सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः





पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

कैलासः, पुं, (के जले लासो लसनं दीप्तिरस्य । “हलदन्तात् सप्तम्याः” । ६ । ३ । ९ । इति अलुक् केलसः स्फटिकमणिः तद्वत् शुभ्रः इत्यण् । यद्वा, केलीनां समूहः । कैलं । “तस्य समूहः” । ४ । २ । ३७ । इत्यण् वृद्धिश्च । कैलेनास्यतेऽत्र । आस् + अधिकरणे घञ् ।) स्वनामख्यातपर्व्वतः । इत्यमरः । १ । २ । ७४ ॥ स च शिवकुवेरयोः स्थानम् । तस्य परिमाणं यथा । “जठरदेवकूटौ मेरोः पूर्ब्बेणाष्टादशयोजनसहस्रमुदगायतौ द्विसहस्रं पृथुतुङ्गौ भवतः । एवमपरेण पवन- पारिपात्रौ दक्षिणेन कैलासकरवीरौ प्रागा- यतौ” । इति श्रीभागवतम् ॥ (अयं हि वृहत्सं- हितायां कूर्म्मविभागे उत्तरस्यामुक्तः ॥)

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

कैलास पुं।




अस्योद्यानं चैत्ररथं पुत्रस्तु नलकूबरः। कैलासः स्थानमलका पूर्विमानं तु पुष्पकम्.।

स्वामी : कुबेरः

सम्बन्धि1 : कुबेरः

पदार्थ-विभागः : , द्रव्यम्, पृथ्वी, अचलनिर्जीवः, स्थानम्, अलौकिकस्थानम्



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

कैलास¦ पु॰ के जले लासो लसनं दीप्तिरस्य अलुक्स॰ केलसस्फटिकस्तस्येव शुभ्रः अण्, केलीनां समूहः अण्--कैलं तेनास्यतेऽत्र आस--आधारे घञ् वा। शिवकवेरयोःस्थाने पर्व्वतभेदे। स च वृह॰ सं॰ कूर्म्मविभागे उत्त-रस्यामुक्तः
“उत्तरतः कैलासोहिमवान् गिरिर्धनुष्मां-श्च”। स च अलकासमीपस्थितः
“अलकां समया चैषकैलासः शङ्करालयः” काशी॰

१३ अ॰। तत्स्वरूपञ्चहरिव॰


७ अ॰ वर्ण्णितं यथा
“मन्दरश्चोग्रशिखरः, स्फाटिकैर्म्मणिभिश्चितः। वज्रगर्मै-र्निरालम्बै स्वर्गोपम इवाबभौ। सह शृङ्गैश्च कैलासःशिलाधातुविभूषितः। तोरणैश्चैव निविडैः प्राशुभि-श्चैव पादपैः। प्रवादयद्भिर्गन्धर्ब्बैः किन्नरैश्च प्रगायि-भिः। देवकन्याङ्गहावैश्च प्रकीडित इवाबभौ। मधुरै-र्व्वाद्यगीतैश्च नृत्यैश्चाभिनयोद्गतैः। शृङ्गारैः सुप्र-हावैश्च कैलासो मदनायत”। तस्य विष्णुनाभिपद्मस्य गर्भाङ्वुररूपत्वं हरिवं॰


२ अ॰वर्ण्णित यथा
“तस्मिन् हिरण्मये पद्मे बहुयोजनविस्तृते। सर्व्वतेजो-गुणमये पार्थिवैर्लक्षणैर्युते। तच्च पद्मं पुराणज्ञाः पृथि-वीरुहमुत्तमम्। नारायणात् समुत्पन्नं प्रवदन्ति महर्ष-यः। या तु पद्मासना देवी तां पृथ्वीं परिचक्षते। ये तुगर्भाङ्कुराः सारास्तान् दिव्यान् पर्व्वतान् विदुः। हिम-वन्तञ्च मेरुञ्च नीलं निषधमेव च। कैलासं क्रौञ्चवन्तञ्चतथाऽद्रिं गन्धमादनम्। पुण्यं त्रिशिखरं चैव कान्तमन्दरमेव च। उदयञ्च गिरिश्रेष्ठं विन्ध्यमस्तञ्च पर्व्वतम्। एते देवगणानाञ्च सिद्धानाञ्च महात्मनाम्। आश्रयाःसर्वभूतानां पुण्याः कामयुजोऽद्रयः। एतेषामन्तरो देशोजम्बुद्वीप इति स्मृतः”। कैलासप्रमाणञ्च भाग॰

