सामग्री पर जाएँ

संस्कृत-आङ्लभाषा कोशः (विद्यासागरेणकृतः)/भाग-५

विकिशब्दकोशः तः

  •  :: The thirtieth consonant of the Nāgarī alphabet and first of the three sibilants; it is termed the palatal sibilant, and corresponds to “Sh” pronounced softly, as in Shun; in the Roman character it is distinguished by an accent, as Ś.
  •  :: m. (-शः) 1. A name of ŚIVA. 2. A weapon. 3. A cutter, a destroyer. n. Adv. (-शं) or Ind. (शं or शम्) Happy, happily, auspiciously. E. शी to sleep or शी to pare, &c., aff. ड ।
  • शंयु :: mfn. (-युः -युः -युं) Happy, prosperous, fortunate. m. (-युः) A sort of snake. E. शम् happily, and युस् aff.
  • शंय्य :: mfn. (-य्यः -य्या -य्यं) Happy, fortunate. f. (-य्या) Knowledge, under- standing. E. शम् happily, and यस् aff.
  • शंव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Fortunate, prosperous. m. (-वः) 1. The thunder- bolt of INDRA. 2. The iron head of a pestle. E. श good fortune, and व poss. aff.; also as differently derived, read शम्ब and सम्ब &c.
  • शंवर :: n. (-रं) Water. E. शं happily, वृ to choose or cover, aff. अच् or अरप्; more usually read शम्बर . q. v.
  • शंस्(उ)शंसु :: r. 1st cl. (शसति) 1. To praise. 2. To hurt. 3. To wish. 4. To calumniate. 5. To suggest. 6. To report, to relate, (with a dat. or gen. of the person communicated to.) With अभि prefixed, To accuse wrongfully. With आङ्, 1. To hope. 2. To speak. 3. To wish. With प्र, To praise, to flatter; this root and its derivatives are sometimes read with the palatal sibilant final or शंश, &c.
  • शंसन :: n. (-नं) 1. The act of reciting. 2. Praising.
  • शंसा :: f. (-सा) 1. Narrating. 2. Wish, desire. 3. Praise, flattery, eulo- gium. E. शंस् to praise, &c., affs. अङ् and टाप् .
  • शंसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Established, ascertained. 2. Calumniated, falsely accused. 3. Said, declared. 4. Praised, celebrated. 5. Wished, desired. E. शंस् to wish, aff. क्त ।
  • शंसिन् :: f. (-नी) 1. Saying, indicating. 2. Praising, (used at the end of a compound.)
  • शंस्तृ :: m. (-स्ता) An encomiast, a panegyrist, a flatterer. E. शंस् to praise, तृन् Unādi aff.
  • शंस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Happy, prosperous, well-faring. E. शं happily, स्था to stay or be, aff. क ।
  • शंस्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) 1. Desirable, to be wished. 2. Meritorious, to be praised. E. शस् to praise, &c., aff. ण्यत् or क्यप्; also शस्य ।
  • शक् :: r. 4th cl. (शक्यति-ते) (इर ऌ) इरशकॢ r. 5th cl. (शक्नोति) 1. To bear patiently, to endure, to be patient. 2. To be able to effect, to be competent. 3. To be powerful, (generally with an inf.) (इ) शकि r. 1st cl. (शङ्कते) 1. To think probable, to suspect. 2. To fear, to apprehend. With आङ्, To dread.
  • शक :: m. (-कः) 1. A sovereign, and prince who gives his name to an era, especially applied to SĀLIVĀHANA. 2. A particular caste, the followers or descendants of ŚAKA or SĀLIVĀHANA. 3. A country. m. plu. (-काः) 1. The inhabitants, the Sacæ, the Scythians. 2. An era: see शाक . E. शक् to be able, aff. अच् ।
  • शकट :: mfn. Subst. (-टः-टी-टं) A cart. m. (-टः) 1. A Daitya slain by KRISHṆA. 2. A cart-load. 3. A form of military array resembling a wedge. 4. A measure of capacity equal to two thousand Panas. E. शक् to be able, अटन् Unādi aff.
  • शकटविल :: m. (-लः) A gallinule.
  • शकटहन् :: m. (-हा) KRISHṆA. E. शकट the demon so named, and हन् des- troyer; also similar compounds, as शकटारि &c.
  • शकटाल :: m. (-लः) The minister of NANDA: also read SAKATĀRA.
  • शकटाह्वा :: f. (-ह्वा) The fourth lunar asterism, called Rohinī, the stars of which are represented as a cart. E. शकट a cart, आह्व appellation.
  • शकटिका :: f. (-का) A small cart, a toy-cart. E. कन् added to शकटी ।
  • शकन् :: n. (-का) Animal-dung; this word has no forms for the first five cases; according to some this is not a separate word but a substi- tute for शकृत् ।
  • शकल :: mn. (-लः-लं) A part, a portion, a piece. n. (-लं) 1. Skin. 2. Bark. 3. A kind of (black) pigment or die. 4. The scales of a fish. E. शक् to be able, कलच् Unādi aff.
  • शकलित :: f. (-ता) Reduced to fragments.
  • शकलिन् :: m. (-ली) A fish. E. शकल skin or scales, and इनि aff.
  • शकलीकरण :: n. (-णं) Parting, dividing, cutting or breaking in pieces. E. शकल, करण making, with च्वि aug.
  • शकलीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Parted, cut in pieces, wounded, E. शकल, कृत made, च्वि aug.
  • शकव :: m. (-वः) A goose.
  • शकशकायत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Rustling, making a noise, (as the leaves of a tree in the wind.) E. शकत् imitative sound, nominal v., शतृ aff.
  • शकान्तक :: m. (-कः) 1. The prince VIKPAMĀDITYA. 2. The name of SĀLI- VĀHANA. E. शक an era or a Scythian, अन्तक destroyer.
  • शकाब्द :: n. (-ब्दं) 1. A year of the Saka era, or era of SĀLIVĀHANA. E. शक, अब्द a year.
  • शकार :: m. (-रः) 1. A silly brother-in-law of a Rājā. 2. The brother of a king's concubine.
  • शकरि :: m. (-रिः) VIKRAMĀDITYA, the celebrated sovereign of Oujein. E. शक a Saca or Scythian, अरि the foe.
  • शकुन :: m. (-नः) 1. A bird in general. 2. A kind of bird, either the Indian vulture or the common kite, (Falco cheela;) it is also applied to the pondicherry eagle, (Falco ponticeriana.) 3. A sort of hymn or song, sung at festivals to solicit or secure lucky events. n. (-न) Any lucky or inauspicious object or omen. E. शक् to be able, उनन् Unādi aff.
  • शकुनज्ञा :: f. (-ज्ञा) A small house-lizard. E. शकुन a bird, and ज्ञ who knows.
  • शकुनज्ञान :: n. (-नं) Knowledge of omens.
  • शकुनि :: m. (-निः) 1. A bird. 2. The maternal uncle of the Kaurava princes, and counsellor or DURYODHANA. 3. One of the astrono- mical periods called Karaṇas. 4. The Indian kite or eagle, (Falco cheela.) f. (-नी) A hen-sparrow. E. शक् to be able, उनि Unādi aff.
  • शकुनिप्रपा :: f. (-पा) A trough or little well for watering birds. E. शकुनि a bird, प्र before पा to drink, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • शकुनिवाद :: m. (-दः) 1. The sound of a bird. 2. The crowing of a cock.
  • शकुनीश्वर :: m. (-रः) A name of GARUDA. E. शकुनि a bird, and ईश्वर chief.
  • शकुन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. A bird. 2. A kind of bird, the Indian vulture. 3. Another sort of bird, described as of aquatic habits, perhaps a kind of maritime or fishing-falcon. 4. A sort of insect. 5. The blue-jay. E. शक् to be able, उन्त Unādi aff.; also शकुन, &c.
  • शकुन्तक :: m. (-कः) A bird. f. (-न्तिका) 1. A kind of bird. 2. A locust. E. कन् added to the last.
  • शकुन्तला :: f. (-ला) The daughter of MENAKĀ, the courtezan of Swarga, by the sage VISHWĀMITRA, brought up by KANWA the hermit, and afterwards married to DUSHYANTA, by whom she became the mother of BHARATA, the sovereign of all India. E. शकुन्त a bird, ला to get, affs. क and टाप्, being born in a solitary forest, and protected by the birds till found by KANWA.
  • शकुन्तलात्मज :: m. (-जः) BHARATA, the sovereign of India. E. शकुन्तला as above, आत्मज the son.
  • शकुन्ति :: m. (-न्तिः) 1. A bird in general. 2. A kind of bird: see शकुन्त, &c. E. शक् to be able, Unādi aff. उन्ति ।
  • शकुन्तिका :: f. (-का) A locust, a cricket. E. शकुन्त a bird, कन् aff. of comparison.
  • शकुल :: mf. (-लः-ली) A kind of fish. “शील” . E. शक् to be able, aff. उलच् ।
  • शकुलगण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A kind of fish. “शालमाछ ।”
  • शकुलाक्षक :: m. (-कः) Bent grass, (Panicum dactylon,) with white bloss- oms. E. शकुल a kind of fish, अक्षि the eye, अच् substituted for the final vowel; the blossoms being compared to the eye of a fish.
  • शकुलादनी :: f. (-नी) 1. A medicinal plant, commonly Kaṭuki, (Wrightea antidysenterica.) 2. A creeping plant, (Jussieua repens.) 3. A drug, commonly Kāyaphal. 4. An earth-worm. E. शकुल a fish, अद् to eat, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • शकुलार्भक :: m. (-कः) A sort of fish. “गडुइ माछ ।” E. शकुल a fish, अर्भक a young one.
  • शकृत् :: n. (-कृत्) Fæces, excrement. E. शक् to be able, (to expel,) Unādi aff. ऋतन् ।
  • शकृत्करि :: mf. (-रिः-री) A calf. E. शकृत् ordure. कृ to make, इन् aff.
  • शकृत्कार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Making ordure or fæces. E. शकृत् ordure, and कार who or what makes.
  • शकृद्द्वार :: n. (-रं) The anus. E. शकृत् fæces, and द्वार passage.
  • शक्कर :: m. (-रः) A bull. f. (-री) 1. A river. 2. A zone, a girdle. 3. A form of metre, a stanza of four lines of fourteen syllables each. 4. A woman of an impure caste; it is also read शक्वर, q. v.
  • शक्करि :: m. (-रिः) A bull: see the last.
  • शक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Able, capable, strong, powerful. 2. Speaking civilly, able to please by the manner of speaking. 3. Diligent, attentive, intent. 4. Opulent, rich. 5. Significant, expressive, (as a word.) E. शक् to be able, aff. क्त ।
  • शक्तता :: f. (-ता) Ability, power. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व शक्तत्वं ।
  • शक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Power, regal power as resulting from “प्रभुशक्ति” or “प्रभाव- शक्ति” majesty, “उत्साहशक्ति” energy, perseverance, “मन्त्रशक्ति” the power of god counsel: see शक्तित्रय . 2. Power, strength, prowess. 3. An iron spear or dart. 4. The energy or active power of a deity, per- sonified as his wife, as GAURĪ of ŚIVA, LAKSHMĪ of VISHṆU, &c. 5. The female organ as the counterpart of the phallic personifica- tion of ŚIVA, and worshipped either literally or figuratively by a sect of Hindus, thence termed ŚĀKTAS. 6. Allaying or appeasing opposition. 7. Force or signification of words, (op. to लक्षणा and व्यञ्जना .) 8. The relation of a word to the thing designated by it, (in Nyāya Phil.) 9. Poetic genius. 10. The inherent power of a cause to produce its effects, (in Nyāya Phil.) E. शक् to be able, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • शक्तिग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. A name of ŚIVA. 2. KĀRTIKEYA. 3. A spearman, a lancer. 4. Apprehending the meaning or acceptation of a word. E. शक्ति a spear, and ग्रह who holds.
  • शक्तितस् :: Ind. According to power or ability. E. शक्ति and तसि aff.
  • शक्तित्रय :: n. (-यं) The three ingredients of regal power; or king, minister, and vigour. E. शक्ति, and त्रय triad: see शक्ति ।
  • शक्तिधर :: m. (-रः) 1. A name of KĀRTIKEYA. 2. A spearman, a lancer. Adj. Developed, powerful E. शक्ति a spear, धर the holder.
  • शक्तिपर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) A tree, (Echites scholaris) E. शक्ति strength, (giving it,) पर्ण a leaf.
  • शक्तिपाणि :: m. (-णिः) 1. KĀRTIKEYA. 2. A spearman. E. शक्ति a spear, पाणि the hand.
  • शक्तिभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) 1. KĀRTIKEYA: see the last. 2. A soldier armed with a spear. E. शक्ति a spear, and भृत् who holds.
  • शक्तिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Powerful, mighty. E. शक्ति, मतुप् poss. aff.
  • शक्तिवैकल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Inability, deficiency of power or strength. E. शक्ति, वैकल्य imperfection.
  • शक्तिहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Powerless, impotent. E. शक्ति, हीन abandoned.
  • शक्तिहेतिक :: m. (-कः) A spearman, a lancer, a soldier armed with an iron lance. E. शक्ति a spear, हेति a weapon, and कप् added.
  • शक्तु :: mn. (-क्तुः-क्तु) According to some authorities only. m. plu. (शक्तवः) The powder or flour of barley and other grain, first fried and then ground. E. शच् to go, &c., तुन् aff.; also read सक्तु ।
  • शक्तुफला :: f. (-ला) The Śami tree, (Mimosa suma, Rox.) E. शक्त farina, and फल fruit; also शक्तुफली, and सक्तुफला ।
  • शक्त्यपेक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Being according to, or having reference to, ability, power, &c. E. शक्ति and अपेक्षा regard to.
  • शक्न :: mfn. (-क्नः -क्ना -क्नं) Speaking civilly or pleasingly: see the next.
  • शक्नु :: mfn. (-क्नुः -क्नुः -क्नु) Speaking civilly or kindly. E. शक् to be able, (to please by speaking,) aff. नु; also with क्ल aff. शक्ल ।
  • शक्मन् :: m. (-क्मा) Power, strength. E. शक् to be able, मनिन् Unādi aff.
  • शक्य :: mfn. (-क्यः -क्या -क्यं) 1. Possible, practicable to be effected or done, (generally with an inf.) 2. Fit to be effected or accomplished. 3. Directly expressed, (as the meaning of a word.) E. शक् to be able, aff. यत् ।
  • शक्यता :: f. (-ता) Possibility. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, शक्यत्वं ।
  • शक्यप्रतीकार :: m. (-रः) A possible remedy or counteragent.
  • शक्र :: m. (-क्रः) 1. INDRA, the chief of the inferior gods, and ruler of

Swarga or paradise. 2. A plant, (Wrightea antidysenterica.) 3. A tree, (Pentaptera arjuna.) 4. An owl. 5. The number “fourteen” E. शक् to possess power, Unādi aff. रक् ।

  • शक्रक्रीडाचल :: m. (-लः) Mount Meru. E. शक INDRA, क्रीडा sport, pleasure, अचल a mountain.
  • शक्रगोप :: m. (-पः) An insect of a red colour, “इन्द्रगोप”, (Coccinella or ladybird of various species.) E. शक्र INDRA, गो light, &c., पा to preserve, aff. क; or शक्रं शक्रधनुर्गापायति समवर्णत्वात् गुप-अण् ।
  • शक्रज :: m. (-जः) A crow E. शक्र INDRA, and ज born.
  • शक्रजात :: m. (-तः) A crow. E. शक्र INDRA, and जात born.
  • शक्रजित् :: m. (-जित्) MEGHANĀDA, the son of RĀVAṆA. E. शक्र INDRA, जित् victor.
  • शक्रधनुस् :: n. (-नुः) The bow of INDRA, the rain bow. E. शक्र INDRA, and धनुस् the bow.
  • शक्रध्वज :: n. (-जं) A pole or flag set up in honour of INDRA. E. शक्र and ध्वज a flag.
  • शक्रनन्दन :: m. (-नः) ARJUNA. E. शक्र INDRA, नन्दन a son.
  • शक्रपादप :: m. (-पः) 1. A sort of pine, (P. devadaru, Rox.) 2. The Kutaja- tree. E. शक्र INDRA, पादप a tree.
  • शक्रपुष्पी :: f. (-ष्पी) A sort of potherb; also Viśalyā. E. शक्र the pentaptera arjuna, and पुष्प a flower; having similar flowers.
  • शक्रभवन :: n. (-नं) Sky, heaven. E. शक्र INDRA, भवन abode; being the god of the firmament: it also occurs शक्रभुवन, from भुवन a world.
  • शक्रभिद् :: m. (-भिद्) The son of RĀVAṆA. E. शक्र INDRA, भिद् defeater.
  • शक्रभूभवा :: f. (-वा) Colocynth, (Cucumis coloquintida.) “इन्द्रवारुण्याम् ।”
  • शक्रमूर्द्धन् :: m. (-र्द्धा) An ant-hill, a hillock. E. शक्र INDRA, मूर्द्धन् the head.
  • शक्रवाहन :: m. (-नः) A cloud. E. शक्र INDRA and वाहन a vehicle.
  • शक्रशरासन :: n. (-नं) The rain-bow. E. शक्र INDRA, शरासन a bow.
  • शक्रशाला :: f. (-ला) A place prepared for sacrifices to be offered in. E. शक्र INDRA, and शाला a hall.
  • शक्रशिरस् :: n. (-रः) An ant-hill. E. शक्र, शिरस the head.
  • शक्रसारथि :: m. (-थिः) MĀTULI, the charioteer of INDRA. E. शक्र, सारथि a coachman.
  • शक्रसुत :: m. (-तः) 1. The monkey king BĀLĪ. 2. ARJUNA. 3. JAYANTA. E. शक्र INDRA, सुत son.
  • शक्रसुधा :: f. (-धा) The resin of the Boswellia thurifera, or gum olibanum. E. शक्र, सुधा ambrosia.
  • शक्रसृष्टा :: f. (-ष्टा) Yellow myrobalan, (Terminalia chebula.) E. शक्र INDRA, सृष्ट created; springing originally, it is said, from the ground on which INDRA spilt a drop of nectar as he was drinking.
  • शक्राख्य :: m. (-ख्यः) An owl. E. “शक्रस्येवाख्या यस्य ।”
  • शक्राणी :: f. (-णी) ŚACHĪ, the wife of INDRA. E. शक्र INDRA, ङीष् aff. आनुक् inserted.
  • शक्राशन :: m. (-नः) A medicinal plant, (Wrightea antidysenterica.) E. शक्र INDRA, अशन food: created by him; springing from the drops of Amrita which fell on the ground from the bodies of the monkies slain in the war with RĀVAṆA, and who were restored to life by INDRA by a shower of Amrita, or the liquor of immortality.
  • शक्रि :: m. (-क्रिः) 1. A cloud. 2. Thunder-bolt. 3. An elephant. E. शक्-क्रिन् ।
  • शक्रोत्सव :: m. (-वः) A festival held in honour of INDRA on the twelfth day of the bright-half of the month Bhādrapada. E. शक्र INDRA, and उत्सव a festival; also शक्रोत्थान ।
  • शक्ल :: mfn. (-क्लः -क्ला -क्लं) Speaking civilly or kindly. E. शक् to be able, (to delight simply by speaking,) क्ल Unādi affix; also शक्र and शक्रु ।
  • शक्वन् :: m. (-क्वा) An elephant. E. शक् to be powerful, and वनिप् Unādi aff.
  • शक्वर :: m. (-रः) A bull, an ox. f. (-री) 1. A finger. 2. A river. 3. A zone, a girdle. 4. A form of metre, a stanza of four lines of fourteen syllables each, and comprising many varieties according to the different Pādas of which the lines are composed. E. शक् to be able or strong, क्वरप् aff., or वनिप् aff. with र augment, and the final rejected: the feminine form is also derived from शक्वन् with ङीप् affix, and र augment, and the word is also read शक्कर and शक्करी ।
  • शङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) A draft-ox. f. (-ङ्का) 1. Fear, terror, apprehension. 2. Doubt, uncertainty. 3. An objection started in disputation. 4. Suspicion, expectation. 5. Belief, understanding, impression. 6. A species of the Dandaka metre. E. शकि to fear, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • शङ्कनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Doubtful, questionable, to be doubted or apprehended. E. शकि to fear or doubt, अनीयर् aff.; also शङ्कितव्य, and शङ्क्य ।
  • शङ्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Auspicious, propitious, conferring happiness or good fortune. m. (-रः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. The name of a celebrated teacher of the Vedānta philosophy. f. (-री) 1. PĀRVATĪ, the wife of ŚIVA. 2. The Śamī-tree. 3. Bengal madder. E. शं good fortune, कर making.
  • शङ्करप्रिय :: m. (-यः) The francoline partridge. E. शङ्कर ŚIVA, प्रिय dear, beloved.
  • शङ्करावास :: m. (-सः) 1. KAILĀSA, the abode of ŚIVA. 2. A kind of cam- phor.
  • शङ्कान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Apprehensive, doubtful, afraid. E. शङ्का, अन्वित possessed of.
  • शङ्कामियोग :: m. (-गः) Accusation or charge on suspicion. E. शङ्का, अभियोग charge.
  • शङ्कामय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Fearful, afraid. E. शङ्का and मयट् aff.
  • शङ्कास्पद :: n. (-दं) Cause or matter of doubt or apprehension. E. शङ्का and आस्पद site.
  • शङ्काहीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Free from doubt or apprehension. E. शङ्का, and हीन free from.
  • शङ्कित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Alarmed, frightened. 2. Weak, unsteady. 3. Doubtful, uncertain. E. शङ्का fear, इतच् aff.
  • शङ्कितवणक :: m. (-कः) A thief. E. शङ्कित frightened, वर्ण a caste, कन् aff.
  • शङ्कु :: m. (-ङ्कुः) 1. The trunk of a lopped tree. 2. A javelin, a spear. 3. A pin, a stake, a pale. 4. The gnomon of a dial, usually twelve fingers long. 5. A long thin column in front of a pagoda. 6. The penis. 7. A number. 8. The small fibres of a leaf. 9. The scate fish, (Raia Sankur, HAM.) 10. A sort of perfume, commonly Nakhi. 11. A goose. 12. An ant-hill. 13. A goblin, a demon. 14. A Gandharba attached to ŚIVA. 15. A name of ŚIVA. 16. KĀMA. 17. Sin. 18. Fear, terror. 19. The pointed head of an arrow, a shaft. 20. A measuring rod. 21. A large number “ten billions.” 22. Poison. 23. Sine of altitude, (in astro.) E. शकि to doubt or apprehend, aff. उण् ।
  • शङ्कुकर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) An ass. E. शङ्कु a javelin, and कर्ण the ear.
  • शङ्कुचि :: m. (-चिः) A scate-fish.
  • शङ्कुतरु :: m. (-रुः) The Śal tree, (Shorea robusta.) E. शङ्कु a stake, and तरु a tree.
  • शङ्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Formidable, fearful, frightful. E. शङ्कु fear, रा to give or cause, aff. ड ।
  • शङ्कुला :: f. (-ला) A pair of nippers, used to cut the betel-nut into small pieces.
  • शङ्कुवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The Śal tree. E. शङ्कु a pin or stake, and वृक्ष a tree.
  • शङ्कोच :: m. (-चः) A scate-fish. E. शकि-उच्; also शङ्कु, शङ्कुचि and शङ्कीचि ।
  • शङ्क्य :: mfn. (-ङ्क्यः -ङ्क्या -ङ्क्यं) To be feared or doubted. E. शकि to fear, यत् aff.
  • शङ्ख :: mn. (-ङ्खः-ङ्खं) The conch-shell used by the Hindus, in two ways especially; offering libations with it, or when perforated at one end blowing it as a horn at sacrifices: frequent mention of it occurs in the battle pieces of the poets, each hero being provided with a conch as his horn. m. (-ङ्खः) 1. One of KUVERA'S trea- sures. 2. The temple or temporal bone, sometimes comprising the frontal bone also. 3. A perfume, commonly Nakhi, appa- rently a dried shell-fish. 4. A military drum. 5. One of the eight chiefs of the Nāgas or serpents of Pātāla described as of a yellow colour. 6. An elephant's cheek. 7. A large number, “a hundred billions.” 8. The name of a saint and legislator. 9. A poet, one of the nine gems, &c. E. शम् to pacify, &c., Unādi aff. ख ।
  • शङ्खक :: n. (-कं) A bracelet, (often made of the conch-shell.) mn. (-कः-कं) 1. The conch-shell. 2. Pain and heat with a puffiness in the tem- ples and forehead. 3. The temples. E. कन् or वुन् added to the last.
  • शङ्खकार :: m. (-रः) A worker in shells. E. शङ्ख a coach, and कार maker.
  • शङ्खचरी :: f. (-री) Sandal marks on the forehead. E. शङ्ख the forehead, and चर् to go, affs. टच् and ङीष् ।
  • शङ्खचर्च्ची :: f. (-र्च्ची) Sandal marks made across the forehead. E. शङ्ख the forehead, चर्च् to anoint, affs. अच् and ङीष् ।
  • शङ्खज :: m. (-जः) A large pearl, of the shape of a pigeon's egg. E. शङ्ख a shell, and ज born.
  • शङ्खध्म :: m. (-ध्मः) A shell-blower. E. शङ्ख a conch, and ध्म who blows.
  • शङ्खनख :: m. (-खः) 1. A small shell. 2. A perfume, commonly नखी . E. शङ्ख a conch, नख the nail.
  • शङ्खपाल :: m. (-लः) 1. The sun. 2. A Nāga or serpent of Pātāla. E. शङ्ख a conch, &c., पाल who nourishes.
  • शङ्खपुष्पी :: f. (-ष्पी) A sort of grass, (Andropogon aciculatum.) E. शङ्ख conch, पुष्प a flower, ङीप् aff., implying resemblance.
  • शङ्खप्रस्थ :: m. (-स्थः) Spots in the moon. E. शङ्ख a shell, and प्रस्थ pre-eminent.
  • शङ्खभृत् :: mfn. (-भृत्) Having a conch or shell. m. (-भृत्) VISHṆU. E. शङ्ख a conch, and भृत् who possesses.
  • शङ्खमुख :: m. (-खः) An alligator. E. शङ्ख a conch, and मुख face.
  • शङ्खिका :: f. (-का) A kind of grass, (Andropogon aciculatum.) E. शङ्ख a shell, कन् or ठन् implying resemblance, fem. form. “चोरकाचका ।”
  • शङ्खिन् :: mfn. (-ङ्खी -ङ्खिनी -ङ्खि) Possessing or having a conch or shell, &c. m. (-ङ्खी) 1. VISHṆU. 2. The ocean. 3. A shell-blower. 4. A worker in shells. f. (-नी) 1. A sort of grass, (Andropogon aciculatum.) 2. A plant, (Cissampelos hexandra.) 3. A description of woman, one of the four classes into which females are divided in erotic writings; the Śankhinī is described as tall, with long hair, neither stout nor thin, of irascible disposition and strong passions. 4. A goddess or Śaktī worshipped by the Bauddhas. 5. A female spirit or goblin. E. शङ्ख a shell, इनि aff.
  • शङ्खिनीवास :: m. (-सः) A small tree, (Trophis aspera.) “श्याओडागाछ ।”
  • शच् :: r. 1st cl. (शचते) To speak articulately, to say or tell. (इ) शचि r. 1st cl. (शञ्चते) To go, to move.
  • शचि :: f. (-चिः or -ची) 1. The wife of INDRA. 2. A plant, (Asparagus race- mosus.) 3. The astronomical Karaṇa or period or Vishṭi. E. शच् to speak articulately, aff. इन्, ङीष् optionally added; also सचि, and सची ।
  • शचीपति :: m. (-तिः) INDRA. E. शची the wife of the deity, पति husband.
  • शट् :: r. 1st cl. (शटति) 1. To be diseased or sick. 2. To divide, to pierce or separate. 3. To go. 4. To be low spirited, to be weary or dejected. r. 10th cl. (शाटयते) To flatter, to praise.
  • शट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Sour, astringent, acid. E. शट् to pain, aff. अच् ।
  • शटा :: f. (-टा) An ascetic's clotted hair. 2. A mane: see सटा ।
  • शटी :: f. (-टिः or टी) Zedoary, (Curcuma zerumoot,) otherwise considered as a synonime of the Ambahaldi, or Carcumt Āmhaldī, the mango- smelling ginger, so termed because the fresh root possesses the smell of a green mango. E. शट् to divide, (remove disease,) aff. इन् and ङीष् optionally added.
  • शठ् :: r. 1st cl. (शठति) 1. To cheat, to defraud or deceive. 2. To kill or hurt. 3. To suffer pain. r. 10th cl. (शाठयति-ते) 1. To finish. 2. To leave unfinished. 3. To go or move. (शठयति-ते) 1. To speak ill. 2. To speak well. 3. To abstain from speaking. 4. To deceive. (शाठयते) To flatter, to coax, to praise.
  • शठ :: mfn. (-ठः -ठा -ठं) Wicked, depraved, perverse, dishonest. m. (-ठः) 1. An umpire, a mediator, an arbitrator. 2. A rogue, a knave. 3. A blockhead, a fool. 4. An idler. 5. A false husband or lover, one who pretends affection to one female whilst his heart is fixed on another. 6. Thorn apple, (Dhatura metel.) n. (-ठं) 1. A sort of root, commonly Tagara. 2. Saffron. 3. Iron. E. शठ् to be wicked, aff. अच् ।
  • शठता :: f. (-ता) Wickedness, depravity. E. शठ wicked, तल् aff.; also शठत्व n. (-त्वं) ।
  • शड्(इ)शडि :: r. 1st cl. (शण्डति) 1. To disease or disorder. 2. To hurt or wound. 3. To collect, to heap together.
  • शण् :: r. 1st cl. (शणति) 1. To give. 2. To move.
  • शण :: n. (-ण) 1. Hemp, (Cannabis sativa) 2. Bengal Saṇ, a plant from which a kind of hemp is prepared, (Crotolaria juncea and other kinds.) 3. An arrow. E. शण् to give, aff. अच् ।
  • शणतन्तु :: f. (-न्तुः) The thread or string made of the flax of the Crotolaria juncea. E. शण and तन्तु string.
  • शणतान्तव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Made of Saṇ string. E. शणतन्तु and अण् aff.
  • शणपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A tree, (Pentaptera tomentosa.) E. शण Saṇ, and पर्ण a leaf; having similar leaves.
  • शणपुष्पिका :: f. (-का) Crotolaria of several species. E. शण the Saṇ, पुष्प a flower, aff. ङीष् and कन् added, fem. form, implying resemblance; also शणपुष्पी, &c.
  • शणसूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. The fibre or flax of the Saṇ plant, or string made from it. 2. A net made of hemp or of Saṇ, or the thread of the Crotolaria juncea. 3. Cordage, twine. E. शण hemp, &c., सूत्र a thread.
  • शणालु :: m. (-लुः) A plant, (Cassia fistula.)
  • शणीर :: n. (-रं) 1. A rock or small island in the midst of the river SONA. 2. An insular spot inclosed by the branches of the SARAJU, where it falls into the Ganges above CHUPRĀH, at BHRIGURĀŚHRAMA or BAGERESSAN; called also, the bank of the DARDARĪ.
  • शण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. A bull set at liberty. 2. An eunuch. n. (-ण्डं) A multi- tude of lotus flowers. E. शण् or षण् to give, aff. ड, hence also षण्ड, and differently derived, शण्ठ, षण्ड the more usual form; or शडि-अच् ।
  • शण्डता :: f. (-ता) 1. The state of a bull let loose or at liberty. 2. Emascu- lation. E. शण्ड a bull set at liberty, &c. तल् aff.
  • शण्डिल :: m. (-लः) The name of a Muni, and ancestor of a particular family of Brāhmans. E. शण्ड an eunuch, and इलच् Unādi aff.
  • शण्ढ :: m. (-ण्ढः) 1. An eunuch. 2. An eunuch or emasculated attendant, as employed in a Harem or seraglio. 3. An impotent man. 4. A bull set at liberty. 5. A mad man or a drunken man. E. शम् to bear or endure, Unādi aff. ढ; also षण्ढ and शण्ड, &c.; or शण-ढ तस्य नेत्त्वम् ।
  • शत :: n. (-तं) 1. A hundred. 2. Any large number. E. शो-डतच् ।
  • शतक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) A hundred. m. (-कः) A century, a cento, a collection of one hundred stanzas, &c. E. शत a hundred, लन् aff.
  • शतकीर्त्ति :: m. (-र्त्तिः) A Jina or Jaina pontiff of the last age. E. शत a hundred, and कीर्त्ति fame.
  • शतकुम्भ :: n. (-म्भं) Gold. m. (-म्भः) The name of a mountain. f. (-म्भा) A plant, (Phyalis flexuosa.) E. शत a hundred, and कुम्भ a water-jar.
  • शतकोटि :: m. (-टिः) INDRA'S thunderbolt. f. (-टिः) A hundred crores. E. शत a hundred, कोटि edge or a crore.
  • शतक्रतु :: m. (-तुः) INDRA. E. शत a hundred, क्रतु sacrifice; a hundred AŚHWA-MEDHAS or sacrifices of an unbroken horse, elevating the sacrificer to the place and title of INDRA.
  • शतखण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) Gold.
  • शतगु :: mfn. (-गुः -गुः -गु) Possessed of a hundred cows, with as many, &c. E. शत, गु for गो a cow.
  • शतगुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) A hundred times, a hundred-fold. E. शत, गुण a time.
  • शतघ्नी :: f. (-घ्नी) 1. A weapon; it is generally supposed to be a sort of fire-arms, or the ancient Indian rocket, but it is also described as a stone set round with iron spikes. 2. A female scorpion. 3. A plant, (Galedupa arborea.) 4. A disease of the throat, apparently enlarge- ment of the tonsils. E. शत a hundred, हन् to kill, affs. अण् and ङीष् and the radical letters changed.
  • शतच्छद :: m. (-दः) The wood-pecker. E. शत a hundred, च्छद a feather.
  • शततम :: mfn. (-मः -मी -मं) Hundredth. E. शत a hundred, तमप् aff.
  • शततारा :: f. (-रा) The constellation ŚATABHISHĀ, q. v. E. शत a hundred or many, and तारा a star.
  • शतद्रु :: f. (-द्रुः) The river SUTLEJ, which rises in the Himālaya mountains in the vicinity, it is supposed, of the RĀVAṆA-HRADA, and run- ning to the S. W. unites in the PUNJĀB with the BEYĀH or VIPĀŚĀ, when it forms the HYPHASIS of the Greeks, and falls in to the INDUS below MOOLTĀN. E. शत a hundred, (fold, or in a hundred branches,) द्रु to flow, Unādi aff. कु; form irr.
  • शतद्वार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Hundred-gated, having a hundred or a number of doors or outlets. E. शत and द्वार a door.
  • शतधा :: f. (-धा) Bent grass, (Panicum dactylon.) Ind. 1. In a hundred ways, a hundred-fold. 2. In a hundred parts. E. शत a hundred, (blossoms,) धा to have, क and टाप् affs.; or शत the same, धाच् aff.
  • शतधामन् :: m. (-मा) VISHṆU. E. शत्र a hundred, (i. e. many,) धामन् body; being multiplied in as many shapes as the creation exhibits.
  • शतधार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Flowing in many streams. 2. Having many edges. n. (-रं) The thunder-bolt. E. शत, धारा an edge, टच् added.
  • शतधृति :: m. (-तिः) 1. BRAHMĀ. 2. INDRA. 3. Heaven. E. शत, धृति sacrifice.
  • शतपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A lotus in general, (Nelumbium speciosum or Nymphæa nelumbo.) m. (-त्रः) 1. A peacock. 2. The Sāras or Indian crane. 3. A wood-pecker. 4. A parrot, the king-parrot or Loory. f. (-त्रा) A woman. E. शत a hundred, पत्र a leaf or feather.
  • शतपत्रक :: m. (-कः) The wood-pecker. E. कन् added to the last, q. v.
  • शतपथिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Following a variety of paths or doctrines. E. शत a hundred, पथिन् a road and figurly. a doctrine, aff. षिकन् ।
  • शतपदी :: f. (-दी) A centipede, julus. E. शत a hundred, पद a foot, ङीष् aff.
  • शतपद्म :: n. (-द्मं) The white lotus. E. शत hundred, (leaves), and पद्म a lotus.
  • शतपर्व्वन् :: m. (-र्व्वा) A bamboo. E. शत a hundred or many, पर्व्वन् a joint.
  • शतपर्व्वा :: f. (-र्व्वा) 1. Bent grass, (Panicum dactylon.) 2. Orris root. 3. The wife of ŚUKRA. 4. Day of full-moon in the month of Āshwin. E. शत a hundred, पर्व्वन् a joint or period, ङीप् aff.
  • शतपर्व्विका :: f. (-का) 1. Bent grass or Dūrbā. 2. Orris root. 3. Barley. E. कन् fem. form, added to the last.
  • शतपर्व्वेश :: m. (-शः) The planet VENUS or its regent. E. शतपर्व्वा the wife of ŚUKRA, ईश lord.
  • शतपाद् :: f. (-पाद् or -पात्) A centipede. E. शत a hundred, पाद् a foot.
  • शतपादिका :: f. (-का) 1. A medicinal root, commonly Kākoli. 2. A cen- tipede. E. शत a hundred, पाद a foot or root, कप् aff., fem. form.
  • शतपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) The poet BHĀRAVI, the author of the KIRĀTĀRJU- NIYAM. f. (-ष्पा) A sort of dill or fennel, (Anethum sowa.) “सुलफा ।”
  • शतपुष्पिका :: f. (-का) Anethum sowa. E. कन् fem. form, added to the last.
  • शतपोन :: m. (-नः) A sieve.
  • शतपोनक :: m. (-कः) Fistula in ano with many external openings.
  • शतपोरक :: m. (-कः) A kind of sugar-cane.
  • शतप्रास :: m. (-सः) A flower, (Nerium odorum.) E. शत a hundred, प्रास a dart, to which the leaves are compared.
  • शतभिषज् :: f. (-षक्) One of the lunar asterisms: see the next.
  • शतभिषा :: f. (-षा) The twenty-fifth of the Nakshatras or lunar mansions, containing 100 stars, one of which is Aquarii. E. शत a hundred, भिषज् to cure, aff. ड; requiring many physicians; as the Hindus say DHANWANTARI himself can not cure any person affected with disease, whilst the moon is in this asterism.
  • शतभीरु :: f. (-रुः) Arabian jasmine, (J. zambac.) E. शत a hundred, (dangers,) भीरु timid.
  • शतमख :: m. (-खः) 1. INDRA. 2. An owl. E. शत, मख a sacrifice: the per- formance of a hundred Aśhwa-medhas obtaining this situation.
  • शतमन्यु :: m. (-न्युः) INDRA. E. शत a hundred, मन्यु a sacrifice: see the last.
  • शतमान :: mn. (-नः-नं) 1. A pala of silver. 2. An Āḍhaka or measure so termed. E. शत a hundred, मान measure.
  • शतमारिन् :: m. (-री) A man who has killed a hundred others. E. शत, मारिन् a killer.
  • शतमार्ज :: m. (-र्जः) An armourer, a cutler. E. शत a hundred, (many weapons,) and मार्ज who cleans.
  • शतमुख :: mfn. (-खः -खी -खं) 1. Having a hundred mouths. 2. Having a hundred openings. f. (-खी) A brush or broom. E. शत, मुख mouth.
  • शतमूली :: f. (-ली) A plant, (Asparagus racemosus.) E. शत a hundred or many, मूल a root, fem. aff. ङीष्; also with कन् added शतमूलिका ।
  • शतयष्टिक :: m. (-कः) A necklace of 100 strings. E. शत a hundred, यष्टि a string, कन् added.
  • शतरूपा :: f. (-पा) 1. Name of the wife of BRAHMĀ. 2. An epithet of SĀVITRI, the daughter of BRAHMĀ.
  • शतलक्ष :: n. (-क्षं) A hundred Lākhs, ten millions. E. शत, लक्ष a hundred thousand.
  • शतलम्पक :: m. (-कः) A name of poet BHĀRAVI.
  • शतवर्ष :: mfn. (-र्षः -र्षा -र्षं) Of a hundred years. n. (-र्षं) A century. E. शत, वर्ष a year.
  • शतवीर्य्या :: f. (-र्य्या) White Dūrbā grass, (Panicum dactylon with white blossoms) E. शत a hundred, वीर्य्य seed.
  • शतवेधिन् :: m. (-धी) A sort of dock or sorrel, (Oxalis monadelpha or Rumex vesicarius.) E. शत a hundred, व्यध् to pierce, aff. णिनि ।
  • शतशस् :: Ind. By hundreds, a hundred-fold. E. शत, and शसि aff.
  • शतशाख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खं) 1. Having many branches. 2. Multiform, various. E. शत, and शाखा a branch.
  • शतसहस्र :: n. (-स्रं) A hundred thousand. E. शत, and सहस्र a thousand.
  • शतसहस्रशस :: Ind. By myriads. E. शस् added to the last.
  • शतसाहस्र :: mfn. (-स्रः -स्री -स्रं) Having a hundred thousand, bought with, consisting of, &c. E. शतसहस्र, and अण् aff.
  • शतह्रदा :: f. (-दा) 1. Lightning. 2. The thunderbolt. E. शत a hundred, ह्रद a ray of light, or ह्राद sound; the vowel made short; also शतह्रादा ।
  • शताक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षी -क्षं) Hundred-eyed. f. (-क्षी) 1. Nigth. 2. A sort of fennel, (Anethum sowa.) 3. The goddess PĀRVATĪ. E. शत a hun- dred, अक्ष for अक्षि the eye.
  • शताङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A car, a chariot. E. शत a hundred, and अङ्ग a part.
  • शतानक :: n. (-कं) A place where dead bodies are burnt or buried, a burial ground, a cemetery. E. शत a hundred, आनक a drum.
  • शतानन्द :: m. (-न्दः) 1. BRAHMĀ. 2. VISHṆU or KRISHṆA. 3. The car of VISHṆU. 4. The Muni GAUTAMA, the founder of the logical school of philosophy. 5. The eldest son of GAUTAMA (according to the Rāmāyaṇa,) and Purohit or religious adviser of JANAKA of MITHILĀ. E. शत hundred or many, and आनन्द who delights.
  • शतानीक :: m. (-कः) 1. An old man. 2. The name of a sovereign, the son and successor of JANAMEJAYA. 3. The name of a saint, the pupil of VYĀSA. E. शत a hundred, आङ् before नी to obtain, कप् aff.
  • शतायुस् :: m. (-युः) A man of hundred years old. E. शत, and आयुस् life.
  • शतार :: n. (-रं) The thunderbolt. E. शत a hundred, ऋ to go, aff. अण् ।
  • शतारुस् :: nf. (-रुः-रुषी) A leprous disease of the skin. E. शत hundred or many, and अरुस् a sore.
  • शतार्णा :: f. (-र्णा) A plant, (Anethum sowa.)
  • शतावरी :: f. (-री) 1. A shrub, (Asparagus recemosus.) 2. The wife of INDRA. E. शत a hundred, (roots,) आङ् before वृ to choose, aff. अच् ।
  • शतावर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) VISHṆU. E. शत a hundred, आवर्त्त revolving.
  • शतावर्त्तिन् :: m. (-र्त्ती) VISHṆU. E. शत a hundred, आवर्त्त revolving, (appear- ances, or in the mind of his worshippers,) इनि aff.
  • शताह्व :: f. (-ह्वा-ह्वी) A sort of dill or fennel, (Anethum sowa.) E. शत a hun- dred, and आह्वा name, appellation.
  • शतिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Indicative of a hundred, (as a sign or omen.) 2. Doing or effecting any thing with a hundred. 3. Bearing tax or interest per hundred. 4. Brought with a hundred. 5. Changed with or for a hundred, &c. 6. Relating or belonging to a hundred. E. शत a hundred, ठक्, ठञ् or ठन् aff.; also with यत् aff. शत्य in the same acceptations.
  • शतिन् :: m. (-ती) The owner of a hundred.
  • शतेर :: m. (-रः) 1. An enemy. 2. Injury, detriment, hurt. E. शद् to decay, to go, Unādi aff. एरक्, द changed to त ।
  • शतेश :: m. (-शः) The ruler or head-man of a hundred, (villages.) E. शत, ईश sovereign.
  • शत्त्रि :: m. (-त्त्रिः) An elephant. E. शद् to go, त्त्रिप् Unādi aff.
  • शत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) Bought with a hundred, &c.: see शतिक ।
  • शत्रु :: m. (-त्रुः) 1. An enemy, a foe, an adversary. 2. A destroyer. 3. A political enemy, a neighbouring prince as being one with whom disputes are likely to occur. E. शद् to go, Unādi aff. त्रुन् ।
  • शत्रुकक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. The side of an enemy. 2. An antagonist.
  • शत्रुघात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Who beats or kills an enemy. E. शत्रु, घात who kills.
  • शत्रुघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) Killing a foe. m. (-घ्नः) The second brother of RĀMACHANDRA, the son of DASARATHA by SUMITRĀ, and uterine brother of LAKSHMAṆA. He slew RĀVAṆA, the demon and colo- nized MATHURĀ. E. शत्रु an enemy, and घ्न destroyer.
  • शत्रुघ्नजननी :: f. (-नी) SUMITRĀ, the mother of LAKSHMAṆA, and ŚATRU- GHNA. E. शत्रुघ्न ŚATRUGHNA, and जननी the mother.
  • शत्रुञ्जय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Subduing an enemy. m. (-यः) 1. The mountain Vimala, or Girnār, or a mountainous range in Guzerāt. 2. An elephant. E. शत्रु a foe, जि to conquer, खच् aff.
  • शत्रुता :: f. (-ता) Hostility, enmity. E. तल् added to शत्रु: with त्व, शत्रुत्वं ।
  • शत्रुनिकाय :: m. (-यः) A number of enemies. E. शत्रु, निकाय a quantity.
  • शत्रुनिलय :: m. (-यः) The dwelling of a foe. E. शत्रु and निलय abode.
  • शत्रुन्तप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Subduing enemies. E. शत्रु, तप् to harass, खच् aff.
  • शत्रुपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) An antagonist, an enemy. E. शत्रु and पक्ष side or part.
  • शत्रुमर्द्दन :: m. (-नः) ŚATRUGHNA, the brother of RĀMA. E. शत्रु a foe, मर्द्दन destroyer.
  • शत्रुसह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Bearing or patient with an enemy. E. शत्रु, सह् to bear, खच् aff.
  • शत्वरी :: f. (-री) Night. E. शद् to go, क्वरप् aff.; fem. aff. ङीप् ।
  • शद्(औ, ऌ,)औ शदऌ :: r. 1st cl. (शीयते) 1. To perish gradually, to wither or decay. 2. To fall. 3. To throw down. 4. To go, to move.
  • शद :: m. (-दः) A vegetable, any edible vegetable product, as fruits, roots, &c. E. शद् to wither, aff. अच् ।
  • शद्रि :: m. (-द्रिः) 1. A cloud. 2. An elephant. 3. ARJUNA. f. (-द्रिः) 1. Light- ning. 2. Clayed or candied sugar. E. शद् to go, क्रि Unādi aff.
  • शद्रु :: mfn. (-द्रुः -द्रुः -द्रु) 1. Wasting, decaying, falling, perishing. 2. Going, moving. E. शद् to go, क्रु aff.
  • शनकावलि :: f. (-लिः or ली) A shrub, (Pothos officinalis.)
  • शनकैस् :: Ind. 1. Slowly. 2. Mildly. 3. Gradually. 4. Successively: the same as शनैस् ।
  • शनपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A medicinal plant, (Wrightea antidysenterica.)
  • शनि :: m. (-निः) 1. The planet SATURN; he is the son of the Sun and represented as of a black colour or dressed in dark clothes. 2. Saturday. E. शण् to give, aff. इन्; or शो-अनि-किच्च ।
  • शनिज :: n. (-जं) Black pepper. E. शनि SATURN, ज born.
  • शनिप्रदोष :: m. (-षः) Worship of ŚIVA on the thirteenth day of a lunar fortnight when it falls on a Saturday.
  • शनिप्रसू :: f. (-सूः) CHHĀYĀ, the wife of the Sun. E. शनि SATURN, प्रसू the mother.
  • शनिप्रिय :: n. (-यं) The emerald or sapphire. E. शनि SATURN, प्रिय dear to.
  • शनिवार :: m. (-रः) Saturday. E. शनि the planet, and वार in this and simi- lar compounds, a day.
  • शनैश्चर :: m. (-रः) The planet SATURN or its mythological personification. Adj. Moving slowly. E. शनैस् slowly, and चर who goes.
  • शनैस् :: Ind. 1. Slowly, tardily. 2. Independently, at will. 3. Softly. 4. Little by little. 5. In order. E. शण् to give, to produce,) aff. ऐस and the consonant changed.
  • शप् :: r. 1st cl. (शपति-ते) r. 4th cl. (शप्यति-ते) 1. To revile, to wish evi- imprecations on, to curse. 2. To take an oath, to swear; in this sense शप् sometimes governs a cognate accusative; but gener- ally it takes the accusative of the person to whom a promise is made, and the instrumental of the object by which it is made; when used intransitively it governs the dative of the object or person, by which the oath is taken. 3. To blame.
  • शप् :: Ind. A particle and prefix of assent or acceptance, as शप्करोति he accepts.
  • शप :: m. (-पः) 1. An oath. 2. An imprecation, a curse, cursing. 3. A corpse; also शव . E. शप् to curse, aff. अच् ।
  • शपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. An imprecation. 2. An oath. 3. Abusive language.
  • शपथ :: m. (-थः) 1. An oath, asseveration by oath or ordeal. 2. An impre- cation. 3. Cursing, wishing ill to. E. शप् to swear, Unādi aff. अथन् ।
  • शपन :: n. (-नं) 1. An oath, confirmation of the truth by oath or ordeal.

2. Abuse, imprecation, cursing, malediction. E. शप् to curse, aff. ल्युट् ।

  • शपमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Reviling. 2. Swearing. E. शप् to curse, शानच् aff.
  • शप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Cursed. 2. Sworn. 3. Abused. m. (-प्तः) A sort of grass, (Saccharum cylindricum.) E. शप् to curse, aff. क्त ।
  • शफ :: mn. (-फः-फं) 1. A hoof in general. 2. The root of a tree. 3. The hoof of a horse. E. शम् to be tranquil, aff. अच्, the final changed to फ ।
  • शफर :: mf. (-रः-री) A small fish, (Cyprinus Sophore, HAM.) E. शफ a hoof, रा to give, (to resemble,) aff. क । “पुंँटीमाछ ।”
  • शफराधिप :: m. (-पः) The Ilisha fish, (Ilisha clupanodon.) E. शफर a carp, अधिप chief.
  • शबल :: f. (-ला or ली) A spotted cow.
  • शब्द :: r. 10th cl. (शब्दयति-ते) 1. To sound, to make or utter sound. 2. To call out to, to speak; with the prefixes प्र, प्रति, or वि, as well as uncompounded, this root means also:--1. To promise. 2. To make clear or manifest, to explain. 3. To speak.
  • शब्द :: m. (-ब्दः) 1. Sound in general, (considered as the property of Ākāsha.) 2. A sound, a word. 3. A declinable word, as noun, pronoun, &c., (in gram.) 4. The sound of a musical instrument. 5. Verbal authority, (considered as a “proof” by the Naiyāyikas.) E. शब्द् to sound, aff. घञ् ।
  • शब्दकार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Sounding, sonorous. E. शब्द sound, &c., कृ to make, अण् aff.
  • शब्दकोष :: m. (-षः) A lexicon.
  • शब्दगत :: Adj. Being or residing in word.
  • शब्दग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. The ear. 2. Receiving or catching sound. 3. A fabu- lous arrow. E. शब्द sound, ग्रह what receives.
  • शब्दचातुर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Cleverness of diction.
  • शब्दचित्र :: n. (-त्रं) One of the two divisions of the last division of poetry; in it the charm consists in the fanciful use of words giving plea- sure to the ear by mere sound.
  • शब्दचोर :: m. (-रः) A plagiary. E. शब्द, and चोर a thief.
  • शब्दतन्मात्र :: n. (-त्रं) The subtile element of sound.
  • शब्दन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Sounding, sonorous. n. (-नं) 1. Sounding, uttering sounds. 2. Sound. 3. Calling out. E. शब्द् to sound, aff. ल्यु ।
  • शब्दपति :: m. (-तिः) A nominal lord.
  • शब्दबोध :: m. (-धः) Knowledge derived from verbal testimony, (in phil.)
  • शब्दब्रह्मन् :: n. (-ह्म) Inspired writ, the Vedas as uncreated and identifi- able with the Supreme Spirit. E. शब्द, and ब्रह्मन् the supreme.
  • शब्दभेदिन् :: m. (-दी) 1. A name of ARJUNA. 2. The anus. 3. A kind of arrow. E. शब्द sound, noise, and भेदिन् breaking.
  • शब्दयोनि :: f. (-निः) A root, a radical word. E. शब्द, योनि place of origin.
  • शब्दवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Function of a word.
  • शब्दवेधिन् :: m. (-धी) 1. ARJUNA. 2. A kind of arrow. Adj. Hitting an invisible mark by the clue of mere sound. E. शब्द sound, and वेधिन् piercing; terrifying his enemies by his shouts.
  • शब्दशक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Force or signification of words. E. शब्द, शक्ति power.
  • शब्दशासन :: n. (-नं) The rules of grammar. E. शब्द, and शासन regulating.
  • शब्दशास्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) Philology, grammar, &c. E. शब्द, शास्त्र a science, &c.
  • शब्दश्लेष :: m. (-षः) A play upon words, a verbal equivoque, a pun, (it differs from अर्थश्लेष in that the figure vanishes if the words on which it depends are substituted by others of the same meaning.)
  • शब्दसंग्रह :: m. (-हः) A vocabulary, a lexicon. E. शब्द, and संग्रह collection.
  • शब्दादि :: m. (-दिः) The objects of sense, viz:--sound, form, scent, juice, contact; or what affords matter for the exercise of hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting and touching. E. शब्द, and आदि other.
  • शब्दाधिष्ठान :: n. (-नं) The ear. E. शब्द sound, अधिष्ठान receptacle.
  • शब्दानुरूप :: n. (-पं) 1. Conformity or proportion to the sound. 2. Imita- tion of sound. E. शब्द, अनुरूप conformity.
  • शब्दानुशासन :: n. (-नं) The acceptation or sense of words. E. शब्द, अनुशासन government.
  • शब्दायमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Sounding. E. शब्द sound, nominal verb, शानच् aff.
  • शब्दार्थ :: m. (-र्थः) 1. The sense or meaning of words. 2. Words and sense. E. शब्द, अर्थ sense.
  • शब्दालङ्कार :: m. (-रः) Rhetorical use of words; verbal figure, as alliter- ation, &c. E. शब्द and अलङ्कार ornament.
  • शब्दित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sounded. 2. Uttered, articulated. 3. Explained, made public or manifest. 4. Converted into a noun, &c. E. शब्द् to sound. क्त aff.; or शब्द, and इतच् aff.
  • शम्(इर् उ)इरश्मु :: r. 4th cl. (शाम्यति) 1. To be pacified, to be calmed or appeased. 2. To pacify, to calm. 3. To be tranquil, to have the passions tamed and quiescent. r. 10th cl. (शामयते) To look, to look at or inspect. (शमयति-ते) To allay, to appease. (शामयति) To display. With उप prefixed, To tranquillize, to ally, to tame. With नि, 1 To hear. 2. To observe, to perceive. 3. To restrain or prevent. With प्र, 1. To destroy. 2. To be very tranquil. 3. To be soothed. 4. To cease. 5. To fade away. With सम्, To be extinguished.
  • शम् :: Ind. A particle meaning “welfare, prosperity, blessing, health,” (with a dat. or gen.)
  • शम :: m. (-मः) 1. Quiet of mind, stoicism, indifference, the absence of passion, as one of the qualities of the Vedāntī or follower of the Vedānta doctrine; it is defined to be the exclusion of every idea not derived from the precepts of that philosophy, and is so far synonymous with abstract meditation on BRAHMĀ, or God. 2. Quiet, tranquillity, rest, calm, (in general.) 3. Final happiness, emancipation from human existence. 4. Cure, convalescence, alleviation of pain or disease. 5. Abuse, imprecation, malediction. 6. The hand. E. शम् to be pacified or calm, aff. घञ्, and the vowel not made long.
  • शमक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Pacifier, pacificator, tranquillizing. E. शम् to be tranquil, ण्वुल् aff. of attributive agency.
  • शमथ :: m. (-थः) 1. Quiet, tranquillity: (see the last) 2. A counsellor, a minister. E. शम् to be calm, Unādi aff. अथच् ।
  • शमन :: n. (-नं) 1. Killing animals for sacrifice, immolation. 2. Mental tranquillity, calmness, indifference. 3. Abuse, malediction. 4. Hurt, injury. 5. Chewing, swallowing. 6. The act of appeasing, soothing, consoling. 7. Cessation, end, destruction. m. (-नः) 1. YAMA, the ruler of Tartarus. 2. An antelope. f. (-नी) Night. E. शम् to be tranquil, aff. ल्युट् or युच् ।
  • शमनस्वसृ :: f. (-सा) YAMUNĀ, the personified river. E. शमन YAMA and स्वसृ the sister.
  • शमनीषद :: m. (-दः) A Rākshasa, an evil spirit, a goblin. E. शमन night, षद who goes.
  • शमयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) 1. Appeasing, allaying. 2. Terminating, stopping. E. शम् to pacify, शतृ aff.
  • शमल :: n. (-लं) 1. Fæces, ordure. 2. Sin, impurity. E. शम् to be quiet, Unādi aff. कलच् ।
  • शमान्तक :: m. (-कः) The deity KĀMA or love, (personified.) E. शम mental or devotional tranquillity, अन्तक destroyer.
  • शमि :: f. (-मिः or मी) A legume or pod. f. (-मी) 1. The Sami tree, (Acacia suma, Rox.) 2. A shrub, (Serratula anthelmintica.) E. शम् to pacify, (sickness,) aff. इन्, ङीष् added.
  • शमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Pacified, appeased. 2. Quiet, tranquil, calm. 3. Alleviated, relieved. 4. Tempered, moderated. 5. Relaxed, intermitted. E. शम् to be pacified or calm, aff. क्त ।
  • शमिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Pacific, tranquillized. E. शम् to be tranquil, aff. णिनि ।
  • शमिर :: m. (-रः) A variety of the Śami tree. E. शमी the Śami tree, रा to get, (to resemble,) aff. क, and the vowel made short; also शमीर ।
  • शमिरोह :: m. (-हः) ŚIVA. E. शमि for शमी the Śami tree, रोह who ascends.
  • शमीगर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) 1. A man of the sacerdotal class, a Brāhman. 2. A name of AGNI or fire. E. शमी the mimosa, (the wood of which is essential for certain sacrifice, &c.) and गर्भ embryo.
  • शमीधान्य :: n. (-न्यं) Pulse, grain which grows in legumes or pods. E. शमी a legume, and धान्य grain.
  • शमीपत्री :: f. (-त्री) A sort of sensitive plant, (Mimosa pudica.) E. शमी Acacia Suma, and पत्र the leaf; having a similar leaf.
  • शमीर :: m. (-रः) A small variety of the Mimosa Suma. E. शमी the Śami tree, and र aff. of diminution; also sometimes read शमिर ।
  • शम्पा :: f. (-म्पा) Lightning. E. शम् happiness, पा to drink, क and टाप् affs.; destroying pleasure by its awful appearance.
  • शम्पाक :: m. (-कः) 1. A kind of Cassia, (C. fistula.) 2. Bringing to matu- rity or ripeness, cooking, maturing. 3. The lac pigment. E. शम् pleasure and पाक what matures; also सम्पाक ।
  • शम्ब् :: r. 1st cl. (शम्बति) To go. r. 10th cl. (शम्बयति-ते) To accumulate, to collect or heap together.
  • शम्ब :: mfn. (-म्बः -म्बा -म्बं) 1. Happy, fortunate. 2. Poor, indigent. m. (-म्बः) 1. INDRA'S thunderbolt. 2. The iron head of a pestle. 3. An iron chain worn round the loins. 4. The second ploughing of a field. E. शम् happiness, and ब possessive aff.; or शम्ब् to accumulate, aff. अच्; it is also read सव, शंव, and सम्ब ।
  • शम्बर :: n. (-रं) 1. Water. 2. A religious observance. 3. Wealth. m. (-रः) 1. A Daitya. 2. A sort of deer. 3. A mountain. 4. A fish in gener- al. 5. War. 6. Best, excellent. 7. A Bauddha. f. (-री) 1. A drug or medicinal plant, (Anthericum tuberosum.) 2. A female juggler. E. शम्ब् to accumulate, अरन् aff.; or श happiness, वृ to choose, aff. अप्; also read शंवर and सम्बर or संवर ।
  • शम्बरसूदन :: m. (-नः) A name of PRADYUMNA. E. शम्बर the Daitya, सूदन destroyer.
  • शम्बरारि :: m. (-रिः) PRADYUMNA. E. शम्बर the Daitya, अरि the foe.
  • शम्बल :: mn. (-लः-लं) 1. Provender for a journey, stock for travelling expenses. 2. A bank, a shore. 3. Envy, impatience or dislike of another's success. f. (-ली) A procuress, a bawd. E. शम्ब् to go, to collect, कलच् aff.; also शवल, and सम्बल or संवल ।
  • शम्बाकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Twice-ploughed, (a field.) E. शम्ब a second ploughing, कृत made, and डाच् augment.
  • शम्बु :: m. (-म्बुः) A bivalve-shell. E. See शम्बूक below.
  • शम्बुक :: m. (-कः) A bivalve-shell: see शम्बूक ।
  • शम्बुक्क :: m. (-क्कः) A bivalve-shell: see the next.
  • शम्बूक :: mf. (-कः-का) A bivalve-shell. m. (-कः) 1. A conch-shell. 2. A snail. 3. A Sūdra, who had become a devotee in the time of RĀMACHANDRA, and was slain by him. 4. The edge of the frontal protuberance of the elephant. 5. The name of a Daitya. E. शम् to be tranquil, ऊकन् aff. and वुक् augment; also with the vowel short, शम्बुक, and the final consonant then rejected, शम्बु; it is also read, शम्बुक्क and with the first vowel long, शाम्बूक, &c.
  • शम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. INDRA'S thunder-bolt. 2. The iron bound head of a club or pestle. 3. A happy man. E. शम् particle of auspiciousness, भा to shine, aff. क ।
  • शम्भली :: f. (-ली) A bawd, a procuress. E. शम् pleasure, भल् to describe, अच् and ङीष् affs.
  • शम्भु :: m. (-म्भुः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. BRAHMĀ. 3. A Jaina sanctified teacher. 4. A Siddha, a demi-divine being. 5. A sage, a venerable man. 6. A kind of Asclepias. E. शम् auspicious particle, भू to be, डु aff.
  • शम्भुतनय :: m. (-यः) 1. KĀRTTIKEYA. 2. GAṆEŚA. E. शम्भु ŚIVA, तनय son.
  • शम्भुनन्दन :: m. (-नः) 1. A name of GAṆEŚA. 2. A name of KARTIKEYA. E. शम्भु ŚIVA, नन्दन son.
  • शम्भुप्रिया :: f. (-या) 1. Emblic myrobalan. 2. An epithet of DURGĀ. E. शम्भु ŚIVA, प्रिया beloved.
  • शम्या :: f. (-म्या) 1. The pin of a yoke. 2. A sacrificial vessel. 3. A stick, a staff. E. शम् to be kept quiet, यत् aff., fem. aff. टाप् ।
  • शम्यापात :: m. (-तः) The cast of a stick. E. शम्या and पात alighting.
  • शय :: mfn. (-यः -या or यी -यं) Asleep, sleeping. m. (-यः) 1. A hand. 2. A snake, (Boa constrictor.) 3. Sleep, sleeping. 4. A bed, a couch. 5. Abuse, imprecation. E. शी to sleep, aff. घ, टच् or अच् ।
  • शयण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डी -ण्डं) Asleep, sleeping, E. शी to sleep, अण्डच् Unādi aff.
  • शयथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) Asleep, sleeping. m. (-थः) 1. Death, dying. 2. A

sort of snake, the Boa. 3. A boar. 4. A fish. E. शी to sleep, अथच् Unādi aff.

  • शयन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sleep. 2. A bed, a couch. 3. Copulation. E. शी to sleep, ल्युट् aff.
  • शयनगृह :: n. (-हं) A bed-chamber. E. शयन and गृह house.
  • शयनागार :: m. (-रः) A bed chamber. E. शयन and आगार house.
  • शयनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Fit for or suitable to sleep, to be slept on, &c. n. (-यं) A bed, a couch. E. शी to sleep, अनीयर् aff. of the future participle; also with कन् added शयनीयक n. (-कं) ।
  • शयनैकादशी :: f. (-शी) The eleventh day of the light-half of Āshādha, on which VISHNU'S sleep commences. E. शयन, एकादशी 11th lunation.
  • शयान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Sleeping, asleep. E. शी to sleep, शानच् aff.
  • शयानक :: m. (-कः) 1. A snake. 2. A lizard. E. शी to sleep, आनक् Unādi aff.
  • शयालु :: mfn. (-लुः -लुः -लु) Sleepy, slothful, sluggish. m. (-लुः) 1. A kind of snake, the Boa. 2. A dog. 3. A jackal. E. शी to sleep, आलुच् aff, implying disposition or habit.
  • शयित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Asleep. n. (-तं) A plant, (Cordia myxa.) n. (-तं) Sleep, sleeping. E. शी to sleep, aff. क्त ।
  • शयितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Sleeping, asleep. E. शीङ् to sleep, क्तवतु aff.
  • शयित्वा :: Ind. Having slept. E. शी to sleep, क्त्वा aff.
  • शयु :: m. (-युः) A large snake, (Boa.) E. शी to sleep, उ Unādi aff.
  • शयुन :: m. (-नः) A large kind of snake, (Boa.) E. शीङ् to sleep, Unādi aff. उनन् ।
  • शय्या :: f. (-य्या) 1. A bed, a couch, a sopha. 2. Tying in knots, stringing. E. शी to sleep, क्यप् aff., and अयङ् substituted for the vowel.
  • शर :: m. (-रः) 1. A sort of reed or grass, (Saccharum sara.) 2. An arrow. 3. The upper part or cream of slightly curdled milk. 4. Mischief, injury, hurt. 5. The number “five.” n. (-रं) 1. Water. 2. Versed sine of an arc. E. शॄ to hurt, aff. अप् or अच्; also सर ।
  • शरकाण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. The stem of the Saccharum. 2. The shaft of an arrow. E. शर, काण्ड stem.
  • शरच्चन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) The autumnal moon. E. शरद्, चन्द्र moon.
  • शरज :: n. (-जं) Butter made from milk one day old. E. शर cream, ज born.
  • शरजन्मन् :: m. (-न्मा) A name of KĀRTIKEYA. E. शर a sort of grass, and जन्मन् birth: having been brought up in thickets of that grass.
  • शरट :: m. (-टः) 1. A lizard, a chamæleon. 2. Safflower, the plant. E. शॄ to hurt, अटन् aff.; also सरट ।
  • शरण :: n. (-णं) 1. A house. 2. A preserver, a protector, what or who protects or preserves. 3. Preservation, protection, defence. 4. Killing, slaying. f. (-णी) A plant, (Celtis.) E. शॄ to injure, aff. ल्युट् .
  • शरणागत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Refuge, appellant, one who comes for protec- tion or refuge. E. शरण protection, and आगत come.
  • शरणापन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Taken refuge. E. शरण and आपन्न obtained.
  • शरणार्थिन् :: mfn. (-र्थी -र्थिनी -र्थि) Unfortunate, wretched, involved in cala- mity or ruin, and dependent on others for protection or aid. E. शरण protection, and अर्थिन् soliciting, requiring.
  • शरणार्पक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Unfortunate, calamitous, distressed, ruined: (see the last.) E. शरण protection, अर्पक who causes to be afforded.
  • शरणि :: mf. (-णिः-णी) A road, a path, a way. E. शॄ to hurt, अनि aff.; more usually सरणि ।
  • शरणैषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Seeking for an asylum or protection. E. शरण, एषिन् who wishes.
  • शरण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. A bird in general. 2. A lizard, a chamæleon. 3. A kind of ornament. 4. A rogue, a cheat. 5. A libertine, a lecher. E. शॄ to injure, (fruit, &c.) अण्डच् Unādi aff.; also सरण्ड ।
  • शरण्य :: mfn. (-ण्यः -ण्या -ण्यं) To be protected or aided, poor, miserable, helpless. n. (-ण्यं) 1. A protection, a protector, that which or who affords refuge and defence. 2. A house. 3. Protection, defence. 4. Injury, hurt. E. शृ to hurt, Unādi aff. अन्य; or शरण protection, and यत् aff. of fitness.
  • शरण्यु :: m. (-ण्युः) 1. A plough. 2. Wind, air. 3. A protector, a defender. 4. A cloud. E. शृ to injure, अन्यु aff.; also सरण्यु ।
  • शरत्कामिन् :: m. (-मी) A dog. E. शरद् autumn, and कामिन् uxorious.
  • शरत्काल :: n. (-लं) The autumnal season. E. शरद् and काल time.
  • शरत्कालीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Autumnal. E. शरत्काल and ख aff.
  • शरत्पर्व्वन् :: n. (-र्व्व) A festival, on the full-moon of Āshwin, (September- October:) see कोजागर . E. शरद् autumn, and पर्व्वन् a holy day.
  • शरद् :: f. (-रत् or रद्) 1. The season of autumn or the sultry season; the two months succeeding the rains; according to the VAIDIKAS, comprising the months BHĀDRA and ĀSHWIN, and according to the PAURĀNIKAS, ĀSHWIN and KĀRTIKA, fluctuating thus from AUGUST to NOVEMBER. 2. A year. E. शॄ to injure, अदि Unādi aff.; also with टाप् added शरदा ।
  • शरदा :: f. (-दा) 1. A year. 2. The sultry season. E. See the last.
  • शरदिज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Autumnal, produced in Śarat or the season of autumn. E. शरद् as above in the 7th case, and ज born.
  • शरधि :: m. (-धिः) A quiver. E. शर an arrow, धा to have or contain, aff. कि ।
  • शरन्मुख :: n. (-खं) Commencement of the autumn. E. शरद्, मुख beginning.
  • शरपात :: m. (-तः) An arrow's fall or flight. E. शर and पात alighting.
  • शरपातस्थान :: n. (-नं) A bowshot, an arrow's flight. E. शरपात, स्थान place.
  • शरपुङ्खा :: f. (-ङ्खा) The feathered end of an arrow. E. शर an arrow, and पुङ्ख the feathered part of it.
  • शरफल :: n. (-लं) The blade or barb of an arrow. E. शर, and फल blade.
  • शरभ :: m. (-भः) 1. A fabulous animal, supposed to have eight legs, and to inhabit particularly the snowy mountains. 2. A young elephant. 3. A monkey in RĀMA'S army. 4. A camel. 5. A grasshopper. 6. A locust. E. शॄ to injure, Unādi aff. अभच्; or शर an arrow, भा to shine, aff. क ।
  • शरभू :: m. (-भूः) KĀRTIKEYA. E. शर the grass, भू born; being reared in this grass.
  • शरमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Made of or consisting of Śara grass, &c. E. शर the grass, and मयट् aff., implying in this and other compounds change of form for any purpose except food or clothing.
  • शरमल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) A small bird, considered as a variety of the Sālica or Mainā, (Turdus gosalica, RUCH, Mss.) E. शर the Śara grass, and मल्ल to hold or occupy, aff. अङ्; some authorities have शरमन्द ।
  • शरयु :: f. (-युः-यूः) The Sarajū-river; it is preferably, and more usually written सरयु, q. v.
  • शरल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Upright, honest. 2. Crooked, fraudulent. m. (-लः) A tree, a sort of pine. E. सृ to go, अलच् aff., and स changed to श; whence the word is preferably read सरल ।
  • शरलक :: n. (-कं) Water.
  • शरलता :: f. (-ता) Uprightness, sincerity. E. तल् added to शरल; with त्व, शरलत्वं; also read सरलता ।
  • शरव :: m. (-वः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. A lid, a cover.
  • शरवणोद्भव :: m. (-वः) 1. KĀRTIKEYA. E. शर saccharum, वन a thicket or jungle, and उद्भव born: see शरजन्मन्, &c.
  • शरवर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) A flight or shower of arrows. E. शर, वर्ष rain.
  • शरवर्षिन् :: mfn. (-र्षी -र्षिणी -र्षि) Raining or shooting arrows. E. शर, वर्षिन् showering.
  • शरवाणि :: m. (-णिः) 1. The head of an arrow. 2. A foot-soldier, an archer. 3. A maker of arrows. E. शर an arrow, वण् to sound, aff. इन् ।
  • शरवृष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) A heavy fall or shower of arrows. E. शर and वृष्टि rain.
  • शरव्य :: n. (-व्यं) A mark, a butt. E. शरु a weapon, and यत् aff.
  • शरसन्धान :: n. (-नं) Taking aim with an arrow.
  • शराघात :: m. (-तः) Shooting, (with a bow.) E. शर an arrow, आघात striking.
  • शराटि :: f. (-टिः) A sort of bird, (Turdus ginginianus.) E. शर water or mischief, अट् to go, aff. इन्; or from अत् to go, शराति; and other- wise derived also शराडि and शरालि ।
  • शराडि :: f. (-डिः) A bird: see शरालि ।
  • शराति :: f. (-तिः) A bird: see शराटि, &c.
  • शराभ्यास :: m. (-सः) Archery, practice with the bow and arrow. E. शर an arrow, अभ्यास exercise.
  • शरारि :: f. (-रिः) A sort of bird, commonly the Āli or Sarāli, (Turdus ginginianus.) E. शर water or mischief, ऋ to go, aff. इ; also ल being substituted, शरालि, &c.
  • शरारीमुखी :: f. (-खी) Scissars. E. शरारी, मुख mouth or beak, ङीष् aff.
  • शरारु :: mfn. (-रुः -रुः -रु) Mischievous, noxious, hurtful. E. शृ to hurt, आरु aff.
  • शरारोप :: m. (-पः) A bow. E. शर an arrow, आरोप a receptacle.
  • शरालि :: f. (-लिः or ली) Sarāli, a kind of bird, (Turdus ginginianus.) E. शर an arrow, अल् to be equal to, (in speed,) aff. इन्, and ङीष् optionally added; also शरारि, शराडि, शराटि, &c., and with कन् added, fem. form शरालिका ।
  • शराव :: m. (-वः) 1. A lid, a cover. 2. A shallow earthen cup or dish. 3. A platter. 4. A measure equal to two Kudavas. E. शर mischief, (from it,) अव् to preserve, aff. अण् or अच् ।
  • शरावती :: f. (-ती) A river so named. E. शर a sort of grass, मतुप् aff., fem. form, and the final of the first word made long.
  • शराश्रय :: m. (-यः) A quiver. E. शर an arrow, आश्रय receptacle.
  • शरासन :: n. (-नं) 1. A bow. 2. Shooting arrows. E. शर, अस् to throw, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • शराहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Struck by an arrow. E. शर, and आहत struck.
  • शरिमन् :: m. (-मा) Bearing, bringing forth. E. शॄ to hurt, इमनिच् Unādi aff.
  • शरीर :: n. (-रं) 1. The body. 2. The body of any inanimate object. 3. A dead body. E. शॄ to injure, to be injured, Unādi aff. ईरन् ।
  • शरीरक :: n. (-कं) 1. A small or delicate body. 2. The body. E. शरीर, and कन् diminutive, or pleonastic aff.
  • शरीरकर्षण :: n. (-णं) Emaciating or afflicting the body. E. शरीर and कर्षण attracting.
  • शरीरज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Born or produced by the body, &c. m. (-जः) 1. Sickness, disease. 2. The deity KĀMA or love. 3. A son. E. शरीर the body, and ज born.
  • शरीरजन्मन् :: mfn. (-न्मा -न्मा -न्म) Born or produced of or from the body. E. शरीर, जन्मन् birth.
  • शरीरदण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) Corporal punishment.
  • शरीरपतन :: n. (-नं) Death.
  • शरीरपाक :: m. (-कः) Decay, emaciation. E. शरीर, and पाक a ripening.
  • शरीरबद्ध :: Adj. Invested with a body.
  • शरीरबन्धक :: m. (-कः) A hostage. E. शरीर, बन्धक a pledge.
  • शरीरभाज् :: mfn. (-भाक्) Embodied, corporeal, having body. E. शरीर, भाज् who shares.
  • शरीरयष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) A slender body or figure.
  • शरीरयात्रा :: f. (-त्रा) Subsistence, support. E. शरीर, and यात्रा going.
  • शरीरयोग :: m. (-गः) Bodily union. E. शरीर, and योग union.
  • शरीरविमोक्षण :: n. (-णं) Liberation of the soul from the body.
  • शरीरशुश्रूषा :: f. (-षा) Personal attendance. E. शरीर and शुश्रूषा service.
  • शरीरशोषण :: n. (-णं) 1. Drying up, withering. 2. Emaciating the body. E. शरीर, and शोषण drying.
  • शरीरसंस्कार :: m. (-रः) Purification of the body by various ceremonies at conception, birth, initiation, death, &c. n. (-रं) Decoration or adorning the person. E. शरीर and संस्कार making perfect.
  • शरीरावरण :: n. (-णं) The skin. E. शरीर the body and आवरण enclosing.
  • शरीरिन् :: mfn. (-रि -रिणी -रि) Embodied, corporeal, having body. m. (-री) An animal or sentiment being. n. (-रि) Life or soul connected with the body, or incorporate. E. शरीर the body and इनि aff.
  • शरु :: m. (-रुः) 1. Passion, anger. 2. The thunderbolt of INDRA. 3. An arrow. 4. Any weapon. E. शॄ to injure, Unādi aff. उन् ।
  • शरेष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) The mango-tree. E. शर an arrow and इष्ट desired; the blossoms of the mango being amongst those which tip the darts of CUPID.
  • शर्करा :: f. (-रा) 1. A potsherd, the fragrant of a broken pot. 2. A stony nodule, or gravel. 3. A soil or spot abounding in stony or gritty fragments. 4. Clayed or candid sugar. 5. A part, a piece. 6. Gravel, (the disease.) E. शॄ to injure, Unādi aff. करन् ।
  • शर्कराप्रभा :: f. (-भा) The hell of gravel according to the Jainas, the second division of Tartarus. E. शर्करा gravel, प्रभा illustrious.
  • शर्करावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Gritty, gravelly, full of stony particles. E. शर्करा gravel and मतुप् aff.
  • शर्करिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Stony, gravelly. E. शर्करा gravel, &c., ठज् aff.
  • शर्करिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Abounding in stony or gravelly particles, (a spot, a place.) E. शर्करा gravel and इलच् aff.
  • शर्करी :: f. (-री) 1. A river. 2. A girdle.
  • शर्ध् :: r. 1st cl. (शर्धति) To wound or kill.
  • शर्द्ध :: mn. (-र्द्धः-र्द्धं) Farting, a fart. m. (-र्द्धः) 1. Strength. 2. Multitude. E. शृध् to fart, aff. घञ् ।
  • शर्द्धञ्जह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Causing flatulence. m. (-हः) Any leguminous grain or pulse, as beans, &c. E. शर्द्ध farting and हा to let go or loose, aff. खश् ।
  • शर्ब्ब् :: r. 1st cl. (शर्ब्बति) 1. To go. 2. To hurt, to injure.
  • शर्म्मद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Conferring prosperity, making happy, propitious. E. शर्म्मन् and द who or what gives.
  • शर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्म) Happy, glad. n. (-र्म्म) Happiness, pleasure. m. (-र्म्मा) A name or appellation common to and proper for Brāhmans. E. शॄ to injure or destroy, (ill fortune,) मनिन् Unādi aff.
  • शर्म्मवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Lucky, auspicious. E. शर्म्मन् and मतुप् aff.
  • शर्म्मर :: m. (-रः) A sort of garment or cloth. f. (-रा) A species of Curcuma, (C. zanthorhizon.) E. शर्म्म pleasure, रा to give, aff. क ।
  • शर्य्या :: f. (-र्य्या) Night. E. शॄ to injure, यत् aff.
  • शर्व्व् :: r. 1st cl. (शर्व्वति) To hurt, to injure or kill.
  • शर्व्व :: m. (-र्व्वः) ŚIVA. E. शर्व्व् to injure, Unādi aff. अच्; also सर्व ।
  • शर्व्वर :: m. (-रः) KĀMA. n. (-रं) Darkness. E. शर्व्व्, अरन् aff.
  • शर्व्वरी :: f. (-री) 1. Night. 2. A woman. 3. Turmeric. E. शॄ to injure, अरन् Unādi aff.; or शॄ-वनिप् ङीप् वनो र च ।
  • शर्व्वरीक :: m. (-कः) 1. A low or vile man, a rogue, a wretch. 2. A cruel or mischievous man. E. शॄ to injure, ईकन् Unādi aff., रक् augment and the root repeated.
  • शर्व्वला :: f. (-ला or ली) An iron crow. E. शर्व् to injure, कलच् aff.; also सर्व्वला ।
  • शर्व्वाणी :: f. (-णी) A name of PĀRVATĪ. E. शर्व्व ŚIVA, ङीष् aff., and आनुक् augment; the wife of SARVA; also सर्व्वाणी ।
  • शल् :: r. 1st cl. (शलते) 1. To move, to shake, to tremble or stir. 2. To cover. (शलति) To go, to move to or towards. r. 10th cl. (शालयति-ते) To praise.
  • शल :: mn. (-लः-लं) The quill of a porcupine. m. (-लः) 1. A name of BHRINGI, ŚIVA'S attendant. 2. BRAHMĀ. 3. A kind of field. 4. A dart, a spear. 5. A stake. 6. A camel. E. शल् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • शलक :: m. (-कः) A spider. E. शल् to go, aff. वुन् ।
  • शलङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A king. 2. A sort of salt. E. शल् to go, Unādi aff. अङ्गच् ।
  • शलभ :: m. (-भः) 1. A grass-hopper. 2. A locust. E. शल् to go, अभच् Unādi aff.: see शरभ ।
  • शलल :: nf. (-लं-ली) The quill of a porcupine. E. शल् to go, to project, aff. कलच्, fem. aff. ङीष् ।
  • शलाका :: f. (-का) 1. A javelin, a dart. 2. An arrow. 3. A porcupine. 4. The rib of an umbrella, the bar of a cage, &c., or any such small stake, rod, peg, or pin; it is applied also in common use, to a thin slip of bamboo, serving when tipped with sulphur for a match; to a round pointed piece of wood or bamboo serving as a toothpick; to a similar piece employed as a tent or probe, or to a larger one used as a ruler, &c. 5. A bone. 6. An oblong quadrangular piece of ivory or bone used in playing a particular game, a domino. 7. A fibrous stick used as a brush or pencil. 8. A thorny shrub, (Vangueria spinosa.) 9. The Sārikā, (Turdus Gosalica, BUCH.) 10. A shoot, a sprout. E. शल् to go, Unādi aff. आकन् ।
  • शलाकापरि :: Ind. Beat at a game played with pieces of stick. E. शलाका a match, &c., परि implying in this and similar compounds, reverse.
  • शलाकापुरुष :: m. plu. (-षाः) Sixty-three persons considered by the Jainas as sacred and divine, viz.:--the 24 Jinas, 12 Chakravartties, 9. Vāsudevas, 9 Baladevas, and 9 Prati vāsudevas.
  • शलाट :: m. (-टः) A cart-load, considered as twenty times one hundred Palas. E. शृ to injure, aff. आटन् and the र changed to ल ।
  • शलाटु :: mfn. (-टुः -टुः -टु) Unripe, moist, (as fruit) m. (-टुः) A kind of root. E. शल् to go, आटु aff.
  • शलाभोलि :: m. (-लिः) A camel.
  • शलालु :: n. (-लुः) A sort of perfume.
  • शलालुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Purchased with or procured for the substance termed Śalālu. E. शलालु as above, and ष्ठन् aff.
  • शल्क :: n. (-ल्कं) 1. A part, a portion. 2. Bark, rind. 3. The scale of a fish. E. शल् to go, Unādi aff. कन् ।
  • शल्कल :: n. (-लं) 1. The scale of a fish. 2. Bark, rind. E. शल् to go, कलन् aff.
  • शल्कलिन् :: m. (-ली) A fish. E. शल्कल and इनि aff.
  • शल्किन् :: m. (-ल्की) A fish. E. शल्क a scale and इनि aff.
  • शल्भ् :: r. 1st cl. (शल्भते) 1. To praise, to flatter or coax. 2. To stalk, to boast.
  • शल्मलि :: mf. (-लिः-ली) The silk-cotton tree: see शाल्मलि ।
  • शल्य :: mn. (-ल्यः-ल्यं) A dart, a javelin. n. (-ल्यं) 1. A bamboo rod or stake. 2. Any stake or thorn. 3. An arrow. 4. An iron crow. 5. Sin, crime. 6. Difficulty, embarrassment, distress. 7. An arrow, a thorn, or other extraneous substance which has lodged in the body, a dart, (lit.); but (fig.) any tormenting and heart- rending sorrow. 8. Abuse, defamation. 9. Poison. 10. A bone. m. (-ल्यः) 1. A thorny shrub, (Vangueria spinosa.) 2. A porcupine. 3. A hedgehog. 4. A peg, a pin, &c. 5. A boundary. 6. Extrac- tion of splinters, (in surgery.) 7. A king, the maternal uncle of YUDHISṬHIRA. E. शल् to go, aff. यत् or य Unādi aff.
  • शल्यक :: m. (-कः) 1. A stake, a thorn. 2. A dart, a pike. 3. A porcupine. 4. A hedgehog. 5. A thorny shrub, (Vangueria spinosa.) E. शल्य as above, and कन् added.
  • शल्यकण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) A porcupine. E. शल्य a stake, and कण्ठ the throat.
  • शल्यक्रिया :: f. (-या) The extraction of extraneous substances lodged in the body. E. शल्य, and क्रिया act.
  • शल्यवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वन्) 1. Shooting arrows. 2. Set with stakes. 3. Harassed with difficulties, &c. E. शल्य and मतुप् aff.
  • शल्यवारङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) The part by which an arrow or the like lodged in the body is to be laid hold of for its extraction. E. शल्य, and वारङ्ग the place of seizure.
  • शल्यशास्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) That part of Surgery which treats of the extraction of extraneous substances lodged in the body. E. शल्य, शास्त्र science.
  • शल्यारि :: m. (-रिः) YUDHISṬHIRA. E. शल्य the prince, and अरि an enemy.
  • शल्योद्धार :: m. (-रः) 1. Extraction of foreign substances from the body. 2. Cleansing or purifying a new house. E. शल्य, उद्धार taking away.
  • शल्ल् :: r. 1st cl. (शल्लति) To go or move.
  • शल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) A frog. n. (-ल्लं) Bark, rind. E. शल् to go, लच् aff.; or शल्ल-अच् ।
  • शल्लक :: m. (-कः) 1. A plant, (Bignonia Indica.) n. (-कं) Bark, rind. f. (-की) 1. A porcupine. 2. The gum Olibanum tree, (Boswellia thuri- fera.) E. शल् to go, aff. क्वुन्, deriv. irr.
  • शल्लकीद्रव :: m. (-वः) Incense, Olibanum. E. शल्लकी the Boswellia thurifera, द्रव exudation.
  • शल्व :: m. (-ल्वः) A country so named in the north of India. E. शल् to go, व aff.; more usually शाल्व ।
  • शव् :: r. 1st cl. (शवति) 1. To go or approach. 2. To change.
  • शव :: mn. (-वः-वं) A dead body, a corpse. n. (-वं) Water. E. शव् to go, अच् aff.
  • शवकाम्य :: m. (-म्यः) A dog. E. शव a corpse, and काम्य desirous.
  • शवदाह :: m. (-हः) Burning a corpse. E. शव, दाह burning.
  • शवदाहिन् :: m. (-ही) A person who burns a corpse. E. शव, दाहिन् who burns.
  • शवयान :: n. (-नं) The litter or bed on which a dead body is carried to be burnt. E. शव a corpse, and यान a vehicle.
  • शवर :: m. (-रः) 1. A barbarian, one inhabiting the mountainous districts of India, and wearing the feathers of the peacock, &c. as decora- tions. 2. Water. 3. A name of ŚIVA. 4. The hand. 5. Name of a learned writer on Mimānsā Darshan. E. शव a corpse, रा to take, affs. क and टाप्: or शव्-अरन् ।
  • शवराल :: m. (-लः) A sort of Lodh.
  • शवरालय :: m. (-यः) The abode of an outcaste or low tribe. E. शवर a ber- barian, आलय abode.
  • शवरावास :: m. (-सः) The abode of an outcaste or barbarous tribe. E. शवर a barbarian, आवास abode.
  • शवल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Variegated, of a variegated colour. 2. Imita- tive. 3. Articulate. 4. Divided into various parts. m. (-लः) A varie- gated colour. f. (-ला-ली) 1. A brindled cow. 2. The cow of plenty, KĀMADHENU. n. (-ल) 1. Water 2. A religious observance peculiar to the Bauddhas. E. शव् to alter, कलन् aff, and प changed to व ।
  • शवलता :: f. (-ता) Variegation, variety of colour. E. शवल and तल् aff.; also with त्व, शवलत्वं ।
  • शवलीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Variegated. E. शवल, कृत made. च्वि augment.
  • शवसाधन :: n. (-नं) A mystical and magical ceremony performed with a dead body. E. शव, and साधन implement.
  • शवसान :: m. (-नः) 1. A traveller, (in the dialect of the Vedas.) 2. A road. n. (-नं) A cemetery. E. शव् to go, with आनच् aff.
  • शश् :: r. 1st cl. (शशति) To jump, to leap, to move by springing or leaping.
  • शश :: m. (-शः) 1. A hare or rabbit. 2. The Lodh-tree, (Symplocos race- mosa.) 3. Gum myrrh. 4. A man of mild and virtuous character, but uxorious and woman-led, one of the four characters in which men are classed by erotic writers. 5. The spots on the moon, sup- posed to resemble the figure of a hare. E. शश् to go by leaps or jumps, aff. अच् ।
  • शशक :: m. (-कः) A hare. E. कन् added to the last.
  • शशत् :: mfn. (-शन् -शन्ती -शत्) Leaping, jumping. E. शश् to leap, शतृ aff.
  • शशधर :: m. (-रः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. E. शश a hare, and धर having; either as an emblem on his banners, or fancifully, as the spots on the moon's face.
  • शशप्लुतक :: n. (-कं) A mark or scratch of the finger-nail. E. शश a hare, प्लुतक jumping.
  • शशबिन्दु :: m. (-न्दुः) 1. VISHṆU or KRISHṆA. 2. A sovereign. 3. The moon. E. शश a hare, and बिन्दु a spot.
  • शशभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) The moon. E. शश a hare, भृत् who cherishes: see शशधर ।
  • शशमात्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्री -त्रं) As large as or of the size of a hare. E. शश, मात्रच् aff.
  • शशलाञ्छन :: m. (-नः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. E. शश, लाञ्छन mark.
  • शशलोमन् :: n. (-म) The skin of the hare or rabbit. E. शश a hare or rabbit, लोमन् hair.
  • शशविषाण :: n. (-णं) The horn of a hare; any thing improbable or extra- ordinary. E. शश, विषाण a horn.
  • शशस्थली :: f. (-ली) The Doab, the country between the Ganges and Jamunā rivers. E. शश a hare, स्थल place, site.
  • शशाङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. E. शश a hare, अङ्क a mark or spot.
  • शशाङ्कलेखा :: f. (-खा) A digit of the moon. E. शशाङ्क, लेखा streak.
  • शशादन :: m. (-नः) A hawk or falcon. E. शश a hare or rabbit, अदन what eats.
  • शशिकान्त :: m. (-न्तः) The moon-gem. n. (-न्तं) A lotus.
  • शशिग्रह :: m. (-हः) An eclipse of the moon.
  • शशिज :: m. (-जः) An epithet of BUDHA or MERCURY.
  • शशिदेव :: m. (-वः) A sovereign, named also रन्तिदेव ।
  • शशिन् :: m. (-शी) 1. The moon. 2. The emblem of one of the Jinas. 3. Camphor. E. शश a hare, इनि aff.
  • शशिपाद :: m. (-दः) A moon-beam. E. शशि, and पाद a ray; also similar compounds, as शशिकर, शशिकिरण, शशिमयूख and शशिरश्मि, &c.
  • शशिप्रभ :: n. (-भं) The white esculent water-lily. f. (-भा) Moon-light. E. शशि the moon, प्रभ shining, (blossoming,) or प्रभा lustre, light.
  • शशिलेखा :: f. (-खा) 1. A digit of the moon. 2. A plant, (Menispermum glabrum.) 3. A metre, a variety of the line of the Atijagatī stanza of thirteen syllables, or of the Atisaccarī of fifteen syllables. E. शशि the moon, and लेखा a line or mark.
  • शशिवदना :: f. (-ना) 1. A woman with a face like the moon. 2. A species of the Gāyatri metre. E. शशि, वदन face.
  • शशिशेखर :: m. (-रः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. One of the Jaina pontiffs. E. शशि the moon, शेखर a crest.
  • शशीश :: m. (-शः) A name of ŚIVA. E. शशि, ईश lord.
  • शशोर्ण :: n. (-र्णं) The hair of the hare or rabbit. E. शश a hare, &c., ऊर्णा wool.
  • शश्वत् :: Ind. 1. Again and again, frequently, repeatedly, perpetually. 2. Together with E. शश् to go by jumps, वति aff.
  • शष् :: r. 1st cl. (शषति) To hurt, to injure, to wound or kill.
  • शष्कुल :: m. (-लः) A plant, (Galedupa arborea, Rox) f. (-ली) 1. The outer ear or opening of the external auditory passage. 2. Rice or barley water, &c. 3. A sort of pie. 4. A kind of baked cake. E. शष्-कुलच् ।
  • शष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) Young grass. m. (-ष्पः) Loss of intellect or confidence. E. शस् to hurt, Unādi aff. प, and स changed to ष; also शस्प .
  • शस्(इ) :: and the preposition आङ् usually prefixed आशसि r. 1st cl. (आशंसते) 1. To bless, to wish good to, to confer a benediction. 2. To wish, to desire. 3. To speak. (उ) शसु r. 1st cl. (शसति) To hurt, to injure, to wound or kill. With अभि, To intreat. With वि, To kill. r. 2nd cl. शस्ति To dream.
  • शसन :: n. (-नं) Immolation, offering an animal in sacrifice. E. शस् to hurt, aff. ल्युट्; also शमन ।
  • शस्त(इ)शस्ति :: r. 2nd cl. (शंस्ति) To sleep, (peculiar to the Vedas.)
  • शस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Happy, well, right. 2. Praised, eulogised. 3. Best, excellent. 4. Injured. n. (-स्तं) 1. Happiness, excellence. 2. The body. 3. A finger-protector. E. शस् to bless, aff. क्त ।
  • शस्तक :: n. (-कं) A defence for the finger of an archer. E. कन् added to the last.
  • शस्तकेशक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Having much or beautiful hair. E. शस्त excellent, केश hair, कन् aff.
  • शस्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) 1. A weapon in general. 2. Iron. 3. Steel. 4. An instru- ment. 5. A hymn of praise. m. (-स्त्रः) A sword, a scymitar. f. (-स्त्री) A knife. E. शस् to hurt, aff. ष्ट्रन् ।
  • शस्त्रक :: n. (-कं) 1. Iron. 2. Steel. E. शस्त्र a weapon, and कन् aff.
  • शस्त्रकार :: m. (-रः) An armourer. E. शस्त्र, and कार who makes.
  • शस्त्रग्रह :: m. (-हः) Taking arms. E. शस्त्र and ग्रह taking.
  • शस्त्रग्राहिन् :: m. (-ही) A man armed. E. शस्त्र, ग्राहिन् who takes.
  • शस्त्रघुष्टकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Clanging. E. शस्त्र, घुष्ट sounded, कर what makes.
  • शस्त्रजाल :: n. (-लं) A quantity of weapons. E. शस्त्र, जाल a heap.
  • शस्त्रजीविन् :: m. (-वी) A soldier by profession. E. शस्त्र a weapon, जीविन् who lives by.
  • शस्त्रत्याग :: m. (-गः) Throwing away a weapon. E. शस्त्र, त्याग abandoning.
  • शस्त्रदेवता :: f. (-ता) A deified weapon.
  • शस्त्रधर :: m. (-रः) An armed man or soldier. E. शस्त्र, and धर who has.
  • शस्त्रपाणि :: mfn. (-णिः -णिः -णि) A warrior armed, having weapons in the hand. E. शस्त्र, and पाणि the hand.
  • शस्त्रपात :: m. (-तः) The stroke of a weapon. E. शस्त्र, and पात falling.
  • शस्त्रपूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Purified by arms, absolved from guilt by dying in the field of battle. E. शस्त्र, and पूत purified.
  • शस्त्रप्रहरण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Taking arms. E. शस्त्र, प्रहरण taking.
  • शस्त्रभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) An armed man, a soldier. E. शस्त्र a weapon, भृत् having.
  • शस्त्रमार्ज्ज :: m. (-र्ज्जः) An armourer. E. शस्त्र a weapon, and मार्ज्ज cleaning.
  • शस्त्रवृत्ति :: m. (-त्तिः) A soldier, a man at arms. E. शस्त्र, and वृत्ति profession.
  • शस्त्रसंहति :: f. (-तिः) 1. A quantity or number of weapons. 2. An arsenal, an armoury. E. शस्त्र, and संहति assemblage.
  • शस्त्रसमूह :: n. (-ह) 1. A quantity or number of weapons. 2. An arsenal, an armoury. E. शस्त्र, and समूह a heap.
  • शस्त्रहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Struck or killed by a weapon. E. शस्त्र, हत hurt.
  • शस्त्रहस्त :: m. (-स्तः) A man carrying arms. E. शस्त्र a weapon, हस्त the hand.
  • शस्त्राजीव :: m. (-वः) A soldier. E. शस्त्र a weapon, आजीव who lives by.
  • शस्त्राभ्यास :: m. (-सः) Military exercise or practice. E. शस्त्र a weapon, and अभ्यास practice.
  • शस्त्रायस :: n. (-सं) Steel.
  • शस्त्रास्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) Use of weapons. E. शस्त्र, अस्त्र a weapon, or means of offence or defence.
  • शस्त्रास्त्रभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) A soldier, a warrior. E. शस्त्रास्त्र, भृत् who has.
  • शस्त्रास्त्रभृत्त्व :: n. (-त्त्वं) The military profession, the use of arms. E. शस्त्रास्त्रभृत्, त्व aff.
  • शस्त्रिन् :: mfn. (-स्त्री -स्त्रिणी -स्त्रि) Armed, having weapons. E. शस्त्र, इनि aff.
  • शस्त्रोत्थापन :: n. (-नं) Raising a weapon, (as to strike.) E. शस्त्र, उत्थापन taking up.
  • शस्त्रोद्यम :: m. (-मः) Lifting up a weapon, (as to strike.) E. शस्त्र, and उद्यन lifting up.
  • शस्त्रोपजीविन् :: m. (-वी) A soldier, a man at arms. E. शस्त्र, उपजीविन् living by.
  • शस्प :: n. (-स्पं) 1. Young grass. 2. Loss of confidence or understanding. E. शस् to injury, प aff., and the sibilant unchanged.
  • शस्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) 1. Excellent, best. 2. To be hurt or injured. 3. Desirable, to be wished. n. (-स्यं) 1. Fruit. 2. Corn, grain in general. 3. Good quantity, merit. 4. Grass. E. शस् to hurt, aff. यत्; or शसि to wish, क्यप् aff.
  • शस्यक्षेत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A corn-field. E. शस्य, and क्षेत्र a field.
  • शस्यध्वंसिन् :: m. (-सी) A timber tree, commonly Toon, (Cedrela tunna.) “तुंँद् गाछ ।” E. शस्य fruit, and ध्वंसिन् injurious.
  • शस्यभक्षक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Graminivorous. E. शस्य, and भक्षक what eats.
  • शस्यभक्षण :: n. (-णं) Feeding upon grain. E. शस्य, भक्षण eating.
  • शस्यमञ्जरी :: f. (-री) 1. The ear or spike of corn. 2. The fruit-stalk. E. शस्य and सञ्जरी pedicle.
  • शस्यरक्षक :: m. (-कं) A watchman over a field of corn. E. शस्य, रक्षक who protects.
  • शस्यशूक :: n. (-कं) The beard of corn. E. शस्य corn, शूक beard.
  • शस्यसम्बर :: m. (-रः) The Sāl tree, (Shorea robusta.) E. शस्य fruit, सम्बर surrounding.
  • शस्यारु :: m. (-रुः) A small variety of the Mimosa suma.
  • शांशप :: mfn. (-पः -पी -पं) Made of Śisu wood, &c. E. शिंशपा the Śisu, अण् aff., and आङ् substituted for the first vowel.
  • शाक :: mn. (-कः-कं) A pot-herb in general, any leaf, flower, fruit, stalk, root, &c., used as a vegetable. m. (-कः) 1. One of the seven Dvīpas or divisions of the world; the sixth, surrounded by the sea of milk or white sea. 2. Power, strength. 3. The Sirisha-tree, (Acacia sirisa.) 4. The Teak-tree, (Tectona grandis.) 5. An era, a period usually commencing with some celebrated prince, as YUDISHṬHIRA VIKRAMĀDITYA, ŚĀLIVĀHANA, &c., thence denominated SĀKE- ŚWARAS, &c.; the term in ordinary use is applied especially to the era of SĀLIVĀHANA, commencing 76 or 78 years after the Christian era. E. शक् to be able, घञ् aff.
  • शाकचुक्रिका :: f. (-का) The tamarind.
  • शाकट :: mfn. (-टः -टी -टं) Relating to a cart, (a cart-load, a cart-horse, &c.) m. (-टः) 1. A draught-ox. 2. The Sleshmāntaka-tree. E. शकट a cart, अण् aff.
  • शाकटायन :: m. (-नः) Name of a philologist and grammarian.
  • शाकटिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Going in or on a cart. E. शकट a cart, ठञ् aff.
  • शाकटीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Belonging or relating to a cart. m. (-नः) A cart- load as a measure of weight or value. E. शकट a cart, खञ् aff.
  • शाकतरु :: m. (-रुः) A plant, (Capparis trifoliata.) “सेगुण ।”
  • शाकपण :: m. (-णः) A handful or similar quantity, as a measure of potherbs. E. शाक, and पण price.
  • शाकबालेय :: m. (-यः) A plant, commonly Bāmanhāti; also बालेयशाक ।
  • शाकबिल्व :: m. (-ल्वः) The egg-plant, (Solanum melongena.) E. शाक a potherb, बिल्व the Bel fruit; also with कन् added शाकबिल्वक ।
  • शाकम्भरी :: f. (-री) 1. DURGĀ. 2. A city, supposed to be the modern Sāmbher. E. शक a potherb, भृ to nourish, aff. खच्, fem. aff. ङीष् ।
  • शाकम्भरीय :: n. (-यं) A fossile-salt brought from a lake in the vicinity of Sāmbher, a town in Ajmere. E. शाकम्भरी the city, छ aff.
  • शाकरी :: f. (-री) One of the dialects of dramatic Prakrit, that spoken by the Sakāra. E. शकार, अण् and ङीष् aff.
  • शाकलिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Having a piece or part. E. शकल a part, ठञ् aff.
  • शाकल्य :: m. (-ल्यः) Name of an ancient grammarian who preceded PĀNINI.
  • शाकवीर :: m. (-रः) A potherb, (Chenopodium album.) E. शक a potherb, and वीर eminent.
  • शाकवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The Teak-tree. E. शाक the same, and वृक्ष a tree.
  • शाकशाकट :: n. (-टं) A field of vegetables, a kitchen garden. E. शाक a potherb, and शाकटच् aff. in this sense.
  • शाकशाकिन :: n. (-नं) A field cultivated for esculent plants, a field of vege- tables, a kitchen-garden. E. शाक a vegetable, and शाकिन aff. in this sense.
  • शाकश्रेष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) A potherb, (Chenopodium album. E. शाक a potherb, and श्रेष्ठ best.
  • शाकाख्य :: m. (-ख्यः) The Teak-tree. n. (-ख्यं) A vegetable. E. शाक the same, आख्या appellation.
  • शाकाङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) Pepper. E. शाक a potherb, and अङ्ग a part.
  • शाकिनी :: f. (-नी) 1. A female divinity of an inferior character, attendant especially on ŚIVA and DURGĀ. 2. A field of vegetables. E. शाक, इनि aff.
  • शाकुण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) Repentant, regretting. E. शक-वा० उणन् ।
  • शाकुन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) 1. Of or relating to birds. 2. Ominous, portentous. E. शकुन, अण् aff.
  • शाकुनिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Of or relating to birds, omens, &c. m. (-कः) A fowler, a bird-catcher. n. (-कं) Interpretation of omens, dreams, &c. E. शकुन a bird, and ठञ् aff.
  • शाकुनेय :: m. (-यः) A small owl.
  • शाकुन्तलेय :: m. (-यः) BHARATA, the sovereign of India. E. शकुन्तला the nymph, and ढक् aff; being the son of ŚAKUNTALĀ and DUSHYANTA.
  • शाकुलिक :: m. (-कः) A fisherman. E. शकुल a fish, and ठक् aff.
  • शाक्कर :: m. (-रः) An ox. n. (-रं) A form of metre. E. शक्कर, and अञ् aff.
  • शाक्त :: m. (-क्तः) A worshipper of the female principle. E. शक्ति the divine energy in its feminine personification, and अण् aff.
  • शाक्तीक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Speared, spearing, relating to or done with a spear. m. (-कः) A spearman, a lancer. E. शक्ति a spear, aff. ईकक् ।
  • शाक्त्य :: m. (-क्त्यः) A worshipper of the female principle or Śakti. E. शक्ति the personified energy of a divinity, and यञ् aff.
  • शाक्य :: m. (-क्यः) 1. BUDDHA, the founder of the Bauddha religion. 2. The name of a tribe. E. शक् to be able, and ण्यत्, घञ् or यत् aff.
  • शाक्यमुनि :: m. (-निः) A name of BUDDHA, the real or supposed founder of the Bauddha religion. E. शक्य said to be the name of a family or tribe, originating with one of the race of Ikswāku, condemned to take up his abode in a forest of Sāka trees, and मुनि a saint.
  • शाक्यसिंह :: m. (-हः) A name of BUDDHA. E. शाक्य the name of his tribe, and सिंह chief.
  • शाक्री :: f. (-क्री) An epithet of ŚACHĪ, the wife of INDRA.
  • शाक्वर :: m. (-रः) An ox. E. शक्-ष्वरप् स्वार्थे अण् ।
  • शाख(ऋ)शाखृ :: r. 1st cl. (शाखति) To pervade.
  • शाख :: m. (-खः) A plant, (Galedupa arborea.) f. (-खा) 1. A branch, the branch of a tree. 2. A branch or sub-division of the Vedas, consis- ting of the several Sanhitās or collections of prayers in each Veda, as received in different schools, modified more or less either in the arrangement of the whole text, or in particular portions of it. 3. An arm. 4. A sect, a faction, a party. 5. Any sub-division. 6. Any part of an animal not endowed with sensibility, as a horn, &c. E. शाख् to pervade, aff. अच् ।
  • शाखाचन्द्रन्याय :: m. (-यः) The maxim of the moon and a bough; it is adduced in illustration when an object has its position assigned to it from the appearance of contiguity.
  • शाखानगर :: n. (-रं) A suburb. E. शाखा a branch or sub-division, नगर a city.
  • शाखापित्त :: m. (-त्तः) Inflammation of the extremities of the body.
  • शाखापुर :: n. (-रं) A suburb. E. शाखा a branch, पुर a city.
  • शाखाभेद :: m. (-दः) Difference of school or doctrine. E. शाखा, भेद difference.
  • शाखामृग :: m. (-गः) 1. A monkey, an ape. 2. A squirrel. E. शाखा the branch of a tree, मृग a deer.
  • शाखारण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A Brāhman who has changed his Śākhā or pecu- liar school of the Vedas for another. E. शाखा a branch of the Vedas, रम् to sport, ड aff.
  • शाखारथ्या :: f. (-थ्या) A branch-road.
  • शाखाल :: m. (-लः) A sort of cane: see वानीर ।
  • शाखाशिफा :: f. (-फा) A root proceeding from a branch, as in the Indian fig, the branches of which shoot downwards to the ground and take fresh root there. E. शाखा a branch, and शिफा a fibrous root.
  • शाखिन् :: mfn. (-खी -खिनी -खि) Branched, branching, having branches. (literally or figuratively.) m. (-खी) 1. A tree. 2. Veda. 3. A follower of any vedic school. 4. An inhabitant of the northern districts bordering on India, a Turk or Tartar. 5. The name of a king. E. शाखा a branch, aff. इनि ।
  • शाखोट :: m. (-टः) A small tree, (Trophis aspera.) E. शाख्, ओटन् aff.; also with कन् added शाखोटक m. (-कः) ।
  • शाख्य :: mfn. (-ख्यः -ख्या -ख्यं) Branching, ramifying. E. शाखा a branch, (literally or figuratively,) and य aff.
  • शाङ्कर :: m. (-रः) A bull. n. (-रं) A form of metre. E. शङ्कर ŚIVA, and अण् aff.; also read शाक्कर ।
  • शाङ्करि :: m. (-रिः) 1. KĀRTIKEYA. 2. GAṆEŚA. 3. Fire. 4. A Muni. E. शङ्कर ŚIVA, and इञ patronymic aff.
  • शाङ्कुची :: f. (-ची) The scate fish; also शंकुची, &c.
  • शाङ्क :: n. (-ङ्कं) The sound of the conch-shell. E. शङ्कं the shell, अण् aff.
  • शाङ्किक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Made from, relating to, &c. the Śankha or conch. m. (-कः) 1. A shell-cutter, a worker in shells. 2. A player on the Śankha, a shell-blower. E. शङ्क the conch-shell, ठञ् aff.
  • शाङ्गुष्ठा :: f. (-ष्ठा) A shrub, (Abrus precatorius.)
  • शाट :: m. (-टः) A garment in general. E. शट्-घञ् ।
  • शाटक :: mn. (-कः-कं) A petticoat. E. शट् to go, (round the limbs,) ण्वुल् aff.
  • शाटी :: mf. (-टः-टी) A petticoat. E. शट् to praise or flatter, to go, &c. aff. ण, fem. aff ङीष् ।
  • शाठ्य :: n. (-ठ्यं) Wickedness, villainy. E. शठ् wicked, ष्यञ् aff.
  • शाड्(ऋ)शाडृ :: r. 1st cl. (शाडते) 1. To flatter, to praise, to coax. 2. To boast. 3. To float or swim.
  • शाड्वल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Abounding in fresh grass, green, verdant. E. शाद young grass, ड्वलच् aff., and the final changed, also शाद्वल ।
  • शाण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) Made of or from Bengal flax or Śaṇ. mf. (-णः-णी) 1. A touchstone. 2. A whet or grindstone. 3. A weight of four Māshas. 4. A saw. n. (-णं) 1. Coarse cloth, sack-cloth, canvas. 2. A hempen garment. f. (-णी) 1. Ragged or torn raiment. 2. A new unseamed and single-breadth of cloth, given to the religious student at his investiture for his upper garment. 3. A ragged garment given to the Jaina ascetic at his initiation. 4. A small tent or screen, used especially as a retiring room for actors and tumblers, &c. 5. Gesture, gesticulation, making sings with the hands or eyes, &c. 6. A saw. 7. A touchstone. 8. A whetstone. E. शण् to give, aff. घञ्; or शो to sharpen, and ण aff.; or शण Śaṇ, and अण् aff. of derivation.
  • शाणाजीव :: m. (-वः) An armourer. E. शाण a whetstone, आजीव who lives by.
  • शाणि :: m. (-णिः) 1. A plant from the fibres of which a coarse cloth is prepared, (Corchorus olitorius.) 2. A touchstone. E. शण Bengal Śaṇ, and इण् or ईञ् aff. implying descent or resemblance.
  • शाणित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Whetted, sharpened. E. शण् to give, क्त aff.
  • शाण्डिल्य :: m. (-ल्यः) 1. A tree, (Ægle marmelos.) 2. A Muni from whom one of the three principal families of the Kanouj or Kānyacubja Brāhmans is said to be descended. 3. A form of AGNI or fire. E. शण्डिल a saint, यञ् aff. of descent, &c.
  • शात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Happy, well, prosperous. 2. Feeble, thin. 3. Sharpened, whetted, sharp. 4. Handsome, bright. n. (-तं) Joy, pleasure, happiness. E. शो to reduce or diminish, aff. क्त ।
  • शातकुम्भ :: n. (-म्भं) Gold. m. (-म्भः) A plant, (Nerium odorum.) E. शतकुम्भ said to be the name of a mountain, अण् aff. implying production.
  • शातकौम्भ :: n. (-म्भं) 1. Gold. 2. The Dhuturā plant. E. अण् pleonasm, added to the last.
  • शातन :: n. (-णं) 1. Withering, decaying, becoming thin or small. 2. Sharpening. E. शो to wither, णिच् तङ् च, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • शातपत्रकी :: f. (-की) Moonlight. E. शतपत्र a lotus, कन् added, and अण् aff.
  • शातमन्यव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Relating to INDRA. E. शतमन्यु, and अण् aff.
  • शातमान :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Bought with the measure of one hundred. E. शत a hundred, मान measure, and अण् aff.
  • शातशिख :: mfn. (-खः -खी -खं) Sharp-pointed, (as the nails, &c.) E. शात, and शिखा crest.
  • शातोदरी :: f. (-री) A woman with a small belly or waist. E. शात, and उदर the belly, ङीप् aff.
  • शात्रव :: m. (-वः) An enemy. n. (-वं) 1. Enmity, hostility. 2. A multitude of enemies. f. (-वी) Hostile. E. शत्रु an enemy, and अण् pleonasm, or aff. of quality or number.
  • शात्रवीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Hostile, inimical, belonging or relating to an enemy. E. शात्रव, and छ aff.
  • शाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Mud. 2. Young grass. E. शद्-घञ् aff.
  • शादहरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Green or fresh with young grass. E. शाद young grass, हरित green.
  • शाद्वल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Abounding in fresh or green grass. E. शाद young grass, ड्वलच् aff.
  • शान् :: r. 1st cl. intensitive form (शीशांसति-ते) To whet, to sharpen.
  • शान :: m. (-नः) 1. A touchstone. 2. A grindstone. f. (-नी) A sort of cucumber. E. शो to make small or sharpen, aff. ल्युट्; also शाण ।
  • शानपाद :: m. (-दः) A stone for grinding sandal.
  • शान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Calm, tranquil, pacified. 2. Allayed, alleviated. 3. Meek, humble. 4. Purified, cleansed, freed from, (as soil.) 5. Stilled, hushed, (as wind, &c.) m. (-न्तः) 1. An ascetic, one whose passions are subdued and who is engrossed by meditating on the deity. 2. One of the Rasas or conditions of feeling, delineated in poetry or the drama, tranquillity or tranquil devotion, quietism, the assiduous exercise of meditation, &c. and indifference to all objects of pleasure or pain. n. (-न्तं) Appeasing, pacifying. Ind. (शान्तम्) A prohibitive particle or interjection, implying negation, aversion, disgust, (fie! for shame! Heaven forbid!) E. शम् to be appeased, aff. क्त ।
  • शान्तचेतस् :: mfn. (-ताः -ताः -तः) Composed, calm, unanxious. E. शान्त, and चेतस् mind.
  • शान्तता :: f. (-ता) Quietness, calmness, meekness. E. शान्त, तल् aff.; also with त्व, शान्तत्वं ।
  • शान्तनव :: m. (-वः) BHĪSHMA, the reputed great uncle of the Pāndavas. E. शान्तनु a prince, and अण् aff. of descent.
  • शान्तनु :: m. (-नुः) The 21st sovereign of the lunar dynasty in the third age, the father of BHĪSHMA by Gangā, or the Ganges personified. E. शं good fortune, (personified,) तनु the body, and the first vowel made long by special rule.
  • शान्तमल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Exempt from soil, literally or figuratively. E. शान्त cleansed, and मल dirt.
  • शान्तरय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Slackened in speed. E. शान्त, रय rapidity.
  • शान्तरस :: m. (-सः) The sentiment of quietism.
  • शान्तविवाद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Reconciled, appeased. E. शान्त, and विवाद dispute.
  • शान्तात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Calm, composed, of resigned or composed spirit. E. शान्त, and आत्मन् self.
  • शान्तार्च्चिस् :: mfn. (-र्च्चिः -र्च्चिः -र्च्चि) Extinguished, put or gone out. E. शान्त, अर्च्चिस् flame.
  • शान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) 1. Quiet, tranquillity, stoicism, the absence of passion, and indifference to objects of pleasure or pain; it is especially applied to the tranquillity of devotion, or quietism, by which the mind is wholly fixed on the subject of its meditation or worship, and is utterly disregardless of external impressions. 2. Good- fortune, auspiciousness, felicity. 3. Rest, repose. 4. Expiatory or propitiatory rites to avert any evil. 5. Preliminary ceremonies to avert inauspicious accidents at any religious celebration. 6. Remission, alleviation. m. (-न्तिः) 1. The sixteenth Jina or Jaina deified sage of the present, era. 2. One of the Jaina emperors of the universe. E. शम् to be appeased, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • शान्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Propitiatory, expiatory. 2. Producing ease

or quiet, &c. 3. Relating to quiet, &c. n. (-कं) Ceremonies for the removal of calamities. E. शान्ति, and ठक् aff.

  • शान्तिकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Tranquillising, calming, appeasing, &c. E. शान्ति and कर who or what makes.
  • शान्तिकर्त्तृ :: mfn. (-र्त्ता -र्त्त्री -र्त्तृ) Conferring tranquillity, calming, appeasing. m. (-र्त्ता) Any divinity who averts evil. E. शान्ति, कर्त्तृ who makes.
  • शान्तिकाम :: m. (-मः) Desire of tranquillity and exemption from calamity. E. शान्ति peace, and काम desire.
  • शान्तिगृह :: n. (-ह) A private apartment near the place of sacrifice. E. शान्ति devotion, गृह a house.
  • शान्तिद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Tranquillising, calming, allaying. E. शान्ति, द who or what gives.
  • शान्तिहोम :: m. (-मः) Burnt offerings, to prevent threatening or possible evils. E. शान्ति, and हाम burnt offering.
  • शान्त्युद :: n. (-दं) Water offered at sacrifices for propitiation. E. शान्ति, and उद water; also शान्त्युदकं ।
  • शान्त्युदकुम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) A vessel holding lustral water. E. शान्त्युद, and कुम्भ a jar.
  • शान्त्व :: r. 10th cl. (शान्त्वयति) To console, to comfort.
  • शान्त्व :: n. (-न्त्वं) 1. Conciliation. 2. Comforting, consoling. E. शम् to appease or allay, (opposition,) deriv. irr.; or शान्त्व to console, aff. अच्; also सान्त्व ।
  • शान्त्वति :: f. (-तिः) A plant, (Siphonanthus indica.)
  • शाप :: m. (-पः) 1. Oath, affirmation by oath or ordeal. 2. Curse, impreca- tion. 3. Abuse. E. शप् to swear, aff. घञ् ।
  • शापग्रस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Having incurred or suffering under a curse. E. शाप, ग्रस्त seized.
  • शापज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Arising from a curse, being the effect of one. E. शाप, ज born.
  • शापठिक :: m. (-कः) A peacock.
  • शापमुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Freed from a curse. E. शाप, and मुक्त released.
  • शापान्त :: n. (-न्तं) The end of a curse or period of an imprecation. E. शाप, and अन्त end.
  • शापास्त्र :: m. (-स्त्रः) A Muni, a saint. E. शाप a curse, and अस्त्र a weapon; a curse denounced by such a personage, being formidable even to the deities.
  • शापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sworn, made to take an oath. E. शप् to swear, causal v., क्त aff.
  • शापोद्धार :: m. (-रः) Deliverance from a curse or its effects. E. शाप, and उद्धार extricating.
  • शाफरिक :: m. (-कः) A fisherman. E. शफर a kind of fish, put for any, and ठक् aff.
  • शाब्द :: mfn. (-ब्दः -ब्दी -ब्दं) 1. Sonorous, sounding. 2. Nominal, (as inflec- tion.) f. (-ब्दी) 1. SARASWATĪ, goddess of speech and eloquence. 2. Relating to or derived from a word. 3. Relating to sound, (as opposed to आर्थ .) E. शब्द sound or a word, and अण् attributive aff.
  • शाब्दिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating to sounds or words. m. (-कः) A profi- cient in the senses and forms of nouns or words. E. शब्द a sound, and ठक् aff.
  • शामन् :: n. (-मं) Conciliation, appeasing, reconciling. E. शम् to appease, aff. मनिन्, and the vowel made long; also शामन ।
  • शामन :: n. (-नं) 1. Killing, slaughter. 2. Tranquillity, peace. m. (-नः) An epithet of YAMA. E. शम् to be pacified, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • शामित्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. Sacrificing. 2. Tying up cattle for sacrifice. 3. A sacrificial vessel. E. शम् to appease, इत्रच् aff.
  • शामीन :: n. (-नं) Ashes f. (-नी) A Sacrificial spoon. E. शम् ईनञ् aff.
  • शाम्बरी :: f. (-री) 1. A female-juggler. 2. Jugglery, sorcery. E. शम्बर a demon, अण् added, and ङीष् fem. aff.
  • शाम्बविक :: m. (-कः) A worker in shells. E. शम्बु a shell, ठक् aff.
  • शाम्बुक :: m. (-कः) A bivalve-shell. E. अण् pleonasm added to शम्बु; also read शाम्बूक, &c.
  • शाम्भव :: m. (-वः) 1. A sort of poison. 2. A worshipper of ŚIVA. 3. The son of ŚAMBHU or ŚIVA. 4. Camphor. n. (-वं) The Devadāru tree. f. (-वी) PĀRVATI. E. शम्भु a name of ŚIVA, अण् aff.
  • शायक :: m. (-कः) 1. An arrow. 2. A sword. E. शी to destroy, ण्वुल् aff.; also सायक ।
  • शायिका :: f. (-का) Sleeping. E. शी to sleep, ण्वुल् aff.
  • शायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Lying down. E. शी to sleep, णिनि aff.
  • शार :: r. 10th cl. (शारयति-ते) 1. To be weak. 2. To weaken.
  • शार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Variegated, (in colour.) 2. Yellow. m. (-रः) 1. Air, wind. 2. A piece or man at chess, backgammon, &c. 3. Hur- ting, injuring. 4. A mixture of blue and yellow, a green. 5. Spotting, variegating. f. (-री) Kuśa grass. E. शॄ to injure, घञ् aff.
  • शारङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Of a variegated colour. m. (-ङ्गः) 1. The Chātaka, (Cuculus melanoleucos.) 2. A deer. 3. An elephant. 4. A bee. 5. A peacock. f. (-ङ्गी) A musical instrument, a stringed instrument played with a bow, a sort of fiddle. E. शार injured or variegated, गम् to go or get, aff. खच्; more usually, सारङ्ग ।
  • शारता :: f. (-ता) 1. Variegated of colour. 2. Yellowness. E. तल added to शार ।
  • शारद :: mfn. (-दः -दी -दं) 1. Modest, diffident. 2. New. 3. Produced in the sultry season. 4. Autumnal. m. (-दः) 1. A year. 2. Grain or rice ripening in the sultry season. 3. A sort of kidney-bean, yellow Mūng. 4. Autumnal sickness. 5. Sunshine, (in autumn.) f. (-दा) 1. A name of SARASWATĪ. 2. A title of DurGĀ. 3. A musical instrument, a sort of lute or guitar. f. (-दी) 1. A plant, (Jussieua, repens.) 2. A tree, (Echites scholaris.) 3. Day of full-moon in the month of Kārtika, (October-November.) n. (-दं) 1. The white lotus. 2. Corn, grain. E. शरद् the autumn, अण् aff.
  • शारदिक :: n. (-कं) A particular obsequial ceremony, an annual or autumnal Śrāddha. m. (-कः) 1. Autumnal sickness. 2. Heat or sunshine in autumn. E. शारद autumn, and ठञ् aff.
  • शारदिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Autumnal. E. शारद, and इनि aff.
  • शारदीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Autumnal. E. शारद, and छण् added.
  • शारि :: m. (-रिः) 1. A piece or man at chess, draughts Chauper, &c. 2. An elephant's housings or armour. 3. Fraud, trick. mf. (-रिः-री) A bird: see the next. E. शॄ to injure, Unādi aff. इञ् or ङीप् ।
  • शारिका :: f. (-का) 1. A bird, the proper or hill Mainā, (Gracula religiosa;) it is also applied to the small bird usually called Mainā in Bengal, (Turdus salica, BUCH.) of which several varieties are distinguished by the Hindus. 2. A bow or stick that may be used for playing the Vīṇa or any stringed instrument. 3. A man at chess. E. शॄ to injure, aff. वुन् ।
  • शारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Variegated, coloured. E. शार, and इतच् aff.
  • शारिफल :: n. (-लं) A chequered cloth or table for playing draughts, &c. E. शारि a piece, फल fruit; also with कन् added शारिफलक mn. (-कः-कं) ।
  • शारिवा :: f. (-वा) A plant: as synonimous with Śhyāmā, (Echites frutes- cens,) but more usually considered synonimous with Ananta-mūla (Asclepias pseudosarsa,) the broad-leaved variety, the root of which has been used as a substitute for Sarsaparilla, &c. E. शारि injuring, from शॄ with इञ् aff., and वन् added.
  • शारिशृङ्खला :: f. (-ला) A sort of die or dice, used for playing with. E. शारि a man or piece, and शृङ्खला a chain.
  • शारीर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Corporeal, bodily, belonging to or produced from the body. 2. Spiritual in connection with the body, incorpo- rate. 3. A bull. n. (-रं) 1. The soul or spirit whilst incorporate. 2. A drug. 3. Excrement, excretion. m. (-रः) Personal chastisement, corporeal punishment. E. शरीर the body, and अण् aff.
  • शारीरक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Corporeal, relating to what is corporeal. 2. Incorporate. E. कन् added to the last.
  • शारीरिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating to the body, corporeal. 2. Contained in the body, incorporate. E. शरीर, ठक् aff.
  • शारुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Mischievous, noxious, injurious. E. शॄ to hurt, उकञ् aff.
  • शार्क :: m. (-र्कः) Clayed or candied sugar. E. शॄ to injure, aff. क .
  • शार्कक :: m. (-कः) 1. The broth of milk, syllabub, cream. 2. A ball of meat, &c. 3. Clayed or candied sugar. E. कन् added to the last.
  • शार्कर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Stony, gravelly. 2. Sugary. m. (-रः) 1. The

froth or skim of milk. 2. Cream. 3. A gravelly place. E. शर्करा sugar, gravel, &c., aff. अण् .

  • शार्करक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Gravelly, stony, &c. E. शार्कर the same, and कक् added; also from शर्कर with ठक् aff. शार्करिक .
  • शार्करीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Stony, gravelly, &c. E. शर्करा gravel, &c., and छ attributive aff.
  • शार्ङ्ग :: mfn. (-र्ङ्गः -र्ङ्गी -र्ङ्गं) 1. Horny, made of horn, &c. 2. Holding a bow. n. (-र्ङ्गं) 1. A bow in general. 2. The bow of VISHṆU. E. शृङ्ग a horn, अण् aff.
  • शार्ङ्गिन् :: m. (-र्ङ्गी) 1. A bowyer, an archer. 2. VISHṆU. E. शार्ङ्ग a bow, इनि poss. aff.
  • शार्दूल :: m. (-लः) 1. A tiger. 2. Another animal. 3. A Rākshasa. 4. A sort of bird. 5. (In composition,) Pre-eminent, excellent. 6. A form of metre, a variety of the class Dhritī, or stanza of four lines of 18 syllables each; also of the class Atidhritī, in which there are 19 syllables in the line. E. शॄ to injure, दूलच् aff.
  • शार्दूलललित :: m. (-तः) A species of the Dhritī metre, of 4 lines of 18 syllables each.
  • शार्दूलवाहन :: m. (-नः) A Jaina teacher. E. शार्दूल a tiger, and वाहन a vehicle.
  • शार्दूलविक्रीडित :: m. (-तः) A form of metre, a variety of the class Atidhritī, or stanza of 4 lines of 19 syllables each.
  • शार्वर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Murderous, mischievous. 2. Nocturnal. n. (-रं) Darkness, gloom. f. (-री) Night. E. शर्वरी night, अण् aff.
  • शाल्(ऋ)शाऌ :: r. 1st cl. (शालते) 1. To flatter, to praise. 2. To boast. 3. To tell. 4. To be endowed with.
  • शाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A kind of fish, (Ophiocephalus wrahl, HAM.) 2. The celebrated sovereign SĀLIVĀHANA. 3. The name of a river. 4. The name of a tree. 5. A tree in general. 6. An enclosure, a fence. f. (-ला) 1. A house. 2. A hall. 3. A large branch of a tree. E. शल् to go, घञ् aff.; or शाल् to praise, aff. अच्; in several of the meanings it is also written साल ।
  • शालग्राम :: m. (-मः) A particular sacred stone typical of VISHṆU.
  • शालङ्कायन :: m. (-नः) 1. The name of a saint. 2. ŚIVA'S attendant NANDĪ.
  • शालङ्कायनजीवसू :: f. (-सूः) The mother of VYĀSA.
  • शा(सा)लज :: m. (-जः) 1. A kind of fish, the Śāl or Sol, (Ophiocephalus wrahl HAM.) 2. Exudation of the Śāla-tree. “धुना ।”
  • शालनिर्य्यास :: m. (-सः) Resin, the resinous exudation of the Śāl or Sho- rea robusta. E. शाल the Śāl tree, and निर्य्यास exudation.
  • शालपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A shrub, (Hedysarum gangeticum.) E. शाल the Śāl, and पर्ण a leaf, aff. ङीष्, having similar leaves; also सालपर्णी ।
  • शालभञ्जिका :: f. (-का) 1. A doll, a puppet. 2. A whore, a harlot. E. कन् added to the following.
  • शालभञ्जी :: f. (-ञ्जी) A doll, a puppet. E. शाल Śāl wood, भञ्ज् to rub, (to plane, &c., in order to make dolls,) affs. अच् and ङीष्; also with कन् added शालभञ्जिका ।
  • शालव :: m. (-वः) The Lodh tree.
  • शालवेष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) Resin, the resin of the Śāl tree, used as incense, &c. E. शाल the Śāl tree, and वेष्ट exudation.
  • शालसार :: m. (-रः) 1. A tree. 2. Asafœtida; also सालसार ।
  • शालाकिन् :: m. (-की) 1. A surgeon. 2. A barber. 3. A spearman, &c. E. शलाका a probe, a dart, &c., अण् aff. of reference, and इनि poss. aff. added.
  • शालाङ्की :: m. (-ङ्की) A doll, a puppet. E. शाला a hall, अकि to go, affs. अच् and ङीष् ।
  • शालाजिर :: mn. (-रः-रं) A hollow earthen cup or saucer. E. शाला a house, जॄ to become old, अच् aff.
  • शालाञ्चि :: f. (-ञ्चिः) A creeping plant, the leaves of which are used as a vegetable, (Achyranthes triandra.) E. शाला a house, अञ्च् to go, aff. इन् ।
  • शालानी :: f. (-नी) A shrub, (Hedysarum gangeticum.) E. शाल the ŚĀL tree, आङ् before नी to get, (to resemble in the leaf,) aff. क्विप् ।
  • शालामृग :: m. (-गः) A jackal. E. शाला a house, and मृग a deer.
  • शालार :: n. (-रं) 1. A ladder, a flight of stairs or steps. 2. A bird-cage. 3. The claw of an elephant. E. शाला a house, ऋ to go, aff. अच् ।
  • शालावृक :: m. (-कः) 1. A monkey. 2. A dog. 3. A jackal. 4. A deer. 5. A cat. 6. A wolf. E. शाला a house, वृक a wolf.
  • शालि :: n. (-लि) 1. Rice in general, but especially in two classes; one like white rice growing in deep water, and the other a red sort, requiring only a moist soil; there are a great many varieties of this grain. 3. The civet or pole cat. E. शाड् to float or swim, aff. इन्, and ड changed to ल ।
  • शालिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating or belonging to a hall, to the ŚĀL tree, &c. m. (-कः) 1. A weaver. 2. A village of artificers. 3. A toll, a tax. f. (-का) A shrub, (Hedysarum gangeticum.) E. शाल the ŚĀL tree, कन् fem. form, aff. of comparison; or शाला a hall, ठक् aff.
  • शालिञ्च :: m. (-ञ्चः) A creeper, the leaf of which is used as a vegetable, (Achyranthes triandra, Rox.)
  • शालिता :: f. (-ता) 1. Possessing, having. 2. Confidence in, relying upon. E. शालिन् and तल् aff.; with त्व, शालित्वं ।
  • शालिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) 1. Belonging to a house, domestic, &c. 2. A mistress of the house. 3. Name of a metre. 4. Possessing, having. 5. Shining or resplendent with, (in the latter two senses when at the end of a compound.) E. शाल a house, and इनि aff.; in the fourth form it is the same as शील; the इ being chang- ed to आ when used in composition.
  • शालिनीकरण :: n. (-णं) Abuse, reproach.
  • शालिपिष्ट :: n. (-ष्टं) Crystal. E. शालि rice, and पिष्ट ground.
  • शालिवाहन :: m. (-नः) A sovereign of India, whose capital was Pratish- thāna in the Dakshin, and institutor of the era now called Śaka, beginning 76 or 78 years after CHRIST. E. शालि from शाल the ŚĀL tree, or a proper name, that of a Yaksha transformed to a lion, on which the prince rode when an infant, and वाहन vehicle.
  • शालिहोत्र :: m. (-त्रः) 1. A horse. 2. Name of a writer on veterinary science. E. शालि rice, corn, and होत्र an oblation; also with इनि added शालिहोत्रिन् m. (-त्री) ।
  • शालीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Ashamed, bashful. 2. Like, resembling. m. (-नः) An opulent house-holder, one who devotes his attention to worldly affairs. E. शाला a house, ख aff, (fit or worthy to enter it.)
  • शालीनत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Modesty. E. त्व added to the last; also with तल्, शालीनता ।
  • शालीनत्वविवर्ज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Immodest. E. शालीनत्व, विवर्ज्जित devoid of.
  • शालु :: m. (-लुः) 1. An astringent substance. 2. A sort of perfume, com- monly called Chor. 3. A frog. n. (-लु) The root of the water-lily. E. शॄ to hurt, उ aff., and र changed to ल; or शाल्-उण् ।
  • शालुक :: n. (-कं) 1. Nutmeg. 2. The root of a lotus: see the next.
  • शालूक :: n. (-कं) The esculent root of the different kinds of Nymphæa or water-lily. E. शल् to go, to shake, Unādi aff. ऊकञ्; also with a short vowel शालुक ।
  • शालूर :: m. (-रः) A frog. E. शल् to go, ऊरच् aff. and the radical vowel made long; also शालुर ।
  • शालेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Fit for rice, (a field, &c.) m. (-यः) A sort of fennel, (Anethum sowa.) E. शालि rice, and ढक् aff.
  • शालोत्तरीय :: m. (-यः) A name of PĀṆINI, the inspired grammarian. E. शाला a house, the house of his preceptor, उत्तरीय latter, last; having been expelled for stupidity, and acquiring his subse- quent science by his worship of ŚIVA; according to others, he is supposed to be a native of SĀLOTTARA. The word is sometimes spelt शालातुरीय ।
  • शाल्मल :: m. (-लः) 1. The silk-cotton tree. 2. One of the Dwipas or divi- sions of the continent. 3. The gum of the silk-cotton tree. E. See the next.
  • शाल्मलि :: mf. (-लिः-ली) 1. The silk-cotton tree, (Bombax heptaphyllum.) 2. One of the seven Dwipas, or islands or great divisions of the

known continent; denominated from the tree first mentioned, said to grow there: it is surrounded by the sea of Ghee or clarified butter. E. शल् to go, causal form, क्विप् aff., शाल् exuding, emitting, मल् to hold, aff. इन् and ङीष् optionally added; also with अच् aff. शाल्मल, and with the first vowel short, शल्मलि, &c.

  • शाल्मलिन् :: m. (-ली) GARUḌA, the bird and vehicle of VISHṆU. f. (-लिनी) The silk-cotton tree.
  • शाल्मलीवेष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) The gum of the silk-cotton tree. E. शाल्मली the tree. and वेष्ट exudation; also with कन् added शाल्मलीवेष्टक ।
  • शाल्व :: m. Plu. (-ल्वाः) The inhabitants of one of the central divisions of India. E. शाल्-व ।
  • शाव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) 1. Tawny, (of that colour.) 2. Relating to the purification of defilement from the contact or consanguinity of a corpse, &c. 3. Relating to a dead body. m. (-वः) 1. Tawny, (the colour.) 2. The young of any animal: see the next. E. शव a dead body, and अण् aff.; or शव् to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • शावक :: m. (-कः) The young of any animal. E. शाव, and कन् added.
  • शावर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Low, vile. m. (-रः) 1. Fault, offence. 2. Sin, wicked- ness. 3. The Lodh-tree, (Symplocos racemosus.) f. (-री) 1. Cowach, (Carpopogon pruriens.) 2. A sort of Prākrit, that spoken by barbarians. E. शवर a man of low or degraded caste, and अण् aff.
  • शावरभेदाख्य :: n. (-ख्यं) Copper. E. शावर relating to a low race, भेद class, and आख्य appellation.
  • शावाशौच :: n. (-चं) Impurity from the demise of a relation. E. शाव, and अशौच impurity.
  • शाश्वत :: mfn. (-तः -ती -तं) Eternal, perpetual. m. (-तः) 1. A name of VYĀSA 2. ŚIVA. 3. The sun. n. (-तं) Heaven, ether. f. (-ती) The earth. E. शश्वत् perpetually, अण् aff.
  • शाश्वतिक :: f. (-की) Eternal, permanent.
  • शाष्कुल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) Eating flesh or fish. E. शुष्कुली flesh, अण् aff., form irr.: see शौष्कुल ।
  • शाष्कुलिक :: n. (-क) A multitude of pies. E. शष्कुली a sort of pie, ठक् aff.
  • शास्(उ)शासु :: r. 2nd cl. (शास्ति) 1. To instruct, to inform. 2. To order, to direct, to enact. 3. To rule, to govern. 4. To correct, to punish. 5. To advise. (शास्ते) 1. To wish or desire: with आङ् prefixed, r. 1st cl. (आशासते) r. 2nd cl. (आशास्ते) To wish well to, to bless.
  • शासन :: n. (-नं) 1. An order, an edict, a command. 2. A royal grant of land or of privileges, a charter, &c. usually inscribed on stone or copper. 3. A writing, a deed, a written contract or agreement. 4. A Shāstra or scripture. 5. Devotion, or devotional tranquillity, the government of the passions. 6. Governing, ruling, government. E. शास् to order, to direct, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • शासनपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A plate of copper, a stone or sheet of paper, &c., on which an edict or grant is inscribed. E. शासन, and पत्र a leaf.
  • शासनहर :: m. (-रः) A royal messenger, one bearing an edict or grant. E. शासन an edict, and हर who takes.
  • शासनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be governed or directed. E. शास् to rule, अनीयर् aff; also शासितव्य and शास्य ।
  • शासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Governed, ruled. E. शास् to rule, aff. क्त ।
  • शासितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Ordering, commanding, a governor or com- mander. E. शास् to order, तृच् aff. with इट् augment.
  • शास्ति :: f. (-स्तिः) 1. A command, an order. 2. Governing, ruling, order- ing. 3. A sceptre. 4. Correctre, punishment. E. शास् to govern, aff. क्तिन् or ति Uṇādi aff.
  • शास्तृ :: mfn. (-स्ता -स्त्री -स्तृ) 1. A ruler, one who rules or governs. 2. A teacher, teaching, instructing. m. (-स्ता) A Buddha or Jina, or the deified teacher of one or both those sects. E. शास् to govern, &c. aff. तृच्, and the augment omitted.
  • शास्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) 1. An order or command. 2. Scripture, science, insti- tutes of religion, law or letters, especially considered as of divine origin or authority: when used singly, it implies works of literature or science in general, and it is therefore customarily connected with

some other word to limit its application, as the Vedānta Śhās- tras, or treatises of philosophical theology; the Dharma-Śhāstras, books of law, &c.; it is also applied to less important branches of knowledge, as the Kāvya-Śhāstras, or poetical works; Shilpa- Śhāstras, works on the mechanical arts; and Kāma-Śhāstras, or erotic compositions; in the singular number it is also used com- prehensively to signify the body of all that has been written on the subject, as Dharma-Śhāstras, the institutes or code of law; Kāvya-Śhāstra, poetry; Alankāra-Śhāstra, rhetoric, &c. 3. A book in general. E. शास् to govern or teach, aff. ष्ट्रन् ।

  • शास्त्रकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) 1. A Rishi, a holy personage of divine character. 2. An author in general. E. शास्त्र a Śhāstra or scripture, &c., and कृत् the author; the principal compositions in Hindu religion, law, and literature, being attributed to sanctified and superhuman personages.
  • शास्त्रगण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A general and superficial scholar.
  • शास्त्रचक्षुस् :: n. (-क्षुः) Grammar. E. शास्त्र science, and चक्षुस् the eye.
  • शास्त्रज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Acquainted with the Śhāstras, skilled in the knowledge of law and religion especially. E. शास्त्र a sacred work and ज्ञ who knows.
  • शास्त्रज्ञता :: f. (-ता) Knowledge of the Śhāstras. E. शास्त्रज्ञ and तल् aff.; also त्व with शास्त्रज्ञत्वं ।
  • शास्त्रज्ञान :: n. (-नं) Knowledge derived from the study of sacred works. E. शास्त्र, and ज्ञान knowledge.
  • शास्त्रतत्त्व :: n. (-त्त्वं) The truth or true knowledge taught in sacred works. E. शास्त्र and तत्त्व truth.
  • शास्त्रतत्त्वज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Understanding the works of sacred science. m. (-ज्ञः) An astrologer, an astronomer. E. शास्त्र sacred or astrono- mical science, तत्त्व the truth, and ज्ञ who knows.
  • शास्त्रतस् :: Ind. After or according to the Śhāstras. E. शास्त्र, and तसि aff.
  • शास्त्रदाशन् :: mfn. (-र्शा -र्शिनी -र्शि) Skilled in sacred science. E. शास्त्र Śhās- tra, and दशिन् who inspects.
  • शास्त्रनिन्दा :: f. (-न्दा) Reviling or denying the authority of sacred works. E. शास्त्र, and निन्दा reviling.
  • शास्त्रप्रसङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. The subject of the Śhāstra. 2. Discussing works of sacred literature. E. शास्त्र, प्रसङ्ग attaching to.
  • शास्त्रवत् :: Ind. Conformably or according to written authority. E. शास्त्र, वति aff.
  • शास्त्रवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Having or following sacred institutes, &c. E. शास्त्र, and मतुप् aff.
  • शास्त्रविद् :: mfn. (-विद्) Understanding or conversant with the scrip- tures, skilled in sacred science. E. शास्त्र a Śhāstra, विद् who knows.
  • शास्त्रविधान :: n. (-नं) Sacred ritual, ceremonial precept. E. शास्त्र, and विधान direction; also शास्त्रविधि ।
  • शास्त्रविप्रतिषिद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Contrary to law or religion, illegal, forbidden. E. शास्त्र a Śhāstra, and विप्रतिषिद्ध prohibited.
  • शास्त्रविप्रतिषेध :: n. (-धं) Any act contrary to the legal and religious institutes of the Hindus. E. शास्त्र an institute, and वि and प्रति contra-indicative prefixes before षिद्ध् to accomplish, aff. घञ् ।
  • शास्त्रविरुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Contrary to law or religion. E. शास्त्र and विरुद्ध opposed to.
  • शास्त्रविरोध :: m. (-धः) 1. Opposition or deviation from sacred authority. 2. Contradiction or incompatibility of different systems. E. शास्त्र, and विरोध contrariety.
  • शास्त्रशिल्पिन् :: plu. m. (-नः) The people of Kāshmir. E. शास्त्र a treatise, and शिल्पिन् an artificer.
  • शास्त्रसिद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Established or proved by sacred institutes or divine works. E. शास्त्र, and सिद्ध established.
  • शास्त्राचरण :: m. (-णः) 1. Versed in the scriptures, well read in the works of sacred science, a Paṇḍit. 2. A follower of the Vedas, one whose conduct is regulated by their precepts. E. शास्त्र a sacred treatise, and आचरण who goes through or studies.
  • शास्त्रातिक्रम :: m. (-मः) Behaving ill or immorally, transgressing, acting contrary to the Śhāstras. E. शास्त्र and अतिक्रम surpassing.
  • शास्त्रानुष्ठान :: n. (-नं) Following the Śhāstras, conforming to the law or ritual, &c. E. शास्त्र, and अनुष्ठान conforming.
  • शास्त्रानुष्ठित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Who or what obeys or follows sacred institutes, &c. 2. Established or authorised by the Śhāstras. E. शास्त्र, and अनुष्ठित following.
  • शास्त्रानुसार :: m. (-रः) Conformity to sacred ordinances. E. शास्त्र, अनुसार following.
  • शास्त्राभिज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Learned, versed in the Śhāstras. E. शास्त्र, and अभिज्ञ who knows.
  • शास्त्रिन् :: m. (-स्त्री) A Paṇḍit, a teacher of holy science, or one skilled in it. E. शास्त्र as above, and इनि aff.
  • शास्त्रीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Scriptural, authorised by or conformable to sacred institutes. E. शास्त्र, and छ aff.
  • शास्त्रोक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Said or declared in a work of sacred authority. E. शास्त्र, and उक्त said.
  • शास्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) 1. To be regulated or ordained, to be enforced, to be provided for by any act of government or judicature. 2. To be advised. 3. Punishable, deserving punishment. E. शास् to govern, aff. ण्यत् ।
  • शि(ञ)शिञ् :: r. 5th cl. (शिनोति शिनुते) 1. To make thin or small. 2. To whet, to sharpen. 3. To excite. 4. To be attentive.
  • शि :: m. (-शिः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. Auspiciousness, good fortune. 3. Peace, com- posure, calm. E. शि to whet, or शो to destroy, aff. कि ।
  • शिंशपा :: f. (-पा) 1. A tree, (Dalbergia Sisu.) 2. The Asoka tree. E. शीघ्र quick, or शीर्ष the head or top; पा to cherish, or पत् to fall, &c., aff. क or ड, deriv. irr.
  • शिक्कु :: mfn. (-क्कुः -क्कुः -क्कु) Idle, lazy, following no business or profession.
  • शिक्थ :: n. (-क्थं) Bee's wax; also शिक्थकं and सिक्थकं ।
  • शिक्य :: nf. (-क्यं-क्या) 1. The string or loop suspended from either end of a pole or yoke to receive the burthen. 2. The burthen so carried. 3. The strings of a balance. E. श्रंस् to fall, Unādi aff. यत्; शि substi- tuted for the root, and कुट् augment.
  • शिक्याधार :: m. (-रः) The hook or eye at each end of a pole or beam, to which the strings of a yoke or balance are fastened. E. शिक्या as above, and आधार receptacle.
  • शिक्यित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Suspended or carried in a sort of loop. E. शिक्य a loop, and इतच् aff.
  • शिक्ष् :: r. 1st cl. (शिक्षते) To learn, to acquire science.
  • शिक्षक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) A learner, a teacher. E. शिक्ष् to learn, ण्वुल् aff.
  • शिक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Learning. 2. Teaching, instruction.
  • शिक्षणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be taught or learnt. E. शिक्ष् to learn, अनीयर् aff.
  • शिक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) 1. One of the six Vedāngas or sciences attached to the Vedas: the proper pronunciation of the vocal sounds which occur in them, as explained by PĀṆINI. 2. A plant, (Bignonia Indica.) 3. Learning, study, the acquisition of knowledge. 4. Modesty, humility. E. शिक्ष् to learn, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • शिक्षाकर :: m. (-रः) 1. VYĀSA. 2. An instructor. E. शिक्षा the science of pronunciation, and कर making.
  • शिक्षानर :: m. (-रः) An epithet of INDRA.
  • शिक्षाशक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Dexterity, skill. E. शिक्षा discipline, and शक्ति power.
  • शिक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Skilful, clever, conversant. 2. Modest, diffident. 3. Disciplined, exercised. 4. Tame, trained, (as an animal.) 5. Docile. 6. Studied, learned. E. शिक्षा studying, इतच् aff.; or शिक्ष् to study, aff. क्त ।
  • शिक्षितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be taught or learnt. E. शिक्ष् to learn, and तव्य aff.
  • शिक्षिताक्षर :: m. (-रः) A pupil, a scholar. E. शिक्षित study, (by whom,) and अक्षर a letter.
  • शिक्ष्य :: mfn. (-क्ष्यः -क्ष्या -क्ष्यं) 1. To be taught, teachable. E. शिक्ष् to learn, यत् aff.
  • शिक्ष्यमाण :: m. (-णः) A pupil.
  • शिख्(इ) :: r. 1st cl. (शिङ्खति) To go, to move or approach.
  • शिखण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. The tail of a peacock. 2. Locks of hair left on the

crown or the sides of the head, at the period of tonsure in chil- dren: see the next. E. शिखिन् a peacock or any crested object, अम् to be or belong to, ड aff. and the form irr.

  • शिखण्डक :: m. (-कः) 1. Locks of hair left at the time of tonsure; three or five locks left in children in general, or especially those of the military class, in which latter case, the hair is left in a semicir- cular patch on each side of the head, covering rather more than the temporal bones, and following much the same outline: see काकपक्ष . 2. The crest or lock of hair left on the crown of the head. 3. A peacock's tail. E. शिखा a crest, अण्ड an egg, and कन् pleonasm, or aff. of comparison; also शिखाण्डक and शिखण्ड ।
  • शिखण्डिक :: m. (-कः) A cock. f. (-का) A lock of hair on the crown of the head. E. शिखण्ड a crest, &c. aff. ठक् or कन् in the fem. form.
  • शिखण्डिन् :: m. (-ण्डी) 1. A peacock. 2. A peacock's tail. 3. A cock. 4. An arrow. 5. A Rishi, either of the seven represented by the stars of the greater bear: see चित्रशिखण्डिन् । 6. The son of DRUPADA, by metamor- phosis: see below. f. (-नी) 1. A kind of jasmine, (J. auriculatum.) 2. A shrub, (Abrus precatorius.) 3. The daughter of DRUPADA, after- wards changed to a male. 4. A peahen. E. शिखण्ड a crest, इनि poss. aff.
  • शिखर :: mn. (-रः-रं) 1. The peak or summit of a mountain. 2. The top of a tree. 3. Point, end, top in general. 4. Horripilation. 5. The armpit. 6. A piece of a ruby or a gem, described as of the colour of the ripe pomegranate seed or a bright red. 7. The bud of the Arabian jasmine. 8. The edge or point of a sword. f. (-रा) A plant, from the fibres of which bow-strings were made, (Sanse- viera zeylanica.) E. शिखा a crest, and रच् poss. aff., and the vowel made short.
  • शिखरवासिनी :: f. (-नी) DURGĀ. E. शिखर the peak, (of the Himālaya,) and वासिनी abiding.
  • शिखरिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Crested, peaked, pointed. m. (-री) 1. A mountain. 2. A tree. 3. A plant, (Achyranthes aspera.) 4. A strong- hold, a hill-fort. 5. The lapwing. f. (-रिणी) 1. A form of metre, a species of the class Atyashtī metre or verse of four lines of 17 syllables each. 2. A dish of curds and sugar with spices. 3. An excellent woman. 4. Arabian jasmine. 5. A line of hair extending across the navel. E. शिखर a point or peak, and इनि aff.
  • शिखलोहित :: m. (-तः) A plant, commonly Kukurmurā.
  • शिखा :: f. (-खा) 1. Point, top in general. 2. A crest. 3. A peacock's crest. 4. A lock of hair on the crown of the head. 5. Flame. 6. A radi- cating branch. 7. Any branch. 8. A plant, commonly Lāngaliyā. 9. Chief, principal. 10. Fever, proceeding from libidinous excite- ment or love. 11. A ray of light. 12. The end of a garment. 13. A fibrous root. 14. The forepart of the foot. E. शीङ् to sleep, Unādi aff. ख, and the vowel made short.
  • शिखाण्डक :: m. (-कः) Hair left on each side of the head: see शिखण्डक ।
  • शिखातरु :: m. (-रुः) A candle-stick or lamp-stand. E. शिखा flame, तरु a tree.
  • शिखाधर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Crested, pointed. 2. Having a top-knot. m. (-रः) 1. A peacock. 2. A jaina deified saint. E. शिखा a crest, and धर who has.
  • शिखाधरज :: n. (-जं) A peacock's feather.
  • शिखाधार :: m. (-रः) A peacock. E. शिखा a crest, and धार who has.
  • शिखामूल :: n. (-लं) A carrot, a turnip, or any root with a tuft of leaves growing from it. E. शिखा a crest, and मूल a root.
  • शिखालु :: m. (-लुः) A peacock's crest. E. शिखा, आलुच् aff.
  • शिखावत् :: m. (-वान्) 1. A name of AGNI or fire. 2. The personified descending node. 3. A lamp. f. (-वती) A plant, (Sansevier a zeylanica.) E. शिखा a crest, and मतुप् poss. aff.
  • शिखावर :: m. (-रः) The jack-fruit tree (Artocarpus integrifolia.)
  • शिखावल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Crested, pointed. m. (-लः) A peacock. f. (-ला) A flower, (Celosia cristata.) E. शिखा a crest, and वलच् aff.
  • शिखावृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The stand of a lamp. E. शिखा a flame, and वृक्ष a tree.
  • शिखावृद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Usurious interest payable daily. E. शिखा a tuft of hair, and वृद्धि interest; growing constantly.
  • शिखिकण्ठ :: n. (-ण्ठं) Blue vitriol.
  • शिखिग्रीव :: n. (-वं) Blue vitriol. E. शिखि for शिखिन् a peacock, ग्रीवा the neck, अच् added; being of the same colour.
  • शिखिध्वज :: m. (-जः) 1. Smoke. 2. The deity KĀRTIKEYA. E. शिखि a peacock or fire, and ध्वज an emblem.
  • शिखिन् :: mfn. (-खी -खिनी -खि) 1. Crested. 2. Having a lock of hair on the top of the head. 3. Proud. m. (-खी) 1. Fire. 2. A peacock. 3. A bull. 4. An arrow. 5. A tree. 6. A cock. 7. KETU, the personified descending node. 8. A horse. 9. A mountain. 10. A Brāhman. 11. A lamp. 12. A religious mendicant. E. शिखा a crest, &c., इनि aff.
  • शिखिपुच्छ :: n. (-च्छं) A peacock's tail. E. शिखि a peacock, and पुच्छ a tail.
  • शिखिमण्डल :: m. (-लः) A tree, (Tapia cratæva.) E. शिखि a peacock, and मण्डल district.
  • शिखियुप :: m. (-पः) An antelope.
  • शिखिवर्द्धक :: m. (-कः) A pumpkin-gourd. E. शिखि a peacock, and वर्द्धक increasing.
  • शिखिवाहन :: m. (-नः) KĀRTIKEYA. E. शिखि a peacock, and वाहन a vehi- cle, the deity being mounted on this bird.
  • शिखिशिखा :: f. (-खा) 1. Flame. 2. A peacock's crest. E. शिखिन्, and शिखा a crest, &c.
  • शिखिशेखर :: n. (-रं) A peacock's crest. E. शिखिन्, and शेखर a crest.
  • शिग्रु :: m. (-ग्रुः) 1. A tree, (Morunga guilandina and hyperanthera.) 2. A pot-herb in general. E. शि to sharpen, रुक् aff., and गुक् augment.
  • शिग्रुज :: n. (-जं) The seed of the Morunga. E. शिग्रु, ज produced.
  • शिग्रुमूल :: n. (-लं) The pungent root of the Morunga. E. शिग्रु, मूल the root.
  • शिग्रुवीज :: n. (-जं) The seed of the Morunga. E. शिग्रु, and वीज seed.
  • शिघ्(इ)शिघि :: r. 1st cl. (शिङ्घति) To smell.
  • शिङ्घाण :: n. (-णं) 1. Any glass-vessel. 2. The mucus of the nose. 3. Rust of iron. m. (-णः) 1. Phlegm. 2. Froth, foam. E. शिघि to smell, आणच् Unādi affix, and the final optionally rejected; also शिङ्घाणक and सिङ्घाणक ।
  • शिङ्घाणक :: m. (-कः) Phlegm. mn. (-कः-कं) The mucus of the nose. E. शिघि to smell, aff. आणच् ।
  • शिङ्घित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Smelled. E. शिघि to smell, aff. क्त्र ।
  • शिच् :: f. (-शिक्) The string of a pole for carrying burdens. E. श्रंस् to fall, deriv. irr.: see शिक्य ।
  • शिज्(इ)शिजि :: r. 2nd cl. (शिङ्क्ते) r. 10th cl. (शिञ्जयति ते) 1. To make an inarticulate sound. 2. To tinkle, to jingle.
  • शिञ्ज :: mf. (-ञ्जः-ञ्जा) The tinkling sound of silver and other metallic orna- ments worn round the waist, arm, or ankle, &c. f. (-ञ्जा) 1. A bow- string. 2. Jingle of ornaments. E. शिजि to make an inarticulate sound, affs. अङ् and टाप्: also शिञ्जिनी, &c.
  • शिञ्जञ्जिका :: f. (-का) A chain worn round the loins.
  • शिञ्जित :: n. (-तं) The tinkling of metallic ornaments worn as rings, chains, &c. E. शिञ्जा inarticulate sound, इतच् aff.
  • शिञ्जिन् :: mfn. (-ञ्जी -ञ्जिनी -ञ्जि) Tinkling, making a tinkling. f. (-ञ्जिनी) 1. A bow-string. 2. Metallic rings worn round the toes, an ornament of the feet. E. शिञ्जा a tinkling, and इनि aff.
  • शिट् :: r. 1st cl. (शेटति) To disregard, to treat with disrespect.
  • शित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Thin, emaciated, wasted, declined. 2. Weak, feeble. 3. Sharpened, whetted. E. शि to sharpen, or शो to pare or whet, aff. क्त ।
  • शितता :: f. (-ता) Sharpness. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, शितत्वं ।
  • शितद्रु :: f. (-द्रुः) The Śatadru or the river Sutlej. E. शित weakened, द्रु to flow, aff. कुः see शतद्रु ।
  • शितधार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Sharp-edged. E. शित, and धारा an edge.
  • शितशूक :: m. (-कः) 1. Barley. 2. Wheat. E. शित sharpened, शूक the beard.
  • शिताग्र :: mfn. (-ग्रः -ग्रा -ग्रं) Sharp-pointed. m. (-ग्रः) A thorn. E. शित, अग्रं point.
  • शितास्त्रभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) Armed with sharp weapons. E. शित, अस्त्र a weapon, भृत् who has.
  • शिति :: mfn. (-तिः -ती -ति) 1. Black. 2. White. m. (-तिः) The Bhurja-patra or birch tree. E. शि to sharpen, क्तिन् or क्तिच् aff.; or शत् to go, Unādi aff. इन्, and इ substituded for the radical vowel.
  • शितिकण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. A gallinule. 3. A peacock. E. शिति black, and कण्ठ the throat.
  • शितिचार :: m. (-रः) A potherb, (apparently Marsilea dentata, Rox.)
  • शितिच्छद :: m. (-दः) A goose. E. शिति white, छद a feather; also सितच्छद ।
  • शितिपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A goose. E. शिति white, पक्ष a wing; also सितपक्ष ।
  • शितिरत्न :: n. (-त्नं) A sapphire. E. शिति, and रत्न a gem.
  • शितिसारक :: m. (-कः) A sort of ebony, (Diospyros glutinosa.) E. शिति black, and सार essence, resin, कप् added; yielding a strong black resin that is used for calking boats, &c.
  • शितेषु :: m. (-षुः) A sharp arrow. E. शित, and इषु an arrow.
  • शिथिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Loose, lax, flaccid, flabby. 2. Languid, inert, feeble. 3. Ineffective, unenergetic. 4. Relaxed, slackened. 5. Not rigidly observed. 6. Loosely retained or possessed. 7. Abandoned, got rid of, shaken off. E. श्लथ् to be lax or loose, Unādi aff. किलच्; the form irr.
  • शिथिलता :: f. (-ता) Relaxation, looseness, being unfastened, &c. E. शिथिल, and तल् aff.; also with त्व, शिथिलत्वं ।
  • शिथिलबल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Weakened, relaxed. E. शिथिल, बल strength.
  • शिथिलवसु :: mfn. (-सुः -सुः -सु) 1. Reduced in wealth. 2. Shining with dimi- nished rays. E. शिथिल, and वसु wealth, &c.
  • शिथिलशक्ति :: mfn. (-क्तिः -क्तिः -क्ति) Impaired in strength or power. E. शिथिल, शक्ति power.
  • शिथिलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Let go, loosed, released. 2. Relaxed, loosened. E. शिथिल, and इतच् aff.
  • शिथिलीकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Loosening, unfastening. 2. Impairing, weaken- ing, reducing. E. शिथिल, and करण doing, च्वि augment.
  • शिथिलीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unbound, unfastened, slackened. 2. Reduced, impaired, weakened. 3. Let loose. E. शिथिल, कृत made, च्वि aug.
  • शिनि :: m. (-निः) A proper name, a chief of the Kshetriya tribe. E. शि to make thin or small, Unādi aff. निक् ।
  • शिनेर्नप्तृ :: m. (-प्ता) A name of SĀTYAKI, one of the chiefs of the Pāṇ- ḍus. E. शिनि a proper name, and नप्तृ grandson.
  • शिपविष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) Bald, &c.: see शिपिविष्ट ।
  • शिपि :: m. (-पिः) A ray of light. f. (-पिः) Skin, leather. n. (-पि) Water.
  • शिपिविष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) 1. A bald man. 2. A man naturally void of prepuce. 3. ŚIVA. 4. VISHṆU. 5. A leper. E. शिपि a ray of light, and विष्ट entered; also शिपविष्ट and शिविपिष्ट ।
  • शिप्र :: m. (-प्रः) Name of a lake on the Himālaya. f. (-प्रा) Name of a river which flows by Ujjayini. E. शि-रक् पुक् च ।
  • शिफा :: f. (-फा) 1. A fibrous root. 2. Spikenard, (Valeriana jatamansi.) 3. A river. 4. A mother. 5. Turmeric. 6. The root of a water-lily. 7. A lash with a whip. E. शी to sleep, फक् aff., and the form irr.
  • शिफाकन्द :: mn. (-न्दः-न्दं) The root of a water-lily. E. शिफा a fibrous root, कन्द a root; also शिफाक ।
  • शिफाधर :: m. (-रः) A branch. E. शिफा a fibrous root, धर what has.
  • शिफारुह :: m. (-हः) The Indian-fig tree. E. शिफा a fibrous root, रुह what grows.
  • शिम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) A sort of large shrub, (Cassia alata.) f. (-म्बा) A legume, a pod; E. शम् बा० डम्बच्ः also सिम्बा and शिम्बि ।
  • शिम्बि :: f. (-म्बिः-म्बी) 1. A legume, a pod. 2. A kind of grass. E. शम्-बि० नि० वा ङीप्; also शिम्बा, and सिम्बा ।
  • शिम्बिक :: m. (-कः) A sort of kidney-bean, (Phaseolus max.) f. (-का) 1. A legume, a pod. 2. A kind of kidney-bean. E. कन् added to the last; also शिम्बा, &c.
  • शिम्बिपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A sort of bean, (Phaseolus trilobus.) E. शिम्बि a pod, and पर्ण leaf, aff. ङीष्; also with कन् added, fem. form शिम्बिपर्णिका ।
  • शिर :: n. (-रं) 1. The head. 2. The root of the pepper plant. f. (-रा) Any vessel of the body, really or supposed to be, of a tubular form, as

a nerve, a tendon, a gut, &c. m. (-रः) 1. A bed. 2. A large serpent. E. शॄ to injure, क aff.: see शिरस् ।

  • शिरःकपालिन् :: m. (-ली) A devotee carrying a human skull as his emblem. E. शिरस् the head, कपाल the skull, and इनि aff.
  • शिरःपीडा :: f. (-डा) Pain of the head, head-ache. E. शिरस्, and पीडा pain.
  • शिरःप्रावरण :: n. (-णं) A head-dress.
  • शिरःफल :: m. (-लः) The cocoa-nut tree. E. शिरस् the head, and फल fruit.
  • शिरःस्रात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Having the head bathed. E. शिरस्, स्रात bathed.
  • शिरज :: m. (-जः) The hair of the head. E. शिर the head, and ज born.
  • शिरस् :: n. (-रः) 1. The head. 2. The skull. 3. The top of a tree. 4. A summit, a peak. 5. The van of an army. 6. Chief, principal, head. E. श्रि to honour, in the passive form, to be honoured, (by the other members,) असुन् Unādi aff., and the form irr.; or शॄ- असुन् नि० ।
  • शिरसिज :: m. (-जः) The hair of the head. E. शिरसि seventh case, in the head, ज born.
  • शिरसिरुह् :: m. (-रुट्) The hair of the head. E. शिरसि on the head, रुह् what grows.
  • शिरस्क :: n. (-स्कं) 1. A helmet. 2. A turban, a hat or cap. f. (-स्का) A litter, a palanquin. E. शिरस् the head, and कप् added.
  • शिरस्तस् :: Ind. From the head.
  • शिरस्तापिन् :: m. (-पी) An elephant. E. शिरस् the head, तप् to inflame, णिनि aff.
  • शिरस्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) 1. A helmet. 2. A cap, a turban, &c. E. शिरस् the head, त्रै to protect, aff. क ।
  • शिरस्त्राण :: n. (-णं) 1. A helmet. 2. A cap, a turban, &c. E. शिरस् the head, त्राण the instrument of defence.
  • शिरस्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) Of or on the head. m. (-स्यः) Clean unentangled hair. E. शिरस् the head, यत् aff.
  • शिरस्स्थ :: mfn. (-स्स्थः -स्स्था -स्स्थं) At or on the head, at the top, &c. m. (-स्स्थः) A chief, a leader. E. शिरस् head, chief, स्था to stay or be, aff. क ।
  • शिरापत्र :: m. (-त्रः) The elephant or wood apple, (Feronia elephantium.) E. शिरा a vein, and पत्र leaf.
  • शिराल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Veiny, sinewy, tendinous, skinny, showing the tendons or veins. n. (-लं) An acid fruit, (Averrhoa carambola.) E. शिरा a vein, लच् poss. aff.
  • शिरालक :: m. (-कः) A plant, (Cissus quadrangularis.) E. कन् added to the last.
  • शिरावृत्त :: n. (-त्तं) Lead.
  • शिरि :: m. (-रिः) 1. A sword. 2. An arrow. 3. A murderer, a killer. 4. A locust. E. शॄ to injure or kill, Unādi aff. इ, and the radical vowel changed to इर् ।
  • शिरीष :: m. (-षः) A kind of tree, (Acacia sirisa.) E. शॄ to injure, Unādi aff. ईषन् ।
  • शिरोगृह :: n. (-हं) A room on the top of the house, a turret. E. शिरस् top, and गृह house.
  • शिरोग्रह :: m. (-हः) Affection of the head.
  • शिरोग्रीव :: n. (-वं) The head and neck. E. शिरस् the head, ग्रीव the neck, the compound neuter.
  • शिरोधरा :: f. (-रा) The neck. E. शिरस् the head, and धर what upholds.
  • शिरोधि :: f. (-धिः) The neck. E. शिरस् the head, धा to hold, aff. कि ।
  • शिरोभूषण :: n. (-णं) An ornament for the head.
  • शिरोमणि :: mf. (-णिः-णी) 1. A gem worn in a crest, or on the top of the head. 2. A title of respect conferred on learned men. E. शिरस् the head, and मणि a jewel.
  • शिरोमर्म्मन् :: m. (-र्म्मा) A hog. E. शिरस् the head, मर्म्मन् vitality.
  • शिरोमालिन् :: m. (-ली) An epithet of ŚIVA.
  • शिरोरत्न :: n. (-त्नं) A gem worn in the crest. E. शिरस् the head, रत्न a jewel.
  • शिरोरुजा :: f. (-जा) 1. A tree, (Echites scholaris.) 2. Pain or diseased affection of the head. E. शिरस् the head, and रुजा sickness; a remedy being prepared from the leaves of the plant for head-ache.
  • शिरोरुह् :: m. (-रुट्) Hair. E. शिरस् the head, रुह् to grow, क्विप् aff.
  • शिरोरुह :: m. (-हः) The hair of the head. E. शिरस् the head, रुह् to grow, क aff.; also शिरोरुह् ।
  • शिरोरोग :: m. (-गः) Disease of the head. E. शिरस्, रोग sickness.
  • शिरोर्त्ति :: f. (-र्त्तिः) Pain of the head, head-ache, &c. E. शिरस् the head, आर्त्ति pain.
  • शिरोवर्त्तिन् :: mfn. (-र्त्ती -र्त्तिनी -र्त्ति) At the head or top, &c. m. (-र्त्ती) A chief; one at the head of affairs or of an army. E. शिरस्, and वर्त्तिन् staying.
  • शिरोवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) The crest or comb of the peacock. E. शिरस् the head, and वल्ली a creeper; it is also read शिरोबन्दि ।
  • शिरोवृत्त :: n. (-त्तं) Pepper. E. शिरस् the head or top, and वृत्त surrounded.
  • शिरोवेष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) 1. A turban. 2. A cap. E. शिरस् the head, and वेष्ट what surrounds; also शिरोवेष्टन ।
  • शिरोवेष्टन :: n. (-नं) A turban. E. शिरस् the head, and वेष्टन enfolding.
  • शिरोस्थि :: n. (-स्थिः) A skull. E. शिरस् the head, and अस्थि a bone.
  • शिल् :: r. 6th cl. (शिलति) To glean.
  • शिल :: n. (-लं) Gleaning ears of corn. f. (-ला) 1. A stone, a rock. 2. Arsenic. 3. A flat stone on which condiments, &c. are ground with a muller. f. (-ला-ली) 1. The timber of a door-frame. 2. A transverse beam or a beam or stone placed across the top of a post or pillar. 3. Camphor. f. (-ली) 1. A small earth-worm. 2. A dart, a spike. E. शिल् to glean, aff. क ।
  • शिलाकर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) The Olibanum tree, (Boswellia thurifera.)
  • शिलाकुट्टक :: m. (-कः) A stone-cutter's chisel. E. शिला a stone, कुट्ट् to cut, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • शिलाकुसुम :: n. (-मं) Storax: see शिलाज । E. शिला, कुसुम flower.
  • शिलाघन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Firm or hard as a stone or rock. E. शिला, घन thick.
  • शिलाज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced in a mountain or rock, fossile, mineral. n. (-जं) 1. Storaz or Benzoin, the resins of the Styrax benzoinum or S. officinale, which are usually confounded by the Hindus. 2. Iron. E. शिला a rock, and ज born; the balsams being supposed to be fossile productions, and to exude from the soil of mountainous places; being confounded with bitumen or petroleum.
  • शिलाजतु :: n. (-तुः) 1. Bitumen. 2. Red chalk. E. शिला a stone, and जतु lac; it is supposed to ooze from the stones of mountains in the hot weather.
  • शिलाजित् :: f. (-जित्) Bitumen. E. शिला a stone, and जित् what conquers or excels.
  • शिलाटक :: m. (-कः) 1. A room on the top of a house. 2. A hole. 3. A fence, an enclosure. E. शिला a stone, अट् to go, वुन् aff.
  • शिलातल :: n. (-लं) The surface of a rock or stone. E. शिला, तल below.
  • शिलात्मज :: n. (-जं) Iron. E. शिला a stone, आत्मन् self, and ज born.
  • शिलात्मिका :: f. (-का) A crucible. E. शिला a stone, आत्मन् substance, कन् aff., fem. form.
  • शिलादद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) Bitumen. E. शिला a stone, and दद्रु herpes.
  • शिलाधातु :: m. (-तुः) 1. Chalk. 2. Red chalk. 3. A white fossile subs- tance; an aluminous earth of a white colour, and thence consider- ed to be a sort of chalk. E. शिला a stone or rock, and धातु a mineral.
  • शिलापट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः) A flat stone for grinding condiments, &c. E. शिला a stone, and पट्ट a flat surface.
  • शिलापुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) A muller or roller for grinding condiments, &c. on a flat stone. E. शिला a flat stone, and पुत्त्र child; also शिलापुत्त्रक ।
  • शिलापुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) Storax or Benzoin. E. शिला a rock, पुष्प flower.
  • शिलाफलक :: n. (-कं) A layer or table of rock or stone. E. शिला, फलक a plank.
  • शिलाभव :: n. (-वं) Storax or Benzion. E. शिला a rock, and भव born.
  • शिलाभेद :: m. (-दः) 1. A plant, (Plectranthes scutellaroides.) 2. A stone- cutter's chisel. E. शिला a stone, and भेद what breaks.
  • शिलामय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Made of stone. E. शिला, मयट् aff.
  • शिलारस :: m. (-सः) Incense, Benjamin or Olibanum. E. शिला a stone, रस, juice.
  • शिलाबल्का :: f. (-ल्का) A medicinal substance said to be of cooling and lithonthriptic properties, commonly termed Silabāk; a sort of lichen or moss. E. शिला a stone or rock, and वल्क bark; also termed शिलावल्कल, शिलात्वच् ।
  • शिलावृष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) Hail. E. शिला, and वृष्टि rain.
  • शिलावेश्मन् :: n. (-श्मं) A rocky recess.
  • शिलाव्याधि :: m. (-धिः) Bitumen. E. शिला a rock or stone, व्याधि sickness.
  • शिलासन :: n. (-नं) 1. Benzoin or Storax. 2. A stone bench or seat. E. शिला a stone or rock, and असन abiding or आसन a seat.
  • शिलासार :: n. (-रं) Iron. E. शिला a stone, and सार essence.
  • शिलि :: f. (-लिः-ली) 1. The lower timber of a door. 2. A female frog. 3. An arrow. 4. A kind of earth-worm. m. (-लिः) The Bhurja- patra or birch-tree. E. शिल् to glean, कि aff.: see शिल, शिला, &c.
  • शिलिन्द :: m. (-न्दः) A kind of fish.
  • शिलीन्ध्र :: n. (-न्ध्रं) 1. The flower of the plantain tree. 2. Hail. 3. A mushroom. m. (-न्ध्रः) 1. A sort of tree. 2. A kind of fish; also चित्रफलक . f. (-न्ध्री) 1. Earth, clay. 2. A small earth-worm. 3. A sort of bird.
  • शिलीन्ध्रक :: n. (-कं) A mushroom, one growing out of cowdung, a fungus. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • शिलीपद :: m. (-दः) Enlarged or Tropical leg; also श्लीपद ।
  • शिलीमुख :: m. (-खः) 1. A bee. 2. An arrow. 3. A fool, a block-head. 4. War. E. शिली a dart, (a sting,) and मुख the face.
  • शिलेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Like a stone or rock, as hard, &c. n. (-यं) Storax. E. शिला a rock; ढक् aff. and the vowel unchanged.
  • शिलोच्चय :: m. (-यः) 1. A mountain. 2. A high mountain. E. शिला a stone or rock, उत् up, चि to collect, अच् aff.
  • शिलोञ्छ :: m. (-ञ्छः) 1. Following more than one occupation. 2. Gleaning. E. शिला gleaning, उञ्छ् to gather or glean, aff. अच्; gleaning a subsistence.
  • शिलोञ्छवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Livelihood gained by gleaning. 2. Extraordinary occupation. E. शिलोञ्छ, and वृत्ति subsistence.
  • शिलोत्थ :: mfn. (-त्थः -त्था -त्थं) Growing from or upon rock or stone. n. (-त्थं) Benzoin or Storax. E. शिला a stone, and उत्थ what grows.
  • शिलोद्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Produced from stone or rock. n. (-वं) 1. A superior sort of Sandal-wood, either the white or brass-coloured sort. 2. Storax or Benzoin. E. शिला a stone or rock, उद्भव produced.
  • शिलौकस् :: m. (-काः) GARUḌA. E. शिला a rock, and ओकस् abode.
  • शिल्प :: n. (-ल्पं) 1. An art, any manual or mechanical art, (sixty-four such arts are enumerated.) 2. Skill, ingenuity. 3. A ceremonial act. 4. A sort of spoon or ladle, used at sacrifices to throw the Ghee or butter into the fire. E. शिल् to be clever or skilled, पक् Unādi aff., and the vowel made short.
  • शिल्पक :: n. (-कं) A sort of drama: one exhibiting magical and mystical rites, E. शिल्प manual art, and कन् aff.; also read शिल्पिकं ।
  • शिल्पकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Manual labour, handicraft. E. शिल्प, and कर्म्मन् act; also शिल्पक्रिया, &c.
  • शिल्पकार :: m. (-रः) An artisan, a mechanic. E. शिल्प a handicraft, कार who makes.
  • शिल्पविद्या :: f. (-द्या) Art, mechanical or manual skill. E. शिल्प, and विद्या knowledge.
  • शिल्पशाल :: nf. (-लं-ला) A work-shop, a manufactory. E. शिल्प art, and शाला a hall.
  • शिल्पिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Manual, mechanic. n. (-कं) 1. Handicraft. 2. A sort of drama: see शिल्पक . E. शिल्प, and ठक् aff.
  • शिल्पिन् :: mfn. (-ल्पी -ल्पिनी -ल्पि) 1. An artist, an artificer or artisan. 2. Belonging or relating to a mechanical profession or art. f. (-ल्पि नी) A drug or herb, a kind of grass said to the known by the name of Lahānasipi, and described as sweet and cooling, and bearing seeds of tonic, and restorative properties; also शिल्पिका, &c. E. शिल्प art, and इनि aff.
  • शिल्पिशाल :: nf. (-लं-ला) A work-shop, a manufactory. E. शिल्पि an artisan, and शाला a hall.
  • शिल्पिशास्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) A treatise or set of treatises on works of art. E. शिल्पि an artist, and शास्त्र book.
  • शिव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Prosperous, happy. m. (-वः) 1. The deity ŚIVA, the most formidable of the Hindu triad, the destroyer of creation:

the adoration of which he is the object, is of a more gloomy nature in general than that of the rest, and he is the particular god of the Tāntrikas or followers of the books called Tantras. 2. Final emancipation from existence, eternal happiness. 3. A pillar or post to which cattle are tied. 4. An auspicious planetary conjunc- tion. 5. Scripture, the Vedas. 6. A drug, commonly Elabālukā. 7. A perfume, Puṇḍarīya. 8. Bdellium. 9. One of the astronomi- cal periods termed Yogas. 10. Quicksilver. 11. The penis. 12. The phallic emblem of ŚIVA. 13. A god. n. (-वं) 1. Happiness, pleasure. 2. Auspiciousness, well being. 3. Water. 4. Sea or fossile salt. 5. Borax. 6. Rock-salt. f. (-वा) 1. The goddess DURGĀ, the wife of ŚIVA. 2. The Śami tree, (Mimosa suma, Rox.) 3. Yellow myro- balan, (Terminalia chebula.) 4. Emblic myrobalan. 5. A jackal. 6. The mother of the twenty-second Jina. 7. Final emancipation. 8. A kind of yellow pigment. 9. The Durbā-grass. E. शी to sleep Unādi aff. वन्, on or in whom or which, the universe reposes.

