![]() पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
विट्, [श्] पुं, (विश् + क्विप् ।) वैश्यः । (यथा, मनुः । २ । ३६ । “गर्भाष्टमेऽब्दे कुर्व्वीत ब्राह्मणस्योपनायनम् । गर्भादेकादशे राज्ञो गर्भाच्च द्बादशे विशः ॥”) मनुजः । इत्यमरः ॥ (यथा, रघुः । १ । ९३ । “अथ प्रदोषे दोषज्ञः संवेशाय विशांपतिम् । सूनुः सूनृतवाक् स्रष्टुः विससर्जोदितश्रियम् ॥”) प्रवेशः । इति विश्वः ॥
![]() पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
विश् स्त्री।
पुरीषं गूथवर्चस्कमस्त्री विष्ठाविशौ स्त्रियौ। स्यात्कर्परः कपालोऽस्त्री कीकसं कुल्यमस्थि च॥
पदार्थ-विभागः : , द्रव्यम्, पृथ्वी, अचलनिर्जीवः, अचलनिर्जीववस्तु
विश् पुं।
ऊरव्या ऊरुजा अर्या वैश्या भूमिस्पृशो विशः। आजीवो जीविका वार्ता वृत्तिर्वर्तनजीवने॥
पत्नी : वैश्यपत्नी
पदार्थ-विभागः : समूहः, द्रव्यम्, पृथ्वी, चलसजीवः, मनुष्यः
विश् पुं।
क्लीबं नपुंसकं षण्डे वाच्यलिङ्गमविक्रमे। द्वौ विशौ वैश्यमनुजौ द्वौ चराभिमरौ स्पशौ॥
सम्बन्धि2 : शिरोनिधानम्,शय्या,पर्यङ्कः,कन्दुकः,दीपः,आसनम्,सम्पुटः,प्रतिग्राहः,केशमार्जनी,दर्पणः,व्यजनम्
: नाविकः, धीवरः, पुरुषः, स्त्री, नपुंसकम्, वैद्यः, रोगनिर्मुक्तः, रोगी, अलङ्करणशीलः, राजवंशोत्पन्नः, कुलोत्पन्नः, कुलीनः, विद्वान्, योगमार्गे_स्थितः, उपासनाग्निनष्टः, दम्भेनकृतमौनादिः, संस्कारहीनः, वेदाध्ययनरहितः, कपटजटाधारिः, खण्डितब्रह्मचर्यः, सूर्यास्तेसुप्तः, सूर्योदयेसुप्तः, ज्येष्ठेऽनूढे_कृतदारपरिग्रहः, क्षत्रियः, सेवकः, शत्रुः, हस्तिपकः, सारथिः, अश्वारोहः, योद्धा, वैश्यः, ऋणव्यवहारे_धनग्राहकः, गोपालः, वणिक्, शूद्रः, सङ्करवर्णः, कारुसङ्घे_मुख्यः, द्यूतकृत्, ऋणादौ_प्रतिनिधिभूतः, महाभिलाषः, शुद्धमनः, उत्साहशीलः, कुशलः, पूज्यः, सन्देहविषयः_सन्देहाश्रयः_वा, दक्षिणायोग्यः, दानसूरः, आयुष्मान्, शास्त्रज्ञः, परीक्षाकारकः, वरदः, हर्षितमनः, दुःखितमनः, उत्कण्ठितमनः, उदारमनः, दातृभोक्ता, तात्पर्ययुक्तः, बहुधनः, अधिपतिः, अतिसम्पन्नः, कुटुम्बव्यापृतः, सौन्दर्योपेतः, मूकः, आलस्ययुक्तः, असमीक्ष्यकारी, क्रियाकरणे_समर्थः, कर्मोद्यतः, कर्मसु_फलमनपेक्ष्य_प्रवृत्तः, सप्रयत्नारब्धकर्मसमापकः, मृतमुद्दिश्य_स्नातः, मांसभक्षकः, बुभुक्षितः, विजिगीषाविवर्जितः, स्वोदरपूरकः, सर्ववर्णान्नभक्षकः, लुब्धः, दुर्विनीतः, उन्मत्तः, कामुकः, वचनग्राहिः, स्वाधीनः, विनययुक्तः, निर्लज्जः, प्रत्युत्पन्नमतिः, सलज्जः, परकीयधर्मशिलादौ_प्राप्ताश्चर्यः, रोगादिलक्षणेनाधीरमनः, भयशाली, इष्टार्थप्राप्तीच्छः, ग्रहणशीलः, श्रद्धालुः, पतनशिलः, लज्जाशीलः, वन्दनशीलः, हिंसाशीलः, वर्धनशीलः, ऊर्ध्वपतनशीलः, भवनशीलः, वर्तनशीलः, निराकरणशीलः, निबिडस्निग्धः, ज्ञानशीलः, विकसनशीलः, व्यापकशीलः, सहनशीलः, क्रोधशीलः, जागरूकः, सञ्जातघूर्णः, निद्रां_प्राप्तः, विमुखः, अधोमुखः, देवानुवर्तिः, सर्वतो_गच्छः, सहचरितः, वक्रं_गच्छः, वक्ता, शब्दकरणशीलः, स्तुतिविशेषवादिः, मूढमतिः, वक्तुं_श्रोतुमशिक्षितः, तिरस्कृतः, वञ्चितः, कृतमनोभङ्गः, आपद्ग्रस्तः, भयेन_पलायितः, मैथुननिमित्तं_मिथ्यादूषितः, आद्ध्यात्मिकादिपीडायुक्तः, शोकादिभिरितिकर्तव्यताशून्यः, स्वाङ्गान्येवधारयितुमशक्तः, आसन्नमरणलक्षणेन_दूषितमतिः, ताडनार्हः, वधोद्यतः, द्वेषार्हः, शिरच्छेदार्हः, विषेण_वध्यः, मुसलेन_वध्यः, दोषमनिश्चित्य_वधादिकमाचरः, दोषैकग्राहकः, वक्राशयः, कर्णेजपः, परस्परभेदनशीलः, परद्रोहकारी, परप्रतारकस्वभावः, मूर्खः, कृपणः, दरिद्रः, याचकः, साहङ्कारः, शोभनयुक्तः, जनः, अन्यः, अमन्दः, अज्ञः, अपटुः, शूरः, नागरः
पदार्थ-विभागः : , द्रव्यम्, पृथ्वी, चलसजीवः, मनुष्यः
![]() पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
विश्¦ r. 6th cl. (विशति)
1. To enter, to pervade.
2. To fall to the lot of.
3. To settle down on. With आङ् or प्र prefixed,
1. To go in, to enter.
2. To occupy, to engross. With उप,
1. To sit, to sit down.
2. To approach. With नि,
1. To dwell, to abide.
2. To place or station.
3. To sit down.
4. To enter.
5. To be intent on.
6. To marry. With नि or अभि and नि,
1. To rest, to halt, to sit down, especially before or in presence of.
2. To conceal. With निर्, To go out or forth. With परि, To place before, to present. With सम्,
1. To lie down, to repose.
2. To enter.
3. To have sexual inter- course. With सम् and नि, To be near, to be close to or in the neighbourhood. With सम् and आङ्, To introduce. With अनु, To enter after some one. With निस्,
1. To enjoy.
2. To embellish, Caus. (वेशयति-ते) With नि,
1. To apply, to bend, (the mind.)
2. To draw, to portray.
3. To place.
4. To enter on, to commit. With प्र, To usher. With विनि, To fix.
विश्¦ m. (-विट्)
1. A man of the mercantile tribe.
2. A man in general. f. (-विट्)
1. Entrance.
2. A daughter.
3. Feces, ordure.
4. People, subjects. E. विश् to enter, aff. क्विप् |
![]() पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
विश् [viś], 6 P. (विशति, विवेश, अविक्षत्, वेक्ष्यति, वेष्टुम्, विष्ट)
To enter, go or enter into; यथा प्रदीप्तं ज्वलनं पतङ्गा विशन्ति नाशाय समृद्धवेगाः Bg.11.29; भोक्तुमन्तःपुरं विशेत् Ms.7.216; विवेश कश्चिज्जटिलस्तपोवनम् Ku.5.3; R.6.1; Me.14; so दोलायमानेन चेतसा चिन्तां विवेश K.199 'fell a-thinking'.