५ ,

१६ ,

२३ , उक्तं यथा
“जठ-रदेयकूटौ मेरुं पूर्व्वेण द्वादशयोजनसहस्रमुदगायतौद्विसहस्रपृथुतुङ्गौ मवतः एवमपरेण पवनपारिपात्रौ” दक्षिणेन कैलासकरवीरौ प्रागायतौ”।
“शुभ्रंपाण्डरमेघाभं कैलासञ्च नगोत्तमम्” हरि॰


६ अ॰।
“कैलासस्य त्रिदशवनितादर्पणस्यातिथिः स्याः” मेध॰



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

कैलास¦ m. (-सः) The mountain Kailasa, the fabulous residence of KUVERA, and favourite haunt of SIVA; it is placed by the Hindus amongst the Himalaya mountains, and the name is given to one of the lof- tiest peaks lying on the north of the Manasa lake. E. कैलास crys- tal, and the affix अण् implying nature or consistence; or कैल plea- sure, आस् to abide, affix यञ्; the place where beings reside in bliss.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

कैलासः [kailāsḥ], N. of a mountain, a peak of the Himālayas and residence of Śiva and Kubera; कैलासस्य त्रिदशवनिता- दर्पणस्यातिथिः स्याः Me.6; R.2.35. -Comp. -ओकस् m.

निकेतनः, नाथः an epithet of Śiva.

of Kubera; कैलासनाथं तरसा जिगीषुः R.5.28; कैलासनाथमुपसृत्य निवर्तमाना V.1.3.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

कैलास m. N. of a mountain (fabulous residence of कुबेरand paradise of शिव; placed in the हिमा-लयrange and regarded as one of the loftiest peaks to the north of the मानसlake) MBh. iii , 503 and 1697 Hariv. R. iii , iv , 44 , 27 VarBr2S. etc.

कैलास m. a particular form of temple VarBr2S.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

--a form of temple with 9 storeys and a तोरण with ४० हस्तस्। M. २६९. २८-31, ४७.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Kailāsa : m.: Name of a mountain, once identified with Hemakūṭa (6. 7. 39).

A. Situation: Situated in the north 3. 145. 15; part of Himavant 13. 20. 2, 6; 5. 109. 1, 8; 2. 48. 6; beyond the Uttara Kurus 3. 145. 15; mountain Maināka lay to its north 2. 3. 2, 8; 6. 7. 40.

B. Extent: It is six hundred yojanas in extent (kailāsaḥ parvato rājan ṣaḍ yojanaśatāny uta) 3. 140. 10.

C. Description: Very big (sumahant) 6. 7. 40; (mahāgiri) 14. 76. 16; (mahāśaila) 13. 20. 29; excellent, best mountain (parvataśreṣṭha) 3. 108. 15; (parvatottama) 3. 145. 15; has splendid forests (śubhakānana) 3. 151. 1; shining with clouds (? vāridharaprakāśa) 3. 174. 2; loved by Kubera (kuberakānta) 3. 174. 2; of unimaginable form (acintyarūpa) 3. 174. 6; having various wonders (vividhāścarya) 3. 145. 15; having many caves (bahukandara) 3. 141. 15; its peaks are lovely (ramya) 3. 151. 1; 13. 82. 27; visited by gods and Gandharvas (devagandharvasevita) 13. 82. 27; most in accessible (durgatama) 3. 140. 15; (durgama) 3. 140. 8, 10; (durgeṣu viṣameṣu) 3. 141. 11; one cannot reach there driving in chariots (aśakyo rathair gantum) 3. 141. 15; there were invisible and strong Bhūtas and Rākṣasas and hence one could reach there with the help of fire (by worshipping fire ?) and by practising austerities (antarhitāni bhūtāni rakṣāṁsi balavanti ca/agninā tapasā caiva śakyaṁ gantuṁ vṛkodara) 3. 141. 1; house of powerful herbs 2. 48. 6 (see

