सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः





पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

मरीचिः, पुं, (म्रियते पापराशिर्यस्मिन्निति । मृ + “मृकणिभ्यामीचिः ।” उणा० ४ । ७० । इति ईचिः । तपःप्रभावादस्य तथात्वम् ।) मुनिविशेषः । स तु ब्रह्मणो ज्येष्ठमानसपुत्त्रः । अस्य भार्य्या कर्द्दममुनिकन्या कला, पुत्त्रः कश्यपः पूर्णिमासश्च । इति श्रीभागवतम् ॥ (अस्य भार्य्या सम्भूतिरिति नाम्नापि ख्याता । यथा, मार्कण्डेये । ५२ । १९ । “पत्नी मरीचेः सम्भूतिः पौर्णमासमसूयत ॥”) कृपणः । इति हेमचन्द्रः ॥ (दनुपुत्त्रः । यथा, हरिवंशे । ३ । ८२ । “मरीचिर्मघवांश्चैव इरा शङ्कुशिरा वृकः ॥” मरुद्गणानामन्यतमः । यथा, श्रीभगवद्गीता- याम् । १० । २१ । “मरीचिर्मरुतामस्मि नक्षत्राणामहं शशी ॥” प्रियव्रतवंशीयस्य सम्राजः पुत्त्रः । यथा, श्रीमद्भा- गवते । ५ । १५ । १४ -- १५ । “चित्ररथा- दूर्णायां सम्राडजनिष्ट । ततः उत्कलायां मरीचिर्मरीचेर्बिन्दुमत्यां बिन्दुमानुदपद्यत । तस्मात् सरघायां मधुनामाभवत् ॥”)

मरीचिः, पुं, स्त्री, (म्रियन्ते नश्यन्ति क्षुद्रजन्तव- स्तमांसि वानेन । मृ + ईचिः ।) किरणः । इत्य- मरः । १ । ४ । ३३ ॥ (यथा, रघौ । १३ । ४ । “गर्भं दधत्यर्कमरीचयोऽस्माद् विवृद्धिमत्राश्नुवते वसूनि ॥” यथा च । “मरीचीनसतो मेघान् मेघान् वाप्यसतोऽम्बरे । विद्युतो वा विना मेघैः पश्यन् मरणमृच्छति ॥” इति चरके इन्द्रियस्थाने चतुर्थेऽध्याये ॥) षट्त्र्यसरेणुपरिमाणम् । इति वैद्यकपरिभाषा ॥ (स्त्री, म्रियन्ते इव देवा यद्दर्शनादिति । मृ + ईचिः । अप्सरोविशेषः । यथा, महा- भारते । १ । १२३ । ५९ । “मरीचिः शुचिका चैव विद्युद्वर्णा तिलोत्तमा । अम्बिका लक्षणा क्षेमा देवी रम्भा मनोरमा ॥” म्रियते वारिभ्रमेण जीवा यस्याः । मृ + अपा- दाने ईचिः । मरीचिका । यथा, कथासरित्- सागरे । ५७ । ९१ । “वेश्याप्रेमणि सद्भावो यदस्मिन् बुध्यते त्वया । सत्यंभवति किं जातु जलं मरुमरीचिषु ॥”)

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

मरीचि स्त्री-पुं।




किरणोऽस्रमयूखांशुगभस्तिघृणिरश्मयः। भानुः करो मरीचिः स्त्रीपुंसयोर्दीधितिः स्त्रियाम्.।

 : ज्योत्स्ना, रवेरर्चिः

पदार्थ-विभागः : , द्रव्यम्, तेजः



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

मरीचि¦ पु॰ मृ ईचि। सप्तर्षिमध्ये ब्रह्मणो मानसे ज्येष्ठेपुत्रे

१ मुनिभेदे

२ कृपणे च हेमच॰।

३ किरणे पुंस्त्री॰अमरः।



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

मरीचि¦ m. (-चिः)
1. A saint, the son of BRAHMA4, and one of the Pra- ja4patis, and Brahma4dikas, or first created beings, and sovereigns of the world.
2. A niggard, a miser. mf. (-चिः) A ray of light. E. मृ to perish, (darkness,) Una4di aff. ईचि |

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

मरीचिः [marīciḥ], (Rarely मरीची also) m. f. [मृ-ईचि Uṇ.4.7]

A ray of light; न चन्द्रमरीचयः V.3.1; सवितुर्मरीचिभिः Ṛs.1.16; R.9.13;13.4.

