worship of the sun.
  • भानुमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) 1. Luminous, splendid, resplendent. 2. Beautiful, handsome. m. (-मान्) The sun. E. भानु light, मतुप् poss. aff.
  • भानुवार :: m. (-रः) Sunday. E. भानु the sun and वार a day.
  • भानेमि :: m. (-मिः) The sun. E. भा light, नेमि circumference. “अर्कवृक्षेच ।”
  • भाभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Bright, (as a planet.) E. भ and आभा light.
  • भाम् :: r. 1st cl. (भामते) r. 10th cl. (भामयति) To be angry or wrathful, to be impatient.
  • भाम :: m. (-मः) 1. Passion, anger, wrath. 2. Light, lustre. 3. The sun. 4. A sister's husband. f. (-मा) A passionate woman. E. भा to shine, and मन् Unādi aff., or भाम् to be angry, aff. अच् ।
  • भामक :: m. (-कः) A sister's husband. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • भामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Angry, passionate. f. (-नी) A passionate wo- man. E. भाम passion, इनि aff.
  • भार :: m. (-रः) 1. A weight of gold, equal to two thousand Palas. 2. A yoke for carrying burden. 3. A name of VISHṆU. 4. A weight, a burthen. 5. Excess. 6. Labour, toil, trouble. E. भृ to nourish, aff. घञ् ।
  • भारत :: n. (-तं) 1. Bhāratavarsha or India proper, so called from BHA- RATA, the son of DUSHYANTA, whose patrimony it was. (E. भरत the the prince and अण् aff.) 2. The great sacred epic-poem of the Hin- dus. (E. भार weight, त aff., भारतः having been put by the Rishis in a scale and weighed against the four Vedas which it was found to outweigh; thence its usual prefix of Mahā or great: a special grammatical rule, however, derived it from भरत the prince so named, because the war narrated in it occurred amongst his descen- dants.) m. (-तः) An actor, a mime. 2. A name of fire. 3. A descen- dant of BHARATA f. (-ती) 1. The goddess of speech. 2. Speech. 3. A quail. 4. A branch of the dramatic art, dramatic recitation or de- clamation, the delivery of the dialogue that is composed in ela- borate Sanskrit stanzas. E. भरत the inventor of the Indian drama, aff. अण्; or the name of a sage, whose devotions brought the god- dess SARASWATĪ from heaven; or again, भॄ to nourish, aff. अतच्, fem. aff. ङीप् ।
  • भारती :: f. (-ती) 1. The goddess of speech. 2. Speech, eloquence. 3. A quail. 4. A particular kind of style. E. भृ, अतच् aff.
  • भारद्वाज :: m. (-जः) 1. A name of DROṆA, the military preceptor of the Kurus and Pāndus. 2. One of the seven Rishis. 3. A name of the Muni AGASTYA. 4. The son of VRIHASPATĪ. 5. A sky-lark. n. (-जं) A bone. f. (-जी) Wild-cotton. E. भरद्वाज a lark, and अण् pleonastic or derivative aff.; in the latter case it refers to a legend of the Rishi BHARADWĀJA having been nursed by a lark, in consequence of being abandoned at his birth by his natural parents.
  • भारय :: m. (-यः) A lark.
  • भारयष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) A pole or yoke for carrying burdens; a stick carried over the shoulder, with strings attached to either end of it, form- ing at their lower extremity a noose, in which the articles to be conveyed are suspended. E. भार a burthen and यष्टि a stick.
  • भारव :: n. (-वं) A bow-string. f. (-वी) Holy-basil. E. भार a weight, बा to take. aff. क ।
  • भारवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Loaded, burthened, bearing a burthen. E. भार and मतुप् aff.
  • भारवाह :: m. (-हः) A porter, a bearer of burthens. E. भार a burthen, वह् to bear, aff. अण् ।
  • भारवाहन :: m. (-नः) A beast of burthen, (as a camel, &c.) n. (-नं) A vehi- cle for burthens, a waggon. E. भार and वाहन vehicle.
  • भारवाहिक :: mfn. (कः-की-कं) Carrying burthens. m. (-कः) A porter. E. भारवाह and ठक् aff.
  • भारवाहिन् :: m. (-ही) A porter. E. भार and वाहिन् who bears.
  • भारवि :: m. (-विः) The name of a poet, the author of the Kirātārjuniya.
  • भारवृक्ष :: m. (-क्ष) A fragrant substance, commonly Kākshi, considered variously as a vegetable or mineral product.
  • भारसह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) 1. Able to carry loads. 2. Fit for the yoke. E. भार and सह what bears.
  • भारहर :: m. (-रः) A porter. E. भार a burthen, and हर who takes, from हृ with ट aff.; also with अण् aff., भारहार and कन् added, भारहारक; or with घिनुण्, भारहारिन् ।
  • भारहार :: m. (-रः) 1. A porter. 2. Carrying a load. E. See the last.
  • भारहारिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Bearing a load, relating or referring to it, &c. E. भारहार and ठक् aff.
  • भाराक्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Loaded, laden, bearing a burthen. f. (-न्ता) A species of the Atyshti metre. E. भार and आक्रान्त overcome.
  • भारि :: m. (-रिः) A lion. E. भृ to threaten, aff. इन् ।
  • भारिक :: m. (-कः) A porter. f. (-का) Adj. Heavy. E. भार a burthen, ठक् aff.
  • भारिन् :: m. (-री) A porter. E. भार a burthen and इनि aff.
  • भारोद्धरण :: n. (-णं) Taking up or bearing a burthen. E. भार and उद्धरण taking up.
  • भारोद्वहन :: n. (-नं) Bearing a load. E. भार, and उद्वहन uplifting.
  • भार्गव :: m. (-वः) 1. A name of PARASURĀMA. 2. A name of SUKRA re- gent of VENUS, and preceptor of the Titans or demons. 3. An archer. 4. An elephant. f. (-वी) 1. The goddess PĀRVATĪ. 2. The goddes LAKSHMĪ. 3. Bent grass, (Panicum dactylon, the Agrostis linearis of LINNÆUS; according to the Hindus, and black variety.) E. भृगु a Muni, the ancestor of PARASU RĀMA, &c. and अण् aff. of descent.
  • भार्गवप्रिय :: m. (-यः) The diamond. E. भार्गव SUKRA, and प्रिय fond of.
  • भार्गी :: f. (-र्गी) A shrub, (Siphonanthus Indica.) E. भर्ग BRAHMĀ, and अण् aff.; sacred to that deity. “वामनहाटि” ।
  • भार्द्वाजी :: f. (-जी) Wild-cotton. E. A various reading of भारद्वाजी ।
  • भार्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) A servant.
  • भार्य्या :: f. (-र्य्या) A wife, espoused according to the ritual of the Vedas. E. भृ to nourish, ण्यत् aff.
  • भार्य्याट :: m. (-टः) A man who lets out his wife for prostitution. E. भार्य्या wife, अट् to go, aff. अच्; who lives by his wife.
  • भार्य्याटिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A henpecked-husband, one over-ruled by his wife. 2. A kind of deer. E. भार्य्या a wife, अट् to go or be with, aff. अच्, भार्य्याट, and ठक् added.
  • भार्य्यातिक्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Adultery. 2. Connubial intercourse. E. भार्य्या and अतिक्रम approaching.
  • भार्य्यात्व :: n. (-त्वं) The condition or state of a wife. E. भार्य्या, and त्व aff.
  • भार्य्यापति :: m. dual only. (-तौ) Husband and wife. E. भार्य्या wife, and पति a husband.
  • भार्य्यारु :: m. (-रुः) 1. The name of a mountain. 2. A sort of deer. 3. The father of a child by another man's wife. E. भार्य्या wife, ऋ to go to or with, उण् aff.
  • भार्य्योढ :: m. (-ढः) Married. E. भार्य्या, and ऊढ married.
  • भाल :: m. (-लः) 1. The forehead. 2. Darkness. E. भल् to explain, and अञ् aff.; a man's fortunes being supposed to be legible on his forehead; or भा to shine, aff. लच् ।
  • भालदर्शन :: n. (-नं) Red lead. E. भाल, and दर्शन appearing; being used to stain the forehead with particular lines, and marks.
  • भालदृश् :: m. (-दृक्) A name of ŚIVA. E. भाल and दृश् the eye, having the third eye in his forehead; also similar compounds, as भाललोचन, &c.
  • भालाङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) 1. A sort of fish, commonly the Rohita, (Cyprinus

Rohita, HAM.) 2. A saw. 3. A sort of potherb. 4. A man born with lucky lines on his forehead. 5. A tortoise. 6. A name of ŚIVA. E. भाल the forehead, and अङ्क a spot or mark.

  • भालु :: m. (-लुः) The sun. E. भॄ-ञुण् रस्य लः ।
  • भाल्लुक :: m. (-कः) A bear. E. भल्ल् to injure, aff. उकञ् or ऊकञ्, whence also भाल्लूक; and with उक aff. भल्लुक, भल्लूक, &c. q. v. also भालुक and भालूक ।
  • भाव :: m. (-वः) 1. State or condition of being. 2. Natural state of being, innate property, disposition, nature. 3. Meaning, purpose, inten- tion. 4. Mind, soul. 5. State or affection of mind, emotion, pass- ion, sentiment, especially as an object of amatory and dramatic poetry; two kinds of Bhāvas are usually enumerated, the Sthayi and Vyābhichāri; the first of which comprehends eight varieties, and the second thirty-three; the list blends both feelings and effects, and sorrow, and sleep, and passion, and death, &c. are equally classed amongst the Bhāvas; dramatic writers add two other classes, the Vibhāvas or preceding states of mind, leading to a particular condition of mind or body, and Anubhāvas the external signs of any state of mind. 6. Birth. 7. Act, action. 8. Movement, gesture. 9. Wanton sport or pastime. 10. Corporeal expression of amorous sentiments; or love, of which the origin and effects are ascribed to the organs of the body. 11. Thing, subs- tance. 12. A being, a living thing. 13. The place of birth, or pudendum muliebre. 14. Superhuman power. 15. The abstract idea conveyed by any word. 16. The simple idea derived from the root, as expressed in one class of derivatives, as a going, a doing, &c. 17. Advice, instruction. 18. A learned man, a pandit, (in theatrical language; but especially applied to the manager, or principal performer.) 19. Venerable, respectable. 20. The world, the universe. 21. An organ of sense or passion. E. भू to be, aff. घञ् ।
  • भावक :: m. (-कः) The external expression of amatory sentiments. f. (-का) Adj. 1. Effecting. 2. Promoting any one's welfare. 3. Imagining. 4. Having a poetical taste. E. कन् added to the last.
  • भावज :: m. (-जः) Love, KĀMA. E. भाव sentiment and ज produced.
  • भावत :: mfn. (-तः -ती -तं) Yours, your honour's. E. भवत् you, and अण् aff.
  • भावत्क :: mfn. (-त्कः -त्का -त्कं) Yours, (but used respectfully.) your honour's. E. भवत् you, and ठक् aff.
  • भावन :: nf. (-नं-ना) 1. Mental perception, recollection, the present con- sciousness of past ideas or perceptions. 2. Imagination. 3. Religi ous and abstract meditation. 4. Looking about, (literally or figur- atively.) observing, investigating. 5. Causing to be. 6. Decorating any person or object with flowers, perfume, &c, scenting, anoint- ing. 7. Steeping, infusion, especially repeatedly drying the article by day and keeping it moist at night. 8. (In arithmetic,) Composi- tion. 9. (In law,) Ascertainment, proof. E. भू to be, in the causal form, to bring present or into being, aff. णिच्-ल्यु ।
  • भावबोधक :: m. (-कः) The sign or indication of any sentiment or passion. E. भाव sentiment, and बोधक what indicates.
  • भावयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Fancying, imagining, calling to mind. E. भू to be, causal v., शतृ aff.
  • भावशवलता :: f. (-ता) Co existence of various emotions. E. भाव and शवलता variety of colour.
  • भावशान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) Allaying any transitory or incidental emotion. E. भाव and शान्ति quieting.
  • भावसंशुद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Purification of the natural condition or quality. E. भाव and संशुद्धि qualification.
  • भावसन्धि :: m. (-न्धिः) Co-existence of two emotions. E. भाव and सन्धि union.
  • भावसमाहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Of restrained purpose or thought, abstract- devout. E. भाव and समाहित collected.
  • भावाट :: m. (-टः) 1. The external expression or indication of amatory

feeling. 2. A pious or holy man. 3. An actor. 4. A libidinous man. 5. Dress, decoration. E. भाव the sentiment or disposition, अट् to go with, aff. अण् or अच् ।

  • भावानुग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Natural, simple, not forced or assumed. f. (-गा) A shadow. E. भाव and अनुग according to.
  • भावाभास :: m. (-सः) Simulation of feeling or emotion. E. भाव and आभास appearance.
  • भावार्थ :: m. (-र्थः) 1. The simple inherent or abstract meaning of words. 2. The obvious purport of a phrase or sentence. E. भाव and अर्थ sense.
  • भावाव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Tender, compassionate. E. भाव and अव what preserves.
  • भाविक :: mfn. (-कः -का -की-कं) 1. Natural, innate. 2. Sentimental, relating to feeling, &c. 3. Future. n. (-कं) A figure of rhetoric, describing the past or future as present. E. भाव and ठक् aff.; or भू to be, causal v., ण्वुल् aff.
  • भावित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Occupied with, pervaded by, having as an in- herent or pervading property. 2. Animated, inspired. 3. Imagined, conceived. 4. Perfumed, scented. 5. Mixed, (with any thing as an ingredient, as asafœtida or other fragrant substances in curry, &c.) 6. Obtained, got. 7. Promised, agreed, acknowledged. 8. Steeped, infused, digested, &c. 9. (In arithmetic,) Supposed, as the product of unknown quantities. E. भू to be, passive or causal v., aff. क्त ।
  • भावितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Imagining, conceiving. 2. Infusing, &c. E. भू to be, causal v., क्तवतु aff.
  • भावितात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) 1. Intent upon, engaged in. 2. Meditative. 3. One whose soul is purified by meditation on the universal soul. E. भावित pervaded, आत्मन् spirit.
  • भावित्र :: n. (-त्रं) The three worlds; earth, heaven and hell collectively. E. भू to exist, णित्रन् Unādi aff.
  • भाविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Future, what will be or what is about to be, proximately future. f. (-नी) A wanton woman. E. भू to be, Unādi aff. णिनि ।
  • भावोदय :: m. (-यः) Accession or occurrence of emotions. E. भाव, उदय rising.
  • भावुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Happy, well, right. 2. Actually being and dis- posed to be. 3. (In composition with other nouns,) Becoming what it was not before, as हाढ्यंभावुक one who becomes rich. n. (-कं) 1. Happiness, auspiciousness. 2. Language full of passions. m. (-कः) A sister's husband, (in theatrical language.) E. भू to be, aff. उकञ्; used in composition, the aff. is खुकञ् ।
  • भाव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. What must, will, or ought to be. 2. To be in- vestigated or determined. E. भू to be, aff. ण्यत् ।
  • भाष् (ऋ) भाषृ :: r. 1st cl. (भाषते) To speak: with परि prefixed, to explain, to expound; with सम् to discourse, to converse.
  • भाषण :: n. (-णं) 1. Speaking, speech. 2. Declaration of satisfaction at the end of a drama. E. भाष् to speak, ल्युट् aff.
  • भाषत् :: mfn. (-षन् -षन्ती -षत्) Speaking, saying. E. भाष and शतृ aff.
  • भाषमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Speaking, saying. E. भाष् to speak, शानच् aff.
  • भाषा :: f. (-षा) 1. Speech. 2. A language. 3. Common or vernacular speech. 4. A charge, (in law.) 5. SARASWATĪ, the goddess of speech. 6. One of the Rāginis. E. माष् to speak, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • भाषापाद :: n. (-दं) The plaint, the charge, the first of the four divisions of a law suit. E. भाषा speech, averment, and पाद quarter, division.
  • भाषासम :: m. (-मः) A figure of rhetoric, arrangement of a sentence so that it is both Sanskrit and Prākrita. E. भाषा and सम same.
  • भाषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Spoken, uttered, said. n. (-तं) Speech. E. भाष् to speak, aff. क्त .
  • भाष्य :: mfn. (ष्यः-ष्या-ष्यं) To be said or spoken. n. (-ष्यं) 1. A com- mentary, but particularly the explanation and application of a technical Sūtra or aphorism; hence applied to many of the anno- tations on the grammatical aphorisms of PĀṆINI, to comments on the Vedas, &c. 2. A sort of building. E. भाष् to speak, यत् aff.
  • भाष्यकर :: m. (-रः) A commentator or expounder of technical texts or aphorisms; commonly applied as an epithet of PĀTANJALĪ, the author of the Mahābhāshya or commentary on the annotations of KĀTYĀYANA. on PĀṆINI'S grammatical aphorisms. E. भाष्य as above, and कार who makes; also with कृत्, भाष्यकृत् the same.
  • भाष्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Being spoken to or addressed. E. भाष् to speak, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • भास् (ऋ) भासृ :: r. 1st cl (भासते) To shine. With प्र and नि prefixed, To appear to, to seem likely or probable to.
  • भाम् :: f. (-भाः) 1. Light. 2. A ray of light. 3. Wish, desire. E. भास् to shine, aff. क्विप् ।
  • भास :: mf. (-सः-सा) Light, lustre, shining. m. (सः) 1. A vulture. 2. A sort of bird described as a water-fowl. 3. A cock. 4. A station of cowherds. 5. Fancy. E. भास् to shine, घञ् aff.
  • भासक :: f. (-सिका) 1. Illumining. 2. Making evident. m. (-कः) Name of a poet.
  • भासन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ती -न्तं) 1. Beautiful, handsome. 2. Shining, splendid. m. (-न्तः) 1. The sun. 2. The moon. 3. A kind of water-fowl. mf. (-न्तः-न्ती) A star. E. भास् to shine, झच् Unādi aff.
  • भासयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Shining, radiant. E. भास् to shine, शतृ aff.
  • भासस् :: n. (-सः) Light, lustre. E. भास् to shine, असिच् aff.
  • भासु :: m. (-सुः) The sun. E. भास् to shine, Unādi aff. उण् ।
  • भासुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Shining, splendid. n. (-रं) A species of Costus, (C. speciosus.) m. (-रः) 1. Crystal. 2. A hero. E. भास् to shine, घुरच् aff.
  • भास्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Resplendent, shining. m. (-रः) 1. The sun. 2. Fire. 3. A hero. 4. The name of a celebrated astronomer. n. (-रं) Gold. E. भा light, and कृ to make, अच् aff., and स inserted.
  • भास्करप्रिय :: n. (-यं) The ruby. E. भास्कर the sun, and प्रिय fond of. “पद्मराग” .
  • भास्मन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Ashy, ashen, made or consisting of ashes. E. भस्मन् and अण् aff.
  • भास्वत् :: mfn. (-स्वान् -स्वती -स्वत्) Luminous, splendid, shining. m. (-स्वान्) 1. The sun. 2. Light. 3. A hero. f. (-स्वती) The city of the sun. E. भास् light, मतुप् aff.
  • भास्वर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Shining, radiant. m. (-रः) 1. The sun. 2. A day. n. (-रं) A sort of Costus, (C. speciosus.) E. भास् to shine, वरच् aff.
  • भिक्ष् :: r. 1st cl. (भिक्षते) 1. To beg. 2. To obtain. 3. To fail of obtaining. 4. To solicit any thing through cupidity or covetousness. 5. To be weary or distressed.
  • भिक्षण :: n. (-णं) Begging, asking alms. E. भिक्ष् to beg, ल्युट् aff.
  • भिक्षमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Asking, begging. E. भिक्ष् to beg, शानच् aff.
  • भिक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) 1. Service. 2. Hire, wages. 3. Begging, asking. 4. The thing obtained by begging, alms. 5. A mouthful or handful of food, given as alms. E. भिक्ष् to beg or obtain by begging, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • भिक्षाक :: mf. (-कः-की) A mendicant, a beggar. E. भिक्षा alms, and काकन् aff.
  • भिक्षाचर :: mf. (-रः-री) A mendicant, a beggar. E. भिक्षा alms, चर् to go, aff. ट ।
  • भिक्षाटन :: n. (-नं) Begging, mendicancy. m. (-नः) A mendicant. E. भिक्षा alms, and अटन going about for.
  • भिक्षान्न :: n. (-न्नं) Food obtained as alms. E. भिक्षा, and अन्न food.
  • भिक्षापात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A beggar's bowl, a vessel for collecting alms. E. भिक्षा, and पात्र a vessel.
  • भिक्षाशित्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Profligacy, roguery. 2. Mendicancy, subsisting on alms. E. भिक्षाशिन् a beggar, त्व abstract aff.
  • भिक्षाशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) 1. A beggar, a mendicant, subsisting on alms. 2. Dishonest. E. भिक्षा alms, अश् to eat, aff. णिनि ।
  • भिक्षार्ह :: mfn. (-र्हः -र्हा -र्हं) Fit for a beggar. E. भिक्षा, and अर्ह fit for.
  • भिक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Begged, sought as alms. E. भिक्ष् to beg, क्त aff.
  • भिक्षु :: m. (-क्षुः) The mendicant; the Hindu who has entered the fourth order and subsists wholly upon alms. 2. The fourth order of the Hindus. 3. A Bauddha mendicant. E. भिक्ष् to beg, aff. उन् ।
  • भिक्षुक :: mf. (-कः-की) A beggar. E. भिक्षु a beggar, कन् added; or भिक्ष-उक ।
  • भिक्षुसंघाटी :: f. (-टी) Old or ragged raiment, the garb of a beggar. E. भिक्षु a beggar, सम् with, घट् to endeavour, affs. अण् and ङीप् ।
  • भिक्षोत्कर :: m. (-रः) Scattering alms. E. भिक्षा alms, उत् before, कॄ to scat- ter, aff. अप् ।
  • भित्त :: n. (-त्तं) 1. A part, a portion. 2. A fragment, a bit. 3. A wall, a partition. E. भिद् to divide, aff. क्त, form irr.
  • भित्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. A wall of earth or masonry. 2. A thing broken or divided. 3. A place, a part. 4. Opportunity, occasion. 5. An asylum. 6. Breaking, tearing, dividing. 7. A flaw, a defect. 8. A rent, a fissure. 9. A fragment, a bit, a broken piece or part. 10. A mat. E. भिद् to divide, to break, to tear, &c. aff. क्तिन् ।
  • भित्तिका :: f. (-का) 1. A wall. 2. A small house-lizard. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • भित्तिचौर :: m. (-रः) A house-breaker. E. भित्ति a wall and चौर a thief; the mud-wall of the Hindu cottages being easily and commonly cut through, for burglarious purposes.
  • भित्तिपातन :: n. (-नं) A rat.
  • भिद् (इर्) भिदिर् :: r. 7th cl. (-भिनत्ति-भिन्ते) To break, to break or tear to pieces.
  • भिद् :: mfn. (-भिद् or भित्) Who or what breaks, divides, severs, des- troys, &c. f. (भिद् or भित्) 1. Kind, sort, difference. 2. Breaking, dividing. E. भिद् to break, aff. क्विप् ।
  • भिदक :: m. (-कः) A sword. n. (-कं) 1. INDRA'S thunderbolt. 2. A diamond. E. भिद् to break, aff. क्वुन् ।
  • भिदा :: f. (-दा) 1. Tearing, rending. 2. Coriander. 3. Separation. 4. Diff- erence. 5. Kind, species. E. भिद् to divide, aff. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • भिदि :: m. (-दिः) INDRA'S thunderbolt. E. भिद् to break, Unādi aff. कि; also भिदु .
  • भिदिर :: n. (-रं) INDRA'S thunderbolt. E. भिद् to break or split, किरच् Unādi aff.
  • भिदु :: m. (-दुः) The thunderbolt of INDRA. E. भिद् to split, Unādi aff. कु .
  • भिदुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Brittle. 2. Breaking. 3. Mixed. n. (-रं) The thunderbolt. m. (-रः) The Plaksha-tree. E. भिद् to break, (the earth, the mountains, &c.) कुरच् aff.
  • भिदेलिम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) To be, or what may be broken. E. भिद् to break, केलिमर् aff.
  • भिद्य :: m. (-द्यः) A river, a male river. E. भिद् to break, (its banks,) क्यप् aff.
  • भिद्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Being divided, pierced, broken, &c. 2. Being separated or distinguished. E. भिद् to break, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • भिद्र :: mn. (-द्रः-द्रं) The thunderbolt. E. भिद् to break, Unādi aff. रक्; also भिदु, भिदुर, &c.
  • भिन्दत् :: mfn. (-न्दन् -न्दन्ती -न्दत्) Breaking, destroying. E. भिद् to break, शतृ aff.
  • भिन्द(न्दि)पाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A short arrow thrown from the hand, or shot through a tube. 2. A sling, a string-instrument for throwing stones. E. भिदि-इन् भिन्दि, पालि-अन् ।
  • भिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Split, broken, torn, rent. 2. Divided, dis- tinguished, other, different. 3. Separated, detached. 4. Blown, budded, opened. 5. Neglected, deviated from. 6. Loosened. 7. Pounded 8. Deprived of. 9. Furious, in rut, (as an elephant.) m. (-न्नः) A flaw in a jewel. n. (-न्नं) 1. A bit, a portion. 2. (In arithmetic,) A fraction. E. भिद् to break, to divide, aff. क्त ।
  • भिन्नक :: m. (-कः) A heterodox sectary, a Bauddha, a seceder. E. भिन्न broken, separated, and कन् aff.
  • भिन्नगात्रिका :: f. (-का) A kind of cucumber, (Cucumis utilatissimus.) E. भिन्न divided, गात्र the body, aff. of comparison कन् ।
  • भिन्नगुणन :: n. (-नं) Multiplication of fractions. E. भिन्न, and गुणन multiplying.
  • भिन्नघन :: n. (-नं) The cube of a fraction. E. भिन्न and घन a cube.
  • भिन्नदेह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Wounded. E. भिन्न and देह body.
  • भिन्ननौक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Wrecked. E. भिन्न and नौका a ship.
  • भिन्नभागहर :: m. (-रः) Division of fractions. E. भिन्न and भागहर division.
  • भिन्नभाण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) A pot-sherd, a broken plate or vessel. E. भिन्न and भाण्ड a vessel.
  • भिन्नभिन्नात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) Chick-pea, (Cicer arietinum,)
  • भिन्नमर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्म -र्म्म) Pierced in the joints, mortally wounded. E. भिन्न and मर्म्मन् a joint.
  • भिन्नवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Divided, scattered. E. भिद् to break, क्तवतु aff.
  • भिन्नवर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) Square of a fraction. E. भिन्न and वर्ग a square.
  • भिन्नवृत्ति :: mfn. (-त्ति -त्तिः -त्ति) 1. Neglecting the prescribed observances. 2. Following an occupation not suited to birth or caste. E. भिन्न, and वृत्ति practice.
  • भिन्नव्यवकलित :: n. (-तं) Subtraction of fractions. E. भिन्न, व्यवकलित subtrac- tion; also भिन्नव्यवकलनं, &c.
  • भिन्नसङ्कलित :: n. (-तं) Addition of fractions. E. भिन्न, सङ्कलित addition; also भिन्नसङ्कलनं, &c.
  • भिन्नस्वर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Hesitating, (in speech.) 2. Hoarse, discordant. E. भिन्न, स्वर a note.
  • भिया :: f. (-या) Fear. E. भी to fear, टाप् aff., and इयङ् augment.
  • भिल् :: r. 10 cl. (भेलयति-ते) To divide or separate.
  • भिल्ल् :: m. (-ल्लः) A barbarian of a particular tribe, perhaps the modern Bheel, a savage race dwelling especially along the course of the Narmadā, and subsisting chiefly by plunder.
  • भिषग्जित :: n. (-तं) A drug, a medicament. E. भिषज् a physician, and जित subdued, (by whom.)
  • भिषज् :: m. (-षक्) A Vaidya or physician. E. भी to fear, अजि Unādi aff., and षुक् augment; or भिषज् a Kanḍwādi root, to overcome, (disease,) aff. क्विप् ।
  • भिस्मटा :: f. (-टा) Scorched-rice. E. भिस्मा boiled-rice, टीक् to go or re- semble, ड aff.; this word is variously read भिस्मिटा भिष्मिटा, भिष्मिष्टा, भिष्मिका ।
  • भिस्मा :: f. (-स्मा) Boiled-rice. E. भिद to break, aff. क्विप्, सो to destroy, aff. क, and the द of भिद् changed irrly. to स; also read भिष्म; see the last.
  • भी (ञि) ञिभी :: r. 3rd cl. (विभेति) To dread, to fear, to be afraid of: also, r. 1st and 10th cls. (भयति भाययति) but not always admitted.
  • भी :: f. (-भीः) Fear, dread. E. भी to fear, aff. क्विप् ।
  • भीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Afraid, frightened, fearful, timid. 2. Imperiled. n. (-तं) Fear, alarm, apprehension. E. भी to fear, aff. क्त ।
  • भीतङ्कार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Fear-inspiring. E. भीत, and कार making.
  • भीतभीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Much frightened. E. भीत afraid, repeated.
  • भीतवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वन्) Afraid. E. भी to fear, क्तवतु aff.
  • भीति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Fear, apprehension. 2. Trembling, shaking. E. भी to fear, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • भीम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Horrible, fearful, terrific. n. (-मं) Horror, terror. m. (-मः) 1. A name of ŚIVA. 2. One of the five Pāndu princes. 3. A kind of sorrel, (Rumex vesicarius.) f. (-मा) 1. A name of DURGĀ. 2. Whip. 3. A sort of perfume: see रोचना . E. भी to fear, Unādi aff. मक् ।
  • भीमकर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्म) Dreadful, destructive. E. भीम, कर्म्मन् act.
  • भीमदर्शन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Frightful, hideous. E. भीम, दर्शन appearance.
  • भीमनाद :: m. (-दः) 1. A lion. 2. A loud or fearful sound. 3. Name of one of the seven clouds which spring up at the end of the world. E. भीम formidable, नाद voice.
  • भीमर :: m. (-रः) War, battle. E. भीम fear, रा to give or get, aff. क ।
  • भीमरथी :: f. (-थी) 1. A particular night, supposed to be the ordinary pe- riod of human life; seventh night, in the seventh month, of the seventy-seventh year; a person after this period exempt from all religious or specific observances. 2. The name of a river in the Himālaya mountains. E. भीम formidable, रथ a car.
  • भीमविक्रम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Tremendous in power or strength. E. भीम, and विक्रम prowess.
  • भीमविक्रान्त :: m. (-न्तः) A lion. E. भीम formidable, विक्रान्त power, valour.
  • भीमविग्रह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Gigantic, terrific in appearance. E. भीम, and विग्रह body.
  • भीमवेग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Terribly swift or rapid. E. भीम्, and वेग speed.
  • भीमशासन :: m. (-नः) A name of YAMA. E. भीम formidable, शासन edict.
  • भीमसेन :: m. (-नः) 1. The third of the five Pāndu princes. 2. A kind of camphor. E. भीम formidable, and सेना an army.
  • भीरु :: mfn. (-रुः -रुः or -रुः-रु) Timid, fearful. f. (-रुः-रूः) 1. A timid woman. 2. A plant, (Asparagus racemosus.) 3. A sort of prickly night- shade. 4. A jackal. 5. A centipede. 6. A tiger. 7. A goat. n. (-रु) Silver. E. भी to fear, Unādi aff. क्रु; also र being changed to उ, भीलु ।
  • भीरुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Timid, fearful, 2. Formidable. 3. Shy. n. (-कं) A wood, a forest. m. (-कः) 1. An owl. 2. A bear. E. भी to fear, Unādi aff. क्रुकन्; also ल being substituted for र, भीलुक ।
  • भीरुचेतस् :: m. (-ताः) A deer. E. भीरु timid. चेतस् disposition.
  • भीरुता :: f. (-ता) Fear, timidity, fearfulness. E. तल् added to भीरु, also with त्व, भीरुत्वं ।
  • भीरुमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Terrific, frightful. E. भीरु and मयट् aff.
  • भीरुरन्ध्र :: m. (-न्ध्रः) An oven, a furnace. E. भीरु fearful and रन्ध्र a chasm.
  • भीरुहृदय :: m. (-यः) A deer. E. भीरु timid, हृदय the heart.
  • भीलु :: mfn. (-लुः -लुः or लूः -लु) Timid, fearful: see भीरु .
  • भीलु(लू)क :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Timid, fearful. m. (-कः) A bear: see भीरुक ।
  • भीषण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Horrible, terrific, formidable. 2. Hard, harsh. 3. Exciting the sentiment of horror, applied to poetical composi- tions. m. (-णः) The olibanum tree, (Boswellia thurifera.) 2. A name of ŚIVA. 3. A pigeon. n. (-णं) 1. Horror, terror the property that excites fear. 2. The sentiment of horror as the object of poetical com position. E. भी to fear, in the causal form, aff. ल्युट् or युच्, and सुक् aug.
  • भीषयमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Terrifying, frightening. E. भी to fear, causal v., शानच aff.
  • भीषा :: f. (-षा) 1. Terrifying, frightening, intimidation. 2. Terror. E. भी to fear, causal v., अङ् and टाप् affs., and सुक् aug.
  • भीष्म :: mfn. (-ष्मः -ष्मा -ष्मं) Horrible, terrific, fearful. n. (-ष्मं) Horror, horri- bleness, the property of exciting fear or terror. m. (-ष्मः) 1. A name of ŚIVA. 2. The grand-uncle of the Pāndus. 3. An imp, a goblin. E. भी to fear, मक् Unādi aff. and सुक् augment.
  • भीष्मसू :: f. (-सूः) The Ganges. E. भीष्म the prince so named, and सू mother; being the mother of BHĪSHMA by ŚANTANU.
  • भुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Eaten, eating, (either that which is eaten, or the person who has eaten.) 2. Possessed, enjoyed. n. (-क्तं) Food. E. भुज् to eat, aff. क्त ।
  • भुक्तवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Having eaten. 2. Having possessed. E. भुज् to eat, क्तवतु aff.
  • भुक्तशेष :: n. (-षं) Orts, leavings. E. भुक्त and शेष remainder.
  • भुक्तसमुज्झित :: n. (-तं) Orts, leavings, either after a meal or what has dropped from the mouth. E. भुक्त eaten, समुज्झित abandoned.
  • भुक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Eating. 2. Possession, fruition, usufruct. 3. Food. 4. The diurnal motion of a planet. E. भुज् to eat, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • भुक्त्वा :: Ind. Having possessed, eaten, enjoyed, &c. E. भुज् to eat, क्त्वा aff.
  • भुग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) 1. Crooked, curved. 2. Bent, bowed. bending, stooping. 3. Broken. E. भुज् to curve, aff. क्त ।
  • भुज् :: r. 7th cl. (भुनक्ति भुंक्ते) 1. To save, to cherish or protect. 2. To eat. 3. To enjoy, (carnally.) 4. To suffer or endure. (ओ, औ) औभुजौ r. 6th. cl. (भुजति) To bend, to make crooked.
  • भुज् :: Adj. (At the end of a compound.) 1. Eating, enjoying, as in स्वधा- भुज् . 2. Ruling, as in क्षितिभुज् . f. 1. Enjoyment. 2. Profit.
  • भुज :: mf. (-जः-जा) 1. The arm. 2. The hand 3. The trunk of an ele- phant. 4. The arm or leg of a geometrical figure, as a square or triangle. 5. A bending, a curve. E. भुज् to bend, aff. क ।
  • भुजकोटर :: m. (-रः) The armpit. E. भुज the arm, and कोटर a hollow.
  • भुजग :: m. (-गः) A snake. E. भुज् a curve, and ग who goes.
  • भुजगदारण :: m. (-णः) The bird of VISHṆU. E. भुजग a snake, and दारण des- troyer; this word, and similar compounds, may be applied equally

to any of the natural enemies of the serpent race, as the ardea, the peacock, the ichneumon, &c. ut infra.

  • भुजगान्तक :: m. (-क .) GARUḌA, the bird of VISHṆU. E. भुजग a snake, and अन्तक destroyer: see the last.
  • भजगाभोजिन् :: m. (-जी) A peacock. E. भुजग a snake, and आभोजिन् who eats: see भुजगदारण ।
  • भुजगातशन :: m. (-नः) GARUḌA. E. भुजग a snake, and अशन food.
  • भुजङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A snake. 2. A catamite, a lecher. f. (-ङ्गी) A female snake. E. भुज् a curve, गम् to go, खच् aff.; also भुजङ्गम ।
  • भुजङ्गघातिनी :: f. (-नी) A plant considered as an antidote, commonly Kan- kālika, and said to be a sort of mustard. E. भुजङ्ग a snake, घातिनी destructive. “सर्पाक्षीलतायास च ।”
  • भुजङ्गप्रयात :: n. (-तं) A species of the Jagatī metre.
  • भुजङ्गभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) 1. The bird and vehicle of VISHṆU. 2. A peacock. E. भुजङ्ग a snake, and भुज् who eats.
  • भुजङ्गभोजिन् :: m. (-जी) The large Indian serpent, (Boa constrictor.) E. भुजङ्ग a snake, and भोजिन् who eats; devouring the smaller races.
  • भुजङ्गम :: m. (-मः) A snake. E. भुज् bending, गम् to go, and खच् aff.; also भुजग and भुजङ्ग ।
  • भुजङ्गविजृम्भित :: n. (-तं) A species of the Utkritī metre.
  • भुजङ्गशिशु :: m. (-शुः) A species of the Vrihatī metre.
  • भुजङ्गसङ्गता :: f. (-ता) Another species of the Vrihatī metre.
  • भुजङ्गहन् :: m. (-हा) GARUḌA. E. भुजङ्ग a snake, and हन् who kills: see भुजगदारण ।
  • भुजङ्गाक्षी :: f. (-क्षी) A plant, (the ichneumon plant: see रास्वा . E. भुजङ्ग a snake, अक्ष to pervade, affs. अण् and ङीप्; otherwise भुजङ्ग and अक्ष् an eye; the flowers being compared to the eye of the snake.
  • भुजङ्गाख्य :: m. (-ख्यः) A plant, (Mesua ferrea.) E. भुजङ्ग a snake, and आख्या a name.
  • भूजज्या :: f. (-ज्या) The base sine, (in astronomy.)
  • भुजशिरस् :: n. (-रः) The shoulder, the shoulder blade. E. भुज् the arm, शिरस् the head.
  • भुजा :: f. (-जा) 1. The arm. 2. The land. 3. The coil of a snake.
  • भुजाकण्ट :: m. (-ण्ट) A finger-nail. E. भुजा the hand, and कण्ट a thorn.
  • भुजादल :: m. (-लः) A hand. E. भुजा the arm, and दल a leaf.
  • भुजान्तर :: n. (-रं) The breast, the chest. E. भुज् the arm, and अन्तर inter- vening.
  • भुजापीड :: m. (-डः) Clasping or enfolding in the arms. E. भुज and आपीड pressing.
  • भुजामध्य :: n. (-ध्यं) The elbow.
  • भुजि :: m. (-जिः) Fire. E. भुज् to eat, इन् Unādi aff.
  • भुजिष्य :: mf. (-ष्यः-ष्या) A servant, a slave. m. (-ष्यः) 1. An independent man. 2. A string worn round the wrist. 3. A companion. 4. A disease. f. (-ष्या) 1. A harlot, a whore. 2. A female slave. E. भुज् to be crooked, Unādi aff. किष्यन् ।
  • भुज्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Being enjoyed or possessed. 2. Being eaten. E. भुज् to enjoy, pass. v., शानथ् aff.
  • भुज्यु :: m. (-ज्युः) Eating. E. भुज् to eat, युच् Unādi aff.
  • भुञ्जान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. An enjoyer, a possessor. 2. Eating, feeding. E. भुज् to enjoy, aff. शानच् ।
  • भुड (इ) भुडि :: r. 1st. cl. (भुण्डते) 1. To support, to maintain. 2. To select.
  • भुरिज :: f. (-रिक्) The earth. E. भृ to nourish, इजि Unādi aff, and उर subs- tituted for the radical vowel; also भूरिज् ।
  • भुवन :: n. (-नं) 1. A world, (they are said to be either three or fourteen in number.) 2. Water. 3. Heaven. 4. Man, mankind. 5. The number “fourteen.” 6. The earth. E. भू to be, क्युन् Unādi aff.
  • भुवन्यु :: m. (-न्युः) 1. The sun. 2. The Moon. 3. Fire. 4. A Master or lord. E. भू to be, Unādi aff. कन्थुच् ।
  • भुवनत्रय :: n. (-यं) The three worlds: heaven, atmosphere and earth. E. भुवन, त्रय triad.
  • भुवर्लोक :: m. (-कः) One of the divisions of the universe, the space between the earth and the sun, and the haunt of the Siddhas, Munis and other saintly beings. E. भुवस् heaven, and लोक world.
  • भुवस् :: Ind. Heaven, æther, sky, or atmosphere. E. भू to be, Unādi aff. असुन् ।
  • भुविस् :: n. (-विः) The ocean. E. भू to be, Unādi aff. इसि and the radical vowel changed.
  • भु(श)शुण्डी :: f. (-ण्डी) A weapon, apparently a kind of fire arms or rocket.
  • भू :: r. 1st. cl. (भवति) 1. To be, to become, to exist. 2. To be born or produced. r. 10th cl. (भावयति) 1. To mix. 2. To think. 3. To be clear or pure. r. 1st and 10th cls. (भवति-ते भावयति-ते) To obtain. The first form of this root takes most of the prefixes, and then possesses a great variety of applications. With अधि . To rule or pre- side over. With अनु . 1. To feel, to apprehend or perceive. 2. To do, to make. 3. To enjoy. 4. To investigate. With अभि . 1. To over- come. 2. To pain or afflict. With उत्, To be born or produced. With परा To be vanquished. With प्र, 1. To become manifest, to appear, to come into sight or existence. 2. To be equal to in per- sonal conflict, to be a match for. 3. To rule, to be supreme, to preside over. 4. To be beyond or over. 5. To proceed. With प्रति To be substitute for. With परि, 1. To disrespect. 2. To surround. With वि, 1. To see. 2. To uphold. 3. To prove. 4. To have majesty or power. With वि and अति, व्यतिभवते, To be mutually or recipro- cally. With सम्, 1. To be possible. 2. To exist, to be born or pro- duced. 3. To contain. 4. To overcome. 5. To be able or adequate. 6. To associate, to collect, to mix or assemble. 7. To nourish.
  • भू :: Adj. (At the end of a compound,) 1. Becoming, springing from, as in गिरिभू, वित्तभू, &c. 2. Being, existing.
  • भू :: f. (-भूः) 1. The earth. 2. Place, site, the place of being or abiding. 3. Landed property. 4. The base of a geometrical figure. 5. Subject- matter, subject. 6. The number “one.” 7. The first of the three mystical syllables uttered by a Brāhmana at the beginning of his daily prayers. 8. Sacrificial-fire. Ind. (भू) The lowest of the seven hells. E. भू to be, aff. क्विप् ।
  • भूक :: mn. (-कः-कं) 1. A hole, a chasm. 2. Time. 3. Darkness. 4. A spring. E. भू to be, Unādi aff. कक् ।
  • भूकदम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) A plant, (Ligusticum ajwaen.) E. भू the earth, and कदम्ब nauclea. “कोक्सिमा” ।
  • भूकम्प :: m. (-म्पः) An earthquake. E. भू the earth, and कम्प a trembling.
  • भूकर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) (In astronomy,) The radius of the equator. E. भू, कर्ण a sine.
  • भूकल :: m. (-लः) A restiff unmanageable horse.
  • भूकश्यप :: m. (-पः) A name of VASUDEVA, the father of KRISHṆA. E. भू the earth, and कश्यप KASYAPA; being an incarnation of that personage.
  • भूकाक :: m. (-कः) 1. A small kind of heron. 2. A kind of pigeon. 3. The curlew. E. भू earth, and काक a crow.
  • भूकेश :: m. (-शः) 1. An aquatic plant, (Vallisneria octandra.) 2. The Indian-fig. f. (-शा) A plant, (Serratula anthelmintica.) f. (-शी) A Rākshasi or female goblin. E. भू the earth, and केश hair.
  • भूक्षित् :: m. (-क्षित्-क्षिद्) A hog. E. भू the earth, क्षि to destroy, aff. छिप् तुक् added.
  • भूगर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) A name of BHAVABHŪTI, the author of the Mālati Mādhava, and other dramas. E. भू the earth, गर्म fœtus.
  • भूगर :: n. (-रं) Poison. E. भू and गर poison.
  • भूगोल :: m. (-लः) The terrestrial globe, the earth. E. भू the earth, गोल a ball or globe.
  • भूचक्र :: n. (-क्रं) (In astronomy,) The equinoctial line. E. भू and चक्र a circle.
  • भूच्छाया :: f. (-या) 1. The shadow of the earth, popularly called RĀhu. 2. Darkness. E. भू the earth, and छाया shade.
  • भूजन्तु :: m. (-न्तुः) 1. An earth-worm. 2. An elephant. E. भू and जन्तु a being.
  • भूजम्बू :: f. (-म्बूः) 1. Wheat. 2. The fruit of the Vikankata, (Flacourtia sapida.) E. भू the earth, and जम्बू rose-apple.
  • भूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Been, become. 2. Being, existing. 3. Gone, past. 4. (In composition,) Like, resembling. 5. Obtained, got. 6. Pro-

per, right. 7. True. 8. Known. 9. Mixed. mn. (-तः-तं) 1. A goblin, a ghost, a malignant spirit, haunting cemeteries, lurking in trees, animating carcases and deluding or devouring human beings. 2. A living being. m. (-तः) 1. A son, a child. 2. A demi-god of a parti- cular class. 3. The fourteenth day of the dark half of the lunar month. 4. A name of ŚIVA. n. (-त) 1. An element; five Bhūtas are enumerated: earth, fire, water, air and Ākās or æther. 2. (In law,) Fact, matter of fact, the real state of the case, or what has actually been. 3. The past. 4. Welfare. 5. The world. 6. The number “five,” (in math.) E. भू to be, aff. क्त of the participle past.

  • भूतकेश :: f. (-शी) The white basil. E. भूत a spirit and केश hair.
  • भूतक्रान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) Possession by evil spirits. E. भूत a goblin, क्रान्घि going.
  • भूतगण :: m. (-णः) A class of spirits or goblins. E. भूत and गण a troop.
  • भूतगन्धा :: f. (-न्धा) Mura, a sort of perfume. E. भूत a goblin, and गन्ध a per- fume; used perhaps in the ceremonies with which those beings are worshipped.
  • भूतग्राम :: m. (-मः) Any aggregate of elementary matter, the body, the world. E. भूत and ग्राम a heap.
  • भूतघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) 1. A camel. 2. Garlic. f. (-घ्नी) 1. A plant, commonly Mundīrī. 2. Holy basil. E. भूत a spirit, and घ्न what destroys or removes.
  • भूतचतुर्दशी :: f. (-शी) The fourteenth day of the second half of Kārtic.
  • भूतजटा :: f. (-टा) Indian spikenard, (Valeriana jatāmānsi.) E. भूत a gob- lin, and जटा clustered locks.
  • भूतदया :: f. (-या) Compassion or tenderness to all creatures. E. भूत and दया clemency.
  • भूतधात्री :: f. (-त्री) The earth. E. भूत a living being, and धात्री a nurse.
  • भूतनाथ :: m. (-थः) SĪVA. E. भूत a spirit of element, and नाथ lord.
  • भूतनायिका :: f. (-का) DURGĀ. E. भूत a spirit, and नायिका leader.
  • भूतनाशन :: m. (-नः) 1. Marking-nut plant, (Semicarpus anacardium.) 2. mustard. n. (-नं) The Elecarpus seed. E. भूत a goblin, and नाशन dispelling.
  • भूतपुष्प :: m. (-ष्प .) A plant, (Bignonia Indica.) E. भूत a spirit, पुष्प a flower.
  • भूतपूर्णिमा :: f. (-मा) Day of full-moon in Āshwin. E. भूत a spirit, and पूर्णिमा full moon; the Bhūtas being worshipped in this day.
  • भूतपूर्व्वम् :: Ind. Formerly.
  • भूतबलि :: f. (-लिः) Throwing the remnants of an offering on the ground for animals and outcaste, &c. E. भूत and बलि an offering.
  • भूतभर्त्तृ :: mfn. (-र्त्ता -त्त्री -र्त्तृ) Supporting the elements, living beings. E. भूत and भर्त्तृ who cherishes.
  • भूतभाव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Elementary. E. भूत and भाव a nature.
  • भूतभृत् :: mfn. (-भृत्) Supporting the elements, living beings. E. भूत and भृत् sustaining.
  • भूतमात्र :: nf. (-त्रं-त्रा) The rudiment of an element. E. भूत and मात्र element.
  • भूतयज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) 1. Offering viands, &c. to all created beings. 2. Wor- shipping evil spirits. E. भूत and यज्ञ sacrifice.
  • भूतल :: n. (-लं) The earth, the surface of the earth. E. भू and तल् below.
  • भूतवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Being, been. E. भू to be, क्तवतु aff.
  • भूतवास :: m. (-सः) Beleric myrobalan, (Terminalia belerica.) E. भूत a goblin, and वास abode.
  • भूतविक्रिया :: f. (-या) Epilepsy, possession by evil spirits. E. भूत and विक्रिया change.
  • भूतविद्या :: n. (-द्या) Demonology.
  • भूतवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. A tree, (Trophis aspera.) 2. A species of Bignonia, (B. Indica.) E. भूत a goblin and वृक्ष a tree.
  • भूतवेशी :: f. (-शी) A species of the Nibāri (Nyctanthes tristis,) with
  • भूतसञ्चार :: m. (-रः) Possession by evil spirits. f. (-री) Fire in a forest. E. (-रिणी ।) भूत a goblin, सम् with, चर् to go, aff. घञ्; also भूतसञ्चारिन् f. white flowers. E. भूत a goblin, विश् to pervade, अण् and ङीप् affs.
  • भूतसम्पृक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Combined with elementary matter. E. भूत and सम्पृक united.
  • भूतसम्प्लव :: m. (-वः) A deluge, a drowning of the world. E. भूत all beings, and सम्प्लब swimming, floating.
  • भूतसंसार :: m. (-रः) The world of mortals. E. भूत a sentient being, and संसार world.
  • भूतसर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) Elementary nature. E. भूत and सर्ग nature.
  • भूतस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Residing or existing in the elements. E. भूत, and स्थ what stays.
  • भूतात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) 1. The body. 2. BRAHMĀ. 3. A name of Śiva. 4. War, conflict. 5. The elementary or vital principle, or the proximate cause of life and action. E. भूत्र an element, आत्मन् self or soul.
  • भूतादि :: m. (-दिः) God, the originator beings. E. भूत and आदि first.
  • भूतारि :: m. (-रिः) Asafœtida. E. भूत and अरि a foe.
  • भूतार्त्त :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -त्ता -र्त्तं) Possessed by an evil spirit. E. भूत a spirit, आर्त्त pained.
  • भूतावास :: m. (-सः) The body. E. भूत and आवास abode.
  • भूताविष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्ट) Occupied or possessed by a devil. E. भूत a spirit, आविष्ट entered.
  • भूतावेश :: m. (-शः) Possession by a devil or evil spirit. E. भूत a goblin, and आवेश entrance.
  • भूति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Power, dignity. 2. Superhuman power, as attributable to ŚIVA especially, and attainable by the practice of austere and magical rites. 3. Prosperity, success. 4. Production, birth. 5. Ashes. 6. Fried meat. 7. The rut of elephants. 8. State of being, &c. 9. Wealth, riches, fortune. 10. Welfare. 11. Decoration of elephant, with coloured stripes. E. भू to be, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • भूतिक :: n. (-कं) 1. A sort of gentian, (G. Cherayta.) 2. A fragrant grass, (Andropogon schœnanthus.) 3. Another kind of grass. 4. A medi- cinal plant, commonly Kayaphal. 5. Ligusticum ajwaen. 6. Camphor. 7. Sandal-wood. E. भूत being or spirit, &c. aff. ठक्; also भूतीक ।
  • भूतिकाम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Desirous of wealth, aggrandisement, &c. m. (-मः) 1. A king's counsellor, a minister of state. 2. VRIHASPATĪ. E. भूति and काम who desires.
  • भूतिकाल :: m. (-लः) A happy hour.
  • भूतिकील :: m. (-लः) 1. A moat, a ditch. 2. A celler, a place under ground for concealing wealth, &c.
  • भूतिकृत्य :: n. (-त्यं) Any ceremony of a festive character, as a marriage, &c. E. भूति and कृत्य rite; also भूतिकर्म्म, &c.
  • भूतिगर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) BHAVABHŪTI, the dramatic poet. E. भूति superhuman power, and गर्भ embryo, being resuscitated by his contemporary, and rival KĀLIDĀNA, after having lost his life in an intrigue.
  • भूतिज्य :: mfn. (-ज्यः -ज्या -ज्यं) A worshipper of spirits. E. भूत, इज्या worship.
  • भूतिनिधान :: n. (-नं) The twenty-fourth lunar mansion, Dhanishṭhā. E. भूति prosperity, and निधानं receptacle.
  • भूतीक :: n. (-कं) 1. A sort of gentian. 2. A kind of lovage, (Ligusticum ajwaen.) 3. A fragrant grass, (Andropogon schœnanthus.) 4. An- other sort of grass. 5. Sandal wood. 6. Camphor. E. भूत being, aff. ईकक् otherwise भूतिक ।
  • भूतृण :: m. (-णः) A kind of fragrant grass, called “चिप्पगड्डि” by the Tailangeese.
  • भूतेश :: m. (-शः) ŚIVA. E. भूत an imp, ईश lord.
  • भूतोपहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Possessed by an evil spirit. E. भूत and उपहत affected.
  • भूत्तम :: n. (-मं) Gold. E. भू earth, उत्तम best.
  • भूत्वा :: Ind. Having been or become. E. भू to be, क्त्वा aff.
  • भूदार :: m. (-रः) A hog. E. भू earth, दृ to tear, aff. अण् ।
  • भूदेव :: m. (-वः) A Brāhman E. भू the earth, and देव a divinity.
  • भूधन :: m. (-नः) A king. E. भू the earth, and धन wealth.
  • भूधर :: m. (-रः) 1. A mountain. 2. A kind of chemical or medicinal ap- paratus; a sand bath in which a covered crucible is placed, and the fire is lighted above as well as below it. 3. The number “seven.” E. भू earth, धृ to support, aff. अप् ।
  • भूध्र :: m. (-ध्रः) A mountain. E. भू the earth, धृ to hold, aff. अप्, and the vowel changed to its analogous semi-vowel.
  • भूनाग :: m. (-गः) An earth-worm. E. भू the earth, and नाग a snake.
  • भूनिम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) A species of gentian, commonly cheraytā, (Gentiana cheraytā, Rox.) E. भू the earth, and निम्ब the Nimba tree.
  • भूतेतृ :: m. (-ता) A king, a sovereign. E. भू the earth, and नेतृ a leader.
  • भूप :: m. (-पः) A sovereign, a prince, a king. E. भू the earth, पा to che- rish, aff. क ।
  • भूपति :: m. (-तिः) A king, a sovereign. E. भू the earth, and पति master.
  • भूपद :: m. (-दः) A tree. f. (-दी) Arabian jasmine, (Jasminum zambac.) E. भू the earth, and पद foot, root.
  • भूपरिधि :: m. (-धिः) 1. The equinoctial line. 2. The circumference of the earth. E. भू and परिधि a circle.
  • भूपाल :: m. (-लः) A king, a sovereign. E. भू the earth, and पाल who cherishes.
  • भूपुत्त्री :: f. (-त्त्री) SĪTĀ, the wife of RĀMA. E. भू the earth, and पुत्त्री a daughter; being turned up out of the soil by a plough.
  • भूभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) A king, a sovereign. E. भू the earth, भुज् to enjoy, aff. क्किप् ।
  • भूभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) 1. A king, a sovereign. 2. A mountain. E. भू the earth, भृत् sustaining.
  • भूमण्डल :: n. (-लं) The terrestrial globe.
  • भूमन् :: mfn. (-मा -मा -म) Much, many. 2. Wealth. n. (-म) 1. The earth. 2. A piece of ground. 3. A being. E. भू for बहु many, इमनिच् aff.
  • भूनय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Made of or consisting the earth. f. (-यी) A name of Chhāyā or shadow personified, the wife of the sun. E. भू earth, and मयट् aff.
  • भूमि :: f. (-मिः-मी) 1. The earth. 2. Place, site in general. 3. A dis- trict. 4. Land, soil. 5 A story, floor. 6. A site, situation. 7. Atti- tude, posture. 8. A mask, a character, (in Dramaturgy.) 9. Subject, object. 10. The tongue 11. Abode. 12. The base of any figure in geometry. E. भू to be and मि Unādi aff.
  • भूमिका :: f. (-का) 1. Theatrical dress, the costume of any character, re- presented on the stage. 2. Decorating images, temples, gateways, &c. 3. A board for writing. 4. A preface, an introduction. 5. A floor. 6. A place. 7. A step, a degree. 8. Earth, soil. E. भूमि place of being, and कन् aff.
  • भूमिचम्पक :: m. (-कः) A plant, (Kæmpferia rotunda.) E. भूमि earth, and चम्पक Michelia.
  • भूमिज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Born or produced of or on the earth. m. (-जः) 1. The planet MARS. 2. Naraka the demon. 3. A man. f. (-जा) SĪTĀ, the wife of RĀMA. E. भूमि earth, and ज born.
  • भूमिजम्बु :: f. (-म्बुः-म्बू) A tree, (Premna herbacea.) E. भूमि earth, and जम्बु Engenia: also with कन् added to either form, भूमिजम्बुका and भूमिजम्बूका ।
  • भूमिजीविन् :: m. (-वी) The Vaiśya or Hindu of the third or agricultural and mercantile tribe. E. भूमि the earth, and जीविन् who gets a livelihood.
  • भूमिदान :: n. (-नं) Donation of landed property. E. भूमि and दान gift.
  • भूमिदेव :: m. (-वः) A Brāhman. E. भूमि the earth, and देव a divinity.
  • भूमिधर :: m. (-रः) 1. A mountain, (especially the Kulāchala which is supposed to exist in the seven divisions of the continent.) 2. The number “seven.” 3. A king.
  • भूमिप :: m. (-पः) A prince, a sovereign. E. भूमि the earth, and प who protects.
  • भूमिपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A horse of a good breed. E. भूमि the earth, and पक्ष part or side.
  • भूमिपति :: m. (-तिः) A king. E. भूमि and पति master.
  • भूमिपतित्व :: n. (-त्वं) Princedom, sovereignty. E. त्व added to the last.
  • भूमिपिशाच :: m. (-चः) The palmyra tree, (Borassus flabelliformis.) E. भूमि earth, पिशाच goblin.
  • भूमिभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) 1. A king. 2. A mountain. E. भूमि and मृत् who nourishes.
  • भूमिमण्डा :: f. (-ण्डा) Arabian jasmine, (Jasminum zambac.) E. भूमि the earth, मडि to ornament, aff. अच् ।
  • भूमिरक्षक :: m. (-कः) A horse of a good breed. E. भूमि the earth, रक्ष् to preserve, aff. वुन्; it is also written भूमिरक्ष and भूमिपक्ष ।
  • भूमिलाभ :: m. (-भः) Death, dying, (in figuratively.) E. भूमि earth, लाभ acquisition.
  • भूमिलेपन :: n. (-नं) Cow-dung. E. भूमि earth and लेपन plastering; the clay floors of houses, temples, &c. being usually kneaded up with this article.
  • भूमिवर्द्धन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Increasing or adding to the earth. mn. (-नः-नं) A corpse. E. भूमि the earth and वर्द्धन increasing.
  • भूमिशय :: mfn. (-यः -यी यं) Sleeping on the ground. E. भूमि and शी to sleep, श aff.
  • भूमिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Standing or staying on the earth. E. भूमि and स्थ who or what stays.
  • भूमिसम्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Produced in or of the earth. m. (-रः) The planet Mars. 2. The demon Naraka. f. (-वा) ŚITĀ. E. भूमि the earth and सम्भव born: see भूपुत्त्री ।
  • भूमिस्नु :: m. (-स्नुः) An earth-worm.
  • भूमिस्पृश् :: m. (-स्पृक्) 1. A man, man, mankind. 2. The Vaiśya or Hindu of the third tribe, the cultivator or trader. 3. A thief, one who creeps along the ground to carry off his plunder. 4. A blind man 5. A cripple, a lame man. E. भूमि the earth, the ground, and स्पृश who touches, from स्पृश्, with क्किन् aff.
  • भूमीन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) A king, a sovereign. E. भूमि earth, and इन्द्र chief.
  • भूम्यामलकी :: f. (-की) A plant, (Flacourtia cataphracta.) E. भूमि the earth, आमलकी a myrobalan; also भूम्यासनी f. (-नी ।)
  • भूय :: n. (-यं) Abstract state, but used in composition, as व्रह्मभूय the state of BRAHMĀ, or identification with BRAHMĀ, becoming of the same nature, &c. E. भू to be, aff. क्यप् ।
  • भूयशस् :: Ind. 1. Generally, as a rule 2. Very much. 3. Again.
  • भूयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) 1. Much, many. 2. Abounding. Ind. Fre- quently, repeatedly, again. 2. Exceeding, over, above. 3. Further. E. बहु much, इयसुन् affix of the superlative, भू substituted for बहु, and the ई of the aff. rejected; also with इष्ठन् aff. भूयिष्ठ ।
  • भूयिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Many, very many, much, most: see the last.
  • भूरि :: mfn. (-रिः -रिः -रि) 1. Much, many. 2. Large, great. Ind. Much, ex- ceeding. m. (-रिः) 1. A name of VISHṆU. 2. BRAHMĀ. 3. ŚIVA 4. Indra. n. (-रि) Gold. E. भू to be, क्रिन् Unādi aff.
  • भूरिगम :: m. (-मः) An ass.
  • भूरिज् :: f. (-रिक्) The earth. E. भृ to support, इजि Unādi aff. and ऋ changed to ऊर् ।
  • भूरिधामन् :: mfn. (-मा -मा -म) 1. Splendid, bright. 2. Illustrious. E. भूरि, and धामन् Splendour.
  • भूरिपुष्पा :: f. (-ष्पा) Fennel: see शतपुष्पा ।
  • भूरिप्रयोग :: Adj. In common use, (as a word.)
  • भूरिप्रेमन् :: m. (-मा) The ruddy goose.
  • भूरिफेना :: f. (-ना) A plant, commonly Charmakasā. E. भूरि much, and फेन cuttle-fish-bone.
  • भूरिमाय :: m. (-यः) A jackal. E. भूरि much, माय deceit.
  • भूरिरस :: m. (-सः) The sugarcane.
  • भूरिलाभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Very profitable or beneficial. n. (-भं) Great gain. E. भूरि and लाभ gain.
  • भूरिशस् :: Ind. Manifold, many by many. E. भूरि many, शस् aff.
  • भूरुण्डी :: f. (-ण्डी) A sort of sun-flower, (Heliotropium Indicum.) E. भू the earth, रुह् to grow; or रुद्ध् to oppose, क aff., deriv. irr. “हातिशुंँडा” ।
  • भूरुह :: m. (-हः) A tree. E. भू the earth, and रुह what grows.
  • भूर्ज्ज :: m. (-र्ज्जः) The Bhurja-patra tree growing in the snowy mountains, a kind of birch; the bark is used for writing on, and very generally for hooka snakes. E. भू the earth, and ऊर्ज्ज् to be strong or hardy, aff. अच् ।
  • भूर्ज्जकण्ठक :: m. (-कः) A man of one of the inferior or mixed classes, sprung from an outcaste Brāhman by a woman of the same tribe. E. भूर्ज्ज the Bhurj, and कण्ठ the throat, कन् added.
  • भूर्ज्जपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) The Bhurja-patra: see भूर्ज्ज . E. भूर्ज्ज as above, पत्र a leaf.
  • भूर्णि :: f. (-र्णिः) 1. The earth. 2. A desert, a country ill-supplied with water. E. भृ to nourish, Unādi aff. नि, deriv. irr.
  • भूर्लोक :: m. (-कः) The earth, the habitation of mortals, the terrestrial globe. E. भूः the earth, and लोक the world.
  • भूलता :: f. (-ता) A worm, an earth-worm. E. भू the earth, लता a creeping plant.
  • भूशक्र :: m. (-क्रः) A king. E. भू the earth, and शक्र INDRA.
  • भूशुद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Purifying the ground by sweeping, burning, &c. E. भू and शुद्धि Purification.
  • भूश्रवस् :: m. (-वाः) An ant or mole hill. E. भू the earth, and श्रु to exude, असुन् aff.
  • भूष् :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (भूषति भूषयति-ते) To decorate, to adorn.
  • भूषण :: n. (-णं) Ornament, embellishment. E. भूष् to adorn, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • भूषयितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be decorated or ornamented. E. भूष्, and तव्य aff.; also भूषणीय &c.
  • भूषा :: f. (-षा) Adorning, decorating with trinkets, jewels, &c. E. भूष् to adorn, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • भूषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Adorned, decorated, dressed. E. भूष् to adorn, aff. क्त ।
  • भूष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) 1. Being, existing. 2. Being well, faring well. E. भू to be, ग्ष्णु aff.
  • भूसुत :: m. (-तः) 1. The planet MARS. 2. The demon Naraka. f. (-ता) SĪTĀ, the wife of RĀMA. E. भू the earth, and सुत the offspring.
  • भूस्तृण :: n. (-णं) A fragrant grass, (Andropogon schænanthus.) E. भू the earth, तृण् grass, and सुट् augment.
  • भूस्पृश् :: m. (-स्पृक्) Man, a man, mankind. E. भू the earth, and स्पृश् who touches: see भूमिस्पृश् ।
  • भूस्वर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) The mountain Sumeru. E. भू, and स्वर्ग paradise; a heaven on earth.
  • भूस्वामिन् :: m. (-मी) A landlord, a landholder.
  • भृ (ञ्) भृञ् :: r. 1st cl. (भरति-ते) (डु, ञ्) डुभृञ् r. 3rd cl. (विभर्त्ति विभृते) 1. To nourish, to cherish, to foster, to maintain. 2. To fill. 3. To hold or support. 4. To suffer. 5. To confer. With सम्, 1. To col- lect. 2. To prepare. 3. To nourish. 4. To produce.
  • भृकुंस :: m. (-सः) A mail actor or dancer in female apparel. E. भ्रु an eye- brow, कुसि to speak, aff. अच्, रु changed to ऋ; also with कन् added भृकुंसक, and र unchanged भ्रकुंस; also from कुशि, भृकुंश; &c.
  • भृकुटि :: f. (-टिः-टी) A frown, a contraction of the brows. E. भ्रु the eye- brow, कुट् to be or make crooked, aff. कि, and ङीप् optionally add- ed, भृ substituted for भ्र्; otherwise भ्रकुटि, भ्रुकुटी &c.
  • भृग् :: Ind. An imitative word expressive of the crackling sound of fire.
  • भृगु :: m. (-गुः) 1. The name of a celebrated Muni, and one of the ten Brahmādikas or Prājapatis, the sons of BRAHMĀ, and first created of beings. 2. A name of SIVA. 3. ŚUKRA, the regent of VENUS. 4. A precipice. 5. Table land, the level summit of a mountain. 6. The Rishi JAMADAGNI, the father of PARASURĀMA and grandson of the Muni BHRIGU. E. भ्रस्ज् to fry, (in religious fervour,) Unādi aff. कु; र is changed to ऋ, the स rejected, and the final ज becomes ग .
  • भृगुपति :: m. (-तिः) The hero, and Avatār PARASURĀMA. E. भृगु implying the race of BHRIGU or JAMADAGNI, and पति master, chief.
  • भृगुवासर :: m. (-रः) Friday.
  • भृगुसुत :: m. (-तः) 1. SUKRA or VENUS, the son the Muni BHRIGU, and the preceptor of the DAITYAS. 2. The hero PARASURĀMA. E. भृगु the saint BHRIGU, or his descendant JAMADAGNI, and सुत the son.
  • भृगूणाम्पति :: m. (-तिः) The first of the three incarnations of VISHṆU called RĀMAS; PARASURĀMA the son of JAMADAGNI. E. भृगु in the sixth case plural, and पति master, chief of the BHRIGUS or race of BHRIGU.
  • भृङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A large black bee, the humble bee. 2. A catamite, a libertine, a lecher. 3. A plant, (Eclipta or Verbesina prostrata.) 4. A wasp, either the common kind, or the Vespa solitaria. 5. A golden vase. 6. The fork-tailed shrike, (Lanius cærulescens.) 7. A bird, apparently a sort of shrike different from the preceding. n. (-ङ्गं) 1. Woody cassia. 2. Talc. E. भृ to nourish, गन् Unādi aff., and कित्-नुट् augment.
  • भृङ्गक :: m. (-कः) A bird, a sort of shrike, (Lanius malabaricus.) E. कन् added to the last.
  • भृङ्गज :: n. (-जं) 1. Alœ-wood or Agallochum. 2. Talc.
  • भृङ्गपर्णिका :: f. (-का) Small or Gnzarāti cardamoms.
  • भृङ्गरजस् :: m. (-जाः) Eclipta prostrata: see the next.
  • भृङ्गराज :: m. (-जः) 1. A spreading shrub, (Eclipta or Verbesina pros- trata, or perhaps more properly, Verbesina scandens.) 2. A sort of bird, apparently the variety of shrike termed Malabar, (Lanius malabaricus.) 3. The humble bee. 4. A particular sacrifice. E. भृङ्ग a bee, and राज् to shine, aff. अच्; or with रजस् dust, भृङ्गरजस् and with राजन् shining, ruling, भृङ्घराजन् m. (-जा .)
  • भृङ्गरिट :: m. (-टः) One of ŚIVA'S door-keepers. E. भृङ्ग a bee, रट् to speak or make a noise, to buzz, aff. अच्, and the penultimate changed to इ; also with इन् aff., and the penultimate long or short, the word is read भृङ्गरिटि, भृङ्गरीट, and भृङ्गरीटि ।
  • भृङ्गरोल :: m. (-लः) A wasp. E. भृङ्ग a bee, रु to cry, लच् aff. “भीम्रुल” ।
  • भृङ्गवल्लभ :: m. (-भः) A plant, (Ligusticum ajwaen.)
  • भृङ्गसोदर :: m. (-रः) A plant, apparently a variety of Eclipta or Verbesina.
  • भृङ्गार :: m. (-रः) 1. A golden vase, especially used at royal ceremonials. 2. A shrub, (Eclipta prostrata, &c.: see भृङ्गराज) n. (-रं) 1. Cloves. 2. Gold. f. (-री) A cricket. E. भृ to contain, (water, &c.) आरक् Unādi aff., and गुक् augment; or भृङ्ग a bee, and अरि an enemy, fem. form.
  • भृङ्गारिका :: f. (-का) A cricket. E. भृङ्ग a bee, अरि an enemy, and कन् aff.
  • भृङ्गावली :: f. (-ली) A line or flight of bees. E. भृङ्ग, and आवली a row.
  • भृङ्गिन् :: m. (-ङ्गी) 1. One of ŚIVA'S chamberlains. 2. The Indian fig-tree. E. भृङ्ग a bee, इनि aff.
  • भृङ्गीफल :: m. (-लः) The hog-plum: see आसातक ।
  • भृङ्गीश :: m. (शः) ŚIVA. E. भृङ्गी the attendant of the deity, and ईश master.
  • भृज् (इ) भृजी :: r. 1st. cl. (भर्जते) To parch, to fry.
  • भृज्जन :: n. (-नं) A frying-pan. E. भ्रस्ज् to fry, Unādi aff. क्युन्, and the root changed.
  • भूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Hired, paid, maintained. 2. Cherished, suppor- ted. 3. Filled. 4. Having, being possessed of, or endowed with. 5. Borne, carried. m. (-तः) 1. A servant. 2. A hired labourer. E. भृ to nourish, aff. क्त .
  • भृतक :: m. (-कः) 1. A hired labourer. 2. A servant. E. भृत hired, कन् added.
  • भृतकाध्यापक :: m. (-कः) A hired teacher, one who gives instructions for pay. E. भृतक, and अध्यापक a teacher.
  • भृतकाध्यापित :: m. (-तः) A student who pays his teacher. E. भृतक, and अध्यापित instructed.
  • भृतभूति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) 1. Prosperous, powerful, exalted. 2. Smeared with ashes. E. भृत possessed, and भूति power, &c.
  • भृतरन्ध्र :: mfn. (-न्ध्रः -न्ध्रा -न्ध्रं) Filled up, (as a hole or depression.) E. भृत, रन्ध्र a hole.
  • भृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Wages, hire. 2. Capital, principal. 3. Nourishment, maintenance. 4. Supporting, support. 5. Service for wages. E. भृ to nourish, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • भृतिभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) A hired labourer or servant. E. भृति hire, भुज् to eat, aff. क्किप् ।
  • भृत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्य) To be nourished or maintained. m. (-त्यः) 1. A dependent. 2. A servant, a slave. 3. A minister. f. (-त्या) Hire, wages. E. भृ to nourish, aff. क्यप्, with तुक् augment.
  • भृत्यत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Servitude, service, dependence. E. त्व added to the last; also with तल्, भृत्यता ।
  • भृत्यध्यापन :: n. (-नं) Teaching, (especially the Vedas,) for hire. E. भृति, and अध्यापन instructing.
  • भृत्यभरण :: n. (-णं) Maintaining or cherishing, dependents, servants, &c. E. भृत्य, and भरण nourishing.
  • भृत्यभर्त्तृ :: m. (-र्त्ता) A master of a family taking good care of his depen- dents. E. भृत्य, and भर्त्तृ who nourishes.
  • भृत्यवात्सल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Kindness to dependents or servants. E. भृत्य, and वात्सल्य tenderness.
  • भृत्यविनिवेश :: m. (-शः) Fixing or planting firmly. E. भृत्य, and विनिवेश placing.
  • भृत्यवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Maintenance of servants or dependents. E. भृत्य, and वृत्ति practice.
  • भृत्यशालिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) Having many servants. E. भृत्य, and शालिन् possessing.
  • भृत्या :: f. (-त्या) 1. Rearing, nourishing. 2. Maintenance. 3. Service. 4. Wages.
  • भृत्रिम :: f. (-मा) Adj. Nourished. E. भृ क्त्रि-मप् ।
  • भृ (भ्र) मि :: m. (-मिः) 1. A whirlwind, a hurricane, a high wind. 2. An eddy, a whirlpool. E. भ्रम् to turn round, इन् Unādi aff., and the semi-vowel changed to its congener.
  • भृश् (इर्, उ) भृशु :: r. 4th cl. (भृश्यति) To fall, to fall down, literally or figuratively, as from a height, from dignity or virtue, &c.
  • भृश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Much, exceeding. n. Adv. (-शं) Much exceedingly. Ind. (भृशम्) 1. Much. 2. Eminently, superiorly, better. 3. Repeated- ly. 4. Beautifully. E. भृश् to fall, aff. कृ ।
  • भृशस्विद् :: mfn. (-स्विद्) Perspiring violently. E. भृश and स्विद् to sweat, क्विन् aff.
  • भृष्ट :: mfn. (ष्टः-ष्टा-ष्टं) Fried. E. भ्रस्ज् to fry, aff. क्त, the vowel substituted for the semi-vowel.
  • भृष्टान्न :: n. (-न्नं) Rice boiled and then fried. E. भृष्ट fried, अन्न boiled-rice.
  • भृष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) 1. Frying. 2. An uninhabited or lonely garden, &c. E. भ्रस्ज् to fry, aff. क्तिन् the semi-vowel changed to ऋ .
  • भॄ :: r. 9th. cl. (भॄणाति) 1. To blame or censure. 2. To nourish, to maintain, to support. 3. To hold. 4. To fry.
  • भेक :: m. (-कः) 1. A frog. 2. A cloud. 3. A timid man. f. (-की) 1. The female of the frog, or a small frog. 2. A kind of creeper, (Hydro- cotyle Asiatica.) E. भी to fear, Unādi aff. कन् .
  • भेकपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A creeper, (Hydrocetyle Asiatica.) E. भेक frog, and पर्ण a leaf; resembling the animal.
  • भेकभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) A serpent, a snake. E. भेक, and भुज् who eats.
  • भेकरव :: m. (-वः) The croaking of frogs.
  • भेड :: m. (-डः) 1. A ram, a sheep. 2. A raft, a float. 3. The name of a saint. f. (-डी) An ewe. E. भिल् a Sautra root, to separate, aff. अच्, and ल changed to ड; also with कन् added, भेडक ।
  • भेतव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be feared or apprehended. E. भी to fear, तव्य aff.
  • भेत्तृ :: mfn. (-त्ता -त्त्री -त्तृ) Who or what divides, disunites, &c. m. (-त्ता) 1. A divider or separator. 2. A factious or seditious man, a traitor, or one who secretly corresponds with an enemy, &c. E. भिद् to di- vide, to sow dissension, aff. तृच् ।
  • भेद :: m. (-दः) 1. Dividing, separating. 2. Tearing, rending, breaking, &c. 3. Distinction, kind, sort, species, difference. 4. Disunion, disagree- ment. 5. Sowing dissension, breaking the unanimity of confeder- ates, one of the means of success against an opponent. 6. Chasm, cleft. 7. Change. 8. Hitting, (as a mark.) 9. Disclosure. 10. Dualism, (in phil.) 11. Evacuation of the bowels, (in medicine.) E. भिद् to divide, aff. घञ् ।
  • भेदक :: mfn. (-कः -दिका -कं) A breaker, who or what breaks or divides. m. (-कः) A mischief-maker. m. (-कः-कं) 1. An adjective. 2. Purgative. E. भिद् to break ण्वुल् aff.
  • भेदकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Separating, disuniting. 2. Causing dissen- sion. E. भेद and कर who or what makes.
  • भेदन :: n. (-नं) Dividing, separating, literally or figuratively, as tearing, breaking, specifying, discriminating, causing separation or dis- sension, &c. m. (-नः) A hog. E. भिद् to break, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • भेदप्रत्यय :: m. (-यः) Belief in the reality of the multiform appearances of the world, in opposition to the doctrine that every thing is GOD. E. भेद difference, प्रत्यय faith.
  • भेदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Divided, separated, literally or figuratively. E. भिद् to break, aff. क्त; also भिन्न .
  • भेदिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) 1. Who or what divides, &c. Having a dis-

tinction or division. m. (-दी) The ratan. E. भिद् to divide, घिनुण् aff. or भेद sort, &c. and इनि aff.

  • भेदिर :: n. (-रं) See the next.
  • भेदुर :: n. (-रं) The thunderbolt of INDRA. E. भिद् to split, (rocks, &c.) उरच् aff.; also भिदुर and भेदिर .
  • भेद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) 1. To be broken. 2. To be divided, pierced, cut, &c. 3. To be disconcerted or deterred. 4. To be set at variance or disunited. n. (-द्यं) A substantive. E. भिद् to break, ण्यत् aff.
  • भेन :: m. (-नः) 1. The sun. 2. The moon. E. भ a star, &c. इन a master.
  • भेरि :: mf. (-रिः-री) A kettle-drum. E. भी to fear, to cause to fear, Unādi aff. क्रिन्; otherwise रन् aff., and ङीप् added; also भेर .
  • भेरुण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डा -ण्डं) Formidable, fearful. f. (-ण्डा) One of the Yak- shinis, or female attendants on DURGĀ. m. (-ण्डः) A particular deity; a form of ŚIVA, according to the Tantras. n. (-ण्डं) Con- ception, impregnation. E. भी to fear, deriv. irr.; it is sometimes read भरण्ड ।
  • भेरुण्डक :: m. (-कः) A jackal.
  • भेल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Ignorant, unwise, foolish. 2. Fearful, timid. 3. Unsteady, (figuratively or literally.) 4. Tall. m. (-लः) 1. A raft, a float. 2. The name of a Muni, the author of some medical works. E. भी to fear, Unādi aff. रन् and the final changed to ल ।
  • भेलक :: mn. (-कः-कं) A raft, a float, E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • भेष् (ऋ) भेषृ :: r. 1st cl. (भेषति-ते) 1. To fear or dread. 2. To go.
  • भेषज :: n. (-जं) 1. A remedy, a drug, a medicament. 2. A kind of fennel, (Nigella Indica.) E. भेष here interpreted disease, जि to conquer, aff. ड; or भिषज् a root of a particular class, and अच् aff.
  • भेषजाङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) The vehicle or medium in which medicine is adminis- tered, as water gruel, &c. E. भेषज a drug, and अङ्ग a limb or part.
  • भैक्ष :: n. (-क्षं) 1. Alms, what is collected by begging. 2. Begging, men- dicancy. f. (-क्षी) Subsisting on alms. E. भिक्षा alms, given and re- ceived, aff. अण्; alse भैक्ष्य .
  • भैक्षचरण :: n. (-णं) Plying for alms, begging. E. भैक्ष and चरण going.
  • भैक्षचर्य्या :: f. (-र्य्या) Begging, collecting alms. E. भैक्ष, and चर्य्या practice.
  • भैक्षजीविका :: f. (-का) Living upon alms, begging, mendicancy. E. भैक्ष aggregate alms, जीविका livelihood.
  • भैक्षभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) A mendicant. E. भैक्ष alms, and भुज् who subsists; also भैक्षाशिन्, भिक्षाशिन्, &c.
  • भैक्षाशिन् :: m. (-शी) A mendicant. E. भैक्ष, and आशिन् who eats.
  • भैक्षाहार :: m. (-रः) A mendicant, one living on charity. E. भैक्ष and आहार food.
  • भैक्ष्य :: n. (-क्ष्यं) Mendicity, begging. E. भिक्षा, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • भैमी :: f. (-मी) 1. A patronymic of Damayantī, wife of NALA. 2. The eleventh, day of the bright half of Māgha.
  • भैरव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Formidable, horrible, terrific. n. (-वं) Horror, the property of exciting terror. m. (-वः) 1. A name of ŚIVA, but more especially an inferior manifestation or form of the deity, eight of which are called by the common name Bhairava, and are severally termed ASITĀNGA, RURU, CHANDA, KRODHA, UN- MATTA, KUPATI, BHISHANA, and SANHĀRA, all alluding to terrific properties of mind or body. 2. The name of a river. 3. A musical mode; that which is calculated to excite emotion of terror. f. (-वी) 1. A name or form of DURGĀ. 2. A young girl personating DURGĀ at the festival of that goddess. 3. Name of a Rāgini. E. भीरु fear- ful, aff. अण् ।
  • भैरवकारक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Formidable. E. भैरव, and कारक what causes.
  • भैषज :: m. (-जः) A sort of quail. n. (-जं) Medicament. E. भिषज a medica- ment, and अण् referential or pleonastic aff.
  • भैषज्य :: n. (-ज्यं) A drug, a medicament. E. भेषज, ष्यञ् aff.
  • भो :: Ind. A vocative particle. E. भा to shine, डो aff., more commonly भोस् ।
  • भोक्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be used or enjoyed. 2. To be eaten. E. भुज् to eat, &c., तव्य aff.
  • भोक्तृ :: mfn. (-क्ता -क्ती -क्तृ) 1. Enjoying, an enjoyer. 2. An eater. m. (-क्ता) 1. A husband. 2. A lover. 3. A possessor. 4. A king. E. भुज् to enjoy, &c., aff. तृच् ।
  • भोक्तृत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Possession, enjoyment. E. त्व added to the last.
  • भोक्ष्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Being about to eat. E. भुज् to eat, and शानच् aff., here of the future tense.
  • भोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Pleasure, enjoyment. 2. Wealth. 3. Nourishing, cherishing. 4. Eating. 5. A snake's body. 6. A snake's expanded hood. 7. Hire. 8. The hire of dancing girls or courtezans. 9. A snake. 10. An army in column. 11. (In arithmetic,) The nu- merator of a fraction. 12. Food. 13. A repost. 14. Food offered to an idol. 15. Gain. 16. Rule, government. 17. Experiencing. 18. Advantage. 19. The use of a deposit. E. भुज् to eat, &c. aff. घञ् ।
  • भोगगुच्छ :: n. (-च्छं) Price paid to harlots.
  • भोगगृह :: m. (-हः) The inner or private apartment, the harem. E. भोग enjoyment, and गृह a house.
  • भोगतृष्ण :: f. (-ष्णा) Thirst for worldly enjoyment.
  • भोगदेह :: m. (-हः) The body which a dead person carries with him.
  • भोगपति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A viceroy, a governor. 2. A person having poss- ession or usufruct. E. भोग enjoyment, and पति master.
  • भोगपाल :: m. (-लः) A groom. E. भोग pleasure, and पाल who nourishes.
  • भोगपिशाचिका :: f. (-का) Hunger. E. भोग eating, पिशाचिका an imp.
  • भोगभूमि :: f. (-मिः) Swarga or paradise. E. भोग enjoyment, and भूमि soil.
  • भोगभृतक :: m. (-कः) A servant or slave, who work for maintenance only. E. भोग enjoyment, and भृतक a hireling.
  • भोगलाभ :: m. (-भः) Interest or profit made by the use of any thing pledged. E. भोग enjoyment, and लाभ gain.
  • भोगवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Enjoying having enjoyment. 2. Delight- ful, pleasurable, yielding enjoyment. 3. Having curves. m. (-वान्) 1. A snake. 2. Dancing, acting and singing together. 3. A moun- tain. f. (-वती) 1. The capital of the Nāgas, or serpent. 2. The Ganges of the lower regions. 3. The night of the second day of a lunar month. E. भोग enjoyment, aff. मतुप् ।
  • भोगसद्मन् :: n. (-द्म) The inner apartment, the harem. E. भोग pleasure, सद्मन् a dwelling.
  • भोगस्थान :: n. (-नं) 1. The body as the seat of sensual enjoyment. 2. A harem, &c. E. भोग enjoyment and स्थान place.
  • भोगाधि :: m. (-धिः) A pledge that may be used until it is redeemed.
  • भोगार्ह :: n. (-र्हं) Wealth, property. E. भोग and अर्ह fit for.
  • भोगावली :: f. (-ली) Praise, eulogium, the panegyric of professional encomiasts or bards. E. भोग enjoyment, आवली a row or range.
  • भोगावास :: m. (-सः) The harem, the inner or women's apartment. E. भोग enjoyment, आवास abode.
  • भोगिक :: m. (-कः) A horse-keeper, a groom. E. भोग pleasure, ठन् aff.
  • भोगिकान्त :: m. (-न्तः) Air, wind. E. भोगि a snake and कान्त friend.
  • भोगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) Enjoying, possessing an enjoyer, &c. m. (-गी) 1. A snake. 2. A king, a prince. 3. A barber. 4. The head man of a village. 5. A person who accumulates money for a particular expenditure. 6. The constellation Aśleshā. f. (-गिनी) 1. The capital of the Nāgas. 2. A royal concubine. 3. Having curves. 4. Any woman of the Royal harem except the crowned queen. E. भोग enjoyment, aff. इनि ।
  • भोगिवल्लभ :: n. (-भं) Sandal. E. भोगिन् a snake, वल्लभ beloved.
  • भोगीन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) 1. The serpent ANANTA. 2. The serpent VĀSUKĪ. E. भोगि a snake, इन्द्र a sovereign; also भोगीश ।
  • भोग्य :: mfn. (-ग्यः -ग्या -ग्यं) To be enjoyed. n. (-ग्यं) 1. Wealth. 2. Grain. f. (-ग्या) A whore. m. (-ग्यः) A pledge that can be used until re- deemed. E. भुज् to enjoy, aff. ण्यत् ।
  • भोज :: m. (-जः) 1. A country, Pātnā and Bhāgalpur. 2. The name of a sovereign of Oujein, or MĀLAVA who is supposed to have flour-

ished about the end of the tenth century; he was a celebrated patron of learned men, and the nine gems or poets and philoso- phers, are often ascribed to his æra. 3. A cowherd. E. भुज् to enjoy, aff. अच् and the final consonant unchanged.

  • भोजकट :: m. (-टः) The country of Bhoja, the present Bhojpur, or the vicinity of Pātnā and Bhāgalpur. E. भोज the same, and कट् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • भोजन :: n. (-नं) 1. Food. 2. Eating. 3. Any object of enjoyment. 4. Wealth. E. भुज् to eat, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • भोजनविशेष :: m. (-षः) Choice food, a delicacy. E. भोजन, विशेष superior sort.
  • भोजनव्यग्र :: mfn. (-ग्रः -ग्रा -ग्रं) Straitened for food. E. भोजन and ष्यग्र anxious.
  • भोजनाधिकार :: m. (-रः) Commissariat, stewardship, charge of provender. E. भोजन, अधिकार superintendence.
  • भोजनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be enjoyed. 2. To be eaten. n. (-यं) Food. E. भुज् to enjoy, aff. अनीयर् ।
  • भोजयित्वा :: Ind. Having fed. E. भुज् to eat, causal v., क्त्वा aff.
  • भोजाधिप :: m. (-पः) A name of KARṆA, the half brother of the Pāndus. E. भोज Bhāgalpur, and अधिप sovereign.
  • भोज्य :: mfn. (-ज्यः -ज्या -ज्यं) To be eaten, edible. n. (-ज्यं) 1. Food. 2. A dainty. 3. Enjoyment. E. भुज् to eat, ण्यत् aff. and the final unchanged.
  • भोज्यसम्भव :: m. (-वः) Chyme, the primary juice of the body. E. भोज्य food, सम्भव production.
  • भोट :: m. (-टः) Tibet. “भोटान देशे” ।
  • भोटाङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A country probably Bhutan.
  • भोभो :: Ind. A particle of calling or addressing. E. भो as above, repeated.
  • भोमीरा :: f. (-रा) Coral.
  • भोलि :: m. (-लिः) A camel. E. भा to shine, उलिच् aff.
  • भोस् :: Ind. 1. A particle of calling or addressing. 2. A particle of sor- row. 3. An interrogative particle. E. भा to shine, aff ङोस् ।
  • भौत :: mfn. (-तः -ती -तं) 1. Demoniacal, relating to spirits or goblins. 2. Elemental. 3. Relating to existing beings. m. (-तः) 1. An attendant upon idols. 2. A worshipper of spirits and goblins. f. (-ती) Night. E. भूत a goblin, &c. aff. अण् ।
  • भीतिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Relating or appertaining to evil spirits. 2. Elemental. 3. Existent. m. (-कः) ŚIVA. n. (-कं) A pearl. E. भूत a spirit, &c. ठक् aff.
  • भौम :: mfn. (-मः -मी -मं) Earthly, terrestrial, produced in or relating to the earth. m. (-मः) 1. The planet MARS. 2. Hell. 3. Ambergris. 4. Water. 5. Life. f. (-मी) A name of ŚITĀ. E. भूमि the earth, and अण् aff.
  • भौम (व) न :: m. (-नः) An epithet of Vishwakarman, the architect of gods.
  • भौमरत्न :: n. (-त्नं) Coral. E. भौम and रत्न a gem.
  • भौमिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Earthly, terrestrial. E. भूमि and ठक् aff.
  • भौरिक :: m. (-कः) The superintendent of gold, the treasurer. E. भूरि gold, aff. ठक् ।
  • भौवादिक :: f. (-की) Belonging to the class of roots which begins with भू .
  • भ्यस् :: r. 1st. cl. (भ्यसते) To fear.
  • भ्रंश् (उ) भ्रंशु :: r. 4th cl. (भ्रंश्यते) To fall down; also भ्रंस् ।
  • भ्रंश :: m. (-शः) 1. Falling, declining from a height, or from propriety. 2. Falling from or off. 3. Decay, ruin. 4. Decline. 5. Loss. 6. Run- ning away. E. भ्रन्श् to fall, aff. घञ् ।
  • भ्रंस् (उ) भ्रंसु :: r. 1st cl. (भ्रंसते) To fall down.
  • भ्रकुंस :: m. (-सः) An actor wearing female apparel. E. भ्र for भ्रू the eye- brow, and कुशि or कुसि to speak, aff. अच्; hence also भ्रकुंश, भ्रूकुंस .
  • भ्रकुटि :: f. (-टिः-टी) A frown. E. भ्र for भ्रू the eye-brow, कुट् to curve, aff. इन्; also भ्रुकुटि &c.
  • भ्रक्ष् :: r. 1st cl. (भ्रक्षति-ते) To eat; also म्लक्ष् ।
  • भ्रज्जन :: n. (-नं) The act of frying.
  • भ्रण् :: r. 1st. cl. (भ्रणति) To sound.
  • भ्रन्श् :: r. 1st. cl. (भ्रंशति) To fall; also भ्रंश् ।
  • भ्रम् (उ) भ्रमु :: r. 1st cl. (भ्रमति भ्रम्यति) r. 4th cl. (भ्राम्यति) 1. To turn round, to move circularly. 2. To be unsteady or unfixed. 3. To roam, to wander; it is also figuratively applicable to mental unsteadiness, as to err, to wander, to be ignorant or mistaken, &c. With परि, To wander about. With वि, To play, to wanton. With सम्, 1. To hurry. 2. To honour.
  • भ्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Whirling, going, round. 2. Straying, roaming. 3. Error, ignorance, mistake, misapprehension. 4. A whirlpool, an eddy 5. A drain, a water-course. 6. A lathe, a potter's wheel, &c. E. भ्रम् to go round, aff. घञ् ।
  • भ्रमण :: n. (-णं) 1. Whirling, going round 2. Wandering, literally or figuratively. 3. Erring. 4. Giddiness. f. (-णी) 1. A leech. 2. A sort of game, performed by women for the amusement of a lover or husband. E. भ्रम् to go round, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • भ्रमत् :: mfn. (-मन् -मन्ती -मत्) 1. Going round, whirling, revolving. 2. Rov- ing. 3. Erring. E. भ्रम् to turn round, शतृ aff.
  • भ्रमत्कुटी :: f. (-टी) An umbrella, a concave mat carried on the head for that purpose, &c. E. भ्रमत् and कुटी a house.
  • भ्रसर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) What whirls or goes round. m. (-रः) 1. A large black bee. 2. A lecher, a lover. n. (-रं) Vertigo, epilepsy. E. भ्रम् to go round, aff. करन् ।
  • भ्रमरक :: m. (-कः) 1. Hair curled upon the forehead. 2. A bee. 3. A ball for playing with. 4. A whirlpool. E. भ्रमर a bee, &c. कन् aff.
  • भ्रमरकीट :: m. (-टः) A sort of wasp, that builds a solitary nest in the angles of walls, doors, &c. (Vespa solitaria.) E. भ्रमर a bee, and कीट an insect. “कुमीर पोका” ।
  • भ्रमरप्रिय :: m. (-यः) The Dhārā-Kadamba tree. E. भ्रमर a bee, and प्रिय beloved.
  • भ्रमरविलसिता :: f. (-ता) A species of the Trishtubh metre.
  • भ्रमरालक :: m. (-कः) Hair curled upon the forehead. E. भ्रमर a bee, and अलक a curl.
  • भ्रमासक्त :: m. (-क्तः) An armourer, a sword-cleaner, a knife-grinder. E. भ्रम a turning instrument, a grind-stone, and आसक्त diligent.
  • भ्रमि :: f. (-मि .) 1. Whirling, going round. 2. Error, blunder, mistake. 3. A lathe, a potter's wheel. 4. A whirlpool. E. भ्रम् to turn round, Unādi aff. इन् ।
  • भ्रमिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिणी -मि) Whirling, going round, or about. E. भ्रम् to go round, aff. घिनुण् ।
  • भ्रश् (उ) भ्रशु :: r. 4th cl. (भ्रश्यति) To fall down; also भृश and भ्रंश ।
  • भ्रशिमन् :: m. (-मा) Vehimence. E. भृश्-इसनिच् aff.
  • भ्रष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Fallen, lost. 2. Vicious, depraved, fallen from virtue. 3. Fried, parched. E. भ्रंश् to fall, or भ्रसज् to fry, क्त aff.
  • भ्रष्टराज्य :: mfn. (-ज्यः -ज्या -ज्यं) Deposed, deprived of a kingdom. E. भ्रष्ट and राज्य principality.
  • भ्रस्ज् (औ) औभ्रस्जौ :: r. 6th cl. (भृज्जति-ते) To broil or fry.
  • भ्राज् (टु, ऋ) टुभ्राजृ :: r. 1st cl. (भ्राजते) To shine.
  • भ्राजक :: n. (-कं) Bile, the bilious humour. f. (-जिका) Making bright. E. भ्राज् to shine, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • भ्राजथु :: f. (-थुः) Brilliance, splendour, beauty. E. भ्राज् to shine, अथुच् aff.
  • भ्राजथुमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) 1. Splendid. 2. Beautiful. E. भ्राजथु and मतुप् aff.
  • भ्राजिष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) Elegant, splendid, radiant in ornament and vesture. E. भ्राज् to shine, aff. इष्णुच् ।
  • भ्रातृ :: m. (-ता) 1. A brother, a uterine brother. 2. A relative. 3. A term of friendly address. Dual only, (-री) Brother and sister. E. भ्राज् to shine, Unādi aff. तृच्, and the radical final rejected.
  • भ्रातृक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Fraternal, brotherly, of or belonging to a brother. E. भ्रातृ a brother, and ठञ् aff.
  • भ्रातृज :: m. (-जः) A brother's son. E. भ्रातृ a brother, and ज born.
  • भ्रात्रिजाया :: f. (-या) A sister-in-law, a brother's wife. E. भ्रातृ a brother, and जाया a wife.
  • भातृद्वितीया :: f. (-या) The second day of the first-half of KĀRTIKA when

sisters entertain their brothers in consequence of the Yamunā once having entertained her brother Yama on that day.

  • भ्रातृपत्री :: f. (-त्री) A brother's wife. E. भ्रातृ, and पत्नी a wife.
  • भ्रातृभगिनी :: Dual only, (-न्यौ) A brother and sister. E. भ्रातृ a brother and भगिनी a sister.
  • भ्रातृबल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Having a brother. E. भ्रातृ, वलच् aff.
  • भ्रातृव्य :: m. (-व्यः) 1. A brother's son. 2. An enemy. E. भ्रातृ a brother, व्य aff.
  • भ्रातृश्वशुर :: m. (-रः) A husband's elder brother. E. भ्रातृ a brother, and श्वशुर a father-in-law, (as it were.)
  • भ्रात्रीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Fraternal, belonging or relating to a brother. m. (-यः) A brother's son. E. भ्रातृ a brother, and छ aff.
  • भ्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Whirled, revolved. 2. Blundering, mistaken. m. (-न्तः) 1. An elephant in rut. 2. The Dhuturā plant. n. (-न्तं) 1. Moving about. 2. Error. E. भ्रम् to revolve, aff. क्त ।
  • भ्रान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) 1. Error, mistake, ignorance. 2. Going round, whirl- ing, revolving. 3. Unsteadiness, locomotion. 4. Going about, wan- dering. 5. Confusion. 6. Delusion. 7. Doubt. E. भ्रम् to go round, aff. क्तिन्, and the vowel made long.
  • भ्रान्तिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) 1. Erring, mistaking. 2. Wandering. m. (-मान्) A figure of speech (in rhetoric.) E. भ्रान्ति, and मतुप् aff.
  • भ्रान्तिहर :: m. (-रः) A counsellor, a minister. E. भ्रान्ति error, and हर who repels or removes.
  • भ्राम :: m. (-मः) 1. Wandering, roving. 2. Error. E. भ्रम् to turn round, घञ् aff.
  • भ्रामक :: m. (-कः) 1. A jackal. 2. A cheat, a rogue. 3. A sort of load- stone. 4. The sun-flower. E. भ्रम् to turn round, ण्वुल् aff.
  • भ्रामयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) 1. Whirling round. 2. Bewildering. E. भ्रम् to wander or whirl, causal v., शतृ aff.
  • भ्रामर :: n. (-रं) 1. Whirling, going round. 2. A dance performed in a ring round-about. 3. A village. 4. Epilepsy, 5. A honey. 6. A mode of sexual enjoyment. m. (-रः) A sort of loadstone. f. (-री) 1. A name of PĀRVATĪ from her having assumed the form of a bee, in order to contend with MAHĀSUR. 2. Yogiṇī, or female attendant on DURGĀ. E. भ्रमर a bee, &c. aff. अण् or घञ् .
  • भ्रामरिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Whirling, revolving. 2. Epileptic, giddy. 3. Made of honey or from a bee, &c. E. भ्रामर, and इनि aff.
  • भ्राग्यत् :: mfn. (-म्यन् -म्यती -म्यत्) 1. Wandering about, roving, roaming. 2. Erring, deviating. E. भ्रम् to wander, शतृ aff.
  • भ्राश् (-टु, ऋ) टुभ्राशृ :: r. 1st cl. (भ्राशते भ्राश्यते) To shine. Also म्लाश् ।
  • भ्राष्ट्र :: mfn. (-ष्ट्रः -ष्ट्री -ष्ट्रं) Fried in a pan. mn. (-ष्ट्रः-ष्ट्रं) A frying-pan. m. (-ष्ट्रः) Light. E. भ्रस्ज् to fry, Unādi aff. ष्ट्रन्; and in the attributive, अण् added.
  • भ्रास् :: r. 1st cl. (भ्रासते, भ्रास्यते) To shine, also म्लास् ।
  • भ्री :: r. 9th cl. (भ्रीणाति भ्रिणीते) 1. To fear. 2. To help. 3. To cherish, to maintain or support.
  • भ्रुकुंस :: m. (-सः) An actor in female apparel. E. भ्रु for भ्रू an eye-brow, कुसि or कुशि to shine or speak, aff. अच्; hence also भ्रूकुंस भ्रुकुंश, &c.
  • भ्रुकुटि :: f. (-टिः-टी) A frown. E. भ्रु for भ्रू an eye-brow, कुट् to make crook- ed, इन् aff.: see भ्रूकुटि ।
  • भ्रुड् :: r. 6th cl. (भ्रुडति) 1. To cover. 2. To collect.
  • भ्रू :: f. (-भ्रूः) An eye-brow. E. भ्रम् to round, Unādi aff. डु ।
  • भ्रूकुंस :: m. (-सः) A male actor in female apparel. E. भ्रू the eye-brow, कुसि to speak or shine, aff. अच्; also from कुशि, भ्रूकुंश; this word is variously written भ्रुकुंश or भ्रुकुंस, भृकुंश or भृकुंस, and भ्रकुंश or भ्रकुंस ।
  • भ्रूकुटि :: f. (-टिः-टी) A frown, a look of displeasure. E. भ्रू the brow, कुट् to be curved, aff. इन् and ङीप् optionally added; it is also written variously, like the last, and occurs भ्रुकुटि, भृकुटि, or भ्रकुटि .
  • भ्रूक्षेप :: m. (-पः) A frown. E. भ्रू, and क्षेप throwing.
  • भ्रूण् :: r. 10th cl. (भ्रूणयते) 1. To hope, to trust. 2. To confide, to be with- out doubt. 3. To wish for, to desire. 4. To fear.
  • भ्रूण :: m. (-णः) 1. The embryo or fœtus. 2. A child. E. भ्रूण to hope, to fear, aff. घञ् ।
  • भ्रूणघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) Producing or causing abortion, who or what does so. E. भ्रूण, and घ्न what destroys.
  • भ्रूणहत्या :: f. (-त्या) 1. Murder of the fœtus, procuring or causing abor- tion. 2. Any sin equally heinous. E. भ्रूण, and हत्या killing.
  • भ्रूणहन् :: mf. (-हा-घ्नी) 1. One who occasions or procures abortion. 2. The murderer of a Brāhman. E. भ्रूण the embryo, (or any thing of which the death is equally heinous.) and हन् who kills.
  • भ्रूभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A frown. E. भ्रू the brow, भङ्ग a breaking, bending.
  • भ्रूविलास :: m. (-सः) Playful motion of the eye-brows.
  • भ्रेज् (ऋ) भ्रेजृ :: r. 1st cl. (भ्रेजते) To shine.
  • भ्रेश् (ऋ) भ्रेशृ :: r. 1st cl. (भ्रेशति-ते) 1. To go. 2. To fall. 3. To be angry. 4. To fear.
  • भ्रेश :: m. (-शः) 1. Going. 2. Loss. 3. Deviation.
  • भ्रेष् (ऋ) भ्रेषृ :: r. 1st cl. (-भ्रेषति-ते) To go, to move, to fear: see भ्रेश् ।
  • भ्रेष :: m. (-षः) 1. Deviation from rectitude, declining or falling from virtue, &c. 2. Going, proceeding. 3. Loss. E. भ्रेष् to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • भ्रेषण :: n. (-णं) Going, moving. E. भ्रेष् to go, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • भ्लक्ष् :: r. 1st cl. (भ्लक्षति-ते) To eat.
  • भ्लाश् (टृ, ऋ) टुम्लाशृ :: r. 1st cl. (भ्लाश्यते भ्लाशते) To shine; sometimes भ्लास् .
  • भ्लेष् (ऋ) म्लेषृ :: r. 1st cl. (भ्लेषति-ते) 1. To go. 2. To fear: see भ्रेष् ।
  •  :: The twenty-fifth consonant of the Nāgari alphabet, corresponding to the letter M.
  •  :: m. (-मः) 1. A name of BRAHMĀ. 2. ŚIVA. 3. VISHṆU. 4. YAMA. 5. Time, season. 6. Poison, venom. 7. A magical or mystical verse or formula. 8. The moon. 9. The abbreviated name of the fourth note of the gamut. f. (मा) 1. A name of LAKSHMĪ. 2. A mother. 3. Measure. 4. Light, lustre. 5. Knowledge. 6. Binding, tying. 7. Death. 8. A woman's waist. n. (-मं) 1. Good-fortune, auspicious- ness. 2. Water. E. मा to measure, क aff.; or मन् to worship, &c., aff. ड .
  • मक् (इ) मकि :: r. 1st cl. (मङ्कते) 1. To decorate, to grace or adorn. 2. To go, to move.
  • मकर :: m. (-रः) 1. A marine monster, confounded usually with the crocodile and shark, but properly a fabulous animal: as a fish it might be conjectured to be the horned-shark, or the unicorn fish; but it is often drawn, as it in the pictured sign Capricornus of the zodiac, with the head and forelegs of an antelope, and the body and tail of a fish: it is the emblem of the god of love. 2. One of the signs of zodiac, corresponding with the above, and like the Greek representation of that sign, being an animal in the foreparts, and ending in the tail of a fish. One of the nine treasures of KUVERA. 3. A particular array of troops, in the form of a Makara. 4. An ear-ring in that shape. E. म for मुख the mouth, कृ to scatter, aff. अच्; or माङ् prohibitive aff., कृ to do, अच् aff., form irr.; grammarians however, sometimes consider this word as a primitive.
  • मकरकेतन :: m. (-नः) KĀMA, the Hindu CUPID. E. मकर, a marine monster and केतन emblem; being painted on KĀMA'S banner.
  • मकरकेतु :: m. (-तुः) KĀMA: see the preceding. E. मकर, and केतु an emblem.
  • मकरध्वज :: m. (-जः) 1. KĀMA: see the two last. 2. A particular array of troops. 3. A particular medical preparation. E. मकर Makara, and ध्वज emblem.
  • मकरन्द :: m. (-न्दः) 1. The nectar or honey of a flower. 2. The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. 3. A bee. 4. A fragrant kind of mango. 5. A kind of jasmine, (Jasminum pubescens.) 6. The filament of a lotus. E. मकर the emblem of KĀMA, and दो to destroy, i. e. to surpass, as an incentive to love, aff. क, form irr.
  • मकरन्दवती :: f. (-ती) The trumpet flower, (Bignonia suave-olens.) E. मकरन्द honey, and मतुप् aff., fem. form. “पाटला वृक्षे” ।
  • मकरसप्तमी :: f. (-मी) The seventh day in the first half of the month māgha.
  • मकराकर :: m. (-रः) The ocean. E. मकर a marine monster, and आकर receptacle.
  • मकराकार :: m. (-रः) A plant, said to be a species of Karanja or Cæsal- pinia. E. मकर a fish, आकार form. “कांँटा करम्जा” ।
  • मकराङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) 1. KĀMADEVA. 2. The ocean. E. मकर a marine mons- ter. and अङ्क mark, emblem.
  • मकरालय :: m. (-यः) The ocean. E. मकर a sort of fish, and आलय abode.
  • मकराश्व :: m. (-श्वः) VARUṆA. E. मकर a marine monster, and अश्व a horse; riding on the Makara.
  • मकरिन् :: m. (-री) The ocean. E. मकर a marine monster, and इनि aff.
  • मकुट :: n. (-टं) A crest, a head-dress, a crown, a tiara. E. मकि to adorn, aff. उट form irr.
  • मकुति :: f. (-तिः) An edict or order of the government, addressed to the Sūdra tribe, or to a Sūdra. E. मकि-उति ।
  • मकुर :: m. (-रः) 1. A mirror. 2. The stick of a potter's wheel. 3. An un- blown flower. 4. A tree with light yellow, and fragrant flowers, (Mimusops elengi.) E. मकि to adorn, उरच् Unādi aff. and deriv. irr.; also मुकुर ।
  • मकुल :: m. (-लः) 1. An opening bud. 2. A kind of tree, (Mimusops elen- gi.) E. मकि to adorn, उलच् aff., deriv. irr. “वकुल वृक्षे ।”
  • मकुष्टक :: m. (-कः) A kind of kidney-bean, a wild variety, perhaps of the Phaseolus mungo. E. मकु irrly. derivd, from मक् to adorn, ष्टक् to impede, aff. अच्; also मकुष्ठक ।
  • मकुष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्टा -ष्ठं) Going lazily, slowly, &c. m. (-ष्ठः) A sort of rice. E. मकि to adorn, aff. उ, deriv. irr. मकु, and स्था to stand, aff. क . also मुकुष्ठ ।
  • मकुष्ठक :: m. (-कः) A sort of kidney-bean. E. मकु ornament: (see the two last;) स्था to stay or be, aff. क्वुन् ।
  • मकूलक :: m. (-कः) A plant commonly Dantī. E. मकि to adorn, ऊलच् aff. and कन् added.
  • मक्क् :: r. 1. cl. (मक्कते) To go, to move.
  • मक्कूल :: n. (-लं) A mineral substance, considered variously to be chalk or benzoin. E. मक्क् to go, to be, aff. ऊलच् । “शिलाजतु” ।
  • मक्कोल :: m. (-लः) Chalk: see the last. E. मक्क् to go, ओलच् aff.
  • मक्ष् :: r. 1st cl. (मक्षति) 1. To fill. 2. To be angry. 3. To mix, to combine.
  • मक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. Hypocrisy, slyness, concealment of one's own defects. 2. Multitude. E. मक्ष् to fill. aff. अच् ।
  • मक्षिका :: f. (-का) A fly. E. मक्ष् to be angry, Unādi aff. सिकन्; or मक्ष् the same, क्कुन् aff.
  • मक्षीका :: f. (-का) A fly. E. See the last, the pen. vowel made long.
  • मख :: r. 1st cl. (मखति) also (इ) मखि (मङ्क्षति) To go, to move.
  • मख :: m. (-खः) Sacrifice, oblation. E. मख् to go, aff. घञ् or घ ।
  • मखत्रातृ :: m. (-ता) RĀMA, the son of DASARATHA, and second incarnation of VISHṆU so named. E. मख sacrifice, and त्रातृ who preserves; his first exploit being the discomfiture of the Rākshasas, who dis- turbed the sacrifices of VISWĀMITRA.
  • मखवह्नि :: m. (-ह्निः) Sacrificial-fire. E. मख sacrifice, and वह्नि fire; also similar compounds, as मखाग्नि &c.
  • मखानल :: m. (-लः) Sacrificial-fire. E. मख and अनल fire.
  • मखासुहृद् :: m. (-द) ŚIVA. E. मख् sacrifice, here meaning the sacrifice offered by DAKSHA and असुहृद् unfriendly; having disturbed the ceremony, and slain the sacrificer.
  • मग् (इ) मगि :: r. 1st cl. (मङ्गति) To go, to move.
  • मगध :: m. (-धः) 1. A country, South Behar. 2. An inhabitant of that

country. 3. A bard, whose peculiar province is to sing the praises of a chief's ancestry in his presence, a family bard or minstrel. f. (-धा) 1. Long pepper. 2. The town of the Magadhas. E. मगध a Kandwādi verb, to ask, aff. अच्; or मगध the country, अण् aff., with alteration of the vowel optional; hence also मागध ।

  • मगधेश्वर :: m. (-रः) A name of JARA SANDHA. E. मगध South Bihar, ईश्वर king.
  • मग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) 1. Plunged, dived, immersed. 2. Sunk, drowned. 3. Absorbed. E. मस्ज् to plunge into water, aff. क्त .
  • मघ् (इ) मघि :: r. 1st cl. (मङ्घते) 1. To go, to move. 2. To begin moving. 3. To begin. 4. To move swiftly. 5. To blame. 6. To gamble. 7. To cheat, to be addicted to dishonest practices. (मङ्घति) To decorate, to adorn.
  • मघ :: m. (-घः) 1. One of the Dwīpas or divisions of the universe. 2. A country, that of the modern Mugs, or Ārrākān. 3. A drug. 4. Pleasure, happiness. 5. A kind of medicine. n. (-घं) A kind of flower. f. (-घा) The tenth lunar asterism, containing five stars figured by a house: it is sometimes considered to be confined to the plural number. (मघाः) f. (-घा-घी) A sort of grain. E. मह to wor- ship, aff. कन् and ह changed to घ; or मघि-अच् पृषो० ।
  • मघवत् :: m. (-वान्) A name of INDRA. E. मघ happiness, (of paradise or Swarga,) मतुप् aff.
  • मघवन् :: m. (-वा) 1. INDRA. 2. One of the twelve Chakravartis, or uni- versal monarchs of the Jainas. 3. An epithet of Vyāsa 4. An owl. E. मह to sacrifice, कनिन् Unādi aff. and वुक् augment, form irr.; before the vowel affs. of the second case plural, and the last five cases, the व of this word is changed to उ, and thence becomes ओ as usual, as मघोनः, मघोना, मघोने, &c.; also with ङीष् aff. the fem. form is मघीनी f. (-नी) Sāchi, the wife of INDRA.
  • मघाभव :: m. (-वः) The planet VENUS. E. मघा the asterism, and भव born.
  • मघाभू :: m. (-भूः) SUKRA. E. मघा and भू born; see the last.
  • मङ्किल :: m. (-लः) A fire in a forest. E. मकि to adorn, aff. इलच् ।
  • मङ्कुर :: m. (-रः) A mirror. E. मकि to adorn, उरच् aff., and the nasal re- tained; also मकुर and मुकुर ।
  • मङ्क्तृ :: mfn. (-क्ता -क्त्री -क्तृ) 1. Bathing or drowning; any thing, or person. 2. Cleaning any thing by immersion. E. मस्ज् to bathe, aff. तृच्, and नुम् augment.
  • मङ्क्षण :: n. (-णं) Cuisses or greaves, armour for the thighs or legs. E. मङ्क्ष- ल्युट् aff.; it is sometimes read मङ्क्षुण ।
  • मङ्क्षु :: Ind. 1. Quickly, Swiftly, instantly. 2. Much, exceedingly. E. मस्ज् to purify, सु aff., and नुम् augment; also मङ्खु . E. मखि-उन् ।
  • मङ्क्षुण :: n. (-णं) Cuisses or greaves, armour for the thighs or legs; a sort of iron chain-work petticoat, coming down to the knees, is still worn in some parts of India.
  • मङ्ख :: m. (-ङ्खः) 1. A royal bard. 2. A mendicant of a particular order. E. मखि to go, अच् aff.
  • मङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) The head of a boat. E. मगि to go, aff. अच् ।
  • मङ्गल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Lucky, fortunate, prosperous, faring well or happily. 2. Brave. n. (-लं) 1. Happiness, good-fortune. 2. Preserving property, taking care of what has been gained. 3. Prudence, care- fulness. 3. A good woman. 4. Festivity. 5. Turmeric. 6. An ancient custom. m. (-लः) 1. The planet MARS. 2. Burnt offering on various occasions of rejoicing. f. (-ला) 1. A name of UMĀ, the wife of ŚIVA. 2. A bent grass, (Panicum dactylon,) with white blossoms. 3. A virtuous and obedient wife. 4. The mother of the fifth Jina or Jaina teacher SUMATĪ. 5. A species of Cæsalpinia. E. मगि to go, अलच् Unādi aff.
  • मङ्गलच्छाय :: m. (-यः) Waved-leaf fig-tree, (Ficus infectoria.) E. मङ्गल pros- perous, lucky, and छाया shade.
  • मङ्गलदेवता :: f. (-ता) A tutelary deity.
  • मङ्गलपाठक :: m. (-कः) A bard, an encomiast. E. मङ्गल good fortune, and पाठक who reads or recites.
  • मङ्गलप्रतिसर :: m. (-रः) 1. An auspicious string worn by married women round the neck. 2. The cord of an amulet.
  • मङ्गलप्रदा :: f. (-दा) Turmeric. E. मङ्गल auspiciousness, and प्रदा bestowing.
  • मङ्गलाक्षत :: m. (-तः) Rice thrown by Brāhmans upon people in bestow- ing a blessing.
  • मङ्गलाचरण :: n. (-णं) An auspicious introduction in the shape of a prayer at the beginning of an undertaking or of any written work.
  • मङ्गलाष्टक :: n. (-कं) A benedictory stanza repeated by priests for good luck on the bride and bridegroom at the time of wedding.
  • मङ्गल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) 1. Auspicious, propitious, conferring happi- ness, prosperity, &c. 2. Beautiful, pleasing, agreeable. 2. Pure, pious. m. (-ल्यः) 1. A plant, commonly Trayamāna. 2. The holy fig-tree, (Ficus religiosa.) 3. The Vilwa, (Ægle marme- los.) 4. A sort of pulse, (Cicer lens.) 5. The cocoanut-tree. f. (-ल्या) 1. A fragrant sort of Agallochum or aloe wood. 2. A kind of Mimosa, (M. Suma, Rox.) 3. A herb, commonly Gojihvā, (Hieracium or according to Rox's Catalogue, a herb of the same class, Elephantopus scaber.) 4. A sort of grass, (Andropogun aciculatum.) 5. A sort of fennel, (Anethum sowa.) 6. A sort or perfume, commonly Rochanā. 7. A kind of Orris root, (Acorus calamus.) n. (-ल्यं) 1. Sour curds. 2. Sandal. 3. Red lead. 4. Gold. 5. Water brought from various sacred places for the coronation of a king. E. मङ्गल prosperous and यत् aff.
  • मङ्गल्यक :: m. (-कः) Lentils, (Cicer lens.) E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • मङ्गल्यनामधेया :: f. (-या) A plant, (Celtis orientalis.) E. मङ्गल्य auspicious, नामधेया appellation.
  • मङ्गिनी :: f. (-नी) A boat. E. मङ्ग the head of a boat, aff. इनि ।
  • मच् :: also (इ) मचि r. 1st cl. (मचते मञ्चते) 1. To be vain or proud. 2. To be wicked. 3. To speak. 4. To pound or grind. मचि r. 1st cl. (मञ्चते) 1. To hold or have. 2. To be high or tall. 3. To revere, to adore, to worship. 4. To shine.
  • मचर्च्चिका :: f. (-का) 1. Excellence, happiness. 2. (In apposition,) Best, excellent, (the gender is unchanged.) E. म ŚIVA, चर्च्च to worship, affs. ण्वुल् and टाप् ।
  • मच्चित्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Who or what has the mind fixed on me, (God.) E. मत् me, चित्त mind.
  • मच्छ :: m. (-च्छः) A fish in general. E. मद् to delight, and श aff., form irr. see मत्स्य ।
  • मज्जकृत् :: n. (-कृत्) A bone. E. मज्ज marrow and कृत् what makes.
  • मज्जत् :: mfn. (-ज्जन् -ज्जन्ती -ज्जत्) Plunging in or into, being immersed, dip- ping, drowning. E. मस्ज् to be immersed, शतृ aff.
  • मज्जन् :: m. (-ज्जा) 1. The marrow of the bone and flesh. 2. The pith or sap of trees, &c. E. सस्ज् to be immersed, (in the centre of the bones, &c.) and कनिन् Unādi aff.
  • मज्जन :: n. (-नं) 1. Bathing, ablution. 2. Immersion. 3. Drowning. 4. Marrow. E. मस्ज् to bathe, &c. aff. ल्युट् ।
  • मज्जसमुद्भव :: n. (-वं) Semen Virile. E. मज्ज marrow, समुद्भव production.
  • मज्जा :: f. (-ज्जा) Marrow, pith, sap. E. मज्जन् marrow and अच्-टाप् aff.: see मज्जन् ।
  • मज्जारजस् :: n. (-जः) 1. Hell. 2. Bdellium.
  • मज्जारस :: m. (-सः) Semen virile.
  • मज्जासार :: n. (-रं) Nutmeg. “जातीफले ।”
  • मज्जिका :: f. (-का) The female of the Indian crane.
  • मज्ज षा :: f. (-षा) A basket. E. See मञ्जूषा ।
  • मञ्च् (उ) मञ्चु :: r. 1st cl. (मञ्चति) To go.
  • मञ्च :: m. (-ञ्चः) 1. A bed, a bedstead 2. A platform, a scaffold. 3. An ele- vated shed raised on bamboos in a cornfield, &c., where a watch- man is stationed to protect the corn from cattle, birds, wild beasts, &c. 4. A sort of throne or chair of state, or the platform on which it is raised, the dais. E. मचि to be high or tall, aff. धञ् ।
  • मञ्चक :: m. (-कः) 1. A bed, a bedstead. 2. A platform, a scaffold. 3. A stand for holding fire. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • मञ्चकाश्रय :: m. (-यः) A bug. E. मञ्चक a bed, and आश्रय abode.
  • मञ्चमण्डप :: m. (-पः) A sort of temporary open shed, a platform erected for particular ceremonies, as marriages, &c. E. मञ्च a scaffold, and मण्डप a temporary hall.
  • मञ्ज् :: r. 10th cl. (मञ्जयति) 1. To sound. 2. To clean, to purify.
  • मञ्जर :: nf. (-रं-री) 1. A pearl. 2. A compound pedicle. 3. A sort of plant, commonly Tilaka. E. मञ्जु beautiful, ऋ to go or be, aff. अप्, deriv. irr.; or मन्ज्-अरच् ।
  • मञ्जरि :: f. (-रिः-री) 1. A compound pedicle, a fruit or flower-stalk. 2. A A large pearl. 3. A plant, commonly Tilaka. 4. A line. 5. A creeper. 6. The holy-basil. mf. (-रिः-री) A shoot, a sprout. E. मञ्जु beautiful, ऋ to go, or be, aff. इ, deriv. irr., ङीप् optionally added.
  • मञ्जरिचामर :: n. (-रं) A fan-like sprout.
  • मञ्जरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Mounted on a stalk, (a bud, &c.) E. मञ्जर and इतच् aff.
  • मञ्जरिनम्र :: m. (-म्रः) The Vetasa plant.
  • मञ्जा :: f. (-ञ्जा) 1. A compound pedicle: see the last. 2. A she-goat. 3. A creeper. E. मजि to sound, aff. अच् ।
  • मञ्जि :: f. (-ञ्जिः-ञ्जी) A compound pedicle; also मञ्जरी ।
  • मञ्जिका :: f. (-का) A harlot, a whore. E. मजि-ण्वुलु-टाप् अत इत्त्वम् ।
  • मञ्जिफला :: f. (-ला) The plantain, (Musa sapientum.) E. मञ्जि a foot-stalk, and फल fruit.
  • मञ्जिमन् :: n. (म) Beauty, elegance. E. मञ्जु handsome, इमनिच् aff.
  • मञ्जिष्ठा :: f. (-ष्ठा) Bengal madder, a plant used in medicine, and in dy- ing, (Rubia Manjith, Rox.) E. मञ्जु beautiful, स्था to stay or be, क aff., deriv. irr.; or मञ्जि a compound pedicle, and स्थ aff.
  • मञ्जिष्ठाराग :: m. (-गः) 1. The dye of madder. 2. An attachment as dura- ble as the colour of the Indian madder, permanent attachment, (figuratively.) E. मञ्जिष्ठा and राग colour.
  • मञ्जीर :: n. (-रं) An ornament for the feet or toes. m. (-रः) A post, round which passes the string that works the stick of a churn. E. मन्ज् to sound, aff. ईरन्; also with कन् added मञ्जीरक ।
  • मञ्जील :: m. (-लः) 1. A village, inhabited chiefly by washermen. 2. An anklet. E. मञ्ज् to sound, ईरन् aff. and र changed to ल ।
  • मञ्जु :: mfn. (-ञ्जुः -ञ्जुः -ञ्जु) Beautiful, pleasing, agreeable. E. मन्ज् to clean, aff. उन् ।
  • मञ्जुकेशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Beautiful-haired. m. (-शी) A name of KRISHṆA, or VISHṆU in that form. E. मञ्जु beautiful, केश hair, इनि aff.
  • मञ्जुगमना :: f. (-ना) A goose. E. मञ्जु beautiful, elegant, and गमन gait.
  • मञ्जुगुञ्ज :: m. (-ञ्जः) A charming murmur.
  • मञ्जुघोष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Having a sweet voice or cry. m. (-षः) One of the Bauddha teachers. f. (-षा) One of the Apsarās or courtezans of Swarga. E. मञ्जु agreeable, and घोष sound, voice.
  • मञ्जुनाशी :: f. (-शी) 1. A name of DURGĀ. 2. The wife of INDRA. 3. A handsome woman. E. मञ्जु beautiful and नाश destruction; putting every other beauty to shame by their superiority.
  • मञ्जुपाठक :: m. (-कः) A parrot.
  • मञ्जुप्राण :: m. (-णः) A name of BRAHMĀ. E. मञ्जु pleasing and प्राण life.
  • मञ्जुभद्र :: m. (-द्रः) Bauddha; also called Manjughosha.
  • मञ्जुभाषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Speaking sweetly or pleasantly. f. (-णी) 1. A woman speaking kindly. 2. A species of Atijagatī metre. E. मञ्जु and भाषिन् who speaks.
  • मञ्जुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Beautiful, agreeable, pleasing. m. (-लः) A galli- nule. n. (-लं) 1. A natural water-course or channel, a spring, a well. 2. An arbour, a bower. 3. An aquatic plant, (Vallisneria octandra.) E. मञ्जु handsome, ला to be, aff. क ।
  • मञ्जुवक्त्र :: mfn. (-क्त्रः -क्त्रा -क्त्रं) Lovely, handsome. E. मञ्जु beautiful, वक्त्र the face.
  • मञ्जुश्री :: m. (-श्रीः) A Bauddha saint: see मञ्जुघोष ।
  • मञ्जूषा :: f. (-षा) 1. A basket, a large basket, 2. A stone. 3. Bengal mād- der. 4. The case in which the great bow that RĀMA broke, was kept. E. मन्ज् to make pure or clean by ablution, Unādi aff. ऊषन्, and the nasal augment; also with a short vowel मञ्जुषा ।
  • मटती :: f. (-ती) Hail; also मटची ।
  • मटस्फटि :: m. (-टिः) Incipient pride.
  • मट्टक :: n. (-कं) 1. The ridge of a thatch. 2. A sort of grain, (Eleusine corocana.)
  • मठ् :: r. 1st cl. (मठति) 1. To be confused or disturbed in mind. 2. To dwell, to inhabit. 3. To grind. 4. To go. (इ) मठि r. 1st cl. (मण्ठते) 1. To bewail, to regret, to remember with sorrow or regret. 2. To long for.
  • मठ :: m. (-ठः) 1. A school, a college, the residence of young Brāhmans, prosecuting sacred studies. 2. A building inhabited by asceties of the same order. 3. A temple. 4. A cart, a carriage, particularly drawn by oxen. E. मठ् to dwell, aff. अच् ।
  • मठर :: m. (-रः) The name of a Muni or saint. f. (-रा) Intoxicated. E. मत् to respect, Unādi aff. अरच्, and ठ substituted for the radical final.
  • मठी :: f. (-ठी) A cell. 2. A cloister.
  • मड् (इ) मडि :: r. 1st cl. (मण्डते) 1. To divide, to separate. 2. To clothe 3. To surround, to encompass. r. 1st and 10th cls. (मण्डति मण्डयति-ते) To adorn, to grace, to decorate. r. 10th cl. (मण्डयति-ते) To gladden, to rejoice, to make happy.
  • मडक :: m. (-कः) A kind of grain, (Eleusine corocana.) E. मडि-क्वुन् ।
  • मड्डु :: m. (-ड्डुः) A sort of drum. E. मस्ज् to purify, aff. उन्, deriv. irr.; also with कन् added, मड्डुक ।
  • मण :: r. 1st cl. (मणति) To sound, to sound inarticulately.
  • मणि :: mf. (-णिः-णिः-णी) 1. A gem, a jewel, a precious stone. 2. Orna- ment in general. 3. A load-stone, a magnet. 4. Any thing excell- ent of its kind. 5. A pearl. 6. Fleshy processes pending from the neck of a goat. 7. A small water-pot. 8. The glans penis. 9. The clitoris. 10. The wrist. 11. One of the Nāgas or serpent chiefs of Pātāla. E. मण् to sound, aff. इन् ।
  • मणिक :: n. (-कं) A small water-jar, a pitcher. m. (-कः) A jewel. E. मणि the same, aff. कन् ।
  • मणिकण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) The blue jay. E. मणि a jewel, and कण्ठ the throat.
  • मणिकण्ठक :: m. (-कः) A cock.
  • मणिकर्ण :: mfn. (र्णः-णा-र्णी-र्णं) Jewel-eared. E. मणि, and कर्ण the ear.
  • मणिकर्णिका :: f. (-का) A holy pool at Benares, in which pilgrims are directed to bathe. E. माण, and कर्ण the ear, aff. कन्, fem. form; Devi having dropped one of her ear-rings at this place.
  • मणिकाच :: m. (-चः) The feathered part of an arrow.
  • मणिकानन :: n. (-नं) The neck or throat. E. मणि a jewel, and कानन a wood; abounding with such ornaments.
  • मणिकार :: m. (-रः) A jeweller, a lapidary or worker in precious stones. E. मणि a gem, and कार who makes.
  • मणिग्रीव :: m. (-वः) One of KUVERA'S sons. E. मणि a gem, ग्रीवा the neck.
  • मणिछिद्रा :: f. (-द्रा) 1. Marrow. 2. A sort of drug.
  • मणित :: n. (-तं) Low murmuring sound uttered at cohabitation. E. मण् to sound, aff. क्त ।
  • मणितारक :: m. (-कः) The Indian crane. E. मणि a jewel, तृ to pass over, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • मणिद्वीप :: m. (-पः) 1. The crest or hood of the great serpent ANANTA. 2. Name of an island in the ocean of nectar. E. मणि a jewel, and द्वीप a continent.
  • मणिधनुष् :: m. (-नुः) The rainbow. E. मणि a jewel, and धनुस् a bow.
  • मणिपुष्पक :: m. (-कः) The conch-shell of Sahadeva.
  • मणिपूर :: m. (-रः) 1. The navel. 2. A sort of bodice worn by women, and often richly ornamented with. n. (-रं) 1. The pit of the stomach, as one of the mystical Chakras of the body: see चक्र . 2. Name of a town in Kalinga. E. मणि a jewel, and पूर filling, full.
  • मणिबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) The wrist. E. मणि a jewel, and बन्ध binding; where bracelets of precious stones are bound.
  • मणिबन्धन :: n. (-नं) 1. An ornament of pearls. 2. That part of a ring where the jewels are set.
  • मणिभद्र :: m. (-द्रः) 1. One of the Jinas, or Jaina deified teachers. 2. A name of the king of the Yakshas.
  • मणिभित्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) The place of the great serpent, SESHA Nāga. E. मणि a jewel, and भित्ति a wall.
  • मणिभूमि :: f. (-मिः) A jewel-mine, or a place where gems or precious stones are found. E. मणि a gem, and भूमि ground, also मणिभू f. (-भूः) ।
  • मणिमण्डप :: m. (-पः) 1. The capital of Sesha. 2. The place of NAIRI- TA, regent of the S. W. quarter. E. मणि a jewel, and मण्डप a building.
  • मणिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Having jewels, possessed of or adorned with them. m. (-मान्) The sun. E. मणि, and मतुप् poss. aff.
  • मणिमध्य :: n. (-ध्यं) A species of the Vrihatī metre.
  • मणिमन्थ :: n. (-न्थं) 1. A mountain or range where salt is found. 2. Rock- salt. E. मणि a gem, and मन्थ what churns.
  • मणिमाला :: f. (-ला) 1. A necklace, a zone, a fillet, &c. of precious stones. 2. The circular impression left by a bite, (in amorous sports.) 3. The goddess LAKSHMĪ. 4. Light, lustre. 5. A species of the Jagatī metre. E. मणि a gem, and माला a necklace, &c.
  • मणिरत्न :: n. (-त्नं) A precious gem. E. मणि, and रत्न a jewel, or the best of any thing.
  • मणिव :: m. (-वः) One of the Nāgas or serpents of Pātāla. E. मणि a gem, and व poss. aff.
  • मणिवीज :: m. (-जः) The pomegranate. E. मणि a gem, and वीज seed.
  • मणिसर :: n. (-रं) A string of gems, a necklace, &c. E. मणि, and सर what goes.
  • मणिसोपान :: m. (-नः) 1. A staff or stick set with jewels. 2. A stair-case set with jewels. E. मणि a jewel, सोपान a ladder.
  • मणीचक्र :: n. (-क्रं) The moon-gem, probably a sort of crystal. m. (-कः) A king-fisher.
  • मणिवक :: n. (-कं) A flower. E. मण् to sound. deriv. irr.
  • मण्ड :: mn. (-ण्डः-ण्डं) 1. Scum, skimmings, froth, foam, barm, &c., the upper part of any infusion in a state of boiling or ferment. 2. Pith, essence. 3. The head. m. (-ण्डः) 1. Ornament, decoration. 2. The castor-oil tree. (Palma christi.) 3. A sort of potherb. 4. A frog. f. (-ण्डा) 1. Spirituous or vinous liquor. 2. Emblic myrobalan. E. मडि to adorn, Unādi aff. ड; मन-ड तस्य-नेत्त्वम् ।
  • मण्डन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Adorning, dressing, decorating, fond of or put- ting on ornaments. n. (-नं) Ornament, decoration, jewels, trinkets, &c. m. (-नः) Name of a philosopher, a contemporary and opponent of Sankarāchārjya. E. मडि to adorn, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • मण्डप :: mn. (-पः-पं) 1. A temporary building, an open shed or hall, adorned with flowers and erected on festival occasions, as in marriages, &c. 2. An open temple or building consecrated to a deity. 3. A bower. 4. A pavilion. E. मण्ड ornament, and पा to preserve, aff. क; or मडि-कप्न् ।
  • मण्डयन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. An ornament, a decoration of trinkets, jewels, &c. 2. An actor. 3. Food. 4. An assembly of women. f. (-न्ती) A wo- man, a wife. E. मडि to adorn, Unādi aff. झच्, fem. aff. ङीप् ।
  • मण्डरी :: f. (-री) The mole cricket.
  • मण्डल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) The disk of the sun or moon. n. (-लं) 1. The sun's disk. 2. An orb, a circumference in general, or the circle bounding the view, the visible horizon. 3. (In astronomy,) A great circle, as नाडीमण्डलं the equator, क्रान्तिमण्डलं the ecliptic. 4. A ball, a globe. 5. A wheel. 6. A province, a region, a district, extending twenty, or according to some authorities, forty Yojanas in every way. 7. The country or empire, over which the twelve princes termed Chakravartis are supposed to have ruled; perhaps the peninsula of India, where the term Mandala or Mandel is of constant occurrence, to signify a province or district, as in Coro

mandel, &c. 8. Surrounding or contiguous countries. 9. A sort of leprosy with circular spots. 10. A heap, a quantity, a multitude or assemblage. 11. An attitude in shooting, the fifth position, in which both knees are bent. 12. The impression or scratch of a finger-nail. 13. A sort of perfume, resembling in appearance a dried shell-fish. 14. A sort of mystical diagram, used in summon- ing a divinity. 15. A sweet-meat a sugar-ball. 16. A form of array, an army drawn up in a circle. 17. A division of the Rig- veda. m. (-लः) 1. A kind of snake. 2. A dog. f. (-ली) Bent grass. E. मडि to adorn, aff. कलच् ।

  • मण्डलक :: n. (-कं) 1. An orb or disk. 2. A sort of leprosy, with large round spots. 3. A mirror. 4. A form of array, an army drawn up in a circle. 5. A circular figure or diagram. m. (-कः) A dog. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • मण्डलनृत्य :: n. (-त्यं) Dancing in a ring, especially a dance imitative of one, said to have been danced by the Gopis round KRISHṆA and his mistress RĀDHĀ. E. मण्डल a circle, and नृत्य dancing.
  • मण्डलन्यास :: m. (-सः) The drawing of a circle.
  • मण्डलपुच्छक :: m. (-कः) A kind of poisonous insect.
  • मण्डलाग्र :: m. (-ग्रः) A sword, a scimitar. E. मण्डल a circle, अग्र a top or point.
  • मण्डलाधीश :: m. (-शः) An emperor, a king of kings. E. मण्डल an exten- sive district or empire, and अधीश sovereign.
  • मण्डलायित :: n. (-तं) A ball, a globe. E. मण्डल a circle, क्यप् aff., क्त added.
  • मण्डलिन् :: mfn. (ली-लिनी-लि) Being in a circle, made up into a coil or ball. 2. Surrounded by. m. (-ली) 1. A large species of snake. 2. A cat. 3. A Pole cat. 4. A dog. 5. The sun. 6. The ruler or governor of a Mandal or district. 7. The Indian fig-tree. E. मण्डल a circle, and इनि aff.
  • मण्डलीकरण :: n. (-णं) Rounding, gathering in a ball or a circle, coiling, &c. E. मण्डल and करण making, च्वि augment.
  • मण्डलीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Rounded, made round or globular, gathered in a ball or circle. E. मण्डल, and कृत made, च्वि augment.
  • मण्डलेशः :: m. (-शः) An emperor, a supreme monarch. E. मण्डल an empire, and ईश sovereign.
  • मण्डलेश्वर :: m. (-रः) A sovereign, a monarch. E. मण्डल a district, and ईश्चर a sovereign; the power of this prince is limited by AMARA, and the Mandaleswara is considered as an emperor or supreme prince, only when in addition to his territorial sway, he has performed the Rājasuya sacrifice, in which he has been attended by all his tributary or subject princes: other authorities confound the so- vereign of a Mandala, with the Chakravarti or emperor, and with the Samrāj or lord paramount, and others confine him to the government of a district of twenty or forty Yojanas in each direction.
  • मण्डहारक :: m. (-कः) A distiller of spirits. E. मण्ड froth, ferment, and हृ to take, aff. अण्, and कन् added.
  • मण्डा :: f. (-ण्डा) 1. Spirituous liquor. 2. The myrobalan tree. 3. Trigonella foenum graecum. “मेति” . E. मडि-अच्-टाप् ।
  • मण्डित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Ornamented, adorned. m. (-तः) One of the eleven persons called Gaṇadhipas by the Jainas. E. मडि to adorn, aff. क्त ।
  • मण्डूक :: m. (-कः) 1. A frog. 2. The name of a Muni. 3. A flower, (Big- nonia Indica.) f. (-का-की) Madder, (Rubia Manjith.) f. (-की) 1. A female frog. 2. A plant, (Siphonanthus Indica, or Hydrocotyle Asiatica.) 3. An unchaste or abandoned woman. n. (-कं) A kind of coitus. E. मडि to ornament, Unādi aff. ऊकन् ।
  • मण्डूकपर्ण :: mf. (-र्णः-र्णी) A plant, (Bignonia Indica.) f. (-र्णी) 1. Bengal madder, (Rubia Manjith.) 2. A plant, (Siphonanthus Indica.) 3. A sort of creeper, (Hydrocotyle Asiatica.) E. मण्डूक a frog, and पर्ण a leaf, compared to the animal in shape or colour.
  • मण्डुकयोग :: m. (-गः) A kind of meditation in which the meditator sits motionless like a frog.
  • मण्डुकानुवृत्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) A frog-leap, hence skipping over any portion or omitting it.
  • मण्डूर :: mn. (-रः-रं) Rust of iron used as a medicine. E. मडि to adorn, ऊरच् aff.
  • मण्डोदक :: n. (-कं) 1. Painting figures or flowers, on the walls or floors of an apartment, &c. on festival occasions, with a white pigment made from ground rice. 2. Variegated colour. 3. Mental excite- ment. E. मण्ड scum, and उदक water.
  • मत् :: Ind. Mine. E. Irregular substitute for मम, possessive case of अस्मद्, and is used in composition, as मत्पुत्त्र my son, मन्नाथ my lord.
  • मत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Known, understood. 2. Admitted, believed, held or entertained, (as opinion, &c.) 3. Respected, reverenced, mind- ed, regarded. n. (-तं) 1. Purpose, intention, wish, mind, (as to have a mind to any thing.) 2. Knowledge. 3. Doctrine, tenet, belief, opinion. 4. Counsel, advice. 5. Design, aim. 6. Approba- tion. E. मन् to mind, aff. क्त ।
  • मतङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. The name of a Muni. 2. A cloud. 3. An elephant. E. मद् to please, to be pleased, अङ्गच् Unādi aff., द changed to तः ।
  • मतङ्गज :: m. (-ङ्गः) An elephant. E. मतङ्ग cloud, (in colour.) and ज born.
  • मतल्लिका :: f. (-का) Excellence, happiness: (also attributively, but un- varying in gender,) excellent, best, happiest; It is used at the end of a compound only and there is no etymon of this word, according to the best authorities; Vāchaspatya defined it thus: सतिमलति भूषयति ण्वुल्-पृषो० ।
  • मति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Understanding, intellect. 2. Wish, desire, inclination. 3. Memory, recollection. 4. Respect, reverence. 5. A potherb. E. मन् to respect, &c. aff. क्तिन् ।
  • मतिप्रकर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Cleverness, talent. E. मति, and प्रकर्ष superiority.
  • मतिभ्रम :: m. (-मः) Error, mistake. E. मति understanding, and भ्रम error.
  • मतिभ्रान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) Error, mistake, misapprehension. E. मति mind, understanding, and भ्रान्ति error.
  • मतिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Sensible, clever, intelligent. E. मति, and मतुप् aff.
  • मतिविभ्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Error. 2. Madness, lunacy. E. मति, and विभ्रम error.
  • मतिहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Stupid, ignorant. E. मति, and हीन devoid of.
  • मत्क :: mfn. (-त्कः -त्का -त्कं) Mine, belonging to me, &c. m. (-त्कः) A bug: (see the next.) E. मत् for मम mine, and कन् poss. aff.
  • मत्कुण :: m. (-णः) 1. A bug. 2. A flea. 3. An elephant without tusks. 4. A beardless man. 5. The cocoanut tree. 6. A buffalo. n. (-णं) Armour for the thighs or legs. f. (-णा) The pudendum muliebre, without hair on the pubis. E. मद् or मत् pleasure, क्वन् to sound, aff. अच्, the deriv. irr.
  • मत्कुणारि :: m. (-रिः) Hemp, (Cannabis sativa.) E. मत्कुण a bug, and अरि an enemy.
  • मत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Pleased, glad, delighted. 2. Intoxicated, (drunk with liquor.) 3. Intoxicated, (with pride, passion, &c.) 4. Furious, mad, insane. m. (-त्तः) 1. A furious elephant, or one in rut. 2. Buffalo. 3. The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. 4. The thorn- apple, (Dhūturā.) f. (-त्ता) 1. Vinous liquor. 2. A species of the Panktī metre. E. मद् to rejoice, aff. क्त ।
  • मत्तकाशिनी :: f. (-नी) An excellent woman. E. मत्त intoxicated, and काश् to shine, aff. इनि; also from काष् or कास्, मत्तकाषिणी, and मत्तकासिनी ।
  • मत्तकीश :: m. (-शः) An elephant. E. मत्तक for मत्त furious, and ईश lord, the vowel unchanged.
  • मत्तदन्तिन् :: m. (-न्ती) A furious elephant. E. मत्त, and दन्तिन् an elephant.
  • मत्तमयूर :: m. (-रः) 1. A cloud. 2. A species of the Atijagatī metre. E. सत्त, and मयूर a peacock, (by which.)
  • मत्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Better or more than mine. E. मत् for मम mine, and डतरच् aff. of comparison.
  • मत्तवारण :: m. (-णः) A furious elephant, or one in rut. n. (-णं) 1. A paint-

ed wooden turret or vārāndāh, on the top of a large building or palace. 2. An enclosure of trees, &c. round the walls of a princely residence. 3. Pounded betle-nut. E. मत्त wild, and वारण an ele- phant, or fence.

  • मत्ताक्रीड :: n. (-डं) A species of the Vikritī metre. E. मत्त, आक्रीड playing,
  • मत्तालम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) A fence or enclosure round the walls of a palace, either artificial as palisades, or natural as a grove of trees, &c. E. मत्त mad, wild, (enemies, &c.) आलम्ब delaying.
  • मत्तेभगमना :: f. (-ना) A woman with a lounging or rolling walk. E. मत्त intoxicated, इभ an elephant, गमना who goes.
  • मत्पर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Devoted to me, (God.) E. मत्, and पर attentive.
  • मत्य :: n. (-त्यं) 1. The iron-bound handle of a sickle. 2. The exercise or application of knowledge. 3. The means of acquiring knowledge. E. मति knowledge, &c. aff. यत् .
  • मत्र् (इ,) मत्रि :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (मन्त्रति मन्त्रयति) To speak privately, to counsel or advise. With आङ्, To address or salute. With नि, To invite.
  • मत्स :: m. (-त्मः) A fish. E. मदि to be pleased, स aff.
  • मत्सगण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) Fish-sauce.
  • मत्सर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Envious. 2. Niggardly, covetous. mf. (-रः-रा) 1. Envy, impatience of another's success or prosperity. 2. Pas- sion, anger. 3. A gnat, a musquito. 4. Greediness. E. मदि to re- joice, Unādi aff. सर ।
  • मत्सरिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Wicked, depraved, bad. 2. Envious. E. मत्सर envy, इनि aff.
  • मत्स्य :: mf. (-त्स्य-त्सी) A fish in general. m. (-त्स्यः) 1. A particular fish probably the Saphari, or fish in which VISHṆU was incarnate in his Matsya Avatār. 2. A name of VISHṆU, from his incarnation as a fish. 3. A country, enumerated amongst the midland divisions of India, (Diṇajpur and Rangpur.) 4. One of the Purānas. E. मदि to be pleased, Unādi aff. स्यत् ।
  • मत्स्यकरण्डिका :: f. (-का) A fish-basket. E. मत्स्य a fish, and करण्ड a basket, कन् added in the fem. form.
  • मत्स्यगन्ध :: f. (-न्धा) 1. A plant, commonly Lāngaliya; (the common name is applied to the Nama zeylanica, and the commelina salicifolia.) 2. Satyavatī, the mother of the sacred poet VYĀSA: see मत्स्योदरी . E. मत्स्य a fish, and गन्ध smell.
  • मत्स्यघात :: m. (-तः) Catching fish. E. मत्स्य, and घात killing.
  • मत्स्यजाल :: n. (-लं) A fishing-net. E. मत्स्य fish, and जाल net.
  • मत्स्यण्डी :: f. (-ण्डी) Coarse or unrefined sugar, the juice of the sugar-cane, either after its first boiling, or after it is partially freed from im- purities by straining. E. मन्द slowly, स्यन्द् to trickle or ooze, अण् aff., fem. aff. ङीप्, deriv. irr.; also with कन् added, मत्स्यण्डिका ।
  • मत्स्यधानी :: f. (-नी) A fish basket, a small basket used by fishermen, to put the fish into when caught; it is also sometimes, but less accurately, applied to a kind of snare of reeds or grass, which is left in the water, and entangles the fish that swim with the curr- ent. E. मत्स्य a fish, धा to have or hold, aff. ल्युट्; also with आङ् prefixed, मत्स्याधानी ।
  • मत्स्यनाशक :: m. (-कः) An ospray. E. मत्स्य a fish, and नाशक destroyer.
  • मत्स्यनाशन :: m. (-नः) An ospray. E. मत्स्य a fish, and नाशन destroyer.
  • मत्स्यपित्ता :: f. (-त्ता) A medicinal plant, commonly Katkī. E. मत्स्य a fish, and पित्त bile; being as bitter.
  • मत्स्यबन्धिन् :: m. (-न्धी) A fisherman. f. (-नी) A fish-basket. E. मस्य a fish, and बन्ध confining, aff. इनि ।
  • मत्स्यरङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A king-fisher. E. मत्स्य a fish, and रङ्ग inclination; also with कन् added, मत्स्यरङ्गक; it is read मत्स्यरङ्ग ।
  • मत्स्यराज :: m. (-जः) 1. The Rohtai, a sort of fish, (Cyprinus Rohita, HAM.) 2. The country called Matsya. E. मत्स्य a fish, राज supreme.
  • मत्स्यवेधन :: nf. (-नं-नी) A fish-hook. f. (-नी) A bird, the shag. E. मत्स्य a fish, विध् to pierce, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • मत्स्यसंचात :: m. (-तः) A shoal of young or small fish. E. मत्स्य a fish, and संघात heap, quantity.
  • मत्स्यसन्तानिक :: m. (-कः) Fish baked in a crust of clay and straw, and eaten with condiments and oil. E. मत्स्य fish, सन्तान product, aff. ठक् ।
  • मत्स्याक्षी :: f. (-श्ची) The moon-plant, (Asclepias acida.) E. मत्स्य a fish, अक्ष an eye, aff. ङीष्; to which the flowers are compared.
  • मत्स्याङ्गी :: f. (-ङ्गी) A plant, (Hingtsha pens, Rox.) E. मत्स्य a fish, अङ्ग the body or form, aff. ङीष् ।
  • मत्स्याद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Who or what feeds upon fish. E. मत्स्य, and अद who eats.
  • मत्स्यादनी :: f. (-नी) A name applied to several plants, as to Jussieua repens, Hingtsha repens, Nama zeylanica, &c. E. मत्स्य a fish, अदन eating, food, aff. ङीष् ।
  • मत्स्यावतार :: m. (-रः) VISHṆU in his first Avatāra; when the seventh Manu was reigning, the whole earth was destroyed by a flood and all living beings perished except the reigning Manu and the seven Rishis who were saved by VISHṆU in the form of a fish.
  • मत्स्याशन :: m. (-नः) The king-fisher. E. मत्स्य a fish, अशन eating. ‘माछराङ्गा’ .
  • मत्स्योदरी :: f. (-री) 1. A name of SATYAVATĪ, the mother of VYĀSA. 2. A place of pilgrimage, a particular pool at Benares held in re- verence by pilgrims to that sacred city. E. मत्स्य a fish, and उदर the belly; the mother of VYĀSA was found in the belly of a fish, and retaining a fishy-odour, was thence also called MATSYAGAN- DHĀ, till the scent was changed to that of a lotus by her para- mour the Muni PARĀSARA, the father of VYĀSA.
  • मथ (ए) मथे :: r. 1st cl. (मथति) 1. The churn. 2. To stir or agitate. (इ) मथि (मन्थति) 1. To hurt or kill. 2. To afflict. 3. To suffer pain.
  • मथन :: n. (-नं) 1. Churning. 2. Rubbing. 3. Injury. m. (-नः) A tree, the wood of which is used to produce fire by attrition, (Premna longifolia.) E. मथ् to churn, to stir or rub, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • मथनाचल :: m. (-लः) The mountain Mandara.
  • मथित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Stirred, churned. 2. Agitated, (mentally,) dis- tressed, anxious. 3. Crushed, pinched. 4. Dislocated. n. (-तं) Butter-milk, without any watery admixture. E. मथ् to churn, aff. क्त ।
  • मथिन् :: m. (-न्था) 1. A churning-stick. 2. The Penis. 3. Wind. 4. The thunderbolt. E. मथि to stir or agitate, aff. इन्, and the nasal rejected.
  • मथुरा :: f. (-रा) A town in the province of Āgrā, celebrated as the birth place, and early residence of KRISHṆA, and still an object of pilgrimage amongst the Hindus. E. मथ् to stir, Unādi aff. उरच् ।
  • मथुरेश :: m. (-शः) A name of KRISHṆA. E. मथुरा a town, and ईश ruler.
  • मथूरा :: f. Mathurā. E. ऊरच् affixed to मथि, instead of उरच् ।
  • मद् :: r. 10th cl. (मादयते) (इ, इर्) मदि r. 1st cl. (मन्दते) and (ई, इर्) मदी r. 4th cl. (माद्यति) 1. To be glad, to be satisfied or content, to rejoice. 2. To be proud. (इ) मदि r. 1st cl. (मन्दते) 1. To praise. 2. To sleep, to doze, to be lazy or sluggish. 3. To be stupid, to be an idiot or fool. 4. To be elegant. 5. To go or approach. मद r. 10th cl. (मादयते) To cause or justify satisfaction or contentment. मदी r. 1st cl. causal form. (मादयति) 1. To delight, to make glad, to exhilarate. 2. To madden or intoxicate, literally or figuratively. 3. To be poor or distressed. 4. To be proud. With नि prefixed, (निमादयति) To articulate.
  • मद् :: A form of the first personal pronoun in the singular number used at the beginning of compounds, as in मत्सादृश्य “my likeness.” &c.
  • मद :: m. (-दः) 1. Joy, pleasure, delight. 2. The juice that flows from an elephant's temples when in rut. 3. Spirituous or vinous liquor. 4. Inebriety, intoxication. 5. Pride, arrogance. 6. Insanity, mad- ness. 7. Semen virile. 8. Musk. 9. A male river. 10. Ardent passion, desire. 11. Love. 12. Delight. 13. Arrogance. 14. Honey.

15. Any beautiful object. f. (-दी) 1. A drinking vessel. 2. An instrument for making furrows. E. मद् to be pleased, &c. aff. अच् ।

  • मदकल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Speaking inarticulately or like a drunken person. 2. Uttering low sounds of love. 3. Sweet and indistinct. m. (-लः) An elephant in rut. E. मद inebriety, &c., कल् to sound, aff. अच् ।
  • मदकोहल :: m. (-लः) A bull that has been liberated at some festival, and is allowed to wander about at will. E. मद pleasure, कुह् to sound, aff. अलच् ।
  • मदगन्धा :: f. (-न्धा) 1. Spirituous liquor. 2. Hemp. E. मद intoxication, and गन्ध smell.
  • मदगमन :: m. (-नः) A buffalo. E. मद pleasure, and गमन going.
  • मदघ्नी :: f. (-घ्नी) A potherb, (Basella lucida, &c.) E. मद inebriety, घ्नी what destroys.
  • मदच्युत :: f. (-ता) Adj. 1. Gladdening. 2. Wanton, drunk. m. (-तः) INDRA.
  • मदन :: m. (-नः) 1. KAMADEVA, the Hindu CUPID. 2. The season of spring. 3. A plant commonly Mayanā, (Vangueria spinosa.) 4. Thorn-apple, (Dhūtūra metel.) 5. A bee. 6. A sort of bean, (Pha- seolus radiatus.) 7. Bee's wax. 8. A tree, (Mimosa catechu.) 9. A kind of embrace. f. (-ना-नी) 1. Spirituous or vinous liquor. 2. De- lighting, E. मद् to exhilarate or rejoice, aff. ल्युट्, fem. aff. टाप्, or ङीष् ।
  • मदनकण्टक :: m. (-कः) Horripilation caused by the feeling of love.
  • मदनकाकुरव :: m. (-वः) A pigeon, a dove. E. मदन love, काकु change of voice, and रव who utters.
  • मदनक्लिष्ट :: Adj. Afflicted by love.
  • मदनगोपाल :: m. (-लः) KRISHṆA.
  • मदनचतुर्दशी :: f. (-शी) The fourteenth day in the first half of Chaitra sacred to the god of love.
  • मदननालिका :: f. (-का) A faithless wife.
  • मदनपक्षिन् :: f. (-क्षिणी) The Khanjana bird.
  • मदनपाठक :: m. (-कः) The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. E. मदन spring, and पाठक reader; announcing the season.
  • मदनवश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Subdued by love, in love. E. मदन, वश suddued.
  • मदनमहोत्सव :: m. (-वः) A festival held in honour of Kāmadeva.
  • मदनललित :: n. (-तं) 1. Sign or effect of love. 2. A species of the Ashtī metre.
  • मदनलेख :: m. (-खः) A love letter.
  • मदनशलाका :: f. (-क्य) 1. A provocative medicine. 2. The Mayanā, or more properly the Sārikā, a small bird. 3. The female of the Kokila or Indian cuckoo. E. मदन love, &c., and शलाका the bird, or a dart, &c.
  • मदनसारिका :: f. (-का) The Sārikā a small bird, (Turdus salica.) E. मदन love, and सारिका the Sālika.
  • मदनाग्रक :: m. (-कः) A kind of grain.
  • मदनाङ्कुश :: m. (-शः) 1. Membrum virile. 2. A nail-wound. E. मदन KĀMADEVA, and अङ्कुश a goad.
  • मदनातुर :: m. (-रः) Enamoured, in love.
  • मदनायुध :: m. (-धः) Pudendum muliebre. E. मदन, and आयुध a weapon.
  • मदनालय :: m. (-यः) 1. A sovereign, a prince. 2. A lotus. 3. Pudendum muliebre. E. मदन pleasure, आलय receptacle, abode.
  • मदनावस्था :: f. (-स्था) Separation of lovers. E. मदन love, अव depreciative prefix, स्था to stay, affs. क, and टाप् ।
  • मदनी :: f. (-नी) 1. Spirituous liquor. 2. Musk. 3. The Atimukta creeper.
  • मदनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be enamoured. 2. Causing or exciting passion. E. मद् to delight, अनीयर् aff.
  • मदनोत्सव :: m. (-वः) The vernal festival of the Hindus, the Holī. f. (-वा) A courtezan of heaven. E. मदन spring of love, and उत्सव festival.
  • मदप्रयोग :: m. (-गः) The issue of the fluid from the forehead of an ele- phant when in rut. E. मद the fluid, and प्रयोग junction.
  • मदभञ्जिनी :: f. (-नी) A plant, (Asparagus racemosus.) E. मद inebriety, भञ्ज् breaking, इनि aff. “शतमूल्याम्” ।
  • मदयन्तिका :: f. (-का) Arabian jasmine. E. कन् added to the next.
  • मदयन्ती :: f. (-न्ती) Arabian jasmine. E. मद् to delight, झच् Unādi aff., and ङीप् fem. aff.
  • मदयित्नु :: m. (-त्नुः) 1. Love or CUPID. 2. A distiller of spirituous liquor. 3. A drunken man, a mad man. 4. A cloud. n. (-त्नुं) Vinous or spirituous liquor. E. मद in the causal form, to intoxicate, &c. Unādi aff. इत्नुच् ।
  • मदराग :: m. (-गः) 1. Love or KĀMA. 2. A cock. 3. A drunken man. E. मद passion or desire, and राग propensity, inclination.
  • मदविक्षिप्त :: m. (-प्तः) 1. A furious elephant, or one in rut. 2. One dis- tracted by passion. E. मद the juice, and विक्षिप्त tossed, agitated.
  • मदविह्वल :: m. (-लः) Mad with lust or pride.
  • मदवृन्द :: m. (-न्दः) An elephant. E. मद the juice, and वृन्द a quantity.
  • मदशौण्डक :: n. (-कं) Nutmeg. “जातिफल” ।
  • मदसार :: m. (-रः) The cotton-plant.
  • मदस्थल :: n. (-लं) A tavern, a dram-shop. E. मद intoxication and स्थल place.
  • मदस्थान :: n. (-नं) A place where liquor is sold, a tavern, a dram-shop. E. मद drunkenness, and स्थान place.
  • मदाद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) Intoxicated, drunk. m. (-द्यः) The palm-tree. f. (-द्या) A sort of Barleria, with red flowers. E. मद intoxication, आद्या fit or proper for.
  • मदातङ्क :: m. (-ङ्क) Pain and sickness, consequent upon inebriety. E. मद, and आतङ्क fear.
  • मदात्यय :: m. (-यः) Disorder induced by drunkenness; headache, sick- ness, loss of appetite, &c. E. मद drunkenness, अत्यय consequence.
  • मदान्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Blind with pride or passion, arrogant, dis- solute, &c. E. मद, and अन्ध blind.
  • मदाम्नात :: m. (-तः) A drum carried on an elephant. E. मद pride, आम्नात minded, respected, from म्ना with आङ् prefix, and क्त aff.
  • मदाम्बर :: m. (-रः) 1. INDRA'S elephant. 2. An elephant in rut. E. मद the frontal fluid, and अम्बर garment, housing.
  • मदार :: m. (-रः) 1. An elephant in rut. 2. A rogue. 3. A libertine, a lecher. 4. An elephant in rut. 5. A hog. 6. The name of king. 7. A sort of perfume, probably musk. E. मद् to be intoxicated, &c., Unādi aff. आरन् ।
  • मदार्म्मद :: m. (-दः) A sort of fish: see फलक ।
  • मदालस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Indolent, slothful, overcome with passion, pride or drunkenness. E. मद and अलस idle.
  • मदालापिन् :: m. (-पी) The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. E. मद delight, आङ् before, लप् to speak, aff. णिनि; the song of this bird is constantly heard in the spring in most parts of Hindustan.
  • मदावस्था :: f. (-स्था) 1. Ruttishness. 2. Wantonness.
  • मदाह्व :: m. (-ह्वः) Musk. E. मद musk, and आह्व name.
  • मदि :: f. (-दिः) A kind of harrow. E. मृद-इन् पृषो० ।
  • मदिर :: m. (-रः) A red species of Khayer, (Mimosa catechu.) f. (-रा) 1. Wine, spirits, spirituous or vinous liquor. 2. A wagtail. 3. A spe- cies of the Akritī metre. E. मद् to be delighted, &c., Unādi aff. किरच्, fem. aff. टाप् ।
  • मदिराक्षी :: f. (-क्षी) A woman, a mistress, a wife. E. मदिरा wine, अक्षि the eye, अच् and ङीष् affs., whose eyes inebriate like wine.
  • मदिरागृह :: n. (-हं) A tavern, a dram-shop. E. मदिरा wine and गृह a house.
  • मदिरासख :: m. (-खः) The mango, (Mangifera Indica.) E. मदिरा wine or spirits, and सखि the friend.
  • मदिरेक्षणा :: f. (-णा) A fascinating woman. E. मदिरा, and ईक्षण the eye.
  • मदिष्ठा :: f. (-ष्ठा) Vinous liquor. E. मद what delights or intoxicates, इष्ठन् superlative aff.
  • मदीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Mine, my own. E. मत् for मम mine, and छ aff.
  • मदोत्कट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) 1. Arrogant, haughty. 2. Furious, mad. m. (-टः) 1. An elephant in rut. 2. A pigeon. 3. A dove. f. (-टा) A spirituous liquor. E. मद and उत्कट who is furious.
  • मदोदग्र :: mfn. (-ग्रः -ग्रा -ग्रं) Haughty, arrogant. f. (-ग्रा) A woman in gene- ral. E. मद and उदग्र elevated.
  • मदोद्धत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Drunk, intoxicated. 2. Arrogant, drunk with pride. E. मद drunkenness, उद्धत struck, overcome.
  • मदोन्मत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Drunk or mad with pride, passion, &c. E. मद and उन्मत्त mad.
  • मद्गु :: m. (-द्गुः) 1. An aquatic bird, the shag. 2. An outcaste, the son of a Brāhmana by a woman of the bard, or panegyrist class, whose employment is hunting wild beasts. 3. A ship, a galley. E. मस्ज् to emerge, to dive, उ aff., deriv, irr.; or मद to be delighted, (in the water,) and गुक् Unādi aff.
  • मद्गुर :: m. (-रः) A fish, (Macropteronatus Magur, Ham.) E. मद् to intoxi- cate, उरच् Unādi aff., and गुक् augment, form irr.; also with कन् added मद्गुरक ।
  • मद्गुरसी :: f. (-सी) A sort of fish. “शृङ्गीमत्स्ये” ।
  • मद्य :: n. (-द्यं) Wine, vinous or spirituous liquor. f. (-द्या) 1. Intoxicating. 2. Gladdening. E. मद to be intoxicated, (by it), aff. यत् ।
  • मद्यपङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) Vinous liquor for distilling. E. मद्य wine, पङ्क mud.
  • मद्यपाशन :: n. (-नं) Eating a relish, or what excites thirst. E. मद्य wine, अश् to go, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • मद्यपीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Drunk, a drunkard. E. मद्य and पीत drunk.
  • मद्यपुष्पी :: f. (-ष्पी) A plant, the blossoms of which are used in distilling: see मद्यवासिनी, &c. E. मद्य wine, पुष्प the flower. “धाइफुल् ।”
  • मद्यमण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) Yeast, barm, froth. E. मद्य wine, मण्ड froth, scum.
  • मद्यवासिनी :: f. (-नी) The Dhātuki creeper, the blossoms of which are used in distilling, (Grislea tomentosa, or Lythrum fruticosum.) E. मद्य wine, वस् to dwell, aff. णिनि and ङीष् ।
  • मद्यवीज :: n. (-जं) A drug used to produce fermentation. E. मद्य wine, and वीज seed.
  • मद्यसन्धान :: n. (-नं) Distillation of spirits. E. मद्य vinous liquor, and सन्धान distilling.
  • मद्र :: m. (-द्रः) 1. Joy, delight. 2. A country enumerated amongst those to the N. W. of Hindustan proper. 3. A sovereign of that coun- try. f. (-द्रा) The name of a river. E. मदि to be delighted, Unādi aff. रक् ।
  • मद्रक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Produced, &c. in the country of Madra. E. मद्र a country so named, and कन् aff.
  • मद्रकार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Delighting, giving delight. E. मद्र delight, कृ to make, aff. अण्; also with खच् aff. मद्रङ्कर ।
  • मद्रसुता :: f. (-ता) The wife of Pāndu, mother of the two youngest Pāndu princes. E. मद्र a proper name, and सुता the daughter.
  • मद्वन् :: m. (-द्वा) A name of ŚIVA. E. मद् to be intoxicated, वनिप् Unādi aff.
  • मद्वर्गीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Connected with, or related to me. E. मत् mine, वर्ग a class or number, ख aff.; also with छ aff. मद्वर्ग्गीय; and with यत्, मद्वर्ग्य ।
  • मधव्य :: m. (-व्यः) The lunar month Vaiśākha.
  • मधु :: mfn. (-धुः -ध्वी -धु) Sweet, literally or figuratively. n. (-धु) 1. Spirituous liquor, distilled from the blossoms of the Bassia latifolia, or accor- ding to some explanations wine, or spirit distilled from grapes. 2. Honey. 3. The nectar, or honey of flowers. 4. Water. 5. Milk. 6. Sugar. 7. Sweetness, in flavour, sound, or disposition. m. (-धुः) 1. The month Chaitra, (March-April.) 2. The season of spring. 3. A tree, (Bassia latifoliā.) 4. The name of Daitya or demon, slain by VISHṆU. 5. The Asoka tree, (Jonesia asoca.) 6. Liquo- rice. 7. The name of a RĀKSHASA killed by SATRUGHNA. 8. An epithet of king Kārtavirya. f. (-धुः) A plant, (Celtis orientalis.) E. मन् to mind or respect, Unādi aff. उ, and ध substituted for the final.
  • मधुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Sweet, (in taste.) 2. Sweet-speaking or sounding, mellifluous, melodious. m. (-कः) 1. A bard, a pane- gyrist, one who recites the lineage and praises of sovereigns in their presence. 2. A kind of bird. 3. A tree, (Bassia latifolia.) mn. (-कः-कं) Liquorice, &c. n. (-कं) Tin. f. (-का) 1. A plant, (Menis-

permum glabrum.) 2. The sweet lime. 3. A kind of panic seed. E. मधु sweet, कै to sound, aff. ड; or मधु honey, कन् aff. of com- parison, &c.

  • मधुकण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. E. मधु honey, (as sweet,) कण्ठ the throat.
  • मधुकर :: m. (-रः) 1. A bee. 2. A lover. 3. A plant, (Achyranthes aspera.) 4. A fruit, the round sweet lime. E. मधु honey, and कर what makes.
  • मधुकर्क्कटिका :: f. (-का) 1. A sort of citron, the round sweet lime. 2. A kind of date. E. मधु honey and कर्क्कटी or कर्क्कटिका a cucumber; some authorities have मधुकुक्कुटिका in place of this word.
  • मधुकारिन् :: m. (-री) A bee. E. मधु, and कारिन् who makes.
  • मधुकुक्कुटी :: f. (-टी) A kind of citron tree: see मधुकर्क्कटिका ।
  • मधुकुल्या :: f. (-ल्या) A stream of honey.
  • मधुकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) A bee. E. मधु honey, and कृत् what makes.
  • मधुकेशट :: m. (-टः) A bee. E. मधुके in honey, and शट् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • मधुकोष :: m. (-षः) The honey-comb or bee-hive. E. मधु honey, कोष recep- tacle. Also मधुकोश .
  • मधुक्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Tippling. 2. The honey-comb. E. मधु wine or honey, and क्रम order, arrangement.
  • मधुक्षीर :: m. (-रः) The date tree. E. मधु honey, and क्षीर milk.
  • मधुगायन :: m. (-नः) The Indian cuckoo.
  • मधुगुञ्जन :: m. (-नः) A tree. (Hyperanthera morunga.)
  • मधुघोष :: m. (-षः) The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. E. मधु sweet, and घोष voice.
  • मधुज :: n. (-जं) Bee's wax. f. (-जा) 1. The earth. 2. Clayed or candied sugar. E. मधु honey, and ज produced.
  • मधुजम्बीर :: m. (-रः) A kind of citron. “कमलालेवु ।”
  • मधुजित् :: m. (-जित्) VISHṆU or KRISHṆA. E. मधु the demon so named, and जित् conqueror.
  • मधुतृण :: n. (-णं) Sugar-cane. E. मधु sweet, and तृण grass.
  • मधुत्रय :: n. (-यं) The three sweet things, viz.:--Clarified butter, honey and sugar.
  • मधुदीप :: m. (-पः) KĀMA, the Hindu CUPID. E. मधु spring, and दीप inflaming.
  • मधुद्गत :: m. (-तः) The mango tree. E. मधु spring, and द्गत messenger; blossoming in spring.
  • मधुद्र :: m. (-द्रः) 1. A bee. 2. A libertine. E. मधु honey, द्रु to take, क aff., and the vowel changed.
  • मधुद्रव :: m. (-वः) A red variety of the Hyperanthera morunga. E. मधु honey, and द्रव dropping.
  • मधुद्रुम :: m. (-मः) 1. A tree, from the blossoms of which a spirit is dis- tilled, (Bassia latifolia.) 2. The mango tree. E. मधु wine, द्रुम a tree.
  • मधुधातु :: m. (-तुः) A sort of pyrites. E. मधु honey, (as yellow,) and धातु mineral, honey-stone.
  • मधुधूलि :: f. (-लिः) Molasses, sugar before it is quite purified. E. मधु honey, धूलि dust.
  • मधुनालिकेरक :: m. (-कः) A sweet kind of cocoanut. E. मधु sweet, नालिकेरक cocoanut.
  • मधुनेतृ :: m. (-ता) A bee. E. मधु honey, नी to get, तृच् aff.
  • मधुनोलीह :: m. (-हः) A bee. E. मधुनः of honey, लेह who licks.
  • मधुप :: m. (-पः) A bee. E. मधु honey, and प who drinks.
  • मधपटल :: m. (-लः) A bee-hive.
  • मधुपर्क :: n. (-र्कं) A dish of curds, ghee and honey, to be offered to a respectable guest on his arrival. E. मधु honey, पृच् to sprinkle, aff. घञ् ।
  • मधुपर्णिका :: f. (-का) 1. The indigo plant. 2. A tree, (Gmelina arborea.) 3. Moon plant, (Asclepias acida.) 4. A creeper of the Cryptogamia class, (Lycopodium imbricatum, Rox.) 5. A shrub, (Menispermum.) E. मधु honey, पर्ण a leaf, aff. कन्, fem. form; also मधुपर्णी ।
  • मधुपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) 1. A sort of creeper, (Menispermum glabrum.) 2. A tree, (Gmelina arborea.) 3. The indigo plant. 4. The sweet lime. E. मधु honey, पर्ण the leaf, aff. ङीष् ।
  • मधुपायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Living on honey. m. (-यी) A bee. E. मधु honey, पा to drink, णिनि aff., and युक् augment.
  • मधुपालिका :: f. (-का) A tree, (Gmelina arborea.) E. मधु honey, पाल् to nourish, वन् aff., fem. form. “गाम्भार्य्याम् ।”
  • मधुपुरी :: f. (-री) Mathurā, a city so called. E. मधु the Rākshasa killed by SATRUGHNA, and पुरी a city or capital.
  • मधुपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) 1. A tree, (Bassia latifolia.) 2. The Mimosa Sirisha. 3. The Bakula tree, (Mimusops elengi.) E. मधु wine or honey, and पुष्प flower.
  • मधुप्रमेह :: m. (-हः) Name of a particular disease of the urinary system.
  • मधुप्राशन :: n. (-नं) One of the sixteen purificatory rites, consisting in putting a little honey into the month of a new-born child.
  • मधुप्रिय :: m. (-यः) 1. A shrub, (Ardisia solanacea.) 2. A name of BALA- RĀMA. E. मधु wine, &c., and प्रिय fond of.
  • मधुफल :: m. (-लः) 1. A plant, (Flacourtia cataphracta.) 2. A sweet kind of cocoanut. E. मधु honey, and फल fruit.
  • मधुफलिका :: f. (-का) A kind of date.
  • मधुबहुला :: f. (-ला) The Mādhabi creeper.
  • मधुबीज :: m. (-जः) The Pomegranate tree.
  • मधुभिद् :: m. (-भिद् or -भित् A name of KRISHṆA or VISHṆU. E. मधु the Daitya; and भिद् destroyer.
  • मधुमक्षिका :: f. (-का) A bee. E. मधु honey, and मक्षिका a fly.
  • मधुमज्जन :: m. (-नः) The Ākhotaka tree.
  • मधुमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Sweet, honied. f. (-ती) A species of the Ushnih metre. E. भधु and मतुप् aff.
  • मधुमथन :: m. (-नः) A name of VISHṆU. E. मधु the Daitya, and मथन destroyer.
  • मधुमय :: f. (-यः-यी-यं) Sweet, luscious. E. मधु, and मयट् aff.
  • मधुमल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) Double jasmine. E. मधु, and मल्ली jasmine. “मालतीपुष्पे ।”
  • मधुमस्तक :: n. (-कं) A sweetmeat made of flour, honey, oil and ghee. E. मधु honey, and मस्तक a head.
  • मधुमाधवी :: f. (-वी) A kind of intoxicating drink.
  • मधुमाध्वीक :: n. (-कं) A spirit distilled from the flowers of the Bassia latifolia. E. मधु spirit, and माध्वीक the same prepared from honey.
  • मधुमारक :: m. (-कः) A bee.
  • मधुमूल :: n. (-लं) An esculent root, a sort of yam. E. मधु spirit, and मूल root. “मौआलु ।”
  • मधुयष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) Sugar-cane. E. मधु honey, and यष्टि a cane or stick.
  • मधुयष्टिका :: f. (-का) Liquorice, (Glyeirrhiza glabra, or rather the Abrus precatorius, of which the root is similarly used.) E. मधु honey, यष्टि a stick, and कन् added; or without the aff. मधुयष्टी f. (-ष्टी) . “यष्टिमधु ।”
  • मधुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Sweet. 2. Pleasing, agreeable, liked. m. (-रः) 1. The sweet taste, sweetness. 2. A drug, commonly Jivaka. 3. Mo- lasses. 4. The red sugar-cane. 5. Rice. 6. A kind of mango tree. n. (-रं) 1. Poison. 2. Tin. 3. Treacle, syrup. f. (-रा) 1. A sort of fennel, (Anethum sowa or panmorium. Rox.) 2. Anise, (Pimpinella anisum.) 3. A plant, (Sanseviera zeylanica.) 4. Liquorice. 5. The sweet lime. 6. Marrow. 7. The city Mathurā. 8. A Medicinal plant, commonly Kakkoli. 9. Asparagus racemosus. 10. Bengal beet. E. मधु honey, and रा to get or be, aff. क; to have the flavour of honey, to be as sweet.
  • मधुरक :: m. (-कः) A medicinal plant, commonly Jivaka. E. मधुर the same, कन् added.
  • मधुरकण्टक :: m. (-कः) A sort of fish. E. मधुर sweet, and कण्टक bone.
  • मधुरजम्बीर :: m. (-रः) The sweet lime. E. मधुर sweet, जम्बीर lime. “कम्लालेवु ।”
  • मधुरत्वच :: m. (-चः) A shrub, (Orislea tomentosa.) E. मधुर sweet, त्वच bark अच् added.
  • मधुरनिस्वना :: f. (-ना) A woman with a sweet voice. E. मधुर sweet, निस्वन who sounds.
  • मधुरवीजपूर :: m. (-रः) The sweet lime. E. मधुर sweet, वीजपूर a citron.
  • मधुरस :: m. (-सः) 1. Sweetness, (in flavour.) 2. Sweetness, (in speech.) 3. The sugar-cane. 4. The palm-tree. f. (-सा) 1. A shrub, (San- seviera zeylanica.) 2. A plant, (Asclepias acida.) 3. Grapes. E. मधु wine or honey, and रस juice, flavour.
  • मधुराचर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Sweet, mellifluous, mellow, melodious. E. मधुर, and अक्षर letter.
  • मधुराम्लक :: m. (-कः) The hog-plum, (Spondias mangifera.) E. मधुर sweet, अम्ल sour, कन् aff.
  • मधुरालापा :: f. (-पा) The talking-Mainā, (Turdus Sālika.) E. मधुर sweet, आलाप talking, fem. form.
  • मधुरिका :: f. (-का) A sort of fennel, (Anethum sowa, Rox.) E. मधुरा the same, कन् aff.; this name is applied also to the Anethum pan- morium, Rox. and the Bengali derivative Mouri is applied to common anise.
  • मधुरिपु :: m. (-पुः) A name of KRISHṆA. E. मधु the demon, and रिपु foe.
  • मधुरिमन् :: m. (-मा) Sweetness, agreeableness.
  • मधुरोदक :: m. (-कः) The sea of a fresh or sweet water, surrounding Pushkara dwīpa, and being the outermost of seven seas. E. मधुर sweet, and उदक water.
  • मधुल :: n. (-लं) Spirituous or vinous liquor. E. मधु wine, ला to be or get, aff. क ।
  • मधुलिका :: f. (-का) Black mustard. “राइसर्षपे ।”
  • मधुलिह् :: m. (-लिड्-लिट्) A bee. E. मधु honey, लिह् to lick, aff. क्विप् ।
  • मधुलेह :: m. (-हः) A bee. E. मधु and लेह what licks.
  • मधुलेहिन् :: m. (-ही) A bee. E. मधु, honey, लिह् to lick, aff. णिनि ।
  • मधुवन :: m. (-नः) The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. n. (-नं) Name of the forest inhabited by the demon Madhu in Muttra. E. मधु sweet, and वन who speaks or cries.
  • मधुवार :: m. (-रः) Tippling, drinking frequently and repeatedly. E. मधु wine, वार quantity.
  • मधुवीज :: m. (-जः) The pomegranate. E. मधु sweet, वीज seed.
  • मधुव्रत :: m. (-तः) A bee. E. मधु honey, व्रत observance.
  • मधुशाख :: m. (-खः) Bassia latifolia. E. मधु spirituous liquor, शाखा a branch.
  • मधुशिग्रु :: m. (-ग्रुः) A red variety of the Hyperanthera morunga. E. मधु sweet, and शिग्रु the same tree. “रक्तशोभाञ्जने ।”
  • मधुश्रेणी :: f. (-णी) A plant, (Sanseviera zeylanica.) E. मधु honey, श्वेणी a line or row. “मूर्वायाम् ।”
  • मधुष्ठील :: m. (-लः) A tree, (Bassia latifolia.) E. मधु spirit, ष्ठीव् to eject, aff. क, and ल substituted for the final. “मौल ।”
  • मधुसख :: m. (-खः) KĀMADEVA. E. मधु, spring, and सख for सखि friend.
  • मधुसहाय :: m. (-यः) KĀMADEVA. E. मधु, spring, and सहाय friend.
  • मधुसात् :: Ind. As honey, sweet. E. मधु and साति aff.
  • मधुसाद्भूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Become sweet. E. (मधुसात्, and भूत become.
  • मधुसारथि :: m. (-थिः) KĀMA the Hindu CUPID. E. मधु the spring personi- fied, and सारथि a charioteer, having Vasanta or spring for his coachman.
  • मधुसिक्थक :: m. (-कः) A sort of poison. E. मधु honey, and सिक्थक wax.
  • मधुसुहृद् :: m. (-हृद् or -हृत्) KĀMADEVA. E. मधु spring, सुहृत् the friend.
  • मधुसूदन :: m. (-नः) A name of VISHṆU. f. (-नी) Bengal beet. E. मधु the Daitya or honey, and सूदन destroyer.
  • मधुस्थान :: n. (-नं) A bee-hive.
  • मधुस्रवस् :: m. (-वाः) A tree, (Bassia latifolia). E. मधु spirituous liquor, स्नु to drop or distil, aff. अमुन् ।
  • मधुस्रवा :: f. (-वा) 1. A plant, (Celtis orientalis.) 2. Liquorice. E. मधु honey, स्नु to drop, affs. अप् and टाप् ।
  • मधुस्वर :: m. (-रः) The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. E. मधु sweet or spring, and स्वर note, song.
  • मधुहन् :: m. (-हा) 1. A name of KRISHṆA. 2. A particular bird of prey. 3. A sooth-sayer. E. मधु the Daitya, and हन् destroyer.
  • मधुक :: m. (-कः) 1. A tree, (Bassia latifolia.) 2. A bee. n. (-कं) A flower of the Madhūka tree. E. मन् to respect, ऊक aff., and ध substi- tuted for the final.
  • मधूच्छिष्ट :: n. (-ष्टं) Bee's wax. E. मध्रु honey and उच्छिष्ट left, rejected.
  • मधूपघ्न :: n. (-घ्नं) The city Mathurā. E. मधु the demon, उपघ्न destruction.
  • मधुल :: m. (-लः) A sort of Bassia, described as growing in watery or mountainous situations. f. (-ली) 1. Liquorice. 2. The sweet lime.

3. The mango tree. 4. A plant, (Sanseviera zeylanica.) E. मधु honey or spirit, ला to be or get, aff. ड, and the उ of मधु irregular- ly long.

  • मधूलक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Sweet. m. (-कः) 1. A sort of Bassia, grow- ing in watery or mountainous sites. 2. Sweetness. f. (-लिका) A plant, (Sanseviera zeylanica.) E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • मध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) 1. Middle, intermediate. 2. Right, proper, rea- sonable. 3. Low, vile. 4. Amongst, amidst. 5. Mean, middle, (in astronomy,) as मध्यच्छाया middle or mean shadow. mn. (-ध्यः-ध्यं) 1. The interior. 2. Mean or common time in music. 3. The middle, the centre. 4. The waist. 5. The belly, abdomen. 6. Pause, internal. 7. The middle term of a progression. f. (-ध्या) 1. A young woman, a girl arrived at puberty. 2. The middle-finger. 3. A form of metre, a stanza of four lines containing three syllables in each. 4. Of a middle size or quantity, moderate. 5. Neutral. 6. Just, reasonable. m. (-ध्यः) Cessation, rest, interval. n. (-ध्यं) 1. A very large number, ten thousand billions. 2. A horse's flank. E. मा beauty, या to have, अण् aff., deriv. irr., or properly सन्-यत् aff. and ध substituted for the final.
  • मध्यकर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) A radius.
  • मध्यग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Who or what goes in the centre or betwixt, amongst, &c. E. मध्य and ग what goes.
  • मध्यगन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) The mango tree. E. मध्य middle and गन्ध smell.
  • मध्यग्रहण :: n. (-णं) The middle of an eclipse.
  • मध्यचारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Going amongst or amidst. E. मध्य and चारिन् who goes.
  • मध्यतस् :: Ind. From or in the middle, centrical, centrically. E. मध्य the middle, and तसिल् aff.
  • मध्यदिन :: n. (-नं) 1. Noon, midday. 2. The Bandhuka tree.
  • मध्यदीपक :: n. (-कं) A species of the figure of speech called Dīpaka; in it the common term which throws light on the whole stanza is used in the middle.
  • मध्यदेश :: m. (-शः) 1. The middle region; part of India, bounded by Ku- ruksketra on the north, Allāhābād on the south, the Himālaya mountains on the east, and the Vindhya mountains on the west; comprising therefore the modern provinces of Allāhābād, Agrā, Delhi, Oudh, &c.; the northern limit is elsewhere defined to be the disappearance of the Saraswatī. 2. The middle part of any thing. 3. The waist. 4. The Belly. 5. The meridian. E. मध्य middle, and देश country.
  • मध्यपदलोपिन् :: m. (-पी) A compound word which omits the middle mem- ber in its composition.
  • मध्यम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Middle, centrical, intervening, intermediate. 2. Middle-born, neither the oldest nor youngest. 3. Mean, (in astronomy,) as मध्यमगति mean motion, (of a planet.) mn. (-मः-मं) The waist, the middle of the body. m. (-मः) 1. One of the seven musical notes, the fourth note of the Hindu gamut. 2. The middle country: see मध्यदेश । 3. A sort of deer. 4. One of the Grāmas or musical scales of Hindus, corresponding apparently with the major made of European music. f. (-मा) 1. A girl arrived at pu- berty, or in whom menstruation has commenced. 2. The middle finger. 3. A central blossom. 4. The pericarp of a lotus. 5. A woman in the middle of her youth considered as a character in poetic composition. 6. A form of metre, a verse of four lines of three syllables each. E. मध्य middle, and म aff.
  • मध्यमपाण्डव :: m. (-वः) ARJUNA, the third or middle of the PĀṆḌU prin- ces. E. मध्यम middle and पाण्डव, Pāndava or descendant of PĀNDU.
  • मध्यमपुरुष :: m. (-षः) The second person, (in gram.)
  • मध्यमभृतक :: m. (-कः) A husbandman. E. मध्यम middle, and भृतक a la- bourer; working partly for his own advantage, and partly for that of the landlord.
  • मध्यमलोक :: m. (-कः) The earth, the world of mortals. E. मध्यम middle, and लोक world; between heaven and hell.
  • मध्यमवयस्क :: mfn. (-स्कः -स्का -स्कं) Middle-aged. E. मध्यम and वयस्क aged.
  • मध्यमसंग्रह :: m. (-हः) Intriguing with another man's wife, the act of presenting flowers, perfumes, &c. to her, and conversing with her privately. E. मध्यम middle, संग्रह connection.
  • मध्यमसाहस :: m. (-सः) 1. Punishment due to crimes of a middling degree. 2. Injuring building, throwing down walls, &c. E. मध्यम middle, साहस violence.
  • मध्यमाहरण :: n. (-णं) The elimination of the middle term in an equation, (in algebra.)
  • मध्यमिका :: f. (-का) A girl arrived at puberty, one in whom menstrua- tion has commenced. E. मध्यमा, कन् added, in the fem. form.
  • मध्यमीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Central, middle. E. मध्यम middle and छ aff.
  • मध्ययव :: m. (-वः) A weight of six white mustard seeds. E. मध्य middle, and यव barley-corn, the Yava being sometimes considered equal to eight seeds.
  • मध्यखत्र :: m. (-त्रः) Midnight. E. मध्य middle, रात्र night, and the mascu- line form in the compound.
  • मध्यरेखा :: f. (-खा) The first meridian, (in astronomy.)
  • मध्यलोक :: m. (-कः) The earth, the dwelling of mortals. E. मध्य middle, and लोक world; placed in the middle between heaven and hell; also with कन् added मध्यलोकक ।
  • मध्यलोकेश :: m. (-शः) A king, a sovereign. E. मध्यलोक the earth, and ईश sovereign.
  • मध्यवत्तिन् :: mfn. (-र्त्ती -र्त्तिनी -र्त्ति) 1. Central, middle. 2. Being amongst or amidst. m. (-र्त्ती) A mediator. E. मध्य and वर्त्तिन् who abides.
  • मध्यवृत्त :: n. (-त्तं) The navel. E. मध्य the middle, and वृत्त abiding.
  • मध्यसूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) The central meridian, (in astronomy.)
  • मध्यस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) 1. Centrical, middle. 2. Neutral. 3. Mediat- ing. m. (-स्थः) 1. A middle man, an umpire, an arbitrator, a mediator. 2. An epithet of ŚIVA. E. मध्य middle, and स्थ what or who stays.
  • मध्यस्थता :: f. (-ता) 1. Middle state or character. 2. Indifference. E. मध्यस्थ middle, and तल् aff. of the abstract; also with त्व मध्यस्थत्व n. (-त्वं).
  • मध्यस्थल :: n. (-लं) 1. The waist. 2. A middle place. 3. The centre. E. मध्य middle, स्थल place or part.
  • मध्यस्थान :: n. (-नं) 1. A Neutral soil. 2. A middle place.
  • मध्याह्न :: m. (-ह्नः) Mid-day, noon. E. मध्य middle, अहन् a day.
  • मध्वल :: m. (-लः) Tippling, drinking, repeatedly. E. मधु wine, अल् to be equal to, aff. अच् ।
  • मध्वापात :: m. (-तः) Taste or touch of honey. E. मधु and आपात alighting.
  • मध्वालुक :: n. (-कं) Sweet potato. E. मधु sweet, आलु and esculent root, कन् added. “मौआलु ।”
  • मध्वासव :: m. (-वः) A spirituous liquor, distilled from the blossoms of the Bassia latifolia. E. मधु the Bassia, and आसव spirit.
  • मध्वासवनिक :: m. (-कः) A distiller. E. मध्वासव spirit, नी to go, aff. क, form irr.
  • मध्विजा :: f. (-जा) Spirituous liquor.
  • मन् :: r. 4th cl. (मन्यते) (उ) मनु r. 8th cl. (मनुते) 1. To know, to under- stand. 2. To regard, to mind. 3. To think, to conceive. r. 10th cl. (मानयते) 1. To be dull or insensible. 2. To be proud. 3. To oppose, to stop. r. 1st and 10th cls. (मनति मानयति) To honour, to respect, to worship. With अनु prefixed, To assent to, to agree. With अभि . To desire. With अव, To disrespect. With सम To concur, to agree.
  • मन :: n. (-नं) Indian spikenard. E. मन् to respect, aff. अच् । “जटामांस्याम् ।”
  • मनआप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Pleasing, agreeable, beautiful. E. मनस् the mind, आप् to go or attract, aff. अण्; the final consonant of the first word is rejected, and the vowels do not coalesce.
  • मनःकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Attended to, applying the mind. E. मनस् and कृत made.
  • मनःशिल :: mf. (-लः-ला) Red arsenic. E. मन्स् the mind, शिला a stone;

mineral delightful to the mind or heart; also with the dental स, मनःसिल । “मन्छाल ।”

  • मनःसिल :: mf. (-लः-ला) Red arsenic: see the last.
  • मनन :: n. (-नं) Minding, understanding. E. मन् to know, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • मनस् :: n. (-नः) 1. The mind, considered as the seat of perception and passion, the heart. 2. The intellect, the understanding. 3. The con- necting link between the Indriyas and Buddhi, (in Nyāya Phil.) 4. Thought, imagination, conception, fancy. 5. Intention, de- sign, purpose, wish. 6. Desire, affection. 7. Disposition, temper. 8. Energy, spirit. 9. Conscience. 10. Red arsenic. 11. An epithet of the lake Mānasa. E. मन् to know, to understand, aff. असुन् ।
  • मनसा :: f. (-सा) The goddess of the serpent race, and the particular pro- tectress against their venom. E. मनस् the mind, aff. टाप्; the object of love, and devotion.
  • मनसाज्ञायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Knowing by the mind, perceiving in- tellectually. E. मनसा third case of मनस् and ज्ञायिन् who knows.
  • मनसादेवी :: f. (-वी) The goddess presiding over snakes: see the last. E. मनसा the same, and देवी goddess.
  • मनसिज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Mental, intellectual. m. (-जः) A name of KĀMA or love. E. मनसि in the heart or mind, and ज born.
  • मनसिशय :: m. (-यः) KĀMA or love. E. मनसि in the heart or mind, and शय who reposes.
  • मनस्क :: mfn. (-स्कः -स्का -स्कं) Mental. E. मनस् and कन् aff.
  • मनस्कार :: m. (-रः) The attention of the mind to its own sensations, con- sciousness of pleasure or pain. E. मनस् of the mind and कार opera- tion; the compound also occurs with the seventh case मनसिकार ।
  • मनस्ताप :: m. (-पः) Mental distress. E. मनस् and त्राप sorrow.
  • मनस्ताल :: m. (-लः) The lion of DURGĀ. E. मनस् the mind, तल् to depress, aff. घञ् ।
  • मनस्विता :: f. (-ता) 1. Hope, expectation, dependence. 2. Intelligence. E. मनस्विन् and तल् aff.
  • मनस्विन् :: mfn. (-स्वी -स्विनी -स्वि) 1. Attentive, fixing the mind upon any thing. 2. Intelligence, intellectual. f. (-स्विनी) A virtuous wife. E. मनस् the mind or heart, aff. विन् ।
  • मनाक् :: Ind. 1. A little. 2. Tardily, slowly. E. मन् to know, आक् aff.
  • मनाका :: f. (-का) A female elephant. E. मन् to mind, &c. Unādi aff. आक ।
  • मनाक्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Doing little, lazy, sluggish. f. (-रा) A sort of Agallochum. E. मनाक् a little, and कर who does.
  • मनायी :: f. (-यी) The wife of MANU. E. मनु the saint, ङीष् aff., and उ changed to ऐ; otherwise मनावी the same.
  • मनित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Known, understood. E. मन् to know, aff. क्त ।
  • मनीक :: n. (-कं) Collyrium, powdered antimony or other substances, used as an application and ornament to the eye. E. मन् to know, to be agreeable, ईकन् Unādi aff.
  • मनीषा :: f. (-षा) 1. Intellect, understanding. 2. Desire, wish. E. मनस् the mind, ईष् to go, aff. क, or ईष aff., form irr.
  • मनीषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Intellectual, intelligent. m. (-षी) A Pandit, a learned Brāhman, a teacher. E. मनीषा understanding, इनि poss- essive aff.
  • मनु :: m. (-नुः) 1. MANU, the legislator and saint, the son of BRAHMĀ, or a personification of BRAHMĀ himself, the creator of the world and progenitor of mankind; the name is however a generic term. and in every Kalpa or interval from creation to creation, there are fourteen successive MANUS presiding over the universe for the period of a Manwantara, respectively; in the present crea- tion there have been the six following MANUS: MARĪCHĪ or SWAYAMBHUVA, the supposed revealer of the code of law possessed by the Hindus, SWĀROCHISHA, OUTTAMĪ, TĀMASA, RAIVATA, and CHĀKSHUSHA; the seventh or the present MANU is VAIVASWATA, and is regarded to be the founder of the solar race of kings; SĀBARNĪ, DAKSHA-SĀBARNĪ, BRAHMA-SĀBARNĪ, DHARMA-SĀ-

BARNĪ, RUDRASĀBARNĪ, DEVA-SĀBARNĪ, and INDRA-SĀVARNĪ, these seven Manus are to come in the present creation. 2. A man in general. 3. One of the Jaina saints. 4. A Mantra, a mystical verse or formula. 5. The number fourteen. f. (-नुः-नायी- नावी) The wife of a legislator or MANU. E. मन् to know or under- stand, (the Vedas or scripture especially,) and उ Unādi aff.

