सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः





पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

वज्रम्, पुं, क्ली, (वजतीति । वज गतौ + “ऋज्रे- न्द्राग्रवज्रविप्रेति ।” उणा० २ । २८ । इति रन्- प्रत्ययेन निपातितः ।) इन्द्रस्यास्त्रविशेषः । वाज् इति भाषा ॥ तत्पर्य्यायः । ह्रादिनी २ कुलिशम् ३ अलमाभरणेन तस्य राज्ञो गुणहीनोऽपि मणिर्न भूषणाय ॥ नार्य्या वज्रमधार्य्यं गुणवदपि सुतप्रसूति- मिच्छन्त्या । अन्यत्र दीर्घचिपिटह्रस्वाद्गुणैर्विमुक्ताच्च ॥ अयसा पुष्परागेण तथा गोमेदकेन च । वैदूर्य्यस्फटिकाभ्याञ्च काचैश्चापि पृथग्विधैः ॥ प्रतिरूपाणि कुर्व्वन्ति वज्रस्य कुशला जनाः । परीक्षा तेषु कर्त्तव्या विद्वद्भिः स्वपरीक्षकैः ॥ क्षारोल्लेखनशालाभिस्तेषां कार्य्यं परीक्षणम् । पृथिव्यां यानि रत्नानि ये चान्ये लोहधातवः ॥ सर्व्वाणि विलिखेद्बज्रं तच्च तैर्न विलिख्यते ॥ गुरुता सर्व्वरत्नानां गौरवाधारकारणम् । वज्र तान्वैपरीत्येन सूरयः परिचक्षते ॥ जातिरजातिं विलिखन्ति वज्रकुरुविन्दाः । वज्रैर्वज्रं विलिखति नान्येन लिख्यते वज्रम् । वज्राणि मुक्ता मणयो ये च केचन जातयः । न तेषां प्रतिबद्धानां भा भवत्यूर्द्ध्वगामिनी ॥ तिर्य्यक्क्षतत्वात् केषाञ्चित् कथञ्चिद्यदि दृश्यते । तिर्य्यगालिख्यमानानां सा पार्श्वेष्वपि हन्यते ॥ यद्यपि विशीर्णकोटिः सबिन्दुरेखान्वितो विवर्णो वा । तदपि धनधान्यपुत्त्रान् करोति सेन्द्रायुधो वज्रः । सौदामिनीविस्फुरिताभिरामं राजा यथोक्तं कुलिशं दधानः । पराक्रमाक्रान्तपरप्रतापः समस्तसामन्तभुवं भुनक्ति ॥” इति गारुडे ६८ अध्यायः ॥ वज्रार्थे वैदिकपर्य्यायो यथा । दिद्युत् १ नेमिः २ हेतिः ३ नमः ४ पविः ५ सृकः ६ वृकः ७ वधः ८ वज्रः ९ अर्कः १० कुत्सः ११ कुलिशः १२ तुजः १३ तिग्मम् १४ मेनिः १५ स्वधितिः १६ सायकः १७ परशुः १८ । इत्यष्टादश वज्रनामानि । इति वेदनिघण्टौ । २ । २० ॥

वज्रम्, क्ली, (वज गतौ + ऋज्रेन्द्रेति रन् ।) बालकः । धात्री । इति मेदिनी । रे, ६ ॥ काञ्जिकम् । इति धरणिः ॥ वज्रपुष्पम् । इति शब्दरत्नावली ॥ लौहविशेषः । स च बहुविधो यथा । नीलपिण्डम् १ अरुणाभम् २ मोरकम् ३ नागकेशरम् ४ तिन्तिराङ्गम् ५ स्वर्णवज्रम् ६ शैवालवज्रम् ७ शोणवज्रम् ८ रोहिणी ९ काङ्कोलम् १० ग्रन्थिवज्रकम् ११ मदनाख्यम् १२ इत्यादि । तेषां नामानुरूपं चिह्रम् । इति पुराणम् ॥ अभ्रविशेषः । तस्योत्पत्त्यादि यथा, -- “पुरा वधाय वृत्रस्य वज्रिणा वज्रमुद्धृतम् । विस्फूलिङ्गास्ततस्तस्य गगने परिसर्पिताः ॥ ते निपेतुर्घनध्वानाच्छिखरेषु महीभृताम् । त्रेभ्य एव समुत्पन्नं तत्तद्गिरिषु चाभ्रकम् ॥ तद्वज्रं वज्रजातत्वादभ्रमभ्ररवोद्भवात् । गगनात् स्खलितं यस्मात् गगनञ्च ततो मतम् ॥ पिनाकं दर्दुरं नागं वज्रञ्चेति चतुर्विधम् । वज्रन्तु वज्रवत् तिष्ठेत् तन्नाग्नौ विकृतिं व्रजेत् ॥ सर्व्वाभ्रेषु वरं वज्रं व्याधिवार्द्धक्यमृत्युहृत् ॥” इति भावप्रकाशः ॥

वज्रः, पुं, (वज् + रन् ।) कोकिलाक्षवृक्षः । श्वेतकुशः । इति राजनिर्घण्टः ॥ सेहुण्ड- वृक्षः । इति भावप्रकाशः ॥ श्रीकृष्णप्रपौत्त्रः । यथा, -- “अनिरुद्धात् सुभद्रायां वज्रो नाम नृपोऽभवत् । प्रतिबाहुर्वज्रसुतश्चारुस्तस्य सुतोऽभवत् ॥” इति गारुडे १४४ अध्यायः ॥ अपि च । “प्रद्युम्न आसीत् प्रथमः पितृवद्रुक्मिणीसुतः । स रुक्मिणो दुहितरमुपयेमे महारथः ॥ तस्यां ततोऽनिरुद्धोऽभून्नागायुतबलान्वितः । स चापि रुक्मिणः पौत्त्रीं दौहित्रो जगृहे ततः ॥ वज्रस्तस्यामभूद्यस्तु मौषलादवशेषितः । प्रतिबाहुरभूत्तस्मात् सुबाहुस्तस्य चात्मजः ॥” इति श्रीभागवते १० स्कन्धे ९० अध्यायः ॥ * ॥ (विश्वामित्रपुत्त्रभेदः । यथा, महाभारते । १३ । ४ । ५१; ५९ । “वल्गुजङ्घश्च भगवान् गालवश्च महानृषिः । रुचिर्वज्रस्तथाख्यातः सालङ्कायन एव च ॥” “विश्वामित्रात्मजाः सर्व्वे मुनयो ब्रह्मवादिनः ॥”) विष्कम्भादिसप्तविंशतियोगान्तर्गतपञ्चदशयोगः । तस्याद्यनवदण्डा वर्ज्जनीया यथा, -- “त्यजादौ पञ्च विष्कम्भे सप्त शूले च नाडिकाः । गण्ड व्याघातयोः षट् च नव हर्षणवज्रयोः ॥ वैधृतिव्यतिपातौ च सभस्तौ परिवर्ज्जयेत् । शेषा यथार्थनामानो योगाः कार्य्येषु शोभनाः ॥” इति ज्योतिस्तत्त्वम् ॥ अत्र जातफलं यथा, -- “गुणी गुणज्ञो बलवान् महौजाः सद्रत्नवस्त्रादिपरीक्षकः स्यात् । वज्राभिधाने यदि चेत् प्रसूतो वज्रोपमः स्याद्रिपुकामिनीनाम् ॥” इवि कोष्ठीप्रदीपः ॥

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

वज्र पुं-नपुं।




ह्रादिनी वज्रमस्त्री स्यात्कुलिशं भिदुरं पविः। शतकोटिः स्वरुः शम्बो दम्भोलिरशनिर्द्वयोः॥

स्वामी : इन्द्रः

सम्बन्धि1 : इन्द्रः

वैशिष्ट्यवत् : वज्रध्वनिः

पदार्थ-विभागः : उपकरणम्,अलौकिकोपकरणम्

वज्र पुं-नपुं।




दरोऽस्त्रियां भये श्वभ्रे वज्रोऽस्त्री हीरके पवौ। तन्त्रं प्रधाने सिद्धान्ते सूत्रवाये परिच्छदे॥

पदार्थ-विभागः : रत्नम्, द्रव्यम्, पृथ्वी, अचलनिर्जीवः, अचलनिर्जीववस्तु



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

वज्र¦ पुंन॰ वज--रन्।

१ हीरके

२ इन्द्रस्यास्त्रभेदे च। तच्चदधीचिमुन्थस्थितो जातम् भाग॰

५ ।

१० अ॰ उक्तम्

२ ब्रालके

३ धात्याम् न॰ मेदि॰

४ काञ्जिके जटा॰

५ वज्रपुष्पे शब्दर॰।

६ लौहभेदे

७ अभ्रम्भेदे न॰ भावप्र॰ ज्योतिषोक्ते विष्कुम्भादिषुसप्तविंशतौ योगेषु मध्ये पञ्चदशे योनभेदे च न॰।

९ कोकिलाक्षवृक्षे

१० श्वेतकुशे पु॰ राजनि॰।

११ श्रीकृष्णस्यप्रपौत्रे यदुवंश्ये नृपभेदे च पु॰ भाग॰।

१२ सेहुण्डुकवृक्षेभावप्र॰। हीरकवज्रलक्षणादि वृ॰ स॰

८० अ॰ उक्तं यथा
“रत्नानि बलाद्दैत्याद्दधीचितोऽन्ये वदन्ति जातानि। केचिद्भुवः स्वभावाद् वैचित्र्यं प्राहुरुपलानाम्। इत्युपक्रमे। ”
“वेण्वातटे विशुद्धं शिरीषकुसुमोपमं च कौशणकम्। सौराष्ट्रकमाताम्रं कृष्णं सौर्पारकं वज्रम्। पत्ताम्रंहिमवति मतङ्गज वल्लपुष्पसङ्काशम्। आपीतं चकलिङ्गे श्यामं पौण्ड्रेषु सम्भूतम्। ऐन्द्रं षडश्रि-[Page4840-b+ 38] शुक्लं याम्यं सर्पास्यरूपमसितं च। कदलीकाण्डनिकाशंवैष्णवमिति सर्वसंस्थानम्। वारुणमबलाग्रह्यापमं भवेत्कर्णिकारपुष्पनिभम्। शृङ्गाटकसंस्थानं व्याघ्राक्षिनिभच हौतभुजम्। व्रायव्यं च यवोपममशोककुसुमप्रभंसमुद्दिष्टम। स्रोतः स्वनिः पकीर्णकमित्याकरसम्भव-स्त्रिविधः। रक्तं पीतं च शुभ राजन्यानां सितंद्विजातीनाम्। शैरीषं वैश्यानां शूद्राणां शस्यतेऽसि-निभम्। सितसर्षपाष्टकं तण्डुलो भवेत्तण्डुलैस्तुविंशत्या। द्वे लक्षे{??}ऊल्यं द्विद्व्यूनिते चैतत्। पाद-त्र्यंशार्धोनं त्रिभागपञ्चांशषोडशांशाश्च। भागश्च पञ्च-विंशः शतिकः साहस्रिकश्चेति। सर्वद्रव्याभेद्यं लघ्व-म्भसि तरति रश्मिवत् स्रिग्धम्। तडिदनलशक्रचापोपलंच वज्रं हितायोक्तम। काकपदमक्षिकाकेशधातुयुक्तानिशर्कराविद्धम्। द्विग्रणाश्रि दिग्धकलुषत्रस्तविशीर्णानिन शुभानि। यानि च बुद्बुददलिताग्नचिपिटवासी-फलप्रदीर्घाणि। सर्व्रेषां चैतेषां मूल्याद्धागोऽष्टमोहानिः। वज्रं न किञ्चिदपि धारयितव्यमेके पुत्रार्थि-नीभिरबलाभिरुशन्ति तज्ज्ञाः। शृङ्गाटकत्रिपुटधान्यक-वतस्थितं यच्छ्रोणीनिभं च शुभदं तनयार्थिनीनाम्। स्वजनविभवजीवितक्षयं जनयति वज्रमनिष्टलक्षणम्। अशनिविषभयारिनाशनं शुभमुरुभोगकरं च मूभृताम्। ” ह्नीरकोत्पत्त्यादि गारुडे

