सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

खाण्डवम्, क्ली, (खाण्डव्यास्तदाख्यया प्रसिद्धाया नगर्य्या जातम् । खाण्डवी + अण् । यदुक्तं कालिकापुराणे ९० अध्याये । “पुरा तु विजयो राजा खाण्डवीं नाम तां पुरीम् । भङ्क्त्वा वनं ततश्चक्रे तेन तत् खाण्डवं वनम् ॥”) वनविशेषः । तद्विवरणं यथा, -- “विरूपस्याभवद्गाधिर्गाधेर्म्मित्रोऽभवत् सुतः । तेषां कल्पोऽभवद्राजा कल्पात्तु विजयोऽभवत् । यो विजित्य क्षितिं सर्व्वां पार्थिवान् भूरितेजसा । शक्रस्यानुमते चक्रे खाण्डवं शतयोजनम् ॥ यत् सव्यसाची ह्यदहत् पाण्डुपुत्त्रः प्रतापवान् । आवहन् परमां प्रीतिं ज्वलनस्य महात्मनः ॥ ऋषय ऊचुः । कथं स खाण्डवं चक्रे विजयः शतयोजनम् । तद्वयं श्रोतुमिच्छामः कथयस्व तपोधन ! ॥ मार्कण्डेय उवाच । सोमवंशेऽभवद्राजा महात्मा स महाबलः ॥ धीरः सुदर्शनो नाम चारुरूपः प्रतापवान् । स वै हिमवतो नातिदूरे भङ्क्त्वा महावनम् ॥ सिंहान् व्याघ्रान् समुत्सार्य्य क्वचिच्चापि तपो- धनान् । खाण्डवीं नाम नगरीमकरोत्तत्र शोभनाम् ॥ त्रिंशद्योजनविस्तीर्णामायतां शतयोजनम् । उच्चप्राकारसंयुक्तां साट्टालाम्बुदतोरणाम् ॥ निम्नाभिरतिदीर्घाभिः परिखाभिः समावृताम् । दीर्घिकाभिश्चोपवनैर्ब्बहुभिश्चाप्सरोगणैः ॥ आकीर्णाञ्च तथावासैरुत्तमैरपि मानवैः । सोत्सवाः सततं यत्र जना देवान् दिवि स्थितान् ॥ स्पर्द्धन्ते स्म मुदा युक्ता आढ्या भोगसमन्विताः । स वै सुदर्शनो राजा खात्वा भूमिं विदार्य्य च ॥ गङ्गां कनखलां देवीं वाहयामास खाण्डवीम् । येषां वाञ्छास्ति लोकानां मद्राज्यगमने पुनः ॥ वाराणसीं ते गच्छन्तु मयैव प्रतिपालिताम् । ततस्तस्य वचः श्रुत्वा जनाः केचिन्निजं पदम् ॥ जम्मु र्व्वाराणसीं केचिद्बिजयेनाभिपालिताम् । ततो धनानां तान्राशीन्रत्नानाञ्च पृथक् पृथक् ॥ अश्मनां कनकानाञ्च कूप्यानां विजयस्तदा । धीवरैर्व्वाहयामास पुरीं वाराणसीं प्रति ॥ गन्धर्व्वाणाञ्च देवानां यदानीतं हठात् पुरा । रत्नदार्व्वादिकं यत्तु विजयं तत् प्रसाद्य च ॥ तैस्तैर्नीतन्तु खाण्डव्याः स्वस्थानं प्रति हर्षितैः । त्रिंशद्योजनविस्तीर्णां शतयोजनमायताम् । तां पुरीं विजयश्चक्रे न चिरादेव वै वनम् । तस्मिन् शक्रस्य सम्मत्या तक्षकः सहितो गणैः ॥ उवास सुचिरं तत्र ततोऽभून्निर्ज्जनं वनम् । तत्र देवाः सगन्धर्व्वाः क्रीडन्तेऽप्सरसां गणाः ॥ आशंसयंश्च विजयं रणेषु विजयावहम् ॥” * ॥ “अष्टाविंशतिमे प्राप्ते युगे द्वापरशेषतः ॥ वह्निर्ब्राह्मणरूपेण भिक्षां जिष्णुमयाचत । दातुमङ्गीकृते भिक्षां तदा पाण्डुसुतेन वै ॥ वह्निः स्वरूपमास्थाय जिष्णुं वचनमब्रवीत् । अहमग्निः पाण्डुपुत्त्र ! यज्ञभागातिभोजनात् ॥ व्याधितोऽहं ततो व्याधिं मम त्वं नाशयाधुना । खाण्डवं नाम विपिनं सपक्षिमृगराक्षसम् ॥ यदि त्वं मां भोजयितुं शक्नोषि श्वेतवाहन ! । तदा ममात्यसौ व्याधिरपयास्यति नोचिरात् ॥ पुरा तु विजयो राजा खाण्डवीं नाम तां पुरीम् । भङ्क्त्रा वनं ततश्चक्रे तेन तत् खाण्डवं वनम् ॥ तदर्थं देवविहितं वनं तच्छ्वेतवाहन ! । विरोधात्ततु शक्रस्य न स्वयं भोक्तुमुत्सहे ॥ तन्मां त्राहि महाभाग ! वने तस्मिन्नियोजय । यथाऽहं सकलं भोक्तुं प्राप्नोमि त्वत्प्रसादतः ॥ तस्य तद्बचनं श्रुत्वा सव्यसाची महाबलः । दाहयामास विपिनं तत् सर्व्वं प्राणिसंयुतम् । देवकीतनयेनासौ वासुदेवेन पालितः । खाण्डवं दाहयामास ज्वलनस्य हिते रतः ॥” “सुप्रीतः प्रददौ तस्मादर्ज्जुनाय महात्मने । वह्रिर्धनुश्च गाण्डीवं वारुणं देवनिर्म्मितम् ॥ अक्षयाविषुधी द्वौ च रूप्याभांश्चतुरो हयान् । हनूमताधिष्ठितन्तु महान्तं वानरध्वजम् ॥ खड्गञ्च त्रिशिखं तीक्ष्णं दहनः सव्यसाचिने । नीरोगश्चाभवद्वह्निस्तदा जिष्णुप्रसादतः ॥ तैर्व्वाणैस्तेन धनुषा तेन खड्गेन केतुना । तदश्वस्यन्दनेनापि विजिग्ये फाल्गुनो रणे ॥ एवं भैरववर्गेषु संजातो विजयो नृपः । खाण्डवं नाम विपिनं चकार सुमहाकृती ॥” इति श्रीकालिकापुराणे ९० अध्यायः ॥ (खण्डस्य इक्षुखण्डादेर्विकार इत्यण् । गुडादि- विकारमिष्टान्नद्रव्यम् । यथा, महाभारते । १३ । ५३ । १८ । “रसानापूपकांश्चित्रान् मोदकानथ खाण्डवान् ॥”)