A particle of light.



A spark of fire; मरीच्य इव निष्पेतु- रग्नेर्धूमाकुलार्चिषः Rām.1.56.18.

चिः N. of a Prajāpati, one of the ten patriarchs created by the first Manu, or one of the ten mindborn sons of Brahman; he was father of Kaśyapa.

N. of a lawgiver.

N. of Kṛiṣṇa.

A miser. -Comp. -गर्भ a. containing particles of light (N. of a world). -तोयम् a mirage; मरीचितोयान्यभिधावति क्वचित् Bhāg.5.13.5. -प a. drinking in particles of light; वैखानसा वालखिल्याः संप्रक्षाला मरीचिपाः (तापसाः) Rām.3.6.2. -मालिन् a. encircled by rays, radiant, shining. (-m.) the sun.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

मरीचि mf. ( m. only in TA1r. ; prob. connected with मरुत्See. )a particle of light , shining mote or speck in the air RV. AV.

मरीचि mf. ray of light (of the sun or moon) RV. etc.

मरीचि mf. (also 658192 ची; f. with सोमस्य= moonlight Hariv. )

मरीचि mf. a mirage(= मरीचिका) Katha1s. (See. मरीचि-तोय)

मरीचि m. N. of a प्रजा-पतिor " lord of created beings " (variously regarded as a son of स्वयम्-भू, as a son of ब्रह्मा, as a son of मनुहैरण्यगर्भ, as one of the 7 sages and father of कश्यप, or accord. to Mn. i , 35 as the first of the ten प्रजा-पतिs [q.v.] engendered by मनुस्वायम्भुव) Mn. MBh. etc.

मरीचि m. of the star ? in the great Bear VarBr2S.

मरीचि m. of कृष्ण(as a मरुत्) Bhag. x , 21

मरीचि m. of a दैत्यHariv.

मरीचि m. of a महर्षिDas3.

मरीचि m. of the father of पौर्णमासPur.

मरीचि m. of a king (son of सम्राज्and father of बिन्दु-मत्) ib.

मरीचि m. of a son of तीर्थं-करऋषभW.

मरीचि m. of a son of शंकरा-चार्यand various other teachers and authors Cat.

मरीचि m. a miser , niggard(= कृपण) L.

मरीचि f. N. of an अप्सरस्MBh.

मरीचि f. of a Comm. on Siddha7ntas3.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

