पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
मद्रः, पुं, (मन्दते इति । मदि मोदादौ + “स्फायि तञ्चीति ।” उणा० २ । १३ । इति रक् ।) देश- विशेषः । हर्षः । इत्युणादिकोषः ॥ तद्देशविव- रणं यथा, -- “वैराटपाण्ड्ययोर्मध्ये पूर्ब्बदक्षक्रमेण तु । मद्रदेशः समाख्यातो माद्रीहा तत्र तिष्ठति ॥” इति शक्तिसङ्गमतन्त्रे ७ पटलः ॥ (भद्रे, क्ली । यथा, चतुर्थी चाशिष्यायुष्य मद्र- भद्रकुलसुखार्थहितैः । २ । ३ । ७३ । इत्यत्र सूत्रे । मद्रं देवदत्तस्यभूयात् । इति काशिका । मद्रभद्रयोः पर्य्यायत्वादन्यतरो न पठनीयः । इति सिद्धान्तकौमुदी च ॥)
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
मद्र¦ पु॰ मद--रक्।
“विराटपाण्ड्ययोर्मध्ये पूर्वदक्षकभेण च। मद्रदेशः समाख्यातः” इत्युक्ते
१ देशे
२ हर्षे
३ मङ्गले च। वृ॰ सं॰
१४ अ॰।
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
मद्र¦ m. (-द्रः)
1. Joy, delight.
2. A country enumerated amongst those to the N. W. of Hindustan proper.
3. A sovereign of that coun- try. f. (-द्रा) The name of a river. E. मदि to be delighted, Una4di aff. रक् |
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
मद्रः [madrḥ], [मद्-रक् Uṇ.2.13]
N. of a country; विराट- पाण्ड्ययोर्मध्ये पूर्वदक्षक्रमेण च । मद्रदेशः समाख्यातः ......
A ruler of that country. -द्राः (pl.) The inhabitants of Madra. -द्रम् Joy, happiness. (मद्राकृ = भद्राकृ 'to shave or shear'). -Comp. -कार a. (also मद्रंकार) producing delight. -नाभः a particular mixed caste; Mb. -सुता N. of Mādrī, second wife of Pāṇḍu.
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
मद्र m. a country to the north-west of Hindustan proper , or a king( pl. the people) of this -ccountry S3Br. etc.
मद्र m. N. of a son of शिबि(the progenitor of the Madras) Pur.
मद्र m. (in music) a personification of the first मूर्छनाin the गान्धार-ग्राम
मद्र n. joy , happiness( मद्रं तस्यor तस्मै, " joy to him! " See. n. of भद्र) Pa1n2. 2-3 , 73.
मद्र etc. See. col. 1.
Purana Encyclopedia
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Madra, Madraka : m. (pl.): Name of a country and its people; referred to as Madraka specially when derision was intended (8. adhyāyas 27, 30); otherwise madraka for madra very likely due to metrical reasons.
A. Location: Listed by Saṁjaya among the northern Janapadas (also called Deśas 6. 10. 68) of Bhāratavarṣa (ata ūrdhvaṁ janapadān nibodha) 6. 10. 37, 5; (saudhā madrā…) 6. 10. 40.
B. Origin: Bhadrā, wife of Vyuṣitāśva, gave birth to four Madra sons (sā…suṣuve devī… caturo madrān sutān…) 1. 112. 33.
C. Description: Of their warriors; brave (śūra) 9. 17. 4, 14, 35; heroic (vīra) 9. 7. 23; 9. 17. 1, 17; energetic (tarasvin) 9. 22. 25; of great valour (mahāvīrya) 8. 31. 21; great chariot-fighters (mahāratha) 8. 32. 19; 9. 6. 7; 9. 17. 5, 11; skilled in fighting while riding elephants (gajayodhin; gajayuddheṣu kuśalāḥ) 8. 17. 2-3; great archers (maheṣvāsa) 9. 17. 23; versed in the science of archery (dhanurvedavid) and difficult to be conquered by enemies (ajeyāḥ śatrubhir yudhi) 6. 57. 13; of the people in general; wicked (durātman) 8. 27. 71, 74; vile, of despicable speech (narādhama, kṣudravākya) 8. 27. 73; untruthful, not straightforward (nityaṁ cānṛtiko 'nṛjuḥ) 8. 27. 74; croocked (jihma) 8. 30. 62; imprudent (acetas) 8. 30. 55; fickle (madrako hi sacāpalaḥ) 8. 27. 80; their country rated by Karṇa as reprehensible (kudeśa), sinful (pāpadeśa) 8. 27. 67-68, 70, 91.