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

खाण्डव¦ त्रि॰ खाण्डं खण्डविकारं वाति वा॰ क। खण्ड-विकारयुक्ते मोदकादौ।
“रसालापूपकांश्चित्रान् मोदकांश्चसखाण्डवान्” भा॰ आनु॰

५३ अ॰।

२ वनभेदे। तच्च वनं पुरा शक्राद्यावासस्थानं तच्च छित्त्वासोमवंश्येन सुदर्शनेन राज्ञा खाण्डवी पुरी कृता पुनः साकाशीराजेन विजयेन जित्वाशक्रनिदेशात् वनतां प्रापितायथाह कालिकापु॰

७८ अ॰। (
“सोमवंशेऽभवद्राजा महात्मा स महाबलः। वीरःसुदर्शनो नाम चारुरूपः प्रतापवान्। स वै हिमवतोनातिदूरे भङ्क्त्वा महावनम्। सिंहान् व्याघ्रान् समुत्-सार्य्य क्वचिच्चापि तपोधनान्। खाण्डवीं नाम नगरीम-करोत्तत्र शीभनाम्। त्रिंशद्योजनविस्तीर्णामायतांशतयोजनम्”॥
“असहिष्णुर्नरपतिर्विजयस्तं सुदर्शनम्। कृतापचारं बहुधा देवानाञ्च तथा नृणाम्। वाराणसीपतिं वीरं विजयं जयशालिनम्। सन्धाय कृत्वा सा-चिव्यं तत्रैवैष न्ययोजयत्। विजयो विवरं प्राप्यमहाबलपराक्रमः। सुदर्शनस्य नृपतेरवस्कन्दमथा-करोत्। नासहत् सोऽप्यवस्कब्दं विजयस्य सुदर्शनः। चतुरङ्गबलेनाशु युद्धायाभिमुखोऽभवत्। विजयो रथ-मारुह्य नियुज्य चतुरङ्गिणीम्। सेनां सुदर्शनं योद्धुंसम्मुखोऽभवदञ्जसा। तदा महद्युद्धमासीद्विजयेनमहात्मना। सुदर्शनस्य नृपतेर्वृत्रवासवयोरिव। ततःसुदर्शनो राजा दारितो गदयाऽपतत्। उत्फुल्लनयनोराजा विजयः परवोरहा। मेनेऽमरावतीं तान्तु पुरींक्षितिगतामिव”।
“तं वीक्षन्तं नरपतिं नगरीं तां सुरे-श्वरः। समेत्य विजयं प्राह सान्त्वयन् श्लक्ष्णया गिरा। इन्द्र उवाच। राजन्! महद्वनमिदमासीद्देवगणावृतम्। नरगन्धर्व्वयक्षाणां मुनीनाञ्च मनोहरम्। सर्व्वानुत्-सार्य्य देवादीन्मम चाप्यप्रिये रतः। भङ्क्त्वा वनमिदंगुह्यं समुत्सार्य्य तपोधनम्। खाण्डपीं नगरीं चक्रेहठाद्राजा सुदर्शनः। तदिदं पुनरेव त्वं वनं कुरुनृपोत्तम!। तत्राहं विहरिष्यामि तक्षकेण समं रहः। मुनीनाञ्च तपःस्थानं मण्डलं ते प्रसादतः। भवि-ष्यति च यक्षाणां किन्नराणाञ्च पार्थिव!। मार्कण्डेयउवाच। एतत् श्रुत्वा वचस्तस्य शक्रस्य विजयस्तदा। वनमेवाकरोत्तान्तु खाण्डवीं शक्रगौरवात्। गच्छन्तु मो[Page2473-b+ 38] यथास्थानं प्रजाः सर्ब्धा यथेच्छया। येषां वाञ्छास्तिलोकानां मद्राज्यगमने पुनः। वाराणसीं ते गच्छन्तुमयैव प्रतिपालिताम्॥ ततस्तस्य वचः श्रुत्वा जनाःकेचिन्निजं पदम्। जग्मुर्वाराणसीं केचिद्विजयेनाभिपा-लिताम्”॥
“अष्टाविंशतिमे प्राप्ते युगे द्वापरशेषतः। वह्निर्ब्राह्मणरूपेण भिक्षां जिष्णुमयाचत। दातुमङ्गी-कृते भिक्षां तदा पाण्डुसुतेन वै। वह्निस्वरूवमास्थायजिष्णुं वचनमब्रवीत्। अहमग्निः पाण्डुपुत्र! यज्ञ-मागातिभोजनात्। व्याधितोऽहं ततो व्याधिं ममत्वं नाशयाधुना। खाण्डवं नाम विपिनं सपक्षिमृग-राक्षसम्। यदि त्वं मां भोजयितुं शक्नोषि श्वेतवाहनतदा ममात्यसौ व्याधिरपयास्यति नोचिरात्। पुरा तुविजयो राजा खाण्डवीं नाम तां पुरीम्। भङ्क्त्वा वनंततश्चक्रे तेन तत् खाण्डवं वनम्। यदर्थं देवविहितं वनतच्छेतवाहन!। विरोधात्तत्तु शक्रस्य न स्वयं भोक्तु-मुत्सहे। तन्मां त्राहि महाभाग! वले तस्मिन्नियोजय। यथाहं सकलं भोक्तुं प्राप्तोमि त्वत्प्रसादतः। तस्यतद्वचनं श्रुत्वा सव्यसाची महावलः। दाहयामासविपिनं तत् सर्बं प्राणिसंयुतम्। देवकीतनयोपेतोवासुदेवेन पालितः। खाण्डवं दाहयामास ज्वलनस्यहिते रतः”।

२ तन्नामपुर्य्यां स्त्री।


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

खाण्डव¦ n. (-वं) A wood, sacred to INDRA.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

