सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः





पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

शिवम्, क्ली, (शी + “सर्व्वनिघृष्वरिष्वलष्वशिव- पद्वप्रह्वेष्वा अतन्त्रे ।” उणा० १ । १५३ । वन् प्रत्ययेन साधु ।) मङ्गलम् । इत्यमरः ॥ (यथा, रघुः । १६० । “उपपन्नं ननु शिवं सप्तस्वङ्गेषु यस्य मे । दैवीनां मानुषीनाञ्च प्रतिहर्त्ता त्वमापदाम् ॥” सुस्वम् । जलम् । इत्युणादिकोषः ॥ मैन्धवम् । समुद्रलवणम् । श्वेतटङ्कणम् । इति राज- निर्घण्टः ॥ (मङ्गलवति, त्रि ॥ यथा, महा- भारते । १ । २०८ । ३६ । “तत्र रम्ये शिवे देशे कौरवस्य निवेशनम् ॥”)

शिवः, पुं, (शी + “सर्वनिघृष्वेति ।” उणा० १ । १५३ इति वन्प्रत्ययेन साधुः ।) ब्रह्मणः संज्ञाविशेषः । तस्य व्युत्पत्तिर्यथा । शिवं कल्याणं विद्यतेऽस्य शिवः । श्यति अशुभमिति वा । शेरतेऽवतिष्ठन्ते अणिमादयोऽष्टौ गुणा अस्मिन् इति वा शिवः । इत्यमरटीकायां भरतः ॥ तत्पर्य्यायः । शम्भुः २ ईशः ३ पशुपतिः ४ शूली ५ महेश्वरः ६ ईश्वरः ७ सर्व्वः ८ ईशानः ९ शङ्करः १० चन्द्रशेखरः ११ भूतेशः १२ खण्डपरशुः १३ गिरीशः १४ गिरिशः १५ मृडः १६ मृत्युञ्जयः १७ कृत्ति- वासाः १८ पिनाकी १९ प्रमथाधिपः २० उग्रः २१ कपर्द्दी २२ श्रीकण्ठः २३ शितिकण्ठः २४ कपालभृत् २५ वामदेवः २६ महादेवः २७ विरूपाक्षः २८ त्रिलोचनः २९ कृशानरेताः ३० सर्व्वज्ञः ३१ धूर्ज्जटिः ३२ नीललोहितः ३३ हरः ३४ स्मरहरः ३५ भर्गः ३६ त्र्यम्बकः ३७ त्रिपुरान्तकः ३८ गङ्गाधरः ३९ अन्धकरिपुः ४० क्रतुध्वंसी ४१ वृषध्वजः ४२ व्योमकेशः ४३ भवः ४४ भीमः ४५ स्थाणुः ४६ रुद्रः ४७ उमापतिः ४८ । इत्यमरः ॥ वृषपर्व्वा ४९ रेरिहाणः ५० भगाली ५१ पांशुचन्दनः ५२ दिगम्बरः ५३ अट्टहासः ५४ कालञ्जरः ५५ पुरद्विट् ५६ वृषाकपिः ५७ महाकालः ५८ वराकः ५९ नन्दिवर्द्धनः ६० हीरः ६१ वीरः ६२ खरुः ६३ भूरिः ६४ कटप्रूः ६५ भैरवः ६६ ध्रुवः ६७ शिविपिष्टः ६८ गुडाकेशः ६९ देव- देवः ७० महानटः ७१ । इति जटाधरः ॥ तीव्रः ७२ खण्डपर्शुः ७३ पञ्चाननः ७४ कण्ठे- कालः ७५ भरुः ७६ भीरुः ७७ भीषणः ७८ कङ्कालमाली ७९ जटाधरः ८० व्योमदेवः ८१ सिद्धदेवः ८२ धरणीश्वरः ८३ विश्वेशः ८४ जयन्तः ८५ हररूपः ८६ सन्ध्यानाटी ८७ सुप्रसादः ८८ चन्द्रापीडः ८९ शूलधरः ९० वृषाङ्कः ९१ वृषभध्वजः ९२ भूतनाथः ९३ शिपिविष्टः ९४ वरेश्वरः ९५ विश्वेश्वरः ९६ बिश्वनाथः ९७ काशीनाथः ९८ कुलेश्वरः ९९ अस्थिमाली १०० विशालाक्षः १०१ हिण्डी १०२ यावत्तु परमेशानि भुङक्ते शापं परात्मिके । कामाख्या हि महामाये तदन्ते सफला भवेत् ॥ एव ते कथितं देवि ब्रह्मशापविमोचनम् । कामाख्याया महेशानि साकल्येन मया ध्रुवम् ॥” इति श्रीयोगिनीतन्त्रेदेवीश्वरसंवादे चतुर्विंशति साहस्रे १३ पटलः ॥ मोक्षः । कीलग्रहः । वालुकम् । गुग्गुलुः । वेदः । पुण्डरीकद्रुमः । इति मेदिनी ॥ कृष्णधुस्तूरः । पारदः । इति राजनिर्घण्टः ॥ देवः । इति शब्दरत्नावली ॥ लिङ्गः । इत्युणादिकोषः ॥ विष्कुम्भादिसप्त- विंशतियोगान्तर्गतविंशतितमयोगः । तत्र जात- फलम् । “महेशभक्तः श्रुतिपारदृश्वो जितेन्द्रियश्चारुतनुर्म्महात्मा । शिवाभिधानः खलु योगराजः प्रसूतिकाले यदि मानवानाम् ॥” इति कोष्ठीप्रदीपः ॥