  • शिवक :: m. (-कः) 1. A post to which cows or calves are tied. 2. A post for cattle to rub against. E. शिव the same, कन् aff.
  • शिवकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Propitious, auspicious, making happy. m. (-रः) A Jina of the last age. E. शिव good fortune, and कर who makes.
  • शिवकीर्त्तन :: m. (-नः) 1. An attendant on ŚIVA. 2. KRISHṆA or VISHṆU. n. (-नं) Praising or hymning ŚIVA. E. शिव ŚIVA, कीर्त्तन celebrating.
  • शिवगति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) 1. Happy, prosperous. 2. Worshipping ŚIVA. m. (-तिः) One of the Jinas of the past age. E. शिव auspiciousness. गति going.
  • शिवघर्म्मज :: m. (-जः) The planet MARS. E. शिव ŚIVA, घर्म्म perspiration, and ज born.
  • शिवङ्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Propitious, auspicious, conferring happiness or good fortune. E. शिव good fortune, कृ to make, aff. खच् ।
  • शिवचतुर्दशी :: f. (-शी) A festival held in honour of ŚIVA, on the fourteenth of the dark-half of Māgha. E. शिव, चतुर्दशी fourteenth.
  • शिवज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) 1. Knowing what is good or propitious. 2. Worshipping ŚIVA. f. (-ज्ञा) A female devotee of the Saiva sect. E. शिव ŚIVA, and ज्ञा to know, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • शिवताति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Propitious, conferring happiness or fortune. E. शिव happiness, तातिल् aff.; also शिवतातिक ।
  • शिवदत्त :: n. (-त्तं) The discus of VISHṆU. E. शिव ŚIVA, and दत्त given.
  • शिवदारु :: m. (-रुः) The Devadāru tree, (Pinus Deodar.)
  • शिवदूतिका :: f. (-का) One of the Mātris or divine mothers. E. शिवदूति DURGĀ, and कन् aff.
  • शिवदूती :: f. (-ती) DURGĀ. E. शिव ŚIVA, and दूती, from दूत a messenger, fem. aff. ङीष् ।
  • शिवधातु :: m. (-तुः) 1. The milk stone, opal or chalcedony. 2. Quick-silver. E. शिव ŚIVA, धातु a mineral.
  • शिवपुरी :: f. (-री) The holy city Benares. E. शिव, and पुरी the city; being sacred to ŚIVA especially.
  • शिवप्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Dear to or esteemed by ŚIVA. m. (-यः) 1. The Sesbana grandiflora. 2. Crystal. f. (-या) The goddess DURGĀ. n. (-यं) The seeds of the Eleocarpus. E. शिव, and प्रिय beloved.
  • शिवमल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) The Sesbana grandiflora. E. शिव, and मल्ली jasmine.
  • शिवरस :: m. (-सः) The water of boiled-rice or pulse three days old, and undergoing spontaneous fermentation.
  • शिवरात्रि :: f. (-त्रिः) A celebrated festival held in honour of ŚIVA on the fourteenth of the moon's wane or dark-fortnight in Māgha. E. शिव, and रात्रि night.
  • शिवलिङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) ŚIVA in the form of a phallus.
  • शिववल्लभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Loved or esteemed by ŚIVA. m. (-भः) 1. The mango tree. 2. Gigantic swallow-wort. f. (-भा) The goddess PĀRVATĪ. E. शिव ŚIVA, and वल्लभ beloved.
  • शिववाहन :: m. (-नः) A bull. E. शिव the deity, वाहन vehicle.
  • शिववीज :: n. (-जं) Quicksilver. E. शिव ŚIVA, and वीज semen; its supposed origin.
  • शिवशेखर :: m. (-रः) 1. The Sesbana grandiflora. 2. The moon. E. शिव ŚIVA, and शेखर a crest.
  • शिवाक्ष :: n. (-क्षं) The seed of the Eleocarpus. E. शिव ŚIVA, and अक्ष from अक्षि the eye. “रुद्राक्षे ।”
  • शिवानी :: f. (-नी) 1. A flower, (Celtis orientalis.) 2. A name of DURGĀ. E. शिव the deity, ङीष् aff., and आनुक् augment.
  • शिवाप्रिय :: m. (-यः) A goat. E. शिवा DURGĀ, and प्रिय beloved by.
  • शिवाराति :: m. (-तिः) A dog. E. शिवा a jackal, and अराति an enemy.
  • शिवालय :: m. (-यः) Red Tulaśi or basil. n. (-यं) 1. A cemetery or place where dead bodies are burnt or buried. 2. Any temple dedicated to ŚIVA. E. शिव ŚIVA, and आलय abode.
  • शिवालु :: m. (-लुः) A jackal. शिवायालति अल-उन् ।
  • शिवास्मृति :: f. (-तिः) A plant, (Celtis orientalis.)
  • शिवि :: m. (-विः) 1. A beast of prey. 2. The Bhurja-patra or birch-tree. 3. A king so named.
  • शिविका :: f. (-का) 1. A palanquin, a litter. E. शिव nominal verb, to give pleasure or ease, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • शिविपिष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) A name of ŚIVA: see शिपिविष्ट ।
  • शिविर :: n. (-रं) 1. A camp. 2. A royal camp or residence. 3. A guard or defence for the soldiers. 4. A sort of grain. E. शी to sleep or rest, किरक् Unādi aff. and वुक् augment.
  • शिवीरथ :: m. (-थः) A palanquin, a litter. E. शिवी for शिविका the same, रथ a conveyance.
  • शिशयिषा :: f. (-षा) Drowsiness, sleepiness, wish to sleep. E. शी to sleep, desid. v., अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • शिशयिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Sleepy, drowsy. E. शी to sleep, desid. v., उ aff.
  • शिशिर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Cold, frigid, chilly, freezing. m. (-रः) Frost. mn. (-रः-रं) The cold season, comprising two months from about the middle of January to that of March. n. (-रं) 1. Coolness. 2. Dew, hoar-frost. 3. The cool season. E. शश् to go, (the sun, north of the equator,) किरच् Unādi aff. and the radical vowel changed to इ ।
  • शिशिरकाल :: n. (-लं) The dewy season: see the last. E. शिशिर, काल time.
  • शिशु :: m. (-शुः) 1. The young of man or any animal, a child, a calf, &c. 2. A pupil, a scholar. 3. A boy under eight years of age. 4. A lad or boy not more than sixteen. E. शो to destroy, Unādi aff. उ, and the root repeated, with इ substituted for the semivowel to which the radical vowel is changed in its inflections.
  • शिशुक :: m. (-कः) 1. A porpoise. 2. Another fish, resembling a porpoise. 3. A child, a young animal. 4. A tree. E. कन् added to the last.
  • शिशुक्रन्द :: m. (-न्दः) The weeping of an infant or child. E. शिशु a child, and क्रन्द weeping; also शिशुक्रन्दन n. (-नं) ।
  • शिशुक्रन्दनीय :: m. (-यः) A book or work treating of infantine or juvenile grievances. E. शिशुक्रन्द as above, and छ aff. in this sense.
  • शिशुगन्धा :: f. (-न्धा) Double jasmine.
  • शिशुत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Boyhood, pupilage, the period before sixteen. 2. Childhood, the period up to eight years of age. E. शिशु a child, त्व abstract aff.; also with तल् aff. शिशुता ।
  • शिशुपाल :: m. (-लः) The sovereign of a country in the central part of India or Chedi, opposed to KRISHṆA and slain by him: his death forms the subject of one of the Hindu epic poems, thence named Śiśupāla-Badha, by MĀGHA. E. शिशु a child, पाल who cherishes.
  • शिशुपालक :: m. (-कः) 1. A king: see the last. 2. A plant, (Nauclea cordi- folia.) E. शिशु child, पाल who or what pleases or cherishes, aff कन् ।
  • शिशुपालहन् :: m. (-हा) KRISHṆA. E. शिशुपाल the king, हन् destroyer.
  • शिशुमार :: m. (-रः) 1. The Gangetic porpoise, (Delphinus gangeticus.) 2. The heavenly porpoise, or collection of the stars and planets. 3. A name or form of VISHṆU. E. शिशु child, and मार what kills.
  • शिशुवाहक :: m. (-कः) A wild goat. E. शिशु a child, वह् to bear, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • शिशुवाह्यक :: m. (-कः) A wild goat. E. शिशु a child, वह् to bear, ण्यत् aff., and कन् added.
  • शिश्न :: m. (-श्नः) The penis. E. शश् to move, aff. नक्, form irr.
  • शिश्विदान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Innocent, virtuous. 2. Guilty, sinful, wicked. E. श्वित् to be white, (pure or virtuous,) आनच् Unādi aff., त changed to द, and the reduplicate form of the root.
  • शिष् :: r. 1st cl. (शेषति) To hurt, to injure or kill. r. 1st and 10th cls. (शेषति शेषयति-ते) To leave a residue, not to use the whole. (Usually with वि prefixed.) To excel. (ॡ and with वि prefixed.) विशिषॢ r. 7th cl. (विशिनष्टि) To assign attributes or qualities to, to distinguish, to individualize, to specify.
  • शिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Obedient, docile. 2. Ordered, commanded, disciplined, trained. 3. Chief, principal, eminent, select. 4. Left, remaining. 5. Wise. m. (-ष्टः) 1. A courtier, a counsellor. 2. A chief. E. शास् to order, aff. क्त, form irr.; or शिष् to leave, क्त aff.
  • शिष्टता :: f. (-ता) 1. Good behaviour, urbanity, civility. 2. Docility. 3. The property of being left or remaining. E. शिष्ट, and तल् aff.; also with त्व, शिष्टत्वं ।
  • शिष्टसभा :: f. (-भा) A council of state, an assembly of chief officers. E. शिष्ट, सभा an assembly.
  • शिष्टसभाचार :: m. (-रः) History or tradition of eminent persons. E. शिष्ट, सभाचार account.
  • शिष्टाचार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Well-behaved. m. (-रः) Good-manners, proper behaviour. E. शिष्ट, and आचार observance.
  • शिष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) 1. An order or command. 2. Ruling, commanding. 3. Correcting, keeping in order. 4. Personal correction or chastise- ment. E. शास् to order, aff. क्तिन्, form irr.
  • शिष्ट्वा :: Ind. 1. Having confessed publicly, or proclaimed. 2. Having governed, regulated, trained. E. शास् to rule, or शिष् to hurt, क्त्वा aff.
  • शिष्य :: m. (-ष्यः) 1. A pupil, a scholar. 2. Passion, anger. 3. Violence. E. शास् to order, aff. क्यप्; the vowel changed to इ ।
  • शिष्यशिष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) Chastisement or correction of a pupil. E. शिष्य, शिष्टि correction.
  • शिह्ल :: m. (-ह्लः) Incense, benjamin or olibanum. E. ष्णिह् to melt, लक् aff., deriv. irr.; more usually सिह्ल; also with कन् added शिह्लक ।
  • शी(ङ)शीङ् :: r. 2nd cl. (शेते) To sleep. With अति prefixed, 1. To sleep longer than. 2. To to be profuse or copious, to be much or more, to exceed. With अधि, 1. To lie down on. 2. To abide, to be. With सम्, To doubt. With उप, To lie near.
  • शी :: m. (-शीः) 1. Sleep, repose. 2. Devotion, tranquillity, indifference to every thing but the object of worship. E. शी to sleep, aff. क्विप् ।
  • शीक् :: r. 1st cl. (ऋ) शीकृ (शीकते) 1. To wet, to moisten, to sprinkle. 2. To move gently. r. 1st and 10th cls. (शीकति शीकयति-ते) 1. To endure patiently, to be patient. 2. To touch. 3. To wet, to moisten. 4. To be angry.
  • शीकर :: m. (-रः) 1. Thin rain, or rain driven by wind. 2. A drop of water. n. (-रं) A sort of pine or its resin. E. शीक् to sprinkle, aff. अरन् ।
  • शीकरोघ :: mfn. (-घः -घा -घं) Abounding with mist, spray or thin rain. E. शीकर, ओघ a heap.
  • शीघ्र :: mfn. (-घ्रः -घ्रा -घ्रं) Quick, speedy. m. (-घ्रः) (In astronomy,) Parallax. n. Adv. (-घ्रं) Quickly, swiftly. E. शिघ् to smell, रक् aff., deriv. irr.
  • शीघ्रग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Going quick. E. शीघ्र and ग who goes.
  • शीघ्रगामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Going quick or expeditiously. E. शीघ्र quickly, and गामिन् who goes.
  • शीघ्रचेतन :: m. (-नः) A dog. E. शीघ्र quickly, चेतन thinking, knowing.
  • शीघ्रजन्मन् :: m. (-न्मा) A plant, (Cæsalpinia bonduccella.) E. शीघ्र quick, जन्मन् birth. “कांँटा करम्चा ।”
  • शीघ्रता :: f. (-ता) Quickness, speed. E. शीघ्र, तल् aff.; also with त्व, शीघ्रत्वं ।
  • शीघ्रवेधिन :: m. (-धी) A good archer, a good shot. E. शीघ्र quick, and वेधिन् who pierces.
  • शीघ्रायमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Becoming quick or expeditious. E. शीघ्र nominal verb, to be quick, शानच् aff.
  • शीघ्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Quick, fleet. m. (-यः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. VISHṆU. 3. The fighting of cats. E. शीघ्र quick, घ aff.
  • शीघ्र्य :: m. (-घ्य्रः) 1. The fighting of cats. 2. ŚIVA. 3. VISHṆU.
  • शीत् :: Ind. A sound made to express any sudden thrill, (especially applied to the sound made during sexual enjoyment.)
  • शीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Cold, chilly, frigid. 2. Idle, lazy. 3. Cold, dull,

apathetic, stupid. 4. Decocted, boiled. n. (-तं) 1. Cold, coldness. 2. Water. 3. Cold weather or the six months of the rainy, dewy and cold seasons. 4. Cinnamon. m. (-तः) 1. A small tree, (Cordia myxa.) 2. A kind of ratan, (Calamus fasciculatus.) 3. A plant, (Marsilea quadrifolia.) 4. The Nimba-tree. 5. Camphor. 6. The cold season. f. (-ता) 1. The wife of RĀMA. 2. A furrow. E. श्यै to go, aff. क्त; the fem. form more usually occurs सीता, q. v.

  • शीतक :: m. (-कः) 1. Cold weather or the cold season, winter. 2. A lazy man, one who is dilatory or dull. 3. One devoid of care or anxiety, a happy man. 4. A plant, (Marsilea dentata.) 5. A scorpion. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • शीतकाल :: n. (-लं) Cold weather, winter. E. शीत, and काल time.
  • शीतकालीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Produced in winter. E. शीतकाल, and ख aff.
  • शीतकृच्छ्र :: m. (-च्छ्रः) A religious penance, drinking cold water three days, cold milk three days, cold Ghee three days, and fasting three. E. शीत cold, and कृच्छ्र penance.
  • शीतकुम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) A flower, (Nerium odorum.) f. (-म्भा) An aquatic plant. E. शीत cold, कुम्भ a water-pot.
  • शीतक्षार :: n. (-रं) Refined Borax. E. शीत cold, क्षार nitre. “श्वेतटङ्कणे ।”
  • शीतगन्ध :: n. (-न्धं) White Sandal. E. शीत cold, and गन्ध smell.
  • शीतगु :: m. (-गुः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. E. शीत cold, and गु neut. form of गो a ray of light, here forming a masc. compound.
  • शीतचम्पक :: m. (-कः) 1. A lamp. 2. Pleasing, satisfying. 3. A mirror. E. शीत cold, cool, and चम्पक a flower.
  • शीतता :: f. (-ता) Cold, coldness. E. शीत and तल् aff.; also with त्व, शीतत्वं ।
  • शीतदीधिति :: m. (-तिः) The moon.
  • शीतपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A plant, (Cleome pentaphylla.) E. शीत cool, पर्ण a leaf.
  • शीतपल्लव :: m. (-वः) A plant, (Ardisea solanacea.) E. शीत cool, पल्लव a shoot.
  • शीतपाकिनी :: f. (-नी) A medicinal root, commonly Kākoli. E. शीत the cold, (in a cold climate,) पाक ripening, and इनि aff.
  • शीतपाकी :: f. (-की) 1. A medicinal root, commonly Kākoli. 2. A plant, (Sida cordifolia.) E. शीत cold, (in cold weather, &c.) पाक a ripening, ङीप् fem. aff.
  • शीतपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) The Sirisha tree. n. (-ष्पं) A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) E. शीत cold, (in the cold weather, &c.) and पुष्प a flower.
  • शीतपुष्पक :: n. (-कं) Storax or Benzoin. E. शीत cold, (in the snowy mountains,) पुष्प a flower, कन् aff.
  • शीतप्रभ :: m. (-भः) Camphor. E. शीत cool, and प्रभ shining.
  • शीतभानु :: m. (-नुः) The moon. E. शीत cool, भानु the sun.
  • शीतभीरु :: f. (-रुः) Arabian jasmine, (Jasminum zambac.) E. शीत the cold, भीरु afraid.
  • शीतभोजिन् :: mfn. (-जी -जिनी -जि) Eating cold viands. E. शीत, भुज् to eat, णिनि aff.
  • शीतमयूख :: m. (-खः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. E. शीत cool, मयूख a ray of light.
  • शीतमरीचि :: m. (-चिः) The moon. E. शीत cool, मरीचि a ray.
  • शीतमूलक :: n. (-कं) The root of the Andropogon muricatum. E. शीत cool, मूलक a root.
  • शीतरम्य :: m. (-म्यः) A lamp. E. शीत cool, and रम्य agreeable.
  • शीतरुच् :: m. (-रुक्) The moon. E. शीत, and रुच् light.
  • शीतल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Cold, chilly, frigid. n. (-लं) 1. Green vitriol. 2. Storax. 3. Sandal. 4. White Sandal. 5. A lotus. 6. A pearl. 7. Cold, coldness. 8. The root of the Andropogon muricatum. m. (-लः) 1. A plant, (Marsilea quadrifolia.) 2. A Jina or Jaina teacher, the 10th of the twenty-four Tirthakārs. 3. A religious ceremony observed upon the sun's entering Aries. 4. The moon. 5. A small tree, (Cordia myxa.) 6. The Champaca, (Michelia champaca.) 7. A sort of camphor. 8. Turpentine. f. (-ला-ली) 1. A plant, perhaps intending the Phrynium dichotymum, from the split stems of which a smooth, cool mat is made, thence termed Sitala-pāti. 2. Small-pox. 3. The goddess presiding over or inflicting small-pox. E. शीत cool, लच् poss. aff., or ला to give or get, aff. क ।
  • शीतलता :: f. (-ता) Coldness, coolness. E. शीतल, तल् aff.; also with त्व, शीतलत्वं ।
  • शीतलप्रद :: m. (-दः) Sandal. E. शीतल cold, and प्रद who gives.
  • शीतलवात :: m. (-तः) A cool wind. E. शीतल, and वात wind.
  • शीतलवातक :: m. (-कः) A plant, (Marsilea quadrifolia.) E. शीतल cool, वात wind, कप् added.
  • शीतलषष्ठी :: f. (-ष्ठी) The sixth of the light-half of Māgha, when only cold food is eaten. E. शीतल, and षष्ठी sixth.
  • शीतशिव :: n. (-वं) 1. A sort of resin, (Storax benzoin.) 2. Rock salt. m. (-वः) 1. A kind of fennel, (Anethum sowa.) 2. The Śami-tree, (Mimosa suma, Rox.) E. शीत cool, and शिव auspicious.
  • शीतशूक :: m. (-कः) Barley. E. शीत cold, and शूक an awn or beard.
  • शीतसह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Bearing or enduring cold. m. (-हः) A Pilu, or tree so named, growing in the Himālaya mountains. E. शीत cold, and सह enduring.
  • शीतहर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Removing cold. E. शीत, and हर what takes.
  • शीतांशु :: m. (-शुः) 1. Camphor. 2. The moon. E. शीत cold, अंशु a ray.
  • शीताकुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Benumbed, frozen. E. शीत, आकुल perplexed.
  • शीताद :: m. (-दः) Scorbutic affection of the gums. E. शीत, अद what eats.
  • शीताद्रि :: m. (-द्रिः) The snowy mountain. E. शीत cold, अद्रि a mountain.
  • शीतार्त्त :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -र्त्ता -र्त्तं) Cold, chilled, shivering, suffering or shrinking from cold. E. शीत cold, and आर्त्त pained.
  • शीतालु :: mfn. (-लुः -लुः -लु) Cold, shivering, shrinking from cold. E. शीत cold, आलुच् aff., here implying aversion or impatience.
  • शीताश्मन् :: m. (-श्मा) The moon-gem, crystal. E. शीत cold, अश्मन् a stone.
  • शीतोभाव :: m. (-वः) 1. Final emancipation. 2. Coolness, composure. 3. Cold, coldness. E. शीत cold, भाव nature, च्वि augment.
  • शीतोत्तम :: n. (-मं) Water. E. शीत cold, उत्तम best.
  • शीत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) 1. Ploughed, tilled: more usually सीत्य . 2. To be cooled or chilled. E. शीत cold, or शीता a furrow, यत् aff.
  • शीत्कार :: m. (-रः) Uttering a sound expressive of pleasurable sensations. E. शीत् imitative sound, and कार making: also with कृत made, uttered, शीत्कृत n. (-तं) ।
  • शीधु :: mn. (-धुः-धु) Rum, distilled from molasses. E. शी to sleep, or rest, Unādi aff. धुक् ।
  • शीधुगन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) A plant, (Mimusops elengi.) E. शीधु Rum, गन्ध smell.
  • शीधुप :: mf. (-पः-पी) A drinker of spirits, a dram-drinker. E. शीधु spirits, and पा to drink, aff. टक् ।
  • शीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Thick, congealed, (as oil or butter.) m. (-नः) 1. A fool, a blockhead. 2. A large snake. E. श्यै to go, aff. क्त ।
  • शीफालिका :: f. (-का) A flower, (Nyctanthes tristis:) see शेफालिका ।
  • शीभ्(ऋ)शीभृ :: r. 10th cl. (शीभते) 1. To flatter. 2. To boast. 3. To say.
  • शीभव :: m. (-वः) Thin rain.
  • शीभ्य :: m. (-भ्यः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. A bull. E. शीभ् to praise, यत् aff.
  • शीयमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Going away, dissipating, dispersing, departing. E. शद् to go, शानच् aff.; शीय substituted for the radical letters.
  • शीर :: m. (-रः) A large snake, (Boa constrictor.) 2. A plough. E. शी to sleep, रक् Unādi aff.
  • शीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Thin, small, slender. 2. Wasted, withered, decayed. E. शॄ to injure, aff. क्त, form irr.
  • शीर्णता :: f. (-ता) Emaciation, withering. E. शीर्ण, and तल् aff.; also with त्व, शीर्णत्वं .
  • शीर्णनाला :: f. (-ला) A plant, (Hemionites cordifolia.) E. शीर्ण shrivelled or slender, नाल stem.
  • शीर्णपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A tree, (Pterospermum acerifolium.) E. शीर्ण withered, पत्र a leaf.
  • शीर्णपाद :: m. (-दः) An epithet of the planet Saturn. E. शीर्ण shrivelled, पाद a foot.
  • शीर्णपुष्पिका :: f. (-का) A kind of fennel, (Anethum sowa.) E. शीर्ण shrunk, पुष्प a flower, कन् aff., fem. form.
  • शीर्णवृन्त :: n. (-न्तं) A water-melon. E. शीर्ण slender, and वृन्त foot-stalk.
  • शीर्णाङ्घ्रि :: m. (-ङ्घ्रिः) YAMA, judge of the dead. E. शीर्ण shrivelled, अङ्घ्रि a foot: being shrunk up in consequence of a curse of his mother's.
  • शीर्व्वि :: mfn. (-र्व्विः -र्व्विः -र्व्वि) Mischievous, malignant, hurtful, savage. E. शॄ to injure, क्विन् Unādi aff.
  • शीर्ष :: n. (-र्षं) The head. E. See शिरस् for which it is substituted.
  • शीर्षक :: n. (-कं) 1. A helmet. 2. The skull. 3. The head. 4. Judgment, award, sentence, the fruit or result of judicial investigation. m. (-कः) Rāhu, the personified ascending node. E. कन् added to the last.
  • शीर्षकस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) 1. Staying in or on the head. 2. Abiding by an award, agreeing to submit to the penalty imposed by it. E. शीर्षक, and स्थ who stays.
  • शीर्षघातिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) 1. Beheading, decapitating. 2. Striking or injuring the head. E. शीर्ष the head, हन् to strike, aff. णिनि ।
  • शीर्षच्छेद :: m. (-दः) Decapitating. E. शीर्ष, च्छेद cutting; also शीर्षच्छेदन ।
  • शीर्षच्छेदक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Meriting decapitation. E. शीर्ष the head, च्छेद cutting, aff. ठक् ।
  • शीर्षच्छेदिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Who or what decapitates. E. शीर्ष, च्छेदिन् who cuts.
  • शीर्षच्छेद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) Meriting death by decapitation. E. शीर्ष the head, च्छेद्य to be cut off.
  • शीर्षण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) A helmet. m. (-ण्यः) Clean and unentangled hair. E. शीर्षन् substituted for शिरस्, and यत् aff.
  • शीर्षरक्ष :: n. (-क्षं) A helmet. E. शीर्ष the head, and रक्ष preserving.
  • शील् :: r. 1st cl. (शीलति) 1. To meditate, to consider, to reflect profoundly and abstractedly. 2. To worship, to adore. r. 1st and 10th cls. (शीलति शीलयति-ते) 1. To practise, to exercise, (as the memory, &c.) 2. To repeat. 3. To honour. 4. To visit, to go to. r. 10th cl. (शीलयति) 1. To wear. 2. To have or be endowed with.
  • शील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Possessed of, endowed with, practising, versed in, &c.) 2. Behaviour, conduct. 3. Well-behaved, well-disposed. mn. (-लः-लं) 1. Nature, quality. 2. Disposition, inclination. 3. Good conduct or disposition, steady and uniform observance of law and morals. 4. Beauty. m. (-लः) A large snake. E. शील् to me- ditate, to learn, &c., aff. अच्; or शी to sleep, and लक् Unādi aff.
  • शीलत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Disposition, quality. 2. Conversancy. E. शील, and त्व added; also with तल्, शीलता ।
  • शीलन :: n. (-नं) 1. Careful study of the Śhāstras or sacred writings. 2. Serving, honouring. 3. Putting on. E. शील् to meditate, &c., aff. ल्युट् ।
  • शीलवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Of a good or amiable disposition. E. शील good conduct, मतुप् poss. aff.
  • शीलवृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Noral, steady and uniform in good behaviour. E. शील, वृत्त practice.
  • शीलसम्पन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Well-conducted, of proper conduct or dispo- sition. E. शील, and सम्पन्न abounding with.
  • शीलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Skilled, learned, conversant, exercised. 2. Having, endowed with. 3. Made or consisting of. 4. Visited. E. शील् to learn, &c., aff. क्त ।
  • शीवन् :: m. (-वा) A large snake, the Boa. E. शी to sleep, क्वनिप् Unādi aff.
  • शीवल :: n. (-लं) 1. An aquatic plant, (Vallisneria.) 2. Benzoin or Storax. E. शी to sleep, (on the water,) वलच् aff., and the vowel unchanged; also शीवाल, &c.
  • शुंशुमार :: m. (-रः) A porpoise; more usually शिशुमार ।
  • शु :: Ind. 1. Handsomely, brilliantly, elegantly. 2. Well, right. E. शुभ् to be splendid, aff. ड ।
  • शुक् :: r. 1st. cl. (शोकति) 1. To go. 2. To touch.
  • शुक :: m. (-कः) 1. A parrot. 2. The son of VYĀSA, the author or narra- tor of the Bhāgavat. 3. The minister of RĀVAṆA. 4. The Sirisha tree. 5. A plant, commonly Seyāla kāntā. n. (-कं) 1. A drug and perfume, commonly Ganthiala. 2. Cloth, clothes. 3. The ends or hem of a cloth. 4. A turban, a helmet. 5. A plant, (Bignonia Indica.) E. शुभ् to shine, कक् Unādi aff., and the radical final rejected.
  • शुकच्छद :: n. (-दं) A fragrant root, of which various kinds are said to be known. E. शुक a parrot, and च्छद a cover or wing.
  • शुकजिह्वा :: f. (-ह्वा) A plant, commonly Sūyā-Thontee or parrot's beak. E. शुक a parrot, and जिह्वा the tongue.
  • शुकतरु :: m. (-रुः) The Sirīsha, (Acacia Sirisha.) E. शुक the same, and तरु tree.
  • शुकदेव :: m. (-वः) The son of VYĀSA: see शुक, E. शुक, and देव divine.
  • शुकद्रुम :: m. (-मः) The Sirīsha tree: see the last.
  • शुकनामा :: f. (-मा) A plant; see शुकजिह्वा ।
  • शुकनास :: m. (-सः) 1. A tree, (Bignonia Indica.) 2. Another tree, (Sesbana grandiflora.) E. शुक, and नास the nose, the flowers being compared to a parrot's beak.
  • शुकपितामह :: m. (-हः) The sage PARĀŚARA, the father of VYĀSA, and grandfather of ŚUKA.
  • शुकपुच्छ :: m. (-च्छः) Sulphur. E. शुक a parrot, पुच्छ the tail; of similar colour.
  • शुकपुच्छक :: n. (-कं) A perfume and medicinal root, commonly Gānthiāla. E. शुक a parrot, पुच्छ the tail, कन् aff. of comparison.
  • शुकप्रिया :: f. (-या) The rose-apple, (Eugenia jambu.) E. शुक a parrot, प्रिया beloved.
  • शुकम् :: Ind. Quickly.
  • शुकवर्ह :: n. (-र्हं) Gānthiālā, a perfume. E. शुक a parrot, वर्ह a tail.
  • शुकवल्लभ :: m. (-भः) The pomegranate. E. शुक a parrot, and वल्लभ beloved.
  • शुकवाह :: m. (-हः) KĀMADEVA. E. शुक a parrot, and वाह who is borne.
  • शुकादन :: m. (-नः) The pomegranate. E. शुक a parrot, अदन eating.
  • शुकानना :: f. (-ना) A plant, commonly Sūyā-Thontee. E. शुक a parrot, आनन the face.
  • शुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Sour, acid. 2. Pure, clean. 3. Harsh, hard. 4. Lovely. 5. United, joined. n. (-क्तं) 1. Flesh. 2. Sour-gruel. 3. Vinegar, acid, or an acid preparation made from roots or fruits, by steeping them in oil and salt, drying them, and then leaving them in water, where they undergo the acetous fermentation: the fluid produce is used as vinegar. 4. Crabbed or harsh speech. 5. A hymn of the Vedas. f. (-क्ता) A sort of sorrel. E. शुच् to be pure, &c., aff. क्त ।
  • शुक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. A pearl-oyster. 2. A conch. 3. A small shell. 4. A cockle. 5. A sort of perfume, in appearance a dried shell-fish. 6. A portion of the skull used as a cup, &c. 7. A curl or feather on a horse's neck or breast. 8. A weight of two Karshas or half a Pala. 9. A disease of the cornea, formation of specks on it. E. शुच् to sorrow, &c., aff. क्तिन् ।
  • शुक्तिका :: f. (-का) 1. A pearl-oyster. 2. A sort of dock or sorrel. E. शुक्ति as above, or शुक्त sour, कन् added, fem. form.
  • शुक्तिज :: n. (-जं) A pearl. E. शुक्ति the oyster, and ज born.
  • शुक्तिपुट :: n. (-टं) The pearl oyster-shell. E. शुक्ति, पुट a bag or sheathe.
  • शुक्तिपेशी :: f. (-शी) The envelope of the pearl or pearl-oyster-shell. E. शुक्ति, and पेशी a covering.
  • शुक्तिबधू :: f. (-धूः) Mother of pearl or the pearl oyster. E. शुक्ति, and बधू wife or female; in which the pearl, it is supposed, is bred.
  • शुक्तिमत् :: m. (-मान्) One of the seven principal mountains or mountainous ranges of India. E. शुक्ति a pearl-oyster, and मतुप् aff.
  • शुक्तिवीज :: n. (-जं) A pearl. E. शुक्ति the oyster, and वीज a seed.
  • शुक्तिस्पर्श :: m. (-र्शः) Dusky spots on a pearl, causing it to be of little value. E. शुक्ति a pearl, and स्पर्श contact.
  • शुक्र :: m. (-क्रः) 1. The planet VENUS or its regent, the son of BHRIGU, and preceptor of the Daityas or Titans. 2. A name of fire. 3. The month Jyeshṭha, (April-May.) n. (-क्रं) 1. Semen virile. 2. The essence of anything. 3. A morbid affection of the iris, change of colour, ulceration, &c. accompanied by imperfect vision. E. शुच् to grieve, &c., Unādi aff. रक्, deriv. irr.
  • शुक्रकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Producing semen, spermatic. m. (-रः) The marrow of the bones. E. शुक्र seed, and कर what makes.
  • शुक्रभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) A peacock. E. शुक्र semen, भुज् to eat, aff. क्विप् ।
  • शुक्रभू :: f. (-भूः) The marrow of the bones. E. शुक्र semen, भू being, क्विप् aff.
  • शुक्रल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Spermatic, augmenting the seminal secretion. f.

(-ला) A fragrant grass, considered by some as a sort of Cyperus, and by others, Zedoary. E. शुक्र semen, and लच् aff., or ला to get or give, aff. क ।

  • शुक्रवार :: m. (-रः) Friday. E. शुक्र ŚUKRA, the regent of VENUS, or the planet, वार a day.
  • शुक्रशिष्य :: m. (-ष्यः) A demon, a Titau, a powerful being opposed to the gods. E. शुक्र the teacher of this race, and शिष्य a pupil.
  • शुक्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Sacred to ŚUKRA, &c. E. शुक्र as above, घन् aff.
  • शुक्राचार्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) The regent of VENUS. E. शुक्र, and आचार्य्य teacher.
  • शुक्ल :: mfn. (-क्लः -क्ला -क्लं) White, of a white colour. m. (-क्लः) 1. White, (the colour.) 2. The light-half of a lunar month: see शुक्लपक्ष . 3. One of the astronomical Yogas. n. (-क्लं) 1. Silver. 2. Fresh butter. 3. A disease of the cornea, opacity, albugo. 4. Sour gruel. f. (-क्ला) 1. A name of SARASWATI. 2. Clayed or candied sugar. 3. A woman with white complexion. E. शुच् to be pure, &c., Unādi aff. रन्, and र changed to ल ।
  • शुक्लक :: f. (-का) White. m. (-कः) 1. The white colour. 2. The light-half of a lunar month.
  • शुक्लकण्ठक :: m. (-कः) A kind of gallinule or water-hen. E. शुक्ल white, कण्ठ the throat, and कन् aff.
  • शुक्लकर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्म) Innocent, virtuous. E. शुक्ल white, pure, and कर्म्मन् act.
  • शुक्लत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Whiteness. E. शुक्ल white, त्व aff.; also with तल् aff. शुक्लता ।
  • शुक्लदुग्ध :: m. (-ग्धः) An aquatic plant, (Trapa bispinosa.) E. शुक्ल white, दुग्ध milk. “शृङ्गाटके ।”
  • शुक्लधातु :: m. (-तुः) Chalk. E. शुक्ल white, and धातु a mineral.
  • शुक्लपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The light-half of a month, the fifteen days of the moon's increase, or from new to full-moon. E. शुक्ल white, पक्ष part or fortnight.
  • शुक्लपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) 1. The white variety of Amaranth, (Gomphrœna globosa.) 2. A species of jasmine, (Jasminum pubescens.) f. (-ष्पा) 1. A shrub, (Phrynium dichotomum.) 2. A sort of sun-flower. E. शुक्ल white, and पुष्प a flower.
  • शुक्लपृष्ठक :: m. (-कः) A small tree, (Vitex nigundo.)
  • शुक्लबल :: m. (-लः) A name common to nine persons peculiar to the Jainas. E. शुक्ल white, and बल a BALADEVA; there being nine white BALADEVAS, corresponding to the nine KRISHṆAS, or black VĀSUDEVAS, according to the notions of this sect.
  • शुक्लमण्डल :: n. (-लं) The white of the eye, the cornea. E. शुक्ल white, मण्डल a circle.
  • शुक्लवर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) 1. A class of white objects, or the conch, pearl-oyster and cowrie, &c. E. शुक्ल white, and वर्ग a class.
  • शुक्लवायस :: m. (-सः) A crane. E. शुक्ल white, and वायस a crow.
  • शुक्लाङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Having a white body or limbs. m. (-ङ्गः) A pea- cock. E. शुक्ल white, and अङ्ग body.
  • शुक्लापाङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A peacock. E. शुक्ल white, अपाङ्ग the corner of the eye.
  • शुक्लाम्ल :: n. (-म्लं) A kind of sorrel.
  • शुक्लिमन् :: m. (-मा) Whiteness. E. शुक्ल white, इमनिच् aff.
  • शुक्लीकरण :: n. (-णं) Whitening, making white. E. शुक्ल, करण making, च्वि aff.
  • शुक्लीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Made white, whitened. E. शुक्ल, कृत made, च्वि aff.
  • शुक्लोपला :: f. (-ला) 1. Clayed or candied sugar. 2. Any white stone. E. शुक्ल white, and उपला a stone.
  • शुक्षि :: m. (-क्षिः) 1. Air, wind. 2. Light. E. शुष् to dry up, Unādi aff. क्सि ।
  • शुङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. The Indian-fig tree, (Ficus Indica.) 2. The hog-plum, (Spondias mangifera.) f. (-ङ्गा) 1. The sheath or calyx of a young bud. 2. The waved-leaf fig. 3. The awn of barley, &c. E. शम् to rest or pacify, aff. गच्; form irr.
  • शुङ्गिन् :: m. (-ङ्गी) The Indian-fig tree. E. शुङ्ग the calyx of the bud, इनि aff.
  • शुच् :: r. 1st cl. (शोचति) To regret, to grieve for. (ई, इर) ईशूचिर r. 4th cl. (शुच्यति-ते) 1. To be wet. 2. To be clean or pure. 3. To stink, to be fetid. 4. To wound. 5. To regret.
  • शुच् :: f. (-शुक्) 1. Sorrow, grief, distress, regret. 2. Calamity, affliction. E. शुच् to regret, aff. क्विप्; also with टाप् added, शुचा f. (-चा) ।
  • शुचा :: f. (-चा) Sorrow, distress: see शुच् ।
  • शुचि :: mfn. (-चिः -चिः -चि) 1. White. 2. Clean, cleansed, purified. 3. Pure, pious, exempt from passion or vice. 4. Correct, free from fault or error. m. (-चिः) 1. White, (the colour.) 2. Purification by ablution, &c. 3. Judicial acquittal. 4. Mental purity, virtue, goodness. 5. Accuracy, correctness. 6. The condition of the reli- gious student. 7. A faithful and tried minister or friend. 8. The month Āshādha, (June-July.) 9. The month Jyeshṭha, (May- June.) 10. The hot season. 11. The passion or sentiment of love. 12. ŚIVA. 13. The sun. 14. The moon. 15. The planet VENUS, or its ruler. 16. A name of fire. 17. A Brāhman. 18. Oblation to fire at the first feeding of an infant. E. शुच् to purify, Unādi aff. इन्, and the vowel unchanged; or शुच्-कि ।
  • शुचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sad, lamenting. 2. Pure, clean, cleansed. E. शुच् to grieve, क्त aff.
  • शुचिता :: f. (-ता) Purity, cleanness. E. शुचि, तल् aff.; also with त्व, शुचित्वं ।
  • शुचिप्रणी :: f. (-णी) Sipping water, rinsing the mouth, &c. E. शुचि purifi- cation, and प्रणी effecting.
  • शुचिमणि :: m. (-णिः) Crystal. E. शुचि white, and मणि a gem.
  • शुचिरोचिस् :: m. (-चीः) The moon. E. शुचि white, and रोचिस् light.
  • शुचिव्रत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pious, virtuous. E. शुचि, and व्रत observance.
  • शुचिस्मित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Smiled, smiling sweetly, accompanied with a sweet smile. E. शुचि white, (from the teeth being shewn,) and स्मित smiled.
  • शुच्य(इ)शुच्यी :: r. 1st cl. (शुच्यति) 1. To bathe. 2. To distil. 3. To press or squeeze out. 4. To churn. 5. To pain or distress.
  • शुटीर :: m. (-रः) A hero. E. शौटीर-पृषो० ।
  • शुटीरता :: f. (-ता) Valour, heroism. E. शौटीर a hero, तल् aff., and the diph- thong changed to the short vowel.
  • शुटीर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Heroism, prowess. E. शौटीर a hero, यत् aff.: see the last.
  • शुठ् :: r. 1st cl. (शोठति) 1. To be impeded. 2. To be lame. 3. To resist. r. 10th cl. (शोठयति-ते) To be idle, to be lazy; also (इ) शुठि r. 1st and 10th cls. (शुण्ठति-शुण्ठयति-ते) To purify.
  • शुण :: r. 6th cl. (शुणति) To go.
  • शुण्ठि :: f. (-ण्ठिः-ण्ठी) Dry ginger. E. शुठि to be stopped, (by it, phlegm,) aff. अच्, and fem. aff. ङीप्, or in one case इन् aff.
  • शुण्ठ्य :: n. (-ण्ठ्यं) Dry ginger. E. शुठि to be stopped, (disease by it,) and यत् aff.
  • शुण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) The exudation from an elephant's temples. f. (-ण्डा) 1. A tavern. 2. Spirituous liquor. 3. A liquor-shop. 4. An animal called the water-elephant, the hippopotamus perhaps. 5. An elephant's proboscis or trunk. 6. The stalk of the lotus. 7. A whore. 8. A bawd. E. शुण् to go, aff. ड, fem. aff. टाप् ।
  • शुण्डक :: m. (-कः) 1. A distiller. 2. A military flute or fife. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • शुण्डापान :: n. (-नं) A place where spirits are sold, a tavern, a dram-shop. E. शुण्डा spirits, and पान drinking.
  • शुण्डार :: m. (-रः) 1. A distiller, a vintner. 2. An elephant's proboscis. E. शुण्डा spirits, र aff.
  • शुण्डाल :: m. (-लः) An elephant. E. शुण्डा his trunk, लच् poss. aff.
  • शुण्डिका :: f. (-कां) The soft palate. E. शुण्डा an elephant's proboscis, कन् fem. form.
  • शुण्डिन् :: m. (-ण्डी) 1. A distiller, a preparer and vender of spirituous liquor. 2. An elephant. E. शुण्डा spirits, &c., इनि aff.
  • शुतुद्रि :: f. (-द्रिः) The river Śatadru or Sutlej: see शतद्रु ।
  • शुतुद्रु :: f. (-द्रुः-द्रूः) The river Śatadru.
  • शुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Pure, purified, clean, cleansed. 2. Faultless, correct. 3. Alone, only, mere, simple. 4. White. 5. Whetted, sharp, (as an arrow.) 6. Authorised, admitted. 7. Innocent. 8. Acquitted. 9. Bright. 10. Honest, chaste. n. (-द्धं) 1. Pure spirit. 2. Rock-salt. 3. Black pepper. E. शुध् to be or make pure, &c., aff. क्त ।
  • शुद्धकोटि :: f. (-टिः) One of the sides of a right-angled triangle. E. शुद्ध, and कोटि flank.
  • शुद्धजङ्घ :: m. (-ङ्घः) An ass. E. शुद्ध clean, pure, and जङ्घा the thigh or leg.
  • शुद्धत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Purity, cleanness, freedom from soil or defect. E. त्व added to शुद्ध; also with तल्, शुद्धता ।
  • शुद्धदत् :: mfn. (-दन् दन्ती -दत्) White-toothed, having handsome teeth. E. शुद्ध, दत् for दन्त tooth.
  • शुद्धधी :: mfn. (-धीः -धीः -धि) Of pure understanding. E. शुद्ध, धी intellect.
  • शुद्धबध :: m. (-धः) Simple putting to death, i. e. in any ordinary way. E. शुद्ध, and बध putting to death.
  • शुद्धमति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) 1. Of pure or sincere purposes, honest, free from guile. 2. Intelligent. m. (-तिः) One of the Jaina pontiffs of the last age. E. शुद्ध pure, मति understanding.
  • शुद्धवर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Of a good colour, caste, &c. 2. Well-lettered. E. शुद्ध, वर्ण colour, &c.
  • शुद्धवल्लिका :: f. (-का) A plant, (Menispermum glabrum.) E. शुद्ध pure, वल्ली pedicle, कन् added, fem. form.
  • शुद्धवासस् :: mfn. (-साः -साः -सः) Clean, having clean vesture. E. शुद्ध, वासस् clothes.
  • शुद्धानुमान :: n. (-नं) A figure of rhetoric. E. शुद्ध correct, अनुमान inference.
  • शुद्धान्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. A seraglio, a Harem. 2. The private or women's apartments in the palace of a prince. f. (-न्ता) The king's wife or concubine. E. शुद्ध pure, and अन्त end, limit.
  • शुद्धान्तपालक :: m. (-कः) A eunuch or an attendant on the women's apart- ments. E. शुद्धान्त the Harem, and पालक a guard.
  • शुद्धान्तयुज् :: f. (-युक्) Change of mode or key in music.
  • शुद्धापह्नुति :: f. (-तिः) A figure of rhetoric. E. शुद्ध correct, अपह्नुति concealment.
  • शुद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) 1. Cleaning, cleansing. 2. Purity, purification. 3. Correc- tion, correctness. 4. Innocence established by ordeal or trial, acquittal. 5. Paying off arrears. 6. Subtraction. 7. Brightness. 8. An expiation. 9. DURGĀ. E. शुध् to be or make pure, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • शुद्धिभृत् :: mfn. (-भृत्) 1. Clean, clear, free from soil. 2. Pure, virtuous. E. शुद्धि, भृत् having.
  • शुद्धोदन :: m. (-नः) King of KAPILA and father of SĀKYA. E. शुद्ध, ओदन rice, food.
  • शुद्धोदनसुत :: m. (-तः) SĀKYA, the founder of the Bauddha sect. E. शुद्धोदन the father of this personage, and सुत son.
  • शुध्(ओ, ऌ)ओशुधॢ :: r. 4th cl. (शुध्यति) 1. To be or become pure or puri- fied. 2. To be made clear, to have doubts removed. With परि, वि, or सम्, To be purified.
  • शुन् :: r. 6th cl. (शुनति) To go, to move.
  • शुन :: m. (-नः) A dog. E. शुण् to go, क aff.: see शुनि, श्वन्, &c.; also with कन् added शुनक ।
  • शुनाशोर :: m. (-रः) 1. INDRA. 2. An owl. E. सु good, venerable, नासीर van of his army; the स in each case changed; also शुनासीर, and more correctly, सुनासीर ।
  • शुनि :: m. (-निः) A dog. f. (-नी) A bitch. E. शुण् to go, इक् aff.; or श्वन् with ङीष् aff., and the semi-vowel changed.
  • शुनिन्धय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Suckled by a bitch. E. शुनी, धे to suck, खश् aff.
  • शुनीर :: m. (-रः) A number of female dogs. E. शुनी, र aff.
  • शुन्ध् :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (शुन्धति-ते शुन्धयति-ते) 1. To be or become pure. 2. To cleanse, to purify.
  • शुन्ध्यु :: m. (-न्ध्युः) 1. Fire. 2. Air, wind. E. शुधि to purify, चुश् Unādi aff.
  • शुन्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) Empty, void. n. (-न्यं) 1. A number of dogs. 2. A cipher. E. श्वन् a dog, and वत् aff., the vowel substituted for the semi-vowel; more commonly शून्य ।
  • शुभ् :: r. 1st cl. (शोभते) 1. To look beautiful. 2. To appear to advantage. 3. To shine. r. 6th cl. (शुम्भति) 1. To hurt or injure, to kill. 2. To look beautiful. 3. To shine.
  • शुभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) 1. Happy, well, right, fortunate, auspicious. 2. Handsome, beautiful. 3. Splendid, shining. 4. Eminent, distin- guished. 5. Learned, versed in the Vedas, &c. n. (-भं) 1. Good, good fortune, auspiciousness, happiness. 2. An ornament. 3. A particular fragrant wood. m. (-भः) One of the astrological Yogas. f. (-भा) 1. An assemblage of the gods. 2. A female friend and companion of the goddess UMĀ. 3. Bamboo-manna. 4. Bent

grass. 5. The Śami tree. 6. A yellow pigment: see गोरोचना . 7. Light, lustre. 8. Beauty. 9. Desire. E. शुभ् to shine, aff. क ।

  • शुभंयु :: mfn. (-युः -युः -यु) Happy, fortunate, prosperous. E. शुभं happy, युस् poss. aff.
  • शुभकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Propitious, producing good, &c. E. शुभ, and कर what makes: also शुभङ्कर ।
  • शुभकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) 1. Pious or virtuous act. 2. Reputable occupation or employment. E. शुभ, and कर्म्मन् act.
  • शुभग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) 1. Elegant, graceful. 2. Fortunate, propitious. E. शुभ, and गम् to go or obtain, ड aff.
  • शुभगन्धक :: n. (-कं) Gum-myrrh.
  • शुभङ्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Propitious, auspicious, conferring happiness or fortune. f. (-री) PĀRVATĪ. E. शुभ happiness, कृ to make, खच् aff.
  • शुभद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Propitious, auspicious. E. शुभ, द who or what gives.
  • शुभदन्ती :: f. (-न्ती) 1. The female elephant of the N. W. quarter. 2. A woman with good teeth. E. शुभ handsome, दन्त tooth, ङीप् aff.; else- where read शुभ्रदन्ती ।
  • शुभफल :: n. (-लं) Happy result or consequence. E. शुभ, and फल fruit.
  • शुभलग्न :: m. (-ग्नः) An auspicious moment. E. शुभ, and लग्न rise of a planet.
  • शुभवासन :: m. (-नः) Perfume for the mouth. E. शुभ, वासन perfuming.
  • शुभशील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Of a good disposition. E. शुभ, शील disposition.
  • शुभस्थली :: f. (-ली) A room or hall in which sacrifices are offered. E. शुभ auspicious, and स्थल place.
  • शुभाङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Handsome, elegant. f. (-ङ्गी) 1. The wife of KĀMA. 2. The wife of KUVERA. 3. A handsome woman. E. शुभ handsome, and अङ्ग body.
  • शुभाचार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Virtuous. f. (-रा) A female attendant on UMĀ. E. शुभ, आचार observance.
  • शुभाञ्जन :: m. (-नः) A tree, (Hyperanthera morunga:) see शोभाञ्जन ।
  • शुभानन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Handsome, good-looking. f. (-ना) A handsome woman. E. शुभ, and आनन face.
  • शुभान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Happy, prosperous, fortunate. E. शुभ good fortune, and अन्वित endowed with.
  • शुभापाङ्गा :: f. (-ङ्गा) A beautiful woman. E. शुभ, and अपाङ्ग the corner of the eye, for the eye or face.
  • शुभाशुभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Prosperous and unfortunate, good and evil. n. (-भं) Good and ill-fortune. E. शुभ, अशुभ unlucky.
  • शुभेतर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Unlucky, inauspicious. 2. Evil, bad. E. शुभ, इतर other.
  • शुभ्र :: mfn. (-भ्रः -भ्रा -भ्रं) 1. White. 2. Shining. m. (-भ्रः) 1. White, (the colour.) 2. Sandal. n. (-भ्रं) 1. Talc. 2. Silver. 3. Green vitriol. 4. Rock-salt. 5. Sandal. f. (-भ्रा) 1. The Ganges. 2. Crystal. 3. Bamboo-manna. E. शुभ् to shine, रक् aff.
  • शुभ्रकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) The thirty-sixth year of the Indian cycle. E. शुभ्र white, कृत् making.
  • शुभ्रदन्ती :: f. (-न्ती) The female elephant of the north-west quarter. E. शुभ्र white, दन्त a tusk, ङीप् aff.
  • शुभ्ररश्मि :: m. (-श्मिः) The moon. E. शुभ्र white, and रश्मि a ray.
  • शुभ्रांशु :: m. (-शुः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. E. शुभ्र white, and अंशु a ray.
  • शुभ्रि :: m. (-भ्रिः) BRAHMĀ. E. शुभ् to be propitious, क्रिन् Unādi aff.
  • शुम्भ् :: r. 6th cl. (शुम्भति) 1. To shine, to be splendid or beautiful. 2. To be handsome. 3. To hurt or injure. 4. To speak.
  • शुम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) An Asura or demon slain by DURGĀ.
  • शुम्भघातिनी :: f. (-नी) DURGĀ. E. शुम्भ the Asura, and घातिनी destructress.
  • शुम्भपुर :: nf. (-रं-री) A city and district, perhaps the modern Sambhalpūr, in the district of Gondwāna. E. शुम्भ the Asura, and पुर city.
  • शुम्भमर्द्दिनी :: f. (-नी) DURGĀ. E. शुम्भ the Asura, and मर्द्दिनी destructress.
  • शुर्(ई)शुरी :: r. 4th cl. (शूर्य्यते) 1. To hurt, to kill. 2. To make firm. 3. To be stupid or insensible; also शूर ।
  • शुर :: m. (-रः) A lion. E. शुर् to injure, aff. क ।
  • शुल्क् :: r. 10th cl. (शुल्कयति-ते) 1. To speak. 2. To gain or acquire. 3. To create. 4. To abandon, to leave or forsake.
  • शुल्क :: mn. (-ल्कः-ल्कं) 1. Toll, duty, customs or taxes. 2. The present

made by the bridegroom to the bride, at the time of bringing her home to his family; a marriage settlement or dower. 3. Money given to the parents of the bride. 4. Money given at the purchase of any thing to ratify the bargain. 5. The profits of household labour, employment of domestic utensils, care of milch-cattle, preservation of ornaments, superintendance of servants, &c., when considered as the perquisite of the wife and her own legal property. E. शुल्क् to quit, aff. घञ् ।

  • शुल्कस्थान :: n. (-नं) Any object of taxation or duty. E. शुल्क, स्थान place.
  • शुल्कहानि :: f. (-निः) Loss or forfeiture of wages, dower, &c. E. शुल्क, हानि privation.
  • शुल्ल :: n. (-ल्लं) 1. A cord, a rope or string. 2. Copper.
  • शुल्व् :: r. 10th cl. (शुल्वयति ते) 1. To measure. 2. To create. 3. To give. 4. To dismiss.
  • शुल्व :: Subst. mfn. (-ल्वः -ल्वा or ल्वी -ल्वं) A rope, a cord, a string. n. (-ल्वं) 1. Copper. 2. A sacrificial observance. 3. An institute, a law. 4. A place near water. 5. A rope. E. शुल्व् to measure, aff. अच्; or शुध् to be pure, &c., Unādi aff. वन्, and ध changed to ल .
  • शुल्वज :: n. (-जं) Brass.
  • शुल्वारि :: m. (-रिः) Sulphur. E. शुल्व copper, and अरि a foe.
  • शुशुमा :: f. (-मा) The wife of ŚUKRA.
  • शुश्रवस् :: mfn. (-वान् -श्रुषी -वः) Heard, having heard. E. श्रु to hear, aff. क्वसु ।
  • शुश्रूष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Obedient, serving, attending. E. श्रु to hear, desid. v., उ aff.
  • शुश्रूषक :: m. (-कः) A servant, comprehending five descriptions of per- sons, a pupil, a religious pupil or the member of a religious com- munity, under a common head, a hired servant, an officer or deputy, and a slave. E. श्रु to hear, desid. v., ण्वुल् aff.
  • शुश्रूषण :: n. (-णं) Service, serving. f. (-णा) 1. Desire to hear. 2. Obedience. 3. Service, attendance. E. श्रु to hear, desiderative form, ल्युट् aff.
  • शुश्रूषा :: f. (-षा) 1. Service, serving of five kinds: see शुश्रूषक . 2. Saying, speaking, telling. 3. Wishing to hear. E. श्रु to hear, desiderative form, अच aff., fem. aff. ठाप् ।
  • शुश्रूषापर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Diligent or attentive in service. E. शुश्रूषा, and पर intent on.
  • शुष्(औ, ॡ)औशुषॣ :: r. 4th cl. (शुष्यति) 1. To dry. 2. To be withered.
  • शुष :: m. (-षः) 1. Drying. 2. A hole in the ground. E. शुष् to dry, aff. क ।
  • शुषि :: f. (-षिः-षी) 1. A hole, a chasm. 2. Drying. 3. The hollow or groove in the fang of a snake. E. शुष् to dry, aff. कि ।
  • शुषिर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Perforated, bored, pierced, full of holes or spaces. n. (-रं) 1. A hole, a vacuity, a chasm. 2. A wind-instrument. m. (-रः) 1. Fire. 2. A rat. f. (-रा) 1. A sort of perfume, commonly Nali. 2. A river in general. E. शुष् to dry, Unādi aff. किरच् ।
  • शुषिल :: m. (-लः) Air wind. E. शुष् to dry, किरच् aff., and the semi-vowel changed to ल .
  • शुष्क :: mfn. (-ष्कः -ष्का -ष्कं) 1. Dry, dried. 2. Groundless, causeless. 3. Unpro- ductive, unprofitable. 4. Emaciated, withered. 5. Feigned. 6. Offensive. E. शुष् to dry, aff. क्त, or Unādi aff. कक् ।
  • शुष्कता :: f. (-ता) Dryness. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, शुष्कत्वं ।
  • शुष्कमांस :: n. (-सं) 1. Dry flesh. 2. Dried meat. E. शुष्क dry, मांस flesh.
  • शुष्कल :: mfn. subst. (-लः-ला or ली-लं) Dry flesh. Adj. Eating fish and flesh. E. शुष् to dry, कलच् Unādi aff.; or शुष्क, and ला to take, aff. क ।
  • शुष्कवैर :: n. (-रं) Groundless enmity. E. शुष्क, and वैर enmity.
  • शुष्कव्रण :: m. (-णः) A scar, a cicatrised sore. E. शुष्क dry, व्रण a sore.
  • शुष्काङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Emaciated, withered. f. (-ङ्गी) A lizard, a chameleon. E. शुष्क dry, अङ्ग the body.
  • शुष्कान्न :: n. (-न्नं) Rice in the husk. E. शुष्क, and अन्न rice.
  • शुष्कार्द्र :: n. (-र्द्रं) Dry ginger. E. शुष्क dry, and आर्द्र ginger.
  • शुष्ण :: m. (-ष्णः) 1. The sun. 2. Fire. E. शुष् to dry, न Unādi aff.
  • शुष्म :: m. (-ष्मः) 1. The sun. 2. Fire. 3. Air, wind. 4. A bird. n. (-ष्मं) 1. Light, lustre. 2. Strength, prowess. E. शुष् to dry, मन् aff.
  • शुष्मन् :: m. (-ष्मा) Fire. n. (-ष्म) 1. Light, lustre. 2. Strength, prowess. E. शुष् to dry, मनिन् aff.
  • शुष्यत् :: mfn. (-ष्यन् -ष्यन्ती -ष्यत्) Drying. E. शुष् to dry, शतृ aff.
  • शूक :: mn. (-कः-कं) 1. The awn of barley, &c. 2. A bristle, a spiculæ. 3. Compassion, clemency, tenderness. 4. Top, point. 5. A kind of poisonous insect. f. (-का) Cowach. E. शो to make sharp or thin, ऊक aff., deriv. irr.; or श्वि-कक्-सम्प्र० ।
  • शूकक :: m. (-कः) 1. Barley, or bearded kind of wheat resembling it. 2. The sentiment of compassion or tenderness. E. कन् added to the last.
  • शूककीट :: m. (-टः) 1. A caterpillar. 2. A worm that eats holes in clothes. E. शूक a bristle, (the hairs on the insect,) and कीट a worm; also with कन् added शूककीटक ।
  • शूकतृण :: n. (-णं) A kind of grass. E. शूक an awn, तृण grass.
  • शूकधान्य :: n. (-न्यं) Awned or bearded grain, as barley, &c. E. शूक an awn, धान्य grain.
  • शूकपिण्डि :: f. (-ण्डिः-ण्डी) Cowach, (Carpopogon pruriens.) E. शूक an awn, पिण्डि a heap.
  • शूकर :: m. (-रः) A hog. f. (-री) 1. A kind of moss, (Lycopodium inbrica- tum.) 2. A sow. E. शूक an awn, (a bristle,) र aff.; or शू imitative sound, कृ to make, with अच् and ठाप् aff.
  • शूकराक्रान्ता :: f. (-न्ता) A kind of moss, &c.: see the last; also वराहक्रान्ता ।
  • शूकल :: m. (-लः) A restive horse.
  • शूकवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Awned, bearded. f. (-ती) Cowach. E. शूक an awn, मतुप् aff.
  • शूकशिम्बा :: f. (-म्बा) Cowach. E. शूक an awn, and शिम्बा a pod.
  • शूकशिम्बि :: f. (-म्बिः-म्बी) Cowach, (Carpopogon pruriens.) E. शूक an awn, and शिम्बि a pod; also with कन् added शूकशिम्बिका ।
  • शूकापूट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः) A gem, perhaps amber. E. शूक an awn, आङ् before पट्ट् to become small, अच् aff.
  • शूकिन् :: mfn. (-की -किनी -कि) Awned, bearded, (as grain.) E. शूक, इनि aff.
  • शूकुल :: m. (-लः) 1. A fish in general. 2. A kind of fish. 3. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus.)
  • शूक्ष्म :: mfn. (-क्ष्मः -क्ष्मा -क्ष्मं) Minute, small, fine, subtile. m. (-क्ष्मः) 1. Fraud, dishonesty. 2. Universal spirit. E. स substituted for श in the more correct form सूक्ष्म, q. v.
  • शूद्र :: m. (-द्रः) A man of the fourth or servile tribe, said to have sprung from the feet of BRAHMĀ. f. (-द्रा) A woman of the Śūdra tribe. f. (-द्री or द्राणी) The wife of Śūdra. E. शुच् to purify or cleanse, Uṇadi aff. रक्, the vowel made long, and च changed to द ।
  • शूद्रता :: f. (-ता) The nature or condition of a Śūdra. E. शूद्र and तल् aff.; also with त्व, शूद्रत्वं ।
  • शूद्रधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) The duty of the Śūdra tribe, the service of the other three. E. शूद्र a Śūdra, and धर्म्म moral merit.
  • शूद्रप्रेष्य :: m. (-ष्यः) A man of the three first classes, who has become a servant to one of the fourth. E. शूद्र a Śūdra. and प्रेष्य a slave.
  • शूद्रभिक्षित :: n. (-तं) Alms begged or received from a Śūdra. E. शूद्र, and भिक्षित begged as alms.
  • शूद्रभूयिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Abounding with Śūdra. E. शूद्र, भूयिष्ठ many.
  • शूद्रयाजक :: m. (-कः) A priest who conducts sacrifices for Śūdras. E. शूद्र, and याजक sacrificer.
  • शूद्रराज्य :: n. (-ज्यं) A country of which a Śūdra is king. E. शूद्र, and राज्य kingdom.
  • शूद्रवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) The duty or occupation of a Śūdra. E. शूद्र, and वृत्ति employment.
  • शूद्रशासन :: n. (-नं) An edict or grant, &c., addressed to persons of the servile caste. E. शूद्र a Śūdra, शासन edict.
  • शूद्रापरिणयन :: n. (-नं) Marrying a Śūdra female. E. शूद्रा, परिणयन marrying.
  • शूद्रापुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) The son of any man by a Śūdra woman. E. शूद्रा, and पुत्त्र son; also शूद्रासुतः, &c.
  • शूद्राभार्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) The husband of a Śūdra woman. E. शूद्रा Śūdrawoman, and भार्य्या a wife.
  • शूद्रार्त्ता :: f. (-र्त्ता) A plant, commonly Priyangu. E. शूद्र a Śūdra, and आर्त्त pained.
  • शूद्रावेदन :: n. (-नं) Marrying a woman of the fourth class. E. शूद्रा, and आवेदन marrying.
  • शूद्रावेदिन् :: m. (-दी) A man of the three first classes, who has a Śūdra wife. E. शूद्रा, and आवेदिन् who marries.
  • शून :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Swelled, increased, grown. 2. Morbidly swollen. f. (-ना) 1. A shambles, a slaughter-house. 2. The soft palate. 3. A piece of house-hold furniture which destroys animal life. viz:-- “पञ्च शुना गृहस्थस्य चुल्लीपेषण्युपस्करः । कण्डनीचोदकुम्भश्च बध्यते यास्तुवाहयन् ॥” E. श्वि to increase, aff. क्त, form irr.
  • शूनावत् :: m. (-वान्) A butcher, one who keeps a place where animals are killed for sale. E. शूना a shambles, and मतुप् aff.
  • शून्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) 1. Empty, void. 2. Lonely, desert. 3. Vacant. 4. Devoid of. 5. Indifferent. 6. Guileless. 7. Absent-minded. 8. Non- sensical. 9. Naked, bare. n. (-न्यं) 1. Heaven, sky, æther. 2. A dot, a spot. 3. A cipher. 4. A vacuum. 5. Non-entity. f. (-न्या) 1. A hollow reed. 2. The prickly-pear. 3. A barren woman. E. शुन a dog, यत aff. of fitness, and the vowel substituted for the semi-vowel, and made optionally long.
  • शून्यगेह :: n. (-हं) An empty or deserted house. E. शून्य, and गेह a house.
  • शून्यत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Vacuity, emptiness. 2. Unreality, the false or illusory nature of all existence. E. त्व added to शून्य; with तल्, शून्यता ।
  • शून्यमध्य :: m. (-ध्यः) A hollow reed. E. शून्य empty, and मध्य the middle.
  • शून्यमुख :: Adj. Pale-faced, having a dejected countenance.
  • शून्यवादिन् :: m. (-दी) 1. A Bauddha. 2. An atheist. E. शून्य vacuum, and वादिन् declaring; denying the existence of any thing.
  • शून्यस्थान :: n. (-नं) An empty place. E. शून्य, and स्थान place.
  • शून्यहस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Empty-handed. E. शून्य, हस्त the hand.
  • शूयमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Swelling, enlarging, expanding. E. श्वि to swell, शानच् aff.
  • शूर :: r. 10th cl. (शूरयति-ते) 1. To be valiant or powerful, to act the hero. 2. To make great effort or exertion. (ई) शूरी r. 4th cl. (शूर्य्यते) 1. To hurt or kill. 2. To be stupid.
  • शूर :: m. (-रः) 1. A hero. 2. The sun. 3. A lion. 4. A boar. 5. The grand- father of KRISHṆA. 6. The Śal tree, (Shorea robusta.) f. (-रा) Brave, mighty. E. शु to bear, Sautra root, Unādi aff. क्रन्, and the vowel made long; or शूर् to be brave, aff. अच् ।
  • शूरकीट :: m. (-टः) A contemptible warrior.
  • शूरण :: m. (-णः) 1. An esculent root, (Arum campanulatum, Rox.) “ओल . ” 2. A plant, (Bignonia Indica.) E. शूरी to hurt, (some diseases,) aff. युच्; or शूर्-ल्यु ।
  • शूरणोद्भुज :: m. (-जः) A kind of bird. E. शूरण the Arum, and उद् before भुज् to eat, aff. क ।
  • शूरता :: f. (-ता) Heroism, prowess. E. तल् added to शूर; also with त्व, शूरत्वं ।
  • शूरदेव :: m. (-वः) The second Jaina of the future era.
  • शूरमान :: n. (-नं) Vaunting, pride of prowess. E. शूर, and मान pride.
  • शूरमानिन् :: m. (-नी) A boaster, one who thinks himself a hero. E. शूर, मन् to think, णिनि aff.
  • शूरम्मन्य :: m. (-न्यः) A boaster, one who thinks himself a hero. E. शूर, मन् to think, खश् aff.
  • शूरसेन :: m. (-नः) 1. The country about Mathurā. 2. The name of a prince. E. शूर a hero, सेना an army.
  • शूर्प् :: r. 10th cl. (शूर्पयति-ते) To mete or measure.
  • शूर्प्प :: mn. (-र्प्पः-र्प्पं) 1. A winnowing basket. 2. A measure of two Dronās. f. (-र्प्पी) 1. A small kind of winnowing basket, a toy for children. 2. The sister of RĀVAṆA: see शूर्प्पनखा . E. शॄ to injure, Unādi aff. प, and ऊ substituted for the vowel; or शूर्प्-घञ् ।
  • शूर्प्पक :: m. (-कः) A demon, the enemy of KĀMADEVA. E. शूर्प्प् to measure, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • शूर्प्पकर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) An elephant. E. शूर्प्प a winnowing basket, कर्ण the ear.
  • शूर्प्पकाराति :: m. (-तिः) KĀMA or CUPID. E. शूर्प्पक a demon, and अराति an enemy; also शूर्प्पकारि, &c.
  • शूर्प्पणखा :: f. (-खा) The sister of the Daitya RĀVAṆA. E. शूर्प्प a winnow- ing basket, and नख a finger nail, (having them as large,) fem. aff. टाप् or ङीप्, whence also शूर्प्पणखी ।
  • शूर्प्पनिष्पाव :: m. (-वः) A measure (a basket) of winnowed corn. E. शूर्प्प, निष्पाव winnowing.
  • शूर्प्पपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A sort of bean, (Phaseolus trilobus.)
  • शूर्प्पवात :: m. (-तः) The air as agitated by the shaking of the winnowing basket. E. शूर्प्प a basket, वात wind.
  • शूर्प्पश्रुति :: f. (-तिः) An elephant. E. शूर्प्प winnowing basket, श्रुति an ear; as large.
  • शूर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) An iron image, &c., also सूर्म्मः see the next.
  • शूर्म्मि :: mf. (-र्म्मिः-र्म्मी) 1. An iron image. 2. An anvil. E. शु for शोभा beauty, and ऊर्म्मि a wave or line, ङीष् optionally added; deriv. irr.; also with इ rejected, and कन् added, fem. form शूर्म्मिका; again, as differently read, सूर्म्मि, स्युर्म्मि, &c.
  • शूल् :: r. 1st cl. (शूलति) 1. To disorder, to distemper or disease. 2. To make a loud noise. 3. To impale, to transfix.
  • शूल :: mn. (-लः-लं) 1. Sharp pain in general, or especially in the belly, as colic, &c., or in the joints, from rheumatism or gout. 2. A weapon, a pike, a dart. 3. An iron pin or spit. 4. A banner, an ensign. 5. An astrological Yoga, that of the 9th lunar mansion. 6. Death, dying. 7. A stake for impaling criminals. f. (-ला) 1. A whore. 2. An instrument used for putting criminals to death, a stake for impaling them. E. शूल् to disease, &c., aff. अच् or क ।
  • शूलक :: m. (-कः) A restive horse. E. शूल् to distress, वुन् aff.
  • शूलघातन :: n. (-नं) Iron rust or filings. E. शूल pain, घातन what removes.
  • शूलघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) Removing or allaying sharp pain, sedative, anodyne. E. शूल, and घ्न what destroys.
  • शूलधन्वन् :: m. (-न्वा) ŚIVA. E. शूल a pike or the three-pronged one, the trident of this deity, धन्वन् a bow, put for a weapon.
  • शूलधर :: m. (-रः) ŚIVA. f. (-रा) DURGĀ. E. शूल a pike or trident, धर who holds.
  • शूलधृष् :: f. (-धृक्) DURGĀ. E. शूल a trident, and धृष् to be bold, aff. क्विप् .
  • शूलनाशन :: n. (-नं) White Sachal-salt. E. शूल colic, and नाशन removing.
  • शूलशत्रु :: m. (-त्रुः) The castor-oil plant, (Ricinus communis.) E. शूल colic, शत्रु hostile.
  • शूलहस्त :: m. (-स्तः) One armed with a lance or pike. E. शूल, हस्त the hand.
  • शूलहृत् :: m. (-हृत्) Asafœtida. E. शूल colic, and हृत् removing.
  • शूलाकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Roasted on a spit, (meat.) E. शूल a spit, and कृत made, with डाच् augment; spitted.
  • शूलाग्र :: n. (-ग्रं) The point of a pike, stake, &c. E. शूल, and अग्र end.
  • शूलिक :: n. (-कं) Roast meat. m. (-कः) A hare. E. शूल a spit, and ठक् aff.
  • शूलिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) 1. Suffering sharp pain, having the colic, &c. 2. Armed with a spear. m. (-ली) 1. MAHĀDEVA. 2. A spearman. 3. A stake-bearer. 4. A hare. E. शूल a trident, and इनि aff.
  • शूलिन :: m. (-नः) The Indian-fig tree. E. शूल a stake, इनन् aff.
  • शूलोत्खा :: f. (-त्खा) A medicinal plant, (Serratula anthelmintica.) “सोमराज्यां ।”
  • शूल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) 1. Roasted, (on a spit.) 2. Deserving impale- ment. n. (-ल्यं) Roasted meat. E. शूल a spit, and यत् aff.
  • शूष् :: r. 1st. cl. (शूषति) 1. To bring forth, to propagate. 2. To beget.
  • शृकाल :: m. (-लः) A jackal: see the next.
  • शृगाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A shakal or jackal. 2. A coward, a poltroon. 3. A rogue, a cheat. 4. An ill-natured or harsh-speaking man. 5. A demon so named. 6. KRISHṆA. f. (-ली) 1. Flight, retreat. 2. A fox. 3. A she-jackal. E. शृज् to create or abandon, (deceit, &c.) कालन् aff.; or शृङ्ग a horn, अ negative prefix, ला to possess, aff. क, deriv. irr.; also सृगाल, &c.
  • शृगालकण्टक :: m. (-कः) A plant, commonly. Seyāla-kāṇṭā or jackal's thorn, (Zizyphus scandens.) E. शृगाल, कण्टक a thorn.
  • शृगालकोलि :: m. (-लिः) A sort of jujube. E. शृगाल a jackal, कोलि the jujube.
  • शृगालजम्बू :: f. (-म्बूः) 1. A kind of cucumber, (Cucumis madraspatanus.) 2. The fruit of the jujube. E. शृगाल a jackal, जम्बू rose-apple. “गोमुक् ।”
  • शृगालिका :: f. (-का) 1. The female jackal. 2. A fox. 3. Running away, flight, retreat. 4. A plant, (Convolvulus paniculatus.) E. शृगाली as above, and कन् added.
  • शृङ्खल :: Subst. mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. A belt or chain worn round a man's body. 2. A chain for confining an elephant. 3. A chain, a fetter in general. E. शृङ्ग a horn, here said to mean a link, and खल् to collect, aff. अच्; or शिञ्जा the tinkling of a chain, and स्खल् to go, aff. अच्, deriv irr.
  • शृङ्खलक :: m. (-कः) 1. A young camel with wooden rings or clogs on his feet. 2. A chain. E. शृङ्खल a chain, and कन् aff.
  • शृङ्खलता :: f. (-ता) 1. Connexion, concatenation. 2. Restraint. E. तल् added to शृङ्खल; also with त्व, शृङ्खलत्वं ।
  • शृङ्खलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bound, chained, fettered, captive. E. शृङ्खला a chain, इतच् aff.
  • शृङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) 1. A horn. 2. A mark, a sign. 3. The top of a mountain. 4. The summit of a building. 5. Any point or projection. 6. A horn of the moon. 7. A horn used as a wind-instrument. 8. Sover- eignty, mastership. 9. Dignity, elevation. 10. A fountain, an artificial one or jet d'eau. 11. A lotus. 12. Very sharp. 13. Minutely fine. 14. Excess of love. m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A medicinal root, commonly Jivaka. 2. A Muni so named. f. (-ङ्गी) 1. Gold. 2. A fish, (Silurus Singio, HAM.) 3. A plant (Betula.) 4. Rishabha, a medicinal root, sharped like a bull's horn. 5. Another plant, a kind of Rhus, with an excrescence or gall in the bark, compared to a crab's horn. E. शॄ to injure, Unādi aff. गन्, and the vowel made short.
  • शृङ्गक :: mn. (-कः-कं) 1. A horn. 2. Any pointed object. 3. A horn of the moon. m. (-कः) A medicinal root, commonly Jivaka. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • शृङ्गज :: m. (-जः) An arrow. n. (-जं) Aloe-wood.
  • शृङ्गला :: f. (-ला) A plant, a kind of Rhus, having an excrescence in the bark formed by an insect, which is compared in shape to the horn of a goat or a crab. E. शृङ्ग a horn, लच् aff.
  • शृङ्गवेर :: n. (-रं) Ginger. E. शृङ्ग a horn, and वेर body or shape; also with कन् added शृङ्गवेरक ।
  • शृङ्गाट :: n. (-टं) A place where four roads meet. m. (-टः) 1. An aquatic plant, (Trapa bispinosa.) 2. A shrub, (Ruellia or Barleria longifo- lia.) E. शृङ्ग a horn, अट् to go or be, aff. अच् ।
  • शृङ्गाटक :: n. (-कं) 1. A place where four roads meet. 2. An aquatic plant, (Trapa bispinosa.) 3. A door. m. (-कः) A collection or mountain of three peaks. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • शृङ्गान्तर :: n. (-रं) The interval between the horns of an animal.
  • शृङ्गार :: m. (-रः) 1. Love, the passion or sentiment as an object of poeti- cal description or dramatic representation. 2. Copulation, coition. 3. Marks made with red-lead on an elephant's head and trunk by way of ornament. 4. A dress suitable for amorous purposes. n. (-रं) 1. Cloves. 2. Red-lead. 3. Fragrant powder for the dress or person. 4. Ginger. 5. Agallochum. E. शृङ्ग eminence, dignity, ऋ to go to or obtain, and अण् aff.; being the chief of the poetical Rasas; or शॄ to hurt, आरन् Unādi aff., with नुम् and गुक् augments.
  • शृङ्गारक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Horned, having a horn or crest. E. शृङ्ग, आरकन् poss. aff.
  • शृङ्गारभूषण :: n. (-णं) Red-lead. E. शृङ्गार love, भूषण adorning. “सिन्दुरे ।”
  • शृङ्गारयोनि :: m. (-निः) The deity of love. E. शृङ्गार the passion, योनि origin.
  • शृङ्गारवेश :: m. (-शः) A dress suitable for amorous purposes.
  • शृङ्गारसहाय :: m. (-यः) An assistant in love affairs.
  • शृङ्गारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Stained with red-lead, reddened. 2. Deco- rated. 3. Affected with passion. E. शृङ्गार, and इतच् aff.
  • शृङ्गारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Feeling or relating to the passion of love. 2. Stained with red-lead. m. (-री) 1. An empassioned lover. 2. Dress, decoration. 3. An elephant. 4. A ruby. 5. The betel-nut tree, (Areca faufel.) E. शृङ्गार love, इनि aff. of relation.
  • शृङ्गि :: f. (-ङ्गिः or -ङ्गी) 1. A sort of sheat-fish, (Silurus Singio, HAM.) 2. A kind of poison. mn. (-ङ्गिः-ङ्गि) Gold for ornaments: see शृङ्ग, शृङ्गी ।
  • शृङ्गिक :: n. (-कं) A sort of poison. f. (-का) A plant, (Betula.) E. शृङ्क a fish, &c., ठञ् aff.
  • शृङ्गिकनक :: n. (-कं) Gold for ornaments. E. शृङ्गि the same, and कनक gold.
  • शृङ्गिण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Horned. m. (-णः) A ram. E. शृङ्ग a horn, इनन् aff.
  • शृङ्गिन् :: mfn. (-ङ्गी -ङ्गिणी -ङ्गि) 1. Horned. 2. Crested, peaked. m. (-ङ्गी) 1. An elephant. 2. A mountain. 3. A tree. 4. An epithet of ŚIVA. 5. Name of an attendant of ŚIVA. f. (-ङ्गिणी) 1. A cow. 2. Arabian jasmine. 3. Heart-pea. 4. Katuki, a medicinal plant. E. शृङ्ग a horn, &c., इनि poss. aff.
  • शृणि :: f. (-णिः) The hook for goading an elephant. E. शृ to injure, नि aff., and the radical vowel made short; also सृणि ।
  • शृण्वत् :: mfn. (-ण्वन् -ण्वन्ती -ण्वत्) Hearing. E. श्रु to hear, शतृ aff.
  • शृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Boiled, (water, milk or Ghee.) E. श्रा to boil, aff. क्त, form irr.; or शृ-क्त; as applied to any other substances, the form is श्राण or श्रपित ।
  • शृध्(उ)शृधु :: r. 1st. cl. (शर्द्धते) To fart. (शर्द्धति-ते) To cut. r. 10th cl. (शर्द्धयति-ते) 1. To insult, to ridicule. 2. To take, to seize.
  • शृधु :: f. (-धुः) 1. The anus. 2. Intellect. E. शृध् to fart, &c., Unādi aff. कू; also read शृधू ।
  • शॄ :: r. 9th cl. (शृणाति) To hurt, to wound or kill. With वि prefixed, pass. v. (विशीर्य्यते) To be injured or impaired, to waste or decay.
  • शेखर :: m. (-रः) 1. A garland of flowers worn on the crown of the head. 2. A crest. 3. The burden of a song. 4. Anything the best of its kind, (when used at the end of a compound.) f. (-री) A parasite plant. n. (-रं) 1. The root of the Hyperanthera morunga. 2. Cloves. E. शिखि to go, अरन् aff.; the nasal omitted.
  • शेखरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Crested, tufted, peaked. E. शेखर, इतच् aff.
  • शेणवी :: f. (-वी) Understanding, intellect.
  • शेणा :: f. (-णा) Understanding, mind, intellect.
  • शेप :: m. (-पः) 1. The penis. 2. A testicle. E. शी to sleep, पन् aff.: see शेफस्; also read शेपस् n. (-पः) ।
  • शेपाल :: m. (-लः) Vallisneria: see शैवाल ।
  • शेफ :: m. (-फः) The penis. E. शी to sleep, फन् aff.: see the next.
  • शेफस् :: n. (-फः) The penis. E. शी to sleep, (semine effuso,) असुन् aff., and फुट् augment; also with पुट् augment, शेपस्, and with a final vowel, शेफ or शेप; again, व being substituted for प, शेव ।
  • शेफालि :: f. (-लिः-ली) A plant: see the next.
  • शेफालिका :: f. (-का) A flower, (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis.) E. शेफा sleeping, from शी with फ aff., अलि a bee, fem. aff. ङीष्, कप् added; also शेफालि ।
  • शेमुषी :: f. (-षी) Understanding, intellect. E. शे derived from शीङ् to sleep, with the aff. विच्, implying ignorance or delusion and मुष् to steal, to take away, affs. क and ङीष्; or शम् to pacify, (the senses,) क्कसु participial aff., fem. form, deriv. irr.
  • शेल्(ऋ)शेऌ :: r. 1st cl. (शेलति) 1. To go, to move. 2. To shake, to tremble.
  • शेलु :: m. (-लुः) A small tree, (Cordia myxa.) E. शिल् to glean, उन् aff.
  • शेव :: m. (-वः) 1. The penis. 2. A snake. 3. Heighth, elevation. 4. Happi- ness. n. (-वं) 1. The penis. 2. Happiness. Ind. (-वम्) Hail, homage, a term of exclamation or salutation addressed to the deities. E. शीङ् to sleep, Unādi aff. वन् ।
  • शेवधि :: m. (-धिः) A treasure as belonging to KUVERA, a Nidhi or substance of extraordinary rarity and value, possessed only by the god of wealth. E. शेव happiness, धा to have, कि aff.; or शे in future, अवधि boundary.
  • शेवल :: n. (-लं) 1. An aquatic plant, (Vallisneria octandra:) see the next. 2. The green moss-like substance that grows on the surface of water.
  • शेवलिनी :: f. (-नी) A river.
  • शेवाल :: n. (-लं) An aquatic plant, (Vallisneria octandra.) E. शी to sleep, (on the water,) वालन् Unādi aff.; also व being changed to प, शेपाल, and the pen. vowel shortened, शेवल; also शैवल, &c.
  • शेश्यित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Fast asleep, sleeping much. E. शी to sleep, intens. v., क्त aff.
  • शेश्यितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Sleeping much or soundly. E. शी to sleep, intens. v., क्तवतु aff.
  • शेश्वीयमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Enlarging, expanding. E. श्वि to increase, intens. v., शानच् aff.
  • शेष :: n. (-षं) Remainder, leavings, rest, balance, what is left, omitted or rejected. m. (-षः) 1. The king of the serpent race, as a large thousand-headed snake, at once the couch and canopy of VISHṆU, and the upholder of the world, which rests on one of his heads. 2. A name of BALADEVA. 3. Killing, destroying, finishing. 4. Result, end, conclusion. f. (-षा) Flowers and other things that have been offered to an idol and are then distributed amongst the worshippers and attendants. E. शिष् to specify, aff. अच् or घञ् ।
  • शेषकाल :: n. (-लं) The last term, the time of death. E. शेष and काल time.
  • शेषभाग :: m. (-गः) The last or remaining part. E. शेष and भाग portion.
  • शेषभुज् :: mfn. (-भुक्) Who eats the leavings of others. E. शेष, भुज् who eats.
  • शेषभोजन :: n. (-नं) 1. Eating the rest of the food after feeding the family, guests, &c. 2. Eating the leavings of a meal. E. शेष and भोजन food.
  • शेषरक्षण :: n. (-णं) Taking care that an undertaking is brought to a conclusion. E. शेष and रक्षण preserving.
  • शेषरात्रि :: f. (-त्रिः) The last watch of the night. E. शेष the remainder, and रात्रि night.
  • शेषशयन :: m. (-नः) An epithet of VISHṆU.
  • शेषान्न :: n. (-न्नं) Leavings of a meal, &c. E. शेष, अन्न food.
  • शेषावस्था :: f. (-स्था) The last state or condition of life. E. शेष and अवस्था state.
  • शै :: r. 1st cl. (शायते) To go.
  • शैक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A young Brāhman in his novitiate, one who has begun to read the Vedas. E. शिक्षा the pronunciation of the language of the Vedas, अण् aff.
  • शैक्ष्य :: n. (-क्ष्यं) Learning.
  • शैख :: m. (-खः) The offspring of an outcaste Brāhman.
  • शैखरिक :: m. (-कः) A plant, (Achyranthes aspera.) E. शेखर a crest or top, ठक् aff.; also with ढक् aff. शैखरेय ।
  • शैघ्र्य :: n. (-घ्य्रं) Quickness, rapidity.
  • शैत्य :: n. (-त्यं) Cold, coldness. E. शीत cold, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • शैथिल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) 1. Looseness, laxity. 2. Flaccidity. 3. Slackness, remission. 4. Relaxation of rule or connexion. E. शिथिल, ष्यञ् aff.
  • शैनेय :: m. (-यः) SĀTYAKI, the charioteer of KRISHṆA.
  • शैरीयक :: m. (-कः) A shrub, (Barleria cristata;) also शैरेयक ।
  • शैल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) 1. Mountainous, mountaineer, &c. 2. Stony, rocky. m. (-लः) A mountain. n. (-लं) 1. Bitumen. 2. Storax. 3. A sort of collyrium: see रसाञ्जन . f. (-ली) 1. A concise interpretation of a grammatical aphorism. 2. A mode of interpretation. 3. Course, conduct. E. शिला a rock, a stone, अण् aff.
  • शैलक :: n. (-कं) 1. Storax or Benzoin. 2. Bitumen. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • शैलकटक :: m. (-कः) The brow or slope of a mountain. E. शैल, कटक flank.
  • शैलज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced in or on mountains, rocks, &c. n. (-जं) 1. A fragrant resinous substance, (Storax or Benzoin.) 2. Bitumen. E. शैल a mountain, and ज produced.
  • शैलजन :: m. (-नः) A mountaineer. E. शैल, and जन a person.
  • शैलधन्वन् :: m. (-न्वा) ŚIVA. E. शैल a mountain, and धन्वन् a bow.
  • शैलधर :: m. (-रः) KRISHṆA. E. शैल a mountain, and धर who upholds.
  • शैलनिर्य्यास :: m. (-सः) Storax, Benzoin. E. शैल a rock, निर्य्यास exudation.
  • शैलपति :: m. (-तिः) The Himālaya. E. शैल, and पति master.
  • शैलभित्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) A stone-cutter's chisel or axe, an instrument for cutting stones. E. शैल a mountain, भिद् to divide, aff. क्तिच् ।
  • शैलमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Rocky. E. शैल, and मयट् aff.
  • शैलरन्ध्र :: n. (-न्ध्रं) A cavern, a cave. E. शैल, रन्ध्र a hole.
  • शैलशिखर :: n. (-रं) The crest or peak of a mountain. E. शैल, शिखर a peak.
  • शैलशिविर :: n. (-रं) The ocean. E. शैल a rock, and शिविर a camp or place.
  • शैलशृङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) The peak of a mountain. E. शैल, and शृङ्ग a horn.
  • शैलसार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Hard, firm, as a rock. E. शैल and सार essence.
  • शैलाग्र :: n. (-ग्रं) The peak of a mountain. E. शैल a mountain, and अग्र top.
  • शैलाट :: m. (-टः) 1. A lion. 2. A mountaineer, a savage, a barbarian. 3. An attendant on an idol. 4. Crystal. E. शैल a mountain, and अट् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • शैलालिन् :: m. (-ली) An actor, a dancer. E. शिलालिन् a Muni, said to have been the author of the principles of acting, &c., अण् aff., शैलाल his institutes, and इनि aff. of profession or practice.
  • शैलिक्य :: m. (-क्यः) An impostor, a pretended devotee.
  • शैलूष :: m. (-षः) 1. An actor, a dancer, a tumbler, &c. 2. A rogue, a cheat. 3. The master of the band, or one who beats time. 4. The Bel-tree, (Ægle marmelos.) E. शिलूष one of the early teachers of the arts of acting, &c., अण् aff. of descent.
  • शैलूषिक :: m. (-कः) One who follows the profession of an actor. E. शैलूष, ठक् aff.
  • शैलेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) 1. Produced in the mountains, &c., mountain- ous, mountaineer. 2. Mountain-like. n. (-यः) 1. A fragrant resin, (Stcrax or Benzoin.) 2. A vegetable perfume, commonly Murā. 3. Rock-salt. m. (-यः) 1. A bee. 2. A lion. f. (-यी) A name of PĀRVATI. E. शिला a mountain, ढक् aff.
  • शैलोपशल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) The skirts of a mountain or low-land at its base. E. शैल and उपशल्य neighbouring space.
  • शैल्य :: nf. (-ल्यं-ल्यी) Hardness, stoniness. E. शिला a stone, a rock, ष्यञ् aff.
  • शैव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Relating or appertaining to the god ŚIVA. m. (-वः) A worshipper of ŚIVA. n. (-वं) An aquatic plant, (Vallisneria octandra.) E. शिव the deity, and अण् aff.
  • शैवल :: m. (-लः) An aquatic plant, moss. n. (-लं) A drug, commonly termed Padma-kāth. E. शी to sleep, (on the water,) वलञ् aff.; also शैवाल शेवाल, &c.
  • शैवलिनी :: f. (-नी) A river in general. E. शैवल Vallisneria, and इनि aff.
  • शैवाल :: m. (-लः) An aquatic plant, (Vallisneria octandra.) E. शी to sleep, (on the water,) वालञ् aff., शेवाल and अण् pleonasm.
  • शैव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्यी -व्यं) Relating to ŚIVA, &c. m. (-व्यः) 1. One of the four horses of KRISHṆA'S car. 2. A horse in general. 3. A king and champion in the Pāṇḍava's army. E. शिव, and यञ् aff.
  • शैशव :: n. (-वं) Childhood, pupilage, the period under sixteen. E. शिशु a child, अण् aff.
  • शैशिर :: f. (-री) Adj. Relating of the dewy-season. m. (-रः) A species of chātaka bird. E. शिशिर, अण् aff.
  • शैष्योपाध्यायिका :: f. (-का) Instruction of youth, tuition. E. शिष्य a pupil, उपाध्याय a preceptor, वुञ् aff.
  • शो :: r. 4th cl. (श्यति) 1. To reduce or make small, to pare. 2. To whet or sharpen.
  • शोक :: m. (-कः) Sorrow, grief. E. शुच् to regret, aff. घञ् ।
  • शोकचर्चा :: f. (-र्चा) Indulgence in sorrow. E. शोक, and चर्चा search.
  • शोकच्छिद् :: mfn. (-च्छिद्) Consoling, allaying, removing sorrow. E. शोक, and च्छिद् what cuts.
  • शोकनिहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Afflicted, overcome with grief. E. शोक, and निहत struck.
  • शोकभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Dissipating or removing sorrow. E. शोक, and भङ्ग breaking.
  • शोकमूर्च्छित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Involved in distress, swooning with grief. E. शोक, and मूर्च्छित fained.
  • शोकस्थान :: n. (-नं) Site, circumstance, or occasion of sorrow. E. शोक, and स्थान place.
  • शोकाकुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Overcome with sorrow. E. शोक, and आकुल bewildered.
  • शोकाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) Deep distress, violent grief. E. शोक and अग्नि fire; also similar compounds, as शोकानल, &c.
  • शोकाग्निसन्तप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Distressed. E. शोकाग्नि, and सन्तप्त inflamed.
  • शोकापनुद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Alleviating, consoling. 2. Being consoled. E. शोक, and अपनुद what drives away.
  • शोकापनोद :: m. (-दः) A teacher of holy wisdom, a philosopher. E. शोक worldly care, अप away, नुद् to send, घञ् aff.
  • शोकापहर्त्तृ :: mfn. (-र्त्ता -र्त्ती -र्त्तृ) Allaying or dissipating grief. E. शोक, and अपहर्त्तृ what drives away.
  • शोकारि :: m. (-रिः) The Kadamba tree, (Nauclea Kadamba.) E. शोक sorrow, अरि hostile.
  • शोकार्त्त :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -र्त्ता -र्त्तं) Pained, afflicted by sorrow. E. शोक, and आर्त्त pained.
  • शोकोद्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Born or produced from or caused by grief. E. शोक, and उद्भव produced.
  • शोचन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Sorrowing, sorrowful. n. (-नं) Sorrow, grief, grie- ving. E. शुच् to grieve, aff. युच् or ल्युट् ।
  • शोचनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be grieved or lamented. E. शुच् to be sad, अनीयर् aff.
  • शोचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sorrowful, afflicted. E. शुचि to grieve, causal v., क्त aff.
  • शोचितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be grieved for, lamentable. E. शुच् to grieve, तव्य aff.
  • शोचित्वा :: Ind. Grieving or having grieved for. E. शुचि to lament, क्त्वा aff.
  • शोचिष्केश :: m. (-शः) Fire or its deity. E. शोचिस् light, and केश hair, having locks of flame.
  • शोचिस् :: n. (-चिः) Light, lustre, radiance, flame. E. शुच् to be or make pure, Unādi aff. इसि ।
  • शोच्य :: mfn. (-च्यः -च्या -च्यं) 1. To be lamented or bewailed. 2. To be clean- sed or purified. 3. Low, vile. E. शुच् to grieve, ण्यत् aff.
  • शोच्यक :: m. (-कः) A low man. E. शोच्य to be purified, (from,) कन् aff.
  • शोठ :: m. (-ठः) 1. A fool, a blockhead. 2. A sluggard. 3. A rogue, a cheat. 4. A low man, one of a degraded tribe or business. 5. A villain, a criminal, a sinner. f. (-ठा) 1. Foolish. 2. Wicked. 3. Lazy, idle. E. शुठ् to be prevented or stopped, aff. अच् ।
  • शोण्(ऋ)शोणृ :: r. 1st cl. (शोणति) 1. To be red. 2. To move or approach.
  • शोण :: mfn. (-णः -णा or णी -णं) 1. Crimson, of a crimson colour. 2. Red in the face, from passion, &c. m. (-णः) 1. Crimson, the colour of the red lotus. 2. A horse of a reddish or bright chesnut colour. 3. The Śona river, which rises in the table land of Amerakantāk and running first northerly and then easterly for 500 miles, falls into the Ganges above Pātnā. 4. A flower, (Bignonia Indica.) 5. Fire or its deity. 6. An ocean. 7. A red sort of sugar-cane. 8. The planet Mars. n. (-णं) 1. Red-lead. 2. Blood. E. शोण् to be red, aff. अच्, fem. aff. टाप् or ङीप् ।
  • शोणक :: m. (-कः) A plant, (Bignonia Indica.) E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • शोणरत्न :: n. (-त्नं) A ruby. E. शोण deep red, and रत्न a gem.
  • शोणाक :: m. (-कः) A tree, (Bignonia Indica.) E. शोण red, अक् to go or be, aff. अच् .
  • शोणाम्बु :: m. (-म्बुः) Name of a cloud which would rise at the destruction of the world.
  • शोणित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Red, crimson, purple. n. (-तं) 1. Blood. 2. Saff- ron. E. शोण redness, इतच् aff.
  • शोणितप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Who or what drinks blood. E. शोणित and पा to drink, क aff.
  • शोणितपुर :: n. (-रं) The city of Vānāsura. E. शोणित red, and पुर city.
  • शोणिताह्वय :: n. (-यं) Saffron.
  • शोणितोक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Stained or sprinkled with blood. E. शोणित, and उक्षित moistened.
  • शोणितोपल :: n. (-लं) A ruby. E. शोणित red, and उपल a stone.
  • शोणिमन् :: m. (-मा) Redness. E. शोण् and इमनिच् aff.
  • शोथ :: m. (-थः) Swelling, intumescence. E. शु to go, (to grow,) Unādi aff. थन्; also with कन् added, शोथक m. (-कः) ।
  • शोथघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) Discutient, removing swellings. f. (-घ्नी) Hogweed, (Boerhavia diffusa.) E. शोथ swelling, घ्न removing, fem. aff. ङीष् ।
  • शोथजित् :: mfn. (-जित्) Discutient. f. (-जित्) Hogweed: see the last. E. शोथ swelling, and जित् overcoming.
  • शोथरोग :: m. (-गः) Dropsy.
  • शोथहृत् :: mfn. (-हृत्) Discutient, removing swelling. m. (-हृत्) Marking- nut plant. E. शोथ swelling. and हृत् removing.
  • शोध :: m. (-धः) 1. Purification. 2. Correction. 3. Retalition. 4. Acquittance.
  • शोधक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what cleans, purifies, &c. m. (-कः) 1. A refiner. 2. (In arithmetic,) The subtrahend. n. (-कं) A kind of earth. E. शुध् to be pure, ण्वुल् aff.
  • शोधन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Cleaning, purifying &c., that which cleanses, refines, &c. n. (-नं) 1. Cleaning, cleansing, purifying. 2. Correcting, freeing from faults or errors. 3. Correcting, as a writing. 4. Subtrac- tion, (in arithmetic.) 5. The refining of metals. 6. A sort of refining, practised for chemical or medical purposes: exposing the metals to heat, and then sprinkling them with the urine of cows, &c. 7. Pay- ment, acquittance. 8. Feces, ordure. 9. Green vitriol. 10. Deter- mination. 11. Punishment. 12. Expiation. m. (-नः) The lime. f. (-नी) A broom. E. शुध् to be make pure, aff. ल्युट् or युच् ।
  • शोधनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be corrected. 2. To be cleansed or purified. 3. To be refined. 4. To be subtracted. 5. To be liquidated, (as a debt,) due. E. शुध् to purify, aff. अनीयर्; also शोध्य and शोधितव्य ।
  • शोधयित्वा :: Ind. 1. Having paid or discharged. 2. Having cleared, &c. E. शुध् to be pure, causal v., क्त्वा aff.
  • शोधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Cleaned, cleansed. 2. Strained. 3. Corrected. 4. Refined. 5. Purified. 6. Discharged, liquidated, (as a debt.) E. शुध् to clean, aff. क्त ।
  • शोध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) 1. To be purified, cleaned, refined, &c. 2. Payable, due. 3. To be subtracted. m. (-ध्यः) An accused person, one to be justified or tried. n. (-ध्यं) A constant number to be subtracted in some astronomical computation. E. शुध् to be pure, यत् aff.
  • शोफ :: m. (-फः) Intumescence, swelling. E. शु to go, aff. फन् ।
  • शोभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) 1. Handsome. 2. Bright. f. (-भा) 1. Light, lustre, radiance, splendour. 2. Beauty. 3. Distinguished merit. 4. A species of the Kriti-metre. E. शुभ् to shine, aff. अच्, fem. aff. टाप् ।
  • शोभकृत् :: mfn. (-कृत्) Beautifying. m. (-कृत्) 1. The thirty-sixth year of the Hindu cycle. 2. Marking-nut plant. E. शोभ handsome, and कृत् what makes.
  • शोभन :: mfn. (-नः -ना or नी -नं) 1. Beautiful, handsome. 2. Shining, splendid. 3. Richly dressed or ornamented. 4. Propitious, auspicious. 5. Virtu- ous, moral, decorous, good. m. (-नः) 1. The fifth Yoga. 2. A planet. 3. Burnt-offering for auspicious results. 4. A name of ŚIVA. n. (-नं) 1. A lotus. 2. Shining, being splendid or handsome. f. (-ना) 1. A virtuous or beautiful woman. 2. Turmeric. 3. A kind of Pig- ment, commonly called Gorochanā. E. शुभ् to shine, aff. ल्यु ।
  • शोभनक :: m. (-कः) A tree, (Hyperanthera morunga.) E. कन् added to the preceding. “शजिना गाछ ।”
  • शोभनाचरित :: n. (-तं) Virtuous practice. E. शोभन, and आचरित done.
  • शोभमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Fair, splendid, shining. E. शुभ् to shine, &c., शानच् aff.
  • शोभा :: f. (-भा) 1. Light, lustre. 2. Beauty, grace, loveliness. 3. Grandeur. 4. Turmeric. 5. The Pigment called “गोरोचना . ” E. शुभ्, अ aff.
  • शोभाञ्जन :: m. (-नः) A tree, commonly Sajina or Sahajnā, (Hyperanthera morunga;) the legumes, blossoms, and leaves are esculent, and the root of the young tree is used as a substitute for horse-radish: in medicine the root is used as a rubefacient externally, as a stimulant internally, and the expressed oil of the seeds is employed to relieve arthritic pains, &c. E. शोभा beauty, अञ्ज् to pervade or anoint, and ल्युट् or युच् aff.; also शौभाञ्जन and सोभाञ्जन, &c.
  • शोभित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Beautified, decorated. E. शुभ् to shine, क्त aff.
  • शोलि :: f. (-लिः or -ली) Wild turmeric. E. शूल-अच् पृषो० ङीष् ।
  • शोशुच्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Sorrowing or grieving deeply. E. शुच् to be sorrowful, intens. v., शानच् aff.
  • शोष :: m. (-षः) 1. Pulmonary consumption. 2. Drying up, dryness. 3. Intumescence, swelling. 4. Emaciation, withering. E. शुष् to dry, aff. घञ् ।
  • शोषण :: n. (-णं) 1. Suction, sucking. 2. Drying up. 3. Exhaustion. 4. Dry-ginger. m. (-णः) One of the arrows of KĀMADEVA, or CUPID. f. (-णी) 1. Drying up. 2. Causing to wither. E. शुष् to dry, ल्युट् aff.
  • शोषयित्वा :: Ind. Having dried up. E. शुष् to dry, causal v., क्त्वा aff.
  • शोषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Dried, dried up, desiccated. E. शुष् to dry, aff. क्त ।
  • शोस् :: Ind. A particle of reproach or contempt.
  • शौक :: n. (-कं) 1. A flock of parrots. 2. Sorrowfulness. E. शुक a parrot, अञ् aff.
  • शौक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ती -क्तं) Acid, acetic. E. शुक्त vinegar, अण् aff.
  • शौक्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Acid, acetic. 2. Relating to a pearl, &c. E. शुक्त or शुक्ति, and ठक् aff.
  • शौक्तेय :: n. (-यं) A pearl. E. शुक्ति a pearl-oyster, ढक् aff.; also from शुक्तिका with the same, शौक्तिकेय ।
  • शौक्लिकेय :: m. (-यः) A sort of poison. E. शुक्लिक a country, ढक् aff.: according to some it is the venom of a snake of the Amphisbœna kind.
  • शौक्ल्य :: n. (-क्ल्यं) Whiteness, clearness. E. शुक्ल white, अण् aff.
  • शौच :: n. (-चं) 1. Purification by ablution, &c. from personal defilement. 2. Purification at given periods from defilement caused by the death of a relation, &c. 3. The state or property of freedom from defilement, purity, cleanness. E. शुचि purity, अण् aff.
  • शौचकल्प :: m. (-ल्पः) A purificatory rite.
  • शौचकूप :: m. (-पः) A privy.
  • शौचविधि :: f. (-धिः) The rules of purification after defilement by the death of a relation, &c. E. शौच . and विधि precept.
  • शौचाचार :: m. (-रः) A rule of purification, the mode in which the person is to be cleansed by ablution, &c., after voiding any excrement or contracting any impurity. E. शौच purification, and आचार rule, rite.
  • शौचेय :: m. (-यः) A washerman. E. शुचि cleaning, ढक् aff.
  • शौचेप्सु :: mfn. (-प्सुः -प्सुः -प्सु) Wishing or intending to be purified. E. शीच, इप्सु desirous.
  • शौट्(ऋ)शौटृ :: r. 1st cl. (शौटति) To be proud.
  • शौटीर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Proud, haughty. m. (-रः) 1. A hero. 2. An ascetic, one who abandons the world. 3. A proud or haughty man, but of low tribe or occupation, an upstart. E. शौट् to be proud, and इरन् Unādi aff.; also as derived from शौड the same, शौडीर; also the short vowel being substituted for the diphthong, शुटीर ।
  • शौटीर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) 1. Heroism, prowess. 2. Pride, arrogance. E. शौटीर a hero, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • शौड्(ऋ)शौडृ :: r. 1st cl. (शौडति) To be proud.
  • शौण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डी -ण्डं) 1. Drunk, intoxicated. 2. Fond of, addicted to, (as liquor.) 3. Skilful, (with a loc.) as in अक्षशौण्ड । f. (-ण्डी) 1. Long-pepper. 2. Another sort, (Piper chavya.) E. शुण्डा spirituous liquor, अण् aff.
  • शौण्डय्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Pride, arrogance.
  • शौण्डिक :: m. (-कः) A distiller and vender of spirituous liquors. f. (-की) A female keeper of a tavern or dram-shop. E. शुण्डा spirits, ठञ् aff.
  • शौण्डिकेय :: m. (-यः) A demon.
  • शौण्डिर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Proud, haughty. 2. Elevated, looking upwards; more properly शौडीर, and शौठीर as above.
  • शौद्धोदनि :: m. (-निः) BUDDHA, the founder of the Bauddha sect. E. शुद्धो- दन a prince of the family of IKSHWĀKU, and इञ् aff. of descent.
  • शौद्र :: mfn. (-द्रः -द्री -द्रं) Śūdra, servile, relating or belonging to the last class. m. (-द्रः) The son of a man of either of the first three classes by a Śūdra woman, the last of the twelve sons acknowledged in the ancient Hindu law. E. शूद्र a Śūdra, and अण् aff.
  • शौधिका :: f. (-का) A white variety of panic-seed. E. शोधः शोधन मलविरेकस्तस्मै हितः ठक् ।
  • शोन :: n. (-नं) Meat kept at a slaughter-house.
  • शौनक :: m. (-कः) The name of an inspired legislator older than MANU.
  • शौनिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A butcher, a poulterer, a vender of the flesh of beasts or birds. 2. Chase, hunting. E. शूना a slaughter-house, ठञ् or ठक् aff.
  • शौभ :: n. (-भं) The city of HARISCHANDRA, suspended in the air. m. (-भः) 1. A god, a divinity. 2. The betel-nut tree. E. शुभ, अण् aff.
  • शौभनेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) 1. Sprung from a handsome mother. 2. Relating

to anything handsome or brilliant. E. शोभना a handsome woman, aff. ढक् ।

  • शौभाञ्जन :: m. (-नः) The Sajinā-tree. E. अण् pleonasm, added to शोभाञ्जन q. v.
  • शौभिक :: m. (-कः) A juggler, a conjurer. E. शौभं व्योमपुरं शिल्पमस्य ठक् ।
  • शौरि :: m. (-रिः) 1. A name of VISHṆU or KRISHṆA. 2. The planet SATURN. E. शूर a proper name or a hero, इञ् aff.
  • शौर्प्प :: mfn. (-र्प्पः -र्प्पी -र्प्पं) Measured by winnowing basket, &c. E. शूर्प्प a basket, अण् aff; also with ठक् aff. शौर्प्पिक ।
  • शौर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) 1. Valour, heroism, prowess. 2. The heroic drama; or that which treats of war, magic, &c. 3. Representation of super- natural events on the stage. E. शूर a hero, ष्यञ् aff.
  • शौर्य्योपार्ज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Acquired by valour. E. शौर्य्य, and उपार्ज्जित acquired.
  • शौल्क :: mfn. (-ल्कः -ल्की -ल्कं) Relating to customs or duties, levied as a tax, &c. m. (-ल्कः) A superintendent of tolls or customs, a custom- house officer. E. शुल्क a toll or tax, aff. अण् ।
  • शौल्किक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating to a tax, a toll, &c. m. (-कः) Superintendent of tolls or customs. E. शुल्क a toll, and ठक् aff.
  • शौल्विक :: m. (-कः) A copper-smith. E. शुल्व copper, ठक् aff.
  • शौव :: f. (-वी) Relating to dogs, canine. n. (-वं) 1. A number of dogs. 2. The nature of a dog. E. शुनः सङ्कोचः श्वन् + अण् टिलोपः ।
  • शौवन :: f. (-नी) Canine. n. (-नं) The progeny of a dog.
  • शौवस्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Of or belonging to to-morrow. E. श्वस्तन् of to-morrow, ठक् added, with तुट् augment.
  • शौवस्तिकत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Ephemeralness, duration for a day. E. शौवस्तिक, and त्व added.
  • शौवापद :: mfn. (-दः -दी -दं) Relating to a beast of prey, savage, wild, ferocious, &c. E. श्वापद a beast of prey, अण् aff., and औ augment.
  • शौष्कल :: mfn. (-लः -ली -लं) 1. Eating fish and flesh. 2. A vender of flesh. n. (-लं) The price of dried-meat. E. शुष्कली dried flesh, aff. अण् ।
  • श्चुत्(इर्)श्चुतिर :: r. 1st cl. (श्चोतति) 1. To ooze, to drop or distil. 2. To sprinkle.
  • श्चोत :: m. (-तः) Sprinkling, aspersion. E. श्चुत् to sprinkle, aff. घञ्; also श्च्योत ।
  • श्च्युत्(इर्)श्च्युतिर् :: r. 1st cl. (श्च्योतति) 1. To sprinkle. 2. To ooze, to drop or distil.
  • श्च्युतित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Dropping, flowing. 2. Shed, sprinkled, issued, oozed. E. श्च्युत् to sprinkle, and क्त aff.
  • श्च्योत :: m. (-तः) Sprinkling, pouring forth, aspersion. E. श्च्युत् to sprinkle, aff. घञ्; also श्चोत ।
  • श्च्योतत् :: mfn. (-तन् -तन्ती -तत्) 1. Oozing, flowing, trickling. 2. Shedding. E. श्च्युत् to ooze, शतृ aff.
  • श्मन् :: Aptote noun. 1. The face, the mouth. 2. Corpse. E. शेते शी-मनिन् डिच्च ।
  • श्मशान :: n. (-नं) A cemetery, a place where dead bodies are burnt or buried. E. श्म substituted for शव a corpse, and शान for शयन place of repose.
  • श्मशानवासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) A ghost, a goblin, a spirit, male or female, abiding in cemeteries, &c. E. श्मशान a cemetery, and वासिन् who abides; also श्मशाननिवासिन्, श्मशानवर्त्तिन्, &c.
  • श्मशानवेश्मन् :: m. (-श्मा) 1. MAHĀDEVA. 2. A ghost. E. श्मशान a cemetery, and वेश्मन् abode.
  • श्मशानवैराग्य :: n. (-ग्यं) Momentary abandonment of worldly attachments such as is caused by the sight of a cemetery.
  • श्मश्रु :: n. (-श्रु) The beard. E. श्मन् for मुख the face, श्रि to serve, Unādi aff. डन्, form irr.; or श्म पुंमुखं श्रूयते लक्ष्यतेऽनेन श्रु-डु; also श्मश्रुन् ।
  • श्मश्रुमुखी :: f. (-खी) A woman with a beard. E. श्मश्रु a beard, and मुख the face, ङीष् fem. aff.
  • श्मश्रुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Bearded, having a beard. E. श्मश्रु, and लच् aff.
  • श्मश्रुवर्द्धक :: m. (-कः) A barber. E. श्मश्रु, and वर्द्धक who cuts.
  • श्मश्रूयमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Being as if bearded, having something like a beard. E. श्मश्र used as a verb, शानच् aff.
  • श्मील :: r. 1st cl. (श्मीलति) 1. To wink, to contract the eyelids. 2. To twinkle.
  • श्मीलन :: n. (-नं) Winking, twinkling. E. श्मील, and ल्युट् aff.
  • श्मीलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Winked, blinked. n. (-तं) A wink, winking. E. श्मील् to wink, क्त aff.
  • श्यान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Viscous, thick, adhesive, as clarified butter, &c. 2. Congealed. 3. Gone. n. (-नं) Smoke. E. श्यै to go, aff. क्त ।
  • श्याम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Black or dark-blue. 2. Green. m. (-मः) 1. A sacred-fig-tree at Prayāga or Āllāhābād. 2. A cloud. 3. The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. 4. A potherb, (Convolvulus argenteus.) 5. Black, (the colour.) 6. Green, (the colour.) 7. Thorn-apple, (Datura metel.) mf. (-मः-मा) A sort of grain, (Panicum frumen- taceum.) n. (-मं) 1. Black-pepper. 2. Sea salt. f. (-मा) 1. A woman, described as one who has not borne children; also described as a female of slender make; or one from eight to sixteen; or one who resembles in darkness of complexion, the blossom of the Priyanga, or its stalk, in shape. 2. Night. 3. Shade, shadow. 4. The Jumnā river. 5. A form of DURGĀ. 6. A plant, commonly Priyangu. 7. A sort of convolvulus, (C. turpethum,) with black flowers. 8. A medicinal plant, (Serratula anthelmintica.) 9. Indigo. 10. A twining shrub, (Ichnocarpus frutescens.) 11. Turmeric. 12. Holy-basil. 13. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus.) 14. A shrub, (Abrus precatorius.) 15. A small singing bird with black plumage, com- monly Shyāmā, (Turdus macrourus.) 16. A cow. E. श्यै to go, Unādi aff. मक् or मन् ।
  • श्यामक :: m. (-कः) A sort of grain, (Panicum frumentaceum, &c.) E. श्यामा the same, कन् added, m. form.
  • श्यामकण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) 1. A peacock. 2. ŚIVA. 3. A small kind of bird. E. श्याम black or blue, कण्ठ the throat.
  • श्यामकर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) A horse suitable for a horse-sacrifice.
  • श्यामत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Blackness. E. त्व added to श्याम; also with तल्, श्यामता ।
  • श्यामपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) The Tamāla-tree, (Xanthocymus pictorius.) E. श्याम black, and पत्र leaf.
  • श्यामभास् :: mfn. (-भाः -भाः -भः) Black as jet, of a glossy black hue. E. श्याम and भास् shining.
  • श्यामल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Of a black or dark-blue colour. m. (-लः) 1. Black, (the colour.) 2. Black-pepper. 3. The religious-fig-tree. 4. A large bee. f. (-ला) A name of PĀRVATĪ. E. श्याम black, ला to have, aff. क ।
  • श्यामलता :: f. (-ता) A climbing plant, (Ichnocarpus frutescens.) E. श्याम and लता a creeper
  • श्यामाक :: m. (-कः) A kind of grain generally eaten by the Hindus, (Pa- nicum frumentaceum; also P. colonum.) E. श्यामा the same, कन् added and the final retained.
  • श्यामाङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Black-bodied, black. m. (-ङ्गः) The planet MERCURY or its ruler. E. श्याम black, and अङ्ग the body.
  • श्यामापूजा :: f. (-जा) Worship of SYĀMĀ or DURGĀ on the new-moon of Kārtika. E. श्यामा and पूजा worship.
  • श्यामिका :: f. (-का) 1. Blackness. 2. Impurity, alloy. E. श्याम, ठन् aff.
  • श्यामित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Blackened, turned or become black. E. श्याम and इतच् aff.
  • श्याल :: m. (-लः) A wife's brother. f. (-ली) A wife's sister. E. श्यै to go, aff. कालन् ।
  • श्यालक :: m. (-कः) A wife's brother. f. (-लिका or लकी) A wife's sister. E. कन् added to the last.
  • श्याव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Of a brown colour. m. (-वः) Brown, (the colour.) E. श्यै to go, वन् aff., deriv. irr.
  • श्यावतैल :: m. (-लः) The mango-tree. E. श्याव brown, and तैल oil.
  • श्यावदत् :: mfn. (-दन् -दन्ती -दत्) Dark or black toothed, (naturally so.) E. श्याव dark or brown, दत् for दन्त a tooth; also श्यावदन्त, श्यावदन्तक ।
  • श्येत :: mfn. (-तः -ता or ती -तं) White, of a white colour. m. (-तः) White, (the colour.) E. श्यै to go, Unādi aff. इतच् ।
  • श्येतकोलक :: m. (-कः) A sort of fish, (Cyprinus saphore, Ham.) “पुंँटिमाछ ।”
  • श्येन :: m. (-नः) 1. A hawk, a falcon. 2. White, (the colour.) 3. White- ness, paleness. 4. Violence, desperation. f. (-नी) 1. The female hawk. 2. A species of the Trishṭubh-metre. E. श्यै to go, इनन् Unādi aff.
  • श्येनकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Acting rashly or desperately. 2. Burning on a separate funeral pile. E. श्येन and करण acting; also श्येनकरणिका ।
  • श्येनचित् :: m. (-चित्) 1. A hawk-feeder or keeper. 2. A receptacle shaped like a hawk for a sacrificial-fire. E. श्येन a hawk, and चित् what collects.
  • श्येनजीविन् :: m. (-वी) One who sells hawks or lives by training them. E. श्येन and जीविन् living.
  • श्येनोपदेश :: m. (-शः) Recommendation or injunction to women, to burn on a separate funeral pile. E. श्येन violence, and उपदेश advice.
  • श्यै :: r. 1st cl. (श्यायते) 1. To go. 2. To wither. 3. To coagulate.
  • श्यैनम्पाता :: f. (-ता) Hawking, hunting. E. श्येन a hawk, पात falling, अण् aff., with नुम् augment.
  • श्योणा(ना)क :: m. (-कः) A plant, (Bignonia Indica.) E. श्यै to go डुणाक aff.
  • श्रक्(इ)श्रकि :: r. 1st cl. (श्रङ्कति) To go, to creep.
  • श्रग्(इ)श्रगि :: r. 1st cl. (श्रङ्गति) To go, to move.
  • श्रण् :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (श्रणति, श्राणयति-ते) Usually with वि prefixed, (विश्राणयति) To give, to present.
  • श्रत् :: Ind. A particle and prefix implying belief or reverence. E. श्रो-डति ।
  • श्रथ् :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (श्रथति, श्राथयति-ते) 1. To hurt, to injure, to kill. 2. To let loose or discharge, to set free, to liberate. 3. To bind or tie. r. 10th cl. (श्राथयति-ते) 1. To apply diligently, to endeavour sedulously. 2. To delight frequently. 3. To march. r. 10th cl. (श्रथयति-ते) To be weak or infirm. (इ) श्रथि r. 1st cl. (श्रन्थते) 1. To be loose or lax, to be slack or flaccid. 2. To let loose, to loosen.
  • श्रथन :: n. (-नं) 1. Tying, stringing. 2. Loosening, untying. 3. Killing. 4. Effort. E. श्रथ् to tie, &c., aff. ल्युट् ।
  • श्रद्दधत् :: mfn. (-धन् -धन्ती -धत्) Believing, having faith. E. श्रत् and दधत् having.
  • श्रद्दधान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Trusting, believing. 2. Venerating, respecting. E. श्रत् particle of faith or respect, धा to have, शानच् aff.
  • श्रद्ध :: nf. (-द्धं-द्धा) 1. Respect, reverence. 2. Wish, desire. 3. Faith, belief, confidence. 4. Purity. 5. Composure of mind. 6. Belief in divine revelation. E. श्रत् a particle implying belief, &c., धा to hold or have, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • श्रद्धाकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Done with faith. E. श्रद्धा and कृत done.
  • श्रद्धाजाड्य :: n. (-ड्यं) Obstinate adherence to one's faith.
  • श्रद्धान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Believing, faithful. E. श्रद्धा and अन्वित endowed with; also श्रद्धासमन्वित .
  • श्रद्धामय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Believing, full of faith. E. श्रद्धा and मयट् aff.
  • श्रद्धायुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Having faith, believing. E. श्रद्धा, युक्त joined.
  • श्रद्धारहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Distrusting, unbelieving. E. श्रद्धा and रहित abandoned.
  • श्रद्धालु :: mfn. (-लुः -लुः -लु) 1. Faithful, believing. 2. Wishing, desirous. f. (-लुः) A pregnant woman longing for anything. E. श्रद्धा faith, आलुच् aff.
  • श्रद्धावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Believing, trusting, having faith. E. श्रद्धा, and मतुप् aff.
  • श्रन्थ् :: r. 9th cl. (श्रथ्नाति) 1. To set free, to let loose, to liberate. 2. To gladden, to delight frequently. 3. To string, to tie together. r. 1st and 10th cls. (श्रन्थति श्रन्थयति-ते) 1. To arrange, to place in order. 2. To kill.
  • श्रन्थ :: m. (-न्थः) 1. Loosening, liberating. 2. Looseness, flaccidity. 3. Ty- ing, binding, stringing. 4. A name of VISHṆU. E. श्रन्थ् to tie, &c., aff. अच् or घञ् ।
  • श्रन्थन :: nf. (-नं-ना) 1. Stringing flowers, &c. 2. Killing, destroying. 2. Ty- ing, binding. 4. Loosening, untying. E. श्रन्थ् to tie or untie, aff. युच् or ल्युट् ।
  • श्रन्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Strung, connected, bound together. 2. Over- come, surpassed, over-powered. 3. Hurt, injured. 4. Loosed, let loose. E. श्रन्थ् to tie, or श्रथि to hurt, &c., aff. क्त ।
  • श्रपण :: n. (-णं) Boiling in a pot. E. श्रै to boil, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • श्रपयित्वा :: Ind. Having boiled or dressed. E. श्रै to cook, causal v., क्त्वा aff.
  • श्रपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Boiled, (anything except water, milk or Ghee.) f. (-ता) Rice-gruel. E. श्रै to cook or boil, causal v., aff. क्त ।
  • श्रम्(ञि इर्, उ)श्रमु :: r. 4th cl. (श्राम्यति) 1. To perform acts of austere devo- tion, to undergo mortification or penance. 2. To be wearied or fati- gued. 3. To be distressed. 4. To exert oneself. With परि, To be fatigued. With वि, 1. To take rest. 2. To cease.
  • श्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Military exercise. 2. Weariness, fatigue. 3. Labour, exer- tion, toil. 4. Penance, mortification of the body. 5. Hard study. 6. Distress. E. श्रम् to be wearied, aff. अच् or घञ् ।
  • श्रमजल :: n. (-लं) Perspiration from exertion or fatigue. E. श्रम, जल water.
  • श्रमण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Following a low or degraded business or pro- fession. 2. Base, vile, bad. m. (-णः) 1. A religious character, an ascetic, a Yatī, one devoted to meditation for the purpose of ob- taining final emancipation from existence, probably the Sarmanes of the Greek writers. 2. A beggar, the religious mendicant. f. (-णा or णी) 1. Indian spikenard, (Valeriana Jatamansi.) 2. Bengal madder, (Rubia manjith.) 3. A handsome woman. 4. A woman of low caste or business. 5. A female mendicant. E. श्रम् to be wearied, aff. युच् ।
  • श्रमसिद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Accomplished by labour or exertion. E. श्रम and सिद्ध accomplished.
  • श्रमार्त्त :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -र्त्ता -र्त्तं) Exhausted, overcome with fatigue. E. श्रम and आर्त्त pained.
  • श्रमिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) 1. Wearying, tiring, undergoing or incurring weariness or fatigue. 2. Laborious, diligent. E. श्रम् to be weary, aff. इनि or घिनुण् ।
  • श्रम्भ्(उ)श्रम्भु :: r. 1st cl. (श्रम्भते) To be careless or inattentive, to err, to neglect, to mistake. With वि, To confide in, to put faith in.
  • श्रय :: m. (-यः) Asylum, refuge, protection. E. श्रि to serve, aff. अच् ।
  • श्रयण :: n. (-णं) Asylum, refuge, shelter, protection. E. श्रि to serve, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • श्रयणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be defended or sheltered. E. श्रि to serve, अनीयर् aff.
  • श्रव :: m. (-वः) 1. The ear. 2. Oozing, dripping. 3. The hypotenuse of a triangle. E. श्रु to hear, &c., aff. अप्; also श्रवण, स्रव, &c.
  • श्रवण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Produced in or under the sign ŚRAVAṆĀ. mn. (-णः-णं) 1. The ear. 2. Hearing. 3. The hypotenuse of a triangle. n. (-णं) 1. Service. 2. Dripping, oozing. mf. (-णः-णा) The twenty- third of the lunar asterisms, represented by three footsteps, and containing three stars or Acquilæ. n. (-णं) 1. The act of hearing. 2. Studying. 3. Fame, glory. 4. Wealth. 5. That which is heard, i. e. The Veda. E. श्रु to hear, &c., aff. ल्युट् or युच्; or श्रवणा the asterism, अण् aff. of derivation, and the effect rejected.
  • श्रवणगोचर :: m. (-रः) Ear-shot. Adj. Within the range of hearing.
  • श्रवणपथ :: m. (-थः) The ear. E. श्रवण, and पथ for पथिन् path.
  • श्रवणाधिकारिन् :: m. (-री) A speaker, an addresser. E. श्रवण, and अधिकारिन् connected with or acting on.
  • श्रवणेन्द्रिय :: n. (-यं) The organ of hearing, the ear. E. श्रवण, इन्द्रिय organ of sense.
  • श्रवणोदर :: n. (-रं) The hollow of the outer ear. E. श्रवण, उदर the belly.
  • श्रवस् :: n. (-वः) 1. The ear. 2. Fame, glory. 3. Wealth. E. श्रु to hear, aff. असुन् ।
  • श्रवस्य :: n. (-स्यं) Fame, glory.
  • श्रवाप्य :: m. (-प्यः) An animal fit or proper for sacrifice. E. श्रु to drip, (Ghee,) आप्य Unādi aff.
  • श्रविष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Produced in or under the sign ŚRAVISHṬHĀ. f. (-ष्ठा) The twenty-fourth lunar asterism, also called DHANISHṬHĀ, corresponding to the DOLPHIN, E. श्रव an ear, मतुप् poss. aff., इष्ठन् aff. of the superlative, and the possessive rejected; the attribu- tive is formed by the aff. अण् and that again or its effect option- ally rejected.
  • श्रविष्ठाज :: m. (-जः) The planet MERCURY. E. श्रविष्ठा the asterism, ज born.
  • श्रा :: r. 2nd cl. (श्राति) 1. To boil, to cook, to mature, to ripen, &c. 2. To

sweat. Causal from, (श्रपयति ते) To render mature or ripe by cook- ing, &c. (श्रापयति) To heat, to cause to sweat.

  • श्राण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Boiled, dressed, (anything except butter, milk or water.) 2. Moist, wet. f. (-णा) Rice-Gruel. E. श्रु to cook, aff. क्त, form irr.; or properly श्रा, क्त aff.
  • श्राद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Faithful, believing. n. (-द्धं) A funeral ceremony observed at various fixed periods and for different purposes, con- sisting of offerings with water and fire to the gods and manes, and gifts and food to the relations present and assisting Brāh- mans; it is especially performed for a present recently deceased, or for three paternal ancestors or for all ancestors collectively, and is supposed necessary to secure the ascent and residence of the souls of the deceased in a world appropriated to the manes, The following distributions of this ceremony are specified: the पार्व्वणं in honour of three ancestors, एकोद्दिष्टं of one, नित्यं regular, नैमित्तिकं occasionally, काम्यं for the attainment of some particular object, आह्निकं daily, वृद्धिः for the obtaining of increase of pros- perity, and सपिण्डनं in which the balls of meat offered to the deceased individually and collectively are blended together. There are many other kinds: those for a person recently decea- sed are one on the day after mourning expires, and twelve others in twelve successive months; one at the end of the third fort- night, one in the sixth month, and one in the twelfth, concluding with a Sapiṇḍaṇa, on the anniversary of the person's death; in general they are all performed in the course of the two or three first days, and the Śrāddha for the deceased is only annually repeated. There is also a short of Śrāddha performed daily during the days of mourning, usually ten, on which a funeral cake is presented, increasing one or more each day till ten cakes are offered. E. श्रद्धा faith, अण् or ण aff. of possession or relation, as the abandonment or presentation of meat, &c., through faith of its efficacy, in behalf of the souls of the deceased.
  • श्राद्धकर :: m. (-रः) The offerer or an obsequial oblation. E. श्राद्ध, कर who makes.
  • श्राद्धकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्मं) The rite or ceremony of funeral oblation. E. श्राद्ध, and कर्म्मन् act; also श्राद्धक्रिया, &c.
  • श्राद्धकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) The celebrator of an obsequial rite. श्राद्ध, कृत् who makes.
  • श्राद्धद :: m. (-दः) The offerer of an obsequial rite. E. श्राद्ध, द who gives.
  • श्राद्धदिन :: mn. (-नः-नं) The anniversary of the death of a relative to whom a Śrāddha is offered.
  • श्राद्धदेव :: m. (-वः) 1. YAMA. 2. A god presiding our funeral rites. 3. A VIŚHWADEVA. E. श्राद्ध the funeral ceremony called Śrāddha, and देव deity; as judge and monarch of the dead.
  • श्राद्धदेवता :: f. (-ता) A divinity presiding over obsequial rites, a Pitṛ or progenitor, or YAMA. E. श्राद्ध, and देवता divinity: see the last.
  • श्राद्धभुज् :: mfn. (-भुक्) Eating or partaking of the food prepared at a Śrāddha or obsequial rite. E. श्राद्ध भुज्, who eats.
  • श्राद्धशिष्ट :: n. (-ष्टं) Food that has been presented to the manes. E. श्राद्ध, शिष्ट left.
  • श्राद्धिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. The object, receiver, or enjoyer of an obse- quial oblation. 2. Anything relating to a Śrāddha. E. श्राद्ध as above, ठन् aff.
  • श्राद्धिन् :: mfn. (-द्धी -द्धिनी -द्धि) The object or receiver of a funeral oblation. E. श्राद्ध, इनि aff.
  • श्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Wearied, fatigued. 2. Calmed, tranquil. m. (-न्तः) An ascetic, one with subdued passions. E. श्रम् to be weary, aff. क्त ।
  • श्रान्तसंवाहन :: n. (-नं) Affording rest or relief to the weary, giving them seats, beds, &c. E. श्रान्त wearied, संवाहन relieving.
  • श्रान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) Weariness, exhaustion. E. श्रम् to be weary, क्तिन् aff.
  • श्राम :: r. 10th cl. (श्रामयति-ते) 1. To call, to summon, to invite. 2. To counsel, to advice.
  • श्राम :: m. (-मः) 1. A month. 2. A temporary shed, or platform and canopy. 3. Time. E. श्रम् to be weary, अच् aff.
  • श्रामणेर :: m. (-रः) A follower or disciple and servant of the principal Jainas or Jinas.
  • श्राय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Sacred or belonging to the goddess SHRĪ. m. (-यः) Refuge, reliance, shelter or protection. E. श्रि to serve, aff. अण्, or in the attributive form, श्री the goddess, घञ् aff., and इ substituted for the primitive vowel changed to अय, and अ made long.
  • श्रायस :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) Produced in or on the best, &c. E. श्रयस् the best अण् aff., and the form changed by special rule.
  • श्राव :: m. (-वः) 1. Oozing, dropping, flowing. 2. Hearing, listening. E. श्रु to ooze, &c., aff. घञ् ।
  • श्रावक :: m. (-कः) 1. The lay votary of a Buddha or Jina. 2. A crow. 3. A hearer. 4. A pupil. E. श्रु to hear, causal form, ण्वुल् aff.
  • श्रावण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) 1. Produced in or under the asterism Śrāvaṇā. 2. Relating to the ear or hearing. m. (-णः) 1. The month Śrāvaṇā or Śrāvaṇ, (July-August.) 2. A heretic, an impostor. 3. Name of a Vaisya devotee killed by DAŚARATHA through mistake, and for which he was cursed by Śhrāvana's old parents, to die of a broken heart at the separation of his sons. n. (-ण) Causing to be heard. f. (-णा) A plant, commonly Katuki. f. (-णी) 1. Day of full-moon in the month Śrāvaṇa. 2. A religious rite performed in this day. E. श्रवणा the asterism, &c., aff. अण् ।
  • श्रावणिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating to or produced in the month Śhrāva- ṇa. m. (-कः) The month Śrāvaṇa. E. श्रवणा the asterism in which the moon is full this month, and ठन् aff.
  • श्रावणीय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) To be declared or pronounced, to be made to be heard. E. श्रु to hear, causal v., अनीयर् aff.
  • श्रावन्ती :: f. (-न्ती) A city, also Darmapattan. E. श्रु to ooze, causal form झच् aff.; also read श्रावस्ति ।
  • श्रावयितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be declared, to be made to be heard. E. श्रु to hear, causal v., तव्य aff.
  • श्रावष्ठीय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Produced in or under the asterism ŚRAVISH- ṬHĀ, relating to it, &c. E. श्रविष्ठा, and छण् aff.
  • श्रावित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Spoken or read, caused to be heard. E. श्रु to hear, causal v., क्त aff.
  • श्राव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be heard. 1. To be read or related, to be caused to be heard. f. (-व्या) Plain, audible. E. श्रु to hear, ण्यत् aff., or causal v., and यत् aff.
  • श्रि :: r. 1st cl. (श्रयति-ते) To serve. With आङ् prefixed, 1. To seek asylum, to depend upon, to have recourse to. 2. To be near to. 3. To use, to employ. 4. To choose. 5. To enter. 6. To inhabit. With अप and आङ्, To quit, to forsake. With उत् or सम्, To be high or elevated. With वि, अप, and आङ्, 1. To fall, to prostrate, to wor- ship. 2. To expect, to rely upon, to trust to. With सम, 1. To attain. 2. To see. 3. To depend upon. 4. To have recourse to.
  • श्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Cherished, protected, refuged. 2. Served, honoured, worshipped. 3. Joined with, contiguous to, connected with. 4. Covered, overspread. 5. Having, possessing. 6. Auxiliary, subservient. 7. Collected. E. श्रि to serve, क्त aff.
  • श्रितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Served, honoured. 2. Taking refuge with. E. श्रि to serve, क्तवतु aff.
  • श्रिति :: f. (-तिः) Approach, recourse.
  • श्रिमन्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) Haughty, confident in wealth, beauty, &c. E. श्री, and मन्य who thinks, the vowel of the first made short.
  • श्रिष्(उ)श्रिषु :: r. 1st cl. (श्रेषति) To burn.
  • श्री :: r. 9th cl. (श्रीणाति श्रीणीते) To cook, to dress, to boil. r. 1st and 10th cls. (श्रयति-ते श्राययति-ते) To satisfy.
  • श्री :: f. (-श्रीः) 1. Fortune, prosperity, success, thriving. 2. Wealth. 3. Beauty, splendour, lustre. 4. Appearance. 5. Light. 6. Any virtue or excellence. 7. The three objects of life collectively, or love “काम,” duty “धर्म्म,” and wealth “अर्थ” . 8. Dress, decoration. 9. State, paraphernalia. 10. Majesty, royalty. 11. Superhuman power. 12. Intellect, understanding. 13. Elevation, consequence.

14. Fame, glory. 15. The goddess LAKSHMĪ, the wife of VISHṆU, and deity of plenty and prosperity. 16. A name of SARASWATĪ. 17. The mother of KUNTHU, the seventeenth Jina of the pre- sent age. 18. The Sarala tree, (Pinus longifolia.) 19. The Bilwa tree. 20. A lotus. 21. Cloves. 22. A prefix to the names of deities, forming a kind of invocation at the beginning of a letter, &c., and often used repeatedly, as Śhrī Śhrī DURGĀ; also a prefix of respect to proper names of persons, as Śhrī JAYADEVA; also of works, as Śhrī Bhāgavat; this use of it is elliptical; the poss- essive aff. मतुप् or adj. युक्त joined, &c. being understood, and the sense will then be, the splendid, the illustrious, the famous, &c. E. श्रि to serve, (i. e. whom the world worships,) क्विप् aff. and the vowel made long.

  • श्रीकण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. A country N. W. of Delhi, or about Thāneshwar. 3. BHAVABHŪTĪ, the author of the Mālati-Mādhava, a celebrated drama. E. श्री prosperity or eloquence, कण्ठ the throat.
  • श्रीकण्ठपदलाञ्छन :: m. (-नः) BHAVABHŪTĪ, the poet. E. श्रीकण्ठ and पद the the name of title, लाञ्छन a mark; he who is known by the title of Śhrī-kaṇṭha.
  • श्रीकण्ठसख :: m. (-खः) KUVERA. E. श्रीकण्ठ ŚIVA, and सखि the friend.
  • श्रीकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा or री -रं) Giving fortune or prosperity. m. (-रः) VISHṆU. n. (-रं) The red lotus. E. श्री fortune, and कर who makes or confers.
  • श्रीकरण :: m. (-णः) A pen. E. श्री the word Śhrī, करण implement of making.
  • श्रीकान्त :: m. (-न्तः) VISHṆU. E. श्री the goddess, and कान्त husband.
  • श्रीकारिन् :: mf. (-री) An antelope. E. श्री increasing, (nourishment, &c.) कृ to make, aff. णिनि; the flesh being considered as highly digestible and nutritive.
  • श्रीखण्ड :: mn. (-ण्डः-ण्डं) Sandal-wood. E. श्री fortune, and खण्ड part.
  • श्रीगदित :: n. (-तं) One of the minor dramatic compositions, a piece in one act dedicated chiefly to the goddess of prosperity. E. श्री and गदित said.
  • श्रीगर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) 1. VISHṆU. 2. A sword. E. श्री fortune, and गर्भ womb or origin.
  • श्रीग्रह :: m. (-हः) A trough for watering birds. E. श्री wealth, ग्रह taking.
  • श्रीघन :: n. (-नं) Sour curds. m. (-नः) A Buddha or Bauddha saint. E. श्री prosperity, and घन a heap.
  • श्रीचक्र :: n. (-क्रं) 1. A magical diagram. 2. An astrological division of the body, the uterine or pubic region. 3. A wheel of INDRA'S car. 4. The circle of the globe or earth. E. श्री prosperity, &c., चक्र a wheel.
  • श्रीज :: m. (-जः) The deity of love. E. श्री LAKSHMĪ, and ज born.
  • श्रीद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Conferring wealth, prosperity, &c. m. (-दः) KUVERA, the god or riches. E. श्री wealth, and द who gives.
  • श्रीधर :: m. (-रः) 1. VISHṆU. 2. A Jina of the past period. E. श्री the goddess, fortune, and धर who has.
  • श्रीनन्दन :: m. (-नः) The deity of love, KĀMA. E. श्री LAKSHMĪ, नन्दन the son.
  • श्रीनिकेतन :: m. (-नः) VISHṆU. E. श्री the goddess, and निकेतन abode.
  • श्रीनिवास :: m. (-सः) VISHṆU. E. श्री the goddess, and निवास abode.
  • श्रीपति :: m. (-तिः) 1. VISHṆU. 2. A king, a prince. E. श्री the goddess of fortune or rank, and पति husband or master.
  • श्रीपथ :: m. (-थः) A highway, a royal road. E. श्री royal paraphernalia, पथ for पथिन् road.
  • श्रीपर्ण :: n. (-र्णं) 1. A lotus. 2. A tree, the wood of which is used to pro- cure fire by attrition, (Premna spinosa.) f. (-र्णी) 1. A shrub, (Gmelina arborea.) 2. A medicinal plant, commonly Kāyaphal. 3. The silk-cotton tree. 4. An aquatic plant, (Pistia stratiotes.) E. श्री beauty or the goddess, पर्ण a leaf.
  • श्रीपर्णिका :: f. (-का) A medicinal shrub, commonly Kāyaphal. E. कन् added to the last.
  • श्रीपिष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) Turpentine. E. श्री the Śarala or pine, and पिष्ट pounded ground.
  • श्रीपुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) 1. A horse. 2. KĀMA. E. श्री fortune, or the goddess, पुत्त्र a son.
  • श्रीपुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) Cloves.
  • श्रीफल :: m. (-लः) A fruit tree, (Ægle marmelos.) f. (-ला or ली) 1. The indigo-plant, (Indigofera tinctoria.) 2. Emblic myrobalan. n. (-लं) The Bel-fruit. E. श्री beauty or the goddess, (to whom it may be offered,) फल fruit.
  • श्रीभद्र :: m. (-द्रः) A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) E. श्री LAKSHMĪ, भद्र auspicious.
  • श्रीभ्रातृ :: m. (-ता) 1. A horse. 2. The moon. E. श्री the goddess, भ्रातृ brother; being recovered as well a LAKSHMĪ, at the churning of the ocean.
  • श्रीमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) 1. Wealthy, opulent. 2. Pleasing, beautiful. 3. Prosperous, fortunate, thriving. 4. Famous, illustrious. m. (-मान्) 1. A tree, commonly Tila or Tilaka. 2. VISHṆU. 3. KUVERA, the god of wealth. 4. ŚIVA. 5. A title applied to any venerable person. E. श्री beauty, &c., मतुप् aff.
  • श्रीमस्तक :: m. (-कः) Garlic.
  • श्रीमुख :: m. (-खः) The seventh year of the Indian cycle. E. श्री prosperity, मुख chief.
  • श्रीयुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Famous, illustrious. 2. Fortunate, wealthy. E. श्री prosperity, and युक्त joined with, possessing.
  • श्रीयुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Famous, illustrious. 2. Fortunate, wealthy. E. श्री fortune, युत joined.
  • श्रीरस :: m. (-सः) 1. Turpentine. 2. Resin. E. श्री the Sārala tree or pine, रस juice.
  • श्रीराग :: m. (-गः) One of the Rāgas or personified musical modes. E. श्री illustrious, राग the mode.
  • श्रीराम :: m. (-मः) RĀMACHANDRA. E. श्री celebrated, and राम Rāma.
  • श्रील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Fortunate, prosperous. 2. Rich, wealthy. 3. Beautiful. 4. Famous. E. श्री fortune, लच् poss. aff.
  • श्रीवत्स :: m. (-त्सः) 1. VISHṆU. 2. A particular mark, usually said to be a curl of hair, on the breast of VISHṆU or KRISHṆA. 3. A hole in a wall made for felonious purposes. 4. The emblem of the tenth Jina, or the mark above ascribed to VISHṆU or KRISHṆA. E. श्री LAKSHMĪ, and वत्स dear to.
  • श्रीवत्सकिन् :: m. (-की) A horse having a curl of hair on his breast. E. श्रीवत्स the mark of VISHṆU, कन् aff. of comparison, इनि poss. aff.
  • श्रीवत्सभृत् :: m. (-भृत्) VISHṆU. E. श्रीवत्स the mark so termed, भृत् having.
  • श्रीवत्सलाञ्छन :: m. (-नः) VISHṆU. E. श्रीवत्स the figure so named, लाञ्छन sign, mark, (whose.)
  • श्रीवत्साङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) VISHṆU: see the last. E. श्रीवत्स and अङ्क mark.
  • श्रीवराह :: m. (-हः) VISHṆU. E. श्री illustrious, वराह the Boar-Avatār.
  • श्रीवास :: m. (-सः) 1. Turpentine. 2. VISHṆU. 3. A lotus. 4. ŚIVA. E. श्री the Śarala or pine, or LAKSHMĪ, &c.; and वास abode.
  • श्रीवासस् :: n. (-सः) Turpentine.
  • श्रीवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. The holy-fig tree, (Ficus religiosa.) 2. The Bilwa- tree. 3. The Aśwattha-tree. E. श्री auspicious, वृक्ष a tree.
  • श्रीवृक्षक :: m. (-कः) A curl or lock of hair on the chest of a horse: a various reading perhaps for श्रीवत्सकः see श्रीवत्सकिन् ।
  • श्रीवेष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) 1. Turpentine. 2. Resin. E. श्री the Śarala or pine tree, वेष्ट extract.
  • श्रीश :: m. (-शः) 1. VISHṆU. 2. RĀMACHANDRA. E. श्री the goddess LAKSHMĪ, also incarnate in SĪTĀ, and ईश husband.
  • श्रीसंज्ञ :: n. (-ज्ञं) Cloves. E. श्री LAKSHMĪ, and संज्ञा appellation, the names of the goddess being all applied to the spice.
  • श्रीसहोदर :: m. (-रः) 1. The moon. 2. The horse of INDRA. 3. Camphor. E. श्री the goddess, and सहोदर uterine brother; being reproduced with her and other objects, at the churning of the ocean.
  • श्रीहस्तिनी :: f. (-नी) The sun-flower, (Heliotropium Indicum.) E. श्री LAKSHMĪ, हस्त the hand, इनि and ङीष् affs.; held in the hand of the goddess.
  • श्रु :: r. 1st cl. form irr. (शृणोति) To hear: form reg. (श्रवति) To go, to move, especially as a fluid, to drop, to ooze, to flow. r. 5th cl.

(pp. श्रुत, pres. शृणोति, pass. श्रूयते) 1. To hear. 2. To obey. With प्रति or सम् prefixed, To promise, to assent or agree to. With वि, To be famous. With अनु, To hear. With अभि, To listen. With आङ्, To promise, (with the dat. of the person to whom the promise is made.) With उप, To hear, to learn from. With सम, (Atm.; when used intransitively.) To hear, to listen to. Caus. (श्रावयति-ते) To recite to, to communicate. Desid. (शुश्रूषते) 1. To desire to hear. 2. To obey. 3. To wait upon.

