सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः





पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

काम्बोजः, पुं, (कम्बोजदेशे भवः इति । अण् ।) कम्बो जदेशजघोटकः । इत्यमरः । २ । ८ । ४५ ॥ सोम- वल्कः । पुन्नागवृक्षः । इति मेदिनी ॥ (कम्बोजः अभिजनो यस्य सिन्ध्वादित्वात् अण् ।) म्लेच्छ- जातिविशेषः । स तु यवनतुल्यः सगरराजेनास्य सर्व्वशिरोमुण्डनं कृतम् । यथा । हरिवंशे ॥ “अर्द्धं शकानां शिरसो मुण्डयित्वा व्यसर्ज्जयत् । यवनानां शिरः सर्व्वं काम्बोजानां तथैव च” ।

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

काम्बोज पुं।




वनायुजाः पारसीकाः काम्बोजाः बाह्लिका हयाः। ययुरश्वोऽश्वमेधीयो जवनस्तु जवाधिकः॥

पदार्थ-विभागः : , द्रव्यम्, पृथ्वी, चलसजीवः, मनुष्येतरः, जन्तुः, स्तनपायी



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

काम्बोज¦ त्रि॰ कम्बोजोऽभिजनो यस्य सिन्ध्वा॰ अण्। पित्रा-दिक्रमेण कम्बोजदेशवासिनि स्त्रियां ङीप्। कम्बोजदेशेभवः कच्छा॰ अण्। कम्बोजभवेऽमनुष्ये त्रि॰
“शतं यस्तुकाम्बोजान् ब्राह्मणेभ्यः प्रयच्छति” भा॰ शा॰

३५ अ॰।

२ सोम-बल्के

३ पुन्नागवृक्षे च पु॰ मेदि॰। कम्बोजानां जनपदानांराजा अण्।

४ कम्बोजदेशनृपे
“शकायवनकाम्बोजास्तास्ताःक्षत्रियजातयः। वृषलत्वं प्ररिगता ब्राह्मणानामदर्शनात्” भा॰ अनु॰

३३ अ॰। न केवलं तेषां शूद्रत्वं किन्तु सगरेणवेशान्यत्वं धर्म्महीनत्वं च कृतं तच्च हरिवं

१४ अ॰ वर्णितंयया।
“ततः शकान् सयवनान् काम्बोजान् पारदांस्तथा। पह्रवांश्चाथ निःशेषान् कर्त्तुं व्यवसितः किल। ते बध्यमानावीरेण सगरेण महात्मना। वशिष्ठं शरणं गत्वा प्रणि-पेतुर्मनीषिणम्। वमिष्ठस्त्वथ तान् दृष्ट्वा सभयेन महा-द्युतिः। सगरं वारयामास तेषां दत्त्वाऽभयं तदा। सगरस्तु प्रतिज्ञाय गुरोर्वाक्यं निशम्य च। धर्मं जधानतेषां वै वेशान्यत्वं चकार ह। अर्द्धं शकानां शिरसोमुण्डयित्वा व्यसर्ज्जयत्। यवनानां शिरः सर्व्वं काम्बो-जानां तथैव च। पारदा मुक्तकेशाश्च पह्नवाः श्मश्रुधा-रिणः। निःस्वाध्यायवषट्काराः कृतास्तन महात्मना। शका यवनकाम्बोजाः पारदाः पह्नवास्तथा। कोलिसर्पाःसमहिपाः दार्व्वाश्चोलाः सकेरलाः। सर्वेते क्षत्रियास्तात! धर्मस्तेषां निराकृतः। वसिष्ठदचनाद्राजन्! सगरेणमहात्मना”। तेन तेषां प्राक्क्षत्रियत्वेऽपि पश्चात् सगरेणस्वधर्मनिराकरणेन निःस्वाध्यायतादिकरणेन च म्नेच्छत्वं[Page1906-b+ 38] कृतम्। कम्बोजेषु भवा अमनुष्यतत्स्यत्वात् कच्छाअण् ङीप्।

५ माघपर्ण्याम् (माषाणी) अम॰।

६ श्वेत-खदिरे (पापडीखएर) मेदि॰।

७ गुञ्जायां (कुं च)

