सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः










पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

अम्बा, स्त्री, (अम्ब्यते स्नेहेनोपगम्यते, अबि गतौ + घञ्, स्त्रियां टाप् ।) जननी । इति शब्दरत्नावली ॥ “अम्ब ! यत्त्वमिदं प्रात्थ प्रशमाय वचो मम” । “नान्यदत्तमभीप्सामि स्थानमम्ब स्वकर्म्मणा” । इति विष्णुपुराणे ।) नाट्योक्तौ सैव । इत्यमरः ॥ पाण्डुराजमातुः स्वसा । इतिमहाभारतं ॥ अम्बष्ठा । इति राजनिर्घण्टः । दुर्गा । इति केचित् ॥

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

अम्बा स्त्री।




अब्रह्मण्यमवध्योक्तौ राजश्यालस्तु राष्ट्रियः। अम्बा माताथ बाला स्याद्वासूरार्यस्तु मारिषः॥

पदार्थ-विभागः : , द्रव्यम्, पृथ्वी, चलसजीवः, मनुष्यः



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

अम्बा¦ स्त्री अम्ब्यते स्नेहेनोपगम्यते अम्ब--कर्म्मणि घञ्।

१ मातरि, लोके सम्बोधने तदर्थे ह्रस्वः।
“कृताञ्जलिस्तत्रयदम्ब! सत्यात्” रघुः। वेदे तु
“अम्बेऽम्बालेऽम्बिकेपूर्ब्बेति” पा॰ निर्देशात् न ह्रस्वः।
“अम्बे! अम्बिके[Page0329-a+ 38] अम्बालिके! न मानयति कश्चन य॰

२३ ,

१८ । नाट्योक्ता-वपि तत्रैव,

२ अम्बष्ठालतायां,

३ काशीराजकन्यायाञ्च।
“अथाश्रौषं महाबाहो तिस्रः कन्याः स्वयम्बराः। रूपेणाप्रतिमा लोके काशीराजसुतास्तदा। अम्बांचैवाम्बिकां चैव तथैवाम्बालिकामिति। राजानश्चसमाहूताः पृथिव्यां भरतर्षभ!।
“अम्बा ज्येष्ठाभवत्तासा-मम्बिका त्वथ मध्यमा। अम्बालिका च राजेन्द्र!राजकन्या कनीयसी इत्युपक्रम्य। अम्बाया उपा-ख्यानं विस्तरेण वर्ण्णितम् भा॰ उ॰ प॰ अम्बोख्याने।
“मया सौभपतिः पूर्ब्बं मनसा हि वृतः पतिः इत्य{??}बियोक्ते
“अनुजज्ञे तदा ज्येष्ठामम्बां काशीपतेः सुताम्। अम्बिकाम्बालिके भार्य्ये प्रादात् प्रीत्या यवीयसे। भीष्मोविचित्रवीर्य्याय विधिदृष्टेन कर्मणा” भा॰ आ॰ प॰।



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

अम्बा¦ f. (-म्बा)
1. A mother.
2. The same, (in theatrical language.)
3. A name of DU4RGA
4. See अम्बिका। E. अबि to sound, अप् and टाप् affs.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

अम्बा [ambā], [अम्ब्-घञ्] (Voc. अम्बे Ved.; अम्ब in later Sanskṛit)

A mother; also used as an affectionate or respectful mode of address; 'good woman', 'good mother'; किमम्बाभिः प्रेषितः; अम्बानां कार्यं निर्वर्तय Ś.2; कृताञ्जलिस्तत्र यदम्ब सत्यात् R.14.16.

N. of a plant (अम्बष्ठा d.).

N. of Durgā, wife of Śiva.

N. of an Apsaras; of a sister of Pāṇḍu's mother, a daughter of Kāśīrāja. [She and her two sisters were carried off by Bhīṣma to be the wives of Vichitravīrya who had no issue. Ambā, however, had been previously betrothed to a king of Śālva and Bhīṣma sent her to him; but the latter rejected her because she had been in another man's house. So she came back to Bhīṣma and prayed him to accept her; but he could not break his vow of life-long celibacy, and being enraged she returned to the forest and practised austere penance to revenge herself on Bhīṣma. Śiva favoured her and promised her the desired vengeance in another birth. Afterwards she was born as Śikhaṇḍinī, daughter of Drupada, who came to be called Śikhaḍin and became the cause of Bhīṣma's death.]

A term in astrology to denote the fourth condition. [cf. Dravid Amma; Germ. Amme; old Germ. Amma].

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

अम्बा f. (Ved. voc. अम्बे[ VS. ]or अम्ब[ RV. ], in later Sanskrit अम्बonly , sometimes a mere interjection A1s3vS3r. ), a mother , good woman (as a title of respect)

अम्बा f. N. of a plant

अम्बा f. N. of दुर्गा(the wife of शिव)

अम्बा f. N. of an अप्सरस्L.

अम्बा f. N. of a daughter of a king of काशीMBh.

अम्बा f. N. of one of the seven कृत्तिकाs TS. Ka1t2h. TBr.

अम्बा f. a term in astrol. (to denote the fourth condition which results from the conjunction of planets?). In the South Indian languages , अम्बाis corrupted into अम्मा, and is often affixed to the names of goddesses , and females in general [ Germ. Amme , a nurse ; Old Germ. amma , Them. ammo7n , ammU7n]

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Ambā : f.: Name of a river.