D. (1) (ii) below); Kailāsa and other mountains described 3. 140. 4-11; 3. 141. 11.

D. Events:

(1) Epic: (i) Since the mountain was not easy to reach, Yudhiṣṭhira suggested that all, except himself, Lomaśa and Nakula, might return to Gaṅgādvāra and wait there 3. 141. 1-7; however, they all proceeded with the help of Ghaṭotkaca and his Rākṣasas; the Pāṇḍavas were delighted to see the Kailāsa on their way to the Śveta and the Gandhamādana 3. 145. 15, and again on their return 3. 174. 2; they saw the Kailāsa along with the Maināka, the Meru, and the slopes of the Gandhamādana 3. 155. 14; while returning from the Kailāsa the Pāṇḍavas went to the āśrama of Vṛṣaparvan 3. 174. 6; the Krodhavaśa Rākṣasas who were guarding the Pond of Kubera, when routed by Bhīma, fled through the sky towards the peaks of Kailāsa 3. 152. 20; while on the Kailāsa, Bhīma had challenged the friend of Maheśvara (i. e. Kubera) with his mace 9. 10. 48; (ii) Powerful herbs from the Kailāsa in the north were brought as tribute by the Pārvatīyas when they came to attend the Rājasūya of Yudhiṣṭhira (uttarād api kailāsād oṣadhīḥ sumahābalāḥ) 2. 48. 6;

(2) Past and Mythological: (i) King Sagara, with his two wives, resorted to the Kailāsa for practising austerities since he desired to have a son 3. 104. 9; (ii) Bhagīratha went to the Kailāsa and proptiated Śiva 3. 107. 24; (iii) Śiva went to the Kailāsa after holding Gaṅgā on his head 3. 108. 15; (iv) Vasiṣṭha brought Gaṅgā, flowing towards the Kailāsa, to the (Mānasa 13. 140. 16) lake; the banks of the lake were shattered by Gaṅgā; 13. 140. 23; Gaṅgā then became Sarayū (saro bhinnaṁ tayā nadyā sarayūḥ sā tato 'bhavat) 13. 140. 24; (v) Divine Surabhi, the daughter of Dakṣa, practised austerities on the peak of the Kailāsa 13. 82. 27; (vi) Aṣṭāvakra moved around the Kailāsa after reaching the Himavant (kailāsam abhito yayau) 13. 20. 2, 6; when Aṣṭāvakra left the residence of Kubera he went further north and crossed the mountains Kailāsa, Mandara and Haima before reaching the Kairātasthāna 13. 20. 2829; (vii) Nahuṣa, as the king of gods (devarāja 5. 11. 10), enjoyed the company of the Apsarases and the Devakanyās on the mountains Kailāsa, Himavatpṛṣṭha, Mandara, Śveta and others 5. 11. 9; (viii) Bharadvāja asked the great sage Bhṛgu seated on the peak of the Kailāsa: “Who created the world ?” 12. 175. 6; (ix) Rising from the peak of the Kailāsa (kailāsapṛṣṭhād utpatya) Śuka, the son of Vyāsa, soared to the heaven moving through the mid-region (antarikṣacaraḥ) 12. 319. 10.

E. Importance:

(1) Śiva lives on its peak (kailāsaśikharāvāsin is one of the 1000 names of Śiva) 13. 17. 106;

(2) Dhanada (Kubera) was consecrated on the Kailāsa as the chief of the Rākṣasas, the Yakṣas and the Gandharvas (ādhipatyena kailāse dhanado 'py abhiṣecitaḥ) 5. 109. 8; hence Kailāsa is known to be the residence (sthānam) of Ailavila (Kubera) 5. 109. 18; 12. 44. 13; Vaiśravaṇa (Kubera) is called kailāsanilaya 12. 274. 9; 3. 42. 31 (Dhanādhyakṣa = Kubera); 2. 6. 11 (Kubera); King Vaiśravaṇa (Kubera) enjoys himself on the Kailāsa in the company of the Guhyakas 6. 7. 39; there are innumerable Yakṣas, Rākṣasas, Kinnaras, Nāgas, Suparṇas and Gandharvas in the residence of Kubera (kuberasadanaṁ prati) (on the Kailāsa) 3. 140. 11; there is the beautiful pond (nalinī), full of Saugandhika flowers, on the peak of the Kailāsa near the abode of Kubera 3. 151. 1, 2;