८ वाकुच्याम् (हाकुच) च स्त्री राजनि॰।



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

काम्बोज¦ m. (-जः)
1. A native of Kamboja, a foreign race going like the Yavanas, with the whole of the head shaved, one of the tribes originally Kshetriya, but degraded by omission of the essential rites.
2. A horse of the bread of Kamboya or Kamboja.
3. A white mimosa.
4. A tree, commonly Punnaga, (Rottleria tinctoria) f. (-जी)
1. A plant, commonly Mashani: see माषपर्णी।
2. A white mimosa, as above.
3. The Gunja-plant. E. कम्बोज Kamboja or Kamboya, a country in the north of India, अण् and ङीष् affixes: the plants, &c. being supposed indigenous to that district.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

काम्बोजः [kāmbōjḥ], [कम्बोज-अण्]

A native of the Kambojas; Ms.1.44.

A king of the Kambojas.

The Punnāga tree.

A species of horse from the Kamboja country. शतं वै यस्तु काम्बोजान्ब्राह्मणेभ्यः प्रयच्छति Mb.12. 35.14.

A conch.

A kind of plant (सोमवल्क); काम्बोजो हस्तिभेदे च शङ्खदेशविशेषयोः । अश्वे पुंनागवृक्षे च सोमवल्के तदिष्यते ॥ Nm. -Comp. -आस्तरणम् a blanket; Mb. 11.25.1.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

काम्बोज mfn. (fr. कम्बोजg. सिन्ध्व्-आदिand कच्छा-दि) , born in or coming from कम्बोज(as horses) R. v , 12 , 36 etc.

काम्बोज m. a native of कम्बोज(a race who , like the यवनs , shave the whole head ; originally a क्षत्रियtribe , but degraded through its omission of the necessary rites W. )

काम्बोज m. a prince of the कम्बोजs MBh. i , 6995

काम्बोज m. a horse of the कम्बोजbreed W.

काम्बोज m. pl. N. of a people= कम्बोजMn. x , 44 MBh. R. : Ragh. BhP. Ra1jat.

काम्बोज m. the plant Rottleria tinctoria (commonly Punnag) L.

काम्बोज m. a kind of white Mimosa L.

काम्बोज m. a kind of Mimosa L.

काम्बोज m. the tree Abrus precatorius L.

काम्बोज m. the plant Serratula anthelminthica L.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Kāmboja : m. (pl.): Name of a country and its people; their horses also referred to as Kāmboja.

A. Location: Listed by Saṁjaya among the Mleccha people of the north (uttarāś cāpare mlecchā janā…/yavanāś ca sakāmbojāḥ) 6. 10. 63-64; lived in the north (uttarāpathajanmānaḥ…yaunakāmbojagāndhārāḥ) 12. 200. 40; (udīcyakāmbojaśakaiḥ) 5. 158. 20; in the northeast (daradān saha kāmbojair ajayat…// prāguttarāṁ diśaṁ ye ca vasanty āśritya dasyavaḥ) 2. 24. 22-23; capital town Rājapura (karṇa rājapuraṁ gatvā kāmbojā nihatās tvayā) 7. 4. 4; around Mathurā (?) (yavanakāmbojā mathurām abhitaś ca ye) 12. 102. 5.

B. King and princes of this country: King Sudakṣiṇa of Kāmboja country referred to as Kāmboja (kāmbojaś ca sudakṣiṇaḥ) 7. 19. 10; (kāmbajaṁ ca sudakṣiṇam) 8. 50. 51; (kāmbojaṁ nihataṁ dṛṣṭvā) 7. 125. 21; Sudakṣiṇa's younger brother (sudakṣiṇād avarajam kāmbojam) 8. 40. 106; referred to as the great warrior of the Kāmbojas (kāmbojānāṁ mahāratham) 6. 43. 63, 65.

C. Famous for its horses:

(1) Their description: (i) Excellent (paramavājinaḥ) 13. 119. 12; (paramakāmbojaiḥ) 7. 22. 35; 10. 13. 1; (aśvavara) 7. 35. 39; (ii) fast moving (javana) 7. 22. 35; 7. 35. 36; (śīghragāmin) 10. 13. 9; (iii) wearing gold garlands (hemamālin) 7. 22. 35; 10. 13. 1; (iv) white (śveta) 2. 49. 5; (v) drawing carriages well (śādhuvāhin) 7. 35. 36;

(2) Their importance: One who gave a hundred Kāmboja horses to a Brāhmaṇa was freed of sins (śataṁ vai yas tu kāmbojān brāhmaṇebhyaḥ prayacchati/…sa ca pāpāt pramucyate 12. 36. 11.

