सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः





पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

भोजः, पुं, (भोजस्येदमिति । भोज + “तस्ये- दम् ।” ४ । ३ । १२० । इत्यण् । अणो लोपः ।) स्वनामख्यातदेशः । भोजपुर इति भाषा । तत्पर्य्यायः । भोजकटः २ । इति शब्द- रत्नावली ॥ धारानगरस्य राजविशेषः । तस्य वृत्तान्तो यथा । धारानामनगर्य्यां सिन्धुल- संज्ञो राजा आसीत् । तस्य राज्ञी सावित्री, तयोर्वृद्धावस्थायां भोजनामपुत्त्रो जातः । स यदा पञ्चवर्षवयस्कस्तदा तत्पिता आत्ममरणकालं विदित्वा भ्रात्रे मुञ्जाय राज्यं ददौ, तदुत्सङ्गे भोजञ्च मुमोच । ततो राज्ञि परलोकं प्राप्ते कियत्कालानन्तरं सभायां कश्चिदुदरम्भरिर्ज्योतिर्विदागत्य मुञ्जं प्राह राजन् ! भोजस्य भाग्योदयं वक्तुं विरिञ्चिरपि न समर्थः कोऽहं वराक उदरम्भरिर्ब्राह्मणः तथापि वदामि भोजमितः प्रेषय । ततो राजाज्ञया भोजेऽध्ययनशालां प्राप्ते आह यथा, -- “पञ्चाशत्पञ्चवर्षाणि सप्तमासा दिन त्रयम् । भोगराजेन भोक्तव्यं सगौडं दक्षिणापथम् ॥” इति श्रुत्वा मुञ्जराजोऽचिन्तयत्, यदि राज- लक्ष्मीर्भोजं गमिष्यति ततोऽहं जीवन्नपि मृतः । ततो राजा मन्त्रयित्वा वङ्गालाधीश्वरं महा- बलं वत्सराजमाहूय निर्जने तं प्राह, वत्स- राज ! त्वया भोजस्त्रिभुवनेश्वरीविपिने हन्तव्यः । वत्सराजः भोजकुमारोपाध्यायमाहूय प्राह, विप्र ! भोजमानय । ततो विदितवृत्तान्तो भोजः कुपितः प्राह, आः पाप ! राज्ञः कुमारं वहि- रानेतुं तव का शक्तिः, ततो वामचरणपादु- कामादाय भोजेन भालदेशे हतो वत्सराजः प्राह, भोजकुमार ! वयं राजादेशकारिणः । इत्युक्त्वा वधार्थं बलात् वत्सराजेन निशायां विपिनं भोजे नीते वत्सराजस्य भ्रात्रा भोजस्य वधोद्यमसमये । “एक एव सुहृद्धर्म्मो निधनेऽप्यनुयाति यः । शरीरेण समं नाशं सर्व्वमन्यच्च गच्छति ॥” इत्युक्तं निशम्य वत्सराजो वैराग्यमापन्नो भोजं क्षमस्वेत्युक्त्वा प्रणम्य तं रथे निवेश्य गृहमागत्य भूमिगृहान्तरे भोजं रक्षित्वा कृत्रिमं भोज- मस्तकं कारयित्वा राजानमागत्य नत्वा प्राह श्रीमता यदादिष्टं तन्मया कृतम् । राजपुत्त्रबधं ज्ञात्वा राजा तं प्राह वत्सराज ! पुत्त्रेण खड्गप्रहारावसरे किमपि उक्तम् । वत्सराजः प्राह देव ! किमपि पत्रं प्रेषितमस्ति तदिदं गृहाण शिरश्च दर्शयति । ततो भोजमस्तकं दृष्ट्वा राजा रुरोद । बहुलक्षमुद्रादानादिवर्णनञ्च ग्रन्थशेषपर्य्यन्त- मस्ति । तद्ग्रन्थविस्तरभयात् न लिखितम् । इति भोजप्रबन्धपुस्तकात् सङ्कलितम् ॥ * ॥ ऐन्द्र- जालिकविद्यां भोजविद्यां वदन्ति ॥