६८ अ॰ उक्तं यथा
“तस्या(ब्रलस्या)स्थिलेशो निपपात येषु भुवः प्रदेशेषु कथ-ञ्चिदेव। वज्राणि वज्रायुधनिर्जिगीषोर्भवन्ति नाना-कृतिमन्ति तेषु। हैसमातङ्गसौराष्ट्राः पौण्ड्रकालिङ्ग-लोषलाः। वेण्वातटाः मसोवीरा वज्रस्याष्टाविहाकराः। आतामा हिमशैलजाश्च शशिभा वेण्वातटीयाः स्मृताःसौवीरे तुषिताब्जमेघसदृशास्ताम्राश्च सौराष्ट्रजाः। कालिङ्गाः कनकावदातरुचिराः पीतप्रभाः कोषलेश्यामाः पुण्ड्रभवा मतङ्गविषये नात्यन्तपीतप्रभाः। अत्यर्थं लघुवर्णतश्च गुणवत् पार्श्वेषु सम्यक् समं रेखा-विन्दुकलङ्ककाकपदकत्रासादिभिर्वर्जितम्। लोकेऽस्मिन्परमाणुमात्रमपि यत् वज्रं क्वचिद्दृश्यते तस्मिन्देव! समाश्रयो ह्यवितथस्तीक्ष्णाग्रधारं वदि। वज्रेषु वर्णयुक्त्या देवानामपि परिग्रहः प्रोक्तः। वर्णेभ्यश्च विभागः कार्य्यो वर्णाश्रयादेव!। हरितपीतपिङ्गश्यामाताम्राः स्वभावतो रुचिराः। हरि-वरुणशक्रहुतवहपितृपतिमरुतां स्वकावर्णाः। विप्र{??}[Page4841-a+ 38] शङ्खकुमुदस्फटिकावदातः स्यात् क्षत्त्रियस्य शशबभ्रुविलोचनाभः। वैश्यस्य कान्तकदलीदलसन्निकाशः शू-द्रस्य धौतकरवालसमानदीप्तिः। द्वौ बज्रवर्णौ पृथिवी-पतीनां सद्भिः प्रतिष्ठौ न तु सार्वजन्यौ। यः स्याज्जवाविद्रुमभङ्गशोणो यो वा हरिद्रारससन्निकाशः। ईश-त्वात् सर्ववर्णानां गुणवत् सार्वचर्णिकम्। कामतोधारयेद्राजा नत्वन्योऽन्थत् कथञ्चन। अधरोत्तरवृत्त्या हियादृक् स्याद्वणसङ्करः। ततः कष्टतरो वज्रो वर्णानांसङ्करो मतः। न च मार्गविभागमात्रवृत्त्या विदुषावज्रपरिग्रहो विधेयः। गुणवद्गुणसम्पदां विभूति-र्विपरोतो व्यसनोदयस्य हेतुः। एकमपि यस्य शृङ्गंविदलितमवलोक्यते विशीर्णं वा। गुणवदपि तन्न-धार्य्यं वज्रं श्रेयोऽर्थिभिर्भवने। स्फुटिताग्निविशीर्ण-शृङ्कदेसं मलवर्णैः पृषतैरुपेतमध्यम्। न हि वज्रभृतोऽपिवज्रमाशु श्रियमन्याश्रयलालसां न कुर्य्यात्। थस्यैकदेशःक्षतजावभासो यद्वा भवेलोहितवर्णचित्रम्। न तन्नकुर्य्याद्ध्रियमाणमाशु स्वच्छन्दमृत्योरपि जोवितान्तम्। कोट्यः पार्श्वानि धाराश्च षडष्टौ द्वादशेति च। उत्तुङ्ग-समतीक्ष्णाग्रा वज्रस्याकरजा गुणाः। षट्कोटिशुद्ध-ममलं स्फुटतीक्ष्णधारं वर्णान्वितं लघु सुपार्श्वमपेतदोषम्। इन्द्रायुधांशुविसृतिच्छुरितान्तरीक्षमेवंविधंभुवि भवेत् सुलभं न वज्रम्। तीक्ष्णाग्रं विमलमपैतिसर्वदोषं धत्ते यः प्रयततनुः सदैव वज्रम्। वृद्धिस्तंप्रतिदिनमेति यावदायुः श्रीसम्पत्सुतधनधान्यगो,पशूनाम्। व्यालवह्निविषव्याघ्रतस्कराम्बुभयानि च। दू-रात्तस्य निवर्त्तन्ते कर्माण्याथर्वणानि च। यदि वज्रमपेतसर्वदोषं विभृयात्तण्डुलविंशतिं गुरुत्वे। मणिशास्त्र-विदो वदन्ति तस्य द्विगुणं रूपकलक्षमग्र्यमूल्यम्। त्रिमागहीनार्द्धतदर्द्धशेषं त्रयोदशं त्रिंशदतोर्द्धभागाः। अशीतिभागोऽथ शतांशभागः सहस्रभागोल्पसमान-योगः। यत्तण्डुलैर्द्वादशभिः कृतस्य वज्रस्य मूल्यं प्रथमंप्रदिष्टम्। द्वाभ्यां क्रमाद्धानिमुपागतस्य त्वेकावसानस्यविनिश्चयोऽयम्। न चापि तण्डुलैरेव वज्राणां धारण-क्रमः। अष्टाभिः सर्षपैर्गौरेस्तण्डुलं परिकल्पयेत्। वत्तु सर्वगुणैर्युक्तं वज्रं तरति वारिणि। रत्नवर्ग-समस्तेऽपि तस्य धारणमिष्यते। अनेनापि हिदोषेण लक्ष्यालक्ष्येण दूषितम्। स्वमूल्यात् दशमं भागंवज्रं लभति मानवः। प्रकटानेकदोषस्य स्वल्पस्य मह-[Page4841-b+ 38] तोऽपि वा। स्वमूल्याच्छतशोभागो वज्रस्य न विधी-यते। स्पृष्टदोषमलङ्कारे वज्रं यद्यपि दृश्यते। रत्नानांप्ररिकर्मार्थं मूल्यं तस्य भवेल्लघु। प्रथमं गुणसम्पदा-भ्युपेतं प्रतिबद्धं समुपैति तच्च दोषम्। अलमाभरणेनतस्य राज्ञो गुणहीनोऽपि मणिर्नभूषणाय। नार्य्यावज्रमधार्य्यं गुणवदपि सुतप्रसूतिमिच्छन्त्या। अन्यत्रदीर्घचिपिटह्रस्वाद्गुणैर्विमुक्ताच्च। अयसा पुष्परागेणतथा गोमेदकेन च। वैदूर्य्यस्फटिकाम्याञ्च काचैश्चापिपृथग्विधैः। प्रतिरूपाणि कुर्वन्ति वज्रस्य कुशलाजनाः। परीक्षा तेषु कर्त्तव्या विद्वद्भिः सुपरीक्षकैः। सुक्षारो-ल्लेखशालाभिस्तेषां कार्य्यं परीक्षणम्। पृथिव्यांयानि रत्नानि ये चान्ये लोहधातवः। सर्वाणि विलि-स्वेद्वज्रं तच्च तैर्न विलिख्यते। गुरुता सर्वरत्नानांगौरवाधारकारणम्। वज्रे तान्वैप्ररीत्येन सूरयः परि-चक्षते। जातिभिरजातिं विलिखन्ति वज्रकुरुविन्दाः। वज्रैर्वज्रं विलिखति नान्येन लिख्यते वज्रम्। वज्राणिमुक्तामणयो याश्च काश्चन जातयः। न तेषां प्रतिबद्धानांभा भवत्युर्द्ध्वगामिनी। तिर्य्यक्क्षतत्वात् केषाञ्चित्कथञ्चिद्यदि दृश्यते। तिर्य्यमालिख्यमानानां सा पार्श्वे-ष्वपि हन्यते। यद्यपि विशीर्णकोटिः सविन्दुरेखान्वितोविवर्णो वा। तदपि धनधान्यपुत्रान् करोति सेन्द्रा-युधो वज्रः। सौदामिनीविस्फुरिताभिराम राजायथोक्तं कुलिशं दधानः। पराक्रमाक्रान्तपरप्रतापःसमस्तसामन्तभुवं भुनक्ति”।

३ विद्युदग्नौ तन्निबारण-हेतुर्यथा
“प्रचण्डपवनाघाते मेघेषु स्तनितेषु यः। त्रिःपठेज्जैमिनीयोऽखि प्राङ्मुखो वाप्युदङ्मुखः। तस्यमा भूद्भयं घोरं विद्युतीयोऽवसीदति आ॰ त॰ धृतब्रह्म-पुराणम्।
“मुनेः कल्याणमित्रस्य जैमिनेश्चापिकीर्त्तनात्। विद्युदग्निभयं नास्ति पठिते च गृहोदरे”।
“लिखितेच गृहोदरे” इति वा पाठः। जैमिनिश्च सुमन्तुश्चवैशम्पायन एव च। पुलस्त्यः पुलहश्चैव पञ्चै ते वज्र-वारकाः” पुराणम्। तत्पर्य्यायादि भावप्र॰ उक्तं यथा(
“हीरकः पुंसि वज्रोऽस्त्री चन्द्रो मणिवरश्च सः। स तु श्वेतः स्मृतो विप्रो लोहितः क्षत्त्रियः स्मृतः। पीतो वैश्योऽसितः शूद्रश्चतुर्वर्णात्मकश्च सः। रसायनेमतो विप्रः सर्वसिद्धिप्रदायकः। क्षत्त्रियो व्याधिवि-ध्वंसी जरामृत्युहरः स्मृतः। वैश्यो धनप्रदः प्रोक्त[Page4842-a+ 38] स्तथा देहस्य दार्ढ्यकृत्। शूद्रो नाशयति व्याधीन् वयःस्तम्भं करोति च। पुंस्त्रीनपुंसकानीह लक्षणीयानिलक्षणैः। सुवृत्ताः फलसंपूर्णास्तेजोयुक्ता वृह{??}। पुरुषास्ते समाख्याता रेखाविन्दुविवर्जिताः। रेखाविन्दुसमायुक्ताः षडश्रास्ते स्त्रियः स्मृताः। ” षडश्राःषट्कोणाः।
“त्रिकोणाश्च सुदीर्घास्ते विज्ञेयाश्च नपुं-सकाः। तेषु स्युः पुरुषाः श्रेष्ठा रसबन्धनकारिणः। स्त्रियः कृर्वन्ति कायस्य कान्तिं स्त्रीणां सुखप्रदाः। नपुंसकास्त्ववीर्य्या स्युरकामाः सत्त्ववर्जिताः। स्त्रियःस्त्रीभ्यः प्रदातव्याः क्लीवं क्लीवे प्रयोजयेत्। सर्वभ्यःसर्वदा देयाः पुरुषाः वीर्य्यवर्द्धनाः। अशुद्धं कुरुतेवज्रं कुष्ठं पार्श्वव्यथान्तथा। पाण्डुताम्पङ्गुरत्वञ्च तस्मात्संशोध्य मारयेत्। ” तच्छोधनविधिर्यथा
“कुलत्थकोद्रवक्काथे दोलायन्त्रे विपाचयेत्। व्याघ्री-कन्दगतं वज्रं त्रिदिनं तद्विशुद्ध्यति”। व्याघ्री कण्ट-कारिका। अन्यः शोधनविधिः।
“गृहीत्वाग्निं शुभेवज्रं व्याघ्रीकन्दोदरे क्षिपेत्। माहिषीविष्ठया लिप्ताकारीषाग्नौ विपाचयेत्। त्रियामायां चतुर्यामं यामि-त्यन्तेऽश्वमूत्रके। सेचयेत्पाचयेदेवं सप्तरात्रेण शुद्ध्यति। ” अथ बज्रस्य मारणविधिः
“हिङ्गुसैन्धवसंयुक्ते क्षिपेत्-काथे कुलत्थजे। तप्तं तप्तं पुनर्वज्रम्भवेद्भस्म त्रिसप्तधा”। अन्योऽस्य मारणप्रकारः
“मेषशृङ्गभुजङ्गास्थिकूर्मपृष्ठा-म्लवेतसम्। शशदन्तं समम्पिष्ट्वा वज्रीक्षीरेण भेलकम्। कृत्वा तन्मध्यगं वज्रं म्रियते ध्मातमेवहि। ” मारितस्यवज्रस्य गुणाः
“आयुःपुष्टिं बलं वीर्य्यं वर्णं सौख्यंकरोति व। सेवितं सर्वरोगध्नं मृतं वज्रं न संशयः। ” अभ्रभेदा तद्गुणाश्च भावप्र॰ उक्ता यथा(
“पुरा बधाय वृत्रस्य वज्रिणा वज्रमुद्धृतम्। विस्फु-लिङ्गास्ततस्तस्य गगने परिसर्पिताः। ते निपेतुर्घन-ध्वानाच्छिखरेषु महीभृताम्। तेभ्य एव समापन्नंतत्तद्गिरिषु च भ्रकम्। तद्वज्रं वज्रजातत्वादभ्रमम्रर-घोद्भवात्। गगनात् स्खलितं यस्माद्गगनञ्च ततो मतम्। विप्रक्षत्त्रियविट्शूद्रभेदात्तत् स्याच्चतुर्विधम्। क्रमे-णैषां सितं रक्तं पीतं कृष्णञ्च वर्णतः। प्रशस्यतेसितन्तारं रक्तं तत्तु रसायने। पीतं हेमनि, कृष्णन्तुगदेषु द्रुतयेऽपि च। पिनाकं दर्दुरं नागं वज्रञ्चेतिचतुर्विधम्। मुञ्चत्यग्नौ विनिःक्षिप्तं पिनाकन्दलसञ्च-{??}। अज्ञानाद्भक्षणं तस्य महाकुष्ठप्रदायकम्। दर्दुरं[Page4842-b+ 38] त्वग्निनिःक्षिप्तं कुरुते दर्दुरध्वनिम्। गोलकान् बहुशःकृत्वा स स्यान्मृत्युप्रदायकः। नागन्तु नागवद्वह्नौफुत्कारं परिमुञ्चति। तद्भक्षितमवश्यन्तु विदधातिभगन्दरम्। वज्रन्तु वज्रवत्तिष्ठेत्तन्नाग्नौ विकृतिं व्रजेत्। सर्वाभ्रेषु वरं वज्रं व्याविबार्द्धक्यमृत्युहृत्। अभ्र-मुत्तरशैलोत्थं बहुसत्त्वं गुणाधिकम्। दक्षिणाद्रिभवंस्वल्पसत्त्वमल्पगुणप्रदम्। अभ्र कषायं मधुरं सुशीत-मायुष्करं धातुविवर्द्धनञ्च। हन्यात् त्रिदोषं व्रणमेहकुष्ठप्लीहोदरग्रन्थिविषक्रमींश्च। रोगान् हन्ति द्रढ-यति वपुर्वीर्य्यवृद्धिं विधत्ते तारुण्याढ्यं रमयतिशतं योषितां नित्यमेव। दीर्घायुष्कान् जनयति सुतान्विक्रमैः सिंहतुल्यान् मृत्योर्मीतिं हरति सततंसेव्यमानं मृताभ्रम्।