(3) Kailāsa visited by gods (yatra devāḥ samāyānti) 3. 140. 10;

(4) There is the Viśālā (Badarī) tree there 3. 140. 10 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 3. 139. 11: viśālā badarī; also cf. viśālāṁ badarīṁ prati 3. 145. 10, 18);

(5) The āśrama of Nara and Nārāyaṇa stands in its vicinity (tasyābhyāśe) 3. 145. 16.

F. Figures in bad omens:

(1) Among the bad omens noticed by Vyāsa before the start of the war, there was one according to which hundreds of summits of the mountains Kailāsa, Mandara and Himavant fell down with great thunder 6. 3. 35;

(2) When the Sindhu heroes encircled Arjuna there occurred bad omens one of which was that the Kailāsa experienced trembling (vepathuś cābhavan rājan kailāsasya) 14. 76. 16.

G. Similes:

(1) Persons: (i) Balarāma who was wearing a blue silk garment (nīlakauśeyavasanaḥ) is compared with the summit of the Kailāsa 5. 154. 18; 1. 212. 20; 7. 10. 31; (ii) Bhīmasena with his raised gadā looked like the Kailāsa with its (raised) summit (kailāsam iva śṛṅgiṇam) 6. 58. 30; 6. 90. 22; (iii) Duryodhana with his raised gadā is similarly compared 9. 32. 36; 9. 55. 27; (iv) Śalya, with the sarvāyasī gadā in his hand, looked like the Kailāsa with its (raised) peak (saśṛṅgam iva kailāsam) 9. 11. 2; (v) Soma gave to Skanda his two companions Maṇi and Sumaṇi who both looked like the peaks of the Kailāsa 9. 44. 29;

(2) Elephant: The white elephant Airāvata having four tusks looked like the Kailāsa with its peaks 3. 43. 36;

(3) Objects: (i) Chariot: Kṛṣṇa's chariot compared with the peak of the Kailāsa (kailāsaśikharopamāt) 5. 92. 30; (ii) Structures: (a) The sabhā of Kubera, a hundred yojanas long and seventy yojanas wide, was comparable with the Kailāsaśikhara 2. 10. 2; (b) Sahadeva having received the excellent residence (veśmāgryam 12. 44. 12) of Durmukha was delighted as was Dhanada (Kubera) when he received the Kailāsa 12. 44. 13; (c) The arena of Draupadī's svayaṁvara was adorned with palatial buildings which looked like the peaks of the Kailāsa (kailāsaśikharaprakhyaiḥ) 1. 176. 19; (d) The dwelling places (āvasathān) created for the kings who attended the Rājasūya looked like the Kailāsa peaks 2. 31. 19-20; (e) The Pāṇḍavas entered their residence at the Vāraṇāvata as the Guhyakas the Kailāsa 1. 134. 12.

*1st word in left half of page p316_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Mahabharata Cultural Index


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Kailāsa : m.: Name of a mountain, once identified with Hemakūṭa (6. 7. 39).

A. Situation: Situated in the north 3. 145. 15; part of Himavant 13. 20. 2, 6; 5. 109. 1, 8; 2. 48. 6; beyond the Uttara Kurus 3. 145. 15; mountain Maināka lay to its north 2. 3. 2, 8; 6. 7. 40.