D. Their nature, behaviour: Although they lived in countries they led the life of Dasyus (sarve viṣayavāsinaḥ/… sarve te dasyujīvinaḥ//) 12. 65. 15; Karṇa repeated for Śalya gāthās describing the nature and behaviour of Madrakas, which were once recited by certain Brāhmaṇas in the royal assembly of Kurus: a Madraka was a habitual violator of contracts; whoever hated Brāhmaṇas was a Madraka; there could be no companionship with a Madraka; Madrakas were wicked to the bitter end (mitradhruṅ madrako nityaṁ yo no dveṣṭi sa madrakaḥ/madrake saṁgataṁ nāsti…yāvadantaṁ hi daurātmyaṁ madrakeṣv iti naḥ śrutam//) 8. 27. 73-74; Madraka men and women united with one another without regard for family or any other relationship; they could never be religious; they ate churned meal, drank wine, ate beef, roared and danced 8. 27. 75-78; one should neither form friendship nor have enmity with Madrakas with whom religion was lost and whose unauspicious deeds were well known (madrakeṣu vilupteṣu prakhyātāśubhakarmasu/nāpi vairaṁ na sauhārdaṁ madrakeṣu samācaret//) 8. 27. 79; one should not touch Madrakas (madrakeṣu ca duḥsparśam) 8. 27. 80; Madraka women are severely criticized for their shameful acts and licentious behaviour 8. 27. 8589; from beginning to the end Madrakas followed reprehensible bad paths; they were mlecchas born in sinful countries and had no sense of religion; there could be no question of their knowing dharma (śakyaṁ vaktuṁ bhaved bahu/ā keśāgrān nakhāgrāc ca vaktavyeṣu kuvartmasu// madrakā…dharmaṁ vidyuḥ kathaṁ ty tha/pāpadeśodbhavā mlecchā dharmāṇām avicakṣaṇāḥ//) 8. 27. 90-91; one of the old Brāhmaṇas who had visited many countries, when he met Dhṛtarāṣṭra, he condemned Bāhlīkas and also Madras (madrāṁś ca kutsayan vākyam abravīt) 8. 30. 9; therefore what he said despising specifically the Bāhlīkas applied also to Madrakas 8. 30. 10-26; a certain Brāhmaṇa told an artisan (śīlpin) what he had heard about Madrakas: among Madrakas in every family there was only one wise person, the rest behaved as they liked; their behaviour led to confusion of dharma (bhavaty ekaḥ kule vipraḥ śiṣṭānye kāmacāriṇaḥ/etan mayā śrutaṁ tatra dharmasaṁkarakārakam/) 8. 30. 5556; another Brāhmaṇa told the Kuru assembly describing Madras as croocked and said that all countries, except Madras and Pañcanadas, followed the ancient dharma (dharmaṁ purāṇam upajīvanti santo madrān ṛte pañcanadāṁś ca jihmān) 8. 30. 62; according to a Rākṣasa named Kalmāṣapāda, who was held by a king, Madra women were as good as the dirt on the bodies of women (strīṇāṁ madrastriyo malam) 8. 30. 68; he further said that the dirt on the bodies of Madrakas, whose sacrifices were performed by those whose sacrificial priests were of warrior class, would be the dirt of the king if he did not release Kalmāṣapāda (rājayājakayājyānāṁ madrakāṇāṁ ca yan malam/tad bhaved vai tava malaṁ yady asmān na vimuñcasi//) 8. 30. 71.
E. Epic events:
(1) Bhīṣma went to the town of Madras (madrāṇāṁ puṭabhedanam) and bought Mādrī, the daughter of the Madra king, for Pāṇḍu 1. 105. 4-5;
(2) At the birth of Arjuna (jātamātre kumāre tu 1. 114. 28) a noncorporeal voice prophesied that he (Arjuna) would bring Madras under control (madrān vaśe kṛtvā) 1. 114. 31; (according to a later reference, this event happened a week after Arjuna was born saptāhajāte tvayi 8. 48. 6);
(3) Nakula in his expedition to the west before the Rājasūya (2. 29. 2; 1. 23. 10) went to Śākala, the town of Madras (madrāṇām puṭabhedanam) and subdued Śalya with affection (prītipūrveṇa…cakre vaśe balī) 2. 29. 13;
(4) Madra Kṣatriyas brought wealth in hundreds as tribute for Yudhiṣṭhira (madrakekayāḥ/…āhārṣuḥ kṣatriyā vittaṁ śataśo 'jātaśatrave) 2. 48. 13, 16;
(5) On the second day of war, Madrakas were to protect Bhīṣma (madrakāḥ… bhīṣmam evābhirakṣantu) 6. 47. 7, 9;
(6) On the third day, Madrakas (madrakāḥ) were posted at the ‘neck’ (grīvāyām) of the Gāruḍavyūha of Kauravas 6. 52. 2, 5;
(7) On the fourth day, principal Madra warriors (madrāś ca…mukhyāḥ) with Trigartas and Kekayas, thirtyfive thousand strong, encircled Arjuna and Abhimanyu; then Dhṛṣṭadyumna, assisted by a large army, attacked Madraka army (madrakānīkam) and killed them, each one with ten arrows (madrakān hatvā daśabhir daśabhiḥ śaraiḥ) 6. 57. 12-13, 16, 19;
(8) On the fifth day, Madras collected round the king of Kaliṅgas 6. 67. 13;
(9) On the sixth day, Madras led by Bhagadatta (prāgjyotiṣaḥ) stood at the chest (urasi) of the Krauñcavyūha of Kauravas 6. 71. 18, 14;
(10) On the eleventh day, Madras led by Duryodhana followed Karṇa in the Śakaṭavyūha of Kauravas 7. 6. 6-7, 15;
(11) On the twelfth day, Suśarman, supported by Madrakas (sahito madrakair api), took oath to kill Arjuna 7. 16. 20; on that day, Madras stood at the neck (grīvāyām) of the Suparṇavyūha (7. 19. 4) by hundreds of thousands with elephants, horses, chariots and foot-soldiers (madrakekayāḥ/gajāśvarathapattyaughās tasthuḥ śatasahasraśaḥ//) 7. 19. 8; Madras were also posted at the back of the Vyūha (pṛṣṭhe…pauṇḍramadrakāḥ) 7. 19. 11;
(12) During the night war, Yudhiṣṭhira killed a large number of Madrakas (madrakāṇāṁ gaṇān yudhi) 7. 132. 25; Arjuna did the same 7. 136. 5;