D. Characteristics of the people:

(1) Classed as Mlecchas (yavanāś ca sakāmbojā…mlecchajātayaḥ) 6. 10. 64; mentioned among the Mleccha kings on this earth towards the end of the Kaliyuga (bahavo mleccharājānaḥ…kāmbojāḥ) 3. 186. 29-30; 24, 27; called Dasyus (saha kāmbojair…ye ca…dasyavaḥ) 2. 24. 23-24;

(2) Appearance: Their hair was shorn (muṇḍān etān…/… kāmbojān/…muṇḍānīke hate) 7. 95. 2021;

(3) Non-believers: They did not believe in Bhūtapati being the superintendent of the world (niradhyakṣāṁs…/… yaunakāmbojagāndhārāḥ) 12. 200. 38, 40;

(4) Behaviour: Cruel (dāruṇa) 6. 10. 64; sinful (pāpakṛt) 12. 200. 41; (pāpa) 3. 186. 29; teaching false beliefs (mithyānuśāsin) 3. 186. 29; given to falsehood (mṛṣāvādaparāyaṇa) 3. 186. 29; they lead the life of dogs, crows, balas (a kind of crow ?) and vultures (śvakākabalagṛdhrāṇāṁ sadharmāṇaḥ) 12. 200. 41; they roamed around the whole earth (caranti pṛthivīm imām) 12. 200. 41; they did not exist in the Kṛta age, but were to be met with from the Tretā age onwards (naite kṛtayuge tāta caranti pṛthivīm imām/tretāprabhṛti vartante) 12. 200. 42.

E. Warriors: Brave (śūra) 7. 87. 43; 7. 88. 54; respected by the brave in war (saṁgrāme śūrasaṁmatāḥ) 7. 66. 39; irresistible (durvāraṇa) 7. 87. 42; their army was invincible in war (durjayaṁ yudhi) 7. 95. 45; watchful (apramatta) 7. 87. 45; who learnt the sciences, and were proficient in the science of archery (kṛtavidyāś ca dhanurvede ca niṣṭhitāḥ) 7. 87. 43; keeping close to each other, they sought the welfare of each other (in war) (saṁhatāś ca bhṛśaṁ hy ete anyonyasya hitaiṣiṇaḥ) 7. 87. 43; cruel and arrogant in battles (krūrakarmāṇaḥ kāmbojā yuddhadurmadāḥ) 7. 95. 12; while fighting, they were irritated like serpents (kruddhair āśīviṣopamaiḥ) 7. 87. 48; they had a variety of arms and they fought with different weapons (nānāśastrasamāvāpair vividhāyudhayodhibhiḥ) 7. 87. 48; the banners on their chariots were golden (rathinaḥ kāñcanadhvajāḥ) 7. 87. 42; they were proficient in close combats (niyuddhakuśalāḥ) 12. 102. 5 (however, Nī. on Bom. Ed. 12. 101. 5: niyuddhaṁ bāhuyuddham).

F. Epic events:

(1) Arjuna in his conquest of the north-east conquered the Kāmbojas (daradān saha kāmbojair ajayat pākaśāsaniḥ) 2. 24. 22;

(2) Sudakṣiṇa yoked white Kāmboja horses to Yudhiṣṭhira's chariot (sudakṣiṇas taṁ yuyuje śvetaiḥ kāmbojajair hayaiḥ) 2. 49. 5;

(3) Mentioned among those to whom messengers were to be sent for help in war (dūtā gacchantu śīghragāḥ//…kāmbojā ṛṣikā ye ca…eteṣām preṣyatāṁ śīghram) 5. 4. 8, 15, 25;

(4) They joined the army of Duryodhana (rājacamuṁ sametām/…guptāṁ…udīcyakāmbojaśakaiḥ) 5. 158. 19-20;

(5) On the sixth day of the war, Kāmbojas were stationed at the head of the Krauñca vyūha (kāmbojāraṭṭabāhlikaiḥ/śirasy āsīt) 6. 71. 16, 14;

