सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः





पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

भृगुः, पुं, (तपसा भृज्ज्यते पञ्चतपादिभिर्वेति । भ्रस्ज + “प्रथिम्रादिभ्रस्जां सम्प्रसारणं सलो- पश्च ।” उणा० १ । २९ । इति कुः सम्प्रसारणं सलोपः, न्यङ्कादित्वात् कुत्वञ्च । यद्वा भृज्जतीति क्विप् । भृक् ज्वाला तया सहोत्पन्न इति उः ।) मुनिविशेषः । स तु ब्रह्मणस्त्वचो जातः । (यथास्योत्पत्तिर्नामनिरुक्तिश्च महाभारते । १३ । ८५ । १०५ -- १०६ । “पुरुषा वपुषा युक्ताः स्वैः स्वैः प्रसवजैर्गुणैः । भृगित्येव भृगुः पूर्ब्बमङ्गरेभ्योऽङ्गिराभवत् ॥ अङ्गारसंश्रयाच्चैव कविरित्यपरोऽभवत् । सह ज्वालाभिरुत्पन्नो भृगुस्तस्माद् भृगुः स्मृतः ॥”) अस्य भार्य्या कर्द्दममुनिकन्या ख्यातिः । पुत्त्रः धाता विधाता च । कन्या श्रीः । इति श्रीभाग- वतम् ॥ अपि च । मुनय ऊचुः । “कथितस्ते यदा सर्गः पृष्टः सूत त्वयाधुना । भृगुसर्गात् प्रभृत्येष सर्गो नः कथ्यतां पुनः ॥” सूत उवाच । भृगोः ख्यात्यां समुत्पन्ना श्रीः पूर्ब्बमुदधेः पुनः । तथा धाता विधाता च तस्यां जातौ भृगोः सुतौ ॥ आयतिर्नियतिश्चैव मेरुकन्ये महाप्रभोः । घातुर्विधातुस्ते भार्य्ये ययोर्जातौ सुतावुभौ ॥ प्राणश्चैव मृकण्डुश्च मार्कण्डेयो मृकण्डुतः । ततो वेदशिरा जज्ञे प्राणस्य द्युतिमान् मुतः ॥ ततो वंशो मुनिश्रेष्ठा विस्तरं भार्गवो गतः । इत्याद्ये वह्निपुराणे वरसर्गनामाध्यायः ॥ * ॥ शिवः । शुक्रग्रहः । इति मेदिनी । गे, १५ ॥ सानुः । यमदग्निः । इति हेमचन्द्रः ॥ अरण्य- कण्टकव्याप्तगिरिपार्श्वोच्चदेशः । निरवलम्बन- पर्व्वतादिपार्श्वः । आरडि इति ख्यातम् । यस्मात् पतने अक्स्थानक्रियाविशेषो नास्ति । अतएव भृगुपतनमित्यादिप्रयोगो दृश्यते । इति भरतः ॥ तत्पर्य्यायः । प्रपातः २ अतटः ३ । इत्यमरः । २ । ३ । ४ ॥ दरद् ४ । इति जटाधरः ॥ पतनस्थानम् ५ । इति शब्दरत्नावली ॥

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

भृगु पुं।




पाषाणप्रस्तरग्रावोपलाश्मानः शिला दृषत्. कूटोऽस्त्री शिखरं शृङ्गं प्रपातस्त्वतटो भृगुः॥

पदार्थ-विभागः : , द्रव्यम्, पृथ्वी, अचलनिर्जीवः, स्थानम्, प्राकृतिकस्थानम्



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

भृगु¦ पु॰। भृज्जति क्विप् भृक् ज्वाला तया सहोत्पन्नः। [Page4695-a+ 38]

१ ब्रह्मणः पुत्रे ऋषिभेदे
“भृगित्येव भृगुः पूर्वमङ्गारेभ्यो-ऽङ्गिराऽभवत्। अङ्गारसंश्रयाश्चैव कविरित्यपरोऽभवेत्। सह ज्वालाभिरुत्पन्नो भृगुस्तस्मात् भृगुः स्मृतः” भा॰अनु॰

८५ अ॰।
“भृगोः ख्यात्यां समुत्पन्ना श्रीः पूर्व-सुदधेः पुनः। तथा धाता विधाता च तस्यां जातौभृगोः सुतौ। आयतिर्नियतिश्चैव मेरुकन्ये महा-प्रभो!। धातुर्विधातुस्ते भार्य्ये ययोर्जातो सुतावुभौ। प्राणश्चैव मृकण्डुश्च मार्कण्डेयी मृकुण्डतः। ततो वेदशिरा जज्ञे प्राणस्य द्युतिमान् सुतः। ततो वंशो मुनि-श्रेष्ठा! विस्तरं भार्गवो गतः” वह्निपु॰।

२ महादेवे

३ शुक्र-ग्रहे मेदि॰।

४ गिरिसानौ

५ जमदग्नौ हेम॰।

६ निरव-लम्बने पर्वताद्युच्चस्थाने यतः पातेऽवलम्बनं न भवतितस्मिन् अतटस्थाने अमरः। भृगोर्गोत्रापत्यानि अण्बहुषु तस्य लुक्।

८ भृगोरपत्येषु ब॰ व॰।

९ वरुणापत्येऋषिभेदे
“भृगुर्वै वारुणिर्वरुणं पितरमुपससाद” तैत्ति॰ उ॰।



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

भृगु¦ m. (-गुः)
1. The name of a celebrated Muni, and one of the ten Brahma4dikas or Pra4japatis, the sons of BRAHMA4, and first created of beings.
2. A name of SIVA.
3. S4UKRA, the regent of VENUS.
4. A precipice.
5. Table land, the level summit of a mountain.
6. The Rishi JAMADAGNI, the father of PARASURA4MA and grandson of the Muni BHRIGU. E. भ्रस्ज् to fry, (in religious fervour,) Una4di aff. कु; र is changed to ऋ, the स rejected, and the final ज becomes ग।