  • मनुज :: m. (-जः) A man in general. f. (-जा) A woman. E. मनु the legis- lator and progenitor of mankind, and ज born, descended.
  • मनुजेन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) A king. E. मनुज and इन्द्र chief.
  • मनुभू :: m. (-भूः) Man, a man, mankind. E. मनु the saint, and भू born: see मनुज ।
  • मनुराज् :: m. (-राट्) KUVERA, the god of wealth. E. मनु man, and राज् to shine, aff. क्किप् ।
  • मनुषी :: f. (-षी) A woman, the wife or female of the man. E. मनुष्य a man, and ङीष् aff.
  • मनुष्य :: m. (-ष्यः) Man, a man, mankind. E. मनु the progenitor of man- kind, यत् aff. of descent, and युक् augment.
  • मनुष्यत्व :: n. (-त्वं) The state or condition of man, manhood, humanity. E. त्व added to मनुष्य; also with तल्, मनुष्यता ।
  • मनुष्यधर्म्मन् :: m. (-र्म्मा) KUVERA, the god of wealth. n. (-र्म्म) The duty of man. E. मनुष्य man, and धर्म्मन् piety.
  • मनुष्ययज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) Hospitality, (one of the five daily acts of piety.) E. मनुष्य a man, and यज्ञ sacrifice, sacrament.
  • मनुष्यसभा :: f. (-भा) 1. A multitude, a crowd, a meeting. 2. A place of meeting or assembly. E. मनुष्य a man, mankind, and सभा assembly.
  • मनोगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Seated in the mind. n. (-तं) Thoughts, ideas, notions, feelings. E. मनस् and गत gone to or in.
  • मनोगवी :: f. (-वी) Wish, desire. E. मनस् the mind, and गो a cow, &c. fem. form.
  • मनोगुप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Thought or meditated on secretly. f. (-प्ता) Red arsenic. E. मनस् and गुप्त cherished.
  • मनोग्रहण :: n. (-णं) Captivating the mind.
  • मनोज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Born or seated in the mind. m. (-जः) KĀMA. E. मनस् and ज born.
  • मनोजन्मन् :: mfn. (-न्मा -न्मा -न्म) Born or seated in the mind. m. (-न्मा) KĀMA or CUPID. E. मनस् the heart or mind, and जन्मन् birth; also मनोज ।
  • मनोजव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) 1. Fatherly, parental. 2. Quick in thought or apprehension. 3. Swift, as thought. f. (-वा) A plant: see अग्निजिह्वा . n. (-वं) Quickness of thought or apprehension. E. मनस् the mind, जु to move, to pervade, aff. अच्; or मनस् compounded with जव speed.
  • मनोजवस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Fatherly. E. मनोज desire, love, वस् to abide, aff. अच् ।
  • मनोज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Beautiful, handsome, lovely, pleasing, agree- able. f. (-ज्ञा) 1. Red arsenic. 2. Intoxicating liquor. 3. The daughter of a sovereign, a princess. E. मनस् the mind or heart, ज्ञा to know, to get, aff. क ।
  • मनोदण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) Restraint or control over the mind. E. मनस् and दण्ड castigation.
  • मनीनीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Chosen, preferred. E. मनस् and नीत taken.
  • मनोभव :: m. (-वः) KĀMA or CUPID. E. मनस् the mind or heart, and भव born.
  • मनोभू :: m. (-भूः) KĀMADEVA. E. मनस् the heart, भू born.
  • मनोमयकोश :: m. (-शः) The second of the five sheaths in which the soul is encased, (in Vedanta Phil.)
  • मनोयायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Swift, quick, as thought. E. मनस्, and यायिन् what goes.
  • मनोयोनि :: m. (-निः) The deity KĀMA. E. मनस the heart, and योनि place of production.
  • मनोरथ :: m. (-थः) 1. Wish, desire. 2. A desired object. 3. A wish ex- pressed indirectly, (in drama.) E. मनस् the heart, and रथ vehicle.
  • मनोरम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Beautiful, lovely, pleasing, f. (-मा) 1. A god- dess, peculiar to the Bauddhas. 2. A species of the Panktī metre. 3. A beautiful woman. E. मनस् the mind, रम् to delight, aff. अच् ।
  • मनोलौल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Fancy, caprice, whim. E. मनस्, लौल्य unsteadiness.
  • मनोहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -त) Disappointed. E. मनस् the mind, हत struck.
  • मनोहर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Beautiful, lovely, pleasing. n. (-रं) Gold. E. मनस् the mind, हृ to take or steal, aff. अप् ।
  • मनोहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Beautiful, pleasing, agreeable, lovely. E. मनस् the mind, हृ to steal, aff. णिनि ।
  • मनोह्वा :: f. (-ह्वा) Red-arsenic. E. मन्स् the mind, and ह्वेञ् to call, to arrest, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • मन्ज् :: r. 1st cl. (मञ्जति) To clean, to polish, &c.
  • मन्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be reflected on, to be ascertained or fixed in the mind, to be discussed either mentally or with proper per- sons. 2. To be thought, believed, conceived, &c. E. मन् to know, aff. तव्य ।
  • मन्तु :: m. (-न्तुः) 1. Fault, offence, transgression. 2. A man, mankind. 3. A king. f. (-न्तुः) Understanding, intellect. E. मन् to know, Unādi aff. तु ।
  • मन्तृ :: m. (-न्ता) 1. A sage, one who is possessed of holy knowledge. 2. An adviser, a counsellor. E. मन् to know, Unādi aff. तृच् ।
  • मन्त्र :: m. (-न्त्रः) 1. A division of the Vedas; in the first or practical part or Kāndam, it includes prayers and hymns, addressed to particular deities, and used at peculiar sacrifices, &c.; in the Uttara Kāndam, it is applied to addresses to BRAHMĀ or God, and to didactic explanations of his nature and attributes, &c. 2. A mystical verse or incantation, (in the Tantras.) 3. A formula sacred to any individual deity, as Om Vishnave nama, Om Si- vāya nama, &c. 4. Secret consultation, private advice. E. मत्रि to advise or consult privately, aff. अच् ।
  • मन्त्रकुशल :: Adj. Skilled in giving advice.
  • मन्त्रकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) 1. A counsellor, a minister. 2. One who recites a sacred text. 3. A composer of Vedic hymns. E. मन्त्र advice, and कृत् who gives or makes.
  • मन्त्रकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Consecrated by the Mantra E. मन्त्र and कृत made.
  • मन्त्रगण्डक :: m. (-कः) Knowledge, science. E. मन्त्र advice, गडि to be a part of, aff. वुन् ।
  • मन्त्रगुप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) Secret counsel. E. मन्त्र and गुप्ति concealing.
  • मन्त्रगूढ :: m. (-ढः) A spy, a secret emissary or agent. E. मन्त्र advice, in- formation. गूढ secret.
  • मन्त्रजिह्व :: m. (-ह्वः) A name of fire. E. मन्त्र prayer, and जिह्वा the tongue.
  • मन्त्रज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) 1. A spy, a secret emissary or agent. 2. A counsellor, an adviser. 3. A priest, a sacred teacher. E. मन्त्र advice, &c. and ज्ञ who knows.
  • मन्त्रण :: nf. (-णं-णा) Advising, counselling in private. E. मत्रि to counsel, युच् aff.
  • मन्त्रतस् :: Ind. 1. From, with or by, a Mantra or mystical prayer. 2. Ad- visedly, deliberately. E. मन्त्र and तसि substituted for the termina- tion of the fourth or fifth cases.
  • मन्त्रद :: m. (-दः) A spiritual guide or teacher. E. मन्त्र initiatory text, and द who gives.
  • मन्त्रदर्शिन् :: m. (-र्शी) A Brāhman learned in the Vedas. E. मन्त्र and दर्शिन् who sees.
  • मन्त्रदीधिति :: m. (-तिः) AGNI or fire. E. मन्त्र holy prayer, and दीघिति lustre.
  • मन्त्रपूतात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) A name of GARUḌA. E. मन्त्र and पूतात्मन् pure.
  • मन्त्रफल :: n. (-ल) The object or effect of counsel. E. मन्त्र and फल fruit.
  • मन्त्रभेद :: m. (-दः) Divulging or betraying counsel. E. मन्त्र, भेद breaking.
  • मन्त्रयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Counselling, consulting. E. मत्रि to advise, शतृ aff.
  • मन्त्रयन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) A mystical diagram with a Mantra.
  • मन्त्रयोग :: m. (-गः) 1. The employment of Mantras. 2. Magic.
  • मन्त्रवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Accompanied with holy texts, (a cere- mony.) 2. Entitled to use the Vedas. 3. Initiated. 4. Having or hearing counsel. E. मन्त्र and मतुप् aff.
  • मन्त्रवित् :: m. (-विद्-वित्) 1. A spy, a secret emissary or agent. 2. A counsellor. 3. A priest. 4. A Brāhman learned in the Vedas. E. मन्त्र secret counsel, &c. and विद् who knows.
  • मन्त्रस्पृश् :: mfn. (-त्पृक्) Obtaining or effecting any thing by means of mystic formalæ or prayers. E. मन्त्र a prayer of the Vedas, &c., and स्पृश् to touch, aff. क्विन् ।
  • मन्त्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Advised, counselled, planned. 2. Consecrated with Mantras. E. मत्रि to consult, aff. क्त ।
  • मन्त्रित्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Property or condition of a counsellor, counsel- lorship. E. मन्त्रिन्, and त्व added.
  • मन्त्रिन् :: m. (-न्त्री) A counsellor or adviser, a king's counsellor, a minister. E. मत्रि to advise, इनि aff.
  • मन्त्रोदक :: n. (-कं) Water consecrated by Mantras.
  • मन्त्रोपष्टम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) Encouraged by advice or direction. E. मन्त्र and उपष्टम्भ stopping.
  • मन्थ् :: r. 1st cl. (मन्थति) 1. To hurt or kill. 2. To afflict. 2. To suffer pain. r. 1st and 9th cls. (मन्थति मथ्नाति) To agitate, to stir, to churn.
  • मन्थ :: m. (-न्थः) 1. A churning stick. 2. The sun. 3. A dish made of barley-meal with ghee and water, a sort of gruel or porridge. 4. A disease of the eyes, cataract or opacity. 5. Rheum, excretion of the eyes. 6. Killing, destroying. 7. Agitating, stirring, churning. 8. A ray of light. 9. An instrument for kindling fire by fric- tion. E. मन्थ् to churn, &c., aff. अच् ।
  • मन्थगुण :: m. (-णः) A churning-cord.
  • मन्थज :: n. (-जं) Butter. E. मन्थ churning, and ज produced.
  • मन्थदण्डक :: m. (-कः) A churning-stick. E. मन्थ churning, and दण्डक a stick.
  • मन्थन :: n. (-नं) 1. Agitating, stirring, churning. 2. Killing, injuring. 3. Kindling fire by friction. f. (-नी) A churn. m. (-नः) A churning- stick. E. मन्थ् to agitate, &c. aff. ल्युट् ।
  • मन्थनघटी :: f. (-टी) A churn, a common earthen-pot used for the purpose. E. मन्थन churning, and घटी a small jar or pitcher.
  • मन्थर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Slow, lazy, tardy. 2. Large, bulky. 3. Curv- ed, bowed, crooked. 4. Stupid, dull, a fool. 5. Low, vile, little. 6. Low, hollow, (as sound.) m. (-रः) 1. A soldier marching slowly. 2. A spy, an informer. 3. A treasury, a store, a repertory. 4. Fruit. 5. An obstacle, a hindrance. 6. A churning-stick. 7. Fresh butter. 8. The month Vaiśākha. 9. Passion, wrath. 10. A deer. 11. A fort, a strong-hold. 12. The mountain Mandara. 13. The hair of the head. n. (-रं) Safflower. f. (-रा) Name of the favourite female slave of KAIKEYĪ. the favourite wife of DAŚARATHA. E. मन्थ् to agitate, &c. aff. अरच् ।
  • मन्थरु :: m. (-रुः) The wind from a Chowrie or whisk. E. मन्थ् to agitate, अरुन् aff.
  • मन्थशैल :: m. (-लः) The mountain Mandara. E. मन्थ a churning-stick, and शैल a mountain, being so employed in churning the ocean.
  • मन्थान :: m. (-नः) 1. A churning-stick. 2. An epithet of ŚIVA. 3. A plant, (cassia fistula.) E. मन्थ् to agitate, आनच् aff.
  • मन्थिन् :: mfn. (-न्थि -न्थिनी -न्थि) 1. Agitating, churning. 2. Paining, afflict- ing. m. (-न्थि) Semen virile. f. (-नी) A churning-vessel. E. मन्थ् to churn, णिनि aff.
  • मन्थोदधि :: m. (-धिः) Sea of milk. E. मन्थ churning, and उदधि a sea.
  • मन्द :: mfn. (-न्दः -न्दा -न्दं) 1. Slow, tardy. 2. Dull, stupid, heavy. 3. Fool- ish, a fool. 4. Unlucky. 5. Sick, diseased. 6. Little. 7. Idle, lazy. 8. Drunken, addicted to drunkenness. 9. Vile, wicked. 10. Self- willed. 11. Cold, phlegmatic, apathetic. 12. Low, (as a tone.) 13. Withered, (as flowers.) m. (-न्दः) 1. A name of SATURN. 2. A sort of elephant. 3. A name of YAMA. 4. (In astronomy.) Anomaly. 5. A destruction of the universe. E. मदि to be lazy, &c. aff. अच् ।
  • मन्दकान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Dull, not bright. E. मन्द, and कान्त shining.
  • मन्दकान्ति :: m. (-न्तिः) The moon.
  • मन्दग :: m. (-गः) The planet SATURN.
  • मन्दगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Going slowly. E. मन्द, and गत gone.
  • मन्दगति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Slow moving. f. (-तिः) Going slowly. E. मन्द, and गति going.
  • मन्दगमन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Who or what moves slowly. n. (-नं) Moving or going slowly. E. मन्द, and गमन going.
  • मन्दगामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Going slowly or gently. m. (-मी) A soldier marching slowly. E. मन्द, गम् to go, aff. घिनुण् ।
  • मन्दचेतस् :: Adj. 1. Silly. 2. Absent-minded. 3. Fainting away.
  • मन्दच्छाय :: Adj. Lustreless.
  • मन्दजननी :: f. (-नी) The wife of SURYA. E. मन्द SATURN, and जननी mother.
  • मन्दट :: m. (-टः) The coral tree, (Erythrina fulgens.) E. मदि to please, aff. अटच् । “पारिभद्रवृक्षे ।”
  • मन्दन :: n. (-नं) Praise, eulogium. E. मदि to be pleased, (by) Unādi aff. क्यु ।
  • मन्दफल :: n. (-ल) (In astronomy.) The anomalistic equation of a planet. E. मन्द, and फल product.
  • मन्दबुद्धि :: mfn. (-द्धिः -द्धिः -द्धि) Stupid, foolish. E. मन्द, बुद्धि understanding.
  • मन्दभाग्य :: mfn. (-ग्यः -ग्या -ग्यं) Wretched, unhappy, unfortunate. E. मन्द, and भाग्य fate.
  • मन्दमति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Dull, stupid, slow of apprehension. E. मन्द, and मति intellect.
  • मन्दयमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Slow, tardy. E. मदि to be slow, शानच् aff.
  • मन्दयन्ती :: f. (-न्ती) An epithet of DURGĀ.
  • मन्दर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Large, bulky. 2. Slow, sluggish, dull, lazy, &c. m. (-रः) 1. The mountain Mandara, with which the ocean was churned by the Suras, and Asuras, after the deluge, for the purpose of recovering the sacred things lost in it during that period. 2. The Mandāra tree, one of the five trees of paradise. 3. Swarga or the paradise of the Hindus. 4. A string of pearls, &c. 5. A mirror. E. मदि to please, to be lazy, &c. अरन् aff.
  • मन्दसान :: m. (-नः) 1. A name of AGNI or fire. 2. Life, living. 3. Sleep, sleeping. E. मदि to be slow or sleepy, Unādi aff. असानच् ।
  • मन्दसानु :: m. (-नुः) 1. Sleep. 2. Life.
  • मन्दस्मित :: n. (-तं) A smile. E. मन्द slowly, gently, स्मित smiling.
  • मन्दहास्य :: n. (-स्यं) A smile, a gentle laugh. E. मन्द slowly, gently, and हास्य laughter.
  • मन्दाक :: n. (-कं) 1. Praising, praise. 2. A stream, a current. E. मन्द् to praise, आकन् Unādi aff.
  • मन्दाकिनी :: f. (-नी) 1. The Ganges of heaven. 2. A species of the Jagatī. metre. E. मन्द slowly, अक् to go, aff. णिनि, fem. form.
  • मन्दाक्रान्ता :: f. (-न्ता) A species of the Atyashtī metre.
  • मन्दाक्ष :: n. (-क्षं) Modesty, shame, bashfulness. E. मन्द slow, retiring, and अक्ष organ of sense.
  • मन्दाग्नि :: m. (-ग्नि) Weakness of digestion.
  • मन्दात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Slow of apprehension, dull. मन्द and आत्मन् self.
  • मन्दादर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Disregarding, neglecting, disrespecting. E. मन्द and आदर respect.
  • मन्दानिल :: m. (-लः) A gentle breeze, zephyr. E. मन्द, and अनिल wind.
  • मन्दायमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -न) Delaying, going tardly. E. मदि to be lazy, causal v., शानच् aff.
  • मन्दार :: m. (-रः) 1. One of the five trees of Swarga. 2. The coral tree, (Erythrina fulgens.) 3. Swallow wort, (Asclepias gigantea.) E. मदि to delight, &c. aff. आरक् ।
  • मन्दासु :: Adj. Having weak breath.
  • मन्दास्य :: n. (-स्यं) Shame, modesty. E. मन्द retiring, and आस्य face.
  • मन्दिकुकुर :: m. (-रः) A sort of fish.
  • मन्दिमन् :: m. (-मा) 1. Slowness. 2. Stupidity.
  • मन्दिर :: nf. (-र-रा) A house. n. (-रं) 1. A town. 2. A temple. m. (-रः) 1. The sea. 2. The back of the knee, the ham. 3. One of the Gan- dharbas. f. (-रा) A stable. E. मदि to sleep, &c. Unādi aff. किरच् ।
  • मन्दिरपशु :: m. (-शुः) A cat. E. मन्दिर a house, and पशु an animal.
  • मन्दीभव :: m. (-वः) 1. Tardiness. 2. Stupidity. E. मन्द, and भू to be, अप् aff., च्वि augment.
  • मन्दीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Being slow, dull, stupid, &c. E. मन्द, and भू to be, aff. क्त, च्वि augment.
  • मन्दुरज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Born in a stable. E. मन्दुरा, and ज born, the final of the first rejected.
  • मन्दुरा :: f. (-रा) 1. A stable. 2. A bed, a mat used as one. E. मदि to please, &c. Unādi aff. उरच् ।
  • मन्दोच्छ :: m. (-च्छः) The apsis of a planet's orbit. E. मन्द and उच्छ high.
  • मन्दोदरी :: f. (-री) A proper name, the wife of RĀVAṆA. E. मन्द slow, heavy, उदर the belly, aff. ङीष् .
  • मन्दोदरीश :: m. (-शः) A name of RĀVAṆA. E. मन्दोदरी as above, and ईश lord or husband.
  • मन्दोदरीसुत :: m. (-तः) The son of RĀVAṆA. E. मन्दोदरी the wife of the king, and सुत son.
  • मन्दोष्ण :: mfn. (-ष्णः -ष्णा -ष्णं) Temperate, tepid, moderately warm. n. (-ष्णं) Warmth, gentle heat. E. मन्द slack, and उष्ण hot.
  • मन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) 1. A base or low tone, such as the grumbling of clouds, &c. 2. A sort of drum. 3. A species of elephant. f. (-द्रा) Hollow, deep, rumbling. E. मदि to please, Unādi aff. रक् ।
  • मन्मथ :: m. (-थः) 1. A name of KĀMA, the god of love. 2. Love, amor- ous passion or desire. 3. The elephant or wood-apple. E. मत् the heart, मथ् to agitate, aff. अच् ।
  • मन्मथालय :: m. (-यः) 1. Pudendum muliebre. 2. The mango tree.
  • मन्मथिन् :: mfn. (-थी -थिनी -थि) Amorous, impassioned, in love. E. मन्मथ, इनि aff.
  • मन्मन :: m. (-नः) Whispering, murmuring, low reiterated sound, especial- ly murmur libidinosum. E. मत् the heart or mind, मन् to express, aff. अच ।
  • मन्मय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Full of me, like me, (God.) E. मत् and मयट् aff.
  • मन्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Thinking, considering. 2. Respecting, atten- ding to. 3. Praising. E. मन् to mind, शानच् aff.
  • मन्या :: f. (-न्या) The tendon forming the nape of the neck. E. मन् to mind, to admire, aff. क्यप् ।
  • मन्याका :: f. (-का) The tendon of the trapezium muscle forming the nape of the neck. E. मन्या the same, and कन् added.
  • मन्यु :: m. (-न्युः) 1. Sorrow, grief. 2. Distress, indigence. 3. Anger, wrath. 4. A sacrifice. 5. Pride. E. मन् to know, Unādi aff. युच् ।
  • मन्युमत् :: mfn. (-मन -मती -मत्) 1. Sorrowful, distressed. 2. Angry, wrathful. E. मन्यु, and मतुप् aff.
  • मन्वन्तर :: n. (-रं) The reign of a MANU, a period equal to seventy-one ages of the gods, or 306, 720,000 years of mortals, or with its Sandhi or interval of universal deluge, 308, 448, 000 years; four- teen Manwantaras constitute a Kalpa; the grand period of creation and destruction, or 4, 320,000,000 years; each Man- wantara is governed by its distinct MANU, and is provided with its own INDRA, and minor deities; according to Hindu cosmo- gony, there have been innumerable Manwantaras, since the first creation of the world. E. मनु MANU, and अन्तर period or interval.
  • मन्वान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Thinking, conceiving. 2. Minding, regarding. E. म्ना to mind, शानच् aff.
  • मपष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) A sort of bean, (Phaseolus mungo;) also मपष्टक, and मपुष्टक ।
  • मपुष्टक :: m. (-कः) A sort of bean, (Phaseolus mungo.) also मयूष्टक ।
  • मभ्र् :: r. 1st cl. (मभ्रति) To go, to move.
  • मम :: Ind. The genitive singular of the first personal pronoun.
  • ममता :: f. (-ता) 1. Pride, arrogance, self-sufficiency. 2. The interest or affection entertained for other objects from considering them as belonging to or connected with one's self. 3. Individuality. E. मम mine, the possessive case of अस्मद्, and तल् aff. of the abstract; also with त्व aff. ममत्व ।
  • ममतायुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Selfish. m. (-क्तः) A miser, a niggard. E. ममता selfishness, and युक्त affected.
  • मसापताल :: m. (-लः) An object of sense. E. मव्य to bind, आलन् Unādi aff., व rejected, and म substituted for व, and आपतुद् augment.
  • मय् :: r. 1st cl. (मयते) To go, to move.
  • मय :: m. (-यः) 1. A camel. 2. A mule. 3. A demon, and the carpenter

or architect of the DAITYAS. 4. Hurting, injuring. f. (-या) Adminis- tering remedies, the practice of physic. f. (-यी) Used as and affix in the sense of “consisting of” “Made of” Full of. E. मय् to go, or मि to scatter, or मी to hurt, affs. अच or खल् and टाप् ।

  • मयट :: m. (-टः) A hut of grass or leaves. E. मय to go, अटच् aff.
  • मयु :: m. (-युः) 1. A KINNARA or chorister of Swarga, 2. A deer. E. मि to scatter, (sweet sounds, &c.) Unādi aff. उ ।
  • मयुराज :: m. (-जः) A name of KUVERA. E. मयु KINNARA, and राज chief; having these beings attached especially to his court and capital.
  • मयुष्टक :: m. (-कः) A sort of bean, (Phaseolus mungo.) E. मय् to go, aff. उ, मयु one who goes, ष्टक् to impede, aff. ड, मयुष्ट, and with the pleonastic addition, कन् मयुष्टक; also with अच् aff. after मय् to go, मयष्ट, and मयष्टक; and again with प substituted for म, मपष्ट, मपष्टक, मपुष्ट or मपुष्टक ।
  • मयूख :: m. (-खः) 1. Light, lustre, brightness. 2. A ray of light. 3. Flame. 4. Beauty. 5. The pin or gnomon of a sun-dial. E. मा to measure, (time, &c.,) ऊख Unādi aff., मय substituted for the root.
  • मयूर :: m. (-रः) 1. A peacock. 2. A flower, the coxcomb, (Celosia cristata.) 3. A plant, (Achyranthes aspera.) f. (-री) 1. A pea-hen. 2. A potherb, (Basella rubra, &c.) E. मि to scatter, Unādi aff. ऊरन्; or मही the earth in the seventh case, मह्यां, रु to cry, ड aff. and the formation irr.
  • मयूरक :: m. (-कः) 1. A plant, (Achyranthes aspera.) 2. A flower, (Celosia cristata.) 3. A peacock. n. (-कं) Blue vitriol. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • मयूरग्रीवक :: n. (-कं) Blue vitriol “तुंँते” ।
  • मयूरचटक :: m. (-कः) A house or dunghill cock.
  • मयूरचूडा :: f. (-डा) Coxcomb, (Celosia cristata.) E. मयूर a peacock. चूडा the comb or crest.
  • मयूरपदक :: n. (-कं) A sort of scratch with a finger-nail. E. मयूर a peacock, पद a foot, and कन् aff.; implying resemblance.
  • मयूरारि :: m. (-रिः) A chameleon, a lizard. E. मयूर a peacock. and अरि the enemy.
  • मरक :: m. (-कः) Epidemic or pestilential disease. E. मृ to die, वुन् aff.
  • मरकत :: m. (-तः) An emerald. E. मरक epidemic disease, तॄ to cross or escape, aff. ड; it is also read मरकतक n. (-कं) ।
  • मरक्त :: n. (-क्तं) An emerald.
  • मरण :: n. (-णं) Death, dying. E. मृ to die, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • मरत :: m. (-तः) Death, dying. E. मृ to die, अतच Unādi aff.
  • मरन्द :: m. (-न्दः) The nectar or honey of a flower. E. मकरन्द, q. v. the second syllable being rejected; also with कन् added मरन्दक ।
  • मरन्दीकस् :: n. (-कः) A flower. E. मरन्द nectar or honey, ओकस् abode.
  • मराकाली :: f. (-ली) a plant, commonly Bichhati.
  • मरार :: m. (-रः) A granary, a place where grain, &c. is kept.
  • मराल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -ली-लं) Soft, mild, bland. m. (-लः) 1. A sort of goose with red legs and bill, or perhaps the Flamingo. 2. Lamp-black, used as a collyrium. 3. A duck. 4. A horse. 5. A cloud. 6. A grove or garden of pomegranate trees. 7. A rogue, a scoundrel. f. (-ला) Greasy, soft. E. मृ to die, aff. आलच् ।
  • मरिच :: n. (-चं) Pepper. E. मृ to die, (venom,) and इच् aff.; considered as an antidote; also मरीच ।
  • मरिमन् :: m. (-मा) Death, dying. E. मृ to die, मनिन् Unādi aff.
  • मरीच :: n. (-चं) Pepper, (Piper nigrum.) E. मृ to die, ईच aff.
  • मरीचि :: m. (-चिः) 1. A saint, the son of BRAHMĀ, and one of the Pra- jāpatis, and Brahmādikas, or first created beings, and sovereigns of the world. 2. A niggard, a miser. mf. (-चिः) A ray of light. E. मृ to perish, (darkness,) Unādi aff. ईचि ।
  • मरीचिका :: f. (-का) The Mirage; vapour which in hot and sandy coun- tries especially appears at a distance like a sheet of water. E. मरीचि a ray of light, कन् aff., implying resemblance.
  • मरीचिमालिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) Splendid, radiant. m. (-ली) The sun. E. मरीचि and मालिन् having a chaplet.
  • मरीमृज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Who or what cleans or rubs repeatedly. E. मृज् to rub, reiter. v., अच् aff.
  • मरु :: m. (-रुः) 1. A region or soil destitute of water, sands, a desert. 2. A mountain. 3. The province Mārwār, or in the plu. (-रुवः) The inhabitants. E. मृ to die, (where,) and Unādi aff. उ ।
  • मरुक :: m. (-कः) A peacock.
  • मरुज :: m. (-जः) A sort of perfume, commonly Nakhi. E. मरु a desert, ज produced.
  • मरुटा :: f. (-टा) A woman with a high forehead. E. मृ to perish, (of love for such a woman,) उटच् aff.
  • मरुण्डा :: f. (-ण्डा) A woman with a high forehead. E. मृ to die, उण्डच् aff.: see the last.
  • मरुत् :: m. (-रुत्) 1. Wind, air, or its deified personification. 2. A deity, an immortal. n. (-रुत) A sort of perfume, commonly Granthipar- na. f. (-रुत्) A kind of grass, (Trigonella corniculata.) E. मृ to die, Unādi aff. उति ।
  • मरुत :: m. (-तः) 1. Air, wind. 2. A deity. 3. A plant, commonly Ghan- tāpātali. E. अच् added to the preceding.
  • मरुत्कर :: m. (-रः) A sort of bean, (Dolichos catjang.) E. मरुत् wind, (eruc- tation,) and कर making. “राजमाषे ।”
  • मरुत्त :: m. (-त्तः) 1. Wind, a gale. 2. The name of a king. E. मरुत्, and तप् added.
  • मरुत्पथ :: m. (-थः) The atmosphere, sky, heaven. E. मरुत् the wind, and पथ road.
  • मरुत्पाल :: m. (-लः) A name of INDRA. E. मरुत् the wind, and पाल who nourishes.
  • मरुत्पुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) BHĪMASENA, the second of the PĀṆḌU princes. E. मरुत् the deity of the wind, and पुत्त्र son.
  • मरुत्प्लव :: m. (-वः) A lion. E. मरुत् wind, and प्लव who leaps.
  • मरुत्फल :: n. (-लं) Hail. E. मरुत् wind, and फल fruit.
  • मरुत्वत् :: m. (-त्वान्) 1. A name of INDRA. 2. The monkey Hanumāna. 3. A cloud. E. मरुत् wind, मतुप् aff.
  • मरुत्सख :: m. (-खः) 1. INDRA. 2. Fire. 3. The Chittraka-tree. E. मरुत् the wind, (the deity.) and सखि friend, aff. टच् ।
  • मरुदान्दोल :: m. (-लः) A sort of fan made of deer's or buffalo's skin. E. मरुत् wind, आन्दोल agitating.
  • मरुद्ध्वज :: n. (-जं) Flocculent seeds wafted by the wind, the down of cotton floating in the air. E. मरुत् wind, ध्वज standard.
  • मरुद्बद्ध :: m. (-द्धः) 1. VISHṆU. 2. A sort of vessel used in sacrifices. 3. A portion of the Sāma Veda. E. मरुत् the wind, बद्ध bound.
  • मरुद्रथ :: m. (-थः) 1. A horse. 2. A car in which idols are carried. E. मरुत् the wind, and रथ a vehicle.
  • मरुद्रुम :: m. (-मः) A fœtid mimosa. E. मरु dry, द्रुम a tree. “विट्खदिरे” ।
  • मरुद्वर्त्मन् :: n. (-र्त्म) The atmosphere, heaven, sky. E. मरुत् the wind, and वर्त्मन् road or path.
  • मरुद्वाह :: m. (-हः) 1. Smoke. 2. Fire. 3. Chittraka tree. E. मरुत् wind, वाह vehicle.
  • मरुद्विप :: m. (-पः) A camel. E. मरु the desert, and द्विप the elephant.
  • मरुद्वृता :: f. (-ता) The Kāverī river in the peninsula. E. मरुत् the wind, and वृत covered, screened.
  • मरुन्माला :: f. (-ला) 1. A sort of grass, (Trigonella corniculata.) “पिडिङ्- शाक . 2. Another plant, commonly Belsuṇṭh. E. मरुत् a deity, and माला a garland.
  • मरुप्रिय :: m. (-यः) A camel. E. मरु a sandy soil, and प्रिय fond of; it also occurs मरुत्प्रिय m. (-यः) from मरुत् wind.
  • मरुभू :: m. (-भूः) The province of Mārwār, or plu. (-भुवः) The inhabitants of Mārwār. E. मरु sandy, and भू country.
  • मरुल :: m. (-लः) A sort of duck. E. मृ to die, उलच् aff.
  • मरुवक :: m. (-कः) 1. A large thorny shrub, (Vangueria spinosa.) 2. A species of basil (Ocymun.) described as having small leaves and red flowers. 3. A variety of the citron or lime, said to be a thorny plant, and to bear a small fruit. 4. A flower, (Artemisia vulgaris.) 5. A tiger. 6. The ascending node. 7. A crane. E. मरु a sandy or dry soil, वा to grow or go, aff. क, and कन्, added; it sometimes occurs, मरूवक ।
  • मरुस्थल :: nf. (-लं-ली) A desert, a dry and desert tract. E. मरु, स्थल a place.
  • मरूक :: m. (-कः) A sort of deer. E. मृ to die, ऊकन् Unādi aff.
  • मरूद्भवा :: f. (-वा) 1. A cucumber. 2. Wild-cotton. 3. A small species of the fœtid mimosa. 4. A plant, (Hedysarum alhagi.) E. मरु dry soil, and उद्भव produced.
  • मरोलि :: m. (-लिः) The Makara, a marine monster, apparently the Monodon or unicorn, and usually confounded with the crocodile or shark. E. मृ to die, (by it.) ओलच् aff.; also with कन् added मरोलिक m. (-कः) ।
  • मर्क :: m. (-र्कः) 1. The air, the wind. 2. The body. 3. A monkey. E. मर्च to sound, or a Santra root, to move, Unādi aff. कन् ।
  • मर्कक :: m. (-कः) A spider. E. मर्क going, aff. कन् ।
  • मर्कट :: m. (-टः) 1. A monkey, or ape. 2. A spider. 3. The large crane, called in India the adjutant, (Ardea argala.) 4. A mode of sexual enjoyment. 5. A kind of venom. f. (-टी) 1. A variety of grey Bonduc, (Guilandina bonduccella.) 2. Cowatch, (Carpopogon pruriens.) 3. A small or female monkey. E. मर्क a Sautra root, to go, Unādi aff. अटन् ।
  • मर्कटक :: m. (-कः) 1. A spider. 2. An ape. 3. A fruit. 4. A demon. 5. A kind of fish. E. कन् added to the last.
  • मर्कटपिप्पली :: f. (-ली) A plant, (Achyranthes aspera.) E. मर्कट an ape, and पिप्पली long pepper. “अपामार्गे ।”
  • मर्कटप्रिय :: m. (-यः) A tree, a kind, of Mimosa, (M. kauki.) E. मर्कट mon- key and प्रिय beloved. “खिरुइ ।”
  • मर्कटवास :: m. (-सः) A spider's web, a cobweb. E. मर्कट a spider, and वास abode; also with कन् added मर्कटवासक ।
  • मर्कटशीर्ष :: n. (-र्ष) Vermilion. “हिङ्गुले ।”
  • मर्कटास्य :: n. (-स्यं) Copper. E. मर्कट a monkey, and आस्य face.
  • मर्कटेन्दु :: m. (-न्दुः) A sort of ebony, (Diospyros melanoxylon.)
  • मर्करा :: f. (-रा) A cave, a hole, a chasm. 2. A vessel. 3. A barren or childless woman.
  • मर्च :: r. 4th and 10th cls. (मर्चति मर्चयति-ते) 1. To sound 2. To go. 3. To take. 4. To cleanse.
  • मर्ज्जू :: f. (-र्ज्जूः) Cleaning, cleansing, purification. m. (-र्ज्जूः) 1. A washer- man. 2. A catamite. E. मृज् to cleanse, aff. ऊन् ।
  • मर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) 1. A man, a mortal. 2. The world of mortals. E. मृ to die, तन् Unādi aff.
  • मर्त्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Mortal, what must or should die. E. मृ to die, तव्य aff.
  • मर्त्त्य :: m. (-र्त्तः) 1. A man, a mortal. 2. The earth, the world, the habi- tation of mortals. f. (-र्त्त्या) A woman, a female. n. (-र्त्त्यं) The body. E. मर्त्त as above, यत् pleonasm.
  • मर्त्त्यमुख :: m. (-खः) A demi-god, attendant on KUVERA, a KINNARA, a Yaksha, being the figure of an animal and the head of a man. E. मर्त्त्य a mortal, and मुख chief, principal.
  • मर्द :: m. (-र्दः) 1. A violent stroke. 2. Grinding, crushing.
  • मर्द्दन :: n. (-नं) 1. Rubbing, touching. 2. Grinding, pounding, &c. 3. Pressing. 4. Devastating. 5. Paining. E. मृद् to rub or grind, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • मर्द्दनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be rubbed or touched. E. मृद् to rub, अनीयर् aff.
  • मर्द्दयित्वा :: Ind. Having rubbed or touched. E. मृद् to rub, क्त्वा aff.
  • मर्द्दल :: m. (-लः) A sort of drum. E. मृद् to rub or strike, aff. अच्; मर्द्द striking, and ला to get, aff. क । “मांँदल ।”
  • मर्द्दित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Strung, tied. 2. Rubbed, ground, pounded. 2. Obtained, got. E. मृद् to rub, aff. क्त ।
  • मर्ब :: r. 1st cl. (मर्बति) To go, to move.
  • मर्म्मज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) A learned and intelligent man or Brāhmana. E. मर्म्म se- cret meaning, (of the Shāstras.) and ज्ञ who knows.
  • मर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) 1. A joint, an articulation of the body. 2. A vital mem- ber or organ. 3. Secret meaning or purpose, a secret, any thing hidden or recondite. E. मृ to die, aff. मनिन् ।
  • मर्म्मभेदिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) 1. Fatal. 2. Penetrating, piercing. 2. Pain- ful. E. मर्म्म and भेदिन् what cuts or breaks.
  • मर्म्मर :: m. (-रः) The rustling sound of cloth or dry leaves. f. (-री) 1. A sort of pine, (P. Devadāru.) 2. Turmeric. E. मृ to die, अरन् aff., and मुट् augment.
  • मर्म्मरीक :: m. (-कः) A pauper, a low or humble man. E. मृ to die, (with distress,) Unādi aff. ईकन् and the root reduplicate.
  • मर्म्मविद् :: m. (-विद् or -वित्) A learned and intelligent man or Brāhmana. E. मर्म्म secret, meaning, (of the Shāstras.) and विद् who knows.
  • मर्म्मवेदिन् :: m. (-दी) An acute and intelligent man. E. मर्म्म secret, and वेदिन् who knows: see the last.
  • मर्म्मस्पृश् :: mfn. (-स्पृक्) Sharp, corrosive, giving pain. E. मर्म्म a joint, and स्पृश् what touches.
  • मर्म्माविद् :: mfn. (-विद् or -वित्) Piercing or affecting the joints, (pain, &c.) E. मर्म्म a joint, व्यध् to pierce or pain, aff. क्विप् ।
  • मर्म्मावेदिन् :: m. (-दी) An acute and intelligent man. E. मर्म्म secret, the semi-vowel and following vowel of the radical changed to इ, and the final vowel of the noun made long.
  • मर्म्मिक :: m. (-कः) An intelligent and penetrating man. E. मर्म्म a joint, and ठक् aff.: see मर्म्मविद् ।
  • मर्य्या :: f. (-य्या) A boundary, a limit. E. मृ-यत् Ind. Bounding, limitative.
  • मर्य्यादा :: f. (-दा) 1. Continance in the right way, propriety of conduct, steadiness, rectitude. 2. A boundary, a limit. 3. An agreement. 4. A bank, a shore. E. मर्य्या limitative, आदा to have or take, affs. अङ् and टाप्; or परि about, round, prefixed to आदा, अङ् aff. and म substituted for प ।
  • मर्व :: r. 1st cl. (मर्वति) 1. To fill. 2. To go.
  • मर्श :: m. (-र्शः) 1. Counsel, advice. 2. A sternutatory. E. मृश् to counsel, aff. घञ् ।
  • मर्शन :: n. (-नं) Advising, counselling, deliberating. 2. Examination, in- quiry. 3. Rubbing, touching. E. मृश् to counsel, ल्युट् aff.
  • मर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Patience, endurance. E. मृष to bear with, aff. घञ् ।
  • मर्षण :: n. (-णं) Enduring, bearing, patience, resignation. E. मृष् to bear with, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • मर्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Borne, endured. 2. Patient, content. n. (-तं) Patience. E. मृष् to bear with, aff. क्त ।
  • मर्षितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Patient, enduring. E. मृष् to bear, क्तवतु aff.
  • मल् :: r. 1st cl. (मलते) r. 10th cl. (मलयति) 1. To hold. 2. To wear. 3. To stick.
  • मल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Dirty. 2. Miserly, niggardly. mn. (-लः-लं) 1. Excretion of the body, as serum, semen, blood, marrow, urine, fæces, ear-wax, nails, phlegm, tears, rheum, and sweat. 2. Sin. 3. dirt, filth. 4. Dreg, sediment. 5. Rust. 6. Camphor. 7. Cuttle- fish-bone. 8. Tanned leather. n. (-लं) A particular base metal. f. (-ला) A plant, (Flacourtia cataphracta:) see झटामला . E. मल् to hold or contain, (in the body.) अच aff.; or मृज् to cleanse, Unādi aff. कल, and the penultimate and final radical rejected.
  • मलज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced from dregs or dirt, &c. n. (-जं) Pus, matter. E. मल as above, and ज born.
  • मलदूषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Foul, dirty, filthy. E. मल dirt, दूषित faulty.
  • मलद्रव :: m. (-वः) Diarrhœa.
  • मलधात्री :: f. (-त्री) A nurse who attends to the necessities of a child.
  • मलन :: m. (-नः) A tent. n. (-नं) Rubbing, grinding, &c. E. मल् to hold, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • मलपङ्किन् :: mfn. (-ङ्की -ङ्किनी -ङ्कि) Filthy, covered with mud and dirt. E. मल and पङ्क mud, इनि aff.
  • मलपू :: f. (-पूः) The opposite-leaved fig tree, (Ficus oppositifolia, Rox.) E. मल sin, पू to purify, aff. क्विप्; it is also read with a final con- sonant, derived from पूर् to complete or fill, मलपूर् f. (-पूः) Also मलयू ।
  • मलपृष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) The outer page of a book.
  • मलभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) A crow. E. मल dirt, and भुज् who eats.
  • मलमल्लक :: n. (-कं) A piece of cloth covering the privities.
  • मलमास :: m. (-सः) An intercalary month, in which any performance of religious ceremonies is strictly prohibited in the Shāstras.
  • मलय :: m. (-यः) 1. A mountain or mountainous range, from which the best Sandal-wood is brought, answering to the western Ghats in the peninsula of India. 2. The country that lies along the Malaya range, or the west coast of the peninsula, Malayālam or Mālābār. 3. A garden. 4. The garden of INDRA. 5. One of the minor Dwi- pas or divisions of the world. f. (-या) A plant, commonly Teorī, (Convolvulus turpethum.) E. मल् to hold or contain, (Sandal-wood.) Unādi aff. कयन् ।
  • मलयगन्धिनी :: f. (-नी) One of DURGĀ'S female attendants. E. मलय the mountain, and गन्धिन् fragrant; also मलयवासिनी ।
  • मलयज :: mn. (-जः-ज) Sandal-wood. E. मलय the mountain Malaya, and ज produced.
  • मलयाचल :: m. (-लः) The mountain Malaya. E. मलय Malaya, and अचल a mountain; also similar compounds, as मलयाद्रि &c.
  • मलयानिल :: m. (-लः) The southerly wind that prevails in central India during the hot weather. The Malaya Zephyr charged with the sent of Sandal-wood or other herbs is a poetical common-place. E. मलय the Malaya mountain, over which the air is supposed to have blown, and अनिल wind.
  • मलयू :: f. (-यूः) The opposite-leaved fig tree. E. मल sin, यु to join, aff. क्विप् and the final made long; also with the final short मलयु, or de- rived from पूञ, मलपू ।
  • मलवासस् :: f. (-सा) A woman in her courses.
  • मलवाहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिनी -हि) What conveys or contains soil or filth. E. मल and वाहिन् bearing.
  • मलाकर्षिन् :: m. (-र्षी) A sweeper, a cleaner. E. मल dirt, fæces, and कृष् to draw, with आङ् prefix, and णिनि aff.
  • मलाका :: f. (-का) 1. A female messenger. 2. A lewd woman. 3. A female elephant. E. मल, आक aff.
  • मलापकर्षण :: n. (-णं) Purification, cleaning, cleansing. E. मल dirt, excrescence, अपकर्षण removing.
  • मलावह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) 1. Soiling, dirtying. 2. Defiling, disgracing. m. (-हः) Acceptance of forbidden gifts. E. मल and आवह what brings.
  • मलाशय :: m. (-यः) The belly.
  • मलि :: f. (-लिः) Having, possessing. E. मल् to hold, इन् aff.
  • मलिन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Dirty, filth, foul. 2. Black. 3. Vile, bad. 4. Foul, (figuratively,) soiled with crime or vice, sinful, depraved. n. (-नं) 1. Butter-milk. 2. Fault, defect. 3. Borax. f. (-नी) A woman during menstruation. E. मल dirt, इलन् Unādi aff.
  • मलिनप्रभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Obscured, beclouded. E. मलिन and प्रभा light.
  • मलिनमुख :: mfn. (-खः -खी -ख) 1. Cruel, fierce savage. 2. Vile, wicked. m. (-खः) 1. AGNI or fire. 2. A ghost, a goblin. 3. The black-faced monkey. 4. The Chittraka tree. E. मलिन black, and मुख the face.
  • मलिनाम्बु :: m. (-म्बुः) Ink. E. मलिन dirty, and अम्बु water.
  • मलिनास्य :: m. (-स्यः) A savage, a cruel or ferocious man. E. मलिन black, foul, (with fury,) and आस्य the face.
  • मलिनित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Soiled, defiled. 2. Corrupted, wicked. E. मलिन and इतच् aff.
  • मलिनिमन् :: m. (-मा) 1. Impurity, sin. 2. Darkness, blackness. 3. Dirtiness.
  • मलिम्लुच :: m. (-चः) 1. A thief. 2. Burning, blazing. 3. Fire. 4. Air, wind. 5. The intercalary lunar month, introduced every third year, in order to approximate the lunar, and solar modes of computation. 6. A gnat, a musquito. 7. Frost. 8. A thief, a robber. 9. A Brāh- mana who neglects the five daily acts of piety. 10. A demon. E. मलि possession, and म्लुच् to steal, aff. क ।
  • मलिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) 1. Very foul or unclean. 2. Very wicked. f. (-ष्ठा) A woman during menstruation. E. मल unclean, इष्टन् aff. of the superlative.
  • मलीमस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) 1. Dirty, foul, unclean. 2. Wicked. m. (-सः) 1. Iron. 2. Green vitriol. E. मल dirt, इमसच् aff.
  • मलीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) 1. Very dirty or impure. 2. Very wicked. E. मल and ईयसुन् aff. of the superlative.
  • मलूक :: m. (-कः) A kind of worm. E. मल dirt, ऊकन् Unādi aff.
  • मल्ल् :: r. 1st. cl. (मल्लते) To hold, to have.
  • मल्ल :: mfn. (-ल्लः -ल्ला -ल्लं) 1. Strong, stout, athletic, robust. 2. Best, excell- ent m. (-ल्लः) 1. A wrestler, a boxer, by birth; the offspring of an outcaste Kshetriya by a Kshetriya female. 2. A cup or vessel. 3. The cheek and temples, the hemicranium. 4. A kind of fish. 5. The residue of an oblation. f. (-ल्ला) 1. A woman. 2. Arabian jasmine. 3. Ornamenting the person with coloured unguents. E. मल्ल् to hold, aff. अच् ।
  • मल्लक :: mf. (-ल्लकः-ल्लिका) An oil-vessel, a vessel made of the shell of a cocoanut for holding oil, whether for culinary purposes or for burning as a lamp. m. (-कः) A tooth. E. मल्ल् to hold, aff. वुन् ।
  • मल्लज :: n. (-जं) Black pepper.
  • मल्लतूर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) A musical instrument, a drum or trumpet used at athletic contests. E. मल्ल wrestler, and तूर्य्य an instrument of music; it is also occurs गन्धतूर्य्य ।
  • मल्लनाग :: m. (-गः) 1. The elephant of INDRA. 2. A name of the saint VĀTSYĀYANA. 3. A letter-carrier. 4. A work on amorous topics by VĀTSYĀYANA Muni. E. मल्ल strong, and नाग an elephant.
  • मल्लभू :: f. (-भूः) A palæstrum or arena, a place for athletic contests; it is also applied to the site of any conflict, as a field of battle, &c. E. मल्ल a wrestler, and भू earth, place; also मल्लभूमि f. (-मिः) ।
  • मल्लयात्रा :: f. (-त्रा) A match of wrestling or boxing. E. मल्ल a wrestler, and यात्रा a festival.
  • मल्लयुद्ध :: n. (-द्धं) Wrestling, boxing. E. मल्ल a wrestler, युद्ध contest.
  • मल्लारी :: f. (-री) One the of Rāginis or divisions of the musical mode Megha.
  • मल्लि :: m. (-ल्लिः) 1. Having, holding. 2. One of the Jinas or Jaina saints, the 19th of the present era. f. (-ल्लिः-ल्ली) Arabian jasmine, (Jas- minum zambac.) E. मल्ल् to hold, Unādi aff. इन् and ङीष् optionally added for the fem.
  • मल्लिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A bird, said to be a sort of goose with brown legs and bill. 2. A shuttle. 3. The month Māgha. f. (-का) 1. Arabian jasmine, (Jasminum zambac.) 2. A kind of fish. 3. An earthen vessel for holding oil, &c. 4. A goblet, a cup, a drinking vessel. 5. A river. E. कन् added to मल्लि ।
  • मल्लिकाक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. A horse marked with white about the eyes. 2. A sort of goose with brown legs and bill. E. मल्लिका the jasmine and अक्ष the eye, being of like whiteness.
  • मल्लिकापुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) Arabian jasmine. E. मल्लिका the same, पुष्प a flower.
  • मल्लिगन्धि :: m. (-न्धिः) Aloe-wood. E. मल्लि jasmine, and गन्धि smelling.
  • मल्लिनाथ :: m. (-थः) Name of a celebrated commentator who lived at the beginning of the fifth century.
  • मल्लिपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A mushroom.
  • मल्लु :: m. (-ल्लुः) A bear. E. मल्ल् to hold, aff. उ ।
  • मव् :: r. 1st cl. (मवति) To bind, to tie.
  • मवित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Strung, tied. E. मू to bind, aff. क्त ।
  • मव्य् :: r. 1st cl. (मवति) To bind, to tie.
  • मश् :: r. 1st cl. (मशति) 1. To sound. 2. To be angry or irascible.
  • मश :: m. (-शः) 1. Anger. 2. Sounding. 3. A musquito. E. मश to sound, &c., अच् aff.
  • मशक :: m. (-कः) 1. A gnat, a musquito. 2. A kind of cutaneous eruption the formation of small pustules or warts. 3. A leather water-bag. E. मश् to be angry and वुन् aff.
  • मशकिन् :: m. (-का) The glomerous fig-tree. E. मशक a gnat, and इनि aff.
  • मशच्छद :: m. (-दः) A sort of grass, (Andropogon serratus.)
  • मशहरी :: f. (-री) Musquito curtains, bed-curtains of gauze, or of any

thin substance, used to keep off musquitoes. E. मश् a musquito, हृ to take off, ट and ङीप् affs.

  • मशुन :: m. (-नः) A dog.
  • मष् :: r. 1st cl. (मषति) To injure, to hurt or kill.
  • मषि :: f. (-षिः-षी) 1. Ink. 2. The stalk of the Nyctanthes tristis. E. मष् to hurt, इन् aff.; also मशि or मसि ।
  • मस(इर्, ई)इर् मसी :: r. 4th cl. (मस्यति) 1. To mete or measure by weight, bulk, length, &c. 2. To change from.
  • मस :: m. (-सः) 1. Measure. 2. Weight. E. मस् to measure, aff. अच् ।
  • मसक :: m. (-कः) A gnat. E. मष् to hurt, वुन् aff.
  • मसन :: n. (-नं) 1. Hurting. 2. Measuring. 3. A medicinal fruit, (Serratula anthelmintica.) E. मष् to hurt, ल्यु aff.
  • मसार :: m. (-रः) An emerald. E. मस weight, ऋ to go or get, aff. अण्; also with कन् added मसारक; in some places it seems to be confounded with another gem of a blue colour, perhaps the sapphire.
  • मसि :: mf. (-सिः-सी) 1. Ink. 2. The stalk of the Nyctanthes tristis. 3. Lamp-black. 4. A black powder used as a collyrium. E. मस् to weigh, Unādi aff. इन्; it also occurs, मशि, मशी, मषि and मषी ।
  • मसिक :: m. (-कः) A snake's hole. f. (-का) 1. A plant, (Nyctanthes tristis.) 2. Ink. E. मसि the stalk of the plant, &c., कन् added.
  • मसिकूपी :: f. (-पी) An inkstand. E. मसि ink, कूपी a little well; also with कन् added मसिकूपिका ।
  • मसिधान :: nf. (-नं-नी) An inkstand. E. ससि ink, and धान what holds or contains; also मशिधान, मषिधान, &c.
  • मसिन :: n. (-नं) Alliance by the right of presenting the funeral meat- balls to a deceased common progenitor. E. मस् to measure, (affi- nity,) Unādi aff. इनन् ।
  • मसिपण्य :: m. (-ण्यः) A scribe, a clerk, an accountant. E. मसि ink, पण्य hireable.
  • मसिपथ :: m. (-थः) A pen. E. मसि and पथ path.
  • मसिप्रसू :: f. (-सूः) 1. An inkstand. 2. A pen. E. मसि ink, प्रसू parent.
  • मसिमणि :: f. (-णिः) An inkstand. E. मसि ink, and मणि a jewel.
  • मसिवर्द्धन :: n. (-नं) Gum myrrh. E. ममि ink, वृद्ध् to increase, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • मसीजल :: n. (-लं) Writing ink. E. मसी ink, and जल water.
  • मसीधानी :: f. (-नी) An inkstand. E. मसी ink, धानी what holds.
  • मसीना :: f. (-ना) Linseed, (Linum utilatissimum.) E. मस्-इनन् ।
  • मसुर :: mf. (-रः-रा) A sort of pulse or lentil, (Ervum hirsutum, or Cicer lens.) f. (-रा) A whore. E. मस् to weigh, Unādi aff. उरच्; more usually मसूर ।
  • मसूर :: mf. (-रः-रा) A sort of pulse or lentil, (Ervum hirsutum, and Cicer lens.) f. (-रा) 1. A whore. 2. A lentil. f. (-री) 1. Small pox. 2. A small round pillow. E. मस् to weigh, Unādi aff. ऊरच्, मसूर, the pulse; the other meanings refer to this, implying resem- blance to the pea in figure, &c.
  • मसूरक :: m. (-कः) A small round pillow. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • मसूरविदला :: f. (-ला) 1. A black variety of the plant, commonly called Teorī, (Convolvulous turpethum.) 2. A twining shrub, (Echites frutescens.) E. मसूर pulse, विदल division; having a leaf like a split pea.
  • मसूरिका :: f. (-का) 1. A bawd, a procuress. 2. Small pox. 3. A musquito- curtain. E. मसूरा a whore, aff. कन्, fem. form.
  • मसृण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Smooth, soft, not hard, not rough. 2. Bland, mild, unctuous. 3. Sweet, soft. f. (-णा) Linseed. E. मस् to mea- sure or weigh, aff. ऋण, form irr.; or सम equally, smoothly, ऋण् to go or be, aff. क, and the initiatory letters irregularly transposed.
  • मस्क् :: r. 1st cl. (मस्कति) To go, to move: sometimes read मष्क ।
  • मस्कर :: m. (-रः) 1. A bamboo. 2. A hollow bamboo. 3. Going, motion. 4. Knowledge. E. मस्क् to go, aff. अरच्; or मकि to adorn, aff. अर, and the nasal rejected, with सुट् augment.
  • मस्करिन् :: m. (-री) 1. The Brāhmana of the fourth and mendicant

order 2. The moon. E. मस्कर a bamboo, (staff,) and इनि posses- sive aff.

  • मस्ज्(टु, ओ)टुमस्जो :: r. 6th cl. (मज्जति) 1. To immerse, to sink or plunge in water. 2. The purify by washing or bathing. 3. To be dis- heartened.
  • मस्त :: n. (-स्तं) The head; see the next.
  • मस्तक :: mn. (-कः-कं) 1. The head, the skull. 2. The head or top of any thing. E. मस् to weigh, aff. क्त, and कन् added.
  • मस्तकपिण्डक :: mn. (-कः-कं) A protuberance on the temples of an elephant in rut.
  • मस्तकमूलक :: n. (-कं) The neck, the upper part of it supporting the head. E. मस्तक the head, मूल the root, कन् added.
  • मस्तकस्नेह :: m. (-हः) The brain. E. मस्तक the head, and स्नेह marrow.
  • मस्तकाख्य :: m. (-ख्यः) The top of a tree. E. मस्तक, आख्या appellation.
  • मस्तदारु :: n. (-रुं) The Devadāru tree.
  • मस्ति :: f. (-स्तिः) Weighing, measuring. E. मस् to weigh, क्तिन् aff.
  • मस्तिष्क :: m. (-ष्कः) The brain. E. मस्-क्तिन् मस्तिं परिणति भेदं मुष्कति मुष्क गतौ अच् पृषो० ।
  • मस्तिष्कत्वच् :: f. (-त्वक्) The membrance surrounding the brain.
  • मस्तु :: n. (-स्तुः) 1. The watery part of curds, the whey. 2. Sour cream. E. मस् to weigh, Unādi aff. तुन् ।
  • मस्तुलुङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) The brain; it also occurs मस्तुलुङ्गक ।
  • मह् :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (महति महयति-ते) To revere, to worship, to adore. (इ)महि r. 1st cl. (मंहते) To grow or increase. r. 10th cl. (मंहयति) 1. To speak. 2. To shine.
  • मह :: m. (-हः) 1. A festival. 2. Light, lustre. 3. A buffalo. 4. Sacrifice, oblation. f. (-हा) 1. A cow. 2. A plant, (Hedysarum lagopodioi- des.) E. मह् to worship, aff. घञ्: see महस and महि ।
  • महक :: m. (-कः) 1. An excellent man. 2. A tortoise. 3. A name of VISHṆU. E. मह् to worship, वुन् aff.
  • महक्क :: m. (-क्कः) Diffusive fragrance.
  • महत् :: mfn. (-हान् -हती -हत्) 1. Great, large, bulky. 2. Much, many. 3. Best, excellent, illustrious. 4. Loud. 5. Far advanced. 6. Long. 7. Intense. 8. Important. 9. Eminent, high. 10. Dense, thick. 11. Numerous. n. (-त्) 1. Kingdom, dominion. 2. The intellectual principle, the second principle in creation. 3. Sacred knowledge. 4. Infinity, greatness. Adv. Much, very, exceeding. f. (-ती) The Vinā or lute of NĀRADA, containing seven or one hundred strings. 2. The egg-plant, (Solanum melongena.) m. (-हान्) 1. The second of the twenty five principles of creation according to Sānkhya philosophy. 2. A camel. 3. An epithet of Rudra. E. मह् to worship, अति Unādi aff. In composition महा is generally substi- tuted, आ being inserted in place of the final.
  • महत्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Greater, more. m. (-रः) 1. A man of the fourth or servile tribe, a Sūdra. 2. The headman of a village. 3. A courtier. E. महत् great, and तरप् aff. of comparison, perhaps in derision, or in comparison with the mixed tribes.
  • महत्त्व :: n. (-त्त्वं) Greatness, either in bulk or rank. E. महत् great, त्व aff. of the abstract.
  • महदाश्चर्य्य :: n. Adv. (-र्य्यं) Very surprising. E. महत् and आश्वर्य्य surprising.
  • महदाश्रय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Dependent upon or attached to the great. E. महत् and आश्रय asylum.
  • महद्विल :: n. (-लं) Æther, heaven, Akās. E. महत् great and विल a variety.
  • महन्त :: m. (-न्तः) The head of a monastery.
  • महर्लोक :: m. (-कः) A division of the universe; a region said to be one Crore or Yojanas above the polar star, and to be the abode of those saints who survive a destruction of the world. E. महस् sa- crifice, लोक world.
  • महर्षि :: m. (-र्षिः) A Ṛshi or saint of a particular order, including VYĀSA and others. E. मह for महत् great, and ऋषि saint: see राजर्षि ।
  • महल्लक :: m. (-कः) An eunuch employed in a Hārem. 2. A large house. f. (-ल्लिका) Feeble. E. महल्ल said to mean the inner apart-

ments, probably an Arabic word, and कन् added: otherwise with ठक् added महल्लिक m. (-कः) ।

  • महस् :: n. (-हः) 1. A festival, a sacred festival. 2. Light, lustre. 3. Greatness, vigour. 4. Sacrifice, oblation. E. मह to worship, aff. असुन् ।
  • महस :: n. (-सं) 1. Knowledge. 2. Kind, sort, difference. E. मह् to worship, Unādi aff. असच् ।
  • महाकच्छ :: m. (-च्छः) 1. The ocean. 2. The deity of the ocean VARUṆA. 3. A mountain. E. महा great, and कच्छ a shore or bank.
  • महाकण्टकिनी :: f. (-नी) The Indian prickly pear, (Cactus Indicus.) E. महा great, कण्टक a thorn, इनि and ङीष् affs. “फणिमन्सा ।”
  • महाकन्द :: m. (-न्दः) 1. Garlic. 2. A very large esculent root, a sort of yam. 3. A plant, (Hingtsha repens.) E. महा great and कन्द root.
  • महाकपर्द :: m. (-र्दः) A species of shell.
  • महाकपित्थ :: m. (-त्थः) 1. A tree, (Ægle marmelos.) 2. Red garlic. E. महा great, and कपित्थ wood-apple.
  • महाकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. Large-handed, &c. 2. Having a large revenue. m. (-रः) A large hand, rent, &c. E. महा, and कर a hand.
  • महाकर्णिकार :: m. (-रः) A plant, (cassia fistula.) आरग्वधे “सोंँदाल्” इति भाषा ।
  • महाकला :: f. (-ला) The night of the new moon.
  • महाकवि :: m. (-विः) 1. An epithet of Sūkra. 2. A classical poet.
  • महाकाय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Large, bulky, stout. m. (-यः) 1. A name of NANDĪ, the door-keeper and attendant of ŚIVA. 2. An elephant. E. महा large and काय body.
  • महाकाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A name or rather a form of ŚIVA, in his character of the destroying deity, being then represented of a black colour, and of aspect more or less terrific. 2. A name of NANDĪ, ŚIVA'S porter and attendant. 3. The mango tree. f. (-ली) 1. The wife of the preceding deity, and a terrific form of DURGĀ. 2. A goddess pecu- liar to the Jainas. 3. One of the Vidyā-devis of the same sect. E. महा great, excessively, काल black, or time; in one capacity that of जगद्भक्षकः the world-eater, ŚIVA or MAHĀKĀLA may be considered as a personification of time that destroys all things.
  • महाकाव्य :: n. (-व्यं) A regular and classical poem. E. महा great, and काव्य a poem; the title is applied especially to five works; the Kumāra Sambhava, and Raghu Vaṃśa of KALIDĀSA; the Kirātārjuniya of BHĀRABĪ; the Naisadha of SRIHARSHA, and the Sisupāla Badham of MĀGHA.
  • मलाकुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Eminent by birth, of good family or extrac- tion. E. महा great, and कुल lineage.
  • महाकुलीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Of good family. E. महा great, and कुलीन of family.
  • महाकूप :: m. (-पः) A large or deep well. E. महा great, and कूप a well.
  • महाकूल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Of a good family. E. See महाकुल ।
  • महाकृच्छ्र :: n. (-च्छ्रं) A great penance.
  • महाक्षीर :: m. (-रः) Sugar-cane. E. महा great, and क्षीर milk.
  • महाग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Great, prosperous. E. महा and ग who goes.
  • महागद :: m. (-दः) Fever. E. महा and गद sickness.
  • महागन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) A sort of cane growing near water, (Calamus fasci- culatus, Rox.) f. (-न्धा) A name or form of DURGA. n. (-न्धं) Gum myrrh. 2. A kind of Sandal-wood. E. महा great, and गन्ध smell.
  • महागिरि :: m. (-रिः) 1. Any large mountain. 2. A sacred personage pe- culiar to the Jainas. E. महा great and गिरि a mountain.
  • महाग्रीव :: m. (-वः) A camel. E. महा great, and ग्रीवा a neck.
  • महाग्रीविन् :: m. (-वी) A camel. E. महा large, ग्रीवा neck, इनि aff.
  • महाघास :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Abounding with grass or fodder. E. महा, घास grass.
  • महाघूर्णा :: f. (-र्णा) Spirituous or vinous liquor. E. महा great, much, घूर्ण to roll, affs. अच् and टाप् ।
  • महाघोर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Very formidable, terrific, horrible. m. (-रः) A division of Tartarus or hell. E. महा great, much, and घोर terrific.
  • महाघोष :: m. (-षः) A great noise, a loud sound. n. (-षं) A market, a fair. f. (-षा) 1. A plant, commonly called Karkatasringi or Crab's horn

described as a climbing and milky plant, and supposed to be the Asclepias geminata. 2. Gum olibanum tree. E. महा great, घोष sound, &c.

  • महाङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Bulky, big, large-bodied. m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A camel. 2. A kind of rat. 3. An epithet of ŚIVA. E. महा great, अङ्ग body. “गोक्षुरक्षुपे, रक्तचित्रकक्षुपे च ।”
  • महाचण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. One of YAMA'S attendants. 2. A very violent or passionate man. E. महा great, much, चण्ड hot, passionate.
  • महाच्छाय :: m. (-यः) The Indian fig-tree.
  • महाज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Illustrious, high-born. m. (-जः) A large goat. E. महा great, and अज a goat, or ज born.
  • महाजन :: m. (-नः) 1. A virtuous or illustrious man, a great man. 2. A merchant, a trader. 3. The mob. E. महा great, जन a man.
  • महाजम्बू :: f. (-म्बूः) A plant, perhaps a kind of Eugenia. E. महा great, and जम्बू the rose-apple.
  • महाजातीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Of an excellent sort or species. E. महा great, जातीय of a species.
  • महाजाली :: f. (-ली) A plant, a sort of Ghosa, with yellow flowers. E. महा great, जाल a net.
  • महाज्वाल :: m. (-लः) Sacrificial fire. f. (-ला) One of the Vidyā-devīs or goddesses peculiar to the Jainas. E. महा great, ज्वाल flame, lustre.
  • महातमप्रभा :: f. (-भा) The lowermost division of Naraka or hell. E. महा great, तम darkness, and प्रभा flame.
  • महातरु :: m. (-रुः) A plant, (Euphorbia of various kinds.) E. महा large, and तरु a tree. “स्नुहीवृक्षे” “मन्सा गाछ” इति भाषा ।
  • महातल :: n. (-लं) The fifth in descent of the seven Pātālas or regions under the earth, inhabited by various races of evil beings, as the Nāgas, Asuras, Daityas, &c. E. महा great, and तल depth.
  • महातारा :: f. (-रा) A goddess of the Bauddhas.
  • महातिक्त :: mfn. (-क्त्रः -क्ता -क्तं) Very bitter. m. (-क्तः) The large Nimba tree, (Melia sempervirens.) f. (-क्ता) A plant, commonly Ākanādi. E. महा much, and तिक्त bitter. यवतिक्तायांच “तित्पल्ता” इति भाषा ।
  • महातीक्ष्ण :: mfn. (-क्ष्णः -क्ष्णा -क्ष्णं) Very sharp, (as flavour,) or literally, (as a weapon,) or figuratively, (as perception, &c.) f. (-क्ष्णा) The mark- ing-nut plant. E. महा great or much, तीक्ष्ण sharp, acrid, acute.
  • महातेजस् :: mfn. (-जाः -जाः -जः) 1. Very bright. 2. Very energetic or vigor- ous. m. (-जाः) 1. A name of KĀRTIKEYA. 2. AGNI, the deity of fire. 3. A hero, a demi-god. n. (-क्ष्णं) Quicksilver. E. महा great, and तेजस् light or glory, &c.
  • महात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Liberal, lofty-minded, magnanimous. E. महा great, आत्मन् self, soul.
  • महादन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. An elephant with large tusks. 2. An elephant's tusk. E. महा great, and दन्त tooth.
  • महादश :: f. (-शां) The influence of a predominant planet.
  • महादारु :: m. (-रुः) A sort of pine, (P. Devadāru.) E. महा large, and दारु wood.
  • महादुन्दु :: m. (-न्दुः) A large military drum. E. महा great, दुन्दु a drum.
  • महादेव :: m. (-वः) ŚIVA. f. (-वी) DURGĀ the wife of ŚIVA. E. महा great, and देव god; the epithet Mahā compounded with a substantive forms many appellatives of these deities especially; thus ŚIVA is Mahākāla, Mahārūdra, Maheśwara, &c. and DURGĀ is named Mahāvidya, Mahāsmriti, Mahāmedha, Mahāmoha, &c. &c.
  • महाद्रुम :: m. (-मः) The holy fig-tree, (Ficus religiosa.) E. महा great, and द्रुम a tree.
  • महाधन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Rich, opulent. 2. Costly, precious, valuable. n. (-नं) 1. Any thing costly or precious. 2. Gold. 3. Incense. 4. Costly raiment. 5. Agriculture. E. महा great, धन wealth or price.
  • महाधातु :: m. (-तुः) Gold. E. महा great, chief, and धातु mineral.
  • महानट :: m. (-टः) ŚIVA. E. महा great, and नट a dancer.
  • महानन्द :: m. (-न्दः) Eternal emancipation or beatitude. f. (-न्दा) 1. Wine. 2. Name of a particular river. E. महा great, आनन्द happiness.
  • महानरक :: n. (-कं) One of the twenty-one hells or divisions of Tartarus. E. महा and नरक hell.
  • महानल :: m. (-लः) A kind of reed. “देवनले ।”
  • महानवमी :: f. (-मी) The ninth day of the first half of Āshwina sacred to DURGĀ.
  • महानस :: mn. (-सः-सं) A kitchen. n. (-सं) A heavy carriage. E. महा great, chief, अनस rice or food, टच् added; to which the food is conveyed to be dressed, &c.
  • महानाद :: m. (-दः) 1. A large black rainy cloud. 2. A loud sound. 3. An elephant. 4. A lion. 5. The ear. 6. A camel. 7. A conch-shell. n. (-दं) A musical instrument. E. महा great and नाद noise or sound.
  • महानिद्रा :: f. (-द्रा) Death, dying. E. महा great, निद्रा sleep.
  • महानिम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) A large kind of Nimba tree, (Melia sempervirens.) E. महा great, and निम्ब the Nimba. “घोडानिम् ।”
  • महानिशा :: f. (-शा) Midnight. E. महा great, and निशा night.
  • महानीच :: m. (-चः) A washerman. E. महा great, much, and नीच vile.
  • महानील :: m. (-लः) 1. The emerald. 2. One of the Nāgas. 3. A plant, (Verbesina scandens, Rox.) E. महा great, and नील blue.
  • महानुभाव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Magnanimous, liberal. m. (-वः) A gentleman. E. महा great, अनुभाव disposition.
  • महानेमि :: m. (-मिः) A crow.
  • महापक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. A sort of duck. 2. An epithet of GARUḌA. f. (-क्षी) An owl. E. महा large, and पक्ष a side, a wing.
  • महापञ्चमूलक :: n. (-कं) The great five roots; they are as follows:-- “विल्वोऽग्निमन्थः श्योनाकः काश्मर्य्यः पाटलातथा । सर्वैस्तु मिलितैरेतैः स्यान्महापञ्चमूलकम् ॥”
  • महापञ्चविष :: n. (-षं) The five great poisons; they are as follows:-- “शृङ्गी च कालकूटश्च मुस्तको वत्सनाभकः । शक्तुकश्चेति योगोऽयं महापञ्चविषाभिधः ॥”
  • महापत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A potherb. “मालाकन्दे” f. (-त्रा) A kind of Eugenia. “महाजम्बूवृक्षे” । E. महा large, पत्र a leaf.
  • महापथ :: m. (-थः) 1. The principal path or entrance to a town or house. &c., a main road, a highway. 2. The end of life, the way of all flesh. 3. Name of certain precipices from which people used to throw themselves to obtain entrance into heaven. E. महा chief, पथ road.
  • महापथगम :: m. (-मः) Dying. E. महापथ the great way, (by which all mortals travel,) गम going.
  • महापद्म :: m. (-द्मः) 1. One of the principal Nāgas or serpents of Pātāla. 2. One of KUVERA'S Nidhis or treasures. 3. A large number, one hundred thousand millions. 4. A Kinnara or attendant on KUVE- RA. n. (-द्मं) The large white lotus. E. महा great, and पद्म a lotus.
  • महापातक :: n. (-कं) 1. A crime of the highest degree, as killing a Brāh- mana, stealing gold from a priest, drinking spirits, adultery with the wife of a spiritual teacher, and associating with persons who have committed these offences. 2. Great crime in general. E. महा great, पातक offence: see पञ्चमहापातक ।
  • महापातकिन् :: m. (-की) An offender in the highest degree: see the last. E. महापातक great sin, and इनि aff.
  • महापाप :: n. (-पं) 1. A sin of the highest kind. see महापातक . 2. Heinous crime, or sin in general. E. महा excessive, and पाप sin.
  • महापासक :: m. (-कः) A religious mendicant.
  • महापुरुष :: m. (-षः) A great man. E. महा and पुरुष a man.
  • महापुरुषदन्ता :: f. (-न्ता) A plant, (Asparagus racemosa.) “शतमूल्याम् ।”
  • महापुष्पा :: f. (-ष्पा) A flower, (Clitoria ternatea.) “अपराजितायाम् ।”
  • महाप्रभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Very bright, splendid. m. (-भः) Lamp-light, the light of a lamp. E. महा much, प्रभा shining.
  • महाप्रभु :: m. (-भुः) 1. A holy man, a saint. 2. A king. 3. INDRA. 4. ŚIVA. E. महा chief, and प्रभु master.
  • महाप्रलय :: m. (-यः) 1. A destruction of the world, occuring after every period of 4,320,000,000 years. 2. A total destruction of the uni- verse, happening after a period commensurate with the life of BRAHMĀ, or 100 years, each day of which is equal to the period first stated, and each night of which is of similar duration; at

the expiration of this term, the seven Lokas, with the saints, gods, and BRAHMĀ himself, are annihilated. E. महा great, प्रलय destruction.

  • महाप्राण :: m. (-णः) 1. A raven. 2. The aspirate utterance of the aspirated letters.
  • महाफल :: m. (-लः) A particular fruit-tree, (Agle marmelos.) f. (-ला) 1. A bitter gourd: see इन्द्रवारुणी . 2. A kind of spear. E. महा and फल fruit.
  • महाफेणा :: f. (-णा) Cuttle-fish-bone. E. महा great, and फेण froth, foam.
  • महाबल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Strong, robust, powerful. m. (-लः) 1. Air, wind. 2. A Buddha or Bauddha deified saint. n. (-लं) Lead. f. (-ला) A sort of Sida with yellow flowers, (S. rhombifolia.) E. महा great or much, and बल strong, &c.
  • महाबाहु :: mfn. (-हुः -हुः -हु) Having long arms. E. महा great, बाहु an arm.
  • महाबोधि :: m. (-धिः) A Buddha, a deified teacher of the Bauddhas. E. महा great and बोधि a teacher.
  • महाब्राह्मण :: m. (-णः) 1. A priest who officiates at funeral ceremonies. 2. An eminent Brāhmana. E. महा great, and ब्राह्मण a Brāhmana.
  • महाभद्रा :: f. (-द्रा) The Ganges. E. महा much, and भद्रा propitious.
  • महाभाग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) 1. Virtuous in a high degree, pure, holy. 2. Eminent, exalted. E. महा and भाग portion.
  • महाभागता :: f. (-ता) 1. Possession of the cardinal virtues, clemency, &c. 2. Exalted station or merit. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, महाभागत्वं ।
  • महाभारत :: n. (-तं) Name of the great epic which details the history of the sons of DHRITARĀSTRA and PĀNDU.
  • महाभाष्य :: n. (-ष्यं) 1. The commentary of Patanjalī on the Sutras of PĀNINĪ. 2. Any great commentary.
  • महाभीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Very timid, pusillanimous, cowardly. f. (-ता) A sort of sensitive plant, (Mimosa pudica.) “लज्जावती लता” E. महा much, and भीत frightened.
  • महाभीम :: m. (-मः) 1. A name of SĀNTANU. 2. One of ŚIVA'S chamber- lains. E. महा great or much, भीम formidable.
  • महाभीरु :: m. (-रुः) A sort of beetle, found in cow-dung. E. महा much, भीरु fearful.
  • महाभीष्म :: m. (-ष्मः) A name of SĀNTANU, a sovereign, and the father of BHĪSHMA. E. महा much, and भीष्म formidable.
  • महाभूत :: n. (-तं) 1. A primary element; as air, fire, water, earth, and Ākās or æther. 2. A great creature. E. महा principal, भूत element.
  • महामति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Magnanimous, high-minded. m. (-तिः) The planet Jupiter. E. महा, मति mind.
  • महामद :: m. (-दः) 1. An elephant in rut. 2. Great pride or intoxication. E. महा great, and मद fury, or the fluid that issues from the ani- mal's temples.
  • महामनस् :: mfn. (-नाः -नाः -नः) Magnanimous, high-minded, liberal, muni- ficent. E. महा great, मनस् mind.
  • महामन्त्रिन् :: m. (-न्त्री) The prime minister. E. महा and मन्त्रिन् a counsellor.
  • महामहिमन् :: mfn. (-मा -मा -म) Very great, high and mighty. E. महा, and महिमन् greatness.
  • महामात्र :: m. (-त्रः) 1. A king's minister or associate, any high officer in a kingdom: as a counsellor, a general, &c. 2. An elephant-driver, a Māhut. 3. Superintendent of the elephants. 4. A man of wealth and consequence. f. (-त्री) 1. The wife of a spiritual preceptor. 2. The wife of an officer of state, &c. E. महा great, मात्र wealth or retinue, &c.
  • महामानसी :: f. (-सी) A goddess peculiar to the Jainas.
  • महामाया :: f. (-या) 1. A name of DURGĀ. 2. Worldly illusion or unrea- lity; the divine power of illusion which makes the material uni- verse appear what we see it to be. E. महा great, माया illusion.
  • महामारी :: f. (-री) 1. A name of DURGĀ. 2. Cholera. E. महा great, मारी destroyer.
  • महामाष :: m. (-षः) A kind of bean, (Dolichos catjang.) E. महा large, and माष the Phaseolus radiatus. “राजमाषे ।”
  • महामुख :: m. (-खः) A crocodile, an alligator. E. महा large, and मुख the mouth.
  • महामुनि :: m. (-निः) 1. A name of AGASTYA. 2. A name of Bauddha or more properly, of any one of the sacred persons called by that name. 3. The epithet of a warlike saint, celebrated in the Mahā- bhārata. 4. Time. 5. A name of VYĀSA. n. (-नि) 1. Coriander. 2. Any medicinal drug. E. महा great, and मुनि saint.
  • महामूल :: m. (-लः) A kind of onion. “राजपलाण्डौ” n. (-लं) A large radish.
  • महामूल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) Costly, precious. m. (-ल्यः) A ruby. E. महा great, मूल्य price.
  • महामृग :: m. (-गः) An elephant. E. महा great, मृग an animal.
  • महामृत्यु :: m. (-त्युः) ŚIVA. E. महा great, मृत्यु death.
  • महामेद :: m. (-दः) 1. The coral tree, (Erythrina Indica.) 2. A drug, classed amongst the principal drugs, and described as a tonic, and stimulant. E. महा much, and मेद marrow.
  • महामैत्र :: m. (-त्रः) Buddha, the founder of the Bauddha sect, or a Baud- dha or form of him. E. महा great, मैत्र friendliness.
  • महाम्ल :: mfn. (-म्लः -म्ला -म्लं) Very acid. n. (-म्लं) Acid seasoning. E. महा much, very, and अम्ल sour.
  • महायक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A sort of demi-god, supposed to attend the Jinas or Jaina saints. E. महा great, and यक्ष a divine being, attending usually on KUVERA.
  • महायज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) An essential sacrifice, a sacrament of the Hindu religion; five acts are enumerated of this description, severally considered as due to the Vedas, to the gods, to man, to the manes, and to all created beings; they are respectively, study of scrip- ture, offering of sacrifice to the gods, hospitable treatment of guests, libation of water, &c. to deceased progenitors, and the casting of food on the ground or in water as an offering to the gods, to spirits, &c. E. महा great, यज्ञ sacrifice or act of wor- ship.
  • महायन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) Any great mechanical work, as a lock, or dyke, &c. E. महा and यन्त्र mechanical contrivance.
  • महायमक :: n. (-कं) A stanza wholly consisting of yamakas, (i. e.) having all the four pādas identical in sound though different in sense.
  • महायशस् :: mfn. (-शाः -शाः -शः) Illustrious, celebrated. m. (-शाः) The fifth Jaina of the past era. E. महा great, यशस् fame.
  • महायशस्क :: mfn. (-स्कः -स्का -स्क) Illustrious, celebrated. E. महा great, यशस् celebrity, कप added.
  • महायुग :: m. (-गः) A great Yuga; the aggregate of the four ages, or a period of four millions, three hundred and twenty thousand years. E. महा great, and युग age.
  • महारजत :: n. (-तं) 1. Gold. 2. The thorn-apple. E. महा great, रजत silver.
  • महारजन :: n. (-नं) 1. Safflower. 2. Gold. E. महा great, रञ्ज् to colour, aff. क्युच् ।
  • महारण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) A large forest. E. महा great, अरण्य a wood.
  • महारथ :: m. (-थः) 1. Wish, desire. 2. A large car. 3. A warrior fighting in a car, or any leader or warrior of note. It is thus defined in Vāchaspatya:-- “एको दशसहस्राणि योधयेद् यस्तु धन्विनाम् । शस्त्रशास्त्रप्रवीणश्च विज्ञेयः स महारथः ॥” E. महा great, and रथ a car.
  • महारस :: m. (-सः) 1. The date tree, (Phœnix sylvestris.) 2. A species of club rush, (Scirpus kysoor.) 3. Any precious mineral. 4. Quick- silver. n. (-रं) Gruel made from the fermentation of rice-water. E. महा great, रस juice.
  • महाराज :: m. (-जः) 1. A sovereign, an emperor. 2. A finger-nail. 3. A Jaina deified teacher. E. महा great, राजन् a king, aff. टच् ।
  • महाराजक :: m. (-कः) A sort of demi-god: see महाराजिक ।
  • महाराजचूत :: m. (-तः) A kind of mango. E. महाराज sovereign, chief, and चूत the mango; bearing a superior sort of fruit; also similar compounds: as महाराजाम्र, महाराजफल, &c.
  • महाराजाधिराज :: m. (-जः) A paramount sovereign, an emperor. E. महाराज, अधिराज chief sovereign.
  • महाराजिक :: m. (-कः) A kind of demi-god, of which there is a class of 220. E. महा great, राजि splendour, aff. कन्; or महाराज the epithet of their chief and कन् added.
  • महारात्र :: m. (-त्रः) Midnight. E. महा great, and रात्र for रात्रि night.
  • महाराष्ट्र :: n. (-ष्ट्रं) A country in the west of India, that of the original Mahrāttas. f. (-ष्ट्री) A dialect, Mahrātta. E. महा and राष्ट्र kingdom.
  • महारूप :: m. (-पः) Resin. E. महा chief, and रूप form.
  • महारूपक :: m. (-कः) A drama, a play or dramatic poem. E. महा chief, रूपक rhetorical composition.
  • महारौरव :: m. (-वः) One of the divisions of Tartarus, a hell. E. महा great, रुरु a demon, aff. अण् ।
  • महार्घ :: mfn. (-र्घः -र्घा -र्घं) Costly, precious, of great price or value. m. (-र्घः) A sort of quail. E. महा great, अर्घ cost.
  • महार्णव :: m. (-वः) The ocean. E. महा great, अर्णव the sea.
  • महार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) 1. Significant, meaning. 2. Great, dignified. m. (-र्थः) A principal object. E. महा and अर्थ sense or object.
  • महार्द्ध :: m. (-र्द्धः) A plant, commonly Mahā-Ādā.
  • महार्ह :: mfn. (-र्हः -र्हा -र्हं) 1. Costly, valuable. 2. Very worthy. E. महा and अर्ह worthy.
  • महालक्ष्मी :: f. (-क्ष्मीः) 1. SARASWATĪ the wife of BRAHMĀ. 2. A young girl who personates DURGĀ at the festival of that goddess. E. महा great, and लक्ष्मी the goddess LAKSHMĪ.
  • महालय :: m. (-यः) 1. GOD, the supreme being. 2. A place of pilgrimage. 3. A tree, &c. sacred to a deity. 4. The Loka or world of BRAHMĀ. 5. A place of refuge, a sanctuary, an asylum. 6. A temple. E. महा great, आलय asylum.
  • महालोध :: m. (-धः) A tree, the bark of which is used as an astringent, (Symplocos racemosa.) E. महा great, लोध the Lodh tree.
  • महालोल :: m. (-लः) A crow. E. महा great, लोल moving.
  • महालोह :: n. (-हं) The load-stone. E. महा great, chief, and लोह iron.
  • महावन :: n. (-नं) A large forest. E. महा large, वन a wood.
  • महावप :: m. (-पः) A plant and drug, commonly Mahāmeda.
  • महावरा :: f. (-रा) Bent grass: see दूर्व्वा . E. महा great, वर best.
  • महावराह :: m. (-हः) VISHṆU in his boar-incarnation. E. महा, वराह a boar.
  • महावर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) Large pay or allowance. E. महा and वर्त्तन maintaining.
  • महावल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) A large and handsome creeping plant, (Gærtnera racemosa.) E. महा great, and वल्ली pedicle. “माधबीलतायाम् ।”
  • महावस :: m. (-सः) The Gangetic porpoise. E. महा large, वस who abides.
  • महावाक्य :: n. (-क्यं) 1. Any continuous composition, any literary work. 2. A long sentence. 3. A principal sentence.
  • महाविदेहा :: f. (-हा) A certain condition of the mind, (in (Yoga Phil.)
  • महाविद्या :: f. (-द्या) The name of the following ten goddess:-- “काली तारा महाविद्या षोडशी भुवनेश्वरी । भैरवी छिन्नमस्ता च विद्या धूमावती तथा । वगला सिद्धविद्या च मातङ्गी कमलात्मिका ॥”
  • महाविभाषा :: f. (-षा) A rule containing a general alternative.
  • महाबिल :: n. (-लं) 1. Sky, heaven, atmosphere. 2. A water jar. 3. The heart, the mind. 4. A cave, a hole. E. महा great, and विल a chasm.
  • महाविशिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Endowed with great, or excellent qualities. E. महा great, विशिष्ठ endowed with.
  • महाविष :: m. (-षः) A small venomous snake, supposed to be two-headed. E. महा great, and विष venom.
  • महाविषुव :: n. (-वं) The Sankrāntī or moment of the sun's entering ARIES; the vernal equinox, but varying several days from the European computation. E. महा great, and विषुव equinox.
  • महावीचि :: f. (-चिः) One of the divisions of Tartarus. E. महा, वीचि a wave.
  • महावीज्य :: n. (-ज्यं) The septum of the scrotum, and part of the peri- nœum. E. महा chief, वीज seed, यत् added.
  • महावीर :: m. (-रः) 1. GARUḌA the bird, and vehicle of VISHṆU. 2. A hero. 3. A lion. 4. A white horse. 5. Sacrificial fire. 6. INDRA'S thunderbolt. 7. A bird, a sort of hawk. 8. The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. 9. The last and most celebrated Jina or Jaina teacher of the present who age, is supposed to have flourished in the province of Behar, in the sixth century before the Christian era. 10. Sacrificial vessel. 11. VISHṆU. 12. Agni or fire. f. (-रा) A sort of drug, commonly Kshīrakākolī, and conceived to be the dried root of a species of lily. E. महा great, and बीर hero.
  • महावीर्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) 1. A Jina or Jaina saint. 2. A name of BRAHMĀ. f. (-र्य्या) 1. A name of SANJNYĀ the wife of the sun. 2. Wild-cotton. E. महा great, and वीर्य्य essence. “वाराहीकन्देच ।”
  • महावृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) Euphorbia, of several species: see स्नुही E. महा great, वृक्ष a tree.
  • महावृहती :: f. (-ती) The egg-plant, (Solanum melongena.) E. महा great, वृहती the egg-plant. “महावार्त्ताक्याम् ।”
  • महावेग :: m. (-गः) 1. A monkey. 2. GARUḌA. 3. Great volocity. E. महा great, वेग speed.
  • महाव्याधि :: m. (-धिः) A virulent type of leprosy.
  • महाव्याहृति :: f. (-तिः) The three mystical words, Bhūr, Bhuvah, and Swer, the essential part, with Om and Gāyatrī of the daily Brāhminical prayer. E. महा great, and व्याहृति a word.
  • महाव्रतिन् :: m. (-ती) 1. A name of ŚIVA. 2. A devotee, an ascetic. E. महा great, and व्रत religious penance or observance, and इनि aff.
  • महाव्रीहि :: m. (-हिः) A large kind of rice. E. महा large, and व्रीहि rice.
  • महाशक्ति :: m. (-क्तिः) 1. KĀRTIKEYA, the martial deity of the Hindus. 2. ŚIVA. E. महा great, शक्ति power.
  • महाशङ्ख :: m. (-ङ्खः) 1. A human bone. 2. The forehead. 3. A thousand millions. 4. One of KUVERA'S Nidhis or treasures. 5. A great conch-shell. E. महा great, शङ्ख a shell, a number, &c.
  • महाशठ :: m. (-ठः) A kind of thorn-apple.
  • महाशय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Magnanimous, liberal, munificent. m. (-यः) 1. The ocean. 2. A gentleman, sir. E. महा great, आशय purpose or an abode.
  • महाशय्या :: f. (-य्या) A throne, a regal seat. E. महा great, and शय्या bed or couch.
  • महाशल्क :: m. (-ल्कः) A prawn or shrimp. E. महा large, शल्क a scale.
  • महाशाक :: m. (-कः) A kind of potherb. E. महा large, शाक a potherb.
  • महाशाल :: m. (-लः) A great house-holder.
  • महाशालि :: m. (-लिः) A fragrant sort of rice. E. महा large, chief, शालि rice
  • महाशीता :: f. (-ता) A plant, (Asparagus racemosa.) E. महा, शीता cooling.
  • महाशुक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) The pearl oyster. E. महा great, &c. शुक्ति oyster.
  • महाशुक्ला :: f. (-क्ला) The goddess SARASWATĪ. E. महा very, शुक्ल white.
  • महाशुभ्र :: n. (-भ्रं) Silver. E. महा much, and शुभ्र white.
  • महाशूद्र :: m. (-द्रः) The cowherd. f. (-द्री) The milk-woman, either the wife of a cowherd or a woman of that caste. E. महा great, शूद्र Sūdra.
  • महाश्मशान :: n. (-नं) The holy city Benāres. E. महा great, and श्मशान cemetery; people going thither to die.
  • महाश्यामा :: f. (-मा) A creeper, (Echites frutescens.) E. महा large, श्याम black. “श्यामालतायाम्, कृष्णशिंशपावृक्षे च ।”
  • महाश्रमण :: m. (-णः) A Jaina or Bauddha saint. E. महा much, and श्रमण labouring, (in devotion.)
  • महाश्री :: f. (-श्रीः) 1. A goddess peculiar to the Jainas. 2. An epithet of LAKSHMĪ. E. महा great, and श्री prosperity or the goddess.
  • महाश्वेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Very white. f. (-ता) 1. A name of SARASWATĪ. 2. A white variety of the Convolvulus paniculatus. 3. Clayed or candied sugar. 4. A sort of Clitoria, (C. ternata, with white flow- ers.) E. महा much, and श्वेत white.
  • महासत्व :: mfn. (-त्वः -त्वा -त्वं) Good, virtuous, just. E. महा and सत्व purity.
  • महासन्न :: m. (-न्नः) A name of KUVERA; also महासत्व ।
  • महासर्ज :: m. (-र्जः) 1. A tree, (Pentaptera tomentosa.) 2. The jack

tree, (Artocarpus integrifolia.) E. महा large, and सर्ज the Sāl tree.

  • महासह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Much-enduring. f. (-हा) 1. A Plant, (Glycine debilis.) 2. A flower, (Gomphræna globosa.) 3. A medicinal plant, (Wrightea antidysenterica.) E. महा great, सह् to bear, affs. अच् or अङ् and टाप् .
  • महासान्तपन :: n. (-नं) A sort of penance; subsisting for six successive days, respectively, on cow's urine, cowdung, milk, curds, Ghee, and water in which Kūsa grass has been boiled, and fasting on the seventh day: instead of one day some authorities assign a period of three days to each, considering the first as the common Sānta- pana penance; others omit the two last periods, making it last fifteen days. E. महा great, सान्तपन a penance.
  • महासार :: m. (-रः) A kind of Khadira.
  • महासाहस :: n. (-सं) Excessive violence, brutal assault. E. महा great, साहस violence.
  • महासाहसिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A robber, a plunderer, one who carries off pro- perty openly and by force. 2. An assaulter, a violator. E. महा- साहस violence, ठक् aff.
  • महासि :: m. (-सिः) A large scymitar or sword. E. महा and असि a sword.
  • महासुख :: m. (-खः) A Bauddha or Jaina saint. n. (-खं) Copulation. E. महा great, and सुख happiness, pleasure.
  • महासूक्ष्म :: mfn. (-क्ष्मः -क्ष्मा -क्ष्मं) Subtile, fine, minute. f. (-क्ष्मा) Sand. E. महा very, सूक्ष्म thin.
  • महासूत :: m. (-तः) A military drum.
  • महासेन :: m. (-नः) 1. KARTIKEYA. 2. A general, the commander of a large force. 3. The father of eighth Jina or Jaina saint of the present era. E. महा great, सेना an army.
  • महास्कन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) A camel. E. महा and स्कन्ध shoulder.
  • महास्थली :: f. (-ली) The earth. E. महा great, स्थली heap.
  • महास्वायु :: m. (-युः) Any principal vessel of the body. E. महा large, स्नायु a tubular vessel.
  • महास्वन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Loud-sounding. m. (-नः) 1. An instrument of martial music, a kind of drum or trumpet. 2. A loud sound. E. महा great, and स्वन sound or noise.
  • महाहव :: m. (-वः) A great battle or war. E. महा and आहव war.
  • महाहास :: m. (-सः) A hoarse laugh. E. महा great, and हास laughter.
  • महाह्रस्वा :: f. (-स्वा) Cowach, (Carpopogon pruriens.) “आल्कुशी ।”
  • महि :: f. (-हिः) The earth. E. मह् to worship, aff. इन्; more commonly मही q. v.
  • महिका :: f. (-का) Frost, mist. E. मह् to worship, aff. क्वन्, fem. form; more commonly मिहिका ।
  • महित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Proper, right. 2. Worshipped, reverenced, &c. n. (-तं) The trident of ŚIVA. E. मह् to worship, aff. क्त ।
  • महिन :: n. (-नं) Kingdom, sovereignty. E. मह् to worship or be worship- ped, Unādi aff. इनन् ।
  • महिन्धक :: m. (-कः) 1. A rat. 2. An ichneumon. 3. The string of a pole for carrying loads.
  • महिमन् :: m. (-मा) 1. Greatness in general, literally, or figuratively. 2. Magnitude as one of ŚIVA'S attributes, illimitability. 3. Might, power, glory. 4. High rank. 5. The superhuman power of in- creasing in bulk at will, considered as one of the eight Siddhis. E. महत् great, इमनिच् aff. of the abstract property.
  • महिर :: m. (-रः) The sun. E. मह् to be worshipped, aff. इरच् । “अर्कवृक्षे च ।”
  • महिला :: f. (-ला) 1. A woman, a female. 2. A woman literally or figura- tively intoxicated. 3. A plant bearing a fragrant seed, commonly Priyangu. 4. A perfume commonly Reṇukā. E. मह् to worship or be worshipped, Unādi aff. इलच्; also महला and महेला ।
  • महिलाह्वया :: f. (-या) A plant, commonly Priyangu. E. महिला a woman, and आह्वय appellation.
  • महिष :: m. (-षः) 1. A buffalo. 2. The emblem of one of the Jaina saints. 3. The emblem and vehicle of YAMA. 4. The name of an Asura or demon slain by DURGĀ. f. (-षी) 1. A female buffalo. 2. The

wife of a king, but especially the one who has been consecrated or crowned, a queen. 3. A drug. E. मह् to worship or be worshipped, Unādi aff. टिषच्, fem. aff. ङीष् ।

  • महिषध्वज :: m. (-जः) YAMA, the sovereign of hell, and judge of the dead. E. महिष a buffalo, and ध्वज emblem.
  • महिषमर्द्दिनी :: f. (-नी) The goddess DURGĀ. E. महिष the ASURA so named, and मर्द्दिनी destructress.
  • महिषवाहन :: m. (-नः) YAMA, the PLUTO of the Hindus. E. महिष a buffalo, वाहन vehicle.
  • महिषाक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A plant, supposed to be the Bdellium tree. E. महिष a buffalo, and अक्ष eye. “गुग्गुलभेदे, भगन्दररोगे च ।”
  • मही :: f. (-ही) 1. The earth. 2. A river, the Mahi which rises in the pro- vince of Mālwā, and after pursuing a westerly course of about 280 miles, falls into the upper part of the gulf of Cambay. 3. A cow. 4. A potherb, (Hingtsha repens.) 5. The base of a plain figure, (in geometry.) E. मह् to worship or be worshipped, aff. इ, and ङीष् added; also without the addition महि ।
  • महीक्षित् :: m. (-क्षित्) A king, a sovereign. E. मही the earth, and क्षि to rule, aff. क्किप् and तुक् final augment.
  • महीज :: m. (-जः) 1. The planet MARS. 2. A tree. n. (-जं) Wet ginger.
  • महीतल :: n. (-लं) The surface of the earth. E. मही and तल below.
  • महीधर :: m. (-रः) A mountain. E. मही and धर what holds.
  • महीध्र :: m. (-ध्रः) A mountain. E. मही the earth, and धृ to uphold, aff. क, and the vowel changed to र ।
  • महीप :: m. (-पः) A king. E. मही and प who protects.
  • महीपति :: m. (-तिः) A sovereign, a king. E. मही and पति master.
  • महीपाल :: m. (-लः) A king. E. मही and पाल who protects.
  • महीप्राचीर :: n. (-रं) The ocean. E. मही the earth, and प्राचीर a boundary; being supposed to surround the earth completely.
  • महीभर्त्तृ :: m. (-र्त्ता) A king. E. मही, and भर्त्तृ who cherishes.
  • महीभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) A king. E. मही and भुज् who possesses.
  • महीमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Earthen, made of earth or clay. E. मही earth, मयट् aff.
  • महीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Greatest, very great. E. महत् great, ईयसुन् aff.
  • महीय्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) To be worshipped, to be reverenced, to be treated with respect. E. मह् to worship, शानच् aff., यक् inserted.
  • महीरुह :: m. (-हः) A tree. E. मही the earth, and रुह् to grow, aff. क; also with क्विप् aff. महीरुह् m. (-रुट् ।)
  • महीलता :: f. (-ता) An earth-worm. E. मही the earth, and लता a creeper.
  • महीसुत :: m. (-तः) The regent of the planet MARS. E. मही the earth, and सुत son; said to have sprung from the soil, near Oujein, which was sprinkled with the perspiration from ŚIVA'S body.
  • महेच्छ :: mfn. (-च्छः -च्छा -च्छं) Liberal, magnanimous, high-minded. E. महा great, and इच्छा wise or design.
  • महेन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) INDRA, the ruler of Swarga. 2. A range of mountains, one of the seven principal chains in Bhārata-Barsha or India, and apparently the northern part of the Ghāts of the peninsula. E. महा chief, great, इन्द्र the deity.
  • महेन्द्रनगरी :: f. (-री) Amarāvatī the city of the immortals, and capital of INDRA. E. महेन्द्र INDRA, and नगरी capital.
  • महेन्द्राणी :: f. (-णी) The wife of INDRA. E. महा great, and इन्द्राणी the same.
  • महेरणा :: f. (-णा) The Olibanum tree, (Boswellia, thurifera.) E. महा great, ईरण diffusion; or मह sacrifice, ईर् to go to, to be used in, aff. ल्यु; also महेरुणा । “शल्लकीवृक्षे ।”
  • महेला :: f. (-ला) A woman. E. मह a festival, इला the earth or site; or मह् to worship, इलच् Unādi aff., and the vowel irregularly changed.
  • महेलिका :: f. (-का) A woman. E. कन् added to the last.
  • महेश :: m. (-शः) ŚIVA. E. मह great, ईश lord or god.
  • महेशबन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) A fruit tree, (Ægle marmelos.) E. महेश ŚIVA, and बन्धु friend.
  • महेश्वर :: m. (-रः) ŚIVA. f. (-री) 1. DURGĀ the wife of ŚIVA. 2. Mixed or bell-metal. 3. A flower, (Clitoria ternata.) E. महा great, and ईश्वर God, fem. aff. ङीष् ।
  • महेश्वरकरच्युता :: f. (-ता) The Kharatoya river in the north of Bengal. E. महेश्वर ŚIVA, कर the hand and च्युत fallen.
  • महेषु :: f. (-षुः) A large arrow. E. महा and इषु an arrow.
  • महेष्वास :: m. (-सः) A warrior, a champion, an archer. E. महेषु, and आस who shoots.
  • महोक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A large bull or ox. E. महा large, उक्षन् an ox, टच् aff.
  • महोत्का :: f. (-त्का) Lightning. E. महा great, (frequent.) उत्क opportunity, interval.
  • महोत्पल :: n. (-लं) 1. A lotus, (Nymphæa nelumbo.) 2. The Sārasa or Indian crane. E. महा large, chief, and उत्पल a water-lily.
  • महोत्सव :: m. (-वः) 1. A great festival. 2. KĀMA. E. महा, and उत्सव a festival.
  • महोत्साह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Persevering, diligent, making strenuous and unremitting exertion. m. (-हः) 1. A king, possessing all the ap- pendages and powers of monarchy. 2. Diligence, effort, exertion. E. महा great, and उत्साह effort.
  • महोदधि :: m. (-धिः) 1. The ocean. 2. INDRA. E. महा great, उदधि the sea.
  • महोदय :: n. (-यं) Kanouj, the ancient city and district. m. (-यः) 1. Final beatitude, emancipation from vitality and absorption into the divine essence. 2. Prosperity, elevation, eminence. 3. Pride. 4. Abandoning, relinquishment. 5. A master, a lord. 6. Sour milk mixed with honey. E. महा great, उदय rising, splendour, &c.
  • महोदार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Mighty, powerful. E. महा and उदार great.
  • महोद्यम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Diligent, persevering, making strenuous and unremitting effort. m. (-मः) Great effort, energy, exertion. E. महा great, उद्यम effort.
  • महोन्नत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Very high. m. (-तः) The palmyra tree. E. महा and उन्नत high.
  • महोन्मद :: m. (-दः) 1. Intoxication, either literal or figurative, as with pride, passion, &c. 2. A sort of fish, commonly Phalui. E. महा much, उन्मद intoxication.
  • महोरग :: n. (-गं) The root of a plant: see तगर . m. (-गः) 1. A sort of demi- god of the serpent genus, and forming one of the classes inhabit- ing Pātāla, &c. 2. A large snake. E. महा great, and उरग a snake.
  • महौजस् :: mfn. (-जाः -जाः -जः) Very mighty or wonderful. m. (-जाः) A hero, a champion. n. (-जः) Great might or power. E. महा great, and ओजस् power.
  • महौजस :: n. (-सं) The discus of VISHṆU. E. टच् added to the last.
  • महौषध :: n. (-धं) 1. Garlic. 2. A plant commonly Atāich, (Betula.) 3. Long pepper. 4. A panacea. nf. (-धं-धी) Dry ginger. f. (-धी) A po- therb, (Hingtsha repens.) E. महा great and औषध a drug; this word is of course applicable to a great number of plants and substances.
  • महौषधि :: f. (-धिः) 1. A sort of grass, commonly Durbā. 2. A kind of sensitive plant, (Mimosa pudica.) “लज्जावती लता” E. महा large and औषधि a deciduous plant.
  • मा :: r. 2nd. cl. (माति) r. 3rd cl. (मिमीते) r. 4th cl. (मायते) 1. To mete, to measure. 2. To be contained: with अनु prefixed, to infer, to con- clude; with उप, to resemble; with परि, to measure; with प्र, to be evidence or authority; with सम, to compare, to equalize.
  • मा :: Ind. 1. A prohibitive and negative particle. 2. A particle imply- ing doubt. E. मा to measure, aff. क्किप्; this particle is chiefly prefixed to verbs, in the imperative mood, as माकुरु do not do, (any act.) &c.; it is also read sometimes, माङ् the final being redundant.
  • मा :: f. (-मा) 1. LAKSHMĪ. 2. A mother. 3. A measure. 4. An elephant.
  • मांस :: n. (-सं) 1. Flesh. 2. The fleshy part of fruit. f. (-सी) 1. Indian spikenard, (Valeriana Jatāmānsi.) 2. A sort of drug, commonly Kākoli. m. (-सः) 1. Time. 2. A worm. E. सन् to mind, स Unādi aff., and the vowel made long by special rule.
  • मांसकाम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Fond of flesh. E. मांस, कम् to desire, ज aff.
  • मांसकारि :: n. (-रिः) Blood. E. मांस flesh, कारि making, causing.
  • मांसज :: n. (-जं) Marrow or serum of the flesh, adeps. E. मांस flesh, ज produced.
  • मांसतेजस् :: n. (-जः) The marrow of the flesh, meaning probably adeps. E. मांस flesh, and तेजस् lustre.
  • मांसदलन :: m. (-नः) A plant, (Andersonia rohitaka.) E. मांस flesh and दलन dividing.
  • मांसनिर्य्यास :: m. (-सः) The hair of the body.
  • मांसद्राविन् :: m. (-वी) A species of sorrel. “अम्लवेतसे ।”
  • मांसपिटक :: mn. (-कः-कं) A basket of flesh.
  • मांसपित्त :: n. (-त्तं) A bone.
  • मांसपेशी :: f. (-शी) 1. A muscle. 2. The fetus during its early formation.
  • मांसभक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Eating flesh, carnivorous. E. मांस flesh, भक्ष eating.
  • मांसल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Strong, stout, lusty. E. मांस flesh, लच् aff.
  • मांसविक्रय :: m. (-यः) Selling flesh or meat. E. मांस and विक्रय sale.
  • मांसविक्रयिन् :: m. (-यी) 1. A vendor of the flesh or beasts or birds. 2. A. term of reproach, designating a mean or vile person. E. मांस flesh विक्रयिन् who sells.
  • मांसशील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Fleshy. E. मांस flesh, &c. and शील possessing.
  • मांससार :: m. (-रः) Adeps, fat, the serum, &c., of the flesh. E. मांस flesh, सार essence.
  • मांसस्नेह :: m. (-हः) Adeps, the serum or marrow of the flesh. E. मांस flesh, स्नेह unguent
  • मांसहासा :: f. (-सा) Skin. E. मांस flesh, हास a smile.
  • मांसिक :: m. (-कः) A vendor of flesh or meat, whether of beasts or of birds. E. मांस flesh, ठन् aff.
  • माकन्द :: m. (-न्दः) The mango. f. (-न्दी) 1. Emblic myrobalan. 2. Yellow sandal-wood. 3. The name of a city. E. मा beauty, and कन्द root.
  • माकर :: f. (-री) Belonging to the sea-monster MAKARA.
  • माकरन्द :: f. (-न्दी) Relating to the juice of flowers.
  • माकलि :: m. (-लिः) 1. The charioteer of INDRA. 2. The moon.
  • माक्ष् (इ) माक्षि :: r. 1st cl. (माङ्क्षति) To desire.
  • माक्षि (क्षी) क :: n. (-कं) 1. A mineral substance, of which two kinds are des- cribed; the स्वर्णमाक्षिक or gold Mākshika, of a bright yellow colour, apparently the common pyritic iron ore: and the रूप्यमाक्षिक or silver Mākshika, which answers in appearance to the Hepatic py- rites of iron; other names of these ores occur; as विट्माक्षिक and कांस्यमाक्षिक, or feculent Mākshika and mixed metal Mākshika they are however, perhaps rather synonymes of the gold and silver ore, respectively, than names of distinct species. 2. Honey. E. मक्षिका a bee, अण् aff. of derivation; the name is applied to the ore, from its honey-like colour.
  • माक्षिकज :: n. (-जं) Bee's wax. E. माक्षिक honey, and ज born.
  • माक्षिकशर्करा :: f. (-रा) A kind of sugar, candied sugar.
  • माक्षिकाश्रय :: n. (-यं) 1. Bee's wax. 2. A honey-comb. E. माक्षिक honey, आश्रय receptacle.;
  • मागध :: mfn. (-धः -धी -धं) Belonging to, or produced in the province of Magadha or south Behar. m. (-धः) 1. A bard, a minstrel, whose duty it is, to recite the praises of sovereigns, their genealogy, and the deeds of their ancestors, in their presence; and to attend on the march of an army, and animate the soldiers by martial songs: the minstrel forms a particular caste, said to spring from a Vaisya father, and Kshetriya mother; in mythology, they are said to have been created at once by the will of ŚIVA; under the name of Bhauts, they are still numerous in the west of Inda where they are a privileged tribe. 2. Cumin-seed. m. Plu. (-धाः) The inhabitants or people of Magadha. f. (-धी) 1. A kind of jas- mine. (Jasminum auriculatum.) 2. Long-pepper, (Piper longum.) 3. A sort of cardamoms grown in Guzerāt. 4. Refined sugar. 5. A dialect of Sanskrit: one of the principal forms of Prākrita, and nearly the same as that used in the sacred books of the Bauddhas and Jainas: in the drama it is the dialect of the attendants and companions of royal personages. E. मगध a Kandwādi verb, to ask, (reward,) aff. अण्; or मगध the country, and अण् derivative aff.
  • माघ :: m. (-घः) 1. One of the months of the Hindu year, (January-Fe-

bruary.) 2. A poet, the author of the SIŚUPĀLA Vadha or as it is named after him the Māgha Kāvya, one of the great profane poems of Hindu literature. f. (-घी) 1. A potherb, (Hingtsha re- pens.) 2. The day of full-moon in the Month of Māgha. E. मघा the asterism, in which the moon is full in this month, and अण् aff.

  • माघमा :: f. (-मा) A female crab.
  • माघ्य :: n. (-घ्यं) Many-flowered jasmine, (jasminum multiflorum or pube- scens.) “कुन्दपुष्पे” E. माघ the month Māgha, ष्यञ् aff. of derivation.
  • माङ्गलिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Propitious, tending to good fortune, wishing for it, indicating or portending it, &c. E. मङ्गल and ठञ् aff.
  • माङ्गल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Welfare, propitiousness. E. मङ्गल and ष्यञ् aff.
  • माच :: m. (-चः) A road, a way.
  • माचल :: m. (-लः) 1. A robber, a bandit. 2. An alligator, a crocodile. 3. Sickness, disease. E. मा fortune, wealth, चल् to go, (by such means.) and टच् aff.
  • माचिका :: f. (-का) A fly. E. मच्-स्वुल् ।
  • माचिर :: Ind. Quickly, without delay. E. मा prohibitive, and चिर long.
  • माजल :: m. (-लः) A sort of bird.
  • माञ्जिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्टी -ष्टं) Of a red colour. n. (-ष्ठं) Red, the colour. E. मञ्जिष्ठा Bengal madder, used as a red dye, and अण् aff.
  • माठ :: m. (-ठः) A road. f. (-ठी) An armour.
  • माठ्य :: m. (-ठ्यः) A road.
  • माठर :: m. (-रः) 1. One of the sun's attendants. 2. The poet VYĀSA. 3. Name of a Muni. 4. A distiller. E. मन् to reverence, अरन् Unādi aff., ठच् substituted for the radical final, and the vowel optionally long; also माठर्य्य ।
  • माड्(ऋ)माडृ :: r. 1st cl. (माडति-ते) To measure, to weigh.
  • माड :: m. (-डः) 1. Weight or quantity. 2. A species of tree. E. माड् to weigh, अच् aff.
  • माडि :: m. (-डिः) A palace.
  • माड्डुक :: m. (-कः) A drummer, a player on a sort of drum called Maḍ- ḍaka or Maḍḍu. q. v. E. मड्डु and अण् aff.; also with ठक् aff. माड्डुकिक ।
  • माढि :: m. (-ढिः) 1. The germ of leaves, the young leaf before it opens. 2. Distress, affliction. 3. Evidence or declaration of distress. 4. A back or double tooth. 5. The hem or border of a garment. 6. Po- verty, indigence. 7. Anger, passion. E. मह् to worship, aff. क्तिन्; the final becomes ढ, and the preceding vowel is made long.
  • माण(न)क :: m. (-कः) A small shrub, (Arum Indicum.)
  • माणव :: m. (-वः) 1. A child. 2. A man, (in a contemptuous sense,) a manikin. 3. A pearl-necklace of sixteen or twenty strings. E. मनु a man, and अण् aff.
  • माणवक :: m. (-कः) 1. A child, a boy not exceeding sixteen years of age, a manikin. 2. A pupil, a scholar, a religious student. 3. A man, an ignorant or ridiculous man, a childish man. 4. A necklace of sixteen or twenty strings. 5. A species of the Anushtubh me- tre. E. कन् added to the last.
  • माणवीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Boyish, childish, fit or suitable for a child. E. माणव as above, and खञ् aff.
  • माणव्य :: n. (-व्यं) 1. A number of boys. 2. Boyhood. E. माणव a boy, यत् aff. of property or multitude.
  • माणिका :: f. (-का) A weight of eight Palas.
  • माणिक्य :: n. (-क्यं) A ruby. f. (-क्या) A house-lizard. E. मणि a gem, कै to call, यत् or यञ् added.
  • माणिबन्ध :: n. (-न्धं) Rock-salt. E. मणिबन्ध a mountain, अण् aff; found there.
  • माणिमन्थ :: n. (-न्थं) Rock-salt. E. मणिमन्थ a mountain, from which the salt is supposed to be produced, and अण् aff.
  • माण्डलिक :: m. (-कः) The ruler of a province. f. (-की) Ruling a province.
  • मातङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. An elephant. 2. A man of a degraded caste, a Chandāla, and outcaste. 3. A sort of divine being attendant on a

Jina. 4. The sacred fig-tree, (Ficus religiosa.) 5. A mountaineer, a barbarian. 6. Any thing the best of its kind, (at the end of a compound.) f. (-ङ्गी) 1. The goddess PĀRVATĪ. 2. The wife of VASISHṬHA. E. मतङ्ग a saint, an elephant, &c., and अण् aff. of descent or pleonastic aff.

  • मातरपितृ :: m. Du. (-तरौ) Parents, mother and father. E. मातृ mother, and पितृ father.
  • मातरिश्वन् :: m. (-श्वा) Air, wind. E. मातृ space in the seventh case, in the heavens, श्वि to increase, Unādi aff. मनिन्
  • मातलि :: m. (-लिः) The charioteer of INDRA. E. मातल, and इञ् patronymic aff.
  • मातली :: f. (-ली) One of DURGĀ'S female companions. E. माता from मातृ DURGĀ, and आली a friend.
  • मातापितृ :: m. Du. (-तरौ) Mother and father. E. माता from मातृ a mother, and पितृ a father.
  • मातामह :: m. (-हः) A maternal grandfather. f. (-ही) A maternal grand- mother. E. मातृ a mother, डामहच् aff. in this sense.
  • माति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Measure. 2. Conception, idea.
  • मातुल :: m. (-लः) 1. A maternal uncle. 2. Thorn-apple, (Dhuturā metal.) 3. A sort of grain. 4. A variegated snake. f. (-ला-ली or -लानी) 1. The wife of a maternal uncle, &c. 2. Hemp, (Cannabis sativa.) 3. Common Bengal San, a sort of Crotolaria, (C. juncea.) f. (-लानी) Pulse of various kinds. E. मातृ a mother, and डुलच् aff., fem. aff. टाप् or ङीष् with आनुक् optionally inserted before the latter.
  • मातुलपुत्त्रक :: m. (-कः) 1. The son of maternal uncle. 2. The fruit of the Dhuturā. E. मातुल a maternal uncle, &c., and पुत्त्र son, with कन् pleonasm, or aff. of comparison; also similar compounds, as मातुलात्मज m. (-जः) ।
  • मातुलाहि :: m. (-हिः) A variegated serpent. E. मातुल the same, and अहि snake.
  • मातुलि :: m. (-लिः) INDRA'S charioteer.
  • मातुलुङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Common citron. f. (-ङ्गा) The sweet lime. E. See the next.
  • मातुलुङ्गक :: m. (-कः) Common citron, (Citrus medica.) E. मा prohibitive prefix, तुला a balance, गम् to go, खच् aff.; with the power of डित्, and कन् added, not sold by weight; also without the additional prefix, मतुलुङ्ग ।
  • मातृ :: f. (-ता) 1. A mother. 2. A divine mother, the personified energy of a deity or his wife; in a figurative sense, a mother to mortals; eight divine Mātris are enumerated, BRĀHMĪ, the Mātri of BRAHMĀ; MAHEŚWARĪ, the Mātri of ŚIVA; VAISHNAVĪ, of VISHṆU; AINDRĪ, of INDRA; VĀRĀHĪ, of VISHṆU, as the Varāha Avatār; KAUMĀRĪ, of KĀRTIKEYA; KAUVERĪ or CHĀMUNDĀ of KUVERA, and CHARCHIKĀ of ŚIVA, in one of his minor incarna- tions; another list calls them MAHEŚWARĪ, BRĀHMĪ, NĀRĀYANĪ, AINDRĪ, VARĀHĪ, KAUMĀRĪ, NARASĪNHĪ, and APARĀJITĀ, differ- ing from the preceding one in the two last names, the first one of which, is the energy of VISHṆU in the Narasinha Avatār, and the latter a form of DURGĀ; another enumeration makes the Mātris sixteen, and another but seven. 3. A cow. 4. A female of the Brāh- mana tribe, or the wife of a Brāhman. 5. The earth. 6. A name of LAKSHMĪ. 7. A name of REVATĪ. 8. Space, ether. E. मान to res- pect, Unādi aff. तृच्, and the final of the radical rejected.
  • मातृक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Maternal, belonging to a mother. m. (-कः) A maternal uncle. f. (-का) 1. A mother. 2. A nurse. 3. The alphabet employed in certain diagrams for magical purposes. 4. A simple sound, a note, a vowel. 5. A goddess. 6. A grand-mother. 7. Source, origin. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • मातृकच्छिद :: m. (-दः) PARASURĀMA. E. मातृ mother, क the head, and छिद् to cut, aff. क ।
  • मातृकेशट :: m. (-टः) A mother's brother. E. मातृ a mother, and केशट a brother.
  • मातृगण :: m. (-णः) The assemblage of divine mothers.
  • मातृगन्धिनी :: f. (-नी) An unnatural mother.
  • मातृगामिन् :: m. (-मी) An incestuous son. E. मातृ, and गामिन् who goes to.
  • मातृगोत्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) Belonging to the mother's family. n. (-त्रं) The mother's family. E. मातृ, and गोत्र race.
  • मातृघातुक :: m. (-कः) 1. INDRA. 2. A matricide. E. मातृ a mother, DITĪ the mother of the gods, and घातुक destroyer, injurer.
  • मातृपक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Belonging or relating to the maternal line, or mother, &c. E. मातृ, and पक्ष side.
  • मातृबन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) The cognate relation by the mother's side, as any of the maternal grandfather's or grandmother's sister's or brother's children. E. मातृ a mother, and बन्धु a kinsman.
  • मातृभोगीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Fit or proper to be possessed, &c. by the mother. E. मातृ, भोग enjoyment, ख aff.
  • मातृमुख :: m. (-खः) A blockhead, a fool. E. मातृ a mother, मुख principal.
  • मातृशासित :: m. (-तः) A blockhead, a fool. E. मातृ a mother and शासित governed, mother-led.
  • मातृष्वसृ :: f. (-सा) A mother's sister. E. मातृ mother, and ष्वसृ a sister also, मातुःष्वसृ or मातुःस्वसृ ।
  • मातृष्वसेय :: m. (-यः) A mother's sister's son. f. (-यी) A mother's sister's daughter. E. मातृ a mother, ष्वसृ a sister, and ढक् aff.
  • मातृष्वस्रीय :: m. (-यः) A mother's sister's son. f. (-या) A mother's sister's daughter. E. मातृष्यसृ a maternal aunt, and छन् aff.
  • मातृसिंही :: f. (-ही) A plant, (Justicia adhenatoda, and ganderussa.) “वासक वृक्षे ।”
  • मात्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. The whole, the entire thing or class of things. 2. (Adv.) Only, solely, (exclusive and identical, the very thing.) 3. The primitive subtle or invisible type of visible elementary matter. 4. A pleonastic addition to words. f. (-त्रा) 1. Requisite, material. 2. Quantity, measure. 3. A little. 4. An ear-ring. 5. Wealth, subs- tance. 6. A short vowel. 7. A moment. 8. Quantity in metre or prosody, a syllabic foot. 9. The upper or horizontal limb of the Nāgarī characters. E. मा to measure, Unādi aff. त्रन्, fem. aff. टाप्
  • मात्रक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Mere, only, solely. E. कन् added to the last.
  • मात्सर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Envious, or impatient of another's prosperity E. मत्सर envy, अण् aff.
  • मात्सर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Envy, malice. E. मत्सर envious, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • मात्स्यिक :: m. (-कः) A fisherman. E. मत्स्य a fish, and ठक् aff.
  • माथ् (इ) माथि :: r. 1st cl. (मान्थति) To hurt or kill, to afflict, to suffer pain.
  • माथ :: m. (-थः) 1. Churning, stirring. 2. A road. 3. Hurting, injuring, killing. E. माथ् to hurt, aff. अच्; or मथ् to agitate, aff. घञ् .
  • माद :: m. (-दः) 1. Intoxication, literal or figurative. 2. Pride. 3. Joy, ecstasy. E. मद् to be delighted or inebriated, and aff. घञ् ।
  • मादक :: m. (-कः) A gallinule. f. (-दिका) 1. Intoxicating. 2. Gladdening. E. मद् to delight, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • मादन :: n. (-नं) 1. Cloves. 2. Delighting, inebriating. 3. Exhilaration. 4. Intoxication. m. (-नः) 1. KĀMA. 2. The thorn apple. E. मद् to be pleased, in the causal form, to please, &c., aff. ल्युट ।
  • मादृश् :: mfn. (-दृक्) Like me, resembling me. E. मा for अस्मद् I. दृश् to see, aff. क्विन्; also with कञ् or कस, aff. मादृश and मादृक्ष ।
  • माद्री :: f. (-द्री) The wife of PĀṆḌU, and mother of the youngest of the Pāṇḍava princes. E. मद्र a king, अण् patronymic aff.
  • माद्रीपति :: m. (-तिः) A name of PĀṆḌU. E. माद्री the wife of the sover- eign, पति husband.
  • माद्रीपृथापति :: m. (-तिः) A name of PĀṆḌU. E. माद्री, and पृथा his other wife, पति husband.
  • माधव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -व) Made of honey, &c. m. (-वः) 1. A name of KRISH- ṆA or VISHṆU. 2. The month Vaisākha. 3. Spring. 4. An epi- thet of PARASURĀMA. 5. INDRA. f. (-वी) 1. Sugar, clayed or candied. 2. A large creeper, (Gærtnera racemosa.) 3. Spirituous liquor. 4. A bawd. 5. A sort of dentifrice, commonly Misi. 6. Sacred basil. 7. A name of DURGĀ. n. (-वं) Sweetness. E. मधु honey, &c., and अण् aff. of derivation or reference; or मा-धव ।
  • माधवक :: m. (-कः) A spirituous liquor, made from the blossoms of the Bassia latifolia. f. (-विका) 1. A kind of creeper. 2. A female atten- dant. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • माधवीलता :: f. (-ता) A large creeper bearing white fragrant flowers, (Gærtnera racemosa.) E. माधवी the same, and लता a creeper.
  • माधवेष्टा :: f. (-ष्टा) A name of DURGĀ. E. माधव, and इष्ट wished.
  • माधुकरी :: f. (-री) The alms obtained from five places by the third class of religious mendicants, gathering alms from door to door as a bee gathers honey from flower to flower. E. मधुकर a bee, अण् aff.
  • माधुमत :: m. Plu. (-ताः) The people of Kāshmir.
  • माधुर :: n. (-रं) Arabian jasmine or its flower. f. (-री) 1. Spirituous or vinous liquor. 2. Sweetness of temper, amiableness. E. मधुर sweet, &c., affs. अण् and ङीष् ।
  • माधुर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Sweetness of flavour or disposition. E. मधुर sweet, literally or figuratively, aff. ष्यञ् ।
  • माधूक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Sweet-speaking or sounding. 2. Made from the Bassia tree. E. मधूक and अण् aff.
  • माध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) Middle, mid, (day.) E. मध्य and अण् added.
  • माध्यम :: mfn. (-मः -मी -मं) Middle-born. E. मध्यम the same, अण् pleonasm.
  • माध्यस्थ :: n. (-स्थं) 1. Middle state or condition. 2. Indifference to earthly objects. E. मध्यस्थ and अण् aff.
  • माध्यस्थ्य :: n. (-स्थ्यं) Mediation, intercession. E. मध्यस्थ and ष्यञ् aff.
  • माध्यक :: m. (-कः) Spirit distilled from the flowers of the Bassia. E. मधु Bassia, अण् aff., and कन् added.
  • माध्वी :: f. (-ध्वी) 1. Spirituous liquor. 2. A sort of fish. E. मधु sweet, q. v. अण् and ङीष् aff.
  • माध्वीक :: n. (-कं) 1. Spirituous liquor, distilled from the blossoms of the Bassia latifolia. 2. Wine, spirit distilled from grapes. E. माध्वी as above, कन् added.
  • मान् :: r. 1st cl. (मीमांसते) To investigate, to seek or desire knowledge. r. 1st and 10th cls. (मानति मानयति-ते) To respect, to revere, to wor- ship. With अप or अव prefixed, to treat with disrespect.
  • मान :: n. (-नं) 1. Measure in general, whether of weight, length, or capa- city. 2. A measure, the fourth or eighth part of a Khāri. 3. The computation of the duration of a year, solar, lunar, sydereal, &c. 4. Proof, demonstration. 5. Likeness. 6. Dimension. m. (-नः) 1. Arrogance, haughtiness, pride. 2. Female arrogance or indigna- tion. 3. Taking, seizing. 4. A blockhead. 5. An agent. 6. A barbarian. 7. Honour. E. मा to measure, ल्युट् aff.; or मन् to revere, (one's self,) aff. घञ् ।
  • मानक :: n. (-कं) A plant, of which the root is sometimes eaten, (Arum indicum.) f. (-निका) 1. The fourth or eighth part of a Khāri. 2. A kind of spirituous liquor. E. कन् added to the last.
  • मानकलह :: m. (-हः) A quarrel caused by jealousy.
  • मानकलि :: f. (-लिः) Coolness, haughtiness, disdain. E. मान pride, and कलि quarrelling.
  • मानग्रन्थि :: m. (-न्थिः) 1. Fault, transgression. 2. Pride, self-conceit. E. मान pride, and ग्रन्थि a knot or joint.
  • मानद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Inspiring pride. 2. Measuring. E. मान and द what gives.
  • मानदण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A measuring-rod.
  • मानधानिका :: f. (-का) A cucumber.
  • मानन :: nf. (-नं-ना) Honouring, paying respect.
  • माननीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be respected or revered. E. मान to respect, अनीयर् aff.
  • मानरन्ध्रा :: f. (-न्ध्रा) A perforated copper vessel filled with water, to mark the time, &c.: see ताम्री . E. मान a measure, and रन्ध्र a hole.
  • मानव :: m. (-वः) 1. A man, man. 2. A boy. f. (-वी) 1. A woman. 2. A goddess peculiar to the Jainas. 3. A daughter of the first MANU. n. (-वं) A particular fine. E. मनु the progenitor of mankind, and अण् patronymic aff.: see माणव and माणवक ।
  • मानवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Proud, haughty, high spirited. f. (-वती) A woman angry from jealousy. E. मान and मतुप् aff.
  • मानवर्ज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Humble, lowly. E. मान pride, and वर्ज्जित freed from.
  • मानव्य :: n. (-व्यं) A multitude of boys. E. माणव or मानव a boy, यत् aff. of multitude, more properly माणव्य ।
  • मानस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Mental. n. (-सं) 1. The mind, the seat or faculty of reason and feeling. 2. The lake Mānus, or Mānasarovara in the Himālaya mountains. 3. (In law,) Tacit or implied consent. f. (-सी) 1. Mental, born from the mind. 2. A kind of salt. 3. A god- dess peculiar to the Jainas. E. मनस् the mind, aff. अण्; or मनस् BRAHMĀ, the supreme mind, अण् aff. of derivation, &c.
  • मानसत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Thoughtfulness. E. त्व added to the last.
  • मानसालय :: m. (-यः) A gander or wild swan. E. मानस and आलय abode.
  • मानसूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. A chain of gold or silver, worn as an ornament round the loins. 2. A measuring-cord. E. मान pride and सूत्र thread.
  • मानसौकस् :: m. (-काः) The wild swan or goose. E. मानस् the lake Mānasa- rovara, and ओकस् dwelling; being supposed to migrate yearly from Hindusthan to the banks of the lake.
  • मानिता :: f. (-ता) Pride, dignity. E. मानिन् and तल् aff.; also with त्व, मानित्वं ।
  • मानिन् :: mfn. (-नी -निनी -नि) 1. Proud, arrogant, haughty. 2. (In compo- sition,) Who thinks or fancies. f. (-निनी) 1. A woman, especially one displeased and indignant towards her lover. 2. A resolute woman. 3. A plant, commonly Priyangu. 4. A species of the Atisarkarī metre. m. (-नी) A lion. E. मान pride, इनि aff.
  • मानुष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Human. m. (-षः) A man. f. (-षी) 1. A woman. 2. A branch of medicine, the administering of drugs and herbs. E. मनुष a man, अण् aff.
  • मानुष्य :: n. (-ष्यं) Manhood, manliness, humanity, the state or quality of man or mortal. E. मनुष a man, ष्यञ् aff.
  • मानुष्यक :: n. (-कं) A multitude of men. E. मनुष्य a man, and वुञ् aff. of multitude.
  • मानोज्ञक :: n. (-कं) Beauty, agreeableness, loveliness. E. मनोज्ञ agreeable, and वुञ् aff.
  • मान्त्रिक :: m. (-कः) One who is conversant with spells or incantations.
  • मान्द्य :: n. (-न्द्यं) 1. Sickness, indisposition. 2. Sluggishness, torpor, apa- thy, stupidity, &c. E. मन्द slow, sluggish, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • मान्धातृ :: m. (-ता) A king fostered by INDRA. E. मां me, धातृ drinker; from धे to drink; having on one occasion sucked Amrita from the finger of INDRA, who then used the exclamation which afterwards was the name of the prince.
  • मान्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) Respectable. E. मन् to respect, aff. ण्यत् ।
  • मापत्य :: m. (-त्यः) A name of KĀMA.
  • मापन :: m. (-नः) A balance, a pair of scales. n. (-नं) 1. Measure, measur- ing. 2. Making, forming, E. मा to measure, causal form, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • मामक :: mfn. (-कः -मिका -की-कं) 1. Mine. 2. Selfish. m. (-कः) 1. A miser, a niggard. 2. A mother's brother. E. ममक mine, from मम the poss. case of अहम् I, and अण् added.
  • मामकीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Mine. E. मम mine, खञ् aff.
  • माय :: m. (-यः) 1. A mime, a juggler. 2. An Asura or evil spirit. f. (-या) 1. Fraud, trick, deceit, illusion. 2. A female juggler. 3. Under- standing, human intellect. 4. Compassion. 5. Wickedness, vil- lainy, villainous deception. 6. A name of LAKSHMĪ. 7. Trick in negotiation, political fraud, diplomacy. 8. Philosophical illusion, idealism, unreality of all worldly existance; personified in mytho- logy as a female, the consort of BRAHMĀ or GOD, and the imme- diate and active cause of creation. 9. The mother of BUDDHA. 10. The Pradhāna of the Sānkhyas. 11. Illusion which makes one see the supreme spirit and the universe to be two distinct realities, (in Vedānta Phil.) E. मा to measure, Unādi aff. यत्; the medium through which all things are seen, and by which they are estimated.
  • मायाकार :: m. (-रः) A juggler, a mime, an actor. E. माया trick or delu- sion, कार who makes.
  • मायाकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) A juggler. E. माया trick, and कृत् who practises.
  • मायाचण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Illusive, deceptive. E. माया and चणष् aff.
  • मायाजीविन् :: m. (-वी) A conjurer, a juggler. E. माया trick, and जीविन् who lives by.
  • मायाद :: m. (-दः) A crocodile, an alligator. E. माया illusion, and द who gives or makes.
  • मायादेवीसुत :: m. (-तः) BUDDHA, the founder of the Bauddha sect. E. मायादेवी the goddess MĀYĀ or illusion, and सुत son.
  • मायापटु :: mfn. (-टुः -टुः -टु) Delusive, expert in deceiving. E. माया, and पटु clever.
  • मायाप्रयोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Application of tricks. 2. Employment of magic.
  • मायामय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Illusive, deceptive. E. माया and मयट् aff.
  • मायावचन :: n. (-नं) A deceptive speech.
  • मायावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Deceptive, illusory. m. (-वान्) A name of KANSA. f. (-वती) the wife of KĀMA. E. माया fraud, illusion, and मतुप् poss. aff.
  • मायावसिक :: m. (-कः) A deceiver, a cheater, a liar. E. माया fraud, वस् to abide, aff. ठक् ।
  • मायाविन् :: m. (-वी) 1. A juggler, a conjurer. 2. A cat. 3. A demon. n. (-वी) A gallnut. E. माया trick, and विनि aff.
  • मायासुत :: m. (-तः) BUDDHA, the founder of the Bauddha sect. E. माया the goddess so named, and सुत the son.
  • मायिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Illusory, deceptive. m. (-कः) A juggler, a conju- rer. E. माया trick, and ठन् aff.
  • मायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Deceptive, illusory. m. (-यी) 1. A conjurer, a juggler. 2. A cheat, a deceiver. 3. ŚIVA. 4. AGNI. 5. BRAHMĀ. 6. KĀMA or love. E. माया fraud, &c., and इनि aff.
  • मायु :: m. (-युः) Bile, the bilious humour. E. सि to scatter or diffuse, (through the body,) उण् Unādi aff.
  • मायुराज :: m. (-जः) The son of KUVERA.
  • मायूर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Belonging to a peacock, made of its feathers, &c. n. (-रं) A flock of peacocks. E. मयूर a peacock, and अण् aff. of mul- titude, &c.
  • मायूरिक :: m. (-कः) A hunter or killer of peacocks. E. मयूर a peacock, and ठक् aff.
  • मार :: m. (-रः) 1. Death, dying. 2. Killing, slaying, destroying. 3. Ob- struction, opposition, impediment. 4. Thorn-apple, (Dhuturā me- tal.) 5. A name of KĀMA. 6. Love, passion. 7. The devil, the evil one, (in Buddhistic works.) f. (-री) 1. A name of CHANDĪ, a form of DURGĀ. 2. Plague, pestilence, epidemic. 3. Ruin. E. मृ to die, aff. घञ्; or in the causal form, with अच् aff.
  • मारक :: m. (-कः) 1. Epidemic disease, plague. 2. A falcon, a hawk. 3. A slayer, a destroyer. 4. The god of death. E. मृ to die, causal form, aff. वुन्, ण्वुल् or घञ् ।
  • मारकत :: mfn. (-तः -ती -तं) Relating to an emerald, of the colour of an emerald, &c. E. मरकत, अण् aff.
  • मारजातक :: m. (-कः) A cat.
  • मारजित् :: m. (-जित्) A BUDDHA. E. मार love and जित् who overcomes.
  • मारण :: n. (-णं) 1. Killing, slaughter. 2. A magical ceremony for the purpose of destroying an enemy. 3. A kind of poison. E. मृ to die, causal form, to kill, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • मारात्मक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Murderous. E. मार and आत्मक disposed to.
  • मारि :: f. (-रिः-री) 1. Killing. 2. Ruin. 3. Plague, epidemic. E. मृ to die, causal form, इ aff.: see मार and मारी ।
  • मारिचिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Peppered, seasoned with pepper. E. मरिच pepper, ठक् aff.
  • मारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Killed, slain. E. मृ to die, causal v., क्त aff.
  • मारिव्यसनवारक :: m. (-कः) The name of a royal saint. E. मारि plague, व्यसन calamity, वारक stopping.
  • मारिष :: m. (-षः) A venerable person, (in dramatic language, especially the title of the manager, or principal actor.) mf. (-षः-षी) A potherb, (Amaranthus oleraceus.) f. (-षी) The mother of the sage DAKSHA. E. मृष् to bear patiently, deriv. irr.
  • मारीच :: m. (-चः) 1. The name of a Rākshasa, the son of Sunda and Tā- dakā. He allured RĀMA away in the form of a golden deer and thus assisted RĀVANA in his design of carrying off SITA. 2. A

military or royal elephant. 3. A sort of berry, commonly Kak- koli. f. (-ची) A goddess, peculiar to the Bauddhas. n. (-चं) A collection of pepper plants. E. मरीच a saint, &c. aff. अण् ।

  • मारुण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. A serpent's egg. 2. A road. 3. A place spread with cow-dung; some authorities have मारण्ड ।
  • मारुत :: m. (-तः) 1. Air, wind. 2. Vital air, one of the three humours of the body. 3. A demi-god, of whom there is a class consist- ing of forty-nine. 4. The trunk of an elephant. n. (-तं) 1. Burnt- offering on conception. 2. The constellation Svāti. E. मृ to die, (by excess of it,) उति aff., and the vowel made long; the demi- gods, called Marutas, are said to be the sons of Diti, formed of the divisions of the fœtus in utero, by the Bajra or thunder- bolt of INDRA, and to be named from that deity's addressing the fœtus he thus divided by मारोदीः weep not.
  • मारुतव्रत :: n. (-तं) One of the duties of a king, his universal presence by means of his emissaries. E. मारुत the wind, and व्रत observance, pervading all things like the wind.
  • मारुतात्मज :: m. (-जः) HANUMĀNA the monkey-god. E. मारुत air, आत्मज son.
  • मारुतापह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Removing or opposing wind, windy humour, &c. m. (-हः) A plant, (Capparis trifoliata.) “वरुणवृक्षे” . E. मारुत wind, or a disease of that humour, अपह removing, obviating.
  • मारुताशन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Fasting, feeding on air. E. मारुत the wind, and अशन who eats.
  • मारुति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A name of HANUMĀNA. 2. The Pāṇḍava prince BHĪMA. E. मरुत wind, the deity, and इञ् patronymic aff.; the son of the wind.
  • मार्कटपिपीलिका :: f. (-का) A small black ant.
  • मार्कण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A Muni, and narrator of one of the Purāṇas. E. मृकण्डु the father of the saint, and अण् aff.
  • मार्कण्डेय :: m. (-यः) MĀRKANDEYA a holy sage, the supposed author or narrator of one of the Purānas, named the Mārkandeya Purāṇa. E. मृकण्डु the father of the sage, and ढक् aff.
  • मार्कव :: m. (-वः) A spreading shrub: see भृङ्गराज ।
  • मार्ग् :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (मार्गति मार्गयति-ते) 1. To make or prepare. 2. To go. 3. To prepare the way, to make a road. 4. To feather an arrow. 5. To beg. 6. To ask in marriage. (मार्गयति-ते) 1. To seek. 2. To go. 3. To adorn.
  • मार्ग :: m. (-र्गः) 1. A road, a path or way. 2. Search, seeking, inquiry. 3. The anus. 4. Musk. 5. A way, a means. 6. The path of a planet. 7. Mode, method, course, manner. 8. Style, diction. 9. The month in which the moon is full in the asterism Mrigaśirsha, (November-December.) 10. The constellation Mrigaśirsha. 11. (In geometry,) A section. E. मृग् to inquire, aff. अण्; or मृज् to clean, aff. घञ् ।
  • मार्गक :: m. (-कः) The month Agrahāyaṇa, (November-December.) E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • मार्गण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Mendicant, asking, begging, a beggar. n. (-णं) 1. Asking, soliciting, begging. 2. Research, inquiry. 3. Affection, affectionate solicitation or inquiry. m. (-णः) 1. An arrow. 2. A suppliant, a solicitor. 3. The number “five.” E. मार्ग् to ask, to seek, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • मार्गणक :: m. (-कः) A suppliant, a beggar. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • मार्गतोरण :: n. (-णं) An arch erected over a road.
  • मार्गधेनु :: m. (-नुः) A Yojana, a measure of distance equal to 4,000 fa- thoms or four Kos, above eight miles. E. मार्ग a road, धेनु a milch cow; also with कन् added, मार्गधेनुक n. (-कं) ।
  • मार्गव :: m. (-वः) A man of a low caste, born of a Nishada by an Ayogava female.
  • मार्गशिर :: m. (-रः) The month Agrahāyaṇa, (November-December.) E. मृगशिरस् the asterism in which the moon is full, and अण् aff.; also from मृगशीर्ष with अण् aff. मार्गशीर्ष ।
  • मार्गशीर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) The month Mārgaśirsha: see the last.
  • मार्गिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A deer-killer, a hunter. 2. A traveller, a way-farer. E. मृग a deer, or मार्ग a road, ठक् aff.
  • मार्गित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sought, inquired after, pursued. E. मार्ग् to seek for, aff. क्त ।
  • मार्ग्य :: mfn. (-र्ग्यः -र्ग्या -र्ग्यं) 1. To be cleaned or purified. 2. To be sought. E. मृज् to cleanse, aff. ण्वत्; or मार्ग् to seek, यत् aff.
  • मार्ज् :: r. 1st cl. (मार्जयति-ते) 1. To sound. 2. To cleanse.
  • मार्ज :: m. (-र्जः) 1. Cleaning the body. 2. A washerman. 3. A name of VISHṆU. E. मृज् to cleanse, aff. घञ् ।
  • मार्जन :: nf. (-नं-नी) 1. Cleaning, cleansing, wiping. 2. Cleaning the person, by wiping, bathing, or rubbing it with oil or fragrant unguents. m. (-नः) A tree, commonly Lodh. f. (-ना) The sound of a drum. f. (-नी) 1. A brush, a broom. 2. One of DURGĀ'S attendants. E. मृज् to clean, aff. युच् or ल्युट्; or मार्ज् to sound, with the same aff.
  • मार्जनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be cleaned, to be cleansed or purified. E. मृज् to cleanse, अनीयर् aff.
  • मार्जार :: mf. (-रः-री) 1. The common cat. 2. The wild or pole-cat. f. (-री) 1. A female cat. 2. Musk. E. मृज् to cleanse, (its skin and face,) आरन् aff., and the vowel made long; also read मार्ज्जाल ।
  • मार्ज्जारक :: m. (-कः) 1. A cat. 2. A peacock. E. मार्जार a cat, and कन् aff. to the last.
  • मार्ज्जारकण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) A peacock, perhaps a wrong reading for the last.
  • मार्ज्जारकरण :: n. (-णं) A particular mode of sexual enjoyment.
  • मार्ज्जारकर्णिका :: f. (-का) A goddess, a form of DURGĀ. E. मार्जार a cat, कर्ण the ear, कन् aff. fem. form; also मार्जारकर्णी having the ears of a cat.
  • मार्ज्जारगन्धिका :: f. (-का) A sort of pulse, (Phaseolus trilobus.) “मुद्नपर्ण्या” E. मार्जार a cat, गन्ध smell, कन् aff. of comparison: also मार्जारगन्धा ।
  • मार्ज्जारी(ली)य :: mf. (-यः-या) 1. A cat. 2. A Śūdra: see मार्ज्जालीय ।
  • मार्ज्जाल :: m. (-लः) A cat. E. See मार्जार, the final being changed to ल ।
  • मार्ज्जालीय :: m. (-यः) 1. A cat. 2. A Śūdra. 3. Cleaning the body. E. मृज् to clean, and आलीयच् Unādi aff.; it is also written मार्जारीय, from the र and ल being interchanged; or as derived from मार्जार, with छ aff.
  • मार्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Cleansed. 2. Adorned. 3. Swept, brushed. E. मार्ज् to clean, क्त aff.
  • मार्ज्जिता :: f. (-ता) Curds with honey and spices. E. मार्ज् to clean, aff. क्त, fem. aff. टाप् ।
  • मार्त्तण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. The sun. 2. A hog. 3. The Arka plant. 4. The number “twelve.” E. मृतण्ड the progenitor of the sun, aff. अण्; or मृते अण्डे भवः अण् शक०; also sometimes मार्त्ताण्ड ।
  • मार्त्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Earthen, made of clay or earth. m. (-कः) The lid of a pot or pitcher. n. (-कं) A potsherd. E. मृत्तिका earth, अण् aff.
  • मार्त्य :: n. (-र्त्यं) Morality.
  • मार्द्दङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) A town, a city. m. (-ङ्गः) A drummer. E. मृदङ्ग a drum, (played in or by,) अण् aff.
  • मार्द्दङ्गिक :: m. (-कः) A drummer, a player on the drum. E. मृदङ्ग a drum, and ठक् aff.
  • मार्द्दव :: n. (-वं) 1. Softness. 2. Gentleness, leniency. E. मृदु soft, aff. अण् ।
  • मार्द्धव :: m. (-वः) A man of low caste and occupation.
  • मार्द्धीक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Made of or from grapes. n. (-कं) Wine. E. मृद्धीका a grape, अण् aff.
  • मार्ष :: m. (-र्षः) 1. A venerable or respectable man, (in dramatic langu- age.) 2. A potherb. “तण्डुलीयशाके” . E. मृष् to suffer, aff. अण्; also मारिष ।
  • मार्ष्टि :: f. (-र्ष्टिः) 1. Cleaning the person, bathing, wiping, smearing it with unguents or oil. 2. Cleaning, cleansing in general. E. मृज् to cleanse, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • माल :: n. (-लं) 1. A field. 2. Rising round. 3. Fraud, deceit. m. (-लः) 1. A man. 2. A mountain, a barbarian, one of a particular tribe. 3. A country, lying west and south-west of Bengal: Ramghur, &c., or according to WILFORD, Mālbhūm in Midnā- pur. 4. A name of VISHṆU. f. (-ला) 1. A line, a row. 2. A gar

land, a string or wreath of flowers. 3. A chaplet of flowers. 4. A string of beads, a rosary. 5. (In rhetorical or poetical descrip- tion,) a series or string of epithets, smiles, &c. E. मा fortune, ला to get or be, affs. अङ् and टाप्; or मा to measure, Unādi aff. र, and र changed to ल; or मल-संज्ञायां कर्त्तरि घञ् ।

  • मालक :: m. (-कः) 1. The Nimba tree, (Melia azadiracta.) 2. A vessel made of cocoanut-shell. n. (-कं) A flower, (Hibiscus mutabilis.) f. (-का) A garland. E. माला a garland, कन् aff. and the final of the fem. rejected; also in the fem. form, मालाका and मालिका q. v.
  • मालचक्रक :: n. (-कं) The hip-joint.
  • मालती :: f. (-ती) 1. Great-flowered jasmine, (Jasminum grandiflorum.) 2. A bud, a blossom. 3. A young woman. 4. Moon-light. 5. Night. 6. A particular river. 7. A flower, (Bignonia suave olens.) 8. A shrub, (Echites caryophyllata.) 9. A species of the Jagatī metre. E. मा LAKSHMĪ, लत a Sautra root, to shake, affs. अच् and ङीप्; or मल् to hold, अतच् aff.; or माल VISHṆU, अत् to go, (to be presented to,) affs. अण् and ङीष् ।
  • मालतीतीरज :: m. (-जः) Borax. E. मालती the river, तीर the band, ज produced. “टङ्कणे” ।
  • मालतीपत्रिका :: f. (-का) The shell of a nut-meg. “जैत्री” ।
  • मालतीफल :: n. (-लं) Nutmeg.
  • मालय :: n. (-यं) Sandal, the unguent prepared from it. E. मलय the mountain whence the wood is brought, and अण् aff.
  • मालव :: m. (-वः) 1. The province of Mālwā. 2. Name of a musical mode. m. plu. (-वाः) The people of that province; also with ञ्य pleo- nasm मालव्य, fem. मालवी ।
  • मालविका :: f. (-का) A plant of valuable purgative properties, commonly Teori: see त्रिवृत् ।
  • मालसी :: f. (-सी) A plant, commonly Keśhapusta.
  • मालाका :: f. (-का) A garland, a wreath. E. माला the same, कन् pleonasm.
  • मालाकार :: m. (-रः) A flower-seller, a florist, a gardener. E. माला a gar- land, and कार who makes; also, मालाकृत्, &c.
  • मालातृणक :: m. (-कः) A fragrant grass, (Andropogon schœnanthus.) E. माला a wreath, तृण grass, and कन् added.
  • मालादीपक :: n. (-कं) In rhetoric, affinity of various objects, by a common property. E. माला, and दीपक illustrating.
  • मालाफल :: n. (-लं) The seed of the Eleocarpus, of which common ro- saries are made. E. माला a rosary, and फल fruit. “रुद्राक्षे ।”
  • मालिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Relating to a garland, &c. m. (-कः) 1. A flo- rist, a flower-gatherer or seller. 2. A sort of bird. 3. A colorist, a painter. f. (-का) 1. Double jasmine, (Jasminum zambac, floribus multiplicatis.) 2. A daughter. 3. A necklace, any ornament of the neck. 4. A garland of flowers, a wreath. 5. The name of a river. 6. A spirituous or vinous liquor. 7. Linseed, (Linum utilatissimum.) 8. A palace. 9. A row, a series. E. माला a garland, ठन् aff., or कन् added, fem. form.
  • मालिन् :: m. (-ली) A florist, a gatherer and vendor of flowers, a gardener. f. (-लिनी) 1. A name of UMĀ or DURGĀ. 2. The Ganges of heaven. 3. The city Champā, the modern Bhāgalpur. 4. A poetical stanza, consisting of alternate verses or hemistichs of eight and seven syllables; it is especially used to conclude a section or canto. 5. The wife of a flower-gatherer, or a female vendor of garlands, &c. 6. A plant, (Hedysarum alhagi.) 7. A shrub, (Echites caryophy- llata.) 8. A girl seventeen years old personating DURGĀ at the festival of that goddess. f. (-नी) Adj. 1. Wearing a garland. 2. Encircled by. E. माला a garland, इनि aff., fem. aff. ङीष् ।
  • मालिन्य :: n. (-न्यं) 1. Foulness, dirtiness, impurity. 2. Blackness. 3. Sinful- ness. 4. Trouble, affliction.
  • मालु :: m. (-लुः) 1. A woman. 2. A sort of creeper. “पात्लता” . E. मल् to hold, Unādi aff. उण् ।
  • मालुधान :: m. (-नः) 1. A variegated snake. 2. A kind of serpent. “मालुया- साप्” f. (-नी) A sort or creeper. E. मालु a creeper, धान having.
  • मालूर :: m. (-रः) 1. A fruit tree, (Ægle marmelos.) 2. The Kapittha tree. E. मा fortune, लू to cut, रक् aff., form irr.
  • मालेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Relating to a garland, &c. f. (-या) Large carda- moms. E. माला, and ढक् aff.
  • माल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) Proper or fit for a garland, &c. n. (-ल्यं) 1. A flower. 2. A garland, a wreath. 3. A chaplet, a garland for the forehead. f. (-ल्या) A sort of grass, (Trigonella corniculata.) E. माला a garland, and यत् aff.
  • माल्यवत् :: m. (-वान्) 1. A mountainous range, described as one of the smaller mountains of India proper; lying eastward of mount Meru. 2. An epithet of the maternal grand uncle of RĀVANA. LANKĀ was originally built for him: but it was deserted by him and occupied by KUVERA. RĀVANA recovered it from the latter and Mālyabat returned with his relations to live with RĀVANA as his minister. f. (-वती) Name of a river. E. माल्य a wreath, and मतुप् aff.
  • माल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) Name of a mixed tribe.
  • माल्लवी :: f. (-वी) A wrestling or boxing match.
  • माशब्दिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Prohibitive, prohibiting, a prohibitor, a for- bidder. E. मा particle of negation or prohibition, शब्द a sound, a word, ठक् aff.; implying the person or thing whence it proceeds.
  • माष :: m. (-षः) 1. A sort of kidney-bean, (Phaseolus radiatus.) “माषकडाइ” 2. A jeweller's or goldsmith's weight, variously reckoned at five, eight, or ten, Rattis, or seeds of the Abrus precatorius; the weight in common use, is about seventeen grains troy. 3. A blockhead, a fool. 4. A cutaneous disease. E. मष् to hurt, aff. घञ् ।
  • माषक :: m. (-कः) 1. A weight of silver of two Rattis or about 4(1/2) grains. 2. The same in gold. 3. A Māsha: see the last. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • माषप(व)र्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A kind of leguminous shrub, (Glycine debilis.) “माषाणी” E. माष the kidney-bean, पर्ण a leaf, aff. ङीष्, resembling it in the leaf; also माषपर्णा ।
  • माषवर्द्धक :: m. (-कः) A goldsmith, a jeweller. E. माष the weight so called, बृद्ध् to increase, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • माषशस् :: Ind. Māsha by Māsha, (given away, &c.) E. माष a particular weight, and शसि aff. of successive order.
  • माषाज्य :: n. (-ज्यं) Beans cooked with ghee.
  • माषाद :: m. (-दः) A tortoise.
  • माषाश :: m. (-शः) A horse.
  • माषिक :: f. (-की) Adj. Worth one Māsha.
  • माषीण :: n. (-णं) A field of kidney-beans. E. माष as above, खञ् aff.
  • माष्य :: n. (-ष्यं) A field of kidney-beans. E. माष as above, and यत् aff.
  • मास् :: m. (-माः) 1. The moon. 2. A month. E. मा splendour, light, अस् to throw, क्विप् aff.; or सा to measure, असुन् aff.
  • मास :: m. (-सः) 1. A month, the twelfth part of the Hindu year; it is usually a lunar one, consisting of thirty Tithis, but it may be a Saura or solar month, being equal to the sun's passage through a sign of the zodiac; there is also a Savan month, consisting of thirty risings and settings of the sun; a Nākshatra month, or month regulated by the lunar asterisms, and a fifth description of month called Vārhaspatya, depending on the motions of the planet JUPITER; the lunar month also, being of two kinds, as reckoned from the new or from the full moon, completes six different modes of monthly computation. 2. A jeweller's weight: see माष . E. मास् the moon, aff. अण्; or मस् to measure, (the year by it,) aff. घञ् ।
  • मासजात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) A month old. E. मास, and जात born.
  • मासज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) A gallinule. E. मास a month, and ज्ञ who knows.
  • मासन :: n. (-नं) A medicinal seed, (Serratula anthelmintica.) “सोमराज ।”
  • मासप्रमित :: m. (-तः) New-moon. E. मास, and प्रमित measured, (by.)
  • मासमान :: m. (-नः) A year. E. मास a month, and मान measure.
  • मासर :: m. (-रः) The scum of boiled-rice. E. मस् to measure, aff. अरन्, and the vowel made long.
  • मासवर्त्तिका :: f. (-का) A kind of bird. E. मास a month, वृत् to be, aff. वुन् ।
  • मासान्त :: m. (-न्तः) Day of new-moon. E. मास the month, and अन्त end.
  • मासिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Monthly, relating or belonging to a month. 2. Payable in a month, (a debt, &c.) 3. Hired by the month, (a servant.) 4. Lasting for a month. 5. Happening or occurring at the end of a month, what will occur a month hence, &c. n. (-कं) A particular Śrāddha, or obsequial sacrifice performed every day of new-moon, during the first year of the death of a man. E. मास a month, and ठक् or ठञ् aff.
  • मासीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Of a month, a month old. E. मास, and खञ् aff.
  • मासु (सू) री :: f. (-री) The beard. E. मस् to measure, aff. उरन्, form irr.
  • मास्म :: Ind. A prohibitive particle. E. मा prohibitive, and स्म termination added; or मस्-णिच्-बा० मप् ।
  • मास्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) Of or lasting a month, a month old. E. मास, यत् aff.
  • माह् :: (उ, or ऋ) माहु or माहृ r. 1st cl. (माहति-ते) To mete, to measure.
  • माहन :: m. (-नः) A Brāhmana. E. मा prohibitive prefix, हन् to kill, aff. अच्, radical letters unchanged.
  • माहा :: f. (-हा) A cow. E. मा prohibitive prefix, हन् to kill, affs. ड and टाप् ।
  • माहाकुल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Of a respectable family. E. महाकुल of respect- able lineage, and अण् aff. of descent; also with खञ् aff., माहा- कुलीन, or with ख महाकुलीन ।
  • माहाजनिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Fit for or suitable to great persons, &c. E. महाजन, and ठञ् aff.
  • माहात्मिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Glorious, majestic. 2. Magnanimous. 3. Of great sanctity or honour. E. महात्मन्, and ठक् aff.
  • माहात्म्य :: n. (-त्म्यं) 1. Majesty, greatness, might. 2. The peculiar efficacy or virtue of any divinity or sacred shrine, &c. 3. A work, giving an account of the merits of any holy place or object. E. महात्मन् great, ष्यञ् aff.
  • माहानाम्रिक :: m. (-कः) A Brāhmana versed in a peculiar portion of the Vedas. E. महानाम्नी a portion of the Vedas so called, and ठञ् aff.; also with the final dropped, माहानामिक ।
  • माहाराजिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Imperial, royal, fit for a king, &c. E. महाराज, ठञ् aff.
  • माहिन :: n. (-नं) Kingdom, dominion. E. महिन the same, अण् pleonasm.
  • माहिर :: m. (-रः) A same of INDRA.
  • माहिष :: mfn. (-षः -षी -षं) Belonging to or derived from a buffalo, (flesh, milk. &c.) E. महिष, and अण् aff.
  • माहिषक :: m. (-कः) A buffalo-keeper.
  • माहिषिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A buffalo-keeper. 2. The paramour of an un- chaste women. 3. One who lives by the prostitution of his wife.
  • माहिष्य :: m. (-ष्यः) A man of a mixed class, sprung from a Kshetriya father and Vaiśya mother. E. महिष a buffalo, and यत् aff., with अण् added; attendance on cattle forming with the practice of as- tronomy and music, are the business of the Māhishya.
  • माहेन्द्र :: mfn. (-न्द्रः -न्द्रा -न्द्रं) Relating to or belonging to INDRA, fit or pro- per for, (as an oblation to him, &c.) f. (-न्द्री) 1. The wife of INDRA. 2. A cow. 3. The east. E. महेन्द्र the deity, and अण् aff.; also with छ, माहेन्द्रिय, &c.
  • माहेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Earthen, made of or from earth. m. (-यः) 1. Coral. 2. The planet Mars. f. (-यी) A cow. E. मही the earth, ढक् aff.
  • माहेश्वरी :: f. (-री) 1. A name of DURGĀ. 2. One of the divine mothers or energies of the gods, the Saktī of ŚIVA. E. महेश्वर ŚIVA, अण् and ङीष् affs.
  • मि(डुञ्)डुमिञ् :: r. 5th cl. (मिनोति मिनुते) 1. To cast, to throw, to throw about, to scatter. 2. To measure. 3. To perceive. (This root is not used in classics.)
  • मिच्छ् :: r. 6th cl. (मिच्छति) 1. To pain, to inflict pain or distress. 2. To obstruct, to hinder.
  • मित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Measured. 2. Moderate, limited, few or little. 3. Known, understood. 4. Examined. 5. Scattered, sprinkled. E. मा to mete, or मि to scatter, aff. क्त, form irr.
  • मितङ्गम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Going deliberately or slowly. m. (-मः) An elephant. f. (-मा) A she-elephant. E. मित measured, गम् to go, aff. खच् ।
  • मितद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) The ocean. E. मित what is measured, (the earth,) द्रु to go, Unādi aff. कु ।
  • मितभुज् :: mfn. (-भुक्) Moderate, temperate. E. मित, भुज् who eats. &c.
  • मितम्पच :: mfn. (-चः -चा -चं) 1. Miserly, niggardly, a niggard, a miser. 2. Cooking little. E. मित measured, (food,) and पच who cooks, from पच् with खच् aff.
  • मितवाच् :: mfn. (-वाक्) Prudent in speaking, of measured speech. E. मित, and वाच् speech.
  • मितार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) Of certain or restricted meaning. m. (-र्थः) A cautious emissary. E. मित, and अर्थ sense.
  • मिताशन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Abstemious, moderate in diet, eating little and sparingly. E. मित measured, and अशन who eats.
  • मिताक्षर :: Adj. 1. Short, brief. 2. Metrical.
  • मिति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Measuring, measure. 2. Weighing, weight. 3. Value. 4. Knowledge. 5. Proof, evidence. E. मा to measure, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • मित्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. A friend. 2. An ally; in this form it is always neuter; but it is convertible into an attributive, and is then of three genders, (मित्रः-मित्रा-मित्रं) Friendly, a friend. m. (-त्रः) 1. The sun. 2. The name of a Vedic deity. f. (-त्रा) One of the wives of DASA- RAṬHA, the mother of SATRUGHNA. E. मिद् to be affectionate, aff. क्त; hence more properly मित्त्र ।
  • मित्रकार्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) A friendly deed, friendship. E. मित्र and कार्य्य act.
  • मित्रत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Friendship, friendliness. E. मित्र with त्व aff.; also with तल्, मित्रता ।
  • मित्रद्रुह् :: m. (-द्रुक्) A false or treacherous friend. E. मित्र, and द्रुह् who injures.
  • मित्रद्विष् :: m. (-द्विट्) A treacherous friend. E. मित्र and द्विष् who hates.
  • मित्रभेद :: m. (-दः) Breach of friendship. E. मित्र and भेद division.
  • मित्रयु :: mfn. (-युः -युः -यु) Attractive, winning or acquiring friends. m. (-युः) 1. A rememberer or retainer of traditions, a person acquainted with popular and unrecorded customs. 2. A friend. E. मित्र a friend. या to obtain, aff. कु .
  • मित्रयुद्ध :: n. (-द्धं) The contest of friends, the conflict of allies. E. मित्र, and युद्ध war.
  • मित्रलब्धि :: f. (-ब्धिः) Acquirement of friendship. E. मित्र a friend, and लब्धि acquisition.
  • मित्रलाभ :: m. (-भः) Acquirement of a friend or friendship, forming friend- ship, &c. E. मित्र a friend, and लाभ gain, acquisition.
  • मित्रवत्सल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Acquiring friendship, winning, captivating, engaging, etc. E. मित्र a friend, and वत्सल kind, affectionate.
  • मित्रशीस् :: m. (-शीः) A ruler over his friends or allies. E. मित्र, and शास् to govern, क्विप् aff., and ई substituted for the penultimate.
  • मित्रीयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Becoming or acting as a friend, desiring friendship. E. मित्र nominal verb, शतृ aff.
  • मित्रोदय :: m. (-यः) 1. Sunrise. 2. The prosperity of a friend.
  • मिथ्(ऋ)मिथृ :: r. 1st cl. (मिथति-ते) 1. To understand. 2. To injure, to hurt. 3. To unite, to pair. 4. To wrangle.
  • मिथस् :: Ind. 1. Mutually, reciprocally. 2. Privately. E. मिथ् to pair, aff. असुन् and the vowel unchanged.
  • मिथिला :: f. (-ला) A city, giving name also to a kingdom, lying north- east of Bengal, the modern Tirhut. E. मिथ् to be agitated, (ene- mies by that kingdom,) and ईलच् Uṇadi aff.
  • मिथुन :: n. (-नं) 1. A couple, a pair, a brace, male and female. 2. Copu- lation. 3. Union, junction. 4. Twins. 5. A root compounded with a preposition, (in gram.) m. (-नः) The sign Gemini of the zodiac. E. मिथ् to unite, उनन् Unādi aff.
  • मिथुनीभाव :: m. (-वः) Amorous inclination. E. मिथुन, भाव property, च्वि aff.
  • मिथुनेचर :: m. (-रः) The ruddy goose.
  • मिथ्या :: Ind. 1. Falsely, untruly. 2. In vain. E. मिथ् to injure, aff. क्यप् ।
  • मिथ्याचरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रन्) Acting or practising falsehood. E. मिथ्या and आचरत् observing.
  • मिथ्याचार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Acting, falsely. E. मिथ्या and आचार observance.
  • मिथ्याज्ञान :: n. (-नं) Error, misapprehension.
  • मिथ्यादृष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) Denial of future existence, atheism, heresy. E. मिथ्या falsely, and दृष्टि vision, knowledge.
  • मिथ्याध्यवसिति :: f. (-तिः) A figure of rhetoric, confirmation of one error or impossibility by another. E. मिथ्या falsehood, अध्यवसिति perse- verance.
  • मिथ्याप्रतिज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Treacherous, guilty of a breach of pro- mise. E. मिथ्या and प्रतिज्ञा promise.
  • मिथ्याप्रसुप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Pretendedly asleep, but not so in reality. E. मिथ्या and प्रसुप्त asleep.
  • मिथ्याफल :: n. (-लं) An imaginary advantage.
  • मिथ्याभियोग :: m. (-गः) Groundless plaint or demand. E. मिथ्या falsely, अभियोग plaint.
  • मिथ्याभिशंसन :: n. (-नं) A false accusation. E. मिथ्या falsely, अभिशंसन accusing.
  • मिथ्याभिशंसिन् :: m. (-सी) A false or unjust accuser. E. मिथ्या falsely, अभि- शंसिन् who accuses.
  • मिथ्यामति :: f. (-तिः) Error, ignorance, mistake. E. मिथ्या falsely, and मति understanding.
  • मिथ्यावदत् :: mfn. (-दन् -दन्दी -दत्) Speaking, falsely. E. मिथ्या, वदत् speaking.
  • मिथ्यावादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Lying, a liar. E. मिथ्या and वादिन् who speaks.
  • मिथ्योत्तर :: n. (-रं) A false or prevaricating reply. E. मिथ्या, उत्तर answer.
  • मिथ्योपचार :: m. (-रः) Pretended friendly services. E. मिथ्या and उपचार assistance.
  • मिद् :: r. 1st cl. (मेदति) 1. To be proud. 2. To be humble. r. 10th cl. (मेदयति-ते) (इ) मिदि r. 1st and 10th cls. (मिन्दति मिन्दयति) also (ञि, आ) ञिमिदा r. 1st cl. (मेदते) r. 4th cl. (मेद्यति) 1. To be unctuous, to be oily or greasy. 2. To liquefy, to melt. 3. To annoint. 4. To have affection or regard for. 5. To be soft, (literally or figuratively.) (ऋ) मिदृ r. 1st cl. (मेदति-ते) 1. To understand. 2. To hurt, to injure. 3. To unite.
  • मिद्ध :: n. (-द्धं) 1. Sloth, indolence. 2. Sleepiness, torpor. 3. Dulness, heaviness of spirits or intellect.
  • मिन्व् :: r. 1st cl. (मिन्वति) 1. To moisten. 2. To revere.
  • मिमङ्क्षा :: f. (-ङ्क्षा) Wishing to bathe or plunge into. E. मस्ज् to bathe, desid. v., अङ् and ठाप् affs.
  • मिमङ्क्षु :: mfn. (-ङ्क्षुः -ङ्क्षुः -ङ्क्षु) Wishing to bathe, to plunge into, to be immersed in. E. मस्ज् to bathe, desid. v., उ aff.
  • मिमन्थिषा :: f. (-षा) Desire or purpose to destroy. E. मथि to shake, desid. v., अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • मिमन्थिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing to destroy, shake, overturn, &c. E. मथ् to injure, desid. v., उ aff.
  • मिल् :: r. 6th cl. (मिलति or मिलति-ते) 1. To be connected or united with, to mix, to associate. 2. To clash. 3. To happen.
  • मिलन :: n. (-नं) 1. Mixing with, being in contact with, associating with, &c. 2. Encountering, meeting. 3. Contact. E. मिल् to mix, ल्युट् aff.
  • मिलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Mixed, united, combined, or connected with, 2. Found, met with, encountered. E. मिल् to mix, aff. क्त ।
  • मिव (इ) मिवि :: r. 1st cl. (मिन्वति) 1. To sprinkle or moisten. 2. (According to some authorities,) To serve, to gratify by service.
  • मिश् :: r. 1st cl. (मेशति) 1. To sound. 2. To be angry.
  • मिशि :: f. (-शिः-शी) 1. A sort of fennel, (Anethum panmorium.) 2. Indian spikenard. 3. Common anise. E. मिश् to sound, कि aff. and ङीष् optionally added; also मिषि मिसि, &c.
  • मिश्र् :: r. 10th cl. (मिश्रयति-ते) To mix, to join, to blend, to combine.
  • मिश्र :: mfn. (-श्रः -श्रा -श्रं) Mixed, mingled, blended. n. (-श्रं) Mixing, mix- ture. m. (-श्रः) 1. An elephant, the fourth of the four classes in

which elephants are arranged. 2. A respectable person; in which sense it is a common affix to proper names; or compounded with आर्य्य, as आर्य्यमिश्राः &c. E. मिश्र् to mix, aff. अच् ।

  • मिश्रक :: m. (-कः) 1. An adulterator of commodities, &c. 2. A mixer, a compounder. n. (-कं) 1. A garden of the gods, a grove of paradise. 2. A description of song or singing. 3. A kind of salt. E. मिश्र mingled, (flowers, &c.) and कन् aff.
  • मिश्रकावण :: n. (-णं) The grove of INDRA. E. मिश्रका for मिश्रक a divine garden, and वन a wood.
  • मिश्रज :: m. (-जः) A mule.
  • मिश्रण :: n. (-णं) 1. Mixing, uniting. 2. (In arithmetic,) Addition. E. मिश्र to mix, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • मिश्रवर्ण :: n. (-र्णं) A black kind of aloe-wood.
  • मिश्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Respected, respectable. 2. Mixed, mingled. 3. Added. E. मिश्र् to mix, aff. क्त ।
  • मिश्रेया :: f. (-या) 1. A sort of fennel, (Anethum panmorium, Rox.) 2. Another kind, (Anethum sowa.) 3. Common anise, (Pimpinella anisum.) E. मिश्र mixture, इड् to go or get, अच् aff.
  • मिष् (उ) मिषु :: r. 1st cl. (मेषति) To sprinkle. r. 6th cl. (मिषति) 1. To con- tend with, to emulate, to contest. 2. To look at or on. With उद् 1. To open the eyes. 2. To blossom. 3. To shine. With नि To shut the eyes.
  • मिष :: m. (-षः) Rivalry, emulation. n. (-षं) 1. Fraud, trick, decep- tion. 2. Envy. E. मिष् to vie, aff. क ।
  • मिषि :: f. (-षिः-षी) 1. Spikenard, (Valeriana jatāmānsi.) 2. A sort of fen- nel, (Anethum panmorium, &c.) E. मस् to measure, इन् and ङीष् affs., स changed to ष, and इ substituted for the radical vowel; also मिसि, मिशि, and with कन् added मिषिका, &c.
  • मिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Sprinkled, wetted. 2. Sweet, sugary. 3. Dainty, savoury. n. (-ष्टं) A sweetmeat. E. मिष् to sprinkle, aff. क्त .
  • मिष्टकर्त्तृ :: m. (-र्त्ता) A confectioner, a good cook. E. मिष्ट and कर्त्तृ who makes.
  • मिष्टान्न :: n. (-न्नं) Sauce, gravy seasoning, a mixture of sugar and acids, &c. eaten with bread or rice. E. मिष्ट sprinkled, अन्न food.
  • मिसि :: f. (-सिः-सी) 1. A sort of fennel, (Anethum panmorium, Rox.) 2. Another kind, (A. sowa.) 3. Spikenard, (Valeriana jatāmānsi.) 4. A sort of lovage, (Ligusticum ajwaen.) 5. Common anise, (Pim- pinella an sum.) E. मस् to mete, aff. इन् and optionally ङीष्; the radical vowel changed to इ, deriv. irr.; also मिशि and मिषि ।
  • मिस्र् :: r. 10th cl. (मिस्रयति) To mix, to mingle or join.
  • मिह् (औ) मिहौ :: r. 1st cl. (मेहति) 1. To sprinkle, to shed. 2. To emit seminal water.
  • मिहिका :: f. (-का) 1. Frost. 2. Snow. E. मिह् to sprinkle, aff. क्वुन् ।
  • मिहिर :: m. (-रः) 1. The sun. 2. A sage. 3. A cloud. 4. Air, wind. 5. The moon. 6. An old man. E. मिह् to sprinkle or scatter, (radi- ance, &c.) Unādi aff. किरच् ।
  • मिहिराण :: m. (-णः) A name of ŚIVA. E. मिहिर the sun, अन् to live, अच् aff.
  • मी :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (मयति माययति-ते) 1. To go, to move. 2. To know. (टु, ङ्) टुमीङ् r. 4. cl. (मीयते) To part with life, to die. (ञ) मीञ् r. 9th cl. (मीनाति मीनीते) 1. To hurt, to injure, to kill. 2. To violate. 3. To diminish. 4. To go astray.
  • मीढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Passed as urine. E. मिह् to sprinkle, aff. क्त ।
  • मीढुष्टम :: m. (-मः) 1. The sun. 2. ŚIVA. 3. A thief.
  • मीन :: m. (-नः) 1. A fish 2. The sign of the Zodiac Pisces. 3. VISHṆU in his first incarnation. E. मी to hurt, Unādi aff. नक् ।
  • मीनकेतन :: m. (-नः) KĀMADEVA. E. मीन a fish, and केतन a symbol.
  • मीनगोधिका :: f. (-का) A pond, a pool. E. मीन a fish, and गोधिका a lizard.
  • मीनरङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A king-fisher. E. मीन fish, रञ्ज् to annoy, aff. अच्; it is also written but perhaps incorrectly मीनरङ्क ।
  • मीनर :: m. (-रः) A marine monster, sometimes applied to the shark and alligator: see मकर . E. मीन a fish, रा to seize, aff. क ।
  • मीनाक्षी :: f. (-क्षी) The daughter of KUVERA. E. मीन a fish, and अक्षि the eye, टच् and ङीष् affs.
  • मीनाघातिन् :: m. (-ती) 1. A crane. 2. A fisherman. E. मीन fish and आघातिन् who kills.
  • मीनाण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) Fish-spawn, roe, milt. f. (-ण्डी) Clayed or candied sugar. E. मीन a fish, and अण्ड egg, spawn, ङीष् aff., to which the last is compared.
  • मीनाम्रीण :: m. (-णः) 1. A wagtail. 2. A sort of sauce, fish-sauce. E. मीन fish, आम्र the mango, and छ aff.
  • मीनालय :: m. (-यः) The ocean. E. मीन a fish, and आलय abode.
  • मीम् (ऋ) मीमृ :: r. 1st. cl. (मीमति) 1. To go, to move. 2. To sound.
  • मीमांसक :: m. (-कः) A Mīmānsaka, a follower of the Mīmānsā phi loso- phy. 2. An examiner. E. मीमांसा the doctrine so termed, and वुन् aff.
  • मीमांसा :: f. (-सा) One of the philosophical systems of the Hindus, or rather a two-fold system, the two parts of which form two of the six Darśhanas or schools of philosophy; the first part, the Pūrva Mīmānsā, or Mīmānś simply, originates with the Muni JAIMINĪ, and illustrates the Karma-kāṇḍa of the Vedas or the practical part, (the ritual,) of religion and devotion, including also moral and legal obligations. The second part, or Uttara Mīmāṃsā, ascribed to VYĀSA, is the same as the Vedānta, founded on the Jnāna-kāṇḍa, or theological portion of the Vedas, and treating of the spiritual worship of the Supreme Being or soul of the universe. E. मान् to seek knowledge, affs. अङ् and टाप्; the derivative takes the augment of the reduplicate form of the verb.
  • मीर :: m. (-रः) 1. The ocean. 2. A limit, a boundary. E. मी to scatter, रक् Unādi aff., and the vowel made long.
  • मील् :: r. 1st cl. (मीलति) 1. To wink or twinkle, to close or contract the eye-lids. 2. To fade, to disappear: with उत् prefixed, to awake, and figuratively to expand, to bud, to blossom.
  • मीलत् :: mfn. (-लन् -लन्ती -लत्) Winking, twinkling, closing, (as the eyes.) E. मील् to wink, शतृ aff.
  • मीलन :: n. (-नं) 1. Twinkling, blinking, winking. 2. Closing the eyes. 3. The closing of a flower. E. मील् to twinkle, &c. aff. ल्युट् ।
  • मीलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Twinkled. 2. Unblown, partly opened, as a young bud, &c. n. (-तं) Indirect allusion or description, (in rhe- toric.) E. मील् to twinkle, aff. क्त ।
  • मीव् :: r. 1st cl. (मीवति) 1. To be large or corpulent. 2. To go, to move.
  • मीवन् :: m. (-वा) Air, wind. E. मी to move, वन् Unādi aff.
  • मीवर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Mischievous, hurting, killing. m. (-रः) The leader of an army. E. मी to hurt or kill, ष्वरच् Unādi aff.
  • मीवा :: f. (-वा) 1. The worm of the intestines, Ascarides, &c. 2. Air, wind. E. मी to hurt, Unādi aff. वा ।
  • मु :: m. (-मुः) 1. Binding, confinement. 2. Tawny, (the colour.) 3. ŚIVA. 4. Eternal beatitude or final emancipation. 5. A funeral pile. E. मू to bind, aff. क्विप्; or मुच् to loosen, &c., aff. डु ।
  • मुकन्दक :: m. (-कः) The onion; also मुकुन्दक ।
  • मुकु :: f. (-कुः) Freedom, liberation. E. मुच् to let loose, कु aff.
  • मुकुट :: n. (-टं) A crest, a diadem, a tiara. f. (-टी) Snapping the fingers. E. मकि to adorn, aff. उट, and उ substituted for the radical vowel, form irr.; also मकुट ।
  • मुकुन्द :: m. (-न्दः) 1. A name of VISHṆU. 2. Gum olibanum. 3. A preci- ous gem. 4. Quicksilver. 5. One of the nine treasures of KUVE- RA. 6. A kind of drum. E. मुकु liberation, (from passion, &c.) in the second case मुकुं and दा to give, aff. क; or मुच् to liberate, or मुकु as before, उन्द to wet, to sprinkle, aff. अच्, deriv. irr.
  • मुकुन्दक :: m. (-कः) An onion; also मुकन्दक ।
  • मुकुन्दु :: m. (-न्दुः) Gum olibanum; also मुकुन्द ।
  • मुकुर :: m. (-रः) 1. A mirror. 2. The handle of a potter's lathe. 3. A tree, (Mimusops elengi.) 4. A bud. 5. Arabian jasmine. E. मक् to adorn, उरच् Unādi aff., and उ optionally substituted for the radical vowel, deriv. irr.; also मकुर ।
  • मुकुल :: mn. (-लः-लं) 1. An opening bud. 2. The body. 3. The soul or spirit. E. मुच् to let loose, (the flower, &c.) उलच् aff., च changed to क ।
  • मुकुलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Half-closed, (as a bud.) 2. Half-shut, (as the eye,) blinking, winking. E. मुकुल, इतच् aff.
  • मुकुलीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Closed, shut, (as a bud.) E. मुकुल and कृत made, with च्वि augment.
  • मुकुष्टक :: n. (-कं) A sort of kidney-bean, (Phaseolus lobatus.) Also मकुष्टक, etc.
  • मुकूलक :: m. (-कः) A plant, commonly Dantī, (Croton polyandrum.) E. मकि to adorn, ऊलच् aff., कन् added, and उ substituted for the radical vowel, deriv. irr.; also मकूलक ।
  • मुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Released, liberated, loosed, let go. 2. Liber- ated from corporal existence, finally happy. 3. Discharged, loosed, as a weapon; this may be in two ways, as पाणिमुक्त thrown with the hand, as a dart, etc., and यन्त्रमुक्त thrown from an instrument, as an arrow from a bow, etc. n. (-क्तं) The spirit released from mundane existence, and re-integrated with its divine original. f. (-क्ता) 1. A pearl. 2. A harlot. E. मुच् to set free, aff. क्त ।
  • मुक्तक :: n. (-कं) 1. Any missile weapon. 2. A stanza or sentence com- pleting the sense of a passage. 3. Simple prose. E. मुक्त loosed, let fly, and कन् added.
  • मुक्तकच्छ :: m. (-च्छः) A Buddhist.
  • मुक्तकञ्चुक :: m. (-कः) A snake that has cast his slough. E. मुक्त let loose, कञ्चुक the slough of a snake.
  • मुक्तकण्ठम् :: Ind. Aloud, as shouting or crying. E. मुक्त and कण्ठ throat.
  • मुक्तचक्षुस् :: m. (-क्षुः) A lion.
  • मुक्तसङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) Disinterested, free from worldly attachment or improper bias. E. मुक्त and सङ्ग attachment.
  • मुक्तहस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Parting with, giving away, liberal. 2. Loosed, let go. E. मुक्त and हस्त the hand.
  • मुक्ताकलाप :: m. (-पः) A pearl-necklace, a string of pearls. E. मुक्ता a pearl, and कलाप a sort of chain.
  • मुक्तागार :: n. (-रं) The pearl-oyster. E. मुक्त a pearl, and आगार abode.
  • मुक्ताप्रलम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) A pearl-necklace. E. मुक्ता a pearl, and प्रलम्ब string.
  • मुक्ताप्रसू :: f. (-सूः) The pearl-oyster. E. मुक्ता a pearl, and प्रसू mother, mo- ther of pearl.
  • मुक्ताफल :: n. (-लं) 1. Camphor. 2. A pearl. 3. A sort of fruit, the custard- apple. “नोयाड” E. मुक्ता a pearl, फल fruit, comparable to a pearl in whiteness.
  • मुक्तामुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Loosed, and not loosed; applied especially to weapons which may be wielded or hurled, as a club, a javelin, etc. E. मुक्त loosed, अमुक्त not loosed.
  • मुक्तालता :: f. (-ता) A pearl-necklace. E. मुक्ता a pearl, and लता a creeping plant.
  • मुक्तावली :: f. (-ली) A pearl-necklace. E. मुक्ता a pearl, आवली a line, a row.
  • मुक्तास्फोट :: mf. (-टः-टा) A pearl-oyster. E. मुक्ता, स्फुट to burst, aff. घञ् ।
  • मुक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Final beatitude, the delivery of the soul from the body and exemption from further transmigration; the re-absorp- tion of the emancipated spirit into its great primary source, identification with GOD. 2. Liberation, setting or becoming free or loose. E. मुच् to let loose, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • मुक्त्वा :: Ind. Having set free, loose, etc. E. मुच् to free, क्त्वा aff.
  • मुख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खं) 1. First, initial. 2. Chief, pre-eminent, principal. n. (-खं) 1. The mouth. 2. The face. 3. The entrance to a house. 4. Commencement. 5. A means, an expedient. 6. Sound. 7. The opening division of a drama, the first act, &c. 8. The previous or preparatory incidents of a drama. 9. A direction, a quarter. 10. Opening, entrance. 11. The head, the top, the tip. 12. The edge of any sharp instrument. 13. Utterance. 14. Source, cause, occasion. 15. The Vedas, scripture. m. (-खः) The beak of a bird. E. खन् to dig, Unādi aff. अच् with the power of ड, by which the final is rejected, मुट initial augment.
  • मुखकमल :: n. (-लं) A lotus-like face.
  • मुखखुर :: m. (-रः) A tooth.
  • मुखगन्धक :: m. (-कः) An onion. E. मुख the mouth, and गन्धक scenting.
  • मुखघण्टा :: f. (-ण्टा) Howling, uttering, a particular cry of grief, etc. E. मुख the mouth, and घण्टा a bell.
  • मुखचपल :: Adj. Talkative f. (-ला) A species of the Āryā metre.
  • मुखचीरी :: f. (-री) The tongue. E. मुख the mouth, and चीरी the cry or chirp of the cricket, or a cricket; also मुखचीरि ।
  • मुखज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -ज) Derived or proceeding from the mouth, born in the mouth, etc. m. (-जः) 1. A Brāhmana, (born from the mouth of BRAHMĀ.) 2. A tooth. E. मुख the mouth, and ज born.
  • मुखतस् :: Ind. From the mouth. E. मुख, तसि aff.
  • मुखतीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Relating or pertaining to the mouth. E. मुखतस् as above, छ aff.
  • मुखदूषण :: m. (-णः) The onion. E. मुख the mouth, and दूषण fouling.
  • मुखधौता :: f. (-ता) A plant, (Siphonanthus Indica.) “वामनहाटि ।” E. मुख the mouth, धौत cleansed, (by it.)
  • मुखनिरीक्षक :: m. (-कः) An idler, a lazy man. E. मुख the face, निरीक्षक contemplating.
  • मुखनिवासिनी :: f. (-नी) The goddess SARASWATĪ. E. मुख the mouth, and निवासिनी abiding; as the goddess of speech, &c.
  • मुखपट :: m. (-टः) A veil.
  • मुखपिण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A mouthful of food.
  • मुखपूरण :: n. (-णं) 1. A mouthful of water for rinsing the mouth. 2. A mouthful. 3. Filling the mouth. E. मुख the mouth, पूरण filling.
  • मुखप्रिय :: m. (-यः) An orange.
  • मुखबन्धन :: n. (-नं) 1. A preface. 2. A lid.
  • मुखभूषण :: n. (-णं) Betel, the leaf of the piper-betel eaten with the Areca nut, catechu and caustic lime, &c. E. मुख the mouth, भूषण an ornament.
  • मुखभेद :: m. (-दः) Distortion of the face.
  • मुखम्प्रच :: m. (-चः) A beggar, a petitioner. E. मुख the mouth, पच who ripens, (his purpose,) from पच् with खच् aff.
  • मुखयन्त्रण :: n. (-णं) The bit of a bridle. E. मुख the mouth, यन्त्रण restraining.
  • मुखर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Foul-mouthed, speaking harshly or scurrilous- ly. 2. Sounding, noisy. 3. Speaking in ridicule of, rallying, mock- ing, &c. m. (-रः) 1. A ring-leader. 2. A conch-shell. 3. Leading, preceding. 4. A crow. E. मुख the mouth, र aff., implying deprecia- tion, or रा to go, ड aff.
  • मुखरिका :: f. (-का) The bit of a bridle.
  • मुखरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sounding, ringing, making a noise. E. मुखर and इतच् aff.
  • मुखरीकरण :: n. (-णं) Rallying, mocking. E. मुखर, करण making, च्वि aug.
  • मुखलाङ्गल :: m. (-लः) A hog. E. मुख the mouth, and लाङ्गल a plough.
  • मुखलेप :: m. (-पः) A disease of the phlegmatic humour.
  • मुखवल्लभ :: m. (-भः) A pomegranate tree.
  • मुखवाद्य :: n. (-द्यं) 1. A musical instrument played with the mouth, a jew's harp. 2. Making a noise with the mouth by strinking it with the hand, playing on the mouth. E. मुख the mouth and वाद्य a musical instrument.
  • मुखवासन :: m. (-नः) A perfume for the mouth, any drug, as camphor or orris-root so used, or a composition usually taken in the form of a pill. E. मुख the mouth, and वासन perfuming.
  • मुखविलुण्ठिका :: f. (-का) A she-goat.
  • मुखविष्ठा :: f. (-ष्ठा) A cockroach. E. मुख the mouth and विष्ठा fæces.
  • मुखव्यादान :: n. (-नं) Opening the mouth wide. E. मुख with वि and आङ् prefixed to दा to give, ल्युट् aff.
  • मुखशफ :: mfn. (-फः -फा -फं) Foul-mouthed, scurrilous. E. मुख the mouth, शफ a hoof.
  • मुखशेष :: m. (-षः) An epithet of RĀHU.
  • मुखशोधन :: m. (-नः) Pungency, sharp or pungent flavour. n. (-नं) Clean- ing the mouth. E. मुख the mouth, शोधन cleansing.
  • मुखशोधिन् :: m. (-धी) The lime or citron. E. मुख the mouth, शोधिन् what cleanses.
  • मुखष्ठील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Foul-mouthed, scurrilous.
  • मुखसम्भव :: m. (-वः) A Brāhmana. E. मुख the mouth, (of BRAHMĀ,) सम्मव born.
  • मुखसुर :: n. (-रं) The moisture of the lips. E. मुख the mouth, and सुरा spirituous liquor, टच् aff.
  • मुखस्राव :: m. (-वः) Spittle, saliva. E. मुख the mouth, स्रु to drop, aff. अण् .
  • मुखाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) 1. The conflagration of a forest. 2. A sort of goblin with a face of fire. 3. Fire put into the mouth of the corpse at the time of lighting the funeral pile. 4. A sacrificial or consecra- ted fire. E. मुख the mouth, face, or chief, principal, and अग्नि fire.
  • मुखास्त्र :: m. (-स्त्रः) A crab. E. मुख the mouth, and अस्त्र a weapon.
  • मुखोल्का :: f. (-ल्का) Fire in a forest. E. मुख face or mouth, उल्का flame.
  • मुख्य :: mfn. (-ख्यः -ख्या -ख्यं) 1. Chief, primary, principal. 2. Relating to the face or mouth. n. (-ख्यं) 1. A principal or essential rite or ordi- nance. 2. Reading or teaching the Vedas. 3. The month when reckoned from new moon to new moon. m. (-ख्यः) A leader. E. मुख chief, य aff.
  • मुख्यता :: f. (-ता) Pre-eminence, being best or chief. E. मुख्य, तल् aff. also with त्व, मुख्यत्वं ।
  • मुख्यशस् :: Ind. Principally, particularly. E. मुख्य and शसि aff.
  • मुगूह :: m. (-हः) A gallinule.
  • मुग्ध :: mfn. (-ग्धः -ग्धा -ग्धं) 1. Lovely, beautiful. 2. Stupid, ignorant, an idiot, a fool. 3. Simple, silly. 4. Infatuated. f. (-ग्धा) A young and lovely female. E. मुह् to be foolish, aff. क्त, deriv. irr.
  • मुग्धता :: f. (-ता) 1. Loveliness. 2. Ignorance, stupidity. 3. Simplicity. E. मुग्ध and तल् added; also मुग्धत्वं ।
  • मुग्धा :: f. (-ग्धा) A girl attractive by her artlessness, (in rhetoric.)
  • मुग्धानन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Lovely-faced. E. मुग्ध and आनन face.
  • मुच् (ऌ, औ) औ मुचॢ :: r. 6th cl. (मुञ्चति-ते) 1. To be loose or free. 2. To forsake or abandon. r. 10th cl. (मोचयति-ते) 1. To let loose, to let go, to discharge as arrows, to part with, as wealth, &c. 2. To gladden, to delight. r. 1st cl. (मोचते) To deceive, to cheat. (इ) मुचि (मुञ्चते) 1. To be vain or proud. 2. To be wicked. 3. To speak. 4. To grind or pound. 5. To cheat, to deceive. With प्र To give much. With वि 1. To obtain liberation. 2. To give or bestow. 3. To lose.
  • मुचक :: m. (-कः) Lac, the dye. E. मुच् to loosen, aff. क्कुन् ।
  • मुचिर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Munificent, generous, liberal in giving, a donor, a giver. m. (-रः) 1. A deity. 2. Wind. 3. Virtue. E. मुच् to let loose, to part with wealth, and किरच् Unādi aff.
  • मुचु(च)कुन्द :: m. (-न्दः) A tree, (Pterospermum salicifolium.)
  • मुचुटी :: f. (-टी) 1. Snapping the fingers. 2. The fist.
  • मुज् :: r. 1st cl. (मोजति मोजयति-ते) also (इ) मुजि (मुञ्जति मुञ्जयति-ते) 1. To sound. 2. To cleanse.
  • मुञ्च् :: r. 1st cl. (मुञ्चति) To go.
  • मुञ्चक :: m. (-कः) The testicle.
  • मुञ्चत् :: mfn. (-ञ्चन् -ञ्चन्ती -ञ्चत्) 1. Letting go or loose. 2. Shooting, discharging. E. मुच् to let go, शतृ aff.
  • मुञ्ज :: m. (-ञ्जः) 1. A sort of grass, from the fibres of which a string is prepared, of which the triple thread worn by the Brāhmana as a girdle should be formed, (Saccharum munja, Rox.) 2. The Brāh- minical girdle, or in common use, the sacred string or cord. 3. An arrow. E. मुजि to sound, aff. अच् ।
  • मुञ्जकेश :: m. (-शः) 1. VISHṆU. 2. ŚIVA. E. मुञ्ज a sort of grass, and केश hair.
  • मुञ्जकेशिन् :: m. (-शी) VISHṆU. E. मुञ्ज the plant, केश hair, and इनि aff.
  • मुञ्जबन्धन :: n. (-नं) Investiture with the girdle or with the Brāhminical cord. E. मुञ्ज and बन्धन binding.
  • मुञ्जर :: n. (-रं) The fibrous root of the lotus. E. मुञ्ज a sort of grass, रा to go or resemble, aff. क; or मुजि-अरन् । “शालुके ।”
  • मुञ्जातक :: m. (-कः) Munja grass.
  • मुट् :: r. 1st cl. (मोटति) 6th cl. (मुटति) and 10th cl. (मोटयति-ते); also (इ) मुटि r. 1st cl. (मुण्टति) 1. To rub, to press, to grind or pound, to reduce to powder. 2. To break down, to trample on. r. 6th cl. (मुटति) To reprove, to rebuke, to blame.
  • मुठ् (इ) मुठि :: r. 1st cl. (मुण्ठते) 1. To guard, to protect, to defend or cherish. 2. To fly, to run away.
  • मुड् :: r. 6th cl. (मुडति) 1. To quit, to leave. 2. To clothe or cover. (इ,) मुडि r. 1st cl. (मुण्डते) 1. To be pure or clean. 2. To cleanse. 3. To sink, (as in water.) 4. To sink, (in estimation.) to be despised or disregarded. (मुण्डति) 1. To shave or cut. 2. To grind or pound.
  • मुण् :: r. 6th cl. (मुणति) To vow or promise.
  • मुण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डा -ण्डं) 1. Shaved, bald, having no hair on the head. 2. Low, mean. mn. (-ण्डः-ण्डं) 1. The head. 2. The forehead. m. (-ण्डः) 1. A bald pate. 2. A barber. 3. The name of a Daitya or Demon. 4. RĀHU, the personified ascending node. 5. The trunk of a lopped tree. f. (-ण्डा) Bengal madder, (Rubia manjith.) E. मुडि to shave or cut, aff. घञ् ।
  • मुण्डक :: m. (-कः) 1. A barber. 2. The trunk of a tree stripped of its branches. n. (-कं) The head. E. मुडि to shave, aff. वुन्; or मुण्ड the head, कन् pleonasm; or मुडि-णिच् ण्वुल् ।
  • मुण्डचणक :: m. (-कः) A kind of pulse. “कलाये ।”
  • मुण्डन :: n. (-नं) Shaving, shearing, cutting. E. मुडि to shave or cut, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • मुण्डफल :: m. (-लः) The cocoanut-tree. E. मुण्ड the head, and फल fruit; the fruit being one step towards a human head, made by VIŚ- WĀMITRA, when he purposed establishing an opposition creation to that of BRAHMĀ.
  • मुण्डमण्डली :: f. (-ली) 1. A number of shaven heads. 2. A mass of troops of an inferior description. E. मुण्ड and मण्डली a circle.
  • मुण्डशालि :: m. (-लिः) A kind of grain or rice.
  • मुण्डित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bald, shaven. n. (-तं) Iron. E. मुण्ड bald, इतच् aff.
  • मुण्डितशिरस् :: mfn. (-राः -राः -रः) Bald-pated, shaven-headed. E. मुण्डित, शिरस् the head.
  • मुण्डितिका :: f. (-का) A plant, commonly Muṇḍīrī.
  • मुण्डिन् :: m. (-ण्डी) 1. A barber. 2. ŚIVA. E. मुण्ड shaving, aff. इनि ।
  • मुण्डीरिका :: f. (-का) A plant, commonly Muṇḍīrī.
  • मुण्डीरी :: f. (-री) A plant, described as a creeper, bearing a red and yellow flower, commonly called by the same name, Muṇḍīrī.
  • मुत्य :: n. (-त्यं) A pearl.
  • मुथ् (इ) मुथि :: r. 1st cl. (मुन्थति) 1. To hurt or kill. 2. To suffer pain.
  • मुद् :: r. 1st cl. (मोदते) To rejoice, to be glad. r. 10th cl. (मोदयति-ते) 1. To mix, to blend, to unite. 2. To clean, to wipe off. With अनु To allow, to permit, to approve. With आ 1. To be glad. 2. To be fragrant.
  • मुद् :: f. (-मुद्-मुत्) 1. Pleasure, delight, joy. 2. Intoxication, phrensy. 3. A wife. E. मुद् to be pleased, aff. क्विप् ।
  • मुदा :: f. (-दा) Happiness, joy. E. मुद् to be happy, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • मुदान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pleased, happy. E. मुदा and अन्वित possessed of.
  • मुदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pleased, delighted. n. (-तं) Pleasure, happiness. E. मुद् to rejoice, aff. क्त ।
  • मुदिर :: m. (-रः) 1. A cloud. 2. A lover, a libertine. 3. A frog. E. मुद् to be pleased, Unādi aff. किरच् ।
  • मुदी :: f. (-दी) Moonlight. E. मुद् to please, affs. क and ङीष् ।
  • मुद्ग :: m. (-द्गः) 1. A sort of kidney-bean, (Phaseolus mungo.) 2. A cover, as a lid or cloth. 3. A kind of sea-bird. E. मुदि to please, Unādi aff. गक् नेट् । “मुग् ।”
  • मुद्गपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A sort of kidney-bean, (Phaseolus trilobus.) E. मुद्ग P. mungo, पर्ण a leaf, ङीष् aff. “मुगानी ।”
  • मुद्गभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) A horse. E. मुङ्ग kidney-bean, भुज् who eats: also मुद्गभोजिन् m. (-जी) ।
  • मुद्गर :: m. (-रः) 1. A mallet, a mace, a weapon formed like a carpenter's hammer. 2. A staff, armed with iron, and larger at the lower ex- tremity, used for breaking clods of earth, &c. 3. A carpenter's hammer. 4. A sort of flower, said to be a kind of jasmine, perhaps jasminum zambac, (the wild variety.) E. मुद् pleasure, ग to swal-

low or destroy, aff. अच्; also with र changed to ल, मुद्गल “कर्मार वृक्षे च; काम्राङ्गा इति भाषा ।”

  • मुद्गष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) A sort of kidney-bean, (Phaseolus lobatus.) E. मुद्ग P. mungo, स्था to stay, to resemble, aff. क; also with कन् added मुद्गष्टक ।
  • मुद्रण :: n. (-णं) 1. Sealing. 2. Closing.
  • मुद्रा :: f. (-द्रा) 1. A seal, a signet. 2. A seal-ring. 3. The mark of a seal or similar impression, a stamp, a print, &c. 4. A coin. 5. A medal. 6. A sign, a token. 7. A mystery. 8. A mode of intertwining the fingers during religious worship. E. मुद् to please, (by it,) Unādi aff. रक् ।
  • मुद्राङ्कित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Stamped, sealed. f. (-ता) A mint. E. मुद्रा a seal, अङ्कित marked.
  • मुद्रिका :: f. (-का) A sealed or signed paper. E. मुद्रा a seal, कन् aff., fem. form.
  • मुद्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sealed. 2. Marked, struck, stamped. 3. Con- tracted, closed, sealed up. 4. Unblown, (as a flower.) E. मुद्रा a seal, इतच् aff.
  • मुधा :: Ind. In vain, uselessly, unprofitably, idly. E. मुह् to be foolish, aff. का; ह changed to ध ।
  • मुनि :: m. (-निः) 1. A holy sage, a pious and learned person, endowed with more or less of a divine nature, or having attained it by rigid abstraction and mortification; the title is applied to the Rishis, the Brahmadikās, and to a great number of persons dis- tinguished for their writings, considered as inspired, as PĀṆINI, VYĀSA, &c. 2. An ascetic, a devotee. 3. An Arhat or Jaina deified teacher. 4. The saint AGASTYA. 5. The Palāśh tree, (Butea frondosa.) 6. Another tree, (Buchanania latifolia.) E. मन् to be revered, Unādi aff. इन्, and उ substituted for the radical vowel.
  • मुनिच्छद :: m. (-दः) सप्तच्छदे . “छातिम् ।”
  • मुनिद्रुम :: m. (-मः) A tree, (Æschynomene grandiflora.) E. मुनि the saint AGASTYA, and द्रुम a tree. “श्योनाक वृक्षे, वकवृक्षे च ।”
  • मुनिपित्तल :: n. (-लं) Copper. E. मुनि a devotee, and पित्तल brass.
  • मुनिपुङ्गव :: m. (-वः) A pre-eminent sage. E. मुनि a sage, and पुङ्गव, (in com- position) pre-eminent.
  • मुनिपुत्त्रक :: m. (-कः) A wagtail. E. मुनि a sage, पुत्त्र a child, and कन् aff. of comparison. “दमन वृक्षे ।”
  • मुनिपूग :: m. (-गः) A kind of Areca, (A. triandra, or gracilis, Rox.) E. मुनि and पूग Areca.
  • मुनिभेषज :: n. (-जं) 1. Fasting. 2. The fruit of the yellow myrobalan. 3. The saint AGASTYA. E. मुनि a sage, भेषज a drug or medicament.
  • मुनिसुव्रत :: m. (-तः) The twentieth Jaina pontiff of the present era.
  • मुनिस्थान :: n. (-नं) A hermitage, the abode or retirement of holy sages. E. मुनि an ascetic, and स्थान a place.
  • मुनीन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) 1. A superior Muni or sage. 2. A Buddha, a Bauddha sage or teacher. E. मुनि a sage, and इन्द्र chief.
  • मुन्थ् :: r. 1st cl. (मन्थति) To go, to move.
  • मुन्यन्न :: n. (-न्नं) Wild grain, roots, fruit, &c. E. मुनि a hermit, अन्न food.
  • मुमुक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) 1. Desire of liberation. 2. Desire of final emancipation.
  • मुमुक्षु :: m. (-क्षुः) 1. A sage, abstracted from all human passion and feel- ing, and preparing himself for eternal emancipation. 2. Any one anxious for liberation, especially from mundane existence. E. मुच् to liberate, in the desiderative form, उ aff.
  • मुमुचान :: m. (-नः) A cloud.
  • मुमुषिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing to steal. E. मुष् to steal, desid. v., उ aff.
  • मुमुषिषुवत् :: Ind. Like a thief. E. मुमु, षिषुवति aff.
  • मुमूर्षा :: f. (-र्षा) Wish to die, impatience of life. E. मृ to die, desid v., अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • मुमूर्षु :: m. (-र्षुः) A man at the point of the death, a dying-man. E. मृ to die, desiderative or expectative form, and उ aff.
  • मुर् :: r. 6th cl. (मुरति) To encircle, to entwine, to bind together.
  • मुर् :: f. (-मूः) Fainting. E. मुर्च्छ् to faint, aff. क्किप्, the छ rejected after र ।
  • मुर :: m. (-रः) The name of a DAITYA killed by VISHṆU. f. (-रा)

table perfume. n. (-रं) Surrounding, encircling. E. मुर to encircle, aff. क, or अङ् and टाप् fem. aff.

  • मुरज :: m. (-जः) 1. A small drum, a tabor. 2. A stanza the letters of which can be arranged in the form of a drum. f. (-जा) 1. The wife of KUVERA. 2. A large drum. E. मुर encircling, with wood, &c. ज born, made.
  • मुरजफल :: m. (-लः) The jack-fruit tree, (Artocarpus integrifolia.)
  • मुरण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A country on the north west of Hindusthan, called also Lampaka, and now Lamgan. m. Plu (-ण्डाः) The inhabitants of Lamgan.
  • मुरद :: m. (-दः) The conch of VISHṆU. E. मुर a demon, दो to cut, (to alarm,) aff. ड ।
  • मुरन्दला :: f. (-ला) The Narmadā river.
  • मुरमण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) Pimples on the face.
  • मुररिपु :: m. (-पुः) A name of KRISHṆA or VISHṆU. E. मुर the demon, रिपु enemy.
  • मुरला :: f. (-ला) The Narmadā river.
  • मुरलि :: f. (-ली) A flute, a pipe. E. मुर surrounding, ला to get or have, affs. क and ङीष् ।
  • मुरलीधर :: m. (-रः) A name of KRISHṆA. E. मुरली a flute, धर who holds.
  • मुरहन् :: m. (-हा) A name of VISHṆU. E. मुर the demon, हन् slayer.
  • मुरारि :: m. (-रिः) A name of VISHṆU. E. मुर the demon, अरि the foe.
  • मुर्च्छ् (आ,) मुर्च्छा :: r. 1st cl. (मूर्च्छति) 1. To be faint, to lose conscious- ness or perception. 2. To increase, to grow. 3. To settle in a solid form, to become dense. 4. To prevail against. 5. To be frequent. 6. To sound loudly. With सम् To be intense.
  • मुर्भिणी :: f. (-णी) A small fire-place or fire-pan.
  • मुर्मुर :: m. (रः) 1. A name of KĀMA or CUPID. 2. A fire of chaff. 3. One of the horses of the sun. E. मुर-क पृषो० द्वित्वम् ।
  • मुर्व् (ई) मुर्व्वी :: r. 1st cl. (मुर्वति) To bind, to tie.
  • मुल् :: r. 10th cl. (मोलयति-ते) To plant: more usually मूल ।
  • मुशटी :: f. (-टी) A kind of panick-seed, (Panicum italicum,) described as a white variety. E. मुष् -अटच् गौरा ङीष् पृषो० ।
  • मुश(स)ली :: f. (-ली) A small house-lizard: see मुषली; also with कन् added मुशलिका f. (-का) ।
  • मुष् :: r. 1st cl. (मोषति) To injure, to kill. r. 9th cl. (मुष्णाति) 1. To steal, to rub, to plunder. 2. To captivate. 3. To surpass. r. 4th cl. (मुष्यति) 1. To cut, to divide, to break. 2. To steal.
  • मुषक :: m. (-कः) A rat: see मूषक ।
  • मुषल :: m. (-लः) 1. A club, a mace. 2. A pestle for cleaning rice. f. (-ली) 1. A house-lizard. 2. A plant, (Curculigo orchioides:) see मुशली, मुसल, and मुसली ।
  • मुषलामुषलि :: Ind. Club to club, (fighting, &c.) E. मुषल repeated, इच् added; also मुसलामुसली ।
  • मुल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) Meriting or pounding to death: see मुसल्य ।
  • मुषा :: f. (-षा) A crucible. E. मुष् to steal, affs. अङ् and टाप्; also मूषा ।
  • मुषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Stolen, robbed. E. मुष् to steal, aff. क्त ।
  • मुष्क :: m. (-ष्कः) 1. The scrotum. 2. The testicle. 3. A heap, a quantity. 4. A thief. 5. A stout man. 6. A plant, commonly Ghaṇtāpārali. E. मुष् to steal, (semen, &c.) कक aff.
  • मुष्कक :: m. (-कः) 1. A plant, commonly Ghaṇtāpārali. E. मुष्क a thief, (of disease,) कन् added.
  • मुष्कद्वय :: n. (-यं) The testicles. E. मुष्क and द्वय pair.
  • मुष्कर :: m. (-रः) A man with large testicles. E. मुष्क testicle, and रच् aff.
  • मुष्कशून्य :: m. (-न्यः) An eunuch, a guard of the women's apartments. E. मुष्क testicle, and शून्य wanting.
  • मुष्ट :: n. (-ष्टं) Theft, robbery. E. मुष् to steal, aff. क्त, form irr.
  • मुष्टि :: mf. (-ष्टिः-ष्टी) 1. The fist, the closed hand. 2. The hilt or handle of a sword, etc. 3. A handful or Pala, the initiatory measure in the tables of the measures of grain. 4. The penis. 5. Filching, steal- ing. E. मुष् to steal or take, aff. क्तिच् ।
  • मुष्टिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A goldsmith. 2. A particular position of the hands.