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

शिव पुं।




शम्भूरीशः पशुपतिः शिवः शूली महेश्वरः। ईश्वरः शर्व ईशानः शङ्करश्चन्द्रशेखरः॥

अवयव : शिवस्य_जटाबन्धः

पत्नी : पार्वती

जनक : शक्तिदेवता

सम्बन्धि2 : शिवस्य_जटाबन्धः,शिवधनुः,शिवानुचरः,शक्तिदेवता,अणुताद्यष्टविधप्रभावः,सिद्धिः,नन्दिः,चर्ममुण्डा

वैशिष्ट्यवत् : शिवस्य_जटाबन्धः,सिद्धिः

जन्य : गणेशः,कार्तिकेयः

सेवक : शिवधनुः,शिवानुचरः,नन्दिः,चर्ममुण्डा

पदार्थ-विभागः : , द्रव्यम्, आत्मा, ईश्वरः

शिव नपुं।




स्यादानन्दथुरानन्दः शर्मशातसुखानि च। श्वःश्रेयसं शिवं भद्रं कल्याणं मङ्गलं शुभम्.।

पदार्थ-विभागः : , गुणः, अदृष्टम्



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

शिव¦ न॰ शो--वन् पृषो॰।

१ मङ्गले अमरः।

२ सुखे

३ जलेउणादि॰।

४ सैन्घवे सामुद्रे च

५ लवणे

६ श्वेतटङ्कणे चराजनि॰।

७ मङ्गलवति त्रि॰

८ सहादेवे पु॰ अमरः। एवं

९ मोक्षे

१० कीलग्रहे

११ वालुके

१२ गुग्गुलौ

१३ वेदे

१४ पुण्डरीकवृक्षे

१५ कृष्णधुस्तूरे

१६ पारदे राजनि॰।

१७ देवे शब्दर॰

१८ लिङ्गे उणादि॰

१९ विष्कुम्भादिषुमध्ये विंशतितमे योगे च पु॰ ज्यो॰ त॰।
“शिवमद्वैतंतुरीयं मन्यन्ते” श्रुत्युक्ते

२० अद्वैतब्रह्मणि न॰।



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

शिव¦ mfn. (-वः-वा-वं) Prosperous, happy. m. (-वः)
1. The deity S4IVA, the most formidable of the Hindu triad, the destroyer of creation: [Page720-b+ 60] the adoration of which he is the object, is of a more gloomy nature in general than that of the rest, and he is the particular god of the Ta4ntrikas or followers of the books called Tantras.
2. Final emancipation from existence, enternal happiness.
3. A pillar or post to which cattle are tied.
4. An auspicious planetary conjunc- tion.
5. Scripture, the Ve4das.
6. A drug, commonly E4laba4luka
7. A perfume, Pun4d4ar4iya.
8. Bdellium.
9. One of the astronomi- cal periods termed Y4ogas.
10. Quicksilver.
11. The penis.
12. The phallic emblem of S4IVA.
13. A god. n. (-वं)
1. Happiness, pleasure.
2. Auspiciousness, well being.
3. Water.
4. Sea or fossile salt.
5. Borax.
6. Rock-salt. f. (-वा)
1. The goddess DURGA4, the wife of S4IVA.
2. The S4ami tree, (Mimosa suma, Rox.)
3. Yellow myro- balan, (Terminalia chebula.)
4. Emblic myrobalan.
5. A jackal.
6. The mother of the twenty-second Jina.
7. Final emancipation.
8. A kind of yellow pigment.
9. The Durba4-grass. E. शी to sleep Una4di aff. वन्, on or in whom or which, the universe reposes.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

शिव [śiva], a. [श्यति पापं शो-वन् पृषो˚]

Auspicious, propitious, lucky; इयं शिवाया नियतेरिवायतिः Ki.4.21;1.38; R.11.33.

In good health or condition, happy, prosperous, fortunate; तीर्थेन मूर्ध्न्यधिकृतेन शिवः शिवो$भूत् Bhāg. 3.28.22; शिवानि वस्तीर्थजलानि कच्चित् R.5.8. (= अनुपप्लवानि, 'undisturbed'); शिवास्ते पन्थानः सन्तु 'a happy journey to you', 'God bless (or speed) you on your journey'.

वः N. of the third god of the sacred Hindu Trinity, who is entrusted with the work of destruction, as Brahman and Viṣṇu are with the creation and preservation, of the world; एको देवः केशवो वा शिवो वा Bh.2.115.

The male organ of generation, penis.

An auspicious planetary conjunction.

The Veda; अट्टशूलाः जनपदाः शिवशूलाश्चतुष्पथाः Mb.3.188.42.

A post to which cattle are tied.

A god, deity.



The black variety of thorn-apple.

Rum, spirit.


A ruby.

Time (काल). -वौ (m. dual) Śiva and Pārvatī; कथयति शिवयोः शरीरयोगं विषमपदा पदवी विवर्तनेषु Ki.5.4.

वम् Prosperity, welfare, well-being, happiness; तं धर्मे$ग्निषु पुत्रेषु शिवं पृष्ट्वा Rām.7.33.13; तव वर्त्मनि वर्ततां शिवम् N.2.62; Ratn.1.2; R.1.6.

Bliss, auspiciousness.




Refined borax.



Sandal. -Comp. -अक्षम् = रुद्राक्ष q. v.-अपर a. cruel. -अरातिः a heretic (lit. a disbeliever in Śiva). -आत्मकम् rock-salt.