वज्र¦ पु॰ सामवेदप्रसिद्धे यज्ञभेदे सि॰ कौ॰।



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

वज्र¦ mfn. (-ज्रः-ज्रा-ज्रं)
1. Hard, impenetrable, adamantine.
2. Cross, fork- ed. mn. (-ज्रः-ज्रं)
1. A thunder-bolt in general, or the thunderbolt of INDRA, which is said to have formed out of the bones of the sage Dadhi4chi4, (in Hindu mytho.)
2. The diamond, (the gem being considered analogous in hardness to the thunder-bolt, or in fact [Page626-a+ 60] to be the same substance.)
3. A diagram, the figure of which is supposed to be that of the thunder-bolt.
4. A child or pupil.
5. Emblic myrobalan.
6. Sour gruel.
7. The blossom of the se- samum.
8. Harsh language. m. (-ज्रः)
1. One of the astronomi- cal Yogas.
2. Kus4a grass.
3. A form of military array. n. (-ज्रं)
1. Steel.
2. A kind of talc.
3. Severe language.
4. A child. f. (-ज्रा-ज्री) A species of Euphorbia f. (-ज्रा)
1. A plant: see गुडुची।
2. A shrub, (Siphonanthus Indica.) E. वज् to go, रन् aff.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

वज्र [vajra], a. [वज्-रन् Uṇ.2.28]

Hard, adamantine.


Forked, zigzag.


ज्रः, ज्रम् A thunderbolt, the weapon of Indra (said to have been formed out of the bones of the sage Dadhīchi q. v.); आशंसन्ते समितिषु सुराः सक्तवैरा हि दैत्यैरस्याधिज्ये धनुषि विजयं पौरुहूते च वज्रे Ś.2.16.

Any destructive weapon like the thunderbolt.

A diamond-pin, an instrument for perforating jewels; मणौ वज्रसमुत्कीर्णे सूत्रस्येवास्ति मे गतिः R.1.4.

A diamond in general, an adamant; वज्रादपि कठोराणि मृदूनि कुसुमादपि U.2.7; R.6.19; मुक्तां मरकतं पद्मरागं वज्रं च विद्रुमम् Śiva B.3.12.

Sour gruel.

ज्रः A form of military arrray.

A kind of Kuśa grass.

N. of various plants.

A kind of pillar.

ज्रम् Steel.

A kind of talc.

Thunderlike or severe language.

A child.

Emblic myrobalan.

The blossom of the sesamum or Vajra plant.

Denunciation in strong language.

A particular posture in sitting. -Comp. -अंशुकम् cloth marked with various patterns. -अङ्क a. studded with diamonds (Mar. हिरेजडित); ततो जाम्बूनदीः पात्रीर्वज्राङ्का विमलाः शुभाः Mb.12.171.16. -अङ्कित a. marked with Vajra-like symbol. -अङ्गः a snake. -अभ्यासः cross-multiplication. -अशनिः the thunderbolt of Indra; वज्राशनिसम- स्पर्शा अर्जुनेन शरा युधि Mb.6.119.6 -अस्थिः f. Asteracantha Longifolia (Mar. तालिमखाना). -आकरः a diamond mine; बभूव वज्राकरभूषणायाः (पतिः) R.18.21.-आकार, -आकृति a.

shaped like वज्र.

a crossshaped symbol. -आख्यः a kind of mineral spar.

आघातः a stroke of thunder or lightning.

(hence fig.) any sudden shock or calamity. -आभः a kind of spar or valuable stone. -आयुधः an epithet of Indra.

आसनम् a diamond-seat.

a particular posture in sitting (the hands being placed in the hollow between the body and the crossed feet).-कङ्कटः an epithet of Hanumat.

कवचः, चम् adamantine mail.

a particular Samādhi. -कालिका N. of the mother of Śākyamuni. -कीटः a kind of insect (boring holes in wood and stone). -कीलः a thunderbolt, an admantine shaft; जीवितं वज्रकीलम् Māl.9.37; cf. U.1.47. -कूटः a mountain consisting of diamonds; स वज्रकूटाङ्गनिपातवेगविशीर्णकुक्षिः स्तनयन्नुदन्वान् Bhāg.3.13.29.-केतुः N. of the demon Naraka. -क्षारम् an alkaline earth. -गोपः = इन्द्रगोपः q. v. -घोष a. sounding like a thunderbolt; R.18.21. -चञ्चुः a vulture. -चर्मन् m. a rhinoceros. -जित् m. N. of Garuḍa. -ज्वलनम्, -ज्वाला lightning. -तरः N. of a kind of very hard cement; Bṛi. S.57.7.

तुण्डः a vulture.

mosquito, gnat.

N. of Garuḍa.

of Gaṇeṣa. -तुल्यः lapis lazuli or azure stone. -दंष्ट्रः a kind of insect. -दक्षिणः N. of Indra. -दण्ड a. having a staff studded with diamonds.

दन्तः a hog.

a rat. -दंशनः a rat. -देह, -देहिन्a. having an adamantine or very hardy frame.

धरः an epithet of Indra; वज्रधरप्रभावः R.18.21.

an owl. -धारणम् artificial gold. -नाभ a. having a hard nave (said of a wheel); see next word. -नाभः the discus of Kṛiṣṇa; वज्रनाभं ततश्चक्रं ददौ कृष्णाय पावकः Mb. 1.225.23 (com. वज्रं वरत्रासा नाभौ यस्य तत् । सूत्रबद्धशकुनिवत् पुनः प्रयोक्तुर्हस्तमायातीत्यर्थः ॥). -निर्घोषः, -निष्पेषः a clap or peal of thunder. -पञ्जरः a secure refuge, protector; वज्रपञ्जरनामेदं यो रामकवचं स्मरेत् Rāma-rakṣā 13.

पाणिः an epithet of Indra; वज्रं मुमुक्षन्निव वज्रपाणिः R.2.42.

an owl. -पातः, -पतनम् a stroke of lightning, fall of thunder-bolt; एतद्वैशसवज्रघोरपतनम् U.4.24; यावन्निष्ठुर- वज्रपातसदृशं देहीति नो भाषते Udb.

पुष्पम् the blossom of sesamum.

a valuable flower. -भृत् m. an epithet of Indra. -मणिः a diamond, an adamant; छेत्तुं वज्रमणी- ञ्शिरीषकुसुमप्रान्तेन संनह्यते Bh.2.6. -मय a.

hard, adamantine.

cruel, hard-hearted.

मुखः a kind of insect; कृत्ते वज्रमुखेन नाम कृमिणा दैवान्ममोरुद्वये Karṇabhāra 1.1.

a kind of Samādhi.

मुष्टिः an epithet of Indra.

an adamantine clenched fist.

a kind of weapon.-रदः a hog. -लिपिः a particular style of writing.

लेपः a kind of very hard cement; वज्रलेपघटितेव Māl.5. 1; U.4 (for its preparation see Bṛi. S., Chapter 57 'वज्रलेपलक्षणः').

The being ineffaceable, permanent one; अन्यक्षेत्रे कृतं पापं पुण्यक्षेत्रे विनश्यति । पुण्यक्षेत्रे कृतं पापं वज्र- लेपो भविष्यति ॥ Subhāṣ. -लोहकः a magnet.

वधः death by thunderbolt.

cross-multiplication. -वारकः a title of respect. -व्यूहः a kind of military array.-शल्यः a porcupine. -संघातः N. of a kind of hard cement; Bṛi. S.57.8. -a. having the hardness of adamant; ततः स वज्रसंघातः कुमारो न्यपतद्गिरौ Mb.1.123.27.-सार a. as hard as adamant, having the strength of the thunderbolt, adamantine; क्व च निशितनिपाता वज्रसाराः शरास्ते Ś.1.1; त्वमपि कुसुमबाणान् वज्रसारीकरोषि 3.4. -सूचिः, -ची f. a diamond-needle. -हृदयम् an adamantine heart.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

वज्र mn. " the hard or mighty one " , a thunderbolt ( esp. that of इन्द्र, said to have been formed out of the bones of the ऋषिदधीचor दधीचि[q.v.] , and shaped like a circular discus , or in later times regarded as having the form of two transverse bolts crossing each other thus x ; sometimes also applied to similar weapons used by various gods or superhuman beings , or to any mythical weapon destructive of spells or charms , also to मन्यु, " wrath " RV. or [with अपाम्] to a jet of water AV. etc. ; also applied to a thunderbolt in general or to the lightning evolved from the centrifugal energy of the circular -ththunderbolt of इन्द्रwhen launched at a foe ; in Northern Buddhist countries it is shaped like a dumb-bell and called Dorje ; See. MWB. 201 ; 322 etc. ) RV. etc.

वज्र m. a diamond (thought to be as hard as the -ththunderbolt or of the same substance with it) , Shad2vBr. Mn. MBh. etc.

वज्र m. a kind of talc L.

वज्र m. a kind of penance (feeding for a month on only barley prepared with cow's urine) L.

वज्र m. sour gruel W.