3. Name of a demon killed by BALADEVA. n. (-कं) A pugilistic encounter. E. मुष्टि stealing and कृ to make, aff. ड ।

  • मुष्टिकान्तक :: m. (-कः) A name of BALADEVA the brother of KRISHṆA.
  • मुष्टिद्यूत :: n. (-तं) A kind of game, odd or even. E. मुष्टि the fist, द्यूत gaming. “पुरमुट् ।”
  • मुष्टिन्धम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Who blows in or on his closed fist. E. मुष्टि, and ध्मा to breathe, aff. खच् ।
  • मुष्टिन्धय :: m. (-यः) A child. E. मुष्टि the fist, धे to drink or suck, aff. खश् ।
  • मुष्टिपात :: m. (-तः) Pummelling, boxing. E. मुष्टि, पात falling.
  • मुष्टिबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Clenching the fist. E. मुष्टि the fist, बन्ध binding.
  • मुष्टिसंग्राहपीडित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Squeezed, pressed, griped. E. मुष्टि, संग्राह taking, पीडित squeezed.
  • मुष्टिमुष्टि :: Ind. Fist to fist, (fighting,) fisticuffs. E. मुष्टि repeated in this sense, and the final made long.
  • मुष्णत् :: mfn. (-ष्णन् -ष्णन्ती -ष्णत्) 1. Stealing, robbing. 2. Depriving of. 3. Obscuring, eclipsing. E. मुष् to steal, शतृ aff.
  • मुस् (इर) मुसिर :: r. 4th cl. (मुस्यति) To divide, to cut or break to pieces.
  • मुसल :: n. (-लं) 1. A pestle, a wooden pestle used for cleaning rice. 2. A club. f. (-ली) 1. A plant, (Curculigo orchioides.) 2. A house- lizard. E. मुस् to break, aff. कलच्; it is also read with its com- pounds and derivatives मुषल, मुषली, and sometimes मुशल, &c.
  • मुसलिन् :: m. (-ली) A name of BALARĀMA. E. मुसल a pestle, or pestle-like club, used by him as a weapon, इनि aff.
  • मुसल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) Deserving death by pounding with a pestle. E. मुसल a pestle, यत् aff.
  • मुस्त् :: r. 10th cl. (मुस्तयति-ते) To accumulate, to collect, to heap together.
  • मुस्त :: mf. (-स्तः-स्ता) A sort of grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) E. मुस्त to accumulate, aff. अच् “मुथा ।”
  • मुस्तक :: mn. (-कः-कं) 1. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) 2. A sort of poison. E. मुस्त to accumulate, ण्वुल् aff.
  • मुस्ताद :: m. (-दः) A hog. E. म्रस्ता Cyperus, and अद who eats.
  • मुस्तु :: m. (-स्तुः) The fist. E. मुस् to break, तुन् aff.
  • मुस्र :: n. (-स्रं) 1. A pestle. 2. A tear. E. मुस् to divide, Unādi aff. रच् ।
  • मुह् (ऊ) मुहू :: r. 4th cl. (मुह्यति) To be foolish, to be incapable of dis- crimination or judgment, to be bereft of sense or wisdom.
  • मुहिर :: m. (-रः) 1. Love, desire, KĀMADEVA. 2. A fool, a blockhead. E. मुह् to grow foolish, Unādi aff. किरच् ।
  • मुहुर्भाषा :: f. (-षा) Tautology, repetition. E. मुहुस् repeatedly, भाषा speech.
  • मुहुस् :: Ind. 1. Repeatedly, reiteratedly, again and again. 2. For a moment. E. मुह् to be foolish, Unādi aff. उसिक् .
  • मुहूर्त्त :: mn. (-र्त्तः-र्त्तं) Adivision of time, the thirtieth part of a day and night, or an hour of forty-eight minutes. m. (-र्त्तः) An astrologer. E. हुर्च्छ to be crooked or fraudulent, क्त aff., form irr., and मुक् initiatory augment.
  • मुहेर :: m. (-रः) A fool, a blockhead, an ignoramus. E. मुह् to be foolish, एरक् Unādi aff.
  • मू :: r. 1st cl. (मवते) To bind, to tie, to make fast.
  • मू :: f. (-मूः) Binding, tying. E. मू to tie, aff. क्विप् ।
  • मूक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Dumb. 2. Poor, wretched. m. (-कः) 1. A fish. 2. A demon. 3. A pauper. E. मू imitative sound, and कै to utter, aff. क; or मू to bind, कक् aff.
  • मूकिमन् :: m. (-मा) Silence, dumbness.
  • मूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Foolish, ignorant. 2. Cold, apathetic, stupid. 3. Perplexed, in doubt. 4. Deceived, erring. m. (-ढः) 1. An idiot, a fool. 2. A sluggard. E. मुह् to be foolish, aff. क्त, form irr.
  • मूढगर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) 1. A bad presentation of the child at birth, causing difficult delivery. 2. A dead fœtus. E. मूढ, and गर्भ the fœtus.
  • मूढग्राह :: m. (-हः) Infatuation. E. मूढ, and ग्राह seizure.
  • मूढचेतस् :: mfn. (-ताः -ता -तः) Insane, bewildered. E. मूढ, and चेतस् mind.
  • मूढता :: f. (-ता) Folly, silliness, ignorance. E. मूढ, and तल् aff.; also मूढत्वं
  • मूढात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Foolish, a fool. E. मूढ, and आत्मन् self.
  • मूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Bound, tied. 2. Confined. E. मू to bind, aff. क्त .
  • मूत्र् :: r. 10th cl. (मूत्रयति-ते) To urine, to make water.
  • मूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) Urine, piss. E. मूत्र to piss, घञ् aff.; or मुच् to loose, Unādi aff. त्रन्, and ऊ substituted for the vowel; or मूत्र-अच् ।
  • मूत्रकृच्छ्र :: n. (-च्छ्रं) 1. Strangury. 2. Urinary affection in general, as gravel, &c. E. मूत्र urine, कृच्छ्र pain.
  • मूत्रग्रन्थि :: m. (-न्थिः) Obstruction at the neck of the bladder. E. मूत्र, ग्रन्थि, knot.
  • मूत्रदोष :: m. (-षः) Gonorrhœa, considered as an urinary complaint. E. मूत्र urine, दोष fault.
  • मूत्रपतन :: m. (-नः) A civet cat.
  • मूत्रपुट :: n. (-टं) The lower belly. E. मूत्र urine, and पुट to be shallow, aff. क .
  • मूत्रमार्ग :: m. (-र्गः) The urethra. E. मूत्र, मार्ग passage.
  • मूत्रल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Diuretic. mf. (-लः-ला) A cucumber. E. मूत्र urine, लच् aff.
  • मूत्रशुक्र :: n. (-क्रं) Milky urine, depositing a thick white sediment. E. मूत्र, and शुक्र, semen, which is supposed to give the colour.
  • मूत्रसङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Urinary obstruction. E. मूत्र, and सङ्ग being with.
  • मूत्राघात :: m. (-तः) Suppression of urine. E. मूत्र, and आघात impediment.
  • मूत्रातीत :: m. (-तः) Difficult or slow passage of urine. E. मूत्र, अतीत passed.
  • मूत्राशय :: m. (-यः) 1. The bladder. 2. The lower belly, the pubic region. E. मूत्र urine, and आशय place.
  • मूत्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pissed, voided as urine. E. मूत्र to urine, aff. क्त .
  • मूत्रोत्सङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Obstructed or tardy flow of urine, discharge of it mixed with blood, &c. E. मूत्र and उत्सङ्ग adhesion.
  • मूर्ख :: mfn. (-र्खः -र्खा -र्खं) Foolish, ignorant, stupid, idiotic. m. (-र्खः) A sort of bean, (Phaseolus radiatus.) E. मूर्ख substituted for मुह् to be fool- ish, aff. अच्; or मुर् substituted for the root, with ख Unādi aff.
  • मूर्खभ्रातृक :: m. (-कः) The brother of a fool. E. मूर्ख a fool, भ्रातृ a brother, कप् aff.
  • मूर्च्छत् :: mfn. (-र्च्छन् -र्च्छन्ती -र्च्छत्) Fainting, swooning, E. मूर्च्छ् to faint, शतृ aff.
  • मूर्च्छन :: nf. (-नं-नी) 1. Fainting syncope, swooning, meeting. 2. Vehe- mence growth, increase. 3. Causing insensibility, (applied to one of the five arrows of KĀMA.) 4. Calcining quicksilver with sulphur, &c. f. (-ना) 1. The rise and fall of sounds in music. 2. Modula- tion, melody. E. मूर्च्छ् to faint, to become insensible, aff. ल्युट् .
  • मूर्च्छा :: f. (-र्च्छा) 1. Fainting, loss of consciousness or sense. 2. Delusion. 3. A particular process in calcining metals. E. मूर्च्छा to be faint, affs. अङ् and टाप् .
  • मूर्च्छाल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Fainted, fainting, insensible. E. मूर्च्छा fainting, (the act,) लच् aff.
  • मूर्च्छावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Faint. E. मूर्च्छा, and मतुप् aff.
  • मूच्छित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Fainting, fainted, insensible. 2. Stupid, igno- rant. 3. Tall, lofty. 4. Grown, increased, augmented. 5. Intensi- fied. 6. Filled with. 7. Calcined. E. मूर्च्छ् to be faint, to grow or increase, &c., aff. क्त; or मूर्च्छा as above, इतच् aff.
  • मूर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Bound, tied, E. मूर्व्व् to bind, aff. क्त, form irr.
  • मूर्त्त :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -र्त्ता -र्त्तं) 1. Fainting, fainted, losing sense or conscious- ness. 2. Solid, material, endowed with form or shape. 3. Embo- died, corporeal. 4. Hard. 5. Stupid. E. मुर्च्छ् to lose consciousness, aff. क्त, form irr.
  • मूर्त्ति :: f. (-र्त्तिः) 1. Matter, substance, solidity. 2. The body. 3. Figure, form, body in general, or any definite shape or image. 4. Manifes- tation. 5. Beauty. 6. Hardness. E. मूर्च्छ् to faint, to become insen- sible, aff. क्तिन्, form irr.
  • मूर्त्तिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) 1. Material, substantial, having shape or substance. 2. Incarnate, embodied. n. (-मत्) The body. E. मूर्त्ति shape, &c. मतुप् poss. aff.
  • मूर्द्ध(र्ध्व)क :: m. (-कः) The man of the second or military class. E. मूर्द्ध the head, and कन् aff.; also मूर्धक ।
  • मूर्द्धकर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) An umbrella.
  • मूर्द्धकर्प्परी :: f. (-री) An umbrella, or inverted basket carried on the head for the same purpose. E. मूर्द्ध the head, कर्प्पर a sort of pan, ङीष् aff.
  • मूर्द्धखोल :: n. (-लं) A sort of umbrella: see the last. E. मूर्द्ध the head, खोल or खोलक a helmet.
  • मूर्द्धज :: m. (-जः) 1. Hair, the hair of the head. 2. The name. E. मूर्द्ध the head, ज born.
  • मूर्द्धज्योतिस् :: n. (-तिः) A hole in the crown of the head from which the soul is supposed to escape.
  • मूर्द्धन् :: m. (-र्द्धा) 1. The head. 2. The Forehead. 3. Top. 4. Front, 5. The head, the chief. E. मूह् to be foolish, Unādi aff. कनिन्, form irr.; or मुर्व्व् to bind, the same aff., धञ् augment; also read मूर्धन् and मूर्ध्वन् ।
  • मूर्द्ध्वन्य :: f. (-न्या) 1. Being in or on the head. 2. Pre-eminent, excellent. 3. Cerebral, (applied to the following letters, viz:-- ऋ, ॠ, ट, ठ, ड, ढ, ण, र and ष .
  • मूर्द्धपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A tree, commonly Sirisha, (Mimosa sirisha.) E. मूर्द्ध the head, पुष्प flower.
  • मूर्द्धरस :: m. (-सः) The scum of boiled rice, &c. E. मूर्द्ध head, top, रस juice.
  • मूर्द्धवेष्टन :: n. (-नं) A turban, a fillet, a diadem, &c. E. मूर्द्ध the head, वेष्टन surrounding.
  • मूर्द्धाभिषिक्त :: m. (-क्तः) 1. A man of the second or military class, the Kshetriya or soldier. 2. A king, a prince. 3. A chief minister, a counsellor of state. 4. The name of a mixed class, sprung from a Brāhmana, and female of the second or Kshetriya tribe; the prin- cipal of the mixed races, and soldier by profession. E. मूर्द्ध the head, and अभिषिक्त sprinkled, anointed; kings being consecrated by having poured on their heads, while seated on a throne pre- pared for the purpose, water from some sacred stream, mixed with honey, clarified butter, and spirituous liquor, as well as two sorts of grass and the sprouts of corn: the term applies to the Kshetriya as identified with the king, the duties of royalty, belonging especially to the military caste.
  • मूर्ध्वन् :: m. (-र्द्धा) 1. The head. 2. The base, (in geometry.) E. मूर्व्वा to bind, Unādi aff. कनिन् and ध्वङ् substituted for the radical final.
  • मूर्व्वा :: f. (-र्व्वा-र्व्वी) A sort of creeper, from the fibres of which bow- strings are made, (Sanseviera zeylanica;) they should also form the girdle worn by the Kshetriya class. E. मुर्व्व् to bind, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • मूल् :: r. 1st cl. (मूलति-ते) 1. To stand, to be rooted or firm. 2. To accu- mulate. r. 10th cl. (मूलयति-ते) 1. To plant or transplant. 2. To grow as a plant, to sprout, to shoot or germinate. With उद् prefixed, to root up or out, to eradicate, to exterminate.
  • मूल :: n. (-लं) 1. A root, the root of a tree, &c. 2. Origin, commencement. 3. Capital, principal. 4. Near, proximate. 5. Own, peculiar, pro- per. 6. The root of the Arum campanulatum. 7. The original text of any work, as opposed to the Tīkā or comment. 8. The root or bottom of any thing. 9. The end of any thing by which it is joined to something else. 10. Authority, source, origin. 11. Vicinity. 12. Basis, foundation. 13. A hereditary servant. 14. Capital, stock. 15. Square root, (in math.) 16. A king's own territory. 17. A thicket. 18. A vender who is not a true owner. mn. (-लः-लं) The nineteenth lunar asterism, containing eleven stars, which appear to be the same as those in the SCORPION'S tail. f. (-ली) A small house-lizard. E. मूल् to stand, to be rooted or firm, aff. क; or मू to bind, Unādi aff. क्त .
  • मूलक :: mn. (-कः-कं) 1. The radish, (Raphanus sativus.) 2. A large sort of yam. m. (-कः) A sort of poison. E. मूल a root, कन् added.
  • मूलकपण :: m. (-णः) A handful of radishes, &c. for sale. E. मूलक, and पण measure.
  • मूलकपोतिका :: f. (-का) A radish.
  • मूलकमूला :: f. (-ला) A plant, commonly Kshīrakākoli.
  • मूलकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Magic. E. मूल original, and कर्म्मन् act.
  • मूलकारिका :: f. (-का) A fire place. E. मूल primary, (work,) कारिक an agent.
  • मूलकृच्छ्र :: n. (-च्छ्रं) A sort of penance, subsisting for a given time on the roots of plants only. E. मूल a root, and कृच्छ्र penance.
  • मूलकेशर :: m. (-रः) A citron.
  • मूलखानक :: m. (-कः) A digger for roots. E. मूल, and खानक a digger.
  • मूलगुण :: m. (-णः) The coefficient of a root.
  • मूलज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Born from a root, &c. m. (-जः) A plant growing from a root, as lotus, &c. n. (-जं) Green ginger. E. मूल a root, and ज born.
  • मूलदेव :: m. (-वः) A name of KAṂSA, the uncle of KRISHṆA. E. मूल origi- nal, and देव a deity; the incarnation of a demi-god.
  • मूलद्रव्य :: n. (-व्यं) Capital, principal, stock. E. मूल capital, द्रव्य substance.
  • मूलधन :: n. (-नं) Capital, principal, stock. E. मूल capital, धन wealth.
  • मूलधातु :: m. (-तुः) Lymph.
  • मूलपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A plant, (Hydrocotyle asiatica.) “मण्डुकपर्ण्याम् ।”
  • मूलपुरुष :: m. (-षः) The male representative of a family.
  • मूलप्रकृति :: f. (-तिः) The Pradhāna of the Sānkhyas.
  • मूलभद्र :: m. (-द्रः) A name of KAṂSA, the uncle of KRISHṆA. E. मूल origin, and भद्र auspicious.
  • मूलभृत्य :: m. (-त्यः) An old or hereditary servant. E. मूल, भृत्य dependent.
  • मूलविभुज :: m. (-जः) A car, a carriage a chariot. E. मूल the root, (the axle,) and विभुज what bends.
  • मूलशाकट :: mfn. (-टः -टी -टं) Fit or cultivated for esculent roots, (as the arum, the radish and others, a field, &c.) E. मूल a root, and शाकट aff.; also with शाकिन aff., मूलशाकिन mfn. (-नः -ना -नं).
  • मूलस्थान :: n. (-नं) 1. Ether, heaven, space or atmosphere. 2. God. 3. Base, foundation. f. (-नी) GAURĪ. E. मूल primary origin, &c., and स्थान place, abode.
  • मूला :: f. (-ला) 1. The name of a plant. “शतमूल्याम्” 2. The asterism MŪLA.
  • मूलाधार :: n. (-रं) The navel.
  • मूलिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Radical, (literal or figurative,) primary, prin- cipal. m. (-कः) A devotee, living on roots. E. मूल a root, ठक् aff.
  • मूलिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) Having a root, stock, origin, &c. m. (-ली) A tree. E. मूल a root, aff. इनि .
  • मूलेर :: m. (-रः) 1. Indian spikenard. 2. A king. E. मूल to be rooted, Unādi aff. एरक् .
  • मूल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) 1. To be eradicated, to be pulled or plucked up by the root. 2. To be bent from the root, &c. 3. To be bought, purchasable. 4. To be bought for a fair or just price. n. (-ल्यं) 1. Price, worth. 2. Wages, hire. 3. An article purchased. 4. Gain. 5. Capital, principal. E. मूल principal, and यत् aff.
  • मूष् :: r. 1st cl. (मूषति) To steal, to rob or plunder.
  • मूष :: mfn. (-षः -षी -षं) 1. A rat, a mouse. 2. A crucible. 3. An air-hole, a window. f. (-षा) 1. A sort of grass, (Andropogon serratum.) 2. A female rat. E. मूष् to steal, aff. क .
  • मूषक :: mf. (-कः-षका or षिका) 1. A mouse, a rat. 2. A thief. E. कन् or नक् added to the last.
  • मूषकाराति :: m. (-तिः) A cat. E. मूषक a rat, and अराति enemy.
  • मूषण :: n. (-णं) Stealing, pilfering. E. मूष् to steal, ल्युट् aff.
  • मूषत् :: mfn. (-षन् -षन्ती -षत्) Stealing, plundering. E. मूष, and शतृ aff.
  • मूषाकर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) An aquatic plant, (Salvinia cucullata.) E. मूषा a rat, कर्ण the ear; to which the leaf of the plant is compared, fem. aff. ङीष्; also मूषिकपर्णी .
  • मूषातुत्थ :: n. (-त्थं) Blue vitriol. E. मूषा a crucible. तुत्थ sulphate of copper.
  • मूषिक :: mf. (-कः-का) A rat, a mouse. m. (-कः) 1. A tree, commonly Sirisha, (Mimosa sirisha.) 2. A thief, a plunderer. 3. A country, the part of the Mālābār coast between Quilon and Cape Comorin. f. (-का) A plant, (Salvinia cucullata.) 2. A crucible. E. मूष् to steal, Unādi aff. किनन् and the vowel made long; also मूषिका, मूषा, and मूषी .
  • मूषिकपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) An aquatic plant of the cryptogamia class, (Sal- vinia cucullata.) E. मूषिक a rat, (ears, understood,) and पर्णी a leaf, aff. ङीष्; having a leaf compared to a mouse's ear.
  • मूषिकाङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) A name of GAṆEŚA. E. मूषिक a rat, अङ्क a mark or emblem; being usually painted riding on a rat or attended by one.
  • मूषिकाञ्चन :: m. (-नः) A name of GAṆEŚA. E. मूषिक a rat, and अञ्चन going.
  • मूषिकार :: m. (-रः) A male mouse.
  • मूषिकाराति :: m. (-तिः) A cat. E. मूषिक, and अराति an enemy.
  • मूषिकाह्वय :: m. (-यः) A plant, (Salvinia cucullata.) E. मूषिक a rat, and आह्वय appellation; also मूषिकाह्व .
  • मूषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Stolen. E. मूष and क्त aff.
  • मूषिपर्णिका :: f. (-का) A plant; see the last. E. मूषि for मूषी, and कन् added to पर्णी
  • मूषीक :: mf. (-कः-का) A rat, a mouse. E. मूष् to steal, कीकन् aff.
  • मूष्यायण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Born of unknown parents, of concealed birth or origin. E. अमूष्यायण the son of some body, and the initiatory vowel rejected.
  • मृ (मृ) :: r. 6th cl. (म्रियते) To die. With अनु, to die after.
  • मृकण्डक :: m. (-कः) The name of a saint; also called MĀRKAṆḌEYA. E. मृकण्ड the name of his father, and वुन् aff.
  • मृकण्डु :: m. (-ण्डुः) The saint MĀRKAṆḌEYA. E. मृकण्डु his father, अण् aff.; but the word unchanged.
  • मृक्ष् :: r. 1st cl. (मृक्षति) To accumulate, to collect, to fill. r. 10th cl. (मृक्षयति) 1. To mix, to mingle, to blend or combine. 2. To speak incorrectly.
  • मृग् :: r. 4th cl. (मृग्यति) r. 10th cl. (मृगयते) 1. To seek, or pursue, to hunt, to chase. 2. To investigate. 3. To beg any thing from any body.
  • मृग :: m. (-गः) 1. A deer, an antelope. 2. An animal in general. 3. Re- search, inquiry, investigation. 4. Asking, soliciting, begging. 5. A kind of elephant, one with white marks on his forehead. 6. The fifth lunar constellation, more usually Mṛgaśiras: see मृगशिरस् . 7. The month in which the moon is full in the constellation Mṛgas- īras. 8. A particular sacrifice. 9. Musk. 10. Hunting, chase. 11. One of the four classes into which men are divided, (in erotic works.) 12. The spots of the moon represented as an antelope. f. (-गी) 1. A description of woman, perhaps the same as the one termed चित्रिणी, the corresponding female to the male called मृग . 2. A female deer, a doe. 3. A species of the Madhya metre. 4. Epilepsy. E. मृग् to search, to chase, aff. क ।
  • मृगक्षीर :: n. (-रं) Doe's milk. E. मृग for मृगी a female deer, and क्षीर milk.
  • मृगगामिनी :: f. (-नी) A kind of medical plant, “विडङ्गायाम् ।”
  • मृगचैटक :: m. (-कः) A wild or pole-cat. “खटाश् ।”
  • मृगजल :: n. (-लं) Mirage.
  • मृगजलस्रान :: n. (-नं) Bathing in the waters of a mirage, (i. e.) an impossibility.
  • मृगजालिका :: f. (-का) A net for confining deer. E. मृग a deer, जालिका a net.
  • मृगजीवन :: m. (-नः) A hunter. E. मृग a deer, जीवन living, subsistence.
  • मृगण :: nf. (-णं-णा) Search, inquiry, research. E. मृग् to search for or after, affs. युच् and टाप् ।
  • मृगतृष् :: f. (-तृट्) Vapour floating over sands or deserts, and appearing at a distance like water. E. मृग a deer, तृष् to thirst, aff. क्विप्; deer being deceived by it; also with अङ् and टाप् aff, मृगतृषा, and with तृष्णा thirst, मृगतृष्णा ।
  • मृगतृषा :: f. (-षा) Mirage: see the last.
  • मृगतृष्णा :: f. (-ष्णा) Sultry vapour, mirage: see the last.
  • मृगतृष्णिका :: f. (-का) Sultry vapour. E. कन् added to the last.
  • मृगदंशक :: m. (-कः) A dog. E. मृग deer, and दंशक who bites.
  • मृगदृश् :: f. (-दृक्) A deer-eyed woman.
  • मृगद्युत् :: m. (-द्युत्) A hunter. E. मृग, द्यु to go, क्विप् aff., तुक् added.
  • मृगद्यू :: m. (-द्यूः) A hunter. E. मृग and दिव् to play, क्विप् aff., and the semi-vowel changed.
  • मृगद्विष् :: m. (-द्विट्) A lion.
  • मृगधर :: m. (-रः) The moon.
  • मृगधूर्त्तक :: m. (-कः) A jackal. E. मृग a deer, and धूर्त्तक a cheat; preying upon them only in consequence of his luring them into his reach.
  • मृगनाभि :: m. (-भिः) Musk. E. मृग a deer, (the musk-deer,) and नाभि the navel; the musk being formed in a bag attached to the belly of the animal about the navel.
  • मृगनाभिज :: nf. (-जं-जा) Musk. E. मृग a deer, नाभि the navel, ज produced.
  • मृगनेत्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) Possessing or relating to the constellation Mṛgasīrsha. f. (-त्री) A woman with beautiful eyes, or eyes like a deer. E. मृग the asterism, णी to get, तृच् aff., and अप् added; or मृग a deer, and नेत्र the eye.
  • मृगपातो :: m. (-तिः) A lion. E. मृग an animal or a deer, and पति lord.
  • मृगपद :: n. (-दं) A deer's foot. E. मृग, and पद for पाद foot.
  • मृगपालिका :: f. (-का) The musk-deer. E. मृग a deer, पाल् to nourish, वुन् aff., fem. form.
  • मृगपिप्लु :: m. (-प्लुः) The moon. E. मृग a deer, and पिप्लु a mark or spot.
  • मृगधाजीव :: m. (-वः) A hunter, a deer-killer. E. मृग a deer, वध killing, and आजीव who lives by.
  • मृगबन्धिनी :: f. (-नी) A net for confining deer. E. मृग a deer, and बन्धिनी confinement.
  • मृगभोजनी :: f. (-नी) Bitter apple or Colocynth. E. मृग, and भोजन eating.
  • मृगमद :: m. (-दः) Musk. E. मृग a deer, and मद passion, or fluid that dis- tils from the elephant's temples when in rut, and to which this secretion is considered analogous.
  • मृगमदवासा :: f. (-सा) A musk-bag.
  • मृगमन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) Name of a particular class of elephants.
  • मृगमातृका :: f. (-का) A female antelope. E. मृग, मातृ mother, कन् added.
  • मृगमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Seeking, pursuing, hunting. E. मृग् to seek, शानच् aff.
  • मृगमुख :: m. (-खः) The sign Capricornus of the zodiac.
  • मृगया :: f. (-या) Chase, hunting. E. मृग् to search or seek, यत् aff., deriv. irr.
  • मृगयु :: m. (-युः) 1. BRAHMĀ. 2. A jackal. 3. A hunter. E. मृग a deer, या to go, कु Unādi aff., form irr; or मृग्-यु ।
  • मृगराज् :: m. (-राट्) 1. A lion. 2. The sign Leo of the zodiac. 3. A tiger. 4. The moon. E. मृग an animal, and राज् who rules over: also with a final vowel सृगराज m. (-जः)
  • मृगरिपु :: m. (-पुः) A lion. E. मृग an animal, and रिपु the enemy.
  • मृगरोमज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Woollen, (cloth, &c.) E. मृष an animal, रोम hair, and ज produced, made.
  • मृगलाञ्छन :: m. (-नः) The moon. E. मृङ्ग a deer, लाञ्छन symbol, sign.
  • मृगलेखा :: f. (-खा) The deer-like streak on the disc of the moon.
  • मृगवाहन :: m. (-नः) Air, wind. E. मृग a deer, and वाहन vehicle. “स्वातिनक्षत्रे च ।”
  • मृगव्य :: n. (-व्यं) 1. Chase, hunting. 2. The butt or mark in archery. E. मृग a deer, व्यथ् to destroy, aff. ड ।
  • मृगव्याध :: m. (-धः) 1. A hunter. 2. The dog-star. 3. ŚIVA.
  • मृगशार :: m. (-रः) A fawn.
  • मृगशिरस् :: n. (-रः) The fifth lunar mansion, containing three stars, one of which is ORIONIS, and figured by an antelope's head, whence its name. E. मृग a deer, and शिरस् the head; also मृगशिरा f. (-रा) or मृगशिरस् m. (-रः) ।
  • मृगशीर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) The constellation Mrīgaśiras: see the last. E. मृग a deer, and शीर्ष the head; also f. (-र्षा) ।
  • मृगाक्षी :: f. (-क्षी) 1. Bitter-apple, (Cucumis coloquintida.) 2. A woman with eyes like a deer's. E. मृग a deer, अक्षि the eye.
  • मृगाङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) 1. The moon. 2. Air, wind. 3. Camphor. E. मृग a deer, and अङ्क a symbol, or अकि to go, aff. अच् ।
  • मृगाजिन :: n. (-नं) A deer-skin. E. मृग, and अजिन a skin.
  • मृगाजीव :: m. (-वः) 1. A hyena. 2. A hunter. E. मृग a deer, and आजीव who lives by or preys upon.
  • मृगाण्डजा :: f. (-जा) Musk. E. मृग a deer, अण्ड testicle, and ज produced.
  • मृगाद् :: m. (-द or -त्) A tiger. E. मृग a deer, अद् to eat, aff. क्विन् ।
  • मृगादन :: m. (-नः) 1. A hyena. 2. A leopard. f. (-नी) Colocynth, (Cucumis coloquintida.) “इन्द्रवारुणी” E. मृग a deer, and अदन eating.
  • मृगान्तक :: m. (-कः) The Chitā or hunting leopard. E. मृग a deer, अन्तक destroyer.
  • मृगाराति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A dog. 2. A lion. E. मृग a deer, and अराति an enemy.
  • मृगारि :: m. (-रिः) 1. A lion. 2. A tiger. 3. A dog, a hound. E. मृग a deer, and अरि an enemy.
  • मृगाविध् :: m. (-विद्) A hunter, a deer-killer. E. मृग a deer, व्यध् to des- troy, with अङ् prefix, and क्किप् aff., and the semi-vowel changed.
  • मृगास्य :: m. (-स्यः) The sign Capricornus of the zodiac.
  • मृगित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sought, pursued. E. मृग् to chase, aff. क्त ।
  • मृगेन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) A lion. E. मृग an animal, इन्द्र lord, master.
  • मृगेन्द्रचटक :: m. (-कः) A hawk, a falcon. E. मृगेन्द्र a lion, चटक a sparrow.
  • मृगेन्द्रमुख :: n. (-खं) 1. The lion's mouth. 2. A species of the Atijagatī metre. E. मृगेन्द्र, and मुख mouth.
  • मृगै(गे)र्व्वारु :: m. (-रुः) 1. A white deer. 2. Colocynth.
  • मृग्य :: mfn. (-ग्यः -ग्या -ग्यं) To be sought or inquired for. E. मृग् to search, क्यप् aff.
  • मृग्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being sought or inquired after. E. मृग् to search, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • मृच्चय :: m. (-यः) A heap of earth.
  • मृच्छकटिका :: f. (-का) A small cart of clay.
  • मृज् (ऊ) मृजू :: r. 2nd cl. (मार्ष्टि) r. 1st and 10th cls. (मार्जति मार्जयति-ते) 1. To clean, to cleanse. 2. To be clean or pure. 3. To ornament. 4. To sound. 5. To sharpen. With अप or प्र prefixed, 1. To sweep, to sweep away. 2. To clean. With सम 1. To clean. 2. To stroke. 3. To filter.
  • मृज :: m. (-जः) A musical instrument, probably a sort of tabor or drum. f. (-जा) 1. Cleaning the body, by washing, anointing, &c. 2. Purification, ablution. 3. Complexion. E. मृज् to cleanse, to sound aff. क, or अङ्, and टाप् aff.
  • मृजान्वय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Clean, cleansed. E. मृजा, and अन्वय order.
  • मृजित :: f. (-ता) Adj. Wiped away, removed.
  • मृज्य :: mfn. (-ज्यः -ज्या -ज्यं) To be cleaned or purified. E. मृज् to cleanse, क्यप् aff.; also मार्ग्य ।
  • मृड् :: r. 6th cl. (मृडति) r. 9th cl. (मृड्णाति) 1. To delight, to make happy. 2. To rejoice, to be happy or delighted. r. 9th cl. (Accord- ing to some authorities,) To grind or pound.
  • मृड :: m. (-डः) 1. A name of ŚIVA. 2. The fire that completes an obla- tion. f. [ डा or -डा(दा)नी ] DURGĀ, the wife of ŚIVA. E. मृड् to be pleased or delighted, aff. क, fem. aff. ङीष्, with आनुक् augment.
  • मृडङ्कण :: m. (-णः) A child, a pupil. E. मृड् to be pleased, Unādi aff. कङ्कण ।
  • मृडीक :: m. (-कः) A deer. E. मृड् to delight, Unādi aff. कीकन् .
  • मृण् :: r. 6th cl. (मृणति) 1. To hurt, to injure. 2. To kill.
  • मृणाल :: mn. (-लः-लं) The film or fibres attached to the stalk of a lotus. n. (-लं) The root of a fragrant grass, (Andropogon muricatum.) “वीरणमूले” . f. (-ली) A small fibre in the stalk of the water-lily. E. मृण् to hurt, Unādi aff. कालन् ।
  • मृणालिका :: f. (-का) A lotus-stalk.
  • मृणालिन् :: m. (-ली) A lotus. f. (-लिनी) 1. An assemblage of lotus flowers. 2. A place abounding with lotuses. 3. A lotus plant. E. मृणाल a fibre, इनि aff.
  • मृण्मय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Made of earth or clay, (as porcelain, &c.) E. मृत, मयट् aff.; also मृन्मय ।
  • मृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Dead, expired, extinct, defunct. 2. Calcined, reduced, (metals.) n. (-तं) 1. Solicited alms. 2. Death. E. मृ to die, aff. क्त .
  • मृतक :: n. (-कं) 1. A dead body, a corpse. 2. Impurity contracted by the death of a near relation. E. मृत् dead, कन् added.
  • मृतकल्प :: mfn. (-ल्पः -ल्पा -ल्पं) Insensible, fained. E. मृत, कल्प aff. of comparison.
  • मृतकान्तक :: m. (-कः) A jackal. E. मृत dead, and कान्तक fond of.
  • मृतगृह :: n. (-हं) A grave.
  • मृतण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) The sun.
  • मृतपा :: m. (-पाः) A man of the lowest caste, who for a subsistence coll- ects dead men's clothes; conveys dead bodies to the river side to be burnt; executes criminals, &c. E. मृत, and पा who cherishes.
  • मृतमत्त :: m. (-त्तः) A jackal. E. मृत a corpse, and मत्त fond of, mad for; also with कन् added मृतमत्तक ।
  • मृतवत्सा :: f. (-त्सा) A woman or female animal, whose offspring never live long. E. मृत, वत्स young.
  • मृतशङ्का :: f. (-ङ्का) The fear entertained of a person's being dead. E. मृत, शङ्का fear.
  • मृतसञ्जीवनी :: f. (-नी) A Mantra for reviving the dead. E. मृत, सञ्जीवनी reviving.
  • मृतस्नात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Bathed after mourning. 2. Dying immediate- ly after ablution. E. मृत dead, स्नात bathed.
  • मृतस्नान :: n. (-नं) Funeral ablution, bathing after mourning. E. मृत dead, and स्नान bathing.
  • मृतस्वमोक्तृ :: m. (-क्ता) The name of a royal saint. E. मृत death, स्व his own, and मोक्तृ liberator.
  • मृताण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) The sun. E. मृत dead, and अण्ड egg.
  • मृतामद :: n. (-दं) Blue vitriol. E. मृत् earth, मद् to please, आङ् prefix, and अच् aff.
  • मृतालक :: n. (-कं) A fragrant sort of earth. E. मृत earth, अल् to adorn, causal, form, aff. अण्, and कन् added; also मृत्तालक .
  • मृताशौच :: n. (-चं) Impurity contracted through the death of a near relation.
  • मृति :: f. (-तिः) Death, dying. E. मृ to die, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • मृतोद्भव :: m. (-वः) The ocean. E. मृत dead, destroyed, and उद्भव produced.
  • मृत्कण :: m. (-णः) A small lump of earth.
  • मृत्कर :: m. (-रः) A potter. E. मृत earth, and कर who works.
  • मृत्कांस्य :: n. (-स्यं) An earthen vessel, a mug, a pitcher. E. मृत् earth, and कांस्य a goblet.
  • मृत्किरा :: f. (-रा) An earth-worm. E. मृत् earth, and किर a hog, fem. form.
  • मृत्खलिनी :: f. (-नी) A plant, commonly Charmakasā.
  • मृत्ताल :: n. (-लं) A sort of fragrant earth; also called Surat earth. E. मृत् earth, ताल site; place of abiding; also with कन् added, मृत्तालक n. (-कं) and with a single consonant, मृतालक ।
  • मृत्तिका :: f. (-का) 1. Earth, clay, soil. 2. A fragrant earth. E. मृत् earth and तिकन् pleonastic addition, fem. aff. टाप् ।
  • मृत्फली :: f. (-ली) A sort of Costus. “कुड” E. मृत् earth, फल a fruit, fem. aff. ङीष् ।
  • मृत्यु :: mfn. Subst. (-त्युः-त्युः-त्यु) Death, dying. m. (-त्युः) YAMA, the judge of the dead. E. मृ to die, Unādi aff. त्युक् ।
  • मृत्युञ्जय :: m. (-यः) A name of ŚIVA. E. मृत्यु death, and जय conqueror.
  • मृत्युतूर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) The drum beaten at funerals.
  • मृत्युनाशक :: m. (-कः) Quicksilver. E. मृत्यु death, नाशक destroyer, remover.
  • मृत्युपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) Sugar-cane. E. मृत्यु death, पुष्प flower; dying after flowering.
  • मृत्युफल :: n. (-लं) A sort of fruit considered as poisonous. f. (-ला or -ली) The plantain. E. मृत्यु death, फल fruit.
  • मृत्युभङ्गुरक :: m. (-क्षः) A drum beat on funeral occasions. E. मृत्यु death, भङ्गुर crooked, aff. कन् ।
  • मृत्युभृत्य :: m. (-त्यः) Sickness, malady, disease. E. मृत्यु death, भृत्य servant.
  • मृत्युवञ्चन :: m. (-नं) 1. ŚIVA. 2. A raven or a kind of crow, the carrion crow. 3. A tree, (Ægle marmelos.) E. मृत्यु death or decay, and वञ्चन deceiving.
  • मृत्युवीज :: m. (-जः) The bamboo. E. मृत्यु death, and वीज seed.
  • मृत्युसूति :: f. (-तिः) A female crab. E. मृत्य death, and सूति bearing.
  • मृत्सा :: f. (-त्सा) 1. Good or rich soil. 2. A fragrant earth. E. मृत् earth, स aff. of superior quality.
  • मृत्स्ना :: f. (-त्स्ना) 1. Good soil. 2. A fragrant sort of earth. E. मृत् earth, स्न aff. of excellence.
  • मृत्स्नाभाण्डक :: n. (-कं) A pitcher, an earthen vessel for carrying water. E. मृत्स्ना earth, भाण्डक vessel.
  • मृद् :: r. 9th cl. (मृद्नाति) 1. To grind, to powder, to reduce to dust or powder. 2. To trample on, to tread under foot. 3. To squeeze. 4. To wipe away. 5. To overcome.
  • मृद् :: f. (मृद् or मृत्) 1. Earth, soil, clay. 2. A fragrant earth. E. मृद् to trample on, aff. क्विप् .
  • मृदङ्कुर :: m. (-रः) The green pigeon, (Columba hariala, BUCH.)
  • मृदङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A tabour, a small drum. 2. A double drum. 3. A sound, a noise. 4. A bamboo-cane. E. मृद् to be trampled on, to be beat, Unādi aff. अङ्गच्; also with कन् added मृदङ्गक ।
  • मृदङ्गफल :: m. (-लः) The jack tree, (Artocarpus integrifolia.) E. मृदङ्ग a drum, and फल a fruit; perhaps alluding to its size and shape.
  • मृदर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Sportive, sporting. 2. Passing quickly away, transient. E. मृ to die, दर Unādi aff.
  • मृदा :: f. (-दा) Earth, clay, soil. E. मृद् to trample on, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • मृदाकर :: m. (-रः) The thunderbolt. E. मृदा earth, and कर what makes.
  • मृदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Rubbed, ground. 2. Trodden or trampled on. 3. Pressed. E. मृद् to reduce to powder, aff. क्त ।
  • मृदिनी :: f. (-नी) Good soil or earth. E. मृद् earth, इनि aff., fem. aff. ङीष् ।
  • मृदु :: mfn. (-दुः -द्वी -दु) 1. Soft. 2. Blunt, not sharp. 3. Gentle, mild. 4. Slow, weak. f. (-द्वी) The brown grape. m. (-दुः) The planet Saturn. E. मृद् to rub, aff. कु, and the semi-vowel changed to its congener.
  • मृदुकृष्णायस :: n. (-सं) Lead.
  • मृदुकोष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) A man of lax bowels, one easily affected by medicine. E. मृदु, and कोष्ठ intestinal canal.
  • मृदुगमना :: f. (-ना) A goose, a swan. E. मृदु soft, गमन going.
  • मृदुचर्म्मिन् :: m. (-र्म्मी) The Bhurja-patra-tree. E. मृदु soft, चर्म्म skin or bark इनि aff.
  • मृदुच्छद :: m. (-दः) 1. The Bhurja-patra or brich tree. 2. A kind of Pīlu, or tree growing in the hills. E. मृदु soft, and च्छद covering or bark.
  • मृदुता :: f. (-ता) Softness. E. तल् added to मृदु; also with त्व, मृदुत्वं ।
  • मृदुत्वच :: m. (-चः) The Bhurjapatra or brich tree, the bark of which peels off, and is used in making Hooka-snakes, &c. E. मृदु soft, and त्वच skin; also with a final consonant, मृदुत्वच् m. (-त्यक्) ।
  • मृदुन्नक :: n. (-कं) Gold.
  • मृदुपर्व्वन् :: n. (-र्व्व) A cane or ratan; also मृदुपर्वक m. (-कः) ।
  • मृदुपाणि :: mfn. (-णिः -णिः -णि) Having a soft and delicate hand. E. मृदु and पाणि hand.
  • मृदुपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) The Sirisha tree, (Mimosa sirisha.) E. मृदु soft, पुष्प flower.
  • मृदुरोमवत् :: m. (-वान्) A hare. E. मृदु soft, रोमन् hair, and मतुप् aff.
  • मृदुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Soft. 2. Mild, gentle. n. (-लं) 1. Water. 2. A kind of aloe-wood. E. मृदु soft, and कुलच् aff.
  • मृदुलोमक :: m. (-कः) A hare. E. मृदु soft, लोम hair, and कन् added.
  • मृदुवात :: m. (-तः) A gentle breeze, zephyr. E. मृदु soft, and वात wind.
  • मृदूत्पल :: n. (-लं) The blue lotus, (Nymphæa cærulea.) E. मृदु, उत्पल a lotus.
  • मृद्भाण्ड :: m. (-ण्डं) An earthen vessel. E. मृत् and भाण्ड a vessel.
  • मृद्वङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Of soft or tender frame or body. f. (-ङ्गी) A delicate woman. n. (-ङ्गं) Tin. E. मृदु soft, अङ्ग body, substance.
  • मृद्वीका :: f. (-का) A grape. E. मृद् to hurt, कीकन् aff. and उक् augment.
  • मृध् (उ) मृधु :: r. 1st. cl. [ मर्द्ध(र्ध)ति-ते ] 1. To be moist or wet. 2. To hurt or kill.
  • मृध :: n. (-धं) War, battle. E. मृध् to hurt, or kill, aff. ध ।
  • मृन्मरु :: m. (-रुः) A stone, a rock. E. मृद् earth and मरु dry as a desert.
  • मृल्लोष्ट :: n. (-ष्टं) A clod of earth or clay. E. मृत् and लोष्ट a lump.
  • मृश् (औ) मृशौ :: r. 6th cl. (मृशति) 1. To touch. 2. To see, to perceive. 3. To consult, to consider, to deliberate. With परा, to counsel, to advise. With वि, 1. To consider, to discuss. 2. To touch. 3. To observe. 4. To examine.
  • मृष् :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (मर्षति-ते मर्षयति-ते) and 4th cl. (मृष्यति-ते) 1. To bear, to suffer, to endure patiently. 2. To permit. 3. To pardon. (उ) मृषु r. 1st cl. (मर्षति-ते) To sprinkle. With आङ्, To be angry. With वि, To be distressed, to bear hardly.
  • मृषा :: Ind. 1. Falsely. 2. Uselessly, in vain. E. मृष् to bear, with का, aff.
  • मृषाध्यायिन् :: m. (-यी) A species of crane.
  • मृषार्थक :: n. (-कं) An impossibility, an absurdity, (in speech or composi- tion;) the sense of which is evidently false, as कूर्म्मलोमतनुत्राणः, शश- शृङ्गधनुर्धरः, his armour is of tortoise wool, and his bow the horn of a hare. E. मृषा falsely, अर्थ meaning, कन् added.
  • मृषालक :: m. (-कः) The mango tree.
  • मृषावाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Irony, ironical praise. 2. Falsehood. 3. Flattery. E. मृषा falsely, वाद speech, praise.
  • मृषावादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Speaking falsely, lying, a liar. m. (-दी) A false accuser, one who brings forward an unjust or unfounded accusation. E. मृषा falsely, and वादिन् who speaks.
  • मृषोद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) Speaking falsely, lying, a liar, a flatterer. n. (-द्यं) Falsehood. E. मृष् falsely, वद् to speak, aff. क्यप् ।
  • मृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Cleaned, cleansed. 2. Touched, rubbed. 3. Sprin- kled. 4. Cooked. 5. Considered, deliberated. 6. Agreeable. n. (-ष्टं) Pepper. E. मृज् to clean, or मृष् to rub, &c., aff. क्त ।
  • मृष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) 1. Touching, contact. 2. Cleaning. 3. Sprinkling. 4. Preparing the food for a meal. E. मृज् to clean, or मृष् to sprin- kle, &c., क्तिन् aff.
  • मृष्टेरुक :: m. (-कः) 1. A liberal man, a donor, a benefactor. 2. A chur- lish or inhospitable man. 3. An eater of sweetmeats.
  • मॄ :: r. 9th cl. (मृणाति) To hurt, to injure, to kill.
  • मे :: r. 1st cl. (मयते) 1. To barter or exchange. 2. To return, to restore.
  • मेक :: m. (-कः) A goat.
  • मेकल :: mf. (-लः-ला) 1. Name of a certain part of Vindhya mountain. 2. A goat.
  • मेकलकन्यका :: f. (-का) The Narmadā river. E. मेकल or मेखल the name of a Rishi the supposed father, or of a mountain, the source of the stream, and कन्यका daughter; hence also मेखककन्यका ।
  • मेकलाद्रिजा :: f. (-जा) The Narmadā river. E. मेकलाद्रि the Mekala moun- tain, part of the Vindhya range, and ज born.
  • मेखला :: f. (-ला) 1. A woman's girdle or zone. 2. A sword-knot, a string or chain fastened to the hilt, and in fighting bound round the wrist to secure the weapon. 3. A sword-belt. 4. The slope of a mountain. 5. The Narmadā river. 6. The sacrificial string of a Brāhmana when made of deer-skin. 7. A sort of figure, made on the four sides of the hole in which sacrificial fire is offered. 8. A triple zone or string worn round the loins by the three first classes; the girdle of the Brāhmana should be of the fibres of the Munja or of Kuśa grass, that of the Kshetriya of a Mūrvā, and that of the Vaiśya of a thread of the Śaṇa, &c. 9. The girth of a horse. 10. The hips. E. मि to scatter, खलच् aff., deriv. irr.
  • मेखलापद :: n. (-दं) The hip and loins. E. मेखला a zone, and पद place.
  • मेखलिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) Wearing a girdle. m. (-ली) 1. A youth of the Brāhmana tribe, who previous to his marriage wears a girdle suited to his caste. 2. ŚIVA. E. मेखला, and इनि aff.
  • मेघ :: m. (-घः) 1. A cloud. 2. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) 3. A demon, a goblin. 4. A mass, a multitude. n. (-घं) Talc. E. मिह् to sprinkle, aff. अच्, and the final changed.
  • मेघकफ :: m. (-फः) Hail. E. मेघ a cloud, and कफ phlegm.
  • मेघकाल :: m. (-लः) The rains, the rainy season. E. मेघ a cloud, काल time.
  • मेघगर्ज्जन :: fn. (-ना-नं) Thunder. E. मेघ, गर्ज्जन noise.
  • मेघङ्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Cloud-producing, (rainy season.) E. मेघ, कृ to make, खच् aff.
  • मेघचिन्तक :: m. (-कः) The Chātaka, (Cuculus melanoleucus.) E. मेघ a cloud, चिन्तक who think of; being supposed to drink no water but rain, and therefore naturally anxious for cloudy and rainy weather.
  • मेघज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Cloud-born, produced in or from the clouds. m. (-जः) A large pearl. E. मेघ, and ज born.
  • मेघजाल :: n. (-लं) 1. Talc. 2. A mass of clouds. E. मेघ a cloud, and जाल a net; some copies read मेधनाल ।
  • मेघजीवक(न) :: m. (-कः or नः) The Chātaka. E. मेघ a cloud, जीवक living, or जीवन life: see मेघचिन्तक ।
  • मेघज्योतिस् :: m. (-तिः) A flash of lightning or the fire of it. E. मेघ a cloud, ज्योतिस् light.
  • मेघडम्बर :: m. (-रः) Thunder.
  • मेघतिमिर :: n. (-रं) Cloudiness, cloudy or rainy weather. E. मेघ a cloud, तिमिर darkness.
  • मेघदीप :: m. (-पः) Lightning. E. मेघ a cloud, and दीप inflamer.
  • मेघद्वार :: n. (-रं) Sky, heaven, ether. E. मेघ a cloud, and द्वार the gate.
  • मेघनाद :: m. (-दः) 1. The son of RĀVAṆA. 2. A name of VARUṆA, the deity of water. 3. The noise or grumbling of clouds. 4. The Palā- śha tree, (Butea frondosa.) 5. A sort of amaranth, (Amaranthus Polygamus.) E. मेघ a cloud, and नाद sound or noise.
  • मेघनादजित् :: m. (-जित्) LAKSHMAṆA, the favourite brother and com- panion of RĀMA. E. मेघनाद the son of RĀVANA, जित् conqueror.
  • मेघनादानुलासिन् :: m. (-सी) A peacock. E. मेघनाद the muttering of clouds, अनुलस to be delighted by, णिनि aff.; pairing in the rainy season.
  • मेघनामन् :: m. (-मा) A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) E. मेघ a cloud, and नामन् appellation, or it may apply to every term for a cloud, being a synonime of the grass.
  • मेघनिर्घोष :: m. (-षः) The muttering or grumbling of clouds, low or dis- tant thunder. E. मेघ a cloud, and निर्घोष sound, noise.
  • मेघपुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) 1. Water. 2. River-water. 3. Hail. m. (-ष्पः) One of VISHṆU'S horses. E. मेघ a cloud, and पुष्प a flower.
  • मेघप्रसव :: m. (-वः) Water. E. मेघ a cloud, and प्रसव a parent.
  • मेघभूति :: m. (-तिः) The thunderbolt. E. मेघ a cloud, and भूति being.
  • मेघमाला :: f. (-ला) A gathering or succession of clouds. E. मेघ a cloud, माला a necklace or garland.
  • मेघयोनि :: m. (-निः) Smoke, fog. E. मेघ a cloud, योनि place of birth or production.
  • मेघराग :: m. (-गः) One of the six modes of music. E. मेघ a cloud, राग mode; being supposed capable of bringing down rain from heaven.
  • मेघवर्णा :: f. (-र्णा) The indigo-plant. E. मेघ a cloud, and वर्णा colour.
  • मेघवर्त्मन् :: n. (-र्त्म) Sky, atmosphere. E. मेघ a cloud, and वर्त्मन् road.
  • मेघवह्नि :: m. (-ह्निः) The fire of lightning. E. मेघ a cloud, वह्नि fire.
  • मेघवाहन :: m. (-नः) 1. A name of INDRA. 2. ŚIVA. E. मेघ a cloud, वाहन vehicle.
  • मेघविस्फुर्ज्जित :: n. (-तं) 1. Thunder. 2. A species of the Atidhritī metre. E. मेघ, and विस्फुर्ज्जित bursting.
  • मेघवेश्मन् :: n. (-श्म) Sky, atmosphere. E. मेघ a cloud, and वेश्मन् abode.
  • मेघसार :: m. (-रः) A kind of camphor. “चीनकर्पूरे ।”
  • मेघसुहृद् :: m. (-हृद्) A peacock. E. मेघ a cloud, and सुहृद् a friend.
  • मेघस्तनित :: n. (-तं) Thunder.
  • मेघाख्य :: n. (-ख्यं) Talc.
  • मेघागम :: m. (-मः) The rains, the rainy season. E. मेघ a cloud, and आगम arrival.
  • मेघाटोप :: m. (-पः) A dense cloud.
  • मेघानन्दिन् :: m. (-न्दी) A peacock. E. मेघ a cloud, and आनन्दिन् delighting.
  • मेघान्त :: m. (-न्तः) The autumn.
  • मेघारि :: m. (-रिः) Wind.
  • मेघास्थि :: n. (-स्थि) Hail. E. मेघ a cloud, अस्थि a bone.
  • मेघास्पद :: n. (-दं) Heaven, ether, sky, atmosphere. E. मेघ a cloud, आस्पद place.
  • मेघोदर :: m. (-रः) The father of the fifth Jina or Jaina saint.
  • मेचक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Black, dark, of a dark, or black colour. m. (-कः) 1. Black or dark-blue, (the colour.) 2. The eye of a peacock's tail. 3. A cloud. 4. Smoke. 5. A nipple. 6. A plant, (Hyperanthera morunga.) mn. (-कः-कं) Darkness. n. (-कं) Sulphuret of antimony. E. मच् to mix, Unādi aff. वुन्, and the vowel changed to ए ।
  • मेचकापगा :: f. (-गा) The Yamunā river. E. मेचक dark, and अपगा the river.
  • मेट् (ऋ) मेटृ :: r. 1st. cl. (मेटति) To be mad.
  • मेटुला :: f. (-ला) A tree, (Spondias mangifera.) 2. The emblic myrobalan- tree. E. मेट् to be mad, उलच् aff.
  • मेठ :: m. (-ठः) 1. An elephant-keeper or feeder. 2. A ram; also मेण्ठ and मेण्ड ।
  • मेड् (ऋ) मेडृ :: r. 1st cl. (मेडति) To be mad.
  • मेढ्र :: m. (-ढ्रः) 1. The penis. 2. A ram. E. मिह् to urine, ष्ट्रन् aff.; also with कन्, मेढ्रक ।
  • मेढ्रचर्मन् :: n. (-र्म) The prepuce.
  • मेढ्रशृङ्गी :: f. (-ङ्गी) A milky plant, the fruit of which is crooked, and therefore compared to a ram's horn, (Asclepias geminata.) E. मेढ्र a ram, शृङ्गी a horn, ङीप् aff. “गाडरशिङा ।”
  • मेण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) An elephant-keeper: also read मेठ as above.
  • मेण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) An elephant-keeper or feeder.
  • मेण्ढ :: m. (-ण्ढः) A ram. E. मिह् to urine, घञ् aff., नुम् inserted and the final changed; also with कन् added मेण्ढक ।
  • मेथ् (ऋ) मेथृ :: r. 1st cl. (मेथति-ते) 1. To understand to comprehend. 2. To hurt, to injure. 3. To kill. 4. To associate.
  • मेथि :: m. (-थिः) 1. A pillar in the centre of a threshing floor, round which the cattle turn to tread out the corn. 2. A prop for supporting the shafts of a carriage. f. (-थी) A sort of grass, (Trigonella fœnugræcum.) E. मथ् to understand, &c. इन् aff., fem. aff. ङीष्; also with कन् added in the fem. form मेथिका; also मेधि ।
  • मेद् (ऋ) मेदृ :: r. 1st cl. (मेदति-ते) 1. To understand. 2. To kill or injure.
  • मेद :: m. (-दः) 1. Adeps, fat, the supposed proper seat of which is the abdomen. 2. One of the outcast tribes. f. (-दा) A drug, described as a sort of root resembling ginger, brought from the Morung district; it is one of the eight principal medicaments, and is said to be of cooling and emollient properties, and of particular use in fever and consumption. E. मिद to be greasy or unctuous, aff. घञ्; also मेदस् ।
  • मेदक :: m. (-कः) Vinous liquor for distilling. E. मिद् to be unctuous, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • मेदस् :: n. (-दः) 1. Marrow; applicable not merely to the marrow of the bones, but more properly, to the serous or adipose secretion that spreads amongst the muscular fibres, and which is consi- dered as performing the same functions to the flesh that the marrow of the bones performs to them: in Hindu physiology its proper seat is said to be the abdomen. 2. Morbid or unnatural corpulency. E. मिद् to be unctuous, असुन् aff.
  • मेदस्कृत् :: n. (-स्कृत्) Flesh. E. मेदस् adeps, and कृत् made.
  • मेदस्विन् :: mfn. (-स्वी -स्विनी -स्वि) 1. Robust, stout, strong. 2. Fat, corpulent. E. मेदस् and विनि aff.
  • मेदिनी :: f. (-नी) The earth. E. मेदस् adeps, इनि and ङीप् affs.; being made, according to the legend, of the adeps of two demons slain by BRAHMĀ.
  • मेदिनीद्रव :: m. (-वः) Dust. E. मेदिनी the earth, and द्रु to get, aff. अच् ।
  • मेदुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Smooth, soft, bland, unctuous, saponaceous, &c. E. मिद् to be unctuous, घुरच् aff.
  • मेदोग्रन्थि :: m. (-न्थिः) A fatty tumor. E. मेदस्, and ग्रन्थि knot.
  • मेदोज :: n. (-जं) A bone. E. मेदस् marrow, and ज born.
  • मेदोधरा :: f. (-रा) A membrane in the abdomen, containing the fat, the omentum. E. मेदस्, धरा what has.
  • मेदोऽर्व्वुद :: n. (-दं) Fatty tumours unattended with pain. E. मेदस्, अर्व्वुद a tumour.
  • मेदोवह :: n. (-हं) A vessel carrying fat, a lymphatic. E. मेदस्, and वह what bears.
  • मेदोवृद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) 1. Corpulence. 2. Enlargement of the scrotum. E. मेदस् वृद्धि increase.
  • मेद्य :: f. (-द्या) 1. Fat 2. Thick.
  • मेध् (ऋ) मेधृ :: r. 1st cl. (मेधति-ते) 1. To understand, to comprehend. 2. To associate. 3. To hurt, to injure, to kill.
  • मेध :: m. (-धः) Sacrifice, offering oblation. f. (-धा) 1. Apprehension, con- ception, understanding. 2. Retentiveness. E. मेध् to associate, aff. अप् or अङ् ।
  • मेधाजित् :: m. (-जित्) The name of a saint and grammarian; also KĀTYĀ- YANA. E. मेधा apprehension, and जित् victor.
  • मेधारुद्र :: m. (-द्रः) The poet KĀLIDĀSA.
  • मेधाविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Intelligent, comprehending, ready compre- hension or conception. m. (-वी) 1. A parrot. 2. A learned man, a sage. 3. Intoxicating beverage. 4. The inspired writer Vyāri. f. (-नी) The wife of BRAHMĀ. E. मेधा apprehension, विनि aff.
  • मेधि :: m. (-धिः) A post fixed in the centre of a threshing floor or barn to which the cattle are attached, as they turn round it to tread out the corn. E. मेध to associate or connect, (the oxen, &c.) इन् aff.
  • मेधिर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Intelligent, possessing a ready and just appre- hension. E. मेधा apprehension, इरच् aff.
  • मेध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) 1. Pure, purified. 2. Fit for a sacrifice or obla- tion. f. (-ध्या) A kind of orris root, described as the red sort. 3. A sort of pigment: see रोचना . m. (-ध्यः) 1. Khayer, (Mimosa cate- chu.) 2. Barley. 3. A goat. E. मेध् to associate, aff. ण्यत्; or मेध a sacrifice, and यत् aff.
  • मेनका :: f. (-का) 1. One of the courtezans of Swarga. 2. Name of the wife of Himālaya. E. मे to me, का any one, न not, (equal or com- parable.); or मि-नक ।
  • मेनकात्मजा :: f. (-जा) DURGĀ or PĀRVATĪ. E. मेनका the wife of the perso- nified mountain, and आत्मजा daughter.
  • मेनकाप्राणेश :: m. (-शः) The personified Himālaya mountain. E. मेनका, प्राणेश husband.
  • मेनजा :: f. (-जा) PĀRVATĪ. E. मेना, the mother of the goddess, जा born.
  • मेना :: f. (-ना) The wife of Himālaya: see मेनका ।
  • मेनाद :: m. (-दः) 1. A cat. 2. A goat. 3. A peacock. E. मे imitative cry, mew, नाद sound.
  • मेनाधव :: m. (-वः) Himālaya the personified mountain and father of DURGĀ as PĀRVATĪ. E. मेना the wife of the mountain, and धव husband.
  • मेन्धी :: f. (-न्धी) A plant, from the leaves of which a reddish dye is pre- pared, with which the palms of the hands, tips of the fingers, soles of the feet, and finger nails are stained, (Lawsonia inermis;) also मेन्धिका । मा लक्ष्मीः इध्यते यया इन्ध् घञ् गौरा० ङीष् “मेइदी ।”
  • मेप् (ऋ) मेपृ :: r. 1st cl. (मेपते) 1. To go, to move. 2. To serve.
  • मेब् (ऋ) मेबृ :: r. 1st cl. (मेबते) To serve.
  • मेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Measurable, what is to be measured. E. मा to measure, यत् aff.
  • मेरक :: m. (-कः) An Asura and foe to VISHṆU.
  • मेरु :: m. (-रुः) 1. The sacred mountain Meru, in the centre of the seven continents, compared to the cup or seed-vessel of the lotus, the leaves of which are formed by the different Dwipas: its height is said by the Hindus to be 84,000 Yojanas, sixteen thousand of which are below the surface of the earth: the shape is various- ly described, as square, conical, columnar, spherical, or spiral; and the four faces of it are of various colours, or white towards the east, yellow to the south, black to the west, and red towards the north: the river Ganges falls from heaven on its summit, and flows thence to the surrounding worlds in four streams; the southern branch is the Ganges of India, the northern running into Tartary is the Bhadrasomā, the eastern is the Sitā, and the wes- tern the Chacshu or Oxus: on the summit of Meru BRAHMĀ re- sides attended and worshipped by the Rishis, Gandharbas, &c.; the regents of the points of the compass occupy the correspond- ing faces of the mountain, the whole of which consists of gold and gems: considered in any but a fabulous light, mount Meru appears to mean the high land of Tartary, immediately to the north of the Himālaya mountains. 2. The central bead in a rosary. 3. The middle gem in a necklace. E. मि to scatter, (radiance,) Unādi aff. रु .
  • मेरुक :: m. (-कः) Fragrant resin, incense. E. मेरु mount Meru, कन् aff. “यक्षधूपे ।”
  • मेरुयन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) A spindle. E. मेरु and यन्त्र implement.
  • मेल :: mf. (-लः-ला) Meeting, union, assemblage; in the modern dialects, applied to a large concourse of people collected at stated periods for religious or commercial purposes, as at Haridwār, &c. f. (-ला) 1. Ink. 2. Antimony or any collyrium. 3. Union, intercourse. 4. A company, a society. 5. The indigo-plant. 6. A musical scale. E. मिल to mix, to meet, aff. घञ्; also with ल्युट् aff. मेलन ।
  • मेलक :: m. (-कः) Meeting, union, assemblage. E. मेल the same, कन् added.
  • मेलन :: n. (-नं) Meeting assembling. 2. Encounter. 3. Associating with. 4. Mixing with 5. Adding to. E. मिल to mix, ल्युट् aff.
  • मेलयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Mixing, adding, or causing to be mixed with, or added to. E. मिल् to mix, causal v., शतृ aff.
  • मेलानन्द :: mf. (-न्दः-न्दा) An inkstand. E. मेला ink, आनन्द delighting.
  • मेलान्धु :: f. (-न्धुः) An inkstand. E. मेला ink, अन्धु a well.
  • मेलाम्बु :: m. (-म्बुः) An inkstand. E. मेला ink, अम्बु water.
  • मेव् (ऋ) मेवृ :: r. 1st cl. (मेवते) To serve, to gratify by service.
  • मेष :: m. (-षः) 1. A ram. 2. The sign Aries. 3. A kind of drug. f. (-षा) A sort of small cardamom, brought from Guzerāt. f. (-षी) An ewe. E. मिष् to contend with, aff. अच् ।
  • मेषविषाणिका :: f. (-का) A plant: see मेढ्रशृङ्गी . E. मेष a ram, विषाण a horn, कन् aff., fem. form.
  • मेषशृङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A sort of poison. f. (-ङ्गी) A kind of creeping plant, (Asclepias geminata, &c.;) see मेढ्रशृङ्गी . E. मेष a ram, शृङ्ग horn.
  • मेषाक्षिकुसुम :: m. (-मः) A sort of Cassia, (C. tora.) E. मेष a ram, अक्षि the eye, and कुसुम a flower; which is compared to a sheep's eye; also analogous terms as मेषलोचन, &c.; it is also read मेषाख्य and मेषाह्व, &c., as being named from the Mesa or ram. “चक्रमर्दे ।”
  • मेषाण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) INDRA. E. मेष a ram, and अण्ड the testicle.
  • मेषालु :: m. (-लुः) A sort of shrub, commonly Ververa or Barbari, (Ocimum pilosum.) E. मेष a ram, and आलु esculent root.
  • मेषिका :: f. (-का) An ewe. E. मेषी an ewe, कन् aff.
  • मेह :: m. (-हः) 1. Urinary disease, especially inflammatory affection of the urethra, including gonorrhœa, &c. 2. A ram. 3. A goat. 4. Urine, piss. E. मिह् to pass as urine, aff. घञ् ।
  • मेहत् :: mfn. (-हन् -हन्ती -हत्) Urining, passing urine. E. मिह् to urine, शतृ aff.
  • मेहन :: n. (-नं) 1. Membrum virile. 2. Urine, piss. 3. Passing urine, pissing. E. मिह् to urine, aff. ल्युट् .
  • मेहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिनी -हि) 1. Urining. 2. Suffering from urinary affec- tions. E. मेह, इनि aff.
  • मैत्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्री -त्रं) Of or belonging to a friend, friendly, amicable. m. (-त्रः) 1. A Brāhmana. 2. A mixed caste. 3. The anus. nf. (-त्रं-त्री) 1. Friendship. 2. Evacuation of excrement. 3. Union. 4. A name of the seventeenth lunar asterism, (see the next.) E. मित्र a friend, or the sun and अण् aff.
  • मैत्रभ :: n. (-भं) The seventeenth lunar asterism; also ANURĀDHĀ. E. मित्र the deity, presiding over the asterism, अण् aff. of relation, मैत्र be- longing to Mitra, and भ an asterism.
  • मेत्रावरुण :: m. (-णः) 1. A name of the saint AGASTYA. 2. VĀLMĪKI. 3. One of the officiating priests at a sacrifice. E. मित्र the sun, वरुण the deity of water, अण् aff.
  • मैत्रावरुणि :: m. (-णिः) 1. A name of AGASTYA. 2. VĀLMĪKI. 3. VAŚISTHA. E. मित्रवरुण a sage, the father of this saint, and इञ् aff.; or मित्र the sun, and वरुण VARUṆA, alluding to a legend of the birth of the saint from a contest between these deities, for the posses- sion of URVASĪ, one of the courtezans of INDRA'S heaven.
  • मैत्रीवल :: m. (-लः) A Buddha or Bauddha deified saint.
  • मैत्रेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Of or relating to a friend. m. (-यः) 1. A man of a mixed caste, the son of a Vaideha by an Ayogava mother: his business is to announce the hours in verse. 2. The seventh Bud- dha, or one still to come. 3. The name of a saint or Muni, the disciple of PARĀSARA, to whom the Vishṇu Purāna is narra- ted. E. मित्र a proper name, or मित्र a friend, and ढक् aff. of descent or relation.
  • मैत्रेयक :: m. (-कः) A crier or chaunter of the hours: see the last. E. मैत्रेय, कन् added.
  • मैत्रेयिका :: f. (-का) The contest of friends or allies. E. मैत्रेय relating to friends, वुञ् aff. of animosity.
  • मैत्र्य :: nf. (-त्र्यं-त्री) Friendship. E. मित्र friend, ष्यञ् aff. of property, fem. aff. ङीष्, and the semi-vowel of the aff. rejected.
  • मैथिल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Belonging to, born in, &c. Mithilā. f. (-ली) A name of ŚITĀ. E. मिथिला, अण् aff.
  • मैथुन :: n. (-नं) 1. Copulation. 2. Union, association. 3. Marriage. E. मिथुन a couple, aff. अण् ।
  • मैथुनज्वर :: m. (-रः) The excitement of sexual passion.
  • मैथुनिका :: f. (-का) Union by marriage.
  • मैधावक :: n. (-कं) Wisdom, prudence.
  • मैनाक :: m. (-कः) A mountain, or rock in the sea between the southern end of the Peninsula, and Lankā. E. मेनका the wife of Himālaya, अण् aff. of descent, being in mythology her son.
  • मैनाकस्वसृ :: f. (-सा) The goddess DURGĀ as PĀRVATĪ. E. मैनाक, स्वसृ sister.
  • मैनाद :: m. (-दः) A fisherman.
  • मैनिक :: m. (-कः) A fisherman. E. मीन a fish, and ठन् aff.
  • मैन्द :: m. (-न्दः) The name of a demon killed by KRISHṆA.
  • मैन्दहन् :: m. (-हा) KRISHṆA. E. मैन्द as above, and हन् destroyer.
  • मैरेय :: n. (-यं) A sort of spirituous liquor, prepared from the blossoms of the Lythrum fruticosum, with sugar, &c. E. मिरा said to be the name of a country or drug, ढक् aff.
  • मैलिन्द :: m. (-न्दः) A bee.
  • मोक :: n. (-कं) The cast-off skin of an animal.
  • मोक्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be loosed or let go, to be liberated. E. मुच् to let go, तव्य aff.
  • मोक्ष् :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (मोक्षति मोक्षयति-ते) To let go, to release, to dis- charge, to send, to cast or throw.
  • मोक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. Final and eternal happiness, the liberation of the soul from the body, and its exemption from further transmigration. 2. Death. 3. Libertion, freedom. 4. Loosening, untying. 5. End of an eclipse. 6. Scattering. 7. Shooting. 8. A plant commonly Ghaṇtāpārali. 9. Acquittance of an obligation, as by a son to his father. E. मोक्ष् to let loose or free, aff. अच् .
  • मोक्षक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what sets at liberty. m. (-कः) A deli- verer, a liberator. E. मोक्ष्, ण्वुल् aff.
  • मोक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Letting go or free, liberating. 2. Squandering. 3. Giving up. 4. Causing to flow. E. मोक्ष् to let go, ल्युट् aff.
  • मोक्षणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be, or what may be liberated. E. मोक्ष, अनी- यर् aff.; also मोक्ष्य, and मोक्षितव्य ।
  • मोक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Let go, liberated. E. मोक्ष, and क्त aff.
  • मोक्षोपाय :: m. (-यः) A sage, a devotee. E. मोक्ष emancipation, उपाय means.
  • मोघ :: mfn. (-घः -घा -घं) 1. Vain, useless, fruitless. 2. Left, abandoned. 3. Idle. f. (-घा) Trumpet-flower, (Bignonia suave olens.) m. (-घः) A fence, a hedge. E. मुह् to be foolish, aff. अच् and the final changed.
  • मोघकर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्म) Following vain practices, observing useless ceremonies. E. मोघ, कर्म्मन् act.
  • मोघज्ञान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Cultivating vain knowledge or any but re- ligious wisdom. E. मोघ, and ज्ञान knowledge.
  • मोघपुष्पा :: f. (-ष्पा) A barren woman.
  • मोघाश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Indulging vain hopes. E. मीघ, and आशा hope.
  • मोघोली :: m. (-ली) A fence, a hedge.
  • मोच :: m. (-चः) A tree, (Hyperanthera morunga.) f. (-चा) 1. The silk- cotton tree, (Bombax heptaphyllum.) 2. The plantain, (Musa sapientum.) 3. The indigo-plant. n. (-चं) A plantain, (the fruit.) E. मुच् to loose, aff. अच् ।
  • मोचक :: m. (-कः) 1. A tree, (Hyperanthera morunga.) 2. The silk-cotton tree. 3. The plantain tree. 4. A plant, commonly Ghantāpāralī. 5. A devotee, one who has divested himself of worldly passion and desire. 6. A liberator. E. मुच् to be let loose, aff. ण्वुल्; or causal form, aff. अच्, and कन् added.
  • मोचन :: n. (-नं) Liberating, setting free. E. मुच् to be free, ल्युट् aff.
  • मोचनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -य) 1. To be liberated or let loose. 2. To be resign- ed or given up. E. मुच् to be loose, causal v., अनीयर् aff.
  • मोचरस :: m. (-सः) The gum of the silk-cotton tree. E. मोच the Bombax,

and रस juice; also similar compounds, as मोचनिर्य्यास, मोचसार, मोचस्राव, and मोचस्रुत् ।

  • मोचाट :: m. (-टः) 1. A kind of pungent seed, (Nigella Indica.) “कृष्णजीरके” 2. Sandal. 3. The heart of the plantain tree. 4. A plantain, (the fruit.) E. मोच a plantain, &c. अट् to go, (to be used with, to resemble, &c.) aff. अच् ।
  • मोचिनी :: f. (-नी) A prickly-nightshade. “कण्टकार्य्याम् ।”
  • मोच्य :: mfn. (-च्यः -च्या -च्य) 1. To be let loose. 2. To be given up. E. मुच् to be free, यत् aff.
  • मोटक :: mn. (-कः-कं) A pill. n. (-कं) Two broken blades of kuśa grass.
  • मोटकी :: f. (-की) One of the Rāginīs or female personification of the musical modes.
  • मोटन :: m. (-नः) Air, wind. n. (-नं) Rubbing, grinding, pressing. E. मुट् to rub, &c. aff. ल्युट् ।
  • मोटनक :: n. (-कं) 1. Destruction. 2. A species of the Anushṭubh metre.
  • मोट्टायित :: n. (-तं) One of the ten Bhāvas, or properties of women, the silent expression of returned affection.
  • मोण :: m. (-णः) 1. Dried fruit. 2. A sort of water-fly, the crocodile-fly. 3. A basket for carrying snakes in. E. मुण् to vow, aff. घञ् ।
  • मोद :: m. (-दः) 1. Joy, delight, happiness. 2. Fragrance. E. मुद् to rejoice, aff. घञ् ।
  • मोदक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Delighting, rejoicing, causing happiness or de- light. mn. (-कः-कं) A sort of sweetmeat. m. (-कः) A mixed caste. E. मुद् to be glad, in the causal form, to make glad, and ण्वुल् aff.
  • मोदयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Delighting, pleasing. f. (-न्ती) 1. Arabian jasmine. 2. A wild sort of lovage, (Ligusticum ajwaen.) E. मुद् to be pleased, causal form, aff. शतृ ।
  • मोदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pleased, delighted. n. (-तं) Pleasure, delight. E. मुद् to rejoice, aff. क्त, and the vowel changed.
  • मोदिनी :: f. (-नी) 1. Jasmine. 2. Musk. 3. Spiritious liquor.
  • मोरट :: n. (-टं) 1. Root of sugar cane. 2. The blossom of the Alan- gium hexapetalum. 3. Milk of seven days standing, or when it has lost its milky nature. f. (-टा) A sort of creeper, (Sanseviera zeylanica.) E. मुर् to surround, aff. अटन् ।
  • मोष :: m. (-षः) 1. A robber. 2. Plundering. 3. Stolen property.
  • मोषक :: m. (-कः) A thief. E. मुष् to steal, ण्वुल् aff.
  • मोषण :: n. (-णं) 1. Stealing. 2. Killing. 3. Cutting. E. मुष्, and ल्युट् aff.
  • मोषयित्नु :: m. (-त्नुः) 1. Brāhmana. 2. The kokila or Indian cuckoo.
  • मोषा :: f. (-षा) Stealing, theft. E. मुष् to steal, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • मोह :: m. (-हः) 1. Fainting, loss of consciousness or sense. 2. Ignorance, folly, foolishness; it is applied especially to that spiritual igno- rance which leads men to believe in the reality of worldly objects, and to addict themselves to mundane or sensual enjoyment. 3. Pain, affliction. 4. Error, mistake. 5. Bewilderment, distraction. E. मुह् to be ignorant or foolish, aff. घञ् ।
  • मोहकलिल :: n. (-लं) The snare of illusion.
  • मोहन :: mfn. (-नः -ना or -नी-नं) Fascinating, stupefying, depriving of sense or understanding. n. (-नं) 1. Copulation. 2. One of the arrows of KĀMADEVA. 3. Temptation, seduction, the overpower- ing of reason and reflection by worldly or sensual allurements. 4. A charm employed to bewilder an enemy. m. (-नः) The thorn- apple, (Dhuturā.) f. (-ना) 1. A sort of grass, (Trigonella cornicu- lata.) 2. A kind of jasmine, commonly the Tripura or Tipperāh jasmine. E. मुह् to be foolish, causal form, aff. युच् or ल्युट् ।
  • मोहनक :: m. (-कः) The month of chaitra.
  • मोहनास्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) A weapon which fascinates the person against whom it is directed.
  • मोहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Puzzled, perplexed. 2. Beguiled, deceived. E. मुह् to be foolish, causal v., क्त aff.
  • मोहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिनी -हि) Illusive, fallacious, beguiling. E. मोह, and इनि aff.; or मुह् to be foolish causal v., घिनुण् aff.
  • मोहिनी :: f. (-नी) 1. A kind of jasmine, commonly Tripuramāli. 2.

VISHṆU in the form of a fascinating woman. 3. A name of an APSARĀ. E. मोह folly, इनि aff., and fem. aff. ङीष् ।

  • मौकुलि :: m. (-लिः) A crow, some books have मीकलि .
  • मौक्तिक :: n. (-कं) A pearl. E. मुक्ता a pearl, ठक् pleonastic aff.
  • मौक्तिकगुम्फिका :: f. (-का) A woman who prepares strings of pearls.
  • मौक्तिकप्रसवा :: f. (-वा) The pearl-oyster. E. मौक्तिक, and प्रसवा a mother.
  • मौक्तिकशुक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) A pearl-oyster. E. मौक्तिक, a pearl शुक्ति an oyster.
  • मौक्य :: n. (-क्यं) Dumbness. E. मूक . and ष्यञ् aff.
  • मौखर्य्य :: nf. (-र्य्यं-र्य्यी) Scurrility, defamation. E. मुखर foul-mouthed, ष्यञ् aff., fem. aff. ङीष् .
  • मौख्य :: n. (-ख्यं) Pre-eminence, precedence. E. मुख chief, ष्यञ् aff.
  • मौग्ध :: n. (-ग्धं) 1. Simplicity, silliness. 2. Ignorance. 3. A feminine pro- perty, asking a lover to tell what is already known. E. मुग्ध, अण् aff.
  • मौच :: n. (-चं) The fruit of the banana tree.
  • मौञ्जी :: f. (-ञ्जी) The girdle of a Brāhmana made of three strings of Munja grass. E. मुञ्जा, and अण् aff.
  • मौञ्चिबन्धन :: n. (-नं) Investiture with the distinguishing cord. E. मौञ्जि the girdle, and बन्धन binding; both being assumed at the same time.
  • मौढ्य :: n. (-ढ्यं) Ignorance, folly, especially spiritual folly: see मोह . E. मूढ fool, ष्यञ् aff. of property.
  • मौण्ड्य :: n. (-ण्ड्यं) Baldness, natural or artificial. E. मुण्ड, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • मौत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A quantity of urine.
  • मौदकिक :: m. (-कः) A confectioner.
  • मौद्गलि :: m. (-लिः) A crow.
  • मौद्गीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Fit for or bearing, &c. kidney-beans. E. मुद्ग kidney-bean, and खञ् aff.; also with अण् aff. मौद्ग ।
  • मौन :: n. (-नं) Silence, taciturnity. E. मुनि a sage, (who practises,) अण् aff.
  • मौनव्रत :: n. (-तं) A vow of silence.
  • मौनिन् :: mfn. (-नी -निनी -नि) Silent, taciturn. m. (-नी) An ascetic, a hermit, a religious sage, one who has overcome his passions and retired from the world. E. मौन silence, and इनि aff.
  • मौरजिक :: m. (-कः) A player on a drum. E. मुरज a drum, and ठक् aff.
  • मौर्ख्य :: n. (-र्ख्यं) Stupidity, folly, fatuity. E. मूर्ख a fool, ष्यञ् aff.
  • मौर्व्वी :: f. (-र्व्वी) A bow-string. E. मूर्व्वा the plant, from the fibres of which bow-strings are made, अण् and ङीष् affs.
  • मौल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -ली-लं) 1. Radical, proceeding from a root or origin. 2. Of pure blood, descended from a respectable and primitive family without any improper intermixture. E. मूल a root, and अण् aff.
  • मौलि :: mf. (-लिः-लिः or ली) 1. A lock of hair on the crown of the head. 2. Hair ornamented and braided round the head. 3. A diadem, a tiara. 4. The head. f. (-ली) The earth. E. मूल the root or base, aff. इञ्; or मूल a name, and इञ् aff of descent; or मू to bind, लि aff., and the radical vowel changed.
  • मौष्टा :: m. (-ष्टा) Boxing, sparring, playing at fisticuffs. E. मुष्टि the fist, ण aff.
  • मौष्टिक :: m. (-कः) A rogue, a swindler.
  • मौसल :: f. (-ली) Adj. Formed like a club. 2. Fought with clubs.
  • मौहूर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) An astrologer. E. मुहूर्त्त an hour, and अण् aff.; also with ठक् aff. मौहूर्त्तिक ।
  • म्ना :: r. 1st cl. (मनति) To fix in the memory by frequent practice or repetition, to study, to acquire by study, &c.
  • म्नात :: f. (-ता) Adj. 1. Learnt. 2. Repeated.
  • म्रक्ष् :: r. 1st cl. (म्रक्षति) 1. To accumulate. 2. To smear, to anoint. r. 10th cl. (म्रक्षयति-ते) 1. To mix. 2. To combine 3. To speak incorrectly.
  • म्रक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) Slyness, hypocrisy, concealment of one's vice or defects. E. म्रक्ष् to anoint, aff. अच् ।
  • म्रक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Oil. 2. Smearing the body with fragrant oils or un- guents. 3. Heaping up. E. म्रक्ष् to smear or anoint, ल्युट् aff.
  • म्रच् :: r. 1st. cl. (म्रचति) To go, to move.
  • म्रद् :: r. 1st cl. (म्रदते) 1. To grind, to pound, to reduce to powder or dust. 2. To tread or trample on.
  • म्रदिमन् :: m. (-मा) Softness. E. मृदु soft, and इमलिच् aff.
  • म्रदिमान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Soft. 2. Kind. E. म्रदिमन्, अन्वित endowed with.
  • म्रदिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Very soft, exceedingly soft, softest. E. मृद् soft, and इष्ठन् aff. of the superlative, ऋ changed to र ।
  • म्रदीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Softer, milder. E. मृदु soft, and ईयसुन aff. of the comparative, and the vowel changed to the semi-vowel.
  • म्रियमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Dying. E. मृ to die, शानच् aff.
  • म्रुच् (उ) म्रुचु :: r. 1st cl. (म्रोचति) To go, to move.
  • म्रुञ्च् (उ) म्रुञ्चु :: r. 1st cl. (म्रुञ्चति) To go, to move; also read म्रुनच् ।
  • म्रेट् (ऋ) म्रेटृ :: r. 1st cl. (म्रेटति) To be mad.
  • म्रेड् (ऋ) म्रेडृ :: r. 1st cl. (म्रेडति) To be mad.
  • म्लक्ष् :: r. 10th cl. (म्लक्षयति-ते) 1. To mix, to unite. 2. To speak incorrectly.
  • म्लात :: f. (-ता) Adj. Faded, withered.
  • म्लान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Foul, dirty. 2. Languid, weary. 3. Faded, withered. 4. Melancholy. E. म्लै to be languid, aff. क्त ।
  • म्लानि :: f. (-निः) 1. Weariness, languor. 2. Foulness, filth. 3. Fading, decay. 4. Sadness. E. म्लै to be languid, &c., aff. क्तिन् ।
  • म्लास्नु :: f. (-स्नु) 1. Growing languid. 2. Growing thin. 3. Growing withered.
  • म्लिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Indistinct, (as speech.) 2. Languid. n. (-ष्टं) Indistinct speech. E. म्लेच्छ् to speak indistinctly, aff. क्त ।
  • म्लुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Mixed, intermixed, inlaid, set. E. म्लुच् to go, aff. क्त ।
  • म्लुच्(उ)म्लुचु :: r. 1st cl. (म्लोचति) To go, to move. With अभि and नि pre- fixed. 1. To go down. 2. To set as the sun.
  • म्लुञ्च् (उ) म्लुञ्चु :: r. 1st cl. (म्लुञ्चति) To go, to move; also read म्लुन्च् ।
  • म्लेच्छ् :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (म्लेच्छति म्लेच्छयति-ते) To speak inarticulately or incorrectly, to use a provincial or barbarous dialect.
  • म्लेच्छ :: m. (-च्छः) 1. The generic term for a barbarian or foreigner; that is, for one speaking any language but Sanskrit, and not subject to the usual Hindu institutions. 2. A sinner, a criminal. 3. Indis- tinct or barbarous speech. E. म्लेच्छ् to speak inarticulately, aff. घञ् ।
  • म्लेच्छकन्द :: m. (-न्दः) Garlic. E. म्लेच्छ a barbarian, and कण्ड root. “लशुने ।”
  • म्लेच्छजाति :: m. (-तिः) A Mlechchha or barbarian or a man of an outcast race. The tribes enumerated under this head by MANU, but who are by him said to be properly, degraded Kshetriyas, appear to be chiefly the inhabitants of the countries bordering immediately upon India, both to the north and south: as far as modern re- search and similarity of appellation may be trusted, the tribes of Mlechchhas are as follows: the Pauṇḍrakas, (the people of pro- vinces bordering on Bengal and Bihar, and to the south of the Ganges,) Oḍras, (Urīyās,) Drāviras, (people of the southern part of the Coromandel coast,) Cāmbojas, (Arachosians,) Yavanas, (Greeks or Bactrians,) Śakas, (the people of the Sacha region or Sakai,) Pāravas, (Paropamisans,) Pahlavas, (the ancient Persians,) Chīnas, (Chinese,) Kirātas, (generally mountaineers, here per- haps especially the inhabitants of the Himālaya or Imaus,) Dera- das, (Daradæ,) and Khasas, (Scuthi or Chasas.) n. (-च्छं) Copper. E. म्लेच्छ a barbarian, and जाति tribe, class.
  • म्लेच्छदेश :: m. (-शः) The countries bordering on India, or those inhabi- ted by people of a different faith and language; defined to be any, where the black antelope is not found. E. म्लेच्छ् a barbarian, an outcast, देश country.
  • म्लेच्छभोजन :: m. (-नः) Wheat. n. (-नं) Half-ripe barley. E. म्नेच्छ an outcast, भोजन food.
  • म्लेच्छमण्डल :: n. (-लं) The country of the Mlechchhas or barbarians. E. म्लेच्छ, मण्डल region.
  • म्लेच्छमुख :: n. (-खः) Copper. E. म्लेच्छ a barbarian, and मुख countenance.
  • म्लेच्छवाच् :: mfn. (-वाक्) Speaking a barbarous dialect. E. म्लेच्छ, वाच् speech.
  • म्लेच्छाश :: m. (-शः) Wheat. E. म्लेच्छ a barbarian, अश् to eat, aff. अच् ।
  • म्लेच्छास्य :: n. (-स्यं) Copper. E. म्लेच्छ a barbarian, and आस्व face, which would seem to allude to the fair complexion of the Greek or Maha- mmedan invaders of Hindusthan.
  • म्लेच्छित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Spoken incorrectly or barbarously. n. (-तं) 1. Foreign or barbarous language. 2. Ungrammatical speech. E. म्लेच्छ् a barbarian, इतच् aff.; or म्लेच्छ् to speak inaccurately, aff. क्त ।
  • म्लेट् (ऋ) म्लेटृ :: r. 1st. cl. (म्लेटति) To be mad.
  • म्लेड् (ऋ) म्लेडृ :: r. 1st. cl. (म्लेडति) To be mad.
  • म्लेव् (ऋ,) म्लेवृ :: r. 1st cl. (म्लेवते) To serve, to gratify by service.
  • म्लै :: r. 1st. cl. (म्लायति) 1. To be faint or languid, to yawn with languor or fatigue. 2. To fade, to decay. 3. To become thin. With परि, 1 To be dejected. 2. To wither. With प्र, 1. To fade. 2. To be dirty.
  •  :: The twenty-six consonant of the Nāgari alphabet, or semi-vowel Y; in Bengal, it is usually pronounced J.
  •  :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Who goes, a goer, a mover. m. (-यः) 1. Air, wind. 2. Union, Joining. 3. Fame, celebrity. 4. Barley. 5. Light, lustre. 6. Abandoning. 7. YAMA. f. (-या) 1. Pudendum muliebre. 2. Going, proceeding. 3. A car, a carriage. 4. Prohibiting, restraining, check- ing. 5. Religious meditation. 6. Getting, obtaining. E. यज् to wor- ship, or यम् to check, &c., aff. ड; or या-ड ।
  • यक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Which, (of many.) E. यद् which, and अकच् aff.
  • यकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) The liver. E. य union, (of the parts of the body,) कृ to make, aff. क्विप् and तुक् augment. यकन् is optionally substituted for this word in some of the declensions.
  • यकृदात्मिका :: f. (-का) A cock-roach. E. यकृत् the liver, आत्मन् self, कन् aff., fem. form; like it in colour.
  • यकृद्वैरी :: f. (-री) A plant, a sort of tree, (Andersonia rohitaka.) E. यकृत् liver, वैर inimical to.
  • यक्ष् :: r. 10th cl (यक्षयते) To worship, to honour or adore.
  • यक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. A demi-god, attendant especially on KUVERA, and em- ployed in the care of his gardens and treasures. 2. A name of KUVERA. 3. The residence of INDRA. f. (-क्षी) The wife of KUVERA. E. यक्ष् to worship, aff. घञ् .
  • यक्षकर्द्दम :: m. (-मः) Perfumed paste, used especially for anointing the body, and consisting of camphor, agallochum, musk and Kakkola; or the three first, with saffron and Sandal in equal proportions. E. यक्ष the demi-god, and कर्द्दम clay; a perfume of which these beings are supposed to be fond.
  • यक्षग्रह :: m. (-हः) The being possessed by an evil spirit.
  • यक्षतरु :: m. (-रुः) The Indian fig-tree. “वटवृक्षे ।”
  • यक्षधूप :: m. (-पः) 1. Resin in general. 2. Turpentine, the resinous exuda- tion of the pine. E. यक्ष the demi-god, धूप perfume or incense, अण् aff. “सर्ज्जरसे” धुना इति माषा ।
  • यक्षरस :: m. (-सः) Spirituous or vinous liquor. E. यक्ष the demi-god, रस taste, fondness.
  • यक्षराज् :: m. (-राट्) KUVERA, the deity of wealth, and lord of the demi- gods called Yakshas. 2. A palæstrum, a place prepared for wrest- ling or boxing. E. यक्ष a Yaksha, and राज who rules or shines.
  • यक्षराज :: m. (-जः) KUVERA: see the last.
  • यक्षराट्पुरी :: f. (-री) Alakā, the capital of KUVERA, supposed to be seated on mount Kailāsa. E. यक्षराज, पुरी city.
  • यक्षरात्रि :: f. (-त्रिः) The night of the day of full moon in the month of Kārtika: see दीपाली . E. यक्ष the demi-god, रात्रि night; these spirits being supposed to be then abroad.
  • यक्षवित्त :: Adj. One who stores up wealth but never uses it.
  • यक्षामलक :: m. (-कः) A tree, described as a sort of date. E. यक्ष a Yaksha, आमलक myrobalan. “पिण्डीखेजुर ।”
  • यक्षावास :: m. (-सः) The Indian fig-tree, (Ficus Indica.) E. यक्ष a demi-god, आवास abode. “वटवृक्षे ।”
  • यक्षिणी :: f. (-णी) 1. The wife of KUVERA. 2. The wife of a Yaksha. 3. A sort of female fiend, attached to the service of DURGĀ, and frequently maintaining, like a sylph or fairy, an intercourse with mortals. E. यक्षिन् a name of KUVERA, and ङीष् aff.
  • यक्षेन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) A name of KUVERA. E. यक्ष, and इन्द्र lord.
  • यक्षेश :: m. (-शः) KUVERA. E. यक्ष, and ईश lord; also यक्षेश्वर and the like.
  • यक्षोडुम्बुरक :: n. (-कं) The fruit of the Ficus religiosa.
  • यक्ष्मघ्नी :: f. (-घ्नी) The raisin, dried-grape. E. यक्ष्म consumption, घ्न destroyer.
  • यक्ष्मन् :: m. (-क्ष्मा) Pulmonary consumption. E. यक्ष् to worship, and मनिन् Unādi aff.; also with मन् aff., यक्ष्म m. (-क्ष्मः).
  • यक्ष्मिन् :: f. (-क्ष्मिणी) One who suffers from consumption.
  • यक्ष्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Proposing or wishing to worship. E. यक्ष् to worship, desid. v., शानच् aff.
  • यङ्न्त :: m. (-न्तः) The frequentative deponent verb, (in gram.) E. यङ्, अन्त termination.
  • यङ्लुगन्त :: m. (-न्तः) The frequentative active verb. E. यङ्, लुक् dropped, and अन्त termination.
  • यज् :: r. 1st. cl. (यजति-ते) 1. To worship a deity. 2. To associate with. 3. To present or endow.
  • यजत् :: mfn. (-जन् -जन्ती -जत्) Sacrificing, worshipping. E. E. यज् to wor- ship, शतृ aff.
  • यजत :: m. (-तः) The officiating priest at a sacrifice. E. यज् to worship, अतच् aff.
  • यजति :: m. (-तिः) A term for those sacrifices to which the verb यजति is applied, as distinguished from those rites to which the verb जुहोति applies. Sarvajnya-Nārāyana renders जुहोति by उपविष्टहोम and यजति by तिष्ठद्धोम् E. यज-अतिच ।
  • यजत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A Brāhamana who has maintained his consecrated fire. E. यज् to sacrifice, अत्रन् Unādi aff.
  • यजन :: n. (-नं) Offering sacrifices, performing worship. E. यज् to worship, ल्युट् aff.
  • यजन्त :: m. (-न्तः) A sacrificer, a worshipper. E. यज् to sacrifice, aff. झच् .
  • यजमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Worshipping. m. (-नः) 1. An employer of priests at sacrifice, the person who institutes its performance, and pays the expence of it. 2. A patron, a host. E. यज् to worship, शानच् aff. of the present participle, with मक् augment.
  • यजाक :: m. (-कः) A donor, a benefactor, a liberal giver of presents, &c. E. यज् to present, Unādi aff. आकन् ।
  • यजि :: m. (-जिः) A sacrificer, one who institutes or performs a sacrifice. E. यज् to sacrifice, aff. इन् ।
  • यजुर्वेद :: n. (-दं) The Yajur-Veda: see the next. E. यजुस्, वेद a Veda.
  • यजुस् :: n. (-जुः) The Yajur or Yajush, one of the four Vedas; it is di- vided into two principal portions, the white and black, or Vāja- saneyi and Taittirīya, the former of which is attributed to the saint YĀJNAWALKYA, to whom it was revealed by the sun, in the form of a horse; and the latter to TAITTIRI, to whom it was communicated by YĀSKA, the first pupil of its original author, the sage VAIŚAMPĀYANA: according to the Purāṇas the Taittirīya portion was named from Tittiri a partridge; the disciples of VAIŚAMPĀYANA being changed into those birds, to pick up the texts of the Veda as they were disgorged in a tangible shape by YĀJNAWALKYA, at the command of VAIŚAM- PĀYANA: both portions of this Veda are very full on the sub- ject of religious rites, and the prayers peculiar to it, are chiefly in measured and poetical prose. E. यज् to worship, Unādi aff. उसि ।
  • यज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) A sacrifice, a ceremony in which oblations are presented. E. यज् to worship, aff. नङ् ।
  • यज्ञकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Any sacrificial act of ceremony. E. यज्ञ, and कर्म्मन् act.
  • यज्ञकल्प :: Adj. Of the nature of a sacrifice.
  • यज्ञकीलक :: m. (-कः) The post to which the victim is fastened at a sacri- fice.
  • यज्ञकुण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) A hole in the ground built for receiving the sacrificial fire.
  • यज्ञकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) A sacrificer, a worshipper, or priest conducting a sacrifice. E. यज्ञ sacrifice, कृत् who makes.
  • यज्ञक्रतु :: m. (-तुः) 1. A complete rite. 2. VISHṆU.
  • यज्ञद्रुह् :: m. (-ध्रुक्) A Rākshasa, an imp. E. यज्ञ, द्रुह् to wrong, क्विप् aff.
  • यज्ञपशु :: m. (-शुः) 1. A horse. 2. Any animal offered in sacrifice. E. यज्ञ a sacrifice, and पशु an animal.
  • यज्ञपात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A sacrificial vessel. E. यज्ञ, and पात्र a vessel.
  • यज्ञपुरुष :: m. (-षः) A name of VISHṆU. E. यज्ञ sacrifice, पुरुष man or male.
  • यज्ञभाजन :: n. (-नं) A sacrificial vessel. E. यज्ञ sacrifice, and भाजन vessel.
  • यज्ञभूमि :: f. (-मिः) Place prepared for a sacrifice, or where it is offered. E. यज्ञ, and भूमि land.
  • यज्ञवराह :: m. (-हः) VISHṆU in his boar-incarnation. E. यज्ञ, and वराह the boar.
  • यज्ञवल्लि :: f. (-ल्लिः-ल्ली) The Soma plant; also यज्ञश्रेष्ठा ।
  • यज्ञवाट :: m. (-टः) A place prepared and enclosed for a sacrifice. E. यज्ञ a sacrifice, वाट inclosure.
  • यज्ञवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The Indian fig-tree.
  • यज्ञवेदि :: f. (-दिः or दी) A sacrificial altar.
  • यज्ञशरण :: n. (-णं) A building or a temporary structure under which a sacrifice is performed.
  • यज्ञशिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) What is left from a sacrifice or oblation. E. यज्ञ, शिष्ट remainder.
  • यज्ञशेष :: m. (-षः) The relics of a sacrifice or oblation. E. यज्ञ, शेष remainder.
  • यज्ञसदस् :: n. (-दः) An assembly of people at a sacrifice.
  • यज्ञसार :: m. (-रः) The glomerous fig-tree, (Ficus glomerata, Rox.) E. यज्ञ sacrifice, सार essence. “यज्ञोडुम्बर वृक्षे ।”
  • यज्ञसिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) 1. Performance of sacrifice. 2. Obtaining the objects of a sacrifice. E. यज्ञ, and सिद्धि accomplishment.
  • यज्ञसूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) The characteristic thread, worn by the three principal classes of Hindus. E. यज्ञ sacrifice, and सूत्र thread.
  • यज्ञस्थान :: n. (-नं) A place of sacrifice. E. यज्ञ and स्थान place.
  • यज्ञाङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. The glomerous fig, (Ficus glomerata, Rox.) 2. A plant, (Siphonanthus Indica.) 3. A part of any sacrificial cere- mony. E. यज्ञ a sacrifice, अङ्ग a member.
  • यज्ञान्त :: m. (-न्तः) A supplementary sacrifice. E. यज्ञ the principal, अन्त end, finish.
  • यज्ञारि :: m. (-रिः) 1. A name of ŚIVA. 2. A demon, a goblin. E. यज्ञ a sacrifice, अरि enemy.
  • यज्ञिक :: m. (-कः) The Palāsh tree, (Butea frondosa.) E. यज्ञ, ठन् aff.
  • यज्ञिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Proper for or suitable to a sacrifice. 2. Pious. 3. Sacred. m. (-यः) 1. The third Yuga or Dwāpara age. 2. A god, a deity. E. यज्ञ sacrifice, and घ aff.
  • यज्ञियदेश :: f. (-शः) The country of Hindus; those districts in which the ritual and institutes of the Hindu system are enforced; properly the country in which the black deer or antelope is native. E. यज्ञिय sacrificial, and देश a country.
  • यज्ञियशाला :: f. (-ला) A temple, a shrine, a place of sacrifice. E. यज्ञिय to be sacrificed, (where,) शाला hall.
  • यज्ञीयब्रह्मपादप :: m. (-पः) The Vikantaka tree. “वंँइचि ।”
  • यज्ञोडुम्बर :: m. (-रः) The glomerous fig-tree, (Ficus glomerata, Rox.) E. यज्ञ sacrifice, उडुम्बर the same.
  • यज्ञोपकरण :: n. (-णं) Any utensil or implement necessary for a sacrifice.
  • यज्ञोपवीत :: n. (-तं) The sacrificial cord, originally worn by the three principal casts of Hindus: at present from the loss of the pure Kshetriya and Vaiśya casts in Bengal, confined to the Brāh- minical order. E. यज्ञ sacrifice, उपवीत thread.
  • यज्ञोपवीतिन् :: m. (-ती) A Brāhmana, &c. invested with the sacred thread. E. यज्ञोपवीत, इनि aff.
  • यज्यु :: m. (-ज्युः) A Brāhmana, conversant with the Yajur-Veda. E. यज् to worship, Unādi aff. युच् ।
  • यज्वन् :: m. (-ज्वा) 1. A sacrificer in due form, or agreeably to the ritual of the Vedas. 2. VISHṆU. f. (-ज्वरी) Sacrificing, worshipping. E. यज् to worship, वनिप् aff.
  • यज्वनापति :: m. (-तिः) The moon. E. यज्वन् a sacrificer in the sixth case plural, पति master.
  • यत् (ई) यती :: r. 1st cl. (यतते) To resolve or determine in consequence of a wish or desire, to apply or endeavour strenuously, to energize, to persevere. r. 10 cl. (यातयति-ते) 1. To distress or afflict. 2. To beat. 3. To order. 4. To collect, to assemble. 5. To work, to make or manufacture. 6. To prevent, to remove. 7. To return, to give back, to requite. 8. To barter or exchange. 9. To purify. 10. To encourage. With निर or वि prefixed, To chastise, to punish, to inflict pain. With निस् or प्रति, 1. To restore. 2. To requite.
  • यत् :: Ind. Because as, since, wherefore, correlative of तत् thence, there- fore, &c. E. यत् to check, to restrain, क्विप् and तुक् affs.
  • यत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Governed, controlled. 2. Limited, restrained. n. (-तं) The stirring of an elephant by means of the rider's feet. E. यम् to check, क्त aff.
  • यतचित्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Resigned, subdued, one of well-governed thoughts or feelings. E. यत and चित्त the mind.
  • यतचित्तात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Having power over the soul and spirit, of subdued mind. E. यतचित्त, आत्मन् self.
  • यतत् :: mfn. (-तन् -तन्ती -तत्) Striving, making effort. E. यत् to make effort, शतृ aff.
  • यतन :: n. (-नं) Making effort or exertion. E. यत् to make effort, ल्युट् aff.
  • यतनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be exerted, or persevered, to be made as an effort. E. यत् to make effort, अनीयर् aff.
  • यतम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Which, (of many.) E. यद् which, डतमच् aff.
  • यतमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Making effort, striving, struggling, persevering. E. यत् to strive, शानच् aff.
  • यतमैथुन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Disinclined to sexual intercourse, abstaining from it. E. यत, and मैथुन coition.
  • यतर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रत्) Which, (of two), whether. E. यद् which, डतरच् aff.
  • यतव्रत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Firm to an engagement or vow. E. यत, व्रत a vow.
  • यतस् :: Ind. Because, as, since, whence: see यत् E. यद् which, what, and तसिल् substituted for the termination of the 5th case.
  • यतस्ततस् :: Ind. 1. From any place whatsoever. 2. From any person.
  • यतात्मत् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Of subdued or well-governed spirit. E. यत, आत्मन् self.
  • यतात्मवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Self-subdued, having the mind and all its powers in subjection. E. यतात्म, and मतुप् aff.
  • यताहार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Temperate, abstemious. E. यत, and आहार food.
  • यति :: Pron. How many, as many, (declined only in the plural, nomi- native and accusative यति).
  • यति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A sage, whose passions are completely under subjec- tion. 2. A religious mendicant, especially one of the Jaina sect. 3. Stopping, ceasing, rest, term. 4. Restraining, controlling, cheek- ing. f. (-तिः) 1. A pause in poetry or metre, a stop, a rest. 2. Uni- on, joining. 3. Restraint, check. 4. Guidance. E. यत् endeavour, &c., aff. इन्; or यम् to restrain, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • यतित :: f. (-ता) Adj. Attempted, striven after.
  • यतिन् :: m. (-ती) A sage with subdued passions. f. (-नी) A widow. E. यत restraining, from यम् with क्त aff. and इनि added.
  • यतिपात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A vessel for collecting alms, made of wood, or a hol- low bamboo, an earthen bowl, or a gourd. E. यति and पात्र a vessel.
  • यतिमैथुन :: n. (-नं) The copulation or cohabitation of holy personages. E. यति as above, and सैथुन coition.
  • यतु(तू)का :: f. (-का) A plant, Chakāwat commonly. “वेतोशाक ।”
  • यतीन्द्रय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Chaste, pure, of subdued passions. E. यत, इन्द्रिय an organ of sense.
  • यतेन्द्रिय :: Adj. m. (-यः) Of subdued passions, pious, pure.
  • यतोयतस् :: Ind. 1. From whatever place. 2. Wherever.
  • यत्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Doing what. E. यत् and कृ to do, अच् aff.
  • यत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Striven, resolved, exerted. E. यत् to resolve, क्त aff.
  • यत्न :: m. (-त्नः) Effort, exertion, perseverance, energy. E. यत् to endea- vour strenuously or continuously, aff. नङ् ।
  • यत्नतस् :: Ind. Vigorously, strenuously. E. यत्न and तसि aff.
  • यत्नवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Persevering, diligent, making effort or exer- tion. E. यत्न effort, मतुप् aff.
  • यत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) To be exerted or made as an effort. E. यत् to exert, यत् aff.
  • यत्र :: Ind. 1. Where, in what place. 2. When. 3. Because, since, as that. E. यद् what, and त्रल् aff.
  • यत्र् (इ) यत्रि :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (यन्त्रति-ते यन्त्रयति-ते) To confine, to res- train, to subdue or regulate: the root may also be written यन्त्र ।
  • यथा :: Ind. As, according to; correlative to तथा so: it is also commonly used in composition to form adverbs; as यथाकालं seasonably, यथा- क्रमं regularly, यथान्यायं fitly, suitably, यथाशास्त्रं according to scrip- ture, &c. E. यद् what, थाल् aff.
  • यथांशतस् :: Ind. Proportionably, in due proportion. E. यथा as, according to, अंश part, तसि aff.
  • यथाकथा :: Ind. As much as, tantum quantum; it is especially used as a term of disrespect. E. यथा as, and कथा how.
  • यथाकथाच :: Ind. Rarely, unfrequently, seldomer than proper. E. यथा as much, कथा how much, with च the particle aff.
  • यथाकर्त्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) What is right or proper to be done. E. यथा कर्त्तव्य to be done.
  • यथाकर्म :: Ind. According to action, duties or circumstances.
  • यथाकल्प :: Adv. n. (-ल्पं) As designed. E. यथा and कल्प making.
  • यथाकाम :: Adv. n. (-म) At pleasure, as you please. E. यथा, and काम desire.
  • यथाकामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Wilful, independent, uncontrolled, follow- ing one's own inclinations. E. यथा as, according to, काम desire, इनि aff.
  • यथाकालम् :: Ind. At the right moment.
  • यथाकृत :: Adj. As agreed.
  • यथाक्रम :: Adv. n. (-मं) In order, orderly, successively, methodically. E. यथा agreeably to, क्रम order.
  • यथाक्षमम् :: Ind. According to ability.
  • यथागत :: Adv. n. (-तं) Applied to a person's being sent away or returning as he came. E. यथा and गत gone.
  • यथाजात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Foolish, stupid, a fool, a natural. 2. Bar- barous, outcast. E. यथा as, जात born, as simple as at birth.
  • यथाज्ञानम् :: Ind. To the best of one's knowledge.
  • यथातथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) Right, true Ind. or adv. n. (-थं) 1. Properly, suitably. 2. Precisely, exactly. Noun. (-थः) Narrative of events, history. E. यथा as, and तथा so, with the termination of the neuter gender.
  • यथातथा :: Adv. In any way, any how. E. यथा and तथा, &c.
  • यथापूर्व्व :: n. Adv. (-र्व्वं) 1. In order or succession. 2. Formerly, pre- cedingly, in prior time or place. E. यथा as, पूर्व्व formerly, before.
  • यथाप्राणम् :: Ind. With all one's might.
  • यथाभागम् :: Ind. 1. According to share. 2. Each in his respective place.
  • यथाभिमतम् :: Ind. According to one's wish or purpose. E. यथा, and अभिमत purposed.
  • यथाभूतम् :: Ind. According to truth.
  • यथामुखीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Like, resembling, shewing, similarly or reflecting. 2. Looking strait at, (with a genitive.) E. यथा as, मुख the countenance, and ख aff.
  • यथायथम् :: Ind. 1. As, thereto, appertaining. 2. Rightly. E. यथा repeated, with the termination of the neuter gender.
  • यथार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) 1. Right, proper. 2. According to the sense. n. Adv. or ind. (-र्थं) Properly, suitably. E. यथा as, अर्थ property.
  • यथार्थता :: f. (-ता) Rectitude, propriety; fitness. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, यथार्थत्वं ।
  • यथार्ह :: mfn. (-र्हः -र्हा -र्हं) Proper, suitable, appropriate. n. adv. or ind. (-र्हं) Properly, suitably. E. यथा as, अर्ह properly.
  • यथार्हतस् :: Adv. Properly, fitly. E. यथार्ह and तसि aff.
  • यथार्हवर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) A spy, a secret emissary. E. यथार्ह properly, suitably, वर्ण form, colour.
  • यथावकाश :: Adv. n. or ind. (-शं) 1. According to opportunity. 2. In the proper place. E. यथा, and अवकाश season.
  • यथावत् :: Ind. 1. Truly, exactly, as it was, according to law or usage. 2. accordingly, conformably. E. यथा and वत्रि aff.
  • यथावसर :: Adv. n. or ind. (-रं) According to opportunity. E. यथा and अवसर opportunity.
  • यथाविधि :: Ind. or n. adv. According to rule. E. यथा, and विधि precept.
  • यथावृत्त :: Adv. (-त्तं) Circumstantially, relating a thing as it happened. E. यथा, and वृत्त being.
  • यथाशक्ति :: Adv. Extent of capability, as much as possible. E. यथा as much as, and शक्ति power.
  • यथाशास्त्र :: Adv. n. (-स्त्रं) According to the Shāstras, agreeably to scrip- ture. E. यथा agreeably to, शास्त्र the Shāstras.
  • यथासुख :: Adv. n. (-खं) Happily, E. यथा, and सुख pleasure.
  • यथास्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Right, proper, fit, true. n. (-तं) Circums- tantially, or all that happened or existed. E. यथा as, and स्थित fixed, established.
  • यथास्वम् :: Ind. As, according or appertaining to, properly, peculiarly. E. यथा as, and स्व own, peculiar.
  • यथेप्सित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Wished, desired. Adv. n. or ind. (-तं) 1. Wil- lingly, voluntarily. 2. Wilfully, independently. E. यथा as, इप्सित (participle past, desiderative form of आप् to obtain,) desired, wished.
  • यथेष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Wished, desired Adv. n. or ind. (-ष्टं) According to will or inclination.
  • यथेष्टचारिन् :: m. (-री) A bird. E. यथा as, इष्ट wished, चारिन् who goes.
  • यथोचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Right, proper. Adv. n. or ind. (-तं) Properly, suitably. E. यथा, and उचित proper.
  • यथोदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) As said or explained. E. यथा as, उदित said.
  • यद् :: mfn. Relative pronoun. (-यः-या-यत्) Who, which, what. E. यज् to worship, Unādi aff. अदि, with the power of डित् ।
  • यदा :: Ind. When, at what time. E. यद् what, दाच् aff., the final rejected.
  • यदि :: Ind. If.; particle of suspicion or doubt. E. यत् to make effort, इञ् aff., and the radical final changed to द ।
  • यदु :: m. (-दुः) 1. The name of a king, the ancestor of KRISHṆA, and the eldest son of YAYĀTĪ and DEVAYĀNĪ, the sixth monarch of the lunar dynasty. 2. A country on the west of the Jamunā river about Mathurā and Brindābana, over which YADU ruled, and named after him: according to some authorities, however, the kingdom of YADU, is the Dakshin or Peninsula of India. m. Plu. (-वाः) I. The Yādavas, the people of YADU. 2. Descendants of king YADU: more usually however यादवाः ।
  • यदुनाथ :: m. (-थः) A name of KRISHṆA. E. यदु the son of YAYĀTI, here put for his race, नाथ lord, chief.
  • यदृच्छा :: f. (-च्छा) 1. Wilfulness, independence, following one's own fan- cies. 2. (In grammar,) A noun which is neither a generic nor speci- fic term, or noun of agency; one either not derived from au- thority, or not possessing meaning. E. यत् what, which, ऋच्छ् to go, affs. अ and टाप् ।
  • यदृच्छाभिज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) A voluntary or self-offered witness. E. यदृच्छा, and अभिज्ञ who knows.
  • यद्यपि :: Adv. Although. E. यदि, and अपि certainly.
  • यद्वत् :: Ind. As, in what manner, correlative to तद्वत् . E. यद्, and वति aff.
  • यन्तृ :: mfn. (-न्ता -न्त्री -न्तृ) A check, a restraint, any person or thing that restrains, &c. m. (-न्ता) 1. A charioteer. 2. An elephant-driver. E. यम् to restrain, aff. तृच् ।
  • यन्त्र् :: r. 1st and 10 cls. (यन्त्रति-ते यन्त्रयति-ते) To restrain: see यत्रि ।
  • यन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) 1. A machine in general, any implement or apparatus. 2. A diagram of a mystical nature, or astrological character. 3. A

sort of vessel. 4. Restraining, checking, controlling. 5. A fetter, a cord. 6. A lock, a bolt. E. यम् to check, Unādi aff. त्र; or यत्रि-अच् ।

  • यन्त्रक :: m. (-कः) One acquainted with machinery. f. (-का) A wife's younger sister. n. (-कं) 1. A turner's lathe. 2. A bandage, (in medicine.) E. यन्त्र a machine or restraining, &c., कन् added.
  • यन्त्रगृह :: n. (-हं) 1. An oil-mill. 2. A manufactory. E. यन्त्र machine, the apparatus used for grinding substances yielding oil, गृह a house.
  • यन्त्रगोल :: m. (-लः) Common-pea. E. यन्त्र a machine, and गोल round. “मटर ।”
  • यन्त्रण :: n. (-णं) 1. Pain, anguish, affliction. 2. Binding, confining. 3. Checking, controlling, especially the passions. 4. Guarding, pro- tecting. E. यत्रि to restrain, &c., aff. ल्युट् ।
  • यन्त्रणी :: f. (-णी) A wife's younger sister; also यन्त्रिणी ।
  • यन्त्रपेषणी :: f. (-णी) A handmill. E. यन्त्र a machine, पेषणी a stone for grinding on.
  • यन्त्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Bound, tied, chained, fettered. 2. Checked, restrained. E. यन्त्र restraining, and इतच् aff.
  • यन्त्रितकथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) Restrained in speech, constrained to be silent. E. यन्त्रित, कथा speech.
  • यन्त्रिन् :: m. (-न्त्री) 1. A horse furnished with harness or trappings. 2. A tormenter. 3. One having an amulet.
  • यम् (औ) यमौ :: r. 1st cl (यमति) To copulate.
  • यम् :: r. 1st cl. (औ, उ) औयमु (यच्छ्वति) To stop, to cease, to refrain. With नि prefixed, 1. To remove, to dispel. 2. To observe as a vow or religious rite. 3. To regulate, to restrain. With उत्, 1. To rise, to mount on. 2. To make effort or exertion. 3. To lift up, to raise. With वि and आङ्, To exercise. With सम् and नि, To restrain. In some senses it takes the deponent form, as with आङ् prefix, (आयच्छते) To put forth, to use or employ any part of one's own body as the hand, &c. (आयच्छति) 1. To size. 2. To go to, to proceed to, With सम्, (संयच्छते) To heap together any thing that is one's own. (संयच्छति) To associate with. With उप, (उपयच्छते) 1. To marry. 2. To agree or accede to. 3. To master by learning. r. 10th cl. (यमयति-ते यामयति) 1. To feed, to give food to. 2. To restrain.
  • यम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Twin, fellow, one of the pair or brace. m. (-मः) 1. Restraining, controlling. 2. Forbearance, refraining. 3. Cessa- tion, stop, conclusion, finish. 4. Religious restraint or obli- gation, considered the first of the eight steps of Yoga. 5. Penance, purification, the performance of those acts which re- move impurity of any kind. 6. Any of the five acts or virtues, which constitute pure characters, as refraining from violence or injury, patience, sincerity, obedience to a spiritual teacher, and the observance of all purificatory ceremonies. 7. A festival. 8. A crow. 9. A name of the planet SATURN. 10. YAMA, the deity of Naraka or hell, where his capital is placed, in which he sits in judgment on the dead, and distributes rewards and punishments, sending the good to Swarga, and the wicked to the division of Naraka or Tartarus appropriated to their crimes: he corresponds with the Grecian god PLUTO, and the judge of hell MINOS, and in Hindu mythology often identified with Death and Time: he is the son of SŪRYA, or the sun, and brother of the personified YA- MUNĀ or Jamunā river. n. (-म) A brace, a couple, a pair. f. (-मी) The Yamunā river. E. यम् to restrain, &c., aff. अच्, घञ् or अप् ।
  • यमक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Twin, fellow, one of a pair or twins. m. (-कः) 1. A religious obligation or observance. 2. A twin. 3. Restraint, check. n. (-कं) 1. A species of alliteration, the repetition of similar words or syllables either in a similar or a dis-similar sense in various parts of a stanza, beginning, middle, or end of each hemistich, pervading the whole verse: ten varieties are enumerated. 2. A couple of like articles; (in medicine,) serum and marrow; oil and ghee, (in diet,) &c. 3. A double bandage. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • यमकालिन्दी :: f. (-न्दी) SANJNYĀ, the wife of the sun. E. यम YAMA, and कालिन्दी the Yamunā river; their mother.
  • यमकिङ्कर :: m. (-रः) A messenger of death.
  • यमकीट :: m. (-टः) An earth worm. E. यम YAMA, and कीट a worm.
  • यमज :: Adj. Twin-born.
  • य(ज)मदग्रि :: m. (-ग्निः) 1. The saint JAMADAGNI, the father of the first RĀMA.
  • यमदूत :: m. (-तः) 1. An infernal spirit, the messenger or minister of YAMA, employed to bring the souls of the dead to YAMA'S judg- ment seat, and thence conduct them to their final destination. 2. A crow. E. यप्त YAMA, and दूत a messenger.
  • यमदूतक :: m. (-कः) 1. A crow. 2. A messenger or minister of YAMA. f. (-तिका) The tamarisk tree. E. कन् aff. to the last.
  • यमदेवता :: nf. (-तं-ता) The lunar asterism Bharanī. E. यम YAMA. देवता deity, the deity or regent of this constellation.
  • यमद्वितीया :: f. (-या) The second day in the bright-half of KĀRTIKA when sisters entertain their brothers: see भ्रातृद्वितीया ।
  • यमन :: n. (-नं) 1. Binding, confining. 2. Term, cessation, rest. 3. Con- trolling, restraining. m. (-नः) A name of YAMA. E. यम् to restrain, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • यम(व)निका :: f. (-का) A screen of cloth surrounding a tent. E. यम् to stop or check, aff. ल्युट्, कन् added, fem. form; also जवनिका ।
  • यमप्रिय :: m. (-यः) Indian fig-tree, (Ficus Indica.) E. यम YAMA, प्रिय beloved.
  • यमभगिनी :: f. (-नी) The YAMUNĀ river. E. यम YAMA, भगिनी sister.
  • यमयातना :: f. (-ना) 1. The torture inflicted after death by YAMA. 2. An extreme torture, (figuratively.)
  • यमरय :: m. (-थः) A buffalo. E. यम YAMA, and रय a car.
  • यमराज् :: m. (-राट्) YAMA, the Indian PLUTO. E. यम YAMA, and राज् a ruler; also with a final vowel यमराज m. (-जः)
  • यमल :: n. (-लं) A pair, a brace, a couple. f. (-ली) 1. A sort of dress, a bodice and petticoat. 2. A pair. f. (-ला) Violent hic cough. E. यम् to refrain, to cease, aff. कलच्; or यमं योगं लाति ला-क ।
  • यमलार्जुनहन् :: m. (-हा) KRISHṆA. E. यमलार्जुन a tree so named in the forest of Brindāvana, हन् destroyer.
  • यमवाहन :: m. (-नः) A buffalo. E. यम YAMA, and वाहन vehicle.
  • यमव्रत :: n. (-तं) One of the duties of royalty, punishing offences without regard to persons, or without partiality or prejudice. E. यम the judge of Tartarus, and व्रत observance.
  • यमसभ :: n. (-भं) The court or tribunal of Yama. E. यम, सभा assembly.
  • यमसभनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Belonging to the court of Yama. E. यमसभ, छ aff.
  • यमसाकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Made over to, devoted to, or sent to YAMA. E. यम with साति aff., and कृत made.
  • यमसूर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) A building with two halls, one with a western and the other with a northern aspect.
  • यमस्वसृ :: f. (-सा) 1. The YAMUNĀ river. 2. A name of DURGĀ. E. यम YAMA, स्वसृ the sister.
  • यमानी :: f. (-नी) A sort of lovage, (Ligusticum ajwaen, Rox.) E. यम् to check, (indigestion,) आङ् before, नी to obtain, affs. अण् and ङीष्; with ण्वुल् aff. यमानिका; it is incorrectly read यवानी, and यवानिका ।
  • यमान्तक :: m. (-कः) A name of ŚIVA. E. यम YAMA, and अन्तक destroyer.
  • यमिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Who or what restrains, checks, &c. m. (-मी) A sage, who has subdued his sense. E. यम restraint, and इनि aff.
  • यमुना :: f. (-ना) The YAMUNĀ or Jamunā river, which rises on the south side of the Himālaya range, at a short distance to the north-west of the source of the Ganges, and which after a course of about 378 miles falls into that river immediately below Allāhābād; in mythology, the personified river is considered as the daughter of SŪRYA, and sister of YAMA. E. यम् to stop, (at the Ganges,) and उनन् Unādi aff.
  • यमुनाजनक :: m. (-कः) SŪRYA, or the sun. E. यमुना the river, जनक father.
  • यमुनाभिद् :: m. (-भिद् or भित्) BALADEVA, the brother of KRISHṆA. E. यमुना the Yamunā, and भिद् divider; having divided the river into two parts with his ploughshare.
  • यमुनाभ्रातृ :: m. (-ता) A name of YAMA. E. यमुना the Yamunā, भ्रातृ brother.
  • यमेरुका :: f. (-का) A Gong, a metal plate, or a large drum used to strike the hours or watches.
  • ययाति :: m. (-तिः) A monarch of India the fifth of the lunar race and son of NAHUSA. At first he married Devajāni, the only child of SŪKRA, the preceptor of the demons and subsequently ŚARMISHṬHĀ the daughter of VRISHAPARVAN, who was ordered by her father to attend on Devajāni as a servant, as a punishment for her throwing her in a well. For his marrying and making love to ŚARMISHṬHĀ Yajāti became old and infirm before his time through the curse of SUKRA, but having appeased his father-in-law obtained permission to transfer his decrepitude to any one who would consent to take it. Out of his five sons PURU complied with his father's wishes. The King being endowed with renovated youth, passed his time in the enjoyment of pleasures for a full thousand years, and after which he restored his youth to PURU and resuming his own de- crepitude departed to the wood of penance. E. यस्य वायोरिव याति- सर्वत्र रथगतिरस्य ।
  • ययि :: m. (-यिः or यी) 1. A road. 2. A name of ŚIVA. 3. A horse. E. या to go, Unādi aff. इ .
  • ययु :: m. (-युः) 1. A horse fit for the Aśwamedha sacrifice. 2. Any horse. E. या to go, Unādi aff. कु, the root reiterated.
  • यर्हि :: Adv. While, wherefore, when. 3. Because. It is the proper cor- relative of तर्हि but is rarely used in classics. E. यद्, and र्हिल् aff.
  • यव :: m. (-वः) 1. Barley, (Hordeum hexastichon.) 2. The measure of a barley-corn, considered as equal to six mustard seeds. 3. A mea- sure of length equal to one-eighth of an Angūla. 4. A natural line across the thumb at the second joint, when it may be com- pared to a grain of barley, and supposed to indicate good fortune. 5. Speed, velocity. 6. A double convex lens. E. यु to join, aff. अच् ।
  • यवक :: m. (-कः) Barley. E. यव barley, कन् pleonasm.
  • यवक्य :: mfn. (-क्यः -क्या -क्यं) Fit for or producing barley, a field, &c. E. यवक barley, यत् aff.
  • यवक्षार :: m. (-रः) Salt-petre, nitre, nitrate of potash. E. यव barley क्षार ashes or salt; being prepared, according to some of the com- mentators, accurately enough, from burnt barley, the potash being thus procured; according to others it is so termed, from the crystals being supposed to resemble the spike of the plant.
  • यवक्षोद :: m. (-दः) Barley meals. E. यव barley, and क्षोद meal or powder.
  • यवगण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A kind of eruption on the face. E. यव for युव youth, and गण्ड affecting the cheek.
  • यवज :: m. (-जः) Nitre. E. यव barley, and ज born: see यवक्षार ।
  • यवन :: m. (-नः) 1. A Country; probably Bactria, or it may be extended from that colony to Ionia, (to which word it bears some resem- blance,) or still further to Greece: by late Hindu writers, it is most commonly applied to Arabia. 2. A Yavana, apparently ori- ginally a Greek, but since applied to both the Mohammedan and European invaders of India, and often used as a general term for any foreign or barbarous race. 3. Speed, velocity. 4. A swift horse. 5. Wheat. 6. A carrot. f. (-नी) The wife of a Yavana. E. यु to mix, aff. युच्; or जु to be swift, and the consonant changed to its ana- logous semi-vowel; or योनि the womb, (of the cow of VAŚISH- ṬHA,) and अण् aff.; being born for the purpose of opposing the armies of VIŚWĀMITRA.
  • यवनप्रिय :: n. (-यं) Black pepper. E. यवन a Yavana, and प्रिय fond of.
  • यवनाचार्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) An astronomical writer, frequently quoted by Varā- ha-mihira, and other ancient Hindu astronomers: perhaps PTOLEMY, or the Greek astronomers collectively. E. यवन a Yavana, and आचार्य्य a holy teacher.
  • यवनारि :: m. (-रिः) A name of KRISHṆA. E. यवन a Yavana, अरि enemy.
  • यवनाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A sort of grass, very generally cultivated, and the grain extensively eaten, (Andropogon or Holcus bicolor.) “देधान” 2. Barley straw. E. यव barley, नाल culm or stalk; also यावनाल ।
  • यवनालज :: m. (-जः) Nitre. E. यवनाल barly straw, ज produced: see यवक्षार ।
  • यवनिका :: f. (-का) 1. An outer tent, a screen of cloth surrounding a tent or tents. 2. A YAVANA woman. E. See जवनिका, ज being changed to य .
  • यवनेष्ट :: n. (-ष्टं) Lead. m. (-ष्टः) 1. Garlic. 2. A sort of onion. 3. The Nimba-tree. E. यवन a Yavana, इष्ट wished, desired.
  • यवप्रख्या :: f. (-ख्या) A small hard indolent tumour like a barley-corn. E. यव, and प्रख्या appellation.
  • यवफल :: m. (-लः) 1. A bamboo. 2. Indian spikenard. 3. A medicinal plant. (Wrightea anti-dysenterica.) 4. An onion. E. यव barley, फल fruit.
  • यवमध्य :: n. (-ध्यं) A form of penance, diminishing the food daily during the fortnight, fasting on the new-moon, and gradually aug- menting the food till the full-moon. f. (-ध्या) A form of metre, a triplet, the divisions of which are of unequal length, the middle line having one syllable more than the first or last. E. यव barley, मध्य centrical.
  • यवमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Made of, or from barley. E. यव barley, मयट् aff.
  • यवलास :: m. (-सः) Nitre, salt-petre. E. यव barley, and लस् to like, aff. घञ् ।
  • यवशूक :: m. (-कः) Nitre, salt-petre. E. यव barley, शूक the beard of corn.
  • यवस :: m. (-सः) Meadow or pasturage. E. यु to mix, असच् aff.
  • यवसुर :: n. (-रं) Spirituous or fermented liquor distilled from barley, malt-liquor, beer. E. यव barley, सुरा wine, ष aff. in the neuter gender; also यवसुरा the second member being unchanged.
  • यवागू :: f. (-गूः) Sour gruel, prepared by the spontaneous fermentation of water in which rice, &c. has been boiled. E. यु to mix, आगूच् aff.
  • यवाग्रज :: m. (-जः) Salt-petre. E. यव barley, अग्र the top or ear, ज born.
  • यवान :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Swift, fleet. f. (-नी) 1. A plant, (Ligusticum ajwaen.) 2. Bad barley. E. यव speed, नी to possess, prefix अञ्, and aff. ड; also with कन् added, fem. form यवानिका ।
  • यवास :: m. (-सः) 1. A shrub, (Hedysarum alhagi.) “दुरालभा ।” 2. A kind of Khayer. E. यु to mix, Unādi aff. आस; with कन् added, यवासक ।
  • यविष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Youngest, very young. m. (-ष्ठः) A younger bro- ther. E. युवन् young, इष्ठन् aff. of the superlative; also with कन् added, यविष्ठक .
  • यविष्ठवत् :: Adv. Like a youth. E. यविष्ठ, and वति aff.
  • यवीयस् :: m. (-यान्-यसी-यः) Youngest, very young. m. (-यः) 1. A younger brother. 2. A Sūdra. E. युवन् young, ईयसुन् aff.
  • यव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Fit for barley, sown with barley, &c. m. (-व्यः) A month. E. यव barley and यत् aff.
  • यशःपटह :: m. (-हः) A drum, a double drum. E. यशस् fame, पटह a drum.
  • यशःशेष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Dead, (i. e.) having left nothing but glory. m. (-षः) Death, dying. E. यशस् fame, शेष end.
  • यशद :: n. (-दं) Zink. (Zinkum.) “दला” E. य wind, शद to decay, (by which,) aff. अच् ।
  • यशस् :: n. (-शः) 1. Glory, fame, celebrity, reputation. 2. Splendour, lus- tre. 3. Praise, eulogium. E. अश् to pervade, to spread abroad, aff. असुन्, and युट् substituted for the initial.
  • यशस्कर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Rendering famous, conferring celebrity. E. यशस fame, कृ to make, aff. टच् ।
  • यशस्काम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Ambitious, desirous of fame or glory. E. यशस्, and काम desire.
  • यशस्काम्यत् :: mfn. (-म्यन् -म्यती -म्यत्) Desiring fame or glory. E. यशस्, काम्यत् desiring.
  • यशस्काय :: m. (-यः) Body in the form of fame.
  • यशस्वत् :: mfn. (-स्वान् -स्वती -स्वत्) Famous, celebrated. E. यशस् fame, मतुप् poss. aff.
  • यशस्विन् :: mfn. (-स्वी -स्विनी -स्वि) Famed, renowned, celebrated. f. (-स्विनी) Wild-cotton. E. यशस् fame, विनि aff.
  • यशस्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) 1. Conferring fame. 2. A plant, (Celtis orienta- lis.) “जीवन्ती वृक्षे ।” E. यशस् and यत् aff.
  • यशोघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) Destroying fame, rendering infamous. E. यशस्, घ्न what destroys.
  • यशोद :: m. (-दः) Quicksilver.
  • यशोधन :: Adj. Rich in fame.
  • यष्टि :: mf. (-ष्टिः-ष्टिः or ष्टी) 1. A staff, a stick. 2. A staff armed with iron, &c. used as a weapon, a club, a mace. 3. A necklace. 4. Any creeping plant. 5. Liquorice. 6. A shrub, (Siphonanthus Indica.) 7. A string, a thread, especially as strung with pearls, &c. 8. A thread in general. m. (-ष्टिः) 1. A flag-staff. 2. The arm, and fore- arm. 3. A pillar. 4. A support. 5. A stalk. 6. A branch. E. यक्ष to worship, aff. क्तिन्; the क of the compound final rejected; Vāchas- patya defines it thus:-- यज् क्तिन् नि० न सम्प्रसारणम् । This word implies “thinness” “slenderness” &c. when used at the end of compounds.
  • यष्टि(ष्टी)क :: m. (-कः) A bird, the lapwing. “तितिरपाखी” f. (-का) 1. A pearl- necklace, especially of but one string. 2. A pond, a pool. 3. Liquorice 4. A club, a staff, a bludgeon. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • यष्टिग्रह :: m. (-हः) A club-bearer, one carrying a staff or stick. E. यष्टि a stick, and ग्रह् to take, aff. अच् ।
  • यष्टिमधु :: n. (-धु) Liquorice, or the root of the Abrus precatorius. E. यष्टि a stick, and मधु honey; also with कन् added, fem. form यष्टिमधुका; and with the final of the first word long यष्टीमधु ।
  • यष्टृ :: m. (-ष्टा) A sacrificer, one who employs priests for a sacrifice. E. यज् to worship, aff. तृच्, and ज changed to ष ।
  • यस् (इर्, उ) इर् यसु :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (यसति यस्यति) 1. To endeavour, to persevere, to make strenuous and presevering exertion. 2. To be afflicted. With आङ् prefixed, To labour. With निर्, To exude. r. 10th cl. (यासयति-ते) With आ, To torment, to trouble.
  • यस्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) To be done with energy or perseverance. 2. To be killed or put to death. E. यस् to strive, यत् aff.
  • यस्यत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Death, being killed. 2. Effort, energy. E. त्व added to the last.
  • यह्व :: m. (-ह्वः) A sacrificer, an institutor of sacrifices. E. या to go, वन् Unādi aff., and हुक् augment, form irr.
  • या :: r. 2nd cl. (याति) 1. To go, to go to. 2. To obtain, to get. 3. To invade. 4. To withdraw. 5. To elapse, (as time.) 6. To come to pass, to become. 7. To have carnal intercourse with. 8. To re- quest. 9. To attempt. 10. To discover. With अनु, prefixed, To follow. With अभि, To approach. to reach. With आङ्, To come, to arrive. With उप, To give way, to yield. With निर्, 1. To go out or forth. 2. To go readily or quickly. With प्र, To go to. With प्रति, To go to or towards. With प्रति and उत्, To meet, to advance to. With सम् and अभि, To approach. With सम् and आङ्, To arrive. With अति, 1. To transgress. 2. To surpass.
  • याग :: m. (-गः) A sacrifice, any ceremony in which offerings and obla- tions are presented. E. यज् to worship, aff. घञ् ।
  • याच् (टु, ऋ) टुयाचृ :: r. 1st cl. (याचति-ते) 1. To ask or beg, to solicit, to re- quest. 2. To offer, to tender.
  • याचक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Beggar, mendicant, asking, one who asks, or solicits. E. याच् to ask, aff. ण्वुल ।
  • याचनक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Beggar, mendicant. E. याचन an asker, कन् added.
  • याचना :: f. (-ना) Asking, begging. E. याच् to ask, aff. युच् ।
  • याचमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Asking, soliciting. E. याच् to ask, शानच् aff.
  • याचनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be asked, &c. E. याच् to ask, अनीयर् aff.
  • याचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Asked, begged, solicited. E. याच् to ask, aff. क्त ।
  • याचितक :: n. (-कं) A thing borrowed for use. E. याचित asked, कन् added.
  • याच्य :: mfn. (-च्यः -च्या -च्यं) To be asked, begged, &c. E. याच् to ask, ण्य aff.
  • याच्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being asked. E. याच् to ask, pass. v., शानचे aff.
  • याज्ञा :: f. (-ज्ञा) Asking, begging. E. याच् to ask, नङ् aff.
  • याज :: m. (-जः) Boiled-rice, or generally food. E. यज् to present, aff. घञ् ।
  • याजक :: m. (-कः) 1. An officiating priest, a Brāhamana who conducts any part of a sacrifice. 2. A royal elephant. 3. A furious elephant. E. यज् to worship, ण्वुल् aff.
  • याजन :: n. (-नं) Conducting a sacrifice or causing its performance. E. यज् to worship, causal form, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • याजि :: m. (-जिः) A sacrificer, an institutor of sacrificial ceremonies. E. यज् to sacrifice, Unādi aff. इञ् .
  • याजिन् :: m. (-जी) Sacrificing, one who officiates at a sacrifice. E. यज् to sacrifice, घिनुण् aff.
  • याजुष :: mfn. (-षः -षी -षं) Belonging to or relating to the Yajur-Veda. E. यजुर् or यजुस् the Veda, अण् aff.
  • याज्ञदत्ति :: m. (-त्तिः) KUVERA. E. यज्ञदत्त a proper name, इञ् aff. of descent.
  • याज्ञवल्क्य :: m. (-ल्क्यः) A celebrated saint and legislator; the supposed author of a celebrated code of laws, and the first reputed teacher of the white portion of the Yayar-Veda revealed to him by the sun. E. यज्ञवल्क the father of the saint, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • याज्ञसेनी :: f. (-नी) A name of DRAUPADĪ, the wife of the Pāṇḍavas. E. यज्ञसेन the father of the princess, अण् patronymic aff., fem. aff. ङीष् .
  • याज्ञिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A sacrificer, an institutor of a sacrifice. 2. An officiating priest at a sacrifical ceremony. 3. Kuśa or sacrificial grass. E. यज्ञ sacrifice, ठक् aff.
  • याज्ञिक्य :: n. (-क्यं) Sacrifice, sacrificial ceremonies. E. याज्ञिक a sacrificer, and यञ् aff.
  • याज्ञिय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Fit for sacrifice. E. यज्ञिय, अण् added.
  • याज्य :: mfn. (-ज्यः -ज्या -ज्यं) To be offered or sacrificed. m. (-ज्यः) A sacri- ficer, the person for whom it is performed. n. (-ज्यं) Property or presents derived from officiating at sacrifices. E. यज् to worship, ण्यत् aff.
  • यात् :: Ind. An interjection. I. Of pleasure. 2. Of alarm. 3. Of restlessness.
  • यात् :: m. (-यान्-यान्ती-यात्) Going. E. या to go, शतृ aff.
  • यात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Gone, went. 2. Obtained, got. n. (-तं) 1. Driving or guiding an elephant with a goad. 2. Going, motion. 3. The pastime. E. यत् to endeavour, or या to go, aff. श ।
  • यातन :: n. (-नं) 1. Requital, recompense. 2. Revenge.
  • यातना :: f. (-ना) 1. Pain, agony, sharp or acute pain. 2. Pain or punish- ment inflicted by YAMA or his ministers, the pains of hell. E. यत् to inflict pain, aff. युच् .
  • यातयाम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Old. 2. Used, impaired. 3. Rejected, abando- ned. 4. Raw, half-ripe or dressed. 5. Aged, exhausted. E. यात gone or got, याम forbearance, relinquishment.
  • यातव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be gone. 2. To be gone against, to be attacked or invaded. E. या to go, तव्य aff.
  • यातु :: mfn. (-तुः -तुः -तु) A goer, one who goes or moves. m. (-तुः) A demon, a goblin, an imp or evil spirit. m. (-तुः) 1. Time. 2. A traveller, a wayfarer. 3. Wind. E. या to go, तु Unādi aff.
  • यातुधान :: m. (-नः) A goblin, an evil spirit. E. यातु the same, धा to have, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • यातृ :: m. (-ता) 1. A charioteer, a driver. 2. A husband's brother's wife. E. यत् to endeavour assiduously, Unādi aff. ऋत्, and the radical vowel made long.
  • यात्य :: m. (-त्यः) An infernal or condemned spirit. E. यत् to endeavour, causal form, aff. ण्यत् ।
  • यात्रा :: f. (-त्रा) 1. Going moving, proceeding, marching travelling. 2. Passing away time. 3. Practice, usage, custom. 4. A holy festival, but especially the procession of idols, &c. which usually forms part of the ceremonies on such an occasion. 5. An expedient, a means. 6. The march of an assailing force. 7. Going to pilgrimage. 8. A sort of dramatic entertainment. 9. Intercourse. 10. Way, means. 11. A vehicle in general. E. या to go, Unādi aff. ष्ट्रन् or त्रन् ।
  • यात्राकरण :: n. (-णं) Setting forth on a journey, &c. E. यात्रा, करण making.
  • यात्राप्रसङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Performing a pilgrimage. E. यात्रा, प्रसङ्ग engaging in.
  • यात्रिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Relating to a march, &c. 2. Customary, usual. 3. Requisite for the support of life. m. (-कः) 1. A pilgrim. 2. A traveller. n. (-कं) Provision, supplies, conveyance, &c., for a march. E. यात्रा and ठक् aff.
  • यात्रोत्सव :: m. (-वः) A public festival. E. यात्रा procession, उत्सव festival.
  • याथातथ्य :: n. (-थ्यं) Rectitude, truth, propriety. E. यथातथा, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • याथार्थिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Just, true. E. यथार्थ, ठञ् aff.
  • याथार्थ्य :: n. (-र्थ्यं) Application, use, accomplishment, attainment of an object. E. यथार्थ, ष्यञ् aff.
  • यादईश :: m. (-शः) The ocean. E. यादस् an aquatic animal, and ईश lord.
  • यादःपति :: m. (-तिः) 1. The ocean. 2. VARUṆA, regent of water. E. यादस् a fish, &c., and पति lord.
  • यादव :: m. (-वः) 1. KRISHṆA, as descended from the family of Yadu. 2. A Yādava, or descendant of Yadu. f. (-वी) A name of DURGĀ. n. (-वं) Stock of cattle. E. यदु a proper name, अण् aff. of descent, &c.
  • यादस् :: n. (-दः) Any aquatic or amphibious animal. E. या to go, (with speed,) असुन् aff., and दुक् augment.
  • यादसांनाथ :: m. (-थः) VARUṆA, the deity of water. E. यादस् an aquatic animal, in the sixth case plural, नाथ lord.
  • यादसाम्पति :: m. (-तिः) 1. VARUṆA. 2. The ocean. E. यादसाम्, पति lord: see the last.
  • यादृच्छिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Independent, following one's own will. m. (-कः) A ministering priest who does as he pleases. E. यदृच्छा, ठञ् aff.
  • यादृश् :: mfn. (-दृक्) As like, how like, which like. E. यद् what, दृश् to see, क्किन् aff., form irr.; also with खञ् aff. यादृश mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) and with क्स added यादृक्ष mfn. (-क्षः -क्षी -क्षं) ।
  • यादोनिवासस् :: n. (-सः) Water. E. यादज् an aquatic animal, निवासस् abode.
  • यान :: n. (-नं) 1. Any vehicle or form of conveyance, as a carriage, a litter, a horse, an elephant, &c. 2. Going, marching, proceeding. 3. In- vading, marching against an enemy. E. या to go, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • यानपात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A vessel, a ship, a boat. E. यान going, (by water,) and पात्र a cup or vessel; also with कन् added यानपात्रक n. (-कं) ।
  • यानमुख :: n. (-खं) The forepart of a carriage, the pole or part where the yoke is fixed E. यान a vehicle, and मुख face or front.
  • यानस्वामिन् :: m. (-मी) The owner of a vehicle. E. यान and स्वामिन् master.
  • यापन :: n. (-नं) 1. Spending or passing away time. 2. Abinding, staying, being. 3. Rejection, ejection, expelling, expulsion. 4. Allaying, al- leviating, (as pain or sickness.) E. या to go, causal form, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • यापनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be passed or spent as time. 2. To be al- layed or relieved though not cured, (disease or a sick person.) E. या to go, causal. v. अनीयर् aff.
  • याप्ता :: f. (-प्ता) Twisted or matted hair. E. या to, in the causal form, aff. क्त ।
  • याप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) 1. Low, vile, contemptible. 2. To be passed or spent, (as time, &c.) 3. (In medicine,) To be alleviated or relieved though not cured, (disease.) E. या to go, causal form, aff. णिच्-ण्यत्
  • याप्ययान :: n. (-नं) A litter, a palanquin. E. याप्य vile, and यान a carriage.
  • याम :: mfn. (-मः -मी -मं) Relating to YAMA, done by him, ordered by him, &c. m. (-मः) 1. The eighth part of a day, a watch of three hours. 2. Forbearance. 3. Cessation, term. E. या to go, (through the day,) मन् Unādi aff.; or यम् to restrain, aff. घञ्; or यम्, and अण् aff.
  • यामघोष :: m. (-षः) A cock. f. (-षा) A clock, a metal plate to which the hours are struck, or a drum used for similar purpose. E. याम a watch, and घोष sound.
  • यामनाली :: f. (-ली) A metal plate on which the hours are struck, or a drum used for that purpose. E. याम a watch, नाली the same.
  • यामनेमि :: m. (-मिः) A name of INDRA.
  • यामयम :: m. (-मः) A regular occupation for every hour.
  • यामल :: n. (-लं) A pair, a couple, a brace. E. यमल, अण् pleonastic aff.
  • यामवती :: f. (-ती) 1. Night. 2. Turmeric. E. याम a watch, and मतुप् aff.
  • यामवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) The being on watch or guard.
  • यामातृ :: m. (-ता) A daughter's husband. E. य substituted for ज; see जामातृ ।
  • यामि :: f. (-मिः-मी) 1. A sister. 2. A virtuous woman. 3. Night. 4. The south. 5. Relating to YAMA. 6. A daughter, or daughter-in-law, newly married. E. या to go, मि aff.; or य substituted for जः see जामि; or यम YAMA, इन् aff. of reference.
  • यामिका :: f. (-का) Night. E. याम a watch, कन् aff., fem. form.
  • यामिनी :: f. (-नी) 1. Night 2. Turmeric. E. याम a watch, इनि aff.
  • यामिनीपति :: m. (-तिः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. E. यामिनी night, पति master.
  • यामीर :: m. (-रः) The moon. f. (-रा) Night. E. यामी night, रा to have or be, aff. क ।
  • यामुन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Relating to the Yamunā river. n. (-नं) Antimony, or rather the sulphuret of antimony, generally used as an appli- cation to darken the eyelashes, and strengthen the eyes. E. यमुना the Jamunā river, and अण् aff.
  • यामुनेष्ठक :: n. (-कं) Lead.
  • यामेय :: m. (-यः) A sister's son. E. यामि a sister, and ढक् aff.
  • याम्य :: m. (-म्यः) 1. Sandal. 2. The saint AGASTYA. f. (-म्या) 1. The south. 2. The lunar asterism, Bharaṇi. 3. Night. E. यम YAMA, ण्यत् aff.; being sacred to or governed by that deity, &c.
  • याम्यायन :: n. (-नं) The sun's course, south of the line, the winter sols- tice. E. याम्य the south, अयन going.
  • याम्योत्तर :: Adj. Going from south to north.
  • यायजूक :: m. (-कः) The performer of frequent sacrifices. E. यज् to sacrifice. aff. ऊक, the root repeated, and the first vowel made long.
  • यायावर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Going repeatedly. 2. Wandering, vagrant. m. (-रः) 1. A horse fit for the Aśwamedha sacrifice. 2. The saint JARATKĀRU. 3. A Brāhmana who has preserved his household- fire. 4. A vagrant. E. या to go, in the reiterative form, वरच् aff.
  • यायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Going, who or what goes. E. या to go, णिनि aff., युक् inserted.
  • याव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Relating to barley. m. (-वः) Lac, the red animal- dye. E. यु to join, aff. अण्; the nest yielding a sort of resinous substance used as sealing-wax: or यत barley, to which the grains of the dye are compared, and अप्-अण् aff.
  • यावक :: m. (-कः) 1. Half-ripe barley. 2. Awnless barley 3. A sort of kid- ney-bean, (Phaseolus) 4. A kind of pulse, (Dolichos biflorus.) 5. A kind of pulse said to be peculiar to Cashmir. 6. Lac. E. यु to mix, aff. वुन्, and अण् added; or याव as above, pleonastic aff. कन् ।
  • यावच्छक्य :: Adv. (-क्यं) To the utmost of one's power. E. यावत् and शक्य able.
  • यावज्जीव :: Adv. (-वं) For life, as long as life. E. यावत् until, जीव life.
  • यावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) As much, how much, such. Ind. 1. As much as. 2. As many as. 3. As long as. 4. As far as, until, unto. 5. When, (i. e. as much, applied to time.); the correlative of तावत् . E. यत् what or which, डवतुप् aff. and आ substituted for the pronominal final.
  • यावतिथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) That which is as far as, or as much as, &c. the ordinal of the particle यावत् E. यावत् as much as. &c. and तिथक् aff.
  • यावत्तावत् :: Ind. 1. As much as, quantum-tantum. 2. (In algebra,) The relation of the unknown number and its co-efficient. E. यावत्, तावत् so much.
  • यावन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Belonging or relating to a Yavana, Ionian, &c. m. (-नः) Incense. E. यवन the country of the Yavanas, अण् aff.
  • यावनाल :: m. (-लः) A kind of grain, (Zea mays.) “जनार” . f. (-ली) Sugar prepared from Zea mays. E. यवनाल, अण् pleonasm.
  • यावशूक :: m. (-कः) Nitre, salt-petre. E. यव barley, शूक the spike, अण् aff.
  • यावस :: m. (-सः) A quantity or heap of grass. E. यु to mix, Unādi aff. असच् with the effect of णित्, which makes the vowel long.
  • याव्य :: mfn. (-व्या -व्या -व्यं) To be mixed or joined, miscible. E. यु to join or mix, aff. ण्यत् ।
  • याशोधरेय :: m. (-यः) The son of ŚĀKYAMUNI, the probable founder of the Bauddha sect.
  • याष्टीक :: m. (-कः) A warrior armed with a club. E. यष्टि a stick, a club, ठक् aff., and both vowels made long; or यष्टिः-ईकक् ।
  • यास :: m. (-सः) 1. A plant, (Hedysarum alhagi) “दुरालभायाम्” . 2. Effort. f. (-सा) A sort of bird, the Sālika. E. यस् to endeavour, aff. घञ् ।
  • यास्क :: m. (-स्कः) Name of the author of NIRUKTA.
  • यास्यत् :: mfn. (-स्यन् -स्यती -स्यत्) Going, who or what will be going. E. या to go, शतृ aff. with the future tense.
  • यियक्षमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Purposing or wishing to worship. E. यज् to worship, desid. v., शानच् aff.
  • यियक्षु :: mfn. (-क्षुः -क्षुः -क्षु) Desirous of sacrificing. E. यज् to worship, desid. v., उ aff.
  • यियविषा :: f. (-षा) Wish to mix, blend, &c. E. यु to mix, desid. v., अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • यियविषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing to mix or blend. E. यु to mix, desid. v., उ aff.
  • यु :: r. 2nd cl. (योति) 1. To mix, to join, to blend. 2. To separate or not mix. r. 10th cl. (यावयते) To censure, to blame, to disrespect, to despise. (ञ) युञ् r. 9th cl. (युनाति युनीते) To bind, to tie.
  • युक् :: Ind. Badly, ill.
  • युक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Joined, combined, united, identified. 2. Right, fit, proper. 3. Proved, concluded by inference or argument. 4. Mo- derate, limited. 5. Possessing, endowed with, as virtues, qualities, &c. 6. Intent on, attached to, as a study or pursuit. 7. Employed or engaged in business, &c. 8. Occupied in performance of the reli- gious exercise called Yoga. m. (-क्तः) The sage who has acquired the command of his feelings and passions, and who performs the cus- tomary devotional offices without any regard to their result. n. (-क्तं) 1. A measure of four cubits. 2. A team, a yoke. f. (-क्ता) A plant, commonly Elāni. E. युज् to join or mix, aff. क्त ।
  • युक्तरसा :: f. (-सा) A plant, commonly Elāni, (Mimosa octandra.) E. युक्त mixed, joined, रस juice.
  • युक्तायस् :: n. (-यः) A sort of wooden spade or shovel. E. युक्त bound, joined, अयस् iron.
  • युक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Union, connection, joining. 2. Propriety, fitness. 3. Usage, custom, traditionary and unwritten law. 4. Inference, de- duction from circumstance or argument, the reason of a thing or argument. 5. Insertion of circumstances in written evidence, specification in writting of place, time, &c., considered as one of the means of verifying such evidence. 6. A figure of rhetoric, emble- matic or mystical expression of purpose, so as to conceal it form all but its immediate object. 7. Supplying an ellipsis. 8. Connec- tion of dramatic events, the production of one incident by ano- ther. 9. Alloying of metals. E. युज् to join, &c., aff. क्तिन् ।
  • युक्तिकर :: Adj. 1. Suitable. 2. Proved.
  • युक्तियुक्त :: Adj. 1. Expert. 2. Suitable, fit. 3. Proved.
  • युग् (इ) युगि :: r. 1st cl. (युङ्गति) To except, to abandon.
  • युग :: n. (-गं) 1. A pair, a couple, a brace. 2. An age, as the Śatya or Krita, Tretā, Dwāpara, and Kali. 3. A lustre, or period of five years. m. (-गः) 1. A yoke. 2. A measure of four cubits. 3. An ex- pression for the numbers “four and “twelve”. 4. Life, birth. 5. A drug, commonly Riddhi. E. युज् to join, aff. अच, the final changed.
  • युगकीलक :: m. (-कः) The pin of a yoke. E. युग a yoke, कील a pin, कन् added.
  • युगक्षय :: m. (-यः) Destruction of the world. E. युग and क्षय destruction.
  • युगन्धर :: mn. (-रः-रं) 1. The pole of a carriage, or wood to which the yoke is fixed. 2. The name of a mountain. E. युग a yoke, धृ to hold or support, खच् aff.
  • युगपत् :: Ind. 1. At one time, at once. 2. Together, conjointly. E. यु to join, गपतक aff.
  • युगप(पा)त्र :: m. (-त्रः) 1. A sort of ebony. 2. The Ashmantā a tree. 3. The Lodh or Lodhra tree, (symplocos racemosa.): see the next.
  • युगपत्रक :: m. (-कः) Mountain-ebony, (Bauhinia variegata.) “रक्त्रकाञ्चनार- वृक्षे” . f. (-त्रिका) 1. The Sishu-tree, (Dalbergia Sishu.) “शिंशपावृक्षे . ”

2. The Sarsapa-tree, (sinapis dichotoma.) E. युग a pair, पत्र a leaf, aff. कन्, double-leaved.

  • युगपार्श्वग :: m. (-गः) A young ox in training. E. युग a yoke, पार्श्व a side, and ग who goes, or with कन् aff. युगपार्श्वक m. (-कः) ।
  • युगल :: n. (-लं) A pair, a brace, a couple. E. युग a pair, लच् aff.
  • युगलक :: n. (-कं) 1. A hair. 2. Two verses forming one sentence.
  • युगांशक :: m. (-कः) A year. E. युग an age, and अंशक a part.
  • युगान्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. A destruction of the universe. 2. The end of an age. 3. Mid-day, noon. 4. The end of a yoke. E. युग an age, either ge- nerally or individually, and अन्त end.
  • युगान्तबन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) A real friend, a friend in need. E. युगान्त, बन्धु a friend.
  • युग्म :: n. (-ग्मं) 1. A pair, a couple, a brace. 2. A twin. 3. Mixing, unit- ing. 4. A couple of verses. 5. The sign Gemini of the Zodiac. f. (-ग्मा) Even. E. युज् to join, Unādi aff. मक्, the final changed to ग .
  • युग्मक :: n. (-कं) 1. A couple. 2. A couple of verses connected by the con- struction of the sentence, the sense being completed only by the two together. E. कन् added to the last.
  • युग्मपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) 1. A tree, (Alstonia scholaris. Syn. Echites scholaris.) 2. The Sishu-tree. 3. The Rakta-Kānchana tree, (Bauhinia varie- gata.) 4. The Bhūrja-patra tree. E. युग्म a couple, and पत्र a leaf, doble-leaved: see युगपत्रक ।
  • युग्मपत्रिका :: f. (-का) A timber-tree, (Dalbergia Sisu.): see the last.
  • युग्मफलोत्तम :: m. (-मः) A plant, (Asclepias rosea.)
  • युग्य :: mfn. (-ग्यः -ग्या -ग्यं) Fit or proper to be yoked or harnessed. n. (-ग्यं) Any vehicle or conveyance. m. (-ग्यः) An animal yoked, a carriage- horse. E. युज् to join, aff. यत् or क्यप्; जस्य ग ।
  • युच्छ् :: r. 1st cl. (युच्छति) To be inattentive or negligent, to err or mistake.
  • युज् (औ) युजी :: r. 4th cl. (युज्यते) 1. To confine the thoughts, to keep the mind fixed in abstract meditation. 2. To be fit. 3. To be right. r. 1st and 10th cls. (योजति योजयति-ते) 1. To bind, to tie, to connect. 2. To yoke. 3. To instigate. 4. To oblige. 5. To put to. With नि, To yoke. With सम, To unite. (योजयते) To blame. (औ इर्,) औ युजिर् r. 7th cl. (युनक्ति युङ्क्ते) 1. To join, to mix, to unite, &c. 2. To apply, to use. 3. To prepare, to make ready. 4. To meditate. 5. To grant to endow. 6. To design, to intend, &c. With अनु prefixed, 1. To ask, to inquire. 2. To reprove. With अभि, 1. To utter, to speak. 2. To accuse. 3. To claim. With उत्, 1. To make effort. 2. To prepare. With उप, 1. To seize, to take, to lay hold of. 2. To eat. 3. To use. With नि, 1. To order, to appoint, (with a loc.) 2. To join. With प्र 1. To be fit or due. 2. To attach or apply to. 3. To lend money. 4. To make effort. 5. To combine or connect. 6. To give. 7. To move. 8. To perform on the stage. With वि, 1. To separate, to sunder. 2. To send. 3. To leave, to abandon. With वि and नि, 1 To appoint or employ. 2. To expend. 3. To send. 4. To involve in or force upon. With वि and प्र, To separate, to part, to divide. With सम्, To unite, to combine. With सम् and आङ्, To think profoundly.
  • युज् :: n. (युक्) A pair, a couple. m. (-युक्-युग्) A sage, one who devotes his time to abstract contemplation. Dual. (-जौ) The twin-sons of AŚHWINĪ, and physicians of Swarga. m. (-युङ्) A joiner, one who joins, or unites. f. (-युक्) A measure of three hundred poles. E. युज् to join to meditate, &c., aff. क्विप्; also युजिर् the same, with the same aff., when न is inserted after the vowel, before the first five affixes in the masculine and feminine genders.
  • युञ्जत् :: mfn. (-ञ्जन् -ञ्जन्ती -ञ्जत्) 1. Uniting, Joining. 2. Uniting spiritually, practising devotion. E. युज् to join, &c., शतृ aff.
  • युञ्जान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Uniting, combining, joining with. m. (-नः) 1. A charioteer. 2. A Brāhmana engaged in the religious exercise called Yoga. E. युज् to join, &c., aff. शानच् and नुम् inserted.
  • युत् (ऋ) युतृ :: r. 1st cl. (योतते) To shine.
  • युत् :: Ind. Badly, ill.
  • युत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Joined, combined, connected, identified. 2. Atta- ched to, engaged in or by. 3. Endowed with, possessed of. 4. Sepa- rated. n. (-तं) A measure of four cubits. E. यु to join, &c., aff. क्त ।
  • युतक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Joined, combined. n. (-कं) 1. Doubt, uncertainty. 2. A pair, a brace. 3. Nuptial presents. 4. The end of a cloth worn by women. 5. A garment worn by women; it is applied, both to the petti-coat and the upper wrapper or cloth. 6. The ends of a cloth. 7. The edge of a winnowing basket. 8. Asylum. 9. Forbearance, cessation. 10. Alliance, acquaintance, forming an alliance, friendship. E. युत joined, &c., कन् added.
  • युति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Joining, uniting. 2. Obtaining possession of. 3. A con- junction, (in astro.) 4. (In arith.) Addition. E. यु to join, क्तिन् aff.
  • युद्ध :: n. (-द्धं) 1. War, battle, contest. 2. Conflict of the planets, (in as- tronomy.) E. युध् to fight, aff. क्त ।
  • युद्धरङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. KĀRTIKEYA. 2. A battle-arena. E. युद्ध war, and रङ्ग delight.
  • युद्धवीर :: m. (-रः) 1. A warrior. 2. A warlike hero in a poem. 3. The sentiment of heroism.
  • युद्धसार :: m. (-रः) A horse. E. युद्ध war, सृ to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • युद्धोन्मत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Fierce or frantic in battle. E. युद्ध, उन्मत्त frantic.
  • युध् (औ) औयुध् :: r. 4th cl. (युध्यते) To fight, to contend in battle, to slay.
  • युध् :: f. (युत् or युद्) War, battle. E. युध् to fight, aff. क्विप् or टाप् also युध्य .
  • युधान :: m. (-नः) A man of the second or military order, a warrior. E. युध् to fight, Unādi aff. आनच्, and the radical vowel unchanged.
  • युधिष्ठिर :: m. (-रः) The elder of the five Pāṇḍava princes, and leader in the great war, between them and the Kurus, in the beginning of the fourth age; the nominal son of PĀṆḌU whom he succeeded in the sovereignty of India, but according to the legend, begotten on Kunti by the deity YAMA. E. युधि in war or battle, and ष्ठिर for स्थिर firm; it is also sometimes read युद्धस्थिर ।
  • युध्म :: m. (-ध्मः) 1. War, battle. 2. A bow. 3. An arrow. 4. A warrior, a combatant. E. युध् to fight, मक् Unādi aff.
  • युध्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Fighting, warring. E. युध् to fight, शानच् aff.
  • युप् (इर्) युपीर :: r. 4th cl. (युप्यति) To confuse, to perplex. 2. To trouble. 3. To efface.
  • युयु :: m. (-युः) A horse.
  • युयुक्खुर :: m. (-रः) A hyena. E. युयुक् joined, खुर a hoof.
  • युयुक्षमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Wishing to join or unite. 2. Devout, wish- ing to effect spiritual union with the divine essence. E. युज् to be devout or to join, desid. v., शानच् aff.
  • युयुत्सा :: f. (-त्सा) Wish or purpose to fight, enmity, pugnacity. E. युध् to fight, desid. v., अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • युयुत्सारहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Cowardly, having no intention to fight. E. युयुत्सा, रहित void of.
  • युयुत्सु :: mfn. (-त्सुः -त्सुः -त्सु) Wishing or ready to make war or fight, pug- nacious, hostile, ambitious. m. (-त्सुः) A combatant. E. युध् to make war, desid. v., उ aff.
  • युयुधान :: m. (-नः) 1. A proper name, one of the chiefs of the Pāṇḍus. 2. A warrior. E. युध् to fight, in the reduplicate form, कानच् aff.
  • युवखलति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः or ती -ति) Bald in youth. E. युवन् and खलति bald; also युवाखलति, and fem. युवतिःखलति ।
  • युवगण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) Eruptions on the face peculiar to youth. E. युव a young person, from युवन्, and गण्ड what affects the cheek.
  • युवजरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रती -रत्) Being old as it were in youth, old-fashioned, or prematurely infirm. E. युवन्, and जरत् old; also युवाजरत् and in the fem. युवतिःजरती ।
  • युवजानि :: m. (-निः) Having a young wife. E. युव, and जानि wife.
  • युवति :: f. (-तिः or ती) A young woman.
  • युवन् :: mfn. (युवा युवतिः or -ती or यूनी-युव) 1. Young. 2. Best, excellent. 3. Endowed with native or natural strength. m. (Nom. -युवा-वानी-वानः acc. plu. युनः) 1. A younger descendant, the elder being alive. m.

(-वा) A young man or one of the virile age, or from sixteen to seventy. f. (-तिः-ती or यूनी) A young woman, one from sixteen to thirty. f. (-तिः) Turmeric. E. यु to mix or associate, Unādi aff. क्वनिन्, the fem. form takes ति, and optionally adds ङीष् in one form, with which affix the semi-vowel व is changed to its con- gener उ, and the two short vowels coalesce into one long one, making यूनी .

  • युवनाश्वज :: m. (-जः) A name of MĀNDHĀTṚ, an early sovereign of the Solar dynasty. E. युवनाश्व his father, who appears as the eighth monarch of the Solar line, and ज born.
  • युवपलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Grey-haired in youth. E. युवन्, and पलित grey- haired; also युवापलित, and fem. युवतिःपलिता ।
  • युवराज :: m. (-जः) 1. A young prince, especially the heir apparent, asso- ciated to the throne. 2. One of the Jaina pontiffs. E. युव young, राजन् a prince, टच् aff.
  • युवराज्य :: n. (-ज्यं) The dignity of heir apparent and associate in the throne. E. युवराज, and यत् aff.
  • युष्मद् :: 2nd personal pronoun. mfn. (-त्वं) Thou. E. युष a Sautra root, to serve, to worship, Unādi aff. मदिक् .
  • युष्मद्वाच्य :: n. (-च्यं) (In gram.) The second person. E. युष्मद्, and बाच्य to be said.
  • यू :: f. (-यूः) The water in which pulse, &c. has been boiled, pease-soup, &c. E. यु to mix, aff. क्किप्, and vowel made long.
  • यूक :: mf. (-कः-का) A louse. E. यु to mix, (with the hair,) Unādi aff. कन्, and the vowel made long.
  • यूति :: f. (-तिः) Joining, mixing. E. यु to join, aff. क्तिच्, and the vowel made long.
  • यूथ :: n. (-थं) A multitude of birds or beasts, a herd, a flock. f. (-थी) A kind of jasmine, (Jasminum auriculatum.) E. यु to mix, थक् Unādi aff., and the vowel made long.
  • यूथनाथ :: m. (-थः) A large elephant, the leader of a wild herd. E. यूथ a multitude, (of elephants,) and नाथ lord.
  • यूथप :: m. (-पः) The leader of a wild herd of elephants. E. यूथ a herd, and प who protects: see the last.
  • यूथभ्रष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) An elephant turned out or driven from a herd. E. यूथ a herd, भ्रष्ट expelled.
  • यूथशस् :: Adv. Gregariously, in flocks. E. यूथ and शसि aff.
  • यूथिका :: f. (-का) 1. A sort of jasmine, (Jasminum auriculatum.) 2. Globe amaranth. E. यूथी the jasmine, कन् aff., fem. form.
  • यूनि :: f. (-निः) Joining, union, junction. E. यु to join or mix, aff. क्तिन्, न substituted for the final, and the vowel made long.
  • यूप :: mn. (-पः-पं) 1. A sacrificial post, a pillar usually made of bamboos, or the wood of the Khadira, to which the victim at a sacrifice is bound. 2. A trophy, a column erected in honour of a victory. E. यु to bind, (the victim,) प Unādi aff.
  • यूपकटक :: m. (-कः) A wooden ring on the top of a sacrificial post, or according to some authorities, an iron ring at its base. E. यूप the post, and कटक a ring, &c.
  • यूपकर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) A part of a sacrificial post sprinkled with ghee. E. यूप the post, कर्ण the ear.
  • यूपद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) The Khayar, (Mimosa catechu.) E. यूप a sacrificial post, and द्रु a tree; the wood of this tree being especially fit for the sacrificial post; also यूपद्रुम m. (-मः) । “रक्तखदिरे ।”
  • यूपलक्ष्य :: m. (-क्ष्यः) A bird. E. यूप a sacrificial post, put for any post, and लक्ष्य an aim; a sort of net being made about a post, on which birds may alight.
  • यूपाग्र :: m. (-ग्रः) The top of the sacrificial post. E. यूप as above, अग्र top.
  • यूपोच्छ्रय :: m. (-यः) The ceremony of erecting the sacrificial post. E. यूप a sacrificial post, and उच्छ्रय elevation.
  • यूष् :: r. 1st cl. (यूषति) To hurt, to injure, to wound or kill.
  • यूष :: mn. (-षः-षं) Pease-soup, pease-porridge, the water in which pulse of various kinds has been boiled. m. (-षः) The mulberry tree, (Mo- rus Indica;) also पूष . E. यूष् to hurt, क aff.; यूषन् is optionally subs- tituted for this word is some cases.
  • येन :: Ind. (Inst. sing of यत्, used as an adverb.) 1. By which means, wherefore, whereby. 2. As, so that.
  • येष (ऋ) येषृ :: r. 1st cl. (येषते) To resolve, to endeavour diligently, to persevere.
  • योक्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be joined or united. 2. To be performed (as devotion.) 3. To be united spiritually. E. युज् to join, तव्य aff.
  • योक्त्र :: m. (-क्त्रं) The tie of the yoke of a plough or carriage. E. युज् to join, Unādi aff., त्रन् ।
  • योग :: m. (-गः) 1. Junction, joining, union. 2. Combination, association, meeting, conflux. 3. Religious and abstract meditation. 4. Keep- ing the body in a fixed posture. 5. Devotion, spiritual worship of GOD, or union with the Supreme Being by means of abstract contemplation; this does not necessarily imply an abandonment of the world or relinquishment of the usual observances of re- ligion, but it involves internal indifference to objects of pleasure and pain, and utter disregard of the consequences or fruit of ceremonial rites. 6. The particular practice of the preceding sort of devotion, or the exercise of that abstraction by which union with God is supposed to be obtained; in the Gītā it is described as sitting on Kuśa grass, with the body firm, the eyes fixed on the tip of the nose, and the mind intent on the Deity; in the Tan- tras a fanciful operation is prescribed, by which the vital spirit sea- ted in the lower part of the body, and the etherial spirit placed in the head, are supposed to be brought into combination in the brain, when the devotee becomes united with BRAHMĀ. 7. The sys- tem of philosophy which treats of the union of the soul with BRAH- MĀ or GOD; it is the same as the Patanjalī doctrine, and consti- tutes one of the six Darshanas or philosophical schools of the Hindus. 8. Magic, or the acquisition of supernatural powers by the mystical and magical worship of ŚIVA and DURGĀ especially. 9. Consequence, result, the main end or object of any thing or act. 10. Connection of one thing with another, as of cause with effect, predicate with subject, quality with substance, &c. 11. Acquisi- tion of something not possessed before, accession of property or wealth; in grammar this application is assigned to any unusual construction of words or compounds, unauthorised by rule, but sanctioned by the authority that employs them. 12. A rule, an aphorism. 13. Propriety, fitness. 14. Side, part, cause or argument to be maintained or defended. 15. Thing, substance. 16. Wealth. 17. A drug, a medicament, especially a compound of various, in- gredients. 18. Fraud, trick. 19. A logician. 20. A spy, an informer. 21. A violator of truth or confidence. 22. A conveyance, a carriage, a boat, &c. 23. A means, an expedient. 24. Armour. 25. Putting on armour. 26. Lucky conjuncture. 27. (In arithmetic,) Addition. 28. (In astronomy,) The leading or principal star of a lunar man- sion. 29. The twenty-seventh part of 3600 of a great circle measur- ed on the plane of the ecliptic, and used in calculating the longitu- des of the sun and moon; each Yoga has a distinct name; as- trologers also enumerate twenty-eight Yogas differently named from the foregoing, and corresponding with the twenty-eight Nak- shatras, or the divisions of the moon's path, but varying accor- ding to the day of the week. 30. A period, or the time during which the sum of the motions of the sun and moon amount to one Nakshatra, the mean duration of which is 23hs. 474 4444. E. युज् to join literally or figuratively, (as with GOD,) aff. घञ् ।
  • योगक्षेम :: m. (-मः) 1. Charge of property, keeping of cattle, &c. for an- other. 2. Insurance or charge for secure conveyance of goods, and the profit on their sale. 3. Profit, gain, keeping the old and mak- ing fresh gains. 4. Such articles as are not divisible amongst coheirs. 5. Welfare, well-being. 6. National prosperity, the good government of a state, or the means of maintaining it; as the

Rājā, minister, priest, &c. forming the administration. E. योग profit, क्षेम safety or preservation; or योग association, क्षेम patience.

  • योगक्षेमकर :: m. (-रः) A keeper, one who takes charge of property, &c. E. योगक्षेम, and कर who makes.
  • योगचर :: m. (-रः) A name of HANUMĀNA. E. योग possession of superhu- man powers, चर going, possessing.
  • योगचूर्ण :: mn. (-र्णः-र्णं) Magical powder.
  • योगतस् :: Ind. 1. Suitably, properly. 2. Seasonably, in due season. 3. Through devotion, magic, &c. 4. Conjointly. E. योग, तसि aff.
  • योगतारा :: f. (-रा) The chief star in a constellation.
  • योगदान :: n. (-नं) 1. A fraudulent gift. 2. Communicating the Yoga doc- trine. E. योग, दान gift.
  • योगनाविक :: m. (-कः) A sort of fish, (Silurus ascita.) “गर्गाटमत्मे ।”
  • योगनिद्रा :: f. (-द्रा) 1. The sleep of VISHṆU during the deluge. 2. A state of half contemplation and half sleep. 3. A goddess, a form of DURGĀ or VISHṆU'S sleep personified. E. योग mystery, निद्रा sleep.
  • योगपट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः) A cloth drawn round the lower extremities of the asce- tic as he squats to perform religious abstraction. E. योग a religious exercise, पट्ट cloth.
  • योगमाया :: f. (-या) 1. The personified power of god in the creation of the world. 2. DURGĀ.
  • योगरङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) The orange, (Citrus aurantium.) “कम्लालेवु” ।
  • योगरूढ :: m. (-ढः) A word which retains only a part of its etymological meaning; for instance, the word जलज may etymologically mean any thing produced in water, such as, fish, shell, &c., but its meaning are restricted to lotus only.
  • योगरोचना :: f. (-ना) A magical ointment having the power of making one invisible or invulnerable.
  • योगवल :: n. (-लं) The power of devotion or magic.
  • योगवर्त्तिका :: f. (-का) A magical lamp, a magical lantern.
  • योगवाहिन् :: m. (-ही) A menstruum or medium for mixing medicines, as honey, &c. E. योग, वाहिन् conveyer.
  • योगवाही :: f. (-ही) 1. Alkali. 2. Quicksilver. E. योग joining of metals, वाह effecting.
  • योगविक्रय :: m. (-यः) Fraudulent sale. E. योग, and विक्रय sale.
  • योगविद् :: m. (-वित्) 1. A follower of the Yoga doctrines. 2. A practiser of devotional exercises. 3. A magician. 4. A compounder of medi- cines. E. योग and विद् who knows.
  • योगविभाग :: m. (-गः) 1. Separation of that which is usually combined. 2. The separation of the words of a Sūtra or text.
  • योगसमाधि :: m. (-धिः) The absorption of the soul in profound meditation.
  • योगसार :: m. (-रः) A panacea, a universal remedy.
  • योगसेवा :: f. (-वा) Practising religious abstraction. E. योग, सेवा observance.
  • योगाङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) A means of attaining Yoga; There are eight such means; viz:-- यम, नियम, आसन, प्राणायाम्, प्रत्याहार, धारणा, ध्यान and ममाधि ।
  • योगाचार :: m. (-रः) 1. The observance of Yoga. 2. A follower of that Bu- ddhist sect which maintains the external existence of intelligence alone.
  • योगाधमन :: n. (-नं) A fraudulent pledge. E. योग fraud, and आधमन a pledge.
  • योगारूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Engaged in devotional exercises. E. योग, and आरूढ mounted on.
  • योगासन :: n. (-नं) A religious posture, the position in which the devotee sits to perform the religious exercise called Yoga. E. योग as above, and आसन a seat or sitting.
  • योगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) 1. Who or what joins, or effects junction or connection, &c. 2. Possessed of superhuman powers. m. (-गी) 1. A devotee, an ascetic in general. 2. The religious or devout man, who performs worldly actions and ceremonies without regard to their results, and keeps his mind fixed upon BRAHMĀ or GOD alone. 3. The performer of the particular act of meditation called Yoga. 4. A magician, a conjuror, one supposed to have

obtained supernatural powers. f. (-नी) Name of the eight female fiend or spirit attendant on, and created by DURGĀ; E. योग as above, इनि aff.; or युज् to join, aff. घिनुण् ।

  • योगिनिद्रा :: f. (-द्रा) Light sleep, wakefulness. E. योगिन् a saint, निद्रा sleep.
  • योगेश :: m. (-शः) 1. The city of BRAHMĀ. 2. The saint and legislator YĀGNYAWALKYA. 3. A name of ŚIVA. 4. Any principal Muni or Yogi. E. योग a Yogi or religious personage, &c., ईश lord or chief.
  • योगेश्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. A principal sage or ascetic. 2. A magician, one who has superhuman faculties. 3. A deity, the object of devout con- templation. E. योग and ईश्वर lord.
  • योगेष्ट :: n. (-ष्टं) Lead. E. योग affinity, (of metals or amalgamation,) इष्ट desired.
  • योग्य :: mfn. (-ग्यः -ग्या -ग्यं) 1. Clever, skilful. 2. Fit or proper for a Yoga, or for religious meditation. 3. Powerful, able. 4. Fit, proper, suitable. n. (-ग्यं) 1. A drug, commonly Ṛddhi. 2. A cake. 3. A vehicle or conveyance. 4. Sandal. m. (-ग्यः) A calculator of expedients. f. (-ग्या) 1. Military exercise. 2. Medical practice. E. युज् to join or mix, aff. ण्यत्; or योग union, यत् aff.
  • योग्यता :: f. (-ता) Fitness, suitableness, propriety. E. योग्य, तल् aff.; also with त्व, योग्यत्वं ।
  • योजन :: n. (-नं) 1. GOD, the SUPREME BEING, the soul of the world. 2. A measure of distance equal to four Krosas, which at 8000 cubits or 4000 yards to the Krosa or Kos, will be exactly nine miles; other computations make the Yojana but about five miles, or even no more than four miles and a half. 3. Joining, union, junction, yoking. 4. Application, preparation. 5. Construction, putting together of the sense of a passage. 6. Instigation, excit- ing. 7. Concentration of the mind. f. (-ना) 1. Union, connection. 2. Grammatical construction. E. युज् to join, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • योजनगन्धा :: f. (-न्धा) 1. Musk. 2. A name of SĪTĀ. 3. A name of SATYAVATĪ, the mother of the sage and poet VYĀSA. E. योजन a Yojana, and गन्ध smell; whose odour is perceptible miles off; also with कन् added, fem. form, योजनगन्धिका ।
  • योजनपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) Bengal madder. E. योजन joining, पर्ण leaf.
  • योजनवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) Bengal madder, (Rubia manjith.) “मञ्जिष्ठायाम् . ” E. योजन joining, वल्ली pedicle.
  • योजनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be joined. 2. To be added. E. युज् to join, अनीयर् aff.
  • योजयितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Joining, combining, who or what unites. E. युज् to join, causal v., शतृ aff.
  • योजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Mixed, joined. E. युज् to join, aff. क्त; more usually युक्त ।
  • योतु :: m. (-तुः) 1. Measure in general. 2. Cleaning, purifying. 3. A clean- ser, a purifier. E. यु to mix, or not to mix, and तुन् Unādi aff.
  • योत्र :: n. (-त्रं) The tie that fastens the yoke of a plough to the neck of the ox. E. यु to join, ष्ट्रन् aff.
  • योत्स्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) About to fight, ready to fight. E. युध् to fight, desid. v., future tense, शतृ aff.
  • योद्धव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be fought, what must or ought to be fought. E. युध् to fight, ण्यत् aff.
  • योद्धृ :: m. (-द्धा) A warrior, a combatant. E. युध् to fight, aff. तृच् ।
  • योध :: m. (-धः) A warrior, a soldier, a combatant. E. युध् to fight, aff. अच् ।
  • योधमुख्य :: m. (-ख्यः) A leader, a chief warrior. E. योध and मुख्य chief.
  • योधयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Fighting, warring. E. युध् to fight, शतृ aff.
  • योधवीर :: m. (-रः) A hero, a warrior. E. योध, and वीर a hero.
  • योधसंराव :: m. (-वः) Mutual defiance, challenging or braving each other. E. योध a warrior, संराव cry or shout.
  • योधहर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Carrying soldiers fit for war, (horses.) E. योध, हर what takes.
  • योधिन् :: m. (-धी) A warrior. E. युध् to fight, घिनुण् aff.
  • योधेय :: m. (-यः) A warrior. E. युध् war, and ढक् aff.
  • योनल :: m. (-लः) A sort of grain, (Andropogon or Holcus sorghum.) “दे- धान” . E. यव barley, नल culm or stalk, the व of the first word cha- nged to उ, and उ with the inherent vowel of य changed to ओ ।
  • योनि :: mfn. (-निः -निः or -नी) 1. The vulva. 2. A mine. 3. Cause, origin. 4. Water. 5. Place or site of birth or production in general. 6. A repository, a seat. 7. Home, abode, nest. 8. A form of existence, race, birth, as in “देवयोनि,” &c. E. यु to join or mix, Unādi aff. नि ।
  • योनिज :: Adj. Born of the womb, viviparous.
  • योनिदेवता :: f. (-ता) The 11th Nakshatra or lunar asterism; also Pūrva- phālguni. E. योनि the vulva, and देवता presiding deity.
  • योनिनासा :: f. (-सा) The upper part of the vulva or the union of the labiæ. E. योनि the womb, and नासा the nose.
  • योनिभ्रंश :: m. (-शः) Fall of the womb, Prolapsus uteri.
  • योनिरञ्जन :: n. (-नं) The menstrual excretion. E. योनि pudendum, रञ्जन colouring.
  • योनिलिङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) The clitoris. E. योनि the pudendum, लिङ्ग the penis.
  • योनिसंवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Contraction or closure of the vagina. E. योनि and संवृत्ति contraction.
  • योनिसङ्कर :: m. (-रः) Fault or blemish of birth on the mother's side, as from inferiority of caste, &c. E. योनि, and सङ्कर mixture.
  • योन्यर्शस् :: n. (-र्शः) An affection of the vulva, Menorrhagia, or prolapsus uteri. E. योनि the vulva, and अर्शस् piles.
  • योपन :: n. (-नं) 1. Effacing. 2. Anything used for effacing. 3. Destroying, oppressing.
  • योषा :: f. (-षा) A young women. E. युष् to serve, sautra root, casual form, affs. अच् and टाप् ।
  • योषित् :: f. (-षित्) A woman in general. E. युष् Sautra root, to serve, to worship, to hurt, इति Unādi aff.; also with टाप् added योषिता f. (-ता) ।
  • योषित्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Done by a woman, contracted by her, &c. E. योषिन् कृत done.
  • यौक्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Connective, binding. 2. Inferrible, deducible. 3. Customary, usual. 4. Right, proper. 5. Founded on reasoning, logical. m. (-कः) A minister or associate to one's pleasure or amusement. E. युक्ति union, association, aff. ठक् ।
  • यौगक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating to the religious practice, &c. called Yoga. E. योग, ठञ् aff.
  • यौगपद :: n. (-दं) Simultaneousness.
  • यौगिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Customary, usual, common. 2. Relating to the Yoga, &c. 3. Proper, regular, (as the sense of words, depen- ing upon their derivation or construction.) E. योग and ठञ् aff.
  • यौजनशतिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Proceeding or extending a hundred Yoja- nas. E. योजन a measure so named, शत a hundred, and ठञ् aff.
  • यौजनिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Extending, &c. a Yojana. E. योजन्, ठञ् aff.
  • यौट् (ऋ) यौटृ :: r. 1st cl. (यौटति) To bind, to tie, to fasten; also यौडृ ।
  • यौतक :: n. (-कं) A nuptial gift, presents made to a bride, at her marri- age, by her father or friends; some consider it also implying a gift to the bridegroom. E. युतक the same, pleonastic aff. अण् ।
  • यौतव :: n. (-वं) Measure in general. E. योतु the same, अण् aff.; some authorities read यौवत and पौतव ।
  • यौधेय :: m. (-यः) A warrior. E. योधेय the same, and अण् pleonasm.
  • यौन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Relating to the womb or place of origin, uterine: 2. Connected by female alliance, marriage, &c. E. योनि and अण् aff.
  • यौवत :: n. (-तं) 1. Measure in general. 2. An assemblage of young wo- men. 3. The state of being a youthful woman. E. यु to mix, deriv. irr.; or युवती a young woman, aff. अण् ।
  • यौवन :: n. (-नं) 1. Youth, manhood, prime of life, puberty. 2. An assem- blage of young women. E. युवन् young, अण् aff.; with कन् यौवनक ।
  • यौवनकण्टक :: m. (-कः) Pimples on the face, especially in young persons. E. यौवन youth, and कण्टक a thorn.
  • यौवनदर्प :: m. (-र्पः) Pride of youth, rashness, conceit. E. यौवन, दर्प pride.
  • यौवनदशा :: f. (-शा) The period of youth. E. यौवन, दशा state.
  • यौवनपिडका :: f. (-का) Blotches on the face in youth. E. यौवन, पिडका pimples, &c.
  • यौवनलक्षण :: n. (-ण) 1. The bosom, the female breast. 2. Beauty, hand- someness, charm, loveliness. 3. Characteristic of youth. E. यौवन youth, लक्षण mark or sign.
  • यौवनवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Youthful. E. यौवन, and मतुप् aff.
  • यौवनाश्व :: m. (-श्वः) A name of MĀNDHĀTṚ, one of the kings of the solar dynasty. E. युवनाश्व a proper name, and अण् patronymic aff.
  • यौवराज्य :: n. (-ज्यं) The office of YUVARĀJA.
  • यौष्माक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Yours, belonging to you. E. युष्माक for युष्मद you, aff. अण् ।
  • यौष्माकीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Yours, thine. E. युष्माक for युष्मद् thou, स्वञ् aff.
  •  :: The twenty-seventh consonant of the Nāgari Alphabet, correspond- ing to the letter R.
  •  :: m. (-रः) 1. Fire or Agni. 2. Heat, warmth. 3. Burning, scorching. 4. Love, desire. 5. Speed. f. (-रा) 1. Giving. 2. Gold. f. (-री) Going, moving. E. रा to give, or रम् to play, &c., aff. ड ।
  • रंह :: r. 1st and 10th cl. (रंहति रंहयति-ते) 1. To hasten, to move with speed. 2. To urge on, to cause to move or flow. 3. To speak.
  • रंहति :: f. (-तिः) Speed, velocity, in general, or the speed of a chariot. E. रम् to sport, क्तिन् aff., हुक् augment.
  • रंहस् :: n. (-हः) Speed, velocity. E. रम् to sport, Unādi aff. असुब्, हुक् augment.
  • रक् :: r. 10th cl. (राकयति-ते) 1. To taste. 2. To obtain.
  • रक :: m. (-कः) 1. The sum gem. 2. Crystal. 3. A hard shower. E. रक् to get, अच् aff.
  • रक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Dyed, tinged, coloured, stained. 2. Red, of a red colour. 3. Fond of, attached to, affected with love or interest towards any object. 4. Pure, purified. 5. Sporting, engaging in play or pastime. m. (-क्तः) Red, the colour. n. (-क्तं) 1. Blood. 2. Saffron. 3. Copper. 4. Minium. 5. Vermilion. 6. The fruit of the Flacourtia cataphracta. f. (-क्ता) 1. Passionate, attached. 2. Pleasant, charming. 3. The Gūnjā plant, (Abrus precatorious.) 4. Lac. 5. Bengal madder. E. रञ्ज् to colour or dye, &c., aff. क्त ।
  • रक्तक :: m. (-कः) 1. A plant bearing a red blossom, (Pentapetes phœnicea;) it is also applied to the Ixora bandhuca.) 2. Globe amaranth, (Gomphræna globosa, the red variety.) 3. Red garments or cloth. 4. A man affected with passion or fondness. 5. A gambler, a player. 6. Safflower. f. (-का) 1. Red. 2. Fond of. 3. Pleasing. 4. Bloody. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • रक्तकण्ठ :: mfn. (-ण्ठः -ण्ठा -ण्ठं) 1. Sweet-voiced. 2. The Indian cuckoo.
  • रक्तकन्द :: m. (-न्दः) 1. Coral. 2. A sort of onion. 3. A kind of yam, (Dios- corea purpurea.) E. रक्त red, and कन्द a root.
  • रक्तकन्दल :: m. (-लः) Coral. E. रक्त red, कन्द a root, and लच् aff.
  • रक्तकमल :: n. (-लं) The red lotus. E. रक्त red, and कमल the lotus.
  • रक्तकाञ्चन :: m. (-नः) Mountain-ebony. (Bauhinia variegata, or B. Pur- purea.) E. रक्त red, काञ्चन the tree.
  • रक्तकुमुद :: n. (-दं) The red lotus, (Nymphæa rubra, Rox.) E. रक्त red, कुमुद the lotus.
  • रक्तकैरव :: n. (-वं) The red lotus. E. रक्त, and कैरव a lotus.
  • रक्तकोकनद :: n. (-दं) The red lotus. E. रक्त and कोकनद a lotus.
  • रक्तगुल्म :: m. (-ल्मः) 1. A disease, a hard lump in the abdomen of the female after conception, perhaps scirrhus of the ovarium. 2. A clot of blood. E. रक्त and गुल्म cluster.
  • रक्तघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) A small tree, (Andersonia rohitaka.) f. (-घ्नी) A kind of grass, a variety of the Durbā grass. E. रक्त blood, घ्न removing.
  • रक्तचन्दन :: n. (-नं) 1. Red wood, either red Sandal or sappan wood. (Ptro- carpus Santalinus.) 2. Saffron. E. रक्त red and चन्दन Sandal.
  • रक्तचित्रक :: m. (-कः) A tree, (Plumbago rosea or coccinea. Syn. P. Rosea.) “रक्तचिता”
  • रक्तचूर्ण :: n. (-र्णं) 1. Red lead. 2. Any red powder. E. रक्त, चूर्ण powder, dust.
  • रक्तछर्दि :: f. (-र्दिः) Vomiting blood.
  • रक्तजन्तुक :: m. (-कः) An earth-worm. E. रक्त red, जन्तु an insect, aff. कन् ।
  • रक्तजिह्व :: m. (-ह्वः) A lion. E. रक्त red, and जिह्वा the tongue.
  • रक्तझावुक :: m. (-कः) A tree, (Tamarix dioica.) “लाल् झाउ ।”
  • रक्ततुण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A parrot. E. रक्त red, तुण्ड a beak.
  • रक्तत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Redness. 2. Passion, affection. E. त्व added to रक्त; also with तल्, रक्तता ।
  • रक्तदन्ती :: f. (-न्ती) A name of PĀRVATĪ. E. रक्त red, दन्त a tooth, aff. ङीष् ।
  • रक्तदृश् :: mfn. (-दृक्) Red-eyed. m. (-दृक) A pigeon. E. रक्त red, दृश् eye.
  • रक्तधातु :: m. (-तुः) 1. Red chalk or red orpiment. “गैरिके . ” 2. Copper. E. रक्त, धातु a mineral.
  • रक्तनयन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Red-eyed. m. (-नः) The Greek partridge, “चकोरे” (Perdix rufa.) E. रक्त red, and नयन the eye, red-eyed.
  • रक्तनासिक :: m. (-कः) An owl. E. रक्त red, नासिका the nose.
  • रक्तप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Who or what drinks blood. m. (-पः) An imp, a goblin. f. (-पा) 1. A leech. 2. A female goblin. E. रक्त blood, and प what drinks, from पा with क aff., and टाप् for the feminine.
  • रक्तपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) GARUḌA. E. रक्त red, and पक्ष wing.
  • रक्तपदी :: f. (-दी) A plant, considered as a sort of sensitive plant, or a species of Lycopodium. E. रक्त red, पद foot or root, aff. ङीष् ।
  • रक्तपल्लव :: m. (-वः) The Āsoka tree.
  • रक्तपा :: f. (-पा) A leech.
  • रक्तपात :: m. (-तः) Spilling of blood. E. रक्त, and पात causing to fall.
  • रक्तपाता :: f. (-ता) A leech. E. रक्त blood, पात nourished.
  • रक्तपाद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Red-footed. m. (-दः) 1. A parrot. 2. A war- chariot. E. रक्त red, पाद foot.
  • रक्तपायिन् :: m. (-यी) A bug. f. (-यिनी) A leech. E. रक्त, पायिन् what drinks.
  • रक्तपारद :: n. (-दं) Native vermilion, cinnabar. E. रक्त, पारद quicksilver.
  • रक्तपिण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. The China-rose, (Hibiscus, rosa sinensis.) “जवाफुल्” . 2. A climbing plant, (Ventilago madraspatana.) 3. A spontaneous discharge of blood from the nose and mouth. 4. A red pimple or boil. E. रक्त red, and पिण्ड lump.
  • रक्तपित्त :: m. (-त्तः) Plethora, spontaneous hæmorrhages from the mouth, nose, rectum and cuticle, accompanied with fever and headache, vomiting, purging, &c. E. रक्त red, and पित्त bile, the bile being of that colour; or रक्त blood and पित्त bile, it being supposed to be an affection of both fluids or humours.
  • रक्तपित्तहा :: f. (-हा) A variety of bent grass, (Panicum dactylon.) E. रक्त पित्त the disease, and हा what removes. “गेंँटेदूर्व्वा ।”
  • रक्तपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) 1. Nerium odorum, the red variety. 2. A small tree, (Andersonia rohitaca, Rox.) mf. (-ष्पः-ष्पा) The silk-cotton tree, (Bombax heptaphyllum.) f. (-ष्पी) 1. The trumpet-flower, (Bigno- nia suave-olens) 2. Bryony, (Bryonia grandis.) E. रक्त red, and पुष्प flower, when it may be applied to any plant bearing red blossoms.
  • रक्तपुष्पक :: m. (-कः) 1. The Palāsh tree, (Butea frondosa.) 2. A small tree, (Andersonia rohitaca, Rox.) 3. A red flower, (Ixora bandhuka, or Pentapetes phœnicea.) 4. The silk-cotton tree. 5. The coral tree. 6. A tree from which a red dye is prepared, (Rottleria tinctoria.) f. (-ष्पिका) A sort of sensitive plant or species of Lycopodium. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • रक्तपोस्त :: m. (-स्तः) Red-poppy, (Papaver Rhoeas.)
  • रक्तप्रमेह :: m. (-हः) The passing of blood in the urine.
  • रक्तफल :: m. (-लः) The Indian fig-tree. f. (-ला) A cucurbitaceous plant, (Momordica monadelpha.) “तेलाकुचा” . E. रक्त red, and फल fruit.
  • रक्तफेनज :: m. (-जः) A part of the body, apparently intending the lungs. “फुस्फुसे” . E. रक्त blood, फेन froth or phlegm, and ज born.
  • रक्तबालुक :: n. (-कं) Red lead. E. रक्त red, बालुका sand. “सिन्दुरे ।”
  • रक्तमञ्जर :: m. (-रः) A plant, (Barringtonia acutangula.) “निवुल वृक्षे . ” E. रक्त red, मञ्जरी a pedicle aff. टच् ।
  • रक्तमण्डल :: n. (-लं) The red lotus. E. रक्त red, and मण्डल a circle.
  • रक्तमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Bloody, full or consisting of blood. E. रक्त and मयट् aff.
  • रक्तमोक्षण :: n. (-णं) Bleeding, letting blood. E. रक्त, मोक्षण loosing.
  • रक्तयष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) Bengal madder, (Rubia manjith.) E. रक्त, यष्टि a stick.
  • रक्तरेणु :: m. (-णुः) 1. Red lead. 2. The blossom of the Palāsh, (Butea frondosa.) 3. A sort of cloth. 4. An angry man. E. रक्त red, and रेणु dust; also with कन् added in the second meaning रक्तरेणुका ।
  • रक्तलोचन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Red-eyed. m. (-नः) A pigeon. E. रक्त, लोचन eye.
  • रक्तवटी :: f. (-टी) Small-pox. E. रक्त red, and वटी a pustule.
  • रक्तवरटी :: f. (-टी) Small-pox. E. रक्त red, वरटी a pustule.
  • रक्तवर्ग :: m. (-र्ग) 1. Lac. 2. The Pomegranate tree. 3. Safflower.
  • रक्तवर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Red, of a red colour. m. (-र्णः) 1. An earth-worm. “केल्लुइ” . 2. Red, (the colour.) n. (-र्णं) Gold. E. रक्त red, वर्ण colour.
  • रक्तवर्द्धन :: m. (-नं) The egg-plant, (Solanum molongena.) E. रक्त blood, and वर्द्धन increasing. “वार्त्ताकौ ।”
  • रक्तवसन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Dressed in red. m. (-नः) The mendicant, or Brāhmana of the fourth order, especially as occasionally clad in red garments. E. रक्त red, वसन vesture.
  • रक्तवाहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिनी -हि) Conveying blood, (as an artery.) E. रक्त, and वाहिन् what bears.
  • रक्तविद्रधि :: m. (-धिः) A sore or ulcer from a vitiated state of blood. E. रक्त, and विद्रघि a sore.
  • रक्तविन्दु :: m. (-न्दुः) 1. A red spot forming a flaw in a gem. 2. A drop of blood. E. रक्त red, and विन्दु a drop.
  • रक्तवीज :: m. (-जः) 1. The pomegranate. 2. The name of a demon killed by DURGĀ. E. रक्त red, and वीज the seed.
  • रक्तवृन्ता :: f. (-न्ता) A flower, (Nyctanthes tristis.) “शेफालिकायाम्” . E. रक्त red, वृन्त a stalk.
  • रक्तशालि :: m. (-लिः) A red variety of rice, (Oriza sativa.) E. रक्त, शालि rice.
  • रक्तशासन :: n. (-नं) Red lead. E. रक्त red, शासन an edict; from the docu- ment perhaps being sealed or signed with a preparation of this substance.
  • रक्तशीर्षक :: m. (-कः) A kind of heron. “सारसपक्षिणि ।”
  • रक्तशृङ्गिक :: m. (-कः) A kind of poison.
  • रक्तसङ्कोच :: n. (-चं) Safflower. E. रक्त red, (a dye,) सङ्कोच a contracting.
  • रक्तसङ्कोचक :: n. (-कं) The blue lotus. E. कन् added to the last.
  • रक्तसंज्ञ :: n. (-ज्ञं) Saffron. E. रक्त red or blood, and संज्ञा appellation; also similar compounds, as रक्तनामन्, रक्तनामक, &c. “कुङ्कुमे ।”
  • रक्तसन्ध्यक :: n. (-कं) The red lotus, (Nymphæa rubra.) E. रक्त red, सन्ध्या twilight, कन् aff. of comparison.
  • रक्तसरोरुह :: n. (-हं) The red lotus. E. रक्त, सरोरुह a lotus.
  • रक्तसर्षप :: m. (-पः) Mustard, (Brassica nigra.)
  • रक्तसौगन्धिक :: m. (-कः) The red lotus. “रक्तकम्बल” . E. रक्त blood, &c., सौगन्धिक a lotus.
  • रक्तस्राव :: m. (-वः) 1. Venesection, bleeding. 2. A kind of dock or sorrel. E. रक्त and स्राव causing to flow; also रक्तस्रावणं ।
  • रक्तहंसा :: f. (-सा) One of the Rāginis or female personifications of the musical modes.
  • रक्तहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Bloodless, cold-blooded. E. रक्त, हीन devoid of.
  • रक्ताक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Sprinkled with blood. 2. Dyed red. n. (-क्तं) Red wood, (Pterocarpus santolinus; applied also to the Cæsalpi- nia sappan.) E. रक्त, and आक्त sprinkled, spread.
  • रक्ताक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षी -क्ष) Red-eyed. m. (-क्षः) 1. A buffalo. 2. A pigeon. 3. The Greek partridge, (Perdix rufa.) “चकोरे . ” 4. A tyrant, a savage, a barbarous or cruel man. 5. The Indian crane. E. रक्त red, अक्षि the eye, aff. ष ।
  • रक्ताङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. The planet MARS. 2. A plant, (a species of Crinum.) 3. A bug. n. (-ङ्गं) 1. Coral. 2. Saffron. f. (-ङ्गी) A plant, (Celtis orientalis.) E. रक्त red and अङ्ग body.
  • रक्तातिसार :: m. (-रः) Dysentery. E. रक्त, and अतिसार diarrhœa.
  • रक्ताधार :: m. (-रः) The skin. E. रक्त blood, आधार receptacle.
  • रक्ताधिमन्थ :: m. (-न्थः) Inflammation of the eyes, ophthalmia with spongi- ness of the vessels so as to discharge blood on being touched. E. रक्त, and अघिमन्थ ophthalmia.
  • रक्ताभ :: Adj. Red-looking.
  • रक्ताभिष्यन्द :: m. (-न्दः) Redness or the vessels of the eye with flow of tears. E. रक्त, अभिष्यन्दं flow.
  • रक्ताम्बर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Dressed in red. m. (-रः) Any vagrant devotee, wearing red garments. E. रक्त red, अम्बर vesture.
  • रक्ताम्लान :: m. (-नः) Globe amaranth, the red variety. E. रक्त red, अम्लान amaranth.
  • रक्तार्ब्बुद :: m. (-दः) A bloody tumour.
  • रक्तालु :: m. (-लुः) Common yam, (Dioscorea Sativa.) E. रक्त red, आलु yam.
  • रक्तावसेचन :: n. (-नं) Letting blood, bleeding. E. रक्त, अवसेचन sprinkling.
  • रक्ताशय :: m. (-यः) Viscus in which the blood is contained or secreted, viz.:--the heart, the liver, and the spleen. E. रक्त, आशय receptacle.
  • रक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Affection, attachment. 2. Addiction to. 3. Charming- ness. E. रञ्ज् to be affected, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • रक्तिका :: f. (-का) 1. A plant, (Abrus precatorious.) 2. The seed of the Abrus precatorious used as a weight, or a fictitious weight deno- minated from the seeds originally so used; the seed weighs about one and five-sixteenth troy grains, the artificial Ratti or Raktikā should be double that weight, but in common use it averages nearly two grains and a quarter. E. रक्त red, कन् aff., fem. form.
  • रक्तिमन् :: m. (-मा) Redness.
  • रक्तेक्षण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Red-eyed, having the eyes inflamed or blood- shot. E. रक्त, and ईक्षण the eye.
  • रक्तोत्पल :: n. (-लं) The red lotus, (Nymphæa rubra.) E. रक्त red, उत्पल lotus.
  • रक्तोत्पलाभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Red. m. (-भः) Redness, red, the colour. E. रक्तोत्पल the red lotus, आभ resembling.
  • रक्तोपल :: n. (-लं) Indurated ochre, or clay iron stone. E. रक्त red, उपल a stone, hence applied to red ochre, red orpiment, red chalk, &c.
  • रक्ष् :: r. 1st cl. (रक्षति) 1. To guard. 2. To protect, to cherish, to pre- serve. With परि, To save from ruin.
  • रक्ष :: mf. (-क्षः-क्षा) 1. Preserving, protecting. 2. Lac. f. (-क्षा) 1. Ashes. 2. A tutelary deity. f. (-क्षिका-क्षी) A sort of bracelet, a twist of thread or tinsel, with a small packet containing a few carmina- tive seeds, bound round the wrist at particular periods, especially at the day of full-moon in Srāvana. E. रक्ष् to preserve, aff. अच् ।
  • रक्षःसभ :: n. (-भं) A multitude or assemblage of goblins. E. रक्षस् a demon, सभा assemblage.
  • रक्षक :: mfn. (-कः -क्षिका -कं) Who or what protects, &c. m. (-कः) 1. A guar- dian, a protector. 2. A watch, a guard. E. रक्ष to preserve, वुन् aff.
  • रक्षण :: n. (-णं) Preserving, defending. f. (-णी) Rein, bridle. E. रक्ष to pre- serve, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • रक्षणि :: f. (-णिः or णी) A medicinal plant, “त्रायमाणलतायाम् ।”
  • रक्षणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be guarded, preserved, protected, &c. E. रक्ष् to preserve, अनीयर् aff.
  • रक्षणीरक :: m. (-कः) Urinary affection, as gonorrhœa, &c.; elsewhere read रक्षणारक ।
  • रक्षत् :: mfn. (-क्षन् -क्षन्ती -क्षत्) Preserving, guarding, protecting. E. रक्ष् to preserve, शतृ aff.
  • रक्षस् :: n. (-क्षः) Rākshas, an evil spirit, apparently distinguishable into three classes; one sort of Rākshas is of a domi-celestial nature and is ranked with the attendants on KUVERA; another corres- ponds to a goblin, an imp, or ogre, haunting cemeteries, animat- ing dead bodies, disturbing sacrifices, and ensnaring and devour- ing human beings; the third kind approaches more to the nature of the Titan, or relentless, and powerful enemy of the gods. E. रक्ष् to preserve, (KUVERA'S treasure, &c.) असुन् aff.; also राक्षस ।
  • रक्षस्पाश :: m. (-शः) A contemptible Rākshas. E. रक्षस्, and पाश aff.
  • रक्षागृह :: n. (-हं) A lying-in-chamber.
  • रक्षाधिकृत :: m. (-तः) A governor, a magistrate. E. रक्षा, अघिकृत set over.
  • रक्षापत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A sort of birch-tree. “श्वेतसर्षपे च ।”
  • रक्षापेक्षक :: m. (-कः) 1. A door-keeper or porter. 2. A guard of the women's apartments. 3. A catamite. 4. An actor, a mine. E. रक्ष् preserving, अप् before, ईक्ष् to see, aff. वुन् ।
  • रक्षाप्रदीप :: m. (-पः) A light kept burning for protection against the evil spirits.
  • रक्षामणि :: m. (-णिः) An ornament or jewel worn as a preservative.
  • रक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Preserved, protected, defended. 2. Kept, detained. E. रक्ष् to preserve, aff. क्त ।
  • रक्षितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be guarded, protected, &c. E. रक्ष् to preserve, तव्य aff.
  • रक्षितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Who or what protects, defends, &c., a protector, a guard. E. रक्ष् to preserve, तृच् aff.
  • रक्षिन् :: mfn. (-क्षी -क्षिणी -क्षि) Who or what preserves, &c. E. रक्ष् to pre- serve, घिनुण् aff.
  • रक्षिवर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) A guard, a sentinel. E. रक्षि from रक्षिन् a preserver, वर्ग class.
  • रक्षोगण :: m. (-णः) A class or troop of evil spirits. E. रक्षस्, गण a troop.
  • रक्षोघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) Marking-nut plant. n. (-घ्न) 1. Sour gruel made from the fermentation of rice-water. 2. Asafœtida. E. रक्षस् a goblin, and घ्न destroying, repelling.
  • रक्षोजननी :: f. (-नी) Night. E. रक्षस् a spirit, जननी mother.
  • रक्ष्ण :: m. (-क्ष्णः) Preserving, guarding, protection. E. रक्ष् to preserve, aff. नङ् ।
  • रक्ष्य :: mfn. (-क्ष्यः -क्ष्या -क्ष्यं) To be guarded, protected, &c. E. रक्ष् to preserve, यत् aff.
  • रक्ष्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Preserved. E. रक्ष् to preserve, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • रख् :: r. 1st cl. (रखति) also (इ) रखि r. 1st cl. (रङ्खति) To go, to move.
  • रग् :: r. 1st cl. (ए) रगे (रगति) To suspect, to doubt, to fear. r. 10th cl. (रागयति) 1. To taste. 2. To obtain. (इ) रगि r. 1st cl. (रङ्गति) To go, to move.
  • रघ् (इ) रघि :: r. 1st cl. (रङ्घते) To go, to move. r. 10th cl. (रङ्घयति-ते) To shine; also without the indicatory letter. r. 10th cl. (रापयति) To taste. KĀLIDĀSA derives रघु from this root.
  • रघु :: m. (-घुः) 1. The name of a sovereign of Oudh, the great grand-father of RĀMACHANDRA. 2. The family or descendants of RAGHU. E. लघि to shine, कु Unādi aff., ल changed to र, nasal augment rejected.
  • रघुकार :: m. (-रः) The poet KĀLIDĀSA. E. रघु the race of RAGHU, which forms the subject of a poem by this writer, and कार author.
  • रघुनन्दन :: m. (-नः) RĀMA, the second incarnation of VISHṆU, under that appellation. E. रघु the king RAGHU, नन्दन a son or descendant.
  • रघुनाथ :: m. (-थः) A name of RĀMA. E. रघु the race of RAGHU, नाथ lord.
  • रघुवंश :: m. (-शः) The race or family of RAGHU; hence also the name of a poem by KĀLIDĀSA, which treats of the ancestors of RĀMA, from DILĪPA to that prince, and his descendants to AGNIVARṆA; nearly one half relates to the history of RAGHU and as much to that of RĀMA, the remainder is occupied with the remaining princes. E. रघु as above, and वंश race.
  • रघुवर :: m. (-रः) RĀMA. E. रघु the race of RAGHU, and वर eminent.
  • रघूद्वह :: m. (-हः) RĀMA. E. रघु the race of RAGHU, and उद्वह pre-eminent.
  • रङ्क :: mfn. (-ङ्कः -ङ्का -ङ्कं) 1. Niggardly, avaricious, a miser. 2. Slow, dull. 3. Hungry. E. रकि to go, aff. अच् ।
  • रङ्कु :: m. (-ङ्कुः) A sort of deer, (the spotted axis.) E. रम् to sport, aff. कु, form irr.
  • रङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. Paint, colour, tint, dye. 2. Dancing, acting, singing, &c. 3. A field of battle. 4. The place where acting, &c. is exhibi- ted, a stage. 5. A place answering to an amphi-theatre. 6. An assembly. 7. The nasal modification of a vowel. 8. Borax. n. (-ङ्गं) Tin. E. रगि to go, aff. अच्; or रञ्ज् to colour, aff. घञ्, the final changed, and the nasal rejected.
  • रङ्गचर :: m. (-रः) 1. An actor. 2. A gladiator.
  • रङ्गज :: n. (-जं) Red lead. E. रङ्ग colour, ज produced. “सिन्दुरे ।”
  • रङ्गजीवक :: m. (-कः) 1. An actor, a dancer, a mine. 2. A painter. E. रङ्ग a stage or colour, &c., and जीवक who lives by.
  • रङ्गदेवता :: f. (-ता) The goddess supposed to preside over sports and diversions.
  • रङ्गद्वार :: n. (-रं) 1. A stage-door. 2. The prologue of a play.
  • रङ्गभूति :: m. (-तिः) The day of full-moon in the month Āshwin, (Septem- ber-October,) on the night of which LAKSHMĪ descended, promising wealth to all who were awake. E. रङ्ग dancing and singing, भूति being, the night being spent in playing ancient chess, in Nāutches, &c.
  • रङ्गभूमि :: f. (-मिः) 1. A field. 2. A stage, a theatre, a place where danc- ing is exhibited, or the Indian dramas where represented. E. रङ्ग dancing, &c., and भूमि ground, spot.
  • रङ्गमल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) A lute. E. रङ्ग् singing, &c., मल्ल् to hold, affs. अच् and ङीष् ।
  • रङ्गमातृ :: f. (-ता) 1. A bawd. 2. Lac, the animal-dye. E. रङ्ग passion or colour, &c., and मातृ parent.
  • रङ्गमातृका :: f. (-का) Lac, or the insect which forms the red dye. E. रङ्ग colour, मातृ parent, कन् added.
  • रङ्गलासिनी :: f. (-नी) A flower, (Nyctanthes tristis.) “शेफालिकायाम्” . E. रङ्ग colour, (of the stalk,) लस् to shine, aff. णिनि ।
  • रङ्गवाट :: m. (-टः) A place enclosed for contest.
  • रङ्गवीज :: n. (-जं) Silver. E. रङ्ग tin, वीज seed or essence.
  • रङ्गशाला :: f. (-ला) A hall for public exhibitions, as Nāutches, plays, &c., a ball-room, a theatre. E. रङ्ग acting, &c., and शाला a hall.
  • रङ्गाजीव :: m. (-वः) 1. A painter. 2. An actor, a dancer. E. रङ्ग colour, &c., आजीव who lives by.
  • रङ्गावतरण :: n. (-णं) Acting, playing, exhibiting in public. E. रङ्ग, अवतरण alighting.
  • रङ्गावतारक :: m. (-कः) 1. An actor, a buffoon. 2. A boxer. 3. A bard or panegyrist. E. रङ्ग acting, dancing, अव depreciative prefix, तॄ to pass, वुन् aff.; also with णिनि aff., रङ्गावतारिन् ।
  • रङ्गिन् :: mfn. (-ङ्गी -ङ्गिणी -ङ्गि) 1. Colouring, dying. 2. Impassioned, having propensity or passion. f. (-णी) A plant, (Asparagus racemosus.) “शतमूल्याम्” . E. रङ्ग colour, &c., इनि aff.
  • रङ्घस् :: n. (-ङ्घः) Speed, volocity: see रंहस्; ह being changed to घ ।
  • रच् :: r. 10th cl. (रचयति-ते) 1. To make mechanically, to work, to manu- facture. 2. To write, to compose. 3. To decorate.
  • रचक :: m. (-कः) A maker, a composer. E. रच् to make, वुन् aff.
  • रचना :: f. (-ना) 1. Orderly and becoming arrangement or disposition in general. 2. Decoration or dressing of hair. 3. Stringing flowers, &c., weaving wreaths, chaplets, or similar decorations. 4. Military array, arrangement of troops. 5. Literary composition, whether in verse or prose. 6. Suspending garlands, &c. at the doors of a house or building on festival occasions. 7. Making or preparing any thing. E. रच् to make, to manufacture, aff. युच् ।
  • रचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Made, manufactured. 2. Written, composed. 3. Strung. E. रच् to make, aff. क्त ।
  • रज :: mn. (-जः-जं) 1. Dust. 2. The pollen of flowers. 3. The menstrual excretion. 4. The second property of humanity, the quality of passion. E. रन्ज् to colour, &c., aff. अच्, and the nasal rejected; this word more commonly occurs रजस्, q. v.
  • रजःशय :: m. (-यः) A dog. E. रजस् dust, and शय who sleeps.
  • रजःसारथि :: m. (-थिः) Air, wind. E. रजस् dust, and सारथि charioteer.
  • रजक :: m. (-कः) 1. A washerman. 2. Cloth, clothes. f. (-की) A washer- man's wife or a washer-woman. E. रञ्ज् to colour, (clothes,) ष्वुन् or क्कुन् aff.; or रण्ज्-ण्वुल् न लोपः in the latter case the fem. is रजिका a washer-woman, and रजकी a washer-woman's wife.
  • रजत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) White. n. (-तं) 1. A pearl-necklace. 2. Silver. 3. Gold. 4. Elephant's teeth, ivory. 5. The name of a lake. 6. The name of a mountain, perhaps Kailāsa; see रजताद्रि . 7. White, (the colour.) 8. Blood. 9. An asterism, a constellation. 10. An ele- phant. E. रञ्ज् to colour, &c., अतच् Unādi aff.
  • रजतद्युति :: m. (-तिः) The monkey HANUMĀNA. E. रजत silver, द्युति lustre.
  • रजतप्रस्थ :: m. (-स्थः) Mount Kailāsa, the residence of KUVERA and his attendant demi-gods. E. रजत white, (or silver,) and प्रस्थ table-land.
  • रजताद्रि :: m. (-द्रिः) Mount Kailāsa,: see the last. E. रजत, अद्रि mountain.
  • रजन :: n. (-नं) Colouring, dyeing. E. रञ्ज् to colour, Unādi aff. युक् or क्युन् ।
  • रजनि :: f. (-निः-नी) 1. Night. 2. The indigo-plant. 3. Turmeric. 4. Lac. E. रञ्ज् to colour, अनि Unādi aff., and ङीष् optionally added.
  • रजनिकर :: m. (-रः) The moon. E. रजनि, and कर who makes; also रजनीकर ।
  • रजनिंमन्य :: Adj. A cloudy day, (looking like a night.)
  • रजनीगन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) The tuberose, (Polianthes tuberosa.) E. रजनी night, and गन्ध smell, emitting a powerful smell after sun-set.
  • रजनीचर :: m. (-रः) 1. A Rākshasa a fiend, a goblin, a ghost. 2. A watch- man. 3. A thief. E. रजनी night, चर who goes.
  • रजनीजल :: n. (-लं) Frost, hoar-frost, dew. E. रजनी night, जल water, fall- ing at night.
  • रजनीमुख :: n. (-खं) Evening, beginning of the night. E. रजनी, मुख commencement.
  • रजनीहासा :: f. (-सा) A flower, (Nyctanthes arbor tristis.) “शेफालिकायाम्” . E. रजनी night, हास a smile; the flowers blossoming at night, and diffusing a powerful scent after sun-set.
  • रजस् :: n. (-जः) 1. The second of the three primary qualities of nature the quality or property of passion: that which produces sensual desire, worldly coveting, pride, and falsehood, and is the cause of pain. 2. Dust. 3. The dust or pollen of a flower. 4. Any particle of matter. 5. The menstrual evacuation. 6. Cultivated fields. 7. A mole in a sun-beam. E. रञ्ज् to colour, to be attached to, Unādi aff. असुन् ।
  • रजसानु :: m. (-नुः) 1. A cloud. 2. The heart or mind. E. रञ्ज् to colour, to feel affection for, सानु Unādi aff.
  • रजस्तमस्क :: Adj. Being under the influence of Rajas and Tamas.
  • रजस्तोक :: mn. (-कः-कं) 1. Avarice. 2. The child of passion, (a term ap- plied to a person to mark his insignificance.)
  • रजस्वल :: m. (-लः) 1. A buffalo. 2. Quicksilver. f. (-ला) 1. A woman during menstruation. 2. A girl, one above ten years of age. 3. Dusty. 4. Full of passion. E. रजस् dust, &c., and वलच् aff.
  • रजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Affected, moved, attracted, or excited by. E. रञ्ज् to effect, causal v., क्त aff.
  • रजोगुण :: m. (-णः) The second condition of humanity: see रजस् ।
  • रजोदर्शन :: n. (-नं) The first appearance of the menses.
  • रजोबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Suppression of menstruation. E. रजस्, and बन्ध binding.
  • रजोबल :: n. (-लं) Darkness. E. रजस् dust, बल heap.
  • रजोरस :: n. (-सं) Darkness. E. रजस् dust, and रस essence, or perhaps this and the preceding should be the same.
  • रजोहर :: m. (-रः) A washerman. E. रजस् dust, dirt, and हर who removes.
  • रज्जु :: m. (-ज्जुः) 1. A rope, a cord, a tie, a string. 2. A lock of braided hair. 3. A sinew proceeding from the vertebral column. E. सृज् to create, &c., Unādi aff. उ, and the radical स rejected, the vowel changed to its semi-vowel.
  • रज्जुदालक :: m. (-कः) Wild-fowl.
  • रञ्ज् (औ) औरञ्ज् :: r. 1st cl. (रजति-ते) r. 4th cl. (रज्यति-ते) To dye, to tinge, to give tint or colour to any thing. r. 1st cl. (रजति) To be attached to, or intent on, to have one's affections or passions engaged by and object. With अनु prefixed. 1. To be fond of or attached to, (with a loc.) 2. To redden. With अप and वि, To averse, to dislike. With उप, 1. To be eclipsed. 2. To suffer calamity. Caus. (रञ्जयति-ते) 1. To colour, to redden. 2. To please. 3. To conciliate. (रजयति) To hunt deer.
  • रञ्जक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. What incites or affects. 2. What colours, &c. m. (-कः) 1. Colouring, dyeing. 2. A colorist, a painter. 3. A dyer. 4. A stimulus, an inciter of affection, &c. 5. Biliary humour on which vision depends. n. (-कं) 1. Vermilion. 2. The mendhi-plant, (Lawsonia inermis.) E. रञ्ज् to colour, वुन् aff. “भल्लातके, काम्पिल्ल वृक्षे च . ”
  • रञ्जन :: mn. (-नः-नं) 1. Colouring, dyeing, painting, &c. 2. Affecting the heart, exciting passion, &c. n. (-नं) Red Sandal or Sappan wood. “वकम्काठ” . f. (-नी) 1. The Indigo plant, (Indigofera tinctoria.) 2. Bengal madder. 3. Another plant, commonly Sundarochani, (a species of Crinum.) “कमलागुंँडि इति भाषा ।” 4. A flower, (Nyctan- thes tristis.) E. रञ्ज् to colour, aff. युच् or ल्युट् ।
  • रञ्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Moved or affected. 2. Coloured, dyed, tinted. E. रञ्ज् to colour, क्त aff.
  • रट् :: r. 1st and 10th cl. (रटति रटयति) 1. To speak. 2. To shout aloud. 3. To roar. With आ, to call to.
  • रटत् :: mfn. (-टन् -टन्ती -टत्) Speaking. E. रट् to speak, शतृ aff.
  • रटन :: n. (-नं) Speaking, shouting. E. रट्, and ल्युट् aff.
  • रटन्ती :: f. (-न्ती) The fourteenth of the dark-half of Māgha when bathing is enjoined. E. रट् to speak, झश् aff., the waters speak.
  • रटित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Spoken, said. n. (-तं) The roaring of flame. E. रट् to speak, aff. क्त ।
  • रठ् :: r. 1st cl. (रठति) To speak.
  • रण् :: r. 1st cl. (रणति) 1. To sound. 2. To go, to move.
  • रण :: mn. (-णः-णं) War, battle. m. (-णः) 1. Sound, noise. 2. The quill or bow of a lute, &c. 3. Going, moving. E. रण् to sound, aff. अप् ।
  • रणकामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Desirous of war, wishing to fight. E. रण, कामिन् who wishes.
  • रणत् :: mfn. (-णन् -णन्ती -णत्) 1. Warring, fighting. 2. Going. 3. Sounding. E. रण् to go, शतृ aff.
  • रणत्कार :: m. (-रः) A rutting sound, humming.
  • रणतूर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) A military drum. E. रण war, तूर्य्य a musical instrument.
  • रणधुरा :: f. (-रा) The front or van of battle.
  • रणपण्डित :: m. (-तः) A warrior. E. रण, and पण्डित learned.
  • रणप्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Warlike. n. (-यं) The root of a fragrant grass, (Andropogon muricatum.) E. रण, and प्रिय fond of.
  • रणमत्त :: m. (-त्तः) An elephant. E. रण war, मत्त mad, wild.
  • रणमुष्टि :: m. (-ष्टिः) A shrub: see विषमुष्टि, “कुचिला ।”
  • रणरङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) The part of an elephant's face between his tusks. E. रण, रङ्क slow.
  • रणरङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A battle-field.
  • रणरण :: n. (-णं) Regret, anxiety, anxious regret, sorrow, of which the object is lost or absent. m. (-णः) A musquito, a gnat. E. रण war, and noise, repeated.
  • रणरणक :: m. (-कः) 1. Anxiety, regret: see the last. 2. Love, desire. 3. KĀMA. E. रण् to sound, aff. कन् ।
  • रणसङ्कुल :: n. (-लं) 1. Mixed or tumultuary combat. 2. A melee. E. रण, सङ्कुल a mingling.
  • रणस्तम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. A trophy, a pillar, a monument of war. 2. A coun- try, “Chitore.” E. रण, स्तम्भ a pillar.
  • रणाङ्गण :: n. (-णं) A field of battle. E. रण, and अङ्गण a court-yard.
  • रणाजिर :: n. (-रं) A field of battle. E. रण, and अजिर a court.
  • रणाभियोग :: m. (-गः) Engaging in battle. E. रण, and अभियोग encounter.
  • रणित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sounded. 2. Warred. E. रण to sound, क्त aff.
  • रणोत्साह :: m. (-हः) Prowess in battle. E. रण, and उत्साह effort.
  • रण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. A man who dies without male issue. 2. A barren tree.
  • रण्डक :: m. (-कः) A barren tree. E. रण्डा a widow, aff. कन् ।
  • रण्डा :: f. (-ण्डा) 1. A plant, (Salvinia cucullata.) “मूषिकपर्ण्याम् . ” 2. A widow. 3. A term of abuse in addressing woman. E. रम् to sport, ड Unādi aff.
  • रत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Occupied or engaged by, actively intent on. n. (-तं) 1. Copulation, sexual union. 2. Pleasure. 3. A privity, a private part. E. रम् to sport, क्त aff.
  • रतकील :: m. (-लः) A dog. E. रत copulation, and कील a pin, fastening.
  • रतकूजित :: n. (-तं) Lascivious murmur. E. रत copulation, कूजित murmur.
  • रतगुरु :: m. (-रुः) A husband. E. रत copulation, and गुरु teacher.
  • रतज्वर :: m. (-रः) A crow. E. रत coition, ज्वर fever.
  • रततालिन् :: m. (-ली) A libertine, a lecher, a whore-monger. E. रत copula- tion, तल to complete, aff. णिनि ।
  • रतताली :: f. (-ली) A bawd, a procuress. E. रत copulation, तल् to complete or effect, and अण् aff., fem. aff. ङीष् ।
  • रतनारीच :: m. (-चः) 1. A dog. 2. KĀMA or love. 3. Sonitus in coitu. 4. A libertine, a lecher. E. रत coition, नारी a female, चि to collect, or चर् to go, aff. क or ड ।
  • रतनिधि :: m. (-धिः) A wagtail. E. रत copulation, निधि a treasure.
  • रतर्द्धिक :: n. (-कं) 1. A day. 2. Bathing for pleasure. 3. The aggregate of four auspicious object. E. रत copulation, अधि increase, aff. कन् ।
  • रतव्रण :: m. (-णः) A dog. E. रत copulation, and व्रण a sore.
  • रतशायिन् :: m. (-यी) A dog. E. रत copulation, and शायिन् who sleeps.
  • रतहिण्डक :: m. (-कः) 1. A libertine, a lecher. 2. A ravisher, one who carries off and violates a woman. E. रत coition, हिडि to go, aff. वुन् ।
  • रतान्दुक :: m. (-कः) A dog. E. रत copulation, and अन्दुक a chain.
  • रतान्ध्री :: f. (-न्ध्री) Fog, mist.
  • रतामर्द्ध :: m. (-र्द्ध्वः) A dog. E. रत coition, आङ् before, मृध् to rub, aff. अच् ।
  • रतायनी :: f. (-नी) A whore, a harlot. E. रत copulation, अयन a going.
  • रतार्थिन् :: mfn. (-र्थी -र्थिनी -र्थि) Libidinous, lascivious. f. (-नी) A libidinous woman, a wanton, a harlot. E. रत copulation, अर्थ seeking soliciting, इनि and ङीष् affs.
  • रति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Passion, desire. 2. Coition, copulation 3. A privity, a private part. 4. The wife of KĀMADEVA. E. रम् to sport, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • रतिकुहर :: n. (-रं) Pudendum muliebre. E. रति copulation, कुहर a cavity.
  • रतिक्रिया :: f. (-या) Copulation. E. रति the same, and क्रिया act.
  • रतिगृह :: n. (-हं) 1. A pleasure house. 2. A brothel. 3. The vagina. E. रति, and गृह abode, place.
  • रतितस्कर :: m. (-रः) A Ravisher, a seducer.
  • रतिपति :: m. (-तिः) The deity of love, KĀMADEVA. E. रति the wife of the god, and पति husband.
  • रतिप्रिय :: m. (-यः) KĀMADEVA. E. रति the wife of the deity, and प्रिय beloved.
  • रतिमदा :: f. (-दा) A courtezan of INDRA'S heaven. E. रति copulation, मम् to delight, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • रतिमन्दिर :: n. (-रं) Pudendum muliebre. E. रति copulation, and मन्दिर abode.
  • रतिरमण :: m. (-णः) KĀMADEVA, the god of love. E. रति the goddess, so named, and रमण husband.
  • रतिलक्ष :: n. (-क्षं) Copulation.
  • रतिसत्वरा :: f. (-रा) A plant, (Trigonella corniculata.) “पिडिंशाक्” E. रति copulation, सत्वर quick; perhaps considered as on aphrodisiac.
  • रतू :: f. (-तूः) The Ganges of heaven. 2. An honest woman, one who speaks the truth. E. ऋत a Sautra root, कू Unādi aff., अम् augment.
  • रतोद्वह :: m. (-हः) The Kokila. E. रत copulation, उद्वह exciting.
  • रत्न :: n. (-त्नं) 1. A jewel, a gem. 2. Any thing the best of its kind, or figuratively, the jewel of the species. E. रम् to sport, Unādi aff. न, and त substituted for the radical final.
  • रत्नकन्दल :: m. (-लः) Coral. “प्रवाले” . E. रत्न a jewel, and कन्दल a shoot.
  • रत्नकूट :: m. (-टः) A mountain in the Dakshin. E. रत्न a jewel, कूट a peak.
  • रत्नगर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) 1. The god of wealth, KUVERA. 2. The ocean. f. (-र्भा) The earth. E. रत्न a jewel, and गर्भ embryo.
  • रत्नप्रभा :: f. (-भा) The first of the seven hells or purgatories, according to the Jainas. E. रत्न a jewel, and प्रभा splendour.
  • रत्नमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Gemmed, full or made of gems. E. रत्न, मयट् aff.
  • रत्नमुख्य :: n. (-ख्यं) The diamond. E. रत्न a jewel, and मुख्य chief.
  • रत्नराज् :: m. (-राट्) A ruby. “माणिक्ये ।”
  • रत्नवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Having gems. f. (-ती) The earth. E. रत्न a jewel, मतुप् poss. aff.
  • रत्नवर्षुक :: n. (-कं) The carriage of KUVERA. E. रत्न, वर्षुक showering.
  • रत्नवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) Coral. E. रत्न a jewel, and वृक्ष tree.
  • रत्नसानु :: m. (-नुः) The mountain Meru. E. रत्न a jewel, सानु ridge of a mountain.
  • रत्नसू :: f. (-सूः) The earth. E. रत्न a jewel, and सू a mother; also रत्नसूति ।
  • रत्नसूति :: f. (-तिः) The earth: see the last.
  • रत्नाकर :: m. (-रः) 1. The ocean. 2. A jewel mine. E. रत्न jewel, आकर mine.
  • रत्नाङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) The car of VISHṆU. E. रत्न a jewel, and अङ्क mark.
  • रत्नावलि :: f. (-लिः) A necklace of gems. E. रत्न, आवलि a row; also रत्नावली ।
  • रत्नि :: mf. (-त्निः-त्नी) 1. A sort of cubit, measured from the elbow to the end of the closed fist; it is also computed at tweenty-one breadths of the middle of the thumb. 2. The closed hand, the fist. E. ऋ to go, कत्निच् aff., the vowel changed to the semi-vowel, other- wise अरत्नि, and as derived from मृ to go, सरत्नि ।
  • रत्यङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) The male or female organ. E. रति copulation, अङ्ग member.
  • रथ :: m. (-थः) 1. A car, a war-chariot. 2. A car, a carriage in general,

any vehicle or mode of conveyance. 3. A limb, a member. 4. The body. 5. A foot. 6. A sort of cane, (Calamus rotang.) E. रम् to sport, Unādi aff. क्थन ।