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

भृगुः [bhṛguḥ], 1 N. of a sage, regarded as the ancestor of the family of the Bhṛigus, and described in Ms.1.35 as one of the ten patriarchs created by the first Manu; (said to be so called because he was produced along with flames; सह ज्वालाभिरुत्पन्ने भृगुस्तस्माद् भृगुः स्मृतः ।). [On one occasion when the sages could not agree as to which of the three gods, Brahman, Viṣṇu and Śiva, was best entitled to the worship of Brāhmaṇas, the sage Bhṛigu was sent to test the character of the three gods. He first went to the abode of Brahman, and, on approaching him, purposely omitted an obeisance. Upon this the god reprehended him severely, but was pacified by apologies. Next he entered the abode of Śiva in Kailāsa, and omitted, as before, all tokens of adoration. The vindictive deity was enraged and would have destroyed him, had he not conciliated him by mild words. (According to another account, Bhṛigu was coldly received by Brahman, and he, therefore, cursed him that he would receive no worship or adoration; and condemned Śiva to take the form of a Liṅga, as he got no access to the deity who was engaged in private with his wife). Lastly he went to Viṣṇu, and finding him asleep, he boldly gave the god a kick on his breast which at once awoke him. Instead of showing anger, however, the God arose, and on seeing Bhṛigu, inquired tenderly whether his foot was hurt, and then began to rub it gently. 'This', said Bhṛigu, 'is the mightiest god. He overtops all by the most potent of all weaponskindness and generosity'. Viṣṇu was therefore, declared to be the god who was best entitled to the worship of all.]

N. of the sage Jamadagni.

An epithet of Śukra.

The planet Venus.

A cliff, precipice; कृत्वा पुंवत्पातमुच्चैर्मृगुभ्यः Śi.4.23; भृगुपतनकारणमपृच्छम् Dk.

Table-land, the level summit of a mountain.

N. of Kṛiṣṇa.

An epithet of Śiva.

Friday. -Comp. -उद्वहः an epithet of Paraśurāma. -कच्छः, -च्छम् N. of a place on the north bank of the Narmadā (modern Broach).

जः, तनयः an epithet of Śukra.

the planet Venus.

नन्दनः an epithet of Paraśurāma; वीरो न यस्य भगवान् भृगुनन्दनो$पि U.5.34.

of Śukra.

of Śaunaka; एवं निशम्य भृगुनन्दनसाधुवादम् Bhāg.1.1. 14. -पतनम् a fall from a precipice. -पतिः an epithet of Paraśurāma; भृगुपतियशोवर्त्म यत् क्रौञ्चरन्ध्रम् Me.59; so भृगूणांपतिः. -पातः Throwing oneself down from a cliff or a precipice; thus committing suicide; तत्र तत्यजुरा मानं भृगुपातेन केचन Śiva B.2.39. -वंशः N. of a family descended from Paraśurāma;. -वारः, -वासरः Friday.-शार्दूलः, -श्रेष्ठः, -सत्तमः epithets of Paraśurāma;.

सुतः, सूनुः an epithet of Paraśurāma;.

of Venus or Śukra; भृगुसूनुधरापुत्रौ शशिजेन समन्वितौ Mb.9.11.17.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

भृगु m. pl. ( भ्राज्)N. of a mythical race of beings (closely connected with fire , which they find [ RV. x , 46 , 2 ] and bring to men [ i , 58 , 6 ; 195 , 2 ] or enclose in wood [ vi , 15 , 2 ] or put in the navel of the world [ i , 143 , 4 ] ; or which is brought to them and first kindled by मातरि-श्वन्[ i , 60 , 1 ; iii , 5 , 10 ] ; they are also said to fabricate chariots [ iv , 16 , 20 ] and are mentioned together with the अङ्गिरसs , अथर्वन्s , ऋभुs , मरुत्s , द्रुह्युs etc. [ cf. Naigh. v , 5 ] ; in Hcat. 12 भृगुs are enumerated among gods ; cf. Gk. ?) RV. AV. S3Br. Kaus3.

भृगु m. N. of one of the chief Brahmanical families (to which the ऐतशायनs are said to belong) RV. ( esp. vii , 18 , 6 ; viii , 3 ,9 etc. ) Br. MBh. Pur.

भृगु m. sg. N. of a ऋषिregarded as the ancestor of the भृगुs AV. AitBr. (he has the patr. वारुणिand is the supposed author of RV. ix , 65 ; x , 19 ; he is enumerated among the 10 महर्षिs created by the first मनुMn. i , 35 ; See. IW. 46 etc. )

भृगु m. of a son of कविMBh.

भृगु m. of one of the प्रजा-पतिs produced from ब्रह्माskin Hariv. Pur.

भृगु m. of one of the 7 sages Hariv.

भृगु m. of the father of च्यवनand 6 other sons MBh.

भृगु m. of the -ffather of धातृand विधातृPur.

भृगु m. of the -ffather of श्री(by ख्याति) ib.

भृगु m. of the author of a धर्म-शास्त्र(See. भृगु-स्मृति) Mn. i , 59

भृगु m. of an astronomer Cat. (See. भृगु-संहिता)

भृगु m. of a medical authority ib.

भृगु m. of the ऋषिजमद्-अग्निor his son L.

भृगु m. of शुक्रor the planet Venus (called either भृगुor the son of -Bh भृगु; his day is Friday) Su1ryas. Var.

भृगु m. of कृष्णor of रुद्रL.

भृगु m. of a son of अर्थ-पतिand uncle of the poet बाणVa1s. , Introd.

भृगु m. of the top of the mountain भृगु-तुङ्गCat.

भृगु m. a declivity , slope , precipice Hcat. (See. भृगु-पतन).