  • श्रुग्वारु :: m. (-रुः) A fruit, (Flacourtia cataphracta.)
  • श्रुघ्निका :: f. (-का) Natron, alkali. “सर्जिकाक्षारे ।”
  • श्रुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Heard. 2. Understood. 3. Well-known. n. (-तं) 1. Sacred science, holy writ, &c. 2. The object of hearing, that which is heard. 3. Learning in general. E. श्रु to hear, aff. क्त ।
  • श्रुतकीर्त्ति :: mfn. (-र्त्तिः -र्त्तिः -र्त्ति) Famous, celebrated. m. (-र्त्तिः) 1. A divine sage. 2. A generous man, a benefactor, a donor. f. (-र्त्तिः) 1. A river. 2. The wife of BHARATA. E. श्रुत heard, कीर्त्ति fame.
  • श्रुतदेवी :: f. (-वी) SARASWATĪ. E. श्रुत that which is heard, (science, &c.) and देवी presiding deity.
  • श्रुतधर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Recollecting, remembering what has been heard. 2. Having or observing the Vedas. E. श्रुत, and धर who has.
  • श्रुतर्षि :: m. (-र्षिः) A Rishi of a particular order; one by whom holy writ has been heard, not taught; as the author of the Suśruta, a medical work, the son of VIŚVĀMITRA, &c. E. श्रुत heard, and ऋषि a saint.
  • श्रुतवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Hearing, having heard. E. श्रु to hear, क्तवतु aff.
  • श्रुतश्रवोनुज :: m. (-जः) The planet ŚHANI or SATURN. E. श्रुतश्रवस् one of the other sons of SURYA, and अनुज younger born.
  • श्रुतादान :: n. (-नं) Citing the Vedas. E. श्रुत holy writ, आदान referring to, taking.
  • श्रुताध्ययनसम्पन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Well read in sacred science, conversant with the Vedas, and the branches of knowledge or philosophy, dependent on them. E. श्रुत heard, (knowledge of grammar, &c., that has been taught viva voce,) अध्ययन perusal, (of the Vedas,) सम्पन्न accomplished.
  • श्रुतान्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Acquainted with or conforming to the Vedas. E. श्रुत, and अन्वित possessed of.
  • श्रुति :: f. (-तिः) 1. The Vedas, severally or collectively, scripture, holy writ. 2. An ear. 3. Hearing. 4. Intelligence, news, rumour, re- port. 5. (In music,) A division of the octave, a quarter tone or interval, of which twenty-two are enumerated; four constituting a major tone, three a minor, and two a semitone: the Śhrutis are personified as nymphs. 6. A sound in general. 7. The constellation Śravaṇā. E. श्रु to hear, क्तिन् aff.
  • श्रुतिकट :: m. (-टः) 1. Penance, expiation. 2. A snake. E. श्रुति the Vedas, organ ear, &c., and कट् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • श्रुतिकटु :: m. (-टुः) A Harsh sound, (regarded as a fault in rhetoric.)
  • श्रुतिकथित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Taught or prescribed by the Vedas. E. श्रुति as above, and कथित said, declared.
  • श्रुतिचोदन :: n. (-नं) Holy precept or injunction, the doctrine of the Vedas. E. श्रुति, and चोदन saying.
  • श्रुतिजीविका :: f. (-का) Law, the code of laws. E. श्रुति the Vedas, and जीविका living; existing to scripture.
  • श्रुतितत्पर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Hearing, having ears. 2. Studying the Vedas. E. श्रुति hearing, or the Vedas, and तत्पर attentive.
  • श्रुतिद्वैध :: n. (-धं) Disagreement or contradiction of any two passages in the Vedas, or of two Vedas. E. श्रुति, and द्वैध difference.
  • श्रुतिधर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Having, being versed in, or observing the Vedas. 2. Hearing. E. श्रुति, and धर who or what has.
  • श्रुतिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) 1. Hearing. 2. Observing, obeying. 3. Having or following the Vedas. E. श्रुत, and इनि aff.
  • श्रुतिनिदर्शन :: n. (-नं) The evidence of revelation.
  • श्रुतिमूल :: n. (-लं) 1. The root of the ear. 2. The text of the Vedas. E. श्रुति, and मूल root.
  • श्रुतिमण्डल :: n. (-लं) The outer ear. E. श्रुति, and मण्डल circle.
  • श्रुतिवर्ज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Deaf. 2. Ignorant or unread in the Vedas. E. श्रुति hearing, or the Vedas, and वर्ज्जित abandoned, lost.
  • श्रुतिविषय :: m. (-यः) 1. An object or doctrine of the Vedas. 2. Sound, the object of the sense of hearing. 3. The reach of the ear. 4. The ear. E. श्रुति, and विषय an object.
  • श्रुतिवेध :: m. (-धः) The boring of the ear.
  • श्रुतिस्मृतिविहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Scriptural, declared by the Vedas and the law. E. श्रुति, and स्मृति, and विहित said.
  • श्रुत्यनुप्रास :: m. (-सः) Alliteration. E. श्रुति hearing, and अनुप्रास similarity of sound.
  • श्रुत्युक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Said or enjoined by the Vedas. E. श्रुति, and उक्त said; also श्रुत्युदित, &c.
  • श्रुत्वा :: Ind. Having heard. E. श्रु to hear, क्त्वा aff.
  • श्रुव :: m. (-वः) Sacrifice, oblation. nf. (-वं-वा) A sort of ladle used for pouring Ghee or oiled butter at a sacrifice. E. श्रु to ooze or leak, aff. क ।
  • श्रूयमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Hearing, being hearing. E. श्रु to hear, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • श्रेढी :: f. (-ढी) A progression, (in math.)
  • श्रेढीफल :: n. (-लं) The sum of a progression.
  • श्रेणि :: mf. (-णिः-णिः or -णी) 1. A line, a row, a range. 2. A multitude. 3. A company of artizans following the same business. 4. A corpo- ration, a company of traders or those dealing in the same articles. 5. A bucket, a baling vessel. E. श्रि to serve, नि Unādi aff.
  • श्रेणिक :: m. (-कः) The name of one of the kings of Magadha, contemporary with and patron of SĀKYA-SINHA., f. (-का) A tent. E. श्रेणि a line, &c., कन् aff.
  • श्रेणिधर्म :: m. Plu. The customs of trades or guilds.
  • श्रेणिभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Made or become a heap. 2. Arranged, set in rows. E. श्रेणि a range, भूत become, च्वि augment.
  • श्रेधी :: f. (-धी) 1. A set or succession of substances. 2. (In arithmetic,) Progression. E. A various reading of श्रेष्ठी ।
  • श्रेयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) Best, excellent, most excellent. Ind. Well, most excellent. n. (-यः) 1. Virtue, moral merit. 2. Final happiness. 3. Good fortune, auspiciousness, prosperity. m. (-यान्) The 11th Jina or Jaina pontiff. f. (-यसी) 1. A plant resembling pepper, (Pothos officinalis.) 2. A shrub, (Cissampelos hexandra.) 3. Yellow myro- balan. E. श्र substituted for प्रशस्त good, and ईयसुन् aff. of the irr. superlative.
  • श्रेयस्कर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Conferring, or the means of future felicity. 2. Propitious. 3. Making better or superior. E. श्रेयस् and कर who or what does.
  • श्रेयस्काम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Desiring final felicity, &c. E. श्रेयस्, काम desire.
  • श्रेयस्त्व :: n. (-स्त्वं) 1. Superiority, betterness. 2. Final felicity, &c. E. श्रेयस् and त्व aff.
  • श्रेयांश :: m. (-शः) The eleventh Jina or Jaina pontiff of the present era; also श्रेयांस ।
  • श्रेयोर्थिन् :: mfn. (-र्थी -र्थिनी -र्थि) Desirous of good, ambitious. E. श्रेयस्, and अर्थिन् who asks.
  • श्रेष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) 1. Best, excellent, most excellent, pre-eminent. 2. Oldest, senior. m. (-ष्ठः) 1. KUVERA. 2. A king. 3. A Brāhman. n. (-ष्ठं) Cow's milk. E. श्र for प्रशस्त best, इष्ठन् aff. of the irr. superlative.
  • श्रेष्ठकाष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) The main pillar of a house. E. श्रेष्ठ best, and काष्ठ timber.
  • श्रेष्ठवाच् :: f. (-वाक्) Adj. Eloquent.
  • श्रेष्ठता :: f. (-ता) Superiority, betterness, excellence. E. श्रेष्ठ, and तल् aff.; also with त्व, श्रेष्ठत्वं ।
  • श्रेष्ठाश्रम :: m. (-मः) The best order of life, viz. that of a householder. E. श्रेष्ठ best, आश्रम order or state; the householder being considered the best of the four orders, as it supports the other three.
  • श्रेष्ठिन् :: mfn. (-ष्ठी -ष्ठिनी -ष्ठि) Best, chief. m. (-ष्ठी) 1. An artist eminent by birth. 2. The head or chief of a body of persons following the same trade or occupation, a president, a foreman. E. श्रेष्ठ excellence, इनि aff.
  • श्रै :: r. 1st cl (श्रायति) 1. To boil, to cook. 2. To melt, to liquefy. 3. To sweat.
  • श्रैष्ठ्य :: n. (-ष्ठ्यं) Superiority, betterness, preference. E. श्रेष्ठ, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • श्रोण्(ऋ)श्रोणृ :: r. 1st cl. (श्रोणति) To accumulate, to heap together.
  • श्रोण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Dressed, cooked, matured. m. (-णः) A cripple. f. (-णा) 1. The constellation Śravaṇā. 2. Rice-gruel. E. श्रोण् to heap together, aff. अच्; or शॄ to injure, Unādi aff. न ।
  • श्रोणि :: f. (-णिः or णी) 1. The hip and loins. 2. A road, a way. E. श्रोण् to heap, aff. इन्; or श्रु to hear, Unādi aff. नि ।
  • श्रोणितट :: m. (-टः) The slope of the hips.
  • श्रोणिफलक :: n. (-कं) 1. The hip and loins, or the hip only. 2. The hip- bone, the os ilium. E. श्रोणि the same, and फल fruit, कन् aff. of comparison, or फलक a plank; also श्रोणिफल n. (-लं) ।
  • श्रोणिविम्ब :: n. (-म्बं) A string worn round the loins, a waist band.
  • श्रोतस् :: n. (-तः) 1. The ear. 2. The current of a stream. 3. An organ of sense. 4. The trunk of an elephant. E. श्रु to hear or to leak, aff. असुन्, and तुट् augment.
  • श्रोतव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be heard, or listened to. E. श्रु to hear, तव्य aff. of the future participle.
  • श्रोतृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Hearing, a hearer, who hears. E. श्रु to hear. तृच् aff.
  • श्रोत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. The ear. 2. The veda. E. श्रु to hear, Unādi aff. ष्ट्रन् ।
  • श्रोत्रसुख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खं) Melodious, musical, sounding agreeably. E. श्रोत्र, and सुख pleasure.
  • श्रोत्रादि :: Ind. The five senses. E. श्रोत्र and आदि etcetera.
  • श्रोत्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Modest, docile, well-behaved. m. (-यः) 1. A Brāhman versed in the study of the Vedas. 2. A Brāhman follow- ing a particular branch or school of the Vedas. E. श्रोत्र considered as substituted for छन्दस् the metre of the Vedas, and खन् aff.; or श्रोत्र the ear, said also to mean the Vedas, and घ aff.
  • श्रोत्रियता :: f. (-ता) Conversancy with the Vedas, the duty of a Brāhman. E. श्रोत्रिय a priest acquainted with the Vedas, and तल् aff.
  • श्रोत्रियस्व :: n. (-स्वं) The property of a learned Brāhman. E. श्रोत्रिय, स्व own.
  • श्रोत :: mfn. (-तः -ती -तं) Relating or belonging to the Vedas, to the ear, hearing, &c. n. (-तं) 1. Preservation of the sacred fire. 2. Any observance ordained by the Vedas. 3. The three sacred fires collectively, viz. गार्हपत्य, आवहनीय and दक्षिण . f. (-ती) Comparison expressed by a particle, so, as, like, &c. E. श्रुति the Vedas, and अण् aff.
  • श्रौतसूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) Name of a class of Sūtra writings based on the Veda.
  • श्रौतस्मार्त्तक्रिया :: f. (-या) Acts conformable to law and religion. E. श्रौत and स्मार्त्त, and क्रिया act.
  • श्रौतस्मार्त्तधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) Duty enjoined by the Vedas and laws. E. श्रौत and स्मार्त्त, and धर्म्म duty.
  • श्रौत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. Conversancy with Vedas. 2. The ear. E. श्रोत्र the ear, or श्रोत्रिय a Brāhmana studied in scripture, अण् aff.; in the second case the last syllable rejected as well as the pen. vowel.
  • श्रौषट् :: Ind. An exclamation used in making an offering with fire to the gods or manes E. श्रु to hear, (the prayer being heard in consequence,) and डौषट् aff.
  • श्र्याह्व :: n. (-ह्वं) The lotus. E. श्रौ LAKSHMĪ, and आह्वा appellation, the god- dess appearing in the first instance from within the flower, and thence deriving many of her names.
  • श्लक्(इ)श्लकि :: r. 1st cl. (श्लङ्कते) To go, to move.
  • श्लक्ष्ण :: mfn. (-क्ष्णः -क्ष्णा -क्ष्णं) 1. Small, fine, minute. 2. Gentle, mild, amiable. 3. Honest, sincere. 4. Plain, even, smooth. E. श्लिष् to embrace, क्स्न aff., the short vowel substituted for the penultimate.
  • श्लक्ष्णक :: n. (-कं) The areca-nut.
  • श्लग्(इ)श्लगि :: r. 1st cl. (श्लङ्गति) To go, to move.
  • श्लथ् :: r. 10th cl. (श्लथयति-ते) 1. To be weak, to be relaxed, loose, flaccid. 2. To hurt or kill.
  • श्लथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) 1. Loose, flaccid, relaxed. 2. Dishevelled, (hair). 3. Untied, unfastened. E. श्लथ् to be relaxed, aff. अच् ।
  • श्लाख्(ऋ)श्लाखृ :: r. 1st cl. (श्लाखति) To pervade.
  • श्लाघ्(ऋ)श्लाघृ :: r. 1st cl. (श्लाघते) 1. To praise, to eulogise. 2. To flatter, to coax, to wheedle, (with a dat.) 3. To boast, (with an inst.)
  • श्लाघा :: f. (-घा) 1. Praise, flattery, eulogium. 2. Service, obedience. 3. Wish, desire. 4. Self-praise. E. श्लाघ् to praise, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • श्लाघित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Praised, commended. E. श्लाघ् to praise, क्त aff.
  • श्लाघ्य :: mfn. (-घ्यः -घ्या -घ्यं) Venerable, respectable, praise-worthy, entitled to praise or veneration. E. श्लाघा praise, यत् aff.
  • श्लिकु :: m. (-कुः) 1. A servant, a slave. 2. A blackguard. 3. A lecher, libertine or debauchee. n. (-कु) Astronomy, or astrology. E. श्लिष् to embrace, Unādi aff. कु and क substituted for the final.
  • श्लिक्यु :: m. (-क्युः) 1. A servant. 2. A libertine.
  • श्लिष्(ञि औऌ)श्लिषॢ :: r. 4th cl. (श्लिष्यति) r. 1st cl. (श्लेषति) 1. To embrace. 2. To adhere or cling to. 3. To unite, to join or connect. With उप and आ, To embrace. With वि, 1. To burst. 2. To be separated. With सम्, To cling to. r. 10th cl. (श्लेषयति-ते) To connect. (उ) श्लिषु r. 1st cl. (श्लेषति) To burn.
  • श्लिषा :: f. (-षा) 1. Embracing, an embrace. 2. Clinging. E. श्लिष् to embrace, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • श्लिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Embraced. 2. Touched by, clung or adhered to. 3. Leaving on. 4. Susceptible of a double interpretation, (in rhetoric.) E. श्लिष् to embrace, क्त aff.
  • श्लिष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) 1. Adherence. 2. Embrace.
  • श्लिष्यत् :: mfn. (-ष्यन् -ष्यन्ती -ष्यत्) Embracing, clinging, adhering to, being in close contact with. E. श्लिष् to embrace, शतृ aff.
  • श्लीपद :: n. (-दं) Morbid enlargement of the legs, elephantiasis.
  • श्लीपदप्रभव :: m. (-वः) The mango-tree. E. श्लीपद swelled leg, and प्रभव production.
  • श्लीपदापह :: m. (-हः) A plant, (Nageia putranjiva.) E. श्लीपद, अपह removing.
  • श्लील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Prosperous, fortunate, affluent, happy. E. श्ली good fortune, लच् poss. aff., and र changed to ल: see श्रील ।
  • श्लेष :: m. (-षः) 1. Union, junction, the proximity of contact. 2. Associa- tion, society, presence. 3. Embracing, an embrace. 4. Adhering or clinging to, &c. 5. A figure of rhetoric, choice or connection of words so as to admit of a double interpretation, a species of paron- omasia or pun. E. श्लिष् to embrace, aff. घञ् ।
  • श्लेष्मक :: m. (-कः) Phlegm, the watery or phlegmatic humour. E. श्लेष्मन् the same, कन् pleonasm.
  • श्लेष्मघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्ना -घ्नं) Removing phlegm. f. (-घ्ना or घ्नी) 1. Arabian jasmine. 2. A flower, (Pandanus odoratissimus.) f. (-घ्नी) Hogweed. E. श्लेष्म phlegm, and घ्न removing, fem. aff. टाप् or ङीप् ।
  • श्लेष्मज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced or proceeding from phlegm. E. श्लेष्मन्, ज born.
  • श्लेष्मण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Phlegmatic. f. (-णा) A plant, (Justicia adhena- toda, &c.) E. श्लेष्मन् the humor, and न aff.
  • श्लेष्मन् :: m. (-ष्मा) The phlegmatic humour, one of the three principal humours or fluids of the body. E. श्लिष् to embrace or adhere to, (the body,) aff. मनिन् ।
  • श्लेष्मल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Phlegmatic, abounding or affected with phlegm, &c. m. (-लः) A plant, (Cordia latifolia.) E. श्लेष्म phlegm, लच् aff.
  • श्लेष्मह :: m. (-हः) A medicinal plant, commonly Kāyaphal. E. श्लेष्म phlegm, ह destroying.
  • श्लेष्मात :: m. (-तः) A small tree, (Cordia latifolia.) E. श्लेष्मन् phlegm, अत् to go, (to remove,) aff. अच्; also with कन् added श्लेष्मातक ।
  • श्लैष्मिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Allaying or exciting, phlegm, phlegmatic. E. श्लेष्मन् phelgm, ठञ् aff.
  • श्लोक्(ऋ)श्लोकृ :: r. 1st. cl. (श्लोकते) 1. To put together, to compose, as verses. 2. To heap together. 3. To acquire. 4. To relinquish.
  • श्लोक :: m. (-कः) 1. A verse, a stanza. 2. A stanza written in Anush-

ṭubh metre. 3. Praising, praise. 4. An object of praise. 5. A pro- verb, a saying. 6. Fame, celebrity. E. श्लोक् to compose, (as verses,) aff. अच्; according to the Rāmāyaṇa, irrly. derived from शोक sorrow: the first verse ever composed, having been the involun- tary expression of VĀLMĪKI'S grief at beholding a bird killed by a fowler.

  • श्लोकत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Versification. E. त्व added to the last.
  • श्लोण्(ऋ)श्लोणृ :: r. 1st cl. (श्लोणति) To heap together, to collect or assemble.
  • श्वःश्रेयस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Happy, prosperous. n. Adv. (-सं) Happy, well, right. Subst. 1. Happiness, prosperity. 2. BRAHMĀ, the Supreme Being. E. श्वस् particle, implying happiness, श्रेयस best, excellent, and a final अच् or vowel added to the compound.
  • श्वक्(इ)श्वकि :: r. 1st cl. (श्वङ्कते) To go, to move.
  • श्वक्रीडिन् :: m. (-डी) A dog-feeder or trainer. E. श्व and क्रीडिन् who plays with.
  • श्वग्(इ)श्वगि :: r. 1st cl. (शङ्कति) To go or move.
  • श्वगण :: m. (-णः) A pack or number of dogs. E. श्व a dog, and गण a troop.
  • श्वगणिक :: m. (-कः) A hunter. mf. (-कः-का) 1. A dog-feeder. 2. One carried by dogs. E. श्व a dog, गण a number, ठन् aff.
  • श्वच् :: r. 1st cl. (श्वचते) (इ) श्वचि (श्वञ्चते) 1. To go, to move. 2. To be opened, to be split.
  • श्वज् :: r. 1st cl. (श्वजते) also (इ) श्वजि (श्वञ्जते) To go, to move.
  • श्वठ् :: r. 10th cl. (श्वठयति-ते) 1. To go, to move. 2. To adorn, to accom- plish. (श्वाठयति-ते) (इ) श्वठि (श्वण्ठयति-ते) 1. To finish. 2. To leave defec- tive or unfinished. 3. To go, to move. 4. To Speak ill. (श्वठयति) 1. To speak amiss. 2. To speak well. 3. To abstain from speaking: see शठ .
  • श्वदंष्ट्रा :: f. (-ष्ट्रा) 1. A dog's tooth. 2. A fruit, (Flacourtia cataphracta.) E. श्व for श्वन् a dog, दंष्ट्वा a tooth.
  • श्वधूर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) A jackal. E. श्वन् a dog, and धूर्त्त a cheat.
  • श्वन् :: m. (-श्वा-श्वानौ-श्वानः) Accu. plu. (-शुनः) A dog. f. (-शुनी) A bitch. E. श्वि to increase, Unādi aff. कनिन्, form irr.
  • श्वनर :: m. (-रः) A currish fellow.
  • श्वनिश :: nf. (-शं-शा) A night on which dogs bark and howl. E. श्व for श्वन् a dog, निशा night.
  • श्वपच :: mf. (-चः-चा) 1. A man or woman of a low and degraded caste. 2. A dog-feeder or keeper. E. श्वन् a dog, पच् to cook, (for his food,) or to cherish as his property, and अच् aff.; also with क्विप् aff. श्वपच् m. (-पक्) and with घञ् aff. श्वपाक ।
  • श्वपद :: n. (-दं) 1. A dog's foot. 2. A mark like one, to be branded on the forehead of a thief. E. श्व, and पद a foot.
  • श्वपाक :: m. (-कः) A man of a degraded and outcaste tribe, the son of an Ugra woman by a Kshettṛ male, and classed with the Chaṇḍāla, with whom he is ordered to live out of the town, to feed from broken vessels, and wear the clothes of the dead; to possess no other property than asses and dogs, and to be excluded from all intercourse with other tribes; he can only be employed as public executioner, or to carry out the bodies of those who die without kindred. E. श्व a dog, पच् to cook, (to feed on or to cherish,) aff. घञ्ः see श्वपच ।
  • श्वफल :: n. (-लं) The lime or citron. E. श्व for श्वन् a dog, and फल fruit.
  • श्वभीरु :: m. (-रुः) A jackal. E. श्वन् a dog, and भीरु afraid of.
  • श्वभ्र् :: r. 10th cl. (श्वभ्रयति-ते) 1. To live in misery or distress. 2. To go, to move. 3. To make a hole, to pierce or perforate.
  • श्वभ्र :: n. (-भ्रं) A hole, a gap, a chasm. E. श्वभ्र् to pierce, aff. अच्; or श्व a dog, भृ to cherish, aff. क ।
  • श्वयथु :: m. (-थुः) Swelling, intumescence. E. श्वि to swell, aff. अथुच् ।
  • श्वयीचि :: f. (-चिः or ची) Sickness, disease. E. श्वि to increase, Unādi aff. ईचि ।
  • श्वर्त्त् :: r. 10th cl. (श्वर्त्तयति) 1. To live in misery or distress. 2. To go, to move.
  • श्वल् :: r. 1st cl. (श्वलति) To run, to go quickly.
  • श्वल्क् :: r. 10th cl. (श्वल्कयति-ते) To speak, to narrate.
  • श्वल्ल् :: r. 1st cl. (श्वल्लति) To run, to go fast or quickly.
  • श्ववत् :: Ind. Like a dog, cur-like. E. श्व, वति aff.
  • श्ववत् :: m. (-वान्) A dog-feeder or trainer. E. श्व, मतुप् aff.
  • श्ववृत्ति :: m. (-त्तिः) 1. The life of a dog. 2. Service, servitude. E. श्व a dog, वृत्ति practice.
  • श्वव्याघ्र :: m. (-घ्रः) The hunting-leopard, Chitā. E. श्व a dog, व्याघ्र a tiger.
  • श्वशुर :: m. (-रः) 1. A father-in-law, a wife's or husband's father. 2. A venerable man, one to be treated as a father-in-law. m. Du. (-री) A father and mother-in-law. E. शु a particle, implying respect, अश् to pervade, Unādi aff. उरच्; also with कन् added श्वशुरक ।
  • श्वशुर्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) 1. A brother-in-law, a wife's or husband's brother. 2. A husband's younger brother. E. श्वशुर a father-in-law, and यत् patro- nymic aff.
  • श्वश्रू :: f. (-श्रूः) A mother-in-law. E. श्वशुर a father-in-law, the उ and अ rejected, र conjoined with श, and ऊङ् fem. aff.
  • श्वश्रूश्वशुर :: m. Du. (-रौ) Mother and father-in-law. E. श्वश्रू, श्वशुर conjoined.
  • श्वस् :: r. 2nd cl. (श्वसिति) 1. To breathe. 2. To live. 3. To sigh. 4. To hiss, to snort. With आङ् prefixed, 1. To recover, to revive, to console. 2. To take courage. 3. To sigh. With उत्, 1. To open, to expand. 2. To console. 3. To upheave. 4. To breathe. 5. To sigh. With निर्, 1 To breathe out, to expire. 2. To sigh. With वि, 1. To have trust or faith in, (generally with a loc.) 2. To be fearless. With सम्, To calm oneself, to take heart. Caus. (श्वासयति-ते) With आ, To com- fort, to console. With वि, To inspire confidence, to cause to confide. With सम्, To cheer up.
  • श्वस् :: Ind. 1. To-morrow; (at the beginning of compounds it has the sense of “future.)” 2. A particle, implying auspiciousness.
  • श्वसत् :: mfn. (-सन् -सन्ती or सती -सत्) Breathing, sighing. E. श्वस्, शतृ aff.
  • श्वसन :: m. (-नः) 1. Air, wind. 2. A thorny plant, (Vangueria spinosa.) n. (-नं) 1. Breathing, breath. 2. Sighing. E. श्वस् to breathe, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • श्वसनाशन :: m. (-नः) A snake. E. श्वसन breathing, अशन food; eating air.
  • श्वसनेश्वर :: m. (-रः) A tree, (Pentaptera arjuna.) E. श्वसन, ईश्वर sovereign.
  • श्वसनोत्सुक :: m. (-कः) A snake. E. श्वसन breathing, and उत्सुक delighting.
  • श्वसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sighed, breathed, sighing, breathing. n. (-तं) 1. Breathing, breath. 2. Sighing, a sigh. E. श्वस् to breathe, उनन् aff.
  • श्वसुन :: m. (-नः) A plant, (Conyza lacera, &c.) E. श्व a dog, and सुत a son.
  • श्वस्तन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Future, what will be to-morrow, &c. E. श्वस् to-morrow, ठ्युल् aff.
  • श्वस्त्य :: mfn. (-स्त्यः -स्त्या -स्त्यं) To-morrow's, what will be to-morrow. E. श्वस् to-morrow, त्यप् aff.
  • श्वस्पृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Touched by a dog, defiled. E. श्व, स्पृष्ट touched.
  • श्वागणिक :: m. (-कः) A hunter. mf. (-कः-की) 1. A dog-keeper, one who lives by feeding or keeping dogs. 2. One who rides or is drawn by dogs. E. श्वगण a number of dogs, ठञ् aff.
  • श्वादन्त :: m. (-न्तः) A dog's tooth. E. श्वन् a dog, दन्त a tooth, and the vowel termination of the first word made long in this similar compounds, as श्वाकर्ण, श्वापुच्छ, &c.
  • श्वान :: m. (-नः) A dog. f. (-नी) A bitch. E. A various reading of श्वन् q. v.
  • श्वाननिद्रा :: f. (-द्रा) A light slumber.
  • श्वानवैखरी :: f. (-री) A term for angry snarling.
  • श्वापद :: mfn. (-दः -दी -दं) Ferocious, savage, relating or belonging to a beast of prey. m. (-दः) 1. A beast of prey in general. 2. A tiger. E. श्वन् a dog, आपद् to resemble, aff. अच्; or श्वपद with अण् added.
  • श्वाविध् :: m. (-विद् or -वित्) A porcupine. “शजारु” E. श्वन् a dog, आङ् before व्यध् to pierce, aff. क्विप् ।
  • श्वाश्व :: m. (-श्वः) BHAIRAVA, or ŚIVA, in a terrific form. E. श्व a dog, and अश्व a horse; being usually represented mounted on a dog.
  • श्वास :: m. (-सः) 1. Breath, breathing. 2. Air, wind. 3. Sighing, a sigh. E. श्वस् to breathe, aff. घञ् ।
  • श्वासकास :: m. (-सः) Asthma.
  • श्वासप्रश्वासधारण :: n. (-णं) Breathing through the nostrils for a few seconds as a religious exercise: see प्राणायाम . E. श्वास inspiration, प्रश्वास expiration, and धारण holding or checking.
  • श्वासहेति :: f. (-तिः) Sleep, sleepiness. E. श्वास breathing or sighing, हेति a weapon.
  • श्वासारि :: m. (-रिः) A plant, commonly Bāmana-hāti. E. श्वास breath, अरि hostile.
  • श्वासिन् :: m. (-सी) 1. Air, wind. 2. A living creature. E. श्वास breath, and इनि aff.
  • श्वि :: (इर टु and ओ) टुओश्वि r. 1st cl. (श्वयति) 1. To move, to go, or go to. 2. To grow, to increase. 3. To swell. With उद्, To swell.
  • श्वित्(आ)श्विता :: r. 1st cl. (श्वेतते) To be white.
  • श्विति :: f. (-तिः) Whiteness. E. श्वित् to be white, कि aff.
  • श्वित्र :: n. (-त्रं) Whiteness of the skin, vitiligo. E. श्वित् to be white, Unādi aff. रक् ।
  • श्वित्रघ्नी :: f. (-घ्नी) A plant, (Tragia involucrata.) E. श्वित्र vitiligo, घ्न destroy- ing.
  • श्वित्रिन् :: mfn. (-त्री -त्रिणी -त्रि) Affected with vitiligo or whiteness of the skin. E. श्वित्र, इनि aff.
  • श्विद्(इ)श्विदि :: r. 1st cl. (श्विन्दति) To be white, to become or continue so.
  • श्वृ :: r. 9th cl. (श्वृणाति) To hurt, to injure, to wound or kill.
  • श्वेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता or नी -तं) White. m. (-तः) 1. White, (the colour.) 2. The planet VENUS, or its regent ŚUKRA. 3. The sixth range of moun- tains, dividing the known continent, the white mountains separa- ting the Varshas of Hiranmaya and Romanaka. 4. One of the minor Dwipas or divisions of the world; in fable the White Island, identified geographically by WILFORD, with Britain. 5. A white cloud. 6. Cummin-seed. 7. A conch. mf. (-तः-ता) A small white shell used as a coin, a Cowrie. n. (-तं) Silver. f. (-ता) 1. A grass, (Andropogon aciculatum.) 2. A plant, Kāshṭha-Pātala. 3. A flower, (Clitoria ternatea.) 4. Hogweed. 5. Bent grass with white blossoms. 6. Bamboo-manna. 7. Crystal. 8. Clayed or can- died sugar. 9. A cowrie. E. श्वित् to be white, aff. अच् or घञ् ।
  • श्वेतक :: m. (-कः) A Cowri. n. (-कं) Silver. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • श्वेतकुञ्जर :: m. (-रः) INDRA'S elephant. E. श्वेत white, and कुञ्जर an elephant.
  • श्वेतकेतु :: m. (-तुः) A Bauddha or Jaina saint. E. श्वेत white, केतु a banner.
  • श्वेत्रकेश :: m. (-शः) A variety of the Hyperanthera morunga. E. श्वेत white, and केश a filament.
  • श्वेतकोल :: m. (-लः) The Saphara fish, (Cyprinus Sophore, HAM.)
  • श्वेतखदिर :: m. (-रः) A white variety of the Mimosa catechu. E. श्वेत, and खदिर the Khayer.
  • श्वेतगज :: m. (-जः) 1. A white elephant. 2. Airāvata, the elephant of INDRA. E. श्वेत white, and गज an elephant.
  • श्वेतगरुत् :: m. (-रुत्) A goose. E. श्वेत white, and गरुत् a wing.
  • श्वेतच्छद :: m. (-दः) 1. A goose. 2. A kind of basil, (Ocymum album, &c.) E. श्वेत white, and च्छद a feather or leaf.
  • श्वेतटङ्कण :: n. (-णं) White or refined borax. E. श्वेत white, and टङ्कण the same.
  • श्वेतदूर्व्वा :: f. (-र्व्वा) A bent grass with white blossoms. E. श्वेत and दूर्व्वा Durbā grass.
  • श्वेतद्विप :: m. (-पः) 1. A White elephant. 2. INDRA'S elephant. E. श्वेत white, and द्विप an elephant.
  • श्वेतद्वीप :: m. (-पः) The white Island, or a minor division of the universe so called; also termed Chandra-Dwipa, and supposed by WIL- FORD to be Britain. E. श्वेत white, and द्वीप an island; also श्वेत q. v.
  • श्वेतधातु :: m. (-तुः) 1. Chalk. 2. The milk stone, opal or chalcedony. E. श्वेत white, धातु a mineral.
  • श्वेतधामन् :: m. (-मा) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. 3. Cuttle-fish-bone. E. श्वेत white, धामन् a ray.
  • श्वेतनील :: m. (-लः) A cloud. E. श्वेत white, and नील black or dark blue.
  • श्वेतपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) A goose. E. श्वेत white, पत्र a feather.
  • श्वेतपत्ररथ :: m. (-थः) BRAHMĀ. E. श्वेतपत्र a goose, रथ a car or conveyance.
  • श्वेतपद्म :: n. (-द्मं) The white lotus. E. श्वेत white, and पद्म a lotus.
  • श्वेतपर्णास :: m. (-सः) Holy basil, or a variety of it, (Ocymum sanctum or album.) E. श्वेत white, and पर्णास the same.
  • श्वेतपाटला :: f. (-ला) The white trumpet flower, (Bignonia suave-olens.) E. श्वेत white, पाटला the same. “शादा पारुल ।”
  • श्वेतपिङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A lion. E. श्वेत white, and पिङ्ग tawny; of a light tawny colour.
  • श्वेतपिङ्गल :: m. (-लः) 1. A lion. 2. ŚIVA. E. श्वेत white, and पिङ्गल tawny: see the last; also with कन् added, श्वेतपिङ्गलक ।
  • श्वेतपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A plant, (Vitex trifolia.) f. (-ष्पा) The Ghoshā-plant. E. श्वेत white, and पुष्प a flower.
  • श्वेतपुष्पक :: m. (-कः) A plant, (Nerium odorum, the white variety.) E. कन् added to the last.
  • श्वेतप्रसूनक :: m. (-कः) A tree, (Tapia cratæva.) श्वेत white, (flowers,) प्रसूनक productive.
  • श्वेतभण्डा :: f. (-ण्डा) A flower, (Clitoria ternatea.)
  • श्वेतमरिच :: n. (-चं) The seed of the Hyperanthera morunga. E. श्वेत white, मरिच pepper.
  • श्वेतमाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A cloud. 2. smoke.
  • श्वेतरक्त :: m. (-क्तः) Pale red or pink, (the colour.) E. श्वेत white, रक्त red.
  • श्वेतरञ्जन :: n. (-नं) Lead. E. श्वेत white, रञ्जन colouring.
  • श्वेतरथ :: m. (-थः) The planet VENUS. E. श्वेत white, and रथ a car.
  • श्वेतरास्रा :: f. (-स्रा) A plant, white Rasan: see रास्रा .
  • श्वेतरोचिस् :: m. (-चिः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. E. श्वेत white, रोचिस् light.
  • श्वेतरोहित :: m. (-तः) GARUḌA. E. श्वेत white, and रोहित red.
  • श्वेतवचा :: f. (-चा) Orris root, (Acorus calamus.) E. श्वेत white, and वचा the same.
  • श्वेतवल्कल :: m. (-लः) Glomerous-fig-tree, (Ficus glomerata.) E. श्वेत white, वल्कल bark.
  • श्वेतवाजिन् :: m. (-जी) 1. The moon. 2. The prince ARJUNA. E. श्वेत white, वाजि a horse, इनि aff.
  • श्वेतवासस् :: m. (-साः) A religious mendicant, wearing white garments. E. श्वेत, and वासस् vesture.
  • श्वेतवाह :: m. (-हः) 1. ARJUNA. 2. INDRA. 3. The moon. E. श्वेत white, वाह a horse.
  • श्वेतवाहन :: m. (-नः) 1. The moon. 2. ARJUNA. 3. INDRA. 4. The Makara, a marine monster. E. श्वेत white, वाहन a vehicle.
  • श्वेतवाहिन् :: m. (-ही) ARJUNA. E. श्वेत white, वाह a vehicle, (a horse,) इनि aff.
  • श्वेतशुङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Barley. E. श्वेत white, and शुङ्ग awn; also read श्वेतशृङ्ग ।
  • श्वेतसर्प :: m. (-र्पः) 1. A tree, (Tapia cratæva.) 2. A white snake. E. श्वेत white, सर्प what creeps or grows, or a serpent.
  • श्वेतसार :: m. (-रः) A tree, (Mimosa catechu.) E. श्वेत white, सार pith or essence.
  • श्वेतसुरसा :: f. (-सा) A white variety of the Nyctanthes arbor tristis. E. श्वेत white, and सुरसा the Rasan, &c., to which it is compared.
  • श्वेतहय :: m. (-यः) 1. A white horse. 2. The horse of INDRA. 3. A name of ARJUNA. E. श्वेत white, and हय a horse.
  • श्वेतहस्तिन् :: m. (-स्ती) 1. A white elephant. 2. The elephant of INDRA. E. श्वेत white, and हस्तिन् an elephant.
  • श्वेतार्क :: m. (-र्कः) Gigantic swallow-wort, (Asclepias gigantea,) with white flowers. E. श्वेत white, and अर्क the same.
  • श्वेतोदर :: m. (-रः) KUVERA. E. श्वेत white, and उदर the belly.
  • श्वेतौही :: f. (-ही) An epithet of ŚACHI, the wife of INDRA.
  • श्वेत्र :: n. (-त्रं) White leprosy.
  • श्वेनी :: f. (-नी) One of the fem. form of श्वेतः see श्वेत ।
  • श्वैत्य :: n. (-त्यं) 1. Whiteness. 2. Vitiligo. E. श्वित or श्वेत, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • श्वैत्र :: n. (-त्रं) Vitiligo. E. श्वेत to be white, रन् aff.; also श्वैत्र्य ।
  • श्वोभूत :: Adj. Being to-morrow.
  • श्वोवसीयस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Auspicious, fortunate. n. (-सं) good fortune. E. श्वस् and वस both particles implying auspiciousness, ईयसुन् affixed to the latter, and a final vowel added to the compound.
  •  :: The thirty-first consonant of the Nāgari alphabet, and second sibilant, corresponding to Sh, pronounced in some schools Kh: this letter is usually the first element of the roots, the derivatives of which commence with स ।
  •  :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Best, excellent. m. (-षः) 1. A learned man, a teacher. 2. A nipple. 3. Loss, destruction. 4. Rest, remainder. 5. Loss of knowledge, previously acquired. 6. Eternal happiness, final eman- cipation. 7. Heaven, paradise. 8. Sleep. 9. End, term. 10. Hair.

n. (-षं) 1. The embryo. 2. Patience, endurance. E. षो to destroy, &c., aff. कं or ड and the consonant unchanged, &c.

  • षग्(ए)षगे :: r. 1st cl. (सगति) To cover: also written सग् ।
  • षघ्(ए)षघे :: r. 5th cl. (सघ्नोति) To hurt or kill: also सघ् ।
  • षच् :: r. 1st cl. (सचते) 1. To wet, to moisten, to sprinkle. 2. To serve, to gratify by service. (सचति) 1. To be connected. 2. To understand thoroughly.
  • षञ्च् :: r. 1st cl. (सञ्चति) To go.
  • षञ्ज् :: r. 1st cl. (सजति) To embrace, to cling or adhere to, to be in con- tact or connexion with. With अव prefixed, To hang down from, to be suspended. With वि and आङ्, To struggle together. With आङ्, To be attached or devoted to. (उ) षञ्जु r. 2st cl. (सञ्जति-ते) To go.
  • षट् :: r. 1st cl. (षटति) To be a part or portion.
  • षट्क :: mfn. (-ट्कः -ट्का -ट्कं) 1. Six. 2. Having six-fold, &c. n. (-ट्कं) An aggregate of six. E. षष् six, and कन् poss. aff.
  • षट्कर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) A sort of lute. Adj. Heard by six ears, i. e. by three persons. E. षष् six, and कर्ण an ear.
  • षट्कर्म्मन् :: m. (-र्म्मा) 1. A Brāhman. 2. An adept, (in the Tantras, &c.) n. (-र्म्म or pl. -र्म्माणि) 1. The six acts proper for a Brāhman, (collective- ly,) or teaching the Vedas, holy study, offering sacrifices, conduct- ing them for others, giving, and accepting gifts. 2. Six acts allow- able to a Brāhman for subsistence, or gleaning, accepting gifts, ask- ing alms, agriculture, trade, and tending cattle, or according to some lending money at interest. 3. The six acts taught in the Tantras, or killing, infatuating, enthralling, expelling, exciting animosity, and the stopping or privation of any faculty. E. षष् six, कर्म्मन् act or duty.
  • षट्कोण :: n. (-णं) 1. A hexagon, a six-angled figure. 2. The thunderbolt of INDRA. E. षष् six, कोण a corner.
  • षट्चक्र :: n. (-क्रं) The six mystical circles of the body, (in Tantra.)
  • षट्चरण :: m. (-णः) 1. A bee, 2. A louse. 3. A locust. E. षट् six, चरण a foot.
  • षट्ट् :: r. 10th cl. (सट्टयति-ते) 1. To injure, to hurt or kill. 2. To give. 3. To be strong. 4. To dwell.
  • षट्त्रिंशत् :: f. (-शत्) 1. Thirty-six. 2. A work on law. E. षष् six, and त्रिंशत् thirty.
  • षट्पद :: m. (-दः) A bee. mf. (-दः-दी) A louse. f. (-दी) 1. A louse. 2. A female bee. 3. A stanza consisting of six lines. E. षष् six, पद a foot.
  • षट्पदप्रिय :: m. (-यः) The Nāgeshwar, (Mesue ferrea.) E. षट्पद a bee, and प्रिय beloved by; equally applicable therefore to the lotus, jas- mine, &c.
  • षट्पदातिथि :: m. (-थिः) 1. The mango-tree. 2. The Champaka. E. षट्पद a bee, अतिथि a guest.
  • षट्प्रज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) 1. A sage, one acquainted with the four objects of human existence, or virtue, wealth, desire, and final happiness, and with the nature of the world, and of divine truth. 2. A catamite. E. षष् six, and प्रज्ञ who knows.
  • षडक्षीण :: m. (-णः) A fish. E. षष् six, and अक्षि the eye, ख aff.
  • षडङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) 1. Having six limbs or members. 2. Having six parts, six ingredients, &c. n. (-ङ्गं) 1. Six parts of the body collec- tively; as the two arms, two legs, and the head and waist. 2. The six supplementary parts of the Vedas or grammar, prosody, astronomy, pronunciation, the meaning of unusual terms, and the ritual of the Hindu religion. E. षष् six, and अङ्ग a limb or part.
  • षडङ्गजित् :: m. (-जित्) VISHṆU. E. षडङ्ग the six members, जित् who subdues.
  • षडङ्गपानीय :: n. (-यं) An infusion or decoction of six drugs. E. षडङ्ग, and पानीय drink.
  • षडङ्घ्रि :: m. (-ङ्घ्रिः) A bee. E. षष् six, and अङ्घ्रि a foot.
  • षडभिज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) A Buddha or Bauddha deified sage. E. षष् six, (branches of learning or piety,) and अभिज्ञ understanding.
  • षडानन :: m. (-नः) KĀRTIKEYA. E. षष् six, and आनन a face; having six

faces, four directed to the four cardinal points, and two to the zenith and nadir, according to some accounts, though not gener- ally so represented.

  • षडूषण :: n. (-णं) Six spices collectively, or long-pepper, black-pepper, dried ginger, the root of long-pepper, the fruit of the plumbago, and of the Piper chavya. E. षष् six, and ऊषण a spice.
  • षडृतु :: m. Plur. (-तवः) The six seasons; also personified as divinities. E. षष्, and ऋतु a season.
  • षङ्गव :: n. (-वं) A yoke of six oxen or six oxen collectively. E. षष् six, गो an ox, अच् added.
  • षड्गुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Six-fold, six times. n. (-णं) An assemblage, of six qualities or properties. mf. (-णः-णा) The six acts of a king in his military character, viz. “सन्धि” alliance, “विग्रह” war, “यान” march, “स्थान” halt, “आसन” strategem, and “द्वैधीभाव” aid of other kings. E. षष् and गुण a time.
  • षड्ग्रन्थ :: n. (-न्थः) A variety of the Cæsalpinia bonducella. f. (-न्था) Orris root, (Acorus calamus.) E. षष् six, ग्रन्थि a knot.
  • षड्ग्रन्थिका :: f. (-का) Zedoara, (Curcuma zerumbet.) E. षड्ग्रन्थ as above, कन् added.
  • षड्ज :: m. (-ड्जः) The first of the seven primary notes in music. E. षष् six, ज born: supposed to require for its articulation the employ- ment of the tongue, teeth, palate, nose, throat, and chest.
  • षड्दर्शन :: n. (-नं) The six systems of philosophy taken together.
  • षड्धा :: Ind. In six ways. E. षष् six, and धाच् aff.
  • षड्भाग :: m. (-गः) A sixth, a sixth part. E. षष्, and भाग share.
  • षड्भागभाज् :: mfn. (-भाक्) Entitled to a sixth. E. षड्भाग, भाज् who shares.
  • षड्भुज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Six armed, six-sided. m. (-जः) A hexagon. f. (-जा) The water-melon. “खरमुज . ” E. षष् six, भुज an arm or branch, &c., aff. टाप् .
  • षड्रस :: n. (-सं) The six flavours collectively.
  • षड्रेखा :: f. (-खा) A water-melon. E. षष् six, and रेखा a line.
  • षड्वर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) A class or aggregate of six, as of six defects or enemies of humanity taken together. viz:-- “काम” desire, “क्रोध” wrath, “लोभ” covetousness, “मोह” bewilderment, “मद” pride, and “मात्मर्य्य” envy. E. षष् six, and वर्ग a class.
  • षड्वर्गवश्य :: mfn. (-श्यः -श्या -श्यं) Subject to the six vices. E. षड्वर्ग, वश्य to be subjected.
  • षड्विध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) In six ways, of six kinds. E. षष्, and विध kind.
  • षड्विन्दु :: m. (-न्दुः) VISHṆU. E. षष् six, and विन्दु a drop or spot.
  • षण्(उ)षणु :: r. 8th cl. (सनोति सनुते) 1. To give. 2. To serve or honour; also written षन् ।
  • षण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. A bull at liberty. 2. A eunuch. 3. A multitude, a heap. mn. (-ण्डः-ण्डं) A quantity of lotuses. E. षण् to give, ड Unādi aff.; also शण्ड, षण्ढ, and शण्ढ, &c.
  • षण्डाली :: f. (-ली) 1. A measure of oil, the vessel holding a Chhatāk. 2. A wanton woman. 3. A pond, a pool. E. षण्ड a bull, a eunuch, &c., and अल् to be able, affs. अच् and ङीप् ।
  • षण्ढ :: m. (-ण्ढः) A eunuch: see षण्ड ।
  • षण्मास :: m. (-सः) A half year, six months. E. षष्, and मास a month.
  • षण्मास्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) Six month old, of six months standing, &c. E. षण्मास and यत् aff.; also षाण्मास्य ।
  • षण्मुख :: m. (-खः) KĀRTIKEYA. f. (-खा) A water-melon. E. षष् six, मुख face.
  • षत्वणत्व :: n. (-त्वं) The substitution of the letters ष or ण for स and न in grammatical derivatives, E. ष and ण the letters, with the abstract affix attached to each respectively.
  • षद्(औ ऌ)औषदॢ :: r. 1st and 6th cls. (सीदति) 1. To wither, to wane, to perish gradually. 2. To be low-spirited, to despond, to be wearied or distressed, to lack energy. 3. To break or destroy. 4. To go or move. With आङ् prefixed, आषदॢ r. 1st and 10th cls. (आसादति आसादयति-ते) 1. To go. 2. To assail, to encounter. With अव prefixed, 1. To be exhausted or languid. 2. To finish. With आङ्, 1. To obtain, to attain, to reach or arrive at. 2. To attack. With उत्, 1. To ascend. 2. To destroy. With उप, 1. To approach. 2. To worship. With नि,

1. To sit in or on. 2. To stand. 3. To protect. With प्र, 1. To be propitious to, to favour or be pleased with. 2. To please or pro- pitiate. 3. To purify. 4. To smile. With वि, To be languid or sorrow- ful. With सम्, 1. To attain. 2. To be in company or society with.

  • षध् :: r. 5th cl. (सध्नोति) To wish to hurt or kill.
  • षन्(उ)षनु :: r. 8th cl. (सनोति सनुते) To give; also षण् ।
  • षप् :: r. 1st. cl. (सपति) 1. To be connected. 2. To understand thoroughly.
  • षम् :: r. 1st cl. (समति) 1. To be unconfused. 2. To be confused. r. 10th cl. (समयति-ते) To perplex or distress.
  • षम्ब् :: r. 1st cl. (सम्बति) To go, to move. r. 10th cl. (सम्बयति-ते) To unite, to join, to collect or assemble together; also read सम्ब् ।
  • षर्ज्ज् :: r. 1st cl. (सर्ज्जति) To earn, to acquire.
  • षर्ध् :: r. 1st cl. (-सर्द्धति) To go.
  • षर्व :: r. 1st cl. (सर्वति) 1. To go, to move. 2. To injure, to hurt; also read सर्व् ।
  • षर्षपी :: f. (-पी) A small bird.
  • षल् :: r. 1st cl. (सलति) 1. To go, to move. 2. To shake.
  • षष् :: mfn. Plu. only (षट् or षड्) Six.
  • षष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) Sixty. E. षष् six, डटि aff.
  • षष्टिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Bought with sixty. mf. (-कः-का) A kind of rice of quick growth. E. षष् six, (days,) ठन् aff.; or षष्टि sixty, and कन् added.
  • षष्टिक्य :: mfn. (-क्यः -क्या -क्यं) Fit for rice of quick growth, (a field, &c.) E. षष्टिक, and यत् aff.
  • षष्टितम :: mfn. (-मः -मी -मं) Sixtieth. E. षष्टि sixty, and तमप् aff.
  • षष्टिधा :: Ind. In sixty ways. E. षष्टि sixty, and धा aff.
  • षष्टिमत्त :: m. (-त्तः) An elephant who has reached the age of sixty and is in rut. E. षष्टि sixty, मत्त furious.
  • षष्टियोजनी :: f. (-नी) A journey or extent of sixty YOJANAS.
  • षष्टिहायन :: m. (-नः) 1. An elephant sixty years old. 2. A kind of rice. E. षष्टि, हायन a year.
  • षष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठी -ष्ठं) Sixth. f. (-ष्ठी) 1. DURGĀ as one of the sixteen divine mothers. 2. The sixth day of the lunar fortnight. 3. The sixth or genetive case, (in gram.) E. षष् six, डति aff., थुक् aug.
  • षष्ठक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Sixth. E. कन् added to the last.
  • षष्ठांश :: m. (-शः) 1. The sixth part of agricultural produce taken by the sovereign from the subject in the shape of a land-tax. 2. A sixth part in general.
  • षष्ठान्न :: n. (-न्नं) A sixth meal. E. षष्ठ, and अन्न food.
  • षष्ठान्नकाल :: n. (-लं) The taking of food once in three days, as an act of penance. E. षष्ठान्न, and काल time; also with कन् added, षष्ठान्नकालकं ।
  • षष्ठान्नकालता :: f. (-ता) Eating once in three days, on the evening of the third day. E. षष्ठान्नकाल, and तल् aff.
  • षष्ठिन् :: mfn. (-ष्ठी -ष्ठिनी -ष्ठि) Being or having the sixth, (year, &c.) E. षष्ठ, इनि poss. aff.
  • षष्ठीतत्पुरुष :: m. (-षः) The Tatpurusha compound of which the first member, (generally) takes a genetive case in dissolution.
  • षष्ठीपूजा :: f. (-जा) The worship of the goddess DURGĀ, as one of the sixteen divine mothers, on the sixth day after the delivery of a woman.
  • षस् :: r. 2nd cl. (सस्ति) To sleep.
  • षस्ज् :: r. 1st cl. (सज्जति) To move, to go.
  • षस्त्(इ)षस्ति :: r. 2nd cl. (संस्ते) To dream.
  • षह् :: r. 1st cl. (सहते) r. 4th cl. (सह्मति) r. 10th cl. (साहयति-ते) 1. To bear, to endure, to suffer or support, to forbear, to have patience. 2. To be content or satisfied. 3. To be able. With उत् prefixed, 1. To make effort or exertion, to persevere, to energize. 2. To be happy or delighted. With प्र, To be violent. With वि, To determine.
  • षहसानु :: m. (-नुः) 1. A peacock. 2. A sacrifice.
  • षाट् :: Ind. An interjection of calling.
  • षाट्कौशिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Enveloped in six sheathes. E. षट्, कोश a sheath, ठक् aff.
  • षाडव :: m. (-वः) 1. Sentiment, passion. 2. Singing, music. 3. A Rāga in which six of the seven primary notes are used, (in music.)
  • षाड्गुण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) 1. An aggregate of six properties or qualities. 2. The six acts of royal military policy. 3. Multiplication of anything by six. E. षड्गुण, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • षाण्मातुर :: m. (-रः) KĀRTIKEYA. E. षष् six, and मातृ a mother, अण् aff.; having been brought up by the six Kirtikās.
  • षाण्मासिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Of or relating to six months, half yearly, &c. E. षण्मास, and ढञ् aff.
  • षात्वणत्विक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relative to the substitution of ष or ण for स and न, (as a rule, &c.) E. ठक् added to षत्वणत्व as above.
  • षाध्(उ)साधु :: r. 4th cl. (साध्यति) r. 5th cl. (साध्नोति) 1. To effect, to accom- plish or complete. 2. To succeed; also साध् ।
  • षान्त्व् :: r. 10th cl. (सान्त्वयति-ते) To console, to comfort; also सान्त्व् ।
  • षाष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठी -ष्ठं) Sixth. E. षष्ठ the same, and अञ् aff.
  • षि(ञ)षिञ् :: r. 5th cl. (सिनोति सिनुते) r. 9th cl. (सिनाति सिनीते) To tie, to bind. With अधि and अव prefixed, To accomplish. With वि and अव, To transact as business. With वि, To be an object or purpose.
  • षिच्(औ)षिचौ :: r. 6th cl. (सिञ्चति-ते) 1. To sprinkle. 2. To moisten, to water, (as plants.) 3. To pour out. 4. To pour in. With अभि prefixed, 1. To anoint, to initiate. 2. To sprinkle. With उद्, 1 To sprinkle. 2. To make proud. With नि, 1. To pour. 2. To im- pregnate. With परि, To pour round.
  • षिट् :: r. 1st cl. (सेटति) To disregard, to contemn, to despise, to treat with disrespect.
  • षिड्ग :: m. (-ड्गः) 1. A catamite. 2. A libertine, a lecher. 3. A gallant. E. षिट् to despise, Unādi aff. गन् ।
  • षिध् :: r. 1st cl. (सेधति) To go. (ऊ) षिधू r. 1st cl. (सेधति) 1. To command, to order. 2. To ordain, especially with respect to holy observances. 3. To do an auspicious act, or one indicating good fortune. 4. To drive off. 5. To restrain. 6. To interdict. 7. To instruct. With अप, To remove. With नि, 1. To remove. 2. To prohibit. 3. To ward off. With प्रति, To prevent. With विप्रति, To contradict. (उ) षिधु r. 4th cl. (सिध्यति) 1. To succeed, to effect fully or com- pletely. 2. To complete a series of mystical observances by which supernatural powers are attained, to be an adept, to be initiated. 3. To be perfect, to be finished or accomplished. 4. To be right or correct. With नि or प्रति prefixed, (निषेधति प्रतिषेधति) To prevent, to prohibit. With प्र, To be celebrated or notorious. With सम् 1. To be accomplished. 2. To be made per- fect. 3. To attain beatitude.
  • षिभ्(उ)षिभु :: r. 1st cl. (सेभति) 1. To hurt or kill. 2. To speak. 3. To shine.
  • षिम्(उ)षिमु :: r. 1st cl. (सेमति) To hurt or kill.
  • षिम्भ्(उ)शिम्भु :: r. 1st cl. (सिम्भति) 1. To hurt or kill. 2. To speak. 3. To shine.
  • षिल् :: r. 6th cl. (सिलति) To glean: more usually सिल् ।
  • षिव्(उ)षिवु :: r. 4th cl. (सीव्यति) 1. To sew, to stitch. 2. To sow, as seed. 3. To join. With अनु, To string together.
  • षु :: r. 1st. cl. (सवति-ते) To go. (सवति) 1. To bring forth. To possess power. r. 2nd cl. (सौति) 1. To bear, to bring forth. 2. To possess power or supremacy. (ञ) षुञ् r. 5th cl. (सुनोति सुनुते) 1. To bathe, (preparatory to a sacrifice) 2. To distil, to extract a spirit. 3. To churn, to stir or agitate. 4. To pain. With अभि, 1. To sprinkle. 2. To bathe. 3. To extract juice. 4. To mix. With प्र, To bear or bring forth. With उद्, To agitate.
  • षु :: m. (-षुः) Parturition, delivery. E. सु-बा० डु .
  • षुट्ट :: r. 10th cl. (सुट्टयति-ते) 1. To disregard, to despise. 2. To be small or shallow.
  • षुभ् :: r. 1st cl. (सोभति) r. 6th cl. (सुभति) 1. To speak. 2. To shine. 3. To hurt or kill.
  • षुम्भ् :: r. 1st and 6th cls. (सुम्भति) 1. To speak. 2. To shine. 3. To be beautiful. 4. To hurt or kill.
  • षुर् :: r. 6th cl. (सुरति) 1. To possess supreme or superhuman power. 2. To shine.
  • षुह् :: r. 4th cl. (सुह्यति) 1. To bear, to endure. 2. To be content or satisfied. 3. To be able.
  • षू(ङ)षूङ् :: r. 2nd cl. (सूते) r. 4th cl. (सूयते) 1. To bear a child, to bring forth. 2. To produce in general. r. 6th cl. (सुवति) 1. To direct, to send, to throw or cast. 2. To incite, impel. 3. To discharge. 4. To remit, (as debt.)
  • षू :: f. (-षूः) Birth, delivery, child-bearing. E. षू to bring forth, aff. क्विप् and the consonant unchanged.
  • षूद् :: r. 1st cl. (सूदते) To prevent, (सूदति) To kill. r. 10th cl. (सूदयति-ते) 1. To leak, to drop, to flow, to distil. 2. To deposit, to place. 3. To hurt, to wound, to kill or attempt to kill. 4. To promise. 5. To urge on. 6. To cook. With अभि or नि, To kill.
  • षूर्(ई)षूरी :: r. 4th cl. (सूर्य्यते) 1. To be stopped or fixed. 2. To hurt or kill.
  • षूर्क्ष् :: r. 1st cl. (सूर्क्षति) 1. To respect, to regard, to treat with reverence or respect. 2. To disregard, to disrespect.
  • षूर्क्ष्य :: r. 1st cl. (सूर्क्ष्यति) 1. To envy, to be impatient of another's rise. 2. To be intolerent or impatient of another's faults. 3. To dis- regard or contemn.
  • षूष् :: r. 1st cl. (सूषति) To bring forth, to bear; also सूष् ।
  • षृभ्(उ)षृभु :: r. 1st cl. (सर्भति) To hurt or kill.
  • षृम्भ्(उ)षृम्भु :: r. 1st cl. (सृम्भति) To hurt or kill.
  • षेक्(ऋ)षेकृ :: r. 1st cl. (सेकते) To go, to move; preferably सेक् ।
  • षेल्(ऋ)षेऌ :: r. 1st cl. (सेलति) To go, to move; also शेल्, and सेल् ।
  • षेव्(ऋ)षेवृ :: r. 1st cl. (सेवति-ते) 1. To serve, to gratify by service. 2. To rely or depend on. 3. To worship. 4. To follow, to practise, to be addicted to. 5. To enjoy, (sexually.) 6. To dwell in. 7. To watch over. With आ, 1. To enjoy. 2. To practise. With उप, 1. To practise. 2. To perform. 3. To enjoy. 4. To serve. With नि, 1. To pursue. 2. To employ. 3. To enjoy. 4. To inhabit. 5. To observe. 6. To attend. With परि, To take.
  • षै :: r. 1st cl. (सायति) To waste, to wane or decline.
  • षो :: r. 4th cl. (स्यति) 1. To destroy, to put an end to. 2. To be destroy- ed, to perish. 3. To finish. With अव, To fail. 2. To complete. With अधि and अव, 1. To practise. 2. To be able. 3. To determine. 4. To reflect. With परि and अव, 1. To endeavour. 2. To com- plete, to conclude. 3. To resolve. 4. To be lost. 5. To be reduced to. With वि and अव, 1. To determine upon, to accept. 2. To be convinced. 3. To endeavour, to strive. 4. To effectuate. 5. To desire. 6. To believe. With सम् and वि, To decree.
  • षोडत् :: m. (-डन्) A young ox, or one with six teeth. E. षष् six, and दत् for दन्त a tooth.
  • षोडश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) Sixteenth. E. षोडशन् sixteen, डट् aff.
  • षोडशक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Sixteen, (collectively.) E. षोडश, and कन् added.
  • षोडशन् :: mfn. Plu. only. (-श) Sixteen. E. षष् six, and दशन् ten.
  • षोडशभुजा :: f. (-जा) A form of DURGĀ.
  • षोडशमातृका :: fem. plu. f. (-का) The sixteen divine mothers; they are:-- गौरी पद्मा शची मेधा सावित्री विजया जया । देवसेना स्वधा स्वाहा मातरो लोकमातरः । शान्तिः पुष्टिर्धृतिस्तुष्टिः कुलदेवात्मदेवता ॥
  • षोडशर्त्तुनिशा :: f. (-षा) Any one of sixteen nights from the commence- ment of menstruation. E. षोडश, and ऋतु menses, निशा night.
  • षोडशांश :: m. (-शः) A sixteenth. E. षोडश and अंश part.
  • षोडशांशु :: m. (-शुः) The planet VENUS. E. षोडश sixteen, and अंशु a ray.
  • षोडशाङ्घ्रि :: m. (-ङ्घ्रिः) A crab. E. षोडश sixteen, and अङ्घ्रि a foot.
  • षोडशार्च्चिस् :: m. (-र्च्चिः) The planet VENUS. E. षोडश sixteen, अर्च्चिस् a ray.
  • षोडशावर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) A conch-shell. E. षोडश sixteen, आवर्त्त a twist or spire.
  • षोडशिक :: f. (-की) Adj. Sixteen-fold.
  • षोडशोपचार :: m. plu. (-रः) The sixteen ways of doing homage; they are:-- “आसनं स्वागतं पाद्यमर्घमाचमनीयकम् । मधुपर्काचमस्नानं वसनाभरणानि च । गन्धपुष्पे धूपदीपौ नैवेद्यं वन्दनं तथा ॥”
  • षोढा :: Ind. In six ways. E. षष् six, उ substituted for the final, धाच् aff., and ध changed to ढ .
  • षोढामुख :: m. (-खः) Kārtikeya.
  • ष्टक् :: r. 1st. cl. (स्तकति) 1. To resist or oppose. 2. To strike against; also स्तक् ।
  • ष्टग्(ए)ष्टगे :: r. 1st. cl. (स्तगति) To cover.
  • ष्टन् :: r. 1st. cl. (स्तनति) r. 10th cl. (स्तनयति-ते) 1. To sound. 2. To groan, to sigh. 3. To thunder. With नि, 1. To sigh. 2. To bewail; also स्तन् ।
  • ष्टभ्(इ)ष्टभि :: r. 1st cl. (स्तम्भते) 1. To stop or hinder, to oppose, to impede, to resist or prevent. 2. To be stupid or dull, to be inanimate or insensible. 3. To be fixed as a post. 4. To be astounded or stupefied. 5. To be paralysed; also स्तभ् ।
  • ष्टम् :: r. 1st. cl. (स्तमति) 1. To be confused. 2. To be clear or unconfused. r. 10th cl. (स्तमयति-ते) To confuse or annoy; also स्तम् ।
  • ष्टिध् :: r. 5th cl. (स्तिध्नुते) To assail, to assault, to attack.
  • ष्टिप्(ऋ)ष्टिपृ :: r. 1st cl. (स्तेपते) 1. To ooze, to drop, to distil. 2. To sprinkle.
  • ष्टिम् :: r. 4th cl. (स्तिम्यति) To be wet or moist, to reek, to steam.
  • ष्टीम् :: r. 4th cl. (स्तीम्यति) To be wet or moist, to reek, to steam.
  • ष्टु(ञ)ष्टुञ् :: r. 2nd cl. (स्तौति or स्तुते स्तवीति or स्तवीते) 1. To praise, to eulogise. 2. To extol, to celebrate. 3. To hymn, to worship with praises. With सम्, 1. To praise. 2. To be familiar with; also स्तु ।
  • ष्टुच् :: r. 1st cl. (स्तोचते) To be clear, to be bright, to be pellucid. 2. To be propitious or pleased; also स्तुच् ।
  • ष्टुप् :: r. 10th. cl. (स्तोपयति-ते) To heap up.
  • ष्टुभ्(उ)ष्टुभु :: r. 1st cl. (स्तोभते) 1. To stop, to hinder. 2. To be stupid or dull. (स्तोभति) 1. To praise. 2. To celebrate; also स्तुभ् ।
  • ष्टूप्(इ)ष्टूपि :: r. 4th cl. (स्तूप्यति) r. 10th cl. (स्तूपयति-ते) To heap together, to pile up, to collect into a heap. 2. To erect; also स्तूप् ।
  • ष्टृक्ष् :: r. 1st cl. (स्तृक्षति) To go, to move; also स्तृक्ष् ।
  • ष्टृह्(उ)ष्टृहु :: r. 6th cl. (स्तृहति) To hurt or kill; also स्तृह् and ष्टॄह् ।
  • ष्टॄह्(ऊ)ष्टॄहू :: r. 6th cl. (स्तॄहति) To hurt or kill; also ष्टृह् and स्तॄह् &c.
  • ष्टेप्(ऋ)ष्टेपृ :: r. 1st cl. (स्तेपते) 1. To leak, to flow, to distil or drop. 2. To sprinkle. r. 10th cl. (स्तोपयति-ते) To send; also स्तेप् ।
  • ष्टै :: r. 1st cl. (स्तायति) 1. To surround, to encompass. 2. To put on, to adorn; also स्तै ।
  • ष्ट्युम :: m. (-मः) 1. The moon. 2. Light.
  • ष्ट्यै :: r. 1st cl. (स्त्यायति) 1. To sound. 2. To crowd or swarm. 3. To envelope. 4. To spread about; also स्त्यै ।
  • ष्ठग्(ए)ष्ठगे :: r. 1st cl. (स्थगति) To cover; also स्थग् ।
  • ष्ठल् :: r. 1st cl. (स्थलति) 1. To stand. 2. To be firm; also स्थल् ।
  • ष्ठस्(उ)ष्ठसु :: r. 4th cl. (स्थम्यति) To dwell in, to inhabit.
  • ष्ठा :: r. 1st cl. (तिष्ठति) To stand, to stop, to be still, to refrain from moving. 2. To abide, to stay, to be. 3. To remain. 4. To be at hand. 5. To stand by. 6. To rest on. 7. To be in any situa- tion. 8. To perform. (तिष्ठते) 1. To apply or refer to, as an umpire or judge. 2. To indicate or reveal one's thoughts to another. 3. To stand as a prostitute, to give oneself up to sexual embrace, to offer oneself to. With अधि prefixed, (अधितिष्ठति) 1. To excel, to sur- pass, to overcome. 2. To sit or stand upon or over. 3. To be placed or preside over. With अनु, (अनुतिष्ठति) 1. To practise as a duty, to obey or follow as a law. 2. To apply or adhere to. With अव, (अवतिष्ठति-ते) 1. To stay or stand. 2. To attend upon. With आङ्, (आतिष्ठते) 1. To affirm or assert. 2. To apply. (आतिष्ठति) 1. To ascend, to mount. 2. To promise or engage. With उत्, (उत्तिष्ठते) 1 To seek for, to endeavour, to obtain; (उत्तिष्ठति) To get up, to rise as from a seat, &c. With उप, (उपतिष्ठति-ते) 1. To propitiate, (as a deity.) 2. To praise or hymn, to worship, to adore. 3. To embrace. 4. To treat in a friendly manner, to form a friendship or con-

nection with. 5. To pass or lie along or near to, that is, as a path or road. 6. To arrive at or near. (उपतिष्ठते) To hope to gain or acquire. With नि, (नितिष्ठते) To be established. With परि and अव, (पर्य्यवतिष्ठते) To be stationary or immovable. With प्र, (प्रतिष्ठते) To set off, to go forth, to depart. 2. To go to. With प्र and उत्, (प्रोत्तिष्ठति) To get up, to rise. With प्रति, (प्रतितिष्ठति) To be erected for holy purposes, to be sacred or consecrated. With वि, (वितिष्ठते) 1. To stand apart, to be separated. 2. To stay or be. With वि and अव, (व्यवतिष्ठते) To decree, to pronounce. With सम्, (सन्तिष्ठते) 1. To be well. 2. To be close to or together. 3. To be of the same inclina- tions or opinions, to conform, to agree. 4. To be completed or fini- shed. With सम् and आङ्, (समातिष्ठते) To perform, to be engaged in. With सम् and उत्, (समुत्तिष्ठति) To rise or get up. With सम् and प्र, To go forth or on a journey. With प्र in the causal, (प्रस्थापयति-ते) To send.

  • ष्ठिव्(उ)ष्ठिवु :: r. 1st cl. (ष्ठीवति) r. 4th cl. (ष्ठीव्यति) To eject from the mouth, to spit, to sputter, (the radical sibilant is unchanged in this root;) also ष्ठीव् ।
  • ष्ठीव्(उ)ष्ठीवु :: r. 1st cl. (ष्ठीवति) r. 4th cl. (ष्ठीव्यति) 1. To spit or eject from the mouth. 2. To sputter.
  • ष्ठीवन :: n. (-नं) 1. Spitting, ejecting saliva. 2. Saliva, spittle. E. ष्ठीव् and ल्युट् aff.
  • ष्ठीवित्वा :: Ind. Having spitten. E. ष्ठीव् to spit, क्त्वा aff.
  • ष्ठेवन :: n. (-नं) 1. The act of spitting. 2. Spittle.
  • ष्ठ्युत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Ejected as saliva, spit. E. ष्ठीव् to spit, क्त aff.
  • ष्णस्(उ)ष्णसु :: r. 4th cl. (स्नस्यति) To eject from the mouth, to spit.
  • ष्णा :: r. 2nd cl. (स्नाति) To bathe, to purify by ablution. With अप, To bathe after mourning. With नि, To be skilled in.
  • ष्णिह् (ऌ ऊ) :: r. 4th cl. (स्निह्यति) 1. To bear affection to, to love, to regard, to be kind to or pleased with. 2. To be sticky. 3. To be kind to; (this root and all its derivatives govern the loc. of the person or thing for whom or which affection is or felt. r. 10th cl. (स्नेहयति-ते) To be unctuous, to be bland or greasy.
  • ष्णु :: r. 2nd cl. (-स्नौति) To distil, to drop, to ooze or leak.
  • ष्णुच् :: r. 1st cl. (स्नोचते) To be clear or pellucid.
  • ष्णुस्(उ)ष्णुसु :: r. 4th cl. (स्नुस्यति) 1. To eat. 2. To take. 3. To disappear. 4. To eject from the mouth.
  • ष्णुह् (ऌ ऊ) :: r. 4th cl. (स्नुह्यति) To be sick, to retch, to throw up, to vomit.
  • ष्णै :: r. 1st cl. (स्नायति) To surround, to encompass, to dress, to envelope.
  • ष्मि :: r. 1st cl. (स्मयते) To smile. r. 10th cl. (स्माययति-ते) To disrespect. With वि prefixed, To surprise or astonish.
  • ष्वक्क् :: r. 1st cl. (ष्वक्कते) To go, to move; the radical sibilant is unchang- ed by special rule.
  • ष्वञ्ज् :: r. 1st cl. (स्वजते) To embrace.
  • ष्वद् :: r. 1st cl. (स्वदते) r. 10th cl. (स्वादयति-ते) 1. To taste. 2. To be pleas- ing. 3. To cover; also स्वाद ।
  • ष्वप्(ञि औ)ञिष्वपौ :: r. 2nd cl. (स्वपिति) To sleep.
  • ष्वर्त्त :: r. 10th cl. (स्वर्त्तयति-ते) 1. To go, to move. 2. To be wretched or distressed.
  • ष्वष्क् :: r. 1st cl. (ष्वष्कते) To go, to move: the radical sibilant is unchanged.
  • ष्विद्(ञि आ)ञिष्विदा :: r. 1st cl. (स्वेदते) r. 4th cl. (स्विद्यति) 1. To perspire, to sweat. 2. To be greasy or unctuous. 3. To be fascinated, to be tempted or deluded. 4. To quit, to yield. 5. To release.
  •  :: The thirty-second consonant of the Nāgarī Alphabet, correspon- ding to S.
  •  :: m. (-सः) 1. A snake. 2. ŚIVA. 3. VISHṆU. 4. Air, wind. 5. The abbre- viated name of the musical note षड्ज . 6. A bird. 7. He, the nominative

case masc. of तद् the third personal pronoun: before many letters the Visarga is rejected. f. (-सा) 1. The goddess LAKSHMĪ. 2. She, the nominative case fem. of तद् . n. (-सं) 1. Knowledge. 2. Medita- tion. 3. A carriage-road. 4. A fence. Ind. 1. (In composition,) With, together with; being substituted for सम् . or सह . 2. Like, similar, as in “सधर्म” which means having similar duties. 3. Same, identical, as in “सोदर”; combined with nouns it forms adjectives and adverbs; as सकोपः angry, सकोपम् angrily; सगर्व्वः proud, सगर्व्वम् haughtily; सविनयः modest, well-behaved, सविनयम् respect- fully; ससम्भ्रमः flurried, ससम्भ्रमम् flurriedly, सानन्दः joyful, सानन्दम् joyfully, &c. E. षो to go, &c., aff. ड ।

  • सं :: Ind. (In composition,) With, together with, &c.; being the optional form of writing सम् before a consonant: before consonants of the first five classes, the Anuswāra may be again changed to the nasal of the class to which the letter it preceds belongs, as सं for सम् and कल्प make सङ्कल्प, &c.: before the semi-vowels, the sibilants, and ह, it preferably remains unaltered; this practice however is very arbitrary in this respect and the change is expressed or not, in all manuscripts according to the pleasure of the writer.
  • संक्षेप :: m. (-पः) Abridgment: see सङ्क्षेप ।
  • संज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Knock-kneed. n. (-ज्ञं) A yellow fragrant wood. f. (-ज्ञा) 1. Name, appellation. 2. Thought, mind, intellect. 3. Con- sciousness. 4. Gesture, sign, gesticulation. 5. The sacred verse or Gāyatri of the Vedas. 6. One of the wives of the sun, and daughter of VISHWAKARMAN. 7. (In grammar,) The technical name of any affix, &c. E. सम् before ज्ञा to know, affs. अङ् and टाप्; that by which anything is known.
  • संज्ञप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) 1. Killing, slaying. 2. Apprising, informing. E. सम् be- fore ज्ञा to know, also, to slay, (causal form,) aff. क्तिन् ।
  • संज्ञाधिकार :: m. (-रः) A heading rule which gives a peculiar names to the rules which fall under it and influences them.
  • संज्ञापन :: n. (-नं) 1. Killing, slaughter. 2. Apprising, informing. 3. Teaching. E. सम् before ज्ञा to know, also, to slay, (causal form,) aff. ल्युट् ।
  • संज्ञावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Recovered after insensibility, become sensible, revived. 2. Having a name or denomination. E. संज्ञा sign, name, &c., मतुप् aff.
  • संज्ञाविषय :: m. (-यः) An epithet or attributive. E. संज्ञा and विषय object.
  • संज्ञासुत :: m. (-तः) An epithet of SATURN.
  • सज्ञित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Called, denominated. E. संज्ञा, इतच् aff.
  • संज्ञु :: mfn. (-ज्ञुः -ज्ञुः -ज्ञु) Knock-kneed. E. सम् together ज्ञु for जानु the knee.
  • संय :: m. (-यः) The skeleton. E. सम् together, यम् to restrain, aff. ड ।
  • संयत् :: mf. (-यत्) War, battle. E. सम् before यम् to restrain, aff. क्विप्, तुक् added.
  • संयत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Checked, restrained, constrained, suppressed. 2. Bound, confined, fettered, imprisoned. E. सम् before यम् to res- train, aff. क्त ।
  • संयतात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Self-subdued, of well regulated spirit. E. संयत, आत्मन् self.
  • संयतेन्द्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Of subdued or controlled passions and desires. E. संयत, and इन्द्रिय an organ of sense.
  • संयद्वर :: m. (-रः) A king, a prince. E. सम् before यम् to restrain, क्वरप् Unādi aff.; or संयत् war, वर chief; also संयत्वर ।
  • संयन्तृ :: mfn. (-न्ता -न्त्री -न्तृ) Constraining, constrainer. E. सम् before यम् to restrain, aff. तृच् .
  • संयम :: m. (-मः) 1. Restraint, forbearance. 2. Humanity, avoiding the infliction of pain on others. E. सम् before यम् to restrain, aff. अप् .
  • संयमत् :: mfn. (-मन् -मन्ती -मत्) Curbing, restraining, subduing, who or what does so. E. सम् before यम् to restrain, शतृ aff.
  • संयमन :: n. (-नं) 1. Restraining, checking. 2. Forbearance, self-denial or control. 3. Binding, confinement. 4. Holding, detaining. 5. A

religious vow or obligation. 6. A cluster of four houses. m. (-नः) 1. A ruler. 2. YAMA. f. (-नी) The capital of YAMA. E. सम् imply- ing completeness, or entirely, and यम् to restrain, aff. ल्युट् ।

  • संयमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Checked, controlled, restrained. 2. Bound, confined, held, detained. E. सम् before यम् to check, aff. क्त ।
  • संयमिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Who or what checks, restrains, curbs, &c. m. (-मी) A saint, a sage, one who subdues or controls his passions. E. संयम restraint, इनि aff.
  • संयात्रा :: f. (-त्रा) Travelling into another island or continent, voyaging, travelling by water. E. सम् before या to go, त्रन् aff.
  • संयान :: m. (-नः) A mould. n. (-नं) 1. Accompanying, going together. 2. Carrying out a dead body. E. सम् together, या to go or get, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • संयाम :: m. (-मः) 1. Forbearance, check, control, restraint. 2. Humanity, abstaining from giving pain to others. E. सम् before यम् to res- train, aff. घञ् ।
  • संयामवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Forbearing. E. संयाम, and मतुप् aff.
  • संयाव :: m. (-वः) A sort of roll, or a thin cake of unleavened bread, fried with {Ghee}, pounded and again made up into an oblong form with fresh bread, sugar, and spices, and again fried with {Ghee}. E. सम् together, यु to mix, and घञ् aff.
  • संयुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Joined with, connected, attached. 2. Mixed, blended. 3. Endowed with, possessed of. 4. Accompanied or attended by. 5. Consisting of, (with an inst.) 6. Relating to. E. सम् together, युज् to join, aff. क्त ।
  • संयुग :: m. (-गः) 1. War, battle. 2. Union, mixture. E. सम् before युज् to join, क aff.
  • संयुज् :: mfn. (-युक्) 1. Possessed of or endowed with good qualities. 2. Connected or associated with. 3. Joined, united. E. सम् before युज् to join, aff. क्विन्, and the consonant unchanged.
  • संयुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Connected, joined, mixed, blended, attached to. 2. Furnished with. E. सम् together, यु to join, क्त aff.
  • संयुयुषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing to mix, join, unite, to bring together in any way. E. सम् before यु to join, desid. v., उ aff.
  • संयोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Intimate union or association. 2. Living with, being in company with. 3. Adherence, junction. 4. The conjunction of two heavenly bodies, (in astro.) 5. (In grammar,) A conjunct consonant. E. सम् before युज् to join, घञ् aff.
  • संयोगविरुद्ध :: n. (-द्धं) Any eatables which cause disease by being mixed.
  • संयोगित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Joined, connected. E. संयोग union, इतच् aff.
  • संयोजन :: n. (-नं) 1. Copulation, coition. 2. Conjunction. E. सम् with युज् to join, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • संयोजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Joined, attached, annexed. E. सम् together, युज् to join, aff. क्त ।
  • संरक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Inflamed, angry. 2. Empassioned. 3. Coloured red. 4. Charmed. 5. Beautiful. E. सम् before रञ्ज् to be affected, क्त aff.
  • संरक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) Care, preservation, protection. E. सम्, रक्ष preserving.
  • संरक्षण :: n. (-णं) Taking care of, protecting, preserving. E. सम् before रक्ष् to preserve, ल्युट् aff.
  • संरक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Taken care of, preserved, protected. E. सम् before रक्ष् to preserve, क्त aff.
  • संरक्ष्य :: mfn. (-क्ष्यः -क्ष्या -क्ष्यं) Fit, proper, or necessary to be taken care of, guarded, preserved, &c. E. सम् before रक्ष् to preserve, यत् aff.; also संरक्षणीय and संरक्षितव्य ।
  • संरब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) 1. Incensed, angry. 2. Agitated. 3. Overwhel- med. E. सम् before रभि to sound, क्त aff.
  • सरम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Wrath, rage. 2. Pride, arrogance. 3. Flurry, agita- tion. 4. Swelling with heat and redness. 5. Turbulence. 6. Begin- ning. E. सम् before रभि to sound, घञ् aff.
  • संरम्भपरुष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Exceedingly harsh, rough, or scurrilous. E. संरम्भ, परुष harsh.
  • संरम्भरस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Angry, resentful. E. संरम्भ, and रस taste.
  • संरम्भवेग :: m. (-गः) The violence of wrath.
  • संरम्भिव :: n. (-वं) 1. Wrath. 2. Pride. 3. Agitation. E. संरम्भिन्, and त्व aff.; also with तल्, संरम्भिता ।
  • संरम्भिन् :: mfn. (-म्भी -म्भिनी -म्भि) 1. Proud. 2. Angry. 3. Flurried. E. संरम्भ, इनि aff.
  • संराग :: m. (-गः) 1. Anger. 2. Affection. 3. Colouring. E. सम्, रञ्ज् to be affected, घञ् aff.
  • संराधन :: n. (-नं) 1. Propitiating, pleasing by worship. 2. Accomplishing. 3. Deep meditation. E. सम्, before राध् to accomplish, ल्युट् aff.
  • संराधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Propitiated, pleased. E. सम् before राध् to accomplish, क्त aff.
  • संराव :: m. (-वः) Sound, noise, uproar. E. सम् before रु to sound, aff. घञ् ।
  • संराविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Roaring, shouting, making a noise or uproar. E. सम् before रु to sound, घिनुण् aff.
  • संरुग्ण :: f. (-ग्णा) Shattered.
  • संरुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Checked, stopped, impeded, curbed, opposed. 2. Concealed. 3. Refused. E. सम् before रुध् to obstruct, क्त aff.
  • संरूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Confident, audacious, presuming. 2. Budded, blossomed. 3. Grown together. 4. Healed. 5. Sprouted. 6. Burst- forth. 7. Taking firm root. E. सम् before रुह् to grow, aff. क्त ।
  • संरोध :: m. (-धः) 1. Hindering, stopping. opposing, preventing. 2. Im- pediment, obstruction. 3. Bond, fetter. 4. Crub, check. 5. Throw- ing, sending. 6. Siege. E. सम् before रुध् to obstruct, aff. घञ् ।
  • संलक्षण :: n. (-णं) Distinguishing, characterising. E. सम् before लक्ष् to mark, ल्युट् aff.
  • संलक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Marked, distinguished. E. सम् before लक्ष् to mark, क्त aff.
  • संलक्ष्य :: mfn. (-क्ष्यः -क्ष्या -क्ष्यं) To be marked with or by. E. सम् before लक्ष् to mark, यत् aff.
  • संलग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) 1. Joined, united, adherent. 2. Come to blows. E. सम्, लग्न attached to.
  • संलज्जमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Ashamed. E. सम्, लस्ज् to be ashamed, शानच् aff.
  • संलय :: m. (-यः) 1. Sleep, sleepiness. 2. Melting away. 3. Universal des- truction. E. सम् before ली to join, and अच् aff.
  • संललित :: f. (-ता) Caressed, fondled.
  • संलाप :: m. (-पः) 1. Conversation, discourse. 2. In the drama, high dis- course, dialogue of profound or occult meaning. 3. Secret con- versation. E. सम् with, together with, लप् to speak, aff. घञ् .
  • संलापक :: n. (-कं) A species of minor drama, a controversial drama. E. संलाप, कन् added.
  • संलापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Discoursing, conversing. E. संलाप, and इतच् aff.
  • संलापिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिनी -पि) Discoursing, who or what discourses. E. संलाप, and इनि aff.
  • संलीढ :: f. (-ढा) Licked up, enjoyed.
  • संलीन :: f. (-ना) 1. Clung to. 2. Hidden. 3. Contracted.
  • संलीनमानस :: Adj. Drooping or depressed in mind.
  • संवंहयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Increasing. E. सम्, वहि to grow, causal v., शतृ aff.
  • संवत् :: Ind. 1. A year. 2. A year of Vikramāditya's era.
  • संवत्सर :: m. (-रः) A year. E. सम् with, completely, वत्सर a year; or सम् with वस् to abide, सरन् Unādi aff., and त substituted for the final.
  • संवद् :: Ind. 1. A year. 2. A year of VIKRAMĀDITYA'S era. E. सम् before वद् to speak, aff. विच्; or सम् before वय् to go, क्विप् aff., य rejected, and तुक् final augment.
  • संवदन :: n. (-नं) 1. Communication of tidings or intelligence. 2. Sight, seeing. nf. (-नं-ना) 1. Subduing by charms, over-powering any thing or person by magical compounds, or drugs, or mystical gems, &c. 2. A charm, an amulet, the article by which the above is effected. E. सम् with वद् to speak, युच् or ल्युट् aff.
  • संवनन :: nf. (-नं-ना) Subduing by magical drugs or charms: see the last. E. सम् before वन् to ask, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • संवर :: n. (-रं) 1. Water. 2. Self-control. 3. Concealment. 4. A particular religious observance with Buddhists. m. (-रः) 1. The name of a demon. 2. Collection, comprehension. 3. Contraction, compression.

4. A mound a bridge, &c. 5. Concealing. 6. A kind of deer. E. सम् before वृ to choose, aff. अप्; more usually derived from शम्ब् or षम्ब् to collect, and then written शम्बर or षम्बर q. v.

  • संबर्जन :: n. (-नं) 1. The act of appropriating to oneself. 2. Consuming.
  • संवर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) 1. Destruction of the universe. 2. Beleric myrobalan. 3. The name of a Muni. 4. A cloud of a particular class. 5. Being, becoming. 6. Turning towards. 7. Collection. 8. A year. E. सम् before वृत् to be, aff. घञ् ।
  • संवर्त्तक :: m. (-कः) 1. BALADEVA. 2. The plough of BALADEVA. 3. Sub- marine fire. 4. The fire that is to destroy the world at the period of universal dissolution. 5. A cloud of a particular class. E. सम् before वृत् to be or abide, aff. वुन् ।
  • संवर्त्तकिन् :: m. (-की) BALADEVA, the elder brother of KRISHṆA. E. संवर्त्तक his plough, and इनि aff.
  • संवर्त्ति :: f. (-र्त्तिः) The new leaf of a water-lily. E. सम् before वृत् to be, aff. इनि ।
  • संवर्त्तिका :: f. (-का) 1. The new leaf of a water-lily. 2. The petal near the filament. 3. The flame of a lamp. E. सम् near, (the stalk,) वृत् to be, aff. वुन् ।
  • संवर्द्धक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Augmenting, prospering, an augmentor, &c. 2. Hospitable. E. सम् before वृद्ध् to increase, aff. वुन् ।
  • संवर्द्धन :: n. (-नं) 1. Augmenting, increasing. 2. Prospering, thriving. 3. Bringing up, cherishing. E. सम् before वृद्ध् to increase or prosper, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • संवर्द्धित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Cherished, protected, brought up, patronised, &c. E. सम् before वृद्ध् to increase, क्त aff.
  • संवर्म्मित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Fully armed. E. सम्, and वर्म्म armour, इतच् aff.
  • संवलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Mixed, mingled. 2. Encompassed, surround- ed. 3. Having, possessed of. 4. United. 5. Broken, diversified. E. सम् together, वल् to surround, aff. क्त ।
  • संवल्गित :: f. (-ता) Over-run.
  • संवसथ :: m. (-थः) A village. E. सम् before वस् to abide, अथच् Unādi aff.
  • संवह :: m. (-हः) Name of the third of the seven courses of wind.
  • संवाटिका :: f. (-का) An aquatic plant, (Trapa bispinosa.)
  • संवात् :: mfn. (-वान् -वाती or वान्ती वात्) Blowing, breathing, (as wind.) E. सम् before वा to blow, शतृ aff.
  • संवाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Communication of intelligence, information, news. 2. Assent, concurrence. 3. Conformity, correspondence, sameness. 4. Conversation, dialogue. 5. Discussion. E. सम् with वद् to speak, aff. घञ् ।
  • संवादिन् :: f. (-नी) 1. Corresponding, similar. 2. Speaking, Conversing.
  • संवार :: m. (-रः) 1. Contraction, diminution. 2. Compression of the lips, &c. in pronunciation. 3. Protection. 4. Covering, closing up. E. सम् before वृ to choose, aff. घञ् ।
  • संवास :: m. (-सः) 1. A house, a dwelling. 2. An open space, either within or without a town, for the meeting and diversion of the townsmen. 3. Company, society. 4. Domestic intercourse. E. सम् with, वास an abode.
  • संवाह :: m. (-हः) 1. An attendant employed to rub and knead the body. 2. Rubbing the body. 3. Pressing together. 4. Bearing or carrying along. E. सम् before वाह् to exert one's self and अच् aff; or when the action is implied, वह् to obtain or bear, aff. घञ् ।
  • संवाहक :: m. (-कः) An attendant rubbing and kneading the limbs. E. सम् before वह् to obtain, (pleasure or ease,) causal form, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • संवाहन :: n. (-नं) 1. Rubbing the person, kneading the limbs. 2. Bearing, carrying. E. सम् before वह् to obtain or bear, (causal form,) aff. ल्युट् ।
  • संवाहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Rubbed, kneaded, (as the limbs.) E. सम् before वह् to bear, causal v., क्त aff.
  • संवाह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) 1. To be rubbed or kneaded. 2. To be borne. E. सम् before वह् to bear, ण्यत् aff.
  • संविक्त :: n. (-क्तं) That which is separated or individualized.
  • संविग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) Agitated, flurried, alarmed. E. सम् before विज् to fear, क्त aff.
  • संविग्नमानस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Distracted. E. संविग्न, and मानस the mind.
  • संविज्ञात :: f. (-ता) Universally known, generally allowed.
  • संवित्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Understanding, intellect. 2. Perception. 3. Accom- modation, reconciliation. 4. Recognition, recollection of a thing or person previously known. E. सम् before विद् to know, aff. क्तिन्: see the next.
  • संविद् :: f. (-वित् or विद्) 1. Intellect, understanding. 2. Promise, assent. 3. Contract, engagement, agreement, covenant. 4. Knowledge. 5. A watch-word, a cry of battle. 6. War, battle. 7. Name, appella- tion. 8. Sign, signal. 9. Institute, prescribed custom or observa- tion. 10. Pleasing, delighting. 11. Sympathy. 12. Conversation. 13. Meditation. 14. Hemp. E. सम् with, together with, विद् to know, &c., aff. क्विप् ।
  • संविदा :: f. (-दा) 1. Agreement, promise. 2. Hemp. E. सम् + विद्-क्विप् टाप् ।
  • संविदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Promised, agreed. 2. Known, understood. 3. Explored. 4. Admonished, advised. E. सम् before विद् to know, aff. क्त ।
  • संविद्व्यतिक्रम :: m. (-मः) Non-performance of agreements. E. संविद्, व्यतिक्रम departure.
  • संविधा :: f. (-धा) 1. Plan. 2. Mode of life.
  • संविधान :: n. (-नं) 1. Mode, rite. 2. An expedient. 3. Performance. 4. Dis- position. E. सम्, वि before धा to have, ल्युट् aff.
  • संविधानक :: n. (-कं) 1. Strange or unusual occurrence. 2. The plot of a drama. E. संविधान, कन् added.
  • संविभक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Parted, divided. E. सम्, वि before भज् to divide, क्त aff.
  • संविभाग :: m. (-गः) 1. Part, portion, share. 2. Distributing, apportioning. E. सम्, and वि before भज् to divide, घञ् aff.
  • संविषा :: f. (-षा) A plant, (Betula.) E. सम् intensitive, विष poison.
  • संविष्ट :: f. (-ष्टा) 1. Clothed, dressed. 2. Lying down.
  • संवीक्षण :: n. (-णं) Search, inquiry, looking for or after anything. E. सम् and वि intensitives, ईक्ष् to see, ल्युट् aff.
  • संवीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Surrounded, enclosed, encompassed. 2. Cover- ed, clothed. 3. Well-adorned. 4. Overwhelmed. 5. Shut in. E. सम् completely, व्येञ् to surround, aff. क्त ।
  • संवुवूर्षु :: mfn. (-र्षुः -र्षुः -र्षु) Wishing to conceal, disguise, hide, cover, &c. E. सम् before वृ to screen, desid. v., उ aff.
  • संवृक्त :: f. (-क्ता) Consumed, devoured.
  • संवृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Covered. 2. Closed. 3. Contracted, compress- ed, (as the lips, &c in pronunciation.) 4. Retired, secluded. 5. Sequestered. 6. Filled with. n. (-तं) 1. A secret place. 2. A parti- cular mode of pronunciation. E. सम् before वृ to be, क्त aff.
  • संवृताकार :: Adj. One who suppresses all outward manifestation of feeling.
  • संवृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Covering up. 2. Concealment, suppression. 3. Secret purpose.
  • संवृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Covered, concealed, hidden. 2. Furnished with, filled with, possessed of. 3. Being, become. 4. Past, gone. m. (-त्तः) VARUṆA, deity of the ocean. E. सम् with, वृत् to be, &c., aff. क्त ।
  • संवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Hiding, concealing. 2. Covering. 3. Possession, endowment. 4. Accomplishment. 5. Secret purpose. E. सम् with, वृत् to screen or cover, &c., aff. क्तिन् ।
  • संवृद्ध :: f. (-द्धा) 1. Full-grown. 2. Blooming, flourishing.
  • संवेम :: m. (-गः) 1. Hurry, flurry, haste proceeding from fear, &c. 2. Haste, speed. 3. Vehemence, impetuosity. E. सम् intensitive, विज् to be agitated, aff. घञ् ।
  • संवेद :: m. (-दः) Perception, consciousness. E. सम्, with विद् to know, aff. घञ् .
  • संवेदन :: nf. (-नं-ना) 1. The act of perceiving. 2. Sensation.
  • संवेश :: m. (-शः) 1. Sleep, sleeping. 2. Dreaming, a dream. 3. Copulation. 4. A stool, a chair, a seat. E. सम् before विश् to enter, aff. घञ् ।
  • संवेशन :: n. (-नं) Copulation, coition. E. सम् before विश् to enter, ल्युट् aff.
  • संव्यान :: n. (-नं) 1. An upper-garment. 2. Cloth, clothes, vesture. 3. Covering. E. सम् completely, ष्येञ् to cover, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • संव्यूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Mixed, united. E. सम्, and वि before ऊह् to reason, क्त aff.
  • संव्यूह :: m. (-हः) Combination, mixture, union. E. सम्, and वि before ऊह् to reason, क aff.
  • संशकला :: Aptote. Killing, slaughter.
  • संशप्तक :: m. (-कः) 1. A picked man or soldier, one of a select band sworn never to recede, and stationed to prevent the flight of the rest, a brother in arms. 2. A conspirator bound by oath to kill another. E. सम् with, together, शप्त sworn, कन् aff.
  • संशय :: m. (-यः) 1. Doubt, uncertainty. 2. Logical indecision. 3. Diffi- culty, risk. 4. Possibility. सम् before शी to sleep, अच् aff.
  • संशयस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Doubtful, uncertain. E. संशय, and स्थ who or what stays.
  • संशयात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) A sceptic. E. संशय, and आत्मन् self.
  • संशयान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Dubious, uncertain. E. सम् before शीङ् to sleep, शानच् aff.
  • संशयापन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Affected with doubt, hesitating, dubious. 2. Doubtful, uncertain. E. संशय, and आपन्न having.
  • संशयापन्नमानस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Irresolute, dubious, uncertain. E. संशय doubt, आपन्न affected, and मानस the mind.
  • संशयालु :: mfn. (-लुः -लुः -लु) Dubious, doubting, sceptic. E. संशय, आलुच् aff.
  • संशयितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Dubious, sceptical, a sceptic. E. सम् before शीङ् to sleep, तृच् aff.
  • संशय्य :: Ind. Having doubted or deliberated, being in doubt. E. सम् before शी to sleep, ल्यप् aff.
  • संशरण :: n. (-णं) Commencement of a combat, charge, attack, &c. E. सम् together, शॄ to injure, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • संशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Certain, certified, ascertained, established. 2. Completed, effected, finished. 3. Completing, effecting, diligent and attentive in accomplishing. E. सम् before शो to destroy, aff. क्त ।
  • संशितव्रत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Faithful to a vow or obligation. E. संशित completing, व्रत a vow.
  • संशितात्मन् :: Adj. One whose mind is thoroughly matured or disciplined.
  • संशिश्रीषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing to adhere to or depend upon, to serve, &c. E. सम् before श्रि to serve, desid. v., उ aff.
  • संशुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Pure, purified. 2. Clean. 3. Refined. 4. Dis- charged, acquitted, (as a debt.) 5. Acquitted, (of a crime.) E. सम्, and शुद्ध pure.
  • संशुद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) 1. Cleaning the body. 2. Purification in general. 3. Correction. 4. Acquittal of debt, &c. 5. Acquittance of charge or crime. E. सम् completely, शुद्धि purification, cleansing.
  • संशुष्क :: mfn. (-ष्कः -ष्का -ष्कं) Dry, dried. E. सम् before शुष्क dry.
  • संशोधन :: n. (-नं) 1. Cleaning, cleansing, purifying the body by ablutions, &c. 2. Correcting. 3. Refining. 4. Discharging, paying. E. सम् before शोधन purifying.
  • संशोध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) 1. To be rectified or purified. 2. To be paid or acquitted, (as a debt, &c.) E. सम्, शुध् to be pure, यत् aff.; also संशोधनीय, &c.
  • संश्चत् :: n. (-श्चत्) Deceit, trick, illusion, juggling. E. सम् before चि to collect, Unādi aff. अति and सुट् augment; also संश्वत् ।
  • संश्यान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Contracted, rolled up, gathered up, shrunk, frozen, collapsed. E. सम् together, श्यै to go, aff. क्त ।
  • संश्रय :: m. (-यः) 1. Protection, refuge, asylum. 2. Seeking the alliance of a powerful prince, as a safety against actual or future enemies, (one of the six Guṇas in polities.) 3. Pertaining to, (when used at the end of a compound.) E. सम् intensitive, श्रि to serve, aff. अच् ।
  • संश्रव :: m. (-वः) 1. Promise, assent, agreement. 2. Hearing attentively. E. सम्, and श्रु to hear, aff. अप् ।
  • संश्रवण :: n. (-णं) The ear.
  • संश्राव :: m. (-वः) Sprinkling, aspersion, pouring out. E. सम्, श्रु to ooze, causal v., घञ् aff.
  • संश्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Protected, supported. m. (-तः) A servant, a follower, a dependent. E. सम् before श्रि to serve, aff. क्त ।
  • संश्रुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Promised, agreed, assented. 2. Well-heard. E. सम् before श्रु to hear, aff. क्त ।
  • संश्लिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Close together, adjoining, touching. 2. Bound, united. 3. Embraced. 4. Endowed with. E. सम् before श्लिष्ट united.
  • संश्लेष :: n. (-षं) 1. Embrace, embracing. 2. Union, connection, junction, contact, association. E. सम् with श्लिष् to unite, aff. घञ् ।
  • संश्लेषणा :: f. (-णा) Means of binding together.
  • संश्वत् :: n. (-श्वत्) Fraud, trick, cheating, deception. E. सम् before श्वि to increase, aff. अति; deriv. irr.; also संश्चत् ।
  • संसक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Near, adjoining, contiguous. 2. Possessing, endowed with, affected by. 3. Connected or acquainted with. 4. Attached to, intent on. 5. Tied or attached. 6. Mixed, confused. E. सम् before षञ्ज् to embrace, &c., aff. क्त ।
  • संसक्तयुग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Harnessed, yoked. E. संसक्त, and युग a yoke.
  • संसक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Proximity, contact. 2. Union, junction. 3. Acquain- tance, intimacy, connection with. 4. Devotion or addiction to. 5. Tying, fastening. E. सम् before षञ्ज् to embrace or adhere to, aff. क्तिच् ।
  • संसज्जमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Prepared, ready. E. सम्, षस्ज to go, शानच् aff.
  • संसद् :: f. (-सत् or सद्) 1. An assembly, a meeting. 2. A court of justice. E. सम् before षद् to go, aff. क्विप् ।
  • संसरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Going, proceeding in general. 2. Going well or un- obstructedly. 3. The unresisted march of troops. 4. The beginning of war or battle. 5. A high-way, the principal road through a village or town. 6. The world. 7. Birth, the production of living beings. 8. A resting place for passengers near the gates of a city. E. सम् together, &c., सृ to go, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • संसर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) 1. Union, proximity, approximation, contact. 2. Ac- quaintance, familiarity, intercourse. 3. Co-existence, (in logic.) 4. Sensual attachment. E. सम् with, सृज् to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • संसर्गदोष :: m. (-षः) The fault or evil consequences arising from the society of bad people.
  • संसर्गाभाव :: m. (-वः) Logical non-existence or annihilation; of three kinds, prior, incidental, and final, or absence of birth or production, destruction of present being, and necessary end or cessation of ex- istence. E. संसर्ग union, and अभाव non existence.
  • संसर्गित्व :: n. (-त्वं) Familiarity, fellowship. E. संसर्गिन्, and त्व added; also with तल्, संसर्गिता ।
  • संसर्गिन् :: mfn. (-र्गी -र्गिणी -र्गि) 1. Familiar, keeping company, acquainted, an acquaintance. 2. United or mixed with, in contact with, &c. E. सम् before सृज् to go, aff. घिनुण् ।
  • संसर्ज्जन :: n. (-नं) 1. Abandoning, leaving. 2. Voiding. E. सम् before सृज् to quit, ल्युट् aff.
  • संसर्प :: m. (-र्पः) 1. An equable or gentle motion, as the creeping of a snake, the gliding of a stream, &c. 2. The intercalary month occurring in a year in which there falls a Kshaya-māsa. E. सम् before सृप् to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • संसर्पण :: n. (-णं) 1. The act of creeping along. 2. An unexpected attack.
  • संसर्पिन् :: mfn. (-र्पी -र्पिणी -र्पि) Flowing, gliding. E. सम् intensitive prefix, सृप् to go, घिनुण् aff.
  • संसाद :: m. (-दः) An assembly.
  • संसार :: m. (-रः) 1. The world, the habitation of mortals. 2. Mundane ex- istence. 3. A succession of births or existences. 4. Transmigration, metempsychosis. 5. Wordly illusion. 6. Secular life. 7. Course, passage. E. सम् together, (mankind,) सृ to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • संसारगुरु :: m. (-रुः) KĀMA or love. E. संसार the world, गुरु the spiritual preceptor.
  • संसारमार्ग :: m. (-र्गः) 1. The vulva. 2. Mundane existence. E. संसार the world, (or mankind,) मार्ग a road.
  • संसारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Worldly, mundane. m. (-री) An animal or sentient being. E. संसार the world, इनि aff.
  • संसिद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Perfected, fully done or accomplished. E. सम् before सिद्ध effected.
  • संसिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) 1. Nature, disposition, the natural state or quality. 2. Perfection, completion, accomplishment. 3. Final emancipation. 4. A passionate or intoxicated woman. E. सम् before सिद्धि completion.
  • संसिसृक्षु :: mfn. (-क्षुः -क्षुः -क्षु) Wishing to unite. E. सम् before सृज् to create, desid. v., उ aff.
  • संसिस्मयिषमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Wishing or purposing to ridicule, laugh at, &c. E. सम् before स्मि to smile, desid. v., शानच् aff.
  • संसूचन :: n. (-नं) 1. Telling, informing. 2. Reproaching, scolding. 3. Hinting. 4. The act of showing plainly or proving. E. सम् before षूच् to inform, ल्युट् aff.
  • संसूचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Informed, apprised, told. 2. Reproved, scolded. E. सम् before षूच् to inform, क्त aff.
  • संसृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. The world. 2. Flow, stream, current. 3. Transmigra- tion. E. सम् and सृ to go, क्तिन् aff.
  • संसृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. United, joined, connected. 2. Mixed. 3. Re- united, rejoined. 4. Connected as partners or co-partners. 5. Clean- dressed, clad in clean garments. 6. Involved in 7. Composed. 8. Created. E. सम् before सृज् to leave or make, aff. क्त ।
  • संसृष्टत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Union, association. 2. Re-union. 3. (In law,) The voluntary co-residence or re-union of father and son, or of brothers with each other, after partition of property. E. संसृष्ट associated, aff. त्व ।
  • संसृष्टरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पी -पं) Mixed, adulterated. E. संसृष्ट, and रूप nature.
  • संसृष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) 1. Uniting, combining. 2. Collecting, assembling. 3. Living together in one family. 4. (In rhetoric,) The use of a number of figures in one passage. E. सम्, सृज् to make, क्तिन् aff.
  • संसृष्टिन् :: m. (-ष्टी) A co-parcener, a brother, whether of whole or half blood, who after the partition of the family-property continues or returns to reside with his father, his paternal uncle, or his other brothers. E. संसृष्ट united or re-united, and इनि aff.
  • संसेवन :: n. (-नं) Wating on, serving. E. सम् before सेव् to serve, ल्युट् aff.
  • संसेवित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Waited on, served, attended. E. सम् before सेव् to serve, क्त aff.
  • संस्कर्त्तृ :: mfn. (-र्त्ता -र्त्त्री -र्त्तृ) Who or what polishes, completes, initiates, &c. E. सम् before कृ to make, तृच् aff.
  • संस्कार :: m. (-रः) 1. Completing, accomplishing, finishing, perfecting. 2. Apprehension, conception. 3. The power of memory, the faculty of recollection. 4. Faculty in general, one of the twenty-four qualities enumerated by logicians. 5. An essential and purificatory rite or ceremony amongst the Hindus; as those of the three first classes, commencing with conception and ending with marriage; or गर्भाधानं sacrifice on conception; पुंसवनं on vitality in the fœtus; सीमन्तोन्नयनं in the fourth, sixth, or eight month; जातकर्म्म giving the infant clarified butter out of a golden spoon to taste, before divi- ding the navel string; नामकरणं naming the child on the tenth, eleventh, twelfth, or hundred and first day: निष्क्रमणं carrying him out to see the moon on the third lunar day of the third light fortnight, or to see the sun in the third or fourth month; अन्नप्राशनं feeding him with rice in the sixth or eighth month, or when he has cut teeth; चूडाकार्य्यं tonsure in the second or third year; उपनयनं investiture with the string in the fifth, eight, or sixteenth year; विवाहः or marriage is the tenth and last Sanskāra. 5. Embellish- ment, decoration, elegance. 6. Purity, perfection. 7. Preparing as an article of medicine or food, cooking, dressing, compounding, &c. 8. Purification, consecration. 9. Impression, form, mould. E. सम् implying perfection, कृ to make, अण् aff. and सुट् augment.
  • संस्कारजं :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced from a purificatory ceremony, &c. E. संस्कार as above, with the power of the fifth case, ज born.
  • संस्कारवर्जित :: m. (-तः) A Brāhman, &c., who has not received the usual initiatory ceremonies. E. संस्कारं purificatory rite and वर्जित deprived of; also संस्काररहित, संस्कारहीन, &c.
  • संस्कारहीन :: m. (-नः) A man of the three first classes, who has not been invested with the mystic thread, and who has not received the other ceremonies necessary to purification. E. संस्कार a rite, &c., हीन lost.
  • संस्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Wrought, made, artificially produced. 2. Ex- cellent, best. 3. Decorated, ornamented. 4. Cooked, dressed. 5. Clean, cleansed. 6. Purified. 7. Finished, perfect, completed. 8. Consecrated. 9. Initiated. m. (-तः) 1. A word regularly formed, a regular derivative. 2. A learned man. 3. A man of the three first classes who have received all the purificatory rites. n. (-तं) 1. Language formed by perfect grammatical rules, the classical and sacred language of the Hindus. 2. Offering oblation. E. सम् imply- ing completion or perfection, कृत made, and सुट् augment.
  • संस्कृतात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) 1. A man who has undergone the initiatory rites. 2. A sage. E. संस्कृत, and आत्मन् self.
  • संस्कृतोक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Classical or polished language. E. संस्कृत, उक्ति speech.
  • संस्कत्यं :: Ind. Having perfected, polished, adorned, &c. E. सम् before कृ to do, ल्यप् aff.
  • संस्कृत्रिम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Perfected, polished. 2. Fabricated, made. E. सम् before कृ to make, त्रि aff. and मन् added.
  • संस्क्रिया :: f. (-या) 1. Funeral ceremonies, as burning the dead body, &c. 2. Any purificatory rite: see संस्कार . E. सम् before क्रिया act, action.
  • संस्तब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) 1. Made firm, rigid, &c. 2. Confirmed, corro- borated. 3. Stopped, stayed. E. सम् before स्तभि to stop, क्त aff.
  • संस्तभ्यं :: Ind. 1. Having made firm, stable, rigid, &c. 2. Having confirm- ed or established. E. सम् before स्तभि to stop, aff. ल्यप् ।
  • संस्तम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Fixing, making firm, (as a post.) 2. Confirming, establishing. 3. Paralysis, muscular rigidity. 4. Stop, stay. E. सम् before स्तभि to stop, घञ् aff.
  • संस्तम्भनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be made firm. 2. To be stopped. E. सम् before स्तभि to stop, अनीयर् aff.
  • संस्तर :: m. (-रः) 1. A bed, a couch. 2. A bed made of leaves, &c. 3. Sacrifice. E. सम् before स्तृ to spread, aff. अप् ।
  • संस्तव :: m. (-वः) 1. Acquaintance, intimacy. 2. Praise. E. सम् together, ष्टु to praise, aff. अप् ।
  • संस्तवान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Eloquent, talking fluently and well. E. सम् before ष्टु to praise, आनच् Unādi aff.
  • संस्ताव :: m. (-वः) 1. The place occupied at a sacrifice by the Brāhmans reciting hymns and prayers. 2. Celebrating or hymning in chorus, the repetition of the verses of the Vedas by a number of Brāh- mans. E. सम् together, (in chorus,) ष्टु to praise, (the gods,) घञ् aff.
  • संस्तुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Intimated, acquainted. 2. Praised, hymned, eulogised. 3. Agreeing together. E. सम् before ष्टु to praise, aff. क्त .
  • संस्तुति :: f. (-तिः) Praise, celebration. E. सम् before ष्टु to praise, क्तिन् aff.
  • संस्त्याय :: m. (-यः) 1. Assemblage, collection, heap or number. 2. Viciniay, proximity. 3. Spreading, expansion, diffusion. 4. A house. E. सम् before ष्ट्ये to crowd, aff. घञ् ।
  • संस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) 1. Staying, stopping, fixed, stationary. 2. Stay- ing with, associated, domesticated. m. (-स्थः) 1. A spy, a secret emissary. 2. A countryman, a neighbour, a person of the same country, &c. 3. A dweller, an inhabitant. f. (-स्था) 1. Continuance in the right way, correct conduct. 2. State or condition of being, time of life, &c. 3. Occupation, business, profession. 4. Stop, stay. 5. End, completion. 6. Manifestation, appearance. 7. Resem- blance, likeness. 8. A sort of sacrifice. 9. Loss, destruction. 10.

Death, dying. 11. Form. 12. An assembly. 13. A royal ordinance. E. सम् implying completeness, association, &c., and ष्ठा to stay, affs. क or अङ् and टाप् ।

  • संस्थान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Like, resembling. n. (-नं) 1. Form, figure, shape. 2. Death, dying. 3. Fabrication, construction. 4. A place where four roads meet. 5. Any place. 6. A mark, a spot, a sign. 7. A heap, a quantity. 8. Primary formation, the aggregation of the primitive atoms. 9. A vicinity, a neighbourhood, a common place of abode. 10. Configuration. 11. Position, (in Vedānta philoso- phy.) E. सम् before ष्ठा to stay or stand, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • संस्थापन :: n. (-नं) 1. Placing, fixing. 2. Establishing. 3. Collecting. 4. Restraining. f. (-ना) Restraining, bringing back. E. सम् before ष्ठा to stay, causal v. aff. ल्युट् ।
  • संस्थापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Placed, fixed, deposited. 2. Established. 3. Accumulated. 4. Controled, restrained. E. सम् before ष्ठा to stay, causal v., क्त aff.
  • संस्थाप्य :: Ind. Having placed. E. सम् before ष्ठा to stay, causal v., ल्यप् aff.
  • संस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Dead, deceased. 2. Ended, finished. 3. Es- tablished, fixed. 4. Staying, stationary. 5. Residing, being in or at. 6. Heaped, collected. 7. Placed in or on. 8. Near or contiguous to. 9. Like, resembling. E. सम् before ष्ठा to stay, aff. क्त ।
  • संस्थिति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Death, dying. 2. Abode, abiding, being or being stationary. 3. Abiding, being or residing with. 4. Duration, con- tinuance. 5. State or condition, (of life.) 6. Contiguity, connection. 7. Heap, accumulation. 8. Restraint. E. सम् before स्थिति staying.
  • संस्पर्श :: m. (-र्शः) 1. Touching, contact, laying hold of. 2. Perception, sense. f. (-र्शा) A fragrant plant, commonly Chakawat. E. सम् before स्पृश् to touch, aff. अच् ।
  • संस्पर्शज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Born or produced by sense, by contact, &c. E. संस्पर्श, ज born.
  • संस्पृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Touched. E. सम् before स्पृश् to touch, क्त aff.
  • संस्फाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A ram. 2. A cloud. E. सम् before स्फल् to shake, aff., घञ् ।
  • संस्फुट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Blossomed, blown, E. सम् before स्फुट् to blow, क aff.
  • संस्फेट :: m. (-टः) War, battle. E. सम् before स्फुट् to disrespect, aff. घञ् ।
  • संस्फोट :: m. (-टः) War, battle. E. सम् before स्फुट् to hurt or kill, aff. घञ्; or with इ aff. संस्फोटि ।
  • संस्मरण :: n. (-णं) Remembering, calling to mind. E. सम् intensitive, and स्मरण remembering.
  • संस्मृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Remembered, called to mind. E. सम् and स्मृ to remember, क्त aff.
  • संस्मृति :: f. (-तिः) Recollection, remembrance. E. सम् before स्मृ to remember, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • संस्राव :: m. (-वः) Flowing, oozing. E. स्रु to go, with सम् prefix and ण aff.
  • संहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Strong-knit, well-limbed. 2. Compact, close. 3. Joined, attached or approximated to. 4. Closed, shut. 5. Col- lected, assembled. 6. Struck, hurt, wounded, killed. 7. Acting or making effort together, combining, combined. 8. Closely allied. E. सम् with, together with, हन् to hurt or strike, aff. क्त ।
  • संहतजानुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Knock-kneed. E. संहत approximated, close, and जानु the knee, कन् aff.; also without the aff. संहतजानु ।
  • संहततल :: m. (-लः) The two hands open, and the palms brought toge- ther. E. संहत closed, ला to get or be, aff. क ।
  • संहतता :: f. (-ता) Close approximation or contact, &c.: see the next. E. संहत, तल aff.
  • संहतत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Compactness. 2. Combination, &c. 3. Approximation, contact. 4. Union, agreement. E. संहत and त्व aff.; also with तल्, संहतता ।
  • संहतभ्रू :: Adj. Knitting the brows.
  • संहतस्तनी :: f. (-नी) A woman with contiguous breasts.
  • संहति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Assemblage, collection, heap, number, host, multi- tude, &c. 2. Combination, joint effort. 3. Union, junction. 4. Compactness. 5. Strength. 6. The body. 7. Agreement. E. सम् together, हन् to strike or hurt, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • संहनन :: n. (-नं) 1. The body. 2. Rubbing the limbs. E. सम् before हन् to strike or hurt, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • संहरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Collecting, accumulating. 2. Restraining, checking. 3. Taking, seizing. 4. Destroying. E. सम् before हृ to take, ल्युट् aff.
  • संहर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) 1. Air, wind. 2. Pleasure, joy. 3. Erection of the hair of the body, either from pleasure, or disease. 4. Envy, emula- tion. 5. Trituration, rubbing, grinding. E. सम् before हृष् to be pleased, or घृष् to rub, &c., aff. अण् ।
  • संहर्षयोगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) Joyful, delighted. E. संहर्ष, योगिन् who joins.
  • संहवन :: n. (-नं) A group of four houses. E. सम् together हु to sacrifice, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • संहात :: m. (-तः) One of the twenty-one hells.
  • संहार :: m. (-रः) 1. Destruction, loss. 2. The destruction of the world. 3. A division of Tartarus. 4. Abridgment, abbreviation. 5. Col- lection, assemblage. 6. Restraining, suppressing. 7. Practice. 8. A fault in pronunciation. 9. Close, end, conclusion. 10. A charm or spell for restraining a magical weapon. E. सम् together, हृ to take, aff. घञ् ।
  • संहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Attached, joined. 2. Collected, assem- bled. 3. Placed, fixed. 4. Provided, furnished, equipped. f. (-ता) 1. An arrangement of the text of the Vedas into short sentences, regulated when the style is verse by the species of verse, and when prose by the subject, and denominated after the person or persons by whom the arrangement was originally made: it is also sometimes considered as synonymous with a Sākhā, a branch or or school of the Vedas of which sixteen are reckoned to the Rig-Veda, one hundred and one to the Yajush, one thousand in the Sāma, and nine in the Atharvan. 2. A compendium, a collec- tion more or less compressed of laws, legends, &c. 3. (In gram- mar,) Proximity of two letters without an intermediate pause, Sandhi or junction, though usually considered rather as the state preparatory to the actual junction than the junction itself. 4. A compilation, a code, a digest. E. सम् before धा to have, aff. क ।
  • संहूति :: f. (-तिः) Clamour, shout, tumultuous exclamation. E. सम् toge- ther, हूति calling out.
  • संहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Seized, laid hold of. 2. Scattered, thrown. 3. Destroyed. 4. Compressed, contracted, abridged. 5. With- drawn. 6. Curbed, restrained. E. सम् before हृ to take, aff. क्त ।
  • संहृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Destruction, loss, disappearance. 2. Contraction, abridgment. 3. Taking, seizure. 4. Connection. E. सम् before हृ to take, क्तिन् aff.
  • संहृत्य :: Ind. Having contracted or reduced in bulk. 2. Having abridged, &c. E. सम्, हृ to take, ल्यप् aff.
  • संहृष्ट :: f. (-ष्टा) 1. Thrilled with joy. 2. Bristling. 3. Fired with emulation.
  • संह्राद :: m. (-दः) Sound, noise. E. सम् before ह्रद् to sound, घञ् aff.
  • संह्रादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Sounding, making a noise. E. सम् before ह्रद् to sound, णिनि aff.
  • संह्रीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Bashful, modest, ashamed. E. सम्, and ह्री to be ashamed, क्त aff.
  • सक :: m. (-कः) He, that man. E. स he, कन् added.
  • सकट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) Bad, vile. m. (-टः) A small tree, (Trophis aspera.) E. स with, कट bad.
  • सकटान्न :: n. (-न्नं) Impure food. E. सकट, and अन्न boiled-rice.
  • सकण्टक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Thorny, prickly. 2. Troublesome, perilous. m. (-कः) An aquatic plant, (Vallisneria.) E. स for सम् like or with, कण्टक a thorn.
  • सकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Bearing or returning tax or toll. 2. Having rays, &c. E. स with, कर tax, &c.
  • सकरुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Tender, compassionate. E. स with, करुण compassion.
  • सकण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णी -र्णं) 1. Having ears. 2. Hearing, listening. E. स for सह with, कर्ण the ear.
  • सकर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्म) 1. Performing any act or rite. 2. Following similar business. E. स with or same, कर्म्म act.
  • सकर्म्मक :: m. (-कः) (In grammar,) The transitive verb. E. स with, कर्म्म act, कन् added.
  • सकल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) All, whole, entire. f. (-ला) 1. Together with a part. 2. Entire. 3. With all the digits, full, (as the moon.) 4. Having a soft or low sound. E. स with, कला a part, अच् aff.
  • सकाकौल :: m. (-लः) One of the twenty-one hells.
  • सकाम :: f. (-मा) 1. Full of love. 2. Lustful. 3. One who has obtained his wish, satisfied.
  • सकामम् :: It is used as an indeclinable in the sense of:--1. With plea- sure. 2. Contentedly. 3. Assuredly. 4. Indeed.
  • सकारण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Having a cause, originating from a cause. E. स with, कारण cause.
  • सकाल :: n. Adv. (-लं) Betimes, early in the morning. E. स with, काल time.
  • सकाश :: f. (-शा) Having visibility. m. (-शः) Presence, nearness.
  • सकुक्षि :: Adj. Having the same womb, uterine, (as a brother.)
  • सकुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Belonging to a noble family. 2. Belonging the same family. m. (-लः) 1. A Kinsman. 2. A sort of fish; also शकुल . E. स with, कुल a family.
  • सकुल्य :: m. (-ल्यः) 1. A kinsman, one of the same family name and com- mon origin: see सगोत्र . 2. A distant kinsman or relation; one who shares a divided oblation, as the grandson's grandson or other descendants as far as three degrees from him, or the offspring of the grandfather's grandfather or other remoter ancestor. E. स same, कुल्य of family: some authorities extend the name of Sakulya to the tenth descendant.
  • सकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) Fæces, ordure: more usually, शकृत् . Ind. 1. Once. 2. With, together with. 3. Always. 4. Formerly. E. सकृत् substi- tuted for एक one.
  • सकृतगर्भा :: f. (-र्भा) A mule.
  • सकृत्प्रज :: m. (-जः) A crow. E. सकृत् once, व्रज progeny.
  • सकोप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Angry, displeased. E. स with, कोप wrath.
  • सक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Attached, joined, in contact with. 2. Diligent, attentive, intent. 3. Devoted or addicted to. E. षञ्ज् to embrace or adhere to, aff. क्त .
  • सक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Contact, union, junction, cohesion. 2. Devotion or addiction to. E. षञ्ज् to embrace or adhere to, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • सक्तु :: m. Plu. (-क्तुः) The flour fried and then ground. E. षच् to moisten, Unādi aff. तुन्; also read शक्तु .
  • सक्तुक :: m. (-कः) A species of poison. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • सक्तुफला :: f. (-ला) The Śami tree, (Mimosa suma, Rox.) E. सक्तु barley- meal, and फल fruit; of a similar white colour; also सक्तुफली ।
  • सक्थि :: n. (-क्थि) 1. The thigh. 2. Part of the frame of a cart. 3. A bone. In compound सक्थि is changed to सक्थ after उत्तर, पूर्व, मृग, or a word denoting an object with which it is compared. E. षञ्ज् to unite, Unādi aff. क्थिन् ।
  • सक्षण :: f. (-णा) Having leisure.
  • सखि :: m. (सखा) 1. A friend. 2. An associate, a companion. f. (-खी) A woman's female friend or companion, a confidante, &c. E. स for समान all, (the world,) ख्या to celebrate, aff. इन्, and ङीष् fem. aff.; the masc. noun is irregularly inflected. At the end of compounds सखि is changed to सख ।
  • सखित्व :: n. (-त्वं) Friendship. E. सखि a friend, and त्व aff.; also सखिता ।
  • सखीजन :: n. (-नं) A female friend or confidante. E. सखी, जन a person.
  • सख्य :: n. (-ख्यं) 1. Friendship. 2. Equality. m. (-ख्यः) A friend. E. सखि a friend, यत् aff. of the property or pleonasm.
  • सग्(ए)सगे :: r. 1st cl. (सगति) To cover; also षग् ।
  • सगन्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) 1. Fragant, odoriferous. 2. Proud. m. (-न्धः) A relation, a co-heir. E. स for सम् same, like, and गन्ध connection; or स with, गन्ध smell, scent.
  • सगर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Poisonous. m. (-रः) A sovereign of Ayodhyā,

the father of ASAMANJA by KEŚINĪ, and sixty-thousand sons by SUMATI: the latter being turned into a heap of ashes by the sage KAPILA. GARUDA instructed the king to perform their funer- al ceremonies with the waters of Gangā, to be brought from heaven for that purpose; this was finally accomplished by the devotion of BHAGĪRATHA, the great-grandson of ASAMANJA, who having led the river to the sea, denominated it Sāgara, in honour of his ancestor. E. स for सह with गर poison; being born together with a poison given to his mother by the other wife of his father.

  • सगर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) A brother by the same father and mother. E. स for समान the same, and गर्भ embryo.
  • सगर्भ्य :: m. (-र्भ्यः) A brother of whole blood, one by the same father and mother. E. स for समान same, गर्भ embryo, यत् aff.
  • सगर्व्व :: mfn. (-र्व्वः -र्व्वा -र्व्वं) 1. Proud. 2. Flated. E. स with, गर्व्व pride.
  • सगुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Having or endowed with properties, qualities, &c. 2. Worldly. 3. Having a string, (as a bow.) E. स with, गुण a quality.
  • सगोत्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) Being of one family, of kin, related. m. (-त्रः) 1. A distant kinsman. 2. A kinsman of the same family-name, or one sprung from a common ancestor; one connected by funer- al oblations of food and water. n. (-त्रं) A family, a race or lineage. E. स for समान like, common, and गोत्र family.
  • सग्धि :: f. (-ग्धिः) Eating together. E. स for सम् with, अद् to eat, क्तिच् aff.; घस् is substituted for the root, the स rejected, घ changed to ग ।
  • सघ् :: r. 5th cl. (सघ्नोति) To hurt, to kill; also षघ् ।
  • सङ्घट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) 1. Narrow, contracted. 2. Crowded. 3. Impass- able, impervious. n. (-टं) 1. Difficulty, trouble. 2. A defile, a pass. E. सम् before कटच् aff.
  • सङ्कटाक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षी -क्षं) Winking, leering. m. (-क्षः) A tree, (Grislea tomentosa.) E. सङ्कट contracted, अक्षि the eye.
  • सङ्कथा :: f. (-था) Conversation, discourse, talking together. E. सम् toge- ther, कथा speech; also सङ्कथन, &c.
  • सङ्कर :: m. (-रः) 1. Mixing, blending, confounding. 2. A mixed caste or race, one proceeding from the promiscuous intercourse of the four tribes in the first instance, and again from their commerce with the descendants of such a connection, or the indiscriminate cohabitation of those descendants amongst one another; most Hindus of the present age are of one of the many branches of this race, the highest of which is impure and inferior to the Sudra: under this term two kinds of men are included according to the Rāmāyana; the one denominated योनिसङ्कर, mixed or degraded by birth and the other आचारसङ्कर degraded by conduct. 3. The mixing together of two or more dependent figures of speech in the same passage. 4. Dust, sweepings. 5. The crackling of flame. f. (-री) A new bride. E. सम् before कॄ to scatter, or कृ to make, aff. अप् .
  • सङ्करीकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Reducing to the state of the mixed or outcaste tribes, causing loss of caste. 2. Blending, mixing. 3. Confusion, either in kind, number, arrangement. E. सङ्कर a mixed-race, च्वि augment, करण doing.
  • सङ्करीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Blended, mixed, confused. 2. Outcaste. E. सङ्कर, and कृत made, च्वि augment.
  • सङ्कर्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Attracting, drawing. 2. Ploughing, making furrows, &c. m. (-णः) BALADEVA. E. सम् before कृष् to plough, &c., aff. युच् or ल्युट् . As applied to the demi-god it refers to his re- moval in embryo from the womb of DEVAKĪ to that of ROHIṆĪ.
  • सङ्कल :: m. (-लः) 1. Collection, quantity. 2. Addition. E. सम् together, कल् to number, aff. अच् ।
  • सङ्कलन :: nf. (-नं-ना) 1. Contact, junction. 2. Blending, clinging, twin- ing, intermixture. 3. Heaping as corn, &c. n. (-नं) Addition, (in arithmetic.) E. सम् with or like, कल् to number, aff. युच् or ल्युट् ।
  • सङ्कला :: Aptote. Killing, slaughter.
  • सङ्कलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Heaped, piled, arranged. 2. Brought in con- tact, blended, intermixed. 3. Laid hold of. 4. Added. n. (-तं) Addition, (in arithmetic.) E. सम् before कल् to number, aff. क्त ।
  • सङ्कल्प :: m. (-ल्पः) 1. Volition, will, resolve, mental determination. 2. A solemn vow or declaration of purpose. 3. Expectation of desired consequences from any voluntary act. E. सम् before कृप् to be able, aff. घञ्, and the र changed to ल ।
  • सङ्कल्पज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Born of or proceeding from the hope or expectation of advantage. m. (-जः) KĀMA or love. E. सङ्कल्प, and ज born; also सङ्कल्पजन्मन्, &c.
  • सङ्कल्पजन्मन् :: m. (-न्मा) KĀMADEVA. E. सङ्कल्प volition, and जन्मन् birth.
  • सङ्कल्पभव :: m. (-वः) KĀMA. E. सङ्कल्प will, भव born.
  • सङ्कल्पयोनि :: m. (-निः) KĀMA, the deity of love. E. सङ्कल्प will, योनि place of birth.
  • सङ्कल्परूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Of the nature of or conformable to the will or purpose. E. सङ्कल्प, and रूप form.
  • सङ्कल्पसम्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Produced from or arising out of the hope or desire of advantage. m. (-वः) Love or KĀMA. E. सङ्कल्प, सम्भव birth.
  • सङ्कल्पात्मक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Willing, resolving, referring to volition. E. सङ्कल्प, आत्मक one with.
  • सङ्कल्पित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Proposed, sought as the result of any act. E. सङ्कल्प, इतच् aff.
  • सङ्कसूक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Unsteady, fickle, changeable. 2. Uncertain, doubtful. 3. Weak, feeble. 4. Bad, wicked. E. सम् before कस् to go, Unādi aff. ऊकन् ।
  • सङ्कार :: m. (-रः) 1. Dust, sweepings. 2. The crackling of flame. f. (-री) A girl recently deflowered, a new bride, &c. E. सम्, कृ to make, घञ् aff.
  • सङ्काश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) 1. Like, similar, (in composition.) 2. Near. m. (-शः) Appearance, presence. E. सम् before काश् to shine, aff. अच् ।
  • सङ्किल :: m. (-लः) A burning torch, a fire-brand. E. सम् before किल् to be white, aff. क ।
  • सङ्कीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Crowded, confused. 2. Miscellaneous. 3. Im- pure. 4. Mixed. 5. Of mixed and consequently impure origin or caste. 6. Contracted, narrow. 7. Spread, diffused. 8. Scattered. 9. Indistinct, confused, (as a writing.) m. (-र्णः) 1. A man of a mixed caste. 2. A mixed mode or note, (in music.) 3. An elephant in rut. n. (-र्णं) 1. An enemy. 2. A difficulty. E. सम् before कॄ to scatter, aff. क्त ।
  • सङ्कीर्णचारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Wandering about, going in to all sorts of places. E. सङ्कीर्ण, चारिन् who goes.
  • सङ्कीर्णयोनि :: mfn. (-निः -निः -नि) 1. Of mixed or impure origin. 2. Of a mongrel breed, (as a mule.) E. सङ्कीर्ण, योनि place of birth.
  • सङ्कीर्त्तन :: nf. (-नं-ना) 1. Celebrating, praising, honour, glorification. 2. Singing the praise of a deity. E. सम् before कॄत् to praise, aff. युच् ।
  • सङ्कीर्त्तित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Praise, renowned, celebrated. E. सम् intensitive, कॄत् to praise, aff. क्त ।
  • सङ्कु :: m. (-ङ्कुः) A hole.
  • सङ्कुचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Unblown, unopened. 2. Closed, shut. 3. Narrowed, contracted. E. सम् before कुच् to contract, aff. क्त ।
  • सङ्कुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Crowded, confused, filled with so as to be im- pervious. n. (-लं) 1. Inconsistent and contradictory speech. 2. War. 3. A crowd, a mob. 4. A flock, a flight. E. सम् together, कुल् to accumulate, aff. क ।
  • सङ्कृति :: f. (-तिः) A from of metre, a stanza of four lines, of 24 syllables each. E. सम् complete, कृति a metre.
  • सङ्केत :: r. 10th cl. (सङ्केतयति-ते) 1. To call or invite. 2. To counsel or advise. 3. To fix or appoint a time.
  • सङ्केत :: m. (-तः) 1. Engagement, agreement, appointment, convention. 2. Condition, provision, the circumstances under which any thing is necessarily or naturally effected. 3. Sign, gesture, gesticulation.

4. A short explanatory rule, (in gram.) n. (-तं) Rendezvous. E. सङ्केत to appoint a time, &c., aff. अच्; or सम + कित-घञ् ।

  • सङ्केतक :: m. (-कः) 1. Rendezvous. 2. Convention. 3. Appointment. 4. A lover or mistress who meets by assignation.
  • सङ्केतस्थान :: n. (-नं) Place of assignation. E. सङ्केत, and स्थान place.
  • सङ्कोच :: m. (-चः) 1. Shutting, closing, contracting, contraction. 2. Bind- ing, tying. 3. Abridgment, diminution. 4. Terror, fear. 5. A sort of fish, a scate, (Raia Sancura, HAM.) n. (-चं) Saffron. E. सम् before कुच् to contract, aff. घञ् ।
  • सङ्कोचन :: n. (-नं) Astringing, causing to shrink or close. E. सम्, कुच् to contract, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • सङ्क्रन्दन :: m. (-नः) INDRA. E. सम् before क्रदि to cry out, causal form, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • संङ्क्रम :: mn. (-मः-मं) 1. Difficult progress, clambering up rocks, fording torrents, making way through almost impervious or inaccessible passes, &c. 2. The means of effecting such a passage, a causeway a bridge, &c. m. (-मः) 1. Going, moving, travelling. 2. The pass- age of a planetary body through the zodiac. 3. Passage from one point to another, traversing, transit, transition. 4. Concurrence. E. सम् before क्रम् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • संङ्क्रमण :: n. (-णं) 1. Going from or to, passage, transition. 2. Going with, concurrence. 3. The sun's passage from one sign of the zodiac to another. 4. The first day of the summer solstice. 5. A certain class of problems, (in algebra.) E. सम्, and क्रम् to go, ल्युट् aff.: see the last.
  • सङ्क्रमितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Who goes or proceeds, who or what passes from one to another. E. सम्, क्रम् to go, तृच् aff.
  • सङ्क्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Passed, gone from one to another, trans- ferred, &c. 2. Entered, (into a new sign.) 3. Depicted, imaged, reflected. E. सम् before क्रम् to go, aff. क्त .
  • सङ्क्रान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) 1. The actual passage of the sun or other planetary bodies from one sign of the zodiac into another. 2. Passage in general, proceeding from one time or condition or life to another, from one place to another, &c. 3. Going, proceeding in general. 4. Meeting together, union. 5. Transference, imparting. 6. The power of teaching or transference. 7. Imitation, reflection. E. सम् before क्रम् to go, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • सङ्क्राम :: m. (-मः) 1. Difficult progress or passage over steep rocks, through narrow defiles, &c. 2. A bridge of ropes, &c: see सङ्क्रम . E. सम् before क्रम् to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • सङ्क्रीडण :: n. (-णं) Sporting, playing. E. सम् before क्रीड् to play, ल्युट् aff.
  • सङ्क्रीडमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Sporting, playing. E. सम् before क्रीड् to play, शानच् aff.
  • सङ्क्रुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Violent, enraged. E. सम्, and क्रुद्ध angry.
  • सङ्क्लेद :: m. (-दः) 1. The fluid secretion which is supposed to form upon conception, and to be the rudiment of the fœtus. 2. Mois- ture, wet, damp. E. सम् together, and क्लेद moisture.
  • सङ्क्षय :: m. (-यः) 1. The destruction of the world. 2. Loss, destruction in general. 3. End. E. सम् completely, क्षि to perish, aff. अच् ।
  • सङ्क्षिप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Abridged, abbreviated, concise, compressed. 2. Small, compact. 3. Thrown. 4. Sent. 5. Taken from or away, seized. E. सम् before क्षिप् to throw or send, aff. क्त ।
  • सङ्क्षिप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) 1. Abridgment. 2. Throwing. 3. Sending. 4. Ambuscade. 5. Transition from one feeling to another. E. सम्, क्षिप् to throw, क्तिन् aff.
  • सङ्क्षीयमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Perishing being destroyed. E. सम् before क्षि to waste, शानच् aff.
  • सङ्क्षेप :: m. (-पः) 1. Abridgment, abbreviation, conciseness, compression. 2. Sending. 3. Throwing. 4. Taking away. 5. Assisting in another's duty. E. सम् before क्षिप to throw or send aff. घञ् ।
  • सङ्क्षेपण :: n. (-णं) 1. Abridgment, brevity. 2. Sending. 3. Throwing. 4. Taking away. E. सम् before क्षिप् to throw or send, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • सङ्क्षोभ :: m. (-भः) 1. Overturning, upsetting. 2. Shaking, trembling, agita- tion. 3. Pride, arrogance. E. सम् before क्षुभ् to tremble, aff. घञ् ।
  • सङ्क्ष्णुवान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Whetting, sharpening. 2. Inflaming, exci- ting. E. सम् before क्ष्णु to sharpen, शानच् aff.
  • सङ्ख्य :: n. (-ङ्ख्यं) War, battle. f. (-ङ्ख्या) 1. Number in general, or a number, a numeral. 2. Deliberation, reasoning, reflection. 3. Intellect, un- derstanding. 4. Manner. 5. Enumeration. E. सम् before ख्या substi- tuted for चक्ष् to speak well, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • सङ्ख्यता :: f. (-ता) Number, numeration, counting. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, सङ्ख्यत्व ।
  • सङ्ख्यात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Numbered, counted, reckoned. n. (-तं) A num- ber. f. (-ता) A kind of riddle or enigma. E. सम् before ख्या to tell, aff. क्त ।
  • सङ्ख्यान :: n. (-नं) Numbering, numeration, reckoning. E. सम् before ख्या to tell, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • सङ्ख्यावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Having or being possessed of number, numbered. 2. Intelligent, discriminating. m. (-वान्) A learned Brāhman, a Paṇḍit. E. सङ्ख्या number, &c., मतुप् poss. aff.
  • सङ्ख्येय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Numerable, to be counted or numbered. E. सङ्ख्या a number, यत् aff.
  • सङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. Meeting, encountering. 2. Association, intercourse, friendship. 3. Joining, uniting. 4. Desire, wish, cupidity. 5. Addic- tion or devotion to. 6. Confluence of rivers. 7. Contact, touch. 8. Worldly attachment. E. सम् together, गम् to go, aff. ड; or षञ्ज् to embrace, घञ् aff.
  • सङ्गणिका :: f. (-का) Incomparable or unequalled discourse. E. सम् before गण् to count, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • सङ्गत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Apposite, proper, (as speech.) 2. Mixed, united. 3. Met, encountered. 4. Collected, accumulated. 5. In conjunction, (of planets.) f. (-ता) 1. Convened, met. 2. Joined. 3. United in wedlock. 4. Adapted. 5. Contracted, shrunk up n. (-तं) 1. Friend- ship, acquaintance. 2. Union, meeting. 3. Alliance. 4. A consist- ant speech. E. सम्, गत gone.
  • सङ्गति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Meeting, union, mixture. 2. Knowledge. 3. Associa- tion, intercourse. 4. Frequenting, going to. 5. Accidental meeting. 6. Relation, applicability, connection. 7. Questioning for con- tinued or further information. E. सम् together, गति going.
  • सङ्गम :: m. (-मः) 1. Meeting, union, mixture, junction, the encounter of persons, the association of friends or lovers, the confluence of rivers, the fitness or adaptation of two things to each other, &c. 2. (In astronomy,) Planetary conjunction. 3. Touch, contact. 4. society, company. 5. Sexual intercourse. 6. Fitness, adaptation. E. सम् together, like, suitably, गम going: see also सङ्ग, सङ्गत, सङ्गति, &c.
  • सङ्गर :: m. (-रः) 1. War, battle. 2. Misfortune, calamity. 3. Promise, assent, agreement. 4. A bargain, a transaction of sale. 5. Poison. 6. Knowledge. 7. Acceptance. n. (-रं) The fruit of the Śami tree. E. सम् before गॄ to swallow, aff. अप् ।
  • सङ्गरहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Indifferent, stoical, free from attachment. E. सङ्ग, रहित free from.
  • सङ्गव :: m. (-वः) A name of the three MUHŪRTAS after early dawn, (form- ing the second watch of the day.)
  • सङ्गवर्ज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Free from worldly attachments or affections. E. सङ्ग, वर्ज्जित abandoned.
  • सङ्गविच्युति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Separation from, or dissolution of worldly affec- tion. 2. Disunion. E. सङ्ग, and विच्युति separation.
  • सङ्गिन् :: mfn. (-ङ्गी -ङ्गिनी -ङ्गि) 1. Uniting with, going to or with, attached. 2. Devoted or addicted to, intent on. 3. Libidinous, lustful, desirous. E. सङ्ग union, इनि aff.
  • सङ्गिरमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Promising. E. सम् before गॄ to speak, शानच् aff.
  • सङ्गीत :: n. (-तं) 1. The exhibition of song, dancing, and music, as a public entertainment. 2. The art or science of singing accom- panied by music and dancing. 3. Chorus. f. (-ता) Sung in chorus or harmony. E. सम् together, and गीत sung.
  • सङ्गीतक :: n. (-कं) 1. Concert, symphony. 2. A public entertainment con- sisting of songs, dancing and music.
  • सङ्गीतार्थ :: m. (-र्थः) 1. The apparatus or materials for a concert. 2. The subject of a musical performance.
  • सङ्गीति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Conversation, discourse. 2. The science of music and dancing. 3. Concert, harmony. E. सम् together, गा or गै to sing, क्तिन् aff.
  • सङ्गीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Promised, agreed. E. सम् before गॄ to speak, aff. क्त ।
  • सङ्गुप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Hidden, concealed. m. (-प्तः) A Buddha or Bauddha saint. E. सम् before गुप्त hidden.
  • सङ्गूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Heaped, piled, arranged. 2. United, joined, brought in contact. 3. Contracted, abridged. E. सम् before गुह् to hide, aff. क्त ।
  • सङ्गृहीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Taken, accepted, seized. 2. Assented to. E. सम् before ग्रह् to take, क्त aff.
  • सङ्गोपन :: n. (-नं) Hiding, concealment. E. सम् before गुप् to hide, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • सङ्ग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. A compilation and abridgment. 2. A catalogue. a list or summary. 3. Quantity, collection. 4. Restraining, confin- ing. 5. Taking, seizing. 6. Propitiating, pleasing, attaching. 7. Protecting, guarding. 8. A place where anything is kept. 9. As- sent, promise. 10. Elevation, loftiness. 11. Velocity. 12. Clenching the fist. 13. Effort, exertion. 14. Reception, admission. 15. Con- junction, conglomeration. 16. Agglomeration. 17. Sum, amount. 18. Mention. 19. Accumulation, hoarding up. 20. An epithet of ŚIVA. E. सम् before ग्रह् to take, aff. अप् ।
  • सङ्ग्रहण :: n. (-णं) 1. Taking, accepting, seizing. 2. Sexual intercourse. 3. Hope. 4. Collecting. 5. Compiling. 6. Encasing. 7. Adultery. f. (-णी) Diarrhœa, dysentery. E. सम् before ग्रह् to take, and ल्युट् aff.
  • सङ्ग्राम :: r. 10th cl. (सङ्ग्रामयति-ते) 1. To fight. 2. To make war.
  • सङ्ग्राम :: m. (-मः) War, battle. E. सङ्ग्राम to fight, aff. अच् ।
  • सङ्ग्रामपटह :: m. (-हः) A large military drum. E. संग्राम war, पटह a drum.
  • सङ्ग्राह :: m. (-हः) 1. Laying hold of forcibly, seizing, griping. 2. The fist. 3. Clenching the fist. 4. The gripe of a shield. E. सम् before ग्रह् to seize, aff. घञ् ।
  • सङ्घ :: n. (-ङ्घं) 1. Flock, multitude, number, a collection of living beings either of the same or different species. 2. A heap, a quantity in general. 3. A number of people living together. E. सम् before हन् to kill or hurt, aff. घञ् ।
  • सङ्घचारिन् :: m. (-री) A fish in general. E. सङ्घ a shoal, चर् to go, णिनि aff.
  • सङ्घजीविन् :: m. (-वी) A hired porter or labourer, a colly. E. सङ्घ a crowd, and जीविन् who lives.
  • सङ्घट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः) 1. Clash, shock, collision. 2. Friction, rubbing together. 3. Meeting, encounter. 4. Embracing. f. (-ट्टा) A large creeper. E. सम् before घट्ट् to go, affs. अच् and टाप् ।
  • सङ्घट्टन :: nf. (-नं-ना) 1. Meeting, encountering, occurrence. 2. Union, junc- tion, contact, cohesion. 3. Close contact, cleaving or adhering to, the intertwining of wrestlers, the embraces of lovers, &c. 4. Fric- tion, rubbing together. E. सम् before घट्ट् to move, aff. ल्युट् or युच् ।
  • सङ्घर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) 1. Envy, emulation, rivalry, vieing or contending for superiority. 2. Trituration, rubbing, grinding. 3. Collision. 4. Going gently, gliding, flowing. E. सम् before घृष् to rub, aff. घञ् ।
  • सङ्घशस् :: Ind. Collectively, altogether, in flocks. E. सङ्घ and शसि aff.
  • सङ्घाटिका :: f. (-का) 1. A bawd, a procuress. 2. A pair, a couple. 3. Smell. 4. An aquatic plant, (Trapa bispinosa.) E. सम् before घट् to unite, aff. ण्वुल्, fem. form.
  • सङ्घात :: m. (-तः) 1. Assemblage, multitude, heap, quantity. 2. Associa- tion, combination. 3. Composition of words, formation of com- pound terms. 4. Killing, striking, hurting. 5. Phlegm. 6. A particular mode of walking in dramatic representation. 7. A division of Tartarus. E. सम् before हन् to strike or kill, घञ् aff.
  • सङ्घातवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Having or connected with many, a heap, &c. E. सङ्घात and मतुप् aff.
  • सङ्घुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Resonant, resounding. m. (-ष्टः) Sound, cry, noise. E. सम् before धुष् to sound, aff. क्त; also optionally with the augment इट्, सङ्घुषित mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) ।
  • सचकितम् :: Ind. Alarmingly, timorously, in a startled manner.
  • सचराचर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) All whether animate or inanimate. E. स with चर moving, अचर stationary.
  • सचि :: m. (-चिः) 1. Friendship, intimacy, connection. 2. A friend. f. (-चिः or ची) The wife of INDRA. E. षच to be connected, aff. इन् and ङीष् optionally added; also शचि and शची ।
  • सचिल्लक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Blear-eyed. E. स for सह with, चिल्ल a bad eye, कन् aff.
  • सचिव :: m. (-वः) 1. A friend, a companion, an associate. 2. A minister, a counsellor. E. सचि friendship, वा to go or get, aff. क ।
  • सचेतन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Rational. 2. Conscious, sensible. E. स with, चेतन intellect.
  • सचेतस् :: mfn. (-ताः -ताः -तः) Conscious, reflective, understanding. E. स with, चेतस् mind.
  • सचेल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Clothed, dressed. E. स with, चेल clothes.
  • सचेष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Active, making effort. m. (-ष्टः) The mango- tree, (Mangifera Indica.) E. स with, चेष्टा effort.
  • सच्चरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Honest, upright. 2. Virtuous. n. (-तं) Good conduct. E. सत् good, चरित conduct.
  • सच्चारा :: f. (-रा) Turmeric.
  • सच्चिदंश :: m. (-शः) Intellect, intellectual part or portion. E. सत् being, चित् intellect, and अंश part.
  • सच्चिदात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) The soul which consists of entity and thought.
  • सच्चिदानन्द :: n. (-न्दं) 1. BRAHMĀ, or the Supreme Spirit. 2. Entity, knowledge and joy. E. सत् being present, चित् intellect, and आनन्द happiness; the external source of wisdom and happiness.
  • सच्छूद्र :: m. (-द्रः) A Sudra, who has gone through the same ceremonies as the other classes, which though not directed by and indeed contrary to law, is in some places customary. E. सत् pure, and शूद्र a Sūdra.
  • सजन :: f. (-ना) Having men or living beings. m. (-नः) A kinsman.
  • सजम्बाल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Muddy, clayed. E. स for सह with, जम्बाल mud.
  • सजल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Watery, wet, E. स with, जल water.
  • सजाति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) 1. Of the same sort or species, of the same tribe, &c. 2. Like, similar. m. (-तिः) The son of a man and woman of the same caste. E. स for समान same, and जाति species.
  • सजातीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Descended from parents of the same tribe or caste. 2. Of the same tribe. 3. Of the same species. 4. Like, similar. E. स for समान same, जाति sort, kind, and च्छ aff.
  • सजुष् :: mfn. (-जूः -जूः -जुः) Associated, an associate or companion. 2. Lov- ing, attached. m. (nom. सजूः, सजुषी, सजुषः) A companion. Ind. (-जूः) With, together with. E. स with जुष् to please, aff. क्विप् ।
  • सज्ज :: mfn. (-ज्जः -ज्जा -ज्जं) 1. Armed, accoutred. 2. Fortified. 3. Prepared, got ready. 4. Ornamented, decorated. 5. Covered, clothed. f. (-ज्जा) 1. Dress, decoration. 2. Armour, mail. E. षस्ज् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • सज्जन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Of good family, well-born. 2. Respectable, reputable. 3. Good, virtuous. 4. Arming, putting on armour. 5. Dressing, preparing. n. (-नं) 1. A guard, a sentry, a picquet. 2. A ferry, a Ghāt. 3. Fastening. 4. Preparing. 5. Dressing. f. (-ना) 1. Caparisoning an elephant. 2. Dress, decoration. 3. Arming, accoutring. E. षसज् to go, aff. युच्; or सत् excellence, जन a person.
  • सज्जमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Arming. 2. Dressing. 3. Getting ready, pre- paring. 4. Hesitating, (in speech.) E. षस्ज् to go, शानच् aff.
  • सज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Armed, accoutred. 2. Dressed, decorated, ornamented. 3. Prepared, made. E. सज्जा armour, इतच् aff.
  • सज्जीकरण :: n. (-णं) Arming, arraying, preparing, decorating. E. सज्ज armed, and करण making, च्वि augment.
  • सज्जीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Armed, accoutred, prepared, decorated. E. सज्ज and कृत made, च्वि augment.
  • सज्जीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Armed, prepared, decorated. E. सज्ज, भूत become, च्वि augment.
  • सज्य :: mfn. (-ज्यः -ज्या -ज्यं) Strung, (as a bow,) having a bow-string. E. स with, ज्या a bow-string.
  • सज्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. Heat, fever. 2. Wrath, indignation.
  • सञ्च :: m. (-ञ्चः) A collection of leaves for writing. E. सम् + चि-ड ।
  • सञ्चकित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Afraid, timid. E. सम्, and चकित timid.
  • सञ्चत् :: n. (-ञ्चत्) Cheating, juggling. E. सम् together, चि to collect, अति Unādi aff. and the radical vowel rejected.
  • सञ्चय :: m. (-यः) 1. Heap, quantity, number, multitude. 2. Gathering. E. सम् together, चि to collect, aff. अच् ।
  • सञ्चयन :: n. (-नं) 1. Collecting, gathering. 2. Collecting the ashes or bones of a body which has been burnt. E. सम् together, चि to collect, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • सञ्चयिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Who or what collects. E. सम्, चि to collect, घिनुण् aff.
  • सञ्चर :: m. (-रः) A defile, any narrow or difficult pass, a road along the edge of a mountain, or a bridge over a mountain-stream, &c. 2. Difficult passage, travelling along almost impracticable routes. 3. A road, a way. 4. The body. 5. Killing. 6. The passage of a planet from one sign of the zodiac to another. E. सम् before चर् to go, aff. घञ्; also सञ्चार ।
  • सञ्चरण :: n. (-णं) Going, motion.
  • सञ्चलन :: nf. (-नं-ना) Trembling, shaking. E. सम् before चल् to go, युच् aff.
  • सञ्चान :: m. (-नः) A bird, a hawk.
  • सञ्चाय्य :: m. (-य्यः) A particular sacrifice, at which the juice of the acid Asclepias is drank. E. सम् together, चि to collect, participial aff. ण्यत्, form irr., आय being substituted for the regular change: see सञ्चेय ।
  • सञ्चार :: m. (-रः) 1. Difficult progress. 2. Difficulty, distress. 3. Leading, guiding. 4. Inciting. 5. Impelling, setting in motion. 6. Conta- gion, communication or transmission of disease. 7. Course, transi- tion. 8. A gem supposed to be found in the head of a serpent. 9. A way, a pass. E. सम् before चर् to go, aff. घञ्: see सञ्चर; or सम् and चर् to go, causal v., अच् aff.
  • सञ्चारक :: m. (-कः) 1. A leader, a guide. 2. An instigator. 3. An orator. E. सम्, चर् to go, causal v., ण्वुल् aff.
  • सञ्चारजीविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Indigent, distressed, calamitous in want of aid or protection. E. सञ्चार difficulty, and जीविन् living.
  • सञ्चारण :: n. (-णं) 1. Leading, guiding. 2. Impelling, instigating. 3. Moving, setting in motion. E. सम् before चर् to go, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • सञ्चारिका :: f. (-का) 1. A female messenger or go-between. 2. A bawd. 3. A brace, a pair. 4. Smell. E. सम् before चर् to go, ण्वुल् aff.
  • सञ्चारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Led, guided. 2. Driven, impelled. 3. Set in motion, moved. 4. Communicated, (as disease.) E. सम् before चर् to go, causal v., क्त aff.
  • सञ्चारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Fickle, changeable, not permanent. 2. Moving, going. 3. Difficult, inaccessible. 4. Moving, putting in motion. 5. Transmitted, hereditary, (as disease.) 6. Contagious. m. (-री) 1. Incense. 2. A division of the Bhāvas, the same as the व्यभिचारिन्, q. v. or the reverse of the स्थायिन् or fixed and steady sentiments. 3. An evanescent feeling which strengthens the per- vading sentiments. 4. Air, wind. E. सम् before चर् to go, णिनि aff.
  • सञ्चित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Assembled, accumulated, collected, gathered. 2. Enumerated. 3. Full of, provided with. 4. Obstructed. 5. Dense, thick, (as a wood.) E. सम्, चि to collect, क्त aff.
  • सञ्चिति :: f. (-तिः) A collection.
  • सञ्चित्रा :: f. (-त्रा) A plant, (Salvainia cucullata.) E. सम् completely, चित्र variegated.
  • सञ्चिन्तन :: n. (-नं) Considering, reflecting. E. सम् before चि to think, ल्युट् aff.
  • सञ्चिन्तित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Deliberated, weighed. E. सम्, चिति to think, क्त aff.
  • सञ्चिन्त्य :: Ind. Having considered, reflected, thoughtful. E. सम्, चिति to think, ल्यप् aff.
  • सञ्चूर्णन :: n. (-नं) Breaking to pieces, reducing to powder. E. सम्, चूर्ण to grind, ल्युट् aff.
  • सञ्चूर्णित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Cut or broken to pieces, pulverised, com- minuted. E. सम् before चूर्ण to pound, क्त aff.
  • सञ्चेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be collected or accumulated. E. सम्, चि to gather, ण्यत् aff.
  • सञ्चोदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Ordered, commanded. E. सम्, and चोदित ordered.
  • सञ्छन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Covered. E. सम् completely, and छन्न covered.
  • सञ्छिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Cut, cut off. 2. Dissipated, removed. E. सम् before छिद् to cut, क्त aff.
  • सञ्ज् :: r. 1st cl. (सञ्जति) To go or move: see षञ्ज् ।
  • सञ्ज :: m. (-ञ्जः) 1. BRAHMĀ. 2. ŚIVA. f. (-ञ्जा) A she-goat. E. सम् uniform- ly, all (mankind), जन् to be born, (or created by whom,) and ड aff.
  • सञ्जनन :: n. (-नं) Begetting, causing, producing. E. सम् before जन् to be born, ल्युट् aff.
  • सञ्जनयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Begetting, producing, causing. E. सम् before जन् to be born, causal v., शतृ aff.
  • सञ्जल्प :: m. (-ल्पः) 1. Conversation. 2. Uproar, confusion, confused talk.
  • सञ्जवन :: n. (-नं) A group of four houses joined together in a qua- drangle. E. सम् together, जु to go, aff. युच्; also सञ्जीवन ।
  • सञ्जात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Born, produced. 2. Become. E. सम् and जात born.
  • सञ्जानान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Knowing, observing. 2. Watching, who or what keeps watch. E. सम् before ज्ञा to know, शानच् aff.
  • सञ्जीवन :: n. (-नं) 1. Animating, bringing to life. 2. A cluster of four houses. 3. One of the twenty-one hells. f. (-नी) A kind of elixir. E. सम् together, जीव् to live, ल्युट् or युच् aff.
  • सञ्जुघुक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) Wish or attempt to preserve. E. सम् before गुह् to hide, desid. v., अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • सञ्जुघुक्षु :: mfn. (-क्षुः -क्षुः -क्षु) Wishing to preserve, hide, conceal, &c. E. सम् before गुह् to hide, desid. v., उ aff.
  • सञ्ज्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. Heat, the heat of fire, burning, scorching, burn. 2. Fever. E. सम् before ज्वर् to burn, aff. अच् ।
  • सञ्ज्वरातुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Overcome by or affected with fever, fevered, feverish. E. सञ्ज्वर, and आतुर distressed.
  • सञ्ज्वारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Affected with fever, fevered, diseased. E. सम् before ज्वर् to be feverish, घिनुण् aff.
  • सट् :: r. 1st cl. (सटति) To form a part. r. 10th cl. (साटयति-ते) To show, to manifest.
  • सट :: mfn. Subst. (-टः-टा-टं) An ascetic's clotted hair, or the hair collected into a loose braid and twisted forwards upon the fore- head. 2. A mane. 3. A crest. 4. Bristles of a boar. E. षट् to be a part of, and अच् aff.
  • सटाङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) A lion. E. सटा mane, and अङ्क mark.
  • सटि :: f. (-टिः or -टी) Zedoary, (Curcuma zerumbet,) but applied also to the Curcuma amda: see सटि . E. षट् to be a part of, इन् aff. and ङीष् optionally added.
  • सटीक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Accompanied or explained by a commentary. E. स with, टीका a comment.
  • सट्ट् :: r. 10th cl. (सट्टयति-ते) 1. To hurt or kill. 2. To be strong. 3. To give. 4. To dwell.
  • सट्टक :: n. (-कं) A sort of minor drama in Prākrit only.
  • सट्वा :: f. (-ट्वा) 1. A kind of bird. 2. A musical instrument.
  • सठ् :: r. 10th cl. (साठयति-ते) 1. To finish, to complete. 2. To leave un- finished. 3. To go, to move. 4. To adorn.
  • सणसूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) Packthread, hempen cord or thread. E. See शणसूत्र, the sibilants being interchanged.
  • सण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A eunuch: see षण्ड, and शण्ड, &c., the sibilants being interchanged.
  • सण्डिश :: m. (-शः) A pair of tongs. “सांँडासि ।”
  • सण्डीन :: n. (-नं) One of the modes of flight attributed to birds, perching, alighting. E. सम् before डी to fly, aff. क्त, form irr.
  • सत् :: mfn. (-सन् -सन्ती -सत्) 1. True. 2. Good, virtuous. 3. Being, existing. 4. Excellent, best. 5. Venerable, respectable. 6. Wise, learned. 7. Firm, steady. 8. Right, proper. f. (-सती) 1. A virtuous wife; in ordinary use applied especially to the wife, who burns herself with her husband's corpse. 2. The goddess UMĀ. 3. A fragrant earth, commonly Surat-earth. 4. A species of the Pratishthā metre. n. (सत्) 1. The true GOD, the always present and all-pervad- ing spirit. 2. That which really is, entity, existence, essence. 3. Truth, reality. 4. That which is good. m. (-सन्) A virtuous man. Ind. (-सत्) In composition, a particle of reverence or respect, implying, good, fit, &c.; as सत्क्रिया virtue, doing what is right, &c. E. अस् to be, aff. of the participle of the present tense शतृ ।
  • सतत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Eternal, continual. n. Adv. (-तं) Eternally, continually. E. सम् before तन् to spread, aff. क्त, and the म rejected optionally.
  • सतत्त्व :: n. (-त्त्वं) Natural property, nature. E. स for समान universal, तत्त्व nature.
  • सतानन्द :: m. (-न्दः) The sage GAUTAMA, the author of the Nyāya or logical philosophy. E. सत् the good, and आनन्द who delights.
  • सति :: f. (-तिः) 1. End, destruction. 2. Gift, giving, donation. E. षण् to give or षो to destroy, क्तिन् aff.; also साति ।
  • सतीत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Virtuousness or purity in a wife. E. सतीः see सत्, and त्व aff.; also with तल्, सतीता ।
  • सतीन :: m. (-नः) 1. Pease, or a particular kind of pulse. 2. A bamboo. E. सति, from सत् being life, इन् master; with कन् added सतीनक ।
  • सतीनक :: m. (-कः) Pease; also सितीनक, and सतीलक, &c.: see the last.
  • सतीर्थ :: m. (-र्थः) A fellow student, the pupil of the same spiritual preceptor. E. स for सह same, तीर्थ a teacher.
  • सतीर्थ्य :: m. (-र्थ्यः) A fellow student: see the last. E. स for सह the same, तीर्थ्य a teacher, यत् aff.
  • सतील :: m. (-लः) 1. A bamboo. 2. Air, wind. mf. (-लः-ला) Pease, pulse, or a particular kind, called Teorā. E. सती, लक्ष् to make, aff. ड ।
  • सतीलक :: m. (-कः) Pulse in general, or a particular sort. E. सतील wind, कै to utter, aff. ड; also सितीलक, सतीनक, सातीलक ।
  • सतृष् :: mfn. (-तृट्) 1. Thirsty, greedy, cupidinous. 2. Thursty, (literally.) E. स for सहित with, तृष् thirst, literally or figuratively.
  • सतेर :: m. (-रः) Husk, chaff. E. सन, एर aff; the न is changed to त ।
  • सत्कदम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) A tree, (Nauclea cordifolia.) E. सत् good, कदम्ब the Cadamba-tree.
  • सत्कर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) 1. A good act, piety, virtue. 2. Hospitality. 3. Funeral obsequies. 4. Expiation. E. सत् and कर्म्मन् act; also सत्क्रिया, &c.
  • सत्काञ्चनार :: m. (-रः) A sort of ebony: see रक्तकाञ्चन ।
  • सत्काण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A hawk, a kite.
  • सत्कार :: m. (-रः) 1. Reverence, respect. 2. Hospitable treatment or reception. 3. Care. 4. A meal. 5. A festival. E. सत्, कार making.
  • सत्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Worshipped, adored. 2. Respected, revered. 3. Welcomed, saluted. 4. Entertained, treated with hospitality. 5. Done rightly or properly. n. (-तं) 1. Hospitality. 2. Respect. 3. Virtue. m. (-तः) Śiva. E. सत् excellent, and कृत made.
  • सत्कृतिः :: f. (-तिः) 1. Doing good, acting properly, virtue, morality, &c. 2. Treating with respect. E. सत् good, and कृति act.
  • सत्कृत्य :: Ind. Having treated with respect, &c. E. सत्, कृत्य having made.
  • सत्क्रिया :: f. (-या) Funeral or obsequial ceremonies. 2. Any purificatory ceremony. 3. Doing good, charity, virtue, &c. 4. Worship, homage. 5. Respectful treatment. 6. Salutation, welcome, courtesy. 7. Hospitality. E. सत् good, and क्रिया act.
  • सत्तम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Best, excellent. 2. Very venerable or respect- able. 3. Most virtuous. E. सत् good, and तमप् aff.
  • सत्ता :: f. (-त्ता) 1. Being, existence. 2. Goodness, excellence. 3. Reality. E. सत् being, तल् aff. of the abstract; also सत्त्वं ।
  • सत्त्र :: n. (-त्त्रं) 1. Sacrifice, oblation. 2. A long sacrificial session lasting from 13 to 100 days. 3. Good conduct. 4. Liberality, munificence. 5. Covering, clothing, concealing. 6. Fraud, roguery, cheating. 7. A wood, a forest. 8. Wealth. 9. A house. 10. A tank, a pond. m. (-त्त्रः) SATRĀJIT the father of SATYABHĀMĀ. E. सद् to go, Unādi aff. त्रन् or ष्ट्र; in writting, one त may be omitted, and it occurs, सत्र ।
  • सत्त्रशाला :: f. (-ला) An apartment in which Brāhmans or mendicants, &c. are presented with food and gifts. E. सत्र giving, and शाला a house.
  • सत्त्रा :: Ind. With, together with. E. स for सह with, त्रा to preserve, aff. क्विप्; also written, सत्रा ।
  • सत्त्रि :: m. (-त्त्रिः) 1. A cloud. 2. An elephant. 3. A victor, a conqueror. E. षद् to go, or waste, to destroy, &c., Unādi aff. त्रि ।
  • सत्त्रिन् :: m. (-त्त्री) 1. A liberal house-keeper, one constantly performing sacrifice and distributing alms. 2. An embassador, an agent residing in a foreign country. 3. A priest superintending or per- forming a sacrifice. E. सत्त्र munificence, &c., इनि aff.
  • सत्त्व :: n. (-त्त्वं) 1. One of the three Guṇas or properties of man and nature; the quality of excellence or goodness: that which enlightens, constitutes knowledge, and is the cause of truth, and the predominance of which renders the person, in whom it resides, virtuous, gentle, devout, charitable, chaste, honest, &c., and the thing, pure, mild, &c. 2. Substance, thing, either elementary substance, as, earth, air fire, &c., or anything of which some property may be predicated. 3. Mind, intellect. 4. Nature, natural, property or disposition. 5. Vigour, power. 6. Strength. 7. Self-possession or command. 8. Breath. 9. Being, existence. 10. Essence, substance. 11. Wealth. 12. Certainty. 13. Life, the principle of being. 14. A substantive, noun. 15. A demon, a goblin. mn. (-त्त्वः-त्त्वं) 1. An animal, a being. 2. An embryo. E. षद् to perish, aff. त्वत्; or सत् being, good, excellent, &c., त्व aff. of the abstract: one त being rejected also, it is read सत्व ।
  • सत्त्वगुण :: m. (-णः) The property of goodness: see the last. E. सत्त्व, गुण attribute.
  • सत्त्वता :: f. (-ता) Purity, goodness, the existence of the Satwa-Guṇa, or property of truth and virtue, &c. E. तल् added to the last.
  • सत्त्वमेजय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Frightening animals, making them tremble. E. सत्त्व, and एज् to shake, खश् aff.
  • सत्त्ववत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Pure, virtuous, endowed with the quality of goodness. 2. Natural. 3. Existent, &c. E. सत्त्व and मतुप् aff.
  • सत्त्वविहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Done spontaneously or naturally. 2. Virtuous, upright. E. सत्त्व, and विहित effected.
  • सत्त्वसंप्लव :: m. (-वः) 1. Universal destruction. 2. Loss of vigour.
  • सत्त्वसंशुद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Purity of nature or disposition. E. सत्त्व, संशुद्धि purity.
  • सत्त्वसम्पन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Equable, even-minded, neither elated by prosperity nor depressed by misfortune. 2. Good, excellent. E. सत्त्व the good quality, and सम्पन्न endowed with.
  • सत्त्वसार :: m. (-रः) 1. Essence of strength. 2. A most powerful person.
  • सत्त्वस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) 1. Excellent, holy, pure. 2. Being or existing in the nature of things. 3. Animate, inherent in animals. E. सत्त्व, स्थ what stays or is.
  • सत्त्वानुरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पी -पं) According to nature or natural quality. E. सत्त्व, अनुरूप conformable to.
  • सत्त्वोत्साह :: m. (-हः) Natural energy or perseverance. E. सत्त्व, उत्साह effort.
  • सत्पत्र :: n. (-त्रं) The new leaf of a water-lily. E. सत् good, and पत्र a leaf.
  • सत्पथ :: m. (-थः) 1. A good road. 2. Correct or virtuous conduct, doc- trine, &c. E. सत् good, पथ a road.
  • सत्परिग्रह :: m. (-हः) Acceptance of gifts from proper persons. E. सत्, and परिग्रह acceptance.
  • सत्पशु :: m. (-शुः) An animal fit for a sacrifice, a victim. E. सत् good, and पशु an animal.
  • सत्पात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A worthy or virtuous person. E. सत्, and पात्र a person.
  • सत्पात्रवर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Judicious liberality bestowing favours on the worthy. E. सत्पात्र, वर्ष raining.
  • सत्पुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) 1. The father of a son. 2. A virtuous son. 3. A son who performs all the prescribed rites in honour of his ancestors. E. सत् being or good, and पुत्त्र a son.
  • सत्परुष :: m. (-षः) A worthy or spirited man. E. सत् and पुरुष a male.
  • सत्प्रतिपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) Contrariety of doctrine or argument, knowledge of the opposite arguments proving the existence or non-existence of a thing; viz:--sound is eternal because it is audible; on the other hand sound is non-eternal because it is a product, (in logic.) E. सत् being, प्रतिपक्ष opposition.
  • सत्फल :: m. (-लः) The pomegranate. E. सत् good, and फल fruit.
  • सत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) 1. True. 2. Sincere, honest, speaking the truth. n. (-त्यं) 1. Truth. 2. An oath. 3. The first Yuga or age, the golden age, comprising one million seven hundred and twety-eight thou- sand years. 4. Demonstrated conclusion. m. (-त्यः) 1. RĀMA- CHANDRA. 2. The uppermost of the seven Lokas or worlds, the abode of BRAHMĀ, and heaven of truth. f. (-त्या) 1. SĪTĀ, the wife of RĀMA. 2. The mother of VYĀSA. 3. DRAUPADĪ. 4. DURGĀ. 5. SATYABHĀMĀ. 6. Speaking the truth, sincerity, veracity. Ind. (सत्यम्) Indeed, verily, a particle of interrogation and assevera- tion. E. सत् being, and यत् aff.
  • सत्यक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) True, veracious. n. (-कं) Ratification of a bargain. E. सत्य as above, कन् added.
  • सत्यङ्कार :: m. (-रः) Ratification of a bargain. E. सत्य truth, कार making, confirming, मुम् augment.
  • सत्यङ्कारकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Given or deposited in order to bind or ratify a bargain. E. सत्यङ्कार as above, and कृत made.
  • सत्यता :: f. (-ता) Truth, trueness. E. तल् added to सत्य; also with त्व, सत्यत्वं ।
  • सत्यधन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Virtuous, sincere, upright. E. सत्य, धन wealth.
  • सत्यभामा :: f. (-मा) One of KRISHṆA'S wives and daughter of SATRĀJIT. E. सत्य true, भाम beautiful, fem. form.
  • सत्यभारत :: m. (-तः) VYĀSA, the poet. E. सत्य true, भारत the Mahābhārata.
  • सत्ययुग :: n. (-गं) The first of the four Yugas or ages, the period of genera virtue and purity, or golden age, comprising a term of 1,728,000 years. E. सत्य truth, युग age.
  • सत्ययौवन :: m. (-नः) A Vidyādhara or demi-god so named. E. सत्य truth, यौवन youth.
  • सत्यरत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Honest, sincere. m. (-तः) VYĀSA. E. सत्य the truth, and रत devoted to.
  • सत्यवक्तृ :: mfn. (-क्ता -क्त्री -क्तृ) A speaker of truth. E. सत्य, वक्तृ who speaks.
  • सत्यवचन :: n. (-नं) 1. Speaking truth. 2. Acknowledging or admitting truth. E. सत्य, and वचन speech.
  • सत्यवचस् :: mfn. (-चाः -चाः -चः) Speaking truth, veracious. m. (-चाः) A Rishi, a saint, a seer. n. (-चः) Truth. E. सत्य truth, वचस् speech.
  • सत्यवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) True, possessing or practising truth. m. (-वान्) The name of a king. f. (-वती) 1. The mother of a VYĀSA, and wife of PARĀŚARA. 2. The wife of NĀRADA. 3. The wife of RISHIKA, a saint. E. सत्य truth, मतुप् aff.
  • सत्यवतीसुत :: m. (-तः) The poet VYĀSA. E. सत्यवती his mother's name, सुत son.
  • सत्यवद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) True-speaking, veracious. m. (-द्यः) Truth. E. सत्य, and वद् to speak, with क्यप् or यत् aff.
  • सत्यवाच् :: mfn. (-वाक्) Speaking truth, veracious, sincere. m. (-वाक्) 1. A crow. 2. A Rishi, a saint. E. सत्य true, वाच् speech.
  • सत्यवादित्व :: n. (-त्वं) Speaking truth. E. सत्यवादिन्, त्व aff.
  • सत्यवादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Speaking truth. E. सत्य truth, वादिन् who speaks.
  • सत्यवृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Practising or speaking the truth. E. सत्य truth, and वृत्त chosen.
  • सत्यव्रत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Practising or adhering to the truth, veracious, honest, sincere. m. (-तः) A king, the 25th of the solar dynasty in the second age. E. सत्य the truth, व्रत religious observance.
  • सत्यसङ्काश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Likely, probable, possible, like the truth. E. सत्य truth, सङ्काश like; also, similar compounds, as सत्यसन्निभ, &c.
  • सत्यसङ्गर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) True, veracious. m. (-रः) KUVERA, the god of wealth. E. सत्य the truth, सम् with गॄ to swallow, aff. अप् ।
  • सत्यसन्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Veracious, adhering to or observing the truth. m. (-न्धः) 1. RĀMA. 2. BHARATA, the younger brother of RĀMA. 3. The prince JANAMEJAYA. f. (-न्धा) DRAUPADĪ, the wife of PĀṆḌU princes. E. सत्य truth, सम् before धा to have or hold, aff. क ।
  • सत्यसाक्षिन् :: m. (-क्षी) An unexceptionable witness. E. सत्य, साक्षिन् a witness.
  • सत्याकृति :: f. (-तिः) Ratification of a bargain. E. सत्य truth, आङ् before कृ to make, to confirm, aff. क्तिन् .
  • सत्याग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) A name of the saint AGASTYA. E. सत्य the truth, and अग्नि fire.
  • सत्यात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्मं) True. m. (-त्मा) A virtuous and upright man. E. सत्य, and आत्मन् Soul.
  • सत्यानुरक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Upright, true. E. सत्य, and अनुरक्त attached to.
  • सत्यानृत :: n. (-तं) Commerce, trade, traffic. E. सत्य truth, and अनृत false- hood, a mixed practice of truth and lies.
  • सत्यापन :: nf. (-नं-ना) Ratification of a bargain. E. सत्य nominal verb, to speak or observe the truth, causal form, सत्याप, and ल्युट् or युच् aff.
  • सत्योत्कर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Eminence or excellence in truth. E. सत्य, and उत्कर्ष excellence.
  • सत्योद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) Speaking the truth. E. सत्य the truth, उद्य to be said or uttered.
  • सत्र :: r. 10th cl. (सत्रयते) 1. To act liberally. 2. To be connected. 3. To spread or extend.
  • सत्र :: n. (-त्रं) Sacrifice, &c.: see सत्त्र ।
  • सत्रप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Ashamed, modest. E. स with, त्रपा shame.
  • सत्रिजातक :: n. (-कं) Meat which has been once fried with spices, &c., then soaked and dried, and again dressed with Ghee and condiments. E. स for सह with, त्रि three, जातक species of production.
  • सत्व :: n. (-त्वं) The quality of excellence or goodness, &c.: see सत्त्व ।
  • सत्वर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Quick, expeditious. n. Adv. (-रं) Quickly, swiftly. E. स for सह with, त्वरा dispatch.
  • सत्वरता :: f. (-ता) Quickness, speed. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, सत्वरत्वं ।
  • सत्संसर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) Association with the good or respectable. E. सत्, संसर्ग connection.
  • सत्सङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Association with the good. E. सत्, and सङ्ग association.
  • सत्सन्निधान :: n. (-नं) Association or intercourse with the wise and good. E. सत्, and सन्निधान propinquity.
  • सत्समागम :: m. (-मः) Association with the good. E. सत्, समागम encounter.
  • सत्सहाय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Having a friend. 2. Having virtuous friends. E. सत् being, or good, &c. सहाय a friend.
  • सत्सार :: m. (-रः) 1. A painter. 2. A poet. Adj. Having good essence. E. सत् excellence, सार essence.
  • सथूत्कार :: n. (-रं) Sputtering in speech. E. स for सहित with, थूत imitative sound, and कार making.
  • सदंशक :: m. (-कः) A crab. E. स with, दंशक a tooth.
  • सदंशवदन :: m. (-नः) A heron. E. स with, दंश a tooth or beak, वदन face.
  • सद :: m. (-दः) The fruit of trees. E. षद् to go, अच् aff.
  • सदञ्जन :: n. (-नं) Calx of brass. E. सत good, excellence, अञ्जन stibium.
  • सदन :: n. (-नं) 1. A house. 2. Water. 3. Perishing, decaying. 4. Exhaus- tion. 5. A sacrificial hall. E. षद् to go or perish, aff. युच् or ल्युट् ।
  • सदय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Benevolent, compassionate. E. स with, दया clemency.
  • सदर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Fearful, afraid. E. स with, दर fear.
  • सदस् :: fn. (-दाः-दः) 1. An assembly, a meeting. 2. Seat, residence. E. षद् to go, (to which,) Unādi aff. असुन् ।
  • सदसत् :: mfn. (-सन् -सती -सत्) 1. Existent and non-existent. 2. True and false. 3. Perceptible and non-perceptible. 4. Real and unreal. 5. Good and bad. 6. Virtuous and wicked. n. Du. 1. Entity and non- entity. 2. Good and evil. E. सत्, असत untrue, &c.
  • सदसदात्मक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Being both real and unreal, existent and

non-existent, substantial though imperceptible. E. सदसत् and आत्मक self.