वज्र m. a form of military array , Mn. MBh. etc. (See. -व्यूह)

वज्र m. a kind of column or pillar VarBr2S.

वज्र m. a partic. form of the moon ib.

वज्र m. a partic. एकाह, Vait.

वज्र m. a kind of hard mortar or cement( कल्क) VarBr2S. (See. -लेप)

वज्र m. N. of the 15th of the 27 योगs or astronomical divisions of time ib.

वज्र m. a partic. सोमceremony Shad2vBr.

वज्र m. Euphorbia Antiquorum and another species L.

वज्र m. Astera L.

वज्र m. N. of a mountain R.

वज्र m. of an असुरVi1rac.

वज्र m. of a son of अनिरुद्धMBh. Hariv. Pur.

वज्र m. of a son of विश्वामित्रMBh.

वज्र m. of a son of मनुसावर्णHariv.

वज्र m. (with जैनs) of one of the 10 दल-पूर्विन्s L.

वज्र m. of a ऋषिVarBr2S. ( v.l. for वात्स्य)

वज्र m. of a minister of नरेन्द्रादित्यRa1jat.

वज्र m. of a son of भूतिib.

वज्र m. of a heretical king Buddh.

वज्र n. denunciation in strong language (compared to thunder) R. Sa1h. Prata1p. (See. वाक्य-and वाग्-व्)

वज्र n. a kind of hard iron or steel L.

वज्र n. a partic. posture in sitting Cat. (See. वज्रा-सन)

वज्र n. N. of a partic. configurations of the planets and stars (in which favourable planets are situated in the 1st and 7th houses and unfavourable in the 4th and 10th) VarBr2S.

वज्र n. myrobalan L.

वज्र n. the blossom of the sesamum or of any plant called वज्रL.

वज्र n. Andropogon Muricatus L.

वज्र n. = बालक, a child , pupil L.

वज्र mfn. adamantine , hard , impenetrable W.

वज्र mfn. shaped like a kind of cross( cf. above ) , forked , zigzag ib. [ cf. Zd. vazra , " a club. "]

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

(I)--Indra's thunderbolt; a weapon shaped out of दधीचि's limbs by विश्वकर्मन् for the use of Indra; with this Indra was able to break the back of the mountains. By this वृत्र was slain. But it was of no use against Namuci; the embodiment of Brahmanical energy; फलकम्:F1:  भा. VI. १०. १३; VIII. ११. ३३-36; M. 7. ५५; वा. ३०. २३५; ६७. १०३; ७८. ५३; Vi. V. २०. ४१.फलकम्:/F from the तेजस् of the sun; फलकम्:F2:  Br. III. 5. ६९; IV. १९. ७६ and ८५; ३७. १७. M. ११. २९.फलकम्:/F a weapon of war; फलकम्:F3:  Ib. १३५. ३७, ५४; १६०. 9; १६२. ३१; १७४. ४२; १७७. १३.फलकम्:/F in the battle with कृष्ण. फलकम्:F4:  Vi. V. ३०. ६९; ३१. 4.फलकम्:/F
(II)--a son of Aniruddha and सुभद्रा, and father of प्रतिबाहु: Installed king of शूरसेनस् at मथुरा by युधिष्ठिर after Arjuna crowned him at Indraprastha after the decease of कृष्ण. भा. X. ९०. ३७-38; I. १५. ३९; XI. ३१. २५; Vi. IV. १५. ४१-2; V. ३२. 6; ३७. ६३-65.
(III)--a thief of काञ्ची stole bit by bit from the city and stored the riches in a secret place in the neighbour- ing woods. A certain किरात gathering fuel for sale observed this once and took a portion of the property home. His wife, charitably disposed, wanted to utilise it for digging [page३-137+ २९] wells and ponds. So a pond was constructed but before it was completed, all money had been spent. He got more of the thief's wealth and completed the embankment; built temples of शिव and विष्णु, besides giving gifts to ब्राह्मणस् who were pleased and renamed him and his wife as Dvijavarma and शीलावती: He also built a town and named it after his Purohita, देवरात. At his death, as he built all out of stolen wealth नारद ruled that he should wander in air for १२ years, while his wife went to Brahmaloka. As she refused, she was advised to recite शतरुद्र and get her husband released from the sin of theft. When Vajra died he got half of Dvijavarman's virtue. Dvijavarman attained कैलास. Br. IV. 7. १०-61.
(IV)--a son of Upasanga. M. ४७. २२.
(V)--a son of अश्वसुत and Sutanu. वा. ९६. २५१; १०९. 3.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Vajra^1 : nt. (m. 4. 2. 13; 12. 273. 7; 12. 31. 29): A missile generally associated with Indra, but also on a few occasions with Kṛṣṇa and Śiva; also called Kuliśa (kuliśaṁ maghavān iva) 3. 12. 43; 8. 13. 20.

I. As Indra's missile:

A. Origin: Three accounts:

(1) when the Kāleya demons, under the leadership of Vṛtra, attacked Indra and the other gods, Brahman advised them to approach the sage Dadhīca and ask him for his bones in order to fashion a Vajra out of it; with that Vajra, Indra was to kill Vṛtra 3. 98. 3-11; when the gods received the bones of Dadhīca, they took them to Tvaṣṭṛ and asked him to fashion a Vajra out of the bones; Tvaṣṭṛ, ritually ready (prayata) to receive the bones, was glad to fashion the Vajra which he did with great effort (prayatnāt) 3. 98. 22; when the Vajra was ready, Tvaṣṭṛ asked Indra to reduce his enemies to ashes with the excellent Vajra (vajrapravara); Indra too was happy and ritually ready (prayata) to receive it 3. 98. 23-24;

(2) Vajra created from the bones of Dadhīca in order to kill the three-headed Viśvarūpa, son of Tvaṣṭṛ; when the Vajra was fashioned by Dhātṛ, Viṣṇu entered it (viṣṇupraviṣṭa); with the Vajra, thus fortified, Indra cut off the heads of Viśvarūpa 12. 329. 25-27; 1. 127. 12;

(3) during a conflict between the gods and the demons Indra searched the three worlds for a suitable weapon, but did not find it; he asked the gods to approach the sage Dadhīca to ask for his bones; when the bones were received, Indra got prepared out of them various divine missiles like vajras (pl.), discuses, maces, and heavy daṇḍas (kārayām āsa divyāni nānāpraharaṇāny uta/vajrāṇi cakrāṇi gadā gurudaṁḍāṁś ca puṣkalān); with this Vajra produced from the lustre of a Brāhmaṇa (Dadhīca) and employed with the recitation of the mantras (tena vajreṇa… mantrayuktena…brahmatejobhavena ca), Indra killed nine times ninety (navatīr nava 9. 50. 33) Daityas and Dānavas 9. 50. 25-33.

B. Description: Heavenly (divya) 12. 31. 27; terrific, very terrific (ghora, ghorarūpa, mahāghora) 1. 21. 10; 3. 98. 10; 3. 124. 15, 17; 5. 9. 22; 14. 11. 8; having a fierce form (ugrarūpa, ugra) 3. 98. 23; 8. 21. 32; fearful (bhayāvaha) 5. 9. 22; impenetrable (abhedya) 12. 329. 27; difficult to resist (durutsaha) 3. 45. 4; unassailable (apradhṛṣya) 12. 329. 27; hard (dṛḍha) 3. 98. 10; sharp (tīkṣṇa) 3. 98. 10; incomparable (atula) 1. 21. 10; unsurpassed (anuttama) 3. 124. 15; large (mahat) 3. 98. 10; fiery (vaiśvānaranibha) 5. 9. 22; having great lustre (sumahātejāḥ mas.) 12. 273. 7; (amitatejas) 14. 11. 15, 17; (bhūritejas) 14. 11. 9, 11, 13; called big lightning (mahāśani) 1. 218. 30; looking like the fire at the time of the destruction of the world (kālāgnisadṛśopamaḥ mas.) 12. 273. 7; having six edges (ṣaḍaśra) 3. 98. 10; producing terrific sound (bhīmanisvana) 3. 98. 10; produced from the bones of a Brāhmaṇa (brahmāsthisaṁbhūta) 12. 329. 27; produced from the lustre of a Brāhmaṇa (brahmatejobhava) 9. 50. 33; killer of the enemies (śatruhan) 3. 98. 10; killer of the Dānavas (dānavasūdana) 1. 127. 12.

C. Indra's proper weapon: Dear weapon of Indra (indrasya dayitaṁ vajram) 1. 26. 28; 3. 45. 4; 3. 169. 13; hence Indra has epithets like vajrin 1. 26. 40; 1. 57. 3; 1. 185. 3; 1. 189. 12; 1. 199. 25; 1. 216. 27; 1. 218. 9; 2. 7. 13; 2. 58. 23; 2. 61. 63; 3. 99. 1; 3. 126. 28; 3. 213. 10; 3. 240. 21; 3. 276. 7; 3. 286. 9, 10; 3. 298. 3; 4. 22. 25; 4. 42. 18; 5. 13. 12; 5. 16. 15; 5. 74. 10; 7. 50. 73; 7. 173. 63; 8. 12. 9, 40, 44; 8. 14. 6; 8. 43. 67; 8. 45. 54; 8. 47. 12; 8. 69. 3; 9. 61. 27; 12. 217. 35; 12. 220. 11, 26; 12. 221. 7; 12. 273. 13; 13. 105. 62; 14. 10. 10; 14. 60. 18; vajrabhṛt 1. 51. 13; 1. 195. 17; 1. 215. 7; 1. 217. 18; 3. 22. 19; 3. 229. 13; 4. 34. 7; 4. 47. 10; 6. 15. 25; 6. 46. 41; 6. 60. 68; 6. 96. 11; 6. 114. 52; 7. 12. 11; 8. 5. 63; 9. 30. 5; 12. 217. 9; 13. 40. 29; vajrasya bhartā 1. 3. 152; vajradhara 1. 150. 16; 1. 207. 1 (vajradharaº); 1. 215. 13 (pl. yair ahaṁ śaknuyām yoddhum api vajradharān bahūn); 2. 4. 20; 3. 113. 23; 3. 121. 3; 3. 142. 14; 3. 154. 41; 3. 161. 19; 3. 216. 11; 3. 272, 3; 5. 21. 7; 6. 17. 36; 6. 79. 25; 6. 103. 69, 93; 7. 72. 30; 7. 94. 15; 7. 115. 10; 7. 167. 22; 9. 19. 5; 9. 47. 53; 12. 221. 88; 14. 78. 31 (vajradharaº); 15. 26. 11; vajradhārin 6. 95. 20; vajrapāṇi 1. 50. 12; 1. 134. 4; 1. 189. 21, 28; 3. 126. 39 (vajrapāṇin); 3. 163. 7; 3. 173. 14; 3. 276. 4 (vajrapāṇin); 3. 285. 10; 4. 33. 19; 4. 44. 21; 4. 56. 13; 6. 19. 7 (vajrapāṇin); 6. 46. 7; 6. 75. 26; 6. 78. 50; 6. 82. 37; 6. 103. 16; 6. 104. 33; 6. 112. 35; 7. 3. 14; 8. 26. 19, 42; 9. 23. 64; 10. 4. 1, 16; 13. 14. 88 (Śiva as Indra); 14. 54. 26; 14. 57. 27, 31; vajrahasta 5. 47. 5, 62, 63; 7. 69. 28; 7. 101. 70; 7. 167. 10; 8. 5. 31; 8. 10. 33; 8. 33. 40; 9. 31. 40; 13. 14. 151 (Śiva as Indra); vajrodyatakara 12. 273. 5; vajrāyudha 5. 155. 32; 6. 58. 54; savajra (Vāsava) 6. 58. 34; 6. 96. 11; 7. 64. 14 8. 29. 28; 12. 217. 38; pragṛhītavajra 8. 55. 3; Indra's arm has a scar due to his holding the vajra (vajragrahaṇacihnena kareṇa balasūdanaḥ) 3. 44. 25; Indra himself called Vajra 1. 21. 10; Indra boasts that he does not strike his Vajra against the weak (na durbale vai visṛjāmi vajram) 14. 9. 29; that Vajra is the proper weapon of Indra is also brought out by such expressions as: the armour with which Duryodhana was equipped by Droṇa could not be pierced by Indra with his Vajra 7. 78. 13; Karṇa told Śalya that no one, not even Indra with his raised Vajra, can dissuade him from his resolve to fight with Arjuna 8. 27. 29; or Indra's telling Karṇa to ask for anything except his Vajra 3. 294. 19.