  • रथकट्या :: f. (ठ्या) A multitude of cars. E. रथ a car, and कठ्यच् aff. of multitude.
  • रथकर :: m. (-रः) A carpenter. E. रथ a car, and कर who makes; also रथकार and रथकृत् ।
  • रथकल्पक :: m. (-कः) An officer who has charge of a king's chariots.
  • रथकार :: m. (-रः) 1. A carpenter. 2. A man sprung from the male of the Māhisya, and woman of the Kereṇ or writer caste; by pro- fession, a maker of cars, a coach-maker. E. रथ, कार who makes.
  • रथकुटुम्बिन् :: m. (-म्बी) A charioteer. E. रथ a car, कुटुम्बिन् who takes care of as a part of his family.
  • रथकूबर :: mn. (-रः-रं) The polar shaft of a carriage.
  • रथगर्भक :: m. (-कः) A car or litter borne on men's shoulders. E. रथ, गर्भ an embryo, कन् aff.
  • रथगुप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) A piece of wood, or an iron net-work, encompassing a war-chariot, to secure it form being injured by weapons or col- lision. E. रथ car, गुप्ति screening, preserving; also रथगोपन n. (-नं).
  • रथचरण :: m. (-णः) 1. The ruddy-goose. 2. A chariot-wheel. E. रथ a car, and चरण the foot.
  • रथद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) A timber tree, (Dalbergia ougeiniensis.) E. रथ a car, द्रु the tree, the wood being used for wheels, &c.; also रथद्रुम m. (-मः) ।
  • रथन्तर :: n. (-रं) The Sāma-Veda. E. रथ (as by) a car, तॄ to pass, (the world,) खच् aff.
  • रथपर्य्याय :: m. (-यः) A sort of cane, the ratan. E. रघ a car, पर्य्याय order.
  • रथपाद :: m. (-दः) 1. A wheel. 2. The ruddy-goose. E. रथ, पाद the foot.
  • रथप्सा :: f. (-प्सा) The name of a river.
  • रथयात्रा :: f. (-त्रा) A festival at which the chariots of the gods go in procession: in Bengal and Orissa it is applied to the procession of KRĪSHNĀ, as JAGANNĀTH, on the second of light fortnight of Āsāra. E. रथ, and यात्रा going.
  • रथवाहक :: m. (-कः) A charioteer. E. रथ and वाहक what conveys.
  • रथशक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) The staff which supports the banner of a war chariot.
  • रथाङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) 1. A wheel. 2. Any part of a carriage. m. (-ङ्गः) The ruddy-goose, (Anas casarca.) E. रथ a car, अङ्ग a member.
  • रथाङ्गपाणि :: m. (-णिः) A name of VISHṆU. E. रथाङ्ग a wheel, (the discus with which one of his hands is armed,) and पाणि the hand; also रधाङ्गिन् and the like.
  • रथाभ्र :: m. (-भ्रः) A sort of cane, (Calamus rotang.) “वेतसवृक्षे” . E. रथ, अभ्र a cloud or water.
  • रथाभ्रपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A sort of reed: see the last. E. रथाभ्र the same, and पुष्प a flower; also रथ, रथाभ्र, and अभ्रपुष्प ।
  • रथारूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Mounted on or ridding in a car. E. रथ, आरूढ mounted.
  • रथारोहण :: n. (-णं) 1. Riding in a car. 2. Fighting in a war-chariot.
  • रथारोहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) Riding in a car. m. (-ही) A warrior who fights in a car. E. रथ a car, and आरोहिन् who mounts.
  • रथार्भक :: m. (-कः) A small car. E. रथ, and अर्भक small.
  • रथावरोहण :: n. (-णं) Alighting for a car. E. रथ, and अवरोहण descending.
  • रथावरोहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) Descending from a car.
  • रथिक :: m. (-कः) The owner of a car, or one who rides in it. E. रथ, ष्ठन् aff.
  • रथिन् :: m. (-थी) 1. A warrior who fights in a car. 2. The owner of or rider in a car. E. रथ, and इनि aff.
  • रथिन :: m. (-नः) The master of a car. E. रथ, and इन a master.
  • रथिर :: m. (-रः) The owner of or rider in a car. E. रथ, and इरच् aff.
  • रथोपस्थ :: m. (-स्थः) The charioteer's seat for driving. E. रथ, उप near, स्थ what stays.
  • रथ्य :: m. (-थ्यः) A car or carriage-horse. f. (-थ्या) 1. A multitude of cars. 2. A high street. 3. A main or carriage-road. 4. A place where several roads meet. n. (-थ्यं) A wheel. E. रथ a car, य or यत् affixes of multitude or fitness.
  • रद् :: r. 1st cl. (रदति) 1. To divide, to split, to ear or break. 2. To dig, to delve, to root.
  • रद :: m. (-दः) 1. A tooth. 2. Splitting, dividing. E. रद् to divide, aff. अच् ।
  • रदच्छद :: m. (-दः) A lip. E. रद a tooth, and च्छद covering.
  • रदन :: m. (-नः) A tooth. n. (-नं) Tearing, rending. E. रद् to divide, aff. ल्युट्
  • रदनच्छद :: m. (-दः) A lip. E. रदन a tooth, and च्छद covering.
  • रदिन् :: m. (-दी) An elephant. E. रद a tooth, tusk, and इनि aff.
  • रद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Hurt, injured. E. रध् to hurt, क्त aff.
  • रद्धृ :: mfn. (-द्धा -द्ध्री -द्धृ) Injurious, hurtful, who or what hurts. E. रध् to hurt, तृच् aff.
  • रध् (ऌ, उ) ॡरधु :: r. 4th cl. (रध्यति) 1. To finish, to complete, to accom- plish. 2. To hurt, to injure or kill. 3. To be right or correct. 4. To cook or mature.
  • रधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Hurt, injured. E. रध् to hurt, क्त aff.
  • रधितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Injurious, hurtful. E. रध् to hurt, तृच् aff.
  • रन्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) 1. Pleasure, sport. 2. Cessation, stop. E. रम् to sport, क्तिच् aff.
  • रन्तिदेव :: m. (-वः) 1. A name of VISHṆU. 2. A king of lunar dynasty; also called ŚASIDEVA. 3. A dog. E. रन्ति sport, देव deity.
  • रन्तु :: f. (-न्तुः) 1. A road. 2. A river. E. रम् to sport, aff. तु ।
  • रन्धक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Injurious, hurtful. m. (-कः) A cook. E. रध् to hurt, ण्वुल् aff.
  • रन्धन :: n. (-नं) 1. The act of destroying. 2. Of cooking.
  • रन्ध्र :: n. (-न्ध्रं) 1. A hole, a fissure, a cavity, a chasm. 2. A fault, a de- fect. E. रम् to sport, aff. क्विप्, धृ to have or hold, aff. क ।
  • रन्ध्रबभ्रु :: m. (-भ्रुः) A rat. E. रन्ध्र a hole, and बभ्रु an ichneumon.
  • रन्ध्रवंश :: m. (-शः) Small sort of hollow bamboo. “तल्ता वांँश ।”
  • रप् :: r. 1st cl. (रपति) To speak, to say or tell.
  • रफ् (इ) रफि :: r. 1st cl. (रफति रम्फति) 1. To go, to move. 2. To hurt, to injure or kill.
  • रब् (इ) रबि :: r. 1st cl. (रम्बति-ते) 1. To sound. 2. To go.
  • रब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) Begun. E. रभ् to begin, क्त aff.
  • रब्धृ :: mfn. (-ब्धा -ब्ध्री -ब्धृ) Beginning, who or what begins. E. रभ् to begin, तृच् aff.
  • रभ् (औ) औ रभ :: r. 1st cl. (रभते) or more usually (आरभते) To begin, to make a beginning, to begin willingly, &c. 2. To be pleased with. (इ) रभि r. 1st cl. (रंभते) To sound. With परि prefixed, To embrace. With सम, 1. To be enraged. 2. To be agitated.
  • रभस :: m. (-सः) 1. Speed, velocity. 2. Joy, delight. 3. Consideration of causes and events, or the past and future. 4. Regret, sorrow for something lost or absent. 5. Rashness, Precipitation. 6. Passion, rage. f. (-सा) 1. Violent, fierce, wild. 2. Eager, strong, powerful. E. रभ् to begin, असच् Unādi aff.
  • रम् (औ, उ) औरमु :: r. 1st. cl. (रमते) 1. To sport or play. 2. To rest, to stay. 3. To be pleased. 4. To have sexual intercourse with. With अभि, To be delighted. With some prefixes this root forms an active verb, as with आङ्, उप and वि; आरमति to rest, to repose, &c.; with उप the form is optional, if the sense is intransitive, as (उपरमति or ते) 1. To stop or cease. 2. To desist from. 3. To die. Caus. (रमयति-ते) To amuse, to please.
  • रम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Dear, beloved. 2. Pleasing, delighting, charming. m. (-मः) 1. A husband, a lover. 2. KĀMA. 3. A red variety of the Aśoka tree, (Jonesia asoca.) f. (-मा) 1. A name of LAKSHMĪ. 2. A wife, a mistress. E. रम् to sport, aff. अच् ।
  • रमक :: m. (-कः) A lover, a gallant. E. रम् to sport, क्वुन् aff.
  • रमठ :: n. (-ठं) Asafœtida. “हिङ्गुनि” . E. रम् to sport, अटन् aff.
  • रमठध्वनि :: m. (-निः) Asafœtida. रमठ इतिशब्देन ध्यन्यते ध्वन-इन ।
  • रमण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Causing pleasure, pleasing, charming, delightful. n. (-णं) 1. Sporting, playing. 2. Dalliance, amorous sport. 3. Coi- tion, copulation. 4. The mons veneris. 5. A sort of cucumber. 6. The hip and the loins. m. (-णः) 1. A name of KĀMA. or love. 2. A husband. 3. A lover, a gallant. 4. An ass. 5. A testicle. f. (णा or णी) 1. A woman, or an agreeable woman, a wife, a mistress, &c. 2. A kind of metre, having eleven syllables in the first and third, and twelve in the second and fourth Pādas of every stanza. E. रम् to sport, युच् or ल्य ट aff., fem. aff., टाप् or ङीष् ।
  • रमणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Beautiful, pleasing. E. रम् to please, अनीयर् aff.
  • रमणीयता :: f. (-ता) Agreeableness, pleasantness. E. तल् added to the preceding; also with त्व, रमणीयत्वं ।
  • रमण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) Sport, pleasure, wanton sport or dalliance. E. रम् to sport, अन्य Unādi aff.
  • रमत् :: mfn. (-मन् -मन्ती -मत्) Playing, sporting. E. रम् to play, शतृ aff.
  • रमति :: m. (-तिः) A lover, a gallant. 2. Paradise, heaven. 3. A crow. 4. Time. 5. Love or the deity KĀMA. E. रम् to sport or stop, &c. Unādi aff. अतिच्; the final of the radical retained.
  • रममान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Sporting, playing, E. रम् to please, शानच् aff.
  • रमापति :: m. (-तिः) VISHṆU. E. रमा LAKSHMĪ, and पति husband.
  • रमाप्रिय :: n. (-यं) The lotus. E. रमा LAKSHMĪ, and प्रिय beloved.
  • रमावेष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) Turpentine.
  • रम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. A bamboo. 2. The name of a monkey. f. (-म्भा) 1. A plantain. 2. One of the Apsarās or courtezans of Swarga, and wife of NALA-KŪBARA. 3. A harlot, a whore. 4. A name of GAURĪ. 5. Lowing, as of a cow. E. रमि to sound, to begin, &c., aff. अच् ।
  • रम्भक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Beginning, who or what begins. 2. Sounding. E. रभि to sound, ण्वुल् aff.
  • रम्भित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sounded. n. (-तं) Lowing, (of kine.) E. रभि to sound, &c., क्त aff.
  • रम्भोरु :: f. (-रुः or रूः) Having thighs as full and round as a plantain tree.
  • रम्य :: mfn. (-म्यः -म्या -म्यं) 1. Pleasing, delightful, agreeable, charming. 2. Handsome. m. (-म्यः) The champaca, (Michelia champaca.) f. (-म्या) 1. Night. 2. The name of a river. n. (-म्यं) 1. The root of a species of cucumber. 2. Semen virile. E. रम् to sport, aff. यत् ।
  • रम्यक :: n. (-कं) 1. One of the minor Dwīpas or divisions of the world, lying to the north of Ilāvṛta; also रमणक, and रमण्यक . 2. The root of the Paṭola. E. रम्य agreeable, कन् added.
  • रम्यता :: f. (-ता) 1. Agreeableness, pleasantness. 2. Gracefulness, beauty. E. रम्य and तल् aff.; also with त्व, रम्यत्वं ।
  • रम्र :: m. (-म्रः) 1. Purple, the colour of the dawn. 2. Beauty, splendor. E. रम् to please, aff. रन् ।
  • रय् :: r. 1st cl. (रयते) To go, to move.
  • रय :: m. (-यः) 1. Speed, velocity. 2. The stream or current of a river. 3. Violence, ardour, zeal. E. रय् to go, घ aff.
  • रयि :: n. (-यि) 1. Water. 2. Wealth. E. रय् to go, इन् aff.
  • रयिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Fleetest, very fleet. m. (-ष्ठः) 1. KUVERA. 2. Fire or AGNI. 3. BRAHMĀ. E. रय speed, quick, (used attributively,) and इष्ठन् aff. of the superlative.
  • रल्लक :: m. (-कः) 1. A blanket. 2. An eye-lash. 4. A sort of deer. E. रम् to please, aff. क्विप्, and तुक् with the final dropped रत् comfort, plea- sure, ला to give, aff. क्विप्, रल्ल and कन् added.
  • रव् (इ) रवि :: r. 1st cl. (रम्वते) To go, to move.
  • रव :: m. (-वः) 1. Sound in general, cry, noise, singing of birds, &c. 2. A thunder. 3. A roar. E. रु to cry out, &c. aff. अप् ।
  • रवण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Sounding, sonorous. 2. Hot, warm, sharp. 3. Unsteady, fickle or shaking. 4. Jesting, a jester. m. (-णः) 1. A camel. 2. The Kokila. n. (-णं) 1. Bell-metal or brass. 2. Sounding. E. रु to sound, Unādi aff. युच् ।
  • रवथ :: m. (-थः) The Indian cuckoo. E. रु to cry, &c. Unadī aff. अथन् ।
  • रवि :: m. (-विः) 1. The sun. 2. The right canal for the passage of the vital air. E. रु to sound, passive form, to be praised or glorified, Unādi aff. इन् ।
  • रविकान्त :: m. (-न्तः) The sun-stone, a sort of crystal. “सूर्य्यकान्तमणौ” E. रवि the sun, कान्त in this compound, a mineral.
  • रविनन्दन :: m. (-नः) The monkey chief SUGRĪVA. E. रवि the sun, नन्दन a son.
  • रविनाथ :: n. (-थं) A lotus. m. (-थः) A flower, (Pentapetes phœnicea.)
  • रविन्द :: n. (-न्दं) Lotus. E. रवि the sun, and दा to give, aff. खच् ।
  • रविप्रिय :: n. (-यं) 1. Copper. 2. The red-lotus. m. (-यः) A plant, (Arto- carpus lacucha.) E. रवि the sun, प्रिय beloved. रक्तकरवीरे, अर्कवृक्षे च ।”
  • रविमण्डल :: n. (-लं) The disc of the sun. E. रवि, and मण्डल circle.
  • रविमार्ग :: m. (-र्गः) The sun's path. E. रवि, मार्ग road.
  • रविमार्गभङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) Very high, stopping the course of the sun. E. रविमार्ग, भङ्ग what breaks.
  • रविरत्न :: n. (-त्नं) The ruby. “माणिक्ये ।”
  • रविलोह :: n. (-हं) Copper. E. रवि the sun, and लोह iron.
  • रविवार :: m. (-रः) Sunday. E. रवि, and वार a time.
  • रविसंक्रान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) The sun's entrance into a sign of the zodiac.
  • रविसंज्ञक :: n. (-कः) Copper. E. रवि the sun, and संज्ञक appellation.
  • रशना :: f. (-ना) 1. A tongue. 2. A woman's girdle or zone. E. See रसन ।
  • रश्मि :: m. (-श्मिः) 1. A ray of light. 2. A rein, a bridle. 3. An eye-lash. E. अश् to pervade, Unādi aff. मि, रश substituted for the radical.
  • रश्मिजाल :: n. (-लं) A blaze or stream of light. E. रश्मि, and जाल heap.
  • रस् :: r. 1st cl. (रसति) 1. To sound. 2. To roar, to cry. r. 10th cl. (रसयति ते) 1. To taste, to relish. 2. To love, to regard.
  • रस :: m. (-सः) 1. Flavour, taste, viz:--sweet, salt, pungent, bitter, sour, and astringent. 2. Taste, sentiment, emotion, as an object of poe- try or composition; eight sentiments are usually enumerated, viz:-- Sringāra or love, Hāsya or mirth, Karuṇa or tenderness, Raudra or anger, Bīra or heroism, Bhayānaka or terror, Bibhatsa or disgust, and Adbhuta or surprise; Śānta, tranquility or content or Bātsalya, paternal tenderness, is sometimes considered as the ninth. 3. Affection of the mind, passion. 4. Juice, exudation, a fluid, a liquid, or liquified substance. 5. Poison. 6. Semen virile. 7. Water. 8. The primary or essential juice or fluid of the body, whence blood, serum, sweat, &c. are supposed to be engendered; it corresponds best with chyle, but is probably of a fanciful nature. 9. Gum myrrh. 10. Quicksilver, from its being a semi-fluid metal, and according to certain alchemical notions possessed of supernatural power over the juices of the body, &c. 11. A mineral or a metallic salt, as sulphur, borax, talc, blue or green vitriol, &c.; they are however usually called Upa or inferior Rasas. f. (-सा) 1. The earth. 2. The tongue. 3. A plant, commonly Ākanādi. (Cissampelos hexandra.) 4. A sort of grain, (Panicum italicum.) 5. The frankincense-tree, (Boswellia thurifera) 6. The grape. 7. A medical drug, commonly Kākoli. E. रस् to taste, to love, aff. अच ।
  • रसक :: m. (-कः) Stewed or boiled meat. E. रस juice, aff. कन् ।
  • रसकर्प्पूर :: n. (-रं) A white sublimate or a muriate of mercury, made in close vessels with sulphur, mercury, and common salt; the cryst- als formed in the first operation are sublimed a second time, which seems to be the only essential difference between this and the preparations called Rasapushpa; ut infra. E. रस mercury, and कर्प्पूर camphor; from its white colour.
  • रसकला :: f. (-ला) 1. A low sweet sound. 2. Singing upon intoxication. E. रस taste or vinous juice, and कला a note.
  • रसकेसर :: n. (-रं) Camphor. E. रस juice, केसर a filament.
  • रसगन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) 1. Gum myrrh. 2. Sulphur. E. रस exudation, गन्ध fra- grance; with कन् added, रसगन्धक ।
  • रसगर्भ :: n. (-र्भं) 1. A mineral preparation used as a stibium. 2. Vermi- lion. E. रस quicksilver, and गर्भ embryo.
  • रसघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) Borax. E. रस mercury, घ्न what destroys.
  • रसज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Born or produced by or in passion flavour, fluids, &c. n. (-जं) Blood. m. (-जः) 1. Any insect engendered by the acetous fermentation of liquids. 2. Molasses, treacle. E. रस juice, the primary juice or chyle, &c., and ज born.
  • रसज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Discriminating or acquainted with tastes, sen- timents, &c. m. (-ज्ञः) 1. A poet, a writer who understands the different Rasas or sentiments to be described. 2. An alchemist, one who has obtained a command over the magical properties of mercury. 3. A physician, a medical preparer and administerer

of mercurial and chemical compounds. f. (-ज्ञा) The tongue. E. रस as above, and ज्ञ who or what knows.

  • रसज्ञता :: f. (-ता) 1. Poetical skill or taste. 2. Knowledge of flavours. 3. Alchemy. E. रसज्ञ and तल् aff.; also with त्व, रसज्ञत्वं ।
  • रसज्येष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) 1. The sweet flavour or taste, sweetness. 2. The senti- ment of love. E. रस taste or sentiment, and ज्येष्ठ eldest, best.
  • रसत् :: mfn. (-सन् -सन्ती -सत्) 1. Speaking, sounding. 2. Tasting, having flavour. E. रस् to sound, शतृ aff.
  • रसतेजस् :: n. (-जः) The blood. E. रस chyle, and तेजस् light, strength.
  • रसधातु :: n. (-तु) Quicksilver. E. रस fluid, and धातु metal.
  • रसन :: n. (-नं) 1. Tasting, taste. 2. Sound, noise. 3. Thunder. f. (-ना) 1. The tongue. 2. A rope. 3. A bridle. 4. A plant, commonly Rāsnā. 5. A woman's girdle, a sort of chain worn round the loins. 6. A plant, (Pæderia fœtida.) E. रस् to sound or taste, aff. युच्; or अश् to eat, युच् Unādi aff., and रश substituted; also रशना ।
  • रसनाथ :: m. (-थः) Quicksilver. E. रस juice, fluid, and नाथ chief.
  • रसनायक :: m. (-कः) ŚIVA. E. रस mercury, नायक leader.
  • रसनारद :: m. (-दः) A bird. E. रसना the tongue, रद a tooth.
  • रसनालिह् :: m. (-लिट्) A dog. E. रसना the tongue, लिह् to lick, aff. क्किप् ।
  • रसनिवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Loss of taste, flavour, &c. E. रस, and निवृत्ति cessation.
  • रसनेत्रिका :: f. (-का) Red arsenic. E. रस, नेतृ eye, कन् added, fem. form.
  • रसपुष्प :: n. (-ष्प) A preparation of mercury, a kind of muriate formed by subliming. in close vessels, a mixture of sulphur, mercury, and common salt. E. रस mercury, and पुष्प flower.
  • रसफल :: m. (-लः) The cocoanut tree. E. रस water or juice, and फल the fruit, the nut containing a saccharine fluid.
  • रसभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Interruption or destruction of passion or sentiment, &c. E. रस, भङ्ग a breaking.
  • रसभव :: n. (-वं) The blood. E. रस chyle, and भव produced.
  • रसभस्मन् :: n. (-स्म) Calx or oxid of mercury. E. रस, and भस्मन् ashes.
  • रसयित्वा :: Ind. Having tasted. E. रस् to taste, क्त्वाच् aff.
  • रसराज :: m. (-जः) Quicksilver. E. रस a mineral, राज sovereign.
  • रसवत् :: Ind. Including a secondary or subsidiary feeling or passion. E. रस, वति aff.
  • रसवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Juicy. 2. Well-flavoured. 3. Tasteful, applied to a composition, &c. 4. Spirited, witty. f. (-ती) A kitchen. E. रस juice, flavour, &c., मतुप् aff.
  • रसविक्रय :: m. (-यः) Selling juices or liquors, as the juice of the sugar- cane, or wine, &c. E. रस juice, and विक्रय sale.
  • रसशोधन :: m. (-नं) Borax. E. रस a metal, &c., and शोधन purifying; being used as a flux in refining and melting metals.
  • रससिद्ध :: m. (-द्धः) An alchemist, an adept: see the next. E. रस mercury, सिद्ध accomplished.
  • रससिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) The knowledge of alchemy, the possession of peculiar familiarity with mercury, obtained by the performance of chemi- cal operations conjoined with certain mystical and magical rites, and the securing thence to the adept, of happiness, health, and wealth, the power of transmuting metals, and the art of pro- longing life. E. रस mercury, and सिद्धि accomplishment, especially of some supernatural object.
  • रससिन्दूर :: n. (-रं) A sort of factitious cinnabar, made with zinc, mer- cury, blue vitriol, and nitre, fused together; the compound is used as an escharotic. E. रस mercury and सिन्दूर minium.
  • रसस्थान :: n. (-नं) Cinnabar or vermilion. E. रस mercury and स्थान abode.
  • रसाखन :: m. (-नः) A cock. E. रसा the earth, and खन who digs or picks.
  • रसाञ्जन :: n. (-नं) A sort of collyrium, prepared either with the calx of brass, or with the Amomum anthorrhiza. E. रस juice, &c., अञ्जन collyrium.
  • रसातल :: n. (-लं) 1. Pātāla; the seven infernal regions under the earth, and the residence of the Nāgas, Asuras, Daityas, and other races

of monstrous and demoniacal beings, under the various govern- ments of Sesha, Bali, and other chiefs; this is not to be confound- ed with Naraka or Tartarus, the proper hell or abode of guilty mortals after death. 2. The lowest of the seven divisions of Pātāla. E. रसा the earth, and तल below, underneath.

  • रसादान :: n. (-नं) 1. Sucking, suction. 2. Drying, drying up, absorbing. E. रस water, or juice, &c., आदान taking.
  • रसाधार :: m. (-रः) The sun. E. रस water, आधार receptacle.
  • रसान्तर :: n. (-रं) Change or diversion of passion or sentiment. E. रस and अन्तर different.
  • रसाभास :: m. (-सः) Concealment of sentiment, attributing evident emo- tions to some cause different from the real one. E. रस sentiment, आभास unreal exposition or display.
  • रसाभिनिवेश :: m. (-शः) Accession of sentiment or passion. E. रस, अभिनिवेश intentness.
  • रसाम्ल :: m. (-म्लः) Sour sauce. n. (-म्लं) The hog-plum.
  • रसायक :: m. (-कः) A sort of grass, (Saccharum munja.)
  • रसायन :: n. (-नं) 1. Alchemy, chemistry. 2. The employment of mercury in medicine. 3. A medicine preventing old age, and prolonging life, the Elixir Vitæ of the alchemists. 4. Poison. 5. Butter-milk. m. (-नः) 1. GARUDĀ. 2. An anthelmintic drug commonly Biranga, (Embelia ribes.) 2. An alchemist. f. (-नी) A vessel conveying nu- trition, a lacteal, an absorbent. E. रस juice, quicksilver, &c., अयन a road, a going, &c.
  • रसायनफला :: f. (-ला) Yellow myrobalan, (Terminalia chebula.) “हरीतकी वृक्षे” . E. रसायन juice, abiding, फला fruit.
  • रसाल :: m. (-लः) 1. The sugar-cane. 2. The mango-tree, (Mangifera In- dica.) 3. The jack-tree, (Artocarpus integrifolia.) 4. The Olibanum tree, (Boswellia thurifera.) 5. Wheat. n. (-लं) 1. Frankincense. 2. Gum myrrh. f. (-ला) 1. The tongue. 2. Bent grass, (Panicum dac- tylon.) 3. A flower, (Hedysarum gangeticum.) 4. A grape. 5. Curds mixed up with sugar and spices. E. रस juice, आङ् before, ला to yield, aff. क ।
  • रसालसा :: f. (-सा) A tubular vessel of the body, a nerve, a tendon, &c.
  • रसालिहा :: f. (-हा) A plant, (Hemionites cordifolia.) “चाकुलिया ।”
  • रसास्वाद :: m. (-दः) The sense of poetical beauty.
  • रसास्वादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) 1. Tasting, relishing. 2. Sensitive, having taste. m. (-दी) A bee. E. रस flavour, and आस्वादिन् who tastes.
  • रसाह्व :: n. (-ह्वं) Turpentine, resin. E. रस juice and आह्व appellation.
  • रसिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -की-कं) 1. Flavoured, having taste or flavour. 2. Tasteful, as a composition, &c. 3. Having a taste for poetry, &c. 4. Sentimental. 5. Impassioned. m. (-कः) 1. A horse. 2. An ele- phant. 3. A libertine. f. (-का) 1. Curds mixed with sugar and spice. 2. Molasses, the juice of the sugar-cane. 3. The tongue. 4. A wo- man's zone or girdle. E. रस flavour, sentiment, and ठन् aff.
  • रसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Gilded, plated, washed or spread with gold, &c. 2. Sounded. 3. Having taste, flavour, or sentiment. m. (-तः) 1. The rattling of thunder. 2. Voice, sound in general. 3. Wine. E. रस् to sound, aff. क्त; or रस fluid, (metal, &c.,) इतच् aff.
  • रसितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Tasting, having tested or having a taste for. 2. Sounding. E. रस to have flavour, क्तवतु aff.
  • रसिताशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) 1. Eating or seizing with a noise or roar. 2. Drinking wine. E. रसित आशिन् who eats.
  • रसितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) 1. Sounding, making a noise. 2. Tasting, relish- ing. E. रस् to sound, तृच् aff.
  • रसिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) 1. Tasting. 2. Impassioned. 3. Humerous. E. रस, इनि aff.
  • रसुन :: m. (-नः) Garlic. E. See लसुन, र being changed to ल ।
  • रसेन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) 1. Quicksilver. 2. The philosopher's stone, the touch of which turns iron to gold. E. रस a mineral and इन्द्र best.
  • रसोत्पत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Production of taste or flavour. 2. Development of passion or sentiment. 3. Generation of the vital fluids. E. रस, and उत्पत्ति production.
  • रसीन :: m. (-नः) A kind of garlic, (Allium ascalonicum.) E. रस flavour taste, ऊन to be less or deficient, aff. अच्; being supposed to con- tain in the leaves, stalk, root, &c., every flavour except sourness.
  • रसोपल :: n. (-लं) A pearl. E. रस water, and उपल a stone.
  • रस्व :: n. (-स्वं) Thing, substance. E. रस juice, &c., and नक् Unādi aff.
  • रस्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) Juicy. n. (-स्यं) Blood. E. रस chyle, यत् aff.
  • रह् :: r. 1st cl. (रहति) r. 10th cl. (रहयति-ते) To quit, to leave, to forego, to lose or abandon. With वि, To be separate or away from, (इ) रहि r. 1st cl. (रंहति) To go, to move with speed.
  • रह :: m. (-हः) Solitariness, privacy. E. रह् to be private, अच् aff.
  • रहण :: n. (-णं) Quitting, leaving. E. रह् to leave, ल्युट् aff.
  • रहत् :: mfn. (-हन् -हन्ती -हत्) Leaving, abandoning. E. रह् to leave, शतृ aff.
  • रहस् :: n. Subst. (-हः) 1. Solitariness, privacy. 2. Copulation. 3. A pri- vity. 4. A religious or mystic truth. Ind. or an adv. (-हः) Solitary, private, in private, secretly, privily. E. रह् to abandon, (society, &c.) and असुन् aff.; or रम् to sport or play, with the same aff., and अह substituted for the radical final.
  • रहस :: m. (-सः) 1. The ocean. 2. Heaven. E. रह् to leave, असच् aff.
  • रहस्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) Private, secret, either fit to be concealed or occuring in secret. n. (-स्यं) 1. A secret, a mystery, anything hid- den, recondite or mysterious. 2. Any esoteric teaching. f. (-स्या) 1. Clandestine. 2. Mysterious. 3. The name of a river, perhaps the Saraswatī, from its being supposed to flow in an unknown chan- nel. E. रहस् secret, यत् aff.
  • रहाट :: m. (-टः) 1. A minister. 2. A ghost. 3. Spring. E. रह् privately, अट् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • रहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Left, quitted, abandoned. 2. Free from, devoid of. E. रह् to leave, aff. क्त ।
  • रहीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Alone, solitary, in private. E. रह and भूत been, with च्वि aug.
  • रा :: r. 2nd. cl. (राति) 1. To get, to gain, to receive. 2. To give.
  • राका :: f. (-का) 1. Full-moon, or the day of full-moon. 2. A girl in whom menstruation has commenced. 3. Scab, itch. 4. The name of a river. E. रा to give, (good fortune,) क Unādi aff.
  • राक्षस :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) Infernal, demoniacal. m. (-सः) An evil spirit, a demon, a vampire, a fiend, but who appears to be of various des- criptions, and is either a powerful Titan or enemy of the gods in a superhuman or incarnate form, as RĀVAṆA and others; an at- tendant on KUVERA, and guardian of his treasures; or a mischie- vous and cruel goblin or ogre, haunting cemeteries, animating dead bodies, and devouring human beings. f. (-सी) 1. A female fiend, the female of the preceding. 2. A large tooth, a tusk. 3. A sort of perfume, commonly Chor. n. (-सं) 1. A form of marriage, the violent seizure and rape of a girl after the repulse or des- truction of her relatives. 2. Surgery, cure by the knife of cautery. E. रक्ष् to preserve, to be preserved, (from whom,) aff. असुन्, and अण् pleonasm added; or रक्षस् a demon, and अण् aff. of reference.
  • राक्षसेन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) 1. RĀVAṆA. 2. KUVERA. E. राक्षस a demon, इन्द्र lord.
  • राक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) Lac, the red animal dye. E. रक्ष् to preserve, (colour,) अ aff.; the vowel made long; perhaps an incorrect form of लाक्षा ।
  • राख् (ऋ) राखृ :: r. 1st cl. (राखति) 1. To be dry or arid. 2. To adorn. 3. To suffice, to be able or competent. 4. To impede or prevent.
  • राग :: m. (-गः) 1. Colour, hue, tint. dye. 2. Affection, prepossession, love, desire. 3. Mental affection in general, as sorrow, joy, &c. 4. Envy, impatience of another's success. 5. A mode of music; of which six are enumerated, viz.:--Bhairava, Kausika, Srīrāga, Hindola, Dipaka, and Megha; they are personified in poe- try and mythology. 6. A king, a sovereign. 7. The Raja Gūna, the property or quality of passion. 8. Greediness, cupidity. 9. Colouring, painting, dying. f. (-गी) A sort of grain, commonly Raggy, much cultivated in the south of India, (Eleusine corocana, or Cynosurus corocanus.) E. रञ्ज् to colour, &c., aff. घञ् ।
  • रागचूर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) 1. A name of KĀMA. 2. A tree, yielding an astringent resin or extract, the wood of which is used in dying, (Acacia ca- techu.) 3. Red lead. 4. The red powder thrown over one another by the Hindus, at the vernal festival named Holi. E. राग passion or colour, and चूर्ण powder.
  • रागच्छन्न :: m. (-न्नः) KĀMA. E. राग and च्छन्न covered.
  • रागद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Colouring. 2. Inspiring passion. f. (-दा) Crys- tal. E. राग colour, दा to give, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • रागबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) The manifestation of musical harmony.
  • रागयुज् :: m. (-युट्) A ruby.
  • रागरज्जु :: m. (-ज्जुः) The deity of love, KĀMA. E. राग passion, रज्जु a rope.
  • रागलता :: f. (-ता) The wife of KĀMADEVA. E. राग, लता a creeping plant.
  • रागवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Coloured. 2. Impassioned. E. राग, मतुप् aff.
  • रागवृन्त :: m. (-न्तः) KĀMADEVA. E. राग passion, वृन्त the stalk of a flower, the support.
  • रागषाढव :: m. (-वः) A sweetmeat of unripe mangoes dressed with treacle and oil.
  • रागसूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. The string of a balance. 2. A string or thread of silk. 3. Any coloured thread or string. E. राग colour, सूत्र a thread.
  • रागान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Affected dy passion. 2. Coloured.
  • रागार्ह :: mfn. (-र्हः -र्हा -र्हं) 1. One who excites hopes and disappoints them. 2. Who or what is an object of affection. E. राग, अर्ह fit.
  • रागाशनि :: m. (-निः) A Jaina saint. E. राग, अश् to throw, (away,) अनि aff.
  • रागिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिणी -गि) 1. Passionate, impassioned. 2. Colouring, painting. 3. Coloured, dyed. m. (-गी) 1. A dyer, a painter. 2. A libertine, a lover. f. (-णी) 1. A shrewd and intriguing woman. 2. A modification of a musical mode of which five are assigned to each mode; in mythology, personified as a female, and the wife of the Rāga. E. राग passion, इनि aff., or रञ्ज् to colour, &c., घिनुण् aff.
  • राघ् (ऋ,) राघृ :: r. 1st cl. (राघते) To be able or equal to.
  • राघव :: m. (वः) 1. A name of RĀMACHANDRA. 2. A sort of fish. E. रघु the ancestor of the demi-god, and अण् aff. of descent.
  • राङ्कल :: m. (-लः) A thorn.
  • राङ्कव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Woolen, made of the hair of a sort of deer or any other animal. n. (-वं) A woolen garment. made of the deer's hair, a blanket. E. रङ्कु a kind of deer, अण् aff.
  • राज् (ऋ,) राजृ :: r. 1st cl. (राजति-ते or irregularly रेजते) To shine: With निर् prefixed, To overcome, to subdue. Caus. (राजयति-ते) With निस् 1. To adorn, to illuminate. 2. To wave light before an idol or a king, (as an act of worship.)
  • राज् :: m. (-राट्) A king, a monarch or prince. E. राज् to shine, aff. क्विप् ।
  • राजक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Ruling, a ruler. 2. Splendid, irradiating, bright in itself, and the cause of brilliancy in others. n. (-कं) An assemblage of princes. m. (-कः) A petty prince. E. राजन् a prince, and वुञ् aff. of multitude; or राज् to shine, aff. वुन् ।
  • राजकर :: n. (-रं) Tax or toll imposed by the king. E. राज and कर tribute.
  • राजकदम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) A sort of Kadamba. E. राज royal, कदम्ब Nauclea.
  • राजकशेरु :: m. (-रुः) A fragrant grass, (Cyperus.) E. राज, कशेरु cyperus.
  • राजकार्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Royal duties, state affairs. E. राज, and कार्य्य act.
  • राजकीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Royal, kingly E. राजन् a king, क substituted for the final, and छ aff.
  • राजकुल :: n. (-लं) A royal race. m. (-लः) A prince, a king. E. राज and कुल family.
  • राजकुष्माण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) The egg-plant, (Solanum melongena.) E. राज royal, and कुष्माण्ड a gourd.
  • राजकृत्वन् :: m. (-त्वा) A king-maker, one who raises him to the throne, &c. E. राजन्, and कृ to make, क्वनिप् aff.
  • राजगामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Going to the prince or ruler, devolving or falling to the king, (as property, &c. to which there are no heris.) E. राज the king, गामिन् what goes.
  • राजगुरु :: m. (-रुः) The king's spiritual preceptor. E. राज a king, and गुरु preceptor.
  • राजग्रीव :: m. (-वः) A sort of flat fresh water-fish, commonly Phalūi. E. राज shining, ग्रीव the neck.
  • राजघ :: mfn. (-घः -घा -घं) Sharp, hot. m. (-घः) A king-killer, a slayer of sovereigns, a regicide. E. राज a king, and घ for घ्न, who kills.
  • राजचिह्नक :: n. (-कं) The male or female organs of generation. E. राज chief, चिह्न mark, and कन् aff.
  • राजजक्ष्मन् :: m. (-क्ष्मा) Pulmonary consumption. E. राज royal, principal, and जक्ष्मम् for यक्ष्मन् consumption; also राजयक्ष्मन् ।
  • राजजम्बू :: f. (-म्बूः) 1. A large kind of eugenia or rose-apple. “वड जाम इति भाषा” 2. A sort of date. E. राज royal, and जम्बू Eugenia.
  • राजत :: mfn. (-तः -ती -तं) Silver, made of silver, &c. E. रजत silver, अञ् aff.
  • राजतान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Plated, inlaid. E. राजत, अन्वित having.
  • राजताल :: m. (-लः) The betel-nut tree, (Areca faufel.) E. राज, ताल palm.
  • राजतिमिष :: m. (-षः) A cucumber. E. राज royal, and तिमिष a kind of gourd; it is also read राजतेमिष । “तरमुज्”
  • राजतेजस् :: n. (-जः) Majesty, kingly dignity. E. राज, and तेजस् splendour.
  • राजत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Sovereignty, royalty. E. राज a king, त्व aff. of the abstract; also with तल्, राजता ।
  • राजदण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) 1. Punishment ordered by the king. 2. A baton, a sceptre. E. राज, दण्ड a staff, &c.
  • राजदन्त :: m. (-न्तः) An upper and fore-tooth, applied to the two middle ones. E. राज royal, दन्त tooth.
  • राजदर्शन :: n. (-नं) A levee, and audience. E. राज, and दर्शन seeing.
  • राजदेशीय :: m. (-यः) A petty prince or chief, one something less than a king. E. राज a king, and देशीयर् aff., implying something less or defective, or with देश्य aff. of the same power, राजदेश्य m. (-श्यः) ।
  • राजद्रोह :: m. (-हः) 1. Oppression. 2. Rebellion. E. राज, द्रोह violence.
  • राजद्रोहिन् :: m. (-ही) A rebel, a traitor. E. राजद्रोह, इनि aff.
  • राजद्वार :: n. (-रं) The gate of the palace. E. राज for राजा king, द्वार gate.
  • राजधन :: n. (-नं) Royal revenue or right to property. E. राज, धन wealth.
  • राजधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) 1. Royal duty. 2. The duty of the military tribe.
  • राजधर्म्मविद् :: m. (-वित्) A statesman, one who knows the duties of royal- ty. E. राज, धर्म्म duty, and विद् who knows.
  • राजधान :: nf. (-नं-नी) A royal city, a capital, a metropolis. E. राज a king, धान holding, containing; also with कन् added in the n. or f. (राज- धानक-राजधानिका) ।
  • राजधान्य :: n. (-न्यं) A sort of grain, (Panicum frumentaceum, Rox.) E. राज royal, धान्य grain. “राजभोग हैमन्तिक धान्य भेदः ।”
  • राजधुरा :: f. (-रा) Royal state or function, government. E. राज, धुरा a load.
  • राजन् :: m. (-जा) 1. A king, a prince, a sovereign. 2. A soldier by birth, a man of the regal and military tribe. 3. A master. 4. The moon. 5. A Yaksha. 6. INDRA. 7. (In com.) Royal, denoting eminence or excellence. f. (-ज्ञी) 1. A queen, the wife of a king. 2. The wife of the sun. 3. Deep coloured brass, consisting of three parts of copper to one of zinc or tin. E. राज् to shine, Unādi aff. कनिन् ।
  • राजनय :: m. (-यः) Polity. E. राज, नय conduct; see the next.
  • राजनीति :: f. (-तिः) Regal polity, statesmanship, civil and military government. E. राज, and नीति polity.
  • राजनील :: n. (-लं) The emerald. E. राज royal, and नील blue.
  • राजन्य :: m. (-न्यः) 1. A Kshetriya, a man of the military or regal tribe. 2. A name of AGNI or fire. 3. A tree, (Mimusops kauki, Rox.) “क्षीरिणी गाछ . ” E. राज् to shine, अन्य Unādi aff.; or राजन् a king, यत् aff.
  • राजन्यक :: n. (-कं) A number of Kshetriyas or men of the military tribe. E. राजन्य a soldier, वुञ् aff.
  • राजन्वत् :: mfn. (-न्वान् -न्वती -न्वत्) Possessing or governed by a just and active monarch, (a country, &c.) E. राजन् a king, (or by distinction a good king,) and मतुप् poss. aff., form irr.
  • राजपटोल :: m. (-लः) A kind of cucumber, (Trichosanthes diœca.) E. राज royal, and पटोल the same; also with कन् added, राजपटोलक ।
  • राजपट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः) 1. A gem, said to be an inferior kind of diamond

brought from BIRĀTA DEŚA, a country in the north-west of India. 2. A tiara or royal fillet. E. राज a king, and पट्ठ a bandage, worn in the tiara or diadem of a prince.

  • राजपत्नी :: f. (-त्नी) A queen. E. राज, and पत्नी wife.
  • राजपुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) 1. The planet MERCURY. 2. A Kshetriya or man of the military tribe. 3. A soldier by profession but one of a mixed birth or fabulous origin. 4. The son of a king, a prince. f. (-त्त्री) 1. Arabian jasmine. 2. A bitter gourd. 3. The musk-shrew. 4. A kind of brass or bell-metal. 5. A princess. 6. A woman of the Rājput tribe. E. राज a king or the moon, and पुत्त्र a son, a child.
  • राजपुत्त्रिका :: f. (-का) 1. A kind of bird. “शरालपाखी” . 2. A king's daughter. E. राज a king, पुत्त्र a child, कन् aff., fem. form.
  • राजपुरुष :: m. (-षः) A guard, a watchman, a constable, &c. E. राज and पुरुष a man.
  • राजपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A plant, (Mesua ferrea.) “नागेश्वर गाछ” ।
  • राजफणिञ्झक :: m. (-कः) The orange-tree. E. राज royal, फणिञ्झक a sort of lime.
  • राजफल :: n. (-लं) A cucumber, (Trichosanthes diœca.) E. राज royal, and फल fruit.
  • राजबदर :: n. (-रं) 1. A plant, (a sort of Justicia.) 2. Salt. m. (-रः) The jujube. E. राज royal, and बदर the jujube.
  • राजभट्टिका :: f. (-का) A water-fowl. “हापुत्रीपक्षिणि ।”
  • राजभद्रक :: n. (-कं) A sort of costus, (C. speciosus.) E. राज royal, भद्रक auspicious.
  • राजभाज् :: mfn. (-भाक्) Belonging to or claimed by the king. E. राज, and भाज् who shares.
  • राजभूय :: n. (-यं) Royalty, sovereignty. E. राज a king, and भूय condition of being.
  • राजभृत्य :: m. (-त्यः) A courtier, a servant of the king, any public officer. E. राज, and भृत्य a servant.
  • राजभोग्य :: m. (-ग्यः) A tree, (Chironjia sapida, or Buchanania latifolia, Rox.) “पियालवृक्षे” n. (-ग्यं) Mace. E. राज royal, and भोग्य enjoyment.
  • राजभौत :: m. (-तः) A king's fool or jester.
  • राजमण्डुक :: m. (-कः) A large kind of frog. E. राज a king, मण्डुक a frog.
  • राजमल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) A king's wrestler. E. राज a king, मल्ल a wrestler.
  • राजमार्ग :: m. (-र्गः) A royal road, one passable for horses and elephants, and forty cubits broad. E. राज a king, and मार्ग a road.
  • राजमाष :: m. (-षः) A kind of bean, (Dolichos Catjang or sinensis.) “वरवटी” E. राज् royal, and माष a sort of kidney-bean.
  • राजमुद्ग :: m. (-द्गः) A sort of kidney-bean, (Phaseolus.) E. राज royal, and मुद्ग P. mungo. “मकुष्ठके, मुग् इति भाषा ।”
  • राजयक्ष्मन् :: m. (-क्ष्मा) Pulmonary consumption. E. राज chief, यक्ष्मन् phthisis.
  • राजयुध्वन् :: m. (-ध्वा) An enemy, a rebel, one making war against a prince. E. राज, युध् to make war, क्वनिप् aff.
  • राजयोग :: m. (-गः) 1. The configuration of planets at the birth of a man indicating his future king-ship. 2. An easy mode of abstract medi- tation, as distinguished from the rigorous one called Hatayoga.
  • राजयोग्य :: mfn. (-ग्यः -ग्या -ग्यं) Proper or suitable for a sovereign, princely, royal. E. राज a king, and योग्य what is fit for.
  • राजरङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) Silver. E. राज royal, and रङ्ग tin.
  • राजराज :: m. (-जः) 1. A name of KUVERA. 2. An emperor, an universal monarch, or king of kings. 3. The moon. E. राज a king, (of a king or kings,) or a Yaksha, and राज sovereign.
  • राजरीति :: f. (-तिः) Bell-metal. “वेङा पितल ।”
  • राजर्षि :: m. (-र्षिः) A kind of saint; that holy and superhuman personage which a king or man of the military class may become by the practice of religious austerities; seven classes of Rishis are enu- merated, the DeVARSHI, BRAHMARSHI, MAHARSHI, PARAMARSHI, RAJARSHI, KĀṆḌARSHI, and ŚRUTARSHI: the order is variously given, but the RĀJARSHI is inferior to the four preceding ones, and the two last mean the inspired saints and supposed authors of the scriptures. E. राज king, and ऋषि a saint.
  • राजलक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Royal insignia. 2. Any natural mark indicating future Kingship, or Hindu royalty. E. राज, and लक्षण mark.
  • राजलक्ष्मन् :: m. (-क्ष्मा) A name of YUDHISHṬHIRA. E. राज royal, लक्ष्मन् a mark or symbol.
  • राजलक्ष्मी :: f. (-क्ष्मी) The prosperity of a king.
  • राजलेख :: m. (-खः) A royal letter or order. E. राज, and लेख a writing; also राजलेख्यं, &c.
  • राजवंश्य :: mfn. (-श्यः -श्या -श्यं) Of royal parentage or descent. E. राज royal, वंश family, यत् aff.
  • राजवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Governed by a just and able monarch, (a country, &c.) 2. Royal, kingly. E. राज a king, and मतुप् aff.
  • राजवर्त्मन् :: n. (-र्त्म) A royal or main road. E. राज a king, and वर्त्मन् a road.
  • राजवला :: f. (-ला) A plant, (Pæderia fœtida.) E. राज a king, and वल sur- rounding. “गन्धभादुलिया” ।
  • राजवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) A small gourd, (Momordica charantia.) “कारवेल्लके” E. राज royal, वल्ली a creeper.
  • राजवसति :: f. (-तिः) 1. A throne. 2. A palace. E. राज, and वसति abode.
  • राजवाह :: m. (-हः) A horse. E. राज a king, and वाह a vehicle.
  • राजवाह्य :: m. (-ह्यः) A royal elephant. E. राज a king, and वाह्य a vehicle.
  • राजवि :: m. (-विः) The blue-jay. E. राज, and वि a bird.
  • राजविद्या :: f. (-द्या) Kingcraft, state policy, statesmanship.
  • राजविहार :: m. (-रः) A royal convent.
  • राजवीजिन् :: mfn. (-जी -जिनी -जि) Springing from a royal race. E. राज a king, वीज seed, and इनि aff.
  • राजवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. The Piyāla tree, (Buchanania latifolia.) 2. A sort of tree, (Cassia fistula.) “सोन्दाल” . 3. Euphorbia of various kinds. E. राज royal, and वृक्ष a tree.
  • राजशण :: m. (-णः) A plant, from the fibres of which a coarse cordage and canvas are prepared, (Corchorus capsularis or olitorius.) E. राज royal, and शण Crotolaria. “पाट गाछ” इति भाषा ।
  • राजशय्या :: f. (-य्या) A royal seat or throne. E. राज a king, and शय्या a bed or couch.
  • राजशासन :: n. (-नं) 1. A royal edict. 2. A royal badge. E. राज and शासन an edict.
  • राजशुक :: m. (-कः) A sort of parrot, (Psittacus Lori.) “मयनापाखी” . E. राज royal, and शुक a parrot.
  • राजशृङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) The royal Chhātta or umbrella. m. (-ङ्गः) A sort of sheat fish, (Silurus batachus.) “मागुरमाछ” . E. राज royal, शृङ्ग a horn.
  • राजस :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) Relating to, or derived, &c. from the quality of Rajas or passion. f. (-सी) 1. The goddess DURGĀ. 2. The state of being in this world or the next, in which the Raja Guṇa or quality of passion predominates: it is divided into three classes: the first class comprises the Gandharbas, Yakshas, Guhyakas, &c.; the second king and heroes, and the third, boxers, wrestlers, gamb- lers, tipplers, actors, &c. E. रजस् the quality of passion, अण् and ङीप् affs.
  • राजसत्ता :: f. (-त्ता) Majesty, royal dignity. E. राज, and सत्ता existence.
  • राजसदन :: n. (-नं) A palace. E. राज a king, and सदन a dwelling.
  • राजसफर :: m. (-रः) The Iliśa or Hilsā fish, (Clupanodon Ilisha, HAM.) E. राज king, and सफर another sort of fish.
  • राजसभा :: f. (-भा) A royal assembly or court. E. राज a king, सभा assembly.
  • राजसर्प :: m. (-र्पः) A large kind of snake, (Boa.) E. राज, and सर्प a snake; the king of snakes. “राजसाप” ।
  • राजसर्षप :: m. (-पः) 1. Mustard, (Sinapis dichotoma, or S. ramosa, Rox.) 2. A mustard seed, as a measure of weight. E. राज royal, सर्षप mustard.
  • राजसायुज्य :: n. (-ज्यं) Royalty, sovereignty. E. राज a king, सायुज्य state.
  • राजसारस :: m. (-सः) A peacock. E. राज royal, and सारस the Indian crane.
  • राजसिंह :: m. (-हः) A great king. E. राज, and सिंह a lion.
  • राजसूय :: n. (-यं) 1. A sacrifice performed only by an universal monarch, attended by his tributary princes; as in the case of YUDHISHṬHIRA, and others. 2. A lotus. 3. A mountain. 4. A sort of rice. E. राज a king, (by him,) and षू to be produced, to be effected, aff. क्यप्; or राज the moon, for the moon-plant of which the acid-juice is drank at the ceremony, and सु to bring forth, the same aff., deriv. irr.
  • राजसूयक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating to a royal sacrifice. E. कन् added to the last.
  • राजसूययाजिन् :: m. (-जी) A priest officiating at the royal sacrifice. E. राजसूय, and याजिन् who sacrifices.
  • राजसेवक :: m. (-कः) A courtier, a royal attendant. E. राज, and सेवक a servant.
  • राजस्कन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) A horse. E. राज a king, and स्कन्ध the shoulder.
  • राजस्व :: n. (-स्वं) Royal revenue, impost, duty, tax. E. राज, and स्व own.
  • राजहंस :: m. (-सः) 1. A white goose with red legs and bill, or more proper- ly perhaps the flamingo. 2. A drake. 3. An excellent king. E. राज, and हंस a goose, the king-goose.
  • राजहर्षण :: n. (-णं) A city, a town. E. राज a king, and हर्षण delighting.
  • राजहस्तिन् :: m. (-स्ती) A royal elephant. E. राज, and हस्तिन् an elephant.
  • राजहासक :: m. (-कः) A sort of large fish, (Cyprinus niloticus.) “कात्लामाछ” E. राज a king, हासक diverting, pleasing.
  • राजाज्ञा :: f. (-ज्ञा) A royal edict or command. E. राज and आज्ञा order.
  • राजातन :: m. (-नः) A tree, (Buchanania latifolia.) “पीतशालवृक्षे” . E. राज a king, and आङ् before, तन् to stretch, aff. अच् ।
  • राजादन :: m. (-नः) 1. A tree, (Bachanania latifolia.) 2. Another tree, (Mimusops kauki.) “क्षीरिणीवृक्षे” . 3. The Kinśuka, (Butea frondosa.) E. राज a king, अदन eating; also राजातन, and राजादनफल ।
  • राजाधिराज :: m. (-जः) A paramount sovereign. E. राजा, अधिराज superior prince.
  • राजान्न :: m. (-न्नः) A sort of rice, of a superior quality, said to grow in the Āndhra country. E. राज, and अन्न food.
  • राजाम्र :: m. (-म्रः) A superior sort of mango. E. राज royal, अम्र mango.
  • राजाम्ल :: m. (-म्लः) A kind of dock or sorrel: see अम्लवेतस ।
  • राजार्क :: m. (-र्कः) Gigantic swallow wort, (Asclepias gigantea, with white flowers.) E. राज royal, and अर्क swallow wort. “श्वेतआकन्दे” ।
  • राजार्ह :: mfn. (-र्हः -र्हा -र्हं) Royal, noble, fit or proper for a king. n. (-र्हं) Aloe-wood, (Amyris agallochum, Rox.) “अगुरुकाष्ठे” . E. राज a sover- eign, and अर्ह proper.
  • राजालुक :: m. (-कः) An esculent root, a sort of yam. “रशुने” . E. राज royal, आलु a yam, कन् added.
  • राजावर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) A gem, described as an inferior kind of diamond, brought from the country Birāta. E. राज a king, आवर्त्त a turning; it is considered as a lucky possession for princes, though not es- teemed as an ornament.
  • राजावलि :: f. (-लिः-ली) A line of kings, a royal dynasty or genealogy. E. राज and आवली a line.
  • राजाहि :: m. (-हिः) A sort of snake said to be two-headed. E. राज royal, अहि a snake.
  • राजि :: f. (-जिः-जी) 1. A row, a line. 2. An unbroken row, a continuous line. 3. A small vessel of the body. E. राज् to shine, इन् Unādi aff., ङीष् optionally added.
  • राजिका :: f. (-का) 1. Black mustard, (Sinapis racemosa, Rox.) 2. A field. 3. A line, a row, a range. 4. A continuous or unbroken line. E. राज to shine, क्वुन् aff., fem. form; or राजि as above, कन् added.
  • राजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Adorned, embellished. 2. Illuminated, irradia- ted. E. राज to shine, क्त aff.
  • राजिल :: m. (-लः) A sort of snake, (Amphisbæna.) “ढोंडासाप” . E. राजि a line, लच् aff.
  • राजीव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Attending on or living about a prince. m. (-वः) 1. A large fish, (Cyprinus niloticus, BUCH.) 2. A kind of deer. 3. An elephant. n. (-वं) A lotus, (Nelumbium speciosum.) E. राजी a line, a row, व aff.
  • राजेन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) An emperor. E. राज, and इन्द्र chief.
  • राजेभ :: m. (-भः) A state elephant. E. राज, and इभ an elephant.
  • राजेय :: m. (-यः) A kind of cucumber: see पटोल ।
  • राज्ञी :: f. (-ज्ञी) A queen. नील्यां, कांस्ये, जातीपुष्यवृक्षे, पित्तलेच ।
  • राज्य :: n. (-ज्यं) 1. A government, a country, a principality, a kingdom. 2. Administration or exercise of sovereignty or government. E. राज for राजन् a prince, and यत् or यक् aff.
  • राज्यच्युत :: m. (-तः) A prince who has lost his kingdom. E. राज्य, and च्युत fallen from.
  • राज्यच्युति :: f. (-तिः) Deposal, loss of sovereignty. E. राज्य, and च्युति falling.
  • राज्यतन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) Science of government, system of administration.
  • राज्यधुरा :: f. (-रा) Administration, burden or yoke of government. E. राज्य, धुरा burthen.
  • राज्यभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Subversion of sovereignty. E. राज्य and भङ्ग breaking.
  • राज्यभाज् :: m. (-भाक्) A king. E. राज्य, and भाज् who has.
  • राज्यभ्रंश :: m. (-शः) 1. Deposal or loss of a kingdom. E. राज्य and भ्रंश falling.
  • राज्यभ्रष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) A deposed sovereign. E. राज्य, भ्रष्ट fallen.
  • राज्यरक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) Protection or defence of a kingdom. E. राज्य, रक्षा preservation.
  • राज्यलोभ :: m. (-भः) Ambition. E. राज्य and लोभ desire.
  • राज्याङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) A requisite of regal administration; variously enu- merated, as seven, eight, or nine, viz.:--first, the monarch; second, the prime minister; third, a friend or ally; fourth, trea- sure; fifth territory; sixth a strong-hold; and seventh, an army; the eighth is the population or companies of citizens, and the ninth the Purohita or spiritual adviser. E. राज्य royalty, and अङ्ग limb or part.
  • राज्याधिकार :: m. (-रः) 1. Government of a kingdom. 2. Right or title to a sovereignty. E. राज्य and अधिकार superintendance, &c.
  • राज्याभिषेक :: m. (-कः) Inauguration of a king.
  • राटि :: f. (-टिः) War, battle. E. रट् to speak, to sound, aff. ङीप् ।
  • राढा :: f. (-ढा) 1. Beauty, splendour, light, lustre. 2. A country or dis- trict, part of Bengal to the west of the Hugli-river. E. रह to quit, aff. घञ्, and ह changed to ढ ।
  • राण :: n. (-णं) 1. A leaf. 2. A peacock's tail. E. रण् to sound, aff. घञ् ।
  • रात्रक :: n. (-कं) A period of five nights collectively. m. (-कः) A man who takes up his abode in a harlot's house for one year. E. रात्रि night, and कन् aff.
  • रात्रि :: f. (-त्रिः-त्री) Night, the darkness of night. E. रा to give, (pleasure or rest,) त्रिप् Unādi aff., ङीप् optionally added.
  • रात्रिकर :: m. (-रः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor.
  • रात्रिचर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Going or moving at night. m. (-रः) 1. A goblin, a fiend, a ghost or evil spirit. 2. A thief, a robber. 3. A guard, a patrole. E. रात्रि night, (by night,) and चर who goes.
  • रात्रिचर्या :: f. (-र्या) 1. Night-roving. 2. A nightly act or ceremony.
  • रात्रिज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Nocturnal, born or produced at night. n. (-जं) A star, a constellation. E. रात्रि night, and ज born.
  • रात्रिजल :: n. (-लं) Dew, mist, fog. E. रात्रि night, and जल water.
  • रात्रिजागर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Keeping watch at night, sitting up at night. m. (-रः) A dog. E. रात्रि night, and जागर who wakes.
  • रात्रिजागरण :: n. (-णं) Sitting up all night. E. रात्रि, and जागरण waking.
  • रात्रिजागरद :: m. (-दः) A musquito, a gnat. E. रात्रिजागर waking by night, and द who gives or makes, from दा to give, or from दो to cut, who stings.
  • रात्रिञ्चर :: m. (-रः) A ghost, a goblin. E. रात्रि night, चर् to go, ट aff., मुम् aug.; also रात्रिचर ।
  • रात्रितरा :: f. (-रा) The dead of night.
  • रात्रिपुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) A lotus-flower opening at night.
  • रात्रिमट :: m. (-टः) 1. A ghost, a goblin. 2. A thief. 3. A guard. 4. A night-walker. E. रात्रि night, अट् to go, aff. अच्, and मुम् augment.
  • रात्रिमणि :: m. (-णिः) The moon. E. रात्रि night, मणि a jewel.
  • रात्रिम्मन्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) Thinking it night. E. रात्रि, मन्य who believes, खच् aff.
  • रात्रियोग :: m. (-गः) Coming on of night. E. रात्रि, and योग joining.
  • रात्रिराग :: m. (-गः) Darkness, obscurity.
  • रात्रिवासस् :: n. (-सः) 1. Night-dress. 2. Darkness. E. रात्रि night, and वासस् vesture.
  • रात्रिविगम :: m. (-मः) Dawn, day-light. E. रात्रि night, विगम stop, cessation.
  • रात्रिविश्लेषगामिन् :: m. (-मी) The ruddy-goose. E. रात्रि night, विश्लेष separa- tion, and गामिन् who goes: these birds being supposed to pass the night apart. “चक्रवाकपक्षिणि” ।
  • रात्रिवेद :: m. (-दः) A cock. E. रात्रि night, वेद who knows, its measure or duration.
  • रात्रिवेदिन् :: m. (-दी) A cock. E. रात्रि night, वेदिन् who knows: see the last.
  • रात्रिहास :: m. (-सः) The white lotus. E. रात्रि night, and हास what smiles, blossoming at night. “श्वेतोत्पले” ।
  • रात्रिहिण्डक :: m. (-कः) A guard of the interior or women's apartments. E. रात्रि, हिडि to go, क्कुन् aff.
  • रात्र्यट :: m. (-टः) 1. An imp, a goblin. 2. A ghost. 3. A thief. 4. A night- walker. E. रात्रि, अट् to go, aff. अच्; also with nasal inserted, रात्रिमट ।
  • रात्र्यन्ध :: Adj. Night-blind.
  • राद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Cooked, dressed. 2. Perfected, as a religious vow; observed, as a fast, &c. 3. Perfect, in mysterious or magical power, adept, initiated. 4. Perfect in general, accomplished, mature, &c. 5. Successful, fortunate. 6. Propitiated, conciliated. E. राध् to accomplish or be accomplished, aff. क्त ।
  • राद्धान्त :: m. (-न्तः) Demonstrated truth, proved and established fact or conclusion, a dogma. E. राद्ध established, अन्त end, result.
  • राद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) 1. Accomplishment. Prosperity.
  • राध्(औ)औराध :: r. 4th cl. (राध्यति) 1. To be favourable or merciful. 2. To be ready, to be successful. 3. To kill. With अनु or आ, To propitiate, to adore. With अप, (usually used with a loc., but sometimes with a gen.) 1. To offend, to miss, to err. 2. To injure. With वि, To injure, to offend, to hurt. Caus. (रोधयति-ते) With आ, 1. To please. 2. To serve. r. 5th cl. (राध्नोति) 1. To bring anything to fulness or completion, to finish, to effect, to accomplish, to complete. 2. To attain completion, to succeed, to be finished or accomplished. 3. To destroy. With अप prefixed, To offend, to be in fault. With आङ्, To worship, to propitiate by worship.
  • राध :: m. (-धः) The month Vaiśākha, (April-May.) f. (-धा) 1. The asterism, in which the moon is full in the month Vaiśākha; the sixteenth of the Nakshatras, containing four stars in the shape of a festoon. 2. A celebrated Gopi, the favourite mistress of KRISH- ṆA, during his residence in Brindāvana amongst the cow- herds. 3. Name of the foster mother of KARṆA. 4. Prosperity. 5. Lightning. 6. An attitude in shooting, standing with the feet a span apart. 7. Emblic myrobalan. 8. A flower, (Clitoria ternata.) E. राध् to accomplish, aff. अच्, fem. aff. टाप्; or राधा the asterism, अण् aff. of reference.
  • राधन :: n. (-नं) 1. Completing, accomplishing, succeeding, effecting. 2. Obtaining, acquisition. 3. Pleasure, satisfaction. 4. The means or instrument of accomplishing any thing. f. (-ना) Speech, speaking. E. राध् to accomplish, aff. ल्युट् or युच् ।
  • राधरङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) 1. A plough. 2. Thin-rain. 3. Hail.
  • राधाकान्त :: m. (-न्तः) A name of KRISHṆA. E. राधा, and कान्त beloved.
  • राधातनय :: m. (-यः) KARṆA. E. राधा, and तनय son; see राधासुत ।
  • राधानाथ :: m. (-थः) A name of KRISHṆA. E. राधा, and नाथ lord.
  • राधापुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) KARṆA. E. राधा, and पुत्त्र son: see राधासुत ।
  • राधाभेदिन् :: m. (-दी) A name of ARJUNA. E. राधा the mistress of KRISHṆA, and भेदिन् dividing; having prevailed on KRISHṆA to abandon her.
  • राधावल्लभ :: m. (-भः) A name of KRISHṆA. E. राधा, and वल्लभ beloved.
  • राधावेधिन् :: m. (-धी) ARJUNA. E. राधा the mistress of KRISHṆA, and वेधिन् who hurts or wounds: see राधाभेदिन् ।
  • राधासुत :: m. (-तः) KARṆA. E. राधा the name of the wife of the charioteer of DHRITARĀSHTRA, (by whom the prince, after exposure by his own mother KUNTĪ, was found and fostered,) and सुत a son.
  • राधेय :: m. (-यः) A name of KARṆA. E. राधा a proper name, ढक् aff.
  • राप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) To be said or spoken. E. रप् to speak, aff. ण्यत् ।
  • राम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Black. 2. White. 3. Beautiful, pleasing. m. (-मः) 1. A name common to three incarnations of VISHṆU, viz:-firstly, PARAŚURĀMA, the son of the Muni JAMADAGNI, born at the com- mencement of the second or TRETA YUGA, for the purpose of punishing the tyrannical kings of the Kshetriya race. Secondly, RĀMACHANDRA, the son of DAŚARATHA, king of Oudh, born at the close of the second age, to destroy the demons who infested

the earth, and especially RĀVAṆA the Daitya-sovereign of Ceylon. Thirdly, BALARĀMA, (the elder and half-brother of KRISHṆA,) the son of BĀSUDEVA by ROHINI, born at the end of the DWĀPARA or third age. 2. A name of VARUṆA, regent of the waters. 3. A horse. 4. A sort of deer. f. (-मा) 1. A woman, a female, a plea- sing or beautiful female. 2. Asafœtida. 3. A river. 4. Vermilion. n. (-मं) 1. A potherb, (Chenopodium album.) 2. A sort of Costus, (C. speciosus.) E. रम् to sport, aff. घञ् ।

  • रामकरी :: f. (-री) One of the Rāgīnis, or female personifications of the musical modes. E. राम delighting, करी who makes; also रामकली ।
  • रामकर्पूर :: m. (-रः) A fragrant sort of grass. E. राम pleasant, and कर्पूर (smelling like,) camphor.
  • रासकली :: f. (-ली) A Rāgīni. E. राम pleasant, कला sound or note, ङीप् aff.
  • रामगिरि :: m. (-रिः) The name of a mountain, variously applied, but espe- cially assigned to a mountain called COMPTEH or CHITRAKŪṬA in BUNDELKHUND, and to another near NĀGPORE, called now RĀMTEK. E. राम the hero RĀMA, and गिरि a mountain; being one of his halting places in his progress from Oudh to the Peninsula.
  • रामचन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) The hero RĀMACHANDRA, the son of DASARATHA. E. राम and चन्द्र the moon, the moon-like RĀMA.
  • रामजननी :: m. (-नी) The mother of BALARĀMA. E. राम and जननी mother, hence it is equally applicable to RENUKĀ, the mother of PARAŚURĀMA, and to KAUŚALYA, the mother of RĀMACHANDRA.
  • रामठ :: n. (-ठं) Asafœtida. E. रम् to please, अठ Unādi aff., and the radi- cal vowel lengthened.
  • रामणीयक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Beautiful, pleasing. E. रमणीय the same, and वुञ् aff.
  • रामदूत :: m. (-तः) The monkey HANUMĀNA, the friend and messenger of RAMĀ. f. (-तिः-ती) A shrub, apparently a variety of basil with small leaves. “नाग्दोना” . E. राम RĀMA, and दूत a messenger.
  • रामनवमी :: f. (-मी) The ninth day in the light-half of Chaitra, the anni- versary of the birth of RĀMACHANDRA.
  • रामपूग :: m. (-गः) A small species of the areca or betel-nut tree, (Areca triandra, Rox.) E. राम RĀMA, पूग areca.
  • रामभद्र :: m. (-द्रः) The hero RĀMACHANDRA. E. राम the same, and भद्र auspicious.
  • रामवीणा :: f. (-णा) A sort of Vina or lute. E. राम RĀMA and वीणा a lute; it may be also ironically applicable to the horn blown by BALA- RĀMA, and called still the RĀMASINHĀ.
  • रामशर :: m. (-रः) A variety of the Saccharum Sara, a sort of grass.
  • रामसख :: m. (-खः) The monkey-king SUGRIVA. E. राम RĀMA, and सख friend; RĀMA having restored him to his throne, whence he had been driven by his elder brother BĀLI.
  • रामसेतु :: m. (-तुः) A bridge of sand, now a chain of islands, between the Indian Peninsula and Ceylon, popularly known by “Adam's bridge”.
  • रामायण :: n. (-णं) 1. The first epic poem of the Hindus, written by the poet VĀLMIKI, recording the adventures of RĀMA, the son of DAŚA RATHA, sovereign of Oudh. 2. A name of several poems on the life and adventures of RĀMA. E. राम the prince, and अयन abode.
  • रामानुज :: m. (-जः) Name of the founder of a Vedāntic sect.
  • रामिल :: m. (-लः) 1. KĀMA or CUPID. 2. A lover, a husband. E. राम pleasing, agreeable, इलच् aff.
  • राम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) The bamboo staff of a religious student. E. रम्भा a bamboo, aff. अञ् ।
  • रायण :: n. (-णं) 1. Pain. 2. Sounding, crying. E. रै to sound, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • रायभाटी :: f. (-टी) The current or flow of a river.
  • रारस्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Crying aloud and repeatedly. E. रस to cry, reit. v., शानच् aff.
  • राल :: m. (-लः) Resin, the resinous and fragrant exudation of the Shorea robusta. “धुना” . E. रा to give or get, aff. अलच्; also अराल ।
  • राव :: m. (-वः) Sound, noise. E. रु to cry or sound, aff. घञ् ।
  • रावण :: m. (-णः) The Daitya-sovereign of Lankā or Ceylon, killed by RĀMACHANDRA. n. (-णं) Noise, tumult. E. रु to cry, (in the causal form,) aff. ल्युट; afflicting mankind.
  • रावणारि :: m. (-रिः) The hero RĀMA. E. रावण, अरि the foe.
  • रावणि :: m. (-णिः) The eldest son of RĀVAṆA. E. रावण, इञ् patronymic aff.
  • राश्(ऋ)राशृ :: r. 1st and 4th cl. (राशते राश्यते) To sound.
  • राशि :: m. (-शिः) 1. A heap, a quantity. 2. A sign of the zodiac. 3. Arith- metical or algebraic quantity. 4. A part and its divisor or nu- merator and denominator. 5. A congeries of number or quantity. E. अश् to pervade, इण् Unādi aff., and रुट् initial augment; or रश् to sound, with the same aff.
  • राशिगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Heaped, accumulated. 2. Computed, sum- med either by arithmetic or algebra. E. राशि, and गत gone to.
  • राशिचक्र :: n. (-क्रं) The zodiac. E. राशि, a sign, and चक्र a wheel or circle.
  • राशित्रय :: n. (-यं) The rule of three.
  • राशिभाग :: m. (-गः) A fraction. E. राशि, भाग a part.
  • राशिभोग :: m. (-गः) Passage of a planet through a sign of the zodiac. E. राशि, भोग enjoyment.
  • राशीकरण :: n. (-णं) Heaping, piling, gathering. E. राशि, करण making, च्वि augment.
  • राशीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Heaped, piled, &c. E. राशि, कृत made, च्वि aug.
  • राशीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Heaped, piled. E. राशि, and भूत become, च्वि aug.
  • राष्ट्र :: mn. (-ष्ट्रः-ष्ट्रं) 1. An inhabited country or realm, a region. 2. Any public calamity, as plague, famine, &c. E. राज् to shine or govern, aff. ष्ट्रन् ।
  • राष्ट्रनिवासिन् :: m. (-सी) An inhabitant of any civilized country. E. राष्ट्र a district, निवासिन् a dweller.
  • राष्ट्रिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Bolonging to or inhabiting a country. f. (-का) A prickly sort of night-shade, (Solanum jacquini.) “कण्टकारी” . E. राष्ट्र a country, and ठन् aff.
  • राष्ट्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Of or belonging to a kingdom, produced or born in it, &c. E. राष्ट्र a region, घ aff.
  • राष्ट्रीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Belonging or relating to a region or realm. m. (-यः) A king's brother-in-law, (in theatrical language.) E. राष्ट्र a region, छ aff.
  • रास्(ऋ)रासृ :: r. 1st cl. (रासते) To sound, to cry.
  • रास :: m. (-सः) 1. Confused noise, uproar, hubbub. 2. Sound in general. 3. Speech, discourse. 4. A chain. 5. A festival amongst the cowherds, including songs and dances, especially the circular dance as per- formed by KRISHṆA and the Gopis or cowherdesses. 6. A game played by children. E. रास् to sound, घञ् aff.
  • रासक :: n. (-कं) A kind of minor drama in one act.
  • रासभ :: m. (-भः) An ass. f. (-भी) The she-ass. E. रास् to sound, अभच Unādi aff.
  • रासभधूसर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Grey or light-brown, ass-grey. E. रासभ, धूसर grey.
  • रासभवन्दिनी :: f. (-नी) Arabian jasmine. E. रासभ an ass, वदि to praise, aff. णिनि ।
  • रासयात्रा :: f. (-त्रा) A festival held in honour of KRISHṆA on the full- moon of Kārtika. E. रास, and यात्रा festival.
  • रासेरस :: m. (-सः) 1. An assembly, a company, a party. 2. A game or festival peculiar to the cowherds: see रास . 3. Love, desire, the passion or sentiment. 4. Alchemy: see रससिद्धि . 5. The sixth night after delivery, on which the family and friends sit up all night. 6. Sport, mirth, pastime. 7. Any festival or holiday. E. रास noise, &c., and रस flavour, taste.
  • रास्ना :: f. (-स्ना) 1. A plant, (Mimosa octandra.) 2. Another plant, (the ser- pent ophioxylon.) 3. A sort of perfume. E. रस् to sound, नक् Unādi aff., and the vowel made long.
  • राहित्य :: n. (-त्यं) The being without anything, destitution.
  • राहु :: m. (-हुः) The ascending node; in mythology, the son of VIPRACHITTI by SINHIKĀ, a Daitya, with the tail of a dragon, whose head was severed from his body by VISHṆU, on the information of the sun and the moon who caught him in the act of drinking Amrita which was being served to gods, but being immortal by tasting it, his head and tail retained their separate existence, and being transferred

to the stellar sphere, became the authors of eclipses; the first especially, by endeavouring at various times to swallow the sun and the moon to wreak his vengeance. E. रह् to abandon, (the planets which it has vainly attempted to devour,) aff. उण्, and the vowel made long.

  • राहुग्रस्त :: m. (-स्तः) Eclipsed, (as the sun or moon.) E. राहु, and ग्रस्त seized.
  • राहुग्रास :: m. (-सः) Immersion of a planet in an eclipse. E. राहु, and ग्रास mouthful.
  • राहुग्राह :: m. (-हः) An eclipse of the sun or moon. E. राहु the dragon's head, ग्राह seizure.
  • राहुभेदिन् :: m. (-दी) VISHṆU. E. राहु the Daitya, भेदिन् the divider.
  • राहुमूर्द्धभिद् :: m. (-भित्) VISHṆU. E. राहु the Daitya, मूर्द्ध the head, and भिद् who divides, who decapitates.
  • राहुलसू :: m. (-सूः) A name of the legislator Buddha or Sākyasingha.
  • राहुसंस्पर्श :: m. (-र्शः) An eclipse. E. राहु the dragon's head, and संस्पर्श seizure, contact.
  • राहुसूतक :: n. (-कं) The birth of RĀHU. i. e. an eclipse.
  • राहुहन् :: m. (-हा) VISHṆU. E. राहु the Daitya, हन् destroyer.
  • राहूच्छिष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) Garlic. E. राहु the demon, उच्छिष्ट vomited.
  • राहूत्सृष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) Garlic. E. राहु the Daitya, उत्सृष्ट created. “रशोने” ।
  • रि :: r. 5th cl. (रिणोति) To hurt or injure. r. 6th cl. (रियति) To go, to move.
  • रि :: m. (-रिः) 1. The tone of voice by which the note Rishabha is uttered. 2. Dancing, tumbling. 3. Waste, loss. f. (-रिः) 1. Wish, desire. 2. Light, lustre. E. रा to give, aff. कि ।
  • रिक :: n. (-कं) 1. The heart, the mind. 2. Law, litigation. E. रिच् to divide, &c., aff. क ।
  • रिक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Empty, void. 2. Poor, indigent. 3. Unloaded, unburthened. 4. Purged. 5. Divided. 6. Abandoned. 7. Joined. n. (-क्तं) 1. A wood, a forest. 2. A vacuity, a vacuum. f. (-क्ता) The fourth, ninth, or fourteenth days of the lunar fortnight. E. रिच् to void by stool, aff. क्त ।
  • रिक्तक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Void, empty. 2. Unladen, unburthened. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • रिक्तता :: f. (-ता) Vacuity, void, space. E. रिक्त, and तल् aff.; also with त्व, रिक्तत्वं ।
  • रिक्तभाण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डा -ण्डं) Having no vessels or effects. n. (-ण्डं) An empty vessel. E. रिक्त, and भाण्ड vessel.
  • रिक्तहस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Empty-handed. E. रिक्त, हस्त hand.
  • रिक्थ :: n. (-क्थं) Substance, property, wealth. 2. Property left at death. 3. Gold. E. रिच् to separate, Unādi aff. थक् ।
  • रिक्थहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Taking or inheriting property. m. (-री) 1. An heir, one who succeeds to the property of the deceased, and gives the funeral cake. 2. A maternal uncle. 3. The seed of the Indian fig. E. रिक्थ wealth, and हारिन् who takes.
  • रिक्थिन् :: mfn. (-क्थी -क्थिनी -क्थि) Wealthy, possessing property. m. (-क्थी) A successor or an heir. E. रिक्थ wealth, इनि aff.
  • रिक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) 1. A nit. 2. A mole in a sun-beam. E. See लिक्षा, ल being changed to र ।
  • रिख् :: r. 1st cl. (रिखति) To go, to move.
  • रिख्(इ)रिखि :: r. 1st cl. (रिङ्खति) 1. To go, to move slowly. 2. To creep.
  • रिग्(इ)रिगि :: r. 1st cl. (रिङ्गति) 1. To go slowly. 2. To crawl.
  • रिङ्ख :: m. (-ङ्खः) 1. Disappointing, deceiving. 2. A horse's hoof. 3. One of a horse's paces. 4. Dancing. 5. Sliding. E. रिखि to go, aff. अच् ।
  • रिङ्खण :: n. (-णं) Slipping, sliding, stumbling, tumbling; or figuratively, deviating from rectitude or virtue. E. रिखि to go, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • रिङ्गण :: n. (-णं) 1. Creeping, (as a child on all fours.) 2. Tumbling, slip- ping, sliding. 3. Deviating from rectitude, sliding from virtue. E. रिगि to go, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • रिच् :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (रेचति-रेचयति-ते) 1. To join, to unite. 2. To divide, to scatter or separate. 3. To purge. With आ, To cause to dance, to move, to contract. (औ, इर) औरिचिर r. 7th cl. (रिणक्ति-रिङ्क्ते) To purge, to evacuate fæces frequently. With अति prefixed, to exceed, to be more than enough. With वि, To purge. With उद्, To overflow.
  • रिज् :: r. 1st cl. (रेजते) To fry.
  • रिटि :: f. (-टिः) 1. The crackling or roaring of flame. 2. A musical instrument. 3. Black-salt. m. (-टिः) Name of an attendant of ŚIVA.
  • रिपु :: m. (-पुः) An enemy. E. रप् to speak, to abuse, aff. उन्, and इ substi- tuted for the radical vowel.
  • रिपुघातिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) Killing a foe. f. (-नी) A shrub, (Abrus precatorius.) E. रिपु an enemy, घातिन् destructive.
  • रिपुञ्जय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Victorious. m. (-यः) Name of a king. E. रिपु, जि to conquer, खच् aff., मुम् augment.
  • रिपुता :: f. (-ता) Hostility, enmity. E. रिपु and तल् aff.; also with त्व रिपुत्वं ।
  • रिप्र :: mfn. (-प्रः -प्रा -प्रं) Vile, bad, wicked. E. री to hurt, Unādi aff. र, the vowel made short, and पुट् augment.
  • रिफ् :: r. 6th cl. (रिफति) 1. To speak, to say or tell. 2. To fight. 3. To blame. 4. To hurt or injure. 5. To give. 6. To praise, to flatter.
  • रिम्फ् :: r. 6th cl. (रिम्फति) To hurt, to injure, to kill; also read रिन्फ् ।
  • रिम्फ :: n. (-म्फं) The zodiac. E. रिम्फ् to hurt, अच् aff.
  • रिरंसा :: f. (-सा) Wish to sport. E. रम् to play, desid. v., अङ् and टाप affs.
  • रिरंसु :: mfn. (-सुः -सुः -सु) Desirous to sport. E. रम् to sport, desid. v., उ aff.
  • रिरी :: f. (-री) Pale-brass, prince's metal, &c. E. री to go, क्रिन् aff., ङीप् added. “पित्तले ।”
  • रिव्(इ)रिवि :: r. 6th cl. (रिण्वति) To go, to move.
  • रिश् :: r. 6th cl. (रिशति) To hurt, to injure, to kill or attempt to kill.
  • रिश्य :: m. (-श्यः) A deer. E. रिश् to hurt, aff. क्यप्; also रिष्य ।
  • रिष् :: r. 1st cl. (रेषति) r. 4th cl. (रिष्यति) To hurt, to kill, or attempt to kill. r. 6th cl. (रिष्णाति) To separate, to depart.
  • रिषि :: m. (-षिः) A saint. E. रि substituted for ऋ; see ऋषि ।
  • रिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Hurt, injured. 2. Unlucky. 3. Lucky. n. (-ष्टं) 1. Happiness, prosperity. 2. Good-luck, fortune. 3. Bad-luck, ill- fortune. 4. Destruction, loss, privation. 5. Mischief, harm. 6. Sin. m. (-ष्टः) 1. A sword. 2. The soap-nut-tree. 3. A demon, destroyed by VISHṆU. E. रिष् to hurt or injure, aff. क्त ।
  • रिष्टक :: m. (-कः) The soap-berry plant, (Sapindus of several species.) E. रिष्ट the same, कन् added.
  • रिष्टि :: m. (-ष्टिः) A sword. f. (-ष्टिः) Prosperity, good fortune. E. रिष् to hurt, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • रिष्य :: m. (-ष्यः) A deer. E. रिष् to hurt, to be hurt, aff. क्यप् ।
  • रिष्व :: mfn. (-ष्वः -ष्वा -ष्वं) Mischievous, injurious. E. रिष् to hurt, Unādi aff. वन्, form irr.
  • रिह् :: r. 1st cl. (रेहति) To hurt, to injure, to kill.
  • री :: r. 9th cl. (रिणाति) 1. To hurt, to injure. 2. To go, to move. 3. To howl, as a wild beast. (ङ्) रीङ् r. 4th cl. (रीयते) 1. To distil, to ooze, to drop. 2. To fall, to alight. r. 2nd cl. (रेति) To bear or conceive, (as a child.)
  • रीज्या :: f. (-ज्या) 1. Reproach, censure. 2. Shame, modesty. E. ह्री to be ashamed, deriv. irr.
  • रीठा :: f. (-ठा) The Soap-nut tree. “रीठाकरञ्जवृक्षे”ः see रिष्टक ।
  • रीढक :: m. (-कः) The back-bone. E. रिह् to hurt, aff. क्त, and the vowel made long, रीढ, कन् added.
  • रीढा :: f. (-ढा) Disrespect, irreverence, disregard. E. रिह् to kill, &c., aff. क्त, and the vowel made long.
  • रीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Oozing, dripping, leaking, distilling. E. री to leak, to run out, aff. क्त ।
  • रीति :: f. (-तिः-ती) 1. Usage, custom, practice, local or traditionary ob- servance. 2. Oozing, leaking, distilling. 3. Brass, pale-brass, or prince's metal. 4. Rust of iron. 5. Calx of brass. 6. Scoria of any metal, or the oxide formed on the surface of metals by their ex- posure to heat and air. 7. Boundary, limit. 8. Going, motion. 9. Natural property or disposition. 10. A stream, a river. 11. Style, diction; they are:-- वैदर्भी, गौडी, पाञ्चाली and लाटिका or मागधी । E. री to go, to run out, &c. aff. क्तिच् ।
  • रीतिका :: f. (-का) Clax of brass. E. रीति brass, and कन् aff.
  • रीतिपुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) Calx of brass. E. रीति brass, and पुष्प a flower.
  • रीव् :: r. 1st. cl. (रीवति-ते) 1. To take. 2. To screen.
  • रु(टु,)टुरु :: r. 2nd cl. (रौति) 1. To sound. 2. To make a particular sort of

sound. (ङ्) रुङ् r. 1st. cl. (रवते) 1. To go, to move. 2. To hurt, to injure or kill. 3. To speak. 4. To be angry.

  • रु :: m. (-रुः) 1. War, battle. 2. Noise, sound. f. (-रुः) 1. Fear, alarm. 2. Cutting, dividing. E. रु to sound, aff. क्विप् ।
  • रुक :: m. (-कः) A liberal man.
  • रुक्प्रतिक्रिया :: f. (-या) The practice of physic, curing, remedying. E. रुक् from रुच् disease, प्रतिक्रिया resisting.
  • रुक्म :: n. (-क्मं) 1. Gold. 2. Iron. f. (-क्मा) Bright. E. रुच् to shine, Unādi aff. मक् ।
  • रुक्मकारक :: m. (-कः) A gold-smith. E. रुक्म gold, and कारक a worker.
  • रुक्मवत् :: mfn. (-वात् -वती -वत्) Golden. f. (-वती) A species of the Panktī metre. E. रुक्म, and मतुप् aff.
  • रुक्मिदर्प :: m. (-र्पः) A name of BALARĀMA. E. रुक्मिन् a king, and दर्प pride; proud of overcoming him.
  • रुक्मिदारिन् :: m. (-री) BALARĀMA. E. रुक्मिन् a prince, and दारिन् destroyer.
  • रुक्मिन् :: m. (-क्मी) The name of a prince slain by BALARĀMA. f. (-क्मिणी) 1. The goddess LAKSHMĪ. 2. A name of the daughter of king BHĪMAKA. She was betrothed to Sīśupāla, but she had enter- tained a passion for KRISHṆA and sent to invite him to marry her off. KRISHṆA made her his own by the Rākshasa ritual. PRA- DYUMNA was her son. E. रुक्म gold, and इनि poss. aff.
  • रुक्मिभिद् :: m. (-भित्) BALARAMA. E. रुक्मि a prince, the elder brother of RUKMINĪ, and भिद् breaker, conqueror.
  • रुक्सद्मन् :: n. (-द्म) Excrement, fæces. E. रुज् disease, सद्मन् abode.
  • रुक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) 1. Harsh, unkind. 2. Rough, hard. 3. Rough to the taste or feeling harsh. 4. Rugged, uneven. 5. Dry, arid. E. रुह् to grow, Unādi aff. क्स; it is more properly written रूक्ष, as derived from रूक्ष् to be rough.
  • रुग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) 1. Bent, crooked, curved. 2. Broken. 3. Impaired, injured. 4. Diseased, sick, infirm. E. रुज् to be disordered, aff. क्त ।
  • रुग्नता :: f. (-ता) 1. Sickness, disease. 2. Crookedness. E. रुग्न, and तल् aff.; also with त्व, रुग्नत्वं ।
  • रुच् :: r. 1st cl. (रोचते) 1. To shine. 2. To please, to be pleased.
  • रुच् :: f. (-रुक्) 1. Light, lustre, splendour. 2. Beauty, loveliness. 3. Light- ning. 4. Wish, desire. 5. The chattering of the parrot or Mainā. 6. The Rig-Veda. E. रुच् to shine, aff. क्विप्; also with टाप् added रुचा ।
  • रुचक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Agreeable, pleasing. 2. Sharp, acrid. 3. Tonic, stomachic. m. (-कः) 1. The citron, (Citrus medica.) 2. A pigeon. n. (-कं) 1. Salt. 2. Natron, alkali. 3. Borax. 4. A garland, a chaplet. 5. A curl on a horse's neck. 6. The woody Cassia. 7. Any auspicious or fortunate object. 8. A perfume, commonly Rochanā. 9. An anthelmintic medicine, commonly Biranga, (Embelia ribes.) 10. A sort of temple. 11. A stomachic. 12. An ornament of the neck or breast. 13. A tooth. E. रुच् to shine, &c., in the causal form, क्वुन् aff.; the embellisher, the polisher, &c.
  • रुचि :: f. (-चिः-ची) 1. Light, lustre. 2. Beauty, appearance, colour. 3. Passion. 4. Wish, desire. 5. A ray of light. 6. Intent application to any object or undertaking. 7. Hunger, appetite. 8. Taste, senti- ment. E. रुच् to shine, कि or ङीप् aff.
  • रुचिकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Beautifying. 2. Sharpening, as the appetite, &c. E. रुचि, कर what makes.
  • रुचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sweet. 2. Sharpened, (as the appetite.) 3. Diges- ted. 4. Bright, brightened. f. (-ता) 5. A species of the Atijagatī metre. E. रुच् to please, Unādi aff. कितच् ।
  • रुचिर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Beautiful, charming, pleasing. 2. Sweet, dainty. 3. Stomachic, restorative. 4. Bright. n. (-रं) 1. Saffron. 2. Cloves. f. (-रा) A kind of yellow pigment. E. रुच् to please, Unādi aff. किरच् ।
  • रुचिरमुद् :: mfn. (-द्) Affording great pleasure. E. रुचिर, मुद् what delights.
  • रुचिरानन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Handsome, beautiful. E. रुचिर, and आनन face.
  • रुचिरापाङ्गी :: f. (-ङ्गी) A beautiful and charming woman. E. रुचिर, and अपाङ्ग corner of the eye.
  • रुचिष्य :: mfn. (-ष्यः -ष्या -ष्यं) 1. Sweet. 2. Stomachic. E. रुच् to be agreeable, Unādi aff. किष्यन् ।
  • रुच्य :: mfn. (-च्यः -च्या -च्यं) 1. Beautiful, pleasing. 2. Stomachic, tonic. m. (-च्यः) A husband, a lover. n. (-च्यं) A digestive, a tonic. E. रुच् to please, aff. क्यप् ।
  • रुज्(औ, ओ)औरुजो :: r. 6th cl. (रुजति) 1. To afflict, to disorder, to afflict with pain or disease. 2. To bend or break. r. 10th cl. (रोजयति-ते) To hurt, to injure.
  • रुज् :: f. (-रुक्) 1. Sickness, disease. 2. Fracture. 3. Effort. E. रुज् to be or make sick, aff. क्विप्; also with टाप् added रुजा ।
  • रुजत् :: mfn. (-जन् -जन्ती -जत्) 1. Breaking. 2. Giving pain, making ill or sick. 3. Being sick. E. रुज् to afflict, शतृ aff.
  • रुजा :: f. (-जा) 1. Sickness, disease. 2. Overthrow, destruction. 3. Toil, fatigue. 4. An ewe. E. रुज् to be or make sick, affs. क and टाप् ।
  • रुजाकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा or री -रं) Sickening, making sick or ill. m. (-रः) One of the Bhāvas or sentiments, the sickness induced by passion or love. n. (-रं) An acid fruit, (the fruit of the Averrhoa carambola.) “कामराङ्गा” . E. रुजा sickness, कर what makes.
  • रुजाप्रतिक्रिया :: f. (-या) Practice of medicine.
  • रुजासद्मन् :: n. (-द्म) Excrement, feces.
  • रुट् :: r. 1st cl. (रोटते) 1. To resist or oppose. 2. To strive again. 3. To tumble or roll for passion. r. 10th cl. (रोटयति-ते) 1. To be angry. 2. To shine. (इ) रुटि r. 1st cl. (रुण्टति) To steal, to rob.
  • रुठ् :: r. 1st cl. (रोठति) To strike, to fell, to knock down, to overturn. (रोठते) To resist, to oppose. (इ) रुठि r. 1st cl. (रुण्ठति) 1. To go, to move. 2. To steal. 3. To be idle. 4. To be lame.
  • रुणस्वरा :: f. (-रा) A cow easily milked.
  • रुण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. A headless body, retaining life and mixing in combat. “कवन्धे” . 2. A trunk. E. रुडि for रुटि or रुठि to take or steal, aff. अच् ।
  • रुण्डिका :: f. (-का) 1. The threshold of a door. 2. A field of battle. 3. A female messenger or go-between. 4. Superhuman power. E. रुण्ड as above, कन् aff., fem. form.
  • रुत :: n. (-तं) 1. The cry of birds, &c. 2. The humming of bees. 3. Any cry or noise. E. रु to sound, to make a particular sound, aff. क्त ।
  • रुतज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) An augur.
  • रुतव्याज :: m. (-जः) 1. Mimicry. 2. Simulated cry or sound. E. रुत and व्याज disguise.
  • रुतायत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Rendered vocal by the cry of birds, &c. E. रुत cry, used as a verb, क्त aff.
  • रुद् (इर) रुदिर :: r. 2nd cl. (रोदिति) 1. To weep. 2. To call or address weeping. With उप and आङ्, To weep for another, to sympathize.
  • रुद् :: f. (-रुत्) 1. Grief. 2. Pain, affliction. 3. Disease. 4. Sound, noise. 5. Cry, wail, lamentation. E. रुद् to weep, aff. क्विप् ।
  • रुदत् :: mfn. (-दन् -दन्ती or दती -दत्) Weeping, wailing. E. रुद् to weep, शतृ aff.
  • रुदथ :: m. (-थः) 1. A dog. 2. A pupil, a scholar. E. रुद् to weep, अथन् Unādi aff.
  • रुदन :: n. (-नं) Weeping crying, lamentation.
  • रुदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Crying, weeping, wept, (by whom.) n. (-तं) Weep- ing. E. रुद to weep, aff. क्त ।
  • रुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Surrounded, begirt, as with a fence or river, &c. 2. Secured, protected from access. 3. Obstructed, stopped, shut up. 4. Opposed, impeded. 5. Besieged, invested, blockaded. f. (-द्धा) A siege. E. रुध् to close, &c. aff. क्त ।
  • रुद्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being weeping or wailing. E. रुद् to weep, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • रुद्र :: m. (-द्रः) 1. A name or form of ŚIVA. 2. A demi-god, an inferior manifestation of ŚIVA, or according to one legend, a being, born from the forehead of BRAHMĀ: the RUDRAS are eleven in number, and are severally named, AJAIKAPADA, AHIVRADHNA, VIRŪPĀK- SHA, SUREŚHWARA, JAYANTA, BAHURŪPA, TRYAMBAKA, APARĀ- JITA, BAIBASWATA, SAVITRA and HARA. f. (-द्री) A sort of lute or guitar. f. (-द्राणी) A name of PĀRVATI, wife of RUDRA. E. रुद् to

weep, रक् Unādi aff., and the vowel unchanged; the name is given to ŚIVA, because according to his own declaration, he disperses the tears of mortals: to the demi-gods, because they wept at their birth. or because they made the enemies of the gods weep.

  • रुद्रज :: n. (-जं) Quicksilver. E. रुद्र ŚIVA, and ज born, being supposed to be the semen of the deity.
  • रुद्रपत्नी :: f. (-त्नी) 1. Linseed, (Linum.) 2. The goddess DURGĀ. E. रुद्र ŚIVA, पत्नी wife.
  • रुद्रप्रिया :: f. (-या) 1. Emblic myrobalan, (Phyllanthus emblica.) 2. The goddess PĀRVATI. E. रुद्र ŚIVA, &c., and प्रिया the beloved.
  • रुद्रबलि :: m. (-लिः) Oblations of meat, &c., presented to the RUDRAS. E. रुद्र a RUDRA, and बलि sacrifice.
  • रुद्रभू :: f. (-भूः) A cemetery. E. रुद्र ŚIVA, and भू site or haunt.
  • रुद्रसू :: f. (-सूः) The mother of eleven children. E. रुद्र a RUDRA, of whom there are eleven, and सू mother.
  • रुद्राक्रीड :: m. (-डः) A cemetery, a place where dead bodies are burnt or buried. E. रुद्र ŚIVA, and आक्रीड place of sport; being supposed to dance and sport in such places at evening twilight.
  • रुद्राक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A tree, (Eleocarpus ganitrus, Rox.) n. (-क्षं) The berry of the Eleocarpus, of which rosaries are usually made. E. रुद्र ŚIVA, and अक्ष from अक्षि the eye.
  • रुद्राणी :: f. (-णी) The goddess DURGĀ, as the wife of RUDĀ or ŚIVA. E. रुद्र ŚIVA, ङीष् aff., आनुक् augment.
  • रुद्रारि :: m. (-रिः) KĀMA, the deity of love. E. रुद्र ŚIVA, and अरि enemy.
  • रुद्रावास :: m. (-सः) 1. Benares. 2. Mount Kailāsa. 3. Cemetery.
  • रुध् :: r. 4th cl. (With अनु prefixed,) (अनुरुध्यते) 1. To desire, to wish for, to love. 2. To be kind to. 3. To consent, to concur. 4. To lament, or be sorry for. With अव, To implant, to infix. With उप, 1. To confine. 2. To block up. 3. To Molest. With नि, To stop. With वि, To quarrel with, to oppose. With सम, 1. To obstruct, to check. 2. To fetter. (ञि, औ, इर्) ञिऔरुधिर् r. 7th cl. (रुणद्ध्वि रुन्धे) 1. To impede, to oppose, to obstruct, to block or confine. 2. To invest, to blockade, to besiege. 3. To cover. 4. To harass. With अभि and सम् prefixed, To prevent. With अव, To guard. With उप, To blockade. With प्रति or वि, To oppose. With सम् and नि, To shut up, to surround or blockade.
  • रुधिर :: m. (-रं) 1. Blood. 2. Saffron. m. (-रः) The planet MARS. E. रुध् to obstruct, किरच् Unādi aff.
  • रुधिरपायिन् :: m. (-यी) A Rākshasa, a demon. E. रुधिर, पायिन् who drinks.
  • रुध्वा :: Ind. Having stopped, checked, &c. E. रुध् to hinder, क्त्वाच aff.
  • रुन्धत् :: mfn. (-न्धन् -न्धन्ती -न्धत्) 1. Hindering, opposing, stopping. 2. Re- sisting, refusing. E. रुध् to hinder, शतृ aff.
  • रुप् :: r. 4th cl. (रुप्यति) To confound, to perplex, to confuse.
  • रुभेटि :: f. (-टिः) Fog, vapour.
  • रुमा :: f. (-मा) 1. The wife of the monkey-chief SUGRĪVA. 2. The dis- trict or more properly the salt mines of Sambhar, a town in Ajmere, twenty miles west of Jayanagar. E. रु to weep, मक् Unādi aff., with टाप् fem. aff., deriv. irr.
  • रुम्र :: m. (-म्रः) ARUṆA, or the dawn. E. रम् to sport, Unādi aff. रक्, and रु substituted for the initial.
  • रुरु :: m. (-रुः) 1. A sort of deer. 2. A Daitya flayed by ŚIVA. E. रु to weep, कु aff.
  • रुरुत्सु :: mfn. (-त्सुः -त्सुः -त्सु) 1. Wishing to oppose or obstruct. 2. Wishing to bind or tie up, (as the hair.) E. रुध् to oppose, desid. v., उ aff.
  • रुरुदिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing or purposing to wail or weep, ready to cry. E. रुद् to weep, desid. v., उ aff.
  • रुवत् :: mfn. (-वन् -वन्ती -वत्) Crying, calling, howling. E. रु to cry, शतृ aff.
  • रुवथु :: m. (-थुः) 1. Sound, noise. 2. A cock.
  • रुवु :: m. (-वुः) The castor-oil tree, (Ricinus communis.) E. रु, उकक् aff.; or रु to weep, कु aff., and the final vowel changed to उव; also with कन् added रुवुक and with the first or second vowel made long, रूवुक and रुवूक; also as differently derived, उरुवूक ।
  • रुश् :: r. 6th cl. (रुशति) To hurt or kill. (इ) रुशि r. 10th cl. (रुंशयति) To shine.
  • रुशत् :: mfn. (-शन् -शती or शन्ती -शत्) 1. Maledictory, imprecative. 2. Cursing imprecating. E. रुश् to seek, to injure, aff. शतृ ।
  • रुष् :: r. 1st cl. (रोषति) r. 4th cl. (रुष्यति-ते) 1. To hurt, to injure, to kill or attempt to kill. 2. To vex. (इर्) रुषिर् r. 4th and 10th cls. (रुष्यति-ते रोषयति-ते) To be angry to be passionate or wrathful.
  • रुष् :: f. (-रुट्) Anger, wrath, passion. E. रुष् to be angry, aff. क्विप्; also with टाप् added, रुषा f. (-षा) ।
  • रुषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Enraged, angry. E. रुष् to be angry, aff. क्त with इट् augment.
  • रुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Angry, enraged. E. रुष् to be angry, aff. क्त ।
  • रुष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) Wrath, rage, anger. E. रुष् to be angry, क्तिन् aff.
  • रुह् (ञि, औ) ञिऔरुह :: r. 1st cl. (रोहति) 1. To grow from seed, to grow, as tree, &c. 2. To be produced or become manifest. 3. To be born With अधि prefixed. To go up or over, to ascend. With अधि, and आङ्, To ascend. With अव, To descend. With आङ्, 1. To mount, to ride on. 2. To rise, to ascend. With प्र, To grow, to shoot forth as a branch or shoot taking fresh root. The senses of this root with or without a preposition are variously modified according to the noun, with which it is joined; but all of them express the notion of “motion upwards” either literal or metaphorical. Caus. (रोहयति-ते, रोपयति-ते) 1. To elevate. 2. To plant, to put in. 3. To entrust. With आ, 1. To ascribe. 2. To enter. With वि, To heal, (as a wound.)
  • रुह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) 1. Growing, springing up. 2. Mounted, ascended. E. रुह् to grow, aff. क ।
  • रुहक :: n. (-कं) A hole, a vacuity, a cave, a chasm. E. रुह् to go or mount, (insects, &c.,) क्कुन् aff.
  • रुहा :: f. (-हा) Bent grass, (Panicum dactylon.) E. रुह् to grow, affs. क and टाप् .
  • रुह्वन् :: m. (-ह्वा) A tree. E. रुक्ष् to grow, Unādi aff. क्वनिप् ।
  • रूक्ष् :: r. 10th cl. (रूक्षयति-त) To be harsh.
  • रूक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) 1. Harsh, rough, not smooth or soft. 2. Rough to the taste, astringent, austere, not bland or sapid. 3. Rugged, uneven. 4. Harsh, unkind, unfriendly. 5. Dry. m. (-क्षः) A tree in general. E. रूक्ष् to be harsh or rough, aff. क ।
  • रूक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. The act of making dry or thin. 2. Treatment for reducing fat.
  • रूक्षता :: f. (-ता) 1. Roughness. 2. Harshness. E. रूक्ष and तल् aff.; also with त्व, रूक्षत्वं ।
  • रूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Born, produced. 2. Famous, notorious. 3. Certain, ascertained. 4. Budded, blown. 5. Much, exceeding. 6. Increased, grown. 7. Traditional, conventional or known, applied especially to words of foreign or unknown origin, but of which the employ- ment and application are familiar. E. रुह् to be born, &c., क्त aff.
  • रूढि :: f. (-ढिः) 1. Birth, production. 2. Growing, growth. 3. Fame, noto- riety. 4. Traditional or customary meaning of words, as opposed to their etymological signification; it is especially applied to words of foreign or uncertain origin, and incapable of etymological analy- sis. E. रुह् to grow, &c., aff. क्तिन् ।
  • रूढिशब्द :: m. (-ब्दः) A word used in a peculiar but familiar sense. E. रूढि, and शब्द noun.
  • रूप् :: r. 10th cl. (रूपयति-ते) 1. To form, to express form, to represent shape, either to the eye or the understanding. 2. To represent in gesture, to act, to feign. With नि prefixed. 1. To discuss, to investigate. 2. To explain, to describe, to declare, to expound. 3. To represent. 4. To look out. 5. To Consider. 6. To appoint.
  • रूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Like, resembling, (in composition, as पितृरूपः पुत्त्रः a son like his father.) n. (-पं) 1. Natural property or disposition, nature. 2. Beauty. 3. Form, figure. 4. Appearance, semblance. 5. Cattle in general, flocks and herds, &c. 6. A verse. 7. Declension, conjugation, the inflection of nouns or verbs. 8. A play, a drama- tic poem. 9. Acquiring familiarity with any book or authority by frequent perusal, learning by heart or rote. 10. An image, a fi- gure, a reflection or resemblance of any real object. 11. Colour, form, any object of vision. 12. (In arithmetic,) Discrete or distinct

quantity, an entire number. 13. Known quantity, whence the first syllable Rū is used in algebra to express the same. E. रूप् to ex- press form, aff. क; or रु to sound, Unādi aff. प, and the radical vowel made long.

  • रूपक :: n. (-कं) 1. A drama, a dramatic poem. 2. Shape, form, figure. 3. A figure of rhetoric in general. 4. A particular class of rhetorical or poetical figures, including various modes of poetical description, or the illustration and exhibition of visible things and persons. 5. Identification of the objects of a comparison; their being not only like, but the very same. 6. Symptom of disease. m. (-कः) A coin. f. (-पिका) Swallow wort. E. रूप form, figure, aff. कन् ।
  • रूपण :: n. (-णं) 1. Metaphorical description. 2. Investigation, proof.
  • रूपतत्त्व :: n. (-त्त्वं) Natural or inherent disposition or property, nature. E. रूप form, and तत्त्व truth, essence.
  • रूपधृत् :: mfn. (-धृत्) Having the form, resembling, like. E. रूप, and धृ to have, क्किप् aff., and तुक् added.
  • रूपनाशन :: m. (-नः) An owl. E. रूप् form, नाशन destroying.
  • रूपभृत् :: mfn. (-भृत्) Having form or beauty. E. रूप, भृ to possess, aff. क्विप्, तुक् added.
  • रूपयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Describing, representing. E. रूप् to form, शतृ aff.
  • रूपलावण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) Elegance, loveliness. E. रूप, and लावण्य beauty.
  • रूपवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Having shape or colour, &c. 2. Well- shaped, beautiful, handsome. E. रूप form, &c., and मतुप् poss. aff.
  • रूपविपर्यय :: m. (-यः) Morbid change of bodily form.
  • रूपसम्पद् :: f. (-त् or द्) Beauty. E. रूप, and सम्पद् fortune.
  • रूपाजीवा :: f. (-वा) A whore, a harlot. E. रूप beauty, आजीव who lives by.
  • रूपाधिबोध :: m. (-धः) The perception, evidence, or influence of the senses, i. e. of colour, flavour, odour, contact and sound. E. रूप and अधिबोध perception.
  • रूपास्त्र :: m. (-स्त्रः) KĀMADEVA. E. रूप beauty, and अस्त्र a weapon.
  • रूपिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिनी -पि) 1. Beautiful, having a handsome form or shape. 2. Having form or shape. E. रूप, and इनि aff.
  • रूप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) Handsome, beautiful. n. (-प्यं) 1. Silver. 2. Wrought silver. 3. Wrought gold. E. रूप form, colour, &c., and यत् aff.
  • रूप्याध्यक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The master of the mint, the superintendent of the silver, or silver coinage. E. रूप्य silver, अध्यक्ष superintendent.
  • रूवुक :: m. (-कः) The castor-oil tree, (Ricinus communis:) see रुवु; also रूवूक, and रुवुक, &c.
  • रूष् :: r. 1st cl. (रूषति) 1. To decorate, to adorn. 2. To smear, to cover with dust. r. 10th cl. (रूपयति-ते) 1. To tremble. 2. To burst.
  • रूषक :: m. (-कः) A plant, (Justicia ganderussa.) E. रूष् to adorn, aff. क्वुन् ।
  • रूषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Pounded, reduced to dust or powder. 2. Covered, spread over, coated, inlaid. 3. Adorned, decorated. 4. Made rough or rugged. E. रूष् to adorn, aff. क्त ।
  • रे :: A vocative particle, but expressive of contempt or disrespect.
  • रेक् (ऋ,) रेकृ :: r. 1st cl. (रेकते) 1. To suspect or think probable. 2. To excite or entertain doubt: in the last case with आङ् usually prefixed.
  • रेक :: mf. (-कः-का) 1. Doubt, uncertainty. 2. Fear, apprehension. m. (-कः) 1. Looseness, purging. 2. An outcaste, a low man. 3. A frog. E. रेक् to suspect, to fear, aff. अच्, or रिच् to purge, aff. घञ् ।
  • रेकणस् :: n. (-णः) Gold. E. रिच् to divide, Unādi aff. असुन्, नुट् augment, and च changed to क ।
  • रेखा :: f. (-खा) 1. A line, a continuous line. 2. Deceit, fraud. 3. A little. 4. Fulness, satisfaction. 5. A small portion, a jot. 6. Drawing, delineating. 7. The prime meridian drawn from Ceylon to Meru through Ujjayini. E. See लेखा, the initial being changed to र ।
  • रेखांश :: m. (-शः) A degree of longitude.
  • रेखागणित :: n. (-तं) Geometry.
  • रेखान्तर :: n. (-रं) Distance east or west from the first meridian.
  • रेचक :: mfn. (-कः -चिका -कं) 1. Purgative, aperient. 2. Emptying the lungs,

emitting the breath. m. (-कः) 1. A cathartic, a purgative. 2. Nitre, salt-petre. 3. The purging-nut plant, (Croton tiglium.) 4. Exhala- tion through one of the nostrils, (opposed to पूरक .) 5. A syringe. n. (-कं) A purge. E. रिच् to evacuate by stool, causal form, वुन् aff.

  • रेचन :: nf. (-नं-ना) 1. Purging, looseness. 2. Emitting breath. 3. Evacua- tion. f. (-ना-नी) A drug, commonly Śuṇḍārochanī. f. (-नी) 1. A plant, Teorī, (Convolvulus turpethum,) the white sort. 2. Another plant, commonly Dantī, (Croton polyandrum.) E. रिच् to purge, aff. ल्युट् or युच् ।
  • रेचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Left void or empty, freed from, cleared. 2. Purged. n. (-तं) A horse's gallop. E. रिच् to purge, क्त aff.
  • रेज् (ऋ,) रेजृ :: r. 1st. cl. (रेजते) To shine: this root is not universally admitted.
  • रेज् :: m. (रेट्) AGNI or fire. E. रेज् to shine, aff. क्विप् ।
  • रेट् (ऋ,) रेदृ :: r. 1st cl. (रेटति-ते) 1. To speak. 2. To ask or beg.
  • रेणु :: mf. (-णुः-णुः) 1. Dust. 2. The pollen of flowers. m. (-णुः) A medi- cinal plant, commonly Khet-Pāprā. E. रि to hurt, Unādi aff. नु ।
  • रेणुका :: f. (-का) A sort of perfume and medicine, of a bitter and slightly pungent taste and greyish colour; it is procured in grains about the size of those of pepper. 2. The wife of the saint JAMADAGNI and mother of PARAŚURĀMA; once she saw the Gandharba-king CHITTRARATHA sporting with his queen and felt envious of their felicity. Defiled by unworthy thoughts she returned disquieted to her home. JAMADAGNI seeing her fallen from sanctity, was enraged and ordered his sons to cut off her head; and one of them PARA- SŪRĀMA with explicit obedience to his father's command beheaded her; but her husband was so much pleased with the dutifulness of his son that he restored her to life at the request of his son PARASŪRĀMA. 3. A sort of pulse, (Ervum or Cicer lens.) E. रेणु sand, dust, and कन् added.
  • रेणुकासुत :: m. (-तः) PARAŚURĀMA. E. रेणुका the mother of the hero, and सुत son.
  • रेणुरूषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Dusty, covered over with dust. m. (-तः) An ass. E. रेणु dust, and रूषित made rough.
  • रेणुवास :: m. (-सः) A bee. E. रेणु dust, (the pollen of flower,) and वास abode.
  • रेणुसार :: m. (-रः) Camphor. E. रेणु dust, and सार essence; also with कन् added रेणुसारक ।
  • रेतजा :: f. (-जा) Sand.
  • रेतन :: n. (-नं) Semen virile.
  • रेतस् :: n. (-तः) 1. The seminal fluid. 2. Quicksilver. E. री to ooze, Unādi aff. असुन्, तुट् aug.
  • रेत्य :: n. (-त्यं) Calx of brass. E. री to go, यत् aff., and तुट् augment.
  • रेत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. Semen virile. 2. Quicksilver. 3. Nectar or ambrosia. 4. Perfumed or aromatic powder, pulvilio. E. री to flow, ष्ट्रन् aff. तुट् aug.
  • रेप् (ऋ) रेपृ :: r. 1st cl. (रेपते) 1. To go, to move. 2. To sound.
  • रेप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) 1. Low, vile, inferior, contemptible. 2. Cruel, sav- age. E. रि to injure, प aff; or रेप, अच् aff.
  • रेपस् :: mfn. (-पाः -पाः -पः) 1. Low, vile, contemptible. 2. Cruel, savage. 3. Miserly, niggardly, a miser. 4. Wicked, abandoned. E. रप् to speak, to revile, Unādi aff. असुन्, and ए substituted for the radical vowel.
  • रेफ :: mfn. (-फः -फा -फ) 1. Low, vile, contemptible, wicked. 2. Defamed, reviled. m. (-फः) 1. The letter “R”. 2. Passion, affection of the mind. 3. A grating sound. E. र the letter R, with inherent short vowel, and इफ aff.; or रिफ् to defame, to reproach, aff. अच् or घञ् ।
  • रेफस् :: mfn. (-फाः -फाः -फः) 1. Low, vile, contemptible. 2. Wicked, aban- doned. 3. Miserly, a niggard. 4. Cruel, savage. E. रिफ् to reproach, aff. असुन्ः also रेफ, रेपस्, and रेप ।
  • रेब्(ऋ)रेबृ :: r. 1st cl. (रेबते) To go, to move: see रेव ।
  • रेभ् (ऋ) रेभृ :: r. 1st cl. (रेभते) To sound.
  • रेभण :: n. (-णं) The lowing of kine. E. रेभ् to sound, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • रेरिहाण :: m. (-णः) 1. A name of ŚIVA. 2. An Asūra; an evil spirit. 3. A chief.
  • रेव् (ऋ) रेवृ :: r. 1st. cl. (रेवते) 1. To go by leaps or jumps, to leap, to jump. 2. To go, to move. 3. To flow as a river.
  • रेवट :: n. (-टं) A conch shell with sinistral convolutions, or the spiral lines turning from the right to the left. m. (-टः) 1. Oil of the Morunga tree. 2. A plantain, the fruit. 3. A hog. 4. Dust. 5. A whirl-wind. 6. A conjuror, a juggler, a snake-dancer. E. रेव् to go, अटन् aff.
  • रेवत :: m. (-तः) A prince, the father of the wife of BALARĀMA. E. रेव-अतच् ।
  • रेवती :: f. (-ती) 1. The wife of BALARĀMA, the half-brother of KRISHṆA. 2. The last of the Nakshatras or lunar asterisms, containing thirty- two stars, figured by a tabor; one of the stars is the piscium. 3. One of the MĀTRIS or energies of the gods. 4. A cow. E. रेवत the name of a king, the father of BALARĀMA'S wife, and ङीष् aff.
  • रेवतीभव :: m. (-वः) The planet SATURN. E. रेवती the nymph or asterism personified, and भव born.
  • रेवतीरमण :: m. (-णः) BALARĀMA. E. रेवती the wife of BALARĀMA, and रमण husband.
  • रेवतीश :: m. (-शः) BALARĀMA. E. रेवती the wife of this demi-god, ईश lord.
  • रेवन्त :: m. (-न्तः) The fifth MANU of the present Kalpa; also called RAIVATA. E. रेव, झच् aff.
  • रेवन्तमनुसू :: f. (-सूः) SANJNYĀ, wife of the sun. E. रेवन्त, मनु the MANU, and सू mother.
  • रेवा :: f. (-बा) 1. The Narbadda, or Narmadā river, which rises in the mountain Āmrakūṭa, or Amarkantak, in the province of Gond- wāna and runs nearly due west about 750 miles, when it falls into the sea below Baroach. 2. RATĪ, the wife of KĀMA. 3. The indigo- plant. E. रेव् to flow, aff. अच् ।
  • रेष् (ऋ) रेषृ :: r. 1st cl. (रेषते) 1. To utter an inarticulate sound. 2. To neigh. 3. To howl. 4. To roar.
  • रेष् :: mfn. (रेट्) Who or what neighs, howls, &c. E. रेष् to neigh, विच् aff.
  • रेषण :: n. (-णं) Howling, roaring. E. रेष् to sound inarticulately, aff. ल्युट्; also with अङ् and टाप् aff., रेषा ।
  • रेषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sounded, made as a noise. n. (-तं) Neighing, roaring. E. रेष् to sound, aff. क्त ।
  • रेष्टृ :: m. (-ष्टा) An injurer. E. रिष् to hurt, तृच् aff.
  • रै :: r. 1st cl. (रायति) To sound.
  • रै :: m. (-राः) 1. Wealth property, substance. 2. Gold. 3. Sound, noise. E. रा to give, aff. डै .
  • रैत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्यी -त्यं) Brazen, made of brass. E. रीति, and ण्यत् aff.
  • रैवत :: m. (-तः) 1. A mountain, the eastern part of the Vindhya range, or that part in which the Revā rises. 2. A tree, (Cassia fistula.) 3. A name of ŚIVA. 4. A Daitya or demon. 5. The fifth MANU of the present Kalpa. E. रेवा the Revā river, aff. अञ् and त added.
  • रैवतक :: m. (-कः) The mountain Raivata. E. कन् added to the preceding; also with ठक् added to रेवत, रैवतिक ।
  • रोक :: n. (-कं) 1. A hole, a chasm, a vacuity. 2. A boat. 3. Moving, shaking. m. (-कः) 1. Buying with ready money. 2. Light. E. रुच् to shine, aff. घञ्; or रु-कन् तस्य-नेत्त्वम् ।
  • रोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Sickness, disease in general, or a disease. 2. A sort of Costus, (C. speciosus.) E. रुज् to be or make sick, aff. घञ् ।
  • रोगग्रस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Sick, diseased. E. रोग, and ग्रस्त seized.
  • रोगघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) Curative, medical. E. रोग, and घ्न what destroys.
  • रोगभू :: f. (-भूः) The body. E. रोग disease and भू the soil.
  • रोगराज :: m. (-जः) Consumption. E. रोग disease, and राज principal.
  • रोगलक्षण :: n. (-ण) The symptoms or sign of a disease or of its progress. E. रोग a disease, and लक्षण mark.
  • रोगशान्तक :: m. (-कः) A physician. E. रोग disease, and शान्तक alleviator.
  • रोगशान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) Cure or alleviation of disease. E. रोग, and शान्ति appeasing; also रोगशमः and the like.
  • रोगशिला :: f. (-ला) Red arsenic. “मनछाल्” ।
  • रोगशिल्पिन् :: m. (-ल्पी) A tree, (Cassia fistula.) E. रोग disease, and शिल्पिन् an artisan.
  • रोगह :: n. (-ह) A drug, a medicament. E. रोग, हा to abandon, aff. क ।
  • रोगहन् :: m. (-हा) A physician. E. रोग, and हन् to destroy, क्विप् aff.
  • रोगहर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Curative, medicinal. E. रोग, and हर what takes.
  • रोगहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Curative, medicinal. m. (-री) A physician. E. रोग disease, हृ to remove, to take away, णिनि aff.
  • रोगान्तक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Curative, medicinal. m. (-कः) A physician. E. रोग, and अन्तक destroyer.
  • रोगान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sick, diseased. E. रोग, अन्वित having.
  • रोगार्त्त :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -र्त्ता -र्त्तं) Suffering pain or sickness. E. रोग, आर्त्त pained.
  • रोगिता :: f. (-ता) Sickness, disease. E. रोगिन्, तल् aff.; also with त्व, रोगित्वं ।
  • रोगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिणी -गि) Diseased, ill, sick, affected with sickness or disease. E. रोग disease, and इनि aff.; or रुज-घिनुण् ।
  • रोगिवल्लभ :: n. (-भं) A drug, a medicament. E. रोगि a sick man, वल्लभ the friend.
  • रोगोपशम :: m. (-मः) Cure or alleviation of disease. E. रोग, उपशम allaying.
  • रोग्य :: mfn. (-ग्यः -ग्या -ग्यं) 1. Counter-indieated, regimen, &c., what is improper to be taken in any disease or with the medicines administered. 2. Related to or connected with disease. E. रोग sickness, and यत् aff.
  • रोचक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) What pleases, brightens, strengthens, &c. m. (-कः) 1. Hunger, appetite. 2. The plantain. 3. A sort of onion. 4. A stomachic, a carminative, any medicine, fruit or fossil, sup- posed to strengthen the tone of the stomach and restore lost appetite. 5. A relish. 6. A worker in glass or artificial ornaments. E. रुच् to shine, &c., and ण्वुल्, aff.
  • रोचन :: mfn. (-नः -ना or -नी-नं) 1. Splendid, beautiful. 2. Irradiating, illumining, beautifying. 3. Gratifying, pleasing. 4. Whetting, sharpening, (the appetite.) m. (-नः) 1. A species of the silk-cotton tree. 2. The onion. 3. A tree, (Andersonia Rohitaka.) 4. The Cassia fistula. 5. The pomegranate. 6. The citron. 7. A stomachic, a carminative. f. (-नी) 1. A yellow pigment, commonly Gorochanā and supposed to be the concrete bile of the cow; or according to some authorities, to be found in the head of the animal, used as a medicine, a dye and perfume. 2. The manna of bamboos. 3. An excellent woman. 4. A red lotus. f. (-ना-नी) 1. A plant, commonly Guṇdārochanī, a sort of Crimum. f. (-नी) 1. A variety of Teorī, (Convolvulus turpethum.) 2. Red arsenic. fn. (-ना-नं) The bright sky, the firmament. E. रुच् to shine, ल्युट् or युच् aff.
  • रोचनिका :: f. (-का) 1. A plant, commonly Gūndārochanī. 2. The manna of a bamboo. E. कन् added to रोचनी the same.
  • रोचमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Splendid, shining. 2. Pleasing, gratifying. m. (-नः) A tuft or curl of hair round the neck of a horse or on the lower part of it. E. रुच् to shine, aff. शानच् ।
  • रोचिष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) 1. Elegantly dressed or ornamented. 2. Splen- did, brilliant. 3. Giving an appetite. E. रुच् to shine, इष्णुच् aff.
  • रोचिस् :: n. (-चिः) Light, splendour, flame. E. रुच् to shine, इसुन् aff.
  • रोची :: f. (-ची) A potherb, (Hingtsha repens.) “हिञ्चेशाक” .
  • रोच्य :: mfn. (-च्यः -च्या -च्य) To be illuminated, &c. E. रुच् to shine, aff. ण्य ।
  • रोड् (ऋ) रोडृ :: r. 1st cl. (रोडति) 1. To be mad. 2. To disrespect.
  • रोदन :: n. (-नं) 1. Weeping, crying. 2. A tear, tears. f. (-नी) A plant, (Hedysarum alhagi.) E. रुद् to weep, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • रोदस् :: n. (-दः) 1. Heaven. 2. Earth. Dual. (-सी) Heaven and earth. E. रुद् to weep, aff. असुन् ।
  • रोदसी :: f. (-सी) 1. Heaven, paradise. 2. Earth. f. Dual. (-स्यी) Heaven and earth. E. ङीप् added to the preceding.
  • रोध :: m. (-धः) 1. A bank, a shore. 2. Confining, siege, &c. E. रुध् to obstruct, aff. घञ् ।
  • रोधन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Impeding, that which impedes or obstructs, an obstacle, a hinderer or hindrance. m. (-नः) The planet MERCURY. n. (-नं) 1. Impeding, obstructing. 2. Besieging, blockading. E. रुध् to obstruct, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • रोधवक्रा :: f. (-क्रा) A river. E. रोध a bank, and वक्र the course of a stream, fem. form.
  • रोधवप्र :: m. (-प्रः) A rapid river.
  • रोधस् :: n. (-धः) A bank, a shore, a dam. E. रुध् to obstruct, and असुन् aff.
  • रोधोवक्रा :: f. (-क्रा) A river. E. रोधस् a bank, and वक्र winding course.
  • रोध्र :: m. (-ध्रः) A tree, commonly Lodh. n. (-ध्रं) 1. Offence, transgress- ion. 2. Sin. E. रुध् to obstruct, and रन् aff.
  • रोध्रपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A tree, (Bassia latifolia.) “मधूकवृक्षे ।”
  • रोप :: m. (-पः) 1. An arrow. 2. Confusing, disturbing, (the ideas.) 3. The act of raising or planting. n. (-पं) A hole, a vacuity, a chasm. E. रुप् to disturb, aff. घञ् ।
  • रोपक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what plants, raises, &c. m. (-कः) A weight of metal or a coin, the seventieth part of a Suvarṇa. n. (-नं) A healing application. E. रुह् to rise, causal v., ण्वुल् aff.
  • रोपण :: n. (-णं) 1. Placing in or upon. 2. Planting. 3. Raising. 4. A dis- turbing or bewildering of the mind, a confusing or confusion of ideas. 5. Cicatrizing, healing. 6. A healing application to sores or wounds. 7. A kind of collyrium. m. (-णः) Quicksilver. E. रुह् to ascend, causal v., or रुप् to bewilder, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • रोपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Placed in or upon. 2. Planted. 3. Raised, elevated. 4. Bewildered, perplexed. E. रुह् to rise, causal v., or रुप् to bewilder, क्त aff.
  • रोम :: n. (-मं) Water. m. (-मः) A hole.
  • रोमक :: m. (-कः) 1. The city of Rome. 2. A Roman. n. (-कं) Loadstone.
  • रोमकर्णक :: m. (-कः) A hare. E. रोम hair, and कर्ण the ear, कन् added.
  • रोमकसिद्धान्त :: m. (-न्तः) One of the five chief systems of Astronomy, the one of which was probably received from the Romans.
  • रोमकूप :: m. (-पः) A pore of the skin. E. रोम hair, and कूप a well, a pit.
  • रोमकेशर :: n. (-रं) A Chowri. E. रोम hair of an animal, (especially of the Yak,) and केशर a filament.
  • रोमगुच्छ :: n. (-च्छं) A Chowri, a sort of whisk. E. रोम hair, (see the last word,) गुच्छ a cluster; also with कन् added, रोमगुच्छक ।
  • रोमन् :: n. (-म) The hair of the body. E. रु to make, Unādi aff. मनिन्, form irr.
  • रोमन्थ :: n. (-न्थं) 1. Ruminating, chewing the cud, or also eating, without chewing what has been once swallowed and again brought into the mouth. 2. Frequent repetition. E. रोग disease, and मन्थ् to destroy or remove, aff. अच्, deriv. irr.; this habit in animals being indispensable to digestion and health.
  • रोमपुलक :: m. (-कः) Bristling of the hair.
  • रोमबद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Made of or fastened with the hair of animals, E. रोम, बद्ध bound.
  • रोमभूमि :: f. (-मिः) The skin. E. रोम the hair, and भूमि soil, site.
  • रोमरन्ध्र :: n. (-न्ध्रं) A pore of the skin.
  • रोमलता :: f. (-ता) A line of hair extending to the navel. E. रोम hair, लता a creeper.
  • रोमवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Hairy, woolly. E. रोम hair of the body, मतुप् aff.
  • रोमविकार :: m. (-रः) Horripilation. E. रोम the hair, विकार change of state.
  • रोमविक्रया :: f. (-या) Horripilation. E. रोम the hair, and विक्रिया change.
  • रोमविध्वंश :: m. (-शः) A body louse. E. रोम, and विध्वंश loss.
  • रोमश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Hairy, woolly. m. (-शः) 1. A ram, a sheep. 2. A hog, a boar. E. रोमन् hair, and श aff.
  • रोमहर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Horripilation. E. रोम the hair of the body, and हर्ष pleasure.
  • रोमहर्षण :: n. (-णं) Horripilation, erection or rigidity of the hair of the body, conceived to be occasioned by and to express exquisite delight. m. (-णः) 1. SŪTA, the pupil of VYĀSA, and supposed narrator of the events recorded in the Purāṇas. 2. Beleric myro- balan. E. रोम the hair, and हर्षण delighting.
  • रोमाञ्च :: m. (-ञ्चः) Horripilation, rigidity and erection of the hair of the body. E. रोम the hair, अञ्च् to worship, aff. घञ् ।
  • रोमाञ्चित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Having the hair of the body erect, considered as a proof of exquisite pleasure; enraptured, delighted. E. रोमाञ्च horripilation, इतच् aff.
  • रोमाली :: f. (-ली) A line of hair, extending across the navel. E. रोमन् hair, आली a line.
  • रोमावलि :: f. (-लिः-ली) A line of hair across the middle of the belly or navel. E. रोम and आवली a line.
  • रोमोद्गम :: m. (-मः) Horripilation. E. रोम hair, उद्गम rising; also रोमोद्ग m. (-द्गः) ।
  • रोमोद्भेद :: m. (-दः) Horripilation. E. रोम hair of the body, and उद्भेद breaking forth, protrusion.
  • रोरुदा :: f. (-दा) Violent weeping. E. रुद् to weep, frequent. v., अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • रोरुदावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Weeping or wailing violently. E. रोरुदा, and मतुप् aff.
  • रोरुद्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Crying bitterly. E. रुद् to weep, frequent. v., शानच् aff.
  • रोल :: m. (-लः) 1. A fruit, (Flacourtia cataphracta.) 2. Moist ginger.
  • रोलम्ब :: mfn. (-म्बः -म्बा -म्बं) Distrustful, unbelieving. m. (-म्बः) 1. A bee, 2. Dry or arid soil. E. रोड् to be mad, अम्बच् aff., ड changed to ल ।
  • रोशंसा :: f. (-सा) Wish, desire; (this word is used in Prākrita.)
  • रोष :: m. (-षः) Anger, wrath. E. रुष् to be angry, aff. घञ् ।
  • रोषण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Angry, passionate. n. (-णं) Quicksilver. 2. A touchstone. 3. Arid or desert soil. E. रुष् to be angry, aff. युच् ।
  • रोषवाहण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Angry, feeling and displaying wrath. E. रोष, and वह् to bear, causal v., युच् aff.
  • रोष्टृ :: mfn. (-ष्टा -ष्ट्री -ष्टृ) Violent, wrathful, angry. E. रुष् to be angry, तृच् aff.
  • रोह :: m. (-हः) 1. A bud, a blossom. 2. Mounting, ascending. 3. The rising of a number from a smaller to a higher denomination. 4. Growth. E. रुह् to grow, aff. अच् or घञ् ।
  • रोहक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) A rider, riding, mounted, one who rides on any animal or is carried in any vehicle. m. (-कः) 1. A sort of gob- lin. 2. Rising, growing, mounting. E. रुह् to rise, aff. वुन् .
  • रोहग :: m. (-गः) The name of a mountain, known by Adam's peak in Ceylon. E. रोह rising, and ग what goes.
  • रोहण :: n. (-णं) 1. Semen virile. 2. Rising in or on, mounting, ascending. 3. Growing, as a plant. 4. Healing of a wound. 5. A particular mountain: see the last. E. रुह् to grow, &c., aff. ल्युट् ।
  • रोहणद्रुम :: m. (-मः) The sandal-tree.
  • रोहन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. A kind of tree. 2. Any tree. f. (-न्ती) A sort of creeper. E. रुह to grow, Unādi aff. झच्, fem. aff. ङीष् ।
  • रोहि :: m. (-हिः) 1. A tree. 2. A seed. 3. A pious or religious man, one observing a vow, &c. 4. A kind of deer. “वनरोह इति भाषा ।” E. रुह् to grow, Unādi aff. इन् ।
  • रोहिण :: m. (-णः) 1. The Indian-fig tree. 2. A fragrant grass. n. (-णं) A part of the fore-noon, extending to mid-day, in which Shrāddhas are especially to be observed. E. रुह् to grow, Unādi aff. इनन् ।
  • रोहिणिका :: f. (-का) A woman red with anger, &c., or with red pigments. E. रोहिणी fem. form of रोहित red, कन् added.
  • रोहिणीपति :: m. (-तिः) The moon. E. रोहिणी the nymph, (see रोहिन्,) पति husband.
  • रोहिणीवल्लभ :: m. (-भः) The moon. E. रोहिणी the nymph, वल्लभ the lover.
  • रोहिणीश :: m. (-शः) The moon. E. रोहिणी the nymph, ईश lord or husband.
  • रोहित् :: m. (-हित्) The sun. f. (-हित्) 1. A deer, a doe. 2. A sort of cree- per. E. रुह् to go or grow, Unādi aff. इतच् ।
  • रोहित :: mfn. (-रोहितः रोहिता or रोहिणी रोहितं) Red, of a red colour. m. (-तः) 1. Red, (the colour.) 2. The Rohi-fish, (Cyprinus Rohita, HAM.) 3. A kind of deer. 4. A tree, (Andersonia Rohitaka, Rox.) n. (-तं) 1. INDRA'S bow unbent and invisible to mortals. 2. Safflower, (Carthamus tinctorius.) 3. Blood. E. रुह् to grow or go, Unādi aff. इतच् ।
  • रोहितक :: m. (-कः) A tree, (Andersonia Rohitaka, Rox.) E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • रोहितश्व :: m. (-श्वः) 1. A name of Agni. 2. The son of HARIŚCHANDRA. E. रोहित् a deer, or red, and अश्व a horse; also from रोहित sometimes read रोहिताश्व ।
  • रोहितिका :: f. (-का) A woman whose face is stained with red pigments, or who is red with rage, &c. E. रोहित red, fem. form, कन् added.
  • रोहितेय :: m. (-यः) A tree, (Andersonia Rohitaka.) “रोहितक वृक्षे” . E. रोहित the same. ढक् pleonastic aff.
  • रोहिन् :: m. (-ही) 1. The Indian-fig tree. 2. The holy-fig tree. 3. The Andersonia Rohitaka. f. (-हिणिः-हिणी) 1. The fourth lunar asterism, figured by a wheeled carriage, and containing five stars, probably; in mythology, the asterism is personified as one of the daughters of Daksha, and wives of the moon. 2. The mother of BALARĀMA. f. (-णी) 1. One of the VIDYĀDEVIS of the Jainas. 2. A cow. 3. Inflam-

matory affection of the throat. 4. Lightning. 5. The name of a medicinal plant. 6. The moon-plant, (Asclepias acida.) 7. A woman stained with red pigments, or red with passion, &c. 8. Yellow myrobalan, (Terminalia chebula.) 9. Bengal madder. 10. A girl nine years old. E. रुह् to grow, aff. णिनि ।

  • रोहिष :: n. (-षं) A sort of grass. m. (-षः) 1. The Rohi, a kind of fish. 2. A deer said to resemble an ass.
  • रौक्ष्य :: n. (-क्ष्यं) 1. Roughness, ruggedness. 2. Harshness, unkindness. E. रुक्ष hard, ष्यञ् aff.
  • रौचनिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Dyed or coloured with Rochanā of a yellow- ish or orange tint. n. (-कं) The tartar of the teeth. E. रोचना a pig- ment, and अण् or ठक् aff.
  • रौच्य :: m. (-च्यः) 1. An ascetic with a staff of Bilwa-wood. 2. The thirteenth Manu.
  • रौट्(ऋ)रौटृ, :: r. 1st cl. (रौटति) To treat with disrespect.
  • रौड्(ऋ)रौडृ :: r. 1st cl. (रौडति) To treat with disrespect.
  • रौद्र :: mfn. (-द्रः -द्रा or द्री -द्रं) 1. Formidable, fearful, terrific 2. Sharp, acute. 3. Relating or belonging to RŪDRA or ŚIVA. 4. Violent, wrathful, irascible. mn. (-द्रः-द्रं) Wrath rage, (the sentiment as an object of poetical description.) n. (-द्रं) 1. Heat, warmth. 2. Wrath. 3. YAMA. f. (-द्री) GAURI, the wife of ŚIVA. E. रुद्र ŚIVA, अण् aff.
  • रौद्रता :: f. (-ता) Fierceness, formidableness. E. रौद्र, तल् aff.; with त्व, रौद्रत्व ।
  • रौद्रदर्शन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Formidable, terrific. E. रौद्र, दर्शन appearance.
  • रौप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्यी -प्यं) Silver, of silver. n. (-प्यं) Silver. E. रूप्य the same, अण् pleonasm or aff. of relation.
  • रौम :: n. (-मं) A sort of salt; see the next. E. रुम the place where it is found, अण् aff.
  • रौमक :: n. (-कं) A kind of salt, according to some authorities, brought from a mountain in AJMERE, but in fact produced from a salt lake near the town of SĀMBHAR, about twenty miles west of JAYANA- GAR. E. रुम the district of RUMA or SĀMBHAR, aff. अण्, and कन् added; also रौम and रौमलवण ।
  • रौमलवण :: n. (-णं) Sāmbher-salt; see the last. E. रौम as above, and लवण salt.
  • रौरव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) 1. Formidable, horrible, terrific. 2. Dishonest, fraudulent. 3. Unsteady, slipping. m. (-वः) 1. One of the divisions of Naraka or Tartarus. 2. A savage, a monster. E. रुद् to weep, deriv. irr.; or रुरु said to mean a living being, अण् aff.
  • रौहिण :: m. (-णः) Sandal-wood.
  • रौहिणेय :: m. (-यः) 1. A name of BALARĀMA. 2. The planet MERCURY. n. (-यं) An emerald. mf. (-यः-यी) 1. A calf. 2. The planet SATURN. E. रोहिणी the nymph, &c., ढक् aff.
  • रौहिष :: m. (-षः) 1. A sort of deer. 2. The Rohi-fish. n. (-षं) A kind of grass. E. रुह् to grow, Unādi aff., ठिषच्, the vowel changed to औ ।
  •  :: The twenty-eighth consonant of the Nāgari alphabet, the letter L.
  •  :: m. (-लः) 1. INDRA. 2. Cutting. 3. A short syllable, (in prosody.) 4. PANINI'S technical term for all the tenses and modes, (in gram.) f. (-ला) 1. Giving. 2. Receiving, taking. f. (-ली) 1. Embracing, adhering or clinging to. 2. Liquifying, melting. E. ला to give or take, &c., aff. क or ड, fem. aff. टाप् or ङीष् ।
  • लक् :: r. 10th cl. (लाकयति ते) 1. To taste. 2. To obtain.
  • लक :: n. (-कं) 1. The forehead. 2. The ear or spike of wild-rice. E. लक् to taste, &c., aff. अच् ।
  • लकच :: m. (-चः) A tree; see the next. E. लक् बा० अचन् । “डहुवृक्षे” ।
  • लकुच :: m. (-चः) A species of the bread-fruit tree, (Artocarpus Lacucha, Rox.) E. लक् to taste, उचन् aff.; also अ substituted for उ, लकच ।
  • लकुट :: m. (-टः) A club.
  • लक्तक :: m. (-कः) 1. Old and tattered cloth, a rag or rags. 2. Lac, the dye. “आल्ता” । E. लक् to obtain, aff. क्त, and कन् added.
  • लक्तकर्म्मन् :: m. (-र्म्मा) A tree used in dyeing, a red variety of the Lodh- tree. E. लक्त for रक्त coloured and कर्म्मन् office, act.
  • लक्तिका :: f. (-का) A lizard.
  • लक्ष् :: r. 1st cl. (लक्षते) To perceive, to see. r. 10th cl. (लक्षयति-ते) 1. To see, to look at, to notice or inspect. 2. To mark, to mark any mark on. 3. To define, to discriminate. With उप prefixed, To remark. With सम्, To know, to understand. With वि, 1. To ob- serve. 2. To become confused. 3. To distinguish.
  • लक्ष :: nf. (-क्ष-क्षा) A Lac, one hundred thousand. n. (-क्षं) 1. Fraud, dis- guise. 2. A mark or butt. E. लक्ष् to mark, or see, aff. अच् or घञ् ।
  • लक्षक :: f. (-का) Expressing secondarily, indicating indirectly. n. (-कं) One hundred thousand. E. लक्ष, ण्वुल् aff.
  • लक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. A mark, a spot. 2. A name, an appellation. 3. Sight, seeing. 4. An indication, a predicate, any thing by which an object is designated or distinguished. 5. A symptom or any indi- cation of actual disease. m. (-णः) 1. The younger brother of RĀMA. 2. The Indian crane. f. (-णा) 1. The female of the Indian crane. 2. A goose. 3. An ellipsis, a word, &c. understood, though not insert- ed. 4. The force or application of a word or phrase. E. लक्ष् to see, to mark, aff. ल्युट्; or लक्ष् as before, Unādi aff. न and अट् augment; also with मुट् augment, लक्ष्मण, which in the masc. and fem. forms is the more usual reading.
  • लक्षण्य :: f. (-ण्या) 1. Defined. 2. Marked. 3. Aimed at. 4. Indicated. 5. Seen. 6. Examined.
  • लक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Seen. 2. Marked. E. लक्ष् to mark, aff. क्त ।
  • लक्ष्मण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Prosperous fortunate. m. (-णः) 1. The son of DAŚARATHA by SUMITRĀ, the half-brother and faithful compani- on of RĀMACHANDRA. 2. The Sāras or Indian crane. n. (-णं) 1. A mark, a spot or sign. 2. A name, an appellation. f. (-णा) 1. The female of the Sāras. 2. A kind of drug. E. लक्ष् to mark or see, Unādi aff. न, and मुट् augment. also with अट् augment, लक्षण ।
  • लक्ष्मणप्रसू :: f. (-सूः) SUMITRĀ, one of DAŚARAT'HA'S four wives, the mother of LAKSHMAṆA. E. लक्ष्मण, प्रसू the mother.
  • लक्ष्मन् :: n. (-क्ष्म) 1. A mark, a spot, &c. 2. Chief, principal. 3. Definition. m. (-कः) 1. The Sārasa bird. 2. LAKSHMANA, the son of DAŚA- RATHA. E. लक्ष् to mark, &c., मनिन् aff.
  • लक्ष्मी :: f. (-क्ष्मी) 1. LAKSHMI, one of the three principal female deities of the Hindus, the wife of VISHṆU, and goddess of wealth and pros- perity. 2. Fortune, success, prosperity. 3. SĪTĀ, the wife of RĀMA. 4. Beauty, splendour. 5. The name of a medicinal root, common- ly Briddhi. 6. Another root, termed Riddhi. 7. A plant: see प्रियङ्गु . 8. The wife of a hero. 9. Turmeric. 10. A pearl. 11. Royal power. E. लक्ष् to see, &c., Unādi aff. ई, and मुट् augment.
  • लक्ष्मीगृह :: n. (-हं) The red lotus. E. लक्ष्मी the goddess, and गृह abode, appearing at the creation, floating over the water on the expand- ed petals of the lotus.
  • लक्ष्मीपति :: m. (-तिः) 1. VISHṆU. 2. A king, a sovereign prince. 3. The clove-tree. “लवङ्गवृक्षे” . 4. The betel-nut tree, (Areca faufel.) E. लक्ष्मी the goddess of prosperity and पति master, husband.
  • लक्ष्मीपुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) 1. KĀMADEVA, the god of love. 2. A horse. 3. Either of the sons of RAMA and SĪTĀ. E. लक्ष्मी the goddess, or SĪTĀ, (she being LAKSHMĪ incarnate,) and पुत्त्र a son.
  • लक्ष्मीपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) Ruby. E. लक्ष्मी the goddess of fortune, and पुष्प a flower.
  • लक्ष्मीफल :: m. (-लः) A fruit tree, (Ægle marmelos.) “विल्ववृक्षे ।”
  • लक्ष्मीमत् :: m. (-मान्) The bread-fruit tree, (Artocarpus integrifolia.) E. लक्ष्मी prosperity, मतुप् aff., and the म unchanged.
  • लक्ष्मीवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Prosperous, fortunate, wealthy, thriving. 2. Beautiful. m. (-वान्) Jack-fruit tree. E. लक्ष्मी prosperity, मतुप् poss. aff.
  • लक्ष्मीश :: m. (-शः) 1. VISHṆU. 2. The mango-tree. 3. A prosperous man. E. लक्ष्मी the goddess of fortune, and ईश lord.
  • लक्ष्मीसहज :: m. (-जः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. 3. Uchchaishrabā, the horse of Indra. E. लक्ष्मी the goddess, सह with, ज born; rising as well as LAKSHMĪ from the ocean, at the time it was churned by the Gods and Asuras.
  • लक्ष्य :: mfn. (-क्ष्यः -क्ष्या -क्ष्यं) 1. To be seen or noted. 2. To be defined or described. 3. To have attributes or predicates attached. n. (-क्ष्यं) 1. A mark, a butt. 2. A mark, a sign. 3. Fraud, disguise. 4. A Lac, a hundred thousand. 5. A secondary meaning. 6. The thing de- fined. E. लक्ष् to see, यत् aff.
  • लक्ष्यक्रम :: Adj. Having the order perceptible.
  • लक्ष्यभेद :: m. (-दः) The cleaving of a mark.
  • लक्ष्यसुप्त :: Adj. Pretending to be asleep.
  • लख् :: r. 1st cl. (लखति) (इ) लखि (लङ्खति) To go, to move, to approach.
  • लग् (ए) लगे :: r. 1st cl. (लङ्गति) To be with or near, to touch, to be in contact or union with. With वि and अव, To adhere to. (इ) लगि r. 1st cl. (लङ्गति) 1. To go or move. 2. To go limpingly, to be lame. r. 10th cl. (लगयति-ते) 1. To taste. 2. To obtain.
  • लगड :: mfn. (-डः -डा -डं) Beautiful, handsome.
  • लगित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Obtained, gained. 2. Connected with, attached to. E. लग् to be in contact with, aff. क्त, and इट् augment.
  • लगुड :: m. (-डः) 1. A staff, a stick. 2. An iron club, or one bound with iron. E. लग् to go, aff. डुलच्, ल changed to ड; also लगुर and लगुल ।
  • लगुर :: m. (-रः) A club, a stick. E. See the last; ड changed to ल
  • लगुरहस्त :: m. (-स्तः) A man armed with a stick, a mace or staff-bearer. E. लगुर, and हस्त the hand.
  • लग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) 1. Attached to, intent on. 2. Ashamed. 3. Joined to, connected with. n. (-ग्नं) 1. The rising of a sign, its appearance above the horizon; the oblique ascension, or the divisions of the equator, which rise in succession with each sign in an oblique sphere; also defined as the arc of the equator, which passes the meridian in the same time with each sign of the ecliptic; in popular acceptation it is the moment of the sun's entrance into a zodiacal sign. 2. An auspicious moment, the time for action. m. (-ग्नः) 1. A bard, a panegyrist. 2. An elephant in rut. E. लग् to be with or near, or लस्ज् to be ashamed, aff. क्त, deriv. irr.
  • लग्नक :: m. (-कः) A security, a surety. E. लग्न engaged or associated, (in the business,) aff. कन् ।
  • लग्नकाल :: m. (-लः) The time fixed upon by astrologers as favourable for any undertaking.
  • लग्नभुज :: m. (-जः) Ascensional difference. E. लग्न and भुज arm.
  • लग्निका :: f. (-का) A girl ten years old, one before menstruation. E. लस्ज् to be ashamed, aff. कन्, fem. form; also नग्निका ।
  • लघ् :: r. 10th cl. (लाघयति-ते) 1. To taste. 2. To obtain. (इ) लघि r. 1st cl. (लङ्घते) 1. To go, to move. 2. To go beyond the limit. 3. To fast, to abstain from food. (लङ्घति) 1. To dry, to dry up. 2. To dimi- nish, to lessen. 3. To sorrow. r. 10th cl. (लङ्घयति-ते) To speak. With उत् or वि prefixed, To go beyond or over, to cross, to pass, to leap or spring over; also morally, to exceed, to transgress.
  • लघट् :: m. (-ट्) Air, wind. E. लघि to go, अटि Unādi aff., nasal rejected.
  • लघटि :: m. (-टिः) Air, wind. E. लघि to go, Unādi aff. हटिच् ।
  • लघिमन् :: m. (-मा) 1. Lightness, absence of weight. 2. The power of assuming excessive lightness at will, considered as one of the eight supernatural faculties. 3. Diminutiveness. 4. Insignifi- cance. E. लघु light, aff. इमनिच् ।
  • लघिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) 1. Lightest, very light. 2. Very small, least. E. लघ light, इष्ठन् aff. of the irr. superlative.
  • लघीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Lightest, most or very light. E. लघु light, and ईयसुन् aff. of the irr. superlative.
  • लघु :: mfn. (-घुः -घुः or घ्वी -घु) 1. Light, not heavy. 2. Swift, quick. 3. Sapless, pithless. 4. Beautiful, pleasing. 5. Small, little. 6. Light, vain, frivolous. 7. Insignificant, mean, low. 8. Weak, feeble. 9. Clean,

pure. 10. Short, (as a vowel.) 11. Easy. 12. Soft. 13. Young. 14. Pure. 15. Brief. n. Adv. (-घु) Quickly, swiftly. Subst. (-घु) 1. A black kind of Aloe-wood or Agallochum. 2. The root of the Andropogon muricatum. f. (-घुः) A plant, (Trigonella corni- culata.) f. (-घ्वी) 1. A slight or delicate woman. 2. A small light carriage. E. लघि to go, Unādi aff. कु, and the nasal not inserted.

  • लघुकाय :: m. (-यः) A goat. E. लघु small, and काय a body.
  • लघुखट्विका :: f. (-का) A small bedstead. E. लघु small, खट्विका a bedstead.
  • लघुगर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) A kind of fish, probably a variety of the Pimelodus. E. लघु small, and गर्ग for गर्गर a fish.
  • लघुचेतस् :: mfn. (-ताः -ताः -तः) Low-minded, frivolous. E. लघु and चेतस् mind.
  • लघुजङ्गल :: m. (-लः) A sort of quail. E. लघु light, जङ्गल flesh.
  • लघुता :: f. (-ता) 1. Lightness. 2. Meanness, insignificance. E. तल् added to लघु; also with त्व, लघुत्वं ।
  • लघुदुन्दुभि :: m. (-भिः) A small kettle-drum. E. लघु light, small, and दुन्दुभि a drum.
  • लघुपत्रक :: m. (-कः) A plant, commonly Guṇdārochani, (Crinum.) E. लघु light, small, and पत्रक a leaf. “कमलागुडि ।”
  • लघुप्रयत्न :: mfn. (-त्नः -त्ना -त्नं) Indolent, impotent. E. लघु and प्रयत्न effort.
  • लघुमांस :: m. (-सः) The Francoline partridge. E. लघु light, (of digestion,) and मांस flesh. “तितिरपाखी ।”
  • लघुमित्त्र :: n. (-त्त्रं) A friend or ally of little power or value. E. लघु and मित्र a friend.
  • लघुमूल :: n. (-लं) In algebra, the least root with reference to the additive quantities. E. लघु, मूल root.
  • लघुलय :: n. (-यं) The root of a fragrant grass, (Andropogon muricatum.) E. लघु light, लय contexture, (in Tatties, &c.); or लघु and लय, both meaning the same root. “वेणार मूल ।”
  • लघुवासस् :: mfn. (-साः -साः -सः) 1. Thinly or lightly dressed. 2. Wearing clean or pure clothing. E. लघु, वासस् vesture.
  • लघुविक्रम :: Adj. Having a quick step.
  • लघुवृत्ति :: mfn. (-त्तिः -त्तिः -त्ति) 1. Low, vile. 2. Ill-done, mismanaged. 3. Frivolous. E. लघु, वृत्ति practice.
  • लघुवृत्तिता :: f. (-ता) 1. Insignificance, meanness. 2. Mismanagement, bad conduct. E. तल् added to the last.
  • लघुहस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Ready or light-handed. m. (-स्तः) A good archer. E. लघु, हस्त hand.
  • लघूकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Reducing in weight or consequence. 2. Thinking little of, contemning. E. लघु, and करण making, च्वि augment.
  • लघूकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Made light, reduced in weight. 2. Reduced in consequence, made insignificant. 3. Thought lightly of. E. लघु, कृत made, च्वि augment.
  • लघ्वाशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Eating little, moderate. E. लघु, and अशिन् who eats.
  • लघ्वाहार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Temperate, abstemious. E. लघु and आहार food.
  • लघ्वी :: f. (-घ्वी) 1. A delicate woman. 2. A light carriage.
  • लङ्का :: f. (-ङ्का) 1. The capital of RĀVAṆA in Ceylon; the name is ex- tended also to the island, which according to the notions of the Hindus, is much more considerable in size, and lies further from the continent than in reality; it is described as being equal to one-twelvth of the equatorial circumference of the earth, and is one of the places lying under the first meridian, whence the longitude is computed; it is thus placed in the Eastern ocean, South of Ceylon, and according to WILFORD is the peninsula of Malacca: according to some Hindu accounts also, it is distinct from Ceylon, from which island Lankā is said to be just visible. 2. A goddess or evil spirit, one of the Śākinīs, perhaps the same as the tutelary deity of the city of Lankā. 3. An unchaste woman. 4. A branch. 5. A kind of grain. E. लक् to obtain, (happiness, in which,) aff. अच्, and नुम् irr. augment.
  • लङ्कादाहिन् :: m. (-ही) The monkey HANUMĀNA. E. लङ्का the city, and दाहिन् burner; having set fire to the city with his burning tail.
  • लङ्कापति :: m. (-तिः) RĀVAṆA, the Daitya-sovereign of Ceylon. E. लङ्का the city, and पति master, ruler; also लङ्काधिपति &c.,
  • लङ्कायिका :: f. (-का) A plant, (Trigonella corniculata.) E. लक् to taste, root of the 10th cl., aff. ण्वुल्, fem. form, नुम् augment; also य being changed to प, लङ्कापिका, and by a different derivation लङ्कोपिका ।
  • लङ्कास्थायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Residing or being in Lankā. m. (-यी) A plant, (Euphorbia Tirucalli.) “लङ्कासिज” . E. लङ्का Lankā or Ceylon, and स्थायिन् what abides or grows.
  • लङ्केश :: m. (-शः) The Daitya king RĀVAṆA. E. लङ्का the city Lankā, ईश sovereign.
  • लङ्कोपिका :: f. (-का) A gramineous plant, (Trigonella corniculata.) E. लङ्का Lankā or Ceylon. वप् to sow or be sown, aff. क्वुन्, fem. form, and the semi-vowel changed to its congener. “पिडिं शाक” ।
  • लङ्खनी :: f. (-नी) The bit of a bridle.
  • लङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. Union, association, proximate connection. 2. A lecher, a catamite. 3. Limping, lameness. E. लगि to be near or with, &c., aff. अच्; also with कन् added लङ्गक ।
  • लङ्गल :: n. (-लं) A plough.
  • लङ्गूल :: n. (-लं) The tail of an animal. E. लगि to go, ऊलच् aff., more commonly लाङ्गूल ।
  • लङ्घन :: n. (-नं) 1. Fasting, abstinence. 2. Going, proceeding. 3. Leaping, springing, going by leaps or jumps. 4. Jumping over or beyond. 5. Exceeding, transgressing, disregarding propriety, going be- yond proper bounds. 6. Storming a fort, entering by escalade, &c. 7. Capturing a fort in any way. 8. One of a horse's paces, cur- vetting, bounding. 9. Injury. E. लघि to go, to fast, &c. aff. ल्युट् ।
  • लङ्घनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be passed. 2. Transgressible. 3. To be fasted. E. लघि to go, अनीयर् aff.; also लङ्घ्य and लङ्घितव्य ।
  • लङ्घित :: f. (-ता) Adj. 1. Leaped over. 2. Traversed. 3. Violated. 4. Insulted.
  • लछ् :: r. 1st cl. (लच्छति) To mark; also लच्छ् ।
  • लज् :: r. 1st cl. (लजते) also (इ) लजि (लञ्जति) 1. To fry. 2. To affront, to in- sult. 3. To blame. (ओ, ई) ओलजी r. 6th cl. (लजति-ते) To be ashamed, to be modest or bashful. r. 10th cl. (लजयति-ते) To shine. (लाजयति-ते) To hide, to cover, to screen or clothe: also (लजति) or (इ) लजि (लञ्जयति) 1. To be manifest or apparent. 2. To shine. (इ) लजि (लञ्जयति-ते) 1. To give. 2. To dwell. 3. To injure. 4. To be strong. 5. To censure. 6. To speak.
  • लजकारिका :: f. (-का) The sensitive plant, (Mimosa pudica.) E. लज for लज्जा shame, कारिका making, shewing.
  • लज्जका :: f. (-का) The wild cotton-plant.
  • लज्जत् :: mfn. (-ज्जन् -ज्जन्ती -ज्जत्) Being ashamed, blushing, shrinking. E. लस्ज् to be ashamed, and शतृ aff.
  • लज्जमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being ashamed. E. लस्ज् to be ashamed, aff. शानच् ।
  • लज्जा :: f. (-ज्जा) Shame, modesty, bashfulness. E. लस्ज् to be modest, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • लज्जाकर :: mfn. (-रः -री or रा -रं) Shameful, causing shame. E. लज्जा, and कर what makes.
  • लज्जाकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Causing or occasioning shame. E. लज्जा and कारिन् what makes.
  • लज्जान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Ashamed, bashful. E. लज्जा, अन्वित possessed of.
  • लज्जारहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Shameless, immodest. E. लज्जा, रहित void of.
  • लज्जालु :: m. (-लुः) A sensitive plant, (Mimosa pudica.) E. लज्जा, आलुक् aff.
  • लज्जावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Modest, bashful. E. लज्जा, shame, मतुप् aff.
  • लज्जाशील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Bashful, modest. E. लज्जा, शील possessing.
  • लज्जाहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Shameless, impudent. E. लज्जा and हीन void of.
  • लज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Ashamed, modest. E. लज्जा modesty, इतच् aff.
  • लज्ज्या :: f. (-ज्ज्या) Modesty, bashfulness. E. लस्ज् to be ashamed, य aff.
  • लञ्ज् :: r. 10th cl. (लञ्जयति-ते) 1. To be manifest. 2. To shine.
  • लञ्ज :: m. (-ञ्जः) 1. A foot. 2. The end of the lower garment tucked into the waist band. 3. A tail. f. (-ञ्जा) 1. An adulteress. 2. Sleep. 3. LAKSHMĪ. 4. A current. E. लजि to be strong, &c., or लञ्ज् aff. अच् ।
  • लञ्जिका :: f. (-का) A harlot, a whore. E. लजि to censure, aff. क्वुन्, fem. form.
  • लट् :: r. 1st cl. (लटति) 1. To be a child, to talk or be like one. 2. To speak a little. 3. To cry.
  • लट :: m. (-टः) 1. A blockhead, a fool, one speaking ignorantly or fool-

ishly. 2. Fault, defect. 3. A thief. E. लट् to be or talk as a child, &c., aff. अच् ।

  • लटक :: m. (-कः) A vile or contemptible man. E. लट् to talk as a child, वुन् Unādi aff.
  • लटभ :: f. (-भा) Adj. Handsome, attractive. This word has Prākrita origin and is not used in classical Sanskrit.
  • लट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः) A vile or bad man, a wretch.
  • लट्व :: m. (-ट्वः) 1. A horse. 2. A division of music. 3. A low and wild tribe, a tribe of mountaineers. 4. A dancing boy. f. (-ट्वा) 1. A bird said to be a kind of sparrow. 2. A fruit, a variety of the Karanja. 3. A bad or unchaste woman. 4. Curls on the forehead or hanging down on the face. 5. Safflower. 6. A sweetmeat. 7. A kind of musical instrument. E. लट् to be like a child, Unādi aff. क्वन् ।
  • लड् :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (लडति लडयति) 1. To frolic, to sport or dally. 2. To loll, (the tongue.) 3. To use the tongue. 4. To stir with the tongue. 5. To stir, to agitate. 6. To pain. r. 10th cl. (लाडयति-ते) 1. To nurse, to foster, to attend closely. 2. To shake. 3. To feel de- sire. 4. To spread. (औ, इ) औलडि r. 1st and 10th cls. (लण्डति लण्ड- यति-ते) 1. To shine. 2. The toss or throw up. 3. To speak.
  • लडह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Beautiful, pleasing, charming, (used in Prākrita.)
  • लड्ड :: m. (-ड्डः) A wretch, a villain, a low or bad man.
  • लड्डुक :: n. (-कं) A class of sweetmeats, or a sweetmeat, a sort of ball made with flour fried with oil or ghee, and mixed with sugar and spices, and distinguished into different kinds, according to some slight varieties in its less essential ingredients; also read लड्डक .
  • लण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) Excrement.
  • लण्ड्र :: m. (-ण्ड्रः) London. E. लडि, रन् aff. According to others it is deri- ved from the French Londres.
  • लता :: f. (-ता) 1. A creeper, a creeping or winding plant in general; (this word is often employed as the last member of compounds to indicate “thinness” or “tenderness.”) 2. A branch. 3. A plant, commonly Priyangū. 4. A gramineous plant, (Trigonella corni- culata.) 5. Heart-pea, (Cardiospermum haliacacabum.) 6. The large Bengal creeper, (Gærtnera racemosa.) 7. A sort of grass, (Panicum dactylon.) 8. A vegetable and medicinal substance, commonly Latākastūrī or the musk-creeper, said to grow in the Dakshin. 9. Thread. 10. A whip. 11. A string of pearls. E. लत a Sautra root, to hurt, to enfold, &c. affs. अच् and टाप् ।
  • लताकसूरिका :: f. (-का) A medicinal plant, commonly Latākastūrī. E. लता a creeper, and कसूरिका musk.
  • लताजिह्व :: m. (-ह्वः) A snake. E. लता a creeper, and जिह्वा the tongue, which becomes masc. in the compound.
  • लतातरु :: m. (-रुः) 1. The orange tree. 2. The palm tree. 3. The Sāl tree. E. लता a creeper, and तरु a tree: fit for creepers to cling to.
  • लताद्रुम :: m. (-मः) A timber tree, (Shorea robusta.) E. लता, द्रुम a tree.
  • लतान्त :: n. (-न्तं) A flower. E. लता a creeper, and अन्त end.
  • लतापनस :: m. (-सः) The water-melon. “तरमुज” . E. लता a creeper, पनस the jack, to the fruit of which the melon may be compared in size.
  • लताप्रतानिनी :: f. (-नी) A spreading creeper. E. लता a creeper, and प्रता- निनी spreading.
  • लताभवन :: n. (-नं) An arbour, a bower. E. लता, भवन house; also लतामण्डप, लतागृह &c.
  • लतामणि :: m. (-णिः) Coral. E. लता a creeper, and मणि a jewel. “प्रवाले” ।
  • लतामरुत् :: f. (-रुत्) A plant, (Trigonella corniculata.) “पिडिं” ।
  • लतामाधवी :: f. (-वी) The Mādhavī creeper, (Gærtnera racemosa.) E. लता a creeper in general, माधवी the particular one.
  • लतामृग :: m. (-गः) An ape or monkey. E. लता and मृग a deer.
  • लतायष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) Bengal madder, (Rubia manjith.) E. लता a creeper, यष्टि a stick or stem.
  • लतायावक :: n. (-कं) Coral. E. लता a creeper, यावक barley or similar grain; of similar shape.
  • लतारसन :: m. (-नः) A snake. E. लता a creeper, and रसना the tongue, but made masc. in the compound.
  • लतार्क :: m. (-र्कः) A green onion. E. लता a creeper, अर्क to heat, aff. घञ् ।
  • लतालक :: m. (-कः) An elephant. E. लता a creeper, and अलक a curl.
  • लतावेष्टन :: n. (-नं) Embracing, an embrace. E. लता, वेष्टन surrounding.
  • लतावेष्टितक :: n. (-कं) An embrace, embracing. E. लता a creeper, (like it,) वेष्टित a surrounding or enfolding, aff. कन् ।
  • लताशङ्ख :: m. (-ङ्खः) The Sāl tree, (Shorea robusta.) This word is else- where read लताशङ्कु or लतातरु and शङ्कुतरु ।
  • लतिका :: f. (-का) A twining plant. E. लता the same, कन् aff., fem. form.
  • लत्तिका :: f. (-का) A lizard. E. लत a Sautra root, to hurt, तिकन् Unādi aff.
  • लप् (ऋ) लपृ :: r. 1st cl. (लपति) To speak, to utter. With अनु prefixed. 1. To talk like, to mimic. 2. To repeat. With अप, To deny. With आङ्, To address, to speak to. With प्र, To talk incoherently. With प्रति, To gain, to get. With वि, To lament, to bewail. With वि and प्र, To contradict, to dispute. With सम्, 1. To converse, to discourse. 2. To be cunning or crafty.
  • लपन :: n. (-नं) The mouth. 2. Talking. E. लप् to speak, ल्युट् aff. of the instrument or act.
  • लपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Spoken, said. n. (-तं) Voice or speech. E. लप् to speak, aff. क्त ।
  • लब् (इ) लबि :: r. 1st cl. (लम्बते) 1. To sound. 2. To fall or tumble, to be prostrate. With अव prefixed, 1. To hold, to support. 2. To hang from or on, to depend from. 3. To rest upon. 4. To hang with head downwards. With आङ्, To trust in, to depend on. With वि, 1. To hang from. 2. To decline, to set. 3. To stay, to remain. 4. To delay, to detain. With उद्, To stand erect.
  • लब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) Gained, acquired, obtained, received. f. (-ब्धा) A woman whose husband or lover is faithless. E. लभ् to get, aff. क्त ।
  • लब्धचेतस् :: mfn. (-ताः -ताः -तः) Recovered, restored to one's senses, come to a right mind. E. लब्ध, and चेतस् intellect.
  • लब्धजन्मन् :: mfn. (-न्मा -न्मा -न्म) Born. E. लब्ध, and जन्मन् birth.
  • लब्धधन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Wealthy. E. लब्ध, धन wealth.
  • लब्धप्रशमन :: n. (-नं) 1. Securing what has been obtained. 2. Bestowing on proper person.
  • लब्धलक्ष्य :: mfn. (-क्ष्यः -क्ष्या -क्ष्यं) 1. One who has hit the mark. 2. Skilled in the use of missiles.
  • लब्धवर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Sage, learned, a Pandit. E. लब्ध got, वर्ण praise, celebrity.
  • लब्धविद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) Learned. E. लब्ध and विद्या knowledge.
  • लब्धसंज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Revived, recovered from fainting. E. लब्ध, संज्ञा consciousness.
  • लब्धान्तर :: Adj. 1. One who has found an opportunity. 2. One who has got admission.
  • लब्धावकाश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Having found an opportunity or interval. E. लब्ध, अवकाश opportunity.
  • लब्धि :: f. (-ब्धिः) 1. Acquisition. 2. Gain, profit, advantage. 3. The quotient, (in math.)
  • लब्ध्रिम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Obtained. E. लभ् to gain, क्त्रिमच् aff.
  • लब्ध्वा :: Ind. Having gained or got. E. लभ् to get, क्त्वाच् aff.
  • लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष् :: r. 1st cl. (लभते) 1. To obtain, to get or gain. 2. To find. 3. To be able, to be permitted. 4. To recover. 5. To know. With आ, 1. To touch. 2. To offer as a sacrifice. 3. To attain. With उप, 1. To attain. 2. To perceive, to see. With उप and आ prefixed, 1. To blame. 2. To learn. With प्रति, To gain or regain. With वि and प्र, 1. To cheat. 2. To insult. 3. To recover. With सम, To obtain. Caus. (लम्भयति-ते) 1. To give. 2. To receive. 3. To dis- cover. 4. To cause to take. 5. To cause to suffer. Desid. (लिप्सते) To long for. (इ) लभि r. 1st cl. (लम्भते) 1. To sound. 2. To injure. 3. To revile. 4. To gain. With उप prefixed, 1. To apprehend, to under- stand. 2. To delay. With उप and आङ्, To revile, to abuse.
  • लभन :: n. (-नं) The act of obtaining or conceiving.
  • लभस :: m. (-सः) 1. Wealth. 2. A solicitor, one who asks or solicits. n. (-सं) A horse's foot-rope. E. लभ् to get, Unādi aff. असच् ।
  • लभ्य :: mfn. (-भ्यः -भ्या -भ्यं) 1. Attainable, procurable. 2. Fit, right, pro- per. E. लभ् to get, aff. यत् ।
  • लमक :: m. (-कः) A lover, a gallant. E. रम् to sport, Unādi aff. वुन्, and र changed to ल ।
  • लम्पट :: m. (-टः) 1. A lecher, a libertine, a whore-monger, a gallant. 2. The Bakula tree. f. (-टा) Greedy.
  • लम्पटता :: f. (-ता) Libertinism, dissoluteness. E. लम्पट and तल् aff.; also with त्व लम्पटत्वं ।
  • लम्पाक :: m. (-कः) 1. A country, the district of Lamghan in Cābul. 2. A libertine, a lecher.
  • लम्पापटह :: m. (-हः) A kettle-drum, a state-drum, the Nākarā of the Mussulmāns.
  • लम्फ :: m. (-म्फः) A leap, a jump.
  • लम्ब :: mfn. (-म्बः -म्बा -म्बं) 1. Spacious, capacious. 2. Great, large, broad, long, expanded either in breadth or length, or both. 3. Pendu- lous, depending. m. (-म्बः) 1. A bribe, a present. 2. Moving a man at a sort of backgammon or draughts. 3. A perpendicular, (in geo- metry.) 4. (In astronomy,) The arc between the pole and zenith of any place. f. (-म्बा) 1. A name of LAKSHMĪ. 2. A name of GAURĪ or DURGĀ. 3. A bitter gourd. E. लबि to fall, to sound, aff. अच् ।
  • लम्बक :: m. (-कः) 1. A section, a chapter. 2. A perpendicular, (in geometry.) 3. The complement of latitude. E. लबि to fall, वुन् aff.
  • लम्बकर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) 1. A goat. 2. An elephant. 3. A goblin or Rākshasa. 4. A tree, (Alangium hexapetalum.) 5. A hare. 6. An ass. 7. A name of GAṆEŚA. E. लम्ब large or pendulous, and कर्ण the ear.
  • लम्बज्या :: f. (-ज्या) Sine or cosine of the latitude. E. लम्ब, and ज्या sine.
  • लम्बन :: n. (-नं) 1. Depending, descending, falling. 2. A long necklace, one which depends from the neck to the navel. 3. Parallax in longitude, (of the moon.) m. (-नः) 1. Phlegm, the phlegmatic humour. 2. An epithet of ŚIVA. E. लबि to fall, &c., aff. ल्युट् ।
  • लम्बमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Depending, descending, hanging or falling, going down. 2. Being large or bulky. E. लबि to fall, &c., and शानच् aff., मुक् augment.
  • लम्बिका :: f. (-का) The uvula or soft palate. E. लबि to hang down, aff. क्कुन्, fem. form.
  • लम्बित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Suspended, depending, falling or hanging down. 2. Gone down. 3. Resting on. E. लबि to fall down, aff. क्त ।
  • लम्बुषा :: f. (-षा) A necklace or seven strings. E. लबि to depend, उषच् aff.
  • लम्बोदर :: m. (-रः) 1. A name of GAṆEŚA. 2. A glutton. E. लम्ब large, and उदर the belly.
  • लम्बौष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) A camel. E. लम्ब large, ओष्ठ a lip.
  • लम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Acquirement. 2. Gain. 3. Recovery.
  • लम्भन :: n. (-नं) 1. Abuse, reviling. 2. Gaining, getting. E. लभि to sound, &c., aff. ल्युट् ।
  • लम्भयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Causing to get, procuring, producing. E. लभ् to get, causal v., शतृ aff.
  • लम्भा :: f. (-म्भा) A sort of chain enclosure or fence.
  • लम्भित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Caused to get, given to, procured for. 2. Ap- plied to, employed. 3. Spoken to, addressed. 4. Heightened, im- proved, rendered more perfect or intense. 5. Cherished. 6. Gained. 7. Abused. E. लभ् to gain, causal form, or लभि to revile, क्त aff.
  • लय् :: r. 1st cl. (लयते) To go, to move.
  • लय :: m. (-यः) 1. Equal time in music and dancing. 2. Adherence, union. 3. Fusion, solution, absorption. 4. Concentration, exclusive devo- tion. 5. Rest, repose. 6. Mental inactivity. 7. An embrace. 8. Des- truction. 9. A house, a dwelling. 10. Sport, pastime. n. (-यं) 1. The root of the Andropogon muricatum. 2. Loss, destruction. 3. Fusi- on, melting. E. ली adhere to, &c., aff. अच् ।
  • लयन :: n. (-नं) 1. Adhering, clinging. 2. Rest, repose. 3. A house.
  • लयपुत्त्री :: f. (-त्त्री) An actress, a female dancer. E. लय equal time in music, पुत्त्री daughter.
  • लयालम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) An actor, a dancer, a mime. E. लय equal time, &c., and आलम्ब who moves to; it also occurs लयारम्भ and लयालम्भ ।
  • लर्व्व् :: r. 1st cl. (लर्व्वति) To go, to move; also लर्व् ।
  • लल् :: r. 1st cl. (ललति-ते) 1. To sport, to dally. 2. To loll, as the tongue, &c.: see लड, of which it is considered as a various reading only. r. 10th cl. (लालयति-ते) 1. To desire, to wish for, to seek to obtain.

2. To sport, to wanton. 3. To lay. 4. To fondle. (ललयति-ते) 1. To desire. 2. To loll the tongue.

  • लल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Sporting, frolicking. 2. Lolling, wagging. 3. Wishing, desirous. E. लड् or लल् to sport, अच् aff.
  • ललजिह्व :: mfn. (-ह्वः -ह्वा -ह्वं) Fierce, savage, (as a beast of prey, &c.) m. (-ह्वः) 1. A camel. 2. A dog. E. लल lapping, licking, जिह्व the tongue.
  • ललत् :: mfn. (-लन् -लन्ती -लत्) 1. Shaking, tremulous. 2. Licking, lapping, stirring or touching with the tongue, lolling the tongue, &c. 2. Wantoning, dallying. E. लड् to loll, to frolick, &c., participial aff. शतृ, and ड changed to ल ।
  • ललदम्बु :: m. (-म्बुः) A flower, (Nerium odorum.) E. लल trembling, अम्बु water. “लिम्पाके च ।”
  • ललन :: n. (-नं) 1. Pleasure, sport, pastime. 2. Lolling the tongue. m. (-नः) The Sāl tree. f. (-ना) 1. A woman in general. 2. A wanton woman. 3. The tongue. E. लड् to frolic, &c., aff. ल्युट्, ड changed to ल ।
  • ललनिका :: f. (-का) A little woman.
  • ललन्तिका :: f. (-का) 1. A necklace hanging as low as the navel. 2. A lizard. E. ललत् sporting, lolling, &c. fem. form, कन् added.
  • ललाक :: m. (-कः) The penis. E. लड् to frolic, aff. आकन, ड changed to ल ।
  • ललाट :: n. (-टं) The forehead. E. लल wish or dalliance, from लड् with अच् aff., अट् to go or be, aff. अण्; also with कन् added ललाटक n. (-कं) ।
  • ललाटतट :: n. (-टं) The slope of the forehead. E. ललाट, and तट a bank.
  • ललाटन्तप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Burning the forehead, (as the sun.) m. (-पः) The sun. E. ललाट the forehead, तप् to scorch or inflame, aff. खच् ।
  • ललाटपट्ट :: n. (-ट्टं) 1. A tiara, a fillet. 2. The flat surface of the fore- head. E. ललाट, and पट्ट a cloth or any flat surface.
  • ललाटफलक :: n. (-कं) The open forehead. E. ललाट, and फलक a plank.
  • ललाटरे(ले)खा :: f. (-खा) 1. A line on the forehead, supposed to indicate long life. 2. A wrinkled or corrugated brow. 3. A coloured sectarial mark on the forehead. E. ललाट the forehead, रेखा a line.
  • ललाटिका :: f. (-का) 1. An ornament worn on the forehead, a jewel or star suspended there, or a kind of tiara bound over it. 2. A mark made with sandal, &c., on the forehead. E. ललाट and कन् aff., fem. form.
  • ललाटूल :: f. (-ला) Adj. Having a handsome forehead.
  • ललाम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Beautiful, agreeable, charming, (in this sense some authorities confine it to the neuter gender, and to its use compounded with another word.) n. (-मं) 1. A mark or sign. 2. A banner, a flag, a symbol or ensign. 3. A mark on the forehead. 4. A horn. 5. A tail. 6. Majesty, dignity. 7. Chief, principal. 8. A horse. 9. An ornament. 10. A horse's ornament. 11. A coloured mark on the forehead of a horse or bull, &c. 12. A mane. 13. A line, a row. f. (-मी) 1. Charming. 2. An ornament worn on the ear. E. लल् to play, &c., aff. अच्, अम् to go, to contribute to or occasion, aff. अण्; also with कनिन् aff. ललामन् ।
  • ललामक :: n. (-कं) A chaplet of flowers falling over the forehead. E. ललाम a mark on the forehead, कन् aff. of comparison.
  • ललामन् :: n. (-म) 1. A mark or sign, &c.: see ललाम 2. A species of stanza having ten syllables in the first two Pādas, eleven in the third, and thirteen in the fourth. 3. An ornament, a decoration. 4. A banner, a flag. 5. A sectarial mark. 6. A tail. 7. Anything the best of its kind: see ललाम ।
  • ललित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Wished, desired. 2. Beautiful, lovely. 3. Wan- ton, dallying. 4. Shaken, trembling, tremulous. 5. Graceful. 6. Gay, cheerful, careless. 7. Slow, gentle. 8. Destroyed. n. (-तं) 1. A branch of feminine action, arising from the passion or sentiment of love, and expressive of satisfaction and triumph; softness and delicacy of gesture or motion, putting on appropriate ornaments, &c. 2. Love of pleasure and gaiety. 3. Sport, dalliance. 4. Beauty, charm. 5. Simplicity, innocence. f. (-ता) 1. Musk. 2. A woman in general. 3. A wanton. E. लड् to frolic, &c., or लल् to desire, aff. क्त; in the first case, ड changed to ख ।
  • ललितपद :: Adj. Elegantly composed.
  • ललितप्रहार :: m. (-रः) A gentle blow.
  • ललितार्थ :: n. (-र्थं) Having an amorous meaning.
  • ललितासप्तमी :: f. (-मी) The seventh day of the first-half of Bhādrapada.
  • लव :: m. (-वः) 1. Cutting. 2. Loss, destruction. 3. Reaping. 4. Small, little; (according to some authorities, this when used attributively changes its gender, making लवः-लवा-लवं; according to others it is invariably masc.) 5. Smallness, littleness. 6. A minute division of time, the sixtieth part of the twinkling of an eye. 7. A larger division of time, two Kāshṭhas or 36 twinkling of the eye, or about (1/2) a second. 8. One of the twin sons of RĀMACHANDRA, by ŚITĀ, born after she had been abandoned by her husband and brought up at the hermitage of VĀLMĪKI 9. A kind of quail. 10. Hair, wool, &c.; that which is cut or shorn from domestic ani- mals. 11. (In arithmetic,) The numerator of a fraction. 12. A de- gree, (in astronomy.) 13. Sport. 14. Plucking. mowing. 15. A sec- tion, a fragment. n. (-वं) 1. The nutmeg. 2. Cloves. E. लू to cut, aff. अप् ।
  • लवक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what cuts, reaps, &c. E. लू to cut, ण्वुल् aff.
  • लवङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) The clove tree, (Myristica caryophyllata.) n. (-ङ्गं) Cloves. E. लू to cut, Unādi aff. अङ्गच्; also with कन् added, लवङ्गक ।
  • लवण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Salt, saline. 2. Handsome, beautiful. n. (-णं) 1. Sea-salt. 2. Rock or fossile salt. 3. Factitious salt, or salt obtained by boiling clay found near the sea-shore, or any earth impregnated with saline particles. m. (-णः) 1. The saline or salt taste, saltness. 2. The sea of salt-water. 4. The name of a Rākshasa mentioned in the Rāmāyana. f. (-णा) 1. Saline, briny. 2. Light, lustre, beauty. 3. A small river in Tirhut. E. लू to cut, (rawness, or to assist digestion,) aff. ल्युट्, and the final letter made nasal by special rule.
  • लवणखानि :: m. (-निः) A salt mine in general, or the district of Sāmbhar in Ajmere, celebrated for its fossile salt. E. लवण salt, खानि a mine.
  • लवणसमुद्र :: m. (-द्रः) The sea of salt-water. E. लवण, समुद्र ocean.
  • लवणाकर :: m. (-रः) 1. A salt mine. 2. A mine of beauty. E. लवण, आकर a mine.
  • लवणिमन् :: m. (-मा) 1. Saltness. 2. Beauty, loveliness.
  • लवणोत्तम :: n. (-मं) 1. Nitre. 2. Rock or river salt. E. लवण salt, उत्तम best.
  • लवणोद :: m. (-दः) The sea of salt-water. n. (-दं) Brine. E. लवण, उद water.
  • लवन :: n. (-नं) 1. Reaping. 2. Cutting. f. (-नी) A coarse kind of custard- apple, (Annona reticulata.) “लोणा आता ।” E. लू to cut, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • लवम् :: It is used as an indeclinable in the sense of “a little.”
  • लवली :: f. (-ली) A kind of tree, (Averrhoa acida.) “नोयाड गाछ ।”
  • लवशस् :: Ind. Piece meal, in pieces. E. लव a bit, and शसि aff.
  • लवाक :: m. (-कः) A sickle or reaping-hook. E. लू to cut, Unādi aff. आकन् ।
  • लवाणक :: n. (-कं) A sickle, a reaping-hook. E. लू to cut, आणक Unādi aff.
  • लवि :: mfn. (-विः -विः -वि) Cutting, edged, sharp, (as an instrument, &c.) E. लू to cut, Unādi aff. इन् ।
  • लवित्र :: n. (-त्रं) A sickle, a small reaping-hook. E. लू to cut, aff. इत्रन् ।
  • लवेप्सु :: mfn. (-प्सुः -प्सुः -प्सु) Wishing to cut or reap. E. लव and ईप्सु desirous.
  • लव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be cut. E. लू to cut, यत् aff.
  • लश् :: r. 10th cl. (लाशयति-ते) To be skilful or clever, to do any thing skil- fully and scientifically. (This root is sometimes written लष् or लस्).
  • लशुन :: n. (-नं) Garlic. E. अश् to eat, Unādi aff. उनन्, and लश substitu- ted for the root; also with the vowel of the aff, long, लशून n. (-नं).
  • लशुनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Garlicky. n. (-यं) Cat's-eye. E. लशुन and छ aff.
  • लष् :: r. 1st and 4th cls. (लषति-ते or लष्यति-ते) To desire, to like, to love. (अभि is usually prefixed.) r. 10th cl. (लाषयति-ते) To be skilful.
  • लष्व :: m. (-ष्वः) A dancer, an actor. E. लष् to be skilled in any art, (as dancing, &c.) and वन् Unādi aff.
  • लस् :: r. 1st cl. (लसति) 1. To embrace. 2. To sport or play. 3. To glitter. 4. To arise. With उद्, 1. To glitter. 2. To appear. 3. To blow, to

open. With परि, To appear gaudy. With वि, To sound, to echo. r. 10th cl. (लासयति-ते) 1. To be skilful, to do any thing skilfully or scientifically. 2. To work. With उत् prefixed, 1. To shine, to be brilliant or splendid. 2. To be happy or delighted. With वि, To gambol, to sport, especially amorously.