  • सदसद्विवेक :: m. (-कः) Discrimination between true and false, &c. E. सदसत्, विवेक judgment.
  • सदसद्व्यक्तिहेतु :: m. (-तुः) The cause of discrimination between what is good and bad.
  • सदस्य :: m. (-स्यः) 1. An assistant or by-stander at a sacrifice, &c., one whose business it is to notice and correct mistakes. 2. Any per- son present at an assembly, a spectator, an assessor, a member, &c. E. सदस् an assembly, यत् aff.
  • सदा :: Ind. Always, ever, at all times. E. स for सर्व्व all, दाच् aff.
  • सदागति :: m. (-तिः) 1. The sun. 2. Air, wind. 3. Final happiness, eman- cipation from life. 4. The Supreme Spirit. E. सदा, गति going.
  • सदाचार :: m. (-रः) 1. The traditionary observances of the Hindu castes, as preserved in the land lying between the Saraswati and Drishad- wati rivers. 2. Virtuous conduct. E. सत् pure, virtuous, and आचार observance.
  • सदातन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Eternal. m. (-नः) VISHṆU. E. सदा always, ठ्युल् aff.
  • सदातोया :: f. (-या) 1. A plant, (Mimosa octandra.) 2. An overflowing river. E. सदा always, तोय water.
  • सदात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Good, virtuous. E. सत्, and आत्मत् self.
  • सदादान :: n. (-नं) Liberality, munificence. m. (-नः) 1. The elephant of INDRA. 2. A name of GAṆEŚA. 3. An elephant in rut. E. सदा always, दान giving, or the ichor that exudes from the elephant's temples.
  • सदानन्द :: mfn. (-न्दः -न्दा -न्दं) Always happy. m. (-न्दः) ŚIVA. E. सदा, आनन्द happiness.
  • सदानर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) A wagtail. E. सदा always, नर्त्त a dancer. “खञ्जने ।”
  • सदानीरवहा :: f. (-हा) A small river in the north of Bengal. E. सदा always, नीर water, वह bearing.
  • सदानीरा :: f. (-रां) The Karatoya, a small river in the north of Bengal. E. सदा always, नीर water.
  • सदापुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) The cocoanut. f. (-ष्पी) A shrub, gigantic swallow-wort (the white variety.) E. सदा always, and पुष्प a flower.
  • सदाफल :: m. (-लः) 1. The cocoanut tree. 2. The glomerous-fig tree. 3. The Bel, (Ægle marmelos.) E. सदा always, and फल fruit.
  • सदाभव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Attentive, present. E. सदा always, भव्य being.
  • सदाभद्रा :: f. (-द्रा) A shrub, (Gmelina arborea.) E. सदा always, भद्र auspicious.
  • सदायोगिन् :: m. (-गी) VISHṆU. E. सदा always, योग union by meditation, &c., इनि aff.
  • सदाशिव :: m. (-वः) ŚIVA. E. सदा always, शिव auspicious.
  • सदाश्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Attached or belonging to the virtuous, pure, good, lovely, &c. 2. Always connected with or dependent on. E. सत् good, &c., or सदा always, and आश्रित connected.
  • सदुत्तर :: n. (-रं) A proper or good reply. E. सत्, and उत्तर answer.
  • सदृक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) 1. Like, similar. 2. Conformable, fit, proper. 3. Worthy, becoming. E. स for सम् same, दृश् to see, क्स aff.
  • सदृश् :: mfn. (-दृक्) Like, similar. E. स for सम same, दृश् to see, aff. क्विप् ।
  • सदृश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) 1. Like, resembling, similar. 2. Fit, proper, right. E. स for सम the same, दृश् to see, aff. ठक् ।
  • सदृशता :: f. (-ता) Likeness, sameness. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, सदृशत्वं ।
  • सदेश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) 1. Near, proximate. 2. Of the same country or place. 3. Having a country. E. स for समान the same, देश country.
  • सद्गति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Felicity or fortune. 2. Good conduct. E. सत्, गति going.
  • सद्गुण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Good, pure, virtuous. 2. Excellent, eminent. E. सत्, गुण quality.
  • सद्धेतु :: m. (-तुः) (In logic,) The co-existence of cause and effect. E. सत् being, हेतु cause.
  • सद्भाव :: m. (-वः) 1. A pure or holy disposition or nature. 2. A good temper. 3. Amiability, kindly feeling. 4. The quality or nature of being, entity. 5. The property of goodness. E. सत्, and भाव quality.
  • सद्भूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) True. E. सत् true, and भूत been.
  • सद्मन् :: n. (-द्म) 1. A house, a dwelling. 2. Water. 3. An altar. 4. A temple. E. षद् to go, aff. मनिन् ।
  • सद्मचिति :: f. (-तिः) A number of houses. E. सद्म, and चिति an assemblage.
  • सद्यःकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Done promptly or quickly. n. (-तं) A name, an appellation. E. सद्यस् instantly, कृत made.
  • सद्यःशीथा :: f. (-था) Cowach, (Carpopogon pruriens.) E. सद्यस् instantly, शोथा a swelling.
  • सद्यस् :: Ind. 1. Instantly, momentarily, at the moment, in an instant. 2. To day. E. स for सम् the same, and द्यस् for अहन् a day.
  • सद्यस्क :: mfn. (-स्कः -स्का -स्कं) New, recent. E. सद्यस् in the moment, क्यप् aff.
  • सद्यस्काल :: m. (-लः) Present time.
  • सद्युवती :: f. (-ती) A virtuous maiden. E. सत्, and युवती a young woman.
  • सद्योजात :: m. (-तः) A calf. E. सद्यस् in a moment, and जात born.
  • सद्योभाविन् :: m. (-वी) A calf. E. सद्यस् in a moment, भाविन् being.
  • सद्रु :: mfn. (-द्रुः -द्रुः -द्रु) 1. Resting, staying. 2. Going. E. सद् to go or sit, रु aff.
  • सद्वंश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Of high birth, of a good race. E. सत्, वंश a race.
  • सद्वसथ :: m. (-थः) A village. E. सत् good, वस् to abide, अथच् aff.
  • सद्वृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Amiable, well-behaved. 2. Moral, virtuous. 3. Well-rounded, handsomely orbicular. n. (-त्तं) Amiableness, good or amiable disposition. E. सत good, and वृत्त selected, &c.
  • सधन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Wealthy, rich. E. स with, धन wealth.
  • सधर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्म) 1. Like, equal, resembling. 2. Of the same sect or caste, performing like duties. 3. Of the same or similar properties. E. स for समान same, धर्म्म merit, practice, and अनिच् aff.
  • सधर्म्मचारिणी :: f. (-णी) A wife, one married with religious rites. E. स with, (her husband,) धर्म्म duty, चारिणी who proceeds.
  • सधर्म्मिन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मी -र्म्मिणी -र्म्मि) Observing the same customs or laws. f. (-र्म्मिणी) A wife wedded according to the ritual of the Vedas. E. स same or with, धर्म्म virtue or duty, इनि aff.
  • सधवा :: f. (-वा) Wife, whose husband is living. E. स for सह with, धव a husband.
  • सधि :: m. (-धिः) A name of AGNI or fire. E. स with, धा to have, aff. कि ।
  • सधिस् :: m. (-धिः) An ox, a bull. E. षह् to bear, Uṇadi aff. इसि, and ह changed to ध ।
  • सध्र्यञ्च् :: mfn. (-ध्राङ् -ध्रीची -ध्राक्) Accompanying, going with, a companion. f. (-ध्रीची) A woman's female friend, a confidante. E. सध्रि substi- tuted for सह with, अञ्च् to go, क्विप् aff.
  • सन :: mf. (-नः-नी) The flapping of an elephant's ears. m. (-नः) 1. A plant, commonly Ghantāpārali. 2. A tree, (Pentaptera tomentosa.) f. (-नी) 1. GAURĪ. 2. Light, lustre. E. षन् to give, or serve, aff. अच् ।
  • सनक :: m. (-कः) 1. One of the companions of VISHṆU, or four sons of BRAHMĀ, inhabiting the Janaloka. 2. Name of an inspired legislator. E. षन् to serve, वुन् aff.
  • सनत् :: m. (-नत्) BRAHMĀ. Ind. Always, perpetually. E. सन् to serve or give, aff. अति ।
  • सनत्कुमार :: m. (-रः) 1. One of the four sons of BRAHMĀ, and eldest of the progenitors of mankind. 2. One of the twelve emperors of India according to the Jainas. E. सनत् always, कुमार a youth: i. e. continent; retaining the purity of that age, or being devoid of human passion; otherwise, सनत् BRAHMĀ, and कुसार son.
  • सनन्द :: m. (-न्दः) One of the four sons of BRAHMĀ, inhabiting the Janaloka. E. स with, नन्द pleasure.
  • सनपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A plant, (Marsilea quadrifolia.) E. सन the Asana or pentaptera, पर्ण a leaf; more usually असनपर्णी ।
  • सनस् :: n. (-नः) 1. Excrement, ordure. 2. ŚIVA'S trident. 3. Crystal. E. षन् to give, असुन् aff.
  • सनसूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) Packthread, or a net made of it. E. See शणसूत्र ।
  • सना :: Ind. Always, eternally, perpetually. E. षन् to serve, आच् aff.
  • सनातन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) 1. Eternal, continual, perpetual. 2. Firm, fixed, permanent. 3. Primeval. m. (-नः) 1. VISHṆU. 2. ŚIVA. 3. BRAHMĀ. 4. A guest of the Manes, or one who is to be fed whenever he chooses to attend the obsequial ceremonies or Śhrāddhas. f. (-नी) 1. The goddess LAKSHMĪ. 2. A name of DURGĀ. 3. SARASVATĪ. E. सना always, and द्यु or द्युत् aff.; or सदा ठ्युल् तुट् च नि० दस्य नः ।
  • सनात्र् :: Ind. Always, perpetually.
  • सनाथ :: f. (-था) A woman whose husband is living. E. स for सह with, नाथ husband.
  • सनाभि :: mfn. (-भिः -भिः -भि) 1. Like, resembling. 2. Affectionate. m. (-भिः) 1. A kinsman, one of the same family name: it is considered also the same as the Sapiṇḍa or gentile, a relation as far as the seventh degree, and qualified to offer the funeral cake. 2. A uterine brother. E. स with or same, नाभि navel.
  • सनाभ्य :: m. (-भ्यः) A relation as far as the seventh degree.
  • सनामक :: m. (-कः) The Morunga tree, (Hyperanthera morunga.)
  • सनि :: m. (-निः) 1. Service, worship. 2. Giving, donation. mf. (-निः-नी) Request, solicitation, respectful solicitation as addressed to a spiritual preceptor, &c. 2. Quarter, region, point of the compass. E. षन् to honour, to give, इनि Unādi aff. ङीष् optionally added.
  • सनिष्ठीव :: n. (-वं) Sputtered speech, utterance interrupted by saliva. E. स for सह with, निर् before ष्ठीव् to eject saliva, घञ् aff., deriv. irr.
  • सनिष्ठेव :: n. (-वं) Speech uttered with emission of saliva or sputtered. E. स with, नि before ष्ठीव् to spit, aff. घञ्; also सनिष्ठीव ।
  • सनीड :: mfn. (-डः -डा -डं) Near, proximate. E. स for समान same, नीड nest or abode.
  • सनुतर :: Ind. Concealment.
  • सन्त :: m. (-न्तः) The hands opened and joined. E. सन बा० त ।
  • सन्तक्षण :: n. (-णं) Sarcastic language, scoff.
  • सन्तत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Eternal, continual. 2. Spread, extended. 3. Continuous. 4. Much, many. n. Adv. (-तं) Eternally. E. सम् before तन् to spread, aff. क्त ।
  • सन्ततम् :: It is used as an indeclinable in the sense of “constinually,” “constantly,” &c.
  • सन्तताभ्यास :: m. (-सः) The regular study and perusal of the Vedas. E. सन्तत constant, continual, अभ्यास exercise.
  • सन्तति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Race, lineage. 2. A son, a daughter, offspring, progeny. 3. Descent, succession. 4. A continuous line, a row, a range. 5. Extent, expanse, spreading, stretching. 6. Heap, multi- tude. E. सम् with, equally, तन् to spread, aff. क्तिच् .
  • सन्तपन :: n. (-नं) Inflaming, torturing.
  • सन्तप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Suffering pain or distress, distressed, afflicted, wretched. 2. Suffering from extreme heat. 3. Burnt, scorched. 4. Inflamed with passion, &c. E. सम् before तप् to heat, aff. क्त .
  • सन्तमस् :: n. (-मः) Great or universal darkness. E. सम् completely, तमस् gloom.
  • सन्तमस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Darkened, clouded. E. सम्, and तमस् darkness, अच् added.
  • सन्तर्ज्जन :: n. (-नं) Abusing, reproving, scolding. E. सम् before तर्ज्ज् to abuse, ल्युट् aff.
  • सन्तर्ज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Abused, scolded, reproved. E. सम् before तर्ज्ज् to abuse, क्त aff.
  • सन्तर्पण :: n. (-णं) 1. Satisfying, satiating, gratifying. 2. Anything giving delight. E. सम् before तृप् to be satisfied, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • सन्तर्पित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Satisfied, satiated. E. सम् before तृप् to be satis- fied, causal v., क्त aff.
  • सन्तान :: m. (-नः) 1. Family, race, lineage. 2. Offspring, progeny, a son or daughter. 3. One of the five trees of heaven. 4. Spreading, expansion. 5. Continuous line. E. सम् before तन् to spread, aff. घञ् ।
  • सन्तानक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) What spreads, scatters, &c. m. (-कः) One of the five trees of heaven. f. (-निका) 1. Cream, the coagulum of milk, &c. 2. A cobweb. 3. The blade of a knife or sword. 4. Froth, foam. E. सम् before तन् to spread, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • सन्तानसन्धि :: f. (-न्धिः) Peace cemented by family alliance. E. सन्तान, सन्धि peace.
  • सन्ताप :: m. (-पः) 1. Heat, burning heat. 2. Affliction, pain, distress. 3. Passion. 4. Repentance. 5. Penance. E. सम्, तप् to heat, aff. घञ् ।
  • सन्तापन :: n. (-नं) 1. Burning, scorching. 2. Paining, affliction. 3. Exciting passion. m. (-नः) One of the arrows of KĀMADEVA or love. E. सम् before तप् to heat, causal form, युच् or ल्युट् aff.
  • सन्तापहर :: mfn. (-रः -रा or री -रं) 1. Cooling. 2. Consolatory, consoling. E. सन्ताप, and हर what removes.
  • सन्तापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Pained, distressed, afflicted. 2. Suffering from heat. 3. Inflamed with passion. E. सम् before तप् to burn, causal v., aff. क्त, and इट् augment.
  • सन्ताप्य :: Ind. Having caused to be heated. E. सम्, तप् to be hot, causal v., ल्यप् aff.
  • सन्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) 1. End, destruction. 2. Gift, giving. E. षण् to give, क्तिच् aff.; also सति and साति ।
  • सन्तुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Delighted, pleased. E. सम् intensitive prefix, तुष्ठ pleased.
  • सन्तोष :: m. (-षः) 1. Joy, pleasure, delight, satisfaction, happiness. 2. Thumb and fore-finger. E. सम् intensitive prefix, तुष् to be pleased, aff. घञ् ।
  • सन्तोषण :: n. (-णं) 1. Pleasing, propitiating. 2. Comforting. E. सम् before तुष् to be pleased, causal. v., ल्युट् aff.
  • सन्तोषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Consoled, comforted. 2. Gratified. E. सम् before तुष् to be pleased, causal, v., क्त aff.
  • सन्तोष्ठव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be pleased, comforted, gratified, &c. E. सम्, तुष् to be pleased, causal v., तव्य aff.
  • सन्तोष्य :: Ind. Having pleased or gratified. E. सम् before तुष् to be pleased, causal v., ल्यप् aff.
  • सन्त्यक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Left, abandoned. E. सम्, and व्यज् to leave, क्त aff.
  • सन्त्यजन :: n. (-नं) Leaving, abandoning. E. सम्, त्यज् to leave, ल्युट् aff.
  • सन्त्रस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Frightened, alarmed. E. सम्, त्रस् to fear, क्त aff.
  • सन्त्रास :: m. (-सः) Fear, alarm. E. सम् before, त्रस् to fear, घञ् aff.
  • सन्दंश :: m. (-शः) 1. A pair of tongs or nippers. 2. The great compress- ion of the teeth in the pronunciation of vowels. E. सम् with, दंश biting.
  • सन्दंशक :: n. (-कं) A pair of tongs. f. (-का) 1. A pair of nippers, or small shears or tongs. 2. A vice. E. सम् before दंश् to bite or nip, aff. क्वुन्, fem. form.
  • सन्दधान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Having, possessing. 2. Being at peace with, making peace. 3. Fixing or placing in or on. E. सम् before धा to have, शानच् aff.
  • सन्दर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) 1. Weaving garlands, collecting flowers into a wreath or chaplet, &c. 2. Stringing, collecting, arranging. 3. Uniting, mixture. 4. Regular connection. 5. Composition. 6. Construction. E. सम् with, together, दृभि to collect, aff. अच्; or सम् + दृभ्-घञ् ।
  • सन्दर्शन :: n. (-नं) 1. Looking, seeing. 2. Shewing. 3. Appearance. 4. Meeting. 5. Regard, consideration. E. सम् completely, दर्शन seeing; or सम् before दृश् to see, causal. v., ल्युट् aff.
  • सन्दर्शयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Shewing, pointing out. E. सम् before दृश् to see, causal v., शतृ aff.
  • सन्दर्शित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Shewn, pointed out. E. सम् before दृश् to see, causal v., क्त aff.
  • सन्दान :: n. (-नं) A rope, a cord, (for tying cattle especially.) m. (-नः) The elephant's temples, or part whence the ichorous fluid issues when the animal is in rut. E. सम् before दो to cut, aff. ल्युट्; or सम् with, दान the temporal juice.
  • सन्दानित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bound, tied. E. सन्दान a rope, इतच् aff.
  • सन्दानिनी :: f. (-नी) A cow-house. E. सन्दान a rope for tying cattle, इनि and ङीप् affs; also सन्धानिनी ।
  • सन्दामितक :: n. (-कं) A poem of three stanzas.
  • सन्दाव :: m. (-वः) Flight, retreat. E. सम् before दु to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • सन्दिग्ध :: mfn. (-ग्धः -ग्धा -ग्धं) 1. Doubted, questioned, doubtful. 2. Enter- taining doubt, uncertain. 3. Obscure, (as a passage.) 4. Danger- ous, unsafe. 5. Covered. E. सम् before दिह् to augment, aff. क्त ।
  • सन्दिग्धनिश्चय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Confident in a doubtful matter. E. सन्दिग्ध, and निश्चय certainty.
  • सन्दिग्धमति :: m. (-तिः) A sceptic, one who is uncertain or doubtful of the results of religious observances, &c. E. सन्दिग्ध doubted, doubting, मति mind.
  • सन्दिग्धलेख्य :: n. (-ख्यं) A writing or document of doubtful meaning or authority. E. सन्दिग्ध, and लेख्य a writing.
  • सन्दिग्धार्थ :: m. (-र्थः) 1. A disputed debt, either in its amount or exis-

tence. 2. Doubtful interpretation or meaning. E. सन्दिग्ध doubted, अर्थ property or meaning.

  • सन्दित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bound, tied. E. सम् before दो to cut, aff. क्त ।
  • सन्दिदर्शयिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing to shew. E. सम् before दृश् to see, causal form, desid. v., उ aff.
  • सन्दिशत् :: mfn. (-शन् -शन्ती -शत्) Informing, telling. E. सम् before दिश् to shew, शतृ aff.
  • सन्दिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Told, communicated, related as news or information. 2. Promised, agreed, engaged. 3. Pointed out, assign- ed. n. (-ष्टं) News, tidings, information. m. (-ष्टः) A messenger, a herald. E. सम् with, दिश् to shew, aff. क्त ।
  • सन्दिष्टार्थ :: m. (-र्थः) A herald, pursuivant, a royal messenger who com- municates oral instructions or orders. E. सन्दिष्ट communicated, अर्थ meaning.
  • सन्दिहान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Dubious, uncertain. E. सम् before दिह् to collect, aff. शानच् ।
  • सन्दिह्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Doubtful, uncertain, obscure. E. सम् before दिह् to collect, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • सन्दी :: f. (-न्दी) A small bed or couch. E. सम् before दो to cut, aff. ड, and ङीष् fem. aff.
  • सन्दीपन :: n. (-नं) 1. Inflaming, kindling. 2. Exciting. m. (-नः) One of the five arrows of KĀMADEVA.
  • सन्दीप्त :: f. (-प्ता) 1. Kindled, inflamed. 2. Excited, instigated, encouraged.
  • सन्दीप्य :: m. (-प्यः) A plant, (Celosia cristata.) E. सम + दीप्-स ।
  • सन्दूषण :: n. (-णं) Corrupting, vitiating.
  • सन्दृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Seen, beheld. 2. Foreseen, anticipated. E. सम् before दृश् to see, क्त aff.
  • सन्दृश्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Being seen or looked at. 2. Being fore- seen. E. सम् before दृश् to see, pass. v. शानच् aff.
  • सन्देश :: m. (-शः) 1. News, tidings, information. 2. Commission, com- mand. E. सम् together, दिश् to shew, aff. घञ् ।
  • सन्देशवाच् :: mf. (-वाक्) Communication of intelligence. E. सन्देश news, वाच् speech.
  • सन्देशहर :: m. (-रः) A messenger, an envoy, an ambassador. E. सन्देश tid- ings, हर who takes.
  • सन्देशहारक :: m. (-कः) A messenger, an envoy, an ambassador. E. सन्देश news, हारक who conveys.
  • सन्देशार्थ :: m. (-र्थः) The subject of a message or communication.
  • सन्देह :: m. (-हः) 1. Doubt, uncertainty. 2. Risk, danger. 3. Rhetorical doubt proceeding from the close resemblance of two objects. E. सम् before दिह् to collect, aff. घञ् ।
  • सन्देहदोला :: f. (-ला) The swing of uncertainty, a dilemma.
  • सन्दोह :: m. (-हः) Assemblage, multitude, quantity. 2. Milking. E. सम् together, दुह् to fill, aff. घञ् ।
  • सन्द्राव :: m. (-वः) Flight, retreat. E. सम् with, द्रु to go, to run, aff. घञ् ।
  • सन्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) 1. Possessing as an integrant part, intimately blended with. 2. Holding, possessing, having placed in or on. 3. Joined, united. f. (-न्धा) 1. Promise, assent, agreement. 2. State, condition, the steady continuance in any state, steadiness, fixa- tion. 3. Intimate union or association, identification. 4. Twilight. 5. Stipulation. 6. Limit, boundary. 7. Steadiness. 8. Distillation. E. सम् together, धा to have or hold, aff. क, or अङ् and टाप् fem. aff.
  • सन्धातव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be united or allied with, to be reconcil- ed, to be connected, &c. E. सम् before धा to have, तव्य aff.
  • सन्धान :: n. (-नं) 1. Holding together, uniting, joining. 2. Tying, binding. 3. Fixing, (as an arrow.) 4. Peace, alliance. 5. Association, com- pany. 6. Supporting, reception, receiving, sustaining. 7. Mixing, joining, intimate union or combination. 8. A relish, something eaten to excite thirst. 9. Sourrice-gruel. 10. Pickles, &c., acid preparation of the Bel and other fruits. 11. Spirituous liquor. 12. Contracting the skin, &c. by astringent applications. 13. A joint. nf. (-नं-नी) Distillation, distilling, the manufacture of spirituous liquors. f. (-नी) A braziery, a foundery, a place where the base metals are stored or wrought. E. सम् together, धा to hold, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • सन्धानकरण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) Who or what heals, re-unites, allies, con- necting, re-uniting, &c. n. (-णं) 1. Uniting, combining. 2. Heal- ing. 3. Allying, making peace. E. सन्धान, and करण making, the act or instrument.
  • सन्धानकर्त्तृ :: mfn. (-र्त्ता -त्त्री -र्त्तृ) Uniting, connecting, healing, &c. E. सन्धान, कर्त्तृ what makes.
  • सन्धानित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Bound, tied. 2. Strung together. E. सन्धान holding together, aff. इतच् ।
  • सन्धानिनी :: f. (-नी) A cow-house. E. सन्धान a binding, इनि and ङीष् affs.
  • सन्धारण :: n. (-णं) Holding, observing, practising. E. सम् before धृ to hold, ल्युट् aff.
  • सन्धार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) To be observed or followed. E. सम् before धृ to hold, ण्यत् aff.
  • सन्धि :: m. (-न्धिः) 1. Union, junction, connection, combination. 2. Peace, making peace, pacification. 3. A hole, a chasm. 4. A hole made in a wall or underneath it to enter a building for hostile or felonious purposes, a breach, a mine, &c. 5. Breaking, dividing. 6. The vulva. 7. A division of a drama, apparently applicable to each subject represented or sentiment excited, as considered severally and detached from the rest, though contributing to the connection of the whole; contrast of incident, change of situation, transition of passion or emotion, &c. 8. An interval, a pause or rest. 9. A joint, an articulation of the body. 10. The union of letters, either at the end and beginning of different words, or in the middle of compound terms, to avoid dissonance or hiatus. 11. A period at the expiration of each Yuga or age, or one-sixth of its duration, intervening before the commencement of the next; a Sandhi, also, of the same length as the Satya-Yuga, occurs at the end of each Manwantara and each Kalpa. 12. Critical juncture, opportune moment. 13. (In mensuration,) The connecting link of a per- pendicular. E. सम together, धा to have or hold, aff. कि of either the act, condition or instrument; whence the word becomes applicable to a chasm, &c., as to an interval, which whilst it divides, also connects, two parts or places.
  • सन्धिका :: f. (-का) Distillation. E. सम् together, धा to have, aff. क, and कन् added, fem. form.
  • सन्धिचौर :: m. (-रः) A house-breaker. E. सन्धि a breach, चौर a thief. “सिंँधेल” ।
  • सन्धिजीवक :: m. (-कः) One who seeks for wealth by dishonest means, espe- cially as a go-between. E. सन्धि union, (of others,) जीवक who lives by.
  • सन्धित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Tied, bound, strung, fastened together. 2. Alli- ed, united, reconciled. 3. Pickled. n. (-तं) 1. Pickles and preparations of various fruits. 2. Spirituous liquor. E. सन्धा union, इतच् aff.
  • सन्धित्सु :: mfn. (-त्सुः -त्सुः -त्सु) Wishing to be at peace or in alliance with. E. सम् before धा to have, desid. v., उ aff.
  • सन्धिदूषण :: n. (-णं) The violation of a treaty or alliance.
  • सन्धिनी :: f. (-नी) 1. A cow with calf, or one which has taken the bull. 2. One who is milked unseasonably. E. सन्धा joining, इनि aff.
  • सन्धिबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) A flower, (Kæmpferia rotunda.)
  • सन्धिबन्धन :: n. (-नं) A tendon, a nerve, a ligament. E. सन्धि a joint, बन्धन binding.
  • सन्धिरन्ध्रका :: f. (-का) A hole or breach in a wall. E. सन्धि a breach, रन्ध्र a hole, कन् added, fem. form.
  • सन्धिला :: f. (-ला) 1. A river. 2. Spirituous liquor. 3. A hole in a wall, a breach. 4. A chasm, a pit, a mine. E. सन्धि a hole, &c., लच् aff.
  • सन्धिविग्रहाधिकार :: m. (-रः) War ministry, charge of peace and war. E. सन्धि, विग्रह war, अधिकार office.
  • सन्धिविग्रहाधिकारिन् :: m. (-री) Chief political minister. E. इनि added to the last.
  • सन्धिविचक्षण :: m. (-णः) An able negociator. E. सन्धि and विचक्षण skilled; also similar compounds, as सन्धिकुशल, &c.
  • सन्धिविद् :: m. (-वित्) A negociator, a minister. E. सन्धि, and विद् who knows.
  • सन्धिवेला :: f. (-ला) 1. A particular period, and one which connects the part of the day or fortnight, as morning, noon, and evening, new moon,

the first or thirteenth day of the fortnight and full moon. 2. Twi- light. E. सन्धि union, वेला time.

  • सन्धिहारक :: m. (-कः) A house-breaker. E. सन्धि a breach, हारक who carries away.
  • सन्धुक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Kindling, inflaming. 2. Exciting.
  • सन्धुक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Lighted, inflamed, kindled. 2. Excited. E. सम् before धुक्ष् to kindle, क्त aff.
  • सन्धेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be joined, united, &c. 2. To be reconciled or at peace with. 3. To be allied, connected, &c., what or who may or ought to be allied, &c. E. सम् before धा to have, यत् aff.
  • सन्ध्या :: f. (-न्ध्या) 1. Twilight, either morning or evening. 2. The period that elapses between the expiration of one Yuga or age, and the commencement of another. 3. A period of time, forenoon, after moon or mid-day. 4. Religious abstraction, meditation, repetition of Mantras, sipping water, &c., to be performed by the three first classes of Hindus, at stated periods in the course of every day, especially at sunrise, sunset, and at noon. 5. Reflection. 6. Promise, assent. 7. Boundary, limit. 8. Joining, union. 9. A flower; according to some the tuberose, to others, the jasmine. 10. Twilight, personified as the daughter of BRAHMĀ, and wife of ŚIVA. 11. The name of a river. E. सन्धि a joint, (of the day,) and यत् aff.; or सम् + ध्यै-अङ् सन्धौ भवः यत् वा ।
  • सन्ध्यांश :: m. (-शः) 1. Twilight. 2. The period at the end of each Yuga. E. सन्ध्या as above, and अंश portion.
  • सन्ध्यांशु :: m. (-शुः) Twilight. E. सन्ध्या, अंशु a ray.
  • सन्ध्याकाल :: n. (-लं) 1. Twilight. 2. The intervals of a Yuga. E. सन्ध्या, काल time.
  • सन्ध्याचल :: m. (-लः) The name of a mountain. E. सन्ध्या twilight, अचल a mountain.
  • सन्ध्यात्रय :: n. (-यं) The three periods of the day. E. सन्ध्या, and त्रय triad.
  • सन्ध्यानाटिन् :: m. (-टी) ŚIVA. E. सन्ध्या evening twilight, नाटिन् who dances.
  • सन्ध्याबल :: m. (-लः) An imp, a Rākshasa. E. सन्ध्या evening, बल strength.
  • सन्ध्याबलि :: m. (-लिः) Any image of NANDĪ, the bull of ŚIVA, either of clay, wood, or stone, placed in a temple of the deity. E. सन्ध्या even- ing, (when ŚIVA is worshipped,) बलि an offering.
  • सन्ध्याभ्र :: n. (-भ्रं) 1. A sort of red chalk. 2. An evening cloud. E. सन्ध्या twilight, अभ्र talc.
  • सन्ध्याराग :: n. (-गं) Red-lead. E. सन्ध्या twilight, and राग the colour.
  • सन्ध्याराम :: m. (-मः) BRAHMĀ. E. सन्ध्या the daughter of the deity, of whom he become enamoured, and आङ् before रम् to sport, aff. घञ् ।
  • सन्ध्यासमय :: m. (-यः) 1. Evening twilight. 2. The period after each Yuga. E. सन्ध्या, and समय time.
  • सन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Shrunk, diminished. 2. Lost, gone. 3. Still, motionless. 4. Dispirited. 5. Adjacent. 6. Sunk down. n. (-न्नं) A little, a small quantity. m. (-न्नः) The Piyāla tree. E. षद् to go, क्त aff.
  • सन्नक :: m. (-कः) A tree, commonly Piyāla: see सन्नकद्रु ।
  • सन्नकण्ठ :: mfn. (-ण्ठः -ण्ठा -ण्ठं) Choking, choked, scarcely able to articulate. E. सन्न gone, कण्ठ the throat.
  • सन्नकद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) A tree, commonly Piyāla, (Buchanania latifolia, Rox.) E. सन्नक said to mean here, sharp, hot, and द्रु a tree; also सन्नक ।
  • सन्नत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bent, bowed down. E. सम्, and नत bowed.
  • सन्नति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Reverence, obeisance, reverential salutation. 2. Humiliating. 3. Sound. E. सम् before नम् to bow, and क्तिन् aff.
  • सन्नद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Armed, mailed, accoutred. 2. Arranged, array- ed, prepared for battle. 3. Bound, girdled on. 4. Harnessed. 5. Prevalent. 6. Murderous, felonious, provided with arms for the destruction of others. 7. Wearing amulets, provided with charms, &c. 8. Near, at hand. E. सम् before नह् to bind, aff. क्त ।
  • सन्नय :: m. (-यः) 1. Multitude, number, quantity. 2. Rear, rearguard. E. सम् together, नी to get or guide, aff. अच् ।
  • सन्नहर्ष :: mfn. (-र्षः -र्षा -र्षं) Destitute of joy, distressed. E. सन्न gone, हर्ष joy.
  • सन्नहन :: n. (-नं) Arming, equipping. 2. Industry, exertion. 3. Binding tightly. E. सम् + नह्-ल्युट् ।
  • सन्नाह :: m. (-हः) 1. Armour, mail, either of iron or thick quilted cotton. 2. Arming for battle. E. सम् before नह् to bind, aff. घञ् । “संँजोया ।”
  • सन्नाह्य :: m. (-ह्यः) A war-elephant. E. सन्नाह armour, यत् aff. of fitness.
  • सन्निकर्ष :: mf. (-र्षः-र्षा) 1. Proximity, nearness. 2. Bring or drawing near. 3. Connection, relation. 4. Connection of an organ of sense with its object, (in Nyāya philosophy.) E. सम् together, नि before कृष् to attract, aff. अच्, fem. aff. टाप्, or घञ् aff.
  • सन्निकर्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Proximity. 2. Approximation, approximating, bringing or approaching near to. E. सम् and नि before कृष् to make furrows, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • सन्निकृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Near, proximate. n. (-ष्टं) Vicinity. E. सम् and नि prefixed to कृष् to make furrows, aff. क्त ।
  • सन्निक्षार :: m. (-रः) The Piyāl tree, (Buchanania latifolia.) E. सम् and नि before क्षर् to ooze, aff. घञ् ।
  • सन्निचय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Collected. E. सम् with, निचय heap.
  • सन्निध :: n. (-धं) Proximity. E. सम् and नि before धा to have, aff. क ।
  • सन्निधातृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) 1. Receiving, keeping in deposit or near to, who or what places near to, &c. 2. A receiver of stolen goods. 3. An officer who introduces people at court. E. सम् and नि before धा to have, तृच् aff.
  • सन्निधान :: n. (-नं) 1. Proximity. 2. Appearance, perceptibility. 3. Placing, depositing. 4. Receiving, taking charge of. 5. A receptacle. 6. Placing down together. E. सम् and नि before धा to have ल्युट् aff.
  • सन्निधाय :: Ind. Having placed or placed near at hand. E. सम्, नि before धा to have, ल्यप् aff.
  • सन्निधि :: f. (-धिः) 1. Proximity, approximation. 2. Perceptibility, presence, appearance, becoming or being visible or perceptible. 3. Placing. 4. Receiving. 5. A receptacle. E. सम् and नि before धा to have, and कि aff.; also सन्निध and सन्निधान ।
  • सन्निपतित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Assembled, collected. 2. Mixed, blended. 3. Alighted, descended. 4. Come, arrived. E. सम् and नि before पत् to go, aff. क्त ।
  • सन्निपात :: m. (-तः) 1. Collection, assemblage, multitude. 2. Union, junction, contact. 3. Mixture, miscellaneous collection. 4. Morbid state of the three humours of the body producing fever and dangerous illness. 5. Alighting, descending, falling down. 6. Arrival. 7. A kind of musical tune or measure. E. सम् and नि before पत् to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • सन्निपातक :: m. (-कः) Dangerous illness. E. कन् added to the last.
  • सन्निबद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Bound firmly, fast tied or fettered. E. सम् and नि intensitives, बद्ध bound.
  • सन्निबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) 1. Binding, tying. 2. Connection, consequence. 3. Effectiveness. E. सम् completely, or सत् good, निबन्ध fastening.
  • सन्निबन्धन :: n. (-नं) Binding or tying fast. E. सम् नि intens., वन्धन tying.
  • सन्निभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Like, similar. E. सम्, and निभ like.
  • सन्निमग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) 1. Immersed, plunged in. 2. Asleep, sleeping. E. सम्, and निमग्न immersed.
  • सन्निमित्त :: n. (-त्तं) For a good cause, for the sake of the good. E. सत्, निमित्त cause.
  • सन्नियुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Appointed, employed. 2. Attached to, con- nected with. E. सम् and नि before युज् to join, क्त aff.
  • सन्नियोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Attachment or application to, connection or union with. 2. Deputation, appointment. E. सम् and नि before युज् to join, घञ् aff.
  • सन्निरुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Stopped, obstructed, checked. E. सम् and नि be- fore रुध् to oppose, क्त aff.
  • सन्निरोध :: m. (-धः) Hindrance, check, obstruction, suppression. E. सम् and नि before रुध् to hinder, घञ् aff.
  • सन्निविष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Near, present, at hand. 2. Entered into. 3. Collected, assembled. 4. Neighbouring. E. सम् and नि before विश् to enter, aff. क्त .
  • सन्निवृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Ceasing, forbearing. 2. Stopped, ceased. 3. Returned, coming back. E. सम् and नि before वृत् to be, क्त aff.
  • सन्निवृत्ति :: f. (-त्त्रिः) 1. Restraint, forbearance, avoiding, forsaking. 2. Re- turning, coming back. E. सम्, and निवृत्ति desisting, stopping.
  • सन्निवेश :: m. (-शः) 1. An open space, either in a town or its vicinity where the people take exercise or diversion. 2. Vicinity, proximity, neighbourhood. 3. Fabrication, manufacture, construc- tion, preparation. 4. Putting in, causing to enter. 5. Union, junc- tion. 6. Assemblage, collection. 7. Situation, position, posture. 8. The collective form or figure of an asterism. E. सम् and नि before विश् to enter, aff. घञ् ।
  • सन्निषण्ण :: mfn. (-ण्णः -ण्णा -ण्णं) Stationary, seated, halted. E. सम् and नि before षद् to go, क्त aff.
  • सन्निहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Near, proximate, at hand, present. 2. Stay- ing, being. 3. Deposited, fixed, laid up. 4. Ready, prepared. E. सम् together, निहित placed.
  • सन्निहितापाय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Transient, brief. Adj. Fleeting, liable to destruction, transitory. E. सन्निहित, and अपाय loss.
  • सन्मान :: n. (-नं) Respect for the good. E. सत्, and मान respect.
  • सन्मार्ग :: m. (-र्गः) Good or virtuous conduct. E. सत्, and मार्ग a way.
  • सन्न्यसन :: n. (-नं) 1. Abandonment of the world. 2. Entrusting to. E. सम् and नि before अस् to throw, ल्युट् aff.
  • सन्न्यस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Abandoned, deserted. 2. Entrusted or deli- vered to. 3. Laid down. E. सम् and नि before अस् to throw, क्त aff.
  • सन्न्यस्य :: Ind. 1. Having left or abandoned. 2. Having consigned or deli- vered to. E. सम् and नि before अस् to throw, ल्यप् aff.
  • सन्न्यास :: m. (-सः) 1. Abandonment of all worldly affections and possess- ions. 2. Abandonment in general. 3. Deposit, trust, or relinquish- ment to. 4. Sudden death. 5. A stake in game. 6. Indian spike- nard. E. सम् and नि before अस् to throw, to cast off, and घञ् aff.
  • सन्न्यासिन् :: m. (-सी) 1. The Brāhman of the fourth order, the religious mendicant. 2. An ascetic, a devotee. 3. One who lays down or deposits. E. सन्न्यास abandonment of the world, इनि aff.
  • सपक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) 1. Winged. 2. Having a side or party. 3. Like, similar. 4. Containing the major term or subject. m. (-क्षः) 1. A partisan, a follower, an adherent, one of the same side or party. 2. An instance of the same side. E. स for समान same, पक्ष party.
  • सपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) An enemy, an adversary. f. (-त्री) A woman whose husband has other wives. E. स for समान the same, पति a husband, ङीष् aff. and नुक् augment; अच् added for the masc. form.
  • सपत्रारि :: m. (-रिः) A sort of bamboo, (Bambusa spinosa.) “वेडवांँश ।”
  • सपत्रीक :: f. (-का) Accompanied with a wife.
  • सपत्रकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Distressed, afflicted. m. (-तः) A wounded deer or other animal. E. स for सह with, पत्र the leaf, the barb of the arrow, and कृत made; also सपत्राकृत, &c., being metaphorically applied to distress or pain in general: see the next:
  • सपत्राकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Wounding so that the feathered part of the arrow enters the body. 2. Excessive pain: see the last.
  • सपत्राकृति :: f. (-तिः) Agony, affliction, excessive pain or distress: see the last.
  • सपदि :: Ind. 1. Instantly, in a moment, at the moment. 2. Quickly, swiftly. E. सह् before पद् to go, इन् aff. and the nasal rejected.
  • सपर्य्या :: f. (-र्य्या) Worship, reverence. E. सपर Kandwādi root, said to imply worship, यक् and टाप् affs.
  • सपाद :: f. (-दा) Having a fourth part, increased by one-fourth.
  • सपिण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A kinsman, especially one connected by the offering of the funeral cake to either or all of the manes of the father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, and their wives respectively, as sprung from them in directly collateral lines; the relationship stops with every fourth person, as the fifth cannot perform the offer- ing of a cake to the father even of the deceased. The following are enumerated as Sapiṇḍās:--the son, son's son, and son's grandson;

widow, daughter and daughter's son; the father, the mother, the brother, brother's son, and brother's grandson; father's daughter's son; father's brother's son and grandson; paternal grandfather's daughter's son; paternal grandfather; paternal grandmother, paternal grandfather's brother, brother's son and grandson; and lastly the great grandfather's daughter's son: these all present oblations in which the deceased is either included, or may participate: other enumerations, including the oblations he was bound to offer, &c. extend the connection of Sapiṇḍa to seven persons both in an ascending or descending line. E. स for ससान common, and पिण्ड ball of meat, &c., offered to the manes of the deceased ancestors, at the Śrāddhas performed in honour of them.

  • सपिण्डीकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Offering food to the deceased relatives called Sapiṇḍas: to be performed at the end of a full year after the death of a relative; but can be performed on the twelfth day after death by Brāhmins only, on some special occasions. 2. Investing a person with the rights of relationship, indicated by offering the funeral cake. E. सपिण्ड, करण making, च्वि aff.
  • सपिण्डीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Comprehended in the relationship of Sapiṇḍa or offering of a common cake. E. सपिण्ड, कृत made, च्वि augment.
  • सपीति :: f. (-तिः) Drinking together. E. स for सह with, पा to drink, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • सप्तक :: mfn. (-कः -का or की -कं) 1. Seven. 2. Seventh. 3. Containing seven. n. (-कं) 1. A collection of seven stanzas of the Rig Vedas. 2. A collection of any seven things. f. (-की) A woman's girdle. E. सप्तन् seven, (string, &c.) and कन् aff.
  • सप्तजिह्व :: m. (-ह्वः) AGNI or fire. E. सप्त seven, जिह्वा a tongue or flame.
  • सप्तज्वाल :: m. (-लः) AGNI or fire. E. सप्त seven, ज्वाला flame.
  • सप्ततन्तु :: m. (-न्तुः) A sacrifice, an offering or oblation. E. सप्त seven, (prayers, or the tongues of AGNI,) तन् to spread, aff. तुन् ।
  • सप्तति :: f. Sing. (-तिः) Seventy. Du. (-तौ) Two seventies. Plu. (-तयः) Many seventies. E. सप्तन् seven, डति aff.
  • सप्तातितम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) The seventieth.
  • सप्तदश :: mfn. (-शः -शी -शं) Seventeenth. E. सप्त seven, दशन् ten, aff. डट् ।
  • सप्तदशन् :: mfn. Plu. (-शं) Seventeen. E. सप्तन् seven and दशन् ten.
  • सप्तदीधिति :: m. (-तिः) AGNI or fire. E. सप्त seven, दीधिति a ray of light.
  • सप्तद्वीपा :: (-पा) An epithet of the earth.
  • सप्तधा :: Plu. In seven ways. E. सप्तन् seven, धाच् aff.
  • सप्तधातु :: m. (-तुः) The seven parts of the body, or chyle, blood, flesh, adeps, marrow, bone, and semen. E. सप्त seven, and धातु element.
  • सप्तन् :: mfn. Plural only, (सप्त) Seven. E. षप् to be collected, Unādi aff. कनिन् and तुट् augment.
  • सप्तनाडीचक्र :: n. (-क्रं) An astrological diagram supposed to foretell rain.
  • सप्तपदी :: f. (-दी) The ceremony of walking together round the nuptial fire.
  • सप्तपर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णी -र्णं) Seven-leaved. m. (-र्णः) A tree, (Alstonia scholaris.) n. (-र्णं) A sort of sweetmeat, made of the expressed juice of the grape, pomegranate and date, with sugar, spices, honey, and Ghee. E. सप्त seven, and पर्ण a leaf.
  • सप्तपुत्त्रसू :: f. (-सूः) The mother of seven children. E. सप्त seven, पुत्त्र a child, सू mother.
  • सप्तप्रकृति :: Plu. (-तयः) The seven constituent parts of a kingdom, or prince, ministers, fortress, territory, treasure, force, and ally or friend. E. सप्त, and प्रकृति constituent.
  • सप्तभद्र :: m. (-द्रः) The Sirisha tree, (Acacia Sirisa.)
  • सप्तभूमिक :: Adj. Seven stories high.
  • सप्तम :: mfn. (-मः -मी -मं) Seventh. f. (-मी) 1. The seventh day of a lunar fortnight. 2. The locative case, (in gram.) E. सप्तन् seven, डतम् aff.; or सप्तानां पूरणः मट् ।
  • सप्तरक्त :: m. Plu. (-क्ताः) The seven external parts of the body of a red colour, or the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, the cor-

ners of the eyes, the tongue, the palate, the lips and nails. E. सप्त seven, and रक्त red or blood.

  • सप्तरात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A period of seven nights. E. सप्त, रात्र for रात्रि night.
  • सप्तर्षि :: m. Plu. (-र्षयः) 1. The constellation Ursa Major, the seven stars of which are the seven great saints, viz:--MARĪCHI, ATRI, ANGIRAS, PULASTYA, PULAHA, KRATU, and VAAISHṬHA. 2. The seven sages themselves. E. सप्त seven, and ऋषि a sage.
  • सप्तला :: f. (-ला) 1. Double jasmine, (J. zambac fl. multiplicatis.) 2. A plant, commonly Charmakasā. 3. Trumpet flower, (Bignonia suave-olens.) 4. A shrub, (Abrus precatorius.) E. सप्त seven, (leaves, &c.) ला to get or have, aff. क ।
  • सप्तशती :: f. (-ती) An aggregate of seven hundred verses.
  • सप्तसप्ति :: m. (-प्तिः) The sun. E. सप्त seven, सप्ति a horse.
  • सप्तहस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Of seven cubits. 2. Having seven hands, &c. E. सप्त, हस्त a hand.
  • सप्तांशुपुङ्गव :: m. (-वः) The planet SATURN. E. सप्त seven, अंशु a ray of light, पुङ्गव eminent.
  • सप्ताङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Having seven members or parts. E. सप्त, अङ्ग a part.
  • सप्तार्च्चिस् :: mfn. (-र्च्चिः) Evil-eyed, fierce eyed. m. (-र्च्चिः) 1. AGNI or fire. 2. The planet SATURN. E. सप्त seven, and अर्च्चिस् a flame.
  • सप्ताश्व :: m. (-श्वः) The sun. E. सप्त seven, and अश्व a horse.
  • सप्तास्र :: n. (-स्रं) A heptagon. E. सप्त, and अस्र an angle.
  • सप्ताह :: n. (-हं) A week. E. सप्त and अह for अहन् a day.
  • सप्ति :: m. (-प्तिः) 1. A horse. 2. A yoke. E. षप् to be collected, (in a troop,) ति aff.
  • सफर :: mf. (-रः-री) A small glistening fish, commonly Punthi, a sort of carp, (Cyphores-ophore, HAM:) see शफर ।
  • सफल :: mfn. (-लः -ला or ली -लं) Productive, fruitful, bearing fruit, yielding a profit, &c. E. स for सह with, and फल fruit.
  • सबधूक :: m. (-कः) A man with his wife. E. स with, बधू a wife, कन् added.
  • सबन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) A Kinsman, a relation. Adj. Possessed of a friend.
  • सबलि :: m. (-लिः) Evening twilight. E. स for सह with, बलि offering of food to evil spirits; the proper hour for such ceremonies.
  • सबाध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) 1. Painful, hurtful. 2. Oppressive, extortionary. E. स with, बाधा pain.
  • सब्रह्मचर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Studying together, being disciples of one teacher. E. स with, ब्रह्मचर्य्य studentship.
  • सब्रह्मचारिन् :: m. (-री) A fellow student, one engaged in the same studies and observing the same austerities. E. स for सह with and ब्रह्मचारिन् the religious student.
  • सभय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Fearing, fearful. E. स with, भय fear.
  • सभर्त्तृका :: f. (-का) A woman whose husband is alive. E. स with, भर्त्तृ a husband, कन् and टाप् affs.
  • सभा :: f. (-भा) 1. A house. 2. An assembly. a meeting. 3. A Court of Justice. 4. A gambling-house. 5. A much frequented place. E. स for सह together, भा to shine, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • सभाज् :: r. 10th cl. (सभाजयति-ते) 1. To serve, to gratify by service. 2. To please or satisfy. 3. To show. 4. To beautify.
  • सभाजन :: n. (-नं) 1. Courtesy, politeness, civility in receiving or taking leave of a friend. 2. Thanks. 3. Congratulation. E. सभाज् to please or gratify, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • सभाजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Treated with courtesy, gratified, pleased. E. सभाज् to please, क्त aff.
  • सभापति :: m. (-तिः) 1. The keeper of a gaming-house. 2. The president of an assembly. E. सभा an assembly, (of gamblers, &c.) पति master.
  • सभावशकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Influencing or fascinating an assembly. E. सभा, वशकर what subdues.
  • सभासद् :: m. (-सत् or सद्) One of a company, an assistant at an assembly or meeting; (in law, an assessor.) E. सभा an assembly, सद् who goes.
  • सभास्तार :: m. (-रः) An assistant at an assembly, one of a company. E. सभा an assembly, स्तृ to cover, aff. अण् ।
  • सभिक :: m. (-कः) The keeper of a gaming-house. E. सभा an assembly, ठन् aff; also with the penultimate vowel made long, सभीक ।
  • सभीक :: m. (-कः) The keeper of a gaming-house: see the last.
  • सभोचित :: m. (-तः) A Paṇḍit, a learned Brāhman or teacher. E. सभा an assembly, and उचित fit, proper.
  • सभ्य :: mfn. (-भ्यः -भ्या -भ्यं) 1. Trusted, confidential, faithful. 2. Relating to an assembly, fit for or suitable to it. 3. Polite. 4. Civilized. m. (-भ्यः) 1. An assistant at an assembly. 2. An assessor. 3. A person of honourable parentage. 4. The keeper of a gambling-house. 5. A servent of the keeper of a gaming-house. E. समा an assembly, &c., यत् aff.
  • सभ्यतम :: m. (-मः) A distinguished person, one who is an ornament of society. E. सभ्य, and तमप् affix of superlative.
  • सभ्यता :: f. (-ता) Politeness, refinement in manners. E. सभ्य, and तल् aff.
  • सम् :: Ind. A particle and prefix implying:--1. Union, junction, (with, together.) 2. Assemblage, collection. 3. Beauty or perfection. 4. Intensity. As a prefix it corresponds to con, co, com, &c. Before a consonant the final of this word is changed to Anuswara, and is written सं . E. सो-वा० कमु ।
  • सम :: mfn. Pron. (-मः-मा-मं) 1. All, whole, entire. (Adj.) 1. Like, similar. 2. Good, virtuous. 3. Full, complete. 4. Same, even, equal. 5. In- different, impartial. 6. Mean. f. (-मा) 1. A year. 2. Even, plain, level. 3. Same. 4. Equal. 5. Convenient. 6. Straight. 7. Indifferent, impartial, fair. 8. Common. 9. Like, similar. 10. Free from emotion. 11. Good, virtuous. 12. Honest, just. 13. Full, complete, &c.: see समा: n. (-मं) 1. A figure of rhetoric, identity or sameness of objects compared to one another. 2. (In geometry), A mean; a fourth proportional to the two perpendiculars and the link or segment. E. सम् to be confused or unconfused, aff. अच् ।
  • समकन्या :: f. (-न्या) A girl fit to be married. E. सम complete, कन्या a virgin.
  • समकर्ण :: mn. (-र्णः-र्णं) An equidiagonal tetragon.
  • समकाल :: n. (-लं) The same time, the same moment. E. सम and काल time.
  • समकालीन :: Adj. Contemporary.
  • समकोल :: n. (-लं) A snake, a serpent.
  • समक्न :: mfn. (-क्नः -क्ना -क्नं) Going or moving equally, kept equal or together. E. सम् together, अञ्च् to go, क्त aff.
  • समक्षम् :: Ind. Before, in presence or sight of, visible. E. सम् with, अक्षि the eye, aff. टच् ।
  • समक्षेत्र :: n. (-त्रं) An epithet of a particular division of the Nakshatras, in astronomy.)
  • समखात :: m. (-तः) An oblong excavation, thence also a parallelopipedon, (in geometry.) E. सम equal, खात dug.
  • समगन्धक :: m. (-कः) Compounded perfume. E. सम same, even, गन्ध smell, कन् aff.
  • समग्र :: mfn. (-ग्रः -ग्रा -ग्रं) All, entire, whole, full, complete. E. सम the whole, ग्रह् to take, ड aff.
  • समङ्गा :: f. (-ङ्गा) 1. Bengal madder, (Rubia manjith.) 2. A sort of fern, (Lycopodium imbricatum.) 3. A sort of sensitive plant. E. सम् to- gether, अगि to go or grow, aff. अच् ।
  • समचतुरस्र :: mn. (-स्रः-स्रं) An equilateral tetragon. Adj. Equally quadrangular, square.
  • समचतुर्भुज :: mn. (-जः-जं) A rhombus.
  • समचित्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Indifferent, unattached. 2. Equable, even- tempered. E. सम, and चित्त the mind.
  • समचितत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Indifference. 2. Equanimity. E. त्व added to the last; also with तल्, समचित्तता ।
  • समज :: m. (-जः) 1. A multitude of beasts or birds. 2. A number of block- heads. n. (-जं) A forest, a wood. E. सम alike, जन् to be born, ड aff.
  • समज्ञा :: f. (-ज्ञा) Fame, reputation. E. सम all, ज्ञा to know, क and टाप् affs.
  • समज्या :: f. (-ज्या) 1. An assembly, a meeting. 2. Fame, celebrity. E. सम् together, अज् to go, क्यप् aff.
  • समञ्जस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) 1. Proper, right, fit. 2. Exercised, experienced. 3. Correct, accurate, true. 4. Virtuous, good. n. (-सं) 1. Propriety,

fitness. 2. Correct evidence. E. सम् with, together with, अञ्जसा truly.

  • समण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) A potherb, a sort of cucumber. “गण्डीरे” ।
  • समता :: f. (-ता) 1. Sameness, similarity, equality. 2. Equanimity. 3. Right decision. 4. Perfectness. E. सम equal, like, तल् aff.: also समत्व n. (-त्वं).
  • समतिक्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Deviating from, transgressing. 2. Going over or beyond. E. सम् and अति before क्रम् to go, अच् aff.
  • समतिक्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Surpassed, exceeded. 2. Gone over or beyond. 3. Transgressed. E. सम्, and अति before क्रम् to go, क्त aff.
  • समतिरिक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Much, exceeding, abundant. E. सम् with, and अतिरिक्त much.
  • समतीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Past, gone. E. सम्, and अतीत past.
  • समत्रिभुज :: m. (-जः) An equilateral triangle. E. सम, and त्रिभुज triangle.
  • समत्विष् :: mfn. (-तिट्) Equally bright or lovely. E. सम, and त्विष् light.
  • समत्सर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Envious, jealous. E. स with, मत्सर envy.
  • समदर्शिन् :: m. (-र्शी) Impartial, equally viewing both sides. E. सम, and दर्शिन् who sees.
  • समदुःख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खं) Sympathizing, feeling for another's woe. E. सम् and दुःख pain.
  • समधिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Exceeding, abundant, plentiful. E. सम् intensi- tive, and अधिक more.
  • समधिगमन :: n. (-नं) Surpassing, overcoming. E. सम्, and अधि before गम् to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • समधृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Equal or equivalent to. E. सम, and धृत held.
  • समध्व :: mfn. (-ध्वः -ध्वा -ध्वं) Travelling in company. E. सम् same, अध्वन् a road, the final dropped.
  • ससनुज्ञात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Assented or agreed to, permitted, allowed. E. सम् and अनु before ज्ञा to know, क्त aff.
  • समनुज्ञान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Permitted, allowed. n. (-नं) Assent, concurr- ence, permission. E. सम् and अनु before ज्ञा to know, ल्युट् aff.
  • समनुव्रत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Entirely devoted to. E. सम्, अनुव्रत devoted to.
  • समन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) All, entire, universal. m. (-न्तः) Limit, term, boundary, end. E. सम् intensitive, अन्त end.
  • समन्ततस् :: Ind. 1. All round, on every side. 2. Wholly, altogether. E. सम् with, अन्त end, term, तसिल् aff.
  • समन्तदुग्धा :: f. (-ग्धा) The milk hedge-plant, (Euphorbia tirucalli, &c.) E. समन्त every way, दुग्ध milk.
  • समन्तपञ्चक :: n. (-कं) Name of a holy place near Kurukshetra.
  • समन्तभद्र :: m. (-द्रः) A Jina or Buddha. E. समन्त every way, and भद्र auspicious.
  • समन्तभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) AGNI or fire. E. समन्त universally, भुज् what eats or consumes.
  • समन्तात् :: Ind. All around, on every side. E. समन्त in the fifth case, used as a particle, आति aff.
  • समन्यु :: mfn. (-न्युः -न्युः -न्यु) Fierce, angry, enraged. m. (-न्युः) ŚIVA. E. स for सह with, मन्यु wrath.
  • समन्वय :: m. (-यः) 1. Connected consequence. 2. Natural succession or order. 3. Conjunction, copulation. E. सम्, and अन्वय order.
  • समन्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Possessed of, endowed with, possessing, affected by, full of. E. सम् intensitive or conjunctive, अन्वित endowed with.
  • समपाद :: n. (-दं) An attitude in shooting, standing with the feet even. E. सम even, पाद the foot; also read समपद ।
  • समबुद्धि :: mfn. (-द्धिः -द्धिः -द्धि) Philosophical, stoical, looking on all things alike, calm, indifferent. E. सम, and बुद्धि understanding.
  • समभाव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Of like nature or property. m. (-वः) 1. Equa- bility. 2. Sameness. E. सम, and भाव nature.
  • समभिप्लुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Overwhelmed. E. सम्, अभि before प्लु to go, क्त aff.
  • समभिव्याहार :: m. (-रः) Mentioning together. 2. Proximity or association with a word whose meaning is well understood. 3. Company, asso- ciation. E. सम + अभि + वि + आ + ह-घञ् ।
  • समभिसरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Seeking, wishing, endeavouring to gain. 2. Approaching, going to or against. E. सम्, and अभि before सृ to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • समभिहरण :: n. (-णं) Taking, seizing. E. सम्, and अभि before हृ to take, ल्युट् aff.
  • समभिहार :: m. (-रः) 1. Repetition, reiteration. 2. Excess, surplus. E. सम् with, अभि before हृ to take, aff. घञ् ।
  • समभूमि :: f. (-मिः) Even ground. E. सम even, and भूमि ground.
  • समभ्यर्च्चन :: nf. (-नं-ना) Worshipping, reverencing. E. सम्, and अभि before अर्च्च् to worship, युच् aff.
  • समभ्यर्च्चित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Honoured, worshipped. E. सम्, and अभि before अर्च्च् to respect, क्त aff.
  • समभ्याहार :: m. (-रः) Association, accompaniment.
  • समम् :: Ind. With, together with. E. षम् to be confused or unconfused, aff. अच्; or सम--अमु ।
  • सममण्डल :: n. (-लं) The prime vertical line, (in astronomy.)
  • सममय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Of like origin, proceeding from the same cause, &c. E. सम same, मयट् aff.
  • सममात्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्री -त्रं) Of the same size or measure. E. सम same, मात्रच् aff.
  • सममिति :: f. (-तिः) Mean measure. E. सम, and मिति measure.
  • समय :: m. (-यः) 1. Time. 2. Oath, affirmation by oath or ordeal. 3. An established moral or ceremonial custom, rule, law. 4. Demons- trated conclusion. 5. Agreement, covenant, contract, bargain. 6. Engagement, appointment. 7. Order, precept, instruction. 8. Sign, hint, indication. 9. Religious obligation or observance. 10. Leisure, interval, opportunity. 11. Season, fit or proper time for anything. 12. Speech, declaration. 13. Limit, boundary. 14. End of trouble or distress, (in dramatic action.) 15. End, conclusion, termination. 16. Convention. 17. Poetical conventionality, (as the dance of pea- cocks on the appearance of clouds.) 18. Success, prosperity. 19. Condition, stipulation. E. स for सम with, मी to mete, to measure, aff. अच्; or सम alike, इण् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • समयकार :: m. (-रः) Making an appointment or engagement, fixing a time. E. समय an agreement, and कार making.
  • समयपरिरक्षण :: n. (-णं) Observance of an agreement.
  • समयभेद :: m. (-दः) Breaking an agreement. E. समय, and भेद breaking.
  • समयव्यभिचार :: m. (-रः) Violating or breaking an agreement. E. समय, and व्यभिचार improper conduct.
  • समया :: Ind. 1. Near, (with an accusative.) 2. Within, between, midst. 3. At such a time, at a fixed or appointed time. 4. Duly, season- ably, in due time or season. E. सम् alike, इण् to go, आ Unādi aff.
  • समयाचार :: m. (-रः) Conventional practice or usage.
  • समयाध्युषित :: n. (-तं) Time at which neither the stars nor the sun is visible. E. समय time, अधि over, उषित abided.
  • समर :: mn. (-रः-रं) War, battle, conflict. E. सम् with, together, ऋ to go, aff. अप् ।
  • समरज्जु :: f. (-ज्जुः) Mean string or so undings. E. सम, and रज्जु a string.
  • समरभ :: m. (-भः) A particular mode of sexual intercourse.
  • समरमूर्द्धन् :: m. (-र्द्धा) The front or van of battle. E. समर, and मूर्द्धन् front.
  • समरूप्य :: mfn. (-प्यः -प्या -प्यं) Of like or same source or origin. E. सम same, रूप्य aff.
  • समर्चन :: n. (-नं) Worshipping, adoration. E. सम् before अर्च्च् to worship, ल्युट् aff.
  • समर्च्चित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Worshipped, adored, honoured. E. सम् before अर्च्च् to worship, क्त aff.
  • समर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Asked, solicited. 2. Pained, wounded. E. सम्, अर्द्द् to ask, क्त aff.
  • समर्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) 1. Strong, powerful. 2. Connected in sense. 3. Fit, proper, 4. Able, adequate to, capable. 5. Allowed. m. (-र्थः) The coherence of words in a significant sentence. E. सम् with, अर्थ् to ask, aff. अच्, or अर्थ meaning, sense.
  • समर्थक :: n. (-कं) Aloe-wood, (Amyris agallocha.) E. समर्थ fit, (for perfume,) कन् added.
  • समर्थता :: f. (-ता) 1. Strength, power, prowess. 2. Ability, capability, adequacy. 3. Signification of terms. E. तल् aff. of the abstract, added to समर्थ; also समर्थत्व n. (-त्वं) ।
  • समर्थन :: n. (-नं) 1. Deliberation, deciding on the propriety or impropriety of anything; also समर्थना . 2. Perseverance in an arduous under- taking, attempting difficulties or impossibilities. 3. Reconciling

differences, allaying a dispute. 4. Objecting, objection. 5. Potency, efficacy. E. सम् before अर्थ् to ask or request, aff. ल्युट् ।

  • समर्द्धक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Granting a boon. E. सम् before ऋध् to augment, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • समर्पण :: n. (-णं) Delivering, consigning, presenting. E. सम्, अर्पण delivering.
  • समर्पणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be delivered, presented, made over, &c. E. सम्, and अर्पणीय to be delivered; also समर्पयितव्य and समर्प्य ।
  • समर्पित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Delivered, made over, consigned. E. सम्, and अर्पित delivered.
  • समर्पितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Giving or making over, delivering. E. सम्, अर्पितवत् delivering.
  • समर्य्याद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Near, proximate. 2. Bounded, limited. 3. Correct in conduct. 4. Respectful. E. स for सह with, मर्य्यादा a limit.
  • समल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Dirty, muddy, filthy, foul, impure. 2. Sinful. n. (-लं) Fæces, ordure. E. स for सह with, मल dirt.
  • समवकार :: m. (-रः) A sort of dramatic entertainment. E. सम्, and अव before कृ to make, aff. घञ्; described, as that in which the chiefs are engaged in mutual conflict to contest.
  • समवतार :: m. (-रः) 1. A descent into a river or sacred bathing place at a TIRTHA. 2. A descent. E. सम् with, अव below, तृ to cross or pass over, aff. घञ् ।
  • समवनत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bent, bowed. E. सम्, and अव before णम् to bow, aff. क्त ।
  • समवर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णी -र्णं) Of the same caste, colour, &c. m. (-र्णः) Com- munity of caste, &c. E. सम, and वर्ण caste.
  • समवर्त्तिन् :: m. (-र्त्ती) YAMA, the ruler of Tartarus. E. सम् all, equal, वृत् to be or to select, aff. णिनि ।
  • समवश्यात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Gone away, wasted, destroyed. E. सम्, and अव before श्यै to go, क्त aff.
  • समवसर्ग्य :: mfn. (-र्ग्यः -र्ग्या -र्ग्यं) To be let go or let out. E. सम्, and अव before सृज् to loose, ण्यत् aff.
  • समवस्था :: f. (-स्था) 1. State, condition. 2. Similar state or condition.
  • समवाप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) Obtaining, getting. E. सम्, and अव before आप् to get, क्तिन् aff.
  • समवाय :: m. (-यः) 1. Multitude, assemblage, collection, aggregate, quan- tity. 2. One of the categories or Padārthas of logic, intimate and constant relation, as of yarn and the cloth made of it. 3. Connec- tion of species in a genus, or parts of a whole. E. सम् and अव before अय् to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • समवायसम्बन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Inseparable relation, as of properties with subs- tances, material with manufacture, species with genus. E. समवाय, and सम्बन्ध connection.
  • समवायिकारण :: n. (-णं) Inseparable cause or relation, as of material with produce, &c. E. समवायिन्, and कारण cause.
  • समवायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) 1. Multitudinous, aggregated. 2. Connect- ed intimately. n. (-यि) Intimate and inseparable cause, as earth of pottery, thread of cloth, &c. E. समवाय, and इनि aff.
  • समवृत्ति :: mfn. (-त्तिः -त्तिः -त्ति) Moderate, equable. E. सम and वृत्ति practice.
  • समवेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Mixed, mingled, blended. 2. Collected, assem- bled. 3. Connected with, related to, as properties with things. 4. Comprised in one genus. E. सम् and अव before इण् to go, क्त aff.
  • समवेध :: m. (-धः) Mean depth. E. सम and वेध perforation.
  • समश्रुवान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Spreading over, pervading, extending through- out. E. सम् intensitive, अश् to pervade, शानच् aff.
  • समष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) A collective aggregate, an aggregate which is viewed as constituted of parts of which each is consubstantially the same with the whole. E. सम + अश्-व्याप्तौ क्तिन् ।
  • समष्ठिला :: f. (-ला) A sort of potherb, said to grow in watery places; according to some authorities, a kind of cucumber, to others a shrub, called commonly गांडरदूवी . E. सम् together, स्था to stay, इतच् aff., deriv. irr.; or सम with, अस्थि a bone, (a seed,) ला to get or have, aff. क; also समष्ठीला ।
  • समसन :: n. (-नं) 1. Contracting, contraction. 2. Combination, conjunction, formation of compound terms. E. सम् together, अस् to throw or direct, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • समसन्धि :: f. (-न्धिः) Alliance or peace on equal terms. E. सम, सन्धि union.
  • समसन्धित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Allied on equal terms. 2. Bound or connec- ted equally. E. सम, and सन्धित bound.
  • समसुप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) The end of the Kalpa, and destruction of the universe. E. सम universal, सुप्ति sleep.
  • समस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. All, whole, entire, complete. 2. Compound, compounded. 3. Abridged, contracted. m. (-स्तः) A whole, the aggre- gate of all the parts. E. सम् together, अस् to throw or direct, aff. क्त ।
  • समस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) 1. Even, equal, level, uniform. 2. Like, simi- lar. E. सम even, स्थ what abides.
  • समस्थल :: nf. (-लं-ली) Level ground. f. (-ली) The Doab, the country between the Ganges and Jamunā rivers. E. सम level, स्थल soil.
  • समस्थलीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Levelled, made level, filled up, (as a marsh or river.) E. समस्थल and कृत made, च्वि aff.
  • समस्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) 1. To be collected together. 2. To be made entire or complete. f. (-स्या) Part of a stanza, proposed as a trial of skill to be completed. E. सम even or complete, क्यच् affix, and सुक् augment; or सम together, अस् to direct, क्यप् or ण्यत् aff.
  • समस्थार्था :: f. (-र्था) Part of a stanza to be completed as a trial of skill. E. समस्य to be completed, अर्थ meaning.
  • समांश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Entitled to an equal share. m. (-शः) An equal portion, a part. E. सम, अंश part.
  • समांशहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Sharing equally, a co-heir. E. समांश, हारिन् who takes.
  • समांशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) A co heir entitled to an equal share. E. सम same, अंश part or portion, and इनि aff.
  • समांसमीना :: f. (-ना) A cow bearing a calf every year. E. समा year, in the second case, repeated, and ख aff.
  • समा :: f. (-मा) Year; (according to AMARA'S lexicon this word is always used in the plural: PĀNINI however, uses it in the singular.) Ind. With, together with. E. सम + अच्--टाप् ।
  • समाकर्षिन् :: mfn. (-र्षी -र्षिणी -र्षि) Possessing a diffusive fragrance. m. (-र्षी) A scent spreading afar. E. सम, and आङ् before कृष् to draw, aff. णिनि ।
  • समाकुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Agitated, bewildered, confused. 2. Crowded, thronged. E. सम्, and आङ् before कुल् to accumulate, क aff.
  • समाकुलत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Agitation, anxiety. E. त्व added to the last; also with तल्, समाकुलता ।
  • समाक्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Pervaded, spread. 2. Overcome, surpass- ed. E. सम, and आङ् before क्रम् to go, aff. क्त ।
  • समाख्या :: f. (-ख्या) 1. Fame, reputation. 2. Appellation. E. सम् all, आङ् before ख्या to tell or declare, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • समाख्यात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Famed, celebrated. 2. Notorious, public. 3. Reckoned up. 4. Declared. E. सम्, and आङ् before ख्या to say, क्त aff.
  • समागत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Arrived, approached. 2. Met, encountered. 3. United, joined. E. सम् together, and आगत come.
  • समागति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Arrival, approach. 2. Union, joining. 3. Encounter- ing, meeting. 4. Similar condition or progress. E. सम् with, or सम् same, आङ् before गम् to go, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • समागम :: m. (-मः) 1. Union, junction. 2. Arrival, approach. 3. Associa- tion, acquaintance, intercourse. 4. Encountering, meeting. 5. (In astronomy,) The occultation of a star. E. सम् with, आगम coming.
  • समाघात :: m. (-तः) 1. War, battle. 2. Striking, beating, killing. E. सम् together, आघात striking.
  • समाचर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Who or what observes, practices, proceeds, &c. E. सम् and आङ् before चर् to go, ट aff.
  • समाचरण :: n. (-णं) Following, practising, observing, proceeding. E. सम् and आङ् before चर् to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • समाचरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रत्) Following, practising, behaving, proceeding, &c. E. सम्, and आङ् before चर् to go, शतृ aff.
  • समाचार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Equal or like in virtuous conduct. m. (-रः) 1. Proper practice or conduct. 2. Proceeding, going. 3. Information, tradition, news. E. सम्, and आङ् before चर् to go, घञ् aff.
  • समाच्छन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Covered with, involved in. E. सम्, आच्छन्न covered.
  • समाज :: m. (-जः) 1. A multitude, a number, (of anything except beasts.) 2. An assembly, a meeting. 3. A convivial meeting, a club. 4. An elephant. E. सम् like, and अज् to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • समाजिक :: m. (-कः) A member of an assembly, a spectator: also सामाजिक ।
  • समाज्ञा :: f. (-ज्ञा) Fame, reputation. E. सम् all, आङ् before ज्ञा to know, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • समादर :: m. (-रः) Veneration.
  • समादान :: n. (-नं) 1. Receiving suitable donations. 2. Taking. 3. The daily observances of the Jaina sect. E. सम् with, आदान taking.
  • समादाय :: Ind. 1. Having taken. 2. Having accepted. E. सम्, and आङ् before दा to give, ल्यप् aff.
  • समादिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Enjoined, commanded. E. सम्, आदिष्ट enjoined.
  • समादेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Acceptable, to be selected or taken. E. सम्, and आङ् before दा to give, यत् aff.
  • समादेश :: m. (-शः) Advice, direction, command, order.
  • समाधा :: f. (-धा) 1. The act of collecting or composing. 2. Restraining the senses and fixing the mind in abstract contemplation on the true nature of spirit. 3. Profound absorption. 4. Contentment. 5. Answering an objection, replying to the Purva Paksha, (in logic.) 6. Agreeing, promising. 7. A leading incident which unexpectedly gives rise to the whole plot; also समाधान . E. सम + आ + धा-अङ् ।
  • समाधान :: n. (-नं) 1. Religious meditation, restraining the mind from external objects, and fixing it in profound absorption. 2. Promising, declaring. 3. (In the drama,) The leading incident, that which gives rise sometimes unexpectedly to the whole plot. E. सम् in- tensitive, आङ् before धा to have or hold, aff. ल्युट्ः see the last.
  • समाधाय :: Ind. Having fixed upon, (the mind,) being intent upon. E. सम्, and आङ् before धा to have, ल्यप् aff.
  • समाधि :: m. (-धिः) 1. Deep and devout meditation, restraining the senses and confining the mind to contemplation on the true nature of spirit, &c. 2. A religious vow or obligation. 3. Silence. 4. Promise, assent, engagement. 5. Composing or reconciling differences, put- ting a stop to a dispute. 6. Requital, return, retaliation. 7. At- tempting impossibilities; exertion or perseverance in extreme difficulties. 8. Storing corn on account of a dearth. 9. A Jaina saint of a future age. 10. A figure of rhetoric; connection or proximity of two events accidentally connected, and expressed by a common verb and the government of the verb by a double nominative, as उत्कण्ठिता च कुलटा जगामास्तञ्च भानुमान् the disloyal woman went sorrowfully, and the sun (went) down. 11. Collection, combination. 12. Demonstrated conclusion. 13. The joint of the neck. 14. A tomb, a grave. E. सम् together, धा to have or hold, with आङ् prefix, and कि aff.
  • समाधिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) 1. Contemplative, engaged in meditation. 2. Making a promise, announcing assent or permission. E. समाधि, and मतुप् aff.
  • समाधिस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Devoted to meditation. E. समाधि and स्थ who is.
  • समाध्मात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Blown or puffed up, inflated. E. सम् and आङ् before ध्मा to blow, क्त aff.
  • समान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Like, similar. 2. Good, virtuous. 3. One, uniform, same. 4. Honoured. m. (-नः) 1. One of the five vital airs, that which is considered essential to digestion and occupies the cavity of the navel. 2. A corresponding letter of the alphabet, as

a long vowel to its short one, &c. 3. A friend. E. सम all, अन् to breathe, aff. अण् or घञ्; or सम् and आङ् before णी to get, aff. अच् ।

  • समानकालीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Occurring or produced at the same period. E. समान same, काल time, ख aff.
  • समानगोत्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) Of the same lineage or family: see सगोत्र . E. समान, गोत्र family.
  • समानजन्मन् :: mfn. (-न्मा -न्मा -न्म) Of equal age. E. समान, and जन्मन् birth.
  • समानजाति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Of a common tribe, sort, &c. E. समान, and जाति sort.
  • समानजातीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Of the same caste or species. E. समान, जातीय of a caste.
  • समानता :: f. (-ता) 1. Sameness, equality, likeness. 2. Community of kind or quality. E. समान, and तल् aff.; also with त्व aff., समानत्वं ।
  • समानयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) 1. Making equal or like to. 2. Leading, bringing. E. समान used as a verb, or सम् and आङ् before णी to get, शतृ aff.
  • समानयन :: n. (-नं) Bringing, conducting. E. सम् and आङ् before णी to take, ल्युट् aff.
  • समानयम :: m. (-मः) The same pitch of voice.
  • समानाधिकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Common or generic property. 2. A predicament or condition including several things or persons. 3. Same location or predicament. m. (-णः) A generic character. Adj. 1. Being in the same category or predicament, having a common substratum, (in phil.) 2. Being in the same case or same government, (in gram.) E. समान, and अधिकरण possession.
  • समानाधिकार :: m. (-रः) 1. Similar or equal duty, office, or government. 2. Generic character. E. समान, अधिकार office.
  • समानित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Taken, led, conducted. E. सम् and आङ् before णी to take, क्त aff.
  • समानीय :: Ind. Having taken. E. सम् and आङ् before णी to take, ल्यप् aff.
  • समानोदक :: m. (-कः) A kinsman, one who when distinct from the Sapiṇḍa is next in order and succession, and is connected by oblations of water only, to the manes of common ancestors; this relationship extends to the fourteenth in descent, i. e. the seven first or Sapiṇḍas presenting water as well as the cakes, are also Samānodakas, whilst the seven next presenting water alone are Samānodakas only. E. समान common, उदक water.
  • समानोदर्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) A brother of whole blood. E. समान same, उदर belly, यत् aff.
  • समान्त :: n. (-न्तं) The end of a year. E. समा a year, and अन्त end.
  • समाप :: m. (-पः) Sacrificing, offering oblations to the gods. E. सम् same, आप water; in which libations of water are made.
  • समापक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Filling, completing, finishing. 2. Killing. E. सम् together, आप् to get, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • समापत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Chance, accident.
  • समापन :: n. (-नं) Conclusion, completion, finish. 2. A section, a chapter, a division. 3. Killing, destroying. 4. Profound meditation. 5. Gain, acquisition. E. सम् with, together with, आप् to obtain, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • समापन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Finished, done, completed, concluded. 2. Got, gained, obtained. 3. Distressed, afflicted. 4. Killed. 5. Accom- plished, perfect, (in any branch of study.) 6. Come, occurred. E. सम् implying completion, &c., आङ् before पद् to go, aff. क्त ।
  • समापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Finished, done, concluded. E. सम् before आप् to get, aff. क्त, and इट् inserted.
  • समाप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Finished, done, concluded, completed. 2. Clever. E. सम् before आप् to get, aff. क्त, without the augment.
  • समाप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) 1. End, completion, perfection, conclusion, finish. 2. Reconciling differences, putting an end to disputes, &c. E. सम् implying completion, आप् to get or gain, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • समाप्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Finite, final, concluding, completing. m. (-कः) 1. One who has completed a course of holy study. 2. A finisher, an ender. E. समाप्त, and ठक् aff.
  • समाप्त्यर्था :: f. (-र्था) Part of a stanza given as a task or trial of skill to be completed. E. समाप्ति completion, अर्थ sense.
  • समाप्लुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Drenched, drowned. E. सम् and आङ् before प्लु to go, क्त aff.
  • समाभाषण :: n. (-णं) Conversing, speaking to.
  • समाम्नान :: n. (-नं) 1. Enumeration. 2. Mention, repetition.
  • समाम्नाय :: m. (-यः) 1. Traditional repetition or mention. 2. A traditional collection. 3. Revelation. 4. Enumeration, recitation. 5. Totality, the aggregate. E. सम् and आङ् before म्ना to remember, घञ् and युक् affs.
  • समाय :: m. (-यः) A visit, arrival. E. सम् and आङ् before या to go, ड aff.
  • समायत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Lengthened, extended. E. सम् and आङ् before यम् to restrain, क्त aff.
  • समायात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Come, arrived. E. सम् and आङ् before या to go, क्त aff.
  • समायुक्त :: f. (-क्ता) 1. Connected, united. 2. Prepared, made ready. 3. Charged, appointed. 4. Provided, supplied. 5. Devoted to.
  • समायुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Joined, connected, attached to or united with. 2. Decorated, adorned. 3. Endowed with. 4. Collected, brought together. E. सम् and आङ् before युत joined.
  • समायोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Union, junction, connection, association. 2. Heap, multitude, assemblage. 3. Cause, origin, motive, object. E. सम् and आङ् before युज् to join, aff. घञ् ।
  • समारब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) Begun, commenced. E. सम् and आङ् before रभि to begin, क्त aff.
  • समारम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Commencement, beginning. 2. An undertaking. 3. An unguent. E. सम् and आङ् before रभि to commence, घञ् aff.
  • समाराधन :: n. (-नं) Winning, satisfying, gratification.
  • समारूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Ascended, gone up or upon. 2. Mounted. 3. Agreed to, determined. E. सम् and आङ् before रुह् to grow, क्त aff.
  • समारोपण :: n. (-णं) Placing or fixing in or on. E. सम् and आङ् before रुह् to grow, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • समारोपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Placed in or upon. f. (-ता) 1. Caused to ascend. 2. Planted. 3. Delivered over. 4. Strung, (as a bow.) E. सम् and आङ् before रुह् to grow, causal v., क्त aff.
  • समारोह :: m. (-हः) 1. Going up, ascending. 2. Mounting, riding upon. 3. Agreeing. E. सम् and आङ् before रुह् to rise, घञ् aff.
  • समार्थिन् :: mfn. (-र्थी -र्थिनी -र्थि) 1. Desirous of equality. 2. Seeking peace. E. सम् and अर्थिन् who asks.
  • समालम्बन :: n. (-नं) Resting upon, being supported by. E. सम् and आङ् before लवि to depend, घञ् aff.
  • समालम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Smearing the body with coloured perfumes, as with saffron, sandal, &c. 2. Seizing, (as a victim for sacrifice.) E. सम् and आङ् before लभि to sound, aff. अच्; also with ल्युट् aff. समालम्भन ।
  • समालम्भन :: n. (-नं) Smearing the body with coloured fragrant substances: see the last.
  • समाली :: f. (-ली) A collection of flowers, a nosegay, &c. E. स for सम् with, माला a garland, affs. अच् and ङीष् ।
  • समावर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) A pupil's return home after finishing his religious studies. E. सम् and आङ् before वृत् to be, ल्युट् aff.
  • समावाय :: m. (-यः) 1. A multitude, a number, a heap or quantity. 2. Association. 3. Integral or inseparable aggregation. E. सम् and आङ् implying aggregation, अय् to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • समावास :: m. (-सः) Residence, abode. E. सम् and आङ् before वस् to dwell, घञ् aff.
  • समावासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sojourning, taking up a residence. E. समावास, and इतच् aff.
  • समाविष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Entered or engrossed by, absorbed by, (feeling, passion, &c.) possessed by, (as an evil spirit.) 2. Entered thoroughly. 3. Entered, (as a mansion.) 4. Seated, settled. 5. Well- instructed. E. सम् and आङ् implying entireness, and विष्ट entered.
  • समावृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Surrounded, encompassed. 2. Covered, enclosed, beset. 3. Viewed. 4. Protected. 5. Shut out, excluded. E. सम् and आङ् before वृ to choose, क्त aff.
  • समावृत्त :: m. (-त्तः) A pupil who has completed his studies and taken leave of his preceptor. E. सम् and आङ् before वृत् to be, aff. क्त; also with कन् added, समावृत्तक ।
  • समावेद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) To be announced or communicated. E. सम् and आङ् before विद् to know, causal v., यत् aff.
  • समावेश :: m. (-शः) 1. Affection, passion, emotion. 2. Possession by evil spirits. 3. Entrance. E. सम् and आङ् before विश् to enter, घञ् aff.
  • समावेशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Placed, fixed. 2. Entered. 3. Brought in or into. E. सम् and आङ् before विश् to enter, causal v., aff. क्त ।
  • समाशङ्कित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Doubtful, fearing, apprehensive. E. सम् and आङ् before शकि to doubt, क्त aff.
  • समाश्रय :: m. (-यः) 1. Protection, refuge. 2. Seeking protection. 3. A dwelling place. E. सम् intensitive, आश्रय asylum.
  • समाश्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Protected, defended, cherished, refuged. E. सम् intensitive, and आश्रित refuged.
  • समाश्रित्य :: Ind. 1. Depending upon, trusting to. 2. Having engaged in, agreed to, &c. E. सम् and आङ् before श्री to serve, ल्यप् aff.
  • समाश्लेष :: m. (-षः) A close embrace.
  • समाश्वस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Trusting, confiding in. E. सम् and आङ् before श्वस् to breathe, क्त aff.
  • समाश्वास :: m. (-सः) 1. Trust, belief, confidence. 2. Relief, encouragement. 3. Recovering breath. E. सम् and आङ् before श्वस् to breathe, घञ् aff.
  • समाश्वासन :: n. (-नं) 1. Recreating, recreation. 2. Consolation.
  • समास् :: m. (-माः) A year. E. स for सह with, मास a month: see सम and समा ।
  • समास :: m. (-सः) 1. Contraction, abridgment, conciseness. 2. Composition of words, formation of compound terms, (in grammar.) 3. Com- position of differences, reconciling quarrels. 4. Aggregation. assemblage, collection. 5. Whole. E. सम् together, अस् to throw or direct, aff. घञ् ।
  • समासक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Joined, united. 2. Reached, attained. 3. Marked, affected by, &c. 4. Combined, comprehended. E. सम् and आङ् before षञ्ज् to be in contact with, aff. क्त ।
  • समासक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Union. 2. Comprehension, inclusion. 3. Affection. E. सम् and आङ् before षञ्ज् to be in contact with, क्तिन् aff.
  • समासञ्जत् :: mfn. (-ञ्जन् -ञ्जन्ती -ञ्जत्) Joining, or connecting with. E. सम् and आङ् before षञ्ज् to unite, शतृ aff.
  • समासञ्जन :: n. (-नं) Joining, uniting, union, combination, connection, contact. E. सम् and आङ् before षञ्ज् to be in contact with, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • समासतस् :: Ind. Briefly, summarily. E. समास, and तसि aff.
  • समासन :: Ind. Succinctly.
  • समासन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Near, proximate. 2. Obtained, attained. E. सम् and आङ् implying union or contiguity, षद् to go, aff. क्त ।
  • समासभावना :: f. (-ना) Composition by the sum of the products. E. समास, and भावना contemplating.
  • समासर्जन :: n. (-नं) Delivering, consigning, abandoning. E. सम् and आङ् before सृज् to leave, ल्युट् aff.
  • समासवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Abridged, contracted. 2. Compounded. m. (-वान्) The Tūn tree, (Cedrela Tunna.) E. समास, and मतुप् aff.
  • समासादन :: n. (-नं) 1. Attaining, effecting, accomplishing. 2. Finding, obtaining. E. सम् and आङ् before षद् to go, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • समासादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Done, effected, attained, obtained, accom- plished. E. सम् and आङ् before षद् to go, causal v., aff. क्त ।
  • समासाद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) Attainable, what may be obtained or effec- ted. Ind. Having obtained, &c. E. सम् and आङ् before षद् to go, aff. ण्यत् or ल्यप् ।
  • समासाध्याहार :: m. (-रः) Supplying an ellipsis. E. समास, अध्याहार the same.
  • समासार्थ :: m. (-र्थः) The sense of a compound. f. (-र्था) Part of a stanza to be completed. E. समास connection, composition, अर्थ meaning.
  • समासीन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Sitting, seated. E. सम् before अस् to sit, क्त aff.
  • समासृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Left, abandoned, given, made over. E. सम् and आङ् before सृज् to leave, क्त aff.
  • समासेवन :: n. (-नं) 1. Following, practising. 2. Serving. E. सम् and आङ् before सेव् to serve, ल्युट् aff.
  • समासेवित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Followed, practised. 2. Served. E. सम् and आङ् before सेव् to serve, क्त aff.
  • समासोक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) A protracted metaphor, (in rhetoric.) E. समास, and उक्ति saying.
  • समास्या :: f. (-स्या) Interview, colloquy. E. सम् together, अस् to be, ण्यत् aff.
  • समाहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Struck, wounded. E. सम् and आङ् before हन् to strike, क्त aff.
  • समाहरण :: n. (-णं) Uniting, combining, collecting, composition. E. सम् together, आङ् before हृ to take, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • समाहर्तृ :: f. (-र्त्री) Adj. Habituated to acquire. m. (-र्त्ता) A collector of taxes.
  • समाहार :: m. (-रः) 1. Aggregation, collection, assemblage, either in fact or thought. 2. Contraction, abridgment. 3. Composition or words, (in grammar.) 4. Conjunction of equal words or sentences, the power of the particle “and.” 5. A particular form of composition, a sub-division of the class Dwaṇḍa, in which several words are joined together, and the compound is a term in the neuter gen- der, as अहिनकुलं the snake and mongoose. 6. The combination of two letters of the alphabet into a syllable, which designates all the letters intermediate between the two of which it consists. E. सम् together, आङ् before हृ to take or convey, and घञ् aff.
  • समाहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Promised, agreed or assented to. 2. Absorbed in meditation, absent, abstracted or having the senses steadily held in subjection. 3. Concluded, demonstrated, following from what has been said. 4. Composed, reconciled, put an end to, (as a contest or dispute.) 5. Placed, deposited, delivered. 6. Pure, purified. 7. Finished, completed. 8. Cool, collected, firm. 9. Assembled. n. (-तं) (In rhetoric,) The expression or description of attentiveness. E. सम् and आङ् implying collection or perfection, धा to have or hold, aff. क्त ।
  • समाहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Accepted, received, taken. 2. Collected, assembled, combined. 3. Compiled. 4. Accumulated. 5. Much, abundant. 6. Abridged. E. सम् and आङ् before हृत taken.
  • समाहृति :: f. (-तिः) Compilation, abridgment, an abridgment. E. सम् together, आङ् before हृ to take, to bring, aff. क्तिन्: see समाहार ।
  • समाह्व :: mf. (-ह्वः-ह्वी) 1. Calling out or to, mutual calling. 2. Acclaim. 3. Defiance, Challenge. f. (-ह्वा) 1. A plant, commonly Gojiwhā. 2. Name. E. सम् and आङ् before ह्वेञ् to call, क aff.
  • समाह्वय :: m. (-यः) 1. A match, a main, the conflict of animals or birds for sport, cockfighting, &c. 2. War, battle. 3. Calling out. 4. Name, appellation. E. सम् and आङ् before ह्वेञ् to call, घ or अच् aff.
  • समाह्वान :: n. (-नं) 1. Challenge. 2. Calling together. E. समाह्व to call out, ल्युट् aff.
  • समिक :: n. (-कं) A pike, a dart. E. सम even, ठक् aff.; or सम्--इण्--डि संज्ञायां कन् ।
  • समित् :: f. (-मित्) War, battle. E. सम् together, इण् to go, aff. क्विप्, and तुक् final augment.
  • समिता :: f. (-ता) Wheat-flour. E. सम् before इण् to go, aff. क्त ।
  • समिति :: f. (-तिः) 1. War, battle. 2. Assembly, company. 3. Association, meeting, union. 4. Sameness, likeness, equality. E. सम् with, इण् to go, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • समिथ :: m. (-थः) 1. Fire. 2. War, battle. E. सम् together, इण् to go, थक् Unādi aff.
  • समिद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Lighted, kindled, set alight or on fire. E. सम् before इन्ध् to kindle, क्त aff.
  • समिध् :: f. (-मित् or मिद्) Fuel, wood, grass, &c. so employed. E. सम् to- gether, इन्धि to kindle or inflame, क्विप् aff., and the nasal rejected.
  • समिध :: m. (-धः) AGNI or fire, सम्, and इन्ध् to kindle, aff. क ।
  • समिन्धन :: n. (-नं) Fuel. E. सम् with, इन्ध् to kindle, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • समिन्धान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Augmenting, prospering. E. सम् before इधि to increase, शानच् aff.
  • समिर :: m. (-रः) Wind, air. E. सम्, with, ईर् to go, aff. क, and the vowel made short; also समीर ।
  • समीक :: n. (-कं) 1. War, battle. 2. A pike, a dart. E. षम् to be sad or confused, ईकक् aff.
  • समीकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Assimilation, digestion. 2. Equalizing, making equal to. 3. Equation, (in algebra.) E. सम, and करण making, च्वि augment.
  • समीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Equalized, made even or equal. 2. Imitated, done in like manner, &c. 3. Added, summed up. 4. Balanced, equipoised. E. सम् same even, and कृत made, with च्वि augment.
  • समीक्रिया :: f. (-या) (In arithmetic.) Equation. E. सम, क्रिया operation, च्वि aug.
  • समीक्ष :: n. (-क्षं) 1. The Sānkhya system of philosophy. 2. Complete, investigation. f. (-क्षा) 1. Nature, essential nature, or according to the Sānkhya system, crude matter or any of its twenty-four essential parts. 2. Understanding, intellect. 3. Sight, seeing, inspection, looking. 4. Effort. 5. Search, investigation, thorough inspection. 6. A book, a work supplementary to the Vedas, treating of the modes of sacrifice. E. सम् before ईक्ष् to see, affs. अच् and टाप् ।
  • समीक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Search, looking for, investigation. 2. Seeing, look- ing at. E. सम् intensitive prefix, ईक्षण seeing.
  • समीक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Seen, looked at. 2. Considered, investiga- ted. E. सम् before ईक्ष् to see, क्त aff.
  • समीक्ष्यकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Acting after due deliberation. E. समीक्ष्य having inspected, कारिन् who does.
  • समीच :: m. (-चः) The ocean. f. (-ची) 1. A deer, a doe. 2. Praise, eulogium. E. सम् before इण् to go, Unādi aff. चट्, and the vowel made long.
  • समीचक :: m. (-कः) Copulation. E. कन् added to the last.
  • समीचीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. True. 2. Right, correct. 3. Fit, proper. n. (-नं) Truth. E. सम्यक् true, aff. ख ।
  • समीद :: m. (-दः) Fine wheat-flour.
  • समीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Yearly, annual, relating to a year. 2. Hired for a year. 3. After a year, a year hence, &c. E. समा a year, aff. ख ।
  • समीनिका :: f. (-का) A cow calving every year. E. समीन a year, कन् aff.
  • समीप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Near, contiguous, proximate, at hand. n. (-पं) Proximity, vicinity. E. सम् together, आप water, and ई sub- stituted for आ; analogous to the confluence of water.
  • समीपग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Approaching, going or gone near to. E. समीप, and ग who or what goes.
  • समीपतस् :: Ind. Before, near. E. समीप, and तसि aff.
  • समीपता :: f. (-ता) Proximity, contiguity. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, समीपत्वं ।
  • समीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Equalised. 2. Identified. 3. Equipoised. E. सम same, भूत become, च्वि aug.
  • समीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Of like cause or origin. E. सम same, च्छ aff.
  • समीयिवस् :: mfn. (-वान् -युषी -वः) Going to, arriving at, attaining. E. सम् before इण् to go, क्वसु aff.
  • समीर :: m. (-रः) Air, wind. E. सम् every way, ईर् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • समीरण :: m. (-णः) 1. Air, wind. 2. A plant, commonly Maruvaka. 3. A traveller. n. (-णं) Throwing. E. सम् completely, ईर् to go, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • समीरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Tossed, thrown. 2. Gone. 3. Sent. E. सम् before ईर् to send, क्त aff.
  • समीहा :: f. (-हा) Longing, desire.
  • समीहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Wished, desired. 2. Undertaken. n. (-तं) Wish, desire. E. सम् before ईह् to wish, क्त aff.
  • समुक्षण :: n. (-णं) Shedding, effusion.
  • समुख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खं) Eloquent. E. स with, and मुख a mouth.
  • समुचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Fit, right, proper. E. सम् intensitive, उचित proper.
  • समुच्चय :: m. (-यः) 1. Assemblage, collection, either in thought or fact. 2. Conjunction of words or sentences, the power of the particle and, or also; but it implies the conjunction of different objects

of one act or different acts with the same object, as ईश्वरं गुरुञ्च भजस्व worship GOD, and (or also) the Guru. E. सम् and उद् before चि to collect, aff. अच् or णच् ।

  • समुच्चर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Who or what goes about or up traverses, ascends, flies, &c. E. सम् and उद् before चर् to go, अच् aff.; also with घञ्, समुच्चार ।
  • समुच्चरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रत) Going up or about. E. सम् and उद् before चर् to go, शतृ aff.
  • समुच्छेद :: m. (-दः) Destroying, destruction. E. सम् and उद् before छिद् to cut, aff. घञ् ।
  • समुच्छ्रय :: m. (-यः) 1. Opposition, enmity. 2. Height, elevation. E. सम्, and उद् up, above, and श्रिञ् to serve, aff. अच् or णच् ।
  • समुच्छ्राय :: m. (-यः) Height, elevation. E. सम् and उद् before श्रि to serve, aff. णच्, and the vowel made long, or घञ् aff.
  • समुच्छ्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) High, elevated, lofty. E. सम् and उद् before श्वि to serve, aff. क्त ।
  • समुच्छ्वसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sighing. n. (-तं) A sigh. E. सम् and उद् before श्वस् to breathe, and क्त aff.
  • समुच्छ्वास :: m. (-सः) Heavy expiration, sighing. E. सम् and उद् before श्वस् to breathe, घञ् aff.
  • समुञ्झित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Left, abandoned, quitted, resigned. E. सम् inten- sitive, and उञ्झित left.
  • समुत्कर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) 1. Setting one self up as being of high tribe. 2. Exaltation.
  • समुत्क्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Rise, ascent, going up. 2. Transgressing proper bounds. E. सम् and उद् up, क्रम going, घञ् aff.
  • समुत्क्रोश :: m. (-शः) A osprey. E. सम् intensitive, and उद् before क्रुश् to cry, aff. अच् or घञ् ।
  • समुत्तरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रत्) Crossing, passing over or beyond. E. सम् and उद् before तृ to cross, शतृ aff.
  • समुत्तेजन :: n. (-नं) Inflaming, inciting, irritating. E. सम् and उद् before तिज् to be sharp, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • समुत्तेजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Inflamed, incited, excited, irritated. E. सम् and उद् before तिज् to be sharp, causal v., क्त aff.
  • समुत्थ :: mfn. (-त्थः -त्था -त्थं) 1. Rising, risen, getting or got up. 2. Born, produced. 3. Occasioned, occurring. E. सम् intensitive, उद् up, स्था to stand, क aff., the स is changed to थ ।
  • समुत्थान :: n. (-नं) 1. Performance of work, occupation, effort, industry. 2. Positive indication or symptom of disease. 3. Rising, getting up. 4. Common growth or increase, (as of size or wealth, &c.) 5. Healing a wound or sore, cure or recovery from any injury. 6. Occupation. E. सम् intensitive, उद् up, स्था to stay or be, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • समुत्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Risen, got up. 2. Increased. 3. Derived or obtained from. 4. Cured, healed. E. सम् and उद् before स्था to stay, क्त aff.
  • समुत्पतन :: n. (-नं) 1. Going. 2. Ascending. 3. Making effort, energy, exertion. E. सम् and उद् before पत् to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • समुत्पतित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Gone, gone up, ascended. 2. Exerted, vigorous. E. सम् and उद् before पत् to go, क्त aff.
  • समुत्पत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Origin, production, birth. 2. Occurrence, incidence. E. सम् and उद् before पद् to go, क्तिन् aff.
  • समुत्पन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Born, produced. 2. Occurring, taking place. E. सम् and उद् before पद् to go, क्त aff.
  • समुत्पाट :: m. (-टः) Detaching, separating from, tearing from, &c. E. सम् and उद् before पट् to go, causal v., अच् aff.
  • समुत्पाटित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Detached or severed from, torn from. &c. E. सम् and उद् before पट् to go, causal v., क्त aff.
  • समुत्पादन :: n. (-नं) 1. Producing, fabricating. 2. Effecting. E. सम् and उद् before पद् to go, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • समुत्पादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Produced, effected. E. सम् and उद् before पद् to go, causal v., क्त aff.
  • समुत्पिञ्ज :: mfn. (-ञ्जः -ञ्जा -ञ्जं) Excessively confused or confounded, bewildered,

lost, overcome. m. (-ञ्जः) An army in great disorder. E. सम् and उद् before पिजि to hurt, aff. अच्; also समुत्पिञ्जल, and simply पिञ्ज, &c.

  • समुत्सर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) 1. Leaving, abandoning. 2. Giving. 3. Evacuation of urine or fæces. E. सम् and उद् before सृज् to abandon, aff. घञ् ।
  • समुत्सव :: m. (-वः) Festivity. E. सम्, and उत्सव festival.
  • समुत्सारण :: n. (-णं) Pursuing, hunting.
  • समुत्सुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Sorrowful, regretting, missing or grieving for any one absent, &c. E. सम् intensitive, उत्सुक sorrowful.
  • समुत्सेध :: m. (-धः) 1. Height, elevation. 2. Fatness, thickness. E. सम् and उद् before षिध् to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • समुदक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Drawn, raised, lifted or thrown up from a deep place. E. सम् with, and उद् up, अञ्च् to go, aff. क्त ।
  • समुदय :: m. (-यः) 1. Multitude, number, heap or quantity. 2. War, battle. 3. Assent, rise. 4. Rising, (as of the sun, &c.) 5. Effort, exertion, perseverance. 6. A day. 7. The rear of an army. 8. Revenue. E. सम् and उद् before इण् to go, aff. अच् or णच्; also समुदाय ।
  • समुदागम :: m. (-मः) Knowledge. E. सम् and उद् before आगम knowledge.
  • समुदाचार :: m. (-रः) 1. Intention, purpose, design, motive. 2. Proper or right usage. E. सम् with, उद and आङ् before चर् to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • समुदाय :: m. (-यः) 1. War, battle. 2. Multitude, quantity, number, heap. 3. Rise, ascent. 4. The rear or reserve of an army. E. सम् and उद् up, इण् to go, aff. णच्; also समुदय ।
  • समुदाहरण :: n. (-णं) Declaring, uttering. 2. An illustration. E. सम् and उद् before हृ to take, ल्युट् aff.
  • समुदाहृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Declared. 2. Illustrated. E. सम् and उद् before हृ to take, क्त aff.
  • समुदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Risen, ascended. 2. Risen, (as the sun, &c.) 3. Produced, excited, occasioned. 5. Possessed of. 6. Aggregated, united. E. सम्, and उदित risen; or सम and उद् before इण् to go, क्त aff.
  • समुदीरण :: n. (-णं) Repeating, declaring, speaking, reciting. E. सम् and उद् before इर् to say, and ल्युट् aff.
  • समुदीरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Said, spoken, declared, recited. E. सम् and उद् before ईर् to say, क्त aff.
  • समुद्ग :: mfn. (-द्गः -द्गा -द्गं) 1. Who or what rises or goes up. 2. Who or what pervades entirely. 3. Having a cover or lid. 4. Having beans. m. (-द्गः) 1. A casket, a covered box. 2. A stanza in which two or more of the PĀDAS correspond in sound, though in a different sense. E. सम् and उद् before गम् to go, aff. ड ।
  • समुद्गक :: m. (-कः) 1. A casket, a covered box. 2. A sort of stanza: one, each half of which consists of the very same words but in differ- ent acceptations, those of one half being respectively the attributives or adjectives to those of the other. E. सम् and उद् before गम् to go, aff. ड and कन् added.
  • समुद्गम :: m. (-मः) 1. Rising, ascent. 2. Birth, production. 3. Arising, issuing, coming out. E. सम् and उद् before गम् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • समुद्गयमक :: n. (-कं) (In rhetoric,) The repetition of the same words in diff- erent PĀDAS of a stanza, but in a different sense. E. समुद्ग what goes completely, यमक alliteration.
  • समुद्गिरण :: n. (-णं) 1. What is vomited or ejected. 2. Lifting up.
  • समुद्गीत :: n. (-तं) A loud song. E. सम and उद् before गै to sing, क्त aff.
  • समुद्गीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Brought up, (as food,) vomited. 2. Raised or lifted up, (from a depth, &c.) 3. Uttered, exclaimed raised, (as a cry, &c.) E. सम् and उद् before गॄ to swallow, or sound, aff. क्त ।
  • समुद्दिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Pointed out, shewn. 2. Particularised, enumerated. 3. Explained. E. सम् and उद् before दिश् to shew, क्त aff.
  • समुद्देश :: m. (-शः) 1. Describing. 2. Pointing out. 3. Particularising, explaining, enumerating. E. सम् and उद् before दिश् to shew, घञ् aff.
  • समुद्धत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Ill-mannered, behaving ill or improperly, conducting one's self discreditably. 2. Raised or drawn up. 3.

Upheld, supported. 4. Arrogant, proud, puffed up with pride, &c. 5. Impudent. E. सम् and उद् before हन् to hurt or kill, aff. क्त ।

  • समुद्धरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Food vomited or thrown up. 2. Drawing up, raising, lifting, (as water from a well, &c.) 3. Eradicating a tree, &c. pull- ing up by the roots. 4. Extricating, lifting out. 5. Taking out from, as a part or share. E. सम् and उद् before हृ to take, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • समुद्धर्त्तृ :: mfn. (-र्त्ता -र्त्त्री -र्त्तृ) Who or what lifts, raises, extricates, &c. m. (-र्त्ता) A redeemer, a deliverer. E. सम् and उद् before हृ to take, तृच् aff.
  • समुद्धस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Wiped off by the hand. E. सम् and उद् before हस्त the hand.
  • समुद्धत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Ill-behaved. 2. Thrown up, (as food, &c.) 3. Raised or drawn up. 4. Extricated, lifted out or from. 5. Taken as a share, set apart, divided. 6. Seized, possessed of. E. सम् and उद् before धृ to have, or हृ to take, aff. क्त ।
  • समुद्भव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Born or produced. m. (-वः) Production, origin. E. सम् and उद् before भव being.
  • समुद्भूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Born, produced, derived. E. सम् and उद् before भू to be, क्त aff.
  • समुद्यत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Ready, prepared. E. सम् intensitive, उद्यत active.
  • समुद्यम :: m. (-मः) 1. Commencement, onset. 2. Effort, exertion. 3. Lifting up. E. सम्, and उद्यम effort.
  • समुद्योग :: m. (-गः) Active exertion.
  • समुद्र :: mfn. (-द्रः -द्रा -द्रं) Sealed, stamped. m. (-द्रः) A sea, an ocean. E. सम् before उन्दि to be wet, and रक् aff.; or स for सह with, and मुद्रा a seal; also thence signifying a limit, (i. e. bounded by conti- nents,) or a jewel, (the receptacle of gems,) or सम् with, उद्र an otter; or स with, मुद pleasure, or सम् together, उद water, and रा to give or have, aff. क, &c.
  • समुद्रकफ :: m. (-फः) Cuttle-fish-bone. E. समुद्र the sea, and कफ phlegm.
  • समुद्रकान्ता :: f. (-न्ता) A river. E. समुद्र the sea, and कान्ता the mistress.
  • समुद्रग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Ocean-going, sea-faring. m. (-गः) 1. A trader by sea. 2. A seaman. f. (-गा) A river. E. समुद्र the sea, ग who goes to.
  • समुद्रगृह :: n. (-हं) A sort of pleasure or summer house, built in the midst of water, &c. E. समुद्र the sea, and गृह house.
  • समुद्रचुलुक :: m. (-कः) The saint AGASTYA. E. समुद्र the sea, चुलुक a pot; having drank up the ocean.
  • समुद्रतट :: n. (-टं) The sea-coast. E. समुद्र, and तट a bank.
  • समुद्रतीर :: n. (-रं) The sea-shore. E. समुद्र, and तीर a bank.
  • समुद्रदयिता :: f. (-ता) A river. E. समुद्र the sea, and दयिता beloved.
  • समुद्रनवनीत :: n. (-तं) 1. The beverage of immortality. 2. The moon. E. समुद्र the ocean, and नवनीत butter: being produced or recovered by the churning of the ocean.
  • समुद्रफेन :: m. (-नः) Cuttle-fish-bone. E. समुद्र the sea, फेन froth or foam.
  • समुद्रमेखला :: f. (-ला) The earth. E. समुद्र the sea, मेखला a zone; the sea- girt; surrounded by the ocean as by a girdle.
  • समुद्रयान :: n. (-नं) 1. A sea-voyage. 2. A vessel, a ship. E. समुद्र, यान going.
  • समुद्रयायिन् :: m. (-यी) A sailor, a navigator, a merchant trading by sea. E. समुद्र, and यायिन् who goes.
  • समुद्रयोषित् :: f. (-षित्) A river.
  • समुद्ररसना :: f. (-ना) The earth. E. समुद्र the sea, and रसना a zone.
  • समुद्रलवण :: n. (-णं) Sea-salt. E. समुद्र the sea, and लवण salt.
  • समुद्रवसना :: f. (-ना) The earth.
  • समुद्रवह्नि :: m. (-ह्निः) Submarine fire. E. समुद्र the sea, and वह्नि fire.
  • समुद्रविजय :: m. (-यः) The father of the Jina or Jaina pontiff of the present era. E. समुद्र the sea. and विजय victor.
  • समुद्रवेला :: f. (-ला) A wave of the sea. E. समुद्र, and वेला a wave.
  • समुद्रसुभगा :: f. (-गा) The ganges.
  • समुद्रान्त :: n. (-न्तं) 1. The nutmeg. 2. The sea-shore. f. (-न्ता) 1. A shrub, (Hedysarum alhagi.) 2. The cotton plant. 3. A gramineous plant, (Trigonella corniculata.) 4. The earth. E. समुद्र the sea, and अन्त end or boundary.
  • समुद्राम्बरा :: f. (-रा) The earth. E. समुद्र the sea, and अम्बर vesture; clothed or invested by the ocean.
  • समुद्रारु :: m. (-रुः) 1. A shark. 2. A large fabulous fish, perhaps inten- ding the whole, hyperbolically described. 3. RĀMA'S bridge. E. समुद्र the sea, ऋ to go, aff. उण् ।
  • समुद्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Marine, oceanic, maritime. E. समुद्र the sea, aff. घ or छ; also समुद्रीय ।
  • समुद्वह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) 1. Who or what lifts or bears up. 2. Moving up and down. E. सम् and उद् before वह् to bear, अच् or घञ् aff.
  • समुद्वहत् :: mfn. (-हन् -हन्ती -हत्) 1. Lifting or raising up. 2. Moving up and down. E. सम् and उद् before वह् to bear, शतृ aff.
  • समुद्वाह :: m. (-हः) Nuptials, marriage.
  • समुद्वेग :: m. (-गः) Fear, alarm, terror.
  • समुन्दन :: n. (-नं) Wetness, damp, moisture. E. सम् before उन्दि to be moist or wet, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • समुन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Wet, moist, moistened. E. सम् before उन्द् to be wet, aff. क्त ।
  • समुन्नत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. High, lofty, elevated. 2. Full, prominent. 3. Exalted, dignified. 4. Proud, arrogant. 5. Lifted up, raised up. 6. Just, upright. E. सम् and उद् before नम् to bow, aff. क्त ।
  • समुन्नति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Height, elevation, (physical and mental.) 2. Conse- quence, rank, dignity, exaltation. 3. Pride, loftiness. 4. Lifting up. 5. Increase, thriving, prosperity. E. सम् and उद् before नम् to bow, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • समुन्नद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Conceited of learning, thinking one's self learned. 2. Proud, arrogant. 3. Produced, born. 4. Tied up or above. 5. Supreme, lord or master. E. सम् and उद् before णह् to tie, aff. क्त ।
  • समुन्नय :: m. (-यः) 1. Occurrence, event. 2. Gaining, attaining. E. सम् and उद् before णी to take, अच् aff.
  • समुन्नयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Attaining, gaining. E. सम् and उद् before णी to get, शतृ aff.
  • समुन्मूलन :: n. (-नं) Uprooting, destruction.
  • समुपक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Seen, beheld. E. सम् and उद् before ईक्ष् to see, क्त aff.
  • समुपगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Approached, approximated. E. सम्, and उप near, गत gone.
  • समुपगम :: m. (-मः) Approach, approximation, contact. E. सम् and उप before गम् to go, घञ् aff.
  • समुपचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Collected, heaped, accumulated. E. सम् and उप before चि to collect, क्त aff.
  • समुपजीषम् :: Ind. Happily, fortunately. E. सम् and उप before जुष् to gratify, aff. अम्; also read उपजोषम् and उपयोषम् or समुपयोषम् ।
  • समुपभोग :: m. (-गः) Copulation.
  • समुपविष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Seated, sat down. E. सम् and उप before विश् to enter, क्त aff.
  • समुपवेश :: m. (-शः) Welcoming, entertaining, causing to sit down. E. सम् and उप before विश् to enter, causal v., घञ् aff.
  • समुपवेशन :: n. (-नं) A building, a habitation.
  • समुपवेशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Welcomed, made to sit or rest. E. सम् and उप before विश् to enter, causal v., क्त aff.
  • समुपस्था :: f. (-स्था) 1. Proximity, approach, approximation. 2. Nearness. 3. Happening, befalling. E. सम् and उप before ष्ठा to be, अङ् and टाप् affs.; also समुपस्थान and समुपस्थिति ।
  • समुपस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Attained, acquired. 2. Brought or come near to, approximated. E. सम् and उप before ष्ठा to stay, क्त aff.
  • समुपार्जन :: n. (-नं) Reconciliation.
  • समुपेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Come together, assembled. 2. Arrived at. 3. Endowed with. E. सम् and उप before इण् to go, क्त aff.
  • समुपेयिवस् :: mfn. (-वान् -युषी -वत्) Going, proceeding. E. सम् and उप before इण् to go, क्वसु aff. of the present participle.
  • समुपोढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Suppressed, restrained. 2. Gone upwards, risen. 3. Increased, developed. E. सम् and उप before वह् to bear, क्त aff.
  • समुल्लसत् :: mfn. (-सन् -सन्ती -सत्) 1. Sporting, wantoning. 2. Shining, beauti- ful. E. सम् and उद् before लस् to play, शतृ aff. of the present participle.
  • समुल्लसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sportive, sporting. 2. Brilliant, beautiful. E. सम् and उत् before लस् to play, क्त aff.
  • समूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Heaped, accumulated, assembled, collected. 2. Crooked, bent. 3. Produced quickly. 4. Accompanying, associated, a companion. 5. Tamed, tranquillized. 6. Married. 7. Purified, cleansed. 8. Led, conducted. 9. Enveloped. E. सम् before वह् to bear, or ऊह् to reason, aff. क्त ।
  • समूर :: m. (-रः) A deer. E. सम् to be confused, aff. ऊर ।
  • समूरु :: m. (-रुः) A deer, one of the sorts of which the skin may be used as a student's seat, &c. E. षम् to be confused, ऊरु aff.; or सन्धिहीन- त्वात् ऊरु यस्य । also with कन् added समूरुक . According to some, this sort of deer is distinguished by a white mane.
  • समूल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Having a root, joined or in connection with the root. E. स with, मूल a root.
  • समूलघात :: n. (-तं) Utter destruction or eradication. E. समूल radical, घात killing.
  • समूह :: m. (-हः) Assemblage, aggregate in general, heap, number, multitude, quantity, &c. E. सम् together, ऊह् to reason, or वह् to bear, घञ् aff.
  • समूहकार्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Interests or business of a number, general affair. E. समूह, and कार्य्य affair.
  • समूहत् :: mfn. (-हन् -हन्ती -हत्) Collecting, gathering. E. सम् before वह् to bear, aff. शतृ ।
  • समूहन :: n. (-नं) Collection, plenty.
  • समूहनी :: f. (-नी) A broom. E. समूह heap, (of dirt,) णी to take, affs. डु and ङीष्; or सम + ऊह्--करणे ल्युट् ङीप् ।
  • समूह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) To be assembled or collected. m. (-ह्यः) 1. Sacrificial fire. 2. A place prepared for the reception of a sacri- ficial fire. Ind. Having collected. E. सम् completely, वह् to bear, or ऊह् to reason, aff. क्यप्, ण्यत् or ल्यप् ।
  • समृद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Happy, prosperous, thriving. 2. Grown, increased, augmented. 3. Flourishing. 4. Full, entire. 5. Accelera- ted. E. सम् completely, ऋध् to increase, aff. क्त ।
  • समृद्धवेग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Very swift. E. समृद्ध, and वेग speed.
  • समृद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) 1. Thriving, increase. 2. Prosperity, success. 3. Power, supremacy. 4. Wealth. E. सम् completely, ऋध् to increase, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • समेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Near, approximated, approached. 2. Agreed, covenanted. 3. Collected, associated. 4. Having, possessed of. E. सम् with, इत gone; or सम and आङ् before इण् to go, क्त aff.
  • समेधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Increased, augmented. E. सम् before एधित increa- sed; or सम + एध् + णिच्--क्त ।
  • समोदक :: n. (-कं) A mixture of half butter milk and half water. E. सम equal, उदक water.
  • सम्प :: m. (-म्पः) Descending, falling, alighting. f. (-म्पा) Lightning. E. सम्, and पत् to fall, aff. ड ।
  • सम्पत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. Prosperity, success, increase of wealth, power or happiness. 2. Excellence of qualities. 3. A sort of medicinal root. E. सम् implying perfection, पद् to go, aff. क्तिन्; also सम्पद् ।
  • सम्पद् :: f. (-पत् or पद्) 1. Success, prosperity, increase of any favourable kind, or of wealth, fame, power, &c. 2. Advancement in good qualities, perfection, excellence. 3. A necklace of pearls, &c. 4. Treasure. 5. Adornment. 6. Blessing. E. सम् before पद् to go, aff. क्विप् ।
  • सम्पद :: n. (-दं) Standing with the feet even. E. सम् together, पद a foot.
  • सम्पद्वर :: m. (-रः) A king, a prince. E. सम् before पद् to go, ष्वरच् Unādi aff.
  • सम्पन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Accomplished, completed, effected, obtained. 2. Prosperous, fortunate, thriving, happy. 3. Possessed of, endow- ed with. 4. Mature, full-grown. 5. Perfectly acquainted with or performing, (duty, &c.) 6. Right, correct. 7. Made of, become. E. सम् with, पद् to go, aff. क्त; also with कन् aff. सम्पन्नक ।
  • सम्पराय :: m. (-यः) 1. Calamity, adversity. 2. Futurity. 3. War, battle. 4. A son. E. सम् and परा before इण् to go, अच् or णच् aff.
  • सम्परायक :: n. (-कं) War, battle. E. कन् added to the last; see the next.
  • सम्परायिक :: n. (-कं) War, battle. E. सम्पराय war, ठन् aff.; also सम्परायक ।
  • सम्परिशोषण :: n. (-णं) A withering or drying up. E. सम्, and परि implying entirely, शोषण drying.
  • सम्पकं :: m. (-र्कः) 1. Mixture, mingling, contact, union, junction. 2. Copu- lation. E. सम् with, पृच् to be in contact, aff. अच् or घञ् ।
  • सम्पर्किन् :: mfn. (-र्की -र्किणी -र्कि) 1. Mixed, blended. 2. Connected or united with. 3. In contact with. E. सम् together, पृच् to be in contact, घिनुण् aff.
  • सम्पर्कीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Liable to come in contact, relating to contact or connection. E. सम्पकं, and छ aff.
  • सम्पश्यत् :: mfn. (-श्यन् -श्यन्ती -श्यत्) Seeing, beholding. E. सम् before दृश् to see, शतृ aff.
  • सम्पा :: f. (-म्पा) Lightning. See शम्पा . E. सम्यक् अतर्कितं पतति पत-ड ।
  • सम्पाक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Reasoning, a reasoner, a logician. 2. Impu- dent, shameless. 3. Small, little, low. 4. Lecherous, libertine. 5. Lustful, lewd. m. (-कः) A tree, (Casia fistula.) E. सम् completely, पाक ripening or maturing; also शम्पाक ।
  • सम्पाट :: m. (-टः) 1. A spindle. 2. The intersection of the prolonged side of a triangle by the perpendicular. E. सम् before पट् to go, घञ् aff.
  • सम्पात :: m. (-तः) 1. Descending, falling, coming down. 2. Alighting, (as a bird.) 3. A special mode of flight, (attributed to birds.) 4. Being removed or displaced. 5. Flying of arrows. 6. Meeting. 7. Con- currence, butting together. 8. Going, moving. 9. The son of GARUḌA. E. सम् before पत् to alight, aff. घञ् ।
  • सम्पाति :: f. (-तिः) The son of GARUDA, a fabulous bird. E. सम्, पा intensi- tive, to cherish or drink, अति Unādi aff.; or सम् + पत्-णिच्-इन् ।
  • सम्पातिक :: m. (-कः) The eldest son of GARUḌA, and like him a sort of fabulous and supernatural bird. E. कन् added to the last.
  • सम्पाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Completion, accomplishment. 2. Obtaining.
  • सम्पादक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what fulfils, accomplishes, &c. n. (-नं) 1. Effecting. 2. Cleansing. 3. Attaining, acquiring. E. सम् before पद् to go, causal v., ण्वुल् aff.
  • सम्पादन :: n. (-नं) 1. Gaining, acquiring, reaching, attaining. 2. Accom- plishing, effecting. E. सम् before पद् to go, causal form, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • सम्पादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Attained, obtained, gained, gotten. 2. Effec- ted, accomplished. E. सम् before पद् to go, causal form, aff. क्त ।
  • सम्पिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Pounded, bruised, crushed, destroyed. E. सम्, and पिष्ट ground.
  • सम्पीड :: m. (-डः) 1. Agitating, disturbing. 2. Sending, driving, directing. 3. Pain, torture. 4. Castigation, punishment. 5. Squeezing, Com- pression. E. सम् before पीड् to give pain to, &c., aff. अच् ।
  • सम्पीडन :: n. (-नं) 1. Castigation, punishment. 2. Agitation. 3. Sending. 4. Pressing, squeezing. E. सम् before पीड् to give pain, ल्युट् aff.
  • सम्पीडित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Pained, tortured. 2. Punished. 3. Agitated. 4. Sent. 5. Pressed, squeezed. E. सम् before पीड् to pain, क्त aff.
  • सम्पीति :: f. (-तिः) Drinking in company. E. सम् together, पा to drink, क्तिन् aff.
  • सम्पुट :: m. (-टः) 1. A casket, a covered box. 2. Cavity. 3. The Kuruvaka- flower. E. सम् together, पुट् to contract, aff. क ।
  • सम्पुटक :: m. (-कः) A casket. E. सम् with पुट् to contract, aff. क, and कन् added.
  • सम्पूजन :: n. (-नं) Treating with great respect. E. सम्, and पूज् to worship, ल्युट् aff.
  • सम्पूजनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be, what may or ought to be respected, &c. E. सम्, and पूज् to respect, अनीयर् aff.; also सम्पूजितव्य and सम्पूज्य ।
  • सम्पूजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Honoured, respected. E. सम्, and पूजित worshipped.
  • सम्पूर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Whole, entire. 2. Complete, finished. m. (-र्णः) Any mode of music in which all the notes of the gamut are

employed. n. (-र्णं) Ether, the etherial matter or atmosphere. E. सम् intensitive, and पूर् to fill, क्त aff.

  • सम्पूणता :: f. (-ता) Fulness, completion. E. सम्पूर्ण and तल् aff.; also with त्व, सम्पूर्णत्वं ।
  • सम्पृक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Mixed, blended, combined, inlaid, interspersed. 2. Joined, united. 3. Close to, in contact with. E. सम् together, पृच् to be in contact, aff. क्त ।
  • सम्प्रकॢप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Possessed of, having. E. सम् and प्र before कॢप्त made.
  • सम्प्रक्षालन :: n. (-नं) 1. Bathing. 2. Inundation.
  • सम्प्रणर्दित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bellowed. E. सम् and प्र before नर्द् to sound, क्त aff.
  • सम्प्रणीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Brought, conveyed. E. सम् and प्र before णी to take, क्त aff.
  • सम्प्रणेतृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Who or what guides, leads, &c. m. (-ता) A judge, a ruler. E. सम् and प्र before णी to get, तृच् aff.
  • सम्प्रतापन :: n. (-नं) 1. Heating, burning. 2. Afflicting. 3. One of the twenty-one hells. E. सम् and प्र before तप् to heat, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • सम्प्रति :: Ind. Now, at present, at this time. m. (-तिः) A Jaina pontiff, of the last era. E. सम्, and प्रति with respect to, &c., conjoined.
  • सम्प्रतिपत्ति :: mfn. (-त्तिः -त्तिः -त्ति) Agreed, convened, consentient. f. (-त्तिः) 1. Assent, concurrence. 2. Admission, acknowledgment, confession. 3. Agreement. 4. Co-operation. 5. Presence, company. 6. Assault. 7. Doing, performing, effecting. 8. A particular kind of reply or defence, admission of a fact, (in law.) E. सम् together, प्रतिपत्ति, agreement, assent; or सम् + प्रतिपद्यते-क्तिन् ।
  • सम्प्रतिपन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Done, performed. 2. Come, arrived. 3. Agreed, concurred. 4. Attached. E. सम् and प्रति before पद् to go, क्त aff.
  • सम्प्रतिरोधक :: m. (-कः) Durance, actual confinement or restraint, imprison- ment. E. सम्प्रति present, रोधक what restricts.
  • सम्प्रतीक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) Expecting, awaiting. E. सम् and प्रति before ईक्ष् to see, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • सम्प्रतीति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Fame, notoriety. 2. Compliance. E. सम् before प्रतीति, the same.
  • सम्प्रत्यय :: m. (-यः) 1. Agreement. 2. Firm conviction.
  • सम्प्रदान :: n. (-नं) 1. Gift, donation. 2. The act of giving or handing over completely. 3. Bestowing in marriage. 4. The idea expressed by the fourth case, the dative case, (in grammar.) E. सम् and प्र before दा to give, ल्युट् aff.
  • सम्प्रदानीय :: n. (-यं) A gift, a donation.
  • सम्प्रदाय :: m. (-यः) 1. Traditional doctrine, what has been transmitted from one teacher to another, and is established as of sacred authority. 2. A sect, a schism, a peculiar doctrine and exclusive worship of one divinity. 3. Custom, usage. E. सम् and प्र before दा to give, घञ् aff., युक् augment.
  • सम्प्रधान :: n. (-नं) Consideration, ascertainment. E. सम् and प्र before धा to have, ल्युट् aff.
  • सम्प्रधारणा :: f. (-णा) Determination, deliberation, the determining on the propriety or impropriety of anything. E. सम् and प्र before धृ to have or hold, causal form, aff. युच् ।
  • सम्प्रपद :: n. (-दं) Roaming, peregrination. E. सम् and प्र before पद् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • सम्प्रमीद :: m. (-दः) Excessive joy.
  • सम्प्रमोष :: m. (-षः) Loss, abstraction.
  • सम्प्रयाण :: n. (-णं) Departure. E. सम् and प्र before या to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • सम्प्रयुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Acquainted or connected with. 2. Joined, united with, &c. E. सम् and प्र before युज् to join, क्त aff.
  • सम्प्रयोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Connection, relation, mutual proportion, dependence or association. 2. Order, natural and connected series or arrange- ment. 3. Copulation. 4. Union, joining. 5. Magic. E. सम् and प्र before युज् to join, aff. घञ् ।
  • सम्प्रयोगिन् :: m. (-गी) 1. A libertine, a lecher. 2. A catamite. 3. A joiner or uniter, any one who effects a union or connection. 4. A conjuror. E. सम्प्रयोग union in general, or coition, aff. इनि or घिनुण् ।
  • सम्प्रवदन :: n. (-नं) Conversation, talking together. E. सम् and प्र before वद् to speak, ल्युट् aff.
  • सम्प्रवृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Passed, gone by. E. सम् and प्र before वृत्त been
  • सम्प्रवृष्ट :: n. (-ष्टं) A rain-fall.
  • सम्प्रश्न :: m. (-श्नः) Asking, enquiring civilly. E. सम्, and प्रश्न asking.
  • सम्प्रसाद :: n. (-दं) 1. Trust, confidence. 2. Serenity. 3. Favour, grace. 4. The soul. E. सम् and प्र before सद् to go, घञ् aff.
  • सम्प्रसाधन :: n. (-नं) Effecting, accomplishing, performing well or com- pletely. E. सम् and प्र before साध् to accomplish, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • सम्प्रसारण :: n. (-णं) The mutual substitution of the letters इ, उ, ऋ, ॡ, and their respective semi-vowels, य, व, र, and ल, (in gram.) E. सम्, and प्र before सृ to go, causal form, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • सम्प्रस्थान :: n. (-नं) Setting out on a journey. E. सम् and प्र before स्था to stay, ल्युट् aff.
  • सम्प्रस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Set forth, gone on a journey. E. सम् and प्र before स्था to stay, क्त aff.
  • सम्प्रहार :: m. (-रः) 1. War, battle. 2. Striking, killing. 3. Mutual striking. 4. Going, motion. E. सम् and प्र before हृ to take, aff. घञ् ।
  • सम्प्रहास :: n. (-सं) 1. Laughter. 2. Joy. E. सम् and प्र before हस् to laugh, घञ् aff.
  • सम्प्राप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Attained, obtained, gotten. 2. Effected, accomplished. 3. Become. 4. Arrived, come. E. सम् and प्राप्त obtained.
  • सम्प्राप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) Obtaining, getting, acquisition. E. सम् before प्राप्ति ob- taining; or सम + प्र + आप-क्तिन् ।
  • सम्प्रीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Well-pleased, delighted. E. सम्, and प्रीत liking.
  • सम्प्रीति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Attachment, affection. 2. Delight, friendly regard. E. सम् before प्रीति affection.
  • सम्प्रेक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Deliberating, considering, investigating. 2. Looking at, seeing. E. सम् and प्र before ईक्ष् to see, ल्युट् aff.
  • सम्प्रेक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Considered, investigated. 3. Seen, beheld. E. सम् and प्र before ईक्ष् to see, क्त aff.
  • सम्प्रेषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sent, ordered. 2. Dismissed, sent away. E. सम् before प्रेषित sent.
  • सम्प्रैष :: m. (-षः) 1. Order, command, direction. 2. Dismissing, sending away. E. सम् and प्र before इष् to go, aff. घञ्; also सम्प्रेष ।
  • सम्प्रोक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Sprinkling. 2. Consecrating, (a temple.) E. सम् and प्र before उक्ष् to sprinkle, ल्युट् aff.: see प्रोक्षण ।
  • सम्प्रोक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sprinkled, wetted, (especially with holy water.) 2. Consecrated. E. सम् and प्र before उक्ष् to sprinkle, क्त aff.
  • सम्प्लव :: m. (-वः) 1. Falling in various directions. 2. Submersion, inunda- tion. 3. Subversion. 4. Surge. E. सम्, and प्लु to go, अच् aff.
  • सम्फाल :: m. (-लः) A ram. E. सम् before फल् to bear fruit, aff. ण ।
  • सम्फुल्ल :: mfn. (-ल्लः -ल्ला -ल्लं) Blown, blossomed, opened, (as a flower.) E. सम् completely, and फुल्ल blown, अच् being added.
  • सम्फेट :: m. (-टः) (In dramatic language,) Wrathful encounter, defiance, combat, the incident of an angry and tumultuous conflict.
  • सम्ब् :: r. 1st cl. (सम्बति) To go, to move. r. 10th cl. (सम्बयति-ते) To unite, to join, to contact or collect; also षम्ब् ।
  • सम्ब :: n. (-म्बं) 1. Water. 2. The second ploughing of a field. E. सम्ब् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • सम्बद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Connected with, endowed with, possessing as a predicate or property. 2. Bound, tied, attached. E. सम् with, बन्ध् to bind, aff. क्त ।
  • सम्बन्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) 1. Able, capable. 2. Fit, right, proper. 3. Ad- junct, annexed or connected, inherent, &c. m. (-न्धः) 1. Prosperity, success. 2. Fitness, propriety. 3. Connection, natural or essential connection, as of a property with a substance, subject matter with a work, proper meaning with a word, &c. 4. Connection by birth or marriage, relationship. 5. The application of authority, as of the Upanishads to prove a theological assertion, &c. 6. Mental associa- tion of objects, conceiving them in connection with each other. 7. (In grammar,) The possessive case. E. सम् with, and बन्ध a binding.
  • सम्बन्धक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Relating to, concerning. 2. Fit, suitable. m. (-कः) 1. A kind of alliance. 2. A friend. 3. A relation by birth or marriage. E. कन् added to the last.
  • सम्बन्धिन् :: mfn. (-न्धी -न्धिनी -न्धि) 1. Possessing good qualities, learned,

amiable, liberal, &c. 2. Having adjoined or connected with, inherent. 3. Related to, a relation, connection. 4. Connected with, belonging or relating to. E. सम्बन्ध connection, and इनि aff.