To go or come to, come into the possession of, fall to the share of; उपदा विविशुः शश्वन्नोत्सेकाः कोशलेश्वरम् R.4. 7.
To sit or settle down upon.
To penetrate, pervade.
To enter upon, undertake.
(In astr.) To come into conjunction with.
To appear on the stage.
To flow into (as a river or army); तत्सेना नरनाथानां पृतनाभिः पदे पदे । कुलापगेव कुल्याभिर्विशन्तीभि- रवर्धत ॥ Rāj. T.5.14.
To befall (a death).
To belong to, exist for.
To mind, attend to (any business); Mb.12. -Caus. (वेशयति-ते) To cause to enter-Desid. (विविक्षति) To wish to enter.
विश् [viś], m.
A man of the third caste, a Vaiśya.
A man in general.
People. f.
People, subjects; शश्वद्येषु विशामनन्यविषयो रक्षाधिकारः स्थितः Mv.1.25.
A daughter; Ms.3.148.
Ved. Entrance.
A family, tribe, race.
A settlement, dwelling.
(pl.) Property, wealth. -Comp. -पप्यम् goods, merchandise; विट्पण्यमुद्धृतोद्धारं विक्रेयं वित्तवर्धनम् Ms.1.85. -पतिः (also विशांपतिः)
a king, lord of subjects.
a son-in-law; दौहित्रं विट्पतिं बन्धुमृत्विग्याज्यौ च भोजयेत् Ms. 3.148.
a head-merchant.
![]() पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
विश् cl.6 P. ( Dha1tup. xxvm , 130 ) विशति(rarely , in later language mostly mc. also A1. विशतेPage989,2 ; pf. विवेश, विविशेRV. etc. [ विवेशिथ, विवेशुःRV. ; विविश्यास्ib. ; p. -विशिवस्AV. ; विविशिवस्or विविश्वस्Pa1n2. 7-2 , 68 ; अविवेशीस्RV. ] ; aor. अविश्रन्, अविक्ष्महि, वेशीत्RV. ; अविक्षत्Br. etc. ; अविक्षतGr. ; Prec. विश्यात्ib. ; fut. वेष्टाMBh. ; वेक्ष्यति, तेBr. etc. ; inf. वेष्टुम्MBh. etc. ; वेष्टवैBr. ; विशम्RV. ; ind.p. -विश्यAV. etc. ) , to enter , enter in or settle down on , go into( acc. loc. , or अन्तर्with gen. ) , pervade RV. etc. etc. (with पुनर्or भूयस्, to re-enter , return , come back); to be absorbed into( acc. ) Bhag. ; (in astron. ) to come into conjunction with( acc. ) VarBr2S. ; (with अग्निम्, ज्वलनम्etc. ) to enter the fire i.e. ascend the funeral pyre MBh. R. etc. ; (with अपस्)to sink or be immersed in the water BhP. ; to enter (a house etc. ) Hariv. ; to appear (on the stage) R. Ka1m. ; to go home or to rest RV. S3a1n3khBr. ; to sit down upon( acc. or loc. ) R. Hariv. ; to resort or betake one's self to( अग्रतस्, अग्रे, or acc. ) Ragh. Pur. ; to flow into (and , join with , ; applied to rivers and armies) Ra1jat. v , 140 ; to flow or redound to , fall to the share of( acc. ) Hariv. Ragh. etc. ; to occur to (as a thought , with acc. ) R. ; to befall , come to (as death , with acc. ) BhP. ; to belong to , exist for( loc. ) ib. ; to fall or get into any state or condition( acc. ) R. S3a1ntis3. ; to enter upon , undertake , begin R. BhP. ; to mind (any business) , attend to( dat. ) MBh. xii , 6955 : Caus. वेशयति, ते( aor. अवीविशत्; Pass. वेश्यते) , to cause to enter into( acc. ) AV. ; to cause to sit down on( loc. ) BhP. : Desid. विविक्षति, to wish to enter( acc. ) BhP. ; (with अग्निम्or वह्निम्)to wish to enter the fire i.e. to ascend the funeral pyre Katha1s. : Intens. वेविश्यते, वेवेष्टि, Gr. ([ cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. vicus ; Lith. ve0sze8ti ; Slav. vi8si8 ; Goth. weihs ; Angl.Sax. wi7c ; Germ , wi7ch , Weich-bild.])