खाण्डवः [khāṇḍavḥ], Sugar-candy. -वम् N. of a forest in Kurukṣetra, sacred to Indra, and burnt by Agni with the assistance of Arjuna and Kṛiṣṇa; यत्सन्निधावहमु खाण्डवम- ग्नये$दाम् Bhāg.1.15.8. -Comp. -प्रस्थः N. of a town.-रागः a kind of sweetmeat; भक्ष्यखाण्डवरागाणां क्रियतां भुज्यतां तथा Mb.14.89.41.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

खाण्डव mn. sugar-candy , sugar-plums , sweetmeats MBh. xiii R. i , vii

खाण्डव mn. N. of a forest in कुरु-क्षेत्र(sacred to इन्द्रand burnt by the god of fire aided by अर्जुनand कृष्णMBh. Hariv. BhP. i , 15 , 8 Katha1s. ) Ta1n2d2yaBr. xxv , 3 TA1r.

Purana index[सम्पाद्यताम्]

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

--forest burnt by Arjuna, and Maya was liberated from the fire. Here Arjuna defeated Indra. भा. I. १५. 8; X. ५८. २५-7; ७१. ४५-46; ८९. ३४ [4].

--an अर्षेय pravara of भार्गवस्. M. १९५. ४०.

Purana Encyclopedia[सम्पाद्यताम्]

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Khāṇḍava  : m., nt.: Name of a forest.

A. Location: Situated in the Kurukṣetra (yasya (i. e. takṣakasya) vāsaḥ kurukṣetre khāṇḍave cābhavat sadā) 1. 3. 144; near the river Yamunā 1. 214. 14; 1. 215. 1.

B. Description: Called dāva 1. 215. 6-7, 9-10, 12; 1. 216. 31, 34; 1. 218. 19 (?); 1. 219. 3 (?), 10, 22; 1. 220. 31; 1. 223. 22; 1. 225. 15; 4. 2. 9; 4. 34. 14; vana 1. 216. 33; 1. 217. 22; 1. 218. 2, 4; 1. 220. 1, 17, 20; 1. 224. 7; 1. 225. 5; mahāvana 1. 215. 18; prastha 8. 29. 18; it had sanctuaries (?) for manes and gods (which could not offer shelter to animals when the forest was on fire) (na cālabhanta te śarma…pitṛdevanivāseṣu) 1. 219. 27.

C. Inhabitants: Demons (dānavāḥ), Rākṣasas, Nāgas, and animals like hyenas (tarakṣu), bears, elephants, tigers, lions, deer, buffalos and birds-all lived in the Khāṇḍava (khāṇḍavāloyāḥ) 1. 219. 1, 2; Takṣaka, friend of Indra, together with his followers (sagaṇaḥ) and his son Aśvasena lived there 1. 3. 144, 145; 1. 215. 7.

D. Agni's desire to burn the forest: Agni approached Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna to seek their help in fulfilling his desire to burn the Khāṇḍava; since Indra's friend Takṣaka lived in the forest, he foiled all Agni's earlier attempts to burn it 1. 215. 1-12; 1. 223. 25; 3. 46. 40; 4. 34. 14;

E. Arjuna's request for weapons: Hearing Agni's request Arjuna asked for suitable weapons for himself and Kṛṣṇa so that both of them could foil Indra's attempt to pour water on the great forest 1. 215. 13-18; this was arranged by Agni 1. 216. 1-27.

F. Burning of the forest: The burning described 1. 216. 33-34; 1. 217-219; 1. 220. 32; the burning was so frightful that it appeared as if the end of Aeon had set in (dadāha khāṇḍavaṁ kruddho yugāntam iva darśayan) 1. 216. 32.

G. Duration: The forest was burning for six days (pāvakaś cāpi taṁ dāvaṁ dagdhvā samṛgapaksiṇam/ahāni pañca caikaṁ ca virarāma sutarpitaḥ) 1. 225. 15.