  • सम्बर :: n. (-रं) 1. Water. 2. Restraint, forbearance, self-control. 3. A religious observance of the Bauddhas. m. (-रः) 1. The name of a demon or Daitya slain by KĀMA. 2. A deer. 3. A sort of fish. 4. A mountain. 5. A Jina, one of the pontiffs of the future age. 6. A kind of dramatic entertainment. 7. A bridge, a dam, a cause- way. f. (-री) 1. A plant, (Asparagus racemosus.) 2. A medicinal plant, (Salvinia cucullata.) E. सम्ब् to accumulate, अरन् aff.; ङीप् added in the fem. form; also शम्बर and संवर ।
  • सम्बल :: mn. (-लः-लं) Provender or stock for travelling expenses. n. (-लं) Water. E. सम्ब् to go, aff. कलच्; or सम्यक् बलो यतो वा; also शम्बल ।
  • सम्बाकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Twice-ploughed. E. सम्ब a second ploughing, कृत made, डाच् augment; also शम्बाकृत ।
  • सम्बाध :: Adj. m. only, but having the three genders when the last term of a compound adjective. (-धः) 1. Narrow, contracted, impassible, either from being naturally confined, or from being blocked up or crowded. 2. Crowded. Subst. 1. The vulva. 2. The road to tartarus or hell. 3. Fear, dread. E. सम् before बाध् to impede, aff. घञ् ।
  • सम्बाधक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Crowding, contracting, pressing upon. E. सम् before बाध् to obstruct, ण्वुल् aff.
  • सम्बाधन :: n. (-नं) 1. A gate, a barrier. 2. The point of a stake or spit. 3. A door-keeper. 4. Obstructing, opposing. 5. The vulva. E. सम् before बाध् to impede, aff. ल्यु or ल्युट् ।
  • सम्बुद्ध :: m. (-द्धः) A Jaina deified sage. E. सम् implying perfection, बुद्ध wise.
  • सम्बुद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) 1. Calling or calling to. 2. An epithet. 3. Perfect knowledge or perception. 4. Consciousness. 5. The vocative case. E. सम् with बुध् to know, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • सम्बोध :: m. (-धः) 1. Explaining, instructing, informing. 2. Throwing, sending, 3. Loss, destruction. 4. Right perception. E. सम् completely, बुध् to know, causal form, aff. घञ् ।
  • सम्बोधन :: n. (-नं) 1. Calling, addressing, calling to. 2. The vocative case, (in grammar.) E. सम्, and बुध् to know, causal form, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • सम्भली :: f. (-ली) A bawd, a procuress. E. सम् with, भल् to speak, affs. अच् and ङीष्; also शम्भली ।
  • सम्भव :: m. (-वः) 1. Cause, origin, motive. 2. Birth, production. 3. Mixing, union, combination. 4. Capacity, appropriateness, adaptation, the conformity of the receptacle to the thing received, or supporter to the thing supported. 5. Agreement, engagement. 6. Loss, destruction. 7. Acquaintance, intimacy. 8. Possibility. 9. Ability, adequacy. 10. Consistency, compatibility. 11. The third Jina of the present age. E. सम् implying perfection or co- existence, भू to be, अप् aff.
  • सम्भव्य :: m. (-व्यः) The wood-apple, (Feronia elephantium.) E. सम् with, भव being, यत् aff.
  • सम्भार :: m. (-रः) 1. Multitude, number, quantity, heap, assemblage. 2. Maintaining, supporting. 3. Provision, preparation, getting everything ready or complete. 4. Fulness, completion. 5. Appara- tus, necessaries, things required for any act or affair. E. सम् before भृ to maintain, aff. घञ् ।
  • सम्भार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) To be nourished, a dependent. E. सम्, and भृ to nourish, ण्यत् aff.
  • सम्भावन :: nf. (-नं-ना) 1. Considering, reflecting. 2. Fame, celebrity. 3. Fitness, suitableness. 4. Adequacy, competency, ability. 5. Poss- ibility. 6. Worship, honour. 7. (In grammar,) The sense of the potential mood. 8. (In rhetoric,) The use of the verb in the imper- ative or potential mood. 9. (In Logic,) Doubt. 10. Thought. 11. Love. E. सम् before भू to be, causal form, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • सम्भावित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Equal or adequate to, suited to or fit for. 2. Possible. 3. Considered, reflected. 4. Satisfied or occupied with. 5. Honoured. E. सम् with, भू to be, &c., causal form, aff. क्त ।
  • सम्भावितात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) Noble-minded. E. सम्भावित equal, आत्मन् self.
  • सम्भाव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Suitable, to be adapted to, made, or fit for. E. सम्, and भू to be, causal v., यत् aff.; also सम्भावनीय, &c.
  • सम्भाषण :: n. (-णं) 1. Conversation, discourse. 2. War-cry, watch-word. E. सम् together, भाषण speaking.
  • सम्भाषा :: f. (-षा) 1. War-cry, watch-word. 2. Conversation, discourse. 3. Contract, agreement. 4. Greeting. 5. A criminal connection. E. सम् together, भाषा speech.
  • सम्भाषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Said, spoken to, addressed. E. सम् before भाष् to speak, क्त aff.
  • सम्भिन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Shaken, agitated. 2. Divided, broken. 3. Combined or united with. E. सम्, and भिन्न broken.
  • सम्भु :: m. (-म्भुः) A parent, a progenitor. E. सम् with, भू to be, डु aff.
  • सम्भुग्न :: mfn. (-ग्नः -ग्ना -ग्नं) Bent, curved. E. सम्, and भुग्न aff.
  • सम्भूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Born, produced. 2. Equal, adequate. 3. Com- bined with, being together. E. सम् with, भू to be, aff. क्त ।
  • सम्भूतविजय :: m. (-यः) A sacred person peculiar to the Jainas.
  • सम्भूति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Birth, production. 2. Combination. 3. Power. 4. Fitness. E. सम्, and भू to be, क्तिन् aff.
  • सम्भूय :: Ind. Having united or combined. E. सम् together, भू to be, ल्यप् aff.
  • सम्भूयकारिन् :: m. (-री) A co-adjutor, co-partner, or colleague. E. सम्भूय, and कारिन् who acts.
  • सम्भूयसमुत्थान :: n. (-नं) Partnership, association in trade, joint execution of work or conduct of business. E. सम्भूय, समुत्थान performance of work.
  • सम्भृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Collected, assembled. 2. Gained, got, possessed of. 3. Filled, full. 4. Complete, ready, prepared. 5. Nourished maintained. 6. Carried. E. सम् before भृ to nourish, &c., aff. क्त ।
  • सम्भृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Nourishment, support. 2. Plentitude, fulness. 3. Preparation, provision. E. सम्, भृ to possess, aff. क्तिन्: see the last.
  • सम्भृत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) To be nourished. E. सम्, भृ to nourish, aff. क्यप् ।
  • सम्भेद :: m. (-दः) 1. The confluence of two or more rivers, or the junction of a river with the sea. 2. Breaking, splitting, bursting. 3. Union, junction. E. सम् with, भिद् to break, aff. घञ् ।
  • सम्भोग :: n. (-गः) 1. Enjoyment, pleasure, delight. 2. Coition, copulation. 3. A Jaina or Bauddha Śāsana or edict, &c. 4. One branch of the Śringāra-rasa, or sentiment of love, happy or successful love, meeting or union of lovers. 5. A catamite. 6. Use, occupation, employment. E. सम् with, भोग enjoyment.
  • सम्भोगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) 1. Sensual, sensualist, &c. 2. Enjoying, as pleasure or property. m. (-गी) A catamite. E. सम्भोग, इनि aff.
  • सम्भोजन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Convivial, friendly, (as a dinner, &c.) n. (-नं) A meal, &c. partaken together, a convivial party. E. सम् together, भुज् to enjoy, ल्युट् aff.
  • सम्भ्रम :: m. (-मः) 1. Haste, hurry. 2. Fear, terror. 3. Flurry, confusion, haste or hurry arising from joy, fear, &c. 4. Error, ignorance. 5. Turning round, whirling about, revolving. 6. Respect, reverence. E. सम् before भ्रम् to revolve, &c., aff. अच् or घञ् ।
  • सम्भ्रान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Bewildered, agitated. 2. Flurried, confused. E. सम्, and भ्रम् to err, क्त aff.
  • सम्मत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Assented or agreed to, concurred in 2. Con- formable to. 3. Attached to. 4. Liked, beloved. 5. Honoured, respected. 6. Thought, considered. E. सम्, मन् to mind, क्त aff.
  • सम्मति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Wish, desire. 2. Order, command. 3. Agreement, assent, similarity of opinion, or purpose. 4. Approbation. 5. Self or real knowledge. 6. Regard, affection, love. 7. Respect, homage. E. सम् implying union or perfection, मति mind, understanding.
  • सम्मद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Happy, glad. m. (-दः) Happiness, joy, pleasure. E. सम् with, मद् to delight, aff. अप् or घञर्थे क ।
  • सम्मर्द :: m. (-र्दः) 1. Trampling or treading on, thronging together. 2. Friction, rubbing. 3. War, battle. E. सम्, मृद् to trample, aff. घञ्
  • सम्मर्दिन् :: mfn. (-र्दी -र्दिनी -र्दि) 1. Trampling. 2. Rubbing. E. सम्मर्द, इनि aff.
  • सम्मातुर :: m. (-रः) The son of a virtuous woman. E. सत् good, मातृ a mother, अण् aff.
  • सम्माद :: m. (-दः) Frenzy, intoxication. E. सम् intensitive, मद् to be mad, aff. घञ् ।
  • सम्मान :: m. (-नः) Respect, homage. n. (-नं) Measure. E. सम्, and मन् to respect, with घञ् aff., or मा to measure, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • सम्मानन :: n. (-नं) Worship, homage. E. सम् intensitive, मन् to respect, causal form, ल्युट् aff.
  • सम्मानित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Treated with reverence or respect. E. सम् before मन् to respect, causal v., क्त aff.
  • सम्मान्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) Respectable, honourable. E. सम्मन् to respect, ण्यत् aff.
  • सम्मार्जक :: m. (-कः) A sweeper. E. सम् completely, मृज् to clean, ण्वुल् aff.
  • सम्मार्जन :: n. (-नं) Sweeping, brushing, cleaning. f. (-नी) A broom. E. सम् before मृज् to clean, aff. ल्यु; ङीप् being added in the fem. form.
  • सम्मित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Like, similar, same. 2. Of equal measure or extent. 3. Commensurate, conformable, corresponding. 4. Furnished or provided with. 5. Meted, measured out. E. सम् with, मित measured, compared.
  • सम्मिश्र :: mfn. (-श्रः -श्रा -श्रं) Mixed, mingled, blended, joined. E. सम् together, मिश्र mixed.
  • सम्मीलन :: n. (-नं) Closing up, covering.
  • सम्मुख :: mfn. (-खः -खा or -खी-खं) Encountering, facing, in front of. E. सम् with, मुख the face.
  • सम्मुखिन् :: m. (-खी) A mirror. E. सम् with, मुख the face, इनि aff.
  • सम्मुखीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Before, in front or in face of. E. सम्मुख, ख aff.
  • सम्मुग्ध :: mfn. (-ग्धः -ग्धा -ग्धं) 1. Fascinated, bewildered. 2. Stupified, astounded. 3. Beautiful. E. सम् before मुह् to fascinate, क्त aff.
  • सम्मूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Heaped, accumulated. 2. Produced rapidly. 3. Broken. 4. Foolish, ignorant, senseless. 5. Bewildered, beguiled. 6. Stupified, astounded. E. सम् entirely, मुह् to be foolish, and क्त aff.
  • सम्मूढचेतस् :: mfn. (-ताः -ताः -तः) Foolish, infatuated. E. सम्मूढ, चेतस् the mind.
  • सम्मूर्छन :: n. (-नं) 1. Uniform or universal expansion or permeation, per- vading, co-extension. 3. Height, elevation. 3. Fainting, insensibility. 4. Increasing, augmenting. 5. Congealing, becoming dense. E. सम् before मूर्च्छ् to faint, &c., aff. ल्युट् ।
  • सम्मूर्च्छनोद्भव :: m. (-वः) A fish or aquatic animal. E. सम्मूर्च्छन insensibility, उद्भव produced.
  • सम्मृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Dead, deceased. E. सम्, and मृत dead.
  • सम्मृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Strained, filtered. 2. Cleaned, cleansed. 3. Well-swept. E. सम् completely, मृष्ट cleansed.
  • सम्मेलन :: n. (-नं) 1. Meeting together. 2. Mixture.
  • सम्मोद :: m. (-दः) 1. Pleasure, delight. E. सम् intensitive, मुद् to be happy aff. घञ् ।
  • सम्मोह :: m. (-हः) 1. Ignorance. 2. Folly. 3. Beguilement, fascination. 4. Stupefaction. 5. Fainting. E. सम् before मुह् to be foolish, घञ् aff.
  • सम्मोहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Beguiled, fascinated. 2. Enraptured, over- come with delight, &c. E. सम्, मुह् to be foolish, causal v., क्त aff.
  • सम्यक् :: Ind. 1. All, wholly. 2. Duly. 3. By honourable means. 4. Distinctly. 5. With, together with. 6. Properly, fitly: see सम्यच् ।
  • सम्यकत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Accuracy, totality. E. सम्यक्, and त्व aff.
  • सम्यक्दण्डन :: n. (-नं) Inflicting the penalty of the law, punishing in a legal manner. E. सम्यक् properly, according to the Shāstras, and दण्डन punishing.
  • सम्यगुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Of equal weight or authority, (a precept.) E. सम्यक् proper, उक्त said.
  • सम्यग्वर्त्तमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Continuing in the discharge of duty, &c. E. सम्यक्, वर्त्तमान being.
  • सम्यग्वृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Steady and regular discharge of prescribed duties. E. सम्यक्, वृति practice.
  • सम्यच् :: or सम्यञ्च् mfn. (-सम्यङ् -समीची -सम्यक्) 1. True, right. 2. Accompany- ing, going with. 3. Pleasant, agreeable. 4. Same, common, iden- tical, uniform. 5. Accurate, correct. 6. All, entire. E. सम् with, अञ्च् to go, क्विप् aff.
  • समाज् :: m. (-राट्) A paramount sovereign, one who rules over other princes, and has performed the Rāja-sūya sacrifice. E. सम् all, राजृ to rule, aff. क्विप् .
  • सय् :: r. 1st cl. (सयते) To go, to move.
  • सयत्न :: mfn. (-त्नः -त्ना -त्नं) Endeavouring, taking pains. n. Adv. (-त्नं) Vigor- ously, assiduously. E. स with, यत्न effort.
  • सयूथ्य :: m. (-थ्यः) One of the same tribe.
  • सयोनि :: m. (-निः) 1. INDRA. 2. Proximity to a wife. 3. A pair of nip- pers for cutting betel-nut. 4. Uterine brother. Adj. Having the same womb. E. स for सह with, or सम् like, योनि pudendum muliebre.
  • सर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Who or what goes, occurring chiefly in composi- tion, as अनुसर, अवसर, &c. 2. Cathartic, purgative. m. (-रः) 1. The thick part or coagulum of curds or milk, cream, &c. 2. Going, motion. 3. An arrow. 4. Saltness, salt. 5. A string. n. (-रं) 1. A lake, a pool. 2. Water. mf. (-रः-रा or -री) A cascade, a water-fall; also शर . E. सृ to go, aff. अच् ।
  • सरःकाक :: m. (-कः) A gander. f. (-की) A goose. E. सरस् a pool, काक a crow.
  • सरक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Going, moving, proceeding. mn. (-कः-कं) 1. Spiri- tuous liquor, especially distilled from sugar, rum. 2. Drinking spirits. 3. A drinking vessel. 4. Distribution of liquor. 5. A continu- ous line of road. n. (-कं) 1. A lake, a pool. 2. Heaven, sky. 3. Going. E. सृ to go, Unādi aff. वुन् ।
  • सरघा :: f. (-घा) A bee. E. सर one who is going, हन् to injure, aff. ड, the radical final changed.
  • सरङ्ग :: mf. (-ङ्गः-ङ्गी) 1. A quadruped. 2. A bird. E. सृ to go, अङ्गच् aff; ङीष् added in the fem. form.
  • सरज :: n. (-जं) Fresh butter. E. सर cream, and ज produced.
  • सरजस् :: f. (-जाः) A woman during menstruation. E. स for सह with, रजस् the menses; also सरजस्का ।
  • सरट् :: m. (-रट्) 1. Air, wind. 2. A cloud. 3. (In the language of the Vedas,) A bee. 4. A lizard, a chameleon. E. सृ to go, अटि Unādi aff.
  • सरट :: m. (-टः) 1. A lizard, a chameleon, a guana, &c. 2. A crow. 3. Wind. E. सृ to go, अटन् aff.; also शरट ।
  • सरटि :: m. (-टिः) 1. Air, wind. 2. A cloud. E. सृ to go, अटिन् Unādi aff.
  • सरटु :: m. (-टुः) A lizard, a chameleon, &c. E. सृ to go, अटु aff.
  • सरण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Going, moving, who or what goes or moves. n. (-णं) 1. Oxidized iron, either in the state of rust or filings. 2. Go- ing. f. (-णा or -णी) 1. A plant, (Pæderia fetida.) 2. A sort of Teori. E. सृ to go, aff. युच् or ल्युट्, fem. aff. टाप् or ङीष्; also शरण, &c.
  • सरणि :: f. (-णिः-णी) A road, a path, a way. 2. A straight or continuous line. 3. A disease of the throat. 4. Deposition of things. E. सृ to go, Unādi aff. अनि, and ङीष् optionally added; also शरणि, &c.
  • सरण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. A rogue, a cheat. 2. A sort of ornament. 3. A bird. 4. A lover. 5. A lizard. E. सृ to go, Unādi aff. अण्डच्; also शरण्ड ।
  • सरण्यु :: m. (-ण्युः) 1. Air, wind. 2. A cloud. 3. Water. 4. The spring. 5. Fire. E. सृ to go, अन्यु Unādi aff.
  • सरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रत्) Going, proceeding. E. सृ to go, शतृ aff.
  • सरत् :: m. (-रत्) Thread. E. सृ to go, अति aff.
  • सरत्नि :: mf. (-त्निः-त्रिः) A short cubit-measure. E. सृ to go, कत्निच् aff.; more commonly रत्नि q. v.
  • सरथ :: m. (-थः) A warrior riding in a chariot.
  • सरपत्रिका :: f. (-का) The new leaf of a lotus. E. सरे जले पत्रमस्त्यस्याः ठन् ।
  • सरभस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) 1. Quick, speedy. 2. Delighted. 3. Agitated, distressed. 4. Passionate. n. Adv. (-सं) Quick, delightedly, agitatedly, &c. E. स with, रभस speed, &c.
  • सरमा :: f. (-मा) The wife of RĀVAṆA'S brother, VIBHĪSAṆA. 2. The bitch of the gods. 3. One of the daughter of DAKSHA. E. सृ to go, अम aff.; or स with, रम sport, pleasure.
  • सरयु :: m. (-युः) Air, wind. f. (-युः-यू) The Sarayu-river. E. सृ to go, अयु Unādi aff.: also शरयु ।
  • सरल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Honest, sincere, candid, upright. 2. Straight. 3. Guileless. m. (-लः) 1. A sort of pine, (Pinus longifolia.) 2. A bird, (Pavo bicalcarata.) f. (-ला) A variety of the plant called Teori. E. सृ to go, (to spread fragrance abroad, &c.,) अलच् Unādi aff.
  • सरलद्रव :: m. (-वः) A fragrant resin, the exudation of the Saral or pine tree. E. सरल as above, द्रव what exudes. “तारपीन” ।
  • सरलयायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) 1. Going in a straight line. 2. Upright, honest. f. (-नी) A plant with an upright stem. E. सरल, and यायिन् who or what goes or grows.
  • सरव्य :: n. (-व्यं) A butt or mark for shooting at. E. सर an arrow, व्येञ् to cover, aff. ड; also शरव्य .
  • सरस् :: nf. (-रः-सी) 1. A large pond or pool. 2. A piece of water in which the lotus grows or may grow. n. (-रं) Water. E. सृ to go, (into, to bathe or drink,) असुन् Unādi aff.
  • सरस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) 1. Tasty, juicy, sapid. 2. Comprising the express- ion of the poetical Rasas or sentiments, (a work, &c.) 3. Impass- ioned. 4. Beautiful, charming. 5. Agreeable. n. (-सं) 1. A tank, a pond, a lake. 2. Alchemy. f. (-सा) A sort of Teori. f. (-सी) A lake, a pond. E. स with, रस juice.
  • सरसम्प्रत :: n. (-तं) A sort of Euphorbia, commonly Tekāntā-Sij. E. सम + प्र + तन्-ड ।
  • सरसिक :: m. (-कः) The Indian crane. E. सरस a pool, ठन् aff.
  • सरसिज :: n. (-जं) A lotus. E. सरस a pool, (seventh case,) and ज born.
  • सरसीरुह :: m. (-हः) A lotus. E. सरसी a pool, and रुह what grows.
  • सरस्तीर :: n. (-रं) The bank of a lake or pond. E. सरस्, and तीर bank.
  • सरस्वत् :: mfn. (-स्वान् -स्वती -स्वत्) 1. Juicy, sapid. 2. Elegant. 3. Sentimental. m. (-स्वान्) 1. The ocean. 2. A male river. 3. A buffalo. 4. A lake. f. (-स्वती) 1. The wife of BRAHMĀ, the goddess of speech and eloquence, the patroness of music and the arts, and the inventress of the Sanskrit language and Devanāgari letters. 2. Speech, the faculty or its exercise. 3. A river, the SARASWATY, which rises in the mountains bounding the north-east part of the province of Delhi, whence it runs in a south-westerly direction, and is lost in the sands of the great desart in the country of the Bhatti: according to the Hindus the river only disappears in this place, and continuing its course under ground, joins the Ganges and Jamunā at Āllāhābād. 4. A river in general. 5. An excellent woman. 6. A cow. 7. The wife of a Muni. 8. A female divinity, peculiar to the Jainas. 9. The moon-plant, (Asclepias acida.) 10. An epithet of DURGĀ. E. सरस् a lake, and मतुप् poss. aff.; or स with, रस flavour, taste, and the same aff.
  • सराग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) 1. Coloured, tinted. 2. Impassioned, passionate. E. स with, राग colour, &c.
  • सराव :: f. (-वा) Adj. Sounding. m. (-वः) 1. A lid, a cover. 2. A shallow cup or saucer, used as one: see शराव ।
  • सरि :: mf. (-रिः-री) A water-fall. E. सृ to go, इन् aff.; also सर, &c.
  • सरिका :: f. (-का) 1. A drug, commonly Hingu-patri. 2. Going, proceed- ing. 3. A woman going, or moving. E. सृ to go, वुन aff., fem. form.
  • सरित् :: f. (-रित्) 1. A river in general. 2. Thread. E. सृ to go, इति Unādi aff.
  • सरिताम्पति :: m. (-तिः) The ocean. E. सरित् a river, (second case plural,) पति lord.
  • सरित्पति :: m. (-तिः) The ocean. E. सरित् a river, and पति lord.
  • सरित्वत् :: m. (-त्वान्) The ocean. E. सरित् a river, and मतुप् poss. aff.
  • सरित्सुत :: m. (-तः) BHISHMA, the son of GANGĀ. E. सरित् the river, सुत son.
  • सरिद्वरा :: f. (-रा) The Ganges. E. सरित् a river, and वर best.
  • सरिन्नाथ :: m. (-थः) The ocean. E. सरित् a river, and नाथ lord.
  • सरिन्मुख :: n. (-खं) The source of a river. E. सरित्, मुख face.
  • सरिमन् :: m. (-मा) 1. Going, proceeding. 2. Motion. 3. Air, wind. E. सृ to go, इमनिन् Unādi aff.; also सरीमन् ।
  • सरिल :: n. (-लं) Water. E. See सलिल, the ल being changed to र; or सृ-इलच् ।
  • सरिषप :: m. (-पः) Mustard, (Sinapis dichotoma.) E. सर्षप + पृषो० ।
  • सरीसृप :: m. (-पः) A snake. E. सृप् to go, irr. reiterative form, अच् aff.
  • सरु :: mfn. (-रुः -रुः -रु) Thin, small, fine, minute. m. (-रुः) The hilt or handle of a sword, &c. E. सृ to go, उन् aff.
  • सरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Like, resembling. E. स for समान like, same, रूप form.
  • सरूपता :: f. (-ता) 1. Likeness, resemblance. 2. One of the four states of MUKTI. E. सरूप like, तल् aff. of the abstract; also सरूपत्व n. (-त्वं) ।
  • सरोग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Sick, diseased. E. स, and रोग sickness.
  • सरोगिता :: f. (-ता) Sickness, disease. E. स, and रोगिता sickness.
  • सरोज :: n. (-जं) A lotus. m. (-जः) A foot of six long instants, (in Prosody.) E. सरस् a pond, and ज born.
  • सरोजन्मन् :: n. (-न्म) A lotus. E. सरस् a pond, जन्मन् birth.
  • सरोजल :: n. (-लं) The water of a pond or lake. E. सरस् a pond, जल water.
  • सरोजिन् :: m. (-जी) BRAHMĀ. f. (-जिनी) 1. A lotus. 2. A pond abounding in lotuses. 3. A multitude of lotuses. E. सरोज a lotus, and इनि aff.
  • सरोत्सव :: m. (-वः) The Indian crane. E. सर water, उत्सव pleasure, delight.
  • सरोध :: m. (-धः) 1. Loss, destruction. 2. Opposition, obstruction. E. स for सह with, रोध hindrance.
  • सरोरुह् :: n. (-रुट्) A lotus. E. सरस् a pond, रुह् what grows; also with a final vowel सरोरुह n. (-हं) ।
  • सरोरुहासन :: m. (-नः) BRAHMĀ. E. सरोरुह a lotus, and आसन a seat; first appearing from the interior of a lotus in order to create the world; the flower is supposed to have sprung from the navel of VISHṆU.
  • सरोवर :: m. (-रः) A lake or large pond, any piece of water deep enough for the lotus to grow. E. सरस् a pool, वर best.
  • सरोष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) Angry, wrathful. n. Adv. (-षं) Angrily. E. स with, रोष wrath.
  • सर्क :: m. (-र्कः) 1. Air, wind. 2. The mind. E. सृ to go, क aff.
  • सर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) 1. Nature, natural property or disposition. 2. Tendency of a thing. 3. Creation. 4. Effort, perseverance. 5. Assent, agreement. 6. Relinquishment, abandoning, letting go or getting rid of. 7. Voiding, as excrement. 8. A chapter, a book, a section. 9. Cer- tainty, ascertainment. 10. Resolution, determination. 11. Loss of consciousness, fainting. 12. Nature, universe. 12. Onset, advance, rush. E. सृज् to quit, &c., aff. घञ् ।
  • सर्गक्रम :: m. (-मः) The order of creation.
  • सर्गबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) A principal or great poem, one comprising many Sargas or Cantos. E. सर्ग a section, and बन्ध a binding.
  • सर्ज्ज् :: r. 1st cl. (सर्ज्जति) To gain or get, to earn by labour.
  • सर्ज्ज :: m. (-र्ज्जः) 1. The Sāl tree, (Shorea robusta.) 2. Another tree, (Pentaptera arjuna.) 3. The resinous exudation of the Sāl tree. E. सृज् to quit, aff. अच्, and the final consonant unchanged.
  • सर्ज्जक :: m. (-कः) 1. The Pentaptera arjuna. 2. The Sāl tree. f. (-र्ज्जिका) 1. Natron, alkali. 2. Borax. E. सृज् to quit, ण्वुल् aff.
  • सर्ज्जगन्धा :: f. (-न्धा) A plant, commonly Rāsnā, supposed to be the serpent Ophioxylon. E. सर्ज्ज the Sāl tree, गन्ध smell.
  • सर्ज्जन :: n. (-नं) 1. The reserve or rear of an army. 2. Abandoning, quitting. 3. Voiding, as excrement. 4. Making, creating. E. सृज् to abandon, &c., aff. ल्युट् ।
  • सर्ज्जमणि :: m. (-णिः) Resin in general, or the resinous exudation of the Śāl tree. E. सर्ज्ज the Śāl, and मणि a jewel. “धुना” ।
  • सर्ज्जरस :: m. (-सः) Resin in general, or the resinous exudation of the Sāl tree. E. सर्ज्ज the Sāl, and रस juice.
  • सर्ज्जि :: f. (-र्ज्जिः or र्ज्जी) Natron, alkali. E. सृज् to abandon, इन् or ङीप् aff.
  • सर्ज्जिका :: f. (-का) Natron, alkali, or the impure carbonate of soda, commonly termed Sājimāti, and used in India as a soap for cleaning linen, &c. E. सर्ज्जि the same, and कन् added, fem form.
  • सर्ज्जिकाक्षार :: m. (-रः) Impure carbonate of soda, alkali, natron. E. सर्ज्जिका the same, and क्षार ashes; also स्वर्ज्जिकाक्षार । “साजिमाटि” ।
  • सर्ज्जू :: m. (-र्ज्जूः) A trader. f. (-र्ज्जूः) 1. Lightning. 2. A necklace. 3. Going, following. E. सर्ज्ज् to gain, Unādi aff. ऊ; also सर्ज्जु ।
  • सर्प :: m. (-र्पः) 1. A snake, a serpent. 2. Gentle or twining motion, gliding, flowing, creeping. f. (-र्पी) The female of the snake. E. सृप् to go, to glide, aff. अच् ।
  • सर्पकङ्काली :: f. (-ली) A plant, commonly SĀMP-KANKĀLI or serpent's skeleton. E. सर्प a snake, कङ्काल a skeleton, fem. aff. of diminutive- ness or comparison, ङीष्; also with कन् added सर्पकङ्कालिका ।
  • सर्पगन्धा :: f. (-न्धा) A plant, perhaps the same as the serpent ophioxylon. E. सर्प a snake, and गन्ध fragrance.
  • सर्पघातिनी :: f. (-नी) A plant: see सर्पकङ्काली . E. सर्प a snake, and घातिनी destructress.
  • सर्पच्छत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A mushroom. E. सर्प, and छत्र an umbrella.
  • सर्पण :: n. (-णं) 1. Going, gliding. 2. The slow flight of an arrow nearly parallel to the ground. E. सृप् to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • सर्पत् :: mfn. (-र्पन् -र्पन्ती -र्पत्) Going, gliding, creeping. E. सृप् to go, शतृ aff.
  • सर्पतृण :: m. (-णः) An ichneumon.
  • सर्पदंष्ट्र :: m. (-ष्ट्रः) 1. A snake's tooth. 2. A plant, commonly Danti, (Croton polyandrum.) f. (-ष्ट्रा) A plant, (Tragia involucrata.) E. सर्प, दंष्ट्र a tooth.
  • सर्पफण(णि)ज :: m. (-जः) The snake-stone, a gem or pearl said to resemble in form the berry of the Abrus precatorius, and to be found in the head of the snake. E. सर्प a snake, फण hood, ज born.
  • सर्पभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) 1. A peacock. 2. A crane. 3. A large snake. E. सर्प a snake, भुज who eats.
  • सर्पमणि :: m. (-णिः) The snake-stone or carbuncle, or a jewel said to be found in the head of a snake, possessing also alexipharmic proper- ties. E. सर्प a snake, and मणि a gem.
  • सर्पमाला :: f. (-ला) A plant, commonly SARPA-KANKĀLI.
  • सर्पराज :: m. (-जः) VĀSUKI, sovereign of the serpent race, inhabiting Pātāla or the regions under the earth. E. सर्प a snake, राज a sovereign.
  • सर्पसत्रिन् :: m. (-त्री) A name of the prince JANAMEJAYA, the son of PARIKSHIT. E. सर्प a snake, and सत्र a sacrifice, इनि aff.; having compelled by Mantras all the snakes to be present at a sacrifice performed for their destruction, in retaliation of the death of his father who was killed by the bite of a snake; all were destroyed on this occasion except a few of the chiefs.
  • सर्पसहा :: f. (-हा) A plant: see सर्पकङ्काली ।
  • सर्पहन् :: m. (-हा) An ichneumon, a mungoose. E. सर्प a snake, हन् who kills.
  • सर्पाक्ष :: n. (-क्षं) The seed of the Elæocarpus. f. (-क्षी) A plant, commonly Kankālikā. E. सर्प a snake, अक्षि the eye.
  • सर्पाख्य :: m. (-ख्यः) A plant, (Mesua ferrea.) E. सर्प a snake, आख्या an appellation.
  • सर्पाङ्गी :: f. (-ङ्गी) A plant, Sarpa-kankāli or a variety of it.
  • सर्पाराति :: m. (-तिः) 1. GARUḌA. 2. An ichneumon. 3. A peacock. E. सर्प a snake, अराति an enemy.
  • सर्पारि :: m. (-रिः) An ichneumon. E. सर्प a snake, and अरि an enemy; equally applicable to the peacock, &c.: see the last.
  • सर्पावास :: n. (-सं) The sandal tree.
  • सर्पाशन :: m. (-नः) A peacock. E. सर्प a snake and अशन food: see the last.
  • सर्पिन् :: mfn. (-र्पी -र्पिणी -र्पि) Going gently or tortuously, gliding, winding, creeping. f. (-र्पिणी) 1. A female serpent. 2. A small medicinal shrub. E. सर्प a snake, or going, &c., इनि aff.
  • सर्पिष्मत् :: Adj. Seasoned with clarified butter.
  • सर्पिस् :: n. (-र्पिः) Ghee, clarified butter. E. सृप् to flow, इस् Unādi aff.
  • सर्पिस्समुद्र :: m. (-द्रः) The sea of clarified butter, one of the seven seas. E. सर्पिस् Ghee, समुद्र the ocean.
  • सर्पेष्ट :: n. (-ष्टं) Sandal.
  • सर्ब्ब् :: r. 1st cl. (सर्ब्बति) To go, to move.
  • सर्ब्ब :: mfn. (-र्ब्बः -र्ब्बा -र्ब्बं) All, whole, entire. E. षर्ब्ब् to go, aff. अच्; as differently read, with a final semivowel, सर्व्वं q. v.
  • सर्ब्बंसह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) 1. Patient, enduring. 2. All-sustaining. E. सर्ब्ब all, सह to bear, खच् aff.; see सर्व्वंसह below.
  • सर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्म) 1. Sky, heaven. 2. Going, motion. E. सृ to go, मन् Unādi aff.
  • सर्व्व् :: r. 1st cl. (सर्व्वति) To hurt, to injure, to kill; more commonly षर्व्व q. v.
  • सर्व्व :: mfn. (-र्व्वः -र्व्वा -र्व्वं) All, whole, complete, universal, entire. m. (-र्व्वः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. VISHṆU. E. सृ to go, to pervade, (the world,) वन् Unādi aff.; also according to some authorities preferable, सर्ब्ब as above.
  • सर्व्वंसह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) 1. Patient, enduring. 2. All-sustaining. f. (-हा) The earth. E. सर्व्व all, (men,) सह् to bear or suffer, aff. खश् ।
  • सर्व्वक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) All, every. E. कन् added to the last.
  • सर्व्वकर्त्तृ :: m. (-र्त्ता) BRAHMĀ. E. सर्व्व all, (things,) कर्त्तृ maker.
  • सर्व्वकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) All or every act. m. (-र्म्मा) A man of all work. E. सर्व्व, कर्म्मन् act.
  • सर्व्वकर्म्मीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Performing or conversant with every business, pervading every action, &c. E. सर्व्व all, कर्म्म act, ख aff.
  • सर्व्वकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) The maker of all things. E. सर्व्व, कारिन् who makes.
  • सर्व्वकाल :: n. (-लं) All seasons or times. E. सर्व्व, and काल time.
  • सर्व्वकालीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Of all times or seasons. E. सर्व्वकाल, and ख aff.
  • सर्व्वके :: Ind. Every where, universally. E. सर्व्व in all, and अकच् inserted before the final.
  • सर्व्वकेशिन् :: m. (-शी) An actor, a dancer, a mime.
  • सर्व्वचार :: m. (-रः) Any substance of an alkaline or soapy naure, as impure soda, pearl ash or potash, &c., which may be used in cleaning clothes. E. सर्व्व all क्षार impure alkali or alkaline salt or ashes.
  • सर्व्वग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Going every where, all-pervading. n. (-गं) Water. m. (-गः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. BRAHMĀ. 3. Soul, spirit. 4. Air, wind. f. (-गा) A plant, commonly Priyangu. E. सर्व्व all, ग what goes.
  • सर्व्वगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Omnipresent, universally diffused. E. सर्व्व, गत gone.
  • सर्व्वगन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) 1. A class of four aromatics, or kakkol, cloves, agallo- chum, and gum benjamin. 2. A perfume in general. E. सर्व्व all, and गन्ध fragrance.
  • सर्व्वग्रन्थिक :: n. (-कं) The root of long-pepper. E. सर्व्व all, ग्रन्थि a knot, कन् aff.
  • सर्व्वङ्कष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) 1. All-pervading, diffused, extended. 2. All-destroy- ing. m. (-षः) A rogue, a wicked man. E. सर्व्व, and कष् to go, खच् aff.
  • सर्व्वचर्म्मीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Made of every kind of skin or leather. E. सर्व्व all, चर्म्म skin, ख aff.
  • सर्व्वजगत् :: f. (-त्) The universe, the whole world. E. सर्व्व, and जगत् world.
  • सर्व्वजनीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Belonging or relating to all men, fit for all, &c. E. सर्व्व all, जन mankind, ख aff.
  • सर्व्वजित् :: mfn. (-जित्) 1. All-subduing, irresistible. 2. All-surpassing, excellent, incomparable. m. (-जित) The twenty-first year of the cycle. E. सर्व्व all, जित् who subdues or surpasses.
  • सर्व्वज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Omniscient, all-wise. m. (-ज्ञः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. A Jina or Buddha, or deified sage peculiar to those sects. E. सर्व्व all, and ज्ञ who knows.
  • सर्व्वज्ञत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Omniscience. E. त्व added to the last; also with तल्, सर्व्वज्ञता ।
  • सर्व्वतःशुभा :: f. (-भा) A plant, (Priyangu.) E. सर्व्वतस् wholly, शुभ auspicious.
  • सर्व्वतन्त्र :: m. (-न्त्रः) A man who has studied the Tantra-Shāstras. E. सर्व्व all, तन्त्र a Tantra, properly with an affix of derivation, &c., as ठक्, and that again rejected.
  • सर्व्वतस् :: Ind. 1. Every way, all-round. 2. Wholly, entirely. 3. From every body. E. सर्व्व all, तसिल् aff.
  • सर्व्वतापन :: m. (-नः) Love or the deity KĀMA. E. सर्व्व all, तापन inflamer.
  • सर्व्वतेजस् :: n. (-जः) All-splendour or power. E. सर्व्व, and तेजस् light, power.
  • सर्व्वतेजोमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Made, comprising or consisting of all splendour or power. E. सर्व्वतेजस्, and मयट् aff.
  • सर्व्वतोभद्र :: mfn. (-द्रः -द्रा -द्रं) Every where auspicious. mn. (-द्रः-द्रं) A temple or palace of a square form, with an entrance opposed to each point of the compass. m. (-द्रः) 1. The Nimba-tree, (Melia azadirachta.) 2. The carriage of VISHṆU. 3. A bamboo. 4. A form of military array. 5. A square mystical diagram, to be painted on the cloth which on particular occasions covers a sort of altar erected to VISHṆU. 6. A kind of charade, in which the same word answers several questions. 7. A whimsical form of verse, so con- trived that the sams meanings and words occur, whether the line be read back-wards or forwards, or in several other directions. f. (-द्रा) 1. A tree, (Gmelina arborea.) 2. An actress or the wife of an actor or dancer, &c. 3. A sort of yam, (Dioscorea.) E. सर्व्वतस् on every side, भद्र auspicious.
  • सर्व्वतोमुख :: n. (-खं) 1. Water. 2. Sky, heaven. m. (-खः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. BRAHMĀ. 3. Soul, spirit. 4. A Brāhman. 5. Swarga, the heaven of INDRA. 6. Agni. E. सर्व्वतस् on every side, मुख countenance.
  • सर्व्वत्र :: Ind. 1. Every where, in all places. 2. Always, at all times. र्व्व E. स all, त्रल् aff.
  • सर्व्वत्रग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) All-pervading, going every where. m. (-गः) Air, wind. E. सर्व्वत्र every where, गम् to go, ड aff.
  • सर्व्वत्रगामिन् :: m. (-मी) Air, wind. E. सर्व्वत्र always, गामिन् going.
  • सर्व्वथा :: Ind. f. (-था) 1. In all ways, by all means. 2. Assuredly, certainly. 3. Exceeding, mostly. 4. Always. E. सर्व्व all, थाल् aff.
  • सर्व्वदमन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) All-subduing, irresistible. m. (-नः) BHARATA, the son of ŚAKUNTALĀ. E. सर्व्व all, दमन taming.
  • सर्व्वदर्शिन् :: mfn. (-र्शी -र्शिनी -र्शि) All-seeing. m. (-र्शी) A Buddha in general. E. सर्व्व all, and दर्शिन् seeing.
  • सर्व्वदा :: Ind. Always, at all times. E. सर्व्व all, and दाच् aff.
  • सर्व्वदुःखक्षय :: m. (-यः) Final emancipation from transmigration. E. सर्व्व all, दुःख pain, and क्षय destruction.
  • सर्व्वदेवमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Made of or comprising all the gods. E. सर्व्वदेव, मयट् aff.
  • सर्व्वदेवमुख :: m. (-खः) A name of AGNI or fire. E. सर्व्व all, देव a deity, and मुख mouth; being the medium of oblations to the gods.
  • सर्व्वधन :: n. (-नं) 1. Whole wealth or property. 2. (In arithmetic,) Total of a sum in progression. E. सर्व्व, and धन wealth.
  • सर्व्वधर्म्मविद् :: m. (-विद् or वित्) One who knows the duties of all tribes and classes. E. सर्व्व, धर्म्म duty, विद् who knows.
  • सर्व्वधारी :: f. (-री) The twenty-second year of the cycle. E. सर्व्व all, धृ to hold, अण् and ङीष् affs.
  • सर्व्वधुरावह :: m. (-हः) An ox fit for any sorts of carriage. E. सर्व्व all, धुर a burden, आङ् before वह् to bear, aff. अच् ।
  • सर्व्वधुरीण :: m. (-णः) An ox, &c. fit for any carriage or draught. E. सर्व्व all, धुर a burden, ख aff.
  • सर्व्वनामता :: f. (-ता) The quality or condition of a pronoun. E. सर्व्वनाम and तल् aff.
  • सर्व्वनामन् :: n. (-म) A pronoun. E. सर्व्व, and नामन् name.
  • सर्व्वनाश :: m. (-शः) Total destruction, destruction of all. E. सर्व्व, नाश destruction.
  • सर्व्वन्दम :: m. (-मः) BHARATA. E. सर्व्व all, दम् to tame or subdue, खच् aff.
  • सर्व्वपथ :: m. (-थः) Every way, every direction. सर्व्व, पथ for पथिन् a path.
  • सर्व्वपथीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) In or of every road or direction, (moving, passing, &c.) E. सर्व्वपथ, and ख aff.
  • सर्व्वपा :: f. (-पा) The wife of the Daitya BALI. E. सर्व्व all, पा to drink, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • सर्व्वपूर्णत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Entire completion or fulness, complete preparation or provision. E. सर्व्व all, and पूर्णत्व fulness.
  • सर्व्वप्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Generally or universally beloved. 2. Generally friendly, loving all. E. सर्व्व all, and प्रिय dear.
  • सर्व्वभक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Omnivorous, eating all or any thing. f. (-क्षा) A female goat. E. सर्व्व all, and भक्ष who eats.
  • सर्व्वभक्ष्य :: mfn. (-क्ष्यः -क्ष्या -क्ष्यं) 1. Eating any thing or all things, (a child.) 2. All-devouring, omnivorous. E. सर्व्व, and भक्ष्य edible.
  • सर्व्वभाव :: m. (-वः) Whole disposition, all one's thoughts and purpose. E. सर्व्व, and भाव disposition.
  • सर्व्वभूत :: n. Plu. (-तानि) 1. All the elements. 2. All created things. E. सर्व्व all, भूत an element.
  • सर्व्वभूतकृत् :: mn. (-कृत्) 1. The maker of all things. 2. The cause of all elements or beings. E. सर्व्वभूत, and कृत् who or what makes.
  • सर्व्वभूतमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Comprising or comprehending all elementary matter. m. (-यः) The supreme pervading spirit. E. सर्व्वभूत, मयट् aff.
  • सर्व्वभूतस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Present in all elements or beings. E. सर्व्व all, भूत an element, and स्थ what stays; also सर्व्वभूतस्थित, &c.
  • सर्व्वभूतात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) Universal, all-pervading spirit. E. सर्व्वभूत an element, and आत्मन् soul.
  • सर्व्वभृत् :: mfn. (-भृत्) Cherishing or supporting all. E. सर्व्व, भृत् who or what supports.
  • सर्व्वभोगिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिणी -गि) Enjoying all. E. सर्व्व, भोगिन् who enjoys.
  • सर्व्वभोगीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Good or beneficial for all, to be enjoyed or possessed by all. E. सर्व्व, and भोग enjoyment, खश् aff.
  • सर्व्वमङ्गला :: f. (-ला) DURGĀ. E. सर्व्व all, मङ्गल auspicious.
  • सर्व्वमय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) General, universal, comprehensive, comprehen- ding. E. सर्व्व all, मयट् aff.
  • सर्व्वमही :: f. (-ही) The whole earth. E. सर्व्व, and मही earth.
  • सर्व्वमूल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) A Cowrie or small coin represented by it. E. सर्व्व all, (of all things,) मूल्य price.
  • सर्व्वमूषक :: m. (-कः) Time. E. सर्व्व all, (things,) मूष् to steal, वुन् aff.
  • सर्व्वरस :: m. (-सः) 1. Resin, the exudation of the pine or Sāl. 2. A sort of of musical instrument, a kind of lute. 3. A learned man. 4. Saltness, salt, saline flavour or taste. E. सर्व्व all, रस taste, real or figurative.
  • सर्व्वरसोत्तम :: m. (-मः) The saline flavour, saltness, salt. E. सर्व्व all, रस a flavour, उत्तम best.
  • सर्व्वरात्र :: m. (-त्रः) The whole night. E. सर्व्व all, रात्रि night, अच् substituted for the final.
  • सर्व्वरीकर :: m. (-रः) The moon. E. सर्व्वरी for शर्व्वरी night, कर who makes.
  • सर्व्वर्त्तिका :: f. (-का) A plant, (Gmelina arborea.)
  • सर्व्वर्त्तुपरिवर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) A year. E. सर्व्व all, ऋतु a season, परिवर्त्त a revolution.
  • सर्व्वला :: f. (-ला) An iron club. “तोमरास्त्रे” E. सर्व्व all, ला to take, affs. अङ् and टाप्; also read शर्व्वला and सर्व्वली ।
  • सर्व्वलिङ्गिन् :: m. (-ङ्गी) A heretic, an impostor; one who not belonging to the orthodox faith, wears the dress, and assumes the character of an ascetic. E. सर्व्व all, लिङ्क mark, (of sect or caste,) इनि aff.
  • सर्व्वलोक :: m. (-कः) The universe. E. सर्व्व, and लोक world.
  • सर्व्वलोह :: m. (-हः) An iron arrow. E. सर्व्व all, लोह iron.
  • सर्व्ववल्लभा :: f. (-भा) A disloyal or unchaste woman. E. सर्व्व all, and वल्लभा a mistress.
  • सर्व्वविद् :: mfn. (-वित्) Omniscient, all-wise. E. सर्व्व, and विद् who knows.
  • सर्व्ववेद :: m. (-दः) A Brāhman who has read the four Vedas. E. सर्व्व all, वेद the Veda, and अण् or ठक् aff.; the effects of the aff. being subsequently rejected.
  • सर्व्ववेदस् :: m. (-दाः) A man who gives away all his property to the priests who have been employed by him at particular sacrifices, of which such a destination of the principal's whole wealth is an essential part. E. सर्व्व all, विद् to gain, causal form, aff. असुन् ।
  • सर्व्ववेदिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Omniscient. E. सर्व्व, and वेदिन् who knows.
  • सर्व्ववेशिन् :: m. (-शी) An actor, a dancer. E. सर्व्व all, वेश dress, &c. इनि aff.
  • सर्व्वशस् :: Ind. 1. Wholly, universally. 2. On all sides. E. सर्व्व, शसि aff.
  • सर्व्वशान्तिकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) The sovereign of India. BHARATA. E. सर्व्व all, शान्ति tranquillity, and कृत् who effects.
  • सर्व्वशेष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) 1. What remains of the whole. 2. What is to continue or to be added to all. E. सर्व्व, and शेष remainder.
  • सर्व्वसङ्गत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) United or meeting with universally. m. (-तः) A sort of rice of quick growth. E. सर्व्व all, (by all,) सङ्गत known.
  • सर्व्वसङ्ग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. A general or universal collection. 2. Any collection. E. सर्व्व, and सङ्ग्रह collection.
  • सर्व्वसन्नहन :: n. (-नं) Assembling a complete army. E. सर्व्व all, (the parts, or elephants, chariots, horse, and foot,) सन्नहन arming.
  • सर्व्वसन्नाह :: m. (-हः) 1. The universal and pervading spirit. 2. Arming or assembling a complete army. E. सर्व्व, सन्नाह arming, accoutring.
  • सर्व्वसमता :: f. (-ता) 1. Sameness or identity with all things. 2. Equani- mity, equal regard for all. E. सर्व्व, and समता sameness.
  • सर्व्वसह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) All-enduring, bearing all things with patience and firmness. m. (-हः) Bdellium. “गुग्गुलौ” f. (-हा) The earth. E. सर्व्व all, सह् to suffer, aff. अच् ।
  • सर्व्वसिद्धार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) Having every object attained, every wish gratified, &c. E. सर्व्व, and सिद्ध accomplished, अर्थ object.
  • सर्व्वसिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Universal success or accomplishment of all. m. (-द्धि .) A tree, (Ægle marmelos.) E. सर्व्व all, सिद्धि completion.
  • सर्व्वस्व :: n. (-स्वं) 1. Whole property or possessions. 2. Substance, whole essence of anything. E. सर्व्व, and स्व own.
  • सर्व्वस्वदण्ड :: mfn. (-ण्डः -ण्डा -ण्डं) Fined in all one's property. n. (-ण्डं) Confiscation of property. E. सर्व्वस्व, and दण्ड punishment.
  • सर्व्वस्वहरण :: n. (-णं) Confiscation of a whole property. E. सर्व्वस्व, and हरण taking; also सर्व्वस्वहार, &c.
  • सर्व्वस्वामिन् :: m. (-मी) 1. A universal monarch. 2. The owner or master of all. E. सर्व्व, स्वामिन् a master.
  • सर्व्वहार :: m. (-रः) 1. Total confiscation. 2. Seizing the whole. E. सर्व्व, हार taking; also सर्व्वहरणं ।
  • सर्व्वाङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) 1. The whole body. 2. The Angas or portions of divine knowledge collectively. E. सर्व्व all, अङ्ग a limb, &c.
  • सर्व्वाङ्गीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Spreading throughout the body, diffusive, pervading. 2. Relating or belonging to the Angas, or parts of science collectively. E. सर्व्व all, अङ्ग member, स्व aff.
  • सर्व्वाणी :: f. (-णी) A name of DURGĀ. E. सर्व्व ŚIVA, ङीष् aff, and आनुक् augment.
  • सर्व्वात्मक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) All-pervading. E. सर्व्व and आत्मन् self, कन् aff.
  • सर्व्वात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) 1. The supreme or universal spirit. 2. All beings collectively. E. सर्व्व, and आत्मन् self or spirit.
  • सर्व्वात्मभूति :: f. (-तिः) All beings collectively. E. सर्व्वात्म, and भूति being.
  • सर्व्वाधिकार :: m. (-रः) General control or superintendance. E. सर्व्व, and अधिकार office.
  • सर्व्वाधिकारिन् :: m. (-री) A general or head superintendent. E. सर्व्वाधिकार, and इनि aff.
  • सर्व्वानुभूति :: f. (-तिः) 1. A Jina of the last era. 2. One of the future era. 3. A plant, commonly Teori, (Convolvulus turpethum.) E. सर्व्व all, अनुभूति perception.
  • सर्व्वान्नभक्षक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Eating every thing or every where. E. सर्व्व all, अन्न food, and भक्षक who eats.
  • सर्व्वान्नभोजिन् :: mfn. (-जी -जिनी -जि) Eating all sorts of food. E. सर्व्व all, अन्न food, भुज् to eat, णिनि aff.
  • सर्व्वान्नीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Eating all sorts of food. E. सर्व्व all, अन्न food, ख aff.
  • सर्व्वाभिसन्धक :: m. (-कः) A railer, a cynic, one who abuses all. E. सर्व्व, and अभिसन्धक who calumniates.
  • सर्व्वाभिसन्धिन् :: m. (-न्धी) A cynic, a calumniator or reviler. E. सर्व्व all, अभि and सम् before धा to have, क affix, and इनि possess. added.
  • सर्व्वाभिसार :: m. (-रः) Assembling a complete army. E. सर्व्व all, and अभि before सृ to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • सर्व्वार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) 1. Having every object or sense. n. Adv. (-र्थम्) For or on account of all. m. Plu. (-र्थाः) All objects, &c. E. सर्व्व, and अर्थ an object.
  • सर्व्वार्थसिद्ध :: m. (-द्धः) Buddha, the founder of the Bauddha faith. E. सर्व्व, all, अर्थ object, and सिद्ध perfect: his father's wishes being all fulfilled by his birth.
  • सर्व्वावसर :: m. (-रः) Midnight. E. सर्व्व all, (things,) अवसर interval or cessation.
  • सर्व्वाशिन् :: mfn. (-शी -शिनी -शि) Eating all things. E. सर्व्व, अशिन् who eats.
  • सर्व्वाश्रमिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Belonging or common to every order. E. सर्व्व, आश्रमिन् belonging to an Āshrama or order of life.
  • सर्व्वाश्रय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Giving shelter or protection to all. E. सर्व्व, आश्रय asylum.
  • सर्व्वास्त्रा :: f. (-स्त्रा) One of the sixteen Vidyā-Devis, or goddesses of learning, according to the Jainas. E. सर्व्व all, अस्त्र a weapon.
  • सर्व्वाह्ण :: m. (-ह्णः) The whole day. E. सर्व्व all, अहन् a day.
  • सर्व्वीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Relating or belonging to all, suitable or fit for all, &c. E. सर्व्व all, छ aff.
  • सर्व्वेश :: m. (-शः) 1. Supreme or universal monarch. 2. The Supreme Being. E. सर्व्व, ईश lord.
  • सर्व्वेश्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. A universal monarch. E. सर्व्व all, ईश्वर lord.
  • सर्व्वौघ :: m. (-घः) 1. Assembling a complete army. 2. Great speed or dispatch. E. सर्व्व all, and ओघ a heap.
  • सर्व्वौषधिगण :: m. (-णः) A class of certain principal drugs, consisting of Murā, Valeriana Jatāmānsi, Orris root, Benzoin, Zedoary, Kurk, or Costus speciosus, red saunders, and Cyperus. E. सर्व्व all, औषधि a drug, and गण a class; also with वर्ग the same, सर्व्वौषधिवर्ग m. (-र्गः) ।
  • सर्व्वौषधिरस :: m. (-सः) The juice or infusion of a number of plants as used at a royal inauguration. E. सर्व्व all, औषधि herb, रस juice.
  • सर्षप :: m. (-पः) 1. A sort of mustard, (Sinapis dichotoma.) 2. A kind of poison. 3. A small measure of weight, a mustard seed so con- sidered. f. (-पी) A small bird. E. सृ to go, अप् Unādi aff, सुक् aug.
  • सर्षपतैल :: n. (-लं) Mustard oil. E. सर्षप mustard, and तैलच् aff.
  • सल् :: r. 1st cl. (सलति) To go, to move; more properly षल् q. v.
  • सल :: n. (-लं) Water. E. षल् to go, अच् aff.
  • सलज्ज :: mfn. (-ज्जः -ज्जा -ज्जं) Bashful, modest, ashamed. E. स with, लज्जा shame.
  • सलिल :: n. (-लं) Water. E. षल् to go, इलच् Unādi aff.
  • सलिलकुन्तल :: m. (-लः) An aquatic plant, (Vallisneria octandra.) “शैवाले” E. सलिल water, and कुन्तल hair.
  • सलिलक्रिया :: f. (-या) The funeral rite of washing the corpse. E. सलिल, and क्रिया act.
  • सलिलज :: n. (-जं) A lotus. E. सलिल water, and ज born.
  • सलिलनिधि :: m. (-धिः) The ocean. E. सलिल, and निधि store.
  • सलिलरय :: m. (-यः) Current, stream. E. सलिल, रय speed.
  • सलिलराशि :: m. (-शिः) 1. Ocean. 2. Any piece of water. E. सलिल, राशि heap.
  • सलिलेन्धन :: m. (-नः) Submarine fire. E. सलिल water, and इन्धन inflaming.
  • सलील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Wanton, sportive. E. स for सह with, लीला sport.
  • सलोकता :: f. (-ता) Residence in the same heaven with a particular deity, (one of the four stages of mukti.)
  • सल्लकी :: f. (-की) The gum Olibanum tree, (Boswellia thurifera.) E. सल् to go, वुन् aff., and the ल doubled; also शल्लकी .
  • सव :: m. (-वः) 1. Sacrifice, oblation. 2. Offspring, progeny. 3. The sun. 4. The moon. n. (-वं) 1. Water. 2. The juice or honey of flowers. 3. Sprinkling the juice of the acid Asclepias. E. षू to bear, &c., aff. अच् ।
  • सवन :: n. (-नं) 1. Bathing, as a religious exercise, or preparatory to a sac- rifice, purificatory ablution in general. 2. A sacrifice in general. 3. Extracting and drinking the juice of the acid Asclepias. 4. Bearing as children, bringing forth young. m. (-नः) The moon. E. ष to bear young, &c., Unādi aff. ल्युट् ।
  • सवपुष :: mfn. (-षः -षी -षं) Embodied, having a body or form. E. स with, वपुस् body, टच् aff.
  • सवयस् :: mfn. (-याः -याः -यः) Contemporary, of similar age or duration. m. (-याः) A friend, a contemporary. f. (-याः) A woman's female friend. E. स for समान equal, like, and वयस् age.
  • सवर :: m. (-रः) 1. Water. 2. A name of ŚIVA; more properly शवर, q. v.
  • सवर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Like, resembling. 2. Of the same tribe or class. 3. Of the same kind, homogeneous. f. (-र्णा) 1. A name of CHHĀYĀ, one of the wives of the sun. 2. Belonging to the same class of letters, i. e. requiring the same effort in pronunciation. E. स for समान like, same, वर्ण tribe, colour, &c.
  • सवहा :: f. (-हा) A plant, commonly Teori, (Convolvulus Turpethum;) also read सुवहा ।
  • सवास :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) 1. Scented, perfumed. 2. Having a dwelling. E. स with, वास abode, &c.
  • सवासस् :: mfn. (-साः -साः -सः) Clothed, dressed. E. स with, वासस् vesture.
  • सविकल्पक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Admitting of an alternative or choice. 2. Doubtful. f. (-का) Adj. (In Vedānta philosophy,) Recognizing distinctions: namely those of subject and object, (as opposed to निर्विकल्प .) E. स with, विकल्प option, कप् added.
  • सविकाश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) 1. Expanded, extended, extensive. 2. Budded, blown. E. स for सह with, विकाश expansion.
  • सविग्रह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) 1. Embodied, having body or form. 2. Having, meaning, importing. 3. Quarrelling. E. स with, विग्रह body, &c.
  • सवितर्कम् :: Ind. Thoughtfully, with reasoning.
  • सवितृ :: m. (-ता) 1. The sun. 2. Indra. 3. Śiva. f. (-त्री) Adj. Producer, giver. E. सु to send or cast, (his rays,) तृच् aff.
  • सवितृदैवत :: m. (-तः) The constellation HASTĀ, the thirteenth of the lunar asterisms. E. सवितृ the sun, and दैवत godhead; the sun being the ruling deity of this asterism.
  • सवितृल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Belonging or relating to the sun. E. सवितृ the sun, and ल aff.
  • सवित्र :: n. (-त्रं) Cause or instrument of production or generation. E. षू to bear, aff. इत्र ।
  • सवित्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Relating or belonging to the sun. E. सवितृ the sun, घ aff.
  • सवित्री :: f. (-त्री) 1. A mother. 2. A cow. E. षू to bring forth young, तृच् aff., ङीष् fem. aff.
  • सविद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) Learned, wise, versed in science. E. स with, विद्या knowledge.
  • सविध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) 1. Near, proximate. 2. Of the same kind. n. (-धं) Proximity. E. स for समान common, same, विध manner, sort.
  • सविनय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Modest, well-behaved. n. (-यं) Modestly, respect- fully. E. स with, विनय propriety.
  • सविलास :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Wanton, sportive. E. स with, विलास sport.
  • सविशेष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) 1. Excellent, superior. 2. Having characteristic qualities. 3. Discriminative. 4. Peculiar. E. स with, विशेष excellence.
  • सविशेषण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Distinguished, marked, individualised by marks or properties. E. स with, विशेषण distinguishing property.
  • सविशेषतस् :: Ind. Particularly, excellently. E. स with, विशेषतस् especially.
  • सविस्मय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Astonished, surprised. E. स for सह with, विस्मय astonishment.
  • सवृद्धिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Bearing interest. E. स with, वृद्धि interest, कन् added.
  • सवेश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) 1. Near, proximate. 2. Ornamented decorated. E. स for समान common, or सह with, and वेश entrance, decoration, &c.
  • सवेष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) 1. Near, proximate. 2. Decorated, dressed. E. स for सह with, &c., and वेष entrance or decoration.
  • सव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. Left, left hand. 2. Right, right hand. 3. South, southern. 4. Reverse, contrary, backward. m. (-व्यः) VISHṆU. E. सू to send, यत् Unādi aff.
  • सव्यथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) Suffering pain. E. स with, व्यथा pain.
  • सव्यपेक्ष :: f. (-क्षा) Having connection.
  • सव्यभिचार :: m. (-रः) A reason or argument that is locally incompatible with the conclusion to be drawn from it; a HETU that is too general, (in logic.) E. स with, व्यभिचार irrelevancy.
  • सव्यसाचिन् :: m. (-ची) A name of ARJUNA. E. सव्य left, षच् to be joined or attached, aff. णिनि; drawing the bow with his left hand, as well as his right.
  • सव्याज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) 1. Cunning, plausible, pretending. 2. Fraudu- lent. E. स with, व्याज pretext.
  • सव्येष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) A charioteer. E. सव्ये on the left, and स्थ who stands.
  • सव्येष्ठृ :: m. (-ष्ठा) A charioteer. E. सव्ये on the left, स्था to stand, ऋन् Unādi aff., with the effect of ड; स and थ changed.
  • सव्रीड :: mfn. (-डः -डा -डं) Modest, ashamed. E. स with, व्रीडा shame.
  • सशङ्क :: mfn. (-ङ्कः -ङ्का -ङ्कं) Fearful, doubtful. E. स with, शङ्का fear.
  • सशल्क :: mfn. (-ल्कः -ल्का -ल्कं) Scaly, (as a fish, &c.) E. स, and शल्क scale.
  • सशल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) 1. Troublesome, difficult. 2. Pierced by a thorn or dart. E. स with, शल्य a thorn.
  • सशूक :: m. (-कः) A believer, one who believes the existence of GOD, &c.
  • सशोक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Sorrowful, sad. n. Adv. (-कं) Sorrowfully. E. स with, शोक sorrow.
  • सश्मश्रु :: f. (-श्रुः) A woman with a beard. E. स for सह with, श्मश्रु a beard.
  • सश्रम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Wearied, fatigued. E. स with, श्रम fatigue.
  • सश्रोक :: f. (-का) Having prosperity.
  • सस् :: r. 2nd cl. (सस्ति) To sleep; also षस् ।
  • ससंशय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Doubtful, uncertain. E. स with, संशय doubt.
  • ससत्व :: f. (-त्वा) 1. Pregnant. 2. Possessing energy or vigour.
  • ससत्वा :: f. (-त्वा) A pregnant woman. E. स for सह with, सत्व a living being.
  • ससन :: n. (-नं) Immolation, offering a living victim. E. सम् to sleep, &c., aff. ल्युट्; also शसन ।
  • ससम्पद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Happy, delighted. E. स with, सम्पद pleasure.
  • ससाध्वस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Frightened, alarmed. E. स with, साध्वस fear.
  • ससौष्ठव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) 1. Quick, fleet. 2. Excellent. E. स with, सौष्ठव speed, &c.
  • सस्तर :: m. (-रः) A bed of leaves, &c. E. स for समान common, स्तर spreading, covering.
  • सस्पृह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Desirous, wishing for. E. स with, स्पृहा desire.
  • सस्मित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Smiling, laughing. E. स for सह with, स्मित a smile.
  • सस्य :: n. (-स्यं) 1. Fruit. 2. Corn, grain. 3. A weapon. 4. A quality, an excellence. E. सस् to sleep, यत् Unādi aff; also शस्य, &c.
  • सस्यक :: m. (-कः) 1. A sort of precious stone, described as of the colour

of the inner fruit of the cocoanut. 2. A sword. f. (-का) Adj. Possessed of good qualities. E. कन् added to the last.

  • सस्यमारिन् :: Adj. Corn-destroying. m. (-रीः) A kind of rat or mouse.
  • सस्यसंवर :: m. (-रः) The Śal tree, (Shorea robusta.) E. सस्य fruit, संवर a covering.
  • सस्याद् :: mfn. (-द्) Fructivorous, granivorous, eating grain or fruit. E. सस्य, अद् to eat, क्विप् aff.
  • सस्येष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) Sacrifice offered on the ripening of new grain. E. सस्य, इष्टि sacrifice.
  • सस्वेद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Perspiring, exuding. f. (-दा) 1. A virgin deflowered. 2. A girl who has committed a breach of chastity. E. स with, स्वेद perspiration.
  • सस्त्रि :: mfn. (-स्त्रिः -स्त्रिः -स्त्रि) Who or what goes. E. सृ to go, इ aff., v. redup.
  • सह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Patient, enduring, suffering, bearing. m. (-हः) The month Agrahāyaṇa. mn. (-हः-हं) Strength, power. f. (-हा) 1. The earth. 2. The Aloe plant. 3. A sort of bean, commonly Mudga- parni. 4. A drug, commonly Nakhi. 5. A plant; also Daṇḍotpalā. 6. Barleria, (the white sort.) 7. The ichneumon plant or Rāsnā. 8. A medicinal sort of moon plant. Ind. 1. With, together with; a particle implying association, connection. 2. Union, junction. 3. Increase, addition. 4. Presence, present time. 5. Completeness, entireness. 6. Resemblance, &c. 7. Simultaneously. E. षह् to have patience, aff. अच्, fem. aff. टाप् ।
  • सहकार :: m. (-रः) 1. A fragrant sort of mango. 2. Co-operation. E. सह with, कृ to make, अण् aff.
  • सहकारिता :: f. (-ता) Co-operation, assistance. E. सहकारिन् and तल् aff.; also सहकारित्वं ।
  • सहकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) An implement, an assistant or associate, that or who, by which or whom, any object is effected, &c. E. सह with, कृ to make, णिनि aff.
  • सहकृत् :: mfn. (-कृत्) Assisting, an assister. E. सह, कृत् who does.
  • सहकृत्वन् :: mfn. (-त्वा -त्वा -त्वं) Co-operating, assisting. E. सह with, कृ to do, क्वनिप् aff.
  • सहगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Accompanied, associated. E. सह with, गत gone.
  • सहगमन :: n. (-नं) 1. Going with, accompanying. 2. A woman's burning herself on the funeral pile with her deceased husband. E. सह with, गमन going.
  • सहगामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Going with, accompanying. f. (-नी) A woman who burns herself with her husband's body. E. सह with, गामिन् who goes.
  • सहचर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Accompanying, going or associating with, &c. mf. (-रः-री) Yellow Barleria. m. (-रः) 1. A companion, a follower. 2. A surety. f. (-री) 1. A wife. 2. A woman's female friend or con- fidante. E. सह with, चर् to go, टच् aff.
  • सहचरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रत्) Accompanying, attending. E. सह with, चर् to go, शुतृ aff.
  • सहचरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Who or what accompanies, attends, associates with, &c. E. सह with, चर् to go, क्त aff.
  • सहचार :: m. (-रः) 1. Harmony, agreement. 2. The accompaniment of the middle term by the major, (in logic.) E. सह + चर-घञ् ।
  • सहचारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) A companion, an attendant. E. सह, चारिन् who goes.
  • सहज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) 1. Co-existent, cognate, born or produced toge- ther. 2. Innate, inherent, natural. m. (-जः) 1. A brother of whole blood. 2. The natural state or disposition. E. सह with, and ज born.
  • सहजमित्र :: m. (-त्रः) A friend by birth; as a sister's son, &c. E. सहज cognate, मित्र friend.
  • सहजारि :: m. (-रिः) A natural enemy, one hostile by birth; as the son of the same father by another mother, the son of a paternal uncle, &c. E. सहज cognate, अरि an enemy.
  • सहजेतर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Incidental, accidental, not inherent or innate, (in the dual it may imply both innate and adventitious.) E. सहज, and इतर other.
  • सहजोदासीन :: m. (-नः) A person, unconnected by birth, born neither an enemy nor friend. E. सहज cognate, उदासीन a stranger.
  • सहत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Sufferance, endurance. 2. Association, union. E. सह patient, or with, त्व aff.; also तल्, सहता ।
  • सहदार :: Adj Married.
  • सहदेव :: m. (-वः) The youngest of the five Pāṇḍava princes, begotten on MĀDRI by the younger Aświn. He was proficient in astrology and is considered as the beau ideal of masculine beauty. f. (-वा) 1. A plant, a sort of Sida. 2. A twining shrub, (Echites frutescens.) 3. Another plant, also Daṇḍotpala. f. (-बी) 1. A sort of Sida. 2. A shrub, bearing a fragrant seed, Priyangu. E. सह with, देव who or what sports.
  • सहधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) Community of duty, law, property, &c. E. सह with, धर्म्म duty.
  • सहधर्म्मिन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मी -र्म्मिणी -र्म्मि) 1. Following the same law, acknowled- ging the same obligations. 2. Possessing same or like properties. f. (-णी) A woman married according to the ritual of the Vedas. E. सह with. धर्म्म the law, इनि aff.
  • सहन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Patient, enduring. n. (-नं) Bearing, enduring, patience. E. सह् to bear, युच् or ल्युट् aff.
  • सहनर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) Dancing together in a circle, &c. E. सह् together, and नर्त्तन dancing.
  • सहपांशुकिल :: m. (-लः) A contemporary and friend.
  • सहपान :: n. (-नं) Drinking together or equally. E. सह with, &c., पान drinking.
  • सहभाविन् :: m. (-वी) A friend, a companion, an adherent or partizan. E. सह with, भाव quality, इनि aff.
  • सहभोजन :: n. (-नं) Eating in company. E. सह together, भोजन food.
  • सहमरण :: n. (-णं) Concremation, a widow's burning herself with the corpse of her husband. E. सह with, मरण dying.
  • सहयुध्वन् :: mfn. (-ध्वा -ध्वा -ध्व) Fighting with or along with. m. (-ध्वा) A brother-in-arms. E. सह, युध् to fight, क्वनिप् aff.
  • सहयुध्वान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Fighting with. E. सह, युध्वान fighting.
  • सहरसा :: f. (-सा) A sort of bean: see मुद्गपर्णी . E. सह with, रस juice.
  • सहरि :: m. (-रिः) 1. The sun. 2. A bull. Ind. Resembling HARI or VISHṆU. E. स for सह with, or समान same, हरि the deity.
  • सहर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) 1. Envy, emulation. 2. Pleasure, delight. E. स with, हर्ष pleasure.
  • सहस् :: m. (-हाः) 1. The month Agrahāyaṇa, (Nov.-Dec.) 2. The winter season. n. (-हः) 1. Strength, power. 2. Light. E. सह् to bear, असुन् aff.
  • सहसा :: Ind. Quickly, precipitately, inconsiderately, without considera- tion or pause. E. षह् to bear, असा aff.; or सह + सो-डा ।
  • सहसादृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Seen quickly. m. (-ष्टः) An adopted son. E. सहसा quickly, दृष्ट seen.
  • सहसान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Patient, enduring. m. (-नः) 1. A peacock. 2. Sacrifice, oblation. E. षह् to bear, असानच् Unādi aff.
  • सहस्य :: m. (-स्यः) The month Pausha, (Dec. Jan.) E. सह् to bear, यत् aff., form irr.
  • सहस्र :: n. (-स्रं) A thousand. E. समानं हसति हस्-र ।
  • सहस्रकाण्डा :: f. (-ण्डा) The white DŪRVĀ grass.
  • सहस्रकिरण :: m. (-णः) The sun. E. सहस्र a thousand, and किरण a ray.
  • सहस्रकृत्वस् :: Ind. Repeatedly, reiteratedly, a thousand or many times. E. सहस्र and कृत्वसुच् aff.
  • सहस्रद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Liberal, giving by thousands. E. सहस्र, and द who gives.
  • सहस्रदंष्ट्र :: m. (-ष्ट्रः) A sort of sheat fish, (Silurus pelorius, BUCH.) E. सहस्र a thousand, दंष्ट्र tooth. “पाठीन मत्स्ये” ।
  • सहस्रदंष्ट्रिन् :: m. (-ष्ट्री) A sheat fish: see the last. “वोयालमाछ ।” E. सहस्र, दंष्ट्र a tooth, इनि aff.
  • सहस्रदृश् :: m. (-दृक्) INDRA. E. सहस्र, दृश् the eye.
  • सहस्रदोस् :: m. (-दोः) KĀRTAVĪRYA, a prince so named. E. सहस्र, दोस् the arm.
  • सहस्रधा :: Ind. In a thousand ways. E. सहस्र, धाच् aff.
  • सहस्रधार :: m. (-रः) The discus of VISHṆU. E. सहस्र a thousand, धार an edge.
  • सहस्रनयन :: m. (-नः) 1. INDRA. 2. An owl. E. सहस्र a thousand, नयन the eye.
  • सहस्रनेत्र :: m. (-त्रः) INDRA. E. सहस्र a thousand, नेत्र the eye.
  • सहस्रपति :: m. (-तिः) The governor of a district, or of a thousand villages. E. सहस्र, पति chief.
  • सहस्रपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. A lotus. 2. The indian crane. E. सहस्र, पत्र a leaf.
  • सहस्रपाद् :: m. (-त् or -द्) BRAHMĀ. E. सहस्र, and पाद् for पाद a foot.
  • सहस्रपाद :: m. (-दः) 1. The sun. 2. VISHṆU. 3. A sort of duck. E. सहस्र a thousand, and पाद a foot.
  • सहस्रभुज :: m. (-जः) 1. An epithet of the demon BĀṆA. 2. KĀRTAVIRYA. 3. VISHṆU.
  • सहस्रयुग :: m. (-गः) A period of a thousand ages. E. सहस्र, and युग an age.
  • सहस्ररश्मि :: m. (-श्मिः) The sun. E. सहस्र a thousand, and रश्मि a ray.
  • सहस्ररोमन् :: n. (-म) A blanket. E. सहस्र and रोमन् hair.
  • सहस्रवदन :: m. (-नः) VISHṆU. E. सहस्र a thousand, and वदन a face.
  • सहस्रवीर्य्या :: f. (-र्य्या) A bent grass, (Panicum dactylon, the Agrostis linearis of LINNÆUS.) E. सहस्र a thousand, वीर्य्य splendour.
  • सहस्रवेध :: n. (-धं) Sorrel. “काञ्जिके” ।
  • सहस्रवेधिन् :: n. (-धि) Asafœtida. m. (-धी) A sort of cane, (Calamus fasci- culatus.) E. सहस्र a thousand. वेधिन् what pierce.
  • सहस्रशस् :: Ind. By a thousand or thousands, thousand-fold. E. सहस्र, शसि aff.
  • सहस्रशिखर :: m. (-रः) The Vindhya mountain. E. सहस्र, शिखर a crest.
  • सहस्रहर्य्याश्व :: m. (-श्वः) The car of INDRA. E. सहस्र, हरि green, अश्व a horse.
  • सहस्रांशु :: m. (-शुः) The sun. E. सहस्र a thousand, and अंशु a ray.
  • सहस्राक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षी -क्षं) Thousand-eyed; used figuratively, vigilant, all-perceiving, all-inspecting, all-powerful. m. (-क्षः) 1. INDRA. 2. An owl. 3. BRAHMĀ. E. सहस्र a thousand, and अक्ष the eye: INDRA having been covered over with marks resem- bling the female organ, in consequence of a curse of GAUTAMA; those marks were changed subsequently to eyes by the relenting saint.
  • सहस्राधिपति :: m. (-तिः) The governor of a district or chief over a thousand villages. E. सहस्र, अधिपति ruler.
  • सहस्रार :: n. (-रं) The top of the head, the seat of the soul. E. सहस्र, and अर a spoke.
  • सहस्रावर :: m. (-रः) A fine from five hundred to a thousand Panas. E. सहस्र, and अवर below.
  • सहस्रिन् :: mfn. (-स्री -स्रिणी -स्रि) Having a thousand. m. (-स्री) 1. A body of a thousand men, &c. 2. Commander or prefect of a thousand. E. सहस्र a thousand, इनि aff.
  • सहस्वत् :: f. (-स्वती) Adj. Powerful.
  • सहा :: f. (-हा) The earth. E. सह् to bear, अच् aff.
  • सहाचर :: m. (-रः) A yellow sort of Barleria, (B. prionitis.) E. सह with आङ् before चर् to go, aff. अच्; also सहचर ।
  • सहाय :: m. (-यः) 1. A companion, a follower. 2. A patron, a helper. 3. A sort of drug and perfume, commonly Ghantāpātali. 4. The ruddy goose. 5. An adherent. 6. An ally. 7. Śiva. E. सह with, इण् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • सहायता :: f. (-ता) 1. A multitude of companions, a company of associates or followers. 2. Association, assistance, friendship. E. सहाय a companion, तल् aff. of number, or the abstract.
  • सहायत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Fellowship, companionship, friendship. E. सहाय a companion, त्व aff. of the quality.
  • सहायवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Befriended, assisted, accompanied. E. सहाय, मतुप् poss. aff.
  • सहार :: m. (-रः) 1. The mango tree. 2. Universal dissolution. E. षह् to bear, आरन् Unādi aff.; or सह्-ऋ-अच् ।
  • सहारोग्य :: mfn. (-ग्यः -ग्या -ग्यं) Well, convalescent. E. सह with, आरोग्य health.
  • सहार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) 1. Having one object. 2. Synonymous, having the same meaning. E. सह with, अर्थ object, &c.
  • सहार्द्द :: mfn. (-र्द्दः -र्द्दा -र्द्दं) Tender, affectionate. E. स with, हार्द्द affection.
  • सहासन :: n. (-नं) Sitting on the same seat. E. सह with, आसन a seat.
  • सहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Accompanied by, in company with, associated with, &c. 2. Borne, endured. 3. Sincerely. n. Adv. (-तं) With, together with. E. सह with, इतच् aff.; or षह् to bear, क्त aff., with इट् augment; or स with, हित useful, right, &c.
  • सहितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Bearing, enduring. E. षह् to bear, तृच् or इट् aff.
  • सहित्र :: n. (-त्रं) Patience, endurance. E. षह् to suffer, and इत्र aff.
  • सहिष्ठ :: f. (-ष्ठा) Adj. Mightiest, very powerful.
  • सहिष्णु :: mfn. (-ष्णुः -ष्णुः -ष्णु) Patient, enduring, resigned. E. षह् to bear, इष्णुच् aff.
  • सहिष्णुता :: f. (-ता) 1. Patience, resignation. 2. Ability to support. E. तल् affix of the abstract, added to the preceding.
  • सहुरि :: m. (-रिः) The sun. f. (-रिः) The earth. E. षह् to bear, उरिन् Unādi aff.
  • सहृदय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Good-hearted. 2. Sincere. 3. Appreciative. m. (-यः) 1. A Pandit, a learned man. 2. A man of taste, a critic. E. स with, हृदय a heart.
  • सहृल्लेख :: f. (-खा) Questionable. n. (-खं) Questionable food.
  • सहेल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Sportive, playing. E. स with, हेल sport.
  • सहोक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. A figure of rhetoric; either the employment of a word in a double meaning, or connecting different circumstances in one sentence by the use of the term सह with, along with. 2. Speaking at the same time. E. सह with, उक्ति saying.
  • सहोटज :: m. (-जः) A hut of leaves, &c., inhabited by ascetics.
  • सहोढ :: m. (-ढः) 1. The son of a woman pregnant at the time of her marriage. 2. A thief caught with stolen property. E. सह with, ऊढा a bride; or स with, होढ stolen goods.
  • सहोढज :: m. (-जः) The son of a woman pregnant at the time of marriage. E. स with, ऊढा a bride, ज born.
  • सहोदर :: m. (-रः) A brother of whole blood, one by the same father and mother. E. सह with, उदर the belly.
  • सहोदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Said or declared, comprehensively or collective- ly. E. सह with, उदित said.
  • सहोबल :: n. (-लं) Violence, aggression. E. सहस् and बल, both meaning power, strength.
  • सहोर :: m. (-रः) A saint, a pure or pious man. f. (-रा) Good. E. सह, ओरन् Unādi aff.
  • सहोषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Dwelling or abiding with, being together with, E. सह, उषित abiding.
  • सह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) 1. To be borne or suffered. 2. Equal or adequate to. 3. Sweet, agreeable. 4. Powerful, strong. n. (-ह्यं) 1. Health, convalescence. 2. Assistance. m. (-ह्यः) One of the seven principal ranges of the mountains of India; the mountainous country on north-west side of the Peninsula or towards Poonah, &c., and in which the river Godāvari takes its rise. E. षह् to bear, aff. यत् ।
  • सा :: f. (-सा) 1. A name of LAKSHMĪ. 2. The goddess GAURĪ. 3. She, (the third personal feminine pronoun or the feminine inflection of तद् that, &c.) E. षो to destroy, &c., aff. ड ।
  • सांख्य :: mfn. (-ख्यः -ख्यी -ख्यं) See साङ्ख्य ।
  • सांयात्रिक :: m. (-कः) A voyaging merchant, one who trades by sea, &c. E. संयात्रा travelling together, ठञ् aff.
  • सांयुगीन :: m. (-नः) An able leader, a soldier skilled in war. f. (-ना) Warlike. E. संयुग war, खञ् aff.
  • सांराविण :: n. (-णं) 1. Shout, acclamation, the calling out of a number of people together. 2. Crying or complaining aloud. E. सम् together, राविन् who calls or cries, अण् added.
  • सांवत्सर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Annual, perennial. m. (-रः) An astrologer. E. संवत्सर a year, अण् aff.
  • सांवत्सरिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Yearly, annual, relating to a year, produced in a year, &c. E. संवत्सर a year, and ठञ् aff.
  • सांवादिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A logician. 2. A controversialist. f. (-की) 1. Con- troversial. 2. Colloquial. E. सांवाद dispute, ठञ् aff.
  • सांवृत्तिक :: f. (-की) Phenomenal, illusory.
  • सांशयिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Dubious, doubtful. 2. Uncertain, irresolute, in doubt. E. संशय doubt, ठञ् aff.
  • सांसारिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Worldly, of or belonging to the world. E. संसार, and ठक् aff.
  • सांसिद्धिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Spontaneous, effected naturally. 2. Innate. 3. Effected by supernatural means. E. संसिद्धि perfection, ठञ् aff.
  • सांस्थानिक :: m. (-कः) A countryman, an inhabitant or native of the same place. E. सम् together, स्थान place, ठन् aff.
  • सांस्राविण :: n. (-णं) A general stream or flow.
  • सांहननिक :: f. (-की) Relating to the body, corporeal.
  • साकम् :: Ind. 1. With, together with. 2. Simultaneously. E. स for सह with, अक् to go, अम् aff.
  • साकल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) The whole, the entire, all. E. सकल all, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • साकाङ्क्ष :: mfn. (-ङ्क्षः -ङ्क्षा -ङ्क्षं) Wishing, desirous. E. स with, आकाङ्क्षा desire.
  • साकार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Having form or shape. E. स with, आकार form.
  • साकूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Significant. 2. Wanton. E. स with, आकूत mean- ing, wish.
  • साकूतस्मित :: n. (-तं) A wanton glance. E. साकूत, and स्मित a smile.
  • साकेत :: n. (-तं) The city Ayodhyā, or ancient Oudh.
  • साक्तुक :: m. (-कः) Barley. n. (-कं) A quantity of fried grain, &c. E. सक्तु fried or parched grain ground, and ठञ् aff.
  • साक्षात् :: Ind. 1. Before, in presence, in sight. 2. As, like. 3. Actually in person. 4. Evidently, manifestly, directly. E. स for सह with, अक्ष the eye, अत् to go or to be, aff. क्विप्; or सह अक्षति अक्ष्-आति सादेशः ।
  • साक्षात्कार :: m. (-रः) 1. Causing to be visibly present. 2. Making evident to the senses. 3. Actual feeling.
  • साक्षिता :: f. (-ता) Evidence, testimony. E. साक्षिन्, and तल् aff.; also with त्व, साक्षित्वं ।
  • साक्षिन् :: mfn. (-क्षी -क्षिणी -क्षि) 1. Witnessing, seeing, an eye-witness. 2. Attesting, testifying, evidence. m. (-क्षी) A witness, (in law.) E. स for सह with, (in presence of,) अक्षि the eye, इनि aff.
  • साक्षिपरीक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) Examination of a witness' credibility. E. साक्षिन्, and परीक्षा trial; also साक्षिपरीक्षणं ।
  • साक्षिभावित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Made known by testimony. E. साक्षिन्, and भावित caused to be perceived or known.
  • साक्षिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Having or requiring evidence. E. साक्षिन्, and मतुप् aff.
  • साक्षिलक्षण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Defined or proved by testimony. E. साक्षिन्, and लक्षण a mark.
  • साक्ष्य :: n. (-क्ष्यं) Testimony, evidence. E. साक्षिन्, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • साक्ष्यभाव :: m. (-वः) Absence or deficiency of witnesses or testimony. E. साक्षिन्, and अभाव non-existence.
  • साखेय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Friendly, amicable. E. सखि a friend, ठञ् aff.
  • साख्य :: n. (-ख्यं) Friendship. E. सखि a friend, यञ् aff.
  • सागर :: m. (-रः) 1. The ocean. 2. A sort of deer. 3. The number “four.” 4. The number “seven”. E. सगर a king and अण् aff.; to bathe the bones of SAGARA'S 60,000 sons the Ganges is said to have been led by BHAGĪRATHA, his great-great-grandson, to the ocean, at the place now called Gangā-Sāgar.
  • सागरगामिनी :: f. (-नी) A river in general. E. सागर the ocean, गामिनी going to.
  • सागरनेमि :: f. (-मिः) The earth. E. सागर the sea, and नेमि a circumference; surrounding the earth.
  • सागरमेखला :: f. (-ला) The earth. E. सागर the ocean, and मेखला a zone.
  • सागराम्बरा :: f. (-रा) The earth. E. सागर the ocean, अम्बर vesture.
  • सागरालय :: m. (-यः) VARUṆA, deity of the water. E. सागर the ocean, आलय abode.
  • सागरोत्थ :: n. (-त्थं) Sea-salt. E. सागर the sea, उत्थ produced.
  • साग्निक :: m. (-कः) A householder who maintains a sacred fire. E. स with, अग्नि fire, कप् aff.
  • साङ्कर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) 1. Mixture, blending. 2. The concurrence of various properties in one subject. E. सङ्कर mixing, ष्यञ् aff.
  • साङ्कल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Effected or produced by addition, collection, &c. E. सङ्कल collection, aff. अण् ।
  • साङ्कुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Budding, in bud. E. स with, अङ्कुर a bud.
  • साङ्केतिक :: f. (-की) Conventional, indicatory, symbolical.
  • साङ्क्षेपिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Short, summary, concise, contracted, abrid- ged. E. सङ्क्षेप abridgment, ठक् aff.
  • साङ्ख्य :: mfn. (-ङ्ख्यः -ङ्ख्यी -ङ्ख्यं) 1. Numeral, relating to number. 2. Deliberating, reasoning. 3. Rational, discriminative. m. (-ङ्ख्यः) 1. The Sānkhya system of philosophy, ascribed originally to the Muni KAPILA, and so called as enumera- ting twenty-five Tatwas or true principles; its object is to effect the final liberation of the twenty-fifth Tatwa, viz.

Purusha, (the soul,) from the fetters of the phenomenal crea- tion by conveying a correct knowledge of the twenty-four other Tatwas; the Sānkhya system agrees with Vedāntism in being synthetical, so differing from the analytical Nyāya; its great point of divergence from the Vedānta is its maintaining two principles, which the Vedānta denies. 2. A follower of the Sānkhya system of philosophy. E. सङ्ख्या number, &c., अण् aff.

  • साङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा or ङ्गी -ङ्गं) 1. Having all the members. 2. Comprising all the sub-divisions. E. स with, अङ्ग a limb or part.
  • साङ्गतिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Social, associating, relating or derived from encounter or society. m. (-कः) A visitor, a guest, a new comer. E. सङ्गति acquaintance, ठक् aff.
  • साङ्गम :: m. (-मः) Union, meeting. E. सङ्गम the same, अण् pleonasm.
  • साङ्ग्रामिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Warlike, martial, &c. m. (-कः) A commander, a general. E. सङ्ग्राम war, ठञ् aff.
  • साचि :: Ind. Crookedly, awry, bent, obliquely. E. षच् to collect, इण् aff.
  • साचिविलोकित :: n. (-तं) A side glance. E. साचि, and विलोकित looked at.
  • साचिव्य :: n. (-व्यं) 1. Ministry, administration. 2. Friendship, fellowship. E. सचिव a friend, यञ् aff.
  • साचिस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Crooked. 2. Standing or placed unevenly. E. साचि, स्थित stood.
  • साचीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Made crooked. 2. Seen crookedly or tortuously, distorted, misrepresented. n. (-तं) Prejudice, distortion or perversion of mind. E. साचि, च्वि aff., कृत made.
  • साजात्य :: n. (-त्यं) 1. Community of genus, homogeneousness. 2. Sameness of tribe.
  • साञ्जन :: m. (-नः) A lizard, a chameleon. E. स with, अञ्जन unguent.
  • साट् :: r. 10th cl. (साटयति-ते) To make visible, to show.
  • साटोप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Proud, haughty, consequential. n. Adv. (-पं) Arrogantly, consequentially. E. स with, आटोप pride.
  • सात् :: r. 10th cl. (सातयति-ते) To give pleasure; according to some it is a Sautra root.
  • सात् :: Ind. A Tadhita affix which, when put after a word, denotes either a total change of anything into the thing expressed by that word, or complete control.
  • सात् :: n. (-सात्) BRAHMĀ, GOD. E. साति to cause happiness, aff. क्विप् ।
  • सात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Given. 2. Destroyed. n. (-तं) Pleasure, delight. E. षण् to give, or षो to destroy, aff. क्त, form irr.; see सित; or more properly सात् to give pleasure, aff. अच् ।
  • सातत्य :: n. (-त्यं) Continuity.
  • सातय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Who or what causes pleasure. E. साति a Sautra root in the causal form, to cause pleasure, श aff.
  • सातला :: f. (-ला) A shrub, commonly Charmakasā. E. सात pleasure, and ला to give, affs. अङ् and टाप्; also शातला ।
  • सातवाहन :: m. (-नः) The sovereign SĀLIVĀHANA. E. सात a Gandharba, changed according to the legend to a lion, on which this prince was discovered riding when a child, and वाहन a vehicle.
  • साति :: f. (-तिः) 1. End, conclusion, cessation of action. 2. Destruction. 3. Gift, giving. 4. Sharp pain. 5. Gaining, acquisition. E. षो to des- troy, or षण् to give, क्तिन् or क्तिच् aff.; also read सति and सन्ति ।
  • सातिसार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Dysenteric, afflicted with dysentery. E. स for सह with, अतिसार dysentery.
  • सातीलक :: m. (-कः) Pease; also सातीनक सतीलक, and सतीनक ।
  • सात्यकि :: m. (-किः) A hero of the Yādava family who acted as charioteer to Krishṇa and was a staunch adherent of the Pāndavas in the great war.
  • सात्यवत :: m. (-तः) The poet and sage VYĀSA. E. सत्यवती the mother of the bard, and अण् aff.; also with ढक् aff. सात्यवतेय ।
  • सात्वत् :: m. (-त्वान्) 1. A worshipper, a follower. 2. A man of the Yādava tribe. E. साति to cause happiness, वतु participial aff.; or सात्-क्विप्-मतुप् .
  • सात्वत :: m. (-तः) 1. VISHṆU. 2. BALADEVA. m. Plu. (-ताः) The people of one of the countries of midland India, apparently inhabiting a district in the vicinity of the Pārijātra mountains, said to be

descendants from outcaste Vaisyas. f. (-ती) 1. One of the four great divisions of the drama, described as the representation of gentle and amiable sentiments or passions. 2. The mother of ŚIŚU- PĀLA. E. सत्वत a proper name, &c., अण् aff.; or सत्यमेव सात्वम तत्तनोति तन्-ड ।

  • सात्विक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Spontaneous, sincere, (as applied to the actions or signs of the Sātwika-Bhāva.) 2. Relating to or pro- ceeding from the Satwa quality; honest, true, good, gentle, ami- able, &c. m. (-कः) 1. BRĀHMAṆA. 2. One of the Bhāvas or classes into which the affections of the mind or their expression, are distinguished, in poetry and the drama: this class holds a middle place between the Sthāyi, and Vyabhichāri-Bhāvas, and implies the honest and spontaneous indication of strong feeling, as evinced especially in eight acts, viz:--inability to move whilst the faculties or limbs are unaffected, perspiration, horripilation, inarticulate speech, trembling or tremor, change of colour, tears, and mental absorption or indifference, approaching to loss of sense, to every object but one which engrosses the attention. f. (-की) DURGĀ. E. सत्व the Satwa-Guṇa or quality, and ठञ् aff.
  • साद :: m. (-दः) 1. Purity, cleanness. 2. Lassitude, weariness, exhaustion. 3. Perishing, decay. 4. Leanness, thinness, emaciation. 5. Cessation, stoppage. 6. Pain. E. षद् to decay, to be weary, &c., aff. घञ् ।
  • सादन :: n. (-नं) 1. A house, a dwelling. 2. Dispelling. 3. Destroying. 4. Wearying, exhausting. 5. Exhaustion, decay. E. षद् to go, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • सादयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) 1. Destroying. 2. Exhausting. 3. Expelling, removing, extracting. E. षद् to go, causal v., शतृ aff.
  • सादयितव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be destroyed. E. षद् to go, causal v., तव्य aff.
  • सादर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Respectful. n. Adv. (-रं) Respectfully. E. स with, आदर respect.
  • सादि :: m. (-दिः) 1. A charioteer. 2. A warrior. 3. Exhausted. 4. Wind. E. षद् to be weary, &c., इण् Unādi aff.
  • सादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Destroyed, exterminated. 2. Wearied, exhaus- ted, harassed. 3. Wasted, decayed. 4. Broken, cut. 5. Drawn, dragged. E. षद् to go, &c., aff. क्त ।
  • सादिन् :: m. (-दी) 1. A horseman, a cavalier. 2. One who rides on an elephant. 3. One who rides on or is mounted in a car. f. (-दिनी) Destroying. E. षद् to go, aff. णिनि ।
  • सादृश्य :: n. (-श्यं) 1. Resemblance, similarity. 2. A likeness, an image, a portrait. E. सदृश like, ष्यञ् aff.
  • साद्यस्क :: mfn. (-स्कः -स्का -स्कं) Quick, instantaneous. E. सद्यस्, and वुञ् aff.
  • साध्(उ)साधु :: r. 4th cl. (साध्यति-ते) To be completed. (औ) साधौ r. 5th cl. (साध्नोति) 1. To finish, to perfect, to complete, or accomplish. 2. To conquer. r. 10th cl. (साधयति-ते) To go, to depart; also षाध् ।
  • साधक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Completing, perfecting, finishing, who or what effects or completes. f. (-धका or धिका) 1. Fulfilling. 2. Effecting by magic. 3. Skilful, adept. 4. Aiding, helping. E. साध् to finish, ण्वुल् aff.
  • साधन :: n. (-नं) 1. Accomplishing, effecting. 2. Matter, materials, that of which any thing is composed or consists. 3. Thing, substance. 4. Means, expedient. 5. Instrument, agent. 6. Authority. 7. The premises leading to a conclusion. 8. Cause. 9. Going, motion. 10. Following. 11. Killing, destroying. 12. Obsequies, ceremonies observed after the death of a relative. 13. Drug, medicament. 14. Wealth. 15. An army. 16. The penis. 17. Friendship. 18. Enforce- ment of the delivery of any thing, especially juridically, as the infliction and levy of a fine, &c. 19. Killing metals, depriving them (especially mercury,) by oxidation, &c., of their metallic properties, for medicinal or alchemical purposes. 20. Good works, or the observance of the moral and ceremonial parts of the Hindu religion, as secondary means of obtaining purity and emancipation. 21. Proof, substantiation. 22. Penance, self-mortification. 23.

Profit, advantage. 24. Subduing. 25. Subduing by charms. 26. Conciliating, worshipping. 27. Killing. 28. Setting out. 29. Aid, assistance. 30. A bodily organ. 31. An udder. 32. Implement, utensil, apparatus. 33. The instrumental case, (in gram.) f. (-नी) Effecting. f. (-ना) 1. Accomplishment, completion. 2. Propitiation, worship. E. षाध् to accomplish, aff. ल्युट् ।

  • साधनत्व :: n. (-त्वं) State or condition of being a means to a desired end.
  • साधननिर्देश :: m. (-शः) 1. Production or indication of proof, (in law.) 2. Establishment of premises, leading to a conclusion. E. साधन proof, &c., and निर्देश pointing out.
  • साधनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Perfective, to be perfected, accomplished, proved. E. षाध् to complete, अनीयर् aff.
  • साधन्त :: m. (-न्तः) A beggar, a mendicant. E. षाध् to accomplish, Unādi aff. झच् ।
  • साधयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) 1. Perfecting, accomplishing. 2. Purifying. 3. Proving. 4. Recovering, (as a debt.) E. षध् to accomplish, शतृ aff.
  • साधर्म्म्य :: n. (-र्म्म्यं) 1. Community, equality, (of duty, office, property, &c.) 2. Sameness of nature. E. सधर्म्म of one duty, ष्यञ् aff.
  • साधारण :: mfn. (-णः -णा or णी -णं) 1. Like, similar. 2. Common, belonging to all or many. 3. Generic. n. (-णं) 1. A common rule or precept, one applicable to many persons or things. 2. A specific or generic character, one common to all the individuals of a species, or all the species of a genus, &c. f. (-णी) A small bolt or bar. E. स for सह with, धारण having, aff. अण् or ष्यञ् ।
  • साधारणधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) Common or universal duty, conduct to be obser- ved by all castes or orders, as humanity, &c. E. साधारण general, and धर्म्म merit, duty.
  • साधारणस्त्री :: f. (-स्त्री) A whore. E. साधारण common, and स्त्री a woman.
  • साधारण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) Community, universality. E. साधारण, यञ् aff.
  • साधिका :: f. (-का) 1. Deep or sound sleep. 2. An accomplished woman. E. षाध् to finish, aff. वुन्, fem. form.; or सिध्-णिच् ण्वुल् ।
  • साधित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Amerced, fined, punished by fine, (as the culprit.) 2. Awarded, (as the thing or fine.) 3. Awarded to or in favour of, (as the person to whom the fine is to be paid.) 4. Recovered, (as a debt.) 5. Accomplished, finished. 6. Discharged, fulfilled. 7. Conferred, bestowed, enabled to procure or effect. 8. Made to pay. 9. Subdued. 10. Substantiated, proved. 11. Settled. 12. Achieved. E. षाध् to accomplish, क्त aff., with इट् augment.
  • साधिदैव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) One with supreme divinity. E. स with, अधिदैव superintending godhead.
  • साधिभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Identified or one with elementary essence. E. स with, अधिभूत essential matter.
  • साधिमन् :: m. (-मा) Goodness, perfection.
  • साधियज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) One with the Supreme Being. E. स with, अधियज्ञ the object of sacrifice.
  • साधिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) 1. Very hard. 2. Very fit, proper, or right. E. साधु good, or considered as irregularly substituted for वाढ heavy, इष्ठन् aff. of the irr. superlative; also with ईयसुन aff. साधीयस् ।
  • साधीयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) 1. Very right or proper. 2. Very hard or firm. 3. Very handsome. E. See the last.
  • साधु :: Ind. 1. Well, well indeed. 2. Enough, away with.
  • साधु :: mfn. (-धुः -धुः or ध्वी -धु) 1. Pleasing, beautiful. 2. Well-born, of honour- able descent. 3. Right, fit, proper. 4. Good, virtuous, pious, pure. 5. Pure, classical, (as applied to language.) 6. Excellent, good. 7. Eminent. m. (-धुः) 1. A Muni, a saint, a sage in general, one of subdued passions and contemplative habits. 2. A Jina, a deified saint venerated by the Jainas. 3. A usurer. 4. A good or honest man. 5. A merchant. 6. A derivative or inflected noun. f. (-धुः or -ध्वी) 1. A virtuous wife. 2. Name of a particular root. E. साध् to accom- plish or perfect, Unādi aff. उन् ।
  • साधुक :: m. (-कः) A low or degraded tribe. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • साधुज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Well-born, of respectable family or descent. E. साधु the same, and ज born.
  • साधुत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Goodness, correctness. E. त्व added to साधु; also with तल्, साधुता ।
  • साधुधी :: f. (-धी) A wife's or husband's mother. E. साधु pious, धा to have, affs. क and ङीष् ।
  • साधुपुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) A flower, (Hibiscus mutabilis.) E. साधु pure, पुष्प a flower.
  • साधुम्मन्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) Thinking one's self pure or virtuous. E. साधु, and मन् to think, खश् aff.
  • साधुवाद :: m. (-दः) A cry of approbation.
  • साधुवाहिन् :: m. (-ही) A well trained horse. E. साधु agreeable, pleasing, वाह bearing, इनि aff.
  • साधुवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The Kadamba tree, (Nauclea Cadamba.) E. साधु handsome or excellent, and वृक्ष a tree.
  • साधुवृत्त :: m. (-त्तः) A virtuous or pious person. n. (-त्तं) Virtue, piety. Adj. Well-conducted, upright. E. साधु, and वृत्त practice.
  • साधुवृत्ति :: mfn. (-त्तिः -त्तिः -त्ति) Virtuous. f. (-त्तिः) The institutes or moral and ritual observances of the Hindus. E. साधु excellent, वृत्ति practice.
  • साधुशील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Virtuous, righteous, wisely or virtuously inclined. E. साधु, and शील disposition.
  • साधुशीलत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Virtuous or righteous inclination or disposition. E. साधुशील, and त्व aff.; also with तल्, साधुशीलता ।
  • साधूक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Said or declared by the good. E. साधु, उक्त said.
  • साधृत :: n. (-तं) 1. The flock of peacocks. 2. A stall, a shop. 3. An umbrella or parasol. E. स for सह with, आधृत held.
  • साध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) 1. To be perfected or accomplished. 2. Accom- plishable, attainable. 3. To be inferred or concluded, (in logic.) 4. To be proved or demonstrated. 5. To be cured, curable, (in medi- cine.) 6. To be substantiated or made good. 7. To be subdued or mastered. 8. To be destroyed. m. (-ध्यः) 1. An inferior deity or demigod, one of a class of twelve. 2. A deity in general. 3. The twenty-second astronomical Yoga. 4. Name of a particular mantra. n. (-ध्यं) 1. Accomplishment, perfection. 2. (In law,) The matter in debate, the thing to be proved. 3. (In logic,) The subject of the proposition, the major term in a syllogism. E. साध् to accomplish, ण्यत् aff.
  • साध्यता :: f. (-ता) Practicableness.
  • साध्यतावच्छेदक :: n. (-कं) The characteristic property of the major term, (in logic.)
  • साध्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Being subjected to, or capable, or in course of proof. 2. Being in course of accomplishment. 3. Being proceeded against, (at law.) E. षाध् to accomplish, pass. v. शानच् aff.
  • साध्यवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Comprehending that which is to be proved. m. (-वान्) (In law,) The party on whom rests the onus probandi. E. साध्य, and मतुप् poss. aff.
  • साध्यसाधन :: n. (-नं) Effecting what is to be or may be done, &c. E. साध्य, साधन accomplishing.
  • साध्यसिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) 1. Proof, conclusion, the establishing of that which was to be proved. 2. Completion, accomplishment, fulfilment. E. साध्य to be effected, &c., and सिद्धि perfection.
  • साध्यसिद्धिपाद :: m. (-दः) The fourth stage or division of a suit at law, judgment or decision. E. साध्य to be proved, सिद्धि conclusion, and पाद division.
  • साध्याभाव :: m. (-वः) 1. Absence of the thing to be proved. 2. Absence of the subject of a proposition. 3. Impossibility of cure. E. साध्य, and अभाव non-existence.
  • साध्वनिन्दित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Unreproached, irreproachable. E. साधु the pious, अनिन्दित not reproved.
  • साध्वस :: n. (-सं) 1. Fear, terror. 2. Perturbation. 3. Torpor. E. साधु a pious man, अस् to throw or disperse, aff. अङ् or अच् ।
  • साध्वाचार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Virtuous. E. साधु, and आचार observance.
  • सानन्द :: mfn. (-न्दः -न्दा -न्दं) Happy, delighted, enjoying and endowed with happiness. E. स with, आनन्द happiness.
  • सानल :: m. (-लः) The resinous exudation of the Śāl tree. E. स with, अनल fire.
  • सानसि :: m. (-सिः) Gold. E. षण् to give, Unādi aff. असि, and the radical vowel made long; or सन्-इण्-असुक् च ।
  • सानिका :: f. (-का) A flute, a pipe. E. षण् to give, (pleasure,) ण्वुल् aff.
  • सानु :: mn. (-नुः-नु) 1. Table-land, level ground on the top or edge of a mountain. 2. A wood. 3. A road. 4. A gale of wind. 5. Point, end, top. 6. A sage, a learned man or Paṇḍit. 7. A shoot, a sprout. 8. The sun. E. षण् to give, (pleasure,) Unādi aff. ञुन् ।
  • सानुकम्प :: mfn. (-म्पः -म्पा -म्पं) Sympathizing. E. स with, अनुकम्पा kindness.
  • सानुक्रोश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Compassionate. E. स with, अनुक्रोश compassion.
  • सानुनय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Willing, civil, kind. n. (-यं) Kindly, civilly. E. स with, अनुनय assent.
  • सानुमत् :: m. (-मान्) A mountain. E. सानु a summit, मतुप् aff.
  • सानुराग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Attached, passionate. E. स with, अनुराग affection.
  • सानेयिका :: f. (-का) A flute, or pipe. E. कन् added to सानेयी ।
  • सानेयी :: f. (-यी) A flute, a pipe, a fife.
  • सान्तपन :: n. (-नं) 1. A sort of penance; the lighter kind is feeding on a mixture of curds, &c. for one day and fasting the next; the severer is feeding six successive days, severally, on the same articles, or on cow's urine, cow's ordure, milk, curds, Ghee, and water in which Kuśa grass has been steeped, and fasting on the seventh. E. सम् completely, तपन austerity, अण् added.
  • सान्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. With intervals, or interstices. 2. Open in texture. E. स for सह with, अन्तर between.
  • सान्तराल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Separated, distinct from, apart. E. स with, अन्तराल interval.
  • सान्तानिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Expansive, (as a shrub, &c.) 2. Rela- ting to descendants, posterity, &c. 3. Relating to the heavenly tree Santāna. m. (-कः) A Brāhman intending to marry for the sake of issue. E. सन्तान, and ठक् aff.
  • सान्त्व् :: r. 10th. cl. (सान्त्वयति-ते) 1. To appease, to conciliate. 2. To comfort; also षान्त्व् .
  • सान्त्व :: mn. (-न्त्वः-न्त्वं) 1. Conciliation, reconciling, appeasing. 2. Pleasing and conciliatory language. 3. Cleverness, dexterity. 4. Mildness. 5. Friendly salutation. E. सान्त्व् to console or appease, अच् aff.
  • सान्त्वन :: n. (-नं) Conciliation, reconcilement. nf. (-नं-ना) 1. Friendly or affectionate salutation and enquiry. 2. Speaking in a kindly and conciliatory manner. E. सान्त्व् to console, &c., aff. ल्युट् ।
  • सान्त्वयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Consoling, appeasing. E. सान्त्व् to console, शतृ aff.
  • सान्त्ववाद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Speaking in a kindly and affectionate manner. E. सान्त्व affection, and वाद speech, (whose.)
  • सान्दीपनि :: m. (-निः) A sage who was the preceptor of KRISHṆA and BALARĀMA.
  • सान्दृष्टिक :: n. (-कं) Immediate consequence. f. (-की) Relating to present perception. E. सम् with, दृष्टि sight, present perception, ठञ् aff.
  • सान्द्र :: mfn. (-न्द्रः -न्द्रा -न्द्रं) 1. Thick, coarse, gross. 2. Soft, smooth, bland. 3. Pleasing, agreeable. 4. Much, abundant. 5. Unctuous, viscid, oily. 6. Close, compact, not having interstices. 7. Stout, robust. 8. Clustering, collected. 9. Excessive, vehement. n. (-न्द्रं) 1. A wood, a thicket. 2. A heap, a cluster. E. स for सह with, together, अदि to bind, रक् aff.
  • सान्द्रता :: f. (-ता) Thickness, grossness, viscidity. E. सान्द्र, and तल् added; with त्व, सान्द्रत्वं ।
  • सान्द्रपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) Beleric myrobalan. E. सान्द्र thick, पुष्प a flower.
  • सान्द्रस्निग्ध :: mfn. (-ग्धः -ग्धा -ग्धं) Thick and unctuous. E. सान्द्र thick, स्निग्ध unctuous.
  • सान्धिक :: m. (-कः) A distiller. E. सन्धा distilling, ठक् aff.
  • सान्धिविग्रहिक :: m. (-कः) A minister of peace and war.
  • सान्ध्य :: mfn. (-न्ध्यः -न्ध्यी -न्ध्यं) Produced at or relating to the evening, &c. E. सन्ध्या twilight, अण् aff.
  • सान्नहनिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Calling to arms, sounding, (as an alarum, &c.) 2. Bearing or putting on armour. m. (-कः) A squire, an armour- bearer. E. सन्नाहन arming, ठक् aff., implying relation or causation.
  • सान्नाय्य :: n. (-य्यं) Any substance mixed with clarified butter and offered

as a burnt offering. E. सम् before णी to bring, (to the sacrificial fire,) ण्यत् aff., form irr.

  • सान्निध्य :: n. (-ध्यं) 1. Proximity, vicinity. 2. Presence, attendance. E. सन्निध near, ष्यञ् aff.
  • सान्निध्यतस :: Ind. From near, from the presence.
  • सान्निपातिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Complicated, (as disease,) relating to the morbid state of the three humours collectively. 2. Miscellaneous, promiscuous, collective. E. सन्निपात collection, mixture, aff. ठञ् ।
  • सान्न्यासिक :: m. (-कः) A beggar, a Brāhman of the fourth or mendicant order. E. सन्न्यास abandonment, (of the world,) ठक् aff.
  • सान्वय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Related or of kin to. 2. In connection with family or descendants. 3. In order or succession. E. स with, अन्वय descendants.
  • सापत्न :: f. (-त्नी) Born from a rival wife.
  • सापत्न्य :: m. (-त्न्यः) 1. An enemy. 2. The children of the different wives of the same husband. n. (-त्न्यं) 1. Plurality of wives, or the condition of the wife of one who has other wives. 2. Ambition, rivalry. E. सपत्नी a fellow-wife, or सपत्न an enemy, ष्यञ् pleonasm or aff. of the abstract, or यञ् or अण् aff.
  • सापत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) Having progeny. E. स with, अपत्य offspring.
  • सापराध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Faulty, offending. E. स with, अपराध fault.
  • सापिण्ड्य :: n. (-ण्ड्यं) Consanguinity, kindred, connection by presenting obsequial offerings to the same persons. E. सपिण्ड, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • साप्तपदीन :: n. (-नं) 1. Friendship. 2. Circumambulation of the nuptial fire by the bride and bridegroom in seven steps, (after which the mar- riage is complete.) E. सप्त seven, पद a step or pace, and खञ् aff.; to be formed with any with whom seven paces are walked together.
  • साप्तपौरुष :: mfn. (-षः -षी -षं) Extending to seven generations, &c. E. सप्त seven, पुरुष male, अण् aff.
  • साफल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) 1. Productiveness, fruitfulness. 2. Advantage. 3. Success. E. स with, फल fruit, ष्यञ् aff.
  • साब्दी :: f. (-ब्दी) A sort of grape.
  • साभ्यसूय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Envious, malicious. E. स with, अभ्यसूया malice.
  • साम् :: r. 10th cl. (सामयति-ते) 1. To conciliate, to appease. 2. To pacify, to tranquillize; more properly षाम् ।
  • सामक :: n. (-कं) The principal of a debt, &c. m. (-कः) A whet-stone. E. सम equal, अण् or वुञ् aff.; or साम्-ण्वुल् aff.
  • सामग :: m. (-गः) A Brāhman who chants or recites the Sāma-Veda. f. (-गी) The wife of a Sāma-Vedi Brāhman. E. साम the Sāma-Veda, गै to sing, ड aff.
  • सामग्री :: f. (-ग्री) 1. Collection or assemblage of materials, apparatus. 2. Provision. E. See the next.
  • सामग्र्य :: nf. (-ग्र्यं-ग्री) 1. Entireness, wholeness, the whole. 2. Train, retinue. 3. Implements, instruments, apparatus. 4. Stock, effects. E. समग्र all, whole, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • सामज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Producing from or produced by the Sāma-Veda. m. (-जः) An elephant. E. साम the Veda, ज born; also सामजात, &c.
  • सामञ्जस्य :: n. (-स्यं) Fitness, accordance, propriety. E. समञ्जस, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • सामन् :: n. (-म) 1. The Sāma-Veda, the prayers of which composed in metre, are always sung or chanted: the Chhāndogya Upanishad belongs to this Veda. 2. Conciliation, reconciling, appeasing. 3. Calming, tranquillizing. 4. Speaking kindly or tenderly. 5. Gentle- ness. 6. Negociation, (one of the four means of success against an enemy.) f. (-नी) A rope, for tying cattle. E. षो to destroy, (sin,) Unādi aff. मनिन्, and ङीष् added for the fem. form.
  • सामन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ती -न्तं) 1. Limitative, boundary, bounding. 2. Bordering, neighbouring. 3. Universal. m. (-न्तः) 1. The chief of a district. 2. A neighbour. 3. An attendant or companion of a chieftain. 4. A leader, a captain, a champion. 5. A neighbouring prince. n. (-न्तं) Neighbourhood. E. समन्त end, term, अण् aff. of relation.
  • सामन्तवासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Dwelling in the borders, bordering, neighbouring. E. समन्त, वासिन् who abides.
  • सामन्य :: m. (-न्यः) A Brāhman conversant with the Sāma Veda. E. सामन्, and यत् aff.
  • सामय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Sick, diseased. E. स with, आमय sickness.
  • सामयिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Seasonable, punctual, observing time or season. 2. Precise, exact. 3. Stipulated, according to agreement. 4. Conventional, customary. 5. Periodical. 6. Temporary. E. समय time or engagement, ठञ् or ठक् aff. of relation or possession.
  • सामयिकाभाव :: m. (-वः) Temporary, non-existance.
  • सामयोनि :: mfn. (-निः -निः -नि) Born from or produced by the SĀMA. m. (-निः) 1. BRAHMĀ. 2. An elephant. E. सामन् the Veda, and योनि place of birth.
  • सामर्थ्य :: n. (-र्थ्यं) 1. Power, force, ability, fortitude, strength. 2. Fitness, suitableness. 3. Capacity, adequacy. 4. (In grammar,) Mutual relation of words. 5. Sense or force of words. 6. Wealth. 7. Interest, advantage. 8. Sameness of aim or object. E. समर्थ्य able, ष्यञ् aff.
  • सामर्ष :: mfn. (-र्षः -र्षा -र्षं) Enraged, in wrath. E. स with, अमर्ष anger.
  • सामवायिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A principal minister or counsellor. 2. The chief of a company or corporation. f. (-की) 1. Belonging to an assembly. 2. Relating to intimate connection, (in logic.) E. समवाय an assembly, ठञ् aff.
  • सामसङ्गायक :: m. (-कः) A chanter of the Sāma-Veda. E. साम, सङ्गायक chanter.
  • सामाजिक :: m. (-कः) An assistant or spectator at an assembly, &c. E. समाज an assembly, and ठक् aff.
  • सामानाधिकरण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) 1. Common office, function of government, &c. 2. The receptacle or substratum of common properties. E. समानाधिकरण, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • सामान्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) Common, general, generic, universal. n. (-न्यं) 1. Kind, sort, specific or generic property or character. 2. Common property, generality, community. 3. Public affairs or business. 4. Totality, entireness. 5. A figure of rhetoric, the connection of different objects by common properties. 6. A general proposition. f. (-न्या) A female who is common to all men, a harlot. E. समान common, (to many individuals,) ष्यञ् aff.
  • सामान्यज्ञान :: n. (-नं) The perception of common or generic properties.
  • सामान्यतस् :: Ind. Generally, commonly.
  • सामान्यलक्षण :: n. (-णं) A generic or specific definition or character. E. सामान्य, and लक्षण mark or description.
  • सामान्यशासन :: n. (-नं) A general edict or enactment. E. सामान्य common, and शासन a grant, an edict, &c.
  • सामासिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Compounded, composite. 2. Comprehensive, collective. 3. Brief, summary. n. (-कं) The aggregate of compounds. E. समास, and ठक् aff. of relation.
  • सामि :: Ind. 1. Half, unfinished. 2. Blamably. 3. Vile, despised. E. षाम् for षान्त्व to appease, अच् added, इ substituted for the final; or साम्-इन् ।
  • सामिकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Halved, divided. E. सामि half, and कृत made.
  • सामिभुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Half eaten. E. सामि half, and भुक्त eaten.
  • सामिपीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Half-drank. E. सामि half, and पीत drank.
  • सामिधेनी :: f. (-नी) 1. A prayer used on adding fuel to the sacrificial fire. 2. Fuel. 3. A kind of deer. E. सम्-इन्ध-करणे ल्युट् नि० ।
  • सामीची :: f. (-ची) Praise, panegyric.
  • सामीप्य :: n. (-प्यं) Proximity, nearness. m. (-प्यः) A neighbour. E. समीप near, ष्यञ् aff.
  • सामुद्र :: mfn. (-द्रः -द्री -द्रं) Marine, sea-born, &c. n. (-द्रं) 1. A spot or mark on the body. 2. Sea-salt. 3. Cuttle-fish-bone. m. (-द्रः) A mariner, a voyager. E. समुद्र the sea, and अण् aff.
  • सामुद्रिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Relating to spots on the body, supposed to indicate good or ill fortune. 2. Oceanic. m. (-कः) An interpreter of spots on the body. n. (-कं) Palmistry. E. समुद्र a spot or mole, ठञ् aff.
  • सामोद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Fragrant, odoriferous. E. स with, आमोद fragrance.
  • साम्नी :: f. (-म्नी) A sort of metre, one of the classes occurring in the Vedas. E. सामन the Sāma-Veda, and ङीप् aff.
  • साम्पराय :: f. (-यी) 1. Warlike. 2. Relating to the other world. mn. (-यः-यं) 1. Conflict. 2. The future. 3. Means of attaining a future world. 4. Investigation. 5. Uncertainty.
  • साम्परायिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Future, of or in a future state of being. 2. Calamitous. 3. Relating to war or battle. n. (-कं) War, battle. m. (-कः) A war-chariot. E. सम्पराय futurity, &c., and ठक् or ठञ् aff.
  • साम्परायिककल्प :: m. (-ल्पः) Military form, strategic array.
  • साम्प्रत :: f. (-ता) 1. Fit, proper. 2. Relevant, pertinent.
  • साम्प्रतम् :: Ind. 1. Now, at this time. 2. Fitly, properly. E. सम् and प्र before तन् to spread, aff. डम्; the first vowel made long.
  • साम्प्रतिक :: f. (-की) 1. Belonging to the present time or occasion. 2. Fit, proper.
  • साम्प्रदायिक :: f. (-की) Belonging to traditional doctrine, handed down by tradition.
  • साम्ब् :: r. 10th cl. (साम्बयति-ते) To join, to connect, to assemble; also षाम्ब ।
  • साम्बर :: n. (-रं) The sambhar-salt. E. सम्बर the country, अण् aff.
  • साम्बरी :: f. (-री) A female juggler. E. See शाम्बरी; the श being changed.
  • साम्भवी :: f. (-वी) Red Lodh.
  • साम्भस् :: mfn. (-म्भाः -म्भाः -म्भः) Having or being united with water. E. स with, अम्भस् water.
  • साम्य :: n. (-म्यं) 1. Equality, sameness. 2. Likeness, similarity. 3. Indifference. E. सम same, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • साम्यता :: f. (-ता) Equality, sameness. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, साम्यत्वं ।
  • साम्राज्य :: n. (-ज्यं) Imperial rule, dominion, empire. m. (-ज्यः) The des- cendant of a prince or man of the military tribe. E. सम्राज् an emperor, ष्यञ् aff. of the abstract, or ण्य patronymic aff.
  • साय :: m. (-यः) 1. Evening, close of day. 2. An arrow. 3. End, termination. close in general. E. षो to end or destroy, &c., घञ् aff.
  • सायंकाल :: m. (-लः) Eventide, evening. E. सायम् evening, and काल time.
  • सायक :: m. (-कः) 1. An arrow. 2. A sword. f. (-यिका) Standing in order. E. षो to destroy, ण्वुल् aff.
  • सायकपुङ्ख :: mf. (-ङ्खः-ङ्खा) The feathered end of an arrow.
  • सायन :: n. (-नं) The longitude of a planet reckoned from the vernal equinoctial point. E. स with, अयन the equinoctial period.
  • सायन्तन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Belonging to the evening, vespertine. E. साय evening, ट्युल् aff., तुट् augment.
  • सायम् :: Ind. Evening, close of the day, in the evening. E. सो-ञमु aff.
  • सायमण्डन :: n. (-नं) The place or time of sunset. E. साय, मण्डन embellishing.
  • सायाह्न :: m. (-ह्नः) The evening, eventide. E. सायम् evening, and अहन् day.
  • सायिन् :: m. (-यी) A horseman, a groom. E. स for सह with, अय् to go, णिनि aff.
  • सायुज्य :: n. (-ज्यं) 1. Likeness, similarity. 2. Identification, intimate union, (especially with the Deity, considered as one of the four grades of mukti.) E. स with, युज् what joins, ष्यञ् aff.
  • साये :: Ind. In the evening, at the close of the day. E. साय evening, the seventh case, used as a particle.
  • सार :: r. 10th cl. (सारयति-ते) To become weak.
  • सार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Best, excellent. 2. Irrefragable, (as an argument.) mn. (-रः-रं) 1. The pith or sap of trees, &c. 2. Strength, vigour. 3. The essence of anything, the essential or vital part of it. 4. The subs- tance or material part, (of a speech, book, message, &c.) 5. Marrow. 6. Air, wind. 7. Sickness, disease. 8. Firmness, hardness. 9. The coagulum of curds, &c., cream. 10. Fresh butter. 11. Prowess, valour, heroism. 12. Nectar. 13. Wealth, riches. m. (-रः) 1. A man at chess, backgammon, &c. 2. Worth, excellence. 3. Compedium, summary. 4. Impure carbonate of soda. 5. Climax, (in rhetoric.) n. (-रं) 1. Water. 2. Wealth. 3. Propriety, fitness. 4. Steel. 5. Wood, thicket. f. (-रा) 1. Essential. 2. Best. 3. Strong, vigorous. 4. Genuine, true. 5. Thoroughly proved 6. Durbā- grass. f. (-री) The Shālika or Sārikā, (Turdus salica, BUCH.) E. सृ to go, aff. घञ्; or सार्-अच् aff.
  • सारक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Purgative.
  • सारगन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Sandal wood. E. सार essence, and गन्ध smell.
  • सारघ :: n. (-घं) Honey. E. सरघा a bee, and अण् aff.
  • सारङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Variegated, of a variegated colour. m. (-ङ्गः) 1. Variegated colour. 2. A lion. 3. An elephant. 4. The spotted deer. 5. The Chātaka, (Cuculus melanoleucos.) 6. The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. 7. A large kind of crane, (Ardea Sarunga, CAREY.) 8. A peacock. 9. A cloud. 10. A tree. 11. A parasol. 12. A garment, cloth, clothes. 13. Hair. 14. A lotus. 15. A flower. 16. A conch- shell. 17. A jewel. 18. Gold. 19. A bow. 20. KĀMADEVA. 21. Sandal. 22. Camphor. 23. The earth. 24. Night. 25. Light. 26. A large bee. 27. A kind of musical instrument. 28. An ornament. 29. Śiva. f. (-ङ्गी) 1. A sort of fiddle. 2. A kind of spotted deer. E. सृ to go, अङ्गच् Unādi aff., or सार strength, &c., गम् to go, खच् aff.; also शारङ्ग .
  • सारङ्गिक :: m. (-कः) A bird or deer-catcher. E. सारङ्ग as above, and ठक् aff.
  • सारज :: n. (-जं) Fresh butter. E. सार cream, and ज produced.
  • सारण :: m. (-णः) 1. Dysentery, diarrhœa. 2. Hog-plum, (Spondias mangi- fera.) 3. A counsellor and embassador from RĀVAṆA to RĀMA. f. (-णी) 1. A plant, (Pæderia fetida.) 2. A canal, a small river. n. (-णं) A kind of perfume. f. (-णी) Adj. Causing to grow or flow. E. सृ to go, (causal form,) ल्युट् aff.
  • सारणा :: f. (-णा) A particular process to which mineral substances are subjected.
  • सारणि :: f. (-णिः-णी) 1. A small river. 2. A plant, (Pæderia fetida.) 3. A canal or water-pipe. E. सृ to go, causal form, अनि Unādi aff.
  • सारणिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Travelling, way-faring, &c. m. (-कः) A traveller. E. सरणि a road, and ठञ् aff.
  • सारणिकघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) A robber. E. सारणिक a traveller, and घ्न who kills.
  • सारण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A snake's egg. E. सृ to go, (causal form,) अण्डन् aff.
  • सारतरु :: m. (-रुः) The plantain tree, (Musa sapientum.) E. सार sap, तरु a tree, having no timber in the stem.
  • सारतस् :: Ind. 1. By or with vigour or essence, vigorously, essentially. 2. According to wealth. E. सार, तसि aff.
  • सारता :: f. (-ता) 1. Strength, substance. 2. Essence. E. सार, तल् aff.; also with त्व, सारत्वं .
  • सारथि :: m. (-थिः) A charioteer. E. सृ to go, (causal form,) अथिण् Unādi aff.
  • सारथ्य :: n. (-थ्यं) 1. Charioteering, driving, 2. Conveyance. E. सारथि, यञ् aff.
  • सारदा :: f. (-दा) 1. A name of SARASWATĪ. 2. A name of DURGĀ. E. सार essence, (of wisdom and eloquence,) दा to give, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • सारभङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Void of pith, substance, real strength, &c. n. (-ङ्गं) Destroying vigour, overcoming strength, &c. E. सार, and भङ्ग breaking.
  • सारभाण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. A natural vessel, as the bag or skin in which musk is sold, &c. 2. A bale of goods. 3. Implements. E. सार essence, and भाण्ड a vessel.
  • सारमेय :: m. (-यः) A dog. f. (-यी) A bitch. E. सरमा a bitch, ढक् aff.
  • सारयोग :: m. (-गः) Possession or application of the essence of anything. E. सार, and योग union.
  • सारलोह :: n. (-हं) Steel. E. सार and लोह iron.
  • सारल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Straightness, (lit. and fig.)
  • सारव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Belonging or relating to the river Sarayu. E. सरयु the river, अण् aff., special form.
  • सारवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Substantial, having pith, substance, strength, &c. 2. Fertile. E. सार, मतुप् aff.
  • सारवर्ज्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Pithless, sapless. E. सार substance, and वर्ज्जित deprived of.
  • सारस :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) Relating or belonging to a lake or pond, &c. n. (-सं) 1. A lotus. 2. A woman's zone. mf. (-सः-सी) The Sāras or Indian crane, male and female, (Ardea Sibirica.) m. (-सः) 1. The moon. 2. A bird in general. E. सरस् a pond, a lake, अण् aff.
  • सारसन :: n. (-नं) 1. A woman's zone or girdle, formed of twenty-five strings. 2. A military belt or girdle worn round the waist or chest,

upon the coat of mail, to bind it to the body. E. सार strength, and षण् to give, aff. अच्, or अस् to diffuse, aff. ल्युट्; also सारशन ।

  • सारस्वत :: mfn. (-तः -ती -तं) 1. Relating to the goddess SARASWATĪ, or to the river, &c. 2. Eloquent, learned. m. Plu. (-ताः) 1. The people of the Sāraswata country, or the north-west part of the province of Delhi. m. (-तः) 1. A staff of the Vilwa tree. 2. The north-west part of the province of Delhi or part of the Punjāb. 3. A saint, sprung according to the legend, indirectly from the personified river Saraswati. 4. A Brāhman of a particular family, called Sāraswata, from his coming from that country or supposed descent from the sanctified person last mentioned. 5. A particular ceremonial used in the worship of Saraswati. E. सरस्वती the goddess, and अण् aff.
  • साराल :: m. (-लः) Sesamum. “तिलवृक्षे . ” E. सारमालाति आ + ला-क ।
  • सारासार :: m. (-रः) Strength and weakness, substance and emptiness, &c. E. सार, and असार want of vigour.
  • सारि :: mf. (-रिः-री) 1. A man at chess or backgammon, &c. 2. A kind of bird. E. सृ to go, causal form, इन् aff.; also शारि ।
  • सारिका :: f. (-का) A kind of bird, (Turdus Salica, BUCH.) but applied also to the Mainā, (Gracula religiosa.) E. सृ to go, aff. ण्वुल्; also शारिका ।
  • सारिन् :: f. (-रिणी) Adj. 1. Going in front. 2. Having the essence or substance of.
  • सारिवा :: f. (-वा) A creeping plant, (Echites frutescens.) E. See शारिवा ।
  • सारूप्य :: n. (-प्यं) 1. Identity of form. 2. Close resemblance. 3. Assimilation to or identification with the deity, (one of the four grades of mukti.) 4. (In drama,) Surprise at seeing an object or its like- ness previously seen elsewhere. E. स with, रूप form, यञ् aff.
  • सार्गल :: f. (-ला) Adj. Prevented, barred, impeded.
  • सार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) 1. Opulent, wealthy. 2. Of like meaning or purport. 3. Significant importing, having meaning. m. (-र्थः) 1. A multitude of similar animals. 2. A company of traders, a caravan, &c. 3. A number or multitude in general. 4. A wealthy man. f. (-र्था) 1. Having an object. 2. Useful, serviceable. E. सृ to go, causal form, थन् Unādi aff.; or स for सह, &c., and अर्थ wealth or meaning.
  • सार्थक :: f. (-का) Adj. Having meaning. 2. Serviceable, advantageous.
  • सार्थज :: Adj. Reared in a caravan.
  • सार्थवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Meaning, intending. 2. Having a meaning. 3. Numerous in company. E. सार्थ, and मतुप् aff.
  • सार्थवाह :: m. (-हः) 1. A merchant, a trader. 2. The leader of a caravan. E. सार्थ a company, a caravan, and वह् to bear, aff. अण् .
  • सार्थिक :: m. (-कः) A merchant, a trader. E. सार्थ, and ठक् aff.
  • सार्द्र :: mfn. (-र्द्रः -र्द्रा -र्द्रं) Wet, moist, damp. E. स for सह with, आर्द्र wet.
  • सार्द्ध :: mfn. (-र्द्धः -र्द्धी -र्द्धं) Joined with half, (used chiefly in composi- tion, as सार्द्धशत a hundred and a half, i. e. fifty.) E. स with, अर्द्ध half.
  • सार्द्धम् :: Ind. With, together with. स for सह with, ऋद्ध increased, अमु aff.
  • सार्प :: mfn. (-र्पः -र्पी -र्पं) Relating to a snake. f. (-र्पी) The ninth lunar asterism, of which the serpents (Aśleshā) are the presiding deities. E. सर्प a snake, and अण् aff.; also read सार्प्य ।
  • सार्पिष :: mfn. (-षः -षी -षं) Dressed, &c. with Ghee or clarified butter. E. सर्पिस् Ghee, अण् aff.
  • सार्पिष्क :: mfn. (-ष्कः -ष्का -ष्कं) Cooked or dressed with Ghee. E. सर्पिस Ghee, ठक् aff.
  • सार्व्व :: mfn. (-र्व्वः -र्व्वी -र्व्वं) Suitable to or fit for all, relating to all, &c. m. (-र्व्वः) A Jaina deified sage. E. सर्व्व all, (knowledge, &c.), अण् aff.
  • सार्व्वकामिक :: f. (-की) Satisfying every wish.
  • सार्व्वकालिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Of all times or seasons. E. सर्व्वकाल, ठञ् aff.
  • सार्व्वजनिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating or belonging, fit or suited to all men. E. सर्व्वजन all men, ठञ् aff.
  • सार्व्वजनीन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) 1. Belonging or relating, fit or suited to all men, &c. 2. Public, universal. E. सर्व्वजन all men, खञ् aff.
  • सार्व्वज्ञ :: n. (-ज्ञं) Omniscience.
  • सार्व्वत्रिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Suited to, or belonging to every place. E. सर्व्वत्र every where, ठक् aff.
  • सार्व्वदैवत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -ती -त्यं) Presided over by, or sacred to all the gods. E. सर्व्व, देवता a god, यञ् aff.
  • सार्व्वधातुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Applicable to the whole of a radical term, (an affix, &c.,) or to the complete form of the verbal base after the conjugational characteristics are affixed, i. e. to the four conju- gational or special tenses, (in gram.) n. (-कं) Name of the verbal terminations of the four special tenses. E. सर्व्व, धातु a root, ठक् aff.
  • सार्व्वभौतिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Belonging or relating to all elements, beings, &c. 2. Comprising all animated beings. E. सर्व्वभूत, ठञ् aff.
  • सार्व्वभौम :: mfn. (-मः -मी -मं) Relating to or consisting of the whole earth, known throughout the earth, &c. m. (-मः) 1. The elephant of KUVERA, as regent of the north. 2. An emperor, a universal monarch. E. सर्व्व all, भूमि earth, and अण् aff.
  • सार्व्वलौकिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Universally known, prevailing throughout the universe. E. सर्व्व all, लोक a world, and ठञ् aff.
  • सार्व्ववर्णिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Of every kind or sort. 2. Belonging or relating to every tribe, &c. E. सर्व्ववर्ण, and ठञ् aff.
  • सार्व्वविभक्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Applicable or belonging to all the cases of a noun, (in gram.) E. सर्व्व, विभक्ति inflection, ठञ् aff.
  • सार्व्ववेदस :: n. (-सः) One who gives away all his wealth at a sacred rite.
  • सार्व्ववेद्य :: m. (-द्यः) A Brāhman conversant with all the Vedas. E. सर्व्व all, वेद Veda, and यञ् aff.
  • सार्षप :: mfn. (-पः -पी -पं) Mustard, made of or from mustard. n. (-पं) Mustard-oil. E. सर्षप, and अण् aff.
  • सार्ष्टि :: Adj. Possessing the same rank or condition, having the same power.
  • सार्ष्टिता :: f. (-ता) 1. Equality in rank, condition, power, &c. 2. Equality with the supreme being in power and all the divine attributes, (considered as the fourth grade of mukti.)
  • साल :: m. (-लः) 1. A wall surrounding a building, &c. 2. A tree in general. 3. The Śal tree, (Shoroa robusta.) 4. A fish, (Ophioce- phalus Wrahl, HAM.) f. (-ला) 1. A house. 2. A rampart; more usually शाला . E. षल् to go, घञ् aff.; also शाल ।
  • सालग्राम :: n. (-मं) A stone, a species of ammonite common in the Gandaka river, and worshipped by the Vaishnavas, as a type of VISHṆU. E. स with, अर a ring, ग्राम multitude.
  • सालन :: m. (-नः) The resin of the Sāl tree.
  • सालनिर्य्यास :: m. (-सः) The resinous exudation of the Sāl tree. E. साल, निर्य्यास exudation.
  • सालपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A shrub, (Hedysarum gangeticum;) also शालपर्णी ।
  • सालपुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) A shrub, (Hibiscus mutabilis.) “स्थलपद्मे ।”
  • सालभञ्जिका :: f. (-का) 1. A doll, a puppet. 2. A harlot. E. साल the Śal tree or its wood, भञ्ज् to rub, ण्वुल् aff., fem. form.
  • सालरस :: m. (-सः) The resinous juice of the Śal tree. E. साल the Sāl, and रस juice.
  • सालवाहन :: m. (-नः) The sovereing SĀLIVĀHANA. E. साल the Sāl tree, and वाहन a vehicle: see शालवाहन, &c.
  • सालवेष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) Turpentine, or the resinous exudation of the Sāl tree, E. साल the tree, वेष्ट exudation.
  • सालशृङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) The upper part or coping of a wall. E. साल a wall, शृङ्ग horn or summit.
  • साला :: f. (-ला) 1. A house. 2. A rampart. E. See शाला ।
  • सालाकारी :: f. (-री) 1. A female overcome or won in battle. 2. A house- worker. E. साला a house, कृ to make, ट aff.
  • सालातुरीय :: m. (-यः) A name of PĀNĪNI. E. See शालातुरीय ।
  • सालार :: n. (-रं) A pin, a bracket, or shelf, projecting from a wall. E. साल a wall, ऋ to go, अण् aff.
  • सालावृक :: m. (-कः) 1. A dog. 2. A wolf. 3. A jackal. 4. A hyena. 5. A cruel man. E. साला a house and वृक a wolf; more usually शालावृक ।
  • सालूर :: m. (-रः) A frog. E. षल् to go, ऊरच् aff.; the first vowel made long, and the initial changed; also शालूर ।
  • सालेय :: m. (-यः) A sort of fennel or dill, (Anethum sowa.) E. See शालेय ।
  • सालोक्य :: n. (-क्यं) 1. The being in the same sphere or world with another. 2. Residence in the same heaven with any particular deity. E. स with, लोक world, ष्यञ् aff.
  • सालोक्यता :: f. (-ता) Habitation, state of abiding or dwelling. E. तल् added to the last.
  • साल्व :: mfn. (-ल्वः -ल्वी -ल्वं) Belonging to the Sālwa country: more usually read शाल्व . m. (-ल्वः) 1. The name of a demon, the enemy of VISHṆU. 2. The name of a country, or place. m. Plu. (-ल्वाः) The people.
  • साल्वहन् :: m. (-हा) A name of VISHṆU. E. साल्व a demon, हन् destroyer.
  • साल्विक :: m. (-कः) The sārikā.
  • साव :: m. (-वः) A libation.
  • सावक :: mfn. (-कः -विका -कं) 1. Generative, productive, causing birth, parturient, &c. 2. Obstetric. f. (-विका) A midwife. m. (-कः) The young of any animal, (in this sense for शावक ।) E. षू to bear young, causal form, षुन् aff.
  • सावकाश :: f. (-शा) Having leisure, at leisure.
  • सावग्रह :: f. (-हा) Having the grammatical mark called Avagraha.
  • सावज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) Despising, disdainful. E. स with, अवज्ञा disrespect.
  • सावद्य :: n. (-द्यं) One of the three kinds of power attainable by an ascetic, (the other two being निरवद्य and सूक्ष्म ।)
  • सावधान :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) 1. Careful, cautious. 2. Diligent. E. स with, अवधान care.
  • सावधि :: Adj. 1. Having a bound. 2. Finite, defined, circumscribed.
  • सावन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Natural, (in astronomy;) as Sāvana-Dina, a natural-day, from sunrise to sunrise. m. (-नः) 1. The conclusion of a sacrifice, the ceremonies by which it is terminated. 2. An employ- er of priests for a sacrifice. 3. The deity VARUṆA. 4. A month of thirty solar days. E. षू to bear or produce, aff. ल्युट् and अण् added.
  • सावयव :: f. (-वा) Composed of parts.
  • सावर :: m. (-रः) 1. The Lodh tree. 2. Sin. 3. Fault, offence. E. See शावर ।
  • सावरण :: f. (-णा) 1. Clandestine, secret. 2. Closed.
  • सावर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) The eighth Manu. f. (-र्णी) Relating to one of the same colour, tribe or caste. E. सवर्ण the wife of sun, his mother, अण् aff.
  • सावर्णलक्ष्य :: n. (-क्ष्यं) 1. The skin. 2. Mark of the sameness of colour or caste.
  • सावर्णि :: m. (-र्णिः) 1. The eighth Manu. 2. A name applied to the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th Manu or Brahma-Sāvarni, Daksha- Sāvarni, &c. E. सवर्ण, his mother, इञ् aff.
  • सावर्ण्य :: n. (-र्ण्यं) 1. Identity of caste, class, &c. 2. Sameness of colour. 3. The age presided over by the eighth MANU. E. सवर्ण, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • सावलेप :: f. (-पा) Full of pride.
  • सावशेष :: mfn. (-षः -षा -षं) 1. Imperfect, incomplete. 2. Leaving a residue or remainder. E. स with, अवशेष remains.
  • सावष्टम्भ :: f. (-म्भा) Possessing self-dependence, proud.
  • सावहेल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Despising, disdaining. E. स with, अवहेल disrespect.
  • सावित्र :: m. (-त्रः) 1. A Brāhman. 2. Śiva. 3. A Vasu or demigod so named. 4. The sun. 5. The embryo or fœtus. 6. Karna. f. (-त्री) 1. Umā, wife of Śiva. 2. The holy verse of the Vedas, the repetition of which forms an essential part of the ceremonies, enjoined to the Brāhman, as daily observances: the prayer is personified as the wife of BRAHMĀ, and mystical mother of the Hindu classes, which are regenerated by investiture with the sacrificial string. 3. The wife of SATYAVĀNA. 4. A beam of light, a cluster of solar rays. 5. Descended from the sun, belonging to the solar dynasty. n. (-त्रं) The sacrificial string, (so called owing to the repetition of the Gāyatri which forms a principal part of the ceremony of wear- ing the sacred thread.) E. सवित्र the sun, and अण् aff. of reference: the prayer is in fact addressed to that luminary, and the deities, &c. are manifestations of the planet or prayer.
  • सावित्रीपतित :: m. (-तः) A man of the three first classes, not invested at the proper time with the sacrificial cord. E. सावित्री, पतित fallen.
  • सावित्रीपरिभ्रष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) A man of the three first classes, not invested with the string at the proper season. E. सावित्री, and परिभ्रष्ट broken.
  • सावित्रीव्रत :: n. (-तं) A particular fast kept by Hindu woman on the last three days, or the last day of the bright-half of Jyaishtha to avert widowhood.
  • सावित्रीसूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) The sacrificial or characteristic cord of the three first classes. E. सावित्री the sacred text, (the repetition of which forms part of the ceremony of investiture,) सूत्र a thread.
  • साविष्कार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Proud, haughty. 2. Manifest. E. स with, आविष्कार manifestation.
  • साशंस :: f. (-सा) Full of desires or passion, hopeful.
  • साशङ्क :: f. (-ङ्का) Disheartened, afraid.
  • साशयन्दक :: m. (-कः) A small house-lizard.
  • साशूक :: m. (-कः) A blanket.
  • साश्चर्य्य :: n. Adv. (-र्य्यं) With surprise. E. स with, आश्चर्य्य astonishment.
  • साश्र :: f. (-श्रा) 1. Having angles or corners. 2. Tearful, weeping. See सास्र ।
  • साश्रुधी :: f. (-धी) A wife's or husband's mother, a mother-in-law.
  • साष्टाङ्गम् :: Ind. Prostrating the eight limbs or members of the body: see प्रणाम ।
  • सास :: f. (-सा) Having a bow.
  • सासहि :: mfn. (-हिः -हिः -हि) Able to bear much. E. सह् to bear, intens. v., कि aff.
  • सासुसू :: Adj. Having arrows.
  • सासूय :: f. (-या) Adj. Envious, disdainful.
  • सास्थिताम्रार्द्ध :: n. (-र्द्धं) Bell-metal. E. स with, अस्थि substance, ताम्र copper, अर्द्ध a half.
  • सास्रा :: f. (-स्रा) The dew-lap of an ox or cow. E. सस् to sleep, न Unādi aff.
  • सास्र :: mfn. (-स्रः -स्रा -स्रं) 1. Weeping, in tears. 2. Cornered, angular. E. स with, अस्र a tear, or an angle; also साश्र ।
  • साहङ्कार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Proud, arrogant. 2. United with the prin- ciple of egotism. E. स with, अहङ्कार pride, &c.
  • साहचर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Company, association, society, fellowship. E. सह with, चर going, aff. ष्यञ् ।
  • साहन :: n. (-नं) Sufference, endurance. E. षह् to bear, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • साहय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Causing or enabling to endure. E. षह् to bear, causal form, साहि, and श aff.
  • साहयक :: n. (-कं) Friendship, fellowship. E. साहय a friend, aff. वुञ् ।
  • साहस :: n. (-सं) 1. Punishment, chastisement, fine, (also masculine in this sense.) 2. Violence, the perpetration of any act of rapine or aggression. 3. Oppression, cruelty. 4. Hatred. 5. Rape, ravishment. 6. Boldness, daring. 7. Rashness. 8. Oblation with fire. E. सहस् strength, अण् aff.
  • साहसाङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) 1. A name of VIKRAMĀDITYA. 2. Name of a poet. 3. An epithet of a lexicographer. E. साहस violence, अङ्क a mark.
  • साहसाध्यवसायिन् :: Adj. Acting with inconsiderate haste.
  • साहसिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Castigatory, inflicted as punishment. 2. Perpetrated by violence. 3. Violent, felonious, rapacious, brutal, cruel. 4. Impetuous, rash. 5. Bold, daring. m. (-कः) A robber, a free-booter. 2. A desperado. E. साहस violence, and ठक् aff.
  • साहसिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) 1. Violent, ferocious. 2. Rash. 3. Daring, bold. E. साहस, and इनि aff.
  • साहसैकरसिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Intent on violence, brutal, ferocious. E. साहस, एक alone, रस taste, and ठञ् aff.
  • साहस्र :: mfn. (-स्रः -स्री -स्रं) 1. Bought with a thousand. 2. Paid per thou- sand, as interest, duty, &c. 3. Relating or belonging to a thousand. m. (-स्रः) An army or detachment, a thousand strong. n. (-स्रं) The aggregate of a thousand. E. सहस्र a thousand, and अण् aff.
  • साहायक :: n. (-कं) 1. Assistance, aid. 2. Fellowship. 3. A number of associates. 4. Auxiliary troops. E. सहाय, वुन् aff.
  • साहाय्य :: n. (-य्यं) 1. Friendship. 2. Help succour. 3. Alliance. E. सहाय a friend, ष्यञ् aff.
  • साहित्य :: nf. (-त्य-ती) Society, association, connection, combination. n. (-त्यं) Poetry, belles-lettres, literary composition. E. सहित with, together with, aff. ष्यञ् ।
  • साह्य :: n. (-ह्यं) Society, conjunction. 2. Aid, assistance. E. सह with, together with, aff. of the abstract ष्यञ् or ण्यत् aff; or सह्य-अण् aff.
  • साह्यकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) A companion. E. साह्य society, कृत् who makes.
  • साह्वय :: m. (-यः) Fighting animals, (as cocks, &c.) for sport or money. E. स with, आह्वय challenging.
  • सि :: r. 5th cl. (सिनोति) r. 9th cl. (सिनाति) To bind, to ensnare.
  • सिंह :: m. (-हः) 1. A lion. 2. LEO, the sign of the zodiac. 3. (In com- position,) Pre-eminent. f. (-ही) 1. The egg-plant, (Solanum Melon- gena.) 2. A shrub, (Justicia.) 3. A prickly nightshade. 4. The mother of RĀHU. 5. A lioness. E. षिच् to sprinkle, क Unādi aff., ह substituted for the final, and नुम् inserted; or हिसि to injure or kill, अच् aff., and the radical consonants transposed.
  • सिंहकेलि :: m. (-लिः) A Bauddha saint, also named MANJUGHOSHA.
  • सिंहकेशर :: m. (-रः) 1. A lion's mane. 2. The Bakula tree, (Mimusops elengi.) E. सिंह a lion, केशर a mane, &c.
  • सिंहतल :: n. (-लं) The open hands joined. E. सिंह a lion, तल the open palm; also read संहततल ।
  • सिंहतुण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. A kind of fish. 2. The Sehunda tree. E. सिंह, तुण्ड face.
  • सिंहद्वार :: n. (-रं) A gate, an entrance, especially the chief gate of a man- sion or palace. E. सिंह chief, and द्वार a door-way.
  • सिंहध्वनि :: m. (-निः) 1. The roar or sound of a lion. 2. A war-cry. E. सिंह, ध्वनि sound.
  • सिंहनर्दिन् :: mfn. (-र्दी -र्दिनी -र्दि) Roaring like a lion. E. सिंह, नर्दिन् who or what sounds.
  • सिंहनाद :: m. (-दः) A war-cry, war-hoop, shouting or roaring upon making an onset. E. सिंह a lion, and नाद cry.
  • सिंहनादक :: m. (-कः) The roar or yelp of a lion. 2. War-cry. f. (-दिका) A plant, (Hedysarum alhagi.) E. सिंह a lion, नाद sounding, कन् added.
  • सिंहपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A plant, (Justicia adhenatoda.) E. सिंह a lion, पर्ण a leaf.
  • सिंहपुच्छी :: f. (-च्छी) A plant, (Hedysarum lagopodioides.) E. सिंह a lion, पुच्छ tail; also with कन् added, सिंहपुच्छिका ।
  • सिंहयाना :: f. (-ना) DURGĀ. E. सिंह a lion, यान a vehicle.
  • सिंहरथा :: f. (-था) The goddess DURGĀ. E. सिंह, रथ a vehicle, mounted on that animal.
  • सिंहल :: n. (-लं) 1. Tin. 2. Brass. 3. Cassia bark. m. (-लः) Ceylon. E. सिंह a lion, &c., ला to give or get, aff. क ।
  • सिंहलास्थान :: m. (-नः) A tree, apparently a sort of palm. E. सिंहला Ceylon, स्थान place.
  • सिंहलील :: m. (-लः) A kind of sexual union thus defined:-- “लिङ्गोपरि स्थिता नारी कान्तोरुस्थपदद्वया । हृदये दत्तहस्ता चेत् सिंहलीलः प्रकीर्त्तितः ॥”
  • सिंहविक्रान्त :: m. (-न्तः) A horse. E. सिंह a lion, and विक्रान्त valour.
  • सिंहसंहनन :: Adj. As strong as a lion. n. (-नं) The killing of a lion. mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Handsome and well-shaped. E. सिह the beast, संहनन rivalling or surpassing.
  • सिंहाढ्य :: mfn. (-ढ्यः -ढ्या -ढ्यं) Abounding with lions. E. सिंह, आढ्य wealthy.
  • सिंहान :: n. (-नं) 1. Rust of iron. 2. The mucus of the nose. E. शघि to smell, आनक् aff., form irr; also शिङ्घाण, सिंहाण, सिङ्घाण, &c.
  • सिंहावलोकनन्याय :: m. (-यः) The maxim of the lion's glance; it is used to denote the connection of a thing with the preceding and the following, just as the lion constantly pauses and casts his glance backward and forward.
  • सिंहासन :: n. (-नं) A throne. m. (-नः) A kind of coitus thus defined:-- “स्वजङ्घाद्वयबाहु च कृत्वा योषापदद्वये । स्तनौ धृत्वा रमेत् कामी बन्धः सिहासना मतः ॥” E. सिंह a lion, (supported by lions, &c. wrought in gold,) and आसन a seat.
  • सिंहास्य :: m. (-स्यः) A plant, (Justicia adhenatoda, &c.) E. सिंह a lion, आस्य the face; to which the flowers are compared.
  • सिंहिका :: f. (-का) The mother of RĀHU. E. सिंही a lioness, कन् aff. of comparison, &c.
  • सिंहिकासूनु :: m. (-नुः) The personified ascending node. E. सिंहिका the mother of RĀHU, and सूनु son.
  • सिक्(सेकति) :: To sprinkle; Sautra root.
  • सिकता :: f. (-ता) 1. Sandy soil. 2. Gravel or stone, (the disease.) 3. Sugar. f. Plu. (-ताः) Sand. E. सिकि Sautra root, to sprinkle, Unādi aff. अतच् ।
  • सिकतामय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Sandy. n. (-यं) A sand bank, or an island with sandy shores. E. सिकता sand, मयट aff.
  • सिकतावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Sandy, (in general.) E. सिकता sand, मतुप् aff.
  • सिकतिल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Sandy as a soil or country. E. सिकता sand, aff. इलच् ।
  • सिक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Sprinkled. 2. Wetted. 3. Impregnated. E. षिच् to sprinkle, क्त aff.
  • सिक्त्वा :: Ind. Having sprinkled, effused, &c. E. षिच् to sprinkle, क्त्वा aff.
  • सिक्थ :: m. (-क्थः) 1. A handful of boiled rice. 2. Boiled rice. n. (-क्थं) 1. Bee's-wax. 2. Indigo. E. षिच् to sprinkle, Unādi aff. थक् ।
  • सिक्थक :: n. (-कं) Bee's-wax. E. कन् added to the last.
  • सिक्य :: n. (-क्यं) A sling made of ropes. E. सिक-यत् aff. “सिके इतिभाषा” ।
  • सिक्ष्य :: n. (-क्ष्यं) Crystal, glass.
  • सिङ्घाण :: n. (-णं) 1. The mucus of the nose. 2. Rust of iron. E. शिघि to smell, Unādi aff. आनक्, and the last syllable of the aff. optionally rejected; also सिङ्घाणक n. (-कं): see सिंहान ।
  • सिङ्घिनी :: f. (-नी) The nose. E. शिघि to smell, affs. इनि and ङीप्, the initial changed.
  • सिच् :: f. (-सिक्) Clothes. E. षिच् to sprinkle, aff. क्विप् ।
  • सिचय :: m. (-यः) 1. Cloth, clothes. 2. Old or ragged raiment. E. षिचि to cause to sprinkle, aff. श ।
  • सिच्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being sprinkled. E. षिच् to sprinkle, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • सिञ्चत् :: mfn. (-ञ्चन् -ञ्चन्ती -ञ्चत्) Sprinkling, throwing water. E. षिच् to sprinkle, शतृ aff. of the present participle.
  • सिञ्चिता :: f. (-ता) Long-pepper. E. सिच्-इतच्-पृषो० ।
  • सिञ्जा :: f. (-ञ्जा) The sound of metallic ornaments, jingling, ringing, tink- ling; more usually शिञ्जा, q. v.
  • सित :: mfn. (-तः -ता or ती -तं) 1. White. 2. Bound, tied. 3. Finished, des- troyed. 4. Completed, concluded. 5. Known. m. (-तः) 1. White, (the colour.) 2. The light-half of a lunar month. 3. The planet VENUS. 4. An arrow. n. (-तं) 1. Silver. 2. Sandal. 3. Radish. f. (-ता) 1. Clayed or candied sugar. 2. Arabian jasmine. 3. A sort of Clitoria. 4. Bent grass with white blossoms. 5. Moon-light. 6. Spirituous liquor. 7. A handsome or well made woman. E. षि to tie or bind, aff. क्त; or षो to destroy, क्त aff., and इ substituted for the radical vowel.
  • सितकर :: m. (-रः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor.
  • सितकुञ्जर :: m. (-रः) 1. INDRA. 2. INDRA'S elephant. E. सित white, कुञ्जर an elephant.
  • सितचिह्न :: m. (-ह्नः) A sort of fish, (Lacerta scincus.) E. सित, चिह्न a mark.
  • सितच्छत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A white umbrella, especially as one of the emblems of royalty. f. (-त्री) A sort of fennel, (Anethum sowa.) E. सित white, छत्र an umbrella.
  • सितच्छद :: m. (-दः) A goose. f. (-दा) White Durbā grass. E. सित white, च्छद a feather or leaf.
  • सितदीधिति :: m. (-तिः) The moon. E. सित white, and दीधिति a ray of light.
  • सितदूर्व्वा :: f. (-र्व्वा) A bent grass with white blossoms.
  • सितद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) A plant, commonly Morata. E. सित white, and द्रु a tree.
  • सितधातु :: m. (-तुः) 1. Chalk. 2. Silver. E. सित white, and धातु a mineral.
  • सितपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A goose. E. सित white, पक्ष a feather.
  • सितपुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) A sort of grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) m. (-ष्पः) 1. A sort of tree, the Tagara tree. 2. A kind of grass, (Saccharum spontane- um.) f. (-ष्पा) Arabian jasmine. E. सित white, and पुष्प a flower.
  • सितमरिच :: n. (-चं) White pepper. E. सित white, मरिच pepper.
  • सितमाष :: m. (-षः) A sort of bean, (Dolichos catjang.) E. सित white, माष pulse.
  • सितरञ्जन :: m. (-नः) Yellow, (the colour.) E. सित white, and रञ्जन colouring.
  • सितरश्मि :: m. (-श्मिः) The moon. E. सित white, and रश्मि a ray.
  • सितवाजिन् :: m. (-जी) An epithet of ARJUNA.
  • सितशर्करा :: f. (-रा) Candied sugar.
  • सितशिम्बिक :: m. (-कः) Wheat. E. सित white, and शिम्बिका an awn; also read शितशिम्बिक, &c.
  • सितशिव :: n. (-वं) Rock-salt. E. सित white, शिब auspicious; also सितशिवं, and सितसिवं ।
  • सितशूक :: m. (-कः) Barley. E. शित white, an शूक and awn or ear.
  • सितसप्ति :: m. (-प्तिः) A name of ARJUNA. E. सित white, and सप्ति a horse.
  • सितसर्षप :: m. (-पः) White mustard. E. सित white, and सर्षप mustard.
  • सितसिन्धु :: f. (-न्धुः) The Ganges. E. सित white, सिन्धु a river.
  • सितसिव :: n. (-वं) Rook-salt. E. सित white, सिव for शिव auspicious: see सितशिव ।
  • सिताशु :: m. (-शुः) The moon. E. सित, अंशु a ray.
  • सिताखण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) Clayed sugar, (prepared from honey.) E. सित white, आखण्ड sugar.
  • सिताग्र :: m. (-ग्रः) A thorn. E. सित white, and अग्र point.
  • सिताङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) A king of fish, (Laceria scincus.) “वेले माछ” ।
  • सितादि :: m. (-दिः) Treacle, molasses. E. सिता sugar, before दा to give, aff. कि ।
  • सितानन :: m. (-नः) GARUDA, the bird of VISHṆU. E. सित white, आनन face.
  • सितापाङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A peacock. E. सित white, अपाङ्ग the angle of the eye.
  • सिताब्ज :: n. (-ब्जं) The white lotus. E. सित white, and अब्ज a lotus.
  • सिताभ :: m. (-भः) Camphor. E. सित white आङ् before भा to shine, aff. ड ।
  • सिताभ्र :: mn. (-भ्रः-भ्रं) Camphor. E. सित white, and अभ्र a cloud; also with कन् added, सिताभ्रक n. (-कं) ।
  • सिताम्बर :: m. (-रः) An ascetic wearing white garments. E. सित white, and अम्बर vesture.
  • सिताम्भोज :: n. (-जं) A white lotus. E. सित white, अम्भोज a lotus.
  • सितार्जक :: m. (-कः) White basil. E. सित white, अर्जक basil.
  • सितालता :: f. (-ता) Durbā grass with white blossoms. E. सित, लता a creeper.
  • सितालिका :: f. (-का) A cockle. E. सित white, आलि a line, कन् aff., fem. form.
  • सिताश्व :: m. (-श्वः) ARJUNA. E. सित white, and अश्व a horse.
  • सितासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) White and black. m. (-तः) A name of BALA- DEVA. E. सित white, (skin,) and असित black, (raiment.)
  • सिति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) 1. White. 2. Black. E. सि to bind, aff. क्ति ।
  • सितिकण्ठ :: Adj. 1. Having a white throat. 2. Dark-necked. m. (-ण्ठः) ŚIVA.
  • सितिमन् :: m. (-मा) Whiteness. E. सिति white, and इमनिच् aff.
  • सितिवासस् :: m. (-साः) BALADEVA. E. सिति black, and वासस् vesture.
  • सितेतर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Black. E. सित white, इतर reverse.
  • सितेतरगति :: m. (-तिः) AGNI or fire. E. सितेतर black, (smoke,) गति going.
  • सितोदर :: m. (-रः) KUVERA. E. सित white, and उदर the belly; the deity is properly of a black colour, but is whitened by a leprous taint.
  • सितोद्भव :: n. (-वं) White sandal.
  • सितोपल :: n. (-लं) Chalk, or mineral substance of similar appearance considered as a variety. m. (-लः) Crystal. f. (-ला) Clayed or candied sugar. E. सित white, and उपला a stone.
  • सितोष्णवारण :: n. (-णं) A white umbrella. E. सित, and उष्णवारण keeping off the heat.
  • सिद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) 1. Accomplished, effected, completed. 2. Libera- ted, emancipated. 3. Always, eternal. 4. Celebrated, famous. 5. Judg- ed, decided, terminated, (as a law suit.) 6. Valid, (in law.) 7. Adept initiated, in alchemy or magic. 8. Demonstrated, proved, (in logic.) 9. Finished. 10. Cooked, dressed. 11. Prepared, compounded, (in medicine.) 12. Shining, splendid. 13. Discharged, (as a debt.) 14. Obtained, acquired. 15. Succeeded, successful. 16. Settled, estab- lished. 17. Admitted to be true or right. 18. Paid, liquidated, (as a debt.) 19. Ready, (as money.) 20. Concocted, (as drugs.) 21. Matured, ripened. 22. Subdued, (by magical power.) 23. Tho- roughly skilled, (in any art.) 24. Perfected or sanctified, (by pen- ance or austerities.) 25. Endowed with supernatural faculties or powers. 26. Sacred, pious. 27. Divine, immortal. m. (-द्धः) 1. A divine personage of undefined attributes or character; a sort of demigod or spirit, inhabiting with the Vidyādharas, Munis, &c. in the middle air, or the region between the earth and sun. 2. An inspired or prophetic writer, as VYĀSA and others, or one to whom the past, present, and future, are supposed to be known, a sage, a seer. 3. The twenty-first of the astronomical Yogas. 4. An adept, a magician, one who by the performance of certain mystical and magical rites has acquired superhuman powers. 5. An ascetic, who by mystical and austere practices has effected one or all of five purposes, viz:--the affluence, the form or the society of the gods, residence in the divine Lokas or identification with a deity. 6. A law suit, a judicial trial. 7. A sort of hard sugar. n. (-द्धं) Sea-salt. f. (-द्धा) A medi- cinal root, commonly Riddhi. E. षिध् to effect, aff. क्त ।
  • सिद्धगङ्गा :: f. (-ङ्गा) The Ganges of heaven. E. सिद्ध a spirit of mid-heaven, गङ्गा the Ganges.
  • सिद्धग्रह :: m. (-हः) Name of a particular kind of madness.
  • सिद्धजल :: n. (-लं) 1. Sour rice-gruel. 2. Water of boiled rice. E. सिद्ध perfect, and जल water.
  • सिद्धता :: f. (-ता) Perfection, completion; also with त्व, सिद्धत्वं ।
  • सिद्धदेव :: m. (-वः) ŚIVA. E. सिद्ध a saint, देव deity.
  • सिद्धधातु :: m. (-तुः) Quicksilver. E. सिद्ध adept, (in alchemy,) धातु a mineral.
  • सिद्धपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The established or logical side of an argument.
  • सिद्धप्रयोजन :: n. (-नं) White mustard.
  • सिद्धरस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Mineral, metallic, &c. m. (-सः) 1. Quicksilver. 2. An alchemist. E. सिद्ध perfect, or perfected by alchemical opera- tion, रस fluid.
  • सिद्धविद्या :: f. (-दा) The ten goddesses of the Tantra Shāstra: see महाविद्या .
  • सिद्धसङ्कल्प :: Adj. One who has accomplished his wishes.
  • सिद्धसङ्घ :: m. (-ङ्घः) A company of saints or the beings called Siddhas. E. सिद्ध, and सङ्घ a company.
  • सिद्धसलिल :: n. (-लं) Sour rice-gruel. E. सिद्ध perfect, and सलिल water.
  • सिद्धसाधन :: m. (-नः) White mustard. n. (-नं) The performance of magical rites, &c. or the materials employed in magical or alchemical pro- cesses. E. सिद्ध perfect, adept, &c., and साधन accomplishing, (the act or instrument.)
  • सिद्धसाध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) 1. Effected, proved. 2. Having done what was to be done. n. (-ध्यं) Demonstrated proof or conclusion. E. सिद्ध, and साध्य to be proved, &c.
  • सिद्धसिन्धु :: f. (-न्धुः) The Ganges. E. सिद्ध a divine being or sage, and सिन्धु a river.
  • सिद्धसेन :: m. (-नः) The deity of war, KĀRTIKEYA. E. सिद्ध a divine being, and सेना an army; commanding the hosts of heaven.
  • सिद्धस्थाली :: f. (-ली) The pot of a Seer, (fabled as a vessel gifted with the property of overflowing with any kind of food at the wish of the possessor.)
  • सिद्धान्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. Demonstrated conclusion, established truth: it may be either the result of an argument in which one opinion is refuted and another undeniably established; or the concurrent doctrine of all the authorities on any subject similarly interpreted. 2. Any fixed or established text-book resting on conclusive argu- ments. E. सिद्ध completed, perfect, and अन्त end, conclusion.
  • सिद्धान्तकोटि :: f. (-टी) The point in an argument which is regarded as a logical conclusion.
  • सिद्धान्तिन् :: m. (-न्ती) 1. A follower of the Mimānsā philosophy. 2. A demonstrator, one who establishes his conclusions. E. सिद्धान्त demonstrated conclusion, इनि aff.
  • सिद्धान्न :: n. (-न्नं) Dressed food, cooked victuals.
  • सिद्धापगा :: f. (-गा) The Ganges. E. सिद्ध a divine being, अपगा a river.
  • सिद्धायिका :: f. (-का) One of the tutelary goddesses of the Jainas.
  • सिद्धार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) Successful, prosperous. m. (-र्थः) 1. The father of the last and most celebrated Jina or Jaina teacher of the present era. 2. White mustard. 3. A name of Sākya-sinha or Buddha. f. (-र्था) The mother of the fourth Jina. E. सिद्ध complete, &c., and अर्थ meaning or wealth.
  • सिद्धासन :: n. (-नं) A particular posture in religious meditation.
  • सिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) 1. Fulfilment, accomplishment, the entire completion of any undertaking or attainment of any object. 2. A Yoga, either the sixteenth of the astronomical periods termed Yogas, or the nineteenth of the twenty-eight astrological Yogas. 3. Final emancipation from existence, supreme felicity. 4. Pros- perity, success. 5. Knowledge, understanding. 6. Accuracy, cor- rectness, indisputable conclusion or position. 7. Validity, (in law.) 8. Acquittance, discharge, (of a debt.) 9. Concealment, secreting, covering. 10. The result or fruit of the adoration

of the gods or of ascetic severities. 11. The supposed acquirement of supernatural powers by the completion of magical, mystical, or alchemical rites and processes. 12. A wooden shoe or slipper, especially one over which some mystical formulæ have been repeated, and which will then, it is supposed, convey the wearer every where safely and rapidly. 13. A medicinal root; also Riddhi. 14. Settlement, establishment. 15. Certainty, truth. 16. Decision, (of a law suit.) 17. The solution of a problem. 18. Pre- paration, cooking. 19. Readiness. 20. Complete sanctification. 21. Beatitude. 22. Marvellous skill or capability. 23. Making oneself invisible. E. षिध् to accomplish, aff. क्तिन् ।

  • सिद्धियोग :: m. (-गः) A particular auspicious conjunction of the planets.
  • सिद्धिली :: f. (-ली) A small ant.
  • सिध्म :: n. (-ध्मं) A blotch, a scab, leprosy. f. (-ध्मा) 1. A leprous spot. 2. Leprosy. E. षिध् to go, (on the body,) मन् aff.; also सिध्मन् ।
  • सिध्मन् :: n. (-ध्म) A blotch, a scab. E. षिध् to go, मनिन् aff.: see the last.
  • सिध्मल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Scabby. f. (-ला) 1. Dried or salt fish. 2. A scab. 3. A sort of leprosy. E. सिध्मन् a scab, लच् aff.
  • सिध्मवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Scabby, pocky. E. सिध्म a blotch, मतुप् aff.
  • सिध्य :: m. (-ध्यः) The asterism Pushyā, stars in Cancer. E. षिध् to accom- plish or to be accomplished, क्यप् aff.
  • सिध्र :: m. (-ध्रः) 1. A pious or virtuous man. 2. A tree. E. षिध् to be perfect, रक् Unādi aff.
  • सिध्रका :: f. (-का) A plant, so named. E. कन् added to the preceding.
  • सिध्रकावण :: n. (-णं) A garden of the gods. E. सिध्रका a plant, and वन a wood, न changed to ण ।
  • सिन :: mf. (-नः-नी) One-eyed. m. (-नः) 1. A morsel, a mouthful, or such a quantity bound together. 2. A village. E. षि to bind, नक् Unādi aff. or क्त aff. in this particular application.
  • सिनी :: f. (-नी) A woman with a white complexion. E. सित + ङीप्, तस्य नश्च ।
  • सिनीवाली :: f. (-ली) 1. The day preceding that of new-moon, or that on which the moon rises scarcely visible. 2. The goddess UMĀ. E. सा good fortune, इनि aff., fem. form, सिनी a digit of the moon, वल् to contain, aff. अण्, fem. aff. ङीप्; several other etymologies occur.
  • सिन्दुक :: m. (-कः) A small tree, (Vitex negundo.) E. स्यन्द् to ooze, aff. उ, कन् added; the semivowel of the root changed to इ; also सिन्धुक ।
  • सिन्दुवार :: m. (-रः) A small tree, (Vitex negundo.) E. सिन्द oozing, (as before,) वृ to screen or choose, aff. अण्: see सिन्धुवार ।
  • सिन्दूर :: n. (-रं) Red lead, minium. m. (-रः) A sort of tree. f. (-री) 1. Red cloth or clothes. 2. Rochani, (a sort of Crinum.) 3. A plant, (Lythrum fruticosum.) E. स्यन्द to ooze, Unādi aff. ऊरन्; also सिन्दुर
  • सिन्दूरकारण :: n. (-णं) Lead. E. सिन्दूर minium, and कारण origin.
  • सिन्दूरतिलक :: m. (-कः) An elephant. f. (-का) A woman whose forehead is marked with minium. E. सिन्दूर red lead, and तिलक the mark on the forehead.
  • सिन्दूरिका :: f. (-का) Red lead. E. सिन्दूर, कन् added, fem. form.
  • सिन्दूरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Reddened, made red. E. सिन्दूर, and इतच् aff.
  • सिन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) 1. The ocean, the sea. 2. The Indus. 3. The country along the INDUS or SINDH. 4. The juice that exudes from an ele- phant's temples. 5. An elephant. 6. A division of a Rāga or musical mode. 7. A small tree, (Vitex negundo.) f. (-न्धुः) A river in general. E. स्यन्द् to trickle or flow, उ Unādi aff., the form irr.
  • सिन्धुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Marine. 2. Born or produced in Sindh. m. (-कः) A small tree, (Vitex negundo.) E. कन् added to the last, implying place of origin or production.
  • सिन्धुकफ :: m. (-फः) Cuttle-fish-bone. E. सिन्धु the sea, कफ phlegm.
  • सिन्धुखेल :: m. (-लः) The country of Sindh. E. सिन्धु the Indus, खिल् to go or sport, aff. अच् ।
  • सिन्धुज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) 1. River or sea-born, marine, aquatic. 2. Born or produced in Sindh. n. (-ज) Rock-salt. f. (-जा) The goddess LAKSHMĪ. m. (-जः) The moon. E. सिन्धु the country or river, &c., ज born.
  • सिन्धुजन्मन् :: m. (-न्मा) The moon. n. (-न्म) Rock-salt. E. सिन्धु the sea, &c., जन्मन् birth.
  • सिन्धुनन्दन :: m. (-नः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. E. सिन्धु the ocean, and नन्दन the son; being produced at the churning of the ocean.
  • सिन्धुनाथ :: m. (-थः) The ocean. E. सिन्धु a river, नाथ lord.
  • सिन्धुपुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) 1. A sort of ebony. 2. The moon. E. सिन्धु the sea, &c., पुत्त्र offspring.
  • सिन्धुपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A conch. E. सिन्धु the sea, पुष्प a flower.
  • सिन्धुमन्थज :: n. (-जं) Rock-salt. E. सिन्धुमन्थ the ocean-churning, (a mountain,) ज born.
  • सिन्धुर :: m. (-रः) An elephant. E. स्यन्द् to ooze, the (ichor from his temples.) उरच् aff., and the form irr.
  • सिन्धुरद्वेषिन् :: m. (-षी) A lion. E. सिन्धुर an elephant, and द्वेषिन् enemy.
  • सिन्धुलवण :: n. (-णं) Rock-salt. E. सिन्धु Sindh, and लवण salt.
  • सिन्धुवार :: m. (-रः) 1. A horse of a good breed, brought probably from Sindh or the borders of India and Persia. 2. A small tree, (Vitex negundo.) E. सिन्धु the country or the sea, वृ to choose or screen. aff. घञ्; also सिन्दुवार in the second sense; with कन् added. सिन्धुवारक ।
  • सिन्धुवारित :: m. (-तः) A small tree, (Vitex negundo.) E. सिन्धु the sea, and वारित selected or chosen.
  • सिन्धुवेषण :: m. (-णः) A plant, (Gmelina arborea.)
  • सिन्धुशयन :: m. (-नः) VISHṆU. E. सिन्धु the ocean, and शयन a couch.
  • सिन्धुसङ्गम :: m. (-मः) The mouth of a river, or its point of junction with the sea. E. सिन्धु the sea, सङ्गम confluence.
  • सिन्धूद्भव :: n. (-वं) Rock-salt. E. सिन्धु Sindh, and उद्भव produced.
  • सिन्धूपल :: n. (-लं) Rock-salt. E. सिन्धु Sindh, and उपला a stone.
  • सिन्व् :: r. 1st cl. (सिन्वति) To wet.
  • सिप्र :: m. (-प्रः) 1. Perspiration, sweat. 2. The moon. f. (-प्रा) 1. The Siprā, a river near Oujein. 2. A woman's zone. 3. A female buffalo.
  • सिम :: m. (-मः) All, entire. f. (-मा) Adj. Every. E. षि to bind, मन् Unādi aff.
  • सिम्बा :: f. (-म्बा-म्बिः or -म्बी) A legume, a pod: see शिम्बा, &c.
  • सिम्बिका :: f. (-का) Grain in pods, as pulse, &c. E. सिम्बा a pod, कन् aff., fem. form.
  • सिर :: m. (-रः) The root of long-pepper. f. (-रा) 1. Any tubular vessel of the body, or one so considered, as a nerve, a vein, an artery, a tendon, &c. 2. A bucket. E. षि to bind, aff. रक्, form irr.; also शिर ।
  • सिराजाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A plexus of vessels. 2. Enlargement of the vessels of the eye. E. सिरा, and जाल a net.
  • सिरामोक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) Venesection. E. सिरा a vein, and मोक्ष loosing.
  • सिराव्यध :: m. (-धः) Venesection. E. सिरा, व्यध piercing; also सिराव्यधनं ।
  • सिराहर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Flow of discoloured tears. E. सिरा, हर्ष joy.
  • सिरोत्पात :: m. (-तः) Redness and inflammation of the eyes. E. सिरा, उत्पात affliction.
  • सिल्लकी :: f. (-की) The gum Olibanum tree, (Boswellia thurifera.) E. See सल्लकी, the इ being substituted for अ ।
  • सिवर :: m. (-रः) An elephant. E. सि-क्वरप् aff.
  • सिषङ्ग्रामयिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Wishing or intending to make war. E. सङ्ग्राम to make war, desid. v., उ aff.
  • सिषाधयिषा :: f. (-षा) Wish or purpose to effect, prove, &c. E. षाध् to accomplish, desid. form, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • सिषाधयिषु :: mfn. (-षुः -षुः -षु) Desirous to accomplish, to prove, &c. E. षाध् to accomplish, desid. v., उ aff.
  • सिसृक्षा :: f. (-क्षा) Wish or purpose to create. E. सृज् to create, desid. v., अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • सिसृक्षु :: mfn. (-क्षुः -क्षुः -क्षु) Wishing or purposing to create. E. सृज् to create, desid. v., उ aff.
  • सिहुण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) The milk-hedge plant, (Euphorbia antiquorum;) also सीहुण्ड and सेहुण्ड ।
  • सिह्ण :: m. (-ह्णः) Incense, gum Benjamin or Olibanum, &c. E. ष्णिह् to be affectionate, to love, लक aff., form irr.; also with कन् added, सिह्णक m. (-कः).
  • सिह्णकी :: f. (-की) The Olibanum tree. E. सिह्ण incense, कन् added and ङीष् fem. aff.
  • सिह्णभूमिका :: f. (-का) The Olibanum tree, (Boswellia thurifera.) E. सिह्ण incense, भूमि place, site, and कन् added.
  • सीक् :: r. 1st cl. (सीकते) 1. To sprinkle, to scatter in drops. 2. To go, to move. r. 10th. cl. (सीकयति-ते) 1. To be impatient. 2. To be patient.

3. To touch. 4. To be angry. (ऋ) सीकृ r. 1st cl. (सीकति). 1. To sprinkle, to shed or shower. 2. To bear. 3. To touch. 4. To be angry. 5. To move.

  • सीकर :: m. (-रः) Thin drizzling rain. E. सीक् to scatter, (as water,) अरन् aff.; also शीकर ।
  • सीता :: f. (-ता) 1. A furrow, the track of the plough-share. 2. The daughter of JANAKA and wife of RĀMACHANDRA, so named because fabled to have sprung from a furrow made by Janaka while ploughing the ground to prepare it for a sacrifice instituted by him to obtain progeny. 3. One of the four great branches into which the Ganges, after having fallen on mount Meru, is fabled to divide: the eastern branch, flowing into the Varsha Bhadrāswa. 4. The goddess LAKSHMĪ. 5. UMĀ, the wife of ŚIVA. 6. A goddess, wife of Indra, presiding over fruits, &c., an Indian FLORA or POMONA. 7. Spirituous liquor. 8. Husban- dry. E. षि to bind, (the earth,) क्त aff., form irr; it is then appli- cable to the princess as having been turned up in the soil by a plough-share; and to the goddesses, as they may be sup- posed to have been incarnate in the wife of RĀMĀ; also, as differently derived शीता, q. v.
  • सीताद्रव्य :: n. Plu. (-व्याणि) The implements of husbandry.
  • सीतापति :: f. (-तिः) The hero RĀMA. E. सीता the princess, पति husband.
  • सीताफल :: m. (-लः) The custard-apple tree. n. (-लं) The custard-apple.
  • सीतायाःपति :: m. (-तिः) RĀMA. E. सीता in the poss. case, पति husband.
  • सीतीनक :: m. (-कः) Pease: see सतीलक, सतीनक, &c.
  • सीत्कार :: n. (-रं) Uttering an inarticulate sound, such as is made with the lips when a person shivers with cold, or in fainting, sighing, &c. E. सीत् imitative sound, and कार making; also सीत्कृत n. (-तं).
  • सीत्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Uttered as an inarticulated sound. n. (-तं) An inarticulate sound: see the last. E. सीत्, and कृत made.
  • सीत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) Ploughed, tilled. n. (-त्यं) Corn, grain, rice, &c. E. सीता a furrow, यत् aff.; also शीत्य ।
  • सीदत् :: mfn. (-दन् -दन्ती -दत्) 1. Sorrowing, grieving, desponding. 2. Decaying. 3. Suffering from, distressed or pained by. 4. Going. E. षद् to wane, शतृ aff.
  • सीद्य :: n. (-द्यं) Slothfulness, idleness, indolence.
  • सीधु :: m. (-धुः) Spirit, distilled from molasses, rum. E. See शीधु, the sibilant being changed.
  • सीधुगन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) The Bakula tree, (mimusops elengi.) E. सीधु rum, गन्ध smell.
  • सीधुप :: mfn. (-पः -पी -पं) Drinking spirits. E. सिधु, and पा to drink, टच् aff.
  • सीधुपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) 1. The Kadamba tree. 2. The Bakula tree.
  • सीधुरस :: m. (-सः) The mango tree.
  • सीध्र :: n. (-ध्रं) The anus.
  • सीप :: m. (-पः) A sacrificial vessel in the shape of a boat.
  • सीमन् :: m. (-मा) 1. A boundary, a limit, a landmark, or mound, &c. serving to fix the limits of estates, &c. 2. A field. 3. The nape of the neck. 4. The scrotum. E. षिञ् to bind, इमनिन्, Unādi aff.; also with the aff. डाष्, or a final vowel, fem. form, सीमा ।
  • सीमन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. A separation of the hair on each side, so as to leave a distinct line on the top of the head. 2. A boundary line. mn. (-न्तः-न्तं) The head. E. सीमन् limit, (of the hair,) and अन्त end, form irr.
  • सीमन्तक :: m. (-कः) An infernal being. n. (-कं) Red lead, a mark with which is sometimes made along the division of the hair. E. कन् added to the last.
  • सीमन्तित :: f. (-ता) 1. Marked by a line. 2. Parted, (as hair.)
  • सीमन्तिनी :: f. (-नी) A woman in general. E. सीमन्त the separation of the hair, and इनि aff.
  • सीमन्तोन्नयन :: n. (-नं) One of the Sanskāras or a purificatory and sacrificial ceremony, observed by women in the fourth, sixth, or eighth month of their pregnancy. E. सीमन्त partition of the hair, and उन्नयन arranging; this forming an essential part of the rite.
  • सीमन्त्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being parted or divided. E. सीमन्त used as a passive verb, शानच् aff.
  • सीमा :: f. (-मा) 1. A boundary, a limit. 2. A field. 3. A bank, a shore. 4. Rectitude observance of due bounds in morals, &c. 5. The nape of the neck. 6. The scrotum. 7. A mound or ridge serving to mark the boundary of a field. village, &c. 8. A landmark. 9. The horizon. 10. A suture, (of a skull.) 11. The utmost limit, last degree, (fig.) E. सीमन् + ढाप्: see सीमन् ।
  • सीमानिश्चय :: m. (-यः) A legal decision with respect to boundaries, &c.
  • सीमान्त :: m. (-न्तः) A frontier line, a border.
  • सीमालिङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) A land or boundary-mark. E. सीमा, and लिङ्ग mark.
  • सीमावाद :: m. (-दः) A dispute about boundaries; also सीमाविवाद ।
  • सीमाविवाद :: m. (-दः) Litigation or dispute respecting boundaries. E. सीमा and विवाद dispute.
  • सीमावृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A tree serving as a boundary-mark. E. सीमा, वृक्ष a tree.
  • सीमासन्धि :: m. (-न्धिः) The meeting of two boundaries. E. सीमा, सन्धि junction.
  • सीमीक :: m. (-कः) 1. A kind of tree. 2. An ant-hill. 3. An ant or any similar small insect. E. ष्यम् to sound, and कीकन् Unādi aff., य changed to इ, and that made long.
  • सीर :: m. (-रः) 1. A plough. 2. The sun. 3. The Arka plant. E. षि to bind, Unādi aff. रन्, and the vowel made long; also शीर ।
  • सीरक :: m. (-कः) 1. A porpoise. 2. A plough. 3. The sun. 4. The Arka plant. E. सीर a plough, कन् aff. of comparison.
  • सीरध्वज :: m. (-जः) An epithet of JANAKA.
  • सीरपाणि :: m. (-णिः) BALADEVA. E. सीर a plough, and पाणि the hand.
  • सीरयोग :: m. (-गः) The yoking of cattle to a plough, or a team so yoked.
  • सीरिन् :: m. (-री) BALARĀMA. E. सीर a plough, and इनि aff.
  • सीलन्द :: m. (-न्दः) A kind of fish; also read सीलन्ध ।
  • सीवन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sewing, stitching. 2. A seam, a suture. f. (-नी) 1. The frenum of the prepuce. 2. A needle. E. षिव् to sew, ल्युट् aff.; also सेवन ।
  • सीस :: n. (-सं) Lead. E. षि to bind, क्विप् aff.; or षो to destroy, aff. क ।
  • सीसक :: n. (-कं) Lead. E. कन् added to the last.
  • सीसपत्रक :: n. (-कं) Lead.
  • सीहुण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) The milk-hedge plant, (Euphorbia antiquorum, &c.) E. सी for सिद्ध complete, and हुण्ड a heap, from हुडि to collect, aff. घञ्, form irr. “स्नुही वृक्षे” ।
  • सु :: r. 1st cl. (सवति) 1. To bring forth, as young. 2. To possess power. 3. To go: see षु and षू ।
  • सु :: Ind. A particle and prefix analogous to good, well, or the Greek Eu, and implying:--1. Reverence, worship, honour. 2. Assent. 3. Increase, prosperity. 4. Excess, exceeding. 5. Pain, distress. 6. Pleasure, delight. 7. With ease. 8. Beauty. E. षु to go, aff. ड ।
  • सुकण्टका :: f. (-का) The Aloe-plant. E. सु good or much, कण्टक thorn.
  • सुकण्डु :: m. (-ण्डुः) Psora, itch, scab. E. सु much, कण्डु the same disease.
  • सुकन्द :: m. (-न्दः) 1. The onion. 2. A yam. 3. A sort of grass, (Scirpus kyssoor.) 4. An esculent root, (Arum campanulatum.) E. सु good, excellent, and कन्द a root.
  • सुकन्दक :: m. (-कः) An onion. E. सु good, कन्द a root, and कन् added.
  • सुकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा or -री-रं) 1. Easy, practicable, attainable. 2. Doing well or becomingly. n. (-रं) Doing good to, charity, benevolence. f. (-रा) A tractable cow. E. सु pleasure, कृ to make or confer, खल् aff.
  • सुकर्णिका :: f. (-का) A plant, (Salvinia cucullata.) E. सु good, कर्ण an ear, कन्, aff. of comparison, and fem. form.
  • सुकर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्म) 1. Virtuous, good, acting virtuously, doing what is right and fit. 2. Active, diligent. m. (-र्म्मा) 1. The artist or architect of the gods. 2. One of the astronomical Yogas. E. सु good, कर्म्मन् act, action.
  • सुकल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Liberal, both in giving and using. E. सु good, कल् to call, aff. अच् ।
  • सुकाण्डिन् :: m. (-ण्डी) A bee. Adj. Having good stems or stocks, beauti- fully joined. E. सु good, काण्ड a shrub, and इनि aff.
  • सुकालिन् :: m. (-ली) A progenitor of a particular class considered as those of the Sudra tribe. E. सु good, काल time, इनि aff.
  • सुकालुका :: f. (-का) The Dodi shrub. E. सु + कल उण् स्वार्थे क ।
  • सुकुन्दक :: m. (-कः) An onion. E. सु + कुदि-ण्वुल्; also सुकन्दक ।
  • सुकुमार :: mfn. (-रः -रा or -री-रं) 1. Soft, smooth, tender. 2. Youthful, young. m. (-रः) 1. A variety of the sugar-cane. 2. A sort of the grain, (Panicum colonum, &c.) 3. A wild kind of Champaka. 4. The name of a Daitya. 5. A beautiful young man. f. (-रा) 1. Double jasmine. 2. Great-flowered jasmine. 3. The plantain. 4. The name of a river. E. सु very, exceedingly, कुमार soft, young.
  • सुकुमारक :: m. (-कः) 1. A beautiful young man. 2. Rice. n. (-कं) The leaf of Tamāla-tree.
  • सुकृत् :: mfn. (-कृत्) 1. Virtuous, pious. 2. Fortunate, well-fated. E. सु well, कृत् who does.
  • सुकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Virtuous, pious. 2. Befriended, assisted, treated with kindness. 3. Fortunate, auspicious. 4. Done well, properly, ably, &c. n. (-तं) 1. Virtue, moral merit. 2. Fortune, auspiciousness. 3. Kindness, bounty, friendly aid or assistance. 4. Any kind or friendly act. 5. Reward, recompense, especially heaven as the reward of virtue. E. सु well, and कृत made or done.
  • सुकृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Virtue, well-doing. 2. Kindness, acting in a friendly or kindly manner. 3. The practice of religious austerities, &c. E. सु good, and कृति action.
  • सुकृतिन् :: mfn. (-ती -तिनी -ति) 1. Fortunate, well-fated. 2. Virtuous, pious, good. 3. Benign, benevolent. 4. Learned, wise. E. सुकृत auspicious- ness, &c., इनि poss. aff.
  • सुकेसर :: m. (-रः) The citron tree.
  • सुकोली :: f. (-ली) A medicinal root, commonly Kshira-kākoli.
  • सुक्रतु :: m. (-तुः) 1. AGNI or fire. 2. INDRA. 3. VARUṆA. 4. MITRA. 5. SOMA.
  • सुक्रिया :: f. (-या) 1. A good action, a good work, a moral or religious observance. E. सु, and क्रिया act.
  • सुख :: r. 10th cl. (सुखयति-ते) To make happy.
  • सुख :: mfn. (-खः -खा -खं) 1. Happy, joyful, delighted. 2. Virtuous, pious. 3. Easy, practicable. 4. Agreeable, sweet, comfortable. 5. Suitable. n. (-खं) 1. Happiness, pleasure, delight. 2. Heaven, paradise. 3. Water. 4. Prosperity. 5. Ease, alleviation. 6. Easiness. f. (-खा) The capital of VARUṆA. E. सु good, ख an organ of sense; or सुख-अच् aff.
  • सुखकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Conferring happiness. 2. Doing any thing easily. 3. Done easily. E. सुख, and कर who or what makes.
  • सुखङ्घुण :: m. (-णः) A kind of weapon or staff with which ŚIVA is armed.
  • सुखचार :: m. (-रः) An excellent horse. E. सुख pleasure, चर् to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • सुखच्छेद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) Easily to be cut or destroyed. E. सुख, and च्छेद्य to be cut or cut off.
  • सुखजात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Happy, taking pleasure. 2. Born or produced easily. E. सुख, जात born.
  • सुखद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Conferring or affording pleasure, &c. f. (-दा) A courtezan of INDRA'S heaven. n. (-दं) The seat of VISHṆU. E. सुख pleasure, दा to give, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • सुखदोह्या :: f. (-ह्या) A cow easily milked. E. सुख (with,) pleasure, दोह्य to be milked.
  • सुखप्रतीक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) Hoping or expecting happiness. E. सुख, and प्रति before ईक्ष् to see, ण aff.
  • सुखभाग :: m. (-गः) Happiness, good fortune. E. सुख,, and भाग share.
  • सुखभागिन् :: mfn. (-गी -गिनी -गि) Happy, delighted. E. सुखभाग, and इनि aff.
  • सुखभेद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) Easily broken or disunited. E. सुख, and भेद्य to be broken.
  • सुखमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Full or consisting of happiness, delightful. E. सुख, and मयट् aff.
  • सुखवर्च्चक :: m. (-कः) Natron, alkali. E. सुख pleasure, वर्च्च् to shine, aff. क्वुन् ।
  • सुखवासन :: m. (-नः) Perfume for the mouth. E. सुख pleasure, and वासन perfuming; also मुखवासन and शुभवासन ।
  • सुखवेदन :: n. (-नं) Consciousness of pleasure. E. सुख, वेदन knowing.
  • सुखसन्दुह्या :: f. (-ह्या) A tractable and gentle cow. E. See the next.
  • सुखसन्दोह्या :: f. (-ह्या) A tractable cow, one easily and quickly milked. E. सुख pleasure, सम् before दुह् to milk, ण्यत् aff.; also with क्यप् aff. सुखसन्दुह्या as above.
  • सुखसाध्य :: mfn. (-ध्यः -ध्या -ध्यं) 1. Easy of accomplishment or attainment. 2. Easy of cure. 3. Easy to be discomfited. E. सुख, and साध्य to be broken.
  • सुखस्पर्श :: mfn. (-र्शः -र्शा -र्शं) Gratifying, agreeable to the touch or feelings. E. सुख, स्पर्श touch.
  • सुखाधार :: m. (-रः) Swarga, the heaven of INDRA, and paradise of the Hindus. E. सुख pleasure, and आधार a receptacle or reservoir.
  • सुखानुभव :: m. (-वः) Anticipation or consciousness of pleasure. E. सुख and अनुभव perception.
  • सुखान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) 1. Wishing well, friendly, attached. 2. Sub- versive of happiness. E. सुख, अन्त end.
  • सुखायत :: m. (-तः) An excellent and well-trained horse. E. सुख pleasure, आयत restrained.
  • सुखायन :: m. (-नः) A good horse. E. सुख pleasure, and अयन going.
  • सुखार्थ :: n. Adv. (-र्थं) For the sake of ease, happiness, &c. E. सुख, and अर्थम् on account of.
  • सुखार्थिन् :: mfn. (-र्थी -र्थिनी -र्थि) Seeking or wishing for happiness. E. सुख, अर्थिन् seeking.
  • सुखालोक :: Adj. Charming, pleasant-looking.
  • सुखावतीश्वर :: m. (-रः) A deified teacher of the Bauddhas.
  • सुखावह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Conferring pleasure, delighting, pleasing. E. सुख pleasure, आङ् before वह् to convey, aff. अच् ।
  • सुखाश :: m. (-शः) 1. VARUṆA, deity of water. 2. A cucumber, (Cucumbis sativus.) 2. Eating with pleasure, feeding on dainties, &c. E. सुख pleasure, अश् to eat, अच् aff.
  • सुखाशक :: m. (-कः) The common cucumber. E. सुखाश the same, कन् added.
  • सुखासीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Seated or sitting at ease. E. सुख, आसीन seated.
  • सुखास्वाद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) 1. Well-flavoured. 2. Delightful, agreeable. m. (-दः) 1. Enjoyment. 2. A pleasant flavour. E. सुख, आस्वाद taste.
  • सुखाहर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Conferring pleasure, agreeable, delightful. E. सुख and आङ् before हृ to take, अच् aff.
  • सुखिन् :: mfn. (-खी -खिनी -खि) Happy, pleasant, possessing happiness or pleasure. m. (-खी) A yati or religious ascetic. E. सुख pleasure, इनि poss. aff.
  • सुखिस्वभाव :: m. (-वः) A happy or contented disposition. E. सुखिन्, and स्वभाव nature.
  • सुखेच्छा :: f. (-च्छा) Hope or desire of happiness. E. सुख, and इच्छा wish.
  • सुखैषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Wishing well to, seeking another's happiness. E. सुख, and एषिन् who wishes.
  • सुखोत्सव :: m. (-वः) 1. Pleasure-festival, jubilee. 2. A husband. E. सुख pleasure, उत्सव a festival.
  • सुखोदक :: n. (-कं) Warm water.
  • सुखोदय :: m. (-यः) Realization or occurence of pleasure. E. सुख, उदय arising.
  • सुखोदर्क :: mfn. (-र्कः -र्का -र्कं) Yielding or leading to happiness or pleasure. E. सुख, and उदर्क consequence.
  • सुखोद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) To be uttered easily or agreeably. E. सुख, उद्य to be spoken.
  • सुखोपविष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Seated comfortably or at ease. E. सुख, and उपविष्ट seated.
  • सुखोपसर्प्य :: mfn. (-र्प्यः -र्प्या -र्प्यं) Easy of access. E. सुख, and उपसर्प्य to be approached.
  • सुख्यात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Celebrated, famous. E. सु, and ख्यात renowned.
  • सुख्याति :: f. (-तिः) Fame, celebrity. E. सु, and ख्याति fame.
  • सुग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) 1. Graceful, elegant. 2. Going well or elegantly. 3. Well rid of. 4. Plain, intelligible. 5. Easy of access. n. (-गं) Fæces, ordure. E. सु well, good, गम् to go, ड aff.
  • सुगण् :: mfn. (-गण्) Counting well, a ready reckoner, or of easy calcu- lation. E. सु well, easily, गण् to number, क्विप् aff.
  • सुगणित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Easily or accurately calculated. E. स, and गणित counted.
  • सुगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Passed, gone. 2. Well-bestowed. m. (-तः) A Buddha in general, one of the generic terms for a deified sage, and teacher of the Bauddha sect. E. सु well, and गत gone or known, (by whom.)
  • सुगन्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Fragrant, sweet-smelling. n. (-न्धं) 1. Small

cummin seed. 2. A fragrant grass; also कुत्तृण . 3. The blue lotus. 4. Sandal. m. (-न्धः) 1. Fragrance, ordour. 2. Sulphur. 3. A sort of Morinda. 4. A trader, a dealer. f. (-न्धा) 1. The ichneumon plant. 2. Zedoary, (Curcuma zerumbet.) 3. A fragrant grass. 4. A sort of lime. 5. Holy basil, (Ocymum sanctum.) 6. Jasmine, (of vari- ous sorts.) E. सु good, and गन्ध smell.

