पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
केकयः, पुं, (केकयस्तदाख्यया प्रसिद्धः प्रदेशो राज्य- त्वेनास्त्यस्य ।) सूर्य्यवंशीयराजविशेषः । इति श्री- भागवतम् ॥ (स तु केकयदेशाधीश्वरः दशरथ- श्वशुरश्च । यथा, रामायणे १ । १३ । २३ । “तथा केकयराजानं वृद्धं परमधार्म्मिकम् । श्वशुरं राजसिंहस्य सपुत्त्रन्तमिहानय” ॥ जनपदवाच्ये तु बहुवचनान्तः । यथा, महाभारते । ६ । जम्बूखण्डविनिर्म्माणपर्व्वणि ९ । ४८ । “उपावृत्तानुपावृत्ताः सुराष्ट्राः केकयास्तथा” ॥)
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
केकय¦ पु॰ ब॰ व॰ देशभेदे।
“अतऊर्द्ध्वं जनपदान्निबोध[Page2229-b+ 38] गदतो मम” इत्युपक्रमे
“उपावृत्तानुपावृत्ताः सुराष्ट्राःकेकयास्तथा” भा॰ उ॰
९ अ॰।
“उभौ भरतशत्रुघ्नौकेकयेषु परन्तपौ” रा॰ अ॰
६७ अ॰
“केकयांस्ते गमिष्य-न्तोहयानारुह्य सन्मतान्” रामा॰ अ॰
६० अ॰
“तथाकेकयराजानं वृद्धं परमधार्म्मिकम्। श्वशुरं राज-सिहञ्च सपुत्रं तमिहानय” रामा॰ आ॰
१३ ।
“अयंकेकयराजस्य पुत्रोवसति पुत्रक! त्वां नेतुमागतो वीरोयुधाजित् मातुलस्तव” रामो॰
११ ।
१६ । स च देशः वृ॰ स॰ कूर्म्मविभागे उत्तरस्यामुक्तः।
“उत्त-रतः कैलासः इत्युपक्रमे
“केकयवसातियामुनभोगप्रस्थार्जुनायनाग्नीध्राः” इति। केकयानां राजा अणयादेरियादेशः। कैकेय तद्देशनृपे। बहुषु तस्य लुक्। केक-याः तद्देशनृपेषु ब॰ व॰। सोऽभिजनोऽस्य अण्। कैकेयतद्देशवासिनि बहुषु तस्य लुक्। उपचारात्
२ केकयनृपेपु॰
“सत्कृत्य केकयीपुत्रं केकयोधनमादिशत्”
“सत्कृत्यकेकयो राजा भरतस्य ददौ धनम्” रा॰ अ॰
७ ।
२१ ।
१९ । तस्यापत्यम् अण्। तदपत्ये पुंस्त्री॰ स्त्रियां तु भर्गा॰ नलुक्। कैकेयी
“गच्छतातानुजाने त्वां कैकेयी सुप्रजास्त्वया” रामा॰ अ॰
७० ।
१७ । केकयात् जन्यजनकभावरूपपुंयोगे ङीप्केकयी।
३ केकयनृपकन्यायाम् स्त्री द्वापरयुगीये
४ नृप-भेदे पु॰
“यदा तु पञ्चालपतिर्महात्मा सकेकयश्चेदिपति-र्वयञ्च” भा॰ भी॰
० अ॰ युधिष्ठिरं प्रति श्रीकृष्णोक्तिः
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
केकय¦ m. (-यः) A prince of the lunar race. f. (-यी) daughter of the prece- ding and one of the wives of DASARAT'HA: the mother of BHARATA: see केकेयी।
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
केकयः [kēkayḥ], (Pl.) N. of a country and its people; मगध- कोसलकेकयशासिनां दुहितरः R.9.17; केकयमित्रयुप्रलयानां यादेरियः P.VII.3.2. -यी (also केकेयी) N. of the wife of Daśaratha.
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
केकय m. pl. N. of a warrior-tribe MBh. R. etc.
केकय m. ( Pa1n2. 7-3 , 2 and g. भर्गा-दि)a chief of that tribe (prince of the solar race) MBh. iii , 10284 R. ii
Purana index
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
(I)--a son of शिबि after whom the kingdom came to be called. Br. III. ७४. २३; M. ४८. १९-20; वा. ९९. २३-4; Vi. IV. १८. १०.
(II)--Its king married श्रुतकीर्ति, sister of Vasudeva; फलकम्:F1: Vi. IV. १४. ४१.फलकम्:/F went to स्यमन्तपञ्चक for solar eclipse. फलकम्:F2: भा. X. ८२. १३.फलकम्:/F
Purana Encyclopedia
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Kekaya, Kaikaya, Kaikeya : m. (pl.): Name of a Janapada and the warriors of this country; they are often mentioned along with Pāñcālas (or Sṛñjayas) and Matsyas in the war.
A. Use of the terms: The term Kekaya is specifically used to refer to the five brothers fighting on the side of the Pāṇḍavas (one of them was named Bṛhatkṣatra 7. 81. 7); the warriors and the five brothers also referred to as Kaikaya or Kaikeya (6. 52. 4); a warrior once referred to as kekayaja (8. 4. 69); a Kekaya princess (Sukumārī) referred to as Kaikeyī (1. 90. 45).
B. Location: Listed by Saṁjaya among the northern Janapadas (also called Deśas 6. 10. 68) of Bhāratavarṣa (ata ūrdhvaṁ janapadān nibodha gadato mama) 6. 10. 37. 5; (surāṣṛrāḥ kekayās tathā) 6. 10. 47.