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

भोज¦ पु॰ भुज--अच्।

१ स्वनामख्याते देशभेदे स च दशः(भोजपुर) इति ख्यातः।

२ धारापुरस्य नृपभेदेभोजप्रबन्ध भोजचरितादौ तद्वृत्तान्तो दृश्यः।
“धन्थः श्रीभोजराजस्त्रिभुवनविजयी” उद्भटः। वसुदेवस्यशान्तिदेवागर्भजाते

३ पुत्रभेदे पु॰ हरिवं॰

६६ अ॰।

४ द्रुह्युनृपपुत्रभेदे भा॰ आ॰

८३ अ॰।



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

भोज¦ m. (-जः)
1. A country, Pa4tna4 and Bha4galpur.
2. The name of a sovereign of Oujein, or MA4LAVA who is supposed to have flour- [Page538-b+ 60] ished about the end of the tenth century; he was a celebrated patron of learned men, and the nine gems or poets and philoso- phers, are often ascribed to his æra.
3. A cowherd. E. भुज् to enjoy, aff. अच् and the final consonant unchanged.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

भोज [bhōja], a. Bestowing enjoyment; राजा भोजो विराट् सम्राट् क्षत्रियो भूपतिर्नृपः Mb.12.68.54.

Leading a life of enjoyment, enjoying; देवासुरमनुष्येषु ये भजन्त्यशिवं शिवम् । प्रायस्ते धनिनो भोजाः Bhāg.1.88.1.

Liberal, bountiful.

भोजः [bhōjḥ], [भुज्-अच्] N. of a celebrated king of Mālvā (or Dhārā); (supposed to have flourished about the end of the tenth or the beginning of the eleventh century, and to have been a great patron of Sanskṛit learning; he is also supposed to have been the author of several learned works, such as सरस्वतीकण्ठाभरण &c.).

N. of a country.

N. of a king of the Vidarbhas; भोजेन दूतो रघवे विसृष्टः R.5.39;7.18,29,35. -जाः (m. pl.) N. of a people. -Comp. -अधिपः an epithet of


Karṇa. -इन्द्रः a king of the Bhojas.-कटम् N. of a town founded by Rukmin. -कुलम् the dynasty of the Bhojas who ruled over the country of Vidarbha or Berar; अभोजयद् भोजकुलाङ्कुरः क्वचित् N.16.48.-देवः, -राजः king Bhoja; धन्यः श्रीभोजराजस्त्रिभुवनविजयी Udb; see (1) above.

पतिः king Bhoja.

an epithet of Kamsa.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

भोज mfn. bestowing enjoyment , bountiful , liberal RV.

भोज mfn. enjoying , leading a life of enjoyment BhP.

भोज m. a king with uncommon qualities AitBr.

भोज m. ( pl. )N. of a country (near the विन्ध्यmountain) or of a people (the descendants of महा-भोज) MBh. Hariv. Pur. etc.

भोज m. a king of the भोजs MBh.

भोज m. N. of भोज-देव(See. ) Das3. Sa1h. Ra1jat.

भोज m. of various kings and other men Hariv. Ragh. etc.

भोज m. = भोज-कटSee. L.

भोज m. N. of the wife of वीर-व्रतBhP.

भोज m. a cowherd MW.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

(I)--a Yadu prince. He once dreamt that he ate the remnants of the food of his enemy, and that his enemies deprived him of his wives, and kingdom. This caused deep misery in his mind. He left his home and bestowed all his thoughts on परमात्मन् from that day: entered ब्रह्मनिर्वाण। Fought with अक्रूर at प्रभासा. भा. X. ३६. ३३; VI. १५. २६ [1-4]; XI. ३०. १६. Br. III. ६१. २३. [page२-586+ ४१]
(II)--a king noted for his large elephant forces. Br. II. ७१. १२६-7.
(III)--a son of Bali. Br. III. 5. ४३.
(IV)--a son of जाम्बवती. Br. III. 7. ३०३.
(V)--a son of प्रतिक्षेत्र and father of हृदीक. M. ४४. ८०.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Bhoja  : m. (pl.): Name of a country and its people; they form a tribe of the Yādavas, but once mentioned separately from Yādavas (2. 55. 6); often mentioned along with Vṛṣṇis and Andhakas, and sometimes also with Kukuras; styled as Mahābhoja (1. 213. 34).