(13) In the summary narration of the first fifteen days of war Saṁjaya mentioned Madrakas among those who were killed by Arjuna (mālavā madrakāś caiva) 8. 4. 46;
(14) Dhṛtarāṣṭra remembered that Karṇa had once defeated Madrakas and made them pay tribute (ajaīṣīd... madrakān…yo jitvā samare vīraś cakre balibhṛtaḥ purā) 8. 5. 18, 20; (a reference to Karṇa's digvijaya before Duryodhana's Vaiṣṇavayāga (3. 241. 29, 32; 3. App. I. 24. 28-34);
(15) On the sixteenth day, Śalya with his large army of Madra warriors stood at the left foot of the Makaravyūha of Kauravas (anupādas tu vāmas… mahatyā senayā sārdhaṁ madradeśasamutthayā//) 8. 7. 19, 14; on the same day, elephant drivers drove Madra and other warriors, skilled in fighting battles while riding elephants; they showered Dhṛṣṭadyumna with arrows, tomaras and nārāca arrows; Dhṛṣṭadyumna pierced the enemy elephants with arrows--each one with ten, six or eight arrows; the Pāṇḍava warriors succeeded in routing the attack of the elephants (hastibhis tu mahāmātrās… pārṣatam abhyayuḥ//…gajayodhinaḥ… madrā daśārṇā…gajayuddheṣu kuśalāḥ…//) 8. 17. 1-6; (evaṁ hatvā tava gajān) 8. 17. 28;
(16) On the seventeenth day, Duryodhana, protected by Madras and Kekayas, followed Duḥśāsana, who was at the back (vyūhasya pṛṣṭhataḥ) of the Bārhaspatyavyūha of Kauravas 8. 31. 19, 21, 26; Duryodhana protected by Madra mahārathas was guarding Karṇa from all sides 8. 32. 19; angered Bhīma fought with Madras along with Kurus and Kekayas; he killed their chariot-fighters by thousands along with their charioteers, horses, elephants and foot-soldiers 8. 40. 69, 71-73;
(17) On the eighteenth day, when Śalya was consecrated as the senāpati of Kauravas, Madrakas were delighted and they praised Śalya (hṛṣṭāś cāsan…madrakāś ca …/tuṣṭuvuś caiva) 9. 6. 7; Śalya was at the head of the Sarvatobhadravyūha (mukhaṁ vyūhasya) along with Madraka heroes (madrakaiḥ sahito vīraiḥ) 9. 7. 23, 19;
(18) On the eighteenth day, Duryodhana tried to check seven hundred chariot-fighters of Madras who rushed forward from the main army to continue to fight even after the death of Śalya (madrarājapadānugāḥ/ rathāḥ sapta śatā vīrā niryayur mahato balāt//na gantavyaṁ na gantavyam iti madrān avārayat); though they were repeatedly asked to stop marching forward, Madras entered the army of Pāṇḍavas to kill Yudhiṣṭhira; intent on fighting (kṛtacittāḥ sma yodhane) they made twangs from their bows and fought with Pāṇḍavas 9. 17. 1-4; Arjuna rushed to help Yudhiṣṭhira who was oppressed by great Madra chariot-fighters desirous of doing what was dear to the king of Madras (dharmaputraṁ ca pīḍitam/madrarājapriye yuktair madrakāṇāṁ mahārathaiḥ//); encircled by Pāṇḍavas, Madra heroes repeatedly agitated their army (te samantāt parivṛtāḥ pāṇḍavaiḥ puruṣarṣabhāḥ/kṣobhayanti sma tāṁ senām.../;akṣobhyata tadā rājan pāṇḍūnāṁ dhvajinī puṇaḥ); fighting whole-heartedly the Madra chariot-fighters made their opponents tremble (tyaktātmānaḥ…kampayanti sma) 9. 17. 5, 911; they shouted loudly asking the whereabouts of Yudhiṣṭhira and other Pāṇḍava warriors; Draupadī's sons and Sātyaki attacked them; Madras, with the wheels of their chariots and flag-staffs broken, were killed by Pāṇḍavas 9. 17. 12, 1415; when they again rushed at Pāṇḍavas, Duryodhana tried to pacify them urging them to return; but no one listened to him 9. 17. 16-17; Śakuni blamed Duryodhana since Madras were being killed in the very presence of Kaurava heroes; he reminded him that Kurus and Madras had decided to fight together (sahitair nāma yoddhavyam ity eṣa samayaḥ kṛtaḥ) 9. 17. 17-20; when Duryodhana complained that the Madra warriors did not listen to him when he tried to check them, Śakuni told him that angered fighters do not obey the orders of their seniors; that was not the time either to get angry with Madras or neglect them (alaṁ kroddhuṁ tathalteṣāṁ nāyaṁ kāla upekṣitum); he advised Duryodhana collectively to go to save the great (Madra) archers who were loyal to Śalya (paritrātuṁ maheṣvāsān madrarājapadānugān) 9. 17. 21-24; accordingly Duryodhana with his large army went to the help of Madra warriors; Pāṇḍavas, seeing Madra warriors fighting, attacked them; in the battle that ensued Madras were killed 9. 17. 25-28; the battle described 9. 17. 30-37; when Duryodhana's army realized that the large army of Śalya was being killed, they again turned away from the scene of fight (tato hatam abhiprekṣya madrarājabalaṁ mahat/duryodhanabalaṁ sarvaṁ punar āsīt parāṅmukham) 9. 17. 38; Śakuni told the energetic (tarasvinaḥ) Madra warriors to attack the vanguard of the Pāṇḍava army and that he himself, would take in the rear (yudhyadhvam agrato yāvat pṛṣṭhato hanmi pāṇḍavān); they raised sound and attacked Pāṇḍavas who showered arrows and killed the army of Śalya; seeing that, Duryodhana's army again turned away; Śakuni again blamed them and pointed out that the Madra army consisting of ten thousand horses and fighting with bright lances had fought heroically and brought about great destruction of the enemies (anīkaṁ daśasāhasram aśvānāṁ…/āsid gāndhārarājasya vimalaprāsayodhinām/balena tena vikramya vartamāne janakṣaye) 9. 22. 24-30.