आदेशकः the bearer of auspicious news.

a fortune-teller.

आलयः Śiva's abode.

the red basil.

(यम्) a temple of Śiva.

a cemetery. -इतर a. inauspicious, unlucky; शिवेतरक्षतये K. P.1. -इष्टा Dūrvā grass. -कर (शिवंकर also) a. conferring happiness, auspicious. -कीर्तनः N. of Bhṛiṅgi. -केसरः Mimusops Elengi (बकुल). -गति a. prosperous, happy. -धर्मजः the planet Mars; cf. पुरा दक्षविनाशाय कुपितस्य त्रिशूलिनः । अपतद् भीमवक्त्रस्य स्वेदबिन्दु- र्ललाटजः ॥ शान्तिप्रदानात् सर्वेषां ग्रहाणां प्रथमो भव । अङ्गारक इति ख्यातिं गमिष्यसि धरात्मज ॥ Matsya P. -चतुर्दशी the fourteenth day of the dark half of Māgha; see शिवरात्र. -ज्ञा a female devotee of the Śaiva sect. -ताति a.

having an auspicious end, conferring or conducive to happiness, propitious; प्रयत्नः कृत्स्नो$यं फलतु शिवतातिश्च भवतु Māl.6.7; न्यषेवेतां विशेषेण शिवतातिममुं शिवम् Śiva B.23.56.

tender, merciful, not demoniacal; मा पूतनात्वमुपगाः शिवतातिरेधि 9.49. (-तिः) auspiciousness, happiness.-तालः (in music) a kind of measure. -दत्तम् the discus of Viṣṇu (सुदर्शन). -दारु n. the Devadāru tree.-दिश् the north-east. -दूती epithet of Durgā. -द्रुमः the Bilva tree. -द्विष्टा the Ketaka tree.

धातुः quicksilver.

milk stone. -पदम् final liberation, emancipation. -पुरम्, -पुरी N. of Vārāṇasī. -पुराण N. of one of the eighteen Purāṇas.

प्रियः a crystal.

the Baka tree.

the thorn-apple. (-यम्) = रुद्राक्ष q. v. (-या) the goddess Durgā. -बी(वी)जम् quick-silver.-भारतम् the historic poem on the life of Shivājī the great (163-168) by his contemporary poet Paramā nanda. -मल्लकः the Arjuna tree. -मार्गः final liberation.-रसः the water of boiled rice (three days old, hence fermented). -राजधानी N. of Benares, -रात्रिः f. the fourteenth day of the dark half of Māgha on which a rigorous fast is observed in honour of Śiva; शैवो वा वैष्णवो वापि यो वा स्यादन्यपूजकः । सर्वं पूजाफलं हन्ति शिवरात्रिबहिर्मुखः ॥ Īśvarasaṁhitā.

लिङ्गम् Śiva worshipped in the form of a Phallus.

a temple dedicated to the worship of the Liṅga. -लोकः the world of Śiva. -वल्लभः the mango tree.

(भा) white rose.

Pārvatī. -वल्ली Acacia Concinna (Mar. शिकेकाई). -वाहनः a bull.-व्रतिन् one engaged in a vow of standing on one foot.

शेखरः the moon.

the thorn-apple. -सायुज्यम् final emancipation (lit. unification with Śiva). -सुन्दरी an epithet of Durgā.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

शिव mf( आ)n. (according to Un2. i , 153 , fr. 1. शी, " in whom all things lie " ; perhaps connected with श्विSee. शवस्, शिश्वि)auspicious , propitious , gracious , favourable , benign , kind , benevolent , friendly , dear(717497 वम्ind. kindly , tenderly) RV. etc.

शिव mf( आ)n. happy , fortunate BhP.

शिव m. happiness , welfare(See. n. ) R. v , 56 , 36

शिव m. liberation , final emancipation L.