A. Location: Flowing in the Vatsa country (sā nadī vatsabhūmyāṁ tu; nadī ca rājan vatseṣu) 5. 187. 39-40.

B. Origin: Princess Ambā who was practising austerities for being able to kill Bhīṣma (5. 187. 31) was cursed by Gaṅgā that if she persisted in her crooked design and abandoned her body while observing the vows for the death of Bhīṣṁa she would be a river after her death; that river would be crooked, having water only in the rainy season, but not in the remaining eight months, shall have difficult fords, full of fearful crocodiles, terrible and causing fear to all beings; she would then be not recognizable as princess Ambā (vratasthā ca śarīraṁ tvaṁ yadi nāma vimokṣyasi/nadī bhaviṣyasi śubhe kuṭilā vārṣikodakā//dustīrthā cānabhijñeyā vārṣikī nāṣṭamāsikī/bhīmagrāhavatī ghorā sarvabhūtabhayaṁkarī//) 5. 187. 34-35; when princess Ambā once again went to the Vatsa country she fell down while running hither and tither and became due to her austerities a river with only half of her body; with the other half she remained as a maiden (sā kanyā tapasā tena bhāgārdhena vyajāyata/nadī ca rājan vatseṣu kanyā caivābhavat tadā) 5. 187. 38-40.

C. Description: Famous (prathitā); having water only in rainy season (vārṣikī); full of crocodiles (grāhabahulā); having difficult fords (dustīrthā), crooked (kuṭilā) 5. 187. 39; also see Section

B. Origin.

p. 288. 2 at the end of the entry Arantukasya tirtham put a semicolon after 3. 81. 42 and add: along with Tarantuka, it is mentioued among the places which form the boundary of Kurukṣetrasamantapañcaka (tarantukārantukayor yad antaram…etat kurukṣetrasamantapañcakam) 3. 81. 178 = 9. 52. 20. [See Tarantuka ]

p. 293. 2 at the end of the entry Ākāśagaṅgā read: [See Vyomagaṅgā ]

p. 295. 1 Entry Indratīrtha: after ‘Name of a tīrtha’ read (once referred to as śakrasya tīrtham 9. 47. 61).

p. 295. 2. 10-11 after ‘from the Badarapācanatīrtha to Indratīrtha’ add: (jagāma tīrtham…śakrasya) 9. 47. 61;

p. 295. 2 at the end of the entry Indratīrtha add: [See Kumārikāṇām tīrtham ]

p. 296. 2 after 8. 30. 35-36 add: also cf. 8. 30. 10, 43.

p. 299. 2 at the end of the entry Udaya read: [See Udyant and Sūryodayagiri ]

p. 303. 1 at the end of the entry Aujasa add: [See Vāruṇa ]

p. 314. 1. 12 read Kuśastamba^1.

p. 314. 1 after the entry Kuśastamba^1 add the following entry:

*2nd word in left half of page p504_mci (+offset) in original book.

Mahabharata Cultural Index


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Ambā : f.: Name of a river.

A. Location: Flowing in the Vatsa country (sā nadī vatsabhūmyāṁ tu; nadī ca rājan vatseṣu) 5. 187. 39-40.

B. Origin: Princess Ambā who was practising austerities for being able to kill Bhīṣma (5. 187. 31) was cursed by Gaṅgā that if she persisted in her crooked design and abandoned her body while observing the vows for the death of Bhīṣṁa she would be a river after her death; that river would be crooked, having water only in the rainy season, but not in the remaining eight months, shall have difficult fords, full of fearful crocodiles, terrible and causing fear to all beings; she would then be not recognizable as princess Ambā (vratasthā ca śarīraṁ tvaṁ yadi nāma vimokṣyasi/nadī bhaviṣyasi śubhe kuṭilā vārṣikodakā//dustīrthā cānabhijñeyā vārṣikī nāṣṭamāsikī/bhīmagrāhavatī ghorā sarvabhūtabhayaṁkarī//) 5. 187. 34-35; when princess Ambā once again went to the Vatsa country she fell down while running hither and tither and became due to her austerities a river with only half of her body; with the other half she remained as a maiden (sā kanyā tapasā tena bhāgārdhena vyajāyata/nadī ca rājan vatseṣu kanyā caivābhavat tadā) 5. 187. 38-40.

C. Description: Famous (prathitā); having water only in rainy season (vārṣikī); full of crocodiles (grāhabahulā); having difficult fords (dustīrthā), crooked (kuṭilā) 5. 187. 39; also see Section

B. Origin.

p. 288. 2 at the end of the entry Arantukasya tirtham put a semicolon after 3. 81. 42 and add: along with Tarantuka, it is mentioued among the places which form the boundary of Kurukṣetrasamantapañcaka (tarantukārantukayor yad antaram…etat kurukṣetrasamantapañcakam) 3. 81. 178 = 9. 52. 20. [See Tarantuka ]

p. 293. 2 at the end of the entry Ākāśagaṅgā read: [See Vyomagaṅgā ]

p. 295. 1 Entry Indratīrtha: after ‘Name of a tīrtha’ read (once referred to as śakrasya tīrtham 9. 47. 61).

p. 295. 2. 10-11 after ‘from the Badarapācanatīrtha to Indratīrtha’ add: (jagāma tīrtham…śakrasya) 9. 47. 61;

p. 295. 2 at the end of the entry Indratīrtha add: [See Kumārikāṇām tīrtham ]

p. 296. 2 after 8. 30. 35-36 add: also cf. 8. 30. 10, 43.

p. 299. 2 at the end of the entry Udaya read: [See Udyant and Sūryodayagiri ]

p. 303. 1 at the end of the entry Aujasa add: [See Vāruṇa ]

p. 314. 1. 12 read Kuśastamba^1.

p. 314. 1 after the entry Kuśastamba^1 add the following entry:

*2nd word in left half of page p504_mci (+offset) in original book.

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