C. Relationship with Pāṇḍavas: The five brothers were the sons of the sister of Pāṇḍavas' mother (bhrātaraḥ pañca kaikeyā …mātṛṣvasuḥ sutā vīrāḥ) 7. 9. 53 (however, see below Nī.'s remark under
F. Epic events No. 4).
D. Description (often only of the five brothers, occasionally of all warriors): High-souled (mahātman) 1. 61. 11; having the colour of a fire-fly (indragopakavarṇa) 5. 139. 26; 7. 9. 52 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 5. 141. 26: indragopakaḥ varṣāsu pracalan raktajantus tadvarṇās tāmrā ity arthaḥ); religious (dhārmika) 7. 9. 52; heroic (vīra) 7. 9. 52-53; brave (śūra) 5. 47. 23; 5. 49. 35; 6. 18. 14; 8. 8. 19; 11. 25. 13; of great prowess (mahāvīrya) 3. 13. 2; 7. 34. 5; 8. 31. 21; strong (balin) 5. 22. 19; (balavant) 6. 112. 107; always on their guard (saṁyatta) 6. 112. 107; of true valour (satyavikrama) 7. 9. 52; eminent Kṣatriyas (kṣatriyarṣabha) 3. 13. 4; tigers among men (naravyāghra) 5. 19. 25; best and prominent among the kings (pārthivarṣabhasattama) 1. 61. 11; famous among the world (lokaviśruta) 3. 13. 2; great chariot-fighters (mahāratha) 6. 112. 107; 7. 135. 16; bowmen (dhanvin) 6. 112. 7; having large bows (maheṣvāsa) 2. 4. 27; 3. 252. 16; 5. 22. 19; 5. 49. 35; 6. 45. 29; 6. 73. 56, 58, 59; 11. 26. 36; versed in the science of archery (dhanurvedaviśārada) 6. 70. 33; (dhanurvedavid) 6. 57. 13; who had learnt the use of missiles (kṛtāstra) 7. 34. 6; wearing shining bracelets (rucirāṅgada) 11. 25. 13; having gold banners (suvarṇavikṛtadhvaja) 6. 73. 58; having copper-coloured standards, and chariotgarlands (tāmradhvajarathasrajaḥ) 11. 25. 14; having red banners (lohitakadhvaja) 7. 22. 11; 7. 24. 40; wearing well-polished armours (sumṛṣṭakavaca) 5. 49. 35; wearing armours shining like heated gold (taptakāñcanavarmāṇaḥ) 11. 25. 14; having red armours, weapons and banners (raktavarmāyudhadhvaja) 7. 9. 52; in war, invincible by enemies (ajeyāḥ śatrubhir yudhi) 6. 57. 13; arrogant in war (yuddhadurmada) 7. 34. 6; ready to die (in war) (tanutyaj) 6. 18. 14.
E. History: The five great and strong Asuras Ayaḥśiras, Aśvaśiras, Ayaḥśaṅku, Gaganamūrdhan, and Vegavant were born as the five great, prominent kings among the Kekayas (pañcaite jajñire…kekayeṣu…pārthivarṣabhasattamāḥ) 1. 61. 10-11.
F. Epic events:
(1) At the birth of Arjuna a non-corporal voice prophesied that he would defeat Kekayas and other peoples 1. 114. 31; 8. 48. 7 (here the prophecy is said to have been heard a week after Arjuna's birth (saptāhajāte tvayi) 8. 48. 6;
(2) Kekayas mentioned among those who waited on Yudhiṣṭhira in his Sabhā 2. 4. 27;
(3) The Kekaya Kṣatriyas (kṣatriyāḥ 2. 48. 16; rājanyāḥ 2. 48. 13) brought tribute in hundreds for Yudhiṣṭhira's Rājasūya 2. 48. 13, 16;
(4) The five Kekaya brothers, along with others, came to meet the Pāṇḍavas during their vanavāsa (kekayāś ca…bhrātaro lokaviśrutāḥ) 3. 13. 2; they took leave of Pāṇḍāvas and left the forest 3. 23. 48 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 3. 22. 51: kekayāś sahadevaśyālāḥ);
(5) Bhīma assured Yudhiṣṭhira that with the support of Sṛñjayas and Kekayas they were sure to get back the lost kingdom 3. 34. 85;
(6) Kṛṣṇa mentioned Kekayas among those who would help them in the war 3. 120. 25;
(7) Draupadī warned Jayadratha that if he tried to abduct her, Kekayas and Vṛṣṇi warriors would chase him to rescue her (kekayāś cāpī sarve/…mama…padavīṁ careyuḥ) 3. 252. 16; but according to 11. 22. 12 Kekayas were Jayadratha's companions (yadā kṛṣṇām upādāya prādravat kekayaiḥ saha):
(8) Drupada asked Yudhiṣṭhira to send messengers to Kekayas to seek their support 5. 4. 8;
(9) The five Kekaya brothers joined Duryodhana with the army of one akṣauhiṇī (kekayāś ca…sodaryāḥ pañca…/…kauravyam akṣauhiṇyā samādravan) 5. 19. 25; Kekayas were among those who were brought together by Duryodhana to fight with the Pāṇḍavas (ye rājānaḥ pāṇḍavāyodhanāya samānītā dhārtarāṣṭreṇa…kekayāś ca) 5. 30. 23; Dhṛtarāṣṭra was able to win over half of the Kekayas (ardhaṁ me kekayā labdhāḥ) 7. 23. 7 (also see the next);
(10) The five Kekaya brothers, driven out from the Kekaya country, joined the Pāṇḍavas anxious to get back the kingdom of the Kekayas (avaruddhā balino kekayebhyo maheṣvāso bhrātaraḥ santi pañca/kekayebhyo rājyam ākāṅkṣamāṇā yuddhārthinas cānuvasanti pārthān) 5. 22. 19 (Nī. on 5. 22. 20: kekayebhyo deśebhyaḥ/avaruddhāḥ bahir niḥsāritāḥ/…pūrvam asmadīyā api saṁprati pāṇḍavān anuvasanti anusaranti); 5. 49. 7, 35; 5. 52. 2; they do not respect Dhṛtarāṣṭra 5. 53. 17; 5. 54. 3; 5. 139. 26; 5. 142. 3; Dhṛtarāṣṭra considered the presence of the Kekayas on the side of the Pāṇḍavas a great asset to them (kekayāś caiva …ka etāñ jātu yudhyeta) 7. 61. 39, 41; since Kekayas were divided, one Kekaya brother was killed by his own brother fighting from the opposite side (kekayenaiva vikramya bhrātrā bhrātā nipātitaḥ) 8. 4. 69;
(11) When Duryodhana would see the Kekayas rushing against him, he would repent the war 5. 47. 23; but Duryodhana assured Dhṛtarāṣṭra that he would defect them 5. 60. 25;