F. Past event; Māndhātṛ once asked Indra how kings like him could make Madrakas who lived like Dasyus, follow religion and how he could control them (kathaṁ dharmaṁ careyus te…/madvidhaiś ca kathaṁ sthāpyā…); thereupon Indra told him the duties of Dasyus 12. 65. 13, 15, 17-22.
G. Several persons, especialy Śalya designated with reference to Madras or Madrakas;
A. One related to Madrakas: (i) madraka: Śalya 8. 27. 85, 100; (ii) madrakā (f.): A woman of the Madra country 8. 27. 87 (sg.), 89 (pl.);
B. Meanest of the Madrakas: madrakādhama Śalya 8. 27. 101;
C. King of Madras or Madrakas (i) madrakeśvara: Śalya 6. 41. 83; 9. 15. 18; (ii) madrajanādhipa: Śalya 8. 23. 11; 8. 30. 7; 8. 51. 57; 9. 16. 11; (iii) madrajaneśvara: Śalya 8. 34. 17; 9. 6. 35; (iv) madranṛpa: Śalya 9. 16. 65; (v) madrapa: Śalya 8. 26. 70; 9. 11. 26; 9. 16. 14; (vi) madrapati:
(1) Śalya 8. 26. 52, 70; 8. 68. 13; 9. 15. 66; 9. 16. 1;
(2) Father of Mādrī and Śalya (not named) 1. 105. 4; (vii) madrarāj: Śalya 6. 41. 71; 7. 24. 15; 7. 120. 8, 40; 8. 26. 61; 9. 10. 38; 9. 16. 52; (viii) madrarāja:
(1) Aśvapati 3. 277. 13;
(2) Śalya 1. 1. 148; 1. 2. 169; 1. 115. 1; 1. 116. 31; 1. 177. 13; 2. 31. 7; 5. 8. 11, 17; 5. 59. 17; 5. 162. 26; 6. 45. 42, 46; 6. 58. 13, 15; 6. 79. 47, 49-50; 6. 101. 25, 30-32; 6. 109. 23, 38; 6. 111. 29; 7. 14. 8, 19, 25; 7. 36. 5; 7. 38. 15; 7. 53. 26; 7. 79. 4, 26; 7. 80. 18; 7. 105. 35; 7. 110. 7; 7. 120. 19, 78, 80; 7. 133. 54; 7. 134. 7; 7. 140. 14; 7. 142. 20, 22, 27, 29; 7. 162. 25; 7. 169. 37; 8. 1. 44; 8. 4. 23; 8. 5. 98, 101; 8. 22. 55, 61; 8. 23. 1, 50; 8. 25. 7; 8. 26. 1, 3-4, 9, 30; 8. 27. 17, 103; 8. 30. 1; 8. 35. 20; 8. 45. 31; 8. 51. 13; 8. 56. 9; 8. 57. 13; 8. 67. 35; 8. 68. 6; 9. 2. 60-61; 9. 6. 1, 22, 26, 29, 31, 34; 9. 7. 6, 10, 17, 19, 23, 41; 9. 8. 39; 9. 9. 1, 7, 50, 53; 9. 10. 11-13, 53-54; 9. 11. 8, 12, 16, 34, 51, 58; 9. 12. 1, 31-33, 39-40, 42; 9. 14. 16, 20, 22-23, 25, 27-28, 31-32, 40; 9. 15. 1, 5, 14, 29, 31, 5556; 9. 16. 34, 59, 76; 9. 17. 1, 5, 14, 23, 27-28, 35, 38; 9. 18. 1, 3, 7, 21; 9. 22. 27; 9. 26. 14; 9. 31. 19; 9. 53. 34; 11. 23. 2, 6-7; (ix) madrarājan: Śalya 1. 181. 30; 1. 192. 3; 6. 43. 26; 6. 112. 38; 7. 71. 29; 8. 27. 105; 9. 12. 27; 9. 18. 26; 14. 59. 24; (x) madreṣu rājan-: Aśvapati 3. 277. 5; (xi) madrādhipa:
(1) Aśvapati 3. 278. 1; 3. 283. 13;
(2) Śalya 5. 18. 25; 5. 56. 13; 6. 43. 26; 6. 45. 44; 6. 55. 109; 6. 58. 14, 17; 6. 81. 12; 7. 14. 11-12, 26, 34; 7. 122. 63; 7. 142. 24, 30; 8. 25. 3; 8. 29. 1; 8. 34. 41; 8. 51. 50; 8. 68. 7; 9. 1. 25; 9. 11. 6-7; 9. 12. 29; 9. 15. 58, 65; 9. 16, 9, 12, 24-25, 28, 38, 40; (xii) madrāṇām adhipa-: 7. 14. 32; 9. 6. 10; 9. 12. 17; 9. 14. 28. 30; (xiii) madrādhipati: Śalya 6. 45. 35; 6. 58. 8; 8. 68. 59; 9. 6. 5; 9. 9. 56; 9. 16. 10, 1617, 20, 35, 46; (xiv) madreśa: Śalya 6. 77. 25; 7. 24. 16; 7. 37. 3; 7. 52. 7; 8. 23. 13; 8. 24. 1; 8. 26. 72; 8. 31. 56; 9. 10. 24; 9. 14. 21; 9. 15. 46, 52; 9. 16. 56; 14. 59. 22; (xv) madreśvara: (i) Śalya 1. 2. 173; 6. 43. 28; 6. 79. 42, 53; 6. 80. 53; 6. 110. 27; 6. 112. 39; 7. 44. 9; 7. 95. 16; 8. 23. 2, 43; 8. 27. 30; 9. 6. 33; 9. 12. 4; 9. 12, 25, 36; 9. 14. 19; (ii) father of Mādrī (not named) 1. 103. 5; (xvi) madrāṇām īśvara-: Śalya 1. 181. 8; 6. 67. 19; 7. 14. 32; 7. 70. 39; 7. 165. 77; 8. 34. 11, 15; 9. 6. 10; 9. 11. 25; 9. 12. 17; 9. 14. 28, 30;
D. The best (lit. the bull) of the Madras: madrāṇāṁ ṛṣabha- Śalya 6. 67. 19; 9. 11. 25.
*1st word in right half of page p822_mci (+offset) in original book.