H. Who were saved from the fire: (i) The Pannaga Takṣaka, since he was not present at the Khāṇḍava at the time of the burning 1. 218. 4; 1. 219. 13; (ii) His son Aśvasena was present in the Khāṇḍava but was saved by his mother, who swallowed him, and by Indra who released gusts of wind 1. 218. 4-9; (iii) Asura Maya who sought shelter with Arjuna when Kṛṣṇa wanted to kill him 1. 219. 35-39; (iv) Four young sons (Śārṅga birds) of Mandapāla were saved by Agni at their father's request (pradahan khāṇḍavaṁ dāvaṁ mama putrān visarjaya) 1. 220. 31-32; 20-21; 1. 223. 22; they were left behind in the Khāṇḍava by their mother as they did not listen to her advice to enter a mouse hole to save themselves 1. 222. 16; actually, at the time of the conflagration, only six were not burnt by Agni, viz. Aśvasena, Maya, and four Śārṅgaka birds 1. 219. 40; 1. 220. 2, 4.

I. Why was the forest burnt: Destruction of the Khāṇḍava was ordained -- this was told to Indra by an invisible voice (vāg uvācāśarīriṇī…diṣṭaṁ cānupaśyaitat khāṇḍavasya vināśanam) 1. 219. 12, 18; when Arjuna was born an invisible voice had foretold that Agni would burn the forest with the help of Arjuna 1. 114. 28, 32; 8. 48. 7; but Agni is said to have burnt the forest to make the world free from fear (bhagavān api tigmāṁśuḥ samiddhaṁ khāṇḍavaṁ vanam/dadāha saha kṛṣṇābhyāṁ janayañ jagato 'bhayam) 1. 225. 5.

J. Allusions in the Ādi and the other parvans to the Khāṇḍavadāha: (i) Agni desirous of burning the Khāṇḍava approached Arjuna and Kṛṣṇa 4. 2. 9; (ii) Agni arranged to get two inexhaustible quivers and the Gāṇḍīva bow for Arjuna and the Cakra for Kṛṣṇa 1. 2. 93; 3. 40. 36; 3. 157. 20; 5. 155. 7; 7. 10. 21; 17. 1. 37-39; (iii) Agni burnt the Khāṇḍava forest with the help of Arjuna and Kṛṣṇa and was satiated 1. 1. 104; 1. 55. 35; 3. 46. 14; 4. 18. 10; 4. 35. 10; 5. 51. 9; 5. 59. 8; 5. 61. 8; 6. 94. 5; 7. 10. 21; 8. 65. 15; 8. 66. 23; 13. 143. 23; 15. 46. 11; 17. 1. 36; (iv) Arjuna (and Kṛṣṇa) fighting a war with Indra and other gods and defeating them at the Khāṇḍava forest: 1. 1. 104; 3. 157. 20; 5. 22. 13; 5. 51. 9; 5. 155. 26; 6. 94. 5; 7. 160. 15; 8. 29. 18; 8. 31. 9; 13. 143. 23; (v) Aśvasena's escape from the Khāṇḍava fire: 8. 66. 23.

K. Similes:

(1) Bhīma wanted to release his wrath on Duryodhana as Arjuna released fire on the Khāṇḍava (khāṇḍave 'gnim ivārjunaḥ) 9. 32. 30;

(2) Bhīma wanted to release his wrath on Duryodhana as Fire released (his wrath) on the Khāṇḍava (khāṇḍave pāvako yathā) 9. 55. 16;

(3) When the forest (Khāṇḍava, not directly named) was on fire it looked like the golden Meru mountain which is of great lustre (dahyatas tasya vibabhau rūpaṁ dāvasya bhārata/meror iva nagendrasya kāñcanasya mahādyuteḥ//) 1. 216. 34.

*1st word in left half of page p322_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Khāṇḍava  : m., nt.: Name of a forest; the forest at three places seems to be referred to as Khāṇḍavaprastha 4. 34. 15; 5. 122. 52; 8. 29. 18 (prasthe…khāṇḍave).

p. 323. 1. 19 after 3. 157. 20 add: 4. 34. 15 (pārthaḥ sarvabhūtāni sarvaśaḥ/ ajayat khāṇḍavaprasthe);

p. 323. 1. 20 after 5. 51. 9 add: 5. 122. 52 (yaḥ sa devān sagandharvān sayakṣāsurapannagān/ajayat khāṇḍavaprasthe);

p. 323. 1. 21 after 8. 29. 18 add: (yaḥ sarvabhūtāni sadevakāni prasthe 'jayat khāṇḍave savyasācī);

p. 323. 2. 20 after 6. 7. 47; read: Gaṅgā flows from the mountain range Hemaśṛṅga of Himavant (purā himavataś caiṣā hemaśṛṅgād viniḥsṛtā) 1. 158. 17.