D. Use by Indra: 1. Incidents related to the epic: (i) Indra released his lustrous missile (svam astram asṛjad dīptam), not named, against Arjuna at the time of the Khāṇḍava fire; it produced lightnings; Arjuna repelled it by Vāyavya astra 1. 218. 13, 15-16; Indra took up a thunderbolt (aśani, mahāśani), and, charging it with Vajra missile, released it against Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna (aśaniṁ gṛhya tarasā vajram astram avāsṛjat), and told the gods that the two were killed 1. 218. 29-30; Kṛṣṇa paralysed Indra who wanted to strike him with Vajra (reference to the Khāṇḍava fire ?) 13. 143. 26, 23; (ii) when Indra could not dissuade Uttaṅka from desisting to dig the earth with just a stick, he joined his Vajrāstra with the stick; the earth, torn asunder by the strokes of Vajra, made way for Uttaṅka to go to the Nāgaloka 14. 57. 31-32; 2. Incidents not related to the epic: (i) Indra threatened king Marutta, first through Agni, that in case the king did not forsake Saṁvarta who acted as his priest at the sacrifice, he would hurl his Vajra at him 14. 9. 24; he again threatened Marutta, through the Gandharva Dhṛtarāṣṭra, that he would use his Vajra against the king 14. 10. 1, 2, 4, 7; Saṁvarta, however, assured Marutta that if Indra with his Vajra arrived to strike the king, he would paralyse Indra, and that he had destroyed before the weapons of all the gods; Saṁvarta then said: “let the wind blow and may it drive away the Vajra to the directions; let there be rain and may it fall on the forests; let waters float in the midregion and let there be lightning in the sky (diśo vajraṁ vrajatāṁ vāyur etu varṣaṁ bhūtvā nipatatu kānaneṣu/āpaḥ plavantv antarikṣe vṛthā ca saudāminī dṛśyatāṁ mā bibhas tvam//) 14. 10. 13; (vajraṁ tathā sthāpayatāṁ ca vāyuḥ) 14. 10. 14; Marutta was still afraid of the sound of Vajra and of the winds, and then Saṁvarta again assured the king that he would become wind and strike down the Vajra to dispel the king's fear 14. 10. 15-16; (ii) Indra asked his missile Vajra in the bodily form (mūrtisaṁsthita) to turn into a tiger and kill Suvarṇaṣṭhīvin, son of king Sṛñjaya, as he was afraid of the prince's growing strength 12. 31. 27-28; when Vajra (vajraḥ) was so addressed, he began to look for a suitable opportunity and when it arrived he, as tiger, killed Suvarṇaṣṭhīvin; after killing the prince, the tiger disappeared by the māyā of Indra 12. 31. 29-34; (iii) when the sage Cyavana wanted to offer Soma to Aśvinā Indra objected to it; in spite of the objection, when Cyavana was about to fill the cup for the Aśvinā, Indra threatened Cyavana to strike him with Vajra; when Cyavana still proceeded to fill the cup, and Indra was about to strike the Vajra, Cyavana paralysed Indra's arm 3. 124. 8, 15-17; 14. 9. 31-32; 12. 329. 14(3); 3. Mythological incidents: (i) Vṛtra episode: (a) in the battle between the gods and Vṛtra, helped by the Kālakeyas, Indra released his Vajra to kill Vṛtra; when struck by the Vajra, Vṛtra was killed 3. 99. 1-3, 13-14; however, Indra felt as if he had not released the Vajra from his hand and that Vṛtra was not killed 3. 99. 15; (b) when the gods approached Viṣṇu for his help in their fight against Vṛtra, Viṣṇu advised them to establish peace for the time being with Vṛtra, and when the proper time came he would enter the Vajra of Indra 5. 10. 11-12; Vṛtra was ready to make peace if he would not be attacked by Indra or by the gods with anything that was dry or wet, which was stone or wood, which was a weapon (śastra) or Vajra, and if they would strike neither by day nor by night 5. 10. 29; Indra killed Vṛtra with foam which was fortified with Vajra; Viṣṇu had entered that foam (savajram atha phenaṁ taṁ kṣipraṁ vṛtre nisṛṣṭavān/praviśya phenaṁ taṁ viṣṇur atha vṛtraṁ vyanāśayat) 5. 10. 38; 3. 299. 15; (c) Maheśvara told Indra to kill Vṛtra with Vajra; Indra agreed 12. 272. 38-39; in the fight that ensued, Indra came with Vajra in his hand; he struck Vṛtra with Vajra; the Vajra (m.) killed him; Viṣṇu had entered the Vajra 12. 273. 5-7, 9; 12. 272. 31; 12. 274. 2; (d) in the fight between Indra and Vṛtra, when the latter covered the earth, Indra released his Vajra at him; Vṛtra then entered successively water, fire, wind, and then ran to ether (ākāśa); each time Indra struck him with Vajra; finally Vṛtra entered Śakra (Indra); in that condition Indra struck Vṛtra with an invisible Vajra (adṛśyena vajreṇa) 14. 11. 6-19; (ii) Viśvarūpa-Triśiras episode: (a) when the gods led by Indra approached god Brahman complaining that Viśvarupa (Triśiras), son of Tvaṣṭṛ, drank away all Soma offered in sacrifices, and that they were left without a share, Brahman advised them to approach the sage Dadhīca and request him to give up his body; the gods should then fashion a Vajra from the bones of Dadhīca 12. 329. 24-25; when Dadhīca gave up his body, Dhātṛ fashioned a Vajra out of the bones; with that Vajra, produced from the bones of a Brāhmaṇa and in which god Viṣṇu had entered, Indra killed Viśvarūpa and cut off his heads 12. 329. 27; (b) when Indra failed to tempt Triśiras, son of Tvaṣṭṛ, with Apsarases while he was practising penance, he decided to strike Vajra at him; when struck by Vajra, Triśiras fell down like the summit of a mountain; Indra was still afraid of Triśiras and he asked a woodcutter (takṣan) to cut off the heads of the lying Triśiras assuring Takṣan that he would make his axe Vajra-like (matprasādād dhi te śastraṁ vajrakalpaṁ bhaviṣyati 5. 9. 27); the woodcutter finally cut off the heads of Triśiras with his axe 5. 9. 15-34; (iii) Meeting of Bali and Indra: when Indra met Bali in the form of a donkey (khara 12. 216. 12), Bali told Indra that he could fell down Indra with his fist although Indra was equipped with Vajra, but that that was the time to show forbearance (kṣamā) and not valour (vikrama) 12. 217. 38-39; 12. 220. 79-80; Indra told Bali that since he was asked by god Brahman not to kill Bali, he was not releasing his Vajra at him (Bali) (12. 218. 33); Indra asked Bali why he was not grieved although he was formerly struck by Vajra 12. 220. 18; Bali told Indra that he was not afraid of him (Indra) although he saw him with his Vajra raised (vajram udyamya tiṣṭhantam) 12. 220. 21; Indra was surprised at the tranquility of Bali for he was not afraid of Indra with Vajra raised in his hand 12. 220. 89; (iv) Garuḍa episode: on his way to fetch amṛta, when Garuḍa flew to the mountain whose caves were blocked with snow, there were bad omens for the gods; Indra's dear missile Vajra blazed with pain (indrasya vajraṁ dayitaṁ prajajvāla vyathānvitam) 1. 26. 28; when Garuḍa was taking away amṛta, Indra struck him with Vajra; Garuḍa smiled and told Indra that just out of respect for the sage (Dadhīca) from whose bones the Vajra was fashioned, out of respect for Vajra itself, and Indra, he would let fall just one of his feathers; otherwise, due to the blow of the missile, he felt no pain at all; surprised, Indra sought friendship with Garuḍa 1. 29. 17-23; (v) Fight between the gods and Skanda: when during the fight between the gods and Skanda, the gods abandoned Indra, he released his Vajra at Skanda; it struck Skanda on his right side and split it open; due to the impact of Vajra was produced another young man (puruṣo 'paraḥ/yuvā) with golden armour, wearing heavenly kuṇḍalas, and holding śakti; he became Viśākha since he was produced due to vajraviśana (yad vajraviśanāj jāto viśākhas tena so 'bhavat) 3. 216. 1214 [viśana ‘opening made by the Vajra’ ? Nīla.: ‘digging up of the arm’ bāhor ākhananāt Bom. Ed. 3. 227. 17]; (vi) Śiva and Indra: (a) Śiva, in the form of a child in the lap of Umā, froze the arm of Śakra which held Vajra (since apparently Indra wanted to strike Vajra at the child not realising that the child was Śiva); when Brahmā and the other gods propitiated Śiva (Rudra) and Umā, Indra's hand, holding the Vajra, became as before 7. 173. 60-63; 13. 145. 30-34; (b) Indra once desirous to have Maheśvara's glory hurled his Vajra at him; it burnt Maheśvara's throat and departed; that is why Śiva is called Śrīkaṇṭha (tena śrīkaṇṭhatā mama; Nīla. śrakaṇṭhatā = nīlakaṇṭhatā on Bom. Ed. 13. 127. 47) 13. 128. 8; (vii) Indra and Mandara: Mandara, son of Hiraṇyakaśipu, fought with Indra for a million years; due to the boon he had obtained from Mahādeva (Śiva) Indra's Vajra was shattered on the limbs of the “tormentor” (graha ?) Mandara 13. 14. 53-54 (Nī. grahasya mandāranāmnaḥ on Bom. Ed. 13. 14. 75).

E. Knowledge of Vajra by Arjuna and its use by him: Arjuna learnt (adhītavān) the Vajra missile from Indra (and other missiles from Yama, Kubera, and Varuṇa) 3. 89. 12; (i) Mātali advised Arjuna to use Indra's favourite missile against the Nivātakavaca demons; Arjuna released (udīraya-) it after resorting to a firm place (acalaṁ sthānam āsādya) and after reciting the mantras on the Gāṇḍīva bow (gāṇḍīvam anumantrya ca); the result was that the sharp, iron arrows released from his bow had the impact of Vajra (amuñcaṁ vajrasaṁsparsān āyasān niśitāñ śarān); the arrows, propelled by the Vajra and which had themselves become Vajra-like (te vajracoditā bāṇā vajrabhūtāḥ) pierced the māyās of the demons and the demons themselves; they all fell down on the ground when struck by the impact (vega) of Vajra; the arrows killed also those demons who had entered the ground 3. 169. 12-17; (ii) Arjuna used the Vajra missle to kill the Saṁśaptaka warriors who showered arrows at Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna to completely cover them 7. 26. 19-20.