(6) On the eighth day of the war, many Kāmbojas accompanied Trigarta (Suśarman) (trigartaḥ prasthalādhipaḥ// kāmbojair bahubhiḥ sārdhaṁ) 6. 83. 10;

(7) On the eleventh day of the war, Kāmbojas stood at the extremity of the left side of the Śakaṭavyūha of the Kauravas (teṣāṁ prapakṣāḥ kāmbojāh) 7. 6. 5, (savyaṁ pārśvaṁ) 4, (asmākaṁ śakaṭavyūhaḥ) 15;

(8) On the twelfth day of the war, Kāmbojas were stationed at the neck of the Suparṇa vyūha (yavanakāmbojāḥ…grīvāyām) 7. 19. 7-8, (vyūhaṁ dṛṣṭvā suparṇaṁ tu) 4;

(9) On the twelfth day of the war, Kāmboja horses were yoked to the chariots of Satyadhṛti, Śreṇimant, Vasudāna, and Kāśyaputra (yuktaiḥ paramakāmbojaiḥ) 7. 22. 34-35;

(10) On the thirteenth day of the war, Abhimanyu killed many excellent Kāmboja horses whose straps (?) and armours were cut off (kāmbojāraṭṭabāhlikān…nikṛttavarmakavacān…aśvavarān) 7. 35. 36, 39; they were mounted by warriors who were well-trained (svārūḍhāñ śikṣitair yodhaiḥ) 7. 35. 37; their tails, ears and eyes were steady (sthiravāladhikarṇākṣān) 7. 35. 36; their pitiable plight, when they fell down, described in 7. 35. 37-39;

(11) On the fourteenth day of the war, Arjuna, while rushing towards Jayadratha, was checked by Kāmbojas and others (kāmbojānāṁ ca ye gaṇāḥ/…avārayan) 7. 66. 38, 41; Arjuna attacked their army (abhyagāt …kāmbojānām anīkinīm) 7. 67. 26;

(12) Sātyaki expected to face them while trying to reach Arjuna (kāmbojair hi sameṣyāmi) 7. 87. 48; he did encounter their large army of brave warriors who tried to obstruct him (yuyudhāno 'pi…prayayau…kāmbojānāṁ mahācamūm//sa tatra bahubhiḥ śūraiḥ saṁniruddho mahārathaiḥ) 7. 88. 53-54; they wore armours, were well-equipped and fought with bows and arrows; they were led by Suyodhana (satanutrāṇāḥ suyodhanapurogamāḥ//daṁśitāḥ…kāmbojā…/śarabāṇāsanadharāḥ) 7. 95. 11-12; Sātyaki asked his charioteer to drive him to Kāmbojas; he wanted to kill the warriors whose heads were shorn of hair and show his prowess to the Kauravas (codayāśvān asaṁbhramam/…yatraite…kāmbojā…) 7. 95. 1, 5, 12; muṇdān etān haniṣyāmi… kāmbojān eva māṁ vaha/adya drakṣyanti me vīryaṁ kauravāḥ…/muṇḍānīke hate suta) 7. 95 20-21; Sātyaki killed thousands of them and put the rest to flight (kām bojānāṁ sahasrais tu…agamyarūpāṁ pṛthivīṁ…kṛtavāṁs tatra śaineyaḥ…//… kāmbojasainyaṁ vidrāvya) 7. 95. 38, 39, 45; Sātyaki went beyond the Kāmboja army; after defeating them, he reached Arjuna (tīrtvā…kāmbojānāṁ ca vāhinīm; jitvā yavanakāmbojān) 7. 96. 8, 1; Duryodhana led the Kāmbojas to attack Sātyaki once more (duryodhanapurogamāḥ/śakāḥ kāmbojabāhlīkā…//… abhyadravanta śaineyam) 7. 97. 12, 13, 17;

(13) Bhīma too went beyond the army of the Kāmbojas to reach Arjuna (atikramya kāmbojānāṁ ca vāhinīm) 7. 103. 22;

(14) On the sixteenth day of the war, the Kāmbojas were among those who were stationed at the extremity of the left side of the Bārhaspatya vyūha (teṣāṁ prapakṣaḥ kāmbojāḥ) 8. 31. 15, (vāmaṁ pārśvam) 8. 31. 14, (bārhaspatyaḥ…mahāvyūhaḥ) 8. 31. 26;