p. 324. 2. 5 after saritāṁ śreṣṭhā add: 5. 183, 15.

p. 325. 2. 11 from below atter 179. 28; add: 5. 183. 16; 8. 24. 69 (?).

p. 327. 2. 19 after 3. 82. 142; add: (vii) Somaśravāyaṇa 1. 158. 2.

p. 330. 1. 1 after 22-30; add: in the battle with Jāmadagnya, when Bhīṣma lost his charioteer (5. 183. 5) and he himself had just recovered from a swoon he saw his mother Gaṅgā controlling the horses of his chariot (hayāś ca me saṁgṛhītās tayā vai); she protected his horses, chariot and other accessories (rarakṣa sā mama rathaṁ hayāṁś copaskarāṇi ca); Bhīṣma bowed down at her feet and permitted her to leave (tām ahaṁ prāñjalir bhūtvā punar eva vyasarjayam) 5. 183. 15-17;

p. 338. 2. 14 before (viii) add: (vii a) when Śivā's chariot was made ready for his fight with the demons of the Tripuras, the Mahānadīs were placed at the hind parts of the chariot (cakruḥ…jaṅghās tasya mahānadīḥ) 8. 24. 68-69 (very probably by Mahānadīs (pl.) are meant rivers like Gaṅgā, Sarasvatī and others which are called ‘great rivers’);

p. 340. 2. 23 after 7. 9. 62. add:

I. Bad omen: Among the bad omens which occurred when Kṛṣṇa started for Hāstinapura is mentioned one according to which great and foremost rivers flowing eastwards started flowing in the opposite direction (pratyag ūhur mahānadyaḥ prāṅmukhāḥ sindhusattamāḥ) 5. 82. 6 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 5. 84. 6: pratyak pratīpam ūhuḥ pravāhaṁ kṛtavatyaḥ; one of these big rivers could be Gaṅgā).

p. 351. 2. 14 after 8. 30. 35-36 put a semicolon and add: also cf. 8. 30. 10, 43.

p. 362. 2. 19 after 6. 12. 22 put a semicolon and add: the Varṣa related to Durgaśaila is Mahāpumān (pareṇa tu mahāpumān) 6. 12. 24 (the mountain Durgaśaila is not named but is to be inferred from the mention of Kesara).

p. 374. 2 before the entry Nāgadhanvan add the following entry:

*1st word in right half of page p504_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Mahabharata Cultural Index[सम्पाद्यताम्]

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Khāṇḍava  : m., nt.: Name of a forest.

A. Location: Situated in the Kurukṣetra (yasya (i. e. takṣakasya) vāsaḥ kurukṣetre khāṇḍave cābhavat sadā) 1. 3. 144; near the river Yamunā 1. 214. 14; 1. 215. 1.

B. Description: Called dāva 1. 215. 6-7, 9-10, 12; 1. 216. 31, 34; 1. 218. 19 (?); 1. 219. 3 (?), 10, 22; 1. 220. 31; 1. 223. 22; 1. 225. 15; 4. 2. 9; 4. 34. 14; vana 1. 216. 33; 1. 217. 22; 1. 218. 2, 4; 1. 220. 1, 17, 20; 1. 224. 7; 1. 225. 5; mahāvana 1. 215. 18; prastha 8. 29. 18; it had sanctuaries (?) for manes and gods (which could not offer shelter to animals when the forest was on fire) (na cālabhanta te śarma…pitṛdevanivāseṣu) 1. 219. 27.

C. Inhabitants: Demons (dānavāḥ), Rākṣasas, Nāgas, and animals like hyenas (tarakṣu), bears, elephants, tigers, lions, deer, buffalos and birds-all lived in the Khāṇḍava (khāṇḍavāloyāḥ) 1. 219. 1, 2; Takṣaka, friend of Indra, together with his followers (sagaṇaḥ) and his son Aśvasena lived there 1. 3. 144, 145; 1. 215. 7.

D. Agni's desire to burn the forest: Agni approached Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna to seek their help in fulfilling his desire to burn the Khāṇḍava; since Indra's friend Takṣaka lived in the forest, he foiled all Agni's earlier attempts to burn it 1. 215. 1-12; 1. 223. 25; 3. 46. 40; 4. 34. 14;

E. Arjuna's request for weapons: Hearing Agni's request Arjuna asked for suitable weapons for himself and Kṛṣṇa so that both of them could foil Indra's attempt to pour water on the great forest 1. 215. 13-18; this was arranged by Agni 1. 216. 1-27.