विश् f. ( m. only L. ; nom. sg. विट्; loc. pl. विक्षु)a settlement , homestead , house , dwelling( विशस् पति" lord of the house " applied to अग्निand इन्द्र) RV.
विश् f. (also pl. )a community , tribe , race( pl. also " subjects " , " people " , " troops ") RV. AV. VS. Br. MBh. BhP.
विश् f. (sg. and pl. )the people ? , ? , (in the sense of those who settle on the soil ; sg. also " a man of the third caste " , a वैश्य; विशाम्with पतिःor नाथःor ईश्वरःetc. , " lord of the people " , a king , sovereign) S3Br. etc.
विश् f. with सामN. of a सामन्
विश् f. ( pl. )property , wealth BhP.
विश् f. entrance L.
विश् mf. a man in general , person L.
विश् fn. feces L. ( w.r. for विष्).
Vedic Index of Names and Subjects
![]() पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Viś is an expression of somewhat doubtful significance. In many passages of the Rigveda[१] the sense of ‘settlement’ or ‘dwelling’ is adequate and probable, since the root viś means to ‘enter’ or ‘settle.’ In other passages, where the Viśaḥ stand in relation to a prince, the term must mean ‘subject’;[२] so, for example, when the people of Tṛṇaskanda[३] or of the Tṛtsus are mentioned.[४] Again, in some passages[५] the general sense of ‘people’ is adequate; as when the Rigveda speaks of the ‘Āryan people,’[६] or the ‘divine people,’[७] or the ‘Dāsa people,’ and so on.[८]
Sometimes,[९] however, the Viś appear in a more special sense as a subdivision of the Jana or whole people. This is, however, not common, for in most passages one or other of the senses given above is quite possible. Moreover, it is very difficult to decide whether the Viś as a subdivision of the Jana is to be considered as being a local subdivision (canton) or a blood kinship equivalent to a clan in the large sense of the word, while the relation of the Viś to the Grāma or to the Gotra is quite uncertain. In one passage of the Atharvaveda[१०] the Viśaḥ are mentioned along with the sabandhavaḥ or relatives, but no definite conclusion can be drawn from that fact. Nor does the analogy of the Roman curia or the Greek throw much light, as these institutions are themselves of obscure character, and the parallelism need not be cogent. It is, at any rate, possible that the Viś may in some cases have been no more than a Gotra or clan, or different clans may sometirnes have made up a Viś, while Grāma is more definitely, perhaps, a local designation. But the Vedic evidence is quite inconclusive.[११] Cf. Viśpati.
In the later period the sense of Viś is definitely restricted in some cases[१२] to denote the third of the classes of the Vedic polity, the people or clansmen as opposed to the nobles (Kṣatra, Kṣatriya) and the priests (Brahman, Brāhmaṇa). For the position of this class, see Vaiśva.
- ↑ iv. 4, 3;
37, 1;
v. 3. 5;
vi. 21, 4;
48, 8;
vii. 56, 22;
61, 3, 70, 3;
104, 18;
x. 91, 2, etc. - ↑ Rv. iv. 50, 8;
vi. 8, 4;
x. 124, 8;
173, 6;
Av. iii. 4, 1;
iv. 8, 4;
22, 1. 3;
Taittirīya Saṃhitā, iii. 2, 8, 6;
Vājasaneyi Saṃhitā, viii. 46;
Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa, i. 8, 2. 17;
iv. 2, 1, 3;
v. 3, 3, 12;
4, 2, 3;
x. 6, 2, 1;
xiii. 6, 2, 8;
Kauṣītaki Upaniṣad, iv, 12, etc. Many of the passages cited under note 11 may also belong here, while in Av. iii. 4, 1, etc., reference to the cantons as electing a king has been seen;
but see Rājan and cf. Pischel, Vedische Studien, 1, 179;
Geldner, Vedische Studien, 2, 303;
Hopkins, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 13, 113. - ↑ Rv. i. 172, 3.