A. Location: Listed by Saṁjaya among the northern Janapadas (also called Deśas 6. 10. 68) of the Bhāratavarṣa (ata ūrdhvaṁ janapadān nibodha) 6. 10. 37, 5; (cedivatsāḥ karūṣāś ca bhojāḥ…) 6. 10. 30.

B. Origin and history:

(1) Bhojas originate from Druhyu (one of the sons of Yayāti) (druhyor api sutā bhojā) 1. 80. 26; according to a curse pronounced on Druhyu by Yayāti, he (Druhyu) and his progeny were to be designated bhoja but not ‘king’ (arājā bhojaśabdaṁ tvaṁ tatrāvāpsyasi sānvayaḥ) 1. 79. 19;

(2) Bhojas, who have their origin in Yayāti, extended far and wide to the four corners; all kings respected their glory (teṣāṁ tathaiva tāṁ lakṣmīṁ sarvakṣatram upāsate); in that line Caturyu Jarāsaṁdha was the hundred and first king (caturyus tv aparo rājā yasminn ekaśato 'bhavat/sa…jarāsandhaḥ) 2. 13. 6-8; the elderly kings of Bhojas, harassed by Kaṁsa, came to an understanding with Yādavas, since they wanted to save their kinsmen (bhojarājanya vṛddhais tu…jñātitrāṇam abhīpsadbhir asmatsaṁbhāvanā kṛtā) 2. 13. 31-32;

(3) Bhojas said to have originated from Akrūra and Bhoja (i. e. Āhuka ? cf. 12. 82. 10) (akrūrabhojaprabhavāḥ sarve hy ete tadanvayāḥ) 12. 82. 14.

C. Description: Proud (mānin) 8. 51. 16; of great vigour (paramaujas) 4. 67. 24; magnanimous (mahātman), proud like a lion (siṁhadarpa), brave (śūra), of great strength (mahābala), whose arms resembled ironbars and could bear attacks with maces and iron-bars (gadāparighaśaktīnāṁ sahāḥ parighabāhavaḥ), having strong arms (bāhuśālin) 16. 9. 9-11; cruel, rough in battles (krūra, saṁgrāmakarkaśa) 8. 15. 10; great chariot-fighters (mahāratha) 6. 20. 14; 16. 2. 1; 18. 4. 14; their army difficult to pass through (bhojānīkaṁ ca dustaraṁ) 7. 69. 1; 7. 76. 13; 7. 96. 8; devoted to Kṛṣṇa (bhojāḥ…tvayy āsaktā…) 12. 82. 29;

D. Epic events:

(1) Bhojas, Vṛṣṇis and Andhakas, curious to see Arjuna, gathered together when he visited Dvārakā; they all welcomed him and when Arjuna bowed down to those who deserved that honour, they greeted him; their youngsters honoured him; Arjuna embraced those who were of his age 1. 210. 17-20; Bhojas and others once held a festival on the Raivataka mountain 1. 211. 2; (after the abduction of Subhadrā) they were agitated when they heard the sound of the war-drum; they left eating and drinking and gathered in the Sudharmā hall (sabhāpālo bherīṁ sāṁnāhikīṁ tataḥ/ samājaghne…kṣubdhās tenātha śabdena bhojaº…/annapānam apāsyātha samāpetuḥ sabhāṁ tataḥ) 1. 212. 11-12 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 220. 11: sāṁnāhikīṁ saṁnaddhāḥ sarve bhavateti sūcayantīm); Bhojas and others followed Balarāma when he decided to fight with Arjuna (taṁ…anvapadyanta te sarve) 1. 212. 32 (Nī. on 1. 220. 32: anvapadyanta anumoditavantaḥ); Bhojas and others went to Khāṇḍavaprastha to give nuptial gifts after the marriage of Subhadrā; Kṛṣṇa along with Mahābhojas and others entered the city Khāṇḍavaprastha (keśavaḥ/vṛṣṇyandhakamahābhojaiḥ saṁvṛtaḥ) 1. 213. 29, 34;