(15) On the seventeenth day of the war, while fighting with the Saṁśaptakas, Arjuna, when he attacked the extremity of the side guarded by the Kāmbojas, killed many of them; he killed the Kāmboja prince, the younger brother of Sudakṣiṇa; but the Kāmbojas continued their fight with Arjuna (prapakṣaṁ sa samāsādya pārthaḥ kāmbojarakṣitam/ pramamātha balād bāṇair; tato 'bhavat punar yuddham…kāmbojaiḥ) 8. 40. 100, 107-108;

(16) On the same day, during the fight between Karṇa and Arjuna, Kāmbojas attacked Arjuna; they were equipped with excellent weapons; Arjuna killed them (athābhyadhāvaṁs tvaritāḥ…sahaiva kāmbojavarair…varāyudhān…dhanaṁjayaḥ śatrugaṇaṁ tam akṣiṇot) 8. 64. 16-17;

(17) Mentioned by Saṁjaya among those who were alive after the death of Karṇa (nadījakāmbojavanāyubāhlikaiḥ) 8. 4. 96;

(18) On the last day of the war, Aśvathāman, together with the Kāmbojas stood at the back of the Vyūha (not named) (prṣṭhato 'bhūt kāmbojaiḥ parivāritaḥ) 9. 7. 25;

(19) At the end of the war, all Kāmbojas were killed-Saṁjaya reported to Dhṛtarāṣṭra (hatāḥ sarve kāmbojāś ca) 9. 1. 26;

(20) When the Pāṇḍavas started to reach Bhīma who had left to kill Aśvathāman, excellent Kāmboja horses, wearing golden garlands, were yoked to the chariot of Kṛṣṇa (yuktaṁ paramakāmbojais turagair hemamālibhiḥ) 10. 13. 1;

(21) Gāndhārī showed to Kṛṣṇa the dead body of Jayadratha watched over by Kāmboja and other women (tam etāḥ paryupāsante rakṣamāṇā mahābhujam/…ºkāmbojayavanastriyaḥ) 11. 22. 11.

G. Events referred to but not reported in the epic:

(1) Karṇa's victory over the Kāmbojas mentioned by Saṁjaya (kāmbojānāṁ ca ye gaṇāḥ/karṇena vijitāḥ pūrvaṁ saṁgrāme śūrasaṁmatāḥ) 7. 66. 3839; the feat also referred to by Bhīṣma (kāmbojā nihatās tvayā) 7. 4. 4; by Śalya (ºkāmbojās…jitāḥ saṁkhye sudurjayāḥ) 8. 57. 31;

(2) Kṛṣṇa had once defeated the Kāmbojas (kāmbojān…jitavān puṇdarīkākṣaḥ) 7. 10. 17-18.

H. Other event: The Kīṭa (a worm), when he became a prince, rode in chariots drawn by excellent Kāmboja horses (vahanti mām…syandaneṣu ca kāmbojā yuktāḥ paramavājinaḥ) 13. 119. 12.

*3rd word in left half of page p653_mci (+offset) in original book.

previous page p652_mci .......... next page p656_mci

Mahabharata Cultural Index


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Kāmboja : m. (pl.): Name of a country and its people; their horses also referred to as Kāmboja.

A. Location: Listed by Saṁjaya among the Mleccha people of the north (uttarāś cāpare mlecchā janā…/yavanāś ca sakāmbojāḥ) 6. 10. 63-64; lived in the north (uttarāpathajanmānaḥ…yaunakāmbojagāndhārāḥ) 12. 200. 40; (udīcyakāmbojaśakaiḥ) 5. 158. 20; in the northeast (daradān saha kāmbojair ajayat…// prāguttarāṁ diśaṁ ye ca vasanty āśritya dasyavaḥ) 2. 24. 22-23; capital town Rājapura (karṇa rājapuraṁ gatvā kāmbojā nihatās tvayā) 7. 4. 4; around Mathurā (?) (yavanakāmbojā mathurām abhitaś ca ye) 12. 102. 5.

B. King and princes of this country: King Sudakṣiṇa of Kāmboja country referred to as Kāmboja (kāmbojaś ca sudakṣiṇaḥ) 7. 19. 10; (kāmbajaṁ ca sudakṣiṇam) 8. 50. 51; (kāmbojaṁ nihataṁ dṛṣṭvā) 7. 125. 21; Sudakṣiṇa's younger brother (sudakṣiṇād avarajam kāmbojam) 8. 40. 106; referred to as the great warrior of the Kāmbojas (kāmbojānāṁ mahāratham) 6. 43. 63, 65.