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Mahabharata Cultural Index
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Madra, Madraka : m. (pl.): Name of a country and its people; referred to as Madraka specially when derision was intended (8. adhyāyas 27, 30); otherwise madraka for madra very likely due to metrical reasons.
A. Location: Listed by Saṁjaya among the northern Janapadas (also called Deśas 6. 10. 68) of Bhāratavarṣa (ata ūrdhvaṁ janapadān nibodha) 6. 10. 37, 5; (saudhā madrā…) 6. 10. 40.
B. Origin: Bhadrā, wife of Vyuṣitāśva, gave birth to four Madra sons (sā…suṣuve devī… caturo madrān sutān…) 1. 112. 33.
C. Description: Of their warriors; brave (śūra) 9. 17. 4, 14, 35; heroic (vīra) 9. 7. 23; 9. 17. 1, 17; energetic (tarasvin) 9. 22. 25; of great valour (mahāvīrya) 8. 31. 21; great chariot-fighters (mahāratha) 8. 32. 19; 9. 6. 7; 9. 17. 5, 11; skilled in fighting while riding elephants (gajayodhin; gajayuddheṣu kuśalāḥ) 8. 17. 2-3; great archers (maheṣvāsa) 9. 17. 23; versed in the science of archery (dhanurvedavid) and difficult to be conquered by enemies (ajeyāḥ śatrubhir yudhi) 6. 57. 13; of the people in general; wicked (durātman) 8. 27. 71, 74; vile, of despicable speech (narādhama, kṣudravākya) 8. 27. 73; untruthful, not straightforward (nityaṁ cānṛtiko 'nṛjuḥ) 8. 27. 74; croocked (jihma) 8. 30. 62; imprudent (acetas) 8. 30. 55; fickle (madrako hi sacāpalaḥ) 8. 27. 80; their country rated by Karṇa as reprehensible (kudeśa), sinful (pāpadeśa) 8. 27. 67-68, 70, 91.
D. Their nature, behaviour: Although they lived in countries they led the life of Dasyus (sarve viṣayavāsinaḥ/… sarve te dasyujīvinaḥ//) 12. 65. 15; Karṇa repeated for Śalya gāthās describing the nature and behaviour of Madrakas, which were once recited by certain Brāhmaṇas in the royal assembly of Kurus: a Madraka was a habitual violator of contracts; whoever hated Brāhmaṇas was a Madraka; there could be no companionship with a Madraka; Madrakas were wicked to the bitter end (mitradhruṅ madrako nityaṁ yo no dveṣṭi sa madrakaḥ/madrake saṁgataṁ nāsti…yāvadantaṁ hi daurātmyaṁ madrakeṣv iti naḥ śrutam//) 8. 27. 73-74; Madraka men and women united with one another without regard for family or any other relationship; they could never be religious; they ate churned meal, drank wine, ate beef, roared and danced 8. 27. 75-78; one should neither form friendship nor have enmity with Madrakas with whom religion was lost and whose unauspicious deeds were well known (madrakeṣu vilupteṣu prakhyātāśubhakarmasu/nāpi vairaṁ na sauhārdaṁ madrakeṣu samācaret//) 8. 27. 79; one should not touch Madrakas (madrakeṣu ca duḥsparśam) 8. 27. 80; Madraka women are severely criticized for their shameful acts and licentious behaviour 8. 27. 8589; from beginning to the end Madrakas followed reprehensible bad paths; they were mlecchas born in sinful countries and had no sense of religion; there could be no question of their knowing dharma (śakyaṁ vaktuṁ bhaved bahu/ā keśāgrān nakhāgrāc ca vaktavyeṣu kuvartmasu// madrakā…dharmaṁ vidyuḥ kathaṁ ty tha/pāpadeśodbhavā mlecchā dharmāṇām avicakṣaṇāḥ//) 8. 27. 90-91; one of the old Brāhmaṇas who had visited many countries, when he met Dhṛtarāṣṭra, he condemned Bāhlīkas and also Madras (madrāṁś ca kutsayan vākyam abravīt) 8. 30. 9; therefore what he said despising specifically the Bāhlīkas applied also to Madrakas 8. 30. 10-26; a certain Brāhmaṇa told an artisan (śīlpin) what he had heard about Madrakas: among Madrakas in every family there was only one wise person, the rest behaved as they liked; their behaviour led to confusion of dharma (bhavaty ekaḥ kule vipraḥ śiṣṭānye kāmacāriṇaḥ/etan mayā śrutaṁ tatra dharmasaṁkarakārakam/) 8. 30. 5556; another Brāhmaṇa told the Kuru assembly describing Madras as croocked and said that all countries, except Madras and Pañcanadas, followed the ancient dharma (dharmaṁ purāṇam upajīvanti santo madrān ṛte pañcanadāṁś ca jihmān) 8. 30. 62; according to a Rākṣasa named Kalmāṣapāda, who was held by a king, Madra women were as good as the dirt on the bodies of women (strīṇāṁ madrastriyo malam) 8. 30. 68; he further said that the dirt on the bodies of Madrakas, whose sacrifices were performed by those whose sacrificial priests were of warrior class, would be the dirt of the king if he did not release Kalmāṣapāda (rājayājakayājyānāṁ madrakāṇāṁ ca yan malam/tad bhaved vai tava malaṁ yady asmān na vimuñcasi//) 8. 30. 71.