(2) When Bhoja Kṣatriyas (bhojarājanyān) had gone for sport to the Raivataka mountain, Śiśupāla attacked them, slew (some of) them and took them captive to his city 2. 42. 8;

(3) Bhojas, Andhakas and Yādavas parted company with Kaṁsa and lived happily for a hundred years when Kṛṣṇa killed him (andhakā yādavā bhojāḥ sametāḥ kaṁsam atyajan//…hate tasmin …sarve modamānāḥ śataṁ samāḥ) 2. 55. 6-7;

(4) When Bhojas and others heard of Pāṇḍavas' exile, they came to the Dvaitavana to meet and console them 3. 13. 1;

(5) Sātyaki suggested to Balarāma to wage war with Kauravas so that the army consisting of the principal warriors (yodhamukhyāḥ) of Bhojas and others might kill the sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra and attain wide fame (loke yaśaḥ sphītam upākarotu) 3. 120. 19;

(6) Bhojas and others went to Upaplavya to attend the marriage of Abhimanyu with Uttarā 4. 67. 24; then they returned to Dvārakā 5. 7. 1;

(7) Kṛtavarman came with an army, akṣhauhiṇī strong and consisting of Bhojas and Andhakas, to Duryodhana 5. 19. 17;

(8) Kṛṣṇa ruled over Bhoja Kṣatriyas (rājanyabhojān anuśāsti kṛṣṇaḥ) 5. 28. 9; they, as well as Vārṣṇeyas, Kaukuras and Sṛñjayas, followed the counsel of Kṛṣṇa; they were therefore able to control their enemies and give delight to their friends (upāsīnā vāsudevasya buddhiṁ nigṛhya śatrūn suhṛdo nandayanti) 5. 28. 11;

(9) At the start of the war, Kṛtavarman with Bhojas and others guarded the Kaurava army in the south 6. 20. 14;

(10) On the fourteenth day, Arjuna killed the army of Bhojas (bhojānīkaṁ nyapātayat) 7. 67. 16; Arjuna broke through the army of Bhojas which was difficult to break through (bhojānīkaṁ ca dustaram) 7. 69. 1; 7. 76. 13; Pāñcālas, checked by Kṛtvarman, stood firm since they wanted to encounter the army of Bhojas (bhojānīkepsavo raṇe) 7. 88. 59; later, Sātyaki also passed beyond the army of Bhojas (bhojānīkaṁ vyatikrānte) 7. 89. 39; 7. 96. 8; still later, Bhīma too went beyond the army of Bhojas (bhojānīkam atikramya) 7. 103. 22;

(11) On the fifteenth day, Kṛtavarman, along with the surviving Bhojas (bhojānīkena śiṣṭena), fled from the battlefield when Droṇa met with death 7. 165. 79;

(12) On the sixteenth day, Pāṇḍya killed southerns and Bhojas after depriving them of their weapons and armours 8. 15. 10;

(13) Bhojas mentioned among those whose chariots were broken and who, along with their horses and elephants, were killed by Arjuna (sāśvarathadvipāḥ) 8. 51. 16-17;

(14) When Kṛṣṇa returned to Dvārakā from Hāstinapura after the war Bhojas and others received him (abhyagacchan mahātmānam) 14. 58. 17;

(15) Janamejaya asked Vaiśaṁpāyana to narrate to him in details how Bhojas, the great chariot-fighters, were destroyed 16. 2. 1, 3;