शिव m. " The Auspicious one " , N. of the disintegrating or destroying and reproducing deity (who constitutes the third god of the Hindu त्रिमूर्तिor Triad , the other two being ब्रह्मा" the creator " and विष्णु" the preserver " ; in the वेदthe only N. of the destroying deity was रुद्र" the terrible god " , but in later times it became usual to give that god the euphemistic N. शिव" the auspicious " [just as the Furies were called ? " the gracious ones "] , and to assign him the office of creation and reproduction as well as dissolution ; in fact the preferential worship of शिवas developed in the पुराणs and Epic poems led to his being identified with the Supreme Being by his exclusive worshippers [called शैवs] ; in his character of destroyer he is sometimes called काल" black " , and is then also identified with " Time " , although his active destroying function is then oftener assigned to his wife under her name काली, whose formidable character makes her a general object of propitiation by sacrifices ; as presiding over reproduction consequent on destruction शिव's symbol is the लिङ्ग[See. ] or Phallus , under which form he is worshipped all over India at the present day ; again one of his representations is as अर्ध-नारी, " half-female " , the other half being male to symbolize the unity of the generative principle [ RTL. 85 ] ; he has three eyes , one of which is in his forehead , and which are thought to denote his view of the three divisions of time , past , present , and future , while a moon's crescent , above the central eye , marks the measure of time by months , a serpent round his neck the measure by years , and a second necklace of skulls with other serpents about his person , the perpetual revolution of ages , and the successive extinction and generation of the races of mankind: his hair is thickly matted together , and gathered above his forehead into a coil ; on the top of it he bears the Ganges , the rush of which in its descent from heaven he intercepted by his head that the earth might not be crushed by the weight of the falling stream ; his throat is dark-blue from the stain of the deadly poison which would have destroyed the world had it not been swallowed by him on its production at the churning of the ocean by the gods for the nectar of immortality ; he holds a त्रि-शूल, or three-pronged trident [also called पिनाक] in his hand to denote , as some think , his combination of the three attributes of Creator , Destroyer , and Regenerator ; he also carries a kind of drum , shaped like an hour-glass , called डमरु: his attendants or servants are called प्रमथ[See. ] ; they are regarded as demons or supernatural beings of different kinds , and form various hosts or troops called गणs ; his wife दुर्गा[otherwise called काली, पार्वती, उमा, गौरी, भवाणीetc. ] is the chief object of worship with the शाक्तs and तान्त्रिकs , and in this connection he is fond of dancing [see ताण्डव] and wine-drinking Page1074,2 ; he is also worshipped as a great ascetic and is said to have scorched the god of love ( काम-देव) to ashes by a glance from his central eye , that deity having attempted to inflame him with passion for पार्वतीwhilst he was engaged in severe penance ; in the exercise of his function of Universal Destroyer he is fabled to have burnt up the Universe and all the gods , including ब्रह्माand विष्णु, by a similar scorching glance , and to have rubbed the resulting ashes upon his body , whence the use of ashes in his worship , while the use of the रुद्रा-क्षberries originated , it is said , from the legend that शिव, on his way to destroy the three cities , called त्रि-पुर, let fall some tears of rage which became converted into these beads: his residence or heaven is कैलास, one of the loftiest northern peaks of the हिमा-लय; he has strictly no incarnations like those of विष्णु, though वीर-भद्रand the eight भैरवs and खण्डोबाetc. [ RTL. 266 ] are sometimes regarded as forms of him ; he is especially worshipped at Benares and has even more names than विष्णु, one thousand and eight being specified in the 69th chapter of the शिव-पुराणand in the 17th chapter of the अनुशासन-पर्वन्of the महा-भारत, some of the most common being महा-देव, शम्भु, शंकर, ईश, ईश्वर, महे-श्वर, हर; his sons are गणे-शand कार्त्तिकेय) A1s3vS3r. MBh. Ka1v. etc. RTL. 73

शिव m. a kind of second शिव(with शैवs) , a person who has attained a partic. stage of perfection or emancipation MBh. Sarvad.

शिव m. शिव-लिङ्गL.

शिव m. any god L.

शिव m. a euphemistic N. of a jackal (generally शिवाf. See. )

शिव m. sacred writings L.

शिव m. (in astron. ) N. of the sixth month

शिव m. a post for cows (to which they are tied or for them to rub against) L.

शिव m. bdellium L.

शिव m. the fragrant bark of Feronia Elephantum L.

शिव m. Marsilia Dentata L.

शिव m. a kind of thorn-apple or= पुण्डरीक(the tree) L.

शिव m. quicksilver L. (See. शिव-बीज)

शिव m. a partic. auspicious constellation L.

शिव m. a demon who inflicts diseases Hariv.

शिव m. = शुक्रm. कालm. वसुm. L.

शिव m. the swift antelope L.

शिव m. rum , spirit distilled from molasses L.

शिव m. buttermilk L.

शिव m. a ruby L.

शिव m. a peg L.

शिव m. time L.

शिव m. N. of a son of मेधा-तिथिMa1rkP.

शिव m. of a son of इध्म-जिह्वBhP.

शिव m. of a prince and various authors (also with दीक्षित, भट्ट, पण्डित, यज्वन्, सूरिetc. ) Cat.

शिव m. of a fraudulent person Katha1s.

शिव m. ( du. )the god शिवand his wife Kir. v , 40 Pracan2d2. i , 20 (See. Va1m. v , 2 , 1 )

शिव m. pl. N. of a class of gods in the third मन्वन्तरPur.

शिव m. of a class of Brahmans who have attained a partic. degree of perfection like that of शिवMBh.

शिव n. welfare , prosperity , bliss( आय, एनor एभिस्, " auspiciously , fortunately , happily , luckily " ; शिवाय गम्यताम्, " a prosperous journey to you! ") RV. etc.

शिव n. final emancipation L.

शिव n. water L.

शिव n. rock-salt L.

शिव n. sea-salt L.

शिव n. a kind of borax L.

शिव n. iron L.

शिव n. myrobalan L.

शिव n. Tabernaemontana Coronaria L.

शिव n. sandal L.

शिव n. N. of a पुराण(= शिव-पुराणor शैव) Cat.

शिव n. of the house in which the पाण्डवs were to be burnt Ma1rkP.