(I)--a mind-born son of ब्रह्मा born with नारद at the beginning of creation; फलकम्:F1:  भा. I. 6. ३१; III. १२. २२; IX. 1. १०; Br. II. ३२. ९६; III. 1. २१, ४३-4; M. 3. 6; 4. २६; १९५. 9.फलकम्:/F married कला a daughter of Kardama; फलकम्:F2:  भा. III. २४. २२; IV. 1. १३.फलकम्:/F father of कश्यप; फलकम्:F3:  Ib. III. १४. 7; २०. १०.फलकम्:/F came with ब्रह्मा to see Kapila born to Kardama; फलकम्:F4:  Ib. III. २४. 9.फलकम्:/F was present in दक्ष's यज्ञ; फलकम्:F5:  Ib. IV. 7. ४३; २९. ४३.फलकम्:/F directed the अश्वमेध of Indra; फलकम्:F6:  Ib. VI. १३. २१.फलकम्:/F came to see the Trivikrama अवतार् of the Lord; फलकम्:F7:  Ib. VIII. २१. 1.फलकम्:/F did not comprehend Hari's माय। फलकम्:F8:  Ib. IX. 4. ५८.फलकम्:/F The chief sage of Vena's reign responsible for punishing him. A sage in दारुवन; फलकम्:F9:  Br. II. २१. ११५; २७. १०४; ३६. १३३; III. १०. ५२; M. १४५. ९०; १५४. ३५२; १७१. २७.फलकम्:/F one of the seven sages of स्वायम्भुव epoch: instructed by ब्रह्मा on the eighteen पुराणस्; praised शिव, out to destroy Tripuram; फलकम्:F१०:  Ib. 9. 4; ५३. १२; १०२. १९; १२७. २४; १३३. ६७.फलकम्:/F had a daughter सुरूपा, whom Angiras got married. फलकम्:F११:  Ib. १९६. 1; २४५. ८६; २५०. 4.फलकम्:/F [page२-637+ ३१]
(II)--a son of सम्राट् and उत्कला. Father of बिन्दुमती. भा. V. १५. १५.
(III)--His wife was ऊर्णा; had six sons in the first antara; then Gods laughed at ब्रह्मा seeking connec- tion with his daughter; these were born of हिरण्यकशिपु as Asuras, but were taken away by योगमाया; then they were born of देवकी and killed by Kamsa. भा. X. ८५. ४७-49.
(IV)--created from the eyes; one of the Nine ब्राह्मणस् alluded to in the पुराणस्। Br. I. 5; II. 9. १८ and २२; ११. १०; १३. ५४.
(V)--a sage of the स्वायम्भुव epoch; फलकम्:F1:  वा. 3. 2; ३१. १६; ६२. ११३; ६५. ४४.फलकम्:/F son-in- law of दक्ष; फलकम्:F2:  Ib. ३०. ४८.फलकम्:/F married सम्भूती; फलकम्:F3:  Br. II. 9. ५५; वा. २८. 8; Vi. I. १०. 6; ११. ४३.फलकम्:/F advised Dhruva to pray to विष्णु. फलकम्:F4:  Ib. I. १२. 6.फलकम्:/F
(VI)--a son of ब्रह्मा married धर्मव्रता, the daughter of Dharma whom he cursed for dereliction of duty, to become a stone; got one hundred sons through her; in turn cursed by her for the unjust curse. वा. १०७. 7, २६; ११२. ३६.
(VII)--a mind-born son of ब्रह्मा; married सन्नती. Vi. I. 7. 5, 7, ३७.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

MARĪCI I : A Maharṣi (sage) born from Brahmā's mind.

1) Birth and Genealogy. The six great sages born from Brahmā's mind were:--Marīci, Aṅgiras, Atri, Pulastya, Pulaha and Kratu, according to Mahābhārata, Ādi Parva.

2) Domestic life. Marīci had several wives and children. He married Kalā, the daughter of Kardama Prajāpati by his wife Devahūti. Marīci had two sons Kaśyapa and Pūrṇiman by Kalā. This Kaśyapa was the original ancestor of all living beings. But Pūrṇiman's family did not become well-known. Pūrṇiman had two sons, Virajas and Viśvaga and a daughter Devakulyā. Devakulyā washed the feet of Mahāviṣṇu and merged with Ākāśa Gaṅgā.

Ūrṇā was another wife of Marīci. Six sons were born to Ūrṇā. Under a curse of Brahmā they were born first as the sons of Hiraṇyakaśipu and in their next birth as the sons of Vasudeva and Devakī. It was these six children who were born as Śrī Kṛṣṇa's elder brothers whom Kaṁsa killed immediately after their birth. (See under Kṛṣṇa).

Marīci had another wife named Sambhūti. She gave birth to Paurṇamāsa. In Viṣṇu Purāṇa, Part I, Chapter 10, we see that Paurṇamāsa who was a Mahātmā had two sons Virajas and Parvata. Dharmavratā was yet another wife of Marīci. She was a daughter born to Dharmavatī by Dharmadeva.

3) Dharmavratā cursed. Marīci lived happily for long with his wife Dharmavratā. Once he returned from the forest, carrying darbha grass, flowers etc. He was tired after a long walk. After taking food, he wanted his wife to massage his legs. While she was massaging him Marīci fell asleep. Just then Brahmā happened to come there. Dharmavratā was in a fix. She had to attend to her husband and at the same time receive Brahmā with due respect. She could not leave her husband's guru (Sire). It was her duty to honour him properly.