  • सुगन्धक :: m. (-कः) 1. Sulphur. 2. The orange. 3. A sort of gourd, (Momordica mixta.) E. कन् added to the last.
  • सुगन्धि :: mfn. (-न्धिः -न्धिः -न्धि) 1. Fragrant, sweet-smelling. 2. Virtuous, pious. m. (-न्धिः) 1. A fragrance. 2. A fragrant sort of mango. 3. The supreme being. n. (-न्धि) 1. A drug and perfume, commonly Elabāluka. 2. The root of long-pepper. 3. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus rotundus.) 4. Another sort, (Scirpus kyssoor.) 5. Corian- der seed. E. सु good, well, गन्ध smell, and इ substituted for the final.
  • सुगन्धिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A large sort of rice. 2. Incense. 3. Sulphur. n. (-कं) The white lotus. E. सु pleonasm, गन्ध smell, ठक् aff.; also सौगन्धिक ।
  • सुगन्धिकुसुम :: m. (-मः) A sort of Nerium with yellowish flowers. f. (-मा) A plant, (Trigonella corniculata.) E. सुगन्धि fragrant, कुसुम flower.
  • सुगन्धिता :: f. (-ता) Fragrance, pleasing scent, such as is produced by the trituration of perfumes. E. सुगन्धि fragrant, and तल् aff.
  • सुगन्धिमूल :: n. (-लं) The root of the Andropogon muricatum. f. (-ला) Rāsnā, the ichneumon plant. E. सुगन्धि fragrant, मूल root.
  • सुगन्धिमूषिका :: f. (-का) The musk rat or shrew. E. सुगन्धि fragrant, मूषिका a mouse.
  • सुगम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Accessible, good, (as a road.) 2. Easy, practi- cable. 3. Plain, intelligible. E. सु well, ready, and गम going.
  • सुगहन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Thick, close, impervious. f. (-ना) An enclosure round a place of sacrifice, to exclude profane access or sight. E. सु well, much or thoroughly, गह् to be thick, युच् aff.
  • सुगुप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Secret, well-hidden or kept secret. n. Adv. (-प्तं) Secretly, privily. E. सु, and गुप्त hidden.
  • सुगुप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) Closeness, secrecy. E. सु, and गुप्ति secrecy.
  • सुगृह :: m. (-हः) The tailor bird, (Sylvia sutoria.) f. (-ही) Adj. Having a beautiful abode. E. सु handsome or good, and गृह a house or nest.
  • सुगृहीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Held fast or firmly, seized, grasped. 2. Taken or applied properly or auspiciously. E. सु well, and गृहीत taken.
  • सुगृहीतनामन् :: m. (-मा) An epithet of YUDHISHṬHIRA, and others, whose names it is auspicious to invoke early in the morning. E. सु auspi- cious, and गृहीत taken, and नामन् a name.
  • सुग्रास :: m. (-सः) A dainty morsel.
  • सुग्राह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) Easily apprehensible, easy to be laid hold of, &c. E. सु, ग्राह्य to be taken.
  • सुग्रीव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Handsome-necked. m. (-वः) 1. One of the horses of of KRISHṆA'S car. 2. A monkey-king, the son of the sun, and sovereign of Kishkindhyā, and friend and confederate of RĀMA CHANDRA. 3. The father of the ninth Jina of the present age. 4. ŚIVA. 5. INDRA. 6. A goose. 7. A hero. 8. A piece of water. 9. The name of a mountain. 10. A sort of weapon. 11. The countenance of a friend. 12. A serpent of Pātāla. E. सु handsome, and ग्रीवा a neck.
  • सुग्रीवेश :: m. (-शः) RĀMA. E. सुग्रीव the monkey king, and ईश lord.
  • सुग्ल :: mfn. (-ग्लः -ग्ला -ग्लं) Very weary. E. सु very, ग्लै to be weary, aff. क ।
  • सुघटित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Well-contrived or devised, well-arranged or managed. 2. Well-joined or united. 3. Brought into agreeable contract. E. सु, and घटित contrived.
  • सुघोर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Hideous, terrific. E. सु very, घोर fearful.
  • सुघोष :: m. (-षः) A pleasant sound. E. सु, and घोष sound or cry.
  • सुचक्षुस् :: m. (-क्षुः) 1. The glomerous fig-tree. 2. A wise or learned man.
  • सुचरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Well-conducted, well-behaved. 2. Well-man- aged or pursued. n. (-तं) Good conduct. E. सु, and चरित gone, &c.
  • सुचरित्र :: n. (-त्रं) Good or virtuous course of life. f. (-त्रा) A devoted and virtuous wife. E. सु good, चरित्र conduct.
  • सुचारु :: mfn. (-रुः -रुः or -र्व्वी-रु) 1. Very beautiful. 2. Pleasing, delightful. E. सु very, चारु lovely.
  • सुचारुस्वन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Melodious, mellifluous. E. सुचारु, and स्वन sound.
  • सुचित्रक :: m. (-कः) 1. A king-fisher. 2. A kind of peckled snake. E. सु much, चित्रक variegated.
  • सुचिन्तन :: n. (-नं) Deliberate consideration. E. सु, चिति to think, ल्युट् aff.
  • सुचिन्ता :: f. (-न्ता) Deep reflection or consideration. E. सु, चिन्ता thinking.
  • सुचिन्तित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Well-weighed, well-considered. E. सु well, चिति to think. क्त aff.
  • सुचिरम् :: Ind. Very long, (a time.) E. सु much, चिरम् long time.
  • सुचिरायुस् :: m. (-युः) A god, a divinity. E. सु very, चिर a long time, आयुस् life.
  • सुचुटी :: f. (-टी) A pair of nippers or tongs, &c. E. सु well, चट् to cut, aff. क, and ङीष् added.
  • सुचेलक :: m. (-कः) Cloth or fine cloth. E. सु excellent, चेल cloth, कन् added.
  • सुच्छत्री :: f. (-त्री) The river Sutlej.
  • सुजन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Virtuous, good, respectable. 2. Kind, benevo- lent. m. (-नः) The charioteer of INDRA. E. सु good, and जन person.
  • सुजनता :: f. (-ता) 1. Goodness, benevolence. 2. A number of respectable persons. E. सुजन, and तल् aff.
  • सुजनत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Kindness, benevolence. E. त्व added to सुजन ।
  • सुजन्मन् :: mfn. (-न्मा -न्मा -न्म) Legitimate, of respectable birth. E. सु, जन्मन् birth.
  • सुजल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Having clear or sweet water. n. (-लं) 1. Good water. 2. A lotus. E. सु, and जल water.
  • सुजल्प :: m. (-ल्पः) A good speech; it is thus defined:-- “यत्रार्जवात् सगाम्भीर्य्यं सदैन्यं सहचापलम् । सोत्कण्ठञ्च हरिः स्पृष्टः स सुजल्पो निगद्यते ॥”
  • सुजाति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Of a good tribe or species. E. सु, जाति tribe.
  • सुजीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Well-digested. 2. Decayed, worn out. E. सु, and जीर्ण digested.
  • सुजीवित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Lived well or to some purpose. n. (-तं) A lucky or happy life. E. सु well जीवित living.
  • सुट्ट :: r. 10th cl. (सुट्टयति-ते) 1. To disregard, to despise. 2. To be low, small, or shallow; also षुट्ट ।
  • सुत :: m. (-तः) 1. A son. 2. A prince. f. (-ता) 1. A daughter. 2. A plant, (Hedysarum alhagi.) f. (-ता) Adj. 1. Poured out. 2. Extracted. 3. Begotten, brought forth. E. षु to bear or bring forth, aff. क्त ।
  • सुतक :: n. (-कं) 1. Birth. 2. Impurity from child-birth or mis-carriage: see सूतक ।
  • सुतङ्गम :: m. (-मः) The father of a son. E. सुत, गम् to obtain, खच् aff.
  • सुज्ञात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Well or easily known. E. सु, and ज्ञात known.
  • सुतनिर्विशेषम् :: Ind. Just like a son.
  • सुतनु :: mfn. (-नुः -नुः or -न्वी-नु) 1. Very thin or delicate. 2. Extremely fine. f. (-नुः or -न्वी) A beautiful woman. E. सु excellent, तनु thin; also सुतनू ।
  • सुतपस् :: m. (-पाः) 1. A hermit, an ascetic. 2. The sun. n. (-पः) Severe penance. Adj. 1. One who practises severe penance. 2. Having great heat. E. सु very, profoundly, तपस् religious austerity, or तप् to heat, असि Unādi aff.
  • सुतप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Hot, very hot. E. सु, and तप्त heated.
  • सुतराम् :: Ind. 1. Better, more excellently. 2. Consequently, of course. 3. Exceedingly. 4. More positively. E. सु good, तराम् aff.
  • सुतर्द्दन :: m. (-नः) The Indian cuckoo. E. सु much, तृद् or तर्द्द् to hurt, aff. युच् ।
  • सुतल :: mn. (-लः-लं) 1. A division of the lower regions, the sixth in descent. 2. Immense depth. m. (-लः) The basement or foundation of a large building. E. सु well, and तल deep, profound.
  • सुतवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Having children. m. (-वान्) 1. A drinker of the Asclepias juice. 2. The father of a son. E. सुत, and मतुप् aff.
  • सुतवस्करा :: f. (-रा) The mother of seven children.
  • सुतश्रेणी :: f. (-णी) A plant, (Salvinia cucullata.) E. सुत offspring, श्रेणी a line.
  • सुतस्नेह :: m. (-हः) Paternal affection. E. सुत, and स्वेह affection.
  • सुतात्मज :: m. (-जः) A grandson. f. (-जा) A grand-daughter. E. सुत a son, or सुता a daughter, and आत्मजा a daughter.
  • सुतारका :: f. (-का) A sort of tutelar goddess peculiar to the Jainas.
  • सुतार्थिन् :: mfn. (-र्थी -र्थिनी -र्थि) Desirous of having a son. E. सुत, अर्थिन् who seeks.
  • सुति :: f. (-तिः) Extraction of the Soma juice.
  • सुतिक्तक :: m. (-कः) 1. A kind of gentian, (Gentiana cherayta.) 2. The coral tree. E. सु very, तिक्त bitter, कन् added.
  • सुतिन् :: m. (-ती) A father, one who has a son. f. (-नी) A mother, the mother of a son. E. सुत, and इनि aff., fem. form.
  • सुतीक्ष्ण :: mfn. (-क्ष्णः -क्ष्णा -क्ष्णं) 1. Verp sharp. 2. Very pungent. 3. Acutely painful. m. (-क्ष्णः) A tree, (Hypernathera morunga.) E. सु exceed- ingly, and तीक्ष्ण sharp, &c.
  • सुतीर्थ :: n. (-र्थं) A good preceptor.
  • सुतुङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) Very lofty or tall. m. (-ङ्गः) The cocoanut tree. E. सु very, तुङ्ग tall.
  • सुतुस् :: Adj. Well-sounding.
  • सुतेजस् :: mfn. (-जाः -जाः -जः) 1. Very bright, splendid. 2. Potent. m. (-जाः) One of the Jinas of the last age. E. सु much, तेजस् light or glory.
  • सुतोत्पत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Birth of a son. E. सुत, उत्पत्ति birth.
  • सुत्या :: f. (-त्या) 1. Religious bathing. 2. Extraction of the Soma juice. 3. Parturition. E. षु to bear, क्यप् aff., form irr.; more usually सूत्या ।
  • सुत्रामन् :: m. (-मा) INDRA. E. सु good, त्र to preserve, (the world,) मनिन् aff.; also सूत्रामन् ।
  • सुत्वन् :: m. (-त्वा) 1. A student who has performed his ablutions subsequent, or according to some, preparatory to a sacrifice. 2. A drinker of the Asclepias juice. 3. An offerer of the same. E. षु to bring forth, क्वनिप् aff., तुक् augment.
  • सुद(सुन्दति) :: 1. To beautify. 2. To light. सौ० प० सक० सेट् इदित् ।
  • सुदक्षिण :: m. (-णः) A sovereign of VIDARBHA. f. (-णा) The wife of DILĪPA. Adj. 1. Very sincere or upright. 2. Liberal in sacrificial gifts. E. सु very, दक्षिण clever.
  • सुदण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A cane.
  • सुदत् :: mfn. (-दन् -दती or -दन्ती-दत्) Having handsome teeth. E. सु handsome, and दतृ for दन्त a tooth.
  • सुदत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Well or properly given. E. सु, and दत्त given.
  • सुदन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. An actor, a dancer. 2. A good tooth. f. (-न्ती) The female elephant presiding over the N. W. quarter. E. सु good, handsome, and दन्त a tooth.
  • सुदम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Easy to be subdued. E. सु, and दम taming.
  • सुदर्शन :: mfn. (-नः -ना or -नी-नं) 1. Handsome, good looking. 2. Easily seen. m. (-नः) 1. The discus of KRISHṆA. 2. Mount Meru. 3. The rose apple, (Eugenia jambu.) 4. The father of the eighteenth Jaina pontiff of the present era. 5. One of the nine Suklabalas or BALARĀMAS of the Jainas. 6. A vulture. nf. (-नं-नी) The city of INDRA. f. (-ना) 1. A drug. 2. Order, command. 3. A plant, (Menispermum glabrum.) 4. A woman, a handsome woman. E. सु good, दर्शन sight or appearance.
  • सुदा :: Adj. Very bountiful.
  • सुदान्त :: m. (-न्तः) A follower of ŚĀKYA MUNI, the teacher of the Baud- dhas. E. सु well, and दान्त tamed, (whose passions.)
  • सुदामन् :: m. (-मा) 1. A cloud. 2. A mountain. 3. INDRA'S elephant. 4. The name of a cowherd. 5. The sea. 6. A poor Brāhman raised to wealth and honours by KRISHṆA. Adj. One who gives liberally. E. सु good, excellent, and दामन् a cord.
  • सुदाय :: m. (-यः) A special gift, as alms to a student at his initiation, a nuptial present, &c. E. सु auspicious, and दाय a gift.
  • सुदारु :: m. (-रुः) The Pāryātra mountains, part of the Vindhya range.
  • सुदि :: Ind. In the light-half of a lunar month.
  • सुदिन :: n. (-नं) 1. A fine day, fine weather. 2. An auspicious day. E. सु, and दिन a day.
  • सुदिनाह :: n. (-हं) 1. A fine day. 2. An auspicious day. E. सुदिन fair weather, and अह for अहन् a day.
  • सुदिव :: mfn. (-वः -वा -वं) Passing pleasant days. E. सु, दिव a day.
  • सुदीर्घ :: mfn. (-र्घः -र्घा -र्घं) Very long, (in space or time.) f. (-र्घा) A kind of cucumber. E. सु very, दीर्घ long.
  • सुदीर्घधर्म्मा :: f. (-र्म्मा) A plant, (Marsilia quadrifolia.)
  • सुदुराचार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Very wicked, abandoned or profligate. E. सु very, दुराचार bad.
  • सुदुरारुह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Inaccessible. E. सु and दुर with आङ् before रुह् to mount, क aff.
  • सुदुर्जय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Difficult to be overcome. E. सु very, दुर्जय difficult to be conquered.
  • सुदुर्दर्श :: mfn. (-शः -र्शा -र्शं) Difficult to be beheld. E. सु very, दुर्दर्श difficult to be seen.
  • सुदुर्लभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Difficult to be attained, unattainable, impracti- cable. E. सु very, दुर्लभ difficult.
  • सुदुश्चर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Very arduous or painful, difficult to be per- formed or attained. E. सु very, दुश्चर arduous.
  • सुदुष्कर :: mfn. (-रः -रा or -री-रं) Very difficult. E. सु very, दुष्कर difficult.
  • सुदुस्तर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Impassable, difficult to be passed or crossed. E. सु very, दुर् difficult, तॄ to cross, टच् aff.
  • सुदुस्मह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Very difficult to be endured. E. सु very, दुस्सह unendurable.
  • सुदूर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Very distant. E. सु very, and दूर remote.
  • सुदृश् :: mfn. (-दृक्) Having handsome eyes. f. (-दृक्) A pretty woman. E. सु excellent, and दृश् sight.
  • सुदृढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Solid, firm. n. Adv. (-ढं) Very hard or firm. E. सु very, and दृढ hard.
  • सुधन्वन् :: m. (-न्वा) 1. An archer, a bowman. 2. VIŚHWAKARMAN, the artist of the gods. 3. A prince so named. Adj. Having an excellent bow. E. सु good, धनुस् a bow, अनङ् substituted for the final.
  • सुधन्वाचार्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) The son of an outcaste Vaiśya by a woman of the same class.
  • सुधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) One of the principal disciples of MAHĀVIRA, the last Jina of the present age; he survived his master, and the different ascetics or candidates for holiness are traced from him in regular succession; none of the other ten disciples of Mahāvira having left successors. f. (-र्म्मी) A council of the gods. E. सु excellent, and धर्म्म virtue.
  • सुधर्म्मन् :: mf. (-र्म्मा) The council or assembly of the gods. m. (-र्म्मा) A man attentive to the proper maintenance of his family. E. सु excellent, धर्म्म virtue, अनिच् aff.
  • सुधा :: f. (-धा) 1. Nectar, the beverage of immortality and sustenance of the gods. 2. The nectar or honey of flowers. 3. Juice. 4. Plaster, mortar. 5. A brick. 6. The Ganges. 7. Water. 8. Lightning. 9. The milk-hedge plant, (Euphorbia antiquorum, &c.) 10. A plant, (Aletris Hyacinthoides.) 11. Emblic myrobalan. 12. Yellow myro- balan. E. सु pleasure, धे to drink, or धा the have, to support, (life,) अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • सुधांशु :: m. (-शुः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. E. सुधा nectar, and अंशु a ray of light: the moon being the supposed repository of the beverage of the gods.
  • सुधांशुतैल :: n. (-लं) Camphorated oil. E. सुधांशु Camphor, and तैल oil.
  • सुधांशुरत्न :: n. (-त्नं) A pearl. E. सुधांशु the moon, and रत्न a jewel.
  • सुधाकर :: m. (-रः) The moon. E. सुधा nectar, आकर a mine.
  • सुधाङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. E. सुधा nectar, अङ्ग body or substance.
  • सुधाजीविन् :: m. (-वी) A bricklayer, a plasterer. E. सुधा plaster, and जीविन् who lives by.
  • सुधाद्रव :: m. (-वः) A nectar-like fluid.
  • सुधाधवलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) White-washed, stuccoed, plastered. E. सुधा, and धवलित whitened.
  • सुधाधार :: m. (-रः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. E. सुधा nectar, आधार a receptacle.
  • सुधानिधि :: m. (-धिः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. E. सुधा nectar, and निधि a receptacle.
  • सुधापाणि :: m. (-णिः) The divine physician, DHANWANTARI. E. सुधा nectar, पाणि hand, bearing in his hands the beverage of immortality.
  • सुधाभवन :: n. (-नं) 1. A stuccoed house. 2. The fifth Muhūrta or hour after noon. E. सुधा, and भवन mansion.
  • सुधाभित्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) 1. A plastered wall. 2. A brick-well. 3. The fifth muhūrta or hour after noon.
  • सुधामुज् :: m. (-भुक्) A deity, an immortal. E. सुधा nectar, भुज् to enjoy, aff. क्विप् ।
  • सुधाभृति :: m. (-तिः) 1. Sacrifice, oblation. 2. The moon. E. सुधा nectar, and भृति cherishing; also सुधासूति ।
  • सुधामय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) 1. Made of plaster, &c. 2. Consisting of nectar. n. (-यं) A palace, a mansion, a brick or stone building. E. सुधा mortar or a brick, and मयट् aff.
  • सुधावर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) A shower of ambrosia. E. सुधा, and वर्ष rain.
  • सुधावर्षिन् :: m. (-र्षी) 1. A Buddha or deified sage of the Bauddha religion. 2. BRAHMĀ. E. सुधा nectar, and वर्षिन् raining.
  • सुधावास :: m. (-सः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. f. (-सा) A kind of cucumber.
  • सुधावृष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) A shower of ambrosia. E. सुधा, and वृष्टि rain.
  • सुधासित :: Adj. 1. White as mortar. 2. Bright as nectar. 3. Bound by nectar.
  • सुधासूति :: m. (-तिः) 1. The moon. 2. Sacrifice, oblation. 3. A lotus. E. सुधा nectar, सूति birth, production.
  • सुधास्यन्द :: mfn. (-न्दः -न्दी -न्दं) Shedding ambrosia. E. सुधा, स्यन्द what sheds.
  • सुधास्यन्दिन :: Adj. Mellifluous.
  • सुधास्रवा :: f. (-वा) Uvula or soft palate. E. सुधा nectar or honey. स्रु to distil, अप् and टाप् affs.
  • सुधाहर :: m. (-रः) GARUḌA, the bird and vehicle of VISHṆU. E. सुधा nectar, and हर who steals; having on one occasion stolen the moon for the sake of the Amrita which was to be communicated to the serpent children of KADRU, in consideration of which his mother VINATĀ was to be released from a state of servitude to KADRU, the wife, as well as herself, of the sage KAŚYAPA.
  • सुधाहृत् :: m. (-हृत्) GARUḌA. E. सुधा nectar, and हृत् taking, stealing: see the last.
  • सुधिति :: mf. (-तिः-तिः) An axe. E. सु well, धि to hold, क्तिन् aff.; more correctly स्वधितिः ।
  • सुधी :: m. (-धीः) 1. A Paṇḍit, a learned man or teacher. 2. An intelligent person. E. सु well, ध्यै to think, aff. क्विप् ।
  • सुधूम :: m. (-मः) A kind of incense.
  • सुधोद्भव :: m. (-वः) DHANWANTARI, the physician of Swarga. f. (-वा) Chebulic myrobalan, (Terminalia chebula.) E. सुधा nectar, and उद्भव produced.
  • सुनन्द :: mfn. (-न्दः -न्दा -न्दं) Pleasing, delighting. n. (-न्दं) The club of BALARĀMA. f. (-न्दा) 1. The goddess UMĀ. 2. A sort of pigment and drug: see गोरोचना . 3. A woman. 4. One of UMĀ'S female companions. 5. A plant, (Aristolochia Indica.) E. सु well, thoroughly, नदि to please, aff. अच् ।
  • सुनय :: m. (-यः) 1. Policy. 2. Good conduct. E. सु, and णी to take, अच् aff.
  • सुनयन :: m. (-नः) A deer. f. (-ना) 1. A woman. 2. A woman having beautiful eyes. E. सु good excellent, नयन the eye.
  • सुनाकृत :: m. (-तः) Zedoary, (Curcuma zerumbet.)
  • सुनाभ :: m. (-भः) The MAINĀKA mountain; part of the ranges of southern India, personified as the son of Himālaya, and Menā. f. (-भा) 1. Having a good nave or centre. 2. Having a beautiful navel. E. सु well, नाभि the navel.
  • सुनार :: m. (-रः) 1. The udder of a bitch. 2. The egg of a snake. 3. A sparrow.
  • सुनालक :: m. (-कः) A tree, (Sesbana grandiflora.)
  • सुनासीर :: m. (-रः) INDRA. E. सु good, excellent, नासीर the van of an army, the leader of the celestial hosts; also सुनाशीर ।
  • सुनिग्रह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Easily restrained. E. सु, and निग्रह confinement.
  • सुनिद्रा :: f. (-द्रा) Sound sleep. E. सु, and निद्रा sleep.
  • सुनिभृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Very lonely or private. E. सु, and निभृत lonely.
  • सुनिभृतम् :: Ind. Privately, very secretly. E. सु, and निभृतम् privately.
  • सुनिरूपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Well-observed or inspected. E. सु, निरूपित seen.
  • सुनिश्चित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Ascertained, determined. 2. Commended, approved. m. (-तः) A deified sage, according to the Jainas or Bauddhas. E. सु well, thoroughly, and निश्चित ascertained.
  • सुनिषण्णक :: n. (-कं) A potherb, (Marsilia quadrifolia.) “सुसुनि शाक” । E. सु well, निषण्ण depression of spirits or drowsiness, कन् aff.; also without the final, सुनिषण्ण ।
  • सुनिष्टप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Burnished. E. सु well, thoroughly, निष्टप्त heated.
  • सुनीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Well-behaved. 2. Politic. n. (-तं) 1. Good conduct. 2. Policy, prudence. E. सु well, णी to guide, क्त aff.
  • सुनीति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Propriety of behaviour, good manners. 2. Good policy. 3. The mother of DHRUVA. E. सु good, नीति morals or manners.
  • सुनीथ :: mfn. (-थः -था -थं) Virtuous, moral, good, of proper disposition or conduct. m. (-थः) A Brāhmana. सु well, नी to obtain, aff. थक् ।
  • सुनील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Very black or blue, dark. m. (-लः) The pome- granate tree. n. (-लं) The root of the Andropogon muricatum. f. (-ला) Common flax. E. सु much, नील blue or black.
  • सुनीलक :: m. (-कः) 1. The blue shrike. 2. The emerald or sapphire. E. सु very, नील blue or black, कन् aff.
  • सुनेत्र :: f. (-त्रा) Beautiful-eyed.
  • सुन्दर :: mfn. (-रः -रा or -री-रं) Handsome, beautiful. m. (-रः) KĀMADEVA. f. (-री) 1. A handsome woman. 2. A small timber tree, (Heritiera minor.) 3. Turmeric. 4. A species of metre. E. सु good, excellent, दृ to respect, aff. अप्; or सु with उन्दि to moisten, aff. अरन् ।
  • सुन्वत् :: mfn. (-न्वत् -न्वन्ती -न्वत्) Sacrificing. E. षुञ् to sacrifice, शतृ aff.
  • सुपक्व :: mfn. (-क्वः -क्वा -क्वं) 1. Ripe, mature. 2. Well-cooked. m. (-क्वः) A sort of fragrant mango. E. सु well, thoroughly, पक्व ripe.
  • सुपच :: mfn. (-चः -चा -चं) Food easily digested. E. सु easily, पच् to digest, aff. खल् ।
  • सुपत्री :: f. (-त्री) A woman having a good husband.
  • सुपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) The leaf of the Laurus cassia. E. सु good, and पत्र leaf.
  • सुपथ :: m. (-थः) 1. A good road. 2. Good conduct. 3. Good course. E. सु good, पथिन् a road, अच् aff.
  • सुपथिन् :: m. (-थाः) 1. A good road. 2. A country, &c., having good roads. E. सु good, पथिन् a road.
  • सुपद्मा :: f. (-द्मा) Orris root. E. सु + पद्-म ।
  • सुपरीक्षण :: n. (-णं) Examining or trying well or thoroughly. E. सु, and परीक्षण trying.
  • सुपरीक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Well-examined or tried. E. सु, परीक्षित tried.
  • सुपर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) 1. GARUḌA, the bird and vehicle of VISHṆU. 2. A tree, (Cassia fistula.) 3. A cock. 4. A being of a superhuman character, as GARUḌA, and other birds of an equally fanciful description; one of those classes first created by the BRAHMĀDIKAS, and included in the daily presentation of water to deceased ancestors, &c. 5. A ray of the sun. f. (-र्णा or -र्णी) 1. Name of the mother of GARUḌA. 2. A number of lotuses, or a pool abounding with them. Adj. 1. Well-winged. 2. Having beautiful leaves. E. सु handsome, and पर्ण a leaf or feather.
  • सुपर्णक :: m. (-कः) 1. A kind of Cassia, (C. fistula.) 2. A small tree, (Echites scholaris.) 3. A bird of superhuman character: see the last. E. सु good, पर्ण a wing, and कन् added.
  • सुपर्णकेतु :: m. (-तुः) VISHṆU. E. सुपर्ण GARUḌA, केतु symbol.
  • सुपर्णाख्य :: m. (-ख्यः) A plant, (Mesua ferrea.) E. सुपर्ण Cassia, आख्य appellation.
  • सुपर्णीतनय :: m. (-यः) GARUḌA. E. सुपर्णी a name of VINATĀ, तनय a son.
  • सुपर्य्याप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) 1. Extensive, vast. 2. Comprehensive. 3. Well laid out, (as a place with all sorts of buildings.) E. सु, पर्य्याप्त complete.
  • सुपर्व्वन् :: m. (-र्व्वा) 1. A god, a deity. 2. An arrow. 3. A bamboo. 4. A lunar day, in which religious ceremonies are particularly perform- ed, as the new moon, and the eighth and the fourteenth days of each fortnight. 5. Smoke. Adj. Well-jointed. E. सु good or much, and पर्व्वन् a knot or joint.
  • सुपलायित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Completely fled or run away. n. (-तं) A total rout or retreat. E. सु, and पलायित fled.
  • सुपात्र :: m. (-त्रः) 1. An able or clever man. 2. A vessel of earthen ware, &c. 3. Any suitable vessel. E. सु good, and पात्र a vessel.
  • सुपाद् :: mfn. (-पात् -पाद् or -पदी) Having a handsome foot. E. सु, and पाद् for पाद a foot.
  • सुपान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Drinking well, easily or deeply. E. सु well, पा to drink, युच् aff.
  • सुपार्श्व :: m. (-र्श्वः) 1. The seventh Jina or Jaina deified teacher of the present era. 2. The waved-leaf fig-tree: see प्लक्ष । E. सु good, पार्श्व side.
  • सुपार्श्वक :: m. (-कः) 1. The third Jina of the future era. 2. The veined- leaf fig, (Ficus venosa.) E. सु good. पार्श्व a side, कन् added.
  • सुपीडन :: n. (-नं) Rubbing and kneading the hands and feet. E. सु pleasantly or intensely, पीड् to pain, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • सुपीत :: n. (-तं) A carrot.
  • सुपुंसी :: f. (-सी) A woman having a good husband.
  • सुपुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) An excellent son. E. सु, and पुत्त्र a son.
  • सुपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) 1. The coral tree. 2. The Śirīsha tree, (Mimosa Sirisha.) n. (-ष्पं) 1. Cloves. 2. The menstrual excretion. f. (-ष्पी) 1. The plantain- tree. 2. A sort of fennel, (Anethum sowa and panmorium.) 3. A flower, (Clitoria ternatea, the white sort.) f. (-ष्पा or -ष्पी) Adj. Having beautiful flowers. E. सु excellent, पुष्प a flower.
  • सुपूर :: m. (-रः) A sort of lime or citron. E. सु well, and पूर what is full, (of seeds.)
  • सुपूरक :: m. (-कः) A tree, (Sesbana grandiflora.)
  • सुप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्त) 1. Sleeping, asleep. 2. Senseless, numbed. n. (-प्तं) Sleep, deep or sound sleep. E. ष्वप् to sleep, क्त aff., and the semi- vowel changed to its congener.
  • सुप्तघातक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Mischievous, murderous. E. सुप्त asleep, and घातक killing.
  • सुप्तजन :: m. (-नः) Midnight. E. सुप्त asleep, and जन mankind.
  • सुप्तज्ञान :: n. (-नं) Dreaming, a dream. E. सुप्त asleep, and ज्ञान knowledge.
  • सुप्तत्वच् :: mfn. (-त्वक्) Benumbed, paralytic. E. सुप्त, त्वच् the skin.
  • सुप्तविज्ञान :: n. (-नं) A dream, dreaming. E. सुप्त sleeping, विज्ञान knowledge.
  • सुप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) 1. Sleep, sleeping. 2. Numbness, insensibility, paralysis. 3. Drowsiness, sleepiness. 4. Trust, confidence. E. ष्वप् to sleep, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • सुप्रकाश (-शः-शा-शं) :: 1. Manifest, apparent. 2. Public. E. सु very, प्रकाश apparent.
  • सुप्रतर्क :: m. (-र्कः) A sound judgment.
  • सुप्रतिभा :: f. (-भा) Spirituous liquor.
  • सुप्रतिष्ठा :: f. (-ष्ठा) 1. Consecration, erection, (as of a temple or idol.) 2. Fame. 3. A form of metre, a stanza of four lines, containing five syllables each. Adj. 1. Standing well. 2. Famous. E. सु and प्रति intensitives, ष्ठा to stay or be, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • सुप्रतिष्ठित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Consecrated. 2. Celebrated. E. सु, and प्रतिष्ठा to consecrate, क्त aff.
  • सुप्रतिष्णात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Certain, ascertained. E. सु and प्रति before ष्णा to bathe, क्त aff.
  • सुप्रतीक :: (-कः-का-कं) 1. Well-made, handsome. 2. Having a beautiful trunk. m. (-कः) 1. The elephant of the north-east quarter. 2. KĀMADEVA. 3. ŚIVA. E. सु handsome, प्रतीक form.
  • सुप्रपाण :: n. (-णं) A good tank.
  • सुप्रभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Splendid, brilliant, glorious. m. (-भः) One of the nine Śuklabalas or BALARĀMAS of the Jainas. f. (-भा) One of the seven tongues of fire. E. सु excellent or excessive, and प्रभा light, lustre.
  • सुप्रभात :: n. (-तं) 1. An auspicious dawn. 2. The earliest dawn. E. सु, and प्रभात shining.
  • सुप्रयुक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Joined, closely connected or in contact. 2. Well-managed, as an instrument or weapon. E. सु well, प्रयुक्त joined.
  • सुप्रयोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Dexterity, expertness. 2. Contact, approximation. E. सु well, प्रयोग junction.
  • सुप्रयोगविशिख :: m. (-खः) A good archer. E. सु well, प्रयोग possessing, managing, and विशिख an arrow.
  • सुप्रलम्भ :: mfn. (-म्भः -म्भा -म्भं) Easy of attainment. E. सु well, प्र before लभ to get, खल् aff.
  • सुप्रलाप :: m. (-पः) Eloquence, elegant discourse, speaking or discoursing well. E. सु well, and प्रलाप speaking.
  • सुप्रसन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Well-pleased, favouring, favourable. m. (-न्नः) KUVERA. E. सु well, and प्रसन्न pleased.
  • सुप्रसाद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Kind, complacent, auspicious. m. (-दः) ŚIVA. E. सु well, good, and प्रसाद favour.
  • सुप्रात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Dawning finely, (as the day.) E. सु, प्रातर dawn, अच् aff.
  • सुप्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Agreeable, pleasant, liked, loved. m. (-यः) (In prosody,) A foot of two short syllables, a Pyrrhic. E. सु, प्रिय beloved.
  • सुफल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Bearing good fruit, (literally or figuratively.) m. (-लः) 1. The wood apple, (Feronia elephantium.) 2. The pome- granate. 3. Jujube. 4. A sort of bean, (Phaseolus Mungo.) f. (-ला) 1. Colocynth. 2. A pumpkin-gourd. 3. The plantain. 4. The brown grape. E. सु good, फल fruit.
  • सुफेन :: n. (-नं) Cuttle-fish-bone. E. सु good, फेन froth or foam.
  • सुबन्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Well-secured, having a good binding. m. (-न्धः) Sesamum. E. सु, and बन्ध binding.
  • सुबुद्धि :: mfn. (-द्धिः -द्धिः -द्धि) Wise, clever, intelligent. E. सु, बुद्धि intellect.
  • सुबोध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) 1. Easily taught. 2. Of easy apprehension. m. (-धः) 1. Knowledge. 2. Waking. E. सु, and बोध making known.
  • सुब्रह्मण्य :: m. (-ण्यः) 1. KĀRTIKEYA. 2. Name of one of the sixteen priests employed at a sacrifice. E. सु good, and ब्रह्मण्य the Brāhmanical order, of whom he is the special guardian.
  • सुभग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) 1. Pleasing to the eye, grateful to the site. 2. Beloved, liked. 3. Fortunate, auspicious. m. (-गः) 1. Borax. 2. The Asoka tree. 3. The champaka, (Michelia champaca.) 4. Red amaranth. f. (-गा) 1. A woman beloved by her husband, a favourite wife. 2. A respectable and auspicious mother. 3. A wild variety of Arabian jasmine. 4. Turmeric. 5. Holy basil. 6. A shrub, (Hedysarum Gangeticum.) n. (-गं) Good fortune. E. सु good, excellent, and भग fortune, beauty, &c.
  • सुभगम्भावुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Become pleasant or agreeable. E. सुभग, भू to be, खुकञ् aff., मुम् inserted.
  • सुभगासुत :: m. (-तः) The son of an auspicious mother. E. सुभगा as above, सुत son.
  • सुभङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गा -ङ्गं) Separating or dividing easily. m. (-ङ्गः) The cocoanut-tree. E. सु, and भङ्ग breaking.
  • सुभट :: m. (-टः) A champion, a warrior. E. सु, and भट a warrior.
  • सुभद्र :: mfn. (-द्रः -द्रा -द्रं) Propitious, auspicious, fortunate. m. (-द्रः) A name of VISHṆU. f. (-द्रा) 1. The sister of JAGANNĀTH whose image is worshipped with those of that deity and his brother BALARĀMA, and carried in procession with them in the Ratha- Yātrā, or annual movement of the car of JAGANNĀTH; she is the wife of ARJUNA. 2. A creeper, (Echites frutescens.) 3. A plant, commonly Ghṛta-mandā. E. सु exceedingly, भद्र auspicious.
  • सुभद्रक :: n. (-कं) A car of the gods. m. (-कः) A tree, (Ægle marmelos.) E. कन् added to the last.
  • सुभद्राणी :: f. (-णी) A plant and drug, commonly Trāyamāna.
  • सुभद्रेश :: m. (-शः) A name of ARJUNA. E. सुभद्रा the sister of JAGANNĀTH, ईश lord.
  • सुभर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Heavily burthened. E. सु, भर bearing.
  • सुभाञ्जन :: m. (-नः) A tree, (Hyperanthera morunga;) a various reading of शोभाञ्जन ।
  • सुभाषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Spoken well or eloquently. 2. Well-spoken, speaking or discoursing well. n. (-तं) 1. Eloquence. 2. A witty saying, an apophthegm. m. (-तः) A deified sage, according to the Bauddhas. E. सु good, excellent, भाषा speech, इतच् aff., or भाष् to speak, aff. क्त ।
  • सुभिक्ष :: n. (-क्षं) 1. Good alms, successful begging. 2. Abundance of food. f. (-क्षा) A tree, (Grislea tomentosa.) E. सु well, भिक्ष् to beg, or obtain by begging, aff. घञ् ।
  • सुभीरक् :: m. (-कः) The Palāsha tree, (Butea frondosa.)
  • सुभूम :: m. (-मः) A name of KĀRTAVĪRYA, as the eighth Chakravarti, or universal emperor, according to the Jainas. E. सु good, भूमि land.
  • सुभृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Cherished, protected. E. सु well, भृत nourished.
  • सुभृश् :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Much, exceeding. n. Adv. (-शं) Much, excessive. E. सु insensitive prefix, and भृश much.
  • सुभोगीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Desirable, fit to be enjoyed. E. सु, भोग enjoyment, ख aff.
  • सुभैरव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Very fearful, terrific. E. सु, and भैरव fearful.
  • सुभ्रु :: f. (-भ्रुः or -भ्रू) A woman. Adj. Having beautiful eyebrows; the voc. of this word is सुभ्रूः, but सुभ्रु often occurs in classics. E. सु handsome, and भ्रु or भ्रू eyebrow.
  • सुम :: n. (-मं) A flower. m. (-मः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. 3. Sky. E. सु excellent, मा the goddess LAKSHMĪ; prized by her; or मक् aff.: see कुसुम ।
  • सुमङ्गल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Very fortunate or auspicious. f. (-ला) A plant, commonly Ghrita-maṇḍā. E. सु very, मङ्गल auspicious. “माकडहाता” ।
  • सुमत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Friendly, well or kindly disposed. E. सु well, मन् to mind, aff. क्त ।
  • सुमति :: m. (-तिः) 1. The fifth Jina or Jaina teacher of the present era. 2. One of the Jainas of the past era. f. (-तिः) 1. Friendship, kind- ness, good disposition. 2. Favour of the gods, blessing. 3. Hymn, prayer. 4. Desire. E. सु good, मति intelligence or understanding.
  • सुमद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Very drunk, mad, or empassioned. E. सु, मद madness.
  • सुमदन :: m. (-नः) The mango-tree. E. सु + मद--निच्--ल्युट् ।
  • सुमदात्मजा :: f. (-जा) An Apsaras or courtezan or INDRA'S heaven. E. सु much, मद intoxication, and आत्मजा a daughter.
  • सुमधुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Pleasant, gentle, soothing, (speech or discourse.) 2. Sweet, saccharine. E. सु very, and मधुर sweet.
  • सुमध्य :: f. (-ध्या) Slender-waisted.
  • सुमध्यमा :: f. (-मा) A woman with a handsome waist. E. सु, मध्यम middle.
  • सुमन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Handsome, beautiful. m. (-नः) 1. Wheat. 2. The thorn-apple, (Datura metel.) f. (-ना) Great-flowered jasmine. E. सु good, मन् to think, aff. अच् ।
  • सुमनःफल :: m. (-लः) Elephant or wood-apple, (Feronia elephantium.) E. सुमनस् a flower, and फल fruit. “कत्बेल” ।
  • सुमनस् :: m. (-नाः) 1. A god, an immortal. 2. A Paṇḍit, a learned man or teacher. 3. A student of the Vedas, and supplementary sciences. 4. A plant, (Cæsalpinia Bonducella.) 5. Wheat. 6. The Nimba-tree. mn. (-नाः-नः) or fem., but then always plur., even in the singular acceptation. (-सः) A flower in general. f. sing. (-नाः) Great-flowered jasmine. Adj. 1. Good-minded. 2. Well-pleased. E. सु well, excellent, मन् to think, असि aff.
  • सुमनोभर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Ornamented with or having flowers. E. सुमनस्, and भर who has.
  • सुमनोरजस् :: n. (-जः) The pollen of a flower. E. सुमनस् a flower, रजस् dust.
  • सुमनोहर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Very agreeable, pleasing, beautiful, &c. E. सु, and मनोहर grateful.
  • सुमन्तु :: m. (-न्तुः) A saint and legislator so named. E. सु + मन--तुन् ।
  • सुमन्त्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Well or wisely counselled, well-advised. n. (-तं) Wise counsel. E. सु, and मन्त्रित advised.
  • सुमहत् :: mfn. (-हन् -हती -हत्) Very large or abundant. E. सु, महत् great.
  • सुमित्र :: m. (-त्रः) The father of the twentieth Jina of the present era. f. (-त्रा) One of the wives of DAŚARATHA, and the mother of LAKSH- MAṆA. E. सु good, and मित्र a friend.
  • सुमित्रभू :: m. (-भूः) 1. SAGARA, as one of the Chakravartis or emperors of the Jainas. 2. The twentieth Jina of the present period. E. सुमित्रं a proper name, and भू born.
  • सुमित्राभू :: m. (-भूः) LAKSHMAṆA.
  • सुमुख :: mfn. (-खः -खा or -खी-खं) 1. Pleasing, agreeable. 2. Lovely, hand- some-faced. m. (-खः) 1. The son of GARUḌA. 2. One of the serpents of Pātāla. 3. A kind of potherb. 4. A Paṇḍit, a learned man or teacher. 5. GANEŚA. n. (-खं) The mark or scratch of a finger- nail. f. (-खी) A species of the Trishṭubh-metre. f. (-खा or -खी) 1. A handsome woman. 2. A mirror. E. सु excellent, मुख countenance.
  • सुमुखसू :: m. (-सूः) GARUḌA. E. सुमुख his son, and सू producing.
  • सुमू :: mfn. (-मूः -मूः -मु) Who or what binds well. E. सु, मू to bind, क्विप् aff.
  • सुमेधस् :: mfn. (-धाः -धाः -धः) Sensible, intelligent, of good capacity or understanding. f. (-धाः) Heart-pea. E. सु good, मेधस् apprehension.
  • सुमेरु :: mfn. (-रुः -रुः -रु) Best, excellent. m. (-रुः) 1. The sacred mountain Meru: see मेरु . 2. ŚIVA. E. सु excellent, मि to shed or scatter, (radiance,) रु aff.
  • सुम्नयु :: m. (-युः) A chanter of hymns. E. सुम्न a particular hymn, used as a verb, उ aff.
  • सुम्पलुण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) Zedoary, (Curcuma Zerumbet.)
  • सुम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) A country so named; also read सुह्य ।
  • सुयन्त्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Well-governed or regulated. E. सु, यन्त्रित restrained.
  • सुयवस :: n. (-सं) Beautiful grass, good pasturage.
  • सुयामुन :: m. (-नः) 1. A name of VISHṆU. 2. A prince, sovereign of Kośāmbi; also named VATSA-RĀJ. 3. A palace. 4. A mountain. E. सु well, यमुना the river, and अण् aff.
  • सुयुद्ध :: n. (-द्धं) A well fought war or battle. E. सु, and युद्ध war.
  • सुयोधन :: m. (-नः) A name of DURYODHANA, the chief of the Kuru family. E. सु well, or with pleasure, युध् to combat, युच् aff.
  • सुर् :: r. 6th cl. (सुरति) 1. To possess superhuman power. 2. To shine; also षुर ।
  • सुर :: m. (-रः) 1. A god, a deity. 2. The sun. 3. A sage, a learned man. 4. The number “thirty-three”. f. (-रा or री) 1. Spirituous liquor in general personified: also as a nymph, produced at the churning of the ocean. 2. A drinking vessel. 3. A snake. 4. Water. E. षु to possess power, Unādi aff. रक्; or षुर् to be radiant, क affix; or सुरा wine, (whose, that falling to the share of the gods;) or सु excellent, राज् to shine, aff. ड, &c.
  • सुरकारु :: m. (-रुः) An epithet of Viśhwakarman.
  • सुरकार्मुक :: n. (-कं) A rainbow.
  • सुरक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) 1. Deeply or well-coloured or dyed. 2. Deep red, crimson. 3. Strongly affected or impassioned. E. सु well, रञ्ज् to dye, &c., aff. क्त्व ।
  • सुरक्तक :: m. (-कः) 1. A variety of red chalk, that called golden. 2. A fruit- tree, apparently a sort of mango, bearing a small red fruit. E. सुरक्त very red, and कन् added.
  • सुरक्षण :: n. (-णं) Taking good care of, protecting, preserving. E. सु, रक्षण preserving.
  • सुरक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Well-preserved or protected. E. सु well, रक्षित preserved.
  • सुरगण :: m. (-णः) A class or company of divinities. E. सुर, गण a number.
  • सुरगुरु :: m. (-रुः) VRIHASPATI, regent of Jupiter and preceptor of the gods. E. सुर a deity, and गुरु spiritual preceptor.
  • सुरग्रामणी :: m. (-णीः) INDRA, the ruler of Swarga. E. सुर a god, ग्रामणी leader.
  • सुरङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. The orange. 2. Bright or good colour or dye. 3. A hole cut in a wall. n. (-ङ्गं) 1. Red sanders. 2. Vermilion. f. (-ङ्गा) 1. A hole cut in a wall to break into a house, &c.; see सुरुङ्गा . 2. A subterranean passage. 3. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus.) 4. Crystal. E. सु well, and रङ्ग colour; or सृ-अङ्गच् ।
  • सुरङ्गद :: n. (-दं) Red sanders. E. सुरङ्ग good colour, द what yields.
  • सुरङ्गवातु :: m. (-तुः) Red chalk. E. सुरङ्ग good or much colour, धातु a mineral.
  • सुरङ्गयुज् :: m. (-युक्) A house-breaker. E. सुरङ्ग a hole in a wall, and युज् who joins or makes.
  • सुरजःफल :: m. (-लः) The jack-fruit tree. E. सुरजस् abundant farina, and फल fruit.
  • सुरजनी :: f. (-नी) Night. E. सु well, रजनी night.
  • सुरज्येष्ठ :: m. (-ष्ठः) BRAHMĀ. E. सुर a deity, and ज्येष्ठ elder.
  • सुरञ्जन :: m. (-नः) The betel-nut tree, (Areca faufel or catechu.) E. सु well, and रञ्जन pleasing, affecting.
  • सुरत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Compassionate, tender. 2. Playful. 3. Much enjoyed. n. (-तं) 1. Copulation, coition. 2. Great enjoyment. f. (-ता) Godhead, divinity. E. सु well, रम् to sport or play, aff. क्त; or सुर a deity, and तल् aff. of state or condition.
  • सुरतताली :: f. (-ली) 1. A female messenger, a go-between. 2. A chaplet, a garland for the head. E. सुरत coition, and ताल tune, &c., aff. ङीष् ।
  • सुरतप्रसङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Addiction to amorous pleasures.
  • सुरति :: f. (-तिः) Great enjoyment.
  • सुरतोषक :: m. (-कः) The jewel worn by KRISHṆA on his breast. E. सुर a deity, तुष् to please, ण्वुल् aff.
  • सुरदारु :: n. (-रु) A sort of Pine, (Pinus Devadaru.) E. सुर a deity, दारु wood.
  • सुरदीर्घिका :: f. (-का) The Ganges of heaven. E. सुर a god, दीर्घिका a pool.
  • सुरद्रुम :: m. (-मः) The Deodar Pine. E. सुर, and द्रुम a tree.
  • सुरद्विप :: m. (-पः) An elephant of the gods, either that of INDRA or of either of the other rulers of the different quarters. E. सुर god, and द्विप an elephant.
  • सुरद्विष् :: m. (-द्विट्) An Asura, an infernal being, the natural enemy of the gods. E. सुर a deity, and द्विष् an enemy.
  • सुरधनुस् :: n. (-नुः) The rainbow. E. सुर a god, धनुस् a bow; the bow of INDRA.
  • सुरधूप :: m. (-पः) Resin, turpentine. E. सुर a god, and धूप incense.
  • सुरन(ण)दी :: f. (-दी) The Ganges of heaven. E. सुर a god, and नदी a river.
  • सुरनिम्नगा :: f. (-गा) The Ganges. E. सुर a deity, and निम्नगा a river.
  • सुरन्दला :: f. (-ला) A river so named.
  • सुरपति :: m. (-तिः) INDRA, sovereign of the gods. E. सुर a deity, पति master.
  • सुरपथ :: n. (-थं) Sky, heaven. E. सुर a deity, and पथिन् a path.
  • सुरपर्ण :: n. (-र्णं) A drug, probably a leaf, commonly called Māchi-parṇi and described as pungent and bitter, anthelmintic, stomachic, and a remover of phlegm and catarrh. E. सुर a deity, and पर्ण a leaf.
  • सुरपर्णिका :: f. (-का) A tree, (Rottleria tinctoria.)
  • सुरपर्वत :: m. (-तः) The mount MERU.
  • सुरपुरी :: f. (-री) The capital of INDRA. E. सुर a god, and पुरी a city.
  • सुरप्रिय :: m. (-यः) 1. INDRA. 2. VRIHASPATI, the preceptor of the gods. 3. The Elœocarpus. E. सुर a deity, and प्रिय beloved by.
  • सुरभि :: mfn. (-भिः -भिः or -भी-भि) 1. Fragrant, sweet-smelling. 2. Pleasing, beloved. 3. Friendly, a friend. 4. Celebrated, famous. 5. Wise, learned. 6. Handsome. 7. Good, virtuous. m. (-भिः) 1. A fragrance, a perfume, a sweet-smelling substance. 2. The Michelia Champaca. 3. Nutmeg. 4. The month Chaitra, (March-April.) 5. Resin. 6. The Śamī-tree. 7. The Kadamba-tree. 8. A kind of fragrant grass. f. (-भिः or भी) 1. The gum Olibanum tree, (Boswellia thurifera.) 2. Murā, a sort of drug and perfume. 3. One of the divine Mātris. 4. A cow. 5. A fabulous cow, the cow of plenty, granting every wish. 6. Spirituous liquor. 7. The earth. 8. The holy basil. 9. Jasmine, of several sorts. n. (-भि) 1. Gold. 2. Sulphur. 3. Fragrance. E. सु well, excellently, रभ् to begin, इन् aff.
  • सुरभिका :: f. (-का) A sort of plantain. “चांँपाकला” ।
  • सुरभिगन्धि :: mfn. (-न्धिः -न्धिः -न्धि) Fragrant, sweet-smelling. E. सुरभि fragrant, गन्ध smell, इ substituted for the final.
  • सुरभित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Perfumed, rendered fragrant. E. सुरभि, इतच् aff.
  • सुरभित्वच् :: n. (-त्वक्) Large cardamoms. E. सुरभि fragrant, त्वच् bark.
  • सुरभिपत्रा :: f. (-त्रा) The rose-apple, (Eugenia jambu.) E. सुरभि fragrant, पत्रा leaved.
  • सुरभिवल्कल :: n. (-लं) The Laurus Cassia, or its bark. E. सुरभि fragrant, वल्कल bark. “दारुचिनि” ।
  • सुरभिवाण :: m. (-णः) KĀMA. E. सुरभि a fragrance, (a flower,) वाण an arrow.
  • सुरभिस्रवा :: f. (-वा) The gum Olibanum tree. E. सुरभि a fragrance, स्रव what distils.
  • सुरभीरसा :: f. (-सा) The gum Olibanum tree, (Boswellia thurifera.) E. सुरभी fragrant, रस juice, टाप् added.
  • सुरभूय :: n. (-यं) The condition of a deity, deification, apotheosis. E. सुर, भूय becoming.
  • सुरर्षि :: m. (-र्षिः) A Rishi, or sage of divine order, as NĀRADA, &c. E. सुर a deity, and ऋषि a saint.
  • सुरला :: f. (-ला) 1. The Ganges. 2. Another river so named. E. सुर a deity, and ला to get or have, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • सुरलासिका :: f. (-का) A flute.
  • सुरलोक :: m. (-कः) Swarga, the heaven of INDRA and residence of the celestials. E. सुर a deity, and लोक world.
  • सुरवर्त्मन् :: n. (-र्त्मं) Heaven, sky, ether, atmosphere. E. सुर a divinity, वर्त्मन् a road.
  • सुरविद्विष् :: m. (-द्विट्) An Asura, a titan. E. सुर, विद्विष् foe.
  • सुरवैरिन् :: m. (-री) An Asura, an infernal spirit. E. सुर a deity, वैरिन् an enemy.
  • सुरशत्रु :: m. (-त्रुः) An Asur, an infernal spirit. E. सुर a deity, शत्रु an enemy.
  • सुरस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) 1. Sweet. 2. Well-flavoured, sapid, juicy. 3. Elegant, (as a composition.) m. (-सः) A plant, (Vitex trifolia.) nf. (-सं-सा) Holy-basil. f. (-सा) 1. The mother of the Nāgas. 2. A plant, commonly Rāsnā, a kind of Ophiorrhiza, (Ophiorrhiza mangos.) 3. A sort of fennel, (Anethum sowa.) 4. The moon-plant, (Asclepias acida.) 5. A name of DURGĀ. 6. A species of the Atidhriti-metre. n. (-सं) 1. Gum-myrrh. 2. Cassia bark. 3. Fragrant grass. E. सु excellent, रस juice or flavour.
  • सुरसङ्घ :: m. (-ङ्घः) A company, a number of gods. E. सुर, सङ्घ a troop, &c.
  • सुरसद्मन् :: n. (-द्म) The heaven of INDRA. E. सुर a deity, सद्मन् a dwelling.
  • सुरसमिति :: f. (-तिः) An assemblage of the gods. E. सुर, समिति assembling.
  • सुरसरित् :: f. (-रित्) The Ganges. E. सुर deity, and सरित् a river.
  • सुरसाष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) A class of eight plants, viz:-- “निर्गुण्डी तुलसी ब्राह्मी वृहती कण्टकारिका । पुनर्नवेति मुनिभिः सुरसाष्टः प्रकीर्त्तितः ॥” E. सुरसा a juicy plant, and अष्ट eight.
  • सुरसिन्धु :: f. (-न्धुः) The river Ganges. E. सुर a deity, and सिन्धु a river.
  • सुरसुन्दरी :: f. (-री) 1. An Apsarā or courtezan of heaven. 2. A name of DURGĀ. E. सुर a deity, सुन्दरी a beauty.
  • सुराकर :: m. (-रः) The cocoanut-tree. E. सुरा vinous spirit or Toddy, कर what makes.
  • सुराग्रह :: m. (-हः) A vessel for taking liquor.
  • सुराङ्गना :: f. (-ना) An Apsarā or courtezan of heaven, a nymph, a sylph, a fairy. E. सुर, and अङ्गना a female.
  • सुराचार्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) VRIHASPATI, regent of JUPITER, and preceptor of the gods. E. सुर a deity, and आचार्य्य a spiritual teacher.
  • सुराजक :: m. (-कः) A plant, (Eclipta prostrata.)
  • सुराजा :: m. (-जा) A divinity. E. सु particle of eminence, राज् to shine, affs. टाप् and अच् ।
  • सुराजीव :: m. (-वः) A distiller. E. सुरा, and आजीव livelihood.
  • सुराजीविन् :: m. (-वी) A distiller. E. सुरा spirits, and जीविन् who lives by.
  • सुरात्रि :: f. (-त्रिः) A fine night. E. सु, and रात्रि night.
  • सुराधिप :: m. (-पः) INDRA. E. सुर, and अधिप chief.
  • सुराध्वज :: n. (-जं) A tavern flag or sign. E. सुरा, and ध्वज a flag.
  • सुराप :: mfn. (-पः -पी -पं) Drinking spirits. (-पः-पा-पं) 1. Wise. 2. Pleasant, agreeable. 3. Preserving spirits. E. सुरा vinous liquor, or सुर a deity, पा to drink or cherish, with or without the prefix आङ्, and ठक् or क aff.
  • सुरापगा :: f. (-गा) The Ganges. E. सुर a deity, and अपगा a river.
  • सुरापाण :: m. Plu. (-णाः) The inhabitants of eastern India. E. सुरा vinous liquor, and पान drinking; the final changed to णः see the next.
  • सुरापान :: n. (-नं) 1. Drinking spirituous liquors. 2. Eating any thing to excite thirst and promote drinking. E. सुरा spirits, पान drinking.
  • सुरापिन् :: mfn. (-पी -पिणी -पि) Drinking wine. E. सुरा, पा to drink, णिनि aff.
  • सुरापीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Drinking wine. E. सुरा, and पीत drunk.
  • सुराभाग :: m. (-गः) Yeast, barm. E. सुरा spirits, and भाग a part.
  • सुराभाजन :: n. (-नं) A wine-cup. E. सुरा, and भाजन a vessel.
  • सुरामण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) The upper part or froth of vinous liquor during fermentation, yeast, barm. E. सुरा, wine, and मण्ड scum.
  • सुरारि :: m. (-रिः) 1. An Asura, an infernal being opposed to the gods. 2. A spirit, a goblin, a Pisācha or Yaksha. 3. The chirp of the cricket. E. सुर a deity, and अरि an enemy.
  • सुरार्च्चन :: n. (-नं) Worshipping. E. सुरा, and अर्च्चन worshipping.
  • सुरार्ह :: n. (-र्हं) 1. Gold. 2. Saffron. E. सुर a god, and अर्ह worthy.
  • सुरालय :: m. (-यः) 1. The sacred mountain Meru, the extremity of the world's axis, and residence of the gods. 2. Swarga or paradise. 3. A tavern. E. सुर a deity, or सुरा spirituous liquor, and आलय abode.
  • सुराष्ट्र :: m. (-ष्ट्रः) A country on the western side of India, Surat. E. सु good, and राष्ट्र district.
  • सुराष्ट्रज :: nf. (-जं-जा) A fragrant earth. m. (-जः) 1. A sort of bean, a black variety of the Phaseolus Mungo. 2. A kind of poison. E. सुराष्ट्र Surat, ज born or produced.
  • सुरासन्धान :: n. (-नं) The distilling of spirituous liquor.
  • सुरासव :: n. (-वं) Spirituous liquor, the produce of rapid distillation. E. सुरा, आसव spirits.
  • सुराह्व :: n. (-ह्वं) A kind of Pine, (Pinus Devadaru.) E. सुर a deity, and आह्व appellation; being generally called the tree or timber of the gods, or देवद्रु, देवदारु; also सुराह्वय, &c.
  • सुरुङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A tree, (Hyperanthera morunga.) f. (-ङ्गा) A hole made under ground or through the walls of a building, for military or felonious purposes; a mine, a breach, &c. E. सु well, रञ्ज् to be intent on, aff. अच्, and उ substituted for the radical vowel; or सु + रुज्-अङ्गच्-पृषो० ।
  • सुरुङ्गाहि :: m. (-हिः) A house-breaker. E. सुरुङ्गा a hole in the wall, and अहि a snake.
  • सुरुज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Sick, unwell. E. सु much, रुज sick.
  • सुरूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Prominent, standing well up or out. E. सु, रूढ ascended.
  • सुरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा or -पी-पं) 1. Handsome, well-formed. 2. Wise, learned. E. सु excellent, and रुप form.
  • सुरूहक :: m. (-कः) A horse of the colour of an ass. E. सु well, रुह् to mount, क्वुन् aff.
  • सुरेज्य :: m. (-ज्यः) VRIHASPATI, teacher of the gods. E. सुर a deity, and इज्य preceptor.
  • सुरेन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) A name of INDRA. E. सुर a deity, and इन्द्र chief.
  • सुरेन्द्रजित् :: m. (-जित्) GARUḌA. E. सुरेन्द्र INDRA, and जित victor; having beaten off that deity, when pursued by him to recover the nectar which GARUḌA had stolen.
  • सुरेन्द्रलोक :: m. (-कः) The heaven of INDRA. E. सुरेन्द्र, and लोक a region.
  • सुरेभ :: n. (-भं) Tin. E. सु well, रेभ् to sound, aff. अच् ।
  • सुरेवट :: m. (-टः) A sort of betel-nut tree, (Areca gracilis or triandra.) E. सु + रेव्-अटन् ।
  • सुरेश्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. ŚIVA, or a personification of him, especially as one of the eleven Rudras. 2. INDRA. f. (-री) 1. The Ganges of heaven. 2. A name of DURGĀ. E. सुर a deity, and ईश्वर lord.
  • सुरेष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) 1. A tree, (Sesbana grandiflora.) 2. The Sāl tree. 3. A kind Punnāg or Rottleria. f. (-ष्टा) The moon-plant, (Asclepias acida.) E. सुर a deity, and इष्ट wished.
  • सुरै :: mf. (-राः) An opulent person. E. सु very, रै wealth.
  • सुरोत्तम :: m. (-मः) The sun. E. सुर a deity, and उत्तम best.
  • सुरोत्तर :: m. (-रः) Sandal-wood. E. सुर a deity, and उत्तर excellent.
  • सुरोद :: m. (-दः) The sea of spirituous liquor. E. सरा wine, and उद water.
  • सुलक्षण :: n. (-णं) 1. Ascertaining, determining. 2. A good mark or charac- teristic. f. (-णा) One of DURGĀ'S female companions. Adj. Having beautiful or auspicious marks. E. सु good, लक्षण a mark.
  • सुलक्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Well-determined or ascertained. E. सु, लक्षित marked.
  • सुलभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) 1. Easy, feasible, attainable, of easy acquisition or attainment, not difficult to be obtained or effected. 2. Suitable, natural to. E. सु ready, लभ acquiring; opposed to दुर्लभ or difficult.
  • सुललित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sporting gracefully. 2. Pleased, happy. n. Adv. (-तं) Delightedly, easily. E. सु, and ललित sported.
  • सुलोचन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Fine-eyed. m. (-नः) 1. A deer. 2. DURYODHANA. f. (-ना) A handsome woman. E. सु excellent, and लोचन an eye.
  • सुलोहक :: n. (-कं) Brass. E. सु good, लोह iron, and कन् added.
  • सुलोहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता or -हिणी-तं) Very red. f. (-ता) One of the seven tongues of AGNI or fire. E. सु very, लोहित red.
  • सुवचन :: n. (-नं) Eloquence, speaking well or elegantly. E. सु good, वचन speech.
  • सुवचस् :: mfn. (-चाः -चाः -चः) Speaking much, and eloquently or well. E. सु good, वचस् speech.
  • सुवन :: m. (-नः) 1. The sun. 2. Fire. 3. The moon. E. षु to produce, Unādi aff. क्युन् ।
  • सुवर्च्चक :: mf. (-कः-र्च्चका or र्च्चिका) Natron, E. सु well, वर्च्च् to shine, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • सुवर्च्चला :: f. (-ला) 1. A wife of the sun. 2. Linseed, (Linum utilatissimum.) m. (-लः) A country so named. E. सु well, वर्च्च् to shine, कलच् aff.
  • सुवर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Of a good tribe or caste. 2. Brilliant, bright. 3. Of a good colour. 4. Praiseworthy. n. (-र्णं) 1. Gold. 2. A sort of Sandal-wood. 3. A kind of red chalk or ochre. 4. Wealth,

property. 5. A weight of gold equal to sixteen Māshas, or about 175 grains troy. m. (-र्णः) 1. A tree, (Cassia fistula.) 2. A sort of sacrifice. f. (-र्णा) 1. Aloe-wood, the black kind. 2. Turmeric. 3. A bitter gourd. (Colocynth.) 4. Sida, (Cordifolia, &c.) E. सु excellent, वर्ण tribe or colour, &c.

  • सुवर्णक :: m. (-कः) A tree, (Cassia fistula.) n. (-कं) 1. Lead. 2. Brass, bell- metal. E. कन् added to the last.
  • सुवर्णकदली :: f. (-ली) A sort of plantain-tree bearing a bright yellow fruit. E. सुवर्ण gold, and कदली the plantain. “चापाकला” ।
  • सुवर्णकर्त्तृ :: m. (-र्त्ता) A goldsmith. E. सवर्ण, and कर्त्तृ who makes.
  • सुवर्णकार :: m. (-रः) A goldsmith. E. सुवर्ण gold, and कार a workman.
  • सुवर्णकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) A goldsmith. E. सुवर्ण gold, कृत् who makes.
  • सुवर्णगणित :: n. (-तं) (In arithmetic,) Medial allegation. E. सुवर्ण, गणित calculation.
  • सुवर्णगैरिक :: n. (-कं) A variety of red chalk, a sort of ochre. E. सुवर्ण gold, गैरिक red chalk.
  • सुवर्णचौर :: m. (-रः) A stealer of gold. E. सुवर्ण gold, and चौर thief.
  • सुवर्णपुष्पित :: Adj. Abounding in gold.
  • सुवर्णबिन्दु :: m. (-न्दुः) VISHṆU. E. सुवर्ण gold, and विन्दु, a dot or spot.
  • सुवर्णयूथी :: f. (-थी) Yellow jasmine. E. सुवर्ण gold, and यूथी jasmine.
  • सुवर्णवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Golden, having or being of gold. 2. Beautiful, handsome. Ind. (-वत्) Like gold. E. सुवर्ण, and मतुप् or वति aff.
  • सुवर्णवर्णा :: f. (-र्णा) Turmeric. E. सुवर्ण gold, and वर्ण colour.
  • सुवर्णसिद्ध :: m. (-द्धः) An adept who has acquired gold by magical means.
  • सुवर्णस्तेय :: n. (-यं) Stealing gold. E. सुवर्ण, and स्तेय theft.
  • सुवर्णाख्य :: m. (-ख्यः) A flower, (Mesua ferrea.) E. सुवर्ण gold, and आख्या appellation.
  • सुवल्लि :: f. (-ल्लिः-ल्ली) A shrub, (Serratula anthelmintica.) E. सु excellent, and वल्लि a stalk.
  • सुवस् :: mfn. (-वः) What covers or clothes well. E. सु, वस् to clothe, क्विप् aff.
  • सुवसन्त :: m. (-न्तः) The day of full-moon in the month of Chaitra, a festival in honour of KĀMADEVA. E. सु well, वसन्त spring; being in March-April.
  • सुवसन्तक :: m. (-कः) 1. A large creeper, (Cærtnera racemosa.) 2. A festival in honour of KĀMA-DEVA in the month of Chaitra. E. सु excellent, वसन्त the spring, and कन् added.
  • सुवह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) 1. Bearing or conveying well or pleasantly. 2. Pleasant of burden, to be borne with pleasure. 3. Patient, enduring. f. (-हा) 1. A flower, (Nyctanthes tristis.) 2. A shrub, (Mimosa octandra.) 3. Rāsnā, conjectured to be the ichneumon plant, (Ophiorrhyza mangos.) 4. A scandent shrub, (Cissus pedata.) 5. The gum Olibanum tree, (Boswellia thurifera.) 6. A Vinā, or lute. 7. A medicinal plant, commonly Teori, (Convolvu- lus turpethum.) E. सु well, much, or pleasantly, and वह bearing.
  • सुवास :: m. (-सः) 1. A pleasant or reputable dwelling. 2. An agreeable perfume. E. सु good, and वास abode, &c.
  • सुवासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Dwelling in a comfortable or respectable abode. f. (-सिनी) 1. A woman married or unmarried, residing in her father's house. 2. A term of courtesy for a respectable woman whose husband is alive. E. सु well, वास abode, इनि and ङीष् affs.
  • सुविक्रम :: m. (-मः) Prowess, valour. E. सु, and विक्रम power.
  • सुविक्रान्त :: m. (-न्तः) A hero. n. (-न्तं) Heroism, prowess. E. सु, and विक्रान्त valiant.
  • सुविचक्षण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Very clever. E. सु, and विचक्षण intelligent.
  • सुविचार :: m. (-रः) Deliberate or due consideration. E. सु, विचार consideration.
  • सुविचारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Well-weighed, deliberately considered. E. सु, and विचारित considered.
  • सुविद् :: m. (-विद्) A Paṇḍit, a learned man. f. (-विद्) A shrewd or clever woman. E. सु, well, विद् to know, aff. क्विप् ।
  • सुविद :: m. (-दः) An attendant on the women's apartments. E. सु well, विद् to know, aff. क; also सौविद ।
  • सुविदत् :: m. (-दत्) A king. E. सुविद् a Paṇḍit, अत् to associate with, aff. क्विप् ।
  • सुविदत्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) Related, of kin, a kinsman, &c. E. सु well, विद् to know, कत्रन् Unādi aff.
  • सुविदल्ल :: n. (-ल्लं) A harem, a seraglio. m. (-ल्लः) An attendant to a harem. f. (-ल्ला) A married woman. E. सुविदत् a king, ला to be or have, aff. ड, form irr.
  • सुविदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Well-known or understood. E. सु well, विदित known.
  • सुविध :: mfn. (-धः -धा -धं) Of a good kind, in a good or easy way. E. सु, विध kind.
  • सुविधि :: m. (-धिः) The ninth Jaina deified teacher of the present age. E. सु good, and विधि a precept.
  • सुविनीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Well trained, properly behaved. f. (-ता) A tractable cow. E. सु exceeding, and विनात well-behaved.
  • सुविलय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Easily fusible, liquefying. E. सु and वि before ली to melt, अच् aff.
  • सुविश्वस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Trusty, confidential. E. सु, and विश्वस्त trusted in.
  • सुविस्तर :: n. Adv. (-रं) Fully, at length. E. सु, and विस्तर expansion.
  • सुविस्तीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) 1. Well-spread or laid out. 2. Very broad. E. सु, and विस्तीर्ण spread.
  • सुविहित :: f. (-ता) Adj. 1. Well-placed. 2. Well-furnished, well-supplied. 3. Well-done.
  • सुवीज :: f. (-जा) Adj. Having good seed. m. (-जः) The poppy. n. (-जं) Good seed.
  • सुवीरक :: n. (-कं) A collyrium, prepared from the Amomum anthorhizon. E. सु well, वीर power, efficacy, and कन् added, or ण्वुल् aff.
  • सुवीराम्ल :: n. (-म्लं) Sour rice-gruel. E. सु very, वीर essence, अम्ल sour.
  • सुवीर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) 1. Great vigour. 2. The fruit of the jujube. f. (-र्य्या) Wild-cotton. E. सु good, and वीर्य्य essence.
  • सुवृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) 1. Virtuous, good. 2. Well or handsomely round. m. (-त्तः) A kind of esculent root. f. (-त्ता) Grape. E. सु, and वृत्त practised, &c.
  • सुवेल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Bowed, bent, stooping. 2. Tamed, humble, quiet. m. (-लः) A mountain; also called Trikuta. E. सु well, and वेल् to move or shake, aff. अच् ।
  • सुवेश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Well-dressed. E. सु, and वेश attire; also सुवेष .
  • सुवेषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Well-dressed, ornamented, decorated. E. सु, excellent, वेश ornament, decoration, इनि poss. aff.
  • सुव्यक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Plain, manifest. n. Adv. (-क्तं) Evidently, clearly. E. सु, and व्यक्त manifested.
  • सुव्यस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Dispersed. E. सु, and व्यस्त scattered.
  • सुव्रत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Virtuous, strict, rigidly observing any religious vow or obligation. m. (-तः) 1. The twentieth Jina of the present age; also named Munisuvrata. 2. One of the Jainas of the future era. 3. The religious student. f. (-ता) 1. The mother of the fifteenth Jaina of the present age. 2. A cow easily milked, one of a trac- table and gentle disposition. 3. A virtuous wife. E. सु well, good, व्रत a vow.
  • सुशंस :: f. (-सा) Adj. Well-spoken, praiseworthy, glorious.
  • सुशक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Easily made or done. E. सु, and शक able.
  • सुशर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्म) Exquisitely happy. m. (-र्म्मा) The name of a prince. E. सु exceeding, शर्म्मन् pleasure.
  • सुशल्य :: m. (-ल्यः) Khadira, (Mimosa catechu.)
  • सुशवी :: f. (-वी) 1. A kind of gourd, (Momordica charantia.) “कारवेल्ल” . 2. A sort of a spice, (Nigella Indica.) “कृष्णजीरक” . E. सु well, शव् to go, affs. अच् and ङीष्; also सुषवी, सुसवी, &c.
  • सुशासित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Well-governed. E. सु and शासित governed.
  • सुशिक्षित :: f. (-ता) Well-disciplined.
  • सुशिख :: m. (-खः) AGNI or fire. f. (-खा) 1. A peacock's crest. 2. A cock's comb. E. सु handsome, and शिखा a crest.
  • सुशिरस् :: mfn. (-राः -राः -रः) Having a fine head. E. सु, and शिरस् head.
  • सुशीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Very cold or cooling. n. (-तं) A yellow fragrant sort of Sandal-wood. E. सु very, शीत cold.
  • सुशीतल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Very cold or cooling, frigid, freezing. n. (-लं) A fragrant sort of grass; also कुत्तृण . E. सु very, शीतल cold.
  • सुशीम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Cold, frigid. m. (-मः) Cold, coldness. E. सु much, श्यै to go, aff. मक; more usually read सुषीम ।
  • सुशील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Well-disposed, of good temper or disposition. f. (-ला) 1. The wife of YAMA. 2. Name of one of KRISHNA'S eight favourite wives. E. सु well, and शील nature.
  • सुशीलता :: f. (-ता) Natural amiability, excellence of temper or disposition. E. तल् added to the last; also सुशीलत्व n. (-त्वं)
  • सुशीविका :: f. (-का) A sort of yam.
  • सुश्रुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Well-heard. 2. Versed in the Vedas. m. (-तः) Name of the author of a system of medicine, and son of VISHWĀ- MITRA. His work, named after him, together with that of CHARAKA, is regarded as the oldest medical authority in India. E. सु well, श्रुत heard.
  • सुश्लिष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्ठं) 1. Closely united or adhering to. 2. Well fitted. E. सु, श्लिष्ट united.
  • सुश्लेष :: m. (-षः) 1. Close or intimate union. 2. A close embrace. E. सु, and श्लेष embrace.
  • सुषम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Beautiful, handsome, pleasing. 2. Same, even, all. f. (-मा) 1. Exquisite beauty. 2. Great refulgence. 3. A period of time peculiar to the Jainas, the second division of a large period, containing six such portions, and that in which steady happiness is enjoyed by mankind: (the word however more usually occurs written सुखमा, as derived from सुख pleasure.) E. सु handsome, सम even, all, and the स changed after this particle.
  • सुषवी :: f. (-वी) 1. A sort of gourd, (Momordica charantia.) 2. Black cumin-seed, generally confounded with Kalonji, (Nigella Indica.) 3. Cumin-seed. E. सु well, षु to send or direct, aff. अच्, fem. aff. ङीष्; also सुशवी, &c.
  • सुषामन् :: mfn. (-मा -मा -म) Sweetly or kindly spoken. E. सु, सामन् calming.
  • सुषि :: f. (-षिः) 1. A hole. 2. Drying. 3. A tube or pipe. E. शुष्-इन्-पृषो०: स substituted for श; see शुषिर ।
  • सुषिर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Perforated, pierced. 2. Having apertures or holes. n. (-रं) 1. A hole, an opening. 2. A wind-instrument. f. (-रा) Nalukā, a perfume. m. (-रः) Fire. E. स substituted for श: see शुषिर ।
  • सुषीम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Cold, frigid. 2. Pleasant, agreeable. m. (-मः) 1. Cold. 2. A sort of snake. 3. The moon-gem. E. सु well, सीमा a limit; also read सुषिम and सुशीम ।
  • सुषुप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Fast asleep. E. सु well, ष्वप् to sleep, aff. क्त ।
  • सुषिप्ति :: f. (-प्तिः) 1. Deep sleep, profound repose, entire insensibility. 2. Spiritual ignorance. E. सु well, ष्वप् to sleep, क्तिन् aff.
  • सुषुप्सु :: mfn. (-प्सुः -प्सुः -प्सु) Wishing to sleep. E. ष्वप् to sleep, desid, v., उ aff.
  • सुषुम्णा :: f. (-म्णा) A particular artery of the body lying between the vessels called IDĀ and PINGALĀ.
  • सुषेण :: m. (-णः) 1. A fruit, (Carissa Carondas) “करम्चा” 2. VISHṆU. 3. The physician of the monkey chief SUGRĪVA. 4. A cane or reed, the ratan. f. (-णी) A plant, commonly Teori, (Convolvolus turpethum.) E. सु excellent, सेना a host or cluster.
  • सुषेणिका :: f. (-का) Black Teori, (Convolvulus turpethum.) E. कन् added to the last.
  • सुष्ठु :: Ind. 1. Much, very much. 2. Well, excellently. 3. Truly. E. सु well, स्था to stay, aff. कु ।
  • सुश्म :: n. (-श्मं) A rope, a cord. E. सु-मक्-सुक् च ।
  • सुसंगृहीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Well-kept or preserved. 2. Well-abridged. E. सु, संगृहीत taken.
  • सुसंस्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Dressed, seasoned, prepared with condi- ments, sauces, &c. 2. Entirely perfected, very highly finished, &c. E. सु well, संकृत made perfect.
  • सुसंस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Well-situated or placed. 2. Being or doing well. 3. Circumscribed, well-defined. E. सु and सम् before स्था to stay, aff. क्त ।
  • सुसहत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Well-compacted or united, well-kuit. E. सु, and संहत collected.
  • सुसन्नत :: f. (-ता) Adj. Well-directed, (as an arrow.)
  • सुसवी :: f. (-वी) A sort of pungent seed, either a black species of cumin- seed or the Nigella Indica: see सुषवी ।
  • सुसम्पद् :: f. (-म्पद्-म्पत्) Fortune, prosperity. E. सु good, सम्पद् prosperity.
  • सुसह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Easily borne or suffered. 2. Bearing or enduring well. E. सु well, and सह suffering.
  • सुसार :: m. (-रः) 1. The red sort of Khayer, (Mimosa catechu.) 2. Good essence or substance. 3. Competence. E. सु good, सार essence.
  • सुसारवत् :: n. (-वत्) Crystal. E. सु excellent, सार essence, मतुप् aff.
  • सुसीमा :: f. (-मा) The mother of the sixth Jaina teacher.
  • सुसेवित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Assiduously served or attended upon 2. Much addicted to. E. सु and सेवित served.
  • सुस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) 1. Well, healthy. 2. Happy, faring or living well. E. सु well, and स्थ being.
  • सुस्थता :: f. (-ता) 1. Health. 2. Welfare, happiness. E. सुस्थ being well, तल aff. of condition.
  • सुस्थयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Setting at rest, appeasing, consoling. E. सुस्थ being well, used as a verb, शतृ aff.
  • सुस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Living well or happily. 2. Being well, in health or condition. E. सु, and स्थित who or what stays in.
  • सुस्थिति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Well-being, welfare. 2. Health, convalescence. E. सु, and स्थिति staying.
  • सुस्थिर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Firm, steady, stable. 2. Resolute. 3. Cool. E. सु well, स्थिर steady.
  • सुस्ना :: m. (-स्ना) A sort of pease. “खेंँसारी” . E. सु + स्नै-क्विप् aff.
  • सुस्नात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Well-bathed. m. (-तः) A student, who has performed his ablutions preparatory or subsequent to a sacrifice. E. सु auspiciously, स्नात bathed.
  • सुस्मित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Smiling. f. (-ता) A woman with a pleasing or smiling countenance. E. सु well, pleasant, and स्मित smiling.
  • सुस्मूर्षमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Wishing or trying to recollect. E. स्मृ to remember, desid. v., शानच् aff.
  • सुस्वप्न :: n. (-प्नं) A lucky or good dream. E. सु, and स्वप्न a dream.
  • सुहसानन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Having a cheerful or smiling face. E. सु, हस् laughing, आनन face.
  • सुहस्ति :: m. (-स्तिः) One of the ten persons called Purbadharas by the Jainas.
  • सुहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Satiated, satisfied. 2. Fit, right, suitable. 3. Kindly, friendly. 4. Salutary, beneficial. f. (-ता) One of the seven tongues of AGNI or fire. E. सु well, हित placed, &c.
  • सुहृत्तम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Friendly, cordial, kind. E. सुहृत् a friend, तमप् aff.
  • सुहृत्ता :: f. (-त्ता) Friendship, affection. E. सुहृत्, and तल् aff.; also सुहृत्व ।
  • सुहृद् :: m. (-हृद् or हृत्) 1. A friend. 2. An ally. E. सु good, kind, हृद् heart.
  • सुहृदय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Good hearted. E. सु excellent, हृदय the heart.
  • सुहृद्बल :: n. (-लं) The army of an ally. E. सुहृद्, बल an army.
  • सुहृद्भेद :: m. (-दः) The separation of friends. E. सुहृद्, and भेद division.
  • सुहृद्वाक्य :: n. (-क्यं) A friend's advice.
  • सू :: f. (-सूः) 1. Sending ordering, dispatching. 2. Bearing, parturition. 3. Birth. 4. A mother. E. षू to bear or send, aff. क्विप् ।
  • सूक :: n. (-कं) 1. Air, wind. 2. An arrow. 3. A lotus. E. षू to bring forth, क्विप् affix, and कन् added.
  • सुकर :: m. (-रः) 1. A hog. 2. A potter. 3. A sort of deer, (the hog-deer.) f. (-री) 1. A sort of moss, (Lycopodium imbricatum.) 2. A sow. E. स substituted for श; see शूकर ।
  • सूक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Well or properly said. n. (-क्तं) 1. A hymn in the Rig-Veda. 2. A good or wise saying. f. (-क्ता) The Shārika or Mainā. E. सु well, उक्त spoken, (by which.)
  • सूक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Friendly speech. 2. Correct exposition.
  • सूक्षण :: n. (-णं) Disrespect. E. सूर्क्ष् to disrespect, aff. ल्युट्; the र rejected; also सूर्क्षण ।
  • सूक्ष्म :: mfn. (-क्ष्मः -क्ष्मा -क्ष्मं) 1. Little, small. 2. Minute, atomic. 3. Fine, delicate. 4. Ingenious, subtle. 5. Sharp, acute. 6. Crafty, artful. 7. Exact, precise, accurate. 8. Deteriorated, declined. m. (-क्ष्मः) 1. An atom. 2. Clearing-nut plant, (Strychnos pota-

torum.) n. (-क्ष्मं) 1. The Supreme Soul, the subtle and invisible spirit that pervades all existence. 2. Fraud, cheating. 3. Fine thread, &c. 4. A figure of rhetoric, the delicate or subtle expression of act or intention. 5. Subtlety, ingenuity, craft. 6. Minuteness. 7. One of the three kinds of power attainable by an ascetic. f. (-क्ष्मा) 1. A kind of jasmine, (Jasminum auriculatum.) 2. Small cardamoms. 3. A perfume, consisting of a substance in small grains: see Elabāluka. E. सूच् to inform or make known, मन् Unādi aff., सुक् च नेट् ।

  • सूक्ष्मतण्डुल :: m. (-लः) The poppy. “खस्खस्” . f. (-ला) 1. Long-pepper. 2. A sort of grass, (Andropogon muricatum.) E. सूक्ष्म fine, तण्डुल grain.
  • सूक्ष्मत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Fineness, subtilty. E. सूक्ष्म, त्व aff.; also with तल्, सूक्ष्मता ।
  • सूक्ष्मदर्शिता :: f. (-ता) Quick-sightedness, wisdom.
  • सूक्ष्मदर्शिन् :: mfn. (-र्शी -र्शिनी -र्शि) 1. Acute, quick, sharp-sighted, intelligent. 2. Acute discernment. E. सूक्ष्म small, fine, and दर्शिन् who sees.
  • सूक्ष्मदारु :: m. (-रुः) A thin plank of wood. E. सूक्ष्म fine, small, दारु wood.
  • सूक्ष्मपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) 1. Coriander-seed. 2. A wild-kind of cumin. 3. A sort of mustard. 4. A red sort of sugar-cane. 5. The gum Arabic tree, (Mimosa Arabica.) E. सूक्ष्म fine, small, and पत्र a leaf.
  • सूक्ष्मपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) Rāmadūti, a kind of basil. E. सूक्ष्म small, पर्ण a leaf.
  • सूक्ष्मफला :: f. (-ला) A fruit, (Flacourtia cataphracta.)
  • सूक्ष्मबुद्धि :: mfn. (-द्धिः -द्धिः -द्धि) 1. Sharp, shrewd, intelligent, acute. f. (-द्धिः) Mental acumen. E. सूक्ष्म and बुद्धि understanding.
  • सूक्ष्ममक्षिका :: f. (-का) A musquito, a gnat. E. सूक्ष्म small, मक्षिका a fly.
  • सूक्ष्ममान :: n. (-न) Exact measurement, precise computation, as opposed to स्थूलमान or rough calculation.
  • सूक्षमवस्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) Fine cloth. E. सूक्ष्म fine, वस्त्र cloth.
  • सूक्ष्मशरीर :: n. (-रं) The subtle body invested by and the archetype of the grosser and perceptible frame. E. सूक्ष्म, and शरीर body.
  • सूक्ष्मशर्करा :: f. (-रा) Small gravel, sand.
  • सूक्ष्मशालि :: m. (-लिः) A small and fine kind of rice. E. सूक्ष्म small and शालि rice.
  • सूक्ष्मषट्चरण :: m. (-णः) A sort of tick or louse breeding at the roots of the eye-lashes. E. सूक्ष्म small, and षट्चरण an insect.
  • सूक्ष्मीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Made thin or minute. E. सूक्ष्म, कृत made, च्वि aug.
  • सूक्ष्मीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Become fine, subtle, minute. E. सूक्ष्म, भूत become, and च्वि augment.
  • सूच् :: r. 10th cl. (सूचयति-ते) 1. To give information. 2. To espy. 3. To trace out, to ascertain. 4. To indicate by gesture. 5. To betray, to reveal, to inform against. 6. To point out, to suggest. 7. To pierce. With अभि, To indicate. With सम्, To foreshadow.
  • सूच :: m. (-चः) A pointed shoot or blade of the Kuśa grass. f. (-ची) A needle: see सूचि . f. (-चा) 1. Gesticulation. 2. Sight, seeing. 3. Pier- cing. E. सिव् to sew, चट् Unādi aff., and ऊ substituted for the final; or सूच् to make known, affs. अच् and टाप् ।
  • सूचक :: m. (-कः) 1. A spy, an informer. 2. A teacher, an instructor. 3. A needle, a piercer, any instrument for perforating. 4. A dog. 5. A crow. 6. A cat. 7. A scoundrel, a villain. 8. The manager or chief actor of a company. 9. A Buddha. 10. A Siddha. 11. A demon, an imp or goblin. 12. A kind of fine rice. f. (-चिका) 1. Indicating, proving. 2. Betraying, informing. E. सूच् to make known, ण्वुल् aff.
  • सूचकवाक्य :: n. (-क्यं) The information given by a spy.
  • सूचन :: nf. (-नं-ना) 1. Information, informing. 2. Teaching, shewing, describing. 3. Perforation. 4. Indication. 5. Hint. f. (-ना) 1. Pier- cing. 2. Wickedness. 3. Gesture, gesticulation, conveying any intimation by signs. 4. Sight, seeing. E. सूच् to make known, aff. युच् ।
  • सूचि :: mf. (-चिः-ची) 1. A needle. 2. Piercing, perforating. 3. Indication of a passion or feeling by signs, gesture, gesticulation. 4. A mode of dancing. 5. A mode of array, a sharp file or column. 6. A tri-

angle formed by the sides of a trapezium produced to the point of meeting. 7. A cone, a pyramid. 8. (In astronomy,) The earth's disc in computing eclipses. 9. An index, a catalogue. 10. The pointed blade of Kuśa grass. 11. The sharp point of anything. 12. The point of a bud. 13. Dramatic action. E. सूच् to make known, aff. इन्, and ङीप् optionally added; or सिव् to sew, &c., Unādi aff. चट्: see सूच ।

  • सूचिक :: m. (-कः) A tailor. f. (-का) 1. An elephant's trunk. 2. A needle. E. सूचि a needle, ठक् aff., or कन् added to the last.
  • सूचिकटाहन्याय :: m. (-यः) The maxim of the needle and the boiler. It is used to denote that, when two matters, (one easy and another diffi- cult,) require attention, the simple one should be despatched first.
  • सूचिकाधर :: m. (-रः) An elephant. E. सूचिका a trunk, and धर who has.
  • सूचिकासुख :: n. (-खं) A shell, a conch. E. सूचिका a needle, मुख a mouth.
  • सूचिखात :: m. (-तः) An sharp pyramid or pyramidal excavation. E. सूचि, and खात a pit.
  • सूचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Communicated, told, made known. 2. Ascer- tained. 3. Hinted. 4. Pierced. E. सूच to make known, क्त aff.
  • सूचिता :: f. (-ता) Needle-work. E. सूचि a needle, तल aff.
  • सूचिन् :: mfn. (-ची -चिनी -चि) 1. Spying, informing. 2. Piercing. 3. Pointing. 4. Informing against. m. (-ची) A spy, an informer: see सूचि . f. (-नी) 1. A needle. 2. Night. E. सूच् to make known, णिनि aff.
  • सूचिपत्रक :: m. (-कः) A kind of herb. n. (-कं) A paper of contents.
  • सूचिपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A flower, (Pandanus odoratissimus.) E. सूचि a needle, and पुष्प a flower; also सूचीपुष्प ।
  • सूचिभिन्न :: Adj. 1. Divided into needles. 2. Bursting open at the points of the buds; also सूचीभिन्न ।
  • सूचिमुख :: n. (-खं) The diamond. m. (-खः) 1. A bird. 2. The white Kuśa grass. 3. A particular position of the hands. E. सूचि a needle or a beak, and मुख mouth.
  • सूचिरोमन् :: m. (-मा) A hog. E. सूचि a needle, (a bristle,) रोमन् hair; also सूचीरोमन् ।
  • सूचिवत् :: m. (-वान्) GARUḌA. E. सूचि a needle, (a beak,) मतुप् poss. aff.
  • सूचिवदन :: m. (-नः) 1. The mungoose. 2. A musquito. E. सूचि a needle, (a sharp nose or proboscis,) and वदन face.
  • सूचीभेद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) 1. Palpable, tangible. 2. To be pierced, or penetrated by a needle. 3. Gross, dense. E. सूची, भेद्य to be pierced.
  • सूच्य :: mfn. (-च्यः -च्या -च्यं) Informable, communicable. E. सूच् to inform, यत् aff.; also सूचनीय and सूचितव्य ।
  • सूच्यग्र :: n. (-ग्रं) The point of a needle. E. सूची, and अग्र point.
  • सूच्यग्रस्थूलक :: m. (-कः) A sort of grass, (Saccharum cylindricum.) “उलुखड” . E. सूचि a needle, अग्र a point, and स्थूलक thick.
  • सूच्यास्य :: m. (-स्यः) A rat. E. सूची a needle, and आस्य face.
  • सूत् :: Ind. An imitative sound.
  • सूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Born, engendered. 2. Sent, dispatched. 3. Drank. 4. Gone, departed. m. (-तः) 1. A charioteer. 2. A carpenter. 3. A man of a mixed race, descended from a Kshetriya father, and mother of the sacerdotal tribe; his occupation is managing horses and driving cars. 4. A bard, an encomiast. 5. The sun. 6. Name of a pupil of VYĀSA. mn. (-तः-तं) Quicksilver. f. (-ता) A woman lying-in or recently delivered. E. षू to bring forth, क्त aff.
  • सूतक :: n. (-कं) 1. Birth, production. 2. Impurity from child-birth or miscarriage. mn. (-कः-कं) Quicksilver. f. (-का-तिका) A woman recently delivered. E. कन् added to the last.
  • सूतपुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) A name of KARṆA. E. सूत the sun, and पुत्र son; also सूतपुत्त्रक and similar compounds, as सूततनय, &c.
  • सूति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Birth, production, delivery, parturition, bringing- forth. 2. Offspring, progeny. 3. Sewing. 4. Source. 5. A place where Soma-juice is extracted. E. षू to bring forth, (as young,) or सिव् to sew, क्तिच् aff.; in the letter ऊ is substituted for the finals.
  • सूतिका :: f. (-का) A woman recently delivered. E. सू-क्त स्वार्थे क अत इत्त्वम् ।
  • सूतिकागृह :: n. (-हं) A part of a house appropriated to the women, or to a lying-in woman especially. E. सूतका or सूतिका a lying-in woman, and गृह house or room; hence also सूतकागृह n. (-हं) ।
  • सूतिकाभवन :: n. (-नं) The lying-in chamber: see the last. E. सूतिका a lying-in woman, and भवन a house.
  • सूतिकारोग :: m. (-गः) Puerperal sickness.
  • सूत्रिकाषष्ठी :: f. (-ष्ठी) A particular goddess worshipped on the sixth day after child-birth.
  • सूतिगृह :: n. (-हं) The lying-in chamber: see सूतिकागृह . E. सूति delivery, child-birth, गृह a house.
  • सूतीगृह :: n. (-हं) The lying-in chamber. E. सूति delivery गृह a house, the vowel made long: see सूतिकागृह ।
  • सूतीमास :: m. (-सः) The last month of pregnancy. E. सूति delivery, मास month; also सूतिमास ।
  • सूकार :: n. (-रं) Snorting, roaring, any sound expressive of impatience or aversion. E. सूत् imitative sound, and कार making.
  • सूत्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Superior. 2. Northern. E. सु very, उत्तर beyond.
  • सूयान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Dexterous, clever. n. (-नं) Good effort or exertion. E. सु well, उत्थान exertion.
  • सूत्पर :: n. (-रं) Distilling spirits. E. सु + उत् + पृ-अप् ।
  • सूत्या :: f. (-त्या) 1. Religious bathing, ablution, preparatory or subsequent to a sacrifice. 2. Drinking the juice of the acid Asclepias at a sacrifice. E. सू to bear, (fruit or offspring,) क्यप् aff., तुक् augment, and टाप् fem. aff.; also सुत्या ।
  • सूत्याशौच :: n. (-चं) Impurity from child-birth, continuing for ten days, or if in consequence of a miscarriage, for as many days as months have passed since conception. E. सूति child-bearing, अशौच impure-
  • सूत्र :: r. 10th cl. (सूत्रयति-ते) 1. To bind, to thread, to string. 2. To write in the form of a concise rule. 3. To plan, to systematize. 4. To unbind. to loosen.
  • सूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. A thread in general. 2. A rule, a precept, in morals or science; a short, obscure, and technical sentence, enjoying some observance in law or religion, or intimating some rule in grammar, logic, &c.; in each case it is the fundamental and primitive part of Hindu learning, and is the form in which the works of the early and supposed inspired writers appear; the ingenuity and labour of subsequent authors having expanded and explained the original Sūtras in various commentaries and glosses. 3. An opinion or decree, (in law.) 4. A string, a collection of threads, as that worn by the three first classes, &c. 5. The string or wire of a puppet. 6. A fibre. E. षिव् to sew, ष्ट्रन् Unādi aff., and इव changed to ऊ; or सूत्र to string, अच् aff.
  • सूवकण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) 1. A Brāhman. 2. A wagtail. 3. A dove, a pigeon. E. सूव a thread, and कण्ठ throat.
  • सूत्रकर्मन् :: n. (-र्म) Carpentry.
  • सूत्रकोण :: m. (-णः) A small hour-glass-shaped drum, struck by a string and button fastened to it. E. सूत्र a string, and कोण corner; also with कन् added, सूत्रकोणक m. (-कः) । “डमरु ।”
  • सूत्रगण्डिका :: f. (-का) A stick used in spinning the threads to be employed in weaving.
  • सूत्रग्रह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Who holds thread, &c. E. सूत्र, ग्रह् to take, अच् aff.
  • सूत्रग्राह :: mfn. (-हः -ही -हं) Who or what takes, but does not hold thread, &c. E. सूत्र, ग्रह् to take, अण् aff.
  • सूत्रचरण :: n. (-णं) Name of a class of charanas or Vedic schools that introduced various Sūtra works.
  • सूत्रण :: n. (-णं) 1. Arranging, putting in order. 2. Stringing. 3. Arrang ing in aphorisms. E. सूत्र used as a verb, ल्युट् aff.
  • सूत्रतन्तु :: m. (-न्तुः) A thread. E. सूत्र a thread, तन्तु the same.
  • सूत्रतकुटी :: f. (-टी) A distaff, a spindle. E. सूत्र a thread, तर्कुटी a spindle.
  • सूत्रदरिद्रता :: f. (-ता) Pancity of fibres or threads.
  • सूत्रधर :: m. (-रः) A stage-manager: see the next.
  • सूत्रधार :: m. (-रः) 1. The principal actor or manager of a company, and

chief interlocutor in the prologue or prelude to a drama. 2. A carpenter. 3. The author of a set of rules or axioms. 4. INDRA. E. सूत्र a rule, &c., and धार who holds; also सूत्रधर and सूत्रभृत् ।

  • सूत्रपिटक :: m. (-कः) Name of one of the three collections of Buddhistic writings.
  • सूत्रपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) The cotton-plant. E. सूत्र thread, पुष्प a flower.
  • सूत्रभिद् :: m. (-भिद् or -भित्) A tailor. E. सूत्र thread, भिद् who breaks or cuts.
  • सूत्रमध्यभू :: m. (-भूः) Incense. E. सूत्र thread, मध्य amidst, and भू born.
  • सूत्रयन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) 1. A shuttle, a thread-machine. 2. A weaver's loom. E. सूत्र a thread, and यन्त्र a machine.
  • सूत्रला :: f. (-ला) A spindle or distaff. E. सूत्र thread, ला to get, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • सूत्रवीणा :: f. (-णा) A sort of lute. E. सूत्र a thread, and वीणा a lute.
  • सूत्रवेष्टन :: n. (-नं) A weaver's shuttle. E. सूत्र thread, वेष्टन surrounding.
  • सूत्रात्मन् :: m. (-त्मा) The soul. Adj. Having the nature of a string.
  • सूत्रामन् :: m. (-मा) INDRA. E. सु well, त्रै to preserve, मनिन् aff., and the vowel of the prefix optionally made long; also सुत्रामन् ।
  • सूत्राली :: f. (-ली) A necklace or chain worn round the neck. E. सूत्र a thread, आली a line.
  • सूत्रिका :: f. (-का) A kind of dish.
  • सूत्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Arranged, methodised. 2. Ruled, directed in Sūtras. 3. Strung. E. सूत्र used as a vest, क्त aff.
  • सूत्रिन् :: mfn. (-त्री -त्रिणी -त्रि) Having threads, rules, &c. m. (-त्री) A crow. E. सूत्र a thread, इनि aff.
  • सूद :: m. (-दः) 1. A cook. 2. Sauce, seasoning. 3. A made dish, anything seasoned. 4. Split pease. 5. Mud, mire. 6. Destroying, massacre. 7. Distilling. 8. A well, a spring. 9. Sin, fault. E. षूद् to leak or distil, affs. अच् or घञ् ।
  • सूदकर्मन :: n. (-र्म) Cookery.
  • सूदत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Well or entirely given. E. सु, दत्त given, form irr.
  • सूदन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) 1. Destructive, destroyer. 2. Dear, beloved. n. (-नं) 1. Destroying, killing. 2. Assenting to, promising. 3. Ejecting, throwing away. E. षूद् to injure or kill, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • सूदशाला :: f. (-ला) A kitchen. E. सूद a cook, शाला a hall.
  • सूदाध्यक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) Superintendent of the kitchen. E. सूद a cook, अध्यक्ष superintendent.
  • सूदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Destroyed, killed. E. षूद् to destroy, क्त aff.
  • सदितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Destroyer, destroying. E. षूद्, तृन् aff.
  • सून :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Blown, budded, (as a flower.) 2. Empty, vacant, (probably for शून or शून्य in this sense.) 3. Born, produced. n. (-नं) 1. Bringing forth, (as young,) parturition. 2. A flower. 3. A bud. f. (-ना) 1. A daughter. 2. The uvula. 3. A shambles, a slaughter-house. 4. A place or utensil in a house, where, or by which, insects may be killed, as the hearth, the slab, the pestle and mortar, the broom, and the water-pot: see पञ्चसूना . 5. Hurting, injuring. 6. Inflammation of the glands of the neck. 7. A zone, a girdle. 8. A ray. 9. A river. 10. Mumps. 11. The sale of flesh. E. षू to bear, &c., aff. क्त; or षु the same, न Unādi aff.
  • सूनरी :: f. (-री) A respectable woman.
  • सूनवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Budding. 2. Bearing. E. षू to bear, क्तवतु aff.
  • सूनिन् :: m. (-नी) 1. A butcher. 2. A hunter, one who practises the death of animals. E. सूना a slaughter-house, इनि aff.
  • सूनु :: m. (-नुः) 1. A son. 2. A younger brother. 3. The sun. 4. A daughter's son. 5. A child, offspring. 6. The Arka-plant. f. (-नुः or -नू) A daughter. E. षू to bear, (as children,) नुक् Unādi aff.
  • सूनृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. True and agreeable. 2. Fortunate, auspicious. 3. Dear to, beloved by. 4. Kind, sincere, gentle. n. (-तं) Agreeable discourse or speech, but also true. E. सु well, नृत् to dance, (or excel,) घञ् aff., and the vowel of the prefix made long.
  • सून्मद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Mad, crazy, insane. E. सु much, उन्मद mad.
  • सून्माद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Mad, insane. E. सु much, उन्माद madness, (whose.)
  • सूप :: m. (-पः) 1. Sauce, condiment. 2. Soup, broth. 3. A cook. 4. A vessel. 5. An arrow. E. षु to bear, प Unādi aff.; the vowel made long.
  • सूपकार :: m. (-रः) A cook. E. सूप sauce, कार maker.
  • सूपत् :: Ind. Excellently well.
  • सूपधूपन :: n. (-नं) Asafœtida. E. सूप sauce, सूपन perfuming; also सूपधूपक ।
  • सूपपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A sort of bean, (Phaseolus trilobus.)
  • सूपसदन :: f. (-ना) Adj. Easy to be approached.
  • सूपस्कर :: f. (-रा) Adj. Furnished with good instruments.
  • सूपाङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) Asafœtida. E. सूप sauce, and अङ्ग member.
  • सूम :: mn. (-मः-मं) 1. Sky, heaven. 2. Milk. 3. Water. E. षू to bring forth, मक् Unādi aff.
  • सूर् (ई) सूरी :: r. 4th cl. (सूर्य्यते) 1. To hurt or kill. 2. To be stupid or dull. 3. To make firm.
  • सूर :: m. (-रः) 1. The sun. 2. The father of the 17th Jaina of the present era. 3. Paṇḍit. 4. A hero. 5. A king. 6. The Soma. 7. The Arka plant. f. (-री) Black mustard. E. षू to bring forth, क्रन् Unādi aff.
  • सूरचक्षुस् :: Adj. Radiant as the sun.
  • सूरण :: m. (-णः) An esculent root, (Arum campanulatum.) E. सूर् to hurt, aff. ल्युट्; also शूरण ।
  • सूरत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Compassionate, tender. 2. Tranquil, calm. E. सु well. रम् to sport or rest, क्त Unādi aff., and the vowel of the prefix made long; also सुरत ।
  • सूरसुत :: m. (-तः) An epithet of Saturn.
  • सूरसूत :: m. (-तः) ARUṆA, the personification of the dawn, as the charioteer of the sun. E. सूर the sun, and सूत charioteer.
  • सूरि :: m. (-रिः) 1. A Paṇḍit, a learned man. 2. A title commonly given to Jaina teachers. 3. KRISHṆA. 4. The sun. 5. A priest. 6. A worshipper. E. षू to bear, Unādi aff. क्रिन् ।
  • सूरिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Wise, learned. m. (-री) A Paṇḍit, a scholar, a learned man. E. सूर् to injure, to dispel, (ignorance, &c.) णिनि aff.
  • सूरी :: f. (-री) Name of the wife of the sun.
  • सूर्क्ष् :: r. 1st cl. (सूर्क्षति) To disregard; more properly षूर्क्ष्; also सूर्क्ष्य्, &c.
  • सूर्क्षण :: n. (-णं) Disrespect, contumely, contempt. E. षूर्क्ष् to treat with disrespect, ल्युट् aff.; also सूर्क्ष्यण and सूक्षण ।
  • सूर्क्ष्य् :: r. 1st cl. (सूर्क्ष्यति) 1. To envy, to be impatient of another's success. 2. To be intolerant; also षूर्क्ष्य् ।
  • सूर्क्ष्य :: m. (-र्क्ष्यः) A kind of bean, (Phaseolus radiatus.) E. सूर्क्ष् to disrespect, यत् aff.; also सूर्क्ष ।
  • सूर्ण :: f. (-र्णा) Adj. Hurt, injured.
  • सूर्प्प :: mn. (-र्प्पः-र्प्पं) 1. A winnowing basket. 2. A measure of two DRONAS. E. सूर्प्प् to measure, aff. घञ्; or शृ to injure, प Unādi aff., and the vowel and initial changed: this word and its compounds are hence more usually written शूर्प्प, &c. q. v.
  • सूर्पणखा :: f. (-खा) The sister of RĀVAṆA. E. सूर्प, नख a nail.; also शूर्पणखा .
  • सूर्म्मि :: f. (-र्म्मिः-र्म्मी) 1. An image of metal, chiefly of iron. 2. The pillar of a house. 3. Brightness, radiance. E. श changed to सः : see शूर्म्मी ।
  • सूर्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) 1. The sun. 2. Gigantic swallow wort, (Asclepias gigantea.) 3. The son of BALI. f. (-र्य्या) 1. The wife of the sun. 2. A bitter- gourd. 3. A new bride. E. सृ to go, (in the heavens,) क्यप् aff., form irr.
  • सूर्य्यकान्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. The sun-gem, sometimes applied to crystal, but usually to a stone of fabulous existence and properties. 2. A tree, (Hibiscus phœniceus,) the red sort. E. सूर्य्य the sun, कान्त a gem.
  • सूर्य्यकान्वि :: f. (-न्तिः) 1. The flower of the Sesamum. 2. sun-shine. E. सूर्य्य the sun, and कान्ति lustre.
  • सूर्य्यकाल :: m. (-लः) Day. E. सूर्य्य the sun, काल time.
  • सूर्य्यकालानलचक्र :: n. (-क्रं) A kind of astrological diagram for indicating good or bad fortune.
  • सूर्य्यग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. The sun. 2. An eclipse of the sun. 3. The personi- fied ascending and descending node, or RĀHU and KETU. 4. The bottom of a water-jar. E. सूर्य्य the sun, and ग्रह a planet; or seizing, laying hold of.
  • सूर्य्यग्रहण :: n. (-णं) A solar eclipse.
  • सूर्य्यज :: m. (-जः) 1. The monkey SUGRĪVA. 2. The hero KARṆA. 3. SATURN. f. (-जा) The river Yamunā. E. सूर्य्य the sun, ज born.
  • सूर्य्यतनय :: m. (-यः) 1. KARṆA. 2. SUGRIVA. f. (-या) The river Yamunā. E. सूर्य्य the sun, तनय child; also similar compounds, सूर्य्यपुत्त्र, &c.
  • सूर्य्यतेजस् :: n. (-जः) The radiance or heat of the sun. E. सूर्य्य, तेजस् light.
  • सूर्य्यनक्षत्र :: n. (-त्रं) That of the twenty-seven constellations in which the sun happens to be.
  • सूर्य्यपर्वन् :: n. (-र्व) A solar festival, on the days of the solstices, equinoxes, eclipses, &c.
  • सूर्य्यपुत्त्र :: m. (-त्त्रः) 1. VARUṆA. 2. ŚANI or Saturn. 3. YAMA. f. (-त्त्री) 1. Lightning. 2. The river Yamunā. E. सूर्य्य the sun, and पुत्त्र the child; applicable also to KARṆA, SUGRĪVA, &c.
  • सूर्य्यप्रभव :: Adj. Sprung from the sun.
  • सूर्य्यफणिचक्र :: n. (-क्रं) A kind of astrological diagram for indicating good or bad fortune.
  • सूर्य्यभक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Devoted to, or worshipping the sun. m. (-क्तः) A flower, (Pentapetes phœnicea.) E. सूर्य्य the sun, भक्त attached to.
  • सूर्य्यभक्तक :: m. (-कः) 1. A flower, (Pentapetes phœnicea.) 2. A worshipper of the sun. E. कन् added to the last.
  • सूर्य्यमणि :: m. (-णिः) 1. A tree, (Hibiscus phœniceus.) 2. The sun-stone, a crystal lens or a fabulous sort of gem. E. सूर्य्य the sun, मणि a jewel.
  • सूर्य्यमण्डल :: n. (-लं) The orb or disc of the sun. E. सूर्य्य and मण्डल circle.
  • सूर्य्ययन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) 1. A representation of the sun, used in worshipping that divinity. 2. An instrument used in taking solar observation.
  • सूर्य्यरश्मि :: m. (-श्मिः) A ray of the sun.
  • सूर्य्यलता :: f. (-ता) A plant, (Cleome viscosa.) E. सूर्य्य the sun, and लता a creeper.
  • सूर्य्यलोक :: m. (-कः) The heaven of the sun.
  • सूर्य्यवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) A plant, (Cleome pentaphylla.) E. सूर्य्य the sun, and वल्ली a pedicle.
  • सूर्य्यविलोकन :: n. (-नं) The ceremony of taking a child out to see the sun when four months old.
  • सूर्य्यसङ्क्रम :: m. (-सः) The passage of the sun from one sign to another. E. सूर्य्य, and सङ्क्रम going.
  • सूर्य्यसङ्क्रान्ति :: f. (-न्तिः) The sun's entrance into a new sign. E. सूर्य्य, सङ्क्रान्ति transit.
  • सूर्य्यसंज्ञ :: n. (-ज्ञं) Saffron. E. सूर्य्य the sun, and संज्ञ appellation.
  • सूर्य्यसारथि :: m. (-थिः) The charioteer of the sun, ARUṆA or the personi- fied dawn. E. सूर्य्य the sun, and सारथि a charioteer.
  • सूर्य्यहृदय :: n. (-यं) Name of a hymn to the sun.
  • सूर्य्यार्घ :: n. (-र्घं) The presentation of an offering to the sun.
  • सूर्य्यालोक :: m. (-कः) Sun-shine. E. सूर्य्य the sun, and आलोक light.
  • सूर्य्यावर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) 1. A plant, (Cleome viscosa.) 2. A sun-flower, (Helian- thus indicus.) E. सूर्य्य the sun, and आवर्त्त revolving.
  • सूर्य्यावेक्षण :: n. (-णं) Looking at the sun. E. सूर्य्य, and अवेक्षण looking at.
  • सूर्य्याश्मन् :: m. (-श्मा) The sun-gem. E. सूर्य्य the sun, and अश्मन् a stone.
  • सूर्य्याश्व :: m. (-श्वः) A horse of the sun. E. सूर्य्य the sun, and अश्व a horse.
  • सूर्य्यास्त :: n. (-स्तं) Sun-set. E. सूर्य्य the sun अस्त setting.
  • सूर्य्याह्व :: n. (-ह्वं) Copper. m. (-ह्वः) Gigantic swallow-wort. E. सूर्य्य the sun,
  • सूर्य्येन्दुसङ्गम :: m. (-नः) Day of new-moon, when the moon rises invisible. E. सूर्य्य the sun, इन्दु the moon, सङ्गम conjunction.
  • सूर्य्योढ :: m. (-ढः) 1. An evening guest, one who claims hospitality after sun-set. 2. The time of sun-set. E. सूर्य्य the sun, and ऊढ borne.
  • सूर्य्योदय :: m. (-यः) Sun-rise. E. सूर्य्य the sun, and उदय rising.
  • सूष् :: r. 1st cl. (सूषति) To bring forth, to bear, to beget; also षूष् ।
  • सषणा :: f. (-णा) A mother.
  • सूष्यती :: f. (-ती) A woman who is parturient.
  • सृ :: r. 1st cl. (सरति) r. 3d cl. (ससर्त्ति) To go, r. 1st cl. (सरति or धावति) 1. To go fast, to run, (धै being substituted for the root.) 2. To pro- ceed. 3. To approach. 4. To flow. 5. To blow. With अनु prefixed., 1. To follow. 2. To conform to. 3. To go to. 4. To return to. With अप, To go back, to withdraw or remove. With अभि, 1. To spread out or abroad. 2. To go to or with, to accompany or attend, or to meet upon appointment. 3. To attack. With उप, 1. To approach, to advance. 2. To visit. With निर्, To go forth or out. With प्र, 1. To proceed. 2. To extend. 3. To project, 4. To pass- away, (as time.) 5. To be prevalent. 6. To predominate. With वि,

1. To go separately or apart. 2. To come or arrive. 3. To spread. 4. To forego, to quit or leave. With प्रति, 1. To go towards, to assail. 2. To go back. With सम्, To obtain. With निस्, 1. To slip. 2. To depart. 3. To ooze out. With परि, 1. To flow round. 2. To go round.

  • सृक :: m. (-कः) 1. A lotus. 2. Air, wind. 3. An arrow. 4. A thunder- bolt. E. सृ to go, कक् Unādi aff.
  • सृकण्डु :: f. (-ण्डुः) Itch, psora, scab.
  • सृकाल :: m. (-लः) A jackal. E. सृ to go, कालन् aff., कुक् augment; also सृगाल, शृकाल, &c.
  • सृक्कन् :: n. (-क्क) The corner of the mouth. E. सृज् to quit, (saliva,) कनिन् aff., form irr.; this word has various forms, as with a final vowel सृक्क n. (-क्कं) with क्वन्, or क्वनिन्, सृक्व n. (-क्वं) or सृक्वन् n. (-क्व); with क्कि or क्वि aff.: सृक्कि n. (-क्कि) or सृक्वि n. (-क्वि); with इनि, सृक्किन् n. (-क्कि) or सृक्विन् n. (-क्वि) and with ङीष् added, fem. form, सृक्विणी, सृक्विणी, &c.
  • सृग :: m. (-गः) 1. A sort of arrow, thrown with the hand or shot through a tube. 2. A sling. E. सृ to go, aff. गक् ।
  • सृगाल :: m. (-लः) 1. A jackal. 2. A Daitya or demon. E. सृज् to let go, कालन् aff; more usually शृगाल ।
  • सृङ्का :: f. (-ङ्का) A kind of garland made of jewels.
  • सृज् :: r. 4th cl. (सृज्यते) r. 6th cl. (सृजति) 1. To leave, to quit. 2. To be left or abandoned. 3. To create, to make. 4. To let loose. 5. To shed. 6. To throw. 7. To place on, to apply. 8. To beget. 9. To send away. With अति, 1. To leave. 2. To give. 3. To remit. With अभि, To give. With अव, 1. To let loose. 2. To cast. With उद्, 1. To shed. 2. To let loose. 3. To abandon. 4. To shoot. 5. To throw away. 6. To dismiss. 7. To return. 8. To repu- diate. 9. To decline. With उप, 1. To pour out or on, to make an oblation. 2. To join. 3. To oppress. 4. To eclipse. With नि, To deliver, to set free. With प्र, 1. To abandon. 2. To injure. With वि, 1. To shed. 2. To abandon. 3. To drop. 4. To send. 5. To let fall. 6. To repudiate. 7. To utter. 8. To give. With उत् or वि prefixed, To abandon, to quit, to reject. With सम्, To unite, to be in alliance or contact with.
  • सृज् :: m. (-सृक् or सृग्-सृट् or सृड्) A Creator. E. सृज् to create, aff. क्विप् ।
  • सृजिकाक्षार :: m. (-रः) Natron, alkali. E. See सर्ज्जिकाक्षार ।
  • सृज्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being made or created. E. सृज् to create, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • सृणि :: m. (-णिः) 1. An enemy. 2. The moon. mf. (-णिः or -णिः-णी) A hook used to drive an elephant. E. सृ to go, नि Unādi aff., and the vowel unchanged.
  • सृणिका :: f. (-का) Saliva. E. सृ to go, नि added, and कन् aff.; or सृ as before, with ईकन् Unādi aff., and नुम् augment, सृणीका f. (-का ।)
  • सृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Gone. E. सृ to go, aff. क्त ।
  • सृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. A road, a path, a way. 2. Going, gliding, proceeding. 3. Hurting, injuring. E. सृ to go, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • सृत्वर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Going, moving. f. (-री) 1. A stream, a river. 2. A mother. E. सृ to go, क्वरप् aff., तुक् augment.
  • सृदर :: m. (-रः) A snake. E. सृ to go, दर Unādi aff.; or सृ-अरक् दुक् च ।
  • सृदाकु :: m. (-कुः) 1. Fire. 2. Air, wind. 3. INDRA'S thunderbolt. 4. The disc or orb of the sun. f. (-कुः) A river in general. E. सृ to go, काकु Unādi aff., and दुक् augment.
  • सृप् (ऌ) सृपॢ :: r. 1st. cl. (सर्पति) 1. To go, to move. 2. To creep, to crawl. With अप, 1. To go from, to depart. 2. To deviate from. 3. To espy. With उप, 1. To go near. 2. To undergo. 3. To go forth. 4. To move. With अनु, To approach. With उद्, To rise, to overflow. With परि, To move to and fro. With प्र, 1. To proceed, to come forth. 2. To prevail, to spread. With वि, 1. To sneak about, to fly about. 2. To march, to proceed. 3. To spread. 4. To fall, to flow. 5. To disperse. 6. To wind. 7. To run away. With सम्, 1. To flow. 2. To glide.
  • सृपाट :: mf. (-टः-टी) A kind of measure. E. सृ to go, पाट aff.; or सृप्-काटन् ।
  • सृपाटिका :: f. (-का) The beak of a bird. E. सृ to go, पाट aff., कन् added, fem. form.
  • सृप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Gone, going. E. सृप् to go, क्त aff.
  • सृप्र :: m. (-प्रः) The moon. E. सृप् to go, रक् Unādi aff.; or सृप्-क्रन् ।
  • सृभ् :: r. 1st cl. (सर्भति) इ, सृभि (सृम्भति) To injure or kill.
  • सृमर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Going, going well or quickly. m. (-रः) A kind of animal; according to some authorities, a young deer. E. सृ to go, क्मरच् aff.
  • सृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Created, made. 2. Much, many. 3. Ascertained. 4. Joined, attached, connected. 5. Ornamented, adorned. 6. Left, abandoned. 7. Poured out. E. सृज् to create, aff. क्त ।
  • सृष्टवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Creating, making. E. सृज् to create, क्तवतु aff.
  • सृष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) 1. Creation, creating. 2. Nature, natural property or disposition. 3. The absence of properties. 4. The existence of properties or qualities. 5. Giving away, gift. 6. Letting loose. E. सृज् to create or abandon, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • सृष्ट्वा :: Ind. Having created. E. सृज् to create, क्त्वा aff.
  • सॄ :: r. 9th cl. (सृणाति) To hurt, to injure, to kill.; also षॄ ।
  • सेक् (ऋ) (सेकृ) :: r. 1st cl. (सेकते) To go, to move.
  • सेक :: m. (-कः) 1. Sprinkling, aspersion, as of a fluid, or of Ghee on the sacrificial fire, &c. 2. Seminal effusion. E. षिच् to sprinkle, aff. घञ् ।
  • सेकपात्र :: n. (-त्रं) A bucket, a baling vessel. E. सेक sprinkling, पात्र vessel.
  • सेकिम :: n. (-मं) A radish. E. षिच् to sprinkle, इमच् aff.; or सेक् वा डिम ।
  • सेक्तृ :: mfn. (-क्ता -क्त्री -क्तृ) Sprinkling, aspergent, who or what sprinkles. m. (-क्ता) A husband. E. षिच् to sprinkle, aff. तृच् ।
  • सेक्त्र :: n. (-क्त्रं) A bucket. E. षिच् to sprinkle, aff. ष्ट्रन् ।
  • सेचक :: mfn. (-क्रः -का -कं) Sprinkling, a sprinkler. m. (-कः) A cloud. E. षिच् to sprinkle, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • सेचन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sprinkling, aspersion. 2. Dripping, oozing. nf. (-नं-नी) A bucket, a baling vessel. E. षिच् to sprinkle, aff. ल्युट् .
  • सेटु :: m. (-टुः) 1. The water-melon. 2. A kind of cucumber, (Cucumis Madraspatanus.) E. षिट् to disregard, उन् aff.
  • सेतु :: m. (-तुः) 1. A mound, a bank, a causeway, dyke, an elevated piece of ground separating fields, and serving, during their inundation in the rains, for the passage of travellers, &c. 2. A bridge. 3. A pass, a defile, a road practised in mountainous countries, and places of difficult access. 4. A land-mark. 5. A boundary. 6. A barrier, an obstruction of any kind. 7. A fixed rule or law. 8. An epithet of the sacred syllable “Om.” 9. A tree, (Tapia cratæva.) E. षि to bind, तुन् Unādi aff.
  • सेतुक :: m. (-कः) 1. A tree, (Tapia cratæva.) 2. A causeway, a pass. E. कन् added to the last.
  • सेतुबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) 1. The ridge of rocks extending from the south extre- mity of the Coromandel coast towards the island of Ceylon, sup- posed to have been formed by HANUMĀN by command of RĀMA, as a bridge for the passage of his forces, when going against RĀVAṆA. 2. Any dyke or dam, &c. E. सेतु a bridge, बन्ध a binding.
  • सेतुभेदिन् :: m. (-दी) A plant, commonly Danti, (Croton polyandrum.)
  • सेतुवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A tree, (Tapia craræva.) E. सेतु the same, वृक्ष a tree.
  • सेत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A ligament, a fetter. E. षि to bind, ष्ट्रन् aff.
  • सेदिवस् :: f. (-दुषी) Sitting.
  • सेधा :: f. (-धा) A porcupine.
  • सेन :: f. (-ना) Adj. Having a lord.
  • सेना :: f. (-ना) 1. An army. 2. A goddess, commonly known by DEVA-SENĀ, the personified armament of the gods, the wife of KĀRTIKEYA. 3. The mother of the third Jaina pontiff of the present era. E. षि to bind, नक् and टाप् aff.; or स with, इन a lord or leader.
  • सेनाग्रग :: m. (-गः) The leader of an army. E. सेनाग्र the front of an army, ग who goes.
  • सेनाङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) A component part or member of an army, as elephants, chariots, cavalry or infantry. E. सेना an army, अङ्ग limb or member.
  • सेनाचर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) A soldier, a camp-follower, &c., one belonging to or who accompanies an army. E. सेना an army, चर् to go, ट aff.
  • सेनानिवेश :: m. (-शः) The camp of an army.
  • सेनानी :: m. (-नी) 1. A general, the commander of an army. 2. KĀRTIKEYA, the military deity of the Hindus. E. सेना an army, णी to lead, aff. क्विप् ।
  • सेनापति :: m. (-तिः) 1. A general, the commander of an army. 2. KĀRTIKEYA. E. सेना an army and पति master.
  • सेनापतित्व :: n. (-त्वं) Generalship. E. त्व added to the last.
  • सेनापृष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) The rear of an army.
  • सेनाभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) The breaking of an army.
  • सेनामुख :: n. (-खं) 1. A division of an army or battalion, consisting of three elephants, three chariots, nine horses, and fifteen foot. 2. A mound or covered way in front of a city-gate. E. सेना an army, and मुख commencement.
  • सेनायोग :: m. (-गः) The equipment of an army.
  • सेनारक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A guard, a picket, a sentinel, &c. E. सेना an army, and रक्ष what protects or guards.
  • सेफ :: m. (-फः) The penis. E. श changed to स; see शेफ, शेफम्, &c.
  • सेर :: m. (-रः) A kind of measure.
  • सेरराह :: m. (-हः) A horse of a milk-white colour: see the next.
  • सेराह :: m. (-हः) A horse of a milk-white colour; also सेरराह ।
  • सेरु :: mfn. (-रुः -रुः -रु) Binding, tying. E. षि to bind, रु aff.
  • सेल् (ऋ) सेऌ :: r. 1st cl. (सेलति) To go or move; preferably षेल् ।
  • सेलु :: m. (-लुः) A tree, (Cordia myxa:) see शेलु ।
  • सेव् (ऋ) सेवृ :: r. 1st cl. (सेवते) 1. To serve, to gratify by service. 2. To follow. 3. To use, to enjoy. 4. To attend to, to cultivate, to perform. 5. To enjoy, (sexually.) 6. To dwell in, to frequent. 7. To watch over. With आ, 1. To enjoy. 2. To practise. With उप, 1. To apply oneself to. 2. To perform. 3. To enjoy. 4. To serve. With नि, 1. To pursue. 2. To practise. 3. To employ. 4. To enjoy. 5. To inhabit. 6. To observe. 7. To attend. With परि, To take; preferably षेवृ ।
  • सेवक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Servile, dependent. 2. Practising. 3. Serving. m. (-कः) 1. A sack. 2. A servant. 3. A votary. E. षेव् to serve, or विव् to sew, ण्वुल् aff.
  • सेवकाल :: m. (-लः) A plant, commonly Dugdha-peyā; also सेवकालुः ।
  • सेवधि :: m. (-धिः) A divine treasure, a substance considered as the trea- sure of KUVERA. E. सेव service, धा to have, aff. कि; also शेवधि ।
  • सेवन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sewing, darning, stitching. 2. A sack. 3. Service, worship. 4. Using, practising, following, being addicted to, or fond of. 5. Enjoying sexually. f. (-नी) 1. A needle. 2. (In anatomy,) A peculiar union of parts, of which seven instances occur in the body: viz:--the five sutures of the cranium, the frenum of the tongue, and that of the glans penis. 3. A seam. E. षिव् to sew, or षेव् to serve, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • सेवनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be served, waited on, or honoured. 2. To be followed or practised. E. सेव् to serve, अनीयर् aff.; also सेवितव्य and सेव्य ।
  • सेवन्ती :: f. (-न्ती) The Indian white rose, (Rosa alba;) also सेवती ।
  • सेवमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Serving, attending on. 2. Pursuing, practi- sing, being addicted to. E. सेव, and शानच् aff.
  • सेवा :: f. (-वा) 1. Service, servitude. 2. Worship, homage. 3. Addition to. 4. Use, practise, employment. 5. Resorting to, frequenting. E. षेव् to serve, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • सेवाकाकु :: f. (-कुः) Change of voice in service.
  • सेवाधर्म :: m. (-र्मः) 1. The functions of service. 2. The duty or rule of service.
  • सेवि :: n. (-वि) 1. The jujube. 2. An apple. E. सेव-कर्मणि इन् ।
  • सेवित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Served, obeyed, honoured, worshipped, adored. 2. Protected, preserved. 3. Pursued, practised, used. 4.

Infested or frequented by, inhabited. n. (-तं) 1. The jujube. 2. An apple. E. षेवृ to gratify by service, aff. क्त ।

  • सेवितृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) 1. Who or what serves, worships, &c. 2. Addic- ted or devoted to. E. सेवृ to serve, तृच् aff.
  • सेवित्व :: n. (-त्वं) Serving, devotion. E. सेविन् who serves, त्व aff.
  • सेविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) 1. Serving, obeying. 2. Pursuing, practising, using. 3. Dwelling. m. (-वी) A servant. E. षेव् to serve, णिनि aff.
  • सेव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be served or obeyed, to be worshipped or honoured. 2. What ought or may be practised, used, &c. 3. To be taken care of. 4. To be employed. 5. To be enjoyed. n. (-व्यं) The root of the Andropogon muricatum. m. (-व्यः) A plant, (Barring- tonia acutangula.) f. (-व्या) A parasite plant. E. षेवृ to gratify by service, ण्यत् or यत् aff.
  • सेव्यता :: f. (-ता) Rank, eminence. E. सेव्य, and तल् aff.; also with त्व, सेव्यत्वं ।
  • सेव्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Being served, waited, attended on. 2. Being practised or used. E. सेव् to serve, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • सै :: r. 1st cl. (सायति) To waste, to decline; also षै ।
  • सैंह :: mfn. (-हः -ही -हं) Belonging to a lion, leonine, lion-like. E. सिंह a lion, अण् aff.
  • सैंहली :: f. (-ली) Adj. Belonging to or produced in CEYLON.
  • सैंहिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Belonging to a lion, leonine. m. (-कः) RĀHU, the personified ascending node. E. सिंह, and ठक् aff.; or सिंहिका the mother of RĀHU, (by adoption,) and अण् patronymic aff.
  • सैंहिकेय :: m. (-यः) A metronymic of RĀHU, the personified ascending node. E. सिंहिका the reputed mother of this being, ढन् aff.
  • सैकत :: mfn. (-तः -ती -तं) Sandy in general. n. (-तं) 1. A sand-bank or an island with sandy shores. E. सिकता sandy soil, and अण् aff.
  • सैकतिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Living in doubt and error. 2. Belonging or relating to a sand-bank. m. (-कः) 1. A religious mendicant, an ascetic. n. (-कं) A thread worn round the wrist or neck, &c., to secure good fortune. E. सिकता sand, &c., ठन् aff.
  • सैकतेष्ट :: n. (-ष्टं) Ginger.
  • सैतवाहिनी :: f. (-नी) The river Bāhudā. E. सित white, अण् aff., वाहिनी a river.
  • सैद्धान्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Connected with or relating to a demonstra- ted truth, one who knows the truth, &c. E. सिद्धान्त an established conclusion, ठक् aff.
  • सैनापत्य :: n. (-त्यं) The command of an army, the dignity or duty of a general. E. सेनापति a general, ष्यञ् aff.
  • सैनिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating or belonging to an army, drawn up as an army, &c. m. (-कः) 1. A guard, a sentinel, a picket. 2. A body of forces in array. E. सेना an array, and ठक् aff.
  • सैन्धव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) 1. Produced or born in Sindh. 2. Marine, aquatic, ocean or river-born. m. (-वः) A horse, (bred in Sindhu.) mn. (-वः-वं) Rock-salt. n. (-वं) In dramatic literature, musical expression of disappointment with Prākrit words. f. (-वी) One of the Rāginis. E. सिन्धु a river, &c. अण् aff.
  • सैन्धवक :: m. (-कः) A miserable inhabitant of Sindhu.
  • सैन्धवघन :: m. (-नः) A lump of salt. E. सैन्धव, and घन thick.
  • सैन्धवशिला :: f. (-ला) A kind of rock or fossil-salt.
  • सैन्धी :: f. (-न्धी) A kind of spirituous liquor.
  • सैन्य :: n. (-न्यं) An army. m. (-न्यः) 1. A soldier under arms, one drawn up in array. 2. A guard, a sentinel. E. सेना an army, ण्य or ष्यञ् aff.
  • सैन्याधिपति :: m. (-तिः) A general. E. सैन्य, and अधिपति ruler.
  • सैन्याध्यक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A commander, a general. E. सैन्य, अध्यक्ष supervisor.
  • सैमन्तिक :: n. (-कं) Red-lead. E. सीमन्त the parting of the hair, (where a red mark is often made with minium,) and ठक् aff.
  • सैरन्ध्र :: m. (-न्ध्रः) 1. A menial servant. 2. The son of a DASYU by an AYOGAVA female: also सैरिन्ध्र ।
  • सैरन्ध्री :: f. (-न्ध्री) 1. A female artist. 2. A name of DRAUPADĪ: see सैरिन्द्री ।
  • सैरिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Relating or belonging to a plough, &c. 2. Having furrows. m. (-कः) 1. A plough-man. 2. A plough-ox, &c. E. सीर a plough, ठक् aff.
  • सैरिन्ध्र :: m. (-न्धः) A menial servant, one employed to dress and decorate the person and perform all servile offices; also who may be employed in the chase, snaring animals, &c. the offspring of a Dasyu by an Ayogava female. f. (-न्ध्री) 1. An independent female artizan working in another person's house. 2. A female attendant in the women's apartments. 3. A woman of one of the mixed and degraded classes. 4. DRAUPADĪ, the wife of the PĀṆḌU princes, and who upon the temporary servitude of her husbands, became workwoman in the house of the Rāja of Virāta. E. सीर a plough, धृ to hold or take, aff. क, and मुक् augment, अण् added and the penultimate vowel changed optionally to इ; whence also सैरन्ध्री, or स्वैर independent, धृ to hold or be, aff. कन्, fem. aff. ङीष्, and form irr.
  • सैरिभ :: m. (-भः) 1. A buffalo. 2. Swarga, INDRA'S heaven or paradise. E. सीर the plough or the sun, इभ an elephant, aff. अण् ।
  • सैरीय :: m. (-यः) A plant, (Barleria cristata.) E. सीर a plough, अण् aff., सैर relating to a plough, (turned up by it, &c.) and छ added; also with कन् added सैरीयक, and with ढक् aff. सैरेय or सैरेयक ।
  • सैरीयक :: m. (-कः) Barleria: see the last.
  • सैरेय :: m. (-यः) A shrub, (Barleria cristata:) see सैरीय; also with कन् added सैरेयक ।
  • सैवाल :: n. (-लं) Name of an aquatic plant: see शैवाल ।
  • सैसक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Leaden, of lead. E. सीसक, and अण् aff.
  • सो :: f. (-सोः) PĀRVATĪ. E. षो to destroy aff. क्विप् ।
  • सोढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) 1. Borne, suffered, endured. 2. Patient, enduring. E. सह् to bear, aff. क्त ।
  • सोढृ :: mfn. (-ढा -ढ्री -ढृ) 1. Patient, enduring. 2. Able, powerful. E. सह् to bear, &c., aff. तृच् ।
  • सोत्क :: f. (-त्का) 1. Ardently longing. 2. Regretful. 3. Bewailing; also सोत्कण्ठ ।
  • सोत्कण्ठ :: mfn. (-ण्ठः -ण्ठा -ण्ठं) 1. Regretting, bewailing, grieving. 2. Impatiently eager. E. स with, उत्कण्ठा sorrow.
  • सोत्प्रास :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) 1. Excessive, much, violent. 2. Exaggerated. 3. Ironical. m. (-सः) A horselaugh. mn. (-सः-सं) Irony, sarcasm, sneering praise and covert censure. E. स with, उत्प्रास excess or effort; उद् + प्र अस्-घञ् । it is also read सोत्प्राश ।
  • सोत्सव :: f. (-वा) Festive, making merry.
  • सोत्साह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Vigorous, energetic, persevering. E. स with, उत्साह effort.
  • सोत्सुक :: f. (-का) Regretful, repining, anxious.
  • सोत्सेध :: f. (-धा) Raised, lofty.
  • सोदक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Having or containing water. E. स with, उदक water.
  • सोदय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Accumulated, augmented, with interest, with profit. E. स for सह with, उदय increase.
  • सोदर :: m. (-रः) A brother of whole blood. f. (-रा) Uterine sister. E. स for समान common, same, उदर belly, or womb.
  • सोदर्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) A brother of whole blood. E. स for समान same or common, उदर belly, यत् aff.
  • सोद्योग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Active, diligent, persevering. E. स with, उद्योग- effort.
  • सोद्वेग :: f. (-गा) Sorrowful, anxious.
  • सोनह :: m. (-हः) Garlic.
  • सोन्माद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Mad, insane. E. स with, उन्माद madness.
  • सोपकरण :: f. (-णा) Provided with requisite implements, properly equipped.
  • सोपकार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Equipped, stocked, furnished or provided with necessary means or implements. 2. Assisted, abetted, befriended. E. स with, उपकार an instrument or assistance.
  • सोपद्रव :: f. (-वा) Visited with calamities.
  • सोपध :: f. (-धा) Full of fraud or deceit.
  • सोपधिम् :: Ind. Fraudulently.
  • सोपप्लव :: m. (-वः) The sun or moon in eclipse. f. (-वा) 1. Afflicted with great calamities. 2. Over-run by enemies. 3. Eclipsed, (as the sun or moon.) E. स with, उपप्लव a portent, an eclipse.
  • सोपरोध :: f. (-धा) 1. Obstructed, impeded. 2. Favoured.
  • सोपवास :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Fasting, keeping a fast. E. स with, उपवास fasting.
  • सोपसर्ग :: f. (-र्गा) 1. Afflicted with misfortune. 2. Possessed by an evil spirit. 3. Preceded by a prepositional prefix, (in gram.)
  • सोपहास :: f. (-सा) Accompanied with derisive laughter, sarcastic.
  • सोपाक :: m. (-कः) A man of a degraded caste, the son of a Chāṇḍāla by a Pukkasī female, and only to be employed as a public executioner, &c. E. See श्वपाक; the sibilants being irregularly transposed, व changed to उ, and that to the usual Guṇa letter.
  • सोपाधिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Restricted, limited, qualified, special. f. (-की) 1. Restricted by conditions or limitations, qualified by parti- cular characteristics, (in phil.) 2. Having some particular attri- butes; also सोपाधि । E. स with, उपाधि discrimination, कन् aff.
  • सोपान :: n. (-नं) Stairs, steps or a stair-case. E. स with, उप above, up, and अन a going.
  • सोपानमार्ग :: m. (-र्गः) A flight of steps.
  • सोभाञ्जन :: m. (-नः) A tree, (Hyperanthera morunga:) see शोभाञ्जन ।
  • सोम :: m. (-मः) 1. The moon. 2. KUVERA. 3. A monkey chief. 4. Air, wind. 5. YAMA. 6. One of the demi-gods called VASUS. 7. ŚIVA. 8. The moon-plant, (Asclepias acida, or Sarcostema viminalis.) 9. The acid juice of the Sarcostema. 10. A drug of supposed magi- cal properties. 11. Water. 12. Nectar, the liquor of immortals. 13. Camphor. 14. A deified progenitor. 15. A mountain or moun- tainous range, the mountains of the moon. 16. The best, chief, (as the last member of a compound.) n. (-मं) 1. Rice-water or gruel. 2. Heaven, sky, æther. E. षू to bear, (as young,) or to sprinkle, Unādi aff. मन् ।
  • सोमकान्त :: m. (-न्तः) The moon-gem.
  • सोमक्षय :: m. (-यः) The disappearance of the moon.
  • सोमगर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) VISHṆU. E. सोम the moon, गर्भ embryo.
  • सोमज :: m. (-जः) The planet MERCURY. n. (-जं) Milk. E. सोम the moon, ज produced.
  • सोमतीर्थ :: m. (-र्थः) A place of pilgrimage in the west of India. E. सोम the moon, and तीर्थ a holy place.
  • सोमदैवत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) Presided over by SOMA. E. सोम, and दैवत्य deification.
  • सोमधारा :: f. (-रा) Sky, heaven. E. सोम the moon, धारा having.
  • सोमन् :: m. (-मा) The moon. E. षू to bring forth, (as young,) मनिन् aff.
  • सोमनाथ :: m. (-थः) 1. Name of a celebrated Linga destroyed by Mahmud of Gazni. 2. The place where this Linga was set up.
  • सोमप :: m. (-पः) The performer of a sacrifice, or a sacrificer, who drinks the juice of the acid Sarcostema. E. सोम the plant, प who drinks.
  • सोमपति :: m. (-तिः) INDRA.
  • सोमपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A sort of grass, (Saccharum cylindricum.) E. सोम the Sarcostema, पत्न a leaf.
  • सोमपा :: m. (-पाः) 1. A drinker of the juice of the acid Sarcostema. 2. A Pitṛ or progenitor of a certain class, or those who are espe- cially the Pitṛs of the Brahmans. E. सोम the acid Sarcostema, and पा to drink, aff. क्विप् ।
  • सोमपान :: n. (-नं) Drinking the juice of the acid Sarcostema, an essential part of sacrifices according to the Veda-ritual. E. सोम, पान drinking.
  • सोमपीतिन् :: m. (-ती) A drinker of the juice of the acid Sarcostema. E. सोम the juice of the plant, पीति beverage, इनि aff.; it is also read सोमपीथिन् and सोमपीविन् ।
  • सोमप्रवाक :: m. (-कः) A person commissioned to engage Śrotriyas for a Soma-sacrifice.
  • सोमबन्धु :: n. (-न्धु) The white water-lily. E. सोम the moon, बन्धु friend; expanding at night.
  • सोमभू :: m. (-भूः) 1. One of the persons called VĀSUDEVAS, by the Jainas. 2. The son of SOMA, BUDHA, the regent of MERCURY, and supposed founder of the lunar dynasty. E. सोम the moon, and भू born.
  • सोमयाग :: m. (-गः) Offering or sacrifice in which the acid Sarcostema juice is drank. E. सोम, and याग sacrifice; also सोमयज्ञ ।
  • सोमयाजिन् :: m. (-जी) A sacrificer who drinks at the ceremony the juice of the acid Sarcostema. E. सोम plant, यज् to sacrifice, णिनि aff.
  • सोमयोनि :: m. (-निः) A sort of sandal of yellow colour and great fra- grance. E. सोम the moon, and योनि place of production.
  • सोमराजिन् :: m. (-जी) A medicinal plant, (Serratula anthelmintica.) E. सोम the moon. राज् to shine, aff. णिनि; or with अच् and ङीष् added, सामराजी; and again with कन् added, सोमराजिका ।
  • सोमराजी :: f. (-जी) 1. A medicinal plant: see the last.
  • सोमरोग :: m. (-गः) A particular disease of women.
  • सोमलता :: f. (-ता) 1. The moon-plant or acid Sarcostema, (S. viminalis.) 2. The river Godāvari. E. सोम, and लता a creeper; also सोमवल्लरी ।
  • सोमवंश :: m. (-शः) 1. A name of YUDHISHṬHIRA. 2. The lunar dynasty, or series of princes supposed to descend through BUDHA the son of SOMA, or the moon. E. सोम, and वंश family.
  • सोमवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Lunar, having the moon. 2. Having the Sarcostema-juice. E. सोम, and मतुप् aff.
  • सोमवत् :: Ind. Like the moon. E. सोम, and वति aff.
  • सामवल्क :: m. (-ल्कः) 1. A white kind of Khayer, (Mimosa catechu.) 2. A medicinal plant, commonly Kāyaphal. 3. A plant, (Guilandina bonduccella.) E. सोम the moon, and वत्क bark.
  • सोमवल्लरि :: f. (-रिः-री) The moon-plant, (Sarcostema viminalis.) E. सोम the moon, and वल्लरि a creeper; also सोमलता ।
  • सोमवल्ली :: f. (-ल्ली) 1. A twining plant, (Menispermum glabrum.) 2. A medicinal plant, (Serratula anthelmintica.) 3. The moon-plant. E. साम the moon, and वल्ली a creeper.
  • सोमवार :: m. (-रः) Monday. E. सोम, and वार a day.
  • सोमविक्रयिन् :: m. (-यी) A vendor of the juice of acid Sarcostema. E. सोम the plant, विक्रय selling, and इनि aff.
  • सोमवृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. A medicinal plant, (Kāyaphal.) 2. A shrub, (Serratula anthelmintica.) E. सोम the moon, and वृक्ष a tree.
  • सोमसंज्ञ :: n. (-ज्ञं) Camphor. E. सोम the moon, and संज्ञ appellation.
  • सोमसद् :: m. (-सद्) A Pitṛ or progenitor of a peculiar class, the progenitor of the celestial beings called Sādhyas. E. सोम, and सद् who goes.
  • सोमसार :: m. (-रः) The white Khadira.
  • सोमसिद्धान्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. One of the Buddhas. 2. A rationalist of a sect of Śaivas. 3. A particular doctrine, a system of theological philosophy, followed by a branch of the worshippers of ŚIVA. E. सोम the moon, (as the teacher of the doctrine,) and सिद्धान्त truth, (whose.)
  • सोमसिद्धान्तिन् :: m. (-न्ती) A follower of a branch of the Śaivas. E. सोमसिद्धान्त the doctrine, and इनि aff.
  • सोमसिन्धु :: m. (-न्धुः) VISHṆU.
  • सोमसुत् :: m. (-सुत्) A priest or sacrificer who sprinkles the juice of the acid Sarcostema at a sacrifice. E. सोम the plant, षु to sprinkle, aff. क्विप् ।
  • सोमसुता :: f. (-ता) The river Narmadā. E. सोम the moon, सुता daughter.
  • सोमसुत्वत् :: mfn. (-त्वान् -त्वती -त्वत्) Having sprinklers of Soma-juice, (a hermitage, a sacrifice, &c.) E. सोमसुत्, and मतुप् aff.
  • सोमसूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A channel for conveying water from a Śiva-Linga.
  • सामसूत्रप्रदक्षिणा :: f. (-णा) Circumambulation around a Śiva-Linga in such a way as that the Soma-sūtra shall not be crossed.
  • सोमाख्य :: n. (-ख्यं) The red lotus. E. सोम the moon, and आख्या appellation.
  • सोमाल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Soft, bland. E. सोम the moon, अल् to resemble, aff. अच् ।
  • सोमिन् :: m. (-मी) 1. A performer of Soma-sacrifice. f. (-मिनी) Performing the Soma-sacrifice.
  • सोमोद्भवा :: f. (-वा) The river Narmadā. E. सोम the moon, (for the lunar race,) and उद्भव born; or सोम nectar, उद्भव production, (from it,) by conferring paradise on those who bathe in it.
  • सोम्य :: f. (-म्या) 1. Worthy of Soma. 2. Offering Soma. 3. Soft, good, amiable.
  • सोराष्ट्रिक :: m. (-कः) A sort of poison. E. सुराष्ट्र Surāt, ठक् aff.; also सौराष्ट्रिक ।
  • सोल्लुण्ठ :: m. (-ण्ठः) Irony, ridicule: see the next.
  • सोल्लुण्ठन :: n. (-नं) Apparent praise and covert censure, irony. E. स with, उल्लुण्ठन the same.
  • सोष्मन् :: m. (-ष्मा) An aspirated letter. Adj. 1. Warm. 2. Aspirated, (in gram.)
  • सौकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Hoggish, swinish. 2. Relating to a hog. E. सूकर a hog, अण् aff.
  • सौकरिक :: m. (-कः) A hunter. E. सूकर a boar, and ठक् aff.
  • सौकर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) 1. Facility, ease of effecting anything. 2. Easy an extempore composition, or preparation of food or medicine. 3. Hoggishness, swinishness, the condition or qualities of a hog. 4. Adroitness. E. सुकर doing easily, or सूकर a hog, aff. ष्यञ् ।
  • सौकुमार्य्य :: n. (-र्य्य) 1. Youthfulness. 2. Delicacy, tenderness. E. सुकुमारष्यञ् aff.
  • सौक्ष्म्य :: n. (-क्ष्म्यं) Minuteness, subtilty. E. सूक्ष्म small, fine, ष्यञ् aff.
  • सौखशायनिक :: m. (-कः) One who asks another whether he has slept well also सौखशायि क ।
  • सौखसुप्तिक :: m. (-कः) A bard, a minstrel, one whose duty is to waken the prince in the morning with music. E. सुखसुप्त sleeping pleasantly, and ठञ् aff.
  • सौखिक :: f. (-की) Relating to pleasure; also सौखोय ।
  • सौख्य :: n. (-ख्यं) Pleasure, happiness, felicity. E. सुख happiness, ष्यञ् aff.
  • सौगत :: m. (-तः) 1. A Saugata, a heretic, an atheist. 2. A Bauddha. E. सुगत the supposed teacher of these doctrines, अण् aff.
  • सौगतिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A Bauddha mendicant. 2. The mendicant Brāhman. 3. Doubt, unbelief, scepticism. 4. An atheist, an unbeliever. n. (-कं) Atheism. E. सुयत the founder of the sect, ठक् aff.
  • सौगन्ध :: n. (-न्धं) 1. A fragrant grass: see कत्तृण . 2. Fragrance. f. (-न्धी) Sweet-scented. E. सुगन्ध fragrant, अण् aff.
  • सौगन्धिक :: mfn. (-कः -का or -की-कं) Fragrant, odorous. n. (-कं) 1. The white water-lily, (Nymphæa lotus.) 2. A fragrant grass: see कत्तृण . 3 A ruby. 4. The blue lotus. m. (-कः) 1. Sulphur. 2. A dealer in perfumes. E. सु pleasant, गन्ध smell, and ठक् added.
  • सौगन्ध्य :: n. (-न्ध्यं) Sweetness of odour, fragrance. E. सुगन्ध, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • सौचि :: m. (-चिः) A tailor. E. सूची a needle, इञ् aff.
  • सौचिक :: m. (-कः) A tailor. E. सूची a needle, ठक् aff.
  • सौजन्य :: n. (-न्य) 1. Kindness, clemency, compassion. 2. Friendship. 3. Goodness, generosity. E. सुजन, ष्यञ् aff.
  • सौण्डी :: f. (-ण्डी) Long-pepper. “गजपिप्पल्याम्” ।
  • सौत्य :: n. (-त्य) The office of a charioteer.
  • सौत्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्री -त्रं) 1. Preceptive, formulary, according to rule or precept. 2. Relating to or having a thread. m. (-त्रः) 1. Brāhman. 2. A radical, the only application of which is to form derivative nouns. and not like other roots, capable of conversion into a verb. E. सूत्र a thread, a rule, &c., अण् aff.
  • सौत्रान्तिक :: m. Plu. (-काः) Name of one of the four great schools of BUDDHISM
  • सौत्रामणी :: f. (-णी) The east.
  • सौदामनी :: f. (-नी) 1. Lightning. 2. A courtezan of INDRA'S heaven. 3. Part of the Śudāman mountain. E. See the next.
  • सौदामिनी :: f. (-नी) 1. Lightning. 2. One of the Apsarasas or nymphs of Swarga. 3. A particular sort of lightning. 4. A city so named. E. सुदामन् a cloud, a mountain, or INDRA'S elephant, अण् and ङीष् affs. with the augment इक्; also omitting the augment, सौदामनी, and dropping the penultimate vowel, सौदाम्नी ।
  • सौदाम्नी :: f. (-म्नी) Lightning: see the last.
  • सौदायिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Received by a woman at her marriage from her father or mother or any relative as a mark of regard, and thence her own property. E. मुदाय a nuptial gift, and ठक् aff.
  • सौध :: n. (-ध) 1. A mansion, a palace. 2. Silver. 3. Opal. f. (-धी) 1. Relating to nectar. 2. Plastered. E. सुधा plaster, अण् aff.
  • सौधार :: m. (-रः) One of the fourteen parts of a drama.
  • सौधाल :: n. (-लं) A temple of ŚIVA, or in the form of Īśāna. E. सौध a palace, अल् to be equal to, अच् aff.
  • सौन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Belonging or relating to a slaughter-house., &c. n. (-नं) Butcher's meat. E. सना, and अण् aff.
  • सौनधर्म्य :: n. (-र्म्य) A state of deadly hostility.
  • सौनन्द :: n. (-न्दं) The club of BALARĀMA.
  • सौनन्दिन् :: m. (-न्दी) BALARĀMA, the brother of KRISHṆA. E. सौनन्द his club, इनि aff.
  • सौनिक :: m. (-कः) A vendor of the flesh of beasts or birds. E. सून a place of slaughter, ठक् aff.
  • सौन्दर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Beauty, loveliness. E. सुन्दर handsome, ष्यञ् aff.
  • सौपर्ण :: n. (-र्णं) 1. Dry ginger. 2. The emerald. E. सुपर्ण GARUḌA, aff. अण् ।
  • सौपर्णेय :: m. (-यः) GARUḌA, the bird and vehicle of VISHṆU. E. सुपर्णा the mother of this being, and ढक् aff.
  • सौप्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Connected with or relating to sleep, somnolent, somniferous, &c. n. (-कं) Nocturnal combat, an attack on sleeping men. E. सुप्त sleep, (or the hour of sleep,) and ठक् aff.
  • सौबल :: m. (-लः) An epithet of ŚAKUNI. f. (-ली) An epithet of GĀNDHĀRI, the wife of DHRITARĀSHTRA; also सौबलेयी in the last sense.
  • सौभ :: n. (-भं) The city of HARIŚCHANDRA suspended in mid-air.
  • सौभग :: n. (-गं) 1. Good luck. 2. Prosperity, wealth.
  • सौभद्र :: m. (-द्रः) 1. The son of SUBHADRĀ. 2. A war occasioned by the carrying off of SUBHADRA. E. सुभद्रा sister to KRISHṆA, and अण् aff.
  • सौभद्रेय :: m. (-यः) 1. Beleric myrobalan. 2. ABHIMANYU, the son of SUBHADRĀ. E. सुभद्रा the sister of KRISHṆA, and ढक् aff.
  • सौभागिनेय :: m. (-यः) The son of an auspicious mother. E. सुभगा an auspi- cious mother, ढक् aff., and इनङ् augment.
  • सौभाग्य :: n. (-ग्यं) 1. Auspiciousness, good fortune. 2. Blessednes. 3. Beauty, grace, charm. 4. Auspicious state of wife-hood, (as opposed to widow-hood.) 5. Congratulation. 6. The fourth of the astronomical Yogas. 7. Borax. 8. Red-lead. E. सुभग auspicious, ष्यञ् aff.
  • सौभाग्यतन्तु :: m. (-न्तुः) Marriage-string, (cast round the neck of the bride by the bridegroom at the time of wedding and worn till widow-hood.)
  • सौभाग्यतृतीया :: f. (-या) The third day of the light-half of Bhādrapada.
  • सौभाग्यदेवता :: f. (-ता) A tutelary deity.
  • सौभाग्यवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Auspicious, fortunate. E. सौभाम्य, मतुप् aff.
  • सौभाग्यवत्ता :: f. (-त्ता) Auspiciousness, prosperity. E. तल्, added to the last: also with त्व, सौभाग्यवत्त्वं ।
  • सौभाग्यवायन :: n. (-नं) An auspicious offering of sweetmeat, &c.
  • सौभाञ्जन :: m. (-नः) A tree, (Hyperanthera morunga:) see शोभाञ्जन ।
  • सौभिक :: m. (-कः) A juggler.
  • सौभ्रात्र :: n. (-त्रं) Brotherhood, fraternity. E. सु good, भ्रातृ a brother, अण् aff.
  • सौमनस :: mfn. (-सः -सा or -सी-सं) 1. Floral, flowery, relating to flowers. 2. Agreeable, pleasing. n. (-स) 1. Benevolence. 2. Pleasure. E. सुमनस् content, and अण् aff.
  • सौमनसा :: f. (-सा) The outer skin of the nutmeg.
  • सौमनस्य :: n. (-स्यं) 1. Enjoyment, satisfaction. 2. A particular offering of flowers made at a ŚRĀDDHA. E. सुमनस् content, ष्यञ् aff.
  • सौमनस्यायनी :: f. (-नी) The blossom of the great-flowered jasmine. E. सुमनस the plant, फक् aff.
  • सौमायन :: m. (-नः) An epithet of BUDHA.
  • सौमिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Lunar, relating to SOMA or the moon. 2. Performed with the Sarcostema juice, relating to it, &c. f. (-की) A sacrifice performed on the day of full-moon. E. सोम the moon, ठक् aff.
  • सौमित्र :: m. (-त्रः) LAKSHMANA, the younger brother of RĀMA. E. सुमित्रा the wife of DAŚARATHA, and mother of this prince, and अण् aff.; also with इञ् aff., सौमित्रि ।
  • सौमेचक :: n. (-कं) Gold.
  • सौमेधिक :: m. (-कः) A sage, a seer, one possessing supernatural know- ledge or power. E. सु excellent, मेधा apprehension, ठक् aff.
  • सौमेरुक :: n. (-कं) Gold. f. (-की) Born or produced from SUMERU. E. सुमेरु the mountain, with कन् added, and अण् aff. of origin.
  • सौम्य :: mfn. (-म्यः -म्या or -मी-म्यं) 1. Handsome, pleasing. 2. Mild, gentle, placid. 3. Sacred or belonging to SOMA or the moon, 4. Auspi-

cious. m. (-म्यः) 1. BUDHA, regent of MERCURY, and son of SOMA or the moon. 2. One of the nine Khaṇḍas or divisions of the known continent. 3. A term applied to a pupil when addressing instruction to one. 4. (In anatomy,) The blood before it receives the red particles, the serum. 5. The gastric juice. m. plu. (-म्याः) 1. Name of a class of Pitris or Manes. 2. Name of the five stars in Orion's head. f. (-म्या) 1. A shrub, (Hedysarum gangeticum.) 2. Heart-pea. 3. The Abrus precatorius. 4. The moon-plant, (Sarcos- tema acida.) 5. Zedoary, Curcuma zerumbet.) 6. Arabian jasmine. E. सोम the moon, ण्यत् or यत् aff., or ड्यण् aff., when the word takes ङीप् in the feminine form.