C. Famous for its horses:

(1) Their description: (i) Excellent (paramavājinaḥ) 13. 119. 12; (paramakāmbojaiḥ) 7. 22. 35; 10. 13. 1; (aśvavara) 7. 35. 39; (ii) fast moving (javana) 7. 22. 35; 7. 35. 36; (śīghragāmin) 10. 13. 9; (iii) wearing gold garlands (hemamālin) 7. 22. 35; 10. 13. 1; (iv) white (śveta) 2. 49. 5; (v) drawing carriages well (śādhuvāhin) 7. 35. 36;

(2) Their importance: One who gave a hundred Kāmboja horses to a Brāhmaṇa was freed of sins (śataṁ vai yas tu kāmbojān brāhmaṇebhyaḥ prayacchati/…sa ca pāpāt pramucyate 12. 36. 11.

D. Characteristics of the people:

(1) Classed as Mlecchas (yavanāś ca sakāmbojā…mlecchajātayaḥ) 6. 10. 64; mentioned among the Mleccha kings on this earth towards the end of the Kaliyuga (bahavo mleccharājānaḥ…kāmbojāḥ) 3. 186. 29-30; 24, 27; called Dasyus (saha kāmbojair…ye ca…dasyavaḥ) 2. 24. 23-24;

(2) Appearance: Their hair was shorn (muṇḍān etān…/… kāmbojān/…muṇḍānīke hate) 7. 95. 2021;

(3) Non-believers: They did not believe in Bhūtapati being the superintendent of the world (niradhyakṣāṁs…/… yaunakāmbojagāndhārāḥ) 12. 200. 38, 40;

(4) Behaviour: Cruel (dāruṇa) 6. 10. 64; sinful (pāpakṛt) 12. 200. 41; (pāpa) 3. 186. 29; teaching false beliefs (mithyānuśāsin) 3. 186. 29; given to falsehood (mṛṣāvādaparāyaṇa) 3. 186. 29; they lead the life of dogs, crows, balas (a kind of crow ?) and vultures (śvakākabalagṛdhrāṇāṁ sadharmāṇaḥ) 12. 200. 41; they roamed around the whole earth (caranti pṛthivīm imām) 12. 200. 41; they did not exist in the Kṛta age, but were to be met with from the Tretā age onwards (naite kṛtayuge tāta caranti pṛthivīm imām/tretāprabhṛti vartante) 12. 200. 42.

E. Warriors: Brave (śūra) 7. 87. 43; 7. 88. 54; respected by the brave in war (saṁgrāme śūrasaṁmatāḥ) 7. 66. 39; irresistible (durvāraṇa) 7. 87. 42; their army was invincible in war (durjayaṁ yudhi) 7. 95. 45; watchful (apramatta) 7. 87. 45; who learnt the sciences, and were proficient in the science of archery (kṛtavidyāś ca dhanurvede ca niṣṭhitāḥ) 7. 87. 43; keeping close to each other, they sought the welfare of each other (in war) (saṁhatāś ca bhṛśaṁ hy ete anyonyasya hitaiṣiṇaḥ) 7. 87. 43; cruel and arrogant in battles (krūrakarmāṇaḥ kāmbojā yuddhadurmadāḥ) 7. 95. 12; while fighting, they were irritated like serpents (kruddhair āśīviṣopamaiḥ) 7. 87. 48; they had a variety of arms and they fought with different weapons (nānāśastrasamāvāpair vividhāyudhayodhibhiḥ) 7. 87. 48; the banners on their chariots were golden (rathinaḥ kāñcanadhvajāḥ) 7. 87. 42; they were proficient in close combats (niyuddhakuśalāḥ) 12. 102. 5 (however, Nī. on Bom. Ed. 12. 101. 5: niyuddhaṁ bāhuyuddham).