At last she got up and welcomed Brahmā, offering him the customary honours. Meanwhile Marīci woke up and not finding his wife near him cursed her to be turned into a stone. Dharmavratā who was distressed at the curse pleaded innocence and explained to him that she had been honouring his guru. She warned him that he would incur the curse of Śiva.

Under Marīci's curse Dharmavratā was separated from him. She performed penance in the midst of fires. Mahā- viṣṇu appeared before her and asked her what boon she wanted. She prayed that her curse might be lifted. Viṣṇu replied:--“It was Marīci who cursed you. That curse cannot be withdrawn. You will be turned into a sacred stone. Your name “Dharmavratā” will be changed into “Devavratā”. In future, that stone will become famous under the name “Devavratā” or “Deva- śilā”. Brahmā, Viṣṇu, Maheśvara and goddesses like Lakṣmī will dwell in that stone.”

After saying this, Mahāviṣṇu disappeared. Once Dharmadeva held this Devaśilā above the demon Gaya and the place became famous under the name of “Gayā tīrtha”. (See under Gayātīrtha).

4) Other details.

(i) Marīci had participated in the celebration connect- ed with Arjuna's birth. (M.B. Ādi Parva, Chapter 122, Verse 52).

(ii) Marīci was a member of Indra's assembly. (M.B. Sabhā Parva, Chapter 7, Verse 17).

(iii) Marīci attended the celebration connected with Subrahmaṇya's birth. (M.B. Śalya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 10).

(iv) After the Bhārata Yuddha, Marīci visited Bhīṣma who was lying on “Śara Śayyā” (bed of arrows). (M.B. Śānti Parva, Chapter 47, Verse 10).

(v) Mahābhārata, Śānti Parva, Chapter 334, Verse 35, mentions that Marīci is a Prajāpati.

(vi) Marīci is one of the group of sages known as Citra- śikhaṇḍins. (M.B. Śānti Parva, Chapter 335, Verse 29).

(vii) Mahābhārata, Śānti Parva, Chapter 340, Verse 44, describes Marīci as one of the Aṣṭaprakṛtis.

(viii) Marīci once visited Dhruva who was performing penance and gave him advice. (Viṣṇu Purāṇa, Part I, Chapter 11).

*2nd word in left half of page 487 (+offset) in original book.

MARĪCI II : A celestial woman. In Mahābhārata, Ādi Parva, Chapter 122, Verse 62 we find that she attended a dance at the celebrations at the time of Arjuna's birth.

*1st word in left half of page 488 (+offset) in original book.

MARĪCI III : An author of Dharmaśāstra. His state- ments are quoted in Aparārkā, Smṛticandrikā, Mitā- kṣarā and other works.

*2nd word in left half of page 488 (+offset) in original book.

Vedic Index of Names and Subjects


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Marīci in the plural denotes according to Weber,[] the ‘particles of light’ or ‘shining motes’ that fill the air, as opposed to rays of light (raśmi). This meaning adequatelysuits the passages in the early Vedic literature[] where the word occurs; but the sense of ‘ray’ is quite clearly found in the Upaniṣads,[] as well as the older sense.[]

  1. Indische Studien, 9, 9, accepted by the St. Petersburg Dictionary, s.v.
  2. Rv. x. 57, 12;
    177, 1;
    Av. iv. 38, 5 (where raśmi and marīci are opposed);
    v. 27, 10;
    vi. 113, 2;
    Taittirīya Saṃhitā, vi. 4, 5, 5 (marīci-pa, ‘drinking atoms of light,’ said of the gods);
    Taittirīya Brāhmaṇa, ii. 2, 9, 2 (where Sāyaṇa's version, sarvatra-prasṛtaprabhā-dravya, refers to the light as everywhere diffused), etc.
  3. Praśna Upaniṣad, iv. 2. Cf. Taittirīya Upaniṣad, i. 1, 2;
    2, 1;
    Maitrāyaṇī Upaniṣad, vi. 31.
  4. Aitareya Upaniṣad, i. 2.
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