सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः





पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

हन्, ष्य, रुषोक्तिः । अनुनयः । इति मेदिनी ॥



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

हन्¦ r. 2nd cl. (हन्ति pl. घ्नन्ति)
1. To hurt, to strike, to injure, to do any act which tends to the destruction of life, to kill.
2. To over- come, to overthrow, to conquer.
3. To remove, to take away.
4. To obstruct.
5. To put an end to in any manner.
6. To multiply, (in math.)
7. To go, to move, (not used in classical literature; in a few places where it is found so used poeticians have held the use to be faulty.) With अप्,
1. To destroy, to ward off.
2. To lesson. With अव,
1. To strike, to hit.
2. To thresh, to winnow, (as corn.) With आ, (Atm.)
1. To strike at.
2. To beat, (as a drum.) With उद्,
1. To elevate.
2. To become haughty or vain. With उप,
1. To destroy.
2. To vex. With नि,
1. To strike.
2. To beat, (as a drum.)
3. To kill.
4. To frustrate, to render void.
5. To neglect.
6. To cure, (as a disease.) With परा,
1. To strike down or back.
2. To assail.
3. To drive back. With वि,
1. To strike vio- lently.
2. To oppose, to impede.
3. To reject, to deny.
4. To kill. With अभि,
1. To sound a musical instrument.
2. To strike, to beat.
3. To inflict injury on. With आङ्, To smite. With नि or परि, To destroy entirely. With प्र,
1. To strike.
2. To slay.
3. To beat, (as a drum.)
4. To place upon. With प्रति,
1. To refute or ds- troy, (an opposite argument.)
2. To keep off, to strike back.
3. To repel.
4. To resist.
5. To remove. With वि and आङ्, To obstruct, to prevent, to hinder. With सम्,
1. To slaughter.
2. To join or unite closely.
3. To collect.
4. To diminish, to contract. (घन् or घ्न is substituted for the radical letters of this verb in many of its inflections and derivatives; the root also takes most of the prefixes with little or no variation of the sense)

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

हन् [han], 2 P. (हन्ति, जघान, अवधीत्, अवधिष्ट-अहत; हनिष्यति, हन्तुम्; हत; pass. हन्यते; caus. घातयति-ते); desid. जिघांसति)

To kill, slay, destroy, strike down; त्रयश्च दूषणखरत्रि- मूर्धानो रणे हताः U.2.15; हतमपि च हन्त्येव मदनः Bh.3.18.

To strike, beat; चण्डी चण्डं हन्तमभ्युद्यता मां विद्युद्दाम्ना मेघराजीव विन्ध्यम् M.3.21; Śi.7.56.

To hurt, injure, afflict, torment; as in कामहत.

To put down, abandon; तृष्णां छिन्द्धि भज क्षमां जहि मदम् Bh.2.77.

To remove, take away, destroy; अम्भोजिनीवननिवासविलासमेव हंसस्य हन्ति नितरां कुपितो विधाता Bh.2.18.

To conquer, overthrow, defeat, overcome; विघ्नैः सहस्रगुणितैरपि हन्यमानाः प्रारब्धमुत्तम- जना न परित्यजन्ति Subhāṣ.

To hinder, obstruct.

To mar, spoil; सकला हन्ति स शक्तिसंपदः Ki.2.37.

To raise; तुरगखुरहतस्तथा हि रेणुः Ś.1.31.

To multiply (in math.).

To go (rarely used in classical literature in this sense; and when used it is regarded as a fault of composition); e. g. कुञ्जं हन्ति कृशोदरी S. D.7; or तीर्थान्तरेषु स्नानेन समुपार्जितसत्कृतिः । सुरस्रोतस्विनीमेष हन्ति संप्रति सादरम् K. P.7 (given as an instance of the दोष called असमर्थत्व).

(In astr.) To touch, come into contact.

To ward off, avert. -Caus.

To cause to be killed, kill, slay.

To destroy, ruin, mar, spoil; घातयितु- मेव नीचः परकार्यं वेत्ति न प्रसाधयितुम् Pt.1.363. -With अति to injure excessively. अन्तर् to strike in the middle.

हन् [han], a. Killing, slaying, destroying (at the end of comp.); as in वृत्रहन्, पितृहन्, मातृहन्, ब्रह्महन् &.c.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

हन् cl.2 P. ( Dha1tup. xxiv , 2 ) हन्ति(3. du. हतः, 3. pl. घ्नन्ति; rarely A1. हते, 3. pl. घ्नते; and cl.1. हनति, Ved. also जिघ्नते, ति; Pot. हन्यात्Br. also हनीत, घ्नीत; Impv. जहिTA1r. हन्धि; impf. अहन्, Ved. and ep. also अहनत्, अहनन्, अघ्नन्त; p. जघ्नत्, घ्नमानMBh. ; pf. जघान, जघ्नुःBr.and ep. also जघ्ने, निरेSubj. जघनत्RV. ; p. जघ्निवस्, Ved. also जघन्वस्; aor. अहानीत्JaimBr. [ cf. वध्] ; fut. हन्ताMBh. ; हंस्यतिib. ; हनिष्यति, तेAV. etc. ; inf. हन्तुम्, Ved. also हन्तवे, तवै, तोः; ind.p. हत्वा, Ved. also त्वी, त्वाय, -हत्य; -हन्यMBh. ; -घातम्Br. etc. ), to strike , beat(also a drum) , pound , hammer( acc. ) , strike etc. upon( loc. ) RV. etc. ; to smite , slay , hit , kill , mar , destroy ib. ; to put to death , cause to be executed Mn. Hit. ; to strike off Katha1s. ; to ward off , avert MBh. ; to hurt , wound(the heart) R. ; to hurl(a dart)upon( gen. ) RV. ; (in astron. ) to touch , come into contact VarBr2S. ; to obstruct , hinder Ra1jat. ; to repress , give up , abandon(anger , sorrow etc. ) Ka1v. BhP. ; (?) to go , move Naigh. ii , 14 : Pass. हन्यते( ep. also ति; aor. अवधिor अघानि) , to be struck or killed RV. etc. etc. : Caus. घातयति, ते(properly a Nom. fr. घातSee. ; aor. अजीघतत्or अजीघनत्) , to cause to be slain or killed , kill , slay , put to death , punish Mn. MBh. etc. ; to notify a person's death( कंसं घातयति= कंस-वधम् आचष्टे) Pa1n2. 3-1 , 26 Va1rtt. 6 Pat. ; to mar , destroy MBh. Pan5cat. ( v.l. ): Desid. जिघांसति, ते( Pot. जिघांसीयत्MBh. ; impf. अजिघांसीःS3Br. ) , to wish to kill or destroy RV. etc. etc. : Intens. जङ्घन्ति( RV. ; p. जङ्घनत्, जङ्घ्नत्or घनिघ्नत्) , जङ्घन्यते(with pass. sense Mun2d2Up. ) , जेघ्नीयते( Pa1n2. 7-4 , 31 ) , to strike = tread upon( loc. or acc. ) RV. ; to slay , kill ib. ; to dispel(darkness), destroy(evil , harm) ib. ; to hurt , injure , wound Mun2d2Up. [ cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. de-fendere , of-fendere ; Lit. genu , gi4ti ; Slav. gu8nati.]

हन् mf( घ्नी)n. killing , a killer , slayer (only ifc. ; See. अरि-, तमो-हन्etc. )

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