F. As standard of comparison; Various things compared with Vajra: 1. arrows: of Arjuna 6. 114. 55, 57; 7. 68. 56; 7. 78. 10; 8. 21. 32; 8. 55. 3; 8. 67. 16; 14. 73. 29; 14. 78. 27; of Arjuna and Karṇa 8. 65. 7; of Sātyaki 7. 91. 20; 7. 94. 14; 7. 95. 42; of Abhimanyu 6. 75. 24; of the Pāṇḍya king 8. 15. 8; of Droṇa 7. 72. 30; of Bhūriśravas 6. 70. 9; of Aśvasena 7. 171. 49; 2. gadā: of Bhīma 6. 58. 34; 7. 109. 11; 7. 110. 13 (gadā not mentioned); 7. 152. 27; of Sātyaki 7. 169. 19; of Karṇa 8. 27. 29; 3. cakra of Kṛṣṇa 6. 55. 86; 4. musala: 16. 4. 35, 39, 37 (erakā); 5. Arjuna's banner with monkey on it 9. 3. 18; 6. strong built of Karṇa 8. 5. 11; of the Pāṇḍya king 8. 15. 13; 7. strong arms 8. 23. 26; 8. hard heart 7. 50. 49; 8. 5. 24; 9. 2. 4; 12. 171. 23; 9. the Makaravyūha 6. 76. 5 (vajrakulpaḥ; Vajra = the missile or the Vajravyūha ?) 10. sound produced while fighting with different objects compared with that of the Vajra: (i) sound produced by arrows 7. 141. 21; (ii) by various weapons 7. 141. 23; (iii) by gadā 9. 56. 60; (iv) by summits of mountains hurled as missiles 7. 153. 26; (v) by fists 7. 152. 44; (vi) by bow-string 5. 47. 47; 7. 73. 16; 9. 16. 14; 11. warriors or elephants falling on the battle-field compared with the mountains (or their summits) falling down when struck by (Indra's) Vajra: (i) warriors (or their heads, or head-gears) 6. 42. 19; 7. 53. 40; 8. 15. 38; 8. 40. 105; 8. 66. 17; 8. 66. 31 (only distressed); 8. 67. 26; 12. 27. 5 (only shaking); (ii) elephants (sometimes along with their riders) 4. 60. 10; (4. 60. 12); 6. 58. 34; 6. 112. 35; 7. 28. 38; 7. 48. 43; 7. 66. 18; 7. 68. 51; 7. 123. 39; 8. 8. 44; 8. 12. 40; (8. 12. 44); 8. 13. 15; 8. 13. 20 (kuliśa); 8. 17. 27; 8. 14. 12; 8. 33. 51; 8. 43. 67; 8. 54. 5; 8. 59. 13; 8. 62. 43, 45, 46; 8. 68. 16; 9. 8. 27; 9. 19. 26; (iii) heroes struck by arrows compared with trees struck by Vajra 6. 70. 24; 6. 103. 91; 7. 172. 23; 12. fight between two heroes compared with that between Vajra and the mountain: between Bhīma and Jarāsandha 2. 21. 11; between Yuyudhāna (Sātyaki) and the Kauravas 5. 3. 15; between Pradyumna and his opponents 5. 3. 19; between Ghaṭotkaca and Alaṁbala 7. 149. 26; 13. fear, like the burning Vajra, torments the timid ones in the army 12. 103. 23.

G. Its use for punishment and not as a missile:

(1) Sudhanvan warned Prahlāda that if, in reply to a question, he told what was false, Indra would pound his head with Vajra into hundred pieces 2. 61. 63;

(2) Bṛhaspati told the gods what had been proclaimed by Brahman in ancient times (purā gītaṁ brahmaṇā 5. 12. 18): if one hands over to the enemy the person who has sought refuge, the gods with Indra strike him with Vajra 5. 12. 21.

H. Status: The best among the weapons (āyudhānāṁ varo vajraḥ (m.)) 4. 2. 13; an object of worship and honour: (i) when Vajra struck Vṛtra's head, it (the Vajra) was shattered into ten, and then into hundred pieces; the gods shared the pieces of Vajra among themselves and worshipped them; (ii) whatever is efficacious in the world is supposed to have the built of Vajra (loke yat sādhanaṁ kiṁcit sā vai vajratanuḥ smṛtā 1. 158. 48); hence a Brāhmaṇa's hand is considered to be made of Vajra, a Kṣatriya has his chariot of Vajra, a Vaiśya's gift is as efficacious as Vajra, and those junior to a Vaiśya (the Śūdras) are supposed to have Vajra's strength in their service; the horses of a Kṣatriya are as good as Vajra and hence they are inviolable (vajrapāṇir brāhmaṇaḥ syāt kṣatraṁ vajrarathaṁ smṛtam/ vaiśyā vai dānavajrāś ca karmavajrā yavīyasaḥ//vajraṁ kṣatrasya vājino avadhyā vājinaḥ smṛtāḥ) 1. 158. 49-50; however, Vajra made ineffectual when Nīlakaṇṭha (Śiva) granted a boon to Nārāyaṇa that Vajra will not have any effect on him 7. 172. 77-78. II. As Kṛṣṇa's missile: Kṛṣṇa cut off all the mountains hurled at him by a demon fighting from the side of Śālva, with his dear missile Vajra which was capable of breaking all rocks (sarvapāṣāṇabhedana) 3. 23. 17. III. As Śiva's missile: Śiva is called vajrin 7. 172. 59; 13. 15. 11; 13. 17. 128; and vajrahasta 13. 17. 70. IV. Vajra as a general missile, not associated with any individual: Many Vajras were used during the fight between Bhīma and Karṇa 7. 113. 20; Vajras were used by the Rākṣasas of Ghaṭotkaca against the Kaurava army 7. 154. 36; even the blades of grass acted like Vajras when the time was ripe (mode of expression) (pakvānāṁ hi vadhe sūta vajrāyante tṛṇāny api) 7. 10. 47.

*3rd word in left half of page p131_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Vajra^2 : m.: Name of a vyūha (a particular arrangement of the army).

A. Origin: It was designed by Indra (vihitaṁ vajrapāṇinā) 6. 19. 7.

B. Description: highly invincible (paramadurjaya) 6. 19. 7; (ajeyo mānuṣe loke) 6. 19. 35; immovable (acala) 6. 19. 7; difficult to penetrate (durbhida), watching on all sides (sarvatomukha), and terrible (ghora) 6. 19. 34.

C. Use in the epic war:

(1) Arjuna arranged the Pāṇḍava army according to this Vyūha on the first day of the war 6. 19. 6-7, 35; Bhīma led it (bhīmaseno 'graṇīs teṣām) 6. 19. 18, (dṛṣṭvāgrato bhīmasenam) 6. 19. 44, (bhīmaseno…pracakarṣa mahat sainyam) 6. 19. 32; 6. 19. 8, 9; also in the forefront stood Dhṛṣṭadyumna, Nakula, Sahadeva, and Dhṛṣtaketu; Nakula and Sahadeva acted as the protectors of the wheels of Bhīma's chariot (cakrarakṣau 6. 19. 20), and the sons of Draupadī and Abhimanyu protected Bhīma from behind (pṛṣṭhagopāḥ 6. 19. 20); Dhṛṣṭadyumna, helped by the Prabhadrakas, offered protection to all of them (6. 19. 21); the king (Virāṭa ?), surrounded by an army, akṣauhiṇī strong, together with his brothers and sons guarded them from behind; Śikhaṇḍin, guarded by Arjuna, followed them; Yuyudhāna (Sātyaki) protected Arjuna from behind (pṛṣṭhagopa) and Yudhāmanyu and Uttamaujas acted as his wheelprotectors (cakrarakṣau); Yudhiṣṭhira, with elephants, took position in the middle; the Pāñcāla king Yajñasena with an army, akṣauhiṇī strong, marched behind Virāṭa; Dhṛṣṭadyumna, having moved from his position, with his brothers and sons, protected Yudhiṣṭhira from behind; hundreds and thousands of foot-soldiers moved in the front to protect Bhīmasena, while ten thousand elephants followed Yudhiṣṭhira 6. 19. 18-31; according to 6. 22. 1-6, where the name of the Vyūha is not mentioned but the description of which apparently applies to the arrangement of the Pāṇḍava army on the first day, Yudhiṣṭhira himself directed the contingents (anīkāni) of his army to counter the Vyūha (Sarvatobhadra) of Bhīṣma; Śikhaṇḍin's contingent stood in the middle, protected by Arjuna (also 6. 22. 14); Dhṛṣṭadyumna's contingent was protected by Bhīma himself; the contingent on the right side of the Vyūha (anīkaṁ dakṣiṇam) was protected by Yuyudhāna (Sātyaki); Yudhiṣṭhira's chariot was stationed in the midst of elephants; Bhīma, along with Nakula and Sahadeva, is said to be the guard of the chariot of the hero (vīrarathasya goptā i. e. Arjuna ? Dhṛṣṭadyumna ?), but his position seems to be in the front of the army (senāgragatam) 6. 22. 12-13; in many respects, this description of the Vyūha agrees with that of the Vajra given above (6. 19. 18-31);

(2) On the seventh day of the war Yudhiṣṭhira himself used the Vajravyūha for his army (of which no details are available) to counter the Maṇḍalavyūha of the Kaurava army 6. 77. 21.

*1st word in left half of page p137_mci (+offset) in original book.

Mahabharata Cultural Index


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Vajra^1 : nt. (m. 4. 2. 13; 12. 273. 7; 12. 31. 29): A missile generally associated with Indra, but also on a few occasions with Kṛṣṇa and Śiva; also called Kuliśa (kuliśaṁ maghavān iva) 3. 12. 43; 8. 13. 20.

I. As Indra's missile:

A. Origin: Three accounts:

(1) when the Kāleya demons, under the leadership of Vṛtra, attacked Indra and the other gods, Brahman advised them to approach the sage Dadhīca and ask him for his bones in order to fashion a Vajra out of it; with that Vajra, Indra was to kill Vṛtra 3. 98. 3-11; when the gods received the bones of Dadhīca, they took them to Tvaṣṭṛ and asked him to fashion a Vajra out of the bones; Tvaṣṭṛ, ritually ready (prayata) to receive the bones, was glad to fashion the Vajra which he did with great effort (prayatnāt) 3. 98. 22; when the Vajra was ready, Tvaṣṭṛ asked Indra to reduce his enemies to ashes with the excellent Vajra (vajrapravara); Indra too was happy and ritually ready (prayata) to receive it 3. 98. 23-24;

(2) Vajra created from the bones of Dadhīca in order to kill the three-headed Viśvarūpa, son of Tvaṣṭṛ; when the Vajra was fashioned by Dhātṛ, Viṣṇu entered it (viṣṇupraviṣṭa); with the Vajra, thus fortified, Indra cut off the heads of Viśvarūpa 12. 329. 25-27; 1. 127. 12;

(3) during a conflict between the gods and the demons Indra searched the three worlds for a suitable weapon, but did not find it; he asked the gods to approach the sage Dadhīca to ask for his bones; when the bones were received, Indra got prepared out of them various divine missiles like vajras (pl.), discuses, maces, and heavy daṇḍas (kārayām āsa divyāni nānāpraharaṇāny uta/vajrāṇi cakrāṇi gadā gurudaṁḍāṁś ca puṣkalān); with this Vajra produced from the lustre of a Brāhmaṇa (Dadhīca) and employed with the recitation of the mantras (tena vajreṇa… mantrayuktena…brahmatejobhavena ca), Indra killed nine times ninety (navatīr nava 9. 50. 33) Daityas and Dānavas 9. 50. 25-33.

B. Description: Heavenly (divya) 12. 31. 27; terrific, very terrific (ghora, ghorarūpa, mahāghora) 1. 21. 10; 3. 98. 10; 3. 124. 15, 17; 5. 9. 22; 14. 11. 8; having a fierce form (ugrarūpa, ugra) 3. 98. 23; 8. 21. 32; fearful (bhayāvaha) 5. 9. 22; impenetrable (abhedya) 12. 329. 27; difficult to resist (durutsaha) 3. 45. 4; unassailable (apradhṛṣya) 12. 329. 27; hard (dṛḍha) 3. 98. 10; sharp (tīkṣṇa) 3. 98. 10; incomparable (atula) 1. 21. 10; unsurpassed (anuttama) 3. 124. 15; large (mahat) 3. 98. 10; fiery (vaiśvānaranibha) 5. 9. 22; having great lustre (sumahātejāḥ mas.) 12. 273. 7; (amitatejas) 14. 11. 15, 17; (bhūritejas) 14. 11. 9, 11, 13; called big lightning (mahāśani) 1. 218. 30; looking like the fire at the time of the destruction of the world (kālāgnisadṛśopamaḥ mas.) 12. 273. 7; having six edges (ṣaḍaśra) 3. 98. 10; producing terrific sound (bhīmanisvana) 3. 98. 10; produced from the bones of a Brāhmaṇa (brahmāsthisaṁbhūta) 12. 329. 27; produced from the lustre of a Brāhmaṇa (brahmatejobhava) 9. 50. 33; killer of the enemies (śatruhan) 3. 98. 10; killer of the Dānavas (dānavasūdana) 1. 127. 12.