(12) Kekayas were among those who followed Kṛṣṇa some distance when he started for Hāstinapura 5. 81. 32;
(13) When Yudhiṣṭhira started for Kurukṣetra, Kekayas followed him 5. 149. 58; 5. 150. 2;
(14) Kekayas (on the side of the Kauravas), led by Droṇa, ready to march against Pāṇḍavas (kekayā…/prayayuḥ sarva evaite bhāradvājapurogamāḥ) 5. 196. 5;
(15) Mentioned among the twelve Janapadas who protected Bhīṣma with their force of chariot-riders (kekayās tathā/…dvādaśaite janapadāḥ…/mahatā rathavaṁśena te'bhyarakṣan pitāmaham//) 6. 18. 13-14;
(16) Arjuna expected Kekayas to act only as spectators when Bhīma would fight with his gadā (kekayā …ete tiṣṭhanti…prekṣakās…) 6. 19. 14;
(17) On the first day of the war, the five Kekaya brothers with their armies fought with five Gāndhāras and their armies 6. 43. 73; they rushed to protect Abhimanyu 6. 45. 30; Bhīṣma felled them with his arrows (kekayāṁś ca…/bhīṣmaḥ…pātayām āsa mārgaṇaiḥ) 6. 45. 54;
(18) On the second day of the war, Virāṭa, supported by Kekayas, guarded the rear of the Krauñcavyūha of Pāṇḍavas 6. 46 54; Bhīṣma, protected by Kekayas (those on the side of the Kauravas) and other warriors, opposed Arjuna (guptaḥ prācyasauvī rakekayaiḥ) 6. 48. 21;
(19) On the third day of the war, Kaikeyas (Kauravas' side) stood at the head of the Garuḍavyūha of the Kauravas (śīrṣam āstāṁ…/… matsyakaikeyair…) 6. 52. 4;
(20) On the same day Kekayas stood behind Yudhiṣṭhira in the middle of the Ardhacandravyūha of the Pāṇḍavas 6. 52. 16;
(21) The chief Kekayas (mukhyāḥ) (Kauravas' side), Trigartas and Madras, totalling thirty-five thousand, surrounded Arjuna and Abhimanyu as ordered by Duryodhana (saha kekayaiḥ pañcatriṁśatisāhasrās tava putreṇa coditāḥ) 6. 57. 12-13; Dhṛṣṭadyumna, with his army, marched against them 6. 57. 16;
(22) Sātyaki, Cekitāna and Abhimanyu engaged Śālvas and Kekayas 6. 68. 8;
(23) Matsyas and Kekayas encircled Arjuna 6. 70. 33;
(24) On the sixth day of the war, the five Kekaya brothers stood on the left side of the Makaravyūha of the Pāṇḍavas (vāmaṁ pārśvaṁ samāśritāḥ); when Droṇa and Bhīṣma started killing Sṛñjayas and Kekayas they began to flee 6. 71. 19, 32; at midday, Kekayas, Draupadī's sons, and Dhṛṣṭaketu, led by Abhimanyu, formed the Sūcimukhavyūha and broke the chariot-army of the Kauravas (rathānīkaṁ bibhiduh) 6. 73. 54-55; they fought with Dhṛtarāṣṭra's eight sons 6. 75. 21; Duḥśāsana fought a wonderful battle with the five Kekaya brothers (tad adbhutam ivābhavat) 6. 74. 25; the five Kekaya brothers rushed to help Śatānīka; five Dhṛtarāṣṭra's sons, Durmukha and others, attacked the advancing Kekaya brothers 6. 75. 50, 52;
(25) On the same day, Bhagadatta, along with Madras, Sauvīras and Kekayas stood at the chest (urasy abhūn…) of the Krauñcas vyūha of the Kauravas 6. 71. 18;
(26) On the eighth day of the war, Kekayas, Abhimanyu and others surrounded the Supratīka elephant of Bhagadatta 6. 91. 39-40; Bhagadatta pierced the (five) Kekayas with five nārāca arrows; that was a fierce battle (tumulaṁ yuddham) of Bhagadatta with Pāñcālas, Sṛñjayas, and Kekayas 6. 91. 67, 80;
(27) On the tenth day of the war, Ambaṣṭhas, Kekayas and others, instigated by Duryodhana, attacked Arjuna; he burnt them with his missiles; then they did not return 6. 112. 110, 112, 114; Kekayas (Kauravas' side) mentioned among the twelve Janapadas who, although afflicted with arrows and pained by wounds, did not abandon Bhīṣma fighting with Arjuna (…kekayaiḥ saha/dvādaśaite janapadāḥ śarārtā vraṇapīditāḥ/saṁgrāme na jahur bhīṣmam) 6. 114. 77;
(28) Eleventh day: Kekayas mentioned among those who did many valorous acts and checked the army of Droṇa 7. 7. 4, 6-7; Droṇa bruised the five principal warriors (brothers) of Kekayas with arrows (sa kekayānāṁ pravarāṁś ca pañca…śaraiḥ pramṛdya) 7. 7. 24; (droṇena nihatāḥ śūrāḥ śerate…/…sarve bhrātaraḥ pañca kekayāḥ//) 11. 25. 13;
(29) Dhṛtarāṣṭra felt that Droṇa must have been encircled and confused by Kekayas and others when Dhṛṣṭadyumna killed him 7. 8. 27-28; he wanted Saṁjaya to tell him who checked the five Kekaya brothers when they advanced towards Droṇa 7. 9. 52;
(30) Kekayas mentioned among those who rushed to rescue the sons of Draupadī when they were attacked by Aśvatthāman 7. 15. 11; Kekayas among those who checked Droṇa advancing towards Yudhiṣṭhira 7. 15. 32;
(31) On the 12th day, Kekayas (on Kauravas' side) stood at the neck of the Suparṇavyūha (grīvāyāṁ…madrakekayāḥ) 7. 19. 8;
(32) Kekayas (on Pāṇḍavas' side) attacked Droṇa when they saw Yudhiṣṭhira running away from him; Droṇa scattered them away and defeated them again and again 7. 20. 18-19, 23; when a Pāñcāla prince was killed by Droṇa (7. 20. 48), angered Pāñcālas, Kekayas and others rushed at him shouting ‘kill Droṇa, kill Droṇa’; Droṇa agitated them all (vyakṣobhayat); when they were getting killed by Droṇa they trembled (samakampanta) 7. 20. 49, 53; Duryodhana delighted to see Pāñcālas, Kekayas and others put to flight by Droṇa's arrows (droṇasāyakaih praṇunnān) 7. 21. 7;