E. Epic events:
(1) Bhīṣma went to the town of Madras (madrāṇāṁ puṭabhedanam) and bought Mādrī, the daughter of the Madra king, for Pāṇḍu 1. 105. 4-5;
(2) At the birth of Arjuna (jātamātre kumāre tu 1. 114. 28) a noncorporeal voice prophesied that he (Arjuna) would bring Madras under control (madrān vaśe kṛtvā) 1. 114. 31; (according to a later reference, this event happened a week after Arjuna was born saptāhajāte tvayi 8. 48. 6);
(3) Nakula in his expedition to the west before the Rājasūya (2. 29. 2; 1. 23. 10) went to Śākala, the town of Madras (madrāṇām puṭabhedanam) and subdued Śalya with affection (prītipūrveṇa…cakre vaśe balī) 2. 29. 13;
(4) Madra Kṣatriyas brought wealth in hundreds as tribute for Yudhiṣṭhira (madrakekayāḥ/…āhārṣuḥ kṣatriyā vittaṁ śataśo 'jātaśatrave) 2. 48. 13, 16;
(5) On the second day of war, Madrakas were to protect Bhīṣma (madrakāḥ… bhīṣmam evābhirakṣantu) 6. 47. 7, 9;
(6) On the third day, Madrakas (madrakāḥ) were posted at the ‘neck’ (grīvāyām) of the Gāruḍavyūha of Kauravas 6. 52. 2, 5;
(7) On the fourth day, principal Madra warriors (madrāś ca…mukhyāḥ) with Trigartas and Kekayas, thirtyfive thousand strong, encircled Arjuna and Abhimanyu; then Dhṛṣṭadyumna, assisted by a large army, attacked Madraka army (madrakānīkam) and killed them, each one with ten arrows (madrakān hatvā daśabhir daśabhiḥ śaraiḥ) 6. 57. 12-13, 16, 19;
(8) On the fifth day, Madras collected round the king of Kaliṅgas 6. 67. 13;
(9) On the sixth day, Madras led by Bhagadatta (prāgjyotiṣaḥ) stood at the chest (urasi) of the Krauñcavyūha of Kauravas 6. 71. 18, 14;
(10) On the eleventh day, Madras led by Duryodhana followed Karṇa in the Śakaṭavyūha of Kauravas 7. 6. 6-7, 15;
(11) On the twelfth day, Suśarman, supported by Madrakas (sahito madrakair api), took oath to kill Arjuna 7. 16. 20; on that day, Madras stood at the neck (grīvāyām) of the Suparṇavyūha (7. 19. 4) by hundreds of thousands with elephants, horses, chariots and foot-soldiers (madrakekayāḥ/gajāśvarathapattyaughās tasthuḥ śatasahasraśaḥ//) 7. 19. 8; Madras were also posted at the back of the Vyūha (pṛṣṭhe…pauṇḍramadrakāḥ) 7. 19. 11;
(12) During the night war, Yudhiṣṭhira killed a large number of Madrakas (madrakāṇāṁ gaṇān yudhi) 7. 132. 25; Arjuna did the same 7. 136. 5;
(13) In the summary narration of the first fifteen days of war Saṁjaya mentioned Madrakas among those who were killed by Arjuna (mālavā madrakāś caiva) 8. 4. 46;
(14) Dhṛtarāṣṭra remembered that Karṇa had once defeated Madrakas and made them pay tribute (ajaīṣīd... madrakān…yo jitvā samare vīraś cakre balibhṛtaḥ purā) 8. 5. 18, 20; (a reference to Karṇa's digvijaya before Duryodhana's Vaiṣṇavayāga (3. 241. 29, 32; 3. App. I. 24. 28-34);
(15) On the sixteenth day, Śalya with his large army of Madra warriors stood at the left foot of the Makaravyūha of Kauravas (anupādas tu vāmas… mahatyā senayā sārdhaṁ madradeśasamutthayā//) 8. 7. 19, 14; on the same day, elephant drivers drove Madra and other warriors, skilled in fighting battles while riding elephants; they showered Dhṛṣṭadyumna with arrows, tomaras and nārāca arrows; Dhṛṣṭadyumna pierced the enemy elephants with arrows--each one with ten, six or eight arrows; the Pāṇḍava warriors succeeded in routing the attack of the elephants (hastibhis tu mahāmātrās… pārṣatam abhyayuḥ//…gajayodhinaḥ… madrā daśārṇā…gajayuddheṣu kuśalāḥ…//) 8. 17. 1-6; (evaṁ hatvā tava gajān) 8. 17. 28;
(16) On the seventeenth day, Duryodhana, protected by Madras and Kekayas, followed Duḥśāsana, who was at the back (vyūhasya pṛṣṭhataḥ) of the Bārhaspatyavyūha of Kauravas 8. 31. 19, 21, 26; Duryodhana protected by Madra mahārathas was guarding Karṇa from all sides 8. 32. 19; angered Bhīma fought with Madras along with Kurus and Kekayas; he killed their chariot-fighters by thousands along with their charioteers, horses, elephants and foot-soldiers 8. 40. 69, 71-73;