F. Epic events:

(1) Arjuna in his conquest of the north-east conquered the Kāmbojas (daradān saha kāmbojair ajayat pākaśāsaniḥ) 2. 24. 22;

(2) Sudakṣiṇa yoked white Kāmboja horses to Yudhiṣṭhira's chariot (sudakṣiṇas taṁ yuyuje śvetaiḥ kāmbojajair hayaiḥ) 2. 49. 5;

(3) Mentioned among those to whom messengers were to be sent for help in war (dūtā gacchantu śīghragāḥ//…kāmbojā ṛṣikā ye ca…eteṣām preṣyatāṁ śīghram) 5. 4. 8, 15, 25;

(4) They joined the army of Duryodhana (rājacamuṁ sametām/…guptāṁ…udīcyakāmbojaśakaiḥ) 5. 158. 19-20;

(5) On the sixth day of the war, Kāmbojas were stationed at the head of the Krauñca vyūha (kāmbojāraṭṭabāhlikaiḥ/śirasy āsīt) 6. 71. 16, 14;

(6) On the eighth day of the war, many Kāmbojas accompanied Trigarta (Suśarman) (trigartaḥ prasthalādhipaḥ// kāmbojair bahubhiḥ sārdhaṁ) 6. 83. 10;

(7) On the eleventh day of the war, Kāmbojas stood at the extremity of the left side of the Śakaṭavyūha of the Kauravas (teṣāṁ prapakṣāḥ kāmbojāh) 7. 6. 5, (savyaṁ pārśvaṁ) 4, (asmākaṁ śakaṭavyūhaḥ) 15;

(8) On the twelfth day of the war, Kāmbojas were stationed at the neck of the Suparṇa vyūha (yavanakāmbojāḥ…grīvāyām) 7. 19. 7-8, (vyūhaṁ dṛṣṭvā suparṇaṁ tu) 4;

(9) On the twelfth day of the war, Kāmboja horses were yoked to the chariots of Satyadhṛti, Śreṇimant, Vasudāna, and Kāśyaputra (yuktaiḥ paramakāmbojaiḥ) 7. 22. 34-35;

(10) On the thirteenth day of the war, Abhimanyu killed many excellent Kāmboja horses whose straps (?) and armours were cut off (kāmbojāraṭṭabāhlikān…nikṛttavarmakavacān…aśvavarān) 7. 35. 36, 39; they were mounted by warriors who were well-trained (svārūḍhāñ śikṣitair yodhaiḥ) 7. 35. 37; their tails, ears and eyes were steady (sthiravāladhikarṇākṣān) 7. 35. 36; their pitiable plight, when they fell down, described in 7. 35. 37-39;

(11) On the fourteenth day of the war, Arjuna, while rushing towards Jayadratha, was checked by Kāmbojas and others (kāmbojānāṁ ca ye gaṇāḥ/…avārayan) 7. 66. 38, 41; Arjuna attacked their army (abhyagāt …kāmbojānām anīkinīm) 7. 67. 26;

(12) Sātyaki expected to face them while trying to reach Arjuna (kāmbojair hi sameṣyāmi) 7. 87. 48; he did encounter their large army of brave warriors who tried to obstruct him (yuyudhāno 'pi…prayayau…kāmbojānāṁ mahācamūm//sa tatra bahubhiḥ śūraiḥ saṁniruddho mahārathaiḥ) 7. 88. 53-54; they wore armours, were well-equipped and fought with bows and arrows; they were led by Suyodhana (satanutrāṇāḥ suyodhanapurogamāḥ//daṁśitāḥ…kāmbojā…/śarabāṇāsanadharāḥ) 7. 95. 11-12; Sātyaki asked his charioteer to drive him to Kāmbojas; he wanted to kill the warriors whose heads were shorn of hair and show his prowess to the Kauravas (codayāśvān asaṁbhramam/…yatraite…kāmbojā…) 7. 95. 1, 5, 12; muṇdān etān haniṣyāmi… kāmbojān eva māṁ vaha/adya drakṣyanti me vīryaṁ kauravāḥ…/muṇḍānīke hate suta) 7. 95 20-21; Sātyaki killed thousands of them and put the rest to flight (kām bojānāṁ sahasrais tu…agamyarūpāṁ pṛthivīṁ…kṛtavāṁs tatra śaineyaḥ…//… kāmbojasainyaṁ vidrāvya) 7. 95. 38, 39, 45; Sātyaki went beyond the Kāmboja army; after defeating them, he reached Arjuna (tīrtvā…kāmbojānāṁ ca vāhinīm; jitvā yavanakāmbojān) 7. 96. 8, 1; Duryodhana led the Kāmbojas to attack Sātyaki once more (duryodhanapurogamāḥ/śakāḥ kāmbojabāhlīkā…//… abhyadravanta śaineyam) 7. 97. 12, 13, 17;