- ↑ Rv. vii. 33, 6;
Geldner, op. cit., 136. - ↑ E.g., Rv. vi. 1, 8;
26, 1;
viii. 71, 11;
manuṣo viśāḥ, vi. 14, 2;
viii. 23, 13;
mānuṣīḥ, x. 80, 6, etc. - ↑ Rv. x. 11, 4.
- ↑ Rv. iii. 34, 2;
Av. vi. 98, 2;
Vājasaneyi Saṃhitā, xvii. 86. - ↑ Rv. iv. 28, 4;
vi. 25, 2;
adevīḥ, viii. 96, 15;
asiknīḥ, vii. 5, 3, etc. - ↑ Rv. ii. 26, 3, where it is opposed to jana, janman, and putrāḥ;
x. 84, 4, where in battle viśaṃ-viśam apparently refers to divisions of the host cf. also iv. 24, 4. viśo yudhmāḥ);
x. 91, 2, where it is opposed to gṛha and jana;
Av. xiv. 2, 27, where gṛhebhyaḥ is followed by asyai sarvasyai viśe, which must mean a division less than a whole people. Zimmer, Altindisches Leben, 159, reckons here Rv. i. 172, 3;
vii. 33, 6;
ix. 7, 5;
x. 124, 8;
173, 1;
but these cases and many others are rather instances of ‘subjects’ than of a division of the tribe such as ‘canton.’ - ↑ xv. 8, 2, 3, Cf. xiv. 2, 27, and Rv. x. 91, 2, in n. 9.
- ↑ The Viś may have been oringinally a clan settled in one place: there is no passage where ‘Gotra’ would not probably make sense;
Rv. ii. 26, 3, cannot be pressed unduly to distinguish ianman and Viś. Compare the phrase used of the Maruts śardhaṃ śardham, vrātaṃ vrātam, gaṇaṃ gaṇam, in Rv. v. 53. 11, where no precise sense can fairly be attributed to the words, though Zimmer sees in them a threefold division of the host corresponding to Jana, Viś, and Grāma. The rendering ‘Gau’ has therefore little foundation. - ↑ Perhaps to this sense belong the numerous passages in the Brāhmaṇas and later Saṃhitās referring to strife between the Viś and the Kṣatra, the clansmen and the chiefs, or the peasantry and the nobles--e.g., Taittirīya Saṃhitā, ii. 2, 11, 2;
Maitrāyaṇī Saṃhitā, ii, 1, 9;
iii. 3, 10;
Kāṭhaka Saṃhita, xix. 9 and often. See also Pañcaviṃśa Brāhmaṇa, xvii. 10, 9;
Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa, ii. 1, 3, 5;
viii. 7, 2, 3;
xiii. 2, 2, 17. 19;
9, 6;
xiv. 1, 3, 27, etc.;
Chāndogya Upaniṣad, viii. 14.
Cf. Zimmer, Ātindisches Leben, 15 et seq.;
Schrader. Prehistoric Autiquities, 800 et seq.;
Macdonell, Sanskrit Literature, 158;
von Schroeder, Indiens Literalur und Cultur, 32, 33;
St. Petersburg Dictionary, s.v. For the Roman curia, which was apparently a collection of gentes, perhaps local, cf. Mommsen, History of Rome, 1, 72, et seq.;
Ro7mische Forschungen, 1. 140-150;
Ro7misches Staatsrecht, 3, 9;
Taylor, History of Rome. 11, 12;
Smith, Dictionary of Antiquities, 1, 576;
Cuq, Les institutions juridiques des Romains, 30-36, For the Greek Phratria which was probably similar in character, consisting of a union of see Dictionary of Antiquities, 2, 876 et seq.;
Greenidge, Greek Constitutional History, 128 et seq.;
Bury, History of Greece, 69, 70;
Gilbert, Greek Constitutional Antiquities, 1, 104 et seq., 210. For the English hundreds, and the supposed analogy of the pagi of Tacitus, see the references in Medley, English Constitutional History,^2 318 et seq.