(33) Karṇa told Duryodhana that Kekayas and other warriors would rally round Bhīma especially when instigated by him (viśeṣataś ca bhīmena…abhicoditāḥ) 7. 21. 23-24; in the battle that followed, Kekayas followed Virāṭa; the five Kekaya brothers rode in chariots drawn by firefly-coloured horses and carrying red-coloured banners 7. 22. 8, 11;
(34) There was extremely tumultuous fighting (utpiñjalakaṁ yuddham) between Matsyas and Kekayas (Kauravas' side) in which the horseriders, chariot-fighters and elephant-riders were not afraid (abhītāśvarathadvipam) 7. 24. 21 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 7. 25. 31: utpiñjajalakam atyantākulam);
(35) Karṇa tried to halt the march of five Kekaya brothers towards Droṇa; angered, they showered arrows on him; Karṇa repeatedly covered them with arrows; neither Karṇa nor they could be seen as they were covered with arrows 7. 24. 4042;
(36) On the thirteenth day, Kekayas and others attacked Droṇa 7. 34. 5; Bhīma assured Abhimanyu that he, along with Kekayas and others, would follow him in his attempt to make an opening in the Cakravyūha 7. 34. 22; Kekayas mentioned among those who raised a loud roar (kekayāś caiva siṁhanādam athānadan) seeing Abhimanyu compelling Duḥśāsana to sit down in his chariot; they advanced towards Droṇa's army to get through it 7. 39. 13, 17;
(37) The day Abhimanyu was killed, great sound which used to be heard in the evenings issuing from the houses of Kekayas (on Kauravas' side) could not be heard by Dhṛtarāṣṭra (śibire yo mahādhvaniḥ/śrūyate so 'dya na tathā kekayānāṁ ca veśmasu) 7. 61. 16;
(38) On the fourteenth day, Droṇa repulsed the attack on him by Pāñcālas and Kekayas 7. 70. 13; Duryodhana pierced Kekayas with sharp arrows 7. 128. 23;
(39) During the night war, Kekayas mentioned among those who fought with Droṇa 7. 129. 7; Droṇa killed Kekaya warriors with swift arrows 7. 130. 12; when Bhīma killed Durmada and Duṣkarṇa (Dhṛtarāṣṭra's sons), Kekayas and others applauded him 7. 130. 38; Duryodhana pointed out to Karṇa that the Kaurava army was surrounded by Pāñcālas, Matsyas and Kekayas 7. 133. 3; Karṇa assured him that he would kill all of them including Kekayas (kekayān…śakalīkṛtya) 7. 133. 11; Duryodhana wanted Aśvatthāman to check Kekayas before they, protected by Arjuna, destroyed his army 7. 134. 8; Aśvatthāman assured him that he would fight with the Kekayas and the rest 7. 135. 10; he challenged Kaikeyas and others and asked them to remain steady and show their skill in the use of the missiles (tato 'bravīt sa kaikeyān pāñcālān gautamīsutaḥ/…sthirībhūtāś ca yudhyadhvaṁ darśayanto 'stralāghavam) 7. 135. 16; thus challenged, they showered arrows on Aśvatthāman, but were killed by him 7. 135. 17-18; Kekayas and others rushed towards Droṇa and made all attempts to kill him (sarvodyogena) 7. 141. 60; Yudhiṣṭhira wanted Sātyaki and Kekayas to attack Droṇa with great speed (abhidravantu vegena) 7. 159. 6; Droṇa defeated Kekayas and killed them 7. 161. 32, 35;
(40) On the fifteenth day, Droṇa killed many Kekayas and others with his brahmāstra 7. 165. 100-101; after the fall of Droṇa, Aśvatthāman assured Duryodhana that he would put to flight (vidrāvayiṣyāmi) Kekayas and others with his nārāyaṇāstra 7. 166. 52;
(41) After the death of Droṇa, Karṇa fought bravely to kill Kekayas 8. 2. 18;
(42) Kekayas (Kauravas' side) listed by Saṁjaya among those killed by Arjuna 8. 4. 45;
(43) On the sixteenth day, Kekayas helping Bhīma riding on an elephant rushed against the army of the Kauravas 8. 8. 19;
(44) When Anuvinda was killed, (the hearts of) Kekayas (on Kauravas' side) were dried up (śoṣayan kekayān sarvān) 8. 9. 21; Sātyaki dissipitated the large army of Kekayas 8. 9. 34;
(45) Kekayas mentioned among those who showered various weapons on Karṇa (nānāśastrair avākiran) 8. 21. 26-27;
(46) On the seventeenth day, Duryodhana, protected by Kekayas and Madras, stood at the rear of the Vyūha of the Kauravas 8. 31. 21; Kṛpa, Kṛtavarman and Śakuni fought with Kekayas 8. 32. 16-17;
(47) Kekayas were among those who attacked Karṇa to kill him 8. 32. 43; they checked the advance of Karṇa towards Yudhiṣṭhira 8. 33. 9; they checked Vasuṣeṇa 8. 33. 22; Karṇa checked the onward march of Bhīmasena, Kekayas and Sṛñjayas towards Kṛpa 8. 38. 16; 8. 40. 1; when Bhīma left, Karṇa killed Kekayas by thousands 8. 40. 4;
(48) Bhīmasena fought with Kurus, Madras and Kekayas (Kauravas' side) 8. 40. 69;
(49) Kekayas and others, protected by Arjuna, destroyed Kauravas' army 8. 51. 6;
(50) Bhīṣma reported to have killed Kekayas and others warriors along with their kings 8. 51. 27; (pṛthivī pālāṁś cedipāncālakekayān) 8. 51. 32;
(51) On the eighteenth day, Duryodhana checked the advance of Kekayas and others 9. 20. 34;
(52) Kekayas accompanied Jayadratha when he tried to abduct Draupadī (yadā kṛṣṇām upādāya prādravat kekayaiḥ saha) 11. 22. 12;
(53) At the instance of Yudhiṣṭhira, Sudharman (Duryodhana's Purohita), Dhaumya and others cremated the dead bodies of Kekayas and other fallen heroes (kekayāṁś ca…/…pāvakaiḥ samadāhayan) 11. 26. 36, 38 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 11. 26. 24: sudharmāṇam duryodhanapurohitam).