  • लसत् :: mfn. (-सन् -सन्ती -सत्) 1. Sporting, playing. 2. Shining. 3. Glancing, (as rays of light.) E. लस् to sport, शतृ aff.
  • लसा :: f. (-सा) 1. Turmeric. 2. Saffron. E. लस् to sport, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • लसिका :: f. (-का) Saliva, spittle. E. रस् to taste, &c., aff. वुन्, र changed to ल ।
  • लसित :: f. (-ता) Adj. 1. Sported. 2. Arose, appeared. 3. Moved about.
  • लसीका :: f. (-का) 1. Spittle. 2. Pus, matter. 3. Lymph. 4. The juice of the sugarcane.
  • लस्ज् (ओ, ई) ओलस्जी :: r. 6th cl. (लज्जते) 1. To be modest or ashamed. 2. To blush.
  • लस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Grasped, embraced. 2. Skilled, skilful. m. (-स्तः) The middle of a bow. E. लस् to embrace, aff. क्त ।
  • लस्तक :: m. (-कः) The middle of a bow. E. लस्त grasped, aff. कन् ।
  • लस्तकिन् :: m. (-की) A bow. E. लस्तक the middle of a bow, and इनि aff.
  • लहरि :: f. (-रिः-री) A large wave or surf.
  • ला :: r. 2nd cl. (लाति) 1. To give. 2. To get, to receive.
  • लाकुटिक :: m. (-कः) Armed with a club: see लागुडिक ।
  • लाक्षकी :: f. (-की) A name of Śitā.
  • लाक्षणिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Secondary, inferior, subordinate. 2. In- dicatory, characteristic. 3. Technical. 4. Acquainted with signs. m. (-कः) A technical term, a word implying a definition. E. क्षणण and ठक् aff.
  • लाक्षण्य :: mfn. (-ण्यः -ण्या -ण्यं) Indicative, symptomatic, relating to a mark or sign, &c. f. (-ण्या) One who can interpret signs. E. लक्षण, यञ् aff.
  • लाक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) Lac, a red dye, or an insect which is analogous to the cochineal insect, and like it forms when died and prepared, a dye of a red colour; the nest is formed of a resinous substance which is used as sealing wax, and as an article of decoration by women, and is usually termed Shel lac. E. लक्ष् to mark or stain, aff. अ, and अण् added, the vowel made long; or लक्ष a hundred thousand, अण् aff.; made by a multitude of the insects.
  • लाक्षातरु :: m. (-रुः) The Palāsh-tree, (Butea frondosa.) E. लाक्षा lac, and तरु a tree; the insect being especially found in this tree.
  • लाक्षाप्रसादन :: m. (-नः) The red Lodh, a tree from the bark of which an astringent infusion is prepared, which is used to fix colour in dyeing. E. लाक्षा lac, प्रसादन cleansing.
  • लाक्षावृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The Butea frondosa. E. लाक्षा the lac, and वृक्ष a tree: see लाक्षातरु ।
  • लाक्षिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Made of lac, &c. 2. Relating to a large number or a lakh. E. लाक्षा, and ठक् aff.
  • लाख् (ऋ) लाखृ :: r. 1st cl. (लाखति) 1. To be dry or arid. 2. To adorn. 3. To be able or competent to. 4. To give. 5. To refuse or prevent.
  • लागुडिक :: f. (-की) Adj. Armed with a club. m. (-कः) A sentinel.
  • लाघ् (ऋ) लाघृ :: r. 1st cl. (लाघते) To be able, equal or competent.
  • लाघव :: n. (-वं) 1. Health. 2. Lightness, delicacy, minuteness. 3. Mean- ness, insignificance. 4. Frivolity. 5. Speed. 6. Activity. 7. Small- ness. 8. Ease. 9. Brevity. 10. Contempt. E. लघु light, &c. and अण् aff.
  • लाङ्गल :: n. (-लं) 1. A plough. 2. The penis. 3. The palm tree. 4. A sort of flower. 5. The main beam of a house. f. (-ली) 1. An aquatic shrub, (Jussiaea repens.) 2. A creeping shrub, (Commelina salicifolia.) 3. Another creeper, (Nama repens.) 4. A plant, (Gloriosa superba.) E. लगि to go, to limp, &c., Unādi aff. कलच्, and the vowel made long.
  • लाङ्गलग्रह :: m. (-हः) A ploughman. E. लाङ्गल a plough, and ग्रह who takes.
  • लाङ्गलग्रहण :: n. (-णं) Guiding the plough, ploughing. E. लाङ्गल, ग्रहण taking.
  • लाङ्गलदण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) The pole or shaft of a plough. E. लाङ्गल, दण्ड a stick.
  • लाङ्गलध्वज :: m. (-जः) An epithet of BALARĀMA.
  • लाङ्गलपद्धति :: f. (-तिः) A furrow. E. लाङ्गल a plough, and पद्धति a line.
  • लाङ्गलफाल :: mn. (-लः-लं) A ploughshare.
  • लाङ्गलिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating or belonging to a plough. m. (-कः) One of the thirty-four species of the fixed, or mineral and vegetable poisons. f. (-का-की) A small creeper, commonly called Lāngalī, (Gloriosa superba, or Commelina salicifolia.) E. लाङ्गली a name of several plants, aff. कन्, fem. form; or लाङ्गल and ठक् aff.
  • लाङ्गलिन् :: m. (-ली) 1. A name of BALARĀMA. 2. The cocoanut-tree. 3. A snake. E. लाङ्गल a plough, and इनि aff.
  • लाङ्गलीषा :: f. (-षा) The pole of a plough.
  • लाङ्गुल :: n. (-लं) A horse's tail. E. लगि to go, aff. उलव्: see the next.
  • लाङ्गूल :: n. (-लं) 1. A hairy tail, (as a horse's, &c.) 2. The penis. 3. A granary, a basket or shed for holding corn or grain. E. लगि to go, Unādi aff. उलच्, and the radical vowel made long.
  • लाङ्गूलिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) Tailed. m. (-ली) A monkey. E. लाङ्गूल a tail, aff इनि ।
  • लाच्छ् (इ) लाच्छि :: r. 1st cl. (लाञ्छति) 1. To mark. 2. To decorate; also लाछ ।
  • लाज् :: r. 1st cl. (लाजति) (इ) लाजि (लाञ्जति) 1. To blame. 2. To fry.
  • लाज :: m. (-जः) Grain, wetted or sprinkled. n. (-जं) The root of the Andropogon muricatum. f. (-जा) or masc. plu. (-जाः) Fried grain. E. लाज् to fry, aff. अच् ।
  • लाञ्छन :: n. (-नं) 1. A name, an appellation. 2. A mark or sign. 3. A stain, a mark of ignominy. 4. A land-mark. 5. The spots on the disc of the moon. E. लाञ्छि to mark, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • लाञ्छित :: f. (-ता) Adj. 1. Marked, distinguished. 2. Named. 3. Furnished with. 4. Decorated.
  • लाट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Old or worn, spoiled, shabby, (as clothes, orna- ments, &c.) 2. Childish. m. (-टः) 1. Cloth, clothes. 2. Fault, defect. 3. Idle or inebriate language. 4. Repetition of words in the same sense, but in a different application. 5. The name of a country, the upper part of the Dakshin, Lār or Larice. E. लट् to be childish, aff. अण् or घञ्; or लाट a Kāndwādi root, to live, aff. अच्, ।
  • लाटानुप्रास :: m. (-सः) A figure of rhetoric; repetition of a word in the same sense, but with a different application. E. लाट, अनुप्रास alliteration.
  • लाटी :: f. (टी or टिका) 1. A particular style of composition. 2. Name of a Prākrita dialect.
  • लाड् :: r. 10th cl. (लाडयति-ते) 1. To throw, to toss. 2. To fondle, to caress. 3. To blame.
  • लाण्ठनी :: f. (-नी) An unchaste woman.
  • लात :: f. (-ता) Taken, received.
  • लाप :: m. (-पः) Speaking, talking, prating. E. लप् to speak, aff. घञ् ।
  • लाप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) To be said or spoken. E. लप् to speak, aff. ण्यत् ।
  • लाब :: m. (-बः) A sort of quail; also with कन् added, लाबक ।
  • लाभ् :: r. 10th cl. (लाभयति) To throw, to send or direct.
  • लाभ :: m. (-भः) 1. Profit. 2. Gain, in general, acquirement, acquisition. 3. Interest. 4. Conquest. 5. Perception. E. लभ् to get or gain, aff. घञ् ।
  • लाभकृत् :: mfn. (-कृत्) Gaining, making profit. E. लाभ, कृत् who makes.
  • लाभलिप्सु :: mfn. (-प्सुः -प्सुः -प्सु) Covetous, grasping, desirous of gain or profit. E. लाभ, and लिप्सु desirous.
  • लाभालाभ :: m. (-भः) Profit and loss. E. लाभ, and अलाभ not gain.
  • लामज्जक :: n. (-कं) The root of the Andropogon muricatum, a fragrant grass. E. ला what takes or removes, (heat, &c.), मज्जा the pith, and कप् added. “वेणार मूल” ।
  • लालन :: n. (-नं) Wheedling, coaxing. E. लल् to sport, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • लालप्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Bewailing or supplicating much. E. लप् to speak, freq. v., शानच् aff.
  • लालष्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Wishing to enjoy. E. लष् to desire, freq. v., शानच् aff.
  • लालस :: f. (-सा) Adj. 1. Ardently desirous of. 2. Devoted to, finding pleasure in.
  • लालसा :: mf. (-सः-सा) 1. Ardent desire. 2. Regret, sorrow, missing, wish- ing for any person or object absent. 3. Soliciting, asking. 4. The longing of pregnant women. 5. Wanton sport, dalliance. E. लल् to desire, to wish for, असण् Unādi aff.; or लष् to wish, or लस् to sport, affs. घञ् and टाप्, and the root reiterated, deriv. irr. Vā- chaspatya defines it thus:-- लस स्पृहायां यङ् लुक् भावे अ ।
  • लालसोक :: n. (-कं) Sauce, gravy. E. लालसा desire, ईकन् aff.
  • लाला :: f. (-ला) Saliva, spittle. E. लल् to wish, णिच्-अच् and टाप् affs.
  • लालाटिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Relating to the forehead, worn on it, be- longing to it, &c. 2. Contemplating the forehead, looking at it, &c. 3. Low, vile. 4. Relating to fate or destiny. mf. (-कः-की) 1. An attentive servant, one who watches a master's countenance, and learns by it what is necessary to be done. 2. An idler, one who is unable to work, and is a burden to his patron. m. (-कः) A par- ticular mode of embracing. E. ललाट the forehead, aff. ठञ् ।
  • लालामेह :: m. (-हः) Passing mucous urine. E. लाला, and मेह urine.
  • लालाविष :: m. (-षः) An insect, whose spittle is venomous or acrid, as a spider, &c. E. लाला saliva, विष venom.
  • लालास्राव :: m. (-वः) 1. A spider. 2. A flow of saliva. E. लाला saliva, स्रु to distil, aff. णिच् अण् ।
  • लालिक :: m. (-कः) A buffalo. f. (-का) A jesting or evasive reply, equivo- que. E. लाला saliva, ठक् aff.
  • लालित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Loved, desired. 2. Cherished, treated tenderly. 3. Coaxed, wheedled, seduced. E. लल् to desire, causal v., क्त aff.
  • लालितक :: m. (-कः) A fondling, a pet, a little favourite.
  • लालित्य :: n. (-त्यं) 1. Beauty, loveliness. 2. Gaiety. 3. Amorous gestures. 4. Gracefulness, &c. E. ललित, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • लालिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) Wheedling, coaxing, fondling. m. (-ली) A seducer. f. (-लिनी) A wanton. E. लल् to sport, causal v., घिनुण् aff.
  • लालुका :: f. (-का) A sort of necklace.
  • लाव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) 1. Cutting down. 2. Killing. 3. Plucking, gather- ing. mf. (-वः-वा) A sort of quail, (Perdix chinensis.) E. लू to cut, to eat, (corn), causal form, aff. घञ्; also with कन् added, लावक m. (-कः) ।
  • लावक :: m. (-कः) 1. A cutter, a divider. 2. A quail.
  • लावण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) 1. Salted, dressed or cooked with salt. 2. Salt, belonging or relating to it, &c. E. लवण salt, aff. अण् ।
  • लावणिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Salted, cooked or dressed with salt. 2. Relating to salt, &c. 3. Lovely, beautiful. m. (-कः) A vender of salt. n. (-कं) A vessel holding salt, a salt-cellar. E. लवण salt, aff. ठण् ।
  • लावण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) 1. Saltness, the taste or property of salt. 2. Beauty, loveliness. E. लवण salt, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • लावण्यश्री :: f. (-श्रीः) Great beauty. E. लावण्य, and श्री wealth.
  • लावण्यार्जित :: n. (-तं) Property belonging to a woman, consisting of that which has been presented to her at her marriage as a token of respect, as a mark of kindness, or by her father or mother-in-law. E. लावण्य loveliness, and अर्जित acquired.
  • लाविक :: m. (-कः) A buffalo. E. लव cutting, ठक् aff.
  • लावु :: f. (-वुः-वूः) A pumpkin gourd, (Cucurbita lagenaria.) E. लू to cut, to destroy, (disease,) aff. उण्; also with कन् added लावुका, and with अ or आङ् prefixed, अलावु आलावु ।
  • लाव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be cut, to be cut off or drown. E. लू to cut, ण्यत् aff.
  • लाषुक :: f. (-का or की) Adj. Covetous, greedy.
  • लास :: m. (-सः) 1. Dancing in general. 2. Dancing, as practised by wo- men: see लास्य . 3. Pulse that has been steeped or slightly boiled, pea-water, &c. not thickened to the consistency of Yūsha or pease- soup. 4. Dalliance, wanton sport, &c. E. लस् to sport, aff. घञ् ।
  • लासक :: m. (-कः) 1. A dancer, an actor, a mime. 2. A peacock. 3. Em- bracing, enfolding, surrounding. 4. One who sports or gambols. n. (-कं) A turret, a room on the top of a building. f. (लासिका or लासकी) 1. A female dancer, a Nāutch-girl. 2. A wanton, a harlot. E. लस् to embrace, to be skilful, (in the art of dancing,) aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • लास्फोटनी :: f. (-नी) A gimlet, an auger.
  • लास्य :: n. (-स्यं) 1. Dancing in general. 2. Symphony, or union of song, dance, and instrumental music. 3. A mode of dance in which the emotions of love are represented mimically, the Nāutch of India, or dance practised by women chiefly, and confined to attitude and gesticulation, with a shuffling motion of the feet

seldom lifted from the ground; this style is said to have been invented by PĀRVATĪ, and communicated by her to the daughter of VĀṆASURA, by whom her female friends and companions were instructed in it; as a species, it is opposed to the TĀNDAVA, the most boisterous dance of ŚIVA, and his followers or men. 4. A part or embellishment of dramatic composition, the occasional introduction of music and singing; also abrupt transition from Prākrita to Sanskrit and from Sanskrit to Prākrita, &c. m. (-स्यः) A dancer. f. (-स्या) A female dancer. E. लस् to be skilled in the art of dancing, ण्यत् aff.

  • लास्यक :: n. (-कं) Dancing in general, or a particular style of dancing. E. लास्य, कन् pleonasm.
  • लास्याङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) A part of a drama, of the Lāsya order: see लास्य . E. लास्य and अङ्ग a part.
  • लि :: m. (-लिः) 1. Weariness. 2. Loss, destruction. 3. End, term. 4. Equality, sameness. 5. A bracelet. E. ला to take, or ली to melt, &c., aff. कि ।
  • लिकुच :: m. (-चः) A sort of bread-fruit tree, (Artocarpus lacucha.) E. लकुच q. v., and इ substituted for the first vowel.
  • लिक्का :: f. (-क्का) A nit, a young louse. E. It is a various reading of लिक्षा . “निकि” ।
  • लिक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) 1. A nit, a young louse, or the egg of a louse. 2. A poppy seed considered as a measure of weight, or one sixth of a mustard seed. E. लक्ष् to mark, aff. घञ्, इ substituted for the radical vowel and the deriv. irr.: also क्क being substituted for the final लिक्का, and with कन् added, fem. form, लिक्षिका; again with ई substituted for the radical vowel लीक्षा, &c.; also read लिख्या ।
  • लिक्षिका :: f. (-का) A nit. “केशकीटभेदे, निकि इति भाषाः see लिक्का ।
  • लिख् :: r. 6th cl. (लिखति) 1. To write. 2. To scratch, to scrape, to tear up. 3. To draw a line, to make a mark, &c. 4. To draw, to sketch, to portray, to paint. 5. To touch. 6. To make smooth. 7. To unite sexually with female. With आ, 1. To scratch. 2. To write. 3. To paint. With उद्, 1. To scrape. 2. To carve. 3. To polish. With प्रति, To write in return, to reply. With वि, 1. To scratch. 2. To write. 3. To paint, to draw, to delineate. 4. To implant, to infix. r. 1st cl. (लेखति) (इ) लिखि r. 1st cl. (लिङ्खति .) To go, to move.
  • लिख :: m. (-खः) 1. Writing. 2. A writer. E. लिख् to write, क aff.
  • लिखत् :: mfn. (-खन् -खन्ती or खती -खत्) 1. Writing. 2. Painting, delineating. 3. Scratching, making streaks or lines. E. लिख् to write, शतृ aff.
  • लिखन :: n. (-नं) 1. Scripture, writing. 2. A writing, a written document. 3. Scratching. 4. Writing. inscribing. 5. Scarifying. E. लिख् to write, aff. ल्युट्; and the vowel unchanged.
  • लिखित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Written. 2. Drawn, delineated, painted: (painting being considered a sort of writing.) 3. Drawn as lines, scratched. 4. Sacrified. n. (-तं) 1. Scripture, writing. 2. A writing, a manuscript, a written book or paper. E. लिख् to write, aff. क्त ।
  • लिखित्वा :: Ind. Having written, delineated, &c. E. लिख् to write, क्त्वाच् aff.
  • लिख्या :: f. (-ख्या) A poppy seed, considered as a minute measure of weight, variously estimated at four or eight Traśarenus or motes, or the sixth part of a mustard seed, &c. E. लिख् to write, क्यप् aff.
  • लिग्(इ)लिगि :: r. 1st cl. (लिङ्गति) To go, to move. r. 1st and 10th cls. (लिङ्गति लिङ्गयति-ते) To paint, to variegate. With आङ् To embrace.
  • लिगु :: n. (-गु) 1. The heart, the mind. m. (-गुः) 1. A fool, a blockhead. 2. A deer. 3. Part of the earth. E. लग् to be near or with, Unādi aff. कु, and इ substituted for the radical vowel.
  • लिङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्कं) 1. A mark, a spot, a stain, a sign, a token, &c. 2. A badge or mark assumed with a view to deceive. 3. A sign of sex, the penis. 4. The phallus, or ŚIVA under that emblem. 5. In- ference, probable conclusion. 6. The premises leading to a con- clusion. 7. Nature or Prakritī, according to the Sānkhya philosophy, which considers this as the active power in creation. 8. Gender, (as पुंलिङ्गः the masculine gender, &c.) 9. The order of the religious student. 10. Symptom or mark of disease. 11. The

predicate of a proposition. 12. Evidence. E. लिगि to go, &c., aff. अच् ।

  • लिङ्गक :: m. (-कः) The elephant or wood-apple, (Feronia elephantium, &c.) E. लिङ्ग the penis, and कन् aff. “कयेतवेल् इति भाषा” ।
  • लिङ्गन :: n. (-नं) 1. Licking. 2. Embracing.
  • लिङ्गनाश :: m. (-शः) 1. Loss of any characteristic mark, &c. 2. Loss of vision from cataract, &c., considered to be discoloration of the pupil, either red, white, or yellow. 3. Loss of the penis. E. लिङ्ग mark, (of the eye &c.), नाश destruction.
  • लिङ्गपरामर्श :: m. (-र्शः) The consideration of a sign or Hetu, (in logic).
  • लिङ्गवर्द्धन :: m. (-नः) The elephant or wood-apple, (Feronia elephantium.) E. लिङ्ग the penis, and वर्द्ध्वन increasing.
  • लिङ्गवर्द्धिनी :: f. (-नी) A plant, (Achyranthes aspera.) “अपामार्ग वृक्षे” ।
  • लिङ्गविपर्यय :: m. (-यः) Change of gender, (in grammar.)
  • लिङ्गवृत्ति :: m. (-त्तिः) A religious hypocrite, one who assumes the dress, &c., of an ascetic in order to get a livelihood. E. लिङ्ग a mark, external shew or sign, (as the clotted hair, &c.) and वृत्ति practice.
  • लिङ्गशरीर :: n. (-रं) One of the five sheaths that enclose the soul, (in Ve- dānta philosophy.) Also लिङ्गदेह ।
  • लिङ्गस्थ :: m. (-स्थः) A religious student. E. लिङ्ग and स्थ who stays.
  • लिङ्गानुशासन :: n. (-नं) The laws of Grammatical gender.
  • लिङ्गार्च्चन :: n. (-नं) Worship of the Linga or phallus. E. लिङ्ग, and अर्च्चन worshipping.
  • लिङ्गालिका :: f. (-का) A small mouse or shrew.
  • लिङ्गिन् :: mfn. (-ङ्गी -ङ्गिनी -ङ्गि) 1. Having marks, &c. 2. Indicated, characterized. m. (-ङ्गी) 1. An elephant. 2. A hypocrite, a pre- tended devotee. 3. An ascetic. 4. A religious student. 5. A wor- shipper of ŚIVA in the phallic type. 6. The subject of a preposi- tion, (in logic.) E. लिङ्ग a mark, and इनि aff.
  • लिङ्गिवेष :: m. (-षः) 1. The dress or the insignia of religious student, the skin, staff, bowl, &c. 2. The dress or appearance of a follower of ŚIVA. E. लिङ्गिन्, and वेष attire.
  • लिप् (ञि, औ) ञि औलिप :: r. 6th cl. (लिम्पति-ते) 1. To increase or add to. 2. To anoint, to smear, to plaster. 3. To cover. 4. To kindle, to inflame. 5. To stain, to pollute. With अनु, 1. To besmear, to anoint. 2. To cover, to envelop. With अव, To anoint. With आ, 1. To besmear. 2. To contaminate. With वि, To besmear.
  • लिप :: m. (-पः) Smearing, plastering. E. लिप् to smear, aff. क ।
  • लिपि :: f. (-पिः-पी) 1. Writing in general, handwriting. 2. A writing, a written paper or book, &c. 3. Painting, drawing. 4. Smearing. 5. Alphabet. 6. A document. E. लिप् to spread, (ink, &c.) Unādi aff. इक् with ङीप् optionally added, the radical vowel unchanged.
  • लिपिकर :: m. (-रः) A scribe, &c. see लिपिकार . E. लिपि, कर who executes.
  • लिपिका :: f. (-का) Writing, a writing. E. लिपि writing, कन् added, fem. form.
  • लिपिकार :: m. (-रः) 1. A scribe, a writer. 2. An engraver. 3. A plaster- er, a white-washer. E. लिपि writing, and कार who makes, from कृ to make, and अण् aff; also with ट aff. लिपिकर ।
  • लिपिज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञ) One who can write. E. लिपि, and ज्ञ who knows.
  • लिपिसज्जा :: f. (-ज्जा) Implements or materials for writing. E. लिपि, and सज्जा preparation.
  • लिप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Smeared, anointed, plastered, spread. 2. Eaten. 3. Envenomed, spread or touched with any poisonous substance. 4. Embraced, united, connected with, &c. 5. Defiled or contaminated by. 6. Stained, soiled. E. लिप् to smear, aff. क्त; or in the last sense ली to cling to, Unādi aff. त, with पुट् augment, and the radical vowel made short.
  • लिप्तक :: m. (-कः) A poisoned arrow. E. लिप्त poisoned, कन् aff.
  • लिप्तवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Anointed, plastered. 2. Touched. 3. Vitiated, defiled. E. लिप् to smear, क्तवतु aff.
  • लिप्तहस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Having the hands stained or smeared. E. लिप्त, हस्त the hand.
  • लिप्सा :: f. (-प्सा) Wish, desire, (in general.) 2. Desire of obtaining. E. लिप्स the desiderative form of to लभ् get, (to wish to get,) सन् affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • लिप्सित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Coveted, desired. E. लिप्स् to wish, to obtain, क्त aff.
  • लिप्सु :: mfn. (-प्सुः -प्सुः -प्सु) Desirous, desiring, wishing, cupidinous. E. लिप्स् desiderative of लभ्, (see the last,) and उ aff.
  • लिम्प :: m. (-म्पः) Smearing, anointing, plastering. E. लिप् to smear (taking in its derivative forms the nasal augment,) and श aff.
  • लिम्पट :: m. (-टः) A lecher, a whore-monger. f. (-टा) Libidinous, lust- ful. E. लिपि to smear with unguents, अटच् aff.; also लम्पट ।
  • लिम्पाक :: m. (-कः) 1. The lime tree, (Citrus acida.) “पातिलेबुर गाछ ।” 2. An ass. E. लिपि to smear, aff. काकन् ।
  • लिवि :: f. (-विः-वी) Writing, hand-writing, or a writing, a manuscript. E. लिप् to smear, (with ink,) Unādi aff. इक्, with the vowel unchan- ged, and व substituted for प ।
  • लिविकर :: m. (-रः) A scribe, a writer. E. लिवि writing, कर who executes.
  • लिविङ्कर :: m. (-रः) A writer, a scribe. E. लिवि writing, कृ to practise, खच् aff.
  • लिश्(औ)लिशौ :: r. 4th cl. (लिश्यते) To lessen or become less. r. 6th cl. (लिशति) To go, to move, to approach.
  • लिष्ट :: f. (-ष्टा) Lessened, decreased.
  • लिष्व :: m. (-ष्वः) A dancer, an actor. E. लष् to be skilled, (in dancing,) Unādi aff. क्वन्, and इ substituted for the radical vowel.
  • लिह् :: r. 2nd cl. (लेढि लीढे Desid, लिलिक्षति-ते) To taste, to taste with tongue, to lick, to sip. With अव, To chew, to lick. With आ, 1. To lick. 2. To pierce. 3. To wound. With उद्, To polish.
  • ली :: r. 1st cl. (लयति) To melt, to liquefy. r. 4th cl. (लीयते) 1. To stick together. 2. To lurk in, to hide in. 3. To be dissolved. 4. To be sticky. 5. To be devoted to. 6. To vanish, to disappear. With अभि, To cover, to spread over. With आ, 1. To cover, to besmear. 2. To lurk or hide in. With नि, 1. To lie down, to alight. 2. To conceal oneself, (with an abl.) 3. To perish. With प्र, 1. To be absorbed in. 2. To vanish. With वि, 1. To cleave to. 2. To settle on. 3. To melt away. 4. To disappear, to perish. With सम, 1. To cling to. 2. To lie down. 3. To be concealed. 4. To melt away. r. 9th cl. (लिनाति) 1. To join, to adhere or cling to, to be in union or connec- tion with. 2. To obtain. 3. To melt. 4. To be absorbed. With वि, To melt away. r. 10th cl. (लयति लाययति-ते लापयति-ते लालयति-ते लीनयति-ते) To melt, to liquefy, to fuse or dissolve. With आङ्, To waste away. With प्र and वि, To acquire or gain. According to Pā- ninī the form लापयते is used in the sense of “To obtain honour.”
  • ली :: f. (-लीः) Embracing. E. ली to embrace, क्विप् aff.
  • लीक्का :: f. (-क्का) A nit: see लिक्का ।
  • लीक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) A nit: see लिक्षा ।
  • लीढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Eaten. 2. Licked. E. लिह् to lick or taste, aff. क्त, form irr.
  • लीढमुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Rejected after being tasted. E. लीढ, मुक्त let go.
  • लीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Embraced, clung or adhered to. 2. Melted, dis- solved. 3. Dissolved with softness, overcome with passion. 4. Dif- fused. 5. Effaced, wiped away, vanished. 6. Staying, being situated. 7. Left, departed. 8. Lurking, hiding. 9. Resting on. 10. Absorped, swallowed up. 11. Devoted to. E. ली to be in contact, &c., क्त aff.
  • लीला :: f. (-ला) 1. A branch of feminine action, proceeding from love; or the imitation of a lover's manner, speech, gait, &c. by his mis- tress, to pass the time in his absence. 2. Play, sport, pastime in general. 3. Amorous or wanton sport. 4. Fecility in doing anything. 5. Mien, manner. 6. Grace, charm. 7. Pretence, disguise, sham. 8. A species of the Dandaka metre. E. ली to embrace, क्विप् aff., and ला to get or give, affs. क and टाप् ।
  • लीलाकलह :: m. (-हः) A sham quarrel of a coquette with her lover.
  • लीलाखेल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Playful. m. (-लः) A species of the Atiśārkarī metre.
  • लीलाङ्ग :: Adj. Having graceful limbs.
  • लीलाब्ज :: n. (-ब्जं) A lotus flower held in the hand as a plaything.
  • लीलायित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Done or written sportively, or in the way of sport or pleasure. E. लीला used as a verb, aff. क्त ।
  • लीलावतार :: m. (-रः) The descent of VISHṆU on the earth for amusement.
  • लीलावती :: f. (-ती) A wanton or sportful woman. E. लीला, and मतुप् affs.
  • लीलोद्यान :: n. (-न) A pleasure ground. E. लीला sport, उद्यान a garden.
  • लु :: m. (-लुः) Cutting, lopping, shearing, reaping, &c. E. लू to cut, aff. क्विप्, and the vowel made short.
  • लुक् :: Ind. A technical term in Pānini's grammar employed to express the disappearance of affixes.
  • लुच्(इ)लुचि :: r. 1st cl. (लुञ्चति) 1. To cut. 2. To pare or peel. 3. To tear off, to pluck out.
  • लुच् :: f. (-लुक्) Cutting off, dropping, rejecting. E. लुच् to cut, क्किप् aff.
  • लुज्(इ)लुजि :: r. 10th cl. (लुञ्जयति) 1. To give. 2. To injure. 3. To be strong. 4. To dwell. 5. To shine.
  • लुञ्चित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Cut. 2. Peeled. E. लुच् to cut, क्त aff.
  • लुट्(ऌ)लुटॢ :: r. 1st cl. (लोटति-ते) 1. To shine. 2. To resist. 3. To suffer pain. r. 4th cl. (लुट्यति) 1. To stir, to agitate. 2. To be joined or connected with. 3. To roll upon the ground. 4. To rob. r. 1st cl. (लोटति) 1. To resist or oppose. 2. To strike again. 3. To shine. r. 6th cl. (लुटति) To embrace. r. 10th cl. (लोटयति-ते) 1. To speak. 2. To shine, (इ) लुटि r. 1st and 10th cls. (लुण्टति लुण्टयति) 1. To steal, to rob or plunder. 2. To disregard, to disobey or disrespect. 3. To be lame. 4. To be idle.
  • लुट्यत् :: mfn. (-ठ्यन् -ठ्यन्ती -ठ्यत्) Rolling about, (in pain or grief.) E. ल्युट to roll about, शतृ aff.
  • लुठ् :: r. 1st cl. (लोठति) To knock down. (लोठते) 1. To resist or oppose. 2. To suffer pain. 3. To roll on the ground. r. 6th cl. (लुठति) 1. To be connected or in contact with, to rest in or on. 2. To roll. r. 1st and 6th cl. (लोठते लुठति) 1. To roll on the ground. 2. To flow, to trickle. r. 10th cl. (लोठयति-ते) To rob. (इ) लुठि r. 1st cl. (लुण्ठति) 1. To be lazy. 2. To repel, to resist, or oppose. 3. To go, to move. 4. To steal. 5. To be lame.
  • लुठत् :: mfn. (-ठन् -ठन्ती -ठत्) 1. Rolling on the ground, falling down. 2. Flowing, trickling. E. लुठ् to roll, शतृ aff.
  • लुठन :: n. (-नं) 1. A horse's rolling himself on the ground. 2. Rolling on the ground with sorrow or vexation, &c. 3. Wallowing. E. लुट् or ल्युठ् to cast one's self on the ground, aff. क्युच् ।
  • लुठित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Rolling on the ground, (as a horse, &c.) m. (-तः) A horse's rolling himself on the ground. &c. E. लुठ् to roll on the ground, aff. क्त ।
  • लुड् :: r. 1st cl. (लोडति) To agitate, to stir, to churn. r. 1st and 6th cls. (लोडति लुडति) 1. To be in connection or contact with anything, to join, to adhere to, to rest in or on, &c. 2. To embrace. r. 6th cl. (लुडति) To cover, to conceal. 2. To adhere. (इ) लुडि r. 10th cl. (लुण्डयति) 1. To be agitated. 2. To plunder.
  • लुण्टक :: m. (-कः) A sort of potherb, (Chironia centauroides, &c.) E. लुटि to be prostrate, &c., aff. क्वुन् .
  • लुण्टा :: f. (-ण्टा) 1. A horse's rolling himself on the ground. 2. Stealing. E. लुटि or लुठि to roll on the ground, or to rob, affs. अङ् and टाप्; also लुण्ठा and लुण्ठि ।
  • लुण्टाक :: m. (-कः) A robber, a thief. f. (की) Stealing. E. लुटि to rob, काकन् aff.
  • लुण्ठत् :: mfn. (-ण्ठन् -ण्ठन्ती -ण्ठत्) Rolling on the ground. E. लुठि to roll, &c., शतृ aff.
  • लुण्ठन :: n. (-नं) 1. Rolling on the ground. 2. Robbing, plundering. E. लुठि to roll on the ground, or to rob, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • लुण्ठा :: f. (-ण्ठा) 1. Stealing. 2. A horse's rolling on the ground: see the last, and लुण्ठा ।
  • लुण्ठाक :: m. (-कः) 1. A crow. 2. A robber. E. लुठि to roll, or to rob, काकन् aff.
  • लुण्ठी :: f. (-ण्ठी) 1. Plundering. 2. A horse's rolling himself on the ground. E. लुठि to roll on the ground, or to rob, affs. अच् and ङीप् ।
  • लुण्डिका :: f. (-का) 1. A round mass. 2. Fitting conduct.
  • लुण्डी :: f. (-ण्डी) Observing the rules of princely conduct, acting and judging rightly. E. लुडि to be agitated, &c., affs. अच् and ङीप्; also with कन् added, fem. form लुण्डिका ।
  • लुथ्(इ)लुथि :: r. 1st cl. (लुन्थति) 1. To hurt, to injure, to wound or kill. 2. To afflict. 3. To suffer pain or affliction.
  • लुप् :: r. 4th cl. (लुप्यति) 1. To disturb, to bewilder, to perplex, and con- found the understanding. 2. To vanish. (ॡ, औ, ऋ) औलुऌ r. 6th cl. (लुम्पति-ते) 1. To cut, to divide, to cut off or down. 2. To rob. 3. To seize. 4. To suppress. With वि, 1. To break off. 2. To carry away. 3. To destroy.
  • लुप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Gone, lost, disappeared. 2. (In grammar,) Cut off., rejected. n. (-प्तं) Booty, plunder. E. लुप् to rob, aff. क्त ।
  • लुप्तता :: f. (-ता) Disappearance, non-existence. E. लुप्त, and तल् aff.; also with त्व, लुप्तत्वं ।
  • लुप्तपिण्डोदकक्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Deprived of funeral rites. E. लुप्त, पिण्डोदक cake and water, क्रिया rite.
  • लुप्तोपमा :: f. (-मा) An imperfect comparison in which one or more of the four requisites are not expressed. E. लुप्त, and उपमा simile.
  • लुब्(इ)लुबि :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (लुम्बति लुम्बयति-ते) To hurt, to pain, to afflict or torment. r. 10th cl. (लुम्बयति) To disappear.
  • लुब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) Covetous, greedy, desirous, cupidinous. m. (-ब्धः) 1. A hunter. 2. A lecher, a libertine. E. लुभ् to desire, to wish for vehemently, to covet, aff. क्त ।
  • लुब्धक :: m. (-कः) 1. A hunter. 2. A libertine, a rake, a whore-monger. 3. A covetous or greedy man. 4. The star Sirius. 5. A tiger. E. लुब्ध desirous, aff. कन् ।
  • लुभ् :: r. 4th cl. (लुभ्यति) To desire, to covet. r. 6th cl. (लुभति) 1. To be- wilder, to perplex or delude. 2. To desire eagerly. 3. To allure. With प्र or सम्, To attract or allure. Caus. (लोभयति-ते) 1. To excite desire. 2. To attract. 3. To excite lust. 4. To disturb. With वि, 1 To attract. 2. To divert, to amuse.
  • लुभित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Perplexed, deluded, fascinated. E. लुभ् to fascinate, aff., क्त ।
  • लुल् :: r. 1st cl. (लोलति) 1. To stir or agitate, to make tremulous. 2. To be attached to or connected with, to join.
  • लुलाप :: m. (-पः) A buffalo. E. लुल् to agitate, aff. क, stirring, shaking, (in the mud,) आप् to get or obtain, aff. अण्; it is also read लुलाय ।
  • लुलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Shaken, trembling, tremulous, agitated, stirred. 2. Heaving, panting. 3. Agreeable, pleasing, beautiful, elegant. 4. Injured, destroyed. 5. Coming in contact. E. लुल् to agitate, aff. क्तं .
  • लुष् :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (लोषति लोषयति) 1. To rob, to steal. 2. To hurt, to kill.
  • लुषभ :: m. (-भः) An elephant in rut. E. रुष् to be enraged, Unādi aff. अभच्, with लुष् substituted for the root, and the vowel unchanged.
  • लुह् :: r. 1st cl. (लोहति) To covet, to wish for.
  • लू :: r. 6th cl. (लुनाति लुनीते) 1. To cut. 2. To sever. With आ, To pluck.
  • लूता :: f. (-ता) 1. A spider. 2. An ant. 3. Local inflammation produced by the urine of a spider. E. लू to cut, तक् aff.
  • लूतिका :: f. (-का) A spider. E. लूता a spider, कन् aff., fem. form.
  • लून :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Cut. 2. Wounded. 3. Cut off. 4. Plucked. 5. Bitten. nibbled. E. लू to cut, aff. क्त ।
  • लूनक :: m. (-कः) 1. An animal. 2. Sort, species, difference. 3. A wound, a division, what is cut or broken. E. लून to cut, and कन् added.
  • लूनि :: f. (-निः) Cutting, reaping. E. लू to cut, aff. क्तिन्, and न substituted for the final.
  • लूम :: n. (-मं) 1. A tail. 2. A hairy tail, as a horse's, a monkey's, &c. E. लू to cut, aff. मक् ।
  • लूमविष :: m. (-षः) Any animal that stings with its tail, as a scorpion, &c. E. लूम a tail, and विष venom.
  • लूष् :: r. 1st cl. (लूषति) To adorn, to decorate. r. 10th cl. (लूषयति-ते) 1. To hurt, to injure. 2. To steal, to rob.
  • लृञ्च् :: r. 1st cl. (लृञ्चति) To put away.
  • लेख :: m. (-खः) 1. A letter, an epistle. 2. A god, a deity. f. (-खा) 1. A line, a mark or row, &c. 2. Writing, hand-writing. 3. Delineation, painting. 4. A likeness, an impression. 5. Hem, border. 6. The moon's crescent. E. लिख् to write, aff. घञ्; it is applied to the second sense, because the figures of the gods are written or deli- neated.
  • लेखक :: m. (-कः) 1. A writer, a scribe, a clerk, a copyist, &c. 2. A painter. E. लिख to write, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • लेखन :: n. (-नं) 1. Writing, scripture. 2. The bark of the Bhurja-tree, which is used for writing on in Nepāland Upper Hindusthan. 3. Vomiting. 4. The leaf of the palm tree. 5. Scraping or cleaning the tongue. 6. Scarifying, scratching. 7. Reducing corpulency, thinning. m. (-नः) A sort of grass or reed, of which pens are made, (Sac- charum spontaneum.) f. (-नी) A pen, a style. E. लिख् to write, aff. of the act or instrument ल्युट् ।
  • लेखनवस्ति :: f. (-स्तिः) Use of enemas to reduce corpulency. E. लेखन, and वस्ति a glyster.
  • लेखनिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A letter-carrier, an express, a postman. 2. One who signs a paper by proxy, who makes his mark, from inability to write, &c. E. लेखन writing, and ठन् aff.
  • लेख(खि)नी :: f. (-नी) 1. A pen, a writing-reed. 2. A spoon.
  • लेखनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be written. n. (-यं) An accusation or defence in law, which are required to be given in writing. E. लिख् to write, अनीयर् aff.
  • लेखर्षभ :: m. (-भः) INDRA. E. लेख a deity, and ऋषभ best.
  • लेखहार :: m. (-रः) A letter-carrier. E. लेख a letter, हृ to convey, aff. अण्; also with कन् added लेखहारक, or with णिनि, लेखहारिन् ।
  • लेखित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Written. E. लिख् to write, क्त aff., and the vowel changed.
  • लेख्य :: mfn. (-ख्यः -ख्या -ख्यं) To be written. 2. To be scarified. n. (-ख्यं) 1. A letter, an epistle. 2. A manuscript. 3. A drawing, a delinea- tion. 4. A written accusation or defence. E. लिख् to write, ण्यत् aff.
  • लेख्यक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Written, in writing, epistolary. E. कन् added to the last.
  • लेख्यकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Done in writing, contracted, executed. E. लेख्य and कृत done.
  • लेख्यचूर्णिका :: f. (-का) A painted brush, a pencil. E. लेख्य a delineation, चूर्ण् to pound or grind, affs. वुन् and टाप् ।
  • लेख्यपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. A leaf or sheet of anything for writing. 2. A written paper, a writing, a letter. E. लेख्य, and पत्र a leaf.
  • लेख्यपत्रक :: m. (-कः) The palm tree. n. (-कं) A leaf of the palm or any other substance used for writing on. E. लेख्य writing, पत्र a leaf, कन् aff.; books in south of India, &c., being made of the leaves of the palmyra.
  • लेख्यप्रसङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Written contract, record, or document. E. लेख्य, प्रसङ्ग application.
  • लेख्यस्थान :: n. (-नं) An office, a counting-house, &c. E. लेख्य writing or what is to be written, and स्थान place.
  • लेख्यारूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Recorded, committed to writing. E. लेख्य, आरूढ mounted.
  • लेण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) Excrement.
  • लेत :: mn. (-तः-तं) Tears.
  • लेप्(ऋ)लेपृ :: r. 1st cl. (लेपते) To go, to approach.
  • लेप :: m. (-पः) 1. Plastering, smearing. 2. Food. 3. Mortar, plaster, Chunam. 4. Stain, spot, smearing. 5. The wipings of the hand which has offered funeral oblations to three ancestors, and which are considered as an oblation to ancestors in the 4th, 5th, and 6th degrees. 6. Pollution, impurity. 7. Sin. E. लिप् or लेप् to smear, &c., aff. घञ् ।
  • लेपक :: m. (-कः) A bricklayer, a plasterer. E. लिप् to smear, (Chunam,) ण्वुल् aff.
  • लेपन :: m. (-नः) Incense. n. (-नं) 1. Smearing, plastering, anointing. 2. An ointment. 3. Flesh. E. लिप् to smear, ल्युट् aff.
  • लेपभागिन् :: m. (-गी) An ancestor in the 4th, 5th, and 6th degrees. E. लेप, भागिन् who shares.
  • लेपभुज :: m. (-भुक्) A paternal ancestor of the 4th, 5th, or 6th degree. E. लेप, भुज् who eats.
  • लेपिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिनी -पि) Who or what smears, plasters, anoints, &c. m. (-पी) A bricklayer, a plasterer. E. लेप् to plaster, इनि aff.
  • लेप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) To be spread, as unguent or plaster, to be anointed or plastered. n. (-प्यं) 1. Plastering, spreading or smearing ointment, mortar, &c. 2. Making models, moulding. E. लिप् to plaster, ण्यत् aff.
  • लेप्यकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) A bricklayer, a plasterer. E. लेप्य plastering, कृत् who makes.
  • लेप्यमयी :: f. (-यी) A doll, a puppet. E. लेप्य plastering, मयट् aff., made of wood with a coat of plaster.
  • लेप्यस्त्री :: f. (-स्त्री) A woman, perfumed with fragrant unguents. E. लेप्य plastering, स्त्री a woman.
  • लेलायमाना :: f. (-ना) One of the seven tongues of fire.
  • लेलिह :: m. (-हः) A worm breeding in the stomach. E. लिह् to lick, root redup क aff.
  • लेलिहान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Who or what licks. m. (-नः) 1. A name of ŚIVA. 2. A snake. E. लिह् to lick, aff. शानच्, root redup. form irr.
  • लेश :: Adj. Masc. only. (-शः) Small, little. Subst. 1. Smallness, littleness. 2. A little. 3. A particular measure of time equal to two Kalās. 4. Name of a figure of speech, (in rhetoric.) E. लिश् to be small, aff. घञ् . Some authorities vary the gender of the attribute.
  • लेशोक्त :: Adj. Hinted at, insinuated.
  • लेश्या :: f. (-श्या) Light.
  • लेष्टु :: m. (-ष्टुः) A clod of earth. E. लिश् to become less or small, तुन् Unādi aff.
  • लेष्टुघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) A harrow. E. लेष्टु a clod of earth, and घ्न destroying.
  • लेष्टुभेदन :: m. (-नः) A harrow. E. लेष्टु a clod of earth, and भेदन breaking; also लेष्टुभेदिन् and लोष्टभेदन, &c.
  • लेसिक :: m. (-कः) The rider on an elephant, who sits on the animal's loins.
  • लेह :: m. (-हः) 1. Food. 2. Licking, tasting. E. लिह् to taste, aff. घञ ।
  • लेहन :: n. (-नं) Licking, tasting with the tongue. E. लिह् to taste, to lick, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • लेहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिनी -हि) Who or what licks, laps, tastes, &c. E. लिह् to lick, aff. घिनुण् ।
  • लेहिन :: m. (-नः) Borax. E. लिह् to lick, aff. इनन् ।
  • लेह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) To be licked. n. (-ह्यं) 1. The food or beverage of the gods, nectar, ambrosia. 2. Syrup, electuary. E. लिह् to taste, ण्यत् aff.
  • लैङ्गिक :: f. (-की) 1. Depending on a mark, &c. 2. Inferred. m. (-कः) A statuary.
  • लैण्(ऋ)लैणृ :: r. 1st cl. (लैनति) 1. To go or move. 2. To command or direct an act. 3. To touch or embrace. 4. To pound or grind.
  • लोक्(ऋ)लोकृ :: r. 1st cl. (लोकते) To see. With अव, To see, to perceive. With आ, To view. r. 10th cl. (लोकयति-ते) 1. To speak. 2. To shine. 3. To know. 4. To look. With अव, 1. To see. 2. To learn. 3. To look after. With आ, 1. To see. 2. To know. 3. To regard as. With वि, 1. To perceive. 2. To search.
  • लोक :: m. (-कः) 1. Man, mankind. 2. A world, a division of the universe; in general three Lokas are enumerated; viz:--heaven, hell, and earth: another classification enumerates seven, exclusive of the infernal regions; viz:--Bhūr-loka the earth, Bhūvar-loka the space between the earth and the sun, the region of the Munis, Siddhas, &c.; Swar-loka the heaven of INDRA, between the sun and the polar star; Mahar-loka the usual abode of BHRIGU, and others saints, who are supposed to be co-existent with BRAHMĀ: during the conflagration of these lower worlds, the saints ascend to the next, or Jana-loka, which is described as the abode of BRAH- MĀ'S sons, SANAKA, SĀNANDA, SANĀTANA, and SANATKUMĀRA; above this, is the fifth world or the Tapo-loka, where the deities called Vairāgis reside; the seventh world, Satya-loka or Brahma-loka, is the abode of BRAHMĀ, and translation to this world exempts beings from further birth: the three first worlds are destroyed at the end of each Kalpa or day of BRAHMĀ; the three last at the end of his life, or of 100 of his years; the fourth Loka is equally permanent, but is uninhabitable from heat, at the time the three first are burning: another enumeration calls these seven worlds,

earth, sky, heaven, middle region, place of births, mansion of the blest, and abode of truth, placing the sons of BRAHMĀ in the sixth division, and stating the fifth or Jana-loka to be that, where animals destroyed in the general conflagration are born again. The seven lower regions descending from the earth one below the other are:--ATALA, BITALA, SŪTALA, RASĀTALA, TALĀTALA, MAHĀTALA, PĀTĀLA, respectively. 3. The human race. 4. The earth. 5. The subjects. 6. A class, a community. 7. A region. 8. The number “seven.” 9. Common life, or usage, (oppo- rite to Shāstra and Veda respectively.) 10. Sight, seeing. 11. An element, a primary or radical part of being. E. लोक् to see, aff. घञ् ।

  • लोककृत् :: m. (-कृत्) The Creator, BRAHMĀ. E. लोक and कृत् who makes.
  • लोकगाथा :: f. (-था) A song current among people.
  • लोकचक्षुस् :: m. (-क्षुः) The sun. E. लोक the world, चक्षुस् the eye.
  • लोकचरित्र :: n. (-त्रं) The ways of the world.
  • लोकजित् :: m. (-जित्) 1. A conqueror of the world. 2. A sage. 3. A Bud- dha or Bauddha deified teacher. E. लोक the world, and जित् who conquers.
  • लोकज्ञ :: Adj. Conversant with the world.
  • लोकतत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Knowledge of mankind.
  • लोकतुषार :: m. (-रः) Camphor.
  • लोकत्रय :: n. (-यं-यी) The three worlds, heaven, earth, and hell. E. लोक, and त्रय triad.
  • लोकद्वार :: n. (-रं) The gate of heaven.
  • लोकधातु :: m. (-तुः) A continent.
  • लोकनाथ :: m. (-थः) 1. A sovereign of the universe. 2. One of the Jaina or Bauddhha saints. E. लोक the world, नाथ lord.
  • लोकनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Visible, to be seen. E. लोक् to see, अनीयर् aff.
  • लोकपाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A king, a sovereign. 2. A divinity who protects the regions, or the sun, moon, fire, wind, INDRA, YAMA, VARUṆA, and KUVERA. E. लोक the world, पाल a cherisher; also लोकपालक ।
  • लोकप्रकाशन :: m. (-नः) The sun.
  • लोकप्रवाद :: m. (-दः) Common or current report or saying. E. लोक, and प्रवाद report.
  • लोकप्रसिद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Notorious, well-known. E. लोक, प्रसिद्ध celebrated.
  • लोकबान्धव :: m. (-वः) The sun. E. लोक the world, and बान्धव the friend.
  • लोकमर्य्यादा :: f. (-दा) Established custom.
  • लोकमातृ :: f. (-ता) LAKSHMĪ, the wife of VISHṆU, and goddess of wealth and fortune. E. लोक the world, and मातृ the mother.
  • लोकयात्रा :: f. (-त्रा) 1. Worldly affairs, civil conduct, usage, practice. 2. Resort of men, traffic, intercourse. E. लोक, यात्रा going.
  • लोकरञ्जन :: n. (-नं) Popularity, gaining public confidence. E. लोक, रञ्जन pleasing.
  • लोकरव :: m. (-वः) Popular report.
  • लोकलोचन :: m. (-नः) The sun. E. लोक the world, and लोचन the eye.
  • लोकवाद :: m. (-दः) Rumour, popular report. E. लोक, वाद speech.
  • लोकवाह्य :: m. (-ह्यः) An outcaste, one who observes no sort of institutes, and feeds on the flesh of horses and kine. E. लोक mankind, वाह्य for वहिर् without, excluded.
  • लोकविक्रुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Censured or condemned by the world. E. लोक, विक्रुष्ट censured.
  • लोकविधि :: m. (-धिः) 1. Mode of proceeding prevalent in the world. 2. The creator.
  • लोकविश्रुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Known, famous. 2. Current. E. लोक and विश्रुत heard.
  • लोकविश्रुति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Unfounded rumour or report. 2. Fame, notoriety. E. लोक the world, विश्रुति rumour.
  • लोकवृत्त :: n. (-त्तं) Worldly or idle conversation and intercourse. E. लोक, वृत्त practice.
  • लोकातिग :: Adj. Extraordinary.
  • लोकातिशय :: Adj. Superior to the world.
  • लोकात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) The universal spirit. E. लोक, and आत्मन् soul.
  • लोकानुराग :: m. (-गः) Philanthrophy.
  • लोकान्तर :: n. (-रं) Another world. E. लोक, and अन्तर other.
  • लोकान्तरगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Dead. E. लोकान्तर, and गत gone.
  • लोकान्तरप्राप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Dead. E. लोकान्तर, and प्राप्त obtained.
  • लोकापवाद :: m. (-दः) Popular accusation.
  • लोकाभ्युदय :: m. (-यः) Public welfare.
  • लोकायत :: n. (-तं) The system of atheistical philosophy taught by Chārvāka. E. लोक the world, आङ् before, यति to strive, aff. अच् ।
  • लोकायतिक :: m. (-कः) A follower of the Chārvāka doctrine, an atheist, an unbeliever. E. लोकायत as above, and ठक् aff. with the vowel unchanged.
  • लोकालोक :: m. (-कः) A mountainous belt, surrounding the outermost of the seven seas and bounding the world. m. DU. The visible and unvisible world. E. लोक seeing, आलोक not seeing; causing light and darkness, as interposed between the Dwīpas and the sun.
  • लोकित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Seen, beheld. E. लोक् to see, क्त aff.
  • लोकेश :: m. (-शः) 1. BRAHMĀ. 2. A king, an emperor. 3. A Jaina deified sage. 4. Quicksilver. E. लोक the world, and ईश sovereign.
  • लोकेश्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. BRAHMĀ. 2. A king. 3. A Jaina deified sage. E. लोक the world, and ईश्वर sovereign.
  • लोकेश्वरात्मजा :: f. (-जा) A female deity peculiar to the Jainas. E. लोकेश्वर a Jaina sage, and आत्मजा a daughter.
  • लोच्(ऋ)लोचृ :: r. 1st cl. (लोचते) To see, to perceive, to view or inspect. r. 10th cl. (लोचयति-ते) 1. To speak. 2. To shine. With आङ्, To consider. Caus. (लोचयति-ते) To cause to see. With आ, 1. To know. 2. To see.
  • लोच :: n. (-चं) Tears.
  • लोचक :: m. (-कः) 1. A ball or lump of flesh or meat. 2. The pupil of the eye. 3. Stibium or lamp-black, &c. so used. 4. An ornament, worn by women on the forehead. 5. Blue or black vesture. 6. An ear- ring. 7. The plantain tree. 8. A bow-string. 9. A wrinkled or con- tracted eye-brow. 10. Folly, stupidity. 11. The rejected slough of the snake. 12. The slough of a tree. 13. Wrinkled skin. E. लोच् to see, ण्वुल् aff.
  • लोचन :: n. (-नं) 1. The eye. 2. Seeing, looking. f. (-ना) A goddess of the Jainas. E. लोच् to see, ल्युट् or युच् aff.
  • लोचनमार्ग :: m. (-र्गः) The range of the eyes.
  • लोचनहिता :: f. (-ता) Blue vitriol. “तुंँत इति भाषा ।”
  • लोचनामय :: m. (-यः) Diseased affection of the eye, Ophthalmia, &c. E. लोचन eye, आमय sickness.
  • लोचमर्कट :: m. (-टः) A flower, (Celosia cristata.) “रुद्रजटा ।”
  • लोचमस्तक :: m. (-कः) A flower, (Celosia cristata.) E. लोच sight, seeing, मस्तक head.
  • लोट् (ऋ) लोटृ :: r. 1st cl. (लोटति) To be mad or foolish.
  • लोटन :: n. (-नं) Tumbling, rolling. E. लुट् to roll, ल्युट् aff.
  • लोठ :: m. (-ठः) Rolling on the ground.
  • लोड् (ऋ) लोडृ :: r. 1st cl. (लोडति) To mad, to be frantic or foolish.
  • लोडन :: n. (-नं) Disturbing, agitating.
  • लोणार :: m. (-रः) A kind of salt.
  • लोत :: mn. (-तः-तं) 1. Plunder, booty, stolen goods. 2. A tear, tears. 3. A mark, a spot, a sign. E. लू to cut, Undādi aff. तन् ।
  • लोत्र :: n. (-त्रं) Plunder, booty, stolen goods. m. (-त्रः) 1. Tears. 2. A mark, a token. E. लू to cut, ष्ट्रन् aff.
  • लोध :: m. (-धः) A sort of tree with white or red flowers.: see the next.
  • लोध्र :: m. (-ध्रः) A tree, the bark of which is used in dyeing, (Sym- plocos racemosa.) E. रुध् to hinder, aff. रन्, and ल substituted for र ।
  • लोप :: m. (-पः) 1. Rejection, cutting off in general, especially used as a grammatical term for dropping letters, syllables, &c. 2. Dis- appearance, destruction. 3. Erasure. 4. Annulling, cancelling. E. लुप् to cut, aff. घञ् ।
  • लोपन :: n. (-नं) 1. Violation. 2. Omission.
  • लोपा :: f. (-पा) The wife of the Muni AGASTYA. E. लुप् to disturb, affs. अच् and टाप्ः see लोपामुद्रा ।
  • लोपाक :: m. (-कः) A jackal. E. लुप् to cut, आकन् aff.
  • लोपापक :: m. (-कः) A jackal. f. (-पिका) A fox. E. लोप rejection, (offal,) आप् to take, aff. वुन् ।
  • लोपामुद्रा :: f. (-द्रा) The wife of the saint AGASTYA and daughter of the king of Vidarbha. It was for her that the saint went out to acquire riches and destroyed VĀTĀPI and ILVALA in the attempt. E. लोप losing, (reputation,) अमुद्रा sad, not happy.
  • लोपामुद्रापति :: m. (-तिः) The Muni AGASTYA. E. लोपामुद्रा as above, पति husband.
  • लोपाशक :: m. (-कः) A jackal. f. (-शिका) 1. A female jackal. 2. A fox. E. लोप rejection, अश् to eat, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • लोप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) To be rejected, erased, lost, &c. E. लुप् to cut off, ण्यत् aff.
  • लोप्त्र :: nf. (-प्त्रं-प्त्री) Plunder, booty. E. लुप् to cut off, ष्ट्रन् aff.
  • लोभ :: m. (-भः) Covetousness, cupidity, intense or greedy desire. E. लुभ् to desire or covet, aff. घञ् ।
  • लोभन :: n. (-नं) 1. Allurement, temptation. 2. Gold.
  • लोभमोहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Beguiled or overcome by cupidity. E. लोभ, भोहित beguiled.
  • लोभविरह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Free from cupidity. E. लोभ, विरह separation.
  • लोभाकृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Tempted or attracted by greediness or desire. E. लोभ, आकृष्ट drawn.
  • लोभिन् :: mfn. (-भी -भिनी -भि) Desirous, cupidinous, covetous, greedy. E. लोभ desire, aff. इनि ।
  • लोभ्य :: mfn. (-भ्यः -भ्या -भ्यं) Desirable. m. (-भ्यः) A sort of bean, (Phaseolus mungo.) n. (-भ्यं) A tail. E. लुभ् to covet or desire, aff. ण्यत् ।
  • लोम :: m. (-मः) A tail, a hairy tail. E. लू to cut, aff. मन् ।
  • लोमकर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) A hare. E. लोम hair, कर्ण an ear.
  • लोमकिन् :: m. (-की) A bird.
  • लोमकीट :: m. (-टः) A louse.
  • लोमकूप :: m. (-पः) A pore of the skin. E. लोम, and कूप a well.
  • लोमघ्न :: n. (-घ्नं) Falling of the hair, morbid baldness. E. लोम hair of the body, applied here to the hair of the head, and घ्न destroying. “टाक” .
  • लोमन् :: n. (-म) The hair of the body. E. रू to sound, मनिन् Unādi aff., र changed to ल; or लू to cut, मनिच् aff.
  • लोमपाद :: m. (-दः) The name of a king of Anga, the eastern division of Bengal, &c.
  • लोमपादपुरी :: f. (-री) Champā, the capital of Lomapāda, the modern Bhāgalpur, and its vicinity. E. लोमपाद a king, and पुरी the city.
  • लोममणि :: m. (-णिः) An amulet made of hair.
  • लोमविष :: m. (-षः) An animal, whose hair is supposed to be poisonous, as a tiger, &c. E. लोम hair, and विष poison.
  • लोमश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) 1. Hairy, covered with or made of hair. 2. Wool- len. m. (-शः) 1. A ram. 2. The name of a Rishi celebrated in the Mahābhārata. f. (-शा) 1. A fox. 2. A sort of Bonduc. 3. A plant, (Leea hirta.) 4. Indian spikenard, (Valerianā jatāmānsi.) 5. Cowach, (Carpopogon pruriens.) 6. A medicinal plant, commonly Mahā-meda. 7. Sida cordifolia. 8. A female demi-divine being, an attendant on DURGĀ, one of the Sākinīs. 9. Green vitriol. 10. Orris root. 11. An ape. E. लोम hair, श aff.
  • लोमशपर्णिनी :: f. (-नी) A plant, (Glycine debilis.) E. लोमश hairy, पर्ण a leaf, इनि aff.
  • लोमशमार्जार :: m. (-रः) The pole-cat. E. लोमश hairy, and मार्जार a cat.
  • लोमसंहर्षण :: Adj. Causing horripilation.
  • लोमसार :: m. (-रः) The emerald. E. लोम hair, and सार strength, essence.
  • लोमहर्षण :: n. (-णं) Horripilation, erection of the hair of the body. E. लोम, हर्षण rejoicing, supposed to be an indication of great pleasure.
  • लोमहृत् :: mfn. (-हृत्) Depilatory. m. (-हृत्) Yellow orpiment. E. लोम hair, and हृत् removing.
  • लोमाञ्च :: m. (-ञ्चः) Horripilation: see रोमाञ्च ।
  • लोमालिका :: f. (-का) A fox. E. लोम hair, आलो a line, कन् added.
  • लोमावली :: f. (-ली) The line of hair from the breast to the navel.
  • लोमाश :: m. (-शः) A jackal.
  • लोल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Shaking, tremulous. 2. Rolling, tossing. 3. Agitated, alarmed. 4. Fickle, unsteady. 5. Desiring, wishing, cup- idinous. 6. Greedy. f. (-ला) 1. The tongue. 2. The goddess

LAKSHMĪ, or the goddess of wealth and fortune. 3. A species of the Sarkarī metre. 4. Lightning. E. लोड् to be frantic, अच् aff.

  • लोलजिह्व :: mfn. (-ह्वः -ह्वा -ह्वं) Greedy, insatiable. E. लोल, जिह्वा the tongue.
  • लोलमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Rolling, tossing, rolling on the ground. E. लोड् to be frantic, शानच् aff.
  • लोलाक्षि :: mfn. (-क्षिः -क्षिः or क्षी -क्षि) Having a rolling eye. E. लोल, and अक्षि the eye; also लोलचक्षुस्, लोलनयन, लोललोचन, लोलनेत्र, and the like.
  • लोलिका :: f. (-का) A sort of dock or sorrel, (Rumex vesicarius.) “पातिहांँस” .
  • लोलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Shaken, tremulous, trembling. E. लुल् to agitate, aff. क्त, and the vowel changed.
  • लोलुप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Very desirous or covetous, wishing, longing for, greedy, insatiable. E. लुप् to desire, aff. अच्, and the intensitive form.
  • लोलुभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Very cupidinous, excessively desirous, very covetous or greedy. E. लुभ् to desire or covet, aff. अच्, int. form.
  • लोलुव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Cutting much or often. E. लू to cut, freq. v., aff. अच् ।
  • लोलूया :: f. (-या) Determination to cut. E. लू to cut, intensitive v., अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • लोलूयावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Resolved to cut or cut off. E. लोलूया, मतुप् aff.
  • लोष्ट् :: r. 1st cl. (लोष्टते) To heap, to assemble, to collect into a heap.
  • लोष्ट :: mn. (-ष्टः-ष्टं) A lump of earth. n. (-ष्टं) Rust of iron or iron filings. E. लोष्ट् to heap, aff. अच्; or लू to cut, Unādi aff. क्त, with change of the radical vowel, सुट् aug.; also with कन् added लोष्टक ।
  • लोष्टघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) A harrow. E. लोष्ट a clod, and घ्न destroying.
  • लोष्टभेदन :: m. (-नः) A harrow. E. लोष्ट a clod, and भेदन what breaks.
  • लोष्टमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Made of a clod or of earth. E. लोष्ट and मयट् aff.
  • लोष्टमर्द्दिन् :: mfn. (-र्द्दी -र्द्दिनी -र्द्दि) Who or what breaks clods of earth. E. लोष्ट, and मर्द्दिन् who destroys.
  • लोष्टु :: m. (-ष्टुः) A lump of earth. E. लोष्ट् to heap, उ aff.
  • लोह :: mn. (-हः-हं) 1. Iron, either crude or wrought. 2. Steel. 3. Any metal. 4. A weapon. 5. Aloe-wood or Agallochum. 6. Blood. m. (-हः) A red coloured goat. f. (-हा) 1. Red, reddish. 2. Made of cop- per or iron. E. लू to cut, aff. ह ।
  • लोहकण्टक :: m. (-कः) A thorny shrub. E. लोह iron, कण्टक a thorn.
  • लोहकान्त :: n. (-न्तं) The load-stone. E. लोह iron, कान्त in this compound a gem.
  • लोहकार :: m. (-रः) A blacksmith, an ironsmith. E. लोह iron, कार who works in; also with कन् added लोहकारक m. (-कः) ।
  • लोहकिट्ट :: n. (-ट्टं) Rust of iron, or iron filings. E. लोह, किट्ट soil or sediment.
  • लोहचूर्ण :: n. (-र्णं) Iron filings. E. लोह, चूर्ण powder.
  • लोहज :: n. (-जं) 1. Bell-metal. 2. Rust of iron, or iron filings. E. लोह, ज produced.
  • लोहजाल :: n. (-लं) A coat of mail.
  • लोहजित् :: m. (-जित्) The diamond. E. लोह iron, and जित् conquering, (in hardness.)
  • लोहदारक :: n. (-कं) A hell. E. लोह and दारक what tears.
  • लोहद्राविन् :: m. (-वी) Borax. E. लोह metal, and द्राविन् what fuses.
  • लोहनाल :: m. (-लः) An iron arrow. E. लोह iron, and नाल a stalk.
  • लोहपृष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) A heron. E. लोह iron, पृष्ठ the back.
  • लोहप्रतिमा :: f. (-मा) 1. An image of iron. 2. An anvil. E. लोह iron, प्रतिमा an image.
  • लोहबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) An iron fetter.
  • लोहमय :: mfn. (-यः -यो -यं) Made of iron. E. लोह iron, aff. मयट् .
  • लोहमारक :: m. (-कः) A plant (Achyrantnes triandra, Rox.) “शालिञ्चशाके” E. लोह iron, मारक destroying.
  • लोहमुक्तिका :: f. (-का) A red pearl.
  • लोहराजक :: n. (-कं) Silver. E. लोह metal, राज shining, कन् added.
  • लोहल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Lisping, speaking inarticulately. 2. Iron, irony. m. (-लः) The principal ring of a chain. E. लोह iron, ला to get or be, aff. क ।
  • लोहवर :: n. (-रं) Gold. E. लोह a metal, and वर best.
  • लोहवर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Mail, armour. E. लोह, and वर्म्मन् armour.
  • लोहशङ्कु :: m. (-ङ्कुः) 1. A hell. 2. An iron pike. E. लोह, शङ्कु a pike.
  • लोहश्लेषण :: m. (-णः) Borax. E. लोह metal, श्लिष् to embrace, ल्युट् aff.
  • लोहाभिसा(हा)र :: m. (-रः) Lustration of arms, ceremonies performed on the

ninth of the light-half of the month Ashwin; formerly a celebration observed by princes before opening a campaign, but now confined to the domestic decoration and worship of the soldier's weapon. E. लोह a weapon, अभि about, सृ to go, or हृ to take, aff. घञ् ।

  • लोहाभिहार :: m. (-रः) Lustration of arms. E. लोह, a weapon, अभि about, हृ to take, aff. घञ्; also लोहाभिसार ।
  • लोहामिष :: n. (-षं) The flesh of a goat with red hair. E. लोह, आमिष flesh.
  • लोहिका :: f. (-का) A sort of large shallow bowl, sometimes of iron, but usually of wood and bound with iron, for the purpose of washing rice, &c. E. लोह iron, कन् aff., fem. form.
  • लोहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता or नी -तं) 1. Red, of a red colour. 2. Made of copper. m. (-तः) 1. Red, the colour. 2. The planet MARS. 3. One of the male rivers. 4. The Rohi-fish, (Cyprinus Rohita, HAM.) 5. A sort of deer. 6. A snake. 7. A deity, a demi-god. 8. A sort of bean, (Ervum hirsutum.) 9. A form of array. 10. A tree, (Andersonia Rohitaka.) n. (-तं) 1. Blood. 2. A red kind of Agallochum. 3. Saffron. 4. Red sanders. 5. War, battle. 6. Copper. 7. An imperfect form of a rainbow. f. (-ता) 1. A woman red with anger or with colour, &c. 2. A sort of creeper, (Lycopodium imbricatum.) E. रुह् to grow, इतच् Unādi aff., and र changed to ल ।
  • लोहितक :: mfn. (-कः -तिका or निका -कं) Red. m. (-कः) 1. A ruby. 2. The planet MARS. n. (-कं) Calx of brass. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • लोहितग्रीव :: m. (-वः) An epithet of Agni.
  • लोहितचन्दन :: n. (-नं) Saffron. E. लोहित red, and चन्दन sandal.
  • लोलितपुष्पक :: m. (-कः) The pomegranate tree. “दाडिम वृक्षे ।”
  • लोहितमृत्तिका :: f. (-का) Red chalk. E. लोहित red, and मृत्तिका soil, earth.
  • लोहितशतपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A red lotus.
  • लोहिताक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षी -क्षं) Red-eyed. m. (-क्षः) 1. A name of VISHṆU. 2. The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. 3. A kind of snake. E. लोहित red, and अक्ष for अक्षि the eye.
  • लोहिताङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) The planet MARS. E. लोहित, अङ्ग body.
  • लोहितानन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Red-faced. m. (-नः) An ichneumon. E. लोहित red, आनन the face.
  • लोहितायस् :: n. (-यः) Copper. E. लोहित red, and अयस् iron.
  • लोहिनी :: f. (-नी) A woman red with anger, or painted red. E. See लोहित, the fem. aff. being ङीप्, and the penultimate consonant changed to न ।
  • लोहोत्तम :: n. (-मं) Gold. E. लोह a metal, and उत्तम best.
  • लौकायतिक :: m. (-कः) An atheist, a materialist, a Bauddha. E. लोकायत a particular heterodox doctrine, and ठक् aff.; also लोकायतिक ।
  • लौकिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Mundane, worldly, human, what prevails amongst or is familiar to mankind. f. (-की) 1. Common, vulgar. 2. Secular, temporal. 3. Customary. n. (-यं) Any usage or general custom. E. लोक mankind, the world, and ठण् aff.
  • लौकिकता :: f. (-ता) 1. Worldliness. 2. Worldly currency custom. E. तल् added to the last; also लौकिकत्वं ।
  • लौक्य :: mfn. (-क्यः -क्या -क्यं) 1. Mundane, human. 2. Common. E. लोक and घञ् aff.
  • लौड् :: r. 1st cl. (लौडति) To be mad or foolish.
  • लौल्य :: n. (-ल्य) 1. Fickleness, inconstancy. 2. Eagerness, passion.
  • लौह :: mfn. (-हः -ही -हं) 1. Iron, made of iron, copper, &c. 2. Red, copper- coloured. m. (-हः) Iron. f. (-ही) An iron vessel, a pot. E. लौह iron, and अण् deriv. aff.
  • लौहबन्ध :: n. (-न्धं) An iron chain or fetters. E. लौह and बन्ध binding.
  • लौहभाण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A pestle and mortar, usually of metal. E. लौह and भाण्ड a vessel.
  • लौहभू :: f. (-भूः) A sort of iron vessel, a boiler, a caldron. E. लौह iron, भू being.
  • लौहात्मन् :: f. (-त्मा) A sort of iron boiler, a kettle, &c. E. लौह made of iron, and आत्मन् substance.
  • लौहिक :: m. (-कः) The trident of ŚIVA.
  • लौहित :: m. (-तः) The trident of ŚIVA. E. लोहित and अण् aff.
  • लौहितीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Redish, like or resembling red, &c. E. लोहित red, and ईकक aff., implying similarity in this compound.
  • लौहित्य :: nf. (-त्य-ती) Redness. m. (-त्यः) 1. A male river. 2. The ocean. E. लोहित as above, ष्यञ् pleonasm.
  • ल्पी :: r. 9th cl. (ल्पिनाति) To unite, to join, to be connected or attached to: it is also read ल्यी-ह्ली-ल्वी, &c.
  • ल्वी :: r. 9th cl. (ल्विनाति or ल्वीनाति) 1. To go, to move or approach. 2. To join or be connected with, to mix with, to unite. 3. To obtain: see the last.
  •  :: The twenty-ninth consonant of the Nagari alphabet, or more pro- perly the semi vowel V; it is often confounded with the labial consonant or ब, with which it is also optionally interchangeable.
  •  :: m. (-वः) 1. Air, wind. 2. The arm. 3. A name of VARUṆA. 4. Ad- dressing. 5. Auspiciousness. 6. Strong, powerful. 7. A dwelling. 8. The residence of VARUṆA. 9. The ocean. 10. Water. 11. Shaving. 12. Like, as, (rarely used.) 13. An epithet of RĀHU. 14. A tiger. 15. Cloth. f. (-वा) 1. Going. 2. Hurting, injury. 3. An arrow. 4. Weaving. 5. A weaver. n. (-वं) A sort of incantation or Mantra, of which the object is the deity VARUṆA. E. वा to go, to injure, &c., aff. ड ।
  • वंश :: m. (-शः) 1. Race, lineage, family. 2. Assemblage, multitude. 3. A bamboo, (Bambusa arundinacea.) 4. The back-bone, the spine. 5. A staff. 6. A joint. 7. The Sāl tree. 8. A sort of sugar- cane. 9. A particular measure of length equal to ten hastas. mf. (-शः-शी) 1. A pipe, a fife, a flute. 2. Bamboo-manna. E. वंश् to shine, घ aff., and नुम् augment; or वन् to sound, to serve, aff. श । According the Vāchaspatya:-- वमति उद्गिरात वम-श तस्य नेत्त्वम् ।
  • वंशक :: m. (-कः) 1. A small fish, (Cynoglossus lingua, HAM.) 2. A large kind of sugar-cane. “शामशाडा ।” nf. (शकं-शिका) Aloe-wood. f. (-का) A kind of pipe or flute. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • वंशकठिन :: m. (-नः) A thicket of bamboos.
  • वंशकफ :: n. (-फं) Flocks of cotton or cottony pods floating in the air. E. वंश a bamboo, and कफ phlegm.
  • वंशकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Making or perpetuating a family. E. वंश, and कर what makes.
  • वंशकीर्त्ति :: mfn. (-र्त्तिः -र्त्तिः -र्त्ति) Famous, celebrated. E. वंश, कीर्त्ति fame.
  • वंशक्षय :: m. (-यः) Decay of a family. E. वंश, and क्षय decline.
  • वंशक्षीरी :: f. (-री) The manna of the bamboo. E. वंश the bamboo, and क्षीर milk; being of a milky colour.
  • वंशचरित्र :: n. (-त्रं) A genealogical table or list, the history of a race or dynasty, &c. E. वंश, and चरित्र an account.
  • वंशचिन्तक :: m. (-कः) A genealogist.
  • वंशज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) 1. Sprung from a good family. 2. Produced by the bamboo. nf. (-ज-जा) Bamboo-manna. E. वश a bamboo, or lineage, &c., and ज born, produced.
  • वंशधर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -र) 1. Who or what supports a family. 2. Carrying or holding a bamboo, &c. E. वंश, and धर what holds.
  • वंशनालिका :: f. (-का) A pipe, a reed or flute. E. वंश a bamboo, नाल a tube, कन् aff., fem. form.
  • वंशनेत्र :: n. (-त्रं) The root of sugarcane.
  • वंशपत्रक :: n. (-कं) Yellow orpiment. m. (-कः) A sort of fish, (Cynoglossus lingua, HAM.) E. वंश a bamboo, and पत्र a leaf, the shape of the fish resembling to that of the leaf of the bamboo.
  • वंशपत्रपतित :: n. (-तं) A species of the Atyashtī metre.
  • वंशपरम्परा :: f. (-रा) Family, lineage, descent. E. वंश, and परम्पर successive.
  • वंशपूरक :: n. (-कं) The root of a sugarcane.
  • वंशभोज्य :: n. (-ज्यं) Hereditary estate. E. वंश, and भोज्य to be possessed.
  • शवंरोचना :: f. (-ना) An earthy concretion of a milk-white colour, formed in the hollow of the bamboo, an known by the name of bamboo- manna. E. वंश the bamboo, रुच् to shine, aff. युच्; also र being changed to ल, वंशलोचना ।
  • वंशलोचना :: f. (-ना) The manna of the bamboo: see the last.
  • वंशवर्द्धन :: n. (-नं) Increasing or exalting a family. E. वंश, वर्द्धन augmenting.
  • वंशवितति :: f. (-तिः) 1. A clump of bamboos. 2. A Family, descent. E. वंश a bamboo or lineage, and वितति extent.
  • वंशविशुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Of a goad family. 2. Of a good bamboo, (made, constructed.) E. वंश, and विशुद्ध pure.
  • वंशवृद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Prosperity of a family. E. वंश and वृद्धि, increase.
  • वंशशर्करा :: f. (-रा) The bamboo-manna.
  • वंशशलाका :: f. (-का) 1. The bamboo pipe that forms the body of the Vinā or lute. 2. Any small bamboo pin or stake, as the bar of a cage, &c. E. वंश a bamboo and शलाका a pin or bolt.
  • वंशसमाचार :: m. (-रः) Family usage. E. वंश and समाचार practice.
  • वंशस्थविल :: n. (-लं) A species of the Jagatī metre.
  • वंशस्थिति :: f. (-तिः) The perpetuation of a family.
  • वंशहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Having no kindred or family. E. वंश and हीन deprived of.
  • वंशाग्र :: n. (-ग्रं) The shoot of a bamboo. E. वंश and अग्र point.
  • वंशाङ्कुर :: m. (-रः) The shoot of a bamboo. E. वंश, and अङ्कुर a shoot.
  • वंशानुचरित :: n. (-तं) A pedigree, a genealogical list, or history. E. वंश a family, अनु implying succession, and चरित proceeded.
  • वंशावली :: f. (-ली) A pedigree, a genealogy. E. वंश, and आवली a line.
  • वंशिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Belonging or relating to a family or bamboo, &c. nf. (-कं-का) 1. Aloe-wood. 2. A Kind of flute. E. वंश, ठक् aff.
  • वंशी :: f. (-शी) 1. A flute, a pipe. 2. An artery. 3. Bamboo-manna. 4. A particular weight.
  • वंशीधर :: m. (-रः) 1. A piper. 2. A name of KRISHṆA. E. वंशी, धर who holds.
  • वंश्य :: mfn. (-श्यः -श्या -श्यं) 1. Of a good family. 2. Of the same family. 3. Relating to the back-bone. m. (-श्यः) 1. A son. 2. A pupil, a scho- lar. 3. A kinsman, from seven generations above and seven below. 4. A bone in the leg or arm. E. वंश a family, and यत् aff.
  • वंहिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Most, very much or great. E. वंह substituted for वृन्दारक great, and इष्ठन् aff.
  • वंहीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Very much or very large. E. वंह for वृन्दारक, ईयसुन् aff.
  • वक्(इ)वकि :: r. 1st cl. (वङ्कते) 1. To be crooked, (literally or figuratively,) to be curved or bent, to be depraved or wicked. 2. To bend, to make crooked. 3. To go.
  • वक :: m. (-कः) 1. A crane, (Ardea nivea.) 2. A tree, (Sesbana gran- diflora.) 3. KUVERA. 4. The name of a demon. 5. A small appara- tus for calcining or subliming metals or minerals consisting of two crucibles, one inverted over the other, luted together and placed over a fire. E. वच् to speak, or वकि to be crooked, aff. घञ् or अच्; in the latter case the nasal augment is not inserted.
  • वकचिञ्चिका :: f. (-का) A sort of fish.
  • वकजित् :: m. (-जित्) A name of BHĪMA. E. वक a demon, and जित् the conqueror.
  • वकधूप :: m. (-पः) Compound perfume: see वृकघूप ।
  • वकनिसूदन :: m. (-नः) BHĪMA. E. वक the demon, and निसूदन destroyer.
  • वकपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A tree, (Æschynomene grandiflora.) E. वक curving, from वकि to be crooked, पुष्प a flower.
  • वकवृत्ति :: m. (-त्तिः) A false or hypocritical devotee: see वकव्रतिन् E. वक, वृत्ति livelihood.
  • वकवैरिन् :: m. (-री) BHĪMA. E. वक the demon, and वैरिन् a foe.
  • वकव्रतिन् :: m. (-ती) A false devotee, a religious hypocrite, or one who as- sumes the appearance of devotion or meditation, for interested pur- poses. E. वक a crane, व्रत observance, and इनि aff.; compared to the crane, who stands by a pool demure and sly, and apparently absorbed in contemplation, till be sees a fish on which to dart; also with ठक् aff. वकव्रतिक, and derived from वक, and चर who goes, वकचर; or वकव्रतचर m. (-रः) &c.: see वैडालव्रतिक ।
  • वकाची :: f. (-ची) A sort of fish.
  • वकुल :: m. (-लः) A plant, (Mimusops elengi.) f. (-ली) A sort of drug, commonly Kākoli. E. वक् to be crooked, aff. उलच् ।
  • वकेरुका :: f. (-का) 1. A small crane. 2. The branch of a tree bent by the wind. E. वक a crane, or वक् to be crooked, ईर् to go or be, aff. उकन् ।
  • वकोट :: n. (-टः) A crane. E. वक् to be crooked, ओटच् aff.
  • वक्क् :: r. 1st cl. (वक्कते) To go.
  • वक्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. Fit or proper to be said or spoken, to be spoken or uttered. 2. To be spoken about or against. 3. Vile, bad, reprehensible. 4. Subject, dependent. 5. Low, base. n. (-व्यं) 1. A rule, a dictum, a sentence. 2. Speech. 3. Reproach. E. वच् to speak, and तव्य aff., of the future participle.
  • वक्तव्यता :: f. (-ता) 1. Blame, reprehension. 2. The nature or property of what is to be said, or the occasion for it. E. तल् added to the last.
  • वक्तुकाम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Desirous of speaking. E. वक्तु for वक्तुम् to speak, काम desire.
  • वक्तृ :: mfn. (-क्ता -क्त्री -क्तृ) 1. Speaking, a speaker. 2. Loquacious, talkative. 3. Speaking well or sensibly, eloquent. 4. Wise, learned. 5. Speak- ing truly or truth, honest, sincere. m. (-क्ता) 1. An expounder, a teacher. 2. An orator, a speaker. E. वच् to speak, तृच् participial aff.
  • वक्त्र :: m. (-क्त्रः) A hog. n. (-क्त्रं) 1. The mouth or face. 2. A sort of gar- ment. 3. Metre, verse, especially of the Vedas. 4. A plant: see तगरमूल . 5. The sprout of a jug. E. वच् to speak, Unādi aff. ष्ट्रन् ।
  • वक्त्रखुर :: m. (-रः) A tooth. E. वक्त्र the mouth, and खुर a hoof.
  • वक्त्रज :: m. (-जः) A Brāhman. E. वक्त्र the mouth, (of BRAHMĀ,) ज born.
  • वक्त्रताल :: mn. (-लः-लं) A musical instrument, played on with the mouth. E. वक्त्र the mouth, ताल tune; it may also signify, making a noise with the mouth, by striking it with the hand at the moment of uttering sound.
  • वक्त्रतुण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A name of GANESA. E. वक्त्र and तुण्ड beak or nose, having the proboscis of an elephant.
  • वक्त्रपट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः) A bag containing corn tied round a horse's head. E. वक्त्र the mouth, पट्ट a cloth.
  • वक्त्रभेदिन् :: m. (-दी) Pungency, pungent or acrid flavour. E. वक्त्र mouth, भेदिन् what cuts.
  • वक्त्ररन्ध्र :: n. (-न्ध्रं) The aperture of the mouth.
  • वक्त्रवास :: m. (-सः) An orange.
  • वक्त्रशोधिन् :: m. (-धी) The citron tree. E. वक्त्र, शोधिन् what cleanses; also वक्त्रशोधन m. (-नः) ।
  • वक्त्रासव :: m. (-वः) Saliva. E. वक्त्र the mouth, and आसव wine.
  • वक्र :: mfn. (-क्रः -क्रा -क्रं) 1. Crooked, curved, bowed or bent. 2. Cruel, malignant. 3. Dishonest, fraudulent. 4. Indirect, evasive. 5. Long, (in prosody.) n. (-क्रं) 1. The winding course of a river or waterfall, the arm or bend of a stream. 2. The retrograde motion of a pla- net. 3. A species of the Anushṭubh metre. m. (-क्रः) 1. A name of SATURN. 2. The planet MARS. 3. RUDRA or ŚIVA. 4. The demon TRIPURĀ. E. वकि to go crookedly, रक् Unādi aff.
  • वक्रकण्ट :: m. (-ण्टः) 1. The jujube tree. 2. The khadira tree.
  • वक्रखङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) A sabre or scimitar. E. वक्र crooked, and खङ्क a sword; also with कन् added, वक्रखङ्कक m. (-कः) ।
  • वक्रगामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिणी -मि) 1. Who or what goes tortuously. 2. Fraudulent, dishonest. E. वक्र and गामिन् who goes.
  • वक्रग्रीव :: m. (-वः) A camel. E. वक्र crooked, ग्रीवा the neck.
  • वक्रचञ्चु :: m. (-ञ्चुः) A parrot. E. वक्र crooked, and चञ्चु the beak.
  • वक्रता :: f. (-ता) 1. Crookedness. 2. Wickedness. 3. Craft, cunning. 4. Evasive or indirect speech. E. वक्र, तल् added; also with त्व वक्तत्वं ।
  • वक्रतुण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. An epithet of GANESA. 2. A parrot. E. वक्र, तुण्ड a face.
  • वक्रदंष्ट्र :: m. (-ष्ट्रः) A boar. E. वक्र crooked, and दंष्ट्र a tusk.
  • वक्रदृष्टि :: Adj. 1. Envious. 2. Having an evil eye. 3. Squinting. f. (-ष्टिः) An oblique look.
  • वक्रनक्र :: m. (-क्रः) 1. A low or depraved man. 2. A parrot. E. वक्र crooked, नक्र the nose, &c.
  • वक्रनासिक :: m. (-कः) An owl. E. वक्र crooked, and नासिका the nose.
  • वक्रपुच्छ :: m. (-च्छः) A dog. E. वक्र crooked, and पुच्छ a tail; also वक्रपुच्छिक ।
  • वक्रपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) The Sesbana grandiflora. E. वक्र crooked, पुष्प the flower.
  • वक्रबालधि :: m. (-धिः) A dog. E. वक्र crooked, बालधि a tail.
  • वक्रभणित :: n. (-तं) Indirect speech, equivoque, evasion. E. वक्र crooked, भणित spoken.
  • वक्रम :: m. (-मः) Flight, retreat. E. अव reverse, क्रम् to go, aff. अच्, and the initial rejected.
  • वक्रवक्त्र :: m. (-क्त्रः) A hog. E. वक्र crooked, and वक्त्र a face.
  • वक्राग्र :: n. (-ग्रं) A plant, commonly Bentua.
  • वक्राङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A goose. 2. The ruddy goose. 3. A snake. E. वक्र bending, अङ्ग body.
  • वक्रि :: mfn. (-क्रिः -क्रिः -क्रि) Speaking falsely, uttering untruths, prevarica- ting, lying. E. वक्र to be crooked, (metaphorically,) क्रिन् aff.
  • वक्रिन् :: mfn. (-क्री -क्रिणी -क्रि) 1. Crooked. 2. Dishonest, fraudulent. m. (-क्री) A Jaina or Bauddha. E. वक्र crooked, fraudulent, इनि aff.
  • वक्रिम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Bent, curved. E. वकि to go crookedly, क्रिमच् aff.
  • वक्रिमन् :: m. (-मा) 1. Crookedness, curvature. 2. Craftiness, cunning. 3. Indirectness. E. वक्र, and इमनिच् aff.
  • वक्रीकरण :: n. (-णं) Curving, bending, distorting. E. वक्र, and करण making, च्वि augment.
  • वक्रीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bent, made crooked. E. वक्र, and कृत made, च्वि aug.
  • वक्रीभाव :: m. (-वः) 1. Curvature, curve. 2. Fraudulent or dishonest dis- position. E. वक्री, भाव property, च्वि aug.
  • वक्रीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Bent, crooked. 2. Dishonest. E. वक्र, भूत become, च्वि aug.
  • वक्रोक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Equivoque, evasion, pun, the covert expression of something else than the words used naturally imply, either from the manner in which they are uttered, or some other sense of which they are susceptible. 2. Hint, insinuation. 3. Sarcasm. It is thus defined in Sāhityadarpana:-- “अन्यस्यान्यार्थकं वाक्यमन्यथायोजयेद्यदि । अन्यः श्लेषेण काक्वा वा सा वक्रोक्तिस्ततो द्विधा ॥” E. वक्र crooked, dishonest, and उक्ति speech.
  • वक्रोष्ठिका :: f. (-का) A gentle smile, one in which the teeth are not shewn. E. वक्र crooked, ओष्ठ the lip, and कन् aff., fem. form; also वक्रोष्टिः ।
  • वक्ष् :: r. 1st cl. (वक्षति) To be angry. 2. To accumulate.
  • वक्षण :: n. (-णं) The breast: see वक्षस् ।
  • वक्षस् :: n. (-क्षः) The breast, the bosom, the chest. m. (-क्षाः) An ox, (con- fined to the Vedas.) E. वच् to speak, or वक्ष् to accumulate, aff. असुन् in the first case सुट् is inserted; again वह् to bear, असुन् aff., सुट् augment, and the deriv. irr.
  • वक्षःसम्मर्द्दिनी :: f. (-नी) Wife of the bosom. E. वक्षस् and सम्मर्द्दिनी who rubs.
  • वक्षः(क्ष)स्थल :: n. (-लं) The breast, the heart. E. वक्षस् and स्थल place.
  • वक्षोज :: n. (-जं) The female breast. E. वक्षस् the breast or chest, ज born.
  • वक्षोरुह :: m. (-हः) The female breast. E. वक्षस् the chest, रुह what rises.
  • वक्ष्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Being to be said or described. E. वच् to say, desid. pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • वख् :: r. 1st cl. (वखति) (इ) वखि (वङ्खति) To go or move.
  • वग्(इ)वगि :: r. 1st cl. (वङ्गति) 1. To go. 2. To go lamely, to limp.
  • वगाह :: m. (-हः) Bathing, ablution. E. अव before, गाह् to agitate, aff. अच्, and the initial rejected; also अवगाह ।
  • वग्नु :: m. (-ग्नुः) A speaker. E. वच् to speak, नु Unādi aff., and च changed to ग ।
  • वघ्(इ)वघि :: r. 1st cl. (वङ्घते) 1. To go. 2. To blame or censure. 3. To be- gin. 4. To begin moving. 5. To move swiftly.
  • वङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) 1. The bend or elbow of a river, the winding course of a stream. 2. Crookedness. f. (-ङ्का) The pummel of a saddle. E. वकि to curve or bend, aff. घञ् ।
  • वङ्किल :: m. (-लः) A thorn. E. वङ्क crookedness, इलच् aff.
  • वङ्क्य :: mfn. (-ङ्क्यः -ङ्क्या -ङ्क्यं) Crooked, curved. E. वञ्च् to go, ण्यत् aff., च changed to क ।
  • वङ्क्रि :: f. (-ङ्क्रिः) A rib. mn. (-ङ्क्रिः-ङ्क्रिं) 1. The wood of a thatch. 2. A kind of musical instrument. E. वकि to be crooked, रि Unādi aff.
  • वङ्क्षण :: n. (-णं) The groin, the public and iliac regions. E. वाञ्छि to

desire, ल्युट् aff., and the form irr.; or वक्ष् to accumulate, ल्युट् aff. and नुम् augment.

  • वङ्क्षु :: f. (-ङ्क्षुः) A small arm or branch of the Ganges. E. वङ्क्ष् to accumulate, aff. उ .
  • वङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) 1. Lead. 2. Tin. m. (-ङ्गः) 1. Bengal, or the eastern parts of the modern province. 2. Cotton. 3. The egg-plant, (Solanum melongena.) E. वगि to go, अच् aff.
  • वङ्गज :: n. (-जं) 1. Brass. 2. Red lead.
  • वङ्गजीवन :: n. (-नं) Silver.
  • वङ्गन :: m. (-नः) The egg-plant. “वेगुण गाछ ।” E. वगि to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • वङ्गशुल्वज :: n. (-जं) Brass. E. वङ्ग tin, शुल्व copper, and ज produced; an alloy of tin and copper.
  • वङ्गसेन :: m. (-नः) The Sesbana grandiflora. “वक्फुलेर गाछ ।” E. वङ्ग Bengal, सि to sew, aff. ल्युट्; also with कन् added, वङ्गसेनक ।
  • वङ्गारि :: m. (-रिः) Yellow orpiment. E. वङ्ग lead, and अरि a foe.
  • वङ्गुला :: f. (-ला) A mode of music.
  • वच्(औ)औवच :: r. 1st cl. (वचति) r. 2nd cl. (वक्ति) and 10th cl. (वाचयति-ते) 1. To speak, to tell. 2. To inform. 3. To read, to expound. 4. To name: (the second cl. is the most usual form of the root, in which its inflections however are very irregular.) With प्र, 1. To begin to speak. 2. To call. 3. To announce. With प्रति, To answer. With अनु, To recite. With निस्, To explain etymologically.
  • वच :: m. (-चः) 1. A parrot. 2. The sun. f. (-चा) 1. Orris root, (Acorus calamus; also Zinziber Zedoaria.) 2. The Sārikā, (Turdus Salica.) E. वच् to speak, अच् aff.
  • वचक्नु :: mfn. (-क्नुः -क्नुः -क्नु) Talkative, loquacious, eloquent. m. (-क्नुः) A Brāhmana. E. वच् to speak, Unādi aff. अक्नुच् ।
  • वचन :: n. (-नं) 1. Speech, speaking. 2. A sentence, a text, a dictum, an aphorism, a rule. 3. Recitation. 4. Advice. 5. Order, command. 6. Dry-ginger. 7. The pronunciation of a letter, (in gram.) 8. The meaning of a word. 9. Number, (in gram.) E. वच् to speak, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • वचनकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) 1. Obedient. 2. Speaking. m. (-रः) The author or enunciator of a precept. E. वचन, and कर who makes.
  • वचनक्रम :: m. (-मः) Discourse, order of words. E. वचन, and क्रम order.
  • वचनग्राहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) Compliant, conformable, submissive, humble. E. वचन speech, ग्राहिन् taking, obeying.
  • वचनविरुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Contrary to a text or precept. E. वचन, विरुद्ध्व opposed.
  • वचनविरोध :: m. (-धः) Incongruity, contradiction, inconsistency of texts. E. वचन, विरोध opposition.
  • वचनव्यक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Distinctness or perspicuity of a text. E. वचन, and व्यक्ति plainness.
  • वचनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be spoken or said. 2. Censurable, to be noticed or reproved. n. (-यं) Censure. E. वच् to speak. अनीयर् aff.
  • वचनीयता :: f. (-ता) 1. Rumour, report, especially ill report, detraction, scandal. 2. Blame, reprehension. E. वचनीय to be censured, तल् aff.; also with त्व, aff., वचनीयत्वं ।
  • वचनमात्र :: n. (-त्रं) Mere words, assertion unsupported by facts. E. वचन, मात्र only.
  • वचनशत :: n. (-तं) Repeated speech or declaration. E. वचन, शत a hundred.
  • वचनेस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Compliant, conformable, obedient. E. वचने in the word, and स्थित who stays.
  • वचर :: m. (-रः) 1. A cock. 2. A rogue, a cheat. E. वच् to speak, अरन् aff.
  • वचलु :: m. (-लुः) Offence, fault. E. वच् to speak. अलुच् aff.
  • वचस् :: n. (-चः) 1. Speech, voice. 2. Words. 3. A sentence. 4. Advice. 5. Command. 6. Number, (in gram.) E. वच् to speak, असुन् aff.
  • वचस्कर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Obedient, compliant. E. वचस्, and कर who does.
  • वज् :: r. 1st cl. (वजति) To go. r. 10th cl. (वाजयति-ते) 1. To go. 2. To make. 3. To prepare the way. 4. To trim or feather an arrow.
  • वज्र :: mfn. (-ज्रः -ज्रा -ज्रं) 1. Hard, impenetrable, adamantine. 2. Cross, fork- ed. mn. (-ज्रः-ज्रं) 1. A thunder-bolt in general, or the thunderbolt of INDRA, which is said to have formed out of the bones of the sage Dadhīchī, (in Hindu mytho.) 2. The diamond, (the gem being considered analogous in hardness to the thunder-bolt, or in fact

to be the same substance.) 3. A diagram, the figure of which is supposed to be that of the thunder-bolt. 4. A child or pupil. 5. Emblic myrobalan. 6. Sour gruel. 7. The blossom of the se- samum. 8. Harsh language. m. (-ज्रः) 1. One of the astronomi- cal Yogas. 2. Kuśa grass. 3. A form of military array. n. (-ज्रं) 1. Steel. 2. A kind of talc. 3. Severe language. 4. A child. f. (-ज्रा-ज्री) A species of Euphorbia f. (-ज्रा) 1. A plant: see गुडुची . 2. A shrub, (Siphonanthus Indica.) E. वज् to go, रन् aff.

  • वज्रक :: n. (-कं) A sort of salt, an impure carbonate of soda. E. कन् added to the last.
  • वज्रकङ्कट :: m. (-टः) Hanumāna, the monkey demigod. E. वज्र the thunder-bolt, (as hard,) and कङ्कट armour.
  • वज्रकण्टक :: m. (-कः) Euphorbia. E. वज्र a thunder-bolt, and कण्टक a thorn.
  • वज्रकपालिन् :: m. (-ली) One of the Bauddha saints.
  • वज्रक्षार :: n. (-रं) An alkaline earth, an impure carbonate of soda. E. वज्र diamond, क्षार alkali.
  • वज्रचर्मन् :: m. (-र्मा) A rhinoceros.
  • वज्रजित् :: m. (-जित्) A name of GARUDĀ. E. वज्र bolt, जित् who conquers; being invulnerable to repeated shocks of INDRA'S bolt.
  • वज्रज्वाला :: f. (-ला) A clap of thunder. E. वज्र the bolt, and ज्वाला flame.
  • वज्रटीक :: m. (-कः) A Jaina deified saint.
  • वज्रतुण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. The deity GANESA. 2. GARUDĀ, the bird and vehicle of VISHṆU. 3. A vulture. 4. A gnat, a musquito. E. वज्र the thunder-bolt, and तुण्ड face or beak, (as hard.)
  • वज्रदन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. A hog. 2. A rat. E. वज्र a thunder-bolt, (as hard,) दन्त a tooth.
  • वज्रदशन :: m. (-नः) A rat. E. वज्र and दशन a tooth; see the last.
  • वज्रद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) Euphorbia of various species. E. वज्र thunder-bolt, (as hard,) and द्रु a tree; also वज्रद्रुम ।
  • वज्रद्रुम :: m. (-मः) Euphorbia: see the last.
  • वज्रधर :: m. (-रः) 1. INDRA, as the JUPITER Tonans of the Hindus. 2. A Bauddha saint. E. वज्र the thunder-bolt, धर who has or holds.
  • वज्रनाभ :: m. (-भः) The discus of KRISHṆA.
  • वज्रनिर्घोष :: m. (-षः) A clap of thunder. E. वज्र the bolt, and निर्घोष sound.
  • वज्रनिष्पेष :: m. (-षः) A clap of thunder. E. वज्र the bolt, and निष्पेष here meaning the sound produced by friction or concussion, from निर् forth, पिष् to grind, aff. घञ् ।
  • वज्रपाणि :: m. (-णिः) INDRA. E. वज्र the bolt, पाणि the hand: see वज्रधर ।
  • वज्रपात :: m. (-तः) A thunder-bolt, a stoke of lightning. E. वज्र, पात fall.
  • वज्रपुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) The blossom of the sesamum. “तिलपुष्पे ।”
  • वज्रबध :: m. (-धः) 1. Death by lightning. 2. Cross multiplication. E. वज्र, and बध killing, or multiplying.
  • वज्रमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) 1. Hard, adamantine. 2. Hard-hearted. E. वज्र, and मयट् aff.
  • वज्ररद :: m. (-दः) A hog. E. वज्र a thunder-bolt, (as hard,) and रद a tooth.
  • वज्रलप :: m. (-पः) A kind of hard cement.
  • वज्रलोहक :: m. (-कः) A loadstone.
  • वज्रवराही :: f. (-ही) A female personification of Māyā or unreality, amongst the Bauddhas.
  • वज्रवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) A species of sun-flower, (Heliotropium.) E. वज्र the thunder-bolt, वल्ली a creeper.
  • वज्रशृङ्खला :: f. (-ला) A female deification peculiar to the Jainas, and one of their sixteen Vidyā-Devis. E. वज्र a diamond, and शृङ्खला a chain.
  • वज्रसार :: Adj. Of the nature of a diamond, (as hard.)
  • वज्रसूर्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) A Jaina saint.
  • वज्राङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A snake. f. (-ङ्गी) A sort of grain, (Coix barbata.) “गवेधु” . the thunder-bolt, (as hard,) अङ्ग body or substance.
  • वज्राघात :: m. (-तः) 1. A thunder-bolt or stroke. 2. A sudden calamity. E. वज्र, आघात blow.
  • वज्राभ :: m. (-भः) Precious opal. E. वज्र the diamond, (in hardness perhaps,) आभ resembling.
  • वज्राभ्यास :: m. (-सः) Cross multiplication. E. वज्र, and अभ्यास practising.
  • वज्राशनि :: m. (-निः) INDRA'S thunder-bolt.
  • वज्रिन् :: m. (-ज्री) 1. INDRA. 2. A Jaina deified saint. 3. A buffalo. 4. An owl. E. वज्र the thunder-bolt, इनि aff.
  • वञ्च्(उ)वञ्चु :: r. 1st cl. (वञ्चति) 1. To go. 2. To go secretly. r. 1st and 10th cls. (वञ्चते वञ्चयते) To delude, to cheat, to trick or deceive. Caus. (वञ्चयति-ते) 1. To shun, to evade. 2. To beguile, to defraud.
  • वञ्चक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Fraudulent, crafty. m. (-कः) 1. A jackal 2. A tame or house ichneumon. 3. A rogue, a cheat. 4. A low or vile man. 5. A musk-rat. f. (-चिका) Cheating. E. वञ्च् to cheat, ण्वुल् aff.
  • वञ्चति :: m. (-तिः) Fire.
  • वञ्चथ :: m. (-थः) A rogue, a knave, a cheat. E. वञ्च् to cheat, Unādi aff. अथ ।
  • वञ्चन :: n. (-नं) Cheating, fraud. E. वञ्च् to cheat, ल्युट् aff.
  • वञ्चनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be cheated. E. वञ्च to cheat, अनीयर् aff.
  • वञ्चयित्वा :: Ind. Having cheated. E. वञ्च् to cheat, क्त्वाच् aff.
  • वञ्चित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Tricked, deceived. f. (-ता) A kind of riddle. E. वञ्च् to cheat, aff. क्त .
  • वञ्चुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Crafty, fraudulent. m. (-कः) A jackal. E. वञ्च् to cheat, aff. उकन् ।
  • वञ्च्य :: mfn. (-ञ्च्य -ञ्च्या -ञ्च्यं) 1. To be gone. 2. To be cheated. E. वञ्च् to go, यत् aff.
  • वञ्जुल :: m. (-लः) 1. A tree, (Dalbergia Ougeinensis.) 2. Another tree, (Jonesia Asoca.) 3. Common cane, (Calamus rotang.) 4. A flower, (Hibiscus mutabilis.) 5. A sort of bird. f. (-ला) A cow that yields abundance of milk. E. वञ्च to go, aff. उलच्, च changed to ज ।
  • वञ्जुलप्रिय :: m. (-यः) The ratan, (Calamus rotang.) “वेतसे ।”
  • वट् :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (वटति वटयति-ते) 1. To surround or encompass. 2. To tie or string, to connect. 3. To partition, to divide. r. 1st cl. causal form (वटयति) To speak. (इ) वटि r. 4th and 10th cls. (वण्टति वण्टयति) To partition, to separate or divide.
  • वट :: Subst. mfn. (-टः -टी -टं) A string, a rope, a tie. m. (-टः) 1. The large Indian fig-tree, (Ficus Indica.) 2. A round figure, a circle, a cipher, a ball or globe. 3. Pulse ground and fried with oil or butter. 4. A small shell, a cowrie. 5. Equality in shape or dimen- sion. E. वट् to surround, to tie, aff. अच् ।
  • वटक :: m. (-कः) 1. Pulse ground and fried in oil or butter. 2. A weight of eight Māshās. f. (-टिका) A pill. E. वट् to surround, aff. क्वुन् ।
  • वटपत्रा :: f. (-त्रा) A plant, from the fibrous leaves of which bow-strings, &c., are made, (Aletris hyacinthoides: Sanseviera zeylanica, Rox.'s Cata.) E. वट a string, पत्र a leaf.
  • वटर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -र) 1. Wicked, villainous. 2. Slippery, unsteady. m. (-रः) 1. A cock. 2. A thief. 3. A cloth worn round the head, a turban. 4. A mat. 5. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus.) 6. A churning stick. E. वट् to surround, अरच् aff.
  • वटवासिन् :: mf. (-सा-सिनी) A sort of demigod, male and female; a YAKSHA or YAKSHINĪ, KUVERA'S special attendants. E. वट the Indian-fig in which these spirits are supposed to be fond of abiding, वास abode, and इनि aff.
  • वटाकर :: m. (-रः) A cord, a rope, a string. E. वट surrounding, आकर what makes, from कृ to make, with आङ् prefix, and टच् aff.
  • वटावीक :: m. (-कः) A notorious thief, a dacoit, a robber.
  • वटि :: m. (-टिः) A sort of tick or body louse. E. वट् to surround, aff. इन् ।
  • वटिक :: m. (-कः) A pawn at chess. f. (-का) 1. A pill. 2. A chessman.
  • वटिन् :: mfn. (-टी -टिनी -टि) 1. Stringed, having a string. 2. Circular, glo- bular. E. वट, and इनि aff.
  • वटु :: m. (-टुः) 1. The Brahmachāri or religious student, after his investi- ture with the sacred thread. 2. A lad, a youth in general. 3. A flower, (Bignonia Indica.) E. वट् to surround, (with the string, &c.) or to speak, उ Unādi aff.
  • वटुक :: m. (-कः) 1. A lad, a young man in general, or one fit to receive the sacrificial thread. 2. A religious student. 3. A stupid fellow, a blockhead. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • वटूकरण :: n. (-णं) Investiture with the sacred and characteristic thread.

E. वटु a lad after investiture. कृ to make, aff. ल्युट्, and the vowel of वटु made long or technically, च्वि augment.

  • वठ् :: r. 1st cl. (वठति) To be large, powerful or able; also वठ(इ)वठि (वण्ठते) To move alone or unaccompanied.
  • वठर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Vile, wicked, abandoned. 2. Stupid, slow, dull. m. (-रः) 1. A blockhead, a fool. 2. A physician. 3. A waterpot. E. वच् to speak, अरच् aff., and च changed to ठ ।
  • वड्(इ)वडि :: r. 1st cl. (वण्डते) 1. To partition, to share or divide. 2. To surround or encompass. 3. To cover: in the first sense it is some- times read as a root of the 10th cl. (वण्डयति-ते).
  • वडभि :: f. (-भिः or भी) 1. The wooden frame of a thatch. 2. A temporary building or awning on the top of a palace, or a room or turret so situated. E. वल् to cover, अभच् aff., इन् added, and again optionally ङीष्, ल changed to ड; otherwise वलभि and वलभी ।
  • वडा :: f. (-डा) Pulse ground and fried with oil or butter. E. वल् to cover, अच् and टाप् affs., and ल changed to its congener ड ।
  • वडिश :: nf. (-शं-शा or शी) 1. A fish-hook. 2. A bait. E. वटिन् having a string, शी to destroy, ड aff.; the radical ट changed to ड ।
  • वड्र :: mfn. (-ड्रः -ड्रा -ड्रं) Large, great. E. वल् to cover, रक् aff., ल changed to ड ।
  • वण्(ऋ)वणृ :: r. 1st cl. (वणति) To sound; also वन ।
  • वण्ट् :: r. 10th cl. (वण्टयति-ते) To partition, to separate or divide; also वटि .
  • वण्ट :: m. (-ण्टः) 1. A part, a portion. 2. A man unmarried. 3. The handle of a sickle. E. वटि to divide, aff. घञ् ।
  • वण्टक :: m. (-कः) 1. A part, a portion, a share. 2. A distributer. 3. Dis- tributing. E. वटि to divide, घञ्, and कन् affs.
  • वण्टन :: n. (-नं) Portioning, dividing. E. वटि to divide, ल्युट् aff.
  • वण्टनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Divisible, to be divided. E. वटि to divide, अनीयर् aff.
  • वण्टाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A contest of heroes. 2. A boat. 3. A shovel, a hoe: also वण्डाल ।
  • वण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) 1. An unmarried man. 2. A dwarf. 3. A javelin. f. (-ण्ठा) 1. Dwarfish. 2. Unmarried. E. वठि to go alone, aff. घञ् ।
  • वण्ठर :: m. (-रः) 1. The new shoot of the Tāl or palm tree. 2. The sheath that envelopes the young bamboo. 3. A rope for tying a goat, &c. 4. A female breast. 5. A dog's tail. 6. A dog. 7. A cloud. E. वठि to go alone, aff. अरच् ।
  • वण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डा -ण्डं) 1. Maimed, defective, crippled, but especially in the hands. 2. Unmarried. 3. Impotent, emasculated. m. (-ण्डः) 1. A man who is circumcised or has no prepuce. 2. An ox without his tail. f. (-ण्डा) An unchaste woman. E. वण् to sound, &c., aff. ड ।
  • वण्डर :: m. (-रः) 1. A niggard, a miser. 2. An eunuch or attendant on the woman's apartments.
  • वण्डाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A description of conflict, the contest of heroes. 2. A boat. 3. A spade, a hoe. E. वडि to divide, आलच् aff.; also वण्टाल ।
  • वत् :: Ind. As, like, similar: this is more generally considered as an affix to words, termed technically वति, as ब्राह्मणवत् like a Brāh man, &c. f. (-वती) An affix added to nouns to form possessive adjectives, as लक्ष्मीवत्; also added to past passive participles to form past active participles, as कृतवत् ।
  • वत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Uttered, sounded, spoken. 2. Asked, begged. Ind. 1. A particle analogous to ah, oh, &c. expressing sorrow. 2. Compassion. 3. Pleasure. 4. Oh, ho, a vocative particle. E. वन् to ask or beg, &c. aff. क्त ।
  • वतंस :: m. (-सः) 1. An ear-ring. 2. A crest. E. अव before, तसि to adorn, and अच् aff., the initial rejected; also अवतंस ।
  • वतण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) The name of a Muni. E. अव before, तडि to beat, aff. अच्, अ rejected.
  • वतोका :: f. (-का) 1. A cow miscarrying from accident. 2. A barren wo- man. E. अव before, तोक offspring, and अ rejected; also अवतोका ।
  • वत्स :: n. (-त्सं) The breast, the chest. m. (-त्सः) 1. A calf. 2. A year. mf. (-त्सः-त्सा) A term of endearment, used to children, scholars, &c. E. वद् to speak, to speak kindly to, or वस् to love, Unādi aff. स ।
  • वत्सक :: m. (-कः) 1. A calf. 2. A child. 3. A medicinal plant, (Wrightea antidysenterica.) n. (-कं) Black sulphate of iron. E. वत्स and कन् added.
  • वत्सकाम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Fond of or anxious about a child. f. (-मा) A cow anxious after her calf, a mother anxious after her child, &c. E. वत्स a calf, &c. and काम् to desire, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • वत्सगुरु :: m. (-रुः) A master. E. वत्म, and गुरु teacher.
  • वत्सतर :: m. (-रः) A steer. f. (-रिः or री) A heifer. E. वत्स a calf, and तरप् aff. of excess; more than a calf.
  • वत्सतन्त्री :: f. (-न्त्री) The rope that ties a calf. E. वत्स, and तन्त्री a string.
  • वत्सनाभ :: m. (-भः) An active poison; also called Mītha Zeher, the root of the Aconite ferox brought from Nepāl. E. वत्स a calf, and नभ् to injure, अण् aff.; the root is sometimes compared to the nipple of a cow, whence perhaps this etymology.
  • वत्सपत्तन :: n. (-नं) The name of a city in the north of India; one place to which it is applied is now a village in the district of Gorakhpur E. वत्स a calf, and पत्तन a city.
  • वत्सर :: m. (-रः) 1. A year. 2. An epithet of VISHṆU. E. वस् to abide, सरन् Unādi aff.
  • वत्सरान्तक :: m. (-कः) The month Phālguṇa. E. वत्सर, and अन्तक destroyer.
  • वत्सल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Afflctionate, kind. n. (-लं) Affection, fondness. f. (-ला) A cow anxious for her calf. m. (-लः) A fire fed with grass. E. वत्स a child, and लच् aff.
  • वत्सलता :: f. (-ता) Tenderness, affection. E. वत्सल, तल् aff.; also with त्व, वत्सलत्वं ।
  • वत्साक्षी :: f. (-क्षी) A kind of cucumber, (Cucumis madraspatanus.)
  • वत्सादन :: m. (-नः) A wolf. f. (-नी) A plant, (Menispermum glabrum.) E. वत्स a calf, अदन food.
  • वत्सिमन् :: m. (-मा) Youth, childhood.
  • वत्सीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Proper or fit for a calf. m. (-यः) A cowherd. E. वत्स a calf, &c., and छ aff.
  • वद् :: r. 1st and 10th cl. (वदति-ते वदयति-ते) 1. To inform, to speak to or tell, to declare. 2. To speak articulately. 3. To abide. 4. To shine. 5. To be an authority on. 6. To toil. With अनु, (अनुवदते) 1. To speak similarly or subsequently. 2. To resound. 3. To confirm, to ratify. 4. To imitate in loud and distinct voice. With अप prefixed, (अपवदति-ते) To reprove, to censure. With, अभि, To salute respect- fully or by name. With उप, (उपवदते) 1. To explain. 2. To flatter, to cajole. 3. To conciliate, to persuade. With निर्, To speak out or plainly. With परि, (परिवदति) To speak against. With प्र, 1. To rumour, to slander. 2. To call. 3. To consider. With प्रति, (प्रति- वदति) To reply to or answer. With वि, (विवदते) 1. To dispute. 2. To litigate. With वि and प्र, (विप्रवदति or -ते) To wrangle or dispute together. With वि, and प्र, To break a promise. With सम and प्र, (संप्रवदते) To speak articulately in concert; (संप्रवदति) To utter or articulate sounds together. With सम, 1. To converse. 2. To speak to. 3. To call, to name. 4. To coincide, to resemble, (with an inst.) Caus. (वादयति-ते) 1. To cause to utter. 2. To play on an instrument. With अभि, To salute. With वि, and सम्, To make inconsistent. With सम्, To consult, (with an inst.) (इ) वदि (वन्दते) 1. To salute with reverence or respect. 2. To praise, to eulogize.
  • वद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Speaking, able to speak, speaking well or sensibly. E. वद् to speak, अच् aff.
  • वदत् :: mfn. (-दन् -दन्ती -दत्) Speaking, saying. E. वद् to speak, शतृ aff.
  • वदन :: n. (-नं) 1. The mouth, the face. 2. The front. 3. Look, appearance. 4. The summit or apex of a triangle. E. वद् to speak, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • वदनसरोज :: n. (-जं) The face of a mistress. E. वदन, and सरोज a lotus; also similar compounds, and वदनाम्बुरुह वदनारविन्द, वदनकमल, &c.
  • वदनासव :: m. (-वः) Saliva, the moisture of the lips. E. वदन the mouth, आसव spirituous liquor.
  • वदनेन्दु :: m. (-न्दुः) The face. E. वदन, इन्दु the moon; also similar com- pounds, as वदनचन्द्र, &c.
  • वदन्ति :: f. (-न्तिः-न्ती) Speech, discourse, talk. E. वद् to say or speak, झिच् Unādi aff., ङीष् optionally added.
  • वदन्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) Munificent, bountiful. E. वद् to speak, aff. अन्य; also वदान्य ।
  • वदमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Saying, calling. 2. Glorifying, boasting. E. वद् to speak, शानच् aff.
  • वदरिक :: m. (-कः) The jujube: see बदरि ।
  • वदान्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) 1. Liberal, munificent. 2. Speaking kindly or agreeably. 3. Eloquent. E. वद् to speak, अन्य Unādi aff.
  • वदाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A sheat-fish, (Silurus Boalis, HAM.) 2. A whirl-pool. E. वद् to speak, aff. आलच्, also with कन् added, वदालक m. (-कः).
  • वदावद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Speaking, a speaker, able to speak, able to speak well, eloquent. E. वद् to speak, aff. अच्, the root repeated, and आ inserted.
  • वदि :: Ind. In the dark half of, (any month.)
  • वद्य :: f. (-द्या) Adj. 1. Unblamable. 2. The second or dark, (fortnight of a lunar month.) n. (-द्यं) Speech, speaking.
  • वधु :: f. (-धुः) 1. A son's wife. 2. A wife in general. वह् to bear, उ aff.; more commonly वधू ।
  • वधुका :: f. (-का) A wife. E. वधु for वधू, and कन् added.
  • वधुटी :: f. (-टी) A daughter-in-law: see वधूटी ।
  • वधू :: f. (-धूः) 1. Woman in general, a female. 2. A wife. 3. A young wife, one recently married, a bride. 4. A son's wife. 5. A sort of bulbous root, (Curcuma reclinata.) 6. A gramineous plant, (Trigonella corniculata:) see पृक्का 7. A plant, (Echites frute- scens.) E. वह् to bear, उ aff., and ह changed to ध; also derived from बध् to bind, in which case it is written बधू ।
  • वधूजन :: m. (-नः) A woman. E. वधू a female, and जन person.
  • वधूटी :: f. (-टी) 1. A son's wife. 2. A young woman living in her father's house, whether married or unmarried. E. वधू wife, टी aff.
  • वधूवस्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) Bridal apparel.
  • वधूशयन :: n. (-नं) A lattice, a loop-hole.
  • वन् :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (वनति वानयति-ते) 1. To sound. 2. To serve, to honour. 3. To help. 4. To be distressed. (उ) वनु r. 1st and 10th cls. (वनति वानयति-ते) 1. To act, to transact business. 2. To injure; r. 8th cl. (वनुते) To ask or beg.
  • वन :: nf. (-नं-नी) A forest, a wood, a grove. n. (-नं) 1. Water. 2. A resi- dence, a dwelling or abode. 3. A house. 4. Timber. 5. A cascade or fountain. E. वन् to sound, to serve, to seek, &c., aff. अच् ।
  • वनकचु :: m. (-चुः) A species of Arum, (A. calocasia.) E. वन, and कचु the same.
  • वनकणा :: f. (-णा) Wild pepper.
  • वनकरिन् :: m. (-री) A wild elephant. E. वन, and करिन् an elephant.
  • वनकार्प्पासी :: f. (-सी) Wild cotton, or a plant resembling it, (Hibiscus vitifolius.) E. वन a wood, and कार्प्पासी cotton.
  • वनकुक्कुट :: m. (-टः) Wild fowl. E. वन and कुक्कुट a cock.
  • वनगज :: m. (-जः) A wild elephant. E. वन, and गज an elephant.
  • वनगहन :: n. (-नं) A thicket. E. वन, and गहन the same.
  • वनगुप्त :: m. (-प्तः) A spy, an emissary. E. वन a wood, and गुप्त concealed.
  • वनगो :: f. (-गौः) The Gāyal, (Bos Gavæus.) E. वन wood, and गो a cow; also वनगव m. (-वः) ।
  • वनगोचर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Frequenting forests. m. (-रः) A hunter, a forester. n. (-रं) A forest. E. वन, and गोचर an object, &c.
  • वनचन्दन :: n. (-नं) 1. Aloe-wood or Agallochum. 2. A sort of pine, (Pinus Devadāru.) E. वन a wood, and चन्दन Sandal.
  • वनचर :: m. (-रः) 1. A forester, a woodman. 2. A wild animal. 3. The fabulous animal called Sārabha.
  • वनचारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Forest, forester, savage. E. वन, and चारिन् who goes.
  • वनच्छेद :: m. (-दः) Cutting timber. E. वन, and छेद who cuts.
  • वनछाग :: m. (-गः) 1. A wild goat. 2. A hog. E. वन a wood, and छाग a goat.
  • वनछिद् :: m. (-द्) A wood-cutter. E. वन, and छिद् who cuts.
  • वनज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Wild, forest, born or produced in a wood. n. (-जं) A lotus. m. (-जः) 1. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) 2. An

elephant. f. (-जा) 1. A sort of pulse, (Phaseolus trilobus.) 2. The wild cotton tree. 3. Wild ginger. E. वन wood, and ज born.

  • वनजीविन् :: m. (-वी) A wood-man, a forester. E. वन, and जीविन् who lives.
  • वनतिक्त :: m. (-क्तः) A sort of myrobalan, (Terminalia chebula.) f. (-क्ता) A plant, commonly Ākanādi, (Cissampelos hexandra.) E. वन wood, तिक्त bitter.
  • वनतिक्तिका :: f. (-का) A climbing plant, (Cissampelos hexandra.) E. कन् in the fem. form added to the preceding.
  • वनद :: m. (-दः) A cloud. E. वन water, and द what yield.
  • वनदीप :: m. (-पः) The Champaka, (Michelia Champaca.) E. वन a wood, and दीप a lamp or illuminator.
  • वनधारा :: f. (-रा) An avenue of trees.
  • वनधेनु :: f. (-नुः) The female of the Bos Gavæus.
  • वनपल्लव :: m. (-वः) A tree, (Hyperanthera morunga, &c.) E. वन a wood, पल्लव a shoot.
  • वनपांशुल :: m. (-लः) A hunter, a deer-killer. E. वन a wood, पांशुल a low man.
  • वनपादप :: m. (-पः) A forest tree. E. वन, पादप a tree.
  • वनपूरक :: m. (-कः) The wild citron tree.
  • वनप्रवेश :: m. (-शः) Entering a forest, commencing to live as a hermit. E. वन, प्रवेश entry.
  • वनप्रस्थ :: n. (-स्थं) A wood situated on table land.
  • वनप्रिय :: m. (-यः) The Indian cuckoo. E. वन a wood, and प्रिय fond of.
  • वनभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) A medicinal root, commonly Rishabha. E. वन a wood, भुज् to eat, aff. क्विप् ।
  • वनमल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) Wild jasmine. E. वन a wood, मल्ली jasmine.
  • वनमाक्षिका :: f. (-का) A gad-fly. E. वन a wood, and माक्षिका fly.
  • वनमाला :: f. (-ला) The chaplet or garland worn by KRISHṆA. E. वन a wood, and माला necklace.
  • वनमालिन् :: m. (-ली) KRISHṆA. f. (-नी) 1. Dwārakā the capital of KRISH- ṆA. 2. A female energy of KRISHṆA. E. वनमाला as above, इनि, ङीप् .
  • वनमुच् :: m. (-मुक्) a cloud. E. वन water, and मुच् to let loose, क्विप् aff.
  • वनमुद्ग :: m. (-द्गः) A sort of kidney-bean, (Phaseolus trilobus.) E. वन a wood, मुद्ग kidney-bean.
  • वनमूत :: m. (-तः) A cloud. E. वन water, and मूत sprinkled.
  • वनर :: m. (-रः) A monkey. E. वन a wood, रम् to play, aff. ड; also वानर ।
  • वनराज :: m. (-जः) A lion. E. वन a wood, and राजन् a sovereign.
  • वनराजि :: mfn. (-जिः -जिः or जी -जि) Embellishing or beautifying a forest. E. वन, राजृ to shine, इन् aff.
  • वनलक्ष्मी :: f. (-क्ष्मी) 1. The plantain. 2. The beauty of a wood.
  • वनवर्त्तिन् :: mfn. (-र्त्ती -र्त्तिनी -र्त्ति) Residing in the woods. E. वन, वर्त्तिन् who abides.
  • वनवह्नि :: m. (-ह्निः) A forest-conflagration. E. वन a forest, and वह्नि fire.
  • वनवास :: m. (-सः) Living in the woods, as a hermit, &c. E. वन, वास abode.
  • वनवासन :: m. (-नः) A civet or pole cat. E. वन a wood, वस् to dwell, aff. युच् ।
  • वनवासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Wild, forest, who or what dwells in woods. m. (-सी) 1. An anchoret, a hermit. 2. A forester. E. वन forest, वास abode, aff. इनि ।
  • वनविडाल :: m. (-लः) A sort of wild cat, (Felis caracal.) E. वन, and विडाल a cat.
  • वनव्रीहि :: m. (-हिः) Rice growing wild in pools or swamps, and consi- dered by botanists, as the parent stock of all the varieties cul- tivated in India. E. वन wood or water, and व्रीहि rice.
  • वनशृङ्गाट :: m. (-टः) A plant, (Ruellia longifolia:) see गोक्षर . E. वन a wood, and शृङ्गाट the same plant.
  • वनशोभन :: n. (-नं) A lotus. E. वन water, शोभन adorning.
  • वनश्वन् :: m. (-श्वा) 1. A jackal. 2. A tiger. 3. A civet or pole cat. E. वन a wood, श्वन् a dog.
  • वनसङ्कट :: m. (-टः) A sort of pulse, (Ervum hirsutum.) E. वन a wood, सङ्कट what contracts.
  • वनसमूह :: m. (-हः) A multitude of groves or forests. E. वन, and समूह a collection.
  • वनसरोजिनी :: f. (-नी) The wild cotton plant. E. वन wild, सरोजिनी Hibiscus.
  • वनस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Wild, savage, forest or grove-abiding, &c. m.

(-स्थः) 1. A deer. 2. A hermit. f. (-स्था) The holy-fig tree. E. वन (in) a wood, and स्थ what stays.

  • वनस्थली :: f. (-ली) Forest-ground.
  • वनस्थायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Being or abiding in a wood. m. (-यी) A hermit, an anchoret. E. वन, स्थायिन् who stays.
  • वनस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Situated or being in a forest. E. वन, स्थित what stays.
  • वनस्पति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A tree that bears fruit but no apparent blossoms, as several species of the fig, the jack, &c. 2. A tree in general. 3. An ascetic. E. वन forest, and पति lord, सुट् augment.
  • वनस्रज् :: f. (स्रक् or स्रग्) A garland of forest flowers.
  • वनहास :: m. (-सः) A sort of tall grass, (Saccharum spontaneum.) E. वन wood, and हास a smile, from हस् to laugh, with घञ् aff.; also with कन् added, वनहासक ।
  • वनाकम्प :: m. (-म्पः) Shaking of the trees of wood by the wind. E. वन, आकम्प trembling.
  • वनाखु :: m. (-खुः) A hare. E. वन a wood, and आखु a rat.
  • वनाखुक :: m. (-कः) A sort of bean, (Phaseolus Mungo.) E. अव-नख-उकञ् अवाल्लोपः ।
  • वनाज :: m. (-जः) A wild goat. E. वन a wood, and अज a goat.
  • वनाटु :: m. (-टुः) 1. The anus. 2. A blue fly. E. वन a thicket, अट् to go, उन् aff.
  • वनान्त :: n. (-न्तं) The skirts of a wood. E. वन, अन्त end.
  • वनापगा :: f. (-गा) A forest stream.
  • वनाभिलाव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Wood-destroying. E. वन, अभिलाव destruction.
  • वनामल :: m. (-लः) A fruit, (Carissa carondas.) E. वन wood, and आमल for आमलक myrobalan.
  • वनायु :: m. (-युः) 1. A country distinguished for its breed of horses, (i. e.) ARABIA. also वानायु . 2. An antelope. E. वन, आयुच् aff.
  • वनायुज :: m. (-जः) A horse of the Vanāyu breed. E. वनायु a country, ज born.
  • वनारिष्टा :: f. (-ष्टा) Wild turmeric.
  • वनार्च्चक :: m. (-कः) A flower-gatherer. E. वन a wood, अर्च्च् to go, वुन् aff.
  • वनालक्त :: n. (-क्तं) Red earth.
  • वनालिका :: f. (-का) A sun-flower, (Heliotropium Indicum.) E. वन a wood, अल् to adorn, aff. वन् and fem. form.
  • वनाश्रय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Forest, forester, who or what is in a forest. m. (-यः) 1. A raven, or perhaps more properly a sort of crow. 2. Dwelling in a forest. E. वन a wood, आश्रय abode.
  • वनाश्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Leading the life of a hermit, &c. E. वन, आश्रित repaired to.
  • वनाहिर :: m. (-रः) A hog.
  • वनि :: m. (-निः) 1. Fire or its deity. 2. Wish, desire. E. वन् to worship, Unādi aff. इन् ।
  • वनिका :: f. (-का) A woody place, a grove. E. वनी, and कन् added.
  • वनित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Solicited, begged. 2. Served. f. (-ता) 1. A wo- man in general. 2. A beloved woman, a wife, a mistress. E. वन् to ask, aff. क्त ।
  • वनिताविलास :: m. (-सः) The wanton sport of woman.
  • वनिन् :: m. (-नी) 1. A tree. 2. A Brāhman in the third stage of his life.
  • वनिष्ठु :: m. (-ष्ठुः) The entrails of an animal offered in sacrifice. E. वन् to worship, इष्ठुच् Unādi aff.
  • वनिष्णु :: Adj. Begging, soliciting. E. वन, इष्णुच् aff.
  • वनीक :: m. (-कः) A beggar; also वनीयक ।
  • वनीयक :: m. (-कः) A beggar, a mendicant. E. वन् to ask, इन् aff., क्यच् and वुन् added; also य being changed to प, वनीपक ।
  • वनेक्षुद्रा :: f. (-द्रा) A tree, commonly Karanja. E. वने in a wood, क्षुद्रा small.
  • वनेचर :: mfn. (-रः -रा or री -रं) Who or what inhabits in a wood, forest, &c, a forester. m. (-रः) 1. A forester, one of a savage tribe in- habiting woods, a sylvan, a satyr. 2. An imp, &c. E. वने in a forest, चर who goes.
  • वनेचराग्र्य :: m. (-ग्र्यः) An ascetic, an anchorite. E. वनेचर and अग्र्य a chief.
  • वनेशय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Living in the woods. E. वने, शी to sleep, श aff.
  • वनैकदेश :: m. (-शः) A part of a thicket. E. वन, and एकदेश a part.
  • वनोत्साह :: m. (-हः) A rhinoceros. E. वन a wood, and उत्साह effort.
  • वनोद्देश :: m. (-शः) A part of a thicket. E. वन, and उद्देश direction.
  • वनोद्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Produced in a forest. f. (-वा) Wild cotton. E. वन a wood, उद्भव produced.
  • वनीकस् :: m. (-काः) 1. A forester. 2. A monkey, an ape. 3. An ascetic. E. वन wood, ओकस् dwelling.
  • वन्दका :: f. (-का) A parasite plant. E. वन्दा the same, कन् aff.
  • वन्दथ :: m. (-थः) 1. A panegyrist, a eulogist, a bard. 2. One deserving praise or eulogium. E. वन्द् to praise, Unādi aff. अथ ।
  • वन्दन :: n. (-नं) 1. The face or mouth. 2. Obeisance to a Brāhmana or superior by touching the feet, &c. f. (-नी) 1. Reverence, worship, adoring. 2. Begging, soliciting, asking. 3. A drug for reviving the dead. f. (-ना) Praise, praising, especially the gods or great men. E. वदि to praise, aff. ल्युट् or युच्, fem. aff. ङीष् or टाप् ।
  • वन्दनमाला :: f. (-ला) The ornamented arch of a gate-way. E. वन्दन praising, माला a garland; being hung with flowers on festival occasions.
  • वन्दनमालिका :: f. (-का) The ornamented arch of a gate way. E. वन्दन praising, माला a garland, कन् aff. in the fem. form.
  • वन्दनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Praise-worthy, to be eulogised. f. (-या) A yellow substance used as a pigment, said in the Tantras to be procured from the head of a cow: see रोचना . E. वदि to praise, अनीयर् aff.
  • वन्दा :: f. (-न्दा) 1. A parasite plant, (Epidendrum tessellatum, &c.) 2. Any parasite plant. 3. A female beggar. E. वदि to praise, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • वन्दाका :: f. (-का) A parasite plant. E. वदि, आकन् aff.
  • वन्दार :: m. (-रः) A parasite plant. E. वन्दा the same, ऋ to go, or be, aff. अच् ।
  • वन्दारु :: mfn. (-रुः -रुः -रु) 1. Civil, complementary, polite. 2. Praising, celebrating. m. (-रुः) A panegyrist, a bard. E. वदि to praise, आरु aff.
  • वन्दि :: f. (-न्दिः or न्दी) 1. A captive, a prisoner, man or beast confined. 2. A ladder or stairs. E. वदि to praise, aff., इन्, ङीप् optionally added.
  • वन्दिग्राह :: m. (-हः) A house-breaker, especially one who breaks into the place in which the sacred fire is preserved, into an armoury, or a temple. E. वन्दि captive, (what is confined or shut up,) ग्राह who seizes; also वन्दिचौर &c.
  • वन्दिचौर :: m. (-रः) A thief, a house-breaker. E. वन्दि, and चौर thief: see the last.
  • वन्दिन् :: m. (-न्दी) 1. A panegyrist, a bard, a herald, a servant whose duty it is to proclaim the titles of a great man as he passes along; or a poet, who sings the praises of a prince in his presence, or accompanies an army, to chaunt martial songs: considered as one of a distinct tribe, he is the son of a Kshetriya by a Sūdra female. 2. A flatterer. 3. A prisoner. E. वदि to praise, aff. णिनि ।
  • वन्दिपाठ :: m. (-ठः) A complementary stanza, a panegyric, a eulogium, often improvisatore, recited by a bard. E. वन्दि a bard, पाठ reading.
  • वन्दीकार :: m. (-रः) A thief, a house-breaker.
  • वन्द्य :: mfn. (-न्द्यः -न्द्या -न्द्यं) To be praised, commendable, laudable. f. (-न्द्या) A parasite plant. E. वदि to praise, यत् aff., or यक् Unādi aff.
  • वन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) A worshipper. n. (-न्द्रं) Prosperity. E. वन्द् to praise, aff. रन् ।
  • वन्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) Forest, savage, wild, produced in a wood, &c. f. (-न्या) 1. A multitude of groves. 2. A quantity of water, a flood, a deluge. 3. A plant, (Physalis flexuosa.) E. वन् a wood, &c., यत् aff.
  • वन्न :: m. (-न्नः) A co-partner, a co-heir, &c. E. वत् to ask, रन् Unādi aff.
  • वप्(ड)डुवप :: r. 1st cl. (वपति-ते) 1. To sow seed. 2. To procreate. 3. To shave. 4. To weave. With आ, To scatter. With नि, 1. To scatter seed. 2. To make offerings to the MANES. 3. To kill. With निस्, 1 To scatter. 2. To perform. 3. To offer. 4. To present libations to the MANES. With प्रति, 1. To sow. 2. To pierce, to fix.
  • वप :: m. (-पः) 1. Shaving. 2. Sowing seed. 3. Weaving. f. (-पा) 1. The mucous or glutinous secretion of the flesh or bones; according to some, also the marrow of the bones. 2. Any hole or cavity. E. वप् to sow seed, &c., aff. अच् ।
  • वपन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sowing seed. 2. Shaving. 3. Semen virile. f. (-नी) 1. A barber's shop. 2. A weaver's workshop. E. वप् to shave, &c. aff. ल्युट् ।
  • वपाकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) Marrow. E. वपा, कृत् what makes.
  • वपिल :: m. (-लः) A father. E. वप् to sow seed, (figuratively,) इलच् Unādi aff.
  • वपुन :: m. (-नः) A deity. n. (-नं) Knowledge. E. वप् to sow, उनच् aff.
  • वपुर्धर :: Adj. 1. Embodied. 2. Beautiful, handsome.
  • वपुष्टमा :: f. (-मा) A plant, (Hibiscus mutabilis.)
  • वपुष्मत् :: mfn. (-ष्मान् -ष्मन्ती -ष्मत्) Having a body, corporeal, incarnate. E. वपुस्, मतुप् aff.
  • वपुस् :: n. (-पुः) 1. The body. 2. A handsome form or figure. 3. Beauty, beautiful appearance. E. वप् to sow, Unādi aff. उसि ।
  • वपुस्रव :: m. (-वः) A humour of the body.
  • वप्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be sown. 2. To be given, conferred, implanted, &c. 3. To be emitted seminally, to be impregnated or begotten. E. वप् to sow, तव्य aff.; also वपनीय &c.
  • वप्तृ :: mfn. (-प्ता -प्त्री -प्तृ) A sower, a planter, &c. m. (-प्ता) 1. A father, a pro- genitor. 2. A poet. 3. A sage. E. वप् to sow, aff. तृच् ।
  • वप्र :: mn. (-प्रः-प्रं) 1. A field. 2. A rampart, a mud-wall, earth taken from the ditch of a town and raised as a wall or buttress, or as the foundation of a wall of masonry, &c. 3. The foundation of any building. 4. The gate of a fortified city. 5. A shore or bank. 6. Dust, earth. 7. A mound, a hillock. 8. The slope of a hill. 9. A summit, a peak. 10. A ditch. 11. A field. 12. The butting of an elephant or bull. m. (-प्रः) A father. n. (-प्रं) Lead. f. (-प्री) A hillock, an ant-hill. E. वप् to sow, रन् Unādi aff.
  • वप्रक्रीडा :: f. (-डा) Butting, as of an elephant or bull, &c., against a bank. E. वप्र a mound, and क्रीडा sport.
  • वप्रानत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bowed or stooping to butt at a wall or bank. E. वप्र, आनत bent.
  • वप्रान्तर :: Ind. In or between banks, mounds, &c. E. वप्र, अन्तर् within.
  • वप्राभिघात :: m. (-तः) Butting at a bank or mound. E. वप्र, अभिघात striking.
  • वप्राम्भस् :: n. (-म्भः) The water near or along the bank. E. वप्र, अम्भस् water.
  • वप्रि :: m. (-प्रिः) 1. A field. 2. The ocean. E. वप् to sow, Unādi aff. रि ।
  • वभ्र् :: r. 1st cl. (वभ्रति) To go; also बभ्र ।
  • वम्(टु, उ)टुवमु :: r. 1st cl. (वमति) To vomit, to eject from the mouth.
  • वम :: mf. (-मः-मी) Vomiting. E. वम् to vomit, aff. अच्; also वमन and वमि ।
  • वमथु :: m. (-थुः) 1. Vomiting, ejecting any thing from the mouth. 2. Water ejected from an elephant's trunk. E. वम् to vomit, aff. अथुच् ।
  • वमन :: n. (-नं) 1. Vomiting, ejecting any thing from the mouth. 2. Causing, vomiting, an emetic. 3. Pain. 4. Offering oblations to fire. m. (-नः) Hemp. f. (-नी) A leech. E. वम् to vomit, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • वमनीया :: f. (-या) A fly.
  • वमि :: m. (-मिः or मी) 1. Vomiting, sickness. 2. An emetic. m. (-मिः) 1. A name of fire. 2. A rogue, a cheat. E. वम् to vomit, aff. इन् ।
  • वमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sickened, made to vomit. E. वम् to be sick, causal v., क्त aff.
  • वमित्वा :: Ind. Having vomited or been sick. E. वम् to be sick, क्त्वा aff.
  • वमिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Vomiting, sick. E. वम् to vomit, इनि aff.
  • वम्भारव :: m. (-वः) The lowing of a cattle.
  • वम्री :: f. (-म्री) A small ant burrowing in trees; also वम्रा ।
  • वम्रीकूट :: n. (-टं) An ant-hill, a hillock. E. वम्री a sort of ant, कूट a heap.
  • वय् :: r. 1st cl. (वयते) To go or move.
  • वयन :: n. (-नं) Weaving.
  • वयस् :: n. (-यः) 1. A bird. 2. Age, time of life. 3. Youth. E. वय् to go, असुन् aff.; or वी as substituted for अज् to go, with the same aff.
  • वयस्क :: mfn. (-स्कः -स्का -स्कं) Relating to age, aged. E. वयस् and कन् aff.
  • वयःस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Middle-aged, young, &c.: see वयस्थ ।
  • वयस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) 1. Young, in the prime of life. 2. Mature, mid- dle-aged, past childhood, or from sixteen to seventy. m. (-स्थः) A friend, an associate, a contemporary. f. (-स्था) 1. The moon-plant, (Asclepias acida.) 2. Emblic myrobalan, (Phyllanthus emblica.) 3. Yellow myrobalan, (Terminalia chebula.) 4. Small cardamoms. 5. A plant, (Menispermum glabrum.) 6. A medicinal root, com- monly Kākoli. 7. A woman's female friend or companion, a con-

fidante. 8. The silk-cotton tree. E. वयस् life, स्था to be or stay, aff. क, fem. aff. टाप्, the final of the former changed to Visarga, and that optionally rejected; hence also वयःस्थ ।

  • वयस्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) Aged, relating to age. m. (-स्यः) A friend, a co- temporary, an associate or companion. f. (-स्या) A woman's female friend or confidante. E. वयस् life, यत् aff.
  • वयुन :: n. (-नं) 1. Knowledge, wisdom. 2. A temple. (in this sense it is masc. according to some.) E. वी substituted for अज् to go, उनन् Unādi aff.; or वय्-उनन् ।
  • वयोगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Aged, very old. E. वयस् and गत gone.
  • वयोधस् :: m. (-धाः) A young or middle-aged man. E. वयस् youth or man- hood, धा to have, Unādi aff. असि ।
  • वयोधिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Very old. E. वयस् and अधिक exceeding.
  • वर् :: r. 10th cl. (वरयति-ते) To desire, to obtain, to covet or ask.
  • वर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Best, excellent. 2. Eldest. m. (-रः) 1. A boon, a blessing, especially in the gift of a Brāhmana or deity. 2. Enga- ging, selecting, appointing. 3. Requesting, soliciting, especially prevailing on a person by entreaty to undertake any business. 4. Surrounding, encompassing. 5. A husband, a bridegroom. 6. A son-in-law. 7. A catamite. 8. A drug: see गुग्गुल . 9. Wish, desire. 10. A sparrow. n. Adv. (वरं) or Ind. (वरम्) Better, preferable, it would be better if. n. (-रं) Saffron. f. (-रा) 1. The three myro- balans. 2. A sort of perfume, commonly Renukā. 3. A plant, (Cissampelos hexandra.) 4. Turmeric. f. (-री) 1. Asparagus racemosus. 2. A name of CHHĀYĀ, wife of the sun. E. वृ to select, to cover, &c., aff. अप् or अच्; it is also derived from बृ, and is then written with an initial consonant: see बर; also वर् to desire, aff. अच् ।
  • वरक :: n. (-कं) The cover or awning of a boat. m. (-कः) 1. A wild kidney- bean. 2. A request. 3. A towel, a wiper. 4. A cloak. E. वृ to cover, aff. वुन् ।
  • वरक्रतु :: m. (-तुः) INDRA. E. वर best, क्रतु sacrifice.
  • वरचन्दन :: n. (-नं) 1. A dark sort of Sandal or Agallochum. 2. A sort of pine, (Pinus Devadāru.) E. वर best, चन्दन Sandal.
  • वरट :: m. (-टः) 1. A gander. 2. A man of a barbarous or foreign race. n. (-टं) Many flowered jasmine. f. (-टा-टी) 1. A goose. 2. A wasp, &c. E. वृ to choose, aff., अटन्; fem. aff. टाप् or ङीष् ।
  • वरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Appointing, selecting, choosing. 2. Surrounding, in- closing. 3. Screening, covering. 4. Nourishing, supporting. m. (-णः) 1. An outer building, an enclosure, a wall of masonry, &c. raised on a mound of earth. 2. A causeway, a bridge. 3. A camel. 4. A tree, (Capparis trifoliata.) 5. Any tree. f. (-णा) A rivulet, running past the north of Benāres, into the Ganges, now called the Barunā. E. वृ to choose or appoint, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • वरणमाला :: f. (-ला) The garland placed by the bride on the head of the bridegroom.
  • वरणसी :: f. (-सी) The city Benares, more usually वाराणसी . E. वरणा a rivu- let as above, and असि another rivulet, running on the south of the city; deriv. irr.
  • वरणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be applied to or solicited for a boon, &c. 2. To be selected. E. वर् to ask as a boon, or वृ to choose, अनीयर् aff.
  • वरण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. A portico. 2. Pimples on the face. 3. A multitude. 4. A heap of grass. 5. The string of a fish-hook. 6. A packet, a package. 7. A long rod according to some; a projecting wall ac- cording to others. f. (-ण्डा) 1. A small bird, (Turdus.) 2. A dagger. 3. The wick of a lamp. E. वृञ् to cover, &c., Unādi aff. अण्डच् ।
  • वरण्डक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Fearful, terrified. 2. Large, great. 3. Miser- ly, a miser. m. (-कः) 1. A Howdāh, a chair or canopy on the back of an elephant. 2. A wall. 3. Eruption or pimples on the face. 4. A ball, a globe. 5. A mound of earth. E. वरण्ड as above, कन् added.
  • वरण्डालु :: m. (-लुः) The castor oil tree, (Ricinus communis.)
  • वरतनु :: f. (-नुः) An elegant woman. E. वर and तनु body.
  • वरत्करी :: f. (-री) A sort of perfume, commonly Renukā.
  • वरत्रा :: f. (-त्रा) 1. An elephant's or horse's leather girth. 2. A thong, a a strip of leather. E. वृञ् to cover or surround, Unādi aff. अत्रच् ।
  • वरत्वच :: m. (-चः) The Nimba-tree, (Melia azadiracta.) E. वर best, and त्वच् skin, the final vowel added.
  • वरद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Granting a prayer, conferring a boon. 2. Pro- pitious, favourable. m. (-दः) 1. A benefactor. 2. Fire for burnt- offerings of a propitiatory character. f. (-दा) A girl, a virgin. E. वर a blessing, &c., द who gives.
  • वरदान :: n. (-नं) 1. Granting a boon. 2. A place of pilgrimage. E. वर blessing, दान giving.
  • वरपर्णाख्य :: m. (-ख्यः) A sort of perfume, commonly Renukā.
  • वरप्रद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Conferring a boon. f. (-दा) The wife of the saint AGASTYA. E. वर a boon, and प्रद who gives.
  • वरप्रदान :: n. (-नं) Conferring a boon. E. वर and प्रदान giving.
  • वरप्रस्थान :: n. (-नं) The setting out of a bridegroom towards the house of the bride for the celebration of marriage.
  • वरफल :: m. (-लः) The cocoa-nut tree. E. वर best and फल fruit.
  • वरम् :: Ind. Better, sooner, rather, preferable: see वर । E. वृ-अमु ।
  • वरमुखी :: f. (-खी) Renukā, a sort of perfume.
  • वरम्बरा :: f. (-रा) The nux vomica plant.
  • वरयितृ :: m. (-ता) A husband. E. वर to choose, in the causal form, aff. तृच् ।
  • वररुचि :: m. (-चिः) A poet and philosopher, one of the ornaments of the court of Bhoja, or one of the nine gems usually ascribed to VIKRAMĀDITYA'S court. E. वर pre-eminent, रुचि light or renown.
  • वरल :: mf. (-लः-ला or ली) A wasp. f. (-ला) A goose. E. वर and ला to take aff. क ।
  • वरलब्ध :: m. (-ब्धः) The Champaka tree.
  • वरवत्सला :: f. (-ला) The wife of a father-in-law. E. वर a bridegroom, वत्सल affectionate.
  • वरवर्णिनी :: f. (-नी) 1. An excellent woman. 2. A virtuous woman. 3. A woman in general. 4. Turmeric. 5. Lāc. 6. A brownish yellow pigment; also रोचना and गोरोचना . 7. A plant, commonly Priyangu. 8. A name of GAURĪ. 9. SARASWATĪ. 10. LAKSHMĪ. E. वर best, वर्ण class or colour, aff. इनि and ङीष् ।
  • वरवारण :: m. (-णः) A fine elephant. E. वर, and वारण an elephant.
  • वरवाह्लीक :: n. (-कं) Saffron. E. वर, and वाह्लीक the same.
  • वरवृद्ध :: m. (-द्धः) ŚIVA. E. वर better, and वृद्ध old.
  • वराक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Low, vile, impure. 2. Poor, pitiable. m. (-कः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. War. E. वृ to cover, &c., षाकन् aff.
  • वराङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) 1. The head. 2. The privity, a private part, male or female. 3. Cassia bark. 4. An elegant form or body. m. (-ङ्गः) An ele- phant. E. वर best, excellent, अङ्ग body or member.
  • वराङ्गक :: m. (-कः) Woody Cassia. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • वराङ्गना :: f. (-ना) A lovely woman. E. वर best, अङ्गना a woman.
  • वराङ्गरूपोपेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Handsome and well-shaped. E. वराङ्ग excell- ent body, रूप form, and उपेत invested, possessing.
  • वराजीविन् :: m. (-वी) An astrologer.
  • वराट :: m. (-टः) 1. A cord, a rope. 2. A Cowri: see the next.
  • वराटक :: mfn. Subst. (-टकः-टिका-टकं) 1. A rope, a cord, a string. 2. The small shell, called a Cowri, and used as a coin. 3. The seed- vessel of the lotus. f. (-टिका) The Nāgeshwara plant. E. वृञ् to sur- round, aff. अटच्, and कन् added.
  • वराटकरजस् :: m. (-जाः) A plant, commonly Nāgeshwara, (Mesua ferrea.)
  • वराण :: m. (-णः) 1. INDRA. 2. A plant, (Capparis trifoliata.) E. वर best, and णी to obtain, with आङ् prefix, and ड aff.
  • वराणसी :: f. (-सी) Benāres. E. वर best, अनस् water, ङीप् aff., i. e. the Ganges, on whose bank the city is situated; also वाराणसी and वरणसी ।
  • वरादन :: n. (-नं) A sort of Mimusops, (M. Kauki, Rox.) E. वर best, अदन eating.
  • वराम्र :: m. (-म्रः) An acid fruit, (Carissa Carondas.) E. वर best, अम्र acid.
  • वरारक :: n. (-कं) The diamond. E. वर best, ऋ to go or be, ण्वुल् aff.
  • वरारोह :: m. (-हः) 1. An elephant driver. 2. Mounting, riding. 3. A rider on an elephant or horse. f. (-हा) 1. A handsome or elegant woman. 2. The hip or flank. E. वर excellent, आरोह mounting, &c.
  • वरालक :: m. (-कः) The Caronda fruit, (Carissa Carondas.) E. वर best, अल् to be equal to, वुन् aff.
  • वरालि :: m. (-लिः) 1. The moon. 2. A division of music.
  • वरालिका :: f. (-का) A name of DURGĀ. E. वर best, supreme, आलि a female friend, कन् added.
  • वराशि :: m. (-शिः) Coarse cloth. E. वर covering, अश् to pervade, aff. इन्; also वरासि ।
  • वरासन :: n. (-नं) 1. The seat of honour. 2. An excellent seat. 3. A cis- tern, a reservoir. 4. The China rose. m. (-नः) 1. A whoremonger. 2. A door-keeper. E. वर best, &c., आसन a seat.
  • वरासि :: m. (-सिः) 1. Coarse cloth. 2. A swordsman. f. (-सी) Dirty clothes. E. वर covering, अस् to be, affs. इन् and ङीप् ।
  • वराह :: m. (-हः) 1. A hog. 2. A name of VISHṆU in the third Avatār or descent, in which be assumed the shape of a boar. 3. A bull. 4. A ram. 5. A cloud. 6. A crocodile. 7. An array of troops in the form of a hog. 8. A mountain. 9. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus.) 10. A particular measure. 11. One of the eighteen smaller Dwīpas or divisions of the universe. E. वर best, हन् to injure, with आङ् prefix, and ड aff.
  • वराहकर्णिका :: f. (-का) A kind of missile weapon.
  • वराहकान्ता :: f. (-न्ता) A sort of yam. E. वराह a hog, and कान्ता beloved; also वराही ।
  • वराहकालिन् :: m. (-ली) A flower,: see सूर्य्यमणि ।
  • वराहक्रान्ता :: f. (-न्ता) A plant, a sort of sensitive plant according to some authorities, but to others, a kind of moss, (Licopodium imbrica- tum, Rox.:) it is also considered sometimes, but erroneously, as synonimous with वराही Dioscorea. E. वराह a hog, and क्रान्त passing.
  • वराहनामिन् :: m. (-मा) An esculent root: see वाराही . E. वराह a hog, and नामन् a name.
  • वरिमन् :: m. (-मा) Excellence, pre-eminence.
  • वरिवसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Served, honoured, adored, as a deity or spiri- tual teacher. E. वरिवस्या service, इतच् aff., and य optionally rejected.
  • वरिवस्या :: f. (-स्या) Service, honour, especially such devoted obedience as a pupil pays his spiritual preceptor. E. वरिवस indeclinable, here said to imply veneration, and क्याच् aff.
  • वरिवस्यित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Served, adored. E. वरिवस्या as above, इतच् aff.
  • वरिशी :: f. (-शी) A fish-hook. E. See वडिशी, ड and र being interchanged.
  • वरिष :: n. (-षं) A year. m. plu. (-षाः) The rains or rainy season. E. वृष् to sprinkle, aff. इषन् ।
  • वरिषाप्रिय :: m. (-यः) The Chātaka, (Cuculus melanoleucos.) E. वरिषा the rainy season, प्रिय fond of; supposed to drink rain water only.
  • वरिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) 1. Largest, greatest, most large. 2. Heaviest, mightiest. 3. Best, dearest, most preferable or beloved. n. (-ष्ठं) 1. Copper. 2. Pepper. m. (-ष्ठः) 1. The Francoline partridge. 2. The orange tree. E. वर् substituted for उरु large, or वर best, इष्ठन् aff. of the irr. superlative.
  • वरीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) 1. Very large, largest, most large. 2. Best, most preferable or excellent. 3. Extremely young, tender, infan- tine. m. (-यान्) The eighteenth of the astronomical periods called Yogas. E. वर best, or substituted for उरु large, and ईयसुन् aff. of the irr. superlative.
  • वरीवर्द्द :: m. (-र्द्दः) An ox or bull. E. See बलीवर्द्द, ब and ल being changed to व and र; also वलीवर्द्द ।
  • वरीषु :: m. (-षुः) KĀMA or CUPID. E. वृ to choose, ईषुन् aff.
  • वरुण :: m. (-णः) 1. VARUṆA, the deity of the water and regent of the west. 2. Water or the ocean. 3. A tree, (Tapia cratœva, or Cap- paris trifoliata.) 4. A name of the sun, or rather of one of the

twelve forms of that luminary, or Ādityas. E. वृ to enclose, (the earth,) or वृ to select or prefer, being chosen by the gods for his office, and उनन् Unādi aff.

  • वरुणात्मजा :: f. (-जा) Spirituous liquor. E. वरुण VARUṆA, or the ocean personified, आत्मजा daughter; being amongst the precious thing produced at the churning of the ocean.
  • वरुणानी :: f. (-नी) The wife of VARUṆA. E. वरुण, with ङीप् aff. and आनुक् augment.
  • वरुत्र :: n. (-त्रं) An upper and outer garment. E. वृ to cover, उत्र Unādi aff.
  • वरूथ :: m. (-थः) 1. A sort of wooden fender or ledge round a carriage, as a defence from the effects of collision. 2. The Kokila. 3. Time. n. (-थं) 1. Armour, mail. 2. Leather, skin. 3. A shield. 4. A multi- tude, an assemblage. 5. A house or dwelling. E. वृ to surround, Unādi aff. ऊथन् ।
  • वरूथिन् :: m. (-थी) 1. A guard, a defender. 2. A car. f. (-नी) 1. An army. 2. Wearing an armour. 3. Furnished with a protecting plank. 4. Protecting. E. वरूथ part of a car, इनि and ङीप् affs.
  • वरेण :: m. (-णः) A wasp.
  • वरेण्य :: mfn. (-ण्यः -ण्या -ण्यं) 1. Chief, principal, pre-eminent. 2. Desirable, eligible. n. (-ण्य) Saffron. E. वृ to select, Unādi aff. एण्य ।
  • वरेन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) 1. A chief, a sovereign. 2. INDRA. f. (-न्द्री) Ancient Gaur, the capital and district so named. E. वर best, इन्द्र chief, and with ङीप् aff.; the favourite country of the deity, &c.
  • वरेश्वर :: m. (-रः) ŚIVA. E. वर best, principal, ईश्वर lord.
  • वरोट :: m. (-टः) A plant, commonly Marubaka.
  • वरोरु :: f. (-रुः) A beautiful woman.
  • वरोल :: mf. (-लः-ली) A wasp. E. वृ to cover, ओलच् aff., fem. aff. ङीप्; the fem. form may also mean, a smaller kind of wasp.
  • वर्कर :: mf. (-रः-री) Any young animal. m. (-रः) 1. A lamb. 2. A goat. 3. Pleasure, pastime, sport, mirth, festivity. E. वृक् to take, aff. अरन् ।
  • वर्कराट :: m. (-टः) 1. A side-glance, a wink, a leer. 2. The rays of the meridian sun. mn. (-टः-टं) The marks of a lover's finger nails on the bosom of a woman. E. वर्कर a young animal, अट् to be or re- semble, aff. अच् ।
  • वर्कुट :: m. (-टः) A pin, a bolt.
  • वर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) A class, a tribe, a multitude of similar things, whether animate or inanimate; as Ka-varga, the class of guttural letters; Tri-varga, a class of three objects, (as love, duty, and wealth); the Śudra-varga, the Śudra tribe. 2. A chapter, a book, a section. 3. A square number, (in arithmetic.) 4. Strength. E. वृज् to quit, to except, (any thing else), aff. घञ् ।
  • वर्गघन :: n. (-नं) The square of a cube. E. वर्ग and घन a cube.
  • वर्गमूल :: n. (-लं) A square root. E. वर्ग and मूल a root.
  • वर्गान्त्य :: m. (-न्त्यः) A nasal, the last consonant in each of the first five classes of consonants being a nasal.
  • वर्गीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Belonging to a class, a tribe, &c. E. वर्ग and छ aff.
  • वर्घ् :: r. 1st cl. (वर्घति) To go.
  • वर्च्च् :: r. 1st cl. (वर्च्चते) To shine. r. 10th cl. (वर्च्चयति-ते) 1. To cut. 2. To fill.
  • वर्च्चटी :: f. (-टी) 1. A kind of rice. 2. A harlot.
  • वर्च्चस् :: n. (-र्च्चः) 1. Form, figure, shape. 2. Light, lustre. 3. Vigour, power. 4. Ordure, fæces. m. (-र्च्चाः) The son of CHANDRA. E. वर्च्च् to shine, असुन् aff.
  • वर्च्चस्क :: mn. (-स्कः-स्कं) 1. Brightness. 2. Fæces, excrement. E. वर्च्च् to shine, असुन् aff. and कन् depreciative aff. added.
  • वर्च्चस्विन् :: mfn. (-स्वी -स्विनी -स्वि) 1. Bright, glorious. 2. Vigourous, active. E. वर्च्चस, विनि aff.
  • वर्ज्ज :: mfn. (-र्ज्जः -र्ज्जा -र्ज्जं) 1. Free from, devoid of. 2. Excepted. m. (-र्ज्जः) 1. Leaving, abandoning. 2. Excepting. E. वृज् to abandon, aff. अच् ।
  • वर्ज्जक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what leaves, shuns, excepts, &c. E. वृज् to quit, ण्वुल् aff.
  • वर्ज्जन :: n. (-नं) 1. Quitting, abandonment, shunning, avoiding. 2. In- jury, hurting. 3. Killing. E. वृज् to abandon, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • वर्ज्जनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Improper, censurable, wicked, proper to be avoided. 2. Irregular, to be excepted. E. वृज् to quit, अनीयर् aff. of the future participle.
  • वर्ज्जम् :: Ind. Excluding, (at the end of compound.)
  • वर्ज्जयित्वा :: Ind. 1. Having shunned or avoided. 2. Having omitted, ex- cepting, leaving out. E. वृज् to quit, aff. क्त्वा ।
  • वर्ज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Abandoned, avoided. 2. Given. 3. Excluded, excepted. E. वृज् to quit, aff. क्त ।
  • वर्ज्ज्य :: mfn. (-र्ज्ज्यः -र्ज्ज्या -र्ज्ज्यं) 1. To be shunned. 2. To be excepted, ex- cluded, left out. n. (-र्ज्ज्यं) A point in each lunar mansion during the passage of the moon, in which no business should be begun. E. वृज् to quit, यत् aff.
  • वर्ण् :: r. 10th cl. (वर्णयति-ते) 1. To colour, to paint, to die. 2. To send or cast, to direct, to order. 3. To praise, to extol, to proclaim qua- lities. 4. To describe. 5. To spread or extend. 6. To grind or pound. 7. To make exertions. 8. To shine.
  • वर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) 1. A tribe, a class, a caste, an order. 2. Colour, hue, tint. 3. Coloured cloth thrown over the back of an elephant, an elephant's housings. 4. Quality, property. 5. Fame, celebrity. 6. Praise. 7. Gold. 8. Religious observance. 9. The order or arrange- ment of a song or poem. 10. A musical mode. 11. Staining the body with coloured unguents. 12. Beauty, lustre. 13. Theatrical dress or embellishment. 14. A cloak. mn. (-र्णः-र्णं) 1. Perfume for the person. 2. A letter of the alphabet. 3. Form, figure. 4. Sort, kind. 5. Touch, the purity of gold, as ascertained by its streak on the touch-stone. 6. In arithmetic, a co-efficient. n. (-र्णं) Saffron. f. (-र्णा) A leguminous shrub, (Cytisus cajan.) E. वर्ण् to paint, &c., aff. अच् or घञ्; or वृ to cover or screen, Unādi aff. नक् ।
  • वर्णक :: mn. (-कः-कं) 1. Perfume for the person, especially pounded or ground. 2. The dress of an actor. 3. Sandal. mf. (-कः-का) A paint, a pigment, as indigo, orpiment, &c. m. (-कः) 1. A panegyrist, a bard, a poetical encomiast, by tribe and profession. 2. A circle, an orb. f. (-का) 1. Touch, standard, fineness or purity of gold. 2. A mantle. 3. A mask. 4. A paint. E. वर्ण् to colour, &c., ण्वुल् aff.; or वर्ण as above, कन् added.
  • वर्णकवि :: m. (-विः) The son of KUVERA. E. वर्ण praise, and कवि a bard.
  • वर्णकूपिका :: f. (-का) An ink-stand. E. वर्ण a letter, and कूप a well, कन् aff. of comparison, in the fem. form.
  • वर्णक्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Order of caste or tribe. 2. Alphabetical arrangement, the alphabet. E. वर्ण and क्रम course.
  • वर्णगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Coloured. 2. Described. 3. Algebraic. E. वर्ण, गत gone to.
  • वर्णचारक :: m. (-कः) A painter. E. वर्ण colour, चर् to go, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • वर्णज्येष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) A Brāhmana. E. वर्ण caste, ज्येष्ठ elder.
  • वर्णतस् :: Ind. By or with colour, &c. E. वर्ण colour, and तसि aff.
  • वर्णतूलि :: mf. (-लिः-ली) A pen. E. वर्ण a letter, and तूलि a brush; also with कन् added वर्णतूलिका f. (-का) ।
  • वर्णद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Dying, colouring. 2. Giving tribe, &c. m. (-दः) Aloe-wood or Agallochum. E. वर्ण, द who or what gives.
  • वर्णदातृ :: m. (-ता) Turmeric. E. वर्ण, दातृ what gives.
  • वर्णदूत :: m. (-तः) A letter, an epistle. E. वर्ण a letter of the alphabet, &c., दूत messenger.
  • वर्णदूषक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Disturbing or violating the distinctions of caste. E. वर्ण, and दूषक what violates.
  • वर्णधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) The particular occupation or duty of each caste or tribe. E. वर्ण a tribe, धर्म्म virtue, moral merit.
  • वर्णन :: n. (-नं) 1. Describing, expatiating, explaining, pointing out qua- lities or excellencies, &c. 2. Colouring, painting, writing. f. (-ना) Praise, panegyric, E. वर्ण् to colour, युच् and टाप् affs.
  • वर्णनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be desired, delineated, praised, &c. E. वर्ण् to colour, अनीयर् aff.
  • वर्णपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A pallet, a leaf, &c., on which a painter mixes his colours. E. वर्ण a colour, and पत्र a leaf.
  • वर्णपुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) The flower of the globe-amaranth.
  • वर्णप्रसादन :: n. (-नं) Aloe-wood.
  • वर्णमातृ :: f. (-ता) A pen. E. वर्ण a letter, and मातृ mother.
  • वर्णमातृका :: f. (-का) SARASWATĪ, the goddess of speech and eloquence. E. वर्ण a letter, and मातृका divine parent.
  • वर्णमाला :: f. (-ला) The alphabet. E. वर्ण a letter, माला a garland.
  • वर्णरेखा :: f. (-खा) A white aluminous fossile often confounded with chalk, of which it is considered a species. E. वर्ण colour, रेखा a line.
  • वर्णलेखा :: f. (-खा) Chalk. E. वर्ण colour, लेखा a line.
  • वर्णवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Having tribe, colour, &c. f. (-वती) Turmeric. E. वर्ण colour, मतुप् aff.
  • वर्णविलासिनी :: f. (-नी) Turmeric.
  • वर्णविलोडक :: m. (-कः) 1. A plagiarist. 2. A house-breaker. E. वर्ण praise, and वि before, लोड् to be mad, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • वर्णवृत्त :: n. (-त्तं) A metre regulated by the number of syllables, (opposite to मात्रावृत्त .) E. वर्ण, and वृत्त metre.
  • वर्णश्रेष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Of a good tribe, caste, kind, &c. m. (-ष्ठः) A Brāhman. E. वर्ण, श्रेष्ठ best.
  • वर्णसंहार :: m. (-रः) An assemblage or mixture of the four tribes. E. वर्ण, संहार assemblage.
  • वर्णसङ्कर :: m. (-रः) 1. Mixture or confusion of castes. 2. A man or tribe of mixed origin, or from a father and mother of different castes. E. वर्ण and सम + कृ-अप् सङ्कर mixture. वर्णतः सङ्करः ।
  • वर्णसङ्घाट :: m. (-टः) An alphabet or assemblage of letters. E. वर्ण, हन् to kill, with सम् prefixed, and घञ् aff., and घट substituted for the radical letter; also with घत, वर्णसङ्घात ।
  • वर्णसङ्घात :: m. (-तः) The alphabet: see the last.
  • वर्णसि :: m. (-सिः) Water. E. वृ to surround, असि Unādi aff., and नुक् augment.
  • वर्णहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Outcaste. E. वर्ण and हीन void of.
  • वर्णाङ्का :: f. (-ङ्का) A pen. E. वर्ण a letter, अकि to go, aff. अच् ।
  • वर्णाट :: m. (-टः) 1. A singer. 2. A painter. 3. An actor, a mime. 4. One who lives by his wife. E. वर्ण colour, &c., अट् to go or be, aff. अच् ।
  • वर्णात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) A word. E. वर्ण a letter, and आत्मन् the soul or essence.
  • वर्णापसद :: m. (-दः) An outcaste. E. वर्ण, अपसद who is or goes out from.
  • वर्णापेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Degraded, outcaste. E. वर्ण and अपेत devoid of.
  • वर्णाश्रम :: n. (-मं) The class and state of a person. E. वर्ण and आश्रम order.
  • वर्णाश्रमघर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) The duties of tribe and order. E. वर्णाश्रम, धर्म्म duty.
  • वर्णि :: n. (-र्णि) Gold. E. वर्ण् to colour, &c., Unādi aff. इन् ।
  • वर्णिक :: m. (-कः) A writer, a scribe, a secretary, &c. f. (-का) 1. A pen. 2. Ink. 3. A paint. 4. A mask, a character. E. वर्ण a letter, aff. ठक् ।
  • वर्णित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Praised, eulogised, extolled. 2. Described, ex- plained. 3. Painted. E. वर्ण् to praise, aff. क्त ।
  • वर्णितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Relating, describing, was relating or rela- ted, &c. E. वर्ण् to describe, क्तवतु aff.
  • वर्णिन् :: mfn. (-र्णी -र्णिनी -र्णि) Belonging to a caste or tribe, of that caste, of that colour, &c. m. (-र्णी) 1. A painter. 2. A scribe, a writer. 3. A religious student. 4. A man of either of the four regular castes. f. (-र्णिनी) 1. A woman, a wife. 2. Turmeric. E. वर्ण colour, &c., इनि aff.
  • वर्णिबध :: m. (-धः) Killing or occasioning the death of a man of either of four castes. E. वर्णिन् and बध killing.
  • वर्णिलिङ्गिन् :: m. (-ङ्गी) An ascetic, or one wearing the marks of a reli- gious student. E. वर्णिन्, लिङ्गिन् having a mark.
  • वर्णु :: m. (-र्णुः) 1. The name of a river and district. 2. The sun. E. वृ to surround, Unādi aff. णु; or वर्ण-उन् ।
  • वर्णोपेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Having caste, tribe, &c. E. वर्ण, उपेत possessed of.
  • वर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) Living, livelihood, (generally at the end of a compound.)
  • वर्त्तक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who is or abides, exists, lives, &c. mf. (-कः-का or की) 1. A sort of quail, (Perdix olivacea.) 2. A horse's hoof. n. (-कं) A sort of mixed or bell-metal, commonly Vidari. E. वृत् to be, ण्वुल् aff.
  • वर्त्तजन्मन् :: m. (-न्मा) A cloud. E. वृत् to be, aff. घञ्, वर्त्त abiding, and जन्मन् birth.
  • वर्त्तन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Fixed, stationary, stable. nf. (-नं-नी) 1. Staying, abiding, being, the property of a fixed presence. 2. A road, a way. 3. A ball at one end of a spindle to assist its rotatory mo- tion. 4. Grinding. n. (-नं) 1. Livelihood, subsistence. 2. Occupa- tion, profession. 3. Salary, hire, wages. 4. A ball of cotton from which the threads are spun. 5. A ball, a globe. 6. Appointing. 7. Turning. 8. Abode, residence. 9. Conduct. 10. Commerce, traffic. m. (-नः) A dwarf. E. वृत् to be, to be fixed, &c., aff. ल्युट् or युच् ।
  • वर्त्तनदान :: n. (-नं) Gift of a situation, of wages or means of subsistence. E. वर्त्तन and दान giving.
  • वर्त्तनविनियोग :: m. (-गः) Appointment or assignment of salary, wages, &c. E. वर्त्तन, विनियोग appointing.
  • वर्त्तनाभाव :: m. (-वः) Destitution, want of means of subsistence. E. वर्त्तन, अभाव non-existence.
  • वर्त्तनि :: m. (-निः) 1. The eastern country, or eastern India. 2. A hymn, a panegyric. f. (-निः) A road. E. वृत् to be, Unādi aff. अनि ।
  • वर्त्तनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be lived, or dwelt in. 2. What may be. E. वृत् to be, अनीयर् aff.
  • वर्त्तमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Being, existing, living, being present. 2. Dwelling or abiding in. 3. Revolving. n. (-नं) (In grammar,) The present tense. E. वृत् to be, शानच् aff.
  • वर्त्तमानता :: f. (-ता) Being, being present, the property of time present. E. तल् added to the last: also with त्व aff. वर्त्तमानत्वं ।
  • वर्त्तयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) 1. Living, subsisting. 2. Dwelling. E. वृत् to be, aff. शतृ ।
  • वर्त्तरूक :: m. (-कः) 1. A river so named. 2. A puddle, a pool of water. 3. A crow's nest. 4. A door-keeper, a chamberlain; it is also written वर्त्तरूढ ।
  • वर्त्ति :: f. (-र्त्तिः-र्त्ती) 1. Perfume for the person. 2. The wick of a lamp. 3. A lamp. 4. A tent, a bougie. 5. A collyrium prepared from various substances and dried in a lozenge form; it is applied grinding with water or milk. 6. A line, a ruled line. 7. The ends of a cloth. 8. The projecting threads of woven cloth. 9. A protu- berance round a vessel. 10. A surgical instrument. E. वृत् to be, Unādi aff. इन्, ङीप् optionally added.
  • वर्त्तिका :: f. (-का) 1. A quail. 2. The wick of a lamp. 3. A paint. 4. A paint-brush. E. वृत् to be, aff. ण्वुल्, fem. aff. टाप्; or वृत् the same, तिकन् Unādi aff.; also वर्त्तक, वर्त्तका ।
  • वर्त्तित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Caused as made to be or exist. E. वृत् to be, causal v., क्त aff.
  • वर्त्तितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be lived. 2. To be dwelt, remained, or continued. 3. To be practised in. 4. What may be, possible, pro- bable. E. वृत् to be, तव्य aff.
  • वर्त्तिन् :: mfn. (-र्त्ती -र्त्तिनी -र्त्ति) 1. Abiding, fixed, stationary. 2. Being. 3. Turning. 4. Practising, (generally at the end of compounds.) E. वृत् to go, aff. णिनि ।
  • वर्त्ति(र्त्ती)र :: m. (-रः) A kind of quail.
  • वर्त्तिष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) 1. Staying, abiding, being stationary or fixed. 2. Facing, (an enemy,) standing firm in battle. 3. A circle. E. वृत् to be, इष्णुच् aff.
  • वर्त्तुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Round, circular, globular, spherical. m. (-लः) 1. A pea. 2. A ball. f. (-ला) A ball of clay at the end of a spindle to assist its rotation. E. वृत् to be, उलच् aff.
  • वर्त्मन् :: n. (-र्त्म) 1. A road. 2. Custom, usage. 3. Mode, manner, fashion. 4. An edge, a border. 5. An eyelid. E. वृत् to be, मनिन् aff.
  • वर्त्मनि :: f. (-निः or नी) A road, a way. E. वृत् to be, अनि Unādi aff. मुट् aug.
  • वर्त्मावबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Rigidity of the eyelids, so that they can not shut. E. वर्त्म and अवबन्ध contraction.
  • वर्त्स्यत् :: mfn. (-र्त्स्यन् -र्त्स्यन्ती -र्त्स्यत्) Purposing to augment. E. वृध् to aug- ment, शतृ aff. with the future form.
  • वर्द्ध् :: r. 10th cl. (वर्द्धयति-ते) The same as वर्ध् ।
  • वर्द्ध :: m. (-र्द्धः) 1. A plant, commonly BĀMANHĀTI. 2. Increase, augmen- tation. 3. Cutting. n. (-र्द्धं) 1. Red lead. 2. Lead. E. वृध् to grow or increase aff. घञ्; or वर्ध् to divide, aff. अच्; also written वर्ध ।
  • वर्द्धक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Increasing, causing to grow or increase. 2. Divi- ding. m. (-कः) 1. A plant, commonly BĀMANHĀTI. 2. A carpenter. E. वृध् to grow, or वर्द्ध् to divide, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • वर्द्ध्वकि :: m. (-किः) A carpenter. E. वर्द्ध् to cut, अच् aff., कष् to injure, इ aff. form irr.
  • वर्द्धकिन् :: m. (-की) A carpenter. E. वर्द्धक cutting, इनि aff.
  • वर्द्धन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Growing, thriving. n. (-नं) 1. Increasing, growing, thriving. 2. Augmenting, causing to increase. 3. Cutting, divi- ding. 4. Animation. 5. Educating, rearing. 6. Elevation. f. (-नी) 1. A small water-jar. 2. A brush, a broom. m. (-नः) 1. A granter of prosperity. 2. A tooth growing over another. 3. An epithet of ŚIVA. E. वृध् to increase, or वर्ध् to cut, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • वर्द्धमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Prosperous, thriving. 2. Increasing, growing. 3. A house having no entrance on the south-side. m. (-नः) 1. The castor-oil tree. 2. A lid, a cover, especially a shallow earthen platter or saucer, used also as a top to water-jars, &c. 3. A name of VISHṆU. 4. A sort of riddle or charade. 5. The last and most celebrated of the twenty-four Jinas or Jaina teachers of the present æra. 6. A mystical figure or diagram. 7. A district and city, Burdwān. E. वृध् to increase, शानच् aff.
  • वर्द्धमानक :: m. (-कः) A lid, a cover. E. वर्द्धमान as above, and कन् added.
  • वर्द्धापन :: n. (-नं) 1. Cutting, dividing. 2. The ceremony of cutting the umbilical cord. 3. A festival when good wishes and congratula- tory expressions are offered. E. वर्द्ध् to cut, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • वर्द्धिन् :: mfn. (-र्द्धी -र्द्धिनी -र्द्धि) Increasing, thriving. E. वृध् to increase, इनि aff.
  • वर्द्धित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Grown, expanded, increased, thriven. 2. Full, filled. 3. Cut, divided. E. वृध् to increase, or वर्द्ध् to cut, aff. क्त ।
  • वर्द्धिष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) 1. Increasing, growing, thriving. 2. Enlar- ging, expanding. E. वृध् to increase, aff. इष्णुच् ।
  • वर्द्ध्र :: nf. (-र्द्ध्रं-र्द्ध्री) A leathern thong or girth for securing a saddle. n. (-र्द्ध्रं) 1. Leather. 2. Lead. E. वृध् to increase, Unādi aff. ष्ट्रन्; also written वर्ध्र ।
  • वर्ध् :: r. 10th cl. (वर्धयति-ते) 1. To cut or pierce, to divide. 2. To fill; also वर्द्ध् ।
  • वर्ध :: m. (-र्धः) 1. Increase, augmentation. 2. Cutting: see वर्द्ध ।
  • वर्पस् :: n. (-र्पः) Form, figure. E. वृ to choose, aff. असुन्, पुक् augment.
  • वर्फ् :: r. 1st cl. (वर्फति) 1. To move, to go. 2. To kill.
  • वर्म्मकषा :: f. (-षा) A plant; also Charmakashā or Charmaghās.
  • वर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) 1. Armour, mail. 2. Bark, rind. E. वृ to cover, aff. मनिन् ।
  • वर्म्महर :: m. (-रः) One who takes arms or who spoils another of them. Adj. Old enough to wear armour. E. वर्म्म, हर who takes.
  • वर्म्मित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Armed, accoutred. E. वर्म्म mail, इतच् aff.; or वर्मणिच्-क्त ।
  • वर्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) 1. Chief, principal. 2. To be applied to for aid or a boon, &c. 2. To be chosen or selected. 3. To be yielded to, or indulged. m. (-र्य्यः) KĀMADEVA. f. (-र्य्या) A girl choosing her own husband. E. बर् to ask as a boon, or वृ to choose, यत् aff., form irr.
  • वर्व्वट :: mf. (-टः-टी) A sort of bean, (Dolichos catjang.)
  • वर्व्वणा :: f. (-णा) A blue fly. E. वर् imitative sound, and वण् or बण् to utter, aff. अच्; also वर्ब्बणा and बर्ब्बणा ।
  • वर्व्वर :: mfn. Subst. (-रः-रा or री-रं) A sort of basil, (Ocymum pilosum, Rox.) m. (-रः) 1. A low man one of a degraded tribe or occupa- tion, an out-caste, a barbarian. 2. A region, a country, the coun- try inhabited by barbarians. 3. Woolly or curly hair, as the hair of an African. 4. A shrub, (Siphonanthus Indica.) 5. A sort of worm. 6. The noise or clash or weapons. 7. A mode of dancing. f. (-रा-री) 1. A sort of potherb. 2. A small bee. 3. The Baya or

Indian grossbeak, (Loxia philippensis.) n. (-रं) 1. Vermilion. 2. Gum myrrh. 3. A sort of Sandal wood. E. वृ to choose, Unādi aff. अरच् or the same root, with अच् aff., in the reiterative form; it is also derived from बर्ब् to go, and is variously written बर्ब्बर, बर्ब्बर्, बर्ब्बर and वर्व्वर &c.

  • वर्व्वरीक :: m. (-कः) 1. Curly or woolly hair. 2. A shrub, commonly BĀ- MANHĀTI. 3. A name of ŚIVA. 4. A sort of basil. E. वृ to select, Unādi aff. ईकन् and the root repeated.
  • वर्व्वरोत्थ :: n. (-त्थं) White Sandal. E. वर्व्वर the country of barbarians, उत्थ what grows.
  • वर्व्वा :: f. (-र्व्वा) A sort of basil, (Ocymum pilosum, Rox.) “वावुइ तुलसी ।”
  • वर्व्वि :: m. (-र्व्विः) A glutton. E. वृ to choose, Unādi aff. विन् ।
  • वर्ष :: r. 1st cl. (वर्षति) To be wet.
  • वर्ष :: mn. (-र्षः-र्षं) 1. Rain, raining. 2. Sprinkling, effusion. 3. Seminal effusion. 4. A year. 5. A Varsha, or division of the known con- tinent; nine such are reckoned; viz:--KURU, HIRANMAYA, RAMYAKA, ILĀVRITA, HARI, KETUMĀLĀ, BHADRĀŚHWA, KIN- NARA, and BHĀRATA. 5. JAMBU-DWIPA, or India. 6. A cloud. m. plu. (-र्षाः) The rains or rainy season, containing two months, according to the Hindu classification of the seasons, which some systems consider to be Śrāvaṇa and Bhādra, and others, Bhādra and Āśhwin; the duration of the monsoon is however longer, being reckoned from A sārha to Kārtika, or from the middle of June to the beginning of October. f. Sing. (-र्षा) A sort of gramineous plant: see पृक्का . E. वृष् to sprinkle, aff. अच् or घञ्; or वॄ to screen, &c., Unādi aff. स ।
  • वर्षकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा or री -रं) Making or producing rain. m. (-रः) A cloud. f. (-री) A cricket. E. वर्ष rain, कृ to make or mark, ट aff.; the cricket chirping especially in wet weather.
  • वर्षकोष :: m. (-षः) 1. An astrologer. 2. A month. E. वर्ष a year, and कोष a vocabulary, &c.; also वर्षकोश ।
  • वर्षज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Born or produced in the rains or rainy season. E. वर्ष the rains, and ज born; also वर्षेज ।
  • वर्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Raining, rain. 2. Sprinkling. 3. Bestowing. E. वृष् to sprinkle, ल्युट् aff.
  • वर्षणि :: f. (-णिः) 1. Abiding, staying. 2. Act, action. 3. Raining. 4. A sacrificial act. E. वर्ष् to sprinkle, अनि Unādi aff.
  • वर्षत् :: mfn. (-र्षन् -र्षन्ती -र्षत्) Raining, showering, sprinkling. E. वृष् to rain, शतृ aff.
  • वर्षधर :: m. (-रः) 1. An eunuch or attendant on the women's apartments. 2. A cloud. E. वर्ष rain and धर what holds.
  • वर्षधर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) An eunuch or attendant on the women's apartments.
  • वर्षपर्व्वत :: m. (-तः) A mountainous range, supposed to separate the various Varshas or divisions of the globe from each other: six ranges are enumerated from south to north; viz.:--HIMAVĀN, HEMAKŪTA, NISĀDHA, NĪLA, ŚWETA, and SRINGĪ or ŚRINGA- VĀNA; MERU constitutes the seventh; some authorities places CHAITRA and KARNĪ instead of NĪLA and ŚWETA. E. वर्ष as above, पर्व्वत a mountain; also similar compounds, as वर्षगिरि &c.
  • वर्षपाकिन् :: m. (-की) The hog plum, (Spondias mangifera.) E. वर्ष rain, पाकिन् ripening.
  • वर्षप्रिय :: m. (-यः) The Chātaka, (Cuculus melanoleucos.) E. वर्ष rain, and प्रिय fond of.
  • वर्षवर :: m. (-रः) A eunuch, a castrated attendant, one employed in the women's apartments. E. वर्ष seminal sprinkling, वृ to refrain from, aff. अच् ।
  • वर्षवृद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Birth-day.
  • वर्षशत :: n. (-तं) A century. E. वर्ष and शत a hundred.
  • वर्षसहस्र :: n. (-स्रं) A thousand years. E. वर्ष, सहस्र a thousand.
  • वर्षांश :: m. (-शः) A month. E. वर्ष a year, अंश a part; also with कन् added वर्षांशक ।
  • वर्षाकाल :: n. (-लं) The rainy season. E. वर्षा and काल time.
  • वर्षाकालीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Belonging to or produced in the rainy sea- son. E. वर्षाकाल and ख aff.
  • वर्षाङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A month. E. वर्ष a year, and अङ्ग a limb or member.
  • वर्षाघोष :: m. (-षः) A frog. E. वर्षा and घोष sound.
  • वर्षाप्रभञ्जन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Rain-scattering. m. (-नः) A high wind, a gale. E. वर्षा, प्रभञ्जन scattering.
  • वर्षाभू :: m. (-भूः) A frog. f. (-भ्वी) 1. Hog-weed. 2. An earth-worm, (Iulus.) 3. A she-frog or any small frog. E. वर्षा the rains, भू to be, aff. क्किप् ।
  • वर्षामद :: m. (-दः) A peacock. E. वर्ष the rains, आमद who rejoices.
  • वर्षाम्भःपारणाव्रत :: m. (-तः) A Chātaka. E. वर्षाम्भस् rain-water, पारणा atten- tion, and व्रत observance.
  • वर्षायुत :: n. (-तं) Ten thousand years. E. वर्ष and अयुत ten thousand.
  • वर्षारात्र :: m. (-त्रः) A rainy night, the rainy season. E. वर्षा and रात्रि night.
  • वर्षार्च्चिस् :: m. (-र्च्चिः) The planet MARS. E. वर्षा the rains, अर्च्चिस् light, visible in the rainy season.
  • वर्षालङ्कायिका :: f. (-का) A plant: see पृक्का . E. वर्ष and लङ्कायिक synonimous; conjoined.
  • वर्षावसान :: m. (-नः) The autumnal season. E. वर्षा the rains, अवसान end.
  • वर्षिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Raining, rainy, relating or belonging to the rains. 2. Shedding, showering, pouring down. n. (-कं) Aloe-wood or Agallochum. E. वर्ष and ठक् aff.
  • वर्षिन् :: mfn. (-र्षी -र्षिणी -र्षि) 1. Raining. 2. Sprinkling. E. वृष् to sprinkle, घिनुण् aff.
  • वर्षिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) 1. Oldest, very old. 2. Strongest. E. वर्ष substitu- ted for वृद्ध old, and इष्ठन् aff. of the irr. superlative.
  • वर्षीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) 1. Very aged, or old. 2. Stronger. E. वर्ष subs- tituted for वृद्ध old, and ईयसुन् aff. of the irr. superlative.
  • वर्षुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Rainy, watery. E. वृष् to sprinkle, and उकञ् aff.
  • वर्षुकाब्द :: m. (-ब्दः) A rainy cloud. E. वर्षुक rainy, अब्द a cloud.
  • वर्षेज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Born or produced in the rains. E. वर्षे in the rains, ज born.
  • वर्षैक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Yearly, annual. E. वर्षे and एक one.
  • वर्षोपल :: m. (-लः) Hail. E. वर्ष rain, and उपल a stone.
  • वर्ष्म :: n. (-र्ष्मं) The body: see the next.
  • वर्ष्मन् :: n. (-र्ष्म) 1. The body. 2. Measure. 3. Height, elevation. 4. A handsome form. 5. A stone. E. वृष् to sprinkle, aff. मनिन्; also with a final vowel वर्ष्म ।
  • वर्ष्य :: mfn. (-र्ष्यः -र्ष्या -र्ष्यं) 1. To be rained or showered. 2. To be sprink- led. E. वृष् to sprinkle, ण्यत् aff.
  • वर्ह् :: r. 1st cl. (वर्हते) 1. To cover. 2. To give. 3. To be excellent or pre-eminent: in this sense it is more properly बर्ह् r. 10th cl. (वर्हयति-ते) 1. To shine. 2. To kill or hurt. 3. To speak: see बर्ह ।
  • वर्ह :: n. (-र्हं) 1. A peacock's tail. 2. A leaf. 3. A sort of perfume, com- monly Granthiparṇa. 4. Train, retinue. E. वृह् to increase, aff. अच्; or वर्ह् or बर्ह् to cover, aff. अच्; in the latter case it is written बर्ह ।
  • वर्हण :: n. (-णं) A leaf. E. वृह् to grow, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • वर्हभार :: m. (-रः) A tuft or peacock's feathers at the shaft of a lance or handle of a club. E. वर्ह and भार load.
  • वर्हिःपुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) Granthiparṇa, a sort of vegetable perfume. E. वर्हिस् Kuśa-grass, पुष्प a flower, having a similar blossom.
  • वर्हिःशुष्मन् :: m. (-ष्मा) A name of fire. E. वर्हिस् Kuśa-grass, शुष् to dry, aff. मनिन् ।
  • वर्हिःष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) A perfume, commonly Bālā. E. वर्हिस् Kuśa grass, and स्था to be, aff. क, growing in the same places: the Visarga of वर्हिस् optionally retained; hence also वर्हिष्ठ ।
  • वर्हि(-र्हिः)कुसुम :: n. (-मं) Granthiparna. also वर्हिपुष्प ।
  • वर्हिर्ज्योतिस् :: m. (-तिः) A name of fire. E. वर्हिस् Kuśa-grass, ज्योतिस् light.
  • वर्हिण :: m. (-णः) A peacock. E. वर्ह a peacock's tail, and इनच् aff.
  • वर्हिणवाहन :: m. (-नः) The deity Kārtikeya. E. वर्हिण a peacock, and वाहन a vehicle; mounted on that bird.
  • वर्हिध्वजा :: f. (-जा) A name of the goddess CHANDĪ. वर्हि for वर्ही a pea- cock, and ध्वज an emblem.
  • वर्हिन् :: m. (-र्ही) A peacock. E. वर्ह a peacock's tail, इनि possessive aff.
  • वर्हिपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A vegetable perfume, commonly Granthiparṇa. E. वर्हि a peacock, and पुष्प flower; also वर्हिःपुष्प ।
  • वर्हिमुख :: m. (-खः) A deity, a divinity. E. वर्हिस् fire, and मुख mouth; most offerings passing through fire.
  • वर्हिश्शुष्मन् :: m. (-ष्मा) Fire. E. वर्हिस् an oblation, शुष्मन् who dries up.
  • वर्हिषद् :: m. (-षत् or -षद्) A Pitri or progenitor of a particular class. E. वर्हिष् Kuśa grass, अद् to eat, क्विप् aff.
  • वर्हिष्केश :: m. (-शः) AGNI or fire. E. वर्हिस् light, and केश hair.
  • वर्हिष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) 1. A perfume, commonly Bālā, perhaps a species of Andropogon. 2. The resin of the Pinus longifolia. E. वर्हिस् Kuśa- grass, स्था to stay, aff. क; the final of वर्हिस् changed to Visarga, and optionally rejected: see वर्हिःष्ठ ।
  • वर्हिष्मत् :: mfn. (-ष्मन् -ष्मन्ती -ष्मत्) 1. Having Kuśa or sacrificial grass. 2. Having fire or light, blazing, shining. E. वर्हिस् and मतुप् aff.
  • वर्हिस् :: m. (-र्हिः) 1. Fire. 2. Light, lustre, splendour. mn. (-र्हिः) 1. Sacrificial grass, (Poa cynosuroides.) 2. Sacrifice, oblation. 3. Granthiparṇa, a vegetable perfume. E. वृह् to increase, aff. इसि; or वर्ह् or बर्ह् to excel, &c., with the same aff., in the latter case this word and its corresponding ones are written with an initial consonant बर्हिस्, &c.
  • वल् :: r. 1st cl. (वलते) 1. To cover. 2. To move. 3. To surround or en- close. 4. To go, to hasten. 5. To be attached to. 6. To grow, to increase. With वि, To move to and fro. r. 10th cl. (वालयति-ते) To cherish or maintain.
  • वल :: n. (-लं) An army, forces. E. वल् to surround, aff. कः see बल ।
  • वलक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) White. m. (-क्षः) White, the colour. E. वल to go, aff. क्विप्; वल् going, अक्ष् to pervade, aff. अच्; also बलक्ष, and अवलक्ष ।
  • वलक्षगु :: m. (-गुः) The moon. E. वलक्ष white, गौ a ray of light; the final vowel changed.
  • वलग्न :: mn. (-ग्नः-ग्नं) The middle, the waist: also अवलग्न ।
  • वलन :: n. (-नं) 1. Turning, moving. 2. Deflection, (in astronomy.) E. वल, ल्युट् aff.
  • वलभि :: mf. (-भिः-भी) 1. The wooden frame of a thatch. 2. A turret or temporary building on the roof of a house. E. वल् to cover, अभस् aff., इन् and ङीष् added; also वडभि ।
  • वलम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) A perpendicular. E. अव, and लवि to depend, घञ् aff., the initial rejected; also अवलम्ब ।
  • वलय :: mn. (-यः-यं) 1. A bracelet, an armlet. 2. The zone of a married woman. 3. Circle, circumference, boundary. m. (-यः) 1. Sore- throat, inflammation of the larynx, &c. 2. A boundary, an inclo- sure, a fence. E. वल् to surround, अयन् Unādi aff.
  • वलयित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Surrounded, encircled, enclosed, encompassed. E. वलय an inclosure. aff. इतच् ।
  • वलाक :: mf. (-कः-का) A small kind of crane. E. वल् to surround, aff. आकन्; also बलाका ।
  • वलासक :: m. (-कः) 1. The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. 2. A frog.
  • वलाहक :: m. (-कः) 1. A cloud. 2. A mountain. 3. A Daitya, a demon. 4. One of the Nāgas. 5. One of the horses of KRISHṆA'S car. E. वलाका a crane, हा to go, aff. क्कुन्, deriv. irr.
  • वलि :: f. (-लिः or ली) 1. A line or streak made with fragrant unguents on the person. 2. Natural line or folds of skin, a wrinkle m. (-लिः) Offerings to the spirits of air. E. वल् to surround, aff. इन्: see बलि ।
  • वलि(ली)क :: mn. (-कः-कं) The edge of a thatch. E. वल् to surround, Unādi aff. इकक् ।
  • वलिक्रिया :: f. (-या) 1. Making lines on the person. 2. Making offerings to all beings. E. वलि, क्रिया act: see बलि ।
  • वलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Moved, constrained. 2. Surrounded. 3. Wrink- led. E. वल् to go, क्त aff.
  • वलिर :: f. (-रा) Squint-eyed. E. वल, इरन् aff.
  • वलिश :: nf. (-शं-शिः or शी) A fish-hook. E. वटिन् a bait, शो to destroy, aff. ड, ट changed to ड, and ड again interchangeable with ल ।
  • वलूक :: n. (-कं) The root of the lotus. m. (-कः) A bird. E. वल् to surround, Unādi aff. ऊक ।
  • वलूल :: f. (-ला) Strong, powerful.
  • वल्क् :: r. 10th cl. (वल्कयति-ते) To speak.
  • वल्क :: n. (-ल्कं) 1. The bark of a tree. 2. The scales of a fish. 3. A gar- ment in general. E. वल् to surround, कक् Unādi aff.
  • वल्कल :: mn. (-लः-लं) 1. The bark of a tree. 2. A garment made of bark. 3. A garment in general. E. वल् to surround, कलन् aff.
  • वल्कवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Having scales or bark, wearing a dress made of the bark of trees, &c. m. (-वान्) A fish. E. वल्क a scale, &c., मतुप् possess. aff.
  • वल्किल :: m. (-लः) A thorn. E. वल्क bark, इलच् aff.
  • वल्कुत :: n. (-तं) Bark, rind. E. वल् to surround, कुतच् aff.
  • वल्ग् :: r. 1st cl. (वल्गति) 1. To go or move. 2. To go by leaps, to jump. 3. To be pleased or delighted.
  • वल्गत् :: mfn. (-ल्गन् -ल्गन्ती -ल्गत्) 1. Going. 2. Jumping. E. वल्ग् to go, शतृ aff.
  • वल्गा :: f. (-ल्गा) A bridle, a rein. E. वल्ग् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • वल्गित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Leaped, jumped, gone by bounds or leaps. n. (-तं) 1. Running. 2. A horse's gallop. E. वल्ग् to go by jumps, aff. क्त ।
  • वल्गु :: mfn. (-ल्गुः -ल्गुः -ल्गु) 1. Handsome, beautiful. 2. Sweet. m. (-ल्गुः) A goat. E. वल् to surround, Unādi aff. उ, and गुक् augment.
  • वल्गुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Handsome, beautiful. n. (-कं) 1. Sandal. 2. A wood. 3. Price. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • वल्गुपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A wild sort of pulse: see वनमुद्ग ।
  • वल्गुला :: f. (-ला or ली) A sort of bird.
  • वल्गुलिका :: f. (-का) A cockroach.
  • वल्गूयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Become handsome or beautiful. E. वल्गु used as a verb, शतृ aff.
  • वल्भ् :: r. 1st cl. (वल्भते) To eat, to devour.
  • वल्भन :: n. (-नं) 1. Eating. 2. Food. E. वल्भ् to eat, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • वल्भित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Eaten. E. वल्भ् to eat, aff. क्त ।
  • वल्मिक :: m. (-कः) An ant-hill; also वल्मीक ।
  • वल्मिकि :: m. (-किः) An ant-hill; also वल्मीकि ।
  • वल्मीक :: mn. (-कः-कं) A hillock, ground thrown up by moles, &c., but especially the large accumulations of soil, sometimes made by the white ant. m. (-कः) 1. The poet VĀLMĪKI. 2. Elephantiasis, or swellings of the neck, chest, hands and feet, which break and discharge ichor in many places. E. वल् to cover, or बल् to live, ईक Unādi aff., and मुट् augment; in the latter case this word and the corresponding ones are written बल्मीक, &c.; also वल्मिक ।
  • वल्मीकूट :: n. (-टं) An ant-hill.
  • वल्युल् :: and वल्यूल् r. 10th cl. (व[ल्यु]ल्यूलयति-ते) 1. To cut. 2. To purify.
  • वल्ल् :: r. 1st cl. (वल्लते) 1. To cover, to conceal. 2. To move.
  • वल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) 1. Winnowing corn. 2. A Masha of silver. 3. A weight of three Rattis. 4. Prohibiting, prohibition. 5. Covering. E. वल्ल् to move, &c., घञ् aff.
  • वल्लकी :: f. (-की) The Vinā, or Indian lute. E. वल्ल् to cover, aff. क्वुन् ।
  • वल्लभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) 1. Beloved, desired, dear. 2. Supreme, superin- tending. m. (-भः) 1. A lover, a husband, a friend. 2. A horse with good marks. 3. A superintendent, an overseer. 4. The chief herdsman. f. (-भा) A mistress, a wife. E. वल्ल् to cover, अभच् Unādi aff.
  • वल्लभपालक :: m. (-कः) A groom, a horse-keeper. E. वल्लभ a good horse, पालक who cherishes.
  • वल्लभाचार्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) Name of the founder of a Vaishnaba sect; he is also a commentator of the Vedānta-sutra.
  • वल्लभायित :: n. (-तं) A mode of coitus.
  • वल्लर :: n. (-रं) Aloe-wood. 2. A bower. 3. A branching foot-stalk. E. वल्ल्-अरन् aff.
  • वल्लरि :: f. (-रिः or री) 1. A compound pedicle. 2. A creeping or twining plant. E. वल्ल् to cover, अरन् aff, ङीप् optionally added.
  • वल्लव :: m. (-वः) 1. A cook. 2. A herdsman. 3. A name of BHĪMASENA. f. (-वी) A cowherdess. E. वल्ल covering, and व aff.
  • वल्लि :: f. (-ल्लिः or ल्ली) 1. A creeper, a climbing or creeping plant. f. (-ल्लिः) The earth. f. (-ल्ली) A plant, (Ligusticum ajwaen.) E. वल्ल् to cover, इन् aff., and ङीप् occasionally added.
  • वल्लीज :: n. (-जं) Pepper. E. वल्ली a creeper, and ज born.
  • वल्लुर :: n. (-रं) 1. An arbour, a bower, a place over-grown with creeping plants. 2. An uncultivated field or place over-run with wild grass. 3. A sand, a desert, a place destitute of water. 4. A field. 5. A compound pedicle. 6. A solitude, a wild. 7. A thicket, a wood. 8. Dried flesh. E. वल्ल् to cover, उरन् aff.; also वल्लूर ।
  • वल्लूर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Dried flesh. 2. Hog's flesh, the flesh of the wild hog. n. (-रं) 1. An uncultivated field, or one over run with grass. 2. A thicket. 3. A desert. E. वल्ल् to cover, ऊरन् Unādi aff.
  • वल्ल्या :: f. (-ल्ल्या) Emblic myrobalan. E. वल्ल् to cover, यत् aff.
  • वल्वज :: m. (-जः) A sort of coarse grass, (Eleusine Indica.) E. वलते भुवं वेष्टयति वल्-क्विप् तादृशः सन् वजति गच्छति वज्-अच् ।
  • वल्ह् :: r. 1st cl. (वल्ह्ते) 1. To kill or hurt. 2. To cover. 3. To give. 4. To be pre-eminent; in which sense it is more properly बल्ह् r. 10th cl. (वल्ह्यति-ते) 1. To shine. 2. To speak.
  • वश् :: r. 2nd cl. (वष्टि) 1. To desire, to will, to wish. 2. To shine.
  • वश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) 1. Humbled, subdued, tamed, over-powered. 2. Enthralled, subdued by charms and incantations, fascinated, charmed, enchanted. mn. (-शः-शं) Wish, desire. n. (-शं) 1. Autho- rity, supremacy, mastership. 2. Subjection, submission, the state of being completely tamed and over-powered. 3. Birth. m. (-शः) The residence of harlots. f. (-शा) 1. A woman. 2. A wife. 3. A daughter. 4. A barren cow. 5. A barren woman. 6. A female ele- phant. 7. A husband's sister. E. वश् to desire, aff. अप् or अच् ।
  • वशका :: f. (-का) An obedient and docile wife. E. वश् subject, कन् added.
  • वशक्रिया :: f. (-या) Subduing or over-powering by drugs, gems, charms, or incantations. 2. The drugs, &c. so used. E. वश subjection, क्रिया business or agency.
  • वशग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Obedient, subject. f. (-गा) An obedient wife. E. वश subject, and ग who goes or is.
  • वशङ्गत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Subject, obedient. E. वश and गत gone.
  • वशम्बद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Submissive, acknowledging obedience or sub- jection. E. वश subjection, बद् to speak, खच् aff.
  • वशवर्त्तिन् :: mfn. (-र्त्ती -र्त्तिनी -र्त्ति) Obsequious, acting under subjection, or according to the pleasure of another. E. वश and वर्त्तिन् who abides.
  • वशाकु :: m. (-कुः) A bird.
  • वशाढ्यक :: m. (-कः) A porpoise, the Gangetic porpoise.
  • वशात् :: It is used as an indeclinable in the sense of “through the power or influence of.”
  • वशानुग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Obedient, submissive. m. (-गः) A servant. E. वश, अनुग who pursues.
  • वशापायिन् :: m. (-यी) A dog. E. वशा subjection, पा to preserve, इनि aff., युक् augment.
  • वशि :: m. (-शिः) Subjugating, fascinating, bewitching, holding others in magical or mysterious submission to one's will. E. वश् to desire, (supremacy,) इन् affix; also with तल् and त्व affs. वशिता and वशित्वं ।
  • वशिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Void, empty. f. (-का) Aloe-wood. E. वश् to desire, इन् aff., and कन् added.
  • वशिता :: f. (-ता) 1. Fascinating, bewitching. 2. Subjection, holding in order or subjugation; also वशित्वं . E. वशिन् and तल् or त्व aff.
  • वशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) 1. Subdued, subjugated, in subjection. 2. Powerful. m. (-शी) A sage with subdued passions. f. (-शिनी) 1. The Śhamī tree, (Mimosa Sama, Rox.) 2. A parasite plant. E. वश, इनि and ङीप् affixes.
  • वशिर :: n. (-रं) Sea-salt. m. (-रः) 1. A tree, (Achyranthes aspera.) 2. A sort of long pepper: see वशीर . 3. Orris root. E. वश् to desire, इरन् aff.
  • वशिष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) VASHISṬHA, a Rishi or divine sage of the first order, he is also a Brahmādika, a Prajāpati, and one of the seven stars of Ursa Major. E. अव before, शास् to govern, to instruct, (the other saints,) aff. क्त; the first vowel of the prefix rejected: also written वशिष्ट and वसिष्ट । अतिशयेन वशी इष्ठन् इनेर्लुक् ।
  • वशीकरण :: n. (-ण) 1. Subduing or overcoming by drugs, charms, &c.,

enchanting, charming. 2. Subduing in general. E. वश subduing, and करण making, च्वि augment, leaving ई .

  • वशीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bewitched, fascinated, subjected to another's will. E. वशी and कृत made, च्वि augment.
  • वशीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Subjugated, subject to another's will. E. वशी and भूत become, च्वि augment.
  • वशीर :: m. (-रः) A pungent fruit resembling pepper, (Pothos officinalis:) also वशिर । E. वश, ईरन् aff. “गजपिप्पल्याम् ।”
  • वश्य :: mfn. (-श्यः -श्या -श्यं) 1. Docile, tame, humble, governable. 2. To be tamed or humbled. m. (-श्यः) A dependent, a slave, f. (-श्या) A do- cile and obedient wife. n. (-श्यं) Cloves. E. वश subjection, यत् aff.
  • वश्यका :: f. (-का) An obedient wife. E. वश्या and कन् added.
  • वश्यता :: f. (-ता) Humility, subjugation, disposition to, or fitness for sub- jection. E. वश्य and तल् aff.; also with त्व, वश्यत्वं ।
  • वश्यात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Of subdued mind. E. वशी and आत्मन् spirit.
  • वष् :: r. 1st cl. (वषति) To kill or hurt.
  • वषट् :: Ind. An exclamation used on making an oblation to a deity with fire, (used with a dat.) E. वह् to bear or convey, aff. डषट् ।
  • वषट्कर्त्तृ :: m. (-र्त्ता) The priest who pours the oiled butter into the fire at a sacrifice with the exclamation वषट् . E. वषट् an exclamation, &c., and कर्त्तृ who makes.
  • वषट्कार :: m. (-रः) 1. The formula वषट् . 2. An oblation made with the exclamation वषट् . E. वषट् the exclamation used on this occasion, and कार making.
  • वषटकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Offered or sacrificed with fire with the formula वषट् . E. वषट् as above, कृत made.
  • वष्क् :: r. 1st cl. (वष्कते) r. 10th cl. (वष्कयति-ते) 1. To see. 2. To go, to move.
  • वष्कय :: m. (-यः) A one year old calf. E. वष्क् to go, अयन् aff.
  • वष्कयणी :: f. (-णी) A cow bearing many calves. E. वष्कय a calf, नी to have, affs. ड and ङीष्; also वष्कय, with इनि and ङीप् affs., वष्कयिणी ।
  • वस्(औ)औवस :: r. 1st cl. (वसति) To dwell or inhabit. r. 2nd cl. (वस्ते) To cover with dress, to wear as clothes. r. 10th cl. (वसयति-ते) 1. To per- fume. 2. To dwell. (वासयति-ते) 1. To be affectionate, to love. 2. To cut or divide. 3. To kill. 4. To accept. (इर, उ) इरवसु r. 4th cl. (वस्यति) To be straight, to be unbending; literally or figuratively. With अधि prefixed, To sit upon, to occupy. With उप, To fast. With नि, 1. To dwell in or inhabit. 2. To dress. With प्र, To dwell abroad. With सम्, To cohabit. Caus. (वासयति-ते) 1. To cause to live or dwell. 2. To put on, to dress. With निस्, To drive away, to expel, to banish. With प्र, To exile.
  • वसत् :: mfn. (-सन् -सन्ती or सती -सत्) 1. Dwelling, inhabiting. 2. Wearing, (as clothes.) E. वस् to dwell, शतृ aff.
  • वसति :: f. (-तिः or ती) 1. A house, a dwelling. 2. Abiding, abode, resi- dence. 3. Night. E. वस् to dwell, अति Unādi aff., ङीष् optionally added.
  • वसन :: n. (-नं) 1. Cloth or clothes. 2. Covering, clothing. 3. A dwelling, a house. 4. An ornament worn by women round the loins. 5. Dwelling, residing. E. वस् to be clothed, &c., aff. ल्युट् ।
  • वसनसद्मन् :: n. (-द्म) A tent. E. वसन and सद्मन् a dwelling.
  • वसन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. Vasanta, the season of spring, comprising the month of Chaitra and Vaisākha, or its deified personification, which is considered to be a companion of KĀMADEVA. 2. Dysentery, diarrhœa. 3. Small-pox. E. वस् to dwell, Unādi aff. झच्, as applied to the season, when love is especially present on earth.
  • वसन्तकाल :: m. (-लः) The vernal season.
  • वसन्तकुसुम :: m. (-मः) A tree, (Cordia myxa and latifolia.) E. वसन्त spring, कुसुम a flower; blossoming in the spring. “वसन्तफुलेर गाछ ।”
  • वसन्तघोषिन् :: m. (-षी) The Indian cuckoo or Kokila. E. वसन्त spring, घोषिन् who sings.
  • वसन्तज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced in the spring. f. (-जा) 1. A festival in

honour of KĀMADEVA, held in the month of Chaitra. 2. The Mādhabi creeper. E. वसन्त, ज born.

  • वसन्तदूत :: m. (-तः) 1. The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. 2. The month Chai- tra, (March-April.) 3. The mango tree. f. (-ती) 1. The trumpet flower. 2. A large and beautiful creeper, (Gærtnera racemosa.) E. वसन्त spring, and दूत the messenger.
  • वसन्तद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) The mango tree, (Mangifera Indica.) E. वसन्त spring, and द्रु a tree, or वसन्तद्रुम; the mango blossoms in March or April, and is then an object of great beauty.
  • वसन्तपञ्चमी :: f. (-मी) The fifth day of the light-half of Māgha.
  • वसन्तसख :: m. (-खः) KAMADEVA or CUPID. E. वसन्त spring, सखि the friend.
  • वसन्तोत्सव :: n. (-वं) The celebration of the return of spring, formerly held on the full-moon of Chaitra, but now on the full-moon of Phāl- guṇa, being identified with the Dola-yātra or Holi. E. वसन्त and उत्सव a festival.
  • वसा :: f. (-सा) 1. The serum or marrow of the flesh, considered by some authorities as distinct from the marrow of the bones, though regarded by others as the same substance. 2. Adeps, fat, suet. E. वस् to divide, (in the body,) अङ् and टाप् affs.; or वस्-अच् ।
  • वसाढ्य :: m. (-ढ्यः) The Gangetic porpoise, (Delphinus Gangeticus;) also वसाढ्यक and वशाढ्यक, the last perhaps incorrectly.
  • वसान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Wearing, putting on, (as clothes.) E. वस् to clothe, शानच् aff.
  • वसापायिन् :: m. (-यी) A dog. E. वसा and पायिन् who drinks.
  • वसार :: n. (-रं) Wish, purpose, desire.
  • वसि :: m. (-सिः) 1. Dwelling, abode. 2. A dwelling. 3. Clothes. E. वस् to dwell, Unādi aff. इन् ।
  • वसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Stored, (as grain.) 2. Dwelling, inhabiting. 3. Put on, worn. n. (-तं) Abiding, residence. f. (-ता) The power of subduing all things: see वशिता . E. वस् to dwell, &c., क्त aff.; or वशिता as above, and श changed to स ।
  • वसितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Who or what wears. E. वस् to put on, तृच् aff.
  • वसित्वा :: Ind. Having put on, (as clothes,) wearing. E. वस् to wear, क्त्वा aff.
  • वसिर :: n. (-रं) Sea-salt. m. (-रः) A pungent fruit, considered as a sort of pepper, (Pothos officinalis.) E. वस् to abide, (in the sea,) इरन् aff.; also, as derived from वश् to desire, वशिर &c.
  • वसिष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) A celebrated Muni. E. वस् to abide, (in the practice of religious austerities,) aff. णिनि, वसिन्, superlative aff. इष्टन् added; pre-eminent amongst the ascetics; also वशिष्ठ &c.
  • वसु :: mfn. (-सुः -सुः -सु) 1. Sweet, sweet-flavoured. 2. Dry, dried. n. (-सु) 1. Wealth, thing, substance. 2. A gem, a jewel. 3. A medicinal root, commonly Vriddhi. 4. Water. 5. Gold. 6. A yellow kind of kidney- bean. 7. A sort of salt. 8. The number eight, i. e. the eight Vasus. m. (-सुः) 1. A kind of demi-god, of whom eight are enumer- ated, viz.:--DHARA, DHRUVA, SOMA or the moon, ĀPA, ANILA or wind, ANALA or fire, PRABHĀSA and PRATYUSA. 2. A name of ĀGNI or fire. 3. A ray of light. 4. The tie of a yoke. 5. A tree, (Sesbana grandiflora.) 6. The name of a king. 7. A name of KUVERA. 8. A tree in general. 9. A lake, a pool. 10. A rein, a halter. 11. A plant, (Trophis aspera.) 12. ŚIVA. 13. The sun. 14. A kind of fish. E. वस् to abide or dwell, Unādi aff. उ ।
  • वसु(सू)क :: n. (-कं) A fossil-salt, brought from a district in Ajmere, Sambhar-salt. m. (-कः) 1. A shrub, (Gigantic Asclepias.) 2. A tree, (Sesbana grandiflora.) E. कन् added to the preceding; or वसु wealth, कै to sound, aff. ड ।
  • वसुकीट :: m. (-टः) A supplicant, a beggar, a petitioner. E. वसु wealth, कीट a worm.
  • वसुदा :: f. (-दा) The earth. E. वसु wealth, and दा who gives.
  • वसुदेव :: m. (-वः) BASUDEVA, the father of KRISHṆA. E. वसु a deity, the in- carnation of one of the Vasus, or वसु wealth, दिव् to shine, aff. अच् ।
  • वसुदेवता :: f. (-ता) The constellation Dhanisṭhā. E. वसु the Vasus, and देवता divinity; presiding over the asterism.
  • वसुदेवभू :: m. (-भूः) KRISHṆA. E. वसुदेव and भू born.
  • वसुदेव्या :: f. (-व्या) 1. The asterism Dhanisṭhā. 2. The ninth day of the fortnight.
  • वसुधर्म्मिका :: f. (-का) Crystal.
  • वसुधा :: f. (-धा) The earth. E. वसु wealth, धा to have or contain, affs. क and टाप् ।
  • वसुधाधर :: m. (-रः) A mountain. E. वसुधा and धर what holds.
  • वसुधाधिप :: m. (-पः) A king. E. वसुधा and अधिप sovereign.
  • वसुधानगर :: n. (-रं) The capital of VARUṆA in the western ocean.
  • वसुधारा :: f. (-रा) 1. A female Śaktī peculiar to the Jainas. 2. The capital of KUVERA. E. वसु wealth, धृ to have, affs. घञ् and टाप्; some authorities read वसुभारा for KUVERA'S capital.
  • वसुन्धरा :: f. (-रा) The earth. E. वसु wealth, धृ to have, खच् aff.
  • वसुप्राण :: m. (-णः) Fire or its deity, AGNI. E. वसु a Vasu, प्राण life.
  • वसुमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Wealthy, rich. f. (-ती) The earth. E. वसु wealth, and मतुप् aff.
  • वसुरेतस् :: m. (-ताः) Fire.
  • वसुरोचिस् :: n. (-चिः) A religious ceremony in which the demi-gods called Vasus especially are worshipped. E. वसु, रुच् to shine, इसि Unādi aff.
  • वसुल :: m. (-लः) A deity, a divinity. E. वसु wealth, ला to have, aff. क ।
  • वसुश्रेष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) 1. Wrought gold. 2. Silver.
  • वसुषेण :: m. (-णः) A name of KARṆA, the illegitimate brother of the PĀṆḌU princes. E. वसु wealth, सेना an army; surrounded by hosts of beggars for his wealth, of which he was liberal.
  • वसुस्थली :: f. (-ली) The city of KUVERA. E. वसु wealth, स्थल place or site, aff. ङीष् ।
  • वसुहट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः) The Vaka-puspa, (Sesbana grandiflora;) also वसुहट्टक ।
  • वसूक :: n. (-कं) 1. Sambhar-salt. 2. The Sesbana grandiflora. E. See वसुक the उ of वसुक is here optionally long.
  • वसूरा :: f. (-रा) A whore, a harlot.
  • वस्क् :: r. 1st cl. (वस्कते) To go, to move.
  • वस्क :: m. (-स्कः) 1. Application, perseverance. 2. Going, motion. E. वस्क् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • वस्कय :: m. (-यः) A calf of one year, a yearling. E. वस्क् to go, अयन् aff.; also वष्कय &c.
  • वस्कयणी :: f. (-णी) A cow bearing many calves. E. वस्कय a calf, णी to have, affs. ड and ङीप्; also वष्कयणी, &c.
  • वस्कराटिका :: f. (-का) A scorpion.
  • वस्त् :: r. 10th cl. (वस्तयति-ते) 1. To hurt or kill. 2. To go or move. 3. To ask, to beg, to solicit.
  • वस्त :: m. (-स्तः) A goat. n. (-स्तं) A house. E. वस्त् to kill, aff. घञ् ।
  • वस्तक :: n. (-कं) A factitious salt.
  • वस्तमोदा :: f. (-दा) A plant, (Ligusticum ajwaen:) see अजमोदा ।
  • वस्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be dwelt in, or inhabited, resided, remained at, &c. E. वस् to dwell, तव्य aff.
  • वस्तान्त्री :: f. (-न्त्री) 1. Benzoin or storax. 2. A plant, commonly Ajā-shringī. E. वस्त a goat, and अन्त्र entrail.
  • वस्ति :: mf. (-स्तिः) 1. The lower belly, hypogastric or pubic region. 2. The bladder. 3. A clyster-syringe, or bag made of bladder or gut, with a wooden or metallic nozzle. 4. Abiding, dwelling, staying. plu. only (-स्तयः) The ends of a cloth. E. वस् to wear, Unādi aff. ति; or वस् to abide, क्तिन् aff.; or वस्ते आवृणोति मूत्रम् वस्-तिच् ।
  • वस्तिकर्म्माढ्य :: m. (-ढ्यः) The soap-berry, (Sapindus detergens.) E. वस्ति the ends of cloth, कर्म्म business, and आढ्य rich in; used in washing.
  • वस्तिमल :: n. (-लं) Urine, piss. E. वस्ति the belly, and मल excretion.
  • वस्तिशिरस् :: n. (-रः) 1. The neck of the bladder. 2. The pipe of the clys- ter-bag. E. वस्ति and शिरस् head.
  • वस्तिशोधन :: n. (-नं) A diuretic. E. वस्ति and शोधन cleansing.
  • वस्तु :: n. (-स्तु) 1. Thing, matter, substance. 2. Natural disposition, es- sential property, nature, essence. 3. The pith or substance of any thing. 4. The main plot or subject of a poem or play. 5. The rear. E. वस् to abide, Unādi aff. तुन् ।
  • वस्तुक :: n. (-कं) A potherb, (Chenopodium album.) E. वस् to abide, (in the ground,) उकञ् aff., and तुट् augment; also वास्तुक, वास्तूक, &c.
  • वस्तुतस् :: Ind. In fact, really, essentially, substantially. E. वस्तु, तसि aff.
  • वस्तुमात्र :: n. (-त्रं) Outline of any subject, skeleton of a discourse. E. वस्तु and मात्र only.
  • वस्तुहानि :: f. (-निः) Loss of substance or property. E. वस्तु and हानि abandonment.
  • वस्तूत्थापन :: n. (-नं) Producing any change or incident in a play by magic. E. वस्तु and उत्थापन raising.
  • वस्त्वन्तर :: n. (-रं) Another thing or subject. E. वस्तु and अन्तर other.
  • वस्त्वभाव :: m. (-वः) 1. Insubstantial existence. 2. Loss or destruction of property. E. वस्तु and अभाव non-existence.
  • वस्त्य :: n. (-स्त्यं) A house. E. वस् to abide, ति aff. and यत् added; this word has many etymologies; it is also read पस्त्य ।
  • वस्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) 1. Cloth, clothes, raiment. 2. Covering, a cover. E. वस् to wear, (as clothes,) ष्ट्रन् Unādi aff.
  • वस्त्रकुट्टिम :: n. (-मं) 1. A tent. 2. An umbrella. वस्त्र cloth, and कुट्टिम a hut.
  • वस्त्रगृह :: n. (-हं) A tent. E. वस्त्र cloth, and गृह a house.
  • वस्त्रग्रन्थि :: m. (-न्थिः) The string or twist by which the lower garments are fastened above the hips. E. वस्त्र cloth, and ग्रन्थि knot.
  • वस्त्रनिर्णेजक :: m. (-कः) A washerman. E. वस्त्र, निर्णेजक who washes.
  • वस्त्रपुत्त्रिका :: f. (-का) A doll, a puppet. E. वस्त्र cloth, पुत्त्री infant, (as it were,) कन् aff.
  • वस्त्रभेदक :: m. (-कः) A tailor. E. वस्त्र cloth, clothes, भेदक who pierces or cuts.
  • वस्त्रभेदिन् :: m. (-दी) A tailor. E. वस्त्र cloth, add भेदिन् who pierces.
  • वस्त्रयुग्म :: n. (-ग्मं) A pair of clothes. E. वस्त्र and युग्म a pair.
  • वस्त्रयोनि :: f. (-निः) The basis or material of cloth, as cotton, silk, wool, &c. E. वस्त्र cloth, and योनि place of production.
  • वस्त्ररञ्जन :: m. (-नः) Safflower.
  • वस्त्राञ्चल :: n. (-लं) The end or hem of a garment. E. वस्त्र, अञ्चल the same.
  • वस्त्रापहारक :: m. (-कः) A stealer of clothes. E. वस्त्र and अपहारक who carries off; also वस्त्रापहारिन् ।
  • वस्न :: m. (-स्नः) Price. n. (-स्नं) 1. Wages, hire. 2. Cloth, clothes. 3. Wealth. 4. Death. 5. Abiding, dwelling. 6. Thing, substance. 7. Skin. 9. Health. E. वस् to dwell, Unādi aff. मन् ।
  • वस्नन :: n. (-नं) An ornament for a woman's loins, a zone, a girdle.
  • वस्नसा :: f. (-सा) A tendon, a nerve, a fibre, described as a hollow tube resembling a string, attached to the bones, and supposed to be for the passage of the vital air. E. वस्न skin, सो to destroy, aff. क ।
  • वस्निक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Hireling, mercenary. 2. Purchasable. 3. Re- lating to hire, wages, price, &c. E. वस्न hire, &c., and ठन् aff.
  • वस्वौकसारा :: f. (-रा) 1. The capital of INDRA. 2. ALAKĀ, the residence of KUVERA. 3. A lake attached to ALAKĀ or AMARĀVATĪ, and belonging to either deity. E. वसु the Vasus, ओकस् a residence, रा to contain, with आङ् prefixed, and क and टाप् affs., the favourite haunts of these demi-gods.
  • वह् :: r. 1st cl. (वहति) To bear, to carry, to convey or transport. (वहते) To flow, (as a stream.) Desid. (विवक्षति-ते) [This is one of those roots which take two accusatives.] 1. To transport. 2. To move on. 3. To flow. 4. To blow. 5. To marry. 6. To be responsible for. 7. To waft, to propel. 8. To bear the load of. 9. To possess. With अति, To pass, (as time.) With अप, 1. To carry off. 2. To deduct. With आ, 1 To cause to bring about. 2. To flow. 3. To have, to possess. With उद्, 1. To raise, to elevate, to bear up. 2. To marry. 3. To bear the burden of. 4. To wear. 5. To have. With उप, To commence. With नि, To support. With निस्, To be finished. With परि, To overflow. With प्र, 1. To draw, to carry. 2. To blow. 3. To flow. 4. To waft, (as scent.) 5. To bear the burden of. With वि, To marry. With सम, 1. To bear along. 2. To take a wife. 3. To press together. 4. To display. Caus. (वाहयति-ते) 1. To cause to draw or carry. 2. To traverse, to go over. With अति, To lead, (as life.) With आ, To invoke. With निस्, To perform, to manage, to com- plete. With सम्, To press together, to rub. (इ) वहि r. 10th cl.

(वंहयति-ते) To shine. r. 1st cl. (वंहते) To grow or increase; this last root is more properly बहि q. v.

  • वह :: m. (-हः) 1. Bearing, conveying. 2. Any vehicle or means of con- veyance, as a horse, a car, &c. 3. The shoulder of an ox. 4. Air, wind. 5. A road, a way. 6. Any male river. 7. A measure of four Droṇas. f. (-हा) A river in general. E. वह् to bear, aff. घ ।
  • वहंलिह :: m. (-हः) An ox. E. वह the shoulder, लिह् to lick, खश् aff.
  • वहत् :: mfn. (-हन् -हन्ती -हत्) 1. Bearing, conveying. 2. Assuming, taking. 3. Wearing. 4. Having, possessing. E. वह् to bear, शतृ aff.
  • वहत :: m. (-तः) 1. An ox. 2. A traveller. E. वह to bear, Unādi aff. अतच् ।
  • वहति :: m. (-तिः) 1. An ox. 2. A friend, a counsellor. 3. Air, wind. f. (-ती) A river. E. वह् to bear, अति Unādi aff.
  • वहतु :: m. (-तुः) 1. An ox. 2. A traveller. E. वह् to bear, Unādi aff. अतु ।
  • वहन :: n. (-नं) 1. Bearing, conveying. 2. Flowing, (as a stream.) 3. Any vehicle. 4. A raft, a float. E. वह् to bear, ल्युट् aff.
  • वहनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be carried or borne. E. वह् to bear, अनीयर् aff.
  • वहन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. Air, wind. 2. An infant. E. वह् to bear, Unādi aff. झच् ।
  • वहमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Bearing, conveying. 2. Having, possessing. 3. Flowing. E. वह् to bear, शानच् aff.
  • वहल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Hard, firm, compact. n. (-लं) A raft, a float. E. वह् to bear, aff. अलच् ।
  • वहलचक्षुस् :: m. (-क्षुः) A climbing and milky plant, (Asclepias geminata.)
  • वहिःकुटीचर :: m. (-रः) A crab. E. वहिस् externally, कुटी crookedly, चर what goes.
  • वहिःस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) External, outer. E. वहिर् and स्था to stay, ड aff.; also वहिःस्थित, वहिःस्थायिन्, &c.
  • वहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Known, celebrated. 2. Borne, conveyed. 3. Obtained. E. वह् to bear, aff. क्त ।
  • वहित्र :: n. (-त्रं) A raft, a float, a boat, a vessel. E. वह् to bear, Unādi aff. इत्र; also with कन् added, वहित्रक n. (-कं) ।
  • वहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिनी -हि) Bearing, conveying. f. (-नी) A boat, a vessel. E. वस् to bear, णिनि aff.
  • वहिरङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. An outer or external part, limb, member, property, &c. 2. A stranger, an indifferent person. E. वहिर् and अङ्ग a limb.
  • वहिरिन्द्रिय :: n. (-यं) An organ of sense or perception, an organ of action, as the eye, hand, &c. E. वहिर् and इन्द्रिय organ of sense.
  • वहिर्गत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Gone out or forth. E. वहिर् and गत gone.
  • वहिर्गमन :: n. (-नं) Going forth or out. E. वहिर् and गमन going.
  • वहिर्देश :: m. (-शः) 1. A foreign country. 2. A place without a town or village. E. वहिर् and देश place.
  • वहिर्द्वार :: n. (-रं) An outer gate. E. वहिर् for वहिस् outer, and द्वार door.
  • वहिर्द्वारप्रकोष्ठक :: n. (-कं) A portico, a covered terrace before the door of a house. E. वहिर्द्वार an outer door, प्रकोष्ठ an elbow, aff. कन् ।
  • वहिर्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Produced externally. E. वहिस् outwardly, भव born.
  • वहिर्भूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Being out or without, excluded. E. वहिस्, भूत being.
  • वहिर्म्मुख :: m. (-खः) A deity.
  • वहिर्लम्ब :: mfn. (-म्बः -म्बा -म्बं) Obtuse angular. E. वहिस् and लम्ब a perpendicular.
  • वहिश्चर :: m. (-रः) A crab. E. वहिस् externally, and चर what goes.
  • वहिष्क :: f. (-ष्का) External, outer.
  • वहिष्करण :: n. (-णं) Expelling, excluding. E. वहिस् out, and करण making.
  • वहिष्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Expelled, excluded. E. वहिस् and कृत made.
  • वहिस् :: Ind. Out, outwards, external. E. वह् to bear, aff. इसुन् .
  • वहीरु :: m. (-रुः) A tendon, a nerve, a muscle.
  • वह्नि :: m. (-ह्निः) 1. Fire, or its deity Agni. 2. Lead-wort, (Plumbago zey- lanica.) 3. Marking-nut plant. 4. Appetite, digestion, the meta- phorical fire of the stomach. E. वह to bear, (the oblations pre- sented to the gods,) and नि Unādi aff.
  • वह्निकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा or री -रं) 1. Making fire, lighting. 2. Stomachic, giving appetite. f. (-री) A tree, (Grislea tomentosa.) E. वह्नि fire, (appetite,) कृ to make, aff. अच् or ट, and टाप् or ङीप् aff.
  • वह्निगन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Incense or resin E. वह्नि fire, and गन्ध smell.
  • वह्निगर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) A bamboo. f. (-र्भा) A sort of Mimosa, (M. Suma. Rox.) E. वह्नि fire, and गर्भ embryo; taking or producing fire by friction.
  • वह्निदीपक :: m. (-कः) Safflower. E. वह्नि fire, and दीपक what shines like or resembles.
  • वह्निनामन् :: m. (-मा) 1. Marking-nut plant. 2. Lead-wort. E. वह्नि fire, and नामन् appellation; the synonimes of fire being equally applicable to those plants.
  • वह्निभोग्य :: n. (-ग्यं) Ghee or clarified butter. E. वह्नि fire, भोग्य to be consumed or enjoyed.
  • वह्निमन्थ :: m. (-न्थः) A tree, the wood of which is used to procure fire by attrition, (Premna spinosa.) E. वह्नि fire, and मन्थ churning.
  • वह्निमारक :: n. (-कं) Water. E. वह्नि fire, and मारक destroyer.
  • वह्निमित्र :: m. (-त्रः) Air, wind. E. वह्नि fire, and मित्र the friend.
  • वह्निरेतस् :: m. (-ताः) ŚIVA. E. वह्नि fire, रेतस् semen.
  • वह्निलोह :: n. (-हं) Copper. E. वह्नि and लोह iron; also with कन् added वह्निलोहक ।
  • वह्निवधू :: f. (-धूः) The wife of AGNI or fire. E. वह्नि and वधू the wife.
  • वह्निवर्ण :: n. (-र्णं) The red water-lily. E. वह्नि fire, and वर्ण colour.
  • वह्निवल्लभ :: m. (-भः) Resin. E. वह्नि fire, and वल्लभ friend.
  • वह्निवीज :: n. (-जं) 1. Gold. 2. The common lime. 3. A particle, to be repeated as the peculiar prayer of fire in the Tantra system: the syllable “रं” . E. वह्नि fire, वीज seed.
  • वह्निशिख :: n. (-खं) 1. Safflower, (Carthamus tinctorius.) 2. Saffron. f. (-खा) A potherb, (Echites dichotoma.) E. वह्नि fire, and शिखा crest; also अग्निशिखा ।
  • वह्निशिखर :: m. (-रः) A flower, coxcomb, (Celosia cristata.) E. वह्नि fire, and शिखर a crest.
  • वह्निसख :: m. (-खः) The wind.
  • वह्य :: n. (-ह्यं) 1. A vehicle, a conveyance of any sort. 2. A cart. f. (-ह्या) The wife of a Muni or saint. E. वह् to bear, aff. यत् ।
  • वा :: r. 2nd cl. (वाति) 1. To go or move. 2. To blow, (as the wind.) With निर् prefixed, 1. To blow out, to extinguish. 2. To cool. 3. To hurt, to injure. Caus. (वापयति-ते) To cause to blow; also (वाजयति-ते) To shake.
  • वा :: Ind. A particle of,:--1. Comparison, (as, like, so;) 2. Alternative or- option, (or, either, else, sometimes.) 3. Doubt and consideration, (or, whether.) 4. Exception, (only, no other;) 5. Asseveration or confirmation, (indeed, even, very.) 6. A conjunction, (and, as well, also.) 7. An expletive. E. वा to go, aff. क्विप्, the व is some- times changed to ब, and the word is read बा ।
  • वांश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) Bamboo, of or belonging to, made from a bamboo, &c. f. (-शी) The manna of the bamboo. E. वंश a bamboo, अण् aff.
  • वांशिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A flute-player, a piper, a fifer. 2. A bamboo-cutter, &c. E. वश a pipe, aff. ठक् or ठन् ।
  • वाःकिटि :: m. (-टिः) A porpoise. E. वार् water, and किटि a hog.
  • वाःपुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) Cloves. E. वार् water, and पुष्प flower.
  • वाःसदन :: n. (-नं) A large water-jar. E. वार् water, सदन abode.
  • वाक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Belonging or relating to a crane. n. (-कं) A flight of cranes. E. वक, and अण्, अञ् or घञ् aff.
  • वाकुची :: f. (-ची) A plant, (Serratula anthelmintica.) E. वा wind, and कुच् to contract, क aff., form irr.
  • वाक्वलह :: n. (-हं) Quarrel, dispute. E. वाच् and कलह disturbance.
  • वाक्कीर :: m. (-रः) A wife's brother. E. वाच् a speech, a phrase, and कीर parrot: having giving rise to a proverb; as a cock parrot is, so is the hen; i. e. of the same breed and disposition.
  • वाक्चपल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Frivolous, inconsistent, (in speech.) E. वाक्, चपल changeable.
  • वाक्चापल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Gossiping, chattering idle or improper talk. E. वाक् speech, चापल्य unsteadiness.
  • वाक्छल :: n. (-लं) Prevarication, equivocation. E. वाक् speech, छल disguise, fraud.
  • वाक्छलान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Equivocating, evasive. E. वाक्छल, and अन्वित possessed of.
  • वाक्पटु :: mfn. (-टुः -टुः -टु) Eloquent, able in speech. E. वाक्, and पटु skilful.
  • वाक्पटुता :: f. (-ता) Eloquence. E. तल् added to the last; with त्व, वाक्पटुत्वं ।
  • वाक्पति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Eloquent. m. (-तिः) A name of VRIHASPATĪ. E. वाक् speech, and पति master.
  • वाकपथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) Suitable or seasonable for discourse. E. वाक्, and पथ path.
  • वाक्पारुष्य :: n. (-ष्यं) Abuse, scurrility, defamation, wordy violence or assault. E. वाक् speech, पारुष्य violence.
  • वाक्य :: n. (-क्यं) 1. A sentence. 2. A rule or aphorism. 3. Speech. 4. (In astronomy,) The solar process for all astronomical computations. E. वच् to speak, ण्यत् aff.
  • वाक्यखण्डन :: n. (-नं) Refuting or criticising an assertion. E. वाक्य and खण्डन breaking.
  • वाक्यप्रबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Connected composition.
  • वाक्यप्रयोग :: m. (-गः) Employment or application of speech or language. E. वाक्य, प्रयोग application.
  • वाक्यविन्यास :: m. (-सः) Syntax, order, or arrangement of a sentence. E. वाक्य, विन्यास disposition.
  • वाक्यविशारद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Eloquent. E. वाक्य and विशारद skilful.
  • वाक्यशेष :: m. (-षः) 1. The remainder of a speech. 2. An ellipsis.
  • वाक्यस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Contained in a sentence. 2. Obedient, atten- tive. E. वाक्य and स्थ what stays; also वाक्यस्थित &c.
  • वाक्ष्(इ)वाक्षि :: r. 10th cl. (वाङ्क्षति) To desire, to wish.
  • वागपहारक :: m. (-कः) 1. A stealer of books. 2. A reader of prohibited works or passages. E. वाक् speech, अपहारक seizer, stealer.
  • वागर :: m. (-रः) 1. A sage, a holy man, one desirous of final emancipa- tion. 2. A scholar, a Paṇḍit, a learned Brāhman. 3. A hero, a brave man one who is intrepid or fearless. 4. Certainty, ascer- tainment. 5. A whet-stone. 6. An obstacle, an impediment, or cause of obstruction. 7. Submarine fire. 8. A wolf. E. वाक् speech, ऋ to go, aff. अप् ।
  • वागसि :: f. (-सिः) Sharp or piercing speech. E. वाच्, असि a sword, piercing men's thoughts.
  • वागा :: f. (-गा) A bridle.
  • वागारु :: mfn. (-रुः -रुः -रु) Breaking promise or faith, disappointing, a disappointer or deceiver. E. वाक् speech, ऋ to go, उण् aff.
  • वागीश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Eloquent, well spoken. m. (-शः) 1. An author, an orator, a poet, &c. 2. BRAHMĀ. E. वाक् speech, ईश master.
  • वागीश्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. An orator, a learned man. 2. A Bauddha deified sage; also MANJUGHOSHA. 3. BRAHMĀ. f. (-री) SARASWATĪ. E. वाक् speech, ईश्वर lord.
  • वागुजी :: f. (-जी) A plant, (Serratula anthelmintica.) E. वाच् speech, गुज् to sound inarticulately, aff. क, form irr.
  • वागुण :: m. (-णः) An acid fruit, (Averrhoa carambola.)
  • वागुरा :: f. (-रा) A net, a snare, a noose. E. वा to hurt, उरच् Unādi aff., गन् augment.
  • वागुरावृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Livelihood obtained by catching wild animals. E. वागुरा a snare, वृत्ति practice.
  • वागुरिक :: m. (-कः) A hunter, a deer-catcher. E. वागुरा a net, aff. ठक् .
  • वागृषभ :: m. (-भः) A learned or eloquent man. E. वाच्, and ऋषभ best.
  • वागृषभत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Eloquence, learning, erudition. E. वागृषभ, and त्व aff.
  • वाग्गुद :: m. (-दः) A sort of bird. E. वाक् speech, गुद् to sport, aff. क .
  • वाग्गुलि :: m. (-लिः) The betel-bearer, an officer or servant whose business it is to have the box of Pān ready for his prince or master. E. वाक् speech, (command,) गुर् to obey, कि aff., and र changed to ल; or गृ to swallow, deriv. irr.
  • वाग्गुलिक :: m. (-कः) A betel-bearer. E. ठक् pleonasm added to the preceding.
  • वाग्डम्बर :: m. (-रः) Graceful or eloquent language.
  • वाग्दण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. Reproof, reprimand. 2. Restraint or control of speech. E. वाक् and दण्ड punishment.
  • वाग्दत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Promised. f. (-त्ता) A virgin betrothed. E. वाच्, दत्त given.
  • वाग्दरिद्र :: mfn. (-द्रः -द्रा -द्रं) Of few words, speaking little and humbly or guardedly. E. वाक speech, दरिद्र poor.
  • वाग्दल :: n. (-लं) A lip. E. वाक् speech, दल a leaf.
  • वाग्दुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Abusive, ill-spoken, speaking ill, either morally or grammatically. m. (-ष्टः) A Brāhman who has past the proper time of life, without receiving the initiatory Mantra, the investi- ture of the thread, &c. E. वाक् speech, दुष्ट bad, faulty.
  • वाग्देवता :: f. (-ता) 1. VRIHASPATĪ. 2. An eloquent man or writer. E. वाच् देवता divinity.
  • वाग्देवी :: f. (-वी) A name of SARASWATĪ. E. वाक् speech, and देवी goddess, the goddess of eloquence.
  • वाग्दोष :: m. (-षः) 1. Speaking ill, defamation, abuse. 2. Ungrammatical speech. 3. Uttering a disagreeable sound. E. वाक् and दोष fault.
  • वाग्मात्र :: n. (-त्रं) Mere speech, words alone. E. वाच् and मात्र only.
  • वाग्वन्धन :: n. (-नं) Stopping any one's speech. E. वाक्, वन्धन obstructing.
  • वाग्मिन् :: mfn. (-ग्मी -ग्मिनी -ग्मि) 1. Loquacious, talkative, speaking much. 2. Speaking well, eloquent. m. (-ग्मी) A name of VRIHASPATĪ. E. वाच् speech, ग्मिनि aff.; hence also वागिमन् ।
  • वाग्मूल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Having root or origin in speech. E. वाच् and मूल root.
  • वाग्य :: mfn. (-ग्यः -ग्या -ग्यं) 1. Speaking little, and cautiously or humbly. 2. Speaking truly. m. (-ग्यः) 1. Humility, self-disparagement. 2. Doubt, alternative. E. वाच् speech, यत् aff.
  • वाग्यत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Reserved in speech, taciturn, silent. E. वाक्, यत् restrained.
  • वाग्यतस् :: Ind. Silently. E. वाग्य speaking little, तसि aff.
  • वाग्याम :: m. (-मः) A dumb man, one silent from necessity. E. वाच् speech, यम् to restrain, aff. घञ् ।
  • वाग्विनिःसृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Emitted or put forth by speech. E. वाच् and विनिःसृत issued.
  • वाग्विलास :: m. (-सः) Graceful or elegant speech. E. वाक् and विलास sport.
  • वाग्व्यापार :: m. (-रः) 1. Manner, style or habit of speaking. 2. Customary phraseology. E. वाक् and व्यापार usual practice.
  • वाङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) The ocean, the sea. E. वङ्क a bend or creek, aff. अण् ।
  • वाङ्मय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) 1. Eloquent, rhetorical. n. (-यं) 1. Eloquence. 2. Rhetorical composition, rhetoric, belles lettres. f. (-यी) SARAS- WATĪ. E. वाक् speech, and मयट् aff.
  • वाङ्मुख :: m. (-खः) The opening of a speech, an exordium. E. वाच् speech, मुख beginning.
  • वाच् :: f. (-वाक्) 1. Speech. 2. Speaking. 3. SARASWATĪ, the goddess of speech. 4. A phrase, a proverb or adage. 5. An assertion, an assurance. E. वच् speak, aff. क्विप, and the vowel made long.
  • वाच :: m. (-चः) 1. A plant: see मदन । 2. A kind of fish. “वाचा ।”
  • वाचयम :: m. (-मः) A holy sage, practising rigid taciturnity, devoid of passions, and unmoved by pain or pleasure. E. वाच् speech, यम् to restrain, aff. खच् ।
  • वाचक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Declaratory, explaining, speaking. 2. Verbal, expressed by words. m. (-कः) 1. A word, a significant sound. 2. A speaker. 3. A reader. 4. A messenger. E. वच् to speak, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • वाचकता :: f. (-ता) Expressiveness, significance. E. वाचक and तल् aff.; also with त्व, वाचकत्वं ।
  • वाचकपद :: n. (-दं) A clear and explicit term. E. वाचक and पद a word.
  • वाचन :: n. (-नं) 1. Reading, reciting. 2. Proclamation, declaration.
  • वाचनक :: n. (-कं) A riddle.
  • वाचनीक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Verbal. 2. Textual. E. वचन and ठक् aff.
  • वाचसाम्पति :: f. (-तिः) VRIHASPATĪ, regent of the planet JUPITER, and preceptor of the gods. E. वाच् speech, in the second case plural and पति master.
  • वाचस्पति :: m. (-तिः) 1. VRIHASPATĪ: see the last. 2. A title of the great scholar Professor TĀRĀ-NĀTHA TARKA-BĀCHASPATĪ, son of the illustrious Pandit KĀLI-DĀSA SĀRBABHOUMA and grandson of the Venerable Pandit RĀM-RĀM TARKASIDDHĀNTA, the commentator of the six different schools of Hindu philosophy: (Vide Mr. ADAM'S report on the researches of the Pandits of Bengal.) He was born at KĀLNĀ, situated on the bank of the river BHĀGIRATHĪ, in the District of BURDWĀN in the year 1806 A. D. and died at the sacred city of BENARES in 1885, at the ripe age of eighty, where he retired for abstract meditation

and contemplation of the Supreme Spirit. He is the commentator “of SĀNKHYA-TATWA-KOUMUDĪ,” of BĀCHASPATĪ MISHRA, “SIDDHĀNTA-KOUMUDĪ,” the most authoritative grammar of PĀNINĪ methodised by BHATTOJI-DIKSHITA, and several Sanskrit dramas; he is also the author of “SHABDĀRTHARATNA”, a useful work on the philosophy of grammar, “SIDDHĀNTABINDUSĀRA,” &c.; he is also the compiler of “ĀSHUBODH,” the well known Sanskrit grammar, “DHĀTURUPA,” the easy treatise on the paradigm of Sanskrit conjugations, both meant for beginners, “VĀCHASPATYA,” the first voluminous Sanskrit dictionary with derivations in al- phabetical order and “SHABDASTOMA-MAHĀNIDHĪ”, the most useful handy Sanskrit dictionary, and other works in almost all the bran- ches of Sanskrit language too numerous to mention, all of which he wrote single-handed. E. वाच् speech, in the sixth case, पति master.

  • वाचस्पत्य :: n. (-त्यं) 1. The great encyclopædic Sanskrit lexicon by Prof. TĀRĀNĀTHA TARKAVĀCHASPATĪ, the most profoundest gram- marian and philosopher of the nineteenth century: see the last. 2. Eloquence, an eloquent speech, a harangue.
  • वाचा :: f. (-चा) 1. Speech. 2. A text, an aphorism. 3. The tongue. 4. An oath. E. वाच् as above, टाप् added.
  • वाचाट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Talkative, talking much and idly or blamably. E. वाच् speech and आटच् aff. भत्वात् न कः ।
  • वाचाल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Talkative, chattering, gabbling, talking much and idly or blamably. E. वाच् speech, and आलच् aff.
  • वाचिक :: mfn. (-कः -का or की -कं) Verbal. n. (-कं) News, tidings, intelli- gence. E. वाच् speech, aff. ठक् ।
  • वाचिकपत्रक :: n. (-कं) 1. A letter, a despatch. 2. A newspaper, a gazette. E. वाचिक news, पत्र a leaf.
  • वाचिकहारक :: n. (-कः) 1. A letter, an epistle. 2. A messenger, a courier. E. वाचिक news, हृ to convey, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • वाचोयुक्ति :: mfn. (-क्तिः -क्तिः -क्ति) Speaking much or well. E. वाच speech, in the sixth case, and युक्ति joining, fitness.
  • वाचोयुक्तिपटु :: mfn. (-टुः -टुः or -ट्वी-टु) Eloquent, speaking much or well. E. वाचोयुक्ति as above, and पटु skilful.
  • वाच्छ्(इ)वाच्छि :: r. 1st cl. (-वाञ्छति) To wish or desire.
  • वाच्य :: mfn. (-च्यः -च्या -च्यं) 1. Vile, bad. 2. Vile, contemptible, low, out- cast. 3. Fit or proper to be spoken or said. 4. Attributive adjec- tive, to be predicated of any thing. 5. Declinable as an adjective, taking the three genders. 6. Expressed, (as the meaning of a word.) n. (-च्यं) Blame, reviling. 2. A predicate, that which may be said of anything. 3. (In grammar.) The voice or mode of a verb; as, कर्त्तृवाच्यं the active voice, कर्म्मणिवाच्यं the passive voice. 4. The expressed or conventional meaning of word, (opposed to लक्ष्य and व्यङ्ग्य ।) E. वच् to speak, aff. ण्यत् ।
  • वाच्यचित्र :: n. (-त्रं) One of the two kinds of the third or lowest division of poetry consisting in a striking idea or conceit expressed in words.
  • वाच्यता :: f. (-ता) 1. Infamy, ill repute. 2. Blame, reproach. 3. The qua- lity of that which may be said of any thing. 4. Conjugation. E. तल् added to the preceding; also with त्व, वाच्यत्वं ।
  • वाज :: mn. (-जः-जं) A wing. m. (-जः) The feather of an arrow. 2. Speed. 3. Sound. 4. A Muni. n. (-जं) 1. Ghee or clarified butter. 2. Water. 3. A Mantra or prayer which concludes a sacrifice. 4. Rice offered at a Śrāddha or obsequial ceremony. 5. Rice in general. 6. The acidulous mixture of ground meal and water left to ferment. E. वज् to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • वाजपेय :: mn. (-यः-यं) A particular sacrifice. E. वाज the acetous fermen- tation of meal and water, and पेय to be drank, (by the gods.)
  • वाजभोजिन् :: m. (-जी) A particular sacrifice: see the last. E. वाज sour gruel, भुज् to eat, aff. णिनि, and the radical vowel changed.
  • वाजसनेयिन् :: m. (-यी) 1. A name of YĀJNYAVALKA, the founder of the

white YAJURVEDA. 2. A member of the sect of the VĀJASANEYINS.

  • वाजिगन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) The name of a plant, (Physalis flexuosa.) E. वाजिन् a horse, and गन्ध smell; also वाजिगन्धक ।
  • वाजिता :: f. (-ता) 1. The condition of having wings. 2. The nature of a horse. E. वाजिन् a horse, &c., तल् aff.; also with त्व, वाजित्वं ।
  • वाजिदन्त :: m. (-न्तः) A plant, (Justicia adhenatoda.) E. वाजि a horse, दन्त a tooth, to which the flower is compared; with कन् added वाजिदन्तक ।
  • वाजिन् :: m. (-जी) 1. A horse. 2. An arrow. 3. A bird. 4. A plant (Justicia adhenatoda.) f. (-जिनी) A mare. E. वाज speed or a feather, &c., and इनि poss. aff.
  • वाजिन :: n. (-नं) Curd of two milk whey, or the whey from which the curds have been separated. E. वज् to prepare, aff. इनन् ।
  • वाजिपृष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) Globe amaranth. E. वाजि a horse, and पृष्ठ back.
  • वाजिभूमि :: f. (-मिः) Place where horses are bred. E. वाजिन्, भूमि place.
  • वाजिशाला :: nf. (-लं-ला) A stable. E. वाजि a horse, शाला a hall.
  • वाजीकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Aphrodisiac. E. वाजिन् a horse, कर what makes, च्वि aug.
  • वाजीकरण :: n. (-णं) Stimulus or excitement of amorous desires by aphrodisiacs, &c. E. वाजि a horse, करण making, and च्वि augment.
  • वाञ्छत् :: mfn. (-ञ्छन् -ञ्छन्ती -ञ्छत्) Wishing, desiring. E. वाछि to wish, शतृ aff.
  • वाञ्छन :: n. (-नं) Desiring, wishing. E. वाछि to desire, ल्युट् aff.
  • वाञ्छनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Desirable, to be wished for. E. वाछि to wish, and अनीयर् aff.; also वाञ्छितव्य and वाञ्छ्य ।
  • वाञ्छा :: f. (-ञ्छा) Wish, desire. E. वाच्छि to wish, aff. अच् ।
  • वाञ्छित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Wished, desired. n. (-तं) Wish. E. वाच्छि to wish, क्त aff.
  • वाञ्छिन् :: mfn. (-ञ्छी -ञ्छिनी -ञ्छि) Wishing, desirous. f. (-ञ्छिनी) A libidi- nous woman, a wanton. E. वाञ्छा desire, इनि aff.
  • वाट् :: Ind. An exclamation on making an offering of boiled butter.
  • वाट :: mfn. Adj. (-टः-टी-टं) Made of the Indian fig-tree, of its wood, &c. Subst. (-टः-टी-टं) 1. An enclosure, a piece of enclosed ground, whe- ther a simple enclosure, as a courtyard, or one for trees and plants, as an orchard, a garden, a plantation, &c. 2. A road. 3. A mud wall, a bound hedge or any enclosure of a town or village, &c. 4. A sort of grain, (Panicum spicatum.) 5. The groin. f. (-टी) 1. The site of a house or building. 2. A house, a dwelling. 3. A plant: see वाट्यालक E. वट् to surround, aff. घञ् ।
  • वाटधान :: m. (-नः) The descendant of an outcast Brāhman by a Brāh- man female.
  • वाटशृङ्खला :: f. (-ला) A sort of chain enclosure or fence. E. वाट an enclosure, शृङ्खला a chain.
  • वाटिका :: f. (-का) 1. The site of a house. 2. A plant, (Sida cordifolia.) 3. A garden, an orchard. E. कन् added to वाटी ।
  • वाटीदीर्घ :: m. (-र्घः) A sort of grass, commonly Itcada. E. वाटी an enclo- sure, दीर्घ long. “इत्कटक्षुपे ।”
  • वाट्टक :: n. (-कं) Fried barley; also read वाट्यक ।
  • वाठ्य :: mfn. (-ट्यः -ट्या -ट्यं) Belonging to a house or garden, &c. E. वाटी, and यत् aff.
  • वाट्यपुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) 1. Sandal. 2. Saffron. f. (-ष्पी) A plant, (Sida cordifo- lia.) E. वाट्य belonging to a house or garden, पुष्प flower.
  • वाट्या :: f. (-ट्या) A plant, (Sida cordifolia.) E. वाटी a garden, यत्, and टाप् affs.
  • वाट्याल :: mf. (-लः-ला) A herbaceous shrub, (Sida cordifolia:) see the next.
  • वाट्यालक :: m. (-कः) A plant, commonly Beriyālā, (Sida cordifolia.) E. वाटी a garden, in the sixth case, अल् to adorn, with अण् aff., and कन् added, the ornament of a garden. “वेलेडा इति भाषा ।”
  • वाड्(ऋ)वाडृ :: r. 1st cl. (वाडते) To bathe, to dive and emerge: the best authorities read this बाडृ ।
  • वाडवेय :: m. (-यः) A bull. m. DU. The two son's of Ashwinī.
  • वाडव्य :: n. (-व्यं) A multitude of Brāhmans.
  • वाढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Much, abundant, exceeding. 2. Hard, firm. Adv. n. or Ind. (-ढं) 1. Much, excessive, excessively. 2. Very well, well, (assent, promise.) 3. A particle signifying conclusion, de- duction. E. वह् to take, to bear, aff. क्त; form. irr.
  • वाढविक्रम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Powerful, very strong, mighty. E. वाढ, विक्रम prowess.
  • वाण :: m. (-णः) 1. An arrow. 2. A name of fire. 3. The name of a sover- eign considered also as an Asura or infernal being, the son o t BALI, father. of USHĀ, destroyed by VISHṆU. 4. The udder of a cow. 5. Alone, solitary. 6. A pipe, a fife, a flute. mf. (-णः-णा) 1. Blue Barleria. 2. The root or feathered part of an arrow. E. वण् or बण् to sound or go, aff. घञ्; whence this word and other deriva- tives are sometimes also written with an initial ब ।
  • वाणदण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A weaver's loom. E. वाण an arrow, दण्ड stick.
  • वाणनिकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pierced, wounded by an arrow. E. वाण, निकृत hurt.
  • वाणपाणि :: mfn. (-णिः -णिः -णि) Armed with arrows. E. वाण, पाणि the hand.
  • वाणपुर :: n. (-रं) The capital of VĀṆA Rājā. E. वाण and पुर city; also with the final consonant बाणपुर् f. (-पूः) ।
  • वाणमोक्षण :: n. (-णं) Shooting an arrow. E. वाण and मोक्षण letting fly.
  • वाणवार :: m. (-रः) 1. Armour. 2. A breast-plate, a cuirass. E. वाण an arrow, वृ to cover or screen, aff. घञ् ।
  • वाणसुता :: f. (-ता) USHĀ, the daughter of VĀṆA, and wife of ANIRUDDHA. E. वाण, सुता daughter.
  • वाणहन् :: m. (-हा) VISHṆU. E. वाण VĀṆA Rājā and हन् destroyer.
  • वाणारि :: m. (-रिः) VISHṆU. E. वाण the demon, and अरि enemy.
  • वाणाश्रय :: m. (-यः) A bow. E. वाण an arrow, and आश्रय receptacle.
  • वाणासन :: n. (-नं) A bow. E. वाण an arrow, असन throwing, or आसन a seat.
  • वाणि :: f. (-णिः or णी) 1. Weaving. 2. A weaver's loom. 3. A species of the Ashtī metre. E. वण् to sound, aff. इनि; ङीप् optionally added.
  • वाणिज्य :: n. (-ज्यं) Traffic, trade: see बाणिज्य ।
  • वाणिन् :: mfn. (-णी -णिनी -णि) 1. Having an arrow. 2. Speaking. f. (-नी) 1. A sharp or clever woman, an intriguing woman. 2. An actress, a Naūtch girl. 3. A furious woman, one literally or figuratively intoxicated. E. वाण an arrow, or वाणि speech, इनि and ङीप् affs.
  • वाणी :: f. (-णी) 1. SARASWATĪ, the goddess of speech. 2. Speech, sound. 3. Voice, (as दैववाणी). 4. Eloquence. 5. Praise. 6. A literary pro- duction. E. वण् to sound, aff. इञ् and ङीप् or ङीष् added.
  • वात :: r. 10th cl. (वातयति-ते) 1. To go. 2. To serve. 3. To be happy. 4. To give pleasure in travelling. 5. To blow gently, to fan or ventilate.
  • वात् :: mfn. (-वान् -वाती or वान्ती -वात्) Going, moving. E. वा to go, शतृ aff.
  • वात :: m. (-तः) 1. Air, wind. 2. Rheumatism, gout, inflammation of the joints. 3. Air, wind, as one of the three humours of the body. 4. The deity that presides over wind. f. (-ता) Adj. 1. Blown. 2. Wished for, solicited. E. वा to go, Unādi aff. तन् .
  • वातक :: m. (-कः) 1. A paramour. 2. A plant, (Marsilea quadrifolia.) E. वात wind, कृ to make, aff. ड ।
  • वातकर्मन् :: n. (-र्म) Breaking wind.
  • वातकिन् :: mfn. (-की -किनी -कि) Rheumatic, gouty. E. वात inflammation of the joints, and इनि aff., कुक् augment.
  • वातकुण्डलिका :: f. (-का) Scanty and painful flow of urine.
  • वातकुम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) The part of an elephant's forehead below the frontal sinuses. E. वात wind and कुम्भ a receptacle.
  • वातकेतु :: m. (-तुः) Dust. E. वात wind, and केतु a symbol.
  • वातकेलि :: m. (-लिः) 1. Speaking in murmurs, especially amorous con- verse. 2. The marks of finger-nails on the lover's person. E. वात wind, केलि playing.
  • वातगामिन् :: m. (-मी) A bird. E. वात wind, and गामिन् who goes.
  • वातगुल्म :: m. (-ल्मः) 1. A gale, a high wind. 2. Acute gout or rheuma- tism. 3. Any disease arising from the morbid affection of the windy humour, such as, madness, the glandular enlargement of the mesenteric gland, in the abdomen, so as to be perceived ex- ternally, &c. according to our Hindu system of pathology. E. वात wind, गुल्म a cluster, a quantity.
  • वातग्रस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Epileptic. 2. Rheumatic. E. वात and ग्रस्त seized.
  • वातघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) Removing disorders from wind. E. वात and घ्न who destroys.
  • वातज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced by or arising from wind. E. वात, ज born.
  • वातज्वर :: m. (-रः) Fever arising from vitiated wind. E. वात and ज्वर fever.
  • वाततूल :: n. (-लं) Cottony flocks or seeds floating in the air. E. वात, तुला cotton.
  • वातथुडा :: f. (-डा) 1. A gale, a high wind. 2. Acute gout or rheumatism. 3. A handsome woman. 4. A disease, a sort of small pox. E. वात wind, हुड् to reap, aff. क, deriv. irr.
  • वातध्वज :: m. (-जः) A cloud. E. वात wind, and ध्वज banner.
  • वातपित्त :: n. (-त्तं) Rheumatism attended with fever. E. वात, पित्त bile.
  • वातपुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) 1. A name of BHĪMA. 2. The monkey HANUMĀNA. 3. A cheat, a swindler. E. वात the wind, and पुत्त्र a son.
  • वातपोथ :: m. (-थः) The Palāsha tree, (Butea frondosa.) E. वात rheuma- tism, पुथ् to hurt, aff. अण्; also वातपोथक ।
  • वातप्रमी :: m. (-मीः) A swift antelope. E. वात the wind, प्र before, मा to measure, to surpass or outgo, Unādi aff. ईप् ।
  • वातफुल्ल :: mfn. (-ल्लः -ल्ला -ल्लं) Inflated, puffed up with wind. E. वात, फुल्ल blown.
  • वातफुल्लान्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) Colic, flatulence, borborygmi. E. वात wind, and फुल्ल swoln, अन्त्र the intestines.
  • वातमज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Going in or against the wind. m. (-जः) A swift antelope. E. वात wind, अज् to go, aff. खश् ।
  • वातमण्डली :: f. (-ली) A whirl-wind. E. वात wind, मण्डल a region, aff. ङीप् ।
  • वातमृग :: m. (-गः) A swift antelope. E. वात wind, and मृग a deer.
  • वातरहस् :: mfn. (-हाः -हाः -हः) Swift, (as the wind.) E. वात, रंहस् speed.
  • वातर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Windy, stormy. 2. Swift, (as the wind.) E. वात and रा to get, क aff.
  • वातरक्त :: n. (-क्तं) Acute gout or rheumatism. E. वात wind, and रक्त blood; ascribed to a vitiated state of the blood and the aerial humour.
  • वातरक्तघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) A plant, commonly Kukurmurā. E. वातरक्त gout, and घ्न destroying.
  • वातरक्तारि :: m. (-रिः) A plant, (Menispermum glabrum.) E. वातरक्त acute gout, अरि a foe.
  • वातरङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) The holy fig-tree. वातस्येव सततं रङ्गश्चलनमस्य; also वादरङ्ग ।
  • वातरथ :: m. (-थः) A cloud. E. वात the wind, and रथ a car.
  • वातरायण :: m. (-णः) 1. An arrow. 2. An arrow's flight, the discharge of an arrow, a bow shot. 3. A saw. 4. The peak of a mountain. 5. A mad man, one wild or intoxicated, either literally or figura- tively. 6. An idler, one who lives to no purpose. 7. The Saral, a sort of pine tree. E. वातर and अयन going.
  • वातरूष :: m. (-षः) 1. A gale, a breeze. 2. The rainbow. 5. A bribe. E. वात wind, रूष् to rage, aff. घञ् ।
  • वातरोग :: n. (-गं) Rheumatism, gout. E. वात wind, and रोग disease.
  • वातरोगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिणी -गि) Rheumatic, afflicted with gout or rheu- matism, especially of the acute kind. E. वातरोग acute rheumatism, &c., aff. इनि ।
  • वातर्द्धि :: m. (-र्द्धिः) 1. A sort of cup or vessel made of wood, with an iron foot or stand. 2. A mace, a club or stick bound with iron. 3. Excess of wind. E. वात wind, ऋद्धि increase.
  • वातल :: mfn. (-लः -ला or ली -लं) 1. Windy, stormy. 2. Flatulent. m. (-लः) 1. A sort of pulse, (Cicer arietinum.) 2. Wind. f. (-ला) A morbid state of the uterus. E. वात wind, ला to get, aff. क ।
  • वातलमण्डली :: f. (-ली) A whirl-wind. E. वातल windy, मण्डल a region, aff. ङीप्; also वातमण्डली ।
  • वातवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Windy, gusty. E. वात and मतुप् aff.
  • वातवलासक :: m. (-कः) Nervous or low fever.
  • वातवस्ति :: f. (-स्तिः) Suppression of urine. E. वात and वस्ति the bladder.
  • वातवृद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Swelled testicle. E. वात, वृद्धि increase.
  • वातवैरिन् :: m. (-री) The castor-oil tree, &c.: see वातारि ।
  • वातव्याधि :: f. (-धिः) Any morbid affection attributed to disorder of the wind. E. वात and व्याधि disease.
  • वातशीर्ष :: n. (-र्षं) The lower belly. E. वात wind, शीर्ष the head or source.
  • वातशूल :: n. (-लं) Colic with flatulence. E. वात and शूल colic.
  • वातशोणित :: n. (-तं) Acute gout or rheumatism. E. वात wind, शोणित blood; ascribed to a vitiated state of these two.
  • वातसह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Gouty, rheumatic. E. वात the disease, सह bear- ing, suffering.
  • वातसारथि :: m. (-थिः) AGNI or fire. E. वात wind, and सारथि charioteer.
  • वातस्कन्ध :: n. (-न्धं) The portion of the atmosphere where the wind blows. E. वात wind, स्कन्ध part.
  • वाताट :: m. (-टः) 1. A horse of the sun. 2. An antelope. E. वात the wind, and अट who goes.
  • वाताण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A disease of the testicles.
  • वातातिसार :: m. (-रः) Dysentery produced by some disorder in the wind of the stomach.
  • वाताद :: m. (-दः) The almond, (Prunus amygdalus. Syn. Amygdalus cummunis. Terminalia catappa.) E. वात windy humour, अद् to des- troy, aff. घञ्; also वाताम । “वादाम् इति भाषा ।”
  • वातानुलोमन :: n. (-नं) Forcing the wind in downwards, as in inflating the lungs.
  • वातापि :: m. (-पिः) The name of an Asura devoured by AGASTYA. E. वात wind, पा to drink, aff. कि, and आङ् prefixed.
  • वातापिद्विष् :: m. (-द्विट्) The Muni AGASTYA. E. वातापि and द्विष् who hates; also similar names, as वातापिसूदन, वातापिहन्, &c.
  • वातामोदा :: f. (-दा) Musk. E. वात the wind, आमोदा a diffusive fragrance.
  • वाताय :: n. (-यं) A leaf. E. वात wind, अय् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • वातायन :: n. (-नं) 1. A window, an eyelet or loop-hole. 2. A porch, a portico, a covered shed, a pavilion. m. (-नः) A horse. E. वात the wind, and अयन going.
  • वातायु :: m. (-युः) An antelope, a deer. E. वात wind, (like,) अय् to go, aff. उण् ।
  • वातारि :: f. (-रिः) 1. The castor-oil tree. 2. A plant, (Asparagus racemo- sus.) E. वात rheumatism, अरि hostile.
  • वाताली :: f. (-ली) A whirl-wind, a gale. E. वात wind, आली a line.
  • वाताश्व :: m. (-श्वः) A swift horse, or one of a good breed. E. वात the wind, and अश्व a horse.
  • वातासह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Rheumatic, gouty. E. वात rheumatism, आसह who bears or suffers.
  • वाताहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Stirred or shaken by the wind. 2. Affected by rheumatism. E. वात and आहत struck.
  • वाताहति :: f. (-तिः) 1. The action of the wind. 2. The occurance of arthritic pains. E. वात and आहति striking.
  • वाति :: m. (-तिः) 1. The sun. 2. The moon. 3. Air, wind. E. वा to go, Unādi aff. क्तिच् ।
  • वातिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Windy, stormy. 2. Rheumatic. 3. Produced by or proceeding from wind, (disease, &c.) m. (-कः) Fever or inflammation ascribed to a vitiated state of the aerial humour. E. वात wind, &c., ठक् aff.
  • वातिग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Acquainted with or working in minerals or fossils, &c. m. (-गः) The egg-plant, (Solanum melongena.) E. वाति wind, ग who counts, from गण with ड aff.
  • वातिङ्गण :: m. (-णः) The egg-plant. E. वाति wind, गण् to count, aff. खच्, curing rheumatism, &c.
  • वातीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Windy, relating or belonging to wind, &c. n. (-यं) Sour rice-gruel. E. वात the wind, छ aff.; acidulated by air.
  • वातुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Gouty, rheumatic. 2. Mad, crazy. m. (-लः) A whirlwind, a gale. E. वात wind, &c., and उलच् aff.; more com- monly वातूल ।
  • वातुलि :: f. (-लिः) A large bat, commonly the flying fox. E. वात wind, उलि aff., form irr. “वादुड ।”
  • वातूल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Gouty, rheumatic. 2. Mad, insane, inebriate. m. (-लः) A whirlwind, a gale, a hurricane. E. वात wind, ऊलच् aff.; also वातुल; form irr.
  • वातृ :: m. (-ता) Air, wind. E. वा to go, तृच् aff.
  • वात्या :: f. (-त्या) A gale, a whirlwind, a hurricane. E. वात wind, यत् implying quantity.
  • वात्सक :: n. (-कं) A herd of calves. E. वत्स a calf, बुञ् aff. of number.
  • वात्सल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Tenderness, affection, fondness. E. वत्सल affectionate, ष्यञ् aff.
  • वात्सीपुत्त्र :: m. (-त्तः) A barber. E. वात्सी a girl born of a Sudra woman by a Brāhman, and पुत्त्र son.
  • वात्स्यायन :: m. (-नः) The name of a Muni. E. वात्स्य the father of the sage, and फक् aff. of descent.
  • वाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Demonstrated conclusion, reply, result. 2. Discourse,

discussion, defined as the speech of one desirous to know the truth. 3. A plaint, an accusation. 4. Sound, sounding. 5. Rumour, report. E. वद् to speak, aff. घञ् ।

  • वादकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा or री -रं) Causing or making a dispute. E. वाद, कर what makes; also वादकृत् &c.
  • वादग्रस्त :: Adj. In dispute.
  • वादचञ्चु :: Adj. Clever in repartee.
  • वादन :: n. (-नं) Sound, sounding, (as musical instruments.) E. वद् to sound, causal form, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • वादयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Sounding, playing, (as on a musical instru- ment.) E. वद् to speak, causal v., शतृ aff.
  • वादयुद्ध :: n. (-द्धं) Controversy, dispute. E. वाद, and युद्ध war.
  • वादर :: f. (-री) Made of cotton. n. (-र) Cotton cloth. E. वदर cotton, अण् aff.
  • वादरङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) The religious fig-tree: see वातरङ्ग ।
  • वादरत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Adhering to or following a doctrine. 2. Addicted to controversy, disputations. E. वाद, and रत fond of.
  • वादरा :: f. (-रा) The cotton-shrub. “कापास तूला ।”
  • वादरायण :: m. (-णः) A name of VYĀSA, the compiler of the Vedas, and reputed author of the Purāṇas, &c. E. वादर a place of pilgrimage अयन going, aff. अण्; also written with an initial ब, बादरायण ।
  • वादल :: n. (-लं) Liquorice, or the root of the Abrus precatorius, which is used for it. E. वा for वात wind, दल् to disperse, aff. अच्; form irr.
  • वादवादिन् :: m. (-दी) A Jaina. E. वाद result, truth, वादिन् who declares.
  • वादसाधन :: n. (-नं) Argument, maintaining a controversy. E. वाद and साधन instrument.
  • वादानुवाद :: m. (-दः) Attack and rejoinder, plaint and reply. E. वाद, अनुवाद subsequent dispute.
  • वादान्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) Munificent, liberal, &c. E. वदान्य, and अण् pleonasm added.
  • वादाल :: m. (-लः) A sheat-fish. E. वदाल the same, अण् pleonasm added.
  • वादि :: mfn. (-दिः -दिः -दि) Wise, learned, skilful, sage. E. वद् to speak, (wisely, &c.,) इन् Unādi aff.
  • वादित :: f. (-ता) Played, sounded. 2. Made to speak.
  • वादित्र :: n. (-त्रं) A musical instrument. E. वद् to sound, Unādi aff. णित्रन् ।
  • वादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) 1. Speaking, discoursing. 2. Asserting, de- claring. m. (-दी) 1. A sage, an expounder of the law and the Shās- tras. 2. A plaintiff, an accuser. 3. Leading or key note, (in music.) 4. A disputant. 5. A speaker. E. वद् to speak, णिनि aff.
  • वादिराज् :: m. (-राट्) A Bauddha sage; also MANJUGHOSA. E. वादि a sage, राज् chief.
  • वादिश :: m. (-शः) A learned and virtuous man, a sage, a seer. E. वादि truth or true conclusion, इशच् aff.
  • वाद्य :: n. (-द्यं) Any musical instrument. E. वद् to sound, aff. ण्यत्; to be sounded or played.
  • वाद्यकर :: m. (-रः) A musician.
  • वाद्यनिर्घोष :: m. (-षः) The sound of musical instruments. E. वाद्य a musical instrument, and निर्घोष sound.
  • वाद्यभाण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) 1. A multitude of musical instruments, a band. 2. Any musical instrument. E. वाद्य a musical instrument, and भाण्ड assemblage or vessel.
  • वाध्(ऋ)वाधृ :: r. 1st cl. (वाधते) To distress, to give pain: more correctly बाध् ।
  • वाध :: m. (-धः) 1. Pain. 2. Annoyance: see बाध ।
  • वाधुक्य :: n. (-क्यं) Marriage. E. वधुका a wife, ष्यञ् aff.
  • वाधू :: f. (-धूः) A vessel, a boat, a raft. E. वह् to bear, aff. ऊण्; form irr.
  • वार्ध्रीणस :: m. (-सः) A rhinoceros.
  • वान :: mfn. Subst. (-नः-ना-नं) Dry fruit. Adj. Dry, dried. n. (-नं) 1. Living. 2. Going, moving. 3. A mat of straw. 4. A heavy sea, the rolling of water from wind, &c.; hence the high tide in the Indian rivers, commonly called the Bore. 5. A hole in the wall of a house. 6. A perfume, a fragrance. 7. Weaving. 8. Blowing. mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Relating to a wood, a house, &c.: see वन . n. (-नं) A number or multitude of woods. E. वै to dry or wither, aff. क्त, form irr.:

in other of its applications, वन् to sound, aff. घञ्; or वन a wood, water, a house, &c., and अण् referential aff.

  • वानप्रस्थ :: m. (-स्थः) 1. The Brāhmana of the third order, who has passed through the conditions of student and householder, and has left his house and family for lonely meditation in woods and wilds; the hermit, the anchoret. 2. A tree, (Bassia latifolia.) 3. The Palāsha-tree, (Butea frondosa.) E. वन a wood, अण् aff., वान a soli- tude in the woods, &c., प्रस्थ who goes forth to, from स्था to stay, with प्र prefix, and क aff.
  • वानर :: mf. (-रः-री) An ape, a monkey. f. (-री) Cowach, (Carpopogon pruriens.) E. वान what relates to a wood, रा to get, aff. क, a Sylvan; or वा implying resemblance, and नर a man; or वन a wood, रस् to play, aff. ड, वनर, and अण् pleonasm added.
  • वानरप्रिय :: m. (-यः) A tree, (Mimusops kauki, Rox.) E. वानर a monkey, प्रिय fond of.
  • वानराघात :: m. (-तः) A tree, commonly Lodh, (Symplocos racemosa.) E. वानर a monkey, आघात struck, injured.
  • वानरेन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) 1. The monkey-chief SUGRĪVA. 2. HANUMĀNA. E. वानर, इन्द्र chief.
  • वानल :: m. (-लः) A kind of holy basil, distinguished as the black species of Tulasī, (Ocymum sanctum.) “काल वावुइ तुलसी ।”
  • वानस्पत्य :: m. (-त्यः) A tree bearing fruits from blossoms, as the mango, eugenia, &c. E. वनस्पति a tree, bearing fruits without blossoms, and ण्य aff.
  • वानायु :: m. (-युः) 1. A country to the north-west of India; see वनायु । 2. An antelope.
  • वानायुज :: m. (-जः) A Vānāyu horse, considered as one of a particularly good breed. E. वनायु and ज born.
  • वानीर :: m. (-रः) A sort of cane or ratan, (Calamus rotang.) E. वन water, ईरन् aff., and the first vowel made long.
  • वानेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Relating or belonging to water, &c. m. (-यः) A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) E. वन water, ढक् aff.
  • वान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Vomited, ejected from the mouth. E. वम् to vomit, aff. क्त ।
  • वान्ताद :: m. (-दः) A dog. E. वान्त what is ejected from the mouth, and अद who eats.
  • वान्ति :: m. (-न्तिः) Vomiting, ejecting from the mouth. E. वम् to vomit, क्तिन् aff.
  • वान्तिकृत् :: mfn. (-कृत्) Emetic. m. (-कृत्) A thorny plant, (Vangueria spi- nosa.) E. वान्ति vomiting, and कृत् what makes; an emetic.
  • वान्तिद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Emetic. f. (-दा) A medicinal plant, commonly Katukī, (Wrightea antidysenterica; and Colotropis gigantea, BROWN.) E. वान्ति vomiting, and द what produces; an emetic.
  • वान्या :: f. (-न्या) A multitude of groves or thickets. E. वन a wood, यञ् aff. of multitude; also with यत् aff. वन्या ।
  • वाप :: m. (-पः) 1. Shaving. 2. Sowing seed. 3. Weaving. E. वप् to sow seed, &c., aff. घञ् ।
  • वाप(य)दण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A weaver's loom. E. वाप or वाय weaving, दण्ड a stick.
  • वापि :: f. (-पिः or पी) A large oblong pond, a pool, a lake. E. वाप् to sow seed, (of the lotus, &c.) Unādi aff. इञ् and ङीष् optionally added.
  • वापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sown as seed. 2. Shaven. E. वाप shaving, &c., इतच् aff.
  • वापीह :: m. (-हः) The Chātaka, a bird, (Cuculus melanoleucos.) E. वापी a pool, हा to abandon, aff. क; drinking rain water only.
  • वाप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) To be sown, what may or ought to be sown. m. (-प्यः) A sort of costus, (C. speciosus.) E. वप् to sow, aff. ण्यत् ।
  • वाम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Left, not right. 2. Reverse, contrary, inverted. 3. Beautiful, pleasing. 4. Vile, base, wicked. 5. Short. 6. Crooked. m. (-मः) 1. A name of ŚIVA. 2. KĀMA or CUPID. 3. An udder, a breast. 4. A potherb, (Chenopodium album.) 5. An animal, a sentient being. 6. A snake. n. (-मं) Wealth, possessions. f. (-मा) 1. A woman. 2. Gourī. 3. LAKSHMĪ. 4. SARASWATĪ. f. (-मी) 1. A mare. 2. A she-ass. 3. A young female elephant. 4. The female of the jackal. E. वा to go, Unādi aff. मन् ।
  • वामता :: f. (-ता) 1. Perverseness, contrariety. 2. Craftiness, wickedness. 3. Loveliness. E. तल् added to वाम; also with त्व, वामत्वं ।
  • वामदेव :: m. (-वः) A name of ŚIVA. E. वाम contrary, (to human institu- tions,) देव who sports.
  • वामन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Short, dwarfish, a dwarf. 2. Depressed, pressed flat or down. 3. Low, vile, base. m. (-नः) 1. VISHṆU in his charac- ter of the dwarf, in which he appeared on his fifth descent from heaven, to prevent BALĪ from obtaining dominion of the three worlds. 2. The elephant that supports the south quarter. 3. A tree, (Alangium hexapetalum.) f. (-नी) 1. A female dwarf. 2. A sort of woman; also वामनिका । 3. A disease of the vagina. 4. A mare. E. वम् to eject from the mouth, and ल्यु or ल्युट् aff.
  • वामनीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Shortened, flattened. E. वामन, कृत made, च्वि aug.
  • वामलूर :: m. (-रः) An ant or mole hill, especially the hillocks of ground thrown up by the white ant. E. वाम inverted, reversed, लू to cut, aff. रक् ।
  • वामलोचन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Fine-eyed. f. (-ना) A handsome woman. E. वाम beautiful, लोचन eye.
  • वामशील :: m. (-लः) An epithet of KĀMA.
  • वामाक्षी :: f. (-क्षी) A handsome woman. E. वाम beautiful, and अक्षि an eye.
  • वामाचार :: m. (-रः) The doctrine of the Tantras according to one system. E. वाम left, and आचार institute; the left hand ritual, the use of flesh, spirits, &c., forming part of the Vāmācāra ceremonies.
  • वामाचारिन् :: m. (-री) A follower of the left hand portion of the Tantras. E. वामाचार, and इनि aff.
  • वामापीडन :: m. (-नः) A tree, (Salvadora Persica, &c.:) see पीलु ।
  • वामावर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) A conch-shell with the spiral turn running from right to left. E. वाम, and आवर्त्त a turn.
  • वामिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Proud, haughty, intolerant. 2. Handsome, beautiful. 3. Deceitful. E. वम् to eject from the mouth, (the faults of others,) aff. इलच् ।
  • वाय :: m. (-यः) Weaving. E. वे to weave, घञ् aff.
  • वायक :: m. (-कः) 1. A number, a multitude, a heap. 2. A weaver. E. वय् to go, ण्वुल् aff.
  • वाय(प)दण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A weaver's loom. E. वाय or वाप weaving, दण्ड a stick.
  • वायन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sweetmeats or cakes, forming a light refreshment, which is not supposed to be any breach of a religious fast. 2. Sweetmeats or cakes, part of an offering to a deity, or prepared on particular occasions, as marriages, &c., and sent as presents to friends and acquaintances. E. वा to go, ल्युट् aff.; also with कन् added वायनक n. (-कं) ।
  • वायव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Windy, relating or belonging to wind. f. (-वी) The north-west quarter or region of the wind. E. वायु air, wind, and अण् aff., fem. aff. ङीप् ।
  • वायव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Relating to the wind, sacred to the deity of the wind, &c. E. वायु wind, and यत् aff.
  • वायस :: m. (-सः) 1. A crow. 2. Agallochum, (Amyris Agallocha.) 3. Turpentine. f. (-सी) 1. A species of fig, (Ficus oppositifolia, Rox.) 4. A vegetable, (Solanum Indicum.) E. वय् to go, Unadi aff. असच्, and the radical vowel made long.
  • वायसाराति :: m. (-तिः) An owl. E. वायस a crow, and आराति an enemy; also similar compounds, as वायसारि ।
  • वायसेक्षु :: m. (-क्षुः) A sort of long grass, “काशतृणे ।” (Saccharum spon- taneum.) E. वायस a crow, and इक्षु the sugar-cane.
  • वायसोली :: f. (-ली) A medicinal root, commonly Kākoli. E. वायस a crow, उलच् aff.
  • वायु :: m. (-युः) 1. Air, wind, or its personified deification. 2. The air of the body, of which five are enumerated, viz. PRĀṆA, SAMĀNA, APĀNA, UDĀNA, and VYĀNA. 3. Morbid affection of the windy humour. E. वा to go, उण् Unādi aff., and युक् augment.
  • वायुकेतु :: m. (-तुः) Dust. E. वायु wind, and केतु a symbol, a sign.
  • वायुकोण :: m. (-णः) The north west. E. वायु, and कोण corner.
  • वायुगण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) Flatulence, indigestion. E. वायु wind, गडि to be a part of, aff. अच् ।
  • वायुगति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Quick, swift, as the wind. E. वायु, गति going.
  • वायुगुल्म :: m. (-ल्मः) 1. A whirlpool, an eddy. 2. A whirlwind, a hurricane. E. वायु, गुल्म a cluster: see वातगुल्म ।
  • वायुग्रस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Affected by wind, flatulent, epileptic. E. वायु, अस्त seized.
  • वायुघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) Destroying or curing windy disorders.
  • वायुजात :: m. (-तः) HANUMĀNA. E. वायु, and जात born.
  • वायुदारु :: m. (-रुः) A cloud. E. वायु wind, दृ to scatter, aff. उण् ।
  • वायुनिघ्न :: Adj. Mad, frantic.
  • वायुनिवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Calm, lull. 2. Cure of windy disorders. E. वायु, निवृत्ति stop.
  • वायुपुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) A name of BHIMA. 2. A name of HANUMĀNA. E. वायु the god of wind, and पुत्त्र a son; also similar compounds, as वायुतनय, &c.
  • वायुफल :: n. (-लं) 1. The rainbow. 2. Hail. E. वायु wind, and फल fruit.
  • वायुभक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Eating air, fasting. m. (-क्षः) 1. A snake. 2. An ascetic who lives on air. E. वायु wind, and भक्ष who eats.
  • वायुभक्षण :: n. (-णं) Fasting, living on air. E. वायु and भक्षण eating.
  • वायुभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Becoming as the wind, going every where at will. E. वायु and भूत become.
  • वायुरोषा :: f. (-षा) Night. E. वायु wind, रुष् to rage, aff. अच् ।
  • वायुवर्त्मन् :: m. (-र्त्मा) The atmosphere, sky, heaven. E. वायु, वर्त्मन् path or road.
  • वायुवाह :: m. (-हः) Smoke, vapour. E. वायु the wind, and वाह vehicle.
  • वायुवाहिनी :: f. (-नी) A vessel of the body, supposed, as the arteries were once imagined, to convey the aerial humour. E. वायु, वाहिनी bearing.
  • वायुवेगसम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Swift as the wind. E. वायु, वेग speed, सम equal.
  • वायुष :: m. (-षः) A sort of fish. “काल्वोस् माछ ।”
  • वायुसख :: m. (-खः) Fire. E. वायु wind, सखि friend, aff. टच्; also without the aff. वायुसखि ।
  • वायुसम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Like wind, unsubstantial. 2. Swift. E. वायु, सम same.
  • वायुसम्भव :: m. (-वः) HANUMĀNA. E. वायु, सम्भव born.
  • वाय्वास्पद :: n. (-दं) Ether, atmosphere. E. वायु wind, आस्पद place, site.
  • वार् :: n. (-वाः) Water. E. वृ to surround, aff. क्विप् ।
  • वार :: m. (-रः) 1. A multitude, a quantity, a flock or herd, a heap. 2. Occasion, opportunity. 3. A day of the week. 4. A moment. 5. A name of ŚIVA. 6. A door-way, a gate. 7. Achyranthes aspera. 8. A cover. 9. A turn. 10. The opposite bank of a river. n. (-रं) 1. A vessel for holding spirituous liquor. 2. Bile. 2. Water. Adv. A time, as वारं बारं many a time, repeatedly, often: see वारम्बारं . E. वृ to cover, to choose, &c., aff. घञ् ।
  • वारक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Opposing, obstructing, an obstacle or agent of resistance. m. (-कः) 1. A horse's paces. 2. A horse. n. (-कं) 1. The seat of pain. 2. A sort of fragrant grass: see वाल . E. वृ to choose, &c., ण्वुल् aff.
  • वारकिन् :: m. (-की) 1. The ocean. 2. Aihorse with good marks. 3. An ene- my. 4. An ascetic, one living upon leaves, &c. E. वारक an obstacle, &c., इनि aff.
  • वारकीर :: m. (-रः) 1. A wife's brother. 2. Submarine fire. 3. A louse. 4. A small comb. 5. A horse of high spirit, a war-horse, a charger. 6. A bearer of burthens, a porter. E. वार an obstacle, कॄ to scatter, aff. अच् ।
  • वारङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) A bird in general. E. वार् water, अकि to go, aff. अच् ।
  • वारङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) The handle of a sword or knife, &c. E. वृ to select, aff. अङ्गच्, and the radical vowel changed to the Vriddhi form.
  • वारट :: n. (-टं) 1. A field. 2. A number of fields. f. (-टा) A goose; also वरटा . E. वार् water, अट् to go, aff. अच्; or वृ-अटच् ।
  • वारण :: n. (-णं) 1. Resistance, opposition, prohibition, obstacle or impe- diment. 2. Defence, protecting, guarding. 3. Warding off a blow, guarding, warding. m. (-णः) 1. Armour, a cuirass or mail for the body. 2. An elephant. E. वॄ to cover or screen, to defend, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • वारणबुषा :: f. (-षा) The plantain or banana, (Musa sapientum.) E. वारण

an elephant, बुष् or बुस् to cast off, aff. क; hence it is written also वारणबुसा; also वार्बुषा ।

  • वारणवल्लभा :: f. (-भा) The plantain tree. E. वारण an elephant, वल्लभ beloved.
  • वारत्र :: n. (-त्रं) Leather fit for or made into thongs. E. वरत्रा, अण् aff.
  • वारनारी :: f. (-री) A harlot. E. वार and नारी a woman.
  • वारबधू :: f. (-धूः) The chief of a set of harlots. E. वार a number, and बधू wife.
  • वारबुषा :: f. (-षा) A Banāna; also वारबूषा ।
  • वारमुख्या :: f. (-ख्या) The head of a set of harlots. E. वार a troop, मुख्या a chief.
  • वारम्बारम् :: Ind. Repeatedly, again and again. E. वार a day, a time, repeated.
  • वारला :: f. (-ला) 1. A wasp. 2. A goose. E. वार a flock, a flight, ला to get, and क and टाप् affs.; also बरला &c.
  • वारवाण :: mn. (-णः-णं) Armour for the body or breast, an iron cuirass, or a thick quilted jacket worn for the same purpose. E. वार opposing, वाण an arrow; also वाणवार .
  • वारवाणि :: m. (-णिः) 1. A player on the flute. 2. A singer, a musician. 3. A judge. 4. A year. f. (-णिः or णी) 1. The chief of a set of harlots. 2. A whore. E. वार् a multitude, वाणी speech.
  • वारविलासिनी :: f. (-नी) A harlot, a whore. E. वार a multitude, विलासिनी a wanton.
  • वारवृषा :: f. (-षा) 1. Grain. 2. Plantain. E. वारं जलसङ्घं वर्षत्यत्र वृष्-क ।
  • वारवेला :: f. (-ला) A portion of the day in which any act religious or secular is suspended. E. वार and वेला time.
  • वारसुन्दरी :: f. (-री) A whore, a prostitute. E. वार the multitude, सुन्दरी a beauty.
  • वारसेवा :: f. (-वा) 1. A set of courtezans. 2. Prostitution, harlotry. E. वार the multitude, and सेवा service.
  • वारस्त्री :: f. (-स्त्री) A whore. E. वार the many, स्त्री a woman, a common woman.
  • वारांनिधि :: m. (-धिः) The ocean. E. वारां of water, and निधि receptacle.
  • वाराङ्गना :: f. (-ना) A harlot. E. वार and अङ्गना a woman.
  • वाराणसी :: f. (-सी) The holy city Benares. E. वर best, अनस् water, affs. अण् and ङीष् i. e. the Ganges on which it stands; also वराणसी ।
  • वाराणसेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Produced at or born in Benares, E. वाराणसी the city, ढक् aff.
  • वारासन :: n. (-नं) A large water-jar, a cistern, a reservoir. E. वार् water, आसन place of abiding.
  • वाराह :: mfn. (-हः -ही -हं) Relating to a boar, belonging to, derived from, &c. f. (-ही) 1. An esculent root, a Yam, (Dioscorea.) 2. One of the divine mothers. 3. A measure. 4. The earth. 5. A sow. E. वराह a hog or VISHṆU in that form, &c., अण् aff. and ङीप्, fem. form.
  • वारि :: n. (-रि) 1. Water. 2. A vegetable perfume, commonly Bālā. f. (-रिः) 1. A name of SARASWATĪ; the goddess of speech. 2. The place where an elephant is tied or fastened. 3. A captive, a prisoner. f. (-रिः or री) 1. A water-pot, whether large or small, pitcher, a jar. 2. The rope that fastens an elephant. 3. A hole or trap for catching elephant. E. वृञ् to surround, Unādi aff. इन् ।
  • वारिकण्टक :: m. (-कः) 1. An aquatic plant, (Pistia stratiotes.) 2. Another plant, (Trapa bispinosa.) E. वारि water, and कण्टक a thorn.
  • वारिकर्णिका :: f. (-का) A plant, (Pistia stratiotes.) E. वारि water, and कर्णिका here meaning leaf or leaf-let.
  • वारिकर्पूर :: m. (-रः) The Iliśa-fish, (Cluponodon Ilisha, HAM.) E. वारि water, and कर्पूर camphor, to which it is compared in colour.
  • वारिकुब्ज :: m. (-ब्जः) An aquatic plant, (Trapa bispinosa.) E. वारि water, कुब्ज Achyranthes; also with कन् added, वारिकुब्जक ।
  • वारिक्रिमि :: m. (-मिः) A leech. E. वारि water, and क्रिमि a worm.
  • वारिचत्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. An aquatic plant, (Pistia stratiotes.) 2. A piece of water. E. वारि water, चत्वर expanse.
  • वारिचर :: mfn. (-रः -रा or री -रं) Aquatic, living or moving in water. m. (-रः) A fish. E. वारि water, चर what goes.
  • वारिचामर :: n. (-रं) A sort of weed, (Vallisneria.) E. वारि water, and चामर Chowri or brush.
  • वारिज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Aquatic, born or produced in or by water. m. (-जः) 1. A conch-shell. 2. Any bivalve-shell. n. (-जं) 1. A lotus. 2. A kind of salt. 3. Cloves. E. वारि water, and ज born.
  • वारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Hindered, prevented, impeded. f. (-ता) 1. Warded off. 2. Obstructed. 3. Protected. E. वॄ to cover, क्त aff.
  • वारितस्कर :: m. (-रः) A cloud. E. वारि water, तस्कर a thief.
  • वारित्रा :: f. (-त्रा) A sort of umbrella, or portable shed of leaves, carried on the head as one. E. वारि water, त्रा to preserve, affs. क and टाप् ।
  • वारिद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) What yields water. m. (-दः) A cloud. n. (-दं) A sort of vegetable perfume: see वाल . E. वारि water, द what yields.
  • वारिद्र :: m. (-द्रः) The Chātaka, (Cuculus melanoleucos.) E. वारि water, दृ to take, aff. क ।
  • वारिधारा :: f. (-रा) A shower of rain.
  • वारिधि :: m. (-धिः) The sea. E. वारि water, धा to contain, aff. कि ।
  • वारिनाथ :: m. (-थः) 1. The deity VARUṆA. 2. The ocean. 3. A cloud. 4. The habitation of the Nāgas, or serpent race. E. वारि, नाथ lord.
  • वारिनिधि :: m. (-धिः) The sea, the ocean. E. वारि water, निधि a receptacle.
  • वारिपथिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Proceeding or conveyed by water. E. वारि water, पथिन् a road, ठक् aff.
  • वारिपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) An aquatic plant, (Pistia stratiotes.) E. वारि water, पर्ण a leaf.
  • वारिप्रवाह :: m. (-हः) 1. A cascade, a water-fall. 2. A current or flow of water. E. वारि water, and प्रवाह a fall.
  • वारिप्रश्नी :: f. (-श्नी) An aquatic plant, (Pistia stratiotes.) E. वारि water, प्रश्नी the same.
  • वारिबदरा :: f. (-रा) A plant, (Flacourtia cataphracta.) E. वारि, बदर jujube.
  • वारिबालक :: n. (-कं) A perfume: see वाल . E. वारि water, वाल a perfume.
  • वारिमसि :: m. (-सिः) A cloud. E. वारि water, मसि ink.
  • वारिमुच् :: m. (-मुक्) A cloud. E. वारि water, मुच् what emits.
  • वारिमूली :: f. (-ली) An aquatic plant, (Pistia stratiotes.) E. वारि water, मूल a root.
  • वारियन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) A wheel for raising water.
  • वारिर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Giving or shedding water. m. (-रः) A cloud. E. वारि, रा to give, क aff.
  • वारिरथ :: m. (-थः) A raft, a float. E. वारि water, रथ a car.
  • वारिरारव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Sounding like clouds or thunder. E. वारिर, आरव sound.
  • वारिराशि :: m. (-शिः) The ocean. E. वारि water, राशि a heap.
  • वारिरुह :: n. (-हं) The lotus.
  • वारिलोमन् :: m. (-मा) A name of VARUṆA. E. वारि water, लोमन् hair.
  • वारिवदन :: m. (-नः) A fruit, (Flacourtia cataphracta.) E. वारि water, वदन countenance.
  • वारिवास :: m. (-सः) A distiller or dealer in spirituous liquors. E. वारि, वास abode.
  • वारिवाह :: m. (-हः) A cloud. E. वारि water, वाह what bears; also वारिवाहन ।
  • वारिवाहन :: m. (-नः) A cloud. E. वारि water, and वाहन a vehicle.
  • वारिश :: m. (-शः) A name of VISHṆU. E. वारि water, शो to sleep, aff. ड ।
  • वारिसम्भव :: n. (-वं) 1. Cloves. 2. A kind of antimony.
  • वारीट :: m. (-टः) An elephant. E. वारि the trap for an elephant, अट् to go, aff. अच्, form. irr.
  • वारीश :: m. (-शः) The ocean. E. वार् water, and ईश lord.
  • वारु :: m. (-रुः) A war-elephant carrying a standard. E. वृ to cover, aff. उण् ।
  • वारुठ :: m. (-ठः) A bier, the bed on which the corpse is carried. E. वृ to cover, aff. उठञ् ।
  • वारुण :: n. (-णं) Water. m. (-णः) Name of one of the nine divisions of BHĀRATA-VARSHA. f. (-णी) 1. Belonging or sacred to VARUṆA. 2. Given by VARUṆA.
  • वारुणि :: m. (-णिः) The saint AGASTYA. E. वरुण VARUṆA, इञ् aff. of descent.
  • वारुणी :: f. (-णी) 1. Any spirituous liquor, or more properly, a particular kind prepared from hogweed, ground with the juice of the date or palm, and then distilled. 2. The west, the region of VARUṆA. 3. The 25th lunar asterism, of which VARUṆA is the ruling deity. 4. A species of Durbā-grass. E. वरुण the deity, अण् and ङीष् affs.
  • वारुणीवल्लभ :: m. (-भः) VARUṆA. E. वारुणी the asterism, वल्लभ beloved.
  • वारुण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) The chief of the serpent race. mn. (-ण्डः-ण्डं) 1. The rheum of the eyes. 2. The wax of the ear. 3. A vessel for baling water out of a boat. E. वॄ to screen, aff. उण्ड ।
  • वारेण :: Ind. Frequently, repeatedly. E. वार a time, in the third case.
  • वारेन्द्री :: f. (-न्द्री) Part of Bengal and Behar, or a tract of inundation

north of the Ganges, and part of the present Zilā of Rājshāhī. E. वरेन्द्र a king, अण् aff.

  • वार्क्ष :: mfn. (-र्क्षः -र्क्षी -र्क्षं) Made of or derived from a tree. n. (-र्क्षं) A forest. f. (-र्क्षी) The name of a female mentioned in the Mahābhārat, a sort of Dryad. E. वृक्ष् a tree, अण् aff.
  • वार्क्ष्य :: mfn. (-र्क्ष्यः -र्क्ष्यी -र्क्ष्यं) Made of or with trees. n. (-र्क्ष्यं) A stockade. E. वृक्ष, यञ् aff.
  • वार्च :: mfn. (-र्चः -र्चा -र्चं) Any aquatic animal. E. वारि चरति चर-ड ।
  • वार्णिक :: m. (-कः) A scribe, a writer. E. वर्ण a letter, ठञ् aff.
  • वार्त्त :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -र्त्ता -र्त्तं) 1. Well, healthy. 2. Following any business or profession. m. (-र्त्तः) Health. n. (-र्त्तं) 1. Chaff. 2. Skill. 3. Health, welfare. f. (-र्त्ता) 1. Tidings, news, intelligence. 2. Rumour, report. 3. Livelihood, business, profession. 4. Agriculture or trade, the proper occupation of the Vaisyas. 5. Abiding, stay- ing, being. 6. Unsubstantial, light. 7. Healthy. 8. The egg-plant. E. वृत्ति being, &c., aff. अण् or ण ।
  • वार्त्ताक :: m. (-कः) The egg-plant: see वार्त्ताकु, the उ being changed to अ ।
  • वार्त्ताकर्म्मन् :: m. (-र्म्म) The peculiar occupation of the third or Vaisya-class, agriculture, trade, &c. E. वार्त्ता, and कर्म्मन् act.
  • वार्त्ताकि :: f. (-किः or की) The egg-plant, (Solanum melongena.) E. वृत् to be, काकिन् aff.; ङीप् or इन् fem. aff., form irr.; also वार्त्ताकु ।
  • वार्त्ताकिन् :: m. (-की) The egg-plant; also वार्त्ताकि, &c.
  • वार्त्ताकु :: m. (-कुः) The egg-plant, (Solanum melongena.) E. वृत् to be, काकु Unādi aff., and the vowel made long by special rule.
  • वार्त्तयन :: m. (-नः) A spy, an emissary, an agent, an embassador, an intelligencer, a news-monger. E. वार्त्ता news, अयन going.
  • वार्त्तारम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) Commercial enterprise.
  • वार्त्तावह :: m. (-हः) 1. A chandler. 2. A messenger. E. वार्त्ता news, वह् to bear, aff. अच् ।
  • वार्त्तावृत्ति :: m. (-त्तिः) A householder. E. वार्त्ता news, and वृत्ति business.
  • वार्त्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Relating to news, bringing or conveying in- telligence, &c. 2. Commentatory, explanatory, belonging to a comment or gloss, (as a rule, &c.) m. (-कः) 1. An intelligencer, an informer, an agent or envoy. 2. A man of third or mercantile tribe. n. (-कं) A gloss, a commentary, especially a supplementary explanation added to a grammatical or philosophical aphorism, and its immediate elucidation, supplying or illustrating both text and comment; it is defined to be, the exposition of the meaning, of that which is said, of that which is left unsaid, and of that which is ill or imperfectly said. f. (-का) A kind of quail. E. वृत्ति news, &c., or a comment, aff. ठक् ।
  • वार्त्त्रघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) An epithet of ARJUNA. E. वृत्त्रघ्न INDRA, and अण् aff.
  • वार्द्दर :: n. (-रं) 1. Silk. 2. Water. 3. The seed of the Abrus precatorius. 4. A conch-shell. 5. A sort of curl on the right side of a horse's neck, considered as an auspicious mark. 6. Speech. E. वार् water, दृ to divide, aff. अप् ।
  • वार्द्दल :: n. (-लं) A rainy day, bad weather, &c. m. (-लः) An inkstand. E. वार् water, and द what gives, वार्द a cloud, ला to take, aff. क ।
  • वार्द्धक :: n. (-कं) 1. A number of old men. 2. Old age. 3. The infirmity, &c. of old age. E. वृद्ध old, वुञ् aff.
  • वार्द्धक्य :: n. (-क्यं) Old age. E. वृद्ध old, ष्यञ् aff.
  • वार्द्ध्वि :: m. (-र्द्धिः) The ocean. E. वार् water, धा to have, aff. कि ।
  • वार्द्धुषि :: m. (-षिः) An usurer. E. वृद्धि interest or increase, वृधुषि substituted, aff. ठक्, and the क rejected; also वार्द्धुषिक; form irr.
  • वार्द्धुषिक :: m. (-कः) An usurer: see the last.
  • वार्द्धुषिन् :: m. (-षी) An usurer. E. वृधुषि substituted for वृद्धि, and इनि aff.
  • वार्द्धुष्य :: n. (-ष्यं) Usurious loan, usury, interest. E. वृद्धि increase, aff. ष्यञ्, form irr.
  • वार्द्ध्र :: nf. (-र्द्ध्रं-र्द्ध्री) A leather thong. E. वृद्ध् to increase, to lengthen, aff. ष्ट्र, अञ् added.
  • वार्द्ध्रीणस् :: m. (-सः) An old white goat with long ears. E. वार्द्ध्री a leather thong, and नस for नासिका a nose.
  • वार्भट :: m. (-टः) An alligator. E. वार् water, भट् to maintain, aff. अच् ।
  • वार्म्मण :: n. (-णं) A number of coats of mail. E. वर्म्मण् armour, aff. अण् ।
  • वार्म्मिण :: n. (-णं) A number of men in armour. E. वर्म्मिन् a man in armour, and अण् aff.
  • वार्म्मुच् :: m. (-र्म्मुक्) A cloud. E. वार् water, मुच् to let loose, aff. क्विप् ।
  • वार्य :: n. (-र्यं) A boon, a blessing.
  • वार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) 1. To be selected or appointed. 2. To be impe- ded, checked, stopped, &c. E. वृङ् to choose, aff. ण्यत् ।
  • वार्य्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Being prevented, impeded, prohibited, &c. E. वृ to select, passive v., शानच aff.
  • वार्य्युद्भव :: n. (-वं) A lotus. E. वारि water, उद्भव born.
  • वार्य्योकस् :: m. (-काः) A leech. E. वारि, and ओकस् abode.
  • वार्राशि :: m. (-शिः) The ocean. E. वार and राशि quantity.
  • वार्व्वट :: m. (-टः) A boat, a vessel. E. वार् water, वट् to surround, aff. अच् ।
  • वार्वणा :: f. (-णा) A kind of blue fly.
  • वार्ष :: mfn. (-र्षः -र्षी -र्षं) Belonging to a year, to the rains, &c. E. वर्ष, अण् aff.
  • वार्षिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Yearly, annual, or belonging to a year. 2. Growing, &c. in the rainy season, or fit for or suited to it, &c. 3. Lasting for one year. n. (-कं) A drug, commonly Trāyamānā. E. वर्ष rains, or a year, and ठक् or ठञ् aff.
  • वार्षिला :: f. (-ला) Hail. E. वार्ष belonging to rain, from वर्ष with अण् aff., इलच् added.
  • वार्षुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Sprinkling, wetting, that which sprinkles, &c. E. वृष् to sprinkle, उकञ् aff.
  • वार्हत :: n. (-तं) The fruit of the solanum jacquini. E. वृहति the plant, with अण् aff.
  • वार्हद्रथ :: m. (-थः) A name of JARĀSANDHA. E. वृहद्रथ the father of this prince, and अण् patronymic; also with इञ् aff. वार्हद्रथि ।
  • वार्हस्पत :: mfn. (-तः -ती -तं) Sacred to VRIHASPATĪ. E. वृहस्पति and अण् aff.
  • वार्हस्पत्य :: n. (-त्यं) Ethics, morality. E. वृहस्पति the supposed original au- thor of this science, and ण्य aff.
  • वालक :: m. (-कः) 1. A bracelet. 2. A finger-ring. E. वल् to surround, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • वाल्क :: mfn. (-ल्कः -ल्की -ल्कं) Made of the bark of trees. E. वल्क bark, aff. अण् .
  • वाल्कल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Made of bark. f. (-ली) Spirituous liquor. n. (-लं) A dress made of the bark of trees worn by ascetics. E. वल्कल bark, and अण् aff.
  • वाल्मिकि :: m. (-किः) The author of the Rāmāyaṇa; also वाल्मीकि ।
  • वाल्मीक :: m. (-कः) VĀLMĪKA or VĀLMĪKI, the first poet and the famous author of the Rāmāyaṇa. Though a Brāhmana by birth he led a depraved life and was a notorious cut-throat, but was reclaimed by Nārada. One day while he was engaged in his devotions, he saw a fowler in the act of shooting at a pair of curlews and a curse fell from his mouth in the shape of a regular stanza. The sage discovered that it was a new mode of composition and by the advice of BRAHMĀ he composed the Rāmāyaṇa in that style. SITĀ when repudiated by her husband, took refuge with this sage who brought up her twin sons. E. वल्मीक an ant-hill, aff. अण्, or with इञ् aff. वाल्मीकि; so immersed in abstraction as to be overrun with ant's nests.
  • वाल्लभ्य :: n. (-भ्यं) The being beloved.
  • वावदूक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Talking much, gabbling, prattling. E. वद् to speak, Unādi aff. ऊक, the root reiterated.
  • वावदूकता :: f. (-ता) Garrulity, loquaciousness. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, वावदूकत्वं ।
  • वावय :: m. (-यः) A sort of Basil, (Ocymum sanctum.)
  • वावहि :: mfn. (-हिः -हिः -हि) Who or what bears or carries much. E. वह् to bear, कि aff.
  • वावुट :: m. (-टः) A boat.
  • वावृत्(उ)वावृतु :: r. 4th cl. (वावृत्यते) 1. To choose or select. 2. To serve.
  • वावृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Chosen, appointed. E. वृत् to be, aff. क्त, and the root reiterated.
  • वावृत्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Choosing, preferring. E. वावृत to choose, शानच् aff.
  • वाश्(ऋ)वाशृ :: r. 4th cl. (वाश्यते) 1. To sound. 2. To cry as a bird. 3. To call. 4. To howl, to growl, to roar.
  • वाशत् :: mfn. (-शन् -शन्ती -शत्) 1. Crying or singing like a bird. 2. Growling, roaring. E. वाश् to cry, aff. शतृ ।
  • वाशन :: n. (-नं) The cry or song of birds, bees, and the like. E. वाश् to sound as a bird, ल्युट् aff.
  • वाशा :: f. (-शा) A plant, (Justicia ganderussa:) see वास and वासक; also with कन् added वाशिका । “वाकस गाछ ।”
  • वाशि :: m. (-शिः) Fire. E. वाश् to sound, Unādi aff. इञ् ।
  • वाशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Perfumed, scented. 2. Sung, called, cried. n. (-तं) The cry of birds or animals. f. (-ता) 1. A woman. 2. A female- elephant. E. वाष् to call, or वास् to perfume, aff. क्त, and ष or स changed to श ।
  • वाशिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठी -ष्ठं) Relating to the sage VASISHṬHA. f. (-ष्ठी) The Goomti river, which rising in the Kumaun hills, pursues a winding and south-easterly course, and passing Lucknow and Jonpur falls into the Ganges, below Benares. E. वशिष्ठ the saint, अण् aff., derived from him; also read वासिष्ठ ।
  • वाशुरा :: f. (-रा) Night. E. वाश् to sound, Unādi aff. उरच् ।
  • वाश्र :: m. (-श्रः) A day. n. (-श्रं) 1. An edifice, a dwelling, a building. 2. A place where four roads meet. E. वाश् to sound, Unādi aff. रक्; also read वास्र ।
  • वाष्कल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Large, great. m. (-लः) A warrior.
  • वाष्प(स्प) :: m. (-ष्पः or स्पः) 1. Vapour, hot mist, steam, &c. 2. A tear. 3. Iron. f. (-ष्पी) A drug. E. वा to go, or वै to dry, aff. प, form irr., also बाष्प, as derived from बाध् to oppose, and ध changed to ष ।
  • वाष्पका :: f. (-का) A drug, commonly Hingupatri. E. कन् added to वाष्प vapour; also वाष्पिका ।
  • वाष्पाकल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Uttered or articulated with tears. E. वाष्प, and आकल what sounds.
  • वाष्पाकुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Interrupted by tears. E. वाष्प, आकुल perplexed.
  • वाष्पिका :: f. (-का) A drug, commonly Hingupatri. E. वाष्प a tear, कन् aff.
  • वाष्पोद्भव :: m. (-वः) Starting of tears. E. वाष्प and उद्भव production.
  • वास् :: r. 10th cl. (वासयति-ते) 1. To introduce another quality, but espe- cially fragrant odors, to perfume, to incense, to fumigate, &c. 2. To steal, to infuse. 3. To season, to spice. (ऋ) वासृ r. 4th cl. (वास्यते) To sound, especially as a bird.
  • वास :: m. (-सः) 1. A house, a habitation. 2. Site, situation, abode or place of staying or abiding. 3. Cloth, clothes. 4. Perfuming. mf. (-सः-सा) A plant, (Justicia ganderussa.) E. वस् to dwell, &c., aff. घञ्; or वास् to fumigate, aff. अच् ।
  • वासःकुटी :: f. (-टी) A tent. E. वासस् cloth, and कुटी a hut.
  • वासक :: mf. (-कः-सका or सिका) 1. A shrub, (Justicia ganderussa.) 2. Perfuming. E. वास् to perfume, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • वासकसज्जा :: f. (-ज्जा) A woman dressed with all her ornaments, and hav- ing her apartments, &c. decorated to receive her lover. E. वास clo- thes, कन् pleonasm, and सज्जा accoutrements; also with कन् added, वासकसज्जिका ।
  • वासकर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A hall, where public exhibition, as Nāutches, &c. are held. E. वास a house, कर्ण the ear, aff. ङीप् ।
  • वासगृह :: n. (-हं) The inner part of a house, an inner or sleeping room, a bed-chamber. E. वास abiding, and गृह a house.
  • वासत :: m. (-तः) An ass. E. वास, अतच् aff.
  • वासताम्बूल :: n. (-लं) Betel with other fragrant substances.
  • वासतेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Habitable, fit or proper to be dwelt in. f. (-यी) Night. E. वसति abode, or night, ढक् aff.
  • वासन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Fit for clothes or dwelling, &c. n. (-नं) 1. Perfu- ming, fumigating or perfuming with fragrant vapour, or with in- cense, &c. 2. Cloth, clothes. 3. Abiding, abode. 4. A particular posture in which abstract meditation is performed; it is also a posture conceived to be peculiarly proper in princes and chiefs, and is then described as sitting with the knees bent and the feet turned backwards. 5. Knowledge. 6. A water-jar. 7. A box, a

basket, a vessel, &c. 8. An envelope. 9. Any receptacle. 10. Steep- ing, infusing. f. (-ना) 1. The knowledge of anything derived from memory, the present consciousness of past perceptions. 2. Fancy, imagination. 3. Trust, confidence. 4. Ignorance. 5. Wish, desire. E. वस् to dwell, &c., aff. युच्; or वसन clothes, and अण् aff.

  • वासनस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Packed, folded, enveloped. E. वासन a box, &c., and स्थ what stays or is.
  • वासन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Placed, situated. 2. Vernal, relating to the season of spring, suitable to it, produced in it, &c. 3. Young, in the spring of life. 4. Diligent in the performance of religious cere- monies. m. (-न्तः) 1. A camel. 2. The Indian cuckoo. 3. Any young animal, or a young elephant. 4. A catamite. 5. The southern wind, zephyr. 6. A sort of kidney-bean, (Phaseolus mungo.) 7. The black kind of Moong or bean. 8. A plant, (Vangueria spinosa.) f. (-न्ती) 1. A large creeper, (Gærtnera racemosa.) 2. A species of jasmine, (Jasminum auriculatum.) 3. Long pepper. 4. Trumpet- flower. 5. A festival in honour of KĀMADEVA, held in the month of Chaitra. 6. A species of the Sarkarī metre. E. वस् to dwell, aff. झच्, and the vowel made long; or वसन्त spring, and अण् aff.
  • वासन्तक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Sown or growing in spring. 2. Suitable to the spring season. 3. Relating or belonging to it, vernal. E. वसन्त spring, and वुञ् aff.
  • वासन्तिक :: m. (-कः) 1. An actor, a dancer. 2. The buffoon in a drama. f. (-की) Vernal. E. वसन्त spring, aff. ठक्; the spring being the festival season.
  • वासयोग :: m. (-गः) Fragrant powder sprinkled on the clothes, especially the red powder scattered about at the Holī festival. E. वास per- fume, and योग joining.
  • वासर :: mn. (-रः-रं) A day. m. (-रः) One of the Nāgas or serpents. E. वस् to abide, in the causal form, Unādi aff. अरन् ।
  • वासरसङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. INDRA. 2. The morning. E. वासर, सङ्ग connection.
  • वासव :: m. (-वः) INDRA. f. (-वी) The mother of VYĀSA. E. वसु a VASU, अण् aff.
  • वासवि :: m. (-विः) An epithet of ARJUNA.
  • वासस् :: n. (-सः) Cloth, clothes. E. वस् to cover or clothe, aff. असुन् ।
  • वाससज्जा :: f. (-ज्जा) A woman drest in all her ornaments to receive her lover. E. वास clothes, सज्ज armed, accoutred.
  • वासागार :: n. (-रं) The inner or sleeping apartment. E. वास abiding, आगार a house.
  • वासि :: mf. (-सिः-सी) A small hatchet or chopper, an adze. m. (-सिः) Abiding. E. वस् to abide, Unādi aff. इञ् ।
  • वासिका :: f. (-का) A plant, (Justicia:) see वासक ।
  • वासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Perfumed, scented. 2. Clothed, dressed. 3. Famous, celebrated. 4. Steeped, infused. 5. Spiced, seasoned, (sau- ces, &c.) 6. Peopled, populous, flourishing, (a country.) 7. Having, possessing. n. (-तं) 1. The cry of birds. 2. Knowledge in general, but especially that derived from memory. 3. Sound. 4. Rendering a country populous and flourishing, causing it to be inhabited. f. (-ता) 1. A woman. 2. A female-elephant. E. वस् to dwell, or clothes, cansal form, or वास् to call, (as a bird,) aff. क्त ।
  • वासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Abiding, staying. f. (-नी) A white sort of Jhiṇṭī. (Barleria.) E. वस् to dwell, घिनुण् aff.; or वास-इनि aff.
  • वासिष्ट :: n. (-ष्टं) Blood.
  • वासिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठी -ष्ठं) Explained or composed by the sage VAAISHṬHA, a part of the Vedas or a particular prayer, &c. E. वसिष्ठ, अण् aff.
  • वासु :: m. (-सुः) 1. A name of VISHṆU. 2. The soul, or the Supreme Being considered as the soul of the universe. E. वस् to abide, (eternally,) उण् Unādi aff.
  • वासुकि :: m. (-किः) The serpent VĀSUKI, sovereign of the snakes and worn by ŚIVA on his person. E. वसु a jewel, क the head, or वसुक here said to be a name of KAŚYAPA, aff. of descent इञ् ।
  • वासुकेय :: m. (-यः) The serpent VĀSUKI. E. See the last, aff. ढक् ।
  • वासुकेयस्वसृ :: f. (-सा) A name of MANASĀ, the wife of JARATKĀRU, and goddess presiding over snakes. E. वामुकेय VĀSUKI, स्वसृ a sister.
  • वासुदेव :: m. (-वः) 1. KRISHṆA. 2. A descendent of Vasudeva, the general appellation of a class of persons peculiar to the Jainas. E. वसुदेव the father of the deity, and अण् patronymic aff.
  • वासुपूज्य :: m. (-ज्यः) The twelfth Jina or Jaina teacher of the present æra.
  • वासुभद्र :: m. (-द्रः) A name of KRISHṆA. E. वासु the soul, भद्र auspicious.
  • वासुरा :: f. (-रा) 1. Night. 2. The earth. 3. A woman. 4. A female ele- phant. E. वास् to perfume, or वस् to abide, causal form, aff. उरन् ।
  • वासू :: f. (-सूः) A young girl, a wench (in theatrical language.) E. वस् to abide, in the causal form, (to take to dwell with one,) aff. ऊ ।
  • वासोद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Who or what gives clothes. E. वासस्, द what gives.
  • वासोयुग :: n. (-गं) A suit of clothes. E. वासस्, युग a pair.
  • वासौकस् :: n. (-कः) The inner or private apartments. E. वास dwelling, ओकस् a house.
  • वास्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ती -स्तं) Made or derived from a goat. E. वस्त and अण् aff.
  • वास्तव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) 1. Determined, demonstrated, fixed, substantia- ted. 2. Real, substantial. n. (-वं) An appointment, anything fixed. f. (-वा) Dawn. E. वस्तु thing, substance, अण् aff.
  • वास्तविक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Real, material, substantial, genuine. 2. Determinate. E. वस्तु and ठक् aff.
  • वास्तवोषा :: f. (-षा) Night. E. वास्तव an appointment, and ऊषा a libidinous woman: the season in which she makes an assignation.
  • वास्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be abided or dwelt in, to be fixed as a habitation. 2. To be taken care of, (as a dependent.) m. (-व्यः) A kinsman, a dependent. E. वस् to dwell, causal form, aff. of the future participle तव्यर् ।
  • वास्तु :: mn. (-स्तुः-स्तु) 1. The site of a habitation. 2. A house, a habitation. E. वस् to dwell, Unādi aff. तुन्, and the radical vowel made long.
  • वास्तुक :: n. (-कं) A potherb: see वास्तूक ।
  • वास्तुयाग :: m. (-गः) A religious rite performed on laying the foundation of a house.
  • वास्तुसंशमन :: n. (-नं) A ceremony or sacrifice performed on entering a new habitation. E. वास्तु, संशमन consecration.
  • वास्तुसंशमनीय :: n. (-यं) A ceremony performed on entering a new man- sion. E. छ added to the last.
  • वास्तूक :: n. (-कं) A potherb, (Chenopodium album, and other edible spe- cies.) E. वास्तु the site of a house, ठक् aff., and form irr. (growing there;) also with the vowel unaltered वास्तुक ।
  • वास्तेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) 1. Abdominal, relating or belonging to the belly. 2. Fit to be inhabited. E. वस्ति and ढक् aff.
  • वास्तोष्पति :: m. (-तिः) A name of INDRA. E. वास्तु the site of a dwelling, in the sixth case, पति master.
  • वास्त्र :: mfn. (-स्त्रः -स्त्रा -स्त्रं) Cloth, made of or covered with cloth, &c. E. वस्त्र cloth, अण् aff.
  • वास्प :: m. (-स्पः) 1. Vapour. 2. Tears; more correctly वाष्प, q. v.
  • वास्पविक्लव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Weeping, bursting into tears. E. वास्प, विक्लव distressed.
  • वास्पाविलेक्षण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Suffused with tears, weeping. E. वास्प, and आविल turbid, ईक्षण the sight.
  • वाह्(ऋ)वाहृ :: r. 1st cl. (वाहते) To endeavour; the root is preferably read बाहृ ।
  • वाह :: m. (-हः) 1. A horse. 2. A measure of capacity containing ten Kumbhas, or nearly equal to the weight of an English wey or a ton in freight. 3. A bull. 4. Air, wind. 5. The arm. 6. A buffalo. 7. A vehicle, a carriage or conveyance of any kind. 8. A bearer, a porter, a carrier of burthens, &c. 9. Carrying, bearing. E. वह् to bear, aff. घञ् ।
  • वाहक :: m. (-कः) 1. A horseman. 2. A porter, a carrier. E. वह् to bear, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • वाहद्विषत् :: m. (-षन्) A buffalo. E. वाह a horse, and द्विषत् inimical.
  • वाहन :: n. (-नं) 1. A vehicle, a conveyance of any kind, as a horse, an ele- phant, a carriage. 2. Carrying, conveying, &c. 3. Making effort or

exertion. E. वह् to bear, causal form, or वाह् to endeavour, ल्युट् aff.

  • वाहभ्रंश् :: mfn. (-भ्रट्) Falling from a vehicle. E. वाह, भ्रश् to fall, क्विप् aff.
  • वाहयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Employing, making use of. E. वह् to bear, causal v., शतृ aff.
  • वाहश्रेष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) A horse.
  • वाहस :: m. (-सः) 1. A large snake, (Boa constrictor) 2. A water-course. 3. A potherb, (Marsilia dentata.) E. वह् to bear, causal form, aff. असच् ।
  • वाहिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A large drum. 2. A car, &c., drawn by oxen. E. वह् to bear, इक aff.
  • वाहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Exerted, endeavoured. n. (-तं) A heavy burden. E. वाह to endeavour, क्त aff.
  • वाहित्थ :: n. (-त्थं) The part of an elephant's forehead below the frontal globes. E. वाहिन्, स्था to stay, aff. क, and स changed to त ।
  • वाहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिनी -हि) Bearing, carrying. m. (-ही) A chariot. E. वह to bear, णिनि aff.
  • वाहिनी :: f. (-नी) 1. An army. 2. A body of forces consisting of 81 ele- phants, 81 cars, 243 horse, 405 foot, a cohort, a battalion. 3. A river. E. वाह a vehicle, &c., aff. इनि; fem. aff. ङीप् comprising the conveyances of cars, horse, &c.
  • वाहिनीनिवेश :: m. (-शः) A camp. E. वाहिनी, and निवेश encampment.
  • वाहिनीपति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A general, a commanding officer. 2. The ocean. E. वाहिनी an army or river, and पति master.
  • वाहीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Of burthen, bearing burthens. 2. Outer, ex- ternal. m. (-कः) The name of a country, part of the Punjāb. E. वाह bearing, or वहिर् external, aff. ईकक् or ईकन्, form irr.
  • वा(बा)ह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) 1. To be carried or borne. 2. Outer, external. n. (-ह्यं) A carriage, a vehicle. m. (-ह्यः) A beast of burthen, an ox, a horse, &c. E. वह् to bear, aff. ण्यत्, or वहिर् external, यञ् aff.
  • वाह्यतस् :: Ind. Externally, solitarily. E. तसि added to the preceding.
  • वाह्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Being carried or conveyed. 2. Being induced, urged, incited, &c. E. वह् to bear, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • वाह्लि :: f. (-ह्लिः) A country: see वाह्लीक ।
  • वाह्लिक :: m. (-कः) Bālkh: see बाह्लीक . E. वह-लिण् स्वार्थे क ।
  • वाह्लिज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Born in Vahli or Vahlika country. m. (-यः) A Turki-horse. E. वाह्लि and ज born.
  • वाह्लीक :: m. (-कः) 1. A country lying north-west of Āfganisthān, Bālkh. 2. A horse from Bālkh, considered as one of a good breed. 3. One of the principal Gandharbas or choristers of heaven. n. (-कं) 1. Saffron. 2. Asafœtida. E. वह्ल् to be pre-eminent, इकन् or ईकन् aff., वह्लिक or वह्लीक; again, अण् pleonastic or derivative added, वाह्लिक or वाह्लीक; the conjunct letters of the root being trans- posed; saffron, &c. are supplied still to India, especially from Kāshmir, Khorāsān, and the countries in that direction.
  • वि :: mf. (-विः-वी) 1. A bird. 2. The eye. 3. Heaven. 4. The region of the wind. 5. A horse. Ind. A particle and prefix, implying:--1. Certain- ty, ascertainment, as विवेक्तुं to determine, to judge. 2. Separation, disjunction, as वियोक्तुं to disjoin. 3. Aversion, repugnance, as विरोद्धुं to oppose. 4. Impatience, intolerance, as विमृष्टुं to be impatient. 5. Variety, difference, विशेष्टुं to distinguish. 6. Cause, motive, विधातुं to prescribe or order. 7. Motion, progress, विचरितुं to go. 8. Pri- vation, विणीतुं to take away. It generally corresponds to the Eng- lish adjuncts, a, ex, de, dis, in, un, &c. and is frequently an expletive. E. वा to go, Unādi aff. इन् with the effect of डित् or ड, which ejects the final syllable; or वा-कि aff.
  • विंश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) Twentieth. E. विंशति twenty, and डट् aff.
  • विंशक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Twenty, collectively, or an aggregate of twenty. E. विंशति, and ड्वुन् aff.
  • विंशति :: Always f. sing. (-तिः) Twenty, a score. du. (-ती) Two twenties. plu. (-तयः) Many twenties.
  • विंशतिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Worth twenty, produced from or bought with twenty, &c. E. विंशति twenty, and कन् added.
  • विंशतितम :: mfn. (-मः -मी -मं) Twentieth. E. विंशति, तमप् aff.
  • विंशतीश :: m. (-शः) A governor of twenty villages. E. विंशति, ईश sovereign; also विंशतीशिन् ।
  • विंशिन् :: m. (-शी) Twenty, (collectively,) a score. E. विंशति, and डिन् aff.
  • विक :: n. (-कं) The milk of a prolific cow.
  • विकङ्कट :: m. (-टः) A plant, (Ruellia longifolia, &c.:) see गोक्षुर . E. वि apart, ककि to go, aff. अटन् ।
  • विकङ्कत :: m. (-तः) A small tree. E. वि apart, ककि to go or grow, अतच् aff.; or वि a bird, ककि, &c. as before; on which the birds roost.
  • विकच :: mfn. (-चः -चा -चं) 1. Blown, opened, expanded, (as a flower, &c.) 2. Bald, having little or no hair on the head. m. (-चः) 1. A Bauddha mendicant. 2. The planet KETU, or the personified descending node. E. वि apart, separate, कच् to go, aff. अच्; or वि privative, and कच hair.
  • विकट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) 1. Large, great, broad. 2. Formidable, frightful, hideous, horrible. 3. Large-toothed. 4. Beautiful, pleasing. 5. Changed in form or appearance. 6. Obscure, obsolete. n. (-टं) A boil, a tumour. f. (-टा) A female divinity peculiar to the Bauddhas. E. वि implying separation or expansion, कट् to go or be, aff. अच्, or with कटच् aff.
  • विकण्टक :: m. (-कः) A herbaceous plant, (Hedysarum alhagi.) E. वि ex- panding, कण्ट a thorn, कन् added.
  • विकत्थन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Speaking idly. 2. Praising ironically. 3. Vaunting, boastful. n. (-नं) 1. Irony, ironical or unmerited praise. 2. Praise in general. 3. Assigning anything to an unreal origin. 4. Boasting. 5. Repeating, proclaiming. E. वि implying difference or extension, and कत्थन praising.
  • विकत्थनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be praised, commendable. 2. Ridiculous, to be praised ironically. E. वि before, कत्थ् to praise, अनीयर् aff.
  • विकत्था :: f. (-त्था) 1. Praise. 2. Irony, ironical praise. 3. Boasting. 4. Repeating, proclaiming. E. वि, कत्थ् to praise, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • विकत्थिन् :: mfn. (-त्थी -त्थिनी -त्थि) Who or what boasts, praises, proclaims, &c.: see विकत्थन . E. वि, कत्थ् to boast, घिनुण् aff.
  • विकम्प :: mfn. (-म्पः -म्पा -म्पं) 1. Trembling. 2. Heaving. 3. Unsteady, not firm or continued. 4. Shrinking from. E. वि, and कम्प trembling.
  • विकम्पित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Trembling, tremulous, agitated. 2. Palpi- tating, heaving. 3. Broken, interrupted, unsteady. 4. Shrinking from. E. वि before, कपि to tremble, aff. क्त ।
  • विकर :: m. (-रः) Sickness, disease. E. वि implying difference, and कर making.
  • विकरण :: m. (-णः) The inserted conjugational affix, (in gram.)
  • विकराल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Formidable, frightful. E. वि intensitive, कराल frightful.
  • विकर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णी -र्णं) Ear-less. m. (-र्णः) One of the KURŪ princes.
  • विकर्णिक :: m. (-कः) Sāraswata, a district in the north-west of Hindusthān, generally considered as part of the Punjāb, though sometimes confounded with Kāshmir. E. वि privative, and कर्ण KARṆA, aff. ठक्; the region from which KARṆA was proscribed.
  • विकर्त्तन :: m. (-नः) 1. The sun. 2. A son who has usurped his father's kingdom. 3. The Arka plant. E. वि before, कृत् to cut, aff. ल्युट्; having been shorn of some of his beams, by VIŚHWAKARMAN.
  • विकर्म्मकृत् :: mfn. (-कृत्) Acting illegally, one who does forbidden acts. 2. Busy in various ways. E. विकर्म्म and कृत् who does.
  • विकर्म्मक्रिया :: f. (-या) Illegal or immoral act. E. विकर्म्म, and क्रिया act.
  • विकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) 1. Various business or duty. 2. Prohibited or unlaw- ful act. 3. Fraud. E. वि and कर्म्मन् act.
  • विकर्म्मस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) 1. Doing what is illegal or immoral, en- gaged in prohibited acts. 2. Engaged in various business. E. विकर्म्म and स्थ who or what stays.
  • विकर्म्मिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Doing forbidden acts. 2. Transacting various affairs. m. (-कः) Clerk or superintendent of markets or fairs. E. वि implying variety, कर्म्म business, and ठक् aff.
  • विकर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) 1. Pulling, pulling apart or out. 2. An arrow. E. वि separate, कृष् to attract, अच् or घञ् aff.
  • विकर्षण :: n. (-णं) Pulling, drawing, dragging. m. (-णः) One of the five arrows of KĀMA. E. वि before, कृष् to attract, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विकल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Confused, confounded, agitated. 2. Defective, imperfect. 3. Decayed, impaired, withered, waned. f. (-ला or ली) A woman in whom menstruation has ceased. n. (-लं) The one-six- teenth of a Kalā, the second of a degree. E. वि privative, and कला a digit of the moon, &c.
  • विकलपाणिक :: m. (-कः) A cripple with a crooked or withered arm. E. विकल defective, पाणि the hand, कन् added.
  • विकलाङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Deformed, crippled, maimed. E. विकल defective, अङ्ग the body.
  • विकलीकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Spoiling, breaking, maiming. 2. Confusing, agitating. E. विकल, and करण making, च्वि augment.
  • विकलीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Broken, injured, impaired. 2. Sick, lame, maimed. 2. Confused, distressed. E. विकल and कृत made, च्वि aug.
  • विकलीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Agitated, distressed. 2. Maimed, defective. E. विकल and भूत become, च्वि augment.
  • विकलेन्द्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Having any of the organs of sense impaired or defective. E. विकल, and इन्द्रिय an organ.
  • विकल्प :: m. (-ल्पः) 1. Error, ignorance, mistake. 2. Alternative, option. 3. Doubt, indecision. 4. (In rhetoric,) Antithesis of opposites. 5. (In grammar, &c.,) Admission of more than one form or rule. 6. Device. E. वि distinction, and कल्प making, &c.
  • विकल्पन :: n. (-नं) 1. Admitting of uncertainty. 2. Indecision.
  • विकल्पयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Doubting, deliberating, weighing, alter- natives. E. वि before, कृप् to be able, शतृ aff.
  • विकल्पित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Made or acknowledged as optional. E. वि be- fore, कृत् to be able, क्त aff.
  • विकल्मष :: f. (-षा) Sinless, guiltless.
  • विकश्व(स्व)र :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Opening, expanding. E. वि separately, कष् to go, वरच् aff.
  • विकषा :: f. (-षा) Bengal madder, (Rubia manjith.) E. वि before, कष् to injure, अच् aff.; also विकसा ।
  • विकष्वर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Opening, expanding. E. वि before, कष् to go, aff. वरच्; also विकस्वर ।
  • विकस :: m. (-सः) The moon. f. (-सा) Bengal madder. E. वि before, कस् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • विकसत् :: mfn. (-सन् -सन्ती -सत्) 1. Opening, expanding. 2. Budding, blow- ing. E. वि before, कस् to go, शतृ aff.
  • विकसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Blown, as a flower, budded, opened, expanded. E. वि apart, कस् to go, aff. क्त; also विकशित ।
  • विकस्वर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Opening, expanding. E. वि apart, कस् to go, aff. वरच्; also derived from कश् or कष्, विकश्वर, and विकष्वर ।
  • विकार :: m. (-रः) 1. Change of form or nature, alteration or deviation from the natural state. 2. Sickness, disease, change from the state of health. 3. Passion, feeling, emotion, transition from the natural or quiescent condition of the soul. 4. Anything evolved from a previous source, (in Sānkhya Philosophy.) E. वि implying alteration, कृ to make, aff. घञ् ।
  • विकारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Changed, converted, made to undergo a changing. 2. Rendered unfavourable or unfriendly. E. वि before, कृ to make, causal v., क्त aff.
  • विकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Producing a change. 2. Undergoing a change. E. वि before, कृ to make, णिनि aff.; or विकार, इनि aff.
  • विकाल :: m. (-लः) Twilight, the close of day. E. वि implying prohibition, (of peculiar ceremonies,) and काल time.
  • विकालक :: m. (-कः) Evening, twilight. f. (-लिका) A perforated copper- vessel, which is placed in a pan of water, and being filled at the expiration of a certain period, defines that period: a sort of Clep- sydra, or water-clock. “तांँवी” . E. वि before, काल time, and कन् added; or वि before, कल् to go, aff. क्कुन् ।
  • विकाश :: m. (-शः) 1. Solitude, loneliness, privacy. 2. Display, manifes- tation, open or splendid appearance. 3. Opening, expanding. 4.

Budding, blowing, (as a flower.) 5. Pleasure, enjoyment. 6. Ether, heaven. 7. An open course. 8. An oblique course. 9. Retreat. 10. Eagerness. E. वि before, काश to shine, aff. घञ्; the vowel of the prefix is more usually made long: see वीकाश ।

  • विकाशता :: f. (-ता) 1. Appearance, display. 2. Loneliness. 3. Expansion. E. विकाश shining, aff. तल्; also with त्व, विकाशत्वं ।
  • विकाशन :: n. (-नं) 1. Expansion, extent. 2. Manifestation. 3. Blowing, (of a flower.) E. विकाश and ल्युट् aff.
  • विकाशभृत् :: mfn. (-भृत्) 1. Expanding, being full. 2. Blown, budded. E. विकाश, भृत् who or what has.
  • विकाशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Expanding, spreading, opening. E. वि before, कश् to go, aff. घिनुण्; or काश, णिनि aff.
  • विकाषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Expanding, &c. E. वि before, कष् to go, aff. घिनुण् ।
  • विकासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Expanding, opening, budding, blowing. E. वि before, कस् to go, aff. घिनुण्; also with कश् or कष् the same, विकाशिन् and विकाषिन् as above.
  • विकिर :: m. (-रः) 1. A bird in general. 2. A well. 3. A fallen fragment, a scattered portion. 4. Scattering. 5. A tree. E. वि apart, &c., कॄ to scatter, क aff.
  • विकिरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Scattering, spreading about or abroad. 2. Killing. 3. Knowledge. m. (-णः) Gigantic swallow wort, (Asclepias gigan- tea.) E. वि before, कॄ to scatter, aff. यु ।
  • विकिरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रत्) Throwing, scattering, sprinkling. E. वि be- fore, कृ to scatter, शतृ aff.
  • विकीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Scattered, extended, diffused. 2. Cele- brated, famous. E. वि implying extension, कृ to scatter, aff. क्त ।
  • विकीर्य्य :: Ind. Having or being scattered. E. वि, कृ to scatter, aff. ल्यप् ।
  • विकीर्य्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Being tossed, agitated, scattered, &c. E. वि before, कृ to scatter, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • विकुर्व्वाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Joyful, cheerful, happy. 2. Undergoing or making a change of form, &c. E. वि before, कृ to do, शानच् aff.
  • विकुस्र :: m. (-स्रः) The moon. E. वि before, कस् to shine, रक् Unādi aff., and उ substituted for the radical vowel.
  • विकूजन :: n. (-नं) Cooing, humming.
  • विकूणन :: n. (-नं) A side-glance, a leer, a wink. E. वि before, कूण् to con- tract or close, (the eyes,) aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विकूणिका :: f. (-का) The nose. E. वि before, कूण् to sound, aff. ण्वुल्, fem. form.
  • विकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Entertaining the feeling of disgust, averse, estranged. 2. Sick, diseased. 3. Altered, changed, either in form or feeling. 4. Imperfect, unfinished, incomplete. 5. Over- come by feeling or passion. 6. Strange, extraordinary. 7. Loath- some, hideous. n. (-तं) 1. Disgust, aversion. 2. Sickness. 3. Change. E. वि implying reverse, and कृत made.
  • विकृतवदन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Having the face distorted. E. विकृत, वदन face.
  • विकृताकार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Changed in aspect, form, or appearance. E. विकृत and आकार form; also विकृताकृति ।
  • विकृताङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Distorted, deformed. E. विकृत, अङ्ग the limbs.
  • विकृति :: f. (-तिः-ती) 1. Change of any kind, as of purpose, mind, form, nature, &c., either permanent or temporary. 2. Sickness, disease, change from the natural or healthy state. 3. Fear, apprehension. 4. Spirituous liquor. 5. A species of metre: the stanza consists of four lines of two syllables each, variously arranged. E. वि implying alteration or reverse, कृ to make, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • विकृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Pulled, drawn, (as a bow-string.) 2. Attract- ed. 3. Dragged, drawn. in general. 4. Extended, protracted. 5. Sounded, making a noise. E. वि before, कृष् to draw, aff. क्त ।
  • विकेश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) Bald. f. (-शी) 1. A small braid or tress of hair, first tied up severally, and then collected into the Venī or larger braid. 2. A woman without hair. 3. A woman with loose hair. E. वि severally or privative, केश hair.
  • विकेशिका :: f. (-का) A pledget, a piece of rag smeared with ghee or other substances and applied as a dressing to a sore.
  • विकोष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Uncovered, denuded, unsheathed. E. वि pri- vative, and कोष a sheath, a cover; also विकोश ।
  • विकौतुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Incurious, indifferent. E. वि, कौतुक curious.
  • विक्क :: m. (-क्कः) A young elephant. E. विक imitative sound, कै to utter, aff. ड । विक्कणति वि + क्कण-ड ।
  • विक्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Heroism, prowess, heroic valour. 2. Great power or strength. 3. Walking, going, proceeding. 4. Overpowering, over- coming. 5. Strength in general. 6. A step, a stride, (as in त्रिविक्रम ।) 7. The name of a sovereign of Ougein: see विक्रमादित्य . E. वि before, क्रम् to go, to move, to walk, aff. अच् ।
  • विक्रमण :: n. (-णं) The stride of VISHṆU.
  • विक्रममाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Going, proceeding. 2. Overpowering. E. वि before, क्रम् to go, शानच् aff.
  • विक्रमादित्य :: m. (-त्यः) The name of a celebrated prince, the sovereign of Ougein, and reputed founder of an æra still in use amongst the Hindus, commencing 56 years before the Christian æra; there are however many princes of this name, and it has been applied to BHOJA-Rāja, to SĀLIVĀHANA, and PRITHVĪ Rāja, as well as to five or six others; the name also occurs variously written, as VIKRAMĀDITYA, VIKRAMASENA, VIKRAMASINHA, VIKRAMĀRKA, &c. E. विक्रम power, and आदित्य the sun.
  • विक्रमार्क :: m. (-र्कः) A name of the sovereign VIKRAMĀDITYA: see the last. E. विक्रम heroism, अर्क the sun.
  • विक्रमार्ज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Conquered, acquired by valour. E. विक्रम and अर्ज्जित gained.
  • विक्रमिन् :: m. (-मी) 1. A lion. 2. A hero. E. विक्रम strength, valour, इनि aff.
  • विक्रय :: m. (-यः) Sale, selling, vending. E. वि before, क्री to buy, अच् aff.
  • विक्रयानुशय :: m. (-यः) Rescission of sale. E. विक्रय, अनुशय doubt.
  • विक्रयण :: n. (-णं) Selling, vending. E. वि reverse, क्री to buy, ल्युट् aff.
  • विक्रयिक :: m. (-कः) A vender, a dealer, a salesman. E. विक्रय sale, ठन् aff.
  • विक्रयिन् :: m. (-यी) A seller, a vender. E. विक्रय sale, इनि aff.
  • विक्रस्र :: m. (-स्रः) The moon.
  • विक्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Valiant, mighty. 2. Overcoming victorious. m. (-न्तः) 1. A hero, a warrior. 2. A lion. n. (-न्तं) 1. Valour. 2. A step, a stride. E. वि before, क्रम् to go, aff. क्त, in an active sense.
  • विक्रान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) 1. A horse's canter or gallop. 2. Prowess, heroic strength and valour. 3. Great power or strength. 4. Striding. E. वि before, क्रम् to go, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • विक्रान्तृ :: mfn. (-न्ता -न्त्री -न्तृ) 1. Valiant. 2. Victorious. m. (-न्ता) A hero, a victor. E. वि before, क्रम् to go, तृच् aff.
  • विक्रायक :: m. (-कः) A vender, a seller. E. वि before, कृ to buy, ण्वुल् aff.
  • विक्रिया :: f. (-या) 1. Change of mind, form, purpose, condition, &c. 2. Emotion, perturbation, passion. 3. Anger, dis-satisfaction. 4. Contraction. 5. Vitiation, intermixture. E. वि implying reverse, and क्रिया action: see विकार ।
  • विक्रीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sold. E. वि before, क्री to buy, aff. क्त ।
  • विक्रीय :: Ind. Having sold. E. वि before, कृ to buy, ल्यप् aff.
  • विक्रुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Harsh, rugged or unkind, (as speech.) 2. Called out, exclaimed. n. (-ष्टं) 1. A cry of alarm or for help. 2. Abuse. E. वि before, क्रुश् to call, aff. क्त ।
  • विक्रेतृ :: m. (-ता) A vender, a seller. E. वि before, क्री to buy, aff. तृच् ।
  • विक्रेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Vendible, saleable. E. वि before, क्री to buy, aff. यत् ।
  • विक्रोशन :: n. (-नं) 1. Abusing, reviling. 2. Calling out. E. वि before, क्रुश् to curse, ल्युट् aff.
  • विक्रोष्टृ :: mfn. (-ष्टा -ष्ट्री -ष्टृ) 1. Who reviles, abuses, speaks harshly, &c. 2. Who calls or cries out. E. वि before, क्रुश् to cry, तृच् aff.
  • विक्लव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Overcome with fear or agitation, confused, con- founded, lost, bewildered. E. वि before, क्लु to go, aff. अच् ।
  • विक्लवता :: f. (-ता) Timidity, fear. E. विक्लव, तल् aff.; also with त्व, विक्लवत्वं ।
  • विक्लिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Old. 2. Withered, shrivelled, decayed. 3. Wet, moist. E. वि before, क्लिद् to moisten, aff. क्त ।
  • विक्लिष्ट :: f. (-ष्टा) Afflicted, distressed, injured. n. (-ष्टं) A fault in pronunciation.
  • विक्षण :: Adv. n. (-णं) Momentarily, for a moment. E. वि, क्षण a moment.
  • विक्षत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Struck, hurt, wounded. E. वि before, क्षत torn.
  • विक्षाव :: m. (-वः) 1. Cough. 2. Sound. E. वि before, क्षु to sound, aff. घञ् ।
  • विक्षिपत् :: mfn. (-पन् -पन्ती -पत्) 1. Throwing, tossing. 2. Agitating. E. वि before, क्षिप् to throw, and शतृ aff.
  • विक्षिप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Scattered, dispersed. 2. Thrown, cast. 3. Agitated, bewildered, perplexed. 4. Sent, dispatched. 5. Refuted, falsified. E. वि severally, क्षिप्त thrown or sent.
  • विक्षीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Wasted, destroyed. E. वि before, क्षै to decay, क्त aff.
  • विक्षीणक :: m. (-कः) 1. The chief of a class of demigods, enumerated amongst those attached to ŚIVA, and the ministers of destruction amongst men by plague, pestilence, &c. 2. A meeting or assembly of the gods. 3. A place prohibited to eaters of meat. E. वि before, क्षीण wasted, (by whom,) and कन् added.
  • विक्षीर :: m. (-रः) The Arka plant.
  • विक्षेप :: m. (-पः) 1. Casting, or throwing away. 2. Sending, dispatching. 3. Confusion, perplexity, fear proceeding from ignorance or error. 4. Looking about vaguely or wildly, as of a woman for her absent lover. 5. Refuting an argument, establishing its falsehood. 6. Celestial latitude. E. वि before, क्षिप् to throw, aff. घञ् ।
  • विक्षेपण :: n. (-णं) 1. Scattering, dispersing. 2. Sending, dispatching. 3. Throwing. 4. Confusion. E. वि before, क्षिप् to throw, ल्युट् aff.
  • विक्षेपध्रुव :: m. (-वः) (In astronomy), The greatest inclination of a planet's orbit. E. विक्षेप, ध्रुव an arc.
  • विक्षोभ :: n. (-भं) 1. Agitating, shaking. 2. Conflict, struggle. 3. Fearing. E. वि before, क्षुभ् to stir, and घञ् aff.
  • विख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खं) Noseless; also विखु .
  • विखण्डित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Broken, divided. 2. Refuted. E. वि before, खण्डित the same.
  • विखासा :: f. (-सा) The tongue.
  • विखु :: mfn. (-खुः -खुः -खुः) Noseless; also बिखु ।
  • विखुर :: m. (-रः) A goblin, a demon, a Rākshasa. 2. A thief. E. वि before, खुर् to cut, aff. क ।
  • विख्य :: mfn. (-ख्यः -ख्या -ख्यं) Noseless. E. वि privative prefix, and ख्य substi- tuted, for नस or नासिका; also other as arbitrary terms, or विख, विग्र, बिग्र, &c.
  • विख्यात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Known, famous. 2. Avowed, confessed. E. वि before, ख्या to say or tell, aff. क्त ।
  • विख्याति :: f. (-तिः) Fame, celebrity. E. वि before, ख्या to say, or tell, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • विख्यापन :: n. (-नं) 1. Confessing, acknowledging, avowing, declaring. 2. Explaining, expounding. E. वि, ख्या to say, causal form, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विख्र :: mfn. (-ख्रः -ख्रा -ख्रं) Noseless; also विख ।
  • विख्रु :: mfn. (-ख्रुः -ख्रुः -ख्रु) Noseless; also विख and विखु .
  • विगणन :: n. (-नं) 1. Reckoning, computing. 2. Considering, deliberating. 3. Discharge of a debt. E. वि before, गणन counting.
  • विगणय्य :: Ind. 1. Having deliberated or weighed. 2. Having reckoned. E. वि before, गण् to number, ल्यप् aff.
  • विगणित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Reckoned, calculated. 2. Weighed, consi- dered. 3. Discharged, (as a debt.) E. वि before, गण् to count, क्त aff.
  • विगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Gone, departed, disappeared. 2. Separated, severed, parted. 3. Freed or exempt from. 4. Lost. 5. Gloomy, dark, obscured. 6. Dead. E. वि implying disunion, (of light, &c.) गत gone.
  • विगतकल्मष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) 1. Pure, righteous. 2. Unsoiled. E. विगत and कल्मष sin.
  • विगतज्वर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Exempted from decay. 2. Cured of fever. E. विगत and ज्वरा decay, or ज्वर fever.
  • विगतराग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Devoid of passion or affection. E. विगतं and राग passion.
  • विगतश्रीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Unfortunate, unprosperous. E. विगत gone, श्री prosperity, कप् aff.
  • विगतस्पृह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Indifferent, devoid of wish or desire. E. विगत, स्पृहा desire.
  • विगतार्त्तवा :: f. (-वा) A woman past child-bearing. E. विगत gone, आर्त्तव the menstrual excretion.
  • विगम :: m. (-मः) 1. Separation, parting. 2. Destruction, death. 3. Relin- quishment. E. वि apart, and गम going.
  • विगर :: m. (-रः) 1. An abstemious man, one who feeds on wind. 2. A naked man. 3. A mountain.
  • विगर्हण :: nf. (-णं-णा) Abuse, abusing, censure, reproach. E. वि before, गर्ह to abuse, ल्युट् aff.
  • विगर्हणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Bad, wicked, reprehensible. E. वि before, गर्ह् to abuse, अनीयर् aff.
  • विगर्हित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Abused, reviled. 2. Low, vile. 3. Bad, wicked. 4. Condemned, reprobated. E. वि before, गर्ह् to abuse, aff. क्त ।
  • विगर्ह्य :: mfn. (र्ह्यः-र्ह्या-र्ह्यं) Blamable, reprehensible. Ind. Having blamed or reviled. E. वि before, गर्ह् to abuse, यत् or ल्यप् aff.
  • विगर्ह्यकथा :: f. (-था) Scandal, abuse. E. विगर्ह्य and कथा speech.
  • विगलत् :: mfn. (-लन् -लन्ती -लत्) 1. Oozing, dropping, flowing. 2. Fading, dispersing, weakening, (as emotion, &c.) E. वि before, गल् to ooze, शतृ aff.
  • विगलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Fallen, dropped, oozed, flowing. 2. Removed, gone. 3. Dissipated, dispersed. 4. Decayed, impaired. 5. Slackened, united, (as a knot.) 6. Loose, disordered, (as dress.) 7. Dissolved. E. वि before, गल् to ooze, aff. क्त ।
  • विगलितकेश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Having the hair dishevelled. E. विगलित, केश hair.
  • विगाढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Immersed, plunged, bathing. 2. Much, excess- ive, deep. 3. Flowing copiously. E. वि, गाह् to bathe, aff. क्त ।
  • विगान :: n. (-नं) 1. Ill-report, detraction, scandal. 2. Censure, reproach. E. वि depreciative prefix, गै to sing or sound, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विगाह :: m. (-हः) 1. Bathing. 2. Plunging into, literally or figuratively, (as water, a crowd, &c.) वि before, गाह् to bathe, अच् aff.
  • विगाहमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Beholding, perceiving. 2. Knowing. 3. Bathing. 4. Going, proceeding. E. वि, गाह् to agitate, aff. शानच् ।
  • विगाह्य :: Ind. Having bathed or plunged in. E. वि, गाह् to agitate, ल्यप aff.
  • विगीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Contradicted, contradictory, inconsistent. 2. Abused, censured, reproached. 3. Sung or said in various ways. 4. Sung ill. E. वि, and गीत sung.
  • विगीति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Reproach, censure, abuse. 2. Contradiction. 3. Sing- ing in various styles. 4. Singing ill. E. वि, and गीति singing.
  • विगुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Void of all qualities. 2. Bad, worthless, having no merit. 3. Having no string. E. वि, and गुण quality.
  • विगूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Concealed, hidden. 2. Blamed, reproached, censured. E. वि before, गुह् to conceal, aff. क्त ।
  • विगृहोत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Opposed, obstructed, prevented. 2. Encoun- tered, (as in fight.) 3. Seized. 4. Separated, dissolved, (as a com- pound.) E. वि before, ग्रह् to seize, क्त aff.
  • विगृह्य :: ind. Having warred or contended with. E. वि before, ग्रह् to take, ल्यप् aff.
  • विगृह्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Being warred upon or contended with. E. वि before, ग्रह् to take, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • विग्र :: mfn. (-ग्रः -ग्रा -ग्रं) Noseless. E. वि privative prefix, and ग्र substituted for नासिका ।
  • विग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. The body. 2. Extension, expansion, diffusion. 3. A portion, a part. 4. Shape, form, figure. 5. (A grammatical term,) The proper application or sense of a compound word, resolution, analysis, separation. mn. (-हः-हं) 1. War, battle, hostility, (consi- dered as one of the six modes of foreign policy.) 2. Quarrel. 3. Dis- favour. 4. Opposition, encounter. E. वि various, (happiness, &c.) ग्रह् to take, aff. अच् ।
  • विग्रहावर :: n. (-रं) The back. E. विग्रह the body, अवर the back.
  • विग्राह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) To be warred or contended with. E. वि before, ग्रह् to take, ण्यत् aff.
  • विघटन :: n. (-नं) Ruin, destruction.
  • विघटिका :: f. (-का) Sixtieth part of a Gharī, equal to 24 seconds. E. वि, घटिका a Gharī.
  • विघटित :: f. (-ता) Divided, separated. E. वि + घट-क्त ।
  • विघट्टन :: nf. (-नं-ना) 1. Rubbing, friction. 2. Striking, asunder. 3. Opening, undoing, untying. 4. Offending. E. वि, घट्ट् to rub, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विघट्टित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Rubbed, touched. 2. Offended. 3. Struck. 4. Untied, undone. E. वि before, घट्ट् to rub, aff. क्त ।
  • विघन :: m. (-नः) A mallet, a hammer, an implement for striking. E. वि before, हन् to strike, अप् aff.
  • विघस :: m. (-सः) 1. The residue of food offered to the gods, to the manes, to a venerable guest, &c. 2. Food in general. n. (-सं) Bee's-wax. E. वि before, अद to eat, aff. अप् or घञ्, घस substituted for the root.
  • विघसाश :: m. (-शः) One who eats the remains of an offering. E. विघस, आश eating; also विघसाशिन्, &c.
  • विघात :: mn. (-तः-तं) 1. Impediment, obstacle. 2. Prohibition or preven- tion. 3. Opposition. 4. Destruction. 5. A blow. 6. Killing. 7. Abandoning. E. वि before, हन् to kill or hurt, aff. क्त ।
  • विघातसिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Removing obstacles or impediments. E. विघात and सिद्धि attainment.
  • विघातिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) 1. Opposing, impeding, preventing. 2. Re- moving, destroying. 2. Wounding, killing. E. वि before, हन् to hurt or strike, aff. णिनि ।
  • विघुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Cried, proclaimed. E. वि before, घुष्ट cried.
  • विघुष्य :: Ind. Having proclaimed. E. वि before, घुष् to cry, ल्यप् aff.
  • विघूर्णित :: f. (-ता) Rolling, shaking.
  • विघोषण :: n. (-णं) Proclamation, crying. E. वि before, घुष् to cry aloud, ल्युट् aff.
  • विघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) 1. Obstacle, impediment. 2. Difficulty, trouble. 3. The caronda, (Carissa Carondas.) E. वि before, हन् to be injured, (by it,) and क aff.
  • विघ्नकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Opposing, impeding, obstructing. E. विघ्न and कर what makes.
  • विघ्नकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Impeding, obstructing. 2. Fearful, for- midable, terrible. E. विघ्न an obstacle, and कारिन् causing.
  • विघ्ननाशक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what removes difficulties, &c. m. (-कः) A name of GAṆEŚA. E. विघ्न, नाशक who or what destroys.
  • विघ्ननाशन :: n. (-नं) Removing obstacles. m. (-नः) A name of GAṆEŚA. E. विघ्न an obstacle, and नाशन removing; the deity being supposed capable of either causing or removing difficulties and impedi- ments, and being therefore especially worshipped at the com- mencement of any undertaking; also other similar compounds.
  • विघ्नराज :: m. (-जः) GAṆEŚA. E. विघ्न an obstacle, राज ruler: see the last.
  • विघ्नलेश :: m. (-शः) Slight obstacle or impediment. E. विघ्न, लेश a little.
  • विघ्नविनायक :: m. (-कः) GAṆEŚA. E. विघ्न an obstacle, विनायक remover.
  • विघ्नसिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Removal of obstacles. E. विघ्न, सिद्धि accomplishment.
  • विघ्नहारिन् :: m. (-री) GAṆEŚA. E. विघ्न, हारिन् who removes: see विघ्ननाशन ।
  • विघ्नित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Stopped, prevented, impeded. E. विघ्न, इतच् aff.
  • विघ्नेश :: m. (-शः) GAṆEŚA. E. विघ्न an obstacle, ईश lord: see विघ्ननाशन ।
  • विङ्ख :: m. (-ङ्खः) A horse's hoof.
  • विच्(औइर्)औ विचिर् :: r. 7th cl. (विनक्ति विंक्ते) 1. To differ, to be sepa- rate or distinct. 2. To divide, to separate, especially in judgment. to discriminate, to judge. With वि, 1. To divide. 2. To discrimi- nate. 3. To describe. 4. To tear up, to remove.
  • विचकिल :: m. (-लः) 1. A kind of jasmine. 2. A flower, commonly Dona, (Artemisia:) see दमन . 3. A shrub, (Vangueria spinosa.) E. वि before, चक् to be satisfied, इलच् aff.
  • विचक्षण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Clever, able, wise, sensible. 2. Proficient, skilful. m. (-णः) A learned Brāhman or Paṇḍit, a holy teacher. E. वि before, चक्ष् to speak, (sensibly,) and युच् aff.
  • विचक्षुम् :: mfn. (-क्षुः -क्षुः -क्षु) 1. Blind. 2. Sad, perplexed. E. वि privative, चक्षुस् the eye.
  • विचय :: m. (-यः) Search, research. E. वि before, चि to collect, aff. अच् ।
  • विचयन :: n. (-नं) Search, research, &c. E. वि before, चि to collect, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विचरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रत्) Wandering, roaming, going about. E. वि variously, चर् to go, शतृ aff.
  • विचर्च्चिका :: f. (-का) Herpes, itch, scab. E. वि before, चर्च्च् to speak or tell, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • विचर्चित :: f. (-ता) Anointed, smeared.
  • विचल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Unsteady, unfixed, moving, going. 2. Con- ceited. E. वि before, चल् to move, &c.
  • विचलत् :: mfn. (-लन् -लन्ती -लत्) Moving, going, shaking, waving. E. वि before, चल् to go, शतृ aff.
  • विचलन :: n. (-नं) 1. Fickleness, unsteadiness. 2. Self-praise, conceit. 3. Deviating from. E. वि before, चल् to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • विचलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Gone, departed. 2. Deviated from. E. वि before, चल् to go, क्त aff.
  • विचार :: m. (-रः) 1. The exercise of judgment or reason on a present object, investigation, consideration, deliberation. 2. Dispute, dis- cussion. 3. Selection. 4. Doubt, hesitation. 5. Prudence. E. वि be- fore, चर् to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • विचारक :: m. (-कः) An investigator a judge. E. वि before, चर् to go, causal v., ण्वुल् aff.
  • विचारकता :: f. (-ता) Investigation, discussion. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, विचारकत्वं ।
  • विचारकर्त्तृ :: m. (-र्त्ता) A judge, an investigator. E. विचार, कर्त्तृ who makes.
  • विचारण :: nf. (-णं-णा) 1. Deliberation, investigation, the exercise of judg- ment, or decision after due examination or discussion. 2. Doubt, hesitation. f. (-णा) 1. The Mimānsa system of philosophy. 2. Doubt. 3. Examination, &c. E. वि, चर् to go, causal form, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विचारणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be discussed or investigated. E. वि before, चर् to go, causal v., अनीयर् aff.
  • विचारभू :: f. (-भूः) 1. The judgment seat of Yama, the judge of the dead. 2. Any meeting for literary or judicial investigation. E. विचार discussion or judgment, and भू place.
  • विचारस्थल :: n. (-लं) A logical disputation. 2. A tribunal. E. विचार, स्थल place.
  • विचारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Judged, discussed. 2. Determined, decided. 3. Examined. E. विचार discussion, aff. इतच् ।
  • विचारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Judging. E. वि before, चर् to go, णिनि aff.
  • विचार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) To be discussed, weighed, deliberated. Ind. Having deliberated. E. वि before, चर् to go, causal v., ण्यत् or ल्यप् aff.
  • विचार्य्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Being investigated or discussed. E. वि before, चर् to go, passive v., शानच् aff.
  • विचाल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Intervening, intermediate. E. वि disjunctive pre- fix, चल् to go, aff. अण् ।
  • विचि :: f. (-चिः-ची) A wave. E. वि before, चि to collect, क्विप् aff.; or विच्-इक्; also वीची ।
  • विचिकित्सा :: f. (-त्सा) 1. Doubt, uncertainty. 2. Error, mistake. E. वि before, कित् to doubt, in the reduplicate form, aff. अच् ।
  • विचित :: f. (-ता) Searched through.
  • विचित्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) 1. Variegated, spotted. 2. Painted, coloured. 3. Handsome, beautiful. 4. Wonderful, surprising. n. (-त्रं) 1. Varie- gated, (the colour.) 2. Surprise. 3. Speech implying apparently the reverse of the object intended. E. वि before, चित्र variegated, &c.
  • विचित्रक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Wonderful, surprising. n. (-कं) Astonishment, wonder. m. (-कः) The birch-tree. E. कन् added to the last.
  • विचित्रचीनांशुक :: n. (-कं) Watered China-silk. E. विचित्र, चीनांशुक China-cloth.
  • विचित्रता :: f. (-ता) 1. Wonder, wonderfulness. 2. Being variegated, va- riety of colour or tint, &c. E. विचित्र, तल् aff.; also with त्व, विचित्रत्वं ।
  • विचित्रदेह :: mfn. (-हः -ही -हं) 1. Having the body painted, &c. 2. Elegant. m. (-हः) A cloud. E. विचित्र spotted, variegated, (with different tints,) and देह the body.
  • विचित्रवीर्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) A sovereign, the 22nd monarch of the lunar dynasty in the third age, the son of ŚĀNTANU and husband of PĀNDU'S mother. E. विचित्र wonderful, वीर्य्य power.
  • विचित्रवीर्य्यसू :: f. (-सूः) The mother of VICHITRAVĪRYA by ŚĀNTANU; also of VYĀSA by PARĀŚARA. E. विचित्रवीर्य्य as above, and सू the mother.
  • विचित्राङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) 1. Elegant, well-formed, handsome. 2. Hav- ing the body of various colours. m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A peacock. 2. A tiger. E. विचित्र variegated or beautiful, अङ्ग the body.
  • विचित्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Wonderful. 2. Painted, variegated. E. विचित्र, इतच् aff.
  • विचिन्त्य :: Ind. Having reflected. E. वि before, चित् to think, ल्यप् aff.
  • विचिन्त्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being to be thought or considered. E. वि be- fore, चिति to think, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • विचिन्वत् :: mfn. (-न्वन् -न्वन्ती -न्वत्) Thinking, considering. E. वि before, चि to collect, aff. शतृ ।
  • विचिन्वत्क :: m. (-त्कः) 1. A hero. 2. Discrimination, judging. 3. Search. E. कन् added to the last.
  • विचिन्वान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Thinking, considering, &c. E. वि before, चि to collect, शानच् aff.
  • विचीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Entered. 2. Occupied or inhabited by.
  • विचेतन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Unconscious, senseless, lifeless. E. वि priv., चेतना sense.
  • विचेतस् :: mfn. (-ताः -ताः -तः) 1. Sad, perplexed, unhappy. 2. Ignorant, stupid. E. वि implying privation, चेतस् mind.
  • विचेष्टित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Investigated, ascertained, inquired into or looked after. 2. Struggled. 3. Inconsiderate, ill-judged. n. (-तं) 1. Evil or malicious act. 2. Exertion, effort. 3. Machination. E. वि be- fore, चेष्टित sought.
  • विच्छ् :: r. 6th cl. (विच्छायति-ते or विच्छति) To go or approach, (the form when it takes the augment आय) is rarely used.) r. 10th cl. (विच्छयति- ते) 1. To shine. 2. To speak.
  • विच्छन्द :: m. (-न्दः) A building of several stories, and surrounded by a portico, or having a portico to the east and west only; a palace, a temple. E. वि before, छन्द wish, will; also with कन् added विच्छन्दक; and when derived from छृदि to be splendid, with वुन् aff. विच्छर्दक ।
  • विच्छर्द्दक :: m. (-कः) A large and handsome building, the temple of a god, or the palace of a prince: see the last.
  • विच्छर्द्दन :: n. (-नं) 1. Disregarding. 2. Wasting. 3. Being sick. E. वि before, छृदि to vomit, ल्युट् aff.
  • विच्छर्द्दित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Disregarded, neglected. 2. Diminished, impaired. 3. Vomited. E. वि before, छृद् to vomit, क्त aff.
  • विच्छाय :: n. (-यं) 1. The shadow of a flock of birds. 2. A gem. E. वि a bird, छाय a shadow, which in this sort of compound becomes neuter.
  • विच्छित्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Cutting, cutting off, excision. 2. Dividing, frac- ture. 3. Separation or absence. 4. Loss, disappearance, destruc- tion. 5. Cæsura, pause in a verse. 6. The boundary or limits of a house, &c. 7. A property of the Nāyīkā or mistress, carelessness or irregularity in dress and decoration through flurry and agita- tion. 7. Colouring the body with coloured unguents. E. वि before, छिद् to cut, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • विच्छिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्नी -न्नं) 1. Cut, separated, severed. 2. Absent or sepa- rated from. 3. Divided, parted, portioned. 4. Shared, divided equally. 5. Crooked, curved. 6. Scattered, dispersed. 7. Hidden or cut off from view, intercepted. 8. Broken. 9. Ceased, ended. 10. Smeared with unguents. E. वि apart, छिद् to cut, aff. क्त ।
  • विच्छुरित :: f. (-ता) 1. Coated, covered. 2. Inlaid. 3. Anointed.
  • विच्छेद :: m. (-दः) 1. Separation, disjunction, removal. 2. Prohibition. prevention. 3. Dividing, cutting. 4. The division of a book, a sec- tion. 5. Space, interval. 6. Dissension, difference. 7. Interruption. 8. Termination. 9. Removal. E. वि before, छिद् to cut, aff. घञ् ।
  • विच्छेदक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) What separates, divides, cuts, &c. m. (-कः) A sector, a cutter. E. वि before, छिद् to cut, ण्वुल् aff.
  • विच्छेदन :: n. (-नं) Separating, severing, dividing. E. वि before, छिद् to cut, ल्युट् aff.
  • विच्छेदनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Divisible, to be divided or separated. E. वि before, छिद् to cut, aff. अनीयर् ।
  • विच्युत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Thrown or supplied off. 2. Fallen or devia- ted from. 3. Neglecting. 4. Sloughed. E. वि before, च्युत fallen.
  • विच्युति :: f. (-तिः or ती) 1. Decay, decline. 2. Separation. 3. Failure, mis- carriage. 4. Deviation.
  • विज्(औ इर)औविजिर :: r. 3rd cl. (वेवेक्ति, वेविक्ते) 1. To be distinct or separate, to differ. 2. To separate or divide, especially by reason; to judge, to distinguish, to discriminate. (ओ, ई,) ओविजी r. 6th cl. (विजते, or usually with उद् prefixed उद्विजते) also r. 7th cl. (विनक्ति) 1. To fear, to be afraid. 2. To tremble with fear. 3. To shake or tremble. 4. To be agitated or distressed. With उद्, 1. To fear. 2. To be dis- gusted. 3. To be sorry. 4. To frighten.
  • विजन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Private, lonely, solitary. E. वि privative, and जन man, people.
  • विजनन :: n. (-नं) Birth, bearing, delivery. E. वि, जन् to be born, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विजनित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Born, begotten. E. वि, जन् to be born, aff. क्त ।
  • विजन्मन् :: m. (-न्मा) A man born from a degraded Vaiśya. E. वि, जन्मन् birth.
  • विजपिल :: n. (-लं) Mud. E. विज + क पिल-क कर्म० ।
  • विजय :: m. (-यः) 1. Victory, triumph, conquest. 2. A name of ARJUNA. 3. A divine car or chariot of the gods. 4. The father of the twenty-first Jina. 5. One of the persons named ŚUKLA BĀLAS by the Jainas. 6. The god of Hades, YAMA. f. (-या) 1. An epithet of the goddess DURGĀ. 2. One of the female friends or attendants of DURGĀ. 3. One of the wives of YAMA. 4. Hemp, (Cannabis sativa,) or the tops of the plant used as a narcotic. 5. Yellow myrobalan, (Terminalia chebula.) 6. Orris root. 7. A peculiar lunar day; the third, eighth, or thirteenth of a fortnight; it is also applied to the tenth day of the light-half of the month Āshwin, (Sept-Oct.) on which the image of DURGĀ, set up during the great festival in honour of her, is cast into the water. E. वि before, जि to conquer, aff. अच् ।
  • विजयकुञ्जर :: m. (-रः) A royal or war-elephant. E. विजय victory, कुञ्जर an elephant.
  • विजयच्छन्द :: m. (-न्दः) A kind of necklace, one of 504 rows or strings. E. विजय triumph, &c. and छन्द covering, from छदि, aff. अच् ।
  • विजयनन्दन :: m. (-नः) A sovereign of the race of IKSHWĀKU. E. विजय victory or a proper name, and नन्दन the son.
  • विजयमर्द्दल :: m. (-लः) A large military drum. E. विजय victory, मर्द्दल a drum.
  • विजयमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Victorious, triumphant. E. वि before, जि to conquer, शानच् aff.
  • विजयसिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Success, victory. E. विजय, सिद्धि accomplishment.
  • विजयासप्तमी :: f. (-मी) The seventh day of the light-half of a month fall- ing on a Sunday. E. विजया victory, सप्तमी the seventh.
  • विजयिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Victorious, triumphant, conquering, a con- queror. E. विजय and इनि aff.
  • विजयिन :: n. (-नं) Sauce mixed with the water of boiled-rice; also विजिन .
  • विजर :: n. (-रं) A stalk.
  • विजल :: n. (-लं) Sauce, &c. mixed with rice-water or gruel. E. विज् to shake, aff. कलच्; also विजिल, विज्जन, &c.
  • विजल्प :: m. (-ल्पः) 1. Talk, speech. 2. A malicious speech.
  • विजात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Born severally. 2. Base-born, of mixed origin. 3. Transformed. f. (-ता) The mother of children, a matron. E. वि severally, जात born, (from whom.)
  • विजाति :: f. (-तिः) A different species or tribe. E. वि and जाति sort.
  • विजातीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Of a different caste. 2. Of mixed origin. 3. Dissimilar, of a different sort or nature. E. वि, जाती caste, छ aff.
  • विजानत् :: mfn. (-नन् -नन्ती -नत्) 1. Possessing various or extended know- ledge. 2. Knowing, understanding E. वि, ज्ञा to know, शतृ aff.
  • विजिगीष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Desirous of victory, emulative, anxious to overcome or conquer, &c. E. वि before, जि to conquer, in the desiderative form, aff. अच् ।
  • विजिगीषा :: f. (-षा) Competition, emulation, wish to surpass, or subdue. E. जि to conquer, with वि prefixed, desid. v., अङ्, and टाप् affs.
  • विजिगीषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Desirous to conquer or overcome. m. (-षुः) 1. A warrior. 2. An invader, an antagonist. 3. A disputant. 4. An opponent in general, &c. E. वि before, जि to conquer, desiderative form, उ aff.
  • विजिग्राहयिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing to excite to war. E. वि before, ग्रह् to take, desid of the causal v., उ aff.
  • विजिघृक्षु :: mfn. (-क्षुः -क्षुः -क्षु) Determined or wishing to encounter, oppose, fight with, overcome, &c. E. वि before, ग्रह to take, desid. v., उ aff.
  • विजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Defeated, conquered. E. वि before, जित conquered.
  • विजितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Victorious, conquering. E. वि before, जि to conquer, क्तवतु aff.
  • विजितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be apprehended or feared. E. विज् to fear, तव्य aff.
  • विजितात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Self-subdued. E. विजित and आत्मन् self.
  • विजिति :: f. (-तिः or ती) Victory, conquest.
  • विजितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Who or what separates, divides, &c. m. (-ता) 1. A judge, a discriminator, a distinguisher. 2. A partner or co- heir. E. विज् to separate, &c., aff. तृच् and इट् augment.
  • विजितेन्द्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Of subdued organs or passions. E. विजित and इन्द्रिय an organ of sense.
  • विजित्य :: Ind. Having conquered. E. वि before, जि to conquer, ल्यप् aff.
  • विजिन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Mixed with rice-gruel, &c. (sauce or condiments.) E. विज् to shake, aff. इनच् ।
  • विजिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Mixed with rice-water or gruel, (sauce or condi- ments, &c.) E. विज् to shake, aff. इलच् ।
  • विजिविल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Mixed with rice-water, sauces, &c.
  • विजिहीर्षा :: f. (-र्षा) Wish or intention to take pleasure or sport. E. वि before, हृ to take, desid. v., अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • विजिहीर्षु :: mfn. (-र्षुः -र्षुः -र्षु) Wishing or speaking for sport or amusement. E. वि before, हृ to take, desid. v., उ aff.
  • विजिह्म :: mfn. (-ह्मः -ह्मा -ह्मं) 1. Curved, bent. 2. Awry, crooked in mind or purpose, dishonest, depraved. E. वि privative, and जिह्म straight.
  • विजिह्मता :: f. (-ता) 1. Crookedness. 2. Craftiness. E. विजिह्म and तल् aff.
  • विजुल :: m. (-लः) The silk-cotton tree. E. विज-उलच् aff.
  • विजृम्भण :: n. (-णं) 1. Pastime, sport, especially amorous. 2. Budding, blossoming, expanding. 3. Yawning, gaping. 4. Exhibiting, dis- playing. E. वि before, जृभि to yawn, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विजृम्भित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Blossomed, expanded, opened, unfolded. 2. Yawning, gaping. 3. Sported, wantoned. n. (-तं) 1. Wish, desire. 2. Pastime, sport. E. वि before, जृभि to yawn or open, क्त aff.
  • विजेतृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Victorious, a victor. E. वि, जि to conquer, तृच् aff.
  • विज्जन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Mixed with rice-water or gruel, (sauce, gravy, &c.): see विजिल; it is also occurs विज्जल ।
  • विज्जल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Mixed with rice-water, &c.: see विजिल . n. (-लं) An arrow.
  • विज्जुल :: n. (-लं) Cinnamor. E. विज-उलच् aff. “दारुचिनि ।”
  • विज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) 1. Skilful, able, clever, conversant. 2. Wise, learned. E. वि implying separation, discrimination, ज्ञ who knows.
  • विज्ञता :: f. (-ता) Wisdom, learning. E. तल् added to the preceding; also with त्व, विज्ञत्वं ।
  • विज्ञप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Stated, reported, represented. E. वि, ज्ञा to know, causal v., क्त aff.
  • विज्ञप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) 1. Information, representation, respectful communica- tion or information, or opinion on any subject. 2. An announce- ment. E. वि before, ज्ञा to know, causal form, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • विज्ञबुद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Indian spikenard.
  • विज्ञात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Celebrated, famous, known. 2. Known, under- stood. E. वि before, ज्ञा to know, aff. क्त ।
  • विज्ञान :: n. (-नं) 1. Knowledge, science, learning, worldly knowledge or wisdom, that which comprehends any subject, except an under- standing of the true nature of GOD or BRAHMA, acquirable by abstract meditation and the study of the Vedas; it is also des- cribed as conversancy with the arts of painting, &c., and with books, as the Smriti-Shāstras or works on law, and other bran- ches of science or literature. 2. Business, employment. 3. Music. E. वि implying variety, and ज्ञान knowledge.
  • विज्ञानपाद :: m. (-दः) An epithet of VYĀSA.
  • विज्ञानमातृक :: m. (-कः) A name of BUDDHA, the founder of the Bauddha religion. E. विज्ञान knowledge, मातृक parent.
  • विज्ञानिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Clever, skilful, conversant; also वैज्ञानिक . E. विज्ञान, ठक् aff.
  • विज्ञापक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what makes known. m. (-कः) 1. An informant. 2. An instructor. E. वि, ज्ञा to know, causal v., ण्वुल् aff.
  • विज्ञापन :: n. (-नं) 1. Teaching, instruction, communication of knowledge not religious, &c. 2. Representing, informing. E. वि before, ज्ञा to know, causal form, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विज्ञापनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be made known, represented, taught, &c. E. वि before, ज्ञा to know, causal v., अनीयर् aff.
  • विज्ञापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Apprised, informed. 2. Instructed. E. वि be- fore, ज्ञा to know, causal v., क्त aff.
  • विज्ञाय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Cognizable, comprehensible, what is to be or may be known or understood. E. वि implying discrimination, ज्ञा to know, यत् participle aff.
  • विज्वर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Exempt from decay. 2. Free from fever. E. वि, ज्वरा decay, or ज्वर fever.
  • विझर्झर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Harsh, disagreeable, (as sound.) E. वि before, झर्झर clanging.
  • विञ्जामर :: n. (-रं) The white of the eye.
  • विञ्जोली :: f. (-ली) A line, a row, a range.
  • विट् :: r. 1st cl. (वेटति) 1. To sound. 2. To curse. (इ) विटि r. 10th cl. (विण्टयति-ते) To decay.
  • विट :: m. (-टः) 1. A catamite, a pathic. 2. A rogue, a cheat. 3. An attendant on a dissolute character or courtezan, he is represented as on familiar terms with his associate and accomplished in the arts of singing and poetry. 4. A paramour, a gallant. 5. A mountain. 6. The Khayer-tree, (Mimosa catechu.) 7. A medi- cinal salt: see विड्लवण . 8. A rat. 9. The orange tree. 10. A branch and its shoot. E. विट् to sound, aff. क ।
  • विटङ्क :: mn. (-ङ्कः-ङ्कं) 1. A dove-cot, an aviary. 2. The highest point. E. वि variously, टकि to bind, aff. अच्; also with कन् added विटङ्कक ।
  • विटप :: mn. (-पः-पं) 1. The branch of a tree or creeper with its new sprout or shoot. 2. A new shoot. 3. A branch. 4. Expansion, spreading. 5. A clump, a cluster. 6. A bush. 7. The perinæum or septum of the scrotum. m. (-पः) The keeper of pathics. E. विट a branch, &c., and पा to cherish, aff. क; or विट् to sound, Unādi aff. अप, with the radical vowel unchanged.
  • विटपिन् :: m. (-पी) 1. A tree. 2. The large Indian fig-tree, (Ficus Indica.) E. विटप a branch or shoot, and इनि aff.
  • विटमाक्षिक :: m. (-कः) A kind of mineral: see माक्षिक ।
  • विटलवण :: n. (-णं) A medicinal salt. see विट; also विट्लवण ।
  • विटि :: f. (-टिः or टी) Yellow saunders.
  • विट्कारिका :: f. (-का) A kind of bird, probably a variety of the Turdus Salica of Buchannan.) E. विट् from विट् fæces, कारिका working.
  • विट्खदिर :: m. (-रः) A fetid Mimosa. E. विट् fæces, खदिर Mimosa catechu.
  • विट्चर :: m. (-रः) The tame or village hog. E. विट् filth, &c. चर who goes.
  • विट्पण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) Goods, merchandise. E. विट् a Vaiśya, पण्य wares.
  • विट्पति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A son-in-law, a daughter's husband. 2. A head merchant. E. विश् a Vaiśya, &c., and पति master.
  • विट्लवण :: n. (-णं) A fetid salt: see विड . E. विट् ordure, लवण salt.
  • विट्सङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Constipation. E. विट् and सङ्ग aggregate.
  • विट्सारिका :: f. (-का) A bird, a sort of thrush; a variety of the bird, usually though inaccurately called Maina in Bengal. E. विट् fæces, सारिका the same bird, or another species of the same. “गुयेसालिक ।”
  • विठङ्क :: mfn. (-ङ्कः -ङ्का -ङ्कं) Bad, vile, low.
  • विड् :: r. 1st cl. (वेडति) 1. To divide, to break. 2. To curse, to revile. 3. To cry out against.
  • विड् :: f. (-विड्) A bit, a fragment. E. विड् to break, क्विप् aff.
  • विड :: n. (-डं) 1. Factitious salt, or salt procured by boiling soil found near the sea-shore, or any earth impregnated with saline particles.

2. A particular fetid kind of salt, used as a tonic aperient, com- monly called black salt or Vit-lavaṇ, prepared by fusing fossile- salt with a small portion of Emblic myrobalans; the produce is muriate of soda with small quantities of muriate of lime, sulphur and oxid of iron. 3. A part, a fracture, a bit. E. विड् to divide, aff. क ।

  • विडगन्ध :: n. (-न्धं) The medicinal salt called Vit-lavaṇ: see the last. E. विड salt, गन्ध smell.
  • विडङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) Clever, able, skilful, conversant. mn. (-ङ्गः-ङ्गं) A vegetable and medicinal substance, considered of great efficacy as a vermifuge. E. विड् to break, to curse, Unādi aff. अङ्गच् ।
  • विडम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) 1. Imitation. 2. Distressing, afflicting.
  • विडम्बन :: nf. (-नं-ना) 1. Afflicting, distressing. 2. Vexation, mortification. 3. Frustrating, rendering vain. 4. Imitation, copying, especially assuming a similar appearance or dress, disguise, masquerade. 5. Deception, fraud. 6. Ridiculousness. 7. The supernatural assumption of a borrowed form, transformation. E. वि before, डवि to heap, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विडम्बनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be distressed or annoyed. 2. To be assumed as a disguise. E. वि before, डवि to heap, अनीयर् aff.
  • विडम्बयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) 1. Assuming, putting on, (as a borrowed dress or appearance. 2. Imitating. E. वि before, डवि to heap, aff. शतृ ।
  • विडम्बित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Low, poor, abject, distressed. 2. Vexed, mortified. 3. Assumed, put on, (as a borrowed form, &c.) simu- lated, transformed. 4. Copied, imitated. 5. Ridiculed, derided. 6. Deceived. E. वि before, डिवि to heap, aff. क्त ।
  • विडारक :: m. (-कः) A cat. E. See the next, the ल being changed to र ।
  • विडाल :: m. (-लः) 1. cat. 2. The eye-ball. E. विड् to divide, to tear, (rats,) Unādi aff. कालन्; also with कन् added, विडालक, and ल being changed to र, विडारक ।
  • विडालक :: n. (-कं) 1. Yellow orpiment. m. (-कः) 1. Application of oint- ment to the external part of the eye, especially to the eye-lids, of which the lashes have fallen off or been ulcerated. 2. A cat. E. कन् added to the last.
  • विडालपद :: m. (-दः) A measure of weight, the same as the Karsha or weight of sixteen Māshas. E. विडाल a cat, पद the foot.
  • विडीन :: n. (-नं) One of the different modes of flight attributed to birds, imitative flight. E. वि severally, and डीन flying.
  • विडुल :: m. (-लः) A sort of cane, (Calamus rotang.) E. विड-कुलन् । “वेतस वृक्षे ।”
  • विडूरज :: n. (-जं) The Lapis Lazuli.
  • विडोजस् :: m. (-जाः) A name of INDRA. E. विड् a fragment; (splitting mountains, &c. with his thunderbolt,) or विट् from विश् a Vaiśya, (here meaning a subject or man in general,) and ओजस् strength, splendour; also विडौजस्
  • विडग्रह :: m. (-हः) Constipation. E. विट् and ग्रह taking.
  • विड्ज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced from ordure. n. (-जं) A fungus. E. विट्, ज born.
  • विड्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Born or produced from ordure. E. विट्, भव born.
  • विड्भुज् :: mfn. (-भुक्) Feeding on ordure. E. विष् and भुज् who eats.
  • विड्लवण :: n. (-णं) A medicinal salt, commonly black salt, Vitlaban: see विड . E. विड् to divide, aff. क्विप्, and लवण salt; also विट्लवण ।
  • विड्वराह :: m. (-हः) A village or tame hog. E. विट् fæces, वराह a hog.
  • वितंस :: m. (-सः) A cage, a net, a chain or any apparatus for confining beasts or birds. E. वि before, तसि to adorn, aff. अच्; also वीतंस ।
  • वितण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. A sort of lock or bolt with three divisions or wards. 2. An elephant. f. (-ण्डा) 1. Controversy, argument, the subversion of another's opinion or interpretation and establishment of one's own. 2. Criticism. 3. An esculent root, (Arum colocasia.) 4. Ben- zoin or styrax. 5. The Oleander plant, (Nerium odorum.) 6. A ladle, a spoon. E. वि before, तडि to beat, affs. अच् and टाप् ।
  • वितत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Stretched, spread, expanded. 2. Pervaded,

diffused. 3. Lengthened. 4. Large, broad. 5. Covered. 6. Performed. n. (-तं) Any stringed instrument. E. वि before, तत stretched.

  • वितति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Spreading, expansion. 2. Quantity, collection. 3. A clump, a cluster, (of trees.) E. वि before, तन् to stretch, क्तिन् aff.
  • विततीकरण :: n. (-णं) Spreading, stretching. E. वितत, करण making, च्वि aug.
  • विततीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Stretched, spread, expanded. E. वितत the same, कृत made, and च्वि augment, leaving ई ।
  • वितत्य :: Ind. Having spread. E. वि before, तन् to spread, ल्यप् aff.
  • वितथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) False, untrue, vain, futile. E. वि implying re- verse, तथ्य true, अच् aff., and the semivowel rejected; or वि be- fore, तम् to desire, वथन् aff., and म rejected; also वितथ्य f. (-थ्या)
  • वितद्रु :: f. (-द्रुः) A name of a river, said to be situated in the Punjāb. E. वि before, तम् to desire, aff. रु and दङ् augment.
  • वितनु :: mfn. (-नुः -न्वी -नु) Thin, graceful, delicate. E. वि and तनु the same.
  • वितन्तु :: m. (-न्तुः) A good horse. f. (-न्तुः) A widow.
  • वितन्वत् :: mfn. (-न्वन् -न्वन्ती -न्वत्) Spreading, stretching, expanding. E. वि before, तन् to stretch, शतृ aff.
  • वितमस् :: mfn. (-माः -माः -मः) 1. Light, free from darkness. 2. Exempt from the quality of ignorance. E. वि privative, तमस darkness.
  • वितरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Gift, donation. 2. Abandoning, quitting. 2. Passing, crossing. E. वि implying privation, &c., and तॄ to cross, ल्युट् aff.
  • वितर्क :: m. (-र्कः) 1. Reasoning, discussion. 2. Doubt, deliberation. 3. A teacher, an instructor in divine knowledge. 4. Consideration of probabilities, mental anticipation of alternatives, conjecture. E. वि implying discrimination, &c., तर्क् to reason, aff. अच् ।
  • वितर्कण :: n. (-णं) 1. Reasoning, discussion, whether mental or contro- versial, argument, reflection. 2. Apprehension, doubt. E. वि before, तर्क् to reason, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • वितर्क्य :: Ind. Having deliberated, considered, &c. mfn. (र्क्यः-र्क्या-र्क्यं) Doubt- ful, questionable. E. वि before, तर्क् to reason, ल्यप् or यत् aff.
  • वितर्दि :: f. (र्दिः or र्दी) 1. A quadrangular building, or sort of covered terrace of wood in the centre of the court-yard of a temple or palace. 2. A quadrangular resting place made of wood, a seat, a bench. 3. A place in a court-yard for sitting in or standing under. 4. A floor on four posts in the midst of a quadrangular house. 5. A temporary stage or shed in the middle of a court-yard, for performing sacrifices, representing plays, &c. 6. A terrace furnished with pillars, a vārāndāh, a balcony. 7. A covered temporary terrace on which idols are sometimes placed and worshipped. E. वि pri- vative, तर्द् to injure, aff. इन्; also ङीष् optionally added, and with कन् added in the fem. form वितर्दिका ।
  • वितल :: n. (-लं) One of the seven divisions of Pātāla, the second in descent below the earth. E. वि before, तल् to be low, aff. अच् ।
  • वितस्ता :: f. (-स्ता) Name of a river in the Punjāb, known to the Greeks as the Hydaspes and now called the Jhelum.
  • वितस्ति :: f. (-स्तिः) A long span measured by the extended thumb and little finger, considered equal to twelve fingers. E. वि apart, तस् to throw, Unādi aff. क्तिच् ।
  • वितान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Empty, pithless, sapless. 2. Empty, vacant. 3. Dull, stupid. 4. Wicked, abandoned. mn. (-नः-नं) 1. Spreading, expansion. 2. An awning, a canopy. 3. Sacrifice, offering, oblation. 4. The sacrificial hearth or hole in which the sacred fires are kept. 5. A heap, a quantity. 6. Season, opportunity. n. (-नं) 1. A form of the Anushṭubh metre or verse of four lines of eight syllables each; each line of the stanza named Vitāna consists of two Iambics, one Trochee, and one Spondee. 3. Leisure, rest, interval of occupation. E. वि before, तन् to spread, aff. घञ् ।
  • वितानक :: n. (-कं) 1. An awning, a canopy, especially a cloth spread over a large open hall or court, or any open space in which dancing singing, &c. are exhibited, at solemn or religious festivals. 2. A

heap, a quantity. 3. An expanse. E. कन् added to the preceeding.