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

(I)--born from fire; one of the ten mind-born sons of ब्रह्मा; born of his skin; married Kardama's daugh- ter ख्याती and had two sons and a daughter; married the daughter of Puloma and brought forth twelve sons besides Cyavana and आनुवन्; married two daughters of दक्ष; a sage of the चाक्षुष epoch; फलकम्:F1:  भा. III. १२. २२-23; २४. २३; IV. 1. ४३; M. 3. 8; 5. १४; 9. २२; १९५. 8; Vi. I. 7. 5, 7, २६, ३७; 8. १५.फलकम्:/F a महऋषि; a मन्त्रकृत्; a Pra- vara; accompanied ब्रह्मा going to हिरण्यकशिपु; was present at the anointing of वामन Hari and praised the Lord and Aditi; learnt the क्रिययोग from ब्रह्मा; फलकम्:F2:  M. १४५. ९०, ९८; १७१. २७; १९५. २९.फलकम्:/F and the Vedas from Manu. फलकम्:F3:  भा. VII. 3. १४; VIII. २३. २०-27; XI. २७. 3; १४. 4.फलकम्:/F Deputed by the sages to find out the greatest of the Gods, went to his father's court without invoking him in praise; ब्रह्मा grew angry but restrained his anger. Then he went to शिव, who embraced him. भृगु told him that he did not like his behaviour when शिव grew angry and started to attack him with his trident. He was stopped by पार्वती's intervention. Next he called on Hari and kicked him while sleeping, on His chest. Hari coolly bore it, bowed to him and said that only then he became purified and united with लक्ष्मी. भृगु wondered at his patience and concluded that he was the greatest of all the gods. फलकम्:F4:  Ib. X. ८९. 2-१९.फलकम्:/F Wonder- ed at मार्कण्डेय's व्रत; took part in crowning Vena to avoid the evils of anarchy; did not find fault with Hara violating धर्म। फलकम्:F5:  Ib. XII. 8. १२; IV. १४. 1; २९. ४३; VI. १७. १२.फलकम्:/F Officiated at विश्वसृज यज्ञ when he cursed the followers of शिव to become पाखण्डिस्; created [page२-580+ ३२] ऋभुस् to put down the Pramathas and others who disturb- ed दक्ष's sacrifice; was bound by मणिमन् and the beard cut off. It was शिव's wish that the beard of a sheep be substituted for his original one. फलकम्:F6:  Ib. IV. 2. २७-8; 4. ३२; 5. १७ and १९; 7. 5.फलकम्:/F Was born again of चर्षणि and वरुण फलकम्:F7:  Ib. VI. १८. 4.फलकम्:/F acted as अध्- वर्यु in Soma's राजसूय; फलकम्:F8:  M. २३. २०.फलकम्:/F cursed विष्णु to take the form of a human being seven times for slaying his wife to protect Indra. फलकम्:F9:  Ib. ४७. ३९, १०५.फलकम्:/F Praised शिव out to burn Tripura. फलकम्:F१०:  Ib. १०२. १९; १२६, १०; १३३. ६७.फलकम्:/F Performed penance on the नर्मदा but was not free from anger; cursed शिव's riding animal when it was sent to examine his mind; but still he prayed to the Lord who blessed a तीर्थ at that place in his honour.
(II)--a sage and a contemporary of कृष्ण; came to see कृष्ण at स्यमन्तपञ्चक; one of the sages who left for पिण्डारक; came to see परीक्षित् practising प्रायोपवेश. भा. X. ८४. 4; XI. 1. १२; I. १९. 9.
(III)--a ऋषि presiding over the month of Nabha- sya; फलकम्:F1:  भा. XII. ११. ३८.फलकम्:/F in the Sun's chariot in the month of भाद्रपद. फलकम्:F2:  Vi. II. १०. १०; वा. २९. 9; ५२. 9.फलकम्:/F
(IV)--the father of अथर्वण Agni. Br. II. १२. १०.
(V)--one of the eighteen authors on architec- ture. M. २५२. 2. [page२-581+ २४]
(VI)--in the विश्वचक्र. M. २८५. 6.
(VII)--the teacher of व्यास. वा. 1. ४२; 3. 2; १०. २९.
(VIII)--the author of १०३८० R2ks and १००० मन्त्रस्। वा. ६१. ७१.
(IX)--heard the विष्णु पुराण from सारस्वत and narrated it to Purukutsa. Vi. VI. 8. ४५.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Bhṛgu  : m. (pl.), Bhārgava^2 (adj.): Descendants of the sage Bhṛgu; often mentioned along with Aṅgirases.

A. Importance: Aṅgiras, Kaśyapa, Vasiṣṭha and Bhṛgu were recognized as the four original gotras (originators of the lineage) (mūlagotrāṇi catvāri) 12. 285. 17; the excellent lineage of Bhṛgus honoured by gods including Indra, Agni and the Maruts (devaiḥ…/pūjitaḥ pravaro vaṁśo bhṛgūṇām) 1. 5. 5; Bhṛgus reckoned among the world's foremost Brāhmaṇas (sarvasya jagataḥ śreṣṭhā brāhmaṇāḥ) 3. 27. 8.

B. Description: Learned in the Vedas (vedavidāṁ…bhṛgūṇām) 1. 169. 11; enjoying precedence over others (agrabhuj) 1. 169. 12; meditative (bhāvitātman) 1. 170. 15; 13. 56. 14; Bhṛgus were known to get very angry (bhṛgavo hy atiroṣaṇāḥ) 14. 96. 7; while fighting, they used black deerskins as their banners (kṛṣṇājinadhvajāḥ) 13. 34. 17.

C. History of Bhṛgus: The detailed lineage of Bhṛgu described by Sūta to Śaunaka in the Paulomaparvan (cf. 1. 2. 34) since Śaunaka desired to hear it (1. 5. 3) (paulome bhṛguvaṁśasya vistāraḥ parikīrtitaḥ) 1. 2. 72 (i. e. adhyāyas 1. 512); 1. 5. 6; 1. 53. 27-28;

D. Epic events;

(1) Sages of different families among whom are mentioned Bhṛgus, Aṅgirases and others, protected by Yudhiṣṭhira, observed vratas (dhṛtavratāḥ) and followed their dharma in the Dvaitavana (caranti dharmaṁ…) 3. 27. 7-8;

(2) Bhṛgus and Aṅgirases are mentioned among the ascetics (tāpasān) who were honoured by Yudhiṣṭhira on the Mahendra mountain 3. 115. 2;

(3) Bhṛgus and Aṅgirases mentioned among those sages who appeared on the battlefield to blame Droṇa since he fought against dharma; they told him it was time for him to abandon life (adharmataḥ kṛtaṁ yuddhaṁ samayo nidhanasya te) 7. 164. 88-89.