(16) Bhojas and Andhakas gathered together and, urged by the turn of time, surrounded Sātyaki to attack him; they attacked Sātyaki, as they were intoxicated by drink and were incited by anger, with pots from which food was eaten; they killed Sātyaki and Pradyumna in the presence of Kṛṣṇa; urged by Time, Andhakas, Bhojas and Vṛṣṇis killed one another with pestles (kālaparyāyacoditāḥ/bhojāndhakā… śaineyaṁ paryavārayan//…te tu pānamadāviṣṭāś coditāś caiva manyunā/yuyudhānam athābhyaghnann ucchiṣṭair bhājanais tadā//…jaghnur anyonyam ākrande musalaiḥ kālacoditāḥ) 16. 4. 29, 31, 33, 36; when Dāruka reported to Pāṇḍavas the destruction of Vārṣṇeyas, Bhojas, Kukuras and Andhakas due to mutual killings, they were very much grieved 16. 6. 1-2; sixteen thousand women of Vasudeva's harem and many more thousands of women of Bhojas, Andhakas and Vṛṣṇis, whose husbands were killed, followed Vajra, led by Arjuna, to Hāstinapura 16. 8. 37-39; Arjuna settled the royal women of Bhojas, who had escaped abduction, at Mārtikāvata (nyaveśayata…nagaraṁ mārtikāvatam/bhojarājakalatraṁ ca hṛtaśeṣam…/) 16. 8. 6667; Arjuna reported to Vyāsa that Bhojas and others fought and killed one another with eraka grass-blades 16. 9. 9-10;

(17) Indra showed Yudhiṣṭhira in heaven Bhojas and others among the Sādhyas, Maruts and Vasus 18. 4. 14.

E. Past event:

(1) Gālava went to Bhojanagara (capital of Bhojas) to see king Auśīnara 5. 116. 2;

(2) Yayātī cursed Druhyu that he and his descendants would have the designation ‘bhoja’ but they all would not be a ‘king’ (arājā bhojaśabdaṁ tvaṁ tatrāvāpsyasi sānvayaḥ) 1. 79. 19;

(3) Bhojas, along with Yādavas, received sword as a new weapon from Uśīnara, son of Śunaka (asiṁ lebhe…uśīnaro vai dharmātmā tasmād bhojāḥ sayādavāḥ) 12. 160. 78.

F. Some persons, especially Kṛtavarman, characterized as belonging to Bhojas, some others as king of Bhojas.

A. One belonging to Bhojas: (i) bhoja:

(1) Kṛtavarman 5. 56. 21; 5. 162. 24; 7. 13. 34; 7. 38. 5; 7. 47. 32; 7. 52. 16; 7. 67. 18, 20, 29, 32; 7. 69. 29; 7. 70. 21; 7. 88. 51, 55, 59; 7. 90. 25; 7. 92. 29; 8. 1. 44; 8. 4. 92; 8. 18. 73; 8. 23. 7; 8. 57. 51, 62; 8. 60. 24; 8. 62. 42; 8. 64. 14; 9. 2. 17; 9. 10. 37; 9. 28. 54; 9. 34. 13; 10. 1. 31, 54; 10. 3. 12, 15; 10. 5. 29; 10. 6. 1; 10. 8. 1; 10. 9. 53; 12. 4. 7 (?); 12. 82. 14; 14. 59. 33;

(2) Bhīṣmaka 5. 155. 2;

(3) A king, unnamed, from Mārtikāvata (?) (or Mṛttikāvatī) 7. 47. 8;

(4) Vīra (?) 12. 4. 7; (ii) bhojyā (f.) (1) Rukmiṇī 5. 47. 68;

(2) Chief wife of Sātyaki (not named) 7. 9. 29 (originally princess of Sauvīra country).

B. King of Bhojas: (i) bhojarāja: Ugrasena 5. 126. 36; (ii) Princes or Kṣatriyas of Bhojas: (unspecified) bhojarājanya (pl.) 2. 42. 8. C. Prosperor of Bhoja Kṣatriyas: bhojarājanyavardhana: Ugrasena 5. 126. 38. [See Udīcyabhoja, Andhaka, Kukura, Yādava and Vṛṣṇi ].