B. Extent: It is six hundred yojanas in extent (kailāsaḥ parvato rājan ṣaḍ yojanaśatāny uta) 3. 140. 10.

C. Description: Very big (sumahant) 6. 7. 40; (mahāgiri) 14. 76. 16; (mahāśaila) 13. 20. 29; excellent, best mountain (parvataśreṣṭha) 3. 108. 15; (parvatottama) 3. 145. 15; has splendid forests (śubhakānana) 3. 151. 1; shining with clouds (? vāridharaprakāśa) 3. 174. 2; loved by Kubera (kuberakānta) 3. 174. 2; of unimaginable form (acintyarūpa) 3. 174. 6; having various wonders (vividhāścarya) 3. 145. 15; having many caves (bahukandara) 3. 141. 15; its peaks are lovely (ramya) 3. 151. 1; 13. 82. 27; visited by gods and Gandharvas (devagandharvasevita) 13. 82. 27; most in accessible (durgatama) 3. 140. 15; (durgama) 3. 140. 8, 10; (durgeṣu viṣameṣu) 3. 141. 11; one cannot reach there driving in chariots (aśakyo rathair gantum) 3. 141. 15; there were invisible and strong Bhūtas and Rākṣasas and hence one could reach there with the help of fire (by worshipping fire ?) and by practising austerities (antarhitāni bhūtāni rakṣāṁsi balavanti ca/agninā tapasā caiva śakyaṁ gantuṁ vṛkodara) 3. 141. 1; house of powerful herbs 2. 48. 6 (see

D. (1) (ii) below); Kailāsa and other mountains described 3. 140. 4-11; 3. 141. 11.

D. Events:

(1) Epic: (i) Since the mountain was not easy to reach, Yudhiṣṭhira suggested that all, except himself, Lomaśa and Nakula, might return to Gaṅgādvāra and wait there 3. 141. 1-7; however, they all proceeded with the help of Ghaṭotkaca and his Rākṣasas; the Pāṇḍavas were delighted to see the Kailāsa on their way to the Śveta and the Gandhamādana 3. 145. 15, and again on their return 3. 174. 2; they saw the Kailāsa along with the Maināka, the Meru, and the slopes of the Gandhamādana 3. 155. 14; while returning from the Kailāsa the Pāṇḍavas went to the āśrama of Vṛṣaparvan 3. 174. 6; the Krodhavaśa Rākṣasas who were guarding the Pond of Kubera, when routed by Bhīma, fled through the sky towards the peaks of Kailāsa 3. 152. 20; while on the Kailāsa, Bhīma had challenged the friend of Maheśvara (i. e. Kubera) with his mace 9. 10. 48; (ii) Powerful herbs from the Kailāsa in the north were brought as tribute by the Pārvatīyas when they came to attend the Rājasūya of Yudhiṣṭhira (uttarād api kailāsād oṣadhīḥ sumahābalāḥ) 2. 48. 6;

(2) Past and Mythological: (i) King Sagara, with his two wives, resorted to the Kailāsa for practising austerities since he desired to have a son 3. 104. 9; (ii) Bhagīratha went to the Kailāsa and proptiated Śiva 3. 107. 24; (iii) Śiva went to the Kailāsa after holding Gaṅgā on his head 3. 108. 15; (iv) Vasiṣṭha brought Gaṅgā, flowing towards the Kailāsa, to the (Mānasa 13. 140. 16) lake; the banks of the lake were shattered by Gaṅgā; 13. 140. 23; Gaṅgā then became Sarayū (saro bhinnaṁ tayā nadyā sarayūḥ sā tato 'bhavat) 13. 140. 24; (v) Divine Surabhi, the daughter of Dakṣa, practised austerities on the peak of the Kailāsa 13. 82. 27; (vi) Aṣṭāvakra moved around the Kailāsa after reaching the Himavant (kailāsam abhito yayau) 13. 20. 2, 6; when Aṣṭāvakra left the residence of Kubera he went further north and crossed the mountains Kailāsa, Mandara and Haima before reaching the Kairātasthāna 13. 20. 2829; (vii) Nahuṣa, as the king of gods (devarāja 5. 11. 10), enjoyed the company of the Apsarases and the Devakanyās on the mountains Kailāsa, Himavatpṛṣṭha, Mandara, Śveta and others 5. 11. 9; (viii) Bharadvāja asked the great sage Bhṛgu seated on the peak of the Kailāsa: “Who created the world ?” 12. 175. 6; (ix) Rising from the peak of the Kailāsa (kailāsapṛṣṭhād utpatya) Śuka, the son of Vyāsa, soared to the heaven moving through the mid-region (antarikṣacaraḥ) 12. 319. 10.