शिव n. of a वर्षin प्लक्ष-द्वीपand in जम्बु-द्वीपPur.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

(I)--(also Giritra): several names of the god are mentioned: master of all गणस् and भूतस्, and a god of wrath, worshipped for learning; फलकम्:F1:  भा. III. १२. १२; IV. २९. ४२; VIII. 5. ३९; II. 2. 7; IV. 2. ३२; 3. 7.फलकम्:/F परीक्षित् compared to him for liberality in granting boons: awarded his own missile to Arjuna: a great Yogin. Resident of कैलास; worships San- कऋषण in इलावृत. फलकम्:F2:  भा. I. १२. २३; १५. १२; १८. १४; V. १७. १६-24.फलकम्:/F Met by Pracatas and venerated by कृष्ण; knew वासु- deva's glory and the dharma ordained by Hari; फलकम्:F3:  Ib. IV. २४. १६; X. ४४. १३; I. 9. १९; VI. 3. २०.फलकम्:/F pleased with बाण, guarded his city, and fought with कृष्ण. Insulted by दक्ष and भृगु in the sacrifice of प्रजापतिस्: warned सती against attending दक्ष's sacrifice where he was deprived of his share. Heard from नारद of सती's sacrifice and grew angry, out sprang वीरभद्र to ruin the sacrifice; cut off दक्ष's head; waited on by ब्रह्मा and consoled, agreed to attend and praised विष्णु, and felt obliged to him. फलकम्:F4:  Ib. VI. १८. १८; IV. Chh. 2-7 (whole); २१. २९; IX. १०. १०.फलकम्:/F Appeared before the Pracetasas and initiated them into the रुद्रगीता in glory of Hari and left them; फलकम्:F5:  Ib. IV. २४. २५-68; २५. 1; २९. ४२.फलकम्:/F praised Aditi and वामन's exploits and was present when he was anointed Upendra; फलकम्:F6:  Ib. VIII. २३. २०-27.फलकम्:/F praised नृसिम्ह, and prayed to, by प्रह्लाद. His discomfiture at Maya who built three cities for the safety of the Asuras. Them he killed. But Maya brought back all of them to life by the immortalised waters which he discovered in a well. शिव was worried when ब्रह्मा and Hari drank the whole of the liquid. Induced by them he attacked Tripura with success. फलकम्:F7:  Ib. VII. 8. ४१; १०. ३२, ५१-68.फलकम्:/F Accompanied ब्रह्मा and other gods when they went to meet Hari Ajita. Praised by प्रजापतिस् for consuming हालाहल that came out of अमृतमथन. His faces re- present five उपनिषद्स् from which thirty-eight मन्त्रस् evolved, Himself being the Highest Truth. The poison got [page३-422+ ४७] stuck in his throat and added beauty to his neck. Heard with wonder the मोहिनी form of Hari and came with पार्वती to see him. Requested Hari to show himself again as मोहिनी. Seeing the lovely form शिव became enamoured and ran after her when his seed dropped in several places which ultimately became shrines of images of gold and silver. Then he realis- ed his position and after taking leave of Hari, went to his abode; फलकम्:F8:  Ib. VIII. 6 and 7 (whole); १२. 1-४१.फलकम्:/F embraced पार्वती sitting on his lap in the midst of his attendants. This was seen by the Vidyadhara Citraketu who laughed at it. So he was cursed by पार्वती to be born an Asura. When शिव appealed to her that Citraketu was Hari's friend, पार्वती became mild; फलकम्:F9:  Ib. VI. १७. 1-३६.फलकम्:/F had a special park in which he sported with पार्वती. Waited upon by वसिष्ठ, he agreed to let Sudyumna be a male and female in alternate months; फलकम्:F१०:  Ib. IX. 1. २५ and २९, ३६-37.फलकम्:/F did not comprehend Hari's माया and advised दुर्वासस् pursued by Cakra to go to Hari: prayed to by भगीरथ, offered to bear the waters of the Ganges descend- ing from Heaven after washing the feet of Hari. Joined the gods in the तारकामय war; फलकम्:F११:  Ib. IX. 4. ५७-62; 9. 8-9; १४. 6.फलकम्:/F worshipped as पशुपति in अम्बिकावन: propitiated with goats in धनुर्याग, went to Hari with ब्रह्मा and attended on Him. फलकम्:F१२:  Ib. X. ३४. 2; ३६. २६; ३९. ५३; ४१. १५; X. 1. १९.फलकम्:/F Easily pleased by devotees shows grace to them unlike Hari: backed by शक्ति and full of three गुणस्--वैकारिक, Taijasa and तामस, granted Asura वृक what he wanted for his tapas by cutting flesh from his body viz--that he on whose head he placed his hand should die. He wanted to experiment it on शिव himself who took to flight to वैकुण्ठ. Hari is निर्गुण and apart from प्रकृति. In the role of a young ब्रह्मचारिन्, Hari appeared before वृक and said that owing to curse of दक्ष his words would not come true. As a test he could try it on himself. The wicked Asura did so and died to the relief of शिव. शिव welcomed his brother भृगु but the latter did not appreciate it; फलकम्:F१३:  Ib. X. ८८ and ८९ (whole).