*2nd word in left half of page p814_mci (+offset) in original book.

previous page p813_mci .......... next page p816_mci

Mahabharata Cultural Index


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Bhoja  : m. (pl.): Name of a country and its people; they form a tribe of the Yādavas, but once mentioned separately from Yādavas (2. 55. 6); often mentioned along with Vṛṣṇis and Andhakas, and sometimes also with Kukuras; styled as Mahābhoja (1. 213. 34).

A. Location: Listed by Saṁjaya among the northern Janapadas (also called Deśas 6. 10. 68) of the Bhāratavarṣa (ata ūrdhvaṁ janapadān nibodha) 6. 10. 37, 5; (cedivatsāḥ karūṣāś ca bhojāḥ…) 6. 10. 30.

B. Origin and history:

(1) Bhojas originate from Druhyu (one of the sons of Yayāti) (druhyor api sutā bhojā) 1. 80. 26; according to a curse pronounced on Druhyu by Yayāti, he (Druhyu) and his progeny were to be designated bhoja but not ‘king’ (arājā bhojaśabdaṁ tvaṁ tatrāvāpsyasi sānvayaḥ) 1. 79. 19;

(2) Bhojas, who have their origin in Yayāti, extended far and wide to the four corners; all kings respected their glory (teṣāṁ tathaiva tāṁ lakṣmīṁ sarvakṣatram upāsate); in that line Caturyu Jarāsaṁdha was the hundred and first king (caturyus tv aparo rājā yasminn ekaśato 'bhavat/sa…jarāsandhaḥ) 2. 13. 6-8; the elderly kings of Bhojas, harassed by Kaṁsa, came to an understanding with Yādavas, since they wanted to save their kinsmen (bhojarājanya vṛddhais tu…jñātitrāṇam abhīpsadbhir asmatsaṁbhāvanā kṛtā) 2. 13. 31-32;

(3) Bhojas said to have originated from Akrūra and Bhoja (i. e. Āhuka ? cf. 12. 82. 10) (akrūrabhojaprabhavāḥ sarve hy ete tadanvayāḥ) 12. 82. 14.

C. Description: Proud (mānin) 8. 51. 16; of great vigour (paramaujas) 4. 67. 24; magnanimous (mahātman), proud like a lion (siṁhadarpa), brave (śūra), of great strength (mahābala), whose arms resembled ironbars and could bear attacks with maces and iron-bars (gadāparighaśaktīnāṁ sahāḥ parighabāhavaḥ), having strong arms (bāhuśālin) 16. 9. 9-11; cruel, rough in battles (krūra, saṁgrāmakarkaśa) 8. 15. 10; great chariot-fighters (mahāratha) 6. 20. 14; 16. 2. 1; 18. 4. 14; their army difficult to pass through (bhojānīkaṁ ca dustaraṁ) 7. 69. 1; 7. 76. 13; 7. 96. 8; devoted to Kṛṣṇa (bhojāḥ…tvayy āsaktā…) 12. 82. 29;

D. Epic events:

(1) Bhojas, Vṛṣṇis and Andhakas, curious to see Arjuna, gathered together when he visited Dvārakā; they all welcomed him and when Arjuna bowed down to those who deserved that honour, they greeted him; their youngsters honoured him; Arjuna embraced those who were of his age 1. 210. 17-20; Bhojas and others once held a festival on the Raivataka mountain 1. 211. 2; (after the abduction of Subhadrā) they were agitated when they heard the sound of the war-drum; they left eating and drinking and gathered in the Sudharmā hall (sabhāpālo bherīṁ sāṁnāhikīṁ tataḥ/ samājaghne…kṣubdhās tenātha śabdena bhojaº…/annapānam apāsyātha samāpetuḥ sabhāṁ tataḥ) 1. 212. 11-12 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 220. 11: sāṁnāhikīṁ saṁnaddhāḥ sarve bhavateti sūcayantīm); Bhojas and others followed Balarāma when he decided to fight with Arjuna (taṁ…anvapadyanta te sarve) 1. 212. 32 (Nī. on 1. 220. 32: anvapadyanta anumoditavantaḥ); Bhojas and others went to Khāṇḍavaprastha to give nuptial gifts after the marriage of Subhadrā; Kṛṣṇa along with Mahābhojas and others entered the city Khāṇḍavaprastha (keśavaḥ/vṛṣṇyandhakamahābhojaiḥ saṁvṛtaḥ) 1. 213. 29, 34;