E. Past events:

(1) Bhṛgus acted as priests in the sacrifices of Kṛtavīrya (also cf. 13. 56. 2); he gave them corn and wealth at the end of Soma sacrifices (dhānyena ca dhanena ca); after the death of Kṛtavīrya, his kinsmen, when in need of money, asked eminent Bhṛgus to give it since they knew Bhṛgus had wealth; some Bhṛgus, afraid of Kṣatriyas, parted with their wealth, but others hid it underground; when one of the kings was digging the ground he, by chance, found wealth in the house of a Bhṛgu; the assembled Kṣatriyas, due to anger, disregarded the supplications of the Bhṛgus and killed them all with sharp arrows; they killed even children, yet unborn (ā garbhād anukṛntantaś…) (also cf. 13. 56. 3); when Bhṛgus were thus being extirpated their wives took shelter in mountain Himavant; one of them held her embryo in her thigh for the continuation of the line of her husband (tāsām anyatamā garbhaṁ bhayād dādhāra taijasam/ūruṇaikena vāmorūr bhartur kulavivṛddhaye//); when the embryo came out breaking the thigh he deprived the Kṣatrīyas of their eyesight; the Kṣatriyas begged pardon of the Bhṛgu wife 1. 169. 11-22; the Bhṛgupatnī told the Kṣatriyas that she had not deprived them of their eyesight; that was done by the angry Bhārgava (Aurva); since the Kṣatriyas started killing even the unborn Bhṛgus she had held her embryo in the thigh for a hundred years; in order to do a favour to the Bhṛgu lineage, the entire Veda along with the six Vedāṅgas entered her child even when he was unborn; the child angered by the death of his ancestors (Bhṛgus) at the hands of Kṣatriyas had deprived them of their eyesight and wished to kill them 1. 170. 1-5; Aurva told the Kṣatriyas born in the lineage of Kṛtavīrya that while he was in the thigh of his mother he had heard the cry of his mothers (ārāvaṁ mātṛvargasya bhṛgūṇāṁ) due to the killings of Kṣatriya; he was angered because the wretched Kṣatriyas killed Bhṛgus not sparing even those unborn; when nobody offered shelter to the wives of Bhṛgus due to fear, one of them had concealed him in her thigh (1. 171. 5, 6, 8); Aurva practised severe penance to take revenge of the Bhṛgus who were killed by destroying the worlds; he thought he would delight the dead Bhṛgus (icchann apacitiṁ kartuṁ bhṛgūṇāṁ bhṛgusattamaḥ 1. 170. 11; Nī., however, on Bom. Ed. 1. 179. 10: ātmano manaḥ sarveṣāṁ apacitiṁ kartuṁ pravaṇaṁ unmukhaṁ icchan svamanopacitiṁ kartuṁ yojayatīty arthaḥ); the dead Bhṛgus then descended from the world of Fathers (pitṛlokād upāgamya) and asked him to control his anger; they assured him that the Bhṛgus disregarded their getting killed by Kṣatriyas not because of their weakness; they preferred getting killed by Kṣatriyas because they themselves were tired of their long life (āyuṣā hi prakṛṣṭena yadā naḥ kheda āviśat/tadāsmābhir vadhas tāta kṣatriyair īpsitaḥ svayam//); some one hid wealth in the house of a Bhṛgu in order to anger Kṣatriyas; Bhṛgus desired heaven, and had no longing for wealth, however, death was powerless to overtake Bhṛgus and suicide would deprive them from getting good worlds; hence they found some other way out (to get killed by Kṣatriyas); what Aurva had wanted to achieve by the exercise of his penance was not approved by Bhṛgus; so they asked him to desist from doing the sinful act of destroying the worlds 1. 170. 11-21;

(2) Cyavana told Kuśika the above account and added that due to the energy of Bhṛgus (bhṛgūṇām eva tejasā) in his dynasty his grandson would be an ascetic Brāhmaṇa (vipra for vipraḥ ?) having the lustre of fire; he also told him that a matrimonial alliance would be established between him (Kuśika's line) and the Bhṛgus (bhavitā tvaṁ ca saṁbandhī bhṛgūṇāṁ bhāvitātmanām) 13. 56. 1-14); (bhṛgūṇāṁ kuśikānāṁ ca prati saṁbandhakāraṇam) 13. 56. 19;

(3) Rāma Jāmadagnya filled at Samantapañcaka five ponds with blood of Kṣatriyas where he offered libations to his forefathers (i. e. Bhṛgus) (triḥsaptakṛtvaḥ pṛthivīṁ kṛtvā niḥkṣatriyāṁ prabhuḥ/ samantapañcake pañca cakāra rudhirahradān//sa teṣu tarpayām āsa pitṝn bhṛgukulodvahaḥ) 3. 117. 9-10;

(4) Vāyu told Arjuna (Kārtavīrya) that he would face in future a great danger from the Bhṛgus (bhṛgubhyas te bhayaṁ ghoraṁ…) 13. 142. 23;

(5) As an instance of the superiority of Brahmanical lustre and strength over that of the Kṣatriyas was cited the past event of Bhṛgus defeating Tālajaṅghas (bhṛgavo 'jayaṁs tālajaṅghān) 13. 34. 16;

(6) Bhṛgus and Aṅgirases mentioned among those who attended the anointment of Skanda as the leader of the army of the gods 9. 44. 8;

(7) At the Raudra muhūrta Indra saw in the east Agni entering the sun with offerings which were offered by Aṅgirases and Bhṛgus 3. 213. 29.

F. Several persons characterized as one born in the lineage of Bhṛgu or as the elevator, or the delighter of Bhṛgus, or as the chief or the best among them, etc.

A. One born in the lineage of Bhṛgu: (i) bhārgava (f. -ī):

(1) Uttaṅka 14. 52. 23; 14. 53. 13; 14. 54. 29-30^3; 14. 55. 19; 14. 57. 49;

(2) Ṛcīka 3. 115. 10; 12. 49. 8-9; 13. 4. 8;

(3) Aurva 1. 170. 1, 9;

(4) Cyavana 1. 5. 7, 10; 1. 8. 1; 3. 121. 21-22; 3. 122. 1, 7, 10, 12, 15, 20, 22; 3. 123. 13; 3. 124. 4, 7, 13. 16-17; 3. 125. 2-3, 5; 12. 38. 11; 13. 50. 3; 13. 51. 25; 13. 52. 8, 19, 31, 36; 13. 53. 10, 11, 51, 53; 13. 54. 33; 13. 55. 2; 13. 151. 39;

(5) Jamadagni 12. 49. 27; 13. 97. 6, 25;

(6) Dadhīca 12. 329. 25;

(7) Devayānī (bhārgavī) 1. 77. 23; 1. 78. 8;

(8) Paraśurāma 1. 58. 5; 1. 61. 70; 1. 98. 3; 1. 121. 21-22; 3. 5. 2; 3. 81. 24, 33; 3. 85. 16; 3. 115. 4; 3. 116. 23; 5. 39. 28; 5. 174. 26; 5. 176. 3, 19, 30, 40; 5. 177. 13, 15; 5. 178. 16, 34; 5. 179. 21, 28; 5. 180. 9-10; 5. 183. 1, 7; 5. 185. 3; 5. 186. 14, 29^2, 36; 6. 15. 46; 8. 1. 37; 8. 4. 52; 8. 5. 4; 8. 22. 38, 40; 8. 24. 135, 139, 145146, 150, 152, 157; 8. 51. 101; 9. 48. 7; 11. 23. 27; 12. 2. 15; 12. 3. 9, 22, 26-28; 12. 27. 8; 12. 46. 14; 12. 49. 46; 12. 57. 40; 12. 124. 23; 12. 141. 6-7; 13. 83. 34; 13. 84. 44; 13. 85, 34, 59; 14. 29. 12; 14. 35. 15;

