सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः





पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

हूण¦ m. (-णः)
1. A barbarian, a Hu4n.
2. A kind of gold coin current in the country of the Hu4nas; also read. हून। E. ह्वेञ् to call, नक Una4di aff.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

हूण m. pl. N. of a barbarous people , the Huns (sg. = a king of the Huns) Inscr. Buddh. MBh. etc.

हूण m. N. of a family Cat.

हूण m. of a people living in भारत-वर्षMW.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Hūṇa  : m. (pl.): Name of a people.

A. Location: North of Āryāvarta; mentioned by Saṁjaya among the northern Mlecchas of Bhāratavarṣa (ata ūrdhvaṁ janapadān nibodha) 6. 10. 37, 5; (uttarā cāpare mlecchā janā…/…hūṇāḥ pāratakaiḥ saha) 6. 10. 63-64; aslo see

B. Past event.

B. Past event: While going to Mithilā from mountain Meru (meruśṛṅge 12. 310. 11-12; merupṛṣṭhe 12. 311. 12), Śuka after arriving at Bhāratavarṣa crossed many countries inhabited by Cīnas and Hūṇas before arriving at Āryāvarta; from there he went to Mithilā in Videha (sa deśān vividhān paśyaṁś cīnahūṇaniṣevitān/ āryāvartam imaṁ deśam ājagāma mahāmuniḥ) 12. 312. 15, 12, 19 [See Hārahūṇa ].

*2nd word in left half of page p932_mci (+offset) in original book.

Mahabharata Cultural Index


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Hūṇa  : m. (pl.): Name of a people.

A. Location: North of Āryāvarta; mentioned by Saṁjaya among the northern Mlecchas of Bhāratavarṣa (ata ūrdhvaṁ janapadān nibodha) 6. 10. 37, 5; (uttarā cāpare mlecchā janā…/…hūṇāḥ pāratakaiḥ saha) 6. 10. 63-64; aslo see

B. Past event.

B. Past event: While going to Mithilā from mountain Meru (meruśṛṅge 12. 310. 11-12; merupṛṣṭhe 12. 311. 12), Śuka after arriving at Bhāratavarṣa crossed many countries inhabited by Cīnas and Hūṇas before arriving at Āryāvarta; from there he went to Mithilā in Videha (sa deśān vividhān paśyaṁś cīnahūṇaniṣevitān/ āryāvartam imaṁ deśam ājagāma mahāmuniḥ) 12. 312. 15, 12, 19 [See Hārahūṇa ].

*2nd word in left half of page p932_mci (+offset) in original book.

"https://sa.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=हूण&oldid=447085" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्