(17) On the eighteenth day, when Śalya was consecrated as the senāpati of Kauravas, Madrakas were delighted and they praised Śalya (hṛṣṭāś cāsan…madrakāś ca …/tuṣṭuvuś caiva) 9. 6. 7; Śalya was at the head of the Sarvatobhadravyūha (mukhaṁ vyūhasya) along with Madraka heroes (madrakaiḥ sahito vīraiḥ) 9. 7. 23, 19;
(18) On the eighteenth day, Duryodhana tried to check seven hundred chariot-fighters of Madras who rushed forward from the main army to continue to fight even after the death of Śalya (madrarājapadānugāḥ/ rathāḥ sapta śatā vīrā niryayur mahato balāt//na gantavyaṁ na gantavyam iti madrān avārayat); though they were repeatedly asked to stop marching forward, Madras entered the army of Pāṇḍavas to kill Yudhiṣṭhira; intent on fighting (kṛtacittāḥ sma yodhane) they made twangs from their bows and fought with Pāṇḍavas 9. 17. 1-4; Arjuna rushed to help Yudhiṣṭhira who was oppressed by great Madra chariot-fighters desirous of doing what was dear to the king of Madras (dharmaputraṁ ca pīḍitam/madrarājapriye yuktair madrakāṇāṁ mahārathaiḥ//); encircled by Pāṇḍavas, Madra heroes repeatedly agitated their army (te samantāt parivṛtāḥ pāṇḍavaiḥ puruṣarṣabhāḥ/kṣobhayanti sma tāṁ senām.../;akṣobhyata tadā rājan pāṇḍūnāṁ dhvajinī puṇaḥ); fighting whole-heartedly the Madra chariot-fighters made their opponents tremble (tyaktātmānaḥ…kampayanti sma) 9. 17. 5, 911; they shouted loudly asking the whereabouts of Yudhiṣṭhira and other Pāṇḍava warriors; Draupadī's sons and Sātyaki attacked them; Madras, with the wheels of their chariots and flag-staffs broken, were killed by Pāṇḍavas 9. 17. 12, 1415; when they again rushed at Pāṇḍavas, Duryodhana tried to pacify them urging them to return; but no one listened to him 9. 17. 16-17; Śakuni blamed Duryodhana since Madras were being killed in the very presence of Kaurava heroes; he reminded him that Kurus and Madras had decided to fight together (sahitair nāma yoddhavyam ity eṣa samayaḥ kṛtaḥ) 9. 17. 17-20; when Duryodhana complained that the Madra warriors did not listen to him when he tried to check them, Śakuni told him that angered fighters do not obey the orders of their seniors; that was not the time either to get angry with Madras or neglect them (alaṁ kroddhuṁ tathalteṣāṁ nāyaṁ kāla upekṣitum); he advised Duryodhana collectively to go to save the great (Madra) archers who were loyal to Śalya (paritrātuṁ maheṣvāsān madrarājapadānugān) 9. 17. 21-24; accordingly Duryodhana with his large army went to the help of Madra warriors; Pāṇḍavas, seeing Madra warriors fighting, attacked them; in the battle that ensued Madras were killed 9. 17. 25-28; the battle described 9. 17. 30-37; when Duryodhana's army realized that the large army of Śalya was being killed, they again turned away from the scene of fight (tato hatam abhiprekṣya madrarājabalaṁ mahat/duryodhanabalaṁ sarvaṁ punar āsīt parāṅmukham) 9. 17. 38; Śakuni told the energetic (tarasvinaḥ) Madra warriors to attack the vanguard of the Pāṇḍava army and that he himself, would take in the rear (yudhyadhvam agrato yāvat pṛṣṭhato hanmi pāṇḍavān); they raised sound and attacked Pāṇḍavas who showered arrows and killed the army of Śalya; seeing that, Duryodhana's army again turned away; Śakuni again blamed them and pointed out that the Madra army consisting of ten thousand horses and fighting with bright lances had fought heroically and brought about great destruction of the enemies (anīkaṁ daśasāhasram aśvānāṁ…/āsid gāndhārarājasya vimalaprāsayodhinām/balena tena vikramya vartamāne janakṣaye) 9. 22. 24-30.
F. Past event; Māndhātṛ once asked Indra how kings like him could make Madrakas who lived like Dasyus, follow religion and how he could control them (kathaṁ dharmaṁ careyus te…/madvidhaiś ca kathaṁ sthāpyā…); thereupon Indra told him the duties of Dasyus 12. 65. 13, 15, 17-22.