फलकम्:/F worshipped by सुदक्षिण, told him of a means to end the slayer of his father. Attended वरुण's sacrifice and युधिष्ठिर's; gave शाल्व an aerial car capable of creating illusion. फलकम्:F१४:  Ib. X. ६६. २८-31; ७४. १३; ७६. 4-7.फलकम्:/F Arjuna blessed by [page३-423+ ५९] शिव when he called on Him at कैलास, during the battle. In answer to his prayer, शिव protected the delivery room of the द्वारका Brahman; फलकम्:F१५:  Ib. X. ७८. [९५ (V) ३२-33]; ८९. ३७.फलकम्:/F worshipped by कृष्ण who was blessed with a son Pradyumna: burnt down काम who was reborn as Pradyumna. Pleased with tapas of Rukmi, he gave him a bow: Rode on his bull against कृष्ण taking पारिजात from Indra's abode but गरुड vanquished the bull and made शिव go back. फलकम्:F१६:  Ib. X. ५५. [1-3] 1-2; ५७. १४ [1]; ६१. २३ [1-5]; [६५ (V) ४६]; [६६ (V) ३७-49].फलकम्:/F At बाण's city he produced महेश्वर ज्वर which was averted by वैष्णव ज्वर। Seeing कृष्ण chopping all the arms of बाण except four, शिव pleaded for his life to which कृष्ण agreed. On this शिव approved of the marriage of उषा with Aniruddha. Went with ब्रह्मा to encourage देवकी; फलकम्:F१७:  Ib. ६२. 1-११; ६३ (whole); 2. २५-42.फलकम्:/F wondered at मार्कण्डेय's vrata and was pleased with his bhakti. फलकम्:F१८:  Ib. XII. 8. १२; १०. 3, १४-38.फलकम्:/F श्रीशैल and गोकर्ण are shrines sacred to Him. फलकम्:F१९:  Ib. X. ७९. १३ and १९.फलकम्:/F (See निलकण्ठ for the legend) of three eyes, riding on bull, holding पिनाक bow, equal to Nandi in strength, attended by यक्षस्, पिशाचस्, भूतस् and विनायकस्: holding the moon on the tuft. Four faces repre- senting Indra, Yama, वरुण and Moon: creator of आदित्यस्, Vasus, Rudras, Maruts, अश्विन्स्, साध्यस्, विध्या- dharas, नागस्, चारणस् and वालखिल्यस्. Decked with sacred ashes, tiger skin for sacred thread; फलकम्:F२०:  Br. II. २५. ६८-115; २६. ३१-50.फलकम्:/F ज्योतिर्लिङ्ग is माहेश्व- ram balam, the महायोगम्; फलकम्:F२१:  Ib. II. २६. ५३.फलकम्:/F cursed by sages of दारुवन for enticing their women-folk by his appearing naked, to become an ass and to lose his लिङ्गम्. Darkness overtook the world. ब्रह्मा advised sages to worship शिव in the form of a लिङ्ग. The establishment of लिङ्ग cult, शिव represents Agni and अम्बिका Moon. Bhasma the वीर्य of the Lord; फलकम्:F२२:  Ib. II. २७. ४१-113.फलकम्:/F on the significance of पाशुपत yogam. फलकम्:F२३:  Ib. II. २७. ११६-17.फलकम्:/F Appeared to परशु- राम doing penance in the guise of a hunter: blessed परशु- राम with an axe to aid Devas; फलकम्:F२४:  Ib. III. २३. 7-६२; २४. ५९-62; ३२. २०.फलकम्:/F committed brahmicide by cutting off ब्रह्मा's head, taught astra and सास्त्र to him. Assumes Rudrahood at the end of Kalpa. फलकम्:F२५:  Ib. III. २५. २२-24.फलकम्:/F A pose of five faces and ten hands. फलकम्:F२६:  Ib. III. ३४. ३८; ४२. २२; ४८. 9.; ७२. १६३-4.फलकम्:/F ब्रह्मा's praise of: शुक्र's praise of Became अर्धनारीश्वर by worshipping शक्ति. फलकम्:F२७:  Ib. II. २५. ६४-76; IV. 5. १५ to ३०.फलकम्:/F Praise by दक्ष. फलकम्:F२८:  वा. ३०. १८१- २८६.फलकम्:/F Blessed भण्ड with an unrivalled rule of ६००० years. फलकम्:F२९:  Br. IV. 7. ४९.फलकम्:/F As कामेश्वर, he married कामेश्वरी receving wed- [page३-424+ २४] ding presents from all gods present. फलकम्:F३०:  Ib. IV. १४. 2; १५. १७.फलकम्:/F Married Gauri through the intervention of the seven sages and lived in ओषधिप्रस्थ city of his father-in-law. Wandered with her passing from one hill to the other. Once unable to hear his वीर्य Gauri, left it with Agni who placed it with कृत्तिकस् who offered it to गन्गा, who deposited it in the Saravana forest. फलकम्:F३१:  Ib. IV. ३०. ८३; ३६. १८; ३८. ३९.फलकम्:/F A son of Atri; फलकम्:F३२:  Br. IV. ४३. ७०.फलकम्:/F from his eyes came silver; फलकम्:F३३:  M. १७. २३; १९६. ४५.फलकम्:/F constituting ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, Arka and Rudra and Vasus; this मूर्ति is वासुदेव. फलकम्:F३४:  Ib. ५२. १९; वा. २४. ६७; २७. 9, ५१; ४०. २६.फलकम्:/F
(II)--one of the seven divisions of प्लक्ष with mountains and rivers. भा. V. २०. 3.
(III)--a son of मेधातिथि and founder of the Kingdom of शिव in प्लक्षद्वीप. Br. II. १४. ३७-9; वा. ३३. ३३; Vi. II. 4. 4 and 5.
(IV)--a lake near व्याससरस्. Br. III. १३. ५२.
(V)--a sage of the Auttama epoch. [page३-425+ २४]
(VI)--the name of a गण attributed to विश्रवस्. वा. ६९. २८.
(VII)--a महापुराण. Vi. III. 6. २१.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Śiva : nt.: Name of a house in Vāraṇāvata meant for the Pāṇḍavas.