(9) Pramati 1. 8. 12; 1. 44. 18 (bhārgavāc cyavanātmajāt);

(10) Mārkaṇḍeya 3. 181. 8; 3. 186. 88; 3. 188. 4; 13. 23. 15;

(11) Ruru 1. 8. 12;

(12) Vipula 13. 40. 21, 54;

(13) Śaunaka 1. 16. 6;

(14) Unidentified (Cyavana ?) 14. 35. 15 (gautamo bhārgavas tathā, or does bhārgava characterize Gautama ?) (15) All collectively (pl.) (bhārgavā vāruṇāḥ sarve) 13. 85. 37; (sarve caivātha bhārgavāḥ) 13. 85. 51; (ii) bhṛgu: Cyavana 13. 51. 18;

B. bhārgava or bhṛgu (pl.) used to designate the lineage (kula or vaṁśa) of Bhṛgu: (i) kula 8. 24. 131; (ii) vaṁśa 1. 5. 3, 6; bhṛguvaṁśa 1. 2. 72; 1. 53. 27; 1. 170. 4; vaṁśo bhṛgūṇām 1. 5. 5.

C. Son or kinsman of a Bhārgava or of Bhṛgu (i) bhārgavadāyāda: Uśanas 12. 278. 7; (ii) bhṛgoḥ putraḥ: Kavi 1. 60. 40; (iii) bhṛgusuta: Ṛcīka 13. 4. 19;

D. Delighter of the Bhārgavas or of Bhṛgus; (i) bhārgavanandana:

(1) Jamadagni 3. 115. 28; 3. 116. 3; 12. 4. 1;

(2) Paraśurāma 12. 4. 1;

(3) Mārkaṇḍeya 3. 207. 5; (ii) bhṛgunandana:

(1) Uttaṅka 14. 52. 23; 14. 53. 9, 16-17; 14. 54. 27, 34; 14. 57. 43;

(2) Uśanas 12. 278. 20;

(3) Ṛcīka 12. 49. 12; 13. 56. 7;

(4) Cyavana 1. 6. 4; 13. 50. 18; 13. 53. 21;

(5) Paraśurāma 1. 154. 12; 3. 116. 28; 5. 176. 37; 5. 177. 11, 16; 5. 178. 31; 5. 180. 2, 28, 30; 8. 24. 154, 158; 13. 83. 39, 41; 13. 85. 11;

(6) Bhṛgu 3. 126. 9;

(7) Mārkaṇḍeya 3. 196. 4;

(8) Ruru 1. 9. 10;

(9) Śaunaka 1. 5. 5; 1. 6. 4: 1. 8. 6; 1. 27. 35; 1. 42. 20; 1. 51. 22;

E. Best, foremost of the Bhārgavas or Bhṛgus: (i) bhṛgumukhya: Cyavana 13. 54. 25; (ii) bhṛguśārdūla:

(1) Ṛcīka 13. 4. 13;

(2) Cyavana 13. 54. 37;

(3) Jamadagni 13. 56. 9;

(4) Paraśurāma 5. 178. 14; 12. 3. 1, 16; 12. 49. 45; 12. 176. 39;

(5) Śukra 1. 75. 1;

(6) Śaunaka 1. 13. 45; 1. 14. 23; (iii) bhārgavaśreṣṭha, bhṛguśreṣṭha, bhṛgukulaśreṣṭha:

(1) Jamadagni 14. 96. 7;

(2) Paraśurāma 5. 174. 23; 5. 176. 21; 5. 177. 24; 5. 179. 31; 12. 2. 18; 12. 3. 39; 13. 84. 36;

(3) Mārkaṇḍeya 3. 196. 4; (iv) bhārgavasattama: (i) Mārkaṇḍeya 3. 192. 5; (ii) Unspecified (pl.) 1. 169. 14; bhṛgusattama:

(1) Ṛcīka 13. 4. 15, 35;

(2) Aurva 1. 170. 11, 13;

(3) Paraśurāma 5. 187. 11;

(4) Vipula 13. 40. 39; (vi) bhṛgūttama:

(1) Paraśurāma 5. 176. 29;

(2) Vipula 13. 40. 23.

F. The elevator of the Bhṛgus or Bhārgavas, the increaser of the fame of the lineage of Bhṛgus: (i) bhṛgukulodvaha:

(1) Uttaṅka 14. 57. 15;

(2) Cyavana 13. 53. 48;

(3) Paraśurāma 3. 117. 10; 12. 326. 77; 13. 80. 40;

(4) Śukra 13. 101. 11; Śaunaka 1. 6. 2; (ii) bhārgavāṇāṁ kulodvahaḥ: Cyavana 13. 52. 38; (iii) bhṛgūdvaḥ:

(1) Uttaṅka 14. 53. 8; 14. 54. 17; 14. 55. 22; 14. 57. 36;

(2) Cyavana 13. 51. 42;

(3) Bhṛgu 13. 31. 52;

(4) Śukra 1. 78. 29, 34, 37;

(5) Śaunaka 1. 5. 12; (iv) bhṛgukulakīrtivardhana: Cyavana 13. 53. 69.

G. The pakṣa (?) of Bhārgavas: Vasus and Viśvedevas belong to the pakṣa of Bhārgavas 1. 60. 37. [See Aṅgiras.]

*3rd word in right half of page p810_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Mahabharata Cultural Index


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Bhṛgu  : m. (pl.), Bhārgava^2 (adj.): Descendants of the sage Bhṛgu; often mentioned along with Aṅgirases.

A. Importance: Aṅgiras, Kaśyapa, Vasiṣṭha and Bhṛgu were recognized as the four original gotras (originators of the lineage) (mūlagotrāṇi catvāri) 12. 285. 17; the excellent lineage of Bhṛgus honoured by gods including Indra, Agni and the Maruts (devaiḥ…/pūjitaḥ pravaro vaṁśo bhṛgūṇām) 1. 5. 5; Bhṛgus reckoned among the world's foremost Brāhmaṇas (sarvasya jagataḥ śreṣṭhā brāhmaṇāḥ) 3. 27. 8.

B. Description: Learned in the Vedas (vedavidāṁ…bhṛgūṇām) 1. 169. 11; enjoying precedence over others (agrabhuj) 1. 169. 12; meditative (bhāvitātman) 1. 170. 15; 13. 56. 14; Bhṛgus were known to get very angry (bhṛgavo hy atiroṣaṇāḥ) 14. 96. 7; while fighting, they used black deerskins as their banners (kṛṣṇājinadhvajāḥ) 13. 34. 17.