D. Other events:
(1) A certain king of Kekayas doing svādhyāya and observing rigid vows in a forest was possessed by a dreadful Rakṣas (kekayānām adhipatiṁ rakṣo jagrāha dāruṇam) 12. 78. 7;
(2) Śatayūpa was once a great king of the Kekayas (sa hi rājā mahān āsīt kekayeṣu paraṁtapaḥ) 15. 25. 10.
E. Use in a title: Certain princes (probably the well known five Kekaya brothers) referred to as ‘princes of the Kekayas’ (kekayarājaputrāḥ) 3. 48. 38.
*3rd word in right half of page p700_mci (+offset) in original book.
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Mahabharata Cultural Index
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Kekaya, Kaikaya, Kaikeya : m. (pl.): Name of a Janapada and the warriors of this country; they are often mentioned along with Pāñcālas (or Sṛñjayas) and Matsyas in the war.
A. Use of the terms: The term Kekaya is specifically used to refer to the five brothers fighting on the side of the Pāṇḍavas (one of them was named Bṛhatkṣatra 7. 81. 7); the warriors and the five brothers also referred to as Kaikaya or Kaikeya (6. 52. 4); a warrior once referred to as kekayaja (8. 4. 69); a Kekaya princess (Sukumārī) referred to as Kaikeyī (1. 90. 45).
B. Location: Listed by Saṁjaya among the northern Janapadas (also called Deśas 6. 10. 68) of Bhāratavarṣa (ata ūrdhvaṁ janapadān nibodha gadato mama) 6. 10. 37. 5; (surāṣṛrāḥ kekayās tathā) 6. 10. 47.
C. Relationship with Pāṇḍavas: The five brothers were the sons of the sister of Pāṇḍavas' mother (bhrātaraḥ pañca kaikeyā …mātṛṣvasuḥ sutā vīrāḥ) 7. 9. 53 (however, see below Nī.'s remark under
F. Epic events No. 4).
D. Description (often only of the five brothers, occasionally of all warriors): High-souled (mahātman) 1. 61. 11; having the colour of a fire-fly (indragopakavarṇa) 5. 139. 26; 7. 9. 52 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 5. 141. 26: indragopakaḥ varṣāsu pracalan raktajantus tadvarṇās tāmrā ity arthaḥ); religious (dhārmika) 7. 9. 52; heroic (vīra) 7. 9. 52-53; brave (śūra) 5. 47. 23; 5. 49. 35; 6. 18. 14; 8. 8. 19; 11. 25. 13; of great prowess (mahāvīrya) 3. 13. 2; 7. 34. 5; 8. 31. 21; strong (balin) 5. 22. 19; (balavant) 6. 112. 107; always on their guard (saṁyatta) 6. 112. 107; of true valour (satyavikrama) 7. 9. 52; eminent Kṣatriyas (kṣatriyarṣabha) 3. 13. 4; tigers among men (naravyāghra) 5. 19. 25; best and prominent among the kings (pārthivarṣabhasattama) 1. 61. 11; famous among the world (lokaviśruta) 3. 13. 2; great chariot-fighters (mahāratha) 6. 112. 107; 7. 135. 16; bowmen (dhanvin) 6. 112. 7; having large bows (maheṣvāsa) 2. 4. 27; 3. 252. 16; 5. 22. 19; 5. 49. 35; 6. 45. 29; 6. 73. 56, 58, 59; 11. 26. 36; versed in the science of archery (dhanurvedaviśārada) 6. 70. 33; (dhanurvedavid) 6. 57. 13; who had learnt the use of missiles (kṛtāstra) 7. 34. 6; wearing shining bracelets (rucirāṅgada) 11. 25. 13; having gold banners (suvarṇavikṛtadhvaja) 6. 73. 58; having copper-coloured standards, and chariotgarlands (tāmradhvajarathasrajaḥ) 11. 25. 14; having red banners (lohitakadhvaja) 7. 22. 11; 7. 24. 40; wearing well-polished armours (sumṛṣṭakavaca) 5. 49. 35; wearing armours shining like heated gold (taptakāñcanavarmāṇaḥ) 11. 25. 14; having red armours, weapons and banners (raktavarmāyudhadhvaja) 7. 9. 52; in war, invincible by enemies (ajeyāḥ śatrubhir yudhi) 6. 57. 13; arrogant in war (yuddhadurmada) 7. 34. 6; ready to die (in war) (tanutyaj) 6. 18. 14.