A. Location: In the town Vāraṇāvata (vāraṇāvatam adyaiva yathā yāsi tathā kuru//tatra gatvā…gṛhaṁ…kārayethāḥ//) 1. 132. 7-8 (gṛhaṁ śivākhyam) 1. 134. 11; the house was constructed near the store of arms (āyudhāgāram āśritya) 1. 132. 8.

B. Description: Inauspicious (aśiva) 1. 134. 11 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 146. 11: śivam ity ākhyāmātram arthatas tv aśivaṁ maraṇārthaṁ kṛtatvāt); expensive (mahādhana) 1. 132. 8 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 144. 8: mahādhanaṁ bahudhanasādhyam); it had four halls and was well enclosed (catuḥśālaṁ gṛhaṁ paramasaṁvṛtam) 1. 132. 8.

C. Furniture: Essential seats and beds as well as conveyances for the use of the Pāṇḍavas were provided in the house (tatrāsanāni mukhyāni yānāni śayanāni ca/vidhātavyāni pāṇḍavānām) 1. 132. 14.

D. Materials used in the construction of the house: Hemp, resin, muñja, balvaja, bamboo; these and other materials used in its construction were sprinkled with ghṛta; (śaṇasarjarasaṁ vyaktam ānītaṁ gṛhakarmaṇi/ muñjabalvajavaṁśādi dravyaṁ sarvaṁ ghṛtokṣitam//) 1. 134. 14; Duryodhana had asked Purocana to use in the construction of the house hemp, resin and all such inflammable material; the clay meant to be used as plaster of the walls was to be mixed with butter, oil, and lac in ample quantity; hemp, bamboo, ghṛta, and wood and other contrivances (? yantrāṇi) of different kinds were to be used in all parts of the house; it was to be inflammable (śaṇasarjarasādīni yāni dravyāṇi kānicit/āgneyāny uta santīha tāni sarvāṇi dāpaya//sarpiṣā ca satailena lākṣayā cāpyanalpayā/mṛttikāṁ miśrayitvā tvaṁ lepaṁ kuḍyeṣu dāpayeḥ//śaṇān vaṁśaṁ ghṛtaṁ dāru yantrāṇi vividhāni ca/ tasmin veśmani sarvāṇi nikṣipethāḥ samantataḥ//…āgneyam iti tat kāryam) 1. 132. 9-12 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 144. 9: āgneyāni agnisaṁdīpakāni).

E. Epic events:

(1) Purocana led the Pāṇḍavas to this house called Śiva (purocanaḥ/nivedayām āsa gṛhaṁ śivākhyam aśivaṁ tadā) 1. 134. 11;

(2) When the Pāṇḍavas entered it, Yudhiṣṭhira, on smelling the odour of fat mixed with clarified butter and lac, realized that the house was highly inflammable (uvācāgneyam ity evaṁ bhīmasenaṁ yudhiṣṭhiraḥ/jighran somya vasāgandhaṁ sarpirjatuvimiśritam//kṛtaṁ hi vyaktam āgneyam idaṁ veśma) 1. 134. 13-14, 18; (idaṁ śaraṇam āgneyam) 1. 135. 10; Purocana was always present at the entrance of the house (sa tatra ca gṛhadvāri vasaty aśubhadhīḥ sadā) 1. 135. 18;

(3) A digger, sent by Vidura, dug a big tunnel in the middle of the house; its opening was not very wide; it was covered with a wooden plank, unknown to others and level with the ground; its opening was concealed lest Purocana noticed it; the Pāṇḍavas were to escape through this tunnel (khanako yatnam āsthitaḥ/parikhām utkiran nāma cakāra sumahad bilam//cakre ca veśmanas tasya madhye nātimahan mukham/ kapāṭayuktam ajnātam samaṁ bhūmyā ca bhārata//purocanabhayāc caiva vyadadhāt saṁvṛtaṁ mukham) 1. 135. 16-18;

(4) A Niṣādī who came to the lac-house for food with her five sons, drank wine and slept in the same house 1. 136. 7-8;

(5) The burning of the house was blamed on Purocana by the people (duryodhanaprayuktena pāpenākṛtabuddhinā/gṛham ātmavināśāya kāritaṁ dāhitaṁ ca tat//) 1. 136. 11; 1. 137. 2.

*2nd word in left half of page p574_mci (+offset) in original book.

previous page p573_mci .......... next page p575_mci

Śiva : m. (pl.): Name of a certain group of Brāhmaṇas.

They lived in the south; they are described as siddha; they were well-versed in the Vedas; they studied the Vedas along with their supplements and then went to the abode of Yama (iyaṁ…dakṣiṇety ucyate'tha dik) 5. 107. 1; (atra siddhāḥ śivā nāma brāhmaṇā vedapāragāḥ/adhītya sakhilān vedān ālabhante yamakṣayam//) 5. 107. 18.

*1st word in right half of page p888_mci (+offset) in original book.

Mahabharata Cultural Index


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Śiva : nt.: Name of a house in Vāraṇāvata meant for the Pāṇḍavas.

A. Location: In the town Vāraṇāvata (vāraṇāvatam adyaiva yathā yāsi tathā kuru//tatra gatvā…gṛhaṁ…kārayethāḥ//) 1. 132. 7-8 (gṛhaṁ śivākhyam) 1. 134. 11; the house was constructed near the store of arms (āyudhāgāram āśritya) 1. 132. 8.

B. Description: Inauspicious (aśiva) 1. 134. 11 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 146. 11: śivam ity ākhyāmātram arthatas tv aśivaṁ maraṇārthaṁ kṛtatvāt); expensive (mahādhana) 1. 132. 8 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 144. 8: mahādhanaṁ bahudhanasādhyam); it had four halls and was well enclosed (catuḥśālaṁ gṛhaṁ paramasaṁvṛtam) 1. 132. 8.