  • सौम्यकृच्छ्र :: mn. (-च्छ्रः-च्छ्रं) A religious penance, subsisting for five days, severally, on sesamum after expression, the water of boiled-rice, butter-milk mixed with water, water, and parched grain, and fast- ing on the sixth day. E. सौम्य relating to the moon, कृच्छ्र penance.
  • सौम्यगन्धी :: f. (-न्धी) The Indian white rose.
  • सौम्यग्रह :: m. (-हः) An auspicious planet.
  • सौम्यत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Beauty. 2. Gentleness, placidity. E. त्व added to सौम्य; also with तल्, सौम्यता ।
  • सौम्यधातु :: m. (-तुः) Phlegm, the phlegmatic humour. E. सौम्य lunar, and धातु element.
  • सौम्यनामन् :: Adj. Having an agreeable name.
  • सौम्यवार :: m. (-रः) Wednesday; also सौम्यवासर .
  • सौर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Solar. 2. Celestial. 3. Spirituous. m. (-रः) 1. The planet SATURN. 2. A month, consisting of thirty rising and settings of the sun, a solar month. 3. A solar day, whilst the sun is in one degree of the ecliptic. 4. A worshipper of the sun. f. (-री) The wife of the sun. n. (-रं) Name of a collection of hymns, (taken from the Rig-Veda,) addressed to ŚURYA. E. सुर a deity, &c., or सूर the sun, अण् aff.; or सूर्य्य the sun, ङीष् aff. for the fem. form.
  • सौरथ :: m. (-थः) A hero.
  • सौरनक्त :: n. (-क्तं) A particular religious observance.
  • सौरभ :: n. (-भं) 1. Fragrance. 2. Saffron. 3. Myrrh. f. (-भी) Fragrant. E. सुरभि fragrant, अच् or अण् aff.
  • सौरभेय :: m. (-यः) 1. An ox. f. (-यी) 1. A cow. 2. The daughter of Surabhi; also सौरभी . E. सुरभी the cow of plenty, (the parent cow,) and ढक् aff. of descent.
  • सौरभ्य :: n. (-भ्यं) 1. Pleasingness, agreeableness, beauty. 2. Fragrance, odour. 3. Fame, character, reputation of learning or other merit. m. (-भ्यः) KUVERA. E. सुरभि fragrant, pleasing, and ण्यत् aff.
  • सौरमास :: m. (-सः) A solar month, (consisting of thirty risings and settings of the sun.)
  • सौरसेय :: m. (-यः) A name of SKANDA. E. सुरसा DURGĀ, and ढक् aff.
  • सौरसैन्धव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Gangetic, relating or belonging to the river Ganges. m. (-वः) A horse of the sun. E. सुरसिन्धु the river of the gods, and अण् added.
  • सौराज्य :: n. (-ज्यं) Good government.
  • सौराष्ट्र :: m. (-ष्ट्रः) Surāt. f. (-ष्ट्री) A fragrant sort of earth. n. (-ष्ट्रं) Bell metal. f. (-ष्ट्रा or -ष्ट्री) Relating to the district of SURĀSHTRA. E. सु good or much, राष्ट्र dominion, अञ् aff.; or सुराष्ट्र the same, अण् pleonasm.
  • सौराष्ट्रक :: n. (-कं) A sort of white or bell metal. E. सौराष्ट्र Surāt, and कन् added.
  • सौराष्ट्रिक :: n. (-कं) A sort of poison, (that of a kind of snake according to some, but according to others, a vegetable or mineral.) E. सुराष्ट्र the country, and ठक् aff.
  • सौरि :: m. (-रिः) 1. SATURN. 2. The Asana tree. 3. KARNA. 4. SUGRIVA. E. सूर the sun, and इञ् aff. of descent.
  • सौरिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Celestial. 2. Spirituous, vinous. 3. Due for spirits, (such as money.) m. (-कः) 1. Heaven, paradise. 2. A vendor of spirituous liquor. 3. SATURN. E. सुर a deity, or सुरा wine, and ठक् aff.
  • सौरिरत्न :: n. (-त्नं) Sapphire.
  • सौरीय :: f. (-यी) Adj. 1. Solar. 2. Suitable to the sun.
  • सौर्य्य :: f. (-र्य्या) Adj. Solar, belonging to the sun.
  • सालभ्य :: n. (-भ्य) 1. Easiness of attainment. 2. Feasibility, facility.
  • सौल्विक :: m. (-कः) A copper-smith; more usually शौल्विक ।
  • सौव :: n. (-वं) An edict, &c., in general. f. (-वी) 1. Relating to one's own property. 2. Belonging to heaven. E. स्व own, proper, and अण् aff.
  • सौवग्रामिक :: Adj. Belonging to one's own village.
  • सौवर, :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Produced or existing in a note of music, relating to it, &c. 2. Treating of accents. 3. Relating to sound. E. स्वर a note, &c., अण् aff.
  • सौवर्च्चल :: n. (-लं) 1. Sachal-salt. 2. Natron, alkali. f. (-ली) Coming from the Suvarchala country. E. सुवर्च्चल a district, and अण् aff.
  • सौवर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णी -र्ण) 1. Golden, made or consisting of gold. 2. Weighing a Suvarṇa. E. सुवर्ण gold, अण् aff.
  • सौवर्णभेदिनी :: f. (-नी) A plant, commonly Priyangu.
  • सौवस्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Salutatory, benedictory. m. (-कः) A family Brāhman or priest. E. स्वस्ति a term of salutation, and ठक् aff.
  • सौवाध्यायिक :: f. (-की) Belonging to sacred study.
  • सौवास्तव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) Pleasantly situated, erected on a good site. E. सु good, वास्तु a site, अण् aff.
  • सौविद :: m. (-दः) A guard or attendant of the women's apartments. E. सुविद the same, and अण् pleonasm; or सुविद् a woman, and अण् aff.
  • सौविदल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) A guard or attendant of the woman's apartments. E. सुविद्ल्ला a female, अण् aff.; or सुविदन् a king, ला to get or have, सुविदल्ल a harem, and अण् aff.; also with कन् added, सौविदल्लक ।
  • सौवीर :: n. (-रं) 1. The fruit of the jujube. 2. Antimony. 3. Sour-gruel. m. (-रः) A district, in the west of India, connected with the country along the Indus. m. plu. (-राः) The people of SUVIRA. E. सुवीर the country so called, and अण् pleonasm or aff. of derivation; also with यञ् aff. सीवीर्य्य ।
  • सौवीरक :: m. (-कः) The jujube tree. n. (-कं) Sour barley-gruel. E. कन् added to the last.
  • सौवीराञ्जन :: n. (-नं) A kind of antimony or collyrium.
  • सौवीर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Great heroism.
  • सौशील्य :: n. (-लं) Excellence of disposition, good morals.
  • सौश्रवस :: n. (-स) Celebrity, renown.
  • सौष्ठव :: n. (-वं) 1. Excess, exceedingness, much. 2. Excellence. 3. A part of a drama. 4. Lightness, fleetness, suppleness. 5. Cleverness. E. सुष्ठु excellent, &c., and अण् aff.
  • सौस्नातिक :: m. (-कः) One who asks whether an ablution has been auspicious.
  • सौहार्द्द :: n. (-र्द्दं) Friendship. m. (-र्द्दः) The son of a friend. E. सुहृद् a friend, अण् aff., both vowels changed; also सौहार्द्य . E. See the next.
  • सौहार्द्य :: n. (-र्द्यं) Friendship. E. सुहृद् a friend, ष्यञ् aff.
  • सौहित्य :: n. (-त्य) 1. Satiety, satisfaction. 2. Fulness, completion. 3. Kindness. E. सुहित satisfied, ष्यञ् aff.
  • सौहृद :: n. (-दं) Friendship. E. सुहृद a friend, अण् aff.; also from सुहृदय,
  • सौहृद्य :: n. (-द्यं) Friendship. E. सुहृद् a friend, यञ् aff.
  • स्कद् (इ) स्कदि :: r. 1st cl. (-स्कन्दते) 1. To leap, to jump. 2. To inundate. 3. To lift up. 4. To shed or spill.
  • स्कन्द् (इर) स्कन्दिर :: r. 1st cl. (स्कन्दति) 1. To go, to move. 2. To be dry or arid. 3. To effuse or emit. 4. To jump. 5. To ascend. 6. To burst out. 7. To fall, to drop 8. To perish. With अव prefixed, To assail, to assault, to besiege. With आ, To assail. With परि, To spring about. With प्र, To spring forward. r. 10th cl. (स्कन्दयति-ते) To collect.
  • स्कन्द :: m. (-न्दः) 1. SKANDA, or KĀRTIKEYA, the son of ŚIVA, and military deity of the Hindus. 2. A king, a prince. 3. The body. 4. The bank of a river. 5. A clever or learned man. E. स्कन्द् to go, (to fly before whom; the enemies of the gods,) and अच् aff.
  • स्कन्दक :: m. (-कः) 1. One who leaps. 2. A soldier.
  • स्कन्दन :: n. (-नं) 1. Going, moving. 2. Purging, looseness. 3. Effusion. 4. Suppressing bleeding by cold applications. 5. Drying up. E. स्कन्द् to go, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • स्कन्दयत् :: mfn. (-यत् -यन्ती -यत्) 1. Going. 2. Effusing, pouring out. E. स्कन्द् to effuse, शतृ aff.
  • स्कन्दषष्ठी :: f. (-ष्ठी) A festival in honour of Kārtikeya held on the sixth day of Chaitra.
  • स्कन्दित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Going. 2. Effused, shed, emitted. E. स्कन्द् to emit, aff. क्त ।
  • स्कन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) 1. The shoulder, the head of the humerus. 2. The body. 3. The trunk of a tree. 4. A king, a prince. 5. A sort of metre. 6. A multitude, a quantity. 7. War, battle. 8. Any article essential to the coronation of a king, as a jar filled with holy water, a parasol, a Chowri, &c. 9. Part of an army or a form of array. 10. Any one of five branches of human or mundane knowledge, or objects of understanding. 11. A road, a way. 12. A heron. 13. An engagement, an agreement. 14. A wise old man. 15. A learned man, a teacher. 16. Match or equality in the humps of a pair of draft oxen. 17. The five objects of sense, or form, taste, smell, &c. 18. A book, a section, a chapter. f. (-न्धा) 1. A branch. 2. A creeper. E. क the head, and धा to hold, aff. क, and सुट् initial augment.
  • स्कन्धचाप :: m. (-पः) A sort of yoke for carrying burdens by a sling attached to either end. E. स्कन्ध the shoulder, and चाप a bow.
  • स्कन्धज :: m. (-जः) A tree which grows from a principal stem. E. स्कन्ध the trunk of a tree, and ज born.
  • स्कन्धतरु :: m. (-रुः) The cocoanut-tree. E. स्कन्ध a stem, and तरु a tree.
  • स्कन्धदेश :: m. (-शः) 1. The withers of an elephant, or part where the rider sits. 2. The shoulder. E. स्कन्ध the shoulder, देश part.
  • स्कन्धनिर्वाण :: n. (-णं) The annihilation of the elements of being, (with Buddhists.)
  • स्कन्धफल :: m. (-लः) 1. The cocoanut tree. 2. The Vilwa or Bel. 3. The glomerous-fig. E. स्कन्ध the trunk, फल fruit.
  • स्कन्धबन्धना :: f. (-ना) A sort of fennel, (Anethum panmorium.) E. स्कन्ध the stem, बन्धन a binding.
  • स्कन्धमल्लक :: m. (-कः) A heron.
  • स्कन्धरुह :: m. (-हः) The Indian fig-tree. E. स्कन्ध a principal stem, रुह what-grows.
  • स्कन्धवाह :: m. (-हः) An ox of burden. E. स्कन्ध the shoulder, वाह who bears.
  • स्कन्धवाहक :: m. (-कः) An ox of burden, a pack-bullock. E. कन् added to the last; or स्कन्ध the shoulder, with वह् to bear, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • स्कन्धशाखा :: f. (-खा) The forked or principal branch, (which issues from the upper stem,) of a tree. E. स्कन्ध the trunk, and शास्वा a branch.
  • स्कन्धशृङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A buffalo. E. स्कन्ध the shoulder, and शृङ्ग the horn.
  • स्कन्धस् :: n. (-न्धः) 1. The shoulder. 2. The trunk of a tree. E. स्कदि to go or collect, aff. असुन्, and द changed to ध ।
  • स्कन्धस्कन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) Every shoulder.
  • स्कन्धाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) The fire on the stem of a tree in consequence attrition. E. स्कन्ध the trunk of a tree, and अग्नि fire: see the next
  • स्कन्धानल :: m. (-लः) The fire on the stem of a tree or any large piece timber in consequence of attrition. E. स्कन्ध the trunk of a tree, अग्नि fire.
  • स्कन्धावार :: m. (-रः) 1. An army, or a division of it attached to the person of the king. 2. A royal capital. 3. A camp. E. स्कन्ध a king or an army, and आङ् before वृ to screen or guard, aff. घञ् ।
  • स्कन्धिक :: m. (-कः) An ox of burden. E. स्कन्ध the shoulder, and ठक् aff.
  • स्कन्धिन् :: m. (-न्धी) 1. A tree. 2. An ox of burden. f. (-न्धिनी) 1. Having shoulders. 2. Having branches. E. स्कन्ध a stem, and इनि aff.
  • स्कन्धोपनेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be carried on the shoulders. m. (-यः) form of peace-offering, in which fruit or grain is presented as mark of submission. E. स्कन्ध, and उपनेय to be conveyed.
  • स्कन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) 1. Fallen, fallen down or from. 2. Oozed, trickled out or down. 3. Emitted, sprinkled. 4. Gone. 5. Dried up. E. स्कन्द् to go, aff. क्त ।
  • स्कभ् (इ) स्कभि :: r. 1st cl. (स्कम्भते) r. 9th and 5th cls. (स्कभ्राति-स्कभ्रीते-स्कभो- स्कम्नुते) 1. To stop or hinder, to impede, to block, to obstruct, &c. 2. To be dull or stupid. 3. To create.
  • स्कम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. Support, prop. 2. The Supreme being.
  • स्कम्मन :: n. (-नं) The act of supporting, support.
  • स्कान्द :: f. (-न्दी) Adj. 1. Relating to SKANDA. 2. Relating to Śiva. n. (-न्दं) The Skanda-Purāna.
  • स्कु :: r. 9th and 5th cls. (स्कुनाति-स्कुनीते-स्कुनोति-स्कुनुते) 1. To go by leaps. 2. To cover. 3. To raise or lift. 4. To approach.
  • स्कुद् (इ) स्कुदि :: r. 1st cl. (स्कुन्दते) 1. To jump, to go by leaps or jumps. 2. To raise, to lift up.
  • स्कुम्भ् (उ) स्कुम्भु :: r. 5th and 9th cls. (स्कुभ्नोति-स्कुभ्राति) 1. To stop or hinder. 2. To be dull or insensible.
  • स्कोटिका :: f. (-का) A kind of bird.
  • स्खद् :: r. 1st cl. (स्खदते) 1. To defeat, to discomfit. 2. To cut. 3. To make firm. 4. To destroy, to hurt or kill. 5. To fatigue, to exhaust. 6. To eat, to taste.
  • स्खदन :: n. (-नं) 1. Defeating, discomfiting. 2. Injuring, hurting, killing. 3. Cutting. 4. Harassing. E. स्खद् to defeat, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • स्खल् :: r. 1st cl. (स्खलति) 1. To move, to go. 2. To slip, to stumble or fall. 3. To gather, to collect. 4. To totter, to waver. 5. To fall or deviate from the right course. 6. To err, to blunder. 7. To stammer, to falter, to lisp. 8. To drip, to trickle. 9. To disappear. With प्र, To jolt, to jostle.
  • स्खलत् :: mfn. (-लन् -लन्ती -लत्) Stumbling, tripping, (either in motion, conduct, or speech.) E. स्खल् to stumble, शतृ aff.
  • स्खलद्वाक्य :: mfn. (-क्यः -क्या -क्यं) Blundering, making mistakes in speaking. E. स्खलत्, वाक्य speech.
  • स्खलन्मति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Erring in judgment, foolish. E. स्खलत्, मति understanding.
  • स्खलन :: n. (-नं) 1. Stumbling, slipping, tripping. 2. Stumbling or falling from virtue. 3. Tripping in speech, making a mistake or blunder in speech or pronunciation. 4. Knocking or falling together, shock, collision. 5. Striking or rubbing one thing against another. 6. Dropping, dripping. E. स्खल् to go, to drop, aff. ल्युट् .
  • स्खलित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Slipped, fallen. 2. Gone. 3. Shaken, agitated, disturbed. 4. Shaking, wavering, unsteady, (literally or figurative- ly.) 5. Drunk. 6. Stuttering, hesitating, (in speech.) 7. Dropped, effused, emitted. 8. Trickling down. 9. Interrupted, stopped. 10. Confounded. n. (-तं) 1. Circumvention, stratagem, (in war.) 2. Falling, tumbling. 3. Falling or deviating from virtue or truth. 4. Fault, error, sin. 5. Deceit, treachery. E. स्खल् to go, aff. क्त ।
  • स्खलितसुभगम् :: Ind. Dashing or flowing along in a charming manner, (said of a stream.)
  • स्तन् :: r. 1st cl. (स्तनति) r. 10th cl. (-स्तनयति-ते) 1. To sound, to reverberate. 2. To groan, to sigh, to breathe hard. 3. To thunder, to roar aloud. With नि, 1. To sigh. 2. To bewail.
  • स्तन :: m. (-नः) 1. The female bosom or breast. 2. An udder or dug of any female animal. E. स्तन् to sound, aff. अच् ।
  • स्तनकुद्मल :: n. (-लं) The female breast. E. स्तन, and कुद्मल a bud.
  • स्तनतट :: mn. (-टः-टं) The slope of the breasts.
  • स्तनन :: n. (-नं) 1. Sound, noise in general. 2. The grumbling of clouds. 3. Breathing hard, groaning, (as a person in pain.) E. स्तन् to sound, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • स्तन्धय :: mf. (-यः-या- or यी) An infant, one at the breast. m. (-यः) An infant, a suckling. f. (-यी) Sucking at the breast. E. स्तन the breast, धेट् to drink, aff. खश्, मुम् aug. |
  • स्तप :: mf. (-पः-पा) An infant at the breast. E. स्तन the breast, and प who drinks.
  • स्तनपान :: n. (-नं) Sucking of the breast.
  • स्तभर :: m. (-रः) 1. A man with a breast like a woman's 2. Heaviness or bulk of the female breasts. E. स्तन a pap, भर who possesses.
  • स्तण्डल :: n. (-लं) The female breast. E. स्तन, and मण्डल a globe.
  • स्तनमुख :: n. (-खं) A nipple. E. स्तन the breast, and मुख point.
  • स्तनयित्नु :: m. (-त्नुः) 1. A cloud. 2. Thunder, the muttering of clouds. 3. Lightning. 4. Sickness. 5. Death. 6. A kind of grass. E. स्तन् to sound, in the tenth cl., इत्नुच् Unādi aff.
  • स्तनवृन्त :: m. (-न्तः) A nipple. E. स्तन the breast, and कृन्त a stalk.
  • स्तनशिखा :: f. (-खा) A nipple. E. स्तन the breast, and शिखा the crest.
  • स्तनांशुक :: n. (-कं) A cloth covering the bosom.
  • स्तनाग्र :: n. (-ग्रं) A nipple. स्तन the breast, and अग्र point.
  • स्तनाङ्गराग :: m. (-गः) Paint or pigment on the breasts of women.
  • स्तनान्तर :: n. (-रं) 1. The heart, or its site, placed however immediately under the centre bone of the sternum. 2. The space between the two breasts. 3. A mark on the breast, indicative of future widow- hood. E. स्तन the breast, अन्तर interval.
  • स्तनाभोग :: m. (-गः) 1. A man with a large bosom, or one like a female's. 2. The circumference or orb of the breast. 3. Fulness of the breast. E. स्तन a breast, and भोग who enjoys.
  • स्तनित :: n. (-तं) 1. The rattling of thunder, the rumbling of thundering clouds. 2. The noise of clapping the hands. E. स्तन् to sound, aff. क्त ।
  • स्तन्य :: n. (-न्य) Milk, mother's milk. E. स्तन a breast, यत् aff.
  • स्तन्यत्याग :: m. (-गः) Leaving off the mother's milk, weaning.
  • स्तबक :: m. (-कः) Bunch, cluster.
  • स्तब्ध :: mfn. (-ब्धः -ब्धा -ब्धं) 1. Stopped, blocked, or shut up. 2. Firm, hard, stiff, rigid. 3. Stupid, dull, insensible. 4. Paralyzed. 5. Obstinate, stubborn, hard-hearted. 6. Coarse. E. स्तभि to stop, aff. क्त ।
  • स्तब्धकर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णी -र्णं) Having the ears erect, pricking up the ears. E. स्तब्ध, and कर्ण the ear.
  • स्तब्धता :: f. (-ता) Rigidity, stupor, stubbornness; also with त्व, स्तब्धत्वं ।
  • स्तब्धरोमन् :: m. (-मा) A hog. E. स्तब्ध firm, रोमन् hair of the body.
  • स्तब्धलोचन :: Adj. Having fixed or unwinking eyes, (as an, epithet of gods.)
  • स्तब्धि :: f. (-ब्धिः or -ब्धी) 1. Fixedness, hardness, rigidity. 2. Firmness, immobility. 3. Stupor, numbness. 4. Obstinacy.
  • स्तब्धीकरण :: n. (-णं) Stiffening, making rigid, paralyzing. E. स्तब्ध, करण making, चिव aug.
  • स्तब्धीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Stiffened, rigid, paralyzed. E. स्तब्ध, and कृत made, च्वि augment.
  • स्तभ :: m. (-भः) 1. A goat. 2. A ram. E. See स्तुभ ।
  • स्तम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) 1. A shrub, a plant that has no particular or decided stem. 2. A clump of grass, a sheaf of corn, &c. 3. The post to which an elephant is tied. 4. A mountain. 5. A bush, a thicket. 6. Stupefaction, insensibility, (probably for स्तम्भ in this sense.) n. (-म्बं) 1. A post, a pillar in general. 2. Stupidity, insensibility. E. ष्ठा to stand or abide, अम्बच् Unādi aff., किच्च ।
  • स्तम्बकरि :: m. (-रिः) Corn or rice. Adj. Forming into cluster. E. स्तम्ब a cluster, कृ to make, इन् aff.
  • स्तम्बकरिता :: f. (-ता) Luxuriant growth, the state of thickening into sheaves or clusters.
  • स्तम्बकार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Making or forming a heap or cluster. E. स्तम्ब a cluster, कृ to make, अण् aff.
  • स्तम्बघन :: m. (-नः) 1. A small hoe for weeding or eradicating clusters of gramineous plants. 2. A sickle or instrument for cutting corn. 3. A basket for holding the heads of wild-rice, &c., when cut. E. स्तम्ब a cluster, (of stalks,) a sheaf, हन् to destroy, अप् aff.; also with कच् aff., स्तम्बघ्न; in each case घ being substituted for ह ।
  • स्तम्बघ्न :: mfn. (-घ्नः -घ्नी -घ्नं) Turf-destroying. m. (-घ्नः) A hoe or sickle, &c.: see the last; also स्तम्बघात ।
  • स्तम्बपुर् :: f. (-पूः) A city so named; also known as TĀMRALIPTA.
  • स्तम्बहनन :: nf. (-नं-नी) A hoe or sickle for eradicating weeds, cutting or reaping corn, &c.: see स्तम्बघन . E. स्तम्ब a cluster, a sheaf, and हनन destroying; also स्तम्बहन्, &c.
  • स्तम्बेरम :: mf. (-मः-मा) An elephant. E. स्तम्बे in a clump, (of high grass,) रम् to sport, aff. अच् ।
  • स्तम्भ् (उ) स्तम्भु :: r. 5th. cl. (स्तभ्नोति) r. 9th. cl. (स्तभ्नाति) 1. To stop, to block, to hinder. 2. To be stupid or insensible; also उम्भ् ।
  • स्तम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) 1. A post, a pillar, a column. 2. A stalk, a stem. 3. Stupidity, insensibility. 4. Stupefaction from fear, joy, grief, &c. 5. Coldness, (corporeally,) want of feeling or excitability, paraly- sis. 6. The suppression of any faculty by magical means. 7. Hindrance, obstruction. 8. Fixedness, rigidity. 9. Prop, support, fulcrum. 10. Suppressing, curbing. E. ष्टभि to stop, &c., aff. अच् ।
  • स्तम्भकर :: m. (-रः) A fence, a railing, &c. Adj. 1. Paralyzing. 2. Obstruct- ing. E. स्तम्भ opposing, and कर making.
  • स्तम्भकरण :: n. (-णं) Cause of obstruction or impediment.
  • स्तम्भकिन् :: m. (-की) A musical instrument, covered with leather. E. स्तम्भक stopping, इनि aff.
  • स्तम्भन :: n. (-नं) 1. Stopping, hindering, obstruction. 2. Suppression of any of the bodily faculties by magical incantations. 3. Stopping the flow of blood, &c. 4. Any article so employed, a styptic, an astringent. 5. Stunning, benumbing. 6. Propping, supporting. m. (-नः) An epithet of one of the five arrows of KĀMADEVA. E. ष्टभि to stop, aff. युच् or ल्युट् ।
  • स्तम्भपूजा :: f. (-जा) Worship of the posts of the temporary pavilions erect- ed for marriages or other festive occasions.
  • स्तम्भित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Stupefied, paralyzed. E. स्तम्भ् to be stupid, causal v., क्त aff.
  • स्तम्भोत्कीर्ण :: Adj. Carved out of a post or wood, (as a statue.)
  • स्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Who or what spreads, extends, &c. m. (-रः) 1. A layer, a stratum. 2. A bed. E. स्तृ to spread, अच् aff.
  • स्तरण :: n. (-णं) The act of spreading or strewing.
  • स्तरि(री)मन् :: m. (-मा) A bed, a couch. E. स्तृ to spread, इमनिच् Unādi aff.
  • स्तरी :: f. (-री) 1. Smoke, vapour. 2. A heifer. 3. A barren cow. E. स्तृ to cover, Unādi aff. ई ।
  • स्तव :: m. (-वः) 1. Praise, eulogium, panegyric. 2. Celebrating as a hero or hymning as a deity. E. ष्टु to praise, अप् aff.
  • स्तवक :: m. (-कः) 1. A cluster of blossoms, a nosegay. 2. A multitude in general. 3. Praise, eulogium. 4. A panegyrist, a praiser. 5. The chapter of a book. f. (-विका) Praising. E. ष्टु to praise, aff. वुन्; or स्था to stay, अवक Unādi aff., form irr.
  • स्तवकाचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) In blossom, covered with blossoms. E. स्तवक, आचित heaped.
  • स्तवन :: n. (-नं) 1. Praising, praise. 2. A hymn.
  • स्तवरक :: m. (-कः) A fence, a railing, &c.
  • स्तवेय्य :: m. (-य्यः) INDRA. E. ष्टु to praise, एय्य Unādi aff.
  • स्ताव :: m. (-वः) Praise.
  • स्तावक :: m. (-कः) A praiser, a panegyrist. E. ष्टु to praise, ण्वुल् aff.
  • स्तिमित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Wet, moist. 2. Unsteady, shaking, wavering, (literally or figuratively.) 3. Still, steady, rigid, dull. 4. Benumbed, paralyzed. 5. Tender, soft. 6. Gratified, pleased. n. (-तं) Moisture. E. ष्टिम् to be moist, aff. क्त ।
  • स्तिमितत्व :: n. (-त्वं) Absence of motion, stillness.
  • स्तिमितवायु :: m. (-युः) Still air.
  • स्तिम्भि :: m. (-म्भिः) 1. The ocean. 2. Air. 3. An obstacle, an impediment. E. स्तम्भ् to stop, Unādi aff. इ, and the radical vowel changed to इ; or ष्टिम् to moist, इन् aff., भुक् augment.
  • स्तीर्व्वि :: m. (-र्व्विः) 1. A priest versed in the Yajur-Veda. 2. Grass. 3. Sky. 4. Water. 5. Blood. 6. INDRA. E. स्तॄ to cover, Unādi aff. क्विन् ।
  • स्तुक :: m. (-कः) A collection of hair, a knot. f. (-का) 1. A knot or braid of hair. 2. A bunch of curly hair between the horns of a bull. 3. Hip, thigh.
  • स्तुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Praised, panegyrised, hymned, glorified. E. ष्टु to praise, aff. क्त ।
  • स्तुति :: f. (-तिः) Praise, eulogy. E. ष्टु to praise, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • स्तुतिपद :: n. (-दं) An object of praise.
  • स्तुतिपाठक :: m. (-कः) A bard, one who accompanies a chief or an army, to recite the titles and praises of the one, and to inspire the other by chanting martial exploits, &c. E. स्तुति praise, पाठक a reader.
  • स्तुतिवाद :: m. (-दः) A laudatory speech.
  • स्तुतिव्रत :: m. (-तः) A bard, a herald: see the last. E. स्तुति praise, and व्रत observance.
  • स्तुत्य :: mfn. (-त्यः -त्या -त्यं) To be praised, laudable, praise-worthy. E. ष्टु to praise, aff. क्यप् ।
  • स्तुनक :: m. (-कः) A goat. E. ष्ट्रु to praise, नकक् Unādi aff.
  • स्तुभ :: m. (-भः) A he-goat. E. ष्टुभ् to stop, aff. क; also read स्तभ ।
  • स्तुम्भ् (उ) स्तुम्भु :: r. 5th cl. (स्तुभ्रोति) r. 9th cl. (स्तुभ्राति) 1. To stop. 2. To be stupid. 3. To expel.
  • स्तुपेप्य :: n. (-प्यं) Excellence, preferableness, (in the language of the Vedas.) E. ष्टु to praise, क्सेप्य Unādi aff.
  • स्तूप् :: r. 4th cl. (स्तूप्यति) r. 10th cl. (स्तूपयति-ते) 1. To heap, to pile, to collect. 2. To erect; the form ष्टूप् is irregular.
  • स्तूप :: m. (-पः) 1. A heap, a pile of earth, &c. 2. A funeral pile. 3. A Buddhistic construction for keeping holy relics. E. ष्टूप् to heap, aff. अच्; or ष्टु to praise, पक् Unādi aff., and the vowel made long.
  • स्तूयमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being praised. E. ष्टु to praise, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • स्तृंह :: r. 6th cl. (-स्तृंहति) To hurt, to injure, to kill.
  • स्तृ :: r. 5th cl. (स्तृणीति स्तृणुते) 1. To cover, to clothe, to spread on or over, to strew. 2. To kill. (-स्तृणोति) 1. To love. 2. To protect. With वि prefixed, 1. To spread widely, to extend. 2. To diffuse or prolix. 3. To cover. With उप, To arrange. With परि, 1. To spread. 2. To cover. 3. To arrange.
  • स्तृक्ष् :: r. 1st. cl. (स्तृक्षति) To go.
  • स्तृणत् :: mfn. (-णन् -णती -णत्) Strewing, spreading over or upon, covering. E. स्तृ to strew, शतृ aff.
  • स्तृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Expansion. 2. Covering, clothing.
  • स्तृह् (ऊ) स्तॄहू :: r. 6th cl. (-स्तृहति) To hurt, to kill; also स्तॄह् and ष्टृह् .
  • स्तॄ :: r. 9th cl. (-स्तृणाति स्तृणीते) To clothe, to cover, to spread on or over more properly ष्टॄ .
  • स्तॄह् (ऊ) स्तॄहू :: r. 6th cl. (स्तॄहति) To hurt or kill: see स्तृह् ।
  • स्तेन् :: r. 10th cl. (स्तेनयति-ते) To steal, to rob.
  • स्तेन :: m. (-नः) A thief. n. (-नं) Thieving, stealing. E. स्तेन् to steal, aff. अच्
  • स्तेननिग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. The restraining or punishment of thieves. 2. Suppression of theft.
  • स्तेप् :: r. 10 cl. (-स्तेपयति-ते) To throw; also ष्टेप् ।
  • स्तेम :: m. (-मः) Wetness, moisture. E. ष्टिम् to be wet, aff. घञ् ।
  • स्तेय :: n. (-यं) 1. Theft, robbery. 2. Anything stolen or liable to be stolen. 3. Anything private. E. स्तेन् to steal, यत् aff.; the final न rejected.
  • स्तेयिन् :: m. (-यी) 1. A goldsmith. 2. A thief. E. स्तेय theft, इनि aff.
  • स्तैन :: n. (-नं) Theft, robbery. E. स्तेन a thief, अण् added.
  • स्तैन्य :: n. (-न्यं) Theft, robbery. m. (-न्यः) A thief. E. स्तेन् to steal, ष्यञ् or ण्यत् aff.
  • स्तैमित्य :: n. (-त्यं) Rigidity, numbness.
  • स्तोक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Little, small. 2. Low. m. (-कः) 1. The Chātaka. (Cuculus melanoleucos.) 2. A drop of water. 3. A small portion. n. Adv. (-कं) A little. E. ष्टुच् to be clear or bright, घञ् aff.
  • स्तोकक :: m. (-कः) The Chātaka, (Cuculus melanoleucos.) E. स्तोक drop of water, and कै to sound or cry, aff. क ।
  • स्तोककाय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Diminutive, dwarfish. E. स्तोक, and काय body.
  • स्तोकनम्र :: Adj. Slightly bent.
  • स्तोकशस् :: Ind. Sparingly.
  • स्तोतव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be praised, deserving or requiring praise. E. ष्टु to praise, तव्य aff.
  • स्तोतृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Praising, a praiser, a panegyrist. E. ष्टु to praise, aff. तृच् ।
  • स्तोत्र :: n. (-त्रं) Praise, eulogium. E. ष्टु to praise, aff. ष्ट्रन् ।
  • स्तोत्रिय :: mf. (-यः-या) A particular kind of verse.
  • स्तोभ :: m. (-भः) 1. Stopping, obstructing. 2. Disrespect, contumely. 3. A division of the Sāma-Veda. 4. A stop, a pause. 5. Hymn, praise. E. ष्टुभ् to stop, aff. घञ् ।
  • स्तोम् :: r. 10th cl. (स्तोमयति-ते) 1. To praise, to eulogise. 2. To flatter, to wheedle, to coax. 3. To boast.
  • स्तोम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Crooked, bent. m. (-मः) 1. A heap, a number,

a multitude, a quantity. 2. Sacrifice, oblation. 3. A Soma libation. 4. Praise, eulogium. n. (-मं) 1. The head. 2. Wealth. 3. Grain, corn. 4. Praise. 5. A stick or staff bound with iron. E. ष्टु to praise, मन् Unādi aff.; or स्तोम् to praise, &c., aff. अच् ।

  • स्तोम्य :: f. (-म्या) Laudable.
  • स्तौपिक :: n. (-कं) The small broom carried by a Jaina ascetic. E. स्तूप a heap, ठक् aff.
  • स्त्यान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Bland, soft, unctuous, smooth. 2. Thick, bulky, gross. 3. Collecting into a mass. 4. Sounding. n. (-नं) 1. Thickness, grossness, massiveness. 2. Idleness, sloth. 3. Echo. 4. Unctuousness. 5. Nectar. E. स्त्यै to sound, क्त aff.; त changed to न .
  • स्त्यायन :: n. (-नं) Crowding together.
  • स्त्यैन :: m. (-नः) 1. A thief. 2. Amrita, nectar. E. स्त्यै to sound, &c., इनच् Unādi aff.
  • स्त्यै :: 1st cl. (-स्त्यायति) 1. To sound. 2. To spread about. 3. To collect, to crowd; the form ष्ट्यै is irregular.
  • स्त्री :: f. (-स्त्री) 1. A woman or female in general. 2. A wife. E. स्त्यै to sound, ड्रट् Unādi aff., ङीप् fem. aff.; or ष्टु to praise, ड्रट् aff.
  • स्त्रीकाम :: m. (-मः) Desire of intercourse with women, fondness for women.
  • स्त्रीकार्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) 1. Attendance on women, or women's apartments. 2. The business of women. E. स्त्री, and कार्य्य business.
  • स्त्रीकुमार :: n. (-रं) A woman and child.
  • स्त्रीकुसुम :: n. (-मं) The menstrual excretion in women.
  • स्त्रीक्षीर :: n. (-रं) Mother's milk. E. स्त्री, and क्षीर milk.
  • स्त्रीगवी :: f. (-वी) A milch cow. E. स्त्री a female, गो a cow, and ङीप् aff.
  • स्त्रीगृह :: n. (-हं) An apartment in a house dedicated to women.
  • स्त्रीघोष :: m. (-षः) Dawn, daybreak. E. स्त्री a woman, and घोष sound.
  • स्त्रीघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) A woman's murderer. E. स्त्री, and घ्न who kills.
  • स्त्रीचरित :: n. (-तं) The doings of women.
  • स्त्रीचित्तहारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Pleasing or delightful to the female sex. m. (-री) A tree, (Hyperanthera morunga.) E. स्त्री a woman, चित्त heart or mind, हारिन् what takes.
  • स्त्रीचिह्न :: n. (-ह्नं) 1. The vulva or womb. 2. The female breast. 3. Any mark or characteristic of the female sex. E. स्त्री a female, चिह्न mark.
  • स्त्रीचौर :: m. (-रः) A libertine. E. स्त्री a woman, चौर a thief; also स्त्रीचोर ।
  • स्त्रीजननी :: f. (-नी) The mother of a daughter. E. स्त्री, and जननी mother.
  • स्त्रीजित :: m. (-तः) A henpecked husband. E. स्त्री a woman or wife, and जित overcome.
  • स्त्रीतमा :: f. (-मा) A thorough woman. E. स्त्री and तमप् aff.; also with तरप् aff., स्त्रीतरा ।
  • स्त्रीता :: f. (-ता) 1. Womanhood, wifehood. 2. Effeminacy, feminineness. E. स्त्री a woman, तल् aff.; also with त्व aff., स्त्रीत्व n. (-त्वं)
  • स्त्रीधन :: n. (-नं) Woman's separate property, which is held to be of six kinds; viz:--1. Adhyagnikam, what is given before the sacrificial fire; 2. Adhyavahanikam, what is presented during the bridal pro- cession; 3. Adhivedanikam, what is given on her husband's marrying another wife; 4. Pritidattam, what is given through affection; 5. Sulkam, her dower allowed or perquisites made during marriage; 6. Anwādheyam, a gift from her own or husband's relatives after marriage. Other varieties are enumera- ted, as the pitri, mātri, suta, bhrātridattam, what is given by her parents, son, or brother; bandhudattam, what is given by her kindred; and some enumerate acceptance generally, and in- heritance, amongst a woman's titles to property. E. स्त्री, धन wealth.
  • स्त्रीधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) 1. Duty of woman. 2. The laws concerning women. 3. The menstrual excretion. E. स्त्री a woman, धर्म्म peculiar property.
  • स्त्रीधर्म्मयोग :: n. (-गं) Laws or institutes concerning women. E. स्त्रीधर्म्म, and योग application.
  • स्त्रीधर्म्मिणी :: f. (-णी) A woman during menstruation. E. स्त्रीधर्म्म menstruation, इनि and ङीप् affs.
  • स्त्रीधव :: m. (-वः) A man, a male. E. स्त्री a woman, and धव a husband.
  • स्त्रीनाथ :: Adj. Protected by a woman.
  • स्त्रीनिबन्धन :: n. (-नं) A woman's peculiar province or domestic duty, housewifery. E. स्त्री, and निबन्धन conferring.
  • स्त्रीपण्योपजीविन् :: m. (-वी) 1. One who lives by his wife. 2. One who lives by keeping women for prostitution; also स्त्र्याजीव ।
  • स्त्रीपर :: m. (-रः) A libertine, a woman-lover, a lecher. E. स्त्री a woman, पर intent.
  • स्त्रीपिशाची :: f. (-ची) A fiend-like wife.
  • स्त्रीपुधर्म्म :: m. (-र्म्मः) Reciprocal duty of husband and wife, or man and woman. E. स्त्री, and पुम् male, धर्म्म law.
  • स्त्रीपुंसलक्षणा :: f. (-णा) A hermaphrodite. “पोटायाम्” ।
  • स्त्रीपुमन् :: m. (-मा) A woman who has become a man.
  • स्त्रीप्रत्यय :: m. (-यः) A feminine affix, (in grammar.)
  • स्त्रीप्रसङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Intercourse with woman.
  • स्त्रीप्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Liked or loved by women. m. (-यः) The mango- tree. E. स्त्री a female, and प्रिय dear.
  • स्त्रीबाध्य :: m. (-ध्यः) One who suffers himself to be distressed by a woman.
  • स्त्रीबुद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) 1. The female understanding. 2. The counsel of a woman.
  • स्त्रीभोग :: m. (-गः) Sexual intercourse.
  • स्त्रीमत् :: m. (-मान्) A husband, a wedded man. E. स्त्री, and मतुप् aff.
  • स्त्रीमन्त्र :: m. (-न्त्रः) A female stratagem.
  • स्त्रीयन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) A woman who works like a machine.
  • स्त्रीरञ्जन :: n. (-नं) Pān, the mixture of betel-nut, Pān-leaf, &c., chewed by the Hindus and by women especially. E. स्त्री a woman, and रञ्जन delighting.
  • स्त्रीरत्न :: n. (-त्नं) An excellent woman. E. स्त्री and रत्न a gem.
  • स्त्रीराज्य :: n. (-ज्यं) The kingdom of women, a country placed by some in the direction of Bhot. E. स्त्री, राज्य kingdom.
  • स्त्रीलिङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Feminine gender, (in gram.) n. (-ङ्गं) The female organ. E. स्त्री, लिङ्ग mark.
  • स्त्रीवश :: m. (-शः) Subjection to women. E. स्त्री, and वश subject.
  • स्त्रीविधेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Uxorious. E. स्त्री, and विधेय to be ruled.
  • स्त्रीविवाह :: m. (-हः) Marrying a woman. E. स्त्री, and विवाह marriage.
  • स्त्रीवृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Attended by women. E. स्त्री, and वृत surrounded.
  • स्त्रीसंग्रहण :: n. (-णं) 1. Adultery, seduction. 2. The act of embracing a woman, (rare in use.) E. स्त्री, and संग्रहण taking.
  • स्त्रीसंसर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) Female society.
  • स्त्रीसंस्थान :: Adj. Having a female shape.
  • स्त्रीसभ :: n. (-भं) An assembly of women, a number of females. E. स्त्री a woman, सभा an assembly, neuter in this compound.
  • स्त्रीसम्बन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) 1. Marriage. 2. Connection by marriage. 3. Relation or reference to women. E. स्त्री, and सम्बन्ध union.
  • स्त्रीसेवा :: f. (-वा) Libertinism. E. स्त्री, and सेवा addiction to.
  • स्त्रीस्वभाव :: m. (-वः) 1. An attendant of the women's apartments, a eunuch. 2. The nature of women. E. स्त्री female, स्वभाव nature.
  • स्त्रीहत्या :: f. (-त्या) Murder of a woman. E. स्त्री, and हत्या killing.
  • स्त्रीहन्तृ :: m. (-न्ता) A woman's murderer. E. स्त्री, हन्तृ who kills.
  • स्त्रीहरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Carrying off a woman, ravishment. 2. Rape. E. स्त्री, हरण taking.
  • स्त्रीहारिन् :: m. (-री) A ravisher, one who carries off a woman. E. स्त्री, and हृ to take, घिनुण् aff.
  • स्त्रैण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) 1. Female, feminine. 2. Being among women. 3. Suited to or good for women. n. (-णं) 1. Woman-hood. 2. The nature of a woman. 3. The Female sex. 4. A multitude of women. E. स्त्री a woman, and अण् or नञ् aff.
  • स्त्रैणता :: f. (-ता) 1. Effiminacy. 2. Addiction to woman. E. स्त्रैण, तल् aff.; also with त्व, स्त्रैणत्वं ।
  • स्त्र्याजीव :: m. (-वः) One who lives by his wife's labours or prostitution. E. स्त्री, and आजीव subsistence: see स्त्रीपण्योपजीविन् ।
  • स्त्र्याभिगमन :: n. (-नं) Sexual intercourse. E. स्त्री, and अभिगमन going to.
  • स्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Staying, abiding, what or who is or stays. E. ष्ठा to stay or stand, aff. क; this deriv. most usually occurs in composition.
  • स्थकर :: n. (-रं) A betel-nut; also read स्थगर ।
  • स्थग् (ए) स्थगे :: r. 1st cl. (स्थगति) To cover, to veil, to hide; also ष्ठग् ।
  • स्थग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) 1. Fraudulent, dishonest, a rogue, a cheat. 2.

Shameless, abandoned. m. (-गः) A rogue, a cheat. f. (गी) A betel-box. E. स्थग् to cover or hide, aff. अच् ।

  • स्थगन :: n. (-नं) Covering, concealment. E. स्थग् to cover, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • स्थगर :: n. (-रं) A betel-nut; also read स्थकर ।
  • स्थगिका :: f. (-का) 1. A courtesan. 2. The office of betel-bearer.
  • स्थगित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Covered, hidden, concealed. E. स्थग् to cover, क्त aff.
  • स्थगु :: m. (-गुः) A hump or protuberance on the back, &c. E. स्थग् to cover, aff. उन् ।
  • स्थण्डिल :: n. (-लं) 1. A level square piece of ground, prepared for a sacri- fice. 2. A boundary, a land-mark. 3. A barren field. 4. A heap of clods. E. ष्ठल् to be situated, इलच् aff., नुक् aug.; ल changed to ड ।
  • स्थण्डिलशायिन् :: m. (-यी) A devotee who, as an act of mortification or penance, sleeps on the ground which has been prepared for sacri- ficial purposes. E. स्थण्डिल as above, शी to sleep, णिनि aff.
  • स्थण्डिलसितक :: n. (-कं) An altar. E. स्थण्डिल levelled ground for a sacrifice, षो to destroy, aff. क्त, and कन् added.
  • स्थण्डिलेशय :: m. (-यः) An ascetic sleeping on the ground: see स्थण्डिल- शायिन् . E. स्थण्डिल on the ground, and शय who sleeps.
  • स्थपति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Chief, best, principal. m. (-तिः) 1. The perfor- mer of the VRIHASPATI-sacrifice. 2. A guard or attendant of the women's apartments. 3. A sovereign, a chief. 4. An architect, a master-carpenter or builder. 5. A carpenter, a wheel-wright. 6. A charioteer. 7. KUVERA. E. स्थ who is or who is placed, and पति master, lord.
  • स्थपुट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) 1. Distressed, living in difficulty or distress. 2. Bent with pain, &c. f. (-टा) 1. Being in contracted or difficult circumstances. 2. Unevenly raised, elevated and depressed. E. स्थ what stands, or is, पुट् to contract, aff. क ।
  • स्थपुटगत :: Adj. Being in contracted and uneven places.
  • स्थल् :: E. 1st cl. (-स्थलति) To stand, to be firm; according to some it is a different root from ष्ठल् ।
  • स्थल :: nf. (-लं-ली) 1. Place, site, soil, dry or firm ground. 2. A natural spot, forest-land. nf. (-लं-ला) A spot of dry ground prepared by art or drained and raised, &c., (as opposed to स्थली,) which is naturally so.) n. (-लं) 1. A tent, a house of cloth. 2. A mound, a hillock. 3. Point, case, topic, subject, (of a description or discussion.) 4. Part, (as of a book.) 5. Firm or dry ground. 6. Shore, strand, beach. 7. Place, spot, soil, (in general.) 8. Field, tract, district. 9. Station. E. ष्ठल् to be firm, aff. अच् ।
  • स्थलचर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Who or what goes on land, terrene. E. स्थल, चर what goes.
  • स्थलच्युत :: Adj. Fallen or removed from a place or position.
  • स्थलज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Terrene, terrestrial, what is produced on land. E. स्थल, and ज born.
  • स्थलदेवता :: f. (-ता) A local or rural deity.
  • स्थलपद्म :: n. (-द्मं) A shrub, (Hibiscus mutabilis.) E. स्थल dry ground, and पद्म a lotus.
  • स्थलपद्मिनी :: f. (-नी) A shrub, (Hibiscus mutabilis.) E. स्थल dry ground, and पद्मिनी a cluster of lotuses.
  • स्थलमञ्जरी :: f. (-री) A plant, (Achyranthes aspera.) E. स्थल dry ground, मञ्जरी a stalk.
  • स्थलमार्ग :: m. (-र्गः) A road by land; also similar compounds, as स्थलवर्त्मन्, &c.
  • स्थलविग्रह :: m. (-हः) Battle on plain or level ground. E. स्थल, विग्रह war.
  • स्थलशुद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Purification or clearance of a place from impurity.
  • स्थलशृङ्गाट :: m. (-टः) A plant, (Tribulus lanuginosus.) E. स्थल, dry ground, शृङ्गाट a sort of trapa; with कन् added स्थलशृङ्गाटक ।
  • स्थलसीमन् :: m. (-मा) A boundary, a land-mark. E. स्थल dry ground, सीमन् a boundary.
  • स्थलान्तर :: n. (-रं) Another place.
  • स्थलीरूढ :: Adj. Alighted on the ground.
  • स्थलीदेवता :: f. (-ता) A terrestrial demigod, as a faun, a dryad, &c. E. स्थली the dry land, देवता a divinity.
  • स्थलीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Relating or belonging to dry ground. E. स्थल, and छ aff.
  • स्थलेशय :: m. (-यः) An amphibious animal, as the tortoise, otter, &c. Adj. Sleeping on dry ground. E. स्थले on dry ground, शय who sleeps.
  • स्थवि :: m. (-विः) 1. A weaver. 2. Heaven. E. स्था to stay, Unādi aff. क्विन् ।
  • स्थविर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Old, aged. 2. Fixed, firm, steady. m. (-रः) 1. BRAHMĀ. 2. An old man. 3. A beggar. f. (-रा) An old woman. E. ष्ठा to stay or stand, (a long time, &c.) किरच् Unādi aff., and स्थव substituted for the root.
  • स्थविष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) 1. Very fat or corpulent. 2. Createst. E. स्थ्ल bulky, इष्ठन् superlative affix, the final of the adjective dropped, and vowel changed; also with ईयसुन् aff., स्थवीयस् mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः).
  • स्थाणु :: mfn. (-णुः -णः -णु) Firm, fixed, steady, stable. m. (-णुः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. A stake, a pin. 3. A post. 4. A spear, a dart. 5. A nest of white ants. 6. The gnomon of a dial. 7. JIVAKA, the drug and perfume. mn. (-णुः-णु) 1. The trunk of a tree of which the branches have been lopped off. 2. The branchless trunk or stem of any tree. E. ष्ठा to stand, Unādi aff. नु ।
  • स्थाणुच्छेद :: m. (-दः) One who cuts down or clears timber. E. स्थाणु, and छेद who cuts.
  • स्थाणुभ्रम :: m. (-मः) Mistaking anything for a post.
  • स्थाण्डिल :: m. (-लः) 1. An ascetic sleeping on the bare ground, or ground prepared for a sacrifice. 2. A mendicant, a religious beggar. E. स्थण्डिल ground, &c., अण् aff.
  • स्थातव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) 1. To be placed or fixed. 2. To be appointed or determined, to be ordained or agreed upon. E. ष्ठा to stay, तव्य aff.
  • स्थातृ :: mfn. (-ता -त्री -तृ) Who or what stays or stands. E. ष्ठा to stay, aff. तृन् ।
  • स्थान :: n. (-नं) 1. Place, spot, site, situation. 2. Stay, staying, continu- ance, being fixed or stationary and exempt, from increase or diminution. 3. Likeness, resemblance. 4. Leisure, interval. 5. An open place in a town, a green, a plain, a square. 6. A house, a dwelling. 7. A section, a chapter, a book. 8. One of the three objects of government, the middle state, as neither loss nor gain, nor discomfiture nor success, nor expenditure nor accumulation, &c. 9. A town, a city. 10. Office, appointment. 11. Degree, station. 12. Halt. 13. Firmness of troops, keeping in array. 14. The act of standing firm so as to resist a charge. 15. State, condition. 16. The stamina of a kingdom, regarded as consisting of four parts, viz:--Army, treasury, city, and territory. 17. Proper or right place. 18. Country, region, district. 19. Any place or sphere assigned after death to men according as they do their duty or neglect it. 20. A holy place. 21. An altar. 22. An open place in a town. 23. The part or character of an actor. 24. An object. 25. A worthy or proper object. 26. Object, point, place. 27. A modulation of voice, note, tone. 28. Intimation, indication. E. ष्ठा to stay, to be fixed, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • स्थानक :: n. (-कं) 1. A basin or trench dug for water at the root of a tree. 2. A town, a city. 3. A bubble or a bead on spirits or wine 4. Position, situation. 5. A particular point or situation in drama- tic action. 6. A mode of recitation. 7. A division or section of the Taittirīya branch of the Yayur-Veda. E. कन् added to the last.
  • स्थानचञ्चला :: f. (-ला) A plant, (Ocimum pilosum.) E. स्थान place, चञ्चला trembling.
  • स्थानचिन्तक :: m. (-कः) A quarter-master.
  • स्थानतस् :: Ind. 1. According to place or situation. 2. In regard to the place or organ of utterance.
  • स्थानपाल :: m. (-लः) A guard, a keeper, a watchman. E. स्थान a place, पाल who protects.
  • स्थानभ्रष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Displaced, out of place, fallen or removed from the natural or usual situation. E. स्थान place, and भ्रष्ट fallen.
  • स्थानमाहात्म्य :: n. (-त्म्यं) The greatness or glory of any place, a kind of divine virtue supposed to be inherent in a sacred spot.
  • स्थानयोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Assignment of suitable places. 2. Proper mode or place for preserving articles. E. स्थान, and योग application.
  • स्थानाध्यक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The superintendent or governor of a place or post. E. स्थान a place, अध्यक्ष superintendent.
  • स्थानासेध :: m. (-धः) Confinement to a place, imprisonment, arrest. E. स्थान, आसेध durance.
  • स्थानिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Local, belonging to place or site. 2. That which takes the place of any thing or is substituted for it, (in gram.) m. (-कः) The governor or superintendent of any place or district. E. स्थान a place, and ढक् aff.
  • स्थानिन् :: mfn. (-नी -निनी -नि) 1. Having place or fixation, placed, abiding, permanent, &c. 2. Having a substitute. m. (-नी) 1. The original form or primitive element. 2. That which has a place. E. स्थान place, इनि aff.
  • स्थानीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Relating or suitable to any place, fit for or belonging to it, &c. n. (-यं) A city, a town. E. स्थान place. छ aff.
  • स्थाने :: Ind. 1. Properly, suitably, fitly. 2. Because, on account of. 3. Like, resembling, similarly. 4. Truly. 5. In lieu of, instead of. E. स्थान place, in the seventh case; or स्था-ने ।
  • स्थापक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Placing, fixing, regulating, ordering. m. (-कः) 1. The director of the stage-business, a stage-manager. 2. A founder, the erector of a temple or image, &c. E. ष्ठा to be or stand, causal form, ण्वुल् aff.
  • स्थापत्य :: m. (-त्यः) A guard of the women's apartments. n. (-त्यं) Archi- tecture, building. E. स्था who stays, (in the harem, such as the wife or concubine of a man of rank,) पति master, ष्यञ् aff.
  • स्थापन :: n. (-नं) 1. Placing, founding, fixing, erecting. 2. Ordering, directing. 3. Fixing or concentrating the thoughts upon the object of meditation, abstraction, mental control. 4. A ceremony performed in the month of utero-gestation. 5. A dwelling, a habi- tation. f. (-ना) 1. Ordering or arranging as a drama, stage-manage- ment. 2. Placing, fixing. f. (-नी) A plant, (Cissampelos hexandra.) E. ष्ठा to stay or stand, causal form, aff. ल्युट् or युच् ।
  • स्थापयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Fixing, placing, establishing. E. ष्ठा to stay, causal v., शतृ aff.
  • स्थापयित्वा :: Ind. Having placed, fixed, erected, &c. E. ष्ठा to stay, causal v., क्त्वा aff.
  • स्थापित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Deposited, placed. 2. Ordered, directed. 3. Established, ascertained. 4. Firm, steady. 5. Set up, erected. 6. Founded, endowed. 7. Placed in a post or situation. E. ष्ठा to stay or be, causal form, aff. क्त ।
  • स्थापितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Placing, having placed. E. स्था to place, causal. v., क्तवतु aff.
  • स्थाप्य :: f. (-प्या) 1. To be placed or deposited. 2. To be fixed or established. n. (-प्यं) A deposit, a pledge.
  • स्थाप्यापहरण :: n. (-णं) The stealing or embezzling of a deposit.
  • स्थामन् :: n. (-म) 1. Strength, power, stamina. 2. Fixity, stability. E. ष्ठा to stand or stay, Unādi aff. मनिन् .
  • स्थायिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) 1. Steady, firm, unchangeable, invariable. 2. Who or what stays, or is, &c. f. (-यिनी) 1. Standing, staying. 2. Abiding, living. 3. Enduring, continuing, lasting. n. (-यि) Any- thing lasting, a permanent state or condition. m. (-यी) A class of those feelings or passions which are the objects of poetic descrip- tion: see the next. E. ष्ठा to stay, णिनि aff., युक् augment.
  • स्थायिभाव :: m. (-वः) 1. Fixed or permanent condition. 2. A feeling or passion which is the object of poetical or dramatic description, and is classed sometimes as one of three, but more usually as one of two orders of such objects; this order being opposed especially to the Vyabhichāri-Bhāvas: the feelings or conditions termed Sthāyi are eight; viz.:--desire, mirth, sorrow, heroism, anger, fear, aversion, and astonishment. E. स्थायिन् fixed, and भाव property.
  • स्थायुक :: mfn. (-कः -का) or -की-कं) 1. Stationary. 2. Steady, firm. m. (-कः) The overseer of a village. E. ष्टा to stand or be, उकञ् aff., युक् aug.
  • स्थाल :: n. (-लं) 1. A caldron. 2. A plate or dish. 3. Any culinary utensil. f. (-ली) 1. An earthen pot or boiler. 2. A particular vessel

used in the preparation of SOMA. 3. The trumpet flower, (Bignonia suave olens.) E. ष्ठा to stand, Unādi aff. आलच्; or स्थल-घञ् ।

  • स्थालरूप :: n. (-पं) The form or representation of a pot.
  • स्थालीपक्व :: mfn. (-क्वः -क्वा -क्वं) Boiled, dressed in a pot or boiler. E. स्थाली a pot, पक्व cooked.
  • स्थालीपाक :: m. (-कः) 1. A particular religious act performed by a house- holder. 2. Rice, &c., boiled for presentation to gods and manes: see चरु for the last sense.
  • स्थालीपुरीष :: n. (-षं) The sediment or dirt sticking to a kettle or cooking pot.
  • स्थालीपुलाक :: m. (-कः) Boiled-rice in a cooking-pot.
  • स्थालीपुलाकन्याय :: m. (-यः) The maxim of the cooking-pot and the boiled- rice. In a cooking-pot all the grains are equally moistened by the heated water and so when one knows that one grain is well-cooked he can draw the same inference as regards all others. From this fact the maxim is applied to cases where the condition of the whole is inferred from that of a part.
  • स्थालीबिल :: n. (-लं) The interior or hollow of a boiler. E. स्थाली a pot, बिल vacuity.
  • स्थालीबिलीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Rice, &c., fit to be boiled or dressed. E. स्थालीबिल the interior of a pot, छ aff.; also with यत् aff., स्थालीबिल्य ।
  • स्थावर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Fixed, stationary, stable, immovable, (as opposed to जङ्गम .) 2. Regular, established. 3. Inactive, slow, inert. m. (-रः) A mountain. n. (-रं) 1. A bow-string. 2. Immovable property, land or houses. 3. Family property, jewels, &c., which have been long in a family, and which ought not to be sold or given away. 4. Any stationary or inanimate object, (considered to be the seventh creation of BRAHMĀ.) 5. A heir-loom. E. ष्ठा to stand, वरच् aff.
  • स्थावरास्थावर :: n. (-रं) 1. Movable and immovable property. 2. Things animate and inanimate; also similar compounds, as स्थावरजङ्गम, &c.
  • स्थाविर :: n. (-रं) Old oge, any time after seventy in men, and fifty in women. f. (-रा or -री) Thick, firm. E. ष्ठा to stay, (a long time,) किरच् Unādi aff., and युक् augment; or स्थविर-अण् ।
  • स्थासक :: m. (-कः) 1. Perfuming the person, smearing the body with fragrant unguents, as of Sandal, &c. 2. A bubble of water or any fluid. E. ष्ठा to stay, स aff., and कन् added.
  • स्थासु :: n. (-सु) Bodily strength or capability. E. ष्ठा to stay or be, सु aff.
  • स्थास्नु :: mfn. (-स्नुः -स्नुः -स्नु) 1. Disposed to stand, immovable, firm, stable. 2. Durable, permanent, eternal. E. ष्ठा to stay, स्नु aff.
  • स्थास्नुता :: f. (-ता) Firmness, stability. E. स्थास्नु, and तल् aff.
  • स्थिक :: m. (-कः) A buttock; probably a corruption of स्फिक् ।
  • स्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Steady, firm, immovable. 2. Stayed, stopped. 3. Determined, resolved, decreed, established. 4. Upright, virtu- ous, steady in conduct. 5. Agreed, engaged, contracted, promised. 6. Risen, got up. 7. Standing. 8. Being, situated, living, existing. 9. Being close, at hand, ready. n. (-तं) A word standing by itself. E. ष्ठा to stay or be, aff. क्त ।
  • स्थितधी :: mfn. (-धीः -धीः -धि) Firm, unmoved, calm. E. स्थित, धी intellect.
  • स्थितपाठ्य :: n. (-ठ्यं) Ricitation in Prākrit by a standing woman.
  • स्थितप्रज्ञ :: mfn. (-ज्ञः -ज्ञा -ज्ञं) 1. Calm, content, free from desire. 2. Firm in judgment or wisdom, free from fancies or hallucinations. E. स्थित, and प्रज्ञा wisdom.
  • स्थितप्रेमन् :: m. (-मा) A faithful friend. E. स्थित established, प्रेमन् affection.
  • स्थितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Staying, abiding, stationary. 2. Waiting, attending. E. ष्ठा to stay, क्तवतु aff.
  • स्थिति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Stay, staying, being fixed or stationary. 2. Correct- ness of conduct, continuance in the path of duty. 3. Limit, boun- dary, term. 4. Stop, cessation, pause. 5. Determination, order, decree. 6. Honour, dignity. 7. Duration of an eclipse, (in astronomy.) 8. Stay, residence. 9. Continuance in one state, stopping. 10. Any situation, state, position. 11. Natural state,

habit. 12. Good condition, welfare. 13. High station, rank. 14. Consistency. 15. Establishment of good order, (in a government.) 16. Settled rule, axiom, maxim. 17. Inertia, resistance to motion, (in phil.) 18. One of the three states through which the system of created things has to pass, viz.:--that of preservation. E. ष्ठा to stay or stand, aff. क्तिन् ।

  • स्थितिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) 1. Firm, stable. 2. Steady, (in purpose, or conduct,) upright, firm, virtuous. E. स्थिति, and मतुप् aff.
  • स्थितिस्थापक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Who or what fixes, places, &c. n. (-कं) Elasticity. m. (-कः) The capability of placing in or recovering a previous position or condition. Adj. Having elastic properties. E. स्थिति, and स्थापक what causes to stay.
  • स्थित्वा :: Ind. Having stayed, stood, stopped, been, &c. E. स्था to stay, क्त्वा aff.
  • स्थिर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Firm, fixed, steady, immovable. 2. Hard, solid. 3. Permanent, durable, lasting. 4. Firm, steady, (morally,) unin- fluenced by pleasure or pain, &c. 5. Cool, collected. 6. Constant, faithful. 7. Sure, certain. m. (-रः) 1. A deity, an immortal. 2. KĀRTIKEYA. 3. A mountain. 4. A tree. 5. Final emancipation from existence. 6. The planet SATURN. 7. A bull. 8. ŚIVA. f. (-रा) 1. The earth. 2. A shrub, (Hedysarum gangeticum.) 3. A medi- cinal root, commonly Kākoli. 4. Silk-cotton tree. E. ष्ठा to stay or be, Unādi aff. किरच् ।
  • स्थिरकुट्टक :: m. (-कः) 1. A steady pulverizer. 2. A common divisor, (in algebra.)
  • स्थिरगन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) The Champaca, (Michelia champaca.) f. (-न्धा) 1. The Pandanus odoratissimus. 2. Trumpet flower. E. स्थिर lasting, and गन्ध smell.
  • स्थिरचक्र :: m. (-क्रः) A Bauddha saint.
  • स्थिरचेतस् :: mfn. (-ताः -ताः -तः) Firm, resolute, steady, constant. E. स्थिर, firm, चेतस् the mind.
  • स्थिरच्छद :: m. (-दः) The Bhurja-patra or birch-tree of the Himālaya mountains. E. स्थिर firm, and च्छद a leaf.
  • स्थिरच्छाय :: m. (-यः) 1. A tree by the road side, &c., giving shelter to travellers or persons passing. 2. A tree in general. E. स्थिर lasting, and छाया shade.
  • स्थिरजिह्व :: m. (-ह्वः) A fish. E. स्थिर immovable, and जिह्वा the tongue.
  • स्थिरजीविता :: f. (-ता) The silk-cotton tree. E. स्थिर lasting, (a long time,) and जीवित alive.
  • स्थिरतर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Firm, fixed, stationary. 2. Permanent, dura- ble, eternal. E. स्थिर firm, तरप् aff.
  • स्थिरता :: f. (-ता) 1. Stability, firmness. 2. Moral firmness, fortitude. 3. Fearlessness. E. स्थिर with स्थिर with तल् added; also with त्व, स्थिरत्वं ।
  • स्थिरदंष्ट्र :: m. (-ष्ट्रः) 1. A snake. 2. VISHṆU in the boar-Avatār. E. स्थिर hard, and दंष्ट्र a tooth.
  • स्थिरधी :: Adj. Firm-minded, resolute.
  • स्थिरपच :: m. (-त्रः) The marshy-date-tree. E. स्थिर lasting, पत्र a leaf. “हिन्ताल वृक्षे ।”
  • स्थिरपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) 1. The Champaca, (Michelia champaca.) 2. The Bakul, (Mimusops elengi.) E. स्थिर lasting, पुष्प a flower.
  • स्थिरप्रतिज्ञ :: Adj. 1. Persisting in an assertion, pertinacious. 2. Faithful to a promise.
  • स्थिरप्रतिबन्ध :: Adj. Obstinate, firm.
  • स्थिरमति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Steady, firm, deliberate. E. स्थिर, मति mind.
  • स्थिरयोनि :: m. (-निः) A large tree, one that gives shade and shelter. E. स्थिर firm, lasting, and योनि place of production.
  • स्थिरयौवन :: m. (-नः) A Vidyādhara, a peculiar kind of demigod. Adj. Ever youthful. E. स्थिर perpetual, यौवन youth.
  • स्थिररङ्गा :: f. (-ङ्गा) 1. Indigo. 2. Dāru-haridrā, a sort of Curcuma. E. स्थिर lasting, रङ्ग colour or dye; also स्थिररागा in the last sense.
  • स्थिरधी :: Adj. Having permanent, prosperity.
  • स्थिरसगर :: Adj. Faithful to a promise, true, veracious.
  • स्थिरस्थायिन् :: Adj. Remaining firm or steady, keeping perfectly still, (as in meditation.)
  • स्थिराङ्घ्रिप :: m. (-पः) The marshy-date-tree. “हिन्ताल वृक्षे” । E. स्थिर hard or lasting, अंह्रिप tree.
  • स्थिरात्मन् :: mfn. (-त्मा -त्मा -त्म) 1. Firm, resolute, unmoved. 2. Stable steady. E. स्थिर, and आत्मन् self.
  • स्थिरानुराग :: Adj. Constant in affection.
  • स्थिरायु :: m. (-युः) The silk-cotton tree, (Bombax heptaphyllum.) E. स्थि lasting long, and आयु or आयुस् life; whence also स्थिरायुस् m. (-युः ।)
  • स्थुड् :: r. 6th cl. (स्थुडति) To clothe or cover.
  • स्थुरिन् :: m. (-री) A pack-horse, a horse carrying loads: see स्थौरिन् ।
  • स्थुल :: n. (-लं) A sort of long tent; more properly स्थूल ।
  • स्थूणा :: f. (-णा) 1. The post or pillar of a house. 2. Any post or pillar. 3. An iron image, a statue. 4. An anvil. 5. A disease. E. ष्ठा to stay or stand, नक् Unādi aff., deriv. irr.
  • स्थूम :: m. (-मः) 1. Light. 2. The moon.
  • स्थूर :: m. (-रः) 1. A man. 2. A bull. E. ष्ठा to stay, ऊरन् Unādi aff.
  • स्थूरिन् :: m. (-री) A pack-horse or one carrying loads on his back. E. स्थूल bulk, size, इनि affix, and ल changed to र; or स्था-उरन् aff.
  • स्थूल् :: r. 10th cl. (स्थूलयति-ते) To increase, to become big or bulky.
  • स्थूल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) 1. Fat, corpulent, bulky. 2. Stupid, dull ignorant, thick-headed. 3. Large, great. 4. Coarse. 5. Clumsy. 6. Not exact. 7. Solid. 8. Strong, powerful. 9. Big, huge. n. (-लं) 1. A heap, a quantity. 2. A tent. 3. The top or summit of a moun- tain. f. (-ला) 1. A sort of pepper, (Pothos officinalis.) 2. A pumpkin-gourd. m. (-लः) The jack-fruit tree. E. स्थूल् to be large or fat, aff. अच् ।
  • स्थूलक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Large, bulky. m. (-कः) A sort of grass or reed E. स्थूल the same, कन् added.
  • स्थूलकङ्गु :: m. (-ङ्गुः) A wild sort of kidney-bean. “वोरक धान्ये” । E. स्थूरु large, कङ्गु coix.
  • स्थूलकण्टिका :: f. (-का) The silk-cotton tree. E. स्थूल large, कण्ट a thorn, कन् aff.
  • स्थूलकन्द :: m. (-न्दः) 1. An esculent root, (Arum colocasia.) 2. Anothe sort, (Arum Indicum.) E. स्थूल large, and कन्द a root.
  • स्थूलकाय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Large-bodied, corpulent. E. स्थूल, and काय body.
  • स्थूलकाष्ठदह् :: m. (-धक्) The trunk of a tree or any piece of timber of fire. E. स्थूल large, काष्ठ wood, दह burning.
  • स्थूलकाष्ठाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) A large piece of wood on fire. E. स्थूल large, काष्ठ wood, अग्नि fire.
  • स्थूलक्ष्वेड :: m. (-डः) An arrow. E. स्थूल large, and क्ष्वेड a bamboo-rod.
  • स्थूलचाप :: m. (-पः) A large bow-like instrument used in cleaning cotton E. स्थूल large, चाप a bow.
  • स्थूलजीरक :: m. (-कः) Kalonji, (Nigella Indica.) “कालजीरा” इति भाषा । E. स्थूल large, जीरक cumin-seed.
  • स्थूलता :: f. (-ता) 1. Coarseness, bulkiness. 2. Dulness, stupidity. E. त added to स्थूल; also with त्व, स्थूलत्वं ।
  • स्थूलदण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) A sort of reed, (Arundo.) “देवनले” । E. स्थूल large दण्ड a stick or stem.
  • स्थूलदर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) A kind of grass, (Saccharum munja.) E. स्थूल large दर्भ Poa cynosuroides.
  • स्थूलदला :: f. (-ला) The Aloe-plant. E. स्थूल large, and दल a leaf.
  • स्थूलधी :: mfn. (-धीः -धीः -धि) Dull, stupid. E. स्थूल, and धौ understanding.
  • स्थूलनाल :: m. (-लः) A large kind of reed. E. स्थूल large, and नाल a stalk.
  • स्थूलनास :: m. (-सः) A hog. E. स्थूल large, and नास for नासिका nose.
  • स्थूलनासिक :: m. (-कः) A hog, a boar. Adj. Thick-nosed. E. स्थूल large नासिका the nose, made masc. in this compound.
  • स्थूलपट :: mn. (-टः-टं) Coarse cloth.
  • स्थूलपट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः) Cotton. n. (-ट्टं) Coarse cloth. E. स्थूल, पट्ट cloth.
  • स्थूलपट्टाक :: m. (-कः) Coarse cloth. E. स्थूल large, पट्ट cloth, अक् to be, aff अच्
  • स्थूलपाद :: m. (-दः) 1. An elephant. 2. A man with elephantiasis. Adj Having swelled legs. E. स्थूल large, and पाद a foot.
  • स्थूलपुष्प :: m. (-ष्पः) A tree, (Æschynomene grandiflora.) f. (-ष्पा) A flower a sort of mountain Clitorea. E. स्थूल large, पुष्प a flower.
  • स्थूलबुद्धि :: mfn. (-द्धिः -द्धिः -द्धि) Stupid, dull. E. स्थूल, and बुद्धि understanding.
  • स्थूलभद्र :: m. (-द्रः) One of the sacred personages called Śrutā Kevalis by the Jainas.
  • स्थूलमरिच :: n. (-चं) A fragrant medicinal berry, commonly Kakkol. E. स्थूल large, मरिच black-pepper.
  • स्थूलमान :: n. (-नं) Gross or rough measure, rough computation.
  • स्थूलमूल :: n. (-लं) A kind of radish. “चाणक्य मूले ।”
  • स्थूललक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा -क्षं) 1. Munificent, liberal. 2. Learned, well-read. 3. Remembering both benefits and offences. E. स्थूल large, much, and लक्ष mark or note.
  • स्थूललक्ष्य :: mfn. (-क्ष्यः -क्ष्या -क्ष्यं) 1. Munificent, liberal. 2. Dealing profusely or indiscriminately. 2. Rocollecting benefits and injuries. 4. Taking careless aim. E. स्थूल a heap, (of wealth,) लक्ष्य to be remarked or seen.
  • स्थूललक्ष्यत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Liberality. 2. Aiming carelessly. 3. Retentiveness of benefits. E. स्थूललक्ष्य, and त्व aff.
  • स्थूलवर्त्मकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) A plant, (Siphonanthus Indica.)
  • स्थूलवल्कल :: m. (-लः) Red Lodh, a tree, the bark of which is used as an astringent in tanning, &c. E. स्थूल thick, and वल्कल bark.
  • स्थूलशङ्खा :: f. (-ङ्खा) A woman having a large vulva.
  • स्थूलशरीर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Large-bodied. n. (-रं) The external or material body, (as opposed to सूक्ष्मशरीर). E. स्थूल, शरीर body.
  • स्थूलशाटक :: mf. (-टकः-टका or -टिका) Thick or coarse cloth. E. स्थूल thick, शाटक cloth.
  • स्थूलशाटि :: m. (-टिः) Coarse cloth. E. स्थूल large, and शाटि cloth.
  • स्थूलशिरस् :: mfn. (-राः -राः -रः) Large-headed. n. (-रः) A large head or summit. E. स्थूल bulky, and शिरस् the head.
  • स्थूलशीर्षिका :: f. (-का) A small ant having a large head in proportion to its size. E. स्थूल large, शीर्ष the head, कन् aff.
  • स्थूलषट्पद :: m. (-दः) A wasp. “वोल्ता” इति भाषा ।
  • स्थूलस्कन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) The Lakucha tree. “मान्दार” इति भाषा ।
  • स्थूलहस्त :: n. (-स्तं) An elephant's trunk. E. स्थूल large, and हस्त the hand.
  • स्थूलान्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) The larger intestine near the anus.
  • स्थूलास्य :: m. (-स्यः) A snake. E. स्थूल large, and आस्य face or head.
  • स्थूलिन् :: m. (-ली) A camel. E. स्थूल large, इनि aff.
  • स्थूलीभूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Thick, bulky. 2. Stupid. E. स्थूल, भूत become, with च्वि aff.
  • स्थूलोच्चय :: m. (-यः) 1. Incompleteness, deficiency, defect. 2. The middle pace of an elephant, neither quick nor slow. 3. An eruption of pimples on the face. 4. A hill at the foot of a mountain, or a rocky fragment detached from its primitive site and forming a separate projection or promontory. 5. A hollow at the root of the elephant's tusks. E. स्थूल large, and उच्चय lofty.
  • स्थेमन् :: m. (-मा) Fixedness, firmness, stability.
  • स्थेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be fixed or determined. 2. To be placed. m. (-यः) 1. A judge, on arbitrator, one who decides upon a dispute between two parties. 2. A domestic priest. E. ष्ठा to stand, यत् aff.
  • स्थेयस् :: mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः) 1. More firm, stable, fixed. 2. Eternal, per- manent. E. स्थिर firm, ईयसुन् aff. of the superlative, and स्था substi- tuted for the adjective.
  • स्थेष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Very firm, stable, fixed, durable. E. स्थिर firm, इष्ठन् aff. of the superlative, and स्था substituted for the primitive.
  • स्थैर्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) 1. Firmness, stability. 2. Firmness of mind, resolution, fortitude. 3. Continuance. 4. Patience. 5. Hardness, solidity. E. स्थिर, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • स्थोरिन् :: m. (-री) A pack-horse: see स्थौरिन् ।
  • स्थौणेय :: n. (-यं) A sort of perfume, commonly Ganthiala. E. स्थूणा an image, &c., ढक् or ढकञ् aff.; also with कन् added, स्थौणेयक ।
  • स्थौर :: n. (-रं) 1. Strength, power. 2. A sufficient load for a horse or an ass, &c. E. स्थूल large, bulky, अण् aff., and ल changed to र ।
  • स्थौरिन :: m. (-री) 1. A pack-horse, one that carries burdens on his back like an ox or ass. 2. A strong horse. E. स्थौर strength, इनि aff.; or according to some authorities स्थुरा a pack-saddle, इनि aff., deriv. irr.; it is also read स्थूरिन्, स्थूरिन्, and स्थोरिन् ।
  • स्थौलशीर्ष :: mfn. (-र्षः -र्षा -र्षं) Large-headed, having or relating to a large head or summit. E. स्थूल large, शिरस् the head, अण् aff.
  • स्थौल्य :: n. (-ल्यं) Bulkiness, bigness, coarseness, largeness. E. स्थूल, and ष्यञ् aff.
  • स्थ्यम :: m. (-मः) 1. Light, lustre. 2. The moon.
  • स्नपन :: n. (-नं) 1. Bathing, ablution. 2. Washing, sprinkling, wetting. E. ष्णा to bathe or purify by bathing, causal form, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • स्नपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sprinkled, wetted, bathed, washed. E. णा to bathe, causal form, aff. क्त ।
  • स्नव :: m. (-वः) Oozing, dripping, trickling. E. णु to distil or ooze, aff. अप् ।
  • स्नसा :: f. (-सा) A tendon, a muscle. E. णस् to eject, aff. अच् ।
  • स्नस्त :: f. (-स्ता) A tendon, a muscle.
  • स्नात् :: mfn. (-स्नान् -स्नान्ती -स्नात्) Bathing, performing ablution. E. णा to bathe, शतृ aff.
  • स्नात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bathed, washed, purified, (by ablution.) m. (-तः) An initiated householder: see the next. E. णा to bathe, aff. क्त ।
  • स्नातक :: m. (-कः) 1. An initiated householder, a man of the three first classes, who having completed the term prescribed for his stu- dies becomes a housekeeper: if at the end of this period, he has not acquired a knowledge of the Veda, he is called Vrata-snātaka; if he has acquired that knowledge earlier, he is termed Vidyā- snātaka, and if he finishes his regular studies at the same time that the period of study expires, he is named Ubhaya-snātaka. 2. A Brāhmana who has performed the ceremony of ablution, required to be performed on his finishing his first ĀŚHRAMA. 3. A Brāhman who is a Bhikshu or beggar for any religious object. E. कन् added to the last.
  • स्नात्वा :: Ind. Having bathed. E. ष्णा to bathe, क्त्वा aff.
  • स्नान :: n. (-नं) 1. Bathing, ablution. 2. Purification by bathing, religious or ceremonial ablution. 3. Anything proper for ablution, viz.:-- water, perfumed powder for the body, &c. E. ष्णा to bathe, ल्युट् aff.
  • स्नानतृण :: n. (-णं) Kuśa grass. E. स्नान ablution, and तृण grass.
  • स्नानद्रोणी :: f. (-णी) A bathing tub.
  • स्नानयात्रा :: f. (-त्रा) The festival held on the day of full-moon in the month of Jyeshtha.
  • स्नानवस्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) A cloth put on at or after bathing. E. स्नान, वस्त्र clothes.
  • स्नानविधि :: m. (-धिः) The rules of ablution.
  • स्नानशील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Bathing, performing ablution, (especially in sacred waters.) E. स्नान, and शील practising.
  • स्नानीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Ablutionary, fit or proper for bathing in, or to be used at bathing, as perfumed powders, &c. n. (-यं) Water or any other article, (such as unguents, perfumes, &c.) proper for bathing. E. स्नान ablution, and छ aff.
  • स्नापक :: m. (-कः) A servant who brings water, or who applies it in bath- ing. E. ष्णा to bathe, causal v., ण्वुल् aff.
  • स्नापन :: n. (-नं) The act of causing to bathe or attending a person while bathing.
  • स्नाविन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) A bather, a performer of ablutions. E. ष्णा to bathe, णिनि aff., युक् augment.
  • स्नायु :: f. (-युः) 1. A tendon, a muscle, described as a tubular vessel attached to the bones at either end, and carrying vital air. 2. The string of a bow. E. ष्णा to bathe, उण् Unādi aff., and युक् augment; also with कन् added, स्नायुक; or स्नाति-शुध्यति दोषोऽनया ।
  • स्नाय्वर्मन् :: n. (-र्म) A kind of disease of the eyes.
  • स्नाव :: m. (-वः) A tendon, a muscle; also स्नावन् .
  • स्निग्ध :: mfn. (-ग्धः -ग्धा -ग्धं) 1. Oily, unctuous, greasy. 2. Amiable, kind, affectionate. 3. Coarse, dense, thick. 4. Cooling, emollient. 5. Sticky, cohesive, adhesive. 6. Smooth. 7. Glossy, shining, res- plendent. 8. Moist, wet. 9. Attached, loving, tender, friendly, (generally with a locative.) 10. Lovely, agreeable. m. (-ग्धः) 1. A friend. 2. The red castor-oil-plant. 3. A sort of pine, (Pinus Deva- dāru.) 4. Another kind, (Pinus longifolia.) f. (-ग्धा) 1. Marrow. 2. The scum of boiled-rice. n. (-ग्धं) 1. Bee's-wax. 2. Light, lustre. 3. Thickness, coarseness. 4. Oil. E. ष्णिह् to be unctuous, aff. क्त ।
  • स्निग्धजन :: m. (-नः) An affectionate or friendly person.
  • स्निग्धतण्डुल :: m. (-लः) Rice of quick growth. E. स्निग्ध oily, तुण्डल grain.
  • स्निग्धता :: f. (-ता) 1. Affection, kindness. 2. Unctuousness oiliness, 3.

Blandness. 4. Tenderness. E. स्निग्ध affectionate, तल् aff. of the abstract; also with त्व, स्निग्धत्व n. (-त्वं) ।

  • स्निग्धदारु :: m. (-रुः) 1. A pine, (Pinus longifolia.) 2. Another kind, (Pinus Devadāru.) E. स्निग्ध unctuous, दारु wood.
  • स्निग्धपन :: mf. (-त्रः-त्रा) The jujube, (zizyphus jujube.) E. स्निग्ध unctuous, पत्र a leaf.
  • स्निट् :: r. 10th cl. (स्नेटयति-ते) 1. To be greasy or unctuous. 2. To fuse or melt.
  • स्नु :: mn. (-स्नुः-स्नु) 1. Table-land, the level summit or edge of a mountain. 2. Top, surface in general; this word has no forms for the first five cases; according to Vopadeva it is an optional substitute for सानु . f. (-स्नुः) A sinew, tendon, muscle. E. ष्णु to trickle, (the water or snow from it,) डु aff.; or ष्णा to bathe, कु Unādi aff.
  • स्नुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Flowing, dropping, oozing, trickling, distilled. E. ष्णु to ooze, aff. क्त ।
  • स्नुषा :: f. (-षा) 1. A daughter-in-law. 2. The milk-hedge-plant. E. ष्णु to distil, Unādi aff. सक् ।
  • स्नुह् :: f. (-स्नुक्) The milk-hedge-plant, (Euphorbia antiquorum. &c.) E. स्नुह् to vomit, (its milk being used as an emetic,) aff. क्विप्; also with टाप् added, स्नुहा ।
  • स्नुहि :: f. (-हिः-ही) A plant, (Euphorbia antiquorum.) E. ष्णुह् to vomit: (see the last,) कि aff., and ङीष् optionally added.
  • स्नेह :: m. (-हः) 1. Affection, kindness. 2. Oil, unguent, grease, any unctuous or greasy substance. 3. Oiliness, lubricity, viscidity, (one of the twenty-four Gunas of the Vaiśeshikas.) 4. Moisture. 5. A fluid of the body. E. ष्णिह् to be unctuous, &c., aff. घञ् ।
  • स्नेहच्छेद :: m. (-दः) Cessation or loss of regard, breach of friendship. E. स्नेह, च्छेद severing.
  • स्नेहन् :: m. (-हा) 1. A friend. 2. The moon. 3. A disease. E. ष्णिह् to be affectionate, &c., कनिन् Unādi aff.
  • स्नेहन :: n. (-नं) 1. Unctuousness, being or becoming oily, &c. 2. Anoint- ing, unction, rubbing with unguents, oil, &c. 3. An emollient, an unguent or liniment. f. (-ना) Adj. 1. Anointing, lubricating. 2. Destroying. m. (-नः) ŚIVA. E. ष्णिह् to be unctuous, ल्युट् aff.
  • स्नेहपक्व :: mfn. (-क्वः -क्वा -क्वं) Dressed with oil. E. स्नेह, and पक्व cooked.
  • स्नेहपूर्वम् :: Ind. Affectionately.
  • स्नेहप्रिय :: m. (-यः) A lamp. Adj. Fond of oil. E. स्नेह oil, प्रिय fond of.
  • स्नेहभू :: m. (-भूः) The Phlegmatic humour, rheum. E. स्नेह oily substance, and भू born.
  • स्नेहभूमि :: m. (-मिः) 1. An object of affection. 2. Any substance yielding oil or grease. E. स्नेह, and भूमि site.
  • स्नेहरङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Sesamum. E. स्नेह oil, रङ्ग colour.
  • स्नेहवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) 1. Affectionate. 2. Unctuous, oily. E. स्नेह, मतुप् aff.
  • स्नेहवस्ति :: f. (-स्तिः) Injection of oil.
  • स्नेहविद्ध :: m. (-द्धः) A sort of pine, (Pinus Devadāru.) E. स्नेह oil, विद्ध pierced, impregnated.
  • स्नेहव्यक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Display of friendship.
  • स्नेहाक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Oiled, greased, lubricated. E. स्नेह, and अक्त anointed.
  • स्नेहानुवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Affectionate or friendly intercourse. E. स्नेह, अनुवृत्ति practice.
  • स्नेहाश :: m. (-शः) A lamp. E. स्नेह oil, and अश what consumes.
  • स्नेहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Kind, affectionate. 2. Beloved, the object of affection. 3. Anointed. m. (-तः) A friend. E. स्नेह affection, इतच् aff.
  • स्नेहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिनी -हि) 1. Affectionate, friendly. 2. Oily, unctuous. 3. Fat. m. (-ही) 1. A friend. 2. A painter. 3. A smearer. E. स्नेह affection, &c., इनि aff.; or ष्णिह् to love, &c., णिनि aff.
  • स्नेहु :: m. (-हुः) 1. Sickness, disease. 2. The moon. E. ष्णिह् to be unctuous, उन् Unādi aff.
  • स्नैग्ध :: n. (-ग्ध्यं) 1. Oiliness, smoothness, lubricity. 2. Affectionateness. E. स्निग्ध, ष्यञ् aff.
  • स्पद् (इ) स्पदि :: r. 1st cl. (स्पन्दते) 1. To quake, to shake, to tremble slight- ly, to throb, to beat, to palpitate. 2. To go, to move. With परि, To tremble. With वि, To struggle.
  • स्पन्द :: m. (-न्दः) 1. Throbbing, throb. 2. Tremor, motion, vibration. E. स्पदि to shake, घञ् aff.
  • स्पन्दन :: n. (-नं) 1. Beating, throbbing, pulsation, quivering, palpitation,

throbbing. 2. The quickening of a child in the womb. 3. Going. E. स्पदि to throb, ल्युट् aff.

  • स्पन्दमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Throbbing, beating. 2. Going. E. स्पदि to beat, शानच् aff.
  • स्प्रन्दित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Throbbing, beating. 2. Gone. n. (-तं) A pulsa- tion. E. स्पदि to throb, क्त्व aff.
  • स्परितृ :: m. (-ता) The agent or active cause of pain or distress, as an enemy, an oppressor, a disease, &c. E. स्प्र to breathe, aff. तृच्, with इट् augment.
  • स्पर्द्ध् :: r. 1st cl. (स्पर्द्धते) 1. To vie, to envy, to desire another's reduction. 2. To rival. 3. To defy. With प्रति, To bid defiance.
  • स्पर्द्ध :: mfn. (-र्द्धः -र्द्धा -र्द्धं) Envious, emulous. E. स्पर्द्ध् to envy, अच् aff.
  • स्पर्द्धता :: f. (-ता) Enviousness, emulation. E. स्पर्द्ध, and तल् aff.
  • स्पर्द्धा :: f. (-र्द्धा) 1. Emulation, rivalry. 2. Equality, sameness. 3. Success- ive elevation. 4. Jealousy, envy. 5. Defiance. E. स्पर्द्ध् to envy or vie with, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • स्पर्द्धित् :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Vied or contended with, defied. E. स्पर्द्ध् to vie with, क्त aff.
  • स्पर्द्धिन् :: mfn. (-र्द्धी -र्द्धिनी -र्द्धि) 1. Emulous, envious. 2. Superb, gorgeous. 3. Proud. E. स्पर्द्धा, and इनि aff.
  • स्पर्श् :: r. 10th cl. (स्पर्शयति-ते) 1. To take. 2. To unite, to join. 3. To embrace.
  • स्पर्श :: m. (-र्शः) 1. Touch, contact. 2. The thing touching or feeling. 3. Gift, donation. 4. Sickness, disease. 5. Morbid heat. 6. A conso- nant of either of the five first classes of the alphabet. 7. An enemy, a disease, &c., the agent or instrument of pain, trouble, or distress. 8. Air, wind. 9. Sexual union. 10. Collision, conflict, encounter. 11. Contact, (in astronomy.) 12. The quality of tangiti- lity. 13. Feeling, sensation. 14. Anything which touches or comes in contact. 15. A spy. f. (-र्शा) A wanton, an unchaste woman. E. स्पृश् to touch, aff. घञ्; or स्पर्श् to take, &c., अच् aff.
  • स्पर्शक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Touching, toucher, that which touches or is in contact with. E. स्पृश् to touch, ण्वुल् aff.
  • स्पर्शतन्मात्र :: n. (-त्रं) The subtile element of tangibility.
  • स्पर्शन :: n. (-नं) 1. Touch, contact. 2. Gift, donation. 3. Organ of sense, sense of touch. m. (-नः) Air, wind. f. (-नी) Adj. 1. Touching, handling. 2. Acting upon, affecting. E. स्पृश् to touch, ल्युट् or युच् aff.
  • स्पर्शनक :: n. (-कं) A term for the skin, (in Sānkhya philosophy.)
  • स्पर्शनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) What is to be or may be touched, sensible, tangible. E. स्पृश् to touch, अनीयर् aff.
  • स्पर्शमणि :: m. (-णिः) A stone, the philosopher's stone, converting every thing it touches to gold. E. स्पर्श touch, मणि a gem.
  • स्पर्शमणिप्रभव :: n. (-वं) Gold. E. स्पर्शमणि the stone, and प्रभव production.
  • स्पर्शलज्जा :: f. (-ज्जा) A sensitive plant, (Mimosa pudica.) E. स्पर्श the touch, and लज्जा ashamed. “लज्जावती लता” इति भाषा ।
  • स्पर्शवत् :: Adj. 1. Having tangibility. 2. Smooth, soft.
  • स्पर्शवेद्य :: Adj. Apprehended by touch.
  • स्पर्शशुद्धा :: f. (-द्धा) A plant, (Asparagus recemosus.) “शतमूल्याम्” । E. स्पर्श touch, शुद्धा pure.
  • स्पर्शस्नान :: n. (-नं) Ablution at the ingress of the sun or moon into an eclipse.
  • स्पर्शस्प(स्य)न्द :: m. (-न्दः) A frog. E. स्पर्श the touch, स्पन्द who goes.
  • स्पर्शानन्दा :: f. (-न्दा) One of the Apsarasas. E. स्पर्श touch, आनन्द delighting.
  • स्पर्शोदय :: Adj. Following by a consonant.
  • स्पर्ष् :: r. 1st cl. (स्पर्षते) To become wet or moist.
  • स्पर्ष्टृ :: m. (-र्ष्टा) 1. Morbid heat. 2. The agent or instrument of bodily pain. E. स्पृश् to touch, aff. तृच्; also स्प्रष्टृ ।
  • स्पश् :: r. 1st cl. (स्पशति-ते) 1. To obstruct, to oppose. 2. To string toge- ther. 3. To touch. 4. To make evident or clear. 5. To inform. 6. To perform. 7. To see, to perceive clearly, to spy. r. 10th cl. (स्पाशयति-ते) 1. To take. 2. To unite, to connect, to join.
  • स्पश :: m. (-शः) 1. A spy, a secret agent or emissary. 2. War, battle. 3. Fighting with a dangerous animal, as a tiger, a buffalo, &c., for reward. E. स्पश् to inform, aff. अच् ।
  • स्पष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Evident, manifest, apparent. 2. Clear, easy, intelligible. 3. True, real. E. स्पश् to make clear, aff. क्त ।
  • स्पष्टगर्भा :: f. (-र्भा) A woman evidently pregnant.
  • स्पष्टप्रतिपत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Clear perception.
  • स्पष्टम् :: Ind. 1. Clearly, distinctly. 2. Openly, boldly.
  • स्पष्टार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) Clear, perspicuous, intelligible. E. स्पष्ट, अर्थ sense.
  • स्पष्टीकरण :: n. (-णं) Making clear or intelligible. E. स्पष्ट, करण making, च्वि aug.
  • स्पष्टीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Explained, expounded, elucidated, made clear, and intelligible. 2. Made manifest, revealed, exposed. E. स्प्रष्ट easy, clear, च्वि augment, and कृत made.
  • स्पाशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Caused to be stopped, hindered, &c. E. स्पश् to stop, causal v., क्त aff., form irr.
  • स्पृ :: r. 5th cl. (स्पृणोति) 1. To please, to gratify. 2. To cherish, to protect. 3. To breathe, to live.
  • स्पृक्का :: f. (-क्का) A gramineous plant, (Trigonella corniculata.) E. स्पृश् to touch, कक् aff., and श changed to क, form irr.; also पृक्का ।
  • स्पृश् :: r. 6th cl. (स्पृशति) 1. To touch, to take with the hand. 2. To cleave to, to cling to. 3. To came in contact with. 4. To act upon, to affect. 5. To accept. 6. To reach, to attain. 7. To sprinkle, to wash. With उप, 1. To tread upon. 2. To bathe, to sip water, &c. 3. To touch. With अप, To rinse one's mouth. With परि, To touch. With सम् 1. To touch. 2. To sprinkle with water.
  • स्पृश् :: mfn. (-स्पृक्) Who or what touches. E. स्पृश् to touch, क्विप् aff.
  • स्पृशत् :: mfn. (-शन् -शती or -शन्ती-शत्) Touching. E. स्पृश् to touch, शतृ aff.
  • स्पृशा :: f. (-शा) A plant, commonly Kankālīkā. E. स्पृश् to touch, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • स्पृशी :: f. (-शी) A prickly-nightshade, (Solanum Jacquini.) E. स्पृश् to touch, क and ङीष् affs.
  • स्पृश्य :: mfn. (-श्यः -श्या -श्यं) What may be or is to be felt or touched. E. स्पृश् to touch, यत् aff.
  • स्पृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Touched, felt. f. (-ष्टा) Adj. 1. Touched, defiled. 2. Handled. 3. Formed by the contact of the organs of utterance. E. स्पृश् to touch, aff. क्त ।
  • स्पृष्टव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) What is to be or may be touched, felt, &c. E. स्पृश् to touch, तव्य aff.
  • स्पृष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) Touch, feeling, contact. E. स्पृश् to touch, क्तिन् aff.
  • स्पृष्टिका :: f. (-का) Touch.
  • स्पृष्ट्वा :: Ind. Having felt or touched. E. स्पृश् to touch, क्त्वा aff.
  • स्पृह् :: r. 10th cl. (स्पृहयति-ते) To wish, to desire, to long for, (with a dative.)
  • स्पृहण :: n. (-णं) The act or desiring or wishing.
  • स्पृहणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Desirable, to be wished. E. स्पृह् to wish, अनीयर् aff.
  • स्पृहणीयशोभ :: Adj. Having desirable beauty.
  • स्पृहयमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Desiring, wishing. E. स्पृह् to desire, शानच् aff.
  • स्पृहयालु :: mfn. (-लुः -लुः -लु) Wishing, desiring, cupidinous. E. स्पृह् to wish, आलुच् aff., and युक् augment.
  • स्पृहा :: f. (-हा) Wish, desire. E. स्पृह् to wish, अङ् and टाप् affs.
  • स्पृह्य :: mfn. (-ह्यः -ह्या -ह्यं) To be wished, desirable. m. (-ह्यः) A large kind of lime, the wild-citron tree. E. स्पृह् to wish, aff. यत् or क्यप् ।
  • स्पॄ :: r. 9th cl. (स्पृणाति) To hurt or kill.
  • स्प्रष्टृ :: mfn. (-ष्टा -ष्ट्री -ष्टृ) Who or what touches, &c. m. (-ष्टा) 1. Morbid heat. 2. The agent or instrumental cause of pain or distress, as an enemy, a disease, &c. E. स्पृश् to touch, तृच् aff., and the first ऋ converted to र; also स्पर्ष्टृ ।
  • स्फट् :: r. 1st cl. (स्फटति) 1. To open, to unfold, to burst. 2. To break or divide. E. (इ)स्फटि r. 1st cl. (स्फण्टति) To expand. r. 10th cl. (स्फण्टयति-ते) To jest or joke with.
  • स्फट :: mf. (-टः-टा) A snake's expanded neck or hood f. (-टिः or -टी) Alum. E. स्फुट् to swell, aff. क, and the vowel changed to अ; or स्फट्-अच् ।
  • स्फटि(टी)क :: m. (-कः) Crystal, quartz. f. (-की) Alum. E. स्फुट् to expand, क्वुन् aff., and the vowel changed.
  • स्फटिकप्रभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Crystalline, transparent. E. स्फटिक, and प्रका light.
  • स्फटिकमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Made of crystal. E. स्फटिक, मयट् aff.
  • स्फटिकाचल :: m. (-लः) Mount Kailāsa. E. स्फटिक Crystal, अचल a mountain.
  • स्फटिकाद्रिभिद :: m. (-दः) Camphor. E. स्फटिकाद्रि Kailāsa, and भिह what breaks, what shames, being whiter.
  • स्फटिकारि :: f. (-रिः) Sulphate of alumina. “फट्किरि” .
  • स्फटिकाश्मन् :: m. (-श्मा) Crystal. E. स्फटिक the same, and अश्मन् a stone.
  • स्फड् (इ) स्फडि :: r. 1st and 10th cls. (स्फण्डति स्फण्डयति-ते) To jest or joke with, to smile or laugh at.
  • स्फर् :: r. 6th cl. (स्फरति) 1. To throb, to beat, to tremble. 2. To move. 3. To be manifest: see स्फुर् .
  • स्फरण :: n. (-णं) Throbbing, trembling. E. स्फर् to throb, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • स्फल् :: r. 6th cl. (स्फलति) 1. To throb, to beat, to tremble. 2. To move. 3. To be manifest.
  • स्फाटक :: m. (-कः) A drop of water. E. स्फट् to break, वुञ् aff.
  • स्फाटिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -क) Crystalline, made, &c. of crystal. n. (-कं) Crystal. E. स्फटिक the same, and अण् aff.
  • स्फाटिकोपल :: n. (-लं) Crystal. E. स्फाटिक the same, and उपल a stone.
  • स्फाटित :: f. (-ता) Expanded, made to gape.
  • स्फाटीक :: n. (-कं) Crystal. E. See स्फटिक .
  • स्फात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Swollen, enlarged. E. स्फायी to increase, aff. क्त .
  • स्फाति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Increase, growth. 2. Swelling, intumescence. E. स्फाय् to increase, क्तिन् aff., and the final rejected.
  • स्फाय् (ई) स्फायी :: r. 1st cl. (स्फायत) 1. To grow, to increase, to become large or bulky. 2. To expand. 3. To smell.
  • स्फार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Large, great. 2. Loud. 3. Increased, expanded. m. (-रः) 1. Throbbing, quivering. 2. A bubble or flaw in gold, &c. 3. Twanging as of a bow-string. 4. Swelling, increase. 5. A pro- tuberance. n. (-रं) Plenty, abundance. E. स्फर् to throb, aff. घञ्; or स्फाय् to swell, रक् Unādi aff., and the radical final rejected.
  • स्फारण :: n. (-णं) Throbbing, shaking, trembling. E. स्फर् to throb, causal form, aff. ल्युट् .
  • स्फाल :: m. (-लः) Throbbing, quivering, trembling, shaking. E. स्फल् to shake, घञ् aff.
  • स्फालन :: n. (-नं) 1. Shaking, quivering. 2. Rubbing, friction. 3. Rubbing or patting, (as a horse.) E. स्फल् to shake, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • स्फावयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Increasing, augmenting. E. स्फाय् to increase, शतृ aff., वङ् inserted.
  • स्फिग्घातनक :: m. (-कः) A medicinal plant, commonly Kāyaphal.
  • स्फिच् :: f. Du. (-चौ) The buttocks. E. स्फाय् to swell, डिच् aff.; or स्फिट् to hurt, aff. क्विप्, form irr.
  • स्फिट् :: r. 10th cl. (स्फेटयति-ते) 1. To hurt, to injure, or kill. 2. To cover. 3. To despise. 4. To love: see the next.
  • स्फिट्ट् :: r. 10th cl. (स्फिट्टयति-ते) 1. To hurt, to injure, to kill. 2. To dwell. 3. To give. 4. To be strong: see स्फिट् ।
  • स्फिर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Much, many. 2. Vast, capacious. E. स्फाय् to swell, किरच् aff., deriv. irr.
  • स्फीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Much, many. 2. Swollen, enlarged. 3. Suc- cessful, prosperous, risen in rank or fortune. 4. Affected by here- ditary disease. E. स्फायी to swell, aff. क्त; also स्फात .
  • स्फीति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Increase, enlargement. 2. Prosperity. 3. Plenty. E. स्फाय् to swell, क्तिन् aff.
  • स्फुट् :: r. 1st cl. (स्फीटते) r. 6th cl. (स्फुटति) 1. To blow, to blossom, to open as a bud or flower. 2. To become manifested. 3. To run away. 4. To burst, to split open. r. 10th cl. (स्फोटयति-ते or with आङ् prefixed, आस्फोटयति-ते) 1. To hurt. 2. To divide; also (इर) स्फुटिर् r. 1st cl. (स्फोटति) and (इ) स्फुटि r. 1st cl. (स्फुण्टति) 1. To divide, to break, to tear, to pierce. 2. To hurt or kill. 3. To expand. स्फुटि r. 10th cl. (स्फुण्टयति-ते) To laugh at or with, to jest, to joke.
  • स्फुट :: mfn. (-टः -टा -टं) 1. Blown, opened, expanded, (as a flower.) 2. Apparent, manifest, evident. 3. Known, understood. 4. Plain, dis- tinct. 5. Spread, diffused. 6. White, bright. 7. Burst, broken. 8. Rent, torn. 9. Loud. 10. (In astronomy,) True or apparent, as स्फुटसूर्य्यगतिः true or apparent motion of the sun. f. (-टा) The expanded hood of a snake. E. स्फुट् to blow, as a flower, &c., aff. क .
  • स्फुटत् :: mfn. (-टन् -टन्ती or -टती-टत्) 1. Bursting, blowing. 2. Becoming manifest or clear. 3. Evolving. E. स्फुट् to blow, शतृ aff.
  • स्फुटता :: f. (-ता) 1. Manifestation, evidence. 2. Blossoming. E. स्फुट, तल् aff.
  • स्फुटतार :: Adj. Bright with stars.
  • स्फुटन :: n. (-नं) 1. Tearing, rending. 2. Opening, expanding. E. स्फुट् to blow, ण्फुट् aff., and the vowel unchanged; also सफोटन .
  • स्फुटफल :: n. (-लं) 1. (In geometry,) Distinct or precise area of a triangle. 2. The clear result of any calculation, (in geometry). E. स्फुट and फल fruit.
  • स्फुटम् :: Ind. Distinctly, certainly.
  • स्फुटवत्कली :: f. (-ली) Heart-pea. E. वफुट burst, and वल्कल bark or rind.
  • स्फुटसार :: m. (-रः) The true latitude of a star or planet.
  • स्फुटार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) Intelligible, obvious, significant. E. स्फुट, अर्थ sense.
  • स्फुटि :: f. (-टिः-टी) 1. Kibe, swelling of the feet. 2. A sort of melon, (Cucumis momordica, Rox.) “फुटि” इति भाषा । E. स्फुट् to open or break, and कि aff., with ङीष् optionally added.
  • स्फुटिका :: f. (-का) A small bit broken off.
  • स्फुटित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Budded, blown. 2. Broken, burst. 3. Made clear. 4. Torn, destroyed. 5. Laughed at. E. स्फुट् to blow, aff. क्त ।
  • स्फुटितचरण :: Adj. Splay-footed.
  • स्फुट्ट् :: r. 10th cl. (स्फुट्टयति-ते) To disrespect.
  • स्फुड् :: r. 6th cl. (स्फुडति) To clothe, to cover. (इ) स्फुडि r. 1st and 10th cls. (स्फुण्डते स्फुण्डयति-ते) 1. To expand. 2. To laugh at, to jest, to joke.
  • स्फुत् :: Ind. An imitative sound.
  • स्फुत्कर :: m. (-रः) Fire.
  • स्फुत्कार :: m. (-रः) Crackling, burning. E. स्फुत् imitative sound, and कार making.
  • स्फुर् :: r. 6th cl. (स्फुरति) 1. To throb, to beat. 2. To move. 3. To swell. 4. To struggle. 5. To start, to dart. 6. To spring back, to rebound. 7. To break forth. 8. To start into view. 9. To flash, to scintillate. 10. To shine. 11. To flash on the mind. 12. To go tremulously. 13. To bruise, to destroy. With अभि, 1. To expand. 2. To become known. With प्र, 1. To tremble. 2. To expand. 3. To spread wide. With वि, 1. To tremble. 2. To struggle. 3. To glitter. 4. To draw, to twang, (as a bow.)
  • स्फुर :: m. (-रः) 1. A shield. 2. Throbbing, trembling. 3. Swelling. E. स्फुर् to shake, &c., aff. क ।
  • स्फुरण :: nf. (-णं-णा) 1. Trembling, throbbing, pulsation. 2. Quivering of the lips, throbbing of the eyes, &c. 3. Expansion of mind. 4. Springing on memory. 5. Springing or breaking forth, starting into view. 6. Flashing, twinkling. E. स्फुर् to shake, aff. ल्युट् or युच्, and the radical vowel unchanged; also स्फोरण n. (-णं)
  • स्फुरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रत्) 1. Quivering, trembling, shaking, throbbing. 2. Expanding, swelling. 3. Going, moving. 4. Going tremulously. 5. Darting. E. स्फुर् to swell, &c., aff. शतृ ।
  • स्फुरदुल्का :: f. (-ल्का) A shooting meteor, aerolite.
  • स्फुरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Shaken, agitated. 2. Trembling, heaving, throbbing, palpitating. 3. Flashing. 4. Swelled, swollen. n. (-तं) 1. Trembling or throbbing of the eye-lids. 2. A throb, tremor. 3. Emotion of the mind. E. स्फुर् to move or swell, aff. क्त ।
  • स्फुर्च्छ् (आ) स्फुर्च्छा :: r. 1st cl. (स्फूर्च्छति) 1. To spread, to expand, to extend. 2. To forget; also स्वुर्च्छ् ।
  • स्फुर्ज्ज :: r. 1st cl. (स्फुर्ज्जति) 1. To thunder, to clash, to explode. 2. To burn, to glitter. With वि, 1. To resound. 2. To roar, (as wind.) 3. To increase.: more properly स्फूर्ज्ज् ।
  • स्फुर्ज्जक :: m. (-कः) A sort of ebony, (Diospyros glutinosa.) E. स्फुर्ज्ज् to make a noise like thunder, (on being burnt,) aff. वुन्; also स्फूर्ज्जक ।
  • स्फुर्ज्जथु :: m. (-थुः) A clap of thunder. E. स्थुर्ज्ज् to sounds as thunder, अथुच् aff.
  • स्फुल् :: r. 6th cl. (स्फुलति) 1. To throb, to vibrate. 2. To heap, to collect. 3. To be manifest or apparent. 4. To dart forth. 5. To go or move. 6. To kill, to slay. 7. To expand.
  • स्फुल :: n. (-लं) A tent. E. स्फुल् to expand, aff. क ।
  • स्फुलन :: n. (-नं) Throbbing. E. स्फुर् to shake, aff. ल्युट्, and ल substituted for र ।
  • स्फुलिङ्ग :: mfn. Subst. (-ङ्गः-ङ्गा-ङ्गं) A spark of fire. E. स्फु for स्फुत् imitative sound, लिगि to go, aff. अच्; or स्फुल् to kill, इङ्गच् aff.
  • स्फुलिङ्गिनी :: f. (-नी) One of the seven tongues of AGNI or fire. E. स्फुलिङ्ग a spark, इनि and ङीप् affs.
  • स्फूर्ज्ज् (ओ आ) ओस्फूर्ज्जा :: r. 1st cl. (स्फूर्ज्जति) To thunder.
  • स्फूर्ज्ज :: m. (-र्ज्जः) 1. INDRA'S thunderbolt. 2. The clashing sound of a thunder clap. 3. Sudden burst. 4. First union of lovers charac- terized by some joy in the beginning and fear in the end, (in dramaturgy.) E. स्फूर्ज्ज् to sound as thunder, aff. अच् ।
  • स्फूर्ज्जक :: m. (-कः) A sort of ebony, (Diospyros glutinosa.) E. स्फूर्ज्ज् to sound like thunder, (in the fire, from its abounding with resin,) वुन् aff.
  • स्फूर्ज्जथु :: m. (-थुः) A clap of thunder, the sound of falling thunder, or that immediately following a stroke of lightning. E. स्फूर्ज्ज् to sound as thunder, अथुच् aff.
  • स्फूर्ज्जन :: n. (-नं) Thundering. E. स्फूर्ज्ज, and ल्युट् aff.
  • स्फूर्ज्जावत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Thundering. E. स्फूर्ज्ज, and मतुप् aff.
  • स्फूर्त्ति :: f. (-र्त्तिः) 1. Throbbing, palpitating, shaking. 2. Blooming, open- ing. 3. Poetical genius, “प्रतिभा” . E. स्फुर् to shake, &c., aff. क्तिन्, and the vowel made long.
  • स्फूर्त्तिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) 1. Kind-hearted. 2. Tremulous, agitated. E. स्फूर्त्ति agitation, मतुप् aff., and the म retained.
  • स्फेयस् :: mfn. (-वान् -वसी -यः) Very much or many. E. स्फिर many, ईयसुन् aff. of the comparative; form irr.
  • स्फेष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Very much or many. E. स्फिर much, इष्ठन् aff. of the superlative; form irr.
  • स्फोट :: m. (-टः) 1. A boil, a tumour. 2. Breaking, bursting. 3. Revealing, disclosure, (as in नर्मस्फोट .) 4. The idea which bursts out or flashes on the mind when a sound is uttered. f. (-टा) The hood of the snake. E. स्फुट् to break or open, aff. घञ् ।
  • स्फोटक :: m. (-कः) A boil, a tumour. f. (-टिका) A sort of bird. E. स्फुट् to burst, ण्वुल् aff.
  • स्फोटन :: n. (-नं) 1. Tearing, rending. 2. The act of rending suddenly, splitting, cracking. 3. Fidgetting with the hand, cracking the finger-joints, snapping the fingers, &c. 4. Winnowing grain. 5. The separation of the letters of a double consonant. m. (-नः) Separated utterance of a close combination of consonants. f. (-नी) Adj. Disclosing, making clear. f. (-नी) A gimlet, an anger. E. स्फुट् to open, (as a flower, &c.) causal form, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • स्फोटवीजक :: m. (-कः) The marking-nut-plant.
  • स्फोटा :: f. (-टा) The expanded hood of a snake.
  • स्फोटायन :: m. (-नः) A Muni so named.
  • स्फोटित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Torn, rent. 2. Made to open or burst. E. स्फुट् to break, causal v., क्त aff.
  • स्फ्य :: n. (-स्फ्यं) An implement used in sacrifices, a piece of wood shaped like a sword, for stirring the boiled-rice, or according to some for trimming the mound used as an alter.
  • स्फ्यवर्त्तनि :: m. (-निः) The furrow or line made by the said implement.
  • स्बॄ :: r. 9th cl. (स्बृणाति) 1. To hurt, to injure. 2. To kill; more properly स्वृ ।
  • स्म :: Ind. 1. An expletive. 2. A particle which added to verbs in the present tense gives them a past sense, as हन्तिस्म रावणं रामः RĀMA killed (instead of kills) RĀVAṆA. It is often added to the prohibitive particle मा and used with the aorist or imperfect. E. षो to end or destroy ङ्म aff.; or ष्मिङ् to smile, aff. ड ।
  • स्मय :: m. (-यः) 1. Pride, arrogance. 2. Surprise, astonishment. E. स्मि to smile, अच् aff.
  • स्मर :: m. (-रः) 1. KĀMADEVA, the deity of love. 2. Recollection. E. स्मृ to remember, अच् aff.
  • स्मरकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Lasciviousness, wanton pleasures. E. स्मर, कर्म्मन् act.
  • स्मरकूपक :: mf. (-पकः-पिका) Pudendum muliebre. E. स्मर KĀMA, कूप a well, and कन् aff. of comparison.
  • स्मरगुरु :: m. (-रुः) VISHṆU. E. स्मर love, गुरु the spiritual or natural father.
  • स्मरगृह :: n. (-हं) The vulva. E. स्मर KĀMA, and गृह mansion.
  • स्मरच्छत्र :: n. (-त्रं) The clitoris. E. स्मर love, छत्र an umbrella.
  • स्मरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Recollecting, remembering. 2. Memory, recollection. 3. Regretting, remembering with regret, anxious thought. 4. Tradi- tion, traditional precept. 5. Name of a figure of speech. 6. Mental recitation of the name of a deity. E. स्पृ to remember, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • स्मरणपदवी :: f. (-वी) Death.
  • स्मरणानुग्रह :: m. (-हः) 1. Kind remembrance. 2. The favour of remembrance.
  • स्मरणापत्यतर्पक :: m. (-कः) A turtle, a tortoise. E. स्मरण memory, आपत्य offspring, तर्पक who pleases.
  • स्मरणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Fit or proper to be remembered. E. स्पृ to remember, अनीयर् aff.
  • स्मरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रत्) Remembering. recollecting, considering. E. स्पृ to remember, शतृ aff.
  • स्मरदशा :: f. (-शा) State of the body produced by being in love.
  • स्मरध्वज :: m. (-जः) 1. Any musical instrument. 2. The penis. 3. A sort of fabulous fish or marine monster, the emblem of KĀMADEVA. n. (-जं) The vulva. f. (-जा) A bright moon-light night. E. स्मर KĀMA, and ध्वज emblem.
  • स्मरप्रिया :: f. (-या) RATI, the wife of KĀMA. E. स्मर the deity of love, and प्रिया wife.
  • स्मरभासित :: Adj. Inflamed by love.
  • स्मरमन्दिर :: n. (-रं) Pudendum muliebre. E. स्मर love, and मन्दिर abode.
  • स्मरमोह :: m. (-हः) Passion, love. E. स्मर, मोह fascination.
  • स्मरमोहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Overcome by love or passion. E. स्मर, मोहित bewildered.
  • स्मरलेखनी :: f. (-नी) The Sālika, (Turdus salica,) or Mainā, (Gracula religiosa.) E. स्मर love, लेखनी a pen, a writing.
  • स्मरवल्लभ :: m. (-भः) ANIRUDDHA. E. स्मर KĀMA, and वल्लभ beloved.
  • स्मरवीथिका :: f. (-का) A harlot. E. स्मर love, वीथि a shop, कन् aff.
  • स्मरसख :: m. (-खः) The moon. E. स्मर CUPID, and सख a friend.
  • स्मरस्तम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) The penis. E. स्मर CUPID, स्तम्भ post.
  • स्मरस्मर्य्य :: m. (-र्य्यः) An ass, a donkey. E. स्मर KĀMA, स्मर्य्य to be remembered.
  • स्मरहर :: m. (-रः) ŚIVA. E. स्मर the deity of love, हर destroying.
  • स्मराकुल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) In love. E. स्मर, आकुल overcome; also स्मराकुलित ।
  • स्मरामार :: n. (-रं) The vulva. E. स्मर love, आगार abode.
  • स्मराङ्कुश :: m. (-शः) 1. A finger-nail. 2. A lover, a lecher. E. स्मर love, and अङ्कुश a goad.
  • स्मरातुर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Overcome with love or passion. E. स्मर, आतुर perplexed.
  • स्मरान्ध :: mfn. (-न्धः -न्धा -न्धं) Infatuated with passion. E. स्मर, and अन्ध blind.
  • स्मरार्त्त :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -र्त्ता -र्त्तं) Overcome or agitated by love, pining with love. E. स्मर, and आर्त्त pained.
  • स्मरासव :: m. (-वः) Saliva. E. स्मर love, आसव wine.
  • स्मरोत्सुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Devoted to love. E. स्मर, and उत्सुक fond of.
  • स्मर्त्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Fit or proper to be remembered. E. स्मृ to remember, तव्य aff.
  • स्मर्य्यमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Being remembered. E. स्मृ to remember, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • स्मार :: f. (-रा) Adj. Relating to love. n. (-रं) Recollection.
  • स्मारक :: f. (-रिका) Adj. Reminding.
  • स्मारण :: n. (-णं) Calling to mind, reminding, causing to remember. E. स्मृ to remember, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • स्मारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Called to memory, caused to remember. E. स्मृ to remember, causal v., क्त aff.
  • स्मार्त्त :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -र्त्ती -र्त्तं) 1. Legal, canonical, according to the doctrines of the Smritis or inspired codes of law. 2. Following or professing the doctrine of the law-books. 3. Memorial, relating to memory. 4. Within memory, what may be remembered. m. (-र्त्तः) 1. A Brāhman following the revealed law. 2. One who knows the tra- ditional law. 3. Name of a peculiar sect. E. स्मृति law collectively, and अण् aff. of reference, &c.
  • स्मार्त्तकाल :: m. (-लः) Time to which memory may extend; according to the jurists, as far as a century. E. स्मार्त्त, and काल time.
  • स्मि :: r. 10th cl. (स्माययते) To slight, to disregard. (स्माययति) To astonish.

r. 1st cl. (स्मयते) 1. To smile. 2. To expand, to bloom. With उद्, To smile. With वि, 1. To be surprised. 2. To admire. 3. To be proud. Caus. (स्माययति-ते, स्मापयते) 1. To cause to laugh. 2. To mock. 3. To astonish, (in this sense only स्मापयत). Also ष्मिङ् ।

  • स्मिट् :: r. 10th cl. (स्मटयति-ते) 1. To slight, to disregard, to disrespect. 2. To love. 3. To go.
  • स्मित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Smiling. 2. Blown, (as a flower.) n. (-तं) A smile, a gentle laugh. E. ष्मि to smile, aff. क्त .
  • स्मितदृश् :: f. (-दृक्) A handsome woman. E. स्मित, and दृश् the eye.
  • स्मितपूर्वम् :: Ind. Smilingly.
  • स्मितशालिन् :: mfn. (-ली -लिनी -लि) Smiling, laughing. E. स्मित, शालिन् having.
  • स्मील् :: r. 1st cl. (स्मीलति) To wink, to twinkle, to blink.
  • स्मृ :: r. 1st cl. (स्मरति) 1. To remember, to recollect, to call to mind. 2. To remember with regret, to miss, (with a genitive.) 3. To record in a Smriti. 4. To recite mentally the name of a deity. r. 5th cl. (स्मृणोति) 1. To please or delight. 2. To guard, to protect, to cherish. 3. To breathe or live. With वि prefixed, To forget. With सम्, To remember. With अप, To forget. With अनु, To remember.
  • स्मृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Recollected, remembered, called to mind. E. स्मृ to remember, aff. क्त ।
  • स्मृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Recollection, remembrance, memory. 2. Law, the body of law, (civil and religious,) as delivered originally by MANU- YĀJNAWALKYA and other inspired legislators, to their respective pupils, and committed by them from recollection to writing, (as opposed to श्रुति or revelation.) 3. A law-book, a code of laws. 4. Wish, desire. 5. Understanding. E. स्मृ to remember, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • स्मृतिपथ :: m. (-थः) Scope or object of memory, (used with गम or नी to mean “to be deceased”); also स्मृतिविषय ।
  • स्मृतिप्रत्यवमर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Retentiveness of memory, accuracy of recollection.
  • स्मृतिप्रबन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) A legal composition or work.
  • स्मृतिभ्रंश :: m. (-शः) Loss of memory.
  • स्मृतिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Remembering, recollecting, having a good memory. E. स्मृति memory, मतुप् aff.
  • स्मृतिरोध :: m. (-धः) Temporary interruption of memory.
  • स्मृतिविभ्रम :: m. (-मः) Confusion of memory.
  • स्मृतिविरुद्ध :: mfn. (-द्धः -द्धा -द्धं) Illegal, unjust, contrary to law. E. स्मति jurisprudence, and विरुद्ध opposed.
  • स्मृतिविरोध :: m. (-धः) 1. Opposition to law, illegality, impropriety. 2. Disagreement between two or more codes of law. E. स्मति, and विरीध opposition.
  • स्मृतिविषय :: m. (-यः) Object of memory: see स्मृतिपथ ।
  • स्मृतिशास्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) 1. A work on law, a code, a digest, &c., as the Manu- Sanhitā, the Mitāksharā, &c. 2. Legal science. E. स्मृति law, and शास्त्र an inspired treatise.
  • स्मृतिशेष :: Adj. Deceased, defunct, (as a person.)
  • स्मृतिसाध्य :: Adj. Capable of being proved by law.
  • स्मृतिसिद्ध :: Adj. Established by law.
  • स्मृतिहेतु :: m. (-तुः) The proximate cause of recollection, the act of the mind by which any thing is called to memory, association of ideas, recollection. E. स्मृति memory, and हेतु cause.
  • स्मृत्यन्तर :: n. (-रं) Another law-book.
  • स्मृत्यपेत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Illegal, unjust. 2. Forgotten. 3. Inconsistant with Smriti. E. स्मृति law, or memory, अप implying reverse, इत gone.
  • स्मृत्युक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Enjoined, prescribed, laid down in codes of law. E. स्मृति, and उक्त said.
  • स्मेर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Smiling, laughing. 2. Blown, opened, expanded, (as a flower.) 3. Evident, apparent. m. (-रः) Manifestation, appearance. E. ष्मि to smile, रन् aff.
  • स्मेरमुख :: mfn. (-खः -खी -खं) Having a smiling look. E. स्मेर, and मुख face.
  • स्मेरविष्किर :: m. (-रः) A peacock. E. स्मर smiling, विष्किर a bird.
  • स्यद :: m. (-दः) Speed, velocity. E. स्यन्द् to go, घञ् aff., the nasal rejected.
  • स्यन् :: r. 10th cl. (स्यनयति-ते) To think, to consider, to reflect.
  • स्यन्द् (ऊ) स्यन्दू :: r. 1st cl. (स्यन्दते) 1. To sprinkle, to drop, to ooze or distil. 2. To go. 3. To run, to flee. With अनु prefixed, अनुष्यन्दते or अनुस्यन्दते to drop, &c. With अभि, 1. To rain out. 2. To be melted. With नि, To flow; the sibilant being optionally changed after this and other prepositions.
  • स्यन्द :: m. (-न्दः) 1. Oozing, trickling. 2. Going, moving. 3. A car, a chariot. E. स्यन्द् to go, aff. घञ् ।
  • स्यन्दन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Quick, expeditious. 2. Going quickly. m. (-नः) 1. A war-chariot. 2. A tree, (Dalbergia ougeinensis.) “तिनिश वृक्षे” । 3. A Jina of the past era. 4. Air, wind. n. (-नं) 1. Dropping, oozing, trickling. 2. Water. 3. Going swiftly. f. (-नी) Saliva. E. स्यन्द् to go, युच् or ल्युट् aff.
  • स्यन्दनद्रुम :: m. (-मः) A timber tree, (Dalbergia ougeinensis.) E. स्यन्दन a car, and द्रुम a tree; the wood being used to make wheels, &c.
  • स्यन्दनारूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Mounted on or riding in a car. E. स्यन्दन, and आरूढ ascended.
  • स्यन्दनारोह :: m. (-हः) A warrior who fights in a car. E. स्यन्दन a war- chariot, and आरोह who ascends.
  • स्यन्दनि :: m. (-निः) A tree, (Dalbergia ougeinensis.) E. स्यन्दन a car, ञि aff.; or स्यन्द्, अनि aff.
  • स्यन्दनिका :: f. (-का) A drop of saliva.
  • स्यन्दिन् :: mfn. (-न्दी -न्दिनी -न्दि) 1. Oozing, trickling, dropping. 2. Going, moving. f. (-न्दिनी) 1. Saliva. 2. A cow bearing twins. E. स्यन्द् to drop or flow, aff. णिनि ।
  • स्यन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Flowing, dropping, or trickling. E. स्यन्द to drop, aff. क्त ।
  • स्यम् :: r. 1st cl. (स्यमति) To sound. r. 10th cl. (स्यमयति-ते) 1. To sound, to cry aloud, to shout. 2. To go. 3. To consider. (स्यामयति-ते) To think.
  • स्यमन्तक :: m. (-कः) The gem worn by KRISHṆA. Formerly the gem was given to SATRĀJIT by the sun, and transferred by him to his brother PRASENA, from whom it was taken by JĀMBAVAT. After much fighting it was appropriated by KRISHṆA.
  • स्यमिका :: f. (-का) Indigo. E. See the next.
  • स्यमीक :: m. (-कः) 1. An ant-hill. 2. A kind of tree. 3. Time. 4. A cloud. f. (-का) Indigo. E. स्यम् to sound, कन् Unādi aff. with ईट् augment; or स्यम्-ईकक् aff.; also with इट्, स्यमिक ।
  • स्यात् :: Ind. It may be perhaps, perchance, &c.; implying doubt, as स्यादस्ति, स्यान्नास्ति it may be, it may not be. E. The verbal conditional form used as a particle, or third person singular of the potential of अस् ।
  • स्याद्वाद :: m. (-दः) An assertion of probability, (in philosophy.)
  • स्याद्वादिक :: m. (-कः) A sceptic.
  • स्याल :: m. (-लः) A wife's brother. E. स्यम् to consider, aff. अच्, and म changed to ल; more properly श्याल ।
  • स्युम्र :: n. (-म्रं) Happiness, delight.
  • स्यूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sewn, stitched. m. (-तः) A sack. E. षिव् to sew, aff. क्त ।
  • स्यूति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Sewing, stitching, working with needle and thread. 2. Offspring, lineage. 3. A sack, a bag. E. षिव् to sew, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • स्यून :: m. (-नः) 1. The sun. 2. A ray of light. 3. A sack, a bag. E. षिव् to sew, Unādi aff. नक्, and यूच् substituted for the last two radical letters; also with the vowel of the augment changed स्योन ।
  • स्यूम :: m. (-मः) A ray of light. n. (-मं) 1. Water. 2. A ray of light. E. षिव to sew, मक् Unādi aff., and यूच् substituted for the radical finals.
  • स्योत :: m. (-तः) A sack, a coarse canvas-bag. E. षिव् to sew, क्त aff., यूच् substituted for the finals, and the vowel changed; also स्यूत ।
  • स्योन :: m. (-नः) 1. The sun. 2. A ray of light. 3. A coarse canvas bag or sack. n. (-नं) Happiness, pleasure. f. (-ना) Adj. 1. Beautiful. 2. Auspicious. E. विव् to sew, Unādi aff. न, and यूच् substituted for the radical finals, and the vowel changed.: see स्यून ।
  • स्रंस् (उ) स्रंसु :: r. 1st cl. (स्रंसते) 1. To fall down, to drop, to slip down or off, to tumble. 2. To fall asunder. 3. To hang down. 4. To go.
  • स्रंस :: m. (-स्रः) Falling, slipping.
  • स्रंसन :: n. (-नं) The act of bringing down. E. स्रंस्, ल्युट् or युच् aff.
  • स्रंसमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Falling, dropping, slipping off or down. 2. Fainting. E. स्रस् to fall, शानच् aff.
  • स्रंसिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) 1. Falling or hanging down. 2. Pendulous, depending. 3. Being loosened. m. (-सी) A tree, commonly Pilu, and applied to several sorts, (as to Careya arborea, and Salvadora Persica, &c.) E. स्रंस् to fall down, aff. णिनि ।
  • स्रंसिनीफल :: m. (-लः) A tree, (Mimosa Sirisha.) E. स्रंसिनी pendulous, फल fruit.
  • स्रंह् :: r. 1st cl. (स्रङ्कते) To trust, to confide.
  • स्रक् (इ) स्रकि :: r. 1st cl. (म्रङ्कते) To go.
  • स्रग्दाम :: n. (-मं) The fillet or tie of a garland.
  • स्रग्धर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Wearing a garland. f. (-रा) A species of the Prakriti metre, a stanza of four lines of 21 syllables, and each line divided into three portions of seven syllables each. E. स्रज् a chaplet, and धर who has.
  • स्रग्विन् :: mfn. (-वी -विनी -वि) Bearing a chaplet, &c. f. (-विनी) A species of Jagati metre. E. स्रज् a garland, विनि aff.
  • स्रज् :: f. (-स्रक् or -स्रग्) 1. A chaplet, a wreath of flowers worn over the forehead. 2. Any garland or string of flowers. E. सृज् to quit, क्तिन् aff., and the vowel changed to its congener.
  • स्रजिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Covered with garlands, profusely decorated with chaplets, &c. E. स्नग्विन् having a garland, इष्ठन् aff. of the irr. superlative and the possessive termination dropped; also with ईयसुन् aff. of the same, स्रजीयस् mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः ।)
  • स्रज्वा :: f. (-ज्वा) A rope, a string, a cord.
  • स्रद्धू :: f. (-द्धूः) A fart. E. शृध् to fart, ऊ aff.; more properly शर्द्ध ।
  • स्रम्भ् (उ) स्नम्भु :: r. 1st cl. (स्नम्भते) To trust, to have faith or confidence in. With वि, 1. To entrust. 2. To be careless.
  • स्नव :: m. (-वः) 1. Oozing, dropping, trickling, flowing, the gradual issue or progress of any fluid. 2. A drop. 3. A fountain. f. (-वा) A plant, (Sanseviera zeylanica.) E. स्नु to flow or drop, aff. अप् ।
  • स्नवण :: n. (-णं) 1. Oozing, flowing, trickling. 2. Sweat, perspiration. 3. Piss, urine. E. स्नु to ooze, aff. ल्यु ।
  • स्रवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वन्ती -वत्) 1. Oozing. 2. Dropping, distilling. f. (-न्ती) 1. A river in general. 2. The situation of the spleen, the left hypochondriac region. 3. A drug. E. स्नु to drop, participial aff. शतृ ।
  • स्रवत्स्वेदजल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Perspiring much, covered with perspira- tion. E. स्रवत्, स्वेदजल perspiration.
  • स्रवद्गर्भा :: f. (-र्भा) A woman or cow miscarrying by accident. E. स्नवत् falling, गर्भ the fœtus.
  • स्रवद्रङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A fair, a market. E. स्रवत् moving, रङ्ग an assembly.
  • स्रष्टृ :: m. (-ष्टा) 1. A creator, a maker. 2. BRAHMĀ. 3. ŚIVA. E. सृज् to create, तृच् aff., form irr.
  • स्रस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) 1. Fallen down, off, or from. 2. Separated, dis- joined. 3. Loosened, relaxed, given way. 4. Hanging down. E. स्रंस् to fall, aff. क्त ।
  • स्रस्तर :: m. (-रं) A couch or sofa for reclining. E. स्रंस्-रिच् aff.
  • स्रस्तहस्त :: mfn. (-स्तः -स्ता -स्तं) Letting go, relaxing one's hold. E. स्रस्त, हस्त the hand.
  • स्रस्ताङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Having the limbs relaxed, swooning, fainting, falling. E. स्रस्त, and अङ्ग the body.
  • स्राक् :: Ind. Quickly, instantly. E. स्रै to cook or ripen, क्विप् aff.; or स्रा maturity, अक् to obtain, क्विप् aff.; or स्रु-डाकु aff.
  • स्राव :: m. (-वः) Oozing, flowing, dropping. E. स्रु to go or flow, aff. घञ् ।
  • स्रावक :: n. (-कं) Black-pepper. f. (-विका) Adj. Exuding, letting flow. E. स्रु to ooze, causal form, ण्वुल् aff.
  • स्रिभ् (उ) स्रिभु :: r. 1st cl. (स्रेभति) To hurt or kill.
  • स्रिम्भ् (उ) स्रिम्भु :: r. 1st cl. (स्रिम्भति) To hurt or kill.
  • स्रिव् (उ) स्रिवु :: r. 4th cl. (स्रीव्यति) 1. To go. 2. To become dry.
  • स्रु :: r. 1st cl. (स्रवति) 1. To go, to move. 2. To flow. 3. To drop, to distil, to ooze. 4. To trickle away. 5. To transpire.
  • स्रुग्दारु :: m. (-रुः) A plant, (Flacourtia.) E. स्नुच् a sacrificial ladle, दारु wood.
  • स्रुध्नी :: f. (-ध्नी) Natron, alkali.
  • स्रुच् :: f. (-स्नुक् or -स्नुग्) A sort of ladle or long spoon, generally made of Vikankata-wood, and used to pour Ghee or clarified butter upon the sacrificial fire. E. स्नु to drop, (Ghee,) क्विप् aff., and चिट् final augment; also with टाप्, स्नुचा ।
  • स्रुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Flowing, dropping, falling, (as a fluid.) f. (-ता) A drug, commonly Hingupatri. E. स्नु to flow, aff. क्त ।
  • स्रुति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Oozing. 2. A stream. 3. Exudation, resin.
  • स्रुव :: mf. (-वः-वा) A ladle with a double extremity, or two oval collateral excavations made of Khadira-wood, and used to pour Ghee upon the sacrificial fire. f. (-वा) 1. A shrub, (Sanseviera zeylanica.) 3. A tree, (Boswellia thurifera.) E. स्नु to drop or ooze, (from or by it,) aff. क ।
  • स्रुवावृक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) A plant, (Flacourtia aspida, Rox.) E. स्नुवा a sacri- ficial ladle, and वृक्ष a tree.
  • स्रू :: f. (-स्रूः) 1. A sacrificial ladle: see स्नुव . 2. A cascade. E. स्नु to drop, (Ghee from it,) Unādi aff. क्विप्, and the vowel made long.
  • स्रेक् (ऋ) स्रेकृ :: r. 1st cl. (स्रेकते) To go, to move.
  • स्रै :: r. 1st cl. (स्रायति) 1. To boil or melt; also श्रै and श्राः . 2. To cook or ripen. 3. To sweat.
  • स्रोत :: n. (-तं) A natural or rapid stream: see स्रोतस् . E. स्नु-तन् aff.
  • स्रोतईश :: m. (-शः) The ocean. E. स्रोतस a stream, and ईश lord.
  • स्रोतस् :: n. (-तः) 1. A current, a natural or rapid stream. 2. A river in general. 3. The flow or course of water. 4. Water. 5. A spring. 6. A wave. 7. An organ of sense. 8. The trunk of an elephant. E. स्नु- तसि aff.; or स्नु to flow, Unādi aff. असुन्, and तुट् augment; also with a final vowel स्रोत, and palatial sibilant श्रोतस् ।
  • स्रोतस्य :: m. (-स्यः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. A thief. E. स्रोतस् a stream, यत् aff.
  • स्रोतस्वती :: f. (-ती) A river. E. स्रोतस् a current, मतुप् poss. aff.
  • स्रोतस्विनी :: f. (-नी) A river. E. स्रोतस् a current, and विनि aff.
  • स्रोतोऽञ्जन :: n. (-नं) Antimony. E. स्रोतस् a stream, and अञ्जन collyrium.
  • स्रोतोरन्ध्र :: n. (-न्ध्रं) The aperture of the trunk of an elephant.
  • स्रोतोवह :: mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Flowing like a stream or river. f. (-हा) A river in general. E. स्रोतस् a stream, and वह bearing.
  • स्व :: Pron. mfn. (-स्वः -स्वा -स्वं) Own. Subst. m. (-स्वः) 1. A kinsman. 2. The soul. 3. Wealth. 4. Self-identity, individuality. mn. (-स्वः-स्वं) 1. Wealth, property. 2. (In algebra,) Plus, or affirmative quantity. f. (-स्वा) Pron. Adj. 1. Belonging to oneself. 2. Of one's own tribe or family. 3. Natural, original. E. स्वन् to sound, aff. ड; or वू to send or order, व aff.
  • स्वक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Own, proper, peculiar. E. स्व as above, कन् added.
  • स्वकम्पन :: m. (-नः) Air, wind. E. स्व self, कम्पन agitating.
  • स्वकर्म्मकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) An independent workman, one doing business on his own account. E. स्व own, कर्म्म business, and कृत् who does.
  • स्वकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Own act, business, duty, conduct, &c. E. स्व, कर्म्मन् act.
  • स्वकर्म्मवश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Suffering the consequences of one's own acts. E. स्वकर्म्म, and वश subject to.
  • स्वकर्म्मस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Who or what adheres to its own business or duty. E. स्वकर्म्म, स्थ staying.
  • स्वकार्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) Own business or duty. E. स्व, and कार्य्य act.
  • स्वकीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. Of one's own family. 2. Own in general, as property, &c. E. स्व own, छ aff., and कुक् augment.
  • स्वकुटुम्ब :: n. (-म्बं) Own family. E. स्व, and कुटुम्ब family.
  • स्वकुल :: n. (-लं) Own family or race. E. स्व, and कुल race.
  • स्वकुलक्षय :: m. (-यः) A fish. E. स्व own, कुल race, क्षय destruction.
  • स्वकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Done or made by one's self-performed. E. स्व, कृत done.
  • स्वक्ष :: mfn. (-क्षः -क्षा) or -क्षी-क्षं) 1. Handsome-eyed. 2. Acute, sensitive, having keen organs. E. सु good, अक्षि the eye, or अक्ष an organ of sense.
  • स्वग् (इ) स्वगि :: r. 1st cl. (स्वङ्गति) To go, to move.
  • स्वगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Kept to one's self, apart, aside. n. (-तं) Aside, (in theatrical language.) E. स्व self, गत gone, got.
  • स्वगुप्त :: mfn. (-प्तः -प्ता -प्तं) Self-defended or preserved. f. (-प्ता) Cowach, (Carpopogon pruriens.) E. स्व self, गुप्त preserved.
  • स्वगृह :: m. (-हः) A small bird, (Loxia Philippensis.) “कलिकार स्वगे” . n. (-हं) Own house. E. स्व own, गृह house.
  • स्वङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Handsome and well-shaped. m. (-ङ्गः) An embrace. E. सु excellent, अङ्ग body.
  • स्वच्छ :: mfn. (-च्छः -च्छा -च्छं) 1. Healthy, sound, convalescent. 2. White. 3. Pure, free from stain or soil. 4. Transparent, pellucid. m. (-च्छः) 1. Pearl. 2. Quartz. E. सु exceedingly, and अच्छ clean, clear.
  • स्वच्छता :: f. (-ता) Purity, transparency, &c. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, स्वच्छत्वं ।
  • स्वच्छन्द :: mfn. (-न्दः -न्दा -न्दं) 1. Unrestrained, uncontrolled, self-willed. 2. Spontaneous. 2. Uncultivated. m. (-न्दः) Own fancy, own choice, independence. E. स्व own, and छन्द inclination; also स्वच्छन्दक mfn. (-कः -का -कं).
  • स्वच्छन्दम् :: Ind. Voluntarily, wantonly.
  • स्वच्छपत्र :: n. (-त्रं) Talc. E. स्वच्छ transparent, and पत्र a leaf, a layer.
  • स्वच्छमणि :: m. (-णिः) Crystal.
  • स्वज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Self-born, produced in or by one's self. m. (-जः) 1. A son. 2. Sweat, perspiration. n. (-जं) Blood. f. (-जा) A daughter. E. स्व own, self, and ज born.
  • स्वजन :: m. (-नः) A distant kinsman. E. स्व own, जन man.
  • स्वजाति :: f. (-तिः) Own caste, tribe, or species. E. स्व, and जाति sort.
  • स्वजातीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Of one's own tribe, caste, species, &c. E. स्व, and जातीय of a caste, &c.
  • स्वज्ञाति :: f. (-तिः) Kindred, kin. m. (-तिः) A kinsman. E. स्व, and ज्ञाति kin.
  • स्वठ् :: r. 10th cl. (स्वठयति-ते) 1. To finish. 2. To leave unfinished. 3. To go.
  • स्वतन्त्र :: mfn. (-न्त्रः -न्त्रा -न्त्रं) 1. Unrestrained, uncontrolled, self-willed. 2. Independent, free. 3. Full-grown, of age, no longer subject to the authority of parents, &c. E. स्व own, तन्त्र inclination, will.
  • स्वतन्त्रता :: f. (-ता) Independence, wilfulness. E. तल् added to the last.
  • स्वतस् :: Ind. 1. Of itself, by one's self. 2. Own, peculiar. E. स्व self, तसिल् aff.
  • स्वत्र :: mfn. (-त्रः -त्रा -त्रं) Self-preserving. m. (-त्रः) A blind man. E. स्व self, and त्र who preserves.
  • स्वत्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Self-existence, independent being or condition. 2. Own right or property, ownership, proprietary right, (in law.) E. स्व own, and त्व aff. of the abstract; also स्वत्ता ।
  • स्वत्वनिवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Cessation or loss of proprietary right. E. स्वत्व, निवृत्ति cessation.
  • स्वत्वबोधन :: n. (-नं) Indication or proof of ownership. E. स्वत्व, and बोधन making known.
  • स्वत्वव्यभिचारित्व :: n. (-त्वं) Doubt or uncertainty of ownership. E. स्वत्व, and व्यभिचारित्व want of steadiness.
  • स्वत्वहानि :: f. (-निः) Loss or forfeiture of proprietary title or right. E. स्वत्व, हानि loss.
  • स्वत्वहेतु :: m. (-तुः) Ground or cause of proprietary right. E. स्वत्व, हेतु cause.
  • स्वत्वाभाव :: m. (-वः) Non-existence of proprietary right. E. स्वत्व, and अभाव non-existence.
  • स्वत्वावगम :: m. (-मः) Determination or ascertainment of ownership. E. स्वत्व, अवगम certainty.
  • स्वत्वास्पद :: n. (-दं) The subject or thing in which proprietary right is vested. E. स्वत्व, आस्पद site.
  • स्वत्वोत्पत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Origin or production of proprietary right. E. स्वत्व, उत्पत्ति production.
  • स्वद् :: r. 1st cl. (स्वदते) 1. To be pleasant to the taste, to be liked, (with a dative.) 2. To taste, to eat, to relish. 3. To please. r. 10th cl. (स्वादयति-ते) To sweeten, to make sweet; also ष्वद् and स्वाद् ।
  • स्वदन :: n. (-नं) Eating, tasting. E. स्वद् to taste, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • स्वदारनिरत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Uxorious, devoted to a wife. E. स्व own, दार wife, निरत attached to.
  • स्वदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Eaten, well-eaten, tasted. n. (-तं) The term used after presenting food to the manes, asking if they are satisfied. E. स्वद् to taste, क्त aff.
  • स्वदेश :: m. (-शः) 1. Native country, home. 2. Own or proper place. E. स्व, देश country.
  • स्वदणपरिधि :: m. (-धिः) Circumference of a circle of longitude in any place that has latitude. E. स्वदेश, and परिधि circumference.
  • स्वदेशमध्यपरिधि :: m. (-धिः) Circumference of the terrestrial equator. E. स्वदेश, मध्य centre, and परिधि circumference.
  • स्वधर्म्म :: mn. (-र्म्मः-र्म्मं) 1. Peculiar duty or occupation, as praying of a Brāhman, fighting of a soldier, &c. 2. Property, peculiarity. E. स्व own, धर्म्म virtue.
  • स्वधर्म्मच्युत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Neglecting one's duty. E. स्वधर्म्म, च्युत fallen from.
  • स्वधर्म्मत्याग :: m. (-गः) 1. Neglect of duty. 2. Apostasy. E. स्वधर्म्म, त्याग abandonment.
  • स्वधर्म्मस्खलन :: n. (-नं) Neglecting or disregarding duty. E. स्वधर्म्म, and स्खलन slipping.
  • स्वधर्म्मस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) Attached to or performing one's peculiar duty. E. स्वधर्म्म, and स्थ who or what stays.
  • स्वघा :: Ind. (Aptote noun.) An exclamation used on presenting an oblation to the Manes. f. (-धा) 1. A personification of Māyā or worldly illusion, the self-contained associate of the Creator. 2. A nymph, the food of the Manes personified, and sometimes represented as the wife of AGNI or fire. 3. Spontaneity. 4. Self- will. 5. The food offered to deceased ancestors. E. ष्वद् to taste, आ aff., and द changed to ध; or स्व self, धा to hold, affs. अ and टाप् ।
  • स्वधाकार :: m. (-रः) Pronouncing the exclamation Swadhā. E. स्वधा, and कार making; also स्वधाकर ।
  • स्वधाप्रिय :: m. (-यः) 1. Black sesamum. 2. AGNI or fire. E. स्वधा the exclamation used in making oblations to the Manes, प्रिय fond of
  • स्वधाभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) 1. A divine or deified ancestor. 2. A deity. E. स्वधा the food of the Manes, भुज् who eats.
  • स्वधिति :: mf. (-तिः-ती) An axe. E. स्व self, धा to hold, क्तिच् aff.; with ङीप् added, स्वधिती; also read श्वधिति ।
  • स्वधितिहेतिक :: m. (-कः) A soldier armed with an axe. E. स्वधिति an axe, हेतिक armed.
  • स्वधीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Well read, versed in. E. सु, and अधीत read.
  • स्वन् :: r. 1st cl. (स्वनति) 1. To sound. 2. To sing. Caus. (स्वनयति-ते) 1. To make to resound. 2. To sound. 3. To dress, to adorn, (in this sense more usually स्वानयति-ते). With वि or अव prefixed, in a limited sense, the initial is changed, (अवष्वणति or विष्वणति) To make a noise whilst eating.
  • स्वन :: m. (-नः) Sound in general. E. स्वन् to sound, aff. अप् ।
  • स्वनगर :: n. (-रं) Own or native town. E. स्व, and नगर city.
  • स्वनत् :: mfn. (-नन् -नन्ती -नत्) Sounding. E. स्वन् to sound, शतृ aff.
  • स्वनवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Sounding, thundering. E. स्वन sound, मतुप् aff.
  • स्वनाश :: m. (-शः) Self-destruction. E. स्व, and नाश loss.
  • स्वनि :: m. (-निः) Sound, noise. E. स्वन् to sound, इन् aff.
  • स्वनिक :: m. (-कः) One who clasps his hands.
  • स्वनित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sounded, sounding, making a noise. n. (-तं) The noise of thunder. E. स्वन् to sound, aff. क्त; or स्वन sound, इतच् aff.
  • स्वनुष्ठित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Well or duly observed, practised, performed, &c. E. सु well, अनुष्ठित followed.
  • स्वनोत्साह :: m. (-हः) A rhinoceros.
  • स्वपत् :: mfn. (-पन् -पन्ती -पत्) Sleeping. E. ष्वप् to sleep, शतृ aff.
  • स्वपन :: n. (-नं) Sleep, sleeping. E. ष्वप् to sleep, ल्युट् aff.
  • स्वपरमण्डल :: n. (-लं) One's own and an enemy's country.
  • स्वप्न :: m. (-प्नः) 1. Sleep. 2. Dreaming, a dream. 3. Indolence, sleepi- ness. E. ष्वप् to sleep, न Unādi aff., तन् added.
  • स्वप्नकृत् :: mfn. (-कृत्) Narcotic, producing sleep. n. (-कृत्) A potherb, (Marsilea quadrifolia.) “सुसुनि शाक” इति भाषा . E. स्वप्न sleep, कृत् making.
  • स्वप्नगृह :: n. (-हं) A bed-chamber. E. स्वप्न, and गृह a house.
  • स्वप्नज् :: mfn. (-प्नक्) Sleeping, sleepy, asleep. E. ष्वप् to sleep, नजिङ् aff.
  • स्वप्नदोष :: n. (-षं) Pollutio nocturna. E. स्वप्न, दोष fault.
  • स्वप्नधीगम्य :: Adj. Perceptible by the intellect (only) in a state of sleep-like abstraction.
  • स्वप्ननिकेतन :: n. (-नं) A bed-chamber. E. स्वप्न, निकेतन a dwelling.
  • स्वप्नप्रपञ्च :: m. (-ञ्चः) The illusions of sleep, the world as represented in a dream.
  • स्वप्नविचार :: m. (-रः) Interpretation of dreams. E. स्वप्न, विचार investigation
  • स्वप्नविचारिन् :: m. (-री) An interpreter of dreams. E. स्वप्न a dream, an विचारिन् who investigates.
  • स्वप्नशील :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Sleepy, drowsy. E. स्वप्न, and शील having.
  • स्वप्नसृष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) The creation of dreams or illusions in sleep
  • स्वप्नावस्था :: f. (-स्था) State of dreaming, applied especially to life or ignorance of worldly illusion. E. स्वप्न, and अवस्था state.
  • स्वप्नोपम :: Adj. 1. Resembling a dream. 2. Transitory, evanescent.
  • स्वप्रकाश :: Adj. Self-evident, self-luminous.
  • स्वप्रयोगात् :: Ind. By means of one's own exertions.
  • स्वभट :: m. (-टः) One's own warrior, body-guard.
  • स्वभाजन :: n. (-नं) Civility, courtesy, welcome or adieu. E. स्व self, भज् to serve, causal form, aff. ल्युट्; also सभाजन ।
  • स्वभाव :: m. (-वः) 1. Nature, natural state, property or disposition. 2. Purpose, intention. E. स्व own, and भाव property.
  • स्वभावज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Innate, natural, produced from, or by the natural disposition. E. स्वभाव, and ज born.
  • स्वभावतस् :: Ind. From or according to natural property or disposition. E. स्वभाव, and तसि aff.
  • स्वभावदौर्जन्य :: n. (-न्यं) Natural or innate wickedness. E. स्वभाव, and दौर्जन badness.
  • स्वभावद्वेष :: m. (-षः) Natural or inherent enmity. E. स्वभाव, and द्वेष hate.
  • स्वभावोक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Uttered or declared naturally or spontane- ously. E. स्वभाव, and उक्त said.
  • स्वभावोक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Spontaneous declaration. 2. Description of living objects by circumstances or acts suited to their character, (in rhetoric.) E. स्वभाव, and उक्ति saying.
  • स्वभू :: m. (-भूः) 1. VISHṆU. 2. BRAHMĀ. 3. ŚIVA. 4. KĀMA. E. स्व self, भु born.
  • स्वभूमि :: f. (-मिः) 1. Own land or estate. 2. Native country. E. स्व, भूमि land.
  • स्वयंग्रह :: m. (-हः) The taking for one's self, (without leave.)
  • स्वयंवर :: m. (-रः) The public choice of a husband by a princess, from a number of suitors assembled for the purpose. f. (-रा) A girl choosing her husband. E. स्वयम् of herself, वर selecting.
  • स्वयंशीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Fallen or dropped spontaneously. E. स्वयम्, and शीर्ण decayed.
  • स्वयङ्कुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Self-formed, natural, spontaneous. 2. Done to one's self. 3. Done by or for one's self. E. स्वयम् self, कृत made.
  • स्वयङ्गुप्ता :: f. (-प्ता) Cowach, (Carpopogon pruriens.) E. स्वयम् self, गुप्त preserved.
  • स्वयन्दत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Self-given. m. (-त्तः) A child who has given himself to adoptive parents. E. स्वयम् self, and दत्त given.
  • स्वयम् :: Ind. Self, spontaneously, of one's own self or own accord, (this word is applicable to all persons, such as myself, thyself, itself, herself, &c., and is sometimes used emphatically with other pronouns.) E. सु auspiciously, अय् to go, अम् aff.
  • स्वयमुक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Voluntary declaration. 2. (In law,) Information, deposition. E. स्वयम्, उक्ति saying.
  • स्वयम्प्रभ :: m. (-भः) A Jaina of the future era. E. स्वयम् self, प्रभ illustrious.
  • स्वयम्भु :: m. (-म्भुः) BRAHMĀ. E. स्वयम् + भू-डु aff.: see स्वयम्भू ।
  • स्वयम्भुव :: m. (-वः) 1. The first MANU. 2. BRAHMĀ. 3. Śiva. E. स्वयम् self, भू to be or exist, aff. क; or स्वयम्भ BRAHMĀ, and अण् pleonasm or patronymic aff.
  • स्वयम्भू :: m. (-म्भूः) 1. BRAHMĀ. 2. A Jina or Jaina deified sage. 3. An emperor of the world according to the Jainas. 4. KĀLA, the deity presiding over time. 5. VISHṆU. 6. ŚIVA. 7. The god of love. 8. The female breast. E. स्वयम् self, भू to exist, क्विप् aff., the self- existent; also read with a short final स्वयम्भु m. (-म्भुः).
  • स्वयोनि :: mfn. (-निः -निः -नि) Of kin, related by the mother's side. mf. (-निः-निः) Own womb, one's own place of birth. f. (-निः) A sister or near female relative. E. स्व, योनि place of birth.
  • स्वर् :: r. 10th cl. (स्वरयति-ते) 1. To blame, to censure, to reprove. 2. To sound.

(Ind. (Aptote noun.) 1. Heaven, paradise, the residence of INDRA and the celestials, (considered as the temporary abode of the virtuous after death.) 2. Sky, ether. 3. Splendour, beauty. 4. One of the divisions of the universe, the space between the sun and the polar star and region of the planets and constellations; in this sense, this word is one of the three mystical words, to be repeated daily at the morning ceremonies, &c., with the holy Gāyatri. E. स्वृ to sound, to be in pain, विच् aff., and the vowel changed.

  • स्वर :: m. (-रः) 1. A Vedic accent, (of which there are three, viz: --उदात, अनुदात्त and स्वरित .) 2. A vowel. 3. A note of the musical scale or gamut. 4. Air breathed through the nostrils. 5. Snoring. 6. Voice. 7. Sound in general. 8. A symbolical expression for the number “seven.” E. स्वर् to sound, अच् aff.; or स्वृ to sound, अप् aff.
  • स्वरग्राम :: m. (-मः) The musical scale, gamut.
  • स्वरपत्तन :: n. (-नं) The Sāma-Veda. E. स्वर an accent, पत्तन a city: this Veda is chanted according to a peculiar rhythm, and the efficacy of its prayers depends chiefly on their accurate accentuation.
  • स्वरबद्ध :: Adj. Composed in musical measure, adapted to musical time.
  • स्वरभक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) A vowel-sound phonetically inserted in the pronun- ciation of र् or ल् when these letters are followed by a sibilant, (as वर्ष pronounced as वरिष).
  • स्वरभङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Fluttering of the voice, &c., as indicative of agitation or feeling. E. स्वर a sound or note, भङ्ग a breaking.
  • स्वरभङ्गिन् :: m. (-ङ्गी) A kind of bird. E. स्वर a note, भङ्गिन् who breaks or divides.
  • स्वरमण्डलिका :: f. (-का) A kind of stringed musical instrument. E. स्वर a note of a gamut, मण्डल a region, कन् aff., fem. form.
  • स्वरलासिका :: f. (-का) A flute, a pipe. E. स्वर a note, लस् to be skilled, ण्वुल् aff.
  • स्वरवत् :: Adj. 1. Sonorous. 2. Vocal. 3. Accentuated.
  • स्वरशून्य :: mfn. (-न्यः -न्या -न्यं) Unmelodious, unmusical. E. स्वर, शून्य devoid of.
  • स्वरसंयोग :: m. (-गः) 1. The junction of vowels. 2. Intonation, voice.
  • स्वरस :: m. (-सः) 1. Expressed or extracted juice. 2. Sediment of oil, &c., ground on a stone. 3. Proper or peculiar flavour. 4. Proper or peculiar taste or sentiment in composition. E. स्व own, रस flavour, &c.
  • स्वरसङ्क्रम :: m. (-मः) A transition or succession of notes.
  • स्वरसन्धि :: m. (-न्धिः) The junction or coalition of vowels.
  • स्वरांश :: m. (-शः) A half or quarter tone in music. E. स्वर a note, अंश a part.
  • स्वराज् :: m. (-राट्) 1. BRAHMĀ or supreme spirit. 2. A form of metre used in the Vedas, a verse of three lines, two containing eight syllables each, and one ten. 3. A variety of the same containing four lines. E. स्व self, राज् to shine, क्विप् aff.
  • स्वरान्तर :: n. (-रं) The interval between two vowels, hiatus.
  • स्वरापगा :: f. (-गा) The Ganges. E. स्वर् heaven, आपगा river.
  • स्वरारूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Ascended to heaven. E. स्वर्, and आरूढ ascended.
  • स्वराष्ट्र :: n. (-ष्ट्रं) Own country or principality. E. स्व, and राष्ट्र country.
  • स्वरित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Accented. 2. Articulated. 3. Sounded as a note, pitched. 4. Circumflexed. m. (-तः) The third or circumflex accent, the mixed tone between high and low. E. स्वर a note or accent, इतच् aff.
  • स्वरु :: m. (-रुः) 1. INDRA'S thunderbolt. 2. An arrow. 3. A sacrifice. 4. Shavings of the wood of which a sacrificial post is made. 5. Sun- shine. 6. A kind of scorpion. E. स्वृ to sound, Unādi aff. उ; also with उसि aff., स्वरुस् ।
  • स्वरुचि :: mfn. (-चिः -चिः -चि) Wilful, self-willed, uncontrolled. E. स्व own, रुचि inclination.
  • स्वरुस् :: m. (-रुः) INDRA'S thunderbolt, &c.: see स्वरु ।
  • स्वरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पा or -पी-पं) 1. Wise, learned. 2. Pleasing, handsome. 3. Similar, like. 4. Of like purport or character. n. (-पं) 1. Natural state or condition, nature. 2. Natural and obvious purpose or conclusion. 3. True constitution, natural character. 4. One's own form or shape. 5. Peculiar aim. 6. Kind, sort. E. स्व own, रूप form.
  • स्वरूपगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Having a like object or character. E. स्वरूप and गत obtained.
  • स्वरूपता :: f. (-ता) 1. Natural state. 2. Handsomeness. 3. Identity. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, स्वरूपत्वं ।
  • स्वरूपासिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) A form of fallacious proof, (in Nyāya phil.)
  • स्वरेणु :: f. (-णुः) One of the wives of the sun.
  • स्वर्ग :: m. (-र्गः) Heaven, INDRA'S paradise, and the residence of deified mortals and the inferior gods. E. सु happiness, ऋज् to go, or obtain, aff. घञ् ।
  • स्वर्गगत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Gone to heaven. E. स्वर्ग, and मत gone.
  • स्वर्गगमन :: n. (-नं) Going to heaven. E. स्वर्ग, गमन going.
  • स्वर्गगामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Who or what goes to heaven. E. रुवर्ग, गमिन् who goes.
  • स्वर्गगिरि :: m. (-रिः) The mountain SUMERU.
  • स्वर्गङ्गा :: f. (-ङ्गा) The Ganges of heaven. E. स्वर् heaven, गङ्गा the Ganges.
  • स्वर्गजित् :: mfn. (-जित्) Obtaining or ensuring paradise. E. स्वर्ग heaven, and जित् what conquers.
  • स्वर्गत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Gone to heaven. 2. Dead. E. स्वर्, and गत gone.
  • स्वर्गात :: f. (-तिः) 1. Going to heaven, future felicity. 2. Death. E. स्वर् and गति going; also similar compounds, as स्वर्गमन, &c.
  • स्वर्गद्वार :: n. (-र) Heaven's gate, entrance into heaven.
  • स्वर्गपति :: m. (-तिः) INDRA. E. स्वर्ग paradise, पति lord.
  • स्वर्गपर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Desirous of INDRA'S heaven. E. स्वर्ग, पर intent on.
  • स्वर्गबधू :: f. (-धूः) An Apsaras, a nymph or courtezan of INDRA'S heaven. E. स्वर्ग paradise, and बधू woman or wife.
  • स्वर्गभर्त्तृ :: m. (-र्त्ता) INDRA. E. स्वर्ग, and भर्त्त sovereign.
  • स्वर्गलाक :: m. (-कः) Paradise, the celestial region. E. स्वर्ग, लोक world.
  • स्वर्गलाकेश :: m. (-शः) INDRA. E. स्वर्गलोक, and ईश lord; the paradise of INDRA, being appropriated to corporeal felicity.
  • स्वर्गापगा :: f. (-गा) The celestial Ganges. E. स्वर्ग heaven, and आपगा a river.
  • स्वर्गारोहण :: n. (-णं) Ascending to heaven. E. स्वर्ग, and आरोहण going.
  • स्वर्गारूढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Gone to heaven. E. स्वर्ग, and आरूढ ascended.
  • स्वर्गिगिरि :: m. (-रिः) Mount SUMERU. E. स्वर्गि a god, गिरि a mountain.
  • स्वर्गिन् :: m. (-र्गा) 1. A god, a celestial. 2. (In law,) Dead. E. स्वर्ग, इनि aff.
  • स्वर्गिबधू :: f. (-धूः) A nymph of paradise. E. स्वगि a celestial, and बधू wife.
  • स्वर्गिरि :: m. (-रिः) Mount SUMERU. E. स्वर् heaven, and गिरि a mountain.
  • स्वर्गीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Heavenly, divine, relating to Swarga. E. स्वर्ग, छ aff.
  • स्वर्गीकस् :: m. (-काः) A god, a deity. E. स्वर्ग paradise, and ओकस् abode.
  • स्वर्ग्य :: mfn. (-र्ग्यः -र्ग्या -र्ग्यं) 1. Heavenly, paradisiacal. 2. Procuring a place in heaven. E. स्वर्ग heaven, यत् aff.
  • स्वर्ण :: n. (-र्णं) 1. Gold. 2. A gold coin. E. सु excellent, ऋण् to go or be, aff. अच् ।
  • स्वर्णक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Golden, of gold. E. स्वर्ण, वुन् aff.
  • स्वर्णकाय :: m. (-यः) GARUḌA, the bird and vehicle of VISHṆU. E. स्वर्ण gold, काय body.
  • स्वर्णकार :: m. (-रः) A goldsmith. E. स्वर्ण gold, and कार maker, worker.
  • स्वर्णकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) A goldsmith. E. स्वर्ण gold, and कृत् who makes.
  • स्वर्णक्षीरी :: f. (-री) A medicinal kind of moon-plant, said to be brought from the Himālaya mountains. E. स्वर्ण gold, (like or yellow,) क्षीर milk, or milky sap, ङीष् fem. aff.
  • स्वर्णगैरिक :: n. (-कं) A kind of ochre, golden ochre. E. स्वर्ण gold. and गैरिक chalk.
  • स्वर्णचूड :: m. (-डः) 1. The blue jay. 2. A cock. E. स्वर्ण gold, चूडा a crest.
  • स्वर्णज :: n. (-जं) Tin. E. स्वर्ण gold, ज born.
  • स्वर्णदी :: f. (-दी) The Ganges of heaven. E. स्वर् heaven, नदी a river; the न changed to ण; also स्वर्नदी ।
  • स्वर्णदीधिति :: m. (-तिः) AGNI or fire. E. स्वर्ण gold, दीधिति a ray.
  • स्वर्णद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) A tree with yellow blossoms. E. स्वर्ण gold, and द्रु a tree.
  • स्वर्णपक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) GARUḌA. E. स्वर्ण gold, and पक्ष a wing or feather.
  • स्वर्णपद्मा :: f. (-द्मा) The Ganges of heaven. E. स्वर्ण gold, पद्म lotus; bearing golden lotuses.
  • स्वर्णपुष्प :: mf. (-ष्पः-ष्पी) The Cassia fistula. m. (-ष्पः) The Champaca. (Michelia champaca.) f. (-ष्पा) The gum Arabic tree, (Mimosa

Arabica.) f. (-ष्पी) A medicinal sort of moon-plant. E. स्वर्ण gold, and पुष्प a flower.