E. History: The five great and strong Asuras Ayaḥśiras, Aśvaśiras, Ayaḥśaṅku, Gaganamūrdhan, and Vegavant were born as the five great, prominent kings among the Kekayas (pañcaite jajñire…kekayeṣu…pārthivarṣabhasattamāḥ) 1. 61. 10-11.
F. Epic events:
(1) At the birth of Arjuna a non-corporal voice prophesied that he would defeat Kekayas and other peoples 1. 114. 31; 8. 48. 7 (here the prophecy is said to have been heard a week after Arjuna's birth (saptāhajāte tvayi) 8. 48. 6;
(2) Kekayas mentioned among those who waited on Yudhiṣṭhira in his Sabhā 2. 4. 27;
(3) The Kekaya Kṣatriyas (kṣatriyāḥ 2. 48. 16; rājanyāḥ 2. 48. 13) brought tribute in hundreds for Yudhiṣṭhira's Rājasūya 2. 48. 13, 16;
(4) The five Kekaya brothers, along with others, came to meet the Pāṇḍavas during their vanavāsa (kekayāś ca…bhrātaro lokaviśrutāḥ) 3. 13. 2; they took leave of Pāṇḍāvas and left the forest 3. 23. 48 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 3. 22. 51: kekayāś sahadevaśyālāḥ);
(5) Bhīma assured Yudhiṣṭhira that with the support of Sṛñjayas and Kekayas they were sure to get back the lost kingdom 3. 34. 85;
(6) Kṛṣṇa mentioned Kekayas among those who would help them in the war 3. 120. 25;
(7) Draupadī warned Jayadratha that if he tried to abduct her, Kekayas and Vṛṣṇi warriors would chase him to rescue her (kekayāś cāpī sarve/…mama…padavīṁ careyuḥ) 3. 252. 16; but according to 11. 22. 12 Kekayas were Jayadratha's companions (yadā kṛṣṇām upādāya prādravat kekayaiḥ saha):
(8) Drupada asked Yudhiṣṭhira to send messengers to Kekayas to seek their support 5. 4. 8;
(9) The five Kekaya brothers joined Duryodhana with the army of one akṣauhiṇī (kekayāś ca…sodaryāḥ pañca…/…kauravyam akṣauhiṇyā samādravan) 5. 19. 25; Kekayas were among those who were brought together by Duryodhana to fight with the Pāṇḍavas (ye rājānaḥ pāṇḍavāyodhanāya samānītā dhārtarāṣṭreṇa…kekayāś ca) 5. 30. 23; Dhṛtarāṣṭra was able to win over half of the Kekayas (ardhaṁ me kekayā labdhāḥ) 7. 23. 7 (also see the next);
(10) The five Kekaya brothers, driven out from the Kekaya country, joined the Pāṇḍavas anxious to get back the kingdom of the Kekayas (avaruddhā balino kekayebhyo maheṣvāso bhrātaraḥ santi pañca/kekayebhyo rājyam ākāṅkṣamāṇā yuddhārthinas cānuvasanti pārthān) 5. 22. 19 (Nī. on 5. 22. 20: kekayebhyo deśebhyaḥ/avaruddhāḥ bahir niḥsāritāḥ/…pūrvam asmadīyā api saṁprati pāṇḍavān anuvasanti anusaranti); 5. 49. 7, 35; 5. 52. 2; they do not respect Dhṛtarāṣṭra 5. 53. 17; 5. 54. 3; 5. 139. 26; 5. 142. 3; Dhṛtarāṣṭra considered the presence of the Kekayas on the side of the Pāṇḍavas a great asset to them (kekayāś caiva …ka etāñ jātu yudhyeta) 7. 61. 39, 41; since Kekayas were divided, one Kekaya brother was killed by his own brother fighting from the opposite side (kekayenaiva vikramya bhrātrā bhrātā nipātitaḥ) 8. 4. 69;
(11) When Duryodhana would see the Kekayas rushing against him, he would repent the war 5. 47. 23; but Duryodhana assured Dhṛtarāṣṭra that he would defect them 5. 60. 25;
(12) Kekayas were among those who followed Kṛṣṇa some distance when he started for Hāstinapura 5. 81. 32;
(13) When Yudhiṣṭhira started for Kurukṣetra, Kekayas followed him 5. 149. 58; 5. 150. 2;
(14) Kekayas (on the side of the Kauravas), led by Droṇa, ready to march against Pāṇḍavas (kekayā…/prayayuḥ sarva evaite bhāradvājapurogamāḥ) 5. 196. 5;
(15) Mentioned among the twelve Janapadas who protected Bhīṣma with their force of chariot-riders (kekayās tathā/…dvādaśaite janapadāḥ…/mahatā rathavaṁśena te'bhyarakṣan pitāmaham//) 6. 18. 13-14;
(16) Arjuna expected Kekayas to act only as spectators when Bhīma would fight with his gadā (kekayā …ete tiṣṭhanti…prekṣakās…) 6. 19. 14;
(17) On the first day of the war, the five Kekaya brothers with their armies fought with five Gāndhāras and their armies 6. 43. 73; they rushed to protect Abhimanyu 6. 45. 30; Bhīṣma felled them with his arrows (kekayāṁś ca…/bhīṣmaḥ…pātayām āsa mārgaṇaiḥ) 6. 45. 54;
(18) On the second day of the war, Virāṭa, supported by Kekayas, guarded the rear of the Krauñcavyūha of Pāṇḍavas 6. 46 54; Bhīṣma, protected by Kekayas (those on the side of the Kauravas) and other warriors, opposed Arjuna (guptaḥ prācyasauvī rakekayaiḥ) 6. 48. 21;
(19) On the third day of the war, Kaikeyas (Kauravas' side) stood at the head of the Garuḍavyūha of the Kauravas (śīrṣam āstāṁ…/… matsyakaikeyair…) 6. 52. 4;
(20) On the same day Kekayas stood behind Yudhiṣṭhira in the middle of the Ardhacandravyūha of the Pāṇḍavas 6. 52. 16;
(21) The chief Kekayas (mukhyāḥ) (Kauravas' side), Trigartas and Madras, totalling thirty-five thousand, surrounded Arjuna and Abhimanyu as ordered by Duryodhana (saha kekayaiḥ pañcatriṁśatisāhasrās tava putreṇa coditāḥ) 6. 57. 12-13; Dhṛṣṭadyumna, with his army, marched against them 6. 57. 16;