C. Indra's proper weapon: Dear weapon of Indra (indrasya dayitaṁ vajram) 1. 26. 28; 3. 45. 4; 3. 169. 13; hence Indra has epithets like vajrin 1. 26. 40; 1. 57. 3; 1. 185. 3; 1. 189. 12; 1. 199. 25; 1. 216. 27; 1. 218. 9; 2. 7. 13; 2. 58. 23; 2. 61. 63; 3. 99. 1; 3. 126. 28; 3. 213. 10; 3. 240. 21; 3. 276. 7; 3. 286. 9, 10; 3. 298. 3; 4. 22. 25; 4. 42. 18; 5. 13. 12; 5. 16. 15; 5. 74. 10; 7. 50. 73; 7. 173. 63; 8. 12. 9, 40, 44; 8. 14. 6; 8. 43. 67; 8. 45. 54; 8. 47. 12; 8. 69. 3; 9. 61. 27; 12. 217. 35; 12. 220. 11, 26; 12. 221. 7; 12. 273. 13; 13. 105. 62; 14. 10. 10; 14. 60. 18; vajrabhṛt 1. 51. 13; 1. 195. 17; 1. 215. 7; 1. 217. 18; 3. 22. 19; 3. 229. 13; 4. 34. 7; 4. 47. 10; 6. 15. 25; 6. 46. 41; 6. 60. 68; 6. 96. 11; 6. 114. 52; 7. 12. 11; 8. 5. 63; 9. 30. 5; 12. 217. 9; 13. 40. 29; vajrasya bhartā 1. 3. 152; vajradhara 1. 150. 16; 1. 207. 1 (vajradharaº); 1. 215. 13 (pl. yair ahaṁ śaknuyām yoddhum api vajradharān bahūn); 2. 4. 20; 3. 113. 23; 3. 121. 3; 3. 142. 14; 3. 154. 41; 3. 161. 19; 3. 216. 11; 3. 272, 3; 5. 21. 7; 6. 17. 36; 6. 79. 25; 6. 103. 69, 93; 7. 72. 30; 7. 94. 15; 7. 115. 10; 7. 167. 22; 9. 19. 5; 9. 47. 53; 12. 221. 88; 14. 78. 31 (vajradharaº); 15. 26. 11; vajradhārin 6. 95. 20; vajrapāṇi 1. 50. 12; 1. 134. 4; 1. 189. 21, 28; 3. 126. 39 (vajrapāṇin); 3. 163. 7; 3. 173. 14; 3. 276. 4 (vajrapāṇin); 3. 285. 10; 4. 33. 19; 4. 44. 21; 4. 56. 13; 6. 19. 7 (vajrapāṇin); 6. 46. 7; 6. 75. 26; 6. 78. 50; 6. 82. 37; 6. 103. 16; 6. 104. 33; 6. 112. 35; 7. 3. 14; 8. 26. 19, 42; 9. 23. 64; 10. 4. 1, 16; 13. 14. 88 (Śiva as Indra); 14. 54. 26; 14. 57. 27, 31; vajrahasta 5. 47. 5, 62, 63; 7. 69. 28; 7. 101. 70; 7. 167. 10; 8. 5. 31; 8. 10. 33; 8. 33. 40; 9. 31. 40; 13. 14. 151 (Śiva as Indra); vajrodyatakara 12. 273. 5; vajrāyudha 5. 155. 32; 6. 58. 54; savajra (Vāsava) 6. 58. 34; 6. 96. 11; 7. 64. 14 8. 29. 28; 12. 217. 38; pragṛhītavajra 8. 55. 3; Indra's arm has a scar due to his holding the vajra (vajragrahaṇacihnena kareṇa balasūdanaḥ) 3. 44. 25; Indra himself called Vajra 1. 21. 10; Indra boasts that he does not strike his Vajra against the weak (na durbale vai visṛjāmi vajram) 14. 9. 29; that Vajra is the proper weapon of Indra is also brought out by such expressions as: the armour with which Duryodhana was equipped by Droṇa could not be pierced by Indra with his Vajra 7. 78. 13; Karṇa told Śalya that no one, not even Indra with his raised Vajra, can dissuade him from his resolve to fight with Arjuna 8. 27. 29; or Indra's telling Karṇa to ask for anything except his Vajra 3. 294. 19.

D. Use by Indra: 1. Incidents related to the epic: (i) Indra released his lustrous missile (svam astram asṛjad dīptam), not named, against Arjuna at the time of the Khāṇḍava fire; it produced lightnings; Arjuna repelled it by Vāyavya astra 1. 218. 13, 15-16; Indra took up a thunderbolt (aśani, mahāśani), and, charging it with Vajra missile, released it against Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna (aśaniṁ gṛhya tarasā vajram astram avāsṛjat), and told the gods that the two were killed 1. 218. 29-30; Kṛṣṇa paralysed Indra who wanted to strike him with Vajra (reference to the Khāṇḍava fire ?) 13. 143. 26, 23; (ii) when Indra could not dissuade Uttaṅka from desisting to dig the earth with just a stick, he joined his Vajrāstra with the stick; the earth, torn asunder by the strokes of Vajra, made way for Uttaṅka to go to the Nāgaloka 14. 57. 31-32; 2. Incidents not related to the epic: (i) Indra threatened king Marutta, first through Agni, that in case the king did not forsake Saṁvarta who acted as his priest at the sacrifice, he would hurl his Vajra at him 14. 9. 24; he again threatened Marutta, through the Gandharva Dhṛtarāṣṭra, that he would use his Vajra against the king 14. 10. 1, 2, 4, 7; Saṁvarta, however, assured Marutta that if Indra with his Vajra arrived to strike the king, he would paralyse Indra, and that he had destroyed before the weapons of all the gods; Saṁvarta then said: “let the wind blow and may it drive away the Vajra to the directions; let there be rain and may it fall on the forests; let waters float in the midregion and let there be lightning in the sky (diśo vajraṁ vrajatāṁ vāyur etu varṣaṁ bhūtvā nipatatu kānaneṣu/āpaḥ plavantv antarikṣe vṛthā ca saudāminī dṛśyatāṁ mā bibhas tvam//) 14. 10. 13; (vajraṁ tathā sthāpayatāṁ ca vāyuḥ) 14. 10. 14; Marutta was still afraid of the sound of Vajra and of the winds, and then Saṁvarta again assured the king that he would become wind and strike down the Vajra to dispel the king's fear 14. 10. 15-16; (ii) Indra asked his missile Vajra in the bodily form (mūrtisaṁsthita) to turn into a tiger and kill Suvarṇaṣṭhīvin, son of king Sṛñjaya, as he was afraid of the prince's growing strength 12. 31. 27-28; when Vajra (vajraḥ) was so addressed, he began to look for a suitable opportunity and when it arrived he, as tiger, killed Suvarṇaṣṭhīvin; after killing the prince, the tiger disappeared by the māyā of Indra 12. 31. 29-34; (iii) when the sage Cyavana wanted to offer Soma to Aśvinā Indra objected to it; in spite of the objection, when Cyavana was about to fill the cup for the Aśvinā, Indra threatened Cyavana to strike him with Vajra; when Cyavana still proceeded to fill the cup, and Indra was about to strike the Vajra, Cyavana paralysed Indra's arm 3. 124. 8, 15-17; 14. 9. 31-32; 12. 329. 14(3); 3. Mythological incidents: (i) Vṛtra episode: (a) in the battle between the gods and Vṛtra, helped by the Kālakeyas, Indra released his Vajra to kill Vṛtra; when struck by the Vajra, Vṛtra was killed 3. 99. 1-3, 13-14; however, Indra felt as if he had not released the Vajra from his hand and that Vṛtra was not killed 3. 99. 15; (b) when the gods approached Viṣṇu for his help in their fight against Vṛtra, Viṣṇu advised them to establish peace for the time being with Vṛtra, and when the proper time came he would enter the Vajra of Indra 5. 10. 11-12; Vṛtra was ready to make peace if he would not be attacked by Indra or by the gods with anything that was dry or wet, which was stone or wood, which was a weapon (śastra) or Vajra, and if they would strike neither by day nor by night 5. 10. 29; Indra killed Vṛtra with foam which was fortified with Vajra; Viṣṇu had entered that foam (savajram atha phenaṁ taṁ kṣipraṁ vṛtre nisṛṣṭavān/praviśya phenaṁ taṁ viṣṇur atha vṛtraṁ vyanāśayat) 5. 10. 38; 3. 299. 15; (c) Maheśvara told Indra to kill Vṛtra with Vajra; Indra agreed 12. 272. 38-39; in the fight that ensued, Indra came with Vajra in his hand; he struck Vṛtra with Vajra; the Vajra (m.) killed him; Viṣṇu had entered the Vajra 12. 273. 5-7, 9; 12. 272. 31; 12. 274. 2; (d) in the fight between Indra and Vṛtra, when the latter covered the earth, Indra released his Vajra at him; Vṛtra then entered successively water, fire, wind, and then ran to ether (ākāśa); each time Indra struck him with Vajra; finally Vṛtra entered Śakra (Indra); in that condition Indra struck Vṛtra with an invisible Vajra (adṛśyena vajreṇa) 14. 11. 6-19; (ii) Viśvarūpa-Triśiras episode: (a) when the gods led by Indra approached god Brahman complaining that Viśvarupa (Triśiras), son of Tvaṣṭṛ, drank away all Soma offered in sacrifices, and that they were left without a share, Brahman advised them to approach the sage Dadhīca and request him to give up his body; the gods should then fashion a Vajra from the bones of Dadhīca 12. 329. 24-25; when Dadhīca gave up his body, Dhātṛ fashioned a Vajra out of the bones; with that Vajra, produced from the bones of a Brāhmaṇa and in which god Viṣṇu had entered, Indra killed Viśvarūpa and cut off his heads 12. 329. 27; (b) when Indra failed to tempt Triśiras, son of Tvaṣṭṛ, with Apsarases while he was practising penance, he decided to strike Vajra at him; when struck by Vajra, Triśiras fell down like the summit of a mountain; Indra was still afraid of Triśiras and he asked a woodcutter (takṣan) to cut off the heads of the lying Triśiras assuring Takṣan that he would make his axe Vajra-like (matprasādād dhi te śastraṁ vajrakalpaṁ bhaviṣyati 5. 9. 27); the woodcutter finally cut off the heads of Triśiras with his axe 5. 9. 15-34; (iii) Meeting of Bali and Indra: when Indra met Bali in the form of a donkey (khara 12. 216. 12), Bali told Indra that he could fell down Indra with his fist although Indra was equipped with Vajra, but that that was the time to show forbearance (kṣamā) and not valour (vikrama) 12. 217. 38-39; 12. 220. 79-80; Indra told Bali that since he was asked by god Brahman not to kill Bali, he was not releasing his Vajra at him (Bali) (12. 218. 33); Indra asked Bali why he was not grieved although he was formerly struck by Vajra 12. 220. 18; Bali told Indra that he was not afraid of him (Indra) although he saw him with his Vajra raised (vajram udyamya tiṣṭhantam) 12. 220. 21; Indra was surprised at the tranquility of Bali for he was not afraid of Indra with Vajra raised in his hand 12. 220. 89; (iv) Garuḍa episode: on his way to fetch amṛta, when Garuḍa flew to the mountain whose caves were blocked with snow, there were bad omens for the gods; Indra's dear missile Vajra blazed with pain (indrasya vajraṁ dayitaṁ prajajvāla vyathānvitam) 1. 26. 28; when Garuḍa was taking away amṛta, Indra struck him with Vajra; Garuḍa smiled and told Indra that just out of respect for the sage (Dadhīca) from whose bones the Vajra was fashioned, out of respect for Vajra itself, and Indra, he would let fall just one of his feathers; otherwise, due to the blow of the missile, he felt no pain at all; surprised, Indra sought friendship with Garuḍa 1. 29. 17-23; (v) Fight between the gods and Skanda: when during the fight between the gods and Skanda, the gods abandoned Indra, he released his Vajra at Skanda; it struck Skanda on his right side and split it open; due to the impact of Vajra was produced another young man (puruṣo 'paraḥ/yuvā) with golden armour, wearing heavenly kuṇḍalas, and holding śakti; he became Viśākha since he was produced due to vajraviśana (yad vajraviśanāj jāto viśākhas tena so 'bhavat) 3. 216. 1214 [viśana ‘opening made by the Vajra’ ? Nīla.: ‘digging up of the arm’ bāhor ākhananāt Bom. Ed. 3. 227. 17]; (vi) Śiva and Indra: (a) Śiva, in the form of a child in the lap of Umā, froze the arm of Śakra which held Vajra (since apparently Indra wanted to strike Vajra at the child not realising that the child was Śiva); when Brahmā and the other gods propitiated Śiva (Rudra) and Umā, Indra's hand, holding the Vajra, became as before 7. 173. 60-63; 13. 145. 30-34; (b) Indra once desirous to have Maheśvara's glory hurled his Vajra at him; it burnt Maheśvara's throat and departed; that is why Śiva is called Śrīkaṇṭha (tena śrīkaṇṭhatā mama; Nīla. śrakaṇṭhatā = nīlakaṇṭhatā on Bom. Ed. 13. 127. 47) 13. 128. 8; (vii) Indra and Mandara: Mandara, son of Hiraṇyakaśipu, fought with Indra for a million years; due to the boon he had obtained from Mahādeva (Śiva) Indra's Vajra was shattered on the limbs of the “tormentor” (graha ?) Mandara 13. 14. 53-54 (Nī. grahasya mandāranāmnaḥ on Bom. Ed. 13. 14. 75).