C. History of Bhṛgus: The detailed lineage of Bhṛgu described by Sūta to Śaunaka in the Paulomaparvan (cf. 1. 2. 34) since Śaunaka desired to hear it (1. 5. 3) (paulome bhṛguvaṁśasya vistāraḥ parikīrtitaḥ) 1. 2. 72 (i. e. adhyāyas 1. 512); 1. 5. 6; 1. 53. 27-28;

D. Epic events;

(1) Sages of different families among whom are mentioned Bhṛgus, Aṅgirases and others, protected by Yudhiṣṭhira, observed vratas (dhṛtavratāḥ) and followed their dharma in the Dvaitavana (caranti dharmaṁ…) 3. 27. 7-8;

(2) Bhṛgus and Aṅgirases are mentioned among the ascetics (tāpasān) who were honoured by Yudhiṣṭhira on the Mahendra mountain 3. 115. 2;

(3) Bhṛgus and Aṅgirases mentioned among those sages who appeared on the battlefield to blame Droṇa since he fought against dharma; they told him it was time for him to abandon life (adharmataḥ kṛtaṁ yuddhaṁ samayo nidhanasya te) 7. 164. 88-89.

E. Past events:

(1) Bhṛgus acted as priests in the sacrifices of Kṛtavīrya (also cf. 13. 56. 2); he gave them corn and wealth at the end of Soma sacrifices (dhānyena ca dhanena ca); after the death of Kṛtavīrya, his kinsmen, when in need of money, asked eminent Bhṛgus to give it since they knew Bhṛgus had wealth; some Bhṛgus, afraid of Kṣatriyas, parted with their wealth, but others hid it underground; when one of the kings was digging the ground he, by chance, found wealth in the house of a Bhṛgu; the assembled Kṣatriyas, due to anger, disregarded the supplications of the Bhṛgus and killed them all with sharp arrows; they killed even children, yet unborn (ā garbhād anukṛntantaś…) (also cf. 13. 56. 3); when Bhṛgus were thus being extirpated their wives took shelter in mountain Himavant; one of them held her embryo in her thigh for the continuation of the line of her husband (tāsām anyatamā garbhaṁ bhayād dādhāra taijasam/ūruṇaikena vāmorūr bhartur kulavivṛddhaye//); when the embryo came out breaking the thigh he deprived the Kṣatrīyas of their eyesight; the Kṣatriyas begged pardon of the Bhṛgu wife 1. 169. 11-22; the Bhṛgupatnī told the Kṣatriyas that she had not deprived them of their eyesight; that was done by the angry Bhārgava (Aurva); since the Kṣatriyas started killing even the unborn Bhṛgus she had held her embryo in the thigh for a hundred years; in order to do a favour to the Bhṛgu lineage, the entire Veda along with the six Vedāṅgas entered her child even when he was unborn; the child angered by the death of his ancestors (Bhṛgus) at the hands of Kṣatriyas had deprived them of their eyesight and wished to kill them 1. 170. 1-5; Aurva told the Kṣatriyas born in the lineage of Kṛtavīrya that while he was in the thigh of his mother he had heard the cry of his mothers (ārāvaṁ mātṛvargasya bhṛgūṇāṁ) due to the killings of Kṣatriya; he was angered because the wretched Kṣatriyas killed Bhṛgus not sparing even those unborn; when nobody offered shelter to the wives of Bhṛgus due to fear, one of them had concealed him in her thigh (1. 171. 5, 6, 8); Aurva practised severe penance to take revenge of the Bhṛgus who were killed by destroying the worlds; he thought he would delight the dead Bhṛgus (icchann apacitiṁ kartuṁ bhṛgūṇāṁ bhṛgusattamaḥ 1. 170. 11; Nī., however, on Bom. Ed. 1. 179. 10: ātmano manaḥ sarveṣāṁ apacitiṁ kartuṁ pravaṇaṁ unmukhaṁ icchan svamanopacitiṁ kartuṁ yojayatīty arthaḥ); the dead Bhṛgus then descended from the world of Fathers (pitṛlokād upāgamya) and asked him to control his anger; they assured him that the Bhṛgus disregarded their getting killed by Kṣatriyas not because of their weakness; they preferred getting killed by Kṣatriyas because they themselves were tired of their long life (āyuṣā hi prakṛṣṭena yadā naḥ kheda āviśat/tadāsmābhir vadhas tāta kṣatriyair īpsitaḥ svayam//); some one hid wealth in the house of a Bhṛgu in order to anger Kṣatriyas; Bhṛgus desired heaven, and had no longing for wealth, however, death was powerless to overtake Bhṛgus and suicide would deprive them from getting good worlds; hence they found some other way out (to get killed by Kṣatriyas); what Aurva had wanted to achieve by the exercise of his penance was not approved by Bhṛgus; so they asked him to desist from doing the sinful act of destroying the worlds 1. 170. 11-21;

(2) Cyavana told Kuśika the above account and added that due to the energy of Bhṛgus (bhṛgūṇām eva tejasā) in his dynasty his grandson would be an ascetic Brāhmaṇa (vipra for vipraḥ ?) having the lustre of fire; he also told him that a matrimonial alliance would be established between him (Kuśika's line) and the Bhṛgus (bhavitā tvaṁ ca saṁbandhī bhṛgūṇāṁ bhāvitātmanām) 13. 56. 1-14); (bhṛgūṇāṁ kuśikānāṁ ca prati saṁbandhakāraṇam) 13. 56. 19;

(3) Rāma Jāmadagnya filled at Samantapañcaka five ponds with blood of Kṣatriyas where he offered libations to his forefathers (i. e. Bhṛgus) (triḥsaptakṛtvaḥ pṛthivīṁ kṛtvā niḥkṣatriyāṁ prabhuḥ/ samantapañcake pañca cakāra rudhirahradān//sa teṣu tarpayām āsa pitṝn bhṛgukulodvahaḥ) 3. 117. 9-10;

(4) Vāyu told Arjuna (Kārtavīrya) that he would face in future a great danger from the Bhṛgus (bhṛgubhyas te bhayaṁ ghoraṁ…) 13. 142. 23;

(5) As an instance of the superiority of Brahmanical lustre and strength over that of the Kṣatriyas was cited the past event of Bhṛgus defeating Tālajaṅghas (bhṛgavo 'jayaṁs tālajaṅghān) 13. 34. 16;

(6) Bhṛgus and Aṅgirases mentioned among those who attended the anointment of Skanda as the leader of the army of the gods 9. 44. 8;

(7) At the Raudra muhūrta Indra saw in the east Agni entering the sun with offerings which were offered by Aṅgirases and Bhṛgus 3. 213. 29.