E. Importance:

(1) Śiva lives on its peak (kailāsaśikharāvāsin is one of the 1000 names of Śiva) 13. 17. 106;

(2) Dhanada (Kubera) was consecrated on the Kailāsa as the chief of the Rākṣasas, the Yakṣas and the Gandharvas (ādhipatyena kailāse dhanado 'py abhiṣecitaḥ) 5. 109. 8; hence Kailāsa is known to be the residence (sthānam) of Ailavila (Kubera) 5. 109. 18; 12. 44. 13; Vaiśravaṇa (Kubera) is called kailāsanilaya 12. 274. 9; 3. 42. 31 (Dhanādhyakṣa = Kubera); 2. 6. 11 (Kubera); King Vaiśravaṇa (Kubera) enjoys himself on the Kailāsa in the company of the Guhyakas 6. 7. 39; there are innumerable Yakṣas, Rākṣasas, Kinnaras, Nāgas, Suparṇas and Gandharvas in the residence of Kubera (kuberasadanaṁ prati) (on the Kailāsa) 3. 140. 11; there is the beautiful pond (nalinī), full of Saugandhika flowers, on the peak of the Kailāsa near the abode of Kubera 3. 151. 1, 2;

(3) Kailāsa visited by gods (yatra devāḥ samāyānti) 3. 140. 10;

(4) There is the Viśālā (Badarī) tree there 3. 140. 10 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 3. 139. 11: viśālā badarī; also cf. viśālāṁ badarīṁ prati 3. 145. 10, 18);

(5) The āśrama of Nara and Nārāyaṇa stands in its vicinity (tasyābhyāśe) 3. 145. 16.

F. Figures in bad omens:

(1) Among the bad omens noticed by Vyāsa before the start of the war, there was one according to which hundreds of summits of the mountains Kailāsa, Mandara and Himavant fell down with great thunder 6. 3. 35;

(2) When the Sindhu heroes encircled Arjuna there occurred bad omens one of which was that the Kailāsa experienced trembling (vepathuś cābhavan rājan kailāsasya) 14. 76. 16.

G. Similes:

(1) Persons: (i) Balarāma who was wearing a blue silk garment (nīlakauśeyavasanaḥ) is compared with the summit of the Kailāsa 5. 154. 18; 1. 212. 20; 7. 10. 31; (ii) Bhīmasena with his raised gadā looked like the Kailāsa with its (raised) summit (kailāsam iva śṛṅgiṇam) 6. 58. 30; 6. 90. 22; (iii) Duryodhana with his raised gadā is similarly compared 9. 32. 36; 9. 55. 27; (iv) Śalya, with the sarvāyasī gadā in his hand, looked like the Kailāsa with its (raised) peak (saśṛṅgam iva kailāsam) 9. 11. 2; (v) Soma gave to Skanda his two companions Maṇi and Sumaṇi who both looked like the peaks of the Kailāsa 9. 44. 29;

(2) Elephant: The white elephant Airāvata having four tusks looked like the Kailāsa with its peaks 3. 43. 36;

(3) Objects: (i) Chariot: Kṛṣṇa's chariot compared with the peak of the Kailāsa (kailāsaśikharopamāt) 5. 92. 30; (ii) Structures: (a) The sabhā of Kubera, a hundred yojanas long and seventy yojanas wide, was comparable with the Kailāsaśikhara 2. 10. 2; (b) Sahadeva having received the excellent residence (veśmāgryam 12. 44. 12) of Durmukha was delighted as was Dhanada (Kubera) when he received the Kailāsa 12. 44. 13; (c) The arena of Draupadī's svayaṁvara was adorned with palatial buildings which looked like the peaks of the Kailāsa (kailāsaśikharaprakhyaiḥ) 1. 176. 19; (d) The dwelling places (āvasathān) created for the kings who attended the Rājasūya looked like the Kailāsa peaks 2. 31. 19-20; (e) The Pāṇḍavas entered their residence at the Vāraṇāvata as the Guhyakas the Kailāsa 1. 134. 12.

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