  • वितानीकरण :: n. (-णं) Covering, overspreading, (as a canopy.) E. वितान, करण making, च्वि aug.
  • वितानीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Spread or extended over, (as a canopy.) E. वितान, कृत made, च्वि aug.
  • वितायमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being overspread, covered, shaded, &c. E. वि before, तन् to stretch, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • वितिष्ठमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Staying, being. 2. Fixed, stationary. 3. Permanent. E. वि before, स्था to stay, शानच् aff.
  • वितीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Crossed over, overpassed. 2. Subdued, over- come. 3. Effaced, rubbed out. 4. Conferred, bestowed. 5. Afforded, yielded. 6. Conveyed. E. वि before, तॄ to cross, क्त aff.
  • वितुन्न :: n. (-न्नं) 1. A potherb, (Marsilia quadrifolia.) 2. An aquatic plant (Vallisneria octandra.) E. वि privative, तुन्न pained; allaying pain.
  • वितुन्नक :: m. (-कः) A plant, (Flacourtia cataphracta.) n. (-कं) 1. Corian- der seed. 2. Blue vitriol. E. कन् added to the last.
  • वितुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Displeased, dissatisfied. E. वि priv., तुष्ट pleased.
  • वितृष्ण :: mfn. (-ष्णः -ष्णा -ष्णं) Content, satisfied, free from any desire. E. वि priv., तृष्णा thirst.
  • वितृष्णता :: f. (-ता) 1. Satiety, satisfaction. 2. Content. E. वि priv., तृष्णता cupidity.
  • वित्त :: r. 10th cl. (वित्तयति-ते) To quit, to abandon, especially by giving away, to give alms; according to some, also (वित्तापयति-ते) ।
  • वित्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Judged, investigated, examined, discussed. 2. Known, famous. 3. Gained, acquired. n. (-त्तं) 1. Wealth, property, thing, substance. 2. Power. E. विद् to know, to discuss, to acquire, aff. क्त, form irr.; वित्त्यते त्यज्यते वित्त-घञ् ।
  • वित्तद :: m. (-दः) A benefactor, one who gives away property. E. वित्त wealth, द who gives.
  • वित्तवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Rich, wealthy. E. वित्त and मतुप् aff.
  • वित्तहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Poor, indigent. E. वित्त and हीन void of.
  • वित्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Discussion, discrimination, judgment, investigation. 2. Knowledge. 3. Gain, acquisition. 4. Livelihood. E. विद् to know, &c., aff. क्तिन् ।
  • वित्तेहा :: f. (-हा) Cupidity, avarice. E. वित्त, ईहा wish.
  • वित्रस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ती -स्तं) Frightened, alarmed, afraid. E. वि before, त्रस to fear, aff. क्त ।
  • वित्रास :: m. (-सः) Fear, alarm. E. वि before, त्रास fear.
  • वित्सन :: m. (-नः) An ox, a bull.
  • विथ्(ऋ)विथृ :: r. 1st cl. (वेथते) To ask or beg.
  • विथुर :: m. (-रः) 1. A thief. 2. An imp, a demon. E. व्यथ् to fear, Unādi aff. उरच्, the semivowel changed to इ, and that unaltered.
  • विथ्या :: f. (-थ्या) A plant, commonly Gojihwā.
  • विद् :: r. 2nd cl. (वेत्ति वेद) 1. To know. 2. To look upon, to take for, to consider. With नि prefixed, To be sad or depressed. With सम्, (संवित्ते) To meditate, to know, to gain holy knowledge by abstract. meditation. r. 4th cl. (विद्यते) To be, to exist, to be present, to exist actually. r. 7th cl. (विन्ते) 1. To consider, to reason. 2. To under- stand. 3. To regard, to take for. 4. To discuss. r. 10th cl. (वेदयते) 1. To be sensible. 2. To know. 3. To declare, to describe or explain; (in this sense नि is usually prefixed.) 4. To dwell, to inhabit. 5. To be fixed or steady. 6. To suffer pain. With नि, or वि and नि prefixed, To deliver, to impart or communicate. With प्रति, To deliver, to give, (औ ऌ) औ विदॢ r. 6th cl. (विन्दति-ते) 1. To gain, to get, to acquire or possess. 2. To find. 3. To experience. 4. To marry. With अनु, To feel. With परि, To marry first.
  • विद् :: m. (-वित्) 1. Who or what knows. 2. A learned man. 3. The planet mercury. f. (-वित्) Knowledge, understanding. E. विद् to know, क्विप् aff.
  • विदंश :: m. (-शः) Pungent food that excites thirst. E. वि + दन्श्-घञ् aff. “चाट्नि ।”
  • विदग्ध :: mfn. (-ग्धः -ग्धा -ग्धं) 1. Clever, shrewd, knowing. 2. Sharp, witty. 3. Intriguing. 4. Undigested. 5. Burnt. m. (-ग्धः) 1. A libertine, a lecher, an intriguer. 2. A learned or clever man, a scholar, a Pan- dit f. (-ग्धा) A sharp knowing woman. E. वि before, दह् to burn, aff. क्त .
  • विदग्धता :: f. (-ता) Sharpness, shrewdness, cleverness, wit. E. तल् aff. of the abstract, added to the last; also with the aff. त्व, विदग्धत्वं ।
  • विदत् :: mfn. (-दन् -दती -दत्) Wise, intelligent, learned, knowing. E. विद् to know, aff. शतृ ।
  • विदथ :: m. (-थः) 1. A wise or learned man, a sage, a scholar. 2. A saint, a devotee. E. विद् to know, Unādi aff. कथच् and the radical vowel unchanged.
  • विदधत् :: mfn. (-धन् -धती -धत्) Having, wearing, assuming. E. वि before, धा to have, शतृ aff.
  • विदर :: m. (-रः) Tearing, rending. n. (-रं) The Indian prickly-pear, (Cactus Indicus.) “फणिमनसा” . E. वि before, दृ to tear, aff. अप् or अच् .
  • विदर्भ :: mf. (-र्भः-र्भा) A district and city to the south-west of Bengal, the modern Bada-Nāgpur or Berār proper. m. (-र्भः) Any dry or desert soil. E. वि privative, and दर्भ the sacred grass; not growing in that country in consequence of the curse of a saint, whose son had died of a wound from a blade of the grass.
  • विदर्भजा :: f. (-जा) 1. The wife of the saint AGASTYA. 2. DAMAYANTĪ the wife of NALA, and heroine of the Naishada or poem so called. 3. RUKMINĪ, the wife of KRISHṆA. E. विदर्भ the country, and ज born.
  • विदल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Opened, expanded, blown, (as a flower, &c.) 2. Rent, split. n. (-लं) 1. A shallow basket made of split bamboos, a vessel of wicker work. 2. Split peas. 3. Pomegranate bark. 4. The cuttings or chips of any substance, that which has been pared or split. m. (-लः) 1. Dividing, separating. 2. A cake. 3. Mountain- ebony, (Bauhinia variegata, &c.) E. वि before, दल tearing, &c.
  • विदलन :: n. (-नं) Rending asunder, cutting, splitting.
  • विदलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Rent, torn, split. 2. Blown, expanded, (as a flower.) E. वि before, दल् to tear, क्त aff.
  • विदलीकरण :: n. (-णं) Rending, dividing. E. विदल, and करण making, with च्वि augment.
  • विदलीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Divided, separated. 2. Cut, split, torn, bro ken. E. विदल dividing, कृत made, च्वि augment.
  • विदश्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being bitten. E. वि before, दशि to bite, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • विदा :: f. (-दा) 1. Knowledge. 2. Intellect, understanding. E. विद् to know, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • विदार :: m. (-रः) 1. Tearing, rending. 2. War, battle. 3. An inundation, an overflow, the rising of a river or pond above its banks. f. (-री) 1. A plant, (Hedysarum gangeticum.) 2. A climbing plant, (Ipomœa paniculata.) 3. Bubo, swelling in the groin, &c. E. वि before, दृ to tear, to divide, aff. घञ् ।
  • विदारक :: m. (-कः) 1. A divider, a render or tearer. 2. A tree or rock in the middle of a stream, dividing its course. 3. A hole or pit for water sunk in the bed of a dry river, &c. f. (-रिका) 1. A plant, (Hedysarum alhagi.) 2. A bubo. E. वि before, दृ to divide, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • विदारण :: n. (-णं) 1. Tearing, breaking, splitting, severing, dividing. 2. Paining, afflicting. 3. Killing, slaughter. mf. (-णः-णा) War, battle. m. (-णः) A tree, (Pterospermum acerifolium.) E. वि before, दृ to tear, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विदारयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Tearing, rending, dividing. E. वि before, दॄ to tear, शतृ aff.
  • विदारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Torn, split, broken. E. वि before, दृ to tear, क्त aff.
  • विदारीगन्धा :: f. (-न्धा) A plant, (Hedysarum gangeticum.) “शालपाणि ।”
  • विदारु :: m. (-रुः) A lizard. E. वि before, दृ to tear, उन् aff.
  • विदार्य्य :: Ind. Having torn or rent. E. वि, दृ to tear, ल्यप् aff.
  • विदाह :: m. (-हः) 1. Heat, burning. 2. Pungency. E. वि before, दह् to burn, घञ् aff.
  • विदाहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिनी -हि) 1. Burning, hot. 2. Pungent, acrid. E. वि before, दह् to burn, aff. घिनुण् ।
  • विदिक्चङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A sort of bird. E. विदिश् a point of the compass, चङ्ग handsome.
  • विदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Known, understood. 2. Promised, agreed, assented. 3. Represented, submitted, solicited. 4. Apprised, in- formed, who or what knows. m. (-तः) A sage, a learned man. n. (-तं) Information, representation. E. विद् to know, &c., aff. क्त ।
  • विदित्वा :: Ind. Having known or promised. E. विद to know, क्त्वा aff.
  • विदिश :: f. (-दिक्) An intermediate point of the compass. E. वि implying separation, and दिश् a quarter.
  • विदिशा :: f. (-शा) Name of a river in Mālava.
  • विदीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Torn, split, burst or broken. 2. Expanded, opened. E. वि before, दृ to tear, aff. क्त, form irr.
  • विदीर्य्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Being torn, split, broken, cut, &c. E. वि before, दृ to rend, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • विदु :: m. (-दुः) 1. The hollow between the frontal globes of an elephant. 2. The hippopotamus. E. विद् to know, (the goad,) aff. कु; with कू विदू ।
  • विदुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Wise, knowing, intelligent. m. (-रः) 1. A liber- tine, an intriguer. 2. A learned or clever man. 3. The younger bro- ther and counsellor of DHRITARĀSHTRA. E. विद् to know, कुरच् aff.
  • विदुल :: m. (-लः) 1. A sort of reed, (Calamus rotang;) also the same grow- ing in water, (C. fasciculatus.) 2. Gum-myrrh. E. विद् to know, aff. कुलच् ।
  • विदून :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Agitated, distressed. E. वि, दु to distress, क्त aff.
  • विदूर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Very far or remote. m. (-रः) Name of a mountain whence the Lapis Lazuli is brought. E. वि intervening, दूर distant.
  • विदूरग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Spreading, going far or wide. E. वि before, दूर far, remote, and ग what goes.
  • विदूरज :: n. (-जं) The Lapis Lazuli.
  • विदूराद्रि :: m. (-द्रिः) The name of a mountain. E. विदूर remote, and अद्रि a mountain.
  • विदूषक :: mfn. (-कः -षिका -कं) 1. Facetious, witty, a wag, a jester. 2. Cen- sorious, detracting, a detractor or abuser of other people. m. (-कः) 1. An actor, especially an interlocutor with the audience between the acts or scenes, a jester, a buffoon. 2. (In dramatic language,) The humble and jocose companion of the principal character. 3. A catamite. f. (-की) Corrupting, contaminating. E. वि before, दूष् to be or make bad, aff. क्वुन् ।
  • विदूषण :: n. (-णं) 1. Censuring, reviling, abuse, satire. 2. Corruption. E. वि before, दूष् to make bad or faulty, aff. ल्युट् .
  • विदेश :: m. (-शः) 1. A foreign country, abroad. 2. Any place away from home. E. वि variety, देश place or country.
  • विदेशगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Gone abroad. E. विदेश and गत gone.
  • विदेशगमन :: n. (-नं) Travelling, going abroad. E. विदेश, गमन going.
  • विदेशज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Foreign, exotic. E. विदेश, ज born.
  • विदेशस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Who or what remains abroad. E. विदेश, स्थ what stays.
  • विदेशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Foreign, foreigner, exotic. E. विदेश, इनि aff.
  • विदेह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Incorporeal, without body. m. (-हः) A sovereign of the family of JANAKA, king of Mithilā. f. (-हा) A district in the province of Behār, the same as the ancient Mithilā, or the modern Tirhut. E. वि privative, and देह the body.
  • विद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Pierced, perforated. 2. Thrown, cast, directed, sent. 3. Like, resembling. 4. Opposed, impeded. 5. Beaten, whip- ped. m. (-द्धः) A tree, (Echites scholaris.) n. (-द्धं) A wound. E. विध् to pierce, or व्यध् to beat, aff. क्त ।
  • विद्धकर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णी -र्णं) Having the ears pierced or slit. mf. (-र्णः-र्णा or -र्णी) A plant, commonly Ākanādi, (Cissampelos hexandra, Rox.) E. विद्ध pierced, and कर्ण the ear; also in the latter sense, with कन् added विद्धकर्णिका; also अविद्धकर्ण, &c.
  • विद्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Being present or in existence. 2. Actual, real, in possession, (as property.) E. विद् to be, 4th cl. and शानच् aff.
  • विद्या :: f. (-द्या) 1. Knowledge, learning, science, whether sacred or profane, though more especially the former: it is sometimes classed into fourteen divisions; viz:--the four Vedas; the six Angas, or gram- mar, astronomy, &c.; the Purāṇas as the eleventh class; and the Mimānsā or theology, Nyāya or logic, and Dharma or law, as the remaining three. 2. The goddess DURGĀ. 3. A tree, (Premna spinosa.) 4. A magical pill or bolus, by putting which into the mouth a person has the power of ascending to heaven. 5. Spell, incantation. E. विद् to know, aff. क्यप् ।
  • विद्याकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Giving wisdom or science. m. (-रः) A learned man. E. विद्या, कर what makes, or आकर a mine: see विद्याधर ।
  • विद्यागम :: m. (-मः) Acquirement of knowledge. E. विद्या, आगम coming.
  • विद्याचण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Famous for learning or knowledge. E. विद्या knowledge, and चणप् aff. in this particular meaning; also विद्याचन ।
  • विद्याचुञ्चु :: mfn. (-ञ्चुः -ञ्चुः -ञ्चु) Famous for knowledge. E. विद्या knowledge, and चुञ्चुप् aff. implying celebrity.
  • विद्यादल :: m. (-लः) The Bhurja-patra tree. E. विद्या, दल a leaf: being used for writing on.
  • विद्यादान :: n. (-नं) Giving knowledge or science. E. विद्या, दान giving.
  • विद्यादेवी :: f. (-वी) A female divinity, one of a class of sixteen peculiar apparently to the mythological system of the Jainas. E. विद्या science, देवी a goddess; a goddess of learning or science, a muse.
  • विद्याधन :: n. (-नं) Property acquired by science, as by instruction, &c. E. विद्या knowledge, and धन wealth.
  • विद्याधर :: m. (-रः) A demigod of a particular order or class, a spirit of the air. E. विद्या a magical pill, as above, and धर who has or holds.
  • विद्यानुपालन :: n. (-नं) 1. Patronising learning. 2. Studying, acquiring learning. E. विद्या and अनुपालन encouraging.
  • विद्यानुपालिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) Studied, acquiring or having acquired learning. E. विद्या and अनुपालिन् who prosecutes.
  • विद्यानुसेवन :: n. (-नं) Cultivating science or learning. E. विद्या, अनुसेवन pursuing.
  • विद्यानुसेविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Cultivating learning, engaged in study. E. विद्या and अनुसेविन् addicted to.
  • विद्याप्राप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) 1. Acquirement of knowledge. 2. Acquisition made by or through learning. E. विद्या and प्राप्ति gain.
  • विद्याभ्यास :: m. (-सः) Study, diligent application. E. विद्या, अभ्यास exercise.
  • विद्यार्ज्जन :: n. (-नं) 1. Acquiring knowledge. 2. Acquiring anything by knowledge, as by teaching, &c. E. विद्या, अर्ज्जन gaining.
  • विद्यार्ज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Gained by or through knowledge. E. विद्या, अर्ज्जित obtained.
  • विद्यार्थ :: m. (-र्थः) Seeking for knowledge. E. विद्या and अर्थ object.
  • विद्यार्थिन् :: mfn. (-र्थी -र्थिनी -र्थि) Seeking for knowledge. m. (-र्थी) A pupil, a student. E. विद्यार्थ and इनि aff.
  • विद्यालब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) Gained by or through learning. E. विद्या, लब्ध gained.
  • विद्यालय :: m. (-यः) A school, a college. E. विद्या and आलय a house.
  • विद्यालाभ :: m. (-भः) 1. Acquisition of learning. 2. Acquirement by or through learning. E. विद्या and लाभ gain.
  • विद्यावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Learned, possessed of learning or science. E. विद्या learning, and मतुप् poss. aff.
  • विद्याविशिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Possessed of learning or science. E. विद्या, विशिष्ट endowed with.
  • विद्याविहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Ignorant, uninstructed. E. विद्या, विहीन deprived of.
  • विद्याव्रतस्नातक :: m. (-कः) The Brāhmana who has finished his studies and period of studentship. E. विद्या, व्रत a religious obligation, स्नातक a householder.
  • विद्यास्नातक :: m. (-कः) The student who has finished his religious studies. E. विद्या, स्नातक a householder.
  • विद्याहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Ignorant, uninstructed. E. विद्या, हीन void of.
  • विद्युत् :: f. (-द्युत्) 1. Lightning. 2. A thunderbolt. E. वि intensitive or privative, and द्युत light, lustre, aff. क्विप् ।
  • विद्युत्प्रिय :: n. (-यं) Bell-metal. E. विद्युत् lightning, and प्रिय beloved.
  • विद्युत्वत् :: mfn. (-त्वन् -त्वती -त्वत्) Having or containing lightning, electri- cal, (a cloud, &c.) E. विद्युत् lightning and मतुप् aff.
  • विद्युलता :: f. (-ता) Zigzag lightning. E. विद्युत् and लता a creeper.
  • विद्यातन :: f. (-नी) 1. Illuminating. 2. Illustrating.
  • विद्योतमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Shining, blazing. E. वि before, द्युत् to shine, शानच् aff.
  • विद्योपार्ज्जन :: n. (-नं) Acquisition of knowledge. E. विद्या, उपार्ज्जन collecting.
  • विद्योपार्ज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Acquired by or through learning, &c. E. विद्या and उपार्ज्जित obtained.
  • विद्र :: n. (-द्रं) 1. A hole, a chasm. 2. Piercing, perforating. E. विध् to pierce, aff., रक् form irr.; or वि before, द्रा to sleep, aff. क ।
  • विद्रधि :: m. (-धिः) Phlegmonoid inflammation; especially deep-seated, or internal abscess. E. विद्र piercing, धा to have, कि aff.
  • विद्रधिनाशन :: m. (-नः) A tree, (Hyperanthera Morunga.) E. विद्रधि bile or abscess, नाशन destroying, discussing.
  • विद्रव :: m. (-वः) 1. Flight, escape, retreat. 2. Fear, agitation, panic. 3. Intellect, understanding. 4. Censure, abuse, reproach. 5. Lique- faction. 6. Flowing out, oozing. E. वि before, द्रु to fly, aff. अप् ।
  • विद्राण :: f. (-णा) Awakened.
  • विद्राव :: m. (-वः) 1. Flight, retreat, running away. 2. Liquefaction. E. वि before, द्रु to go, causal v., aff. घञ् ।
  • विद्रावक :: mfn. (-कः -विका -कं) 1. Liquefying, causing to flow or melt. 2. Driving away. E. वि before, द्रु to flow, &c., causal v., ण्वुल् aff.
  • विद्रावण :: n. (-णं) 1. Causing to flow or melt, fusing. 2. Driving away, chasing, defeating. E. वि before, द्रु to run, &c., causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • विद्रावित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Liquefied, fused. 2. Driven away, put to flight. E. वि before, द्रु to flow, &c., causal v., क्त aff.
  • विद्रुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Liquid, liquefied, fluid as an oily or metallic substance upon being heated. 2. Flown, fled. 3. Running, going fast. 4. Agitated, alarmed. E. वि before, द्रु to ooze, &c., aff. क्त ।
  • विद्रुम :: m. (-मः) 1. Coral. 2. A tree bearing precious gems. 3. A young sprout or shoot. E. वि implying species, द्रुम a tree.
  • विद्रुमलता :: f. (-ता) A sort of vegetable perfume. E. विद्रुम coral, लता a creeper.
  • विद्वत्कल्प :: mfn. (-ल्पः -ल्पा -ल्पं) Less learned, a little learned. E. विद्वस् learned and कल्पप् aff. of diminution or inferiority; also with the similar affs. देशीयर् and देश्य, विद्वद्देशीय and विद्वद्देश्य ।
  • विद्वस् :: mfn. (-द्वान् -दुषी -द्वत्) 1. Intelligent, wise. 2. Learned. m. (-द्वान्) A sage, a seer, one who knows the true nature of the soul and of GOD. E. विद् to know, क्वसु aff. in lieu of शतृ, the usual affix of the present participle.
  • विद्विष् :: mfn. (-द्विट्) An enemy. E. वि before, द्विष् to hate, क्विप् aff.
  • विद्विष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Hating, adverse, inimical. m. (-षः) An enemy. E. वि before, द्विष् to hate, aff. क ।
  • विद्विष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Hated, disliked. E. वि before, द्विष् to hate, क्त aff.
  • विद्वेष :: m. (-षः) Enmity, hatred. E. वि before, द्विष् to hate, aff. घञ् ।
  • विद्वेषण :: m. (-णः) A hater. n. (-णं) Causing hatred or enmity. E. वि + द्विष्-ल्युट् aff.
  • विद्वेषणी :: f. (-णी) A woman of a resentful temperament.
  • विद्वेषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Inimical, hostile, hating. m. (-षी) An enemy. E. विद्वेष enmity, इनि aff.
  • विद्वेष्टृ :: mfn. (-ष्टा -ष्ट्री -ष्टृ) Who or what hates, adverse, inimical. E. विद्विष् to hate, तृच् aff.
  • विध् :: r. 6th cl. (विधति) 1. To administer, to govern, to rule or command. 2. To pierce, to perforate. 3. To divide. 4. To honour or worship.
  • विध :: mf. (-धः-धा) 1. Form, formula, rule. 2. Manner, kind, sort. 3. Fodder, the food of horses, elephants, &c. 4. Prosperity, thriving. 5. Hire, wages. 6. Act, action. 7. Piercing. E. वि before, धा to have, aff. क or अङ्, and fem. aff. टाप्; or विध् to rule, &c., aff. क or अच्; the masculine form, though it does occur, is not common, except in composition, when the word is used attributively, as द्विविध of two sorts. mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) &c.
  • विधवन :: n. (-नं) Shaking, trembling. E. वि before, धू to shake, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विधवा :: f. (-वा) A widow. E. वि privative, धव a husband.
  • विधवागामिन् :: m. (-मी) One who has intercourse with a widow. E. विधवा and गामिन् who approaches, (carnally.)
  • विधवावेदन :: n. (-नं) Marrying a widow. E. विधवा, आवेदन marrying.
  • विधव्य :: n. (-व्यं) Trembling, tremor. E. वि before, धू to shake, aff. यत् ।
  • विधस् :: m. (-धाः) BRAHMĀ. E. वि severally or every kind, धा to have, Unādi aff. असुन्, and the radical vowel dropped.
  • विधातव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be done or performed. 2. To be done according to rule, to be observed as a rite or ceremony. 3. To be ruled or regulated. E. वि before, धा to have, तव्य aff.
  • विधातृ :: m. (-ता) 1. BRAHMĀ. 2. Love or KĀMA. 3. Fate. E. वि severally, धा to have or contain, (all things,) aff. तृच् ।
  • विधातृभू :: m. (-भूः) NĀRADA, the Muni and son of BRAHMĀ. E. विधातृ BRAHMĀ, भू offspring, क्विप् aff.
  • विधात्रायुस् :: m. (-युः) 1. The sun-flower. 2. Sun-shine.
  • विधात्री :: f. (-त्री) Long-pepper. E. वि before, धा to have, तृच् aff., fem. aff. ङीष् ।
  • विधान :: n. (-नं) 1. Act, action, general or particular, though more especially the performance of such acts or rites as are prescribed in the sacred books of the Hindus. 2. Rule, precept, ordinance, injunction. 3. An elephant's fodder. 4. Form, mode, manner. 5. Sending, ordering. 6. Means, expedient. 7. Wealth. 8. Wor- ship. 9. Active enmity or act of hostility. 10. Gaining, getting, taking. 11. Conflict or contrast of opposite feelings. 12. (In gram- mar.) Affixing, prefixing, taking as an affix, &c. 13. Pain, sorrow, distress. 14. Arranging, disposing. 15. Creating, forming. 16. Doing, performing, using. 17. Enjoying, prescribing. E. वि before, धा to have, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विधानक :: n. (-कं) Pain. E. वि before, धा to have, ल्युट् aff. कन् added.
  • विधानग :: m. (-गः) A Paṇḍit, a wise or learned man or teacher. E. विधान action, the performance of those acts prescribed by the Shāśtras, and ग who goes or performs.
  • विधानज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) A Paṇḍit, &c.: see the last. E. विधान, ज्ञ who knows.
  • विधाय :: Ind. Having taken, assumed, put on, placed, &c. E. वि before, धा to have, ल्यप् aff.
  • विधायक :: mfn. (-कः -यिका -कं) Consigning, delivering, one who entrusts or deposits anything, or causes it to be fixed or secure. 2. Arrang- ing, disposing. 3. Doing, performing. 4. Enjoining. E. वि before, धा to have, (causal form,) aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • विधायकत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Consignment or delivery of anything, making anything firm or secure. E. त्व added to the last.
  • विधायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) 1. Causing, occasioning, making. 2. Pla- cing, fixing, securing. 3. Delivering, entrusting. 4. Establishing as a rule or law. E. वि before, धा to have, causal form, aff. घिनुण् ।
  • विधाव्य :: n. (-व्यं) Shaking, agitation. E. वि before, धू to shake, ण्यत् aff.
  • विधास्यत् :: mfn. (-स्यन् -स्यन्ती -स्यत्) 1. Purposing or willing to do, make, cause, &c. 2. Intending to direct, enjoin, prescribe, &c. वि before, धा to have, शतृ aff., in the future tense.
  • विधि :: m. (-धिः) 1. A sacred precept, an act or rite prescribed by the Vedas, for effecting certain consequences. 2. Rule, form, formula. 3. Fate, luck, destiny. 4. BRAHMĀ. 5. Time. 6. Order, injunction, command. 7. A name of VISHṆU. 8. Act, action, general or parti- cular. 9. A text, a sentence in some authority of law or religion, prescribing any particular act or observance. 10. Kind, sort, manner. 11. Fodder, food for elephants or horses. 12. A sacred work, a Shāśtra, scripture, the law, (by metonymy.) 13. Creation. 14. A physician. E. वि before, घा to have; or विध् to rule, aff. कि ।
  • विधिघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) Who or what deviates from, disregards, or dis- turbs rules or modes of proceeding. E. विधि, घ्न what destroys.
  • विधिज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Who or what knows the prescribed mode, form, &c. m. (-ज्ञः) A Brāhmana who knows the ritual. E. विधि and ज्ञ who knows.
  • विधितस् :: Ind. According to rule. E. विधि and तसि aff.
  • विधित्सा :: f. (-त्सा) Wish to do or make, design, purpose, desire. E. वि before, धा to have, desid. v., अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • विधित्सु :: mfn. (-त्सुः -त्सु -त्सु) Wishing to make, produce, &c. E. वि before, धा to have, desid. v., उ aff.
  • विधिदर्शिन् :: m. (-र्शी) A priest whose business at a sacrifice is to see that every thing is done according to the prescribed rules, and to correct any deviation from them. E. विधि a sacred precept, and दर्शिन् who sees; also विधिदर्शक, &c.
  • विधिदेशक :: m. (-कः) A priest who corrects errors at a sacrifice: see the last. E. विधि the proper form, and देशक who shews.
  • विधिपूर्ब्बक :: n. (-कं) Adv. After or according to rule. E. विधि, पूर्ब्बक prior.
  • विधिप्रयोग :: m. (-गः) Acting upon or in conformity to a rule, &c. E. विधि and प्रयोग application.
  • विधिप्रसङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Application of or acting upon a rule. E. विधि, प्रसङ्ग association.
  • विधियज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) A ceremonial act of worship. E. विधि, यज्ञ sacrifice.
  • विधियोग :: m. (-गः) 1. The occurence of predoomed events. 2. Combina- tion for any act or rite. E. विधि and योग union, accession.
  • विधिवत् :: Ind. Agreeable to rule, conformably to established ordinances. E. विधि a precept, and वति aff.
  • विधिहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Unauthorised, irregular. E. विधि and हीन abandoned.
  • विधीयमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being defined, enjoined, directed, &c. E. वि before, धा to have, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • विधु :: m. (-धुः) 1. The moon. 2. VISHṆU. 3. Camphor. 4. A name of BRAHMĀ. 5. A Rākshasa, a goblin. 6. An expiatory oblation. E. व्यध् to pain or hurt, Unādi, aff. कु, and the semivowel changed.
  • विधुक्षय :: m. (-यः) The wane of the moon. E. विधु and क्षय decay.
  • विधुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Left, abandoned, relinquished. 2. Shaken, trembling. E. वि before, धु to tremble, aff. क्तः see विधूत ।
  • विधुति :: f. (तिः) Shaking, trembling. E. वि before, धु to agitate, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • विधुनन :: n. (-नं) Tremor, trembling. E. वि before, धू in the 10th cl., to shake, aff. ल्युट्, and the vowel short, or वि + धु-णिच्-नुकच्; also विधूनन ।
  • विधुन्तुद :: m. (-दः) RĀHU, the personified ascending node. E. विधु the moon, तुद् to torment, aff. खश् or क, and the nasal inserted, the cause of the moon's eclipse.
  • विधुन्वत् :: mfn. (-न्वन् -न्वती -न्वत्) Shaking, tossing. E. वि before, धु to agitate, शतृ aff.
  • विधुपिञ्जर :: m. (-रः) A cimeter, a sabre.
  • विधुप्रिया :: f. (-या) A lunar mansion; in mythology, personified as a nymph, the daughter of DAKSHA, and wife of CHANDRA or the moon. E. विधु the moon, and प्रिया the beloved.
  • विधुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Agitated, distressed, overcome with anxiety, distress, &c. 2. Bewildered, confused, (with fear, liquor, &c.) 3. Separate, absent from a mistress or lover. 4. Destitute of, free from. 5. Hostile, adverse. m. (-रः) A widower. n. (-र) 1. Separa- tion. 2. Agitation of mind from terror or distress, &c. f. (-रा) Curds mixed up with sugar and spices. E. वि before, धुर a load, &c., aff. अप् ।
  • विधुवन :: n. (-नं) Trembling, tremor. E. वि before, धु to agitate, ल्युट् aff. and उवङ् aug.
  • विधूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Shaken. 2. Trembling, tremulous. 3. Unsteady. 4. Abandoned. 5. Tossed, waving. E. वि before, धू to agitate, aff. क्त ।
  • विधूति :: f. (-तिः) Shaking, agitation, tremor. E. वि, धू to shake, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • विधूनन :: n. (-नं) Shaking, trembling. E. वि before, धू agitate, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विधूनित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Shaken, literally or figuratively, agitated, alarmed. 2. Harassed, annoyed. E. वि before, धू to shake, 10th cl., aff. क्त ।
  • विधूय :: Ind. Having shaken, shaking, trembling. E. वि before, धू to shake, ल्यप् aff.
  • विधूयमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being shaken, shaking, waving, agitated. E. वि before, धू to shake, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • विधृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Seized, held. 2. Withheld, restrained. 3. Hav- ing, possessing, assumed, taken. n. (-तं) 1. Disregard of an injunc- tion or desire. 2. Dissatisfaction. E. वि before, धृत held.
  • विधेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Compliant, tractable, governable. 2. To be done, what is or ought to be practised. 3. Proper to be enjoined as a rule or law. 4. To be predicated. m. (-यः) A servant. n. (-य) The predicate of a sentence. E. वि before, धा to have, यत् aff.
  • विधेयता :: f. (-ता) 1. Necessary or proper act or conduct. 2. Docility, submission. 3. Fitness or enactment as a rule or law. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, विधेयत्वं ।
  • विधेयपद :: n. (-दं) An affair to be done, an object to be accomplished. E. विधेय, पद place.
  • विधेयमार्ग :: n. (-र्गं) Attempting or seeking to do any necessary act. E. विधेय, मार्ग seeking.
  • विधेयाविमर्श :: m. (-र्शः) Imperfect or inadequate expression of the predi- cate, giving a subordinate position to the predicate, (considered as a fault of composition.)
  • विध्यत् :: mfn. (-ध्यन् -ध्यन्ती -ध्यत्) Piercing, striking, killing. E. व्यध् to pierce, शतृ aff.
  • विध्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being pierced, struck, wounded, &c. E. व्यध् to pierce, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • विध्वंस :: m. (-सः) 1. Aversion, disrespect, enmity, dislike. 2. Offence, insult. 2. Destruction. E. वि before, ध्वंस् to fall, aff. घञ् ।
  • विध्वंसिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) 1. Hostile, adverse. 2. Destroying. E. वि before, ध्वंस् to fall, घिनुण् aff.
  • विध्वस्त :: f. (-स्ता) Adj. 1. Ruined, destroyed. 2. Obscured, darkened. 3. Tossed up.
  • विनत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Bent, bowed, stooping. 2. Crooked, curved. 3. Humble, modest. 4. Sunk down, depressed. f. (-ता) 1. The wife of KAŚYAPA, and mother of ARUṆA and GARUḌA. 2. A sort of basket. E. वि before, नम् to bow, aff. क्त ।
  • विनतासूनु :: m. (-नुः) 1. ARUṆA, the charioteer of the sun. 2. GARUḌA, the younger brother of ARUṆA. E. विनता the mother of these two, सूनु the son.
  • विनति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Bowing, bending. 2. Humility, modesty. E. वि before, नम् to bow, क्तिन् aff.
  • विनद :: m. (-दः) 1. Sound, noise. 2. A tree, (Echites scholaris.) E. वि, नद् to sound, अच् aff.
  • विनद्य :: Ind. Having sounded, sounding. E. वि, नद् to sound, ल्यप् aff.
  • विनमन :: n. (-नं) Bending, bowing. E. वि before, नम् to bend, ल्युट् aff.
  • विनमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bowed down, declined. E. वि and नमित bowed.
  • विनम्र :: mfn. (-म्रः -म्रा -म्रं) 1. Bent, bowed. 2. Humble, modest. E. वि before, नम्र bowed.
  • विनम्रक :: n. (-कं) The flower of the TAGARA tree.
  • विनय :: m. (-यः) 1. Modesty, affability, humility, mildness. 2. Reverence, obeisance. 3. Decorum, decency, propriety of conduct or beha- viour. 4. Training, discipline. 5. Subduing the senses. 6. A man of subdued senses. 7. A merchant. f. (-या) 1. Secret. 2. Cast, thrown. 3. A plant. (Sida cordifolia, &c.) E. वि before, नी to obtain or guide, aff. अच् ।
  • विनयग्राहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) Compliant, tractable, humble, govern- able. E. विनय humility, and ग्राहिन् who takes.
  • विनयन :: n. (-नं) 1. Removing. 2. Education, instruction.
  • विनयप्रमाथिन् :: mfn. (-थी -थिनी -थि) Behaving ill or improperly. E. विनय, प्रमाथिन् vexing.
  • विनयभाज् :: mfn. (-भाक्) Modest, well-behaved. E. विनय, भाज् who shares.
  • विनयवाच् :: mfn. (-वाक्) Speaking humbly or modestly. f. (-वाक्) Modest speech. E. विनय, and वाच् speech.
  • विनयस्य :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Compliant, tractable, governable. E. विनय humility, स्थ who stays or is.
  • विनर्द्दत् :: mfn. (-र्द्दन् -र्द्दन्ती -र्द्दत्) Sounding, making a noise. E. वि, नद्द् to sound, शतृ aff.
  • विनशन :: n. (-नं) 1. Destroying, destruction. 2. A country, north-west of Delhī, Kurukshetra, the vicinity of the modern Pāniput. E. वि before नश् to destroy, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विणश्यत् :: mfn. (-श्यन् -श्यन्ती -श्यत्) Perishing, decaying, perishable. E. वि, नश् to perish, शतृ aff.
  • विनश्वर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Perishable. E. वि before, नश् to perish, क्वरप् aff.
  • विनष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Lost, destroyed ruined, perished. 2. Corrup- ted. 3. Disappeared. E. वि, नष्ट the same.
  • विनष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) Disappearance, destruction. E. वि before, नश् to finish, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • विनस :: mfn. (-सः -सा or सी -सं) Noseless. E. वि priv., नस् for नासिका the nose.
  • विना :: Ind. Without, except. E. वि privative, ना aff.
  • विनाकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Abandoned, left, relinquished. E. विना except, कृत made.
  • विनाडिका :: f. (-का) The 60th part of an Indian hour. E. वि, and नाडिका a Nārī, or hour of twenty-four minutes.
  • विनाथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) Deserted, unprotected, unowned. E. वि priv., नाथ a lord.
  • विनायक :: m. (-कः) 1. A Buddha, a Bauddha, deified teacher. 2. GAṆE- ŚA. 3. GARUḌA, the bird and vehicle of VISHṆU. 4. A Guru, or spiritual preceptor. 5. An obstacle, an impediment or difficulty. f. (-यिका) The wife of GARUḌA. E. वि before, नी to conduct, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • विनाश :: m. (-शः) 1. Disappearance, destruction, loss, annihilation, ruin, decay. 2. Removal. E. वि before, नश् to perish, aff. घञ् ।
  • विनाशक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Destroying, a destroyer. E. वि before, नश् to perish, causal form, aff. वुञ् or घञ् ।
  • विनाशधर्मिन् :: m. (-र्मी) 1. Subject to decay, transient. 2. Having the property of killing.
  • विनाशयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Destroying. E. वि before, नश् to perish, causal v., शतृ aff.
  • विनाशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Destroyed. E. वि, नश् to perish, causal v., क्त aff.
  • विनाशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) 1. Destroyer, destructive. 2. Perishing, being destroyed. 3. Undergoing change or transformation. E. वि before, नश् to perish, णिनि aff.
  • विनाशोन्मुख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खं) 1. Ripe, mature. 2. About to perish. E. विनाश perishing, उन्मुख in the presence of; verging to rottenness.
  • विनासक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Noseless. E. वि privative, नासिका the nose, or नासा with कप् aff.
  • विनाह :: m. (-हः) The top or cover for the mouth of a well. E. वि before, नह् to bind or tie, aff. घञ्; also वीनाह ।
  • विनिःसरण :: n. (-णं) Going forth or out. E. वि and निर्, before सृ to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • विनिःसृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Gone forth or out. E. वि and निर्, before सृत gone.
  • विनिक्षिप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Tossed, thrown, sent. E. वि and नि, before क्षिप्त thrown.
  • विनिक्षेप :: m. (-पः) Tossing, throwing, sending. E. वि and नि, before क्षिप् to throw, घञ् aff.
  • विनिग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. Restraining, subduing. 2. Mutual opposition.
  • विनिघ्नत् :: mfn. (-घ्नन् -घ्नती -घ्नत्) Killing. E. वि before, हन् to kill, शतृ aff.
  • विनिद्र :: mfn. (-द्रः -द्रा -द्रं) 1. Blown, budded. 2. Awake, awakened, sleep- less. E. वि privative, निद्रा sleep.
  • विनिद्रत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Vigilance, wakefulness, waking. E. विनिद्र sleepless, त्व aff.; also with तल्, विनिद्रता ।
  • विनिधाय :: Ind. Having taken or placed. E. वि and नि, before धा to have, ल्यप् aff.
  • विनिपात :: m. (-तः) 1. Falling, falling down, (literally or figuratively, as from a height, or from dignity, virtue, &c.) 2. Calamity, unavoid- able evil, the infliction of the gods or of fate. 3. Disrespect. 4. Pain, distress. 5. Death, destruction. E. वि and नि, prefixed to पत् to fall, aff. घञ् ।
  • विनिपातशंसिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Portentous, announcing misfortune or destruction. E. विनिपात, शंसिन् what proclaims.
  • विनिपातित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Killed, destroyed. 2. Thrown down. E. वि and नि, before पत् to fall, causal v., क्त aff.
  • विनिपात्य :: Ind. Having killed. E. वि and नि, before पत् to fall, causal v., ल्यप् aff.
  • विनिमय :: m. (-यः) 1. Barter, exchange. 2. A pledge, a deposit or secu- rity. E. वि and नि, prefixed to मी to go, aff. अच् ।
  • विनिमेष :: m. (-षः) Twinkling of the eyes.
  • विनियत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Regulated, restrained. E. वि and नि, before यम् to restrain, क्त aff.
  • विनियम :: m. (-मः) Restraint, government. E. वि and नि, before यम् to res- train, aff. अच् ।
  • विनियम्य :: Ind. Having restrained, checked. E. वि and नि, before यम् to restrain, aff. ल्यप् ।
  • विनियुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Separated, sundered or detached from, absent, parted. 2. Appointed, attached to. 3. Parted with for a specific purpose. 4. Applied to, employed in. 5. Enjoined, com- manded. E. वि and नि, before युज् to join, क्त aff.
  • विनियोक्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be employed in, applied to, &c. E. वि and नि, before युज् to join, तव्यर् aff.
  • विनियोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Giving or parting with anything for a considera-

tion, or in expectation of some advantage. 2. Abandoning, leav- ing. 3. Separation or detachment from. 4. Impediment. 5. Ap- pointment to any office, &c. 6. Application to or employment in. E. वि and नि, before युज् to join, aff. घञ् ।

  • विनियोजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Appointed, appropriated, applied, (as to any particular duty or purpose, &c.) 2. Attached or joined to. 3. Deputed, appointed. 4. Employed. E. वि and नि, before युज् to join, aff. क्त, with इट् augment.
  • विनिर्गत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Gone out or from. E. वि and निर्, before गम् to go, क्त aff.
  • विनिर्गम :: m. (-मः) Going forth or out. E. वि and निर्, before गम् to go, अच् aff.
  • विनिर्जय :: m. (-यः) Victory, conquest. E. वि and निर्, before जि to conquer, अच् aff.
  • विनिर्ज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Conquered, overcome. E. वि and निर्, before जि to conquer, क्त aff.
  • विनिर्णय :: m. (-यः) 1. Certainty, ascertainment. 2. A settled rule. E. वि, निर्णय the same.
  • विनिर्णीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Certain, determined, ascertained. E. वि before, निर्णीत the same.
  • विनिर्द्धूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Scattered, dissipated, dispersed. E. वि, निर्द्धूत shaken.
  • विनिर्धूय :: Ind. Having dispersed, scattered, thrown off, &c. E. वि and निर्, before धू to agitate, ल्यप् aff.
  • विनिर्बन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Persistence.
  • विनिर्मुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Liberated, let loose or free. 2. Exempt, free from. E. वि and निर्, before मुच् to loose, क्त aff.
  • विनिर्य्यत् :: mfn. (र्य्यन्-र्य्यन्ती-र्य्यत्) Going out or forth, issuing. E. वि and निर्, before या to go, शतृ aff.
  • विनिर्वृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Excited, occasioned, produced, occurring. 2. Completed, finished. E. वि and निर् privative or intensitive pre- fixes, वृत् to be, aff. क्त ।
  • विनिवारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Kept off, resisted, prevented. 2. Screened, covered, kept out of view. E. वि and नि, before वॄ to chuse, क्त aff.
  • विनिवृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Stopped, ceased, ended, refrained, resting or desisting, &c. E. वि and नि privatives, वृत् to be, aff. क्त ।
  • विनिवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Stop, term, cessation. E. वि and नि, before वृत् to be, क्तिन् aff.
  • विनिवेश :: m. (-शः) 1. Entrance. 2. Impression.
  • विनिश्चय :: m. (-यः) 1. Certainty, ascertainment. 2. Resolntion, decision. E. वि and निश्चय certainty.
  • विनिश्चल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Firm, steady, immovable. E. वि, निश्चल steady.
  • विनिश्चित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Certain, determined, ascertained. E. वि before, निश्चित the same.
  • विनिश्वसत् :: mfn. (-सन् -सन्ती -सत्) 1. Sighing. 2. Breathing hard. E. वि and नि, before श्वस् to breathe, शतृ aff.
  • विनिश्वास :: m. (-सः) Strong expiration, sighing, a sigh, breathing hard. E. वि and नि, before श्वस् to breathe, aff. घञ् ।
  • विनिष्पेष :: m. (-षः) Grinding, bruising.
  • विनिहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Struck, wounded. 2. Overcome. 3. Killed. m. (-तः) 1. A portent, a comet, a meteor. 2. A great or un- avoidable calamity; the infliction of fate or heaven. E. वि and नि intensitive prefixes, हत struck.
  • विनिह्नुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Hidden, concealed. E. वि, निह्नुत the same.
  • विनीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Modest, humble, unassuming, unpretending. 2. Compliant, governable, tractable. 3. Placid, meek, virtuous, gentle, having the passions restrained, and the senses under sub- jection. 4. Well-behaved, decent, decorous. 5. Taken away. 6. Trained, (as a horse or ox, &c.) 7. Thrown, sent, dismissed. 8. Lovely, handsome. 9. Led, conveyed. 10. Chastised, punished. 11. Plain, neat, (in dress, &c.) m. (-तः) 1. A horse trained for the manege. 2. A merchant, a trader. E. वि before, नी to guide, aff. क्त ।
  • विनीतक :: mn. (-कः-कं) A mediate conveyance, as a bearer carrying a

litter, or a horse dragging a carriage. E. वि implying sort or kind, and नी to take, aff. क्त, and कन् added.

  • विनीतात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) 1. Well-behaved. 2. Humble, lowly. E. विनीत, आत्मन् self.
  • विनीय :: Ind. Having taken. m. (-यः) 1. Sediment, dregs. 2. Sin. E. वि before, नी to take, aff. क्यप् or ल्यप् ।
  • विनुद्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being sent, ordered, dispatched, &c. E. वि before, नुद to send, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • विनेतृ :: m. (-ता) 1. A guide, an instructor, a teacher. 2. A king, a ruler. 3. A chastiser. E. वि before, नी to conduct, aff. तृच् ।
  • विनेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be taken, to be taken away or separated, &c. 2. To be governed or directed, docile, governable. E. वि before, नी to take or obtain, &c., aff. यत् ।
  • विनेश्यत् :: mfn. (-श्यन् -श्यन्ती -श्यत्) Wishing or intending to take, to deprive of, &c. E. वि before, नी to take, शतृ aff. with a future sense.
  • विनोक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) The rhetorical use of the word, ‘without’ as, का निशा शशिना विना? What is the night without the moon. E. विना, उक्ति saying.
  • विनोद :: m. (-दः) 1. Eagerness, vehemence. 2. Play, sport, pastime. 3. Dismissing, abandoning. 4. Diversion, interest, interesting pursuit or occupation. 5. Pleasure, gratification. 6. Driving away, re- moving. E. वि before, नुद् to order, aff. घञ् ।
  • विनोदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Dismissed, dissipated, sent or driven away. 2. Allayed, soothed. 3. Delighted, made happy. E. वि before, नुद् to send, क्त aff.
  • विन्द :: mfn. (-न्दः -न्दा -न्दं) Who or what finds, gets, gains, &c. E. विद् to gain, श aff., नुन् augment.
  • विन्दु :: mfn. (-न्दुः -न्दुः -न्दु) 1. Intelligent, knowing. 2. Liberal, munificent. m. (-न्दुः) 1. A drop of water or any liquid. 2. A spot, a dot, a mark. 3. The bite or mark of a tooth. 4. The part of the forehead between the eye-brows. 5. A mark or spot of coloured paint on an elephant's face or trunk. 6. The dot over a letter representing the nasal termination. 7. A secondary but connecting incident in a drama. E. विद to know, to be, to be a part of, Unādi aff. उ, and the nasal augment.
  • विन्दुचित्रक :: m. (-कः) The spotted deer. E. विन्दु a spot, चित्रक variegated.
  • विन्दुजाल :: n. (-लं) 1. Coloured marks or spots on an elephant's face and trunk, &c. 2. A collection of particles or drops. E. विन्दु a spot, and जाल multitude; also with कन् added विन्दुजालक n. (-कं) ।
  • विन्दुतन्त्र :: m. (-न्त्रः) A die, a dice. E. विन्दु dot, and तन्त्र chief.
  • विन्दुरेखक :: m. (-कः) A kind of bird. E. विन्दु a spot, रेखा a line, aff. कन् ।
  • विन्धपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) Bel-Suṇṭh.
  • विन्ध्य :: m. (-न्ध्यः) 1. The Vindhya mountain, or the mountainous range which runs across India from the Province of Behār, nearly to Guzerāt, and properly divides Hindusthān from the Dakshin. 2. A hunter. f. (-न्ध्या) 1. A fruit, (Annona reticulata.) 2. Small car- damoms. E. वि implying opposition, ध्यै to think, and क aff., form irr., the mountain is supposed to obstruct the course of the sun.
  • विन्ध्यकूट :: m. (-टः) The saint AGASTYA. E. विन्ध्य the mountain, and कूट् to give pain, aff. क, or with युच् aff. विन्ध्यकूटन; Vindhya the personi- fied mountain, having once prostrated himself before AGASTYA his spiritual guide, was ordered by the saint to remain in that posture, as a punishment for the presumption, which had in- duced him to attempt rivalling the heighth of Meru and Himā- laya. The legend appears to originate in the little elevation of the Vindhya-chain compared with its extent.
  • विन्ध्यवासिन् :: m. (-सी) The saint and grammarian VYĀRI. f. (-सिनी) 1. A name of DURGĀ. 2. A village and temple sacred to DURGĀ under the forms of Yoga-Māyā, and Bhoga-Māyā and a place of great resort amongst the Hindus, situated about three miles from MIRZĀPUR on the Ganges. E. विन्ध्य the mountain, वासिन् who dwells.
  • विन्ध्यस्थ :: m. (-स्थः) The name of a Muni; also VYĀRI, a saint, and ins- pired grammarian. E. विन्ध्य the mountain, and स्थ abiding.
  • विन्ध्याचल :: m. (-लः) The Vindhya-range or mountains. E. विन्ध्य and अचल a mountain; also विन्ध्यपर्व्वत, and विन्ध्यशैल ।
  • विन्ध्याटवी :: f. (-वी) The great Vindhya forest, which appears to have spread at one time from near MATHURĀ to the Narmadā. E. विन्ध्य and अटवी a forest.
  • विन्ध्यावलीपुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) A name of the Demon Vāṇa. E. विन्ध्यावली the mother of the demon, and पुत्त्र son; also विन्ध्यावलीसुत ।
  • विन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Judged, discussed. 2. Gained, obtained. 3. Fixed, placed. 4. Known. 5. Married. &c. E. विद् to know, aff. क्त ।
  • विन्नक :: m. (-कः) An epithet of the saint AGASTYA.
  • विन्यस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Placed, deposited, fixed. 2. Delivered. 3. Offered, presented. E. वि and नि, before अस् to be or throw, aff. क्त ।
  • विन्याक :: m. (-कः) A tree, (Echites scholaris.) “छातियान् इति भाषा ।”
  • विन्यास :: m. (-सः) 1. Assemblage, collection, collecting or depositing anything. 2. Site, place, receptacle, that in or on which anything is placed or deposited. 3. Orderly arrangement or disposition. 4. Entrusting, depositing. 5. A deposit. E. वि and नि, prefixed to अस् to take, to throw or place, &c. aff. घञ् ।
  • विप् :: r. 10th cl. (वेपयति-ते) To throw.
  • विपक्व :: f. (-क्वा) 1. Ripened. 2. Cooked.
  • विपक्त्रिम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Matured, ripened. 2. Fulfilled, come to pass, as the consequence of former actions. E. वि and पच् to cook, क्त्रि aff., and मपच् augment.
  • विपक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Opposed or adverse to, contrary, inimical. m. (-क्षः) 1. An enemy, an adversary. 2. A disputant, an opponent. 3. Exception, (in grammar, &c.) 4. (In logic.) An argument or syllogism in which the proposition to be maintained is wanting. E. वि implying opposite, contrary, and पक्ष part or side.
  • विपक्षतस् :: Ind. Hostilely, inimically. E. विपक्ष and तसि aff.
  • विपक्षता :: f. (-ता) 1. Hostility, enmity, opposition. 3. Controversy, con- tradiction in argument. E. तल् added to विपक्ष; also with त्व, विपक्षत्वं ।
  • विपक्षपात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Indifferent, impartial. E. वि priv., पक्षपात an adherent.
  • विपञ्चिका :: f. (-का) A lute. E. कन् fem. form, added to the next.
  • विपञ्ची :: f. (-ञ्ची) 1. A lute. 2. Play, sport, pastime. E. वि before, पचि to extend, (causal form,) to diffuse sounds, aff. अच्, fem. aff. ङीष् .
  • विपण :: m. (-णः) Sale, contract of sale. E. वि before, पण् to be of price, aff. घञ् or घ; also with ल्युट्, विपणन n. (-नं) ।
  • विपणि :: mf. (-णिः-णी) 1. A place where things are sold, a shop, stall. 2. Trade, traffic. 3. A fair, a market place. 4. The street of a market. 5. An article or commodity for sale. E. वि before, पण् to transact business, aff. इन्, and fem. aff. ङीष् ।
  • विपणिन् :: m. (-णी) A dealer, a trafficker, a shop-keeper or merchant. E. विपण sale, इनि aff.
  • विपत्काल :: n. (-लं) Time of calamity or misfortune, adversity. E. विपद्, and काल time.
  • विपत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Adversity, calamity, misfortune. 2. Pain, agony. 3. Death, dying. m. (-त्तिः) A distinguished foot-soldier. E. वि im- plying reverse, पद् to go, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • विपत्तियुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Unfortunate. E. विपत्ति, युक्त joined.
  • विपत्तिरहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Prosperous, happy. E. विपत्ति and रहित free from.
  • विपत्सागर :: m. (-रः) Heavy calamity. E. विपद् and सागर ocean.
  • विपथ :: mn. (-थः-थं) A bad road, a wrong way, (either lit or fig.) E. वि depreciative prefix, and पथ for पथिन् a road.
  • विपद् :: f. (-पत् or पद्) 1. Calamity, adversity, misfortune. 2. Death. E. वि before, पद् to go, क्विप् aff.; also with टाप् added, विपदा ।
  • विपदा :: f. (दा) Adversity. E. See the last.
  • विपदुद्धार :: m. (-रः) Extrication from misfortune. E. विपत्, उद्धार lifting up; also विपदुद्धरणं, &c.
  • विपद्ग्रस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Overtaken by or involved in calamity. E. विपद् and ग्रन्त seized.
  • विपद्युक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Unhappy, unfortunate. E. विपद्, युक्त joined.
  • विपद्रहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Prosperous. E. विपद् and रहित left by.
  • विपन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Unfortunate, declined, fallen into adversity or misfortune. 2. Lost, destroyed, annihilated. 3. Dead, defunct. 4. Disabled. m. (-न्नः) A snake. E. वि implying reverse, and पद् to go, aff. क्त; also with कन् added विपन्नक ।
  • विपरिणाम :: m. (-मः) Change of state or form. E. वि and परि, before णम् to bow, aff. घञ् ।
  • विपरिणामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Undergoing or producing change of state or form. E. वि and परि, before णम् to bow, घिनुण् aff.
  • विपरिवर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) Turning back or away from. E. वि and परिवर्त्तन turn- ing round.
  • विपरिवर्त्तित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Turned back or away from, reverted, aver- ted. E. वि and परि, before वृत् to turn, क्त aff.
  • विपरीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Reverse, inverse, opposite, contrary. 2. Wrong, incorrect. 3. Crossed. 4. Disagreeable, inauspicious. f. (-ता) A lewd woman, a dishonest wife. m. (-तः) A particular mode of coitus. E. वि and परि implying contrariety or adverse, before इत gone.
  • विपरीतकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Perverse, contradictory, acting con- trary or another's wishes. E. विपरीत and कारिन् who does; also विपरीतकर, विपरीतकर्त्तृ, &c.
  • विपरीतगति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Going backwards or reversely. f. (-तिः) Inverse or reverse motion. E. विपरीत and गति going.
  • विपरीतता :: f. (-ता) Contrariety, reverse or opposite state or condition. E. विपरीत and तल् aff.; also with त्व, विपरीतत्वं ।
  • विपरीतरत :: n. (-तं) Inverted sexual intercourse.
  • विपर्णक :: m. (-कः) The Palāsha tree, (Butea frondosa.) E. वि separate, पर्ण a leaf, कन् added.
  • विपर्य्यय :: m. (-यः) 1. Contrariety, opposition. 2. Reverse in general, and thence applied to that of which reverse is predicated, as misery, calamity, (the reverse of fortune;) error, misapprehension, (the reverse of reason or truth;) inverted order or succession, (the reverse that which is usual or prescribed,) &c. 3. Destruction, annihilation. 4. Perverseness of disposition. 5. Change of purpose or conduct. 6. Enmity, hostility. 7. Absence, non-existence. 8. Exchange, barter. E. वि and परि implying reverse, and इण् to go, aff. अच्; also with घञ् aff. विपर्य्याय m. (-यः) ।
  • विपर्य्यस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Opposite, contrary, reverse. 2. Conceived to be real, (what is not so.) E. वि and परि, before अस् to be or to throw, क्त aff.
  • विपर्य्याय :: m. (-यः) Contrariety, &c.: see विपर्य्यय .
  • विपर्य्यास :: m. (-सः) 1. Contrariety, opposition. 2. Reverse. 3. Investing imaginary things with real attributes, imagining what is unreal or false to be real or true. E. वि and परि, before अस् to be, aff. घञ् .
  • विपल :: n. (-लं) A moment, an instant, either a Pala or second, or (1/6)th of it; a simple breathing or one-tenth of the latter. E. वि and पल a second.
  • विपलायन :: n. (-नं) Flying, running away. E. वि and पलायन the same.
  • विपलायित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Put to flight, run away. E. वि before, पलायित the same.
  • विपव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be cleansed or purified. E. वि before, पूञ् to purify, aff. क्यप् ।
  • विपश्चित् :: m. (-श्चित) A Paṇḍit, a learned Brāhman, a teacher. E. वि and प, before चि to collect, affs. क्विप् and तुक् aug.; form irr.
  • विपश्य :: n. (-श्यं) Knowledge. E. वि variously, पश्य seeing.
  • विपश्यिन् :: m. (-श्यी) A Bauddha saint, the first of the seven principal Bauddhas. E. विपश्य and इनि aff.
  • विपाक :: m. (-कः) 1. Cooking, dressing. 2. Ripening, maturing. 3. Fla-

vour, taste. 4. Unexpected or improbable result. 5. Poverty, dis- tress. 6. Change of form or state. 7. The consequences of actions, either in this or in a former birth; the operation or time in ma- turing their results. 8. Assimilation of food, its conversion into a state differing from its original one, digestion. E. वि before, पच् to ripen, aff. घञ् ।

  • विपाटन :: n. (-नं) 1. Splitting, tearing up. 2. Spoliation.
  • विपाठ :: m. (-ठः) A kind of large arrow.
  • विपाण्डुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Pale, pallid, white. E. वि पाण्डुर pale.
  • विपादन :: n. (-नं) Destroying, killing. E. वि before, पद् to go, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • विपादनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be killed, fit or proper to be destroyed. E. वि before, पद् to go, causal v., अनीयर् aff.; also विपाद्य and विपादयितव्य ।
  • विपादिका :: f. (-का) 1. A kibe, a sore or blister on the foot. 2. A riddle, an enigma. E. वि before, पद् to go, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • विपादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Killed, destroyed. E. वि before, पद् to go, causal v., क्त aff.
  • विपाल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Unattended, unguarded. E. वि priv., पल a keeper.
  • विपाश् :: f. (-पाट्) The Vipās or Vipāsā river. E. See the next.
  • विपाश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Unnoosed, unfettered, freed from a noose or tie. f. (-शा) 1. The Vipāsā or the Beyāh river in the Punjāb. E. वि privative, and पाश or पाशा a noose, from पश् to bind, causal form, with अच् and टाप् or क्विप् aff.; hence also विपाश्; the name applies to the river as having destroyed the cord which the Muni VAAISHṬHA had tied round his neck, when about to hang himself through grief for the death of his sons slain by VISWĀMITRA.
  • विपिन :: n. (-नं) A wood, a forest. E. वेप् to shake, Unādi aff. इनन् .
  • विपुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Large, great. 2. Broad. 3. Deep, profound. m. (-लः) 1. The mountain MERU, or rather the western branch of it. 2. The Himālaya mountain. 3. A respectable man. f. (-ला) 1. The earth. 2. A form of the Āryā metre in which the line is irregular- ly divided by the Cæsura or pause: three species of this form are reckoned; the Ādi-vipulā with the pause in the first line, Antya- vipulā in the second, and Ubhaya-vipulā in both lines. E. वि be- fore, पुल् to be large or lofty, aff. क ।
  • विपुलक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Free from horripilation. E. वि privative and पुलक erection of the hair of the body.
  • विपुलजघना :: f. (-ना) A woman with large hips.
  • विपुलता :: f. (-ता) Magnitude, extent. E. विपुल and तल् aff.; also with त्व, विपुलत्वं ।
  • विपुलमति :: Adj. Endowed with great power of understanding.
  • विपुलरस :: m. (-सः) The sugar-cane. E. विपुल much, and रस juice.
  • विपुलेक्षण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) Large-eyed. E. विपुल and ईक्षण sight.
  • विपूय :: m. (-यः) The Munja grass, (Saccharum Munja.) E. वि before, पुञ् to cleanse, aff. क्यप्; that which is to be cleaned before making into ropes, &c.
  • विप्र :: m. (-प्रः) 1. A Brāhman. 2. The Aśwattha tree. 3. (In prosody,) A foot of four short syllables. E. वि before, प्रा a Sautra root, to fill or complete, (the essential observances,) and क aff.; or वप् to shave, Unādi aff. रन्, and इ substituted for the radical vowel.
  • विप्रकर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Distance. E. वि + प्र, कृष् to attract, घञ् aff.
  • विप्रकार :: m. (-रः) 1. Injury, contumely, abuse. 2. Wickedness. 3. Oppo- sition, counteraction. 4. Retaliation. E. वि and प्र depreciative pre- fixes, and कार making.
  • विप्रकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Opposed to, treating with contempt. 2. Retaliating. E. वि and प्र, before कृ to do, णिनि aff.
  • विप्रकीर्ण :: f. (-र्णा) Adj. 1. Scattered, dispersed. 2. Loose, dishevelled. 3. Broad, expanded.
  • विप्रकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Reviled, abused, treated with contempt. 2. Opposed, counteracted. 3. Injured, offended. 4. Retaliated, requit- ed. E. वि and प्र, before कृत made; made little or nothing of.
  • विप्रकृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Abuse, injury, contumely. 2. Retaliation, retort. E. वि and प्र implying depreciation or mutuality, and कृति action.
  • विप्रकृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Remote, distant. f. (-ष्टा) 1. Drawn away, removed. 2. Protracted, lengthened. E. वि and प्र, before कृष् to attract, aff. क्त; also with कन् added, विप्रकृष्टक mfn. (-कः -का -कं) ।
  • विप्रतिकार :: m. (-रः) 1. Contradiction, counteraction, opposition. 2. Reverse. 3. Retaliation. E. वि and प्रति, before कृ to do, घञ् aff.
  • विप्रतिकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Opposed, counteracted. 2. Requited. E. वि and प्रति, before कृ to do, क्त aff.
  • विप्रतिपत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Perplexity, confusion. 2. Various acquirement. 3. Mutual connexion with or relation to. 4. Conversancy. 5. Con- tradiction, difference, discrepancy. 6. Contest, dispute. 7. Oppo- sition of interests. E. वि privative, or implying variety, and प्रति- पत्ति knowledge.
  • विप्रतिपद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) 1. To be opposed, contradicted, contested. 2. To be acquired. E. वि and प्रति, before पद् to go, यत् aff.
  • विप्रतिपद्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Being disputed or contested. 2. Being in course of acquirement. E. वि and प्रति, before पद् to go, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • विप्रतिपन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Bewildered, perplexed, confused, uncer- tain. 2. Conversant or acquainted with in various ways, severally or mutually. 3. Connected with. 4. Contested, disputed. 5. Con- tradicted. 6. Opposed, (as interests.) E. वि and प्रतिपन्न ascertained.
  • विप्रतिषेध :: m. (-धः) 1. The conflict of two courses of equal importance. 2. The conflict of two rules by which two different operations can be undertaken, (in gram.)
  • विप्रतिसार :: m. (-रः) Repentance: see विप्रतीसार ।
  • विप्रतिसिद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Contradicted, opposed. 3. Prohibited, for- bidden. E. वि and प्रति implying opposition, सिद्ध proved, perfected.
  • विप्रतीसार :: m. (-रः) 1. Repentance. 2. Evil, wickedness, evil action. 3. Hate, enmity. 4. Rage, wrath. E. वि implying reverse, प्रति to or towards, सृ to go, घञ् aff.; the इ of प्रति optionally long; otherwise विप्रतिसार ।
  • विप्रदह :: m. (-हः) Dried fruit or roots, &c.
  • विप्रदुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Spoiled, vitiated, defiled. 2. Bad corrupt. E. वि and प्र, before दुष्ट the same.
  • विप्रदुष्टभाव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Bad, vicious, sensual, corrupt. E. विप्रदुष्ट and भाव disposition or nature.
  • विप्रमुक्त :: f. (-क्ता) 1. Set free, liberated. 2. Shot, discharged.
  • विप्रमोच्य :: mfn. (-च्यः -च्या -च्यं) To be liberated or freed from. E. वि and प्र, before मुच् to loose, यत् aff.
  • विप्रयाण :: n. (-णं) Flight, retreat. E. वि and प्र, before या to go, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विप्रयुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Separated, disjoined, sundered, away or absent from. 2. Released from. 3. Deprived of. E. वि implying separation, प्रयुक्त joined.
  • विप्रयोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Separation, absence, especially the separation of lovers. 2. Disunion, disjunction. 3. Quarrel, disagreement. 4. De- serving. E. वि before, प्रयोग union, contiguity.
  • विप्रलब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) 1. Tricked, cheated, deceived. 2. Disappoint- ed. f. (-ब्धी) A mistress whose lover is not true to his appointment, (considered as a character in drama.) E. वि and प्र, before लब्ध gained.
  • विप्रलम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Tricking, deceiving, disappointing, deceiving by a false affirmation or by not keeping a promise. 2. Separation, es- pecially of lovers. 3. Disunion, disjunction. 4. Quarrel, disagree- ment. 5. The sentiment of love in separation, (opposite to सम्भोग .) E. वि and प्र implying reverse, लभि to get or gain, aff. घञ् ।
  • विप्रलय :: m. (-यः) Annihilation, destruction.
  • विप्रलाप :: m. (-पः) 1. Quarrel, wrangling, mutual contradiction. 2. Idle or unmeaning discourse, nonsense. 3. Infraction of a promise. E. वि and प्र implying contradiction or reciprocity, and लाप talk.
  • विप्रलुप्त :: f. (-प्ता) 1. Snatched away. 2. Disturbed, interrupted.
  • विप्रलुम्पक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Rapacious, exacting, avaricious. E. वि and प्र, before लुपि to cut, ण्वुल् aff.
  • विप्रवास :: m. (-सः) Residence in a foreign country. E. वि and प्र implying separation, वस् to abide, and घञ् aff.
  • विप्रवासन :: n. (-नं) 1. Residence abroad. 2. Banishment. E. वि and प्र, before वस् to dwell, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • विप्रश्निका :: f. (-का) A female fortune-teller. E. वि variously, पृच् to ask, aff. इञ्, with नङ् augment, and ठन् added.
  • विप्रसात् :: Ind. As, like as, one with, a Brāhmaṇa. E. विप्र, and साति aff.
  • विप्रस्व :: n. (-स्वं) The property of a Brāhmaṇa. E. विप्र, and स्व own.
  • विप्रहीण :: f. (-णा) Deprived of, destitute of.
  • विप्रापवाद :: m. (-दः) Abuse of a Brāhmaṇa. E. विप्र, and अपवाद reviling.
  • विप्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Disliked, unbeloved, disagreeable. n. (-यं) Offence, transgression. E. वि privative, and प्रिय fond of.
  • विप्रुष् :: f. (-प्रुट्) 1. A drop of water, &c. 2. A spot, a mark, a dot. E. वि privative, प्रुष् to burn, aff. क्विप्; also विप्लुष् ।
  • विप्रोषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Absent, away from. 2. Banished. E. वि and प्र, before वस् to dwell, aff. क्त, the semi-vowel changed to उ ।
  • विप्रोषितभर्त्तृका :: f. (-का) A woman whose husband or lover is absent. E. विप्रोषित absent, भर्त्तृ a husband, कन् aff.
  • विप्रोष्य :: Ind. Having been absent, returning, coming home. E. वि and प्र, before वस् to dwell, ल्यप् aff.
  • विप्लव :: m. (-वः) 1. Tumult, confusion, trouble. 2. Evil, calamity. 3. Ra- pine, extortion. 4. Sin, wickedness. 5. Predatory or irregular warfare. 6. Affray, scuffle. 7. Terrifying an enemy by shouts and gestures. 8. Confusion, perplexity, (of thought or speech.) 9. Floating about. 10. The rust, (of a mirror.) 11. Loss, destruction. E. वि before, प्लु to go, aff. अप् ।
  • विप्लाव :: m. (-वः) 1. Deluging, inundating. 2. Devastating. 3. Causing tumult or public disturbance. 4. A horse's canter or gallop. E. वि, and प्लु to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • विप्लाव्य :: Ind. 1. Having cast away, defiled, contaminated. 2. Having taught at improper seasons. 3. Having caused to be deluged, devastated, &c. E. वि before, प्लु to go, causal v., ल्यप् aff.
  • विप्लुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Depraved, wicked, addicted to evil practices, as gaming, whoring, &c. 2. Committing any crime. 3. Contrary, adverse, averse. 4. Inundated, immersed. 5. Devastated, ravaged. 6. Disturbed, confounded. 7. Ruined, disgraced. 8. Disappeared. 9. Disfigured, obscured. E. वि before, प्लु to go, aff. क्त ।
  • विप्लुष् :: f. (प्लुट्) 1. A drop of any fluid. 2. A spot, a dot. E. वि before, प्लुष् to burn, aff. क्विप्; also विप्रुष् ।
  • विप्सा :: f. (-प्सा) Repetition, succession: see वीप्सा ।
  • विफल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Vain, idle, unmeaning, fruitless, useless. E. वि privative, and फल fruit.
  • विफलता :: f. (-ता) Unprofitableness, fruitlessness. E. विफल, and तल् added; also विफलत्वं ।
  • विफलीकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Frustrating, foiling, defeating. 2. Doing any thing in vain. E. विफल, and करण making, च्वि augment.
  • विफलीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Rendered vain, frustrated. 2. Done in vain. E. विफल, and कृत done, च्वि augment.
  • विफलीभविष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) Become unprofitable. E. विफल, and भविष्णु become, च्वि augment.
  • विफलीभविष्णुता :: f. (-ता) Unprofitableness. E. तल् added to the last; also विफलीभविष्णुत्वं ।
  • विफलीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Become useless. E. विफल and भूत become, च्वि augment.
  • विबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Ischury or constipation. E. वि before, बन्ध् to bind, aff. अच् ।
  • विबाधा :: f. (-धा) Pain, agony, anguish. E. वि various, बाधा pain.
  • विबुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Awake, aroused. 2. Unconscious. 3. Blossomed, expanded. 4. Clever, skilful. E. वि, and बुद्ध wakened.
  • विबुध :: m. (-धः) 1. A god, an immortal. 2. A Paṇḍit, a learned man, a teacher. 3. The moon. E. वि variously, बुध् to know, aff. क ।
  • विबोध :: m. (-धः) 1. Inattention, absence. 2. Intelligence. 3. Awaking. 4. Discovering any circumstance. 5. Becoming conscious, (considered as one of the thirty-three subordinate feelings in rhetoric.) E. वि privative or intensitive, and बोध understanding.
  • विबोधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Awakened. 2. Instructed. E. वि before, बुध् to know, causal v., क्त aff.
  • विभक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Divided, portioned, partitioned. 2. Separa- ted, parted. 3. Dividing, sharing, a partner. 4. Distinct. 5. Dif- ferent, multifarious. 6. Retired, isolated. 7. Symmetrical. 8. Orna- mental. E. वि severally, भज् to divide, aff. क्त ।
  • विभक्तज :: m. (-जः) A son born after partition of the family property be- tween his parents and brethren. E. विभक्त divided, (being or having been,) and ज born.
  • विभक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Part, portion, inheritance or share of inheritance, &c. 2. A division, a partition. 3. Inflexion of nouns, declension. E. वि before, भज to divide, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • विभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. Breaking, fracture. 2. Division. 3. Bending, con- tracting, (especially of the eye-brows.) 4. Expression or play of features. 5. Obstruction, stoppage. E. वि, भजि to break, aff. घञ् ।
  • विभजनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be portioned or partitioned. E. वि before, भज् to divide, अनीयर् aff.
  • विभज्य :: Ind. Having divided, portioned, &c. E. वि before, भज् to divide, ल्यप् aff.
  • विभज्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Divisible, portionable, to be or being divided or parted. E. वि before, भज् to divide, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • विभव :: m. (-वः) 1. Substance, thing, property, wealth. 2. Emancipation from existence. 3. Supreme or superhuman power. 4. Magnani- mity, lofty-mindedness. E. वि implying variety, privation, &c., and भव being.
  • विभा :: f. (-भा) 1. A ray of light. 2. Light, lustre. 3. Beauty. E. वि va- riously, भा to shine, aff. अच् ।
  • विभाकर :: m. (-रः) 1. The sun. 2. Fire. E. विभा light, and कर who makes.
  • विभाग :: m. (-गः) 1. Part, portion, share. 2. The share or portion of an inheritance. 3. Partition of inheritance. 4. (In arithmetic.) The numerator of a fraction. 5. Separation, disjunction, (considered as a Guṇa in Nyāya Phil. E. वि implying variously, भाग a portion.
  • विभागकल्पना :: f. (-ना) Apportioning or allotment of shares or portions. E. विभाग a division, and कल्पना a making.
  • विभागतस् :: Ind. Proportionately, according to a part or share. E. विभाग, and तसि aff.
  • विभागधर्म :: m. (-र्मः) The law of inheritance.
  • विभागपत्रिका :: f. (-का) A deed of partition.
  • विभागभाक् :: m. (-भाक्) One who shares in a portion of property already distributed, applied especially to a son by a father and mother of the same tribe, born subsequent to a distribution of property amongst his parents and brethren, in which case he inherits the portion allotted or reserved to the parents. E. विभाग a portion, and भाक् who shares.
  • विभागशस् :: Ind. Proportionately, according to a part or share. E. विभाग, and शसि aff.
  • विभाजन :: n. (-नं) Distributing.
  • विभाज्य :: mfn. (-ज्यः -ज्या -ज्यं) Divisible, portionable, what may be divided or apportioned. E. वि severally, भज् to divide, ण्यत् aff.
  • विभात् :: mfn. (-भान् -भान्ती or भाती -भात्) Shining, splendid. E. वि before, भा to shine, शतृ aff.
  • विभात :: n. (-तं) Dawn, day-break. E. वि before, भा to shine, aff. क्त; also विभातक n. (-कं) ।
  • विभाव :: m. (-वः) 1. A friend or acquaintance. 2. One of the Bhāyas or classes of properties into which the objects of poetical composi- tion are divided; the causative or exciting property, as dress, perfumes, &c. of amorous desire; extravagant gesture of mirth;

distress or pain of tenderness; arms and tumult of wrath or heroism, &c. E. वि various, and भाव property, disposition.

  • विभावक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Discussing, shewing, illustrating. E. वि before, भू to think, ण्वुल् aff.
  • विभावन :: nf. (-नं-ना) 1. Discussion, examination, discrimination. 2. Per- ceiving, seeing, distinguishing. 3. Conceiving, imagination. 4. Ascertaining or judging of facts. 5. Describing effects not arising. from the usual causes, (in rhetoric.) E. वि before, भू in the 10th cl. to think, &c., aff. युच् ।
  • विभावनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Distinguishable, ascertainable, to be judged or determined. E. वि and भू to think, अनीयर् aff.
  • विभावरी :: f. (-री) 1. Night. 2. Turmeric. 3. A bawd. 4. A harlot. 5. The shreds of a garment torn in a scuffle. E. वि before, भा to shine, (with stars,) क्वनिप् aff., fem. aff. ङीष्, and रच् substituted for the final; also विभाव amorous excitement, रच् aff.
  • विभावस् :: m. (-वान्) The sun. E. विभा and क्वसु aff.
  • विभावसु :: m. (-सुः) 1. The sun. 2. Fire. 3. The moon. 4. A sort of neck- lace or garland. E. विभा light, वसु being, substance.
  • विभावित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Seen, perceived, marked. 2. Judged, discri- minated. 3. Conceived, imagined. 4. Known, understood. 5. Proved, established. E. वि before, भू in the 10th cl. to know or perceive, aff. क्त ।
  • विभावितत्व :: n. (-त्वं) The state of being perceived or judged. E. त्व added to the last.
  • विभाव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be seen or observed, remarkable, distin- guishable. 2. To be conceived or imagined. E. वि before, भू to be, ण्यत् aff.
  • विभाषा :: f. or Ind. (-षा) Alternative, either of two ways. E. वि alternative, and भाषा speech.
  • विभासा :: f. (-सा) Light, shining. E. वि before, भास् to be luminous, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • विभासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Lighted, shining. E. वि, भास् to shine, क्त aff.
  • विभित्सु :: mfn. (-त्सुः -त्सुः -त्सु) Wishing or purposing to hit or pierce. E. वि before भिद् to break, desid. v., उ aff.
  • विभिद्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Being wounded, pierced, broken. 2. Being divided or scattered. E. वि before भिद् to break, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • विभिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Pierced, wounded. 2. Broken. 3. Scattered, dispersed. 4. Mixed, intermixed, mingling. 5. Various, different. 6. Disappointed. 7. Bewildered, perplexed. E. वि before भिद् to break, &c., क्त aff.
  • विभिन्नता :: f. (-ता) The state of being broken, scattered, &c. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, विभिन्नत्वं ।
  • विभीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Fearless. E. वि priv., भीत afraid.
  • विभीतक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Beleric myrobalan, (Terminalia belerica.) E. विभीत fearless, कन् aff. “वहेडा इति भाषा ।”
  • विभीषण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Fearful, formidable, terrific, horrible. nf. (-णं-णा) The property of exciting fear. m. (-णः) The brother of RĀVANA. E. वि, भी to fear, युच् aff. षुक् augment.
  • विभीषिका :: f. (-का) 1. Terror. 2. A means of terrifying. E. वि + भी-णिच्-सुक्-ण्वुल् ।
  • विभु :: mfn. (-भुः -भुः or भ्वी -भु) 1. Omnipresent, all-pervading. 2. Always, eternal. 3. Firm, solid, hard. 4. Powerful. m. (-भुः) 1. A master, an owner. 2. ŚIVA. 3. BRAHMĀ. 4. VISHṆU. 5. A servant. 6. Æther. 7. Space. 8. Time. 9. The soul. E. वि before भू to be, aff. डु ।
  • विभुग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) Bent, bowed, crooked. E. वि before भुज् to bend, क्त aff.
  • विभुता :: f. (-ता) Power, supremacy. E. विभु, तल् aff. also with त्व, विभुत्वं ।
  • विभूति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Superhuman power, consisting of eight faculties especially attributed to ŚIVA, and supposed to be attainable by human beings, through a course of austere worship, attended with magical rites, in honor of that deity and his spouse DURGĀ: the eight properties thus supposed to be assumable at will are:- अणिमा extreme minuteness or invisibility; लघिमा extreme light-

ness or incorporeality; प्राप्ति attaining or reaching any thing, as illustrated by the power of touching the moon with the tip of the finger; प्राकाम्यं the fulfilment of every wish; महिमा illimitable bulk; ईशिता supreme dominion over animate or inanimate na- ture; वशिता the power of enchanting or changing the course of nature, and कामावशायिता the accomplishment of every promise or engagement. 2. Power, dignity, dominion. 3. Ashes of cow-dung, &c. with which ŚIVA is said to have smeared his body, and thence used in imitation of him by devotees. 4. Prosperity. 5. Wealth. E. वि implying change of form, &c., भू to be, aff. क्तिन् ।

  • विभूतिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) 1. Superhuman. 2. Smeared with ashes. E. विभूति and मतुप् aff.
  • विभूषण :: n. (-णं) Ornament, decoration. E. वि implying variety, and भूषण adorning.
  • विभूषा :: f. (-षा) 1. Lustre, splendour, beauty. 2. Ornament, decoration. E. वि before भूष् to adorn, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • विभूषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Adorned, decorated. E. वि variously, भूष् to adorn, क्त aff.
  • विभृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Held, retained. 2. Upheld, supported. E. वि, भृत supported.
  • विभेद :: m. (-दः) 1. Dividing, breaking. 2. Wounding, piercing. 3. Variety, distinction. 4. Bewildering, perplexing. 5. A division or separation. 6. Enmity, opposition. 7. Contradiction. E. वि before भिद् to break, घञ् aff.
  • विभेदन :: n. (-नं) 1. Breaking, dividing. 2. Separating, literally or figur- atively, as setting at variance. E. वि before भिद् to divide, ल्युट् aff.
  • विभ्रंश :: m. (-शः) 1. Falling away. 2. Decay, ruin. 3. A precipice.
  • विभ्रत् :: mfn. (-भ्रन् -भ्रती -भ्रत्) Having, possessing. E. वि, भृ to support, शतृ aff.
  • विभ्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. One of the classes of feminine actions proceeding from the passion of love, flurry, confusion. 2. Error, mistake blunder. 3. Hurry, flurry. 4. Doubt, apprehension. 5. Beauty. 6. Whirling, going round. 7. Wandering. 8. Whim, caprice. 9. Amorous gesture. f. (-मा) Old age. E. वि before भ्रम् to err, aff. घञ् ।
  • विभ्रष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Lost, gone. 2. Broken off or from, fallen, separated. E. वि before भ्रस्ज् to be broken, क्त aff.
  • विभ्राज् :: mfn. (-भ्राड् or भ्राट्) 1. Elegant, richly dressed or decorated. 2. Splendid, luminous, shining. E. वि before भ्राज् to shine, aff. क्विप् ।
  • विभ्राजमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Resplendent, glittering. E. वि, भ्राज् to shine, शानच् aff.
  • विभ्राण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Having, possessing. E. वि before भृ to have, शानच् aff.
  • विभ्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Hurried, flurried, erring, &c., through preci- pitation. E. वि before भ्रम् to err, aff. क्त ।
  • विभ्रान्तशील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Mad, drunk, intoxicated or insane. m. (-लः) 1. A monkey. 2. The disk of the sun or moon. E. विभ्रान्त wander- ing, and शील disposition.
  • विभ्रान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) 1. Error, confusion. 2. Hurry, flurry, precipitation. 3. Whirling, going round. E. वि before भ्रम् to err, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • विमत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Disliking, averse or hostile to. 2. Disagreeing, of a different opinion. m. (-तः) An enemy. E. वि adverse, and मत disposed.
  • विमति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Dislike, aversion. 2. Difference of opinion, dissent. 3. Stupidity. E. वि and मति mind.
  • विमत्सर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Unenvious, unambitious. E. वि priv., मत्सर envious.
  • विमद :: f. (-दा) 1. Free from intoxication. 2. Joyless.
  • विमनस् :: mfn. (-नाः -नाः -नः) 1. Sad, perplexed, disordered, heart-broken. 2. Changed in mind or feeling. 3. Averse, disliking, displeased. 4. Absent-minded, thinking of something else. E. वि privative and मनस् the mind; having no mind or heart.
  • विमनस्क :: mfn. (-स्कः -स्का -स्कं) Sad, bewildered, heart-broken, &c. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • विमनीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Altered in mind or feeling. 2. Sad, sorrow- ful. 3. Displeased, offended. E. विमनस् and कृत made with च्वि aug.
  • विमनीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Changed in mind or feeling, &c.: see the last. E. विमनस् and भूत become, च्वि augment.
  • विमन्यु :: Adj. 1. Free from anger. 2. Free from grief.
  • विमय :: m. (-यः) Barter, exchange. E. वि before मि to scatter, aff. अच् ।
  • विमर्द्द :: m. (-र्द्दः) 1. Rubbing, friction. 2. The trituration of perfumes. 3. Touch, contact. 4. Destroying, killing. 5. Crushing, bruising. 6. Rubbing the body with unguents. 7. Conjunction of the sun and moon. 8. War. 9. A plant, (Cassia esculenta.) E. वि before मृद् to grind, aff. अच्, कन् or घञ् ।
  • विमर्द्दन :: n. (-नं) 1. Rubbing, pounding, grinding. 2. Killing, destroying. 3. The trituration of perfumes. 4. Conjunction of the sun and moon, or eclipse. E. वि before मृद् to rub, &c. aff. ल्युट्; also विम- र्द्दक m. (-कः) and विमर्द्दना f. (-ना) ।
  • विमर्द्दार्द्ध :: n. (-र्द्धं) (In astronomy,) The time from the apparent conjunc- tion to the end of an eclipse. E. विमर्द्द, and अर्द्ध half.
  • विमर्द्दोत्थ :: m. (-त्थः) A pleasing scent. E. विमर्द्द rubbing, and उत्थ what rises.
  • विमर्श :: m. (-र्शः) 1. Discussion, investigation, reasoning, examination by reason. 2. A conflicting judgment. 3. The impression on the mind of past good or evil actions. E. वि implying discrimination, मृश् to perceive, aff. घञ् ।
  • विमर्शन :: n. (-नं) Investigating, discussing. E. वि, मृश् to judge, ल्युट् aff.
  • विमर्शिन् :: mfn. (-र्शी -र्शिनी -र्शि) Thinking, deliberating. E. विमर्श, इनि aff.
  • विमर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) 1. Irritation, impatience. 2. Displeasure, dissatisfaction. 3. Interruption of the prosperous course of a dramatic story, (one of the five Sandhis in a drama,) reverse. E. वि before मृष् to en- dure, aff. घञ् ।
  • विमर्षिन् :: mfn. (-र्षी -र्षिणी -र्षि) 1. Impatient, intolerant. 2. Averse, disliking. E. विमर्ष and इनि aff.
  • विमल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Clean, pure, (either literally, as clothes, &c. or figuratively, as the heart or mind.) 2. Beautiful. 3. White. 4. Transparent. f. (-ला) 1. A plant, commonly Charmaghās. 2. A sort of soil. m. (-लः) An Arhat or Jaina deified sage. n. (-लं) 1. Silver- gilt. 2. Talc. E. वि privative, मल dirt.
  • विमलमणि :: m. (-णिः) Crystal. E. विमल clean, clear, मणि a jewel.
  • विमलात्मक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Clean, pure. E. विमल clean, आत्मन् nature, aff. कन् ।
  • विमलात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Pure, undefiled. E. विमल, and आत्मन् self.
  • विमलाद्रि :: m. (-द्रिः) A particular mountain. E. विमल clean, or crystal, and अद्रि a mountain.
  • विमलार्थक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Clear, clean, pure. E. विमल clean, अर्थ pur- pose, कन् added.
  • विमस्तकित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Beheaded, decapitated. E. वि priv., मस्त the head, इतच् aff.
  • विमांस :: mn. (-सः-सं) Unclean meat, as the flesh of dogs, &c. E. वि depre- ciative prefix, and मांस flesh.
  • विमातृ :: f. (-ता) A step-mother, a father's wife. E. वि different, मातृ mother.
  • विमातृज :: m. (-जः) A step-mother's son. E. विमातृ, and ज born.
  • विमान :: mn. (-नः-नं) 1. A car or chariot of the gods, sometimes serving as a seat or throne, and at others carrying them through the skies self-directed and self-moving; hence it also applies to the sky. 2. Any car or vehicle. 3. A horse. 4. A palace, the palace of an emperor, or supreme monarch. 5. A seven-storied palace. 6. Disrespect, dishonour. 7. Measure. E. वि before मन् to under- stand, with घञ् aff.; or मा to measure, aff. ल्युट्; to वि priv., मान honour.
  • विमानना :: f. (-ना) Dishonour, disrespect.
  • विमानित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Dishonoured. E. विमान, and इतच् aff.
  • विमार्ग :: m. (-र्गः) 1. A broom, a brush. 2. A bad road. 3. A wrong road, literally or figuratively, evil conduct. E. वि before मृज् to clean, aff. घञ्; or वि privative, and मार्ग a road.
  • विमार्गण :: n. (-णं) Searching, seeking. E. वि before मृग् to search, ल्युट् aff.
  • विमिश्र :: f. (-श्रा) Mixed together.
  • विमुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Loosed, liberated. 2. Hurled, thrown. 3. Quitted, abandoned. 4. Issued or let loose from, given vent to. E. वि before मुक्त the same.
  • विमुक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Liberation, especially final emancipation from future existence. 2. Separation, parting. E. वि, मुक्ति the same.
  • विमुख :: mfn. (-खः -खी -खं) 1. Averted, having the face cast down or turned away. 2. Opposed, averse, disinclined. 3. Void of. E. वि reverse, and मुख the countenance.
  • विमुखता :: f. (-ता) 1. Disappearance, departure. 2. Turning away. 3. Oppo- sition. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, विमुखत्वं ।
  • विमुखिता :: f. (-ता) 1. Turning away from, enmity. 2. Departure. 3. Oppo- sition. E. विमुखिन्, and तल् aff.; also with त्व, विमुखित्वं ।
  • विमुखिन् :: mfn. (-खी -खिनी -खि) 1. Averted, turned away. 2. Hostile, averse to or from. E. विमुख, and इनि aff.
  • विमुखीकरण :: n. (-णं) Turning away from, leaving. E. विमुख, करण doing, च्वि augment.
  • विमुखीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Turned away from, averted, departed. E. विमुख, कृत made, च्वि augment.
  • विमुग्ध :: mfn. (-ग्धः -ग्धा -ग्धं) Bewildered, absorbed. E. वि, मुह् to be bewildered, क्त aff.
  • विमुच्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being let loose or liberated, in the act of spreading abroad. E. वि before मुच् to be loosed, शानच् aff.
  • विमुद्र :: mfn. (-द्रः -द्रा -द्रं) 1. Blown, budded, opened as a bud or flower. 2. Unsealed, unclosed. E. वि privative, मुद्रा a seal.
  • विमूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Bewildered, discomposed. 2. Foolish. 3. Be- guiled, led astray, seduced, tempted. E. वि, मुह् to be foolish, aff. क्त ।
  • विमूढसंज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Senseless, unconscious. E. विमूढ, संज्ञा sense.
  • विमूढात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Beguiled, foolish. E. विमूढ, आत्मन् self.
  • विमृदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Rubbed. 2. Ground, pounded. E. वि, मृद् to rub, क्त aff.
  • विमृश्य :: mfn. (-श्यः -श्या -श्यं) To be discussed or reflected upon. Ind. Hav- ing considered. E. वि, मृश् to reflect, युच् or ल्यप् aff.
  • विमृश्यकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Acting after due deliberation. E. विमृश्य and कारिन् who acts.
  • विमृष्ट :: f. (-ष्टा) 1. Rubbed of, cleansed. 2. Considered, reflected upon.
  • विमोक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. Liberation, freedom, being or letting loose. 2. Dis- charging, shooting. 3. Final emancipation. E. वि before मोक्ष the same.
  • विमोक्षण :: nf. (-णं-णा) Quitting, abandoning, resigning. E. वि before मोक्षण the same.
  • विमोचन :: n. (-नं) Liberating, unyoking. E. वि, मुच् to set free, ल्युट् aff.
  • विमोचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Liberated, set free. E. वि before मुच् to liberate, causal v., aff. क्त ।
  • विमोहन :: mfn. (-नः -ना or -नी-नं) 1. Fascinating, seducing, bewitching, tempting, (the instrument or agent.) 2. Name of a division of hell. n. (-नं) Seducing, tempting, confounding the mind and exciting the passions, (the act.) E. वि before मुह् to be foolish, in the causal form, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विमोहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Fascinated, beguiled. E. वि before मुह् to be foolish, causal v., क्त aff.
  • विम्ब :: mn. (-म्बः-म्बं) 1. The disk of the sun or moon. 2. An image, a picture, a shadow, a reflected or represented form. 3. The gourd of the Momordica monadelpha. nf. (-म्बं-म्बा or -म्बी) A cucurbitaceous plant with red fruit, (Momordica monadelpha.) E. वि to go, to shine, बन् Unādi aff., मुम् aug.; the radical vowel made short.
  • विम्बक :: n. (-कं) 1. The disk of the sun or moon. 2. The gourd of the Momordica monadelpha or the plant itself. “तेलाकुचा . ” E. कन् added to the last.
  • विम्बजा :: f. (-जा) Momordica monadelpha or the gourd. E. विम्ब the plant and ज born.
  • विम्बट :: m. (-टः) The mustard plant, (Sinapis dichotoma, Rox.) E. विम्ब as above, अट् to go or grow, (like,) aff. अच् deriv. irr.
  • विम्बागत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Reflected. E. विम्ब and आगत arrived.
  • विम्बिका :: f. (-का) 1. A cucurbitaceous plant bearing a bright red gourd,

(Momordica monadelpha.) 2. The disk of the sun or moon. E. कन् in the fem. form, added to विम्ब as above.

  • विम्बित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pictured, imaged, reflected. E. विम्ब, इतच् aff.
  • विम्बु :: m. (-म्बुः) The betel-nut tree, (Areca faufel.)
  • विम्बोष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठी -ष्ठं) Red-lipped, having lips like the Vimba fruit. E. विम्ब as above, and ओष्ठ the lip; also विम्बौष्ठ ।
  • विम्लान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Fresh, pure, free from soil or decay. 2. Re- freshed. E. वि priv., म्लान decayed.
  • विम्लापन :: n. (-नं) 1. Cleaning, wiping. 2. Refreshing, reviving. E. वि priv., म्ले to decay, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • वियच्चारिन् :: m. (-री) A kite. E. वियत् the sky, and चारिन् who goes.
  • वियत् :: n. (-यत्) Sky, heaven, æther, atmosphere. E. वि privative, यम् to refrain or cause, aff. क्विप् and तुक् final.
  • वियति :: m. (-तिः) A bird. E. वि, यत् to endeavour, कि aff.
  • वियद्गङ्गा :: f. (-ङ्गा) The Ganges or river of heaven. E. वियत् heaven, गङ्गा the river.
  • वियद्गति :: f. (-तिः) Moving in the air. E. वियत्, गति motion.
  • वियद्भूति :: f. (-तिः) Darkness. E. वियत् the sky, and भूति superhuman power.
  • वियन्मणि :: m. (-णिः) The sun. E. वियत् the sky, and मणि a gem.
  • वियम :: m. (-मः) 1. Forbearance, restraint. 2. Rest, cessation, stop. 3. Pain or distress of various kinds. E. वि before यम् to check or res- train, aff. अप्; also वियाम ।
  • वियात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Shameless, impudent, ill-behaved. 2. Bold. E. वि implying prevention, and यात wished; wishing for what is prohibited or improper.
  • वियाम :: m. (-मः) 1. Forbearance, restraint. 2. Rest, stop, cessation. 3. Pain or distress of various kinds. E. वि, यम् to restrain, aff. घञ् ।
  • वियुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Separated, sundered. E. वि priv., युक्त joined.
  • वियुत :: f. (-ता) Separated from, deprived of.
  • वियोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Absence, separation, especially of lovers. 2. Disunion, disjunction. 3. Loss, absence. E. वि privative, and योग union.
  • वियोगभाज् :: mfn. (-भाक) Suffering separation. E. वियोग separation, भज् to serve, to be subject to, causal form, aff. क्विप् ।
  • वियोगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) Separated, absent, remote, apart. m. (-गी) The ruddy goose. E. वि, युज् to join, घिनुण् aff.
  • वियोगिनी :: f. (-नी) 1. A woman separated from her lover. 2. Name of a metre.
  • वियोजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Separated, disjoined, disunited. 2. Parted from, deprived of. E. वि privative, योजित joined.
  • वियोनि :: f. (नि or नी) 1. Manifold birth. 2. An ignominious birth.
  • विरक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Averse, indifferent, free from inclination or affection. 2. Stoical, void of attachment to worldly objects. 3. Impassioned, interested, feeling passion or regard for any person or any thing. 4. Discoloured. E. वि privative or pleonastic, before रञ्ज् to feel passion, aff. क्त ।
  • विरक्तभाव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Disinclined to, disliking. E. विरक्त, भाव quality.
  • विरक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Aversion, disinclination. 2. Absence of affection. E. वि before रञ्ज् to affect, क्तिन् aff.
  • विरचत् :: mfn. (-चन् -चन्ती -चत्) Making, composing, fabricating, embellish- ing, &c. E. वि before रच् to make, aff. शतृ ।
  • विरचन :: nf. (-नं-ना) 1. Making, arranging. 2. Composing, Embellishing. 4. Embellishment, any artificial and ornamental fabric or contri- vance. E. वि before रच to make, युच् aff.
  • विरचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Made, prepared, effected. 2. Written, com- posed. 3. Trimmed, ornamented. 4. Contrived, constructed, arranged. 5. Put on, worn. 6. Set, inlaid. E. वि pleonasm, and रच् to be made, क्त aff.
  • विरच्य :: Ind. Having made. E. वि, रच् to make, ल्यप् aff.
  • विरज :: m. (-जः) VISHṆU. f. (-जा) Free from dust.
  • विरजस् :: mfn. (-जाः -जाः -जः) 1. Free from dust. 2. Free from passion. f. (-जाः) A woman who has ceased to menstruate. E. वि privative, रजस् the menses, &c.
  • विरजस्तमस् :: m. (-माः) A virtuous man, one free from the two properties of ignorance and passion. E. वि privative, रजस् the quality of pass- ion, and तमस् that of ignorance.
  • विरजा :: f. (-जा) 1. A plant, commonly कवित्थानी 2. A sort of grass, commonly Durbā.
  • विरजीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Freed from passion. 2. Clean, freed from dust, &c. E. वि priv., रजस् passion, &c., कृत made, च्वि augment.
  • विरजीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Free from passion, pure, holy. 2. Clean, clear. E. वि priv., रजस् passion, भूत become, च्वि augment.
  • विरञ्च :: m. (-ञ्चः) BRAHMĀ. E. वि before रच् to create, aff. अच् and नुम् augment; more properly विरिञ्च ।
  • विरट :: m. (-टः) 1. The name of a king. 2. The shoulder. 3. A black kind of Agallochum.
  • विरण :: n. (-णं) A fragrant grass, (Andropogon schœnanthum.) E. See वीरण । “वेणार मूल ।”
  • विरत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Stopped, ceased, rested. E. वि before रम् to stop or rest, aff. क्त ।
  • विरति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Stop, cessation, term, rest. 2. End, term. E. वि be- fore रम् to play, क्तिन् aff.
  • विरम :: m. (-मः) 1. Cessation, stop. 2. Sunset.
  • विरमत् :: mfn. (-मन् -मन्ती -मत्) 1. Resting, stopping. 2. Sporting. E. वि, रम् to sport, शतृ aff.
  • विरल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Fine, delicate, thin, (but with interstices.) 2. Loose, relaxed. 3. Apart, wide, separated by an interval. 4. Remote, rare, occurring at distant or repeated intervals of time. n. (-लं) Sour curds. E. वि apart, रा to go or be, aff. कलन् ।
  • विरलम् :: Ind. It is used as an indeclinable in the sense of “rarely,” “unfrequently.”
  • विरलजानुक :: m. (-कः) A man with bandy legs. E. विरल wide, जानु the knee, कन् added.
  • विरलद्रवा :: f. (-वा) Gruel made of rice or other grain, with the addition of Ghee, &c. E. विरल apart, द्रु to ooze, aff. अच् ।
  • विरस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) 1. Insipid. 2. Painful. m. (-सः) Pain. E. वि, रस flavour.
  • विरह :: m. (-हः) 1. Separation, parting, absence, especially the separa- tion of lovers. 2. Forbearance, cessation, relinquishment. E. वि be- fore रह् to abandon, aff. अच् ।
  • विरहज्वर :: m. (-रः) The anguish of separation.
  • विरहय्य :: Ind. Having abandoned. E. वि before, रह् to quit, causal form, ल्यप् aff.
  • विरहानल :: m. (-लः) The fire of separation.
  • विरहार्त्त :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -र्त्ता -र्त्तं) Pained by the absence of a lover. E. विरह, आर्त्त pained.
  • विरहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Left, abandoned, deserted, relinquished. 2. Void of, exempt, or free from. E. वि before रह् to abandon, aff. क्त ।
  • विरहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) Separate, sundered, absent or apart from. f. (-हिणी) 1. Wages, hire. 2. A woman absent from her husband or lover. E. विरह absence, णिनि aff.
  • विरहोत्कण्ठ :: Adj. Pining away in absence.
  • विरहोत्कण्ठिता :: f. (-ता) A woman whose lover or husband is absent. E. विरह separation, उत्कण्ठित afficted.
  • विराग :: m. (-गः) 1. The absence of desire or passion, indifference, philoso- phy, the disregard of all sensual enjoyment either in this world or the next. 2. Change of colour. 3. Dissatisfaction. E. वि priva- tive, and राग passion, desire.
  • विरागार्ह :: mfn. (-र्हः -र्हा -र्हं) Void of passion or desire. E. विराग the absence of desire, and अह worthy.
  • विरागिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिणी -गि) Void of passion or desire. E. विराग and इनि aff.
  • विराज :: m. (-राट्) 1. A man of the regal or military class. 2. Splendour, beauty. 3. The body. 4. The first progeny of BRAHMĀ, who having divided himself into male and female, produced from the female, VIRĀJ; VIRĀJ then by himself produced the first Manu or SWAYAMBHŪVA who was the progenitor of the Prajāpatis, and the secondary framer of the visible world: in other places VIRĀJ is the same as BRAHMĀ, and assumer of the androgynous form in his own person. E. वि severally or separately, &c., राज् to shine, aff. क्विप् ।
  • विराजत् :: mfn. (-जन् -जन्ती -जत्) Shining, splendid, handsome. E. वि and राज् to shine, aff. शतृ ।
  • विराजमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Splendid, brilliant, handsome. E. वि before राज् to shine, शानच् aff.
  • विराजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Illuminated, irradiated, splendid. 2. Ma- nifested, made visible. E. वि before राज् to shine, क्त aff.
  • विराट :: m. (-टः) 1. A country, one of the midland division of India, pro- bably Berār. 2. A sovereign. E. वि before रट् to sound, aff. घञ् ।
  • विराटक :: m. (-कः) An inferior kind of diamond.
  • विराटज :: m. (-जः) An inferior sort of diamond, said to be found in the country Virāṭa. E. विराट the country, ज produced.
  • विराणिन् :: m. (-णी) An elephant. E. वि before रण battle, aff. अण् and इनि added.
  • विराद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Treated with disrespect, reviled, abused. 2. Opposed. 3. Offended. E. वि before राध् to accomplish, क्त aff.
  • विराद्धृ :: mfn. (-द्धा -द्ध्री -द्धृ) 1. Thwarting, opposing. 2. Offending, injuring. 3. Abusive, calumnious. E. वि before राध् to accomplish, aff. तृच् ।
  • विराध :: m. (-धः) 1. Opposition, prevention. 2. Vexation, annoyance. E. वि before राध् to accomplish, घञ् aff.
  • विराधन :: n. (-नं) Pain, agony, anguish. E. वि, राध to accomplish, ल्युट् aff.
  • विराध्यत् :: mfn. (-ध्यन् -ध्यन्ती -ध्यत्) 1. Opposing, thwarting. 2. Offending, annoying, injuring. E. वि before राध् to accomplish, शतृ aff.
  • विराम :: m. (-मः) 1. End, conclusion, cessation, term. 2. Rest, cessation from labour. 3. Stop, pause of the voice. 4. Interval between words or sentences. E. वि before रम् to stop, aff. घञ् ।
  • विराल :: m. (-लः) A cat. E. विडाल as above, and ड changed to र ।
  • विराव :: m. (-वः) Sound, noise. E. वि before रु to make a noise, aff. घञ् ।
  • विराविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विणी -वि) Shouting, roaring, crying, &c. f. (-णी) 1. A broom. 2. The name of a river. 3. Weeping, crying. E. विराव noise, इनि and ङीप् affs.
  • विरिक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Purged. E. वि before रिच् to void by stool, क्त aff.
  • विरिञ्च :: m. (-ञ्चः) BRAHMĀ: see विरिञ्चि ।
  • विरिञ्जन :: m. (-नः) BRAHMĀ. see the next.
  • विरिञ्चि :: m. (-ञ्चिः) 1. BRAHMĀ. 2. VISHṆU. 3. ŚIVA. E. वि implying vari- ous kind, (of beings,) रच् to make or create, इन् aff., the radical vowel changed to इ and नुम् augment; also with अच् aff. विरिञ्च, and with युच्, विरिञ्चन; some authorities omit the change of the radical vowel, and write विरञ्च and विरञ्चि, but these seem to be less accurate.
  • विरिब्ध :: m. (-ब्धः) A note, a tone. E. वि before रेभ् to sound, क्त aff., इट् aug.; form irr.
  • विरुग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) 1. Broken, bent. 2. Blunted. 3. Destroyed. E. वि before रुज् to be sick, क्त aff.
  • विरुत :: f. (-ता) 1. Screamed. 2. Resounding. n. (-तं) 1. Singing, chirp- ing. 2. Din, noise, clamour.
  • विरुद :: m. (-दः) 1. Crying. 2. Proclaiming. E. वि, रुद् to cry, क aff.
  • विरुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Opposed, hindered. 2. Reverse, contrary, oppo- site. 3. Inconsistent, (in argument,) incongruous, a non sequitur. 4. Opposed in quality. as sweet with sour, &c. 5. Disagreeing with each other, (as articles of medicine or food.) 6. Hostile, ad- verse. 7. Excluded, disqualified. 8. Surrounded, blockaded. 9. Proving the reverse, as a Hetu, (in logic.) E. वि before रुध् to stop, aff. क्त ।
  • विरुद्धता :: f. (-ता) 1. Opposition, contrariety. 2. Incongruity. 3. Enmity. E. तल् added to विरुद्ध; also with त्व, विरुद्धत्वं ।
  • विरुद्धभुज् :: mfn. (-भुक) Eating incompatible things. E. विरुद्ध and भुज् who eats.
  • विरुद्धभोजन :: n. (-नं) Incompatible food. E. विरुद्ध and भोजन eating.
  • विरुद्धान्न :: n. (-न्नं) Incompatible food. E. विरुद्ध and अन्न food.
  • विरुक्षण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) Astringent, drying. n. (-णं) 1. Censure, blame, reviling, abuse. 2. Oath, imprecation. 3. Contracting, roughening, acting as an astringent. E. वि before रूक्ष् to be rough, aff. ल्युट् .
  • विरूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Budded, blossomed. 2. Born. 3. Ascended, mounted. E. वि before रुह् to grow, aff. क्त ।
  • विरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा or -पी-पं) 1. Deformed, monstrous. 2. Unusual in form or nature, unnatural. n. (-पं) 1. Irregular or monstrous shape. 2. Difference of nature or character. f. (-पा) The wife of YAMA. E. वि implying variety, and रूप form.
  • विरूपक :: mfn. (-कः -पिका -कं) 1. Frightful, hideous. 2. Deformed, mis- shapen. E. कन् added to the last.
  • विरूपकरण :: n. (-णं) Disfiguring. E. विरूप and करण making.
  • विरूपाक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. One of the Rudras. E. वि implying reverse, रूप form, and अक्ष the eye; having three eyes.
  • विरेक :: m. (-कः) 1. Purging, evacuation by stool. 2. A purgative. E. वि before रिच् to purge, aff. घञ् ।
  • विरेचन :: n. (-नं) 1. Purging, evacuation by stool. 2. A purgative. E. वि before रिच् to purge, aff. णिच्-ल्युट् ।
  • विरेचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Purged, evacuated. E. वि before रिच् to purge, क्त aff.
  • विरेच्य :: mfn. (-च्यः -च्या -च्यं) To be purged. E. वि, रिच् to purge, यत् aff.
  • विरेफ :: m. (-फः) 1. A river in general. 2. The absence of the letter र . E. वि privative, रेफ letter रु, &c.
  • विरेभित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sounded, uttered. E. वि before रेभ् to sound, aff. क्त ।
  • विरोक :: n. (-कं) A hole, a chasm. m. (-कः) A ray of light. E. वि before रुच् to shine, aff. घञ् ।
  • विरोचन :: m. (-नः) 1. The sun. 2. The moon. 3. Fire. 4. The son of the sovereign PRAHLĀDA. E. वि before रुच् to shine, causal form, aff. ल्युट् or युच् ।
  • विरोचनसुत :: m. (-तः) BALI, the sovereign of Mahābalipur. E. विरोचन the son of PRAHLĀDA, सुत son.
  • विरोचिष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) 1. Shining. 2. Illuminating. E. वि, रुच् to be light, इष्णुच् aff.
  • विरोध :: m. (-धः) 1. Enmity, animosity. 2. Restraint, check, control, confinement. 3. Opposition, contradiction. 4. Preventing, hin- drance. 5. War. 6. Calamity, misfortune. 7. Surrounding, invest- ing, siege, blockade. 8. Impediment to a successful progress of the story, (in a play.) 9. Antithesis, contrast. 10. Opposition of qualities, (in articles of food or medicine, &c.) 11. Inconsistency, (in argument.) f. (-धी) Fixed rule, ordinance, institute. E. वि before रुध् to stop, aff. घञ् ।
  • विरोधन :: n. (-नं) 1. Opposition, resistance, contradiction. 2. Hindering, obstructing, preventing. 3. Incongruity, inconsistency. 4. Taunt- ing, provoking. 5. Encountering or defying peril. 6. Investing, blockading. E. वि before रुध् to stop, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विरोधाभास :: m. (-सः) A rhetorical inconsistency which is apparent and can be explained away; it consists in describing things as exist- ing together though in the nature of things they ought not so to exist. E. विरोधः इवा भासते आ + भास्-अच् ।
  • विरोधिकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) The forty-fifth year of the Indian cycle. E. विरोधि opposition, कृत् making.
  • विरोधिन् :: mfn. (-धी -धिनी -धि) 1. Inimical, adverse, hostile. 2. Opposing, preventing. 3. Obstructive. 4. Exclusive, disqualifying. 5. Con- tradictory, inconsistent. 6. Quarrelsome, contentious. 7. Of oppo- site and incompatible quality, (food, medicine, &c.) 8. Besieging, blockading. m. (-धी) 1. An enemy, an opponent. 2. The twenty- fourth year of the cycle. E. वि रुध् to oppose, aff. णिनि ।
  • विरोधोक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Quarrel, dispute, mutual contradiction. E. विरोध् contradiction and उक्ति speech.
  • विरोप(ह)ण :: n. (-णं) Healing, (as a wound.)
  • विरोहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Left, destitute, forsaken. E. वि, रुह् to ascend, क्त aff.
  • विल् :: r. 6th cl. (विलति) 1. To wear, to put on, to clothe or cover. 2. To break or divide. r. 10th cl. (वेलयति-ते) To throw, to cast, to direct or send.
  • विल :: n. (-लं) 1. A hole, a chasm, a vacuity. 2. A cave, a cavern. m. (-लः) 1. One of INDRA'S horses. 2. A sort of reed or cane, (Cala- mus rotang.) E. विल् to divide, &c., aff. क ।
  • विलक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) 1. Astonished, surprised. 2. Abashed, ashamed. 3. Markless, having no mark or aim. 4. Contra-indicated, having a character or mark contrary to what is usual or natural. 5. Hav- ing no characteristic mark or property. 6. Bewildered. 7. Extra- ordinary. E. वि before लक्ष् to see, aff. अच् ।
  • विलक्षण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Other, different. 2. Strange. 3. Having no distinguishing marks. 4. Having inauspicious marks. n. (-णं) 1. State or condition for which no cause can be assigned, vain and causeless state. 2. Seeing, observing. E. वि privative or negative, and लक्षण a mark or sign.
  • विलक्षत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Shame. 2. Surprise. 3. Absence of mark or aim. 4. Absence of distinguishing property. E. त्व added to विलक्ष; also with तल् aff. विलक्षता ।
  • विलक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Seen, observed. 2. Affected without a cause. 3. Undiscriminated, unmarked. 4. Distingnished. 5. Perplexed, embarrassed. E. वि inten. or priv., and लक्षित marked.
  • विलग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) 1. Joined or attached to, fixed on or connected with. 2. Posted. 3. Slender, thin. n. (-ग्नं) 1. The waist, the middle. 2. The rising of a constellation. E. वि, लग् to be connected with, क्त aff., form irr.; or विशेषेण लग्नं लस्ज्-क्त तस्य नः जस्य गः ।
  • विलङ्घन :: n. (-नं) 1. Overstepping, transgressing. 2. Offence, injury. E. वि before लघि to leap over, ल्युट् aff.
  • विलङ्घनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be transgressed or overstepped. E. वि before लघि to leap over, अनीयर् aff.
  • विलङ्घित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Transgressed, overstepped. 2. Traversed. 3. Surpassed. E. वि before लघि to leap over, क्त aff.
  • विलज्ज :: mfn. (-ज्जः -ज्जा -ज्जं) Shameless, impudent, unabashed. E. वि priv. लज्जा shame.
  • विलज्जमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Modest. E. वि before लस्ज् to be modest, शानच् aff.
  • विलपत् :: mfn. (-पन् -पन्ती -पत्) 1. Speaking, talking. 2. Prating, talking idly or wildly. E. वि before लप् to speak, शतृ aff.
  • विलपन :: n. (-नं) 1. The dirt or sediment of any oily substance, as of clarified butter, &c. 2. Talking, chattering, talking idly or wildly. 3. Lamenting, wailing. E. वि before लप् to speak, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विलपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Said. 2. Chattered. 3. Lamented, spoken in grief, spoken idly. E. वि before लप् to speak, क्त aff.
  • विलम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) 1. Falling or hanging down, pendulousness. 2. Slow- ness, tardiness, delay. E. वि before लबि to go, aff. अच् or घञ् ।
  • विलम्बन :: n. (-नं) 1. Delaying, retarding, procrastination. 2. Hanging on or from, depending. E. वि before लबि to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • विलम्बमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Suspended on, hanging on or from. E. वि before लबि to go, शानच् aff.
  • विलम्बिका :: f. (-का) Constipation.
  • विलम्बित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Falling, pendulous, hanging or falling down. 2. Slow, tardy, retarded. 3. Closely connected with. 4. Slow, (as time in music,) adagio. n. (-तं) Delay. E. विलम्ब delay, इतच् aff.
  • विलम्बिन् :: mfn. (-म्बी -म्बिनी -म्बि) 1. Delaying, retarding. 2. Pendulous, depending, hanging on or from. m. (-म्बी) The thirty-second year of the Indian cycle. E. विलम्ब slowness, delay, इनि aff.
  • विलम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Gift, donation, giving. 2. Liberality. E. वि reverse, लभि to get or gain, aff. अच्; or वि + लभ्-घञ् मुम् च ।
  • विलय :: m. (-यः) 1. Destruction of the world. 2. Destruction in general. 3. Liquefaction. E. वि before ली to liquefy, aff. अच् ।
  • विलयन :: n. (-नं) 1. Destroying. 2. Corroding, eating away. 3. Liquefying. 4. Removing, taking away. 5. Attenuating, (as the fluids of the body.) 6. An attenuant. 7. An escharotic. E. वि, ली to melt, ल्युट् aff.
  • विलला :: f. (-ला) A sort of Sida, (S. cordifolia, &c.) “श्वेतबलायाम्” E. वि before लल् to shake, affs. अच् and टाप् ।
  • विलवासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Living in a hole, burrowing. m. (-सी) A snake. E. विल a hole, and वासिन् who inhabits.
  • विलशय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Living or burrowing in holes. m. (-यः) A snake. E. विल a hole, शी to sleep, aff. श ।
  • विलसत् :: mfn. (-सन् -सती -सत्) 1. Shining, beautiful, splendid. 2. Sportive, wanton. E. वि before लस् to shine, &c., aff. शतृ ।
  • विलसन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sporting, dallying. 2. Flashing, gleaming. E. वि before लस् to shine, ल्युट् aff.
  • विलसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sportive, wanton. 2. Glittering, shining. n. (-तं) 1. Wanton pastime or gestures. 2. A gleam, a flash. 3. Mani- festation. E. वि before लस् to shine, क्त aff.
  • विलाप :: m. (-पः) Lamentation, the language of grief and distress. E. वि before लप् to speak, aff. घञ् ।
  • विलाल :: m. (-लः) 1. An instrument, a machine. 2. A cat. E. वि before लल् to desire, &c., aff. घञ्; or विडाल as above, and ड changed to its congener ल ।
  • विलास :: m. (-सः) 1. One kind of feminine action, considered as proceed- ing from and indicative of amorous sentiments; change of place, posture, gait or look, on the approach of the lover, as hiding at his approach, assuming a look of displeasure, &c. 2. Sport, pastime, play, especially amorous pastime, dalliance, wantonness. 3. Grace, elegance. 4. Ease, facility. E. वि before लस् to desire, aff. घञ् ।
  • विलासकानन :: n. (-नं) A pleasure ground. E. विलास sport, कानन a grove.
  • विलासन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sport. 2. Dalliance.
  • विलासमन्दिर :: n. (-रं) A pleasure house, a summer house, &c. E. विलास sport, and मन्दिर a building.
  • विलासवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Sportive, dallying, wanton. E. विलास, and मतुप् aff.
  • विलासविभवानस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Greedy, covetous.
  • विलासिका :: f. (-का) A drama in one act on any light subject or adven- ture. वि, लस् to shine, ण्वुल् aff., fem. form.
  • विलासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Wanton, sportive, dallying. m. (-सी) 1. VISHṆU. 2. The moon. 3. Fire. 4. A sensualist, an enjoyer. 5. A snake. 6. ŚIVA. 7. KRISHṆA. 8. KĀMA or CUPID. f. (-सिनी) 1. A woman. 2. A whore, a harlot. E. विलास pastime, &c., aff. इनि; or वि, लस् to shine, घिनुण् aff.; also read विलाषिन् ।
  • विलिखन :: n. (-नं) 1. Scratching. 2. Writing.
  • विलिप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Anointed, plastered, smeared. E. वि before लिप to smear, क्त aff.
  • विलीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Liquid, liquefied, semifluid, as melted oil or butter, &c. 2. Disappeared, perished, removed from sight, either temporarily or permanently. 3. Imagined, formed or infused, as in the mind. 4. Contiguous to, in contact with, united or blend- ed with. 5. Immersed in. E. वि before ली to melt, &c., aff. क्त ।
  • विलुण्ठन :: n. (-नं) Robbing, plundering.
  • विलुप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Seized, taken. 2. Cut off. 3. Lost. 4. Imparied, mutilated. E. वि before लुप् to cut off, क्त aff.
  • विलुभित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Bewildered, disturbed, agitated. 2. Shaken, (by the wind.) E. वि before लुभ् to beguile, क्त aff.
  • विलुम्पक :: m. (-कः) A thief, a robber.
  • विलुलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Tremulous, shaking, waving. 2. Disordered, disarranged. E. वि before लुल् to agitate, क्त aff.
  • विलून :: f. (-ना) Cut off, cut asunder.
  • विलेखन :: n. (-नं) 1. Digging, delving, rooting up. 2. Dividing, splitting. 3. Making marks or furrows. E. वि before लिख् to write, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विलेप :: m. (-पः) 1. Ointment, unguent, especially fragrant unguent of Sandal, Agallochum, &c. 2. Mortar, plaster. 3. Anointing, plas- tering. f. (-पी) Rice-gruel. E. वि, लिप् to anoint or smear, aff. घञ् ।
  • विलेपन :: n. (-नं) 1. Perfume of the person, unguent or oil of Sandal, saffron, camphor, bdellium, &c. 2. Smearing the body with fra- grant oils, &c. 2. Plastering. f. (-नी) 1. A woman adorned with perfumes, &c. 2. Rice-gruel. E. वि before लिप् to smear, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विलेपिका :: f. (-का) Rice-gruel; also विलेपी ।
  • विलेप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) To be spread or plastered. m. (-प्यः) Rice-gruel. E. वि before लिप् to smear, aff. ण्यत् or यत् ।
  • विलेवासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Living or burrowing in holes. m. (-सी) A snake. E. विल 7th case, वासिन् who dwells.
  • विलेशय :: m. (-यः) 1. A snake. 2. A rat. 3. A hare. 4. Any animal living or burrowing in holes. E. विल a hole, in the seventh case, and शय who sleeps or dwells.
  • विलोक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Solitary, lonely. E. वि priv., लोक a person.
  • विलोकन :: nf. (-नं-ना) Sight, seeing. E. वि before लोकृ to see, युच् aff.
  • विलोकनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Agreeable, beautiful, fit to be seen or looked at. E. वि before लोकृ to see, अनीयर् aff.
  • विलोकनीयता :: f. (-ता) Loveliness, beauty. E. तल् added to the last.
  • विलोकयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Seeing, looking at. E. वि, लोकृ to see, शतृ aff.
  • विलोकित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Seen, beheld. 2. Examined. n. (-तं) A look, a glance. E. वि before लोकृ to see, aff. क्त ।
  • विलोचन :: n. (-नं) The eye. E. वि before लोच् to see, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विलोचनपात :: m. (-तः) A glance, a look. E. विलोचन and पात alighting.
  • विलोचनाम्बु :: n. (-म्बु) Tears. E. विलोचन and अम्बु water.
  • विलोटक :: m. (-कः) A sort of fish, (Clupea cultrata.) E. वि before लुट् to roll on the ground, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • विलोडन :: n. (-नं) 1. Agitating, shaking, churning. 2. Rolling or tossing. E. वि, लुड् to agitate, ल्युट् aff.
  • विलोडित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Agitated, churned, shaken. 2. Rolling or tumbling on the ground. n. (-तं) Butter-milk. E. वि before लोड् to be tremulous, aff. क्त ।
  • विलोप :: m. (-पः) 1. Seizing, taking away. 2. Loss, disappearance.
  • विलोपन :: n. (-नं) 1. Destruction. 2. Deluding. E. वि before लुप् to cut, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • विलोभ :: m. (-भः) Attraction, delusion, seduction. E. वि before लुभ् to delude, aff. घञ् ।
  • विलोभन :: n. (-नं) 1. Allurement, attraction, temptation, seduction. 2. Beguiling, perplexing. 3. Praise, commendation, especially by contrast with inferiority. E. वि before लुभ् to delude, &c., aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विलोभित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Allured, beguiled. 2. Deceived. 3. Praised. E. वि before लुभ् to delude, causal v., क्त aff.
  • विलोभ्य :: Ind. Having beguiled, fascinated, &c. E. वि before लुभ् to delude, causal v., ल्यप् aff.
  • विलोभ्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being fascinated, overcome, beguiled, &c. E. वि before लुभ् to beguile, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • विलोम :: mfn. (-मः -मी -मं) Reverse, opposite, contrary, backward, against the hair. m. (-मः) 1. Reverse, opposite course or order, &c. 2. A snake. 3. VARUṆA, regent of the waters. 4. A dog. n. (-मं) A water-wheel, or machine for raising water. f. (-मी) Emblic myrobalan. E. वि implying difference, &c., and लोम the hair of the body; also with कन् added विलोमक ।
  • विलोमक्रिया :: f. (-या) 1. Doing any thing backwards or in reverse order. 2. (In arithmetic,) Rule of Inversion. E. विलोन and क्रिया act.
  • विलोमज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Born of a father of an inferior caste and mother of a superior. E. विलोम inverse order, and ज born; also विलोमजात, विलमोत्पन्न, &c.
  • विलोमजिह्व :: m. (-ह्वः) An elephant. E. विलोम reverse, जिह्वा the tongue.
  • विलोमत्रैराशिक :: n. (-कं) Rule of Three Inverse.
  • विलोमवर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) A man of mixed or inferior birth. E. विलोम contrary to the proper order, (of marriage, &c.) and वर्ण a class.
  • विलोमविधि :: f. (-धिः) 1. Inverted or reversed ceremony. 2. (In arith- metic,) Rule of Inversion. E. विलोम and विधि rule.
  • विलोल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Shaking, trembling, tremulous. 2. Fickle, unsteady. 3. Rolling, (as the eyes.) 4. Tossing, waving. E. वि before लुल् to agitate, aff. अच् or घञ् ।
  • विलोलता :: f. (-ता) 1. Tremulousness. 2. Unsteadiness. 3. Rolling, (of the eyes.) E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, विलोलत्वं ।
  • विलोलन :: n. (-नं) Shaking, stirring, agitating. E. वि before लुल् to agitate, causal v., aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विलोलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Shaken, agitated, tossed. E. वि before लुल् to agitate, causal v., क्त aff.
  • विलौकस् :: m. (-काः) Any animal living in holes, a reptile. E. विल and ओकस् abode.
  • विल्ल :: n. (-ल्लं) 1. A pit, a hole. 2. Asafœtida. E. विल a hole, लच् aff.
  • विल्लमूला :: f. (-ला) A sort of yam: see वाराही ।
  • विल्व :: m. (-ल्वः) A fruit tree, commonly named Bel, (Ægle marmelos.) n. (-ल्वं) 1. The fruit of the Bel. 2. A measure, the same as the Pala. E. विल् to divide, Unādi aff. वन् ।
  • विवक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) 1. Wish, desire. 2. The wish to speak. 3. Meaning, sense. E. वच् to speak, in the desiderative form, aff. अच् ।
  • विवक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Wished, desired. 2. Purposed, intended. 3. Literal, not figurative, (a word or phrase.) 4. Intended to be spoken or said. 5. Favourite. n. (-तं) An object desired. f. (-ता) Purpose, wish, what one wishes to declare or speak. E. वच् to speak, desiderative form, क्त aff.
  • विवक्षु :: mfn. (-क्षुः -क्षुः -क्षु) Wishing to speak. E. वच् to speak, desid. v., उ aff.
  • विवञ्चिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Crafty, deceitful. E. वि, वञ्च् to trick, desid. v., उ aff.
  • विवत्सा :: f. (-त्सा) A cow whose calf is dead. E. वि priv., वत्स a calf.
  • विवदत् :: mfn. (-दन् -दन्ती -दत्) 1. Disputing, contending. 2. Litigating. E. वि variously, वद् to speak, शतृ aff.
  • विवदमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Disagreeing, contending, maintaining diff- erent arguments. 2. Litigating. E. वि before वद् to speak, शानच् aff.
  • विवध :: m. (-धः) 1. A road, a highway. 2. A yoke for carrying burdens. 3. A load. 4. Storing grain or hay, &c. 5. An ewer, a pitcher. E. वि before वध् to strike, aff. घञ्; also वीवध ।
  • विवधिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A chandler, a peddler. 2. A load-carrier. E. विवध storing grain, ठन् aff. and the vowel unchanged; also वैवधिक ।
  • विवन्दिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Desirous or wishing to praise. E. वदि to praise, desid. v., उ aff.
  • विवर :: n. (-रं) 1. A hole, a chasm, a vacuity. 2. Fault, defect. 3. Sepa- ration, disjunction. 4. A solitary place. 5. The number “nine.” E. वि before वृञ् to choose, to cover, &c., and अच् aff.
  • विवरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Explanation, exposition, gloss, comment. 2. Inter- pretation, translation. 3. Uncovering, exposing, laying bare or open. 4. Detailing, describing. E. वि before वृ to select, (the mean- ing,) aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विवरनालिका :: f. (-का) A pipe, a fife, a flute. E. विवर a hole, a perfora- tion, नाल a pipe, कन् added, fem. form.
  • विवरिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing to make manifest or declare. E. वि be- fore वृ to choose, desid. v., उ aff.
  • विवर्ज्जन :: n. (-नं) Abandoning, leaving, shunning. E. वि before वृज् to leave, ल्युट् aff.
  • विवर्ज्जनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be avoided, shunned, quitted, &c. E. वि before वृज् to abandon, अनीयर् aff.
  • विवर्ज्जयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Avoiding, leaving. E. वि before वृज् to quit, शतृ aff.
  • विवर्ज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Left, abandoned, avoided, shunned. 2. De- prived of. 3. Given. E. वि before वृज् to leave, aff. क्त ।
  • विवर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Low, vile. 2. Bad coloured. 3. Wanting colour. 4. Changing colour. m. (-र्णः) A man of a low caste, one of degrading occupation, an outcaste. E. वि privative and वर्ण caste.
  • विवर्णवदन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Pale-faced. E. विवर्ण colourless, वदन face.
  • विवर्त्त :: m. (-त्तः) 1. Assemblage, collection, heap or multitude. 2. Dan- cing. 3. Going or turning round, revolving, returning. 4. Human error, worldly ignorance, the confounding of truth and falsehood, or the mistaking or unreal objects and conceiving them to be what they are not, as mirage for water, a rope for a snake, &c. 5. Modification, various or altered state or condition. E. वि before वृत् to be, aff. घञ् ।
  • विवर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. Going round, circumambulating, an alter, &c. 2. Re- volving, turning round. 3. Whirling, causing to go round. 4.

Returning. 5. Passing through in succession, as various lives, various hells, &c. 6. Being, abiding. 7. Reverential salutation. E. वि before वृत् to be, aff. ल्युट् ।

  • विवर्त्तमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Turning back or round, recoiling, revolving, returning, &c. E. वि before वृत् to be, शानच् aff.
  • विवर्त्तवाद :: m. (-दः) The Vedāntic doctrine that regards Brahman as the only entity and the world to be illusory.
  • विवर्त्तित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Revolved, returned. 2. Whirled round. 3. Turned back or away. E. वि before वृत् to be, क्त aff.
  • विवर्द्धन :: n. (-नं) 1. Increase. 2. Aggrandizement. 3. Cutting, dividing. E. वि before वृध् to increase, to cut, ल्युट् aff.
  • विवर्द्धित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Increased, enlarged. 2. Furthered, advanced. 3. Gratified. 4. Cut, divided. E. वि, वृध् to increase, to cut, क्त aff.
  • विवश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) 1. Subject, subjected. 2. Independent. 3. Appre- hensive of death, unwilling though about to die. 4. Desirous of death, sedate at that period, or having the soul free from worldly cares and fears. 5. Uncontrolled, unrestrained, unsubdued. 6. Fainted, unconscious. E. वि before वश् to wish, aff. अच् ।
  • विवस्त्र :: mfn. (-स्त्रः -स्त्रा -स्त्रं) Unclothed, naked. E. वि priv., वस्त्र clothes.
  • विवस्वत् :: m. (-स्वान्) 1. A god. 2. The sun. 3. ARUṆA, the charioteer of the sun. 4. The seventh or present MANU; also VAIVASWATA. f. (-ती) The city of the sun. E. वि implying variety, वस् to cover or hide, aff. क्विप्; विवस् here said therefore to imply various covering, as a garment of light, i. e. the rays of the sun, and मतुप् poss. aff.
  • विवह :: m. (-हः) One of the seven tongues of fire.
  • विवाक :: m. (-कः) A judge. E. वि + वच्-घञ् ।
  • विवात् :: mfn. (-वान् -वान्ती or वाती -वात्) Blowing gently. E. वि before वा to blow, शतृ aff.
  • विवाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Contest, contention. 2. Contest at law, a legal dis- pute, litigation, a law suit. E. वि before वद् to speak, aff. घञ् ।
  • विवादानुगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Disputed, litigated. E. विवाद a law suit, अनु according to, and गत gone.
  • विवादार्थिन् :: mfn. (-र्थी -थिनी -र्थि) Seeking for a dispute or quarrel. m. (-र्थी) A litigant, a prosecutor, a plaintiff. E. विवाद and अर्थिन् who seeks.
  • विवादास्पदीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Litigated, contested at law. E. विवाद and आस्पद place, भूत become, च्वि augment.
  • विवादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Disputing, contending, a litigant. E. विवाद and इनि aff.
  • विवार :: m. (-रः) 1. Dilatation, expansion. 2. Open or expanded state of the organs of speech for the articulation of vowels or sibilants. E. वि before वृ to cover, घञ् aff.
  • विवास :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Without clothes, naked. m. (-सः) Banishment. E. वि priv., and वास vesture or abode.
  • विवासकरण :: n. (-णं) Banishing, transporting. E. विवास and करण making.
  • विवासन :: n. (-नं) Exile, banishment. E. वि away, वासन abiding.
  • विवासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Banished, expelled. E. वि वस् to dwell, causal v., क्त aff.
  • विवास्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) To be expelled or transported. E. वि away, वस् to dwell, causal v., यत् aff.
  • विवाह :: m. (-हः) Marriage; eight recognized forms of marriage are enu- merated by Hindu law-givers, viz:-- “ब्राह्मो दैवस्तथैवार्षः प्राजापत्यस्तथासुरः । गान्धर्वो राक्षसश्चैव पैशाचश्चाष्टमोऽधमः ॥” E. वि mutually, वह् to take, aff. घञ् ।
  • विवाहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Married. E. वि before वह् to bear, causal v., क्त aff.
  • विवाह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) Marriageable, to be married. m. (-ह्यः) A son-in-law, a bridegroom. E. विवाह marriage, यत् aff.; or वि + वह्-ण्यत् ।
  • विविक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Lonely, solitary, desert. 2. Pure, faultless. 3. Separated, distinguished, disjoined, detached. 4. Discrimina- tive, judicious, a judge. 5. Discriminated, judged. 6. Profound, (as judgment or thought.) 7. Intent on. n. (-क्तं) 1. Loneliness. 2. A solitary place. f. (-क्ता) A woman disliked by her husband. E. वि before विच् to be or make separate, aff. क्त ।
  • विविक्तभाव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Intent upon any object. E. विविक्त and भव disposition.
  • विविक्तसेविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Solitary, retired, recluse, seeking or affect- ing solitude. E. विविक्त, सेविन् who serves or pursues.
  • विविक्षत् :: mfn. (-क्षन् -क्षती -क्षत्) Wishing to enter. E. विश् to enter, desid. v., शतृ aff.
  • विविक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) Wish or purpose to enter. E. विश् to enter, desid. v., अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • विविक्षु :: mfn. (-क्षुः -क्षुः -क्षु) Wishing or intending to enter. E. विश् to enter, desid. v., उ aff.
  • विविग्न :: f. (-ग्ना) 1. Very agitated. 2. Very angry.
  • विविच्य :: Ind. Having considered, discussed, judged. E. विच् to judge, with वि prefixed, and ल्यप् aff.
  • विविदिवस् :: mfn. (-वान् -द्युषी -वस्) Obtaining. E. विद् to know, वसु aff., with इट् inserted.
  • विविद्वस् :: mfn. (-द्वान् -दुषी -द्वस्) Knowing, wise. E. विद् to know, वसु aff.
  • विविध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Various, multiform, of many sorts. E. वि, विधि sort.
  • विविशिवस् :: mfn. (-वान् -श्युषी -वस्) Entering. E. विश् to enter, root rep., वुसु aff., इट् aug.
  • विविश्वस् :: mfn. (-श्वान् -शुषी -श्वस्) Entering, who or what enters. E. विश् to enter, वसु aff., root rep.
  • विवीत :: m. (-तः) An inclosed spot of ground, abounding in grass, wood, &c., a preserved pasture, a paddock, &c. E. वि privative, वीत gone.
  • विवीतभर्त्तृ :: m. (-र्त्ता) The superintendent or owner of a preserved pas- ture. E. विवीत a paddock, &c., and भर्त्तृ a master.
  • विवृक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Abandoned, left. f. (-क्ता) A woman disliked or deserted by her husband. E. वि before वृज् to abandon, aff. क्त ।
  • विवृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Expanded, extended, extensive, large. 2. Evident, displayed, made manifest. 3. Exposed, discovered. 4. Opened. 5. Explained, interpreted, expounded. 6. Open, (as the organs of speech for the articulation of vowels and sibilants.) 7. Proclaimed, divulged. f. (-ता) A disease, an ulcer attended with much pain and heat. E. वि before वृ to be, aff. क्त ।
  • विवृताक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षी -क्षं) Large-eyed. m. (-क्षः) A cock. E. विवृत large, अक्षि the eye, and अच् aff.
  • विवृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Explanation, exposition, gloss, comment, interpre- tation. 2. Making clear or manifest. 3. Discovery, exposure. 4. Expansion. 5. Display. E. वि before वृ to choose, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • विवृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Turned or twisted round, whirling, revolving, rolling. E. वि before वृत् to be, क्त aff.
  • विवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Whirling, turning round. 2. A hiatus, (in gram.) E. वि, वृत् to be, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • विवृत्सत् :: mfn. (-त्सन् -त्सन्ती -त्सत्) Wishing to be. E. वि, वृत् to be, desid. v., शतृ aff.
  • विवृत्सितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Who or what wishes to be. E. वृत् to be, desid. v., तृच् aff.
  • विवृद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Augmented, increased. 2. Abundant. 3. Grown up. E. वि and वृद्ध the same.
  • विवृद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) 1. Growth, increase, augmentation. 2. Prosperity. E. वि, वृद्धि the same.
  • विवेक :: m. (-कः) 1. Discrimination, judgment, the faculty of distin- guishing things by their properties, and classing them according to their real not apparent nature; in the Vedānta system, it is applied to the power of separating BRAHMA or invisible spirit, from the ostensible world, truth from untruth, or reality from illusion. 2. Discussion, investigation. 3. A reservoir, a basin, a bath. E. वि severally, विच् to judge, aff. घञ् ।
  • विवेकता :: f. (-ता) Judgment, discrimination, the faculty or property of judgment. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, विवेकत्वं ।
  • विवेकदृश्वत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Discrimination, discernment. E. विवेकदृश्वन्, and त्व aff.; or with तल्, विवेकदृश्वता ।
  • विवेकदृश्वन् :: m. (-श्वा) A wise or discerning man. E. विवेक, दृश्वन् who sees.
  • विवेकिता :: f. (-ता) Discussion, discrimination, discriminativeness. E. विवेकी discriminative, and तल् aff.; also विवेकित्व n. (-त्वं) ।
  • विवेकिन् :: mfn. (-की -किनी -कि) Judicious, discriminative. m. (-की) A sage, a philosopher, a judge. E. वि before विच् to judge, धिनुण् aff.
  • विवेक्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be discussed or judged. E. वि before विच् to judge, तव्य aff.; also विवेच्य and विवेचनीय ।
  • विवेक्तृ :: m. (-क्ता) 1. A judge. 2. A philosopher.
  • विवेचन :: n. (-नं) Discrimination, judgment, distinguishing truth from falsehood. E. वि before विच् to judge, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विवेचनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be judged or discussed. E. वि, विच् to judge, अनीयर् aff.
  • विवोढृ :: m. (-ढा) A husband, a bridegroom, a lover. E. वि before वह् to obtain, aff. तृच् ।
  • विव्रुवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Silent, refraining from or refusing to speak. E. वि privative, व्रुवत् speaking.
  • विव्वोक :: m. (-कः) Affectation of difference, one of the branches of amorous dalliance, or feminine actions, tending to excite love or desire. E. वि before वा to go, aff. कु; विवु said here to mean a particular gait, and ओक house, place, site.
  • विश् :: r. 6th cl. (विशति) 1. To enter, to pervade. 2. To fall to the lot of. 3. To settle down on. With आङ् or प्र prefixed, 1. To go in, to enter. 2. To occupy, to engross. With उप, 1. To sit, to sit down. 2. To approach. With नि, 1. To dwell, to abide. 2. To place or station. 3. To sit down. 4. To enter. 5. To be intent on. 6. To marry. With नि or अभि and नि, 1. To rest, to halt, to sit down, especially before or in presence of. 2. To conceal. With निर्, To go out or forth. With परि, To place before, to present. With सम्, 1. To lie down, to repose. 2. To enter. 3. To have sexual inter- course. With सम् and नि, To be near, to be close to or in the neighbourhood. With सम् and आङ्, To introduce. With अनु, To enter after some one. With निस्, 1. To enjoy. 2. To embellish, Caus. (वेशयति-ते) With नि, 1. To apply, to bend, (the mind.) 2. To draw, to portray. 3. To place. 4. To enter on, to commit. With प्र, To usher. With विनि, To fix.
  • विश् :: m. (-विट्) 1. A man of the mercantile tribe. 2. A man in general. f. (-विट्) 1. Entrance. 2. A daughter. 3. Feces, ordure. 4. People, subjects. E. विश् to enter, aff. क्विप् ।
  • विश :: n. (-शं) The film or fibres of the stalk of the water-lily. E. विश् to enter, aff. क ।
  • विशङ्क :: mfn. (-ङ्कः -ङ्का -ङ्कं) Fearless, undaunted. E. वि and शङ्का fear.
  • विशङ्कट :: mfn. (-टः -टा or टी -टं) 1. Great, large. 2. Strong, vehement. E. वि the particle, शङ्कटच् aff. in this sense.
  • विशङ्कमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Fearing, apprehending. E. वि, शकि to doubt, शानच् aff.
  • विशत् :: mfn. (-शन् -शन्ती -शत्) Entering. E. विश् to enter. शतृ aff.
  • विशद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Of a white colour. 2. Clear, pure, pellucid. 3. Evident, apparent, manifest. 4. Beautiful. 5. At ease. m. (-दः) White, the colour. E. वि, शद् to wither or perish, aff. अच् ।
  • विशय :: m. (-यः) 1. Doubt. 2. Refuge, asylum. E. वि, शी to sleep, अच् aff.
  • विशयिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) 1. Dubious, uncertain. 2. Doubting. E. विशय doubt, इनि aff.; or वि before शी to sleep, णिनि aff.
  • विशर :: m. (-रः) 1. Killing, slaying, slaughter. 2. Bursting. E. वि before शृ to injure to kill, aff. अच्; also with ल्युट् aff. विशरण n. (-णं) ।
  • विशल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) 1. Free from thorns or spikes. 2. Free from care or pain. f. (-ल्या) 1. A twining shrub, (Menispermum cordi- folium.) 2. A sort of potherb, (the kind not ascertained.) 3. A plant, commonly Dantī, (Croton polyandrum.) 4. Another plant, commonly Teori, (Convolvulus turpethum.) 5. A sort of fruit, Lāngaliya. E. वि privative, and शल्य a stalk or stem.
  • विशल्यकृत् :: m. (-कृत) A plant, (Echites dichotoma, Rox.) “हापरमाली ।”
  • विशसन :: n. (-नं) 1. Killing, slaying, slaughter, Dissecting, cutting. m. (-नः) A sabre, a crooked sword. E. वि before शस् to hurt, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विशसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Hurt, killed. 2. Cut, dissected. 3. Well- mannered. E. वि before शस् to injure, aff. क्त, इट् aug.
  • विशसितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) 1. Killing. 2. Dissecting. E. वि, शस् to kill, तृच् aff.
  • विशस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Praised, celebrated. 2. Arrogant, ill-man- nered, rude. 3. Cut up. E. वि before शस् to praise, aff. क्त ।
  • विशस्त्र :: mfn. (-स्त्रः -स्त्रा -स्त्रं) Disarmed, unarmed. E. वि and शस्त्र a weapon.
  • विशस्तृ :: m. (-स्ता) A chandāla. E. वि + शस्-तृच् न इट् ।
  • विशाकर :: m. (-रः) A plant, (Euphorbia of various kinds.) “लङ्कासिज् ।”
  • विशाख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खं) Branchless. m. (-खः) 1. KĀRTIKEYA. 2. An attitude in shooting, standing with the feet a span apart. 3. A solicitor, a petitioner, a beggar. 4. A spindle. f. (-खा) 1. The six- teenth lunar asterism, figured by a festoon, and containing four, or according to some, two stars. 2. A cucurbitaceous plant, (Mo- mordica charantia.) E. वि without, शाख a branch; or विशाखा the asterism, (by which personified the god was cherished,) अण् aff., and the vowel unchanged.
  • विशाखज :: m. (-जः) The orange, (Citrus aurantium.) E. विशाख the aster- ism, and ञन् to be born, aff. ड; coming into season, when the sun is in this asterism, or about the end of October.
  • विशाखल :: n. (-लं) An attitude in shooting. E. विशाखा, लच् pleonasm.
  • विशाय :: m. (-यः) Sleeping and watching alternately, the rest taken in rotation by soldiers on watch. E. वि intervening, शी to sleep, aff. घञ् or पर्य्याये णच् ।
  • विशारण :: n. (-णं) Killing, slaying, slaughter. E. वि before शॄ to injure, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विशारद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Learned, wise. 2. Confident, bold, pre- suming. 3. Famous, celebrated. E. विशाल great, extensive, (fame, &c.) and दा to give, aff. क, the ल changed to र ।
  • विशाल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Great, large. 2. Broad. 3. Great, eminent, illustrious. m. (-लः) 1. A sort of deer. 2. A sort of bird. f. (-ला) 1. The city Ougein. 2. Bitter apple, (Cucumis colocynthis.) 3. Name of a river. E. वि particle, and शालच् aff.; or विश् to enter, Unādi aff. कालन् ।
  • विशालकुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Well-born. n. (-लं) An illustrious family. E. विशाल, कुल race.
  • विशालता :: f. (-ता) 1. Width, breadth. 2. Magnitude, bulk. 3. Eminence, distinction. E. विशाल large, तल् aff. of the abstract; also विशालत्व n. (-त्वं) ।
  • विशालत्वच् :: m. (-त्वक्) A tree, (Echites scholaris.) “सप्तच्छदवृक्षे” E. विशाल large, त्वच् skin or bark.
  • विशालाक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षी -क्षं) Having large or beautiful eyes. m. (-क्षः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. GARUḌA. f. (-क्षी) PĀRVATĪ. E. विशाल large, and अक्षि the eye, टच् aff.
  • विशिख :: m. (-खः) 1. An arrow. 2. An iron crow. 3. A kind of reed. f. (-खा) 1. A spade, a hoe. 2. A highway, a broad or carriage road. 3. A very minute arrow, a sort of needle or spindle. 4. A barber's wife. 5. A sick room, or the dwelling of the sick. E. वि implying possessed of, &c., and शिखा a crest.
  • विशिञ्जान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Sounding. E. वि before शिजि to sound, शानच् aff.
  • विशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sharpened. E. वि before शि to sharpen, क्त aff.
  • विशिप :: n. (-पं) A palace, a temple. E. विश् to enter, अप् Unādi aff., and इ substituted for the pen. vowel; or विश्-इपक् ।
  • विशिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Endowed with, possessed of, having inherent or attached to. 2. Excellent, superior, distinguished. 3. Especial, peculiar. 4. Having distinctive and exclusive properties. E. वि before शिष् to tell qualities, aff. क्त ।
  • विशिष्टता :: f. (-ता) 1. Excellence, distinction. 2. Individuality, having distinguishing or characteristic qualities. 3. Peculiarity, as of duty &c. E. तल् added to the last; also विशिष्टत्व n. (-त्वं) ।
  • विशीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Dry, dried up, withered, decayed. 2. Wasted, impaired. 3. Shattered. 4. Shrunk, shrivelled. E. वि be- fore शॄ to injure, क्त aff.
  • विशीर्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) To crumble or fall to ruin, likely or fit to. E. वि, शॄ to injure, यत् aff.
  • विशीर्य्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Being wasted or destroyed, decaying, perishing. E. वि before, शॄ to injure, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • विशील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Ill-behaved, indecorous, immoral. E. वि priv., शील behaved.
  • विशुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Pure, purified, clean, cleansed, free from vice

or fault. 2. Pious, virtuous. 3. Humble, modest, compliant. 4. Corrected. E. वि intensitive prefix, शुध् to be pure or clean, aff. क्त ।

  • विशुद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) 1. Purity, purification. 2. Equality, similarity. 3. Re- moval of doubt. 4. Correctness. 5. In Algebra, a subtractive quantity. E. वि before शुद्धि purity.
  • विशुद्धिभाज् :: mfn. (-भाक्) Pure, free from soil or vice. E. विशुद्धि, and भाज् who shares.
  • विशूल :: f. (-ला) Without a spear.
  • विशृङ्खल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Unchecked, unrestrained, unfettered, (liter- ally or figuratively.) 2. Dissolute. E. वि privative, शृङ्खला a chain.
  • विशेष :: m. (-षः) 1. Sort, kind, manner. 2. Difference, individual or specific identity and consequent distinction from every other individual or species. 3. (In logic,) The peculiar attribute, (predi- cabile proprium,) the cause of preception or conclusion. 4. Excellence, superiority. 5. A limb, a member. 6. A mark on the forehead with Sandal. 7. A figure of rhetoric, distinguished as of three kinds all implying variety of means or effect. 8. A change for the better, a favourable turn, (as in sickness.) 9. Name of the mundane egg. 10. Individuality, considered as one of the seven Padārthas in Vaiśeshika Phil. 11. A word which limits the meaning of another word. E. वि discriminative prefix, शिष् to attribute or distinguish by attributes, aff. घञ् ।
  • विशेषक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Discriminative, distinguishing, attributive, characteristic. mn. (-कः-कं) 1. A mark on the forehead made with Sandal, &c. and worn either as an ornament or sectarial distinc- tion. 2. An attribute, a predicate. 3. An arrangement of poetical composition. E. वि before, शिष् to attribute or distinguish, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • विशेषकाम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Amorous, desirous. E. विशेष, काम who desires.
  • विशेषगुण :: m. (-णः) An object of a single and distinct kind as the soul, mind, time, place, and the atoms of earth, water, light and air. E. विशेष and गुण property.
  • विशेषज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Wise, intelligent. E. विशेष, and ज्ञ who knows.
  • विशेषण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Discriminative, attributive. 2. Distinctive, (as a property, &c.) n. (-णं) 1. Distinguishing, discriminating. 2. An epithet, an attributive, an adjective, (opposed to विशेष्य .) E. वि before शिष् to distinguish by attributes, aff. ल्युट् or युच् ।
  • विशेषणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be discriminated or distinguished, what may or ought to be marked as distinct. E. वि before शिष् to dis- tinguish, अनीयर् aff.
  • विशेषतस् :: Ind. Especially, particularly, specifically. E. विशेष and तसि aff.
  • विशेषधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) Peculiar or different duty. E. विशेष, and धर्म्म duty.
  • विशेषभावना :: f. (-ना) 1. Reflecting on or perceiving differences. 2. (In algebra,) Composition by the difference of the products. E. विशेष, and भावना considering.
  • विशेषलक्षण :: n. (-णं) Specific or characteristic mark or sign. E. विशेष, and लक्षण mark.
  • विशेषवचन :: n. (-नं) Special or different text. E. विशेष and वचन a text.
  • विशेषविद्वस् :: m. (-द्वान्) A philosopher. E. विशेष excellence, विद्वान् learned.
  • विशेषविधि :: f. (-धिः) Special rule or observance. E. विशेष, and विधि rule.
  • विशेषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Divided, distinguished, separated. 2. Predica- ted, attributed, having as an attribute or being distinguished by it. 3. Excellent, superior. E. विशेष sort, kind, &c., इतच् aff.
  • विशेषोक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. A figure of rhetoric, coupling cause with effect, so as to explain any peculiar manner or condition. 2. Panegyric, recapitulation of merits. E. विशेष sort, kind, and उक्ति saying.
  • विशेष्य :: mfn. (-ष्यः -ष्या -ष्यं) 1. To be distinguished or discriminated. 2. Distinguishing, to be discriminated by. 3. Principal, primary, chief. m. (-ष्यः) A name, a substantive. n. (-ष्यं) The object of a pre- dicate. E. वि before शिष् to distinguish by its attributes, ण्यत् aff.
  • विशोक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Without grief, happy. E. वि priv., शोक sorrow.
  • विशोधन :: n. (-नं) 1. Cleaning, purifying, freeing from soil, defect or sin. 2. Expiation. f. (-नी) 1. A plant, commonly Nāgadanti. 2. The

capital of BRAHMĀ. E. वि before शुध् to be pure, causal v., ल्युट् aff.

  • विशोधनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be cleaned or purified, to be freed from soil, fault, &c. E. वि before शुध् to be pure, causal v., अनीयर् aff.; also विशोधितव्य and विशोध्य ।
  • विशोधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Purified, cleansed, freed from soil, &c. E. वि before शुध् to be pure, causal v., क्त aff.
  • विशोधित्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Cleaning, purifying. 2. Clearing, freeing from obstructions. E. विशोधिन् and त्व aff.; also with तल् विशोधिता ।
  • विशोधिन् :: mfn. (-धी -धिनी -धि) 1. Cleaning, purifying. 2. Clearing. E. वि before, शुध् to be pure, causal v., णिनि aff.
  • विशोध्य :: n. (-ध्यं) A debt.
  • विशोषण :: n. (-णं) Drying, desiccating. E. वि before शुष् to be dry, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • विशोषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Dried, dried up. E. वि before शुष् to be dry, causal v., क्त aff.
  • विश्न :: m. (-श्नः) Lustre, shining. E. विच्छ् or विश् to shine, नङ् aff.
  • विश्रणन :: n. (-नं) Gift, giving, donation. E. वि before श्रण् to give, ल्युट् aff.; also विश्राणन ।
  • विश्रब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) 1. Trusted, confident in, confided to. 2. Patient, tranquil. 3. Low-minded, not lofty, not magnanimous. 4. Ex- cessive, exceeding, much. 5. Firm, steady. 6. Rested, reposed. E. वि before श्रम् to be weary or श्रम्भ् to trust, &c. aff. क्तः see विस्रब्ध ।
  • विश्रब्धम् :: It is used as an indeclinable in the sense of “confidingly” “without fear.”
  • विश्रब्धता :: f. (-ता) Trust-worthiness. E. विश्रब्ध, and तल् aff.
  • विश्रम :: m. (-मः) Rest, repose, cessation from fatigue or work. E. वि pri- vative, श्रम् to be weary, aff. अच्; also with घञ्, विश्राम ।
  • विश्रमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Wearied, exhausted. E. विश्रम, and इतच् aff.
  • विश्रम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Trust, confidence. 2. Affection, affectionate inquiry. 3. Festive or sportive noise or tumult, amorous quarrel. 4. Rest, repose. 5. Killing. E. वि before श्रम्भ् to trust, aff. घञ्, and the initial optionally changed; also विस्रम्भ ।
  • विश्रम्य :: Ind. Having rested. E. वि before, श्रम् to be weary, ल्यप् aff.
  • विश्रय :: m. (-यः) 1. Abode, asylum. 2. Dependence upon. E. वि, श्री to serve, श aff.
  • विश्रयिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिणी -यि) 1. Living or dwelling in. 2. Serving, depending on. E. वि before श्री to serve, घिनुण् aff.
  • विश्राणन :: n. (-नं) Gift, giving donation. E. वि before श्रण् to give, r. 10th cl., aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विश्राणित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bestowed, given away. E. वि before श्रण् to give, r. 10th cl., क्त aff.
  • विश्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Rested, reposed. 2. Ceasing, desisting from. 3. Calm, composed. E. वि before श्रान्त the same.
  • विश्रान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) Rest, repose, cessation from toil or occupation. E. वि before श्रम् to be weary, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • विश्राम :: m. (-मः) 1. Rest, repose. 2. Pause, stop, cessation. 3. Tranquility, composure. E. वि before श्रम् to be weary, aff. घञ् ।
  • विश्राव :: m. (-वः) 1. Fame, celebrity. 2. Flowing, dropping. E. वि before श्रु to hear or drop, aff. घञ् ।
  • विश्रावण :: n. (-णं) 1. Causing to flow or drop. 2. Bleeding. 3. Apprising, causing to hear. E. वि before श्रु to ooze, &c., causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • विश्रुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Famous, celebrated, renowned. 2. Known. 3. Pleased, happy. 4. Dropped, flowing. E. वि before श्रुत heard.
  • विश्रुति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Celebrity, fame, notoriety. 2. Oozing, flowing. E. वि before श्रु to hear, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • विश्लथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) Languid, relaxed, untied. E. वि before श्लथ loose.
  • विश्लथाङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Weak, relaxed. E. विश्लथ, अङ्ग the body.
  • विश्लिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Separated, disunited. E. वि, श्लिष् to unite, क्त aff.
  • विश्लेष :: m. (-षः) 1. Separation, distance, especially of lovers, or husband and wife. 2. Disunion, disjunction, separation in general. 3.

Absence, bereavement. 4. A chasm. 5. (In arithmetic,) The converse of addition. E. वि before श्लिष् to unite, aff. घञ् ।

  • विश्लेषजाति :: f. (-तिः) (In arithmetic,) The assimilation of difference, the reduction of fractional difference. E. विश्लेष, and जाति kind.
  • विश्लेषित :: f. (-ता) Disunited, severed.
  • विश्व :: mfn. (-श्वः -श्वा -श्वं) All, entire, whole, universal. n. (-श्वं) The world, the universe. m. Plu. (-श्वः) A deity of a particular class in which ten are enumerated; their names are VASU, SATYA, KRATU, DAKSHA, KĀLA, KĀMA, DHRITI, KURU, PURURAVAS, MĀDRAVAS: they are worshipped particularly at the funeral obsequies in honour of deceased progenitors in general, and receive an oblation of clarified butter at the daily and domestic Śrāddha. nf. (-श्वं-श्वा) Dry ginger. f. (-श्वा) A tree, the bark of which is said to be used in dyeing red, commonly Atis, (Betula.) E. विश् to enter, to pervade, Unādi aff. व ।
  • विश्वकद्रु :: mfn. (-द्रुः -द्रुः -द्रु) Wicked, vile. m. (-द्रुः) 1. A dog trained for the chase. 2. Sound, noise. E. विश्व all, कन् pleonasm, द्रु to run, to pur- sue, aff. डु; or विश्व with कदि to cry or call, aff. डु and र augment.
  • विश्वकर्म्मन् :: m. (-र्म्मा) 1. The sun. 2. The son of BRAHMĀ, and artist of the gods. 3. A saint. E. विश्व universal, कर्म्म work, act.
  • विश्वकर्म्मसुता :: f. (-ता) SAṂJÑĀ, one of the wives of the sun. E. विश्वकर्म्मन् the artist of the gods, and सुता the daughter; also विश्वकर्म्मजा, &c.
  • विश्वका :: f. (-का) A sort of gull, (Larus ridibundus.) “गाङ्गचिल् इति भाषा ।” E. विश्व all, कै to cry, aff. क ।
  • विश्वकृत् :: mfn. (-कृत्) Who or what makes all. m. (-कृत्) 1. The creator, the maker of all things. 2. The carpenter or architect, and artist of the gods. E. विश्व all and कृत् who makes.
  • विश्वकेतु :: m. (-तुः) ANIRUDDHA, an incarnation of KĀMA, as the son of PRADYUMNA. E. विश्व universe, केतु a banner.
  • विश्वकसेन :: m. (-नः) 1. VISHṆU. 2. A particular form of that deity, to whom the fragments of a sacrifice to VISHṆU are offered. f. (-ना) A plant, commonly priyangu. E. विश्वक् every way, and सेना an army; more properly विष्वक्सेन ।
  • विश्वगन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) An onion. n. (-न्धं) Myrrh. f. (-न्धा) The earth. E. विश्व all, universal, and गन्ध fragrance.
  • विश्वगायत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Spreading or going in every direction. E. विश्वक, आयत् going.
  • विश्वगोप्तृ :: m. (-प्ता) 1. VISHṆU. 2. INDRA. E. विश्व all, गोप्तृ preserver.
  • विश्वङ्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) All-creating, making all. m. (-रः) The eye. E. विश्व all, and कर making.
  • विश्वजन :: n. (-नं) All men, mankind. E. विश्व, जन people.
  • विश्वजनीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Good for or suitable to all men. E. विश्वजन, ख aff.
  • विश्वजनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Suitable or relating to all men. E. विश्व all, जन mankind, छ aff.
  • विश्वजन्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) Fit or good for all men. E. विश्वजन, यत् aff.
  • विश्वजित् :: mfn. (-जित्) All-subduing. m. (-जित्) 1. A particular ceremony or sacrifice. 2. The cord of noose of VARUṆA. E. विश्व all, and जित् what subdues.
  • विश्वञ्च् :: mfn. (-श्वङ् -शुची -श्वक्) Going every where. Ind. Adv. or n. (-श्वक्) Every where, universally. E. विश्व all, अञ्च् to go, aff. क्विप्; it is more usually written both in simple and compound forms विष्वञ्च्, from a different etymology.
  • विश्वतस् :: Ind. Every where, all around, universally. E. विश्व all, तसि aff.
  • विश्वतोमुख :: Adj. Facing all sides.
  • विश्वथा :: Ind. Every where.
  • विश्वदेव :: m. (-वः) A Viśvadeva, a deity of a particular class: see विश्व . f. (-वा) A plant, (Hedysarum lagopodioides.) E. विश्व all, दिव् to sport, aff. घञ् ।
  • विश्वद्र्यञ्च् :: mfn. (-द्र्यङ् -द्रीची -द्र्यक्) Moving every where, or universally. E. विश्वक every where, अद्रि substituted for the final, अञ्च् to go, aff. क्विप्; also विष्वद्र्यञ्च् ।
  • विश्वधारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) All-sustaining. m. (-री) A deity. f. (-रिणी) The earth. E. विश्व all, and धारिन् upholding.
  • विश्वनाथ :: m. (-थः) A name of Śiva, especially as the object of peculiar adoration at Benares. E. विश्व the universe, नाथ lord.
  • विश्वपा :: m. (-पाः) 1. The sun. 2. The moon. 3. Fire. 4. The protector of all. E. विश्व, and पा who nourishes.
  • विश्वपावनी :: f. (-नी) Holy basil.
  • विश्वप्सन् :: m. (-प्सा) 1. Fire, or the deity of fire. 2. The moon. 3. The sun. 4. A god. 5. The earth. E. विश्व all, प्सा to eat, Unādi aff. कनिन् ।
  • विश्वबोध :: m. (-धः) A Buddha or Bauddha deified saint. E. विश्व all, and बोध who explains.
  • विश्वभुज् :: mfn. (-भुक्) 1. Enjoying or possessing all things. 2. Eating all things. E. विश्व, and भुज् who possesses.
  • विश्वभू :: m. (-भूः) The third of the seven Buddhas, according to some systems. E. विश्व all, and भू being.
  • विश्वभेषज :: n. (-जं) Dry ginger. E. विश्व all, (diseases,) भेषज a medicament.
  • विश्वभोजन :: n. (-नं) Eating all sorts of food. E. विश्व, and भोजन food.
  • विश्वभोजस् :: m. (-जाः) One who enjoys all things. E. विश्व all, भुज् to enjoy, Unādi aff. असि ।
  • विश्वमदा :: f. (-दा) One of the seven tongues of fire. E. विश्व all, मद् to in- toxicate, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • विश्वम्मर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) All-sustaining. m. (-रः) 1. VISHṆU. 2. INDRA. f. (-रा) The earth. E. विश्व all, (things,) भृ to support or nourish, अच् aff., मुम् augment.
  • विश्वम्भराधिप :: m. (-पः) A king. E. विश्वम्भरा the earth, and अधिप ruler.
  • विश्वयु :: m. (-युः) Air, wind. E. विश्व all, यु to join, aff. क्विप् ।
  • विश्वराज् :: m. (-राट् or राड्) A universal sovereign. E. विश्व all, राज् who rules.
  • विश्वरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पी -पं) Taking all forms, existing in all forms, universal, omnipresent. m. (-पः) VISHṆU. n. (-पं) Agallochum. E. विश्व all, रूप form.
  • विश्वरेतस् :: m. (-ताः) BRAHMĀ. E. विश्व all, रेतस् seed.
  • विश्वरोचन :: m. (-नः) An esculent root, (Arum colocasia.) E. विश्व all, रोचन digestive.
  • विश्वविधायिन् :: m. (-यी) A deity, a creator. E. विश्व, विधायिन् who makes.
  • विश्ववेदस् :: m. (-दाः) 1. A sage, a saint, one who knows all things. 2. An epithet of AGNI. E. विश्व all, विदि to know, aff. असि ।
  • विश्वव्यापक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) All-pervading, every where diffused. E. विश्व, and व्यापक what pervades.
  • विश्वव्यापिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिनी -पि) All-diffused or pervading. E. विश्व, and व्यापिन् what spreads.
  • विश्वव्याप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) Universal diffusion or permeation. E. विश्व, and व्याप्ति spreading.
  • विश्वसन :: n. (-नं) Trusting, confiding in. E. वि before श्वस् to breathe, ल्युट् aff.
  • विश्वसनीय :: f. (-या) Capable of inspiring confidence.
  • विश्वसह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) All-enduring. f. (-हा) 1. The earth. 2. One of the seven tongues of fire. E. विश्व all, सह् to bear, affs. अच् and टाप् ।
  • विश्वसारक :: n. (-कं) The prickly pear, (Cactus Indicus, Rox.) “फणिमन्सा . ” E. विश्व all, सार essence, and कन् added.
  • विश्वसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Trusted, believed or confided in. E. वि before श्वस् to breathe, aff. क्त, with इट् augment.
  • विश्वसृज् :: m. (-सृक्, सृग्, सृट् or सृड्) BRAHMĀ. E. विश्व all, (the universe,) सृज् to create, aff. क्विन् ।
  • विश्वस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Trusted, confided in, faithful. f. (-स्ता) A widow. E. वि implying kind or sort, or in the fem. form, privation, and श्वस् to live or breathe, aff. क्त ।
  • विश्वस्रष्टृ :: m. (-ष्टा) The creator of all. E. विश्व, स्रष्टृ creator.
  • विश्वाची :: f. (-ची) One of the Apsarās or courtezans of Swarga. E. विश्वमञ्चति अन्च्-क्विप् ।
  • विश्वात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) BRAHMĀ. n. (-त्म) The soul of the world, the univer- sal spirit, GOD. E. विश्व all, and आत्मन् soul.
  • विश्वाधायस् :: m. (-याः) A deity, a god. E. विश्व all, आङ् before धा to hold or support, असि aff., form irr.
  • विश्वामित्र :: m. (-त्रः) A Muni, the son of GĀDHĪ, originally of the

military order, but who became by long and painful austerities a Brahmarshi, in which character he appears in the RĀMĀYAṆA, as the early preceptor and counsellor of RĀMA. E. विश्व all, मित्र the friend, and the vowel of the prefix made long in this sense; if attributively used, the compound is विश्वमित्र ।

  • विश्वामित्रप्रिय :: m. (-यः) The cocoanut tree. E. विश्वामित्र the saint VIŚWĀ- MITRA, and प्रिय beloved, having been created by the saint.
  • विश्वावसु :: m. (-सुः) One of the Gandharbas or celestial singers. f. (-सुः) A particular night.
  • विश्वास :: m. (-सः) 1. Trust, faith, confidence. 2. A confidential commu- nication. E. वि before श्वस् to breathe or live, aff. घञ् ।
  • विश्वासकारण :: n. (-णं) Cause or motive of trust. E. विश्वास, कारण cause.
  • विश्वासकृत् :: mfn. (-कृत्) Inspiring confidence or faith. E. विश्वास, and कृत् who or what makes.
  • विश्वासघात :: m. (-तः) Violation of trust, treachery. E. विश्वास, and घात destroying.
  • विश्वासघातक :: m. (-कः) A traitor, one who betrays confidence. E. विश्वास, and घातक who destroys; also विश्वासघातिन् ।
  • विश्वासपात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A confidential agent, one worthy to be trusted. E. विश्वास, and पात्र person.
  • विश्वासप्रतिपन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Confiding, trusting. E. विश्वास, and प्रतिपन्न possessed of.
  • विश्वासप्रद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Inspiring confidence. E. विश्वास, प्रद who gives.
  • विश्वासभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Breach of faith, violation of confidence. E. विश्वास, and भङ्ग breaking.
  • विश्वासभूमि :: f. (-मिः) An object of trust, a person worthy of confidence. E. विश्वास, and भूमि place.
  • विश्वासस्थान :: n. (-नं) An object or person of trust or confidence. E. विश्वास, and स्थान place.
  • विश्वासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Inspired with confidence. E. वि before श्वस् to breathe, causal v., क्त aff.
  • विश्वासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) 1. Trusting, confiding in. 2. Honest, trusty. E. विश्वास, and इनि aff.
  • विश्वास्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) 1. To be trusted or depended on, to be believed. 2. To be encouraged or inspired with confidence. Ind. Having encouraged or inspired with confidence. E. वि before श्वस् to breathe, ण्यत् aff; or causal v., and यत् or ल्यप् aff.
  • विश्वास्यता :: f. (-ता) Trust-worthiness. E. विश्वास्य, and तल् aff.
  • विश्वेदेवृ :: m. (-वा) The clitoris.
  • विश्वेश :: m. (-शः) ŚIVA. E. विश्व all, ईश lord: see the next.
  • विश्वेश्वर :: m. (-रः) ŚIVA, under a form or appellation in which espe- cially he is worshipped at Benares, where a celebrated temple is appropriated to him in the character of lord or god of the uni- verse. E. विश्व the universe, and ईश्वर god; also similar compounds, as विश्वेश, विश्वनाथ, &c.
  • विष् :: r. 6th cl. (विषति) To pervade. (औ) औविष r. 9th cl. (विष्णाति) To have no occasion or use for, to separate or withdraw from, to disjoin. (उ) विषु r. 1st cl. (वेषति) To sprinkle. (औ इर ऌ) औ इर विषॢ r. 3rd cl. (वेवेष्टि-वेविष्टे) 1. To pervade, to spread or extend through nature, &c. 2. To go to, to go against.
  • विष् :: f. (-विट्) 1. Fæces, ordure. 2. Diffusion, spreading. 3. A virgin. E. विष् to pervade, aff. क्विप् ।
  • विष :: mn. (-षः-षं) Poison, venom. n. (-षं) 1. Water. 2. The fibres attached to the stalk of the lotus. 3. Gum-myrrh. 4. A vegetable poison, (Aconitum ferox.) f. (-षा) A tree, the bark of which is used in dye- ing of a red colour. E. विष् to pervade, aff. क ।
  • विषकृमिन्याय :: m. (-यः) The maxim of a worm in poison. It denotes a state of things which, though fatal to others, is not so to those who are born therein or naturalized thereto.
  • विषक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Clinging or adhering to closely. 2. In contact with. E. वि before षञ्ज् to embrace, क्त aff.
  • विषघा :: f. (घा) A twining shrub, (Menispermum cordifolium.) E. विष poison, हन् to destroy, aff. ड, घ substituted for the final. “गुडूच्याम्” .
  • विषघातिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) Antidotic, an antidote. m. (-ती) A tree, (Mimosa sirisa.) E. विष poison, and घातिन् removing.
  • विषघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) Antidotic, an antidote. m. (-घ्नः) 1. A tree, (Mimosa sirisa.) 2. A plant, (Hedysarum alhaji.) 3. Beleric myrobalan. (Terminalia belerica.) f. (-घ्नी) 1. A potherb, (Hingtsha repens.) 2. A plant, commonly Bichhati. 3. Turmeric. 4. Bitter apple or colocynth. E. विष poison, and घ्न what destroys.
  • विषजुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Poisoned, suffering from poison. 2. Poison- ous. E. विष, and जुष्ट united with.
  • विषज्वर :: m. (-रः) A buffalo. E. विषमिव प्राणहन्ता ज्वरो यस्य ।
  • विषणि :: m. (-णिः) A sort of snake.
  • विषण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) The fibres of the stalk of the water-lily. “मृणाले ।”
  • विषण्ण :: mfn. (-ण्णः -ण्णा -ण्णं) Dejected, desponding, spiritless, disinclined to exertion. E. वि before सद् to go, aff. क्त ।
  • विषण्णता :: f. (-ता) Dejection, lassitude, want of energy or spirit, espe- cially as one of the effects of unsuccessful love. E. विषण्ण relaxed, तल् aff. of the abstract; also with त्व विषण्णत्वं ।
  • विषण्णवदन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Looking sad or dejected. E. विषण्ण, and वदन face: also विषण्णमुख, &c.
  • विषतुल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) Fatal, deadly. E. विष, and तुल्य equal to.
  • विषत्वर :: m. (-रः) A buffalo.
  • विषद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Yielding or giving poison. 2. Shedding water. m. (-दः) A cloud. n. (-दं) Green vitriol. E. विष poison or water, and दा to give, aff. क; or वि + षद्-अच् ।
  • विषदंष्ट्रा :: f. (-ष्ट्रा) A medicinal plant and antidote, commonly Sarpa- kankāli. E. विष venom, दंष्ट्र a tooth.
  • विषदन्तक :: m. (-कः) A snake. E. विष poison, दन्त tooth, and कप् added.
  • विषदर्शनमृत्युक :: m. (-कः) The Chakora bird. E. विष poison, (perhaps put for the snake,) दर्शन seeing, मृत्युक who dies.
  • विषधर :: mfn. (-रः -रा or री -रं) Venomous, poisonous. m. (-रः) A snake. E. विष poison, धर who has.
  • विषधर्म्मा :: f. (-र्म्मा) Cowach, (Carpopogon pruriens.) “आल्कुशी ।”
  • विषधात्री :: f. (-त्री) The wife of JARATKĀRU, and goddess presiding over snakes. E. विष venom, धात्री a nurse.
  • विषनाशन :: m. (-नः) 1. A tree, (Mimosa sirisa.) 2. An antidote. n. (-नं) Removing or curing poison. E. विष poison, and नाशन destroying.
  • विषनाशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Antidote. f. (-नी) A plant: see विषदंष्ट्रा . E. विष venom, नाशिन् destroying.
  • विषनुद् :: m. (-नुत्) A plant, (Bignonia Indica.) “श्योनाकवृक्षे” . E. विष poison, नुद् to eject, aff. क्विप् ।
  • विषपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A plant, (Vangueria spinosa.) n. (-ष्पं) The blue lotus. E. विष poison, and पुष्प flower.
  • विषपुष्पक :: m. (-कः) Sickness or disease induced by eating poisonous flowers. E. विष poison, पुष्प a flower; or विषपुष्प the Vangueria, &c., कन् aff. in this sense.
  • विषप्रयोग :: m. (-गः) Employing or administering poison. E. विष and प्रयोग application.
  • विषभक्षण :: n. (-णं) Taking poison. E. विष, and भक्षण feeding.
  • विषभिषज् :: m. (-षक्) A dealer in antidotes, a snake-catcher, or one who pretends to cure the bite of a snake. E. विष poison, भिषज् a doctor.
  • विषभुजङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A poisonous snake. E. विष poison, and भुजङ्ग a snake.
  • विषभृत् :: mfn. (-भृत्) Venomous, poisonous. m. (-भृत्) A snake. E. विष, and भृत् who or what has.
  • विषम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Difficult, (of access,) rough, uneven. 2. Diffi- cult, &c., (of comprehending,) as a book. 3. Painful, difficult, troublesome. (in general.) 4. Odd, (in numbers.) 5. Unparalleled, unequalled. 6. Wicked, dishonest. 7. Fearful, frightful, awful. 8. Irregular, unequal. 9. Adverse, unpropitious. n. (-मं) 1. Difficulty, pain. 2. Unevenness, inequality. 3. Oddness, (in numeration.) 4. An inaccessible place, a thicket, a precipice. 5. (In rhetoric.) Description of unusual or incompatible cause and

effect. E. वि privative or contra-indicative, before सम even, smooth, equal, &c. and स after the इ of the prefix, changed to ष ।

  • विषमकर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) The hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle, formed between the gnomon and the two sides of the shadow. विषम, and कर्ण hypothenuse.
  • विषमकर्म्मन् :: n. (र्म्म) 1. An odd or unparalleled act. 2. (In arithmetic,) The finding of quantities from their difference or that of their squares. E. विषम and कर्म्मन् act.
  • विषमखात :: n. (-तं) An irregular excavation or one with unequal sides. E. विषम and खात excavation.
  • विषमचतुरस्र :: n. (-स्रं) An unequal four-sided figure, a trapezium. E. विषम, चतुरस्र four-angled.
  • विषमच्छद :: m. (-दः) A plant, (Echites scholaris.) E. विषम odd, and छद a leaf; having seven leaves on a stalk. “सप्तच्छद वृक्षे ।”
  • विषमच्छाया :: f. (-या) The shadow of the gnomon at noon when the sun is in the equinoxes. E. विषम oblique, and छाया shadow.
  • विषमज्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. A violent fever. 2. Irregularly remittent fever. E. विषम and ज्वर a fever.
  • विषमत्रिभुज :: m. (-जः) A scalene triangle. E. विषम unequal, त्रिभुज triangle.
  • विषमनयन :: m. (-नः) ŚIVA. E. विषम odd, नयन an eye; having a third eye in his forehead.
  • विषमन्त्र :: m. (-न्त्रः) A snake-catcher, one who by pretended charms, &c. attracts snakes and cures the bite. n. (-न्त्रं) A charm for curing snake bites. E. विष poison, मन्त्र a charm.
  • विषममय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Resulting from or produced by inequality. E. विषम, and मयट् aff.
  • विषमरूप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) Resulting from or produced by unequal quantities or qualities. E. विषम uneven, and रूप्य aff. in this sense.
  • विषमविभाग :: m. (-गः) Unequal division of property amongst co-heirs. E. विषम uneven, विभाग portion of inheritance.
  • विषमशायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Sleeping irregularly. E. विषम and शायिन् who sleeps.
  • विषमशिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Unjust, unfair, (division) E. विषम, शिष्ट left.
  • विशमशील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Uneven. 2. Uneasy. E. विषम, शील having.
  • विषमसाहस :: n. (-सं) Temcrity, daring. E. विषम and साहस violence.
  • विषमस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) 1. Standing unevenly. 2. Inaccessible, safely posted. 3. Being in difficulty, &c. E. विषम uneven, स्थ who stays.
  • विषमाक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) ŚIVA. E. विषम odd, अक्षि the eye, aff. टच्; having a third eye, or one in his forehead.
  • विषमायुध :: m. (-धः) KĀMADEVA. E. विषम odd, आयुध a weapon; armed with five arrows.
  • विषमाशन :: n. (-नं) Eating irregularly, either as to quantity or time. E. विषम and अशन eating.
  • विषमाशय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Crafty, dishonest. E. विषम and आशय asylum.
  • विषमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Made or become uneven, irregular, &c. 2. Made difficult. E. विषम and इतच् aff.
  • विषमीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Produced or resulting from inequalities. E. विषम uneven, and छ aff.
  • विषमुष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) A kind of shrub of medicinal properties, commonly termed Bishdori or Kadhsinh. E. विष poison, मुष्टि a handful.
  • विषमृत्यु :: m. (-त्युः) The Chakora bird. E. विष poison, and मृत्यु death.
  • विषमेक्षण :: m. (-णः) ŚIVA. E. विषम odd, (three,) ईक्षण eye.
  • विषमेषु :: m. (-षुः) KĀMADEVA. E. विषम odd, (five,) इषु an arrow.
  • विषय :: m. (-यः) 1. Any object of sense, any thing perceivable by the senses, as colour, form, flavour, odour and sound; they are five for the five Indriyas, viz:-- शब्द for the ear, स्पर्श for the skin, रूप for the eye, रस for the tongue, गन्ध for the nose. 2. An object in general, as of affection or desire, &c. 3. Worldly object or pursuit, affair, business, transaction, &c. 4. A country, whether inhabited or uninhabited. 5. Refuge, asylum. 6. Department, sphere, element, home, province, that which is peculiarly known or frequented, as a particular study by its professors, a particular town by its townsfolk, water by fish, air by birds, &c. 7. A collec- tion of villages. 8. Any thing indigenous or peculiar to a province,

&c. 9. A religious obligation or observance. 10. Semen virile. 11. A lover, a husband. 12. Sensual enjoyment, sensuality. 13. Sub- ject, topic, subject-matter. 14. The subject of an Adhikaraṇa, (in Phil.) 15. A thing aimed at. 16. Scope, range, compass, reach. 17. A realm, a kingdom, a domain. E. वि before षि to bind, aff. अच् ।

  • विषयक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Relating to, concerning, (any object.) E. विषय and कन् added.
  • विषयकत्व :: n. (-त्वं) State of an affair, circumstance or thing. E. त्व added to the preceding.
  • विषयकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Worldly concern or act. E. विषय, कर्म्म act.
  • विषयकाम :: m. (-मः) Desire of worldly goods or pleasures. E. विषय, काम desire.
  • विषयग्राम :: m. (-मः) The aggregate of the objects of sense.
  • विषयवासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Engaged in the affairs of life E. विषय and वासिन् who abides.
  • विषयात्मक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Identical with or affecting sensual or worldly objects. E. विषय and आत्मक own.
  • विषयाभिरति :: f. (-तिः) Attachment to the objects of sense.
  • विषयायिन् :: m. (-यी) 1. A king. 2. An organ of sense. 3. KĀMADEVA. 4. An epicurean, a sensualist, one heedful of objects of sense or attentive to worldly objects. 5. A materialist, one who disbelieves the existence of that which is not cognizable by the senses. E. विषय an object of sense, अय् to go, to follow, and इनि aff.
  • विषयासक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Attached to objects of sense, devoted to the world. E. विषय and आसक्त attached to.
  • विषयिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिणी -यि) 1. Attached to objects of sense, carnal, sen- sual. 2. Conversant with or interested in worldly occupations or enjoyments. n. (-यि) An organ of sense. m. (-यी) 1. A king. 2. The deity KĀMA. 3. A sensualist. 4. A materialist, one who denies the existence of any thing which is not an object of sense. 5. A man of business. E. विषय an organ of sense, aff. इन् ।
  • विषयोपसेवा :: f. (-वा) Sensuality. E. विषय and उपसेवा addiction to.
  • विषल :: m. (-लः) Poison, venom. E. विष poison, लच् aff.
  • विषविद्या :: f. (-द्या) The administration of antidotes, the cure of poisons by drugs or charms. E. विष poison, विद्या science.
  • विषविधान :: n. (-नं) Administering poison judicially, or by way of ordeal. E. विष, विधान rule.
  • विषवेग :: m. (-गः) Absorption of venom, as shewn by some bodily effects or changes. E. विष poison, and वेग natural excretion.
  • विषवैद्य :: m. (-द्यः) A dealer in antidotes, one professing by charms, &c. to cure the bite of a snake. E. विष poison, and वैद्य physician.
  • विषशालूक :: m. (-कः) The root of the lotus.
  • विषशूक :: m. (-कः) A wasp. E. विष venom, and शूक a parrot.
  • विषशृङ्गिन् :: m. (-ङ्गी) A wasp. E. विष poison, शृङ्ग a horn, and इनि poss. aff.
  • विषसूचक :: m. (-कः) The Greek partridge, (Perdix rufa.) “चकोर खगे” E. विष poison, and सूचक informer.
  • विषसृक्कन् :: m. (-क्का) A wasp. E. विष poison, सृक्कन् the corner of the mouth.
  • विषहर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) An antidote, removing venom. f. (-रा or री) The goddess of the serpent race, the sister of VĀSUKI, and wife of JARATKĀRU. E. विष venom, हृ to take, aff. अप् or टच् ।
  • विषहृदय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Malicious, malignant, cherishing hatred or hostility. E. विष, and हृदय the heart.
  • विषह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) 1. To be borne or endured. 2. Possible to be determined. Ind. Having borne. E. वि, षह् to bear, aff. यत् or ल्यप् ।
  • विषा :: Ind. Apotte noun. Intellect, understanding. f. (-षा) Ordure, feces. E. षो to destroy, (ignorance,) with वि prefixed, and ओ Unādi aff.
  • विषाङ्कुर :: m. (-रः) A spear, a dart. E. विष poison, अङ्कुर a shoot.
  • विषाण :: Subst. mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) 1. The horn of an animal. 2. The tusks of an elephant. 3. The tusk or fang of the boar. f. (-णी) 1. A plant, the fruit of which is compared to the horn of a ram, &c. com- monly Mesa Sringī. 2. A medicinal root: see क्षीरकाकोली . n. (-णं)

A sort of Costus, (C. speciosus.) E. वि before अस् to be, चानश् aff.; the initial of the radical rejected, and स changed to ष; otherwise, वि before षण् to serve, aff. घञ्; or विष वा-कानच् ।

  • विषाणिका :: f. (-का) A sort of plant, commonly Mesha Shringī. E. विषाणी as above, and कन् pleonasm; fem. form.
  • विषाणिन् :: m. (-णी) 1. An elephant. 2. A bull. 3. Any animal with horns. f. (-णिनी) Having tusks or horns. E. विषाण a horn, इनि aff.
  • विषाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Lassitude, dejection, lowness of spirits, want of energy, especially as the result of unrequited love. 2. Distress, affliction. 2. Disappointment. E. वि before षद् to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • विषादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Dejected, disconsolate. E. विषाद, इनि aff.
  • विषानन :: m. (-नः) A snake. E. विष poison, and आनन the face.
  • विषान्तक :: m. (-कः) ŚIVA. E. विष poison, अन्तक destroyer; having swallow- ed the poison that was produced at the churning of the ocean.
  • विषापह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Antidotic, an antidote. f. (-हा) A kind of birth- wort, (Aristolochia Indica.) E. विष poison, and अपह removing.
  • विषायुध :: m. (-धः) A snake. E. विष poison, and आयुध a weapon.
  • विषार :: m. (-रः) A snake. E. विष poison, ऋ to go, aff. अच् ।
  • विषालु :: mfn. (-लुः -लुः -लु) Venomous, poisonous. E. विष, and आलुच् aff.
  • विषास्य :: m. (-स्यः) A snake. f. (-स्या) Marking-nut plant, (Semicarpus anacardium.) E. विष poison, and आस्य face.
  • विषीदत् :: mfn. (-दन् -दन्ती -दत्) Sorrowing, despairing. E. वि before षद् to go, शतृ aff.
  • विषु :: Ind. 1. Many, various. 2. Equally, same, like. E. विष, कु aff.
  • विषुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Having or possessing various or uniform motion or extension. E. विष्वञ्च् going every where, न poss. aff., and the final consonant of the primitive rejected.
  • विषुप :: n. (-पं) The equinox: see the next.
  • विषुव :: n. (-वं) The first point of ARIES or LIBRA into which the sun enters at the vernal or autumnal equinox. E. विषु equally, (the night and day,) and व or प aff.; also विषुप ।
  • विषुवच्छाया :: f. (-या) The shadow of the gnomon at noon when the sun is in the equinoctial points. E. विषुव and छाया shade.
  • विषुवत् :: n. (-वत्) The equinoctial point. E. विषु equally, (long, the day and night,) and मतुप् poss. aff.
  • विषुवदिन :: n. (-नं) The day of the equinox. E. विषुव and दिन day.
  • विषुवरेखा :: f. (-खा) The equinoctial line.
  • विषुवसङ्क्रान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) The passage of the sun to the next sign at the equinoxes. E. विषुव, and सङ्क्रान्ति sun's entrance into a sign.
  • विष्क् :: r. 10th cl. (विष्कयति-ते) To see, to perceive. (विष्कयते) To injure or kill.
  • विष्कन्तृ :: mfn. (-न्ता -न्त्री -न्तृ) Going, going in various directions, dispersing. E. वि before स्कदि to go, तृन् aff.; also विस्कन्तृ ।
  • विष्कन्द :: m. (-न्दः) Going, dispersing. E. वि before स्कदि to go, अच् aff.; also विस्कन्द ।
  • विष्कन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Gone. 2. Gone in various directions, dis- persed. E. वि before स्कन्द् to go, क्त aff.
  • विष्कम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. The first of the twenty-seven astronomical periods, called Yogās or Yoga star of the first lunar mansion. 2. Obstacle, hindrance, impediment, resistance. 3. Spreading, extension. 4. Act, doing any thing. 5. A posture of the devotees called Yogīs. 6. One of the performers at a dramatic entertainment, either an actor who in the intervals of the scenes explains to the audience the progress of the story, or one or two of the personages of the drama, who do the same in a soliloquy or dialogue. 7. A tree. 8. The bolt or bar of a door. 9. A post, the roof-tree of a house. 10. The diameter of a circle. E. वि before ष्कभि to stop or hinder, aff. घञ्; or वि + स्कन्भ्-अच्; also with कन् added, विष्कम्भक ।
  • विष्कम्भक :: m. (-कः) A Yoga, &c.: see the last.
  • विष्कम्भिन् :: mfn. (-म्भी -म्भिनी -म्भि) Obstructive, impeding. m. (-म्भी) The bolt or bar of a door. E. विष्कम्भ obstruction, and इनि aff.
  • विष्किर :: m. (-रः) 1. A bird in general. 2. Pulling or tearing to pieces. 3. A cock. E. वि before कॄ to scatter, and क aff., with सुट् aug.
  • विष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Entered, penetrated, pervaded. f. (-ष्टा) Fæces. E. विष् to pervade, aff. क्त ।
  • विष्टप :: mn. (-पः-पं) A world. E. विश् to enter, (into which,) कपन् aff., तुट् aug.; also विष्टभ ।
  • विष्टभ :: n. (-भं) A world. E. विश् to pervade, अभच् aff., the vowel unchan- ged; deriv. irr.
  • विष्टब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) 1. Hindered, obstructed. 2. Stayed, fixed, firm, well-supported. 3. Placed in or upon. 4. Paralysed, made stiff or motionless. E. वि before स्तभि to stop, क्त aff.
  • विष्टम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Impediment, hindrance, obstacle. 2. Stopping, stay- ing. 3. Placing in or upon. 4. A disease, obstruction of urine or fæces, ischury, constipation. 5. Paralysis, loss of motion. E. वि before स्तभि to stop or hinder, aff. घञ् ।
  • विष्टम्भिन् :: mfn. (-म्भी -म्भिनी -म्भि) 1. Stopping, impeding, what hinders or obstructs. 2. Checking, (as perspiration,) chilling. 3. Making motionless. E. वि before स्तभि to stop, णिनि aff.
  • विष्टर :: m. (-रः) 1. A tree. 2. A handful of Kuśa or sacred grass. 3. A seat, a stool, a chair, a couch, &c. 4. The seat of the Brāhman, either real or in effigy, as presiding at a sacrifice. 5. A bed. 6. A seat made of twenty-five straws of Kuśa grass tied up in a sheaf. E. वि before स्तृ to spread, aff. अप् and स changed to ष ।
  • विष्टरश्रवस् :: m. (-वाः) VISHṆU. E. विष्टर a tree, श्रु to hear, aff. असुन् ।
  • विष्टरस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Sitting on a seat, or reclining on a bed of leaves. E. विष्टर and स्थ who stays.
  • विष्टार :: m. (-रः) A form of metre, a species of the order termed Panktī, consisting of a verse of four lines, the first and last of which consist of eight syllables each, and the second and third of twelve each. E. वि before स्तृ to spread, aff. घञ्, and स changed to ष ।
  • विष्टि :: mfn. (-ष्टिः -ष्टिः -ष्टि) Working, labouring, a workman. f. (-ष्टिः) 1. Unpaid labour, working without wages. 2. Occupation, act, action. 3. Hire, wages. 4. The seventh of the variable Karaṇas, or astro- logical periods so termed, each answering to half a lunar day. 5. Sending, dispatching. 6. Consigning to torture, casting into hell, &c. E. विश् to enter, (into pain by it,) and क्तिन् or क्तिच् aff.
  • विष्ठल :: n. (-लं) A place situated remote or apart. E. वि implying apart, स्थल a place, and स changed to ष ।
  • विष्ठा :: f. (-ष्ठा) 1. Fæces, ordure, excrement. 2. The belly. E. वि before स्था to stay, (in the intestines,) affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • विष्णु :: m. (-ष्णुः) VISHṆU, one of the three principal Hindu deities, and the preserver of the world: during the periods of temporary anni- hilation, he is supposed to sleep on the waters floating on the serpent Śesha: BRAHMĀ is fabled to have sprung from a lotus, which originally grew from the navel of VISHṆU, and the holy river Ganges is said to spring from his foot: the different Avatārs are considered as emanations of this deity, and in KRISHṆA, he is supposed to have been really and wholly incarnate: LAKSHMĪ is his wife, and he is usually represented as a mild and benevolent deity. 2. AGNI or fire. 3. One of the demigods called Vasus. 4. A pure or pious man. 5. The name of an ancient law-giver. E. विश् to enter or pervade, (the universe,) नुक् Unādi aff.
  • विष्णुक्रान्ता :: f. (-न्ता) A flower, (Clitorea ternatea.) E. विष्णु VISHṆU, and क्रान्त overcome. “अपराजिता ।”
  • विष्णुगुप्त :: m. (-प्तः) The saint KAUṆḌILYA. E. विष्णु, गुप्त hidden, having been concealed by VISHṆU when pursued by ŚIVA, whom he had incensed.
  • विष्णुगृह :: n. (-हं) The name of a city or country; also Stambapurī. E. विष्णु, गृह residence.
  • विष्णुदैवत्या :: f. (-त्या) The eleventh and twelfth lunar day of each fort- night. E. विष्णु VISHṆU, and दैवत्य divinity.
  • विष्णुपद :: n. (-दं) 1. The sky, heaven, atmosphere. 2. The sea of milk. 3. A lotus. f. (-दी) 1. The Ganges. 2. One of the twelve Sankrāntis or periods, at which the sun enters a sign of the zodiac, especially

the first sign after the equinox. E. विष्णु, and पद abode, or foot; where VISHṆU resides or rests, or proceeding from his foot.

  • विष्णुप्रीति :: f. (-तिः) Land granted rent-free to a BRĀHMANA for the main- tenance of VISHNU'S worship.
  • विष्णुरथ :: m. (-थः) Garuḍa, the bird and vehicle of VISHṆU. E. विष्णु, and रथ car or conveyance.
  • विष्णुलिङ्गी :: f. (-ङ्गी) A quail. E. विष्णु VISHṆU, and लिङ्ग a mark, ङीप् diminutive aff.
  • विष्णुवल्लभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Beloved by VISHṆU. f. (-भा) 1. A plant, (Echites caryophyllata.) 2. A small fragrant shrub, (Ocymum sanctum.) 3. LAKSHMĪ. E. विष्णु VISHṆU, वल्लभ the beloved.
  • विष्णुवाहन :: m. (-नः) Garuḍa the bird and vehicle of VISHṆU.
  • विष्पन्द :: m. (-न्दः) Throbbing, beating. E. वि before स्पन्दि to go, अच् aff.
  • विष्फार :: m. (-रः) The twang of a bow. E. वि before स्फर् or स्फुर् to expand, aff. घञ्; in the latter, आ is substituted for the vowel, and स is changed to ष; also विस्फार ।
  • विष्य :: mfn. (-ष्यः -ष्या -ष्यं) Deserving death by poison. E. विष venom, यत् aff.
  • विष्यन्द :: m. (-न्दः) Flowing, issuing, trickling. E. वि before ष्यदि to go, शानच् aff.; also read विस्यन्द ।
  • विष्यन्दमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Flowing, trickling. E. वि before ष्यदि to go, शानच् aff.; also read विस्यन्दमान ।
  • विष्व :: mfn. (-ष्वः -ष्वा -ष्वं) Injurious, mischievous. E. विष् to pervade, Unādi aff. व ।
  • विष्वक् :: Ind. Every way, all around: see विष्वच् ।
  • विष्वक्सेन :: m. (-नः) VISHṆU. f. (-ना) A plant, commonly Priyangu. E. विष्वक् every where, सेना an army.
  • विष्वक्सेनप्रिया :: f. (-या) 1. A sort of yam, (Dioscorea.) 2. LAKSHMI. E. विष्वक्सेन VISHNU, and प्रिया beloved by, sacred to.
  • विष्वग्गत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Gone all about, spread, extended. E. विष्वक्, गत gone.
  • विष्वग्गति :: f. (-तिः) Going all about. E. विष्वक्, and गति going.
  • विष्वच् :: or विष्वञ्च् mfn. (-ष्वङ् -षूची -ष्वक्) 1. Going every where, all- pervading. 2. Separating into parts, different. n. (-ष्वक्) The equinox. E. विषु variously, (in various directions,) or equally, अञ्च् to go, क्विन् aff.; it is also written, but less accurately विश्वच् ।
  • विष्वणन :: n. (-नं) Food, eating. E. वि before स्वन् to sound, (with the lips, to smack the lips,) and ल्युट् aff. “षत्वणत्वे ।”
  • विष्वद्र्यच् :: or द्र्यञ्च् mfn. (-द्र्यङ् -द्रीची -द्र्यक्) Going every where. E. विष्वच् every where, with अद्री augment.
  • विष्वाण :: m. (-णः) Eating, food. E. वि, स्वन् to sound, aff. घञ् । “षत्वणत्वे ।”
  • विसंज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Lifeless, bereft of sense. E. वि priv., संज्ञा sense.
  • विसंयुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Separated. 2. Omitting. E. वि, संयुक्त joined.
  • विसंयोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Separation. 2. Omission. E. वि priv., संयोग union.
  • विसंवाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Disappointing, deceiving, falsifying one's word, deceiving by a false affirmation or not keeping a promise. 2. Con- tradiction, disagreement. E. वि implying reverse, संवाद agreement.
  • विसंवादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) 1. Cunning, crafty, fraudulent. 2. Dis- puting. E. विसंवाद, and इनि aff.
  • विसंष्ठुल :: f. (-ला) Unsteady, agitated.
  • विस् :: r. 4th cl. (विस्यति) 1. To throw, to send. 2. To put forth.
  • विस :: n. (-सं) The film or fibres of the stalk of the water-lily. E. विस् to send, to put forth, aff. क ।
  • विसकण्ठिका :: f. (-का) A small crane. E. विस the fibres of the lotus-stalk, aff. अच्, कण्ठ the throat, कन् aff., fem. form, implying comparison.
  • विसङ्कट :: m. (-टः) 1. A lion. 2. The Ingudi tree. E. वि and सम before कट् to encompass, अच् aff.
  • विसङ्गत :: f. (-ता) Inconsistent, not in harmony.
  • विसच्छेद :: m. (-दः) A part of the fibres of the lotus. E. विस, छेद section.
  • विसज :: n. (-जं) A lotus. E. विस the fibres of the stalk, and ज born.
  • विसनाभि :: m. (-भिः) A quantity of lotuses. E. विस, नाभि navel.
  • विसनासिका :: f. (-का) A sort of crane. E. विस, नासिका the nose or beak.
  • विसपुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) A lotus. E. विस the stalk, and पुष्प flower.
  • विसप्रसून :: n. (-नं) A lotus, (Nelumbium speciosum.) E. विस, प्रसून a flower.
  • विसर :: m. (-रः) 1. A multitude, an assemblage, a flock, a herd, a crowd, 2. Spreading, going forth or abroad. E. वि before सृ to go, aff. अप् ।
  • विसर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) 1. Abandoning, relinquishment, getting rid of or free from any thing. 2. Departure, going away. 3. Separation. 4. Gift, donation. 5. Final emancipation or beatitude, exemption from worldly existence. 6. Evacuation of excrement, voiding by stool, &c. 7. The soft aspirate or Visarga, marked by two perpendicular dots, (ः), and as the substitute for the letters स or र, the termination of various inflections both of nouns and verbs. 8. A division of the sun's course, the southern course. 9. Light, splendour. E. वि before सृज् to let go, aff. घञ् ।
  • विसर्जन :: n. (-नं) 1. Gift, donation. 2. Quitting, relinquishing. 3. Send- ing, dispatching. 4. Dismissing, sending away. 5. Throwing the image, &c. into holy water, as the concluding rite of the festival of a deity. E. वि before सृज् to let go, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विसर्ज्जनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be left, abandoned, given away, &c. (pro- per or fit to.) E. वि, सृज् to leave, अनीयर् aff.
  • विसर्ज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Abandoned, left. 2. Given, given away. 3. Dismissed. E. वि before सृज् to let go, क्त aff.
  • वि(वी)सर्प :: m. (-र्पः) 1. Spreading. 2. Going. 3. Going variously. 4. Fly- ing, gliding. 5. Unwished consequence of any act. 6. Erysipelatous inflammation. E. वि before सृप् to go, घञ् aff.
  • विसर्पघ्न :: n. (-घ्नं) Bee's wax.
  • विसर्पण :: n. (-णं) 1. Spreading, extending. 2. Going gently. 3. Flying. E. वि before सृप् to go, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विसर्पत् :: mfn. (-र्पन् -र्पन्ती -र्पत्) 1. Going, going along. 2. Flying gently. E. वि before सृप् to go, शतृ aff.
  • विसर्पिन् :: mfn. (-र्पी -र्पिणी -र्पि) Spreading over or along, gliding, going gently. E. वि before, सृप् to go, घिनुण् aff.
  • विसल :: n. (-लं) A shoot, a sprout. E. वि variously, सल् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • विसार :: m. (-रः) 1. A fish. 2. Going smoothly, creeping, gliding. n. (-रं) Wood, timber. f. (-री) The region of the winds. E. वि before सृ to go, and घञ् or ण aff.; or वि priv., and सार pith.
  • विसारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Effected, performed. 2. Set on foot, occa- sioned. E. वि before सृ to go, causal form, aff. क्त ।
  • विसारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Flowing, gliding, creeping. 2. Spreading, diffusing. m. (-री) A fish. E. विसार going smoothly, and इनि aff.
  • विसिनी :: f. (-नी) An assemblage of lotus flowers. E. विस the fibres of the lotus, इनि and ङीप् affs.
  • विसूचिका :: f. (-का) 1. Spasmodic cholera. 2. Symptom of a disease. E. वि, सूच् to apprise, ण्वुल् aff.; or विशिष्टा सूचीव इवार्थे कन् ।
  • विसूरण :: nf. (-णं-णा) Sorrow, distress. E. वि, सूर् to hurt, युच् aff.
  • विसूरित :: n. (-तं) Repentance. f. (-ता) A fever. E. वि before सूर् to hurt, aff. क्त ।
  • विसृजत् :: mfn. (-जन् -जन्ती -जत्) 1. Abandoning, leaving. 2. Giving, giving away. E. वि before सृज् to let go, शतृ aff.
  • विसृज्य :: mfn. (-ज्यः -ज्या -ज्यं) To be left or abandoned. Ind. Having dis- missed, left, got rid of, &c. E. वि before सृज् to let go, यत् or ल्यप् aff.
  • विसृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Spread, extended, expanded. 2. Uttered. E. वि before सृ to go, aff. क्त ।
  • विसृत्वर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Going smoothly, gliding, creeping, flowing. E. वि before सृ to go, क्वरच् aff.
  • विसृमर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Creeping, flowing, gliding. E. वि before सृ to go, क्मरप् aff.
  • विसृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Expelled, cast off or out. 2. Abandoned, relinquished, god rid of. 3. Given away. 4. Dismissed. 5. Shed. 6. Emitted, emanated. E. वि before सृज् to let go, aff. क्त ।
  • विसृष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) 1. Leaving, quitting. 2. Giving. 3. Dismissing. E. वि away, सृज् to leave, क्तिन् aff.
  • विस्कन्तृ :: mfn. (-न्ता -न्त्री -न्तृ) Going, going away, dispersing. E. वि before स्कदि to go, तृन् aff.
  • विस्कन्द :: m. (-न्दः) Going, dispersing. E. वि before स्कदि to go, अच् aff.
  • विस्त :: mn. (-स्तः-स्तं) A weight of gold, a Karsha of sixteen Māshas, about half an ounce troy. E. विस् to convey, aff. क्त ।
  • विस्तर :: m. (-रः) 1. Spreading, expansion. 2. Prolixity, minute detail. 3. Affection or affectionate solicitation. 4. Number, assemblage. 5. Abundance, quantity. 6. A seat, a stool. 7. A bed, a layer. E. वि before स्तृ to spread over or cover, aff. अप् ।
  • विस्तरशस् :: Ind. Fully, at length. E. विस्तर, and शसि aff.
  • विस्तार :: m. (-रः) 1. Spreading, extension, diffusion. 2. Vastness, expanse. 3. Breadth, amplitude. 4. Amplification. 5. Diameter of a circle. 6. The branch of a tree with its new shoots. 7. A shrub. E. वि before स्तृ to cover, aff. घञ् ।
  • विस्तीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Large, roomy, great. 2. Spread, expanded. 3. Broad. E. वि before स्तृ to cover or spread, aff. क्त ।
  • विस्तीर्णता :: f. (-ता) 1. Diffusion, extension. 2. Vastness. E. विस्तीर्ण, तल् aff.; also with त्व, विस्तीर्णत्वं ।
  • विस्तीर्णपर्ण :: n. (-र्णं) A sort of esculent root, (Arum Indicum.) E. विस्तीर्ण large, पर्ण leaf.
  • विस्तृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Spread, diffused, extended. 2. Broad, ex- panded. 3. Ample. 4. Diffused. E. वि before स्तृ to spread, aff. क्त ।
  • विस्तृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Spreading, expansion. 2. The diameter of a circle. 3. Breadth, width. E. वि, स्तृ to spread, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • विस्पर्द्धमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Emulating, envying. E. वि, स्पर्द्ध् to envy, शानच् aff.
  • विस्पष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Apparent, manifest, open, clear. 2. Plain, intelligible. E. वि before स्पष्ट apparent.
  • विस्फार :: m. (-रः) 1. The twang of a bow, string. 2. Trembling, agita- tion. 3. Vibrating. E. वि before स्फर् to shake, and घञ् aff.
  • विस्फारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Shaken, trembling, tremulous. 2. Evident, apparent. 3. Twanged or drawn as a bow-string. 4. Made to vibrate. 5. Displayed. E. वि before स्फर् to tremble, aff. क्त ।
  • विस्फार्य्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Being made open or manifest. 2. Being drawn or twanged as a bow-string. E. वि before स्फर् to tremble, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • विस्फुरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रत्) Swelling, enlarging. E. वि before स्फुर् to swell, शतृ aff.
  • विस्फुरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Shaken, tremulous. 2. Swollen, enlarged. E. वि before स्फुर् to tremble, aff. क्त ।
  • विस्फुलत् :: mfn. (-लन् -लन्ती -लत्) 1. Going briskly or merrily. 2. Shaking, trembling. 3. Appearing. E. वि before, स्फुल् to shake, &c., शतृ aff.
  • विस्फुलिङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A sort of poison. 2. A spark of fire. E. वि, स्फु imitative sound, लिङ्ग to go, aff. अच्; or वि + स्फुर्-डु तादृशं लिङ्गमस्य ।
  • विस्फूर्जथु :: m. (-थुः) 1. A clap of thunder. 2. Roaring, rumbling. E. वि, स्फूर्ज्ज् to thunder, अथुच् aff.
  • विस्फोट :: mf. (-टः-टा) 1. Boil, pustule. 2. Small-pox. E. वि before, स्फुट् to hurt or break, aff. घञ् or णिच्-अच् ।
  • विस्मय :: m. (-यः) 1. Wonder, surprise, astonishment, (wonder or admira- tion considered as the feeling giving rise to the Adbhuta Senti- ment.) 2. Pride, arrogance. 3. Doubt, uncertainty. E. वि before, स्मि to smile, aff. अच् ।
  • विस्मयाकुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Bewildered, astounded. E. विस्मय and आकुल perplexed.
  • विस्मयान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Astonished. E. विस्मय, अन्वित affected.
  • विस्मयिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Astonished, surprised. E. विस्मय, and इनि aff.
  • विस्मरण :: n. (-णं) Forgetting, oblivion. E. वि, स्मृ to remember, ल्युट् aff.
  • विस्मरणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be forgotten. E. वि priv., स्मृ to remember, अनीयर् aff.
  • विस्मर्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) To be forgotten. E. वि before स्मृ to remember, यत् aff.
  • विस्मापन :: m. (-नः) 1. Deceit, illusion. 2. A magical or enchanted city, one that appears and disappears unexpectedly, or in unexpected situations, a city of the Gandharbas. 3. KĀMA or CUPID. 4. As- tonishing, surprising, causing wonder or surprise. E. वि, स्मि to smile, causal form, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विस्मित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Astonished, surprised. 2. Proud. E. वि, स्मि to smile, aff. क्त ।
  • विस्मृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Forgotten. E. वि privative, स्मृत remembered.
  • विस्मृति :: f. (-तिः) Forgetting, forgetfulness. E. वि priv., स्मृति recollect.
  • विस्मेर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Astonished, surprised. E. वि, स्मि to smile, र aff.
  • विस्यन्द :: m. (-न्दः) Flowing, trickling. E. वि before, ष्यदि to flow, अच् aff.
  • विस्र :: n. (-स्रं) A smell like that of raw meat. E. विस् to send, aff. रक् ।
  • विस्रंस :: mf. (-सः-सा) 1. Relaxation, laxness. 2. Debility, decay. E. वि, स्रंस् to fall, अङ् and टाप् affs., or घञ् aff.
  • विस्रंसन :: n. (-नं) 1. Loosening, unfastening, untying. 2. Falling. 3. Flowing, dropping. 4. A laxative, an aperient. E. वि separate, स्रस् to fall, ल्युट् aff.
  • विस्रगन्धि :: m. (-न्धिः) Yellow orpiment. E. विस्र the smell of raw meat, and गन्धि smelling.
  • विस्रता :: f. (-ता) Rawness of smell. E. तल् added to विस्र as above.
  • विस्रब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) 1. Trusted, confided in. 2. Placid, tamed, humble. 3. Steady, diligent. E. वि before स्रंभ् to trust, aff. क्त ।
  • विस्रम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Trust, confidence. 2. Affection, regard, affectionate solicitation. 3. Acquaintance. 4. Killing. E. वि, स्रंभ् to trust, aff. घञ् ।
  • विस्रम्भिन् :: mfn. (-म्भी -म्भिनी -म्भि) Trusting. E. वि, स्रंभ् to trust, aff. णिनि ।
  • विस्रसा :: f. (-सा) Decrepitude, the infirmity of old age. E. वि before स्रंस् to fall, affs. अङ् and टाप् and the radical nasal dropped.
  • विस्रस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Loosened, detached, fallen. E. वि, स्रंस् to fall, क्त aff.
  • विस्राव :: m. (-वः) 1. Flowing, dropping. 2. The water of boiled-rice.
  • विस्रावण :: n. (-णं) 1. Causing to flow. 2. Bleeding. 3. Distilling. 4. A spirit distilled from molasses. E. वि, स्रु to drop, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • विस्रावित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Bled. 2. Caused to flow. E. वि, स्रु to flow, causal v., क्त aff.
  • विस्राव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be bled, requiring bleeding. 2. To be made to flow. E. वि, स्रु to ooze, causal v., यत् aff; also विस्रावितव्य and विस्रावणीय ।
  • विस्रुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Spread, stretched. 2. Dropped, flowing. E. वि apart, स्रु to go, क्त aff.
  • विस्वर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Discordant, unharmonious. E. वि deprec., स्वर sound.
  • विस्वाद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Insipid, flavourless. E. वि priv., स्वाद flavour.
  • विहग :: m. (-गः) 1. A bird. 2. A cloud. 3. An arrow. 4. The sun. 5. The moon. 6. A planet. E. विह for विहायस् in the sky, and ग who goes.
  • विहङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) Going swiftly, flying. m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A bird. 2. A cloud. 3. An arrow. 4. The moon. 5. The sun. E. विह for विहायस् in the air, and ग who goes: see the next.
  • विहङ्गम :: m. (-मः) A bird. f. (-मा) A pole or yoke for carrying burdens. E. विह for विहायस् in the air, गम् to go, aff. खच्, whence the nasal is inserted; also with the final rejected, विहङ्ग &c.
  • विहङ्गराज :: m. (-जः) GARUDA, the bird and vehicle of VISHṆU.
  • विहङ्गिका :: f. (-का) A sort of pole or yoke for carrying burdens. E. विहङ्ग a bird, and कन् aff., fem. form.
  • विहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Opposed, impeded, resisted. 2. Hurt, killed. m. (-तः) A Bauddha or Jaina temple. E. वि, हन् to hurt or kill, aff. क्त ।
  • विहति :: f. (-तिः) Striking, killing. m. (-तिः) A friend or companion. E. वि हन् to strike, क्तिन् aff.
  • विहनन :: n. (-नं) 1. Opposition, obstruction, impediment. 2. Injury, hurting. 3. Killing. 4. A bow for cleaning cotton. E. वि before हन् to kill or hurt, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विहर :: m. (-रः) Separation, disunion, absence. E. वि before हृ to convey, aff. अप् ।
  • विहरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Taking, taking off or away. 2. Going about for pleasure or exercise. E. वि, हृ to take, ल्युट् aff.
  • विहरणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be taken away. 2. To be rambled or sport- ed. E. वि before हृ to take, अनीयर aff.
  • विहर्त्तृ :: m. (-र्त्ता) 1. A robber. 2. A roamer.
  • विहसन :: n. (-नं) Laughing gently, smiling. E. वि, हस् to laugh, ल्युट् aff.
  • विहसित :: n. (-तं) A gentle laugh, a smile. E. वि, हस् to laugh, aff. क्त ।
  • विहस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Confounded, perplexed, bewildered. 2. Wise, learned. E. वि without, हस्त a hand; helpless, &c.
  • विहा :: Ind. Aptote noun. Heaven, paradise. E. वि, हा to abandon, Unādi aff. आ ।
  • विहापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Given. 2. Extorted. n. (-तं) Gift, donation.