F. Several persons characterized as one born in the lineage of Bhṛgu or as the elevator, or the delighter of Bhṛgus, or as the chief or the best among them, etc.

A. One born in the lineage of Bhṛgu: (i) bhārgava (f. -ī):

(1) Uttaṅka 14. 52. 23; 14. 53. 13; 14. 54. 29-30^3; 14. 55. 19; 14. 57. 49;

(2) Ṛcīka 3. 115. 10; 12. 49. 8-9; 13. 4. 8;

(3) Aurva 1. 170. 1, 9;

(4) Cyavana 1. 5. 7, 10; 1. 8. 1; 3. 121. 21-22; 3. 122. 1, 7, 10, 12, 15, 20, 22; 3. 123. 13; 3. 124. 4, 7, 13. 16-17; 3. 125. 2-3, 5; 12. 38. 11; 13. 50. 3; 13. 51. 25; 13. 52. 8, 19, 31, 36; 13. 53. 10, 11, 51, 53; 13. 54. 33; 13. 55. 2; 13. 151. 39;

(5) Jamadagni 12. 49. 27; 13. 97. 6, 25;

(6) Dadhīca 12. 329. 25;

(7) Devayānī (bhārgavī) 1. 77. 23; 1. 78. 8;

(8) Paraśurāma 1. 58. 5; 1. 61. 70; 1. 98. 3; 1. 121. 21-22; 3. 5. 2; 3. 81. 24, 33; 3. 85. 16; 3. 115. 4; 3. 116. 23; 5. 39. 28; 5. 174. 26; 5. 176. 3, 19, 30, 40; 5. 177. 13, 15; 5. 178. 16, 34; 5. 179. 21, 28; 5. 180. 9-10; 5. 183. 1, 7; 5. 185. 3; 5. 186. 14, 29^2, 36; 6. 15. 46; 8. 1. 37; 8. 4. 52; 8. 5. 4; 8. 22. 38, 40; 8. 24. 135, 139, 145146, 150, 152, 157; 8. 51. 101; 9. 48. 7; 11. 23. 27; 12. 2. 15; 12. 3. 9, 22, 26-28; 12. 27. 8; 12. 46. 14; 12. 49. 46; 12. 57. 40; 12. 124. 23; 12. 141. 6-7; 13. 83. 34; 13. 84. 44; 13. 85, 34, 59; 14. 29. 12; 14. 35. 15;

(9) Pramati 1. 8. 12; 1. 44. 18 (bhārgavāc cyavanātmajāt);

(10) Mārkaṇḍeya 3. 181. 8; 3. 186. 88; 3. 188. 4; 13. 23. 15;

(11) Ruru 1. 8. 12;

(12) Vipula 13. 40. 21, 54;

(13) Śaunaka 1. 16. 6;

(14) Unidentified (Cyavana ?) 14. 35. 15 (gautamo bhārgavas tathā, or does bhārgava characterize Gautama ?) (15) All collectively (pl.) (bhārgavā vāruṇāḥ sarve) 13. 85. 37; (sarve caivātha bhārgavāḥ) 13. 85. 51; (ii) bhṛgu: Cyavana 13. 51. 18;

B. bhārgava or bhṛgu (pl.) used to designate the lineage (kula or vaṁśa) of Bhṛgu: (i) kula 8. 24. 131; (ii) vaṁśa 1. 5. 3, 6; bhṛguvaṁśa 1. 2. 72; 1. 53. 27; 1. 170. 4; vaṁśo bhṛgūṇām 1. 5. 5.

C. Son or kinsman of a Bhārgava or of Bhṛgu (i) bhārgavadāyāda: Uśanas 12. 278. 7; (ii) bhṛgoḥ putraḥ: Kavi 1. 60. 40; (iii) bhṛgusuta: Ṛcīka 13. 4. 19;

D. Delighter of the Bhārgavas or of Bhṛgus; (i) bhārgavanandana:

(1) Jamadagni 3. 115. 28; 3. 116. 3; 12. 4. 1;

(2) Paraśurāma 12. 4. 1;

(3) Mārkaṇḍeya 3. 207. 5; (ii) bhṛgunandana:

(1) Uttaṅka 14. 52. 23; 14. 53. 9, 16-17; 14. 54. 27, 34; 14. 57. 43;

(2) Uśanas 12. 278. 20;

(3) Ṛcīka 12. 49. 12; 13. 56. 7;

(4) Cyavana 1. 6. 4; 13. 50. 18; 13. 53. 21;

(5) Paraśurāma 1. 154. 12; 3. 116. 28; 5. 176. 37; 5. 177. 11, 16; 5. 178. 31; 5. 180. 2, 28, 30; 8. 24. 154, 158; 13. 83. 39, 41; 13. 85. 11;

(6) Bhṛgu 3. 126. 9;

(7) Mārkaṇḍeya 3. 196. 4;

(8) Ruru 1. 9. 10;

(9) Śaunaka 1. 5. 5; 1. 6. 4: 1. 8. 6; 1. 27. 35; 1. 42. 20; 1. 51. 22;

E. Best, foremost of the Bhārgavas or Bhṛgus: (i) bhṛgumukhya: Cyavana 13. 54. 25; (ii) bhṛguśārdūla:

(1) Ṛcīka 13. 4. 13;

(2) Cyavana 13. 54. 37;

(3) Jamadagni 13. 56. 9;

(4) Paraśurāma 5. 178. 14; 12. 3. 1, 16; 12. 49. 45; 12. 176. 39;

(5) Śukra 1. 75. 1;

(6) Śaunaka 1. 13. 45; 1. 14. 23; (iii) bhārgavaśreṣṭha, bhṛguśreṣṭha, bhṛgukulaśreṣṭha:

(1) Jamadagni 14. 96. 7;

(2) Paraśurāma 5. 174. 23; 5. 176. 21; 5. 177. 24; 5. 179. 31; 12. 2. 18; 12. 3. 39; 13. 84. 36;

(3) Mārkaṇḍeya 3. 196. 4; (iv) bhārgavasattama: (i) Mārkaṇḍeya 3. 192. 5; (ii) Unspecified (pl.) 1. 169. 14; bhṛgusattama:

(1) Ṛcīka 13. 4. 15, 35;

(2) Aurva 1. 170. 11, 13;

(3) Paraśurāma 5. 187. 11;

(4) Vipula 13. 40. 39; (vi) bhṛgūttama:

(1) Paraśurāma 5. 176. 29;

(2) Vipula 13. 40. 23.