(13) Bhīma too went beyond the army of the Kāmbojas to reach Arjuna (atikramya kāmbojānāṁ ca vāhinīm) 7. 103. 22;

(14) On the sixteenth day of the war, the Kāmbojas were among those who were stationed at the extremity of the left side of the Bārhaspatya vyūha (teṣāṁ prapakṣaḥ kāmbojāḥ) 8. 31. 15, (vāmaṁ pārśvam) 8. 31. 14, (bārhaspatyaḥ…mahāvyūhaḥ) 8. 31. 26;

(15) On the seventeenth day of the war, while fighting with the Saṁśaptakas, Arjuna, when he attacked the extremity of the side guarded by the Kāmbojas, killed many of them; he killed the Kāmboja prince, the younger brother of Sudakṣiṇa; but the Kāmbojas continued their fight with Arjuna (prapakṣaṁ sa samāsādya pārthaḥ kāmbojarakṣitam/ pramamātha balād bāṇair; tato 'bhavat punar yuddham…kāmbojaiḥ) 8. 40. 100, 107-108;

(16) On the same day, during the fight between Karṇa and Arjuna, Kāmbojas attacked Arjuna; they were equipped with excellent weapons; Arjuna killed them (athābhyadhāvaṁs tvaritāḥ…sahaiva kāmbojavarair…varāyudhān…dhanaṁjayaḥ śatrugaṇaṁ tam akṣiṇot) 8. 64. 16-17;

(17) Mentioned by Saṁjaya among those who were alive after the death of Karṇa (nadījakāmbojavanāyubāhlikaiḥ) 8. 4. 96;

(18) On the last day of the war, Aśvathāman, together with the Kāmbojas stood at the back of the Vyūha (not named) (prṣṭhato 'bhūt kāmbojaiḥ parivāritaḥ) 9. 7. 25;

(19) At the end of the war, all Kāmbojas were killed-Saṁjaya reported to Dhṛtarāṣṭra (hatāḥ sarve kāmbojāś ca) 9. 1. 26;

(20) When the Pāṇḍavas started to reach Bhīma who had left to kill Aśvathāman, excellent Kāmboja horses, wearing golden garlands, were yoked to the chariot of Kṛṣṇa (yuktaṁ paramakāmbojais turagair hemamālibhiḥ) 10. 13. 1;

(21) Gāndhārī showed to Kṛṣṇa the dead body of Jayadratha watched over by Kāmboja and other women (tam etāḥ paryupāsante rakṣamāṇā mahābhujam/…ºkāmbojayavanastriyaḥ) 11. 22. 11.

G. Events referred to but not reported in the epic:

(1) Karṇa's victory over the Kāmbojas mentioned by Saṁjaya (kāmbojānāṁ ca ye gaṇāḥ/karṇena vijitāḥ pūrvaṁ saṁgrāme śūrasaṁmatāḥ) 7. 66. 3839; the feat also referred to by Bhīṣma (kāmbojā nihatās tvayā) 7. 4. 4; by Śalya (ºkāmbojās…jitāḥ saṁkhye sudurjayāḥ) 8. 57. 31;

(2) Kṛṣṇa had once defeated the Kāmbojas (kāmbojān…jitavān puṇdarīkākṣaḥ) 7. 10. 17-18.

H. Other event: The Kīṭa (a worm), when he became a prince, rode in chariots drawn by excellent Kāmboja horses (vahanti mām…syandaneṣu ca kāmbojā yuktāḥ paramavājinaḥ) 13. 119. 12.

*3rd word in left half of page p653_mci (+offset) in original book.

previous page p652_mci .......... next page p656_mci

Vedic Index of Names and Subjects


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Kāmboja (‘native of Kamboja’) Aupamanyava (‘descendant of Upamanyu’) is mentioned as a teacher in the Vaṃśa Brāhmaṇa.[]

  1. Weber, Indische Studien, 4, 372;
    Episches im vedischen Ritual, 45: Zimmer, Altindisches Leben, 102.
"https://sa.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=काम्बोज&oldid=495858" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्