C. Furniture: Essential seats and beds as well as conveyances for the use of the Pāṇḍavas were provided in the house (tatrāsanāni mukhyāni yānāni śayanāni ca/vidhātavyāni pāṇḍavānām) 1. 132. 14.

D. Materials used in the construction of the house: Hemp, resin, muñja, balvaja, bamboo; these and other materials used in its construction were sprinkled with ghṛta; (śaṇasarjarasaṁ vyaktam ānītaṁ gṛhakarmaṇi/ muñjabalvajavaṁśādi dravyaṁ sarvaṁ ghṛtokṣitam//) 1. 134. 14; Duryodhana had asked Purocana to use in the construction of the house hemp, resin and all such inflammable material; the clay meant to be used as plaster of the walls was to be mixed with butter, oil, and lac in ample quantity; hemp, bamboo, ghṛta, and wood and other contrivances (? yantrāṇi) of different kinds were to be used in all parts of the house; it was to be inflammable (śaṇasarjarasādīni yāni dravyāṇi kānicit/āgneyāny uta santīha tāni sarvāṇi dāpaya//sarpiṣā ca satailena lākṣayā cāpyanalpayā/mṛttikāṁ miśrayitvā tvaṁ lepaṁ kuḍyeṣu dāpayeḥ//śaṇān vaṁśaṁ ghṛtaṁ dāru yantrāṇi vividhāni ca/ tasmin veśmani sarvāṇi nikṣipethāḥ samantataḥ//…āgneyam iti tat kāryam) 1. 132. 9-12 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 144. 9: āgneyāni agnisaṁdīpakāni).

E. Epic events:

(1) Purocana led the Pāṇḍavas to this house called Śiva (purocanaḥ/nivedayām āsa gṛhaṁ śivākhyam aśivaṁ tadā) 1. 134. 11;

(2) When the Pāṇḍavas entered it, Yudhiṣṭhira, on smelling the odour of fat mixed with clarified butter and lac, realized that the house was highly inflammable (uvācāgneyam ity evaṁ bhīmasenaṁ yudhiṣṭhiraḥ/jighran somya vasāgandhaṁ sarpirjatuvimiśritam//kṛtaṁ hi vyaktam āgneyam idaṁ veśma) 1. 134. 13-14, 18; (idaṁ śaraṇam āgneyam) 1. 135. 10; Purocana was always present at the entrance of the house (sa tatra ca gṛhadvāri vasaty aśubhadhīḥ sadā) 1. 135. 18;

(3) A digger, sent by Vidura, dug a big tunnel in the middle of the house; its opening was not very wide; it was covered with a wooden plank, unknown to others and level with the ground; its opening was concealed lest Purocana noticed it; the Pāṇḍavas were to escape through this tunnel (khanako yatnam āsthitaḥ/parikhām utkiran nāma cakāra sumahad bilam//cakre ca veśmanas tasya madhye nātimahan mukham/ kapāṭayuktam ajnātam samaṁ bhūmyā ca bhārata//purocanabhayāc caiva vyadadhāt saṁvṛtaṁ mukham) 1. 135. 16-18;

(4) A Niṣādī who came to the lac-house for food with her five sons, drank wine and slept in the same house 1. 136. 7-8;

(5) The burning of the house was blamed on Purocana by the people (duryodhanaprayuktena pāpenākṛtabuddhinā/gṛham ātmavināśāya kāritaṁ dāhitaṁ ca tat//) 1. 136. 11; 1. 137. 2.

*2nd word in left half of page p574_mci (+offset) in original book.

previous page p573_mci .......... next page p575_mci

Śiva : m. (pl.): Name of a certain group of Brāhmaṇas.

They lived in the south; they are described as siddha; they were well-versed in the Vedas; they studied the Vedas along with their supplements and then went to the abode of Yama (iyaṁ…dakṣiṇety ucyate'tha dik) 5. 107. 1; (atra siddhāḥ śivā nāma brāhmaṇā vedapāragāḥ/adhītya sakhilān vedān ālabhante yamakṣayam//) 5. 107. 18.

*1st word in right half of page p888_mci (+offset) in original book.

Vedic Index of Names and Subjects


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Śiva as the name of a people occurs once in the Rigveda,[] where they share with the Alinas, Pakthas, Bhalānases, and Viṣāṇins the honour of being defeated by Sudās, not of being, as Roth[] thought, his allies. There can hardly be any doubt of their identity with the [] or [] of the Greeks, who dwelt between the Indus and the Akesines (Asiknī) in Alexander's time. The village of Śiva-pura, mentioned by the scholiast on Pāṇini[] as situated in the northern country, may also perserve the name. Cf. Śibi.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

शिव पु.
आधान के समय यजमान द्वारा उच्चारित ‘शिव’ शब्द (की अभिव्यञ्जना) से युक्त मन्त्र, आप.श्रौ.सू. 5.15.2।

  1. vii. 18, 7.
  2. Zur Litteratur und Geschichte des Veda, 95 et seq.;
    once accepted by Zimmer, Altindisches Leben, 126.
  3. Arrian, Indica, v. 12.
  4. Diodorus, xvii. 96.
  5. iv. 2, 109. Connected with Śiva by Weber, Indische Studien, 13, 376. Cf. St. Petersburg Dictionary, s.v.

    Cf. Zimmer, op. cit., 431;
    Ludwig, Translation of the Rigveda, 3, 173;
    Hopkins, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 15, 260 et seq.
"https://sa.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=शिव&oldid=504928" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्