F. The elevator of the Bhṛgus or Bhārgavas, the increaser of the fame of the lineage of Bhṛgus: (i) bhṛgukulodvaha:

(1) Uttaṅka 14. 57. 15;

(2) Cyavana 13. 53. 48;

(3) Paraśurāma 3. 117. 10; 12. 326. 77; 13. 80. 40;

(4) Śukra 13. 101. 11; Śaunaka 1. 6. 2; (ii) bhārgavāṇāṁ kulodvahaḥ: Cyavana 13. 52. 38; (iii) bhṛgūdvaḥ:

(1) Uttaṅka 14. 53. 8; 14. 54. 17; 14. 55. 22; 14. 57. 36;

(2) Cyavana 13. 51. 42;

(3) Bhṛgu 13. 31. 52;

(4) Śukra 1. 78. 29, 34, 37;

(5) Śaunaka 1. 5. 12; (iv) bhṛgukulakīrtivardhana: Cyavana 13. 53. 69.

G. The pakṣa (?) of Bhārgavas: Vasus and Viśvedevas belong to the pakṣa of Bhārgavas 1. 60. 37. [See Aṅgiras.]

*3rd word in right half of page p810_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Vedic Index of Names and Subjects


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Bhṛgu is a sage of almost entirely mythical character in the Rigveda and later. He counts as a son of Varuṇa,[] bearing the patronymic Vāruṇi.[] In the plural the Bhṛgus are repeatedly[] alluded to as devoted to the fire cult. They are clearly[] no more than a group of ancient priests and ancestors with an eponymous Bhṛgu[] in the Rigveda, except in three passages,[] where they are evidently regarded as an historic family. It is not clear, however, whether they were priests or warriors: in the battle of the ten kings the Bhṛgus appear with the Druhyus, perhaps as their priests, but this is not certain.[]

In the later literature the Bhṛgus are a real family, with subdivisions like the Aitaśāyana, according to the Kauṣītaki Brāhmaṇa.[] The Bhṛgus are mentioned as priests in connexion with various rites, such as the Agnisthāpana[] and the Daśapeyakratu.[१०] In many passages they are conjoined with the Aṅgirases.[११] the close association of the two families is shown by the fact that Cyavana is called either a Bhārgava or an Āṅgirasa in the Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa.[१२] In the Atharvaveda[१३] the name of Bhṛgu is selected to exemplify the dangers incurred by the oppressors of Brahmans: the Sṛñjaya Vaitahavyas perish in consequence of an attack on Bhṛgu. In the Aitareya Brāhmaṇa[१४] also Bhṛgu has this representative character. Cf. Bhṛgavāṇa and Bhārgava.

  1. Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa, xi. 6, 1, 1;
    Taittirīya Āraṇyaka, ix. 1. Cf. Pañcaviṃśa Brāhmaṇa, xviii. 9, 2;
    Nirukta, iii. 17.
  2. Aitareya Brāhmaṇa, iii. 34, and n. 14. For a different form of the legend, cf. Taittirīya Brāhmaṇa, i. 8, 2, 5.
  3. Rv. i. 58, 6;
    127, 7;
    143, 4;
    ii. 4, 2;
    iii. 2, 4;
    iv. 7, 1, etc. See Macdonell, Vedic Mythology, 51. The legend of their chariot-making (Rv. iv. 16, 20;
    x. 39, 14) may be due, as Roth, St. Petersburg Dictionary, s.v., suggests, to a confusion with the Ṛbhus. It may, however, be an allusion to the historic Bhṛgus, whom we find in the battle of the ten kings.
  4. As shown by the legend of fire having been brought to them by Mātariśvan, Rv. iii. 5, 10.
  5. i. 60, 1, where, however, Roth, loc. cit., takes the singular in a collective sense, an interpretation which may be correct, but is not necessary.
  6. Rv. vii. 18, 6;
    viii. 3, 9;
    6, 18, to which list, given by Macdonell, loc. cit., Roth adds viii. 102, 4, Aurva-Bhṛgu-vat, ‘like Aurva and Bhṛgu.’ Cf. the fact that the Aurvas, in the Aitareya Brāhmaṇa, vi. 33, take the place of the Bhṛgus of the Kauṣītaki Brāhmaṇa, xxx. 5.
  7. In viii. 3, 9;
    6, 18;
    102, 4, the reference to a priestly family is the more natural;
    in vii. 18, 6, warriors may be meant. Cf. Hopkins, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 15, 262, n., where he cites ix. 101, 13, as perhaps denoting the same thing.
  8. xxx. 5. See n. 6.
  9. Taittirīya Saṃhitā, iv. 6, 5, 2;
    v. 6, 8, 6;
    Av. iv. 14, 5;
    Maitrāyaṇī Saṃhitā, i. 4, 1 (p. 48).
  10. Taittirīya Saṃhitā, i. 8, 18;
    Taittirīya Brāhmaṇa, i. 8, 2, 5;
    Pañcavimśa Brāhmaṇa, xviii. 9, 2.
  11. Taittirīya Saṃhitā, i. 1, 7, 2;
    Maitrāyaṇī Saṃhitā, i. 1, 8;
    Vājasaneyi Saṃhitā, i. 18;
    Taittirīya Brāhmaṇa, i. 1, 4, 8;
    iii. 2, 7, 6;
    Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa, i. 2, 1, 13, etc. Cf. Rv. viii. 35, 3;
    43, 13;
    x. 14, 6, in the first and last of which passages the Atharvans also occur. See Bloomfield, Hymns of the Atharvaveda, xxvii. n. 2. Hence, in the Atharvanic ritual texts, the term Bhṛgvaṅgirasaḥ is applied to the Atharvaveda (Bloomfield, Atharvaveda, 9, 10, 107 et seq.).
  12. iv. 1, 5, 1.
  13. v. 19, 1.
  14. ii. 20. In the Jaiminīya Brāhmaṇa, i. 42-44 (Journal of the American Oriental Society, 15, 204), Bhṛgu Vāruṇi appears as a student. Cf. Taittirīya Upaniṣad, iii. 1.

    Cf. Hillebrandt, Vedische Mythologie, 2, 169-173;
    Ludwig, Translation of the Rigveda, 3, 140;
    Muir, Sanskrit Texts, 12, 443 et seq.
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