(2) When Bhoja Kṣatriyas (bhojarājanyān) had gone for sport to the Raivataka mountain, Śiśupāla attacked them, slew (some of) them and took them captive to his city 2. 42. 8;

(3) Bhojas, Andhakas and Yādavas parted company with Kaṁsa and lived happily for a hundred years when Kṛṣṇa killed him (andhakā yādavā bhojāḥ sametāḥ kaṁsam atyajan//…hate tasmin …sarve modamānāḥ śataṁ samāḥ) 2. 55. 6-7;

(4) When Bhojas and others heard of Pāṇḍavas' exile, they came to the Dvaitavana to meet and console them 3. 13. 1;

(5) Sātyaki suggested to Balarāma to wage war with Kauravas so that the army consisting of the principal warriors (yodhamukhyāḥ) of Bhojas and others might kill the sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra and attain wide fame (loke yaśaḥ sphītam upākarotu) 3. 120. 19;

(6) Bhojas and others went to Upaplavya to attend the marriage of Abhimanyu with Uttarā 4. 67. 24; then they returned to Dvārakā 5. 7. 1;

(7) Kṛtavarman came with an army, akṣhauhiṇī strong and consisting of Bhojas and Andhakas, to Duryodhana 5. 19. 17;

(8) Kṛṣṇa ruled over Bhoja Kṣatriyas (rājanyabhojān anuśāsti kṛṣṇaḥ) 5. 28. 9; they, as well as Vārṣṇeyas, Kaukuras and Sṛñjayas, followed the counsel of Kṛṣṇa; they were therefore able to control their enemies and give delight to their friends (upāsīnā vāsudevasya buddhiṁ nigṛhya śatrūn suhṛdo nandayanti) 5. 28. 11;

(9) At the start of the war, Kṛtavarman with Bhojas and others guarded the Kaurava army in the south 6. 20. 14;

(10) On the fourteenth day, Arjuna killed the army of Bhojas (bhojānīkaṁ nyapātayat) 7. 67. 16; Arjuna broke through the army of Bhojas which was difficult to break through (bhojānīkaṁ ca dustaram) 7. 69. 1; 7. 76. 13; Pāñcālas, checked by Kṛtvarman, stood firm since they wanted to encounter the army of Bhojas (bhojānīkepsavo raṇe) 7. 88. 59; later, Sātyaki also passed beyond the army of Bhojas (bhojānīkaṁ vyatikrānte) 7. 89. 39; 7. 96. 8; still later, Bhīma too went beyond the army of Bhojas (bhojānīkam atikramya) 7. 103. 22;

(11) On the fifteenth day, Kṛtavarman, along with the surviving Bhojas (bhojānīkena śiṣṭena), fled from the battlefield when Droṇa met with death 7. 165. 79;

(12) On the sixteenth day, Pāṇḍya killed southerns and Bhojas after depriving them of their weapons and armours 8. 15. 10;

(13) Bhojas mentioned among those whose chariots were broken and who, along with their horses and elephants, were killed by Arjuna (sāśvarathadvipāḥ) 8. 51. 16-17;

(14) When Kṛṣṇa returned to Dvārakā from Hāstinapura after the war Bhojas and others received him (abhyagacchan mahātmānam) 14. 58. 17;

(15) Janamejaya asked Vaiśaṁpāyana to narrate to him in details how Bhojas, the great chariot-fighters, were destroyed 16. 2. 1, 3;