E. वि before हा to abandon, causal form, aff. क्त; giving being considered as the abandonment of the thing given.

  • विहाय :: Ind. Having left or abandoned. E. वि before हा to quit, ल्यप् aff.
  • विहायत :: n. (-तं) Gift, donation.
  • विहायस् :: mn. (-याः-यः) The sky or atmosphere. m. (-याः) A bird. E. वि before हय् to go, causal form, aff. असुन् ।
  • विहायस :: mn. (-सः-सं) Heaven, sky, atmosphere. m. (-सः) A bird. E. अच् added to the last.
  • विहायसा :: Ind. Heaven, sky, atmosphere. E. The third case of विहायस् used as an aptote noun.
  • विहार :: m. (-रः) 1. Walking for pleasure or amusement. 2. Wandering, roaming, going about. 3. A Bauddha or Jaina convent. 4. A temple. 5. Taking away, removing. 6. Play, sport, pastime. 7. A pleasure-ground. 8. A palace. 9. The shoulder. 10. A sort of bird. E. वि before हृ to take, aff. घञ्; also वीहार ।
  • विहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रीणी -रि) Taking pleasure or relaxation. E. विहार sport, &c., इनि aff.
  • विहास :: m. (-सः) A gentle laugh or smile. E. वि and हास laugh.
  • विहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Placed, deposited. 2. Improper, unsuitable, unfit. 3. Done, acted, made. 4. Appointed, fixed. 5. Constructed, framed. 6. Distributed, apportioned. 7. Furnished with. 8. Proper to be done. n. (-तं) A command. E. वि, धा to have, aff. क्त; or वि priv., हित applicable.
  • विहिवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Doing, performing, making. E. वि, धा to have, क्तवतु aff.
  • विहितागस् :: mfn. (-गाः -गाः -गः) Faulty, offending, wicked. E. विहित done, आगस् sin.
  • विहिताञ्जलि :: mfn. (-लिः -लिः -लि) Making a respectful obeisance. E. विहित, अञ्जलि salute.
  • विहिति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Action, performance. 2. Arrangement.
  • विहित्रिम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Done according to rule. E. वि, धा to have, क्ति aff., मप् augment.
  • विहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Abandoned, left, deserted. 2. Deprived of. 3. Low, inferior. E. वि before हा to abandon, aff. क्त ।
  • विहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sported, played. 2. Expanded. n. (-तं) One of the ten feminine acts or properties indicating love, hesitation, reluctance, (in a female,) to avow her feelings to her lover. E. वि before हृ to take, aff. क्त ।
  • विहृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Opening, expansion. 2. Sport, pastime. 3. Taking away. E. वि apart, हृ to convey, aff. क्तिच् ।
  • विहत्य :: Ind. 1. Having sported. 2. Having or being spread. E. वि, हृ to take, ल्यप् aff.
  • विहेठ :: m. (-ठः) Hurting, injury. E. वि before हेठ् to annoy, aff. अच् ।
  • विहेठक :: m. (-कः) An injurer, a reviler, one who inflicts pain or injury on another. E. वि, हेठ् to annoy, aff. वुन् ।
  • विहेठन :: n. (-नं) 1. Injury, hurting, wounding, killing. 2. Rubbing, grinding. 3. Afflicting distressing. 4. Pain, sorrow, affliction. E. वि before हेठ् to annoy or hurt, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • विह्वल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Agitated, alarmed, overcome with fear or agitation, beside one's self, unable to restrain one's self. 2. Dis- tressed, afflicted. 3. Fused, liquid. 4. Desponding. E. वि before ह्वल् to shake, aff., अच् ।
  • विह्वलता :: f. (-ता) Agitation, anxiety. E. विह्वल and तल् aff.; also with त्व, विह्वलत्वं ।
  • वी :: r. 2nd cl. (वेति) 1. To go, to move. 2. To pervade. 3. To conceive, to be impregnated. 4. To desire. 5. To throw or send. 6. To eat. 7. To be beautiful. With सम् prefixed, To invest, to inclose, to cover or wrap round or over.
  • वी :: m. (-वीः) 1. Going. moving. 2. Covering. E. वी to go, aff. क्विप् ।
  • वीक :: m. (-कः) 1. Air, wind. 2. A bird. 3. The mind. E. अज् to go, वि substituted for the root, कन् Unādi aff., the vowel made long.
  • वी(वि)काश :: m. (-शः) 1. Solitude, privacy. 2. Display, manifestation. E. वि, काश् to shine, aff. अच्; the vowel of the prefix made long.
  • वीक्ष :: mf. (-क्षः-क्षा) Sight, seeing. n. (-क्षं) 1. Surprise, astonishment. 2. A visible object. E. वि before ईक्ष् to see, aff. क ।
  • वीक्षण :: nf. (-णं-णा) Sight, seeing. E. वि before ईक्ष् to see, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • वीक्षणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Visible, perceptible. E. वि, ईक्ष् to see, अनीयर् aff.
  • वीक्षमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -ण) Seeing, looking at. E. वि, ईक्ष् to see, शानच् aff.
  • वीक्षापन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Astonished, surprised. E. वीक्ष sight, आपन्न disturbed.
  • वीक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Seen, beheld. n. (-तं) A look, a glance. E. वि, ईक्ष् to see, aff. क्त ।
  • वीक्ष्य :: mfn. (-क्ष्यः -क्ष्या -क्ष्यं) 1. Visible, perceptible. 2. Astonishing, won- derful. Ind. Having seen. n. (-क्ष्यं) 1. Wonder, surprise. 2. A visi- ble object. m. (-क्ष्यः) 1. A dancer, an actor. 2. A horse. E. वि before ईक्ष् to see, aff. यत् or ल्यप् ।
  • वीङ्खा :: f. (-ङ्खा) 1. Going, moving, locomotion, progress, proceeding. 2. Dancing. 3. A particular mode of moving. 4. Cowach, (Carpopo- gon pruriens.) 5. One of a horse's paces. E. वि, इखि to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • विचयन :: n. (-नं) Research, enquiry. E. वि before चि to collect, ल्युट् aff., and the vowel of the prefix made long.
  • वीचि :: mf. (-चिः-चिः or ची) 1. A wave. 2. A small or rippling wave. 3. Pleasure, delight, happiness. 4. Leisure, interval, rest. 5. A ray of light. 6. Small, little. 7. Thoughtlessness. E. वेञ् to weave, Unādi aff. ईचि, and the radical vowel rejected.
  • वीचिमालिन् :: m. (-ली) The ocean. E. वीचि a wave, माला a necklace, aff. इनि ।
  • वीज् :: r. 10th cl. (वीजयति-ते) To fan, to cool by fanning.
  • वीज :: n. (-जं) 1. Seed, (of plants, &c.) 2. Cause, origin in general. 3. Semen virile. 4. Receptacle, place of deposit or preparation. 5. Truth, divine truth, as the seed or cause of being. 6. Marrow. 7. Algebra, analysis. 8. The mystical letter or syllable which forms the essential part of the Mantra of any deity. 9. The origin of the business of a drama. E. वि variously, जन् be born or produced, (from it,) aff. ड, and the vowel made long; or व्येञ् to cover, aff. क्विप्, वी covering, जन् to be born, aff. ड; or वि implying possession, ई LAKSHMĪ or prosperity, जन् to be produced, (by it,) with the same affix: there are other derivations.
  • वीजक :: m. (-कः) The common citron, (Citrus medica.) n. (-कं) Seed. E. वीज seed, and कन् aff.
  • वीजकोश :: m. (-शः) 1. The seed-vessel of the lotus. 2. Any seed-vessel. f. (-शी) A Pod, a legume. E. विज seed, and कोश or कोष receptacle; whence also वीजकोष m. (-षः) वीजकोषी f. (-षी) &c.
  • वीजगणित :: n. (-तं) Algebra. E. वीज, and गणित calculation.
  • वीजगुप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) A legume, a pod. E. वीज seed, गुप्ति concealment.
  • वीजतस् :: Ind. From or according to the seed. E. वीज, and तसि aff.
  • वीजन :: n. (-नं) 1. A fan. 2. Fanning. 3. Thing, substance. m. (-नः) 1. A sort of pheasant. 2. The ruddy goose. E. वीज, ल्युट् aff.
  • वीजपुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) 1. Common citron. 2. A thorny plant, (Vangueria spinosa.) E. वीज a seed, and पुष्प a flower.
  • वीजपुष्पिका :: f. (-का) A sort of grain, (Andropogon or Holcus sorghum.) E. वीज a seed, पुष्प a flower, कन् aff., fem. form.
  • वीजपूर :: m. (-रः) Common citron or a variety, (Citrus medica.) E. वीज a seed, and पूर what is full of.
  • वीजपूर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) Common citron, or according to some authorities, a large kind of lime. E. वीज seed, and पूर्ण filled.
  • वीजप्रद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Sowing seed, &c. m. (-दः) Generating, or a generator. E. वीज, and प्रद what gives.
  • वीजप्ररोह :: m. (-हः) Growing from seed. E. वीज, and प्ररोह growing.
  • वीजमातृका :: f. (-का) The pericarp or seed-vessel of the lotus. E. वीज seed, and मातृका parent.
  • वीजरुह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -र्हं) Growing from seed. m. (-हः) Grain, corn. E. वीज seed, and रुह what grows.
  • वीजवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Who or what has seed. E. वीज, and मतुप् aff.
  • वीजवर :: m. (-रः) Kidney-bean, (Phaseolus radiatus.) E. वीज seed, and वर what screens.
  • वीजसू :: f. (-सूः) The earth. E. वीज seed, and सू parent.
  • वीजा :: Ind. By or with seed, sowing with seed. E. वीज, and डाच् aff.
  • वीजाकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Ploughed or harrowed after sowing, (a field, &c.) E. वीज a seed, and कृत made, with डाच् added to the first.
  • वीजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sown with, having for seed. 2. Fanned, cooled by the wind proceeding from a fan. E. वीज, इतच् aff.; or वीज् to fan, क्त aff.
  • वीजिन् :: mfn. (-जी -जिनी -जि) Having seed, origin, &c. m. (-जी) A father, a progenitor. E. वीज semen, and इनि aff.
  • वीजोत्कृष्ट :: n. (-ष्टं) Good seed. E. वीज, and उत्कृष्ट excellent.
  • वीजोदक :: n. (-कं) Hail. E. वीज origin or original, उदक water.
  • वीज्य :: mfn. (-ज्यः -ज्या -ज्यं) 1. Sprung from a respectable family. 2. Sprung from seed. E. वीज seed or origin, and यत् aff.
  • वीज्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Fanned. E. वीज् to fan, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • वीटा :: f. (-टा) A small piece of wood struck with a stick in kind of game played by boys.
  • वीटिका :: f. (-का) 1. The betel-plant, (Piper betel.) 2. The preparation of the Areca nut with spices and chunam, and enveloped in the leaf of the Piper betel, Betel, Pāun. 3. A tye, a fastening. E. वि, इट् to go, aff. क्वुन्, fem. form; also with इन् or ङीप् aff. वीटि or वीटी ।
  • वीणा :: f. (-णा) 1. The Vīṇā, or Indian lute, a fretted instrument of the guitar kind, usually having seven wires or strings, and a large gourd at each end of the finger board; the extent of the instru- ment is two octaves: it is supposed to be the invention of NĀRADA, the son of BRAHMĀ, and has many varieties, enumer- ated according to the number of strings, &c. 2. Lightning. E. वी to go, &c., Unādi aff. न, form irr.; or अज्-नक् वीभावः पृषो० णत्वम् ।
  • वीणादण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) The neck of a Vina. E. वीणा a lute, दण्ड a stick.
  • वीणानुबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) The tie of a lute or lower part of the tail piece, where the wires are fixed. E. वीणा the lute, अनुबन्ध appendage, tie,
  • वीणावाद :: m. (-दः) A player on the Vīṇā, a lutanist. E. वीणा a lute, and वाद who causes to speak or sound; also with कन् added, वीणावादक ।
  • वीणास्य :: m. (-स्यः) NĀRADA, the son of BRAHMĀ, and inventor of the Vīṇā or lute. E. वीणा, and आस्य the countenance.
  • वीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Gone, departed. 2. Exempt or freed from. 3. Loosed, let go, unbound. 4. Tranquil, quiet, tame. 5. Excepted. 6. Approved, liked, accepted. 7. Unfit for war. m. (-तः) 1. A horse or elephant, untrained to or unfit for war. 2. Goading an ele- phant. E. वी to go, aff. क्त ।
  • वीतंस :: m. (-सः) 1. A cage, a chain or net, &c. for confining birds or beasts. 2. An enclosure for tranquillising or taming them, an aviary, a menagerie. 3. A place for keeping game, a preserve. E. वि before तसि to adorn, aff. घञ्; the vowel of the prefix made long.
  • वीतकल्मष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Free from sin or soil. E. वीत, and कल्मष sin.
  • वीतकाम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Free from desire. E. वीत, काम desire.
  • वीतदम्भ :: mfn. (-म्भः -म्भा -म्भं) Humble, lowly. E. वीत gone, दम्भ pride, &c.
  • वीतन :: m. DU. (-नी) The sides of cartilages of the larynx. E. वि + तन्-अच्- पृषो० दीर्घ ।
  • वीतभय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Fearless, undaunted. E. वीत and भय fear.
  • वीतराग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) 1. Exempt from passions or affections. 2. Bleached, colourless. m. (-गः) 1. Any sage with subdued passions. 2. A Bauddha deified sage. E. वीत gone, and राग passions, desire.
  • वीतविरुद्धबुद्धि :: mfn. (-द्धिः -द्धिः -द्धि) Peaceable, without hostile intentions. E. वीत, विरुद्ध opposed, and बुद्धि fear.
  • वीतशङ्क :: mfn. (-ङ्कः -ङ्का -ङ्कं) Fearless. E. वीत, and शङ्क fear.
  • वीतशोक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Free from care or sorrow. m. (-कः) The Aśoka tree, (Jonesia Aśoka.) E. वीत gone, and शोक sorrow.
  • वीतस्पृह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Free from desire. E. वीत, and स्पृहा desire.
  • वीति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Going, moving, motion. 2. Eating. 3. Engendering,

producing. 4. Cleaning, cleansing. 5. Light, lustre. 6. Enjoyment. m. (-तिः) A horse. E. वी to go, क्तिन् or क्तिच् aff.

  • वीतिहोत्र :: m. (-त्रः) 1. AGNI. 2. The sun. E. वीति a horse, होत्र clarified butter, the usual offering or oblation with fire; also वीतिहात्रक ।
  • वीतोत्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Unable or disinclined to reply, having no answer. E. वीत, and उत्तर answer.
  • वीथि :: f. (-थिः or थी) 1. A road. 2. A row, a line. 3. A terrace in front of a house. 4. A stall, a shop. 5. A sort of drama, in one act, and by one or by two performers, the dramatic narration of an amatory story or intrigue. E. विथ् to ask or beg, aff. इन्, and the vowel made long; also ङीष् optionally added, with कन् aff., fem. form, वीथिका ।
  • वीथ्यङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) Dialogue, &c., suited to, and constituting the dramatic entertainment called Vithi, though employed in other kinds, as quibble, equivoque, jest, abuse, and the like. E. वीथि, अङ्ग a part.
  • वीध्र :: mfn. (-ध्रः -ध्रा -ध्रं) Clean, clear, pure. n. (-ध्रं) 1. The sky. 2. Wind. 3. Fire. E. वि, इन्ध् to shine, Unādi aff. रक्, the first consonant rejected.
  • वीनाह :: m. (-हः) The top or cover of a well. E. वि before नह् to bind, aff. घञ्; also विनाह ।
  • वीपा :: f. (-पा) Lightning.
  • वीप्सा :: f. (-प्सा) 1. Several or successive order, the arrangement of things or properties each by each, or in succession. as वृक्षं वृक्षं सिञ्चति, he waters tree after tree. 2. Pervasion. E. वि before अप् to go, or get, desiderative form, अच् aff.
  • वीबुकोश :: m. (-शः) A Chowri.
  • वीभ्(ऋ)वीभृ :: r. 1st. cl. (वीभते) To boast; also read चीभृ q. v.
  • वीर् :: r. 10th cl. (वीरयति-ते) To be powerful or valiant, to make heroic or irresistible effort.
  • वीर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Excellent, eminent, (used chiefly in composition.) 2. Heroic. 3. Powerful, mighty. 4. Strong, robust. m. (-रः) 1. A hero, a warrior, a champion. 2. Heroism, the heroic Rasa or feeling, as an object of poetical description especially; It is fourfold; viz:-- दानवीर, धर्मवीर, दयावीर and युद्घवीर । 3. The last Jina or Jaina pontiff of the present æra. 4. An actor, a mime. 5. A flower, (Nerium odorum.) 6. Fire. 7. Sacrificial fire. 8. An epithet of VISHṆU. 9. A son. 10. A husband. f. (-रा) 1. A matron, a wife and mother. 2. A sort of perfume, commonly Murā. 3. A medicinal root, commonly Kshira-kākolī. 4. A plant, (Flacourtia cataphracta.) 5. A drug (Elabāluka.) 6. Plantain tree. 7. A sort of Asclepias, (A rosea.) 8. Opposite-leaved fig tree. 9. A sort of Convolvulus, (C. paniculatus, the white and dark kind.) 10. A small tree, (Gmelina arborea.) 11. Spirituous liquor or a particular kind of it. 12. The aloe. 13. A plant, commonly Atis. n. (-रं) 1. A reed, (Arundo tibialis.) 2. The root of the ginger plant. 3. Pepper. 4. Rice-gruel. 5. The root of the Costus speciosus. 6. The root of the Andropogon muricatum. E. अज् to go, and वी substi- tuted for the root, रक् Unādi aff.; or वीर् to be powerful, aff. अच् ।
  • वीरकीट :: m. (-टः) A contemptible warrior.
  • वीरजयन्तिका :: f. (-का) 1. A war-dance, a dance performed by soldiers after a victory or on going to battle. 2. War, battle. E. वीर a hero, जि to conquer, झच् aff., fem. form, and कन् added.
  • वीरण :: n. (-णं) A fragrant grass, (Andropogon muricatum.) f. (-णी) 1. A side glance. 2. A deep place. E. वि a bird, ईर् to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • वीरतर :: n. (-र) 1. A fragrant grass, (Andropogon muricatum.) m. (-रः) 1. An arrow. 2. A great hero. E. वीर powerful, तरप् aff.
  • वीरतरु :: m. (-रुः) 1. A large tree, (Pentaptera Arjuna, Rox.) 2. A shrub, (Barleria longifolia, Rox.) E. वीर a hero, and तरु the tree.
  • वीरत्रा :: f. (-ता) Heroism. E. तल् added to वीर; also with त्व aff. वीरत्वं ।
  • वीरधन्वन् :: m. (-न्वा) KĀMA or CUPID. E. वीर a hero, and धन्वन् a bow.
  • वीरन्धर :: m. (-रः) 1. A peacock. 2. Fighting with wild beasts. 3. A lea-

ther cuirass or jacket. 4. The name of a river. E. वीर a hero, धृ to hold, खच् aff.

  • वीरपत्नी :: f. (-त्नी) The wife of a hero. E. वीर a hero, and पत्नी the wife.
  • वीरपाण :: n. (-णं) The drink of warriors, taken during the battle for re- freshment, or before it, to elevate courage. E. वीर a hero, and पान drink; the न is optionally changed whence it also occurs वीरपान ।
  • वीरभद्र :: m. (-द्रः) 1. A horse fit for the Aśwamedha sacrifice. 2. A distinguished hero. 3. A fragrant grass, “वीरण” 4. One of ŚIVA'S attendants. 5. One of the RŪDRAS. E. वीर a hero, भद्र auspicious.
  • वीरभद्रक :: n. (-कं) A fragrant grass, (Andropogon muricatum.)
  • वीरभार्य्या :: f. (-र्य्या) The wife of a hero. E. वीर a hero, and भाय्या a wife.
  • वीरमातृ :: f. (-ता) The mother of a hero. E. वीर and मातृ mother.
  • वीरमुद्रिका :: f. (-का) An ornament or ring worn on the middle toe. E. वीर a hero, मुद्रा a seal, कन् aff.
  • वीररेणु :: m. (-णुः) A name of BHIMASENA. E. वीर a hero, and रेणु dust.
  • वीरवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Having a champion or hero. f. (-ती) A woman whose husband and sons are living. E. वीर, मतुप् poss. aff.
  • वीरवत्सा :: f. (-त्सा) The mother of a hero. E. वीर, वत्स a child, (of whom.)
  • वीरविप्लावक :: m. (-कः) A Brāhmana who performs his oblations with money, procured from the lower or Sūdra tribe. E. वीर sacrificial fire, वि before प्लु to go, ण्वुल् aff.
  • वीरवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. The marking-nut plant, (Semicarpus anacardium.) 2. A large tree, (Pentaptera Arjuna.) 3. A sort of grain, (Andro- pogon or Holcus sorghum.) E. वीर strong, वृक्ष a tree.
  • वीरसू :: f. (-सूः) 1. The mother of a hero. 2. The mother of a male child. E. वीर a hero, and सू mother.
  • वीरसेन :: m. (-नः) The father of NALA Rājā. E. वीर a hero, सेना a host.
  • वीरसेनज :: m. (-जः) NALA, a prince and hero of several celebrated poems as the Naishadha, Nalodaya, &c. E. वीरसेन, and ज born.
  • वीरसैन्य :: n. (-न्यं) Garlic.
  • वीरस्कन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) A buffalo. E. वीर powerful स्कन्ध the shoulder.
  • वीरहन् :: m. (-हा) A Brāhman, who has suffered the sacred domestic fire to become extinct, either from carelessness, impiety, or absence. E. वीर sacrificial fire, and हन् who destroys.
  • वीराशंसन :: n. (-नं) 1. The post of danger, the place in battle which is most perilous and exposed. 2. Keeping watch. 3. A forlorn hope. E. वीर a hero, आङ् before शसि to wish, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • वीरासन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sleeping out in the open air, a bivouac. 2. A field of battle. 3. A kneeling posture. E. वीर and आसन sitting.
  • वीरुध् :: f. (-रुद् or रुत्) 1. A creeper or spreading creeper. 2. A branch and shoot. 3. A plant which grows after cutting. 4. A bower. E. वि before रुध् to impede, aff. क्विप्, and the vowel of the prefix made long; also टाप् being added, वीरुधा f. (-धा) ।
  • वीरेश्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. VĪRABHADRA, one of ŚIVA'S attendants. 2. A great hero. E. वीर a hero, and ईश्वर lord or chief.
  • वीरोञ्झ :: m. (-ञ्झः) A Brāhman, who omits burnt offerings or neglects his sacrificial fire. E. वीर fire, उज्झ to abandon, aff. अण् ।
  • वीरोपजीविक :: m. (-कः) A Brāhman, who claims alms or presents, on the merit of having preserved his sacrificial fire. E. वीर sacrificial fire and उपजीविक living by.
  • वीर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) 1. Strength, vigour, power. 2. Dignity, consequence. 3. Fortitude, firmness. 4. Semen virile. 5. Splendour, lustre. 6. Heroism, valour. 7. Seed, (of plants, &c.) 8. Efficacy. E. वीर a hero, and यत् aff.; or वीर् to be strong, and अच् and यत् affs.
  • वीर्य्यवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Strong, stout, robust. 2. Overcoming, victorious. 3. Efficacious. E. वीर्य्य strength, मतुप् poss. aff.
  • वीर्य्यविरहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Devoid of prowess or vigour, &c. E. वीर्य्य, विरहित deprived of.
  • वीर्य्यविशिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Possessed of courage, vigour, &c. E. वीर्य्य, विशिष्ट endowed with.
  • वीर्य्यहानि :: f. (-निः) 1. Loss of vigour or courage. 2. Impotence. E. वीर्य्य, हानि loss.
  • वीर्य्यहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Seedless. 2. Cowardly. E. वीर्य्य, हीन void of.
  • वीर्य्यावदान :: n. (-नं) Effecting any thing by prowess. E. वीर्य्य, अवदान end.
  • वीर्य्यावधूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Overcome or surpassed in prowess. E. वीर्य्य, and अवधूत shaken.
  • वीवध :: m. (-धः) 1. A yoke for carrying burdens. 2. A burden. 3. Storing or heaping corn. 4. A pitcher. 5. A road: see विवध ।
  • वीवधिक :: mf. (-कः-की) 1. A chandler. 2. A man or woman carrying a load by means of a pole. E. वीवध, ठन् aff., the first vowel unchanged.
  • वी(वि)हार :: m. (-रः) A holy place, a temple, a sanctuary, but especially a Jaina or Bauddha convent. E. वि, हृ to convey, aff. घञ् ।
  • वुग्(इ)वुगि :: r. 1st cl. (वुङ्गति) To except, to leave, to abandon.
  • वुट् :: r. 10th cl. (वुण्टयति-ते) To hurt, to kill.
  • वुध्(इ)वुधि :: r. 10th cl. (वुन्धयति-ते) To injure, to hurt, to kill.
  • वुवूर्षु :: Adj. Desirous of choosing.
  • वुस् :: r. 4th cl. (वुस्यति) To throw or cast off; also बुस् ।
  • वूर्ण :: f. (-र्णा) Adj. Chosen, selected.
  • वूष् :: r. 10th cl. (वूषयति-ते) To kill, to hurt or injure.
  • वृ(ङ,)वृङ् :: r. 9th cl. (वृणाति, वृणीते) To serve, to do homage or worship, to conciliate by service or adoration. (ञ) वृञ् r. 1st cl. (वरति-ते) r. 5th cl. (वृणोति वृणुते) r. 10th cl. (वारयति-ते) 1. To choose, to select, to prepare. 2. To appoint, to invite. 3. To screen, to invest, to cover. With अप prefixed, To convey, to screen, to shield or defend. With आङ्, To inclose, to cover, to surround. With नि or निर्, To cease, to refrain from, to finish or end. With परि, 1. To surround. 2. To depend upon. With वि, To become evident or apparent, to open or appear. With सम्, To conceal. With सम् and आङ्, To wrap up, to involve.
  • वृंहण :: mfn. (-णः -णा or णी -णं) Nourishing, fattening, nutritious. m. (-णः) A kind of sweetmeat made of sugar, milk, spices, &c., fried in Ghee, and powdered with coarse sugar or treacle. E. वृहि to increase, and ल्युट् or युच् aff.
  • वृंहणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be nourished, what ought to or may be. E. वृहि to grow, अनीयर् aff.
  • वृंहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Grown, increased. 2. Cherished, nourished. n. (-त) The roar of elephants. E. वृहि to grow or increase, aff. क्त ।
  • वृक् :: r. 1st. cl. (वर्कते) To take or accept, to seize.
  • वृक :: m. (-कः) 1. A wolf. 2. A crow. 3. The Vaka-pushpa tree, (Ses- bana grandiflora.) 4. A jackal. 5. A hyena. 6. A rat, a mouse. 7. A Kshetriya. 8. Name of a demon. 9. Name of a fire in the stomach. 10. Turpentine. 11. Compounded perfume. f. (-का) A plant, (Cissampelos hexandra.) E. वृक् to take, aff. क; or वृ to hide or screen, Unādi aff. कक् ।
  • वृकदंश :: m. (-शः) A dog. E. वृक a wolf, and दंश who bites.
  • वृकधूप :: m. (-पः) 1. Compounded perfume. 2. Turpentine. E. वृक the same meanings, and धूप incense.
  • वृकाराति :: m. (-तिः) A dog. E. वृक a wolf, and अराति an enemy.
  • वृकारि :: m. (-रिः) A dog. E. वृक a wolf, and अरि an enemy.
  • वृकोदर :: m. (-रः) 1. A name of BRAHMĀ. 2. Name of BHĪMA. E. वृक a wolf, or the name of a fire in the stomach, and उदर the belly.
  • वृक्क :: mf. (-क्कः-क्का) 1. The heart. 2. A kidney, (In this sense in the dual.)
  • वृक्ण :: mfn. (-क्णः -क्णा -क्णं) Cut, divided, broken. E. व्रश्च् to cut, aff. क्त, form irr.; also read वक्न ।
  • वृक्णवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Cutting, severing. E. व्रश्च् to cut, क्तवतु aff.
  • वृक्त :: f. (-क्ता) Cleaned, clear.
  • वृक्ष् :: r. 1st cl. (वृक्षते) 1. To appoint. 2. To cover. 3. To take or accept.
  • वृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A tree in general. E. वृक्ष् to cover, (to shade,) aff. घञ्; or व्रश्च् to cut and क्स Unādi aff.
  • वृक्षक :: m. (-कः) 1. A small tree, (Wrightea antidysenterica.) 2. Any tree. E. कन् added to the last.
  • वृक्षकुक्कुट :: m. (-टः) A wild cock. E. वृक्ष and कुक्कुट a cock.
  • वृक्षखण्ड :: n. (-ण्ड) A grove. E. वृक्ष and खण्ड a part.
  • वृक्षचर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Going or living in trees. m. (-रः) A monkey. E. वृक्ष a tree or any other synonime, and चर who goes.
  • वृक्षच्छाया :: f. (-या) The shade of a single tree. n. (-यं) The shade of many trees or a grove. E. वृक्ष a tree, and च्छाया shade; in the second sense, it takes the neuter gender.
  • वृक्षतल :: n. (-लं) The foot of a tree or ground about it. E. वृक्ष, तल below.
  • वृक्षधूप :: m. (-पः) Turpentine. E. वृक्ष a tree, and धूप incense.
  • वृक्षनाथ :: m. (-थः) The Indian-fig tree. E. वृक्ष a tree, and नाथ lord.
  • वृक्षनिर्य्यास :: m. (-सः) Gum, resin. E. वृक्ष and निर्य्यास exudation.
  • वृक्षनिवास :: m. (-सः) Dwelling or living in a tree. E. वृक्ष, निवास abode.
  • वृक्षपाक :: m. (-कः) The Indian-fig tree. E. वृक्ष a tree, and पाक what ripens or perfects.
  • वृक्षभवन :: n. (-नं) A hollow in a tree. E. वृक्ष a tree, and भवन dwelling.
  • वृक्षभिद् :: f. (-भिद् or भित्) An axe. E. वृक्ष a tree, भिद् breaking, cutting.
  • वृक्षभेदिन् :: m. (-दी) 1. A carpenter's chisel. 2. A hatchet. E. वृक्ष a tree, and भेदिन् what breaks.
  • वृक्षमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) A bounding with trees. E. वृक्ष and मयट् aff.
  • वृक्षमर्कटिका :: f. (-का) A squirrel. E. वृक्ष a tree, मर्कट a monkey, कन् aff. of comparison.
  • वृक्षमृद्भू :: m. (-द्भूः) A sort of cane or reed, (Calamus fascicularis.) E. वृक्ष a tree, मृद् earth, भू born.
  • वृक्षरुह :: mf. (-हः-हा) A parasite plant, (Cymbidum tessalloides, &c.) E. वृक्ष, and रुह growing, having its roots attached to the trunk or branches of another plant or tree.
  • वृक्षरोपण :: n. (-णं) Planting trees. E. वृक्ष, and रोपण planting; also वृक्षारोपण ।
  • वृक्षवाटिका :: f. (-का) A garden, a grove, one belonging to the residence of a minister of state, a courtezan, &c. E. वृक्ष a tree, and वाटिका or वाटी an enclosure; hence also वृक्षवाटी ।
  • वृक्षश :: m. (-शः) A lizard, a chamæleon. E. वृक्ष a tree, शी to sleep, aff. ड ।
  • वृक्षशायिका :: f. (-का) A squirrel. E. वुक्ष, शी to sleep, ण्वुल् aff.
  • वृक्षस्य :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) What is or stays in or on a tree. E. वृक्ष, and स्थ who or what stays; also वृक्षस्थायिन्, वृक्षस्थित; &c.
  • वृक्षाग्र :: n. (-ग्रं) The top of a tree. E. वृक्ष, and अग्र top.
  • वृक्षाङ्घ्रि :: m. (-ङ्घ्रिः) The root of a tree. E. वृक्ष, and अङ्घ्रि foot.
  • वृक्षादन :: m. (-नः) 1. A carpenter's chisel or adze. 2. A hatchet, a chopper. 3. The Indian-fig tree. 4. The Piyāl tree, (Buchanania latifolia.) f. (-नी) 1. A parasite plant, (Epidendron.) 2. A shrub, (Hedysarum gangeticum.) E. वृक्ष a tree, अदन eating or food.
  • वृक्षादिरुहक :: n. (-कं) Embracing. E. वृक्षादि trees, &c., रुह ascended, and कन् aff. of comparison; entwining as a creeper round a tree, &c.; also derived from रुह् with क्त aff., वृक्षादिरूढ n. (-ढं) ।
  • वृक्षाम्ल :: m. (-म्लः) The hog-plum, (Spondias mangifera.) n. (-म्लं) Acid seasoning, or the fruit of the tamarind so used. E. वृक्ष, अम्ल sour.
  • वृक्षारोपक :: m. (-कः) A planter of a tree. E. वृक्ष and आरोपक who plants.
  • वृक्षारोपण :: n. (-णं) Planting tress. E. वृक्ष, and आरोपण planting.
  • वृक्षालय :: m. (-यः) A bird in general. E. वृक्ष a tree, and आलय abode.
  • वृक्षावास :: m. (-सः) 1. An ascetic, one who lives in the hollows of trees. 2. A bird. E. वृक्ष a tree, आवास abode.
  • वृक्षोत्थ :: mfn. (-त्थः -त्था -त्थं) Growing on or borne by a tree. E. वृक्ष, उत्थ what rises.
  • वृक्षोत्पल :: m. (-लः) A large handsome tree, commonly Kaniyar or KAR- NIKĀR, (Pterospermum acerifolium.) E. वृक्ष a tree, उत्पल a lotus.
  • वृच्(ई)वृवी :: r. 7th cl. (वृणक्ति) 1. To cover. 2. To quit, to abandon, to shun or avoid. 3. To choose, to take.
  • वृज्(ई)वृजी :: r. 1st cl. (वर्जति) r. 2nd cl. (वृङ्क्ते) r. 7th cl. (वृणक्ति) 1. To choose. 2. To lose, to avoid. 3. To purify. 4. To cover. With अप, To relinquish. r. 10th cl. (वर्ज्जयति-ते) To quit, to shun, to avoid, to except, to abandon. With आ, To bend, to incline. 2. To offer. With वि, 1. To avoid. 2. To be destitute of.
  • वृजन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Crooked. n. (-नं) 1. Sin. 2. Sky, atmosphere. 3. A

field cleared for pasture. m. (-नः) Hair. E. वृज् to quit, &c., Unādi aff. क्यु ।

  • वृजि :: f. (-जिः) A country, probably that to the west of Delhi and Āgrā, or the modern Bruj. E. वृज् to quit, aff कि ।
  • वृजिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Of the district of Vrij or Bruj, (as a dialect, a native. &c.) E. वृजि as above, and कन् added.
  • वृजिन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Crooked, bent, curved. 2. Wicked. n. (-नं) 1. Sin, vice, wickedness. 2. Red leather. 3. Distress, affliction. m. (-नः) Hair. E. वृज् to cover, Unādi aff. इनच्, the vowel un- changed.
  • वृण् :: r. 6th cl. (वृणति) To please, to gratify. (उ) (वृणु) r. 8th cl. (वृणोति, वृणुते) To eat, to consume.
  • वृण्वत् :: mfn. (-ण्वन् -ण्वन्ती -ण्वत्) Choosing, electing, preferring, (especially as a husband or wife.) E. वृ to choose, शतृ aff.
  • वृण्वाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Choosing. E. वृ to choose, शानच् aff.: see the last.
  • वृत्(उ)वृतु :: r. 1st cl. (वर्त्तते) To be, to exist, to stay, to stand, to be fixed or stable. r. 4th cl. (वृत्यते) 1. To choose, to select or appoint. 2. To serve. 3. To divide. r. 10th cl. (वर्त्तयति-ते) 1. To shine. 2. To speak. With अति prefixed, 1. To surpass or overcome. 2. To pass over or beyond. 3. To transgress. With अनु, 1. To follow, to imitate. 2. To proceed. With अप, To turn back or round. With आङ्, 1. To turn round, to revolve. 2. To do repeatedly. With नि, To make artifi- cially. With नि or निर्, To stop, to cease, to complete or terminate. With परि, 1. To surround. 2. To exchange. 3. To excel, to be pre- eminent. 4. To advance. 5. To retreat or return. 6. To turn round. With प्र, To engage in any active pursuit. With प्रति and नि, To go away, to depart. With वि, 1. To roll, to whirl, to turn round. 2. To revolve. With वि and नि, To return. With वि and परि, To revolve, (in the mind.) With सम् and अभि, To leap.
  • वृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Chosen, selected, preferred. 2. Agreed or assented to. 3. Served. 4. Covered, screened, defended. 5. Affected by. 6. Vitiated, spoiled. 7. Hired. E. वृ to prefer, and क्त aff.
  • वृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Selecting, choosing, preferring, appointing. 2. Solici- ting, asking, requesting. 3. Surrounding, encompassing. 4. An enclosure, a place enclosed for particular cultivation, and especially that of the Piper betel, which in many parts of India is surrounded and screened by mats. 5. Hiding, secreting. 6. A request. E. वृ to choose, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • वृतिङ्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Surrounding, encompassing. m. (-रः) A plant, (Flacourtia sapida, Rox.) E. वृति surrounding, कृ to make, खच् aff.
  • वृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Chosen, selected, appointed. 2. Done, perform- ed, engaged in or undertaken. 3. Past, gone, been. 4. Over, finish- ed. 5. Dead, deceased. 6. Read, studied, read through. 7. Covered. 8. Round. 9. Firm, hard. 10. Unobstructed, unimpaired. 11. Fa- mons, celebrated. 12. Turned. 13. Been, existed. n. (-त्तं) 1. Verse, metre. 2. Conduct, observance of enjoined practice in private or social life. 3. Practice, profession, means of gaining a subsistence. 4. Procedure, event, occurrence. 5. A circle. m. (-त्तः) A tortoise. E. वृत् to be, &c., aff. क्त ।
  • वृत्तकर्कटी :: f. (-टी) The water-melon.
  • वृत्तखण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) Sector or segment of a circle. E. वृत्त, and खण्ड part.
  • वृत्तगन्धि :: n. (-न्धिः) Name given to a particular kind of prose.
  • वृत्तचूड :: Adj. Whose tonsure has been performed.
  • वृत्तज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Who or what knows men's actions. E. वृत्त, ज्ञ who knows.
  • वृत्ततस् :: Ind. In or relating to observance or duty, by caste or duty, not implying agency; as वृत्ततः पापं “by or according to caste, a sin.” E. तसि substituted for the termination of the third case.
  • वृत्तपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) 1. The Kadamba tree, (Nauclea cadamba.) 2. The Shirisa tree. 3. A cane. E. वृत्त round, and पुष्प a flower.
  • वृत्तफल :: n. (-लं) Black pepper. m. (-लः) 1. The pomegranate. 2. The jujube. E. वृत्त round, and फल fruit.
  • वृत्तवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Discharging the duties of caste or calling, correct, well-conducted. E. वृत्त and मतुप् aff.
  • वृत्तसम्पन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Well-behaved or conducted, behaving with propriety. E. वृत्त duty, and सम्पन्न perfect in.
  • वृत्रसादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Worthless, mean, vile. E. वृत्त, षद् to go, घिनुण् aff.
  • वृत्तस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Discharging the duties of caste or calling. E. वृत्त established practice, and स्थ who stays.
  • वृत्ताध्ययनर्द्धि :: f. (-र्द्धिः) Holiness, sanctity, resulting from observance of the rules of life and study of scripture. E. वृत्त conduct, अध्ययन study, and ऋद्धि prosperity, increase.
  • वृत्तानुवर्त्तिन् :: mfn. (-र्त्ती -र्त्तिनी -र्त्ति) Obedient, conforming to rule. E. वृत्त, अनु according to, वत्तिन् abiding.
  • वृत्तानुसार :: m. (-रः) 1. Conforming to prescribed practice. 2. Conformity to metre. E. वृत्त, अनुसार following.
  • वृत्तानुसारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Conforming to established rule or prac- tice, doing what is enjoined or proper. E. वृत्तानुसार and इनि aff.
  • वृत्तान्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. Tidings, rumour, intelligence. 2. Sort, kind, differ- ence. 3. Mode, manner. 4. Whole. 5. Interval, rest, leisure, oppor- tunity. 6. Topic, subject. 7. A tale, a story. 8. Event. 9. Property, nature. 10. Alone, solitary. E. वृत्त observance, &c., and अन्त end.
  • वृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Livelihood, profession, means of acquiring subsistence. 2. Style or character of dramatic representation, or composition, considered to be of four sorts, viz:--Kaūsīkī, which exhibits love or passion; Bhāratī, which appears to implies declamation es- pecially; Sātwatī, of which the subject is virtue and heroism, and Ārbhattī, which treats of magic, delusion, wrath and battle. 3. Style in general. 4. Gloss, comment, explanation, expo- sition. 5. Being, abiding, staying. 6. Seizing, stopping, withhold- ing, restraining. 7. Circumference of a wheel or circle. 8. State, condition. 9. Behaviour, action, course of action, conduct. 10. Action, engagement, operation. 11. Respectful treatment. 12. Wages, hire. 13. Revolving, turning round. 14. A complex forma- tion, (in gram.) 15. The connotative power of a word; (these are three, viz:-- अभिधा, लक्षणा and व्यंजना ।) E. वृत् to be, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • वृत्तिकर्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Attracted by or impelled to for the sake of subsistence. E. वृत्ति and कर्षित attracted.
  • वृत्तिता :: f. (-ता) 1. State of existence. 2. Profession, subsistence. E. वृत्ति and तल् aff.; also with त्व, वृत्तित्वं ।
  • वृत्तिदान :: n. (-नं) Giving maintenance, &c. E. वृत्ति and दान giving.
  • वृत्तिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Abiding, stationary. E. वृत्ति and मतुप् aff.
  • वृत्तिवैकल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Want of livelihood.
  • वृत्तिस्थ :: Adj. 1. Being in employment. 2. Of good behaviour. m. (-स्थः) A lizard.
  • वृत्तिहेतु :: f. (-तुः) Cause or means of subsistence. E. वृत्ति and हेतु cause.
  • वृत्तौजस् :: mfn. (-जाः -जाः -जः) Mighty, irresistible. E. वृत्त, ओजस् strength.
  • वृत्त्य :: mfn. (-त्त्यः -त्त्या -त्त्यं) 1. To be chosen, preferable, eligible. 2. Excell- ent, eminent. 3. To be abided or stayed. E. वृत् to select, aff. क्यप्; or वृञ् with the same aff. and तुक् augment.
  • वृत्त्यर्थम् :: Ind. For the sake of subsistence. E. वृत्ति, अर्थम् for the sake of.
  • वृत्त्यनुप्रास :: m. (-सः) Alliteration suited to any style or expression. E. वृत्ति and अनुप्रास alliteration.
  • वृत्त्युपाय :: m. (-यः) Means of subsistence. E. वृत्ति and उपाय means.
  • वृत्र :: m. (-त्रः) 1. An enemy. 2. Darkness. 3. A demon slain by INDRA. 4. A cloud. 5. A name of INDRA. 6. The name of a mountain. 7. Sound, noise. E. वृत् to be or abide, Unādi aff. रक् ।
  • वृत्रद्विष् :: m. (-द्विट्) INDRA. E. वृत्र the demon, and द्विष् the enemy.
  • वृत्रभोजन :: m. (-नः) A kind of potherb, described by some as a sort of cucumber. E. वृत्र INDRA, and भोजन food.
  • वृत्रहन् :: m. (-हा) INDRA. E. वृत्र demon, and हन् slayer.
  • वृत्रारि :: m. (-रिः) INDRA. E. वृत्र demon, and अरि an enemy.
  • वृथा :: Ind. 1. Uselessly, fruitlessly. 2. Wrongly, incorrectly. 3. In vain, (in composition with nouns.) 4. Compounded with articles of food, it implies they are hot. E. वृ to choose, &c., aff. थाक् ।
  • वृथाकथा :: f. (-था) Idle talk. E. वृथा and कथा speech.
  • वृथाघात :: m. (-तः) Striking or killing any being unnecessarily. E. वृथा and आघात a blow.
  • वृथाट्या :: f. (-ट्या) Going about or travelling for pleasure. E. वृथा and अट्या roaming.
  • वृथादान :: n. (-नं) Unprofitable donation, gift to encomiasts, harlots, wrestlers, money lost at play, &c. E. वृथा vain, and दान giving.
  • वृथापशुघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) The slayer of an animal except for sacrifice. E. वृथा and पशु an animal, घ्न who kills.
  • वृथामांस :: n. (-सं) Flesh not intended to be offered to the gods or manes.
  • वृथालम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) Cutting or plucking unnecessarily. E. वृथा and लभि to get, aff. घञ् ।
  • वृथोत्पन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Born or produced in vain. E. वृथा and उत्पन्न produced.
  • वृद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Old, aged, ancient. 2. Full-grown, large, expanded to the proper size. 3. Wise, learned. 4. Heaped, accumu- lated. 5. Increased, augmented. m. (-द्धः) 1. An old man, or one past seventy. 2. A sage, a saint. 3. A male descendant. f. (-द्धा) 1. An old woman, either one past child-bearing, or one with grey hair. 2. A female descendant. n. (-द्धं) Benzoin, (Styrax benzoin.) E. वृध् to increase or grow, aff. क्त ।
  • वृद्धकाक :: m. (-कः) A sort of crow or raven. E. वृद्ध old or large, and काक a crow.
  • वृद्धत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Old age. E. वृद्ध old, त्व aff. of the abstracts; also वृद्धता ।
  • वृद्धदारक :: m. (-कः) A climbing plant, (Lettsomia nervosa.) E. वृद्ध old, and दारक tearing.
  • वृद्धनाभि :: mfn. (-भिः -भिः or भी -भि) Pot-bellied, corpulent. E. वृद्ध large, नाभि the navel.
  • वृद्धप्रपितामह :: m. (-हः) A paternal great greatgrandfather. f. (-ही) A paternal great greatgrandmother. E. वृद्ध old, प्रपितामह great- grandfather.
  • वृद्धप्रमातामह :: m. (-हः) A maternal great great-grandfather. f. (-ही) A maternal great great-grandmother. E. वृद्ध and प्रमातामह maternal greatgrandfather.
  • वृद्धभाव :: m. (-वः) Old age. E. वृद्ध and भाव quality.
  • वृद्धराज :: m. (-जः) A kind of dock or sorrel: see अम्लवेतस् ।
  • वृद्धवाहन :: m. (-नः) The mango tree. E. वृद्ध large, वाहन vehicle or stem.
  • वृद्धविभीतक :: m. (-कः) Hog-plum, (Spondias mangifera.) “आम्डा . ” E. वृद्ध old or large, विभीतक myrobalan.
  • वृद्धश्रवस् :: m. (-वाः) INDRA. E. वृद्ध aged, and श्रवस् hearing; who listens to the old or wise; or वृद्ध large, and श्रवस् the ear.
  • वृद्धसंघ :: m. (-घः) An assembly of old men, a council or meeting of elders. E. वृद्ध an elder, and संघ assemblage.
  • वृद्धसूत्रक :: n. (-कं) Flocculent seeds flying in the air. E. वृद्ध old, सूत्र thread, aff. कन् ।
  • वृद्धसेवा :: f. (-वा) Reverence for old age. E. वृद्ध, and सेवा service.
  • वृद्धाङ्गुलि :: f. (-लिः) The thumb. E. वृद्ध large, and अङ्गुलि a finger.
  • वृद्धाङ्गुष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) 1. The thumb. 2. The great toe.
  • वृद्धाचार :: m. (-रः) Ancient custom.
  • वृद्धारण्य :: m. (-ण्यः) A place where the Purāṇas, and other sacred works are read and expounded. E. वृद्ध a Pandit, a scholar, अरण्य a forest.
  • वृद्धावस्था :: f. (-स्था) The condition or period of old age. E. वृद्ध, अवस्था state.
  • वृद्धाश्रम :: m. (-मः) Roaming, travelling, wandering about. E. वृद्ध, and आश्रम order or state of life.
  • वृद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) 1. Increase, augmentation in general, as in bulk, conse- quence, wealth, &c. 2. The third of the three conditions or objects of regal power, extension of power or revenue, or any indication of progression. 3. Rise, ascending, mounting. 4. Prosperity, suc- cess. 5. One of the eight principal drugs or medical roots, des- cribed as mild and cooling, sweet and bitter, &c., as a remedy for phlegm, leprosy and worms. 6. The eleventh of the astronomical

Yogas, or Yoga star of the 11th lunar mansion. 7. A particular period or division of time. 8. The increase of the digits of the sun or moon. 9. Enlargement of the scrotum, either from swelled tes- ticle or hydrocele or other morbid affections. 10. Interest, usury, especially returning the principal, (as in the case of seed corn lent,) with a proportionate increment. 11. Happiness, pleasure. 12. A heap, a quantity, assemblage, multitude. 13. Wealth, pro- perty. 14. Cutting off, abscission. 15. (In law,) Forfeiture, deduc- tion. 16. Profit, gain. 17. The lengthening of a vowel, the subs- titution of आ, ऐ, औ, आर् and आल् for अ, इ, उ, ऋ and ऌ (short or long; in gram.) E. वृध् to increase, aff. कि, or क्तिन् or क्तिच् ।

  • वृद्धिकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Yielding or causing increase, &c.
  • वृद्धिका :: f. (-का) A sort of drug: see वृद्धि . E. कन् added to वृद्धि ।
  • वृद्धिजीविका :: f. (-का) The profession of usury. E. वृद्धि, जीविका livelihood.
  • वृद्धिपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A kind of razor or lancet. E. वृद्धि, and पत्र blade.
  • वृद्धिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) 1. Augmented, increased. 2. Rich. 3. Pros- perous. E. वृद्धि, and मतुप् aff.
  • वृद्धिश्राद्ध :: n. (-द्धं) A Śrāddha or sacrifice to progenitors on any pros- perous occasion, as the birth of a son, &c. E. वृद्धि, and श्राद्ध cere- mony so termed.
  • वृद्धोक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) An old bull. E. वृद्ध old, and उक्ष a bull or ox.
  • वृद्ध्याजीव :: m. (-वः) A usurer. E. वृद्धि usury, and आजीव who lives.
  • वृध्(उ)वृधु :: r. 1st cl. (वर्द्धते) 1. To increase or grow. 2. The continue, to last. 3. To become joyful, to have cause for congratulation. r. 10th cl. (वर्द्धयति-ते) 1. To shine. 2. To speak.
  • वृधसान :: m. (-नः) A man. E. वृध् to grow, &c. aff. असानच् ।
  • वृथसानु :: m. (-नुः) 1. A man. 2. A leaf. 3. Act, action. E. वृध् to increase, असानु aff.
  • वृध्न :: m. (-ध्नः) Bubo in the groin.
  • वृध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) To be increased or augmented. E. वृध् to grow, aff. क्यप् ।
  • वृन्त :: n. (-न्तं) 1. The footstalk of a leaf or fruit. 2. The nipple. 3. The stand of a water-jar. E. वृञ् to choose, क्त aff., and नुम् augment.
  • वृन्ताक :: mf. (-कः-की) The egg-plant, (Solanum melongena.) E. वृन्त foot- stalk, अक् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • वृन्तिता :: f. (-ता) A medicinal plant, (Wrightea antidysenterica.) E. वृन्त a stalk, इतच् aff.
  • वृन्द :: mfn. (-न्दः -न्दा -न्दं) All, many. n. (-न्दं) A heap, a multitude, a quan- tity, an aggregation. f. (-न्दा) Holy basil, (Ocymum sanctum.) E. वृण् to please, or वृत् to be, &c., aff. दन्, form irr.
  • वृन्दार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Beautiful, handsome, pleasing. 2. Eminent, reputable. E. वृन्द a quantity, and आरक aff., implying pre-eminence.
  • वृन्दारक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Handsome, agreeable, pleasing. 2. Best, excellent, chief. 3. Much, great. 4. Reputable, respectable, eminent. m. (-कः) 1. A deity, an immortal. 2. A chief, the head or leader of a crowd or herd, &c., (at the end of a compound.) E. वृन्द a heap, and आरकन् aff., implying pre-eminence.
  • वृन्दिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Very beautiful or charming, very excellent or elevated, very reputable or venerable. E. वृन्दारक chief, excellent, वृन्द substituted, and इष्ठन् aff. of the irr. super.; also with ईयसुन् the same, वृन्दीयस् ।
  • वृन्दीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Very eminent or excellent. E. See the last.
  • वृश् :: r. 4th cl. (वृश्यति) To choose, to prefer, to select.
  • वृश :: m. (-शः) 1. A rat. 2. A flower, (Justicia ganderussa.) f. (-शा) A drug. n. (-शं) Ginger. E. वृ to choose, शक् Unadi aff.: see वृष ।
  • वृश्चिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A scorpion. 2. The sign Scorpio of the zodiac. 3. A hairy caterpillar. 4. A crab. 5. A sort of beetle found in cow- dung. 6. A centipede. 7. A thorny shrub, (Vangueria spinosa.) 8. The month when the sun is in Scorpio. f. (-का) A potherb. (Basella.) E. व्रश्च् to cut, Unādi aff. किकन्, and the semi-vowel changed to the vowel.
  • वृश्चिकप्रिया :: f. (-या) A potherb, (Basella rubra and lucida.) E. वृश्चिक a scorpion, प्रिय found of.
  • वृश्चिकाली :: f. (-ली) 1. A line of scorpions. 2. A shrub, (Tragia involucra- ta.) E. वृश्चिक a scorpion, and आली a line.
  • वृष्(उ)वृषु :: r. 1st cl. (वर्षति) 1. To sprinkle. 2. To rain. 3. To hurt or kill. 4. To weary. 5. To give. 6. To be capable of generating. 7. To have supreme power. With अभि, 1. To shower. 2. To bestow. With प्र, To rain. r. 10th cl. (वर्षयति-ते) 1. To conceive, to be impregnated. 2. To possess supreme or super-natural power. 3. To be powerful.
  • वृष :: m. (-षः) 1. A bull. 2. The sign Taurus of the zodiac. 3. Virtue, moral merit. 4. Virtue personified, as a bull or the bull of ŚIVA. 5. A man of a lecherous disposition, one of the four descriptions into which men are divided in erotic works. 6. A rat. 7. A drug, commonly Rishabha. 8. A plant, (Justicia ganderussa.) 9. (In composition,) Excellent, pre-eminent. 10. A name of KARṆA. 11. VISHṆU. 12. An enemy, an adversary. 13. Particular ground, judged proper for the foundation of a house. 14. Love or KĀMA. 15. A strong or athletic man. n. (-षं) A peacock's plumage or tail. f. (-षा) 1. A plant, (Salvinia cucullata.) 2. Cowach, (Carpopogon pruriens.) f. (-षी) The seat of the religious student or one used by ascetics, formed of Kusa grass. E. वृष् to sprinkle, aff. क or अच् ।
  • वृषकर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A plant. “सुदर्शना लतायाम् ।”
  • वृषण :: m. (-णः) The scrotum, the bag which contains the testicles. E. वृष् to sprinkle, (seminal fluid,) aff. क्यु or युच् ।
  • वृषणकच्छू :: f. (-च्छूः) Ulceration of the scrotum. E. वृषण and कच्छू a root.
  • वृषणश्व :: m. (-श्वः) The horse of INDRA. E. वृषण INDRA, and अश्व the horse.
  • वृषण्वसु :: n. (-सु) The horse, &c. of INDRA. E. वृषन् INDRA, and वसु wealth.
  • वृषदशक :: m. (-कः) A cat. E. वृष a rat, and दशक devourer.
  • वृषध्वज :: m. (-जः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. GAṆEŚA. 3. A virtuous man. E. वृष a bull, a rat, or virtue, and ध्वज emblem.
  • वृषन् :: m. (-षा) 1. INDRA, as god of the firmament. 2. KARṆA, the hero. 3. Pain, sorrow. 4. Insensibility from extreme pain. 5. A bull. 6. A horse. 7. The sign Taurus of the zodiac. E. वृष् to sprinkle, Unādi aff. कनिन् ।
  • वृषनाशन :: m. (-नः) A medicinal plant, commonly Viranga, (Embelia ribes.) E. वृष a bull, नाशन destroying.
  • वृषपति :: m. (-तिः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. A bull set at liberty. E. वृष a bull, and पति lord.
  • वृषपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A plant, (Salvinia cucullata.) E. वृष a rat, पर्ण a leaf; fem. aff. ङीष् ।
  • वृषपर्व्वन् :: m. (-र्व्वा) 1. ŚIVA. 2. Name of a demon. 3. A wasp. 4. A sort of grass, (Scripus kysoor.) E. वृष a bull, &c., पर्व्वन् a joint.
  • वृषभ :: m. (-भः) 1. A bull. 2. (In composition,) Pre-eminent, excellent. 3. The orifice of the ear. 4. An elephant's ear. 5. A drug; also Rishabha, described as a root resembling the horn of a bull, brou- ght from the Himālaya mountains, of cooling and tonic properties, and serviceable in catarrh and consumption. 6. The first of the Jaina pontiffs of the present era. 7. Any male animal. f. (-भी) 1. A widow. 2. Cowach. E. वृष् to sprinkle, Unādi aff. अभच् ।
  • वृषभगति :: m. (-तिः) ŚIVA. E. वृषभ a bull, and गति going.
  • वृषभध्वज :: m. (-जः) ŚIVA. E. वृषभ a bull, and ध्वज emblem.
  • वृषभासा :: f. (-सा) The capital of INDRA, and the immortals. E. वृष the bull of ŚIVA, भास् splendour, and टाप् added.
  • वृषय :: m. (-यः) An asylum, a place of refuge or shelter. E. वृ to screen, Unādi aff. कयन्, and षुक् augment.
  • वृषल :: m. (-लः) 1. A horse. 2. A Śudra, or man of the servile tribe. 3. The sovereign CHANDRAGUPTA. 4. Garlic. 5. A sinner, a reprobate, a wicked or unrighteous man. f. (-ली) 1. A girl twelve years old, in whom menstruation has commenced, and who is unmarried. 2. A barren woman. 3. A woman during menstruation. 4. The mother of a still-born child. 5. A woman of a low caste. E. वृष a

bull, or virtue, &c., and ल to take, aff. क; or वृष् to sprinkle, कलच् Unādi aff.

  • वृषलक :: m. (-कः) A contemptible Śudra.
  • वृषलत्व :: n. (-त्वं) The condition or state of a Śudra. E. त्व added to वृषल ।
  • वृषलात्मज :: m. (-जः) The son of a reprobate. E. वृषल a wicked man, आत्मज son.
  • वृषलीसेवन :: n. (-नं) Intercourse with a Śudra female. E. वृषली, सेवन frequenting.
  • वृषलोचन :: m. (-नः) A rat. E. वृष a bull, and लोचन the eye.
  • वृषवाहन :: m. (-नः) ŚIVA. E. वृष a bull, and वाहन vehicle.
  • वृषशत्रु :: m. (-त्रुः) KRISHṆA. E. वृष KARṆA, and शत्रु the enemy.
  • वृषसृक्की :: f. (-क्की) A wasp.
  • वृषस्पन्ती :: f. (-न्ती) 1. A lascivious woman. 2. A cow in heat. E. वृष a man of a particular class, or a bull, forming with the increments सुक्, and क्यच् a nominal verb, implying desire of such a man, &c., participal aff. of the present tense शतृ, fem. aff. ङीष् ।
  • वृषाकपायी :: f. (-यी) 1. The goddess LAKSHMĪ. 2. GAURĪ. 3. SWĀHĀ, the wife of AGNI. 4. ŚACHĪ, the wife of INDRA. 5. A shrub, (Asparagus racemosus.) 6. A plant, (Celtis orientalis.) E. वृषाकपि VISHṆU, &c., ङीष् aff., and आनुक् augment.
  • वृषाकपि :: m. (-पिः) 1. KRISHṆA or VISHṆU. 2. ŚIVA. 3. AGNI, or fire. 4. INDRA. E. वृष virtue, अ not, कपि to shake or agitate, इ aff., and the radical augment rejected; or वृषा INDRA, अकपि untrembling, as before; or वृष virtue, or वृषा INDRA, and कपि an ape, being the ape as it were of the greater gods: other etymologies occur.
  • वृषाङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. A pious man. 3. Marking-nut plant. 4. An eunuch, one employed in the zenana. E. वृष the bull of the deity, or virtue, and अङ्क mark.
  • वृषाङ्कज :: m. (-जः) A very small drum, held in one hand, and played by means of a string attached to it. E. वृषाङ्क ŚIVA, ज born, made.
  • वृषाञ्चन :: m. (-नः) ŚIVA. E. वृष a bull, and अञ्चन going.
  • वृषाणक :: m. (-कः) A form of ŚIVA. E. वृष a bull, अन् to be, and कन् aff.
  • वृषान्तक :: m. (-कः) VISHṆU. E. वृष virtue, अन्त end, and कन् aff.
  • वृषायण :: m. (-णः) 1. A sparrow. 2. An epithet of ŚIVA.
  • वृषाहार :: m. (-रः) A cat. E. वृष a rat, and आहार food.
  • वृषिन् :: m. (-षी) A peacock. E. वृष his plumage, and इनि aff.
  • वृ(वृ)षी :: f. (-षिः or षी) The seat or cushion of an ascetic; also वृसी . E. वृष, कि or ङीप् aff.
  • वृषोत्सर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) Setting a bull at liberty on occasion of a sacrifice or obsequial oblation. E. वृष, and उत्सर्ग letting loose.
  • वृष्ट :: f. (-ष्टा) 1. Rained. 2. Showering, pouring down.
  • वृष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) 1. Rain. 2. A shower in general. E. वृष् to sprinkle, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • वृष्टिकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Raining, sprinkling. E. वृष्टि, कर what makes.
  • वृष्टिकाल :: m. (-लः) The rainy season. E. वृष्टि, काल time.
  • वृष्टिघ्नी :: f. (-घ्नी) Guzeratty cardamoms. E. वृष्टि rain, घ्न destructive, fem. form.
  • वृष्टिजीवन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Nourished or watered by rain, (as a country.) E. वृष्टि rain, जीवन living.
  • वृष्टिभू :: m. (-भूः) A frog. E. वृष्टि rain, and भू being, or being born.
  • वृष्टिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Rainy, full of rain. m. (-मान्) A cloud. E. वृष्टि, and मतुप् aff.
  • वृष्णि :: mfn. (-ष्णिः -ष्णिः -ष्णि) 1. Heretical, heterodox. 2. Angry, passionate. m. (-णिः) 1. A ram. 2. One of the descendants of YADU. 3. VISHṆU or KRISHṆA. 4. A heretic, a sectary. 5. A ray of light. 6. INDRA. 7. AGNI. 8. Air or wind. E. वृष् to sprinkle, Unādi aff. नि, and the vowel unchanged.
  • वृष्य :: mfn. (-ष्यः -ष्या -ष्यं) 1. Errhine, aphrodisiac, provocative, (food or medicine.) 2. Provocative of sexual vigour. 3. To be sprinkled or aspersed. m. (-ष्यः) Kidney-bean, (Phaseolus radiatus.) f. (-ष्या) A drug, commonly Riddhi. E. वृष् to sprinkle, aff. क्यप् ।
  • वृष्यगन्धा :: f. (-न्धा) A potherb, (Convolvulus argenteus.)
  • वृह् :: r. 1st cl. (वर्हति) also (इ)वृहि(वृंहति) 1. To grow or increase. 2. (In

the second form only,) To roar, as a wild beast. (वृंहते) To grow, &c. r. 1st and 10th cls. (वृंहति वृंहयति-ते) 1. To speak. 2. To shine. (ऊ) वृहू r. 6th cl. (वृहति) To make any effort or exertion.

  • वृहच्चित्त :: m. (-त्तः) A citron.
  • वृहच्छरीर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Large-bodied, gigantic. E. वृहत्, and शरीर body.
  • वृहच्छल्क :: m. (-ल्कः) A prawn. E. वृहत् great, and शल्क scale.
  • वृहज्जन :: m. (-नः) A great or illustrious man. E. वृहत्, and जन a person.
  • वृहढक्का :: f. (-क्का) A large drum. E. वृहत् large, ढक्का a drum.
  • वृहत् :: mfn. (-हन् -हती -हत्) 1. Great, large. 2. Great, much. f. (-हती) 1. A small kind of egg-plant, (Solanum melongena.) 2. A kind of prickly nightshade, (Solanum hirsutum.) 3. A large lute. 4. A form of metre, the stanza of which consists of thirty-six syllables. 5. A mantle, a wrapper. 6. A reservoir, a place containing water. 7. Speech. E. वृह् to grow or increase, Unādi aff. अति, with the effect of the participial aff. शतृ ।
  • वृहतिका :: f. (-का) 1. An upper garment, a mantle, a wrapper. 2. A small sort of egg-plant. E. वृहती as above, कन् added, fem. form.
  • वृहतीपति :: m. (-तिः) VRIHASPATĪ, the preceptor of the gods. E. वृहती speech, eloquence, and पति lord.
  • वृहत्क :: mfn. (-त्कः -त्का -त्कं) Large, great. E. वृहत् the same, and कन् added.
  • वृहत्कन्द :: m. (-न्दः) A bulbous root, considered in some place as a large kind of onion, in others as a sort of garlic. E. वृहत् large, कन्द a root. “गृञ्जने ।”
  • वृहत्काय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Large-bodied, bulky, gigantic. E. वृहत्, काय body.
  • वृहत्कालशाक :: m. (-कः) A shrub, (Cassia purpurea, or a large variety of it.) “वडकालकासुन्दे . ” E. वृहत् large, and कालशाक the same.
  • वृहत्काश :: n. (-शं) A large kind of the grass Kāsa, (Saccharum spon- taneum.) “खागडा . ” E. वृहत् large, काश the grass.
  • वृहत्कुक्षि :: mfn. (-क्षिः -क्षिः or क्षी -क्षि) Corpulent, large or pot-bellied. E. वृहत्, कुक्षि the belly.
  • वृहत्तृण :: m. (-णः) The bamboo. E. वृहत् large, and तृण grass.
  • वृहत्त्वच् :: m. (-त्त्वक्) A plant, (Echites scholaris.) “छातियान् . ” E. वृहत्, त्त्वच् skin or bark.
  • वृहत्पाटलि :: f. (-लिः) Thorn-apple, (Dhutura metel.) E. वृहत् large, पाटलि the Bignonia.
  • वृहत्पाद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Large-footed. m. (-दः) The Indian-fig tree. E. वृहत्, पाद foot or root.
  • वृहत्पुष्प :: mfn. (-ष्पः -ष्पा -ष्पं) Having large flowers. f. (-ष्पी) Crotolaria of various species. E. वृहत् large, and पुष्प a flower.
  • वृहदङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) 1. Large-bodied, bulky. 2. Large-limbed. 3. Having many parts. m. (-ङ्गः) A large elephant, such a one as is usually the leader of a wild herd. E. वृहत् large, and अङ्ग body.
  • वृहदम्ल :: m. (-म्लः) A fruit tree, (Averrhoa carambola.) “कामराङ्गा” E. वृहत्, much, and अम्ल sour.
  • वृहदसृङ्मति :: m. (-तिः) An evil spirit, a goblin. E. वृहत् large, असृक् blood, मति inclination.
  • वृहद्गुह :: m. (-हः) A country, described as lying behind the Vindhya mountains, near the province of Malwa, and perhaps comprising Bundelkhund, or the adjoining district. E. वृहत् large, गुह a house; also वृहद्गुह from गुह a cave, the country being mountainous, and the people probably having been Troglodytes or dwellers in caves.
  • वृहद्गोल :: n. (-लं) A water-melon. “तरमुज्” . E. वृहत्, गोल a ball.
  • वृहदद्युति :: f. (-तिः) Radiance, splendour, a great light. E. वृहत्, द्युति light.
  • वृहद्धल :: n. (-लं) The furrow made by a plough. E. वृहत् large, हल a plough.
  • वृहद्भट्टारिका :: f. (-का) A name of DURGĀ. E. वृहत्, भट्टारिका princess.
  • वृहद्भानु :: m. (-नुः) AGNI or fire. E. वृहत् large, many, भानु a ray of light.
  • वृहद्रथ :: m. (-थः) 1. INDRA. 2. A sacrificial vessel. 3. A particular Man- tra. 4. A division of the Sāma Veda. f. (-थी) The name of a river.
  • वृहद्रावी :: f. (-वी) A small owl. E. वृहत् great, much, राव cry, ङीष् aff.
  • वृहद्वात :: m. (-तः) A grain, generally eaten by the natives of India,

(Andropogon sorghum.) “देधान . ” E. वृहत् much, and वात wind, supposed to generate this humour.

  • वृहद्वीज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Having much or large seed. m. (-जः) The hog- plum, (Spendias mangifera.) “आम्रातके . ” E. वृहत् large, वीज seed.
  • वृहन्नल :: m. (-लः) A large sort of reed, (Arundo gigantea.) f. (-ला) The name assumed by ARJUNA when residing at the palace of VĪRĀTA. 3. The arm. E. वृह large, नल a reed.
  • वृहन्निवेश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Large, bulky, protuberant. E. वृहत् and निवेश place.
  • वृहस्पति :: m. (-तिः) 1. The regent of the planet JUPITER, identified astro- nomically with the plant: in Mythology, he is the son of ĀNGI- RAS, and preceptor of the gods. 2. The name of a saint and law- giver. E. वृहत् great, illustrious, (as the deities,) and पति master or Guru, सुट् augment, and the final of the first member rejected; it also occasionally occurs वृहत्तांपति; or वृहत्याः वाचः पतिः पृषो० नि० ।
  • वृहस्पतिचक्र :: n. (-क्रं) The cycle of 60 years. E. वृहस्पति, and चक्र a cycle.
  • वॄ :: r. 9th cl. (वृणाति) 1. To choose. 2. To support or nourish, (in this sense it is more usually written with the labial initial.) (ञ) वृञ् r. 9th cl. (वृणाति, वृणीते) 1. To choose, to elect or select. 2. To cover, to screen.
  • वे :: r. 1st cl. (वयति वयते) To weave. Caus. (वाययति-ते) 1. To sew. 2. To make, to compose. With प्र, 1. To set, to fix. 2. To tie, to fasten.
  • वेकट :: m. (-टः) 1. A youth, an adolescent. 2. A sort of fish, (perhaps the common Bhetkī.) 3. A jeweller. 4. An actor, a buffoon.
  • वेग :: m. (-गः) 1. Speed, dispatch, velocity. 2. Impetus, momentum. 3. Stream, current. 4. Sudden impulse, transition of mind, as from passion to apathy, &c. 5. Determination, promptitude, energy, that effect of mind which is considered as the source of action. 6. Pleasure, delight. 7. Love, the sentiment or passion. 8. External indication of any internal effect, proceeding from passion, medi- cine, poison, &c, as convulsion, horripilation, sweat, &c. 9. Expulsion or evacuation of the natural excretions. 10. Semen virile. 11. The flight of an arrow. 12. The fruit of a kind of mango. E. विज् to tremble, &c., aff. घञ् ।
  • वेगतस् :: Ind. Quickly, speedily. E. वेग, and तसि aff.
  • वेगनाशन :: m. (-नः) Phlegm, the phlegmatic humour. E. वेग activity or speed, and नाशन injuring, inducing corpulency.
  • वेगरोध :: m. (-धः) 1. Check, remora. 2. Obstruction of the natural excre- tions. E. वेग, and रोध hindrance.
  • वेगवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Quick, expeditious. 2. Agitated. E. वेग, and मतुप् aff.
  • वेगवत्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Very quick. f. (-री) A species of metre, having nine syllables for the first and third pādas, and eleven for the se- cond and fourth. E. वेगवत्, and तरप् aff.
  • वेगवत्तम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Very quick or swift. E. वेगवत्, and तमप् aff.
  • वेगविधारण :: n. (-णं) 1. Stopping, retarding. 2. Constipation, &c. E. वेग, and विधारण withholding.
  • वेगसर :: m. (-रः) A mule. E. वेग speed, सर what goes.
  • वेगाघात :: m. (-तः) 1. Stop, check. 2. Obstruction of the natural excre- tions. E. वेग, and आघात resistance.
  • वेगानिल :: m. (-लः) 1. Breeze caused by velocity. 2. Violent gust.
  • वेगित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Quickened, expedited. E. वीज् to go, causal v., क्त aff.
  • वेगिता :: f. (-ता) Speed, quickness. E. तल् added to the next; also वेगित्वं ।
  • वेगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) Swift, fleet, rapid. m. (-गी) 1. A courier, an express. 2. A hawk. f. (-गिनी) A river. E. वेग, इनि aff.
  • वेचा :: f. (-चा) Hire, wages. E. विच् to distinguish, aff. अच् or अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • वेजानी :: f. (-नी) A medicinal plant, (Serratula anthelmintica.) “सोमराज्याम्”
  • वेटा :: f. (-टा) The abode of the Vaiśya tribe.
  • वेडा :: f. (-डा) A boat. E. विड् to curse, aff. अच्, and टाप् added.
  • वेण्(ऋ)वेणृ :: r. 1st cl. (वेणति-ते) 1. To go, to move. 2. To know. 3. To reflect or remember. 4. To discern. 5. To hold or take a musical

instrument. 6. To play on an instrument. 7. To take. The root is also read वेन ।

  • वेण :: m. (-णः) A musician, one by birth the son of a woman of the Ambashṭha and man of the Vaideha caste. E. वेण् to play on a musical instrument, aff. अच् ।
  • वेणि :: f. (-णिः-णी) Unornamented and braided hair; the hair as worn especially by widows and woman whose husbands are absent, when it is simply collected from the forehead and temples as well as the back of the head, and twisted together into a single braid, which is when suffered to fall like a tail down the back, no sort of ornament being worn on the head; the term is also applied gene- rally to any braid of hair, or to a braid of the long hair, of which many are made, and the whole are then twisted together, and worn as a sort of rose or flower at the back of the head. f. (-णिः) 1. Assemblage of water, as the conflux of rivers, &c., in that case it rather implies their parallel course, ending in a common point of union; as at Allāhābād, where the GANGĀ, YAMUNĀ, and as is supposed, the SARASWATĪ, all coming from the north, unite; this and other similar places, thence receive the name of Trivenī. 2. Weaving. f. (-णी) 1. Stream, current. 2. A ewe. 3. A sort of grass, (Andropogon serratum.) E. वी to go, Unādi aff. नि, and in some cases ङीप् added; or वेण-इन् ।
  • वेणिका :: f. (-का) Braided hair. E. वेणी as above, कन् fem. form, added.
  • वेणिवेधनी :: f. (-नी) A leech.
  • वेणीर :: m. (-रः) The soap-berry, (Sapindus detergens.) E. वेण-इरन् aff.
  • वेणु :: m. (-णुः) 1. A bamboo. 2. A flute. 3. A king so named. E. वी substi- tuted for अज् to go, aff. नु, or वन् to sound, कु aff.; or वेण्-उण् ।
  • वेणुक :: n. (-कं) A pike used for driving an elephant. E. वेणु a bamboo, and कन् aff.; having a bamboo shaft or handle.
  • वेणुकर्क्कर :: m. (-रः) A thorny plant, commonly Karir or Karabira. E. वेणु a bamboo, कर्क्वर hard.
  • वेणुध्म :: m. (-ध्मः) A player on a fife or flute. E. वेणु a bamboo, ध्मा to blow, aff. क ।
  • वेणुनिस्रुति :: m. (-तिः) The sugar-cane. E. वेणु a bamboo, निस्रुति oozing.
  • वेणुपत्री :: f. (-त्री) A plant, one synonime of which, Hingupatri, appears to relate to the Asafœtida or some similar plant, whilst the cor- responding compound Bānspatra both in Hindi and Bengali, is applied to a species of Amaranthus, (A lanceifolius, Rox., or or A. atro-purpureus, Rox.) E. वेणु a bamboo, and पत्र a leaf, fem. aff. ङीष्, having long slender leaves, like those of the bamboo.
  • वेणुवाद :: m. (-दः) A player on a flute. E. वेणु a flute, &c. वाद who sounds.
  • वेतन :: n. (-नं) 1. Hire, wages. 2. Livelihood, subsistence. 2. Silver. E. वी to go, तनन् Unādi aff.
  • वेतनदान :: n. (-नं) Hiring, paying wages. E. वेतन and दान giving.
  • वेतनादान :: n. (-नं) Non-payment of wages. E. वेतन and अदान not giving.
  • वेतस :: mf. (-सः-सी) 1. The ratan, (Calamus rotang.) 2. The citron. E. वेञ् to sew or weave, Unādi aff. असच्, तुक् augment.
  • वेतसपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. The leaf of the ratan. 2. A lancet. E. वेतस, पत्र a leaf.
  • वेतस्वत् :: mfn. (-स्वान् -स्वती -स्वत्) Reedy, abounding in reeds or canes, (a place or soil, &c.) E. वेतस् a cane, डवतुप् aff.
  • वेताल :: m. (-लः) 1. A spirit, a goblin, especially one haunting cemeter- ies and animating dead bodies. 2. A door-keeper. E. व in the seventh case वे in air, and ताल habitation, fixation, from तल् to fix, aff. घञ् ।
  • वेत्तृ :: mfn. (-त्ता -त्ती -त्तृ) 1. Knowing, understanding, acquainted with. 2. Who obtains or acquires. m. (-त्ता) 1. A sage, one who knows the nature of the soul and GOD. 2. A husband, an espouser. E. विद् to know, तृच् aff.
  • वेत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A reed, a cane, the ratan. n. (-त्रं) A stick, a staff. E. वी to go, Unādi aff. त्रल ।
  • वेत्रकीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Abounding with reeds or canes. E. वेत्र a cane, छ aff., and कुकक् augment.
  • वेत्रधर :: m. (-रः) 1. A door-keeper, a warder. 2. A staff bearer, a mace- bearer. E. वेत्र a staff, and धर having.
  • वेत्रधारक :: m. (-कः) 1. A door-keeper, a warder, a porter. 2. A mace- bearer. E. वेत्र a stick, and धारक having.
  • वेत्रवती :: f. (-ती) The Retwa river, which rises in the province of Malwa, and following a north-easterly direction for about 340 miles, falls into the Jumna below Calpi. E. वेत्र a ratan, and मतुप् aff.
  • वेत्रासन :: n. (-नं) 1. A small cot or oblong low couch of basket work; when furnished with bamboo sticks and a pole, it forms the com- mon Duli or litter. 2. A cane-seat. E. वेत्र a cane, आसन a seat.
  • वेत्रिन् :: m. (-त्री) A porter, a door-keeper. E. वेत्र a stick, and इनि aff.
  • वेथ्(ऋ)वेथृ :: r. 1st cl. (वेथते) To ask or beg.
  • वेद :: m. (-दः) 1. A Veda, the generic term for the sacred writings or scripture of the Hindus; supposed to have been revealed by BRAHMĀ, and after being preserved by tradition for a consider- able period, to have been arranged in the present from by VYĀSA; the principle Vedas are three in number, the RICH, YAJUS, and SĀMA, to which a fourth, the ATHARVA, is usually added, and the ITIHĀSA and PURĀNAS, or ancient history and mythology, are sometimes considered as a fifth. The Vedas are regarded as a direct revelation from the deity and are called Śhruti, (what is heard,) to distinguish them from Smritī or sacred lore of human origin; the several sages to whom verses or hymns of the Vedas are ascribed are regarded as seers. (द्रष्टारः) and not as composers, (स्रष्टारः) 2. Metre. 3. Gloss, comment, explanation. 4. Knowledge. 5. VISHṆU. E. विद् to know, (duty and religion from it,) aff. घञ् ।
  • वेदकौलेयक :: m. (-कः) ŚIVA. E. वेद the Vedas, and कुल race, ढक् aff.
  • वेदगर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) 1. BRAHMĀ. 2. A Brāhman. E. वेद the Vedas, and गर्भ embryo or womb, figuratively for origin.
  • वेदगुप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) The preservation of the Vedas by the Brāhmanical tribe. E. वेद a Veda, and गुप्ति concealment.
  • वेदज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) A Brāhman skilled in the Vedas. E. वेद, ज्ञ who knows.
  • वेदण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) An elephant.
  • वेदतत्त्व :: n. (-त्त्वं) The true doctrine or substance of the Vedas. E. वेद and तत्त्व truth.
  • वेदत्रय :: nf. (-यं-यी) The three first Vedas. E. वेद and त्रय triad.
  • वेदन :: nf. (-नं-ना) 1. Sensation, perception, knowledge conveyed by the senses. 2. Pain, smart, agony. 3. Knowledge. 4. The ceremony of holding the ends of a mantle, to be observed by a Śudra female, on her marriage with a man of either of the first three classes. 5. Presenting, delivering. 6. Acquisition, wealth. f. (-नी) The true skin or cutis. E. विद् to know, &c., ल्युट् aff.
  • वेदनाद :: m. (-दः) Sound of chaunting or repeating the Vedas. E. वेद, and नाद sound.
  • वेदनिन्दक :: m. (-कः) 1. An atheist, a disbeliever. 2. A Jaina or Bauddha, or any seceder from the belief of the divine origin and character of the Vedas. E. वेद scripture, निन्दक defaming, disrespecting.
  • वेदनिन्दा :: f. (-न्दा) Reviling the Vedas, heresy. E. वेद, निन्दा blame.
  • वेदनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be known or perceived. 2. To be, or to be made known. E. विद् to know, अनीयर् aff.
  • वेदपारग :: m. (-गः) A Brāhman skilled in the Vedas. E. वेद, पारग who crosses.
  • वेदपुण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) The sanctity of the Vedas. E. वेद, and पुण्य holiness.
  • वेदमातृ :: f. (-ता) The mystical prayer or Gāyatrī, personified as the mother or source of the Vedas. E. वेद, and मातृ mother.
  • वेदमुख्या :: f. (-ख्या) A sort of insect, the winged-bug.
  • वेदय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Who or what knows or obtains. E. विद् to know, श aff.
  • वेदरक्षण :: n. (-णं) The conservation of the Vedas, as a duty of the Brāh- manical order. E. वेद a Veda, and रक्षण preserving.
  • वेदवचन :: n. (-नं) A text of the Veda. E. वेद, and वचन dictum.
  • वेदवाक्य :: n. (-क्यं) Text of the Veda. E. वेद, and वाक्य sentence.
  • वेदवास :: m. (-सः) A Brāhman. E. वेद a Veda, and वास above.
  • वेदविद् :: m. (-विद or वित्) A Brāhman versed in the Vedas. E. वेद the Vedas, विद् to know, क्विप् aff.
  • वेदविद्वस् :: m. (-द्वान्) A Brāhman learned in the Vedas. E. वेद, विद्वस् a learned man.
  • वेदविहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Taught or declared in the Vedas, scriptural. E. वेद and विहित said.
  • वेदवृत्त :: n. (-त्तं) The doctrine of the Vedas. E. वेद, and वृत्त done.
  • वेदव्यास :: m. (-सः) The Muni VYĀSA. E. वेद the Vedas, वि and आङ् sever- ally, before अस् to throw or place, aff. घञ्, the compiler and arranger of the Vedas; he first collected and arranged the Hindu scriptures into the four parts, in which they at present exist.
  • वेदशब्द :: m. (-ब्दः) A word or term in the Vedas. E. वेद, and शब्द a sound.
  • वेदशास्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) The Vedas or any part of them. E. वेद, and शास्त्र an inspired writing, a scripture.
  • वेदसंहिता :: f. (-ता) A collection of the formulæ of the Vedas. E. वेद, and संहिता a compendium.
  • वेदस् :: m. (-दाः) The Vedas collectively. E. विद् to know, असुन् aff.
  • वेदसन्न्यास :: m. (-सः) Discontinuing the ritual of the Vedas. E. वेद, and सन्न्यास relinquishing.
  • वेदसन्न्यासिक :: m. (-कः) The religious ascetic or member of the fourth order, who discontinues the ritual of the Vedas. E. वेद, सन्न्यास, and ठक् aff.; also with इनि, वेदसन्न्यासिन् ।
  • वेदसम्मत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Conformable to the Vedas. E. वेद, and सम्मत concurrent.
  • वेदाङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A sacred science, considered as subordinate to, and in some sense, a part of the Vedas: six sciences come under this denomination; ŚIKSHĀ, or the science of pronunciation and articu- lation; KALPA, the detail of religious ceremonies; VYĀKARAṆA, or grammar; CHHANDAS, prosody; JYOTISH, or astronomy; and NI- RUKTĪ, or the explanation of the difficult or obscure words and phrases that occur in the Vedas. E. वेद the Vedas, अङ्ग a member.
  • वेदादिवर्ण :: n. (-र्णं) The mystical name of GOD. E. वेद the Vedas, आदि first, and वर्ण letter.
  • वेदाधिगम :: m. (-मः) Perusal or study of the Vedas. E. वेद, अधिगम going over or through.
  • वेदाध्ययन :: n. (-नं) Study of the Vedas. E. वेद, and अध्ययन reading.
  • वेदाध्ययिन् :: m. (-यी) A student of the Vedas. E. वेद, and अध्ययिन् who reads.
  • वेदाध्यापक :: m. (-कः) A teacher of the Vedas. E. वेद and अध्यापक teacher.
  • वेदाध्यापन :: n. (-नं) Teaching the Vedas. E. वेद and अध्यापन teaching.
  • वेदान्त :: m. (-न्तः) The theological part of the Vedas; considered collec- tively it is contained in the many numerous passages or chapters of the Vedas termed Upanishads, which inculcate an abstract and speculative monotheistical worship, and these have been fur- ther explained and illustrated by later writers: the founder of the school is VYĀSA, and subsequently ŚANKARĀCHĀRYA is its most eminent teacher. E. वेद the Vedas, and अन्त end, sum, scope or substance.
  • वेदान्तग :: m. (-गः) A Vedāntī. E. वेदान्त, and ग who goes over.
  • वेदान्तज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) A Vedāntī. E. वेदान्त, and ज्ञ who knows.
  • वेदान्तिन् :: m. (-न्ती) A Vedāntī, a follower of the Vedānta philosophy. E. वेदान्त the theism of the Vedas, and इनि aff.
  • वेदान्तोपगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Derived from or produced by the Vedānta. E. वेदान्त and उपगत derived from.
  • वेदाभ्यास :: m. (-सः) 1. The repetition of the mystical syllable Om. 2. Study of scripture. E. वेद the Vedas, and अभ्यास exercise.
  • वेदार :: m. (-रः) A chameleon, a lizard.
  • वेदि :: f. (-दिः-दी) 1. Ground for placing the vessels used at an oblation, or for binding the victim, or lighting the sacrificial fire; it is more or less raised and of various shapes; an alter, &c. 2. A quadrangular spot in the court-yard of a temple or palace, usually furnished with a raised floor or seat, and covered with a roof supported by pillars: see वितर्द्दि . 3. A seal-ring. m. (-दिः) A Pandit, a teacher. f. (-दिः) A name of SARASWATĪ. E. विद् to know, &c., Unādi aff. इन्, and ङीष् optionally added in the fem. form.
  • वेदिका :: f. (-का) 1. A quadrangular open shed in the middle of a court- yard, erected for various purposes: see वितर्द्दि . 2. Ground prepared for sacrificial ceremonies, a rude kind of altar. E. कन् added to the last.
  • वेदिजा :: f. (-जा) DRAUPADĪ. E. वेदि an alter, and ज born; born from sacrificial fire.
  • वेदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Set forth, represented, made known. E. विद् to know, causal from, aff. क्त ।
  • वेदितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be known or ascertained. 2. To be made known, to be explained or expounded. E. विद् to know, causal form, aff. तव्यर् ।
  • वेदितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Wise, learned. E. विद् to know, तृच् aff., with the augment इट् ।
  • वेदित्व :: n. (-त्वं) Knowledge, experience. E. वेदिन् who knows, त्व aff.; also with तल्, वेदिता ।
  • वेदिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Who or what knows. m. (-दी) 1. A Pandit, a learned Brāhman, a teacher. 2. BRAHMĀ. n. (-दि) A plant, (Ciss- ampelos hexandra.) E. विद् to know, aff. णिनि or घिनुण् aff.
  • वेदीश :: m. (-शः) BRAHMĀ. E. वेदी SARASWATĪ, and ईश lord.
  • वेदोक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Scriptural, taught or declared in the Vedas. E. वेद the Vedas, and उक्त said.
  • वेदोदय :: m. (-यः) ŚURYA, or the sun. E. वेद the Veda, (the Sāma Veda,) and उदयं rise, origin; being said to have proceeded from the sun.
  • वेदोदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Taught in the Vedas, scriptural. E. वेद the Vedas, and उदित spoken, from वद् to speak, with क्त aff.
  • वेदोपकरण :: n. (-णं) A subordinate branch of the study of the Vedas: see वेदाङ्ग . E. वेद्, and उपकरण implement.
  • वेद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) 1. To be known or ascertained. 2. To be explained or taught. 3. To be married. E. विद् to know, ण्यत् aff.
  • वेध :: m. (-धः) 1. Perforation, piercing. 2. Wounding. 3. A particular division of time. 4. Depth, (in measurement.) E. व्यध् to pierce, aff. अच्; or विध्-घञ् ।
  • वेधक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Sharp, piercing, a piercer or perforator. m. (-कः) 1. Name of a division of hell. 2. Camphor. n. (-कं) Grain, rice. in the ear. E. व्यध् to pierce, aff. वुन्; or विध्-ण्वुल् ।
  • वेधन :: n. (-नं) 1. Piercing, perforation. 2. Depth, (in measurement.) 3. Excavation. 4. Wounding. f. (-नी) 1. An instrument for piercing an elephant's ear. 2. A small gimblet or perforating instrument used to pierce gems, shells, &c. 2. An augre, a gimblet, &c., or any similar instrument. E. व्यध् to pierce, ल्युट् aff.; or विध्-ल्युट्-ङीप् .
  • वेधनिका :: f. (-का) A small-pointed perforating instrument, used espe- cially to make holes in jewels, pearls, shells, &c., an augre, an awl, a gimblet, &c. E. कन् added to वेधन as above.
  • वेधमुख्यक :: m. (-कः) Zedoary, (Curcuma zerumbet.) E. वेध piercing, (fig- uratively for pervading as by its odour,) मुख्य principal, कन् added.
  • वेधस् :: m. (-धाः) 1. BRAHMĀ. 2. VISHṆU. 3. A wise or learned man. 4. The sun. 5. ŚIVA. 6. A kind of Arka-plant. E. वि before धा to have, Unādi aff. असि, and वेध substituted for the root and prefix.
  • वेधस :: n. (-सं) The root of the thumb, considered as sacred to BRAHMĀ. E. वेधस् BRAHMĀ, अण् added, the vowel unchanged.
  • वेधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pierced, perforated. E. व्यध् to pierce, aff. क्त; or वेधो जातोऽस्य तार० इतच् ।
  • वेधिन् :: mfn. (-धी -धिनी -धि) Piercing, perforating. f. (-धिनी) A leech. E. व्यध् piercing, णिनि aff.
  • वेध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) To be pierced or perforated. n. (-ध्यं) A mark, a butt. E. व्यध् to pierce, aff. यत् ।
  • वेन् :: r. 1st cl. (वेनति-ते) To go, &c.: see वेण् ।
  • वेन :: m. (-नः) BRAHMĀ. E. वी substituted for अज् to go, Unādi aff. न ।
  • वेन्ना :: f. (-न्ना) The name of a river. E. वन् to sound, Unādi aff. न, and इ with the usual change, substituted for the vowel.
  • वेप्(टु ऋ)टुवेपृ :: r. 1st cl. (वेपते) To shake or tremble.
  • वेपथु :: m. (-थुः) Trembling, tremor. E. वेप् to tremble, अथुच् aff.
  • वेपन :: n. (-नं) Tremor, trembling. E. वेप् to tremble, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • वेपमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Trembling, shaking. E. वेप् to tremble, शानच् aff.
  • वेपस् :: n. (-पः) Trembling. E. वेप् to tremble, aff. असुन् ।
  • वेम :: m. (-मः) A loom. E. वेञ् to weave, aff. मन् ।
  • वेमन् :: mn. (-मा-म) A loom. E. वेञ् to weave, मनिन् Unādi aff.
  • वेर :: mn. (-रः-रं) 1. The body. 2. The egg-plant. 3. Saffron. E. वी to go, रन् aff.
  • वेरक :: n. (-कं) Camphor.
  • वेरट :: m. (-टः) A low man, one of mixed or inferior caste. n. (-टं) The fruit of the Jujube.
  • वेल्(ऋ)वेऌ :: r. 1st cl. (वेलति) 1. To go or move. 2. To shake, to tremble. r. 10th cl. (वेलयति-ते) To count or declare the time.
  • वेल :: n. (-लं) A garden. f. (-ला) 1. Time. 2. Tide, flow, current. 3. Boun- dary, limit. 4. The sea-shore. 5. Easy or sudden death. 6. Sickness, disease. 7. The food of ŚIVA. 8. Speech. 9. Leisure, interval. 10. Season, opportunity. 11. The wife of Budha. 12. The gums. E. वेल् to go, aff. अच् and टाप् added.
  • वेलाकुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Agitated by the tide. E. वेला, आकुल perplexed.
  • वेलाकूल :: n. (-लं) Tamlūk, the district or kingdom as it formerly existed, the southern part of the present HŪGLI district, forming the west bank of the Hūgli river, at its union with the sea: a village called Beercool, derived from this word probably, is still found in the maps, near the sea shore immediately south of the boundary of the Hūgli district. E. वेला tide, and कूल bank or shore.
  • वेलामूल :: n. (-लं) The sea-shore. E. वेला, and मूल root.
  • वेलायाम् :: Ind. 1. On the sea-shore, coast-wise, &c. 2. Seasonably, oppor- tunely. E. वेला a shore, &c., in the seventh case, used as a particle.
  • वेल्ल् :: r. 1st cl. (वेल्लति) 1. To go, to move. 2. To tremble or shake.
  • वेल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) Going, moving, shaking. mn. (-ल्लः-ल्लं) A plant, the seed of which is used as a vermifuge. E. वेल्ल् to shake, aff. अच् ।
  • वेल्लज :: n. (-जं) Black pepper, (Piper nigrum.) E. वेल्ल shaking, and ज born.
  • वेल्लन :: n. (-नं) 1. Rolling on the ground, (as a horse.) 2. A sort of roll- ing pin with which cakes, &c. are prepared. 3. Shaking. 4. Going. E. वेल्ल् to shake, &c., aff. ल्युट् ।
  • वेल्लहल :: m. (-लः) A libertine, a debauchee. E. वेल्लं ह्वलयति-ह्वल्-अच्-पृषो० ।
  • वेल्लि :: f. (-ल्लिः or ल्ली) A creeping plant. E. वेल्ल् to shake, aff. इन् or ङीप् ।
  • वेल्लिका :: f. (-का) 1. Bel-Sunṭh. 2. A potherb, “इन्दूपोदक्यां” ।
  • वेल्लित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Shaken, trembling, tremulous. 2. Crooked. n. (-तं) 1. Going, moving. 2. Shaking. E. वेल्ल् to shake, &c., aff. क्त ।
  • वेवी :: r. 2nd cl. (वेवीते) 1. To go. 2. To pervade. 3. To conceive or become pregnant. 4. To desire. 5. To throw or send. 6. To eat; also वी ।
  • वेश :: m. (-शः) 1. Dress, decoration. 2. Disguise, masquerade. 3. The abode of harlots. 4. Any house. 5. Entrance, ingress. E. विश् to enter, (liter. or fig., as to enter or occupy the mind,) aff. घञ् ।
  • वेशक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what enters. m. (-कः) A house. f. (-शिका) Entrance, ingress. E. विश् to enter, ण्वुल् aff.
  • वेशदान :: m. (-नः) The sun-flower. E. वेश ornament, दान gift.
  • वेशधारिन् :: m. (-री) A hypocrite, a false devotee. E. वेश disguise, धारिन् having.
  • वेशन :: n. (-नं) 1. A house. 2. Entering. E. विश् to enter, ल्युट् aff.
  • वेशनारी :: f. (-री) A harlot.
  • वेशन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. A basin, a small pond. 2. Fire. E. विश् to enter, झच् Unādi aff.
  • वेशभृत् :: mfn. (-भृत्) 1. Dressed, adorned. 2. Disguised. E. वेश, भृत् who has.
  • वेशर :: m. (-रः) A mule; also वेसर ।
  • वेश(स)वार :: m. (-रः) A condiment, as pepper, cloves, &c.
  • वेशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Assuming a particular dress or form. E. वेश, इनि aff.
  • वेश्मन् :: n. (-श्म) A house. E. विश् to enter, मनिन् aff.
  • वेश्मनकुल :: m. (-लः) The musk shrew or rat. E. वेश्म a house, नकुल an ichneumon.
  • वेश्मभू :: f. (-भूः) The site of a habitation. E. वेश्म a house, and भू ground.
  • वेश्मस्थूणा :: f. (-णा) The main post of a house. E. वेश्म, स्थूणा a pillar.
  • वेश्यं :: n. (-श्यं) The habitation of harlots. f. (-श्या) 1. A harlot, a pros- titute, a whore. 2. A plant, (Cissampelos hexandra.) E. विश् to enter, ण्यत् aff.; or वेश ornament, and यत् aff.
  • वेश्यागण :: m. (-णः) A company of harlots. E. वेश्या, गण a number, a class.
  • वेश्याचार्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) 1. A catamite. 2. The master or keeper of dancing girls, prostitutes, &c. E. वेश्या a whore, आचार्य्य spiritual teacher.
  • वेश्याजनसमाश्रय :: m. (-यः) The habitation of harlots, a brothel. E. वेश्या a whore, जन people, सम् collective particle, and आश्रय asylum.
  • वेश्यावार :: m. (-रः) A number or company of harlots. E. वेश्या, and वार assemblage.
  • वेश्याश्रय :: m. (-यः) A brothel, the habitation of harlots. E. वेश्या a whore, आश्रय asylum.
  • वेश्वर :: m. (-रः) A mule.
  • वेष :: m. (-षः) Ornament, dress, decoration. E. विष् to invest, aff. अच् or घञ् ।
  • वेषण :: m. (-णः) A shrub, (Cassia sophora.) f. (-णा) A plant, (Flacourtia cataphracta.) n. (-णं) Entrance, ingress, possession, occupation. E. विष् to enter, &c., aff. युच् or ल्युट् ।
  • वेषवार :: m. (-रः) A condiment; also वेसवार ।
  • वेष्ट :: r. 1st cl. (वेष्टते) 1. To surround, to enclose, to encompass or circle. 2. To dress. With आ, To fold, to from.
  • वेष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) 1. A fence, an enclosure. 2. Surrounding, enclosing. 3. A turban. 4. Exudation, gum, resin, in general. 5. Turpentine. E. वेष्ट् to surround, aff. अच् or घञ् ।
  • वेष्टक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Surrounding, a surrounder, that which encom- passes or encloses. n. (-कं) 1. A turban. 2. Exudation, resin gum, &c. 3. Turpentine. m. (-कः) 1. A wall, a fence. 2. A pumpkin- gourd. E. वेष्ट, with कन् added; or वेष्ट् to surround, aff. वुन् or ण्वुल् ।
  • वेष्टन :: n. (-नं) 1. Surrounding, encompassing. 2. A wall, an enclosure, a fence. 3. A turban. 4. A diadem, a tiara. 5. The outer ear, or the meatus auditorious and the concha. 6. A bandage. 7. A girdle. 8. An attitude in dancing, a particular disposition of the hands; also a crossing of the feet. 9. Bdellium. E. वेष्ट्, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • वेष्टनक :: m. (-कः) A mode of coitus.
  • वेष्टनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be surrounded or encompassed. E. वेष्ट् to surround, अनीयर् aff.; also वेष्टितव्य and वेष्ट्य ।
  • वेष्टयित्वा :: Ind. Having bound round or encompassed. E. वेष्ट् to sur- round, causal v., क्त्वाच् aff.
  • वेष्टवंश :: m. (-शः) A sort of bamboo, (Bambusa spinosa.) E. वेष्ट surrounding, वंश a bamboo.
  • वेष्टित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Surrounded, encompassed, enclosed. 2. Stop- ped, secured from access. 3. Bound round, enveloped, wrapped up. n. (-तं) 1. Encompassing, encircling. 2. One of the gestures or attitudes of dancing, particular motion of the fingers or a crossing of the feet. E. वेष्ट surrounding, इतच् aff.; or वेष्ट् the verb, क्त aff.
  • वेष्य :: m. (-ष्यः) Water. E. विष् to pervade, Unādi aff. य ।
  • वेस्(ऋ)वेसृ :: r. 1st cl. (वेसति) To go, to move.
  • वेसन :: n. (-नं) 1. Chick-pea, &c. ground and reduced to powder. 2. Going. E. वेस्-ल्युट् ।
  • वेसर :: m. (-रः) A mule. E. वेस-अरन्; also वेशर ।
  • वेसवार :: m. (-रः) A condiment, as ground coriander, mustard, pepper, spice, &c. E. विस् to send, aff. घञ्, वेस despatching, वॄ to choose, aff. अच्; also वेशवार and वेषवार ।
  • वेह्(ऋ)वेहृ :: r. 1st cl. (वेहते) To resolve or endeavour diligently. Also वेह ।
  • वेहत् :: f. (-हत्) A cow miscarrying from taking the bull unseasonably. E. वि before हन् to kill, (the embryo,) Unādi aff. अति; the radical final rejected, and the vowel changed.
  • वेह्ल :: r. 1st cl. (वेह्लति) 1. To go. 2. To tremble; also वेल् and वेल्ल् ।
  • वै(ओ)ओवै :: r. 1st cl. (वायति) 1. To dry, to become dried or withered. 2. To be languid or weary.
  • वै :: Ind. 1. A particle of affirmation, (so, indeed.) 2. An expletive. 3. A vocative particle. E. वा to go, aff. डै ।
  • वैंशतिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Purchased with twenty, E. विंशतिक relating to twenty, अण् aff.
  • वैकक्ष :: n. (-क्षं) 1. A garland worn over one shoulder and under the other, like the sacrificial thread. 2. An upper garment, a wrapper, a mantle. E. वि implying “possessed of” or “belonging to,” कक्ष् the flank. अण् aff.
  • वैकक्षक :: n. (-कं) A garland or string of flowers worn as a scarf or like

the sacrificial cord, over the left shoulder and under the right arm, hanging down below the hip. E. कन् added to the last; also as de rived from वि and कक्ष with ठक् aff. वैकक्षिक n. (-कं) ।

  • वैकङ्कत :: m. (-तः) A plant, (Flacourtia sapida.) E. अण् pleo. added to विकङ्कत ।
  • वैकटिक :: m. (-कः) A jeweller. E. विकट difficult, (occupation,) ठक् aff.
  • वैकर्त्तन :: m. (-नः) An epithet of KARṆA.
  • वैकल्प :: n. (-ल्पं) 1. Optionality. 2. Uncertainty, indecision.
  • वैकल्पिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Doubtful, indeterminate. 2. Alternative, optional. E. विकल्प and ठक् aff.
  • वैकल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) 1. Lameness, mutilation. 2. Deficiency, defect, mutila- tion. 3. Non-existence. 4. Incompetency, insufficiency. 5. Agita- tion, flurry. E. विकल defective, ष्यञ् aff.
  • वैकारिक :: f. (-की) 1. Relating to change or modification. 2. Modified.
  • वैकाल :: m. (-लः) Evening, afternoon. E. वि gone, काल time, अण् aff.
  • वैकालिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Occuring in or belonging to the afternoon. E. विकाल and ठक् aff.; also with खञ्, वैकालीन ।
  • वैकुण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) 1. A name of VISHṆU. 2. INDRA. n. (-ण्ठं) 1. The para- dise or world of Vaikuṇṭha or VISHṆU; its site is variously des- cribed, either as in the northern ocean, or on the eastern peak of mount Meru. 2. Talc. E. विकुण्ठा the wife of ŚUBHRA, and mother of VISHṆU, in one form, अण् patronymic aff.: other etymologies occur, as वि privative, &c. and कुण्ठ said to mean destruction, he who is indestructible; or वि before the same, explained knowledge or abode, being omniscient or omnipresent, &c.; again वि various, and कुण्ठ illusion, aff. अण् ।
  • वैकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Changed, in mind or form. n. (-तं) 1. Aversion, disgust. 2. Change in mind or from. 3. An event foreboding evil. f. (-ती) Hideous, loathsome. E. विकृत the same, अण् pleonasm.
  • वैकृतापह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Removing or preventing change. E. वैकृत, अपह what takes away.
  • वैकृतिक :: f. (-की) 1. Changed, modified. 2. Belonging to a VIKRITI, (in Śankhya Phil.)
  • वैकृत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) 1. Changed, in form or mind. n. (-त्यं) Aversion, disgust. 2. Change, alteration. E. विकृत the same, ष्यञ् pleonasm.
  • वैक्रान्त :: n. (-न्तं) A kind of gem, said to resemble a diamond, and to be of similar properties; it is also considered to be a burnt diamond, and to be the common load-stone or magnet. E. विक्रान्त a warrior, अण् aff.
  • वैक्लव्य :: n. (-व्यं) 1. Confusion, commotion. 2. Affiction, grief. E. विक्लव confused, ष्यञ् aff.
  • वैखरी :: f. (-री) 1. Articulate utterance. 2. Speech in general.
  • वैखानस :: m. (-सः) A man of the third religious order, a hermit, an anchoret. f. (-सी) A vessel used for frying meal to be offered in sacrifice. f. (-सी) Relating to hermits. E. वि before खन् to dig, ड-अन् असुन् कर्म० स्वार्थे अण्, subsisting on roots, &c.
  • वैगुण्य :: n. (-ण्य) 1. Absence of attributes or qualities. 2. Contrariety of properties or qualities. 3. Inferiority, badness, vileness. 4. Fault, defect. E. विगुण void of properties or merit, ष्यञ् aff.
  • वैचक्षण्य :: n. (-ण्य) Skill, cleverness, proficiency. E. विचक्षण clever, ष्यञ् aff.
  • वैचित्य :: n. (-त्यं) Confusion of ideas, distraction, grief. E. विचित्ति wander- ing, ष्यञ् aff.
  • वैचित्र्य :: n. (-त्र्यं) 1. Variety. 2. Surprise. 3. Manifoldness. E. विचित्र astonishing, ष्यञ् aff.
  • वैजनन :: n. (-नं) The last month of uterine gestation. E. वि before जन् to be born, aff. ल्युट्, and अण् added.
  • वैजयन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. The place of INDRA. 2. The banner or emblem of INDRA. f. (-न्ती) 1. A flag, a banner, an ensign. 2. A small tree, (Sesbana Ægyptiaca.) 3. Another tree, (Premna spinosa, &c.) 4. A kind of garland. 5. A necklace. 6. The necklace of VISHṆU. E. वि before जि to conquer, झञ् aff.
  • वैजयन्तिक :: m. (-कः) A flag-bearer. f. (-का) 1. A plant, (Sesbana Ægyp- tiaca.) 2. A flag, a banner. 3. A kind of necklace. E. वैजयन्ती a flag, with ठक् aff or कन् pleonasm, fem. form.
  • वैजयि :: m. (-यिः) The third Chakravartī or emperor according to the Jainas. E. विजया a proper name, and इञ् patronymic aff.
  • वैजात्य :: n. (-त्यं) 1. Difference or deviation from ordinary character or conduct. 2. Exclusion from caste. 3. Difference of caste or species. 4. Looseness, wantonness. E. वि before जाति species, &c. ष्यञ् aff.
  • वैजिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Seminal, relating to seed or origin. n. (-कं) 1. Cause, origin, motive. 2. Oil prepared from the Śigru or Morunga. 3. The spiritual cause of existence, soul, spirit. m. (-कः) A young shoot. E. वीज seed, ठञ् or ठक् aff.
  • वैज्ञानिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Skilful, clever, proficient. E. विज्ञान knowledge, &c., aff. ठक् ।
  • वैडालव्रतिक :: m. (-कः) A hypocrite, a religious impostor, one who under the appearance of piety and virtue is covetous, malicious, and cruel. E. विडाल a cat, व्रत observance, and ठन् aff.; acting like a cat.
  • वैण :: m. (-णः) A cutter of bamboos, a worker in bamboo-work. E. वेणु a bamboo, अण् aff., and the primitive final rejected.
  • वैणव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Produced by or made of a bamboo. m. (-वः) 1. A bamboo staff. 2. A worker in bamboo or wicker-work. n. (-वं) Bamboo-seed. f. (-वी) Bamboo-manna. E. वेणु a bamboo, अण् aff.
  • वैणविक :: m. (-कः) A player on a flute. E. वेणु a pipe, ठक् aff.
  • वैणिक :: m. (-कः) A lutanist, a player on a Vinā. E. वीणा the Vinā, ठक् aff.
  • वैणुक :: n. (-कं) A goad or bamboo-pike headed with iron, used to drive an elephant. m. (-कः) A player on a pipe or flute. E. वेणु a flute, ठक् aff.
  • वैणुकेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Relating or belonging to a bamboo, &c. E. वेणु a bamboo, and छण् aff., with कुक् augment.
  • वैण्य :: m. (-ण्यः) A name of PṚTHU, the fifth sovereign of the solar race. E. वेण the father of this monarch, and यञ् aff.; also read वैन्य .
  • वैतंसिक :: m. (-कः) A vendor of the flesh or meat, either of beasts or birds E. वीतंस a snare or net, and ठक् aff.
  • वैतण्डिक :: m. (-कः) A disputatious man.
  • वैतनिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A hireling, a hired labourer. 2. A stipendiary. E. वेतन wages, ठक् aff.
  • वैतरणि :: f. (-णिः-णी) 1. The river of hell. 2. Name of a river in the KALINGAS. 3. The mother of the Rākshasas. E. वि various, तरण crossing, aff. इञ् or अण्, and ङीष् aff.; or वि prohibitive, तरणी crossing; or वितरण giving, (liberality in life securing a passage;) or वि priv., तरणी a boat, passed without a boat; the aff. is same.
  • वैतस :: m. (-सः) A sort of cane, (Calamus fasciculatus.) f. (-सी) 1. Per- taining to the cane. 2. Humble yielding. E. वेतस, अण् pleonasm.
  • वैतान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Sacrificial, (as fire.) n. (-नं) Oblation with fire. E. वितान the hole in the hearth in which sacred fire is kept, अण् aff.
  • वैतानिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Sacrificial, sacred, (as fire.) n. (-कं) Burnt- offering, especially of clarified butter, as presented daily by the Brāhmans. E. वितान the hearth, ठक् aff.
  • वैतानोपासना :: f. (-ना) The regular presentation of burnt-offering morning and evening. E. वैतान sacrificial, (fire,) and उपासना service.
  • वैतालिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A bard whose duty it is to awaken a chief or prince at dawn with music and song. 2. A singer out of tune. 3. One who has a demon for a familiar, the servant of a Vetāla. E. वि privative, &c., ताल tune, अण् aff., and ठक् added.
  • वैतालीय :: m. (-यः) A kind of metre, or tetrastich, the first and third lines of which contain the time of fourteen short syllables, and the second and fourth of sixteen; it admits of some varieties.
  • वैत्रक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Cany, reedy, relating to a cane, &c. E. वेत्र cane, छण् aff. with कुक् aug.; the final of the aff. rejected.
  • वैत्रकीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Relating to a stick or cane. E. वेत्र a stick, छण् aff.
  • वैद :: mfn. (-दः -दी -दं) Relating to or connected with a wise man, learned, knowing. E. विद् who knows. अञ् aff.
  • वैदग्ध :: n. (-ग्धं) 1. Cleverness, skill, dexterity. 2. Acuteness, sharpness. 3. Craft, cunning. E. विदग्ध clever, अण् aff.
  • वैदग्व्य :: nf. (-ग्ध्य-ग्धी) 1. Cunning, craft. 2. Cleverness, dexterity, skill. 2. Knowingness, sharpness, wit. E. विदग्ध clever, sharp, aff. ष्यञ् ।
  • वैदर्भ :: n. (-र्भं) Crafty or indirect speech. m. (-र्भः) 1. The sovereign of VIDARBHA, the father of DAMAYANTĪ, &c. 2. Gum-boil, f. (-र्भी) 1. The law of VIDARBHA, as one by which cousins german were allowed to intermarry in that country, &c. 2. The wife of AGASTYA. 3. DAMAYANTĪ, the wife of NALA. 4. RUKMINĪ; one of KRISHṆA'S wives. 3. A particular style of composition. E. विदर्भ the country so named. and अण् aff. of derivation or production.
  • वैदल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Wicker, of cane, wicker or basket work. n. (-लं) 1. A shallow cup or saucer made of clay usually, though some- times of metal, and sometimes of wood or wicker. 2. Any seat or vessel of basket or wicker-work. m. (-लः) 1. A flat unleavened cake, made of flour, &c., with cumin or coriander seeds, and fried in Ghee. 2. Any leguminous vegetable or grain, as peas, beans, &c. E. वि before दल् to divide, aff. अच्, and अण् added.
  • वैदिक :: mfn. (-कः -की or का -कं) Scriptural, derived from or conformable to the Vedas. m. (-कः) A Brāhman well-versed in the Vedas. E. वेद, and ठञ् or जिठ् aff.
  • वैदिकत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Scriptural character or origin. E. वैदिक relating to the Vedas, and त्व aff. of the abstract.
  • वैदिकपाश :: m. (-शः) One who possesses only a smattering knowledge of the Vedas.
  • वैदुषी :: f. (-षी) Learning, wisdom.
  • वैदुष्य :: nf. (-ष्यं-षी) Learning, sapience. E. विद्वस् a learned man, ष्यञ् aff.
  • वैदूर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) A gem of a dark colour, the lapis lazuli. E. विदूर said to be the name of a mountain where the stone is found, or a city where it is polished, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • वैदेशिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Foreign, stranger. E. विदेश, and ठक् aff.
  • वैदेश्य :: n. (-श्य) Foreignness.
  • वैदेह :: m. (-हः) 1. A trader by caste or profession. 2. An attendant on the women's apartments: see the next. f. (-ही) 1. ŚITĀ, the daughter of JANAKA. 2. Long-pepper. 3. The wife of a trader or woman of the Vaideha caste. 4. A sort of pigment, commonly Rochanā. E. विदेह the country, अण् aff. of origin or production.
  • वैदेहक :: m. (-कः) 1. A trader by profession. 2. A man of a mixed caste, the offspring of a Vaiśya father and Brāhman mother, whose business is attendance in the women's apartments. E. विदेह the country, वुञ् . aff.; or वि various, दिह् to collect, (goods, &c.,) aff. ण्वुल् and अण् added; or विदेह a king, the supposed author of rules for merchants, वुञ् aff., or with अण् aff. and ठक् added वैदेहिक ।
  • वैद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्यी -द्यं) 1. Medical, practising or relating to medicine. 2. Relating or conformable to the Vedas. m. (-द्यः) 1. A physician. 2. A tree, (Justicia ganderussa, &c.) 3. A learned man. 4. A follower of the Vedas, or one well in them. 5. A man of a mixed class, the offspring of a Brāhmana by a Vaiśya woman. f. (-द्या) A drug, commonly KĀKOLĪ. E. वेद the medical or Āyur-Vedas or the Vedas in general, and यञ् or ष्यञ् aff.; or विद्याऽस्त्यस्य अण् ।
  • वैद्यक :: m. (-कः) A physician. n. (-कं) The science of medicine.
  • वैद्यक्रिया :: f. (-या) The practice of medicine.
  • वैद्यनाथ :: m. (-थः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. DHANWANTARĪ. E. वैद्य a physician, नाथ lord.
  • वैद्यबन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) Cassia fistula. E. वेद्य a physician, बन्धु the friend.
  • वैद्यमातृ :: f. (-ता) A plant, (Justicia ganderussa.) “वासके” . E. वैद्य a physi- cian, and मातृ mother.
  • वैद्यसिही :: f. (-ही) A plant, (Justicia ganderussa.) E. वैद्य medical, सिंह pre-eminent, fem. aff. ङीष् ।
  • वैद्युत :: f. (-ती) Proceeding from lightning, electric.
  • वैध :: mfn. (-धः -धी -धं) According to rule, preceptive, ritual. E. विधि, अण् aff.
  • वैधर्म्म्य :: n. (-र्म्म्यं) 1. Irreligion, injustice, impropriety. 2. Difference of duty or obligation. 3. Difference of characteristic qualities. E. वि before धर्म्म virtue, &c. ष्यञ् aff.
  • वैधवेय :: m. (-यः) The son of a widow.
  • वधव्य :: n. (-व्यं) Widowhood. E. विधवा, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • वैधात्र :: m. (-त्रः) SANATKUMĀRA, the son of BRAHMĀ, and eldest of the

progenitors of mankind. E. विधातृ BRAHMĀ, and अण् aff. of descent; it is applicable also to the other three sons of the same deity.

  • वैधिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Ritual, according to rule, &c. E. विधि, ठक् aff.
  • वैधुर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Agitation, tremor.
  • वैधेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) 1. Foolish, ignorant, an idiot, a fool. 2. Pres- cribed. E. विधेय performance of religious ceremonials, अण् aff.
  • वैध्यत :: m. (-तः) YAMA'S porter or chamberlain.
  • वैध्रातक :: n. (-कं) A vessel for holding or pouring ghee, used at sacrifices with fire.
  • वैनतेय :: m. (-यः) GARUDA or ARUṆA. E. विनता their mother, ठक् aff.
  • वैनयिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Ralating to morals or behaviour. 2. Enfor- cing proper conduct. 3. Magisterial. m. (-कः) A chariot used formerly in battle, a war-carriage. E. विनय, and ठक् aff.; or in the latter sense, वि before णी to get, अण् aff., and ठक् added.
  • वैनायिक :: m. (-कः) A Bauddha, a follower of Buddha or a doctrine of that sect. E. विनायक a Buddha or teacher of this sect, ठक् aff.
  • वैनाशिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A dependent, a subject, a slave. 2. A spider. 3. An astrologer. E. विनाश loss, destruction, aff. ठक् or ठञ् ।
  • वैनीतक :: mn. (-कः-क) 1. A mediate conveyance, as a proter carrying a letter, a horse dragging a chariot, &c. E. वि variously, णी to take, aff. क्त, with कन् and अण् added.
  • वैपरीत्य :: n. (-त्यं) Contrariety, opposition, reverse. E. विपरीत contrary, aff. ष्यञ् ।
  • वैपुल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) 1. Abundance, plenty. 2. Largeness.
  • वैफल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Fruitlessness.
  • वैबोधिक :: m. (-कः) A watchman, a bell-man, one who announces the hours. E. विबोध awakening, ठञ् aff.
  • वैभव :: n. (-वं) 1. Grandour, wealth. 2. Power. E. विभव and अण् added.
  • वैभाजित्र :: n. (-त्रं) Apportioning, dividing. E. विभाजयितृ one who makes a division or causes it to be made, अञ् aff.; the semi-vowel rejected.
  • वैभाषिक :: f. (-की) Optional.
  • वैभ्र :: n. (-भ्रं) The heaven of VISHṆU. E. वि variously, भ्राज् to shine, ड aff., अण् added.
  • वैभ्राज :: n. (-जं) A garden of the gods, a celestial grove or garden. E. वि variously, भ्राज् to shine, aff. अच् and अण् added.
  • वैमत्य :: n. (-त्यं) 1. Dissension. 2. Dislike, aversion.
  • वैमनस्य :: n. (-स्यं) 1. Mental distraction. 2. Sickness.
  • वैमात्र :: m. (-त्रः) A step-mother's son. f. (-त्रा-त्री) A step-mother's daughter. E. वि different, मातृ a mother, and अण् aff.
  • वैमात्रेय :: m. (-यः) A step-mother's son. f. (-यी) A half-sister, or one by a different mother. E. विमातृ, ढक् aff.
  • वैमानिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating to a heavenly car, borne in one, &c. E. विमान, ठक् aff.
  • वैमुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Liberated, emancipated, being at liberty or loose. n. (-क्तं) Liberation. E. विमुक्त free, loose, अण् aff., implying property or possession.
  • वैमुख्य :: n. (-ख्यं) 1. Turning away the face. 2. Flight, retreat. E. विमुख, ष्यञ् aff.
  • वैमेय :: m. (-यः) Barter, exchange. E. वि, मेङ् to barter, यत् aff., अण् added.
  • वैयग्र :: n. (-ग्रं) 1. Perplexity. 2. Exclusive attention to any thing.
  • वैयधिकरण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) The having different substrata.
  • वैयर्थ्य :: n. (-र्थ्यं) Unprofitableness, uselessness. E. व्यर्थ useless, ष्यञ् aff.
  • वैयाकरण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) Grammatical, relating to grammar. m. (-णः) A grammarian. E. व्याकरण grammar, अण् aff.
  • वैयाकरणपाश :: m. (-शः) A bad grammarian.
  • वैयाघ्र :: mfn. (-घ्रः -घ्री -घ्रं) Covered with a tiger-skin, (a car, &c.) E. व्याघ्र a tiger, अण् aff.
  • वैयात्य :: n. (-त्यं) Immodesty, boldness. E. वियात and ष्यञ् aff.
  • वैयासकि :: m. (-किः) A son of VYĀSA.
  • वैयुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टी -ष्टं) Early, betimes, occurring or performed in the morning. E. व्यष्ट morning, अण् aff.
  • वैर :: n. (-रं) 1. Enmity, hostility. 2. Heroism, prowess. E. वीर a warrior, aff. अण् ।
  • वैरकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Causing or occasioning enmity, mischief-making. E. वैर and कर who or what makes.
  • वैरकार :: m. (-रः) An enemy. E. वैर and कार who makes.
  • वैरक्त्य :: n. (-क्त्यं) 1. Aversion, displeasure, dislike. 2. Absence of worldly attachment. E. विरक्त and ष्यञ् aff.
  • वैरङ्गिक :: m. (-कः) An ascetic, a devotee, one who has subdued passion or desire. E. वि privative, रङ्ग passion, aff. ठक् or ठञ् ।
  • वैरनिर्य्यातन :: n. (-नं) Revenge, retaliation, requital of an injury. E. वैर enmity, निर्य्यातन donation, return.
  • वैरप्रतिक्रिया :: f. (-या) Revenge. E. वैर enmity, प्रतिक्रिया return.
  • वैरल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) 1. Scarceness, rareness. 2. Looseness.
  • वैरशुद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Revenge, retaliation, requital. E. वैर enmity, शुद्धि purification.
  • वैराग :: n. (-गं) Absence of worldly passion or desire. E. वि privative, राग passion, अण् aff.; with ष्यञ् aff. वैराग्य ।
  • वैरागिक :: m. (-कः) An ascetic, one with subdued passions. E. वि priv. राग passion, ठञ् aff.
  • वैरागिन् :: m. (-गी) An ascetic, a devotee, one who has subdued his world- ly desires: at present the term in common use is applied to a particular class of religious mendicants. E. वैराग absence of passion, aff. इनि ।
  • वैराग्य :: n. (-ग्यं) Subjection of the appetite and passions, absence of worldly desires. E. विराग and ष्यञ् aff.: see वैराग ।
  • वैराट :: m. (-टः) An earth-worm. E. वि before राज् to shine, aff. क्विप्, अण् added.
  • वैराठ्या :: f. (-ट्या) One of the sixteen goddesses of the Bauddhas, termed Vidyā-devis or goddesses of learning.
  • वैरानुबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Commencement of hostilities.
  • वैरानुवन्धिन् :: m. (-न्धी) 1. VISHṆU. 2. The solar ray which is charged with heat. E. वैर heroism or strength, अनुवन्धिन् connected with.
  • वैरायमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Hostile, inimical, an enemy. E. वैर enmity, used as a verb, with क्यङ् and शानच् affs.
  • वैरारोह :: m. (-हः) Desperate or arduous combat. E. वैर enmity, &c. आरोह ascending.
  • वैरिता :: f. (-ता) 1. Enmity. 2. Heroism. E. वैरिन् and तल् aff.; also with त्व, वैरित्वं ।
  • वैरिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Hostile. m. (-री) 1. An enemy. 2. A hero. E. वैर enmity, इनि aff.
  • वैरूप्य :: n. (-प्यं) 1. Deformity. 2. Difference of form, &c. E. विरूप, ष्यञ् aff.
  • वैरोचन :: m. (-नः) 1. The third of the Buddhas, called Dhyāni Bud- dhas. 2. BALĪ, the sovereign so named. 3. The son of AGNI. 4. The son of ŚURYA, or the sun. 5. A Siddha, a sort of demi-god or deified mortal. E. विरोचन the sun, &c. and aff. of descent अण् ।
  • वैरोचननिकेतन :: n. (-नं) Pātāla the intermediate region between the earth and Tartarus or Naraka, over part of which BALĪ presides. E. वैरोचन the prince BALĪ, and निकेतन abode; the sovereign of this name being an incarnate Daitya or hereditary foe of the gods, and being invested with a sovereignty in the lower regions after his humiliation by VISHṆU.
  • वैरोचनि :: m. (-निः) 1. A BUDDHA. 2. BALĪ. 3. The son of ŚURYA. E. विरोचन, इञ् aff. of descent.
  • वैरोचि :: m. (-चिः) The demon or Daitya VĀṆA.
  • वैरोद्धार :: n. (-रं) Revenge, retaliation. E. वैर enmity, and उद्धार a debt.
  • वैलक्षण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) Difference, contrariety. E. विलक्षण, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • वैलक्ष्य :: n. (-क्ष्यं) 1. Contrariety, reverse, inversion. 2. Contrary course or conduct to that which is usual or natural. 3. Absence of any characteristic. 4. Shame. 5. Sorrow. E. विलक्ष, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • वैलोम्य :: n. (-म्यं) Opposition, contrariety.
  • वैल्व :: mfn. (-ल्वः -ल्वी -ल्वं) Relating or belonging to the Vilwa-tree. n. (-ल्वं) The fruit of the Vilwa, (Ægle marmelos.) E. विल्व the tree, अण् aff.
  • वैल्वमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Made of the Vilwa, of the wood, &c. of that tree. E. वैल्व relating to the Bel, and मयट् aff.
  • वैव(ब)धिक :: m. (-कः) A chandler, a vender of grain, oil, ghee, fruit, sweet- meats, &c. E. विवध storing grain, &c., aff. ठक् ।
  • वैवर्ण्य :: n. (-र्ण्यं) 1. Change of colour or complexion. 2. Change of colour in general. 3. Deviation or secession from tribe or caste, &c. 4. Heterogeneousness, difference. E. वि privative or contra-indicative, and वर्ण colour, tribe, &c., aff. ष्यञ् ।
  • वैवस्वत :: m. (-तः) 1. YAMA. 2. One of the RUDRAS. 3. The seventh MANU

or the MANU of the present period. 4. The planet Saturn. n. (-तं) The present age, presided over by the seventh MANU. E. विवस्वत् the sun, अण् aff.

  • वैवाहिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Nuptial, matrimonial, relating to marriage. mn. (-कः-कं) A marriage. m. (-कः) The bride or bridegroom's father-in-law. E. विवाह marriage, ठक् aff. of reference or relation.
  • वैशद्य :: n. (-द्यं) 1. Whiteness. 2. Cleanness, purity, (literally or figuratively.) 3. Composure. E. विशद white, &c., ष्यञ् aff.
  • वैशम्पायन :: m. (-नः) A sage, the original teacher of the Yajur-Veda, and narrator of the Mahābhārata to JANAMBJAYA.
  • वैशस :: n. (-सं) 1. Hindrance, impediment. 2. Slaughter. E. विशसस्य भावः स्वार्थे वा अण् ।
  • वैशस्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) 1. Government, sway, rule. 2. The state of being dis- armed or defenceless. E. विशस्तृ ruling, अञ् aff., and the pen. vowel changed; or वि private, शस्त्र a weapon, and अण् aff.
  • वैशाख :: m. (-खः) 1. The month in which the moon is full near the south- ern scale, (April-May,) the first month in the Hindu calendar. 2. A churning-stick. n. (-खं) A particular attitude in shooting, standing with the feet a span apart. f. (-खी) The day of full-moon in the month of Vaiśākha. E. विशाखा the constellation in which the moon is full in this month, अण् aff.; or विशाखा said to mean here, pervading, revolving, अण् aff.
  • वैशिक :: n. (-कं) Harlotry, allurement of harlots. m. (-कः) A man who associates with courtezans. E. वेश्या, and ठक् aff.
  • वैशिष्ट्य :: n. (-ष्ट्यं) 1. Endowment with some distinguishing attributes. 2. Distinction, peculiarity. 3. Excellence. E. विशिष्ट, ष्यञ् aff.
  • वैशेषिक :: m. (-कः) A follower of the Vaiśeshika doctrine. n. (-कं) The Vaiśeshika doctrine, or branch of the Nyāya or logical school of philosophy, instituted by KANĀDA. It differs from GAUTAMA'S system in recognizing only seven categories instead of sixteen. E. विशेष difference, (from the original Nyāya of GAUTAMA,) ठञ् aff.
  • वैशेष्य :: n. (-ष्यं) 1. Specific or generic distinction. 2. Superiority, pre- eminence. E. विशेष, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • वैश्य :: m. (-श्यः) The Vaiśya or man of the third or agricultural and mercantile tribe. f. (-श्या) A woman of the Vaiśya caste. E. विश् to enter, (fields, &c.) क्विप् aff., यञ् pleonasm added.
  • वैश्यक्रिया :: f. (-या) 1. Trade, agriculture. E. वैश्य, क्रिया act, business; also वैश्यकर्म्म, &c.
  • वैश्यवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Agriculture or trade. E. वैश्य, and वृत्ति subsistence.
  • वैश्रवण :: m. (-णः) 1. KUVERA, the god of wealth. 2. RĀVAṆA. E. विश्रवस् their father, aff. अण्, and the form irr.
  • वैश्रवणालय :: m. (-यः) The Indian-fig tree. E. वैश्रवण KUVERA, आलय abode.
  • वैश्रवणावास :: m. (-सः) The Indian-fig tree. E. वैश्रवण KUVERA, आवास abode.
  • वैश्रवणोदय :: m. (-यः) The Indian-fig tree. E. वैश्रवण, उदय prosperity.
  • वैश्वदेव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) 1. Sacred or dedicated to the Viśwadevas, offered to them, relating to them, &c. 2. Relating to all divinities. n. (-वं) Offering to all the divinities. f. (-वी) Species of the Panktī metre. E. विश्वदेव, and अण् aff.
  • वैश्वदेवकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Oblation of offering to the deities collectively. E. वैश्वदेव, and कर्म्मन् act.
  • वैश्वदेवहोम :: n. (-मं) Oblation to the Viśwadevas. E. वैश्वदेव, and होम burnt-offering.
  • वैश्वानर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Relating to, fit for, &c., all men. m. (-रः) 1. AGNI or fire. 2. The digestive fire. 3. The supreme being. f. (-री) A parti- cular sacrifice to be performed at the beginning of every year. E. विश्वानर a Muni, or विश्व all, नर mankind, अण् aff. of descent.
  • वैश्वासिक :: f. (-की) Trust-worthy.
  • वैश्वी :: f. (-श्वी) The second of the constellations called ĀSHĀDHĀ, and twenty-first of the whole. E. विश्व Viśwadeva, अण् and ङीष् affs.; those deities presiding over the asterism.
  • वैषम्य :: n. (-म्यं) 1. Inequality, unevenness. 2. Solitariness, singleness. 3. Difficulty. 4. Injustice. E. विषम odd, uneven, &c., aff. ष्यञ् ।
  • वैषयिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A sensualist, one addicted to the pleasures of sense.

2. One occupied with worldly objects or interests. f. (-की) 1. Re- lating to any object. 2. Relating to an object of sense. E. विषय an object of sense, and ठक् aff.

  • वैष्टुत :: n. (-तं) The ashes of a burnt-offering. E. वि before स्तु to praise, aff. क्त and अण् added.
  • वैष्ट्र :: n. (-ष्ट्रं) 1. A world. 2. Air. 3. Heaven. E. विष् to extend, ष्ट्रन् Uṇadi aff.
  • वैष्णव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Relating or belonging to VISHṆU. m. (-वः) 1. A follower of VISHṆU. 2. One of the modern Hindu sects, (the VAISHNABAS, the ŚAIVAS and the ŚĀKTAS are the three important modern Hindu sects.) f. (-वी) 1. One of the Mātris, the personified energy or Śaktī of VISHṆU. 2. A name of DURGĀ. 3. A flower, (Clitoria ternatea.) 4. Sacred basil, (Ocymum sanctum.) n. (-वं) The ashes of a burnt offering. E. विष्णु VISHṆU, अण् aff., fem. aff. ङीष् ।
  • वैसारिण :: m. (-णः) A fish. E. वि before सृ to go, णिनि aff., and अण् added.
  • वैसूचन :: n. (-नं) A man's assuming female attire, (in the drama.) E. वि before सूच् to make known, क्युच् aff., and अण् added.
  • वैहायस :: f. (-सी) Being in the air.
  • वैहार्य्य :: f. (-र्य्या) One on whom jokes are to be practised; (as to the brother of a wife.) E. विहार joke, ष्यञ् aff.
  • वैहासिक :: m. (-कः) A comic actor, a buffoon. E. वि, हास laughter, aff. ठक् ।
  • वोटा :: f. (-टा) A female servant or slave. E. पुट् to contract, aff. अच्, and व being substituted for प; perhaps more correctly बोटा ।
  • वोड्र :: m. (-ड्रः) 1. A large snake, (Borā or Boa Constrictor.) 2. A sort of fish. f. (-ड्री) The fourth part of a Pana. E. वा-बा० उड्र ।
  • वोढव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्यी -व्यं) 1. To be borne or carried. 2. Able to bear or carry. E. वह् to bear, तव्यर् aff., form irr.
  • वोढु :: m. (-ढुः) The son of a woman living in her father's house, and whose husband is absent. E. वह् to bear, उ aff., form irr.
  • वोढृ :: m. (-ढा) 1. A bridegroom. 2. A porter, a bearer. 3. A charioteer. 4. A bull. 5. A guide, a leader. 6. A son. 7. A draught horse. E. वह् to bear, aff. तृच्, ह changed to ढ, ओ substituted for the vowel.
  • वोण्ट :: m. (-ण्टः) A stalk, a stem.
  • वोद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Wet, moist, damp.
  • वोदाल :: m. (-लः) A sheat-fish, (Silurus Boalis, HAM.) “वोयाल माच् ।”
  • वोर :: m. (-रः) A sort of pulse, (Dolichos catjang.) E. Apparently not a Sanskrit word, though occurring in regular compounds.
  • वोरक :: m. (-कः) A scribe, a writer. E. See वोलक ।
  • वोरट :: m. (-टः) A sort of jasmine. “कुन्दपुष्पे ।”
  • वोरपट्टी :: f. (-ट्टी) A sort of mat or mattress for sleeping on. E. वोर Dolichos catjang, पट्टी coarse cloth; perhaps made of the straw.
  • वोरव :: m. (-वः) A kind of rice, which is cut in March or April. “वोरोधान्” .
  • वोरुखान :: m. (-नः) A horse, described as of a white and red colour.
  • वोल :: m. (-लः) Gum-myrrh. E. वा to go, to smell, उलच् aff.
  • वोलक :: m. (-कः) A scribe. f. (-लिका) A sort of cake or pudding made with flour and sugar. E. वा to go, and उलच् aff., and कन् added; also ल being changed to र, वोरक ।
  • वोल्लाह :: m. (-हः) A horse, with white mane and tail.
  • वोहित्थ :: n. (-त्थं) A vessel, a ship.
  • वौषट् :: Ind. An exclamation used on offering an oblation to the gods or manes. E. वह् to bear, (what is borne by this,) and डौषट् aff.
  • व्यंशक :: m. (-कः) A mountain. E. वि various, अंश part, कन् added.
  • व्यंशुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Undressed, naked. E. वि priv., अंशुक a garment.
  • व्यंसक :: m. (-कः) A cheat, a juggler. E. वि before अंस् to divide, ण्वुल् aff.
  • व्यंसन :: n. (-नं) Cheating, tricking. E. वि, अंस् to divide, ल्युट् aff.
  • व्यंसनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be deceived or cheated. E. वि before अंस to divide, अनीयर् aff.; also व्यंसितव्य and व्यंस्य ।
  • व्यसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Deceived, tricked, cheated. E. वि, अंस् to divide, aff. क्त ।
  • व्यक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Wise, learned. 2. Evident, manifest, apparent, absolutely and specifically known or understood. 2. Individual, specific. E. वि before अञ्ज् to make clear, aff. क्त ।
  • व्यक्तत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Distinctness, manifestation. E. त्व added to the last; also व्यक्तता ।
  • व्यक्तदृष्टार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) Perceiving, understanding, present, an eye- witness. E. व्यक्त evident, दृष्ट seen, अर्थ meaning or object, (by whom.)
  • व्यक्तराशि :: f. (-शिः) Known or absolute quantity. E. व्यक्त, राशि quantity.
  • व्यक्तलक्ष्मन् :: mfn. (-क्ष्मा -क्ष्मा -क्ष्म) Evident by certain signs or marks, manifest- ed, characterised. E. व्यक्त, and लक्ष्मन् a mark.
  • व्यक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Individuality, specific appearance or being. 2. Appearance, manifestation. 3. Case, inflexion, or the proper form of any inflected word. E. वि before अञ्ज् to make clear, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • व्यक्तिता :: f. (-ता) Individuality. E. तल् added to व्यक्ति; also with त्व व्यक्तित्वं ।
  • व्यक्तीकरण :: n. (-णं) Making distinct or manifest. E. व्यक्ति, करण making च्वि aug.
  • व्यक्तीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Made clear or manifest. E. व्यक्ति, कृत made, च्वि aug.
  • व्यक्तीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Distinct, clear. E. व्यक्ति, भूत become, च्वि aug.
  • व्यक्तोदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Manifested, displayed. E. व्यक्त, उदित risen or said.
  • व्यग्र :: mfn. (-ग्रः -ग्रा -ग्रं) 1. Bewildered, perplexed, distracted. 2. Alarmed, agitated, frightened. 3. Engaged in, zealous, eager. E. वि before अग्र chief, principal.
  • व्यग्रता :: f. (-ता) 1. Perplexity, anxiety. 2. Zeal. E. तल् added to the last; with त्व, व्यग्रत्वं ।
  • व्यङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) 1. Deformed, lame. 2. Bodiless. 3. Ill-arranged. m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A frog. 2. A cripple. 3. Discoloration of the face, dark spots on the cheek. E. वि depreciative, &c., अङ्ग body.
  • व्यङ्गार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Having no fire alight. E. वि priv., अङ्गार hot coals.
  • व्यङ्गुल :: n. (-लं) The 60th part of a digit or Angula. E. वि, अङ्गुल a digit.
  • व्यङ्ग्य :: m. (-ङ्ग्यः) 1. Figurative or poetical speech, elliptical language or that which conveys something more than the simple meaning of the words. 2. Sarcasm, the covert but intelligible expression of suspicion or contempt. E. वि before अञ्ज् to make clear or manifest, aff. ण्यत्, or घञ् aff. and यत् added.
  • व्यच् :: r. 6th cl. (विचति) To cheat, to trick, to defraud or deceive.
  • व्यज :: m. (-जः) A fan. E. वि before अज् to go, घ aff.
  • व्यजन :: n. (-नं) A fan. E. वि before अज् to go, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • व्यञ्जक :: m. (-कः) 1. External indication of passion or feeling. 2. A sign, a mark, a symbol. 3. Figurative or elliptical expression. f. (-ञ्जिका) 1. Showing, making clear. 2. Suggesting a meaning, as applied to a word or sense, (opposed to वाचक and लाक्षणिक ।) E. वि before अञ्ज् to manifest, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • व्यञ्जकत्व :: n. (-त्वं) The nature or existence of figurative or poetical expression. E. व्यञ्जक, and त्व added.
  • व्यञ्जन :: n. (-नं) 1. A mark, a spot, a sign, a token. 2. Paraphernalia, insignia. 3. The beard. 4. A privy, part, either male er female. 5. Sauce, condiment. 6. A consonant. 7. Making clear. 8. A sign of puberty. 9. A limb, a member. nf. (-नं-ना) 1. Figurative express- ion. 2. Irony, sarcasm. E. वि before अञ्ज् to make clear, ल्युट् aff.
  • व्यञ्जनावृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Rhetorical or elliptical style. E. व्यञ्जना, and वृत्ति style.
  • व्यञ्जयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Making visible. E. वि, अञ्ज् to go, शतृ aff.
  • व्यञ्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Distinguished, characterised. 2. Manifested, visible. 3. Suggested. E. वि before अञ्ज् to go, क्त aff.
  • व्यञ्जिजिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing or trying to expose, detect, make manifest, &c. E. वि before अञ्ज् to go, desid. v., उ aff.
  • व्यडम्बक :: m. (-कं) The castor-oil plant, (Ricinus communis.) E. वि before अड् to strive, aff. अच्, व्यड here said to mean excretion, अवि to go, to cause, ण्वुल् aff., form irr; also with युच् aff. व्यडम्बन m. (-नः) and by another reading, व्यडम्बर; other etymologies are given.
  • व्यतिकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Reciprocal, acting on or with one another. 2. Pervading, who or what spreads through or over. 3. Contiguous to, in contact with (-रः) 1. Misfortune, calamity. 2. Reciprocity, reciprocal action or relation 3. Reverse. 4. Contact, contiguity.

5. Opportunity. 6. An occurrence, an incident. 7. Mixing together. E. वि and अति before कृ to make, to do, aff. अप् ।

  • व्यतिकीर्ण :: f. (-र्णा) Mixed together, blended together.
  • व्यतिक्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Inverted or retrograde order, inversion, reverse. 2. Contrariety, opposition in general; as the contrary of what is right or wrong, crime, vice: the contrary of prosperity, adversity, misfortune, &c. 3. Retraction, non-performance, (as of contracts.) 4. Passing over or beyond. E. वि and अति before क्रम् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • व्यतिक्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Reversed, inverted. 2. Retracted. 3. Passed over. 4. Violated. E. वि and अति before क्रम् to go, क्त aff.
  • व्यतिरिक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Different, distinct. 2. Excepted. 3. With- drawn. 4. Surpassing. E. वि and अति before रिच् to unite, aff. क्त ।
  • व्यतिरेक :: m. (-कः) 1. Difference, separateness. 2. A figure in rhetoric, the dissimilitude of things compared in some respects to each other. 3. Exception, exclusion. 4. Excelling. 5. Contrast. 6. A logical discontinuance, opposed to अन्वय, (In Nyāya Phil.) E. वि and अति before रिच् to unite, aff. घञ् ।
  • व्यतिरेकव्याप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) Comprehensive argument derived from negatives or non-existence. E. व्यतिरेक, and व्याप्ति pervading.
  • व्यतिरेकिन् :: mfn. (-की -किणी -कि) 1. Different, reverse. 2. Excepting, dis- tinguishing. 3. Implying negation or non-existence. 4. Excelling. E. व्यतिरेक, and इनि or घिनुण् aff.
  • व्यतिरेक्युदाहरण :: n. (-णं) Illustration by contrast or negatives. E. व्यतिरेकिन् उदाहरण example.
  • व्यतिषक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Mutually connected, joined, related, &c. E. वि and अति before षञ्ज् to embrace, aff. क्त ।
  • व्यतिषङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. Mutual or reciprocal junction or relation. 2. Fastening, tying together. 3. Union. 5. Intermixture. E. वि and अति before षञ्ज् to embrace, and घञ् aff.
  • व्यतिषङ्गवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Connected, united, mixed. E. व्यतिषङ्ग, मतुप् aff.
  • व्यति(ती)हार :: m. (-रः) 1. Barter, exchange. 2. Exchange of blows or abuse. 3. Reciprocity. E. वि and अति before हृ to take, aff. घञ् ।
  • व्यतीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Past, gone. 2. Departed from. 3. Disregarded. E. वि before अतीत the same.
  • व्यतीपात :: m. (-तः) 1. Great and portentous calamity, or a portent, indi- cating or occasioning it and therefore identified with it, as a comet, an earthquake, &c. 2. Disrespect, contempt. 3. The seventeenth of the astrological Yogas. 4. Day of new-moon when it falls on a Sunday, and the moon is in certain mansions, Shrāvaṇa, &c. E. वि and अति before पत् to fall, &c., aff. घञ् ।
  • व्यतीहार :: m. (-रः) 1. Barter, exchange. 2. Exchange of blows or abuse. E. वि, and अति implying reciprocity, हृ to take, aff. घञ्, and इ optionally made long: see व्यतिहार ।
  • व्यत्यय :: m. (-यः) 1. Contrariety, opposition, reverse. 2. Inverted or retro- grade order. 3. Interchange. E. वि + अति before इण् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • व्यत्यस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Reversed, inverted, contrary, opposite. E. वि and अति before अस् to throw, क्त aff.
  • व्यत्यास :: m. (-सः) 1. Contrariety, opposition, reverse. 2. Inverted or retrograde order. 3. Reversed position. E. वि and आत् before अस् to throw or send, aff. घञ् ।
  • व्यथ् :: r. 1st cl. (व्यथते) 1. To fear. 2. To be disquieted or unhappy. 3. To be sorry or vexed. 4. To suffer pain. 5. To become dry.
  • व्यथक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Inflicting pain, torturing, painful. 2. Dis- tressing, afflicting. E. व्यथ् to give pain, क्कुन् aff.
  • व्यथन :: n. (-नं) Giving pain, paining. E. व्यथ् to pain, ल्युट् aff.
  • व्यथनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be put to pain, what may be or ought to be pained. E. व्यथ्, and अनीयर् aff.; also व्यथ्य and व्यथितव्य ।
  • व्यथयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Paining, distressing. E. व्यथ् to pain, शतृ aff.
  • व्यथा :: f. (-था) 1. Pain. 2. Distress. 3. Alarm, fear. 4. Perturbation. E. व्यथ् to fear, to suffer pain, &c., affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • व्यथाकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Painful, excruciating. E. व्यथा, कर what makes.
  • व्यथारहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Free from pain. E. व्यथा, and रहित quitted.
  • व्यथित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Pained, tortured. 2. Distressed, afflicted. 3. Disturbed, troubled. 4. Alarmed, frightened. E. व्यथा pain, इतच् aff.
  • व्यथ्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being agitated, distressed, pained, &c. E. व्यथ् to suffer pain, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • व्यध्(औ)औव्यध :: r. 4th cl. (विध्यति) To beat, to strike, to pierce, to tear, to hurt or wound. With अनु, 1. To wound. 2. To intertwine. With अप, 1. To cast away. 2. To pierce. With आ, To throw, to pierce. With परि, To wound, to pierce.
  • व्यध :: m. (-धः) 1. Perforating, piercing. 2. Striking, smiting. E. व्यध् to strike, &c., aff. अच् ।
  • व्यधन :: n. (-नं) Piercing, perforating. E. व्यध् to pierce, ल्युट् aff.
  • व्यधिकरण :: n. (-णं) The subsisting in different substrata.
  • व्यधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Made, done, caused.
  • व्यध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) To be pierced or wounded. m. (-ध्यः) A butt, a mark to shoot at. E. व्यध् to pierce, aff. थत् ।
  • व्यध्व :: m. (-ध्वः) A bad road. E. वि depreciative, अध्वन् a road, अच् aff.
  • व्यनुनाद :: m. (-दः) Reverberation, loud and extending sound or noise. E. वि and अनु before नद् to sound, घञ् aff.
  • व्यनुनादयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) 1. Causing to reverberate, filling with sound or noise. E. वि and अनु before नद् to sound, causal v., शतृ aff.
  • व्यप् :: r. 10th cl. (व्यपयति-ते) 1. To diminish, to decay. 2. To throw.
  • व्यपकृष्ट :: f. (-ष्टा) Taken off, removed.
  • व्यपगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Gone away. E. वि and अप before गम् to go, क्त aff.
  • व्यपगम :: m. (-मः) Going away, departure. E. वि and अप before गम् to go, अच् aff.
  • व्यपत्रपमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Ashamed. E. वि and अपत्रप to be shameless, शानच् aff.
  • व्यपदिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Named. 2. Informed. 3. Tricked. 4. Pleaded in excuse. 4. Shown. E. वि and अप before दिश् to show, क्त aff.
  • व्यपदेश :: m. (-शः) 1. Dishonesty, fraud, craft. 2. Stratagem, device. 3. Name, appellation. 4. Information, notice, apprising. 5. Hint. 6. Excuse, pretext. 7. Family, race. 8. Fame, repute. 9. Naming. E. वि and अप before दिश् to show, aff. घञ् ।
  • व्यपदेष्टृ :: mfn. (-ष्टा -ष्ट्री -ष्टृ) 1. Deceiving, a cheat. 2. One who shows, names, &c. E. वि and अप before दिश् to show, तृच् aff.
  • व्यपनीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Taken away, removed. E. वि and अप before नीत taken.
  • व्यपरोपण :: n. (-णं) Extirpating, expelling. E. वि and अप before रुह् to grow, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • व्यपरोपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Extirpated, eradicated, expelled. E. वि and अप before रुह् to grow, causal v., क्त aff.
  • व्यपाकृति :: f. (-तिः) Repelling, denial. E. वि and अप implying opposition, and आङ् before कृ to make, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • व्यपाश्रय :: m. (-यः) 1. Taking refuge with, lying upon, trusting to. 2. Expectation. E. वि, अप and आङ् before श्री to serve, aff. अच् ।
  • व्यपाश्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Having taken refuge with, relying upon, who or what does so. E. वि, अप and आङ् before श्री to serve, aff. क्त ।
  • व्यपाश्रित्य :: Ind. Having sought or taken refuge with. E. वि, अप and आङ् before श्री to serve, ल्यप् aff.
  • व्यपेक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Expectant, waiting, attentive. E. वि and अप before ईक्ष् to see, अच् aff.
  • व्यपेक्षण :: n. (-णं) Expecting, looking for. E. वि and अप before ईक्ष् to see, ल्युट् aff.
  • व्यपेक्षणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be expected or looked for. E. वि and अप before ईक्ष् to see, अनीयर् aff.; also व्यपेक्ष्य and व्यपेक्षितव्य ।
  • व्यपेक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) Expectation, especially if reciprocal. 2. Mutual connec- tion or relation. 3. Application, use. 4. (In grammar,) The mutual application of two rules. E. वि severally, अपेक्षा looking to.
  • व्यपेक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Looked to reciprocally. 2. Mutually related. 3. Employed, applied. E. वि and अपेक्षित expected.
  • व्यपेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Gone, passed away, got rid of. 2. Opposed, contrary. 3. Severed. E. वि and अप before इ to go, क्त aff.
  • व्यपोढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Opposite, contrary, reverse. 2. Driven off or away. 3. Exhibited. E. वि and अप before वह् to bear, क्त aff.
  • व्यपोह :: m. (-हः) Driving away, Keeping off.
  • व्यपोह्य :: Ind. 1. Having driven away, got rid of. 2. Having passed through a place. E. वि and अप before वह् to convey, ण्यत् aff.
  • व्यभिचार :: m. (-रः) 1. Following improper courses, doing what is prohi- bited or wicked. 2. Erring, straying, (literally or figuratively.) 3. Wandering from an argument, a fallacious Hetu, one without the Sādhya, (in logic.) 4. Infidelity of a husband or wife. E. वि and अभि before चर् to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • व्यभिचारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Following or doing improper. 2. Going astray, (literally or figuratively.) n. (-रि) A property, or class of properties into which feelings and emotions, as objects of poeti- cal description are classed; or the transitory feeling, (op. to स्थायिन्) which does not pervade a composition but, if properly developed at any stage, strengthens the prevailing sentiment. the BHĀVAS called VYABHICHĀRIS are thirty-two in number, to which two others are sometimes added, making thirty- four, viz:--1. NIRVEDA, humility, self-abasement; 2. GLĀNI, weakness, exhaustion; 3. ŚANKĀ, apprehension; 4. ASŪĀ, calumny; 5. MADA, inebriety; 6. ŚHRAMA, fatigue; 7. ĀLASYA, indolence; 8. DAINYA, indigence, distress. 6. CHINTĀ, secret desire; contemplation of the object beloved; 10. MOHA, loss of sense or presence of mind from fear, anxiety, &c.; 11. SMRITĪ, recollection but especially the recollection of an absent or faithless lover exci- ted by present objects; 12. DHRITĪ, the enjoyment or consciousness of amatory woe, resignation or abandonment to despair, &c.; 13. VṚDA, shame; 14. CHAPALATĀ, fickleness, unsteadiness, want of firmness and steadiness; 15. HARSA, delight; 16. ĀBEGA, hurry, flurried haste; 17. JARATĀ, ignorance, imbecility; 18. GARBA, pride, arrogance; 19. BISHĀDA, want of energy or spirits, depress- ion of mind; 20. AUTSUKYA, regret, painful remembrance of some object lost or absent; 21. NIDRĀ, sluggishness, sleepiness; 22. APASMĀRA, epilepsy; 23. ŚUPTA, sleep; 24. BIBODHA, waking; 25. AMARSHA, wrathful impatience; 26. AVAHITTHĀ, dissimulation; 27. UGRATĀ, passion, rage; 28. MATI, intelligence, knowledge; 29. UPĀLAMBHA, reviling; 30. BYĀDHI, sickness, disease; 31. UNMĀDA, madness, delirium; 32. MARAṆA, death; the other two are, 33. TRĀSA, fear; 34. BITARKA, doubt, deliberation. f. (-रिणी) A wanton woman, an unchaste wife. E. वि and अभि before चर् to go, aff. णिनि .
  • व्यभ्र :: mfn. (-भ्रः -भ्रा -भ्रं) Uncloud. E. वि priv., अभ्र a cloud.
  • व्यय् :: r. 1st. cl. (व्ययति-ते) To go, to move. r. 10th cl. (व्यययति-ते) 1. To lessen, to diminish. 2. To send. r. 1st and 10th cls. (व्ययते व्यययति- ते) 1. To expend, to disburse, to abandon wealth, to give away money, &c. 2. To move, &c. (व्याययति-ते) To drive.
  • व्यय :: m. (-यः) 1. Expenditure, spending. 2. Destruction, disappearance. 3. Misfortune, downfall, decline. 4. Obstacle. 5. Loss, waste. f. (-या) Mutable, liable to decay. E. व्यय् to expend, &c., aff. अच् ।
  • व्ययन :: n. (-नं) 1. Spending. 2. Destroying. E. व्यय, ल्युट् aff.
  • व्ययमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Spending, expending. E. व्यय् to spend, शानच् aff.
  • व्ययित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Expended, spent. 2. Gone, dissipated, dis- persed. 3. Declined, fallen into decay. E. व्यय् to expend, aff. क्त ।
  • व्ययिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) 1. Spending. 2. Declining, falling into cala- mity. 3. Wasting, decaying. E. व्यय, and इनि aff.
  • व्ययीकरण :: n. (-णं) Expending, wasting. E. व्यय, करण making, च्वि augment.
  • व्ययीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Expended, wasted. E. व्यय, कृत made, च्वि aug.
  • व्ययीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Spent, wasted. E. व्यय, भूत been, च्वि augment.
  • व्यर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Asked. 2. Gone. E. अर्द्द to ask, with वि prefix, and क्त aff.
  • व्यर्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) 1. Useless, unprofitable. 2. Unmeaning. E. वि, priv. अर्थ meaning, object.
  • व्यर्थक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Vain, useless. E. कन् added to the last.
  • व्यर्थकता :: f. (-ता) Unprofitableness, uselessness. E. व्यर्थक, and तल् aff.
  • व्यर्थता :: f. (-ता) 1. Unprofitableness, uselessness. 2. Absence of meaning, nonsense. E. तल added to व्यर्थ; also with त्व, व्यर्थत्वं ।
  • व्यलीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Disagreeable, displeasing, offensive. 2. Im- proper, unfit to be done. 3. Painful. 4. Strange. 5. False. n. (-कं) 1. Pain, torture. 2. Fault, transgression. 3. Any thing displeasing. 4. Any improper act. 5. Reverse. 6. Cheating, tricking. m. (-कः) A catamite. E. वि and अल् to be able or to adorn, aff. ईकक् ।
  • व्यलीकता :: f. (-ता) 1. Impropriety. 2. Disagreeableness. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, व्यलीकत्वं ।
  • व्यवकलन :: n. (-नं) 1. Subtraction, (in math.) 2. Separation. E. वि and अव before कल् to reckon, ल्युट् aff.
  • व्यवकलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Subtracted, deducted. n. (-तं) Subtraction. E. वि and अव before कल् to count, and क्त aff.
  • व्यवक्रोशन :: n. (-नं) 1. Wrangling, altercation, mutual abuse. 2. Abuse, reviling. E. वि and अव before क्रुश् to call, ल्युट् aff.
  • व्यवच्छिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Different, separate, divided. 2. Distin- guished, discriminated. 3. Cut in pieces. 4. Interrupted. E. वि and अव before छिद् to cut, aff. क्त ।
  • व्यवच्छेद :: m. (-दः) 1. Dividing, separating. 2. A division. 3. Discrimina- tion. 4. Contrast, distinction. 5. Letting fly an arrow, shooting, darting. 6. Cutting in pieces. E. वि and अव before छिद् to cut, aff. घञ् ।
  • व्यवतिष्ठमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Arranged, placed. E. वि and अव before स्था to stay, शानच् aff.
  • व्यवधा :: f. (-धा) 1. A covering, a screen, any thing which holds or con- ceals from sight. 2. The state of being covered, concealment, dis- appearance. E. वि and अव before धा to have, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • व्यवधान :: n. (-नं) 1. Covering, disappearance, either the thing which con- ceals, or the state of being concealed from sight. 2. Intervening, intervention, space. 3. The intervention of a letter, (in grammar.) E. वि and अव before धा to have, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • व्यवधायक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Concealing, screening, hiding. 2. Interven- ing, intermediate, separating. E. वि अव before धा to have, ण्वुल् aff.
  • व्यवधि :: m. (-धिः) Covering, or a covering: see व्यवधान . E. वि and अव before धा to have, aff. कि ।
  • व्यवसाय :: m. (-यः) 1. Effort, exertion, persevering or industrious effort, perseverance, industry. 2. Following any business or profession. 3. Plan, device, trick. 4. Resolve, determination. 5. Boasting. 6. Action. 7. Conduct. E. वि and अव before षो to destroy, aff. घञ् ।
  • व्यवसायात्मिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Laborious, relating to exertion. E. व्यवसाय, आत्मन् self, कन् added.
  • व्यवसायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) 1. Active, energetic, persevering, resolute. 2. Engaged in business. E. व्यवसाय, and इनि aff.
  • व्यवसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Tricked, cheated. 2. Energetic, taking pains, making effort or exertion. 3. Resolved, determined. n. (-तं) Cer- tainty, ascertainment. E. वि and अव before षो to destroy. aff. क्त ।
  • व्यवस्था :: f. (-स्था) 1. Separating, placing remote or apart. 2. Placing or staying in or on. 3. A decree, a written declaration of the law; applied in practice to the written extracts from the codes of law, stated as the opinions of the Hindu law officers attached to the court of justice. 4. An engagement, an agreement, a contract. 5. Fixity. E. वि and अव before स्था to stay or be, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • व्यवस्थातिक्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Breaking an agreement or contract. 2. Disre- garding the law. E. व्यवस्था and अतिक्रम transgressing.
  • व्यवस्थातिवर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) Breaking an agreement or contract. E. व्यवस्था and अतिवर्त्तन transgressing.
  • व्यवस्थातिवर्त्तिन् :: m. (-र्त्ती) One who does not keep an engagement, &c. E. व्यवस्था, and अतिवर्त्तिन् going from or over.
  • व्यवस्थान :: n. (-नं) 1. Steadiness. 2. Regular arrangement, determination. 3. Rule, decision. 4. Firmness, perseverance. E. वि + अव + स्था-ल्युट् ।
  • व्यवस्थापक :: f. (-पिका) 1. Settling, deciding. 2. Supervising.
  • व्यवस्थापन :: n. (-नं) 1. Declaring, deciding, laying down as law. 2. Fix- ing, determining. 3. Appointing. 4. Placing apart. 5. Placing. 6. Arranging. E. वि and अव before स्था to stay, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • व्यवस्थापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Declared, determined. 2. Caused to be placed. E. वि and अव before स्था to stay, causal v., क्त aff.
  • व्यवस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Separated, distant. 2. Extracted. 3. Invari- able, constant. 4. Appointed. 5. Declared, decreed. 6. Staying or fixed in or on. 7. Adjusted. E. वि and अव before स्था to be, aff. क्त ।
  • व्यवस्थिति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Constancy, perseverance. 2. Determining, appoint- ing. 3. Extracting. E. वि and अव before स्था to stay, क्तिन् aff.
  • व्यवहर्त्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be litigated or decided judicially. 2. To be done or transacted. E. वि and अव before हृ to take, तव्य aff.
  • व्यवहर्त्तृ :: mfn. (-र्त्ता -र्त्त्री -र्त्तृ) Transacting business, engaged in affairs. 2. Observing or following established usages. m. (-र्त्ता) 1. A judge, an umpire, one conducting a judicial procedure. 2. A litigant, a plaintiff, one instituting a dispute at law. 3. Partaker, associate. E. वि and अव before हृ to take, aff. तृच् ।
  • व्यवहार :: m. (-रः) 1. The practice of the courts, or civil and criminal law, judicial procedure, administrative justice, as the examina- tion of evidence, &c. 2. Title of jurisprudence, any act cognizable in courts of justice. 3. Contest at law, law suit, litigation. 4. Usage, custom. 5. Conduct. 6. Profession, business. 7. Steadiness, property, adherence to law and custom. 8. A contract. 9. A sort of tree. 10. Mathematical or arithmetical determination or ascertainment. E. वि, and अव implying dissension, and हृ to take, aff. घञ्, the term being explained to mean especially, a dispute between two parties, or the counter statements of plaintiff and defendant.
  • व्यवहारज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) 1. A person who has passed his minority, a young man of age, or one who has passed his sixteenth year, at which period he can assert his own rights in a court of law. 2. One ac- quainted with legal procedure. E. व्यवहार a law suit, ज्ञ who knows.
  • व्यवहारदर्शन :: n. (-नं) Judicial investigation, trial. E. व्यवहार legal proceed- ing, and दर्शन seeing, inspecting.
  • व्यवहारपद :: n. (-दं) A title of jurisprudence, any act cognizable in a court of law: see व्यवहारविषय . E. व्यवहार and पद object.
  • व्यवहारपाद :: m. (-दः) A division of legal proceeding, one of the four parts which are necessary to conduct a regular suit, or the plaint, the defence, the proof and the decision. E. व्यवहार a law suit, पाद a quarter.
  • व्यवहारप्राप्त :: m. (-प्तः) A youth who has come of age. E. व्यवहार, प्राप्त obtained.
  • व्यवहारमातृका :: f. (-का) Legal procedure or process in general, simple judicature, law as in all ordinary cases administered. E. व्यवहार legal contest, मातृका mother.
  • व्यवहारमार्ग :: m. (-र्गः) A title of jurisprudence: see व्यवहारविषय . E. व्यवहार, मार्ग road or path.
  • व्यवहारविधि :: m. (-धिः) Law, the law, the precepts or code by which judicature is to be regulated and decisions to be made. E. व्यवहार legal process, and विधि a rule.
  • व्यवहारविषय :: mn. (-यः-यं) A title of jurisprudence, an act which may become the object of dispute amongst men, and should therefore be regulated by law; according to MANU, there are eighteen heads, but these are the principal only, and many things not comprised under them may still be actionable; the eighteen are:--1. ऋणादानं debt; 2. निक्षेपः deposit; 3. अस्वामिविक्रयः sale without ownership; 4 सम्भूयसमुत्थानं concerns amongst partners; 5. दत्तस्यानपकर्म्म subtrac- tion of what has been given; 6. वेतनादानं non-payment of wages; 7 सम्बिद्व्यतिक्रमः non-performance of agreement; 8. क्रयविक्रयानुशयः

rescission of sale and purchase; 9. स्वामिपालयोर्विवादः disputes between master and servant; 10. सीमाविवादः disputes about bound- aries; 11. वाक्पारुष्यं defamation, abuse; 12. दण्डपारुष्यं assault; 13. स्तेयं theft, larceny; 14. साहसं robbery, and other violence; 15. स्त्रीसंग्रहणं adultery; 16. स्त्रीपुंधर्म्मः duties of man and wife; 17. विभागः portioning of property, inheritance; 18. द्यूतं gambling of any kind as fighting animals, laying wagers, &c. E. व्यवहार legal process, and विषय object.

  • व्यवहारस्थान :: n. (-नं) A title of jurisprudence: see व्यवहारविषय . E. व्यवहार legal procedure, स्थान place.
  • व्यवहाराङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) The body of civil and criminal law.
  • व्यवहाराभिशस्त्र :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Prosecuted, accused, proceeded against legally. E. व्यवहार and अभिशस्त accused.
  • व्यवहारायोग्य :: mfn. (-ग्यः -ग्या -ग्यं) Unfitted or unsuited to legal proceedings. m. (-ग्यः) 1. A minor. 2. One incompetent to conduct business. E. व्यवहार and अयोग्य unfit.
  • व्यवहारिक :: mfn. (-कः -का or की -कं) 1. Customary, usual. 2. Engaged in customary duty or avocation. 3. Connected with or relating to legal process. 4. Litigant, being party to a suit. E. व्यवहार, ठन् aff.
  • व्यवहारिका :: f. (-का) 1. Usage, custom. 2. A brush, a broom. 3. A plant, commonly called Ingudī. E. कन् added to व्यवहार, fem. form.
  • व्यवहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Litigant, litigating, engaged in a law- suit. 2. Relating to legal process. 3. Customary, usual. 4. Follow- ing one's ordinary affairs or avocation. E. व्यवहार and इनि aff.
  • व्यवहार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) 1. To be observed or practised, as a duty or avocation, customary, usual. 2. Actionable, subject to legal pro- cess. E. वि and अव before हृ to take or convey, ण्यत् aff.
  • व्यवहास :: m. (-सः) Mutual laughter. E. वि and अव before हस् to laugh, घञ् aff.
  • व्यवहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Placed or situated contiguously to, attached or adhering to, &c. 2. Intervening, separating. 3. Covered, con- cealed. 4. Excelled, surpassed, put to shame. 5. Done, acted, performed. 6. Not immediately connected. 7. Obstructed. 8. Omit- ted, passed over. E. वि and अव before धा to have or hold, aff. क्त ।
  • व्यवहृति :: f. (-तिः) Practice, performance.
  • व्यवाय :: m. (-यः) 1. Copulation. 2. Covering, disappearance. 3. Purity. 4. Interval, space. 5. Separation, decomposition. 6. Obstacle. n. (-यं) Light, lustre. E. वि and अव before इण् to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • व्यवायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) 1. Lecherous. 2. Pervading, diffusive. m. (-यी) 1. A lecher, a libertine. 2. A drug, an aphrodisiac. 3. Any article that produces general excitement, as wine, poison, &c. E. व्यवाय copulation, and इनि aff.
  • व्यवेत :: f. (-ता) Separated, decomposed.
  • व्यश्नुवान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Occupying, pervading. E. वि before अश् to pervade, शानच् aff.
  • व्यष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) 1. Singleness. 2. Distributive pervasion. 3. A whole viewed as consisting of many separate objects, (as opposed to समष्टि,) (in Vedānta phil.)
  • व्यसन :: n. (-नं) 1. Calamity, misfortune. 2. Fate. 3. Fault, vice, crime, frailty, arising from desire, or from anger; ten vices or faults are enumerated under the first head; viz:--hunting, gambling, sleeping in the day, calumny, whoring, dancing, singing, playing, idle roam- ing, and drinking; the second comprehends eight; viz:--depravi- ty, violence, injury, envy, malice, fraud, abuse, and assault. 4. Sin. 5. Fated consequence. 6. Evil-destiny, ill-luck. 7. Fruitless effort. 8. Incompetence, inability. 9. Intent, application or attachment to an object. 10. Falling, (as opposed to उदय .) 11. Air, wind. 12. Individuality. 13. Loss, destruction. 14. Violation, infraction. 15. Punishment. E. वि before अस् to throw, &c., aff. ल्युट् ।
  • व्यसनप्रहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Troublesome, giving trouble or pain. E. व्यसन and प्रहारिन् taking.
  • व्यसनात्त, :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -र्त्ता -र्त्तं) Afflicted, suffering pain or calamity. E. व्यसन misfortune, and आर्त्त affected.
  • व्यसनिता :: f. (-ता) 1. Wickedness. 2. Calamity. E. व्यसनिन्, तल् aff.; also with त्व, व्यसनित्वं ।
  • व्यसनिन् :: mfn. (-नी -निनी -नि) 1. Addicted to evil practices, as to gaming, drinking, wenching, &c. 2. Excessively attached to any object. 3. Calamitous, unfortunate. E. व्यसन vice, and इनि aff.
  • व्यसनीय :: m. (-यः) A profligate, a debauchee. E. व्यसन and छ aff.
  • व्यसु :: mfn. (-सुः -सुः -सु) Inanimate, lifeless. E. वि priv., असु breath.
  • व्यस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Confounded, confused, bewildered. 2. Per- vaded, penetrated, spread. 3. Present and essential, or inherent in all the parts of any thing, in opposition to the Samasta, or that which pervades the whole together. 4. Reverse, inverse. 5. Oppo- site. 6. Opposed to, set or struck against. 7. Tossed, thrown up or about. 8. Reversed, inverted. 9. Different, manifold. 10. Divi- ded, severed. 11. Simple, uncompounded. E. वि severally, &c., अस् to be or pervade, aff. क्त ।
  • व्यस्तता :: f. (-ता) 1. Agitation, bewilderment. 2. Severalty, individuality. 2. Inherence. E. व्यस्त, and तल् aff.; also with त्व, व्यस्तत्वं ।
  • व्यस्तपद :: n. (-दं) 1. Perplexed and indistinct statement, want of preci- sion in an accusation or defence, (in law.) 2. (In grammar,) A simple or uncompounded word. E. व्यस्त perplexed, पद a sentence, &c.
  • व्यस्तविधि :: f. (-धिः) Inversion, rule for inversion. E. व्यस्त, and विधि rule.
  • व्यस्तार :: n. (-रं) The issue of the fluid from the temples of the elephant. E. व्यस्त pervaded, ऋ to go, aff. ण ।
  • व्यह्न :: mfn. (-ह्नः -ह्ना -ह्नं) Done or produced, &c. in two days. E. वि sever- ally, and अह्न for अहन् a day.
  • व्याकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. The science of grammar, considered as one of the six Vedāngas. 2. Explaining, expounding. E. वि and आङ् before कृ to make or do, ल्युट् aff.
  • व्याकार :: m. (-रः) 1. Change of form. 2. Deformity. E. वि and आकार form.
  • व्याकीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Scattered, tossed, or thrown about or away. E. वि and आङ् before कॄ to scatter, क्त aff.
  • व्याकुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Confounded, bewildered, perplexed, overcome with fear, &c. 2. Busily engaged in. E. वि before आकुल the same.
  • व्याकुलता :: f. (-ता) Perplexity, agitation, alarm. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, व्याकुलत्वं ।
  • व्याकुलमनस् :: mfn. (-नाः -नाः -नः) Agitated, flurried, bewildered. E. व्याकुल, मनस् the mind.
  • व्याकुलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Agitated, flurried, perplexed. E. व्याकुल, इतच् aff.
  • व्याकूति :: f. (-तिः) Fraud, deception, disguise. E. वि and आङ् before कू to sound, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • व्याकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Expounded, explained, made clear. 2. Trans- formed, changed. E. वि and आङ् before कृ to make, क्त aff.
  • व्याकृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Explaining, making clear. 2. Grammar. 3. Change of form. E. वि and आङ् before कृ to make, क्तिन् aff.
  • व्याकोश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Budded, blown. E. वि and आङ् implying separation, and कोश or कोष a sheath; also व्याकोष ।
  • व्याकोष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Budded, blown, (as a flower.) E. See the last.
  • व्याक्षेप :: m. (-पः) 1. Tossing about. 2. Delay, hindrance.
  • व्याख्या :: f. (-ख्या) 1. Exposition, explanation, gloss, comment. 2. Communication. E. वि and आङ् before ख्या to relate, aff. अच् or अङ् and टाप् affs.; also with ल्युट् aff. व्याख्यान n. (-नं) ।
  • व्याख्यागम्य :: n. (-म्यं) Indistinct averment, proceeding from grammatical inaccuracy or faulty construction. E. व्याख्या an explanation, and आगम्य to be attained.
  • व्याख्यात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Spoken, said. 2. Conquered, overcome. 3. Explained, expounded. 4. Related, narrated, told. E. वि and आङ् before ख्या to say, aff. क्त ।
  • व्याख्यान :: n. (-नं) 1. Narration, speech. 2. Explanation, interpretation, exposition. E. वि and आङ् before ख्या to say, ल्युट् aff.
  • व्याख्येय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be explained or described. E. वि and आङ् before ख्या to say, ण्यत् aff.
  • व्याघट्टन :: n. (-नं) 1. Rubbing, friction. 2. Churning. E. वि and आङ् before घट्ट् to use effort, ल्युट् aff.
  • व्याघट्टित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Rubbed, rubbed together. 2. Stirred, churned. E. वि and आङ् before घट्ट् to use effort, क्त aff.
  • व्याघात :: m. (-तः) 1. Obstacle, impediment. 2. Striking, beating. 3. Des- troying, destruction. 4. Contradiction. 5. The thirteenth of the astronomical Yogas. 6. A tree, (Cassia fistula.) 7. A rhetorical figure, the production of two different effects from a similar cause or by similar agency. E. वि and आङ् before हन् to strike, aff. घञ् ।
  • व्याघातक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what opposes, resists, &c. E. वि and आङ् before हन् to strike, ण्वुल् aff.
  • व्याघातिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) Who or what opposes, resists, beats, &c. E. वि and आङ् before हन् to strike, णिनि aff.
  • व्याघारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sprinkled, lubricated, (as with oil or ghee.) E. वि and आङ् before घॄ to sprinkle, क्त aff.
  • व्याघ्र :: m. (-घ्रः) 1. A tiger. 2. (In composition,) Best, pre-eminent, (at the end of a compound.) 3. A variety of the castor-oil plant, (the red variety.) 4. A tree, (Galedupa arborea.) f. (-घ्री) A prickly sort of nightshade, (Solanum jacquini.) E. वि and आङ् before घ्रा to smell, Unādi aff. क ।
  • व्याघ्रचर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) A tiger's skin. E. व्याघ्र and चर्म्मन् skin.
  • व्याघ्रदल :: m. (-लः) A red variety of the castor-oil tree. E. व्याघ्रस्तत्पाद इव दलमस्य ।
  • व्याघ्रनख :: nf. (-खं-खी) 1. A tiger's claw. 2. A sort of perfume. n. (-खं) 1. A kind of root. 2. A scratch or impression of the finger-nails. E. व्याघ्र a tiger, and नख a nail, aff. अच् ।
  • व्याघ्रनखक :: n. (-कं) A scratch, the impression of a finger-nail. E. व्याघ्र a tiger, and नख a nail, कन् added.
  • व्याघ्रनायक :: m. (-कः) A jackal. E. व्याघ्र a tiger, and नायक leader.
  • व्याघ्रपाद :: m. (-दः) 1. A plant, (Flacourtia sapida, Rox.) 2. A saint and law-giver, so named from having feet like those of a tiger. E. व्याघ्र a tiger, and पाद the foot of paw.
  • व्याघ्रपुच्छ :: m. (-च्छः) The castor-oil tree, (Palma Christi, or Ricinus communis.) E. व्याघ्र a tiger, and पुच्छ a tail.
  • व्याघ्राट :: m. (-टः) A sky-lark. E. व्याघ्र a tiger, and अट what goes, aff. अच् .
  • व्याघ्रास्य :: m. (-स्यः) A cat. E. व्याघ्र a tiger, and आस्य the face.
  • व्याज :: m. (-जः) 1. Deceit, fraud, craft, cunning. 2. Disguise, either of purpose or person. 3. Wickedness. E. वि before अज् to go, aff. घञ् .
  • व्याजनिन्दा :: f. (-न्दा) Apparent censure, but covert praise, a figure of rhetoric. E. व्याज disguise, and निन्दा censure.
  • व्याजसुप्त :: Adj. A feigning sleep.
  • व्याजस्तुति :: f. (-तिः) Praise or censure, conveyed in language that expresses the contrary, affected reproach or ironical commenda- tion. E. व्याज disguise, and स्तुति praise.
  • व्याजोक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Covert expression of any thing so as to mislead others from its real cause. E. व्याज craft or disguise, उक्ति saying.
  • व्याड :: m. (-डः) 1. A snake. 2. A carnivorous animal or beast of prey. 3. INDRA. 4. A villain, a rogue. E. वि and आङ् before अड् to make effort, aff. अच् ।
  • व्याडि :: m. (-डिः) The name of a celebrated grammarian.
  • व्यात्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Vast, expanded. E. वि and आङ् before अत् to go, क्त aff.
  • व्यात्युक्षी :: f. (-क्षी) Bathing for amusement, sporting in water. E. वि and अति before उक्ष् to sprinkle, aff. णच् and अण् and ङीष् added.
  • व्यादान :: n. (-नं) Opening, setting open or ajar. E. वि and आङ् before दा to give, ल्युट् aff.
  • व्यादिश :: m. (-शः) 1. VISHṆU. 2. A director, a commander. E. वि + आ + दिश्-क ।
  • व्याध :: m. (-धः) 1. A hunter, one who lives by killing deer, &c. 2. A low or wicked man. E. व्यध् to pierce, ण aff.
  • व्याधभीत :: m. (-तः) A deer. E. व्याध a hunter, भीत afraid of.
  • व्याधाम :: m. (-मः) INDRA'S thunder-bolt. E. वि and आङ् before धा to have, मन् aff.
  • व्याधाव :: m. (-वः) INDRA'S thunder-bolt. E. वि and आङ् before धू to trem- ble, causal form, aff. अच् ।
  • व्याधि :: m. (-धिः) 1. Sickness, disease in general, (op. to आधि or “mental distress.”) 2. Leprosy. E. वि and आङ् before धा to have, कि aff.
  • व्याधिकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Causing sickness. E. व्याधि and कर what makes.
  • व्याधिधात :: m. (-तः) A tree, (Cassia fistula.) E. व्याधि disease, हन् to destroy, aff. अण् ।
  • व्याधिघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) Causing or removing disease. E. व्याधि and घ्न what destroys.
  • व्याधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sick, ill, disease. E. व्याधि sickness, इतच् aff.
  • व्याधियुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Sick, diseased. E. व्यावि, युक्त joined.
  • व्याधिरहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Free from disease, convalescent. E. व्याधि, रहित left.
  • व्याधुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Shaken, shaking, trembling, tremulous. E. वि, आङ् before धु to shake, aff. क्त; also from धू with क्त, व्याधूत ।
  • व्याध्युपशम :: m. (-मः) Allaying or curing disease. E. व्याधि, उपशम allaying.
  • व्यान :: m. (-नः) One of the five vital airs, that which is diffused through- out the body. E. वि before अन् to breathe, aff. घञ् ।
  • व्यानक :: n. (-कं) A mode of sexual enjoyment.
  • व्यापक :: mfn. (-कः -पिका -कं) 1. Diffusive, comprehensive, spreading or extending widely. 2. (In law,) Comprehending all the points of an argument, pervading the whole plea. 3. (In logic,) Embracing the whole of an argument or objection. n. (-कं) Essential and inherent property. E. वि before आप् to pervade, ण्वुल् aff., implying the agent.
  • व्यापकत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Diffusion, pervasion. E. त्व added to the last; also with तल्, व्यापकता ।
  • व्यापत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Misfortune, ruin. 2. Substitution of one thing for another.
  • व्यापद् :: f. (-पद्) 1. Death, decease. 2. Calamity. 3. Derangement. 4. Disease. E. वि and आङ् before पद् to go, aff. क्विप् ।
  • व्यापद :: m. (-दः) 1. Ruin. 2. Evil design, malice.
  • व्यापन :: n. (-नं) Spreading through or throughout, pervading, penetra- ting. E. वि before आप् to obtain, ल्युट् aff.
  • व्यापन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Dead, deceased, expired. 2. Hurt, injured, killed. 3. Deranged, disordered. 4. Vitiated, diseased. 5. Fallen into misfortune. 6. Substituted. E. वि, आङ् before पद् to go, aff. क्त ।
  • व्यापाद :: m. (-दः) Evil-design, malice, prepense, the wish or project to injure another person. E. वि and आङ् before पद् to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • व्यापादन :: n. (-नं) 1. Killing, slaying. 2. Wishing or seeking to injure any one, ill-will, malice, evil design. 3. Ruin. E. वि and आङ् before पद् to go, causal form, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • व्यापादयितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be killed, what may or ought to be put to death. E. वि and आङ् before पद् to go, causal v., तव्य aff.; also व्यापादनीय and व्यापाद्य ।
  • व्यापादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Hurt, injured. 2. Slain, killed. E. वि and आङ् before पद् to go, causal form, aff. क्त ।
  • व्यापादितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Having killed, killing. E. वि and आङ् before पद् to go, causal v., क्तवतु aff.
  • व्यापार :: m. (-रः) 1. Occupation, business, trade. 2. Exercise, practice. 3. Effort. 4. Meddling. E. वि, आङ् before पृ to be busy, aff. घञ् ।
  • व्यापारयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Setting to work, employing. E. वि and आङ् before पृ to be busy, causal v., शतृ aff.
  • व्यापारित :: f. (-ता) Set to work, employed.
  • व्यापारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Motor, the cause or agent of motion or occupation. 2. Busy, occupied. 3. Exercising, practising. m. (-री) A dealer. E. वि and आङ् before पृ to be busy, causal form, aff. णिनि; or व्यापार business, इनि aff.
  • व्यापिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिनी -पि) 1. Diffusive, comprehensive. 2. All-pervading. 3. Covering. m. (-पी) The pervading property or power, &c. E. वि and आप् to pervade, णिनि aff.
  • व्यापृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Engaged, busy. m. (-तः) A minister, a member of royal government. E. वि and आङ् before पृ to be busy, aff. क्त ।
  • व्यापृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Occupation. 2. Effort. 3. Action.
  • व्याप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Pervaded, occupied or penetrated by thorough- ly and essentially, (as the universe by spirit, &c.) 2. Celebrated, famous. 3. Filled, full of. 4. Placed, fixed. 5. Obtained, possessed. 6. Encircled, encompassed, surrounded. 7. Open, apart, out- spread. 8. Included. 9. Invariably accompanied, (in logic.) E. वि before आप् to pervade, aff. क्त ।
  • व्याप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) 1. Pervading, inherence, the inherent and essential presence of any one, (thing or property,) in another, as of oil in the sesamum seed, heat in fire, or the Deity in the universe, &c. 2. Getting, obtaining, gain. 3. Universal permeation, omnipresence, as one of ŚIVA'S superhuman properties. 4. An universal rule. 5. Fulness. E. वि and आप् to pervade, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • व्याप्तिग्रह :: m. (-हः) Induction of universal concomitance, (in logic.)
  • व्याप्तिज्ञान :: n. (-नं) Knowledge of the existence of a substance from observation of the presence of its inherent properties. E. व्याप्ति, and ज्ञान knowledge.
  • व्याप्तिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Diffusive, pervading. E. व्याप्ति and मतुप् aff.
  • व्याप्तिलक्षण :: n. (-णं) Sign or proof of the existence or non-existence of an inherent property or attribute. E. व्याप्ति, and लक्षण indication.
  • व्याप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) 1. Permeable, penetrable. 2. Capable of contain- ing any inherent property. n. (-प्यं) 1. An instrument or agent. 2. The thing or substance which may be the site or subject of attri- butes or inherent properties. 3. The subject of an inference, as fire inferred from the presence of smoke, &c. 4. A drug, (Costus speciosus.) E. वि before आप् to pervade, aff. ण्यत् ।
  • व्याप्यत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Capacity of being penetrated or essentially effected by. E. व्याप्य, त्व aff.
  • व्याप्यत्वासिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) (In logic,) Imperfect conclusion, one not compre- hending all the points of the argument. E. व्याप्यत्व, असिद्धि non-con- clusion.
  • व्याभ्युक्षी :: f. (-क्षी) Gamboling in water, bathing for pleasure. E. वि, आङ् and अभि before उक्ष् to sprinkle, affs. अच् and ङीष् ।
  • व्याम :: m. (-मः) 1. A fathom, or the space between the tips of the fingers of either hand when the arms are extended. 2. Disregard. 3. Smoke. E. वि before अम् to go, with आङ् prefix and अच् aff.
  • व्यामन :: n. (-नं) Disregard, disrespect. E. वि before अम् to go, with आङ् prefixed, and ल्युट् aff.; or वि priv., म्ला to mind, आङ् prefix, अच् aff.
  • व्यामर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) 1. Rubbing out, erasure. 2. Impatience. E. वि and आङ् before मृष् to rub, &c. घञ् aff.
  • व्यामिल्य :: Ind. Having closed and opened, having twinkled, &c. E. वि and आङ् before मिल् to twinkle, ल्यप् aff.
  • व्यामिश्र :: mfn. (-श्रः -श्रा -श्रं) Mixed, blended, mingled. E. वि and आङ् before मिश्र mixed.
  • व्यामृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Rubbed, rubbed out, effaced. E. वि and आङ् before मृष् to rub, aff. क्त ।
  • व्यामोह :: m. (-हः) Embarrassment, bewilderment.
  • व्यायच्छमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Quarrelling. E. वि and आङ् before इण् to go, शानच् aff.
  • व्यायत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Busy, occupied. 2. Long. 3. Hard, firm. 4. Much, excessive. E. वि and आङ् before यम् to stop, aff. क्त ।
  • व्यायाम :: m. (-मः) 1. Fatigue, labour. 2. A fathom, measured by the dis- tance to which both arms extended reach. 3. Gymnastics, athletic exercise, as playing with heavy clubs, yielding a bow with a chain in place of a string, alternate rising and falling at full length on the ground, &c. 4. Manhood, manliness. 5. A difficulty. 6. A difficult or impassable defile, &c. 7. Business, occupation. E. वि and आङ् before यम् to refrain, aff. घञ् ।
  • व्यायामशील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Active, robust, athletic, taking exercise. E. व्यायाम, शील practising.
  • व्यायामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Taking exercise, undergoing fatigue, active, athletic. E. व्यायाम and इनि aff.
  • व्यायाम्य :: Ind. Having exercised, practised as gymnastics, &c. disci- plined as troops. E. वि and आङ् before यम् to restrain, ण्यत् aff.
  • व्यायोग :: m. (-गः) A kind of dramatic exhibition or composition in one act, the subject of which is some contest or war of a heroic kind, and of which woman is not the cause. E. वि and आङ् before युज् to unite, aff. घञ्; in which the valiant are associated.
  • व्याल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Wicked, villainous, bad. 2. Cruel, fierce. m. (-लः) 1. A snake. 2. A beast of prey. 3. A rogue, a cheat. 4. A vicious elephant. 5. A king. 6. A species of the Dandaka metre. E. वि and आङ् before अल् to adorn, aff. अच्; or अड् to make effort, aff. घञ् and ड changed to ल; hence also व्याड ।
  • व्यालक :: m. (-कः) A vicious elephant. E. कन् added to the last.
  • व्यालग्राह :: m. (-हः) A snake-catcher. E. व्याल a snake, ग्रह् to seize, aff. अण्
  • व्यालग्राहिन् :: m. (-ही) A snake-catcher, one who lives by catching and exhibiting snakes. E. व्याल a snake, and ग्राहिन् who takes.
  • व्यालतम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Very injurious, cruel or fierce. E. व्याल, तमप् aff.
  • व्यालमृग :: m. (-गः) A flerce or wild stag. E. व्याल and मृग a deer.
  • व्यालम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) The red variety of the castor-oil plant. वि + आ + लवि-अच् ।
  • व्यालायुध :: n. (-धं) A sort of perfume; see नखी . E. व्याल a beast of prey (a tiger,) आयुध a weapon, compared to the claw of the animal.
  • व्यालिखत् :: mfn. (-खन् -खन्ती -खत्) 1. Drawing lines, delineating, scratch- ing, piercing. 2. Extending to, in contact with. E. वि and आङ् before लिख् to write, शतृ aff.
  • व्यालीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Thick, clustering. E. वि and आङ् before ली to waste, क्त aff.
  • व्यालोल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Tremulous, shaking, waving. E. वि and आङ् before लोल् to shake, अच् aff.
  • व्यावकलन :: n. (-नं) Subtraction, (in arithmetic.) E. वि with आङ् and अव before कल् to count, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • व्यावकलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Subtracted. E. वि with आङ् and अव before कल् to count, aff. क्त ।
  • व्यावक्रोशी :: f. (-शी) Mutual imprecation. E. वि with आङ् and अव before क्रुश् to cry out, aff. णच्, अण and ङीप् being added.
  • व्यावभाषी :: f. (-षी) Mutual abuse or imprecation. E. वि implying recipro- city, and अव depreciation, भाष् to speak, affs. णच् and ङीप् ।
  • व्यावर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) 1. Going round, revolving. 2. Encompassing. 3. Choos- ing, appointing. 4. Ruptured navel, (umbilical hernia.) E. वि and आङ् before वृत् to be, अच् aff.
  • व्यावर्त्तक :: f. (-र्त्तिका) 1. Excluding, separating from. 2. Turning away from. 3. Surrounding.
  • व्यावर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) 1. Rolling round, revolving. 2. A volute, a fold, a band. 3. Encompassing. E. वि and आङ् before वृत् to be, ल्युट् aff.
  • व्यावहारिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Usual, customary. 2. Juridical, judicial, legal, relative or referring to judicial procedure. 3. Relating to business. 4. Relating to the worldly life of illusion, (in Vedānta phil.) m. (-कः) A counseller, a minister. E. व्यवहार litigation, ठञ् aff.
  • व्यावहारी :: f. (-री) Mutual seizing. E. वि + अव + हृ-णच् स्वार्थे अण्-ङीप् ।
  • व्यावहासी :: f. (-सी) Mutual or reciprocal laughter. E. वि and आङ् before हस् to laugh, aff. णच्, अण् and ङीप् added.
  • व्याविध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Of various kinds or sorts. E. वि and आङ् before विध sort.
  • व्यावृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Covered, screened. 2. Removed, excepted. E. वि and आङ् before वृ to choose, क्त aff.
  • व्यावृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Exception, exclusion. 2. Covering, screening. E. वि and आङ् before वृ to choose, क्तिन् aff.
  • व्यावृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Chosen, appointed. 2. Encompassed, surrounded. 3. Fenced, screened. 4. Removed, uncovered. 5. Excepted, excluded. 6. Praised, hymned. 7. Rolled backwards. 8. Revolved. E. वि and आङ् before वृत् to be, &c., aff. क्त ।
  • व्यावृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Praise, eulogium. 2. Rejection, exception, exclu- sion. 3. Choice, selection. 4. Screening, surrounding. 5. Rolling back. 6. Turning away. E. वि and आङ् before वृत् to be, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • व्यास :: m. (-सः) 1. A celebrated saint and author, the supposed original compiler of the Vedas and Purāṇas; also the founder of the Vedānta philosophy. 2. Diffusion, extension. 3. Detail, distinc- tion, severalty. 4. A measure. 5. The diameter of a circle. 6. A fault in pronunciation. 7. Arrangement, compilation. 8. The

analysis of a compound word. 9. A public reader of the Purāṇas. E. वि and आङ् before अस् to pervade, aff. घञ् ।

  • व्यासक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Bewildered. 2. Connected with, attached or devoted to. 3. Detached, separated. E. वि before आसक्त attentive.
  • व्यासङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. Confusion, perplexity. 2. Separation, detachment. 3. Attachment, addiction. 4. Assiduous application. 5. Diligent study. E. वि and आङ् before षञ्ज् to embrace, घञ् aff.
  • व्यासिद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Prohibited, forbidden. 2. Contraband, not allowed to be sold but to particular persons or in certain places. E. वि privative, and आसिद्ध perfected, accomplished.
  • व्याहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Confused, alarmed. 2. Repelled, repulsed. 3. Driving out, expelled. 4. Disappointed. E. वि and आङ् before हन् to strike, &c., aff. क्त ।
  • व्याहरण :: n. (-णं) Utterance, pronunciation. 2. Narration, speech. E. वि and आङ् before हृ to take, ल्युट् aff.
  • व्याहरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रत्) Speaking, uttering, pronouncing. E. वि and आङ् before हृ to take, शतृ aff.
  • व्याहार :: m. (-रः) 1. Voice, speech. 2. A word, an articulate sound. 3. Jest, joke, humorous speech. E. वि, आङ् before हृ to take, aff. घञ् ।
  • व्याहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Uttered, said. E. वि, आङ् before हृ to take, क्त aff.
  • व्याहृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Voice, speech. 2. A word, an articulate sound. 3. A mystical word or sound, as Om, Bhūr, Bhuvah, Swer, &c., which are the Mahā-Vyāhritis, and commence the daily prayers of the Brāhman. E. वि and आङ् before हृ to take, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • व्याहृत्य :: Ind. Having said or uttered. E. वि and आङ् before हृ to take, ल्यप् aff.
  • व्युच्छेद :: m. (-दः) Cutting off, destruction.
  • व्युत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sewn, woven. E. वि before उत woven; also व्यूत ।
  • व्युति :: f. (-तिः) Sewing, weaving. E. वि before ऊय् to weave, aff. क्तिन्, form irr.; also व्यूति ।
  • व्युत्क्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Inverted order, irregular arrangement. 2. Trans- gression. E. वि and उद् before क्रम order, aff. घञ् ।
  • व्युत्क्रान्ता :: f. (-न्ता) 1. Overstepped. 2. Departed, left.
  • व्युत्थान :: n. (-नं) 1. Independence, following one's own inclination. 2. Opposition, contradiction, doing that which is prohibited. 3. Obstruction, prohibition, hindering or opposing any one. 4. Contempt. 5. Completion of religious contemplation, the end of a period of abstraction. E. वि, उद् before स्था to stay or be, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • व्युत्पत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Science, learning, conversancy with or proficiency in literature or science. 2. Origin. 3. Formation of words, derivation, etymology. E. वि and उद before पद् to go, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • व्युत्पन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Learned, studied, conversant or proficient in literature. 2. Completed, finished. 3. Derived, formed as a deri- vative word, (as opposed to a primitive word.) 4. Generated, begotten. E. वि and उद् before पद् to go, aff. क्त ।
  • व्युदस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Put off, thrown aside, (especially as feeling or affection,) rejected. E. वि and उद् before अस् to throw, क्त aff.
  • व्युदस्य :: Ind. Having thrown off or put away, (as desire, feeling &c.) E. वि and उद् before अस् to throw, ल्यप् aff.
  • व्युदास :: m. (-सः) 1. Indifference to, disregard for. 2. Making ill or unprofitable use of any thing, throwing away. 3. Prohibition. E. वि and उद् before अस् to throw, घञ् aff.
  • व्युपदेश :: m. (-शः) Pretext, deception, plausible but false council. E. वि priv., उपदेश advice.
  • व्युपरम :: m. (-मः) Stop, cessation.
  • व्युपशम :: m. (-मः) 1. Inquietude. 2. Cessation. 3. Non-cessation.
  • व्युष् :: r. 10th cl. (व्युषयति-ते) To abandon, to reject.
  • व्युष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Burnt. 2. Dawned, become daylight or dawn. 3. Become clear. 4. Dwelt. n. (-ष्टं) 1. Dawn, break of day. 2. Day. 3. Fruit, consequence. E. वि before वस् to abide, aff. क्त, and व changed to उ; or वि before उष् to burn, क्त aff. वा० इडभावः; or as derived from व्युष् to burn, &c., when it is more properly read व्युष्ट ।
  • व्युष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) 1. Fruit, consequence. 2. Increase, prosperity. 3. Praise. E. वि and वस् to abide, aff. क्तिन् and व changed to उ ।
  • व्युस्(इर)व्युसिर :: r. 4th cl. (व्युस्यति) To leave, to abandon.
  • व्यूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Arranged, arrayed, placed in order or array. 2. Compact, firm, well-knit. 3. Large, great. 4. Disarranged. 5. Married. E. वि before वह् to bear, &c., aff. क्त ।
  • व्यूढकङ्कट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Armed, mailed. E. व्यूढ arranged, कङ्कट mail.
  • व्यूढोरस्क :: mfn. (-स्कः -स्का -स्कं) Broad-chested. E. व्यूढ, उरस् breast, कन् added.
  • व्यूढि :: f. (-ढिः) Array, orderly arrangement or disposition. E. वि before वह् to bear, or ऊह् to reason, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • व्यूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Woven. E. वि before ऊत the same; or वि + वे-क्त ।
  • व्यूति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Weaving. 2. The wages of weaving. E. वि before वेञ् to weave, aff. क्तिन् and व changed to ऊ ।
  • व्यूह :: m. (-हः) 1. Military array, the arrangement of troops in various positions; as दण्डव्यूहः the array in line, भोगव्यूहः in column, मण्डल- व्यूहः in circle, असंहतव्यूहः in mixed order; also various fanciful forms, as the शकटः or car-shape, मकरः or marine monster-like, पताका flag-shape, &c. 2. A flock, a multitude. 3. Logic, reasoning. 4. Making, manufacture. 5. The body. 6. Formation, structure. 7. A squadron. E. वि before ऊह् to reason, aff. घञ् ।
  • व्यूहन :: n. (-नं) 1. Arrying, array. 2. Structure of the body, disposition of the members of the body. E. वि before ऊह् to reason, ल्युट् aff.
  • व्यूहपार्ष्णि :: m. (-र्ष्णिः) The rear of an army. E. व्यूह array, and पार्ष्णि the heel or back.
  • व्यूहभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Throwing into disorder, breaking an array. E. व्यूहभङ्ग breaking.
  • व्यूहभेद :: m. (-दः) Piercing or breaking an array. E. व्यूह, भेद breaking.
  • व्यृद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Non-prosperity, ill-luck.
  • व्ये(ञ)व्येञ् :: r. 1st cl. (व्ययति-ते) 1. To cover. 2. To sew.
  • व्यो :: Ind. 1. Iron. 2. Seed. E. व्ये-डो ।
  • व्योकार :: m. (-रः) A blacksmith. E. व्यो an imitative sound, or iron, कार who makes.
  • व्योमकेश :: m. (-शः) ŚIVA. E. व्योम heaven, and केश hair; also with इनि poss. aff. added व्योमकेशिन् m. (-शी) ।
  • व्योमचारिन् :: m. (-री) 1. A God. 2. A bird. 3. A saint. 4. A heavenly body. E. व्योम heaven, and चारिन् who goes.
  • व्योमचारिपुर :: n. (-रं) The city of HARIŚCHANDRA, suspended midway between heaven and earth. E. व्योम heaven, चारि going, पुर a city.
  • व्योमधूम :: m. (-मः) A cloud. E. व्योम heaven and धूम smoke.
  • व्योमन् :: n. (-म) 1. Sky, heaven, atmosphere. 2. Water. 3. A temple, sacred to the sun, or place where he is especially worshipped. 4. Talc. E. व्येञ् to cover, Unādi aff. मनिन्, form irr.
  • व्योमनासिका :: f. (-का) A sort of quail. E. व्योम heaven, नासिका the nose.
  • व्योममञ्जर :: n. (-रं) A flag, a banner. E. व्योम the sky, and मञ्जर a stalk.
  • व्योममण्डल :: n. (-लं) 1. A flag. 2. The horizon. E. व्योम sky, मण्डल place.
  • व्योममाय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Measuring the sky, high as the heavens. E. व्योम and माय what measures.
  • व्योममुद्गर :: m. (-रः) A gust of wind. E. व्योम the sky, and मुद्गर a club.
  • व्योमयान :: n. (-नं) A carriage of the gods. E. व्योम the sky, यान a vehicle.
  • व्योमविस्तृत :: n. (-तं) The expanse or firmament. E. व्योम and विस्तृत spread.
  • व्योमसद् :: m. (-सद्) A spirit of heaven, a divinity. E. व्योम, सद who goes.
  • व्योमस्थली :: f. (-ली) The earth. E. व्योम the sky, and स्थली base or site.
  • व्योमस्पृश् :: mfn. (-स्पृक्) Sky-touching, lofty. E. व्योम, स्पृश् what touches.
  • व्योमाभ :: m. (-भः) A Jaina deified saint. E. व्योम sky, and आभ shining.
  • व्योष :: n. (-षं) The aggregate of three spices, or black-pepper, long- pepper, and dry ginger. E. वि variously, उष् to burn, aff. अच् ।
  • व्रज् :: r. 1st cl. (व्रजति) 1. To go, to travel. 2. To pass away, (as time.) With अनु, 1. To follow. 2. To perform. With परि prefixed, To wander about, as a mendicant. With प्र, 1. To go into exile. 2. To enter on the fourth stage of life. With प्रति, To go to or towards. r. 10th cl. (व्राजयति-ते) 1. To prepare, to perfect. 2. To go.
  • व्रज :: m. (-जः) 1. A cow-pen, a station of cowherds. 2. A road. 3. A

flock, a herd, a multitude. 4. The district about Āgrā and Mathurā, the scene of KRISHṆA'S juvenile adventures. 5. An abode. n. (-जं) Wandering, roaming. E. व्रज् to go, aff. घञर्ये-क ।

  • व्रजत् :: mfn. (-जन् -जन्ती -जत्) Going, roaming. E. व्रज् to go, शतृ aff.
  • व्रजन :: n. (-नं) 1. Going, roaming. 2. Exile. E. व्रज् to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • व्रजभू :: m. (-भूः) A tree, (Nauclea cordifolia.) E. व्रज a cow-pen, भू being.
  • व्रजाङ्गना :: f. (-ना) A woman of Vraja, a cowherdess.
  • व्रजाजिर :: n. (-रं) A cow-yard, a cattle-fold or pen. E. व्रज, अजिर a yard.
  • व्रजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Gone, going. n. (-त) Roaming. E. व्रज् to go, क्त aff.
  • व्रज्या :: f. (-ज्या) 1. Wandering about, either as an act of religious austeri- ty or in quest of alms. 2. March of an assailant, attack, invasion. 3. March in general. 4. A class, a flock, a tribe. 5. A theatre. E. व्रज् to go, क्यप् aff.
  • व्रज्यावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Wandering, roaming. 2. Going gracefully. E. व्रज्या, मतुप् aff.
  • व्रण् :: r. 1st cl. (व्रणति) To sound. r. 10th cl. (व्रणयति-ते) To wound.
  • व्रण :: mn. (-णः-णं) A tumor, a boil, an ulcer, a wound. E. व्रण् to wound, an abscess, aff. अच् ।
  • व्रणकृत् :: mfn. (-कृत्) Making a sore, wounding, ulcerating, corroding, &c. m. (-कृत्) Marking-nut plant, (Semicarpus anacardium.) E. व्रण a sore, कृत् what makes.
  • व्रणद्विष् :: m. (-द्विट्) A plant, (Siphonanthus Indica.) E. व्रण a sore, द्विष् hostile to, healing, aff. क्विप् ।
  • व्रणधूपन :: n. (-नं) Fumigating a sore. E. व्रण, धूपन burning incense.
  • व्रणवस्तु :: m. (-स्तुः) Part liable to ulcerate, as skin, flesh, &c. E. व्रण, वस्तु substance.
  • व्रणविरोपण :: Adj. Healing a wound.
  • व्रणवेदना :: f. (-ना) Pain of a wound or sore. E. व्रण and वेदना pain.
  • व्रणशोधन :: n. (-नं) Cleaning or cicatrising a sore. E. व्रण, शोधन cleaning.
  • व्रणह :: m. (-हः) The castor-oil tree. f. (-हा) A sort of creeper, (Menis- permum glabrum.) E. व्रण a sore, and हन् to destroy, aff. ड ।
  • व्रणाश :: m. (-शः) Gum-myrrh.
  • व्रणिन् :: mfn. (-णी -णिनी -णि) Having a boil, a sore or wound. E. व्रण, इनि aff.
  • व्रत :: mn. (-तः-तं) 1. Any meritorious act of devotion, the voluntary or vowed observance, or imposition of any penance, austerity, or privation, as fasting, continence, exposure to heat and cold, &c. 2. Eating. 3. Design, plan. 4. Vow, resolution. 5. Course of con- duct. E. वृ to choose, aff. अतच्, र substituted for the vowel; or व्रज् to go, (to heaven by it,) घ aff. and ज changed to त ।
  • व्रतति :: f. (-तिः or ती) 1. Expansion, spreading. 2. A creeper. E. वृत् to abide, अति aff.; the vowel changed to its congener.
  • व्रतपारणा :: f. (-णा) Conclusion of a fast.
  • व्रतभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Breach of a religious vow.
  • व्रतभिक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) Solicting alms, as one of the ceremonies accom- panying investiture with the sacred thread. E. व्रत the observance of investiture, भिक्षा begging.
  • व्रतलापन :: n. (-नं) Violating a religious vow or obligation. E. व्रत and लापन cutting off.
  • व्रतसंग्रह :: m. (-हः) Engaging in any act of devotion, taking on one's self some voluntary religious obligation. E. व्रत a vow, सग्रह taking.
  • व्रतस्वातक :: m. (-कः) The Brāhman who has completed his term of studentship. E. व्रत and स्वातक a householder.
  • व्रताचरण :: n. (-णं) Observing a religious obligation, especially continence, as the duty of the student. E. व्रत and आचरण going.
  • व्रतादेश :: m. (-शः) Investiture of a youth of either of the first three classes with the characteristic cord. E. व्रत observance, आदेश pointing out.
  • व्रतिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) Engaged in or observing a religious vow or obligation. m. (-ती) 1. An employer of priests. 2. An ascetic, a devotee, one engaged in the observance of a vow or penance. 3. The religious student. E. व्रत a vow, इनि aff.
  • व्रतीपवास :: m. (-सः) Fasting, a fast, (as a religious penance or obliga- tion.) E. व्रत, उपवास fasting.
  • व्रध्न :: m. (-ध्नः) 1. The sun. 2. The root of a tree. 3. A day. 4. Lead. 5. Arka-plant. 6. ŚIVA. 7. BRAHMĀ.
  • व्रश्च्(ओ, उ)ओद्रश्चु :: r. 6th cl. (वृश्चति) To cut, to tear, to wound.
  • व्रश्चन :: m. (-नः) A small saw or chisel. n. (-नं) Cutting. E. व्रश्च to cut, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • व्राजि :: f. (-जिः) A gale of wind. E. व्रज् to go, इञ् Unādi aff.
  • व्रात :: m. (-तः) 1. A multitude, an assemblage. 2. The descendant of an outcaste Brāhman, &c. 3. The company and attendants at a marriage feast. n. (-तं) 1. Manual or bodily labour. 2. Day-labour, employment of a precarious kind. 3. Casual employment. E. वृ to choose, aff. अतच् and the vowel made long; or व्रत a religious observance, or व्रात्य an outcaste, aff. अण् ।
  • व्रातीन :: m. (-नः) 1. A cooly, a hired porter or labourer. 2. One who has no fixed or stated employment. E. व्रात bodily labour and ख aff.
  • व्रात्य :: m. (-त्यः) 1. A Brāhman, or man of the three first classes, in whose youth the customary observances have been omitted, and who has not received his investiture with the sacred thread. 2. A low person. f. (-त्या) A female of a fallen Brāhman. E. व्रात, य aff.
  • व्रात्वता :: f. (-ता) The condition of one who has lost caste by neglect of the initiatory observances. E. व्रात्य and तल् aff.; also with त्व, व्रात्यत्वं ।
  • व्रात्यस्तोम :: m. (-मः) A particular sacrifice performed to recover the rights forfeited by an improper delay of the ceremony of investiture. E. व्रात्य one not invested, &c., स्तोम a sacrifice.
  • व्री :: r. 4th cl. (व्रीयते) To go. r. 9th cl. (व्रिणाति or व्रीणाति) To choose or select.
  • व्रीड् :: r. 4th cl. (व्रीड्यते) 1. To be modest, to be bashful or ashamed. 2. To throw, to direct or send.
  • व्रीड :: mf. (-डः-डा) Shame, bashfulness. E. व्रीड् to be ashamed, aff. अच्; fem. aff. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • व्रीडन :: n. (-नं) Bashfulness, modesty. E. व्रीड् to be ashamed, ल्युट् aff.
  • व्रीडानत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Ashamed, hanging down the head with shame. E. व्रीडा, and आनत bowed.
  • व्रीडान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Modest. E. व्रीडा, and अन्वित possessed of.
  • व्रीडित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Ashamed, modest. E. व्रीड्, क्त aff.
  • व्रीस् :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (व्रीसति व्रासयति-ते) To hurt or injure, to kill or wound.
  • व्रीहि :: m. (-हिः) 1. Rice of various kinds: eight principal sorts are enu- merated by native authorities, but the varieties are more numer- ous. 2. Rice ripening in the rainy season. E. व्री to choose, हि aff.
  • व्रीहिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Having or bearing rice. E. व्रीहि rice, ठन् aff.
  • व्रीहिकाञ्चन :: m. (-नः) A sort of pulse, (Ervum lens or hirsutum, &c.)
  • व्रीहिन् :: mfn. (-हि -हिणी -हि) Having rice, (a field, &c.) E. व्रीहि rice, इनि aff.
  • व्रीहिभेद :: m. (-दः) A sort of grain, (Panicum miliaceum.)
  • व्रीहिमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Made or consisting of rice. m. (-यः) A rice-cake offered with ghee as an oblation. E. व्रीहि rice, and मयट् aff.
  • व्रीहिराजिक :: m. (-कः) 1. Panic-seed, (Panicum italicum.) 2. Another species, (Panicum miliaceum.) E. व्रीहि rice, राजिक shining, excelling.
  • व्रीह्यगार :: n. (-रं) A granary, a shed where rice or other grain is stored. E. व्रीहि, अगार a house.
  • व्रुड् :: r. 6th cl. (व्रुडति) 1. To cover. 2. To heap. 3. To sink.
  • व्रूस् :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (व्रूसति व्रूसयति-ते) To hurt or kill.
  • व्रैह :: mfn. (-हः -ही -हं) Made of or with rice. E. व्रीहि rice, and अण् aff.
  • व्रैहेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Fit for or sown with rice, (a field, &c.) E. व्रीहि rice, ढक् aff.
  • व्ली :: r. 9th cl. (व्लिनाति or व्लीनाति) 1. To choose or select. 2. To hold, to maintain. 3. To go.
  • व्लेक्ष् :: r. 10th cl. (व्लेक्षयति-ते) To see.