  • स्वर्णबणिज् :: m. (-णिक्) A particular fallen caste.
  • स्वर्णभृङ्गार :: m. (-रः) A golden vase.
  • स्वर्णमाक्षिक :: n. (-कं) A particular mineral substance.
  • स्वर्णयूथी :: f. (-थी) Yellow jasmine. E. स्वर्ण gold, and यूथी jasmine.
  • स्वर्णरेखा :: f. (-खा) A streak of gold. E. स्वर्ण, रेखा a line; also स्वर्णलेखा ।
  • स्वर्णवर्णा :: f. (-र्णा) Turmeric. E. स्वर्ण gold, वर्ण colour.
  • स्वर्णबल्कल :: m. (-लः) A plant, (Bignonia Indica.) E. स्वर्ण gold, वल्कल bark.
  • स्वर्णविन्दु :: m. (-न्दुः) 1. A spot of yellow or gold. 2. VISHṆU. E. स्वर्ण gold, and विन्दु a spot.
  • स्वर्णशीफालिका :: f. (-का) A tree, (Cassia fistula.) E. स्वर्ण gold, and शेफालिका Nyctanthes.
  • स्वर्णारि :: m. (-रिः) Sulphur. E. स्वर्ण gold, and अरि hostile.
  • स्वर्त्त् :: r. 10th cl. (स्वर्त्तयति-ते) 1. To be miserable or distrest. 2. To go.
  • स्वर्द्द् :: r. 1st cl. (स्वर्द्दते) 1. To taste. 2. To be pleasing.
  • स्वर्नदी :: f. (-दी) The Ganges of heaven. E. स्वर् heaven, and नदी a river, and the न unchanged; also स्वर्णदी ।
  • स्वर्बधू :: f. (-धूः) An Apsaras. E. स्वर् heaven, and बधू wife.
  • स्वर्भानव :: m. (-वः) A kind of precious stone, called GOMEDHA.
  • स्वर्भानु :: m. (-नुः) RĀHU, the personified ascending node. E. स्वर् heaven, भानु shining.
  • स्वर्भाध्य :: n. (-ध्यं) The zenith or the central point of the sky.
  • स्वर्यात :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Dead, deceased. E. स्वर् heaven, and जात gone.
  • स्वर्लोक :: m. (-कः) Heaven. E. स्वर् heaven, and लोक a world.
  • स्वर्वापी :: f. (-पी) The Ganges. E. स्वर् heaven, वापी a pool.
  • स्वर्वेश्या :: f. (-श्या) A nymph of heaven. E. स्वर् heaven, and वेश्या a harlot.
  • स्वर्वैद्य :: m. DU. (-द्यौ) The twin sons of the sun by the nymph Aświni, and physicians of Swarga. E. स्वर् heaven, and वैद्य a physician.
  • स्वल् :: r. 1st cl. (स्वलति) To go, to move.
  • स्वल्प :: mfn. (-ल्पः -ल्पा -ल्पं) 1. Very small. 2. Very few. E. सु very, अल्प little or few.
  • स्वल्पक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Very little. 2. Few. E. कन् added to the last.
  • स्वल्पकङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) A small kind of heron.
  • स्वल्पकेशिन् :: m. (-शी) Root of sweet flag. E. स्वल्प little, few, केश a filament, इनि aff.
  • स्वल्पपत्रक :: m. (-कः) A kind of Mahuwā tree, (Bassia,) with small leaves. E. स्वल्प small, पत्र a leaf, कन् added.
  • स्वल्पबल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Weak, feeble. E. स्वल्प, बल strength.
  • स्वल्पविषय :: m. (-यः) 1. A small matter or object. 2. A small part. E. स्वल्प, विषय object.
  • स्वल्पव्यय :: m. (-यः) Niggardliness, little expenditure. E. स्वल्प, व्यय expense.
  • स्वल्पव्रीड :: mfn. (-डः -डा -डं) Shameless, impudent. E. स्वल्प, and व्रीडा shame.
  • स्वल्पाहार :: Adj. Most abstemious.
  • स्वल्पिष्ठ :: Adj. Most insignificant or minute. E. Superlative of स्वल्प ।
  • स्वल्पीयस् :: Adj. More insignificant. E. Comparative of स्वल्प ।
  • स्वव् :: r. 1st cl. (स्ववति) To revile, to abuse.
  • स्ववश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) Self-subdued, self-controlled. E. स्व, and वश subjection.
  • स्ववहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Alert, active. 2. Automatous. E. स्व, and वहित impelled.
  • स्ववासिनी :: f. (-नी) A woman, (whether married or unmarried,) who con- tinues to dwell after maturity in her father's house. E. स्व her own, (family,) वासिन् abiding.
  • स्ववीज :: m. (-जः) 1. The soul. 2. A son. E. स्व self, वीज seed.
  • स्ववृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Own, or peculiar duty or occupation. E. स्व, and वृत्ति profession.
  • स्वशरीर :: n. (-रं) Own body. E. स्व, and शरीर body.
  • स्वशरीरवत् :: Ind. Like or as one's self. E. स्वशरीर, वति aff.
  • स्वसंवृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Self-defended, on one's guard. E. स्व, and संवृत covered.
  • स्वसंस्था :: f. (-स्था) Self-possession, absorption in one's own self.
  • स्वसिद्धवाद :: m. (-दः) The doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties.
  • स्वसृ :: f. (-सा) A sister. E. सु before अस् to be or live, Unādi aff. ऋन् ।
  • स्वसृत् :: Adj. Going or moving at one's own will.
  • स्वस्क् :: r. 1st cl. (स्वस्कते) To go, to move; more generally read ष्वष्क् ।
  • स्वस्तरु :: m. (-रुः) The tree of paradise. E. स्वर्, तरु a tree.
  • स्वस्ति :: Ind. 1. A particle of benediction. 2. An auspicious particle. 3. A term of sanction or approbation, meaning “so be it,” “may it be well with you”, “amen,” “hail”, “adieu”, &c., (used with a dative.) E. सु well, अस्व् to be, aff. क्तिच् or ति ।
  • स्वस्तिक :: mn. (-कः-कं) 1. A temple or mansion of a particular form with a portico in front. 2. A particular mode of sitting practised by Yogins. m. (-कः) 1. Any lucky or auspicious object. 2. The meeting of four roads. 3. A building or place of a peculiar shape, described as surrounded by a terrace, or portico, on the north, west, and south sides, and having the door or entrance on the east. 4. A kind of mystical figure, the inscription of which on any person or thing is generally considered to be lucky; and amongst the Jainas is the emblem of the seventh deified teacher of the present era. 5. The crossing of the arms, as resembling the preceding. 6. A kind of cake. 7. A particular symbol made with ground-rice and shaped like a triangle. 8. A libertine. 9. Garlic. E. कन् added to the last.
  • स्वस्तिभाव :: m. (-वः) An epithet of ŚIVA.
  • स्वस्तिमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Happy, auspicious. E. स्वस्ति, and मतुप् aff.
  • स्वस्तिमुख :: m. (-खः) 1. A letter, a note. 2. A Brāhman. 3. A panegyrist. E. स्वस्ति, and मुख beginning or the mouth.
  • स्वस्तिवाचन :: n. (-नं) 1. A religious rite, preparatory to a sacrifice or any important observance, in which the Brāhmans strew boiled rice on the ground, and invoke the blessings of the gods on the ceremony about to commence. 2. An offering of flowers, sweet- meat, &c., to any one intended to secure good wishes and blessings. E. स्वस्ति inceptive and benedictory particle, वाचन uttering.
  • स्वस्तिवाच्य :: n. (-च्यं) Congratulation.
  • स्वस्त्ययन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Auspicious, propitious. n. (-नं) 1. The aversion of evil by the recitation of Mantras. 2. The benediction of a Brāhmana after presentation of offerings. 3. A means of attaining prosperity. E. स्वस्ति good, and अयन coming or bringing.
  • स्वस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) 1. Confident, resolute, firm, relying upon one's self. 2. Well, at ease, in health. 3. Self-sufficient. 4. Contented. E. स्व self, and स्थ staying.
  • स्वस्थम् :: Ind. Composedly.
  • स्वस्थान :: n. (-नं) One's own place.
  • स्वस्रीय :: m. (-यः) A sister's son. f. (-या) A sister's daughter. E. स्वसृ a sister, and छ aff.; also with घ aff. स्वस्रिय mf. (-यः-या) or with ढक् aff. स्वस्रेय mf. (-यः-यी ।)
  • स्वहस्तिका :: f. (-का) An axe.
  • स्वहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Good for one's self. E. स्व, and हित good.
  • स्वहितैषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Seeking one's own welfare. E. स्वहित, and एषिन् seeking.
  • स्वाकार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Having one's own form. E. स्व, and आकार form; also स्वाकृति ।
  • स्वाक्षपाद :: m. (-दः) A follower of the Nyāya system of philosophy.
  • स्वागत :: n. (-तं) 1. Welcome, salutation. 2. Happy arrival; (in greeting this word is generally used with the dative of the person greeted.) f. (-ता) A species of the Trishtubh metre. E. सु well, and आगत come.
  • स्वाङ्किक :: m. (-कः) 1. A drummer. 2. A kind of drum.
  • स्वाच्छन्द्य :: n. (-न्द्य) Wilfulness, independence. E. स्वच्छन्द self-willed, ष्यञ् aff.
  • स्वाच्छन्द्यतस् :: Ind. Voluntarily.
  • स्वातन्त्र्य :: n. (-न्त्र्यं) Wilfulness, independence. E. स्वतन्त्र self-willed, ष्यञ् aff.
  • स्वाति :: f. (-तिः-ती) 1. One of the wives of the sun. 2. The star Arcturus, or fifteenth lunar asterism, consisting of but one star. 3. An auspicious constellation. 4. A sword. 5. A bird. E. सु well, auspiciously, अत् to go or be, aff. इन् ।
  • स्वाद् :: r. 1st cl. (स्वादते) 1. To taste, to relish. 2. To please. 3. To be

liked, (with a dative.) r. 10th cl. (स्वादयति-ते) 1. To sweeten. 2. To cover; also स्वद् and ष्वद् ।

  • स्वाद :: m. (-दः) 1. Taste, flavour. 2. Tasting, either food or drink, eating, drinking. 3. Liking, relishing, enjoyment. E. स्वाद् to taste, aff. अच् ।
  • स्वादन :: n. (-नं) Tasting, either as food or drink, eating, drinking. E. स्वाद् to taste, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • स्वादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Tasted, touched with the lips. E. स्वाद् to taste, aff. क्त ।
  • स्वादिमन् :: m. (-मा) Savouriness, sweetness.
  • स्वादिष्ठ :: f. (-ष्ठा) Adj. Very sweet. E. Superlative of स्वादु ।
  • स्वादीयस् :: f. (-सौ) Adj. More sweet. E. Comparative of स्वादु ।
  • स्वादु :: mfn. (-दुः -दुः or -द्वी-दु) 1. Sweet. 2. Agreeable, desired. 3. Hand- some. 4. Grateful to the palate, dainty, delicate. m. (-दुः) 1. The sweet taste or flavour, sweetness. 2. Treacle, molasses. 3. A medicinal root and perfume commonly Jivaka. f. (-द्वी or -दुः) A grape. E. ष्वद् to taste or to be pleasing, उण् Unādi aff.
  • स्वादुकण्टक :: m. (-कः) 1. A plant, (Flacourtia sapida.) 2. A sort of creeper, (Tribulus lanuginosus.) E. स्वादु sweet, and कण्टक a thron.
  • स्वादुकार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Delicate in taste, dainty. E. स्वादु, कार who acts.
  • स्वादुखण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. Molasses, raw sugar. 2. A piece of any sweet substance. E. स्वादु sweet, खण्ड a fragment.
  • स्वादुगन्धा :: f. (-न्धा) A creeper, (Convolvulus paniculatus,) the dark sort. E. स्वादु sweet, गन्ध smell.
  • स्वादुधन्वन् :: m. (-न्वा) KĀMA. E. स्वादु sweet, (flowers,) धन्वन् a bowyer.
  • स्वादुफल :: n. (-लं) The fruit of the jujube. f. (-ला) The jujube tree. E. स्वादु sweet, फल fruit.
  • स्वादुमज्जन् :: m. (-ज्जा) A sort of tree, a Pilu growing in the hills. E. स्वादु sweet, मज्जन् sap.
  • स्वादुमूल :: n. (-लं) A carrot. “गाजर” इति भाषा . E. स्वादु sweet, मूल a root.
  • स्वादुरसा :: f. (-सा) 1. A medicinal root, commonly, Kākoli. 2. The fruit of the hog-plum. 3. Vinous liquor. 4. A grape. 5. The Śatāvari plant. E. स्वादु sweet, &c., and रस juice.
  • स्वादुशीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sweet and cool. E. स्वादु, and शीत cold.
  • स्वादुशुद्ध :: n. (-द्धं) Rock or river salt. E. स्वादु sweet, and शुद्ध pure.
  • स्वाद्वन्न :: n. (-न्नं) Dainties, delicacies, choice food. E. स्वादु, and अन्न food.
  • स्वाद्वम्ल :: m. (-म्लः) The pomegranate tree. E. स्वादु sweet, and अम्ल sour.
  • स्वाधिकार :: m. (-रः) Own or peculiar office or station. E. स्व, अधिकार duty.
  • स्वाधिपत्य :: n. (-त्यं) Supreme sway, royalty, sovereignty. E. स्व, and आधिपत्य supremacy.
  • स्वाधिष्ठान :: n. (-नं) One of the six CHAKRAS or mystical circles of the body.
  • स्वाधीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Independent, uncontrolled. 2. One's own dependent. E. स्व self, अधीन dependent.
  • स्वाधीनकुशल :: Adj. Having prosperity in one's own power.
  • स्वाधीनता :: f. (-ता) Independence. E. तल् added to the last; also with त्व, स्वाधीनत्वं ।
  • स्वाधीनपतिका :: f. (-का) A woman independent of her husband or lover. E. स्वाधीन independent, पति husband, कन् fem. form added.
  • स्वाधीनभर्त्तृका :: f. (-का) A woman who is independent of her lover or husband. E. स्व self, अधीन subservient, and भर्त्तृ a husband, कन् added; keeping her husband in subjection or dependence.
  • स्वाध्याय :: m. (-यः) 1. Inaudible reading or muttering of prayers. 2. The Vedas or scripture. 3. Perusal or study of the Vedas. E. स्व one's self, अध्याय reading.
  • स्वाध्यायवत् :: m. (-वान्) A student of the Vedas. E. स्वाध्याय perusing the Vedas, मतुप् aff.
  • स्वाध्यायिन् :: m. (-यी) 1. A tradesman, a citizen and dealer. 2. A student of the Vedas. E. स्वाध्याय muttering, &c., इनि aff.
  • स्वान :: m. (-नः) Sound, noise. E. स्वन् to sound, aff. घञ् ।
  • स्वानुभूति :: f. (-तिः) One's own experience, self-enjoyment.
  • स्वानुरूप :: mfn. (-पः -पी -पं) Natural, inherent, innate. E. स्व, अनुरूप conformity.
  • स्वान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Sounded, making a noise. n. (-न्तं) 1. The mind, the faculty of thought and feeling. 2. A cave, a cavern. E. स्वन् to sound, क्त aff., deriv. irr.
  • स्वाप :: m. (-पः) 1. Sleep, sleeping. 2. Sleepiness, sloth. 3. Paralysis, palsy, loss of sensation. 4. Ignorance. 5. Dreaming, a dream. 6. Tem- porary and partial palsy from pressure on a nerve, numbness, the sleep of a limb, &c. E. ष्वप् to sleep, aff. घञ् ।
  • स्वापतेय :: n. (-यं) Wealth, property. E. स्व own, पति master, ढञ् aff.
  • स्वापद :: m. (-दः) A wild beast. E. स substituted for श: see श्वापद ।
  • स्वाभाविक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Natural, peculiar, inherent. m. Plu. (-काः) A sect of Buddhists who accounted for all things by the law of nature. E. स्वभाव natural property or nature, ठक् aff.
  • स्वामिकार्य्य :: n. (-र्य्यं) The business of a prince or master. E. स्वामिन्, कार्य्य affair.
  • स्वामिजङ्घिन् :: m. (-ङ्घी) PARAŚURĀMA.
  • स्वामिता :: f. (-ता) 1. Ownership. 2. Sovereignty. E. स्वामिन्, तल् aff.; also with त्व, स्वामित्वं ।
  • स्वामित्व :: n. (-त्वं) 1. Ownership, mastership. 2. Sovereignty, &c. E. त्व added to स्वामिन्; also with तल्, स्वामिता ।
  • स्वामिन् :: mfn. (-मी -मिनी -मि) Owner, proprietor, master or mistress, &c. m. (-मी) 1. A master, a lord. 2. A sovereign, a prince, a monarch. 3. A husband, a lover. 4. A spiritual preceptor. 5. A learned Brāh- man or Paṇḍiṭ. 6. An ascetic or religious man of the highest order, (in this sense generally an addition to proper names.) 7. KĀRTIKEYA. 8. VISHṆU. 9. ŚIVA. 10. The Muni VĀTSYĀYANA. 11. A name of GARUḌA. E. स्व own, आमिनच् aff.
  • स्वामिपाल :: m. DU. (-लौ) The owner and the tender, (of cattle.)
  • स्वामिमूल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Depending upon, or originating from the master, husband, or lord. E. स्वामिन्, and मूल root.
  • स्वामिसद्भाव :: m. (-वः) 1. Existence of a master or owner. 2. Amiability of a master or lord. E. स्वामि, and सत् being, or good, भाव existence or property.
  • स्वामिसेवा :: f. (-वा) Attention to a master, husband, &c. E. स्वामिन्, and सेवा service.
  • स्वाम्य :: n. (-म्यं) 1. Mastership, ownership. 2. Right or title to property. 3. Rule, supremacy. E. स्वामिन्, यत् aff.
  • स्वावाम्युपकारक :: m. (-कः) A horse. E. स्वामिन् a master, उपकार assistance, कन् added.
  • स्वायत्त :: Adj. Depending upon oneself.
  • स्वायम्भुव :: mfn. (-वः -वी -वं) 1. Relating to SWAYAMBHŪ. 2. Derived from the self-born. m. (-वः) An epithet of the first MANU, the son of SWAYAMBHŪ. E. स्वयम्भू, and अण् aff.; also स्वायम्भू ।
  • स्वारसिक :: f. (-का) Possessing inherent flavour or sweetness, (said of a poem.)
  • स्वारस्य :: n. (-स्यं) 1. The possessing natural savouriness or excellence. 2. Propriety, (of a word.)
  • स्वाराज् :: m. (-राट्) INDRA. E. स्वर् heaven, राज ruler; the first र rejected, and the vowel made long.
  • स्वाराज्य :: n. (-ज्यं) 1. Final felicity, union with BRAHMĀ. 2. INDRA'S heaven. E. स्वराज्, and ष्यञ् aff.; or स्वाराज् and यत् aff.
  • स्वारोचिष :: m. (-षः) The second MANU. E. स्वरोचिस्, and अञ् affix of descent.
  • स्वार्थ :: mfn. (-र्थः -र्था -र्थं) 1. Pleonastic. 2. Having a plain or literal meaning, or similar force or sense. 3. Having one's own object. n. (-र्थं) 1. Property, substance. 2. Same effect or meaning, a pleonasm. 3. Own object or desire. m. (-र्थः) 1. Self-interest. 2. Own meaning. E. स्व own, and अर्थ wealth or sense.
  • स्वार्थपरायण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Selfish. E. स्वार्थ, and परायण diligent.
  • स्वार्थलिप्सु :: mfn. (-प्सुः -प्सुः -प्सु) Desirous of having one's own way, self- seeking. E. स्वार्थ, and लिप्सु desirous of getting.
  • स्वार्थविघात :: m. (-तः) The frustration of one's own object.
  • स्वार्थसिद्धि :: f. (-द्धिः) Accomplishment of one's object, attainment of the thing desired. E. स्वार्थ, and सिद्धि completion.
  • स्वार्थानुमान :: n. (-नं) (In logic,) A particular process of induction, (as opposed to परार्थानुमान .)
  • स्वार्थिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Expressing its own or literal meaning. 2. Having one's own object. 3. Done with one's own wealth, &c. E. स्वार्थ, and ठण् aff.
  • स्वालक्षण्य :: n. (-ण्यं) Peculiar characteristic, natural disposition.
  • स्वाल्प :: mfn. (-ल्पः -ल्पी -ल्पं) 1. Small. 2. Few. n. (-ल्पं) 1. Littleness. 2. Paucity. E. स्वल्प, and अण् aff.
  • स्वाशित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Well-fed. E. सु, and आशित eaten.
  • स्वास्तीर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Well-spread. E. सु, and आस्तीर्ण spread.
  • स्वास्थ्य :: n. (-स्थ्यं) 1. Health. 2. Content, happiness, complacency. satisfac- tion. 3. Fortitude, firmness, self-dependence. 4. Prosperity, com- fortableness, competence. E. स्व self, स्थ who is or stays, ष्यञ् aff.
  • स्वाहा :: Ind. An exclamation uttered at the time of making an offering to the gods, (used with a noun in the dative.) f. (-हा) 1. A personi- fication of the preceding, as the wife of fire, and goddess presiding over burnt offerings. 2. An oblation made to Gods indiscrimi- nately. 3. A female divinity, peculiar to the Bauddhas. E. सु well, auspiciously, आङ् before ह्वेञ् to call, to invoke, (the gods,) and डा aff.; or स्वाद् to taste, aff. आ, and द changed to ह ।
  • स्वाहाकार :: m. (-रः) Utterance of the term Swāhā. E. स्वाहा, कार making.
  • स्वाहापति :: m. (-तिः) AGNI or fire. E. स्वाहा the goddess, and पति husband.
  • स्वाहाप्रिय :: m. (-यः) AGNI or fire. E. स्वाहा the goddess, and प्रिय beloved.
  • स्वाहाभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) A deity. E. स्वाहा the oblation, and भुज् who eats.
  • स्वित् :: Ind. 1. A particle of questioning, (hey, what ?) 2. An exclama- tion of doubt or surprise. 3. An expletive. It is added to interro- gative pronouns and adverbs to impart to them the sense of indefiniteness; (used generally after आहो or किम्, &c., and is trans- latable by “whether.”) E. सु well, इण् to go, aff. क्विप् ।
  • स्विदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Sweated, melted. 2. Sweating, perspiring. E. ष्विद् to be unctuous, aff. क्त ।
  • स्विन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Sweating, perspiring. E. ष्विद् to perspire, क्त aff.
  • स्वीकरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Assenting, agreeing. 2. Promising. 3. Marriage, wedding. E. स्व own, करण making, च्वि augment.
  • स्वीकरणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) 1. To be promised. 2. To be admitted, con- sented, or agreed to. E. स्व before कृ to make, अनीयर् aff., च्वि aug- ment; also स्वीकर्त्तव्य and स्वीकृत्य .
  • स्वीकार :: n. (-रं) 1. Promise. 2. Assent, agreement. E. स्व own, कार making, च्वि augment.
  • स्वीकाररहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Not agreed or assented to. E. स्वीकार, and रहित void. of.
  • स्वीकारान्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ता -न्तं) Agreed to, (consequent upon a promise or assent.) E. स्वीकार, अन्त end.
  • स्वीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Agreed, assented to. 2. Promised. E. स्व, कृत made, च्वि augment.
  • स्वीकृत्य :: Ind. Having agreed or promised. E. स्व, and कृत्य having made, च्वि augment.
  • स्वीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Own, relating or belonging to one. f. (-या) A virtu- ous woman, one attached solely to her husband. E. स्व own, छ aff.
  • स्वुर्च्छ् :: r. 1st cl. (स्वुर्च्छति) 1. To spread, to extend. 2. To forget; also स्फुर्च्छ् ।
  • स्वृ :: r. 1st cl. (-स्वरति) 1. To sound. 2. To be diseased. 3. To pain or torture. 4. To praise. With सम् prefixed, in an intransitive sense, the verb becomes deponent, (संस्वरते) It sounds.
  • स्वृ :: r. 9th cl. (स्वृणाति) To hurt, to kill.
  • स्वेक् (ऋ,) स्वेकृ :: r. 1st cl. (स्वेकते) To go, to move.
  • स्वेच्छा :: f. (-च्छा) Wilfulness, following one's own, purpose or inclina- tion, self-will. E. स्व own, इच्छा wish.
  • स्वेच्छामृत्यु :: m. (-त्युः) BHĪSHMA. E. स्वेच्छा self-will, मृत्यु death.
  • स्वेच्छाहार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Omnivorous, eating anything at pleasure. E. स्वेच्छा and आहार food.
  • स्वेद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Warm, perspiring. m. (-दः) 1. Warmth, heat. 2. Perspiration, sweat. 3. Vapour, steam. E. ष्विद् to perspire, &c., aff. घञ्, or causal verb, अच् aff.
  • स्वेदचूषक :: m. (-कः) A pleasant and cooling breeze. E. स्वेद perspiration, चूष् to suck or imbibe, aff. वुन् ।
  • स्वेदच्छिद् :: mfn. (-च्छित्) Cooling, allaying perspiration. E. स्वेद, and छिद् what cuts.
  • स्वेदज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Engendered by heat and damp, as insects and worms. E. स्वेद sweat or vapour, and ज produced.
  • स्वेदजल :: n. (-लं) Perspiration. E. स्वेद and जल water.
  • स्वेदन :: n. (-नं) 1. Perspiration, sweat. 2. Sweating, causing to perspire. 3. A diaphoretic, a sudorific. E. ष्विद् to be unctuous or sweaty ल्युट् aff.
  • स्वेदनिका :: f. (-का) An iron plate or pan used as a cooking utensil. E. स्वेदन sweat, ङीष् aff., and कन् fem. form added.
  • स्वेदनी :: f. (-नी) An iron plate or pan used as a frying pan, &c. E. ष्विद् to perspire, ल्युट् and ङीप् affs.
  • स्वेदमलोञ्झितदेह :: m. (-हः) A holy or sainted teacher of the Jainas. E. स्वेद perspiration, मल excrement, उञ्झित abandoned, and देह body whose body is no longer subject to its original impurities.
  • स्वेदविन्दु :: f. (-न्दुः) A drop of perspiration. E. स्वेद, विन्दु a drop.
  • स्वेदविप्रुष् :: f. (-प्रट्) A drop of perspiration. E. स्वेद sweat, विप्रुष् a drop.
  • स्वदित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Sweated, heated. E. ष्विद् to sweat, causal v., क्त aff.
  • स्वेदोदक :: n. (-कं) Perspiration. E. स्वेद and उदक water; also स्वेदोद ।
  • स्वैर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) 1. Self-willed, unrestrained. 2. Slow, lazy. 3. Voluntary, optional. 4. Going. n. (-रं) Following one's own inclination. E. स्व self, ईर् to go or be, aff. अण् ।
  • स्वैरता :: f. (-ता) Wilfulness, independence. E. स्वैर self-willed, तल् aff.
  • स्वैरम् :: Ind. 1. Of one's own accord. 2. Lowly, indistinctly.
  • स्वैरवृत्त :: mfn. (-त्तः -त्ता -त्तं) Acting or living as one likes. E. स्वैर, वृत्त practising.
  • स्वैरिता :: f. (-ता) Wilfulness. E. स्वैरिन् self-willed, तल् aff.
  • सवैरिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -प्रि) Uncontrolled, self-willed. f. (-णी) 1. An unchaste wife, an adulteress. 2. A wanton woman. E. स्व self, ईर् to go, णिनि aff.
  • स्वोदय :: m. (-यः) The rising of a sign or heavenly body at any particular place
  • स्वोपधि :: m. (-धिः) A fixed star.
  • स्वोपार्जित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Self-got, self-acquired, (as wealth, &c.) E. स्व self, उपार्जित obtained.
  • स्वोरस :: m. (-सः) Sediment of oil, &c., ground with a stone and muller.
  • स्वोवश्वीय :: n. (-यं) Happiness, prosperity; more preferably श्वोवसीयस ।
  •  :: The thirty-third and last consonant of the Deva-Nāgari alphabet the letter “H.”
  •  :: Subst. mfn. (-हः -हा -हं) Laughter. Adj. Mad, drunk. m. (-हः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. Water. 3. A cypher. 4. Meditation. 5. Auspiciousness. 6. Sky heaven. 7. Paradise. 8. Blood. 9. Dying. 10. Fear. 11. Know- ledge. 12. The moon. 13. VISHṆU. 14. War, battle. 15. Horripila tion. 16. A horse. 17. Pride. 18. A physician. 19. Cause, motive f. (-हा) 1. A bandoning, leaving. 2. Coition. 3. A lute. n. (-हं) 1. GOD, the supreme soul. 2. Pleasure, delight. 3. Calling, calling to 4. A weapon. 5. The sparkling of a gem. 6. The sound of a lute. Ind. 1. An expletive. 2. A vocative particle, (ho ! holla !) 3. A term or rejection or disdain. 4. A particle of abuse or reproach see हा, ही &c. 5. An emphatic particle laying stress on the prece- ding word and equivalent to “varily,” “indeed,” “evidently.” E. हा to abandon, or हन् to strike, &c., aff. क or ड ।
  • हंस :: m. (-सः) 1. A goose, a gander, a flamingo, a swan. The descrip tion of this bird as found in sanskrit poetry is rather poetical than real; swans are considered to fly to the MĀNASA-LAKE when monsoon sets in; they are also represented as being the vehicle of BRAHMĀ; there is a convention among poets that this bird is gifted with the power of separating milk from water. 2. BRAHMĀ the supreme soul. 3. VISHṆU. 4. The sun. 5. A liberal or moderate prince, one not covetous nor ambitious. 6. A sort of ascetic or devotee. 7. A particular Mantra, or mystical or magical pray- er. 8. A horse. 9. One of the vital airs. 10. Envy, malice. 11. ŚIVA. 12. (In composition,) Best excellent. 13. Preceding, before,

in front. 14. A spiritual preceptor. 15. A mountain. 16. A buffalo. 17. KĀMA. 18. The individual soul. f. (-सी) A goose. E. हन् to hurt or kill, Unādi aff. स; also this word is curiously derived by native philologists, viz:-- भवेद् वर्णागमाद् हंसः i. e. it is derived from हस् by the insertion of a nasal; also with कन् added, हंसक ।

  • हंसक :: m. (-कः) 1. An ornament for the feet, described as being made like a goose's foot. 2. The flamingo. E. कन् added to the last.
  • हंसकान्ता :: f. (-न्ता) A female goose.
  • हंसकीलक :: m. (-कः) A particular form of sexual union.
  • हंसकूट :: m. (-टः) The hump on the shoulder of the Indian ox. E. हंस a goose, कूट a peak.
  • हंसगति :: Adj. Having a swan's gait.
  • हंसगद्गदा :: f. (-दा) A woman speaking sweetly or pleasantly. E. हंस a goose, गद् to sound, reiterated, affs. अच् and टाप् ।
  • हंसगामिनी :: f. (-नी) 1. A woman having a graceful gait. 2. An epithet of Brahmāni. E. हंस a goose, (or swan,) गामिनी who goes, (like.)
  • हंसतूल :: mn. (-लः-लं) The soft feathers of a goose.
  • हंसदाहन :: n. (-नं) Agallochum. E. हंस a goose, दाहन burning, exciting.
  • हंसनाद :: m. (-दः) Cackling, the cry or noise of a goose. E. हंस, नाद sound.
  • हंसनादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Cackling, making a noise like a goose. f. (-दिनी) An elegant woman, one of slender waist and large posteriors, with the gait of an elephant and voice of a Kokila. E. हंस a goose, नाद cry, इनि and ङीष् affs.
  • हपदी :: f. (-दी) 1. A scandent shrub, (Cissus pedata.) 2. Another plant, perhaps Clitoria ternata. E. हंस a goose, and पद foot; from a fancied resemblance between it and the flower; also हंसपादी ।
  • हंसपाद :: n. (-दं) Vermilion. f. (-दी) A shrub, (Clitoria ternata.) E. हंस a goose, पाद a foot, (to which they are compared in colour, form, &c.:) see the last; also in the fem. form, कन् added, हंसपादिका ।
  • हंसमाला :: f. (-ला) 1. A duck. 2. A flight or flock or wild geese. 3. A kind of metre. E. हंत a goose, माला a garland or wreath.
  • हंसरथ :: m. (-थः) BRAHMĀ. E. हंस a goose, and रय vehicle.
  • हंसलोमश :: n. (-शं) Sulphate of iron. “कासीसे” .
  • हंसलोहक :: n. (-कं) Brass.
  • हंसवती :: f. (-ती) A creeper, (Cissus pedata.) E. हंस a goose, (its foot,) and मतुप् aff.
  • हंसवाहन :: m. (-नं) BRAHMĀ. E. हंस a goose, and वाहन a vehicle.
  • हंसवीज :: n. (-जं) The egg of a goose. E. हंस, वीज seed.
  • हंसाङ्घ्रि :: m. (-ङ्घ्रिः) Vermilion. E. हंस a goose, and अङ्घ्रि the foot.
  • हसाधिरूढा :: f. (-ढा) An epithet of SARASWATĪ.
  • हंसाभिख्य :: n. (-ख्यं) Silver. E. हंस a goose, अभिख्या beauty; being of similar colour.
  • हंसिका :: f. (-का) A female goose. E. हंसो the female goose, and कन् added; or हन् to kill, सिकन् Unādi aff.
  • हंहो :: Ind. 1. An interjection of calling, (ho, hollo!) 2. A particle of haughtiness or arrogance. 3. An arrogantly interrogative particle. In drama it is found used as a form of address in speeches assigned to characters of the middling class. E. हं and हो both vocative particles.
  • हक्क :: m. (-क्कः) The calling of elephants. E. हक् imitative sound, कै to utter, ड aff.
  • हक्कार :: m. (-रः) Calling, calling to. E. हक् sound of calling, कार making.
  • हञ्जा :: Ind. (In theatrical language,) A vocative particle used in calling to a female attendant. E. हिडि to treat with disrespect or contempt, aff. आ, and the deriv. irr.; also with ए aff. हञ्जे ।
  • हञ्जि :: m. (-ञ्जिः) 1. Hunger. 2. Sneezing. E. हमित्यव्यक्तं जयति जि-डि ।
  • हञ्जे :: Ind. (In theatrical language,) A vocative particle to be used in addressing a female attendant. E. See हञ्जा ।
  • हट् :: r. 1st cl. (हटति) To shine, to be bright.
  • हट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः) A market, a movable market, a fair. f. (-ट्टी) A petty market or fair. E. हट् to shine, ट aff., form irr.
  • हट्टचौरक :: m. (-कः) A thief, one stealing at fairs and markets. E. हट्ट a market, and चौर a theif, कन् pleonasm.
  • हट्टविलासिनी :: f. (-नी) 1. A sort of perfume. 2. A whore. 3. Turmeric. E. हट्ट a market, विलस् to wanton or delight, णिनि and ङीप् affs.
  • हठ् :: r. 1st cl. (हठति) 1. To leap or jump. 2. To be wicked. 3. To treat with violence, to oppress. 4. To bind to a post.
  • हठ :: m. (-ठः) 1. Violence. 2. Oppression. 3. Rapine. mf. (-ठः-ठी) An aquatic plant, (Pistia stratiotes.) E. हठ् to treat with violence, aff. अच् । The instrumental and ablative singulars, “हठेन” and “हठात्” are used as indeclinables in the sense of “forcibly,” “violently,” “suddenly.”
  • हठ (ट) पर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) An aquatic plant, (Vallisneria ocatandra.) E. हठ Pistia, पर्ण a leaf.
  • हठयोग :: m. (-गः) A particular mode of YOGA, or abstract contemplation difficult to practise, and as such distinguished from RĀJA-YOGA, which is an easy mode of abstraction. It is performed in various ways, such as standing on one leg, holding up the arms, inhaling smoke with the head inverted, &c.
  • हठविद्या :: f. (-द्या) The science of forced meditation.
  • हठालु :: m. (-लुः) An aquatic plant, (Pistia stratiotes.) E. हठ Pistia, आलु a root.
  • हडि :: m. (-डिः) A sort of stocks or wooden fetters. “हाडिकाठ” इति भाषा । E. हठ्-इन् ।
  • हडिक :: m. (-कः) A sweeper, a servant of the lowest caste and meanest function. E. हठ् to be wicked, इकक् aff.; also हड्डिक ।
  • हड्ड :: n. (-ड्डं) 1. A bone. 2. A sweeper: see the last. E. हठ्-ड ।
  • हड्डक :: m. (-कः) A sweeper, a Mehter. E. कन् added to the last.
  • हड्डज :: n. (-जं) The marrow of the bones. E. हड्ड a bone, ज born.
  • हण्डा :: f. (-ण्डा) A large earthen pot. Ind. An interjection of calling to a low female: see हण्डे .
  • हण्डिका :: f. (-का) A earthen pot or boiler; also हण्डी and हण्डा ।
  • हण्डिकासुत :: m. (-तः) A small earthen pot. E. हण्डिका, सुत son.
  • हण्डे :: Ind. A vocative particle to be addressed in theatrical language to a female of inferior rank. E. हिडि to treat with contempt or disrespect, aff. ए, and the form irr.; also with आ aff., हण्डा .
  • हत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Struck, hurt, killed. 2. Destroyed. 3. Departed, lost. 4. Ended. 5. Deprived of, devoid of. 6. Disappointed. 7. Multiplied, (in arithmetic.) n. (-तं) 1. Multiplication. 2. Hurting, killing. E. हन् to strike or hurt, aff. क्त . It is often used at the beginning of compounds in the sense of “miserable,” “worthless.”
  • हतक :: m. (-कः) A coward, a poltroon. f. (-का) Adj. Miserable, ill-bred, (generally used at the end of compounds.) E. हत slain, कन् aff.
  • हतकण्टक :: Adj. 1. Freed from thorns, (lit.) 2. Freed from enemies, (fig.)
  • हतचित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Bewildered, astounded, bereft of sense. E. हत, चित mind.
  • हतजीवित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Deprived of life or hope, overcome with despair. n. (-तं) Despair. E. हत, and जीवित living.
  • हतताप :: mfn. (-पः -पा -पं) Cool after great heat. E. हत, and ताप heat.
  • हतदैव :: n. (-वं) Ill-starred, ill fated.
  • हतसम्पद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Reduced to poverty. E. हत, and सम्पद property.
  • हतसाध्वस :: mfn. (-सः -सा -सं) Fearless, free from fear. E. हत, साध्वस fear.
  • हताधिमन्थ :: m. (-न्थः) Loss of sight.
  • हताश :: mfn. (-शः -शा -शं) 1. Cruel, merciless. 2. Desponding, despairing. 3. Vile, wicked. 4. Barren. 5. Weak, powerless. E. हत destroyed, आशा hope, (in or by whom.)
  • हताश्व :: mfn. (-श्वः -श्वा -श्वं) Having the horses killed. E. हत, अश्व a horse.
  • हति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Striking, a stroke. 2. Killing. 3. Defect, flaw. 4. Multiplication, (in arithmetic.) E. हन्, causal v., क्तिन् aff.
  • हतौजस् :: mfn. (-जाः -जाः -जः) Debilitated, weak. m. (-जाः) A kind of fever, fever with debility. E. हत, and ओजस् vigour.
  • हत्नु :: m. (-त्नुः) 1. Sickness, disease. 2. A weapon. E. हन् to kill or hurt, कत्नुच् Unādi aff.
  • हत्या :: f. (-त्या) Killing, slaying, (used chiefly in criminal killing, as in ब्रह्महत्या the murder of a Brāhman, गोहत्या killing a cow, &c. E. हन् to kill, क्यप् aff., and न changed to त ।
  • हत्वा :: Ind. Having struck or killed. E. हन् to hurt, &c., क्त्वा aff.
  • हत्थ :: m. (-थः) A man dejected or in low spirits. E. हन् to hurt, क्थन् aff.
  • हद् :: r. 1st cl. (हदते) To evacuate as fæces, to discharge excrement.
  • हदन :: n. (-नं) The act of voiding excrement.
  • हन् :: r. 2nd cl. (हन्ति pl. घ्नन्ति) 1. To hurt, to strike, to injure, to do any act which tends to the destruction of life, to kill. 2. To over- come, to overthrow, to conquer. 3. To remove, to take away. 4. To obstruct. 5. To put an end to in any manner. 6. To multiply, (in math.) 7. To go, to move, (not used in classical literature; in a few places where it is found so used poeticians have held the use to be faulty.) With अप, 1. To destroy, to ward off. 2. To lesson. With अव, 1. To strike, to hit. 2. To thresh, to winnow, (as corn.) With आ, (Atm.) 1. To strike at. 2. To beat, (as a drum.) With उद्, 1. To elevate. 2. To become haughty or vain. With उप, 1. To destroy. 2. To vex. With नि, 1. To strike. 2. To beat, (as a drum.) 3. To kill. 4. To frustrate, to render void. 5. To neglect. 6. To cure, (as a disease.) With परा, 1. To strike down or back. 2. To assail. 3. To drive back. With वि, 1. To strike vio- lently. 2. To oppose, to impede. 3. To reject, to deny. 4. To kill. With अभि, 1. To sound a musical instrument. 2. To strike, to beat. 3. To inflict injury on. With आङ्, To smite. With नि or परि, To destroy entirely. With प्र, 1. To strike. 2. To slay. 3. To beat, (as a drum.) 4. To place upon. With प्रति, 1. To refute or ds- troy, (an opposite argument.) 2. To keep off, to strike back. 3. To repel. 4. To resist. 5. To remove. With वि and आङ्, To obstruct, to prevent, to hinder. With सम्, 1. To slaughter. 2. To join or unite closely. 3. To collect. 4. To diminish, to contract. (घन् or घ्न is substituted for the radical letters of this verb in many of its inflections and derivatives; the root also takes most of the prefixes with little or no variation of the sense)
  • हन :: m. (-नः) A killer, a slayer. E. हन् to kill, अच् aff.; also with क्विप् aff., हन् m. (-हा ।)
  • हनन :: n. (-नं) 1. Killing, destroying. 2. Injuring, hurting, striking. 3. (In arithmetic,) Multiplication. E. हन् to hurt or kill, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • हननीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) What may be or ought to be struck, beaten, killed. E. हन् to kill, अनीयर् aff.
  • हनु :: mfn. (-नुः -नुः or नूः -नु) 1. The jaw. 2. The chin. f. (-नुः) 1. A drug and perfume: see हट्टविलासिनी . 2. A weapon. 3. Sickness. 4. Death, dying. 5. A prostitute. E. हन् to hurt or kill, aff. उत्; also with ऊङ्, हनू ।
  • हनुग्रह :: m. (-हः) Locked jaw. E. हनु, and ग्रह seizure.
  • हनुमत् :: m. (-मान्) 1. The monkey chief HANUMĀN, the son of ANJANĀ, by PAVANA or the wind, the friend, ally and spy of RĀMACHANDRA, in his invasion of LANKĀ. 2. A particular sort of monkey, (Simia sinica.) E. हनु the jaw, and मतुप् aff.; also with हनू, हनूमत् m. (-मान्).
  • हनुमूल :: n. (-लं) The root of the jaw or chin.
  • हनुस्तम्भ :: m. (-म्भः) Locked jaw. E. हनु, and स्तम्भ stiffness.
  • हनूष् :: m. (-षः) A goblin, a demon. E. हन् to kill, ऊषन् Unādi aff.
  • हन्त :: Ind. 1. An inceptive particle. 2. An exclamation of grief, (ah, alas !) 3. Of pity. 4. Of pleasure. 5. Of hurry or haste. 6. Of joy. 7. Of surprise. E. हन् to kill, त aff.
  • हन्तकार :: m. (-रः) 1. Rice or any offering to be given to a guest. 2. The exclamation “हन्त” . E. हन्त, कार making.
  • हन्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) What may be, or ought to be struck, killed, &c. E. हन्, तव्य aff.
  • हन्तु :: m. (-न्तुः) 1. Death. 2. A bull. E. हन् to kill, तुन् aff.
  • हन्तृ :: m. (-न्ता) 1. A murderer, a slayer. 2. A thief, a robber. 3. A measure of food, four times four double handfuls. f. (-न्त्री) 1. Who or what strikes or kills. 2. One who destroys or removes. E. हन् to kill, तृच् Unādi aff.
  • हन्तोक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) Tenderness, compassion. E. हन्त alas! and उक्ति saying.
  • हन्न :: mfn. (-न्नः -न्ना -न्नं) Passed as ordure. E. हद् to void fæces, aff. क्त ।
  • हन्यमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being killed or struck. E. हन् to hurt or kill, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • हम् :: Ind. 1. An interjection of wrath. 2. An expression of courtesy or respect. E. हा, डमु aff.
  • हम्भा :: f. (-म्भा) The lowing of kine. E. हम् imitative sound, भा to shine, affs. अङ् and टाप्; also हम्बा and हम्मा ।
  • हम्भारवविराविन् :: mfn. (-वी -विणी -वि) Lowing, bellowing. E. हम्भा, रव sound, विराविन् uttering.
  • हम्म् :: r. 1st. cl. (हम्मति) To go, to move.
  • हय् :: r. 1st cl. (हयति) 1. To move. 2. To worship. 3. To sound. 4. To be weary.
  • हय :: m. (-यः) 1. A horse. 2. A man of a particular class. 3. The number “seven.” 4. INDRA'S horse. 5. The Yak. 6. (In prosody,) A foot of four short syllables, a proceleusmaticus. f. (-यी) A mare. f. (-या) A plant: see अश्वगन्धा । E. हय् to go, or हि to go, aff. अच् ।
  • हयकोविद :: Adj. Skilled in the science of horses.
  • हयगन्ध :: n. (-न्धं) Black salt. f. (-न्धा) A plant, (Physalis flexuosa.) E. हय a horse, गन्ध smell.
  • हयग्रीव :: m. (-वः) A prince of the Daityas, who during BRAHMA'S sleep at the end of a KALPA stole the Vedas; in the recovery of them, he was slain by VISHṆU, after his descent as the MATSYA or fish Avatār. E. हय a horse, and ग्रीवा neck.
  • हयग्रीवहन् :: m. (-हा) VISHṆU. E. हयग्रीव the Daitya, and हन् slayer.
  • हयङ्कष :: m. (-षः) 1. A driver, a charioteer. 2. INDRA'S charioteer. E. हय a horse, or INDRA'S horse, and कष् to hurt, aff. खच् ।
  • हयज्ञ :: m. (-ज्ञः) A horse-dealer, a groom, a jockey, one who is a judge of the qualities of a horse. E. हय, and ज्ञ who knows.
  • हयज्ञता :: f. (-ता) Horsemanship, knowledge of horses and their manage- ment. E. तल् added to the last.
  • हयद्विषत् :: m. (-षन्) The buffalo. E. हय, and द्विषत् foe.
  • हयन :: n. (-नं) A covered carriage. m. (-नः) A year. E. हय् to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • हयपुच्छ :: m. (-च्छः) A horse's tail. f. (-च्छी) A leguminous plant, (Glycine debilis.) E. हय a horse, पुच्छ the tail.
  • हयप्रिय :: m. (-यः) Barley. f. (-या) The Kharjūrī tree. E. हय a horse, प्रिय fond of.
  • हयमारक :: m. (-कः) A shrub, the fragrant oleander, (Nerium odorum.) E. हय a horse, मारक killer; also with मार the same, हयमार m. (-रः ।)
  • हयमारण :: m. (-णः) The holy-fig tree, (Ficus religiosa.) E. हय, मारण killing.
  • हयमेध :: m. (-धः) The sacrifice of a horse: see अश्वमेध . E. हय, and मेध sacrifice.
  • हयवाहन :: m. (-नः) 1. The son of SŪRYA. 2. KUVERA. E. हय a horse, वाहन a vehicle.
  • हयवाहनसङ्कर :: m. (-रः) Mountain-ebony, the red sort. “रक्तकाञ्चने” ।
  • हयशाला :: f. (-ला) A stable for horses.
  • हयशास्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) The art or science of training and managing horses.
  • हयसङ्ग्रहण :: n. (-णं) The restraining or curbing of horses.
  • हयानन्द :: m. (-न्दः) Kidney-bean, (Phaseolus mungo.) E. हय horse, आनन्द delighting.
  • हयारि :: m. (-रिः) A shrub, (Nerium odorum.) E. हय a horse, अरि inimical.
  • हयारूढ :: m. (-ढः) A horseman, a rider. E. हय, and आरूढ mounted on.
  • हयारोह :: m. (-हः) Riding, horsemanship. E. हय, and आरोह mounting.
  • हयाशना :: f. (-ना) The gum Olibanum tree. E. हय a horse, and अशन food.
  • हयेष्ट :: m. (-ष्टः) Barley.
  • हयोत्तम :: m. (-मः) An excellent horse. E. हय a horse, and उत्तम best.
  • हर :: mfn. (रः-रा or -री-रं) Who or what takes or seizes, carries or conveys, divides, removes, &c. m. (-रः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. AGNI. 3. An ass. 4. (In Arithmetic,) A divisor; also the denominator of a fraction. E. हृ to take, aff. अप्, अच् or टच् .
  • हरक :: m. (-कः) 1. A rogue, a cheat. 2. A person of reflection. 3. A taker, a conveyer, a seizer. 4. (In Arithmetic,) A divisor; also division. 5. SĪVA. E. हृ to take, वुन् aff.
  • हरगौरी :: f. (-री) One of the forms of ŚIVA and PĀRVATĪ conjoined.
  • हरचूडामणि :: m. (-णिः) The moon. E. हर ŚIVA, चूडा the crest, मणि a gem.
  • हरण :: n. (-णं) 1. Taking, (either in a good or bad sense,) accepting, receiving, seizing, stealing, dividing, carrying off or away. 2. A special gift, as a nuptial present, alms to a student at his initiation, &c. 3. The arm. 4. Semen virile. 5. Gold. 6. A Kowri.

7. Boiling water. 8. (In Arithmetic,) Dividing, division. m. (-णः) The hand. E. हृ to take, aff. ल्युट् ।

  • हरणीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -य) To be taken, seized, accepted, &c. E. हृ to take, अनीयर् aff.
  • हरत् :: mfn. (-रन् -रन्ती -रत्) Taking, seizing. E. हृ to take, शतृ aff.
  • हरतेजस् :: n. (-जः) Quicksilver.
  • हरनेत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. ŚIVA'S eye. 2. The number “three,” (in mathematics.)
  • हरवीज :: n. (-जं) Quicksilver. E. हर ŚIVA, and वीज semen.
  • हरशेखरा :: f. (-रा) The Ganges. E. हर ŚIVA, and शेखर crest.
  • हरसूनु :: m. (-नुः) 1. SKANDA. 2. GANESA.
  • हरहूरा :: f. (-रा) A grape; also हारहूरा ।
  • हराद्रि :: m. (-द्रिः) Mount Kailāsa, the favourite resort of ŚIVA. E. हर ŚIVA, अद्रि mountain.
  • हरि :: mfn. (-रिः -रिः -रि) 1. Green, greenish. 2. Tawny. 3. Yellow. m. (-रिः) 1. VISHṆU, or as considered to be the same deity, with KRISHNA. 2. YAMA. 3. Air, wind. 4. INDRA. 5. The moon. 6. The sun. 7. A lion. 8. A ray of light 9. A horse. 10. A parrot. 11. An ape. 12. A snake. 13. A frog. 14. ŚIVA. 15. One of the nine VARSHAS into which the known continent is divided. 16. BRAHMĀ. 17. Fire. 18. The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. 19. A goose. 20. A peacock. 21. Green, (the colour.) 22. Tawny, (the colour.) 23. A golden colour, or yellow. 24. A horse of INDRA. 25. A name of the poet BHARTRIHARI. 26. A learned man. E. हृ to take, to seize, (the world or men's hearts, &c.,) Unādi aff. इन् ।
  • हरिक :: m. (-कः) 1. A horse of a yellowish blue tint. 2. A thief. 3. A gambler. E. कन् added to the last.
  • हरिकान्त :: Adj. 1. Dear to INDRA. 2. Beautiful as a lion.
  • हरिकेलीय :: m. (-यः) Bengal. E. हरि VISHṆU, केलि sport, and छ aff.
  • हरिकेश :: m. (-शः) ŚIVA. E. हरि VISHṆU, क BRAHMĀ, and ईश lord.
  • हरिगन्ध :: n. (-न्धं) A sort of Sandal.
  • हरिगृह :: n. (-हं) A city and district, also Sambhapūr. E. हरि VISHṆU, गृह abode.
  • हरिचन्दन :: mn. (-नः-नं) 1. A yellow and fragrant sort of Sandal wood. 2. One of the five trees of paradise, (the other four being, पारिजात, मन्दार, सन्तान and कल्प .) n. (-नं) 1. Saffron. 2. Moon-light. 3. The filament or farina of a lotus. 4. The person of a lover or mistress. E. हरि VISHṆU, or yellow, and चन्दन Sandal.
  • हरिण :: mfn. (-णः -णी -णं) Yellowish white. m. (-णः) 1. A deer. 2. Pale, yellowish white, (the colour.) 3. White. 4. VISHṆU. 5. ŚIVA. 6. The sun. 7. A goose. 8. A minor division of the world. f. (-णी) 1. A doe. 2. A golden image. 3. A woman, one of the four kinds, the same as the CHITRINI, or female of the man termed MRIGA. 4. A form of metre, a variety of the class termed Atyashti or verse of four lines of 17 syllables each. 5. Green: see हरित . 6. Yellow jasmine. 7. A female deer. E. हृ to take, Unādi aff. इनन् ।
  • हरिणक :: m. (-कः) A deer.
  • हरिणकलङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) The moon. E. हरिण a deer, कलङ्क a spot.
  • हरिणनयन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Deer-eyed. E. हरिण, नयन the eye; also हरिणलोचन, हरिणाक्षि, &c.
  • हरिणनर्त्तक :: m. (-कः) A chorister of INDRA'S heaven. E. हरिण a deer, नर्त्तक a dancer.
  • हरिणप्लुता :: f. (-ता) A stanza having eleven syllables in every first and third PĀDA, and twelve in every second and fourth.
  • हरिणहृदय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Fearful, timid. E. हरिण a deer, हृदय heart; deer-hearted.
  • हरिणाक्ष :: Adj. Deer-eyed, fawn-eyed.
  • हरिणाक्षी :: f. (-क्षी) 1. A perfume, commonly Hatta-vilaśinī. 2. A woman with handsome eyes. E. हरिण a deer, अक्षि the eye, fem. aff. ङीष् ।
  • हरिणाङ्क :: m. (-ङ्कः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. E. हरिण a deer, अङ्क mark.
  • हरित् :: mfn. (-रित्) 1. Green, of a green colour. 2. Yellowish. m. (-रित्) 1. Green, (the colour.) 2. A swift horse. 3. A horse of the sun. 4. Kidney-bean, (Phaseolus mungo.) 5. A lion. 6. The sun. 7. VISHṆU. mn. (-रित्) Grass. f. (-रित्) 1. A quarter or region, a point of the compass. 2. Turmeric. E. हृ to take, Unādi aff. इति ।
  • हरित :: mn. (-तः-ता or -रिणी-तं) 1. Green, of a green colour. 2. Grassy, verdant. m. (-तः) 1. Green, (the colour.) 2. A lion. 3. A kind of grass. f. (-ता) 1. Bent grass. 2. Turmeric. 3. A brown or tawny grape. E. हृ to take, इतच् Unādi aff.
  • हरितक :: m. (-कः) A potherb. E. हरित green, and कन् added.
  • हरितच्छद :: mfn. (-दः -दा -दं) Green-leaved. E. हरित, छद a leaf.
  • हरितायत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Becoming green. E. हरित used a verb, शतृ aff.
  • हरिताल :: n. (-लं) Yellow orpiment. f. (-ली) 1. Bent grass, (Panicum dactylon.) 2. A streak or line in the sky, the milky way. 3. A sort of creeper. 4. A kind of pigeon. E. हरित green, अल् to possess or adorn, aff. अण्, fem. aff. ङीष् ।
  • हरितालक :: m. (-कः) The green pigeon. n. (-कं) 1. Theatrical decoration. painting the person. 2. Yellow orpiment. E. हरताल orpiment, कन् aff.
  • हरितालिका :: f. (-का) 1. A sort of grass, (Panicum dactylon, Rox.) 2. The fourth lunar day of the month of Bhādrapada. E. कन् added to हरिताल, fem. form.
  • हरिताश्मन् :: n. (-श्म) 1. Blue vitriol, sulphate of copper. 2. An emerald. E. हरित green, अश्मन् a stone.
  • हरितीकृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Made verdant or green, coloured green, &c. E. हरित, and कृत made, with च्वि augment.
  • हरितुरङ्गम :: m. (-मः) A name of INDRA.
  • हरित्पर्ण :: n. (-र्णं) A radish. “मूलके” । E. हरित् green, पर्ण a leaf.
  • हरिदश्व :: m. (-श्वः) 1. The sun. 2. The Arka plant. E. हरित् green, अश्व a horse.
  • हरिदास :: m. (-सः) A worshipper of VISHṆU.
  • हरिदिन :: n. (-नं) A particular day sacred to VISHṆU: see हरिवासर ।
  • हरिदेव :: m. (-वः) The asterism ŚRAVANĀ. E. हरि VISHṆU, देब presiding deity.
  • हरिद्गर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) Green Kuśa grass with broad leaves; also हरिदर्भ ।
  • हरिद्रव :: m. (-वः) The pollen of the blossoms of the Mesua ferrea.
  • हरिद्रा :: f. (-द्रा) Turmeric, (either the plant or the powdered root) E. हरित् green, द्रु to flow or ooze, aff. ड; or हरि VISHṆU, &c., दृ to be regarded, aff. क .
  • हरिद्राक्त :: mfn. (-क्तः -क्ता -क्तं) Smeared or stained with turmeric. E. हरिद्रा, अक्त anointed.
  • हरिद्राङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A yellow bird. E. हरिद्रा turmeric, and अङ्ग body.
  • हरिद्राभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Of a yellow colour. m. (-भः) 1. A tree, (Pentaptera tomentosa.) 2. Zedoary, (Curcuma zerumbet.) 3. Yellow, (the colour.) E. हरिद्रा turmeric, आभ resembling.
  • हरिद्राराग :: mfn. (-गः -गा -गं) Fickle, capricious, unsteady, in affection or attachment. E. हरिद्रा turmeric, and राग colour, in opposition to the नीलराग or true blue; also with कन् added, हरिद्रारागक ।
  • हरिद्रु :: m. (-द्रुः) 1. A tree. 2. A plant, (Curcuma zanthorrhizon.) E. हरि a monkey, द्रु to go, Unādi aff. कु ।
  • हरिद्वार :: n. (-रं) The town of HARIDWĀR. where the Ganges descends into the level land of HINDUSTHAN, the sacred bathing-place of the Hindus. E. हरि VISHṆU, and द्वार gate; being the road to VAIKUṆṬHA or VISHṆU'S heaven.
  • हरिनामन् :: m. (-मा) A kidney-bean, (Phaseolus mungo.) E. हरि the same, and नामन् appellation.
  • हरिनेत्र :: m. (-त्रः) An owl. n. (-त्रं) 1. The white lotus. 2. The eye of VISHṆU. E. हरि VISHṆU, &c., and नेत्र an eye.
  • हरिन्मणि :: m. (-णिः) An emerald. E. हरित् green, and मणि a gem.
  • हरिपर्ण :: n. (-र्णं) A radish. E. हरि green, and पर्ण a leaf; also हरित्पर्ण ।
  • हरिप्रिय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Liked or loved by VISHṆU, &c. m. (-यः) 1. A tree, (Nauclea Kadamba.) 2. ŚIVA. 3. A fool, a block-head. 4. Armour, mail. n. (-य) 1. A dark sort of Sandal wood. 2. The fra- grant root of the Andropogon muricatum. 3. A conch-shell. f. (-या) 1. LAKSHMĪ, the wife of VISHṆU. 2. TULASĪ or basil. 3. The twelfth day of the lunar fortnight. 4. The earth. E. हरि VISHṆU, and प्रिय beloved.
  • हरिबालुक :: n. (-कं) A perfume and drug, commonly Elabālukā. E. हरि tawny, बालुका sand.
  • हरिभद्र :: n. (-द्रं) A sort of perfume, commonly Elabālukā.
  • हरिभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) A snake. E. हरि a frog, and भुज् what eats, aff. क्विप् ।
  • हरिमन् :: m. (-मा) Time. E. हृ to take, इमनिच् Unādi aff.
  • हरिमन्थ :: m. (-न्थः) 1. A tree, (Premna longifolia.) 2. Chick-pea. E. हरि fire or a horse, &c., and मन्थ agitating or churning.
  • हरिमन्थक :: m. (-कः) Chick-pea, (Cicer arietinum.) E. कन् added to the last.
  • हरिमन्थज :: m. (-जः) 1. Chick-pea. 2. The black sort of kidney-bean. E. हरि a horse, &c., मन्थ churning, chewing, मन् to produce, aff. ड ।
  • हरिय :: m. (-यः) A horse of a yellowish colour.
  • हरिले :: Ind. A term of calling in theatrical language, addressed to a female slave.
  • हरिलोचन :: m. (-नः) 1. A crab. 2. An owl. E. हरि green, लोचन the eye.
  • हरिवत् :: m. (-वान्) INDRA. E. हरि a horse, मतुप् aff.; more properly हरिवात् ।
  • हरिवर्ष :: n. (-र्षं) A division of the old or known continent; the country between the NISHADHA and HEMAKŪTA mountains. E. हरि VISHṆU, and वर्ष a division of the world.
  • हरिवल्लभा :: f. (-भा) 1. LAKSHMĪ. 2. The holy basil.
  • हरिवात् :: m. (-वान्) INDRA. E. हरि the horse of INDRA, वात् to go, aff. शतृ ।
  • हरिवासर :: m. (-रः) The eleventh day of a lunar fortnight; also हरिदिन ।
  • हरिवाहन :: m. (-नः) 1. GARUDA. 2. INDRA. E. हरि VISHṆU, or the horse of INDRA, and वाहन a vehicle.
  • हरिबीज :: n. (-जं) Yellow orpiment. E. हरि VISHṆU, and वीज seamen.
  • हरिवृष :: n. (-षं) A division of the known continent: see हरिवर्ष ।
  • हरिशर :: m. (-रः) ŚIVA. E. हरि VISHṆU, शर an arrow; VISHṆU having served him as the shaft which set the cities of TRIPURA on fire.
  • हरिश्चन्द्र :: m. (-न्द्रः) A sovereign, the twenty-eighth of the solar dynasty in the second age, celebrated for his piety and liberality, and who on those accounts was elevated, together with his subjects, to heaven: having been insidiously induced by NĀRADA, to relate his actions with unbecoming pride, he descended from Swarga, a stage at each sentence, till stopping in time, and doing homage to the gods, he was fixed with his capital in mid-air. E. हरि VISHṆU, चन्द्र the moon.
  • हरिश्चन्द्रपुर :: n. (-रं) The city of HARIŚCHANDRA: see the last. E. हरिश्चन्द्र the sovereign, पुर city.
  • हरिषेण :: m. (-णः) The tenth of the twelve universal emperor enumerated by the Jainas. E. हरि VISHṆU, &c., सेना a host.
  • हरिसख :: m. (-खः) A GANDHARVA.
  • हरिसङ्कीर्त्तन :: n. (-नं) The act of repeating the name of VISHṆU.
  • हरिसुत :: m. (-तः) 1. One of the emperors of the Jainas; also named HARISHEṆA. 2. ARJUNA. E. हरि VISHṆU, or INDRA, सुत the son.
  • हरिहय :: m. (-यः) 1. INDRA. 2. The sun. E. हरि green, and हय a horse.
  • हरिहर :: m. (-रः) A particular form of deity consisting of VISHṆU and ŚIVA conjointly.
  • हरिहरात्मक :: m. (-कः) 1. GARUD A. 2. The bull of ŚIVA. E. हरि VISHṆU, and हर ŚIVA, आत्मन् self, same, कन् added.
  • हरिहेति :: f. (-तिः) 1. The disc of VISHṆU. 2. The rain-bow.
  • हरीतकी :: f. (-की) Yellow or Chebulic myrobalan, (Terminalia chebula:) seven varieties of this are distinguished. E. हरि green, (colour,) इत gone, got, कन् added, fem. aff. ङीष् ।
  • हरेणु :: f. (-णुः) 1. A drug and perfume, commonly Reṇukā. 2. A reputable woman. 3. Pulse, pease. 4. A deer of a copper colour. E. हृ to take, एणु Unādi aff.
  • हर्त्तव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be seized, taken, accepted, &c. E. हृ to take, तव्यर् aff.
  • हर्त्तृ :: mfn. (-र्त्ता -र्त्त्री -र्त्तृ) Taking, seizing, conveying, who takes or receives. m. (-र्त्ता) 1. A thief. 2. The sun. E. हृ to take or convey, aff. तृच् ।
  • हर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) Gaping, yawning. E. हृ to take, मनिन् aff.
  • हर्म्मित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Thrown, cast, sent. 2. Burnt. 3. Yawned. E. हर्मन्-इत्रच् aff.
  • हर्म्म्य :: n. (-र्म्म्यं) 1. A palace, a mansion, the habitation of a man of wealth or rank. 2. A fire place, a hearth. 3. The nether world. E. हृ to take, (the mind,) यत् aff., and मुट् augment.
  • हर्य्य् :: r. 1st cl. (हर्य्यति) 1. To go, to move. 2. To desire. 3. To be weary.
  • हर्य्यक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) 1. A lion. 2. KUVERA. E. हरि tawny or green, अक्षि the eye, षच् aff.
  • हर्य्यत :: m. (-तः) 1. A horse. 2. A steed fit for an Aśwa-medha. E. हृ to take, अतच् Unādi aff.
  • हर्य्यश्व :: m. (-श्वः) INDRA. E. हरि green, अश्व a horse; also हरिहय &c.
  • हर्ष :: mfn. (-र्षः -र्षा -र्षं) Happy, delighted. m. (-र्षः) 1. Joy, pleasure, delight, happiness, glee, rapture, exultation. 2. Joy, considered as one of the thirty-three minor feelings, (in rhetoric.) 3. Bristling, erection, (of the hair.) E. हृष् to be pleased, aff. अच् or घञ् ।
  • हर्षक :: mfn. (-कः -र्षका or -र्षिका-कं) Delighting, pleasing, delightful. m. (-कः) The name of a mountain. E. हृष् to be pleased, aff. खुल् ।
  • हर्षकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Causing delight, gratifying, delighting. E. हर्ष, and कर who or what makes.
  • हर्षण :: mfn. (-णः -णा or -णी-णं) Causing delight, delighting, delightful, pleasurable, pleasant, &c. m. (-णः) 1. A cause of pleasure, any thing which confers pleasure. 2. The fourteenth of the astrono- mical Yogas. 3. A morbid affection of the eyes. 4. A deity presi- ding over Śrāddhas. 5. A kind of Śrāddha. 6. An epithet of one of the five arrows of KĀMADEVA. n. (-णं) 1. Pleasing, making happy. 2. Rejoicing, being happy. E. हृंष् to be pleased, aff. ल्युट् or युच् ।
  • हर्षमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Joyful, cheerful, happy. E. हष् to be pleased, शानच् aff.
  • हर्षयित्नु :: mfn. (-त्नुः -त्नुः -त्नु) Causing delight, delighting. m. (-त्नुः) A son, a child. n. (-त्नु) Gold. E. हृष् to be pleased, Unādi aff. इत्नुच् ।
  • हर्षविह्वल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Overjoyed. E. हर्ष, and विह्वल agitated.
  • हर्षसमन्वित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Joyful. E. हर्ष, समन्वित possessed of.
  • हर्षस्वन :: m. (-नः) A cry expressing joy or pleasure. E. हर्ष gladness, स्वन sound.
  • हर्षित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Happy, delighted, gladdened, made glad or happy. E. हर्ष, इतच् aff.; or हृष् to be pleased, causal v., क्त aff.
  • हर्षुल :: m. (-लः) 1. A deer. 2. A lover. E. हृष् to be pleased, उलच् Unādi aff.
  • हर्षोत्कर्ष :: m. (-र्षः) Great happiness. E. हर्ष, उत्कर्ष eminence.
  • हर्षोदय :: m. (-यः) Appearance or occurrence of happiness. E. हर्ष, उदय rising.
  • हल् :: r. 1st cl. (हलति) To plough.
  • हल :: n. (-लं) A plough. f. (-ला) 1. Vinous liquor. 2. The earth. 3. Water. 4. A female friend: see हला . E. हल् to plough, aff. अच् ।
  • हलधर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -री-रं) Holding or having a plough. m. (-रः) A name of BALARĀMA. E. हल, and धर who holds or has.
  • हलभूति :: f. (-तिः) Agriculture.
  • हलभृत् :: mfn. (-भृत्) Having a plough. m. (-भृत्) 1. A ploughman. 2. A name of BALARĀMA. E. हल, भृत् possessing.
  • हलभृति :: m. (-तिः) 1. Agriculture. 2. A saint so named. E. हल a plough, भृति having.
  • हलहति :: f. (-तिः) Ploughing, furrowing. E. हल, and हति striking.
  • हलहलाशब्द :: m. (-ब्दः) Noise, tumult. E. हलहला imitative sound, (as in halloo, hallooing,) and शब्द sound.
  • हला :: Ind. A vocative particle, addressed in theatrical language to a female friend. E. हल् to plough, आ aff.
  • हलायुध :: m. (-धः) A name of BALARĀMA. E. हल a plough, आयुध a weapon.
  • हलाह :: m. (-हः) A horse of mixed colour; also read हालाह ।
  • हलाहल :: mn. (-लः-लं) 1. A sort of deadly poison produced at the churning of the ocean. 2. A poison in general. m. (-लः) 1. A kind of snake. 2. A Jaina or Bauddha deified saint. 3. A sort of lizard or newt. E. हल् to plough, अच् aff., अ negative, and हल the same; also हलहल, हालहल, हालाहल, हहल, हाहल and हाहाल ।
  • हलि :: m. (-लिः) 1. A furrow. 2. Agriculture. E. हल् to plough, इन् aff.
  • हलिन् :: m. (-ली) 1. BALADEVA. 2. A ploughman, a cultivator. f. (-नी) 1. A plant, commonly Lāngaliya. 2. A number of ploughs. E. हल a plough, इनि aff.
  • हलिप्रिय :: m. (-यः) The Kadamba tree, (Nauclea Kadamba.) f. (-या) Spirituous liquor. E. हलि BALARĀMA, and प्रिय beloved.
  • हलीन :: m. (-नः) The teak tree. “शेगुन . ” E. हल a plough, ख aff.
  • हलीम(स)क :: n. (-कं) A sort of jaundice.
  • हलीशा :: f. (-शा) The handle of a plough.
  • हल्य :: mfn. (-ल्यः -ल्या -ल्यं) 1. Ploughed, tilled. 2. Arable. 3. Ugly. f. (-ल्या) A multitude of ploughs. m. (-ल्यः) Ploughing. E. हल a plough, यत् aff.
  • हल्ल् :: r. 1st cl. (हल्लति) To expand.
  • हल्लक :: n. (-कं) The red lotus. “हेलाफुल . ” E. हल्ल् to expand, ण्वुल् aff.
  • हल्लन :: n. (-नं) Rolling or tossing as in sleep.
  • हल्लीष :: n. (-षं) 1. One of the eighteen minor dramatic entertainment, chiefly of singing and dancing by one male and eight or ten female performers, a ballet. 2. A dance performed by women in a circle. E. हेला wanton sport, लष् or लस् to be skilful, aff. अच्, deriv. irr.; or properly हल्-क्विप्-लष्-अच् पृषो० कर्म० । also हल्लीस, and हल्लीश ।
  • हल्लीषक :: n. (-कं) Dancing in a ring as performed by woman. E. कन् added to हल्लीस, हल्लीष, or हल्लीश; whence it is also read हल्लीसक and हल्लीशक .
  • हल्लीस :: n. (-सं) A dramatic entertainment, &c.: see हल्लीष .
  • हव :: m. (-वः) 1. Sacrifice, oblation. 2. Call, calling. 3. Order, command. 4. Challenging, defying. 5. Invocation, prayer. E. हु to sacrifice, or ह्वे to call, अप् aff.
  • हवङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) Eating rice and curds from a cup of bell-metal. E. हव sacrifice, गम् to go, aff. खश् ।
  • हवन :: m. (-नः) Sacrifice, offering, oblation. n. (-नं) 1. The act of offer- ing an oblation with fire. 2. An oblation so offered. 3. Invocation. 4. Calling. f. (-नी) A hole made in the ground for receiving a sacrificial fire. E. हु to sacrifice, ल्युट् or युच् aff.
  • हवनायुस् :: m. (-युः) Fire. E. हवन burnt-offering, and आयुस् life.
  • हवनीय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be offered with fire, fit for an oblation, &c. n. (-यं) Ghee. E. हु to sacrifice, अनीयर् aff.
  • हवा :: or हवाव Ind. A term implying undoubtedly, certainly: see हि .
  • हविःशेष :: m. (-षः) The residue of an oblation of Ghee or clarified butter. E. हविस्, and शेष rest.
  • हवित्री :: f. (-त्री) A hole made in the ground for containing a sacrificial fire. E. हु to sacrifice, इत्रन् aff.
  • हविरशन :: m. (-नः) Fire. n. (-नं) The act of devouring clarified butter. E. हविस् Ghee, अशन food.
  • हविर्गन्धा :: f. (-न्धा) The Sāmī tree.
  • हविर्गेह :: n. (-हं) A room in which a burnt-offering is made, a place of sacrifice. E. हविस् Ghee, and गेह a house or apartment.
  • हविर्भुज् :: m. (-भुक्) Fire. E. हविस्, and भुज् who eats.
  • हविर्याजिन् :: m. (-जी) A priest. E. हविस्, and याजिन् who offers.
  • हविष्मत् :: Adj. Possessed of oblations.
  • हविष्य :: n. (-ष्यं) 1. Clarified butter. 2. Rice mixed with Ghee. 3. Any thing fit for an oblation. E. हविस् an oblation, यत् aff. of fitness.
  • हविष्यभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) Fire. E. हविष्य and भुज् who eats; also हविष्याशिन्, &c.
  • हविष्यान्न :: n. (-न्नं) Food fit to be eaten during certain holy days.
  • हविस् :: n. (-विः) 1. Clarified butter. 2. An intended oblation, the article to be so offered, usually clarified butter. 3. Water. E. हु to offer in oblation, असि Unādi aff.
  • हव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) Fit or proper to be offered in oblations. n. (-व्यं) 1. An offering to the gods, (opposed to कव्य .) 2. Ghee. 3. An oblation in general. E. हु to sacrifice, यत् aff.
  • हव्यकव्य :: n. (-व्यं) The oblations to the gods and to the spirits of deceased ancestors.
  • हव्यपाक :: m. (-कः) 1. An oblation dressed for the deities. 2. The vessel in which it is prepared. E. हव्य an offering to the gods, पाक cooking.
  • हव्यवाह :: m. (-हः) Fire. E. हव्य an oblation, and वाह who bears.
  • हव्यवाहन :: m. (-नः) Fire. E. हव्य an oblation, and वाहन bearer.
  • हव्याश :: m. (-शः) Fire. E. हव्य an oblation, and अश who eats.
  • हव्याशन :: m. (-नः) AGNI or fire. E. हव्य a burnt-offering, and अशन food.
  • हस् (ए) हसे :: r. 1st cl. (हसति) 1. To smile. 2. To laugh at, to ridicule: (this root does not take the middle voice when it implies recipro- cal action, as व्यतिहसन्ति they laugh at each other.) 3. To open, to blow. 4. To joke. 5. To resemble. 6. To brighten up. With अप, To

deride. With परि, 1. To joke. 2. To laugh at. With प्र, 1. To mock. 2. To laugh. With वि, 1. To smile. 2. To laugh at.

  • हस :: m. (-सः) 1. Laughter, laughing, laugh. 2. Mirth, merriment, joy. 3. Derision. E. हस् to laugh, aff. अप्; also with घञ, हास m. (-सः ।)
  • हसत् :: mfn. (-सन् -सन्ती -सत्) Laughing, smiling. f. (-न्ती) 1. A portable firepan, a small furnace. 2. Arabian jasmine. 3. A Śakini or female spirit attendant on DURGĀ. E. हस् to laugh, aff. शतृ; or हस्-झ-ङीष् ।
  • हसन :: n. (-नं) Laughter, the act of laughing. f. (-नी) A portable fire-place or pan. E. हस् to laugh, aff. ल्युट् ।
  • हसनीमणि :: m. (-णिः) AGNI or fire. E. हसनी a fire-place, and मणि a jewel.
  • हसन्तिका :: f. (-का) A portable fire-pan. E. कन् added to हसन्तीः see हसत् ।
  • हसिका :: f. (-का) Laughter. E. हस् to laugh, ण्वुल् aff.
  • हसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Blown, budded, (as a flower.) 2. Smiling. n. (-तं) 1. Laughter. 2. Smiling. 3. Jesting. 4. The bow of KĀMA- DEVA. E. हस् to laugh, aff. क्त ।
  • हस्त :: m. (-स्तः) 1. The hand. 2. An elephant's trunk. 3. The thirteenth lunar asterism, designated by a hand, and containing five stars. 4. A cubit measured by the hand and arm, or from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger, (equal to about eighteen inches.) 5. (In prosody,) An anapæst. 6. Possession, (figuratively.) 7. Hand- writing, signature. 8. Abundance, mass; (in this sense it is used only at the end of compounds and implies “excellence,” “abundance,” &c., as केशहस्त means, “A head of hair,” or “Abundance of hair,” &c.) n. (-स्तं) A bellows. f. (-स्ता) The thirteenth lunar asterism. E. हस् to laugh, Unādi aff. तन् ।
  • हस्तकमल :: n. (-लं) A lotus-like hand.
  • हस्तकौशल :: n. (-लं) Manual dexterity.
  • हस्तगत :: Adj. Fallen into one's possession, gained, secured.
  • हस्तच्छेदन :: n. (-नं) Cutting off the hand. E. हस्त, and छेदन cutting.
  • हस्ततल :: n. (-लं) 1. The palm of the hand. 2. The hand. 3. The tip of an elephant's trunk. E. हस्त, and तल surface.
  • हस्तताल :: m. (-लः) Clapping the hands together.
  • हस्तदोष :: m. (-षः) A slip of the hand.
  • हस्तधारण :: n. (-णं) Warding off a blow, stopping, resisting, (in a conflict.) E. हस्त the hand, धारण restraining; also हस्तवारण ।
  • हस्तपुच्छ :: n. (-च्छं) The hand below the wrist. E. हस्त the hand, पुच्छ tail.
  • हस्तपृष्ठ :: n. (-ष्ठं) The back of the hand.
  • हस्तमणि :: m. (-णिः) A jewel worn on the wrist.
  • हस्तलाघव :: n. (-वं) Manual readiness, legerdemain.
  • हस्तवर्त्तिन् :: mfn. (-र्त्ती -र्त्तिनी -र्त्ति) In hand, seized, held, caught hold of. E. हस्त, वर्त्तिन् what abides.
  • हस्तवारण :: n. (-णं) Resisting an assault, warding off a blow. E. हस्त, वारण prohibiting.
  • हस्तविम्ब :: n. (-म्बं) Perfuming the person. E. हस्त the hand, विम्ब a red fruit.
  • हस्तसिद्धि :: f. (-द्दिः) 1. Manual labour. 2. Hire, wages.
  • हस्तसूत्र :: n. (-त्रं) A bracelet, worn on the wrist. E. हस the hand, सूत्र a string.
  • हस्तस्थ :: mfn. (-स्थः -स्था -स्थं) In hand, held. E. हस्त, स्थ what stays or is.
  • हस्तस्थित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Held, in hand. E. हस्त, and स्थित staying.
  • हस्ताक्षर :: n. (-रं) Signature, hand-writing.
  • हस्ताग्र :: n. (-ग्रं) The fingers. E. हस्त, अग्र point, extremity.
  • हस्ताङ्कुलि :: f. (-लिः) Any finger of the hand.
  • हस्तामलक :: n. (-कं) 1. The fruit of the myrobalan held in the hand, (literally.) 2. Any thing clearly seen or understood, (figuratively.)
  • हस्तावाप :: m. (-पः) A finger-guard used by archers.
  • हस्ताहस्ति :: Ind. Hand to hand.
  • हस्तिक :: n. (-कं) A multitude of elephants.
  • हस्तिकक्ष्य :: m. (-क्ष्यः) 1. A lion. 2. A tiger. E. हस्तिन्, कश् to hurt, स aff., यत् added.
  • हस्तिकन्द :: m. (-न्दः) A tree.
  • हस्तिकर्ण :: m. (-र्णः) 1. The castor-oil tree. 2. The Butea frondosa. 3. A demi-god of a particular class. E. हस्तिन् an elephant, कर्ण the ear.
  • हस्तिकर्णक :: m. (-कः) A tree, (Butea frondosa.) E. कन् added to the last.
  • हस्तिकर्णदल :: m. (-लः) A sort of Kinsuka, (Butea frondosa.) E. हस्तिन् an elephant, कर्ण the ear, and दल a leaf.
  • हस्तिकोलि :: m. (-लिः) A sort of jujube. E. हस्तिन् an elephant, कोलि jujube.
  • हस्तिगिरि :: m. (-रिः) The city KĀNCHI, a place of pilgrimage in the peninsula. E. हस्तिन् an elephant, गिरि a mountain.
  • हस्तिघोषा :: f. (-षा) A kind of creeper. E. हस्तिन्, घोषा the generic name.
  • हस्तिघ्न :: m. (-घ्नः) A man. E. हस्तिन् an elephant, घ्न who kills.
  • हस्तिचारिन् :: m. (-री) An elephant-driver. E. हस्तिन्, चारिन् who drives.
  • हस्तिदन्त :: m. (-न्तः) 1. A pin or bracket projecting from a wall to hang any thing upon. 2. The tusk of an elephant. mn. (-न्तः-न्तं) 1. Ivory. 2. A radish. E. हस्तिन्, दन्त a tooth; also with कन् added हस्तिदन्तक ।
  • हस्तिधयस :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) As big as an elephant, gigantic, elephantine. E. हस्तिन् an elephant, इयसच् aff.
  • हस्तिन् :: m. (-स्ती) An elephant, (four kinds of elephants are enumerated, viz:-- भद्र, मन्द, मृग and मिश्र .) f. (-नी) 1. A female elephant. 2. A female; one of the four kinds into which they are classed, and described as of low stature, corpulent habits, curly hair, dark complexion, libidinous appetite, thick lips, thick hips, thick fingers, large breasts and furious passions. 3. A drug and perfume; also हट्टविलासिनी . f. (-नी) Adj. 1. Having hands. 2. Having a trunk. E. हस्त a trunk, and इनि aff.
  • हस्तिनख :: n. (-खं) A sort of covered way, a raised place of earth or masonry, covering the access to the gate of a city or fort. E. हस्तिन् an elephant, and नख nail.
  • हस्ति (न) नापुर :: n. (-रं) Ancient Delhi, the capital of YUDHISHṬHIRA and his brethren, the city founded by king HASTINA, the remains of which still exist, about 57 miles north-east of the modern city, on the banks of the old channel of the Ganges. E. हस्तिन् the name of a king, (its founder,) and पुर city; also हस्तिनीपुर, गजाह्वय, नामसाह्वय, नागाह्व, हास्तिन, &c.
  • हस्तिप :: m. (-पः) An elephant-driver, or keeper. E. हस्तिन् an elephant, पाल् to cherish, or rear, aff. क; also with कन्, हस्तिपक m. (-कः ।)
  • हस्तिपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) 1. A plant, commonly MORATĀ. 2. A sort of gourd, (Momordica mixta.) E. हस्तिन् an elephant, पर्ण a leaf.
  • हस्तिमद :: m. (-दः) The juice that exudes from an elephant's temples when in rut. E. हस्तिन् an elephant, and मद the frontal juice.
  • हस्तिमल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) 1. GĀṆRŚA. 2. ŚANKHA, the eighth of the chief Nāgas or serpents of the infernal regions. 3. AIRĀVATA, the elephant of INDRA. 4. A heap of ashes. 5. A shower of dust. 6. Frost, cold. E. हस्तिन् an elephant, and मल्ल a wrestler.
  • हस्तियूथ :: mn. (-थः-र्थं) A herd of elephants.
  • हस्तिवर्चस् :: n. (-र्चः) The magnificence of an elephant.
  • हस्तिवाह :: m. (-हः) 1. A goad. 2. An elephant-driver. E. हस्तिन् an elephant, वाह what bears, &c.
  • हस्तिशाला :: f. (-ला) A stall for elephants. E. हस्तिन् an elephant, शाला a hall.
  • हस्तिसुण्डा :: f. (-ण्डा or -ण्डी) 1. An elephant's trunk. 2. A flower, (Heliotropium Indicum.) E. हस्तिन् an elephant, शुण्डा the trunk.
  • हस्तिस्यान :: n. (-नं) The bathing of an elephant; it is figuratively used to indicate any useless occupation, from the elephant's throwing dirt over his body in the very act of bathing.
  • हस्तिहस्त :: m. (-स्तः) An elephant's trunk.
  • हस्तेकरण :: n. (-णं) Marriage. E. हस्त the hand, in the seventh case, करण making.
  • हस्य :: mfn. (-स्त्यः -स्त्या -स्त्यं) 1. Given with the hand. 2. Done with the hand, manual. E. हस्त the hand, and यत् aff.
  • हस्त्यायुर्वेद :: m. (-दः) A work treating of the diseases of elephants.
  • हस्त्याराह :: m. (-हः) An elephant-rider or driver. E. हस्तिन् an elephant, आरोह who mounts.
  • हस्र :: mfn. (-स्रः -स्रा -स्रं) Stupid, ignorant. E. हम् to laugh at, or deride, रक् Unādi aff.
  • हहल :: n. (-लं) A sort of deadly poison; also हाहल and हाहाल, &c.
  • हहा :: m. (-हा) A Gandharba or chorister of heaven; also हाहा ।
  • हा :: r. 3rd cl. (ओ, क) ओहाक् (जहाति) 1. To quit, to leave, to abandon. 2. To wander or deviate. 3. To let fall. 4. To resign. 5. To neglect. With परि, 1. To relinquish. 2. To omit, to neglect. With प्र, 1. To give up. 2. To let go. With अप, To abandon. With वि, To give up. (ओ, ङ) ओहाङ् (जिहीते) 1. To go, to move. 2. To attain. With उद्, 1. To go up, to rise. 2. To revive, to come to life. 3. To spring up. 4. To rise, (as the sun or moon.) 5. To depart. 6. To raise. With उप, To come down. With सम्, To attain.
  • हा :: Ind. 1. An interjection of pain, weariness, “ah,” “alas.” 2. Of sorrow. 3. An exclamation of pleasure or surprise, “oh” “ha.” 4. A term of anger or reproach. In the sense of “woe be to” हा is used with the accusative of the object of reproach. E. हा to abandon, aff. का ।
  • हाङ्गर :: m. (-रः) A shark.
  • हाटक :: mfn. (-कः -का or -की -कं) Golden, of gold, (as a weight or coin.) n. (-कं) Gold. E. हट् to shine, ण्वुल् aff.
  • हाटकगिरि :: m. (-रिः) An epithet of mount MERU.
  • हाटकमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Made of gold, golden. E. हाटक gold, मयट् aff.
  • हातव्य :: mfn. (-व्यः -व्या -व्यं) To be abandoned. E. हा to abandon, तव्यर् aff.
  • हात्न :: n. (-त्रं) 1. Wages, hire. 2. Death. E. हन् to hurt, ष्ट्रन् Unādi aff.
  • हान :: n. (-नं) 1. The act of abandoning or relinquishing. 2. Prowess, valour. E. हा to leave, ल्युट् aff.
  • हानि :: f. (-निः) 1. Loss. 2. Abandonment. 3. Deficiency, decrease. 4. Neglect. E. हा to leave, Unādi aff. नि ।
  • हानुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Mischievous, hurting, killing. E. हन् to hurt or kill, उकञ् aff.
  • हान्द्र :: n. (-न्द्रं) Death, dying. E. हन् to kill, ष्ट्रन् Unādi aff.
  • हापुत्रिका :: f. (-का) A bird, (a wagtail.)
  • हापुत्री :: f. (-त्री) A wagtail.
  • हाफिका :: f. (-का) Gaping, yawning.
  • हायन :: mn. (-नः -नं) A year. m. (-नः) 1. A flame, a ray. 2. A sort of rice. E. हा to go or like, ल्युट् aff., युक् augment.
  • हार :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Who or what takes, &c. m. (-रः) 1. A porter, a carrier. 2. Taking, conveying. 3. Abstraction, deprivation. 4. A necklace, a string of pearls, &c. 5. War, battle. 6. (In prosody,) A long syllable. 7. (In Arithmetic,) A divisor, also the denominator of a fraction. E. हृ to seize, (the mind, &c.,) and घञ् aff., or causal form, with अण् aff.
  • हारक :: m. (-कः) 1. A theif. 2. A rogue. 3. Science. 4. A gambler. 5. A tree, (Trophis aspera.) 6. A plunderer, a ravisher, one who carries off any thing. 7. A kind of prose composition. 8. A string of pearls. 9. (In Arithmetic,) A divisor. E. हृ to take, aff. ण्वुल् ।
  • हारगुटिका :: f. (-का) The bead of a necklace.
  • हारयष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) A necklace. E. हार, यष्टि a staff.
  • हारहूर :: n. (-रं) Vinous liquor. f. (-रा) 1. Wine. 2. A kind of grape; also हारहारा in the last sense.
  • हारावली :: f. (-ली) A string of pearls.
  • हारि :: mfn. (-रिः -रिः or -री-रि) Handsome, charming. f. (-रिः) 1. Defeat, discomfiture, either in war or gambling, &c. 2. A traveller's progeny or family. 3. A caravan. f. (-री) A pearl. E. हृ to take or steal, causal v., aff. इन्; ङीष् added optionally in the fem. form.
  • हारिकण्ठ :: mfn. (-ण्ठः -ण्ठी -ण्ठं) Wearing or having a necklace. m. (-ण्ठः) The Kokila. E. हारि for हार a necklace, कण्ठ the throat.
  • हारिण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Relating to deer, (flesh, skin, &c.) E. हरिण, अण् aff.
  • हारिणिक :: m. (-कः) A hunter, a deer-killer. f. (-की) A species of the Atyashti metre. E. हरिण a deer, ठक् aff.
  • हारित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Lost, relinquished, made way with. m. (-तः) 1. The green or wood pigeon. 2. Green, (the colour.) E. हृ to take, causal v., क्त aff.; or हरित् green, अण् aff.
  • हारितक :: n. (-कं) A potherb. E. हरित the same, ठन् aff.
  • हारिद्र :: mfn. (-द्रः -द्रा -द्रं) 1. Stained, dyed or coloured with turmeric. 2.

Yellow. m. (-द्रः) 1. The Kadamba tree, (Nauclea Kadamba.) 2. Yellow, (the colour.) E. हरिद्रा turmeric, and अण् or अञ् aff.

  • हारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) 1. Taking, getting, who takes or gets. 2. Disturbing, seizing. 3. Having a necklace. 4. Pleasant, agreeable. E. हृ to take, aff. इनि or णिनि ।
  • हारीत :: m. (-तः) 1. The green or wood pigeon, (Columba hariala, BUCH.) 2. A Muni and legislator. 3. A rogue, a cheat. E. हार a necklace, or हारि defeat, and इत gone, got; or हरित green, अण् aff., and the vowel made long; or हृ-णिच् वा० ईतच् ।
  • हार्द्द :: n. (-र्द्दं) 1. Affection, love. 2. Kindness. 3. Intention, meaning. E. हृद् the heart, अण् aff.
  • हार्य्य :: mfn. (-र्य्यः -र्य्या -र्य्यं) 1. To be taken, to be taken away. 2. To be shaken, to be unsettled. 3. To be attracted, to be influenced. m. (-र्य्यः) 1. Beleric myrobalan. 2. A serpent. 3. The dividend, (in math.) E. हृ to take, aff. ण्यत् ।
  • हाल :: m. (-लः) 1. BALARĀMA. 2. A name of SĀLIVĀHANA. 3. A plough. f. (-ला) Spirituous liquor. f. (-ली) A wife's younger sister. E. हाल a plough, aff. अण्; or हल् to plough, aff. घञ् . In fem. हल्-इण्-ङीष् ।
  • हालक :: m. (-कः) A horse of a yellowish-brown, or tawny colour.
  • हालहल :: n. (-लं) 1. A sort of deadly poison. 2. A poison in general: see the next. f. (-ली) Spirituous liquor.
  • हालहाल :: n. (-लं) 1. A sort of deadly poison. 2. A poison in general; also variously read, हलाहल, हलहल, हालहल, हालाहल हाहाल, and हाहल ।
  • हालाह :: m. (-हः) A piebald horse; also read हलाह ।
  • हालाहल :: n. (-लं) 1. A sort of deadly poison produced at the churning of the ocean and quaffed by ŚIVA. 2. A poison in general. f. (-ला) A small mouse. f. (-ली) Wine, spirituous liquor. m. (-लः) A sort of worm or insect, a kind of newt.
  • हालाहलधर :: m. (-रः) A small black and venomous snake. E. हालाहल poison, धर having.
  • हालिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Belonging or relating to a plough, as a ploughman, cattle, &c. E. हल a plough, ठञ् or ठक् aff.
  • हालिनी :: f. (-नी) A sort of large lizard. E. हल-णिनि aff., ङीष् added.
  • हालु :: m. (-लुः) A tooth. E. हल् to plough, उण् Unādi aff.
  • हाव :: m. (-वः) 1. Any feminine act of amorous pastime, or tending to excite amorous sensations, coquetry, blandishment, dalliance. 2. Calling. E. ह्वेञ् to call, (to incite passion,) aff. घञ्; or हु, घञ् aff.
  • हास :: m. (-सः) 1. Laughing, laughter. 2. Joy, merriment. 3. One of the eight sentiments in poetry. 4. Derision. 5. Blowing, opening. E. हस् to laugh, aff. घञ् ।
  • हासक :: m. (-कः) A buffoon. E. हस to laugh, causal v., वन् aff.
  • हासकर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Laughing, laughing at. 2. Causing laughter, merry, ridiculous. E. हास, कर what makes.
  • हासस् :: m. (-साः) The moon, (in the language of the Vedas.) E. हस् to laugh, causal verb, असुन् aff.
  • हासिका :: f. (-का) 1. Laughter. 2. Mirth. E. हस् to laugh, ण्वुल् aff.
  • हासिन् :: mfn. (-सी -सिनी -सि) Laughing, smiling. E. हस् to laugh, घिनुण् aff.
  • हास्तिक :: n. (-कं) A herd of elephants. m. (-कः) A rider on an elephant, an elephant-driver, &c. E. हस्तिन् an elephant, वुण् or ठक् aff.
  • हास्तिन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Elephantine, large, as big as an elephant, &c. n. (-नं) Hastināpur, or ancient DELHI. E. हस्तिन् a sovereign, (founder of the city,) or an elephant, अण् aff. or derivation or abundance.
  • हास्तिनपुर :: n. (-रं) HASTINĀPUR. E. हास्तिन, पुर a city.
  • हास्य :: mfn. (-स्यः -स्या -स्यं) Laughable, ridiculous. n. (-स्यं) 1. Laughter. laughing, mirth. 2. Ridicule, derision. E. हस् to laugh, ण्यत् aff.
  • हास्यपदवी :: f. (-वी) Ridicule, laughter, (used with या, गम, &c.)
  • हास्यरस :: m. (-सः) The sentiment of humour.
  • ह्यस्यास्पद :: n. (-दं) A laughing-stock. E. हास्य, आस्पद an object.
  • हाहल :: n. (-लं) A sort of deadly poison: also हाहाल, &c.: see हलाहल ।
  • हाहस् :: m. (-हाः) A Gandharba. E. see the next.
  • हाहा :: m. (-हाः) A Gandharba, a demi-god of an inferior order, atten-

dant on KUVERA and the other gods, and especially the chanter of their praises. Ind. An interjection of surprise, grief, or pain. E. हा alas, interjection of sorrow, हा to abandon, क्विप् aff.; or हा interjection repeated; also with असि or असुन् aff., हाहस् m. (-हाः).

  • हाहाकार :: m. (-रः) 1. The noise or uproar of battle 2. A great lamenta- tion or wailing, sound of grief or pity. E. हाहा interjection of pain, कार making.
  • हाहाल :: n. (-लं) A sort of deadly poison; also हाहल, &c.: see हलाहल ।
  • हि :: r. 5th cl. (हिनीति) 1. To go. 2. To send. 3. To grow or increase. 4. To be in pain. 5. To Throw. 6. To excite, to urge. 7. To promote, to further. 8. To please, to gratify. With प्र, 1. To discharge, to throw. 2. To send forth.
  • हि :: Ind. A particle expressing:--1. Because, for, on account of. 2. Assuredly, certainly, (assertion.). 3. Indeed, surely, (interrogation.) 4. For instance. 5. Only, alone. 6. A particle, implying difference or distinction. 7. An expletive. 8. Ah, alas. 9. An interjection of envy or contempt. 10. An interjection of hurry. E. हि to go, विच् aff; or हा to abandon, or हि to go, डि aff.
  • हिंसक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Mischievous, malignant, ferocious, savage. m. (-कः) 1. A beast of prey. 2. An enemy. 3. A Brāhman, who has studied the Atharva-Veda. E. हिसि to injure, वुञ् aff.; or हिन्स्-ण्वुल् ।
  • हिंसन :: n. (-नं) Injuring, hurting, killing. E. हिसि to hurt, ल्युट् aff.
  • हिंसा :: f. (-सा) 1. Injury, mischief, hurt, harm, &c.; it is usually distinguished as of three sorts,:--mental, (as malice,) verbal, (as abuse,) personal, (as striking, wounding, &c.) 2. Slaughter, killing, slaying. 3. Robbery. E. हिस्रि to hurt or kill, affs. अङ् and टाप् .
  • हिंसाकर्म्मन् :: n. (-र्म्म) 1. Incantation to destroy, or the practice of magic, or employment of mystical texts for malevolent and injurious pur- poses. 3. Any mischievous act. E. हिंसा injury, कर्म्मन् act.
  • हिंसात्मक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Injurious. E. हिंसा, आत्मक self.
  • हिंसारु :: m. (-रुः) A tiger. E. हिंसा injury, ऋ to go, or affect, aff. उण्; or हिन्स् आरु ।
  • हिंसालु :: mfn. (-लुः -लुः -लु) 1. Mischievous, hurtful. 2. Murderous. m. (-लुः) A savage dog. E. हिंसा injury, and आलुच् aff.
  • हिंसालुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Mischievous, hurtful. m. (-कः) A mischievous or savage dog. E. कन् added to the last.
  • हिंसीर :: m. (-रः) 1. A tiger. 2. A wretch, a villain. 3. A bird. E. हिसि to hurt or kill, Unādi aff. ईरन् or ईरच् ।
  • हिंस्य :: f. (-स्या) Adj. Liable to be hurt or killed.
  • हिंस्र :: mfn. (-स्रः -स्रा -स्रं) 1. Mischievous, hurtful, injurious. 2. Murderous. 3. Terrible. 4. Fierce, cruel, savage. m. (-स्रः) 1. BHIMA. 2. ŚIVA. 3. A beast of prey. 4. A destroyer. f. (-स्रा) 1. Spikenard, (Valeriana Jatāmansi.) 2. A vein, a nerve. E. हिसि to hurt, Unādi aff. रक् ।
  • हिंस्रक :: m. (-कः) A beast of prey. E. कन् added to the last.
  • हिंस्रपशु :: m. (-शुः) A beast of prey. E. हिंस्र, mischievous, पशु an animal.
  • हिंस्रयन्त्र :: n. (-न्त्रं) 1. A trap. 2. A mystical text used for injurious purposes.
  • हिक्क् :: r. 1st cl. (हिक्कति-ते) 1. To sound inarticulately. 2. To hiccough. r. 10th cl. (हिक्कयते) To hurt or injure, to kill.
  • हिक्का :: f. (-क्का) 1. Hiccough. 2. An indistinct sound. E. हिक्क् to hic- cough, affs. अङ् and टाप् ।
  • हिङ्कार :: m. (-रः) 1. A tiger. 2. A kind of low roar. E. हिं imitative sound.
  • हिङ्गु :: mn. (-ङ्गुः-ङ्गु) Asafœtida, (the gum and plant respectively.) E. हि to go, deriv. irr., or हिम frost, गम् to go, डु aff., form irr.
  • हिङ्गुनिर्य्यास :: m. (-सः) 1. The Nimba tree. 2. Asafœtida, (the gum.) E. हिङ्गु asafœtida, and निर्य्यास exudation.
  • हिङ्गुपत्र :: m. (-त्रः) The Ingudi plant.
  • हिङ्गुपर्णी :: f. (-र्णी) A plant, commonly Bansa-patri.
  • हिङ्गुल :: mn. (-लः-लं) Vermilion. f. (-ली) The egg-plant, (Solanum melon- gena.) E. हिङ्गु asafœtida, ला to take or give, aff. क ।
  • हिङ्गुलि :: m. (-लिः) Vermilion. E. हिङ्गु asafœtida. -ला to take or give. aff. कि ।
  • हिङ्गुलिका :: f. (-का) A prickly night-shade, (Solanum Jacquini.) E. हिङ्गुली the egg-plant, कन् added.
  • हिङ्गुलु :: mn. (-लुः-लु) Vermilion. E. हिङ्गु asafœtida, ला to give or take, aff. डु ।
  • हिङ्गुशि(सि)फा(रा)टिका :: f. (-का) A plant, commonly Bansa-patrī.
  • हिङ्गूल :: n. (-लं) An esculent root, a sort of yam. “आलु” ।
  • हिज्ज :: m. (-ज्जः) A plant, (Barringtonia acutangula:) see the next.
  • हिज्जल :: m. (-लः) A plant, commonly Hijjal, (Barringtonia acutangula.)
  • हिञ्जीर :: m. (-रः) A rope or chain for fastening an elephant's foot.
  • हिड् (इ) हिडि :: r. 1st cl. (हिण्डते) 1. To go, to move. 2. To wander. 3. To disregard or disrespect. With आ, To wander about.
  • हिडि (ड) म्ब :: m. (-म्बः) A prince of the Rākshasas slain by BHĪMA. f. (-म्बा) The sister of HIḌIMBA carried off by BHĪMA.
  • हिडिम्बजित् :: m. (-जित्) BHĪMA, the second of the PĀNDUS. E. हिडिम्ब a Rākshasa, and जित् conqueror; also similar compounds, as हिडिम्बनिसूदनः, हिडिम्बभिद्, &c.
  • हिडिम्बभिद् :: m. (-भित् or भिद् BHĪMA: see the last.
  • हिडिम्बापति :: m. (-तिः) 1. HANUMĀNA. 2. BHĪMA. E. हिडिम्बा a female Rākshasa, पति husband.
  • हिडिम्बारमण :: m. (-णः) 1. HANUMĀNA, the monkey friend and ally of RĀMA. 2. BHĪMA. E. हिडिम्बा a female Rākshasa, रमण husband.
  • हिण्डन :: n. (-नं) 1. Wandering, roaming. 2. Copulation. 3. Writing. E. हिडि to go, ल्युट् aff.
  • हिण्डिक :: m. (-कः) An astrologer. E. हिडि to go, aff. अच्, and ठक् added.
  • हिण्डिर :: m. (-रः) 1. Cuttle-fish-bone. 2. A male. 3. The egg-plant. 4. A tonic. E. हिडि to go, or despise, aff. इरन्; also with ईरन्, हिण्डीर ।
  • हिण्डी :: f. (-ण्डी) A name of DURGĀ. E. हिडि to go or despise, (the Asuras,) इन् aff., and ङीप् added.
  • हिण्डीप्रियतम :: m. (-मः) ŚIVA. E. हिण्डी DURGĀ, and प्रियतम dearest.
  • हिण्डीर :: m. (-रः) 1. Cuttle-fish-bone, considered to be the indurated foam of the sea. 2. A man, a male. 3. The egg-plant, (Solanum melongena.) 4. A tonic or stomachic. E. हिडि to go, or despise, aff. ईरन्; also with इरन्, हिण्डिर ।
  • हित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Suitable, proper, fit, worthy, right, (generally with a dative.) 2. Gone, proceeded. 3. Held, taken, seized. 4. Put, placed. 5. Advantageous, profitable, salutary, wholesome. 6. (In medicine,) Proper, as diet or menstrua, suitable to the case or the medicines taken. 7. Friendly, affectionate, kind to, (often with a locative.) 8. Useful. m. (-तः) 1. A good, a benefit. 2. A benefactor, an adviser. n. (-तं) 1. An advantage. 2. Anything proper or suitable. f. (-ता) A causeway, a dike. E. धा to have or hold, क्त aff; or हि to go, &c., क्त aff.
  • हितक :: m. (-कः) A child. E. कन् added to the last.
  • हितकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Friendly, kind, favourable. m. (-रः) A bene- factor. E. हित, कर who makes.
  • हितकाम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Wishing well to, kind or friendly to. E. हित, काम desire.
  • हितकाम्या :: f. (-म्या) Desire for another's welfare. E. हित, काम्या desire.
  • हितप्रणी :: m. (-णीः) A spy, a secret emissary. E. हित, प्रणी who instructs.
  • हितप्रेप्सु :: mfn. (-प्सुः -प्सुः -प्सु) Benevolent, benign. E. हित, प्रेप्सु wishing.
  • हितबुद्धि :: mfn. (-द्धिः -द्धिः -द्धि) Well-disposed to, wishing well to. E. हित and बुद्धि understanding.
  • हितवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Friendly, favourable, doing good to. E. हित, and मतुप् aff.
  • हितवाक्य :: n. (-क्यं) Friendly advice.
  • हितवादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Giving good counsel, directing or advising what is right. m. (-दी) A director, an adviser, a friendly coun- sellor. E. हित proper, वादिन् speaking.
  • हितानुकारिन् :: mfn. (-री -रिणी -रि) Kind. E. हित, अनुकारिन् who acts conformably to.
  • हित्रान्वेषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Seeking another's welfare. E. हित, अन्वेषिन् who seeks.
  • हिताहित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Good and evil, beneficial and disadvantageous. E. हित, अहित bad.
  • हितेच्छा :: f. (-च्छा) Good wishes.
  • हितैषिन् :: mfn. (-षी -षिणी -षि) Wishing well to. E. हित, एषिन् who desires.
  • हितोक्ति :: f. (-क्तिः) 1. Compassion, clemency. tenderness. 2. Good or friendly advice. E. हित kind, उक्ति speech.
  • हितोपदेश :: m. (-शः) Friendly or proper advice. E. हित proper, उपदेश advice.
  • हित्वा :: Ind. Having left or abandoned. E. हा to leave, क्त्वा aff.
  • हिन्ताल :: m. (-लः) The marshy-date tree, (Phœnix or Elate paludosa.) E. हीन defective, i. e. small, ताल the palm, deriv. irr.
  • हिन्दु :: m. (-न्दुः) A particular caste, the Hindus. Prof. TĀRĀNĀTH thus defines this word in his Vāchaspatya:-- हीनं दूषयति-दुष + डु पृषो० ।
  • हिन्दोल :: m. (-लः) 1. A swing. 2. The swing-festival held in the light- half of the month ŚRĀVAṆA. 3. One of the Rāgas or personified musical modes. f. (-ला) A swing. E. हि particle, दुल् to shake, घञ् aff., deriv. irr.; also with कन्, हिन्दोलक m. (-कः ।)
  • हिम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) Cold, frigid. n. (-म) 1. Frost, hoar-frost. 2. Ice, snow. 3. Cold. 4. Sandal. 5. Fresh butter. 6. Tin. 7. A pearl. 8. A lotus. m. (-मः) 1. The Sandal tree. 2. The moon. 3. Camphor. 4. The Himālaya mountain. 5. Winter. f. (-मा) 1. Small carda- moms. 2. RENŪKĀ, a perfume. 3. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus.) E. हन् to hurt, मक् Unādi aff., and हि substituted for the root.
  • हिमकर :: mfn. (-रः -री -रं) Frigorific, cold. m. (-रः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. E. हिम cold, and कर who makes, or a ray.
  • हिमकूट :: m. (-टः) 1. The wintry season. 2. The Himālaya mountain. E. हिम frost or cold, and कूट a quantity, or a summit.
  • हिमगु :: m. (-गुः) The moon.
  • हिमज :: mfn. (-जः -जा -जं) Produced by cold, in the Himālaya, &c. m. (-जः) 1. The mountain MAINĀKA. f. (-जा) 1. PĀRVATĪ. 2. Zedoary- E. हिम the Himālaya personified, ज born.
  • हिमज्झटि :: f. (-टिः) Mist, dew, fog. E. हिम cold, झट् to be entangled, इन् aff.; also हिमझण्टि ।
  • हिमतैल :: n. (-लं) A kind of camphor-ointment.
  • हिमदीधिति :: m. (-तिः) The moon.
  • हिमदुर्द्दिन :: n. (-नं) Cold and bad weather. E. हिम cold, दुर्द्दिन bad weather.
  • हिमद्युति :: m. (-तिः) The moon. E. हिम cold, cooling, and द्युति radiance.
  • हिमद्रुम :: m. (-मः) The Nimba tree.
  • हिमद्रुह :: m. (-ध्रुक्-ग्-ट्-ड्) The sun. E. हिम frost, द्रुह् to hurt, क्विप् aff.
  • हिमप्रस्थ :: m. (-स्थः) The Himālaya mountain. E. हिम cold, प्रस्थ abode.
  • हिमबालुक :: mf. (-कः-का) Camphor. E. हिम cold, and बालुका sand.
  • हिमभास् :: m. (-भाः) The moon. E. हिम, भास् to shine, क्विप् aff.
  • हिमवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Cold, freezing, chilly, frosty. m. (-वान्) The Himālaya range. E. हिम cold, and मतुप् aff.
  • हिमवत्कुक्षि :: m. (-क्षिः) A valley of the Himālaya.
  • हिमवत्पुर :: n. (-रं) Oshadhiprastha, the capital of Himālaya.
  • हिमवत्सुत :: m. (-तः) 1. The mountain Maināka. f. (-ता) 1. The Ganges. 2. PĀRVATĪ. E. हिमवत् the Himālaya, and सुत son, or सुता daughter.
  • हिमशीतल :: mfn. (-लः -ला -लं) Very cold, frosty, freezing. E. हिम, शीतल cold.
  • हिमशैलजा :: f. (-जा) 1. The goddess DURGĀ or PĀRVATĪ. 2. The Ganges. E. हिमशैल the Himālaya mountain and जा daughter.
  • हिमश्रथ :: m. (-थः) The moon. E. हिम, and श्रथि to shed, अच aff.
  • हिमसंहति :: f. (-तिः) Ice and snow. E. हिम cold, संहति assemblage.
  • हिमसरस् :: n. (-रः) Cold-water.
  • हिमहानकृत् :: m. (-कृत्) Fire. E. हिम, हान loss, कृत् what makes.
  • हिमहासक :: m. (-कः) The marshy-date tree. E. हिम cold, or winter, हासक smiling.
  • हिमांशु :: m. (-शुः) 1. The moon. 2. Camphor. E. हिम cold, अंशु a ray.
  • हिमांश्वभिख्य :: n. (-ख्यं) Silver. E. हिमांशु the moon, अभिख्या beauty.
  • हिमागम :: m. (-मः) The cold season “हेमन्ते” . E. हिम cold, आगम arrival.
  • हिमाद्रि :: m. (-द्रिः) The snowy range of mountains, skirting the north of India, the Imaus or Emodus. E. हिम cold, and अद्रि a mountain; also similar compounds, as हिमाचल, &c.
  • हिमानिल :: m. (-लः) A frosty or cold wind. E. हिम, अनिल wind.
  • हिमानी :: f. (-नी) Ice and snow. E. हिम cold, ङीष् aff., and आनुक् augment.
  • हिमाब्ज :: n. (-ब्जं) A lotus.
  • हिमाभ :: mfn. (-भः -भा -भं) Like frost and snow. E. हिम, आभ resembling.
  • हिमाम्ब् :: n. (-म्ब) Dew.
  • हिमाम्भस् :: n. (-म्भः) Dew. E. हिम, अम्भस् water.
  • हिमाराति :: m. (-तिः) 1. Fire. 2. The sun. E. हिम cold, अराति the enemy; also similar compounds, as हिमारि, &c.
  • हिमार्त्त :: mfn. (-र्त्तः -र्त्ता -र्त्तं) Chilly, cold, suffering from cold. E. हिम, आर्त्त pained.
  • हिमालय :: m. (-य) The Himālaya range of mountains, which bounds India on the north, and separates it from Tartary; the Imaus and Emodus of the ancients, giving rise to the Ganges, and Indus, and many other considerable rivers, and containing the highest elevations in the world: in mythology, the mountain is personified as the husband of MENAKĀ, and the father of GANGĀ or the Ganges, and DURGĀ or UMĀ in her descent as PĀRVATĪ, the mountain nymph, to captivate ŚIVA, and withdraw him from a course of ascetic austerity practised in those regions. E. हिम cold, or frost and snow, and आलय abode.
  • हिमावती :: f. (-ती) A sort of moon-plant; also स्वर्णक्षीरी ।
  • हिमाह्व :: m. (-ह्वः) Camphor. E. हिम snow, आह्व appellation.
  • हिमाह्वय :: m. (-यः) Camphor. n. (-यं) A lotus. E. हिम cold, आह्वय appellation.
  • हिमिका :: f. (-का) Hoar-frost. E. हिम frost, कन् aff., fem. form.
  • हिमेलु :: mfn. (-लुः -लुः -लु) Suffering from cold, chilly, frozen. E. हिम cold, एलु aff.
  • हिम्य :: mfn. (-म्यः -म्या -म्यं) Frozen, snowy, cold, frigid. E. हिम frost and snow, and यत् aff.
  • हिरङ्गु :: m. (-ङ्गुः) The personified ascending node.
  • हिरणु :: n. (-णं) 1. Gold. 2. Semen. 3. A cowrie: see हिरण्य । E. हृ to take, ल्युट् aff., and इ substituted for the antepenultimate vowel.
  • हिरण्मय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Made of gold, golden. m. (-यः) BRAHMĀ. n. (-यं) One of the Varshas or divisions of the continent; the part between the mountainous ranges Śweta and Śringavān. E. हिरण् for हिरण gold, मयट् aff.
  • हिरण्य :: n. (-ण्य) 1. Gold. 2. Either of the precious metals, crude bullion, unwrought gold or silver. 3. Silver, crude or wrought. 4. Any precious metal. 5. A measure. 6. A cowrie. 7. Semen virile. 8. Imperishable matter, that which is eternal. 9. Thing, substance. 10. Wealth, property. 11. The Dhattūra plant. E. हृ to take, Unādi aff. कन्यन्, and किरच् substituted for the radical letters; or हिरण, यत् aff.
  • हिरण्यकशिपु :: m. (-पुः) A Daitya, the father of PRAHLĀDA, for whose destruction, VISHṆU, descended in the fourth or NARASINHA- Avatār. E. हिरण्य gold, and कशिपु clothing, or food and clothing.
  • हिरण्यकशिपुहन् :: m. (-हा) VISHṆU. E. हिरण्यकशिपु a Daitya, हन् destroyer.
  • हिरण्यकोश(ष) :: m. (-शः or -षः) Gold and silver, (wrought or unwrought.)
  • हिरण्यगर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) 1. BRAHMĀ. 2. VISHṆU. 3. The soul invested by the subtile body, “सूक्ष्मशरीर” . E. हिरण्य gold, गर्भ embryo; or the mundane egg floating on the water at creation, of that metal, or of similar colour, from which the deity issued, according to some legends.
  • हिरण्यद :: m. (-दः) The ocean. f. (-दा) The earth. Adj. Giving or granting gold. E. हिरण्य gold, and द what gives of yields.
  • हिरण्यनाभ :: m. (-भः) The mountain Maināka. E. हिरण्य gold, नाभ navel.
  • हिरण्यबाहु :: m. (-हुः) 1. The river Śona. 2. ŚIVA. E. हिरण्य, बाहु an arm.
  • हिरण्यय :: f. (-यी) Adj. Golden. E. हिरण्य, मयट् aff.
  • हिरण्यरेतस् :: m. (-ताः) 1. Fire. 2. The sun. 3. ŚIVA. 4. The Arka-plant. E. हिरण्य gold, and रेतस् semen.
  • हिरण्यव :: m. (-वः) A divine treasure. E. हिरण्य gold, व possessive aff. in this sense.
  • हिरण्यवर्णा :: f. (-र्णा) A particular river. E. हिरण्य gold, and वर्ण colour.
  • हिरण्यवाह :: m. (-हः) The river Śona. E. हिरण्य gold, वह् to bear, aff. अण् .
  • हिरण्याक्ष :: m. (-क्षः) The name of a demon, killed by VISHṆU. E. हिरण्य, and अक्ष for अक्षि the eye.
  • हिरुक् :: Ind. 1. Without, except. 2. In the midst of, amongst. 3. Near. 4. Vile. E. हि to go, रुकक् aff.
  • हिल् :: r. 6th cl. (हिलति) To express amorous inclination, to dally, to wanton, to sport amorously.
  • हिलमोचि :: f. (-चिः-ची) A potherb, (Hingtsha repens.) “हेलेञ्चा” इति भाषा । E. हिल sporting, मुच् to loosen, इन् aff., ङीप् optionally added; also with कन् added, fem. form, हिलमोचिका ।
  • हिल्ल :: m. (-ल्लः) A kind of bird, (Turdus ginginianus.) E. हिल् to dally, लक् aff.
  • हिल्लोल् :: r. 10th cl. (हिल्लोलयति-ते) 1. To wave. 2. To swing.
  • हिल्लोल :: m. (-लः) A wave, a surge. 2. Swinging. 3. A particular mode of sexual enjoyment, thus described:--

 “हृदि कृत्वा स्त्रियः पादौ कराभ्यां धारयेत् करौ । यथेष्टं ताडयेद् योनिं बन्धो हिल्लोलसंज्ञकः ॥”

E. हिल्लोल्-अच् ।

  • हिल्वला :: f. Plu. (-लाः) Name of the five small stars in the head of the constellation “MRIGASIRAS.” E. इल्वला + पृषो० ।
  • हिव् (इ) हिवि :: r. 5th cl. (हिन्वति) 1. To be satisfied. 2. To satisfy or please.
  • हिस् (इ) हिसि :: r. 10th cl. (-हिंसयति-ते) r. 7th cl. (हिंनस्ति) To hurt, to injure, to do anything tending to the prejudice of another in word, thought, or deed.
  • हिहि :: Ind. An interjection of surprise or merriment.
  • ही :: Ind. 1. An exclamation or interjection of surprise. 2. Of fatigue or despondence. 3. Of sorrow. 4. A particle implying reason or cause, (therefore, so.) E. हन् to hurt, डी aff., हि substituted for the root.
  • हीन :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) 1. Deficient, defective. 2. Blamable, mean, base, vile, bad. 3. Left, abandoned, quitted. 4. Wasted, worn, decayed. 5. Void of, free from. 6. Lower, less. m. (-नः) An insufficient or objectionable witness. E. हा to quit, aff. क्त ।
  • हीनकर्म्मन् :: mfn. (-र्म्मा -र्म्मा -र्म्म) Neglecting, or not performing the custo- mary rites, &c. E. हीन, कर्म्मन act; also हीनक्रिय, &c.
  • हीनजाति :: mfn. (-तिः -तिः -ति) Outcaste, vile, degraded. E. हीन abandoned, जाति caste.
  • हीनवर्ण :: mfn. (-र्णः -र्णा -र्णं) Of a low caste, outcaste, vile. E. हीन, वर्ण caste.
  • हीनवाद :: m. (-दः) Prevarication, contradictory evidence. E. हीन, वाद speech.
  • हीनवादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) 1. Dumb, speechless. 2. Inadmissible, (as a witness.) 3. Contradictory, prevaricating. E. हीन left, or defec- tive, वाद speech, इनि aff.
  • हीनसख्य :: n. (-ख्यं) Keeping low company, associating with persons of degraded castes and occupations. E. हीन an outcaste, and सख्य friendship.
  • हीनसन्धि :: mfn. (-न्धिः -न्धिः -न्धि) Destitute of peace or reconciliation. E. हीन, सन्धि alliance.
  • हीनसेवा :: f. (-वा) Serving or attending on low persons, associating with them. E. हीन, and सेवा service.
  • हीनाङ्ग :: mfn. (-ङ्गः -ङ्गी -ङ्गं) Crippled, maimed, defective. f. (-ङ्गी) An ant. E. हीन deficient, अङ्ग the body.
  • हीन्ताल :: m. (-लः) The marshy-date tree: see हिन्ताल ।
  • हीर :: m. (-रः) 1. ŚIVA. 2. A snake. 3. A necklace. 4. A lion. 5. Name of the father of SRIHARSHA, the author of Naishadha-Kāvyam. n. (-रं) 1. A diamond. 2. INDRA'S thunderbolt. f. (-रा) 1. The goddess LAKSHMĪ. 2. A cockroach. 3. An ant. E. हृ to take, क aff., and ईरु substituted for the radical finals.
  • हीरक :: m. (-कः) The diamond. E. कन् added to the last.
  • हीराङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) The thunderbolt of INDRA. E. हीर the diamond, and अङ्ग substance.
  • हील :: n. (-लं) Semen virile. E. ही, ला to give, क aff.
  • हीलुक :: n. (-कं) Rum, spirits distilled from molasses, E. हिल-उक पृषी० ।
  • हीही :: Ind. 1. An interjection of surprise, (ah, ha!) 2. An interjection of laughter, (hee, hee!) E. ही the interjection repeated.
  • हु :: r. 3rd cl. (जुहोति) 1. To sacrifice, to offer in oblation, (sometimes with the accusative of the deity honoured.) 2. To eat. 3. To take. 4. To please or satisfy. 5. To throw or cast.
  • हु(हू)ङ्कार :: m. (-रः) Uttering a menacing sound, roaring, bellowing. E. हुन, and कार making; also similar compounds, as हुङ्कृति, हुङ्कृत, &c.
  • हुङ्कृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Uttered or pronounced as an incantation. n. (-तं) 1. An incantation. 2. The roar or grunt of the wild boar. 3. Any roar. E. हुम् a mystical monosyllable, and कृत made.
  • हुड् :: r. 6th cl. (हुडति) To heap together, to collect or accumulate. (ऋ) हुडृ r. 1st cl. (होडते) To go or move. (इ) हुडि r. 1st cl. (हुण्डते) 1. To heap, &c. 2. To accept, to agree, to assent. 3. To take.
  • हुड :: m. (-डः) 1. A ram. 2. An iron club. 3. An iron stake for keeping out thieves. E. हुड् to collect, क aff.
  • हुडु :: m. (-डः) A ram. E. हुड् to assemble, aff. कु ।
  • हुडुक्क :: m. (-क्कः) 1. A gallinule. 2. A drunken man. 3. A small hour- glass-shaped drum. 4. A stick or staff, one bound with iron. 5. The bolt or bar of a door. 6. A kind of bird, “दात्यूह” . E. हुडुक् an imitative sound, कै to utter, aff. क; or हुड्, उक्क aff.
  • हुडुत :: n. (-तं) 1. The noise of a bull. 2. Any indistinct noise. E. हुड्-उति aff.
  • हुडुम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) Flattened rice fried on fire. E. हुड्, उम्ब aff.
  • हुण्ड :: m. (-ण्डः) 1. A tiger. 2. A village-hog. 3. A blockhead. 4. An imp, a goblin. 5. A ram. E. हुडि to collect, अच् aff.
  • हुत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Offered with fire, burnt as an oblation. f. (-ता) 1. Sacrificed. 2. One to whom an oblation is offered. n. (-तं) An oblation. m. (-तः) ŚIVA. E. हु to sacrifice, क्त aff.
  • हुतजातवेदस् :: Adj. One who has made an oblation to fire.
  • हुतभुक्प्रिया :: f. (-या) SWĀHĀ, the wife of AGNI. E. हुतभुज् AGNI, प्रिया the wife.
  • हुतभुज् :: m. (-भुक्) AGNI or fire. E. हुत an oblation, भुज् to eat, क्विप् aff.
  • हुतवह :: m. (-हः) AGNI or fire. E. हुत an oblation, and वह who carries.
  • हुतहोम :: m. (-मः) A Brāhman who has offered an oblation. n. (-मं) An oblation. E. हुत, and होम sacrifice.
  • हुताग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) Fire with which oblation is made. Adj. Who has offered oblations to fire. E. हुत, अग्नि fire.
  • हुताश :: m. (-शः) Fire or its deity AGNI. E. हुत an oblation, अश who eats.
  • हुताशन :: m. (-नः) 1. Fire or its deity AGNI. 2. ŚIVA. E. हुत burnt- offering, and अशन food.
  • हुताशनी :: f. (-नी) The full-moon-day in the month of FĀLGUNA: होलाका ।
  • हुति :: f. (-तिः) Finding, capture. E. हु to take, &c., क्तिन् aff.
  • हुत्वा :: Ind. Having offered in oblation. E. हु to offer, क्त्वा aff.
  • हुम् :: Ind. 1. An interjection of remembering, (ha, ah!) 2. Of repulse or reproach, (away!) 3. Interrogation, (hey?) 4. Assent, (yes.) 5. Doubt. 6. A mystical syllable of frequent occurrence in incan- tations. E. हु to sacrifice, डुमि or डुम् aff.: see हूम् ।
  • हुयमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being offered in oblation. E. हु to offer, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • हुर्च्छ् :: r. 1st cl. (हूर्च्छति) 1. To be crooked, (literally.) 2. To be fraudulent, (figuratively.) 3. To retreat, to hide or abscond.
  • हुल् :: r. 1st cl. (होलति) 1. To go, to move. 2. To kill. 3. To cover.
  • हुलहुली :: f. (-ली) Inarticulate sounds made by women, especially a sort of Ululatus, though apparently employed upon pleasurable and not sorrowful occasions.
  • हुहु :: m. (-हुः) A Gandharba. E. ह्वेञ् to call, डु aff., form irr.: see the next.
  • हुहू :: m. (-हूः) A Gandharba or chorister of heaven. E. ह्वेञ् to call, डु aff., form irr.; it is also read हुहु, हूहु, and हूहू ।
  • हू :: Ind. An interjection of calling, of contempt, of pride, and of grief or weeping.
  • हूङ्कार :: m. (-रः) 1. Uttering the sound “Hum.” 2. Uttering a menacing sound, roaring: see हुङ्कार . E. हूम्, कार making.
  • हूड् (ऋ) हूडृ :: r. 1st cl. (-हूडते) To go, to move.
  • हूण :: m. (-णः) 1. A barbarian, a Hūn. 2. A kind of gold coin current in the country of the Hūnas; also read. हून . E. ह्वेञ् to call, नक Unādi aff.
  • हूत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Called, summoned, invited, invoked. E. ह्वेञ् to call, क्त aff.
  • हूति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Calling, inviting. 2. Calling to in defiance, challenging. E. ह्वेञ् to call, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • हूम् :: Ind. 1. A particle of doubt or consideration (humph, ha.) 2. An interrogatory particle, (hey, indeed.) 3. A particle of assent, (yes,

well, so be it, amen.) 4. An interjection of anger. 5. Of fear. 6. Of reproach, or contempt, (equivalent to be silent, tush, pish.) 7. Of aversion, repulse, or dislike, &c. 8. A magical or mystical monosyllable. 9. An imitative sound. E. ह्वेञ् to call, aff. डूमि or डूम्ः see हुम् .

  • हूयमान :: mfn. (-नः -ना -नं) Being offered in oblation. E. हु to offer, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • हूरव :: m. (-वः) A Jackal. E. हू a cry of fear or wrath, and ख sound.
  • हूर्च्छन :: n. (-नं) 1. Crookedness, (literal.) 2. Craft, cunning, (figurative.) E. हुर्च्छ् to be crooked, ल्युट् aff.
  • हूहु :: m. (-हुः) A Gandharba: see हुहू; also read हूहू m. (-हूः ।)
  • हृ :: r. 1st cl. (ज) हृज् r. 1st cl. (हरति ते) 1. To convey. 2. To take or accept. 3. To steal. 4. To destroy or annual. 5. To deprive of 6. To captivate, to charm, to influence. 7. To remove. With अधि and आ, To supply an ellipsis. With अनु prefixed, 1. To imitate, (Par.) 2. To take after the parents, (Atm.) With अप, 1. To remove, to take away or apart. 2. To plunder, to steal. 3. To attract, to influence. 4. To leave behind. With अभि and अव, To eat. With आ, 1. To fetch, to carry. 2. To perform, (as a sacrifice.) 3. To get. 4. To procreate. 5. To recover, to bring back. 6. To assume. 7. To attract. 8. To withdraw. 9. To eat. With उद्, 1. To take out or up. 2. To make an extract from. 3. To raise, to extricate. 4. To eradicate, to destroy. 5. To deduct. With उप and आ, To bring. With निस्, 1. To carry out a dead body. 2. To extract, to draw out from. With प्र, 1. To throw, to hurl, to fling, (with a dative or accusative.) 2. To attack, to strike. 3. To wound, to injure, (with a locative.) 4. To seize upon. With वि, 1. To remove, to destroy. 2. To pass, (as time.) 3. To sport. 4. To say. With सम्, 1. To collect. 2. To withdraw. 3. To suppress, to restrain. 4. To kill, to annihilate, (opposed to सृज्). 5. To contract, to abridge With सम and आ, 1. To bring. 2. To make reparation for. 3. To draw. 4. To destroy. 5. To collect. With अभि, To assault. With अभि and आङ्, To reason. With अभि and उत्, To deliver. With अभि, वि, and आङ्, To utter, to pronounce. With अव, 1. To regain. 2. To punish or fine. With उत्, 1. To raise, to lift or take up. 2. To expel. With उद् and आङ् . 1. To say or tell. 2. To illustrate, to exemplify. With उप, 1. To bring near to. 2. To give. With उप and सम्, To withhold. With नि changed to नी, To freeze. With निर्, To show disrespect. With निर् and आङ्, To fast. With परि, 1. To reproach, to abuse or censure. 2. To leave, to shun, to abandon. 3. To resist. 4. To remove, to destroy. 5. To extract. With प्रति changed to प्रती, To keep watch. With प्रति and आङ्, To think abstractedly by restraining the organs of sense. With प्रति and सम्, To disregard, to abandon. With वि, 1. To sport, to ramble for pleasure. 2. To pass, (as time.) 3. To remove. 4. To destroy. With वि and आङ्, To say, to utter, to speak. With वि and अव, 1. To deal in transactions, (with a genitive.) 2. To litigate. With सम् and आङ्, To collect, to assemble. With सम्, अभि, वि and आङ्, To speak in concert. With सम्, उत् and आङ्, To relate. With सम् and उप, 1. To give. 2. To assemble, to collect. With सम् and प्र, To fight. With वि and अति prefixed and implying reciprocity (व्यतिहरते) To steal or plunder mutually. In the first sense “to convey” this verb governs two accusatives, as भारं हरति ग्रागं he takes the load (to) the village. Caus. (हारयति-ते) 1. To cause to carry. 2. To make to lose. With अप, To cause to take away. With अभि and अव, To feed. With आ, To cause to bring. With उद्, To cause to take out. r. 3rd cl. (जहर्त्ति) To take by violence.
  • हृच्छय :: m. (-यः) KĀMADEVA. E. हृत् the heart, and शय who sleeps.
  • हृच्छोक :: m. (-कः) A pang. E. हृत् the heart, शोक grief.
  • हृणिया :: f. (-या) 1. Shame, modesty. 2. Censure, reproach. 3. Pity. E. हृणीङ् Kaṇḍwādi root, to be ashamed, यक् aff., and the vowel made short; otherwise read हृणीया ।
  • हृणी (हृणीयते) :: To feel ashamed. A kaṇḍwādi root; य is always added on the base in the case of this root: see ह्रिणी ।
  • हृणीया :: f. (-या) 1. Censure, reproach. 2. Shame, bashfulness. 3. Pity. E. हृणीय, अ aff.: see हृणिया; also read ह्रिणीया ।
  • हृत् :: Adj. Taking away, seizing, attracting, &c., (at the end of compounds only.)
  • हृत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Taken, taken away. 2. Seized. 3. Accepted. 4. Captivated. 5. Divided. E. हृ to take, क्त aff.
  • हृतसर्व्वस्व :: mfn. (-स्वः -स्वा -स्वं) Robbed or stripped of all, entirely ruined. E. हृत, सर्व्वस्व all.
  • हृताधिकार :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) 1. Neglecting one's duty. 2. Deprived of an office, turned out. 3. Barred or deprived of one's right. E. हृत, and अधिकार superintendence.
  • हृति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Seizure. 2. Robbing. 3. Destruction. E. हृ to take, क्तिन् aff.; also ह्रिति ।
  • हृतोत्तर :: mfn. (-रः -रा -रं) Left without a reply. E. हृत, and उत्तर answer.
  • हृत्कम्प :: m. (-म्पः) Tremor of the heart.
  • हृत्पिण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) The heart. E. हृत्, and पिण्ड lump of flesh.
  • हृत्वा :: Ind. Having taken, seized, accepted, &c. E. हृ to take, क्त्वा aff.
  • हृत्स्थ :: mfn. (-त्स्थः -त्स्था -त्स्थं) Seated in the heart. E. हृत्, स्थ what stays.
  • हृद् :: n. (-हृत् or हृद्) The heart, the mind, the faculty or seat of thought and feeling. E. हृ to take, aff. क्विप्, and तुक् added; This word has no forms for the first five cases; according to some it is not a separate word but an optional substitute for हृदय ।
  • हृदय :: n. (-यं) 1. The mind, the seat or faculty of thought and feeling. 2. Knowledge. 3. Science. 4. The essence of anything. E. हृ to take, कयन् Unādi aff., दुक् augment.
  • हृदयग्राहिन् :: mfn. (-ही -हिणी -हि) Captivating, engaging the affections. E. हृदय, ग्राहिन् taking.
  • हृदयङ्गम :: mfn. (-मः -मा -मं) 1. Apposite and proper, (as speech.) 2. Affect- ing, touching, thrilling. 3. Dear, beloved. 4. Pleasing. E. हृदय the heart, गम् to go, खश् aff., मुम् augment.
  • हृदयचौर :: m. (-रः) One who steals the heart or affections.
  • हृदयवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Good-hearted, kind, humane. E. हृदय the heart, मतुप् aff.
  • हृदयवृत्ति :: f. (-त्तिः) Disposition of the heart.
  • हृदयस्थ :: Adj. Cherished or being in the heart.
  • हदयस्थान :: n. (-नं) The breast, the chest. E. हृदय the heart, स्थान place.
  • हृदयात्मन :: m. (-त्मा) A heron. E. हृदय the heart, and आत्मन् self.
  • हृदयालु :: mfn. (-लुः -लुः -लु) Good-hearted. E. हृदय the heart, and आलुच् aff.
  • हृदयाविध् :: mfn. (-त् or द्) Heart-piercing. E. हृदय, and आविध् what pierces.
  • हृदयिक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) Good-hearted. E. हृदय the heart, ठन् aff.
  • हृदयिन् :: mfn. (-यी -यिनी -यि) Good-hearted. E. हृदय the heart, इनि poss. aff.
  • हृदयेश :: m. (-शः) A husband. f. (-शा) 1. A wife. 2. A mistress: see the next. E. हृदय the heart, ईश lord; also हृदयेश्वर, &c.
  • हृदयेश्वरी :: f. (-री) 1. A wife. 2. A mistress. E. हृदय the heart, ईश्वरी governess; also with ईशा, हृदयेशा ।
  • हृदयोदङ्क :: mfn. (-ङ्कः -ङ्का -ङ्कं) Heart-heaving, distressing. E. हृदय, उत् up, अङ्क what goes.
  • हृदावर्त्त :: m. (-र्त्तः) A curl or lock of hair on a horse's neck, or breast E. हृद् the heart, आवर्त्त a twist.
  • हृदिकात्मज :: m. (-जः) KRITAVARMAN. E. हृदिक the YĀDAVA-king, आत्मज son.
  • हृदिस्पृश् :: mfn. (-स्पृक्) 1. Dear, beloved. 2. Attractive, beautiful. 3. Touching the heart. E. हृदि in the heart, and स्पृश् what affects.
  • हृद्गत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Conceived, come to mind, designed. E. हृद्, गत gone.
  • हृद्गोल :: m. (-लः) The name of a mountainous district.
  • हृद्गोलीय :: m. Pl. (-याः) The military inhabitants of the Hridgola moun- tains. E. हृद्गोल, छ aff.
  • हृद्देश :: m. (-शः) The heart or the region of it. E. हृद्, देश place.
  • हृद्य :: mfn. (-द्यः -द्या -द्यं) 1. Dear, beloved cherished, desired. 2. Grateful, pleasant, agreeable. 3. Produced in or from the heart. 4. Affec- tionate, kind. m. (-द्यः) A Mantra of the Vedas for effecting any one's subjection or fascination. f. (-द्या) Vriddhi, a medicinal root, so named. n. (-द्यं) Cassia bark. E. हृद् the heart, यत् aff.
  • हृद्यगन्ध :: m. (-न्धः) The Bel tree, (Ægle marmelos.) n. (-न्धं) 1. Small cardamoms. 2. Sachal-salt. f. (-न्धा) Great-flowered jasmine. E. हृद्य agreeable, गन्ध smell.
  • हृद्यता :: f. (-ता) Agreeableness, delightfulness. E. हृद्य, and तल् aff.; also with त्व, हृद्यत्वं ।
  • हृद्रोग :: m. (-गः) 1. Heart-burn. 2. Any disease of the heart. 3. Sorrow, grief, anguish. 4. Love. 5. The sign Aquarius of the zodiac, (in this sense more properly of Greek origin: see ह्रद्रोग .) E. हृद् the heart, रोग disease; also हृदयरोग ।
  • हृद्रोगवैरिन् :: m. (-री) A tree, (Pentaptera Arjuna.) E. हृद्रोग the heartburn, वैरिन् hostile.
  • हृद्वण्टक :: m. (-कः) The stomach. E. हृद् the heart, वण्टक a part.
  • हृल्लास :: m. (-सः) 1. Hiccough. 2. Disquietude, grief. E. हृद्, लस् to sport, aff. घञ् ।
  • हृल्लेख :: m. (-खः) 1. Knowledge. 2. Reasoning. f. (-खा) Regret, sorrow for any object absent or missing, anxiety. E. हृद् the heart, लिख् to write, aff. अच् or घञ्; also हृदयलेख ।
  • हृष् (इर, उ) इरहृषु :: r. 4th cl. (हृष्यति) 1. To rejoice, to exult, to be pleased. 2. To stand erect, (as the hair of the body, &c.) With प्र, 1 To be glad. 2. To stand erect. With सम्, To rejoice. (उ) हृषु r. 1st cl. (हर्षति) 1. To lie, to affirm falsely. 2. To be pleased.
  • हृषित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Astonished, surprised. 2. Pleased. 3. Exqui- sitely delighted, having the hair of the body erect with pleasure. 4. Disappointed, deceived. 5. Bent, bowed. 6. Armed, accoutred. E. हृष् to be pleased, or to lie, aff. क्त, with the augment इट् ।
  • हृषीक :: n. (-कं) Any organ of sense. E. हृष् to affirm falsely, ईकक् Unādi aff, and the radical vowel unchanged.
  • हृषीकेश :: m. (-शः) VISHṆU. E. हृषीक an organ of sense, ईश lord.
  • हृष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) 1. Pleased, glad, delighted. 2. Laughing, smiling. 3. Having the hair of the body erect with pleasure. 4. Asto- nished, surprised. 5. Disappointed. E. हृष् to be pleased, or to affirm falsely, aff. क्तः see हृषित ।
  • हृष्टपुष्ट :: mfn. (-ष्टः -ष्टा -ष्टं) Well-conditioned, well-fed and happy. E. हृष्ट, पुष्ट nourished.
  • हृष्टमानस :: mfn. (-सः -सी -सं) Happy, glad. E. हृष्ट pleased, मानस the mind, अण् aff.; also similar compounds, as हृष्टचित्त ।
  • हृष्टरोमन् :: mfn. (-मा -मा -म) Having the hair of the body on end. E. हृष्ट delighted, रोमन् the down or bristles of the body.
  • हृष्टहृदय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) Happy, light-hearted. E. हृष्ट, हृदय the heart.
  • हृष्टि :: f. (-ष्टिः) 1. Delight, pleasure, happiness. 2. Pride, arrogance. 3. Knowledge. E. हृष् to be pleased, aff. क्तिन् ।
  • हे :: Ind. 1. A vocative particle. 2. A particle of calling out to, or challenging. 3. An interjection, expressing envy or malice. E. हि to go, or हा to go, aff. डे ।
  • हेक्का :: f. (-क्का) Hiccough. E. हिक्क् to hiccough, aff. अच्, and the vowel changed.
  • हेट् :: r. 1st cl. (हेटते) To resist, to oppose; more properly हेठ् ।
  • हेठ् :: r. 1st cl. (हेठति) 1. To resist, to oppose. r. 6th cl. (हेठति) 1. To be produced. 2. To purify. (ऋ) हेठृ r. 1st cl. (हेठते) 1. To oppress. 2. To annoy. 3. To resist, to contend with.
  • हेठ :: m. (-ठः) 1. Obstruction, opposition, hindrance. 2. Injury, hurt. E. हेठ् to annoy or oppose, aff. अच् or घञ् ।
  • हेड् :: r. 1st cl. (हेडति) To surround, to encompass. (ऋ) हेड r. 1st cl. (हेडते) To disregard, to neglect.
  • हेडज :: m. (-जः) Passion, anger.
  • हेडावुक्क :: m. (-क्कः) A horse-dealer; also read हेलावुक्क and हेलावुक ।
  • हेढ् :: r. 9th cl. (हेढ्णाति) 1. To be past birth. 2. To produce young. 3. To purify.
  • हेति :: f. (-तिः) 1. A weapon. 2. A ray of the sun. 3. Light, splendour. 4. Flame. E. हि to go, or हन् to kill, aff. क्तिन्; the form is irr.
  • हेतु :: m. (-तुः) 1. Cause, object, motive. 2. The reason or argument for an inference or deduction. 3. Reasoning, logic. 4. Means, instru- ment. 5. Source, origin. 6. A figure of speech. The instantive, ablative and locative singulars of this word, viz:-- “हेतुना,” “हेतो” and “हेतौ,” are used as indeclinables in the sense of “on account of,” “because of,” “by reason of.” E. हि to go, Unādi aff. तुन् ।
  • हेतुक :: mfn. (-कः -का -कं) 1. Causal, instrumental. 2. Relating or belonging to the cause or motive. m. (-कः) 1. An active cause, an instrument or agent. 2. A logician. f. (-का) Causing, producing, (at the end of compounds.) E. हेतु cause, and कन् added.
  • हेतुता :: f. (-ता) Causation, cause, causativeness, the abstract existence of cause or motive. E. हेतु cause, तल् aff.; also with त्व, हेतुत्व n. (-त्वं ।)
  • हेतुमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Having a cause, proceeding from one, acknowledging one, &c. n. (-मत्) An effect. E. हेतु, and मतुप् aff.
  • हेतुवाद :: m. (-दः) Disputation. E. हेतु, and वाद dispute.
  • हेतशास्त्र :: n. (-स्त्रं) Any heretical work calling in question the authority of Śruti.
  • हेतौ :: Ind. By reason or cause of. E. हेतु in the seventh case, used as a particle: see हेतु ।
  • हेत्वाभास :: m. (-सः) (In logic,) Fallacious semblance of reason or argu- ment, assignment of proof or cause which can be shewn to be incorrect, the faulty reasoning for an inference; it is of five kinds, viz:--BYABHICHĀRA, VIRUDDHATĀ, ASIDDHI, SATPRATIPAK SHATĀ, and BĀDHA. E. हेतु, and आभास semblance.
  • हेम :: m. (-मः) 1. A horse of a dark colour. 2. The planet MERCURY. 3. A weight of gold, equal to a MĀSHĀ. n. (-मं) 1. Gold. 2. The Nāgakeśara flower. 3. The Dhattūra. f. (-मा) 1. An Apsarasas or courtezan of heaven. 2. A handsome woman. E. हि to go, मन् aff.
  • हेमकन्दल :: m. (-लः) Coral. “प्रबाले . ” E. हेम gold, and कन्दल a shoot.
  • हेमकार :: m. (-रः) A goldsmith. E. हेमन् gold, and कार who makes or works; also हेमकर, हेमकारक and हेमकर्त्तृ &c.
  • हेमकिञ्जल्क :: n. (-ल्कं) The Nāgakeśara flower.
  • हेमकूट :: m. (-टः) One of the ranges of mountains dividing the known continent into nine Varshas; this range is the second south of Illāvrita, or the central division, and is immediately to the north of the Himālaya, forming with it the boundaries of the Kinnara Varsham. E. हेम gold or golden, and कूट a peak.
  • हेमकेलि :: m. (-लिः) 1. Fire. 2. The Chitraka tree. E. हेम gold, and केलि who sports.
  • हेमकेश :: m. (-शः) ŚIVA. E. हेम gold, केश hair.
  • हेमक्षीरी :: f. (-री) A medicinal sort of moon-plant. E. हेम gold, क्षीरी a name of several plants.
  • हेमगन्धिनी :: f. (-नी) Renūkā, a perfume. E. हेम golden, गन्धिनी a perfume.
  • हेमगिरि :: m. (-रिः) The mountain Sumeru; also हेमपर्व्वत, &c.
  • हेमगौर :: m. (-रः) The Aśoka tree.
  • हेमज्वाल :: m. (-लः) Fire. E. हेम gold, and ज्वाला flame.
  • हेमतरु :: m. (-रुः) Dhattūra or thorn-apple. E. हेम, तरु tree.
  • हेमतार :: n. (-रं) Blue vitriol. E. हेम gold, तृ to pass, aff. घञ, or causal v., अण् aff.
  • हेमदुग्ध :: m. (-ग्धः) The glomerous-fig tree. f. (-ग्धी) A medicinal sort of moon-plant. E. हेम gold, दुग्ध milk; also with कन् added, हेमदुग्धक ।
  • हेमदुग्धक :: m. (-कः) The glomerous-fig tree, (Ficus glomerata.)
  • हेमन् :: n. (-म) 1. Gold. 2. Dhattūra. 3. The Nāgakeśara flower. 4. Snow. m. (-मा) 1. The planet MERCURY. 2. Winter. E. हि to go, मनिन् aff.
  • हेमन्त :: mn. (-न्तः-न्तं) The cold season, winter, the two months, Agra- hāyana and Pausha, or about November-December. E. हन् to hurt, झच् Unādi aff., हि substituted for the root, and मुट् augment.
  • हेमन्तनाथ :: m. (-थः) Elephant or wood-apple. E. हेमन्त winter, नाथ lord.
  • हेमपर्व्वत :: m. (-तः) The mountain Meru. E. हेम gold, पर्व्वत mountain.
  • हेमपुष्प :: n. (-ष्पं) 1. The Aśoka tree, (Jonesia Asoca.) 2. The China rose. the flower. m. (-ष्पः) 1. The Champaka, (Michelia champaca.) 2. The Lodh tree. f. (-ष्पी) Begal madder. E. हेम golden, पुष्प a flower.
  • हेमपुष्पक :: m. (-कः) The Champaka. f. (-का) Yellow jasmine.
  • हेमफला :: f. (-ला) A kind of plantain. “चांँपाकला” इति भाषा .
  • हेममाला :: f. (-ला) The wife of YAMA. E. हेम gold, माला a garland.
  • हेममालिन् :: m. (-ली) 1. The sun. 2. The Arka plant. E. हेम, माला a garland, इनि aff.
  • हेमयूथिका :: f. (-का) The yellow Jasmine.
  • हेमरत्नमय :: mfn. (-यः -यी -यं) Full of gold and gems. E. हेम, and रत्न a gem. मयट् aff.
  • हेमरागिणी :: f. (-णी) Turmeric. E. हेम gold, राग colour, इनि and ङीप् affs.
  • हेमल :: m. (-लः) 1. A goldsmith. 2. A touch-stone. mf. (-लः-ला or ली) A chameleon, a lizard. E. हेम gold, ला to have or take, aff. क; ङीष् added in the feminine.
  • हेमवल :: n. (-लं) A pearl. E. हेम gold, वल surrounding; also read हिमबल ।
  • हेमशङ्ख :: m. (-ङ्खः) VISHṆU. E. हेम gold, and शङ्ख a shell.
  • हेमशिखा :: f. (-खा) A medicinal sort of moon-plant. E. हेम gold, शिखा crest.
  • हेमशृङ्ग :: n. (-ङ्गं) 1. A golden horn. 2. A golden peak.
  • हेमसार :: n. (-रं) Blue vitriol. E. हेम, सृ to remove, causal v., अण् aff.; also read हेमतर ।
  • हेमसूत्रक :: n. (-कं) A kind of necklace. E. हेम gold, सूत्र a string, कन् added.
  • हेमाङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. GARUḌA. 2. A lion. 3. The mountain Sumeru. 4. BRAHMĀ. 5. The Champaka. 6. VISHṆU. E. हेम gold, अङ्ग body.
  • हेमाङ्गद :: n. (-दं) A gold-bracelet.
  • हेमाद्रि :: m. (-द्रिः) The mountain Sumeru. E. हेम gold, अद्रि mountain.
  • हेमाह्व :: m. (-ह्वः) The wild-champaka tree. 2. The Dhattūra plant. 3. The Nagakeśara tree.
  • हेय :: mfn. (-यः -या -यं) To be left, abandoned, avoided, &c. E. हा to quit, यत् aff.
  • हेर :: n. (-रं) 1. A sort of crown or tiara. 2. Turmeric. 3. The illusion of a demon. E. हि to go, रक् aff.
  • हेरम्ब :: m. (-म्बः) 1. GAṆEŚA. 2. A buffalo. 3. A hero inflated with his own valour and prowess. 4. A Buddha or Bauddha deity. E. हे calling or defying, रवि to sound, aff. अच् .
  • हेरम्बजननी :: f. (-नी) DURGĀ. E. हेरम्ब GAṆEŚA, and जननी mother.
  • हेरम्बहट्ट :: m. (-ट्टः) A country included in the enumeration of the pro- vinces of the Dakshin. E. हेरम्ब GAṆEŚA, and हट्ट fair.
  • हेरिक :: m. (-कः) A spy, a secret emissary or agent. E. हि to go, इक् Unādi aff., रुट् augment.
  • हेरुक :: m. (-कः) 1. An attendant on MAHĀKĀLA, or ŚIVA in that form. 2. An inferior divinity of the Bauddhas. E. हि to go, उक Unādi aff., रुट् augment.
  • हेलञ्ची :: f. (-ञ्ची) A potherb, (Hingtsha repens.)
  • हेलन :: n. (-नं) 1. Disrespect, disregard, contempt. 2. Wantoning, dalliance. E. हिल् to disregard, aff. ल्युट्; also with अन, हेलना ।
  • हेला :: f. (-ला) 1. Wanton sport, dalliance, lascivious endearment. 2. Disrespect, contempt. 3. Facility, ease. 4. Moonlight. E. हिल् to dally, affs. अच् and टाप्; or हेड् to disregard, अच् aff., ड changed to ल ।
  • हेलावुक्क :: m. (-क्कः) A horse-dealer; also read हेलावुक and हेडावुक्क ।
  • हेलि :: m. (-लिः) The sun. f. (-लिः) Dalliance, wanton sport. E. हिल् to dally, Unādi aff. इन्; also with णिनि, हेलिन् m. (-ली ।)
  • हेवाक :: m. (-कः) Fondness, eagerness. A word of doubtful origin, probably Arabic, and found only in later writers.
  • हेवाकिन् :: f. (-किनी) Fond, eager.
  • हेष् (ऋ) हेषृ :: r. 1st cl. (हेषते) To neigh, (as a horse,) to bray, to roar.
  • हेषा :: f. (-षा) Neighing, (as a horse,) braying, (as an ass.) E. हेष् to neigh, to bray, affs. अच् and टाप् ।
  • हेषिन् :: m. (-षी) A horse. E. हेषा neighing, and णिनि aff.
  • हेहे (है) :: Ind. 1. A particle of addressing, a vocative particle. 2. An interjection of calling aloud. E. हे, &c., the same, repeated.
  • है :: Ind. 1. A vocative particle. 2. An interjection of calling. E. ह्वे to call, डै aff.
  • हैतुक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Causal, causative. 2. Argumentative, rational- istic. m. (-कः) 1. A follower of the Mīmānsā doctrines. 2. A sceptic, a causalist. 3. A reasoner, an arguer. E. हेतु cause, ठण् aff.
  • हैम :: mfn. (-मः -मी -मं) 1. Golden. 2. Frigid, freezing, cold. n. (-मं) Hoar- frost, dew. f. (-सा or मी) Yellow jasmine. m. (-मः) ŚIVA. E. हेमन् gold, or हिम frost, अण् aff.
  • हैमन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) 1. Cold, wintry. 2. Growing in winter. 3. Suitable to winter. 4. Made of gold. m. (-नः) 1. The month Mārgaśīrsha. 2. The winter season. E. हेमन्त winter, अण् aff., and the final optionally rejected.
  • हैमन्त :: mfn. (-न्तः -न्ती -न्तं) 1. Wintry, cold. 2. Growing in winter, &c. 3.

Suitable to the winter, (as abode or clothing, &c.) n. (-न्तं) The winter season. E. हेमन्त winter, अण् aff.

  • हैमन्तिक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) 1. Wintry, freezing, frigid. 2. Growing in winter. E. हेमन्त, ठञ् aff.
  • हैमल :: m. (-लः) Winter. E. हिमल cold, अण् aff.
  • हैमवत :: n. (-तं) BHĀRATA-VARSHA or India. m. (-तः) A sort of poison. f. (-ती) 1. PĀRVATĪ. 2. Chebulic myrobalan. 3. A medicinal kind of moon-plant. 4. A white kind of Orris root. 5. A tawny grape. 6. The Ganges. f. (-ती) Adj. 1. Flowing from the Himālaya mountain. 2. Bred in or belonging to the Himālaya mountain. 3. Snowy. E. हिमबत् the snowy mountains skirting India, अण् aff., fem. aff. ङीप् ।
  • हैयङ्गवीन :: n. (-नं) 1. Clarified butter prepared a day before it is used. 2. Clarified butter prepared from the milking of the previous day. E. ह्यम् yesterday, गोदोह milk, हियङ्ग substituted for them, खञ् aff.
  • हैरिक :: m. (-कः) A thief. E. हि-र हेरः तत्र प्रसूतः ठक् ।
  • हैहय :: m. (-यः) KĀRTAVĪRYA, a sovereign: see the next.
  • हैहेय :: m. (-यः) A prince; also KĀRTAVĪRYA, who was slain by PARAŚURĀMA.
  • हो :: Ind. 1. A vocative particle. 2. An interjection of calling out to, or challenging. E. ह्वेञ् to call, डो aff.
  • होड् (ऋ) होडृ :: r. 1st cl. (होडते) 1. To go, to move. 2. To disregard, to disrespect.
  • होड :: m. (-डः) A raft, a float, a boat. E. होड् to go, aff. अच् ।
  • होडृ :: m. (-डा) A robber, a footpad or highway robber. E. हुड् to collect, तृच् aff.
  • होढ :: mfn. (-ढः -ढा -ढं) Stolen. n. (-ढं) Stolen goods. E. हुड् to steal, क्त aff.
  • होतृ :: m. (-ता) 1. A priest who at a sacrifice recites the prayers of the Rig-Veda; one conversant with the Veda. 2. A sacrificer. f. (-त्री) Adj. Sacrificing, offering oblation into fire. E. हु to sacrifice, Unādi aff. तृच् ।
  • होत्र :: n. (-त्रं) 1. An article intended or fit for offering with fire, generally clarified butter. 2. Burnt-offering, oblation with fire. f. (-त्रा) Praise. E. हु to sacrifice, ष्ट्रन् aff., टाप् added in the feminine.
  • होत्रीय :: n. (-यं) A place where oblations are offered. m. (-यः) A priest offering an oblation. E. होत्र an offering, छ aff.
  • होम :: m. (-मः) Burnt-offering, the casting of clarified butter, &c., into the sacred fire, as an offering to the gods, accompanied with prayers or invocations, according to the object of the sacrifice. E. हु to sacrifice, मन् Unādi aff.
  • होमकुण्ड :: n. (-ण्डं) A hole in the ground or an altar, for receiving the fire for an oblation. E. होम burnt-offering, and कुण्ड a hole.
  • होमतुरङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) A sacrificial horse.
  • होमधान्य :: n. (-नं) 1. Sesamum. 2. Barley.
  • होमधूम :: m. (-मः) The smoke of a burnt-offering, or of sacrificial fire. E. होम, धूम smoke.
  • होमभस्मन् :: n. (-स्म) The ashes of a burnt-offering. E. होम, भस्मन् ashes.
  • होमवत् :: mfn. (-वान् -वती -वत्) Having performed sacrifice. E. होम, मतुप् aff.
  • होमवेला :: f. (-ला) The time of offering an oblation to the gods.
  • होमाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) Sacrificial fire. E. होम an oblation, अग्नि fire.
  • होमि :: m. (-मिः) 1. Clarified butter. 2. Fire. 3. Water. E. हु to sacrifice, मिन् aff., or इन aff, and मुट् augment.
  • होमिन् :: m. (-मी) The offerer of an oblation. E. हु to sacrifice, मिनि Unādi aff.; or होम, इनि aff.
  • होम्य :: f. (-म्या) Belonging to or fit for an oblation. E. होम, यत् aff.; also होमीय f. (-या).
  • होरा :: f. (-रा) 1. The rising of a sign of the zodiac. 2. Part of the duration of a sign, the twenty-fourth part of a day, an hour. 3. A mark, a line. 4. A science or work in science, (on astrology.) E. होड् to go, to proceed, affs. अच् and टाप्, and ड changed to र ।
  • होलाका :: f. (-का) 1. The spring-festival held at the approach of the vernal season, the ceremony of throwing a red powder called Phāg, (held during the ten days preceding the full-moon-day of the month of Fālguna.) 2. The full-moon-day in the month of Fālguna; also read होली f. (-ली).
  • होहौ :: Ind. 1. An interjection of calling. 2. An exclamation of challenging or defiance. E. हो, and हौ both the same.
  • हौ :: Ind. 1. An interjection of defiance or challenge. 2. A vocative particle. E. ह्वेञ् to call, डौ aff.
  • हौड् (ऋ) हौडृ :: r. 1st cl. (हौडते) 1. To go. 2. To disregard.
  • हौतृक :: mfn. (-कः -की -कं) Relating or appertaining to the Hotṛ or priest so named. E. होतृ a priest, and ठञ् aff.
  • हौत्र :: n. (-त्रं) The office of a Hotṛ-priest.
  • हौम्य :: n. (-म्यं) Clarified butter. E. होम burnt-offering, यञ् aff.
  • हौम्यधान्य :: n. (-न्यं) Sesamum. E. हौम्य relating to burnt-offering, and धान्य grain.
  • ह्नु :: r. 2nd cl. (ह्नुते) 1. To take away, to rob. 2. To withhold, to conceal. 3. To hide from any one, (with a dative.) With अप prefixed, To conceal, to hide. With नि, 1. To conceal. 2. To deny before any one, (with a dative.)
  • ह्नुति :: f. (-तिः) 1. Concealment. 2. Denial.
  • ह्मल् :: r. 1st cl. (ह्मलति) To move, to shake.
  • ह्यस् :: Ind. Yesterday. E. अहन् a day, deriv. irr.
  • ह्यस्तन :: mfn. (-नः -नी -नं) Of yesterday, produced or occurred yesterday. E. ह्यस् yesterday, ट्युल् aff., तुट् augment.
  • ह्यस्त्य :: mfn. (-स्त्यः -स्त्या -स्त्यं) Of yesterday: see the last. E. ह्यस् yesterday, and त्यप् aff.
  • ह्रग् (ए) ह्रगे :: r. 1st cl. (ह्रगति) To cover.
  • ह्रणिया :: f. (-या) 1. Censure, reproach. 2. Shame. E. हृणीङ् Kandwādi root, to feel ashamed, यक् aff., form irr.: see ह्रिणीया ।
  • ह्रद :: m. (-दः) 1. A deep lake, a large or deep piece of water. 2. A ray of light. E. ह्राद् to sound, aff. अच्, and the deriv. irr.
  • ह्रदग्रह :: m. (-हः) An alligator, a crocodile. E. ह्नद a lake, and ग्रह abode.
  • ह्रदिनी :: m. (-नी) 1. A river in general. 2. Lightning. E. ह्रद deep water, इनि and ङीप् affs.
  • ह्रद्रोग :: m. (-गः) The sign Aquarius of the zodiac: see हृद्रोग . The word is of Greek origin.
  • ह्रप् :: r. 10th cl. (ह्नापयति-ते) To speak articulately.
  • ह्रस् :: r. 1st cl. (ह्रसति) 1. To sound. 2. To be small or few.
  • ह्रसित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Made little, diminished. 2. Sounded. E. ह्रस् to sound, &c., क्त aff.
  • ह्रसिमन् :: m. (-मा) Smallness, shortness. E. ह्रस्व short, small, इमनिच् aff., and ह्रस substituted.
  • ह्रसिष्ठ :: mfn. (-ष्ठः -ष्ठा -ष्ठं) Very short or small. E. ह्रस्व short, aff. of the irr. superlative इष्ठन्, form irr.; also with ईयसुन् aff., ह्रसीयस् mfn. (-यान् -यसी -यः ।)
  • ह्रस्व :: mfn. (-स्वः -स्वा -स्वं) 1. Short, low in stature. 2. Short, as a vowel. 3. Small, little. m. (-स्वः) A dwarf. E. ह्रस् to be small, and वन् aff.
  • ह्रस्वगर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) The Kuśa grass.
  • ह्रस्वगवेधुका :: f. (-का) A plant, (Hedysarum lagopodioides.) E. ह्रस्व short, गवेधुका coix.
  • ह्रस्वदर्भ :: m. (-र्भः) A short kind of Kuśa grass, the white sort. E. ह्रस्व short, दर्भ Kuśa grass.
  • ह्रस्वपत्रक :: m. (-कः) A sort of Bassia. E. ह्रस्व short, पत्र a leaf, कन् added.
  • ह्रस्वशाखाशिफ :: m. (-फः) A bush, a shrub. E. ह्रस्व short, शाखा a branch, and शिफा a root.
  • ह्रस्वाग्नि :: m. (-ग्निः) The gigantic Asclepias, (A. gigantea.)
  • ह्रस्वाङ्ग :: m. (-ङ्गः) 1. A medicinal root, commonly Jivaka. 2. A dwarf. E. ह्रस्व short, and अङ्ग the body.
  • ह्राद् :: r. 1st cl. (ह्रादते) To sound inarticulately, to roar.
  • ह्राद :: m. (-दः) Noise, sound. E. ह्राद् to sound, aff. घञ् ।
  • ह्रादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Sounding, making a sound or noise. f. (-नी) 1. Lightning. 2. INDRA'S thunderbolt. 3. A river in general. 4. The Olibanum tree: see ह्लादिनी . E. ह्राद् to sound inarticulately, affs. इनि and ङीप् ।
  • ह्रास :: m. (-सः) 1. Sound, noise. 2. Decline, decrease, deterioration. E. ह्रस् to sound, &c., aff. घञ् ।
  • ह्रिणी (ह्रिणीयते) :: To feel ashamed. A Kandwādī root: see हृणी, य is always added on the base in the case of this root.
  • ह्रिणीया :: f. (-या) 1. Censure, abuse. 2. Shame. E. हृणीङ् to be ashamed, aff. यक्, the vowel changed to रि; otherwise हृणीया; or ह्रिणीङ्-यक् .
  • ह्रित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Ashamed, modest, bashful. 2. Divided, portioned. 3. Taken, conveyed. n. (-तं) A portion, a share. E. ह्री

to be ashamed, क्त aff., and the vowel made short; or हृ to take, aff. क्त, and रि substituted for ऋ ।

  • ह्रिति :: f. (-तिः) Taking, conveying. E. रि substituted for ऋः see हृति ।
  • ह्रियमाण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) 1. Being taken or seized. 2. Being captivated, attracted, &c. E. हृ to take, pass. v., शानच् aff.
  • ह्रिवेर :: n. (-रं) A perfume. E. see ह्रीवेर ।
  • ह्री :: r. 3rd cl. (-जिह्रेति) To be modest, to blush. 2. To be ashamed of, (with an ablative or genitive.)
  • ह्री :: f. (-ह्रीः) Shame, bashfulness. E. ह्री to be ashamed, aff. क्विप् ।
  • ह्रीका :: f. (-का) 1. Modesty, shame, shyness. 2. Fear, terror, timidity. E. ह्री to be ashamed, Unādi aff. कक्; also र changed to ल, ह्लीका ।
  • ह्रीकु :: mfn. (-कुः -कुः -कु) Ashamed, modest. m. (-कुः) 1. Lac. 2. Tin. E. ह्री to be ashamed, Unādi aff. उन्, कुक् augment: see ह्लीकु ।
  • ह्रीच्छ् :: r. 1st cl. (ह्रीच्छति) To be modest or ashamed.
  • ह्रीजित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Modest, ashamed. E. ह्री shame, and, जित overcome.
  • ह्रीण :: mfn. (-णः -णा -णं) Ashamed, bashful. E. ह्री to be ashamed, aff. क्त, and त changed to ण; deriv. irr.
  • ह्रीत :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Ashamed, bashful, modest. E. ह्री to be ashamed, aff. क्त .
  • ह्रीनिरास :: m. (-सः) Shamelessness. E. ह्री, and निरास throwing.
  • ह्रीमत् :: mfn. (-मान् -मती -मत्) Bashful, modest, ashamed. E. ह्री, and मतुप् aff.
  • ह्रीयन्त्रणा :: f. (-णा) The constraint of bashfulness.
  • ह्रीवेर :: n. (-रं) A drug and perfume, Commonly Bālā. E. ह्री shame, and वेर saffron: see the next.
  • ह्रीवेल :: n. (-लं) A drug and perfume: see the last. E. ह्रीवेर as before, र changed to ल; also with कन् added, ह्रीवेलक ।
  • ह्रुड् (ऋ) ह्रुडृ :: r. 1st cl. (ह्रोडते) 1. To collect. 2. To go.
  • ह्रूड् (ऋ) ह्रूडृ :: r. 1st cl. (ह्रूडति) 1. To collect. 2. To go.
  • ह्रेप् (ऋ) ह्रेपृ :: r. 1st cl. (ह्रेपते) To go.
  • ह्रेपण :: n. (-ण) Putting to shame, excelling, surpassing. E. ह्री to be ashamed, causal v., ल्युट् aff.
  • ह्रेपयत् :: mfn. (-यन् -यन्ती -यत्) Putting to shame, outvieing, surpassing. E. ह्री to be ashamed, causal v., शतृ aff.
  • ह्रीपित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) 1. Made ashamed, put to shame. 2. Excelled, surpassed. E. ह्री to be ashamed, causal v., क्त aff.
  • ह्रेष् (ऋ) ह्रेषृ :: r. 1st cl. (ह्रेषते) 1. To sound inarticulately, to neigh, (as horse.) 2. To go, to move. 3. To creep.
  • ह्रेषा :: f. (-षा) Neighing as a horse. E. ह्रेष् to neigh, affs. अ and टाप् see हेषा; also read ह्लेषा
  • ह्रोड् (ऋ) ह्रोडृ :: r. 1st cl. (ह्रोडति) To go, to move.
  • ह्रौड् (ऋ) हौडृ :: r. 1st cl. (ह्रौडते) To go.
  • ह्लग् (ए) ह्णगे :: r. 1st cl. (ह्लगति) To cover.
  • ह्लप् :: r. 10th cl. (ह्लापयति-ते) To speak, to speak articulately: also ह्रप् ।
  • ह्लस् :: r. 1st cl. (ह्लसति) To sound.
  • ह्लाद् (ई) ह्लादी :: r. 1st cl. (ह्लादते) 1. To gladden, to delight. 2. To be glad or delighted. 3. To sound, especially as a musical instrument. With आ, To be delighted.
  • ह्लाद :: m. (-दः) Pleasure, joy. E. ह्लाद् to be glad, aff. अच् ।
  • ह्लादन :: n. (-नं) Joy, delight. E. ह्लाद् to be glad, and ल्युट् aff.
  • ह्लादित :: mfn. (-तः -ता -तं) Delighted, happy. E. ह्लाद् to be happy, क्त aff.
  • ह्लादिन् :: mfn. (-दी -दिनी -दि) Happy, glad. f. (-नी) 1. Lightning. 2. INDRA'S thunderbolt. 3. A river in general. 4. The Olibanum tree: see ह्रादिनी . E. ह्लाद् pleasure, इनि and ङीष् affs.
  • ह्लीका :: f. (-का) Shame, modesty. E. ह्री to be ashamed, कन् Unādi aff. र changed to ल
  • ह्लीकु :: mfn. (-कुः -कुः -कु) Ashamed, modest. m. (-कुः) 1. Lac. 2. Tin. E. ह्री to be ashamed, aff. कुक्, र changed to ल; otherwise read ह्रीकु ।
  • ह्लेषा :: f. (-षा) Neighing, (as a horse,) braying, (as an ass, &c.) E. ह्लेष् for ह्रेष् to neigh, &c., affs. अ and टाप् ।
  • ह्वल् :: r. 1st cl. (-ह्वलति) 1. To move. 2. To shake.
  • ह्वान :: n. (-नं) 1. The act of calling. 2. A cry. E. ह्वे to call, ल्युट् aff.
  • ह्वृ :: r. 1st cl. (ह्वरति) 1. To bend, to curve, to make crooked. 2. To be crooked in conduct, to deceive. 3. To be injured.
  • ह्वे :: r. 1st cl. (ह्वयति-ते) 1. To call. 2. To invoke, to call upon. 3. To challenge. 4. To name. 5. To ask, to beg. 6. To emulate, to vie with, to wish to overcome or surpass. 7. To struggle or contend with. With आ, To call, to invite. With सम्, To call out together. With उप, नि, वि or सम्, the verb is deponent, (उपह्वयते); also with आङ् if rivalry be signified, (आह्वयते) He challenges.