(22) Sātyaki, Cekitāna and Abhimanyu engaged Śālvas and Kekayas 6. 68. 8;
(23) Matsyas and Kekayas encircled Arjuna 6. 70. 33;
(24) On the sixth day of the war, the five Kekaya brothers stood on the left side of the Makaravyūha of the Pāṇḍavas (vāmaṁ pārśvaṁ samāśritāḥ); when Droṇa and Bhīṣma started killing Sṛñjayas and Kekayas they began to flee 6. 71. 19, 32; at midday, Kekayas, Draupadī's sons, and Dhṛṣṭaketu, led by Abhimanyu, formed the Sūcimukhavyūha and broke the chariot-army of the Kauravas (rathānīkaṁ bibhiduh) 6. 73. 54-55; they fought with Dhṛtarāṣṭra's eight sons 6. 75. 21; Duḥśāsana fought a wonderful battle with the five Kekaya brothers (tad adbhutam ivābhavat) 6. 74. 25; the five Kekaya brothers rushed to help Śatānīka; five Dhṛtarāṣṭra's sons, Durmukha and others, attacked the advancing Kekaya brothers 6. 75. 50, 52;
(25) On the same day, Bhagadatta, along with Madras, Sauvīras and Kekayas stood at the chest (urasy abhūn…) of the Krauñcas vyūha of the Kauravas 6. 71. 18;
(26) On the eighth day of the war, Kekayas, Abhimanyu and others surrounded the Supratīka elephant of Bhagadatta 6. 91. 39-40; Bhagadatta pierced the (five) Kekayas with five nārāca arrows; that was a fierce battle (tumulaṁ yuddham) of Bhagadatta with Pāñcālas, Sṛñjayas, and Kekayas 6. 91. 67, 80;
(27) On the tenth day of the war, Ambaṣṭhas, Kekayas and others, instigated by Duryodhana, attacked Arjuna; he burnt them with his missiles; then they did not return 6. 112. 110, 112, 114; Kekayas (Kauravas' side) mentioned among the twelve Janapadas who, although afflicted with arrows and pained by wounds, did not abandon Bhīṣma fighting with Arjuna (…kekayaiḥ saha/dvādaśaite janapadāḥ śarārtā vraṇapīditāḥ/saṁgrāme na jahur bhīṣmam) 6. 114. 77;
(28) Eleventh day: Kekayas mentioned among those who did many valorous acts and checked the army of Droṇa 7. 7. 4, 6-7; Droṇa bruised the five principal warriors (brothers) of Kekayas with arrows (sa kekayānāṁ pravarāṁś ca pañca…śaraiḥ pramṛdya) 7. 7. 24; (droṇena nihatāḥ śūrāḥ śerate…/…sarve bhrātaraḥ pañca kekayāḥ//) 11. 25. 13;
(29) Dhṛtarāṣṭra felt that Droṇa must have been encircled and confused by Kekayas and others when Dhṛṣṭadyumna killed him 7. 8. 27-28; he wanted Saṁjaya to tell him who checked the five Kekaya brothers when they advanced towards Droṇa 7. 9. 52;
(30) Kekayas mentioned among those who rushed to rescue the sons of Draupadī when they were attacked by Aśvatthāman 7. 15. 11; Kekayas among those who checked Droṇa advancing towards Yudhiṣṭhira 7. 15. 32;
(31) On the 12th day, Kekayas (on Kauravas' side) stood at the neck of the Suparṇavyūha (grīvāyāṁ…madrakekayāḥ) 7. 19. 8;
(32) Kekayas (on Pāṇḍavas' side) attacked Droṇa when they saw Yudhiṣṭhira running away from him; Droṇa scattered them away and defeated them again and again 7. 20. 18-19, 23; when a Pāñcāla prince was killed by Droṇa (7. 20. 48), angered Pāñcālas, Kekayas and others rushed at him shouting ‘kill Droṇa, kill Droṇa’; Droṇa agitated them all (vyakṣobhayat); when they were getting killed by Droṇa they trembled (samakampanta) 7. 20. 49, 53; Duryodhana delighted to see Pāñcālas, Kekayas and others put to flight by Droṇa's arrows (droṇasāyakaih praṇunnān) 7. 21. 7;
(33) Karṇa told Duryodhana that Kekayas and other warriors would rally round Bhīma especially when instigated by him (viśeṣataś ca bhīmena…abhicoditāḥ) 7. 21. 23-24; in the battle that followed, Kekayas followed Virāṭa; the five Kekaya brothers rode in chariots drawn by firefly-coloured horses and carrying red-coloured banners 7. 22. 8, 11;
(34) There was extremely tumultuous fighting (utpiñjalakaṁ yuddham) between Matsyas and Kekayas (Kauravas' side) in which the horseriders, chariot-fighters and elephant-riders were not afraid (abhītāśvarathadvipam) 7. 24. 21 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 7. 25. 31: utpiñjajalakam atyantākulam);
(35) Karṇa tried to halt the march of five Kekaya brothers towards Droṇa; angered, they showered arrows on him; Karṇa repeatedly covered them with arrows; neither Karṇa nor they could be seen as they were covered with arrows 7. 24. 4042;
(36) On the thirteenth day, Kekayas and others attacked Droṇa 7. 34. 5; Bhīma assured Abhimanyu that he, along with Kekayas and others, would follow him in his attempt to make an opening in the Cakravyūha 7. 34. 22; Kekayas mentioned among those who raised a loud roar (kekayāś caiva siṁhanādam athānadan) seeing Abhimanyu compelling Duḥśāsana to sit down in his chariot; they advanced towards Droṇa's army to get through it 7. 39. 13, 17;
