सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिशब्दकोशः तः



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

सायकायन m. patr. fr. सायकS3Br. ( g. नडा-दि).

Vedic Index of Names and Subjects


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Sāyakāyana (‘descendant of Sāyaka’) is the patronymic of Śyāparṇa in the Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa,[] and also of a teacher, a pupil of Kauśikāyani in the second Vaṃśa (list of teachers) in the Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad.[]

Sāyakāyana, 1, 155, Sobhari, 1, 261, Saukarāyaṇa, 1, 155, should be read for Sāyakāyana, Sobhari, and Saukarāyaṇa respectively.

Several misprints are due to the loss of diacritical marks: thus for Ajya read Ājya, 2, 20; for Arcatka, Ārcatka, 2, 357; for Artava, Ārtava, 1, 63; for Apayā, Āpayā, 1, 218; for Amikṣā, Āmikṣā, 1, 250; for Aśuṃga, Āśuṃga, 2, 387; for Asandī, Āsandī, 2, 383; for Dirghatamas, Dīrghatamas, 1, 366; for Satapatha, Śatapatha, 1, 18, 34, 55, 67, 111, 119, 157, 242, 291, 371, 463, 516, 523; 2, 24, 80, 220, 221, 358, 362, 433; for Srauta, Śrauta, 1, 18, 55, 281, 282, 373; 2, 34, 71, 281, 301; for Sāṅkhāyana, Śāṅkhāyana, 1, 257, 281, 400, 469; 2, 34, 87, 281, 383; for Sāṭyāyanaka, Śātyāyanaka, i. 407; for Sāvasāyana, Śāvasāyana, 2, 376.
==Foot Notes==

  1. x. 3, 6, 10;
    5, 2, 1.
  2. iv. 5, 27 (Mādhyaṃdina = iv. 6, 3 Kāṇva).
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