G. Several persons, especialy Śalya designated with reference to Madras or Madrakas;
A. One related to Madrakas: (i) madraka: Śalya 8. 27. 85, 100; (ii) madrakā (f.): A woman of the Madra country 8. 27. 87 (sg.), 89 (pl.);
B. Meanest of the Madrakas: madrakādhama Śalya 8. 27. 101;
C. King of Madras or Madrakas (i) madrakeśvara: Śalya 6. 41. 83; 9. 15. 18; (ii) madrajanādhipa: Śalya 8. 23. 11; 8. 30. 7; 8. 51. 57; 9. 16. 11; (iii) madrajaneśvara: Śalya 8. 34. 17; 9. 6. 35; (iv) madranṛpa: Śalya 9. 16. 65; (v) madrapa: Śalya 8. 26. 70; 9. 11. 26; 9. 16. 14; (vi) madrapati:
(1) Śalya 8. 26. 52, 70; 8. 68. 13; 9. 15. 66; 9. 16. 1;
(2) Father of Mādrī and Śalya (not named) 1. 105. 4; (vii) madrarāj: Śalya 6. 41. 71; 7. 24. 15; 7. 120. 8, 40; 8. 26. 61; 9. 10. 38; 9. 16. 52; (viii) madrarāja:
(1) Aśvapati 3. 277. 13;
(2) Śalya 1. 1. 148; 1. 2. 169; 1. 115. 1; 1. 116. 31; 1. 177. 13; 2. 31. 7; 5. 8. 11, 17; 5. 59. 17; 5. 162. 26; 6. 45. 42, 46; 6. 58. 13, 15; 6. 79. 47, 49-50; 6. 101. 25, 30-32; 6. 109. 23, 38; 6. 111. 29; 7. 14. 8, 19, 25; 7. 36. 5; 7. 38. 15; 7. 53. 26; 7. 79. 4, 26; 7. 80. 18; 7. 105. 35; 7. 110. 7; 7. 120. 19, 78, 80; 7. 133. 54; 7. 134. 7; 7. 140. 14; 7. 142. 20, 22, 27, 29; 7. 162. 25; 7. 169. 37; 8. 1. 44; 8. 4. 23; 8. 5. 98, 101; 8. 22. 55, 61; 8. 23. 1, 50; 8. 25. 7; 8. 26. 1, 3-4, 9, 30; 8. 27. 17, 103; 8. 30. 1; 8. 35. 20; 8. 45. 31; 8. 51. 13; 8. 56. 9; 8. 57. 13; 8. 67. 35; 8. 68. 6; 9. 2. 60-61; 9. 6. 1, 22, 26, 29, 31, 34; 9. 7. 6, 10, 17, 19, 23, 41; 9. 8. 39; 9. 9. 1, 7, 50, 53; 9. 10. 11-13, 53-54; 9. 11. 8, 12, 16, 34, 51, 58; 9. 12. 1, 31-33, 39-40, 42; 9. 14. 16, 20, 22-23, 25, 27-28, 31-32, 40; 9. 15. 1, 5, 14, 29, 31, 5556; 9. 16. 34, 59, 76; 9. 17. 1, 5, 14, 23, 27-28, 35, 38; 9. 18. 1, 3, 7, 21; 9. 22. 27; 9. 26. 14; 9. 31. 19; 9. 53. 34; 11. 23. 2, 6-7; (ix) madrarājan: Śalya 1. 181. 30; 1. 192. 3; 6. 43. 26; 6. 112. 38; 7. 71. 29; 8. 27. 105; 9. 12. 27; 9. 18. 26; 14. 59. 24; (x) madreṣu rājan-: Aśvapati 3. 277. 5; (xi) madrādhipa:
(1) Aśvapati 3. 278. 1; 3. 283. 13;
(2) Śalya 5. 18. 25; 5. 56. 13; 6. 43. 26; 6. 45. 44; 6. 55. 109; 6. 58. 14, 17; 6. 81. 12; 7. 14. 11-12, 26, 34; 7. 122. 63; 7. 142. 24, 30; 8. 25. 3; 8. 29. 1; 8. 34. 41; 8. 51. 50; 8. 68. 7; 9. 1. 25; 9. 11. 6-7; 9. 12. 29; 9. 15. 58, 65; 9. 16, 9, 12, 24-25, 28, 38, 40; (xii) madrāṇām adhipa-: 7. 14. 32; 9. 6. 10; 9. 12. 17; 9. 14. 28. 30; (xiii) madrādhipati: Śalya 6. 45. 35; 6. 58. 8; 8. 68. 59; 9. 6. 5; 9. 9. 56; 9. 16. 10, 1617, 20, 35, 46; (xiv) madreśa: Śalya 6. 77. 25; 7. 24. 16; 7. 37. 3; 7. 52. 7; 8. 23. 13; 8. 24. 1; 8. 26. 72; 8. 31. 56; 9. 10. 24; 9. 14. 21; 9. 15. 46, 52; 9. 16. 56; 14. 59. 22; (xv) madreśvara: (i) Śalya 1. 2. 173; 6. 43. 28; 6. 79. 42, 53; 6. 80. 53; 6. 110. 27; 6. 112. 39; 7. 44. 9; 7. 95. 16; 8. 23. 2, 43; 8. 27. 30; 9. 6. 33; 9. 12. 4; 9. 12, 25, 36; 9. 14. 19; (ii) father of Mādrī (not named) 1. 103. 5; (xvi) madrāṇām īśvara-: Śalya 1. 181. 8; 6. 67. 19; 7. 14. 32; 7. 70. 39; 7. 165. 77; 8. 34. 11, 15; 9. 6. 10; 9. 11. 25; 9. 12. 17; 9. 14. 28, 30;
D. The best (lit. the bull) of the Madras: madrāṇāṁ ṛṣabha- Śalya 6. 67. 19; 9. 11. 25.
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Vedic Index of Names and Subjects
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Madra denotes a people who are mentioned in the Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad;[१] Kāpya Patañcala was then living among them. Their name appears elsewhere in Vedic literature, only in that of a branch, the Uttara Madras, the ‘northern Madras,’ who are referred to in the Aitareya Brāhmaṇa[२] as living beyond the Himālaya (pareṇa Himavantam) in the neighbourhood of the Uttara Kurus, probably, as Zimmer[३] conjectures, in the land of Kaśmīr. The Madras mentioned in the Upaniṣad were, like the Kurus, probably settled somewhere in Kurukṣetra in the Madhyadeśa or ‘Middle Land.’ Cf. Madragāra.
- यन्त्रोपारोपितकोशांशः-कल्पद्रुमः
- यन्त्रोपारोपितकोशांशः-वाचस्पत्यम्
- यन्त्रोपारोपितकोशांशः-शब्दसागरः
- यन्त्रोपारोपितकोशांशः-Apte
- यन्त्रोपारोपितकोशांशः-Monier-Williams
- यन्त्रोपारोपितकोशांशः-Purana Encyclopedia
- संस्कतशब्दाः
- यन्त्रोपारोपितकोशांशः-Mahabharata Cultural Index
- यन्त्रोपारोपितकोशांशः-Vedic Index of Names and Subjects