(37) The day Abhimanyu was killed, great sound which used to be heard in the evenings issuing from the houses of Kekayas (on Kauravas' side) could not be heard by Dhṛtarāṣṭra (śibire yo mahādhvaniḥ/śrūyate so 'dya na tathā kekayānāṁ ca veśmasu) 7. 61. 16;
(38) On the fourteenth day, Droṇa repulsed the attack on him by Pāñcālas and Kekayas 7. 70. 13; Duryodhana pierced Kekayas with sharp arrows 7. 128. 23;
(39) During the night war, Kekayas mentioned among those who fought with Droṇa 7. 129. 7; Droṇa killed Kekaya warriors with swift arrows 7. 130. 12; when Bhīma killed Durmada and Duṣkarṇa (Dhṛtarāṣṭra's sons), Kekayas and others applauded him 7. 130. 38; Duryodhana pointed out to Karṇa that the Kaurava army was surrounded by Pāñcālas, Matsyas and Kekayas 7. 133. 3; Karṇa assured him that he would kill all of them including Kekayas (kekayān…śakalīkṛtya) 7. 133. 11; Duryodhana wanted Aśvatthāman to check Kekayas before they, protected by Arjuna, destroyed his army 7. 134. 8; Aśvatthāman assured him that he would fight with the Kekayas and the rest 7. 135. 10; he challenged Kaikeyas and others and asked them to remain steady and show their skill in the use of the missiles (tato 'bravīt sa kaikeyān pāñcālān gautamīsutaḥ/…sthirībhūtāś ca yudhyadhvaṁ darśayanto 'stralāghavam) 7. 135. 16; thus challenged, they showered arrows on Aśvatthāman, but were killed by him 7. 135. 17-18; Kekayas and others rushed towards Droṇa and made all attempts to kill him (sarvodyogena) 7. 141. 60; Yudhiṣṭhira wanted Sātyaki and Kekayas to attack Droṇa with great speed (abhidravantu vegena) 7. 159. 6; Droṇa defeated Kekayas and killed them 7. 161. 32, 35;
(40) On the fifteenth day, Droṇa killed many Kekayas and others with his brahmāstra 7. 165. 100-101; after the fall of Droṇa, Aśvatthāman assured Duryodhana that he would put to flight (vidrāvayiṣyāmi) Kekayas and others with his nārāyaṇāstra 7. 166. 52;
(41) After the death of Droṇa, Karṇa fought bravely to kill Kekayas 8. 2. 18;
(42) Kekayas (Kauravas' side) listed by Saṁjaya among those killed by Arjuna 8. 4. 45;
(43) On the sixteenth day, Kekayas helping Bhīma riding on an elephant rushed against the army of the Kauravas 8. 8. 19;
(44) When Anuvinda was killed, (the hearts of) Kekayas (on Kauravas' side) were dried up (śoṣayan kekayān sarvān) 8. 9. 21; Sātyaki dissipitated the large army of Kekayas 8. 9. 34;
(45) Kekayas mentioned among those who showered various weapons on Karṇa (nānāśastrair avākiran) 8. 21. 26-27;
(46) On the seventeenth day, Duryodhana, protected by Kekayas and Madras, stood at the rear of the Vyūha of the Kauravas 8. 31. 21; Kṛpa, Kṛtavarman and Śakuni fought with Kekayas 8. 32. 16-17;
(47) Kekayas were among those who attacked Karṇa to kill him 8. 32. 43; they checked the advance of Karṇa towards Yudhiṣṭhira 8. 33. 9; they checked Vasuṣeṇa 8. 33. 22; Karṇa checked the onward march of Bhīmasena, Kekayas and Sṛñjayas towards Kṛpa 8. 38. 16; 8. 40. 1; when Bhīma left, Karṇa killed Kekayas by thousands 8. 40. 4;
(48) Bhīmasena fought with Kurus, Madras and Kekayas (Kauravas' side) 8. 40. 69;
(49) Kekayas and others, protected by Arjuna, destroyed Kauravas' army 8. 51. 6;
(50) Bhīṣma reported to have killed Kekayas and others warriors along with their kings 8. 51. 27; (pṛthivī pālāṁś cedipāncālakekayān) 8. 51. 32;
(51) On the eighteenth day, Duryodhana checked the advance of Kekayas and others 9. 20. 34;
(52) Kekayas accompanied Jayadratha when he tried to abduct Draupadī (yadā kṛṣṇām upādāya prādravat kekayaiḥ saha) 11. 22. 12;
(53) At the instance of Yudhiṣṭhira, Sudharman (Duryodhana's Purohita), Dhaumya and others cremated the dead bodies of Kekayas and other fallen heroes (kekayāṁś ca…/…pāvakaiḥ samadāhayan) 11. 26. 36, 38 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 11. 26. 24: sudharmāṇam duryodhanapurohitam).
D. Other events:
(1) A certain king of Kekayas doing svādhyāya and observing rigid vows in a forest was possessed by a dreadful Rakṣas (kekayānām adhipatiṁ rakṣo jagrāha dāruṇam) 12. 78. 7;
(2) Śatayūpa was once a great king of the Kekayas (sa hi rājā mahān āsīt kekayeṣu paraṁtapaḥ) 15. 25. 10.
E. Use in a title: Certain princes (probably the well known five Kekaya brothers) referred to as ‘princes of the Kekayas’ (kekayarājaputrāḥ) 3. 48. 38.
*3rd word in right half of page p700_mci (+offset) in original book.
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Vedic Index of Names and Subjects
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Kekaya is the name of a tribe which in later days, and probably also in Vedic times, was settled in the north-west, oetween the Sindhu (Indus) and Vitastā.[१] In the Vedic texts the Kekayas are mentioned indirectly only in the name of their prince Aśvapati Kaikeya.[२]
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