E. Knowledge of Vajra by Arjuna and its use by him: Arjuna learnt (adhītavān) the Vajra missile from Indra (and other missiles from Yama, Kubera, and Varuṇa) 3. 89. 12; (i) Mātali advised Arjuna to use Indra's favourite missile against the Nivātakavaca demons; Arjuna released (udīraya-) it after resorting to a firm place (acalaṁ sthānam āsādya) and after reciting the mantras on the Gāṇḍīva bow (gāṇḍīvam anumantrya ca); the result was that the sharp, iron arrows released from his bow had the impact of Vajra (amuñcaṁ vajrasaṁsparsān āyasān niśitāñ śarān); the arrows, propelled by the Vajra and which had themselves become Vajra-like (te vajracoditā bāṇā vajrabhūtāḥ) pierced the māyās of the demons and the demons themselves; they all fell down on the ground when struck by the impact (vega) of Vajra; the arrows killed also those demons who had entered the ground 3. 169. 12-17; (ii) Arjuna used the Vajra missle to kill the Saṁśaptaka warriors who showered arrows at Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna to completely cover them 7. 26. 19-20.

F. As standard of comparison; Various things compared with Vajra: 1. arrows: of Arjuna 6. 114. 55, 57; 7. 68. 56; 7. 78. 10; 8. 21. 32; 8. 55. 3; 8. 67. 16; 14. 73. 29; 14. 78. 27; of Arjuna and Karṇa 8. 65. 7; of Sātyaki 7. 91. 20; 7. 94. 14; 7. 95. 42; of Abhimanyu 6. 75. 24; of the Pāṇḍya king 8. 15. 8; of Droṇa 7. 72. 30; of Bhūriśravas 6. 70. 9; of Aśvasena 7. 171. 49; 2. gadā: of Bhīma 6. 58. 34; 7. 109. 11; 7. 110. 13 (gadā not mentioned); 7. 152. 27; of Sātyaki 7. 169. 19; of Karṇa 8. 27. 29; 3. cakra of Kṛṣṇa 6. 55. 86; 4. musala: 16. 4. 35, 39, 37 (erakā); 5. Arjuna's banner with monkey on it 9. 3. 18; 6. strong built of Karṇa 8. 5. 11; of the Pāṇḍya king 8. 15. 13; 7. strong arms 8. 23. 26; 8. hard heart 7. 50. 49; 8. 5. 24; 9. 2. 4; 12. 171. 23; 9. the Makaravyūha 6. 76. 5 (vajrakulpaḥ; Vajra = the missile or the Vajravyūha ?) 10. sound produced while fighting with different objects compared with that of the Vajra: (i) sound produced by arrows 7. 141. 21; (ii) by various weapons 7. 141. 23; (iii) by gadā 9. 56. 60; (iv) by summits of mountains hurled as missiles 7. 153. 26; (v) by fists 7. 152. 44; (vi) by bow-string 5. 47. 47; 7. 73. 16; 9. 16. 14; 11. warriors or elephants falling on the battle-field compared with the mountains (or their summits) falling down when struck by (Indra's) Vajra: (i) warriors (or their heads, or head-gears) 6. 42. 19; 7. 53. 40; 8. 15. 38; 8. 40. 105; 8. 66. 17; 8. 66. 31 (only distressed); 8. 67. 26; 12. 27. 5 (only shaking); (ii) elephants (sometimes along with their riders) 4. 60. 10; (4. 60. 12); 6. 58. 34; 6. 112. 35; 7. 28. 38; 7. 48. 43; 7. 66. 18; 7. 68. 51; 7. 123. 39; 8. 8. 44; 8. 12. 40; (8. 12. 44); 8. 13. 15; 8. 13. 20 (kuliśa); 8. 17. 27; 8. 14. 12; 8. 33. 51; 8. 43. 67; 8. 54. 5; 8. 59. 13; 8. 62. 43, 45, 46; 8. 68. 16; 9. 8. 27; 9. 19. 26; (iii) heroes struck by arrows compared with trees struck by Vajra 6. 70. 24; 6. 103. 91; 7. 172. 23; 12. fight between two heroes compared with that between Vajra and the mountain: between Bhīma and Jarāsandha 2. 21. 11; between Yuyudhāna (Sātyaki) and the Kauravas 5. 3. 15; between Pradyumna and his opponents 5. 3. 19; between Ghaṭotkaca and Alaṁbala 7. 149. 26; 13. fear, like the burning Vajra, torments the timid ones in the army 12. 103. 23.

G. Its use for punishment and not as a missile:

(1) Sudhanvan warned Prahlāda that if, in reply to a question, he told what was false, Indra would pound his head with Vajra into hundred pieces 2. 61. 63;

(2) Bṛhaspati told the gods what had been proclaimed by Brahman in ancient times (purā gītaṁ brahmaṇā 5. 12. 18): if one hands over to the enemy the person who has sought refuge, the gods with Indra strike him with Vajra 5. 12. 21.

H. Status: The best among the weapons (āyudhānāṁ varo vajraḥ (m.)) 4. 2. 13; an object of worship and honour: (i) when Vajra struck Vṛtra's head, it (the Vajra) was shattered into ten, and then into hundred pieces; the gods shared the pieces of Vajra among themselves and worshipped them; (ii) whatever is efficacious in the world is supposed to have the built of Vajra (loke yat sādhanaṁ kiṁcit sā vai vajratanuḥ smṛtā 1. 158. 48); hence a Brāhmaṇa's hand is considered to be made of Vajra, a Kṣatriya has his chariot of Vajra, a Vaiśya's gift is as efficacious as Vajra, and those junior to a Vaiśya (the Śūdras) are supposed to have Vajra's strength in their service; the horses of a Kṣatriya are as good as Vajra and hence they are inviolable (vajrapāṇir brāhmaṇaḥ syāt kṣatraṁ vajrarathaṁ smṛtam/ vaiśyā vai dānavajrāś ca karmavajrā yavīyasaḥ//vajraṁ kṣatrasya vājino avadhyā vājinaḥ smṛtāḥ) 1. 158. 49-50; however, Vajra made ineffectual when Nīlakaṇṭha (Śiva) granted a boon to Nārāyaṇa that Vajra will not have any effect on him 7. 172. 77-78. II. As Kṛṣṇa's missile: Kṛṣṇa cut off all the mountains hurled at him by a demon fighting from the side of Śālva, with his dear missile Vajra which was capable of breaking all rocks (sarvapāṣāṇabhedana) 3. 23. 17. III. As Śiva's missile: Śiva is called vajrin 7. 172. 59; 13. 15. 11; 13. 17. 128; and vajrahasta 13. 17. 70. IV. Vajra as a general missile, not associated with any individual: Many Vajras were used during the fight between Bhīma and Karṇa 7. 113. 20; Vajras were used by the Rākṣasas of Ghaṭotkaca against the Kaurava army 7. 154. 36; even the blades of grass acted like Vajras when the time was ripe (mode of expression) (pakvānāṁ hi vadhe sūta vajrāyante tṛṇāny api) 7. 10. 47.

*3rd word in left half of page p131_mci (+offset) in original book.

previous page p130_mci .......... next page p137_mci

Vajra^2 : m.: Name of a vyūha (a particular arrangement of the army).

A. Origin: It was designed by Indra (vihitaṁ vajrapāṇinā) 6. 19. 7.

B. Description: highly invincible (paramadurjaya) 6. 19. 7; (ajeyo mānuṣe loke) 6. 19. 35; immovable (acala) 6. 19. 7; difficult to penetrate (durbhida), watching on all sides (sarvatomukha), and terrible (ghora) 6. 19. 34.

C. Use in the epic war:

(1) Arjuna arranged the Pāṇḍava army according to this Vyūha on the first day of the war 6. 19. 6-7, 35; Bhīma led it (bhīmaseno 'graṇīs teṣām) 6. 19. 18, (dṛṣṭvāgrato bhīmasenam) 6. 19. 44, (bhīmaseno…pracakarṣa mahat sainyam) 6. 19. 32; 6. 19. 8, 9; also in the forefront stood Dhṛṣṭadyumna, Nakula, Sahadeva, and Dhṛṣtaketu; Nakula and Sahadeva acted as the protectors of the wheels of Bhīma's chariot (cakrarakṣau 6. 19. 20), and the sons of Draupadī and Abhimanyu protected Bhīma from behind (pṛṣṭhagopāḥ 6. 19. 20); Dhṛṣṭadyumna, helped by the Prabhadrakas, offered protection to all of them (6. 19. 21); the king (Virāṭa ?), surrounded by an army, akṣauhiṇī strong, together with his brothers and sons guarded them from behind; Śikhaṇḍin, guarded by Arjuna, followed them; Yuyudhāna (Sātyaki) protected Arjuna from behind (pṛṣṭhagopa) and Yudhāmanyu and Uttamaujas acted as his wheelprotectors (cakrarakṣau); Yudhiṣṭhira, with elephants, took position in the middle; the Pāñcāla king Yajñasena with an army, akṣauhiṇī strong, marched behind Virāṭa; Dhṛṣṭadyumna, having moved from his position, with his brothers and sons, protected Yudhiṣṭhira from behind; hundreds and thousands of foot-soldiers moved in the front to protect Bhīmasena, while ten thousand elephants followed Yudhiṣṭhira 6. 19. 18-31; according to 6. 22. 1-6, where the name of the Vyūha is not mentioned but the description of which apparently applies to the arrangement of the Pāṇḍava army on the first day, Yudhiṣṭhira himself directed the contingents (anīkāni) of his army to counter the Vyūha (Sarvatobhadra) of Bhīṣma; Śikhaṇḍin's contingent stood in the middle, protected by Arjuna (also 6. 22. 14); Dhṛṣṭadyumna's contingent was protected by Bhīma himself; the contingent on the right side of the Vyūha (anīkaṁ dakṣiṇam) was protected by Yuyudhāna (Sātyaki); Yudhiṣṭhira's chariot was stationed in the midst of elephants; Bhīma, along with Nakula and Sahadeva, is said to be the guard of the chariot of the hero (vīrarathasya goptā i. e. Arjuna ? Dhṛṣṭadyumna ?), but his position seems to be in the front of the army (senāgragatam) 6. 22. 12-13; in many respects, this description of the Vyūha agrees with that of the Vajra given above (6. 19. 18-31);

(2) On the seventh day of the war Yudhiṣṭhira himself used the Vajravyūha for his army (of which no details are available) to counter the Maṇḍalavyūha of the Kaurava army 6. 77. 21.

*1st word in left half of page p137_mci (+offset) in original book.

Vedic Index of Names and Subjects


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Vajra in the Aitareya Brāhmaṇa[] denotes, according to Geldner,[] the ‘handle,’ while Kūṭa means the ‘head’ of the hammer.

  1. vi. 24, 1.
  2. Vedische Studien, 1, 138.
"https://sa.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=वज्र&oldid=504061" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्