(16) Bhojas and Andhakas gathered together and, urged by the turn of time, surrounded Sātyaki to attack him; they attacked Sātyaki, as they were intoxicated by drink and were incited by anger, with pots from which food was eaten; they killed Sātyaki and Pradyumna in the presence of Kṛṣṇa; urged by Time, Andhakas, Bhojas and Vṛṣṇis killed one another with pestles (kālaparyāyacoditāḥ/bhojāndhakā… śaineyaṁ paryavārayan//…te tu pānamadāviṣṭāś coditāś caiva manyunā/yuyudhānam athābhyaghnann ucchiṣṭair bhājanais tadā//…jaghnur anyonyam ākrande musalaiḥ kālacoditāḥ) 16. 4. 29, 31, 33, 36; when Dāruka reported to Pāṇḍavas the destruction of Vārṣṇeyas, Bhojas, Kukuras and Andhakas due to mutual killings, they were very much grieved 16. 6. 1-2; sixteen thousand women of Vasudeva's harem and many more thousands of women of Bhojas, Andhakas and Vṛṣṇis, whose husbands were killed, followed Vajra, led by Arjuna, to Hāstinapura 16. 8. 37-39; Arjuna settled the royal women of Bhojas, who had escaped abduction, at Mārtikāvata (nyaveśayata…nagaraṁ mārtikāvatam/bhojarājakalatraṁ ca hṛtaśeṣam…/) 16. 8. 6667; Arjuna reported to Vyāsa that Bhojas and others fought and killed one another with eraka grass-blades 16. 9. 9-10;

(17) Indra showed Yudhiṣṭhira in heaven Bhojas and others among the Sādhyas, Maruts and Vasus 18. 4. 14.

E. Past event:

(1) Gālava went to Bhojanagara (capital of Bhojas) to see king Auśīnara 5. 116. 2;

(2) Yayātī cursed Druhyu that he and his descendants would have the designation ‘bhoja’ but they all would not be a ‘king’ (arājā bhojaśabdaṁ tvaṁ tatrāvāpsyasi sānvayaḥ) 1. 79. 19;

(3) Bhojas, along with Yādavas, received sword as a new weapon from Uśīnara, son of Śunaka (asiṁ lebhe…uśīnaro vai dharmātmā tasmād bhojāḥ sayādavāḥ) 12. 160. 78.

F. Some persons, especially Kṛtavarman, characterized as belonging to Bhojas, some others as king of Bhojas.

A. One belonging to Bhojas: (i) bhoja:

(1) Kṛtavarman 5. 56. 21; 5. 162. 24; 7. 13. 34; 7. 38. 5; 7. 47. 32; 7. 52. 16; 7. 67. 18, 20, 29, 32; 7. 69. 29; 7. 70. 21; 7. 88. 51, 55, 59; 7. 90. 25; 7. 92. 29; 8. 1. 44; 8. 4. 92; 8. 18. 73; 8. 23. 7; 8. 57. 51, 62; 8. 60. 24; 8. 62. 42; 8. 64. 14; 9. 2. 17; 9. 10. 37; 9. 28. 54; 9. 34. 13; 10. 1. 31, 54; 10. 3. 12, 15; 10. 5. 29; 10. 6. 1; 10. 8. 1; 10. 9. 53; 12. 4. 7 (?); 12. 82. 14; 14. 59. 33;

(2) Bhīṣmaka 5. 155. 2;

(3) A king, unnamed, from Mārtikāvata (?) (or Mṛttikāvatī) 7. 47. 8;

(4) Vīra (?) 12. 4. 7; (ii) bhojyā (f.) (1) Rukmiṇī 5. 47. 68;

(2) Chief wife of Sātyaki (not named) 7. 9. 29 (originally princess of Sauvīra country).

B. King of Bhojas: (i) bhojarāja: Ugrasena 5. 126. 36; (ii) Princes or Kṣatriyas of Bhojas: (unspecified) bhojarājanya (pl.) 2. 42. 8. C. Prosperor of Bhoja Kṣatriyas: bhojarājanyavardhana: Ugrasena 5. 126. 38. [See Udīcyabhoja, Andhaka, Kukura, Yādava and Vṛṣṇi ].

*2nd word in left half of page p814_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Vedic Index of Names and Subjects


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Bhoja in several passages of the Aitareya Brāhmaṇa (viii. 12. 14. 17) seems to be used as a king's title.
==Foot Notes==

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