F. Burning of the forest: The burning described 1. 216. 33-34; 1. 217-219; 1. 220. 32; the burning was so frightful that it appeared as if the end of Aeon had set in (dadāha khāṇḍavaṁ kruddho yugāntam iva darśayan) 1. 216. 32.

G. Duration: The forest was burning for six days (pāvakaś cāpi taṁ dāvaṁ dagdhvā samṛgapaksiṇam/ahāni pañca caikaṁ ca virarāma sutarpitaḥ) 1. 225. 15.

H. Who were saved from the fire: (i) The Pannaga Takṣaka, since he was not present at the Khāṇḍava at the time of the burning 1. 218. 4; 1. 219. 13; (ii) His son Aśvasena was present in the Khāṇḍava but was saved by his mother, who swallowed him, and by Indra who released gusts of wind 1. 218. 4-9; (iii) Asura Maya who sought shelter with Arjuna when Kṛṣṇa wanted to kill him 1. 219. 35-39; (iv) Four young sons (Śārṅga birds) of Mandapāla were saved by Agni at their father's request (pradahan khāṇḍavaṁ dāvaṁ mama putrān visarjaya) 1. 220. 31-32; 20-21; 1. 223. 22; they were left behind in the Khāṇḍava by their mother as they did not listen to her advice to enter a mouse hole to save themselves 1. 222. 16; actually, at the time of the conflagration, only six were not burnt by Agni, viz. Aśvasena, Maya, and four Śārṅgaka birds 1. 219. 40; 1. 220. 2, 4.

I. Why was the forest burnt: Destruction of the Khāṇḍava was ordained -- this was told to Indra by an invisible voice (vāg uvācāśarīriṇī…diṣṭaṁ cānupaśyaitat khāṇḍavasya vināśanam) 1. 219. 12, 18; when Arjuna was born an invisible voice had foretold that Agni would burn the forest with the help of Arjuna 1. 114. 28, 32; 8. 48. 7; but Agni is said to have burnt the forest to make the world free from fear (bhagavān api tigmāṁśuḥ samiddhaṁ khāṇḍavaṁ vanam/dadāha saha kṛṣṇābhyāṁ janayañ jagato 'bhayam) 1. 225. 5.

J. Allusions in the Ādi and the other parvans to the Khāṇḍavadāha: (i) Agni desirous of burning the Khāṇḍava approached Arjuna and Kṛṣṇa 4. 2. 9; (ii) Agni arranged to get two inexhaustible quivers and the Gāṇḍīva bow for Arjuna and the Cakra for Kṛṣṇa 1. 2. 93; 3. 40. 36; 3. 157. 20; 5. 155. 7; 7. 10. 21; 17. 1. 37-39; (iii) Agni burnt the Khāṇḍava forest with the help of Arjuna and Kṛṣṇa and was satiated 1. 1. 104; 1. 55. 35; 3. 46. 14; 4. 18. 10; 4. 35. 10; 5. 51. 9; 5. 59. 8; 5. 61. 8; 6. 94. 5; 7. 10. 21; 8. 65. 15; 8. 66. 23; 13. 143. 23; 15. 46. 11; 17. 1. 36; (iv) Arjuna (and Kṛṣṇa) fighting a war with Indra and other gods and defeating them at the Khāṇḍava forest: 1. 1. 104; 3. 157. 20; 5. 22. 13; 5. 51. 9; 5. 155. 26; 6. 94. 5; 7. 160. 15; 8. 29. 18; 8. 31. 9; 13. 143. 23; (v) Aśvasena's escape from the Khāṇḍava fire: 8. 66. 23.

K. Similes:

(1) Bhīma wanted to release his wrath on Duryodhana as Arjuna released fire on the Khāṇḍava (khāṇḍave 'gnim ivārjunaḥ) 9. 32. 30;

(2) Bhīma wanted to release his wrath on Duryodhana as Fire released (his wrath) on the Khāṇḍava (khāṇḍave pāvako yathā) 9. 55. 16;

(3) When the forest (Khāṇḍava, not directly named) was on fire it looked like the golden Meru mountain which is of great lustre (dahyatas tasya vibabhau rūpaṁ dāvasya bhārata/meror iva nagendrasya kāñcanasya mahādyuteḥ//) 1. 216. 34.

*1st word in left half of page p322_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Khāṇḍava  : m., nt.: Name of a forest; the forest at three places seems to be referred to as Khāṇḍavaprastha 4. 34. 15; 5. 122. 52; 8. 29. 18 (prasthe…khāṇḍave).

p. 323. 1. 19 after 3. 157. 20 add: 4. 34. 15 (pārthaḥ sarvabhūtāni sarvaśaḥ/ ajayat khāṇḍavaprasthe);

p. 323. 1. 20 after 5. 51. 9 add: 5. 122. 52 (yaḥ sa devān sagandharvān sayakṣāsurapannagān/ajayat khāṇḍavaprasthe);

p. 323. 1. 21 after 8. 29. 18 add: (yaḥ sarvabhūtāni sadevakāni prasthe 'jayat khāṇḍave savyasācī);

p. 323. 2. 20 after 6. 7. 47; read: Gaṅgā flows from the mountain range Hemaśṛṅga of Himavant (purā himavataś caiṣā hemaśṛṅgād viniḥsṛtā) 1. 158. 17.

p. 324. 2. 5 after saritāṁ śreṣṭhā add: 5. 183, 15.

p. 325. 2. 11 from below atter 179. 28; add: 5. 183. 16; 8. 24. 69 (?).

p. 327. 2. 19 after 3. 82. 142; add: (vii) Somaśravāyaṇa 1. 158. 2.

p. 330. 1. 1 after 22-30; add: in the battle with Jāmadagnya, when Bhīṣma lost his charioteer (5. 183. 5) and he himself had just recovered from a swoon he saw his mother Gaṅgā controlling the horses of his chariot (hayāś ca me saṁgṛhītās tayā vai); she protected his horses, chariot and other accessories (rarakṣa sā mama rathaṁ hayāṁś copaskarāṇi ca); Bhīṣma bowed down at her feet and permitted her to leave (tām ahaṁ prāñjalir bhūtvā punar eva vyasarjayam) 5. 183. 15-17;

p. 338. 2. 14 before (viii) add: (vii a) when Śivā's chariot was made ready for his fight with the demons of the Tripuras, the Mahānadīs were placed at the hind parts of the chariot (cakruḥ…jaṅghās tasya mahānadīḥ) 8. 24. 68-69 (very probably by Mahānadīs (pl.) are meant rivers like Gaṅgā, Sarasvatī and others which are called ‘great rivers’);

p. 340. 2. 23 after 7. 9. 62. add:

I. Bad omen: Among the bad omens which occurred when Kṛṣṇa started for Hāstinapura is mentioned one according to which great and foremost rivers flowing eastwards started flowing in the opposite direction (pratyag ūhur mahānadyaḥ prāṅmukhāḥ sindhusattamāḥ) 5. 82. 6 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 5. 84. 6: pratyak pratīpam ūhuḥ pravāhaṁ kṛtavatyaḥ; one of these big rivers could be Gaṅgā).

p. 351. 2. 14 after 8. 30. 35-36 put a semicolon and add: also cf. 8. 30. 10, 43.

p. 362. 2. 19 after 6. 12. 22 put a semicolon and add: the Varṣa related to Durgaśaila is Mahāpumān (pareṇa tu mahāpumān) 6. 12. 24 (the mountain Durgaśaila is not named but is to be inferred from the mention of Kesara).

p. 374. 2 before the entry Nāgadhanvan add the following entry:

*1st word in right half of page p504_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Vedic Index of Names and Subjects[सम्पाद्यताम्]

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Khāṇḍava is mentioned in the Taittirīya Āraṇyaka[१] as one of the boundaries of Kurukṣetra. There seems no reason to doubt its identity with the famous Khāṇḍava forest of the Mahābhārata. The name occurs also in the Pañcaviṃśa Brāhmaṇa[२] and the Śāṭyāyanaka.[३]

  1. v. 1, 1.
  2. xxv. 3, 6.
  3. Max Müller, Ṛgveda, ^2 iv. ci.

    Cf. Weber, Indische Studien, 1, 78.
"https://sa.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=खाण्डव&oldid=473317" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्